i ''7^ .^ ^ '> il ^ ^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'A'/r/ ^'J^^or/i/pr/^ £. Ijyen-S J^y. » ' ■ / fhirAefj- \^ 'n . , , A// a /'f/l/i/'tOfr <■' to .-ffA, / //ItnKff-^' ? ' C^ \ Z' / y? / ' *■ / V :'nec,i ft'^k^/ ^ cc ^ r f/fj ) ^ {fee //} yO^/z'tna^y / ^ y!/'].aMf ^nj fTi ^t n^y^a/r-, ^KHieA 'cim,n^ v^^< U^ f, ^ .»* ; APPENDIX JTo I TO THE ABRIDG ME NT n ' / * O F T H E Statutes of IRELAND; CONTAINING An ABRIDGMENT of the feveral ACTS paffed in this Kingdom, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His pre- fent Majefly, our mod: gracious Soverein Lord King GEORGE the Third, to the Eleventh and Twelfth Years inclufive. WITH A TABLE of the Titles of the STATUTES, fhewing under what Heads they are Abridged. By F R A N C I S V E S E Y, Efq; DUBLIN: Printed by the Executors of David Hay, AfTignee of the late Boulter GriersON, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXXIII. T A v/. 1 L E OF THE Titles of the SATUTES PaiTed in the Seventh year of the Reign of HlsprefentMajefty King George the Third to the Eleventh and Twelfth Years inclufive. Shewing under what Heads they are Abridged. Anno fept'mo Georgli III. Regis. C H A P. I. AN ad\ for granting unto his majefty an additional duty on beer, ale, ftrong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned ; and for prohibiting the impor- tation of all gold and filver lace, and of all cambricks and lawns (except of the manu- fadure of Great BritairL Expired. CHAP. II. An a(St for granting to his majefty the feveral duties, rates, impofitions and taxes there- in particularly exprefled, to be applied to the payment of the intereft of the fums therein provided for, and towards ,the dif- charge of the faid principal fums, in fuch manner as therein is diredted. Hoan. CHAP. III. An aft for limiting the duration of parlia- ments. Parliament. CHAP. IV. An ad to enable grand juries, to raife, by prefentment, money for di (charging the rent's of court-houfes, gaols, and offices for keeping the records of the refpedive coun- ties, and for other purpofes. p?cftntmcnt. CHAP. V. An a£i to amend and explain an adl paffed in the fixth year of his prefent majefty's reign, intituled. An aft for the relief of infolvent debtors. CHAP. VI. An aft to continue, amend, and make more efFeftual, an aft pafTed in the fourth year of t!ie reign of his late majefty king George the firft, intituled. An aft for vefting in his majefty, his heirs, and fucceflbrs, the feveral lands, tenements, and heredita- ments, whereon the barracks in this king- dom are built, or building, or contrac- ted for ; and whereon light houfes are or ftiall be built, and for making reafonable fatisfaftion 869413 aMti The T A fatisfaCtion to the feveral owners and pro- prietors for the fame : and alfo an adt paf- <■ led in the twenty firft year of the reign of his late majtfty king George the fecond, intituled. An ad for amending and making more effectual the laid former ad, and Hke- wile to enable the prefent commillioners of the barrack board, and their fucceflbrs, to fell the feveral eftates in the lands whereon barracks have been builr, that are now gone to decay, or fliall hereafter become ufelefs, and alio to fell the materials of fuch decayed barracks. C HiA'P. VII. At) -adt-fot further arnerlding sen ad pafled in the thirty-firft year of the reign of his late majefty king George the fecond, intituled. An ad for making a wide and convenient way, ftreet, and paflage, from Effex-Bridge to the caftle of Dublin, and for other pur- pofes therein mentioned. ^Dublin; C H A P. Vill. • An ad to amend an ad, made the lafl feflion of parliament, for erecting and eftablijhing publick infirmaries or hofpjals in this king- in . - ^^ ^; l^ofpuai;5. C HAP; \t. An ad, for explainirig and amending an ad, paffed in the (econd year of Ws" rriajefty king George the firft, intituled. An ad for the real union and divifion of pariflnes, and for other purpofes therein mentioned. CHAP. X. ■ ■^' - An ad to explain and amend an ad, intituled. An ad for repairing the roads, leading from the city of Cork through Mill-ftreet to to Shannah Mill, in the county of Kerry, and from ShannahMill to Killarny, as al- fo frorn : Shannah Mill through Caftle- Ifland toLiftovvell, in the faid county ; and for layuig.hn additional toll at all turnpikes in this kingdom, on all carrs and ca'riages maki g ul'e of an part of any fipling or tre. s, as, or for, a bow or backhand, or making ufe of any faplings twifted irto gads for backhands, hals, trteraces to draw by, or gads, commonly called lo; g gads. B L E. CHAP. XI. An ad for making and repairing the road, from the town of Liftowel, in the county of Kerry, throvigh the lands of Lillowel, Drumin, Skehanireen, Bunegarah, Killme- any, Curag-pholig, Knockenure, Liirenilky, and Binanafpig, in the county of Kerry; Atea, Taumpleatlea, Glanagour, Kiibckfi- nifk, Carrigkeery, GlanduflT, Glaunaftere, Ballylyne, Aidagh commons, Ardagh town, Lilhilleen, otherwife Lifhireen, Skehana, Killfcannell, and Reens, in the county of Limerick, ending at the forge on the faid lands of Reens, at the turn of the road, leading to Newcaftle, from Rathkeale in the faid county o'f Limerick. CHAP. XII. An ad to explain and amend the laws, made for the better fupplyiug the city of Dublin with corn and flour. Co?n anD jplour* CHAP. XIII. An ad for altering, amending, explaining, and rendering more efFedlual an ad, made in the ninth year of the reign of his late ma- jefly king Geprge the fecond, intituled. An ad for repairing the road leading from the Bridge, commonly called Ban-bridge, over the Ban- water, in the county of Down, to Randalflown, in the county of Antrim. CHAP. XIV. An ad for the futher explaining and amend- ing an ad, intituled. An adi to prevent "the diforders that may happen by the marching of foldieis; and for providing carriages for the baggage of foldiers on their march. CHAP. XV. An ad for direding the application of the fum of feven thoufand pounds, granted to the Dublin Society, for the encouragement of fuch trades and manufadures, as fliould be direded by parliament. CraDe nuD |l>amtfatturt;sfv CHAP. XVI. An ad for allowing further time to perfons in offices or employments, to qualify them- C H A P. The T f^i„«e. ".Tjifuant to nn a£l, intituled, An adl Xevem the further growth of popery. ^■:*^ ; ; \ auaUfping. C HA P. XVII. An aft for ereifting new chapels of cafe, in the Parifh of Armagh, and making fuch cha- pels, and thofe that are already eretted in the faid parifli, perpetual cures; and for making a proper provifion for the mainte- nance of perpetual curates, to oflkiate in the fame. PaVtlg^jS. CHAP. XVIII. An aft for the relief of the creditors of Theo- phius Defbrifay, of the city of Dublin, Efquire. CHAP. XIX. An aft for licenfing hawkeis and pedlars; and for encouragement of Englifh protef- tant fchools. CHAP. XX. An aft for continuing, reviving, and amend- ing feveral temporary ftatutes, and other purpofes therein mentioned. Coal. Corn, f iCij. a\)igatiou. IDarturc? CHAP. XXVI. ^n aft for continuing two feveral afts, one pafled in the twenty-feventh year of his late majefty king George the fecond, and the other in the third year of his prefent majefly's reign, for making the river Lagan avigable, and opening a communication by water between Lough neagh and the towil of Belfafl ; and for enabling tlie commifli- oners therein named to raife money by af- lignment of faid duties, for the more ef- feftual carrying on faid work. giulauD liamgation. CHAP. XXVII. An aft for explaining and amending an act made in the eighth year of the reign of her late majefty queen Anne, intituled. An act for explaining and amending an act, intitul- B L E, ed. An act to picvcnl the fuidicr gTowthof popery; fo far only as the fame makes a provifion for the maintenance of popilh priefts converted to the proteftant religion. papittjef. CHAP. XXVIII. An act for preventing the erecting of lime kilns in the city of Dublin, or the fuburbs thereof. HlHtf. CHAP. XXIX. An act for allowing further time to perfons in offices or employments to qualify them- felves purfuant to an act, intituled, An act to prevent the further growth of popery. (JlinaUfping. CHAP. XXX. An act for badging fuch poor as fhall be found unable to fupport themfelves by la- bour, and otherwife providing for them, and for reflraining fuch as fhall be found able to fupport themfelves, by labour or in- duftry, from begging. JDOOjE. CHAP. XXXI. An act for enabling certain perfons to carry on and compleat the grand canal, SnlauD 4!>atiigation. ; CHAP. XXXII. An act for the relief of feveral infolvent debtors, named in the annexed fchedules. CHAP. XXXIII. An act for regulating the journeymen taylors and journeymen fhipwrights of the city of Dublin and the liberties thereof, and of the county of Dublin. Canlo?s( auD ,^ljtptD?tol)t.sf- CHAP. XXXIV. An act for the remitting of prifoners, with their indictments, by the juftices of his ma- jefty's court of king's bench, to the placei where the crimes were committed. CHAP. XXXV. An act to empower Agmondifham Vefey, efquire, to enclofe that part of the old road which lies on the weft fide of the little river, called the Griffin, upon laying out fuch other road, as in this act is mentioned. A H < ' AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE Several Acfls paffed in this Kingdom, IN THE Seventh Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefly King George tlie Thii'd, to the Eleventh and Twelfth Years inclufive. I. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 2. fe^. 19. All perfons, who (hall have on 25 De- Fori year*, cember 1771 or at any time between that and 25 December 1773 inclufive any fa- 4 s. per ^. cut of lary, profits of employments, fees, or penfions in this kingdom, fliall pay to his ma- '''''^"«=' «•"- jefty the full fum of four fhillings fterling out of every twenty (hillings a year, which o[°pSns/"' they receive or are intitled to by reafon thereof, over and above the charges and expences of executing the faid employments, unlefs they (hall live and adually refide within uniefs refident c this kingdom for and during the fpace of fix calendar months at leaft in each of the months each faid years ; which faid tax or duty (hall be (lopped and dedudled yearly out of fuch ft(?ppld, and ac refpedtive falaries and penfions during the time and term afore fa id by vicetreafurer, '^f""'^'' ^°'' '" paymafter, or receiver general, or fuch perfons who are to pay the fame, and (hall be*'^ '"^' paid to vicetreafurers or deputies to be accounted for to his majefty ; and faid tax to be (lopped anddeduded out of the profits and fees of any perfons fo abfent fhall be (lopped by the refpedive deputies of fuch perfons fo abfent and paid by them to vice- treafurers or deputies to be accounted for to his majefly; and fuch deputies (hall deputies in one within one calendar month after fuch tax become due give in upon oath an account ^°"'j'™^^^^ . before lord chief baron or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftices of peace, of the t\et profits of fuch employment or employments, for which fuch deputies ac- countable to their principals ; which account fuch perfons (hall forthwith fend to vice- treafurer or deputy : fuch deputies of perfons fo abfent negledting or omitting the on negiert dir. fame fhall from fuch time be incapable of exeicifing or holding fuch deputation, and ^^^?^' ^"J 'c°'- alfo forfeit one hundred pounds fterling, to be recovered by bill, plaint, or information fccutw/" ""*" in any court of record at Dublin, one moiety to ufe of his majefly, the other to fuch perfon who (hall fue ; in which fuit no effoign, protedion, wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed. II. fe^. 20. Secretaries of commifTioners of revenue, agents of the feveral regi- Lifts hy rfcret». ments on the eflablifhment, and of the feveral perfons intitled to receive any falaries or b",rt"^f'rebrt- penfions on the eflablifhment, fhall refpedlively 0:1 or before the lafl of February yearly aryonojth, A , deliver crdifablcd, ' To i 5 Dec. »773- 3» gallons. fitiall beer, 41!. fpirits 4d. a gal- ton i tobacco 3d. h. muflin 6d. per yard; Eaftern filks and (luffs I s. and 6 d. wne 4I. per «un ; brandy, &C. Sd. per gallon; • fpirii5 above fingle in propor- tion ; coffeR, X!C. 3d. per lb. herrings is. per fcirrel, except Britilh ; rnolalTes, tre.->- cle, JOS. per 100. Roinalls, cot- tons, except Britiih, 6d. per yard ; raw hides ex- ported fi d. ;^-»r,er 1 s. per rbeam ; damalk towell- ing impuitedt deliver In upon oath (which lord chief baron or any of the barons of exchequer, or any twojuftices of peace, are required to adminifler) to bed of their knowledge a lift or account of fuch of tlie officers of the revenue, and the oflicers of the faid regiments of the degree of a colonel, not having a regiment, and of the peribns intitled to re- ceive any fuch falaries or penfions, who fhall have been abfent and out of this kingdom for fix calendar months in the year ending the 25th day of December next preceding. If they refufe or negledl: to deliver in fuch lifts, dilabled from holding or. enjoying faid office of fecretary, or from being agent. III. fe^. 21. This aft ihall not extend to charge faid tax or duty upon the falary, penfion, fees, or pfofHs of employments, payable to any of the defcendaiits of his maj eft y's royal grandfather, or to the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or gover- nors for time being, or to his or their principal fecretary, or prince Ferdinand duke of- Brunfwick, the duke and dutchefsof Athol, fir Edward Hawke knight of the Bath, or George Charles efq; if his majefty fhall thinkific by his fign manual to exempt them or any of them from payment of the fame : nor (hall the fame extend to the officers of fuch regiments as now are or hereafter commanded abroad on his majefty's fervice, to colonels not liaving regiments, or to any officer under degree of a colonel, to half- pay'officers on this, eftablilhrnent, or widows of officers.. ;^Dtittiottal Wutit^.^ I. Stat. II & 12 Ges. 3. cap. i. fed. i. From 25 December 1771 until 25 De- cember 1773 includve, and no longer, for and upon every thirty two gallons of beer^ or ale above fix fhillings the barrel brev/ed within this kingdom by any common = brewer or in his velfels, or any other who fells or taps out beer or ale publickly or privately (flich gallon to contain two hundred and feventy two cubical inches and one fourth part of a cubical inch) two fliillings to be paid by the common brewer or fuch others refpeitively, who fhall brev/, fell, or tap out the fame, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefler quantity ;. for every thirty two gallons of fix fhillings the barrel or under, fo brewed, . four pence, and fo proportionably •, every gallon oi aqiiavita, ftrong waters, or fpirits, made ordiftilled in this, kingdom for fale, four pence to be paid by the firft maker or diftiller ; every pound weight of tobacco imported three pence halfpenny ; every- yard of muflin imported fix. pence -, every yard of all forts of filk-s and.ftufts made and manufadured in Perfia, China, or Eail-Indies, imported one fhilling and fixpence ; every tun of wine imported four pounds, and fo proporti- onably ; every gallon of brandy, ftrong waters, and fpirits perfedly made and of fpirits made and diftilJed.of uine not above proof imported eight pence, and fo pro- portionably; every gallon of foreign fpirits above the quality of fingle fpiritsimported, . an additional duty (hall be paid for fuch fpirits, and charged thereon in proportion to ■ the duties payable for fingle fpirits of the fame denominaiion according to the compa- rative degree of ftrength, which fuch fpirits fo to be imported fhall bear to fingle fpirits of fame denomination; every pound weight of coffee, chocolate,, and cocoa nuts imported three pence ; a tax of one fhilling per barrel upon all herrings, that fhall be imported, except Britifli herrings; additional duty of twenty fhillings fterling on every hundred weight of m.olafles, and of treacle ; fix pence /i^r yard on all foreign ftufl^s called Romalls, and all manufadures made of cotton, or of cotton and linen mixed, whether plain, painted, or ftained, imported from any parts beyond feas, except the manufadlure of Great Britain ; fix pence per hide every raw and untanned hide exported beyond fcas, except to Great Britain ; one fhilling every rheam of v/ritir.g or printing paper imported, except manufadure of Great Britain ; fix pence per yard over and above the prefent duties oa ail damalk towelling, or napkins, made ;at)Drtiottal 2Dut!C0* tjF flax or hemp, imported from foreign parts, or from any other place than Great Britain, at or under a yard wide, and one (hilling per yard on all fuch goods from fix to eight quarters wide, and of twolhillings per yard on all fuch goods from eleven to twelve quarters wide. II. fed. 2. All and fingular faid duties and impofitions raifed, levied, coiledled. Above aii duties and paid, over and above all other duties payable for the fame, by virtue of the afts ^*'J^*"5'^--* 14 & 15 C. 2. for fettling the excife or new impojl^ and for fettling the fubfidy of poun- dage and granting fubfidy of tannage. JIJ. fe£l. 3. If faid wines, ftrong waters, fpirits perfedly made and fpiritsof wine Drawback in a and brandy, or above the quality of fingle fpirits, upon which faid additional duties "^,3^gM''exp'!)Tt are charged, (hall after, payment orfecurity be again exported by any merchants fub- by fubjeas m ■ jeds within twenty four calendar months, or merchant ftrangers in twelve, after irn- ^j' f^""fh"oJJ portation, and due proof firft made by certificate from proper officer of due entry certificate of en- and of payment of faid additional duties or fecurity given, and that all other requi- J-^l^u^itJ"^^"' '''' fites have been peiformed, by law required, in cafes where duties of excife are to be o'l'" requnites jepaid by faid adi for fettling the excife, then faid additional duty (hall without any ^.''s'.'**"^'^'"'* delay or reward, if paid, be repaid or allowed to fach merchants exporting within one month after demand thereof ; or, if not paid, the fecurity vacated or difcharged as to fo much as fo exported ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. IV. fe£l. /\.. Said duties on coffee, chocolate, and cocoa nuts, and all monies Duties on coffee/ arifing thereby, paid to truftees of hempen and -flaxen manufafture to be applied to *''-'° "''"'"'' °^ encourage and iupport it and trade thereof in this kingdom, and laid duties on raw ture, and untanned hides to faid truftees to be applied towards eneouragins the raifing flax- f"j ""'*""^'' •« ' 000 h:des to raile feed. fla:x feed. V. y?.7. 5. All faid additional duties and impofitions raifed, anfwered, collected, coiie.ned and and paid at fame time, in like manner, and by fuch ways, means, and methods, i""*^". ''>'"'' rules and directions, penalties and forfeitures, and with fuch -powers, as appointed, '^'^ "'' dire and it fhall and may be lawful for the lord chancellor, to award any creditor or credi-^no^^f^ward- tors petitioning another commiflion ; and fuch perfons fo taking or receiving fuch goods * ' or other fatisfadion, fhall forfeit and lofe as well their whole debt, as the whole they the whole debf fhall have taken or received, and fhall pay back and deliver up the fame, or the full andVepayment, value, to fuch perfons as the faid commiflioners ading under fuch new commiflion for benefit of th« Ihall appoint, in trull for and to be divided amongft the other of the bankrupt's cre- ditors in proportion to their refpedive debt?. XII. /£?/?. 12. The creditors who fhall petition for and obtain any commiflion fhall Petitioners to be, and are hereby obliged at their own colls and expences to fue forth and profecute SeirToitsr the fame, until aflignees chofen of fuch bankrupt's eftate and effeds, as herein after prefcribed ; and the commiiffioners named in any fuch commiflion, fhall, at the fame ineeting, appointed for choice of aflignees, afcertain fuch cofts, and by writing under ^''^^''■'^"'"^^ °* ' their hands, fhall dired' and order the aflignees, v/ho are hereby required tOneesr°''^' pay and reimburfe fuch petitioning creditors, fuch their eofts and charges, out of the ?'^sn«store- firft monies or- eflfeds of faid bankrupt, that fhalf be got in and received under the "ik fira mon°ey» faid commiflion ; and every creditor of the faid bankrupt fhall be at liberty to prove every creditor their debts underthe faid commilfion,. without paying any contribution whatfoever irnd^efthrcom- for or on account of fuch debts. mimon vsithoue XIII. fefl. I J. Ai! perfons who hav'e givfen credit, or at any time hereafter fhall '^°cr"ditors"on on bills, . bonds, notes, or other fecurities, to any perfons who iliall become bankrupt *""'{a''fu'^""e"" upon a good and valuable confideration, bona fide, for any fum, or other matter or day to receive* thing whatfoever, which fhall not be due or payable at or before the time of fuch per- p'°p°''"'"'' fons becoming bankrupt, fhall be admitted to prove their refpedive fecurities, pra- mife, or agreement for the fame, in like manner as if made payable prefently, and not at a future day, and fhall be intided unto', and receive a propfjrtionable fhare, • and dividend of fuch bankrupt's eftate, in proportion to the other creditors, dedud- ingonly thereout rebate of intereft, and difcounting fuch fecurities payable at future on difcountat* times, after the rate of fix pounds per centum per an?tn>nj for what he fhall fo re-f^rOr.;. ceive, to be computed from the adual payment thereof, to the time fuch debt, duty, or fum of money, fhould or would have become due and payable by fuch fecurities. And it fhail be lawful for fuch perfons to petition for, or join in petitioning for any commiflion of bankruptcy. XIV. feci. 14. There fhall not be paid or allowed by the creditors, or out of' the ^"j""""^""' eftate of the bankrupt, any monies whatfoever for expences in eating or drinking of °' ^''''*""'' the commiflioners, or other perfons, at the times of meetings, and no fchedule fhall be "° Schedule to annexed to any deed of aflignment of the perfonal eftate of fuch bankrupt from the faid ^'^'S"'"'"'' comnliflioners commimonsr commifl'ioners to the aflignees of Taid eftate : and if any commiflloner fhall order any eng"a^t credits' fucli expciice to be made, or eat or drink at any fuch meeting at the charge of the icharge, or tak- creditors, or out of the eftate of fuch bankrupt, or receive or take above twenty ea?h'm7e'tingr ftiiHings cach, for each refpedive meeting, every fuch commiflioner, fo offending, difabied. fjjall be difabled for ever to ad as a commiflioner in fuch or any other commiflion founded on this ad. Commimoners XV. Je£l. J 5. The faid commiflloners, fhall not be capable of ading in execution "^ ■ of any of the powers and authorities, by this ad (unlefs it be the power hereby given of adminiftenng oaths to commiffioners) until fuch time as they refpedively fhall have taken an oath to the effed following. / A. B. Do /wear, that I will faithfully, impartially, and honeftly, according ta the heft of my fkill and knowledge, execute the feveral powers and trufts repofed in me as a commi//Ioner in a commijfion of bankrupt againft and that with- out favour or affeSliony prejudice or malice. So help me God. Adminiftered to Which oath any two or more of the faid commiflioners are hereby impowered and re- each other, q^jj-ed to adminifter to each other in the fame commiflion named and authorized j entered. and they, the (aid commiilloners, fhall enter and keep memorials thereof, figned by them refpedively, among the depofitions and other proceedings on each relpedive commiffion, iffued forth by virtue of this ad. No affidavit by XVI. fe£l. 1 6, No commiiTion of bankrupt fhall abate by reafon of the death thekingsdeath, ^^ j^.^ prefcnt majefly (whoiii God long preferve) his heirs or fucceiTors, but fhall continue in full force : and if neceffary to renew, by death of the commiflioners nam- ed, fo that a fufficient number not living who cannot ad therein, ,or for any other commimons re- ^aufc ; fuch commifllon fhall be renewed, and but half of the fees, paid upon grant- haTfVes, ing or obtaining commiiiions of bankrupt, fhall be paid on any fuch renewed commif- attorney'sjees^^ fio"s J a"d all bills of fccs and difburfemcuts, claimed or demanded by any folicitor, ter, andcertifi- clcrk, or atomcy, employed under any commiilion, fhall be fettled, adjufted, and no more aid b Certified by one of the mafters of chancery ; and fo much as the mafter fhall certify aiTignees, to bc duc to fuch clcrk, foHcitor, or attorney, and no more, fhall be paid by the aft EiaiUrs fee 20s. fjgnees under fuch commiflion ; and the mafter, who fliall fettle and adjuft fuch bill, fliall have and receive for his care in fettling aqd adjufling the fame, as alfo for his certificate thereof, the fum of ty/enty fhillings, and no more. Tho' bankrupt XVII. fccJ. 17. If any bankrupt fhall die before the commiflioners diftribute the one?5p°r?«ed!' eftate and effeds, faid commiflioners fliall notwithftanding, proceed in the execution of faid commiflion, as they might have done if faid bankrupt living. Notice forth- XVIIl. fcSl. 18. Where any commiflion of bankrupt fhall ilFue, the commiffioners with in Gazette, therein named, or major part, fhall forthwith, after they have declared the perfon "ace'ToVme'et- againft whom fuch commiflion fhall iffue, a bankrupt, caufe notice thereof to be given "ig. in Dublin Gazette, and appoint a time and place for creditors to meet, which meet- ing for the city of Dublin, and all places within the limits of the county of faid city, for Dublin at the fi^j^ll ^^ ^ (] xhoifg] of (axd citv. Or Royal Exchange, in order to choofe aflignees of 1 hoilel, or H.oy- ■ J' I'l • '-a -i-i- /iiij'i aiExchmge, faid bankrupt's eftate and eftedts ; at which meeting laid commiuioners inall admit the nee!'""'^' ^'^'^' proof of any creditors debt, that fhall live remote from the place of meeting, by- creditors remote, affidavit (or being of the people called quakers, folemn afHrmation) and alfo permit proof of debt on ^^y p^^j-^,^^ duly authoHzed by letter of attorney- from fuch creditors oath, or affir- letter of attor- mation being made of the due execution thereof, either by an afHdavit fworn, or af- beforeamarter, firmation made before a mafter in chancery, ordinary or extraordinary, or before the crthecommiffi. commiiTioners, viva voce; (which oath or aflirmation they are hereby refpedively au- •"*"' thorized thorized to adminifter) and in cafe of creditors refiding in foreign parts, fuch &f-in(ore\snpiTti fidavitsor folemn affirmations being made before a magiftrate where the party fhalltrye?"""^^ " be refiding and being, together with the letters of attorney oi: fuch crediiors, at- ^"^'^^'"'y tefted by a notary pulalick, the faid com million ers Ihall permit the perfons ib du-""^"^^' ]y authorized to vote in the choice of an afllgnee or allignecs of Inch bank- f vote in choice rupt's eftate and effefts, in place and flead of fuch creditors -, and the commilfion- ftLcforthVcre- ers, or major part, fhall aflign every fuch bankrupt's eftate and efFedls unto fuch ''"or. perfon or perfons, as the major part in value of fuch creditors, according to the fe- by' m^"r partin veral debts then proved, fhall choofe as aforefaid ; and the aflignee or aillgnees, ^aiue, fhall keep one or more diftindl books of account, wherein he or they fhall duly account books enter all fums of money, or other efFeds, which he or they fhall hr^ve got in, or ''^'"' received out of faid bankrupt's eftate; to which books of account every ere- reforted to by ditor, who fhall have proved his or her debt, fhall at all feafbnable times have free lasdebJ.'"^' refort, and infpeft the fame as often as he or fhe fhall think fit. XIX. y><3. 19. No creditor, or any perfon on behalf of any creditor, permit- Debt of loi. to ted to vote in choice of affignees, whofe debt, or the debt of perfons authorizing '"'"'* "'^°"'" him to vote, fhall not amount to ten pounds or upwards. XX. fe^. 20. Said commifTioners may as often as they fee caufe, for the bet-^^^'sneesap- ter preferving and fecuring the bankrupt's eflate, immediately appoint one or Sioners fee more afUgnees of the debts, eftate, and effecfls of fuch bankrupt, or any part ; ""•"*» which affignees, or any of them, fhall and may be removed or difplaced at the "™;"„g'*^fj.^^^ meeting of creditors appointed for the choice of allignees, if they or the major part creditors, in* value, whofe debts fefpecftively amount to ten pounds or upwards as aforefaid then prefent, of fuch perfons duly authorized as aforefaid, fhall think fit ; and fuch aflignees as fo removed, fhall deliver up and aifgn all the debts, eftate, and ef- fefts of fuch bankrupt, which fhall have come to their hands, or poffeflion, or afligned by faid commiliioners as aforefaid, unto fuch other affignees lb chofen by the creditors, and all debts, eftate, and effeils of the bankrupt, delivered up or »'"'<'«'»*'«'■ »•• affigned, fhall be to all intents and purpofes as effeftually and legally vefted in new amgnees, fuch new affignees, as if the lirfl affignment had been made to them by faid com- miffioners ; and if fuch firft affignees fhall refufe or negleft ten days next after no- "o'dlysafw" no" tice of the choice of fuch new affignees, and of their confent to accept fuch affign- tice forfeit 200I. ment, fignified to the firfl affignees by writing under their hands, to make fuch bankl'upt'tef- delivery, every fuch affignee or affignees fl:a!l refpedively forfeit two hundred tate. pounds, over and above the value of the effeds of fuch bankrupt fo detained ; to be divided and diilributed amongfl the creditors, towards fatisfadion of their debts, in fuch manner as the eflate of the bankrupt is or ought to be divided and diftributed ; and to be recovered by adtion of debt, bill, plaint, or informati- on in any court of record at Dublin by fuch perfons, as fuch major part of com- miffioners fhall appoint to fue, with full cofts, wherein no privilege, protection, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance fhall be allowed. XXI. feB.zx. Every grant, affignment, or difpofition of the debts, ertates. Property vefted and effeds of any bankrupt by faid commiffioners, or the greater part, Ihall fo vefl comn£ers''^ the property, right and in tereft, in the perfon or perfons to whom granted, affign- ?s if originally, qd, or ordered, as fully to all intents as if originally and legally vefted in fuch per- fon or perfons, and as if the bills, bonds, ftatutes, recognizances, judgments, deed or deeds, or contract, whereupon faid debts fhall arife or grow due, had been made to, or with, or for faid perfons to whom fo difpofed; and after fuch difpofition dlZ\f^'^^l*L faid debts, neither the bankrupt or any other to whom any fuch debt fhall be due, bankrupt or any fhall have power to recover the fame, or make any releafe or difcharge thereof ; °""^' neither (hall the fame be attached as the debt of the bankrupt, or fuch faid other 3^ perfon 2aanRcupt«5» perfon or perfons, to whom the fame fhall be due by any other perfon or perfons, according to cuflom or otherwife, but the party or parties to whom the fame debt fhall be alligned, fhall have like remedy to recover the fameas fully and lawfully in the name or name of the affignee or affignees to whom fo granted, afligned, or ordered by faid commiffioners in all refpedls, as the party himfelf might have had. Payment by XKll. fefl. 22. No debtor of the bankrupt hereby endangered for the pay- tl^TLllTl^' ment of his, her, or their debt, truly and bona fide made to fuch bankrupt, before fuch debtor fhall underlland or know, that he is become a bankrupt. Bankrupt's ef- XXIII. /(?t7. 23. And whcrcas it may be necefTary, that affignments fhould be 'din n^w^affig*-' vacated, and new aflignments made, the lord chancellor may upon petition of any reesby oidei of creditors, make fuch order therein, as he fhall think juft and reafonable : and in cafe in'pe^tit^onV^ a new alhgnment ordered, fuch debts, effcds, and eftate of fuch bankrupts fhall be any creditofs, thereby cffedually and legally vefted in fuch new aflignees, and it fhall be lawful for them to fue for the fame in their names, and todifcharge any adion or fuit, and to give acquittance for fuch debts, as effedually, to all intents^ as the aflignees in the former affignment might, in cai'e no new allignment made ; and faid commilfi- notice of remo- oiicrs fhall caule publick nodce to be given in the tv/o Dublin Gazettes, that fhall vai and new af- immediately follow the removal, and the appointment of fuch other allignees, that «gnment. fuch aflignees are removed, and fuch other allignees appointed in their ilead ; and. that fuch perfons, as are indebted to the faid bankrupt's eftate, do not pay fuch debt or debts to fuch aflignees, as removed as aforefaid. Bankrupts, who XXIV. /f(f7. 24. If any pcrfoHs, who fhall at any time during the continuapce fliaiinotin'41 of this aft become bankrupt, within the intent and meaning of thisadt, and againft fu?rentoand"" wliom a commiflion of bankrupt under the great feal of Ireland, fhall be awarded fubmittobe ex- jjnd ifllied, whcreupon the faid perfons, fhall be declared bankrupts, fhall not oraffimat?on!' within forty-two days after notice thereof in writing, left at the ufual place of abode of fuch perfons, or perfonal notice, in cafe fuch perfons be then in prifon, and notice in the Dublin Gazette, that fuch commiflion or commiflions is, are, or have been ifllied, and of the time and place of meeting of the commiflioners there- in named, or the major part of them, furrender themlelves to the faid commiflion- ers named, or the major part of them, and fign or fubfcribe fuch furrender, and fubmit to be examined from time to time upon oath, or being of the people called quakers, upon tblemn affirmation by law appointed for fuch people, by and before and conform in fuch commiflioners, and in all things comform to this ftatute ; and alfo upon their and'fu'ify'difciore examination fully and truly difclofe and difcover all their effefts and eftate real and all real and per- perfonal, and how, and in what manner, to whom, and upon what confideration, how'd.'fpofedi and at 'what time and times, they have difpofed of, afligned, or transferred any all books and of their goods, warcs, merchandizes, monies, or other eftate and effeds, and all any ways inter- books, papers and wHtings relating thereto, of which they were poflefled, or in eftedinor m qj. [q vvhich they were any ways interefted or intitled, or which any perfon or perfons any^poflibiiity of had or hath, or have in truft for them, or for their ufe at any time before or after profit, fi^p iflliing of the faid commiflion, or whereby fuch perfon or perfons, or their fa- T^ffdeUio^e milies hath or have or may have, or expecSt any profit, poflibility of profit, bene- foid or difpofed ^^^ or advantage whatfoever, except only fncn part of their eftate or effefts, or «?eu'^trld-aad fhull have becH really and bona fide before fold or difpofed of in the way of their deaings, trade and dealings, except fuch fums of money as fhall have been laid out in the except ordinary O',,.'^ ... iir r \ • • j" expt.ucs, oidirary cxpenee of iheir families ; and alfo upon fuch examination dei.vtr up un- ^^''commifli- to the fdid ccmmifllo lers, all fuch part of their wares, goods, merchandizes, mo- cners. ncy, eftate and effects, and all books, papers, and writings relating thereunto, as reTe^'e'pied.'^an.i at the time of fuch examination, fhall be in their pofl!eflion, cuftody, or power, cfwifeandchii- (their jicceffary wearing apparel, and the necelTary wearing apparel of the wife ?nd ^^"> ' children children of fuch bankrupt only excepted) then he, fhe, or they, the faid bankrupt ^/eTuntfortm' or bankrupts, in cafe of any default and wilful omillion in not furrendering and bezziin'gany fubmitting to be examined as aforefaid, or in cafe they (hall remove, conceal, or or account'"*' erribezzle any part of fuch his, her, or their eflate, real or perfonal, to the value of books or writ- twenty pounds, or any books of account, papers, or writings relating thereto, {"^^'.^^^^^^"nd with an intent to defraud his, her, or their creditors, and being thereof lawfully creditors, convided by indidment, fhall be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and fuf- ctrgy,"""''""' fer as felons without benetit of clergy, or the benefit of any ftatute made in rela- tiie goods and tion to felons, and in fuch cafes, fuch felons goods and eftate lliall go and be di- credrtorT feeiinj vided among the creditors feeking relief under fuch commiflion. r^'i^f- XXV. fe^. 25. Said commilhoners fhall appoint within the faid forty-two Three meetings days, not lefs than three feveral meetings for the purpofes aforefaid, the lad of witiun the4z which fhall be on the forty-fecond day, hereby limited for fuch bankrupt's appear- 4id*dVy* * ance, and ten days notice, at leaft, fhall be given in the Dublin Gazette, of the 'o ''ays notice of ^ , , r r < ' ''■"* 2"'' place time and place ot fuch meetings. in Gazette. XXVI. feci. 26. The lord chancellor, may enlarge the time for fuch perfons Timeeniarged furrendering themfelves, and difclofing and difcovering their eftate and efteifls as lo^rd chancellor, aforefaid, as the lord chancellor fhall think fit, not exceeding fifty days, com- ^°'^^''"^'''"8S« puted from the end of the faid forty-two days ; fo as fuch order for enlarging the e days at lead time be made fix days at leaft, before the time on which fuch perfons were to (u,;. 'before the ume , 1 1 /- 1 J • ,- '°'' furrender. render, and make lucn dilcovery. XXVII. fefl. 27- Every fuch bankrupt or bankrupts, after any affignces o^ f^''^^^"^^^^^^' their eftate and efFedts chofen and appointed, ftiall be, and are hereby required chofen, to de- forthwith to deliver up on oath, or (being of the people called Quakers) upon fo- ''^^ 'o"'!^"'^ rr • I c r I n r 1 t r ' . '^^ . ^on oath all ac- lemn affirmation betore one or the mafters of chancery, or before any juftice ofcount books and the peace within his refpedive Jurifdidion (which oath or affirmation they are here- P^P^^j^J^^Ji^^*' by impowered to adminifter) all their books of accounts, papers and writings not feized by the meflenger of the faid commiffion, or not before delivered up to the commilhoners, or the major part, and then in their cuftody or power, and difcoverf^^'j/gf^^^'^fjg, fuch as are in the cuftody or power of any perfon or perfons, that any ways relate dy or power of to or concern their eftate or efFeds ; and all and every fuch bankrupt or bank- "*"' '^''"'' rupts not in prifon or cuftody, fhall at all times after fuch furrender be at liberty, and are hereby required to attend fuch aflignees, upon every reafonabie notice jn^"'''=" '■"'°"*- .. ri /*i_ri- notice m writing, tor that piirpoie by inch aflignees unto luch bankrupts, or left them, at writing attend his, her, or their houfe or place of abode, in order ro affift, and fhall affift, fuch^""^'"^- alngnees, in making out the accounts of faid bankrupt's eftate and efteds. XXVIII. y>i^. 28- All bankrupts, having furrendered as aforefaid, fhall, at ^f'" ''""«'«'«'■ all feafonable times before the expiration of faid forty two days, or fuch further Xwed"infpe'"t' time as allowed to finifh their examination, beat liberty to infpeft their books, ''°"^^ a"'' ?=>- papers, and writings, in the prefence of fuch aflignees, or feme perfon appointed of"ffignees''or' by fuch aflignees for that purpofe, and to take and bring with them, for their aflif-P^'^''"^app°'"'- tance, fuch perfons as they Ihiall think fit, not exceeding two perfons at any oneafimedby any time, and to make fuch extradts and copies from thence, as they fliall tliink fit, ^^i-'e extrafls the better to enable them to make a full and true difcovery and difclofnre of their and copies^ eftate and effefts ; and in order thereto the faid bankrupts ftiall be free from all ar- f'«^«t™'"a'T««« relts, reltraint, or impnlonment ot any of thtir creditors in corning to furrender, coming to fur- and from the adual furrender of fuch bankrupts to faid commiffioners, for and ""'^" ''"'',!^"' J. ir'jr 1 r \ r t • II ring time aliow- during the laid forty two days, or fuch further time as allowed to fuch bankrupts ed, for finiftring their examinations ; provided fuch bankrupt was not in cuftody at the"j",^j'"^""'"^' time of fuch furrender and fubmiffion to be examined : and in cafe fuch bankrupt Ihall be arretted for debt, or on any efcape-warrant, coming to furrender him or B 2 herfelf fifchnrf^ed on h rfelf to Taid commifTioners, or after furrender fhall be To arrefted within the time ^'tice'^o"r''fum- before mentioned, on producing fuch fummons or notices under the hands of the mons anda commiflioners or aflienecs to the officcf, who Ihail arreft him, her, or them, and copy to the offi- ■ • ■ .-in- t r 1 ■ r ■ r , . ' " . . eer, making it appear to luch officer, that luch notice or lummons is figned by the faid commiil'ioneis, or the major part, or by fuch aflignees, and giving luch officer a ■who detaining copy thereof, he or fhe (ball be immediately difcharged ; and in cafe any officer afterward fhall f^ali detain fuch bankrupt in his cuftody, after he or fhe fhall have fliewn fuch no- iupt5i. aVy. tice or fummons, and made it appear it was figned as aforefaid, fuch officer fhall forfeit and pay to fuch bankrupt for his own ufe five pounds for every day fuch of- ficer fhall detain fuch bankrupt, to be recovered by adion of debt in any court of record in Dublin in the name of fuch bankrupt, with full cofts of fuit. If bankrupt in XXIX. fe^. 29. In cafc any bankrupt be in prilbn, or cuftody, at time of ilTu- be'b°roughttobe'"g ^^'*^ commilfion, and willing to furrender and fubmit to be examined, and can examined, the be brought before faid commiffioners and creditors for that purpofe, the expences hfs''d"a"r'°^ thereof fhall be paid out of faid bankrupt's eftate and effefts : but in cafe fuch if he cannot, bankrupt is in execution, or cannot be brought before the commiffioners, the adrng auendanTtIke commiffioncrs fhall from time to time attend faid bankrupt in prifon or cuftody, hisdifcovery; and take his difcovcry, as in other cafes ; and affignees of faid eftate fhall and are affignees to ap. required to appoint onc ot morc perfon or perfons to attend fuch bankrupt, being point perfons to jn prifoH or cuftody, from time to time, and to produce to him his books, papers, hirbooks" &c.' ' ^nd writings, to prepare his laft difcovery and examination, according to the di- re(ftions before mentioned, a copy whereof the affignees of faid eftate ihall apply for, and the faid bankrupt fliall deliver to them, or their order, ten days at leaft before fuch laft examination. Oncertifica-e XXX. /f/7. 30. Upon Certificate Under hands and feals of the commiffioners, fc^nk^u"t''wrr-'' ^^^^ ^^''^^ commiffioH is iffiucd, and fuch perfon proved before them to be bankrupt, rant to ap'pre. it ftiall be lawful fot all or any of the juftices of king's bench, or common pleas, or hend and impri- ^-jj-Qj^g ^f trxchcquer, and all juftices of peace, and they are hereby impowered and '»iii'remo»ed by required, upon application for that purpofe, to grant warrants under hands and mUTionersT' feals, for apprehending fuch perfon, and him to commit to the common gaol of the county where fo apprehended, there to remain until removed by order of faid commiOioners, by warrant under their hands and feals ; and the gaoler or keeper, to whofe cuftody fuch perfon committed, is required to take fuch perfon into his cuftody, and forthwith give notice to one or more of faid commiffioners, of fuch perfons being in their cuftody, to the intent the faid commiffioners may fend their warrant to fuch gaoler or keeper (which they are impowered and required forthwith to fend) for the delivering fuch bankrupt to the perfons named in fuch warrant, who fhall be therein authorized to bring fuch perfon to the faid commiffioners in order commiffioners to fuch examination and difcovery ; and the faid commiffioners are hereby likewife To'd!"books,''^ authorized and impowered by fuch or any other warrant to take and feize any the *c. '' ' goods, wares, merchandizes and eftedis of fuch bankrupt (the neceilary wearing TxTepud.^''^''^' "PP'irel of fuch bankrupt, and of his wife and children only excepted) and any of his books, papers, or writings, then in cuftody or poffi;ffion of fuch bankrupt, or of any other perfon or perfons in any prifon or prifons whatfoever. Submitting and XXXI. feci. 31. If any fuch perfon fo apprehended, fhall, within the time or n^Hfrl^eive be- timcs allowed by this aft, fubmit to be examined, and in all things conform, as if refit of the aa furreudcred as required, then fuch perfon fhall have and receive the benefit of this fuVrendlr.""'^ aft, to all intents and purpofes, as if he had voluntarily come in and furrendered. Perfons fum. XXXII. feet. 32. Said commiffioners, or major part, may fend for, and call tafotmationT before them, by fuch warrant, fummons, ways, or means, as they fhall think fit, all fuch perfons as they (hall know, or ftiall be informed and believe can give any ^" " .--.-- account account or information of any ad or adts of bankruptcy committed by fuch per/ons, againft whom any commiflion of bankruptcy a" arded and iffued our, or of the goods, chatties, wares, merchandizes, eftate or efFeds of any fuch perfons ; and upon their appearance, examine them as herein after mentioned, touching or con- cerning fuch bankrupt's eftate and effedts : and if any fuch perfons on payment or not appearing, tender of payment of fuch reafonable charges as the faid commiilioners fhall think ^'^y°""*'^^"* fufficienr, fhall negled or refufe to come and appear, not having a lawful excufe to be made known to aad allowed by faid commiflioners, faid commiflioners may by warrant under hands and feals, apprehend any fuch perfons lo offending, and ^^aTanttoim- him, her, or them commit to fuch prifon as to ths faid commiflioners fhall be ^bmu."" ^''^^ thought meet, there to remain without bail or mainprize, until lucii perfons fubmit to the iaid commiflioners, to appear and be examined as herein after mentioned. XXXIII. feet. 'i,^. Such witnefles as fo fent for, fhall have fuch cofls and char- charges to wit- ges as faid commiflioners in their difcretion fhall think fit to be paid out of the ef- "an"r°ms°^ ' fefts of fuch bankrupts. effeas. XXXIV. fell. 0,4.. Said commiflioners may examine, as well by word of mouth, Examination by as on interrogatories in writing, all perfons, againft whom any commiflion of bank- "o/d of mouth rupt is awarded, and the wife of every fuch perfon, upon oath, or, being of the HesoTbankl"" people called quakers, folemn affirmation (which oath or affirmation faid commif- f"P'.. lioners are hereby impowered to adminifler) touching all matters relating totheJnorth; trade, dealings, eftate and effedtsof all fuch bankrupts ; and alfo examine in man- ner aforefaid, all and every other perfon duly (iimmoned before, or prefent at any and of every meetingof faid commiflioners, touching all matters relatingtb the perfon, trade, deal- fummoned" ings, eftate, andeffedsof all iiich bankrupts, and any aft or adts of bankruptcy com- mitted by them ; and alfo take down and reduce into writing the anfwers or verba! anfweis reducecJ examinations of every fuch bankrupt or other perfon had or taken before them ; '"'■^'^'""Ki which examination fo taken down or reduced into vvriting,. the party examined fhall '"'sned by the and is hereby required to fign and fubfcribe ; and in cafe any fijch bankrupt or ''^"^' other perfon refufe to anfwer, or not fully anfwer to fatisfadion of the commifli- refuftngto ar:- oners, or the major part of them, ail lawful queftions put by faid commiflioners, *'*«'""'■ ''S", as well by word of mouth, as by interrogatories in writing, or refufe to fign and rb'iVohjJftton"' fubfcribe their examination fo reduced into writing, not having a reafonable objec- i-ommitted, tion either to the wording thereof or otherwife, to be allowed by the faid commif- fioners, it fhall be lawful to and for faid commiflioners, by warrant under hands and feals to commit them to fuch prifon as the commiflioners think fit, there to remain without bail or mainprize, until fuch perfons fhall fubmit to faid com- miflioners, and full anfwer make, to fatisfadion of the commiflioners, to all fuch queftions as fhall be put as aforefaid, and fign and fubfcribe fuch examination, . according to the true intent and meaning of this aft. - XXXV. fe<.T. 35. In cafe any perfon be committed by faid commilfioners for Queftions noi refufing to anfwer, or not fully anfwering an) quefl:ion put by faid commiflioners, fi^/j'^^'^h/w-r^ by word of mouth, or on interrogatories, faid comjmrflioners fhall in their war- r^m- rant of commitment fpecify fuch queflior. or qu':itio.:s. XXXVI. fell. ^6. In cafe ai.y pcrfoi: comrr;,'tted by the commilTioners warrant on .-.pphVa-ion by virtue oUtnis aft, fhall make application to any court or jiidge, having proper to » fourtor ' jurifdiftion, to be difcharge.:, .;nd c fuch application there fliali appear any fuch l^JafeX' u.r.s it infufticiency whatfoeverin the form of iIt: w-^nanr, whereby fuch perfon was com- ''PP^^r'ciicy have mitted, by reafon whereof the pa;.y might be difcharged, the court or judge, SqtitTons, before whom fuch party fh-^il apply, fhall, and is hereby required, by rule, order, of good reafon ' or warrant, to commit fuch perfons to the farn- prifon, there to remain as aforefaid, fign?^"""^ '" until they fhall coiiform as aforefaid, unlefs it U made appear to fuch court or judge judge by the party co^fimitted, that he, fhe, or they have fully anfwered all lawful queltions put by faid commillioners, or in cafe fuch perfon was committed for not figning examination, unlefs it fhall appear that the party fo committed had a good Onercape,3ooi. and fufficient reafon for refufing to fign the fame. And in cafe any gaoler or kesper cf»dUo"/° °^ ^"y prifo"5 '^o whom any fucli bankrupt fo committed, fhall wilfully fuffer any fuch bankrupt to efcape from fuch prifon, or go without the walls or doors, until duly difcharged as aforefaid, fuch gaoler or keeper fhall, being duly convided thereof, forfeit three hundred pounds, for ufe of the creditors of fuch bankrupt. Gaoiertopro- XXXVU. fedl. o?. The gaolcr or keeper of fuch prifon, fliall upon requefl dvepafoneron p-jjjde in the day time of any perfon a creditor of fuch bankrupt, and having proved "to'rVovins'^iiis liis debt under faid commilfion, and producing a certificate thereof, under the hands debt, and on ^f f^^^ commillioners (which faid commillioners are required to gwegraiis) forth- ' with produce or fhew fuch perfon fo committed to any fiich creditor requefling the refufing forfeits fame : and in cafe fuch gaoler or keeper fhall refufe to fhew, or not forthwith pro- ^°° Jl^'J'^'" '*'* :ducefuch perfon fo committed, and being inhisad\ual cuftody at the time of fuch requefl to fuch creditor, fuch gaoler and keeper fhall forfeit for fuch wilful refufal or neglecftone hundred pounds for the ufe of the creditors of fuch bankrupt, to be recovered by adion of debt in any court of record in Dublin, in the name or names of the creditor or creditors requeuing fuch fight of fuch prifoner. 5ftr«»f.ai- XXXVIIJ. feet. 38. Every perfon who fhall at any time after the time allowed iuwedonvo- jq fy^h bankrupt to furrender and conform, voluntarily make difcoveryof any part ve?"of bank"-' of fuch bankrupt's eflate, not before come to the knowledge of the affignees, either lupt-seftate, to the faid aOignees, or commilfioners, fhall be allowed five pounds per cent, and and further re- fuch further and Other reward, as the allignees, and the major part of the creditors vvardasbyaffig- j^ valuc prcfcnt at any meeting of the creditors, fhall think fit, to be paid out of 'i\ty mwahiTo} the ncat proceed of fuch bankrupt's eflate, which fhall be recovered on fuch difco- creditors. very, to the perfon or perfons fo difcovering, by the afiignees of fuch bankrupt's eflate, and the alfignees fhall be allowed the fame in their accounts. Concealed erufts XXXIX. feci. ^g. All pcrfons, who fhall have accepted of any tmft or trufls, not difdofed in and wiifully conceal or proce«:« in camte Dublin Gazette, of time and place the commiffioners and affignees intend to meet time and place, f2 fr\ debts then proved. afTignees at int'cting to pro- duce accounts; examined on oath if required by creditors j juft allowances to aflignees ; to make a dividend or diftribution ; at which time the creditors, who have not be- fore proved their debts, Ihall be at liberty to prove the fame ; which meeting for the ciry of Dublin, and all places within the county of faid city, and liberties art'ieThoifei or thereof, fhall be at the Tholfel or Royal Exchange ; and upon every fuch meeting Exchange; ^jj^ aifignees fhal! produce to faid commiflioners and creditors prefent, fair and jufb accounts of all receipts and payments touching the bankrupt's eflate and effedsy and of what fhall remain outllanding, and the particulars; and fhall, if the credi- tors prefent or the major part require, be examined upon oath, or, being of the people called quakers, upon folemn affirmation, before faid commillioners, touching the truth of fuch accounts ; and in fuch accounts the allignees allowed to retain all fuch fums, as they fhall have paid and expended in fuing out and profecuting fuch commilfion, and all other juft allowances on account of and by reafon or means of dividend in pro- their being aflignees ; and faid commiflioners fliall order fuch part of the neat pro- ci^ed'it'ors'' pr^v^- ducc, as by fuch accounts or otherwife fhall appear to be in the hands of faid aflig- ing their debts ; necs, as they fhall think fit, to be forthwith divided amongfl fuch of the bankrupt's^ creditors, who have duly proved their debts under fuch commiffion, in proportion order in writing, to their fevcral and refpediive debts ; and the commiffioneis fhall make fuch order for a dividend in writing under their hands ; and caufc one part of fuch order to be- filed amongft the proceedings under faid commiffion, and deliver unto each aflig- nee a duplicate of fuch order likewife under the hands of faid commiflioners ; which order of diftribution fhall contain an account of the time and place of making fuch order, and the fum total or quantum of all the debts proved ; and the fum total of the money remaining in hands of aflignees to be divided, and how much in parti- cular in the pound is then ordered to be paid to every creditor ; and faid aflignees in purfuance of fuch order, and without any deed or deeds of diftiibution to be made for that purpofe, fhall forthwith make fuch dividend and diftribution accordingly, and alfo take receipts, in a book to be kept for that purpofe, from each creditor for the part or fhare of fuch dividend or diftribution, which they fhall make and pay to each creditor refpedively ; and fuch order and receipt fhall be a full and effec- tual difcharge to fuch aflignee for fo much as he fhall fairly pay purfuant to fuch order.' LIV. feet. 54. It fhall be lawful for the aflignees of any bankrupt's eftate, with confentofmajo- confent of thc major part in value of the creditors, who have duly proved their credkors^'aT "^ debts, and who fhall be prefent at any meet ing of faid creditors, purfuant to fuch notice in the Gazette, to fubmit any difierence or difpute between fuch aflignees, and any perfons whatfoever for or on account, or by reafon or means of any matter, caufe, or thing relating to fuch bankrupts, or their eftate or efFeds, to the final end and determination of arbitrators, chofen by faid aflignees, and the major part in value of fuch creditors prefent, and the party or parties with whom they ftiall perform award, havc fuch difference, and to perform the award of fuch arbitrators, or otherwife to compounder compound and agree the matters in difference and difpute, in fuch manner as faid aflis;nees, with fuch confent, fhall think fit and can agree ; and the fame fhall be binding to all the creditors of the faid bankrupts ; and the aflignees are hereby in- demnified for what, they fhall fairly do according ro the diredion aforefaid. LV. feet. c;§. Any aOignee or aflignees, made or chofen as aforefaid, hereby im- powered with the confent of major part of fuch bankiupt's creditors in value, prefent at a meeting for that purpofe, of which publick notice fhall be given in the Dublin Gazette, to make compofition with any perfon or perfors, debtors or acccmptants to fuch bankrupts, where the fame fhall appear neceffary and reafonable, ard to take fuch reafonable part as can upon fuch compofition be gotten in full difcharge of fuch debts and accounts. " hVlfe^. one part filed, duplicate to each affignee, contents of the order ; diftribution made forth- with, receipts from each creditor entered. Affignees with meeting may fijbmit difputes to arbitrators. agree, binding on cre- ditors. Compofition where reafon- able, with confent at meeting on 00 lice, jyi. /ect. 56, After fucli bankrupts have obtained their certificate, «July con-^J'^'jJ^''^"^P*'_^^''*'* firmed as herein mentioned, fuch bankrupts fhall and are hereby obliged to give .eaionabic no- their attendance upon every reafonable norice in writing to them, or left at their !^'"^^'^''^|!^,'^"^J° ufual place of abode, by the allignees, or their order, requiring tiiem to attend the tofeuieaccount, afllgnees, in order to make up, adjuft, or fettle any account or accounts between fuch bankrupts and any debtor to or creditor of .uch bankrupt's eftate, or to attend any court or courts of record, to be examined touching the fame, or for fuch other or any court of buiinefs, which fuch affignees (hall judge neceffary for gettir.g in eftate and effefts ^"^1^;^'°^ !"' for benefit of their creditors ; for which faid attendance the bankrupt fhall be allowed aiiov^ed for and paid two fhillings and fix pence per diem by fuch afllgnees out of the eftate ; fnTe d"aVay'j and in cafe fuch bankrupts neglecff or refufe to attend, or on fuch attendance refufe not attending, to afliftin fuch difcovery, without good and fufficient caufe fhewn to the commif- oj^f^f^^'"^".K^|^° fioners, for fuch negled or refufal, to be by them allowed as fufficient, fuch aflig- very, nees making due proof thereof upon oath (or, being of the people called quakers^''^^'^°'"soo(i folemn affirmation) before faid commiflioners, the faid commillioners are hereby on oath of impowered and required to ilTue a warrant or warrants, to fuch perfon or perfons as ^^'^'snees,^ ^^^^ they fhall think proper, for apprehending fuch bankrupts, and them to commit to mimoners to ap- the county gaol, there to remain in clofe cuftody without bail or mainprize, until ^'[fm^'-tuuhJ'y' they duly conform to fatisfaftion of faid commiffioners, and be by the faid commif- conform, ordif- fioners, or fpecial order of the lord chancellor, or otherwife by due courfe of law '^''''^^^''' difcharged ; and fuch gaoler or keeper of fuch prifon, to which fuch bankrupts gaoler to keep in committed, is hereby required to keep fuch perfons in clofe cuftody within the walls ^t'°|'"JJJ,'j'^f!.' of faid prifon, until duly difcharged as aforefaid, under the pains and penalties be- charged. fore mentioned for fuch gaoler or keeper fuflfering fuch prifoners committed purfuant to this ad to efcape, and go at large. LVII. y?(7. 57. Within eighteen months after iffuing any fuch commiffion, the iti dividend in affignees Ihall make a fecond dividend of the bankrupt's eflate and effeds, in cafe J,o,^c'i'nGa" the fame was not wholly divided upon the firft, and ihall caufe a notice to be in- zette, ferted in the Dublin Gazette of the time and place, the faid commiHior^ers intend to meet to make a fecond dividend and diftribution, and for the creditors, who fhall and for credi- not before have proved their debts, to come and prove the fame ; and at fuch meet- '°" '^ pro^e; ing every fuch affignee or affignees fhall produce upon oath, or affirmation, as afore- affignees topro= faid, his or their account or accounts of the bankrupt's eftate and effedls, and what jJjJ"^Jj-^'=°""'* ■upon the balance fhall appear to be in his or their hands, fhall, by the like order of balance fortii- the commiffioners, be forthwith divided among fuch of the bankrupt's creditors, ^.'^^p^'^/J^'^^!' '" who have made due proof of their debts, in proportion to their feveral and refpec- tive debts ; which fecond dividend fhall be final, unlefs any fiiit at law or in equity 2d divid;:nd depending, or any part of the eftate ftanding out that cannot have been difpofed of, uni'efs fuit dc- or that the major part of the creditors fhall not have agreed to be fold and difpofed pending, of in manner aforefaid, or unlels fome other or future eftate or effedls of faid bank- (ianding''out'! '" rupt fhall afterwards come to, or veft in faid affignees ; in which cafe faid affignees or fmurceHate Ihall, as foon as may be, convert Aich future or other eftate and effedls into money conVen'ed'mto'' in manner aforefaid, and within two months next after any the fame fhall be con- money, verted into money as aforefaid, by like order of the commiffioners, divide the fame rateably among fuch bankrupt's creditors, who fhall have made due proof of their anJrateabiy debts under fuch commiffion. dmded. LVIII. fen. 58. No fuit in equity fhall be commenced by any affignee, without Nofuit in equity confent of major part in value of creditors, prefent at a meeting purfuant to notice v'^'houtconunt • TA LI- /^ ^^ r u r of r.iajor part la in Dublin Gazette ror that purpole. value at meet- LIX. fe^. 59. That there may be a certain place, where the creditors, or any'"S' perfon claiming any eftate or intereft under fuch commiffion, may have recourfe ; C 2 and On petition and that fuch proceedings may be of record and given in evidence, upon tfie petition co?ded'''"^^ "* of ^i^y perlbn to the lord chancellor, praying thai fuch coniimiliions and the d^pofi- tions taken thereon,' or any part of fuch depoiitions and fuch certificates fo tef be al- lowed and confirmed, or any other matters or things relating to the faid commif- fions or proceedings thereupon, may be entered of record, the lord chancellor fliall and may direct and order fuch commillions, depofitions, proceedings, and cer- tificates, or otiier matters or things relating thereunto to be entered of record ; and in cafe of the death of the vvitneflTes proving fuch bankruptcy, or in cafe the faid a copy evidence; proceedings or Other matters fhall be loft or miflaid, a true copy of the record of fuch commillions, depofitions, and proceedings or other matters, figned and attefted as herein after mentioned, fhall and may upon all occafions be given in evidence to prove fuch commifllon, and the bankruptcy of fuch perlbn againfi: whom fuch com- certificates or milfion awarded, or other matters or things relating thereunto ; and all certificates^ copy evidence, allowcd and Confirmed, and entered of record as aforelaid, or a true copy of every gainft demands Certificate figned and atteftcd as herein after mentioned, lliall and may be given in ''^""^Vfiion evidence in any court of record, and be without any further proof deemed, ad- judged, and taken a full and effectual bar and difcharge of and agaiijft any adion or fuit, by any creditor or creditors of fuch bankrupt for any debt or demand con- trafted, due, or demandable before the iffiiing fuch commiljion, unlefs any creditor imKsfraudo- ot Creditors, or the perfon that hath fuch certificate, fhall prove, that fuch certificate lentiy obtained ; vvas fraudulently obtained ; in which cafe cofts fliall be allowed to either party as in. cofts. If • r -I other common cales. Lord ciianceiior LX. /efi. 6o. The lord chancellor fliall appoint a certain proper place within the- *"? te''i°i Dublin '-''^y ^"^ liberties of the city of Dublin, where all the matters aforefaid fhall be en- anJ a perfon, to' tctcd of rccord, and where all perfons fhall be at liberty to fearch and fee, if the record; fame are duly entered of record ; and the lord chancellor, fliall by writing under his deiuty, hand, appoint a proper perfon, who lliall by himfelf or his fufficient deputy, ap* pointed by the lord chancellor, by writing under his hand, enter of record fuch com- milTions, depofitions, proceedings, and certificates, and other matters and things re- and rcafonabie lating thereunto, and have the cuftody of the entries thereof, and alfo appoint fuch fee; fee and reward to be paid to fuch perfon for his labour and pains therein, as the lord chancellor fliall think reafonable, not exceeding what is ufually paid in like cafes ; and that the perfon fo to be appointed, and his deputy, fhall continue to enter of record all the matters and things aforefaid, and to have the cuftody of the fame fo during good be- long as he or they refpedively behave themfclves well in entering the fame of re- hnviour; cord, and keeping fuch entries, and fliall not be removed but by order in writii-jg under the hand of the lord chancellor, on a good and fufficient caufe therein fpeci- ondeathorre- ficd ; and in cafc fuch perfon fliall die, or be as aforefaid removed, the lord chan- roovai another cellor, fhall and may in writing, under his hand, appoint another perfon to enter appoine . ^^^ [i^me of record, who fhall have the cufl:ody of tiie entries thereof, and have and receive like fee and reward for his labour and pains therein. infiiitsforany LXI feci 6i. If any adtion of trefpafs or other fuit fhall happen hereafter to be thin; done de- brought againfi any commiifioner authorized by this fliatute, or any other perfon or plead not'gmity, perfons havii'g authority by virtue of or under fuch commifllon for doing or execut- crjuiufy. ing any matter by force of this flatute, the defendant or defendants in any fuch adion or fuit may plead Not Guilty, or otherwife jufl:ify, that the aQ. or thing, whereof the plainiifF or plaintiffs complain, was done by authority of this adt, without cxprelling or rehearfing any other matter or cirrumfla ce contained in this atft, or enforcing him or them to flievv forth their commifllon authorizing the faid aift or thing ; whereunto the plaintiff fliall be admitted to reply, that the defendant '^ ^' did the fad fuppofed in the declaration of his own wrong, without any fuch caufe alledged alledgcd by Cuch d.Te:idant or defendants, whereupon the iffue in fiich a<^ion fhafl '""«. bejoined, to be tried by verdidbof twelve men-, and upon the trial of that i Hue maj, the whole matter fhall be given in evidence by both parties, according to the very the whole in truth of the fatne; and- the perfon, for whom the verdicft upon fuch iflue fhall pafs, '^"''("^ * fhall have his cofls. LX1I-. feet. 62. Thedifcharge of any bankrupt by force of this ad: from the Partners, joint, debts by him due and owine at the time that he did become bankrupt, or at °^''S'"^^''"'' ■, ■ rr ■ r r , ■ ,-,- n \i 1 rL j • 11 contraftors noC rlie liining or inch commillion, Ihall not be conitrued, meant, or intended to re- difciiarged. Icafe or difcharge any other perfon or perfons, vvlio was or were partner or partners with the faid bankrupt in trade at the time he became bankrupt, or then flood jt)intly bound, or had made any joint-contract together with fuch bankrupt for tlie fame debt or debts, for v/hich he was difcharged as aforefaid, but notwithflanding fuch difcharge fuch partner and partners, joint-obligor and obHgors, and joint-con- ' traftors with fuch bankrupt and bankrupts, fhall be and fland chargeable with, and liable to pay, fuch debt and debts, and to perform fuch contrads, as if the faid bankrupt had never been difcharged from the fame. LXIII. /(?•- the purchafe-money, and tlie expence of buildings, additions, and repairs beirg','" a^f.^/jo. afcertained, and a certificate eranted in the manner direded by the ad of the '^p?''"'>"'"=- twelfth of George the fiift, fnall be repaid by the fuccefibrs, in the proportions, at the times, and in the manner diredecl by th-; lafl: mentioned ad. II. feet. 2. A fee-tarm leafe, or a leafe of lives with a covenant of renewal for ever, fhall be deemed a;,d taken to be a purchafe within the intention and meaning ''"P""^"^3f£s, of this ad, and a ground-rent may be referved out of the premides fo purchrjfed. III. feet. 4. In all cafcs, where ar,y archbifhop, bifhop, or other ecclefiaflical O" "certificate perfon fliall from and after the palling of this ad, obtain a certificate for ereding ■ngs"ornece!ra'ry new buildings, or for makirg other necellary improvements on a new fite within his ""provcments demefne, glebe, or menfal lands, in fuch manner as is by the in part recited ad byiVc'^i.l'^o! direded, fuch archbilhop, &c. his executors or admiriftrators refp^divcly, fball ^''^ f"'""""" from his next and immediue fuccefior inflead of three fourths have a:id receive the "^ "" ""^ °^' full fum comprized a::d fpecified in fuch certificate. IV. feet. 5. Such fum fliall not exceed the clear value of two years income. ^"'^ exceerfmgz V. feet. 6. This ad fhall not.be conflrued to extend to any repairs, additions, ^"'* '""^o'Tie- or improvements, wliich iTiall be made to any buildings, or other improvements for- ^ot extended to merly made, but every fuch archbilhop, bifhop, and other ecclefiaftical perfon, cents'! "^'"^'"'*" making fuch repairs, additions and improvements as aforefaid, fhall receive the fame proportion of the money expended, to which they were intitled before the making this ad ; and fuch fucceflbr, having paid the fum fo certified as afore- S""'''""'' >«!- faid, he, or his executors or adminiflrators, fliall be intitled to and receive three fourths, fourths thereof from his next fucceflbr, which fucceffor havirg paid faid three fourths of the fiifl fum, he or his executors or adminif rators, fhall be intitled to and receive two thirds thereof, that is, one moiety of the fum firfl certified, from """^o thirds, his next fucceflbr, which fuccefl!br havirg paid faid moiety of the firfl fum, fhall be intitled to and receive from his next fucceflx>r one half thereof, that is, one fourth next one fourth, of the fum in the firft certificate ; all which fums, fhall and may be recovered ^ D ■ withiii within the times, and in the fame manner, as is appointed by the feveral laws now raUaws now'in '" t)^'"D> relative to the payment and recovery of money laid out in buildings and being. improvements on the demefne or menfal lands and glebes of archbifhops, bilhops, or other ecclefiaftical perfons. W. feet. 7. Such fucceiTor to the perfon, who obtained the faid certificate, The three fliall pay three fourths of the fums fo certified in the proportions, at the times, and b7iiG.Tc.*o. '" the manner as is direded by the in part recited adt, but fliall not be compella- ble to pay the laft remaining fourth of the fum fo certified and made payable by rotten the end "^'i'^ 3*^' Until the end of two years, to be computed from the time he became of 2 years. chargeable with the payment of the whole fum certified as aforefard. VII. feci. y. Where any buildings and improvements have been or fhallbe made on any glebe or menfal lands belonging to any dean, archdeacon, prebendary, or other dignitary, or on lands belonging to any benefice, redtory, or vicarage, which Jf^confoiidatf- h^^^ '-*^^" united or confolidated to fuch dignities, from time immemorial, or for ens or appropri- the confolidatioH and appropriation thereof royal charters have bu^en granted,. wMctaiue'ln- '^'^^^oh the cvidencc of fuch confolidationff and appropriations is now loft by the lerted in the va- length of time and the troubles of this kingdom ; in all fuch cafes the whole value J"g\'^°"/"'' "■'' of all fuch dignities, and the feveral livings thereto united, annexed, or appropri- ated, fhall be included and inferted in the valuation,^ and in the certificate granted for fuch buildings and improvements. V III. feet. 10. It fliall be lawful for any ecclefiafiiical perfon having any bene- fice with cure of fouls, with confent and approbation of the archbifliop or bifliop, fignified by writing under his hand and feal, to change the fite of the glebe houfe houfo^chanKd, ^° ^'^^'-'^ benefice belonging, and to make, build, or ered a new glebe houfe, out- fcuiiding and ' houfcs, orchards, gardens, and otlier necelFary improvements on any other part of II!1 m°ore'"co"nve- ^'^ glebe land belonging to his benefice, that fliall be more fit and convenient for nient part, the refidencc of him and his fucceflbrjs ; and fuch ecclefiaftical perfons, who fliall build and improve in manner aforefaid, or have already built and improved on a new fite, and have procured or fliall procure fuch certificate, as is direded by faid former ads, fliall be intitled to all the encouragements, and have, take, receive, en'coufa'eine'nt ^"*^ recover all fuch fums, as they would or might be intitled to for the building fuch houfe, and making fuch improvements by faid former ads, and this ad; and the immediate fucceflbrs of fuch incumbents, and their fucceflbrs refpedively, and their refpedive executors or adminiftrators, fliall be intitled to, and receive fuch proportions of the money laid out and expended in ereding fuch new houfe, and making other improvements, as they would be refptdivcly intirlcd to by virtue of faid former ads, or this a6t ; the faid feveral and refpedive fums to be received and recovered at fuch times, and in fuch manner, and by fuch ways and methods, as ecclefiaftical perfons are enabled by faid former ads, and this ad, to recover any money laid out in building and making other improvements on their glebe lands. IX. feet. 1 1. No ecclefiaftical perfon, who at the time of his building or im- No certificate proving On fuch ncw fite fliall have a mar.fion houfe o'l his glebe, fhall be intitled for fuch new to or ha.ve any certificate for fuch Hc'v building or improvements, until he fliall left a'lMema^ds cxccute and pcrfcd a good and fjincient rrleafe and difcharge of all demands iorthehoMfe, whatfoever, that he, his executors, or aaminiftrators might, or could have had, or be gedreieafed. "intitled unto, for or On account of the building or improving of thrt houfe, whereof the fite fliall be changed [.urfuant to this ad. Not obliged to ^- f'^'-'^- ^2. No ecclefiaftical perfon, that has changed or fliall change the fite tepair the for- of his glebe houfe, and make new buildings and improvements, fliall, from the "" time he fliall fo build and improve, be obliged to keep the former glebe houfe or out- mer, out-houfes, in repair, or be chargeable with dilapidations for not repairing there- of. XI. feiJ. 13. In all cafes whatfoever, where any dilapidations have happened, 01 Jiiapidati- either by neglect of the incumbent or any of his predecellbrs, and the glebe hoiifes°nd'aj°I^(i'iJation or other improvement are out of repair, or in a ruinous or decayed condition for ^s by 70. 3c- 9. want of the proper, annual, and neceflkry repairs, it fhall be lawful for the feveral on to1ffuT°to'" archbifhops and bilhops within their refpcdtive diocefcs (after fuch commilllon if. incumbent fen fued, and fuch fteps taken toafcertain fuch fums, as (hall be adjudged reafonable to'^^''''"' be expended for repair of fuch dilapidations, as by an adt made in the eighth of his prefent majefty, and the laws now in force in this kingdom are direded) to ilFue a mo- nition under feal to the incumbent, admoniihing him, within a certain time fpecified, effeftually to repair all fuch defeds, as have fo happened by means of fuch dilapi- dations, and to reftore the fame, and put the faid houfe and other improvements in fuch ftaunchand habitable order and condition, as that the fame may be fit and proper for the refidence of the incumbent and his fucceflbrs ; and in cafe the in- cumbent, after being duly ferved, refufe or negled to obey, the feveral archbi- Ihops and bifliops, within their diocefes, are hereby fpecially required to put one moiety of the rents and profits of fuch benefice or other ecclefiaftical preferments, under fequeftration, until a fum received fufficient to anfwer the purpofes of faidora lequertratr. monition, and to put fuch houfe or other improvements in flaunch and habitable °"° »'"'"")'» order and condition, fo as to be fit and proper for the refidence of the incumbent and his fucceflbrs ; and every fuch incumbent, or, in cafe a vacancy fhall happen, every fucceflbr, fhall effectually repair all fuch defects, as were fpecified in the faid vouchers of re- monition, and fhall receive from time to time from fuch fequeftrator, fuch fums, p^^^'^j^JJ^'* as fhall be necefl^ary to compleat fuch repairs, and in the fpace of twelve months fhall produce proper vouchers to the archbifhop or bifhop, that the money, raifed in manner aforefaid, has been juflly laid out in fuch repairs. Xll. /efl. 14. Nothing in this act fhall be conftrued to extend to take away Fcmer laws from the force of any law or flatute now in being, to prevent dilapidations, but the ?ion"'^u''niefs''iu fame fhall continue in full force, as if this act never made, unlefs where altered or "''«''> enforce, amended by this act, I. Stat. II &: 12 Geo. 3. cap. 7.. fed. 7. Additional duty twenty fhillings by eve- D"'y »«. toij ry perfon for every coach, chariot, berlin, calaOi, or chaife with four wheels, ^n"j,'^5''to '1773' which he fhall keep in his poifeflion, except hackney and flage coaches, and by coachmakers, for iale, at any time between 25th of December, lyyi and 1772 inclufive ; and twenty fhillings, between 25 December, 1772 and 1773 inclu- five. II. Jefl. 14. For better colleifting faid duty every perfon, who after 2 5 ^'^'^''^"f^ '" J December 1771, Ihall have or keep the fame, fhall within three calendar months, J^aor,^ "" ' after 25 December 1771, or after he or ihe fhall fo have or keep, by writing un- der his or her hand, certify to the colledor of excife, in forae one of the diftridls, where he or fhe fhall refide or dwell, within the time aforefaid, a true account of every fuch coach, &c. except as aforefaid, with the name of the place, and parifh regmered and of refidence or abode at time of giving fuch certificate ; which certificate fliall be ""'"''"<=<'» kept by the collecflors, and alfo entered and regiftered in an alphabetical book kept for that purpofe , and a copy of fuch entry, figned by fuch coll-cdor, or his clerk "py v^^^> delivered if required, without fee or reward, to the perfon delivering certificate ; and a number entered on each certificate fo regiflered. Said colledors refpedively D 2 fhall ills returned. acquittances given, duplicates kept, returned as for hcartli-raoney. lol. not certify- >ng> as by 14 and 15 C. 2. c. 8. Charged as owner. Collcflors to keep leparate accounts, pay into trea- iury. 3G. 3.C. 17. continu;;d S years. No reward to faftors in Dub- lin. penalty icol. Sold only by mafter or mate, &c. 50I. No reward fave freigh, to gab- bard or ligliter. Jrirti coal by in- land canilconfi- dered imported. t024junei774, &c, (jroat|)e0, Sec. fhair under their hands on or before the 25 day of December in every year, give a true hft of all coaches, &c. fiom time to time returned to them in fuch certifi- cates, with names of the perfons and places of abode in fuch certificates, to the perfons for the time being appointed by commillioners of excife, or any three, to colled; and receive faid duties, who fl^iall have full power and authority to levy, colled, and receive the fame within the diftrid, where the certificate entered, in fame manner as the revenue from fire hearths is now by law levied, colleded, and received, and refpsdively fign and deliver acquittances without fee or reward for the fame, and keep duplicates thereof in a book for that pnrpofe, in fame manner as the duty of fire-hearths, and return faid book to fuch perfons, and at fame time, and to be difpofed of in fame manner, as books of duplicates of acquittances for duty on fire-hearths are returned. III. fcH. 15. If any perfon fhall have or keep any coach, &c. chargeable with faid duty by this ad, not certified as aforefaid, he fhall for fuch negled forfeit ten pounds, fued for, recovered, levied, and applied as by an ad 14 and 15 C 2. for fettling the excife. IV. Jefl. 16. Every perfon, except as before, having in his keeping or poffef- fion, any coach, &c. belonging to another, fhall be chaiged for every fuch coach, &c. with fiid duty, in fiime manner, as the owner or proprietor is or ought to be by this ad. N. fed. 17. Perfons for being authorized and impowered to colled and levy faid duty, fhall pay the fame to faid collednrs, of the feveral diflrids, where faid duties colleded and raifed ; who fhall keep feparate and diftinCt accounts thereof, and pay into the trealliry as other mcney received by them for the ufe of his majefty. OToal, I. Stat. 7. Geo^ 3. cap. 20. feH. 4. The ad to prevent excelllve price of coals in city of Dublin, continued eight years from i January 1769, and to end of the then next feffion. II. Stat. II Geo. 3. cap. 5. fe£i. i. No mafcer, owner, or mate of any coal-fhip or veilel within the port or city of Dublin, fhall give or promife any fee, gratuity, reward, or allowance whatfoever to any fador, purfer, agent, or other perfon for felling any coals ; and none iTiall receive or contrad to receive the fame. Every perfon, who (hall offend herein, fhall for every fuch offence forfeit one hun- dred pounds, to be recovered and applied as by i G. 3. c. 10. III. feB. 2. No perfons whatfoever, except the mafter or mates and the perfons authorized by faid ad, fhall fell any coals within port or city of Dublin. Every offence fifty pounds, recovered and. applied,as before. IV. feci. 3. No mafter, owner, or mate, fhall give or promife any mafter, or owner of gabbard, or lighter, or other perfon any fee, gratuity, reward, or al- lowance whatfoever, except freight not exceeding one fhilli g and fix pence /i^r ton, for carrying any coals from fuch veffels to the Quays ; and no mafter or own- ers of gabbards or ligiiter, or other perfon fhall receive ; every offence fifty pounds, recovered and applied as before. V. feet. 4. All coals, brought into Dublin, from any colliery in this kingdom by any inland canal, confidered as imported, and mafter or owner intitled to all premiums, and encouragements for bringing Irilli coals into faid city. VI. fe£l. 5. This ad fliall continue in force until 24th June 1774, and to end of then next feifion. VII. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 19. feH. 1. An ad thirt>'-firft of George the fecond, for fupplying the city of Dublin with coals, and encouragement of the col- lieries fhall continue in force until the twenty-fourth of June, 1792, and to the end of the then next felTion. ' I. /«"A I. Slat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 18. fe8. i. After the firft of July next, it HialU cmoreof be lawful for the lord mayor, flierifts, and common-council of the city of Cork, cork'^app^nt'ed to aflemble at fuch time or times, as they fhall fee moft necelTary, and that they valuators by or the majority of them fo aflembled, fhall by one or mere orders under their ^dcommon '' hands, appoint two or more inhabitants of each of the parilhcs of faid city, to be f ouncii airem- ,■ 1 /■ I ■ r -J J, 11 r bled, or the valuators tor the purpofes herein alter mentioned ; and Inch valuators, or any (even majority, or more fliall have full power, and are hereby required to value and alcertain dif-_y°''^!_"^^'''^P** tinftly and feparately the yearly value of each dwclling-houfe, out-houfe, office, houfe, s:c. cellar, flable, linney, and yard in the faid feveral parilhcs, aiid fhall after making fuch valuations reduce the fame to writing, dillinguifhing the valuation of each pa- reduce to writ- rifh by itfelf ; and fuch valuators, or any feven or more, fhall in fuch valuation 'ns. mention the names of the immediate tenants-or occupiers of the refped\ive premiffes eath"pari(h,"^ fo valued • and upon the completion of the valuations of each of faid pariflies,'^"''"" names, ,...,' ' ^ ' ,T IP \ r ■ ■ ■ 11 .retain under the laid valuators, or any feven or more, fhall return the fame in writing under their feaii to the may- hands and fealsto the mayor ; and faid valuations, fhall be depofited in the office °} r d th of the town clerk, there to remain as publick records, for the infpeftion of inhabi- to\vn'cierk,'for tantsof faid city of Cork and liberties ; and other copies of faid valuations, ^^ttefl:- j^^ffj^^"""' '"' ed by the town clerk, fhall with all convenient fpeed be delivered to the treafurer of the county of faid city ; and other copies to the perfons, or one of the perfons, attertcd copies that fhall be the contraftors or contractor for eredina;, fupplving and maintaining ."'"'''^'^"T' public lights in faid city ; and a copy ot the valuation ot each of faid panlnes, to for the lights, the refpedive church-wardens, or one of them, to be kept amongfl the veftry books, dens'for eadf' fo that each parilb may be in the pofreflion of its own valuation ; and copies of fuch panih, keptii^ valuations, attefted by fiiid town clerk, fhall in all courts, and upon all occafi- ^yf/j?,.;^,^ i„ ^u dns, be deemed full and fatisfadory evidence of fuch valuations. courts of fucii II. fen. 2. Whenever any dwelling-houfe, out-houfe, office, cellar, or flable, N^wvaruations fnall be rebuilt or enlarged in faid city or the fuburbs, or any new erttted or built, "f reiiuiitoren- or any out-houfe, Src. changed into a dwelling-houfe, or other houfe or office, the erefted^ ""^'^ mayor, flierifFs, and common-council of fliid city, or the majority in common-coun- ^".''»<''^edto th» cil affembled, fhall diretft, that the valuators fo appointed, or any feven or more, fhall °''S'"^' value and afcertain the yearly value of fuch new erected, rebuilt, or enlarged houfe, and the yearly value of^ fuch new built or ereded dwelling-houl'e, out-houfe, of- fice, cellar, ftable, linney, or yard, and of fuch dwelling houfe, or other houfe, or office, made out of fuch houle, &c. and fuch valuation fhall be infeited in or added to the original valuation of the parifh, and the laid valuators, or any feven or more, are required to make fuch feveral new valuations, as are herein before men- tioned, accordingly ; and fuch new valuations fhall, from the refpedlive times of their beii-g i';ferted in or added to the faid original valuations, be deemed and tak- en as part of faid original valuations. HI. /cd7. 3. The mayor, fherifFs, and common council of faid city, or majority q^^^^ in common-council affembled, fhall from time to time, as occafion fhall require, by movai new'^aV fuch order or orders,, appoint one or more valuator or valuators, in the room and ' "jlmed'" '^''" ftead of fuch as fliall h;ippen to die or remove from fuch paril"h ; and Inch new v?,- luaror fhall have like power and authority with any of the faid other valuators. IV. /f,*7. 4. The herein before mentioned valuatois fnall have f u 11 power to ■^'•^■"ato" may enter in the day-time into and upon any dwelling-houfe, out-houfe, office, cellar, ^^' ''^^ ''"'"' flable, linney, or yard in faid city, and fuburbs, and to infped the fame, in or- der the better to afcertain the true yearly value. V.fen.^. The faid valuators fo appointed, fhall be fummoned to appear at Valuators fum- feme court of quarter-feffions of the peace held for the county of laid city, or at "J°femom''"an'ci fome take 0.1th.' On refufal or negleft fined not above lol, nor under 5I, to nfe of the work-houfe. Refummoned, &.fined lolUi fomQ adjournment of fuch court, and then and there, in open court, each of the laid valuators Ihall take the t'ollowing oath, to wit, I A. B. Do /wear, that I will^ to the be/i of my knowledge, Jkill, and judgment^ value or afcertam the truly yearly value af every dwelling-houfe, out-houfe, office ^ cellar, Jlahle, linney, and yard in the faid city of Cork, and the fuburhs thereof^ •without favour or affection, malice, or ill-will to any perfon or perfons whatfoever, and that I will make a true andjujl return to the mayor of the faid city, of fuch va- luation fo made, and no other. Which oath the faid court is hereby authorized to adminifter. And in cafe any of faid valuators refufe or negledl to appear, purfuant to fuch fummons, or appearing, refufeor omit to take the aforefaid oath, the fame being tendered to him, then it (hail be lawful for fuch court of quarter-feflions to impofe a fine, not exceeding twenty j-rocefs to (he- .pounds,' and not lefs than five, on fuch valuators, and fuch court (hall caufe pro- riflft toievy, cefs in the nature of an execution to iiTuc againft the valuator fo fined, dircded to the fheriflfs of the county of the city, to levy of the goods and chatties of (lich va- luator the amount of faid fine ; which fine, when levied, the faid fherifFs are here- by required to pay over to the governors of the work-houle of the city of Cork, for ufe of the faid work-houfe. VI. fe^l. 6. Such valuator, as Ihall be fined as aforefaid, (hall be refummon- ed to appear at fome future day, at fuch court or at fome adjournment ; and in cafe he fhall refufe, or negled to appsar, or appearing fhall refufe or omit to take fuch oath, the fame being tend.red, it fhall be lawful for the faid, or any fubfequent .court of quarter-feflions, to impole another fine on fuch valuator, not exceeding twenty pounds, nor lefs tiian fivt,-, to be levied and applied in manner aforefaid, and fo on, toties quoties, until fuch valuator fhali appear, and fubmit to take the faid oath. VII. fefl. 7. If it (hall appear by good and fufficient proof upon oath to the iuf- Jf proof on oath . J 1 rr J^o ,- 1 •/ i- cf being unfi^ ticcs at any quaiter-lellioijs for the county or the city, or at any adjournment, that any of faid valuators by age, infirmities, or failure in circumftances, is ren- dered unfit to execute the faid office of valuator, it fhall be lawful for the perfon or perfons prefiding, to excufe fuc'^ perfon from ex- cuiirg the faid office of valua- tor, and thejuftices fhall certify to ihe mayor, Ih^riffs, and common-council, that fuch perfun hath been excufed from fervi^g the faid office of valuator, a:-d the rea- fon of fuch excufe, and the mayor, &c. (hall thereupon by fuch orders or order and another ap- ^s aforefaid appoint another valuator in the pa'ifh, and ii the place of the valuator pointed. fo excufed, which valuator fhall have the like power and authority with any of the other valuators before mentioned. VIII. feEl. 8. If any perfon of the profelTion of the people called quakers fhall be appointed to be one of the faid valuators, the folemn affiimation of the faid perfon fhall be taken in lieu of the aforefaid oath; which afirrmation fuch court is herebfy' authorized to adminifter. IX. fe£l. 9. In cafe any of faid valuators fhould not within two months after b^'"g appointed, take upon him or them the office, and take the aforefaid oath or momhs,' oth'ers affirmation, it fhall be lawful for the mayor^ fherifTs, and common -council affem- apfointed. y^j^ ^^ ^^ majority, by fuch orders or order to appoint other valuators, in the refpedive parifhes in the places or place of fuch as fhall not take the faid oath or affirmation within the aforefaid time, and fuch valuators fhall have like power and authority as the other valuators before mentioned. '- - " ' X.>/. excufed. certified to may- or, &c. with the reafon, Affirmatio^iof , Quakers. Not taking on them the otiice and oath in 2 »«ki-i,.j- X fe8 lO. None of faid valuators fhall ad until they fhall take the faid oath Nottoaatuj .rt. yet*. »>^' J oath or affirma- or affirmatton. _ _ tion. XI. fed. 1 1. The faidjuftices, at any quarter- feflions for the county of the ci- valuators fum- ty, or at any adjournment, (hall have power, from time to time, to mmmons fuch J^r'femonsl""' of faid valuators, as fhall be ib fworn,, or take fuch affirmation, to appear before them in open court, and then and there to make inquiry in a fummary way, by ex- fummary cxa- amination of fuch valuators on oath, or on fuch folemn affirmation, if the valuator JJ^'",'"a'°"o''pj(,. be a quaker, (which oath or affirmation, the faid court is hereby authorized to ad- grtfsmade, minifter) or by examination of witnelfes, what progrefs fuch valuators have made in making the laid valuations : and it fhall be lawful for faid court, to impofe any fine not exceeding twenty pounds, nor lefs than five pounds, on any one or more of ""t^b^ve %tu the faid valuators fo fworn to value, or fo having taken faid folemn affirmation to nor under 5I. value as aforefaid,. who fhall refufe or neglett to appear purfuant to llich fummons, or who appearing fhall be found by faid court upon fuch enquiry to have been neg- ligent in attending to and making the faid valuation within as convenient time as fuch valuation ouoht to or might have been done 1 the faid fines to be levied and '^J'"*.^"'' ^pp''- , *-• ^' -, . ' . ed as before. applied in the fame manner as the other fines herein before mentioned. 'KW. /set. 12. The valuation of the faid feveral pariflres in faid city and fub- >^'''"^'!°"''y 7. urbs, by any feven or more of the faid valuators fo appointed and fworn, or ha v- fworn good, tho" ing taken fuch folemn affirmation, fhall be good and valid to all intents and pur- ^^^^''"^°'" pofes vvhatfoever ; notwithftanding that fome one or more of the valuators fo to be or affirmed, appointed as aforefaid, fhall not' be fworn into the faid office, or have taken the aforefaid folemn affirmation, to value at the time tlie faid feven or more of the laid valuators, who fhall be fo fworn, or fhall have fo taken the faid folemn affirmation te value, fhall have made and returned the faid valuation. XIII. feet. 1^. Said valuation or valuations final and conclufive, fave as herein valuations final,' before is excepted. XIV. /fr^ 14. Said valuators fhallpafs over and not include in the faid valu-Houfcs under ation, fo to be returned by them, any cabbin or houfe in faid city or fuburbs, ^"I'^j^^^"''^ ""*' which is or fhall be under the yearly value of forty (hillings, any thing in this zCt to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding- XV. feet. 15. All fuch money, which fhall be prefented to be raifed by grand Prefentmentfe- juries at the feveral affizes for the county of the city of Cork, as would accoiding^'edandpaidin to the laws now in force be applotted and raifed upon the inhabitants of faid city ^a"^^^,"' and fuburbs, according to their fubftance or reputed circumftances, fhall, after the firft of July next, be levied upon and paid by the tenants, owners, and occupiers of the j-.oufes, out-houfes, offices, cellars, flables, yards, and linneys in faid city and fuburbs, rateably, and in proportion to the valuations made in manner afore- faid. y^l. feet. 16. The treafurer of the county of faid cit}', fhall with all conveni-Treafurerinn. ent fpecd after the end of every affizes for the county of faid city, or at the far- ry"of IffiTesto' theft within one calendar month, computed from the laft day of each of the faid '"'""f ^^^"^""w adizes, ilTue his warrants underhand and feal, di reded to the feveral conftables of coii"a"ref' nt. the feveral parifhcs, quarters, and diftric'ts in faid city and fuburbs, for the col- ■"'^"t'' leding and Icvyingiuch part of the money prefented to be raifed at the then next preceding afllzes, as heretofore woud have been collcded from and levied on the in- habitants of faid city and fuburbs, according to their circumftances, or reputed cir- cumftances ; and in faid refpeClive warrants fliail be mentioned the proportion of memioningthe faid money that each of the faid tenants, occupiers, or owners fhall be liable to for P^' ro"*""- his dwelling-houfe or houfes, out-houfes, offices, cellars, ftables, linneys, and yards; and the faid conftables are hereby impowered^ authorized, and required to receive frcm in from the tenants, occupieis, or owners, the fums proportioned in the faid warrants "")a°"aft?rT"' °" thciH rcfpcdivcly : and in cafe of non-payment for two days after demand made niand'coniiabiei by faid conftriblcs, or any of them, on the refpedive tenants, occupiers, or owners dift?ain"and"feii ^*^'' t'^^ payment of their rcfpeftive proportions of faid money, it lliall be lawful for if not redcemeJ faid conftables refpcdively to enter into and upon the faid dwelling houfes, out- -" d-'ih houfes, oflices, cellars, ftables, linneys, and yards refpeftively, and diftrain any goods or chatties, that may be found upon the fame, for the proportion of the faid money fo charged on them refpedively ; and the diftrefs or dilireffes fo taken (if not redeemed in two days from the day of diftraining, with the payment alfo of an Englilh (hilling for the trouble of fuch diftraining) to fell by publick cant for pay- ment of faid money, for which fuch diftrefs or diitreifes fhall be fo taken, together with one fbilling for the trouble of fuch diftraining, rende:i:;g the overplus (if any) to the owner or owners ; . and in cafe no fullicient diftrefs can be fo had or found, or dmref?ortck-in cafc the premilTes, liable fo to be diftrained, ftiall be kept locked or faftened, fo edorfaUened, as that the conftables fhall be [-reventcd from entering and diftraining, it fliall be trea{ureTbei"ore lawful for the treal'iirer to fummon the tenants, occupiers, or owners, to appear be- itiayororany fg^e the mayor, or any of the aldermen of the ward of the faid city, for the pay- or the ward, ment of the money fo charged en the fiid premiffes fo locked or faftened up; and in cafe of non-appearance of the parties fo f.immoned, and proof by oath or affida- vit before the faid mayor or alderman refpedlively of fuch parties having been fum- on default or moned, (which oath or affidavit the faid mayor and alderman are hereby refpedive- to conrtlbleso'r ly authoHzcd to adminiftcr) or in cafe of tlie appearance of fuch parties, and re- E fpeciai confta- fifing to pay the mofiey fo due on the premifies fo guarded, locked, ox faftened up, eto evy, ^^^^ ^_^ whicli fuch party or parties ftiall be tenants, occupiers, or owners, together with four pence for the cofts of fuch (lpnmG;:s, it ftiall be lawful for laid mayor, or alderman of the ward, who granted faid fummons, to iffuea warrant underhand and feal, in the nature of an execution, direcfted to the conftables of the county of the faid city, or any one or more, or to fome fpecial conft.ble appointed for that purpofe, to levy of the goods and chatties of the parties fo fummoned, their pro- ^ J. „ portion of the faid money, together with ihe fum of ten pence for coft of faid fum- is. EngiiOi for mons and warrant, and the fuitlier fum of one Engiifti Iliilli-ig for the conftible's levying, trouble for levying faid money ; and the faid money fo levied fhall be paid imme- diately on the levying to the faid treaiurer by the conftable, who ftiall levy the fame, together with faid ten penc, and the faid treafurer fhall pay over faid ten pence to faid mayor, or alderman, that fhall have iftlied faid fummons and warrant, whe"!"'!,'?'''^' XVJI. fen. 17. No owner liable to be fo fummoned, or to pay any part of faid tenant in pof- rnoncy, whcn there is an adual yearly tenant in poffeflion of the premilles, out of which the faid money is refufed or negleded to be paid. Lands in north XVIII. J}^. 1 8. Notiiing herein contained Ir.all be conftrued, deemed, or ta- ?ks charged 'as' ken to exempt the lands in the north and fouth liberties of the city of Cork from heretofore. paying or being charged with their proportion of the money to be prefentcd to be raifed at the feveral affizes, for the county of faid city, but faid la-ids fhall pay and be charged with their proportion of fuch money, in fuch manner, and accord- ing to fuch rate and computation as heretofore j any thing in this adl to the contra- ry notwithftanding. Perfons dirtrain- XIX. feH. ig. And whereas the lands in faid north liberties of the city, are taxon'pkiwiandcomprifed in the county books, by the plow-land, half-plowland, and quarter- *:=:i'^''^^^'=°^" plow-land, with particular appellations to each: and whereas the conftables are of- tiirreftb/cwii ten obliged to diftrain fome one particular denomination of each, for the intire *'os' or befor^e acrcablc tax or chaigc im,pofed, the perfon or perfons, who fhall be diftrained for, nwyoror alder- and fhall pay the whole of fuch tax or charge fo impofed on the faid plow-land, half- plow- •pbw-land, or quarter plow-land, (hall be intitled to receive from the other tenants, Jj;.'^^^ '^^r"'^"' or occupiers, his, her, or their dividend of the faid acreable tax or charge, ac- ■cording to the number of the ftatute acres that he, fhe, or they fhall hold, pofTefs, ■or enjoy, and (hall recover the fame from fuch perfon or perfons, in cafe of refufal of payment, by civil bill, at the alhzes for the county of faid city, if above forty fhil- lings, or before the mayor, or one of the aldermen of liie ward, if under forty (hil- lings, according to the fummary jurifdidtion eftablifhed by att of parliament in the faid city, together with reafonablecofts of fuit, XX. fe^. 20. The treafurer of the county of faid city, may, after the firft of f °^-,.*^^""* July next, receive a falary not exceeding eighty pounds a year, inftead of the pre- fent falary of forty ; and the grand jury of each of the faid aflizes for the county of faid city, after faid firft of July next, may prefent a fum not exceeding forty ^pounds, to be raifcd and paid to the treafurer of the county of faid city, in full prefemed half for his half year's falary due at fuch aflizes. ■♦"■■'/• XXI. fe^. 21. After the firft of July next, it (hall be lawful for the mayor. Mayor, &c. in fherifFs, and common council of the city of Cork, to alfemble at the council cham- ^""af^erJ'^n'"'"' t)er of faid city, from time to time, and at fuch times as they think proper, number, and -and to afcertain and fix on the number and kind of lamps neceffary for laid city 'l^^^'^l^l^l'^^* -and fuburbs, and the places where the fame fhall be ercded, and the manner of lighting, &c. ereding, and the time when and how long faid lamps fhall be and continue light- ^J^''/^j^j'°'" ^d, and the manner of lighting, cleanfing, trimming, fluffing, maintaining, and repairing the fame, together with the amount of the fums to be expended in the ere method herein before mentioned for the raifing and paying the faid annual lamp money, along with and at the time of the payment of laid lamp money for the firft eight fucceflive years, that faid lamp money iTiall be raifed, after the pafiing this ad, with the like remedies for recovery, in cafe of non-payment thereof, as herein before mentioned with refped to faid lamp-money; and the fame lamp con- and paid to traders fliall colled and receive the fame as before mentioned with refped to faid ff^'af'^l'^or, °'^ E z lamp &C, Watchmen ap- I>ointed in vef- Ui«s, feliries and ne- ctfTarics, Jmnifhedby Irnall fines and fhort imprifon- ment, and others ap- pointed ; to apprehend by night for affrays or breach of peace, and imprifon in watch houfes j carried in the itiornirg before mayor or a junice. Rent and ex- pences charged in veftries on in- habitants by vafuation as for bmp-money j recovered by churchwardens as parilh rales. Deficiencies prefcnted by (rand jury, lamp money ; and fliall pay over to the chamberlain of faid city for ufe of faid mayor, fheriffs, and commonality, the faid fum of one thouland and fixteen pounds ten fhillingsand threepence, as, and when he or they fhall receive the fame, under the faid eight annual divifions thereof refpedively ; and all and fingular the lamps, irons, pofts, and other furniture thereunto belonging, now in pofldBon of faid mayor, &c. and which were purchafed with part of faid fum of one thoufand and fixteen pounds ten fliiliings and three pence, fhall go in aid of the execution of fuch p^rt of this ad, as relates to lighting the faid city and fuburbs thereof without any fum or fums of money being levied or raifed for the value or purchafe thereof, fave the aforefaid fum of one thoufand and fixteen pounds ten fhillings and three pence. XXVII. JeB. 27. It fliall be lawful for the minifler, church wardens, and pa- rilTiioners of the feveral parifhes in faid city and fuburbs, and which are herein before mentioned, at their refpedive veftries held after the firft of July next, from time to time, to appoint a fufficient number of able watchmen to keep watch in each of faid refpedive parifhes, and to appoint the times of watch in faid parifhes refpec- tively, and proper falaries or wages for fuch watchmen, and proper watch houles in- each of faid pariflies, and neceffary fire and candle light, and other neceffary articles for fuch watch houfes,and watch cloaks, lanthorns, and flaves or pikes for fuch watch- men, and annual overfeers of fuch watches, to fee that the fame are duly kept, and to punifh by fmall fines or fhort imprifonments fuch of the faid watchmen as fhal^ mifbehave, and to appoint others in the room ; and it fhall be lawful for the faid watchmen, or any of them, to apprehend all fuch idle and diforderly perfons, as they fliall find in the night time making any affray, or committing any breach of peace in faid city and fuburbs, or any part thereof, at late and unfeafonable houra of the night; and fuch perfons, to detain prifoners in the refpedtive watch houfes of the faid parifhes -, and fuch watchmen or watchman fhall in the morning after the apprehending fuch idle, diforderly, or ftrolling perfon or perfons, carry or convey before the mayor, or fome one of thejuftices of faid city, to be examined and dealt with according to law. XXVIII. fe£l. 28. The rent of fuch watch houfes, and the expences of fuch fire,, candles, watch cloaks, lanthorns, flaves, and pikes, or other neceffary articles afore- faid, and all the expences, cofts, and charges that fhall attend the appointment and continuing of a proper watch in each of faid parifhes ; as well as all other mon^ ufually raifed at veftries for faid feveral parifhes, for the repair of churches,.^hfh clerks, and other parifh officers falaries, and other parifti charges, fhalHjy the mi- nifters, church wardens, and parifhioners, at the refpedive veftries after the lirft of July next, be charged upon and paid by the refpedive inhabitants of each of faid parifhes by a proportionable poundage according to theisefore mentioned valuation of faid feveral dwelling houfes, out houfes, offices, cellars, ftables, linneys, and yards in each of faid parifhes, as before fet forth with refped to faid lamp money ; and church wardens of faid feveral parifhes, fhall receive and recover from the inha- bitants of the faid parifhes the money, fo to be appointed by faid veftries, in the fame manner, and by fuch remedies, as parifh rates, appointed by the veftries of faid pa- rifhes to be raifed and paid, are now by law to be recovered. XXIX. Jen. 29. The grand jury at any aflizes for faid city, after the firft of July next, fhall upon due proof of deficiency in any publick money prefented ta be raifed by the grand jury, at the then next preceding affizes, prefent fuch defici- ency to be raifed along with the money by them to be prefented and raifed at faid ftjcceeding affizes. XXX. /ff/. XXX. /f';"«<' by laws now in force from fuch conftables, their heirs, executors, oradminiftrators, "^'""' give credit for the fame in the books of the county of faid city kept by him ; and fuch fums, as fhall be fo recovered and received by faid treafurer, lliall be prefented prefentedinaid by the refpedive grand juries, at the allizes for county of faid city, in aid of the °^P"'''" """'*''■ publick money that fhall be prefented to be raifed by faid grandjuries at each of faid alfizes. XXXI. fe^. 31. The mayor, fheriflfs, and common council of faid city, or the Deficiencies of majority, upon due proof made for deficiency, by oath of faid la-mp contraftors, addTd To'"the or any of them (which oath faid mayor is authorized to adminifter) ihall add fuch money ap. deficiency to the money to be appointed by faid mayor, &c. for the ereding, light- ^"'""^ ' ing, trimming, fnuffing, cleanhng, repairing, and maintaining the lamps of faid city and fuburbs, for the enfuing year ; and fuch deficiency fhall be deemed and taken as part of fuch money fa to be appointed,, and colledled, received, and reco- vered therewith. XXXII. fe^. 32. And whereas the like deficiency may happen in the money Deficiencies of appointed for watch money, and other purpofes before mentioned ; fuch deficiency &c.'addJd"w ' being duly proved by oath of church wardens, or one of them, in each parifh next rate, (which oath the minifter&of the faid refpedlivepariihes are authorized to adminifter) the faid deficiency fhall by the minifter, church wardens, and parifhioners, at their refpe(flive veftries, be added to the next rate to be made at fuch veftries for fuch watch money, and other purpofes aforefaid ; and the fum fo added for faid defici- ency, fhall be deemed and taken as part of fuch rate,, and collected, received, and recovered therewith. XXXIII. /e^. 33. It fhall be lawful for each of the market-jury to execute the ^^ch of the office to all intents and purpofes as fully and efFexStually, as any three or more of the Sec'^ftVIhe '"''' laid market-jury might or could do by virtue of the recited a&. of parliament. office as 3 by XXXIV. feJJ. 34. The recorder, or deputy-recorder of faid city, being a bar- 1^^;.^' '^'**' rifter, fhall after the firft of July next, have full power and authority to hold the Reorder or eourt of record in abfence of the mayor and fheriffs of faid city, or any of them, rin'e"' may''hoId as fully and effeftually, to all intents and purpofes, as if held before faid mayor and """ «>f record fheriffs ; and that all ads done in faid court of record, before faid recorder or de-ma%rand° puty, fhall be deemed and taken, as if done before faid mayor and fherifTs in fai^"'"'^'- eourt of record. XXXV. /en. ^S'. ft ^all be lawful for the mayor and fheriffs of faid city, and "ay t" adjourn. recorder or deputy, as they happen refpedively to prefide in faid court of record, day!""" ''^^ '* to ac^ourn faid court from day to day, or to fuch day or days as they fhall refpec- tively fee expedient, for the difpatch of the bufinefs of faid court of record, any cuflom, law, or ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XXXVI. fffi. a6. After the firft of July next, it fhall be lawful for the mayor Jurorsorwitnefa and Iheriffs, and for the recorder, or deputy, as they or any of them happen to pre- "ummoM'''"^ °" fide in the faid court of record, to impofe a fine not exceeding five pounds on any without ruffici- jurororwitnefs, that fhall be legally fummoned to attend faid court, and fhall refufe*"! '""'*' "^"^ or negled to appear purfuant to the faid fummons, and for whom no fufficient excufe laid before the court : and to iffue procefs from time to time, in the nature of an proceft w levy, execution, diredted to the ferjeants at mace, or any of them (who are the officers and minifters of the fard court of record) to levy the faid fine off the goods and chatties chatties of fuch juror or witnefs, and the fame, when levied, to pay over to the tfoufe '^°'^''' governors of the workhoule of faid city, fur ufe of faid woikhoufe, deducting rerjcims fee thcreout the fa m of two Ihillings and fixpence for the trouble of faid ferjeanis at as. 6d. rnace, or of fuch of them as fhail execute faid proccfs. Trocffdingby XXXVII. fgi^. ^-j . The cuftom oT procccdiiig in faid court of record by at- aiuciiment. tachmcnt, is hereby Confirmed and eftablilhed. Reccrderor XXXVIIl. y>^/. 38. The recorder of faid city, or the deputy, being a barrifter a«d"'S «''' at '^w, flialj, after the firft of July next, have full power and authority to hold the (juartei iimons. general quartcr-felfion of the peace for faid city, and county of the city, and to prefide thereat, or at any adjournment thereof, as fully and effedually to all intents and purpofes whatfoever, as if the fame were held before the faid mayor or recorder, and any two of the juftices of the peace of faid city. Kottopreyom XXXIX. /^tV. ^g. Nothing herein fhall be deemed, conftrued, or taken to pre- j,um"'j?. vent or hinder the mayor and juftices of the peace of iaid city from attending at faid court of quarter-feflions of the peace, or at any adjournment, or from doing their duty as fully and efledually to all intents and purpofes, as they or any of them might or could do before the making of this ad. Summonins; ar- XL. /fc/'. 40. If any perfons uot lawfully authorized, fliall fummon, or caufe to and fix price of bc fummoncd, by writing or otherwife, any manufailurer, artificer, Journeyman, labour, admi- apprentice, or labourer, ufually employed in any branch of any trade, manufac- dchvenn?"*"*' ture, or bufuiefs, carried on within the city of Cork, or county of faid city, to ap- tokeiis. ic. the p^^j- jj ^ny meeting or aflembly to confult upon or enter into any rule, agreement, j^fUcem°yon aflociation, or combination, to afcertain or fix the price of labour or workmanlhip, oathof one qj. j-q make any rule, order, or regulation, in any wife refpeftins; any fuch trade, witnefs commit -^^ ir/-tri''i 1 iji- to gaoinot above manuhitture, or buhnels, or the perlons employed or to be employed therein ; or 6 months, and j^YiM adminifter, or caufe to be adminiftered, any oath or declaration to any fuch whipped, manufadurer, &:c. tending to fix the price or wages of labour or workmanlhip, or ^"t c"c°4din "" t^"*^'"? to fi-^ upon or make any rule, order, agreement, or regulation refpeding 401. forbeha. fuch trade, manufadure, or bufinefs, or the perfons employed or to be employed viour 7 years, therein ; or Ihall illue or caufe to be ilTued, deliver or caufe to be delivered, any ticket, certificate, or token (other than and except fuch ticket or certificate as fhall or may be delivered by, or by order of the corporation whereof fuch manufadurer, &c. is or Ifiall be a member to any fuch manufadurer, &c. of his being licenfed to work at his or their refpedive trade or trades) or lliall make or join in making any rule, order, or agreement, or regulation relating to the prices or wages of labour 3r workmantliip, or in any particular relating to any part or branch of any fuch trade, manufudure, or bufinefs, or deliver, or caufe to be delivered to any perfon whatfoever, any ticket, token, printed advertifement, or writing, containing any rule, regulation, or agreement entered into by any artificer, journeyman, or la- bourer, in refped, touching, or concerning any fuch trade, manufadure, or bufi- nefs, or fliall by force, menaces, or otherwi(e hinder or attempt to hinder any fuch manufadurer, &c. from working at his or their refpedive trade, or at fuch prices as Ihall be afcertained, in fuch manner as is herein fet forth, with his or their refpedive employers or mafters, or at fuch particular work as fuch employers or mafters fliall dired in their refpedive trades or callings, upon notice or intelligence thereof being given to the mayor, or any one juftice for faid city, it fhall be lawful for the faid mayor or fuch one juftice refpedively to iflue his warrant under his hand and feal to apprehend the perfons charged with all or any one of the aforefiid offences ; and every fuch perfon being thereof convided in a fummary way, before the mayor, or any one juftice, by the oath of one or more credible witnelTes (which oath the faid mayor, orjuftice is hereby impowered ar.d required to adminifter) or by the con- felfion € feflion of the perfon charged with fuch offence, it fhall be lawful for faid mayor, or juftice, by warrant under hand and feal, to commit the perfons (b convicted to gaol, there to be kept without bail or mainprize for any time r;0t exceedirg Gx mor.ths ; and to order the perfons (b convicted to be piiblickly whipped on the rext fucccedir.g Saturday after fuch conviction, and alfo to be whipped a fecond and third time on the then next fucceedir.g Saturdays, if faid mayor, or juftice fhall think proper to order, that fuch perfon fhall be whipped more than once, at fome public place, or through fuch public ftreeis or lanes within faid city, or county of faid city, as faid mayor, or juftice fhall in his difcretion direft ; and every fach perfon fhall, before difcharged from fuch confinement, enter into and be bound in a recognizance in a film not exceeding forty pounds before the mayor or any other juftice of f^id city, wither without furetics for fuch perfons being of the good behaviour, and keeping the peace to all fubjecls, for any term not exceedirg feven years. XLI. feet. 41. If any fuch manufacturer, artihcer, journeyman, apprentice, or Artifi.er, ic, labourer, fhall take an oath, or enter into any combination or agreement to afcer- '»'«'"?'■»''""■ '.-' 1/1- 1 1 combining to fix tain or fix the price or wages or labour, or workmaninip, or to make any rule, price of labour, order, agreement, or regulation, refpedling their refpedive trades, manufadure, ^l^ofl^lf' or bufinefs, or under any pretence whaifoever not to work for any particular mafter work for parti- or employers, upon notice or intelligence thereof, though not upon oath being given not!ce7tho'not" to faid mayor, or any onejuflice for faid city, it fhall be lawful for faid mayor, or on oath} appre- juftice refpectively to iffue his warrant under hand and feal to apprehend the perfon ^'^^'^^'^ ' charged with all or any of faid offences ; and every fuch perfon being convifted in onconviaion a fummary way before faid mayor, or any juflice, upon the oath of one or more ^^^''-'^^"g^"^ °'' credible witneffes (which oath the mayor or juftice is impowered and required to oath of one adminifter) or by confeffion, it fhall be lawful for faid mayor, or juflice by warrant foned^not'abo've under hand and feal to commit to gaol, there kept without bail or mainprize for smonths.and any time not exceeding fix months, and alfo to order the perfon to be pablickly b^jlindtn recog- ■whipped once, or oftner at his difcretion, as aforefaid, at fome public place, ornifa""-*©'" through fuch public ftreets or lanes within faid city or county of faid city ; and every fuch perfon fhall, before difcharged from fuch confinement, enter into and be bound in a recognizance, not exceeding forty pounds, before faid mayor, or other juftice, with or without fureties for being of good behaviour, and keeping the peace to all fubjefts, for any term not exceeding feven years. yihW.fect.^z. If any manufadturer,artificer,journeyman, or labourer ufually em- ^nificers.ic ployed in any trade or manufadure within the city or county of the city of Cork, not "■«"<""? appiica- havi'g any other vifible livelihood befides the trade, bufir.efs, occupation or calling to ha%"mg nTotber which he fhall belong, and not beingin the actual fervice of any mafter or employer, ^^^''-ng ©r fer- on application made to him by any mafter or employer, in thetrade or bufinefs towhich wcrking"a°fter fuch manufadurer, &c. belong, refufe or neglect feven days after fuch application '^^^^'^''l^' to work with the perfon making application at the prices herein after afcerrained, or month's, and in cafe any fuch manufadurer, &c. being engaged with any mafter or emp'oyer in ''^''1'''^,^''' ^"j*, any fuch bufinefs, fhall after fuch engagement, and during the time of which he fance."" fhall be fo engaged, refufe to work, or not work on being required in or at any par- ticular brarxh of the bufinefs, he fhall be fo engaged for, and in fuch ufual and rea-- fonable manner as his mafter or employer fhall dired, every fuch perfon fo offend-- ing, and convided in a fummary v/ay before faid m.ayor, or onejuflice, by the oath of the perfon making fuch application, or of a"v other witnefs or v.itnefTes (which oath fuch mayor or juftice is hereby authorized to adminifter) or by confeffion of the perfon charged with fuch refufal, without fufUcient caufe, upon oath, to the fatis- fadion of fuch mayor or juftice, for fuch refufal, it fhall be lawful for fuch mayor or or jufticeby warrant under hand and feal to commit to gaol, there to be kept with- out bail or maiiiprize not exceeding three months, and ailb to ord-.r, to be once or oftner, as aforefaid, at the difcretion of faid mayor or juftices, publickly whipped ; and every fuch perl'on fhall, before difcharged from fuch confinement, enter into and be bound in a recognizance, not exceeding forty pounds, btfore the mayor or other juftice, with or without fureties for being of the good behaviour, and keeping the peace to all fubjeds, not exceeding ftven years. wnget fettled at XLllI. fect. 43. It fhall be lawful for the court of general quarter feflions of the Recorder ptTfcm, P^^^^ f^"" '^''^ ^'"^y' and county of faid city, the recorder or deputy being prefent, 'yearly at every £ after feflions to afcertain what wages or fum of money, every mafon, carpenter, llator, cooper, or other artificer, Ihall take, and be paid by the day, or by the certain denomination, piece, or parcel of work or job, either with moretaken for- or without meat and drink, during the year following; and all the faid artificers feited to work- (-^i-g ^nd rcceiv^ fuch wages and fums of money, and no more, on pain of forfeit- itcuxm^ ^im- ing any fum of money or thing they fhall take to the contrary, one half to the go- prifoned 3 yernors of faid workhoufe, for ufe of faid workhoufe, and the other to the profe- rutor, and to be imprifoned at difcretion of faid court, not ejureeding three months, upon convidtion in a fummary way at faid court, or any adjournment, by oath of one or more witnefles, which oath faid court is authorized to adminifter, or by con- feflion of the offender. Wagesnot lower XLIV. fect. 44. Said court fhall not afcertain the wages of fuch artificers at a than ufuai lower rate or fum than the accuflomed prices ufually paid in faid city to fuch artifi- ^ '"*' cers refpedf ively. Wages paid, or XLV. fcct. 45. Every perfon, who fhall employ faid artificers, or any of them, double value, ^-^W pay fuch artificers refpeftively the wages and fums of money, fo afcertained ; and in default thereof, every artificer, from whom fuch wages and fums withheld, 40s. or under in fhall be intitled to recover double the value ; to be recovered, if to the amount of court of confci- fgj-jy fliillings, or under, in ,a fummary way in the court of confcience in faid city, aboTe by civil upou the oath or oaths of one or more witnefles ; and if above forty fhillings by ''i^'- civil bill at next aflizes for the county of faid city. Order certified XLVI. /^f^ 46. The ordcr of quarter-felfioxis, certified by the town-clerk, Ihall conciufive evi- jjg conclufive evidence of faid feveral rates and wages. "riotoun7af-"' XLVn. fect. 47. In cafe any perfons, to the number of feven or more, not le- fcmbiins, and g^Hy authorized, (hall riotoufly and tumultuoufly affemble together within faid city, "toreadin"?^ or couHty of faid city, and not difperfe within one hour after reading this claufe of tiiisciaufe, or ji^jg ^Q^^ by thg mayor Or either of the fheriffs, or any other juflice of faid city ; or rcadTng^'^or by in cafc any perfon .or perfons fhall hinder, or attempt to hinder, faid mayor, or either force entering ^f ^^^ fhcriffs, or any One jufticc, from reading this claufe, to the perfons fo affem- &c!'^ ' " ' bled ; or in cafe any perfons, to the number of feven or more, fo affembled, fhall imprifoned 6 by force enter, or attempt to enter the dwelling-houfe, ware-houfe, fhop, cellar, months and yard, loft, Ijnney, or building of any inhabitant of faid city, or county of faid city, ^cLrecogni- without confent of pofl~eilbr, and lawful authority, or fhall by force enter, or attempt fsnce. jf, enter any fliip, lighter, boat, bark, or veffel, lying at any of the quays of faid city, or at any other place in the river, or within the harbour of faid city, without lawful authority, being thereof convidted in a fummary way, by oath of one or more wit- neffes, before the mayor or any juftice (which oath faid mayor, or any juftice, are re- fpedively impowered and required to adminifter) or by confellion of the party, every perfon oflcnding herein fhall fuffer imprifonment, not exceeding fix months, without bail or mainprize, and be once or oftner, at difcretion of faid mayor or juftice, publickly whipped in manner before mentioned ; and every fuch perfon fhall, before difcharged from fuch confinement, enter into and be bound in a recog- nizance nizance not exceeding forty pounds, before the mayor, or other juflice, with or without fureties for being of the good behaviour, and Iceeping the peace to all fub- jeds, not exceeding feven years. ^ XLVIII. feet. 48. After the firft of July 1772, it fhiall be lawful for faid mayor, Summons on orany other Juflice of the county of the city, upon affida\it madt before him, that j'j^^^™'i°J^^^J^_ it is fufpefted there is or has been any combination or unlawful affembly in faid tuiairemWyor city or county thereof, to lummon any perlbn or perfons charged oi fufpetJted v.'ith '^''"•'""^"°"' being concerned in fuch unlawful aflcmbly or combination, and to adminiflcr an oath and oath ten- to fuch, as fuch mayor or juflice in his difcretlon fhall think fit ; and every fuch •"^"'^ > perfon fhall fwear to anfwer all fuch queflions, as fhall be demanded of him, touching fuch combinations or unlawful afTemblies, and iliall diicover the names difcoveiy; and places of abode, to the beft of his, her, or their knowledge and belief of the feveral perfons who have aded or been concerned in any fuch combination or unlaw- ful affemblies, and fliall anfwer all fuch other queflions concerning fuch unlawful allemblies or combinations, as fliall be propofed by fuch mayor or juftice, and fhall not, by any plea or demurrer, cover or conceal the fame ; and fuch examination examination !n fliall be reduced into writing, and figned by the mayor, or fuch juflice, before ^g™'jf ^""^ whom the fame are taken, and by the party or parties fo examined. XLIX. feet. \<^. Such examination Ihall never afterwards upon any occafion Not given in whatever be allowed to be given as evidence to charge the perlbn fo giving the "^'^reeTheparty! fame. L. feet. 50. Such perfons fo examined fhall be bound by recognizance, not ex- 20I. recogni- ceeding twenty pounds, to appear at fuch time and place wuhin faid city, as (peci- ^l^nnkc-^K-, fied in fuch recognizance, and to profecute before faid mayor or juflice, in the fum- mary manner before fet forth, the perfon or perfons mentioned in I'uch examination to have been concerned in fuch unlawful affemblies or combinations ; and in cafe any fuch perfons fo fummoned fhall negleel or refufe to appear before fuch mayor on refur^i im- or other juftice purfuant to faid fummons, or to take fuch oaths as aforefaid, or to pnronod not; give teflimony, and be examined tn manner arorefaid, or to iign luch examination, months, or or to enter into fuch recognizance, faid mayor or juftice ftiall iftue warrant or war- '"'"'T^" °"* rants, and caufe fuch perfons to be imprifoned in the city gaol not exceeding three months, or be fent to bridewell or the houfe of corre<£lion, there kept to hard la- bour for one month ; and in cafe fuch perfons fo examined fhall negledl or refufe to refufinj: teftimo- give teftimony, at the time and place at which they l"hal! be bound to appear, the V^, detained mayor or juftice fliail refpe^«''i fliall be alledged againft him in and by fuch affidavit or examination; and in cafe the perfon fo accufed Iliall negleft or refufe to appear at fuch time and place, it Ihall on default im- be lawful for faid mayor or other juftice to iffue his warrant under hand and feal to p^''^J'_"^'^j "" apprehend and detain in execution in the city gaol, the body of the perfon fo accuf- ed, and the bodies of his fecurities, until he and the faid fecurities fliall pay and fa- tisfy the penalties of their faid recognizance, to be applied and paid over to the go- vernors of tlie work-houfe, for ufe of faid work-houfe ; and in cafe the perfon fo for the work- F .jccufed *'''"'"' • if v.o fecurity, 'till coiT.jjlaint heard. In 3 days, or dil'cliarged. Profecutors exculpated. lo guineas pre- fentment to coroners, each aflifes. 36 1. to clerk of Clown. Salt meafurers appointed annu- ally by mayor. fworn. removed for mifbehaviour, another appoint- committed one month ; meafuring witli- out appointment or oath 20s. to profecutor and workhoufe. fees afcertained by mayor, &c. Appointment and removal approved by Doyer hundred in 6 months, or void. On green wax procefs fherifFs to retain is. fid./erpound, accufcd and ajjprehended cannot procure fufficient feciirity for his appearance, It rtialj be lawful for iaid mayor orjuftice to commit him to gaol until fuch complaint fhall be enquired into, heard, and determined in manner before fet forth. LIJ. fifct. 52. When the perfon fo accufed, be committed to gaol, fuch com- plaint fhall be heard within three days from the time of commitment, otherwife dif- charged. Llll. feci. g^. Such perfons as fhall give teftimony againfl: fuch offenders to convidion, lliall for ever be difcharged and exculpated from all punilTiments which they or any of them may be liable to for or on account of being concerned in (iich unlawful combinations mentioned in their teflimony, and for which fuch offenders fo convided. LIV. feet. 54. It fliall be lawful for the grand jury at each alTizes in every year for the county of faid city, to prefent along with other public money ten guineas, to be raifed along with fuch other public money, and to be paid to the coroners of the county of faid city, for half a year's falary, ending at faid refpedive aflizes. LV. feet. gg. It fliall be lawful for the grand Jury at each afiizes in every year for the county of faid city, to prefent along with other public money thirty pounds, to be raifed along with fuch other public money, and paid to the clerk of crown of the county of faid city, for his trouble in attending and executing faid office at faid affizes. LVI. feet. 56. The mayor of faid city fliall annually appoint a fufficient num- ber of honeft and fkilful perfons to meafure fait on board or from on board any ifiip or other veffel in laid city, between buyer and feller during mayoralty of faid mayor, and each of faid filt-meafurers, before he ads in faid office, fhall be fworn before faid mayor fairly, juftly, and impartially to meafure the faid fait between buyer and feller, without favour to either of the parties ; and it Ifiall be lawful for faid mayor to remove any of faid falt-meafurers from faid office for mifbehaviour,, and to appoint another, and alfo on proof before faid mayor, by oa.th of one or more witneffes (which oath faid mayor is authorized to adminifler) of the mifbeha- viour of any fuch falt-meafurer, it fhall be lawful for faid mayor to commit to the houfe of corredion, to be kept at hard labour not exceeding one calendar month ; and in cafe any perfon fhall meafure fait on board or from on board any fhip or veffel in faid city, between buyer and feller, v/ho fhall not be fo appointed by faid mayor, and fworn, being convided in a fummary way before faid mayor, by oath of one or more witneffes, fhall forfeit,, for each time fuch perfon fhall fo meafure fair, twenty Chilling?, levied by warrant of faid mayor, off the goods and chatties of offender, one half paid to profecutor, the other half to the governors of the vvork- houfe of faid city, for ufe of faid work-houfe ; and it fhall be lawful for faid mayor, llieriffs, and common council, or the majority, from time to time toafcer- tain the fees to faid falt-meafurers, and by whom faid fees are to be paid, whether by buyer or feller, or equally between both, and no other fees fhall be pai'd or re- ceived for meafuring faid fait in the faid city between buyer and feller, but thofe afcertained by mayor, &c. LVII. feet. 57. The appointment and removal of faid meafurers of fait, and every of them, fhall be approved of by a court of doyer hundred in fix months after admilfion, or otherwife every fuch appointment and removal fliall be null and void to all intents and purpofcs whatfoever. LVIII. feet. 58. Whereas the not levying forfeited recognizances has partly im- peded the adminifhration of jufl:ice at the affizes and quarter-feffions, it fhall be lawful for the fherifFs of the county of faid city to retain to their own ufe, and for their trouble, two fhillings and fix pence in the pound for all money, they fliall levy Jcvvbv virtue of Aich £*recn wax procefles, and fheriffd fhall ba allowed the fame «"°w'='' '" ■'';{ ,, -11 ri accounts. on palling their accounts with the court or exchequer. LIX. Ject. ^g. This act fhall in all courts and places be deemed and taken to be A public afl} a public ad, and judicially taken notice of by all judges, junices, and courts wliat- foever, without Ipecially pleading the fame ; and if any replevin brought for any diftrefs taken purfuant to this aft, and if any perfon filed for any thing done by virtue and in purfuance of this &i.\, the defendant in fuch replevin, and fuch per- fon fued, may plead the general illue, and give this ad and the fpecial matter in senerai iflue; evidence for defence ; and if plaintiff fhall difcontinue, or be nonfuited, or if judg- double cofts on ment againft him, on verdid or demurrer, the defendant fhall recover double cofts "°"'^""' *•'•=• of fuit. I. Slat. II & 12 G. 3. cap. 23. fci^t. i. The houfe and front lot of ground in """(e mJ fouth fuburbs of Cork, or any other houfe or buildings which at any time hereafter fubu^b o" cork, fhall be ereded thereon, or other houfe or piece of ground in the fouth fuburbs of °'^^")' °^^" . faid city, that may be thought more convenient by the majority of the herein-after truftees named, mentioned truftees, and any houfe or buildings that at any time hereafter may be '° "^^ ^pp''^^ "* ereded thereon, fhall be vefted in the feveral perfons herein named ; to the intent and purpofe, and upon the fpecial trufl and confidence, that the faid houfe and front lot of ground, and the buildings that now are or that may be ereded thereon, or any other houfe or ground in the fouth fuburbs of the faid city of Cork, that fhall be thought more convenient by the majority of faid truflees, and all buildings which are or fhall be ereded thereon, fhall for ever hereafter be applied and difpofed : of to the pious and charitable ufes herein mentioned. II. feet. 2. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees for the laid infirmary, from time to Troflees may time, and at any time, to accept of or take by leafe or purchafe any lands, tene- purchafeofunds ments, or hereditaments in the fouth fuburbs of faid city for any term of years, for any term of upon this fpecial truft and confidence, that the faid lands, tenements, or heredita-^""^^' ments, and all buildings now ereded, or that fhall be ereded thereon, fhall for ever hereafter be applied to and difpofed of to the pious and charitable ufes herein men- tioned ; and the faid lands, &c, and all houfcs and buildings thereon, fhall be vefted the lands and in and fettled upon the aforefaid truftees, to be applied and difpofed of to the faid |'n'themfo7fa^d ufes. ufes. III. feet. 3. After the firft of July 1772, there fhall be si body corporate tocon- a bodycorpo. tinue for ever for the execution of faid charitable defign ; which body corporate ""^'"^"^'^' fhall confift of the feveral perfons herein named. IV. feet. 4. For ever thereafter in name and fad one body politick and corpo- For the diarita- rate in law for the charitable purpofes herein, and fhall have perpetual fucceilion, {^^'j.p"'^p*''^^^ and be called by the name of The truftees for the foudi charitable infirmary of the named truflee* city of Cork ; and enabled to plead and fuc, and to be impleaded aiid fued by that !^°aritab'ie"i'!fir. name in all courts of juftice, and fhall and may appoint a common feal and feals nnryof cork; for ufe of faid corporation, and fliall have power "and authority to meet together as a'^^^^^'l^of/^^^J* often as occafion ; and the faid truftees and their fucceffors, or any five or more fo and to meet; afTembled, (hall have power to make fuch reafonable laws, rules, orders, and regu- e" aiterre"guiaU- lations for the better government and management of faid infirm.ary, as they fhall o"*- think neceftary and convenient, and to revoke or alter the fame at their difcretion, V. feet. j'. Said truftees, or any five or more, ftiall on the firft .V/ednefday in sprmoretruf- ■ July 1772, proceed to eled fifteen fit perfons out of fuch, as at the time of fuch nl"iiyo!f^a:"" eledion fhall have been fubfcribers for twelve calendar months previoiis to fuch wedncfday in eledion, towards the fupport of faid infirmary, and the charitable purpofes therein heJs fir "»''"' to be carried on: which fifteen fhall be eleded by the majority of the truftees and months before T^ •' •' ■' r ur -i. to be added as r z lubfcribers truaees. fubfcribers to faid infirmary then prefent in faid infirmary houfe ; and fnch fifteen (o to beelecled, addid to the trullees lierein before named, and Ihali to all intents and purpofcs, and as if their names were herein particularly inferted, be deemed and taken to be truftoes for faid ir^firmary, from the day next after their being eleded, until the day next after the firft Wednefday in July 1773, and for no longer time by virtue of fuch eled^ion ; and faid trufltes before named, and tlie truftees from time to time elec^led purluant to this afl, or any five, fliall in like manner on the firft Wednefday of July 1773, and in every fubftquent year proceed to eledl fifteen fit perfons out of fuch psrfons, as at the time of fuch eledion fha!l have been fuch fubfcribers as aforefaid towards the fupport of faid infirmary, and the charitable purpofts therein to be carried on ; which fifteen perfons fhall be ele^tted by the majority of the truftees and fubfcribers to faid infirmary then prefent in faid infirmary houfe ; and that luch fifteen perfons, fo from time to time to be eledted, fhall be added to the truftees herein before named, and iball to all intents and pur- pofes, and as if their names were herein particularly inferted, be deemed and taken to be truftees for faid infirmary from the day next after their being ekded, until the day next after the firft Wednefday of July, in the year next following the time of their being elected, and for no longer time, by virtue of any one eleiftion. Tiufteesmay VI. /ect. 6. Said truftccs fhall and may without licence in mortmain purchafe, takcianrisioooi. take. Or rcceivc any manors, lands, tenements, annuities, or hereditaments, m °S'"oraiiy poflelTiOH, rcvcrfion, or contingency, not exceeding the value of one thoufand ^cr'b"^'fi'^Th pounds a year in the whole, of the alienation, gift, or devife of any perfon having infirmary. ' aright, and not being otherwife difablcd to alien, grant, or demife the fame, who are hereby enabled to transfer and grant the fame accordingly, or any goods, chat- ties, and perfonal eftate whatfoever, as well for the enlarging the faid houfe, re- building it, or taking any other houfe or piece of ground in the Ibuih fuburbs of faid city, as the majority of faid truftees fhould think moft convenient,- or enlarg- ing or building on the fame, as for the relief, fupport, and maintenance of the maimed, fick, and infirm perfons, who are to receive the benefit of the faid infir- mary. May recover le- VII. fect. 'J. Said truftccs and their fuccefTors, fhall have power and authority gacies, &i;. in jq rccover all legacies, gifts, and bequefts to any perfon whatfoever in truft for faid infirmary, or for any of the charitable purpofcs therein carried on or to' be carried on at any time or times previous to the firft of July 1772. May demife 31 VIII. fed. 8- It ftiall be lawful for faid truftees from time to time, by indenture yea.s ■■^^'■^^'■^''^^^B^ under common feal to demife or leafe any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, vefted really and *oM in them in purfuance of this aft, or any part or parcel thereof, for any term of ■fvomfoiwnt'^'* years not exceeding thirty one, fo as upon every fuch demife or leafe there be re- tenant, ferved and made payable half yearly to the truftees, and their fucceflbrs, during faid term, as much rent as at the time of making fuch leafe can be really and hria fide had for the fame from a folvent tenant ; and fo as no fine, or income, or other -. «„.^.,„„r, confideration be taken for the fame, other than the faid rei ts referved ; and foas no riric or conii-' ^ ■ . ^. ^^ , — tieration. cvcry fuch demile or leafe be made in poiieiiion and not in reveriion. Otherieafes ^^- f^^- 9- '^'^ '^^fes made of fuch lands, tenements, or hereditaments, in any Toid. other manner, fhall not be good or available in law, but to all intents and purpofes null and void. ApubUcaft. X- /^^- i°- This ad deemed, and taken, and allowed in all courts within this kingdom as a public aft, and as fuch all Judges (hall take notice thereof without Ijpecially pleading the fame. I. Stat. CO>n, Flour. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. ij. /^r/. i. No bouiity (hall be paid under the 31(1 or 5'° P"""'"™ ''°'' 33d of G. 2. for flour or meal of wheat brought by land to Dublin. Perfons bring- undci°37Gt^2. ing by land, found, clean, merchantable flour of wheat of this kingdom from any ■= 5- °'' 33^.3. place where made within this kingdoiii, and who fhall fell in the ufual public mar- kets in Dublin, St. Sepulchre, Tliomas Court, or Donore, or deliver to a factor to fell, Ihall on performing requifues afcermentioned receive from the paymafl:er as a premium or bounty for every hundred (i 12 pounds to be computed) brought from a ^ greater difliance than five miles from Dublin caftle three pence for every five miles, eveiy 5 miles., and lb in proportion for any lefTer number of miles. II. feet. 2.. No perfon int>tlcd to (aid bounty, unlefshe firft delivers to faid pay- owners affidavit mafter within three months after fuch flour fo brought and fold an affidavit by the before a juftiLe-, owner or his clerk before a juftice of the county from whence brought, which fuch juflice is to take without fee or re wardj and fet forth the quantity, name of the place where made, and number of miles diftant from Dublin caftle, each in words not figures, *and that the wheat was to beft of his knowledge, and belief of the - growth of this kingdom, and that fuch flour is as free from bran or pollard, as flour . of that quality ought ; and alfo deliv^er a certificate under hand and fcal of a Juftice, juffice'scertifl-; that fuch affidavit was made before him, and tiiat he believes the particulars to be "'^ ' true; and alfo deliver an affidavit by a credible perfon, that fuch certificate was affidavit to pay- figned and (ealed by the perlbn whofe name is fubfcribed, and the names of the""*^^"^' owners of fuch flour, the quantity, and where made, and that it has been fold in a public market or ufual place in Dublin, Saint Sepulchre, Thomas Court, or Do- nore, or delivered to a merchant or faftor named to fell, and that he or any other perfon to his belief has not received any premium for it ; and alfo deliver a note craner's note - from the craner of the market where fold (which he is to give without fee or reward) of the quantity, and -day of the month and year. The flour to b; fold in three r^ie in three months after fo brought to Dublin. months. III. feSl.7,. If delivered to a fador, he in lieu of faid craner's note fliail make Favor's affiJa; affidavit before paymafter of owner's name, the quantity, time of receiving it, and""" place of fale, and that he or any other to his belief has not received any premium. IV. JeB: 4.- Perfons, who bring merchantable wheat, rye, medin, bere, barley, On com additi- malr, oats, and French or pearl barley, by land to Dublin from any place, where it h"Hpe°^y7ve'17 grew, in this kiagdom, above five miles, and perform the requifues in faid ad, ftone. fhall receive tire bounties in (aid ads for every five miles, and an additional half-, penny ^i?;-mile every forty (lone, and fo in proportion. V. feet. 5. If any forge or knowingly produce forged certificate, note, or affi- Forgery or fati* davit, or knowingly fwear fal(e, guilty of felony, and tranfported to the plantations ^™"[^^^ "'*"'"• feven years. VI. feet. 6. If any juftice fign a blank certificate, or any knowing it falfe, on signing blank information in B. R. for ever di fabled. orfaiiecenifi-- VII. 7^7. 7. Lraner, retudng fuch note to perfon intitled, (hall forfeit forty cranerrefur.ng (hillings to him by civil bill.; giving falfe note ten pounds by civil bill to him who "a^f.^^t^e'^oi. Ihall fue. VIII. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. zq. feet. 9. The ad 25 G. 2. with thcfeveral amend- 25 g. 2. c, 15. ments thereto by 31 G. 2. and all the claufes, articles, and provifoes therein revived =s amended by , and continued feven years, and from thence to the end of then next fellion aftei ex- cJn'^nuedV' piration of faid feven years, yars, &c, IX. Stat. Co^tt, Flour, Vn/fcc'*" ^^" ^''^^' 7 ^'''^' ^' ^^^' ^^" •^"^^' ^' P°'''°''^' ^^^^° ^^^s*" ' J""^^ ^"^8 import b.uugiu'"coaft- found, merchantable wheat, flour of wheat, oats, here, barley, or malt made of -ways and fold in ^^re Or barley of the gnnvtli and produce of this kingdom by water coaftways to the city of Dublin fiom any port or place ibuthward of Dublin, nor nearer than Wicklow nor further than the Tufcar, or from any port or place to northward of Dublin not nearer than Drogheda nor farther than Carrickfergus-, and fhall fell or difcharge in public markets or places where corn or malt ufually fold in Dublin, fhall upon performing requifiies herein receive from colleiftor of Dublin four pence per hundred weight, ii fouthward of X. ffct. 2. Imported from any place fouthward of the Tufcar or northward of nonhward''of Carrickfcrgus, and fo fold and difcharged in Dublin, five pence per hundred, carrickfergus, XI. fect. 3. From any place fouthward of Cooley Point near Carlingford in iouth of cooiey county of Louth to Nevvry, Belf^ft, or Londonderry, and fold and difcharged in any Point to Newr), markets or places where ufuaily fold in or near fuch ports, four pence per hundred, dondei'ry,'^4d"' XII. yc-tV. 4. Mafter of t le vcflel, in v/hich brought to Dublin, Newry, Belfaft, Notice of quan- or Londonderry, fhall, before the fame is fhipped, give notice in writing to the bsioxl ihtpii^ colleftor or principal officer of the port or diftridt, fpecifying the quantity and qua- lity, who fhall thereupon direct an officer of the port or diftridl to attend the fhip- ■ping, and as f;on as iliipped retur^^ in writing to fuch collecftor or principal the , quantity and quality, and name of the veffel, and raafher, and time of fhipping ; return; faid return fhall be figned by fuch officer making it; the quantity, for which the mafter'saffida- premiums fhall be paid, fhall not exceed ihe return. The mafler after fhipping vitj fhall make affidavit before fuch collecfVor or neighbouring juflice (which they are impovvcrcd and required to take without fee or reward) of the quantity and quality, coiieaor's certi- and meiition real owners names, and where they refide. Colledor or principal ficate; officer fhall thereupon deliver to fuch mafler a certiricate under hand and feal of the £opi«s tranf- quantiry and quality, name of mafler and owner, and by next poll tranfmit to the mitted. officer appointed by adt of parliament for paying premiums upon land carriage of .corn and flour to Dublin, or to collettor of the port where intended to be landed, true copies of all fuch returns, affidavits, and certificates. ■ Denveryof cer- ^^^I- f'^<^^- 5- Mafler upon arrival in Dublin fhail deliver to faid officer, or on tificate, arrival ar anv of faid ports to the colledor, fuch certificate, and abb make affidavit mafter s affida- {^gp^^g f^^\^^ officct of the quantity and quality, owners names, and place whence. Forgery or per- XIV. /fiT/. 6- "If any fofgc fuch Certificate, affidavit, or note, and produce to mem'.""^"'°"' fuch officer knowing it forged, or k' ov/ingly fwear falf^?, on convidiion fhall fuffer fuch imprifonment as for wilful perjury by the laws of diis kingdom. Accounts as for XV./ect."]. Such accounts fhall be "kept of the feveral payments in purfuance landcarriage; ^^ ^j^j^ ^^^^ as are difcftcd to be kept by the feveral adls relative to the premiums faid officer fur- ou land Carriage of corn and flour to Duhlin. • The officer nppoined by faid ads nithedandai- {-q^ pavine faid premiums fhall from time to time be furnifhed with money to pay lowed in like .'^•'P ii-or 11 • 1 /r t^li-/- manner. the premiums by this adt tor all corn imported coaftways to Dublin ii fame manner and by fame perfons as by faid adts; and colledlors of faid ports fhall be allowed refpedively in their accounts whatever fums, they fhall pay in purfuance of this adl. iNofees, XVI. feH. 8. Noncof the officers before mentioned fhall take any fee or reward whatfoever for any thing done in purfuance of faid diredtior.s. Continued 14 ~ XVII. /e£?. g. This adt fhall continue until 24 June 1770, and no longer. June 1770. The2ooi. in XVIII. Stnt. -J Geo. 3. Cap. 28. fect. I. The 200 1. given by an adl to amend fcf '^vided^' ^"^ ^^ ^°^ prefervation of corn, in each county, inftead of being divided into the proportions £,1, divided J Co;jtt, Flour. proportions or premiurns therein fet forth fhall be divided in following manner ; lool. into four premiums, one of 40!. for any quantity of corn not lefs than 4000 'oo'''n4pr«- IJone of wheat or 8000 flone of any other coin ; one of 30 1. for any quantity not""""^^' lefs than 3000 flone of wheat or 6000 of any other corn ; one of 20 1. for not lefs than 2000 of wheat or 4000 of other corn ; and one of 10 1. for 1000 of wheat or 2000 of other corn. The faid clafs of premiums payable on ift of January 1769 , fan. ,769 to in each county to landholders or farmers occupying in their own poflellion not lefs occupiers of 250 than 250 acres, who (hall then have the greateft quantity of corn, the produce of on ftinds*-"'^'' their land, and fhall have reaped the harveft precedent not lefs than the quantities aforefaid, prefervedon (lands ereded in the open air, as in faid ad:. If any of the if not chimed hisher premiums for any county remain not claimed, and at fame time two or more ^^ '''? (''S*'!''' . ,^. ' . , r ■ r 1 1 ■ 1 • 1-1 difpofed to the claimants in that county for any of the lower premiums, the premiums not claimed lower, fhall bedifpofed in premiums to perfons, who have the greateft quantity not lefs than the quantities herein mentioned for the lefler premiums. XIX. fen. 2. The other 100 1. may be divided into five premiums, of 30, 25, looi. in spre-- 20, 15, & 10 pounds ; the faid clafs payable on ill January 1769 to the five land-^.^""'^^"^'''' holders or farmers in each county occupying in their own pofleffion not lefs than forty acres nor exceeding two hundred and fifty, who fhall then have the greateft quan- tity reaped from the land occupied by them the harvefl preceding, and preferved on flands in open air as in faid ad. XX. feet. 3, Whereas 4539 1. for January 1767 and 2945 1. for 1768 remain not Further 50I. to claimed, a further fum of 50 1. may be yearly paid in each county to the loweft '"'"^(^ '^'^'f '" 5 ■ clafs of farm,€rs, who hold not more than forty acres nor lefs than five, to be divided p''"'"'"'"'' into five premiums, of 15-, 12, 10, 8, and 5 pounds, and paid on ift January 1769 to the five farmers of faid lowed clafs who fhall then have the greatefl quantity of corn'reaped from their farms refpedively the harveft precedent, and preferved on flands in open air as in faid ad ; landholders or farmers living within any county of living in counties city or town confidered as intitled to any premiums aforefaid in (ame manner to all "f 'j"^"* ''^' intents and purpofes as the inhabitant."; of the county at large. XXI. feci. 4. Claimants fhall give fuch notice, as faid ad: requires, to the fe- Notice to fecrc- cretary or afTiflant of Dublin Society, mentioning the parifh, barony, and county, "'^ °'^"'''''' wherein the corn and (lands lie, number of ftands, and of barts on each, and num- '^ ' berof barts of each fpecies of corn on each fland ; and if more than one fpecies on the fame fland, the proof barts mufl be taken from each fpecies, and the produce returned as faid ad direds; faid fecretary fhall publilh weekly as he receives, dif- tinguifhing parifhes, baronies, and counties, until the jfl of January each year ; and if not more than 400 barts on any one (land, or if there fhall be different fpe- proof barts from cies of corn on fame fland, and no more than 400 barts of any one fpecies upon ^"^Jj X^T^' fuch (land, then inftead of taking down ten proof barts to threfh, as faid ad di- i^; ' "^ ^" reds, it fnall be fulScient to take down only fix barts from fuch fland, containing 6 bsrts taken no more than 400 barts of any one fpecies, and to return the exad produce of the ''°™"> fame when threfhed, as faid ad direds ; and faid fix proof barts or ten proof barts, ed°wi"n'^threm. in cafe the number of barts of every one fpecies on any fland (liall exceed 400, may ^^' be taken down from the fland or flands, as the corn is making up ; provided taken taken down in- indifferently and without any choice of the largcfl fheafs, half from one part and ^'^"entiy, half from another of fuch (land or flands. XXII. fen. 5. Affidavits an-d certificates, neceffary by this and faid ad to intitle Affidavits .-md claimants, returned to faid fecretary, who is to lay the fame without delay before ,^^Jj^"'""^" faid fociety, who are impowered to judge from the fame of each claimant's merit ; in framing which judgment one flone of wheat always confidered as equal to two of ' <^°''^ of whsn any other fpecies ; and barley or bere preferred to' oats, wherever the number of Xr/P"*^ Hones fcarley and be/e preferred to oats ; preference to tilling largeft proportion and return. Owner aflTifting affidavit of on; ftjfficient, othcrwife 2, owner's atfida- vit. Certificate to claimants ; payment by vice-treafurer. Certificate of a j -llice, where minirter pre- vented. Bere or barley threllied before •I Jan. and cljim allowed. Forgeryj and falfe fwearing. Like premiums 7 / years. €o2n, Flour. ftones equal. If feveral claimants for fame premium, whofe merits fo neatly equal, that doubt may arife, the claimant, who has tilled the largeft proportion of his farm, and has the greateft return of corn by the acre from the land fo tilled by him, fhall have preference. XXIfl. fen. 6. Where farmer or owner himfelf affifts in ftacking and manage- ment of his corn, his own affidavit with affidavit of one other aflifting him fuffici- ent : but where owner does not allift himfelf, thc;re muft be affidavit of two employ- ed by him, as faid ad: dire£ts : but owner's affidavit need in fuch eale only fet forth the quantity of land tilled by him or his order, and that the fame is occupied by him, and in what barony, parifh, and county it lies, the quantity of each fpecies, produce of faid lands fo tilled, or part of the produce then upon his ftands, to the beft of hisjudgment, fuppofing the fame to be then all threfhed and cleaned, and that he verily believes the affidavits of the two perfons employed by him in manage- ment of his corn to be ftriftly true. XXIV. feil. 7. When Dublin Society determines the merits of claimants, their fecretary or alliftant fhall deliver to claimants, to whom premiums adjudged, a cer- tificate figned by fecretary, or affiftant, or prefident, or one vice prefident, or five ■members, fetting forth the premium adjudged ; on delivery of which and claim- ent's receipt on the back to vice treafurers or deputies they fhall pay the fum, which fhall be allowed in their account. XXV. /^/7. 8. Where ficknefs or other accident prevents redor, vicar, or curate of the parifh from viewing claimants ftands fo as to give fuch certificate, as faid adl requires, a neighbouring juftice certifying as by faid ad fhall anfwer the purpofe ; but no claimant intitled to premium, not producing fuch certificate either of redor, vicar, curate, orjuftice to the fecretary or affiftant. XXVI. fen. 9. Perfons, who makeup any quantity of bere or barley on ftands, and perform the other requifites in this and faid ads, may take down and ihreOi it, as foon a§ thought neceftary, altho' before ift of January every year, and have the benefit of fuch bere or barley, and be allowed for the fame in claim, as efFedually as if preferved on the ftands on which ereded until jfl of January every year. XXVII. fert. 10. Perfons wilfully forging falfe certificate or fwearing falfe in any afiidavit aforefaid, when convided, fuffer as perfons convided of wilful •and corrupt forgery or perjury. XXVill. yi'i;/. II. Like premiums, fubjed to fame conditions and reftridions, in this and faid ad, fhall be paid yearly for 7 years. from ift January 1769, and to end of then next feffion. jG. 3. C.19. XXIX. Stat. II Geo. Z. cap. z. feet. 5. Anad5G. 3. c. 19. continued until to 24 June .2A Tune 1772, and to end of then next feffion. 3772, &c. ^ •> ' ' ' Injuring per. XXX. Sttit. II Gco. 3. Cap. J. fect. I. If any perfon wilfully and malicioufly fons or property i^pj^f vvound, or ufe anv Other violence to or upon any perfon with intent to deter to hinder buyine . 1 1 • ,- i ■ • • 1 ^ ^1 i or hinder him from buying corn, grain, or potatoes in any market or other place within this kingdom, or unlawfully ftop or feife upon any carriage or horfe loaded with v/heat, flour, meal, malt, or other grain, or potatoes in or on the way to or from any city, market-town, fea port, or other ufual place of lliipping corn, or po- tatoes, or wilfully and malicioufly breajc, cut, feparate, or deftroy the fame or any part, or the harnefs of the horfes drawing, or unlawfully ^^ake off, drive away, kill, or wound any fuch horfes, or beat or wound the driver of fuch carriage or horfe fo loaded in order to ftop the fame, or by cutting tiie facks or otherwife fcatter or throw abroad fuch wheat, flour, .meal, malt, or other grain, or potatoes, or take and corn or pot.itoe5 imprifoned net above 3 months . nor lefs than i, jand whipped, y«d before • was made, do, before it is brought to Dublin, make an aftldavit before a jufticemaciroTchirf ■of the county, in which fuch flour - was made, or chief magiftrate of any magiarate, town corporate, who are hereby impowered to adminiflier the fame, which affida- vit fhall fet forth the quantity of fuch flour of wheat, name of the place where quantity, made, and number of miles fuch place is difl:ant from his majefl:y's caftle in Dub- d'^ance, lin, each to be exprefled in words, not figures, and that the wheat, whereof fuch '" word*, flour was made, was to the befl of the knowledge and belief of the perfon making fuch affidavit, of the growth of this kingdom, and that fuch flour is as free from growth of tb!« bran or pollard, as flour of that quality ought to be, and that neither he nor any kingdom, other perfon, to his belief, has received any premium for the fame, or made any or^Ta"/^ affidavit, but the prefent, to intitle him to a premium for the fame: and if the no premium re- perfon making fuch affidavit be illiterate, it (hall be made to appear upon oath of "iiiiteVate, oath fome other perfon, that fuch affidavit was truly read to him, before fuch jufliice or "i" '"j'j' f«>d, chief magiftrate fhall adminifter the foregoing affic^ivit to him ; and there fliall be certificate and delivered to the perfon, appointed for paying thofe premiums, fuch certificate and tner'asT'ior. affidavits as are required by the former afts. mer a£h. ^ XXXIV. fe/I. 2. If any perfons forge fuch certificate, affidavit, or cra'ner's note. Forging, or as in this or the former ads, or any of them, is or are mentioned and diredled, or duc'n'"? 'r ed"' produce to paymafter or his deputy, any fuch certific:::e, affidavit, or craner's note, to^reMivrthe ' knowing the fame to be forged or falfe, with intent to receive the benefit of the ?""""■"' G faid but real own- ers. Co^tl Flour. faife fweariiTg, faiJ premium or bounty, or fhall knowingly fwear any thing, which is falfe, in any fiflitious names, fuch affidavits, Of fraudulently afflime or take any faife or fidtitious name in any firft offence ^"^^^^ affidavit, he, fhe, or they, upon convidion, fhall for the firfl offence be pub- whiptonmar- lickly whipped on a market day in each of the three fucceflive weeks next after of'thrle nex^r'' convidion ; and for fuch next offence, adjudged guilty of felony, and tranfported weeks, for feveu years to feme one of the plantations in America; and if any perfons tranfponL°i'on ^knowingly aiding or allifting in making, procuring, or obtaining any fuch forged years, or falfc affidavit, they Iball, upon convidion, for the firft offence, be in like man- aicUn''g^orpro-" "er three times publickly whipped ; and for fuch next offence deemed guilty of turing. felony, and tranfported for feven years, to fome one of the plantations in Ame- rica. Paymafier may XXXV. fect. J: In cafe of ficknefs or neceffary abfence of Roger Palmer, the appoint one du- peefent puymaftcr of the corn premiums, he may appoint a proper and difcreet nreeffaryab- perfon, for whom he fhall be anfwerable, to execute the faid office in his place and fence. Head, during fuch ficknefs or neceflary abfence, with like powers of adminiflring oaths as the principal hath. Firft approved XXXVI. JcJi. 4. Such pcrfon fo to be appointed, fhall, before he fhall a6l in the by commiiTion- f^'^^ officc, be approved of by the commiffionersof revenue of excife, or any three, by writing under their refpettive hands and feals. If brought tobe XXXVII. /^(T/. 5. After the 24 of June 1772, if any corn, meal, malt, or weighed again, flgur, which has been Weighed at a publick crane in Dublin, the liberties of Sr. Sepulchre's, Thomas-Court, or Donore, and for which a crancr's note has been ob- erinanyname taincd, fhall be again brought to any of the faid craucs, tobe again weighed; or any fhall be weighed at any of the cranes before mentioned in the name or names of any but the real owner or owners, or if any affidavit made before a juftice of the peace, chief magiflrate, or paymafter of the corn premiums, fuch corn, meal, or a greater dif- malt, or flour, is fayed to be brought from any place at a greater diflance from the tance fwora to, caftlc of DubHo, than that, from which it was really brought, upon proof made heTr™"^ thereof in afummary way before the lord mayor of Dublin, or two juftices of the forfeited, peace, fuch corn, meal, malt, or flour, fhall be forfeited ; one moiety to ufe of fou'nd'i^n'^^hof- the informers, and the other to ufe of the foundling^ hofpital. pital. I. St^t. n & \2 Geo. 3; cap: 19. feet. 3. Whereas a claufe in an adt firft of his I G. 3. c. 17. prefent Majefty, for continuing temporary ftatutes, and other purpnfes, ^o far as the elai *'' ''^"^'*' fame relates to the fwearing officers of boroughs and corporation.^, has been found beneficial : and by the charters of feveral, a majority are required to be prefent at by feverai char- thc fwearing chief magiftratc, which is frequently attended with great inconveni- bTpre'f-entTt'^'°£"ce to the mcmbcrs : no perfon, who hath been or fhall be duly elefted into any fwearing, fuch officc, or in any ways fued, molefted, or profecuted, for or on account of any uaed^fho^not objeftioH, which fhall be taken, becaufe there had not been fufficient number of fufficient num- burgclfes, Or Other members of fuch borough or corporation, prefent at the fwear- prefentTt^rvlel?- i'lg fuch officcr, provided fuch officer (hall have taken the oaths required by law in inir, provided tiie prefcnce of two of the burgeffes or members of fuch borough or corporation at the ufulT * Ji^ the publick market-houfe or tovvTi-houfe, or ufual place of holding aflemblies of place between fm;^ borough or Corporation, between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon, orticersasi/^^ and fuch officcrs of fuch boroughs and corporation ; and all corporate a °^ officers may readily and efFeftually gauge, and in default faid officers direded and idef °" °"*^- authorizcd to take the outfide dimenfions, and charge duties accordingly in as full and ample manner, as if of like dimenfions within ; which charge binding on fuch common diftiller. • bfuo/, r; ,•>: XII. fea. 20, Continued 2 years, &c. from 24 June lyy'a', I. Stat. 1 1 Geo. a. cap. 2. feet. 6. An ad i Geo. 3. cap. 14. revived and continued ' ^: 3- "■ '**° •IT 11 J r 1 ■ /-%.- ~ 24 June 177% until 24 June 1772, and to the end of the then next feflion, &c. I. Stai. contmue'dw2+ ^ ^^^^- I' &c J Z Geo. ^. Cap. 1 9. fe^. \o. An adl I G. 3. for preventing June 1774, &c. frauds and abufes in drugs and medicines, fhall continue in force until 24 June, 1774, ^"'i ^^ the end of the then next feflioii. Woneyarifing !• S/at. J Geo. 3. Cap. '].fect. I. In all purchafes by the commiflioners (named in on "J^riamck's'^b'" ^'^^ 31 G^o. 2. ra/). 19 amended by 0,^ Geo. z. cap. 15) or their fuccellors, or any five commiffioners or morc, from any dean, chanter, chancellor, treafurer, prebendary, or other dig- i"'io^'cdin "'tary, parfon, vicar, or other incumbent of a parifh, of any houfes, building, or trai'liee.^ laid ground, to them belonging in right of their refpedtive dignities or pariflies, fuch Tn LTfoTfuch''^' purchafe money fiiall be lodged in one or more trullee or trullees, to be appf^'-^ed by ccciefiafticks iuch dignitary with confenc of the dean and chapter, of which he fhall bt^-^Jiiem- n"» »a'"'''°"' ^^''' °^ '^y '''■'*^'' parfon, vicar, or other incumbent with confent of the patrons of fuch f arilli, in trufl, after deducting all reafonable cofts and expences, to be laid out by them or their executors or adminiftrators in purchafe of lands, tenements, heredi-, -taments in fee fimple, for the ufe of fuch dignitary, parfon, vicar, or other in- -Gumbent, from whom fuch purchafes fhall be made, and their fuccellfors, any fta- lute of mortmain, or any other law, ftatute, or ufage to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Power toieafe ^^- f^''^' 2- A-ftet fuch purchafc by fuch truftees every fuch dignitary and his fuc- rot ahove+o cclTors with confcnt of the dean and chapter, and every fuch parfon, vicar, or other ingrand"to'^re- i'lcumbcnt, with confent of the patron, may make a leafe or leafes of any of the lands, new, tenements, hereditaments fo purchafed, for any term of years not exceeding forty like rem referv- '^''"'^ '^he time of jnaking, and renew the fame in like manner from time to time ed, xind for the like term, fo as no lefs rent be referved to fuch dignitary or incum- bent or facceflbrs, than was referved out of the houfes, buildings, or ground pur- regiftered. chafed by faid commiilioners, and fo as every fuch leafe or renewal be regiftered in Jike manner, as other the hke leafes by ecclefiaftical perfons ought to be. "nandfaie ^V. /ctV. 3. Where infants fcized of or intitled to eftate tail in any houfes, build- by guardian of ings, or gtound purchafed .by faid commiilioners, the conveyance by bargain and fale InroMed^inT '' by the guardians to the commiilioners, acknowledged by fuch guardians, and inrol- months, led in chancery within fix months after making, fliull effetftually and abfolutely .convey the iee fimple to the comrnilFioners and their fuccellors for ever, tho' no •fine or recovery be levied or fufTered, and the money arifing from fuch fale fhall -be paid by faid commiilioners to fuch guardians in truft, after deducfting the .purciiafe money cofls aiid expcnccs, to be laid out in the purchafe of lands, tenements, or heredi- &'c.io\ikeu"fes.' taments to fuch ufes, as the premiffes fo purchafed by faid commiilioners (land limit- ed immediately before fuch bargain and fale. Tiiipurcha(e uj. j-^c^ ^. Until fuch putchafcs can be conveniently made by fuch truftees or eft'i^n govern'"' guardians, their executors or adminiftrators, they may place out fuch purchafe m,o- ment fecurities jj^gy qj- ^py part at iatetcft on government fecurities, and pay fuch interefl from time led. ' to time to fuch perfons, as would be intitled by this adl: to the yearly profits, if laid out in purchafc of lands, tenements, or hereditaments. Receipts of truf. jy Cg^i ^ Reccipts of tuch truftees or guardians or the furvivor or the heirs, tees or guardi- -J o r ^ o . . ans a difciiarge. cxecutors, or adminiflrators of furvivor, under hand and feal fliall be a fufficient dif- charge to faid commiilioners, and their fucceflbrs for fo much of faid purchafe money, and afterwards faid commiflioners abfolutely acquitted and difcharged of and from the 2>ublm, the fame, and they fhall not be anfwerable or accountable in law or equity for any lofs or damage by any mifapplication of faid purchafe money or any part. VI. feet. 6. Members of Parliament for city of Dublin^ fhall at all times be com- Members ror ■ — <- ■ ,- • J n • ..' '..u n r I • » Oublin commif- muiioners for carrying laid acts into execution, with all lucli powers as are given to doners, any commillioners by any of faid ads. VII feet 7 This iliall be declared and deemed a publick ad\, in like manner as ^ pub'ickafta* the firft recited acft halli been declared to be. VIII. SttJt. 7 Geo 3. cap. 22. /f/7. i. GommilTioners f)r widening the ftreets, fo commimoners foon as they have compleated the purchafe of ground, i"hall and do convey the plot p°urchafe''/for"3a for building an exxhange upon unto the guild or corporation, commonly called the Exchange to mafters, wardens, and brethren of the corporation of merchants, or guild of the fhJ,nts. holy Trinity of the city of Dublin, andtheir fiiccelTors for ever,- and they be im- powered to accept of faid conveyance. IX. feil. 2. Immediately after faid purchafe and conveyance, faid plot declared ^efted in them veiled in the aftual feifm and pofleflion of faid guild and- fueceffors for ever, for the p°'f;/ °«p"'- fole purpofes and ufes of building thereon a convenient and commodious exchange and place of meeting for the merchants, and traders of the city. X. feet. 3. The following perfons, all of the city of Dublin merchants, Tho- Truftees. mas Read, Matthew Weld, Robert Jaffray, Theophilus Thompfon, Travers Hart- ley, Jofeph Fletcher, Edward Strettel, Jofeph- Lynam, George Sutton, George Maquay, Alexander JafFray, Robert Magee, Abraham Wilkinfon, William Thompi fon, William Colvil, and George Godfrey Hoffman, tr^gether with the lord may- or and fherifts, the two citizens reprefenting faid city in parliament, treafurer of faid city, and fenior mafler of the guild of merchants, all for the time beings conftituted and appointed truftees for the purpofes of planning, ereding, andcom- pleating according to their judgment and difcretion, the faid exchange and place of meeting for the merchants or traders of Dublin, and for keeping the fame in good order and repair, and regulating all matters relating thereto ; faid truftees, or any feven or more of them, may plan, defign, ered, cnmpleat, and finilh a build- anyyormore; ing for the purpofe of an exchange, and place of meeting, for the rrterchants and traders of Dublin, and keep the fame from time to time in order and repair, and regulate all matters relating thereto. XI. /eel. 4. For fupplying and continuing a number of fit and able merchants, vacancies fup- to be truflees for putting in execution, the powers and trufts in this ad, when any of'V^a'i'fiecT' ^ of before named merchants dye, refufe to ad, or refign, the mafler for time being whoiefaie mer- of faid guild or corporation, at fome convenient time, in ten days after notice to der"3o' o'n n""' them thereof by furvivi-g truftees, or any feven, fhall by publick notice for that •'" '" ^""'*' purpofe in Dublin Gazette convene at the common hall of faid guild, an alTembly of fuch members, not lefs than thirty, as fhall have at the time the allowance of fix per cent, at the cuflom houfe as wholefale merchants, and then and there eled a merchant, or, if then more than one vacancy, a number- of merchants, fuffici- ent to fill up fuch vacancies, and qualified as aforefaid for three years next before fuch day of eledion, in the room and flead of faid merchant or merchants before named fo dying, refufing, or refigning, and fo from time to time for ever Upon the death, refufal, or refignation of any of faid merchants, fo from time to time to be eleded, one or more merchants fo qualified, fhall be fo eleded and chofen from time to time, fo as that there may be always a body of 16 merchants fo qua- a'ways i«ine». lified, fubfifling for purpofes aforefaid, over and above the faid lord mayor, fherifFs, '^^""' reprefentatives, treafurer, anji fenior mafler, for time being. XII, feet, S^ttblin. •Meetings, lord mayor pre- iidenc. Incorporated take fecurities, execute con- traits, appoint officers. ,procefs ferved on clerk 20 days. Seven make by- laws. Three may con- vene, fummons by clerk. Two days no- tice, 7 to aft. Deemed in county of the city. Suits in 6 months, laid in tounty of city, general! flue pleaded. doable cofls« A.publick afl. XII. feet. 5. Truflees 6r any feven to meet at fuch times and places in city of Dublin, as they from time to time think proper, till faid exchange (ball be ereded and finifhed, and then at faid exchange, at which meeting the faid lord mayor when prelent fliall be prefident. Xni. fen. 6. Truflees and fucceffors for ever a body politick and corporate, ca- pable in law to fue and be fued, plead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered in all courts of law and equity, by name of truflees of the royal exxhange of Dub- lin, make and ufe a common feal, capable in law by fuch name to take fecurities for money due as truflees, and performance of agreement or contra(fl, or due exe- cution of any power or authority committed by them, concerning faid exchange in fcuilding and erefting, or repairing and keeping in good order and condition ; any feven may enter into and execute all fuch contrafts, and agrements, as neceflary for, or relative to execution of faid trufl, and nominate and appoint a treafurer, and clerk or regifler, and other neceflary ofHcers and fervants, with fuitable falaries or wages from time to time during their pleafure ; fervice of fuch clerk with fub- poena, order, decree, or procefs of any court of law or equity, fhall be fufficient fervice of faid truflees, fo as made twenty days at leafl; before return or time ap- pointed by fuch procefs for obedience. XIV. y^(-7. y. Seven from time to time may make reafonable by-laws, orders, and directions for better regulations of faid Royal Exchange, and place of meet- ing and government of officers and fervants, and vacate, vary, or alter, as to them feems meet and convenient. XV. /en. 8. Any three truflees may from time to time convene faid truflees, fign a diredlion in writing, of time and place in Dublin to the clerk or regifler, who may iflue fummons purfuant thereto. XVI. feci. 9. Two days notice of meeting, given in ufual manner to faid truf- tees refpedively, or fuch as then refident in Dublin or the liberties j any feven to tranlad bufinefs at fuch meeting: XVII. fen. 10. Immediately after the plot of ground appropriated for building faid Exchange, conveyed to faid guild of merchants, the fame fhall be thenceforth for ever be part of the county of the city, and fo deemed in all courts of law and equity. XVIII. fe^. II. Adion or fuit, for any thing done in pnrfuance of this a6V, or in relation to the premiffes, fhall be laid v/ithin fix months next after the fadt in the county of the city, and not elfewhere ; defendants may plead general ilTue, and give this adl and fpecial matter in evidence at any trial thereon, and that it was done in purfuance of this ad ; and if it fhall fo appear, or if fuch fuit not within the time limited, or in any other county or place, the jury fhall find for de- fendants, or if plaintiff nonfuited, or fuffer difcontinuance, or verditl againfl plaintiff, or if on demurrer judgment againfl plaintiff, defendants fhall have dou- ble cofts, and fuch remedy for recovering as any defendants have in other caufes by law. XIX. /en. 12. This a publick ad; deemed and taken notice of as fuch in all courts and places without pleading. J 9' &Ci :. 21. XX. Stat. II Geo. 5. cap. 2. feH. 4. The a<5l 19 Geo. 2. cap. 21. and all the &e continued to Qjj^gj. ^^^g ^^^^ -^^ ^ relative to the workhoufe of the city, and the feveral taxes 24 June 1792, 1,. -, 11 11 !•• • ri thereby impofed or intended, and the powers and the authorities given, turtner continued in full force until 24 June 1792, and to the end of then next feffion. XXI. Stat. XXlStal. II Sc 12 Geo. 3. cap. w.fea. i. After the 24th of June 1772, an ^^'^^\^f''^^^ in the fecond year of Queen Ann ; and alfo an aft in the firft year of his late majefly ; \ /nne^Jig. and aho an ad in the third year of the faid reien, and alfo an acft in the fifih year ot ' ' -^-ci?- -' " ' ,.._... . ' . . 3 G. 2. c. 17. the laid reign -, and alfo an adt in the nineteenth year of the faid reign; and alto an 50. i! 0.14! repealed and made null and void, except fo much of the faid ad in the firft of his of the i c. z. late majefty, as relates to the preventing mifchitfs, which may happen by keeping ^^^^^^"^^^^'^5 gun-powder within the city of Dublin. in oubim. XXII. fe£l. 2. And whereas by the repeal of the faid feveral ads, the corpo- a new corpora- ration of the governors of the work-houfe will be diffolved, after the 24th of June, ^^^^^^^^^^ "* 1772 there (hall be a corporation of governors of the foundling hofpital and work- ever. houfe to continue for ever in the county of the city of Dublin, which corporati- on fhall confiftof the feveral perfons after mentioned. XXIII. feet. 2. On the death or refignation of any perfon herein particularly p" '^"*''°''™- -'.J ^ O A \\ \ L donation others -before mentioned, v/hereby a vacancy ot a governor fhall happen, the governors tieaedatgeneral of the faid foundling hofpital and work-houfe, at the next or any other general """""S' meeting, to be held as hereafter is mentioned, fliall eled another who fhall be ""e- [f^''^^"' J^ij^j]"' fident with faid city, or within three miles in the place and {lead of every fuch perfon ; and as often as any vacancy fhall happen by death or refignation in the place of any of the perfons hereafter to be eleded to fucceed therein, fome other perfon 01 perfons qualified as aforefaid, fhall in like manner, from time to time ■for ever hereafter be eleded ; which perfons fo eleded fhall to all intents and pur- pofes be deemed and taken to be governors, and members of the faid corporation as if their names v/ere herein particularly inferted. XXIV. fetJ. 4. After the 24th of June 1772, the faid perfons, and their fuccef- a [jody po;iticic .fors, fhall for ever, ia name and fad, be one body politick and corporate in law, "^ "^ofpo^''^ to all intents and purpofes, and have perpetual fucceffion, and called the governors p^petiai, of the foundling hofpital and work-houfe of the city of Dublin, and enabled to plead and fue, and be fued and impleaded by that name, and have a common feal for a common feai, _theirufe, and, without licence in mortmain purchafe, take, and receive any lands, purchafe with- tenement.s, or hereditaments whatfoever, not exceeding the annual value of two ^"J/j^"";",'"^^,^ .thoufand pounds, or any perfonal eflate whatfoever, for the ufe and benefit of theye.iriy, faid corporation. Z^2^'''''^^ XXV. fe£l. 5. Said governors, or any eleven or more, fhall, at their firft meet- 1 1 governors at ing after the 24th of June 1772, in cafe any of the perfons before named, happen fi'^aTn roomo" to die before the faid meeting, eled one or more perfons, qualified as aforefaid, to tUofe dying, be governors in the room, and alio then proceed to eled and appoint a prcper per- son to be their treafuier, or fteward and overfeer of faid foundling hofpital and anda treafurer, work-houfe, during thtir pleafure, at a falary not exceeding one hu.idrfd and fifty jIo['"ifov'r/soT.' pounds per ann. and the faid treafurer, or fteward and overfeer, when fo elcdtd and/^'ra-m. appointed, fhall, with two other folvent and fufficient perfons, execute a bo:.d to ^""^jt^/j o^h'i'rV faid governors in a fum not lefs than two thoufand pound."?, conditioned for his well ■" locoi. forac- and truly accounting upon oath to the f^iid governors once every year, or oftner, if 0^^'"^°" thereu.ito required, for all (urns which fhall come into his hands as treafurer, and discharging duty, for faith'ully difchargirg his duty in every particular, and for keeping one or more ^lerks^*""^ ' g )od and lufficient cltrk-;, the better to execute his faid office, for the juft and good ftrvhomac condud of which clerks he fhall be accountable. """^ * H . . XXVI. feet. •^'o' above lo!. XXVI. /f<7. 6. Provided, that the fums paid to (uch ck-rk or cleiks, do rot in ayear oc.f.t,, ^^^ vi'holc in any one year, extjted twenty pounds j a. d every fuch derk, before app'oved by II hc (hull adl as fuch, ihall be approved of by faid governors, or any eleven or fc'^TfieTduiing more; and laid governors fhall alio at fame time nominate and appoint a regifter pie^fure, 6oi. a diuing pleafurc, at a falary not exceeding fixty pounds a year ; and laid regifttr fhall tofu'mtione^ry f'O™ time to time fummon every member of faid corporation reCding iii Dublin, piember to ge- or the liberties adjoining, to meet at laid work-houfe, t ) hold a general court of "M en y. aflembly on the days herLin after diredled for the quarterly Iioldi. g the lame, or oftner, at the lliid work-lioufe, or any other place, if laid governcrs, or any ele- gWe notice to ven, or the court of alliftants, or any five or more, fhall fee occafion ; and laid re- court can- gi{^gr fhall alfo give notice to each member of the court of aii.flants of their days and do all other and place of meeting, and fhall alio do fuch other bufinefs, as laid governors, or *"'^'' any eleven, Ihall from time to time think neceflary ; and faid regifter, before he enters upon his office, fhall, with two other folvent and fufficicnt psifoas, execute bondwithi ^ bond to faid governors for a fum not lefs than five hundred pounds, conditioned others in 500I. for his faithful difcharge of duties of his ofBce ; and it Ihall be lawful for faid go- aisrapg tono"- vernors, eleven at leaft being prefent at any luch meeting, to nominate and ap- minateiphyfici-point, during pleafure, two phyficians to attend faid foundling holpital and work- 8oi.ayear"ea'ch, houfe, during plcafurc, at a yearly falary, not exceeding eighty pounds each ; and and other necef- a]fo a\\ Other nccelfary officers and fervants, duriqg pleafure, with fuch realonable witVreafon'ibie falarics as they fliall judge proper, not exceeding in the whole, exclufive of thofe faiaries, not a- hereby granted to the treasurer, regifter, and phyhcians, the yearly fum of five ly in the wiioie^ hundred pounds : provided no mailer or miflrcfs, employed for inflirudtion of no mafttr, m;f- the children, nor any nurfe, be deemed an officer or fervant within this claufe. deemed an offi- XXVII. /ft7. 7. It fhall bc lawful for faid govcmors, or any eleven, upon the iTaY '^en'e^rai af ^^^^^h, amotion, or refignatiou of the treafurer or regifter, from time to time for ftmbiy may eieift cvcr hereafter, at the firfl or any other general affembly held after, to elecSt a per- l^lJrero'^regiiier' ^°" ^° fucceed, at the falary, and fubjed to all the regulations, conditions, and ' provi foes herein before and herein after contained, of and concerning the fame re- make bye-laws, fpeflively, and to make and ordain fuch rules, ordinances, bye-laws, and other ^'" regulations, as any eleven or more fhall judge neceflary and expedient for the good government of faid foundling hofpital and work-houfe, and maintenance, educa- tion, and fupport of the children received or to be received therein, or fent to nurfe, "sw."""^*'^ *° or as the fame be not contrary to the laws and ftatutes of this realm. All rights vefted XXVUl /ifct. 8. All lands, tenements, and hereditaments belonging to the vtinots!'" ^°' corporation, hereby to be diffolved, either in pofTellion or reverfion, and all fums of money, goods and chatties, debts and dues, and all right of adtion, of entry, rights, profits, properties, ufes, trufts, interefts, poliibilities, claims, and de- mands whatfoever, either in law or equity, which faid corporation fhall in any fort be intitled unto, feized or pofTelTed of, on the 24th of June 1772, fhall after the faid day be vefted in the faid governors hereby appointed, and their fuccelTors for ever, for the ufe and fupport of the faid foundling hofpital and work-houfe, any law or ftatute to the contrary notwithftanding. Subjeatoaiide- XXIX. /(ci. 9. Said Corporation created by this ad, fhall, after the 24th of mands »gainrt June 1 77 2, be fubje(^ and liable to all adions and fuits, caufes of adions and fuits, tion, claims and demands whatfoever, to which the faid corporation, hereby to be dilTolv- cd, would have been in cafe this ad not made ; and all adions and fuits brought fuits depending Or inftituted Cither by or againft the faid corporation hereby to be dillblved, and carried on^ depending on the faid 24th of June, may be continued and carried on by oragninft the faid corporation, hereby created, in the fame manner as fuch adions or fuits might by ot againft the faid corporation^ iu cafe the fame had not been diffolved. ■ XXX, feet. XXX. feet. lo. Said governors fhall have four general quarterly meetings every 4 work-houfe, and the children received therein, or fent to nurfe. XXXI. y><:/. II. Provided, every rule or order by any general court of af- ^°"«)' of* 6°^""°"' of the fiid foundling hofpital and work-houfe ; and every of the inhabitants in the faid city and liberties, and alfo the tenants to the feveral lands, tenements, and he- reditaments, that have been granted to or belong to the faid corporation, and alfo every perfon indebted or in arrear for or on account of coaches, chaifes, chairs, drays, carts, cars, and other carriages and fedans, who have not duly paid the fe- veral fums of money, which they were refpedively obliged to pay purfuant to faid recited afts, or by any leafe, minute, contract, or agreement, or licence, do P^y paid to perfons the fame to perfons, who by faid governors, or any eleven, fhall from time to time appointed by n be appointed at any general aflembly to coliedl the fame ; and fuch perfons fhall ^'^ssn"*' affem- have full and abfolute power and authority to receive all fuch arrears, or to fue for and recover the fame by diftrefs or any other ways or methods in as full and ample a manner, as the fame could or might have been fued for and recovered by the faid recited ad, or any of them ; and the faid arrears, or fo much thereof as fhall be applied firft te colleded and received, fhall be applied and difpofed of in the firfl: place for pay- <'«''"' ment of fuch debts, as have or fhall have been bona fide contraded by the gover- nors appointed by the before recited ads, or any of them, in the management and overpiusasby fupport of faid hoofe ; and the overplus, if any, fhall be applied in fuch manner, fcmWy,'""" ^' arid to fuch ufes of the foundling hofpital or work-houfe, as the governors thereof, eleven at leaft prefent, fliall diredl and appoint at any general aflembly , and fuch perfons appointed to colled and receive faid arrears, or all or any of the funds here- f^cdpts by fucti by intended for ufe of the faid houfe, and maintenance, education, and fupport ofd"rg".'* the children, fhall give receipts under their hands for all fuch fums as by them fhall be colleded : which receipt fhall be a fufficient and legal difcharge to the perfons fo Account onoati<, obtaining the lame. XXXIII. fen. 13. The treafurer, and all perfons who fhall be intruflcd with ' the receipt or difburfement of the revenue of the corp::)ration, or any part, and all other perfons whatloever who fliall account with faid corporation, eleven of the governors at leaft being prefent, for any fums colleded, received, or difburfed for ufe of faid corporation, fhall account on oath before faid governors, and alfo, for H 2 all tnr 3)tibliu. all d'lfbui-fements or payments, if required; which oaths faid governors, or any eleven, are hereby impowered to adminifter, beSmnthe" ^^XIV. feji. 1 4. Nq Vagabond or l>rolir,g beggar (Tiali be fent into the fiime houfe with chii. houfc, or kept within the fame walls with the children hereby intended to h~: pro- burrent to bride. ^'^^*^ ^°'' ' ^'■'^ every fuch peifon, who may be apprehended in purfuance of this w^u, &c. ad, fhall be fent to bridewell, or to fuch other place as the faid governors, or any eleven, ("hall think fit to appoint within faid city or liberties, (eparate, difti'.dt-, and apart from the faid children ; and faid vagabonds and ftroling beggars fhall maintained and be maintained and fet to work at the expence of faid corporation out of the reve- rent to work out j^yg hereby granted ; and the faid governorSj or any eleven, are hereby impowered granted, ' and directed to make fuch rules and orders for the relieving, regulating, and fet- formanae?n8'" *'"S ^^ v/oik, and for good and proper management of fuch vagabonds and flroling and neceiraries, beggars, and of the perfons necelFary 'to attend and overfee, as to them fliall feem- proper, and to provide fuch necetTInies and materials as they fhall think convenient produce in aid of for fetting fuch Vagabonds and beggars at work ; and alfo to apply the produce, tiie revenues, and the benefit that may arife from fale thereof^ in- aid of their revenues to life of the hofpital and vvork-houle. Pumfhed for not XXXV.' />.'?. I c. Said governors, or any eleven, and faid court of aflif- coniorxninE to . *^ miss. tants, or a«y five, fhall have power to inflidl reafonable punifhment or corredion from time to time on any vagabond, beggar, or poor perfon within the faid bride- well, or other place of confinement, who fhall not conform to fuch rules and re- gulations fo made. Apprehended by XXXVI. /ett. i6. Said govemors, and every of them, and any juilice of the juihcefor'the'"^ pcace for faid city, fliall have full power to apprehend all idle or poor people beg- «ity, ging or feeking relief, and all vagabonds, and fturdy and ftroling beggars within b\e, or°a'^pa"i(h-' ^^'d city or the fuburbs or liberties : and every beadle or bellower of every parifh ioner, &c. with within laid city, and fuburbs, or liberties, and every conftable within their refpedive may bring^beforediftridts or jurifdictions, fhall be hereby required and impowered, and- every parifhi- any governor or oncr Or inhabitant in any of the parifiies aforefaid, or any other perfon whatfoever, begfiing,' &c."" calling to afliftance the beadle of the parilli, or a conflable, fliall have full power and authority to feize and apprehend, and bri-g before any one of faid governors, or any one of his majefty's jiiilices of the faid city, any fturdy ftroling beggar, or other idle vagabond that tliey fliall know, find, or be informed of, to be begging, ftroling in, or frequenting in any of the ftreets, houfes, or other places within faid fent to bridewell city, fuburbs or liberties ; and the faid governor, orjuftice, is liereby impowered to>rrd"3hour'" snd required by warrant under hand and feal, (which warrant every beadle, bel- tiii next general Jower, and conftable withiu faid city, fuburbs, or liberties, is required to execute, ™ ^' and be aiding and aflifting in the execution of) to commit faid peribns, fo appre- hended, upon view, or brought before hirn or them, or any of them, to bridewell, or other pbce appointed, there to be confined and kept to hard labour, as he fhall thi:,k fit to dirett in faid warrant, until the next general court of affembly ; and fuch court of affembly, not lefs, than eleven prefent, if they fhall fee fufficient caufe bove"*''e"°'^' '^''" ^""^^ "^^y confine fuch ftu/dy ftroling beggars, idle vagabond, or other per- fon fo committed, for any term, not longer than three years, there to b? kept to hard labour, or otherwife ufefully employed, as they fhall fee caufe, and fhall or- t«!.idie, &c. ne. djr aid din cSt ; and if any beadle or bellower, or conftable, fhall, when called i^V M^he'ufc of or fent for by ar.y parifhiorcr cir inhabitant aforefaid, or other perfon negleft, or »hehoufe, refufe to feize, apprehend, and bring before any one of faid governors, or jufticep, any fturdy begga., or oiher id!^ vagabond found begging, ftroling, or frequent- ing in any of th. flreet^ r houfes within faid city and fuburbs, or liberties, or ihall otherwife be negligent or offend contrary to the intent and meaning of this ad. a6V, fiich beadle, &c. fo offending, fha!l for every fucli offence upon convidion »" <^°"^'«'ca'- thereof in a fummary way by the oath of any one credible perfon before any gene- """""■' ^' ral alFembly, or court of afliflants, or any five, forfeit and pay to the faid gover- nors for the ufe of the faid houfe the full fum of twenty (hillings, to be recovered, in cafe of non-payment by diftrefs and fa!e of goods and chatties of the offender, by dirtrefs arc by warrant under ha. ds and leals of faid governors, or any eleven prefent at any faie; fuch general court of aOeoibly, or of faid court of afliflants ; and in cafe fuch on nonpayment beadle, &c. ffiall not be able to pay, or fliall not pay, the fine impofed, fubjed to p^"^"^*;''^" like pains and penalties, as by this aCl impofed upon any vagabonds or beggars. XXXVII. fed. 17. All poor children under the age of fix years,- found or taken roorchiidren up wi hin faid city and liberties, or fent to the foundling hofpital, ffiall be received t^^'l^ht^' and kept therein, or fent to nurfe therefrom; and ail children, who Ihall appear to lecc-wedor rent be fix years old, and whofe age ffiall not be thought to exceed eight,, and fiiall be l,^,"^"/!,'^^^^ g prefented to faid governors, eleven at leaft prefent, or to faid court of alfiftants, prefented to 1 1 or any five, to be received or admitted into faid houfe, fhall be by them received, amiiaml'ad-^ provided there fhall be proper room in the faid houfe, and provided fiich children mittedifroom, ^^ r J • • 1 1 1 J and found in appear found in mmd and body. mind and body. XXXVIII. /f<:/. 18. All children fo received, fiiall, as foon as capable, be tho-inft'"'^='"''>' s lings ; and for every common diair, or fedan, job-chair, or fedan, ten fhillings ; fejans los. and for every private fedan chair, ten fhilHngs ; every Ringfend car, c'.air, clinife, Ringr.nd cars, or chaife-marine, ten fhillings ; for every brewers dray, cart, or car, tlie yealy ^_'=-^^,'°^- rent or fum of twenty (hillings; and for every other cart and car, ufaally ply i;,g other cans and and delivering for hire, within the faid city, fuburbs, and liberties, any goods, ^^[^^p_'>''"^*"'* merchandize, or other load taken up within the faid city and liberties, the yearly loads 10s. rent or fum of ten fhillings, every car, cart or other carriage that fhall be' em- drawing build- ployed in drawing into the laid city or liberties, any bMcks, ftones, fand, g^^'^'^Umlular^'^^^ lime, or other material ufually made ufe of in building or paving, there fhall be paid, if drawn by more than one horfe or other beafl, the yearly rent or fum of ten ''^""'s' ''"^ Ihiili.gs,- and if only by one horfe or other beafl:, five fhilliijgs ; for every private p°'vatl carriage car, cart, dray, or other carriage kept and employed as aforelaid in the carriage of '^°'' ^'°''^' ^'■ goods or commodities as aforefaid, the yearly rent or fum of ten Ihillings ; and for meffengeror every p'^rfon thereby impowered to ply as a meflenger or porter the yearly rent DrP°""'^*' fum of four fhillings; the faid feveral rents paid quarterly, at thefo.r ulual days paid q.jarte,j„ of payment every year, viz. every twenty-ninth of September, twenty-fifth of De- cembL-r, twentv-fifih of Match, and twenty fourth of June, with fuch covenants, with covenants conditions, and.provifoes therein inferted, for the more eflTechial payment thereof, ^"l"*"^'"'""* * / _ . i J 'as by II gove**- or better regulations of the perfons receiving fuch licence, and their afljgns refpec- nors thought e^ tively, as the faid governors or any eleven fhall think fit. XLIV. fefi. 24: After the 24th of June, 1772, no perfons who is or hereafter t-'cence, except may be polTefTed of any licences, fhall transfer or alfign the fame, except by devife, nJ^unedZVih. without confent and approbation of faid governors, or any eleven, or the court of ""^ confent; affiftants, fiift had and obtained for ; but every fuch alfignment or transfer fhall be indorred on the indo.-fed upon the back of the deed granti-g. faid licence, and figned by two or ^"'''^ovt^no"''* more of faid governors fo confenting, and if any perfon or perfons fhall prefume to transfer or aflign any licence contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, fuch transfer or alligiment fhall be null and void, and the licence thertby afllgned, for- of void, felted to (aid governors. 'SLV. feet. 2S- An entry fhall be made of every grant, affignment, transfer, Transfer or devife of, or change of property, in every fuch licence, in a numerical book or '''''''^ '^^ i'*"^°' DooKs, Kept by the regilter tor that purpole, within one month after ; which entry figned by gran- fhall b? figntd by, or have the mark of every iiich grantee, aflignee, devifee, or "'*'"'' "S'*^* perfon poflelTed of the fame, put thereunto, in the prefence of the faid regiiler, who fhall counter-fign the fame, and be made in the following words. A. B. of in the city of DubliJt, or liberty of doth regijier a grant, ajftgnment, or devife (as the cafe jhall hafpen to be) of a li-^^&<^T'- cen.e to keep No. dated the day ef one thoufand feven hundred and mode unto him by entered this day of one thoufand feven hundred and For 6 d. in ; books infpe'fled \Aitliout fee : fr. dying jn- t?fta:e. li" rotntry in i nomh I year's rent forieited j H not in ■;, void, and li- cence Ibrfeited, Arrears firfl difcharged. Hackneys, jobs, hearfe, or jrourning coaches without licence, lol. each offence ; fedans, 5 I. Ringfend cars, ,liC. 40 s, brewer's dray, &€. ■:c,s. other carriages SOS. meflenger or porter 5 s. If without licence, feifed, by any perfon. For the making of which entry, fix-pence, and no more, (hall be paid to fald re- gifter ; to which book and books every p.:rfon concerned fhall have free accefs to infpedt at all times without fee or reward : and where any perfon fliall have ob- tained poffeflion of any fuch licence by means of the right to the pofleirion thereof having devolved upon him by, death of any perfon, to whom the fame v.as granted, devifed, or transferred, in manner herein mei,tioned, inteftate, then the words ■a grant, ajfignment or devife gf and alfo the words dated the day of one thonj'and feven hundred and made tint-} him by fhall be omitted, and inftead of thefe latter words fhall be inlerted is}hich came unto him by the death of intejiate. And in cafe no fuch entry' fhall be made within one month after fuch grant, devii'e, affign- ment, or change of property, every fuc i grantee, devifee, or allignee, or perfon polTeired of and ufing the fame, fhall upon fuch failure forfeit the full lum of one year's rent contained in and referved by iaid licence, to be recovered and difpofed of as is herein after mentioned ; and in cafe no fuch entry made within three months, then every Xuch grant, devile, or alignment fhall be null and void ; and every fuch licence forfeited to faid governors. XLVI. feet. z6. No fuch cojfent or approbation fhall be given, nor entry made, until all arrears due upon faid licence firft paid off and dilcharged. XLVU. feet. 2J. After the, 24.th of June, 1772, no perfon lliall prefume to own, keep, or drive any hackney coach, landau, chariot, poll chaife, berlin, job- coach, &c. or any other carriage drawn by two or more beafls, and carrji^jg for hire by the hour, day, week, month, or year, or any other fpace of time, any perfon, or to own, keep, drive, or let out to hire any beall or beafls to draw any coach, landau, chariot, pofl chaife, or berlin, in the way of Job, or any hearfe, or mourning coach within- the faid city, fuburbs, or hberties, without luch licence firfl obtained from faid governors as aforefaid, under thsp-inalty of ten pounds for each and every fuch offence ; or to own, keep, or carry, within the faid city and liber- ties, any hackney chair, or fedan, job-chair, or ledan, without fuch h'cence firfl obtained, under the penalty of five pounds every offence ; or to keep or ufe any private chair or fedan without fuch licence as aforefaid, under the penalty of twenty pounds for every fuch offence ; or to own, keep, or drive any Ringfend car, chair, chaife, or chaife-marine, without fuch licence, under penalty of forty fhil- lirigs every offence ; or to own, keep, or drive, any dray, cart, car, or other car- riage employed in the bufinefs of a brewer, in the faid city, fuburbs and liberties, or within three miles thereof, without fuch licence, under penalty of thirty fhillings every offence ; or any other cart or car, dray, or other carriage, for which a licence is diredted by this aft to be taken out, without fuch licence firfl obtained, under the penalty of twenty fhillings every offence ; or to ply as a melfenger or porter, for hire, v^'ithin faid city, fuburbs, or liberties, wit4iout fuch licence, under the penalty of five fhillings for every fiich offence ; which faid refpedfive penalties are to be recovered and dilpofed of, us herein after dir^ded. XL VIII. feet. 28. Every hackney coach, landau, cf.ariot, pofl chaife, or berlin, job-coach, &c. and coach, &c. drawn by one or morejob-horfes, hearfe, mourning coach, or hackney chair, or fedan, job-chair or fedan, Ri;igfend car, chair, chnife, or chaife-marine, and every dray, cart, car, or other carriage, fubjedl to a fine for a licence, by this acl, and found plying for hire, or employed contrary to the intent and -meaning of this ad:, within laid city, fuburbs, and liberties without fuch licerce fiifl obtaint:;d ; and everv private chair or fedan in ufe or employment, or . keeping, without fuch licence firfl obtained ; and alfo every brewer's dray, cart, cu/, or other carnage, found in laid city, fuburbs, and liberties, or witjiin three miles miles, and employed in that bufinefs, without fuch licence firft obtained, whereby the owners, keepers, carrier or driver fhall have incurred any of tlie penalties afore- faid, fhall be feized; and it fliall be lawful for any perfon to feize fuch carriage, and wuiihorftt chair, or fedan, and the fame, together with the horfe, horfes, or other heafl: or j^^^^** ^^''^.^^^^ beads, drawing, with all. the harnefs and accoutrements thereunto belonging, to trcafurer or lodee in the yard of faid worlc-houfe with the treafurer, or in his abfence, vvjth '^"'?"^"°''^"''* fome Other known omcer of faid houfe ; or in fome other convenient place ; or the mcntpUce; fame to deliver to any beadle or bellower of any parifh within the city, fuburbs, or ^onftabJ^^obe liberties, or to any conftable therein, who is hereby required forthwith, to lodge fo lodged forth- the fame in manner aforefaid ; and the faid treafurer, or in his abfence fuch other jg,'^j||^j|.n officer of the faid houfe is hereby required to detain the fame, unlefs the faid fe- payment with veral penalties for the faid refpedtive carriages, chairs, or fedans, fhall ''°'^^' be paid with all cofls and charges attending the feizing, or the maintenance of any beaft or beafts drawing, until the court of affiftants, or any five or more, meet, until affiftantt who are hereby impowered to inquire into faid matters, and examine all fuch per- '"**'' fons, as they fhall think proper, upon oath, which they are hereby impowered to inquired on adminifter ; and if it fhall appear that fuch carriage, chair, or fedan, has incurred p^^jjie, ^.i,h any of the penalties or forfeitures aforefaid, the faid court of afliflants, or any five, charges raifed by fhall, by warrant under hands and feals, dired the treafurer or other officer to fell ot'\(riiiam"r' fuch carriages and harnefs, and accoutrements, with the horfes or other beafls Xeized and lodged ; or, if the faid carriage be not a hackney or job-carriage, but that one or more of the horfes drawing the fame be a job-horfe or horfes, then to fell fuch job-horfe or horfes, with the harnefs, and to fell any fuch fedan ; and by fuch fale to raife faid penalties, together with the cofts and charges attending the feizing, and the maintenance of any beafl: drawing the fame, and a fum of ^"^^ is. far after the rate of one fhilling in the pound, of every fuch penalty for his trouble in ''°"" ' felling, unlefs faid penalties, with faid cofls and charges fully paid within three «riiefs paid in days from the date of faid warrant. ^ '^'**^' XLIX. feet. 29. And if any perfon fliall hinder or obftruft the feizing or con- obriruaing •veying to, or loading as aforefaid, any fuch carriage and harnefs, accoutrements, "^''^"'^>^'f*'^ 5 •or the horfe, horfes, or other beaft or beafts drawing the fame, or any fuch fedan ; or if the faid treafurer, or other officer, after fuch carriages, horfes, or other beafts, or fedan chair fhall be feized, fhall be obftruded in the fale, when authorized, or if any perfon ufe or offer any violence to the perfon concerned in making fuel; refcue, or feizure, or fale, or refcue, or attempt to refcue, any fuch feizure, every fuch per- ■'^""'v^' fon fhall, upon convidion before any juftice for faid city, upon the oath of one ere- on onewitnef* dible perfon, (which oath fuch juftice is hereby impowered to adminifler) forfeit ''"'^"'^^'J"'^"'- for every fuch offence five pounds ; and for non-payment be committed to gaol, 5I. or impri- and there imprifoned three months and no longer. '""^'' 3 months, L. feet. 30. Upon complaint made, and it appearing to the lord mayor, the on complaint fheriffs of thecityof Dublin, or any jufliceof the city or county, (who fhall exa- '?'■''. ""'>'°''' mine on oath the perfons fo complaining, if he thinks proper) that any hindrance jum'ce'imme- or obftrudtion has been, or any violence ufed as aforefoid, or refcue intended or ''^!''7'-V° ^^-^ attempted, the faid lord mayor, &c. are hereby not only impowered, but required power.'"'" immediately to give the fullefl affiflance of the civil power, which by law they are hereby enabled to do on any occafion whatfoever, to the end that fuch carriages, horfes, or other beafts, or fedan chair, may be feized, lodged, and fold, as hereby is particularly and refpedively direded. LI. feet. 31. If faid governors, or any eleven, or the court of affiftants, or " governors «f any five, fhall at any time be informed, or have reafon to believe, that any carriage, cn'rlfpfc'ion ""' chair, or fedan has plyed, or been drawn, carried, ufed, kept, or employed within fummon.'and I the""'"'"' fervice of Turn- mons 4 days or perfonal, or on convifti- on, committed to briHewell, &c. 'till penalty paid, and 40 s. to informer. *he fald city, fuburbs, or liberties, without licence, contrary to the intent and meaning of this aft, it fhall be lawful to fummon all perfons, whom they fhall fufpeft to be guilty of any of faid offences, and to enquire thereunto in manner rotappsaringonaforefaid ^ and in cal'e fuch perfons fhall not appear on the day appointed, provided the faidfummons left four days before the faid day at their ufual place of abode, or they fhall have been perfonally ferved therewith, or fhall be convicted of any of the faid offences before the court of afTiflants, or any five, then, by warrant under hands and feals, to commit fuch perfon to bridewell, or any other place they fhall think proper, there lo be kept to hard labour until he, fhe, or they fhall pay the penalty incurred by this ad:, and fliall alfo pay to the perfon or perfons informing of faid offence, forty (hillings, over and above faid penalties Meffengers or Lll. /«f^7. 3 2 . Every perfon, who (hall ply as a mefTenger or porter for hire FTc"puMihed ^^''tli''^ faid city, fuburbs, or liberties, without fuch licence, fhall and may be as vagabonds, feizcd, apprehended, committed, and puniflied, in the fame manner as hereby enafted in refpedl to idle or ftrolling vagabonds or beggars. Such carriages LIU. fect. ^^. Every carriage and fedan chair, for which a licence is by bered'"'" """^' '■'^'^ ad to bc obtained, fhall have a mark of diflinftion, exprefling the number of fuch carriage, affixed thereunto, in whatever manner faid governors, or eleven, or moftconfpic'i- court of afliftants, or any five fhall think proper ; fo that fuch mark of diflindion °"j°"*'^''''"^>'^on ail hackney carriages or fedan chairs for the publick ufe fhall be mofl confpicu- and ledans lor iiriir*!-'- -i • r 1 i • ous ; and that fuch mark of diflindion on all job or other carnages, or fedan chairs for the ufe of particular private perfons, fhall be put on in a more private and lefs confpicuous manner : and every hackney coach, landau, pofl chaife, chariot, and beriin, or ftage coach, for which a licence is by this adl to be obtained, fhall con- (iantly, and at all times, befides the mark or number aforefaid, have painted on: the pannel of each door, and on the front and rere pannel, and every Ringfcnd car, . chair, chaife, or chaife-marine, on the rere pannel where arms or cyphers are ufuall'y painted, the chriflian and fir-name of the real owner or keeper thereof, at full length, together with the place of his aiode, in plain, large, legible letters ; and fhall alfo on each of the fide pannels where crefls are ufually painted, have painted in plain, legible figures, the number contained in the mark aforefaid.' And every perfon, who (hall blot out, deface, change, or takeoff the faid mark of diftindion or figure on the faid painting, or any of faid letters, names, or figures, or fhall : omit to affix fuch mark, or to have the pannels painted in manner aforefiiid ; or fliall own, keep, drive, or employ any carriage, chair, or chaife, or fedan, without' fuch mark, and without fuch painting on the pannels, where by this ad required, fhall be confjdered to allintents and purpofes as having owned, kept, ufed, driven, or employed the fame witiiout a licence ; and be fubjed to the feveral penalties, forfeitures,, and punifhments hereby enaded for fuch offences refpedively. LIV. /f(.7. 34. Every perfon, required to obtain a licence for plying as a mefTenger or porter for hire, fhall have a mark affixed to his upper garment over his breaft, made of brafs, and exprefling in plain legible charaders the number of fuch licence, formed and to be worn in fuch manner as faid governors, or any eleven, or the court of afliflants, or any five, fhall dired ; and for failure thereof either in obliterating, covering, or defacing, or not at all tirr>es wearing and ex- pofing to view faid mark in manner aforefaid, deemed as ading without a licence, and fubjed to every pain and penalty inflided by this ad for fuch offence. LV. fe^. ^§. E\ery perfon, who fhall obtain or receive a licence for keepings hackney coach, carriage, or hackney fedan chair, for public ufe, and fhall not within one month after, keep and maintain in confequence of fuch licence for the ufe and convenience of the public, and continue fo to do during the continuance of his- publick ufe : - hackneys or ftages alfo to paint.on the pannels, and Ringfend cars, Ac. on the rere pannel real- owner's name at Icngtli and abode, and the number on fide pannels, in therein offended, they may fummon fuch perfons to appear before them at the time and place in fuch fummons mentioned; and in cafe fuch perfons after fuch not appearing fummons, fo as the fame be ferved perfonally, or at place of abode, twenty-four ^•*'^°'"^^'^^' hours before the time appointed, lliall negleft to appear, without fome reafonable uniefs caufe, caufe, or if after appearance it fhall be found by confefllon, or oath of one or more oronconfeffioa credible witneffes, or other due proof, that fuch perfons have fo offended (which °'^p™°*> oath faid governors, or any eleven, or court of aliiftants, or any five, have hereby power to adminifterj every perfon fo offending, lliall forfeit all the licences for chairs ^n licences for- or fedans granted to them by this aft, or which he, fhe, or they Ihall be intitled '^"^ ' unto by devife, aflignmcnr, or otherwife ; and fuch licences are hereby declared null and void to all intents and purpofes. LVIII. feet. 38. And for recovery of the rent referved upon faid licences, in Rentinarrear cafe the fame, or any part fhall be in arrear twenty-one days after any of the days d'a'refs'anTfaie*' appointed for payment, faid governors, or any eleven, or court of afiiftants, or any five, may raife and levy the fame by diftrefs and fale of the goods and chatties of the owner, proprietor, or grantee, or allignee of fuch licence, by warrant under hands and feals ; and in cafe the fame fliall be unpaid by thirty-one days, may if- 1 days con- commit the owner, &c. to eaol, or any other place, there to be detained and con- ^""^ "*' l^y- o ' J 1 ' -, . m&nc with cous fined until the fame, and all cofts attending the non-payment, be fully paid and ' fatisfied ; and in cafe the fame fhall be unpaid forty-one days, then the fliid licence if 4' days, or licences fhall be forfeited, and become null and void : and before a new licence b^^^^^'i^ew'"''' can or fhall be granted to fuch perfon fo negletting, he, fhe, or they (hall pay not licence aii only all arrears of rent due at the time of forfeiting fuch licence, but alfo pay for i"ou"h''more"'' fuch new licence or licences one fourth more, than was paid for the licence or li- tiian former. cences (b forfeited. LIX. fed. ^g. Nothing herein contained fhall prevent faid governors from pro- Governors may ceeding againft the owner pr proprietors of any carriages forfeiting his licence for rJ°o"r arrears • recovery of all arrears of rent, by the remedies herein before mentioned, or other- wife : and may, if they think proper, refufe to grant a new licence or licences to andrefufenew any perfon, who fhall have forfeited any licence granted by this aft. licence. LX. /e^. 40. , It fhall be lawful for faid governors, or any twenty-one, in cafe ii governors they lee occafion, from time to time, and at any time after five years, from the J^earsfn^reafe 24th of June, 1772, to alter and increafe the fines to be paid, or the rents to be fines and rents, referved upon the licences to be thereafter granted, provided the fame be not in- fo as not above creafed above one fourth part more than the fines and rents herein before particu- ' *^*""''> larly mentioned and expreffed, and to make fuch rules, orders, and regulations for that purpofe, as to them fhall feem meet, and to alter, vary, amend, or annul the and alter or fame. *"""'• I 2 LXI. feet. Upproved by lord chancellor and chief judges. The city divided into wards for afcertaining fares i T!e Barrack Quartcrj Workhoufe Quarter j Kotunda Qii^anei' 5 Etephen's-green Quarter; Caftle Quarter ; Middle Quar- ter ; farsi and rates within the city or 7 miles fettled by 21 governors j not to exceed i third more than now allowed, rates for a fet- «lown, within «ne quarter j LXI, /finute; ferved, and in all cafes where die rent payable by the tenant in poflefllon, is only a d"ys^or where ground-rent, faid governors may nominate and appoint any four perfons, they fliall °"'''' ^°|°" j\ thimk. fit, to make and afcertain a valuation of the rent which fuch houfe is worth, 4\"ppointe'd b/ • if 1 1 governors j Valuation return- jf [q be fct to a folvcnt tenant ; which vahiation fliall be returned by them to faid befcre aj'uaice',' .govemors, wiih an affidavit annexed, made before onejuftice for the county of the city, or county of Dublin (which oath fuch juftice is hereby impowered to admini- fter) purporting that fuch valuation was made by them according to the bell of their fkill and knowledge, and without partiality or favour to any pcrfon or perfons con- cerned or interefted in fuch valuation ; which valuation, fo made and returned, rcm^for this pur- fliall, for the purpofe of this ad only, and for no other, be deemed evidence of pole only, tjie yqu^^ fuch houfe might be let for to a folvent tenant : and there may be charged yearly, and every year for ever thereafter upon, and paid to faid governors., and fuccelTors, for all the houfes aforefaid, wherein there fliall be fold by retail any bran- ^^H^wheifbeer ^y» .^'^' beer, flroug watcrs, or fpirituous liquors, an additional fix pence in die or fpirituous li- pouud, according to the faid proportion ; which Ihall be alfo veiled in faid gover- _quors retailed, j^ors and fuccellors for cver, and be a charge on faid houfes, and on the inhabi- no levy for tants, and payable for the purpofes aforefaid ; and no money Ihal! thereafter be le- lertry'ln^Dubiin. '^'ed by vcflry for the maintenance of foundlings in the city of Dublin and liber- ties ; any law, ufage or cuftom to the contrary notwithllanding. Houfes within 2 LXXIII. fe€l. 5^. After the 24th of June 1772, aU fuch houfes, not within the caftie°vaiued, particular defcription herein before mentioned and exprelled, nor comprehended ,and charged, therein, as are or fnall be built within two miles of the caftle of the city of Dub- lin, to be computed from the faid callle at the rate of two thoufand two hundred and forty yards to the mile, (hall and may be valued by fuch methods, and in fuch manner, as is hereby prefcribed and direded in relation to the houfes in faid city, fuburbs, and liberties, where no fuch valuation has been .returned for colle(!^ion of minifters money ; and the inhabitants of all fuch houfes, Ihall for ever thereafter be charged with, and pay yearly and every year, fix pence in the pound of the yearly value of the rents, as returned upon fuch valuation ; which (hall be raifed, levied, and coUedted in like manner, .by fame methods, as the faid charge and taxes on the houfes in faid city of Dublin and liberties, are by this adl to be, and paid to faid governors and fuccelTors for ufes aforefaid. Excepted, tiie hXXW.foct. 54. Nothing herein contained (hall be conftrued to extend to in- barfacks! 'col- duce any charge on his majefty's caftle of Dublin, or any of his houfes, or the bar- iege, hofpitais. j-^cks, the royal hofpital, trinity college, or any hofpita! or alms-houfe. coiieflors ap- LXXV. /e^. ^g. Said governors, or any eleven,, are hereby impowered to con- fa°a'ries'notabove^'''-ifs ^"d appoint fuch and fo many perfous, and with fuch falaries and allow- ^J. ances, not exceeding fix pence for every twenty fhillings received, as they fhall judge neceffary, to collect -and receive for the ufe and benefit of faid foundling hofpital and work-houfc, from the inhabitants of every houfe in the feveral parilh- es of faid city, and within faid fuburbs, liberties of faid Sepulchres, Thomas Court, and Donore, and of Chrift Church, and faint Patrick's, and within two miles of the caftle, the faid fix pence in the pound, according to the refpedtive valuations herein before mentioned, and from the inhabitants of every fuch houfe in which, fold by retail any brandy, ale, beer, ftrong waters, or fpirituous liquors, the faid additional fix pence in the pound ; which charges in cale of non-payment fliall be .jeviedbydifirtfs raifed and levied by faid colledtors by diftrefs and fale of goods of inlwbitants, and file, ^j^^ ^^jj ^^ ^j.^^ ^j^^ ^p ^^^l^ diftrcfs be in or occupy fuch houfe, and fhall be by Bends from col- them rcfpciftively paid to the governors; and faid governors are required to take fum!" ^°' '""^ good fecurity by bond from each colledor, for faithful difcharge of his office, not lefs than the amount of the fum he fhall be appointed tocolleft. Jlt'rs'"arreal''at" ^ LXXVI. feci. 56. No houfe or houfes fliall be charged or chargeable for, nor enetirae. any diftreCs or fale taken for, more than three years arrear at any one time. LXXVII. fea: HDublitt. LXXVII. feB. 5'7. In all fuits, adtions, and avowries, for, or on account of any of faid taxes or charges on houfes by faid governors, or perfon authorized to Golleft, and in all aiftions or fuits by any pertbn whatfoever againft faid governors, or perlbn authorized to colleCl, in relation to colleding the fame, the proving the Jnfuiisininirter's miniftcr's money, uiually paid annually for fuch houfe for ths^ee years next before befoTcVvSce. fuch fuir, adtion, or avowry commenced, fliall be fufficient evidences for all the purpofes of this ad of the valuation of the minifter's money. LXXVllI. feci. c'i. All the rates, taxes, and impofuions, by this aft created, Taxes veOcd in n \ ■ r ■ \ 1 11 ,- r.-'ii rjj • J governois for the veiled in laid governors, to be applied to lupport or laid houle, and education and children andufcs maintenance of the children now in the houfe, or fent to nurfe, and which may °' ''"' '"'"^*' hereafter be received, or fent to nurfe, and to fuch other ufes of laid houfe and hofpital, as are direfted by this a6t : and faid governors, or any eleven, or court of alfiflants, or any five, are hereby authorized to choofe and entertain all fuch mafters or miftreffes, as neceflary to be employed in faid houfe for inftruftion of JJ^'^/j" j^of^/" the children, and iieeping them at work, and them, or any of them, from time to time to remove, as they lliall fee can fe, and upon the death or removal of any, to ""'°''^''' choofe others, and make and give fuch reafon able allowance to them, or any of reafonaWeai-' them, out of the revenue hereby granted for the ufe of faid houfe, as they ihall '°^^^_^"J^^^ °"' °^ think fit : and in cafe there fhall at any time be a deficiency in faid revenue, fo as not fufficient to anfwer ncceflary expences of faid houfe, faid governors, or any twenty one, may borrow, or raife by demile or mortgage of any lands-, tenements, borrow byde- and hereditaments, and taxes, veiled in or belonging to faid corporation, any fufft ^^JJq°''"'°"^'S* or fums, not exceeding in the whole four thoufand pounds, as to them lliall feem meet ; which when fo raifed, fhall be applied by faid governors to pay off and difcharge any debts, which may be neceflarily, and bona fide, contraded for ufe applied to necef^ of faid houfe. fory debts. XXXIX. y>.7 ^g. Whenever the number of children o(:cafion expences ex- when expencc ceeding the duties, faid governors fliall caufe an advertifemefit thereof to be infert- arfvmiftd"^no ed in Dublin Gazette ; and that in a week after, no child (hall be received 'till an children recew- advertifement to the contrary. l,.:;j.::>)j_' -j •'::; ,,t ■. !:, _. ^ • LXXX. /f-c/. 60. Said governors, or any eleven "rftSy, if they tliink proper. Governors msjr or from peculiar circumflances find it necefiary, compoilnd for any arrears of rent ^°J^p°""'"^°*' due for carriages or fedans, incurred before the 24th of June 1772. • . - . LXXXI. y?r^. 61. Said governors, or any eleven, or court of affiftariifs-y^oJ'' any Owners, drivers, five, have full power and authority at all times tO furnmoni and exarrtine upon oath f'nd e""m^nedoB all fuch owners and drivers of hackney- coaches and chaifes, and chairs, drays^ oath, carts, and other carriages, as alfo all owners or carrier-S of fedan chairs, which ply for hire, as they think proper, touching any thirigiiiithis ad,' or wherein they have power by this ad to examine and enquire ; and in-cafe any perfon, who fhall perfonaifum- be perfonally fummoned to appear, provided fummons' ferved twenty four hours iroms," ^* before the time required negled to appiSar, br in-jcii£| a'fiimnhons in writing-left at "»'««'« 4 days, ufual place of abode, and he or (he negled to a-'p pear 071 the day appointed (pro- notappearins vided fuch fummons fo left four days before faid- day) evt-i^y-' perfon fo negleding '°' ^" ^ ' to appear, fliail forfeit' five pounds ; and'a^vewf' fu'mnions'lhall b&ferved, and fO fj ,c/iVj ? .-.jfiVv'-' toties quoties, as he flial! negled to appear';' -and- for ev^ry neg^dj lie or fhe fhall forfeit five pound.s, recovered by dillrefs and fale of gnuxi-s, by warrant under hand and feal of faid governors,- or any eleveii,' or aflif^antsj;6r any file: and in withoidirgteC- cafe any fuch perfon appearing, (hall witihliold or rbAife to gis'e tfefllmony,- ortVp ''atin'g'&c'^'fined' on examination prevaricate or treat- Withcoi^tfempt, infolfenc^'- o'e ablife,'faid-s;bve-t-4os;or tobride- nors or afl:ltant% or' any of themj'tbeymay impofe-a fine nOP-e'xc^ding .forty (hillings on fuch offeriders, or by warrant under hands and feals, commit to bride- K well, "Well, or fuch other place as they think proper, confined to hard labour, not exceed- ing three months. All penalties re- LXXXII. Ject. Gz. In all cafes where pecuniary penalties or forfeitures i- VliUnAu.e'on Aictcd by this adt, recovered by diftrefs and fale of goods by warrant under hand warrant, and feal of the perfon or perfons inflicting ; and it Ihall be lawful for the perforr, who iliall execute faid difirefs and fale, to dedud thereout, over and above faid IS. ffri. toper- penalty and the cods attending the fame, one fhilling in the pound for his or their onexecuung, trouble ; and the overplus, if any after fuch deduction, reftored to owner, and miles at 1240 where miles expreifcd in the aft, the computation is to be made at the rate of two ^'" *' thoufand two hundred and forty yards to a mile. Penalties, where LXXXIII. fsH. 6^. In all pecuniary penalties and forfeitures inflidled, the difpofal nodireaion to vvhcrcof is not particularly direded, one moiety fhall be to informer, and the other treafurer, to the trcafurer of faid houfe for ufe thereof, in all cafes where there fhall be aa where no infor- informer ; and where not any, the whole fiiall be paid to faid treafurer, for the ufs nier, 10 treafurer. r r ■ i atorelaid. Penalties of per- LXXXIV. feS?. 64. If any perfon, who fhall take any oath, or if a quaker, juryonconvicb- j^^ke affirmation, in confequence or by virtue of this aft, fhall forfwear, or be guilty of wilful and corrupt peijury or falfe affirmation, and be convifted by due courfe of law, they fhall incur and fufFer the pains and penalties, by law enafted againft perfons guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury. Affirmation if a LXXXV. feet. 65. Where an oath is required or impowered to be adminifter- quaker. gj by this aft, an affirmation fhall be fubflituted if the perfon, to whom it is to be tendered, be a quaker. General iffue, LXXXVI. fed. 66. Any perfons, at any time fued or profecuted for any thing done or executed in purfuance of this aft, may plead the general iffue, and give and treble cofts this aft and fpecial matter in evidence-, and if upon a trial a verdift fhall pafs onnonfuit, &c. f^j. defendants, or judgment againft plaintiffs upon demurer, or plaintiffs nonfuited-, difcontinue, or forbear profecuting faid aftions, fuch defendants Ihall have double cofts againfl: fuch plaintiffs, for which cofls fuch remedy as in other cafes where cofls by law given to defendants, rormer regulate LXXXVII. /^(7. 67. Every rule, order, regulation, and bye-law made by the patib"rw.'th°OT' governors by virtue of any of the afts hereby repealed, and which fhall be fubfift- repeaied by this jng and in full forcc on the twenty-third of June 1772, and not incompatible with, ** ' ^^'' or in fubftance repealed and annulled by any of the provifions, regulations, or claufes in this aft, fhall after twenty-fourth of June, 1772, be good and valid to all intents and purpofes, as if faid afts, or any of them, had not been repealed ; fubjea to be ai- fubjeft nevcrthclefs to be amended, altered, or made null and void by the go- vernor^!*'^°" vcrnors hereby created, or any twenty one or more. Nogovernoror LXXXVllI. /fiT/. 68. No govemor, or any perfon any way intrufted in the ma- fli"[uo'ntraa°or nagcmeut or ordering of faid hofpital, fhall be contrafted with, or otherwife em- fuppiy necerra- ployed to fupply the foundling hofpital or work-houfe with any neceffary or mate- or incapable J rial whatfoevcr ; and in cafe any governors fhall be convifted thereof before any his place vacant, ^^q juflices of faid county or city of Dublin, upon oath of one or more witnelfes, Ueited. ™ "* or on confcOion, fuch governor's place hereby declared vacant, as if dead, and a new governor fhall be elefted, and fuch perfon fliall for ever be incapable of being a governor of laid houfe. Lordmayor may LXXXIX. fecL 6g. It fhall be lawful for the lord mayor of faid city, by aWeTmanlLffl Warrant under his hand and feal, to appoint any one of the aldermen to officiate as a neft'or''"" "I '"' ^'"^""' tenctis in his place during his illnefs or neceffary abfence ; and for the perfon abfence""' ^^^ fo appointed locum UnenSf to exercife every power, which faid lord mayorj has or may may have by charter, ufage, or any of the laws in being, duriiig the time of tlie iHnefs or neceflary abfence of faid lord mayor. XC. feet. 70. If the lord mayor happen to die during his mayoralty, the alder- Or, on death of men, or ufual Ouorum of them may aflemble together at the Thol.'el, within two '?!,ll!!.'!,°^' '"' two days after and eleft one of the aldermen of faid c\x.'j a.s a. locum tenens, in '!"", in^days place of the faid lord mayor, which perfon, fo eleded a locum tenons, fhall have all 7Jum^n:°T\M- the pov/ers before vefted in faid lord mayor, and be capable of prcfiding at, and if- 'J wuiiike fuing fummonfes to the feveral members of the faid corporation for an eledion of in^on'^fo^J," el^- a lord mayor, in place of the lord mayor who fhall happen to die as aforefaid ; ^'°°- and fuch ele<^ion, where he fhall prefide, fliall be confidered as valid to all intents and purpofes, as if made by the lord mayor and aldermen, according to the forms heretofore prefcribed by law to be obferved at the ufual time of eledling a lord mayor. XCl. fat. J I. Provided always. That the faid perfon, Co eleAsd a locum /f«i?«j To proceed w upon the death of a lord mayor, fhall proceed to an election in the place of the d'ysTte'r'tht lord mayor, who fhall happen to die, within fourteen days after the death ; and '^^^^^' in failure of the faid perfon, fo eleded a locum tenens, proceeding to an eledion clak, '"*""" within the time, his power and authority fhall immediately ceafe and determine, and aldermen and the aldermen and commons may eleft a lord mayor without his piefence or may eiea,°and concurrence, and iiFue fummonfes in name of the town clerk or town clerks, for '"';'",'"°" '" t°w" 1 , ,. ^ , , o- ' clerk's name, holding luch election. XCII. fett. 72. The prefident of the court of confcience for the time being, P''«'""i™t of _ by warrant under hand and feal, may appoint any one of the aldermen to officiate encJmVappoint in his place during the illnefs or neceffary abfence of faid prefident ; and it fhall anyaidermmto be lawful for the perfon fo appointed to exercife every power, which the faid prefi- uint'fs or ab"^ dent, has or may have by charter, ufage, or any of the laws in being, during '^^"?',, ,..,,^ 7y- 1/- ^ ° '^ with like poW" A publick afl, his illnefs or neceflary abfence. XClll. fed. 73. This ad, and all and every claufe and claufes therein, aid every part, fhall be deemed and taken notice of in all courts of law and equity in this kingdom, and deemed a publick ad. XCIV. Stat. I T & 12 Geo. 3. cap. i^./e^. r. The lord chancellor, earl of Droghe- commiffioners da, earl of Rofs, lord Eyre, lord Erne, lord Bangor, Edmond Sexton Pery (peak- |afkv"i;!''vi'et et jll. er of the hnufe of commons, fir Archibald Achefon, fii William Ofborne, fir Ed- at^d ward Loftiis, Nathaniel Clements, William Burton, Anthony Malone, Robert Cle- avenues, '"" ments, Jofeph Henry, Simon Digby, Beauchamp Bagnell, Francis Leigh, Gervais Parker Bullie, Henry Loftus, Armar Lowry Corry, Lodge Morres, George Ha- milton, gt.ieral Sandford, baron Scott, dean Bayley, Henry Tilfon, Richard Daw- fon, Richard Benfon, colonel Mafiey, Andrew Crauford, Edward Sneyd, Charles Savage, John Blackwood, Williami Murray, William MufTenden, Conolly No: nan, Edward Madden, John Godly, Arthur Craven, Captain Willington, Captain Afh- burnham, John Hovenden, John Brown, fhall be, and are hereby appointed com- raifnoners for paving, cleanfing, lighting, draining, a^d improving the ftreet cal- led SackvillcStreet and the Mall, and the lanes and avenues leading into the fame; commidiorcrs and tlie earl of Tyrone, lord Glerawley, John Beresford, Arthur Browne, Richard f°'""""'°- Annefley, Edward Stratford, Edward Cary, Theophilus Clements, John Hyde, '""^ '^""^' Richard Gorges, John Wynne, John Burton, dodor Hamilton, John TJfher, doc- tor Paul, Edmond Malone, Badham Thornhill, John Mitchell, Robert Hudfon, Edmond Power, William Handcock, John Hill, captain Ormfb}^ Townly Dawfon, James Caulfield, William Caulfreld, Charles Tottenham, Arthur Mervyn, Dixie Coddington, Lewis Thomas, fhall be, and are hereby appointed commifBoners for K 2 paving paving, clear.fing, lighting, draining, and improving the ftreet, called Marlbo- rough ftreer, with full power to laid commiflioners, to pave, cleanfe, light, drain, fui: powers to and improve laid ftreets, and to order and dired the fame from time to time, fo figlu', andmV- 33 to make and continue faid ftreets fafe and commodious for the publick in gene- piove, ral, and the inhabitants of faid ftreets in particular, and to free and preferve the fame from all nuifa.^xes and annoyances whatfoever, and for that piirpofe to fink, TDakefhores, drivc, catrv OH, and perfcdl fuch Ihores, fewers and drains, and do and carry on all fewers, and dTaint,' ^i-ich neceffary and proper ads and works in and through the faid ftreets, and in and all necefTa- and through that part of Henry-ftreet which runs acrofs the top or fouth-end of ly wcits, 5ackville-.fcreet and the Mall, and in and througli fuch other publick ftreets, lanes, roads, pafTages, af.d places home to the river Anna-Liftey, as may feem to theril neceffary and convenient for the purpofes a'brefaid ; and the faid commiflioners, or ai^y5niayaa any five or more of them, fhall refpeeiively have full power and authority to do, fairwo"kr°^ perform, and perfedl all fuch ads and works, stnd things aforefaid, and to execute all the powers and authorities herein refpedively to them given and created for car- rying tlie purpofes aforefaid into execution, in fuch manner as to them fliall feem withouUet, fuit, moft proper, without any let, fuit, or interruption from any perfon whatfoever, or Yt,t"T"'di-'°" '^"y charge or charges of any of the proprietors or inhabitants of faid ftreets, lanes, mages, pafFagcs, or ways, for or on account of any damages [o by them to be fuftained in ceedmgo'tc'ilpi- ^^^ ^uc executioD of faid works ; and as often as any of faid commillioners ftiall trsof the houf- die or rcmovc, the fucceeding occupiers of the houfes fliall be commillioners in ts commiirion- .1 • ^„ their room. Sackviiie Street XCV, /(?tV. 2. Provided always, that the faid Sackville-Street, fliall not be made aft'and^'or'for'" » market or ftand for coaches, or a place for breaking liorfes. breaking hoifes. XCVI. feci. 3. The publick ftreet or highway lying at the north end of Sack- ville Street aiid the Mall, next to the Lying-in hofpita!, and from the corner of faid liofpital to the fouth end of Cavendilh Row, and fo crofs the fame to the north-weft end of faid new ftreet called Sackville-Street and the Mall, and the lanes and ave- nues leading into the fame, fofar as they Ihall find it neceftary, to open, break up, or m.ake life of the fame for the neceffary purpofes of fufficiently and more conve- niently anfwerii'g the ends of this ad. Place and time XCVII. feH. 4. It ftiall be lawful for faid commilfioners, or any five or more, to of meeting, affcmble at any place or places within or near the faid ftreets, or within the faid city of Dublin, to be appointed by them, or any five or more, for that purpofe, on the firft of June next, or any fubfequent day, which they or any five or more fhall ap- , ,. , point, giving publick notice thereof in one or more of the publick news papeis, ten 10 days publick I' ' & . & r . r r r_ 7 notice, days previous to fuch meeting, and to adjourn from time to time, and appoint oilier adjourn, and meetings fot carrying this ad into execution, at fuch places, and times, as they, appoint other D JO . ^' '^ ' j-iii meetings, or any five or more fliall appoint, and to aliemble and meet accordingly ; and that ktep.Tingr&c'^'^'d commiflioners, or any five, fliall refpedively have full power and authority to dired and regulate the paving, cleanfing, lighting, and improving their faid ftreets making drains, rt f pccti vel y, in ilich manner as they fliall think proper; and making drains, foughs, fh%' other fhorts, and fewers through the fame, and every part, and all lanes, and avenues ftreets tothe leading into tlic fail! ftreets, and for driving and carrying the fame through any thTMaii maybe other piiblick fbtet, lane, or place, to die river Anna Liffey ; and that faid ccm- cpencd and 'miffo.iers for Sackville-Street and the Mall, and the lanes and avenues leading ^"'''"'' into the fame, fliall have full power and authority to lay open the Mall, which is in contraa forma- fhc middle of faid ftreet, and to pave and make it part of the fame ; and to make wo'rViimiT' contrads for all materials neceffary for execrating the works in their ref jiedive ftreets, and to employ workmen, and to do all matters and things which they Ihall judge ne- ceffary to render the faid ftreets moft commodious to the inhabitants of faid ftreets, and and the perfons who Hiall pafs through the fame ; and that faid commiflioners for Sackville Sivfct, and forMailborough-Street, or any five, fhall refpedively have full ^°'^^ll^^^'^ °'^ power, fioni time to time to diredt fuch fums to be raifed upon the inhabitants of '^ffter^dty'com- their refpedive flreets, as rhey fhall judge neceffary for purpofes aforefaid ; and y^ij^°n«r= «- fuch fame fhall be affefled by faid commilTioners refpeftively, or any five, upon the in proi cuion to ir^habitants of their refpedive fcreets, equally in proportion to the minifter's mo- m-natcrs mo- ney payable out of the refpedlive houfes in faid flreet, and collected by fuch per-coiieaedcn.iheir fons, as the faid commilTioners refpectively, or any five, fhall by writing "I'der ;^^y^.^_'j^^^p_ their refpective hands and feals, appoint, which fums, when collected, fhall be pointed at pub. paid into the hands of fuch perfons, or into fuch bank or banks within faid city, as 1;^^ J';^'=j;^"s,^^ ^ fliali be appointed by the faid commilTioners refpectively, or any five, at fome publick and applied, meeting of faid commiflioners, and fhall be from time to time drawn out from thence, and paid, applied, and difpofed of for the purpofes aforefaid, by order of faid ■ commiiiioners, or any five under their hands, fgned at fome publick meeting. XCyill.fefi. 5. Where any of the houfes of the faid flreet untenanted or unoccu- i:otfesun(c. pied, the owiers of fuch houfes refpedively fliall be charged with the faid rates, and '.'"'gf^'"'""'"*' the premiffes fhall remain a fecurity for the fame ; and where any of the houfes in and where itt to faid ftieeets are let out in lodgings'to tenants, the owners of the houfes are to be ,'^";|j|^;^^''"J_ alfeifed, but the rate may be levied on the occupiers of the fame ; and all dead piers, walls, and void fpaces in faid ftreets ihall be refpedlively rated by (iiid refpeaive f^!'l7Jed Ty'' commiiiioners, or any five, according to the annual value, which they fliall judge, anmai value, fuch grounds would let for to a folvent tenant ; and the fums, fo aflefied, fliall be p^^'^^^''^'"'' "" paid by the proprietor of fuch grounds, until the fame fliall be built ; and when newiiouffs built, fuch new houfes fhall be then rated as the other houfes in faid flreets : and "'h!'e''rs)"^'^ in cafe any of the perfons, fubjcd to faid rates, refufe or neglect ihirty-one days tn'^fnfaijr after demand to pay the fiim or fums fo refpedlively alTeffed, colledors may levy mar,diewed% the fame by diftrefs, upon the goods of him, her, or them fo refufmg or negleft- cciieftor, ing to pay : and in cafe fuch diflrefs not redeemed within three days, fuch colleiflors in 3 dayl dfm't.'s fhall and may fell the fame by publick cant ; and out of the principal dcduft the ["^''^''"^'','^'^'j'> fum due fvr faid rate, together with coft of fuch diflrefs, if aiiy, and return paid, " overplus to owner : and faid refpedtive commiflioners, or any five, fhall and may r ^ . materials venecl apply as aforefaid the fums, raifed for th.e purpofes aforefaid; and all the flones in comn.iirion- and other materials in the faid refpeftive ftreets, are hereby vefted in faid refpec- "*■ * -^ . , * power to con- tive commilfioners, to be fold or ufed for the purpofes aforeflvid, with power to iraci, agree and contract for all manner of materi-ais'and neceflaries with workmen, un- dertakers, and necelTaiy artizans and perfons v/hatfoever : and faid commiflioners luhie to fuin^cr of faid flreets refpedlively, or any five, may and i"hall be liable to all contrads and •^^-p^'tot- agreements fo made by them, and fubjecfl to all fuits as fhall be profecuted againfl them for non-performance of all or any of fuch contrails. XCIX. fe^. 6. After the pafling of this:'.a(fl: the inhabitants of Sackville- Street and J^sid Greets h;;'- the M.ill, and of Marlborough-Street, and all tlie houfes, lands, and tenements Jj.l''''^ ''''"'' within the fame, and which (hall be liable to be taxed for the purpofes of this acl, fhall be exonerated, freed, and difcharged from all fcavengers rates, and ail taxes and contributions, in refpeft of the iaid flreets, for paving, ligliting, or clean- fmg the fame, other than fuch taxes, rates, and afTeOinents to which they fhall be liable by this ad. Konetocpen C. feH. 7. It fliall not be lawful for any perfon in any flreet, lane, or place, '''« fewers, a-. through which any fhore, fewer, drain, or fough fliall be carried by virtue of this thennto them aft, to open any fuch fewer, drain, or fough, or to lay or carry any other fhore, nj^jj""! '*'*'* '*' fewer, drain, or fough, into the fame, v/ithout leave and licence of faid refpec- tive commiiiioners, or five at leaft, under their hands and feals, obtained at fome publick publick meeting of faid rerpeear3, &c. makes killing and deftroying wild turkies liable to the fame penalties and forfeitures that deftroying pheafants, partridges, and quails, are made liable to by 25 G. 2. fhall continue in force for two years, and from thence to the end of the then next ieliion. oatii to com- \ ^lat. 7 Geo. %. cap. g. feet. 2. Chief governors, and every archbifliop and ^iG. I. CIO. biihop relpeftively, may impowerone or more perlons to be named in commiJlions, f.g. to view im- Qj. any one of them, to adminifter fuch oath, as by 12 G. i. required, to the com- millioners ; and all fuch oaths as ftiall be fo adminiftered, and fuch as have been theretofore adminiftered by any perfons heretofore authorifed by any fuch commifli- on, deemed to have been duly adminiftered. On any com- II. feet. 4. Upon any comjplaint of dilapidations to chief governors or any arch- •dat'icnfcom-'" blflTop Or biiliop by the fucceftor chargeable with payments they may ilTue fuch miffionsmay commiflioEs" with fuch powcrs and authorities as in 12 G. i. mentioned ; and on re- ^\Tg\^ z.ic. turn of fuch commiflions, and hearing the allegations of each party, afcertain fuch r- 9- fum, as they fliall adjudge reafonable, to be allowed for fuch dilapidations, which from the dial ge fhall be dedufted out of the fum payable by fuch fucceflbr, and ftiall by them be laid out on im- jaid out lu repairing fuch buildings and improvements, as by the former aft direfted* Payment for HL fect. 5.. In all cafcs whatfoever where any biftiop or other ecclefiaftical perfon d.Upidations fuffers any dilapidations in buildings or improvements on demefne or glebe lands, the archbifliop in cafe of a biftiop, or the bifhopin cafe of any other ecclefiaftic, may ilfue fuch commiflions, with fuch powers and authorities, and afcertain fuch fums, as fhairbe Judged reafonable to be expended or allowed for repair of fuch dilapida- tions, tions, infuch manaeras prefciibed by faida^^, and enforce payment oF fuch fuins fo afcertained, in fuch manner as by the laws now in being the ilims adjudged to be paid or allowed for dilapidationsare recoveriible. • I^aMers auD peDlars. I. Stat. 1 1 &• 12 Geo. 3. cap. 3. feet. i. From 25 March 1772 until 25 March P'*/*"' y'"-'? 1774 there fliall be anfwered and paid to his majefly, by every hawker, pedlar, ',°^"^/''^^'^'^'' petty chapman, or other trading perfon, going from town to town or to other men's houfes, and travelling on foot or with horfes, or otherwife, except as after mention- ed, carrying to fell or expofing to fale any goods, wares, or merchandifes, a duty of 20 s. by the year; and every perfon fo travelling with a horfe, afs, or mule, or ics. each heart; other beaft bearing or drawing burthen, fhall pay 20 s. by the year from 25 March 1772 to 25 March 1774 for each beaft he or (he (Tiall fo travel with over and above faid firft mentioned duty of 20 s. by the year ; which rates and duties fhall be col- c<'i!«'^>f<'as'''"- ledled by fuch perfons, manner, ways, and means, as the duty for licences to keep hy j^^^g! L""'" alehoufes by an atft o^^i ^- 2- ^s fully to all.intents as if the provifions in faid aft were •=• 'o- ''•93- particularly exprefled and enadted again. II. feet. 2. Every pedlar and other trading perfon fo travelling fhall before 2 1; Note of tiie March 1772, and fo likewife every year, deliver to colledor of excife for the ^^coufiiTrT"" diftridt, where he or fhe fliall refide or dwell, a note in writing under their hand, or hand of fome perfon by them authorifed in that behalf, how and in what manner they intend to travel and trade, whether on foot, or with one or more horfes, afles, or beafts of burthen for fo travelling and trading ; for which he or fhe fhall there- licence there- upon pay fuch colleftor faid yearly duty, and thereupon a licence granted to him or "f""- her fo to travel or trade by fuch coliedtor. III. feet. 3. Any fuch hawker, &c. found trading as aforefaid without or con- Trading other- trary to fuch licence, for every fuch offence fhall forfeit 5I. one moiety to informer, former and 'the the other to the Incorporated Society in Dublin for promoting Engl-ifh proteflant (ociety. Schools. Any perfon fo trading, on demand by any juflice, mayor, conftable, orRefufmgto other officer of the peace of any county, city, town corporate, or borough, where J?"" ''""" <"* he or fhe fhall fo trade, refufing to produce and fhew immediately faid licence, pe^eoffice^r. fhall forfeit 20s. to informer, and for nonpayment fufFer as a common vagrant, and 2°^. tomfrr- committed to houfe of correction. IV. feet. 4. Colledtors refpeftively required on terms and receipt aforefaid, to coiieaors to grant a licence under their hands to every hawker or any other trading perfon for s""' ''"'"^' him or herfelf with one or more horfes, afles, mules, or beafls, they Ihall travel with, as the cafe fhall require ; for which licence fhall be taken by fuch colledors for their own ufe one fhilling and no more, except they travel with any beail of bur-f's'^' then, and in that cafe two fhillingsand no more over and above the duties aforefaid; horfe, &c. faid colledors fhall keep feparate and diflinft accounts of faid duties, and pay the *"-'=? '''=p"'*"= money arifing into the treafury as other money received by them for ufe of his ^"''" majefly. V. feet. 5. Said colle'' treafurer or receiver general to faid Incorporated Society or their treafurer for their ufe. L ' VII. feet. Torj^ery 50!. behdcs penal- tie<. General ilTue ; treble cofts to defendants. Conftable's neglcft 40 s. .Anyone may feife till licence produced. brought before a jurtic* or col- leftor. penalty 5!. Exempted printed papers, 5''^''"" ed, fhall be of full force and efFed, and continue to be executed during the term in faid ad mentioned, as if the fame powers and authorities were herein repeated and re-enaded, any thing in the faid former ad contained to the contrary potwith- llanding. W.feSl.z. The toll-houfe and turnpike gate ereded at Aghanebee deemed Gate at A^hane- lawful, ereded purfuant to appointment of the truftees, and fo conftrued td be, " '^'^^"'' according to the true intent and meaning of faid ad, whether the bounds of the liberties of Cork fhall appear to be at Aghanebee, or to extend fomewhat farther, any thing in faid ad to the contrary notwithflanding. YA. feet. 3. No toll-houfe or turnpike gate (hall be ereded in, acrofs, or on no gate nearer the fide of faid road between Aghanebee and Cork. '^°'^''- IV. feet. 4. A toll-houfe, turnpike gate and fidegates fhall be ereded at Mill- a turnpike at ftreet, and there the like tolls fhall be received and taken, and levied, applied and difpofed of, as by faid ad direded, over and above the tolls in faid recited ad, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. V. /f^. 5. Seven truftees fhall be a fufficient number, and vefled with fame? truftees may power, and their ads as valid, as the ads of eleven under faid ad, any thing *^" therein to the contrary notwithftanding. VI. feB. 7. This deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken notice of as fuch Apubikafl. by all judges, juftiees, and all other perfons, without fpecially pleading the fame. VII. Stat. 7 Geo. 3, eap. 11. feet. i. The truftees appointed for the road, and Truftees nstned the furvivors, or any five or more, or fuch perfons as they fhall appoint, may ercd from Lflowei la turnpikes on any part, and toll-houfes, and receive the following tolls or duties, ^.^rry to the for every coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, chaife, or chair, drawn by fix horfes, geld- landt o" Reens, ings, or mares, one fhilling and fix pence ; drawn by a lefTer number than fix and may =re^ t"™- , „ .,,. ^ 1 "^ • , r • pikes and take more than two, one fhiiJing; drawn with two, four pence-, every waggon, wain, ortoii; cart wi-th two wheels, drawn by more than two horfes, mares, geldings, or oxen, '*>* '•■"*^' two fliillings and fix pence; every cart, waggon, or car with two horfes, geldings, La or C7 mare?, four pence; a chair or chaife with one horff, mare, or geldirg, tLree pence i cvpry car or other cairinge drawn but by one horfe, mare, gelding, al'f^ ' mule, or ox two pence, except cars and horfes laden with ttirf ; every other hoiie, mare, gelding, mule, or afs, laden or unladen, and rot drawing, one penny half^ penny ; a drove of oxen, cows, or neat cattle, one fliilling and eight pence per (core, and fo in proportion ; of calves, hogs, flieep, or lambs, five pence per fcore, and (o Pifiref. ar,H "^ proportion. The money fo raifed veflred in faid truftees for the ufes herein after rnis alter 5 d;.ys. mentioned. Said truftees, or any five, or any perfons by them authorifed under Hands and feals may on negledf or refufal levy by diflrefs, and dctuin till faid toll withreafonable charges paiJd, and after five days fell fuch diflrefs, returning tha overplus on demand. VJ II. _/>(■/. 2. The money, arfter charges' and expences paid, applied to repair of the road. IX. feci. 3 Tickets of the day of the month and toll paid delivered by gate- keepers, taken at every other gate on the road, and in force for the fame day. X. feet. 4. Permitting pafl'age to avoid the toll, on convidion on oath of one witnefs before five truftees (impowered to adminifter) or one juftice of the county^ forfeiture ten Hiillings by diftrcfs and fale by wan ant under hand and feal XI. feet. 5. Sidegates and toll-houfes may be erefted, fo as no double charge, XI!. Ject. 6. Five truftees at any meeting may under hand and feal appoint col- le£\6rsj fupervifors, clerk,, or treafurer ; remove and appoint new ones. Colledtors accountable on oath once a month, or oftner if required. Surplus, or fo much as neceflar}', laid out in amending faid highway. Allowance to coMedlors not exceed- ing twenty pounds a year ; to furveyors two fhillings aday ; clerk. or treafurer thirty pounds a year. For not accounting and paying, imprifonment. Xlli. /eel. 7. Where not ftifficient materials in adjoining wafte or common, raif^ ed by order of five truftees in any grounds, not being garden, orchard, yard, mea- dow, or avenue to an houfe, paying for the fatnc; upon any difference aflefTed by a jury. XIV. feet. 8. Annoyances removed on owner's negled ten days after notice in writing. XV. feet. g. May make caufeways and drains through grounds contiguous, ereifl arches, and widen faid road ; furveyors after ten days notice to owners or occupiers rnay fcour ditches, and by warrant of five truftees levy the charge. XVl./efl. 10. Eleven truftees may carry on faid road in direft lines, and agree for a recompence otit of the tolls ; on difagreement or difability finally afcertained by a jury. XVU./eSl: II. Twelve truftees may raife money by mortgage of faid tolls; ap- plied only to repair faid road and build neceflfary bridges. XVlll.feeL 12. Five truftees may give orders for payment of growing intereft^ not to exceed forty pounds. XiX. feei. 13. Orders transferred by indorfement, on notice to and entry by treafurer without fee, and fo toties quoties. XX. /cc/. 14. All orders numbered. XXI. feet. 15. Tolls applied to pay intereft of money borrowed, and towards re- pairing the road; furplus to difcharge the principal. XXII. feet. 16. Toll paid only at the firft gate, once the fame day. XXIII. feet.\']. Perfons difpofing and receiving tickets to avoid toll, on con- vidlion on oath before five truftees or a juftice forfeit ten fhillings. XXIV. fea. XXIV. feci. i8. Fifteen trudees at meeting may farm faid'tolls, not above three years. XXV. /fcY. 19. Toll not dem^ided for materials for the road, corn in ftraw, hay from a meadow to the haggard, implements fur hufbindiy in the parifhes thro' which the road runs, bealls going to water, the mail, Ibldierson march. XXVI. feet. 20. Continued 6-1 years from i May 1768, unlefs before the road ■ fiifHcisntly made, and all money paid: XXV! I. feet. 21 . Five fruflees on death or removal may appoint others. XXVIII. feet. 23. No truftee to accept place of profit, nor contradt for the road. XXIX. feet. 24- Five truftees may compound, within one Irifhi plantation mile of any gate. No gate nearer Lillowel than one mile. XXX. feet. 25; Actions laid in county of Kerry or Limerick, Defendants may plead general iflue, and have treble cods. XXXI. feet. 26. This a public ad. i XXXII. Stat. ']Geo. 3. cap'. 13. feet. i. Truftees in the former adt and herein 90.2. c. 17, after named, or any feven, may during thQ4i years by faid ad and for the further ^'"""•'^'''' = term of 41 years, and to the end of the then next feflion, take in lieu of the tolls in faid aft the tofls following; every coach, berlln, chariot, calafh, chaifc, or chair additional drawn by fix horfes, geldings, mares, mules, or afles two (hillings; by four, one [^"i^''" *"'' fhilling and fix pence; by two, one fliilling ; a chair or chaife by one bead of draft, four pence ; a waggon or carriage with four wheels (except as before) nine inches broad at the foal, and the ftrakes fet on with flat nails, drawn by three or more beafts, fix pence ; with two wheels, by two or more beads, three pence ; with four wheels narrower than nine inches and the drakes fet on otherwife, ten fhillings ; with two v/heels narrower than nine inches or the drakes fet on other- wife, by two or more beads five fhillings ; a cart or car with one bead, the wheels three inches at the foal, fet on with flat nails, three halfpence, if narrower, or the drakes otherwife, one fhilling; a horfe, mare, gelding, mule, or afs, with or' without a rider, one penny ; a drove of oxen, cows, or neat cattle, twenty pence -per fcore ; calves, hogs, dieep, goats, or lambs, ten pence ; a carriage with milldone, the wheels nine inches and the drakes with flat nails, one fliilling; if narrower, or the drakes otherwife, ten fhillings : faid tolls liable to pay fums borrowed purfuant to faid ad and the intered, and fuch further fums not exceeding two thoufand - pounds, as diall be borrowed for the road. ' XXXIII. /rerentments yearly ; not under id. nor above ad, per acre, for repairing 5 overfeers i8d, a day each j \^^\'^> ■•County of "l Where.TS the fum of ' of /aid county, at to be expended in making and repairing road, from to feet wide in the clear, and being at the rate of teas prefented by the grand-jury ajizes, in the year perches of the mountain befween and feet wide at the hafl, withjlones or gravel, by the perch. Now I A. B. one of the overfeers appointed by the grand jury, do f wear, that 1 have honejlly and faithfully expended, or caufed to be expended, the fum of in making and repairing perches, of the f aid road, and that the faid perches, and every part of the fame, are made feet wide at the leafl, ■with Jlones or gravel, and are feet wide in the clear, within the ditches, drains, or fences ; and that the faid fum, with 7ny wages, at per perchy amounts to No prefentment XLIX. /cH. 3. No fums (Tiall be prefentcd-or levied upon any barony or county for fences. £^j. j^j^j^j^g a,-jy fence or fences by the fide of fucli mountain roads as aforefaid. Notoounty of L. feet. 4. This aft fhall not extend to any county of a city or town. tpwn. Old roid weft of LI. Stat. II & izGeo. 3. cap. 35. feet. i. Whereas a new bridge has theGrirfin bccn built at the expence of the county of Dublin near Lucan : and Agmondilham f^ThTnewroad Vcfcy has Undertaken, that the road from faid bridge, (hall be carried without any tjniihcd. expence to the county through his eftate in a ftraight line to Thomas Lynche's houfe, where it will interfedt the turnpike road : as foon as the faid new road fi- nifhed, it fhall be lawful for the faid Agmondifham Vefcy to flop and inclofe that part of the old road, which lies on the weft fide of the little river, called the Griffin. ApubUcaa. hll. feet. 2. This acft deemed a public aft, and judicially taken notice of as fach by alljudges, juftices, an^ other perfons whatfoever without fpecially pleading the fame. 1 Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. ^. feB. i. Every archbifhop, bilhop, dignitary, preben- dary, having any lands near any town and convenient for the fiteof any county-in- firmary, with confent of his dean and chapter, under common feal, and the governors of any charity being a corporate body, and all other corporate bodies having lands fo fituated, may make ieafes under their corporate feals in perpetuity and in reverfion on the expiration of any fubfifting leafe, to the refpeftive gover- nors of any county infirmary or hofpital of any quantity of ground not exceeding tv/o acres, or of one or more houfes contiguous with each other at a reafonable rent ; which Ieafes Caid governors are hereby impowered to take for erefting an infirma- ry or hofpital for any county ; and for converting fuch houfe or houfes into an in- firmary or hofpital for any county, phyficians exa- No perfon (hall be appointed phyfician to any county-infirmary, who fhall not «r^ific'at"from ^^ examined and certified, to be duly qualified under feal of the college of phyfi' the college. cians in Ireland. 6 G. 3. c. 10. amended, Bifliops, &c. with confent of chapter, corporate bo- dies, may leafe in p«rpetuity and reverfion not above i acres for county- intirmary. I. Stat. fufants Mttttt). I. Stat. 1 1 & 1 2 Geo. 3 cap. 15. /fc/. i. In every city except Dublin and Cork, "'•'''f pariOiio:!- a veftry fhall be held annually in every parifh in the firft week of June, of which r L", 'inamiual publick notice (hall be given by the minifter or his curate, at leaft fix days prev'i- J^'^'yJ''^'^^^^ ous, exclufive of the day of giving fuch notice, and day of holding fuch veftry ; rypadmindHM and the mini fter or curate, church-wardens, and parifhioaers fhall at fuch veftries ^J^^'^P'^Ji'j^"''^'^ ^ refpedively annually choofe three overfeers out of the inhabitants of every fuch days notice by P^nln. _ rate. U. feet. 2. Such overfeers fhall take up and provide for maintenance and edu- To take up and cation of all fuch children, as (hall be fo deferted and expofed wiihin their refpec-,P'°^j''^^'^^^^'^/„'. tive parilhes ; provided always, that no more fhall be allowed than five pounds lor not above 5I. each child. _ _ Ove'rfeers to fct- III. feet. 3. And that the expence of maintaining fuch children may be equal- tie fums to be ly borne by the inhabitants refpedlively, the overfeers of every parifh in fuch cities"''*''' rel'pedively fhall from time to time, as occafion fhall require, afiemble, and fettle and determine, v/hat fums fhall be raifed upon the inhabitants refpcdively, for main- taining and educating fuch deferted children ; and fuch overfeeers, or the major part, fhall at fuch meetinps equally and impartially aflefs fuch fums fo to be railed upon __^ the inhabitants of the (everal houfcs wuhin (uch cities reipectively, according to the ficr'smoney, minifler's money pay able out of fuch houfes ; and where fuch houfes are not rated to °^ ^"g^feJ'rs'""^ the minifler, valued by fuch overfeers, or the major part, and rated accordingly. IV. feet. 4. Such overfeers within their parifhes, or perfons appointed by them, coiieaed by fhall colled: the feveral fums fo afTelTed, and apply the fame for maintenance and fon"/""imed"' education of fuch deferted children within their parKhes ; and if any occupier of applied for fuch any houfe refufe or negleft to pay the fnm alTelTed, two days after demand, the ^[^''^^^"'^ ^^^^ fame fhall be levied on every fuch occupier by diftrefs and (ale of goods, by war- 2 days after de- rant under hands and feals of fuch overfeers, returning the overplus, if any, after ^,i"ifnre7^and deducing all charges attending the fame to the owner. falcon occupiers. V. fe^- 5. Such overfeers fhall return a quarterly account to their parifh mini- Q^.^^j^riyre flers, or curates, upon oath, which oath fuch miniders and curates are hereby im- turns on oath t» powered and required to adminifter, of the fums fo levied, and how the fame ap- '^^"l erorcu- plied. VI. feet. 6 If any overfeer happen to die within the year, for which fo chofen. Dying within another fhall be cho(en in his room within ten days after his deceafe, at a veftry for choftnYn^"'''^'^'^ the parifh, in which he was overfeer, of which four days previous notice at lead days at veftrvo» fhall be given by rhe m.inifter or his curate. ^a.y.nouce. VII. /a/. 7. Every fuch overfeer fhall, within fix days after fo elected, take an oath hy over- oath before the chief magiftrate of the city, in which fo eleded, which oath fuch !<■'"■•'" 6 days chief magiftrate is impowered avid required to adminifler, that he will fairly and gianne. *"' juflly, without favour or afFedlion, aflefs fuch fums, as may be neceffary to be raif- ed for the purpofes afc-refaid. VIII. feil. 8. The overfeers in every Aich city fliall enter, or caufe to be enter- Entry byover- ed, in a [n)ok for the purpofe, a regular account of the fums, fiom time to time '^^^'^^^'^'^ l^""^' by lliem direct d to be raifed for the purpofes aforefaid, and of the names of the whom, perfons upon whom to be levied ; and copies of (uch entries, lodged by fuch over- ^ . feers, fhall be delivered to the minifters of the refpedive pariflies, or their curates, flW or curates, to which all the parifliioners of f.ich pariflies refpedively, may have recourfe at all ^'Jiml^eu''^ feafoi.ablf times. IX. fe^ 9. If the pfi'ilhioneis of any fuch parifli fhall at fuch veftry refufe or On nejiiea of negled: to cled three fuch overfeers, the minifler, or in his abfence his curate, fhall r,nn',c'd°"^mini M name ''='■ "i curate. ma- f ufauts tiefecteD* name three for fach parlfh -, which fliall be vefted with the fame powers, as if elec- ted by the parilhioners. General iffue, X. feSl. lo. If any attion or fuit commenced or profecuted againft any per- fon for any thing done in purfuance of this aft, the defendant may plead the ge- neral iffue, and give this ad and the matter in evidence j and this ad deemed a ApubiickacV. pjblick ad, and judicially taken notice of as fuch. Subfcrlptlon opened for looool. 20 per cent, paid in a month or new tion, Not under 50]. Certificates giv- en. I Stat. 7. Geo 3. cap. 26. JclI. i. The corporation fhall on or before the firfl: of June next, open a lubfcription for carrying on and compleating the navigation of the Shannon, from Limerick to the deep navigable water above Killaloe, and the fame fhall be kept open till lOoool. fhall be fubfcribed. II. fe^-. 2. Such fubfcribsrs Ihall within one calendar month after clofing, pay fJbfcrip- '^^ twenty pounds per cent, to perfons appointed by laid corporation ; in default there- of the fubfcription of every perfon failing fhall be abfolutely void to all intents ; and faid corporation fhall open a new fubfcription for filling up fuch deficiency, and proceed as before direded. III. fefl. 3. None admitted to fubfcribe lefs than fifty pounds. IV. feci. 4. Said corporation fhall give fubfcribers after paying 20I. per cent, a certificate under feal mentioning fums refpedively fubfcribed and paid. A company and V. /efl. ^. As foon as twenty pounds ^«- cent, paid in, fuch fubfcribers united body corporate, ^nd crcdcd into One company for carrying on faid navigation, and thenceforth one body politic and corporate by name of the Company of Undertakers for making the river Shannon navigable, have perpetual fuccelTion, and common feal, and by that name fue and be fued. VI. y?(.?. 6. Said company from time to time, as often as orcafion, may af- femble in Limerick and adjourn, and at fuch alfemblies or adjournments make by- laws, rules, and orders for better government of their affairs and members, making contrails and agreements, and appointing fervants and perfons for carrying it on, and vary or repeal the fame and make new ones, provided all fuch by-laws, and orders confiftent with law, and eight days notice at leaft, including the day of notice and of meeting, be given of the time and place of fuch affemblies in the publick news papers of Limerick. VII. fefl. 7. The joint flock of laid company fhall be the faid ten thoufand pounds fubfcribed, and divided into fharesof fifty pounds each, if neceffary to fub- fcribe further, for compleating faid navigation, fuch further fums fubfcribed iTiall be added to and become part of the joint flock. VIII. fdi^. 8. None lliall vote at affembly or intermeddle in any fort, unlefs he has in his own name or right, or in right of teflator, or inteftate at lead five fhares of fuch joint flock ; every member fhall have one vote for every fuch five fhares ; and members, who have right to vote, may appear in perfon or by proxy by writing under hand and feal ; and majority of votes determine all matters; and if an equa- ity, chairman fhall have a calling vote befides his vote as member, IX. feet. 9. At every affembly there fhall be prefent in perfon or by proxy fe- ven members at leaft, who have a right to vote. X. fe^. 10. All accounts and tranfictions regularly and fairly entered in books for that purpofe, to which every perfon having in his own name and right any fliare, or his reprefentatives, may have accefs at all reafonable times to infpect. XI feet. Meet at Lime- rick, adjourn, make or vary by-laws. t days notice. Joint (lock loool. in'501. fliares., further fabfcrip- tions added. One vote every 5 fhares. pro.xy, under fjal, chairman carting ] vote. y prefent. Proceedings en- tsred. XI. feet. ir. Said corporation fhall pay faid company or perfi^ns authorized to '^on'y paid to receive the fum of fix thoufand pounds, and alfo fuch fums as fliall have been paid *'-°'"P'">'' in upon fubfcriptions, to be applied by them in carrying on faid navigation, and accounted for to y r \- J <-• <-> parliament. accounted ror to parliament. 'KW. feet. 12. The feveral lands, tenements, and hereditament?, bridges, locks, works i-c. ved- fluices, drains, banks, dams, towing paths, and other ways, now vefled in faid '='''" ''i''=°">- corporation for faid navigation, and all materials and utenfils provided before firft of June next for faid work, and all fums granted for carrying it on, and which re- main unapplied, fhall immediately after fuch company erected be verted in faid company and fucceffors, who fhall be inverted with, hold, and enjoy all powers, j^j pg^^^,^ privileges, advantages, and authorities in all things for carrying on faid navigati- on, as are now \-efted in faid corporation by feveral a6ls in this kingdom, fubjeCt to the rcftridions in faid ads, and from time to time to the controul of faid cor- poration. XIII. fe^. 13. Said company not fubjed to any debt or damages incurred be- ^"^""^^^ '"^ fore I June next, by faid corporation or by perfons ading under their authority. XIV. fe^. 14. In confideration of expence and trouble in making and main- Duties received, taining faid navigation, faid company and fucceffors, may receive and fue for eve- ry veffel navigating faid river between Limerick, and O'Brien's bridge, upwards or downwards, in which any goods, merchandizes, or commodities carried fifteen i sd /■?'• tun, pence every tun, and for each paflenger two pence ; for every veffel to or from betwten'Lime- Killaloe, or the deep navigable water above, in which fuch goods carried, two "ck» ^."^^ ob"- Ihillings and fix pence per tun, and every paflenger four pence. KiiuioeS'.and XV. feft. 15. On refufal faid company or fervants may dirtrain fuch veflels or 6d. per ton, pai- goods, and difpofe as ufual on diftrefs for non-payment of rent, or recover by civil DuuaTiAs for bill ; any difpute adjurted by any jjftice of county or city of Limerick, with liber- ''^"M ordvu ty of appeal to next judges of aflize for the county, whofe determination final. oifputes fettled XVI. fen. 16. No duty, rate, or cuftom whatfoever, fave herein mention- ''y ^j"'^"^^- ed, for any goods, merchandizes, or commodities by faid navigation to Limerick. No other duty XVII. feci. 17. Veffels with dung or manure only, or for pleafure only, pay "o [°'„f°k''^ '° '^" duty ; with turfF only pay no more than two pence per tun. Manure and XVIII. /eft. 18. Proprietors of faid joint ftock, executors, adminiftrators, and P'^'t'^^" V- ■■!» . ,.' . -. x . 2 . . ^ . . . '.no duty boats ty. affigns intitled to the tolls, and profits, hereby verted in faid company in proporti- Turf2d'./.frtun on to their interefts, confidercd as perfonal eftate not fubjed to any of the hws to'^_^'^^^''"'"'°" prevent growth of popery. perf nauoate, XIX. feSt. 19. Afl'ignment of any part of faid joint ftock entered in a book ^^^^^^ f,^^'° kept for that purpofe i 1 place appointed by faid company. . Affignments enr. XX. feci. 20. AiTemblies convened as before may at all times, as occafion re-'cliis'forfub- quires, call upon proprietors to pay in remainder of fubfcriptions and fuch fu r- fcriptions, ther lumsas necefHtry to compleat faid navigation, provided fuch further fums ex- ceed not in the whole twenty pounds per cent, of original fubfcriptitms ; if any, their reprefentatives, or affigns refufe or negled to pay fums fo called for within ten davs after time appointed by fuch affemblies, notice fhall be given in pubhck °" "■"''^'' '°^ rr--! 1/--1 -I,/-,. I ii-i 1 days notice, pub- news papers or Limerick, that laid company will fell by publick cant on a day lickfaieof fpecified fuch fhares ; and uulefs before faid day fuch fums paid, faid company"^'""' or perfon appointed fhall fell by public cant, at Tholfel of Limerick fuch fliares ; the money paid to faid company for ufe of fuch proprietors thenceforth for ever bar- red of fuch fhares, and all profits and interert-in law and equity, thenceforth verted in fuch purchafers. XXI. fell. 21. Such notice at leaft twenty one days previous to fale including u days notice, day of notice and fale. M 3 XXII, feet. Turnpikes, the toll. Terry over Shan- non, toil. Dividends, Boat owner's name, abode, and tunnage fct on. Anfwerable for the crew. Breaking the -.•.•:>rks, treble damages. •er.eral ilTje, a pul'lick afl. fulatiD ^abigatiott* XXII. fctl. !),z. Said company may eredl: turnpikes on any trackway on either fide of faid navigation, and take the following tolls, and diftrain and fell as ufual at other turnpikes, every coach, berlin, chariot, or chaife drawn by fix horfes, one fliilling, by lefs than fix and more than one, fix pence -, every waggon, cart, or carriage with four wheels, fix pence ; one horfe chaife, three pence ; every car or cart with more than one horfe two pence; with one horfe, one penny. XXIII. feet. 23. Toll paid only at one gate, and once the fame day. XXIV. fe5l. 24. May eftablifh and keep a ferry over the Shannon from Rebough to the oppofite fide, and take following tolls, diftrain and fell as ufual in cafes of ferries, every coach, berlin, chariot, or chaife by fix horfes, onefhilling; by more than one, fix pence; one horfe chaife, threepence; cart or car with one horfe, three halfpence ; a horfe, mare, or mule, one penny ; every paflenger, one half- penny. XXV. feet. 25. The clear profits to the company from the feveral duties here- by vefled in them or orherwife, or fo much as thought proper, fhall from time to time at Lady day and Michaelmas, or within fifteen days after be paid and di- vided to and amongfl proprietors of faid joint flock in proportion to their fhares and interefb. XXVI. feet. 26. Owners of all vefTels navigating faid river between Limerick and Killaloe, fhall caufe their names and abode with the dimenfions or tunnage to be fet on fome confpicuous part of fuch veflels, and in default forfeit forty fhil- lings, to any perfon who fhall fue by civil bill to his own ufe. XXVII. feet. 27. Maflcr of fuch vefTel and owner anfwerable for any damage or mifchief by any of the crew or perfons belonging to it to any of the navigation- works or the goods laden in fuch veflel. XXVIII. fet. 28. Perfons, who wilfully break or damage any works for ufe of faid navigation, being conviif^ed on information or indictment, forfeit to the com- pany treble the fum neceffary to repair; afcertained by the jury who try theofi^encc; and the judge fhall commit to common goal till offender pays fuch fum, fuch offence may be laved or tried in the county or county of city of Limerick. XXIX. feet. 29. Perfons profccuted for any thing done in purfuance of this a-payment as ap- pointed bv faid afts. XXKU. feet. 3. It fhall be lawful for [a'\d corporation, whcrefoever it appears to them, that the maki;ig or compleating any inland navigation (the prop''r'y of which is by any la\}f vefted in them) will be too expenfive to be ccmplcated at the publick charge alone, in every fuch cafe to transfer the property of fuch navigation or riv- er cr with its foil, banks, drains, houfes, tolls, duties, utenfils, and all other matters appertaining, unto any company of private undertakers, willing to carry on and complcat the fame, and who fhali propofe to faid corporation fuch a fcheme, as faid corporation fhall at their difcretion judge beneficial for the publick fervice, and in which fcheme faid fubfcribers lliall -propofe to pay the fum, at which the com- pleating faid work iTiall be efhimated, and lliall alfo propofe to compleat faid work within a certain time limited by faid corporation -, and in fuch cafe faid corporation out of the feveral duties granted by this adf, may give fuch fubfcribers an aid to- wards carrying. on fuch navigation, not exceeding in die whole one fixth part of the ^'"' ' ^'^'sj^n lum, necellary ror carrying on and compleatiiig iuch navigation ; no payment ne- expended, on verthelefs to be made by fuch corporation, on account of or towards any fuch aid, <">'fii<:":ntpiuof. until fuch company of fubfcribers, make it appear to fatisfadtion of ftid corporati- on, that ffice the time of entering into the contra(fl:, herein after mentioned, there has been fubfjribed, paid in, and adtually expended in and on account of faid work, five times fo much money as fhall be then demanded, and has been at any time granted by faid corporation fince the time of their entering into fuch contradl for faid work, upon which, proof having been made to fatisfadion of fiid corporati- on, they Ihall iffue their warrant for payment of fuch fixth part of the fum fo ex- pended. XXKlll./ecL 4. Such property not transferred to fubfcribers till'application firft 7 memberspre- made to faid corporation at fome meeting, at which feven members at lead pre- ' fenr, who ("hall give publick notice in the Gazette, that they will proceed on fuch bufinefs, fpecifyingthe fame, on a certain day diflant thirty days at leall from the *o |'ve se days day on which fuch notice firft-inferted in the Gazette, and until faid application firft istoairemat agreed to at a meeting in confequence of fuch notice, at which no lefs than fif- """''"S- teen of faid corporation prefent and afTenting. XXXIV. feci. 5. Every fuch agreement reduced into writing by deeds executed Agreement in between faid corporation and fubfcribers-, v/hich fubfcribers (hall bind them felvcs ruhVonhe.-s to execution of faid work, according to fuch agreement under a penalty, or under '^°"''''' terms of .forfeiting all property and benefit in faid work, at difcretion of faid cor- poration. XXXV, StaL II & 12 Geo. ^.c/ip. 24. feil. i. Whereas feveral Incenveniencies The corporation may be remedied by ereding a lock acrofs the river, from the pier of the long dock, ^ursX^shm-'^ and making the fpace between faid lock and t!je new bridge, a fafe and convenient ntmiromthe place for fhips to lie in : it Jhali be lawful for the corporation, for promoting and JJ^"^°' tWiorg carrying on an inland navigation, to eredf fuch lock as before mentioned, and to apply fuch part of the money granted to therh by parliament, as they fhall think and apply grant proper for that purpofe, not exceeding one thoufand five hundred pounds in the n°t'"^P;^^^'^,'^g"'' whole. 150CI. XXXVI. /^c7. 2. Said corporation ihall, from and immediately after tlie paffing veftedwithaii this adf be vefted with all and fingular the fame powers, property, and rights, for P°«'."f ^^/'"" I ■ rill r r, , ■ , , , r , . ° ' . any inl.injefls fliipsof by them under their feal, 'as foon as fuch lock compleated, to take and levy upon all v.° rdTnot iidcn ftiips and veflels, which fhall come within faid lock, or pafs through, any fums in JonTadu/d their difcretion, nor ^.\ ceding the following rates, for every fhip or veflel belong-'""''" "''* ' ing to any of hismajcfty's fubjed\s of twenty tons burthen, or upwards, and not be- ing laden, or in ballaft only, two pence per ton ; being laden, or having any cargoe f^^'isn not hdcn on board, four oecce per ton j for every foreign fhip or veffei not being laden, or in in bailaft only, four pence ^^t ton ; being, or having any cargoe on board, fix pence ^i?r ton : and in cafe of refuJal to pay faid feveral rates, it fliall be lawful tor faid corporation, and their fervants, to enter into and diflrain fiich fhips or vef- fels, or their tackle or furniture, or the goods therein, for the fame, and to difpofe by diftiefs or ci- thereof, asin cafes of diftrefs for non-payment of rent, or to fue for and recover ^'"'"'- the fame by civil bill. Entry to take di- XXXVlil. J'cct. 4. It fhall be lavvful for the fervants of faid corporation to go o'l dilutes as to boatd fuch (bjp or vefTel to take the dimenfions ; and any difpute concerning the tonnjge deter- tonnagc, lliall be finally determined by the cojledor, or in his abfence, by the tor%r next of-' "^^'t fupetior otliccr in the port of Limerick, who are hereby refpedively impow- ficer. ered and required to determine the fame. Contraafor XXXIX. /ciT/. 5. It fhall be lavv'ul for faid Corporation to contract with any making the lock peribns, or body corporate, for making fuch lock, and keeping in conftant repair, repa,,.^"'""^ '" and finding propcT perfons to attend, upon fuch terms as they Ihall think reafona- transfer the pro- blc, and for that Durpofe to afiign and transfer by writing under leal of faid corpo- perty, riehtsand • r i , 1 T 11 ^ r 1 • 1 Suiies. ration unto iuch perlons, or body corporate all or ai.y part or the property, rights, . and powers hereby vefled in faid corporation, and alfo the duties before mentioned, or any part; and tiiCreupon fuch property, powers, and duties, or iuch part thereof as fo transferred, (Tiall be vefted in, held, and enjoyed by the perfons, or body corporate, to whom fo transferred ; any law or flatute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithfianding, ■Generaiiffue, XL. y^//. 6. If any luit Commenced or profecuted againft any perfon for any tiling done in purfuance of this ad, fuch perfon may plead the general ifllie, and give the ipecial matter in evidence ; and this adt fhall be deemed and taken to be a apu '<: a . pyblick ad, and judicially taken notice of as fuch. Subfcribers on XLI. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. Cap. 25. /c'?. 4. Every company of fubfcribers ftheir corpora^tion may plau being firft approved of by the corporation for promoting and carrying on an takeanyieafes inland navigation, and a certificate of fuch approbation being previoufly obtained necd^ry,^" ^ Under fcal of the faid corporation) fhall have full power and authority to purchafe or take any leafe for any term of years of all fuch lands, as may be neceilary for making or carrying on fuch navigations, and for towing paths, banks, back drains, the fne of lock-houfes, ware-houfes, mills, or other ergines neceffiny or properly bogs not above conneded with fuch canals, as alfo on red or unprofitable bogs, offlripesof ground from edgtofuie •■"""'"§ P^'"'"'^'^' with fuch canals, and on either fide of the fame, fuch ftrips of canal. bog, neverthiclefs not in any place to extend above twenty perches in depth from the edge of the water, of fuch canal. Perfonai proper- XLII. /fc/. 5. All fuch fubfcriptions, fhares, and proportions in fuch partner- no'tfubjeato fhips and companies fhall be, perfonal property only, and fubjed to the feveral laws popery laws, affeding the fame, fhall not in any degree be fubjed to any of the laws made to prevent the growth of popery. Xf-^TG^Tt-i, XLIII. Stat. 1 1 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. zS.fect. i. The feveral duties and impofitions and jG. 3. c. 6. in 27 G. 2- c 3. further granted, continued, raifed, levied, and paid unto his years™^ ^ majefly, his heirs and fucceflbrs, for nine years from the 25ih of December 1773, and no longer, in and throughout that part of the diflrid of Lifburn, commonly known and diftinguillied by the gaugers walks of Belfaft, Lifburn, > oira, and Hillfborough, including fuch part or parcel of the manors of Hillfborough, Kil- wariin, Cafllereagh, and Statneals, as were excepted in the former ad ; all which additional duties fhall be levied and colleded in the manner, and by fuch ways and means as appointed by faid ad of twenty-feventh of his late majefty, and third of his his prefent majefty, and every claufe or article in faid aifts, or either of them, fave in liich particulars or re(peds as the fame may be altered by this ad, Ihall remain and continue in full force for nine years. XLlV./ecL 2. Said additional duties, as from time to time brought into the receipt p.iirf without de- of exchequer, fhall be paid out without any fee or deduction by the vice treafurer ^'"::"" "p°" or receiver general, upon an order or draft, figned by the perlons, who are by the 7iccsiccmmim- commiflioners for promoting and carrying on an inland navigation in Ireland appoint- *""*' cd local comniilhoners for carrying on the navigation of the river Lagan, or by any feven of the perfons hereafter chofen or appointed in their room, or in the room of ^ any of them, local commiffioners for carrying on faid navigation ; and all the mo- nies fo arifmg from faid additional duties, fhall be laid out or expended by faid ing a°p.iir"g°e''b"- commiflioners, or their order, in opening a pafTage by water between Louehneaeh twecnLougii- , T, ,r n. J . ^\. r r neagh and Bel- and Belrait, and to no other ule or purpole. fan. XLV. feet. q. Said local commiflioners or the perfons appointed in their room, ^'^'?''^'''='')' 7 r '^ yl- 1 r • I !!• commiflicnera at or any feven or more, are hereby impowered from to time, and at ail tmies, at any ft»ted meetings of their ftated or publick meetings ; by writing under their refpe6\ive hands and *"'"'"■''-'' /^ feals, to alTign over faid duties granted by faid afts, or by this adt, or any part "d°"^^ thereof, the cofts and charges whereof are to be borne and paid out of fuch duties, for any time or term during continuance of this ad, as a fecunty for any mo- ney to be borrowed by them for the purpofes aforefaid, to fuch perfon or perfons, or their truftees, in order to fecure the re-payment with lawful interefl:, or lefs, if the fame can be had, or if the fame fhall be found more convenient, to iffue and give receipts or debentures, under hands and feals of feverr or more of faid commiihon- or debentures ers, upon the payment of any fums of money (no one of fuch fums being lefs than S'^'^"', . ^, fifty pounds) which fhall be lent and advanced to faid commiflioners for the ufe of faid work, to the perfon and perfons who ("hall lend and advance, to be chargea- ble upon, and payable out of faid additional duties, and according to the terriis which fhall be agreed upon between fuch cteditors and faid commiflioners, or any feven or more, and fpecified in faid debenture, to make the fums fo advanced to bear an interefl:, until the principal fums fhall be paid, or to grant or appoint fuch yearly fums or annuities to be paid out of fuch duties, to the perfon or perfons, his, her, or their executors, adminiflrators, and afiigns, who fhall advance any money for all or any part of the term for which iiiid duties arc granted, in full dif- charge and fatisfacStion of the principal and intercft of the fums to be lent, as fliall be agreed upon, and fpecified in laid debentures; and every perfon, to whom fuch debentures given, may by indorfement on debenture transfer the .right and tran;fe'rhfc!irb¥ ' benefit ; and fuch indorfement, upon notice to the clerk or regifter of fuch com- indo.fcuenc, ^ mitlioners, and an entry in the book kept by them, of the orders and proceedings of fuch com.miflio;-'. ers, and which clerk or regifter fliall upon requefl without fee regidercd, or reward make accordingly, and irpon reqne'ft permit to be viewed at the'ufual >■ ^ ' ^ 1 • r u- J n i!- ■ 1 1 • 1 /- ^' 1 • vievvtd without hour or time or his attendance, fhall mtitle rhe indorfee or amgnee, or his:execu- f«atufuaitimc, tors, adminiflrators, and afl-gns, to the fole benefit of the fums fo transferred or afligned by fuch aflignees, their executors, adminiflrators, or afligns, and from time to time, as often as occafion iTiall require, and after fuch aflignment made, it ro from tim.* to fhall not be in the power of the perfons, who made fuch aflignment, to make void, i'™^' notaitcr releafe, or difcharge the fame, or the fums thereby transferred or afligned, orngno"?^'" *' any part thereof. XLVI. /i;3. 4. This aft adjudged, deemed, and taken as a publick acl, and a publick aa.- judicialiy taken notice of by all judges, juftices, and other perfons whatfoever, without fpeciaily pleading the fame. XLVII./rt/. f nlauD ^alligation* conttnuaace 9 XLVII. JeEl. 5. This ar/. 2. Such fublcribcrs fhall, within one calendar month after fuch fub- ' fcription clofed, pay in five pir cent, of the fums by them refpet\ively fubfcribed, or fubfcription to fuch perfon appointed for that purpofc by faid corporation ; and in default there- voi*.- of the fubfcription of every perion failing to pay fhall be abfolutely void to all in- • ' tents and purpofes whatfoever •, and faid corporation fhall open a new fubfcription for filling up fuch deficiency, or until the faid fum of fixty thoufand pounds in the M hole Ihall be fubfcribed, and a depofite_of five per cent, be made thereupon, and fiiall then proceed therein in the manner herein before defcribed. Not under 50!. L. fe£l. 3. No perfon permitted to fubfcribe lefs than fifty pounds. Asfoonassfrr LI, /(T^. 4. As foon as five /■■cr ffW. upon fuch fubfcription paid as aforefaid, "d'intoacomT ^^^^ fubfcribcrs fliall be united and erecifted into one company for carrying on faid ny, navigation, and from thenceforth be one body politick and corporate by name of a body corporate, j.j^g ^^j^p^^^, q£ ^^"'^^''^^^^''^ °f ^^''^ grand Canal, and have perpetual fucceffion, and a common feal, and by that naine fue and be fued, and thenceforth capable msytakeiand! In law to purchafc and take meffuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, not a°'ea^^at the'' exceeding the value of five hundred pounds a year at the time of fuch purchafe, lime, and to grant, alien, demife, or difpofe of the fame, or any pait at their free SX^"''"' °' will and pleafure, and faid company fhall thenceforth by virtue of this aft be fully empowered by themfclves, their agents, overfeers, workmen, and fcr- carryonand^ vants to Carry on and compleat faid canal, and fuch communication, as to faid n«i, andcom- compauy fliall feem moll convenient,, between faid canal and the river LifFey, iiiumcation^vuh ^^^ ^|j-^ ^ Communication or canal between faid grand car.al and the navigable row, Bo-ne, if parts of the Barrow, together with the navigation of faid river Barrow, from expedi^"""" ^'''^ (^ources thereof to the bridge of Athy, and to join the faid grand canal r\'ilh the Boync, if fuch juncflion fhall to faid company feem expedient. And faid ppm all rivers, company lliall in like manner be empowered to open all rivers, and make all fuch makt outlets, ouf-lcts^ oif-branches, cuts and navigations, trenches, pafiitges, dams, and wires cuts, &c. gg j^^jjy by f^,^}^ compatty be judged neceflary for carrying on faid works, or for fup- plyirtgfiid canals and navigations with water. Affembisin LU. feci. c,. It fliall be lawful for faid company from time to time, as occafi- DubU.if.;om Q„ fijjj]! require, to allemble in the city of Dublin, and adjourn fuch afi'emblies ; and adjourn,' and at tuch aflcmblies or adjournments make fuch bye-laws, rules or orders for "'d^'r^^"-''"^' better government of their affliirs and members, and making fuch contrads or appoint fci'vants, agreements, and appoint fiich fervants and perfons for carrying on faid naviga- varyo*rre eai ^'°" *^ ^^-^^ ^'*" think fit, and to Vary and repeal fuch bye-laws, rules^ and or- ders, ad make new lones for the good and orderly ufmg of faid navigation ; and fettle wages, for fettling the wages, and well governing the bargemen, watermen, and boat- men, who fhall convey any goods thereon, and to impofe reafonable fines and for- impofe fines, no feiture? to be levied by 'uch ways and means as the company fhall diredl ; fo as no above 5I. one of- fuch fine fhall exceed -five pounds upon any perfon for one offence; and the faid bye-uwsin writ- bye-laws, being put ip.to writing under feal of faid compar^y, fhnll be binding to ingundcrfeai acd be obfervcd by all parties, and be fufHcient in any court of law or equit> to X juflify a luftifv all perfons, who (hall adt under the fame, or in levying any penalty of for- ,'"'"^!''« »"''.» feiture thereby incurred. any court. LIU. feiJ. 6. Said bye-laws (hall not be contrary to laws and (latutesof t'^'s'')'«j^^'^^*2p-^ realm, but approved by the chancellor, chief juftice of the king's bench, chief juf- ciunctiioVan'd tice of the common pleas, and chief baron of tlie exchequer, or any two of them ""^« chief judg- I ' ^ ^ " cc or riinv two* LIV. feet. 7. Eight days notice at leaf!:, including the day o( notice and day g 'i>„y, inci..f)ve of meeting, previous to fuch meeting (hall be given at the time and place of hold- "^^'11°^^^'^' ing fuch aifemblies in fuch publick news papers of the city of Dublin, as fliall be .agreeed on by faid company. LV. /fi.7. 8. Any perfon, who (hall think himfelf aggrieved by any order or ^^p^^, ^^g judgment in purfuance of any fuch bye-law, may complain within fix months months to quar- then after to the juftices at quarter feifions in the county, wherein fuch bye-laws "'''^^'^'°"'' fhall be carried into execution, or in the county of the city of Dublin, who fhall in a fummary way hear and determine fuch complaint at fuch feffions j and, if ■they fee caufe, may mitigate or alter fuch fines or forfeitures, and order any f"o-„^„efi ney to be returned, which (hall have been levied or, paid in purfuance of fuch bye- tigatedandfa-' law; and alio order fuch fatisfadion, and give fuch cofls to the party injured, as ^'^'|^^^"^||j°^^^^^ they (hall judge reafonable. LVI. fec-t. 9. The joint-ftock of faid company fhall be fixty thoufand pounds, joimnock ■together with all fuch further fums (not exceeding in the whole one hundred ^^^^^^°f^i^^'^l^^^'' fifty thoufand pounds) which fhall be fubfcribed, and upon which fuch payment of ons not exceed- five per cent, fhall be made within one calendar month from the time fuch original '"s 15-°°°^' fubfcription (hall be clofed ; and alfo fuch other fums, as faid company at fome ge- neral meeting, (hall judge necelTary to be raifed by fubfcription for carrying on faid work ^ which fums, when fubfcribed, (hall be added to and become a part of the joint-ftock of faid company. LVII. feet. 10. The joint-(lock of faid company fhall be divided into fliares of Divided into 50I. •nrty pounds each. LNUl.fect. II. And whereas faid fubfcribers cannot enjoy the full profits of New (hares of faid undertaking until the fame be compleated ; but their monies advanced mud for lf„"aec!^c'st,d fome time remain without producing any interefl to themfelves, and it is not rea- fold to new fub- fonable, that future fubfcribers fhould reap the benefits of faid work, upon ^^e'^^'^"^^^'^' fame terms with thofe, who fhall have borne the principal part of the hazard and ftock. lofs, which at firft may be incurred ; if at any time after one calendar month next cnfuing the clofing of the faid original fubfcription faid company (hall be minded to enlarge their capital (lock, and their original fubfcriptions fliall at fuch time be valued above par, or at more than the fum originally fubfcribed, fai-d company are impowered from time to time to caufe new fhares of fifty pounds each in the faid joint-dock to be made out, and to fell the fame to any fubfcribers at fuch rate, as faid company fhall appoint or by publick cant ; and the faid fums (b fubfcribed fhall be added and become part of the joint-ftock of faid company. LIX. /f r r o Boyne. the rivcr Eoyne. May purchafe LXIV. /ff/. 1 7. If ueceflary for faid Company in profecution of faid work, gai^den."^ to purchafe any houfe or garden, they ftiall have full power by this adl to pur- chafe the fame, in fuch manner as hereby impowered to purchafe any lands or other hereditaments, any exception in any former att notwithftanding. Lands, &C.VS- LXV. /fr/. 1 8. All fuch lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as have at any 'and'f^'^tha'fr' ^^'^^ heretofore been valued by j.uries, for carrying on and eSeding faid grand canaj, canal, and for which purchafe money Iiath not yet been paid or tendered, (hall be '"^"'''^[i^*/*,* vefted in faid company, as fully and effectually to all intents and purpofcs whatfo- the company, if ever, as if faid corporation had immediately after fuch verdifts pronounced judg- '"^J' ^^^^^^^_ ment on fuch verdiifts, and had paid or tendered the money fo affcffcd ; provided ed inn months, the faid company fliall within twelve months from the time of pafling this aft pay, or tender anddepofit, the feveral fums fo afleiTed by the juries. LXVI. fe^. ig. In all cafes, where faid verdids have found the value of the verd'a3 good lands fo enquired into at a certain rate by the acre, and at a certain number of years XVuImi'ty"oV purchafe, according to the quantity of lands which may be taken, according to land and paying fuch rate, without fpecifying the precife quantity of land which might be wanting, rnTzmOTtur^ or theexaft fum which fhould have been paid, ail fuch verdidls heretofore given fhall ■ be good and effectual to all intents and purpofes whatfoever ; and the faid company under fuch verditts fhall have full power to take in fuch quantities of faid lands, as may be necellary for faid navigation, or for raifing materials for the fame, according to fuch valuations ; firft afcertaining the quantity of land wanting, or paying, or tendering, and depofiting the money for the fame, at the rates in fuch verdids mentioned ; provided fuch quantities of land fliall be afcertaincd, and the purchafe-money paid, tendered, or depofited as aforefaid, within twelve months from the paffing this aft. LXVll. fe^. 20. Said company, empowered and authorized to caufe to be Bog purchafed, valued, and to take in and purchafe, ftich portions of bog between the hill Down- p"""of,'"if|5° ings and the liver Shannon, and between the grand canal and the bridge of Mo- f"'= f-om the naflereven, as they may judge expedient, not exceeding in breadth fifty perches""'"^'''''*"'*'"' on either fide from the navigable water of faid canals ; fuch valuations and purchafes to be made in fuch manner as faid corporation are impowered to proceed in pur- chafing lands for any navigation according to the laws now fubfifling. LXVIII. feci. 21. It may be lawful for faid company to take, turn, or draw the Rivulets and waters of the rivulets or brooks, commonly called Blackwood river, Cufhalirs;, blocks imeiCta- ^ ' J , ' ^ . oj ed may be taken and Tiguele, and Efker, and fuch other brooks and rivulets as may be interfefted with the Morrei, by faid navigations, or any part thereof, together with the faid river Morrei, or fo much as they fhall judge neceffary, the faid company making fatisfaftion to the damaVtom'i'fs proprietors of any mills or bleach-gre'' Purchafeone the watcr in fiich cut or water-courfe to the level of the navigable water in Tuch acre contiguous, ij^ u,-ij i • /-i fatisfaaion for caiial ; and to purchale any land, not more than one acre, contiguous to fuch wa- tiie land and da- ter-courfe or cut ; faid company firft making fatisfacftion for the vahie of faid land, and for any fuch damage as may be done by fucb wyer or drain, in the manner herein before directed. urma"''b"Vrttr LXXII./fr/. 25. Whenever there fhall be a redundancy of water in faid canal, fold^ ^ " more than may be neceffary for the ufes of navigation, that it fhall be lawful for faid company to fet or fell all fuch redundant water, or fo much thereof as they fhall judge expedient for bleach-greens, mills, or manufadlures, or other ufe thewTterlntiL whatfoever ; and to with-hold the fame from all fuch perfons as fhall not pay to faid company. Company an adequate compenfation for faid water ; and that the abfolute and fole property in faid water fhall be vefted in faid company. Not to draw hXXlU. /ect. 26. Nothing herein contained fhall extend to enable faid com- hmy'thZ^fat- P^'^y ^° ^^'^^^ °^ f''°"^ ^'^^ '''^'*^'' LifFey more, than fufficient for the purpofe of faid ficient for fdid navigation ; and fhall not enable them to'dravi' off water for the fake of felling or mvigation, letting out fuch water, it being the true intent and meaning of this aft, that no' water fhall be fold, let, or difpofed of, other than fuch as may happen from a ca- fual redundancy in faid canal. Ratestoufeof LXXIV. /?/?. 2"]. In confidcration of the expence and trouble, which faid com- e company, p^j^y f^^ j^^ p^^^^ j.^ j^^ making and maintaining faid navigation, together with ofF- branches thereof, it fhall be lawful for faid company, and their fuccellbrs, at all times hereafter to afk, demand receive, and fue tor the ufe of faid company the veffers naviear- f^^^^^i ""atcs and dutics herein-after mentioned ; for every boat, barge, or other ingupordown veflcl, navigating faid navigations, or any part thereof, either upwards or down-- ?vith goods, vvards, in which any goods, merchandizes, or commodities, or other matter what- as ordained by focvcr, fhall be Carried, fuch rates and duties as faid company fhall by their bye- rot exceeding '^ws ordain and appoint, not exceeding the fum of three pence for every mile for 3d per mile per every tou of the burthen or tunnage of fuch barge, or other vefTel, or for every wd'shTofgoods, ton weight of fuch goods, merchandizes, commodities, or other matter whatfoe- ver, which fiiall be carried upwards or downwards, at the difcretion of faid com- paiTengerzd per pany ; and for each pafienger in any fuch vefTel, any fum not exceeding two pence, ' for every mile fuch paffenger fhall be carried, and an additional rate, not exceed- ed per ton every ing two pence /ifr ton, for every lock any fuch vefTel fhall pafs through the faid '°'^''' communication between faid canai and river LifFey. EydiArefs, LXXV. fe^. 28. In cafe of refufal to pay faid duties, it fhall be lawful for faid company and their fervants either to diflrain fuch boats, barges, or other vef- fels, or the goods therein, for the fame, and difpofe thereof as ufuai in diftrefs for or civil bill, non-payment of rent ; or to fue for the fame by civil bill ; in cafe any difpute fhall arife touching the fum to be paid f )r every fuch rate, the fame fhall be adjufted by difputes by any any jufticc of the county or city, in which fuch difpute, with liberty to appeal to jufticeof the either party from fuch determination to the next judge of alTize for the county ; appeaf'to judge or in cafc the faid difpute fhall arife in the city of Dublin, or in the county of faid cf amfe, city to the iuflices of faid city at the quarter felTions, whofe determination fhall or fcfTions in , -'_ , -^ -' ' ' Dublin. be tinal. ^ No other toll or LXXVI. fecf. zg. No duty, rate, toll, or cuftom whatfoever, fave the rates cuftom. herein mentioned, fhall be taken for, upon, or out of any goods, merchandizes, commodities, or other matter whatfoever, which fhall or may be carried by faid navigrjtion to or for any place whatfoever. Innpropnetfr' L-'^XVII. fed. 30. The proprietors of faid joint-flock, their executors, ad- toinurefis, miuiftrators, and ailigns, intitled to the tolls, duties, and advantages, and profits hereby vefled in faid company, in proportion to their refpective interefls in thejoint- ftock of the faid company j fubjed to fuch charges, as faid company fhall think ' - - - ^j fit to make for the compleating and preferving faid works, and the foil and wafer of the canals, together with the banks thereof, and fuch other portions of ground, fubjea to char- as the faid company are impowered to acquire by virtue of this adt ; and the faid ?«*> . proprietors intereft therein deemed and adjudged in all courts of law and equity to i^r, banks) and* be perfonal and not real eftate, and alio deemed and adjudged in the hands of sj^ound acquir- faid proprietors, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, not fubjed to or to be raid intereft per- afFeded by any of the laws to prevent the further growth of popery, or fubjed to *^°"** '^'*''"> any difcovery under the fame ; and no perfon being or becoming a member or Tub- notafftaed by fcriber for carrying on faid navigations, (hall thereby, or in refpeft of his intereft f*?"*' '^"'^' in the capital ftock of faid company, be liable to be a bankrupt, within the mean- nor bankrupt ingof any law concerning bankrupts ; nor fhall the capital flock of laid company, no7erc-iKn at- or the intereft; of any particular member therein, be liable to any foreign at- tachment. tachment. LXX VIII. feet. 31. It ftiall be lawflil for every proprietor of fuch joint-ftock to J^^^^'^d o'r af- bequeath the fame, or to alfign in his life ; and every aflignment, which ftiall be figned, made of any part of the joint-ftock, ftiall be entered and made in a book for that a^- n^^j^f j„. purpofe, kept at fuch place as appointed by faid company ; and no allignment tered. deemed good, until entry in fuch book LXXIX. feet, 32. It ftiall be lawful for faid aftemblies convened as before di-Caiisbya(r«m- reded, as occafion ftiall require, to make one or more call or calls upon the feveral of^fubimptions' proprietors of faid joint ftock, to pay in fuch parts of their fubfcriptions, as faid af- femblics ftiall think neceftary for carrying on faid works ; provided fuch calls ftiall not exceed twenty pounds per cent, on the feveral original fabfcriptions in any oneno"x«ed2oi. year ; and in cafe any of the proprietors, their reprefentatives or afligns, ftiall re- year?"'' '" °"* fufe or negleft to pay the fum, fo called for, within thirty days after the time ap- onnegiea 30 pointed by fuch aftemblies for the payment thereof, notice ftiall be given in the foYpubUckfaie publick news papers aforefiid, that faid company will proceed to fell by publick cant, on fuch day as fpecified in fuch notice, the iliare of the perfon lb refufing or negledling ; and unlefs fuch perfon ftiall, before the day fpecified in fuch notice pay the refpeftive fums fo called for to faid company, or fuch perfon as they ap- point, ftiall fell by publick cant at the ufual place of faid company's meeting the ftiare or ftiares of the perfons fo refufing; and the money, for which fold, Ihall the money on be paid to faid company, for ufe of fuch proprietor ; and fuch proprietor from '^^^'f^'^'^'^P'^""' thenceforth for ever barred from fuch ftiare and all profits arifing therefrom, and of all intereft in the fame, both in law and equity ; and fuch fhare, and all profits the nwe to pur- and advantages arifing therefrom, fhall thenceforth be vefted in fuch purchafer. ''''*''"'■ LXXX. feet. ^0^. Such notice fhall be given at leaft thirty days previous to fuch 30 days notice fale, including the day of notice, and of fale. jnciunve. ■ LXXXI. feet. 34. It fhall be lawful for faid company to eredt one or more turn- Turnpikes e- pikes upon and acrofs any of the track-ways, which now are or fhall be made on ^\"''' °" ''^'''^'' cither fide of the faid navigation, and to take and receive the following tolls, for and tou taken, which they may diftrain and fell as ufual at other turnpikes ; for every coach, ber- lin, chariot, or chaife drawn by fix horfes one fhilling ; for every coach, berlin, or chaife, by lefs than fix and more than one, fix pence ; every waggon, two fhillings- and fix pence ; every cart or other carriage with four wheels, fix pence ; every car or cart with one horfe, one penny -, every drove of oxen, cows, or neat cattle,, twenty pence by the fcore ; of calves, hogs, flieep, goats, or lambs, ten pence 5 and fo in proportion for any greater or kffer number. LXXXII. /a/, o^c^. Such toll paid only at one gate, and but once in any one day ; At oncpate but' and no road, which is now publick, fliall be thereby obftruaed. ' no'puhnck road LXXXII. /a7,°i^^'"ii«€ king, the other to him who ^""^ '^'p'' *^' fliall feize and fue by adion, bill, plaint, or information fn exchequer, wherein no wager of law, prptedion, elToign, or other dilatory plea fhall be allowed. V Stat. Ceneral iiTue, fLimz. NoiimeWiB T. Stai. 1 1 & 1 2 Geo. 5. cap. 28. feet. i. Whereas the burning I'lmc in the city ilm ^'''' of Dublin, or fuburbs thereof, is injurious to the health of the citizens ; after the ift ''' of May 1772, it fhall be unlawful, to ered any limekiln within the publick lamps of the city of Dublin, or the liberties thereof, and if any fuch lime kiln fhall be ereded after the time aforefaid, upon complaint to any juftice of faid city, fuch juf- «n complaint to tice fliall fummon theperfons, againfl whom fuch complaint made, to attend before ajufticefum- him at fuch time and place as mentioned in fuch fummons, to anfwer fuch com- ^Tonviaion, I plaint ; and in cafe convifted of fuch ofFerice, by confeflion, or oath of one or witnefs warrant jT^ore witncfies before fuch juftice, he fhall ilTue his warrant to the fheriffs of the bate. ' ' city, requiring them to abate fuch kiln, which fuch llierifTs are hereby impowered and required immediately to do. II. fecL 2. If any attion or fait fliall be commenced or profecuted for any thing done in purfuance of this aft, the defendants may plead the general ilTue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence ; and this fhall be deemed a publick aft, and judici- » publick aa. ally taken notice of as fuch. ILimmth. I. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 19. fe^. 14. Whereas, an act for the more equal tec.'-zi.-^-iC.i. ajje£ing, and better collecting of publick money in counties of cities, and counties, of ^'T- towns, in the thirty-third of his late majefty, was continued, and has been found beneficial : and whereas from the increafe of buildings and inhabitants in the city of Limerick the number and expences of the high roads leading thereto have alfo greatly increafed, and it is found ncceflary to employ a treafurer very converfant in accounts, and who can give ample fecurity for fuch fums, as are neceflary to be raifed in the county of faid city: after the tv/enty fourth of June next the grand jury at the affizes for the county of the city of Limerick fhall and may be impow- treafurer's faiary ^^cd to inctcafc by prefcntmcnt the yearly falary of the treafurer of the county of increafed by pre- faid city, fo as not to cxcced twenty pounds a year annually, over and above fuch notTo^exceed falary as faid grand jury are hereby impowered to prefent for the treafurer of the aoi. a year. pounty of faid city by the laws now in being. /^perctr.i.in- \. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 2. feet. r. For the aggregate fum of fix hundred and fe- "75ood!from vcnty five thoufand pounds, or fuch part thereof as fhall remain unpaid on the 25th ►s Dec. 1767 of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixty feven, there fliall be paid at ijaif yearly. ^j^^ rcccipt of his majcfty's exchequer,' by the vice treafurers or paymafters general, or their deputies, at the end of every fix calendar months, from the faid twenty fifth day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixty feven to the perfons, who have paid or lent the faid fum of fix hundred and feventy five thoufand pounds, or their executors, adminiftrators, or alTigns, an intereft at the rate of four pounds per cent, to commence from the twenty fifth of December, one thoufand feven hun- dred and fixty feven, without any fee or charge, and free from all deduftions, de- falcations, and abatements whatfoever, until they fliall be refpeftively paid their principal at one intire payment. Further loan ll.fec.z. For all further fums not exceeding in the whole 100,000 pounds, of loooooi. as fliall be actually paid by any perfons into hismajefty's treafury at the inftance of ^ceding 4/'^". ^^ ^^'^'^ lieutenant or chief governors for the time being, to fupply fuch deficiencies, as Hoatt. as fliall or may arife in the aids granted this feflion for the fupport of his mjefty's government, and for payment of the feveral I imis granted i.i this (elhon for carry- ino-on public works in this kingdom, there (hall be paid at the receipt of the ex- chequer at the end of cverv fix calendar months.' rn hecnrti-outti! ftom the refpec- tive times of fuch payments to the perfons lb paying or lending, tlit-ir executors, adminiftrators, or aliigns, fuch intereft, not exceeding four pounds per c en l. as fhall be agreed by the lord lieutenant or other chief governors to be paid for the fame, without any fee or cliarge, and free from all dedudions, defalcations, and abatements whatlbever, until they (hall be refpedively paid their principal at one intire payment. III./. 3. Like debentures or receipts, bearing fuch intereft not exceedi ig four Like deben« pounds per cent as fhall be fo agreed upon, fbali be given by the officers of the treafury for all fums to be paid into exchequer purfuant to this acfl: on account of the faid intended loan not exceeding one hundred thoufand pounds, and fhall be in- ferted in an arithmetical progrellion, where the common excefs or difference is to be one, beginning with the number next after the laft number of the debentures for fix hundred and feventy five thoufand pounds, now ftanding out at four pounds per cent, until the whole fhall be fo numbered. IV. y. 4. All perfons, to whom debentures have been given forany part of the faid indorfement,' fix hundred and feventy five thoul'aiid pounds, and to whom debentures fhall be given puifuant to this ad, their executors, adminiflrators, or afligns, may by in- dorfements transfer the fum due thereon ; which indorfements upon notice to the memorial view'd vice treafurers or their deputies, and an entry or memorial thereof in their office "''''^°"^'^^* (which they fhall on requeft without charge make, and permit to be viewed at ufual office hours without fee or rewani) fliall intitle the indorfee or afl'ignee, his executors, adminiflrators, and afligns to the Ible benefit of the fum lb transferred ; and the faid debentures may ii- like manner be transferred by fuch allignee, his ex- ecutors, admiiiiflrators, or alfig s, and fo tottes quoties ; and after fuch allig' vent it fhall not be in the power of tb.e allignee to make void, releafe, or difcharge it, or receive the fum thereby transferred, or any part. .Additional duties and rates granted 'till z^th Decetnber i']6g. I, Stat. 9 Geo. 3. c. 2. /. 1. For the fum of fix hundred and twenty five thoufand ^^^^"■(^""■f°f pounds, or fuch part as remains unpaid on twenty fifth of December one thoufand ^°°°' {even hundred and fixty nine, there fhall be paid as pforefaid, an intereft at four per cent, and for the fum of thirty thoufand pounds, or fuch part as unpaid on 25th 3I. Tos.fot December 17 69, an interefl at the rate of three pounds ten fhillings, from faid 25th ^°°°°'" December 1769. II. /. 2. An addition of three thoufand tw6 hundred and thirty five men, confifting Addition of of a quartermafter to each regiment of infantry, which is to remain on the eflablifh- ^^^^men. ment of this kingdom, and of additional noncommillion officers and private men to each company of every fuch regiment of infantry, and of fix additional mates be made, as foon as the fame can conveniently be done, to the faid eflablifliment, fb as to augment the fame to fifteen thoufand two hundred and thirty five men in the whole, co'mmiffion and noncommiffion officers included ; and faid three thouflind two hundred and thirty five men fhall be paid and continued on the faid eftablifh- raent for two years commencing the firft of January 1770, and ending the 31ft of , December 177 1, ?loam loan loccci. HI. /. 3. If the aids granted this feflion prove infufficient to anfwer the purpofts, t"""- and defray the other neceffary expences of government, the chief governors for time being may from time to time, as there Ihall be occafion, borrow or taice up by way of Joan at an intereft not exceeding 'ioxxx per cent, fuch fums not exceeding one hundred thcufand pounds, as fhall benecellary for purpofes aforefaid. Like delentures given, and additional rates and duties until z^th of Decem- ber 1771. Refpeflivein- I Slat. 1 1 & 12 Geo. 3. c. 2. /. I . For fuch part of feven hundred and twenty five *^"^T thouland pounds as carried intereft at four per cent, and for fuch part thereof as carries intereft at three pour.ds ten fhiUings />£r cctii. or fo much of faud principal fum as ihali remain unpaid on 25th December 1771, there ihiall be paid at the receipt of the exchequer by vice treafurers or paymaflers general or deputies, at the end of every fix calendar months from 25th December 1771, to the perfons who have paid or lent the fame, or their executors, adminiftrators, or aOigns, intereft at refpedtive rates aforeGiid, from 25th December 177 i, without any fee or charge,. and free from all d^dudtions, defalcations, and abatements whatfoever, until they fhall be refpeclively paid their principal at one entire payment. ■5c46menccn- ^^- /• 2- Whereas it is necelTary, that twelve thoufand effeclive men, commillioa tnued I years, and noncommiilion officers included, fhould be maintained within this kir.gdom for its defence, to enable his majefty to carry into execution his intentions and determined refolution, fignified by his command by the faid lord lieutenant, to keep the fame- at all times unlefs in cafes of invafion or rebellion in Great Britain, three thoufand and forty fix men, raifed in purfuance of an ac\ 1769, continued two years from ift Jan. 1772 to 31 Dec 1773 inclufive, fo as that the forces on the eftablilTiment may amount to fifteen thoufand and forty (\x effective men, commiifion and non- commifiion officers included. Loan -coooo! ^I-/ 3' I" Order the more effectually to pay and continue the faid three thoufand at t^ftTcer.!, and forty fix men, in cafe the aids granted this felfon prove infufficient to anfwer the purpofes aforefaid, and defray the other neceffary expences of government, chief governors from time to time, as there fhall be occafion, may borrow or take up by way of loan at intereft not exceeding four pounds ^tr cf;z/. fuch fums, not exceed- ing in the whole two hundred thou'and pounds, as iTiail be neceflary forpuipafts aforefaid. Intereft half IV./ 4. Such intereft, not exceeding four per cent, as agreed by chief governors, yearly, without paid at receipt of exchequer by vice treafurers or p;iymafters general or deputies, at tbeend of every fix calendar months from refpeClive times of payment, to the lenders, executors, adminiftrators, or alhgns, without any fee or charge, and free from. all dedudtions, defalcations, and abatements whatfoever, until refpectively paid their principal at one entire payment. Debentures \'./. 5. Like debentures or receipts bearing fuch intereft as fo agreed upon g'ven {iven. jjy fl^g officers of the treafury for fuch fums, and inferred ia arithmetical progrellion, where the common excefsor difference is to be one, beginning with the number next after the laft number of debentures for faid feven hundred and twenty-five thoufand pounds, now ftandingout at the faid refpedYive rates of intereft until the whole fo numbered. ■ Transferrabie V'i./- 6. All perfons, to whom debentures given for any part of faid feven hun- *j uidorfement, dred and twenty five thoufand pounds, and purfuanr to this adl, or executors, ad- miniftrators, or afl'gns, may by indorfements transfer the right and benefit of the fum Eoait* fum due ; which on notice to vicetreafurers or deputies, and entry or memorial [n thrir office (which they lliall on requeft withoat charge, fee, or reward mak., and permit to be viewed at ufiial oflice hours) fliall intitle indorfee or allignee, execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, to the whole benefit of the lum transferred or alligned ; and may in hier 1773 inclufive; a duty of one penny /jfr gallon on all cyder ibid <3r tapped out by retail, to be paid by the perfon who Ihall fell or tap out by ■retail ; an additional duty of twenty lliillings paid by every perfon for every coach, coaches, chariot, berlin, calalTi or chaife with four wheels, which fuch perfon (hall keep in his or her poflelfion (except hackney or flage corxhes, and coaches kept by coach- makers for fale) at any time between 25th December 1771 and 25th December 1772, inclurive; additional twenty {hillings for the fame between 25 December 1772 and 1773 ; additional duty twenty fhillirgs per tun of foapboilers wafte, and foap wade ex- fo in proportion for greater or lelTer quantity, that ftall be exported out of this P°"^''' kingdom to any parts beyond feas; additional duty three pounds per tun of linen linenrags. rags, and fo in proportion, exported beyond feas after 25 December 1771. Vin./ 8. From 25thDecember 1771 until 25th December 1773 inclufive, there Tea. fliall be paid fix pence, and no more, for every pound of green tea ; four pence every pound of black bohea and other tea imported, in lieu and full fatisfadion of all cuftom, excife, or other duties payable by any ad or ads heretofore made. IX /. 9. If faid wines and other merchandizes, upon whic'i aforefaid duties hereby Drawback oa charged on importation, again cxpotted by merchants fubjecis wirhin twentv four '"f*"*"""- calendar months, ftrangers in twelve, after importation, and if due proof firfl made, by certificate from proper officers, of due entry and payment of faid duties, and all other requifites performed by law required in thofe cafes, wliere duties of excife are to be repaid, then faid duties fliall without any delay or reward be re- O 3 paid Hoatt; paid Or allowed to merchants fo exporting witbii) one calendar month after demand, or the feciirity for faid duties vacated as to fo much as fo exported, any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. Cuties col- X,/ 1 8. All the additional and other duties and rates hereby granted, other &^*'*c"2!*c!"s. ^'''^'^ ^^^'-^'^ ^^ othervvife by this aft appointed, fhall be raifed, anfwered, colleded, Of otherexcife and paid the fame time, manner, ways, methods, rules, and direcftions, fuch pe- appeaiT"^ ''^^ naUies, forfeitures, and powers as by the faid aftofexcife 14 & 15 C. 2. or any other law now in force relative to the revenue of excife, as fully and effeftually to all intents .and purpofes, as if particularly fpecified and enaded again in this adV, with like remedy of appeal as by faid a(5t of excife or any other kw now in being relating to duties of excife is provided. Kofees. Xl.f. 22. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, fhall be payable to or deduced or received by vice-treafurer, receiver, or paymafler general, cleric of the pells, or any other officers of this kingdom, for or on account of the ilfuing or payment of any fums arifing by or received for or on account of the aids hereby granted, or of any payment in purfuance of this ad. cocoi of XII. / 23. So much of the yearly produce of faid duties on teas, as fhall amount producedntcas to ten thoufand pounds yearly, fhall in firfl place be paid to truftees of hempand ftflure! ""*""' hnen manufadures ; and lo much of the refiduc, as fhall amount to feven thoufand 7300I. to here- three hundred pounds yearly, ihall be placed to the account of his majefly's here- iitary revenue. jjjj.^j.y jgyenuc ; and the reiiduc or furplus of the produce of fuch duties, together Surplus with the with the fcveral other duties and aids hereby granted, fliall in firft place be applied pay°imsreft!'° ^J '^^'-^ treafurers to pay the intereft of laid feven hundred and twenty ftve thoufand pounds at the refpedive rates the fame and every part thereof fhall carry, or for fo much as unpaid on 25th December 1771, and alfo to difcharge of the intereft of fuch fums not exceeding two hundred thoufand pounds, borrowed in purfuance -Then principal of this ad, in the manner, at the time and rates before mentioned. All furplus of 7250001. at ^j^j exceeding of faid aids and duties over and above difcharge of faid intereft of faid fums, ftiall firfl be applied towards payment of fo much of faid principal of feven hundred and. twenty five thoufand pounds, carryirg intereft at four per cent. or fuch part as unpaid on 25 December 177 i, as after mentioned. At3i. los. XIII / 24. PerfOns to whom any part of faid feven hundred and t^' enty five ^w-'^paWo"' thoufand pounds at three pounds ten (hWWv.gs per cent, remaining due the 25 Decem- 9 g".'^3!"c. s"."" ber, 1 77 1, aid who defire to be repaid, fhall be paid their feveral principal fums, with intereft at faid rateoutof the furplus, which fhall then remain unapplied of the duties and aids granted by an ad 9 G. 3. XW.fect. 25. After payment of intereft of faid feveral fums and as often as When furplus any furplus of aids and duties herein granted fhall be received by vice-treafurers^ by°bai'iot"*" ^"d amounts to 3;oooI. vice treafurers fhall caufe the numbers of fuch receipts or debentures amounting to 3 oool. part of fiid 725000I. carrying 4 ^^r ff«/. or fo much as unpaid on 25th of December 1771, and the fums therein contained, to be written on feveral tickets or pieces of parchment rolled and fewed up, put into a box or urn, and well mixed together ; and an indifferent perfon fhall publickly between ten and twelve in the forenoon of a day, by vice-treafurcrs publickly ad- vertifed in Dublin Gazette at leaft twenty days before, at their office in the caftle of Dublin draw out as many of fiid tickets, as the fums therein contained (hall amount to 30000I ; and the rerfons, the nnmher of whofe debentures fo drawn, their executors, adminiftratorsi or afllg- .s, fhall within twenty days afrer drawn be paid by vice-rreai'uers the principal du^% with intereft at rates aforefaid till paid, and fhall o: pavmeni tiiereof deliver their refpedive debentures to vice-treafur- ers to be cancelled, which they are required to cancel accordingly j and the inter- efl for fuch debentures (hall ceafe from the expiration of twenty days from tlie day of drawing. XV. feet. 26. Such fums not exceeding 200000I. as advanced and paid into J'l*7» 5000). the treafury in purfuance of this adl, fhall not be paid off, until faid principal of "^ pai o . 725000, or fo much as due on 25th of December 1771, fliall be firft paid and dif- charged. XVI. feet. 27. Said principal of 725000, or fo much as due on 25th of De-p n,^^^ j,^ cember 1773, as alio fuch fums not exceeding 200000I. borrowed in purfuance ofcember 1773, this a6t, Ihall be well and truly fatisfied and paid unto the feveral perfons, their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, to whom the fame fhall be then due, to- gether with fuch intereft as then due at the rates aforefaid, without any deducStion, or abatement whatfnever XVII. feet. 28. Separate and diftind accounts fhall be kept by the proper of- ^'P^''*'* '"^ ficer of the aids, duties, and taxes, granted by this a£t or any other aft now in * force in this kingdom and appropriated to particular ufes ; and commiflloners of revenue fhall return weekly abftracSts from the feveral colledlors to the accountant weekly ab. general, who fhall return a feparate account of the feveral duties and taxes fo ap-'*"^s» propriated to vice-treafurers ; and every colledtor or receiver of faid duties and taxes take a feparate receipt for the fame when paid into the treafury, which receipt feparate receiptj; vice-treafurers are to give accordingly. I. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. \. feet. 12. Twelve thoufand eight hundred Application rf and thirty nine pounds four fhillings, granted in the bill of fupply parted in 1769 "839 and 7991, for fupport of a militia in this kingdom for 2 years from 24th of June 1770, and °''*^""" the further fum of 79q2]. for cloathing the fame, applied to the maintaining a mi- litia in this kingdom for 2 years from 24th of June 1772 to 24 June 1774 in fuch manner as parliament fhall hereafter direft. I. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 10. feet. i. After the firft of December 1772, whereayear in all cafes where one year and a half's intereft due, a court of equity, upon an- ^nd a hair ;mer- .... u r .• J n- 11 • . • -^ ■ ^ . '"clue, receiver plication in manner herearter mentioned, fhall appoint a receiver to receive fuch appointed by part of the rents of mortgaged premiiTes, as fhall be fufficient to pay fuch arrear, '""" of eq^iv^ and alfo the accruing intereft of the morgage money from time to time, one half year when the other fhall become due, until the whole of fuch intereft due on faid morgage fhall be difcharged, and no longer, together with fuch fees or fa- lary as fhall be appointed by faid court for fuch receiver, as alfo necefTary cofls coft7outcf out of pocket of fucli application, and out of the fums fo received, fuch inter- po'^'^et- eft, falary, and cofts, fhall be ordered to be paid II. feet. 2. Such order fhall be made upon petition and affidavit, after reafona- orderon petm- ble time to fhtw caufe, and whether any bill has or has not b>een filed, relative to °" ^""^ ='''^''»'''^' faid mortgage. jre."""' l&aptG0» 1. Stat. 7 Geo. 3 cap. 20. feet. 7. All fuch perfons as have heretofore obtained Time for con- the bifhop's crtificate of their conformity, and from and after have profefTed the ^°™'"l^"'"'^* proteftant religion and continued proteftants, and have not performed all the other h^Viltl'''''^' legal legal requlfites of conformity, and fhall perform the fame before the firfi: day of De- cember 1768, fliall from the time of conformity from the popilh to the proteftant religion be deemed and taken to be proteftants of the eftablifhed church to all in- tents and pnrpofcs. ■Formerjutig;. II. fect. 8. Nothing herein fhall bar, defeft, or prejudice any judgment or de- ^]di«d?°' '"^'' cree heretofore obtained by perfons whatfoever in any court of law or equity, or any fait now depending, grounded oh the popery laws, which have been duly ob- tained and proceeded on. . 3G. 3.C.46. iij_ ^lat. II Geo. 3. cap. r, feet. 6. The time for performing the requifires in June 1771, &c 3 ^- 3- c. 20, being now expired, the like time given to 2410 or June 1772, and to the end of then next felfion ; with like provifo. 8 Anne c. 3. IV. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3 Cap. ig~ feet. i. Whereas an aft of Ann, for explain- and^c'ontinued ^"S ^"^ amending an ail., to prevent the further grovsth of popery., fuch part there- 3ix«ars, &.C of as relates to the encouragement of popifh priefts becoming proteftants, bath lately expired, this faid aft, fo far as it relates to the encouragement of popifh pri efts to conform, fhall be revived, and continue in force eleven years, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion, . rgG.j.c.asto V. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 19 fect. 7. A claufe'in an aft of the third of his forVil^g, enia"rg- ptcfcnt majcfty, for confirming the titles., for quieting poffeffions of protefiants, and for edtic.^.c. J. giyiiig ijffig to converts to perform the reqiiijites ; which to limit the time for per- ii'year°s"'&r'' forming the legal requifites of conforming was enlarged by feveral afts, and -par- ticularly by an aft of the laft feflion, but the time limited for performing is now near expiring, fhall be continued, and remain in force fix years, and from thence to the end of then nextTeffion. Popiiiipiiefts VI. ,5/(7/. II & 12 Gco. 3. Cap. 27- fcct. I. Whetcas it is expedient to make approvTd"o^f b"y'' ^°"^^ further and better provifion by way of maintenance for fuch popiflT priefts, the biOiop and as havc been, or hereafter fliall be, converted from the popifli to the proteftant re- o"il7I^q"u1fuet ^'g'0"» until otherwife provided for refpeftively by fome ecclefiaftical benefice: in s Anne, c. 3. after the 24th of June 1772, every popifh prieft, who hath heretofore conformed cont'inu!:d"e'y - 1 ^^ the proteftant religion, or at any time during tlie continuance of this aft (ball G. 2. c. g.f. I.) conform, and be approved of as a convert, and received into the church of Ireland KnanceMirp^ro- ^s by law eftablifhed, by the archbilhop or bifhop.of the diocefe, wherein fuch ■videdforbybe- popilli pricft refidcs at the time of conformity, and fhall perform the feveral other rentmemonike requifucs prcfcribed in and by that part of the recited aft, fuch popilh prieft fliall or greater value, have and reccivc forty pounds yearly and no more, by virtue of this or any for- mer aft, as and for his maintenance, and until he fhall be otherwife provided for, by fome ecclefiaftical benefice or preferment of the like or greater yearly value; i. .ru-xi. fubjeft nevertheleis to fufpenfion or deprivation by the archbifhop or bifhop of fufpenfion or de- tne diocelf, wlierein he inali dwell or relide, in like manner as the interior clergy i^rivation. a^C fubjeft tO. Levied as grand '^i'- fi<^^- 2. Said fotty pounds fhall bc levied on the inhabitants of fuch county, jury charges, or counties of cities or towns, where fuch converted priefts did refide at the time of conformity, in like manner as. money charged by grand juries on faid counties, paid moietiveiy, counties ot citn-s or towus, is levied; to be paid to (uch converted priefts moie- tion and Mu'^' tivcly, onc moicty on the feaft of the annunciation, the other on the feaft of faint diaeimafs. Michael every year. YIW. fect. VlU.fect. 3. Every fuch popifli pneft fo converted, fliall, and he or they are*ea<'an<'pfes':lr' hereby required, under the penalty of forfeiting allowance or allowances as afore- ^"bimop ap. faid, pitblickly to read once every week the common prayer or liturgy of the p°'"'<=''. <"" »'- church of Ireland as by law eftablifhed, and preach in the Englifh tongue in fuch X*"'^' °'^^"'' places, and at fuch times, as the faid archbifliop or bifhops fhall direft or appoint. ' IX. feci. 4. No curacy fhall be deemed an ecclefiaflical benefice or preferment U"i'^'s<:""te*s within the intent and meaning of this aft, unlefs the falary allocated for the main- 4ot'a"a"not tenance of the officiating curate in fuch curacy, fhall exceed forty pounds by the » pf^f^mem. year. X. feet. 5. This aft, and the feveral claufes herein contained, fhall continue in conHnued 7 force feven years from the twenty-fourth of June 1772, and to the end of the then yearsfromi4 next feilion, and no longer. Pariilj{e0, I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. c/!p. 9. Where large paiifhes fhall be divided in man- incumbent on ner as in 2 G. i. c. 14. mentioned, and the incumbent of fuch divided parifhes in- a divifion as by titled to receive any fum from his next fuccelTor, if the parifh had not been divided, rmitiedto re** on account of buildings or improvements on the glebe ; or any money paid by him "jvefromfuc- to his pred^ccflbr on fuch account, fuch incumbent fhall have and be intitled to re- provcmems as if ceive from his next fucceflbr in that part of fuch divided parilh on which fuch build- "|°o.''3bove"'a^'" ings and improvements made, as if faid parifh had not been divided, although the year and half of fum fo to be paid fhould exceed one year and a half of the income of that part of [[j*j'"';°J"^ °' ■ the parifh ; and fuch incumbent having paid fuch proportion of the faid money, fhall be intitled to receive fuch proportion of the money fo to be paid from his fuc- cefFors according to the laws now in being for that purpofe, in fuch manner as he- ought, if fuch parilh had not been divided.. II.' Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 17. feet. I. Archbifhop of Armagh or his fuccelTors may New diurcbes ereft new churches or chapels on the reputed antient fites of the refpeftive united or-^haps's m parifhes, and one other church or chapel in the city or liberties of Armagh ; and magh on antient by writing under his hand and archiepifcopal feal with confent of the reftor under ^^'"),^ ^ hand and feal, fet out and defcribe the bounds and feveral town lands compnCcd fie, ty 11 & ,z v.'ithin the refpeftive diftrifts or new parifhes, which fhall belong to the cure of each ^'^^ '' ''■' '^' of faid new churches or chapels, and to thofe which are already erefted refpcftively, and add one or more town-lands, if judged convenient, to that church or chapel,' which fhall be erefted for the city and liberties of Armagh ; after fuch new parirties inftiumentaf- fo fet out and afcertained by fuch inilrument, duly regiftered in the diocefe, and "^'"^'s'"'"?: >'"•■ inrolled in the Roll's office (for which inrollment 1 5s. and 4d. and no more fhall be regmered/and - paid over and above the ufual expences to the ingrolling clerk) the faid feveral di- ''"°"'=''' ftrifts- fhall be deemed and reputed feveral and diftinft parifhes for the purpofes in this aft, a;-d refpeftively called and kr.own by fuch names given by fuch inftru- ment. Said feveral churches or chapels, and fuch as already erefted in faid parifh, deemed perpetual cures; and the curates of each, when duly nominated and licenfed, perpetual curejj capable of receiving any endowment in fuch manner, as any curate of any impro-'"^^!'^'enf ^"' priate or appropriate parifh is by the laws now qualified to take, and have perpe- P'^^petuai fuc- tual fucceflion, and are declared to be bodies politickand corporate, and capable die^'°o'o"te''.''' to receive any fuch endowments in lands or tithes or both, or any fuch augmenta- tion as (hall be granted to them and their fuccefTors ; after endowed with fufficient imitied to pra^ quar.tity of glebe fuch curate with approbation of archbifhop may make fuch build- p""'"" ^°'"'"" -!• /-Ill j'-ii •/.. provemenu on ingsand improvements on luch glebe, and intitled to receive fuch proportion of the s'ebe. money ■money expended from I'.is next fucceflor, as any otiier incunnbent is now intitled to ; and all fuch provifions for improvements of glebes fliall extend to laid curates re- fpedlively as now to any incumbent of any eccldiaflicai benefice. Trulk>6 and commiflioners of firft fruits may and are required to grant to any of faid curates a tool, firft- fum not exceeding one hundred pou.ds to enable lo build fuch houfe ; which fum ftuits. ^■^^y pj^^y grant, before fuch houfe is begun, upon alfnrance that it lliali be built upon a plan and ellimate approved by the archbilhop and truflees. veftriesonno- IJ. fed. 2. The archtjiihop may appoint vefl. ies for each of faid new parities, *•"• and the redor or his curate fhall give notice, publilhed as ufual for convening vef- tries for the prefent parilfi, or b;, aiiixing on the doors of the cathedral, or fuch other Churchwardens means as thought necefl'ary. Nev/ churchwardens Ihall be chofen annually as ufual annua y. .^^ ^^.^ parilTi. The redfcror his curate, and churchwardens, and majoiity of pro- Cefles for build- feftant inhabitarts of each of faid new parifhes in veftry may allels fuch fums as mgan repair- £^^^ ^-^^^ ^^ ^-^^^ necelTkry for building and repairing their rcfpedive parifh church or chapel, applotted and levied as celies for other churches by the laws now in be- Curate nomina- III. fecLo,. Re6tor of Armagh iliall nominate to the archbifliop a fufficient curate hMnferbl°arch- ^^'^ ^^'•^^ parifh, approved and lice, fed b, him, as oth^ r curates are by law to be, on biihop. vacancy another nominated in faid r.ianner ; o.. failure by redtor two months, a'ch- bifliop may appoint and licenfe a cuiat % and alloc ite fuch falary, as he is at prefent enabled to do, over and above a ly cndourapnt of faid cures for augmentation of maintenance of faid curates. Endowment by iv. feci. 4. If faid rcftor by deed with co.fenr of the archbifliop and chapter, 'andlnrofin"' parties and affixing their feals, endo' s a .'y of faid currswith a competent poi tion difchargcd from of glebe or tithcs for maintenai ce o! t e cu ate, ..Jd rettor -uid inccvilbrs 'hi/ice- '^' forth difcharged from falary to the curate o eidowed. Such wiiti g regifterfd in the diocefe and inrolled in roll's oHice, foi w;:icu the fame 'f,e as before fp. cified fhall be paid. andotherre- V./ect..^. Parifhioncrs of each difchargcd from repaiii!:g any other church or Parochial offices chapel ; and the minifter, churchwardens, and prottftaut inhabitants of each, or ^" "^"^^d fk'^ rnajor part in veftry, may eleft all parochial officers, as aiy other parifn by law falary, ' impowcred, and aflefs, applet, and levy on the lands or inhabiranfs fums requi- fite for keeping their church or chapel in repair and providing ntcefTaries, and fuch falary for a parifh clerk in each, as may by law for the clerk of any other pii.'ifh. Such parifh clerks in each of faid parifhes at all times inn'tled to fuch provifior and maintenance as the clerk of the parifh of Armagh would be intitled to, if this acfl not made. Such parifhes fhall have all parochial rights by law appertaining to any Saving to reflor. other, faving to the redtor of Armagh and fucceiTors all rights as redors of Armagh. Reitor not dif- \jl. /fftive churches, and cele- ^"ry,"^' bration of divine fervice there, and fuch falary for a pariih clerk in each of faid in- tended parifhes, in fuch manner as may by law be raifed for the clerk of any other parifh ; and fuch parifti clerks in each of laid intended parifhes fhall at all times clerk's provifion be intitled to fuch provifion and maintenance, as the clerk of the ancient parifh j^^rmif" """'"' would be intitled to, in cafe this adt not made ; and fuch parifhes fhall have all a" paVocMai parochial rights by law appertaining to any other pariflies for the purpofes in rhis"^"*' ad mentioned. Saving neverthelefs to the redor or incumbent of fuch pariih, and f^ving incum- his fucceflbrs, all his and their rights as reftorsor incumbents of faid pariih. bem « ng.as. XV. fe£l. 8. This adl ihall not be conftrued fo as to difcharge faid rectors or Not dirchargcd incumbents of faid parifhes, or their fuccelTors, from the cure of Ibuls, or any other [^°"^ '^"du"'^ parochial duties in any of the faid intended nev/ parifhes, but fuch cure of fouls and duties fhall remain in him and them, as before the pailing this act. XVI. /(?(f7. 9. And whereas feveral dignitaries have feveral parifhes with cure of Appropriate fouls appropriate and annexed, which are fervcd by ftipendiary curates, who have perpetlfaTon no place of refidence in the parifhes, where they officiate : fuch appropriated cures ">nfem regifttr- fhall be hereafter deemed perpetual cures, with confent of the archbifliop, bifhop ^ ' of the diocefe, the dean and chapter of the faid diocefe, and of the dignitary to whofe dignity fuch parifhes are appropriated, teflified in writing under hands and feals, from the time fuch writing is entered in the regiflry of the diocefe, and in the regiftry of the metropolitical court of the province ; and the curates of every of cipaWe of en- them refpeftively fhall be capable of receiving any endowment from the refpec- '^°'''^^'"*"'' tive deans, archdeacons, or other dignitaries, t® whom fuch benefices are fo appro- priated refpeftively, or any other bodies corporate or politick, or any other peribn or perfons, in fuch manner as any curate of any impropriate or appropriate bene- fice is by laws now in being, quahfied to take any endowment ; and fliall have per- P"pe'"ai (""c- •petual fucceffion, and are hereby created bodies politick and corporate, and made dies°cor''porare,' capable to receive any fuch endov/ments in land or tythes, or both, or any fuch augmentation, as fhall be granted to them and theif-fucceflbrs-, and after any of faid "^^y ''"'''' ^"^ cures endowed with a fufficient quantity of glebe, fuch curate, with approbation of imitkdf.omfuc- the archbilhop or bifhop, may make fuch buildings and improvements on fuch """'■' '""''°''" glebe, and intitled to receive die money fo expended from his next fucceffor, j^g '""""s*""""' any other incumbent is or fhall be intitled to for buildings and improvements on the glebe of his benefice - and all fuch provifions for encouraging the building ar.d making improvements on the glebes belonging to the clergy, fhall extend to fuch curates refpsdively, in the fame manner as now to the incumbent of any ecclefi- aflical benefice ; and the truflees and commillioners of firft fruits are hereby re- firft fruits to quired to grant to any fuch curate a fum not exceeding one hundred and fifty ^f"^"" "f . pounds, to enable luch curate to build a houle ; which fum (aid truftees are iinpow- buiid.ng ered to grant, before fuch houfe is begun, upon an afTurance from the archbifhop p^oPJ^j'"''" or bifhop that fuch houfe fhall be built upon a plan and eftiraate approved of by the apclibifhop or bifhop and faid truflees. XVII. fed. 10. If any dignitary, to whofe deanry, archdeaconry, or dignity any ^'S'?'"''ywitii fuch parifh or parifhes with cure of fouls fhall b- fo appropriate, fhall, with confent "gcu'cs^"*!)""' and approbation of the archbifhop or bifhop, the patron, and the dean and chapter '^'"'■?^'' f™"" of the church, to which fuch deanry, archdeaconry, or other dignity fhall belong, ''^'^' teflified by being parties, and affixing their feals to fuch writing, endow any fuch P Z cures cures with a competent portion of glebe or tythes, or both, for maintenance of any fuch curate, the dean, archdeacon, or other dignitary, and their fuccc^flbrs, • fhall thenceforth be difcharged from the pviymenr of tlie falary to the curate lb en- renOercd and dowcd, from the time fuch writing fhall be entered in the regiftry of the diocele, fee°i3s.'&4ci. and enrolled in the Rolls-office of chancery ; for wliich thirteen fhillings and four pence Ihall be paid over and above the exp^nces ufually paid to the engrolling clerk. Cure of fouls or XVIII.yt't7. 1 1. This aift not conflrued fo as to difcharge any fuch dean, archdea- ciu'r"d°"'''^' *'°"' "^ other dignitary, or their fucceilbrs, from the cure of fouls, or any other parochial duties, in any fuch parochial duties, in any fuch appropriate benefice ; and no fueh dean, archdeacon, or other dignitary, fhall receive any benefit from any fuch endowment, but fhall be liable to the payment of fuch falary to every fucli curate, as he would have been, in cafe no fuch endowment made, unlelshe fhall by fuch endowment by fuch writing be difcharged from the fame. On vacancy, XIX. ftct. 12. As often as the cure of any fuch appropriate parifh, fo endowed ed b^drgTu'iy " °'' ^"S"^^"'^^'^ purfuant to this ad, ihail become vacant by any means, it fhall licenfcd by and may be lawful for the dean, archdeacon, or other dignitary, to whofe dignity biftop, fuch pariih is appropriate, to nominate to the archbilliop or bifhop, a fulficient curate for every fueh parilTi refpeftively ; which curate flhall be approved of and licenfed by faid archbifhops or biiliops refpecfively, in fuch manner as other curates are by law, and upon every vacancy of any of faid cures by death or removal of fuch curate, or acceptance of any other cure, or benefice with cure of fouls, another curate fhall be nominated and appointed in manner before direcSted ; and on failure X Jn cafc any of the dignitaries, to whofe dignities fuch parifh appropriate, fail or ne- po^ntcd'by''' gleft to nominate two months after any fuch cures vacant, the archbifhop or bifhop, "^"d n' *^"^y appoint and licenfe a curate for fuch parifhe.s, where fuch failure fhall happen, ^^^^' and allocate fuch falary for every fueh curate, as at prefent enabled by the laws now in being, over and above any endowment of faid cures for augmentation of the maintenance of any of faid curates, unlefs fuch dignitary fhall have endowed the curate of fuch parifh, and thereby have become difcharged from payment of fuch falary, in the manner herein before mentioned, wi'th'confem'^r ^^- f''^' '3- ^^ '"^y ^^ lawful for the chief governors, with the aflent, advice, by I G. I. approbation, and confent of fuch perfons, in fuch manner, and under fuch favings imite aTuhes ^"'^ provifocs, as are mentioned in the adf of the fecond of George the firfl; (inti- *c. tuled, An nB for the real union and divifion of parijhes) to unite appropriate pa- riflies, and to difappropriate appropriated parifhes, or part of fuch parifhes, and to unite fuch difappropriated parilhes, or part of fuch pariflies to another parifh, and to eredf fuch divided and united parifhes into new parifhes with all parochial' rights. Confent of XXI. fect. 14. When the confent of the king, his heirs and fuccefibrs, is to valtd.^"^^'"""^^ he given to the making any unions or divifions of appropriate parifhes, or parts of fuch parifhes, or to the endowment of perpetual cures by this ad, or any unions and divifions of parifhes, or unions of any dignitaries or benefices, or other eccle- fiaflial preferments, by the ad 2 G. i. or any other ad now in force in this king- dom, the confent of governors under hands and feals to fuch unions and divifions fhall to all intents and purpofes be as good and valid in law, as if the confent of his majefly, his heirs and fucceflbrs, was thereunto fignified by letters patent under great feal of this kingdom, inroiiedine XXII. fect. 15. Such confcnt of chief governors enrolled in the rolls office in chancery, within fix months after the date ; for enrolment wheieof three fhillings and four pence, and no more, fhall be paid, XXIII. fect. months. XXlll./ect. 1 6. And whereas by an afl in the 8th year of his prefent majefty, it Is J °- 3- <=■ '7. eiiadted, that it fliall be lawful for Richard, lord archbifhop of Armagh, or his '- fucceifo'.s, to erecl new churches or chapels on the reputed antient fitcs of the churches or chapels of the refpedivc parilhes, and one other church or chape! ia the city or liberties of Armagh : and it hath been found, that the building on the jrchbifrop < f fites, prefcribed and intended by that adt, will create great inequalities in the ref- Armagh nray, pedive diftrids or new parifhes, it fhall be lawful for archbifhop of Armagh, or tifB,a?«or his fucceflbrs, to eredt, or caufe to be erected, new churches or chapels eitlier on chaDei.euhercn the reputed antient fites of the churches or chapels of faid refpedtive parifhes, or (,tcsoram'oti.er on any other new fites within the refpedive dilfnds or town-lands of the faid in- "='■"■'''""'''•.'" •-! 1- I ■ • IT nil- n r J • "'^ dillricis ot tended new panlnes, as to hun, or his iucaeilors, Inall leem moft ht and conveni- newpaiiihes. ent for eafc of the parilbioners, and decent celebration of divine worfhip. XXIV. ferf. ij. And to prevent unneceflary dilpute and expence, ocx;upiers of ^j'['^''"^°"^"p^"^» Jands within every paiifh in this kii'gdom Ihall as to every cefs or tax for repairing tor rcpira or any church or chapel, or other necelfary charges belonging to fuch church or cha- ^Jj'^'^" °/ pel, be, and be conflrued inhabitants within every fuch parifh, uhether fuch be a chapei, conftru- parifn of itfelf, or be united to any other panlh by epiicopal union or otherwife, tvi^^Kerrc'fidenc or whether fuch occupiers do or do not refide and dwell within fuch parifh. or net, or whe- XXV. >?. 1 8. It Hiall be lawful for any perfons, bodies politick or corporate, ;;;=^ ^" ""'°" °f to allot and fet apart any land, not exceeding one plantation acre, within any pa- i Acre may be rifh, city, or corporate town, or the precintts thereof, at any diftance from the p^arX.dty,^"^ mother-church of the faid pari Ih or pari iTies, whereon it fhall be lawful for any '"w" cp'p^rate, perfon or perfons, bodies politick and corporate, with confent of the archbilhop or ^uifd^ng diape'is bilhop, and major part of the proteflant inhabitants in veftry, to ered and build a with confem in chapel or chapels on the faid lands fo granted, or on any ancient fite, in which the 'annen'tfi"^" liturgy and rites of the church of Ireland as by law eftabiifhed, are to be ufcd and obferved, and who are hereby enabled to fettle and affure lands, tenements, tythes, p^i^f""^' «"- or hereditaments in fee-fimple, of the clear yearly value of thirty pounds a year, curll^onandi; and not exceeding fifty, for a provifion or maintenance for a curate to officiate in^=-'"f"' every fuch chapel and chapels, and his- fuccefTors for ever, as a perpetual endow- ment. XXVI. /e^. 19. All fuch chapels, ereded and endowed by virtue of this ad, P'rp""-'' c^^'^ fhall be thenceforth perpetual cures and benefices ; and the curates thereof refpec- porate°. '"'^°*^' tively, and their fucceflors, fhall be bodies politick and corporate, by fuch name as in the grant of fuch endowment mentioned. XXVII. feet. 20. All perfons, bodies politick and corporate, who have ereded, 1"^^'^^^^"^^ or fhall fo ered and endow, any fuch chapel or chapels, fhall thenceforth be the patrons j true and only patron or patrons of fuch chapel or chapels, and the fole right of . prefentation or nomination thereto fhall be for ever after vefhed in them, their heirs and fuccellbrs refpedively ; and the faid endowed curacies, and patronage thereof, '^p'''™'':''^"'^*- fhall be fubjed to the fame provifions and limitations, as curacies endov/ed by flat, by r c.^l. c^s'. I G. 2. c. 18. are now fubjed ; and fuch chapels of eafe fhall be kept in repair, ^^'^P.^^|.^j°f"'* in manner prefcribed for keeping chapels of eafe in repair, ertdcd in cities or cor- 1 0,2, 0,22, porate towns, by the ad i G. 2. c. 22. I^atlramettt. I. Slat.']. Geo 3. cap. i- feEl. i. No parliament, which fliall at any time here- i-'m"'^'!' oj; ^^'f- proceedings report to the houfe, tor interpoution ot their authority or ccnlure, asmg, ciiairni.iB the cafe requires. to report. XXXI. / 27. Whenever faid committee think neceffhry to deliberate among Deliberate a- themfelves on any queftion in courfeof the trial or determination thereof, or on any [^°"^ '^'"'" refoluiion concerning the petition referred, as foon as faid committee have heard evidence and counfel on both f.des relative thereto, the room fha]l be cleared, if they Ihall think proper, while the members confider ; all fuch queftions, determi- majority of nations, and all other refolutions, fliall be by majority of voices ; if equal, chair- ^'^^"''^5^^ ^^ man fliall have a cafting voice. chairman. XXXII. / 28. No determination made, nor queftion propofed, unlefs thirteen 13 prefenttoat- prefent. No member fhall vote on fuch determination, or any other queftion or "^""^ ""■)""• reloiution, who has not attended every fitting. XXXIII. / 29. Oaths direded to be taken in the houfe adminiftered by faid ^^^^^^"t^^ clerk or affiftant, as the oaths of allegiance and fupremacy are in the houfe; and y <= r . oaths, direded before faid committee, by the clerk attending; all guilty of wilful Perjury puniih- and corrupt perjury, before the houfe or committee in confequence of the oath by *''• diredion of this ad, fhall on convidion fuffer like pains and penalties, to v/hich any other convided of wilful and corrupt peijury is liable by the laws and ftarutes. XXXIV. /. 30. On day appointed for taking into confideration any petition com- No other bufi- plaining of undue eledion or return, the houfe fhall not proceed to any other bufinefs bu^Vwea'm^"'' whatfoever, except fwearing members previous to reading orderof the day. membeis. XXXV. / 31. If faid committee has occafion to apply or report to the houfe^as to Adjournment t» adjournment, abfence of members, non-attendance, or mifbehaviour ofwitneffes, J^^'J^f ''''^ "^ ''^^' and the houfe then adjourned for more than three daj's, faid committee may alfo ad- journ to fame day. XXXVI. /. 32. If on petition of undue eledion or return more than two parties where different on diftind interefts, or upon different grounds, whofe right to be eleded or re- {ina'intTrett's^ turned may be afFeded by the determination, the fame notice and orders fliall be '■»menoti'-«an4 given to fuch parties or agents, as direded to the fitting members or petitioners ; but nom:ne«s by and each of faid parties fhall fucceflively ftrike off a member from the thirty-feven ',|kjo];,.fl;on5 chofen by lot, 'till reduced to thirteen ; and the lift of the thirty-feven ftiall for this ' '"^^ '""'' purpofe be given to all faid parties ; and the order, in which faid parties fhall fo ftrike, (hall be determined by lot, after they are withdrawn from the bar ; and in Q fuch fuch cafe neither of faid parties there being more than two fhall be permitted to name a member to be added to thole fo drawn by lot, but as foon as the hft of thirteen returned to the houfe, fuch thirteen fliall immediately, and by themfelves chufe two members then prefent in the hpufe, whofe names fliall not have been drawn, to be added to the faid thirteen ; and fhall within one hour from the time of their withdrawing, report the names of fuch two of the houfe ; which two mem- bers fhall be liable to be fet afide on the like objecftion, for which nominees may be fet afide, and if they or either fet afide for any faid caufes, then the faid thir- teen fhall chufe one or two other, until two are chofen, againft whom none of the cbiedions to nominees, mention in this att, fhall be taken and allowed ; and fuch two and all the faid thirteen fworn at the table ; and fhall be the felcd committee for purpofes in this aft. XXXVII. / 2,^. When faid nominees direded to be named by faid thirteen, no member prefent at the time of the ballot fhall depart the houfe, 'till the time of meeting of faid committee fixed, continued 7 XXXVII!. /. 34. This ad fhall continue feven years, and 'till the end of the yean, &c. feffion ncxt after expiration of (aid feven years, and no longer. XXXIX. S^tJt. Ti & 12 Geo. 3. c. 12. / I. Whereas the feveral laws heretore for reftraining the privilege of parliament with refped to acflions or fuits, commenced and profecuted at any time from and immediately after the dillblution or proroga- tion, until a new parliament fliould meet, or the fame bs re affembled, and after an adjournment of both houfes, for above ten days, until both houfes lliould meet or re-affemble, are fufficient, to obviate the inconveniencies arifing from the delay • of fuits by reafon of privilege, whereby the parties often lofe the benefit of feveral y^ftion, fnit, or terms ; after the firft of June, 1772, any adion or fuit bstween party and party fa'^°ed b "°rivf- "^^V ^ commcnced and profecuted in any court of record, or court of equity, or lege, of admiralty, and in all caufes matrimonial and teflamentary in any court having cognizance of caufes matrimonial and teflamentary, againft any peer or lord of parliament of Ireland, or againfl any of the knights, citizens, and burgeffes of the houfe of commons, or againft their or any of their fervants, or any other perfon intitled to privilege of parliament ; and no fuch adion, fuit, or any other proccfs or proceeding thereupon, fhall at any time be impeached, fcayed, or delayed, by, or under colour or pretence of, any privilege of parliament. Inherent privi- XL. /. 2. Nothing in tliis ad iTiall be conftrued to extend to infringe upon the leges of peerage undoubted adherent privileges of peerage, nor to fubjed the perfon of any of the Perfonsofthe knights, citizcns, and burgefles of the houfe of commons, to be arrefted or impri- arr'eftld'ori'm- foncd upou any fuch fuit or proceeding. prifoned. XLI. /. 3. This ad fhall Continue in forcc Until the 24th of June, 1778, and ta arSelJ?!!, ^he end of the then next feffion, and no longer. I5G.I. c. 7. I- Stat. II Si iz Geo. 3. cap. 25. feet. i. Henceforth any number of perfons may and fhall hereby be impowered to enter into any contrad of partnerfhip by writing maycTnTraftfor Under hands and feals for the undertaking or carrying on and compleating, any canal a canal or in- or inland navigation, or for ereding or eflablilliing any joint company foraffurance ol-comp'anyfo"' againfl cflfualities by fire, by a common or united flock, fuch as by the majority affurance againft ^f f^ch partners fhall be judged expedient and neceflary for faid purpofes ; and if fire, by united r JD '^_-.,,., •' ,. '^ ^ j ■ ■ (lock aj by ma- any onc Of more of fuch partners as arorefaid, his, her, or their executors, admini- J9r»«K " ' ftrators. flrators, or afllgns, and if the guardian or truftee of any partner or partners, being 'f^ny par'"" twenty-ons years, fhall negledT: or refufe to pay into the joint flock fuch part, pro- ni*Iretn 3" portion, or quota, of any money, as he, fhe or they fh;iil from time to time be monti's after liable toby the deed, articles, or agreement of fuch partnerfhip, for three calendar guarciiansin°9, months next after fuch partner or partners, his, her, or their executors, admini- ''°''"'y .""J°'''*>' ftrators, or afllgns, or nine months next after any fuch guardians, or truflees, (hall ^^ be ferved with a fummons or notice in writing for that purpofe, figned by the ma- jor part of the partners aforefaid, or by fuch perfon as legally authorized for tiiat purpofe, by the original deed or deeds of partnerfhip, or in purfuance of the fame, it fhall be lawful for the major part of fuch partners, or perfon authorized as afore- faid, to fell by publick cant the fhare or proportion of fuch perfon or perfon s refuf- ing or neglecfting to pay the fum charged on him, her, or them as aforefaid. If. / 2. Notice (hall be firfl: given eight feveral times fucceflively by advertife- 8 advertifements ment in the Dublin Gazette of the time and place of every fuch fale ; and the "f^'^* money arifing from every fuch iale fhall be paid over to every fuch perfon and per- peifons imiUed, fons, as fhall be intitled to fuch fhare or (hares, at the refpeftive times of fuch ''^||"^^'^s^^'''^^ fale, the expence of faid advertifements and fale, and fuch rateable part or propor- portion of debts, tion of all debts affecting the joint ftock as fhall be due at the time of fuch fale, be- ing firft dedu6led. 111. /. 3. If any part, fhare, or proportion in any fuch partnerfhip fhall by death Guardian or or otherwife fall to or become the property of any perfons under age, the guardians truftee may go or truftees of fuch perfons, fhall be impowered to goon with faid partnerfhip bu- "^j^"'* ''*^ ""* finefs, and to pay into the joint flock that part or proportion of fuch money, as the perfons fo under age liable untO; and to fell and difpofe of to the befl advan-orCeiitobeft tage fuch part, fhare, or proportion of every fuch perfon under age ; and fhall be accounubic accountable to fuch perfons, when they fhall come to full age, for any fuch fum of wh«nof»se- money, gain, or profit, arifing either by fuch fale or carrying on of the faid ilock, 1 Slat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. ^o. feet. i. One ad in the ^^ H. 8, for vagabonds ; 33H.8. c.ij. and another adt 11 C. i. for ere^ing houfes of corre^ion, and punijhing of rogues,^ ^°^^^^-^' vagabonds, and flurdy beggars, and other lewd and idle perfons ; repealed and made '^' "P**' ' void, from the 24th of June 1772. II. /. 2. After the 24th of June, 1772, there fhall be and one body politick and^"'??"*''^"*- ^ • I L . J 1 rL J ■ r ■ > a'stl '" every corporate is hereby created and erected in every county of a city and town, con- county, and of fifting in every fuch county of the archbifhop or bifliop, whofe diocefe or any part ^','Jd°"er"' of whofe diocefe fliall extend into fuch county, of the reprefentatives in parliament re'prefentauvCT, for fuch county, of all the juflices of the peace commiffioned or chofen to adl as f^'^'^^^^^j^f fuch in any fuch county, and every county of a city or town, of the chief magi- towns chief ma- corporation fhall be called by ..^^ i.c...^ wi ,,,^ (,„, prefident and afllflaats inflituted for the relief of the poor, and for punifhing vaga- ^"eet and ad- firftmMting, by required refpedlvely to meet for the firft time on the day, or on the day next after the day at their eleftion, when thcjudges, who fhall Iiold the next fummer af- fizes, or either of fuch judges, fhall depart from the town or place, where the af- fizes fliali be held, at the hall or feffion houfe rei'pedively, where the judges fhall have fat for the bufinefs of the aflizes, at fuch hour as they think fit ; but the cor- poration for the county of the city of Dublin fliall meet on the firft monday of next Augufl at the Tholfel, at fuch hour as they think, fit ; and at the firfl and every fu- »hebi(hopto ture meeting of the faid corporations refpedively the archbifhop or biJhops, if pre- fcnf'''' " *"^^' ^^^^ when the faid corporations or quorums of them refpeftively fhall affemble, fliall take the chair, put every queflion, declare the majority of votes, and do all duties of orrefTtrenuuvt prefjdgntor head of the corporation tor that meeting ; but if the archbifhop or bifhop not prefent when faid corporations refpeftively fiift affemble, the reprefentative for that county, city, or town, v/ho fhall firfc come on that day to the place of meeting, if both attend, and if not the reprefentdtive, who fliall be prefent, when the faid corporations or quorums of them refpedlively affemble ; and if the arch- bifhop or bifhop, or the reprefentatives, or either of them, fhall not attend, in every city and county of a town the chief magiffrate, or in his default, and in every county at large, the oldcfl juflice of the peace prefent, fliall take the chair, and do chief magiflrate, ,,,-'. r rj i j c i ■ r ^i • j r -j •roideft juftice, all duties ot prclident or head or the corporation tor that meeting ; and laid cor- porations refpedlively fhall be confidered as alTembled for the purpofe of determin- ing, who fliall be the prefident of that day, when four Ihall have come to the place of meeting at the aforefaid time appointed for the firft meeting, and at all lubfequent times, after four of the faid corporations fhall have come to the place of the meeting at the refpedive times to be appointed for fuch meetings ; and every perfon qualified or capable as aforefaid of prefiding at the meetings of faid corpo- prefident to figurations, may ar all times after the fiift time appointed for meeting, by notice in anotice,tocon-^j.jji„g fig^ej by him, poftcd at the proper afllzes town, or Tholfel in Dublin, fix poffe'd at aflife days at Icaft before time of meeting, exclufive of the day of pofling fuch notice IT"' lufive ^""^ ^^y °'^ "^'^^'^'"S' convene the faid corporations refpedively, to do all corpo- before raeet^ng,^ rate adts ; but no iecond notice figned by a different perfon, fliall fuperfede a for- mer, of which faid corporations rei'pedively five fliall be a competent number to tVeiTa others do all Corporate ads ; and faid corporations are hereby refpedively authorized and rtfident, impowcrcd to eled during good behaviour fuch other perfons refiding within their andthofecon- counties, citics, or towns refpedively, as they fhail think fit ; and thofe alfo who tributing2oi. or fhall contribute not lefs than twenty pounds, or fhall fubfcribe and pay any annual 3I. annually, ^^^^ not lefs than three pounds, to be applied to the charitable purpofes herein ex- prefTed, to be members of the faid corporations refpedively ; and faid corporatons hw"'"''''''^*' refpedively are hereby authorized to make bye-laws, reafonable and confonant ft^nd'ingcom- to the laws of the land, and to appoint flanding committees for the purpofes herein miaees, ^^^^^ mentioned, to meet and ad at a certain place to be appointed in each county, of inheutanceor city, or towu ; and faid corporations refpedively, are qualified to accept or take by iwestotaks purchafe or voluntafy grant, or devife, ai-y lands, tenements, or hereditaments of ie^rfor^ea'cif, inheritance, or for lives, not exceeding to any one of faid corporations the clear yearly value of five hundred pound?, any law to the contrary in any wife notwith- nonewacqui- notwithftanding ; but the corporation of any of faid counties, cities, or towns ftion, unieis (hall at vo time have a capacity to take lands of inheritance or for lives of a greater Sion'onT value than as aforefaid, except in the cafe of evidion or determination of interefl:, in tereft, which cafe faid corporations refpedively may make fuch new acqnifition as afore- faid, not exceeding the clear yearly value aforefaid; and faid corporations are tnixy take all qualified to take all fuch donations in perfonal property, as fhall be made to them, yclfs"notIbove and to accept of all leafes for years of houfes or lands, fo as no fiich leafe Ihali 21, exceed exceed twenty-one years; but every leafe for years of lands or of a houfe'-t* any of fald corporations, exceeding that term, fhall be void, except as hereafter excepted. III. feci. 2- Said corporations refpedively, over and above the five hundred May aift>t»k«* pounds a year, and leafes for years, which they are authorized to acquire, may '^"^n.To'a/re"/ alfo be capable and quahfied to take by grant or by devife any quantity of ground in the' open or land within their counties, not exceeding in a city or town two roods plantation f°""^7'iioufe» mealure, and not exceeding in the open country twenty acres of like meafure, for for the poor and the fites of houfes to be built for the reception of the helplefs poor, and for keeping g'a'is anVvagal' in reftraint flurdy beggars and vagabonds, as herein after is direded. bonds. IV. feSl. 4. Every archbifhop and bifhop may grant fuch portions of ground or Biihops may ,, land as aforefaid out of the ellates of their fees refpediveiy to f^^id corporations ref- rnerin°fee/('aii pedively, for the fites of fuch houfes, for fuch eflate or eflates, whether in ^^^-t^^^l'"'^^"'^ for lives renewable or not renewable, or for years, at fuch rent and fines as fuch rent or fine ; archbifliop or bilhop fhall think fit, or without any rent or fine, if fuch archbifhop or bifhop fhall think fit ; and every fuch grant and leafe fhall be good and valid againfl fuch archbifhop and bifhop, and their fuccelfors, without concurrence of any other perlbn or body of men, notwithftanding an adl G. i. for the frefervation notwithftanding of the inheritance., rights^ and profits of lands belonging to the church and perfons ec- c. ,_ ^t other cleftaflical, or any other law or ulage that is or has been of force in this kingdom ^'^^ ; and faid corporations refpecftively are required to grant to the helplefs poor, who ccrporations ■, have refided for one year within their refpedive counties, cities, or towns, badges, ^Yges*to"h'e 1 or marks of fuch materials, and of fuch a ftamp or impreflion, at they think fit.; poorreCdent and to grant to fuch helplefs poor a licence to beg in fuch barony, city,, town, or °"^\f^^g„^g,^: parifh, within the counties of faid corporations refpedlively, as they think fit, for beg, ;...,;' fuch a time or term as they think fit, fpecifying the names and places of birth, and fpecifyiti^nam*, charaders of the perfons fo licenled, and the caufes, as nearly as may be cplle^t.ed, and''catfe"fpo- of the poverty of the perfon Ucenfed, and whether reduced to that flate by ficknefs veny; or misfortune ; and are authorized to licenfc fo many juftices of the peace within jumces4icenfed their counties, as they think fir, to deliver fuch badges, and grant fuch' licences. to deiiverbadges -' , o 7 <^ and licences. ^ . feet. 5. Said corporations may, and, are required to build hofpitals, to be Hofpitais to be called work-houfes or houfes of induftry, and for the relief of the poor in their ref- '^"''^> pe6tive counties, as foon'as they fhall be :poireired of funds fufficient, as plain, as durable, and at as moderate expences as may be ; and thofe hofpitals divided into • four parts; of which one is to be allotted for fuch poor helplefs men, as judged in 4 parts; worthy of admillion; one other for reception of poor helplefs women ; one other I"/ p°°'' "^°" » ' for men who fhall be committed to the hofpital, as hereafter is directed, as vaga- vagabonds or bonds or fturdy beggars, able or fit for labour; and the fourth part for lych idle,^^"^'^|^f^^''|^arsi , ftrolling, and diforderly women as fhall be committed to the hofpital,' as herein after diforderiy ' ' isdirefted, and found able or fit for labour. i ne n-.'/o T"^'"" VI. fe£l. 6. Every man above the age of fifteen years,, who fliall befoi^trd 'beg- Everyman a-^ ging without fuch licence, and fhall not wear fuch; badge, expofed to publick view :''?"* J..5;^^^s-, on the back or fhoulder, fhall be committed to flocks by any jullicc, authorized to licence cr badge adt for the county, city, or town, where fuch perfon found begging,, and to be fo ^^p°^'^' '^^"" kept in flocks not exceeding three hours for the firft offence, and for , every, fubfs- j.ufticeshours, quent offence not exceeding fix hours; and every old .perfevering offender may be ^^(^/^^"g"' ■■• indided and tried for fuch !. is offence at;the quarter-felfions; for the county, city, or perfeverirg '" town where the party fhall have offended, or any adjournment thereof; and, ifj-effifns'!'" convicted of fuch offences by ajury, fhall fuffer imprifonment inthe commonprifon impnfoncda of the county, city, or town, without bail or raainprize, nor exceeding two calen- "'°°' ^' dar months ; and if after fuch convidion the perfon fo convided fhall again offend as / i^om ^enctTvtT' ^^ iitoi'tfaiJ, kich perfon being convided as aforefaiJ of fuch new offence before the },ed, Md'4'' juftices at quarter feflions for the county where fuch offence committed, or any momhs; adjournment thereof, may^^be fentencedby faidjuftices to be, and fhall be accord- ingly pubiid-ciy .whipped in any market town in iaid county, and fhall alfo be again rcV^^*"- 1?^*,, 'I'Tiprifoued as afdrelaid, not exceeding four calendar months, and fo in confequence feniaiesconftnad'df eve^y c6hvi(5tion after thenrft, as aften as the party fhall offend ; and in the poimTd 5^hours, cafc of females found begging without fuch licerrceand badge, every fuch female Cubrequent fhall be Confined in any place appointed for that purpofe by any juflice of the peace pert-everin^ in- of that cQiinty, city, or town, forahe fh-ft offence not exceeding three hours, and diaedatfeiiions. for every fubfequent fuch offence not exceeding fix hours; and every old and perfe- v'eiing fuch female offender fhall be proceeded againft at the felfions as aforefaid. p^rfons ap- , , ■ ■ VII. /f^. 7. Said corporations refpedively may iinder their common feals ap- pointed at fau- -_..■• ;^ r I J /• r -1 • • • ^ • 1 ■ 1 • ■ •/- n js toTeire and pomt f'-i™ and lo many perlons in the. counties, cities, or towns, withm their jurif- .sarryteTore diftions refpcdively, at reafonable and Tncderate falaries, as they think fit, to ' ■'" "'' feize and arreft all fuch perfons whom they fhall find begging without fuch licence .and badge, and carry all fuch perfons before the next juflice for the county, city, ,"or town, who, on oath made before them refpedlively that the party has offended jiinicesimpow- as aforefaid, tiiay commit to the ftocks, or otherwife, as aforefaid ; and the juflices niiae;,, Ao;, !if quarter fcflions are impowered to hear, try, and determine fatd offences referred 13 .; 10 .i.i.'tothe feflions, and on convidion, to pronounce fuch judgments ; and the juflices, 'b,efofe whom fiich' offenders, whofe crimes are referred to the felfions, fliall be examineon "brought, are authorized to examine one or more witneffes upon oath, and to take aiid commit. Written informations to the charge, and on the pofitiveoath of any witnefe, to com- uniefsbaiito -mit the patty accufed to prilbn, to be proceeded againft as aforefaid, unlefs the jnmc«'on view party accufed can procure bail to appear at the feflions ; and all jufbicec are required "^^yj^^^e ^ mittals are grounded on an information on oath, that the parties committed may be age'[nfme"in"'*^^''^^.^y any Other juflicc of the peace, if he may procure bail before trial, to ap- the licence, or pear lit thc lifixt fitting of the quarter feflions : and in every cafe where a poor per- thoijgl^^'fit' ' ^°'^> thought worthy of a licence aiTd badge, fhall have one or more children under taken and con- ten ycars, Hot apprenticed, or otherwife provided for, the perfon, applied to for a commiueV.^and^'^'^g^ ^^ licencc, fhall either infcrt the names, number, and age of fuch children >the reft ioferted in the Hccncc, Or at his eletlion fhall take fuch or fo many of them, as he fhall licence; think fit, from the parent, and coHvcy to the committee of that county, city, or dre*!!"'^ d '^''g ' ^°^"» ^^'^ iiifert the names of the refl in the parents licence: and if any fatherlefs taken up, or deferted poor children under eight, found firolling and begging, it fhall be law- conveyed to the fuj for thofc appointed to grant Hcences, to take up llich children, and convey them rommittee; ^ ^t. .^r b . » '^ 1 i r • 1 • ^ r ■ fchcfe under g to to trie committee of that county, city, or town ; and the fa id committees refpec- fdioo'r"" tively in ay convey fuch of faid children, who fhall be under eight, to fuch charter thereiiappren- fchool nurfery, as fhall receive them, and may apprentice the refl : and faid com- ticed: mittees are required to keep up a correfpondence with the incorporated fociety for eorrefpondence ., ,'^,,T*i i-r- i- r • t ■' between com- protcltant charter fchools, that they may be inrormed time after time, when room Siarter fchool ^'^ accommodation may be had for poor children ; and faid fociety are required to fociety, give that information to faid committees ; and the faid committee are hereby requir- Jform,"when"' ^^ '° communicate time after time the information, they fhalJ fo receive, to the they have room 5 petfoHS perfons who Hiall be authorized to take up poor children as arorefaid -, and Taidj^^*"''"**''*'; perfons may from time to time, as often as they fhall think fit, order all fuch authoTircd'to"* children, or fo many as they think fit, whofe names (hall have been inferted in Jj»'''^';'P<;hii. licences as aforefaid, to be taken up and conveyed to faid committees refpedtively, that aii poor that all poor children may as much as poflible be prevented from flrolling, and be '^'"''''■'" "I'J'^' r' . / i^ i D' prev>.nted from put to trades or mduury. ftroiiing, and Vlll. fe^. 8. Said corporations required, as foon as they have acquired funds P"'^*°^"'|^|'^y- fufRcient for building and furnifhing houfes of induftry as aforefaid, to take into in, as t'lie funds thofe houfes fo many vagrants, llurdy beggars, and vagabonds, to be kept at hard ^"^"^ '^^^^^ ^^ labour, and fo many helplefs poor, as their funds fhall admit of; and faid corpo- to haid labour,' rations required to feize every ftrolling vagrant capable of labour, who hath no p^,.'!^''''''^^ place of abode, and who doth not live by labour and induftry, and every perfon vagrants capable above fifteen, who fhall beg publickly without fuch licence or badge, or after the abote^s big-''' term of fuch licence fhall be out and not renewed, and every ftrolling proftitute s'ng without capable of labour, and to commit faid perfons laft mentioned to. divifions allotted orTfuVhcenfo' refpedively for them, in faid houfes or hofpitals, and there keep them to hard la- ■"'^pj'^di hour, and to compel them to work, maintaining them properly, and in cafe of tuTes "^ ''™'^" refufal or ill behaviour to infhd: reafonable corporal punifhment on offenders, and committed to - to keep all faid diforderly perfons fo in reftraint for the firft time of commitment Jions, "' for any time, not exceeding two calendar months; and if, being fet at liberty, or '=°"'p="'^'' '° having efcaped, they fhall return to their former courfes of life, each perfon fo maintained offending fhall be kept in reftraint after a fecond commitment not exceeding four p'^°p"'>:' calendar months ; and after a third commitment, for any fpace not exceeding one mifljehaviour year ; and after a fourth commitment, not exceeding two years : and if any of faid '°'^p°''«' puniii-' diforderly perfons being fet at liberty a fourth time, fhall return to former courfe, ift commit- then for any time the corporation of that county, city, or town, where fuch ofFen- ^^ffou,"'""'''' ^' der found fo tranfgrefling, not exceeding four years, fhall think fit, and fo again 3d a yeaV ; after expiration of that term: and faid corporations refpeftively are required to ^fj'^^^^j"' make bye-laws and orders for government of every fuch houfe or hofpital, and to years, appoint mafters and other fit perfons and fervants to govern and take care of fuch by-hws^rn"d'*' houfes and hofpitals at reafonable and moderate falaries and wages ; and may alfo orders for hof- • appoint treafurers to receive fuch donations and rents, as they fhall refpedively ac- ^^^^I'rs &c a- • quire or become intitled to, at moderate falaries ; and warned and required to ex- moderate faia-' pend fuch donations and rents for the charitable purpofes herein expreffed with the and'treafurers- greateft care and oeconomy at the peril of every individual, who fhall be perfonally donations and' anfwerable for any embezzlement or mifapplication of, or partiality in the difpofal with cai^^nd'^ of, any part of the revenues or property of faid corporations refpedtively, which 's<=°"'="ny »' fuch individuals fhall be guilty of, or concur in, by a fuit in name of the attorney fndividuair'^ general, either in chancery, or exchequer, which the faid courts are required to embezzlement hear and determine ; and in fevery fuch fuit cofts fhall be awarded againfl the de-fo^''in"c.orE?'^ fendants, if found culpable, as aforefaid ; and in every fuit a relator of property '""^""^°f and reputation fhall be named, againft whom cofts fhall be awarded to defendant, ccftrif cufpabk) if the fuit or complaint fhall appear to be groundlefs : and if any adlion brought a ■■«>=tor of pro-:' againft any perfon for executing any of the powers, or ading in any of the duties, t'l'ion'" "''"'■ herein expreffed, defendants may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial mat- f""'"^ ground- ter in evidence ; and in every cafe, where plaintiff in fuch fuit fhall fail, the court, general in-ue; in which fuch fuit carried on, fhall award cofts to defendant ; or if plaintiff unable jantV-'"*''^"'' to pay fuch cofts, the court may order fuch plaintiff to be whipped in fome market- piaimiff, unaw? town in the county, where the action laid. to pay, whipped, ■IX-. /eJT. VreCenimmt jx. /e^. 0. In order to create fome revemies for (aid corporations at t!ie out-fet, every rpring .•'..'^. - ^ f ■ \ r . amies tor cuunr the grand junes ot every county, county of a city and town, for ever, may, and tyofcitvor apg authorized and required at every fpriner- afiizes, after the twelfth of February. town nut under .» ^-^f^ ' j ' jooi. nor above 1773, to pieleiU HI every county OF a city or town, to be railed by prefentment N^^'nlber*^"^'^""^ off t!ie landsand houfes iuthat county;, equally and rareably, before the firft counties at of November then next, anyfum not lefs than one hundred pounds, nor more than 200I "norTboye ^^^*^ Hundred pounds, and from off the lands and'houfes of every county at large as 400I. aforefaid any fum not lefs than two hundred pounds, nor more than four hundred tions m"7aXur- pounds, to be paid to the corporations of faid counties refpeftively, or to their ers without de- treafurers, without any fee or dedudtion whatfoever, for the charitable purpofes afrfffed 'and col- aforefaid, and to be aifefled and coUefted as other county taxes; and for the laid lefted as county tax hereby impofed the colledors thereof are hereby required to give to thofe, who feparits receits P^Y 'f» receipts feparatc and difhincft from thofegiven for other taxes. given: X. fe^. 10. If any perfon fliall go about begging with a badge or licence coun- Wrowed'^'badgeterfeited to the likenefs or to an imitation of the licences and badges aforefaid, or or licence, fhaJl beg with a borrowed licence or badge, or with a licence or badge given or in- . impriioned"© tended for another perfon, every perfon fo offending, being convicted before two <^^P- juftices, who may hear and determine every fuch complaint fummarily, fhall be committed to the common gaol of the county, to remain without bail or mainprizc ten days. •Notccntinued XI. fe^. II. No perfon for any of the offences herein fnall be continued in j^nftocksafter4 ftocks after four in the afternoon, from firft of December to firft of March, except- \ Mar. '" ing v/here beggars Ihiall in that interval be catched in the act of begging contrary . except catched j-q t[^jg ^dl, and Committed to flocks after four in the afternoon, or in the evening, begging and for that oftencc ; nor fhall any perfon be continued in ftocks for any of the offences committed after j^gj.gjj^ gj. ^^y i\iiiq q{ the year after fun-fet, excepting thofe inftances where beggars ror after funfet, catchcd after fuu-fct in the aft of begging, and committed to ftocks for that offence : exceptinhke ^^^^ j]^g feftors, vicats, and incumbents of all parifhes in this kingdom are required , clergy on days to permit fuch clergvmcn of the eflablifhed church, as faid corporations refpeftively minted to* reach ^^^' appoint, to prcach fermons in their churches refpeftively, and in every year, and recommend ou fuch days as faid Corporations refpedively fhall appoint, to recommend the cha- coUeflions''in^"'' litablc putpofcs herein expreifed to the congregations affembled, and to all the in- fiarirhes, paid to habitants of thofe parifhes, and to permit colleftions to be made on the days when : ihe corporations. ^^^^[^ fermons (hall be preached in thofe churches, and throughout the faid parifhes refpedtively, ii confequence of thofe fermons ; and faid corporations are required to appoint fit perfons to make fuch collecftions ; and the fums, fo colledted through- out every county, fhall be paid to the corporations of that county, to be applied ivithin that county for the charitable purpofes aforefaid. «jG. 2. c. ij. I. StaL ^ Geo. 0^. cap. 20. feet. S. An act 25 G. %. for more effeulual executim .c<^^nMi7 of orders of juftice for giving and quieting poffeffions further continued feven years ' ' ' '^' from one June 1768 and to end of the then next feffion after expiration of faid feven years. For rents of I Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. A,, fect. I. In every county, in which a certain rentpay- ""aob'offiles'of ^^^^ ^^^ ^"^^ courthoufc, gaol or offices for keeping the records, the reljpedive grand records" "'° jlUicS }^;dtntnunt juries at their adifes fhall prefent yearly fuch rents to be ralfed upon their counties ; and the judges of afiife (hall have power (if they fee fit) to confirm fuch prefent- ments ; and the money fo prefented and confirmed fhall be raifed and paid to fuch perfons, to whom fuch rents are or fhall be payable, without any dedudion what- foever. II. fen. 2. Grand juries of the feveral cities in this kingdom at their aflifes may Workiiouf«, prefent fuch fums, as they fhall think proper, for building and maintaining work- houfes and houfes of corredion for diforderly perfons within their cities or in fome convenient place adjoining to the fame, as they fhall judge necelfary for the pur- pofe; and the judges of allife ma)^ if they fee fit, confirm fuch prefentments. III. feet. 3. The fum for building any fuch workhoufe fliall not exceed in the Not exceeding whole 200 1. and for maintaining fhall not in any one year exceed in the whole 20 ^°°|;.^^°'' pounds. »o!. ayear ^ mainuming. 1 Sl^t. II & 12 Geo. 3. cnp. 34. feet. i. Whereas perfons, indifted for high Prifoners and yv treafon and felony, may remove as well their bodies as indiftments into the king's treafon"or fdo- ' bench, if that court fhall think fit, and cannot Iry order of law be remitted ; the ry remanded ^y "^ . . R R 3s L[ never iuftices of king's bench fhall have full authority and power by their difcretions to removed, remand and fend down as well the bodies of all fuch perfons as their indictments into the counties. Where the faid high treafon or felony charged in faid indiflments to be committed or done, and to command all juftices of gaol delivery, juftices of peace, and all other juftices and commiflioners of oyer and terminer, to proceed and determine upon all the aforefaid bodies and indidments fo removed, after the courfe of the common law, in fuch manner as any of them, might or fhould have done, if faid prifonerjs or indidmcnts had never been brought into the king's bench. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 16. feet. 3. All perfons, who have been or fhall be ap- jurtices of pointed juftices of the peace, who have once qualified, and taken and fubfcribcd or {|fy " ""urf^^"^ fhall take and fubfcribe the oaths, and have or fhall receive the facrament, and to 2 Ann. c. 6. make, repeat, and fubfcribe the declaration in fuch manner and form, p^ace and ['°^'^°'j|j.^^^jhs places, as are diredted and appointed by the adt 2 Anne, c. 6. to prevent the further on afubfequent growth of popery., and all who fhall be appointed by any commilfion, which fhall <:o"""''''°"' be granted after his majefty's demifeby any of his fucceffors kings or queens of this realm, and fhall have after iiTuing the firft commiflion, whereby fuch perfons fhall be fo appointed in the reign of any fuch king and queen, taken and fubfcribed the oaths and facrament, and declaration as aforefaid, fhall not be obliged during the reign of his prefent majefty or during any future reign, in which fuch requi- • fues have been performed, to take and fubfcribe the fame oaths for or by reafon of fuch perfon or perfons being again appointed to the faid office of juflice of peace by. any fubfequent commillion or commillions, which fliall be granted during any fuch reign, and fhall not incur any penalty or forfeiture for the not taking or fubfcribing the faid oaths. II. feet. 4. Nothing herein fhall extend to anyjuftice, who fhall be left out of any renewed or other commilTion for any county or place, and fhall afterwards be infeited in any future commifTion of the peace for the fame. H L Stat. Time allowed JH- ^^^i- ' I ^fo. 3. f^/>. 3. /ff/. I. All pcrfons, wlio havc incurred any penal- to J Aug. 1774. ties and incapacities in 2 Anne, c. 6. by negleding to qualify according thereto^ indemnified, freed, and difcharged of and from all incapacities, difabilities, forfei- tures, and penalties by fuch negledt ; and no ads by them, or authority from them, not yet avoided fhall be queftioned or avoided by reafon of fuch omiffien, but are declared to be as good and effeftual, as if they had taken and fubfcribed the oaths, and received the facrament, and made and fubfcribed the declaration, as by faid adt, any thing in faid ad to contrary notwithftanding : provided they fhall take faid oaths, and receive faid facrament, and make, repeat, and fubfcribe faid decla- ration in fuch manner, form, place and places, as by faid ad on or before ift Auguft 1774. Dxceptoffices IV. fe£i. 2. This ad fhall not extend to reftore or intitle any to office orem- aiready avoided, ploymcnt already adually avoided by judgment of any court of record, or filled up by any other, but fuch office or employment fhall be and remain in the perfons now intitled by law to the fame, as if this ad never made. J?"'"' J«f' 0"' V. feet. 3. Nothing herein extends to any juftices, who fhall be left out of any renewed or other commiffion of the peace for any county or place, and fhall after- wards be inferted in any future commiffion of the peace for the fame county or place. Negiefito qua- VI. Stat. II & 12 Gco. 3. Cap. 2g. fell. I. Ail perfons, who have incurred any a'^Annfc!"6.\n- P^"^'^'^^ ^"'^ incapacities in xhe. it.h. to prevent the further growth of popery, men- •temnUied. tioned, by negleding to qualify according to faid ad, are hereby indemnified, freed, and difchargedof and from all incapacities, difabilities, forfeitures, and pe- nalties incurred by reafon of fuch omiffion or negled; and no ad done by them, or any of them, and not yet avoided, fhall be queftioned or avoided by reafon of fuch negled or omiffion,. but all fuch ads are hereby declared and enaded to be,, as good and efFedual, as if fbch perfons had taken and fubfcribed the oaths, and received the facrament, and made and fubfcribed the declaration ; any thing in faid ad to the contrary notwithflanding. On qualifying VII. feet. 2. Provided fuch perfons take and fubfcribe faid oaths, and receive ^774.^"^"'* the facrament, and make, repeat, and fubfcribe the declaration, in fuch manner and form, and in fuch place and places, as are direded and appointed by faid ad, on or before the firftof Auguft 1774. Officersprefer. VIII. fe^. 2,- No officer or officers preferred in Great Britain, who fhall have red and qualify- qualified for fuch commiffion or commiffions, according to, and within the time tymnet obliged' limited by the laws made in Great Britain, fhall be obliged to qualify in this king- cn arrival her*, dom, for commiffions granted to them in fuch regiment or regiments, after their arrival in this kingdom, and being put upon this eflablilhmenr, any law, ufage, or cuflom to the contrary notwithflanding. Not to reftore IX. feet. 4. This ad fhall not extend to reflore or intitle any perfbn or perfons Moidedw'wied. to any office or employment, already adually avoided by judgment of any of courts of record, or already filled up by any other, but fuch office or employment fhall be and remain in the perfon or perfons who is or are now intitled by law to the feme, as if this ad never made. I. Stat. €imtantint I. Stat. II Geo. 3. /«/>. 11. feet. i. All veflels arriving, and all perfons, goods, PeH-orm*.! as by and merchaadifes whatfoever, imported into any place in Ireland from any place, virno" and ^°' from whence chief governor with advice of privy council judge probable, the in- """>:'' "o'ifi=* fedion may be brought, obliged to make their quarantine in fuch place, time, 1100^' "'* and manner, as from time to time direded by chief governor by order made by advice of privy council, and notified by proclamation^ and until fuch quarantine refpeftively performed and difcharged, no fuch perfon, goods, and merchandifes, or any of them, fhall come or be brought on fhore, or go or be put on board any- other veflel in any place within his majefty's dominions, unlets in fuch cafes and by fuch licence as by iiich order diredted or permitted ; and all fuch veflels and per- fons, or goods coming or imported in or going and being put on board the fame, and all veffels, boats, and perfons receiving any goods or perfons out of the fame, fhall be fubjecft to fuch orders, rules, and diredions concerning quarantine and pre- venting infedion, as made by chief governor in council and notified by proclama- tion. II. feet. 2. When any country or place infeded with the plague, and any or- QuedJons bf ders fo made concerning quarantine and prevention of infedion and notified, as ^"'^^°®^ often as any veflel fliall attempt to enter, the principal officer of cufloms in fuch rhipj. port or place, or fuch perfon as authorifed to fee quarantine performed, fhall go off, or caufe fomc other by him appointed for that purpofe, to fuch veflel, and at a convenient difl:ance demand of the mafler or perfon having charge, who fhall on fuch demand give true account of following particulars -, name of the veflel and commander ; at what place or places the cargo and every part was taken on board ; or the vefl!el touched at in her voyage; whether fuch places or any and which were infeded with the plague; how long in her paflage; how many were on board, when fhe fet fail ; whether any and what perfons on board during that voyage had been or ftiall be then infeded ; how many died, and of what diftemper ^ what veflels he or any of his (hip's company with his privity went on board, or had any of their company come on board his in the voyage, and to what place they belonged ; and alfo the true contents of his lading to beft of his knowledge. If it appears on fuch examination or otherwife, that any then on board fhall at time of fuch examination be adually infeded, or that fuch veflel is obliged to perform quarantine, the ofi: - fliip? forced » cers of any fhips of war, forts, or garrifons, and all other his majefly's officers p"*^"™- whom it may concern, upon notice thereof to them or any of them refpedively, and any other perfons, whom they fhall call to their aid, may and they are required to oblige fuch veflTel to repair to place appointed for quarantine, and ufe all necefiary means for that, be it by firing upon fuch veflel, or any other force or violence. If any fuch veflTd come from any place vifited with the plague, or have any perfon on Concealment of board adually infeded, and the mafter or perfon having charge conceals the fame, n'j^ft''J^^f°jo^'' adjudged guilty of felony, and fuffer death as in cafes of felony without benefit of death.' clergy. If on demand as aforefaid he fhall not make true difcovery in any other ^f ., P: \ . , 1/1 11 r /v- r ^ ■ ■ II- *^' o'lierparti- ■of faid particulars, he fhall for every orience forfeit 200 1. one moiety to the king, cuiars, looi. the other to him who will fue by adion of debt, bill, plaint, or information in any •court of record at Dublin. ]X\.. feet. 2,. If any mafler, or other having charge of vefTel liable to perform Mafler quitting quarantine, having notice thereof, fhall himfelf quit, or knowingly fuffer any I^^minf Tr **"'' feaman or pafl!enger to quit, fuch vefTel by going on fhore or on board any other fufferin'gottiert, fhip, boat, or vefTel, before fuch quarantine fully performed, unlefs in fuch cafes ^^■^J,'; ^^^^^.j and proper licence as by orders aforefaid, or fhall not in convenient time after due to place aj.- notJce by proper officer caufe fuch vefTel and the lading to be conveyed into places p*"'** • R 2 appointed months impri- fonment and 200 1. vided. Ilttatantjne. appointed to perform, he (hall for every fuch offence forfeit 500I. one moiety to perfons quitting the king, the other to him who (hallfue; alfo if any perfon fo quit fuch veflel, by ret"uTn'and fix go'^g ^n fhore Or on board any other vefTel contrary to true meaning of this ad, all perfons whatfoever may by force or violence compel him to return on board ; and every fuch perfon fo quitting fuch veflel fhall for every fuch offence fuffer fix months imprifon men t, and forfeit 200 1. one moiety to the king, the other to him who will fue, the fame refpetftive penalties recovered by adion of debt, bill, plairit, or information in any court of record at Dublin. Ships, houfes or lY.feil.^. When any place infeded, chief governor with advice of privy lazarets pro- cQuncil may order fhips to be provided or houfes or lazarets for perfons obliged to perform during fuch time as they continue infeded, or till they have performed quarantine refpedively, and fheds, tents, or other places proper for depofiting, opening, and airing goods and merehandifes in any fuch orders made and notified, to be provided or ereded, to continue fuch time as chief governor thinks proper, and direds in convenient places in any part of Ireland allowed and approved by twa or more neighbouring Juftices for the county under hands and feals either in wafle grounds or commons, or, where fuch not fufficient, in the feveral grounds of any perfons, not being a houfe, park, garden, orchard, yard, or planted walk, or avenue to an houfe, paying fuch rate, rent, or confideration to the perfons accord- ing to their feveral interefls as agreed on between them, their guardians or truflees, and any two appointed for that purpofe by chief governor; in cafe of any diffe- rence concerning fuch confideration the juflices at next general quarter feflions fhall and may order the fheriffto impannel ajury, and upon the verdid adjudge, deter- mine, aflcfs, and fettle the fame ; fuch determination final ; and his majefty fhall hold and enjoy fuch ground during all fuch time and term, as chief governor fhall judge neceffary for faid purpofts, paying fuch confideration as agreed on or affcffed and adjudged. V. feet. 5. Proper ofHcers authorifed to put in execution fuch orders fhall com- pel all perfons obliged to perform quarantine, and all goods and merehandifes com- prifed in fuch orders notified to repairer be conveyed to fome of faid fhips or places according to fuch orders. Vf. fen: 6. If any obliged to perform wilfully refufe or negled to repair in con- venient time after due notice by proper officer to place duly appointed, or having been placed there fhall efcape or attempt efcape before quarantine fully performed, the watchmen and others appointed to fee it duly performed may by any kind of violence, that the cafe requires, compel fuch perfon to return ; and every iuch perfon fo refufing or negledirg, and alfo every perfon adually efcaping, as afore- faid, guilty of felony, and iliffer death as a felon without benefit of clergy. Orders inforced, VII. feH. J. AH liable to perform, whether in fhips, houfes, lazarets, or elfe- sffiftance called, vvijere, Ihall be fubject during quarantine to fuch Orders, as they receive from the proper officers authorifed ; who are impowered and required to aflifl: accordingly. Perfons entering VIII. /a*7. 8. If any, not infected nor liable to quarantine, prefumes to enter "liorm^^'° any place fo appointed, whilfl any perfon infected with the plague or being under perorm, quarantine fliall be therein, and fhall return or attempt to return from thence, un- lefs in fuch cafes and fuch licence as directed by fuch orders made and notified, the watchmen or perfons appointed to guard or fecure may by any kind of violence, the cafe requires, compel to repair to fome place fo appointed, there to perform .fcaping, felony, quarantine ; and if fuch perfon actually efcapes out of fuch place, before fully per- oeath. formed, guilty of felony, and fuffer death as a felon without benefit of clergy. Negiea of duty IX. fe^. 9. If officcrs of cufloms, or any officers or perfons whatfoever, to lorfeiture office ^^Qm it appertains to execute or affift in executing any fuch order, guilty of any wilful Compelled to perform. Refufal, or «fcape, felony, death. and lool wiiFul breach or negledt of duty in that behalf, every fuch officer and perfon Hi all forfeit his office or employment in the cuftoms or other office or employment, and hi incapable to hold and enjoy the fame or to take a new grant thereof, and alfo forfeit one hundred pounds, to the krng and to him who fhall fiie by adion of debt, bill, plaint, information in court of record in Dublin ; and if any fuch officer or perfon embezzles or knowingly and willingly damages any goods performing qua- i'^^VehfTda-'' rantine under his direction, treble damages and full cofts of fuit. mapes and fuU X. feet. lo. When any foreign country or place infedted, all fuch goods and ^^I'^j, ;n,por,ed merchandizes, as particularly fpecified in any order, concerning quarantine and Hahie as in fucu prevention of iufedion, and fo notified, which fhall be imported into any part of°''''"'' Ireland from any foreign country or place, fhall be liable to fuch orders. XI. feet. I X. After quarantine duly performed, and proof by oaths of the tnaf-°^"__°*'^°^^°' ter or perfon having charge of, and of two of the perlbns belonging to fuch velTel, health. or oaths by two or more credible witnenTes, before cuftomer, comptroller, or coi- ledor of the portvvhere quarantine performed, or the next port thereto, or any of their deputies or anyjuftice living near fuch port, that fuch veflel and perfons refpec- tively have duly performed as aforefaid and are free from infeftion, ilich cuftomer, comptroller, or colledtor, or deputies, together with faid juftice refpedively are required to give certificate thereof ; and thereupon fuch veffel and perfons fhall be- liable ro no further reftraint or detention on fame account. XII. fefl. 12. The officer, before whom oath made, and by whom certificate NoTee, given, fliall demand or take no fee or reward whatfoever. XlWfect. 13. All goods and merchandifcs, im.ported in any veffel coming Goods opened from place infeded, or on board which any perfon found infecffed, fhall after qua-*" *"^ ' rantine be opened and aired, as direded by chief governor by fueh order notified ; and after fuch order duly complied with and proof thereof by oaths of two credi- p"'""^ byoath, ble witnefTes before the cuftomer, comptroller, or coUedfor of the port, next to fuch place where fuch goods opened and aired, or their deputies, and any juftice living near, upon certificate and'return of fuch proof to the commitlicners of reve- "''"^""' ' nue, fuch goods forthwith difcharged from any reftraint or detention on fame ac- count by order of faid comrniflioners or any two ; for which oath, certificate, and ^"^J"'""'"""' order no fee or reward whatfoever demanded or taken. XIV; feet. 14. If any officer or other perfon demand or take fee or reward for any *'° ^"' fuch oath, order, or certificate he fhall forfeit one hundred pounds to his majefty P*"*''^ '°°'' and him who will fue by adion of debt, bill, plaint, or information in court of re- "f^*- cord at Dublin, in which cafes cofts allowed to either jjarty as in other cafes; XV. feet. 15. If officer or perfon appointed to fee quarantine performed as a J'«'''="'"g «'"'y» watchman fhall defert from duty when employed on faid bufinefs, or knowingly . . and willingly fufFer any perfon, ftiip^ goods, or merchandifes to depart or be con- depTrt""&c.'' veyed out of the place appointed for performance, unlefsin cafes as by licence as directed by fame order notified by proclamation as aforefaid, or if any perfon di- reded to give certificate of a fhip having duly performed her quarantine or airing knowingly gives falfe certificate, guilty of felony and fuffer death as in cafes of [^['^"'■''fi"'^. lelony without benefit of clergy. XVI. feet. 1 6- If any knowingly or v/ilfully conceal from the officers of qua- so <:o"«aiment ',,-.,-' '-''^i -^ , ij- r or clandeUinc rantine, or cJandeitinely convey any letters, goods, wares, or merchandizes irom conveyance, any fhip under or liable to quarantine or any place where goods performing qua- rantine, they fhall fuffer death as in cafes of felony without benefit of cler-gy. XVII. /f^g. 17. When any part of Ireland, Great Britain, Guernfey, J^rfey, ^^^'^'^^i^^^^^.^^" Alderney, Sark, and Man, or any Part of France, Spain, Portugal, or Low Coun- by"prodamation tries infedled with the plague, chief governor by proclamation may prohibit all [^^4".;'j"''"fJ,'" ■Sotl. p for offences committed fince ift of January laft, or which ftiall be committed, beiorecpmnim- againft faid adls 29 G. 2. & 5 G. 3. or either, or for high treafon or murder fince oners in Dubi.n, )ft of January laft to be hereafter committed, the offenders to be mentioned in fuch indidtments may be proceeded againft and tried on fuch indidtments for fuch offences before fuch commiffioners of oyer and terminer and genera] goal delivery, as ftiall be aOlgned by the king's commillion under the great leal of Ireland by the good and lav/fui men of the body of the county of Dublin or county of the city, as refpectively ftiall be appointed in fuch commiffion, and at fuch place within faid -counties or either as fo appointed , and fuch proceeding ftiall be valid and effedlual in the law, as if the offence done within the county where tried, fuch indidtments "3° ff*" wlm of in fuch cafes certified unto fuch commiffioners upon writ of certiorari to be iffued freedomincoun- for that purpofe, and in all fuch cafes no challenge to array or polls Ihall lye or he'*'"''"*"'*'''* allowed, by reafon that the jurors come not from the proper county or place where offence committed, or that the trial is out of the county or place where'committed : ^ but ncverthelefs upon trials of fuch offences the challenge to any juror for want of freehold in the county, where tried by virtue of this adt, fhall be allowed. S \y..fect. Wiiot^ aut) nulalbful l^^oceetitts:^* No cotriiptlon of blood, or forfeiture. Prefentment for fxpt.-ices. And rermhurfe mtnt on acquit jngs. Or in cattle, burning houfes oreflkfls. IX. feet. 7. No attainder of fcluny by this afl fliall work any corruption of blood, lofs of dower, or forfeiture of lands, tenements, goods, or chatties. X. feet. 8. Expence of tranfmiflion of prifoners to Dublin, witneffes, and other neceflary expences of fuch trials, raifed by prefentment of grand jury at fucceeding allizes off the county at large or barony, or parifh, where offence com- mitted at their difcretion. XI. fed. g. If any fo tried in Dublin acquitted, grand Jury of the county, un'c'e notTbo've whctcin fCich oflTencc charged, may, if they think fit, at fucceeding afllzes prefent ■^°^- a reimburfement of fuch fum, as the perfon fo acquitted fliall by affidavit make appear has been necefTarily incurred by fuch removal of trial, provided not above twenty pounds, jnd for damages Xil. fe^. lo. Grand jurics of countics aforcfaid may, if they think fit, at any lawfu" pro/eeT-' affifcs hereafter prefent the whole or fuch part as they think reafonable of the da- mages, which (hall appear to them to have been fuftained by any perfons by means of the unlawful pioceediiigs before mentioned from 2d of April 1772, to be levied off the county at large, or barony, or parifh, within which the offences, whereby fuch damage occafioned, have been committed, as they fhall order and appoint by faid prefentment, and payable by fuch different fums or gales, and at fuch times as they appoint, applotted, levied, and colleded by fame perfons and manner, ia which money prefcnted for making and repairing publick roads are now applotted, levied, and collected. XIII. /ect. II. If hereafter in any of faid counties any perfon fuflains damage in his property by having cattle malicioufly and wilfully maimed or killed, or houfes, outhoufes, mills, ware-hotifes, or houfes for ufes of trade or manufadlure, or hay, turf, corn, flraw, wood, or other effefts wilfully or m.alicioufly burned', or fet fire to, or otherwife deftroyed or injured, grand jury of the county, where offences committed, may, if they think fit, prefent the whole or fiich part of faid damage, as they may judge proper, to be levied off the county, or barony or ba- ronies, parifh or parifhes in fuch county, within or near to which fuch offences committed, payable by fuch different fums or gales, and times, as they appoint in fuch prefentments, all fuch fums fhall be applotted, levied, and collected by fame perfons and manner, as money prefented for publick roads by the laws now in being. XIV. feet. 12. No perfon intitled to recover fuch damage, unlefs it appears to grand jury and the court, who are to confirm fuch prefentment, that the claimant by himfelf or fervant, or perfon appointed by him, within twenty-four hours after the mifchief fo done to his property gave notice to fome of inhabitants of the town or village next to the place where offence committed, and within four days after »nd information g'^^ information by oath of himfelf or fome of his fervants, or other perfons bed on oath in 4 acquainted therewith, before fome neighbouring magiffrate concerning faid offence, ^a^ystoamagi- ^^^ becomc bound himfelf, or procure fuch other perfons to be, before faid magis- trate for profecuting all or any of the perfons, who fhall appear any way concerned in faid offences at next aflifes fur faid county. XV. fen. 13. Perfons aggrieved by any fuch prefentment, if the fum to be raifed exced iwenty pounds, may at faid aflifes traverfe, which fhall be tried at the fame or next ai'if s as the judge, who fhall allow the fame, may think fit ; and if on the trial the iffue found for traverfers, fuch prefentment difcharged ; if againfl ionciufive, and traverfcrs, they fhall pay the perfons, on whofe behalf prefentment made, five ^■"'*' pounds for cofts and faid prefentment thereupon conclufive to all parties. Noiice forthwith XVI. fect. 14. Every perfon intending to recover fatisfat'lion for fuch damage fhall forthwith give notice in writing to high conftable of the barony or petty con- ftable Notice in 44 hours to next inhabitants. and bound to profecute next aflifes. Traverfe if a- bove 20I. if bound for prefentment, to conflabie. Wiiot^ ant) ttnlalbful l^;?otecDm5'^. ^able of the parifli, in which damage fuftained, of fuch his intentions, that fucli conftable may give notice thereof to inhabitants defigned to be charged, that they may be provided and have opportunity to bring evidence for themfeives, and op- pofe the maidng fuch prefentment, or traverfe when made. XVII. fefl. 15. No fuch prefentment removed by certiorari, or the profecuiion No'/'moved by otherwife delayed than by fuch traverfe, and that for fuch time only as necefTary quadied'for in- for the trial ; nor fhall any fuch prefentment be qualhed for any informality ; formality. XVIII. feet. 16. This confidered as a publicly; adt, and judicially taken notice a pubiick aa, of as fuch, and fhall continue in force from 2d April 1772 two years, and until*''""' ^''• the end of then next feflion, and no longer. XIX. feet. 17. The (herifFof the county, from whence any of faid offenders ^''"''^ ,'"^'^°''* J 1 • I • r ■ r T^ 1 1- /I 11 1 ■ i^c'ioval to pay removed to take trial in county or county or city or Dublin, fhall advance and offender 51. pay every fuch offender before removal from fuch county five pounds to enable him to defray charges and expences of attendance of his witnefTes; which fliall be prefented by grand jury of fuch county at next aflifes, and levied off the county at large, or barony, or parifh, within which the offence, for which fuch perfonS in- repaid bypre- dided, fhall be committed, at their difcretion, and repaid to fuch flleriff. femment. XX. feet. 18. This aft and every claufe read publickly in open court on the Read at amres fecond day of every aflizes and firfl day of every quarter feffions in each and every faid coTmies" of faid counties. XXI. Btat. 1 1 & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 19. feH. 8. An aft the fifth of his prefent ma- 5 c. 3. c. 8, jefty, to prevent tumultiious rifings., fhall be continued and remain in force feven yearsr&c/ ..years, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion. I.Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 7. feet. 11. Imported from the plantations in F'-'om piantati. fhips the property of fubjedts navigated according to law, no duty whatfoever during °"^''"'^ ^''^' this adt. II. feet. 20. Continued two years, &a from 24 June 1772. ■I. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 3. feet. 17. For further encouragement of Englifh Ecciefianicks proteftant ichools every archbifhop, bifhop, dean, archdeacon dignitary, preben- nfernay demtfe dary, rector, vicar, and ecclefiaftical perfon whatfoever, with content of the arch- '" p*''p""'7 3° bifhop or bifhop under hand and feal, and every perfon feifed of an eftatc for life im'prJv«d'va"ue, in pofTeffion of any lands with immediate remainder to his iifue in tail, may by deed indented demife for any term or number of years or lives with covenants of perpetual renewal any quantity of land to them belonging, not exceeding thirty acres plantation meafure to the incorporated fociety and their fuccefTors, referving a rent not lefs than the improved yearly value at the time of demife payable to thofe intitled to the freehold and inheritance. All grants fo made fhall be good good againft rue. and effedtual againfl fuccefTors of fuch archbifhop and other ecclefiaftical perfons, """"•■'"'' '''=- and all perfons claiming or to claim any eftate, right, title, or intereft in fuch land ^rlTonT*"^"' by or under any limitation, remainder, or reverfion expedtant on fuch eflate for life. II. y>/7. 18. In cafe the lands and premilfes fo demifed not applied and made void, if not ap. ufe of for benefit and fupport of the cliarter-fchools or nurferies, or fome of them {'j.h,'!,,^ '''^ S 2 that that are or fliall be erefted and eflablifhed by faid focicty, fucli demlfe abfolutely null and void to all intents and purpofes. iiG. 1. e. }. III. Stat. II & 12 Gio. 3. cap. \']. fee. 12. And whereas by the twelfth of fee. 6. George the firft, it is enaded, that it fhould be lawful for the archbifhop of Armagh, and his fiiccelFors, with confent of the refpedive fchoolmafters, teflified by their being parties, and figning leafes, to demife lands, granted by king Charles I. for any term not exceeding twenty-one years, from the mailing at mort: improved rent in trufl for the mafters of the refpedtive fchools : and whereas there are not fit and convenient iioufes for the refidence of fuch mafters, and accommodation of fcho- lars, owing i:) a great meafure to the want of power in fuch archbifhop, with like ArchbifTiopof confcnt to rcnew the leafes ; it fhall be lawful for Richard, archbifhop of Armagh, Armaghwith gnd hjs fucceflTors, in trufl as aforefiiid, from time to time, and at all times, with mafters may de- confent of the refpedive fchoolmafters, teftified by their being parties, and figning mife II years fy^[ [gafg or leafcs, to demife, all or any part of the faid lands for any term not refcrving 3 4tlis ' jri c t. \ ■ \ c *f true value, exceeding twcnty-one years, and ror no longer term, from the mailing thereof; upon which leafe and leafes fhall be referved, and continued, due and payable unto faid archbilhiOp his fucceflbrs, during faid term, fo much yearly rent or profits, at at peril of lef- the peril of the lefTees who fhall take the fame, as the three fourths of the true va- '^'"' lue of the faid lands at the time of making fuch leafe fhall amount unto, as the asonatriaiat famc fhall ot may hereafter appear upon a legal trial between the fuccelTors of ' fuch leflbr or leflbrs, if they fhall queftion the fame, and the faid lefTees, or their verdia pereir.p- afiignees, by verdidl of twelve indifferent perfons at the common law ; which ver- lory, (ji^ (^^]] jjg peremptory to both parties, and their refpedive fuccefTors and alligns, , no owerto during faid term ; in which leafes fhall be contained no power, liberty, or privilege wafte. for fuch leflces or their aflignees to commit, or to be difpunifhable of wafte. Fines laid out on IV. fcH. 13. Whatfoever fine orfum of money fhall be given for or on account thooihoufes. of every or any leafe, or renewal of a leafe, of any of faid lands, fhall be paid to faid archbifhop and his fuccefTors, to be laid out by him and them with the confent of the refpedive mafters of fuch fchools in building and repairing houfes for refi- dence of fuch mafters, and reception and accommodation of fcholars, or otherwife, for ufe and benefit of fuch fchools. »G.3. c. J7. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3: cap. 20. feet. i. A claufe in i G. 3. c. 17. fee. i. whereby »"'^'°"''"""' f° much of 3 G. 2. c. 9. as relates to bills of dilcovery and obliges all perfons to anfwer without pleading or demurring, continued eight years from firft of May. J 7 69, and to the end of the then next fcflion. Tox4june II. Stat. 11 Geo. 3. cap. 2. feet, i Said "claufe in 3 G. 2. c 9. revived and »77»i *«• continued until 24th June 1772, and to end of then next fefTion. •■Anne c. 14,' 8. I. Stat. 7 G. 3. cap. 14. feet. I. No perfons forced to take any loading orpro- ameiided? '°' cecd on march with Carriages, until the ofHcer or perfon requiring pays down in halfpenny per hand to the owuets or fervantsone halfpenny every hundred weight for every mile; ^va^ed'fw'* which fhall be repaid by the vicetreafurer without fee on performing the requifites wheel carriages, prefcrlbed bv 6 Anne c, 14. & 3 G, 2. c. 10. repaid by vice- ^ ^ -r ^ „ />/> tr«»furer, "• y"'*. II. fe6l. 2. Owners of fuch carriages not compelled to take any loading till J;*fgh"^.'"'^'* duly weighed at their expence, if they think fit, and the fame can be done in a rcafonable time without let or hinderance to his majefty's fervice. III. feet. 3. All claufes, powers, and authorities in faid ads, fave as hereby Said arts !n repealed and altered, fhall remain in force, and be executed and obferved accord- [ered.*^*" " " ' ing to the true intent and meaning. , 25 G.I. c. 12^. IV. Stat. 7 Geo 3. cap. 20. fe£l. 6. An adt 25 G. 2. for more effedual bringing continued 7 to juftice fuch as inlifl: his majefty's fubjeds in foreign fervice without licence fur- ''""• ther continued feven years from firft of June 1768, and to end of then next fefli- on after expiration of faid k\&n years. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 27. feet, 9. There fhall be payable to his majeft)', his Licence to retair: heirs and fucceffors for every licence for felling aquavita or any kind of ftrong wa- "Xctll'c.'is,. ter or fpirits whatfoever by retail in city of Dublin and within four miles of the fee 2. Tholfel, as well within franchife and liberties as without, fuch fum as fhall be agreed purfuant to diredions of 17 & 18 C. 2; fo as none pay lefs than fix pounds JJo' above 10* iip yearly, and none compelled to more than ten pounds yearly ; and in any other city Dublin, or town corporate and the liberties fuch fum as fo agreed, fo as not lefs than four other cities and pounds yearly and not more than five ; and alfo in any other part of this kingdom, '"""s 41. & su. fo as not lefs than three pounds yearly^ and not more than five, any law to contrary tj,^''^'^*^*' notwithflanding. II. Stat. II & 12 Geo. 3. cap. 6. feet. i. Whereas iii the book of rates annexed Repeal of 53d to an ad 14 & 15 C. 2- for fettling the fulfidy of poundage fpirits perfedly made are c.'2.°c.'9*.tsw rated at twenty fhillings the gallon, whereby a duty of twelve pence is impofed rum and fpirits on every gallon imported to be fold within this realm, and a rule annexed that \^!^^^ ^''"''" commodities of the growth or manufadure of the Englifh plantations, imported into England or Wales and afterwards exported to Ireland, do pay but half part of all fuch cuflom and fubfidies, and to avoid a moiety of the cuflom or duty great quantities of rum and fpirits from the plantations have been landed in Great Britain and exported to this kingdom not only to the great delay and hazard there- of, but to a great lofs to the hereditary revenue, which has been deprived of one half of the duty, altho' fuch rum and fpirits could not have been in contemplation of the makers of faid ad : for remedy whereof, and that all rum and fpirits im- ported may be fubjed to the full and whole cuftbm and duty according to the book of rates, the faid provifo or rule, and alland every provifo, rule, order, di» redion, or claufe, annexed to, or in, faid ad, whereby rum and fpirits as a com- modity of the growth or manufadure of any of his majefty's plantations may or might be exempted from one half of faid cuftom or duty, fliall as to rum and fpirits hereafter imported as aforefaid be wholy repealed and of none efFed ; and the fame is and are hereby repealed, made void, and of none effed as to all fuch rum and fpirits imported, as though fuch provifo, rule, order, diredion, or claufe had never been made. III. Stat. II hc\%Geo. 3. cap. "j. feet. i. No debenture Ifllied, nor drawback, ^^^f°J|;^*j'^^^j;'j allowance, or repayment made, for any fpirits or ftrong waters whatfoever, when ex- and mips of n^'p. ported or entered outwards, unlefs fhipped in cafksor veffels containing fifty gallons ""*' gaugeor upwards, and in fome fhip of one hundred tons burthen or upwards; if other- ot forfeited, and othcrwife, forfeited, and drawback or allowance repaid tocolledlor of the port to be pair,''a^ 2oi. accounted for to his majefty ; and all perfons, who fhipped or caufed to be fhipped caghcaft. in any vefTel Under onc hundred tons or in lefs quantities forfeit twenty pounds each cafk. XV. feet. 20. Continued two'years, &c. from 24th June 1772. ■ Permuting dubs I. Stat. 1 1 & 1.2 Geo. 3. c.^^./.i. Whereas great numbers of journeymen Myio"rs"on"2on- taylors in and about the city of Dublin and liberties, and in the county who bav.e viaion before z ferved apprenticefhips, or have been brought up in the art or myflery of a taylor, nefe/ioK t^o"' h^^c lately departed from their fervices without juft caufe, and entered into com- informerand binations to fldvancc their wages to unreafonable prices, and leflen their ufual ^ue-coat ° ?'■ j^ours of -v/ork, and thefe diforders principally arife from clubs and focieties, where , aiTociations are entered into, oaths adminiftered, and other illegal ads committed, every perfon or perfons who fhall knowingly permit fuch clubs or focieties to be kept and held in their houfe and apartments, fhall, upon convidion before any two or more iuftices for the county wherein fuch perfons refident, upon the oath of two or more credible witnefles, forfeit and pay for every fuch offence twenty pounds, one moiety to the informer, the other to the blue-coat hofpital ; ©rimprifoneds ^^d if not able to pay fuch fine, it fhall be lawful for faid juflices, to commJt to months. the common gaol of the county, without bail or mainprize, three months. All agreements W. feU. z. All contrafts, covcnants, or agreements, in writing or not hereto- foUneym^en^n fotc Or hereafter made or entered into by or between any perfons brought up in, Dublin or the or profelfing, ufing, or exercifing the art or myftery of a taylor, or journeyman vancew°g«or taylot, in making Up mcns or womens cloaths in the city of Dublin, or liberties, leflen work- Qt withiu the county of Dublin, for-advancing their wages, or leflening their ufual to'ienfo'rce,°me- hours of work, and all oaths to enforce fuch contrads or agreements, are hereby s^'> declared to be illegal : and further, if any taylor or journeyman taylor within the limits aforefaid, fliall after the firfl of June 1772 keep, continue, ad in, make, en- ter into, fign, feal, or be knowingly intereft or concerned in any contrad, cove- nant, or agreement, by this act declared illegal, every perfon fo offending, being b^zwim^lre" lawfully convicted upon oaths of two or more credible witneffes before any two beforezjufticesjudices within their jurifdictions aforefaid, upon information exhibited or profecu- ^"s^'momhs""]. t'O" within three months after the offence committed (which oath, as well as every to informer Other allowcd by this ad, the faidjuftices are impowered and required to admini- hofpu^,^"""" fter) fhall by order of the juftices pay a fine of ten pounds ; one moiety to the in- former, the other to the blue-coat hofpital ; or if unable to pay be committed either to the houfe of corredion, to hard labour not exceeding three months, or or committed ^^ j.|^g common gaol, as they fhall fee caufe, there to remain without bail or main- not above 3 ^ o ' J months. pnze not exceeding three months. HI. fefl. 3. After the firft of June 1772 the hours of work For -all journeymen ho^urs°in Dublin tavlors, fcrvauts, and apprentices to taylors, and other perfons employed or re- or the county taincd as taylots in making up men or womens cloaths, or fuch fcrvants or appren- !hoi!i? for°dinn"r, tices within the city of Dublin and the liberties or county of Dublin, (hall be ^"''j'^'f for from fix in the morning until eight at night, excepting only allowed one hour for ' dinner and half an hour for breakfafl in the time aforefaid ; and for the faid time or hours of work there fhall be paid unto every journeyman taylor, or other per- fon employed, or retained as a journeyman taylor, for his work, during the hours aforefaid, the wages and fums following, according to the fkill and abilities of fuch fuch journeyman any (am not lefs than one fhilling and four pence, and not ^^-'^^^""^^"ofZ ceeding one and eight pence />!?;■ D/>/«, except during three weeks, from the pub- boveis.'&sd. lication of any order for a general mourning by the king at arms in Dublin Ga- p'^|^ 2 6d!'for j • zette, and during that fpace, any fum not exceeding two fhillings and fix pence. weeks from an IV. fea. 4 In cafe any taylors, or other perfons a6ting as fuch, or carrying on, ".'J^'ri^o^'n^ng!' ufing, or exercifing the art or myftery of a taylor within the limits aforefaid, fhall perfons hired, hire, retain, or employ any journeyman, or other perfon, not being an apprentice, ^°[/PPJ^,'^'.'^'g'' they fhall pay them, according to the fkill and abilities of fuch journeymen after to (Viii and abi-- the rates aforefaid, for the full time they fhall fo hire, retain, and employ th&m,^^ll]l(f"."'^"' or agree fo to do. And for more eafy recovering faid wages, it fhall be lawful for any two juf-°^,^",^P|,;';;'.°'* tices within the jurifdidions aforefaid refpedively, and they are hereby required paj mem cjuf- upon complaint upon oath, to fummon parties offending, and for non-payment of J^"^'^""'> """* fuch wages, or fufficient fatisfaftion given to the parties aggrieved, to iffue their warrant for levying fuch wages due as aforefaid, by diftrels and fale of goods, ^ "'''"'' renderi;ig the overplus to the owner ; and for want of fuch fufficient diftrefs to or imprifonment commit to the common gaol, without bail or mainprize, until they fhall pay or "" '^*"'^*^"'"* give fatisfadion to the party for the fame. V. /f'-'""'^ "='"?"'""?* o ,., 11- 11 J t lii o.'ii j-j j/T tions not invaii- atoreiaid ; and this allowed to be a publKK act in all courts, and judges and jultice dated, are to take notice thereof as fuch without fpecially pleading ; and if any perfoii fned ' pu'^'x^kaa, for ading under authority of this adl, fuch perlbn may plead the general iflue, general iirue. and give the fpecial matter in evidence. XIV. feet. 14. Every claufe herein fo far as the fame relates to journeymen Extended to taylors of the city of Dublin, favc only as to the hours of work and rates of wag- |j°"'^^^^]'"J^"^j. es, fhall be of the fame force andeffett wirhrefped; to the fliipwrights of the ciiyof r)ubrm, Di )■ except as to ^Olin. r 1 vvork hours ani XV. feet. 15. And for declaring, limiting, and appointing the hours of work wages. and rates of wages for journeymen fhipwrights after the ift of June 1772 the hours ^'""^ ^ "" ^" of work for all journeymen fhipwrights and fervants employed, or retained as fhip- wrights, (hall be from fix in the morning, until fix in the afternoon, except only allowed one hour for dinner, and half an hour forbreakfaft, in the time aforefaid, one hour for without efteeming a tide's work only a day's work, when they grave or coat a vef- treakfaft,^ °' fel; and for the faid time or hours of work there fhall be paid unto every journey- man fhipwright, or other perfon employed, or retained as a journeyman fhip.-- wright, for his work, during the hours aforefaid, the wages and fums following, ac- wa^es not under ' cording to the (kill and abilities of fuch journeyman, any fum not lefs than two "• ""^"j^j''^ fhillings, and not exceeding two fhillings and fix pence a day, with the like powers, day, refervations, and penalties, both as to mafter and journeyman, in the forcgoii gadtp^Jj'Jijfj'j'''''** mentioned for enforcing the fame. 'KVl. /e£I. 16. Any fhipwright quitting his work unfinifhed, unlefs obliged by loi. on quitting ficknefs or fome other fatality, without licence of his employer firfh had, fhall for- wkhcut^ii "e'nce feit ten pounds, recovered in the manner herein before mentioned. of employer. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 2']. feet. 10. The claufe in 33 G. 2. relative to tobacco 33 c.i. c. 10. and tea repealed. ' r. 20 repealed. II. Stat. II &r 11 Geo. %. cap. i. feet. ^. From 25th of December 1771 to e^.p^i. green, 25th of December 1773 inclufive fix pence per pound for green, four pence black 4d ^ohea, &c. ' bohea and other tea impofted, in full fatisfadion of all cuftom, excife, or other duties by any aft. ri;;'! tb Jt t.. III. fen. 23. Ten thoufand pounds of the yearly produce applied firft Applied. to truftees of linen manufadtures ; feven thoufand three hundred pounds placed to the account of the hereditary revenue ; the refidue applied with the other duties and aids hereby granted. I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cap. 27. feet. 10. The recited claufe in 33 G. 2. relative to 33G. i. c. to. fotacco and tea ; repealed ; and all tobacco, which (hall be feifed and condemned "^^ "' "p"''''^ for being illegally imported, fold by the candle according to diredions in aft of ^id h, cardie, excife J one third of the grofs produce to the perfons that fhall feife or difcover, i-adto^'f^"'*- .J-. clear tobacco. clear of all expences, cofts of fuit, or charges wijatfoever, the other two-thirds to ute of his majefty. Exportedin II. Stat. II & 12 Gio. 3. Cap. J. fect. I. No debenture iffiied, nor drawback, ""od^lndmips allowance, or repayment made when exported or entered outwards, unlefs in pack- 01 100 tons, ages containing five hundred weight at lead, and in fome fhip of one hundred tons burthen or upwards, or forfeite;d, drawback repaid, and twenty pounds each pack- ages forfeited. rubaTb""&sr"' ^^^- f^^- 2- ^'^ drawback, payment, or allowance for any tobacco, mixed with rubblfh, dirt, or any thing whatfoever ; with intent fraudulently to increale the drawbiick ; perlons, who enter or fliip or caufe to be entered or Haipped, for export fo mixed, or enter any thing as tobacco for export, which on examination by the proper officer appears not to be tobacco, (hall forfeit all fuch goods aod the calks or package and twenty pounds each package. JV, fect. ?o. Continued two years, &c. from 24th of June 1772. Dufciin fodety J, ^/^/_ /y Qgr,, ^. cap. 1 5. fect. I. To d3rc(fl ar.d regulate the application of g'Janted's^G.V. fevcn thoufand pounds granted this felfion and ii:ch part of fums heretofore grant- '^'*' r'^ou ^^ ^^ remain unapplied under an acft in the laft feflion, the Dublin fociety may dil- 6G 3. c. I. to pofe^f fa^d fums for encouragement of the filk inanufadlure as well wholefale as p^remiums on retail, the woollen, leather, iron, fteel, copper, brafs, paper, glafs, and earthen jadures. Ware manufa<5tures, mixed manufadlures of hlk, wool, cotton, mohair, or linen thread, gold or filver thread, or laces thereof manufaflured, of the manufadure of printing, ftamping, and ftaining of linens or cottone, of acid of fulphur called oil of vitriol, and of faltpetre ; fuch encouragements to be made by premiums on ■faid manufactures when madeoi' fold in fuch proportion and rate as the fociety fhall dired: and appoint. savewheiea II. fect. 2. No premium for any m^nufadure, for which at time of making the Fa^reompetition. makcr had any exclufive patent, or for which premium there might not be a fair compe-tition. Im^iforihe^'' ^^- f^^- 3- Dublin fociety may difpofe two hundred and fifty pounds towards poor. ereding and eftablifhing a pharmacopceiii pauperum for difpenfing medicines to the poor of Dublin according to a plan by John Wade cheraift; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. dwT'""' ^ ' -^'^' S- ^^ any premium offered fhall not be claimed, or the claimants not '''°' ' intitled to receive fuch fums, difpofed as they think fit for encouragement of all or any manufadures or trades aforefaid, unlefe previoufly direded by parliament. Regulations by y 7?^/. 7. Said focicty may make order and regulations for examining the quantity and quality .of (iich goods, as moft expedient for the public fervice, and moft likely to prevent frauds in claimants, and finally determine difputes as to the right. in°t"e'i-ecrefary ^^^- f''^^' ^- ^° ^^^^y ^afc and fo oftcn as nccefTary to ferve the fociety with between 20 oc- proccfs or proceeding of any court of law or equity, the fervice of the afliflant lnd"i6"dajs be- f^cretary good fervice of the fociety, if between twentieth of October and twenti- fore return. eth of July in cvcry year, and fixtecn days at leaft before return of fuch procefs. I. Stat. i Stat. 7 Geo. 3. cnp. 26. feet. :z. Grand jury of the aijfes fo«t coiintv of ''"'??•"'■/•• ?»«- »-,. ' J- ■ >i 11 1 -r .1 .1 • I /-• ■ r" '• 1 lentment not e- Tipperary from time to time (nail have power, ir they think ht, to prelent la tlie c«dins 201. a- iiiual manner for raifing any fum not exceeding twenty pounds a year for the trea- b-^ve ufuai fum.- furer of faid county over and above the fum, which the grand jiuy is now iinpow- ered to prefent for fuch treafurer ; and the judges at fuch aflizes (hall and may con- ., .^ firm fuch prefentment. ITtees, OTloob, I. Stat. 7 Geo. 3. e^p. 20. /ect. 1 1. Perfons holding by fct? farm intitled to en- Like privileges joy all fuch exemptions, privileges and encouragements, as- are grar^ted to tenants 'of" farmers for lives renewable for ever by an adl: laft feflion. ' "17. tot'.nants lives renewable, II. Stat. 7 Geo. 5. cap 23. feet. t. Perfons, who" grub up, fa'w, or otherwife cut xogriib, faw, down any trpe or trees, not being; authori fed by owner, fhall bn eonviftion before °'''^"' ^°,^'""' J _ , '-^ . v' . . ' treble V3iuc to one juftice on oath of one credible witnels forfeit foi: every fuch offence to, the own- owner, er treble the value according to valuation herein ; afh, elrn, beecH, or lycampre valuation, of half inch diameter valued at no fefs than fix pence halfpenny ; of one inch one fhilling ; of two inches two fhillings ;, of three inches two fhillings and fix pence ; of four inches three (hillings ; of five inches four fhillings ; of fix inches four fhillings and fix pence ; of feven inches fix fhillings ; of eight inches eight fhil- lings; every oak from half inch to eight inches diameter always valued by two appraifers fworn for the purpofe ; diameter meafured at the but end -, faid penafty levied by diftrefs and fale of offenders goods; where no dift-refs can be found, «f on information on oath may fearch in all fufpefted houfes and places for any wood, "'"''*'^' trees, poles, or timber,, if he fhall find any in poffeflion of perfons fufpedted'to be guilty of faid offences, he fhall bring before fuch juftice, if fuch perfons make not full and clear proof to fatisfadtion of fuch juftice that the fame were fairly and ho- neftly bought by or given them by owner, they ftiall be judged, deemed, and con- m pvrthare ▼ided of breach of this aft, and fubjed to the feverai pfenaTties above inflfdted for p™""*. the firft offence, and no writing of any perfon acknowledging receipt of valuable and receipts, confideration fhall be deemed fufficient proof of honeft and fair purchafe, till the truth of fuch writing be afcertained. T 2 y,/e,9. %m^y moot), Appe«i t» feffi- V. feSi. 4. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to next general quarter-fefTions, vvhofc ■""!i „. .,r ! ). .determination final. 'trtoAhom'the ^^- Stat.' II & 12 Gco. ^. cap.j./ect. ir. "No duty whatfoever during the plantations in continuancc of this ad for any timber, balk, deals, wainfcot, or other wood fit for fubjefts mips, -building or ma'nufafture imported from the plantations in fhips the property of fubjeds navigated according to law. VII. feet. 20. Continued two years, &c. from twenty-fourth of June 1772. 48 htfu^s'-wotfce' xySfdt. f Ufd: ^. cap. 21. fert. i. Owner of corn, hay, peas, or beans (ex- foretim'e^iffet-^^P'-'" S^'^'^^"^^ ^^'^ before removing give notice in writing to perfon intitled to in^out, receive tythe, or his known prodor or manager, of the time of fetcing out fiich tythes forty eight hours at lead before fuch time ; fuch notice delivered to fuch ■ perfori or his known prodor or manager ; or, if neither found at his houfe or ufual abode in the parifh, tofome perfon living in fuch houfe; who is above fixteen years, '"''■'■"' all, who give fuch notice, fhall without fraud or wilful delay truly and effedually truiyfetoutanddividefet out and. deliver fuch tythes to the perfons intitled, who fhall attend pur- receiver may fiiant to fuch notice j the receivers may make in flocks or otherwife on the field, ftockin the where it grew, and where it may remain and be preferved fo long as the reft or any preiTed with the part of the reft, of the corn, hay, or things fhall remain on the field undrawn by "'^- the owner. : ' onnpn-refi- U- /^^- 2. If the peffou Ihtitled to receive, o^ -known rnanager and prodor, dence or an uni- iiave uo place of refiddnce'in faid parffli, or if raaay panfhes united, fufficient to on 48 hours no- . /- • j • i ' n- • • -ii 1 1 ■> > ■ 1 1 1 r 1 tice on church givc laid uotice by amxiHg on pariln church door forty eight hours before the time door. of fctting out; which notice fhall continue fo affixed from ten in the forenoon till one in the afternoon of the day. Reputation fuf- III. 7^"^^. 3. Sufficient for ecclefiaflickor lay impropriator in any fuit for fub- ficient, uniers ftradion of predial tythes to prove he was and is reputed incumbent or impropria- ^itecon overt- ^^^^^ ^^j j^^j adcd as fuch at or ,befpfe the time, the right of the tythes accrued without producing or proving pthe/ title, unlefs controverted, and pleaded by par- ty fued that profecutor is not the true and legal incumbent or impropriator. -Before citation " IV. fect.^.,. Before any citatfon for fijbftradion of predial tithes a petition or cou"'°pet?tk)n complaint in writing fliall be lodged in the regiftry of the ecclefiallical court, in regiftered, which fliall be infertcd all the predial tythes then due to the perfon citing by the fo as no id fuit, pg^j-Q^ fo cited, fo as no fccorid fuit fhall be commenced againft the fame perfon for any fuch predial tythes, which ihall have become due before that time; and a copyferved, copy attefted by the regifler fervid on the party cited, along with the copy of fuch citation, which citation fhall alfo. contain' an intimation to the party, that whether and invnaatipn, he fhall appear or contumacioufly abfent himfelf, the judge will proceed in a fum- mary way to hear and finally determine on the day afilgned by citation ; provided the lime affigned for appearace fhall not be fooner than thirty days after the date, and the fame may be ferved with fuch copy of petition in three days afterdate of , citation, as citations are ufually ferved in other cafes in faid courts : and on return iumtnary hear. c r } • ■ .1 . -: ' -J. -^ , , ^ . - . . , _ ' ^ ;pg, of luch citation and intimation, and due proof of fervice, with luch copy of peti- tion as before by oath in writing on the baclc or annexed " thereto, fworn before the judge of the court, faid judge, may proceed in fummary way to hear and deter- mine by witnefs viva voc'eind fuch other legal proofs as fhall be offered on behalf of either party, and give final fcntence either in prefence of the party cited and inti- intimated, or his proctor, or in pain of his contumacy if he fhall abfent hlmCcK^tofit nMtivrt and adjudge colls to the party prevailing not exceeding one pound fix fhillings and ' ' *' eight pence. V. feet. 5. Such petition may be without fubfcription of advocate or proflor ;Noadvocareor no exception admitted for any defeft or form, either party may appear without any fo^o"- neceffs- prodor, if they vhink fit, the judges and regifters required to receive appearances no exception for and proofs, and finally hear and determine in die mod fummaiy manner without [^J^^^^ ^,.3^. regard to formality of proceedings and regarding only the juftice of the cafe ; judg- ins regarding es or regifters not to exad: or receive any fees whatfoever from either party in fuch°"'^ ■■""'"' fuits for predials tythes ; but in lieu of fuch fees it fhall and may be lawful for theinfteadof fees ordinaries of every diocefe to grant fuch fum out of their proxies due to them at ^;.^'^'^'^''^"^*J theii- annual vifitation to the judge and regifter of their refpedive courts, as they proxies. in their difcretioa think a reafonable recompence for fuch fees, as they would have refpedively been intitled to in fuch fuits, if this aft had not pafTed. VI. /efl. 6. No attachment or committal fhall be made by juflice of peace ; No attachment but where any party condemned in any fum for predial tythes or coflsof fuit fhall ^"''g"^"'J°" refine or ncgledt after fervice of monition from the court, and proof on oath of on proof offer- due fervice, fifteen days after fervice to fatisfy and pay the fums decreed, the per-/j'^'^*j^3"J°",'b,'Jf^ fon obtaiaiiig fentence, executors or adminiftrators, may fue by civil bill bej ore if not above zoL next judges of ailife for the county, where the party againft whom fentence refides, or in any other court where civil bill allowed, in fuch manner as fuits by civil bills now allowed to be brought, fo as the fame do not exceed twenty pounds ; a true copy of fuch monition under feal of the court and proof on oath of fervice fifteen ^n''e''vi'd^encec£'' days at leaft before the hearing fuch civil bill fufficient and conclufive evidence of fum due. the fum due ; and the party obtaining decree intitled to fuch execution and procefs with ufual cofls of civil bills. VII. fe^. 7. All perfons intitled to appeal from fuch fentences in ecclefiaftical Appeal is be- courts on fuch terms and manner as heretofore fince the aft 33 H. 8. VIII. fen. 8. If the matter appear to fuch judge of aflile of ecclefiaftical cog fubfequent rust- nizance, defendant may give in evidence any thing flibfequent to the fentence fuf- "en«by defen!^ licient in law or equity to difcharge him of the whole or any part. dam. IX. feci. 9. Said court fhall be a court of equity to defendant to examine plain- court of equity tiff or his known proftor or manager on oath, on reafonable notice to plaintiff or '° ''''^'"'^^°'' his proftor that his attendance is expefted at the hearing fuch civil bill. X. fecL 10. Nothing herein fhall give or confirm a right in the incumbent to ^°j^"^'^]^ "S^' to any fpecies of tythes, to which not already intitled by law or equity. XI. feci. 1 1 . Where any quaker refufes to pay, compound for, or fet out his l^^^j^'^,''^*^^^' great or fmall tythe, or pay any cuftomary or other rights or dues to any church may fummon, or chapel, which by law and cuftom ought to be paid, two juftices of the fame f";^,^",™"' county (other than fuch as is patron or any ways interefled in faid tithes) upon corrn plaint of any perfon, who by law and cuftom ought to have, receive, or colleft any iuch tythes, dues, or payments, to fummon, and they are hereby required to fum- mon, in writing under hands and feals, fuch quaker, and after appearance, or on default, fervice of fiiid fummons firft duly proved, examine on oath the truth and juftice of faid complaint, and determine in a fummary way, afcertain and ftate what is due and payable by fuch quaker to complainant, and by order under hands and not above loi. feals di reft and appoint payment, fo as the fum exceed not ten pounds ; if fuch quaker refufes to pay, faid juftices by warrant may levy the raoney by reafonable ^^^'O'^J *''•■*'* diftrefs and fale of goods rendering the overplus, fuch diftrefs, if not redeemed, fold by publick cant to higheft and faireft bidder at next market town adjoining 4daysnoUce, the place where diftrefs taken, diftrainer firft caufing notice to be pofted up four days continired 2 years, &c< Apptii to judg- (Jays previous to fale, perfons aggrieved by fuch judgment by two juftices may ap- e.oi a le, ^^^j ^^ ^^^^ judges of afTife for the county, who may and (hall proceed finally to hear and determine, and reverfe or affirm, as on the merit appearsjuftand equitable, if faid judges find caufe to affirm, fhall decree accordingly, and award fuch coils cofljaEainftap- againft appellant levied by reafonable diftrefs and fale in manner aforefaid", as to peuant. them feems juft and reafonable. No diftrefs till XII. fe/l. 12. If fuch appeal made,, no warrant of di ft re fs granted, till after appellant heard, appeal determined. Nonew right. Kill fee t. ij. Nothing Herein fhall givc any remedy to any ret^or, vicar, or proprietor, for recovering of any fpecies of tythes,, to which not already intitled by law and cuflom. AstoQuaktrs XIV. fecl. 1^. The fcvcral claufcs and provifoes herein relative to recovery of tythes and other church dues from quakcrs fhall continue two years, and to end of the then next feffion, and no longer. Nopro«orto XV. fect. 1 6. No prodor in fpiritual courts allowed to a in fuch.ipanjier, and "-• ( a 2 ) for The TABLE. for fuch 'purpofes, as (hall be di- refted by parliament. aurcutfc^. (JToacljcist, &c. oTpDctL %om. Cca. CHAP: HI-. An acl for granting to his majefty an ad- ditional duty upon the feveral goods and merchandises therein mentioned. CHAP. IV. An aft to repeal an aft, intituled, an aft for the more effeftual punifhing wicked and diforderly perfons, who have committed, or ihall commit, violences, and injuries to the per- fons or properties of any of his ma- jelly's fubjefts in the counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh, city and county of Londonderry, and county of Tyrone, or any of them ; or who fhall deliver or publifh threatening letters, or who refifl or oppofe the levying the pubhck taxes in the faid counties, or any of them ; and for the more effeftual bringing to juf- tice certain offenders therein men- tioned. Citotjsf. C H A P. V. An aft for granting annuities in the manner therein provided, to fuch perfons as fhall voluntarily fubfcribe towards the raifing a fum not ex- ceeding the fum of two hundred and fixty-five thoufand pounds. 2tnnintici^. G H A p. VI. An aft for granting to his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, feveral duties upon vellum, parchment, and paper. ^tampjSi. CHAP. VII. An aft to explain and amend an aft • paffed in this feffion of parliament, •^intitukdf an aft for granting annu- ities in the manner therein provided, to fuch perfons as fhall voluntarily fubfcribe towards the raifing a fum not exceding the fum of two hundred and fixty-five thoufand. pounds. 'anmutif;S!». C A A p. VIII. An aft for continuing andamendingp feveral laws now in. force, relating to his majefly's revenue, and for the more effeftually preventing frauds therein. Coacljrjs, &c. ;DiKillcr0. ^utic;?. HucncfiS. Ctcucuuc. C A A p. IX. An aft for licenfing hawkers and ped- lars, and for the encouragement of Englilh' proteftant fchools. l^aUJhcrjs. ,5>c&oors!i C H A p. X. An aft- to ex:plain and amend' afi aft made in the third year of the reign of his- late majefty king George the fe- cond, intituled^ an aft for the better keeping churches in repair. CHAP. XK An aft for amending an aft palTed in the tvventy-nin-h year of the reign of his late majefty king George the fecond, intituled, an aft for the fur- ther encouragement of tillage: iiToju, &c.. C H A. P. XII. An aft for continuing and amending three feveral afts, one paffed in the reign.of his late majelly king George the fecond, and the other two in his prefent majefty's reign, for making the river.Lagan navigable, and open- ing a communication by water be- tween Loughneagh and the town of Belfaft i and for enabling the com- millioners therein named, to raife money tf lie TABLE. money by afl'ignment of faid duties, for the more expeditious and effec- tual carrying on faid work. SlalauD jDaUigation. CHAP. XIII. An ad for allowing further time to per- fons in offices or employments, to qualify themfelves, purfuant to an aft intitjilfd, an ad to prevent the further growth of popery. (JJlimlifping. CHAP. XIV. An ad for the more effedual preventing the forging or altering the acceptance of indorfements of bills of exchange, or the numbers or principal fums of accountable receipts for notes, bills, or other fecurities for payment of money, or warrants or orders for payment of money on. delivery of goods. CHAP. XV. An ad for making perpetual' an ad, jntitidedy an ad to regulate the trials of controverted eledions, or returns of members to ferve in parliament. CHAP. XVI. An ad for the more effedual proceeding againil perfons ftanding mute on their arraignment for murder, felony, or piracy. Mwtt CHAP. XVII. An ad for granting to His majefty RIs heirs and fuccelTors, the yearly fums therein mentioned, and for the better fupport of the foundling hofpital and workhoufe of the city of Dublin, and for increafing- the fund thereof: i^ofpital^. CHAP; XVIII. An ad for the better regulating the office of county-treafurer, and the duty of the clerks of the crown, in refped of prefentments, and to en- able the grand-jury of the county of Wicklow, to raife money by pre- femment, for purchafing of ground or houfes adjoining to the court houfe of faid county, for the purpofe of building additions to the faid court- houfe. 'JZTrcnfurcrjJ. ll^ichloiu. CHAP. XIX. An ad' for the better and more certain valuation of houfes in counties of cities and counties of towns. CarcjBf. CHAP. XX. An ad for amending the laws relative to the lighting and cleanfing of fe- veral cities, and for eflabli("hing of market-juries therein, and for other purpofes. -> I-. i-'^-'n nA %\^W. i^arUctjS. |{5mfanccj6f. CHAP. XXI. An ad for amending an ad pafTed in the third year of his majefty's reign, intituled, an ad fbr the better regu-^ lation of the linen and hempen ma- nufadures. MlUCU, CHAP. XXII. An ad for paving the ftreets, lanes, quays, bridges, fquares, courts, and alleys, within the city and county of the city of Dublin, and other pur- pofes relative to the faid city of ' Dublin, and other places therein, particularly mentioned. CHAP. XXIIL An ad for the better regulatifjn of the admiffion and pradice of attornies. CHAP. XXIV. Ah ad for amending two-- ads paffed in the laft feffions, the ont, . intitukd, The T A B L E. intituled, an aft for the relief of poor infants, who are or ihall be deferted by their parents ; the other, inti- tukd, an atl for preventing the fpreading of fires, and for appointing of watches in cities and towns-cor- porate, and for other purpofes. CHAP. XXV. An aft for amending an aift pafled in the third year of the reign of his prefent majefty, intituled, an adk for confirming the titles, and for quieting the polTeliion of pro- t^ftants, and forgiving time to con- verts from popery to perform the requifites of conformity prefcribed l^y the laws againll: popery. CHAP. XXVI. An aft for enforcing a due execution of the laws relative to turnpike-roads in this kingdom. G H A p. XXVII. An aft to ani^nd an aft pailed in the eighth year of his prefent majefty, intituled, an aft for erefting new chappels of eafe in the parilh of Ar- magh, and making fuch chappels, and thofe that are already erefted in /'aid parish, perpetual cures ; and for making a proper provifion for the maintenance of perpetual curates to officiate, in the fame, and for other purpofes. ,;, ■ r,e H A P. XXVIII. An aft for amending and continuing an aft pafled in the third year of his prefent majefty, intituled, an aft for the more effeftual amending and re- pairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to the bridge of Dunleer - and for th^ bpf tCK fccuring the df-btif due, or to grow due to the creditors of the faid road. IpifiljUJapsf. CHAP. XXIX. An aft for amending and repairing the road leading from the city of Cork, to the brook which bounds the coun- ties of Cork and Tipperary, near the foot of Killworth mountain, and from thence to the road leading from the town of Clonmell in the county of Tipperary, through the towns of Cbgheen, Mitchelftown, and to Doneraile in the county of Cork ; and for making additional truftees for the turnpike-road be- tween Kilkenny and Callan. j^iabtoapief. CHAP. XXX. An aft for amending the road from Dundalk to Dunleer, in the county of Lowth. l^iflljtoap?. CHAP. XXXI. An aft for continuing, explaining, and amending an aft made in the eighth year of the reign of his prefent ma- jefty George the third, intituled, an aft for making and repairing the road from the town of Liftowell, in the county of Kerry, through the lands of Liftowell, Drumin, Ske- hanireen, Bunegarah, Killmeany, Curragpholig, Knockenure, Liffinilky and Binanifpig, in the county of Kerry ; Atea, Taumpleatlea, Gla- nagour, Knockfinifk, Carrigkerry, Glanduft", Glannoftare, Ballyline, Ar- dagh commons, Ardagh town, Li- fhilleen, otherwife Liftiereen, Ske- hanagh, Killfcannell and Reens, in the county of Limerick, ending at the forge on the faid lands of Reens, at the turn of the road leading to Newcaftle from Rathkeal, in the faid county of Limerick. CHAP. XXXII. Ajtt ^ft foi" amending the publick roads.- CHAP. The TABLE. CHAP. XXXIII. An aft for continuing an ad:, intituled, an a(ft for repairing the road leading from Tubber, near the bounds of the counties of Clarfe and- Galway, to the town of Ennis in the faid county of Clare, and from thence to the north liberties of the city of Lime- rick. CHAP. XXXIV. An aft for making and amending pub- lick roads in the county of Dublin, and for regulating, the aflefling, ap- plotting, and levying of money in the county of the city of Dublin. «DubIttt C H A P. XXXV. An aft to enable his Majefty's fubjefts, of whatever perfuafion, to teftify their allegiance to him. CHAP. XXXVI. An aft for amending and continuing an aft pafled in the nintlr year of his late majefty king George the fecond, intituled, an aft for repairing the road leading from the town of Ar- magh in the county of Armagh, to the town of Newry in the county of Down. ^igljujaps;. C H A P; XXXVII. An aft for preventing frauds in the meafurement of lime. CHAP. XXXVIII. An aft to prevent the importation of wines in cafks, under the fize of thirty-one gallons, except as herein excepted. WXWt, CHAP, xxxix: An aft for altering, amending, and ma- king more efFeftual, the laws for re-- pairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to the town of Kinnegad in the county of Weftmeath, and from thence to the town of Mullingar in the fame county, and for other pur- pofes therein mentioned. CHAP. XL. An aft for fettling and preferving a publick library in the city of Armagh, for ever, and for enabling the arch- bifhop of Armagh to appropriate parts of a piece of wafte ground con- tiguous to the faid city, to certain ufes, for the benefit of the inhabi- tants thereof, and to make long leafes of the remainder. C H A P. XLI. An aft for reviving and continuing feveral temporary ftatutes, and to prevent the deftruftive praftice of trawling for fifh in the bay of Dub- lin. arolIitr;ef aiiD jI5intr«J. Co2n. 5E)2ug0. fi«j. OTItiU^. «aanic. %\mt^. |5offcmoa aiiD fojtjgii J)CvUicc. ^ta^ mm. CptljtjSv il3atc!j. C H A p. XLII. An Aft for reviving, continuing, and- amending feveral temporary ftatutes,. and for other purpofes therein men-- tioned. (!ro2po2ations». maKcious cutting and wounding, and to punifh offen- ders called chalkers. CHAP. XLVI. An ad for amending an act made the laft feflion of parliament, intituled, ' an aft for badging fuch poor as (hall be found unable to fupport themfelves by labour, and otherwife providing for them ; and for re- ftraining fuch as fhall be found a- ble to fupport themfelves by labour .and induftry, from begging. CHAP. XLVII. An aft for the better regulation of the baking trade in the city of Dublin, A N A N A B R 1 D G M EN T OF THE Several Ads paffed in this Kingdom^ I N T H E Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of the Reign of -His prefent Majefty King Gifo^'^fi- the Thii'd. '" ' '"' Stbreiitces. 131 I. SicU. i^ic i^Geo. 3. cap. z. fell. 16. All perfons, who fhali have upon 4^- pef P°""'' °" "^' the 25th of December, 1773, or between the 25th of December, 1773, and Pfo'i"*'^'^'^""'^*^- the 25th of December, 1775, inclufive, any falary, profits of employments, , 7'^," ndl 7 7^5? if fees, or penfions, fhall pay unto his majelly four fhillings fterling out of every abfent6iponthseach twenty fhiilings a year, which they fhall receive or be entitled unto by rea- year, fon of fuch, ovei and above the charges and expences of executing the faid em.ployments, unlefs fuch perfons live and adually refide within this kingdom fix calendar months at leaft in each of faid years ; which tax or duty fhdl be ftispped and deduced yearly out of fuch falaries, fees, and penfions, by the vice-treafurer, paymafler, and receiver -general, or fuch perfons who are to pay the fame ; and fhall be paid to the vice-treafurers, or deputies, to be ac- counted for to his majefty ; and alfo fhall be flopped by the refpedlive depu- (loppeJ, and ac- ties of fuch perfons fo abfent, and paid by them to the vice-treafurers, or "unted for to the deputies, to be accounted for to his majefty 1 and fuch deputies fhall within j'"5'.- . '^.'j \ c r \ J- 1 \ r deputies in one one calendar month after luch tax due, give m upon oath an account before month to account the lord chief baron, or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftices of on oath before a ba- peace, of the net profits of fuch employments, for which fuch deputies are ac- '■°" °^ ijufticesof countable to their principals; which accounts, fuch perfons, to whom the P^'" '°J."'' P^°^"» fame given upon oath, fhall forthwith fend to the vice-treafurers, or de- with to vice-treafu- puties; and fuch deputies fhall within one calendar month after fuch account, rer, |)ay to the vice-treafurer or deputies, the fum due on account of faid tax ; payn'ent in one and in cafe fuch deputies of perfons fo abfent negled to give in upon oath "l^"j'i after, penalty, ru <. , r-j -L'^' -jrij • r dilabled, and jooL lucn account, or to pay faid tax wuhin times appointed, fuch deputies, from to king and profe- the time of fuch omiflion, (hall be incapable of exercifing or holding fuch cutor. deputation, and alfo forfeit one hundred pounds, by bill, plaint, or informa- tion in any courts of record at Dublin ; one moiety to ufe of his majefty, the other to fuch perfons who fue ; in which fuit no efToign, protedion, wager of law, or more than one imparlance (hall be allowed. A II. /e£J. ;^brentec0. fecrcuiies and a- II. Jefl. f]. The fecretaries of the commiflioners of revenue, the agents of };ents to deliver year- the regiments upon the eftablifhment, and of the perfons intitled to receive [[^^^j|]'^'^|^^'^^°'^r''^''' any falaries, fees, or penfions upon his majefty's eftabhlhment, (hall on or iices liiis uf able"-" before the laft of February yearly deliver in upon oath (which oath the chief tfts, baron, or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftices, are required and impowered to adminifter) to the beft of their knowledge a lift or account of fiich of the officers of revenue, and of faid regiments of degree of a colo- nel (not having a regiment) and of perfons intitled to receive any fuch fala- ries, fees,, or penfions, abfent for fix calendar months in the year, ending the twenty-fifth of December preceding -, and in cafe fuch fecretaries or agents, r.r difabled. refufe or negledl to deliver fuch lifts, they fhall be difabled from holding and enjoying faid office of fecretaries, or being agents. Perfons exempt from '^^- f^^' ' ^- This aft fhall not extend to charge the tax or duty of four fhil- (he 4^. per pound, Hngs a year upon the falary, penfion, fees, or profits of employments pay- able to any of the defcendants of his majefty's grandfather, or to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor, principal fecretary, or to prince Ferdi- nand, duke of Brunfwick, the duke and dutchefs of Athol, fir Edward Hawke, or George Charles, if his majefty fhall think fit by his fign manual, to exempt any of them from the payment ; nor fliall the fame extend to the officers of regiments, now or hereafter commanded abroad on his majefty's fervice, to colonels not having regiments, or to any officer under degree of a colonel, to the half-pay officers on the eftablifhment, or the widows of officers. /ImenJtJ hf e.f. I- Stat. 13 & i^ Geo. 3. cap. 5. fea. i. If any perfons natural-born fub- Annuities at 6 /irr jefts or foreigners, ftiall, within the feveral times, and in manner herein after cent, paid at the particularly mentioned, pay into his majefty's treafury in Ireland any fum or berffo^ 2'65oool''at ^"™^ °^ money not exceeding in the whole two hundred and fixty-five thou- lool. each, for lives fand pounds, to be fubfcribed by them in fums of one hundred pounds each^ of nominees by fub- there fhall be paid to fuch perfons fo pa}ing and advancing the fame refptc- icribe.s, with addi- tiyely, their executors, adminiftrators, or alfigns, or to the perfon or perfons legally authorized by them to receive the fame, by the hands of the vice- treafurer or vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-general, his or their de- puty or deputies, annuities of fix pounds per annum for each and every hun- dred pounds fo fubfcribed and paid, for and during the lives of the perfons to be nominated by the perfons fubfcribingand paying the faid fum and fuius refpeftively, together with fuch additional intereft as fhall accrue by furvi- vorlTiip in manner herein after provided ; and that the faid annuities fhall commence from the 25th day of December 1773, ^"*^ ^^'^ ^^ P^'d h&M- yearly in equal portions on every 24th day of June and 25th day of Decem- ber in every year. II. fen. 2. Tv/enty pounds, part of each one hundred pounds fo to be fub- fcribed, fhall be paid into the faid treafury on or before the ift day of March in the year 1774; and forty pounds p^r cent, thereof paid on or before the ift day iional intereft by fur vivorlTjip, in Lm.hn.piiid hy perJiHs apfalntfd. T© comni nee 25 Dcc. 1 773, halt yearly, 24 June & a; Dec. ao ptr cent, paid by 1 March I774. enlarged to 3 \Jl by /ol.by I j"°e 1774 of June in the year 1774; and the remaining fum of forty pounds per cent. 40I by24julyi774. to compleat the payment of every fuch fubfcription of one hundred pounds Annuitantsnamedby paid on Or before the 24th day of July in the year 1774 i at or before 34 July 1 774- which laft mentioned time all and every perfon and perfons, having com- pleated the payment of the fum or fums by him, her, or them fubfcribed re- fpedively, fhall name fuch perfon or perfons, as he, ftie, or they fliall think proper. proper, to be the peribn or perfons for and during whofe life or lives the laid annuity or annuities \\^ith the laid benefit of iurvivorfhip Ihall be relpec- tively paid ; and every fubfcriber may fubfcribe and pay as many ("ums of ruMrrib^rs m msny one hundred pounds each, as he or fhe fhall think fit ; and all perfons fubfcri- 'oo' asihey thmkfir, bing and paying as aforefaid, may name to the vice-treafurer or vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-general, his or their deputy or deputies for the time being, one or more life or lives at his, her, or their difcretion for the fum or may nmneoneor fums by him, her, or them fubfcribed and paid ; fo as no more lives than one T"^* '"'^■''• be named for each diflind fum of one hundred pounds fo fubfcribed and paid ; '''^,^1'"'^ °"^ ^^'^ ' and every perfon fo fubfcribing and paying, or their executors, adminillra- annuities with fur- tors, or afligns, fhall receive fuch annuity or intereft as aforefaid, together vivoiOiip during lite with fuch benefit of furvivorfhip as is herein after provided, for every hun- "* nominee tor esch dred pounds fubfcribed and paid as aforefaid, during the life fo named for '°° ' every fuch fum of one hundred pounds refpeftively ; and every fuch fubfcri- ^ay name the (amc ber may name one and the fame life for fo many of fuch feveral and di- life for fevciai lool. ftinft fums of one hundred pounds each, fo fubfcribed and paid, as fuch fubfcriber ihall think fit ; and the feveral nominees in the faid life-annuities 3 cIeITcs of nominees, fhall be divided by the vice-treafirrer or vice-treafurers, paymafler or re- ceiver-general, his and their deputy and deputies, into three feparate clafles ; the firfh clafs to conftfl of perfons of the age of forty years and upwards ; rft, 40 years and the fecond of twenty years and upwards, but under forty ; and the third of"P"'*^^^' perfons under the age of twenty years. And the entire intereft of the entire ^j' ^°\ |um fo to be advanced by perfons fubfcribing in any of the faid clafles, computing fucli intereft at the rare of fix pounds by the hundred by the year, fhall go to and be divided among the perfons fo fubfcribing, in proportion divided in propor- to the fums by them refpedftively fubfcribed and paid, as the nominees in "°" to fubfcription fuch clafs ihall die, until by benefit of furvivordiip the annuity payable to *^^;!°^i'J''^[|,'^ ^'f^J. each fubfcriber fhall amount to a fum equal to, but never to exceed, the entire vivor ea'th annuity principal fum originally advanced and paid by each fubfcriber ; and the re- equal but never to mainder of the faid intereft from time to time, as it fhall accrue, fhall be exceed principal ad- applied to the credit of the nation : and to avoid fradional divifions, and the ^^""^f"; ^'^ , J n- I r 1 • I J • • i-n -1 remainder to credit expence and dimculty of keeping long and intricate accounts, no diftnbu- of the nation. tion of any fum or fums, fo accruing by furvivorfhip in any of the faid claf- Nodirtribution by fes, fhall be made to the fubfcribers in any fuch clafs, until fuch fum or ("urvivorOiip, till fums, fo accrued by the fall of lives in fuch clafs, fhall be fufficient to pay an J Jona"ha°f ''rr «t additional intereft of one half per tent, to the feveral perfons, who fhall be °" then entitled to receive the fame ; and every fubfcriber, who fhall not com- Subfctiptions not pleat his fubfcription within the times and in manner aforefaid, fhall forfeit compleated, forfeit- the fum or fums by fuch fubfcriber advanced, and the fame ftiall be applied ^^' ,. . .1 to the credit of the nation ; and if any fubfcribers die, before he, fhe, or^fed'ft. they fhall have compleated the payment of the fum or fums fo fubfcribed Ondcath of fubfcii- by him, her, or them refpedively as aforefaid, the executors, adminiftrators, bers. executors may or afligns of fuch fubfcriber or fubfcribers may compleat the payment within compleat payment, the time aforefaid. III. fe^. 3. In the office of the vice-treafurer or vice-treafurers, paymafter Books kept, i or receiver-general, his or their deputy or deputies, there be provided and kept one or more book or books, in which fhall be fairly entered the names fubfcribers natnea of all, who ihall be fubfcribers, and of all perfons by whofe hands the faid entered, and fums fubfcribers ihall pay any of the faid fums, and alfo of the feveral fums fo paid, ^V^' ^^ *^°"'' '^"^ and the time when the fame are refpedively paid; the faid entry to be ]|^/"Qn,|„ggg ^^j made upon payment of the faid fums ; and alfo in the faid books there fhall their ages, A 2 . be ;3nntiittesi» be entered the feveral nominees, and the ages of fiich nominees for whofe lives refpedlively the faid annuities lliall be payable at the times when the J. fame fhall be nominated as aforefaid ; to which books it fhall be lawful rt^orte to wit out f^j. ^j^^ refpedive fubfcribers, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from time to time, at all feafonable hours, to have refort and to infpedl the fame defciibed fo is to without fee or reward; and as well the faid feveral fubfcribers as nominees afceitain perions; fhall be defcribed in faid books by their names and fir-names, additions, places of abode, and other defcriptions which fhall befl: afcertain the perfons ; debentures on crm- and every fubfcriber upon compleating the payment of one or more hun- pJMtiiig payment, (j^^j pounds as aforefaid, (hall immediately receive from the officers of his ma- jefty's treafury one or more debenture or debentures, in which fhall be men- tioned and exprelTed the names and fir-names, additions, places of abode, with defcription of ages, and other defcriptions of the nominee or nominees, and alfo the receipt nominee, of ^\■^Q confideration money, for v/!iich the fubfcriber fhall receive one or more a"nuhieTplM, v.he- ^."""'fy or annuities, with fuch bcnc-fit of furvivorfhip as aforefaid, during the ihcr nominee lub- ^^^^ Of hves of fuch nominee Of nominees, whether fuch nominee be the fctlDerornot. fubfcriber or any other perlbn. (,. , r ^.. , , p IV. /e^. 4. It fhall be lawful for any fubfcribers, their executors, admi- iDis, src. may aiFign niftrators or affigns, at any time during the life or lives of their refpeftive by deed or cievife, nominee or nominees, by any writing under hand and feal, or by their laft will in writing, to aflign or devife any one or more fuch fhare or fhares as aforefaid, payable during the life or lives of fuch nominee or nominees re- (o to:ies qin'.ies, fpedlively, as the cafe may be, to any perfon or perfons, and fo toties quoties-y not revokcablt, and no fuch affignmcnts to be revokeable, fo as an entry or memorandum entered in 2 months of fuch alignment or will, be made in books kept for that purpofe in ihe delVh^' ^"'^'^" °' office aforefaid within two months after fuch alignment or death of the de- afiidavit of execution '^'^or; and upon producing fuch aOignment or the probate of fuch will produced and fiied ; in ths office aforefaid, to be entered as aforefaid, the party fo producing fuch aifignment fhall bring therewith an affidavit taken before fome. perfon autho- rized to take affidavits in caufes depending in any of the courts at the city of Dublin, or, in cafe the party affigning fhall not refide in Ireland, before any perfon duly authorized to take the oath of the party, of the due execution of the faid affignment, which affidavits fliall be feverally filed in the faid office ; which faid entry or memorandum the faid officers of treafury are on default of aflign- hereby required to make accordingly, and to file the faid affidavits; and in ment or deviie. the default of fuch alignment or devife by deed or will the interefl of fuch fub- !!!-'^!L'"ii"^.^"!°" fcriber fhall go to his executors and adminiflrators for the life of fuch nomi- or adminiltrators. t> nee or nominees, as the cafe may be. <.7. 1 6. The furplus or exceedings of the aids and duties granted ^"'P'""^''"''"^';,'^] by an ad palled in this feliion, intituled, ^n Ail for granting unto bis majejiy ''^^ ^-^^^ snnuii'iei ;' thefeveral duties, rates, impojitions, and taxes therein particularly exprejfed, to be applied to pay an inter eft at tht rate of four per cent, per annum, for fuch part of the faid fever al principal fums formerly borrowed, as fhall remain unpaid on the twenty-fifth day of December 1773, and to apply the furplus of the faid duties in fuch manner, and for fuch purpofes, as fhall be dire^ed by parliament y over and above what fhall be fufficient to difcharge the intereft therein mentioned and provided for, or fo much of fuch furplus or exceedings as fhall be for that purpofe neceflary, ftiall be applied towards the payment of the feveral annuities to be granted to the feveral fubfcribers, who ftiall advance the faid fum, not exceeding two hundred and fixty-five thoufand pounds, or any of the rcfidue, part thereof as aforefaid ; and out of the refidue five thoufand pounds yearly ^""i^'w^'^Sodefv fhall be paid by half yearly payments to the Dublin Society for the encou- Remainder at diipo- ragement of trade, agriculture, and manufaiftures in this kingdom, and the fal of parliamEnt. remaining furplus, if any, to be at the difpofal of parliament. XVil. fe^. 17. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, fhall No fees tbereout to be payable to, or be deduded or received by the vice-treafurers, receiver officers, or paymafter-general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer or officers of this kingdom, for or an account of the faid two hundred and fixty-five thoufand pounds, to be raifed by life-annuities, with benefit of furvivorfhip, or for or on account of the payment of any of the faid annuities ; but that all fuch fuch fee? dulj- ac- fees, as fhall arife upon the iffiiing of the faid two hundred and fixty-five counted tor to his thoufand pounds, or any part thereof, or upon any payment to be made ^^'i^^l- thereout, fhall be duly acccounted for and paid to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors. XVIII. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 'j.feH. i. Whereas the annuities, payable Cj/. 5. >«. r The houfe mentioned to have veiled in truiiees for been built by Richard lord archbifhop of Armagh, the ground on which it ever lor uie of 11- ftands and the court, and all other appurtenances to faid houfe and library ^'^'y- belong'ing, together with ten acres of land in the town-land of Lifanally, fettled and vefted, and that all lands, tenements, fums, books printed, and inanuTcripts, and all other things of what kind ornature foever, which (hall at any time be given or difpofed of, whether perfonally, or by deed, or will, to ufe of laid libiary, or office of iceeper, veftcd in the archbifhop of Ar- magh for the time being, Hugli Hamilton dean of Armagh, Arthur Jacob chanter of faint Patrick's, Armagh, Alexander Biflet, chancellor of faid cathe- dral, Francis Hamilton, treafiner, Charles Walter Congrave, archdeacon of Armagh, William Godley, prebendary of Muilagbrack, Henry Lellie, pre- bendary of Ballymore, Brabazon Difney, prebendary of Loughall, and the prebendary of Tynan when inftituted, the fame being now vacant, and their fucceflbrs feverally, for the time being, for ever, in trufl, for the refpeCtive • ufes, intents, and purpofes herein before mentioned, to ufe of faid library, or keeper, for ever, and to fuch other ufes, intents, and purpofes, as Hiall be declared or appointed by the perfons giving, granting, or devifing the fame, and to no other, and the fame fhall remain in faid truftees and their fucceflbrs, for ever, unalienable, and without being capable of forfeiting, fel- unalienable, ling, incumbring, or otherwife difpofing, otherwife than as herein after men- tioned ; the fajd houfe, and library, and ground for a court thereunto belong- ing, in Armagh, to remain free from all manner of taxes impofed, or here- free of taxes, unlefs after to be impofed by adl of parliament, unlefs charged exprefly and by named. »ame, any law, ufage, or cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. II. fe£l. 2. Created a corporation or body politick for the purpofes herein a corporation, contained only, and appointed governors and guardians of faid houfe and governors and guar- library, built and erefted by Richard lord archbifhop of Armagh ; and faid ^'^^'i governors and guardians authorized to eleft two perfons of the diocefe of Ar- "/'^^g ^Jg°*"' magh, to be joined with them in the aforefaid truft, as governors and guar- dians of faid houfe and library ; and upon the death or refignation of any fuch elected governors and guardians, from time to time to eletl other fit perfons governors or guardians in their room ; and faid governors and guar- dians for the time being, in their own names and difcriptions, as aforefaid, as by the title of governors and guardians of the library ereded by Richard lord archbilhop of Armagh, fhall have power to take all gifts, grants, and ,ake gifts, &c. legacies, and be feized, and poflefled thereof for ever, to the pfes, and under trufts aforefaid, and capable to fue for the fame in any court of law or equity ; the ftatute of mortmain, and all other laws, (latutes, ufages, or cuftoms to noj^vithftanding da-' the contrary notwithftanding : and they, or any three or more, the archbifhop tme of mortmaia : of Armagh for the time being prefent, but in cafe of his being fick, oi out ? ^^7 "".eet and of this kingdom, or during vacancy, then any five or more of faid governors ^^^ rules, arcK- and guardians fhall have power to meet from time to time, and as often as abfent.^'s^;"^"'' ' occafion, to confider of, and make fuch reafonable rules and orders for go- vernment and management of faid houfe and library, as they think neceffary ; to which the keeper for the time being fhall for ever be fubjed, and obferve, obferved by keeper, on pain of being fufpended from faid office or employment, and from the in- or fufpended. come, profits, and lodgings thereunto belonging, during pleafure of faid go- vernors and guardians. III. fe£l. 3. In cafe faid library keeper fhall continue obilinate feven days If obftlnatey days, after being fufpended, and will not obferve the orders, rules, and direcflions, 'emoved, faid governors and guardians, or any five or more, the archbifhop of Armagh for the time being prefent, fhall have power to meet, and deprive and remove the faid keeper from faid office or employment, and (o t'-.ke from him the. income, profits, and lodgings to fiid office belonging, and another keeper, appoimed in like manner as if the keeper fo deprived or removed, was natu- another chofcn. rally dead. . • • • - ^ B l^.Jea. Appointment in the IV. /eH. 4,. The nomination and appointment of a library-keeper for faid archbifliop. library, and fucceflbrs, and fo often as occafion, upon the death of the keeper, furrender, forfeiture, or other avoidance, vefted in the archbifhop of Armagh for the time being ; and the perfon fo appointed, and none other, fhall be during good beha- library-keeper, and hold that office during his good behaviour, and intitled "°"f» to the lodgings and apartments in faid houfe allotted, or fuch parts thereof as faid governors and guardians think fit, and to faid court belonging, and keeper to be a pref- land aforefaid, and to the falary of faid office belonging : provided the per- byter of the church, {q^ (q appointed keeper be a prefbyter of the church of England or Ireland andamafter; ^g ^y ]^^ eftabliflied, and Ihall have taken the degree of mafter of arts in one of the univerfities of England or Ireland; and before his admiffion to on recognizance the office, he fhall give to faid governors and guardians fecurity of five hun-^ | 500I with 2 furetief dred pounds, by recognizance, with fufficient fecurities, that none of faid I for the boob. books fhall be loft, or oherwife embezzled, and ftiall alfo take the oath fol- I lowing. I His oath. /A. B. do /wear, that I will ufe my utmoji care and endeavour to preferve all the books and other things which are or Jhall be committed to my charge by the governors and guardians of the publick library, built and erefled in Armagh, by_ Richard lord archbijbop of Armagh, and that I will not, wittingly or willingly, Juffer any of the faid books during my continuance in the office of library-keeper', to be lent abroad, {unlefs permitted fo to do by an order of the governors and guar- dians at the general vifitation) given away, or embezzled, or to be any wile dam- nified through my fault ; and that I will, to the utmofi of my power, cbferve all fuchjlatutes, rules, and confli tut ions already made, or which fJjall hereafter be made, concerning the faid office of library-keeper, while the fame fhall continue in force, and I Jljall continue in the faid office. So help me God. Which oath the archbifhop for time being, or being abfent, or vacancy of that fee, any tv/o or more of faid governors and guardians fhall be impowered to adminifter. Books changed, V. fcH. 5. Lawful for faid governors and guardians, or any three or more, duphcates fold, and jq change any books given to faid library, and where duplicates, for other * oug t. books to be put into faid library, or to fell fuch duplicates, and with the mo- ney arifing by fale, buy fuch other books, as they think proper, to be put into faid library. VI. feB. 6. Said governors and guardians, or any three or more, whereof the archbifhop of Armagh, unlefs fick, or out of this kingdom, or the fee vacant, fhall always be one, and in cafe of fuch abfence or ficknefs, one of the governors fcforefaid, whom faid archbifhop fhall, under his hand and archi- epifcopal feal, appoint to be prefent and of that number, fhall, on the day Yearly vifitation preceding, or next after the general annual vifiration of faid diocefe at Armagh, thereof. perfonaily vifit every year /'aid library, and infped the flate and condition, and at fuch vifitation make fuch orders and rules, and give fuch diredions, as to them, or major part, fhall feem neceflary and convenient ; and faid governors and guardians may adjourn faid vifitations to fuch further time or times, as they or major part think fit. Nctice of meeting. VW.fecl. 7. The archbifhop for time being, or in cafe of his abfence or neglei^, any two of faid governors and guardians direded to give due notice or fend fummons to each of faid governors and guardians, of the time and place intended for meeting for purpofes aforefaid, two days at leaft before. ym. /ea. VIII. feet, 8. Wafte land, containing nine acres, one rood, and thirty- W's'^e vefletl in feven perches, with all buildings which (hall ftand thereupon, (hall be veiled ^l""^^:^^ ^^^ in faid archbjfhop of Armagh, and his fuccelfors, for ever, to the intent that (^^jj . faid archbifhop and his fucceiTors, may caufe fuoh roads, as he fhall thinic necelTary, to be made dirough laid ground from the faid city to th; roads leading on each end of faid ground from faid city to different parts of the country, and to parcel out th? remainder of faid ground into fo many divi- fions as he or they fhUl think proper, and by deed und^r his or their hand and archiepifcopal f;al, to appropriate fuch divifions, or fo many of them as he or they think fit feverally, for ufe of holding fairs and markets, and fuch ^'Z''^!/"'* """ other ufes as he and they judge moft advantageous to the inhabitants of "■' ' faid city, from thenceforth to remain fo appropriated for ever ; and to de- anJ to demife not mife and leafe by indenture, under archiepifcopal feal, the remainder of fuch above 60 years ; divifions, as alfo fuch part of the divifion to be appropriated for markets as neceflary for fhambles, from time to time, for any number of years not y- ^^^^ ^exceeding fixty, taking fuch fines upon each demife and renewal, and re- referving rent, ferving thereupon fuch annual rent as he and they think fair and reafonable, for laid corporatloa ■ fuch rent to be made payable to faid archbiHiop and his fuccelfors. »"'' inbabitams ad- IX. feet. 9. A.11 fuch fines and rents fhall be applied to fuch ufes and ^'^"'^S*- purpofes, as fhall appear to him and them of mofl advantage to faid corpo- ration and the inhabitants of faid city, and for no other whatfoever. y^.fect. 10. Said archbifhop or his fuccefTors, may exchange fo much of other land, the eftate of faid fee, as neceffary, for a part of equal value of falJ^aftefor oth« faid wafle land, afcertaining the quantities and parts fo exchanged, by vi'ri- parts of the fee -, ting, under hand and archiepifcopal feal, and lodging in the office of the re- gifler, fuch writing, or a duplicate, with a furvey of the parts fo exchanged, certified under hand and archiepifcopal feal; faving neverthelefs to his ma- faving right of jefly, his heirs and fuccefTors ; and all other perfbns, bodies politick and "''*"'■ corporate, their heirs, executors, adminiflrators, and fuccefTors, other than faid Richard lord archbifhop of Armagh, and his executors, adminiflrators, and fucceflbrs, the faid fovereign, burgefTes, and corporation, and inhabi- tants of Armagh, all fuch right, title, or intereft, as they or any of them had, may, or might have, in, to, or in any wife concerning the premifTes, or any part, parcel, or particular thereof, hereby intended to be vefled in a- ■ forefaid truflees, feverally for the refpedlive ufes, intents, and purpofes be- fore mentioned, as if this adl never made. XI. feet. II. This aft deemed in all courts a publick adl, and all judges a publick aft. 'i • fliall take notice thereof without fpecially pleading, I. Stat. 13 & 14 G. 3. cap. 23. feet. r. Whereas the admiffion of at- : tornies is of the greatefl confequence and concern to the publick, particularly to the fuitors : and it has been a frequent pradlice among the inferior clafs of attornies, to take apprentices of low education, whofe circumflances or condition, frequently induce them to be guilty of mean and improper prac- tices, to difhonour of the profelTion, great injury and damage of their Cli- ents, and the public ; after the ifl day of Trinity term 1774, it fliall be lawful for the judges of the king's bench, or any two, and they are hereby required, '^"'l^" ^^^^ rmho! to appoint the prothonotary of faid court, or his deputy, and four of the n^^ary or Lfwy, & moft reputable pradiftng attornies of faid court, to examine all perfons ^ reputable pratti- B 2 applying fing attornies of falJ applying to'be admitted attornies of faid court, and for the other purpofes court, examiners in herein mentioned, to continue during pleafure of faid court, who are hereby admiffion oi attor- fg^; ^ ( ^f f^ij perfons fhali be difplaced, difqualified to ad, or nies, during plea- ,.1,, ' J.^ ^- r r ■ i.- \ ■ fure ; difabled to pradife, to appomt one or more perion or perfons in his or their rot I'efs than 4 ex- places, fo that the number of examiners fhall not be lefs than four attornies aniiners ai a time. gj ^ny time. The like in C B ^*- •^''^^- ^- ^f^^'' ^^^ '^ ^^J of Trinity term 1774, it fhall be lawful for judges of common pleas, or any two, and they are required in like manner to appoint the prothonotary, or deputy, and four of the moft reputable prac- tifing attornies of the fame court, to examine all perfons applying to be admit- ted attornies, and for the other purpofes herein mentioned, to continue dur- ing pleafure of court, who are hereby required, if any of the faid perfons fhall be difplaced, difqualified to ad, or difabled to pra(f\ife, to appoint one or more in his or their places, fo that the number of examiners Ihall not be lefs than four attornies at any time. In exchequer. ^^^- f^'^'- 3- ^^^^^ ^^e firft day of Trinity term 1774, lawful for barons of exchequer, or any two, and they are required, to appoint the chief remem- brancer, the treafurer or fecond remembrancer, and clerk of the pleas of the exchequer, or their refpedive deputies, and four of the moft reputable prac- tifing attornies of faid court, to examine all perfons applying to be admitted attornies of faid court, and for the other purpofes herein mentioned, t« continue during pleafure of faid court, who are required, if any of the faid per- fons fhall be difplaced, difqualified to" ad, or difabled to prac\ife, to appoint one or more in his or their places, fo that the number of examiners fhall not be lefs than four attornies at any time. . . ^ IV. >cr. 4. After the laft day of Trinity term 1774, no perfonsapplying to be lerbeGdTs^equirm's admitted attorney of faid court.s, or any of them, fhall be admitted, unlefs, by'7 G. 2. c s- he over and above, and befides the requifites appointed to be performed by procures a certificate- ftatute 7 G. 2. fuch perfon fhall firft procure a certificate of the faid perfons of 3 examineis ; p, appointed, or three of them, figncd by them, fetting forth, that they have ftridly enquired and examined into the morals and qualifications of the per- fon fo applying to be admitted, and that they think him a proper perfon to 0^07 firTread 'in ^^ ^o admitted ; which certificate fhall be filed in the court, of which fuch court. perfon fbali fo apply to be admitted, and an attefted copy thereof fhall be produced and openly read in the faid court, previous to his being fworn an attorney therein. Notice of applying V. fect. 5. Every perfon, who fhall fo apply to be admitted attorney after pofteH on each court ]afl; Jay of Trinity term 1774, fhall give notice in writing of his intended one full term before, application, to be publilhed and ported upon faid courts one full term preced- with his name, mal. . r r ^ ..'. .^^ ■ 1 ■ 1 r l l r j j te.»3, parents, and ""gi fpecifying therem his name and lir name, whom he lerved, names and their refidence, if additions of his parents, and, if living, where they refide ; and fuch publi- Jiving, and affidavit cation of faid noticc fhall be made appear to the perfon fo appointed by the filed in the court j j-q^,^j^ or three of them, where fuch perfon fhali fo apply to be admitted an **' ^^ attorney, by affidavit firft filed in the proper office of fuch court or courts, and for filing and attefting the copies thereof two fhillings, and no more, ftiall be paid. VI. feci. 6. And whereas many inconveniencies aftd mifchiefs daily arife, by reafon that perfons, legally admitted attornies, but who afterwards re- fide for the moft part in the country, do there take apprentices from the lower clafs, without education or any means of fubfifting, and caufe them to be fworn attornies of courts, where they never after appear, but become common common barrators; and feveral attornies fuffer perfons not qualified to pro- Np aPF*"''" •«'- fecute and defend fuits at law and in equity, in their names ; no perfon ^ff^ew"ng"^he""' whatfoever hereafter bound apprentice to an attorney of any of faid courts, judges by affidavit fhall be admitted an attorney thereof, unlefs he make appear to the judges or other manner as of the court, in which he fo applies-, by affidavit or affidavits filed in the pro- direfted, that the per office, or an attefted copy or copies thereof, (for the filing and copy of" bound7iWved asTj which two fhillineis, and no more, fhall be paid) or in fuch other manner as ^ q, ^ ^ j_ and fuch judges fhall for that purpofe appoint or diredt, that as well the attor- that 3 years before ney, to whom he fhall fo have been, boundj fhall have ferved, according to he attended the 4 the aforefaid of 7 G. 2. as alfo that the faid perfon, fo applying to be admit- courtsz terms a yean ted, fhall have for three years next before the time of fuch application attend- ed two terms at leaft in every year at the four courts in Dublin, or fuch one of them whereof fuch attorney is a member. e t- \. VII. fen. 7. In cafe of ficknefs or unavoidable accidents the judges and „J^o'""idcntr barons of faid courts refpedively fhall and may make fuch allowances and exceptions, as they in their difcretion think fit. VIII. fea. 8. No perfon fTiall be permitted to praftife or make ufe of the 7"V° ^ "' / ^ r r \ r- \ c -t^li- \ r 11 uie attornies name, name of any attorney or any or the faid tour courts m Dublin, nnlels regularly ^^i^c, regulaily ad- admitted an attorney in fome other of faid courts ; and after the ifl day of mitted in I'ome other Trinity term, 1774, it fhall be lawful for the judges and barons of faid courts court ; refpedively, wherein any perfon not properly qualified prefume to aft or ju<^g" ""^7 of^^^J . pracftife, or make ufe of the name of any attorney as aforefaid, by order of ^.^^^^ anj examine court to require any perfon fo making ufe of the name of any attorney, or on oath as to prac- otherwife praftifing without being properly qualified, as alfo any perfon per- tice without being mitting his name to be fo ufed, and all and every fuch other perfon or perfons within city of Dublin or liberties, or liberties of Saint Sepulchre's, not mar c 30s. 'j^jjon^as Court and Donore, any loaf of fuch wheaten or white bread, ■ on which the real name of the perfon, who baked, fliall not be mark- ed as aforefaid, being thereof coflv.icled in manner herein mentioned, *'■■''' - ■ ihall .?,;^ .II fhall forfeit for every fuch offence, twenty fhillings ; to be recovered and ap- plied as herein is mentioned. VIH. feet. 8. It fhall be lawful for any perfon lawfully authorized in day Bread not marked, time to feize and take every loaf of wheaten or white bread, at any time or feized, and carried times found not marked, as before dired\ed, and to carry before the lord before the lord mayor mayor, in cafe the fame be found within the city of Dublin or liberties thereof, ""^ * ^ ' ^' or before the fenefchals of Saint Sepulchre's, Thomas Court, and Donore, or the liberties thereof refpeclively, in cafe the fame be found within their refpedtive jurifdiftions ; and if the magiftrate, before whom any fuch bread forfeited to informer is brought, fhall find not marked according to dire6\ions before mentioned, or poor, or as direfl. all fuch bread, not fo marked, fhall be forfeited and given away to the per- fd. fon feizing and informing, or to and amongfl the poor of the parifh or place in which feized, or in fuch other manner as the magiftrate who fhall judge the fame to be forfeited, fhall diredt. IX. feet. 9. It fhall be lawful for faid magiftrates within their jurifdic- Maglrtratesmay by tions, at all times hereafter, in day time, to enter into any houfe, out-houfe, ^^ ^r'" 'i,'^'^"!'"^ Ihop, or other place belonging to any perfon who fhall make or bake for fale, examine ingredients, or fell any bread, and there to fearch and examine into the ingredients they view, weigh, and find any fuch perfon ufing in making bread, or which he hath ufed in mak- 'fy- ^"^ lei'-e 'f not ing bread, and to view, weigh, and try all bread on any fuch fearch found ; ^"°"'^^'«> and dif- and if on fuch fearch any dough or bread fhall be found, in which any fuch ' ingredients, not herein allowed to be ufed, fhall be made ufe of, it fhall be lawful for fuch magiftrates refpei\ively to feize fuch ingredients, dough, and bread, and difpofe in fuch manner as they think fit, and alfo to commit the imprifon perfon in perfon or perfons in whofe cuftody they find fuch ingredients, dough, or ^hofe cuftody, not bread, to the common gaol, without bail or mainprize fuch number of days *''°*^ *° ^^^" not exceeding twenty, as fuch magiftrates refpedively according to their dif- cretion think fit to order and diredl. X. feet. 10. If any perfons wilfully oppofe, or obftrudl any fuch fearch, obftrnaing fearch, he, fhe, or they, being convifted in manner herein mentioned, fhall for every 5I. fuch offence forfeit five pounds ; to be recovered and applied as herein dire(5ted. XI. feet. ri. The clerk of the refpedtive markets, or fuch other per/on Marltet clerks tore, as authorized or appointed for the purpofe within the city of Dublin and liber- turn weekly, and ties, and liberties of Saint Sepulchre's, Thomas Courr and Donore, fhall ""''^ °" °^'*'; . 11 1 r 1111 J r • J i- r 1 1 quantity of wheat weekly return and certify upon oath to the lord mayor, and laid ienefchaJs and flour, and meal refpeftively, the quantity of wheat, and flour, and meal of wheat, fold each of wheat, fold each market day in faid refpeftive markets, and the refpedive prices for which fo market day, and fold : in which certificate fhall be expreffed the different forts of flour, whe- P""' '"'' ^''"*' ther firfts, feconds, or thirds, and the prices for which the fame fhall be re- fpe(ftively fold ; and faid lord mayor, and fenefchals refpedtively fhall, from returns entered, time to time, caufe entries to be made of ftich returns in books kept for the purpofe ; and to which all perfons at reafonable hours may have recourfe recourfe thercta without fee or reward. without fee. XII. feet. 12. If any clerk of faid markets, or other perfon legally an- On negleft or falfe thorized to make fuch certificates and returns, fhall wilfully negleft or omit return, il. to make fuch returns and certificates, or knowingly make any falfe return or certificate, every perfon fo offending, fhall, upon conviction, upon oath before faid magiftrates, within their jurifdidrons, forfeit and pay for every fuch offence, any fum not exceeding five pounds, as fuch magiftrate, before whom VTeelcly return by colleflor to lord mayor of quantity imported. And by faflors, &c. on oath, of quantity imported or fent, and fold by them, ' tliftingutfhing fpe- cies and prices, »ad fign returns and the times; lord mayor may fummon and exa- mine truth of re- turns ; for negieft, or falfe return, or obflruAing I'earch, 5l- Entries of returns and of middle price of wheat icepi at tholfei, aid ceforted to. Adiie and weight of houfehold blead by the table annexed, refpefting middle price of wheat and flour, allowance to bater not under i is. a quarter. When affiM ftruck and publifhed as by I G. 2. c. i6. bakers afting con- trary, fubjeift to penalties iher«io. If bread raifed by taking flour into aflize, Aruck on middle price of wheat only; whom fconvidled, (Tiall think fit to order ; which forfeiture (hall be applied in manner herei.i dircifled. XIII. feet. 13. The colle(f\orof the port of Dublin fhall return every week to the lord ma}or, an account of the quantity of wheat, flour, and meal of wheat, imported each week into the port of Dublin, wijh the names of the refpedtive perfons importing. 'XIV. feet. 14. Every merchant, fadlor, or other perfons who fliall import wheat, flour, or meal of wheat into the port of Dublin, or to whom any meal or flour fhall "be configned, or fent from any part of this kingdom, fliall return weekly to the lord ma) or, upon oath, or affirmation, if quakers, which oath ■or affirmation faid lord mayor is impowered and required to adminiflier, an account in writing of the refpedtive quantities of wheat, meal, and flour of wheat by them imported, or fent to them from any part of this kingdom in each week ; and alfo an account of the quantity of wheat, meal, and flour of wheat, diftinguifliing the different fpecies of flour by them fold jefpec- tively during fuch week, and at what prices refpectively ; to which returns the refpedlive merchants, faftors, or other perfons making the fame rtiall fign their refpedtive names, and the time of making the fame ; and in cafe faid lord mayor fliall fufpect the truth of fuch returns, it fliall be lawful to fummon fuch merchant, fadtor, or other perfon to attend before him, and to examine touching the truth of fuch return, upon oath, or being quakers, upon affirmation ; and in cafe any fuch merchant, fadtor, or other perfon fhall make a falfe return, or refufe or wilfully negledt to make fuch return, or obfl:rudt faid lord mayor in making fuch fearch, being convidted in man- ner herein mentioned, (hall forfeit for every fuch offence five pounds ; re- covered and applied as herein mentioned. XV. feet. 15. Said lord mayor fhall -caufe entries of all fuch returns, and alfo of the middle price of wheat, having refpedt not only to the price of all wheat, meal, and flour of w-heat, fold in faid markets, but alfo of aJI wheat, meal, and flour of wheat fold by the merchant, fad\or, or other peifon importing, or to whom fent from .any part of this kingdom, to be made weekly in books kept at the tholfei or market-houfe for that purpofe, and to which all perfons at feafonable hours, may have recourfe without paying any fee or reward. XVI. fe£l. 16. Said lord mayor and fenefchaJs, fhaSl, from time to time, afcertain within their jurifdidlions, the aflize and weight of houfehold bread, according to the table of aflize hereunto annexed, having refpedt to the mid- dle price of wheat and aniddle price of flour, and to make fuch allowance to the baker as they fhall think fit, not lefs than eleven fhillings each quarter. XVII. feet. 17. When any aflize ftruck by faid lord mayor and fenefchals within their jurifdidlions, purfuant todiredtions of this adl, and publifhed as diredl;ed by an ad^ iG. 2. .everybaker orfeller of bread, who :fliaJI adt con- trary to the orders for fuch aflize fo ftruck and publifhed, .fhall, upon con- vidiion, in manner in faid adt mentioned, fubjedi. to like penalties ; recovered and applied in fame manner, as inflidted by faid adt upon perfons baking or felling .bread contrary to diredlions of faid adt. XVIII. feet. r8. In cafe the lord mayor and fenefchals refpedtively in ftrikingfuch aflize, fhall find it v.'ill raife the price of bread to take flour into the aflize, they fhall refp^diiyely ftril^e .the aflize upcn the middle price of - wheat only ; but if they fliall find, the price of bread will be lefTened by talc- ing ing flour Into the aflize, the aflize fhall be ftruck according to the middle 'fjel'ened. ftruck by price both of wheat and the medium price of all kinds of flour brought to ni'^^''^ P"« of the market taken together; and twenty-eight fl:one and a half of fuch flour ^f^" ).^Uj "^^ 3"^^ fhall be deemed equal to a quarter of wheat. in mirket together; XIX. fe£l. 19. The feveral laws now in force relative to the afl'ize of ^8 ftoneandahalf bread, fo far only as inconfifl:ent with this prefent aft, repealed ; and, in cafe *1"^' '° ^ quarter of any perfon fued or otherwife impeached for any thing done in execution of ^3^3 as to bread this aft, defendant may plead the general ilTue, and give the fpecial matter aOlze repealed only in evidence ; and if a verdift fhall pafs for defendant, or plaintiff" non-fuited, where inconfiftent or judgment for defendant in fuch Aiii, fuch defendant fhall recover treble"'"'"'?'.'' . ^ ,° > " " 'r* •"■ - _ T -- general iflue, and '-O'tS. •.■■_.. - • "■ . ' fpecial matter m XX. JeB. 20. The feveral penalties and forfeitures before mentioned, ex- evidence ; cept as herein before otherwife provided, fhall be recovered upon conviftion feble cofts to de- by confeffion, or by the oath, or (if the perfon be of the people called qua- ^«^<*ants on non- kers) by affirmation, of one or more credible witnefles, before faid lord mayor, ivn'aliies except 0- or faid fenefchals, within their refpeftive jurifdiftions ; levied by diflrefs upon therwifediredted, the goods and chattels of every fuch offender, by warrant from faid lord recovered before mayor or fenefchals refpeftively, before whom fuch conviftion fhall be, re- ^°^^ mayor or fenef- turning overplus : faid forfeitures to be diftributed amongft the poor, as faid]g'^,*jgj'|j ^uj^^^fj. lord mayor or fenefchals refpeftively fhall direft. foifeitures tothe' XXI. feB. 21. No perfon fhall be profecuted for any oflFence againfl: poor. this aft, unlefs fuch profecution comrtvenced within three calendar months ffofecution m 3 c months, after. XXII. fe£l, 22. Nothing herein fhali be conftrued to prohibit the baking French rolls ex- or felling French rolls, in fuch maimer as has been accuflomed. cepted. XXIII. fe£l. 23. If any loaf, after it has come out of the oven, fhall not On oath of loaf b*. be of the proper weight, and it Ihall appear by oath or oaths of any journey- ing of equal weight man, or other credible witneffes, before the lord mayor, the chief raagiftrate ^''^.''^^ ■■«" wl^ or mtgiflrates, juftice or juflices of peace, and faid fenefchals within their re- Loper weight*, no fpeftive liberties, that fuch loaf was^ at the time t%e fame was put into the fine for deficiency if oven, of equal weight with any other loaf of the fame kind of bread baked good io other re- ar fame time, and in fame oven, and which fhall appear to have the due 'f*'^* ♦ and proper weight, fuch lo^f ought to have, there fhall be no fine paid for the deficiency of fuch loaf, in cafe the farne Ihall be good bread in every other refpeft ; but tlie fame fhall and may be forfeited, at djfcretion of the forfeited »t difcre- lord mayor, or chief magiftfate or magiflrat^s, juftiee or juflices, and fenef-"on- chals, within their refpeftive liberties. XXIV. /f^. 24. Said recited aft;, fo far\as riot liereby altered, and alfoone o- i g. 2. c. 16. antl ther aft 29 G. 2. intituled, an aB for reviving and amending the feveral afts therein 29 G. 2. c. 1 1. (o mentioned \ fo far as faid afts relate to reeulatins the price and the fize of bread, ^^ *\ not altered, and regulating the market-s, except fuch parts- thereof, as not hereby altered, ^^„^y^ , ..e^rs. ace. and alio this aft, Ihall be and eontinue in full force, from firfl of Auguft, from i Aug. 1*774. 1774, for two years, and from thence to the end of then next felfion, and no longer. A TABLE 2i3aftet!a;. TAB E Of th^ ASSIZE of BREAD, In Pounds, Ounces, and Drachms, Averdupoile Weight, Note, The Ounce is divided into Eight Drachms*- Price of the HO U S E H L D LOAF. Quarter of Wheat. Penny I 4 Ptnny. 6 Penny. 1 2 Penny.. 1: s. d. lb. oz. dr&. lb. oz.drs. Ib.oz.drs; lb. oz.drs. 1 o o 2 5 I 9 4 2- 13 14 4 27 13 106 2 4 I 9 0- 6 13 9 27 2 a 1 I a 3' 2 8 13 2 13 3 7 26 7 6 1 I 6 2 2 4 8 K) a: 12 15 25 14 I. 2 2 1- 6 8 6 6 12 lO' 2 25 4 4 t 2- 6 2 I a 8 3 2 l^ 5 6 24 II 4 130 2 2 8 I 12 I 4 24 3 I 3 6 15 4 14 2 II 1-3 13 23 10 6 J 4 14 7 II 4 M 9 3 . 23 2 6 146 H 2 9 2 II 5 5 22 II 2 I 5 13 5 6 6 II 2 22 4 X 5 6 13 I 4 2 10 14 4 21 13 160 12 4- 2 10 II 21 60 I 6 6 12 10 7 20 14 170 II 4 6 13 6 10 4 6 20 9 4 I 7 6 M 6 II 6, 10 I 6 20 3 4 ) 8 Q IQ 4 6 10 914 7 19 13 6 I 8 6 10 6 8 9 12 I 19 8 2 190 9 5 6 6 2 9 9. 4 19 3 196 9 I 6 4 4 9 6 7 18 13 6 I 10 o- 8 6 6 2 6 9 4 3 18 8 6 J, 10 6 8 2 6 I 2 9 I 7 18 3 6 I- II 7 7 5 15 6 8 15 4 17 15 III 6. L 7 4 5 14 2 S 13 2 17 JO 4 MaMS. Price of the Quarter of Wheat. HOUSEHOLD LOAF. 1. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 •2 S. 12 12 '3 13 15 15 i6 i6 17 17 i8 i8 19 19 o o I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 lO lO II 1 1 12 d. O 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o Penny lb. oz. drs. o o o o o o o o 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 O O O O O 15 15 15 o 15 o 15 3 15 o 15 14 14 14 14 J4 I 7 4 I 6 4 I 7 5 2 O 6 4 2 O 6 4 2 O 7 5 4 2 O 6 5 4 2 I 7 6 5 3 2 I O 6 5 4 3 2 4 Penny, lb. oz. drs. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 12 I I 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 I O 15 H •3 12 I I lO 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 I I O 15 15 H 13 13 12 12 II lO lO 9 9 C 2 6 2 6 4 2 O 6 4 4 2 2 O O o o o o 2 2 4 4 6 o 2 2 4 6 z 4 € o 4 6 o 4 o 2 6 o 4 o 6 Penny, lb. oz. drs. 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 II 8 6 4 2 I 15 13 II 9 8 6 5 3 2 O 15 13 12 II lO 8 7' 6 5 4 2 I O 15 14 13 12 il JO 9 9 8 7 6 5 o 7 6 6 7 o I 3 5 7 2 5 I 4 I 5 2 7 4 2 O 6 4 2 I o 7 6 6 5 4 5 6 6 6 7 o I 2 3 4 12 Penny lb. oz. drs. 17 17 l6 l6 i6 i6 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 H 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 J[2 J2 12 J I I I I I I I I lO lo IXD I 6 I 3 9 5 2 14 lO 7 3 o 13 lO 7 4 1 14 II 9 6 4 I 15 12 lO 8 5 3 I J5 J 3 o 5 4 4 6 o 2 6 4 2 2 O 2 2 * 6 o 4 o 4 o 4 O 6 4 4- 4 o II 2 9 7 5 3 2 O H 12 II 2 4 4 6 o 2 4 6 o Ji3afeer0, Price of the Quarter of Wheat. HOUSEHOLD LOAF. 1. Penny, lb. oz. drs. 12 13 13 14 H 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 i8 19 19 o o r I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 , II 3' II 3 12 3 li 2 2 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o f4 '4 3 [3 '3 '■3 '3 13 '3 [2 :2 [ "^ [2 12 12 t2 12 [2 ro ro 10 to ro 10 10 to [O to I o 7 6 4 3 3 2 I o 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 I o 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 o o o 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 4 Penny, lb. oz. drs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 I I r o o 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 I I I I I I I I 10 10 10 9 9 9 4 o 4 o 2 6 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 2 6 2 o 4 2 6 2 o 6 2 o 4 o 7 4 o 7 5 2 o 5 3 o 6 4 I 7 6 Penny, lb. oz. drs. 1 2 Fenny., lb. oz. drs. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 I o o 15 14 14 13 12 12 II lO 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 I 1 o o o 15 15 14 ^3 13 6 o I 3 5 7 I 4 6 o 3 6 o 3 6 o 4 7 2 6 I 4 o 4 o 2 o 4 7 2 7 3 7 4 o 4 I 5 2 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 4 3 I o 15 13 12 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 I o 15 14 13 12 ir 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 I I o 15 14 13 12 II 10 4 o 2 6 2 6 2 o 4 o 6 4 o 6 4 o o 6 4 4 2 o o o o 4 o 5 6 4 6 6 6 o o o 2 4 4 laahcts* Price of the H U S E H L r ) L A F. Quarter. of Wheat. Penny. 4 Penny. 6 Penny. 12 Penny. 1. s. d. lb oz. drs. lb. 02. drs. lb. oz. drs. lb. oz. drs. 5 13 o 10 2 2 8 5 3 12 7 7 9 6- S 13 6 10 I 2 8 3 3 12 4 7 9 3 14 10 I 2 8 3 12 I 7 8 2 3 14 6 10 2 7 6 3 II 6 7 7 4 3 15 9 7 2 7 4 3 II 2 7 6 4 3 i5 6 9 7 2 7 2 3 II 7 6 3 16 9 6 2 7 3 10 4 7 5 3 16 6 9 6 2 6 6 3 10 I 7 4 2 3 17 9 5 2 6 4 3 9 6 7 3 4 3 17 6 9 4 2 6 2 3 9 3 7 2 6 3 18 9 4 2 6 9 7 2 3 18 6 9 3 2 5 6 3 8 5 7 I 2 3 19 9 3 2 5 4 3 8 2 7 4 3 19 6 9 3 2 5 2 3 8 7 400 9 2 a- 5 3 7 5 6 15 a- I. Stat. 1 3 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 45. /f^f?. i. If any perfon or perfons on pur- To cut or ftab with- pofe, and of malice, forethought, and by lying in wait, or watching, or wait- '"'ent to murder, ing for the opportunity, after the 24th of June, 1774, with any knife, or /"f"' "r malm. dii. other fharp weapon, fhall cut or ftab any perfon or perfons in the face, or f^iJn^^ disfigure, in any limb or member, or in any part of the body,, with intent in fo doing- to murder, rob, or maim, or to difable or disfigure him, her, or them, the perfons fo cutting or ftabbing, counfellors, aiders, and abettors, knowing f"" of abettors pri. . of, and privy to the offence as aforefaid, fhall be felons, and fhall fufFer ^'^' ^*^- death, as in cafes of felony, without the benefit of clergy. II. fe^. 2. No attainder of fuch felony fhall extend to corrupt blood, or No forfeiture or cor- forfeit dower of the wife, or lands, goods, or chattels of offenders. ruption of blood. III. /c\ To repair tlietliuicli- fefs on thc pariihioners at large of each parifh, union, and chappelry refpec- yard, and prcciniJls, tively, fuch film and fums yearly, as to them fhall feem neceflary and pro- per for the repairs and prefervation of the church or chappel refpedively be- longing to fuch parifh, union, or chappelry, and of the church-yard, en- trance, and precinds of the faid church or chappel, and for providing, and ami for nrcefTsiies, preferving from time to time, fuch ufeful and decent requifites as have been and requifites, found neceflary for the regular performance of divine fervice according to as p..ift, eels in veL the eflablilhed rights and cuftoms of the church of Ireland, and for the pro- trv by ihe'lawsin viding all fuch neceflarks and requifites, as the pariihioners of any parifh being. alfembled in veftry by the laws now in being are enabled to provide for by a parifh cefs, 2 or more parilhi- H- ft^^- 2. It fhall be lawful for faid parifhioners of the eftablifhed church oneis invcilryap- fo aflembled in veftry, or the major part, to nominate and appoint two or printed applotieis, ^q^c pariihioners of each parifh, union, or chappelry refpedively, applot- annually, ^^^^ f^j. f-^jj parifh, union, or chappelry, who fhall continue in office to the fubfequent eleftion of applotters in every year ; and fuch applotters (hall applot faid feveral fums {o voted and affeffed upon each parilTi, union, or chappelry refpeftively, at large, and fhall within reafonable time after faid applotment on oath applotmeat declare upon oath before fome juftice of the county, in which hetoreajuiliceequal- fuch parilh fituated, that faid applotment is equally and fairly made upon ly and fairly, jj^g feveral pariftiioners and landholders, according to their refpedive hold- f hf -h d b '"§5 ^° ^'■'^ ^^^^ °^ ^^'^''^ ^'^' ^""^ knowledge ; which applotment, fubfcribed p"iottek^ ^ '^" by faid applotters, fhall be delivered to the mimfter or curate of each parifh, delivered to minifter union, or chappelry refpedively, who, the firft Sunday after he fhall have <^( curate; received the fame, (hall after divine fervice in the morning give publick no- nofice thefiiftSiin- ^j^^ ^j: a general meeting of the parifhioners of every fuch parifh, union, veftry in I'o^daTs't'o or chappelry refpettively, in veftry, within ten days after fuch notice, in examine, order to have the faid applotment examined mto ; at which veftry of the majoiityof piotef- pariftiioners at large, fo lummoned, the major part of the proteftant inha- lants to hear, oi> j^jf ^^its alfembled fhall have full power to hear all parties,, who fhall objeft jtd, and afcctta.n; ^q f^jj applotment, and to make fuch alterations and amendments, as to them feem juft and reafonable, and then finally to fettle and afcertain the aMit^madeand fime ; and "after the fame fo fettled and afcertained, they fhall caufe two fubfciibe'd one tor diftinA parts or tranfcripts thereof to be made, each fubfcribed by the niirii;.er and pari- niiniftcr, the church-vvardens, or two of the applotters, and three of the iTiioners, the other piy^ej^gnt parifhioners then prefent ; one part whereof (hall remain with the l^ho AalMev'v'trby minifter and pariHiioners, the other delivered to the church-wardens, who ,3 dar months after he or fhe fhall liave or keep, any fuch, by vriting undtr his or her hand certify to the colledtor;of excife, in fome one of the diilridts where he or fhe fliall refide or dwell, within tlie tune aforefaid, a true ac- count of every fuch which he or fhe Ihall have or keep (except hackney or ffirgq wUh" place of abode, ftage coaches, and by coach-makers for fale) with the name of the place and rcriftered al h b ' P''*'"''^ "^ rcfidence Of abode at the time; which certificate fhall be kept by cajiy, ' the colledors, and alfo entered or regiftered in an alphabetical book, by them copies without fee, refpeiftively kept for that purpofe ; and a copy of fuch entry, figned by fuch colleftor or his clerk, delivered, if required, without fee or reward, to the num ered, perfon delivering fuch certificate j and a number entered on each certificate fo Hits given yearly be- r^gi^^red ; and faid collectors flial! under their hands on or before the 25th fore 2 5 Dec. of of December in every year give a true lift of all coaches, chariots, berlins, coaches, and abode, calalTies, and chaifes with four wheels, returned to them in fuch certificates, |j" ^° '^"ors ot the ^j^ij names of perfons, and places of abode in fuch certificates, to the per- fons appointed by the commillioners of excife, or any three, to colled faid duties; and fuch perfons appointed, fhall hare full power and authority to levied as hearth- ^^^Yi Collect, and receive the fame within the diftritft, where the certificate money, entered, in the fame manner as his majefly's revenue from fire-hearths is acquiuances without now by 'law levied, and fhall fign and deliver acquittances without fee or *5^' . reward, and keep duplicates in a book for that purpofe, as acquittances are returned*^ ^^ *" given and kept for duty of fire-hearths and return the book to fuch per- fons, and at the fame time, and to be difpofed of in fame manner, as books paid in diftridl where containing duplicate of acquittances for duty on fire-hearths ; and the duties regiilered. {j^^\[ be paid in the diftritts wherein faid carriages entered or regiftered refpec- tively, and in no other not certifyins U. feci. II. If any perfon fhall have or keep any coach, chariot, berlin, coaches, &c. penalty calafh, or chaife with four wheels, chargeable with faid duty, not certified iol. as aforefaid, every fuch perfon lliall for fuch negledl forfeit twenty pounds ; fued for, recovered, levied, and applied, as prefcribed by an a.t\ in the as by 14 & 15C. fourteenth and fifteenth years of king Charles the fecond, for the fettling of 2. c. 8. the excife or new impojl. III. fen. 1 2. Provided, that every perfon, (except as before excepted) Perfons keeping having in keeping or poffeilion any coach, chariot, berlin, calalli, or chaife c arge as owners, .^^j^j.^ j^^j^. ^],gg|g^ belonging to another, fhall be charged for every fuch with faid duty as the owner or proprietor is or ought to be charged by this atft. Said duty paid to IV. feH. 13. Perfons impowered to collect and levy faid duty on coaches, coivaors ot the di- (-i-,.^riots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes with four wheels, fliall pay the fame to diftind accounts the colledtors of the diftrids where faid duties colleded and raifed ; and faid kept, collectors fhall keep feparate and diftind accounts, and pay the fame into paid to the treafury. his majefty's treafury as other money received by them for ufe of his majefty. Metal plates pre- ^- '^'"^- '3 ^ '4 ^''''- 3- '^"P- ^- f^^- 1- ^^'^'^^^ pieces or plates of brafs pired by conimif- or Other metal, fhall be prepared by the diredion of the chief commillioners ficmers, numbered, of revenue. Or any three or more, numbered in arithmetical progreffion, be- and malted, ginning with one, with fuch mark or marks thereupon, as faid commillioners fent to coll'flors to ^^" ^''''"'^ proper, to diftinguifh and identify the fame ; and a fufficient be delivered to per- nuip.ber of faid plates, fo marked and numbered, fhall be fent to the collec- lons certifying tot of every diftrid, to be delivered out to every perfon, who has certified ^^^'^'^7-' -^ '^^ ''' '^^ '^'^'^ certify any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife upon four wheels, ,- ^^ ^ '■ '^' '■ or chaife with two wheels, purfuant to an ad this fellion, intituled. An act for granting unto his nuijefty a duty on beer, ale, Jlrong waters., wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned, and for prohibiting the importation of all gold and filver lace, and of all cambricks, and lawns , except of Jhe manufacture of Great Britain ; and alfo purfuant to a further act this fei- fion fion, intituled, /4n aH for granting unto his rnajejly the fever al duties, rates, impofuions, and taxes therein particularly exprcjfed, to be applied to pay an inter eft at the rate of four per cent, per annum, for fuch part of the feveral p-incipal fuvis formerly borrowed, as Jljall remain unpaid on the twenty-fifth day of Decem- ber, 1773, and to apply the furplus of the f aid duties in fuch manner, and for fuch purpnfes as fl:all be dire^cd by parliament ; whicli plate (hall be fixed upon the ^ °" tl.e tran- Uanfom of every fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife. VI. fen. 8. If any fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafH, or chaife, fhall 'f none, fuffident after the twenty-fourth of June next, be found Cexcept hackney or ftage- ^.^'^*"" °' "° "''* carriages, and carriages kept by coach-makers for falc) and hackney-chai fes, ^''' and chaifes with two wheels (kept by the maker for fale) without fuch plate fo fixed, the want of fuch plate fhall be deemed fiifficient evidence that fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, and chaife upon four wheels, and chaife with two wheels, has not been certified as required. by faid ad ; and every owner of fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife, fhall without further evidence be liable to penalties inflided by faid afts, upon any perfon who fhall neg- left to certify in manner direfted by faid a<5ls ; to be recovered as by faid proof on owner, ads diredled, unlefs fuch owner prove, fuch coach duly certified purfuant to faid ads, and that fuch plate had been fixed thereupon purfuant to this ad. (Jolliers auD;®rnetSf» I. S^tat. 13 & 1 4. Geo. 3. cap. 4,i.y>/7. 9. A claufe in an ad of the firfl of JJ^'|/^"' ^' ^;3;f- his prefent majefly, relative to colliers and miners who abfent themfelves in nuec/ to aV lune"" breach of contrail without licence or difcharge, afterwards continued with 1778, &c. amendment,, by fifth of hia prefent majefly further continued to 24th of June 1778, and. to end. of then next fcflion. r. Stat. 13 & 14^^0.3. cap. lu fe£J. i. After the twenty-fourth of June When middling Irirti". 1774, whenever the prices of middling. Irifh wheat, at the ports or places '^^'^st at ports as by where the fame fhall be exported, fhall appear, according to the methods /^l^^^',^ '^' '^iJ"^ direded by an ad of 29th Greorge the fecond^ or as herein after direded by this ,.. Eng'lllh per ftdne ad, not to exceed one Englifh. (hilling the ftone,. the price of middling Irifh rye, peas, or beans,, rye, peafe, or beans, twenty-five Englifh fhillings the quarter ; the price of '5=. per quarter, middling Irifh oats.j nine fhillings Englifh the quarter ; every merchant or other g*-,? * ^''['"ft^Ji,'" perfon, who fhall put on fliipboard in Britiih or Irilh fhipping, tlie mafler (except to Man) the and two-thirds of the mariners at leafl: being his majcfly's fubjeds, any Irifh mailer and 2 thirds- wheat, meal or flour, rye, peafe, beans, oats, or oat-meal,, with intent to '"4^'^s, performing., export, beyond feas, except to the ifle of Man, fhall, after entering into fuch ''^S"''""' '?'^" '«- bond and performing fuch otl>er requifites, as direded by faid ad, have ^^,heaI,^m^^'or*" and receive from the colledor or officer of fuch port refpedively inftead offlour, ^s. ad', per the allowances by faid ad, tlte rates, allowances or premiums following,- and quarter; rye, peafe, . no more, for every quarter of wheat, ground wheat, meal, or wheat '^^ ''""^' ^^,- 'j!'- flour, three fhillings and two-pence Englifh-, of rye, peafe, or beans^ ground, ^^*^^ "g 1 • • or unground, two fhillings and four- pence Englifh ; of oats ground or. un- ground one fhilling and three-pence Englifh; the faid meafures* except as herein after mentioned, to be afcertained in fuch manner as direded by faid ad ; which feveral fums fuch colledor or officer is authorized and required paid- on demand- tO-pay to fuch exporter upon demand without requiring or taking any cuf->^'=bout tee. D tORV Co?n, &c. torn, fee or reward for fuch corn, meal, or flour^ Co laden to be exported ; any law, ftatute, or ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. II. feJi. 2. After the twenty-fourth of June, the half-quarter or four 4 builiels 224 lb. bufhels of wheat, rye, peafe, beans, meal, and flour of wheat or rye, fo ex- ported, fhall contain and be equivalent to two hundred and twenty-four the officer may chufe pQyf^(^g vveight : and for greater expedition and afcertaining the quantity outo?2o, and com- ^'^'^'^^°'^ ^'^^ proper officer attending the fhipping where fhipped ofF in facks, pute weight by fro- may make choice of and weigh two facks out of any number not exceed- poriioningj ing twenty, and fo in proportion for any greater quantity, before or after the fame fhall be put on board, and thereby compute the weight by propor- in°p"ly on''his*cmlfi- ^'°"'"§ ^^^ fa.me accordingly; and the bounty-money thereupon (hall be ficite. paid to exporter for fo much and no more, upon his producing a certificate from the proper officer, attefting the quantity, quality, and weight, accord- ing to faid computation. Except from Dublin, HI- /<^^- 3- This a£\. fhall not extend to, nor any bounty be paid for, any or between Drogh- corn, flour, peafe, beans, oats, or oat -meal, exported from Dublin, or any eda and Wicklovv. of the creeks or members thereof, nor from any port, harbour, haven, or place from Drogheda fouthward to Wicklow. Continued to a+th IV. fe^. 4. Adt fhall continue in force until the twenty-fourth of June, June 1779. 17T9, and no longer. J ^- 3- c 19. con- V. Srat. 13 & 140^0. 3. c^p. \i.fect. 4. An aft fifth of his prefent ma- 1776 Sc^"*' •'""^jefty, intituled. An atl for the further encouragement of tillage in this kingdom, continued to the twenty-fourth of June, 1776, and to end of then next iti- fion. aro;?poMtton0. Officers tho' not ^' ^^^^- '3^14 ^^°- 3- '^^P- 4^2- feil. 3. Whereas by charters of feveral fworn in prelcnce of boroughs and Corporations, a majority of members are required to be prefent a number required at fwcaring the portrieve, or chief magiftrate, no perfon, duly elefted into by charters, deemed any f^^h office, fhall be in any ways molefted, or profecuted on account of oaths' publick'ly^be-^ ^"^y obj^flion, beciufe there had not been a fufficient number of burgeffes, foie two members or Other members of fuch borough or corporation prefent at the fwearing ; between 10 St 3. provided fuch officer Ihall have taken tbe oaths required by law in prefence of two of the burgeffes or members in the publick market-houfe, or toll- houfe, or ufual place of holding aflemblies of fuch borough or corporation, between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon ; and fuch officers fhall be deemed legal officers of fuch boroughs, or corporations : and all cor- porate ads, done by them, fhall have fame force and effecft as if fuch offices fworn purfuant to faid charters. Souriicencf'^ I. Stat. 1 3 & i^ Geo. 3. cap. z. feet. 6- From the twenty-fifth of De cember 1773, no pcrfons vvhatfoever (hall fell or tap out by retail any cyder within this kingdom, but only fuch as licenled according to diredious of this ■ aft, under fuch penalty as after is exprefled. Licence bv commif- H- f^<^t- 7- From the 25ch of December 1773, it fhall be lawful for the chief fioners, and coLec- commiffioners of excife, or any three, and the colleftors of excife in their dif- lors of excife, trifts, from time to time, to iffue and grant fuch licences for felling and tapping tapping out cyder by retail; and for every fu'ch licence one fhilling arid Fee i?. id. one penny, and no more, fhall be paid or demanded as a fee ; and if any perfon fhall, after the twenty-fifth of December 1773, fell or tap out cyder by retail without fuch licence, every fiich perfon fhall for every time he or penalty 5 1. fhe fhall fo offend, forfeit and pay five pounds. III. fe£i. 8. For better ordering and collecting faid duty of one penny per gallon upon all cyder fold, or tapped out by retail, it fliall be lawful for by da! e,ue73e! the gaugers, and officers of excife, within their diftrids, from time to time, ^^^ cellaisot cyder after twenty-fifth of December 1773, to enter in the day- time into the houfes, retailers, out-houfes, {lore houfes, and cellars of every retailer of cyder, and take an tjko account, and account of all cyder found in the poffeffion of fuch retailer, and to charge charge id. per gaK with faid duty accordingly. '°°- IV. feci. 9. After the twenty-fifth of December 1773, every retailer [^g,jjlj.,j j^ j^^„ of cyder fhall fhew to the gauger or officers of excife on demand all ftock ftock on hand, of cyder then on hand ; and in cafe any fuch retailer, or his fervants (in cafe fuch retailer not prefent when the gauger or officers fhall come to fuch fefufing, penaly lol. retailer's houfe to take flock) fhall refufe to make declaration, and fhew all j . -f r flock of cyder on hand, every fuch retailer fhall for every fuch offence for- p"^^ found. feit ten pounds ; and if fuch gauger or officers fhall, after declaration made, find any cyder in the poffefTion or cuflody of fuch retailer, over and above the quantity fo fhewn and declared, fuch retailer fhall likewife forfeit ten. pounds. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. c^p. 44. /c^. i. It fhall be lawful for all per- fons, whofe names are inferted in the fchedule hereunto annexed, before the Debtors m cie ue /- 1 r T 1 -I ■ • • 1 ■ , u 1 may before 24 June twenty-fourth of June 1775, to exhibit petitions to king s bench or common ,^:^^ petition y.^. pleas, fetting forth the feveral matters diredled to be fet forth in petitions or C B. as by i , of perfons mentioned in the fchedule annexed to an adl the firft of hisG. 3.C. 16. prefent majefly, for relief of infolvent debtors-, and the faid feveral perfons fhall, upon performing the feveral requifites in faid lafl a6t diredled to be on penorming the performed by perfons in fchedule thereunto annexed, be intitled to like be- ''.^H'J""-*' nefit and relief, and fubjed to faid punifhment in cafe of delivering a falfe J^^'j puniflimenc. and untrue account of their eftate and efFedls, or concealing the fame, as by faid lafl a6l direded ; and the eflates and effetts of perfons, whofe names inferted in fchedule hereunto annexed, fhall be fubjedt to all terms and pro- vifions in faid laft aifl, with refpedl to eflates and effecfls of perfons in fche- dule thereto annexed. ll.fen. 2. Courts of king's bench and common pleas refpecftively in- Lifce powers in B.R. vefled with all like powers, with refpeft to perfons, eflates, and effedls of ^nd C B. the debtors named in the fchedule hereunto annexed, as faid courts were by faid ad for relief of perfons in the fchedule thereunto annexed. III. fen. 3. None of the perfons, in the fchedules hereunto annexed, fhall Ce'tlficateofconfeht be intitled to any benefit under this ad, unlefs one half in value of the real ^^^j creditJs "on" creditors of fuch perfons refpedively fign a certificate, expreffing confent to oath, difcharge ; the truth of which muft be proved upon oath, and to full fatif- fadion of the court to which fuch petitions preferred. IV. fen. 4. And no perfon fhall take any benefit by this ad, who has made Nq fraudulent aft ,a fraudulent conveyance, or given a preference to any creditor, of his (or or preference by her) eftate, or affignment of goods, either previous to, or after failure, or debtor. D 2 \yho who has done, or fufTcred to be done, any fraudulent adV, tending to defraud creditors, and tlie fame fhall be made to appear to fatisfadtion of the court, m which fucli debtor's petition depending, by examination viva voce, or by affidavit, as fuch court fliall direct. I?iftiUecg» Bjcks or ci-iolers not Stat, ij & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 8. fen. 10. After the twenty-fourth of June altered without writ- j-^y^, no common diftiller of fpirits for fale fhall alter, or permit or fuffer ortce"'"^^ '° *'''^' '^'^^ firuation, pofition, or dipping-place of any back or cooler, by him made ufe of, to be altered, after the fame has been fixed by the proper officer, without firft giving notice thereof in writing to the furveyor, or other of- ficer of excife of the diftrid or divifion, wherein he fhall refide, under pe- nalty of five pounds for every fuch offence, recovered and levied in manner penalty 5I. after mentioned. II. fe^. II. After the twenty-fourth of June 1774, all permits or let- Permit with name P^ffes for the carriage of fpirits or fliong waters from one place to another, and refidenceot" fhall exprefs the chriflian and fir-name of the perfons to whom fent or con- confignee, figncd, and the place of refidence, and the fpirits or flrong waters mentioned in fuch permit ■or let-pafs fhall be delivered as diredted in fuch permit or fpirits, &c. delivered let-pafs, and at no other place or places whatfoever ; and if fuch fpirits or as direflt-d, ftrong waters ihall be delivered to any other perfon, except the perfon men- k;r°'i^^Ti ^li,'*'^" tioned in fuch permit or let-pafs, or his or their known iervants, or at any teired wiUi the , , r r > . , . . , . i ^ •,. C3ik. other place or plaees than thofe mentioned in fuch permit or let-pafs, or if afterwards carried from the place of the firfl delivery to any other place without renewal of the permit, then, and in either of the faid cafes, the fpirits or flrong waters, and the cafk and velfel in which contained, fhall be forfeited in fame manner as if no permit at any time granted for the fame, VeiTels licenred, and IH. /f ^. 12. After the twenty-fourth of June 1774, no perfon what- regiftered with 'the foever fhall have or keep in their cuflody or polfeffion, or fhall make ufe of ntine, place, and any ftill, black-pot, alembick, or other veflel, for making or diftilling any coiiicyts, fpirits or fliong waters, before licenfed thereunto by one or more of the chief commiffioners of revenue of excife, and before the fame be fet at work, entered and regiflered in the office of excife of the diflriift, wherein fuch vefTel is intended to be fet at work, which entry or reeiflry fhall contain the chriflian and fir-name of the peifon to whom fuch veffel fl.all belong, and the true contents, and the place where fuch velfd is fixed, or intended to be fixed, and day of month and year when fuch rcgiflry is made ; and the of- ccriificare thereof, ficer of excife fhall thereupon grant a certificate thereof to the perfon mak- ing entry of the fame ; and if any ftill, black-pot, alembick, or other veffel ufed for making or difliliing fpirits or ftrong waters, fhall, after the twenty- fourth of June 1774, be found or difcovered in the houfe or pofleilion of any or forfeltec) by pof. perfoH or perfons (except a brazier, or other manufacturer in metal) not fefTor (except ha- entered or regiflered in manner aforefaid, then every fuch veflel fhall be for- cS-em.'-^ -^ '■''felted and feized, and all the wafh and pot-ale found therein fhall be fpilled j the waiTi* fpilled. ^"^ all low wines and flrong waters found therein ihall likewife be forfeited. Licenfed ftills of iz W . fefl 1 3. Nothing herein contained fhall extend to fuch flills, black- gaibns or nnder for pots, or akmbicks of the dimenfion of tv/elve gallons or under, as have medicinal waters or j,ggj^ ^^ j^^lj j^^ ji^enfed by the commiffioners of revenue of excife, or any nmuufex'c-ptcd"^' ^'"^^ '^^ more, for diftilling certain waters, commonly called medicinal \va- ■ ters, ters, or for making experiments and difcovcries in natural philofophy i any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. I. Stat. 15 & ^AGeo. ^ cap. 4,. feH. 3. An ad the firft of his prefent ma- '. G- ^^c. m- co- jelty, for preventing frauds m drugs and medicines ; continued to the 24tn or -^ g^^ June 1781, and to the end of then next feflion, and no longer. 2Dullm. Stat. 13 & 146^^0. 3. cap. 22. feSl. 1. Whereas the ftreets, quays, alleys, Commifnoners yards, courts, fquares, bridges, and lanes, in the city and county of ci.y of named tor executing Dublin, and other places herein after mentioned, are not properly pitched or 'bisatt. paved : and the prefent methods prefcribed by law for paving faid places, are ineffedual, and it would tend greatly to the free intercourfe, health, and fafety of inhabitants of faid places, and of all perfons palling through, if the pavements thereof are properly pitched, paved, and regulated : therefore the lord chancellor, archbifliop of Dublin, chief juftice of king's bench, and common pleas, chief baron of exchequer, fpeaker of the houfe of commons, provoft, and vice-provoft of Trinity-College, lord mayor, recorder, fhe- rifFs, and reprefentatives of city of Dublin, county of Dublin, the high fherifF of county of Dublin, lord of the manor of Thomas-court and Do- nore, with the fenefchal, fenefchal of faint Sepulchre's, dean of Chrift- church, and faint Patrick's, and their fucceffors, fifteen aldermen, and fifteen common-council-men of the corporation of Dublin, elected as after men- tioned ; with the duke of Leinfler, earl of Charlemont, lord vifcount Rane- lagh, John Beresford, James Fortefcue, James Agar, Thomas Adderly, Wil- liam Burton, Barry Barry, William Colvil, John Dillon, John Burke the younger, William Dean, Jofeph Henry, Travers Hartley, David Latouche the younger, John Leigh, John Monck Mafon, Redmond Morres, Andrew Caldwell, Charles O'Hara, major Vallancey, Ralph Ward, William G!e;idowe, William Dunn, Agmondifham Vefey, fir John Parnell, John Foflcr, Robert Hellen, Benjamin Houghton, Lodge Morres, Sydenham Singleton, Robert Thorp, Edward Strettel, James Sommerville, Warden Flood, and fir Edward Newenham, and the feveral perfons fuccelTively chofen in manner after men- tioned, fhall hereafter be commillloners for carrying this aft into execution. II. ffJ?. 2. Within ten days after pafllng this aft, the lord mayor fhall in In 10 day* Tjslder- tlie ufual manner convene aflembly or common council of faid city, for '"en and common- t:lefting by ballot fifteen aldermen and fifteen common-council-men as com- f°M"'^'' '^''^'^f^ ^y milTipners ; which commiflioners, after elefted and chofen, fhall continue to ,„ commo'^"c'ouncir aft till the 24th of June 1777 i when the lord mayor and board of alder- to act lil 24 June ' men, the fheriffs and commons, fhall eleft to be of the faid commiflioners '777 fo many and fuch perfons, as they are impowered td eleft, in the place '*''*" °'^'^'^ eleaed, of the perfons fo formerly elefted ; and fuch perfons fhall be, and anViooo'^^ are impowered to aft as, commiflioners for three years ; and faid coramif- fioners fhall by faid manner of eleftion be continued and renewed from three \ears to three years during continuance of this aft ; and when any vacancy on Tacancy, eleftion Ihall happen either by death, difability, or refignation of any of faid perfons in i4ddy.s fo elefted, the lord mayor and board of aldermen, fheriffs and commons, (hall within four;ecn days after vacancy eleft, in manner before direfted, fonie 7 days notice in Ga- forrie Other perfon, feven days previous notice of eledion being given in tlie ""^' J 1 j^ , Dublin Gazette ; and when any other of the commifTioners herein named, cr o°her commlnioners. hereafter to be eleded, fhall die, be difabled, or refign, it fhall be lawful for lurvivors, or any 7 ' the furviving commiiTioners, not being commiffioners from office, or eleded on like notice to by the corporation, or any feven or more of them, at any meeting, feven ^'*'^' days previous notice being given in Dublin Gazette, to elecft a fit perfon or with like powers to P^rfons to Aipply the places of them ; and all perfons fo eleded are veiled the eie(fle • week for faid eleftion. On Mdaysneglea VI. Je£l. 6. If parifhioners of any parifhes direded to meet for eleding to chufe committee proper perfons to a clerk. book kept particularly for that purpofe. / A. B. do fokmnly /wear, that I have not^ nor during my being a •will I hold any office^ or enter into any contrail relating to the execu- tion of any part of this all, or be engaged in any fecurity for any perfon holding any office by virtue of or entering into any contrail relating to the execution of any part of this all ; and that I have not accepted, nor will I accept, direHly or indi- reHly, of any profits, falary, or benefit arifing, or to arife from, out, or by means (if any office or contrail, relating to the execution of any part of this all. IX. fell. g. Said commiffioners, or any feven or more, fhall meet at the 7 commilTioners ta houfe of the corporation for inland navigation; and the feveral committees, [""p^'"**'^^"**" or any five or more, fhall meet at their veftry rooms, or other place ap- committees to meet pointed for tranfafting publick bufmefs of fome parifh within their refpeftive at veftry. &c. 6ih divifions, on the fixth of June next, between ten in the forenoon, and two J""^ ''^tween 10 in the afternoon and proceed to execution of this aft; and fhall then, and*"**, *',• . r i_r ^- r .• ^- i- and adiourn to other at every fubfequent meeting, from time to time, adjourn to meet at any pi^^.^ ij^ t^e city or place in faid city, or county of faid city, as they, the faid commiffioners, county of city ; or any feven or more, or committee men, or any five or more, fhall think proper or convenient for putting this aft in execution : and if there fhall not '^^ "of » fuilicient appear at any meeting appointed by faid commillioners or committee men, a ""™''^''' ^^^ '^[^'^. fuflicient number to aft, and to adjourn to another day, the clerk fhall 'by G.zl»e^or"°"com" publick notice in Dublin Gazette, given at leaft five, days -before next meet- milEoners. to ap- ing, or in cafe faid clerk fhould happen to die before fuch notice given or P°'"' '^'*>^''"g^^'":rc negleft or refufe to give fuch notice, any two commillioners fhall and may '^'^'" '^ ''*^'' ' by like publick notice appoint faid commiffioners and committees 10 meet at the place, where the laft meeting was appointed, within fourteen days next after the d^y, on which fuch lafl meeting was appointed to be held ; bear their own ex- and faid commiffioners and committee men fhall at their meeting pay their P^""^' own expences. , X. fell. 10. After this aft, any five or more of the commillioners, fhall s may aft. «cept be vefted with full power and authority to do, execute, perform, and direft ^¥'^ "^°'^ '^* all and every the purpofes, afts, matters, and things by this aft vefled in, ^^"^^' or direfted to be done or performed by faid commiffioners, except where a greater number required by this aft to be prefent and confenting. XI. feet. II. Said commiffioners, or any nine 'or more, fhali and may by Nine on 14 (]a\s no- ..writing under their hands and feals at their fecond or any fubfequent meet- "" '•" ^""^'"^ '° ing, giving fourteen days notice thereof in Dublia Gazette, appoint one or 'u!'Z"\1ceh'e,""' more clerk or clerks, treafurer or treafurers, receiver or receivers of monies I'urvcyors. and other [Q officers, J take &;curiiy, g may remove offi cers, & appoint o and afcertaih pro- portion of expenc-, Dublin. to be raifed by and for the purpofes of this aft, and fo from time to time ta appoint others, as they find neceflary or convenient ; and alfo one or more furveyor or furveyors, to view the condition of the feveral ftreets, Qnays, bridges, fquares, courts, alleys, places, and lanes in city of Dublin, liber- ties diereof, and places herein after mentioned, and to fee that the fame are properly pitched, paved, and kept in repair ^ and alfo fiich other officer or officers as faid commillioners, or any nine or more think neceflary ; and Cud commiliioners, or any five or more, fliall and may take fufficient feciiriiy for due execution of the refpecftive offices by fuch perfons as the faid com- millioners, or any five or more think proper ; and faid commillioners or any nine or more may, from time to time, remove any or either of fuch officers or other perfons, and appoint others in the room of fuch as fhall be thers withTeafonable removed or die ; and fhall and may, out of the money raifed and levied by ftlarJesj this adl., make fuch reafonable allowances to treafurers, receivers, furveyors, clerks,, or other officers fo appointed, for and in confideration of their of- fices, and to fuch other perfons as fhall be aiding and affifting in and about the execution of this ad\, and afcertain fuch proportion of the expence at- tending the fame, as they fhall think proper, upon fuch divifion of the city committees in divifi- as to them fhall feem reafonable ; and the committees in their divifions may ons appoint cletk & appoint a clerk and fupervifor, and take fuch fecurity for due execution fuperviror& faiarics, ^f ^y^^-^^. ofl^^es, as faid refpcdive Committees think proper ; and may remove taice fecurity and re- ^|j ^]^^\^s and fupervifors, and appoint others in room of them as fhall be fo removed or die, and fuch falaries and allowances to them in confideration of trouWe in executing their offices refpeftively, as faid refpeclive committees think reafonable. XII. feet. 12. If any perfon employed as a clerk, treafurer, receiver, furveyor, or any other officer or fervant, any ways employed by faid com- millioners or committee-men, in putting this adl, or any the powers thereof in execution, fhall exad, take, or accept any fee or reward whatfoever,, other than fuch falaries and rewards as appointed, allowed, and approved of by faid commiffioners, or any nine or more, or other than the falaries allowed to clerks and fupervifors by the committees, and approved of by faid commiffioners, or any nine or more, for or on account of any thing done or to be done by virtue of this a<5l, or on any account whatfoever relative to the putting this adt in execution, or fhall any ways be concerned in interefl in any bargain made or to be made by the laid commiffioners or committees, or any of them, for putting this adt in execution, every fuch perfon fo offend- ing, fliall be incapable of ferving or being employed under this a' '*"• °' """ or more, or of their treafurer, againft the officer or perfons, fo negleding "'*' *' or refufing, for recovery as well of faid forfeiture as of. the monies in hands of fuch officer or perfon refpetftively. XU./eif. 13. In every cafe wherein a power is given to fliid commiffi- By civil bill if not oners, or any of them, to bring adtion for any money, it fliall be lawful for ^^°^^ ^^l- faid commiffioners, or any of them, fo impowered, to bring the fame by way of civil bill, in cafe fuch money fhall not exceed twenty pounds, in fuch courts as have or fliall have authority to hear and determine civil bills in county, or in the city and county of city of Dublin, within their refpeftive jurifdidions, with like remedy of appeal to the parties refpedively, as in other cafes provided. And if complaints made by faid commiffioners, or any "" ^"""p!*'"' ''>* ^ five or more, or by fuch perfons as they appoint, of any fuch refufal or ncg- of officers T'uPt^ le(ft as afoiefaid, to any two or more juflices of peace for the county or may fummoB, place, wherein fuch officers or perfons, fo neglecfling or refufing, fliall be and refide, fuch juflices are required to fummon faid perfons to appear, and in r c c r'l 1 1 -11 wsrrint en non ip* caieot retulal or non-appearance they may and are required by warrant un- penrance, der hands and feals to caufe the officers or perfons fo refufing or neglecling to be brought before them ; and upon his and their appearing, or wilfully ^«cfrnine lua- abfconding, to hear and determine the matter in a fummary way-, and if ""^ ■ ',■ r- c n- c • rt- r ,-, , ■ r ■' ■ ^ on conlfTiion Or upon conteUion of- parties, or teftimony of any credible witnefs or witnef- proof of money In fes upon oath, which oath fuch juflices are i-equired to admlnilter, if appear their hand? and aon- to fuch jiiftices, that any of the monies collected or raifed by this ad, fhall Payment in jodays, be in the hands of fach officers, or perfons, fuch juflices may, and are re- Ji*i"*r^ 1°^ fa7'''' quired, upon non-payment thereof, within ten days after convidjon, by a ' ^ * warrant, to caufe fuch money to be levied by diftrefs hnd fale of goods or ,Tno diilrefs, conv chattels of fuch officers, or perfons refpedively : arid if' no g6ods or chattels mic.ed ii:laccotin;a! can be found fufficient to anfwer and fatisfy faid money, and charges ofwraentor . diftra'ning and fe'ling ; then, and in either of the cafes aforefaid. fuch inf- ''!'?"• .^""^''^ " r? ' J. o! bouts, arc com(>o- clivery bouks, ■ tices (hall commit every fuch offender to the houfe of correAIon, until fie 7n»y««nDou 6. ^'^^ ^"<^ make a true and perfed account and payment as aforefaid, or fhall compound with faid commillioners, or any feven or more, and fhall have paid fuch compofition in fuch maimer, as they fhall appoint ; (which compofition faid commiilioners, or any feven or more, are impowered to make^ or until he fhali deliver up fuch books, papers, and writings as aforefaid, and give fatisfadion in refpeft thereof to faid commiilioners, or any kvtn or more. time loTi'.L t^ay ^^^ f^^- H- So foon as conveniently may be during this ad after the wol. as received in- perfon or petfon, or either of them, ading as treafurer or treafurers to faid loa banlt as by 7 commiffioners, fhall at any time have received one hundred pound*, monies comniiiriODeis ot- appointed to be received by him or them, by virtue, and for purpofes of this ' '* ad, he and they fhall from time to time pay the fame into fuch bank, 36 to faid ccmmifTioners, or any feven or more, feem fit, in name, and account of faid commiflloners, and to be difpofed of by order of faid commifiioneis, or any feven or more, for purpofes of this ad. XV. /ferfons con- 5, committee-ircn at f^^ming faid committees, may from time to time at any of their faid meet- taaib^rraJinT' '"»^' ^^ occafion (ball require, contrad with any perfons for paving all or any of faid fquares, ftreets, bridges,, quays, courts,, alleys, places, and. fpecifyingthe works, lanes J which contrads fhall fpecify the feveral works to be done, and the- piices, times> penal- prices to be paid, and the times when faid works fhall be compleated, and ties, penalties in cafe of non-performance, and fhxiU be figned by faid commit- figned at board by ^ ^^ ^^ more, at fuch meetings affemblcd, and forming ik board,, inem and contrac- ,',,.,•' .- ■ c i. ^ • ,ii- c WIS and by fuch. perfons contracting to perform j. but previous to the making oh any. ifty Aich contriict fourteen days notice fhall be given irt the Dublin Gazette, U any feven or more, otherwife to be null and void ; and no contracts fhall be commiilloncrs ; made after the prefect year but between the firft of February and firft of bem.een\nf'rA. J^ne. and ift of June. XVIU. feet. 1 8. Nothing in this act, fhall be deemed or taken to make Not t» avoid agree- void any contract, covenant, or agreement between landlord and tenant ""ents between land- touching or concerning the paving any or any part of faid fquares, bridges^ lord ahd tenant a» to quays, ftreets, courts, alleys,- places, or lanes, or any of them ; but whatever ^^^^^ fifelTcd paid in perfon, who is now by any fuch contract or agreement obliged to pave or keep lieu, or as by 7 coru- in repair any part of laid fquares, courts, alleys, places, or lanes, or either of rnKTioners, deemed them, fhall in lieu thereof be obliged to pay the rates hereby directed to be J"*^' <^"""g ^"^l* made and affefled, or fo much thereof as ihall by faid commilfioners, or any feven or more, at fuch meetings be deerfted juft and reafonable, according to " the true meaning of fuch contract, covenant, or agreement, for and during ' fuch time as fuch contract, covenant^ and agreement fhall remain in force ; difputesit toagr«., and in cafe any difpute fhall urife concerning fuch agreement, faid commiffion- ment determined bjr ers, or any feven or more, at fuch meeting fhall have power to hear and 7 at meeting. ~ finally determine. XIX. M. 19. It fhall be lawful for receivers of the rates or aireffments ap- J'^^T'rV/"" J , /-J ■,,- ^ « • • r ' der order by 7 com- pomted by faid commillioners, or any fuch receiver or receivers, or for any per- milTioners, inipea fbns authorized by faid commillioners, or any feven or more, at all convenient books of watch or times, firft having an order under the hands of faid commilfioners, or any P°°'^-'io"'^ '"""^X feven or more, for that purpofe, to infpect the books or rates made for the"[°^*'^^"^"^*'"'jj_, watch or poor-houfe-money in Dublin, in order to afcertain the rates and tfa^s without fee,* alfellments to be raifed by this act ; and alfo to take copies thereof, and make extracts therefrom, and to rnfpect and take copies or extracts of 'or from any book kept for that purpofe ; which infpection, copies, and extracts church- wardens, or other officers, of thsir refpective pa:rifhes and places, or other officers, or perfons, having the cuflody of fuch books and rates, are required to permit and fuffer to be made widiout fee or reward by fuch receivers, or protju^jn™ o^d rb* other perfons appointed as aforefaid, on their producrng an order tinder the 5 comiiiilione^s ; hands of faid commilfioners, or any three or more of them, for that purpofe ; church-wardens.Stc and in cafe any fuch church-wardens, or other officers or perfons, neglect or '■«f"''ng ? daysatter refufe fo to do, within three days after fuch order fhall be produced and fhewn "o'^^'iffj*" °\ , to them, ora copy thereof left at their lafl or moll ufual place of abode, they "uffence'^os.'^d fhall for the firft offence forfeit twenty fiiilling^, the fecond forty fliillings, and 40s. 3I. after. the third and every other, three pounds. XX./ci7. 20. The property of faid pavements, iron, timber, furniture. Property of materU and ail other matirials and things,^ made ufeof for purpofes of this act in the nls vcftod in rcfpec- feveral divifions of faid city and other places herein after mentioned, fhall "^'^ committees, be, and are veiled in the refpettive committees for time being ; and they .^hotnay by aaioi are feverally authorized to bring, or caufe to be brought, any aiftion, in name in c'erL's name or of the clerk of the refpedive committees, or to prefer, order, ;md dired '"<^''^^r"«nf pr"^f=*i'c!i3rge. for. XXV. feet. 25. No perfon fhall make, or caufe to b: made, any alte- Noalieratinnin fotm ration in the form of any pavements of faid fquares, bridges, quays, court;;, of pavtment; alleys, (Ireets, lanes, or places compleated by this ad, or of any part there- of, or any encroachments therein -, or put up any port, rails, figns, ftep or no po'^' &c. ereac-d Ikps, or erea any bulks or ftalls, or place any fhew-glaifes, Hiew-boards, "'J^^*^^^^; °'^|'|;;'"^' ■• or jet-out v/indows, or make any hole or pits, without the confent and di-J^n^ofVccmmTr ' redion of faid commiifioners, or any feven or more, under hands and feals, fior^ers under hai»t upon pain of forfeiting for every fuch offence five pounds, over and above anJ feal, alt expenccs incurredi, or to be incurred, reinftattng the fame ; levied by di- P^"*'')" s'- ^^^""^ ftrefs and fale of goods and chattels of every fuch offender by warrant under b^dirtrlV* and fi'e hands and feals of any two or more juftices for the county, where fuch of- m warranto) 1 jt'i- fender apprehended, with the c^l«^ges of fuch diftrefs and fale, rendering the t'ces. overplus, if any.,, to owner of fuch goods and chatteh, when demanded. XXVI. fitl. 26. Every occupier of any houfe or tenement within faid city, H^ufe ocri!piFr,.or ; and in refpod of houfes let to inmates, every houfe owner, fiiall, once everv '^ ''^"" '"""•^■"' dav, from firft of May to the firft of Odober, before eight, and from the ^;;""; ?;" ';"■' firft of Odober to the 30th of April before ten o'clock in the forenoon rSaoh. b«-l.-re 3^, of each day, fcrape, fweep^, and deamfe, or caufe to be fwept, fcrapcdj and and f: cm i Gi^eH. cleanfed, the foot-way all along the front of their refpedive houfes or tene-'° 50 Apiil brfae ments; or in default thereof fhdl for every fuch offence fbrfeit and' pay T' "* '"""P "°"' one (nimng ; to-, be levied and applied ui , fuch manner, as any of the penal- or pay is, ties and forfeitures hereby inflidcd are direded ./" ,,' krifd ami applied us , XXVII. /f (.'?.. 27. It fhall be lawful for fafdicbrn'mifTioners, or any five or "'f"f P^"''"'-'- more, when they think fit, to raife, fink, or otherwife alter the pofitioa of '■''V""™^'"""'"' V 1 1 ] V • 1 • 1 <- • . ^ . Jr to alter wa«- ['pea any of the leaden or other pipes, wluchi ^"^ conveying water into any houfe, to houfes, area, or other place, Ihall be laid into or from any pipe laiddown^ or placed by any perlbns, who furnifhed the inhabitants of the city with water; the out of the money by expence whereof fliall from time to time be paid out. of the money arifing this aft. by, or appropriated to the purpofes of this ad and fhall always be done ., ,. , . with as little detriment and inconvenience to faid perfons- or inhabitants, as ^^li'^ncc'asVoTb'^ " the ciicumftances of the cafe Ihall admit.. XXVIII. fta. 28. Sooften as,any part of faid. pavements of faid fquares-, p^y^^^nj Mkenwa ftreets, or lanes, or other places, begun, to be paved by this ad, fhall be for pipes r^p.iwd taken up by any perfons for placing^ altering, or amending any pipe or pipes, with fpetd by con- the fame fhall with all convenient fpeed be repaired by the paviours con- "*'^''^? p^'*""*"! at - trading with oremployed by faid. commilfioners at expence of' proprietors, of P'°P"*""''"P""- faid leaden or other pipes refpedively. XXIX, fea. 29. When and fo often> a.s any part of the pa\xments;of any I'fe^''p"s wtice ta fquares, flreets, lanes, courts, alley s^ paffages, or places,, begun to be paved „"'*\,g'*^"',3 ''""^-■ by this ad, fhall be intended to.be taken up by any perfons for making, re- "PP*^^^*" ^' pairing, or altering any vault or draih,^ or: any other purpofe whatfoever, the perfons fo intending to take up fuch pavement, fhall prevlovtfly to the breaking up or opening, give notice thereof to the furveyors employed by coramiffioners for putting^ this ad in execution, that thft fame may with all. convenrenti tepsireH w!ih fpecd coftvehietlt fpecd be laid down and repafred under infpedion of laid furve;f- under their inipec- ^j-g . ^^j jj^g charges and expences thereof (hall be previoufly computed by chr* ef """"'^"""^ faid furveyors ; and in cafe fuch perlons direded to give fuch notice to fur- neglfai'ng notice 24 veyors, ncgleft fo to do twenty-four hours at lead before fuch pavements hours betoie, pe- fo taken up, fuch perfons fhall for every fuch offence forfeit and pay five na'fy 5 1 potrnds ; and it fhall afterwards be lawful for lord mayor, or other juflice andTJll '" '''*^"'" ^^ P^'*'^^ °f ^^'^ ^'^>'' ^° '^"^ *^'^ warrant, under hand and feal, to diftrain the goods and chattels of perfons offending herein, and faid goods and chat- fiift to pay expences. telslhail be fold, as ufual in cafes of diftrefs, firfl to teimburfe faid com - milHoners all expences in repairing and laying down pavements fo broken up, the overplus to owner. Obftruaing this aft, XXX fe£l. 30. If any perfon fhall obftrudl, hinder, or molefl any fur- I rt offence 705, 2d, veyor or other ofHcer, or perfons whatfoever, employed to put this ad in 40s. aftcrwarda 3I. execution, in the performance or execution of their duty, every fuch perfon fhall for firfl offence forfeit twenty fhillings ; for fecond forty Ibillings ; for or committed atii the third, and every other, three pounds j and in cafe of non-payment fent "^°"''^- to houfe of corrciftion for one month. Paved and repaired XXXI. feet. 3 1. Where any part of the pavements o£ faid fquares, ftreets, according 10 curtom g^j lanes, or other places, have been accuftomed or ought to be paved and ridies ot corpora- repaired by any particular parifhes, bodies politick or corporate, and not by tions. Owners or occupiers of the houfes or other buildings adjoining to the pave- ments, the fame fhall be paved and repaired at the expence of the refpec- tive parifhes, bodies politick or corporate, by the paviours contrading with or employed by faid commiflioners. \Viih whomTcom- XXXII. >><:/. 32. It (hall be lawful for faid commtifjoners, or any feven miirionets may com- ^^ more, from time to time to compound and agree for the fame by the year ^'*"" ■ with any fuch parilh or parifhes, or bodies politick or corporate, for a Certain fum, hy the foot or other meafure, as faid commilTioners, or any feven or more, think reafonable. Signs, 8rc. or other XXXIII. fect. ^2. All (igus, fign-irons, pofls, boards, fpours, gutters, a nnov.ince placed ^^ ^^^ cucroachment or other annoyance whatfoever, already built, placed, P«iice in Iron t, O"" hung in any of the fquares, ftreets, or lanes, fhall be, at the expence of faid commilHoners, fixed or placed on the fronts, of fuch houfes refpedivefy, umov^d rnd p'aced ^^hereto the fame ihall belong, or may from time to time be removed and nicnt^- '"" "^""^^ placed in fuch manner, as faid commilfioners, or any three or more, think moft proper and convenient, to prevent occafioning any obilrudion or an- rpouts, &c. fixed on noyance ; and for the future all irons, boards, (pouts, or gutters, fliall be ^'°"^ placed or fixed on the fronts of the houfes, ihops, warehoufes, or buildings, tor any annoyance, wliereunto they refpeclively belong, and not otherwife : and if any perfons pL-nalty ^1. hereafter hang, place, ered, or build any fign, fign-poft, or iron, board, ai 01 tr pena lies. {^Qy^^_^ gutter, or any other annoyance, or cauie the fame to be done, in any other manner than as aforefaid, every (uoh perfon fhall for every fuch offence forfeit and pay five pounds, levied and recovered in fuch manner as penalties are by this ad direded. Trope-iy iiiniii-.l. XXXIV. fect. 34. If any or any part of any fuch fign-iron, or pofl, tl.c lame as before, board, gutter, or fpout fhall remain unul'ed after the alteration made thereto, as before direded, the fame fhall be returned to and be the property of the perfon, to whom the fame belonged before fuch removal or alteration. Five commii tee men XXXV. fect. ^S- Said refpedtive committees, or any five or more, fhall roayoccfionally have full power and authority from time to time to caufe all or any part cf water ihcets, fee. fuch fquares, ftreets and lanes to be well watered, as often as occafjon, in fuch 2DublttT. fudi manner as faid committees, or any five or more of the perfons conffi- tuting refpcdivc-ly, diredt, and defray the expences arifing thereby out of the out of money raTed money raifed by or appropriated for purpofes of this adt. KXXVl. feci. ^6. Said refpedive committees, or any five or more, may AixJordetinha'oi- order and dired the feveral inhabitants of the feveral houfes in faid fquares, ""'^. '" ""'"'*®' .ftreets, lanes, and other places in this adl mentioned, to number their re- °"*'' fpsftive houfes, in fuch manner as faid refpedtive committees, or any five or more, think proper ; and may alfo order and diredt to be engraved, and name of the painted, or other wife defciibed, on ftone or wood, fixed on a confpicuous '^f''*' 3' ^'^ch «ntl, part of fome houfe or other building at each end and corner of each fquare, llreet, or lane, the name by v/hic-li faid fquare, ftreet, or lane is ufually or properly called or known ; and if any perfon wilfully or malicioufly deffroy, d facing the fame, pull down, injure, obliterate, or deface any fuch name or defcription, or°'""°^ "^•■^''*""»- any part thereof, or caufe or procure the fame to be done, or fhail negledl ^° ** to number his houfe as directed by commilfioners, or any five,, and be con- victed thereof by his or her own confeffion, or oath of one or more credi- ble witnefles befoie one or more juftices of peace for the county, where fudi offender apprehended (which oath laid juflrces are impowered toadmirrifler) every fuch perfon lliall for every fuch offence forfeit and pay fifty (hillings ; as other penaJi^i levied, recovered, and applied, as tlie penalties and forfeitures are by this aC\ direcfted. XXXVII. f£it. 37. For defraymg the charges and. expences of paving and AfTefTmepfs ruia- a repairing faid fquares, ftreets, lanes, brides, quays, and other places, nov-r)*^^'' °' "''^"'"^ ' being, or Fiereafter to- be made, within faid city, and county of city of Dub- ^iiionefs ou'Tand^' lin, and places hereiir after mentioned, one or more rate or rates, aflelfment houiVs, Stc. ' or afleffments, fhall twice in every year, or oftener if thought needful by faid as ordered b; 9 commilfioners, or any nine or more, be laid, and afTelTed by faid commiflioners, y*''/- or any nine or more,, of and upon all and every the lands, houfes, fhops, • 'W'arehoufes, cellars, vaults, or tenements within faid city, liberties, and other places herein after mentioned, in fuch fum and fums as faid commilfioners,. or any nine or more, fhall yearly and every year order and direift ; fo as fuch rates or afleiTments do not exceed in the whole one ftiilling in the pound in "ot exceedsng in . anyone year of the yearly rent of fuch lands, houfes, (hops, warehou fes, -'"'■ 'sperpuund cellars, vaults, or other tenements, as the fame (hall have been afcertained "^/^J^^'^i^JII^^ "" and rated towards maintenance of watch in fuch parirti and place refpedtively paid annually as (or each preceding year ; which rates or affelTments fhall be paid annually by watch rate. (Iich perfons, and in fuch proportion, manner, and form, as rates towards I'upport of the watch are now paid. XXXVIII. /(ftV. 38. And wherea.'; many houfes are let out in lodgings Nine ccrnimi/IIoneri or tenements to divers tenants, it lHall be lawful for faid eommilBoners, or ma/ "'<; owners of any nine or more, from time to time, and at all times whea they meet, to ''°"'" ^^^ to 2 or make a rate in purfuance of this aCl to rate and aflefs the owner or owners ™°'^' of fuch houfes or tenements, as fhall be let to, or occupied by,, two or more tenants ; which rate and. affeifments ("hall be paid by one or more of piid hy one or more.' the tenants or occupiers of any parts of fuch houfes ; and in cafe any occu- occupiers of any pier or occupiers of any part of fuch houfes or tenements refufe to pay,.''^"* 1 • m the faid rate and affefTment fhall be levied by diftrefs and fale of the ^"j^/^'^-^"^!^ ^^^1'^'" ^ goods of him, her, or them fo refufing, which diftrefs and fale fhall be made in fuch manner as other diftreifes and^ fales. are by this aCl directed vdedufted om of and fuch occupier or occupiers of fuch tenements, are hereby required and 'em authorized to pay fuch fums, as fo rated or aiTelTed on the owner or owners, in. in purfuance of this, adV, and to ded«<5\; the fame out of the rent thereof i ullowed (tfc receipt aad the owners or proprietors are required to allow fuch deducftions and pay- of icdHue, ment, upon receipt of the refidue of their rents ; and every fudi tenant, pay- and tcnint diichar- j^g f^j^-j^ Tit^s cr afreffments, fhali be acquitted and difcharged for fo fi'aauaU*" "aid"'' *' "^"'^'^ ^^ ^^'^ ^^^^^' °'' ^^''^ffnients amounts unto, aa if aftually paid to fuch ac ua ) p > . perfons to whom their rent fliould have been due and payable, li unoccupied, half XXXIX. /c//. 39. In cafe any of the lands, houfes, (hops, warehoufes, latc paid by owner i cellars, vaults, or other tenements, or any parts thereof, within faid city, or county of city, fhall at any time after making faid rates or aileflments be empty, untenanted, or unoccupied, one half of faid rates, afleffments, or the one half of fuch other rates, as may be aflefled by virtue of this a(f\, on nan. payment fliall be paid by the owner or proprietors, and in cafe of non-payment thereof, P eaiiir^sa fecuiij' .fuch lands, houfes, fhops, warehoufes, vaults, cellars, or other tenements lorarrear. j^^j] ^^ a fecurity for, and chargeable with the arrear of fuch rates and aireflments. Every ten. ^nt or 00- XL. fe'I, 40. That faid rates may be more efFeAually collefted, all and tiipicr liable 10 the every tenant or tenants, occupier or occupiers of lands, houfes, fhops, ware- ^^'"'''^" houfes, cellars, vaults, or other tenements, are and fhall be liable, aud pay the whole of fueh rates to receivers, appointed by faid commillioners, as therein is diretYed. Nine comminioners XLl. feet. ^t. It lliall be lawful for faid commiffioners, or any nine or fo alTcis publick more, at difcretion, and they are hereby required, when the rates and aflefl- fc'^'frontfn^glrand '^^^^^ hereby directed, fhall from time to time be made, to rate and aflej's h.ivingufeofftreets, all churches, church-yards, and other yards, chappels, meeiing-'houfes, fchoois, by every (quarc market-houfcs, warelioufes, walls, and buildings fronting to, and having benefit >ard, of the publick flreets, void fpaces of ground, and all publick buildings what- foever, fituate, Handing, lying, and being within faid city and county of city of Dublin, and other places herein after mentioned, at a rate to be fettled .by nine or more of faid commiirioners, for every fquare yard belonging to every flich parith-church, church-yard, or other yard, chappel, meeting-houfe, fchool, hall, market-houfe, warehoufe, and other publick buildings whatfo- paid by church or ever; the rates or alTeil'ments fo fettled fliall be paid for fuch parilli churches, chapel watd€ns for chappels, and churchyards, by the refpective church or chappel-wardens, churches, S£c_ ^ ^^^ f^^ ^^^.j^ yards, meeting-houfes, fcliools, halls, market-houfes, ware- by nwner or occV houfes, walls, and other buildings fronting to, and having the ufc and benefit pier of Toil. of the ftreets, and all other publick buildings, by the owners, proprietors,- or occupiers of the foil on which fuch fland. Un non payment 10 XLII. Ject. 42. If any perfon neglect or refufe to pay films rated or af- tiay.s atier demand, felfed by this a(5t, for ten days after perfonal demand thereof, or demand i^cc-ivers by warrant j^ writing left at the place of abode or occupation of perf^Mis fo rated and conTlfble'may ente^r ^iflelfed, and negleding or refufing to pay, it Ihall be lawful for luch le- and diilraiii J ceivers, appointed to receive faid rates and aneffmcnts, by warrant under hands and feals of two or more juflices of peace for the county of Dublin, *nT' 'and for county and county of the city, as the cafe may happen (which warrant faid juflices are authorized and required to grant) by and with the ailifiance of a conflable of the parilh or place where fuch negled; or refiifal •" ' ,|jj Ihall happen, (who is required to be aiding and ailifting) to enter into a:iy tfnd if no r-eplevin part of the premilTes within faid city and county of city, and places herein orpnym-ntiH tive after mentioned, occupied by the perfons fo rated and atTeflTed, and to di- days. to leM tor^f .ly ftrain their goods and chattels; and if not replevied, or the monies paid Xvithin five d;iys after fuch diftref"^, together with the cofts of diftrefs, af- certained certained by any two or more of faid juftices, then to fell Co much and fuch part thereof, as will be fufikient to pay faid rate and afleflment, with all cofts and charges attending faid diftrefs and fale, returning the overplus (if any) to owners of fuch goods and chattels. XLIII. feet. 4^ All money raifed by this aft, and all monies appropriat- The money vePed ed, given, or paid, for purpofes of this aft, fhall be vefted in faid commif- '" cominiflioners. fioners, and applied for purpofes of this aft, and for no other ufe or purpofes ^^^ '"'^'^ *° ''"' whatfoever. XLIV. fe^. 44. Where any perfons fo rated and afTefled fhall quit their p, • . , r . J ir 1 ,• urn- 1 11 • u VL Quitting hou'es t9 dwelling-hoiUe, ware-houle, Ihop, vault, cellar, or tenement, in the parnhevade payment, or place wherein fuch rate or alTeifment made, before they fhall have paid, diftr^itied on two and afterwards refufe to pay the fame when due, and demanded by perfons ju^'ces warrant ia fo authorized and appointed to colleft and receive, in every fuch cafe it fhall *"^Pj"' be lawful for faid receivers, and every or any of them, by warrant under ' hands and feals of any two or more juftices for the county where offender apprehended, as the cafe fhall happen (which warrant faid juftices are required to grant) in any place to diftrain the goods and chattels of fuch perfons fo neglefting or refufmg, and the fame to fejl, rendering the overplus, if any, after having dedufted reafonable charges and expences of diftrefs and fale, to the owner demanding the fame, to be afcertained in like manner as cofts and charges of other diftreiTes and fales are herein before provided and di- refted. XLV. y>(f7. 45. And for more effeftual and proportional rating other Rui'dings not rated buildings and ereftions belonging to any land, houfe, fhop, ware-houfe, eel- ^°'' ^^"^'' aiTefTed lar, vault, or other tenement, not already rated for the watch, it fhall be "°' .^'i"^'''"^.'^'^' lawrul tor laid commiHioners, or any nine or more, and they are required, at fuch times as the rates and affellments hereby are direfted to be made, to rate and affefs all other buildings and ereftions belonging to any fuch land, houfe, fhop, ware-houfe, cellar, or vault, or other tenement, fituate, ftand- ing, lying, and being within faid parifhes and places comprehended witliin this aft, at the rate not exceeding four-pence every fquare yard of pavement belonging to fuch fpace of giound, building, or other ereftion, over and above what fuch land, houfe, lliop, v/are-houfe, cellar, vault, or other tene- , ment, to which fuch building, or ereftion belongs, fhall by this aft be lated at ; faid rates or aflefTments to be laid, received, recovered, and applied by ^^^il wslls anr) void this aft ; and all dead walls and void fpaces in faid ftreets fhall be refpectively j-"'^!^^ ^^ » commif- rated by faid commiHioners, or any five or more, according to the annual v'riaVls'oTfo'v-'rt value which faid commilfioners Ihall judge, fuch grounds would be let for to tenant; a folvent tenant ; and fums (o afTefled fhall be paid by proprietor of fuch P'"* by proprietot grounds, until the fame fhall be built ; and when the fame ihall be built, fach '!_'' '';'''• new houfes fhall then be rated as other houfes in faid ftreet. ho^ij"e',-i'/'' a^otner XLVI. fed. 46. All perfons paying rates and aireifments by this act laid, Pav,nent of mres a (hall be exempted and difcharged from charge and expence of paving or keep- jii'diarge i-oro tuv- ing in repair the pavements of faid fquares, ftreets, or lanes, or any of them -, '"8- and aho from all penalties by reafon or means of their neglecting to pave or keep the fame in repair. XLVII. /ect. 47. If any perfon fhall ride, or run, carry, drive or draw, Drawing carrlsg? or caufe to be run, carried, driven, or drawn, on any foot- ways of any of "" '"ot-wav, the fquares, ftreets, lanes, courts, alleys, yards, paltages, or places, paved or flagged by virtue of this act, any wheel or wlieels, fledge, wheel-barrow, or any carriage whatfoever, fuch perfon (hall forfeit for fiift offence ten ftiil-fiff^ offence loj. F lings, 2Dttl)lttt» 2d,ios. iin^s, the feconcl twenty fhillings, the third and every other forty fhillines 40s. after. ft^^u^g Five commifTioners XLVIII. /eH. 48. It (hall be lawful for faid ccmmiflioners, or any five or may impower to dig niore, or any perfons by them duly authorized and appointed, to fearch i^t roaierials, for, dig, raife, and carry away any gravel, fand, ftones, or other materials ' ' fit and neceflary for repairing and paving (Ireets in the feveral grounds of any except in deer- park, perfon (not a deer-park, garden, orchard, yard, or planted walk, or avenue &C; _ to any houfe) where any fuch materials may be found, paying fuch rates to fatisfying owner, owners or occupiers of the ground, from which the fame Ihall be raifed, ga- ' thered, and carried away, as faid commiflioners, or any five or more judge who may appeal to reafonable -, and in cafe any owner or occupier think himfelf injured or aggriev- /^'"°"'' ed by adjudication of faid commiflioners, it fhall be lawful to appeal there- from to quarter feflions for the county of Dublin, or county of the city, with- in their refpeAive jurifdiftions, who fhall and are, required finally to deter- mine fuch matter, and to award fuch reafonable fums for damages to fuch owner or occupiers as aflefled by a jury at fuch feffions, upon hearing the re- wliere fettled by fpective parties and their council, and examination on oath of any witnefles J"^^" produced on either fide. Ssven commifTioners XLIX. fefJ. 49. It fhall be lawful for faid commiflioners, or any feven or may purchafe ground more, to purchale aiiV quantity of ground, not a deer-park, garden, orchard, (notdeer-paik, &c.) yjjj.(j q^ planted walk or avenue to any houfe, for fearching for, digging, lor materials for "^ r j • 1 r J A U 1 F pa^j^ rainng, and carrying away any gravel, land, Itones, or other materials, fit paying value, and necefl'ary for paving and repairing flreets, paying fuch value to the owners or occupiers, as faid commiflioners, or any feven or more, fhall judge reafon- like appeal. able, with like remedy of appeal as before mencioned, with refpeifl to rhe digging, raifing, and carrying away gravel, fand, and Hones, and other ma- terials. Reprefentatives cf L./eH. 50. If any receivers die before they have fully paid and fatisfied receivers to pay trea- all money received by this ad, the executors or adminiflrators, or other le- ' gal reprefentatives, or perfons poflefling the late eftate and effeds of any fuch receivers, Ihall out of fuch eftate or effeds pay faid treafurers all fuch fums by fuch receivers fo received and not paid, or fo much thereof as laid Three commifTjoners^^gjg ^^ efFeds will extend to pay ; and the receipt of three or more of faid psvment pleaded or' commiflioners Ihall be a good difcharge ; and every executor, adminiftrator, in evidence, or Other perfon as aforetiiid, may to any adion, or fuit plead or give evi- and allowed out of (Jence of payment of the fame, and fhall be allowed payment of the fame ^'•''^^- out of fuch eftate or effeds ; and in cafe of non-payment twenty-one days davs"f"er^demand^' after demanded, it ftiall be lawful for faid treafurers, and they are required, aifiion by treaforer in their own uam^is, to commence and bring adions, in any courts of record in court of record ; ^^ Dublin againft fuch executors or adminiftrators, or other perfons as aforc- to account for refi- ^^jj^ ^^j. recovery of the fame ; and after deduding the expence of recovering, the treafurer fhall account for remainder. S^ven commiflioners LI. fe^- 51. It fhall be lawful for faid commiflioners, or any feven or may compound fuit? more, from lime to time, to compound and agree with any perfons, againft for penalties in con ^yj-jo^i faid commifliouers or committees, or any five or more, fhall bring, "* '^ ' or caufe to be brought, any adions, or fuits for penalties in any contraCt.s, on account of any breach or non performance of any fuch contrads, for fuch not lefs than the da ^^,j^g ^g jj^^y^ q^ ^j^y feven or more, think proper ■, fo as the fum fo compound- mage wuh expences. ^^ ^^^ agreed for be not lefs than the injury or damage fuftained by the breach or non-performance of fuch contrads, and all cofts, charges, and ex- pences occafioned thereby. Lir. M, ■ \ 7, 52- All penalties and forfeitures by this adt impofed (where Penalties not otJier- the manner of levying and recovering is not hereby otherwife particiilriily ^ ''a,fp"^uj,'^'jii''^r'^ 5DuWitt» directed j fhall be levied and recovered by reafonable and adequate diftrefs and laisby ajuftice'a and fale of offenders goods and chaUels, under hand and feal of a juftice of warrant, peace, as the cafe may be, which warrant fuch juftice is impowered and re- quired to grant, upon coiifeflion of parties, or evidence of any one or more credible witneffes upon oath (which oath fuch juftice is required to adminifter^ and the penalties and forfeitures, when recovered, after rendering the over- plus, if any be) upon demand to parties whofe goods and chattels fo diftrained and fold, charges of diftrefs and fale being firft deduced, fhall be paid to pajj to treafurer for the treafurer, and applied tov/ards purpofes of this ad ; and in cafe fufficient purpofes of the aft, diftrefs cannot be found, and fuch penalties or forfeitures not paid, it fhall be fjeduaing charges, lawful for fuch juftice, and he is required, by warrant under hand and feal °'' ^.*"' "^ dulrefs . r \ a- ji 1 \ r c ^l- j- ^ committed not above to commit iuch ofienders to the houfe or correction not exceeding two 2 months, months. LIII. fe£?. Si- No proceeding touching conviftion of any offenders a- I'roceedings not gainft this ad:, or any order, matter, or thing tranfaded in or relating to execu- l"*"'^'' for foriw, tion of this aC^, fhall be vacated or quafhed for want of form, or removed by Certiorari &cf certiorari, or any other writ or procefs whatfoever, in any courts of record at Dublin'; any law or ftatute to the contrary notwithftanding. LIV. yi-^. 54. If any perfon think himfelf aggrieved by any thing in Appeal to fefltons In* purfuance of this ad, and for which no particular relief already appointed, ^ '"o""'^* fuch perfon may appeal to any general quarter feifions for the county or place, wherein the caufe of complaint fhall arife, and within three months after the caufe ari fen, fach appellant firft giving twenty-one days notice at °". 2 » days notice in leaft in writing of intention to appeal, and of the matter thereof to the ^^"-"^ 'o c'erk or clerk or treafurer to faid commiOioners, and within two days after fuch notice, and reco?n!zance entering into recognizance before fome juftice of the county or place, with with z fureties in two fufricient fureties, conditioned to try fuch appeal at faid feflions, and a- '^'^ '^■^)^ after, bide the order, and to pay fuch cnfts as awarded at fuch quarter feflions ; and faidjuftices, upon due proof of fuch notice, and of fuch recognizance, fhall hear and finally determine the caufes and matter of fuch appeal in a fummary way, and award fuch cofts to parties appealing, or appealed, as they think '^o'^' awarded. _ proper ; and the determination of fuch quarter feflions fhall be finally lainding °-'«^'r.ination imal. and conclulive to all intents. hV. fefl.- SS- Where any diftrefs made for any money to be levied by Diftrefs not unKw- this ad, the diftrefs itfelf fhall not be deemed unlawful, nor the parties *"' [o^ (oim. nor deemed trefpaflers on account of any default or want of form in any pro- P""" "^'P^'^*'-- ceedings relating thereto; nor deemed trefpaflers ah ijtitio on account of any fatlsfaaion iud'} irregularity, afterwards done by the party or parties diftraining, but the per- for Irregulaiit/. fon, aggrieved by fuch irregularity, may recover full fatisfadion for the fpe- > cial damage in atftion on the cafe. LVI. Ject. 56. No plaintiff fliall recover in any adion for any fuch irre- ^ -r . , , ■ r r 1 1- T , -^ r r n- ■ i ■ Not if tender ot gularity, trelpais, or other proceedings, if tender of lumcient amends made fufUcisnt amends ; by or on behalf of the parties, who committed, or caufed to be committed, any fuch irregularity, trefpafs, or wrongful proceedings, before fuch adion brought ; and in cafe no fuch tender made, it fhall be lawful for defendants ;f ^g ,g„,jgr defen- in any fuch adions, by leave of the court before ifliie joined to pay into dant by lea/e ma/ court fuch fum of money as he or they fhall think fit; whereupon fuch pro- before iffue pay into ceedings, or order, and judgments fhall be had, made, and given in and by *^°"'*- F z fuch V Fourteen commif- fjoners may mort- Aich court, as in other aiflions, where defendant allowed to pay money into court. LVU./efi. 57. To raife a fum fufficient in eachof faid five divifions for purpofes of this ad\, it fhall be lawful for faid commiflioncrs, or any fourteen. gage for years funds jg mortgage any part of funds arifing from this ad, in each of faid five divi- in each divifion, fjQps, for any number of years ; provided the funds fo morteaeed, fhall not not above one third . ' J -^i-irL i- • \ c r ■ j n j- ofincome '" ^"^ whole exceed one third or the annual income in each or laid hve di- applv the fuin in the i ■ n- ■ j ^ pavifP popoiiioned within two or more divifions, the commiflioners are impowered to pro- by o tonimiffione,-^ portibn the expence for paving the fame on the faid divifions, in which the lame lie, as they or any nine think proper, and to order the paving to be executed executed under diredion of whatever committee faid corami.iioners, or any nine appoint. LXII. /c<7. 62. The commiflioners or committees fhall have full power to ir.habiiants of quays oblige all inhabitants of quays to keep in proper repair and decent order the 10 keep walls befoie walls, that embank the river before their refpedive houfes, and to keep their ''°"''^'^ '" repair, and parapet walls regular and of an even height in fuch manner, and of fuch "^i",. i'nTtven'of height, as faid commilTioners, or any nirve think fit and fafe; and all fuch walls height as by 9 com- fhall be copied with one even-cut ftone of mountain grit; and in default mifTioners; thereof the faid commilTioners, or committee of divifion, arc impov/ered to '^°P^''""''' '^"' (^°"?' _■ 111- -1 ■ • ■ • 1 r 1 • 1 .- • ■ L- on derault, nonce in ferve the mhabitant with notice in writing, lett at his hoiite, requiring nira ^^„jjjj^ to repair, raife, or lower faid wall before his houfe,. and to cope with moun- on negiefl one tain grit-llone as aforefaid ; and in cafe fuch inhabitant negledt or refufe to month, done bv the repair, alter, or cope faid wall within one month after faid notice ferved, it "^'""I^'i ''.'''''',^"' fhall be lawful for faid commiHioners or committee in fuch divifion, as the ^^1^ ^° ^^j^*^ ^ faid default fhall fo happen, to repair, raife, lower, and cope faid wall, and levy the coft by the fale of goods and efFefts of faid inhabitant. LXIII. fe^. 6^. This fhall not extend to exonerate the corporation of Dublin, Perfons, by cu(loni_ or any perfons by any cuflom or contraft, obliged to build, repair, or keep °' contraa to repair in order the walls on faid river ; but faid corporation and perfons fhall be onerated.' compelled thereto by commilTioners or committees, in manner before menti- oned, as perfons inhabitting quays are fubjedt and liable. LXlV./e^. 64- The firft payment by virtue of this ad fhall be made on 1 ft payment 29 Sept. the 29th of September next. LXV. /e^. 65. The powers, vefted by this bill in the commifTioners, CommifTioners pow- may extend to the liberties of Chrift-Church and faint Patrick's, and to Ca- ers extended toli- vendifh Row, Palace- Row, Gardiner's-Row, Great George's-Street, Great ^^'■''"- ^^• Britain-Street, Summer Hill, and Temple-Street ; and the liberty of Chrifl- Church annexed to the parifh of faint Michael ; the liberty of Patrick's to llbeities and ftreets Nicholas Without; and Cavendifh Street, Palace-Row, Gardiner's-Row, annexed to pariHies, Great George's-Street, Great Britain- Street, Summer-Hill, and Temple- ^^[ P"^P°'"°' '''" Street, annexed to parifh of faint Thomas, as to the powers vefled in the ' feveial proteilant inhabitants of the fame, for purpofes of this ad ; and the powers vefled in commilTioner.s, and feveral committees, may feveralfy ex- tend to the fame, as annexed to the feveral parifhes under the diredion of faid committees. LXVI. /e£J. 66. No powers granted in this bill to commiflioners, op com- Sackville and Marl- mittees, fhall extend to Sackville-Street, or Marlborough-Street. borough ftieets ex- LXVIl. feci. 67. All orders and proceedingsof faid commifTioners or com- "P'*"^- mittees at meetings fhall be entered in books kept for that purpofe ; and {i[|n"d hv'cLrks^at"'' fuch orders and proceedings, fo entered, fhall be figned' by the clerks at ar>y meetings meeting of faid commiffionerj afTembled, or a fufficient quorum of them, as (aid order deemed the cafe fhall require, except in cafes of adjournment ; and fuch orders fhall ofig'ialsj be deemed and taken original orders ; which books fhall and may be produced '*^^ ^°'^^^ evidence and read in evidence in all courts whatfoever. LXVIII. feci. C8. No ad or order of faid commifTioners or committees Afts or orders at valid, unlefs at piiblick meeting, which fhall confift of eidiet three, five, r"'^''^'' meeting of- feven, or nine, as necefTary under any part of this ad. fufficient number. LXIX. fe^. 69. All powers and authorities of this ad, granted to or Commiflioners pow. vefled in fuch commifTioners, fhall and may from time to time be exercifed by ers by majoiity at the major part of them, as attend at any publick meeting. as before mention- publlck raeetiug; ed ; and all oidsrs and proceedings of major part of fuch commilTioners, prefent afts of fame force as preient at Tuch meetings, fhall Iiave fame force and effect, as if by al! fuch 1^^''. , commillloners for the time being. thi'n'^donetiii'efght LXX.yV<3. 70. No adion or fuit fhalt be commenced againft any perfons days' notice in writ- for any thing done in purfuance of this gift, until ei^ht days Rotice given in ing to clffk or trea- writing to clerk or treafurer to faid comminioners ; nor any a<5\ion continued, ^"'■^'■' . , . , iinlefs at peril of the party, after fiifficient fatisfadion, or tender thereof. nor conliniied unlets j ^ .■ • j o • • /i- ^ j 1 1 /■ at peril, after tender "^^"^ "^^ parties aggrieved ; or any action inftituted or commenced, iinlefs of fatisfaaion ; within fix Calendar months next after the fa6t committed, for which fuch commenced in 6 adtion or fiiit brought; and every adion (liail be brought, laid, and tried months, i^ the county where fuch matter and things refpeftively committed or done, country •"^'* '" ' * and not in any Other ; and defendants in fuch adtions and fuits, may plead general 'iflue, and ^^he general iilue, and give this ad and fpecial matter in evidence at any matter in evidence ; trials thereupon, and the matter or thing, for which fuch ad ion or fuit fo appearing otherwife brought, was done in purfuance and by authority of this ad ; and if fo ver la tor e en- ^Q[^Q^ or if fuit brought before eight clear days notice as aforefaid, or fuf- ficient fatisfadion made or tendered as aforefaid, or if fuch fuit not com- on verdifl for defen- ™snced within the time before limited, or laid in any other county or place, dant, non fuit, dif- the jury lliali find for defendant ; and if verdid for fuch defendant, or if continuance, judg. plaintiff non-fui ted, or Aiffer a difcontinuance, or if by default, or upon any demurrer ttblecoft's demurrer, judgment fo given for defendant, in any of the cafes aforefaid, with ufua'l remedy, ' ^^^^^ defendant fhall have treble cofls, and fuch remedy for recovering the fame, as any defendant may have for cofts in any other cafes by law. Cods of the aft firft LXXI. /tfrf7. 7 1 . Cofts and charges of preparing, drawing, obtaining, and paid. pafllng this ad iTiall be paid by faid commillloners, as foon as may be, out of the firft money fo received. CommilTioners incor- LXXII.y>^. 72. The commiilioners fhall be one body corporate by the porated and named ; riame of commillioncrs for paving the ftreets of Dublin; and have a com- perpetual fucceiTion ; "^°" ^"^^^ ^Y ^^hem appointed; and they and their fuccelTors, eleded and lue and fued by that afTociated to them as by this ad direded, fhall have perpetual fucceflion, name; and may fue and be fued in all courts of law or equity in any caufes or fuits take fecurit;es.or ^y or againfl them by that name ; and may take any fecurities upon any contrads by them for any purpofes herein before or after mentioned, in order to more effldual carrying this ad into execution. Juftices precept to LXXIII. fe^. 73. Ttiejuftices of peace for the county of faid city at the return 48 ciuTeos, time of iffiiing precept to the (heriffs for holding general quarter-fellions for county of faid city fhall from time to time ilfue alfo a precept to faid fherifFs, requiring them to return to faid feflions forty-eight of the mod re- 24 fworn market fpedable citizens of faid city, twenty-four of whom to be fworn as a market jury ; jury for faid city ; and faid fheriffs are required to fummonand return forty- eight fuch citizens for purpofes aforefaid ; and faid juftices fhall caufe faid fworn rn court one market jury to be fworn in open court, at faid feflions, one by one (to wit) y °"^ ' that he will well, truly, and diligently execute the office of a market-juror any at fe.ifonable °^ ^^'^ ''^''^ ^'"^Y without favour or affedion, malice or ill-will to any perfon hours 10 vifit mar- or perfons whatfoever. And faid market jury for the time being, or any kets, &c. and inipefl three are required and impowered at feafonable hotirs to vifit the markets, provifions J ftore-houfes, working-houfes, cellars, and fhops in the city or liberties, w here provifions or viduals fold or made up, or making up for fale, and to ■barTraudukmir- '^fped' the quality ; and in cafe faid jury or any three, at fuch times find iuad'eup.oi iohands^^y nnwhojefome or bad provifions or viduals, or fraudulently or illegally made up, or in hands of any foreftallers, regrators, or ingroffers, faid jury or ' ht any tliree are required and impowered to feize faid provifibns, a*nd thd of rdreftaHers, *c. perfons expofing to fale, or claiming to be owners, and immediately, or as '° ^'•'^•' ^'''' *'«'"^ers Toon as conveniently can be, to carry, or caufe to be carried before the lord befoi^e"lord mayor,"^ mayor, who is required and impowered to hear, determine, and condemn the who may condemn fame, and to difpofe of faid provifions as he fhall think, proper, and to fine and diipofe, faid perfons any fum not exceeding ten pounds; faid fine levied by diftrefs ^"^ fine not above and ilile of offender's goods and chattels, by warrant under hand and fale o( |■°^^ ^J ^^-J ^,^^^^^^^ lord mayor ; and for want of fufficient diftrefs the party to be committed to or committed to the common gaol of newgate, without bail or mainprize for one month, or newgaie i month,or until faid fine paid : and each market juror to be fworn, or any three, (hall "I' Payment; have full power and authority to execute faid office, from time of being tTn'ne"t''iVoin*atVer- fworn, until next market jury fworn at enfuing general qxiarter-feffions for fions ; county of faid city; and if any perfons moleft or interupt faid market jury, jt' molefted, fine and or any of them, in execution of their of^ce, being convicted by indidment or '"'-P". onmem pn information, punilTied by fine and imprifonment, as to faid court, which tries ^""^^^'^^^""j-q^j^"^!^^' the offence, fhall feem fit. And if any perfon, duly fummoned and returned juror not appearing' by faid iTierifFs to ferve as a market juror, refufe, negleCl, or omit to ap- or aaing fined noc pear purfuant to faid fum.mons, and take the oath aforefaid, or to executle faid ^^°^^ 5'- office, it fhall be lawful for the juftices at faid feffions, and they are re- ^^ ^''^f' > T . \ ■ r n J- c J r ■, r on loid niaTOl's ; quired to impole a fine, not exceeding five pounds, on every fuch perfon ; warrant ; and the lord mayor is required and impowered to iflue warrant for levying paid with unapplied faid fine by diftrefs and fale of goods and chattels of faid perfon, and to fi"es to blue coat pay over the fame, or any other fines impofed under this aft, and not par- ^ ticularly applied, to governors of blue-coat hofpital, for ufe of faid hof- pital. LXXIV. /(?(?. 74. Whereas feveral a£ts pafled in the fourth and; fixth 4 G. i.e. u. years of George the firft, and third of George the fecond, for paving and ^ G. i c. 15. and cleanfing the city of Dublin ; faid commilfioners, or any (even or more, ^ 'j^w*^ '^^*".^ . . "^ ' cutfu by 7 comniil* vefted with full and fufficient power and authority to enforce the execution fioners. of faid adfs by fuch proper ways and means, as to them feem moft proper and convenient. LXXV. /c^. 75. After the fixth daiy of June next, all claufes and pro- ^^q ,, (. ,, p^_ vifions in one other a6l 29 G. 2. intituled, an a^ for mahng more effeilual the tended to cans, Sc. feveral acls pajfed for repairing and amending the Jireets and highways in ^«(^ drawn b/ cnj hotfe aboKi the city of Dublin, which relate to bre^adth of wheels of carts, and wag- gons drawn by two or more horfes, or beafts of draught fhall, after palling this adt, be conftrued to extend to, and fhall extenti to carts, drays, and waggons drawn by one horfe or beaft of draught only, in lanje manner as they now extend to thofe drawn by two or more. LXXVI. fefl. 76. This ad deemtd a pubHck ad, and judicially taken no- A publick aft. ticeof as fuch by all judges, and juftices, and other perfons without fpecially pleading the fame. i ' LXXVII. Stat, 13 & 14 Geo. 3. ce^j). 34.. feet. i. From and after the ift of jG. 3. c. 14 re. May 1774, fuch parts of an adt 5 G. 3. intituled^ an a£l for the more effe finally pealed. amending the piblick roads ; which relate to the county of Dublin, except the clauie for repealing the ads therein mentioned, fhall be repealed and made null and. void. .. __ . \ Liberty of St. Se- LXXVIII. /f-??. 2. All that part of the liberty ofSt. Sepulchre's, within barony pulchre's feparated of Upper-crofs, which lies to the north of the circular road, including the pre- Trom Uppet-ciofs, c^nds of the cathedral of St. Patrick's, fhall be feparated from faid barony, and tiwi nude a diftina and be to all intents and piirpofes a diftind barony, and called and known bjr "'""^ ' the name of th^' barony of St. Sepulchre's ; and be rated by the treafiirer, as containing one thoufand five hundred and feventy-two acres, in the appor- tioning of all money prefented to be raifed on the county at large. And fo of Donore; ^"^'' P'^''^^ of the faid barony of Upper-crofs, as are known by the name of the Hberty of Donore, fhall be feparated from faid barony, and be to all intents and purpofes a diflinft and feparate barony, and called by name of the barony of Donore, and rated by the treafurer as containing two thoufand remainder a diftma ^'^^"^ hundred and ninety acres, in apportioning all money prefented on haroBjij the county at large. And the remaining part of faid barony fhall be a dif- tind and ieparate barony in itfelf, and called by name of the barony of Up- per-crofs, and rated by the treafurer as containing nineteen thoufand and Raihdowne barony, forty-two acres, in apportioning all money prefented on the county at large. And the half-barony of Rathdowne fhall be called by name of the barony of Rathdowne. p - , LXXIX. /c(7. 3. It fhall be lawful for grand juries of county of Dublin, at roads to be repaired, Eafter and Michaelmas terms every year, to prefent any publick road, in or widened not above ^a'd cotinty, or any part, to be repaired, or any part of any publick road, 3! feet nor under not of breadth of twenty-one feet in the clear, to be widened to any breadth ^'i not exceeding thirty-one feet, nor lefs than twenty- one in the clear , and alfo roads ■ ^ °^ "** ^° prefent any new road to be laid out and made from market-town to market-town, or from market-town to the fea, through any part of faid county, except through the deer-park of any perfon, or through any field or garden enclofed with a wall five feet high at leaft, built with lime and ftone, or bricks, or through any houfe or offices built with lime and ftone, or bricks, or through any dwelling houfe of twenty feet in length, and fourteen in breadth, in the clear, or through orchards of fix years growth, merfeers appointed, i]nlefs confent of the owner firft obtained; and to appoint two or more per- fons, who can read ^nd write, to overfee, and carry into execution, every fuch prefentment : and further, to prefent all fuch fums as appear neceflary, to be raifed upon any of the baronies of Balrothery, Coolock, Caftlenock, Nether-crofs, Rathdowne, Newcaftle, Upper-crofs, faint Sepulchre's, and wages 4s. per I. Donore, to be expended in repairing any publick road, or in widening or mak- ing any publick road in fuch baronies as aforefaid, and in paying w^ges to overfeers appointed as aforefaid, not exceeding one fhilling in the pound for Affidavit for prefent- each pound prefented to be expended by fuch overfeers. sue nt tor repair. hXXX. ftJI. 4. No money fo prefented for repairing any road, unlefs an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of king's bench at Eafter or Michaelmas term, or any two juftices for faid county, in following form, be firft laid before grand jury. County of \ of and Dublin. 3 of do f wear, that they have lately meafured perches of the road from to between and all in the barony of in this county, and that it will require the fiim of effeHually to repair tlx faid perches with gravel or ftoncs, being at the rate of hy the perch, which they verily believe is the leafi the /aid perches can be effe finally repaired for. And And no part of money fo prefented fhall be paid on account of any prefent-- nnent for repair of any road by the treafurer, until the affidavit of one of the overfeers, who can read and write, appointed by the grand jury, fworn before one of the judges of the king's bench, in following form, fhall be allowed by grand jury, and judges of faid court. County of X Whereas thefim of was prefentedat term, Overfeer's affidaTit. Dublin. •' in the year for /aid county, to be expended in repairing perches of the road from fo between and in the barony of at the rate of by the perch, and the fum of for overfeer's wages, at pence for each pound. And whereas and were appointed over- feers of the fame. Now I of do f wear, that I have expended, faithfully and honeflly, the fum of in repairing effe dually with gravel or flones perches of the faid road, which Jiim, with my wages, at pence for each pound, makes in the whole the fum of and that every part of the faid perches is twenty-one feet wide in the clear, within the ditches, drains, or fences, and is fixteen feet wide, with gravel or flones ; and that I expended the faid fum of between the twenty^ fifth day of March and the twenty-fifth day of Augufi, in the year Except where the road prefented to be repaired, is enclofed with walls built with lime and ftones, or bricks, or dwelling- houfes twenty feet in length, and fourteen in breadth in the clear, and is not twenty-one feet wide between the fame ; in which cafe inftead of the words, [^twenty-one feet wide in the clear, within the ditches, drains, or fences'] fhall be inferted thefe words, [en- clofed on both fides with walls built with lime and ftones, or bricks, five feet high, or with dwelling-lmifes of twenty feet in length, and fourteen feet in breadth in the clear v] and no part of faid money fo prefented, fhall be paid, until thofe overfeers, who (hall not have fworn to the expenditure, who can read and write, fliall alfo make oath in foim following, after firfl reciting the pre- fentment. County of \I or we the other overfeer or overfeers in the Dublin. J above recited prefentment, do /wear, that we have carefully viewed the faid road [as it fhall happen to be] fo fworn to be repaired by fince the fame hai been finijhed, and that to the heft of our judgment and opinion, the fame has beenfufiicienilynpiiDyd; and that we believe the money fworn by the faid to have been expended in repairing faid road has been faithfully and honefily laid out.- LXXXI. fen. 5. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of county of Dub- OveiP^ers for 6o3 lin every Eafter term to appoint, not exceeding one year, any overl'tcis, percli each yeaily to keep in repair and free from illegal nuifances, any number of perches of ■»' taikr 10 kt^p in any road, not exceeding fix hundred perches for each overfeer, and alfo to ':^'^^" ""'^ *'"™ "'"' piefent at Eafler or Michaelmas' term every year, any money, not exceed- ing in the whole, for fuch fix hundred perches, fcven pounds ten fhillings, which fhall appear by affidavit to the grand jury, and king's bench, to have been expended in keeping in repair any fuch road, or in removing illegal nuifances upon any part of fuch fix hundred perches. G LXXXII. fen. Dublin* ' LXXXII. JeSl. 6. No money fhall be fo prefented for widening any publick road, unlefs an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of king's bench, or two juftices for faid county, in form following, firft laid before grand jury. Affidavit for widen- Coz/«/y of ? of and of '"S- Dublin. J do /wear, that they have lately meafitred perches of the road from to between and all in the barony of in the faid county, and that no part of faid perches is twenty-one feet wide in the clear of ditches, drains, or fences, or en- clofed on both fides with walls built with lime and ftones, or bricks, five feet high, or dwelhng-houfes of twenty feet in length, and fourteen feet in breadth in the clear, and that it will require the fum of to widen the faid perches to the breadth of in the clear, and to make fences inftead of tho/e that fJiall be taken down and defrayed in order to widen the fame ; and that the faid fum is a reafonable charge, and is the leaf that the faid work can be effedually done for. No money fhall be paid by the treafurer on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs an affidavit of one of the overfeers who can read and write, fworn before one of the judges of king's bench in form following, allowed by grand jury and king's bench. Ovetfeet'j affidavit County of XfVhereas the fum of was prefented by the grand jury Dublin. > of faid county at term in the year to he expended in widening perches of the road from to between and all in the barony of in faid county, and the fum of for overfeers wages, at pence for each pound. And whereas and were appointed overfeers of the fame, now I of do fwear, that I have faithfully and honeftly expended the fum of in widening perches of faid road, which fum, with my wages at pence for each pound, makes in the whole the fum of and that every part thereof is now feet wide in the clear, of ditches, drains, or fences, and that new fences are made in- fiead of thofe that have been taken down or deftroyed, in order to widen the fame. And no part of faid money fo prefented flTall be paid, until fuch overfeers, who fhall not have fworn to the expenditure, and can read and vt^rite, fhall alfo make oath in form following, after firfl reciting the prefentment. Ove:feei's aOidivit. County of 71 or we the other overfeer or overfeers Dublin. ^ in the above recited prefentment, do fwear, that we have carefully viewed the faid road fo fworn to be widened by fince the fame has been finijhed -, and that to the heft of onr judgment and opinion, the fame has been properly widened, and that the new fences are fufficiently made, and that we be- lieve the money fworn by the faid to have been expended in widening fxiid road, has been faithfully and honeflly laid out. WJiere a boundary, LX XXIII. fe£l. 7. If any part of any publick road be the boundary hali prcicrited, between any two baronies in faid county, or any barony, in faid county, and in any adjoining county, or between any barony in faid county, and county of Dtiblfit. of city of Dublin, fo as that one fide of each road is in one barony, the other in another, or in county of the city, it fhall not be lawful for any grand jury to prefent more" than half the fum neccfTary for repairing or widening fuch road, and half overfeer's wages, to be raifed on any fnch ba- rony to which fuch road the boundary ; and in the affidavit, before the mo- ney can be prefented for repairing or widening, and alfo in the affidavit by the overfeer, who has expended, before the money can be paid, inftcad of the words [all in (be barony of ] (hall be inferted thefe words, [ivbirb /aid perches are the mearing between the baronies of and tn /aid county, or bet-ween the barony of in faid county, and the barony of in the county of or hetiveen the barony of and the county of the city of Dublin'] as the cafe fhall happen ; and no money be paid by the treafurer on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs an equal f^"-'' P'5;f;";,'""' fum prefented at the fame term for the adjoining barony, ii in t.ie lame county, or unlefs it appear by affidavit to king's bench and grand jury, that as much money has been fo prefented for fuch barony, fhall have been pre- fented for doing the other part of faid work by the grand jury of adjoining county or counties, or grand jury of county of city of Dublin. LXXXIV. /t'^. 8. No perfon fhall enclofe, or add to field or enclo-No p-irt of road er.- fure, any part of any publick road, or any fpot adjoining, now belonging to, '•''^'ed ; or deemed a part of faid publick road ; and in cafe any perfon fhall fo take gn^ioCu.gs ii^j in, enclofe, or add, it fhall be lawful for any twojuftices within their ju- ,i,-,v,.n bywa.rant of rifdiction, each having a real eflate of one hundred pounds a year in faid 2 jullkes ofiool. a county, on view or oath of one credible witnefs, by warrant usder hands y-'ar, and feals, to order fuch enclofure, whether wall or ditch, to be pulled down, and to levy the expence, together with forty fliillings on offender's goods penalty 405. and and chatties. <^°'t' LXXXV. fen. 9. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of fard county, p^^^^^^_^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ at Eafter or Michaelmas term every year, to prefent fuch fums as. neceffary ^^^j 3^^ ^^^cti at to lay out and make fuch new road through faid county, or any part, to make is. per petch, . fences thereto, not exceeding one fhilling each perch of fuch fence, to be raifed either upon faid county, and expended in laying out and making fuch new road, or in making fences and paying wages to overfeer, not ex- ceeding one (hilling in the pound prefented to be expended by fuch over- ^,^ ^^ I feer, or upon any barony in faid county, and expended in laying out and making any part of fuch new road or fences within faid barony, and in pay- ing wages to overfeer after rate aforefaid. LXXXVI. /f/7. 10. In every prefentment for new road, the name of Party named ,- the perfon requefling inferted ; and no fuch prefentment fhall be made un- lefs it appear by affidavit, before any two juftices for faid county, that a affidavit of map de- map of fuch new road has been depofited with the treafurer twenty-one days pofited 21 days; before firft day of fuch term, to be infpefted by all whom it may concern, (which map is to be kept by clerk of crown, among the records) and no part of fuch intended new road is to be made through deer-park, or any not through deer- field or garden enclofed with a wall five feet high, built with lime and flone, park, &c. or bricks, or through any houfe of twenty feet in length, and fourteen in breadth in the clear j or through any houfe or offices built with lime and flone, or bricks, or through orchards of fix years growth, unlefs confent of owner or occupier of the land firfl obtained ; and a notice, fetting forth, notice to occupiers that an application is intended to be made next term for a prefentment to ferved, lay out a road from to diftinguilliing the feveral G.2 lands, Dublin, Innds, And batotiUs nf bateny tlireugh whieh te be mftde in Taid ceunty, ftRid number of perches through each town land, perfDnftlly ferved upon of left flt the houfe of each occupier of land through which the fame is to be »nd ported ti dsvs '^^de in faid county, twenty-one days at leaft previous- and another fuch before term at couru notice pofted upon the door of county'Court, and of the four-courts, fevea houfe and at four- days at leaft previous to firft of fuch term. courts 7 days. LXXXVII. /ea. ii. No money l"hall be prefented for new road, unlefs an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of king's bench', or two Juftices for fuch county, in form following, firft kid before grand jury. Affi term in the year to be expended in making perches ef the new road from to between and all in the barony of at the rate of by the perch, and the fum if for overfeer's wages, at pence for each pound. And whereas and were appointed overfeers of the fame : now I of do fwear, that I have faithfully and honefly ex- pended the fum of in making perches of the faid new road, and that the faid perches are thirty feet wide at the leafl in the clear, within the ditches drains, or fences, and were effeSlually made fifteen feet wide at the leaf, with gravel or fiones, in the year which fum with my wages at pence for each pound, makes in the whole the fum of And no part of faid money fo prefented, fhall be paid, until fuch of faid overfeers, who fhall not have fworn to the expenditure, and who can read and write, fhall alfo make oath in the form following, after firft reciting the prefentment. iDvetfeer's affidavit. County of \ I or we the other overfeer or overfeers Dublin. ' in the above recited prefentment, do fwear, that we have carefully viewed the faid road, fo fworn to be made by fince the fame has been finifjed, and that to the beft of our judgment and opinion, the fame has been effec- tually made ; and that we believe the money fworn by the faid to have been expended in faid road, has be^n faithfully and honejily laid out. KbA And no mnney fliall be paid by the treafiirer on account of any prsfent- meiu for fences to fudi new road, iinlefs it appear to grand jury by affida- vit of one of the overfeers, before one of the judges of king's bench, that the money prefented has been faithfully and honeftly laid out ; and alfo vmlefs it appear by affidavit of one of the other overfeers named, that fuch fences are to the beft of his judgment and opinion efFedually made. LXXXVllI./er/. 12 Any perfon aggrieved by any prefentment may traverfe Traverfe, at fame term in which prefentment made; and fuch traverfe may be tried „iej Cjme term or at the fame term, and if not then, fhall be tried the term enfuing, unlefs the next; good caufe fliewed to the contrary; and the jury who try the traverfe fhall verdia conclufive, true verdid; give, whether any and what damages will accrue thereby to fuch perfon, which verdi(£t fhall be conclufive to fuch perfon ; and upon the on pajment or de- fum fo found for damages being paid, or depofited with the treafurer, forpufu overieers may his or her ufe, it fliall be lawful for the overfeer to proceed and make fuch proceed j new road, purfuant to prefentment, without interruption of fuch perfon ; and it fliall be lawful for the grand-jury of faid county, to prefent, if they Carnages prefented think proper, the fum found for damages, to be raifed upon the county, or in proportion 1 upon the barony or baronies through which the faid road fhall be made, in proportion to the length it fhall be made through each; and the grand jury of faid county may alfo prefent any old road, or any part, to be (lopped, where ^u f^aj ftopped. any new road to anfwer the purpofes of the old one hath been or fhall be made, except fuch old roads, concerning which fuits are now depending either at law or in equity. LXXXIX. feet. 13. A notice fhall have been pofted upon the door off^r^^j^g thereof the court-houfe of quarter-feffions, and four-courts, the preceding feflions and pofted. term, of intention of applying for flopping up fuch old road. y^C. feet. 14. It fhall be lawful for any perfon, aggrieved by fuch Travetf* prefentment for flopping up any old road, to traverfe at the fame, or next term after, and fuch traverfe fhall be tried by a jury ; and in cafe fuch pre- fentment traverfed, or a verdift found for prefentment, confirmed. ^C\. feet. 15. In every affidavit by overfeer, for accounting for any Overfeet's affidavit, money expended on any road, bridge, or other publick work, after ifl of June 1775, fhall be added thefe words, [and that no cart, car, or other carriage, was employed in faid work, whofe wheels were of lefs breadth or gage from fide to fide on the fole when worn, than three inches, and that the flraiks of the wheels of faid cars, carts, or carriages, were not fet on Milk cars wlih nar- with fprigs, or high-headed nails.] And further, that all perfons bringing row whtels, milk to city or fuburbs of Dublin, who fhall after the 24th of June 1775, carry or convey the fame upon low-backed cars, or any other carriages whatfoever, the wheels of which fhall not be three inches at leaft from fide to fide at the bottom or fole, when worn, or if the flraiks or iron with which faid wheels are bound, fhall be fet on with fprigs or high-headed nails, fhall forfeit twenty fhillings for every time they carry or convey the psnalry 20s. fame on fuch carriages ; faid penalty to be recovered by any perfon whp fhall inform thereof upon oath before a juflice of faid county, arid upon re«- fufal or negledl of paying, fuch penalty levied by diflreft and feizure of faid car or carriage, milk, and veffel, and horfe, or other beaft of draught, in the fame manner as diredled in an a£l in the prefent year of his prefent ma- jefly, intituled, an aH for amending the publick roads. XCII. fe£l. 16. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of faid county, at Eafler Prefemment (at and Michaelmas term every year to prefent, that fuch fums is they think S^"'* ^<^- neceffary, fhall be raifed upon faid county at large, to be expended in build- ing ing a new felTion-houre, gaol, work-houfe, or of corredtion, bridge, or wall necefTary to fupport of any road in faid county, and for wages of wages not above overfeer not exceeding twelve pence each pound, by him expended agree- 1 2d. per I. able to fuch prefentment ; and prefent that fuch fums of money as they for rebuilding, think necelTary, fhall beraifed upon faid county at large to be expended in rebuilding, enlarging, or repairing the feffions-houfe, gaol, work-houfe, or juilets, &c. houfe of corre(fHon, or any bridge, or part of a bridge, or gullet or pipe un- der any road, or any wall, or part of a wall, necclfary to fupport of any road in faid county, or for gravelling or filling over any fuch, and alfo for and wages, wages of the overfeer of fuch work not exceeding twelve pence each pound, by him expended agreeable to fuch prefentment : provided no money fhall be fo prefented for any abovementioned works, unlefs it appear by affidavit on affidavit, ^f (^.^ credible perfons, who can read and write, before any one of judges of king's bench, or two juftices of faid county, that the fum is reafonable, and the work neceffary, and cannot be efFcdually executed for a fmaller fum, to befl: of their knowledge : and provided that if the affidavir fhall be for building a new fellions-houfe, gaol, work-houfe, or of corredlion, or eftimate annexed, bridge, or for rebuilding an old one, a plan and eftimate fliall be annexed to fuch affidavit, in which the following words fhall be alfo inferted after the words fmaller fum, [according to the plan and tftimate hereunto annexed ;] and for new bridge, and no prefentment for any new bridge, except to be built in the room of an old one, fhall be confirmed by any judge of king's bench, unlefs it ap- pear, that an affidavit and eftimate for fuch new bridge, had been laid before grand jury of faid county laft term, and certified by the foreman, but this fhall not extend to new bridges prefented inftead of old ones carried fave for thofe de- away or deftroyed, or require to be built ; and the whole lum, or any ftroyed, part, fave as after mentioned, fo prefented for fuch work, fhall not be paid not paid "'"^°"; by the treafurer on account of any fuch prefentment, until it appear to ' the grand jury, and king's bench by affidavit of one of overfeers, who can read and write, before one of the judges of king's bench, that faid fum hath been faithfully and honeftly expended in execution of the work, for which granted by fuch prefentment, to beft of his fkill and judgment,- and untrl faid account allowed by grand jury, and king's bench ; and where any pre- Prefentment above fentment exceeding one hundred pounds, granted for building, rebuilding, lool. paid on over- or repairing the feffion-houfe, gaol, work-houfe, or of corredion, or any feet's affidavit, bridge, king's bench is impowered to order fuch part of any fuch prefent- ment to be paid by treafurer to overfeer, as fworn expended by him, on his affidavit being allowed by grand jury, fetting forth, that as much of the work is done according to prefentment, as amounts to fum required ; which not above two thirds, ^yjj^ jg ]in-iite(] not to exceed two thirds of prefentment: provided, the fecuritj to finifli. overfeer gives fecurity before king's bench, to finifli the work purfuant to prefentment. Where boundary, XCIII. feet. 17. It fhall not be lawful for grand jury of faid county, to half prefented, prefent more than half the fum that fhall appear to them, by affidavit of two credible perfons, before a judge of king's bench, or two juftices of faid county, neceflary for building, rebuilding, or repairing any bridge, gullet, or pipe, or filling, or gravelling over the fame, the boundary between faid and any adjoining county, or between faid county and county of city of Dublin ; and half for adjoin- and half overfeer's wages to be raifed upon faid county ; and no money fhall ing county ; \,^ paid by the treafurer, on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs it alfo ap- pear to grand jury, and king's bench, that an equal fum hath been prefented for Wnhiin. for faid work on adjoining county ; and any juftice of faid county, having Tudden damage not freehold in lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of clear yearly value of one ^^°''^ 5'- 1"/ aj"ft'c« hundred pounds at leafl within faid county, may under hand and feal ° '° •*" order any fum not exceeding the fum of five pounds, to be ex- pended in repairing any bridge, Ihore, fefllon-houfe, houfe of corredion, or gaol within faid county, fuddenly damaged, and which ought to be re- paired by faid county; if it fhall appear to him, by affidavit of two credible o" affidavits j perfons, who can read and write, that the repair cannot be delayed to next prefenting term without prejudice to the county, as they verily believe; and faid juftice may alfo appoint proper overfeers to repair ; and grand jury of faid county, at next Eafter or Michaelmas term, is required to raife by prefentment the fum fo expended in repairing, upon faid county at large, to be paid to overfeers fo appointed, upon producing fuch affida- vit, and fuch warrant under hand and feal of faid juftice ; as alfo an affidavit by one or more of the overfeers, before a judge of king's bench, that they have faithfully and honeftly expended the fiim fpecified in affida- vit, in repairing fuch bridge, ftiore, feffions-houfe, houfe of corredion, or gaol ; and any juftice qualified as aforefaid, upon affidavit of two fubftan- tial houfeholders, who can read and write, may in like manner order any fum not exceeding forty ftiillings, to be expended in repairing any hole ,-g f^^ ^^^j ^^ or bad ftep in any road by a fudden fall of rain or other accident, and may not above 40,. appoint an overfeer to repair the fame; and grand jury of faid county are required to raife at next prefenting term upon the barony upon which fuch road is, the fum fo expended, on fuch overfeer's performing requifites as abovementioned overfeers of bridges are required, provided no juftice ftiall make above one fuch order, between one prefenting term and another ; nor ^uf one fuch order • for any road in any barony in which he has not a freehold of clear yearly value of one hundred pounds ; and no money fhall be paid by treafurer to any overfeer appointed by any juftice, unlefs it firft appear to grand jury, and king's bench, by affidavit of fuch juftice, that he viewed fuch bridge, jufttce's affidavit- road, fhore, feffions-houfe, houfe of corretlion, or gaol, before he gave any order for repairing, and that the repair feemed necefiary ; and that he viewed the fame fmce repaired, and that the work feemed well executed, and the whole of the money honeftly expended, and that he has an eftate of freehold in the county, of clear yearly value of one hundred pounds, and that he made only one fuch order fmce laft Eafter or Michaelmas term. XCIV. fe^. i8. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of faid county, at Eafter prj(-j.ntment ..j^iy or Michaelmas term, or feffions every year, by prefentment to raife on faid not above 20I. for county any fum not exceeding twenty pounds, for building or repairing of gailows, &c. gallowfes, or bolts, fhackles, ftocks, whipping pofts, ducking-ftools, or pillories, mile-ftones, or finger-pofts ; and alfo any fum neceffary for con- for conveying pri- vcying any prifoner accufed of a capital offence, to county gaol, fo as the foners 6d. per mile ; fame do not exceed fix pence each mile every fuch prifoner fliall be conveyed to fuch county gaol ; and it iliall be lawful for grand jury of faid county, at for recovering pub- Eafter or Michaelmas term every year by prefentment, to raife on faid county '.^k money, and for fuch fums as theyjudge necefiary, for recovering publick money from trea- '""'"" furers, collectors or receivers, their executors, adminiftrators, or furetics, or executors or adminiftrators of fuch fureties ; and fuch fums as neceifary to profecute fuits for recovery of any fums prefented under this aft. XCV. fe^. 19. No fum fhall be paid by the treafurer upon account of any fuch prefentment, until it appear to the grand jury and king's bench, by <* affidavit affidavit of one of the perfons to whom fuch fum granted, fworn before one of judges of king's bench, that fuch fum hath been faithfully and honeflly expended agreeable to prefentment. For foot. paihs ^ XCVI. feH. 20. It fhall be lawful for grand juries of county of Dublin, feet broad within 5 in Eafter and Michaelmas terms every year, to prefent a foot-path not ex- •"''^^^ ceeding three feet in breadth, to be made on either fide of any road within 2s. per perch on ba.*^^'^ miles of the Tholfel ; and alfo by prefentment to raife upon any barony, rony ; fuch fums, not exceeding two fliillings per perch, as they think neceffary to be expended in making or repairing foot-paths, with liyles, not lefs than three feet wide, on any road, or along the fide in faid barony, fubjedl to fuch method of account as prefentments for publick roads by this adt ; but not through deer- faid foot-path fhall not pafs through deer park, or any fields, or garden psik, &c. inclofed by a wall five feet high at leaft, built with lime and flone, or bricks, or any houfe or offices built with lime and ftone, or bricks, or any dwelling-houfe of tv/enty feet in length and fourteen in breadth in the clear, or through orchards of fix years growth, unlcfs confent of owner or occu- pier be firft obtained ; and that whoever aggrieved, fhall be allowed to tra- traverfc} verfe in fame manner as before direifled, with regard to making new roads : and if any perfon fliall ride or drive any cattle knowingly, willingly, or unneceflarily on any fuch foot-path, fuch perfon fhall, upon conviftion by oath of one credible witnefs before any onejuflice having freehold of clear yearly value of one hundred pounds at leafl within faid county, within his jurifditftion, or upon view of fuch juflice, for every fuch offence forfeit a penalty los. fum not exceeding ten fhillings, levied by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juflice, by diflrefs and fale of the cattle, or goods and chatties of offender ; one moiety to informer, the other to the juftice towards keeping appeal to feffions, faid foot-path in repair ; and any perfon aggrieved by aft of any magiflrate, fhall have power of appealing to next general feffions, there finally deter- mined as in cafe of fervants wages. R rf t ent for XCVII. /f('?. 21. Whenever any fum prefented, fhall not be expended other wo?k ; agreeable to prefentment, and accounted for within two years, it fhall be lawful for grand jury next prefenting term, to re-prefent fuch fum then in treafurer's hands, to be expended on fome other work in the barony, upon which the former was prefented, or in the county, if to be raifeil on the affidnvit of expend!- county at large ; and no affidavit accounting for expenditure, fhall be re- ture not aiiowerl, ceived or allowed after two years : and it fliall be lawful for grand jury, after 2 years ; ^^ Eafler and Michaelmas terms every year, to prefent all fuch fums as now prelentinent tor ar- . , . inn j • j 1 • i u i rears m refpedive unpaid, or m arrear, and fhall appear to grand jury and king s bench, upon baronies. affidavit, to have been adlually expended by any overfeers appo'.nted by for- mer ads, out of any of faid baronies of Balrothery, Coolock, Caftlenock, Nethercrofs, Newcaftle, and Rathdowne, to be raifcd and levied on fuch diflritt, ward, or denomination as originally required by treafurers warrant to be levied upon, according to county book or table herein mentioned^ and to prefent all fuch fums as now in arrear, and fnail appear to grand jury and king's bench, upon affidavit, actually expended by any overfeers appointed by former afts, out of the barony of Uppercrofs, to be raifcd and levied oa fuch diflrid, ward, or denomination of the baronies of Uppercrofs, faint Sepulchre's, and Donore, conftituted baronies by this ad, as origjnally re- quired by the treafurers warrant to be levied upon in proportion following ; upon the barony of Uppercrofs as containing twenty-nine thoufand two hundred and eighty-one acres j upon faint Sepulchre's as containing four thou- fand S>ttblm» fand fix hundred and feventy -eight acres ; and upon Douore as containing five thoufand feven hundred and eighty acres, according to ancient valuation of faid diflrids ; and to prefent all fums as now in arrear, and fhall appear to grand jury and king's bench, upon affidavit, adtually expended by any overfeeis appointed by former ads, out of the county at large,, to be raifed and levied on fiich diftrift, ward, or denomination of the county as originally required by treafurer's warrant to be levied upon, all which fums Ihali be paid to the different ovcrfeers who have expended. XCVIII. Je5l. 22. No arrears uncolledled or unpaid longer than fi\c years lafl, (hall be prefented : and no more than one half of each fum remaininLT ' " '^^'^'^'^ ■■■"''■ 5 unpaid under faid prefentments, fhall be prefented at any one prefeneing o,,|y i^'^lf in a icim j term ; and no ward or conftablewick obliged to pay more of faid arrears, than they really and truly are in arrear for their refpedive proportions ; it each ward to beac a being the true intent and meaning, that each ward or confcablewick (liull p ly proportion. and bear its own proportion of faid arrears, fo far as the fame may be pre- fented and raifed from time to time ; if it appear to any judge, upon due proof Where proceH; 3- by two credible perfons upon oath, at any term within one year after nn.y§^'" oyefeer, mio r 11-1 J 1 u J-,- L J I quere dilcliarged. quere on any prelentment, by which money granted has been dilcharged, rliat ' the court was deceived by any affidavit for difcharging fuch quere, and that the money was not expended agreeable to prefentment, the ki.ig's b?nch" may, notwithftanding fuch quere, difcharge, fine or iffue procefs againft overfeers in fuch prefentment, as if the quere not difcharged. XCIX. /e£l. 23. It fliall be l^jwful for the juftices of king's bench, in Warrants of B. R. term, to order warrants, in nature of an execution, to the high fheriff, or to levy arrears of other officer lawfully authorized, impowering by fale of goods and chattels, publick mone/ j or a fufficient part, or by rents, iffues, and profits of lands and tenements of any fuch treafurer, coUedlor, or other perfon impowered to colleft pub- lick money, or their executors and adminiftrators, or of their fureties, or executors and adminiftrators of fuch fureties, who fhall not have accounted for, and paid, or expended the publick money, and fhall be found in ar- rear for the fame, or any part, to raife, levy, and colle(5t fuch fums for which fo- in arrear, and pay the fame, when levied, to the then treafurer ; . , ^ for colleding which, fuch high fheriff, or other officer lawfully authorized, ''^' fhall be intitled to receive two fhillings for every pound he fhall fo colled, fee 2s per I. levied in manner aforefaid, from fuch perfons againfl whom fuch warrant fhall iffue : and it fhall be lawful for the king's bench to enquire of, hear, fines by B R. and determine all and every offence, matter, and caufe that Ihall arife by reafon of this flatute, and to lay on fuch reafonable fines as thought meet ; ^^^"'^'^ ^^ county or which fines fhall be levied by the high fheriff, or under fheriff, or eolledor '"""^ ^^''^' of any barony, or deputy, as the court (hall dired, as all county or barony- taxes are hereby appointed to be levied, and paid to the treafurer, to be ex- P^'<^ f" "■eaf'irfj pended as grand jury of laid county fhall dired, after deduding two fliillings ^^^j'-^, ^'' ^ in the pound for levy mg. dedu«lng 2s. peri. Q.Je£l. 24. Whereas many prefentments remain unpaid, from money raifed PreientmcrjtatEiftcr having been fecreted and carriedaway by Charles Alder, late treafurer, it Ihall or Michaeima?i» 4 be lawful for grand jury of faid county, next Eafter or Michaelmas, or any un^iid'byTa"^ aea- future Eafler or Michaelmas term, within four years after the firft of May f^j.^^ . 1774, to raife by prefentment fuch fums of money off the feveral baronies refpedively, and off the county at large, as fhall appear to them to have been expended by overfeers appointed heretofore by prefentment, for that purpofe, or due by prefentment, who by failure of faid treafurer have never be^n paid the money prefented for ufes aforefaid : provided no more H " ' than half each, fum one term ; Spplied wlien reco- vered as barony or county' prefi-nrments Prefentment ovfr and aliove allow- «nces. Overfeers appointed not receiving publick nioriey. On overfeer's death inability to attend oath of the others fuificient. ^1oney expended on affidavit j paid by treafurer, with wages if pre- fen red, Overleets difcharg- ed, others in their p!.ce. lool/ a year at 50I. a rerm tieafurei's fa- Jary; lecurity by trcafirer in loaool. to ac- count for lii-jaey. Or a new one elefled next lelhyns j 2Dublttt; than half each fum remaining unpaid by faid Charles Alder (hall be prefented at any one prefenting term within faid four years : and it fhall be lawful for the grand jury atEafter or Michaelmas term in any year, to prefent fuch films as hereafter recovered from faid Charles Alder, his executors or admi- niftrators, or his fureties, their executors or adminiftrators, to be expended in works in the barony upon which the former fum was prefented, or in the county, if to be raifed on the county at large, to fuch ufes as county prefentments. CI. feil. 25. No fuch prefentment made or allowed, unlefs the fum fo prefented appear due, over and above all payments by faid treafurer, and all jufl: allowances whatfoever. CII. Je^. 26. It Iball be lawful for grand jury of faid county to appoint overfeprs for building or repairing any feflions-houfe, gaol, workhoufe, bridge, gullet, pipe, or wall, neceffary for fupport of any road, or for mak- ing, repairing, or preferving any road in faid county ; and no treafurer, col- ledtor, or other perfon receiving publick money, fhall on any account be named or appointed overfeer in any prefentment. cm. fe£l. 27. Whenever any overfeer fhall happen to die, or by ficknefs or fatality be rendered unable to attend, before prefentment is accounted for, on proof thereof by affidavit to grand jury, and king's bench, or oath of furvivor, or furvivors of them, or of thofe who are able to attend, fhall be fufficient. And whenever the overfeer appointed by grand jury for any work prefented fhall happen to die, before he has accounted, and after a part of the money prefented hath been expended by him in the execution thereof, in cafe an affidavit, fworn by any credible perfon, who can read and write, before a judge of king's bench, in form prefcribed by this aift, for the over- feer allowed by grand jury and king's bench, in which affidavit, inftead of the words [/ have faithfully and hoiieftly expended] fhall be inferted thefe words [to the bejl of bis belief and opinion was expended by who is now dead] the money declared by faid affidavit to have been expended, together with wages, if prefented, paid by treafurer, any thing here to the contrary notwithftanding : and it fhall be lawful for the grand jury, at any of the ' terms, if it fhall appear to them, that any of the overfeers have not per- formed the truft with propriety and fidelity, to difcharge fuch, and appoint in their place fuch overfeers as fhall feem expedient ; who fhall be confidered to all intents the fame as the perfons originally appointed. ClV.fe^ 28 Grand jury of faid county, at Eafter and Michaelmas terms every year, iropowered to prefent any fum not exceeding fifty pounds each of faid terms yearly, to be paid to treafurer of faid county, for his falary, in lieu of the twenty pounds yearly, which he now receives ; and alfo, that the treafurer fhall, in cafe the grand jury and king's bench fhall not approve of the fecurity given at quarter- feifions, or that no fecurity there given, but not othervvife, upon entering into office, give fecurity by recognizance with two or more fufficient fureties, approved of by grand jury and king's bench, jointly and feverally, in ten thoufand pounds, conditioned, that fuch trea- furer fhall well and truly execute faid office, and account for all fuch publick money as fhall come to his hands, when, and as often as required by the grand jury, at every term, or by the juflices for faid county, at every quar- ter ftijions ; and in cafe faid treafurer negletfts to give faid fecurity, and to produce faid fecurities, he fhall vacate his office ; and the juflices fhall next quarter feffions, proceed to eledion of a new treafurer; but fhall not upon- upon any account appoint again the formrr one, who has Co negledted to give his fecurity ; faid treafurer fliall make up his accounts, uponoatli, of all re- .cc^Mnton nith at ceipts and payments, at Eafter and Michaelmas terms every year, and Jay ^ ••>-'r oi- MIchaeU them, fairly written, the laft day of faid terms, or fooner, if required, be- "^f^'i^^.f^^^ „j^„jj fore the grand Jury, to be viewed, allowed, or difapprovcd of by raioint.d by ronies ; as alfo the proportion of fuch barony fo prefented on the county at ^^a^es not above large ; and may prefent not exceeding nine-pence in the pound as wages for yd^pei 1. coUeciing the fame : faid fum prefented as wages fhall not be raifed, unlets on ieco;;nl7.ance the perfons who fo colled, enter into recognizance, with two fufficient fure- with rvo lu enes -o^ ties, in fuch fum as approved by grand jury at the term, for the collecting ^°i.g^^\ *" ^^^ and paying off all fuch publick money, as they are required to colled, to fuch treafurer, or his fucceffors, treafurers of faid county, on or before the fecond day of next prefenting term, (which recognizances fliall be lodged with the clerk of peace, kept amongfl records of the county,) and every ^ . appoj^t d mediately, or next term or quarter felTions, according as the prefentments rcfentnient to '^-^'" ^avc been made ; and if the jury, who fhall try, fhall not confirm fuch oufeTwork in the prcfentment, the money, raifed by prefentment, fhall be re-prefented by the batony or counry. grand jury to fome other work in the barony, in which raifed, if a barony charge, or in the county, if prefented on the county at large ; provided fuch traverfers give fufficient fecurity, before king's bench, to pay full cofls, in cafe the jury fhall confirm prefentment, fhall not flop the railing of fuch money agreeable to the prefentment. T ■ d on entry with CXII. feB. 0,6. Such traverfe may be tried upon entry of any prefentment cm'^ecttd. In crown book, and the traverfe taken thereto, without making up any record. T Ki f ff-ff CXIII. /£•.?. 37. To prevent any future difpute the following at all tinrcs ^ "''"'''' hereafter confidered, and declared to be, the real and authentick rule, by which faid county is to be alTeffed, and the treafurer is required to ifTue his warrant purfui'nt to the fame ; Barony Barony of Upper-Crofs. Tallaght, five thoufand one hundred and thirty five acres; Clondalkin parifh, two thoufand and eighty acres j Clondalkin town, one thoufand and thirty-eight acres ; Rathcoole town, one thoufand two hundred and forty-one acres ; Rathcoole parifh, one thoufand three hundred and fifty-nine acres ; part of Kevin's Without, on the fouth fide of the circular road, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety acres ; Ballymore-Euftace, two thoufand acres ; Milltown Dunlavin, one thoufand four hundred acres ; Ballyboghr, eight hundred and forty acres ; Tipper-Cavan, one thoufand acres ; Shankill, one thoufand and one acres ; Dalkey, one hundred and fifty-eight acres. Total of the barony of Upper-Crofs, nineteen thoufand and forty-two acres. Barony of Nether-Crofs. Swords, three thoufand five hundred and thirty-five acres ; Finglafs, two thoufand and twenty-three acres ; Lufk, three thoufand feven hundred and eighty-feven acres ; Clonmelkin, two thoufand three hundred and thirty- three acres ; Portrane, feven hundred and five acres ; town and liberty of Swords, one thoufand two hundred and twenty-feven acres. Total of the barony of Nether-Crofs, thirteen thoufand fix hundred and ten acres. Barony of Newcaflle. Newcaftle, two thoufand acres ; Saggart, two thoufand acres ; Kilmatalway, one thoufand five hundred acres ; Efeer, one thoufand five hundred acres ; Rathfarnham, one thoufand two hundred acres ; Lucan, one thoufand two hundred acres ; Kilmainham, one thoufand two hundred acres ; Ballyfarmott, five hundred acres ; Palmerftown, feven hundred acres ; Cruah, one thoufand eight hundred acres ; Crumlin, one thoufand two hundred acres. Total of the barony of Newcaftle, fourteen thoufand eight hundred acres. Barony of Balrothery. Balrothery, three thoufand acres ; Balfcaddan, one thoufand nine hundred and ninety-one acres ; Holmpatrick, one thoufand and fixty-three acres ; Well Lufic, one thoufand eight hundred and forty-five acres ; Eaft Lufk, two thoufand five hundred and one acres ; Ballydungan, four hundred and fifty acres ; Naul, one thoufand four hundred and eleven acres ; Weftpal- ftown, eight hundred, and eighty-four acres ; Ballymadun, one thoufand fe- ven hundred and twenty-fix acres ; Garriftown, two thoufand and feventy- two acres ; Hollywood, two thoufand five hundred and ninety-nine acres ; Ballyboghill, one thoufand eight handred and ninety-two acres ; Palmer- flown, eight hundred and fifty-one acres ; Dunabate, one thoufand five hun- dred and fixty acres. Total of the barony of Balrothery, twenty-three, thoufand eight hundred and forty-five acres. Barony of Rathdowne. Moncktown, one thoufand two hundred and fifty-three acres ; Donny- brook, fix hundred and forty-eight acres -, Tanee, two thoufand five hun- dred and ninety-one acres ; Kill, two thoufand and thirty acres ; Killany, five hundred and forty-two acres ; Killgobbin, feven hundred and fifty acres ; Old Conagh, feven hundred acres -, Whitechurch, one thoufand five hundred acres ; Dublin. acres ; Rathmichael, four hundred and fixty acres : Tallow, one thoufand five hundred and thirteen acres ; Kilternan, four hundred and fifty acres. Total of the barony of Rathdowne, twelve thoufand four hundred and thirty- feven acres. Barony of Caftleknock. Caftleknock, three thoufand four hundred and fixty-five acres -, Malaho- dart, two thoufand one hundred and ninety-eight acres ; Kilifillaghan, one thoufand four hundred and forty-eight acres ; the Ward, feven hundred and twenty-nine acres ; Clonfillagh, one thoufand fix hundred and fifteen acres ; Cloghnan, three hundred and fixty-two acres ; Chappel-izod, two hundred and ninety-two acres. Total of the barony of Caftleknock, ten thoufand one hundred and nine acres. Barony of Coolock. Killofary, nine hundred acres ; Kilbegh, five hundred acres ;. faint Marga- ret's, one thoufand one hundred and forty acres ; Santry, two thoufand three hundred and fixty acres ; Cloghran, nine hundred and ninety-four acres ; MalJahyde, fix hundred and fix acres ; Balgriffin, five hundred and forty acres ; Portmarnock, one thoufand and twenty acres ; Howth, one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-two acres ; Rathenny, four hundred and forty acres ; Coolock, one thoufand one hundred and ninety-nine acres ; Grange- gorman, four hundred and fifty acres : Clontarf, five hundred and thirty- five acres ; Clonturk, eight hundred acres ; Glaffhevin, fix hundred acres ; Kingfalley, one thoufand three hundred and thirty-nine acres ; Balldoyle, four hundred and fifty acres ; Killefter, one hundred and fifty acres ; Artain, five hundred and fifty-feven acres. Total of the barony of Coolock, fixteen thoufand one hundred and fifty-two acres. Barony of Saint Sepulchre's.. Patrick's-clofe, four hundred and twenty-four acres ; Kevin's Within, three hundred and fix acres ; New-ftreet and Poddle, fix hundred and forty- two acres ; part of Kevin's Without, to the north of the circular road, two hundred acres. Total of the barony of Saint Sepulchre's, one thoufand five hundred and feventy-two acres. Barony of Donore, Donore, two thoufand eight hundred and ninety acres. O.eifeers loraife Overfeers appointed under this aft, impowered to dig for, raife, and carry maieiialsj away any gravel, ftones, fand, or other materials, wanted for building, re- building, enlarging, or repairing any feffions-houfe, gaol, work-houfe, bridge, gullet, pipe, or wall neceffary for fupport of any road, or for mak- ing, repairing, or preferving any road, where fuch overfeer fhalljudge moffi convenient, whether it be in faid county, or in an adjoining county ; but it fhall not be lawful for the overfeers of any road, bridge, or wall, to fearch l)uf not on beach, a for, dig, raife, or carry away any gravel, ftones, fand, or other materials, load or bulwaik, (except fuch loofe gravel, or other ftones as may be thrown up in the tide) from any beach or fea fhore, which beach or fea fhore is a publick road, or a bulwark or defence to any towns, ground, or publick roads adjoining ^ and any perfon convifted thereof on oath of one credible witnefs, before Dublin, one juftice, within his jurifdidion, fliall for every fuch offence forfeit five P^"*'')' S»- * 'o**^ J fhiliings, for every cart or car load of fuch materials fo dug, raifed, or car- ^^y^ ^^^.^^^ ried away ; any thing in this ad to the contrary notvvithflanding : and it fhall not through deci- be lawful to make drains, to carry off water that may injure any bridge, gul- paik, &c. let, pipe, wall, or road, in or through the lands of any perfon, not a deer park, garden, orchard, haggard, or yard, or in the planted walk, avenue, damages 3(j;.fl-^.j by or lawn to manfion houfe ; and fuch overfeer fhall make fuch fatisfadion, 5lioukh.jlder!.t"wora' recovered by civil bill at quarter-feiTions, againfl fuch overfeer, in cafe of re- tu l-e app.aiiers ; fufal, to owner or occupier of the land, for what damage may be done by^^."^*"-''^ ''^ *^'"' digging, raifmg, and carrying away fuch gravel, ftones, and fund, or other ' materials, or making fuch drains, as affeffed by three fubftantial houfeholders of faid county, one named by each of the parties, the third by the next or any neighbouring juftice, who fhall be fworn by fuch juftice, to be ap- praifers, and to make a true eftimate of fuch damages, acc( rding to beft of their fkill ; if any perfons obftruft or prevent fuch overfeers in digging, raif- °|''^'"^^'"S^''<;'rcen ing, or carrying away fuch materials, or making, fuch drains, fuch perfon fhall, upon convidion, by oath of one credible witnefs, before one juftice for faid county, forfeit for every offence, afum not exceeding five pounds;, levied, with the charges by diftrefs- and fale of the goods, by warrant of one ?"n^'Jo7'°Jj"^ juftice of faid county, poffefled of a clear yearly eftate of one hundred pounds ■''^.g^^ in faid county, in lands, tenements, and hereditaments. CXIV. fecL 38. The eftimate of fuch damages as aforefaid, made by Eaimate of damages the perfons appointed, and fworn to by them before two juftices of faid 'worn to before 2. county, laid before the next grand jury, at Eafter or Michaelmas term ;J"'^'"^'^'^-^.^'^"J^ who may prefent fuch fums as they think proper, not exceeding faid efti- l^^fen^ted"; ''"'''' mate, to be raifed off the county at large, and paid to fuch perfons by the treafurer ; and every fuch overfeer may give notice to owner or occupier of notice to fcour land adjoining: the roads he is appointed to overfee, to fcour the drains or ^'f'""'^' and drp ditches, or to cut or clip the hedges of the fides of fuch roads, at a height '' -* ' not exceeding five feet ; which if owner or occupier fhall negled ten days ^^ ,odaysnegIea after fuch notice, anyjuflice of faid county, poffeiled of a clear yearly eftate donehy overfeer on of one hundred pounds in faid county, inlands, tenements, or hereditaments, warrant of juftice of may, by warrant, order the overfeer to have faid drains or ditches effedually '°°'- * y^^[ ' . fcoured, or hedges clipped; and authorize fuch overfeer to levy the expences ^''^^"^^j^'J^^g^gj^ off the goods and chattels of fuch owners and occupiers, with fuch wages to 3 ^^y . overfeer as faid juftices think fit, not exceeding eighteen pence each day faid harveft time except- overfeer be neceffarily employed in attending and performing fuch work : ««*• provided no fuch notice be given during hay or corn harveft. CXV. feSl. 29- If owner or occupier of any land or houfe adjoining any Not removing nui- publick road, fhall, after notice by the overfeer, or fub-conftable, or ^"7 [e|i^"s°^8 hour's^f other perfon, to remove any dunghill, dirt,, rubbifh, or other nuifance laid notice, upon any part of faid road opppfite to his land or houfe, or within twenty- on complaint fum one feet of the centre, or to make fewers or pipes for free paffage of water mons by a juftice of obftruded by any ftoppage in the ditch or drain of his land, or paffing of ' °°' .* y^*^' "^ i"?- cattle into his land or to his houfe from fuch road, fo as to injure fuch road, ^'^ ' ^^^' forty-eight hours next after fervice of fuch notice perfonally or at his houfe or ufual place of abode, the overfeer, or fub conftable, or any other perfon may complain of the refufal or negled, to any juftice of faid county, hav- ing freehold in lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the clear yearly value of one hundred pounds at leaft, within faid county ; and thereupon it fhall be lawful for faid juftice, to iflue warrant or fummons, requiring the party lb I complained JTublitt* complained of, to appear at a certain place, within fix days after fervice, to anlwer faid complaint ; and faid juftice fhall and may, in prefence of faid party, or in his abfence, if duly fummoned, he, fhe, or they refufe or ne- . gJedl to appear at the time and place appointed, examine into the matter of: (aid complaint ; and if it fhall be manifeft to faid juftice, upon fuch exami- fiiicj not above 20". nation, by confeffion, or upon oath of one credible witnefs, that faid com- a diy. plaint was well founded, it /hall be lawful for every fuch juftice, upon every fuch offence, to fine the owner or occupier, in any fum not exceeding twenty fhillings for every day the fame or any part thereof (liall, after fpace of forty- eight hours, be permitted to remain, and by warrant to levy by diftrefs and to defray the ex- f^ie of the offender's goods ; and the money arifing by fuch fale, over and pence, refiduew ^bove faid fine, to pay to faid owner or occupier; and faid fine, faid juftice poor o t e pan . ^^^j apply in manner following, firil to defray the expence of removing faid nuifance, and in making fuch fewers or pipes, and the refidue to the minifter and church-wardens of the parifh, for the ufe of the poor, o -M- -J.- c CXVI. feet. 40. Every perfon who fhall build any houfe, except where a Building within 16,. •'^^, -^ '^ r i r ■ \ ■ r c c ^ r t;et of center, ex- houfe now ftands, or part of a home, within lixteen reet or the centre of ctpt in towns ; any toad, except within the city of Dublin, or in market-towns, or keep : dogs within 50 yards ^py (,jjj.^ maftifF, or bull-dog, at any houfe within fifty yards of any road wickout S=- * '"^"^ • ing freehold or clear yearly value one hundred pounds at leaft within fard county, within refpeftive jurifdiflions, or upon information of one witnefs upon oath, forfeit five fhillings for every cart or other load fo laid down ; levied by diftrefs and fale of goods and chattels, by warrant of any fucli except mamire for i juftice under hand and feaK Provided, where any fields or gardens are nearer I'^fj^nsvi^ihin a than a mile of the publick lamps, the owner or occupier fhall be at liberty n,i]eot ihelamp* to lay down within the fame fo much of fcavenger's dirt, as fufficient to ma- • nure the fame for one year, without incuriing the p>enalty aforelaid. CXVIII. feci. 42. If any perfon fued, molefted, or troubled for putting General Iflue, Sec. in execution any of the powers in this ad, or doing any aft purfuant there- ,, ^^f. ^ ^^^_ to, fuch perfon fhall and may plead general iffue, and give the fpecial matter fuij j^^c, in evidence ; and if plaintiffs nonfuited, and judgment againft them, upon demurrer or otherwife, or a verdict for defendants, or a difmifs upon a civil quakei'i afSrmatioa bill, fuch defendants fhaU have treble cofts, recovered by fuch method, as e^"^' w oath, where by law cofts given to defendants ; and the folemn affirmation or decla- ration of a quaker fhall be adjudged of fame force arid effed, to all intents, where by this ad an oath required, as if fuch quaker had taken an oath in form prefcribed, or in ufual form. " ' " I 2 CXIX.M- Juftice toaft and CXIX. J(ct. 43. Juftices of peace are authorized to put this ad into ex- pe'^aUy To'intormeri ^'^^"'on, and to adminifter the feveral oaths before diredted, within their re- anJ the inhrmiry ; fpedlive jurifdidtions i and one moiety of all forfeitures and pecuniary penal- ties inflided, and not othervvife applied, fhall be paid to informer, with full r.nt payn? commit- coft, the Other to Hie treafurer of the county-infirmary, for benefit of fuch ted not above 3 infirmary ; and if any perfon conviifled of any offence, not able to pay the '"*^"" ^' penalty, it fhall be lawful for the juftice orjuftices before whom convided, to fend to the work-houfe, or houfe of corredion of faid county, to remain at hard labour for fuch time as faid juflices think proper, not exceeding three months. Suing: liSerties of CXX. /ffS. 4.4. Nothing herein fhall extend to break in upoD, prejudice, ^t. Sepulchre's and or leflen in any manner whatfoever the jurifditlion, powers, franchifes, '°'^" rig'its, or privileges belonging to, or heretofore exercifed by archbifhop of Dublin, in and throughout his liberty of Saint Sepulchre's, or by the earl of Meath in his liberty of Donore, and the feveral parts thereof, which are in faid county of Dublin, but they fhall be and remain as free and in as full force, to all intents, as if this aft never made ; any thing herein to the con- trary notwithftanding. Pe.jiirvor forgery CXXI. fe£l. 45. Every perfon, guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, or puiiilh'ed. faife affirming, or forging or counterfeiting the name of any juflice, and convided by due courle of law, Iball incur the pains and penalties, by law enacted againfl wilful and corrupt perjury. Frefentments unJer CXXM. feet. 46. All prefentments made, or money to be levied, ac- the repealed ail ac- counted for and paid in confequence of thofe parts of the ad hereby re- counied for. pealed, fhall be levied, accounted for, and paid in manner prefcribed there- by (or by this ad) fubjed to the rules, provifoes, and regulations therein or herein contained. Table of applotmeiit CXXIII. /t'^'?. 47. After the firfl of May next the grand jury of king's to be mideawd pre- bench, impannelled and fworn for the county of city of Dublin, fhall, and rented. are required, at Michaelmas term every third year, or oftener if necelfary, to take an exad account of rainifters money chargeable upon the feveral in- habitants in their feveral parifhes, and from thence form a table of applotment of the proportion, every parifh bears to each other: and when fo regulated, fhall, if they think proper, prefent the fame as a regular and fit table for applofting publick money ; which table, when fo formed and prefented, Ihall and is hereby appointed a table for applotting the publick money. CUy treafurer to af- CXXIV. /c"/?. 48. Tlie trcafurer of publick money of faid city, fhall, in feis iheieby in Mar. March and September every year, by faid table, applot and affefs on inha- and Sept. bitants of the feveral parifhes in faid city and county of city, fuch publick money as Ihall be raifed by grand juries of king's bench, or quarter feffions, and ir.iert m war- ^^^ infert in Warrants faid applotment and afleflment, and the ufes for which rints ihe ules, bi^ntd r a.- \ ■ r ■, 1 • 1 111 ■ ■ j j • j by lorj mayor; reipectively raifed; which warrants the lord mayor is impowered and required delivered to church- to fign, and dircd and caufe the fame to be delivered to church-wardens of wardens. the parilhes of faid city, as for time immemorial accuflomed. Minifter and church- CXXV. feet. 49. The minifter, church-warden and church-wardens of wardens in a month parifhes of faid city, iTiall and are required, within one month after receipt alter warijntto cun- of fuch Warrants, in ufual manner, to convene a veflry of inhabitants of venejeit.ies fjrau refpcdive parifhes for applotting and affening upon the folvent inhabitants eing, 01 nt 50.. their proportion of faid publick money; and if faid minifter, church-warden and church-wardens negled or refufe to convene fuch veftry, it ihall be law- ful forjudges of king's bench to fine fuch minifter, church-warden or church- wardens, not exceeding fifty pounds : and in cafe the minifter, church- wardens, wardens, or parifhioners refufe to afTemble after due notice given, or, when "<>• ^'^^mblingorap- affembled, negled or refufe to applot the proportion, fuch parifli is to bear P^°^'|'"S' P"'"> ""=<* of the pubhck money, it fhall be lawful forjudges of king's bench to fine ' fuch parifh not exceeding one hundred pounds. CXXVI. fe£l. 50. When and fo often as faid publick money is applotted Church-wardens in and aflefled, by faid veftries, upon folvent inhabitants within their diftiids, lodavs afier vc-iby every church-warden and church-wardens, within ten days after fuch veftry, w appo.ntcolleaors, fhall dired and appoint one or more perfons of faid parifhes refpeftively to colleft the fame ; and faid parifhes may allow fuch perfons any fum not ex- allowance 6d per I. ceeding fix pence in the pound for colledling, to be raifed off the inhabitants raifed on parifli taxes, of faid parifhes, as parifh taxes are now raifed on faid parifhes ; and ""ftables to allill i the conftables of faid parifhies refpedtively, are required to aid and afllft fuch perfons in colleding ; every fuch conftable refufing, fhall, upon refufing, forfeit lol. conviction, by oath of two credible witnefles, before any two juftices of the county of the city of Dublin, forfeit for every fuch offence a fum not exceeding ten pounds, levied with charges by diftrefs and fale of goods, to informer and poor, by warrant of any two fuch juflices ; one moiety to informers, the other to the minifler and church-wardens, for ufe of poor of the parifh in which fuch offence committed. CXXVII. /if/?. 51. All peifons im powered to levy or colled publick mo- Refufing to pay, le- ney in county of the city, fhall and may, by diflrefs and fale of goods vied by diftreis and and chattels of all fuch perfons, who refufe to pay their proportion, levy the '*'^' fame, and after fale of fuch diftrefs, retain the money faid perfons ought ^ ^ . to pay, rendering overplus (if any) to owner, after deduifting twelve pence in the pound for levying ; and faid collectors, and the conftables, fliall within their refpeftive limits colleft, by warrant under hand and feal of lord colKa^d by lord mayor (which warrant the lord mayor is impowered to grant) the feveral "payor's warrant ; fums fo prefented and applotted, and Ihall pay in the faid fums to faid ., , , church-warden or church-wardens, to be paid over to faid treafurer, before jgn/°b ihem'T"^" the term next enfuing the times the publick money fhall be fo applotted ; treaiurers before and faid treafurer fhall every term make up his accounts upon oath, of all next term ; the receipts and payments of faid publick money fo received and paid by ^""eafufers every term him, and return and lay faid accounts, fairly written, with affidavit of faid 3n]'i^°"befo°" °*rM,d treafurer at the foot, before one of the judges of king's bench, without fee,jy^'y vllth atRdavit, verifying the truth of fuch accounts, on the firft day of every term, before grand jury of faid city, to be viewed, allowed, or difapproved of by faid , grand jury; and faid grand jury fhall caufe the fame to be entered in the j r' . f- . book of the county of faid city, with fuch obfervations as they think fit ; ^^^^ ^"' and for wilful default of fuch return it fhall be lawful forjudges of king's bench, to fine fuch treafurer, not exceeding one hundred pounds. CXXVIII. fea. 52. If any conftable fhall negled, or refufe to coUedl Q(,n(^3j,i,jor chuic(» the fums fo prefented or applotted, or to pay in the fame to faid church- wardens negleaiog, wardens, or if fuch church-wardens negledt, or refufe to pay in the fums fined, paid unto them by fuch conftables to the treafurer of faid city, it fhall be lawful forjudges of king's bench to fine fuch conftables or church-wardens, in fuch fums as to faid judges fhall feem proper, not exceeding the fums fuch conftables or church- wardens fhall, by the faid warrants of the faid lord mayor of the faid city for the time being be appointed refpedively to col- led and receive, and to commit the faid feveral offenders in execution for the fame. - . CXXIX. A?. Dublin. A poWick afl. CXXIX. fen. 5^. This acfl deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken notice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and all other perfons without fpecf- ally pkading. 1 2000 irennecefTiry I. StaL 13 & j^S^eo. 3. cap. \.fen. i. Whereas twelve thoufand effedivc ior dettnce. mzn., commifnon and non-commiflion officers included, are neceflary to be maintained within this kingdom for its defence ; be it enafted, that three m°dudrd"'rai'iidTy thoufand and forty-fix^.men, commifiion and non-commiflion officers in- aa 17A9, continued eluded, raifed in purfuance of an aft pafTed in 1769, be continued for two a year from i Jan. years from the ift day of January 1774, to the jifl: day of December 1775 1 774 to 31 Dec. inclufive ; fo as the forces on the cftablifhment may amount to fifteen thou- V^?' n fand and forty-fix efFedtive men, commiflion and non-commiilion officers in- ihe forces on elta- , , , - Z , , ■ s\ • .• r \ ■ blidiment 15046, eluded. And to enable your majeity to carry into execution your reloluti- tn keep 1 2000 in ons, to keep within this kingdom for neceflary defence, twelve thoufand kingdom, unlefs in- effedive men, commiflion and non-commiflion officers included, at all times vAfion or rehelJion ^^^j^^^ ^^ invafion or rebellion in Great Britain, and to defray the other ne- in (jFiea* critain, and „ r 1 1 r -r-v i_ for other expences, ceflary expences of your government ; after the 25111 ot December 1773 un- odditlonal duties to til the 25th of December 1775 inclufive, and no longer, there fhall begranted^ 25 Dee. 1775, railed, colleded, levied and paid to his majefty, his heirs, and fuccefl"ors, the feveral rates, additional duties, and impofitions after mentioned, for and ^" G^H '^'^ *'^ ^^ upon every thirty-two gallons of beer or ale above fix fliillings the barrel, ^ ' brewed within this kingdom by any common brewer, or in his velTels, or by . any other who fhall fell or tap out beer or ale pubiickly or privately (fiicli 4rh todeVallon'; g^l'on to contain two hundred and feventy two cubical inches and one-fourth part of a cubical inch) two fhillings to be paid by the common brewer, or by fmallbeerid ^"'^'^ Other who fhall brew, fell or tap out, and fo proportionably for a greater or lelfer quantity ; and for every thirty-two gallons of beer or ale of ftrongwatera fplnts, ^''^ ^'Hings the barrel or under, Jo brewed, four pence, and fo proportion- 4d. a gallon/ ' ^^ly ; for every gallon ol aqua vila, flrong waters^ or fpirits, made or dit- tobacco ?d h pet I'o tilled within this kingdom for Hile, four pence, to be paid by the lirfl maker mufiin 6d per yard or difliller ; every pound weight of tobacco, imported,, three pence half Eart filts and fluiTj' penny; every yard of mnflin imported, fix pence; every yard of all filks IS. 6d. and fluffs, made or manufactured in Perfia, China, or the Eaft Indies, im- wine 4I. per tun, ported One fhilling and fix pence ; every tun of wine imported four pounds.; Brandy, &c. 8d. per and fo proportionably; every gallon of brandy, flrong waters, and fpirits P ."• ^ . . , perfedlv made, and of fpirits made and diflilled of wine not above proof, im- foieign rp:nts above '^ ,-,' \ r -ii 11 c c ■ r ■ ■ fingle in proper, ion ported, eight pence, and fo proportionably; every gallon ot toreign (pints to duties for (Ingle, (above the quality of fingle fpirits) an additional duty fhall be paid, and ccflTee, chocolate, charged thereon in proportion to the duties payable for fingle fpirits of the c«■ barrel upon all herrings imported; additional twenty fhillings roroall-, cottons, fterlins on every hundred weight of molafles and treacle ; additional fix pence (except liiitilhl od °, ■',,,-• n ,? n 1 1, in / xv c per yard, P^'' Y^^^^ "pon all foreign fluffs called romalls, and all manufactures of cot- law hides exported, ton, cotton and linen mixed, whether plain, painted, or flained, imported except to Great from any parts beyond fcas (except the manufadure of Great Britain;) an Britain 6d. additional fix pence every rav/ and untanned hide exported, except to Great paper, except Bri- -n • • 1 .• • ■ ,1 -n- 1 r • • • •■ liih, iirported, ie. Bi'tain j additional one IniUmg every rheam ot writing or printing paper pei'theam," ' " ' ~ (except (except manufacture of Great Britain) additional fix pence per yzrd, over«Ja™afl< towelling,^ and above the prefent duties, on all damaik towelling, or napkins, of flaXg^|^^^?J ''°^'^j '^'y^! or hemp imported from any other place than Great Britain, at or under a.^^ under, 6d. yard wide; one fhilling on all fuch goods from fix to eight quarters wide ; 6 to to 8 quarters ts. and two (hillings, from eleven to twelve quarters. " '° '2.2s. II. /c/7. 2. The fix pence ^fr pound, and all other fees to the vice-trea- Fees accounted for furer, paymafter or receiver-general, upon iffuing or payment of any fum^^ *<*'*'"°''-^' *"*• out of the aids herein before particularly mentioned, fliall be received by ibfm for the ufe of his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, during the time aforefaid, and duly accounted for as a further additional aid hereby given and granted for further fupport of his majefty's government. III. /efl. 3. The feveral further additional rates, duties, and impofitions Further additions! heren after mentioned, fhall be granted, raifed, levied, and paid to his ma-f*!^"" '025!^". jefty, his heirs and fuccefTors, from the 25th of December 1773, to the 25th '^ ^' of December 1775 inclufive ; a further additional duty of four pounds thir-pfench wine teen fhillings and four pence per ton for and upon all French wines ; of fix 4I. 13s- 4^- P*f 'w pounds />ifr ton all wines of the growth of Portugal, and four pounds eleven Port 61. fhillings per ton all Rhenifh, and all other wines (except Spanifh) imported, other wines, except over and above all other duties now payable, and fo proportionably for a ^P*"|. ^'u ^^j^^" j^, greater or lefiTer quantity-, a further additional fix pence jo^r gallon, all bran-^gj^ dy, geneva, and other fpirits imported, except of the growth and produce fo proportionably, of his majefty's fugar colonies in America, over and above all other duties fpjrirs.except growth now payable"; a further additional duty upon all teas imported, purchafed at°^'^^^*^'^''^°j'"^^'™" the India company fales for an higher price than four fhillings Enu(hper pound, ^°i|q„ '. at the rate of one penny per pound weight every fix pence Britifh paid over teas purchafed at and above four fhillings Britifh at the fale."?, the price of the teas inferted in company fales, id. the cockets, and further afcertained by reference to fale-books of the com- P^^J^-^^^^'^ pany ; copies whereof, or of fuch parts as fhall relate to the teas fo im- ^^^ p^j^.^ ;„ cockets, ported, attefted by the principal, or deputy accountant of the company, the and a reference to commiflioners of the revenue are required to procure from time to time for the boob. the purpofes above mentioned, and fhall be admitted as evidence in all pro- ^"^^^e^ <^°P'" "'- fecutions upon this adt ; a further additional fix pence per pack for and upon ^"^^' all painted or playing cards, manufadlured or vended in this kingdom be- cards 6d. per pack j tween the 15th of December 1773, and the 25th of December 1775, over and above all other duties now payable ; further additional ten fhillings coaches, &c. los. every coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, which any perfon fhall keep in his or her polfeflion, being in number not more than 20s. if above one ;. one; and twenty fliillings every coach, chariot, berlin, calalh, or chaife with four wheels, any perfon fhall keep exceeding that number, except hackney ';ackney, ftages.and and ftage coaches, and coaches kept by coachmakers for fale ; alfo atiditional "' ^'^ cxcepte , ten fhillings on all chaifes with two wlieels, which any perfon fhall keep inchaifes los. his or her pofTefTion (except hackney chaifes, and chaifes by makers lor fale) from the 25th of December 1773, to the 25th of December 1774 inclufive, to 25 Dec. 1-74. over and above all other duties now payable ; a further additional ten fhillings , . every coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, which any coaches los. perfon fhall keep in his or her poffefllon, being in number not more than one, and twenty fhillings exceeding that number (except hackney and ftage- zos. if above one, coaches, and coaches and other fuch carriages with four wheels as aforefaid, by coachmakers for fale ;) and alfo an additional ten fhillings on all chaifes ^[^j;[-^5 ,pj with two wheels, which any perfon fhall keep (except hackney, and chaifes . • • . ,-^„-| by ■ .r ■,. , lectors of exciTe, with place of rc-fi- dence, kept by collcriflors, nnd regiftered alpha- heticallv, copy given if le- quired, numbered ; lifts given yearly to peifons appointed; 2Dutie0. to 15 Cec 1775. by makers for fale) over and above all other duties now payable, from rfic 25th of December 1774, to the 25th of December 1775 inclufive. Certificates in three IV. JeH. 4. And for the better colleding faid duty, every perfon, who; months gu en to col- from the 25th of December 1773, fhall have or keep any coach, chariot,. ' '' ---''' berlin, ralalh, or chaife with four wheels, or chaifes with two v/heels, fhall, within three calendar months after the 25th of December 1773, o^r after he or (Tie fhall have or keep any fuch, by writing under his or her hand certify to the colledtor of excife in fome one of the diftri(5l«, where he or fhe fhall refide or dwell within the time aforefaid, a true account of every fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calalli, and chaife with four wheels, and chaife with two wheels, which he or fhe fhall have or keep, (except hackney or flage coaches, and coaches kept by coachiiakers for fale) and (except hackney chaifes, and chaifes with two wheels, by makers for fale) with the name of the place and parifh of refidence or abode at the time of giving fuch certi- ficate ; v/hich certificate fhall be kept by the colledors of the diftricls, and alfo entered or regiftered in an alphabetical book for that purpofe ; and a copy of fuch entry, figned by fuch coUedor or bis clerk, fhall be delivered, if required, v/ithout any fee or reward, to the perfon delivering fuch certifi- cate ; and a number fhall be entered on each certificate fo regiftered : and faid colledors refpedively lliall under their hands on or before the 25th of December every year, give a true lifl of all coaches, chariots, berlins, ca- lafhes, and chaifes with four wheels, and all chaifes with two wheels, from- time to time returned to them refpedively in fuch certificates, with names of the perfons and places of abode mentioned in fuch certificates, to the perfons appointed by the commillioners of excife, or any three of them, to colledt and receive faid duties ; and fuch perfons appointed by the commif- fioners of excife, or any three of them, to colledt and receive faid duties on coaches, chariots, berlins, calafliss, and chaifes with four wheels, and chaifes with two wheels, fhall have full power and authority to levy, col- left, and receive the fame within tlie diitridt, where the certificate entered, in the fame manner as his majefty's revenue arifing from fire-hearths is now by law levied, coUedted, and received ; and fhall fign and deliver acquittances without fee or reward ; and keep duplicates thereof in a duplicates kept, and book for that purpofe, in manner as acquittances aie given and kept for returned J the duty of fire hearths ; and fhall return the book, containing the du- dutiespaid in re- plicates of fuch acquittances, to fuch perfons, and at the fame time, and ipcflive dirtfiftE. difpofed of in fame manner as containing duplicates of acquittances for duty on fire-hearths ; and the duties aforefaid fhall be paid in the refpedtive diftridts, wherein faid carriages entered or regiftered refpedtively, and in no other, V. fe{l. 5. If any perfon fhall have or keep any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, or chaife with two wheels, chargeable with (aid refpedtive duties, not certified as aforefiid, every fuch perfon fhall for fuch negledt forfeit twenty pounds ^ to be fued for, recovered, 4& 1 5 levied, and applied in fuch manner and form, and by fuch ways and me- thods, as are prefcribed and appointed by an act in the fourteenth and fif- teenth years of king Charles the fecond, for the fettling of the excife or new impofi upon his niajefy, his heirs andfuccejfors, according to the book of rates therein inferted. VI. fed. 6. Provided neverthelefs, that every peribn (except as before) levied »s hearth- money, acquittances given Not certifying coaches, &c. pe- nalty 20I. iccovered and ap- plied as by C. 2. c. 8. PolTenbr charged as owQcr. having fh his keeping or poflelfion any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife chaife with four wheels, or ch.iifc with two wheels, belonging to anothci', (hall be charged with the faid duty, as the owner or proprietor thereof is or ought to be charged by this ad. Vll.fe^. 7. The perfons authorized to colled; and levy the faid duty on i d. duty paid t« col- coaches, chariots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes with four wheels, andchaifes l^'i^or oi diflria, with two wheels, fhall pay the fame to the faid colledors of the feveral dif- j;-'P^''*'^ accounts trids, where faid duties colleded and raifed : and faid coUedors fhall k°ep p^j^^'j^j^j tLetfeafu- feparate and diftind accounts thereof, and pay the fame into his majefty's ly. treafury, as other money received by them for ufe of his majefty. VUl. feet. 8. Provided always, that nothing in this ad fhall extend to harden chain, Sec. charge any perfon who fhall keep and certify to the faid colle5lor of excife ^*"P'^<'- in manner above-mentioned any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, with the faid additional duty of ten fhillings chargeable upon chaifes with two wheels ; nor to charge any cabriolet or garden chair; or to oblige fuch perfon to make any entry of any fuch chaifes with two wheels, or cabriolet or garden chair. IX. feet. 9. All addiiional and further additional duties, rates, and Said duties levied impofitions hereby granted, fhall be raifed, anfwered, levied, colleded, and ^nd paid aboveall paid unto his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, during the time aforefaid, oifier by 1 4 8f i j over and above all other duties payable by an ad in the fourteenth and fif- ^'^' ^' teenth years of Charles the Second, for fettling the excife or new impofi ; or of one other ad, 14 & 1 5 C. 2. for fettling the fubfidy of poundage, and gratiting a fubfidy of tonnage and other funis of money, unto his royal majefly, his heirs andfucceffors, the fame to be paid upon merchandizes imported and ex- ported into or out of the kingdom of Ireland, according to the book of rates hereunto annexed. X. feet. 10. The fix-pence per pound, and all other fees, payable to the All fee« received and vice-treafurer, receiver or paymafter general, clerk of the pells, or any other accounted for to the officer of this kingdom, upon ifl'uing or payment of any fum out of the a- ^''^' forefaid duties hereby newly granted (that is) of four pounds thirteen and four pence per tun upon all French wines ; fix pounds per tun on.all wines of the growth of Portugal ; four pounds eleven fhillings ^fr tun for all Rhe- nifh, and all other wines, except Spanifh ; fix-pence /^^r gallon on all brandy, geneva, and all other fpirits, except of the growth and produce of his ma- jefty's fugar colonies in America ; the duty on all teas imported ; the fix pence /)<7. 14. After the 25th of December 1773, a feparate and diftind kepr^and^'^return^ed, account fhall be kept by the proper oflicers of the feveral fums arifmg from ' the feveral aids, duties, and taxes hereby newly granted, and the comraif- and weekly abftrafts, fioners of revenue fhall return their weekly abftrads from the coUedors to accountant general, and the accountant general (hall return a feparate account of the fums arifmg from faid aids, duties, and taxes to vice-treafurer or de- and feparate receipts. p^^,jjgg . ^^^ every colledor or receiver take a feparate receipt when paid into his majefty's treafury, which receipt faid vice-treafurer or deputies are here- by to give accordingly. Payments oat of faid XV. feet. 1 5. The fcveral fums after mentioned, paid out of the afore- duiies. faid additional duties and aids ; four thoufand pounds to the fpeaker to en- ablehim to maintain the ftate and dignity of his office -, two thoufand pounds per annum., for two years, to the truftees of the hempen and flaxen manu- fadures, to encourage raifing fufficient quantities of hemp and flax ; and alfo further two thoufand pounds per annum., for two years, to laid truftees, for encouragement of faid manufactures in Leinfter, Munfter, and Connaught ; and the faid feveral fums, freed and difcharged from the fix-pence per pound, and all other fees payable to the vice-treafurer, receiver or paymafter ge- neral, clerk of the pells, or any other cfficer of this kingdom ; five hundred pounds to Agmondiiliam Vefey, accountant general, as a reward for his ex- pence and trouble in preparing and ilating the publick accounts ; three hun- dred pounds to Henry Gore, for his expence and trouble in preparing the account of imports and exports for two years ; five hundred pounds to Ed- ward Sterling and Henry Alcock, clerks of the houfe, for their attendance and fcrvice this feflion ; two hundred pounds to Thomas Kiiby, clerk alTift- ant ; eight hundred pounds to Dixie Coddington, ferjeant at arms ; three hundred and fifty pounds to Benjamin Higgins and George Melvin, the clerks attending committees ; one hundred and twelve pounds to Abraham Bradley, for printing publick accounts j fifty pounds to Hulton Bradley, for his his attendance in delivering the votes ; one hundred pounds to Jarnes Mc Cowen and George Harper, door-keepers ; two hundred pounds to the fpeaker, to be divided amongfl: the back-door keepers and melTengers (thir- teen in number) as he fhall direifl ; one thoufand pounds to Roger Pahner, in confideration of his extraordinary attendance, care, and expence in the of- fice of paymafter of corn premiums, during two years ; three hundred pounds to WilHam Horton, examinator of corn premiums, on account of the great increafe of his trouble in examining and keeping accounts of faid premiums ; two hundred pounds to John Wetheral, chief clerk in examinator's office, for his extraordinary trouble in making up the feveral accounts, and in at- tending the houfe ; ten thoufand pounds to the Incorporated Society for Englifh proteflant fchools ; nine hundred and twelve pounds to George Win- ftanly, being the refidue of one thoufand fix hundred and twelve pounds, awarded to him by ajury in January 1765, for his intereft in certain ground and houfes at the north end of the Old Bridge, Dublin, in full fatisfadion of all his demands for principal and intereft ; one thoufand fiv^e hundred pounds to the lord mayor, fherifFs, commons, and citizens of Dublin, to- wards paying off debts contradted in carrying on the ballafl-office wall ; three hundred and fixty-one pounds four and nine-pence, to Mary Hay, the coft of printing and binding nineteen fets of the flatutes at large, in nine volumes, delivered to members who had not before received them ; one thou- fand three hundred and eighty-five pounds two and eight-pence to Abraham Bradley, the coft of of fourteen fets of the journals, delivered to members who had not before received them, and for printing and binding five hun- dred copies of the fourteenth and fifteenth volumes of faid journals ; one thoufand pounds to truftees for carrying on improvement of Cork harbour ; eight hundred pounds to truftees of the new circular road, to enable them to complcat faid road ; fifty pounds to Benjamin Higgins, for extraordinary trouble during attendance on the committee of accounts ; one hundred pounds to Henry Smith, deputy paymafter of corn premiuns ; one thoufand pounds to Luke Mercer, George Simpfon, Theophilus Thompfon and David Burleigh, efquires, and captain William Barton, or any two, for the marine nurfery, and to finilh their building, to be accounted for to parliament; two hundred and feventy-nine pounds feventeen and four-pence to John Dempfey, to enable him to carry on the harbour at Loughfhinny ; all which fums are to be paid by the vice-treafurer or receivers general, without any odier warrant. XVI. feet. 16. The feveral fums granted by this or any other ad in force, c^^j f^^ j^g^p j^j and appropriated to encourage raifing flax and hemp, and the hempen and flav applied to no flaxen manufadures in Leinfter, Munfter, and Connaught, iTiall be applied '^}^^^ purpofe, to fuch purpofes only, and no other ; and a feparate and diftindl account .kep.l [l^"'q| account by the proper officer of the application, and laid before parliament. -iiiiv - '"' ■ XVII. /(fc/. 17. The tax of one ihillingpiT barrel on all herrings imported, 'ffie .Kax on lierring? paid to the Dublin Society, to be applied to encouragement of .fifli^ries in for' tjteiionh weft the north-weft. ;•. ', .','v • I fi"'"'^^-'*'' XVIII. /ff/. 18. Provided always, in cafe any herrings fo imported fliall Drawback on export be re-exported within nine calendar months, the duties Ihall be repaid to and of henings in nine drawn back by the exporter, months. XIX. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 3. feci. i. From 25th December 1773, Additional duties to until the 25th of December 1775 inclufive, there lliall be raifed, levied, col- 2s Des- i775- K 2 ■ led^ed, 3>utie0» (,A. fir yard chintz, ledted, and paid, the feveral rates and additional duties after mentioned, upon caliicoe^andmuflinsgii chintzes, callicoes, and muflins of the manufadture of China, Perfia, and "^'"" '' ' the Eaft Indies, imported, fix-pence per yard. Kaifed and paid 2s XX. fed. 2. The feveral additional duties, rates, and impofitions hereby by iii& 15 c 2. granted, lliall be raifed, anfwered, colleded, and paid, at the fame time, in r. 8. or other excife like manner, and by fuch ways, means, and methods, rules and diredions, ''^^*» under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and with fuch powers as by an aCt 14 & 15 C. 2. for the fettling the excife or iiew impofi ; or by any other law now in force relating to the revenue of excife, as fully and efFedually, as if par- V ith like sppeal. ticularly mentioned, exprefled, and enadted again in this ad, with like re- medy of appeal to the party grieved, as by the faid adl of excife, or any other law or laws now in being relating to the duties of excife is provided. No duty for juniper- XXI. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 8. feet. 17. After the 24th of June, no berries or the oil im- duty wliatfoever paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, for or on ac- poned. count of any jUniper-berries, or any oil exiradted from juniper-berries im- ported. Duty on import of XXW. fed. 18. Where any perfon fhall import crude brimflone or falt- brimftone or fait- pctrc, and make ufe of the fame in extrading therefrom oil of vitriol or p:tre,ufedtoextra upon fuch complaint, and to award fuch cofts to parties appealing or appeal- ed, as faid judges think proper; fuch perfon appealing having firft entered Kecognizance byap. into recognizance before fome juftice for fuch county, with two fufficient pdlant with 2 lute- fureties, conditioned to try fuch appeal, and abide the order of, and to pay ''"' fuch cofts as awarded by faid judges of affize ; and the determination of noiQuafhed for form, ^^''^ J'^'^S^'*' '^'''^ ^^ binding and conclufive to all intents and purpofes ; and nor removed by no order concerning any matters, proceedings, or convidions aforefaid, crrthruii, &c. relative to game, ftiall be quaflied for want of form, or be removed by certiorari, or any other writ or procefs whatfoever, into any courts of record at Dublin, Rec's A.c. 10. f. '. ^ ^^^^- '3 ^ 14G. Z- <^^-P- 27. /cr/. I. Wlieres by an ad 7 A. it is en- aded, that lands given in exchange for glebes, or any part exchanged, fliall be held by redors and vicars, and fucceilors, as glebf , notwithftanding the fame fame did formerly belong to any £irchbin:.op, bidTop, tenant for life or in tail, with the confcnt of the pcrfon immcdiiitely lu iLrnaind.?r: and whereas ^^'■"^iiiter man'j it hiuh been found expcnfive, inconvenient and impollibie in many cafes to'^°"'*'", '"^°"^''^"''-'"' obtain fnch confent; it fhall bs lawful for perfons feized of an eftate tail in lenamTn^uil may bv polfeflion in any lands by deeds, under their hands and feals, to exxhange deed exchange (or a fuch lands, or any part, as a glebe for the incumbent or minifter of anyg'ei'eor icliool- parifh having adual cure of fouls, or for a demefne for a mafter of any free ""'^^' ''' *'"°^'"^' fchool in fvich manner and effect, as perfons feized of eflare tail in pofTcflion of any lands are enabled to grant fuch lands as a glebe for incumbent of any , ^ parifh having aftual cure of fouls, by an a(5l i G. 2. intituled, an afl for ren- '' ' • *■ "^^ '?• tiering more effectual an act, intituled, an act for better enabling the clergy having cure of fouls to refule upon their benefices, and for encouragement of proteftai'.t fchool s ; and under fuch regulations as they might by fatd a6t, 2 A. or any ^ , '^ -1° °^ ^"^ • , r, ■ r J o J J J other act. other act m force. U. feet. 2. It fhall be lawful for the reftors, vicars, and other perfons oiiiant glebe or having any cure of fouls, or the mafter of any free fchool, by deed, to ex- Hemtine msy by change fuch glebes or demefnes, as lie at a diftance from the parifli church or^^^^ ^'^ exchanged free fchool, or any part, with any lay corporation, or body corporate or po- Jo^ <" na'^fa'""' litick, for lands of equal value, worth, and purchafe, near and convenient to anj convenient, as faid church or fchool, as by the aft 2 A. intituled, an act for the exchange ofi^y 2 A. c. 10. glebes belonging to churches, direfted. III. feet. 3. It fhall be lawful for any lay corporation, or body corporate or politick, by proper deeds in writing under corporation feal, and enrolled (j^^jg^j^'i'^^Qi;^^^,,. within fix months, for which enrollment thirteen and four pence, and no jow wiih new glebe more, fliall be paid, over and above the expences ufual'ly paid to the engrof- not above 40 acres fing clerk, to endow any church, chappelry, or perpetual curacy, appropriate "*''^^^'^ """'^' °^ on\y or impropriate, having no glebes, or not above ten acres, with a new g'"^be ; I'^^^^Jj^^^J^'^j ^,^ ^ provided the faid new glebe of any one church, chappelry, or perpetual ' curacy, fo endowed, fhall not exceed forty acres at moft -, and faid lands fhall be confidered as glebe lands to all intents, purpofes, and advantages of the feveral ftatutes in force, for encouragement of building and improving upon glebe or church lands. W . feet. 6. And whereas by an ad 1 1 & i 2 G. 3. it is enaded, that where Recital n & <■' G. any archbifhop, billiop, or other ecckfiaftical perfon, Ihall obtain a certificate 3. c 17. f. 4 Sc 5. ' for erefting new buildings, or making other necelfary improvements on a new fite within his demefne, glebes, or menfrl lands, as is by faid in part recited aft direded, he, his executors, &c. lliall from his next and immediate fucceflbr, inflead of three fourths, receive the full fum comprifed in fuch certificate; provided fuch fum fliall not exceed the clear value (jf two years income : and whereas it hath been doubted, whether perfons, who fhall build jg^i,; ti,e,eon or make improvements, or have fo built or made improvements, fliall be intitled to faid fum, although they have not compleated or finil"hed their faid buildings and improvements, fo as to make them fit and proper for refidence of themfelves and fucceflbrs ; the archbilhops, bilhops, and other ecclefiafti- no certificate for a cal perfons, and all mailers of free fchools, who have heretofore, or (halI>''=?''^'"<^o"i^/of hereafter, fo build and make improvements upon their demefne, glebe, or''"'''''"^ ''"'' '™- menfal lands, fhall not be intitled to a certificate for a fum not exceeding -,]ebes, &c. unlefi clear two years income, except they fhall have previous thereto compleated compleated tb aa tit and finilhed their faid buildings and improvements, agreeable to memorials f°'' f^'^^^n"' approved of, and made them fit and proper for refidence of themfelves and fucceflors, but fhall receive three fourths only, for fo much of as expended,'^"^^°^ 3 jt'l-'S only ' ^ ' ^ , r ^3 by J2 G. s. c. 10. before ' before the death or removal of faid archbilhops, bifhops, fchool-mafters, and other ecclefiaftical perfons, as direded by 12 G. i. intituled, an aB to amend and explain an a£l^ intituled, an aH to encourage building of houfes, and making other improvements on church lands, and to prevent dilapidations. J^aMers ano l&eDlat0» To pay -03- a year I- Stat. 1 3 & 14 G. 3. cap. 9. feil. i . After the 25th of March 1 774, un- toajMa'rch 1776; til the 25th of March 1776, there fhall be anfwered and paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, by every hawker, pedlar, petty- chapman, or other trading perfon going from town to town, or to other mens houfes, fairs, marts, or markets, and travelling either on foot or with horfe, horfes, or otherwife, (except as after mentioned) carrying to fell, or expofing to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes (except as after mentioned) a duty of and 20s. each b«ft ; twenty (hillings by the year ; and every perfon fo travelling with a horfe, afs, or mule, or any other beafl bearing or drawing burthen, fhall pay twenty (hillings by the year from the 25th of March 1774, to the 25th of March 1776 for each beaft or beafts bearing or drawing burthen, he or fhe fhall fo travel with, over and above faid firft mentioned duty of twenty Tiifed as for ale- killings by the year ; which faid rates and duties (hall be colleded by fuch houie licences by 33 perfons, manner, ways, and means, as the duty for licences to keep ale- G. 2. c 10. 1.93 houfes is raifed and coUeAed by an ad: ^^ G. 2. and the feveral adls and ftatutes mentioned in faid ad, and continued thereby, as fully to all intents, as if the provifions in faid ad for that purpofe were particularly exprcfled, and enaded again in this ad. Note yearly to col- H fe^- 2- Every pedlar, hawker, petty-chapman, and other trading kaor of intended perfon fo travelling, fhall before the 25th of March 1774, and fo likewife manner of travelling, j^ every year, deliver or caufe to be delivered to the coliedor of excife of the diftrid, where he or fhe refide or dwell, a note in writing under his or her hand, or hand of fome perfon by her or him authorized, how or in what manner he or fhe intends to travel and trade, whether on foot, or with one or more horfes, alTes, mules, or other beafts bearing or drawing burthen ; and thereupon a licence ftiall be granted by fuch coliedor for his or her fo travel- Rcfnce thereupon. ^.^^ ^^^ trading; for which he or (he ftiall thereupon pay or caufe to be paid for each licence unto fuck coliedor the yearly duty herein before direded. III. fe^I. 3. If any fuch hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other per- fon after the 25th of March 1774, be found trading as aforefaid, without, Trading contrary ^^ contrary to, or not warranted by fuch licence, fuch perfon ftiall for every ' ""° ^ ■ fuch offence forfeit five pounds ; one moiety to informer, the other to the to informer an! the incorporated fociety in Dublin for promoting Englifh proteftant fchools in fociety ; Ireland ; and if any perfon fo trading, upon demand made by any officer refufmgto (hew li. .^ppgij^tg^ by fgjd fociety in purfuance of this ad, or any revenue officer, or ctriceios.tomtor^-^^^^ juftice of peace, mayor, conftable, or other officer of peace of any ' county, city, town-corporate, or borough, where he or fhe fhall fo trade, refufe to prod\;ce and ftiew immediately licence for fo trading, the perfon fo refufing ftiall forfeit twenty (hillings to the informer, and for non-pay- ment, ftiall fufFer as a common vagrant, and be committed to the houfc of tforredion. IV. fe^. mer, or conimu C^aMecs auD i&eDlars. IV. Sea. 4. It fhall be lawful for the coUedlors of the feveral diftrifts, Colleftors to grar.t and tliey are refpcAively direded, appointed, and required, upon the ternas ^'^^^"' J^' j^S';;^,_ and receipt aforefaid, to grant one or more licence or licences under their ,;on, ' refpedive hands to every hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or any other rum'jered anJ en- trading perfon for him or herfelf, with one or more horfes, alTes, mules, or tered. beafts which he, flie, or they fhall travel with, as the cafe fhall require, ac- cording to the term and dire6tions of this aft; and faid colledors are to in- fert in fuch licences, the ages, places of abode, and a particular defcription of the perfons to whom licences granted purfuant to this ad, and to num- ber each licence, and keep particular entries of fuch defcriptions and licences ^ fee, is. for each of which licences fliall be taken by fuch colleftors for their own ufe 'f «"''^ ^ teaft, is. one (hilling and no more, except fuch hawker, pedlar, or petty-chapman fhall travel with horfe, afs, mule, or other beafl bearing or drawing bur- then ; and in that cafe there fhall be paid to fuch coUedlors for their own feparate accounts ufe for each of fuch licences for horfes or beafts of draft two fhillings and no kept. P^'d fo the- more, over and above the duties aforefaid ; and faid colledors lliall keep tf"'"^^^- feparate and diftindl accounts of the duties hereby granted, and pay the mo- ney arifing thereby into his majefty's treafury, as other money received by them for ufe of his majefty. m r V. Jea. 5. Said colledors fliall be accountable to his majefty, for the ^jj;""^|,„;y 'o the duties hereby granted, and fubjeft to like penalties and forfeitures for not i-ing-j ufe, rendering a true account thereof, and paying in manner before mentioned, as they are liable unto for not rendering a true account of any money received for ufe of his majefty. VI. Jen. 6. The monies arifing from faid duties fliall from time to time payment to the fo- be brought into receipt of exchequer, and without any fee or dedudion what- ciety. foever be paid by vice-treafurer or receiver-general to the Incorporated So- ciety in Dublin for promoting Englifli proteftant fchools in Ireland, or to their treafurer for the ufe of faid fociety. VII. JeB. 7. If any perfon forge or counterfeit, or caufe to be forged or Forged licence 50I. counterfeited, any licence for the purpofe aforefaid, or travel with fuch forged counterfeit licence, knowing the fame forged or counterfeited, fliall to king and profecu- forfeit fifty pounds ; one moiety to the king, the other to him who fliall pro- ^°^ '> fecute or fue ; to be recovered by adion of debt, bill, plaint, or informa- tion in any courtsof record at the four-courts in Dublin, in which no ellbign, and other penalties- protedion, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed ; and fuch perfon fliall be fubjed to fuch other pains and penalties as may be in- flided for forgery. VIII. fea. 8. If any perfon fued, molefted, or troubled for putting in ex- General ItTue ; ecution any of the powers in this ad, or doing any matter or thing purfuant thereto, fuch perfon fliall and may plead the general iilue, not guilty, and , r -1 • -1 i-(-ii--j3- r--j J™ treble cofts on non- give the fpecial matter m evidence ; and ir the plaimitt non-iuued, orjudg- ^.^.^ ^^ ment againft him, upon demurrer or odierwife, or a verdid for defendant, ora difmifs upon a civil bill, fuch defendant fhall have treble cofts, recovered as where by law cofts given to defendants. IX. fea. 9. If any conftable refufe or negled upon due notice or his Conftable's nenlev-'^ own view to be aiding and aflifting in execution of this ad, being thereunto 433. 10 the iociety required, every fuch conftable, being thereof conv.ided by the oath of one anJ pioiecuror. or more credible witnefs or witneifes before any juftice of peace for the county *or place where fuch offence committed, fliall forfeit for every fuch offence contrary to this ad forty fliillings, levied by diftrefs and file of of- L finders fenders gocds by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juftice ; one moiety to Incorporated Society, the other to informer who (hall profecute, rendering the overplus to the owner, if any be, X. feet. lo. It fliall be lawful for any perfon whatfoever to feize and detain Any one may feize any fuch hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other trading perfon, and alfo till licence produced, the goods they fhall be found trading with, until he produce a licence in that behalf, if he, fne or they have any ; and found trading without li- brought hefoie ajaf- cence contrary to this aft, it fliall be lawful for fuch perfon fo feizing, tak- liceor coUcflor ; jng to alTiftance fuch perfon or perfons as he or they fhall think fit, to carry the perfons fo feized, as alfo the faid goods, before fome one of his majefty's juftices of peace for the county or place, or before the colleftor of revenue for the diflrift where fuch offence committed ; which faid juftice of the peace, and thecolleftors refpeftively are ftriftty required, either upon confeliion of the party offending, or due proof of a witnefs upon oath, which they are re- fpeftively impowered to adminifter, that the perfon fo brought, had fo penalty 5I. l»y dif traded as aforefaid, unlefs fuch licence produced by fuch offender before tiefsand fale. ^^|j juftice or colleftor, by warrar-t under his hand and feal, to caufe five pounds to be forthwith levied by diftrefs and fale of offenders goods, wares, or merchandizes, rendering the overplus to the owner, after dedufting the reafonable charges for taking faid diftrefs, and out of faid fale to pay the pe- nalty and forfeiture aforefaid. XI. feet. I r. This aft fhall not extend to prohibit any perfon from fel- ^a"eT' wii ''fruit ''"S ^"y ^^ °^ parliament, form of prayer, proclamation, gazette, alma- vifluais, real make'is, nack, or Other printed paper, or any fifti, fruit, or viftuals, nor to hinder tinker*, &c. the real workers or makers of any goods or wares within this kingdom, their wives or apprentices from carrying abroad, exposing to fale, and felling any of the faid goods or wares of his or their making in any publick fairs, mar- kets, or elfewhere ; nor any tinker, cooper, glazier, plumber, harnefs-mender, or other perfons ufually trading in mending kettles, tubs, houfe-hold goods, or harnefs whatfoever, from going about fuch bufmefs only, or from carrying proper materials for mending" the fame, and no other thing for fale. Raw w ol frizes ^^^' f^^' ^^- "^'^'^ ^'^ ^^^' ^°^ extend to fubjeft any perfons who carry worfted or woollen raw and unmanufaftured wool or frizes, or woriled or woollen ftockings, flockings. from one part of the kingdom to another, to expofe the fame to fale in any fair, market, or other place in this kingdom to any of the duties or penalties before mentioned, fo as fuch perfons fhall not at the fame time carry or ex- pofe to fale any other wares, gocds, or merchandizes. XUl. fec^. 13. This aft fhall not extend to prohibit or reftrain any per- Len's, '^" ^""' ^ons from felling or expofmg to fale in any place whatfoever, any flax, tow, hemp, flaxen-yarn, hempen-yarn, ticken, plain, ftriped, chequered, painted, or ftained linens, buckrams, or canvas, fo as fuch perfons fliall not at the fame time carry or expofe to fale any other goods, wares, or merchanr- dizes. T . 1 . XIV. feet. lA. This aft fhall not extend to fubjeft. perfons, who carry Iron or metal pots or -iy-^ 1 • j >"■ > ■ 1^ ^ ,-l • \r > . »i „ griddles los. a year any pots or griddles of caft iron or metal from one part to another, or ex- only, tho' with pofe the fame to fale in any fair, market, or other place in this kingdom, to horfes. payment of any greater duty than twenty ftiillings by the year in the whole, although fuch perfons trade or travel with one or more horfes, or other beafts drawing or bearing burthen, fo as fuch perfons fliall not, at the fame time, carry carr}- or expofe to fale any other goods, wares or merchandizes, except the faid pots and griddles made of cafl iron or metal. XV. feet. 15. It fliall be lawful for the commiirioners of revenue, or any j:;'^'!"^"/'''^ '^""" ^°' three, or more, to order and diredl to be paid out of the monies raifed by "^ this acl to faid colledors, their clerks, or any other perfons, fucii fums as they or any of them reafonably deferve for their fervice, or have expended in the execution of or in relation to this att. XVI feet. 16. This ad fliall not extend to give any power for licenfing Not to liccnfc Cile any hawker, pedlar, or petty-chapman to fell or expofe to fale any wares of 3" ^^^P°"''""'' '^*"^ merchandizes in any city, borough, town corporate, or market town, any otherwife than he or flie might have done before this ad ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. XVII. feet. I']. Whereas dealers, hawkers, and pedlars, fraudulently to Prvate conveWng ' evade the duty on licences, do not openly travel from town to town, or to goods, an.l felling other mens houfes, but privately convey and carry their goods, wares, and J^"^ '"red places, or merchandizes, and fell or expofe to lale in fhops, rooms, or warehoufes, or ^"^^j^""' jj^°|^^ i'^^_ other places hired for that purpofe in cities, towns, and places where they thei cutters and (el- are notufually refident, and divers other perfons privately carry and convey lers, criers of old their goods, wares, and merchandizes to publick ftreets and places in cities, '^['.'^'l^^'/^^ra'^^l towns corporate, and other places where they refide, but not adjoining or "" "" '^ ^ " near to their dwelling-houfes, fliops, warehoufes, or other apartments, and fell and expofe the fame to fale upon booths. Halls, or (landings, without licence : and whereas feveral people under denomination of leather cutters or fellers, hawk about and expofe to fale in cities and towns corporate, fairs, marts, markets, and other places, large and fmall parcels of leather in booths, flails, ftandings, or otherwife ^ and alfo divers perfons under denomination of cryers of old cafl cloaths do alfo hawk about the flreets of cities, towns corporate, and other places, old caft cloaths, and alfo expofe to lale feveral of fuch kind of goods on flands or flails, or otherwife, without licence : and whereas a doubt hath arifen, whether fuch perfons aforefaid are to be deemed hawkers, pedlars, or petty-chapmen, or trading perfons within the meaning and intention of the afts heretofore made for licenfmg hawkers and pedlars, and fubjed to penalties and forfeitures thereof ; therefore after the 25th of March 1774, until the 251b of March 1776, all the perfons afore- faid fhall pay fuch duty, and take out fuch licences as aforefaid ; and in cafe any perfons whatfocver found trading or felling, or expofmg to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes whatfoever (except as herein excepted) in any fhop, room, warehoufe, or other place in any city, borough, town corporate, market-town, village, or other place, wherein they have not been refident one calendar month previous to the felling or expofing, and fell or expofe to fale fuch goods, wares, or merchandizes therein, or in any of them, without licence as aforefaid, fuch perfons refpedively, and alfo all fuch perfons as found trading or felling, or expofing to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes whatfoever (except as aforefaid) upon booths, flails, flandings, or otherwife, in any publick ilrtet or places in any city, borough, town-corporate, market-tov/n, village, or other place not adjacent or adjoin- ing their dwelling-houfe, fhop, ware-houfe, or other aparrments ; and alfo all perfons under denomination of leather-cutters or fellers, who lliall hawk a- bout from town to town, and fell or expofe to fale in cities and towns cor- porate, fairs, marts or markets, or other places, large or fmall parcels of leather in or upon booths, flails, flandings, orotheiwfe; and alfo all per- L 2 ions fons under tlie denomination of cryers of old eaft cloaths, who hawk about the ftreets, lanes, or alleys of cities and towns corporate, and other places, to purchafe or fell old caft cloaths of any kind whatfoev^r, or fell, or ex- poft to Cile, any fuch goods on ftands, flails, or otherwife, without licence as aforefaid, every fuch perfon fhall be deemed and taken a hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman or petty-chapmen, within the meaning of this ad, to all in- tents and purpofes, and liable to all penalties and k>rfeitures by the {ame inflided upon hawkers, pedlars, petty-chapmen, and others trading without licence ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. XV III. feci. 1 8. After the 25th of March 1774, until the 25th of March ImfJlicencL^Tafcen '77^5 every hawker, pedlar, and petty-chapmen, for every perYon that fhall out by every pcribn ^^ employed, or carry, whether fervant or other perfon, in his or her com- euiployed, P^^}\ or Otherwife, any boxes or bundles, or parcels of goods, wares, or merchandizes on their backs, arms, or otherwife, feparate or diflin^il, for the purpofe of felling and trading with the fame, fhall take our, and pay for as.aforefaid, a feparate and diflinit kept by peace (^^xe diligently amongft records of that county, and to fuffer them to be read iWptaed during af- and inflected by every literate perfon, who IhaH defire it, during alfizes fizisand fefriors, and quarter-feflions, . OH pain of fuch cenfure and punilTiment as publick of- or punillied as for ficers neglecting duties of riie'ir office are by law fubject to ; and judges of negled of duty. ^j^-^e and juflices of peace at feffions are authorized and required in cafe of neglect or failure, to order thofe offences to be proceeded againfl ac- cordingly. IV. feet. .4. Commiflloners of any turnpike road, who before fuch affida- ^l-^LZ TifiJawr"'^'^ P'^*^'^"'^^^.' fiiall fign or make any order for paying any money for mak-^ , . ' ing or repairing any tilrrifSil-re-rbad, 'of . aii^faft, or any bridge upon any turnpike-road, and the treafviier or otheV perfon who fhall receive the tolls as aforefaid, who fhall make faid payments, or any of them, fhall forfeit lilie fuTs forfeited, a fum equal to fhe fum fo ordered to be paid ; to be fued for, recovered, as faid penalties. ' levied, and difpofed of as the penalties aforefaid are herein before directed •to be. ; ■ .S'i) i!-.:i V. [set. 5. Executors, adminiflrators, and affignsofall perfons, who have Executors'," Se' ifa' had 01 f-iall have any debenture, mortgage, or allignment of the tolls, or ble to contracts. of any part of any turnpike road, for making or repairing any turnpike- road, or any part, or any bridge on any turnpike-road, or for performing any contract relative to any turnpike road, fhall, as far as the value of fuch debenture, mortgage, or affignmt;nt extends, be a? much bound to make and repair fuch road .or bridge, and to perform every fuch contract, as the per- fons ions were, who firfl undertook to make or repair fuch road or bridge, or to- perform fuch Gontraft. l^ , .ts)?. VI. fe^. 6. In all cafes wliere alledged that any turnpike-commlllioner, On allegation of or other perfon, hath mifapplied, wafted, or embezzled the tolls, or any v.aftiiig or cmbfz-, part of any turnpike-road, or broke or not performed any agreement or con- ^''"S '°'.'^' °' ""' trad relative thereto, the perfon fo alledging Hiall make, or caufe to be P^! j'^""''^°|^°'"'^'|j^,-^ made, one or more affidavits, as if in a caufe depending in chancery or ;„ chancery or ex- exchequer between the attorney-general at the relation of the perfon fo al- chequer l>y rdaror. ledging plaintiff, and the perfon fo complained againft defendant, ftating '^^"j'S '^''•*'S'' P»^" charges of fuch mifapplication, wafting, or embezzlement, or breach or non- '"^^ "" ^' ' performance of agreement or contraft, againft the perfon complained againft particularly ; and that the relator is not prompted to the proceeding by not thro' nullce,' malice or ill-wiil to any ; and that the proceeding has not been meditated not to favour dc- or contrived to favour or proted the defendant againft a more adverfary or ftndaiu, any other proceeding ; and that the relator is wordi two hundred pour^ds relator worth 2»pl. above all hisjuft debts; or is ready and willing to give fuch fecuritj; to be °^^'^^*^>' 'o'^cuie anfwerable for cofts, as tlie court fliall think r^afonable ; and "pon filing |°^,l^^ 1,^ ^^^^j,^^,.^ every fuch affidavit the attorney-general is required to permit a motion to or exchequer in be made in his name to chancery or exchequer for an order, that the perfons name oiattorne/ complained againft lliall anfwer the affidavit or affidavits, and upon coming g"^""^! '°^"''^*^' in of fuch anfwer the court fhall or may, according to juftice of the cafe, ' ' • either difmifs the complaint with cofts, or order that a bill or information compLint difmiired fhall be filed in name of attorney- general at relation of party complaining or intojniaiion or- againft the party complained againft:, and that they fhall in due time anfwer ; f^'^'^ \ and court ftiall proceed in fummary courfe as in pofteflary caufes, and order p^jfjifarT'oufes ^^ examination of witneftes, and hear the caufe, and make fuch decree, as agreea- wiineffes examined, ble to rules of equity and juftice; and for that purpofe fhall direct all proper decree as by.equity^ enquiries, and award cofts at difcretion of the court to or againft relator, "'^^ ^' ditcrenon, and at any ftage of the caufe order relator, if the court think it juft to gi,ve f^ty'*^"^ '° ^'^^ '"^''"" fecurity to anfwer cofts, if the bill or information difmifled, with a reciprocal appeal bj either ; right of appeal to the parties ; and if it fhall appear, that the relator has en^ if collufive, ordered tered into a coUufion with the perfon complained againft, or to favour the to be carried on by perfon, forbear to profecute, the court fhall and are required to order the any other, caufe to be carried on by any other who ftiall lend liis name, in the relator's name, entering into a reafonable fecurity to indernnify relator from cofts ; °" ""'^.j?''*^"' the relator in every fuch cafe fhall be decreed to one fourth of the fum re- covered to rebtor covered, and to the cofts expended in carrying on fuit ; the refidue of the and cofts ; fum recovered fhall be applied to performance of the broken or not perform- refidue to perform ed contrad, or to the making or repairing the neglefted road or bridge (as the contraft, or the the cafe fhall happen) and the court fhall give proper and. neceffary orders " ^^' for thofe purpofes. . . Suit for rriifapplica- VII. /ct7. 7. No fuit on this aft fhall be commenced (except m cafe cftion of tolls in lour fuch contradlors as aforefaid) for any mifapplication or embezzlement of fuch years; tolls as aforefaid, unlefs fuch complaint made within four years after fuch mifapplication or embezzlement ; nor againft executor or adminiftrator of any perfon charged with fuch mifapplication or embezzlement (except a.<; afore- comipenced in par- faid) unlefs a fuit commenced againft the perfon whom fuch executors oc'^^ ' ^' adminiftrators fhall r-eprefcnt, in die life-time of fuch perfon. Prefcnt.iieni fnwmer VIII. fea. 8. It Oiall be lawful for grand juries of counties, at Summer ^JJ''^^^^^"^'^^^^;]^'- aflizes to prefent any fum, not exceeding three pounds a year, toclerk off,ij jm„ if per- peace of each countv, for doing duties herein required, to be levied as other formed j county county taxes, if it fhall appear to them, thofe duties faithfully performed, ■may be traverfed. but not otherwife ; which prefentments may be traverfed and tried in ordi- nary courfe. Account of tolls re-- IX, fa-t. g. Treafurer of ev^ery turnpike-road, or otlier perfons receiving ceived drawn up, ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^, p^^.^ ^f ^^y turnpike-road, from collectors of thofe tolls, fhall on or before firft of October 1774, draw up an account of tolls received by fuch perfons, from the laft account ftated by fuch perfons, or their predecef- fors, with the turnpike-board of that road, and ftate fully and particularly from laft account, how the tolls fo rece^ived from time of fuch laft account have been applied, tke application J paid, and difpofed of, and to whom, and fhall fign fuch account in prefence find and°^'^"^'° or Tnorc literate perfons, who ihall fubfcribe the fame as witneffes, w'iwcfTcd'i^^'. " ^^^ ^^^^ depofite the fame with clerk of peace of thofe counties refpedively, depofited with peace through which fuch turnpike-foad doth run, or before the firft of Oftober clerk, 1774; and every fuch treafurer and other perfon fhall yearly hereafter, draw vearly, up and lodge an account, fuch as herein before is directed in all refpeds, penalty zol. per with the ■fame clerks of peace refpectively, on pain of forfeiting twenty month ; pounds for every calendar month during which fuch perfons neglect or fail to comply with faid laft mentioned duties hereby enjoined. If in fuch ac- for wilful over- counts. Or any of them, any wilful overcharge fhall be made, or wilful error charge or error, pe- committed, every perfon, guilty of fuch overcharge or error, fhall for every fum^ ''°"'''* ^^^ fuch ofFence forfeit a fum, equal to the amount of the fum twice told or ""'' reckoned, that the publick fhall be attempted to be defrauded of by fuch as other penalties; wilful overcharge or error ; which penalties laft fpecified fhall be fued for, levied, and diftributed in all refpects as the other penalties herein before accounts preferved fpecified ; and clerks of peace are required to preferve all fuch accounts, by clerks, and in- and permit the fame to be infpected in all refpects, as the other papers be- fpefled. fore directed to be preferved and infpected are directed to be ; and in this laft particular the clerks of peace refpectively are to be under fame controul, as in the other inftances before mentioned. A publick aa. X. fea. lo. This act deemed a publick act, and judicially taken notice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons whatfoever without fpe- cially pleading. Recital 3 G. 2. ^j ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^q ^ ^^^ 28. feet. i. Whereas an act pafled 3 G. 3. ^i^fruftees may lay for amending and repairing the road from Dublin to Dunleer ■, it fhall be law- out new li..eseail offul for truftees of faid turnpike-road, or any thirty-one, in cafe they fhall be the road between enabled thereto by the tolls, and that the fame fhall appear to them an im- 14th and ,8ih provement, and an advantage to the publick and travellers, to lay out any itones, 30 teet clear, ^^^^ j.^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ eaftward of the prefent road between the fourteenth . , and eighteenth mile ftones, which, they may judge, will beft anfwer the croVndTand rVcom- purpofe aforefaid, to be thirty feet wide in the clear ; and to afcerrain the pence, grounds through which the fame fhall pafs, with fuch exceptions and re- ftrictions, to prevent fuch new road from doing a real injury, and fuch pro- as by 3 G. 3. c. 30. vifoes and claufes for fecuring to the owners recompence proportioned to lofs, as in faid act, relative to the new road or line, intended to have been made between the feven mile ftone and the fign of the car and horfe. May nop uptbeold XII. /ecL 2. Where they find any part of faid old road become ufelefs '"«<*• and unnecelfary, may order fuch part to be ftopped up as foon as fuch new road finlfhed and opened for ufe of the public, and where the inheritance of the ground of fuch part of faid old road to be ftopped up, and of the new road to be opened, beionGjina; to the flime perfon, to give up fuch part of faid old old road in 15eu and exchange for the new part, with fiich other fatisfa(ftlon as thought reafonable by laid trullees, or any thirty-one or more. XIII. feH. 3. The faid art, with alterations by this a ^'^- ^^°™ I iVlay 1774. XIV. S(aL 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. zg./ect. i. The ad made 7 G. 2. and 7 c. 2 c. 20. eic- claufes therein, or thereby continued, altered or amended, except what hereby ^^P' ^^ alteted, con- altered or amended, ftall be of full force and efFeft, and continue fiom the ''""f^^' >'"'^•«'^• , ^ . . , ' , . , . ,'r , , , J'om 25 Mjf. 17,-4. 25th of March 1774, during thirty-one years, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion, for tlie intents and purpofes in faid ad, and the aft therein recited, and herein after mentioned ; any thing in faid former adl to the contrary notwithftanding. XV./ecr. 2. The perfons named, and none other, the truftees for putting Truftces nameJ, faid a£t and this in execution ^ and on death or refufmg to adl, by writing ''."^^ ^^^ ' under their hands and feals, it fhall be lawful for faid truftees, or any Csven, cancv^L'^'death or" to eledl from time to time one or more fit and able perfons to be joined, fo retufal under hand as the whole number of truftees fhall amount to fifty, and no more. an J leal ; XVI. fefl. 3. A meeting or board of truftees, or any feven, fhall be ^'^'" n"'"''"- held the firft Monday every month at leaft ; the firft at fome convenient Monthly board place in Cork, of which the treafurer or receiver fhall give due notice ; and firft in Cork, on faid truftees fhall adjourn, and afterwards meet there, or on or near the notice, faid roads to be repaired, as any feven think convenient ; and if there fhall ^''"wards meet not appear a fufficient number to adl, and to adjourn, then and in fuch cafe ^en[en°'^ neaT^he""" die receiver or treafurer fhall appoint faid truftees to meet at the houfe, road j ' where the meeting was laft appointed, or at fome other convenient houfe on if not fufficient or near faid roads on that day fortnight, upon which fuch laft meeting or ""'"ber, treiiurer to board was appointed ; of which fuch receiver or treafurer is hereby required ^PP°'"' "''-'""'S- to give due notice. XVII. feet. 4. Said truftees fhall ered, or caufe to be erefled fuch other or more gates, turnpikes, and toll-houfes, and in fuch places, upon ^"'^'^ turnpikes, or adjoining to faiJ roads, as they think convenient : provided that no fuch , 1 11 1 r 1 r-, 1 /^ 1 I 1 not nearer than one gate, turnpike, or toll-houfe be erected nearer unto Cork, tlian the one ,^j|^ ^^ i^^^j^^ mile ftone. XVIII. fecL 5. Said truftees fhall have power to make leafes from time May leafe tolls an 1 to time of faid tolls, or any part thereof, not exceeding two years ; and contraa for repair contradt for repair of roads, or any part, for any term not exceeding two "".^ ^''P^^^ >'^^'^' years ; and all leafes and contrads longer than two years from the time of ' °"°'^' '^'^"'' making, fhall be void to all intents. XIX. /ea. 6. Every perfon, who ftiall contradt for faid tolls, fhall, at ^^^^^^^^tyby tollcon- the time, perfedt bonds and warrants to the treafurer, payable quarterly, '^ °"' * each after each, drawn, filled, or approved of by the law-agent of the board ; and (hall procure one or more folvent and refponfible perfons to join as fure- ty therein; if faid truftees think fit to require the fame; and upon '^'^n- ^*^^^ '"'"^ "^ payment of faid bonds, the fame fhall carry legal intereft until paid. XX. feet. 7. Said truftees, by writing under hands and fca!s fhall at any Appoi%! alawsgent. meetings nominate and appoint a law-agent or attorney, and order the trea- whole cofts paid by furer to pay faid law-agent his bills of coft, whofe receipt a fufticient voucher ""ealurer. for faid treafiuer on his account. M XXI. fret. Toil coitr^rtors not XKl. feet. 8. No pjrfon who fhall after the twc-nty-Bfth of Mii'ch 1774, to repau ; coiUraft for, or in any wife concerned in contrafting for the tolls, or any part, fhall, in his own name, or name of any other, undertake, agree, or i'ol''re''pa;r°""""^°'' contraft for repair of faid roads, or any part •, and any perfon who (hall con- trad for repairing, making, or mending any part, fhall take an oath before faid truftees, that he or they do undertake the fame for their own ufe, and not for ufe of, or in truft for, or for benefit of any perfon concerned in the taking or contrading for the tolls. XXII. feet. 9. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees, to afcertain, defcribe, ronlenLnrno" Par-"^^'''^ ""^ ^"^ fet apart, any parts or proportions of the lands convenient den or paik, walled to faid road, not being a garden, walled park, the wall at leaft five feet high, S feet high, &c. orchard, yard, or meadow, planted walk, or avenue to a houfe, as they fhall and treat tor recom- j^^gg neceflliry for Carrying in convenient lines ; and are impowered to treat '''^1?" °"' " '^ and agree with owners and others interefted in faid ground, for fuch recom- pence and fatisfadion, out of the tolls and duties, as faid truftees fhall think onrefufal or difabi- reafonable : and in cafe any peifons negled or re f ufe to treat or agree, or lity. warrant to (he- through any difabiiity, non-age, coverture, or fpecial limitation, or other lift' ro return a jury impediment, cauuot or refufe to difpofe of their interefts, as faid truftees toinqune the vaiuc^j^j^^ convenient for fuch lines, faid truftees are impowered to ilTue warrants to the fherifF or Iherifts where fuch ground doth lie, to impannel and return, at fuch time and place within faid county, as appointed by faid warrants, a fufficient jury, who, upon their oaths (which oaths the faid trullees are re- quired to adminifter) fhall enquire into the true and real value of fuch ground; verdia conclufive. ^^^^^ f^^]-^ verdicts and inquifitions, afcertaining the value of fuch ground Ihall be final and conclufive as well to faid truftees as to the owners, notwithftand- ing any difabiiity or incapacity ; and faid ground from thenceforth deemed a part of the highway or road to all intents. XXlll. fea. 10. And whereas Hugh Norcott, deceafed, James and Wil- Tre.ifiirer may fue ham Norcott, and feveral other perfons, have contratled debts with, and dcDiors; they or their reprefentatives ftill remain indebted to the truftees appointed by 5 & 7 G. 2. or fome of them, or their treafurer, and have executed bonds and warrants to confefs judgments thereon, or pafled other fecurities or vouchers, or remain ftill indebted -by book account or otherwife to faid treafurer, or for or on account of faid roads ; the faid treafurer or fuch other perfon as fhall from time to time be appointed in his ftead, fhall have full power and authority, and required to afk, fue for, recover and receive from faid perfons fo indebted, their heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or aifigns, all, and every of faid debts, dues, and demands, in his own name, or names or money recovered perfons to whom payable, and to iffue procefs or execution thereon forth of veiled in tiuftees, any court of law or equity in his own name, or perfons to whom payable ; and all fums fo recovered, fhall be vefted in, and to ufe of the truftees, for charged on the ^.j^^ jjj^^ purpofes, trufts, and ufes, as any other fums received by virtue of, or under this or faid ads ; and until faid fums received and recovered, the faving right of pur. fame fhall ftand as a charge upon the real and perfonal eftate of the perfons chMe.s, &c iona rgfpedively, who contraded faid debts, into whofe hands foever the fame lou notice, ^^ji ^^^^ _ faving the right of purchafers of the fame, or who have ob- tained judgments or mortgages from or againft faid perfons, or any of them, before the 25th of March 1774, bona fide, and for full and valuable confidera- tion, without notice of faid debts. XXIV. fea. XXlV./icl. II. Said truilees, or any feven or more, fhall give notice in Notice by 7 truflew. writing to tenants, or owners of ground where incroacliments made, tore- '° remove incroach- move the fame and enlarge faid road to its former width, at their own ex- oj'^^one by trufteei, pence ; and in cafe fuch tenant or owners fhall not remove and enlarge, be- fore next monthly meeting or board, faid truftees, or feven or more, fhall and are required to caufe faid incroachment to be removed, and the road and cofts levied, enlarged, and to levy expences and cods thereof upon goods and chatties of faid tenant or owners, as any fum may be levied by this or faid former ads. XXV. /^7. J. If any perfons owning, renting, or occupying any p^^„,;„;„gp,fr,g^ land near faid turnpike, fhall for gain, reward, orotherwife permit any per- to avoid coll, los. fon whatfoever to pafs through fuch land with any coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, chaife, or chair, waggon, wain, cart, car, or other carriage, or rid- i-ng, or driving any horfe, afs, or mule, or any fort of cattle, to avoid payment of the toll, and being thereof convided upon oath before faid truftees, or any feven or more, or any one or mt-sre juftices for faid county of Louth, fhall forfeit and pay to the truftees ten fhillings ; levied by diftrefs and fale of offenders goods by warrant under hap.d and feal of faid truftees, or any feven or more, or fuch juftices, rendering the overplus to owner the charges in taking and difpofmg of faid goods firft deduded. XXXV^ feet. 4. Said truftees, or any twelve or more, at their firft of ■ . r J- • V, • ' J u J J /- I /n 11 1 1 2 mav appoint any fucceeding meeting, by wruing under hands and feals, fliall and may ttearurer, &c. eled, nominate, and appoint one fit perfon to be treafurer, and one to be colledor of fuch money, in name of fuch toll or dutv, as due and payable by this ad, and alfo one or more overfeers to amend faid road, and to re- move fuch treafurer or colledor as they fee occafion, and appoint a new one in cafe of death or removal ; and fuch perfons as by this ad liable to pay faid toll or duty, are required to pay the fame, after the rates afore- faid to faid colledor; and fuch treafurer or colledor fhall, upcn oath, if required by truftees, or any feven or more, or before one or more juftices refiding near the road aforefaid (which oath fuch truftees, or any three or more of them, or fuch juftices are hereby empowered and required to admi- nifter) on the fiift Tuefday in every month, or oftner if required, during '""".'^'y"^"""'^ '''^ this ad, give in a true, exact, and perfect account in wiiting, under thei'r ^ """^ "" °^ *' ' hands, of all monies tliey, and every or any them, fhall to fuch time have received, paid, and difburfed by this act, for which oath no fee or re- ward taken ; and in cafe any money fo received remain in any of their hands, the fame fhall be paid to faid truftees, or any feven or more, or to fuch peifons as faid tiuftees, or any feven or more (as qualified to act) lliall, by any writings under hands and feals, empower to receive ; and faid truftees, or any feven or more, to whom fuch account given, fhall, out of the money arifing by the toll or dutv, make fuch aliuwance unto faid treafurer or col- I'lAwsrc- to rf a- lector, overfeers, in confideration of care and pains, as to them ftiall feem '^^'^' '°'- ^ )'"'- meet ; fo as fuch allowance to fuch treafurer do not annually exceed in the whole twenty pounds, and to fuch collector fifteen pounds, and to fuch over- colle(?or 15I. feers not exceeding one ftiilling for each pound fuch overfeer or overfeers oveiieer is per l: fhall expend in amending fuch road. XXXVI. Je6l. 5. It ftiall be lawful for faid overfeers, and fuch perfons Overfeer.? may ralfe as they fhall appoint, to dig, raife, gather, take, and carry awav any gra- m^'criais, vel. giving fa'Isfaflion. AnnoyaBCti re- moved. Drains made, &c. ^ti?fa£llon for da- mage. Toll only once a vel, fand, Aones, or other materials, out of the feveral grounds of any perfons, not bc'ng an orchard, yard, planted walk or walks, lawn, or avenue to the manfion-houfe of any perfon where any fuch materials are or may be found, and from tnne to time to take and carry away fuch and fo much as faid overfeers in their refpedive places judge neceflary for amending faid road, paying fuch rates to owner or occupier as faid trullees, or any feven, adjudge reafonable ; and in cafe of any difference touching the damage, the juftices at next general quarter-feflions, may and fhall adjudge, affefs, and finally determine the fame. XXXVII. fe^. 6. It iTiall be lawful for the overfeers, and fuch perfons as they appoint, from time to time, to remove and prevent annoyances on any part of faid road, or within twenty-five feet of the center, by filth, dung, adies, rubbifh, water-courfes, fmks, or drains running into faid road, and to cleanfe any ditch or water courfe adjoining, or which may be neceffary to carry off the water therefrom, and to cut down, lop, or top any trees growing within twenty-five feet of the center, which are nearer to each other than fifteen feet, or any bulhes growing in faid roads, or in the hedges adjacent, at a height not exceeding five feet, the owners or occupiers negleding to cut down fuch trees or bulhes, or to remove fuch annoyances for ten days after notice in writing, under hands of feven truftees, the charges whereof reim- burfed by fuch owners or occupiers negleding to cut down, or to remove fuch annoyances ; and if, after removal of any fuch annoyances, any per- fons again offend in like kind, every fuch perfon being thereof convided upon oath before one or more juftices of peace for faid county, (hall, for every offence, forfeit and pay unto faid truftees ten fhillings, to be levied in manner aforefaid. XXXVIII. feci. 7. It fhall be lawful for. faid overfeers, by order of faid truftees, or any feven or more, to cut and make drains through any grounds contiguous to faid road, and ered arches of brick or ftone thereupon, and aifo to widen any of the narrow parts to any breadth not exceeding forty- two feet in the clear, by opening, clearing, and laying into faid road any ground of any perfon contiguous, not being orchard, yard, planted walk, or avenue to the manfion-houfe of any perfon, and alfo to caufe ditches or trenches to be made in fuch places, and in fuch manner, as fuch overfeers, by order of faid truftees, or any feven or more, adjudge neceflary for amend- ing faid road, making fuch reafonable fatisfadion for the damages as affeiTed and judged at next quarter- felfions for faid county of Louth in cafe of any difference ; and if any owner or occupier of any water courfes, or ditches adjoining, negled or refufe to fcour or clean, and to make fuch ditches fo deep, and in fuch manner, as furveyors adjudge proper and convenient, after eight days notice by fuch overfeers, to fuch owners or occupiers, it fhall be lawful for the overfeers to fet any men to work, to fcour, or cleanfe, and make the fame, and by warrant from any feven or more truftees, to levy the charge upon the perfons goods, or eftate of the owners, or occupiers of fuch water-courfes, or ditches, by diftrefs and fale of goods and chatties, render- ing the overplus (if any) to faid owner or occupier, after all charges. XXXIX. /e^. 8. No perfons having occafion to pafs through the gate where toll or duty taken, and who fhall return the fame day upon or with the fame horfe, mare, or gelding, afs, mule, cattle, coach, chariot, berlin, chaife, chair, calafh, waggon, cart, car, or other carriage, except carts and cars with wheels narrower than three inches, fhall be liable or compellable the fame day to pay the fame toll or duty more than once. XL. feet. XL-ffil. g. ir any perfons having paid the toll or duty, and having Glwng tickets to a- fiich note or ticket, fhall give or difpofe of the fame to any perfon, to avoid *°"^ '""' '°'- payment of faid toll or duty, every fuch perfon giving, difpofing, or offer- ing, and the perfon receiving fuch note or ticket, and being tliereof con- victed upon oath, before faid truftees, or any feven or more, or one or morejuftices for faid county, fhall refpsAively forfeit and pay ten fhillings ; to be levied, recovered, and difpofed of as any other penalty or forfeiture is direfted by this adl. XLI. feet. lo. Said truftees, or any feven, may, as they fee convenient, ^ truflees may com- compound or agree by the year or otherwife, with any perfon iifing to travel pound, through faid turnpike, for any fum paid quarterly, from time to time, after fuch agreement made. XLU./ca.ii. No perfon fhall be charged with any of the tolls or duties ^j aforefaid, who fhall pafs through faid turnpike, v/ho fhall carry any quantity ^' ""^^^ " of ftones, gravel, or other materials for repairing the faid road, or any of the roads in the faid county ; nor fhall any perfon be chargeable with faid toll or duty, going to, or returning from any of the fairs or markets of Lurgan Green ; or for any carts or cars, with fix, three, or four inch wheels, loaded with corn in the flraw, flax, or hay only, or with turf only, in May, June, July, or Auguft, or with corn, flour, meal, or potatoes, pafllng through fuch gate towards Dundalk, or returning empty the fame day, or with coals or cockles, limeftone, or with dung, or other manures only ; nor fhall any toll or duty be demanded or taken at faid turnpike to be ereAed, for any horfe, mare, gel- ing, afs, or mule, or other cattle going to water, or for any pofl; horfe car- rying the mail or packet ; nor fhall any toll or duty be demanded or taken for horfes or foldiers pafling upon their march, or for waggons, carts, or cars, or other carriages attending them ; or for horfes, waggons, carts, cars, or other carriages travelling with vagrants font by paflls: or with prifoners tranfmit- ted from one part of the kingdom to another. XLIII. fcL-f. 12. The toll or duty hereby granted fliall take place and have continuance 41 continuance from the firft of June 1774, for forty-one years. y^ars. XLIV. feet. 15. For continuing a fuilicient number of fit perfons truflees, Other truftees to be it fhall be lawful for faid truflees, or any twelve or more, upon death or re- appomted. fignation of any of the truflees in this ad:, or of any perfon hereafter eled- ed, from time to time, hereafter during the term aforefaid, to eleift, nomi- nate, and appoint, in the room of fuch truflees, fo many more fit perfons living in faid county of Louth, to be joined with faid truftees, in the exe- cution of all powers by this ad ; and all and every perfon and perfons fo chofen truflees, to join in putting this ad in execution as they are herein be- fore qualified to do, fhall and may ad to all intents and purpofes, in as full, and ample manner, as faid truftees are by this ad impowered to do, and fo tones quoties. XLV. feet. 14. -Said truflees, or any twelve or more, fhall meet at Dun- j^jgetin" of xruftees. dalk the firft Monday in June next in the feflion houfe ; and fhall afterwards meet there, or any other place near faid road, that faid truflees, or any fe- ven or more fhall think proper and convenient, as often as necelfary for put- ting this ad in execution, except where a greater number exprefly required by this ad ; and faid truflees, or any feven or more fhall meet at Dundalk on the firfl day of every fpring and fummer aflizes every year, for granting money to amend faid road, and for the doing any other neceffary bufiaefs ; aadiio money fhall be granted at any board for amending laid road, unlefs it appear sppcar by afifviavit of two credible perfons, who can read and write, that fuch fiira is nccellary to repair or make fo many perches of fuch road, at fo much by tlie p'roh, and tliat a fmaller fum will not be fiifficienc to repair or make ilie lame -, and no mouev fhall be paid by the treafarer to any over- leer, unlcfs the faid overfeer maketh oath before a board, that faid fum hath been fdithfully and honeilly expended in amending or making fo many perches of laid road, and for his wages, at not more than twelve pence for each pound fo expended; and that he did attend faid work diligently and carefully, and (Tiall produce to faid board an account of the number of men, horfes, and cars, employed each day ; and fwear to faid account ; and then, and not fooner, faid board (liall give order to fuch overfeer on treafurer, for payment of faid account ; and if there fhall not appear at meeting a fuflicient number of truftees to acit, and to adjourn, the treafurer by notice in writing affixed on faid turnpike at leaft twenty-one days before next meeting, fhall appoint faid truftees to meet at the houfe where the meeting laft appointed, or fome other convenient houfe near faid road ; and faid truftees, at firft and other fubfequent meetings, fliall defray their own charges and expences. Po««r tofliorten the XLVI. fed. 15. Itfhallbe lawful for faid truftees, or any feven or more, road. to fhorten or make more convenient, faid road, by laying it out, and mak- ing it in fuch dircdion as they think proper, between Caftle-bellingham and the White Houle at Lurgan (3reen, by and with confent of the feveral pro- prietors of the land through which fuch new read fhall be laid out, and not otherwife ; and whenever fuch new road fhall be laid out, the fame fhall be made, and from time to time repaired, by the tolls by this aft, and Ihall be thenceforth a part of (aid turnpike road, fubjeft to all the rules, pro- vifoes, and regulations to which the prefent road is by this aft fubjeft, and fo much of the prefent road as ihall be continued between the point where ■the faid new road ftiall begin, and the point where it fliall end, fliall from thenceforth ceafe to be a part of faid turnpike road, or to be fubjeft to any cf the powers or regulations herein enafted, but fliall be and ever continue to all intents and purpofes, as if this prefent aft never made. No pUce of profit XhYll/e^. 16. No perfons appointed truftees for putting this aft in to truileea. execution, fliall have, or accept of any place of profit, arifing out of, or by reafon of the toil or duty by this aft granted, but fuch perfons fliall be incapable, from the time of accepting, and continuing to enjoy fuch place of profit, of acting as a truftee. Afllonj inLouih; XLVIIL /efi. 1 7. If any fuit commenced againft any perfons, for any thing done in purfuance, the action fhall be laid in county of Louth, and General ilTue, S:c. ^^^ ellewhere : and defendants may plead the general iflue, and give this act and fpectal matter in evidence at any tryal, and that the fame was done in purfuance and by authority of this act, and if it appear fo, or that fuch actions brought in any other county, the jury fhall find for defendants, and upon fuch verdict, or if plaintiff nonfui ted, or difcontinue after defendants ueWe cofls to de- £ppeared, or if on any demurrer judgment againft plaintiff^, defendants fliall tendanii. recover treble cofts, and have like remedy, as any defendant hath in any other cafes by law. A -W k T XLIX. /a7. 18. This act deemed a publick act, and judicially taken no- ' '"' '*^ *" tice of as fuch, by all judges, juftices, and other perfons wlutfoever, with- -tout fpecially pleading. L. fecf. I,. Stat. 13 & 14(7. 3. cap. ^i.feSI. i. The tollsor duties of the road, by Tolls and duries ijy tlie recited ad g;rimted, fhall take place, and have continuance from the ill '^ ^- f^'^' ' '• <=°"- ^., ? , 1 • o nnued 81 years from of May 1774, for and during 81 years. , ^^y ,^:j^_ LI. /c(Y. 2. Within a month after commencement of this acft the truftees Advcnifement to fhall caufe an advertifement to be publil"hed in the Munfter Journal, printed meet tu contract in Limerick, in which a day fhall be appointed for a general meeting of truflees, not lefs than fifteen days after fuch publication, in Liftowell ; and in fuch advertifement it fhall be declared, that the chief purpofe of fuch meeting iliall be to receive propofals from fuch perfons as are willing to con- tracfl for making and repairing faid road, and keeping the fame in good repair during the continuance of fuch contradl, in confideration of having faid tolls and duties alligned and fecured to fuch perfons during continuance of the term, for which the tolls fhall be granted by this aft, or for fuch part thereof as fhall be agreed upon. lAl.fe£l. 3. It fliall be lawful for fuch truftees fo affembled, or any num- ,<; truflees ma/ farm ber not lefs than fifteen, by writing under hands and feals, to farm and fet tolls. laid tolls at fuch annual rent as offered, to the higheft and faireft bidder, or to convey and afllgn for fuch of the term for which the acft fhall have con- tinuance, to fuch perfons as fhall oblige themfelves to make and repair faid road, and keep in compleat repair during faid term, and fhall give fufficient fecurity for performance, fubjedt to fuch refervations, claufes, reftriftions, and agreements, as faid truftees think fit. i LIII. /f(7. 4. The prefent creditors, or two-thirds in number and in the Two thIrHs of ere- value of their debts, or perfons duly authorized under hands and feals of '^i^'Tsprerent. fuch creditors, or two-thirds, ihall be actually prefent at fuch meeting, and confenting to fuch agreement. LIV. fed. 5. If by non-attendance of a fufficient number of fuch truf- ^^jyj.r,;Cg further tees, creditors, or perfons authorized by them, or by any other fatality or meeting. chance, the truflees not able to make fuch agreement, they fhall caufe an- other advertifement to be publifhed in Munfler Journal as aforefaid, appoint- ing another meeting at Liftowell, not lefs than fifteen days after fuch ad- vertifement, and declaring the caufes which rendered the former meeting in - effedual, and that the meeting then advertifed lliall be for the fame purpofes as the former, and fo from time to time, till faid truflees can have an efFec-- tual meeting for thq purpofes aforefaid; and laid truflees, at fuch fecond or any fubfequent meeting, Ihall have power to acl, as they might at the former. LV. feet. 6. It fhall be lawful for faid truflees, or any number not lefs 21 trurtees at meet- than twenty-one, at a meeting on a day appointed by advertifement, as afore- '"g may execute a faid, at Liftowell, to execute an inflrument in writing, under hands and feals, ^^^t^ "°' to lev; or declaring their having ufed their befl endeavours to raife money for making ^^^ u'lpi'e- and repairing faid road, and to carry the purpofes of this a£l into execution, and that all their endeavours had proved ineffeclual, and that from thence- forth they will not levy, any tolls upon any part of faid road, nor eredt any turnpike-gate upon faid road, or any part. LVI. feet. 7. Provided the perfons who have advanced, or fhall advance -j-^^, thirds of cre« money for faid road, or two-thirds in number and value of the fums ad- ditois prcfem. vanced, or fuch perfons as fhall be by them, or two-thirds, duly authorized under their hands and feals, fhall be prefent at execution of fuch writing, and confenting. N LVII. /(T/. DepoHtsd with LVII. feet. 8. One part of faid deed fhall be depofited with clerk of cieik of peace ; peace of the county of Limerick, and another with the clerk of county of ,, r Kerry, and fhall be kept among the records, and from the time faid inftru- "°uis'^°"° '^ '^^'ments fo depofited, no gate fhall ever after be erefted, or tolls levied on faid road, or any part, by this, or faid former ad, but faid road fhall be con- ftrued thenceforward as a publick road, to be made by prefentments of grand juries, as if this ad and faid ad never made. Additional ttuftees LVIII. feet. 9. The truftees, in conjundion with thofe that are now truftees for carrying this ad into execution, with the fame powers as vefted in the former. 7G. :?. c. II. in LIX. jWr 10. The faid ad, and all powers and authorities, articles, rules, force.'except as al- penalties, and claufes therein, except fo much as hereby altered, fhall be '«'«'•• of full force and effed, and fliall continue to be executed during faid ternv of eighty-one years, fubjed to the alterations by this ad, as if t2. feet. i. After 24th of June 1774, "J G. 3. c. 14. re. an ad fifth of his prefent majefty, intituled, an act for the more effefliially pealed, except the amending the publick roads ; and every claufe therein (except the claufe fcr re- lepealing claufe, and pgaijng feveral ads) and except fuch part as relate to county of Dublin. Hiall Munty'of Dublin. t)e repealed, and made null and void. LXII. feet. 2. After the 24th of June 1774, it fhall be lawful for the After 24 June.1774, grand jury of any county at any aflizes, to prefent any publick road in fuch •iriMs'mayVrefem county, or any part thereof, to be repaired, or any part of any publick road, for repair of .publick which is not of the breadth of twenty one feet in the clear, to be widened Toads; to any breadth not exceeding thirty-one feet, nor lefs than twenty-one feet widening not above j^ ^^^ ^j^^^. _ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ prefent any new road, to be laid out and made feet clear"" " " from market-town to market-town, or from any market-town to the fea, through any part of fuch county, except through deer-park, or any field enclofed with a wall five feet high at leaft, with lime and flones, or bricks^ or through the houfe, ofHces, gardens, or orchards of fix years growth, of any perfon who inhabits a houfe built with lime and flones, or bricks ; Q ,g^, and to appoint one or more perfons, who can read and write, to overfee and carry into execution every fuch prefentment ; and further to prefent all fuch fums as fhall appear neceffary to be raifed upon any barony or half.^ barony, for which a hrgh-conflable has been ufually appointed in fuch county, half baron charged ^° ^^ expended in repairing, widening, or making any publick road in fuch alfabarony, over- barony or half-barony as aforefaid ; (which half-barony fhall be confidered feer's wages, not and charged as a barony) and in paying wages to the overfeer appointed as above is., aforefaid, after.a rate not exceeding one fhilling in the pound for each pound prefented, to be expended by fuch overfeer. LXIII. fe^. 3. No fum fhall be fo prefented for repairing any road,, unlefs * an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of affize, or any two juflices for fuch county, in the folr lowing form, be firft laid before grand jury. County CouH/y of I of nnd J of dofwear, that they have lately meafured Affidavit for repair. perches of the road from to between and all in the barony or half barony of in this county, and that it will require the fum of eff'ehually to repair the faid ■perches -with gravel or f mall ftones, being at the rate of by the per ch^ isjhich they verily believe is the leaf the faid perches can be eff'eBually repaired for. LXIV. fe£l. 4. And no part of faid money fo prefented fhall be paid on any prefentment for repair of any road by the treafurer of any county, until the affidavit of one of the overfeers, who can read and write, appointed by the grand jury, fworn before one of the judges of afiize, in following form, allowed by grand jury and judge of affize. County of I Whereas the fnm of was prefented at #^^^, Overfeei'i affidavit •^ in the year for faid county^ to be expended in repairing before a judge. perches of the road from to between and in the barony {or half -barony ) of at the rate of by the perch, and the fum of for overfeer's wages, at pence for each pound. Now I of do fzvear, that I have expe?idca, faithfully and honefly, the fmn of in repairing effectually with gravel or fmall Jlones perches of the faid road, which fum, with my wages, at pence for each pound, makes in the whole the fum of and that every part of faid perches is twenty-one feet wide in the clear, within the ditches^ drains, or fences, and is fourteen feet wide, with gravel or fmall flones. Except where the road prefented is enclofed on both fides with walls built with lime and ftones, or bricks, and is not twenty-one feet wide between the fame; in which cafe, inflead of the words, [twenty-one feet wide in the clear, . ■ ■ \ r a within the ditches, drains, or fences'] fhall be inferted thefe words, [('?Jf/o/>ri' with five "fee°w«IIs. on both fides with walls built with lime and Jiones, or bricks, five feet hi<^h.~\ LXV. fe£l. 5. And no money fhall be fo prefented for widening any pub- lick road, unlefs an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of ailize, or two jullices for fuch county in form following, be fiift laid before grand jury. County of 1 of and of S dofwear, that they have lately meafured perches of the Affi^"!t for widen- ] r \ 1 ^ , ■' ..ingola roads. roadjrom to between and all in the barony (or half -barony) of in the faid county, and that no part of faid perches is twenty-one feet wide in the clear of ditches, drains^ or fences, or enclofed on both fides with walls built with lime and Jlones, or bricks five feet high, and that it vnll require the fum of to widen the faid perches to the breadth of in the clear, and to make fences inftead of thofe which fhall be taken down or defrayed in order to widen the fame, be- ing at the rate of by the perch; and that the faid fum is a reaf on- able charge, and is the leaf, they verily believe., that faid work can be effedually done for. N 3 And And no money fhall be paid by treafurer of any county on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs an affidavit of one of the overfeers, fworn before the judge of aflize in form following, allowed by grandjury and judge of alhze. O.eifeei'E afEdaiir. County of If'Fhereas the fum of -was prefented by the grand jury J of f aid county at ajfizes, in the year to he expended in widening perches of the road from to letv>een and all in the barony or half barony of • /« faid county, and the fum of for overfeers wages, at pence for each pound. Now I of do fwear, that I have faithfully and honefily expended the fum of in widening perches of faid road ; which fum, with my wages at pence for each pound, ■makes in the whole the fum of and that every part thereof is now feet wide in the clear, of ditches, drains, or fences, and that new fences are made injlead of thofe that have leen taken down or dejlroyed, in order to widen the fame. Boundarj road J LXVI. feH. 6. If any part of any publick road be the boundary be- tween any two baronies in fuch county, or any barony or half-barony in fuch county, and a barony or half-barony in any adjoining county, fo as that one fide of fuch road is in one barony or half-barony, and the other fide in an- other, it fhall not be lawful for any grandjury to prefent more than half the fum, neceflary for repairing or widening fuch road, and half the over- ■ ^^ ^ feers wages, to be rai fed on either of the baronies or half-baronies between adjoinLj Toundan-". ^hich fuch part of faid road is the boundary ; and in the affidavit to be made before the money can be prefented for repairing or widening fuch road, and alfo by the overfeer before faid money can be paid, inftead of the words \_all in the barony ] fhall be inferted thefe words \_wbich faid perches are the mearing between the baronies of and in faid county, or between the barony (or half-barony of) in the faid county, and the barony of in the county of ] as the cafe lliall happen ; and no money fhall be paid by the treafurer of any county on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs it alfo appear to the judge of afiize, and grand-jury, that an equal fum hath been prefented to be rai fed for faid work on the adjoining barony. _ ,. . ^ LXVII. fen 7. 'It fhall be lawful for grand jury of any county, at any Grand juries at af- -. -^ . ' . , ^ ^ , ^ rr ^ ) . j i fi7.es may prefent aflizes, to prefent fuch fums as appear to them neceflary, to lay out and make m. my for new roads any new road through fuch county, or any part thereof, from market town from mniket romar- to market town, or from any market town direiTtly to the fea, or to make ket, or the (ea ; fences thereto, not exceeding one lliilling for each perch of fuch fence, to be raifed either upon fuch county, and expended in laying out and making fuch fences not above is. new road, or in making fences and paying wages to overfeers, after a rate per perch ; j^^j exceeding one fhilling in the pound for each pound prefented to be ex- ^^^'"'■t'- pended by fuch overfeer, or upon any barony in fuch county, and expended in laying out and making any part of fuch new road or fences within fuch barony, and in paying wages to overfeer after rate aforefaid. Perfon rcqnefling LXVIII. feih 8. In every prefentment for laying out any new road the named in prefent- name of perfon requefi:ing the fame inferted ; and no fuch prefentment Iball went for new tuaJ ; bg made, unlefs it fhall firfl appear by affidavit fworn before any two juftices for fuch county, that a map of fuch new road has been depofited with the treafurer trcafurer twenty-one days at lead before firft day of fuch aiTizes, to be in- f.Tidavit before two fpecled by all perfons whom it may concern, (which map is to be kept t>y ■'o'f,'te"°[ j^/be-' clerk of the crown among records of the county) and that either of the feveral f°re Iffizes for in- owners or occupiers of the lands, through which fuch new road is to be made, fpedlion ; have confented thereto, or elfe that no part of fuch intended new road is to be made through the deer-park of any perfon, or through any field enclofed with a wall five feet high at leaft, built with lime and ftones or bricks, or through the houfe, offices, gardens, or orchards of fix years growth, of any perfon who inhabits a houfe built with lime and flones or bricks, without Hift;n<'ui(h!n? the confent of owner; and that a notice, fetting forth, that an application is in- lands^ami baronies, tended to be made next affizes for a prefentraent to lay out a new road from and number of to dlftinguilhingtheP^^^^^^^^f feveral lands and baronies or barony in' fuch county, and the number of per- occu^pier's^houfe^^*^ ches it is to be made through each town land, has been perfonally ferved upon 21 days before a'ni- or left at the houfe of each occupier of the land, through which the fame is^". to be made, in fuch county, twenty-one days at leaft previous to firfl day of ^"'' P°5^^'' °" 1^°"""" fuch affizes, and that another fuch notice has been ported upon the door of^^JI^^'g °°' ^ ^^^ county court-houfe, feven days at leaft previous to firft day of allizes. hlX./e^. 9. No money fhall be prefented for any new road, unlefs an affidavit, fworn by two credible perfons who can read and write, before one of the judges of affize, or two juftices for fuch county, in form following^ firft laid before grand-Jury. County of 1 °f . . . ^^^ "/ Affidavit for raonej. ^ do fivear that it •will require the fum of to make perches of the new road lately laid out from to between and all in the barony of in /aid county, thirty feet wide in the clear at the leaft, and fourteen feet wide at the leaji, with gravel or f nail f ones, being at the rate of bv the perch, which they verily believe is the leafi the faid perches can be effeSlitally made for. And no part of the money fo prefented fhall be paid on account of fuch pre- fentment by the treafurer until affidavit of one of theoverfeers, who can read and write, appointed by grand jury, fworn before one of the judges of affile in following form, allowed by grand jury and judge of alike. County of 1 Whereas the fum of was prefented at 3 ajixes in the year ' for faid county, to he expended in O^eiTeci's affidavit.^ making perches of the new road from to between and all in the barony of at the rate of hy the perch, and the fum of for overfeer's wages, at pence jor each pound. Now I of do fwear, that I have expended faithfully and honeftly the fum of m making perches of the faid new road, and that the faid perches are thirty feet wide at the leaft in the clear, within the ditches drains, or fences, and were cQedually made fourteen feet wide at the leafi, with gravel or f mall flones, between the 25th day of March and the 25th day of Augitji, in the year which fum with my wages at pence for each piund., makes in the whole the fum of And And no money fhall be paid by treafurer on account of any prefentment for fences,, iinlefs it fliall appear to the grand-jury by affidavit of one of over- feers, fworn before judge of allize, tliat the number of perches of fences pre- fented, has been made purfuant to faid prefentment -, and unlefs faid affidavit allowed by grand-jury and judge of aflize. Tnverfe the fame LXX. feet. lO. Any perfon aggrieved by any prefentment for any new aiiizes ; road, may traverle at fame affizes in which fuch prefentment made, and fuch tried at the fame or traverfe may be tried at faid affizes, and if not then, fhall be tried at affizes the next, j^pj^f. enfuing, unlefs good caufe to the contrary ; and the jury, who fhall verdia'^of damise ^U ^'^^ traverfe, Ihall true verdift give, whether any and what damages will conclufive ; accrue thereby to fuch perfon, which verdid fhall be conclufive to fuch per- on payment efde- : foil ; and upon the fum fo found for damages being paid, or depofited with pofite, overieer ^"^7 'tr^fn^er f'oT his Of her ufe, it fhall be lawful for the overfeer to proceed and P'^"^^^ ' lay out, or make, fuch new road purfuant to prefentment without interrup- "fented on county '^'^^ ^^ fuch perfon ; and it Ihall be lawful for grand-jury to prefent at dif- or baionies-j cretion the fum, fo found for damages, to be raifed upon the county, or ba- rony or baronies through which faid road made, in proportion to the length old road ilopped, it iTiall be made through each barony ; and that the grand-jury of any county may alfo prefent any old road, or any part thereof, to be flopped up, where fave where fuits de- ^j^y j^p^^ j-q^j j-q anfwer purpofes of the old one hath been or fhall be made, P^" S- except fuch old roads concerning which fuits now depending in law or equity. LXXl./e^. II. It lliall be lawful for any perfon aggrieved by fuch pre- Travcrfe thereof ihe fg[^[p^pj^f fgj. flopping up any old road, to traverfe at fame, or next affizes nkA°' "^^ ^ '^ ^' after fuch prefentment made ; fuch traverfe Ihall be tried by a jury ; and in or prefentment con. cafe fuch prefentment not traverfed, or, if traverfed, a verdidl found for pre- firmed. fentment, fuch prefentment fhall be confirmed. ,, . . . .. , LXXII. feci. 12. The veflries of the feveral parifhes in cities fexcept Veftnes in cities (e.x- -^ ,,, i_ • j-i i^ cept Dublin and Dubun and Cork) and corporate or borough towns, and in the market town Cork) and in bo- of Lurgan, may, if they think fit, prefent fuch fums as they think neceffiary, roughs and Lurgan, jq be raifed upon inhabitants of fuch parifhes refpedively, living within niay alTefs inhabi- bounds of fuch cities and towns, for paving, gravelling, and cleanfing the velline^ and^clean- feveral ftrccts or lanes through fuch part of every fuch parifh as is in fuch fing ftreets, or for cities and towns, or for lamps, to enhghten the flreets or lanes ; and alfo to lamps ; appoint proper perfons to applot and levy the fums fo prefented by faid vef- m\y appoint applot- j.j.y^ ^^^ ^^ allow faid perfons not exceeding twelve pence each pound fo a7wd ■>n- r. applotted and levied, for their trouble, and to appoint proper perfons to be diredors or overfeers for expenditure of the money fo prefented, who fhall and direaorr ac- be obliged to account upon oath tp the veftry of fuch parifh for the fame, countat-le on oat , ^^^ ^^ allow faid pcrfons any fum, not exceeding two fhillings, each day every fuch diredor or overfeer necelfarily employed in direding or overfeeing fuch work : provided no perfon Ihall have a right to vote at any fuch veflry, °pi!'r!!'^^ '^^'' '^ until he have taken the following oath, if required by any pariiliioner, which oath the miniiter or curate of fuch parilh is impowered to adminifter : I rl. B. dofiaear, that I am a hotiJJjolder of this pariJJj, and that I liije within the hounds of this city or town, and that I am worth one hundred pounds over and above tdl the debts I owe, and that I am not a tenant at will for the houfe 1 live in. LXXIII. fen. quiicil. LXXIII. feet. \i. Every owner or driver of any cart, car, dray, or wag- Damage by narrow gon, the wheels of which of lefs breadth or gauge than three inches at leaft, wheels and^pngs, from fide to fide, at the bottom or fole, when worn, and when the ftraiks "heeis und^r ; in- or iron, with which fuch wheels are bound, fhall be fet on with fprigs or chcs.andwiib'fjjrig', high-headed nails, fhall forfeit five fhillings and five pence, as alfo fuch car, foife'i.e'l wiih 59 jd. cart, dray, or waggon, whenever any fuch fhall be ufed or drawn on any '° ''"'''"' ' pubiick road, to the perfon feizing the fame; for the recovery whereof it horfeandaccoune- fhall be lawful for any perfon to feize any fuch carriage, as alfo any horfe or m^nts ddiveied m bead of draft in fuch car, cart, dray, or waggon, with all harnefs or ac- P'"'f'> officer, coutrements belonging, with all convenient fpeed, deliver up faid horfe, or bead of draft, into cuftody of conftable, pound-keeper, or parifli-officer of the fame, or adjacent parifh or liberty, where fuch feizure made, who are hereby required to receive and retain twenty-four hours, unlefs fooncr de- It'-Pf 24 ''oufs w\th livered by warrant from a iuftice of the county where fuch feizure made, in ^''•^'"fit 10 rieluer -, c !• n 1 J J 1 r r r ■ ■ n 11 ■ 1 ■ Oil oa til t'V leilor 111 manner herearter directed ; provided, the perfon lo leizing, fliail, within ^. injurs'iurticu's twenty-four hours, make oath before fom^ juftice of fuch county, who warrant to deliver ; being fatisfied fuch offence has been committed, fhall iffue his warrant, under hand and feal, to conftable, pound-keeper, or parifh-officer, in whofe cuftody fuch horfe or beaft or draft is, requiring to deliver unto the perfon named in fuch warrant, be firft paying to fuch conftable, pound-keeper, or parifh- officer, one ftiilling for each horfe or beaft of draft, for his trouble in detain- ,j ^^ ^^i, i^q,(j . ing ; and upon delivery of fuch diftrefs to the perfon named in fuch warrant unlef. lavintnt by ' the fame-lliall be to the fole ufe of the perfons fo named, unlefs owner of owner ; % faid beafts at time of fuch feizure, fhall before delivery of the fame pay the perfons named in fuch warrant, five fhillings and five pence ; on payment whereof faid conftable, pound-keeper, or parifh officer, iLall deliver fuch beafts with all harnefs, to owraer, paying faid conftable, pound-keeper, or parifh-officer, one ftiilling each beaft for his care and trouble ; and if any per- oV,n:,uf,;n5 or refnie fon fhall hinder or with force obftrud feizing or carrying off" any fuch feizure penalty 4o>;. on nah- or diftrefs for the aforefaid off*ence, or any of them, or refufe the fame, or b lore one juftice, ufe any violence to any perfon concerned in making fuch feizure or diftrefs, every perfon fo offending ftiall, upon due proof upon oath before any one iuftice where offence committed, forfeit for every fuch offence forty fhillings, to the perfon obftruded ; levied by diftrefs and fale of offenders goods and chatties, by warrant of fuch juftice under hand and feal-, and colleftors or receivers of tolls and cuftoms in cities, towns-corporate, market-towns, or double toll or cu'"- fairs, or of bridges (for paiTage over which tolls are paid) are required and torn, it" wheels not impowered to demand and levy from all perfons double the tolls or cuftoms, i'lches broad, or fet they are, by the laws now in force or by ufage, enabled to receive, who carry *"" "" ^"^'' ' any goods, liable to pay fuch tolls or cuftoms, in or through any city, town corporate, or market- town, or fairs,.or over any fuch bridges, upon any car, cart, dray, or waggon,, which ftiall not have the wheels of the breadth or gauge of three inches at die leaft, from fide to fide, at the bottom or fole, when worn, or in cafe.the ftraiks or iron, with which the wheels thereof are bound, fhall be fet on with fprigs or high-headed nails: and ifiit appear, up- ii^^^-^^rs &c not- on due proof by one v^itnefs, upon oath before any one juftice w-liere fuch icviV,g double t'oLi colleftors or receivers, employed to colleft the tolls or, cuftoms,- that- fuch fo'f.ii 5I on oadu colledor or receiver hath not obliged the owner or driver to pay fuch double ^^'^-e a jufilre; tolls or cuftoms, fuch colledor or receiver, knowingly fo offending, Ihall forfeit five pounds for every fuch offence, levied by diftrefs and Yale of goods and chatties, by warrant of fach juftice under hand and feal, one moiety' to informer and in- moiety for ufc o: informer, the other for the county infirmary ; and collec- firmary; [qjs of tolls of turnpike-gates, are impowered and required to oblige owner 13d. toll at turnr or driver of every fuch car, cart, dray, or waggon, to pay thirteen pence pikes; toll at every turnpike-gate, which if fiich gate-keeper fhall negleft to do, penalty on gate- j^ fj^jjjj ^^ lawful for any juftice of the county in which fuch turnpike-gate keepers not a ove . ^^^^ warrant under hand and feal, to order any fum not exceeding cwtnty 203. on oath before _'.,,.-' ,.irt-i 111 ir-/-i 1 r ajurtice.or his view; fhiUings, to be levied Oil the goods and chatties ottuch gate-keeper tor every fuch offence, on due proof by one witnel's upon oath before fuch juftice, or 4 wiieel carriages not upon his owiv viev/ ; and the owner or driver of any waggon, wain, cart, or under6 inches broad, (,^^j.J3gg ^\^\^ f^^j. wheels, the breadth thereof not lefs than fix inches at rolHn rn\vhTs'''' ^he fole or bottom, and the ftraiks fet on with flat-headed nails, and the fide.the middle (pace fore axle-tree of fuch waggon, wain, or cart, or carriage, being fo much from 4 feet 10 in- fhorter tlian the hind, that the wheels of fuch carriage fhall roll, at leaft, ches to 5 teet, pay jgjj inches of the road in breadth on each fide of fuch carriage, and the .only id. turnf ike ; .^yj^iggig thereof placed at fuch diftance from each other, that the fpace be- tween the middle of the one J:rack by fuch wheels, and the middle of the other, fhall be from four feet ten inches to five feet, fhall not be obliged to pay more than two pence toll for any fuch waggon, wain, cart, or carriage with four wheels, at any turnpike-gate for palling on any turnpike-road in 2, wheel carts with 2 ^j^jg i^jngdom in the fame day ; and owner or driver of any cart with two w^t'lf '' inch vTheelT ^"^^^'^ wheels, drawn by not more than two horfes, or mules, or of any car and flatnails, pay id or cart with two wheels, the breadth thereof being four inches at the bottom ^nceadayon pro- or fole, when worn, and the ftraiks thereof being fet on with flat-headed .ducing a ticket. nails, fhall not be obliged to pay more than one penny toll, for palling on any turnpike-road the fame day ; it being the intention of this a£f, that the owners or drivers of fuch carriages with four and two wheels, ihall not be obliged to pay more than once the fame day, at any gate on the fame turn- pike-road, or divifion, upon their producing a ticket from the gate-keeper of the fifil gate they palled through, ■ronnty prefentment LXKlV./ea. 14. It iliall be lawful for grand jury of any county at for feiTions, gaol, i-r aflizes, that fuch fums of money, as they think neceffary, fhall be raifed work houfe, iri'j-'e. upon iuch county at large, to be expended in building, rebuilding, enlarg- gullct, ppe or wall, j^^^ ^^ repairing the fellions-houfe, goal, work-houfe, or houfe of corredion, or any bridge, or part of a bridge, or any gullet or pipe under any road, or any wall or pjrt of a wall, neceflary to fupport any road, or for gravelling and overfeers wages, or filling over any fuch bridge, gullet, or pipe ; andalfofor wages of over- not above 1 2d. per l' feer of fuch work, not exceeding twelve pence each pound by him expended on affidavit by 2 be- ap-reeable to fuch prefentment ; provided no money fhall be fo prefented, fore a judge or 2 unlcfs it llial! appear by affidavit of two credible perfons v/ho can read and charge a°nd'wo°k^ ^ write, fwom before one of the judges of alfrze, or any two juftices of fuch BecelFary; couuty, that the fum is a reafonable charge, and that the work is necelfary, and cannot be efledually executed for a fmaller, to the beft of their judg- ment ; and provided, if the affidavit fhall be for building a new feffions- eftiiTiate annexed to houfe, goal, work-houfe, or houfe of corredtion, or bridge, or rebuilding affidavit; an old one, a plan and eftimate of the work be annexed to fuch affidavit, in foreman's certifica-e ^-^ j^^ following words fhall alfo be inferted after the words (fmaller of amdavit and elti- „ ,. ,^, , n ■ r 1 j r ^ ^ mate for new bric-e, fum) according to the plan and eftimate hereunto annexed; and no preientment ^ ' for any new bridge (hall be confirmed, unlefs it firft appear to fuch judge, that an affidavit and eftimate for fuch new bridge had been laid before grand Se's'dellroyed, l^'ry at laft affizes, and certified by the foreman, that the fame had been read linto fuch grand jury ; but this fhall not extend to new bridges prefented in- ftead ftead of old ones carried away or deftroyed ; and the whole fum To prefented, Ihall not be paid by treafurer of any county on account of any fuch prefent- ment, until it appear to grand jury, and the judge, by affidavit of one of°j;^''''"f'^.^''^'^*^'^ the overfeers, who can read and write, fworn before one of the judges, that faid "oreY^udar^ ^^' fum fo accounted for hath been faithfully and honeftly expended in execution of the work, for which granted, to the beft of his flcill and judgment ; and sndaccountallowed; until faid account allowed by grand-jury, and judge of aflize ; and where where pr.'ientrncnc any prefentment exceeding one hundred pounds fhall be granted for build- above lool. tor fei- ing, re-building, or repairing of any feifion-houfe, gaol, work-houfe, or houfe !"\"''°"''-"' *fc- 'h= of corredion, or any bridge, the judge is impowered to order fuch part of{"g,f^^^3°" °|'"' any fuch prefentment to be paid by treafurer to overfeer, on overfeer's af- lowed, order pay- fidavit allowed by grand jury, that as much of the work is done according to ni-"! of part not a- prefentment, as amounts to the fum required -, which fum is hereby limited '^""^ ^'^"^^ '• not to exceed two thirds of the prefentment ; provided the overfeer gives security by over- fecurity before one of the judges ofailize to finifli the work purfuant to pre- fsers to fmiih. Icntment. LXXV. feet. 15. It fhall not be lawful for the grand jury of any county where biidge or to prefent more than half the fum, that fhall appear by affidavit of two gu'C' a boundary, credible perfons, fworn before judge of affize, or two juflices of fuch county, '^''^ preiented. neceflary for building, re-building, or repairing of any bridge, gullet, or pipe, or filling or gravelling over the fame, which is the boundary between Uich and any adjoining county, and half overfeers wages raifed upon fuch coun- jjij ji^if wages ; ty ; and in the affidavits made before the money can be prefented or accounted for, inflead of the words [in faid couytty'\ fhall be inferted thefe words : [which is the boundary between this county and the county of .] And no money fhall be paid by treafurer on account of fuch prefentment, unlefs ,, 1 r t" it fhall alfo appear to the grand jury, and the judge, that an equal fum hath „,£„( (,„ adjoming been prefented for faid work on adjoining county; and any juflice of any county ; county, having an eflate in freehold in lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of aju'^icflwving lod. the clear yearly value of one hundred pounds at leafl, within fuch county, ^^^"^ 'reehold m may, under hand and feal, order any fum not exceeding five pounds, to be ^^^ ^i_ jg^' ^^J^^^ q} expended in repairing any bridge on a publick high road, felhon-houfe, b.-idge, houieotier- lioufe of correction or gaol, within fuch county, fuddenly damaged, and fio" or corrcitioR, or which ought to be repaired by fuch county; provided it appear to him, by 2*°' 'i''^''^"'^v j*' ■ affidavit of two credible perfons, who can read and write, that the repair ^,'^^o'p°"^-yj'Jg of fuch, cannot be delayed to next affizes without prejudice to the county, by delay, as they verily believe ; and faid juflice may alfo appoint proper overfeers to and appoint over. ^ repair the fame, and the grand-jury of every fuch county is impowered to *^^^'" raife by prefentment next affizes the fum fo expended in repairing any fuch bridge on a publick high road, feffion-houfe, houfe of correftion or g^ol» on^^t^Kcoum^v ^ '"^ upon any fuch county at large, to be paid to overfeers fo appointed by fuch on producing 'the juftice, upon producing fuch affidavit as before mentioned, and fuch war- arridavit, warrant, rant under hand and feal of faid juflice, as alfo an affidavit fworn by on'e '"d afrtdavu ot cx- or more of fuch overfeers before the judge of affize, that he or they have ^^^^ ""'^.^'^^ -^ (^ faithfully and honeftly expended the fum ipecified in faid affidavit, in re- ^^.Q houiholders, pairing fuch bridge, feffion-houfe, houfe of corre'flion or gaol; and any juf- fiidjuirlce .-.layor- tice qualified as aforefaid, upon affidavit of two fubftantial houfliolders, who-^"-"' 4°3- '01 'epaiiing can read and write, may in like manner order any fum, not exceedino; forty '■''J•*'^P^• „.,,. , 11- • • u 1 u 1 /I 1- L 1 and appoint i!i over- Inuhngs, to be expended in repairing any hole or bad Itep, which may nap- (^gf . pen in any road by a fudden fall of rain, or other accident, and appoint an overfeer to repair ; and grand jury of every county are impowered to O ' railc prefcnted on barony, raife by prefentment upon the barony in which fuch road is, the fum fn ianie reqi.iruesas by pxpendci, OH fuch overfecrs performing fuch requifues as overfeersof bridges on'v one order for ^re required to perform; provided nojuftice fhall make above one fuch order bridge or road be- for any bridge or road between aflizes and aliizes, nor for any road in any ba- tvveeii aiFizes j rony in which he has not a freehold of clear yearly value of one hundred |ool a year freehold p^^^j^jg _ ^^j ^j^^ ^^ money fhall be paid by any treafurer to any overfeer, roadt "°"^ °'^^ appointed by any juftice in manner aforefaid, unlefs it fhall firft appear to artiddvit by juftice ofgrand jury and judge, by affidavit of fuch juftice, that he viewed fuch brid^'a view before cider, or road, before he gave any orders for repairing ; and that the repair feemed *^' to him neceflary ; and that he viewed the fame, fince it was repaired ; and that the work feemed well executed, and the whole of the money honeftiy expended, and that he has an eftate of freehold in the county (if the order was for a bridge, gaol, feffion-houfe, or houfe of correction) or in the ba- rony (if the order was for a road) of the clear yearly value of one hundred pounds, and that he made only one fuch order fmce lad allizes. On overfeei's death LXXVl. fe^. i6. Whenever the overfeer, appointed by the grand-jury before account, and for any work prefentcd, fhall happen to die, before he has accounted, and artidavitoftxpcndi- after a part or the whole of the money prefented hath been expended by treafur'e7™^"' ^ ^^™ '" ^^^^ execution, in cafe an affidavit fworn by any credible perfon, who can read and write, before the ludge, in the form prefcribed by this ad for the overfeers to have fworn, be allowed by grand jury and judge of aliize ; in which affidavit, inflead of the words [^I have fait If iilly and honeftiy expended^ may be inferted thefe words, {to the beff of hit belief and opinion was expended by '■dcho is now dead] the money declared by faid affidavit to have been expended, together with wages, if prefented, fhall be paid by the treafurer ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithflanding. Keprefcntment of L.XXVll. fefl. 1 7. Whenever any fum prefented, iTiall not be expended money in treaiurei's agj-geable to fuch prefentment and accounted for within a reafonable time wo"rk^n°fuch baronv after, it fhall be lawful for grand jury to re-prefent fuch fum then in trea- or county;'. furer's hands, to be expended on fome other work in the barony, upon which the former was prefented ; or in the county, if raifed upon the county ; power to erea and it fhall be lawful for any perfons, who have any ferry over any river, bridges in place of excepting cities and towns-corporate, to ered and fupport a bridge, at their j„ll. ' own expence, over fuch river, in place of fuch ferry, and to take and receive ciriesand corpora- for palling, fuch toll, and no more, as they are intitled to receive for pafling I iuns excepted; fiich ferry. \ . . Overeersnottoralfe LXXVIII. /f^. 18. It fliall not be lawful, for overfeers of any road, niareiialson fea- bridge, or wall, to fearch for, dig, raife, or carry away any gravel, ftones, fhore, where a pub- fand, or Other materials, from any beach or fea fhore, which is a pnblick lick road or bulwark, road. Or a bulvvark, o.r defence to any towns or publick roads adjoining-'' on"oi'tVf ^n*^ w^i'^-' and every,' perfon convided thereof, on oath of any one credible wicneVs, " ntfs before a jurtice- before any one juftice within his jurifdidion, fliall for every offence forfeit five ("hillings for every cart or car load of fuch materials, fo dug, railld, or carried away ; any thing in this ad to the contrary notwithflanding. Prefentmont for fe- LXXIX. feet. 1 9. It ftall be lawful for grand jury at affize, by prefent- cretary not above 5I. ment, to raife fuch fum as they think fit, not exceeding five pounds, on fuch county at large, for paying a fecretary for trouble in drawing and en- tering prefemments, and attending fuch grand jury during allizes ; and alfo and si- for inter- not exceeding five pounds, for an interpreter at fuch uHizes ; and alio not V'^'^er, exceeding ten pounds in the whole, to the clerk of crown, in lieu of fees in^lieu°of^feeTand^' ^of P'^-^'^"^ difcharged at feffions and affizes, and for attendance at allizes ; atiendanct ; ^nd aad alfo not exceeding ten pounds in the whole, to clerk of peace of fudi ' °^-^f° <^'^f ^ o'" county, for trouble in executing faid office ; and alfo not exceeding on? hun-P^'^"',-^^^^^ ^^^ dred pounds for an accurate furvey and map of fuch county; and alfo anyn,,p^ fam neceflary for paying one half-year's rent of the court-houfe or fellion- tor l>n!f-vearV. rent houfe, gaol, workiioufe, or office for keeping records of faid county, ^^'^ereof^^Ace^t^f^^cordi; fuch office is taken and rented for that purpofe by the grand-jury ; and a"'"g3|:,^J'J\^U3' ^^.. any fum, not exceeding twenty pounds, for the building or repairing of gal-, or conveying pri- lowfes, or for bolts, fhackles, flocks, whipping- pods, ducking-ftools, or foners not above 6d. pillories, or cleanfing of ncceflTary houfes of gaols, or for mile-ftones, o^'P^j'^o^ 'g^^^^^in finger-pofls; and alfo any fum neceflary for conveying any piifoner at^cufed*^(^.j^°^'^"^7/|,"^^ of capital offences to county gaol, fo as the fame do not exceed fix pence ^jiis of cods veiified each mile every fuch prifoner l"hall be fo conveyed ; and alfo for recoveringby affidavit in court. publick money from treafurers, collectors or receivers, their executors, ad- minillrators, or fureties, upon fuch bills of cofl: being laid before grand-jury, and verified by affidavit fworn in court. LXXX. /f/?. 20. No money fhall be paid by treafurer for or upon ac- No payment »Wi-\ count of any fuch prefcntment, fexcept for falaries of the fecretary to grand- out affidavft ofex- iir ■ f N -I'/T-ii » J penditure by one ot ' jury, clerk of crown and peace, or for rent) until it mail appear to grand- []^^ p^^i-^^^^ jury and judge of affize, by affidavit of one of the perfons to whom fuch iaia,ies and'rentex- fum granted, fworn before one of the judges, that fuch fum hath been fai th- cepted. fully and honeftly expended, agreeable to the prefentment. LXXXl. feci. 21. Grand-jury of each county fhall every year appoint a Grand juries yearly • proper p;rfon high conftable for each barony or half-barony, for which high to appoint high conlLables heretofore appointed; and alfo four proper perfons to be fob- =o"'^^'^''^s 'of ^^ro- conftables for every fuch barony or half-barony, to affiftjn carrying this a/7. 23. Treafurer of each county fhall, within one month af- ""p'ikftlni'iruewa"-^^'' '^^ received fuch copies of prefentments, iflTue warrants to the perfons 1 ants to colleflors; who, under provifion in this ad, are to be colledors for levying the fums raifed off each barony or half barony, in order to anfwer the prefentments at fuch afllzes, which fums every perfon, to whom fuch v/arrant is diredcd, is payment to treafurer jj^pQ^g^g^ ^^^ required to raife and levy, and to pay to the treafurer, on or nm affiles *^ ° before the fecond day of next afllzes ; and in cafe any perfon fhall refufe to pay pay proportion thereof, fuch perfon as impowered to colleifl the fame, fhall and may levy the fame by diftrefs and fale of goods and chatties of fuch per- colleftors may dil- fon, rendering the overplus, if any, after deducing twelve pence each pound, "•ain, for his trouble ; and in every fuch warrant fhall be inferted the names of the ^^^ '^J* P"'- .„ , •'. . . , . /• »L ^ L- L the whoie turn and manors, pariflies, or denominations m that portion or the county, which ppjjj^,j|Q(-p3j,(,3jj^ fuch perfon is to colled from, as is contained in county book, and alfo the county books, or as whole fum to be colledled, and the portion thereof which each manor, parifh, ufually tactd. or denomination is to pay, according to its contents in county book, or as ufually rated. LXXXIV. fe^. 24. And whereas it has been found very difficult to af- in 10 Hjys after tc- certain the proportion each perfon is to pay, every perfon impowered to re- ccipro) warrant, re- ceive the fame, to whom fuch warrant fo fent, fhall, within ten days after li""""^' '''^'";_"'^'-- he receive fuch warrant, deliver or fend to the fenefchal, redor, vicar, cu- c[,ai*'iea©r!^ &c' " late, or church-wardens of each manor, parifh, or denomination of land in fuch warrant, or in cafe there be no fenefchal, redlor, vicar, or curate, or it' none, toanvprin- church-warden, then to any principal refiding inhabitant (if required fo to do *^'P.'''f"^'"^^"'- '*'^- by any two landholders of any fuch manor, parifh, or denomination of land, ^""Ji^^,^ ^J^ ir"necef- or if he find it necefifary) an account in writing, figned by himfelf, of the Carv ; fum he is required by faid warrant to levy, and to defire that the liiid fum 3nd dcfire applot- may be applotted thereon ; and every perfon, who fliall receive fuch account, "'e^t ; is required (under penalty of ten pounds, recovered by civil bill, before jud- . ges of afllze, by any perfon who fhall fue) to pofl up within fix days after ^"''3"^^"'^ ^"^f, receipt thereof, on the door of the church, or any other confpicuous place in ,^1. b^, ^ivii bill, faid manor, parifh, or denomination, a notice figned by himfelf, fetting requiring a meeting forth, that the landholders and inhabitants of are hereby <« applotthe lumi to meet at on the day of to chufe two or more perfons to applot the fum of required to be levied, by warrant of the treafurer of this county : at which meeting the landholders and inhabitants prefent fhall choofe two or more ap- ''^0 <^ "i ore then plotters; and the perfons fo chofen fhall applot fully and juflly, as foon as ^^°'''^" to applot; they conveniently can ; and fhall upon the back of, or underneath applot- appiofn^g^, „ .u ment, make oath before any juflice for fuch county, that they have made faid before a juftice, applotment juftly, according to befl of their fkill, without favour, affedion, dgi,-ygreH In 50 day« or malice: and fhall, within thirty days after fo chofen, deliver the fame to to colledtor; the perfon, impowered to collect, under penalty of forfeiting for every day penalty los.aday; they omit to deliver the fame, after faid thirty days, ten fhillings, recovered colleflors thereon 't<^ by civil bill, before judge of affize, by any perfon who fliall fue ; and the levy, collector, on receiving fuch full and fufficient applotment, is authorized and a„d ,05 applotttrs required to levy faid money according thereto ; and alfo any fum not exceed- fees ; ing ten fhillings, for applotters fees, by diftrefs and fale of goods of every perfon refufing to pay the proportion applotted ; rendering the overplus, if if not fufficient ap- any, to owner ; and in cafe no full and fufficient applotment returned within plotment leturned itr thirty -fix days after fuch account fent or delivered, it fhall be lawful for the 3^6 days after accounj collector, or deputy, or high conflable, into fuch manor, parifh, or deno- c^neaor to enter mination to enter, and diilrain the whole or any part, and by fale to levy the and difttain. full fum he is required by treafurer's warrant to levy, upon fuch manor, parifh, or denomination ; and it fhall be lawful for grand-jury of any Prefcntment for county, at any affizes, to prefent all fuch fums as now are or hereafter, fhall ' be unpaid, or in arrear, out of any barony or half-barony, to be raifed and levied on fuch barony or half-barony, which the fame was originally required bj treafurer's warrant to be levied upon, if they think fit, and to prefent all fuch fuch fums which have hitherto been, or hereafter fhall remain unpaid, on ac- <>T on abfcoiunng or count of abfcondlng or infolvency of any col!ed\or, or any perfon impowered inkiUencyotcol- to colletl or icccive publick mon^=y, who is or fhall be infolvenr, to be like^manner '" raifed and levied either upon the county, or barony or half-barony in which the fame was before levied, if they think fit ; which fums fliall be levied in fame manner, and fubjecl to fame rules, regulations, provifion, and powers, as money to be levied by tliis aft ; and in cafe any money (o detained or fecreted by any colledor, treafurer, or other perfon impowered, fhall be paid to treafurer, hereafter recovered, it iTiall be paid to the then treafurer, and prefented by prefented for publick grand jury to be expended in executing fome work in the county at large, woiks in the county, or baronv or half-barony, fo charged, fuch as grand-juries have power to On proof on oatli bv P''^^^"^ <^" t'l^ county, barony, or half barony refpe(!n;i\ely. And if it appear two, within 1 year,' to any judge, upon due proof by two credible perfons upon oath at any af- ofdeceit on the court fizes, within One year after any quere, or at any prel'entment by which mo- by affidavit, tine or Qgy ^^g granted, has been difcharged, that the court was deceived by any ree''rr^I^^ff'"'^rjrt^^^'^'^^'''^ ^"'' diicharging fuch quere, and that the money was not expended difcharoed. agreeable to prefeiument, the judge may, notvv'ithftanding fuch quere dif- charged, fine or iffue procefs againll overfeers in fuch prefentmenr, as if In large parifiies, Sfc ^^^ quere not anfwered. And if any lordlTiip, manor, or parifh, fhall be fo 2 ormoreconftablcs.large, that one conflable not fufficient to do the whole office, it fhall hi law- ful to appoint two or more conflables for fuch lordlhip, manor, or parifh, in fuch manor as fuch one conllable was formerly appointed ; which new with like powers. confirables Ihall have fuch and the fame power and authority, as any other conflable hath, or by laws of this realm ought to have. On colleaors death, L-XXXV. Ject. 2^^. If any collec\or appointed by grand jury, die before fdW-^^^°'"^^'^*''^^ collefted the publick money, it fhall be lawful for the juflices at felfions, '' ' "^' or any adjournment, to appoint another fit and p;oper perfon to colletSt in fecurity to perform, the place of fuch collector, upon giving fufficient (ecurity to perform the requifites, until a collector appointed by grand jury of fuch county. Traverfe to prefent- LXXXVl. /ccL z6. It fliall be lawful for any perfon, aggrieved by pre- "'ff'. ,. , fentra-nr to enter one or more traverfes in op^n court to fuch prefentment i tiled immediate y, i • i »-i_ n i • , . i. i ,i- ' or nixtaOiyes. vvliicn [hall be tried unmediatcly, or next allizes. On entry in crown LXXXVII. ffct. 27. Such traverfe may be tried upon entry of any pre- book, it lutTicient infentment in crown book, and the traverfe taken thereto, without making (ijbftance. ^p ^^^y j-gcord, fo that fuch entry in crown book be fufficient in fubftance. Uverleer may raile 1 1 j r r> • • r n j r ■ 1 1 ■ materials in that or though defective m form. And every overleer appomted by grand- adjoining eoumy, jury for making or repairing any publick road (or wall neceflary for fupport of any road) fliall be impowered to dig for, raife, and carry away" any gravel, ftones, fand, or other materials wanted foi building, rebuilding, enlarging, or rep.uring any bridge, gullet, pipe, (or wall neceifary for fup- , ,. J ■ port of any road) or for making, repairing, or preferving any road, whether 3n Cl IIJ a& cur a\ Ii'S */*1 1'** 1 1_}' /V throuah any lands, ^^ ^^^" county, or adjoiu'ng couucy, and to make drams, to carry oit water ckceptdcer-paik, that may injure any bridge, gullet, pipe, wall, or road, in or through *^c. lands of any perfon, not a deer-park, green, orchard, haggard, or yard, or in the planted walk, avenue, or lawn, to manfion houfe of any perfon, and and carry awav ; to carry away faid materials; and fuch over feer fhall make fuch fatisfadion (atistaiSlion to owner ^ -' . ,-, 1 11 ^-o-ili r \ n or occupier j ^'^ Owner or occupier, for damage done thereby, as aileiled by three lubftan- damsge aicertained tial lioufe-holders of the county, one named by each of the parties, and the by ? houfcholders ; third by the next, or any neighbouring juftice, who fhall be fworn by fuch a"hi"dT'^ '^y ,"'•''■ jullices of peace to be appraifers of fuch damages, and to make a true efti- fwoi'n appiai^iersT' ™^"-^ '■° ^^^^ °^ ^^^''' ^''^ ' ^""^ '^ ^^'Y P^^fon obllrud or prevent fuch over- obliiuftingoverlecrs, fters feers in digging for, raifing, or carrying away fnch materials, or in making fiich drains, fnch perfons fhall, upon convidion by oath of one credible wit- ncfs, before any one juftice of fuch county, city, or town corporate, where penaltv 5 1, on one fuch offence committed, forfeit for every fuch offence, a fum not exceeding witnds before a juf- five pounds ; levied, with charges, bydiftrefs and fale of goods of offender, ''"• ''/ diftrefs and by warrant of any one juftice of fuch county, city, or town corporate, where *^' fuch offence committed. LXXXVIII. feet. 28. And that a fufRcient recompence may be made to any Eflfmate of damages pcrfon injured, the effimate of fuch damages as aforefaid, made by the per- fwom before 2 juiH- fons appointed, and fworn to by them before two juftices of fuch county, "•'• '^'.'' before neat may be laid before next grand-jury, who may prefent fuch fums as they preiVmid'^off the think a fufficient recompence (not exceeding the fum fo eflimated) to be county, paid by Taifed off" the county at large, and paid to fuch perfons by the treafurer; treaiurer ; and every fuch overfeer may give notice to owner or occupier of the land "o'lcebyoverfeer, to adjoining, to fcour the drains or ditches, or to cut or clip the hedges by the j^^^j"P|"^ ^'J^^lj° X^, fides of fuch roads, at a height not exceeding five feet, which, if ov/ner or to j feet ; occupier negledt to do within ten days after ferving fuch notice, any juftice on negleft 10 days, of the county in which fuch road is, may, by warrant under hand and feal, '^""^ ''/ overfeers order the overfeer to have faid drains or ditches effectually fcoured, or hedges and^expences^levled, cut or clipped ; and authorize fuch overfeer to levy the exp?nce off" the goods with wages not above of fuch owners or occupiers, together with fuch wages to faid overfeer, as iSd. a day. faid juftice fhall think fit, not exceeding eighteen pence each day faidover^ feer iliail neceffarily be employed in attending and performing fuch work. LXXXIX. feet. 29. If owner or occupier of any land or houfe adjoining 4S hours afterno- any publick road fhall, after notice by overfeer or fub-conftable of the ba- "''^^' ^y overfeer or rony, to remove any dunghill, dirt, rubbifh, or other nuifance laid upon any '"""'^f.'^'^' '"/f' r 1 ■ 1 1 J L r -.1 • ^ . c ^ c r L move nuilance with- part oppofite to his or her land, or houfe, or withm twenty-one feet of fuch ;„ 3, feet of the road, or to make fewers or pipes for free paflage of water, obftrudted by paf- center, or to fing of cattle into his or her land, or houfe from fnch road, fo as to injure "i^'=e'''^"'e''s for wa- fuch road, forty-eight hours next after fervicc of fuch notice perfonaily, at '^f,i fumm-Dus by a his or her houfe or ufual place of abode, the overfeer or fub-conftable, or any -^f negledt ^,°^^ """^ other perfon may complain of the refudtl or negleift, to any juftice for the county, and thereupon it fhall be lawful for faid juftice to iffue warrant or ;o appear and anfwer fummons, requiring party fo complained of to appear at a certain place, with- '" ^ ^^7* '• . . r 1 r r 1 r ■ rir-j r r ' r •• coiDplamt examined,, in ux days after fuch lervice, 01 the laid warrantor lummons, to anlwer laid ' complaint; and faid juftice ihal! and may, in prefence of faid parties com- plained of, or in their abfence, if duly fuminoned, he, ffie, or they refufe , ^ I rL ^u • J 1 • . J • • . .1 if otFence proved; or neglect to appear at the time and place appointed, examine into the ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ j^' matter of faid complaint; and if it fhall be manifeft to faid juftice, upon by diftrefs and fale,. fuch examination, by confeflion, or upon oath of one credible witnefs, that faid complaint was well founded, it fhall be lawful for every fuch jnftice, upon every fuch offence proved as aforefaid, to fine the owner or occupier, of fuch land or houfe, in any fum not exceeding twenty fhillings ; and by fine applied to de- warrant to levy the fame by diftrefs and fale of the offender's goods; and ffav thcexpence, the money arifing by fuch fale, over and above amount of faid fine, to pay ''efidie to church- faid owner or occupier; and faid fine levied as aforefaid, faid juftice fliall ^'''' '"^ or poor. apply in manner following, firft to def:ay expence of removing faid dung- hill, dirt, or rubbifh, or other nuifance, and in making fuch fewers or pipes ; and the refidue of faid fine, the faid juftice fliall pay to the minifter and church-wardens of the parifh, for ufe of the poor of faid parifh. XC. feet: Ruildlngs within 25 XC. feet. 30. Every perfon, who (hall build any houfe, or part of a Iioufe, teet of center, except ^yithj^ twenty-five feet of the center of any road, (except in cities or in cities or towns -^ j ~ ^ r ^ •. keeping curs, &c! market-tovvns,) or keep any cur, dog, maftifF, or bull-dog, at any houfe vvichiii 50 yards, within fifty yards of any road, without having a block of wood of five without a block,- pounds at the leafl:, faftened to the neck of every fuch dog, or fhall lay wuhm '^?fe« o?''' ^"X ^"'■^' '^""S^ dirt, draw, rubbifh, or the fcouring of any ditches or center, "deeping or drains, or Other filth, or any ftones, or timber upon any part of any road, drying flax, ijutning or within twenty-onc feet of the center, or fhall fteep or dry any flax, or weeds wiihln 100 burn any weeds or bricks within one hundred yards of any road, or build buiWin "^ ?ime-Wn ^"^ lime-kiln within fifty yards, or cut any turf, or make any turf-ftack within 50 yards, or within twenty-one feet of the center of any road, or fhall pull down any cut or ftack turf part of any bridge, or injure any mile-ftone or finger-poft, or dig any pit, within 21 feet of or ditch, or build any wall within fifteen feet of the center, or put up any Center or pull down Tign-poft or maY-buili within twenty-five feet of the center, or leave any part ot a lirulge, or = ' ^ * ^ ^ . . . ■' _ », .,-' injure mill-ilone or ^'"' o'' ^^^^ uom lun-lct to lun-nfe, On any part ot any road, or in the port, or dig pit, or ftreets of any city or town through which travellers ufually pafs, without build a wail within leaving a paflagc twenty-one feet at leafl in breadth, or winnow any corn on ijteet ot center.or any part df any road, or alter any road not being firft authorized by due put up li^n or may- r c \ 1 i r r iiT/- 1 ,- ^ ■, Uiihwithm 2s feet courle ot law, or leave the carcale ot any dead horle, mule, afs, or other of center, or leaie beaft, or fkin any dead beaft on any road or within one hundred yards of cars, by night with- the center, or lead or drive any car or cart with timber, boards, or iron laid out 21 teetpaLge, crofs-ways, or fcrape the gravel off any road, fhall upon conviction, by oath or winnow corn, or r j-i 1 rye • r. ■ V 1 1 ,• \ 'W- alter road without *"''' ^"^^ Credible witnels, berore any jufiice or the county where fuch offence authority, or leave or Committed, or upon view of any fuch juftice, for every fuch offence, forfeit (liindead bealls ntst exceeding ten (hillings, levied by diftrefs and fale of goods of offender, within 100 yards of by warrant of any one juftice of the county, city, or town corporate in which center, ordiivecars /•,,„!. cr • j j -r r i -n /i with limber or iron ^" onence committed: and ir any perlon draw any mill-ltone on any crofs ways, or fcrape road, without fupporting by a carriage on wheels, fuch perlbns ("hall, upon gravel, on conviaion convitftion by the oath of one credible witnefs before any one juftice of the bv I witnefs betote county where fuch offence committed, forfeit not exceeding forty fhillings, view."pe'nal'i/''os. l^^'ed by diftrefs and fale of goods of offender, by warrant of any one drawing mill-ltone Juftice of the county, city, or town corporate in which fuch offence com- without a wheel- mitted ; and if any perfon draw any timber, boards, or fticks, without fup- cjrnage,p>'nalty4ca porting the ends on a carriage on wheels of the breadth of three inches at no^irnportlnrthe'^ ieaft, on any road made or repaired with money granted by grand-jury of ends on wheels of 3 ^.ny County, or turnpike board, fuch perfon fhall, upon convidtion, by oath inches at leaft, on i of one credible witnefs, before any one juftice within his jurifdiiftion, or wiineis bttore a upon view of fuch juftice, forfeit not exceeding five fhillings, levied by llen'ai^yTs "a^nd"thc dtftrefs and fale of goods of offender, by warrant of fuch juftice, and alfo timber, &c to !titor, ^"^h timbt r, boards, or fticks, to the perfon who lliall feize ; and the grand- houfe or limekiln jury at any alli^^es may prefent any houfe, or part of a houfe, or lime-kiln, '^T"l''^ ^A^^\{K^' ^^'■^^ffer biult contrary to intent of this ad to be pulled down, or any d'o '^n -^do^s" killed J^'^'*-^ within his jurildidion, may by his warrant order any dog kept contrary on jufti'ce's "warrant, ^° intent of this acl, to be killed, or any pit or ditch filled up or levelled, pic or ditch rilled or or any wall thrown down hereafter made or built contrary to this ad, as levelled, alfo neceOiiry expence attending thereon, to be levied by diftrefs and fale of amUi" ''^ offenders goods and chatties ; and any perfon may take and carry away all any one' may tak? ^'^""^^ ^u\(, dung, dirt, ftraw, or rubbilh, corn, filth, fcouring of ditches or fuch turf, 5 . within twenty-one feet of the center, and apply to his own ufe, and kill any w'itliom^dngfueT' ^""S kept contiLiry to this ad, without being fued orprofecutcd. XCI. feet. 'KCl./ea. 3f. Every landholder or occupier, who Hiall lay, or caufc, orW>"g^'^'^' for^^^J- fuffer to be laid, upon his land, within three miles of any city, or one mile ^f a^city,'^',^" [own- of any town-corporate, for manure, or any other purpofe, any filth, offals, corporate, wiihout or blood, oricrapings of flaughter-houfes or iTiambles, or emptyings of privies, llmt- or earth luffici- wjihouc immediately covering with fueh quantities of lime or earth, as fuffi- *'"'• dent to prevent annoyance, fhall, upon view of any juftice within '^'S g^" yl^'-gg ^ ^j^^^ jiirifdidion, or upon information of one credible witnefs, forfeit five pounds q^ i witnefs infoim- every fuch offence, levied by diftrefs and fale of goods and chatties, of of-ing. fender, by warrant of fuch juftice, within his jurifdidion, underhand and feal. XCII. /ea. 52. It (hall be lawful for judges of alTize, in their circuits, ^^*^^"^||*'|' ""v^^'a^" from time t<5 time, to order warrants in nature of execution to iffue, to the J^gr'^of t'°arurer"" h^gh fheriff or other officer lawfully authorized, where any perfon was made coilcaor, &c. by treafurer, collector, or overfeer of any publick. work, impowering fale of ule of goods or ■goods and chatties, or fufficient part, or by or out of rents, ilTues, and pro- f^nts and profits, fits of lands and tenements of any fuch treafurer, colleftor of publick mo- ney, or overfeer, or their fureties, who fhall not have accounted for and paid the publick money, and who fhall be found in arrear, to raife, levy, and coUeft fuch fums for which they fliall be fo in arrear, and pay the ^^^ "• f'"'£- fame when levied to treafurer of the county ; for collecting which fuch high fheriff, or under fheriff, or lawful deputy, or other officer lawfully autho- rized, fhall be intitled to receive one fhilling for every pound he fhall fo colled, levied in manner aforefaid from fuch perfons againft whom fuch war- J"^gf' f" •^^'C'"'"* rant fhall iffue ; and it Hiall be lawful for every judge of affize to enquire of, l^l^"^'' ""* ™P°'= hear, and determine every offence, matter, and caufe, by reafon of this fta- levied a^ countj tutc ; and to lay on fuch reafonable fines as thought meet; which fines fhall or barony uxes, be levied by the high flieriff, or under-flieriff, or colleftor of any barony, or P^"^ '" treafurer, deputy, as faid judge fhall dired, as all county and barony taxes are hereby "^^j' f^^^^ ^ appointed to be levied, and iTiall be paid to the treafurer, to be expended in fee 13. /fr^. fuch manner as the grant Ihall dired, after deduding one fhilling in the pound for levying. XClU./e^. S3- If any perfon fued, molefted, or troubled for putting in General iffuepiead- execution any of the powers in this ad, or doing any ad, or thing purfuant ^'^> thereto, fuch perfon fliall and may plead the general iffue, and give the fpe- ^ cial rnatter in evidence, or avow the taking any diftrefs on the treafurer's ^^°^'|'J^^^°" "" '"^^' '' ■warrant, merely without going into other title or authority ; and if plaintiffs non-fuited, and judgment againft them, upon demurrer or otherwife, or a ,^5(313 ^ofts on noo- verdid for defendants, or a difmifs upon a civil bill, fuch defendants fhall fuic, &c. have treble cofts ; recovered by fuch method and manner as where by law quj^-pi.j affirmation cofts given to defendants ; and the folemn affirmation or declaration of a valid as oath, quakerfhall be adjudged and taken of fame force and effed to all intents and purpofes, in any cafe where by this ad an oath required, as if fuch qua- ker had taken an oath in form prefcribed, or in ufual form. XCIV. fict. 34. Juftices of peace are authorized to put this ad in exe- Ju!>icesaurhoriz?d cution, and to adminifter the feveral oaths herein before direded, within *° ^'^ ^"'^ »''™'"''^«t their refpedive iurifdidions : and one moiety of all forfeitures and pecu- ^'Vl!,!,,oo „..f ,., niary penalties inflicted by this ad, and notothcrwifeapphed, ihall be paid in- pij^d, to informer former, with full cofts ; the other to the treafurer of county infirmary, for with full colls, and benefit of fuch infirmary ; and if any perfon convided of any offence, fliall t" mfiniary; not be able to pay the penalty, it fliall be lawful for the juftices, before ;;^^';.°";P='>^";_'^^';^^^ whom convided, to fend fuch perfon to the wcrkhoufc or houfeof corredion ^^^ j^ove three P of months. of the county, to remain at hard labour for fuch time as faid jiiftices think proper, not exceeding three months. Perjury, falfe affir- XCV. /fc/. 35. Every perfon guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, or mati'ir, forging juf- falfe affirming, or forging or counterfeiting the name of any Juflice, and ticc'snanie, penal- thereof convided by due courfe of law, fhall incur the pains and penalties by tits tor perjury. j^^ enaded againft vvilful and corrupt perjury. Foot-path?, prefers XCVI. feet. 36. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of any county, county ment not above 1 2d. of a city, or towu, to raife by prefentraent Uich fums as fuch grand jury per perch, with think neceifary, not exceeding twelve pence per perch, for making or repair- -f t wide '"§ ^ foot-path, with fliles, not lefs than three feet wide on any road in fuch accountable as for County, or along the fide, with confent of occupier of the land, upon any roaHs. barony in fuch county in which fuch foot-path is neceflary, fubjeCt to fuch Riding or diivmg method of account as prefentments for publick roads are by this ad fubjed : cattle thereon, ^^^ j£ ^ perfon fhall ride or drive any beaft or cattle, knowingly, willinely, on one witneU or V -i r l r \ r \ r n n ■ r^ • juftice's view ; or unnecellarily on any luch root-path, fuch perfon fhall, upon convidion,, 5s. to informer, by oath of any one credible witnefs, before any one juflice within his jurif- diibeis and lale of didion, or upon view of any fuch juft ice, for any fuch offence, forfeit a ""'^* fum not exceeding five fhillings, levied by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juftice, by diftrefs and fale of the cattle, fo ridden or driven on fuch foot-path, which penalty iTiall go to the informer. Extended to coun- XCVII. /tftt. 37. This ad fhall extend to counties of cities, and Counties tieso* cities and of towns, and grand juries thereof fhall be impowered to prefent fuch fums towns. as they think neceifary on the county at large of fuch city or town in fame manner, and for fame purpofes, and fubjed to fame method of account to all intents, and to do every other ad that grand juries of counties are by this ad enabled to do, although the words, in the barony or half-barony of be not inferted in the affidavits laid before fuch grand jury. Prefentinents in COB- XCVIII. /fr/. 38. All prefentments made, or money to be levied, ac- fequence of repealed counted for, or paid, in confequence of the ad hereby repealed, fhall be aa levied, &C. a=; jgyjg^i^ accounted for, and paid, in manner prefciibed thereby, or by this y t at an is a ^^^ fubjed to rules, provifoes, and regulations, therein or herein contained. 11 G ? c o al- XCIX. feet. 39. And whereas by an ad eleventh of his prefent majefty, tered. it is provided that a veftry fliall be held in every parifh or union in Ulller, on the firft Tuefday, Wednefday, or Thurfday after faint Michael every Veftries held firft year, fuch veflry fhall, inllead of being held on the days mentioned in faid Tuefday, &c. of ad, be hereafter held on the firfl Tuefday, Wednefday, or Thurfday of September yearly, Septemiber in every year. Colleaors of veftry ^- J^^- 4'^- ^'^^ whereas coUedors of money prefented at veflrics, held' pieientmenis, refu- Under faid ad, frequently refufe to account for, or pay the money coi- fing to pay, fum-^ leded to the diredors mentioned in the faid ad, upon fuch refufal, any moned on diretloi s j^^j^^^ of the count;', feized or poffelfed of three hundred pounds a year, ^ceha'ing^ool! a fhall, on Complaint of any fuch direilors, fummon colledors fo refufing, year, and if no cauie, before him; and if fuch colledors fo fummoned fhall not fhew fufficient levied with cofts, caufe for refufal, or for not colleding the fums prefented at veflry, the and paid to direc- jnftjce fhall forthwith by warrant under hand. and feal, caufe the fums re- f°'unenL' ^^^^' '^eived, or which ought to have been received, without wilful default, by fuch colledors, to be forthwith levied off goods and chatties of colledors, together with cofts of fuch warrant.% and of conftable's trouble in levying 5 and pay the fame to the diredors of the parifh, to be apphed by them pur-^ fuant to the prefentmetit. CI. &tat. CI. Stat. 13 & 14 G. 3. cap. 33. /eSl. i. Truftees of the roads, and fur- Five truftees to ereft veyors, or any five or more, or Aich perfons as they appoint, (hall and may '"''"P'''" * ere<5t gates or turnpikes in, upon, or acrofs any parts of faid highways or roads, and toll-houfes, and take the tolls and duties following ; for every 'he toll, coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, chaife or chair, drawn by fix horfes, mares, geldings, afles, or mules, or more, one fhilling ; drawn by any lefs number than lix, and more than one, fix pence ; for every waggon, wain, cart, car, or other fuch carriage with four wheels, drawn by any cattle, five (hillings ; for every wain, cart, car, or carriage with two wheels, drawn by more than one horfe, mare, or gelding, afs or mule, or other cattle, four pence ; for every chair or chaife with one horfe, mare, gelding, afs, or mule, threepence ; for every car, or other carriage, drawn by one horfe, mare, gelding, afs, or mule, three half pence ; for every horfe, mare, gelding, afs, or mule, laden or unladen, and not drawing, one penny ; every drove of oxen or neat cat- tle, ten pence per fcore, and fo in proportion ; every drove of calves, hogs, fheep, or lambs, five pence per fcore, and fo in proportion ; which fums fhall be demanded and taken, as a toll or duty, and the money fo raifed, fhall be vefted in the truftees, and every part paid, applied, difpofed of, and affigned for the feveral ufes, and in fuch manner, as herein after direded ; and faid truftees, or any five or more are impowered by themfelves, or any perfons by them, under hands and feals, authorized, to levy the toll or duty hereby required, upon any perfons who fhall, after demand, negleft or re- fufe to pay by diftrefs of any horfes, or other cattle or goods upon which fuch toll or duty is by this ad\ impoftd, or upon any other goods and chat- ties of fuch perfons, and may detain until fuch toll or duty, with reafonable charges of diftraining or keeping paid ; and it fhall be lawful for fuch per- fons diftraining, after five days after fuch diftrefs, to fell the goods diftrained, returning overplus, if any, upon demand, to owner. Cll./efl. 2. Out of the firft money arifing by the profits of the turn- Tolls after expences pikes, faid truftees, or any five, fhall ^firft pay and difcharge the expence applied to the road. of this aft, and of ereAing turnpikes, or toll-houfes ; and then the profits arifing, and the toll at any turnpikes ereded upon faid road leading from Tubber near the bounds of the counties of Clare and Galway, to Ennis, and from thence to the north liberties of Limerick, fhall be applied towards re- pair of faid road only. cm. feet. 3. If any perfons owning, renting, or occupying any land near Permuting pafTagc any turnpike fhall, for gain, reward, or otherwife wittingly or willingly to evade toll, permit any perfons to pafs through to avoid payment, and being convitted upon oath of one or more witnelfes, before the truftees, or any five, or one or more juftices of the county wherein offence committed; evecy perfon fo offending fhall forfeit fix fhillings ; levied by diftrefs and fale of goods, penalt/ 6s. by warrant under hand and feal, of faid truftees, or juftices, rendering the overplus to owner, the charges of taking and difpofing being firft dedudcd. CIV. fe^ 4. It ftiall be lawful for faid truftees to ered gates or turnpikes y;je ^jj^ ere^ed. on the fide of faid roads, acrofs any lane or way leading out of faid road, and to build toll-houfes, and take fjch toll appointed, ib as not a double charge in cafe of paffing through any other turnpikes between Tubber and Ennis, and from thence to the north liberties of Limerick CV.feH. 5. Said truftees at meeting, by writing under hands and feals, cdieaors and fur- fhall appoint colledors and furveyors, and from time to time to remove, as veyois appointed at they fee occafion, and appoint new ones, in cafe of death or removal ; and the meeting, and re- P 2 perfons '^°^«'* * accountab'e month- p.^rfons fo appointed fuch furveyors, fhall^ upon oath, if required, on the firff- ^ • Tuefday in every month, or oftner if required, give in a true,. exa(fl, anti pecfed account in writing, under their hands, of all monies w'lieh they have received, paid, and difburfed, for which oath no fee or reward taken ; and in cafe any money, fo received, remain in any of tlieir hand's, the fame fhall be paid to faid truilees, or any five or more, who fhall, by wriring under hands and feals authorize and impower to receive the fame ; and fhalF be difbuifed and laid out in amending faid road according to the true in- tent and meaning of this aft, and not otherwife ; and faid truftees fhall- make fuch allov/ance to faid receivers, colleClors, and furveyors^ and to allowance to collec- f^Lich Other perfons aflifting in and about procuring (aid roads to be amended tors not above 30I. a and repaired by advancing or laying out any monies, or otherwife relating y^^' i thereto, as to them fhall feem good ; fo as fuch allowance to colledors do not annually exceed in the whole thirty pounds ; and to fuch furveyors two furvevors 2s 6d a fli'^'ings and fixpence ^f/ f/;>?;2, during time employed ; and fo as fuch allowance day, others I jl. to any other perfon employed, do not exceed fifteen pounds yearly to each each yearly ; pcrfon ; and in cafe faid receivers or coUedtors fhall not make fuch account and on default commit- payment at any fpecial feffions or meeting, fhall make enquiry, and finally determine of and concerning fuch default, as well by confeflion of parties,, as by teflimony of one or more credible vvitnefles upon oath ; and if any perfons convifted thereof, faid juftices fhall commit the parties to the com- mon gaol, to remain without bail or mainprize until they have made a true and perfed account and payment. Maj raife materials. CVI. /c^7. 17. or by reafon of faid acfting as a truftee. CXVIII./^/?. 18, treble cofts to de- fendants. A publick aft. If any fuit commenced for any thing done in purfuance of this ad, the adtion iTiaU be laid in county of Clare or city of Limerick, and not elfewhere ; and defendants may plead the general iffue, and give this adl and the fpecial matter in evidence at any trial ; and if it appear fo done, or fuch ad ion brought in any other county, the jury fhall find for defendants ; and upon fuch verdid, or if plaintiff non-fuited, or difcontinue adion after defendants appeared, or if any demurrer or judgment given againft plaintiff, defendants fhall recover treble cofts, and have like remedy as any defendants have in other cafes by law. CXIX. /f/7. 19 This ad deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken no- tice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons vvhatfoever, without fpecially pleading. Truftees named with CXX. S/dt. 13 & i^Geo. 3. cap. ^6. fea. I. The perfons named fhall be thole in 9 G. 2. truftees, from time to time, together with the truftees named in or by vir- c- '9- tue of the former ad, to carry this ad into execution ; and it fhall be lawful 9 may la/ out a new ^^j. jj-^j^ truftees of fiid turnpike road, or any nine or more, in cafe they fhall be enabled by the tolls of faid road, and that the fame fhall appear to ihem to be an improvement, and advantage to the publick, to lay out a new line from Market-hill north-eaft of the old turnpike, and to carry on the fame fo as it may fall into the old turnpike road near the church of Mulljglafs on the north-weft thereof, as they may judge will beft anfwer the fafety of car- riages and travellers, and to lay out the fame thirty feet wide in the clear, and to afcertain the grounds through which the fame fhall pafs, with fuch reftridions and exceptions as fhall prevent fuch new road from doing a real injury to any perfon, and with fuch provifoes and claufes for fecuring to owners of any grounds, through which fuch new road fhall be carried, a fatis- fadion and recompence proportioned to any lofs. CXXl. feet. 2. Said truftees, or any nine or more, where they find any part of faid old road ufelefs and necelfary, may order fuch part to be flopped up, as foon as fuch new road fhall be finifhed and opened for ufe of the publick; and where the inheritance of the ground of fiich part of faid old road to be ftopped up, and of the new road to be opened, belong to the fame perfon to Stop old road. to give wp fuch part of the faid old road, in lieu and exchange of the new parr, with fuch other fatisfatftion as tliought reafonable by faid truflees. CXXII. J'ea. 3. Said truftees fliall take for every coach, berlin, chariot, The tall, calafh, chail'e, or chair drawn by fix horfes, geldings, or marcs, one fhil- hng, over and above one fhilling and fix pence appointed by faid ad ; for every coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, chaife, or chair drawn by any leffer number of horfes, geldings, or mares than fix, or more than two, fix pence over and above one fhilling to be paid by faid atft ; and drawn by two horfes, geldings, or mares, fix pence over and above fix pence to be paid by faid ad ; for every cart or other carriage drawn with two horfes, geldings, or mares, four pence over and above four pence to be paid by faid ad ; for every chair with one horfe, mare, or gelding, three pence over and above three pence to be paid by faid ad ; for every car or other carriage drav/n but by one horfe, mare, or gelding, one halfpenny over and above one halfpenny to be paid by faid ad ; provided every waggon, wain, cart, or carriage with four wheels, the felloes of which, fhod with iron and flat-headed nails, fhall be nine inches broad, inftead of paying ten fhillings direded by faid ad, fhall pay only fix pence ; and every wain, cart, or carriage with two wheels, the felloes of which, fhod with iron and flat-headed nails, fhall be nine inches broad, drawn by more than two horfes, mares, geldings, or oxen, infbead of paying two lliillingsand fix pence direded by fa d ad,l'hari pay only three pence. CXXIII. Jen. 4. And whereas by faid ad, all coaches and patfengers onpG. 3. c. J9. f. 19. horfe-back, Ihall pafs and re-pafs toll free on days on which there fhall be an'^pealed. elcdion for knigln of the fhire for the county of Armagh, or for any burgefs for any borough in faid county, the faid claufe is hereby repealed and made void. CXXIV. /ft?. 5. The faid ad of 9 G. 2. with fuch variations as made This and faid aa therein by this prefent ad, and alfo this ad, fhall be and continue in force ^°"^'""*'^ '*' ^'^^"' forty-one years from the expiration of faid ad. CXXV. ^tat. 13 & 14 Geii. %. cap. 59 fen. i. The ads in the fifth and ■; G. 2. c. 16 &. feventh years of George the fecond, except what hereby repealed, altered, 7 fi- 2- c- 21. ex- or explained, fhall be of full force, commence, and take effed, and con- ^^^^''^^'"^jj ^^_ tinue and be executed from the laft day of this fefllon, for the further term of twenty one years, and from thence to the end of the then next felfion, for the intents and purpofes in faid ar/. 4. It fhall be lawful for furveyors, or fuch perfons asSufeyors to raife they appoint, by order of faid truftees, or any five or more, where not™'^' * fufficient materials for repairing faid road, to be had in any common or wafte ground ground adjclning, to dig, rai{e, and gather the fame in groimds of any perfons, not deer-park, or a field inclofcd with a wall five feet high, or more, built with lime and ftone, or bricks, or a garden planted with trees, or orchard of fix years growth, of any perfon who inhabits an houfe built with lime and ilones, or bricks, or the planted walk or walks, or yard to any houfe built with lime and ftone, or bricks, where any fuch materials are or may be found, and to carry away as faid furveyors judge neceffary, paying fuch rate to owner or occupier of the ground carried away, as the faid truftees, or any feven or more, at a general board, adjudge reafonable : ^nd in cafe of any difference touching value of the materials and damage, tiie judges of aifi2e, or juftices at next general afiizes or feifions, Ihall ailefs, and finally determine the fame, upon a petition preferred ; and where da- mages fo agreed upon or aflelfed, and have been or fliali be fo paid by faid trullecs, it ("hall be lawful for furveyois, or fuch perfons as they appoint, by order of faid truftees, or any five or more, to dig, and carry away neceflary materials for repairs of faid road in fuch grounds where gravel and other ma- terials were before fo taken and paid for, during the contimumce of the eftate therein of fuch owner or occupiers, or of any perfons claiming or de- riving by, from, or under them, or any of them ; and that notwithftanding any manner of inclofures of, or buildings hereafter to be ereded in or upon fuch grounds, paying damages in manner aforefaid. 7.m3y make footpath CXXIX. /e&. 5. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees, or any feven or more, between Dublin and at a general board, when to them it fhall feem fit, to make, lay out, and ^^'*''P' conftruft, a foot-path from Dublin to Leixlip, or any part or parts thereof; . provided the fum expended in making and forming faid foot-path, fhall not «2o.t ercon. j^ ^j^^ vvhole exceed one hundred and twenty pounds, being, as computed, at the rate of one fhilling by the perch, and no more ; to be paid out ot the money arifmg from the feveral tolls. Frrtt paying creditors CXXX. fe^. 6. And provided, that intereft due to creditors of faid road intereft, and if re- firft paid and difcharged ; and that there alfo remain a fufficient fum, part mainder fufficientfor of faid tolls, in hands of truftees, to amend and keep in intire and thorough '"^P*"^ repair faid highroad and every part. i:G 2 c 6 f. CXXXI. Jeff. 7. Whereas by faid aft of fifth of his late majefty, " all jepe'aled. " coaches and paflTengers fhall pafs toll-free on days on which an eledion " for a knight of the ftiire, or for any burgefs ;" the faid claufe is hence- forth repealed and made void to all intents and purpofes whatfoever. AUowance to clerk CXXXII. /f/7. 8. Said truftees of faid Kinnegad road, or any feven or 3oi. yearly; more, at a general board, fhall out of the money from fuch tolls and du- ties, make fuch allowance to the clerk or regifter, treafurer, and furveyors of faid road, or appoint fuch falaries, as to faid truftees, or any feven or more, fhall feem good ; fo as fuch falary for fuch clerk or regifter fhall not treafurer 50I. exceed vearlv thirty pounds, and for fuch treafurer the yearly fum of fifty 5G.2 c. ly. pounds, and for fuch furveyor or furveyors thirty pounds. 7G. 2 c. 21. CXXXlU./ecL 9. The afts fifth, feventh, and twenty-third of George 33G. 1. c. 16. the fecond, as alfo one other ad fixth of his prefent majefty, except what 5^' ]'•/■.'+■ 5?"' hereby repealed, altered, or explained, fhall continue, be executed, and ob- t.nueddurir^ this „ ■; . "^ ^ . , ' ^ , 1 • ^- rr 1 • • c 1 • cl aa. fave as altered, ferved by faid truftees and their fuccellors, during continuance ot this adt. Treafurers falaries CXXXIV. /c<,7. lo. It ftiall be lawful for grand juries of Weftmeath and 301 3 year each. King's county to encreafe the falaries of the treafurers of faid counties re- fpedively, to a fum not exceeding thirty pounds a year in the whole for each of faid treafurers. CXXXV./ea. CXXXV. fen. II. The tolls paid at the feveral gates ereded in pur- T""'^!^''?, 5^" fuance of this ad within ten miles of Dublin, or the rents referved under ™.l« of Dublm ap- leafes by faid truftees of faid gates or tolls, within aforediid diftance of faid i;,^ /o the ncared city, fhall be applied, firft to repair the parts of the road next adjoining to ps.-t:. faid gates refpetftively, and fuch parts as nearefl to faid gates, before the remote parts repaired • and the repairs fhall be carried on from time to time as aforefaid, according to the diftance of the parts to be repaired from faid gates refpeftively. CXXXVI. /£•.d, refufal or negled, to order ftich fum to be raifed on fuch parilh, as he or they think fit, fo as the fame do not exceed five pounds for each child left ex- "otibove 5I. each pofed and deferted in fuch parifh of the age of twelve months or under ; and i^^^ied' as prefent- the fums, fo direded to be raifed, fhall be affeffed and levied upon fuch mems; parifli by the perfons, in manner, and with like remedies, as money pre- paid to minifter for fented by grand juries ; and the fums fo levied fhall be paid to the minifter pufpo'^ of faid ad; or curate, and by him applied to the purpofes of the faid ad ; and the judges o°™^l|j"' "'™'""'^ of affize, to whom fuch complaint made, are impowered and required to examine upon oath touching the matter of fuch complaint. IV. fen. 4. If any overfeer appointed in purfuance of this or faid ad, re- Overfeers neglcaifw fufe or negled to execute faid office, he fhall forfeit for every fuch of!ence, fotuit lol. by civil ten pounds, by civil bill in name of the minifler or curate of fuch paiilh, ^^ill with full tuih; with full cofls of fuit ; and the fum fo recovered fhall be applied towards '■jf^''^ forthechll- maintenance and education of the deferted children in fuch paiilh. N.fect. 5. If any adion or fuit againil: any pcrfon, for any thing done Genaal iifue sad in purfuance of this or of the two acts herein mentioned, the defendant fpe.ial matter in may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence ; and '^"'J'^';'^'^' this ad deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken notice of as fuch. ^ publick afl. I. Stat. 13 & xd^Geo. 3. cap. \z. feet. i. The ft veral duties and imp' fi- 27 c. ::. c. 3. tions in and by the ad granted to his majcRy George th^ Second, and chur"e- 3 <■'. ?• c 6. able in the manner therein mentioned, further granted and coiuinuetl, railed, " ^ ' i(i- 3- c- z'^- levied and paid unto his majefly, his heirs and fucceffors, for thirty-two 1°'!;'"''.^''-,'^ ^"'o'' 0^2 veurs. 5iulattt) jl^abigatton* liid duties, as brought into ex- _ chequer, paid with- out deduflion upon draughts of 7 local commiffioners ; ]aid out on the na- vigatioo, Sec. 7 local commlilion years, from the 25th of December 1782, and no longer, in and through- out that part of the diftrid of Lifburn, commonly known and diftinguiftied by the ganger's walks of Belfaft, Lifburn, Moira, and Hillfborough, in- cluding fuch parts or parcels of the manors of Kilwarlin, Caftlereagh, and Slotneats, as were contained in faid aft of the iwenty-feventh year of George the Second, but excepted in the adt of the third of George the Third ; and all faid additional duties fhall be levied and collected in the manner and by fuch ways and means, as appointed by faid aft the twenty-feventh of his late majefty, and the faid aft, and alfo faid afts of the third, and of the deventh and twelfth of his prefent majefty, and every claufe or article in faid afts, or any of them, fave as altered by this aft, fhall remain and con- tinue in full force for thirty-two years, from the 25th of December 1782. II. fen. 2. Said additional duties, as they fliall from time to time be brought into the exchequer, fhall be paid over without any fee or deduc- tion by vice-treafurer or receiver-general, upon an order or draught, figned by the perfons, who are by the commiffioners for promoting and carrying on an inland navigation in Ireland appointed to be local commiffioners for carrying on fiud navigation of the river Lagan, or to be figned by any fe- ven of them, or by any feven of the perfons who may hereafter be chofen or appointed in their room, or in the room of any of them, or who may by fubicribing one hundred pounds in manner herein after mentioned, become local commiffioners for carrying on faid navigation ; and all monies, fo arif- ing from faid additional duties, fhall be laid out or expended by faid com- miffioners, or their order, in compleating the faid navigation now carrying on from Lifburn, through Blairs to Spencer's-Bridge, and from thence to Loughneagh, and paying fuch money and the intereft thereof, as fhall be borrowed for that purpofe. III. fefi. 3. The local commiffioners, or perfons hereafter chofen and ap- by debentures at ftated meetings a- greed on with len- ders i ers may afflgn duties pointed local commiffioners, or any feven or more, are hereby irapowered smd tolls for pay- fj-o^i j-jj^g ^q time, to affign over faid duties granted by faid afts, or this aft^ mentof lo.oool. ^^^ ^j^^ ^jj ^^^^j^ ^^^g ^^ j^^|j ^j. ^^^ jjj.j(-g f^^^ convej^ance of any timber, goods, and merchandizes through or along faid navigation, for fecuring re- payment of any fums, not exceeding in the whole ten thoufand pounds, which they may be enabled to borrow, and the payment of the interefl there- of, in fuch manner and form as herein after mentioned and appointed, that is to fay, faid local commiffioners, or any feven or more, or any feven or more of the perfons hereafter chofen or appointed local commiffioners for faid navigaiion, fhall and may at all times hereafter at any of their fl:ated or publick meetings by any inftruments, or writings in nature of debentures, or in fuch form as fhall be agreed upon and approved of by them, and the per- fons advancing their money, under their refpeftive hands and feals, affign over faid duties and tolls, or order or appoint the fame, or fo much thereof as fiifficient for that purpofe, to be paid for any term or time during con- tinuance of this aft, as a fecurity for any raoney to be borrowed by them for the purpofe aforefaid, to fuch perfons, or their truftees, as fhall advance and lend the fame, to the intent and purpcfe, that fuch perfons, or their truf- tees, or executors, adminiltrators, or affigns, fhall and may be paid and re- ceive thereout fuch yearly intereft, not exceeding the legal interefl, as lliall be agreed upon by faid commiffioners and faid perfons, for the fums fo to be ad- vanced by them from time to time of advancing the fame, itnto the end and ex- piration with intereft not ex seeding the legal ; f iilantijRabifl'atiott. piration of twenty years, from the 25th of EVecembsr 177^, and fromthenre- 'or 30 yew ftomis forth during the continuance of this aft, until they fliall be repaid their faid * '''7J- principal fums ; and after the expiration of twenty years, fuch perfon or perfons, his, her, or their truflees, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, Ihall and may, after application of fo much of faid tolls and duties as Ihall be neceffary to pay off and difcharge the intereft of all principal fums, not exceeding in the whole ten thoufand pounds, which fhall be due thereupon, out of the remainder of fuch tolls and duties, be paid and receive five hun- sooj.annuillj in dred pounds annually, in addition to the yearly fum or fums which for faid *<^'^'"''"» term of twenty years will be necelTary to pay off the intereft of faid principal fums; but after faid term, as the faid principal fums fhall be paid off, it is meant fliould go in aid of faid annual fum of five hundred pounds, in difcharge of the principal fums due, and in acceleration of the payment thereof, fuch annual fum of five hundred pounds, aiid fuch yearly fums, as by difcharge of any principal fums fhall not be wanting to pay the intereft payn^pnt ^f principal thereof, to be applied in difcharge of the principal fum or fums remaining in priority and order- due to fuch perfon or perfons, their truftees, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, according to the priority and order in which faid principal fums lent and advanced. IV. fea. 4. Nothing in this aft fhall in any fort interfere with or prejudice Creditors under n the demands of any creditors, who may have advanced any money on any & 12 G. 5. c z6.. fecurity granted purfuant to faid aft of the eleventh and twelfth of his prefent "°' pfejudiced. majefty. V. feet. 5. And for encouragement of lending money, and making a more certain fecurity, all fuch aflignments or debentures, executed and given -j numerkalK ■ "" as aforefaid, for fums lent and advanced, fhall be regularly and carefully entered by the clerk or regifter of faid commiflioners in a book kept by him for that purpofe in numerical order according to the time and priority, in which the fame fhall have been executed and granted, and to which book ^^^^^^ ^^ creditors ■ all faid creditors fhall at reafonable times have accefs ; and faid clerk or re- gifter fhall indorfe upon every of faid alTignments or debentures the number, number indorfed, according to which the fame fhall have been entered in faid book, and fub- ^^''''-""'^sc' ^Y clerk, fcribe his name under fuch indorfement. VI. Z^-^. 6. The colleftor within the faid diftrift, who fhall colleft faid intereft paid half- duties, and the treafurer to faid local commiflioners, into whofe hands faid yearly by colleaors tolls fhall be paid, fhall out of the firft of faid duties and tolls, which fliall ?'"^ iryaiurers, as br come refpeftively into their hands, pay and difcharge half-yearly, as djg '"^^ot'cmen'-s fame become due, all intereft due to faid creditors refpeftively, according to and in fuch order as it fliall appear to fuch colleftor or treafurer from fuch indorfements, that the fame have been granted ; and after the expiration of twenty years from the 25th of December 1773, until which time it is not hereby intended the faid commiflioners fhall be compelled to pay any part of ^'"^"''^'O""' "*' faid principal l\ims, next after payment of intereft due to faid creditors, '^°"'P*"^'|- '°/*' fuch colleftor and treafurer fhall pay and apply five hundred pound's yearly, fiom 25 Dec* 177T out of faid duties and tolls, to the difcharge and payment of the principal afterwards 500I. fums, then due and owing to faid creditors, their executors^ adminiftrators, y*^;')' °"t °* '•'= or afligns, together wich fo much of faid annual fums as during faid twenty ' ^"'^ ^*"'' years are to be applied to payment of the intereft of faid principal fums, but afterwards, as faid principal fums fhall be difcharged, will not be want- ing for payment of the intereft thereof, according to and in order afore- mentioned. VII. /f,7. fiilauD .fjtlaViifrattoit; Recelptsljy izhtn- \]\ j^,fi y ^v.c\\ receipts and acknowledgments, as given by the owners ture owners allounl ^^ holders of I'aid debentures for the payment of their interefl and princi- vuiichers in accounts , . r r-i n. iii_ n Ji i r ^ ■ by colledorsor trea- P^'» '" order and manner atorelaid, (hall be allowed by the treafurer or vice- furer. treafiirers, or faid commillioners, as fufficient vouchers or acquittances to fucii ■colledor or treafurer in all accounts, they fliall furnilh or fettle, of or con- cerning the duties and tolls before mentioned. 7 comminioners if Vlll. fed. 8, Said local commillioners, or any feven or more, or neceflary fball for the perfons hereafter appointed local commillioners, or any feven or more, 20 years alter, pay- ^^][ ^^jj may, if found neceflary, for twenty years from the 24th of pif faid'Tolls to dl'e December 1773, after payment of all intereft due to faid creditors, accord- navlgaiion ; i'lg to Older and priority aforefaid, and not fooncr, apply and expend the and a'ter 20 years, remainder of faid duties and tolls to the purpofes of carrying on faid naviga- and the jool. anno -fjon ; and from the expiration of faid twenty years after payment of all in- temaind*er'^^' ^ "^ tertft due to faid creditors, and of the yearly fum of five hundred pounds, and fuch annual fums as by difcharge of any principal fums fhall not be wanting to pay the intereft thereof, in difcharge of the principal fums re- maining due to faid creditors, according to the order and priority aforefaid, and not fooner, apply and expend the remainder of faid duties and tolls in profecution of faid work. Lend, r of 100'. a IX. /ft7. 9. Every perfon, vi'ho fhall advance or lend one hundred pounds local commiifoQer. to faid Iccal commiflioners upon fuch fecurities as aforefaid, fhall thenceforth v.hile poireffed of be and co^ntinue a local commillioner of faid navigation to all intents and c eiituie i purpofes whatlbever, during fuch time as he fhall continue pofleiTed of fuch •fo of (]■ n • fecurity or debenture; and any perfon, to whom he fliall ailign the fame, fhall be and continue to be a local commiffoner of faid navigation during a woman mayde[^ue ^'^'-^ '^™^ ^^ '^^ '^'^^^ continue polTeffed of fuch fecurity or debenture, to all tjfidei hand and fea! ; intents and purpofes ; and if the perfon polTeffed of fuch fecurity or deben- ture for one luindred pounds fhall be a woman, it fliall be lawful for fuch woman by writing under her hand and feal to appoint and depute fome fit and proper man to aft and vote for her at all meetings of local commiifi- on y one vo e. oners ; and no local commiffioner, or her reprefentative, fhall have more than one vote or voice upon any occa-fion whatfoever. Debenture'? transfer- X. ftct. lo. Perfons, to whom any alignments or debentures given and able by indorftmeni ; perfedted by this att, may by indorfement transfer the right and benefit of on notice to clerk the fame ; and fuch indorfement upon notice to the clerk or regifter of fuch and entf, viewed commillioners, and entry thereof in the book of orders and proceedings of on teqiieii ^Auhout commillioners, and which fuch clerk or regifter fliall upon requeft without dol'iee'- '""" ^ '" ^^^ ^'^ reward make accordingly, and permit to be viewed at ufual hour or time of attendance, fhall intitle indorfee or aflignee, his executors, admini- ftrators and alligns, to the fole benefit of tlie fums fo transferred or alligneii ; fo fiom lime to time; and the laid aifgnments or debentures may in like manner be again tranf- ferred or a'iigned by fuch alfignees, executors, adminiftrators, or alfigns, and not after in power jq from time to time, as often as occafion lliall require ; and after Inch af- aiignor. fignmcnt, it fhall not be in the power of the perfons, who made fuch af- figrjment, to make void, releafe, or difcharge the fame, or the fums thereby transferred or aliigned, or any part. A publlck aa. W.J\-ct. II. This act Ihall be judged, and taken as a pnblick act, and judicially taken notice of by all judges, juftices, and other perfons what- ibever without fpecially pleading the fame. r.onriniied 41 year? XII. feet. 12. This act fhall continue and be in force for forty-one years, from ij D^c 1773 from the 25th of December 1773, and no long.r. yAW. feet. XIII. feet. !■>,. The duties granted by faid ads, and this a under penalty of forfeiture, and treble the value, and of the fhip or veflel ^l^^^ \^^ thg (]jjp_ in which imported, with all her guns, tackle, furniture, ammunition, and &c •apparel; one moiety of which forfeitures fhall remain to his majefty, his to the king and pro. heirs and fucceffbrs, the other moiety, to him or them who fhall feize and '^f'^""^'^ fue, by adion, bill, plaint, or information in the exchequer, wherein no wager of law, protedion, effbign, or other dilatory plea allowed. licences. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3, cap. i.fect. 14. It fiiall be lawful for the chief 7 G. 3 c. 27- 1- 9- commillioners of excife, or the major part, to iflfue and grant licences for Licences to retail felling fpirits and flrong waters by retail in Dublin, and within four miles of 'PJ'"-^ °[^ 'l™'^ ^^' the Tholfel, for fuch fum, as they in their difcretion fhall think fitting and ^\\^"^ no"un'der°^J. reafonable under the circumftances of the cafe ; fo as no licence be granted nor above lol. for lefs than three pounds yearly, nor a greater fum required or taken than yearly. ten pounds yearly ; the recited ad, or any other law to the contrary not- withllanding. \l. feet. 15. If any perfon fhall after the 24ih of June 1774, fell any Retailing without wine, brandy, or fpirits of any kind whatfoever by retail in any houfe, licence penalty 5I (hop, or room, or at any fair, affizes, or feflions, or other place whatfoever, ^^°^'^ ^" o''-*'^ without a licence or licences hrll: had and obtained for the felling ; the per- fon fo offending fhall for every offence contrary to the true intent and mean- ing of this act forfeit a fum not exceeding five pounds, over and above all other penalties payable for the like offence by any law now in force in this kingdom. IIK feet. Hicettces. iiugiAMtes fcliing HI. J(ct. 1 6. To prevent inconveniencies from magidrates granting cer- not to grant cemn- tificatcs partially or comiptly, all magiflrates, who ufually fell beer, ale, or ca cs 01 .L 1-, ftrong waters in cities, counties of cities, boroughs, counties of towns, or towns-corporate, fhall be difqualified from granting certificates to intitle any perfons to obtain licences for felling or retailing the fame; and any magi- Ltrd-'^eo? toeing ^''^te, \\\\Q fliall take, or knowingly fuffer to be taken, any fee or reward ind informer. for granting a certificate to obtain a, licence for felling beer, ale, wine, or ftrong waters, fhall for every fuch offence upon being convicted thereof, for- feit fifty pounds, one moiety to his majefly, the other to informer. Recital of j G. 3. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 20. Ject. I. Whereas by an act fifth of his c. ij- f- II- prefent majefi:y, provifion is made, that in feveral cities therein defcribed, Vdlries held he- ^^ parifhes fhall, at refpective veftries direct all matters relative to erecting of AuguftTearlV! lamps and lighting, fuch veftries fhall be held in their refpective parifhes on fome day between the firft and fifteenth of Auguft every year ; of which notice I ft Sunday previous notice fhall be given in the ufual manner on the firft Sunday in power to adjourn! Auguft every year ; and fuch veftries fhall have power to adjourn from time not above 20 days to time as judged expedient : provided not for a longer time than twenty Texclufive. days from the day of firft aflembling fuch veftries refpectively, exclufive of the day of aflembling, and the day to which fuch veftries adjourned. Applotters appointed H. Ject. 2. Said feveral parifhes fliall at faid refpective veftries appoint by veihies, fuch perfons, not exceeding nine, or lefs than five, as they fhall think pro- not above 9, nor per ; vvho fhall upon oath, or affirmation if a quaker, adminiftered by the ""''",'' refpective minifters or curates, applet upon the feveral inhabited houfes in on inhabited houfes ^'i^''' refpective parifhcs according to value of faid houfes refpectively a juft according to value proportion of the expence of erecting,' lighting, and maintaining fuch lamps for erecling and in their refpective parifhes ; and fhall with all convenient fpeed return fuch lighting lanips; applotmcnts to faid veftries, who fhall confirm or alter the fame as agreeable edf confirmed'or"al- ^o juftice; and the fums fo applotted fhall be collected and levied by the ter'ed in veftries; perfons, and in manner directed by faid recited act. levied as by 5 G. 3. JH. feet. 3. The fum fo applotted upon one houfe fhall not for any one N. '^ Jiv^ year exceed ten fhillings, or be lefs than one-, and in cafe perfons erect be- ytlx one'houie, n^o r '^^'^^ ^^^^''' lio"Lifes, and keep lighted at their own expence, a globe or lamp, under 13. ' fuch houfes fhall not be charged with more than five fhillings. not above i;s if a IV. feet. 4. The principal immediate occupiers of all fuch houfes fhall piivate globe. p^^,]., ^f^J every of them, be rateably charged for themfelves and thofe de- ll'ieabiy'diaT^cT'^'' riving under them in each houfe refpectively, in proportion to fuch valuation as herein before directed, with the yearly fum to be paid by him, her, or them for the aforefaid purpofes ; and fhall pay the fame yearly to the per- to pay yearly ; fons appointed to collect i and where different perfons or families refident in <\here diffcieni fa- any fuch houfc deriving under feparate interefts, and not under the other in niilies in lame licufe, ^\^q {■.xm^ houfe, faid applottets fhall direct, what portion of the charge laid ihTponion^. '*'"'" ^"^ '•^'*^ \\o\\{t Ihall be paid out of the feveral parts of faid houfe refpectively held by different perfons. J G. 3. c. 15. f. 12. ^- Ji'^t. 5. So much of faid recited act as directs, that fuch applotments repealed. fliall be made in proportion to the minifter's money, fliall be repealed. Applotters rot afl- VI. feet. 6. If any perfon fo appointed applotter, fhall refufe or neglect to mg foifcit jl. jj(,j according to the directions before mentioned, every fuch perfon Ihall for- ty avil biil°'""'^' feit for every fuch offence five pounds, to be recovered by the minifter or wiih e.\-p;nc43 ; €UrUte cnfate at Cach parifhes refpeftively by civil bill at the alTizes, together with fuch fums as fuch minifter or curate fhall actually expend in (lich fuit ^ and fiich penalty, when recovered, i^hallbe applied to the piirpofes herein before mentioned ; and in cifc any of the perfons fo appointed applottcrs fhall on death or not nO- die, or refufe or negleft to aft, the furvivjng or other applotters may proceed '"§• the others way to applot, and do every other a6t herein before direfted, notwithllanding^ ■ fuch death, neglecfl, or refufai, and the iamie fhatl be as efFedtual, as if all .applotters, originally appointed, had joined. VII. ./>t/. 7. If any of faid parifhes neghd to carry the provifions herein On negleaofthe ^before mentioned efFeAaal'Jy into execution on or before the firft of Ofto- piiifl>. the mayor ber in any year, the mayor and common council of fuch city, in which tliere ^""^ '^°'"™°" "''"'^'* fhall be fuch negled, fhall for that year only, computed from the firfl: of '"'^"""^'^ Augufl preceding, be inverted with all powers hereby and by faid recited ad: vefted in the minifler or curate, and the parifh fo neglecting to execute the fame. For erefting, lighting, and trimming lamps in fuch .parifh. Vin. fe^. S. Said recited adt, fo far as not hereby altered, fhall remain 5 G ?. c. i^ in in full force and virtue. force where notal- IX. fe^. 16. The feveral proviCons hereby, and by the former a£t made, '*^"': fnall continue in force feven years from the tirft of May 1774, and to thcgj^,' 7>ears, end of the then next feifion ; and if any fuit or adion commenced againft general ifluepleaded, any perfon, for What he fhall do in purfuance thereof, defendant may plead treble cofts on non- the general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence ; and if a verdid:'""> ^'^^ for defendant, or if the plaintiff nonfuited, the defendant fliall liave and re- xover treble cofls. E tme* 1. Stat. A -^ Be ii4 G. S- ^'^P' Zl- /^^- !• No lime whatfoever fliall be Lime fold only by fold otherwife than by meafure : and every veffel, wherein meafured, fliall bemeai'ure damped by flamped or fealed by fome magiflrate or publick officer of fome corporate or * m^S'fttate; market-town in the county, where faid lime lliall be meafured, or the next adjoining county, with the flamp or feal ufually ufed for ftamping or feal- ing meafures, and fhall be of the fame dimenfions, and contain the quan- '''« ^"I'^l 20 inches tities following : every bufhel fliall be twenty inches diameter in the bot- 0"'°"°"'' ^' f'^P* , ° ■' . , 1 n 1 • • 1 II 1 o eallons, each 2-72 torn, and tw£nty-one in the top at leait, and contain eight gallons, each cubical inches and gallon containing two hundred and feventy-two cubical inches, and the fourth a-4th, part of an inch- and every perfon who fhall fell lime otherwife than by penalty 5l- meafure, or in any veffel not flamped, and which fhall not contain the quan- , ... ... tity, and be of the fize and dimenfions aforefaid, fhall forfeit for every of- proof on vender. fence five pounds ; recovered by any perfon who fhall fue by civil bill, in the manner in which civil bills are allowed to be brought ; and. in every fuch fuit, upon proof made by the perfon fuing, of the fale of the lime, it fhall lie upon the perfon fued to prove, that faid lime fo fold was meai'ured in a veffel flamped of the contents, fize, and dimenfions by this aft required, fairly and honeftly filled ; and upon failure of proving the fame, the plain tifl" fhall be decreed to the penalty fued for. W.fect. 2. Provided no fiiit fhall be commenced for or by reafon of any . . penalty or forfeiture by any offence contrary to this aft^ unlefs commenced '" '" "^onthj; within fix months next after fuch offence ^ and if a decree given againfl the double cofts tode. plainti^, defendant fhall have double cofls, recovered by civil bill. ftndant. R .1. Stat! Hinett* Recital 3. G. 3. I. Stat. 13 & 14 G. 3. cap. 21. /f^. I. Whereas by an a<5l third of his *^; Y'n,! r majefty's reign, for regulation of the hnen and hempen manufadtures, lap- bieach greens, P"''^ are to bc appointed : and whereas many pieces have lately been flolen difficult to piove out of bleach-greens, and difficult for the owners to prove property ; after property; the 24th of June 1774, no perfon fhall expofe to fale any piece or part of lanpei's name and ^ piece of linen or hempen cloth, bleached, or in part bleached, unlets the o'ne end of every name of the lapper, and alfo of the county wherein fuch lapper fliall refide piece expofed, or at the time of making fuch piece, fhall be marked at one end with vermili- forfeited, and 5I. on or flone-blue and fize ; and if any perfon fhall expofe to fale any piece or part of a piece of linen or hempen cloth, not having fuch names marked thereon in manner aforefaid, fuch perfon fhali for every fuch offence forfeit five pounds ; to be recovered and difpofed of in the fame manner as is by faid ad\ diretfled with regard to all penalties and forfeitures therein men- counterfeiring lap- tioned, not exceeding in value fix pounds ; and alfo fuch piece or part of >er's name, pillory a piece of linen or hempen cloth; and if any perfon fhall counterfeit the or traniportation 7 name of any lapper, to any piece or part of a piece of linen or hempen ' cloth, fuch perfon, being lawfully convicted, fhall be condemned to ftand in the pillory, or to be tranfported feven years to fome one of his majefly's plantations abroad, at the difcretionof the judge or judges who fhall try fuch offence. II. fefl. 2. No money fhall be granted or paid by the trullees of linea No grant ^^ "■"/'««s ^nd hempen manufaflurcs for or on account of any mill, bleach-green, or green, or other Other work to be executed by any individual, or as a bounty to enable him work or as a bnunty, to carry on any branch of the manufadure ; but every part of the fund the fund applied for under their direction fhall be applied in payment of utenfils, of premiums utenfils, prem!um5 ^^^ ^y^^ raifingof flax, of the feveral officers and fervants neceilarily employed antf, and bounties by or attending on the faid truftees, or at the linen and yarn halls, and- in on ipecies afcertain- bounties or premiums on fuch fpecies of the manufatlures as previoufly afcer- ed by inifiees tained by faid ttuftecs, and brought to market or exported. III. y>(57. 3. This fhall not prevent or reftrain faid truftees from making Engagements before gQ^j j^^iy promifc or engagement entered into by them previous to the firlt raadegoo'd.'^^'*' of March 1774. . ,, . , ,. IV. feet. 4. No perfon fhall fell or expofe to fale any piece of plain linen of or above linen cloth, being of, or exceeding the fet of fourteen hundred, made, or in-. f^^^e' o( ,^00, tended to be of the denomination commonly called ell-wides, that fhall not brord wiieVbrown' ^^ when brown, and before bleached, forty-feven inches broad at leaft, upon or fo.fjted. ' pain of forfeiting fuch piece. ?loan* I. Stat. 13 & 14G. 3. cap. z./efl. i. Whereas by an aft in the eleventh Recita! of 1 1 & 1 2 and twelfth years of his majefty's reign, \nt\m\ed, an afl for granting to bis ^- i- c. 2. majefiy the feveral duties, rates, impofttions, and taxes, therein particularly ex- preffed, to be applied to the payment of the inter efi of the f urn, therein provided for, and towards the difcharge of the faid principal f urns, in fuch manner as therein is dire^ed ; feveral aids and additional duties were granted, until the 25th of December 1773, to pay an intereft for the feveral fums in faid adl rrjentioned,' or fo much as fhould remain unpaid on the 25th of December 177 1, to the- perfons who lent the fame, their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, of four per floait. pir centum, from the 25th of December 1771, without any fee or charge, and free from all dedud\ions whatfoever, until they fhould be paid their prin- cipal : and whereas by faid a(fl, for all fuch further fums, not exceeding two hiHidred thoufand pounds, as iTiall be paid at the inftance of the chief go- : vernor, to fupply fuch deficiences, as fhould arife in the aids granted in faid feilion, there Ihould be paid fuch interefl, not exceeding four per cennaii, as fhould be agreed by the chief governor, until they fliould be paid their prin- -^^ purfuance thereof cipal at one entire pa) ment : And whereas one hundred thoufand pounds was 20000! aHvanced paid, on or before the 25di of December 1771, and further one hundred at 4. f>cr cent. thoufand before the 25th of March [772, making together two hundred thou- fand pounds, to carry intereft at four per centum, from the refpedtive days of aijj dtiicient ; advancing : And Vv'hereas the feveral aids and duties, granted by faid aft, have not proved fufficient to pay faid feveral principal fums, and the in- . „ tereft, but the greateft part will remain unpaid on the 25th of December 1773 ; for fo nmci/asun-' for fo much of faid fums as remain unpaid on the 25th of December 1773, paid on 25 Dec. there fhall be paid at the exchequer, by the vice-treafurer or paymafter gene- '77? ; ral, or deputies, at the end of every fix calendar months, from 25th of ^f^^ y^^'^Y' '■""^^^f- December 1773, f° perlons, who have paid or lent the lame, then- execu- tors, adminiftrators, or affigns, intereft at four^^r centum, without any fee or charge, and free from all dedudlions, defalcations, and abatements, until they (hall be refpedtively paid their principal at one entire payment. II. feet. z. And that the intereft of fo much of faid fums formerly bor- xowed, or of fo much as unpaid, may be duly and regularly paid from the ^ mem^thereoTt''^ 25th of December I 773, there fhall be raifed, levied, granted, coUedted, 25 Dec. t77j ; and paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, until the 25th of December 1775 inclufive, and no longer, over and above the rates and duties payable by an ^€i in the fourteenth and fifteenth 3ears of king Charles the Second, for the fettling the excife or new impoft ; or by one other aft, for fettling the fubfidy of poundage, and granting a fubfidy of tonnage, and other fums of m^oney unto his royal majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, the fame to be paid upon merchandizes imported and exported into or out of the kingdom of Ire- land, according to the book of rates hereunto annexed, and over and above any other duties, rates, impofitions, and taxes granted to his majefty by any other adl of parliament heretofore enaifled, and in force, and any duties, rates, and impofitions by any other acl, or which fhall be enacted during this prefent feilion, the feveral duties, rates, impofitions, and taxes after French antl Spsnilk mentioned, an additional duty of fix pounds per ton upon all forts of wine ^^'"^'^ -'*''■ '°" ^ , of growth of France or Spain, and three pounds of the growth of Portugal, Q(],pJ. \;\^^^ r\, and five pounds all other wines imported after the 25th of December 1773 \ velvets, filk.-;, except four pounds fterling />(?;• pound weight all velvets, or manufactures made of of'Great Britain, &c, or mixed with filk (except thofe of Great Britain, China, Perfia, and Eaft- f ^'''' "'• Indies,) one half penny />fr pound all hops imported, five pounds^^r centum :i\\ ^fHt,,""^ '^ 'P'^nny china, earthen, japanned or lacquered ware, as valued or rated for cuftom eanhen, jipan or by the book of rates, three pounds ^(fr ton all forts of vinegar imported ; two licqueied ware 5I. pence per gallon aqua vita, ftrong waters and fpirits, made or diftilled within '"■''""'' ^^ ^^'"^'^ " this kingdom for fale, paid by the firft maker or diftiller, two pence per \ulfg ^^tj!;" o°k,\- pound all coffee imported, ten lliillingsptfr annum to be paid by perfons that fell rlts made for fale zA, or tap out by retail any cyder, between the 25th of December 1773, and 25th /"•'■ gallon ; December i 775 inclufive ; one penny per gallon all cyder fold or tapped out '^°^,^^ 2d./»fr lb. by retail, paid by the perfon who fhall fell or tap out ; twenty fliillings ^J '^l/ann.zur il°%r R 2 every ^a'o.i ; '"acTies, &c. fxcepr every perr:)n for every coach, chariot, berhni or calafK, or cliaife with foitr Orkney, ibges, and ^iiggis^ which fuch perfon fhall keep in his or her pofleflion (except hackney r7 '''f' ", ^„"l ?^- and ftage-coaches, and coaches and fuch other four wheeled carriasesas afore- to 25 Dtc. 1775 i faid, kept by coach-makers tor lale,) and alio, except cabriolets or garden chairs, between the 25th' of December 1773, and December i774:ineluvfie; r a .J twenty fhillines between the 2 ^th of December 1774, and'December 1 77 c in- foap-walte exported , ^ ■> & ^.,,. -^ rr l i n j r ■ 2oifer ton; ciufive ; twenty fhilhngs every ton of foap-boylers walte, and fo in propor- JiDcn rags jl.^fr ton. tion exported beyond feas ; three pounds every ton' of linen rags, and fo in proportion, exported beyond feas. Tea 6d per lb. jjj f^ff_ ^ por difcouragement of the pernicious and illegal pradice of un- green,4d. boheaand j^^vfuUy importing and clandeftinely running and landing tea, from the 25th all cuftora3"an'd"x- of December 1773, "^^'^ ^^^ "^^^^ °^ December 1775 inclufive, there fhall cife. be paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, fix-pence every pound of green tea, and four pence of black bohea and other tea, imported, in lieu and full fatisfadion of all duties of cufloms and excife. Further additional IV. fect. 4. The further additional duty after mentioned ffiall be raifed duties to 25 Dec. and paid from the 25th of December 1773,10 the 25th of December 1775 '77J ; inclufive ; five pounds prr cent, upon the feveral goods and manufaftures 5i.^.rf.«/ on goods (.j^QjQf the growth and produce or manufadhire of Great Britain) after (except nridln ) im- , 1 ,- n 1 1 /• n -r 1 /» 11 1 ported, a.i rated, or "atned, as the fame now ftand rated for cuftoms, or, if unrated, fhall be b)- importer's oaih. valued on oath of importer, which fhall be imported, over and above all other duties now payable, viz. apparel, apples, bacon and' hams, beads of glafs, chocolate, cocoa nuts, coffee, cork, capers, cloves, currants, chef^ nuts, wall-nuts, fmall nuts, bugles, hulled barley, artificial flowers, mili- nary ware, pearl barley, fans, hats chip and flraw, anchovies, fturgeorf,' pins, wrought ivory, olives, onions, prints and piiftures, mace, nutmegs, - wrought incle, drugs, (not for dyers ufe) elephant's teeth, furs, all lacquered, japanned, gilt, painted, brunzed, and enamelled ware, gloves of all forts, almonds, annifeeds, cinamon, liquorifh, pepper, piamento, pruens, raifias, rice, faffron, fuccards, fuccufs> liquorice, needles, thimbles, outnal threads, fiflers thread, china and earthen ware, whited-brown thread, and all other threads, haberdafhery, hardware, toys, mermits, iron pots, fcilTars, fnufF, tiles, fhot, laces of cotton, thread, worffed, or filk, groceries of ail kinds (except fugars) oranges and lemons, lime, lemon and orange juice (not for dyers) tape, foreign linens, and all manufadures of flax and hemp. Drawback on export V.fect. 5. If the wines and Other merchandizes, upon which the duties by fubjea in 24, hereby charged upon importation, again exported by any merchant fubjeft, mh'3"ri"cea'lfi- w'tli'" tvventy-four calendar months, or by flrangers within twelve, after im- caie of requifjies portation, and due proofs firfl made by certificate from the proper officers of performed. due entry and payment of faid duties, and all other requifites performed, by law required, where duties of excife are to be repaid, the duties hereby impofed fhall without delay or reward be repaid or allowed, within one ca- lendar month after demand, or the fecurity vacated as to fo much as fo ex-- ported, any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. Efcgnor ; or to difcharge or receive the fum transferred or affigned, or any part. VII. fe^. 15. All the feveral additional and other duties and rates hereby Said dutfes levred as granted, other than fuch as otherwife by this a j general board. pole or iuch pcrfon accordmg to regulations or laid act. News criers &c. if V. fef?. 5. Whereas young and able bodied perfons follow occupations without licence com- of news crying, cleaning fhoes, and carrying bafkets from markets, in the milted a. vagabonds; intervals of fuch employment expofed to idlenefs and vice, and might be more ufefully engaged in labour, and fuch employments might be executed by perfons partly dilkbled, who muft otherwife be taken into the houfe of in- duftry, any perfon following any of faid occupations within the juiifdidlion of licence without fee. the corporation for the poor in the county of city of Dublin, after the 24th of June next, without a licence from faid corporation, (fuch licence granted without fee or reward) iliall be deemed an idle perfon, and liable to commit- ment as a vagabond. Venders of fmall W.fecl. 6. To prevent indirect begging, any member of corporation for wares comniiriLd, if the poor ot the county of the city of Dublin may commit any perfon offering without licence from f,-piaii vvares to fale within jurifdidion of faid corporation, without a licence the corporanon, or ^^^^^ j-.^jj corporation (fuch licence granted without fee or reward) and fuch j^r_ perfon deemed an idle perfon, and liable to commitment as a vagabond, un- Jefs provided with a licence as a hawker and pedlar. Corporations for VII. ffH. 7. Whereas the appointing preachers to recommend the chari- pnor to app:y to the table purpofes of faid aCt, differs from the ecclefiaftical order ufual, the cor- bilhop, &c.ror an pQ,-aiiQr, f^j- badging the poor in the feveral counties, counties of cities, and annual chanty let- ^ nui? j ri j.r ilj mon between 1 Jan. ^^owns, fhall, by letter under corporation leal, or deputation from their bod}', and May ; ^Pply ^o the archbiOiop, biftiop, or ordinary of their refpedive diocefe, re- quefting him to require fermons to be preached for fupport of faid charity, by the minifter of every parilh, or fome properly qualified perfon, provided by him, on fuch one particular Sunday, between the fii ft of January and firft of May in every year, as by faid archbifhop, billiop, or ordinary, judged tnandateaccordingly. nioft proper and convenient ; and upon fuch requifition, faid archbifliop, bifhop, or ordinary, fhall ilTuehis mandate for this purpofe to his clergy. Begears detained V\\\. fe£l. 8. The corporation fhall have power to detain in faid houfe till by labour tlie'ex fuch perfons, as fhall hereafter be apprehended and cloathed at expence of pence of c:oithing the Corporation, until they fhall, by labour, have reimburfed the expence of reimbuifed. purchafing fuch cloaths. Lord mayor prefi- \X. fect. 9. Whereas it is fit the lord mayor of Dublin, on account of dent ; his knowledge, relidence, and dignity, do prefide at meetings of faid cor- poration ; when a fuflicient quortim are affembled, he, if prefent, fhall al- or one reprefenta- ways take the cliair, and do all duties of a prefidentor head of the corpora- tive, or feniorjuftice; tion as laid down in faid act -, and in his abfence, one of reprefentatives of laid city, or the fenior Juftice, as directed by faid act ; and in their abfence any any other member of the corporation, whom a majority of faid quorum ap- or other membfr w point to take the chair. ''>' « ""Jo"V °^ '•'« X.feci. lo. The corporation created for county of Dublin, may, ifco°umyol Dublin they think fit, hold their feveral meetings at fuch places, as to them Ihall corporaiJon may feem convenient, out of faid county ; any claufe in faid ad to the contrary meet out of the notwithftanding. <:o""'r- Xl.fect. II, The feveral corporations are impowered to meet at ^'^'^^ cofvonuon m^y time or times as they think proper, and to adjourn, and do all matters and mpetand aa, as if things which they are impowered to do by faid aft, in as full and ample a iliey had met at manner, as if they had met at the time prefcribed by faid adt. '""^ preicnbed. XII. feet. 1 2. Arthur earl of Donegal!, James Lewis, fovereign of Belfaft, a corporation erefl- and his fuccelTors for the time being, Henry Skeffington and George Hamil-ed fo; Beltatl, ton, reprefentatives for faid town, and the reprefentatives for the time be- ing, the prefent vicar and church-wardens of faid parilh, and their fucceffors for the time being, James Mackay, William Laird, and James Crumby, and fuch perfons as Ihall contribute to fuch charity, as herein after mentioned, fhall for ever hereafter be in name and fa6t one body corporate in law for the charitable purpofes, and (hall have perpetual fuccelfion, and be called and diftinguifhed by name of the prefident and alliftants of the Belfaft chari- named, table fociety ; and faid earl of Donegall fhall be prefident during life ; and l ord Donegall prt- faid prefident and his alliftants fhall be enabled to plead and fue, and be im- f'^ent; pleaded and fued by that name in all his majefty's courts of juftice ; and fhall appoint a common feal and feals for ufe of faid corporation ; and have ^ ^^y ^^^^ ^^1^, power and authority to meet as often as occafion ; and faid prefident and his-&c. affiftants, and fuccelTors, or any five or more, fo affembled, ihall have power to make fuch reafonable laws, rules, orders, and regulations for government and management of faid infirmary and poor-houfe, as they think neceffary '^""'^ ^" a ter ; and convenient, and to revoke or alter at difcretion ; and it iTiall be lawful for faid prefident and alliftants to make like bye-laws and regulations, and with like powers aa to exercife like powers, with refpecft to the poor and all idle and fturdy 'he oilier coipoiaii- beggars within faid town and parilh of Belfaft, as the corporations created ^"''■ by faid adl within counties at large, and counties of towns and cities, are enabled to do. XIII. feet. 13. Every perfon, who fhall fubfcribe and pay one guinea to i guinea fuhCciiLers^ faid corporation for fupport and maintenance of faid poor, fhall thence- "'^•nibcrs for 1 year. forth be, and continue for one entire year, a member thereof, to all intents and purpofes, as fully and effedlually as any perfons herein before named. XIV. /fr/. IJ. Said corporation fhall firft hold a meeting on the firft ofpirft meeting firft June next in the market-houfe of Belfaft, and it fhall be lawful for them. June, afterwards to meet at and adjourn to fuch times and places within faid town ["^>' ?-'!J""'V- and parifh, as they think fit ; arid in cafe the prefident lliall not attend, they app'Jint'"anoiher''^ fhall have power to appoint fuch other member of their corporation to pre- mem'^er ; fide and ad in his ftead at fuch meeting, as they may judge proper ; and fo on vacancy, they and their fucceffors fliall and may, upon death, refig '.ation, or removal of their prefent prefident, chcofe fuch member of their corporation to be pre- fident, as they think fir. XV.fea. 15. All the grounds, granted by faid earl of Donegall by the Grn^nd' granted by feveral deeds herein after mentioned to the truftees therein named, for ufe \o'-iifiiance yg3^^^ly'"f3 7fom foU of this aft, or any part or parcel thereof, for any term of years, not exceed- >ent tenant, ing thirty-one ; fo as referved and payable half-yearly to faid prefident and faking no fine, &c. afliftants, and fuccelTors, during faid term, as much rent, as at the lime of "'^'^ '" te\'e''"^°"- making fuch leafe can be really had from a folvent tenant, and fo as no fine or income, or other confideration be taken, other than faid rents referved, and fo as every fuch demife or leafe be made in poiTeljion, and not in re- verfion. XIX. /c^. 19. Whereas Mr. Richard Burke, furgcon, hath pradifed many R'char.1 Furke fiir- vears in the county of Clare, with great credit, and hath been latdv ap-S^'^"'^*' Claremfir- If r^i J rr r \ ■ r^ mary on ,u;gcon- proved of as a proper perlon, the governors and governelleG of the mfirmary genera,', certificate may eledt, if they think fit, faid Richard Burke, as furgeon to faid county it required, infirmary, by producing a certificate from the furgeon-general, and of two other able furgeons appointed by faid furgeon-general, of his ability and Ikill in furgery, if faid governors and governefies of faid infirmary require the fame ; any thing in faid ad to the contrary notwithftanding. XX. feci. 20. Said Richard Burke, if fo eleded, removeable from faid Removeable. office, in manner as prefcribed by faid aCl. XXI. feet. 21. Whereas faid recited adt has not been yet carried into exe- 3} H. 8. c. 15. and cution in counties of Wexford and Armagh, Wicklow and King's county, in .'° ^ 'I C- i- c. 4. which great inconveniencies have arifen on account of the repeal of two afts, At'^°_'7' w^ ki^°'^* one the thirty-third of Henry the eighth, and another the eleventh Charles anTKmg's coimryi the firft, faid two laft mentioned ads, and every thing therein, fhall be where then & 12 in full force in counties of Wexford, Armagh, Wicklow, and King's G. ^ c. 30, not yet county, in which the faid ad, for badging poor, has not been carried into "|^'^^,jJJ|^? "^''"^^" execution -, any thing in faid laft meiuioned ad to the contrary notwith- repe'akd. ° ' ^"^^ ^ Handing. Is^offcHion ant) foiz\^n ^ztWt* I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 5. cap. 41. feet. 7. An ad tvi^enty-fifth of George fecond, for more effectual execution of orders of courts ofjufiice for giving andU^^^ f^ 2 4' June"' quieting pnffeffons ; and [ringing to jujlice fuch perfons as inlifi fubjects as fol- iii\,Uc' diers in foreign fervice, witbont licence ; one other ad twenty-fifth of Geors^e 2; G. 2 c 15. con- the fecond, for buying and felling all forts of corn and meal, and other things """'"^ '° ^4 J"ns by weight, and preventing frauds in buying and felling thereof; continued to '^^'' '^"'^' twenty-fourth of June 178 i, and to end of then next fellion. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 25. feet. i. Whereas an au third of his prefentmajcfty, has had many fakuary efteds, and it rs expedient to extend' ?\-/- ^^' *T the benefit of the fame in general againft all. claims of the fame nature, not frpoiHaw" not fued for or profecuted withm twenty years; the title, pofleffion, eflate, prolccut.i v.i.liinao or intertft of any proteftant in or to any lands, tenements, or heredita->'^*"' «^t«°'^'^'^- ments in this kingdom, fhall not be avoided or impeached by aid of the laws to prevent die growth of popery, or by aid of any of faid Jaws, by means obtained. mciins or colour of any right or pretended right, which arofe or ac- crued twenty years btfore the firft of the prefent feflion, if no fuit has been commenced or profecuted within that time, claiming fuch right ; and i,f fome peribn or perfonsof full age, and of found memory, and out of prifoni, and in this kingdom, and difcovert, (the right being in a woman) hath been in being fome time within twenty years before the firft of the prefent feifion, or before the commencement of twenty years before the firft of the prefent fellion, who might have fued for fuch right, nor by the aid of faid laws, or any of them, by means or colour of any right or pretended right, which Iball or may have arifen or accrued twenty years before commencement or profecution of any fuit claiming fuch right, if fome perfon or perfons as aforefaid, of full age, and of found memory, and out of prifon, and in this kingdom, and difcovert (the right being in a woman) fhalt have been in being at any time before commencement or profecution of fuch fuit, who. might have fued for fuch right. Not to prejudice U. feet. 2. Nothing herein contained fhall bar, defeat, or prejudice any judgments or decrees jyjgfjjgj^j. (3J. (decree heretofore obtained by any perfon or perlbns whatfoever in any court of law or equity, or any fuit now depending, grounded on the popery laws, which hath been duly proceeded upon. I. Stat. 13 & j^Geo. 3. cap. 13. feet. i. All perfons, who have incur- red any penalties or incapacities in the aft, intituled, an act to prevent the further growth of popery, mentioned, by neglefting to qualify themfelves according to faid aft, fhall be indemnified, freed, and difcharged of and from all incapacities, difabilities, forfeitures, and penalties incurred by fuch omiflion or negleft ; and no adts done by them, or any of them, and not yet avoided, fhall be queftioned or avoided by reafon of fuch negled or omiflion, but all fuch af\s fhall be as good and effedual, as if every fuch perfon had taken and fubfcribed the oaths, and received the facrament, and' made and fubfcribed the declaration, in manner aforefaid ; any thing in faid aft to the contrary notwithftanding. II. fen. 2. Provided fuch perfons do, and fhall take and fabfcribe faid oaths, and receive faid facrament, and make, repeat, and fabfcribe faid declaration, in fuch manner and form, and in fuch place and places, as di- refled and appointed by faid aft, on or before the firft of Auguft 1775. IW.fen. 3. And whereas feveral fubjefts are often preferred in the army refidincr in Great Britain, and the regiments in which fuch officers have com- miffions are often put upon this eftablifhment ; no officers, fo preferred in Great Britain, who fhall have qualified themfelves for fuch commiffions ac- cording to and within the lime limited by the laws made in Great Britain,, fhall be obliged to qualify in this kingdom for fuch commilfions fo granted in fuch regiments, after their arrival in this kingdom, and being put upoa this eftabliftiment ; any law, ufage, or cuftom to the contrary notwithftand- ing. IV. fen. 4. This aft fhall not extend to reftore or entitle any perfon to any office or employment, already avoided by judgment of courts of record, or already filled up by any other ; but fuch office or employment fhall be and remain in the perfon now entitled by law to the fame, as if this aft never made. Not qualifying pur. (uant 10 Anne c 6. indemniEed. On qualifying by I Aug. 1775- OffTcers preferred and qualifying in Gieat Briiam, not obliged on arrival here. Not to reftore to office avoided or filed. I. Stat. 13 & T4. Geo. 3. cap. Z.fect. t. All appoiiUments of fiiboidinate Appointment and commiffioners, fub-commilTioners, colledors, clerks, fearchers, waiters, f^'^^' '']',°' "^^^d^jf^"!' fengers, and other officers in the excife, heretofore made, or to be made on ['n'^'^igff^q'in'lppoint' or before the 24th of June 1774, by the chief commillioners of excife, or n,j'j,t. any three; and all judgments, orders, feizures, adts, and things given, made, or done, or to be made or done, by the faid fubordinate coinmiflion- ers, fub-commilFioners, colledors, clerks, fearchers, waiters, meflengers, and other officers, fhall be valid, good, and efFedual in law, notwithltanding any informality, infufficiency, or defed in appointment of fuch officers, as fully as the fame would have been, if there had been no fuch informality, infufficiency, or defed in fuch appointment, and no furtlier. II. feet. 2. From the 24th of June 1774, all fubordinate commiffioners. Appointment of ex-- fub-commiffioners, colledors, clerks, fearchers, waiters, melfengers, and ciic officers by three other officers in the excife hereafter to be appointed, and all appoiniments of ^^"'"""'°""s "nder faid officers hereafter made, fhall be by the chief commiffioners of excife, pr"ved"by chi'ef^go- or any three or more, under their hands and feals, with approbation of the vernor ; lord lieutenant, lord deputy, or other chief governor; and the faid com- miffioners, or any three, with approbation of the chief governor, fliall have full power to difplace faid officers, or any of them, from time to time, and power to dlfplace, place others in their room, and to allow them fuch feveral yearly wages, '°^"°^ quarterly paid quarterly out of the receipts of faid office, and other accidental rewards )^^^,e^vi'ads -^ ci e - for their pains and fervices, as they fhall think fit, to be alfo paid out of the officers fworn as receipts of faid office ; fuch officers fo appointed, to be admitted and fworn beiore. into their offices as heretofore, and to have the fame powers and authori- ^'"'' ^'^^ powers, ties, and fubjed to fame forfeitures, penalties, fufpenfions, removals, and [!f" "^°"^' q*^' ** regulations, in all other refpeds, as provided by faid ad, or any other ad <- g. or other aft's. or ads relating to fuch officers refpedively. III. /ft7. 3. From the 24th of June 1774, the faid commiffioners, fub- Poundage or allow- ordinate commiffioners, fub-commiffioners, or colledors fhall have for their ^"" ^ *^"'^' 2°*"- - nor* feveral pains in and about faid bufmefles fuch reafonable fums allowed by way of poundage or otherwife, as the chief governors fhall think fit. lY./ecl. 4. From the 24th of June 1774, all juftices of the peace, may- Af?]f!ance to rere- ors, fheriffs, portrieves, bailiffs, fovereigns, conftables, headborough.s, and nue officers ; all the king's officers, minifters, and fubjeds whatfoever, ferving under his majefty by commiffion, warrant, or otherwife, fhall be aiding and affifting to all perfons, appointed to manage or colled his revenues, and the officers of thofe revenues refpedively, and their deputies, in the due execution of every ad and thing required and enjoined by this or any ad relative to the revenue; and all fuch perfons, as fhall be aiding and affifting unto them in fare h3rm!efs; the due execution thereof, fhall be defended and favcd harmlefs by this act ; and the proper officers of exchequer are authorized, upon application to "tits of adiftance them by any known follicitor of his majefly's revenues, or any of them re- ""tier exchequer fpedively, upon his producing an order, figned by the chief con^miffioners j."„°",^jp^" '-^^^^ of revenue, or any three or more, to ill'ue writs of afT.ftance under feal ofoucid by re\enuc exchequer, to authorize the officers of revenues to require and demand aid iblicitur. and alhftance of his majefly's officers, and all other perfons as before men- tioned. V. fec^. 5. The faid writs of affiflance fhall never be made ufe of by any 3^||]',\^^\,"°"J„""J" officer under degree of a furveyor, unlefs fuch officer fhall have a written or- otd«''fign'ed"by'^iij- der peiior, S(c. der, figned by fome fuperior officer of revenue of the degree at leaft of a liirveyor. General ifTue plead- V\. feH. 6. If any adion, indidtment, fair, or other profecution brought ed. andrpecial mat- or commenced againft any officers of revenues, or any of them, or any other tcr m evi ence. perfon ading in their aid or affiftance in purfuance of this or any other ad, relative to the revenues, it fhall be lawful for fuch officer or perfon to plead the general ilTue, and to give this or fuch other adts and the fpecial matter in evidence in any courts, wh re fuch fuit or profecution depending; and the judges of faid courts are required to admit the fame. Complaints nn re- VII. /?//. p. After the 24th of June 1774, it fhall be lawful for anyone tailing without li- or more of the thief commiflioners of excife to hear and determine all com- cence demsnded by pi^jntg againft any peifon, who fhall fell any wine, cyder, b.^er, or ale by exciiV°"and"penalties^'^^^''' without licence firft had and obtained, and to order and direct to be levied'; levied all forfeitures, fines, and penalties incurred for doing thereof without licence as aforefaid, in fame manner, and as effedually, to all intents, con- ftrudions, and purpofes, as any three or more of faid chief commiilioners of like ajvpeal. excife are now impowered by law to do, with like remedy of appeal to par- ties who fhall think themfelves aggrieved or injured, as hereafter men- tioned. Former afts conti- VIII. fe^l. 1 9. An ad the 23 G. 2- and all claufes therein refpedively con- ntied 2 years, &c. Gained (except as altered, repealed, or amended by this ad, or by any or ei- 33 G. 2. c. 10. j.j^gj. ^j: ^j^^ recited ads) fhall continue and be in force for two years from 3 g'. r c 2T. the 24th of June 1774, and from thence to the end of the then next feliion, 5G. 3.C. ij. and no longer. 7 G. 3. c. 27. IX. fe^. 20. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures inflided by this ad, or II St 12 G. 7.C. 7. jjy ^j^g ^^jj feveral ads laft particularly mentioned or recited, or by any of applied as by 14 & them (other than fuch as by this ad, or by any of the recited ads before isC 2. c. 8. laft mentioned, are otherwife provided for) fhall and may be fued for, re- covered, levied, and applied in fuch manner and form, ways and means, and with fuch powers and authorities, as prefcribed, direded, and appointed by an ad 14 and 15 C. 2. for fettling the excife or new import, according to the book of rates, as fully and efFedually, to all intents, conftrudions, and pur • pofes, as if particularly mentioned, expreffed, and re-enaded in this act, with like appeal. ^j(^j^ jjj^g remedy of appeal to parties who think themfelves aggrieved or in- jured, as by faid act of excife provided. Continued 2 ye^rs, X. feet. 21. This act, and the feveral provifions hereby m.ade, fhall con- &c. fiom 24 June' tiuuc and be in force two years from the 24th of June 1774, and to the end 1774; of the then next feflion, and no longer ; except fuch parts as relate to making perpetual as to ap- gQQj g^d effectual the appointments of fuch fub-commilfioners, collectors, cfficers^"theK*ralaiL'^'^''^^5 fearchers, waiters, mefifengers, and other officers inthe excife, heretofore and afl's, made by the chief commiilioners of excife, or any of them, and all acts and things done by fiid officers, or any of them ; and fave and except what re- lates to the future appointment of faid officers of excife, or any of them, and to their falaries and other accidental rewards for pains and fervices, and all acts and things to be done by them, or any of them ; which parts fo except- ed, fhall be perpetual. . I. Star I. St/Jf. 13 & i4.Geo. 3. c^p. \.fen. i. Whereas an a>5\ palTed in tiie cle- " & 12 G. 3. c. 5. venth of his prefent majelly, /ir //jt- more effeflital punijljing laickcd and dif- 'ep<;al"l- orderly perfons, who have committed or Jhall commit violences, and do injuries to the perjons and properties of any of his majejiy's fubjeHs in the counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh, city and county of Londonderry, and county of Tyrone, or any of them, or who fo all deliver or puhliJJj threatening letters, or -who rejiji or oppofe the levying the piiblick taxes in the faid counties, or any of them, and for the more effeHual bringing to jufiice certain offenders therein mentioned -, 1ms been found no longer necelTary ; the faid adt, and every claufe thereof, hence- forth repealed, and made null and void. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. g.fect. 21. And for further encouragement of Englifh proteftant fchools, it IIkiII be lawful for every archbilTiop, bifhop, E^cU'lf'IcI:^ may dean, archdeacon, dignitary, prebendary, reiflor, vicar, and ecclefiaftical ^^"a'j^gj" 'j^lcrvinJ perfon whatfoever, with confent of archbilhop or billiop of their diocefe, "proved yearly value, llgnified under hand and feal by deed indented, to demife for any term or 'aking no fine or number of years or lives, with covenants of perpetual fenewal, any quantity ^°^^V^^'' of land to them refpeClively belonging, not exceeding thirty acres planta- tion-meafure to faid incorporated fociety and their fi.cceffors, referving a rent, not lefs than the improved yearly value, at time of making fuch de- mife, paj'able to thofe intitlcd to the freehold and inheritance, and taking no fine or foregift for the fame ; and all grants fo made fhall be good and !°''J againft fuccef- eftedual againft the fucceffors of every fuch archbilTiop, bifhop, dean, '""" archdeacon, dignitary, prebendary, redor, vicar, and other ecclefiaftical perfons refpedtively. II. feet. 22. In cafe the faid lands and premifles, fo demifed, fhall not Void if not applied be applied and made ufe of for the benefit and fupport of the charity-fchools to the charity I'chook: or nurferies, or fome of them, that are or fhall be ereded and eftabliflied by faid fociety, fuch demife fhall be abfolutely null and void to all intents and purpofes whatfoever. III. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 27. feet. 7. The mafters of free-fchools, Schoolmaders now now intitled to three fourths of the fums expended in eredting buildings, and '"'."'e^ to 5-4thsfor making improvements upon their demefne or menfal lands by i G. 2. iTiall be provtlifent "t™" G included and comprifed in the ad of G. 3. and to all benefits and advantages 2. c. 1 5. fhall' be in- of faid ad, and have a certificate for a fum not exceeding two years of the eluded in 1 1 & li clear yearly income of faid fchool •, in which the feveral fines, received and ^- j-«^- '7- expended upon faid buildings and improvements, fhall not be included ; pro- l"'^ ^^^^ certiticate • J J r 1 L 1 1- 1 • 1 I \ r 'or tv\o years in- vided luch buildmgs and improvements made under the lame appointments, come, ifimnrovc- leftridions, and limitations, as required by faid ad of the firft of his late .ments compleated, majefty, and upon new fites, approved by the archbifhop of Armagh, un- fin-s not included ; der his hand and archiepifcopal leal, and fhall be compleated and finilTied, '^fae^"^provement3 at fo as to be fit for refidence of the mafter of fuch fchool and his fuccellors. g^d on new fi'cs j approved under teal of archbiftop of T I. ^/.^^™^S"- ;G. 2. c. 13. con- I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 41. feet. li. An a£t 5G. 2. for regulating tinued to 24 June feamen in merchants fervice, continued to 24th of June 1782, and to end of i78i, &c. then next fellion, and no longer. :§ta!np^. From 2f March I. Stat. 13 & T4 Geo. 3. cap. 6- feet. i. From and after the 25ch of March 1774 '02c Doc. 1774, there fhall be throughout the kingdom of Ireland railed, colleded, ni^^'^-d''^'^' '''^ ^^^ f^"^ unto his majefty, his heirs and fticceflbrs, from the twenty-fifth raifedi"^ "' " of March aforefaid till the twenty-fifth of December 1775 inclufive, for the fevt-ral and refpeCtive matters and things herein after mentioned, written or engroiTed at any time from the faid twenty-fifth of March to the twenty- fifth of December 1775 inclufive, the feveral and refpedive rates, impofi- tions, duties, charges, and fums herein after ex preffed, in manner and form grants or patents of following (that is to fay) for every (kin or piece of vellu*n or parchment, ■honour, promotion, on which any grants or letters patent under the great feal of Ireland, of franchife, &c. 3I. ^ny honour, dignity, promotion, franchile, liberty or privilege to any per- /•frlkin, ^^^^ bodies politick or corporate, or exemplifications of the fame, fhall be comrriiMionsot rebel- ' „. , '^ . , ' ■ ,-,. r u ir ■ r 1 j\ Ton excepted ; engrolled or written (commiluons ot rebellion in procefs always excepted) , , ' , three pounds 1 for every fkin or piece of vellum or parchment, or fheet pardons (exceft r ,■, -^j ,..1 j rr a ■ r ■ forma paufuh) re- of paptr, on which any pardon (except the pardon palled \n Jorma pauperis) prieves, relaxations of or for any crime or offence, or of any fum of money or forfeitures from fine or foi- whatfoever, or in which any warrant of reprieve, relaxation from any *^'Tf' ^'-Z"^'' ''^'" fines, corporal punifhment, or other forfeitures, fhall be engroffed orwrit- and " 'gr^nfs ^bovo ten, three pounds ; upon which any grant from his majelly, his heirs loof. under great or fucceirors, of any fum exceeding one hundred pounds, which fhall pafs ical, and office or the great feal of Ireland, fliall be engroffed or written, three pounds ; upon employment above ^^,]^jj,|^ ^jj,,. grant of any office or employment above fifty pounds per annum, t:o\. per annum ; . -' ° rrii j l-l ^rij-r . grant in tee, leafe Written Or engroffed, three pounds; on whicli any grant of lands in fee, !ur years, or oiEcr leafe for yeais, or other grant or profit not herein particularly charged, that profit not herein dial] pafs the great feal, or feal of the excheqtier (enjlodiam leafes excepted) charged, under f teat |-[^^]] ^^ engroffed or written, two pounds ; upon which any prefentation or ('f»/.wJ«"exccpted) donation which fhall pafs the great feal, or upon which any collation by arch- il, fei fi''">'< or the delegates, engrofled or written, five Ihillings ; as alfo upon which any ^^iP" \,°wf' "* writ of habeas corpus engroifed or written, one fliilling ; upon which any ° fentence in the admiralty, or attachment out of the faid court, or relaxation*^ corpus \s. r ,-1 I -' rr 1 • r ,1 ii- i • i (eu'ence or admi- or any inch attachment, engroned or written, five Ihilimgs ; upon which |3|;y_ aaaclimenr, any probate of a will or letters of adminiftration for any eftate above thirty or relaxation, 5s. pounds, engroifed or written, five fliillings ; upon which any recognizance probate, letters of for payment of money, or performance of covenants or agreements, ftatute ^||"""''V^?^'°"' ^°' ftaple or flatute merchant, engroffed or written, or entered of record in any j^"^^ ' "" /' court or oflice, five fhillings ; upon which any record of nifi prius or /'5/?(?(7 recognizance.Sfc. js. fhall be engrofled or written, two fhillings and fix pence ; upon which fhall mji f>rius q\ pojiea, . be engroifed or written any judgment whatfoever, figned by the mailer of i^^' *^''- o: L- J r J \i . I • r J judgments figned by any othce, his deputy, or fecondary, or any prothonotary, his lecondary, pj^^^g^ jjjgj,g°25_^/^ deputy, or clerk, or any other officer belonging to any of the courts at each ; Dublin, who have power, or ufually do or fhall fign Judgments, a duty after the rate of two fhillings and fix pence for every judgment engroifed or cofnmiirion out of written on fuch fkin or piece of vellum, or parchment, or paper: for every "'^''='',^'^'".'/°""' n ■ ■ r u 1 ■ rt- ,. r not otherwile char- Ikin or piece or vellum or parchment, or piece or meet or paper, upon j ^^ ^j which any commilfion ilfuing out of any ecclefiaftical court, not herein other- wife particularly charged, fhall be eiigrolled or written, two fhillings and admiralty warrant fix pence ; upon which any warrant, monition, or perfonal decree in the ^"^'Ij""' ""^ '''-''^'''^^' admiralty, lliall be engroifed or wiitten (except in fuits for payment of fea- except fbrwa^es; mens' wages) two fhillings and fix pence ; upon which any fpecial bail taken ipecial bail, and sp- in any of the courts of Dublin, or before any of the Judges of faid courts, pearance is. or in any court whatfoever, fliall be engroifed or written, and for every piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, upon which fiiall be engroifed or written ^'^'"'"''' '»3'' ^nd ap. any appearance upon inch fpecial bail, one fiiilling ; upon which any com- P'^'*''""-'^ • mon bail filed in any court whatfoever, and upon which any appearance, that . lliall be made upon fuch bail, fhall be engroifed or written, fix pence ; upon c^^y o"^eJ"|,|j '^^j^ which engrofled or written any bill, anfwer, replication, rejoinder, interro- ,3 gatories, depofitions taken by commiflioners, or any other pleadings what- foever in the courts of chancery or exchequer, one fliilling ; upon which any ^^7^''^*" m corpo- admiffion into any corpi^ration or company engroifed or written, fix pence ; ^''"°" "' cumpany, for every piece of parchment or paper, upon which any affidavit engrofled aifidavits 6d. or written (except affidavits before the officers of cufloms or excife, or any except before cuf- juflice of peace, or before a magiflrate of any corpoiation acting as a Jul- 'ompj ^'^'^^'^ odiar, tice, or ading in any court of confcience or funimary jurifdiclion, or before "^^o' -ate. o.iin- T 2 any :$ tamps* diamentor civil bill, any judge of aflize, or commifTioner of oyer and terminer, relative to pro- fot pubhck money, fgcutions or trials on indidments, or to civil bills, or made for the purpofe preTiiiu^ins, uimpX"/, °f raifiHg Or accounting for publick money, and except affidavits relative to and Dublin Society.' hempen and flaxen manufafture, or payment of corn premiums, or before truftecs of any turnpike relative to the roads or tolls of fuch turnpike, or Copy of afiidavit affidavits before the Dublin Society) fix pence ; for every piece of parchment filed or read, 6d. or paper, upon which any copy of fuch affidavit, as before charged, filed or read in any court v/hatfoever, fhall be engroiled or written, fix pence ; deeds (not other- upon which engroOTcd or written any indenture, leafe, or deed-poll, not wile charged) rs. hereby otlierwife charged (except indentures for binding poor parifh or other except lor binding poor children fupported bv publick or private charities apprentices) one fliil- poor children ; {. ^ *^^ . V*^ n ^ i i • i ling ; for every piece ot vellum, parchment, or paper, upon which any original writ (except upon which a. capias iffiies) fubpana, capias qiiominus, dedmms potejiatem to take anfwers, examine witneffies, or appoint guardians, vrits, procefs, 6d. or any other writ whatfoever, or any other procefs or mandate that fhaH iflue out of, or pafs the ftals of any of the courts at Dublin, or any other court whatfoever holding plea, where the debt or damage doth amount to forty fhillings, or above, or the thing in demand is of that value, fhall be entry of aflion in engrolfed or written, fix pence ; upon which any entry of any aftion in the corporation courts, mayor's and IherifFs courts of Dublin, and in courts in all corporations, and ^•^^ ^^- other courts v/hatfoever, out of which no writs, procefs, or mandates ifTue, holding plea, where the debt or damage doth amount to forty fhillings or rule or order of above, engrolTed or written, fix pence ; upon which any rule or order (ex- court, 6(1. (^.gpj j^ caufes profecuted upon indidments, or which relate to prefentments) crpr^efentmen't '"'^"' made or given in any of the courts at Dublin, either of law or equity, which ■ ^ ' fhall be taken out, fhall be eugroffied or written, fix pence ; upon which Copies of proceed- any copy of fuch rules or orders entered, or the copies of any other records ings, 6d. or proceedings in any of faid courts at Dublin, not hereby otherwife charged, proceedings m pre-^_ fhall be engrofled or written, fix pence ; upon which engrolTed or written cjPoradm'iva'ltv ''' '"^"y citation or monition in the prerogative or any ecclefiaftical court, coiirt, or cupies,' 6d. or any libel or allegation, depofition, anfwer, fentence, or final decree or any inventory exhibited in the prerogative or in any ecclefiaftical court, or admiralty, or whereupon any copies of them refpedively en- evcept feaincns grofled or written (except in fuits for leamens wages) fix pence; upon wag s; v/hich any charter-party, policy of afl'urance, palfporr, bond, releafe, contraift, policies, obligations, qj- other obligatory infirumeut, or any protefl, procuration, letter of attor- rioraiialaas, &c. 6d. j^^y^ ^^ ^^^ ^^1^^^. ^q^^^\^\ ^q^ whatfoever, engrolTed or written, fix pence ; pleadings at law, id. upon which any declaration, plea, replication, rejoinder, demurrer, or other pleadings whatfoever, in any court of law engroiTed or written, one penny ; , upon which any copy thereof lliall be written or engrofTed, one penny ; deplfi'ions or copy upon which any depofitions in chancery or exchequer (except paper drafts of proceedings in of depofitions taken by any commilTion before engroiTed) not herein before vijuiiy, id. charged, or upon which any copy of any bill, anfwer, plea, demurrer, re- plication, rejoinder, interrogatories, depofitions, or other proceedings what- stteiledcopy of foever in any court of equity, engrofled or written, one pc'nny ; upon which wills; a copy, atteflcd by the proper officer of the prerogative or any ecclefiaftical drawback /jd. court, of any will, engroiTed or written, one penny ; upon which engrofTed or written any certificate or debenture for drawing back any cuftoms or du- ties for or in refpeft of the re-fhipping or exporting of any goods or mer- chandi^es, which from and after the 25th of March 1774, fhall be exported or (hipped to be exported from Ireland beyond feas, to be paid by the psr- fon fon for whofe benefit, or at whofe inftance fiich debenture or certificate ob- tained, four pence; for every almanack or calendar for any one particular almanfcfes on one year, or any time lefs than a year, printed on one fide only of any one'"'!^ °^^^^^^' "*" •'' .-'- , -''r 11 others 2d. meet or piece ot paper only, one penny; tor every other almanack or ca- f^^ every year, lendar for any one particular year, two pence : provided, that for every printed almanack or calendar for feveral years the refpective rates aforefaid Pamphlets, news, fhall be paid for every fuch year. For all pamphlets, and news-papers con- p;*P'-rs, of one fhtet taining publick news, intelligence, or occurrences, printed in thi.s kingdom ^"'^ '^''f*""-'' • to be difperfed and made publick, not exceeding one v/hole fheet, one half- penny fterling every printed copy ; for every fuch pamphlet or paper larger "ot ^^o\-e 6 oflavo, than one whole fheet, and not exceeding fix in otftavo, or in a leirer page, '- ^""to, 20 folro, or not exceeding twelve in quarto, or twenty in folio, fo printed, a duty after the rate of one fliilling fterling for every fheet of any kind of paper advenUvments 2d. contained in one printed copy or impreflion ; for every advertifement in or publifhed with any Gazette, news-paper, or journal publilTied weekly or of- tener, or in any other printed paper or pamphlet whatfoever, difperfed or made publick yearly, monthly, or any other interval of time, two pence fterling. H./efl.z. Every deed, inftrument, note, memorandum, letter, or other w,; ;ng,f(^,py(.5._ muniment or writing for or relating to payment of any fum, or making any filtration on any valuable confideration for or upon the lofs of any fhip, vefTel, goods, wages, ''^'"s. or on lives money, effecls, or upon any bfs by fire, or for any lofs whatfoever, or for '^^^"^^'^ policies. or upon any life or lives, conftrued, deemed, and adjudged policies of affu- rance within the meaning of this aft. III. /foard iliipf, or veffel, and any merchant, trader or other, perfon in refpecl to the freight *^^^''^''P^"'"- or conveyance of any money, goods, wares, merchandizes, or efFefts, laden or to be laden on board of any fuch fhip or veffei, deemed and adjudged a charter party within the meaning of this aCl. IV. /ft?. 4. And for preventing abufes by arrefting without writ or legal Time of fignin^ procefs to juftify the fame, by means whereof the duty hereby given to the wrir or procefs to crown upon fuch procefs will be loft, from and after the 25th of March 1774, "''"'^ J^' '^°''"' ^'^^ every officer or clerk belonging, or which fhall hereafter belong, to the king's " f^i' ,'^] ^^ bench, common pleas, or exchequer, who fhall fign any writ or procefs be- lecaior. fore judgment to arreft any perfon thereupon, fliall at the figning thereof fet down upon fuch writ or procefs the day and year of the figning -, which fhall be entered upon the remembrance, or in the book where the abftrad uf fuch writ or procefs ftiall be entered, upon pain to forfeit ten pounds for every offence or negled of fuch officer or clerk ; to be recovered by any perfon who fhall fue for the fame in any court of record, by aCtion of debt, bill, plaint, or information, wherein no wager of law, prote6tion, or effoign, or more than one imparlance allowed. N.feSl. 5. All books and pamphlets, ferving chiefly for the purpofe of ^ an almanack, by whatfoever name intitled or defcribed, charged with the^^^^g charged ^as duty impofed by this aft on almanacks, but not with any of the duties on fuch. pamphlets, or any other printed papers, any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. VI. Je£l. 6. Provided always, that this aft ftiall not extend to charge any Bills or notes ex- \>\\\% of exchange, accompts, bills of parcels, of fees, or any bills or notes cepted. (not , (not fealed) for payment of money at fight, or upon demand, or at the end of certain days of payment. And probate or ad- VII. Je£l. 7. Provided alfo, that nothing in this ad fhall extend to charge ininiilraiion of lea- ^.j.^^ probate of any will, or letters of adminiftration of any common Teaman i"ervi«, 0° office'ls ^^ foldicr, who fhall be flain or die in his majefty's fervice, a certificate be- cenihcjte. an.l oa,h ing produced from the captain or commander of the fhip or veflel, or cap- ofihe truth. tain or commanding officer of the troop or company, under whom fiich fea- man or foldier ferved at his death, and oath (ox if a quaker, a folemn affir- mation) fhall be made of the truth thereof before the proper judge or officer, by whom fuch probate or adminiftration ought to be granted ; which fuch judge or officer is hereby authorized and required to adminifter, and for which no fee or reward taken. And paupers. VIII. /f(?. 8. Provided alfo, that none of the rates, duties, or fums be- fore in this aft, fhall be raifed, levied, colleded, or paid, or payable by any perfon admitted to fue or defend in frrma pauperis. AndjuQices warrant, \X. fcct. 9. Provided alfo, that this aft, or any claufe therein contained, or recognizance, 01 fhall not be conftrucd to charge with any duty any warrant by, or recogni- court-Miarfal p o- zs-iKQ. before any juftice of peace, or any proceedings of any court martial cec iiigb on 01 ler.. ^].,j^j^ relate to any trial of any common foldier, but fuch warrants, recogni- zances, and proceedings, fhall be exempted' from payment of any of the duties before mentioned. X. fe£l. 10. Provided alfo, that this ad fhall not extend to charge any nient or'of Ra^c '^' '^^^ "^ parliament, proclamatioii, order of council, forms of prayer and votes, or orders' of thankfgiving, or any ads of ftate ordered by his majefty, his heirs or Aic- ether houfe, books ceflors, to be printed, or the printed votes, or other matters ordered to be oMchools, or d.'vo- printed by either houfe of parliament, with any of the faid duties on pam- tion, lingle advtr- 11 1 11 irj- r ■> tifemenis bills of phlets or new&-papers, or to charge any books commonly ufed in any or the imports and exports i fchools of Ireland, or containing only matter of devotion or piety, with the aiiJof moriallty. faid duties on pamphlets, or to charge any fingle advertifement printed by itfelf, or the daily accounts, or bills of goods imported and exported, or the weekly bills of mortality (fo as fuch accounts or bills contain no other matters than what ufually comprifed therein) with any the duties aforefaid, any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. CommifTinners ap- Xl.fect. II. And for the more effedual levying, colleding, and paying pointed by thief the feveral duties hereby granted, it fhall be lawful for his majefty, or the governor J loj.j lieutenant or other chief governors, from time to time to nominate and appoiiU fuch perfons, as /"/'c;' fliall think fit, to be commiliioners or officers for ftamping and marking parchment, vellum, and paper, and managing the duties thereupon ; and the commiffioners lliall keep their head office in fome to keep head office in (.Q^yg,^ig[^[. pj^ee within Dublin ; and the commilfioners, or irjajor part, are appoint' in ferioroffi impowcred Under hands and fcals to appoint fuch other inferior officers, with cn.swith cuiiient of confent and approbation of the lord lieutenant, or other chief governors, for chief governor; marking or ftamping vellum, parchment, and paper, or for better colleding or levying the duties hereby granted, as they fhall think proper; and the Mardrim'^'p^o- ^^''^ comniillioners fhall thirtj days before the 25th of March 1774, provide vid'.'difFeient'il.imp; feveral marks or ftamps, dittering from each other, for the feveral and re- fpedive duties hereby granted, with which all vellum, paper and parch- piihlifiied by proda- ment, upon which any of the things herein before charged Ihall be engrofled niatian beiore zj ^^ written, fhall be ftamped and imprelTed; which feveral ftamps and marks Mar. i77i; ^^|| ^^ publifhed by proclamation under the great feal, a convenient time before the 25th of March 1774, that all perfons may have due notice ; and the the faid marks or (lamps, or any of them, fhall or may be altered or renewed ''tered or renewed from time to time, as his majefly, his heirs, and fucceflTors, or the lord lieu- Jj^ p^'^ociamat'lon""'' tenant, or chief governors think fit, fo as publick notification thereof be judicial noiice there-' given by proclamation as aforefaid. And all courts of juftice and judges y", whatfoever fhall without any allegation or proof take judicial notice of the proclamations ilTued by virtue of this ad;, and of all the types, marks, and (lamps, thereby publifhed, as and for the true and lawful types, marks, and (lamps in purfuance of this adl. XII. feet. 12. The commillioners, in providing the faid marks andftamps impreflion dnruhl?. fhall take care, they be fo contrived, that the imprefllon may be durable, and and lead liable to lead liable to be forged or counterfeited. forgery. XIII. fell. 13. The commillioners fliall appoint a fit psrfon to attend in q^^^^ appointed to any court or office to take notice of the vellum, parchment, or paper, upon tajje notice j which any of the matters aforefaid fliall be engrolTed, written, or pur, and of the marks or (lamps thereupon, and of all other matters tending to fecure his majefty's duties by this ad ; and the judges, and fuch others to whom it may appertain, at requed of the commiHioners, or two or more of thein, order' in csurts at fhall make fuch orders in the refpedlive courts, and do fuch other things for c.mmiilioners re- fecuring faid duties, as fhall be lawfully and reafonably defired ; and every '1'^';^' .„. commiaioner and other officer, before he proceeds to the execution of this aft, °r' anJ J°™||^' '°"' fliall take the oath following i I A. B. dofwear, that I will faithfully execute the tnijl repofed in me pit r- fuant to an a£l of parliament, intituled, an ad for granting to his majefty, his heirs, and fucceifors, feveral duties upon vellum, parchment and paper, without fraud or concealment, and will from time to time true account make of my doings therein, and deliver the fame to fuch perfon or perfons as his majejly, his heirs or fucceffors, or the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being Jljall appoint to receive fuch account, and will take no fee, reward, or profit for the execution or performance of the faid truji, or the hujinefs relating thereunto, from any perfon or perfons other than fuch as Jhall he . paid or allowed by his majefty, his heirs or fuccefjors, or by fome other perfon or perfons for that purpofe authorized by his majefty, or by the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being. And fuch oath fhall be adminidered to any commiffioner by any two or more of the fame commiffioners, whether they have taken the fame previoufly or not ; and any of the commiffioners or any judice of peace fliall admiaider the like oath to any fubordinate officer. XIV. feet. 14. The faid commiffioners or officers, and all fub-commif- fioners and officers employed or intruded by or under them, fliall obferve chieTsrovernor ob °* and perform fuch rules, methods, and orders, as they receive from time to lerved; time from the lord lieutenant or other chief governor ; and the faid commif- fioners fhall take fpecial care, that the feveral parts of this kingdom fhall commlflloners to from time to time be fufficiently furniflied with vellum, parchment, and p"J^[^'o„''(q3' j^*^' paper, damped or marked as aforefaid, fo as his majedy's fubjeds may have ran^ or bring^ their it in their eledioa to buy the fame of the officers or perfons employed by the own. faid commiffioners at the ufual or mod common rates above the faid duty, or to bring their own to be damped as aforeltiid, or to furnifli themfelves or others that fliall have done the fame, XV. A"/. All proceeding? and wfiririga as ufu-il. Vellum, &c. before writing brought to hea'l olSce to be rtaniped ; ftanipeil forthwith without fee, paying duties. Stamping before pay- ment, penalty lool. to king and profecu- tor. Wii-ing without (lamp, or ftamped for lower duty, i ol. 3bove duty ; not athnitted sill payment and llamp' td; Officers to give re- ceipt and ftair.p up on payment. Clerk or officer, writing' without pro per Uair.p, ot with courireiteir, or tor lower duty, (JiiatjIcJ attornie- diubled. XV. fi'B. 15. And that his majefly may not be defrauded, all records, writs, pleadings, and other proceedings in courts of law and equity, and all deed.s, inftruments, and writings whatCoever, hereby charged, fhall be en- grolled or written in fuch manner, as they have been ufually accuftomed, Qr are now written. XVI. fiCt. 16. All vellum, parchment, and paper hereby intended to be charged, fliall, before any of the things herein before mentioned fhall be thereupon engrolTed or written, be brought to the head office to be ftamped and marked ; and the commilfioners and officers are required upon demand of the perfon fo bringing the fame forthwith without fee or reward to ftamp or mark any quantities or parcels, fuch perfons paying to officers appointed, the duties hereby direded to be paid. XVII. fed. 17. If any commilfioner or officer, fhall fix any fuch mark, or ftamp to any vellum, parchment, or paper, before the duties duly an- fwercd and paid or fecured, he fhall for every fuch offence forfeit one hun- dred pounds ; one moiety to his majefly, the other to him or them that fhall inform or fue in any courts of record. XVIIf. feSl. 1 8. If any perfon fhall engiofsor write, orcaufe to be engrofled or written, upon any vellum, parchment or paper, any of the things, for. which (aid vellum, parchment or paper is hereby charged, before the faid vellum, parchment, or paper marked or ftamped, or upon which there fliall not be fome ftamp or mark refembling the fame, or fhall engrofs or write, or caufe to be engroffed or written, any thing upon any vellum, parchment, or paper, ftamped or marked for any lower duty, than the duty by this adt payable for what fo engroffed or written, there fliall be duly an- fwered and paid to his majefty, over and above the duty aforefaid, for every ' fuch deed, inftrument, or writmg, ten pounds ; and no fuch record, deed, inftrument, or writing fhall be pleaded or given in evidence in any court, or admitted in any court good or available in law or equity, until as well the (aid duty as the faid ten pounds firft paid, and a receipt for the fame of fome of his majefty's officers, appointed to receive the duties above mentioned, and until the vellum, parchment, or paper on which fuch deed, inftrument, or writing made, fhall be marked or ftamped with a lawful ftamp ; and the pro- per officers are required upon payment or tender of faid duty and ten pounds, to give a receipt, and to mark with the ftamp proper for fuch deed, inftru- ment, or writing. XIX. feet. 19. In cafe any clerk, officer, or perfon, in refpedl of any ■ pubiick office or employment intitled or intrufted to make, engrofs, or write ;iny records, deeds, inftruments, or writings, by this adt charged to pay a .duty, (hail be guilty of any fraud or pradlice to deceive his majefty of any 'duty'by this ztX payable, by making, cngrnffing, or writing any fuch record, deed, inftrument, or writing, or caufing the fame upon vellum, parchment, "or paper, not marked or ftamped according to this aft, or upon which there fhal) not be fome ftamp or mark refembling the fame, or marked with any ftamp, which he fhall know counterfeited, or by engroffing or writing any fuch deed, inftrument, or other writing upon vellum, parchment, or paper, rharked or ftamped for a lower duty as aforefaid, every perfon fo guilty,' and being lawfully convitted, ftiall forfeit his office, place, or employment re(ped\ively, and be difabled to hold or enjoy the fame. And if any attor- ney, belonging to any court whatfoever, guilty of any fuch fraud or pradice, and convidted thereof, difubled to pradlife as an attorney. XX. feet. XX.yeii. 20. If any perfon write or cngrofs, or caufe to be written or '^'"""|'^'<»':« •g*'" C'lgrofTed, either the whole or any part of any thing, in refpecfl whereof any th ™g^ takinVotf"' duty payable by this ad, upon any part of any piece of vellum, pardiment, damp', or paper, whereon there fhall have been before engrofTed, written, or printed, penalty jol. any other matter or thing, in refped whereof any duty is payable by this aft, before fuch vellum, -pardiment, or paper again marked or ftamped ac- cording to this ad, or fhall fraudulently erafe, or caufe to be erafed, the name of any perfon, or any fum, date, or other thing engrofled, written, or printed in fuch inilrument, writing, matter, or thing, or fraudulently cut, tear, or get off any mark or ftamp from any piece of vdlum, parchment, or paper, or any part thereof, with intent to ufe flich ftamp or mark for any other writing or thing, in refped whereof any duty payable by ad, every perfon fhall for every fuch offence forfeit fifty pounds. XXI. feet. 21. Provided always, as often as his majefty, or tlie lord lieu- O" altering (lamps, tenant, or other chief governor fhall alter or renew the faid ftamps, or anyE''P^''' &<=•'"?<>'- of them, it fhall be lawful for all perfons, who fhall at that time have iti the ©fficeT^no wrt- their pofleflion any vellum, parchment or paper, marked with the ftamp fo ting in 60 days after altered or renewed, and upon which none of the things hereby charged fhall proclamation, like have been engroflfed or written, within fixty days after fuch intention of re- 'l"^/""5^'"g //. 23. . And for better diftributton of faid vellum, parchment,f^[''''js^''^^'^°_^/*'j and paper, and that the fubjedsmay have the fame with more cotivenience, p'j'^r'^s,*!- .^31^ • » U anditieafti Stamps?. and at an eafy rate, the lord lieutenant or other chief governor, fhall once \- every year at leafl fet the prices of all forts of ftamped velluin, parchment, or paper, at which the fame fhall be fold; and the faid commiliioners for the pric?' ftamped ; managing the faid duties, fhall ftamp the faid price to fet upon every Ikin or piece of vellum or parchment, or fheet or piece of paper fo by them to be fold ; and likewifc allow and pay to every perfon, that fhall bring vellum, allowance for pre- parchment, or paper to the faid head officer to be llamped in purfuance of fcnt payment where ^j^j^ ^^ ^^^^^ duties whereof hereby impofed fhall amount to ten pounds or ^ ^f ' upwards) after tlie rate of fix pounds in the hundred per annufn for fix months, upon prefent payment of faid duty upon faid vellum, parchment, or paper fo brought ; and any perfon who fliall buy of the commilfioners or agents vellum, parchment, or paper, at the head office for (lamping, the duty whereof fhall amount to ten pounds or upwards, fhall have the fame allow- ance for prefent payment. Copy of pamphlets XXIV. /^i.'Z. 24. And for better colleding and fecuring the duties on fuch above I (heet, pamphlets Containing more than one ilieet of paper, one printed copy of ^'°6^d3 s^atter"*^" ^^'^^^ ^^'^^ pamphlet, which after the faid 25th of March fhall be printed or printin^^;'^ * publillied within the city of Dublin, fhall within fix days after printing there- title, number, and of be brought to the head office for marking or flamping ; and the title, with duty regiftered ; the number of Iheets, and the duty, fhall be regiflered in a book there kept duty paid ; f^^ j|^^j purpofe ; which duty fliall be thereupon paid to the proper officer, or if noTprinted iH ' deputy clerk, who fhall thereupon forthwith give a receipt on fuch printed Dublin, 1 4 days copy, to denote the payment of the duty ; and one printed copy of every fuch after to head col- pamphlet, that fhall be printed and publillied in any place, not within the '*'^<"'- city of Dublin, fhall within the fpace of fourteen days after printing thereof be brought to fome head colledor of faid ftamp duties, who is required forth- with to enter the title with the number of fheets, and the duty in a book for that purpofe ; which duty fhall be thereupon paid to fuch colledtor, who fhall thereupon give a receipt on fuch printed copy. XXV. fefL 25. If any fuch pamphlet fhall be printed or publifhed, and Penalty 20I. the duty not duly paid, and the title and number of fheets not regiftered, and a receipt for fuch duty on one copy within the refpeftive times before limited, the printer and publilher, and all other perfons concerned in or about the printing or publifhing ot fuch pamphlet, fhall for every fuch of- fence forfeit twenty pounds. Selling pamphlets or XXVI. /i?if?. 26. No perfon what foever fhall fell or expofe to fale any fuch news without real pamphlet, or any news-paper, without the true refpedtivc name or names, p mter's name and ^^jj place or places of abode, of fome known perfon or perfons, by or for ^ ° ^*°' whom the fame was truly printed or publifhed, written or printed thereon ; upon pain that every perfon offending herein fhall for every fuch offence for- feit twenty pounds. , , . XXVII. feet. 27. No officer fhall fell or deh'ver any ftamped paper for Security for duties . ■ 11^ li- 1 • . ir ' ' '. for advertifemems in pnnt'ng any pamphlet, or pubhck news intelligence, or occurrences m one pamphlets or news fheet or any lefTer piece of paper, iinlefs, fuch perfon fhall give fecu- in 1 iheet. rity to faid officer, for payment of the duties for the advertifements, which fhall be printed therein or thereupon. Stamps on news or XXVIII. feci. 28. And in regard of the incertainty ho-w many copies of pampiilets of one the faid printed news-papers, to be contained in one fheet or in a leffer piece (heet or lefs remain- of paper, may be fold ; and to intent the duties may not be lelfened by printing ing unfold, cancel- ^ j^^g number, than may be fold, out of fear of lofs thereby in priming more fuch fuch copies than may happen to be fold, the commiffioners, or major pari, or fuch head officers as they with fuch approbation fhall appoint, may cancel all llamps upon copies of any impreflion of fuch news-paper or pamphlet contained in one (heet, or lefTer piece, which fhall really and truly remain un- fold in the hands of the perfon by or for whom printed or publifhed, and upon oath (or, if by a quaker, folemn afiirmation) before the commiflioners or major part, or fuch head officer, that all fuch copies, containing the flamps onoatS thereof, ani fo tendered to be cancelled, are really and truly remaining iinfold in the "' "'^ 'f*"*^* hands of the perfon by or for whom printed or publifhed, and that none of faid copies have been fraudulently returned or rebought, or any profit or ad- vantage made thereof; which oath or affirmation the commiffioners, or major part, and head officers, are authorized to adminifler, and to examine upon oath or affirmation into all circumflances relating to the felHng or difpofing ''f^^ number of of fuch printed copies, fhall caufe to be delivered the like number of other ft-^mpet^ Aieets givca, fheets, half-fheets, or lefs pieces of paper properly {lamped with the fame ^l\!"^ '^ ^^^" refpeftive ftamps, upon payment made of fuch paper, but no duty fliall be rules 'from time to taken for the ftamps thereon : and faid commiffioners are impowered from time for cancelling, time to time to make fuch rules and orders for regulating the methods, and limiting the times, for fuch cancelling and allowance, as they fhall upon ex- perience and confideration of the feveral circumftances find necefTary or con- venient for fecuring the duties thereon, and doing juflice to the perfons con- cerned in printing and publifhing. XXIX. /e-fi. 29. The commiffioners and other officers for managing SMmped paper for {lamped duties fhall deliver to any perfon, by or for whom any almanack almmacks delivered printed, paper marked or flamped according to the true intent and meanins; j" fe'^V^'y '° P^J r c c ^1 ■ ^- /-i-i 1 ■• rm ■ r ■ ^ duties in 3 months j •hereof, tor the printing luch almanack, upon giving fufficient fecurity to pay the amount of the duties within three months after fuch delivery -, and upon and cancel (lamps bringing to them any number of the copies of fuch almanacks, within three of thofe brought in months from faid delivery, and requeil made, fhall cancel all the flamps upon 3 momhs, and a- fuch copies, and abate to fuch perfon fo much of the money due upon fuch fecurity, as fuch cancelled {lamps amount to. XXX. fc-^. 30. Provided always, where any almanack fhall contain more Almanacks, onl/ t than one fheet, it fhall be fufficient to flamp only one of the fheets of paper, fteer, iT;arapeJ= upon which fuch almanack printed, and to pay the duty accordingly. XXXI. /f<:/. 31. After the 25th of March 1774, in cafe any perfon fliall .^^uj^g^.^^^jck or fell, hawk, carry about, utter, or expofe to (ale any ahnanack or calendar, news undamped, or any nev-^s-paper, book, pamphlet, or paper deemed or conflrued to be, or penalty 40s. before {erving the purpofe of an almanack or news-paper within the intention and ^j^^f^i" : meaning of this ad, not flamped or marked, as by this ad direfted, every °^ noVabovT^^' °"' fuch perfon fhall for every offence forfeit forty fhillings ; recovered in a fum- nij.uh. mary way before any juflice, who is authorized to hear and determine the fame ; and upon due proof and default of payment, to commit offender to prifon not exceeding one month without bail or mainprize. _XXXII./^.7. 32. After the 2.5th of March 1774, all perfons, who fiiall ^ j.^^ ajvertifc- print or piiblifh, or caufe to be printed or publilhed, any advertifcments in n,ents raid in 40 any pamphlet, news-paper, or other literary performance, fliall within forty day.s; days after pay the -duty to the reipcdive perfons, to whom the fame ought "' !>eble duty wiilt^ to be paid, that is to fay, to the perfon to whom the fame appointed to be f^"''"^"*^'- . , paid by the commiffioners, or to his deputy or clerk, the duties for all fuch f advertifements as fliali be fo printed or publifhed within Dublin, and to the U z next next adjacent head officer, appointed for colledion of the faid ftamp duties, the duties charged for and upon all f'tich advertifements printed or publifhed m any place out of the limits of the faid city ; and the commiflioners and of- ficers laft mentioned, or fuch of them to whom it fhall appertain, are re- quired, upon payment of the duties, to give receipts for the duties charged thereupon ; and in default of fuch payment within the time before limifed, the printer or publiilier of every fuch advertifement liable to pay treble the duties before by this ac\ chargeable, to be recovered with full cofls of fuit. XXXIII. Jcct. 33. If any perfon counterfeit or forge any ftamp or mark colter eitrng ^^ refemble any flamp or mark, provided, made or ufed in purfuance of this ad, or fliall coiinteifeit or refemble the impreffion of the fame, upon any matter heieby directed to be ftamped, thereby to defraud his majefty, of any of the duties granted, or fhall utter, vend, or fell, any vellum, parch- ment, or paper, with fuch counterfeit mark or imprelTion, knowing fuch impreffion counterfeited, every perfon fo offending, and conviifled in due form of law, fliall be judged a felon, and fuffer death as in cafes of feloay, with- out benefit of clergy. Silaries.and charges XXXIV. /^^. 34. It (hall be lawful for his raajefly,. the lord Heiitenant, paid out of duties, or Other chief governor, out of the duties arifing by this aft to caufe fucb fums to be expended from time to time for falaries and other incident charges,^ as fhall be neceflary in and for the receiving, colleding, levying, or manag- ing the fame duties ; any thing in this aft to the contrary notwithftanding. XXXV. /(•(7. -j,^. All officers, concerned in levying, collefting, and re- Dirtmft accounts reiving the duties arifing by this aft, fball keep feparate and diflinft accounts thereof ; and the feveral perfons employed to colfeft and levy in the city and payment rn fpecle county of Dublin, fhall pay the fame in fpecie into his majefly's treafury on M 1^^'^"'^ the tiril ^j^^ ^^.^ Monday every month, unlefs a holy day, and then the next day ita hoi^da7°''the'' ^^t^r, which fhall not be a holy day ; and in other parts of this kingdom fhall nexT.iiy ; ' pay the fame in like manner to the feveral coUeftors of tlie inland excife of inotherparts, tocol- the diflrifts, in which received and co'llefted ; which faid colleftors are re- leitor ot excife; qujred to receive, and give receipts for the fame, without fee or reward, and widi'outiceT ^ °"^° '^^^P diftinft accounts thereof; and every flamp officer fhall in fix days and diftinft accounts after making any payment into his majefly's treafury, or to any of the faid kept ; colleftors, give notice of the amount of fuch payments to the commiffionera r°'i"<**"P^y"'^"' of flamps; and if faid officers, or any of them, negleft or refufe to pay at raiiTioners r '""'" ^he time, or in manner aforefaid, or detain all or any part of the monies by officers no"! paying them collefted and received, he or they fhall be difmiiled from, their em- incapable, ployment, and rendered incapable to ferve his majefly, his heirs amd fuccef- a«d charged t a per. ^^^.g^ ^j^^ ^^ charged with intereft for the monies fo detained in. their hands,. ""'■ after the rate of twelve pounds p^r centum per annum. Diftina reglJtcr kept XXXVI. feet. 36. There fhall be provided and kept in his majefly's JD. treafury. treafury one book, in which alJ^^^lonies, paid into the treafiiry hy this aft,, entered and regiftered apart from all other monies paid or payable to his majefly upon any accwmt whatfbever. nuties r»9t paFd to XXXVil. fect.. 37. None of the duties granted by this aft fhall be re- commitnbners, ceived or collefted by, or paid to, faid commilTioners of flamps ; and the eolleaors to account^^ygj.^j pej-fong, employed in receiving, collefting, or paying the duties^ miffionenfoHra"""" fhall once in every year, during the continuance of this aifT, exhibit thefr preft account!;. lefpeftivc refpe^^^^ '"" at all times to the faid officers, a full and fufficient warrant and dilcharge. ' '' ^^^^' XXXIX. fe£l. 59. Ail penalties incurred, unlefs otherwife directed by Penalties (unlefs this adt, may be recovered by any perfon, who (ball fue by adtion of debt, "'herwife (tireaed). bill, plaint, or information in any courts of record at Dublin; in which no '** P^°'^'^"'°'^' eflbign, protedion, privilege, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed. XL. feet. 40. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, fhall No fee* be payable to or deducfted or received by the vice-treafurer, receiver or pay- mafter general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer, of this kingdom, for or on account of the ifTuing or payment of any fum arifmg by, or received for, or on account of the aids hereby granted, or of any payment in pur- fuance of tliis a6t, but the fame fhall be duly accounted for to his majefly. his heirs and fucceflbrs. Xaies. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. \9.fect. i. Whereas a doubt hath arifen, „ ,,. ,. ., whether all buildings for charitable purpofes, and other publick buildings in not dfar ed l^klf counties of cities and towns are not liable to be valued and charged with a rates or raxes by v proportion of taxes and rates -, no hofpitals, publick infirmaries, alms-houfes, lua:ors under any charity fchools, publick work-houfes, cuflom-houfes, or offices appurtenant ^'^ °' P^'''*""^"'- thereunto, and no publick exchanges, mayoralty-houfe, publick market- houfes, fhambles for fale of flefh or fifh, the king's barracks and guard- houfes, publick cojil-yards, and goals, and houfes of corredion now built, or hereafter to be built, fhall be included in any validation hereafter made by valuators under any adl of parliament, nor fhall be charged with any part or proportion of fuch rates or taxes; and in cafe any of them' have been valued under faid ad in any valuation heretofore made, the fame fhall be ftruck out of fuch vahiation. W.fect. 2. Inftead of the oath now taken' the folfowingoarii (hall be taken. by every valuator, hereafter to be appointed under (aid. adte;. / A. R do faear, that 1 will, to the heft of my knowledge, Jkill, and fudg- y , , ment, execute the opce of a valuator of dvjelling-boiifes, offices, cellars, flables, ' "''"' "" linneys, and yards tn the city of and in the town of and Suburbs thereof, without favour, afeHion^ malice or ill will to any perfon or perfons wbatfoevsr. So help' me God. . m.feit. not ei\enied to an JH. /gff, 3. Nothing herein (hall extend to an aft pafTed this fefljon, I'n- tdt thisfeflion, c. 22- (jtujed, an act for paving the ftreets, lanes, quays, bridges, fquares, courts, and alleys within the city and county of the city of Dublin, and other places therein mentioned, and for other purpofes. looool. yearly of I.Stat. 13 & 14. G. 3. cap. z. feH. 20. So much of the yearly pro- tea duties n»uftees ^.^^^ ^^ ^^j^ duties arifing upon teas, as {hall amount to ten thoufand pounds tLire'"^" *" yearly, fhall firft be paid to truftees of hempen and linen manufadures ; 7;ool. to hereditary and fo mvich of the refidue as fhall amount to feven thoufand three hun- revenue ; jred pounds yearly, fhall be placed to account of hereditary revenue ; and furplus with other ^^j^pj^jg ^f j^g produce, with the feveral other duties and aids hereby granted, loan 'due 25th Dec fiiall be firft applied by the vice-treafurer or deputies to pay the intereft for m-i,; fo much of faid principal fums formerly borrowed, as unpaid on the 25th fiirpliis as by pa^'^'of December 1773 ; and the furplus of faid duties applied as diredted by ""'"'• parliament. I. Sttit.i^ & 14 Geo. 7,. cap. 1%. fen. 1. After twenty-fourth of June Repeal of 33 G. 2. ^^^ thoufand feven hundred and feventy-four, an a6t 33d of George fecond, coumy treafurers and every claufe therein fhall be repealed ; and every treafurer of any county eveiy alTizes to lay fhall at every alli2es for the county, (or, if in the county Dublin, at every accounts before term) lay before the grand jury a full, true, and clear ftate of his accounts, and giandjury, ,^^ ^jj fj^gney received and paid by him as treafurer, diflinguilhing the re- cei n"s°an J payments, A'^^'^^ times of fuch receipts and payments, drawn in the way of debtor as debtor and ere- ' and creditor ; and fhall therein debit himfelf with fuch fums, as fhall have been the balance fettled upon the ftating of the accounts, or fhall have been handed over to him as the balance by the laft treafurer; and alfo with all arrears due by any colletlor, receiver, or otiier perfon -, and with the amount of all fuch fums prefented to be raifed at the preceding alTizes (or iffueable term, if in the county of Dublin) fpecifying the feveral purpofes for which the fame was prefented, the feveral perfons to whom payable, and feparately ftating the fums to be raifed upon each barony or half-barony aft ditor ,■ debit with the balance ; and arrenrs ; and prefentments, fpecitying the pur- pofes, feparately ftating fums on biroiiii.-s or counties, with tines, and fums received ; ciedit for aflual payments, the funis, tim-.-f, an perfons, whether for county or ba- rony ; for arrears, fines, and prefeninicnts unpaid, diftinguifti ing, nnce affidavit af the toot bclore a judge. 2nd ftate bal; lerified by : by name, and upon the county at large ; and further, with all fines due for ufe of faid county ; and all fums, if any, which he may have received as treafurer, exclufive of fuch arrears, prefentments of the laft affizes, (or, Iffueable term if in the county of Dublin) and fines ; and he fhall in faid d account take credit for all money actually paid by him fince the laft account, fpecifying fums paid, times of paying, perfons to whom and on what ac- count paid, and whether for the county at large, or for what barony or half- barony, and alfo for all arrears and fines unpaid to him, and for all fuch part of fums prefented at preceding aflizes as not paid to him, diftinguifh- ing by whom due, and on what account, and finally Ihall ftate the balance upon the whole ; and at the foot thereof fnall make an affidavit, fvvorn be- fore one of the judges of alfize, (or of the king's bench, if in county of Dublin) that the above is a full and fair account, and that every article therein, (ftated, is true, to the beft of his knowledge and belief; which ac- '* count t3rreaf«tet0, count and affidavit fliall be lodged with the clerk of the crown attending 'o<'g<«^ «v''^ *''" *^°' P^^ Sundays only excepted, for the purpofe of paying all perfons entitled to re- "'"""' ceive any publick money from him ; and if any treafurer omit to keep fuch 1 rr If 11 1 V 1 J 1 1 ■ ^ , . , not keepinsopen open office, or wilfully and unnecelianly delay to pay any demand which, otKce, delaying pay. as treafurer, he is required to pay; or accept, demand, or receive any mo- m.-nt, taking any re- ney, matter, or other thing by way of premium, difcount, or reward for '^'^^^^ ""' ibiing paying any money as treafurer, or.makeany dedudion whatfoever in paying '"°."?'^ noratfida- the fame ; or negled to ftate faid account, or neglect or refufe to make the erafinV\^c. o'"a^nV affidavit herein required at the foot, and to lay the fame before the grand mifbehlviour, pe-' jury, or have knowingly made any falfe or unfair entry in faid accounts, or"*'f>'°" convittion refufe to be examined upon oath, and to anfwer all queftions afked by grand""' ^'',''1''* ^^'' ^"'' }ury touching his. accounts, or erafe,- ailter, obliterate, efface, fupprefs, qj.'""^^ ^' defbroy any paper account, affidavit, or book, which fhall by any law' now in force or hereafter to be enaded be ordered to be kept by him as treafurer, or refufe to pay any perlbn legally intitled to receive publick money from him, provided he have money applicable to fuch perfon in his hand, or fliall be guilty of any unfair practice or mifbehaviour in execution of his office, he fhall, upon convidion, by indidment or prefentment, be fined in any fum not exceeding twenty pounds, and be difmiffed from his office, and '^I'^milTion entered. declared incapable of being ever again eleded or ferving as treafurer ; and an entry of fuch difmilTion fhall be made in the crown book, and of entry of his accounts kept by clerk of the crown. lU./e^. 3. After the 24th of June 1774, whenever the treafurerfliip of On vacancy 7jufti- any county vacant by death, refignation, removal, or difmiffal of treafurer,*^" °' loci. ayear the jufticesof peace for fuch county, or any feven, each having eflate ofj'^'^^jljj"^'^'!^^^]^^^^^^ freehold therein of the clear yearly value of one hundred pounds at leaft, of votes at iViTion- fhall at the court or fellion lioufe between twelve in the forenoon and fourhouie, between iz in the afternoon on the firfl day of the next quarter- feflions or affixes, which^"'' 4 'he firftday ever fhall firft happen after fourteen days immediately following fnch y^- "1;""" .-^"'""T r I r ■ I /viii 1 i-i-/-° -11 V a a({ij,^s atier 14 days; cancy, or m cafe the iatd vacancy fhall have happened within fourteen daysit witbin 14 days, preceding fuch feffions or alfizes, or at any feflions or affizes, or term if in &c. the fecond county of Dublin, then on the fecond Monday in the next calendar rnonth*^^°"'^-')"*'""'°"'^' after fuch vacancy happeried, at the court-houfe where the ailizes lafl held,. or or at the feflion-houfe, if in the county of Dublin, between the aforefaid hours aflembled, and then and there by majority of votes of fuch juftices, as pre- rtie fenior c!iairman, j-^j^^ proceed to ele■ atier eletiioa in tice prefent, quahfied as aforefaid to vote at fuch eleftion {which recogni- *°"^ * zance they are hereby impowered to take) in ten thoufand pounds, in cafe the elediion be held for the treafurerfhip of county of Dublin ; five thoufand pounds, in cafe the eleAion held for the treafurerfhip of Cork or Meath ; four thoufand .pounds, in cafe the eledion held for Kerry ; three thoufand five hundred pounds for Wexford or Derry ; three thoufand pounds for Gal way, Antrim, Armagh, Down, Kildare, Cavan, Mayo, Sligo, or VVeft- meath ; two thoufend five hundred pounds for Donegal, Tipperary, Kil- kenny, or Limerick ; tvv-o thoufand pounds for Lowth, Tyrone, Rofcommon, Wicklow, Monaghan, Carlow, King's county, or Queen's county ; one thou- with 2 foretie?; fand five hundred pounds"for Fermanagh or Clare ; and one thoufand pounds each in half the for Waterford, Longford, or Leitrim -, and Jhali procure two fufficient fure- ^^^- ties at fame time to enter into a recognizance in like manner, each in a fum conditioned to ac- ^qual to One half of the fum in which fuch treafurer fhall bind himfelf; count, and pav, and the Condition of which recognizance fhall be, that fuch treafurer fhall juftly aiicharge his duty j and truly account in manner and form, and at the times by this aay and account for all money, he fhall have received as treafurer ; and -duly and faithfully difcharge the duties of his office in every refped; ; and that he, his heirs, executors, or admini- tnd deliver all boak, ftrators, flialJ and will upon his death, refignation, removal, or difmiillon, &c and balance to deliver to hi-s fucceflfor in office all books, papers, affidavits, and accounts, tucccifor i depofited with, or .kept by him as treafurer, and pay and hand over to faid CCA •, u., r..,o,;.. fuccelTbr fuch balance of money, as fhall appear to be in his hands, or fliall amdflvit bylureiie • , , . , r 1 1 r , Jr i r /in 1 r <■ It the foot of being be due bv him : and further, unlefs eachot (uch lureties (hall at the root or worth tSc turn ahove.their recognizance make affidavit refpedively before the fenior, or any juf- deb;s and tenancy jj^-g prefent, who is hereby impowered to take the (ame, that he is really for lifewy i ^^^ bona fde worth the fum in his recognizance, over and above all hisjull debts, and exclufive of any property of which he is tenant for life only ;- or eleaion void,, and that in default thereof fuch eledion fhall be null and void , and faid auoiha next day ; j^^fl■;ce5 fhall on the next day, and. at fame place, and. between the. fame hours iij liours, proceed in like manner to eledl a proper and fufficient psi Ton to be or every fucceeding treafurer : in cafe at any meeting for eleiftion of a trcafurer no piopcr or fuf- ^^'^"'^■'Y "'' "<»- ficient perfon fhall offer, or the perfon cliofen, fhall not comply with and per- rc-cosn^'zmces' dA' form all the requifites herein directed; or feven juftices, qualified as afortfaidto vertd to ckikot" vote, fhall not attend, the juftices of peace for fuch county, qualified as ptace, aforefaid, or any feven, fhall on Monday next enfuing the time hereby di- "■''i"'*5'' '" =''<'»'• redted for holding faid eledion, aflembleand proceed toeledtion ; and in cafe^^^,'^;;""-'^ '" '"''"■'■ no treafurer chofen at fuch aflembly, then on the Monday following, and To on upon every fucceeding Monday, until a treafurer eleded, capable of ferv- ing in faid office, and perform the requifites aforefaid ; every recognisance fhall be delivered by the chairman to the clerk of peace, who is rt- quired to attend every fuch aflembly, to be him depofited and duly entered in court of exchequer, as foon after as he conveniently can, VI. feSl. 6. Every treafurer of any county on the 24.th of June 1774, Trearurers on 241!! fhall at the next fummer aflizcs or term, if in the county of Dublin, enter June 177411^x1 af- into a recognizance before one of the judges of aflize, or king's bench, if lizes to give recog- in the county of Dublin, conditioned as herein before enaded, in fuch fum as "'""7l '° ™'''^ "^ together with the fum he fhall before have been bound in, fhall amount tOouired; the fum herein required, for any treafurer to be elcded for fuch county, to . * enter into ; and alfo procure: two fufficient fureties at fame time, to enter """'^ ^^^ fureties into a recognizance of the like condition, each in a fum equal to one half '" *' ^^""^ of the fum in which. fuch treafurer fhall then bind himfelf, and to make fuch „r diTmifled ■ affidavit at the foot, as the fureties are herein before required ; and in de- diihiillion enu-ied. fault thereof the judge of affize, or king's bench, if in the county of Dub- lin, fhall, and he is hereby required to difmifs faid treafurer from his ofHce, and to caufe fuch difmjffion to be entered in the crown -book, and book of entry of treafurer's accounrsi VU./ea. 7. The judge of affize or king's bench, if in county of Dublin, Eslflence and pro- Ihall every affizes or .term, if required by the grand jury, examine the trea- P<=^'y «* fureties cx- furer, or any other, perfons, in open, court upon oath touching theexiftence*"""^'^ °" °^'.'^ '"., and property of his fureties; and if any reafon to apprehend either or both^°qu[r^d"^gr[n^^^ his fureties are dead, or infufficient, he fhall require him to procure anotherjuiy j furety or fureties in his or their room. If fuch treafurer refufe to be exa- others procured, mined, or to anfwer upon oath, or to procure other fureties, who fhall enter °"'^'^'^"''' '^''™'^* recognizance, and make affidavit by this ad required, he Ihall difmifs fuch "^ ' treafurer from his office, and caufe fuch difmiffion to be entered in the crown- book, and book of entry of the treafurer's accounts, VIII, /f<7. 8. No treafurer of any county fhall during continuance in of- No treafurer, clerk fice be capable of being clerk of the crown or peace, or fhall exercife the"*^^ crown, peace, or office of a juftice of peace therein, or bcon a grand jury for fuch county ; !"'^|"' °^ ou^iand and every recognizance taken at affizes, or term if in county of Dublin, by''"'^ ' this att, fhall within three months after fuch affizes, or teim be depofited and duly entered by the clerk of crown in court of exchequer ; and every recog-"^^*^^^"'^'""' '" 3 nizance by virtue of the ad hereby repealed, ftall before the firft of July^chcVer? ''* '" 1774, in like manner be depofited and duly entered in faid court, and be to all intents and purpofes as valid and in as full force, as if faid adt not re- ^ , pealed ; and fuch procefs may iflue thereon, and on every other recognizance on^ ^^"^^ ' ^ ' to be entered in faid court tjy this acft, as ufual in cafes of recognizances entered into in faid court. ■ X IX. red. Creafurets;* Voney rfcovered on IX. feet. p. All money at any time recovered on any of faid recogni- lecognizance paid ^ances, fhall be paid to the treafurer of the county for the time being, for lo trMhirer and ac- ir/-/-i • ..j-^ jl jr-j- counted for. whofc Vile fiich rccognizance was entered into, and be accounted tor m his next accounts. On di!"iT,i(Iion ap- X. /(?<'?. lo. Upon removal or difmiflion of any treafurer, fuch perfon pointed by grand j-s the gtai'd jury fhall appoint, which appointment every grand jury is hereby jury or 3 knighi or.| jmpowercd to make, and in failure of fuch appointment then one of the iiicceiV^r tiirn^w knights of the fhire for fuch county, fhall, until a new treafurer is elefted treal'iiivii c c-do.i, for and enters into office, be the treafurer, and deemed the fucceflbr in office to iiteivina l)t ance, the perfon difmifl'fd, for the puipofe of receiving from fuch perfon fo dif- btiob, &c. and j^ f^^^ ^jj ^y^e balance of money in his hands, and the books, papers, affi- "'""^^ ' davits, and actrounts depofited with or kept by him as treafurer ; and alfo recei\ing from the feveral colle6lors or other perfons money, as they would have been obliged to pay to faid treafurer, had he continued in office, and for no other purnofe whatfoever : all which balances, books, papers, affida- rfeivered to new . '^ ^ , r \. r ■ -j^ -jj^- treafurer. ^''^•'^' ''^ccounts, and money luch perfon is required to receive and detain, un- til a new treafurer eledted and entered into office, to whom he fhall hand over and deliver the fame. A counts evifience XI. /^t?. II. The feveral accounts laid before the grand jury, and fworn in protecuiumi, a- to by the treafurer, fhall in all adtions, profecutions, or fuits againfl the gainft treaiure. or treafurer, or his fureties, or his or their heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fu.eiies. ^g allowed in all courts of law and equity as evidence againft fuch trea- furer and his fureties, his and their heirs, executors, and adminiflrators re- fpedively. Salaiies totreafurers XII. feet. 1%. It fhall be lawful for the grand jury of every county, at piei'ented oa cuui.- affixes, or iffueable terms, if in county of Dublin, to prefent to be raifed ""■ upon the county at large, and paid to the treafurer, fuch fums as fhall not in the whole exceed in the year one hundred pounds in the counties of Cork and Dublin ; fixty pounds Meath and Kilkenny; feventy pounds Galway ; forty pounds Kerry, Donegall, Derry, Tipperary, Armagh, Rofcommon, Wicklow, Fermanagh, Clare, Waterford, Antrim, and Mayo ; thirty pounds Tyrone, Leitrim, Kildare, Cavan, Limerick, Louth, Monaghan, Weftmeath, Carlow, King's County, and Wexford ; twenty-five pounds Sligoe ; and twenty pounds Longford, Down, and Qiieen's County, rieif: fpecifying how much thereof the county is entitled unto, and from time to fi„g"reco°ds," time to carry forward the fame, unlefs difcharged ; or fhall efface, oblite- fined 106I. rate, tear, alter, defl:roy, or fupprefs any record of the county ; or refufe dimifled and inca- to make fuch affidavit, he fhall, if convided thereof by inditlment or pie- P^ '*" fentment, be fined in any fum not exceeding one hundred pounds, and difmifled from office of clerk of the crown, any law, grant, or cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding, and be incapable of ever after ferving in faid office. XV. feet. 15. All fines whatfoever, impofed in confequence of this adt. Fines rot otherwifc and not otherwife herein difpofed of, fhall, when levied, be paid to trea- difpofed, paid to furer of the county, in which impofed, to be accounted for to faid county ; t'^eaiurer. and ac- and the clerk of crown fhall find and keep among records of the county all crown cle"k 'to keep affidavits in purfuance of this ad, except fuch as otherwife difpofed of; affidavits; and the grand jury are required, at aflizes or term, if in the county of Dublin, prefentment of ex- next after any recognizance entered in exchequer under the diredion of this P^"*^^ of entering ad, to prefent fuch fum, as fhall appear upon oath to have been neceflarily "^^"^'^^""' expended in entering the fame, to be raifed upon the county at large, and paid to the perfon, who fhall have expended : and if any perfon convided falfejfwearingpunifli- of having wilfully and knowingly fworn falftly in any affidavit or examinati- '^'^ ^^^'''"' perjurv. on in confequence of this ad, he fhall fuffer fuch punifhment, as perfons guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury are by the law fubjed unto. I. Siat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 41. f^ct. 10. Whereas an ad iG. z. for more 1 g. 2 c. ti. as to eafy recovery of tythes and ecclefiallical dues of fmall value, was con- 'ithes and imai! due? tinued by feveral fubfequent ads, but is now near expiring; the faid recited P-'P^'"*'' ad, and all and every the claufes therein contained, fo far as they relate the recovery of tythes and other ecclefiaflic&l du^SiPf .fm»U value, made per- P^*^^^'- '-: ii.,rfl bonr^jt-i 01 rr.:;/ / : viv.,} ;& nfiflJ e>"'oin on liisii b"'; X 2 I. Slat. Cerium. 17 G I.e. 10. as I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. ^z.fect. I. A claiife in an z&. feventeenth of amended, continued Qeorge the fecond, to prevent burning land, and for deftroying vermin, and loycas, &c. vviiich claufe for the more effedual deftroying of vermin, with an exception for rooks and herons, was revived and continued by fubfequent a6t, and con- tinued and amended by eleventh and twelfth of his prefent majefty, for con- tinuing temporary ftatutes, and is now near expiring, fhall, together with faid amendments be continued from the 24th of June 1774, ten years, and to end of then next felRon. Claufe 10 G. I C.3. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 41. feet. i. Whereas tenth of George the continued by 1 1 & f^fft^ for continuing and amending an ad for better regulating parifh watches, •'^^ 'i- J^- '9- and amending highways, which, fo far as it relates to parifh watches, was W lyy" &c!^ afterwards continued by eleventh and twelfth of his prefent majefty ; the faid claufe further continued to the 24th of June 1776, and to the end of then next fellion. 2jG. 2. c. ly. I Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 42. feet. 2. And whereas an aft pafled in aiTiended by 5'. ^ ^j^j^ [^^jngdom in the 21ft year of the reign of his late majefty king George the by*7 G. 5. c. 20 r fecond, for buying and felling corn and meal and other particulars by weight, 9.(0 far as relates to it if amongft Other things enaded, that perfons who ftiould for hire, price, weigliing clandeft- or Other gratuity, weigh, at any fcales ereded by them, any butter, corn, or grain, hides, tallow, meat, or potatoes, expofjd to fale in the markets, not ^ ' being their own.goods and property, fhould, for every draft fo weiglied, for- feit tv'o fhillings and fix pence: and Hiid ad was revived and amended by thirty-firft of George the fecond, and continued with faid amendments feven years, by fevenih of his prefent majefty, for continuing temporary ftatutes, and which faid ad is now near expiring ; and private fcales, in which falfe and illegal weights commonly ufed, are very detrimental, faid ad of the 25th, and alfo the 31ft of George the fecond, fo far as the fame relates to weighing butter, corn, or grain, hides, tallow, meal, potatoes, or other goods, in a private and clandeftine manner, revived and continued eleven years, from the 25th of March 1774, and to end of then next fellion. inely, revived and continued 1 1 Sec. OTic&lolb* Wicfelow grand- jury may prefent 400!. to purchafe gioiind or iioues adjoining court- houfe and gaol, confirmed ; not above lool. a vear raifed. I. Stat. 13 & 14 Geo. 3. cap. 18. feet. 16. The grand jury of the county of Wicklow at any afllzes, after the 24th of June 1774, are impowered to prefent fuch fums, as they think neceftary, for purchafmg a plot of ground, houfe or houfes, adjoining the court-houfe and jail of faid county, for en- larging and rendering the fame more convenient for doing bufinefs of faid county ; and the judges of afUze are required to confirm fuch prefentment ; provided the fum fo prefented fhall not exceed in the whole four hundred pounds ; and that no more than one hundred pounds of the fame fliall be raifed within any one year, to be applied for purpofe aforefaid. I. Stat. I. Stat. 15 &: 14 Geo. 3. tap. 38. feet. i. No wines fhall be imported or Wine imported only brought into this kingdom, or into any port, harbour, haven, or creek there-'" 5' gallon calks of, in any calk or veflel, which fhall not contain thirty-one gallons at lead, "Z' '^°'(^"^'^' T\ from any place whatfoever, upon pain of forfeiting Paid wines, and the value, with thecaflv or veflel in which fuch wines contained. II. feet. 2. All wines in ca(l-:s or veflels under thirty-one gallons, (hall be Seized if on lioani in feized and forfeited, if found on board any fhip, veffel, or boat in any port P°'',"^f 3 leagues, or harbour, or hovering within three leagues of the fhore, or difcovered fo '''"' ''""' "°^^"'^''' ' o CD J QY attcniDt to run to have been, although bulk fhall not appear to have been broke, or any of excepnwccirjt;/ the faid wines in cafks under the fize of thirty-one gallons run, or attempted to have been run, out of fuch fhip, veflTel, or boat ; fa ve only and except in cafe of unavoidable neceflity and diflrefs, which neceflity and diftrefs the mafler, purfer, or perfon having or taking the charge or command of fuch fhip or velTel, fhall, immediately after arrival into any bay, harbour, river, i^^^pji^^^l prg^g,} or creek of or belonging to this kingdom, give notice, and make proof of, before colleOor, &c. before collecftor or other chief officer refident at the nearefl port, where fuch Pi nai tie? levied a» fhip or veffel fhall arrive ; and fuch forfeitures Ihall be fued for, recovered, ''>' '4 ^ '5 *"• ^• levied, and applied, in fuch manner and form, and by fuch ways and me-*^ ' thods, as prefcribed by an ad\ 14 & 15 C. 2. in. fe^. 3. This aft fhall not be conflrued to extend to wines of Cham- Wines excepted in paigne or Burgundy, Florence, or other Italian wines, or to fweet wines, ^^ gallons. commonly called Mufchat, imported as ufual in fmaller veffels, or to Ma- deira wines, provided the fame imported in veffels not under fize of twenty- eight gallons. IM feet. 4. This acl fhall continue and be in force for two years, from the Continued 2 years 24th of June 1774. f'"™ 24 June '775 THE END, A N APPENDIX T O T H E ABRIDGMENT OF THE Statutes of IRELAND; CONTAINING An ABRIDGMENT of the feveral ACTS pafTed in this Kingdom, in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of His prefent Majefty, our Moft Gracious Sovereign Lord King George the Third. WITH A TABLE of the Titles of the STATUTES, fhewing under what Heads they are Abridged, By FRANCIS VESEY, Efq; DUBLIN Printed by the Executors of David Hay, Affignee of the late Boulter Griersok, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxxvi. cf t A TABLE O F T H E Titles of the STATUTES PASSED IN THE Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of the Reign of His pre/ent Majefty King George the Third. Shewing under what Heads they are abridged. /iitno regni decimo quinto £5? decitno fexto Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. I. AN aft for granting unto his majefty the feveral duties, rates, impofi- tions, and taxes therein particularly expreffed, to be applied to pay an inte- reft at the rate of four pounds per centum ■per annum, for fuch part of the feveral principal fums formerly borrowed, as fhall remain unpaid on the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-five, and for fuch other pur- pofes as are therein mentioned. ^bfentttjES. 2lnnuitK0. Coacljrjei, &c. CHAP. n. An a£l for granting annuities in the man- ner therein provided, to fuch perfons as fhall voluntarily fubfcribe towards raifing a fum, not exceeding the fum of one hundred and feventy-five thoufand pounds. anmuncjs!. Hoan. CHAP. III. An adl for granting to his majefty an addi- tional duty upon the feveral goods and merchandizes therein mentioned. CHAP. IV. An act to prevent frauds in obtaining the premiums for flax-feed imported into this kingdom. f\^X. ( a 2 ) CHAP. The TABLE. CHAP. V. An a(^ for allowing further time to perfons in offices or employments, to qualify thenifelves purfuant to an ad:, intituled, an a(ft to prevent the further growth of p6p©fy-. ' •' (Qualification. CHAP. VI. An aft to explain and amend an aft padeci jafl felFions of parliament, intituled, an att for amending the road from Dundalk to Dunleer in the county of Lowth. K) |^igljloap;S. CHAP. vri. An aft to amend an aft pafled in the third year of his prefent majefly, intituled, an aft for continuing the encouragemerit given by former afts of parliament to the flaxen and hempen manufaftures. flav. '■'^ ^tn^AP: VIII. An aft for granting unto his majefty an ad- ditional duty on the feveral commodities, goods, and merchandizes therein men- tioned, and for prohibiting the importa- tion of all gold and filver lace, and of all cambricks and lawns, except of the manufafture of Great Britain. ;Dunc$. Hatt, &c. C H A P. IX. An aft for granting unto his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, feveral duties upon ftamped vellum, parchment and paper. ^tampjgi. ^liccff. CHAP. X. An aft for explaining an aft, intituled, an aft for granting to his majelly an addi- tional duty on the feveral commodities, ■ goods, and merchandizes therein men- tioned, and for prohibiting the importa- tion of all gold and ftlver lace, and of all cambricks and lawns, except of the ma- nufafture of Great Britain. duties!. CHAP. XI. An aft to explain and amend an aft made in the eleventh year of the reign of his prefent majefty, intituled, an aft to en- able the fpeaker of the houfe of com- mons to '\iVac his warrants to make out new writs for the choice of members to ferve in parliament, in the room of fuch members as (hall die during the recefs of parliament ; and for enabling the fpeaker of the houfe of commons to make out new writs for the choice of members to ferve in parliament, in the room of fuch members as fhall, during the recefs of parliament, become peers of Irel&5d,j|nd . be fummoned to parliament. ,. f: Parliament. ■ a 3 E r, • C H A p. XII. An aft for altering and amending an aft pafled in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his late majefty king George the fecond, intituled, an aft for rnaking and repairing the road leading from the town of Arhy in the county of Kildare, through part of the Queen's county, and through the town of Caftlecomer in the count}- of Kilkenny, to the town of Old Leighlin in the count)' of Carlow, and from thence to and through the town of Leighlin- bridge in the faid county of Carlow. J?igi)toapj0i. CHAP. XIII. An aft for altering, amending, and making more effeftual an aft, intituled, an act for repairing the road leading from the green of KilcuUen in the county of Kil- dare, to the town of A thy in the fame county, and from thence through the town of Stradbally to the town of Timoho hi the Queen's county. Iaigl)\DajijS)f. CHAP. XIV. An aft for repealing an aft made in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of his prefent m.ajefty, intituled, an aft to explain and amend an aft made in the third year of the reign of his late itiajefty 13 L E. majeftykTng George rfie (eodnd, intituled, an aamc. pavii^ OilevH;^.^ ^^?amcu. CHAP. XXXIV. An aft to prohibit the burning of lime or lime-ftones in any lime-kiln which had not been erefted before the twenty-fourth l^t9l)U)ap)S(. day of March, one thoufand feven hun- dred and feventy-two. CHAP. XXXV. An aft for amending an aft made in the eleventh and twelfth years of his prefent majefty's reign, intituled, an a£l for badg- ing fuch poor as jhall be found unable ta fupport themfelves by labour, and other- wife providing for them ; and for refrain- ing fuch as fljall he found able to fupport themfelves by labour and induftry from beg- ging ; fo far as the faid aft relates to the county of Limerick, and to the county of the city of Limerick ; and for extend- ing the provifions of the faid aft to the town of Colerain in the county of Lon- donderry. poo^ CHAP. XXXVI. An aft for continuing, amending, and mak- ing more effeftual an aft paifed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late majefty king George the fecond, intituled, an aft for repairing the road leading from Timoho in the Queen's county, through Ballynakill, Durrow, Beggar's-Inn, and from thence through the city of Caftiell to the town of Tipperary in the county of Tipperary. J^iS&Ujapgf. CHAP. XXXVII. An aft for continuing an aft paflTed in the feventh year of the reign of his lace ma- The TABLE. jefty king George the fecond, intituled, an ad for making more efFedual an ad pafled in the third year of the reign of his prefent majefty king George the fe- cond, intituled, an ad for repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to the town of Navan in the county of Meath, and for repairing the roads lead- ing from the faid town of Navan to the town of Nobber in the faid county ; as alfo for repairing the road leading from the faid town of Navan to the town of Kells in the faid county. CHAP. XXXVIII. An ad for confirming and eftablifhing an agreement made between the furviving truftees named in, or eleded and ap- pointed purfuant to the lafl will and co- dicil of George Vaughan, efquire, de- ceafed, and the furviving devifees named in the faid will, concerning the real and perfonal eftates whereof the faid George Vaughan died feized or pofleffed, and for making the faid agreement efFedual, and for incorporating the faid truftees for the better execution of fuch of the charities appointed by the faid will, as can be maintained, and for other purpofes. I AAA /i A 11 '3 ,'iu'...iu'..'.-. ,. • ' ".'■ ,';rii(l!!f'lfi< 1 .i- -^-^•- rtA 1 i; n; l.i A eber ■ v.si j::j . ioo ,lliv/ ni Sm OJ fTRVfjH ) ;:, U i , .aj'ioqiivq latho •(ol bna ,b. ,>f[nU/(il}!-.: t A N ABRIDGMENT OF THE Several A£ts paffed in this Kingdom IN THE Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of the Reign of His pre- fent Majefty King George the Third. ;3bfetttee0. I. Stat. 15 & i6 Geo. 3. cap. i.feH. 17. All perfons, who fhall have upon 4S- per pound on .25th of December, 1775, or who fhall have at any Time between 25th of "5^' ^^'''i'\°* ^f^' December, 1775, and 25th of December, 1777 inclufive, any falary, pro- Ogj. i-./gj^^^yl-^ fits of employments, fees, or penfions in this kingdom, fhall, during the if" abientV) ntonih'f time aforefaid, pay unto his majefly the full fum of four fhillings fterling each year > . >,^*f out of every twenty fhillings a year, which he, fhe, or they do or fhall re- :■ • J ceive, or be entitled unto by reafon of fuch falaries, profits of employ- ments, fees and penfions, over and above the charges and expences of exe- cuting the faid employments ; unlefs fuch perfons do, or iliall live and actually refide within this kingdom for and during fix calendar months at leaft in every fuch year; which tax cr duty of four fhillings fler- ftcppedandnccoim- ling, payable on every twenty fhillings a year as aforefaid, fhall be ed for to thtking, flopped and dedudled yearly out of fach refpedive falaries, fees, and penfions, during the time and term i;forefaid, by vice-treafurers, pay- maflers and receiver-general of revenue, or by fuch perfon who is to pay the fame ; and which faid tax, fliall be paid to the vice treafurers, ox- deputies, to be accounted for to his majcfty; and alfo the faid'tax of four fhillings in the pound to be flopped and deducted out of the faid falaries, profits of employments, fees, and penfions of any perfons fo abfent, fhall be flopped by the refpecflive deputy or deputies of fuch perfons fo abfent, and paid by them to vice-treafurers or deputies, to be accounted for to his A majefty j deputies in i month to account on oath before a baron or 2 jaftites tor net pro- fits ; lent forthwith to vice-treafurers ; payment in I month after j penalty, difablerl, and tool, to kin^ and ptofecutor. Secretaries nnd a- gents to deliver by the lall of Feb. year- Jy lifts of abfentees ; or dJfahlcd. Per(ons exempt from the 4s. per pound. :^bkntttQ* majefty ; and fuch deputies fhall, within one calendar month after fuch tax fhall become due, give in, upon oath, an account, before the chief baron, or any of the barons of the exchequer^ or any two juftiees of peace, of the net profits of fuch employments, for which fuch deputies are, or fliall be accounrable to their principals ; which accounts fuch perfonfi, to whom the fame given upon oath, fhall forthwith fend to vice-treafurers, or deputies ; and fuch deputies of perfons fo abfent, fhall within one ca- lendar month after fuch account given in before the chief baron, or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftiees of peace, pay to vice-trea- furerers, or deputies, the fum due and payable to his majefty on account of faid tax of four fhillings in the pound, chargeable upon the net profits of fuch employments, or offices : and in cafe fuch deputies of perfons fo abfent, fhall omit or negleft to give in, upon oath, fiich account, or to pay faid tax, within the refpetflive times herein before appointed, fuch deputies, from the time of fuch omiffion or negledl, fhall be incapable of exercifmg or holding fuch deputation, and alfo forfeit one hundred pounds fterling, to be recovered by bill, plaint, or information, in any of his majefty's courts of record at Dublin : one moiety to ufe of his majefty, and the other to fuch perfons who fhall fue for the fame, in which fuit no cffoign, protection, wager of law, or more than one imparlance fhall be allowed. 11. /en. 18. Secretaries of commiflioners of revenue, and agents of the feveral perfons entitled to receive falaries, fees, or penfions upon his ma- jefty's eftablifhment, fhall refpedively, on or before the laft of February yearly, deliver in upon Oath (which oath the chief baron, or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftiees of peace, are hereby impowered to adminifter) to beft of their knowledge, a lift or account of fuch officers of revenue, and perfons entitled to receive any fuch falaries, fees, or pen- fions, who fhall have been abfent and out of this kingdom for fix calendar months in the year, ending the twenty -fifth of December next preceding; and in cafe fuch fecretaries or Agents, fhall refufe or negleft to deliver in fuch lifts refpedtively, they fhall be difabled from holding and enjoying faid office of fecretaries, or from being agents. III. fe^. 19. Provided this act fhall not extend to charge the tax or Duty of four fhilHngs fterling a year, on every twenty fhillings as aforefaid, up- on the falary, penfion, fees, or profits of employments payable to any of the defcendants of his majefty's royal grandfather, or to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governors of this kingdom for the time being, or to his or their principal fecretary, or to prince Ferdinand, duke of Brunfwick, the duke and dutchefs of Athol, fir Edward Hawke, or George Charles, if his majefty (hall think fit by his fign manual to exempt faid prince Ferdinand, duke of Brunfwick, the duke and dutchefs of Athol, fir Edward Hawke, and George Charles, or any of them, from the payment, nor ftiall the fame extend to officers of the army, fo far as refpedts the pay arifing from their regimental commiffions, nor to half-pay officers on the eftablilhment of this kingdom, or the widows of officers. 3(nnmtteiGf, I. Srat. 15 & i6 Geo. 3. cip. i. fe^. 2. The feveral annuities granted ^ ""»''''« 'o^'""'^- by the recited adl to the fubfcribers who advanced and paid two hvmdred J^^^^'J;^!^' ^J^^°°^° and fixty-five thoufand pounds, purfuant to faidaft ; and to one other aft j^ ^^ ^ 14 G. 3. paired in the fame fellion, ihall and may be regularly paid, as the famec 5 & 7. (hall become due, according to the true intent and meaning of the recited afts. II. fen. 22. An ad in the laft feflion to explain and amend the ad for '" ^f '4 G. r c. 7. granting annuities, fhall continue until the 25th of December, 1777^ and |^j°""""^ '° ^^ no longer; and the refidue of the produce of faid duties applied in fuch rcfidue of duties as manner, and for fuch purpofes, as fhall be direfted by parliament. direfted byparlii- ment. III. S!at. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. z. feEl. i. If any perfons natural born Annuities 6 /^fr rrnf. fubjeds, or foreigners, fhall within the feveral times, and in manner here- P^'^ ^' " ^^J^^j^^ "* in after particularly mentioned, pay into his majefty's treafury in Ireland "Q^lfp^ li^es of any fum or fums not exceeding in the whole one hundred and feventy-five nominees by I'ubfcri- thoufgnd pounds, to be fubfcribed by them in fums of one hundred pounds Hers, with additional each, there fhall be paid to fuch perfons fo paying or advancing the fame '"["^'^''J'/"'^ '"**'" refpedively, their executors, adminiflrators, or alligns, or to the perfon 'P' or perfons legally authorized by them to receive the fame, by vice-trea- furers, paymailer, or receiver-general, or deputies, annuities of fix pounds per annum., for each and every hundred pounds fo fubfcribed and paid, for, and during the lives of the perfons to be nominated by the perfons fub- fcribing and paying the faid fums refpedively, together with fuch additi- tional interefl as Ihall accrue by furvivorfl.ip, in manner herein after pro- ^^^^ ,^ vided ; and faid annuities fhall commence from the 25tli of December p^j. ,.,_^_ paij 1775, and be paid half yearly in equal portions on every 24th of June, and half-yearly. 25th of December in every year. \Y. fe£i. 2. Twenty pound.^;, part of each one hundred pounds fo to be^oi per cent. ■^\ihy fubfcribed, fliall be paid into the treafury on or before the iflof February, 1 Feb. 177'). 1776; and further forty pounds per cent, thereof paid on or before the ifl'l"'-^y' ^'^p' '■''^•' of May, 1776; and the remaining forty pounds /»«■ cent, to compleat the |° ^-^^ ^'^•'''" ' payment of every fuch fubfcription of one hundred pounds, paid on or be- fore the 24th of June, 1776 ; at or before which laft mentioned time all and every fubfcriber, or allignee or aflignees of fuch fubfcriber or fubfcri- bers, having compleated the payment of fums fo fubfcribed, fhall name, or caufe to be named, in manner herein after mentioned, fuch perfon or . - , r 1/1- iniii-i ^.^ \, r f annuitints RameC by perfons as he, fhe, or they fliall thmk proper, to be the perlon or perJons, ^ .^^^^ j^,(, . for and during whofe life or lives the faid annuity or annuities, with" faid benefit of furvivorfhip Ihall be refpedively paid; every fubfcriber may fub'cribers to is ma- fubfciibe and pay as many fums of one hundred pounds each, as he or ny icol. as ihey file fhall think fit; and all perfons fubfcribine; and paying as aforefaid, or P'"^^'^' , . ,-- ' "^ . ,. o • T nime ore or more their ailignees, may name to vice-treaiuiers, paymafter or receiver-general, ;^^^ or deputies, one or more life or lives, at their difcretion, for the fum or ^t one each ioq!, fums fo fubfcribed and paid ; fo as no more lives than one be named for one ^p^ui-ies with fur- hundred pounds fo fubfcribed and paid; every perfon fo fnbfcribing and pay- vivorf}.ipdur"'g lite ing his, her, or their aflignee or ailignees, or the executors, adminiflrators, or '^' nominee toi c.ica affigns of fuch fubfcribers, his, her, or their aflignee or afiignees, as the '°'*'" cafe may be, fhall receive fuch annuity or intereft as aforefaid, together : with fuch benefit of furvivorfhip, as herein after provided for every hun- dred pounds fubfcribed and paid as aforefaid, during the life fo named, for £very fuch one hundred pounds refpedlively j jevery fuch fubfcriber, or af- A 2 figuee fame life may be fignee or aflignees may name one and the fame life for fo many of fuch named for feveral feveral and diflind fums of one hundred pounds each fo fubfcribed and5> ^"dafles of nomi- P^'^lj ^s fuch fubfcriber, or affignee or alTignees fkall think fit ; the fe- nee3, veral nominees in faid hfe-annuities fhall be divided by vice-treafurers, 1 ft of 40 years and paymafter, or receiver-general, or deputies, into three feparate claf- iipwards, ^ fes ; the firft clafs to confift of perfons of forty years and upwards ; the 2a ot 20, 3 unuer (gj-ond clafs of twenty years and upwards, but under forty ; and the third 6 fi'er eeni.'mteted of pcrfons Under twenty; the entire intereft of the entire fum fo advanced divided ii propor- by perfous fubfcribing in any of faid clalTes, his, her, or their affignee or tion to fumsfub- alfignees, computing fuch intereft at fix pounds by the hundred by the year, ia'SlfsXT" '^^l' g° ^^. ^"^ ^^ divided among the perfons fo fubfcribing, or their aflignees, in proportion to the fums fo fubfcribed and paid, as the no- ihe entire intcttft to minees in fuch clafs die; and the intire intereft of the fum advanced furvi\o[; fnall be paid to the fubfcriber, his or her affignee or affignees, whofe nominee fhall be the furvivor of the nominees of each clafs, during the life of fuch furviving nominee ; and to avoid fraftional divifions, and the expence and difficulty of keeping long and intricate accounts, no dif- tio diflribuiion hy tribution of any fum fo accruing by furvivorfhip in any of faid clalfes, t?/lddiiional hslf "^ '^^'^ ^^ ^^^^ ^° fubfcribers, or affignees of fuch fubfcribers in any p^^ ^^„, fuch clafs, until fuch fiim or fums fo accrued by the fall of lives in fuch clafs fhall be fufficient to pay an additional intereft of one-half />«• cent, to fubfcriptions rot the feveral perfons, then entitled to receive the fame; every fubfcriber, conipleaied, toifeit- his or her affignee or affignees, who fhall not compleat fubfcription within ^''' the times, and in manner aforefaid, Ihall forfeit the fum or fums by fuch fubfcriber, or affignees advanced, and the fame fhall be applied to the to national credit ; credit of the nation ; if any fubfcriber, or aflignee of fubfcriber fhall die executors, &c. of before he, fhe, or they fhall have compleated the payment of the fums fo fubfcribers may com- fubfcribed refpedtively, the executors, adminiftrators, or affigns of fuch pleat it. lubfcriber or affignee may compleat the payment within the time aforefaid. Books kept, fubfcri- ^- f^^- 3- I" ^^^ office of vice-trcafurcrs, paymafter or receiver-general, bers names entered, or deputies, there be provided and kept one or more book or books, in fums paid, by whom, which fhall be fairly entered the names of all, who fhall be fubfcribers, and and when ; of ^H perfons by whofe hands faid fubfcribers fhall pay in any of faid fums, and alfo of the feveral fums fo paid, and the time when refpedlively paid ; and nominees ages J ^^e faid entry to be made upon payment of the faid fums ; and alfo in the faid books there fhall be entered the feveral nominees, and the ages of fuch nominees for whofe lives refpedlively faid annuities fhall be payable, at the times when the fame (hall be nominated as aforefaid ; to which jnfpedled without books it fhall be lawful for the refpeftive fubfcribers, their executors, ad- fce ; miniftrators, and affigns, from time to time, and at all feafonable hours, to have refort, and to infpeft the fame without fee or reward ; and faid fe- veral fubfcribers, or affignees of fuch fubfcribers, who fhall have compleat- the nerfons afcer- ^'^ ^^^ payment of fums fubfcribed, as the cafe fhall happen, and faid tained therein; nominees, fliall be defcribed in faid books by their names and fir-names, additions, places of abode, and fuch other defcriptions as fhall beft afcer- tain the perfons ; and every fubfcriber, or allignee, upon compleating the payment of one or more hundred pounds, as the cafe fhall happen, fhall debentures on com- immediately receive from the officer and officers of his majefty's treafury one pleating payment; or more debenture or debentures, in which fhall be mentioned and expref- defcription of no- fgj the name and fir-name, addition, place of abode, age, and other def- minees, and receit ; criptions of the nominee or nominees, and alfo the receipt of the confider- ation- Zmuitk^. ation-money for which fuch fubfcriber, his, or her afiignee or afligneesfhall annuiti'eipafd whe-;., receive one or more annuity or annuities, with fuch benefit of furvivorfhip 1*^^.^"°""" . "**■ - ^., . . 1 ir 1- cr I ■ ■ II '^ fctibcr or not. as aforefaid, during the lire or lives or uich nominee or nomineegj whether fuch nominee be the fubfcriber or any other perfon. VI. /e£7. 4. It (hall be lawful for any perfons intitled to fuch an- AHlgnable bv deed nuities, or their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, at any time during or devife ; the life or lives of their refpedive nominees, by any writing under hand and feal, or laft will in writing, to aOign or devife any one or more inch fliare or (hares as aforefaid, payable during the life or lives of fuch nomi- nee or nominees refpeftively, as the cafe may be, to any perfon or perfons, and fo toties quoties ; and no fuch aflignment to be revokable ; fo as an not revokable ; entry or memorandum of fuch aflignment or will be made in books, ^"'^''6*^ '" ^ "lontlis kept for that purpofe in the office aforefaid, within two months after fuch j'^'", ^"'|T^"i °'' aflignment or death or the devilor ; upon producing (uch aflignment, or the probate of fuch will, in the office aforefaid, to be entered as aforefaid, ^, . , the party fo producing fuch aflignment (hall bring therewith an affidavit p,.Qjm.j.d g^^j (,1^.^ . taken before fome perfon authorized to take affidavits in caufes depend- ing in any of the courts at Dublin ; or, in cafe the party afiigning (hall not refide in Ireland, before any perion duly authorized to take the oath of the party, of the due execution of faid aflignment ; which affida- vits fhall be feverally filed in faid office ; which entry or memorandum the faid officers of treafury are required to make accordingly, and to file faid affidavits ; and in default of fuch aflignment or devife the in- °"Jt^^'o exlc^'^r" terefl of the perfons intitled to fuch annuities fliall go to his, her, or their ^^ ' "' executors and adminiftrators for the life of fuch nominee or nominees, as the cafe may be. Yll.fen. 5. It fhall be lawful for any guardian or tiuflee, having the Guardian or truftee difpofal of the money of any infant under twenty-one years, for the ^^7 with lord chan- ufe and benefit of fuch infant, to advance and pay, with approbation ""°".^PP''°''^!'°'* of the lord chancellor, lord keeper, or keepers of the great feal foriJf^a"- "^""^ the purpofes aforefaid, one or more hundred pounds of the money of fuch infant, and thereupon, at fuch time, and in fuch manner, as is herein before appointed for the naming of lives, to name the faid infant to. . r r ■ be a nominee; and fuch infant, upon payment of faid fum or fums, fh^ll '"""*'' ^' "^"''^^' become a fubfcriber within the meaning of this acl, and be intitled to have and receive, during his or her life, an annuity, with benefit of furvivor- • '>'i fhip, in fuch manner and proportion as any other fubfcriber; and faid guar- ""^ dlfchargedas to dian ortruftee, as to fums fo advanced, is hereby difcharged, and (hall be '^ '""c'l. accountable only to faid infant for fuch annuity or annual intereft, as he fhall receive under this aft. Y\\\. fen. 6. And that all deceit in receiving any annuity as afore- Certificate of nomi- faid may be prevented, and the advantage of furvivorfhip fairly had, "^^''''^^''^''^'"''"'*' all perfons entitled to fuch annuities, upon their demanding any half-yearly ^ ' payment of their annuities, unlefs the nominee appear in perfon at time of demanding fuch annuity, (hall, whenever vice-treafurers, pay- 1 mafter, or receiver-general, or deputies, fhall think proper to demand the fame, produce a certificate, of the life of his, her, or their refpedtive nominee, figned by the ininifter, or in his abfence by the curate of the pa- ^^P^^ ''•^ '^* ?^'"'" rifh, where fuch nominee (hall be then living, upon the day when the noraberin*Trelsnd ; faid half-yearty payment fliall become due, if fiich nominee (hall be then ■ . ,' refiding in Ireland ; which certificate liiid mii^ifter or curate is hereby re- a «• : . required fil3, , -^ j? 1 r j • u . .• »u r ■ j • ' and of defaults in 20^"" amonglt what perfons, and m what proportions, the laid annuities are days before payment to be diflributcd, in faid office, every half year, within twenty days before refpeftive days of payment, there fhall be made up an account of the feveral nominees, whofe deaths are come to knowledge, and of the feveral perfons intitled to fuch annuities, who fhall have made default in making demand as aforefaid. On demand knowing XII. /^Z?. lo. If any perfon fhall demand payment of any fum for any the life expired, life not in being, knowing the fame to be expired, the perfon making fuch treble toannuitant demand, fhall, upon proof thereof, forfeit treble the fum fo demanded, to tt fame dais fumg ; ^^y ^f j].,^ remaining perfons intitled to annuities in the fame clafs, who will fue for the fame, to be recovered by adion of debt, bill, plaint, or '' " information, in any courts of record at Dublin, in v/hich no elToign, pro- te Pfofe- feit twenty pounds ; to be recovered by aftion of debt, bill, plaint, or information as aforefaid ; and to be paid and received to the ufe of any perfon who (hall fue for the fame. XV. /e *"** 'S^' fon or daughter of jtoau, living, or lately living in the parifh of tn the county of /juri.v ! or county of the city, or county of the town of . the perfon nominated, is under the age of twenty years, or is of the age of twenty and under the age of forty years, or is of the age of forty years and upwards, as the cafe fhall be. And it any perfon entitled as aforefaid fhall nominate his or her own life, 0»'J» ^^f'^_ "i"'- fuch perfon fhall make oath or folemn affirmation before any juflice of the ""''* *'*" ''^'^ "^'"' peace of the county, or county of the city or town where fuch perfon fhall "^ ' refide, to the effedt aforefaid, concerning his or her age rcfpedively ; which vvitnefle* • oath or affirmation, attelled by two or more credible witneffes, (hall be * d^ivered Mnnitic^* filed before deben- tures iirued ; If not reficlent, be- fore the princip::! m.igiftrate where, &c. Surplus duties by &: 16 G. 3. c. I. applied to pay an- nuities i ^5 refiJiie as after di- lefled. Chief governors may appoint pay- ment in London ; Irifh Currency ; intent (o Kceive it there deciaied at the time ; -' ''•"■''-' no deduflion. Remittance out of duties for payment without chaigs. Expence of remit- tance charged on duties ; profit bv exchange to national credit, Like certificate of nominee's lite re- quired in 1 ondnn, Dol«f3 he appears ; \ •■ delivered to vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-general, or deputies, to be filed in the office of faid vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-gen<"ral, or deputies, before any debenture or debentures fliall be iffued to fuch per- fon or perfons ; and if any perfons fo entitled, fhall not be refident within this kingdom, an affidavit to the like efFetft, to be made before the prin- cipal magiftrate or magiftrates of the place where the perfons fo making the fame refide, and to be attefted by two or more credible witneffes, Ihall be delivered to faid vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-general, or deputies, to be filed in faid office, before any debentures fhall be iffued to fuch perfons. XVIII. Je^. 1 6. The furplus or exceedings of aids and duties granted by an act pafled in this feffion, intituled. An ail for granting unto bis majejiy the feiieral duties^ Rates, impofitiones and taxes therein particularly exprejjedy to he applied to pay an inter eft at the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, for fuch part of the fever al principal fums formerly borrowed, as fhall femain unpaid on the twenty-fifth of December, 1775; and for fuch other purpofes as are therein mentioned; over and above what fhall be fufficient to dif- charge the interefl and annuities therein provided for, or fo much of fuch furplus or exceedings as for that purpofe neceflary, fhall be applied to pay- ment of the feveral annuities to be granted to the feveral fiibfcribers, or their affignees, who (hall advance faid fum not exceeding one hundred and feventy-five thoufand pounds, or any part thereof; and the refidue of fuch furplus applied in fuch manner as herein after direifted. XIX. fen. 17, It Iball hs. lawful for the lord lieutenant, or other chief governors, from time to time to appoint one or more perfon or perfons to pay in London the annuities granted by this atfl, according to the rate that money is current for in Ireland, for fuch fums as ftiall be fubfcribed, and for which the peifon entitled to receive faid annuity, fhall, at time of compleating his fubfcription, declare his intention of receiving bis faid annuity in London -, which annuities fhall be paid without any ;dedu775- vious to the firft of December, 1775, to anfwer the purpofes aforefaid. Cath-dralof St. Pa- HI. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. c. 17. feH. 4. Whereas the mother-church trie':' Armagh, of Armagh haih been in ruins part the memory of man, infbmuch that deem- 1 the m;>her- jj^g fjjg cannot be fufficienttv afceriained ; and the cathedral of laint Pa- d''n"^'' nfil'med"- ^'^^ ^"'^'^'^ in Armagh hath been hitherto made ufe of from i^s convenient fi- onecon tme , j^^^^jq^ to .^\\ p^jts of faid parifli to ferve for all legal purpofes of a parifh-church, all ads had aud done heretofore in faid cathedral church, as the the mother-church of faid parifh, fhall be as good and valid, to all intents, as if faid cathedral had been the mother-church of faid parifh ; and for the future the faid catheral of faint Patrick's, Armagh be deemed and taken to be the mother-church of faid parifh of Armagh for all legal purpofes whatfoever within faid parifh, without prejudice to the rights, privileges, fi 'ng cathedral or immunities of faid cathedra! ; and alfo faving to the archbifhop, hisrigits, &c. fucceifors, and the dean and chapter of faid cathedral, and their fuccef- fors, their feveral refpedive and diftind rights, privileges, and immuni- - ties in faid cathedral, any thing in this ad to the contrary notwithftanding. Coacl)cs, d>zc. I. Slat. 15 & i6 Geo. 3. c^p. i. fe^. 11. For better colleding the duty Cem'ficate of roach- chargeable on every perfon who fhall keep any carriages with four wheels, ^^' ^<= roexcife (except as befoie excepted) every perfon, who after twenty-fifth of De- ' °"'^*^^°" '" ^^"'^ cember, 1775, fhall have or keep any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or ^°° ' chaife with four wheels, ihall within three calendar months after twenty- fifth of December, 1775, or after he or flie fhall have or keep any fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, by writing un- der his or her hand certify to the collecflor of excife, in feme one of the diflridts wherein he or fhe fhall refide or dwell, within the time aforefaid, a true account of every fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, and chaife with four wheels (except hackney or ftage-coaches, and coaches kept by coach-makers for fale) with the name of the place and parilli of refidence with place of abode; or abode at the time of giving fuch certificate ; which certificate fhall be kept by the refpedive colleftors for time being, and alfo entered or re- gifiered in an alphabetical book, by them refpedively kept for that pur- reglftered alphabeti- pofe ; and a copy of fuch entry, figned by fuch colledor or his clerk, to"")': be delivered, if required, without fee or reward, to the perfon delivering '^°P^^^ without fee ; fuch certificate, and a number fhall be entered on each certificate fo re- numbered ; giflered ; and faid coUedors refpedively flial! under their hands, on or before the twenty-fifth of December in every year give a true lifl of all lifts yearly given bc- coaches, chariots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes with four wheels, from fore 25 De;. to col- time to time returned to them refpedively in fuch certificates, with the ''^^°" **^ ''^^ ''"'7 J names of perfons, and places of abode refpedively mentioned in fuch cer- tificates, to the perfons appointed by the commiflioners of excife, or any three, to colled and receive faid duties ; and fuch perfons as appointed by faid commiflioners of excife, or any three, to receive faid duties, fhall have full power and authority to levy, colled, and receive the fame within the diftrid, wherein the certificate fhall be entered, in fame manner as his majefly's revenue from fire hearths is now by law levied, colleded, and levied as hearth- received ; and fhall refpedively fign and deliver acquittances, without fee money ; or reward, and fhall keep duplicates thereof in a book for that purpofe, in acquittances without the fame manner as acquittances are given and kept for the duty of fire *5^ ' hearths, and fhall refpedively return the book containing the duplicates to |^,X^e|," P' "•* fuch perfon and perfons, and at fame time, and to be dlfpofed of in fame ' ' manner as books containing the duplicate of acquittances for faid duty on ■fire hearths are returned ; and the duties aforefaid fhall be paid in the re- duties paid whre -.fpedive diflrids, , whereia faid carriages fhall be entered or regiflered re- regiftered, : Tpedively, and in no other. ' , , t ^ E 2 II. feil. Not certifying, pe- nalty 2ol. as bjr I 4 & 15 C. 2. c. 8. Perfons keeping charged as owiier. Dut7 paid to coliec- (or of difttifl ; diftifiifl accounts, paid into treafurj. Coacftefii, See. II. feSt. 12. If any perfon fhall have or keep any coach, chariot, Berlin, calalh, or chaife with four wheels, chargeable with faid duty by virtue of this aft, not certified as aforefaid ; every fuch perfon fhall for fuch neglect forfeit twenty pounds, to be fued for, recovered, levied, and applied, in fuch manner and form, and by fuch ways and methods, as prefcribed and appointed for recovery of penalties in and by an aft fourteenth and fifteentk of Charles the fecond, for fettling the excife or new impo/i. III. fetl. 13. Provided neverthelefs, that every perfon (except as before excepted) having in his or her keeping or pofTeflion any coach, chariot, terlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, belonging to another, fhall be charged for every fuch with faid duty impofed by this aft, in the fame manner as the owner or proprietor thereof is or ought to be charged or chargeable by this aft. IV. fen. 14. Perfons, for time being authorized and impowered to colleft and levy faid duty, fhall pay the fame to the colleftors of the feveral di- ftrifts, where faid duties collefted andraifed ; and faid colleftors fhall keep feparate and diflinft accounts thereof, and pay the fame into his majefty's treafury, as other money received by them for ufe of his majefly. 3 G. 5. c. 27, con- Slat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 32. feH. 1. An aft in the third of his prefent tinued to 24 June, majefty, to amtnd and continue an aH to prevent the exceffive price of coals in J 783, &c. Dublin., continued in force to the 24th of June, 1783, and to the end of the then next feffion. 35 G. 2. c. I?, con- Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 32. Jefl. 2. An aft the twenty-fifth of George tinued to 24 June, the fecond, for buying and felling corn., meal, and other things by weight, and 1783, &c. preventing frauds in buying and felling, continued to the 24lh of June, 1783, and to the end of the then next fellion. Cycler not refalled iviihoul licence. Licence by cotn- AiiiTioners and col- tedois : fee IS. and id. fsnaltj 5L I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. i. fcH. 7. After 25th of December, 1775, no {>erfons whatfoever fhall fell, or tap out, by retail, any cyder, but only fuch as fhall be licenfed according to direftions of this aft, under fuch penalty as hereinafter exprefl'ed. II. fe£l. 8. After 25ch of December, 1775, it fhall be lawful for the chief commiffioners of excife, or any three, and the colleftors of ex- cife, in their feveral and refpfftive difhrifts, from time to time, to illiie and grant fuch licences for felling and tapping out cyder by retail ; and for every fuch licence one fhilling and one penny, and no more, fhall be paid or demanded as a fee ; and if any perfon fhall after 25th of December, 1775, fell or tap out cyder by retail without fuch licence, every fuch perfon fhall, for every time he or Ihe Ihall fo offend, forfeit and pay five pounds. HI. fca. III. feci. g. For better ordering and collecting faid duty of one penny per gallon upon ail cyder fold, or tapped out by retail, it fhall be lawful for gangers, and officers of excife, within their refpedive difl:ri6\s, from Exofe officers mny p.nH i"e'lq s, time" to"time, after 25th of December, 1775, to enter in the day- lime ''''""''"'"' '""'^* into the houfes, out-houfes, ftore-houfes, and cellars of every Retailer orj^i^^ retailers of cyder, and to take an account of all fuch cyder as fhall be andchaige ij. p.r found in poiTeffion of fuch retailers, and to charge fuch retailers with faid gallon. duty of one penny per gallon accordingly. IV. fe^. 10. After 25th of December, 1775, every retailer of cyder Rerallers to (liew (hall fhew to gangers or officers of excife, on demand, all his or her {lock ^°'^^ °" •>*"'* J of cyder then on hand ; and in cafe any fuch retailer of cyder, his, her, or their fervant or fervants (in cafe fuch retailer fhall not be prefent, when the gauger or officers of excife come to fuch retailer's houfe to take flock as aforefaid) refufe to make declaration, and fhew all his or her ftock of cyder then on hand, every fuch retailer fhall for every fuch offence forfeit penalty xol. and lofe ten pounds ; and if fuch gauger or officers of excife fhall, after and lol. if furpltra declaration made as aforefaid, find any cyder in poiTeffion or cuflody of f°""''' fuch retailer, over and above the quantity fo fhewn and declared, fuch retailer fhall likcwifc forfeit and lofe ten pounds. Stat. 16 & J 6 Geo. 5. cdp. 32. fee?, i. An aft the firfl of his prefent 1 G. ^ c. 14 coa- majefly, for preventing frauds in drugs and medicines, continued in force to """'^'^ '^^v June, the 24th of June, 1783, and to the end of the then next feffion. '" ^' '^' I. Stat. 25 & t6 Geo. 3. cap. 20. fefl. r. Whereas an aift pafTed in the Recital i!?& 14 thirteenth and fourteenth of his prefent m3.]t^y, for paving the jireets, icithin'-^ 3- '^- ^^• the city and county of the city of Dublin, and it would forward the good pur- pofes of faid aft, that no commiifioner or committee-man fhould have power to aft, who fhall not, in their own right, or in right of their wives, be pofTefied of a certain property ; and a power is given to the comrriiffion- ers, or any feven, to caufe all pofls, rails, figns, fleps, hiilk.s, flails, holes, pits, fliow-glaffes, fhow-boards, jet-out windows, walls inclofmg dunghills, as alfo fleps and doors into vaults, cellars, or other places, to be removed; filled up, or altered ; and it has caufed fome difcontents, that tlie power.s of removing rails from the fronts of houfes, and filling up areas, is in- trufled to the determination of fo fmall a body as (Qwtn commillioners ; and further powers and authorities are necefTary to be given, and further regu- lations made, to efFeft the purpofes aforefaid ; after fiift of May, 1776^ no perfon fhall be capable of afting as a commiffioner or committee man in O'lallfic li n of execution of this aft, unlefs he fhall then be in his own right, or in right cn'mminioner or of his wife^ in aftual pofTeffion or receipt of the rents of lands, tene- commi'te-man 20I 3 ments, or hereditaments of the clear yearly value of twenty pounds, or (^""j °^ ^"°' ^"' pofTefTed of or intitled to a perfonal eflate of the value of three hundred pounds} and if any perfon, not fo qualified, fhall prefume to aft, every fuch jicBaltv joL fuch perfon fliall for every fuch offence forfeit fifty pounds to any perfon who fhall fue ; recovered in any courts of record by action of debt, or on the cafe, or by bill, fuit, or information, together with cofts of fuit, wherein no eflbign, protecftion, or wager of law, or more than one im- parlance allowed, and wherein the proof of qualification fhall lie on the proof on def.ndant. perfon profecuted ; and it fhall be fufficient on the part of profecutor to prove, that the perfon profecuted had aded as a commilfioner or committee- man in execution of this aft. N'o viifiualler or 11. fcH.. 2. No viftualler, or perfon who fhall fell afe, wine, or fpirl- rctallcr of lh]\;ors tuous liquors by retail, fhall be ele " for paving the ftreets, lanes, quays, bridges, fizjuares, courts, and al- " leys, within the city and county of the city of Dublin, and other pur- " pofcs relative to the faid city of Dublin, and other places therein parti- *' cularly mentioned : 7cr, the commijfioners for pjving the ftreets of Diihliu. " in conf.deration of the fiim of . to the treafur^r of the faid '* comnvjjioners in hand paid, do grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto A. B. " his executors, adminiflrators, and afftgns, fuch proportion of the rates and " llffffments arifng in divifion by virtue of ait aB faffed " in ihe thirieenth and fouNeemh years of his prefent majefty's reign, mtiiukd, *' An ad for paving th'^ ibeets, lanes, quays, bridges, fquares, courts, •' and alleys, withm the city and county of the city of Dublin, and other. " purpofes relative to the faid city of Dublin, and other places therein " particularly mentioned : and faid aH made in the fifteenth and f.xteenth •' years of his faid majefiy's reign as the faid f urn of doth '* or fiall bear to the ivhole fum advanced, or to be advanced on the credit ♦' thereof, to be had and ijolden from this ■ day of m ♦* the year of our Lord for and during the continuance of the faid '• rt^j, unlefs the /aid fum of -with iniereji, at the rate of per centum per annum, fhall be fooner repaid and fatisfied:^ And ii 2)ttMiit» Gofies entered; And Copies of all fuch mortgages or fecurities fhall be entered in the books fums applied in each or Other records of faid commillioners ; and the fum fo raifed in each di- divifion ; vifion fliall be applied and difpofed of in the divifion, upon which fo raifed; lender not anfwer- and the perfons fo lending or advancing upon credit of this or faid aifl able for application ; (\;^^\\ not be anfwerable or accountable for the application or non-application ; and to prove only gnd it fhall be neceflary on any fuit or coatroverfy whatfoever to prove theadkancing; ^j^jy ^j^g advancing and payment of the fame to the faid treafurer ; and in all cafes where any notice or procefs out of any court of law or equity rela- ferviceofnoficeon tive to this or faid former adt, neceflary to be ferved on faid commiflioners, treafurer fufficient ; or the corporation erected by faid a£l, fcrvice of the fame on the treafurer appointed by faid commiffioners under faid a i«P«* • Dublin, or nearer than twenty-one feet to the center of any road at a greater diftance than two miles from the fame, fhall be liable to forfeiture, and the faid part of faid aft hath been found inconvenient, the faid recited part of faid ad fhall be repealed. 13 & 14 G 3.' XV. fen. 15. Whereas by the faid ad the owner or occupier of every c. 32. f. 26, as to houfe i« required once in every day, as therein fet forth, to fcrape, fweep, w '?iclit!il'"' ^°°'" ^^^ cleanfe, ©r caufe to be fcraped, fwept, and cleanfed, the foot-way all ways rcc! , along the front of their refpedivc houfes or tenements, or in default fhall and further Inforced forfeit for every fuch offence one fhilling ; the owner or occupier of any by fines i houfe, who fhall offend by negleA or otherwife in the premiffes as fet forth in faid ad, fhall forfeit the following fums ; for the firft offence one fhil- ling ; SDubliit* ling ; for the I'econd, two fhillings ; for the third, three ; for the fourth, four •, and for tlie fifth, five fhiUings ; and the faid fine of five fhilHngs for every time he fhall after fo offend ; to be recovered in the fame manner as al! or any of the penahies and forfeitures by faid aft are recoverable : and it fliall be lawful for faid commilfioners, or any feven or more, to give and apply faid fines, as alfo all other fines levied by this and faid former ad, or any part of them, (not exceeding one half half to profecutor j of the fum fo levied) to the perfon or perfons who fliall inform and pro- f'C'ite to the recovery of fuch fine any fiich offenders, the rtfidiie towards fefi^ue to purpofes tire purpofes of faid ad. °f" '^^ '^• XVI. /(v7. i6. Whereas in feveral ftrects and places in faid ad; men- Digging and leavinj tioned there is a great quantity of earth dug up, and large holes or fpaces I'.oks before houiej. left for making vaults to the houfes or tenements built or in building Ion- "°'.P|°?"')' '"' ger than is abfolutely necelfaiy ; and areas before houfes or tenements built *^ °'^ ' or in building are often left open, and no fence, rails, or limber properly -pla- ced or fixed up, fo as to prevent falling dov/n, by reafon whereof the lives of many are endangered ; if any perfons fhall dig out any earih, or leave any hole or void fpace in any ftreet, or place before any houfe or tenement built, or in building, within the limits aforefaid, for making vaults, or any other purpofe whatfoever, and fhall not inclofe the fame in a good and fufficient manner, approved of by the furve^;or or furveyors to faid commillioners, or fhall keep up fuch inclofure longer than abfolutely ne- inclofing longer ilun ceffary, or fhall not well and fufRciently fence or rail before the areas front- necefTary; ing to anv flreet or place, every perfon guilty of any of the offences a_ "ot fencing areas ; forefaid fh ill forfeit five pounds ; and the like fum for every week fuch ^nd 5I. weekly, nulfance continued ; to be recovered as penalties and forfeitures by faid ad are diredted. XVII. fe^. 17. It fhall be lawful for any perfon appointed by faid com- Obftruflions infect miflioners, or any five or more, to feize any ftand, table, bafket, roots, or carrijge-ways re- fruit, barrow, blocks, timber, planks, benches, flicks, calk, or other ob- "'°j'''.|'° 'Kr"^*" ftrudion or annoyance flanding or lying in any of the foot-ways or car- p^jj . riage-ways, in this and laid ad mentioned, and caufe the fame to be re- moved to the ftore-yard, or place appointed for keeping materials for the works of the divifion, wherein fuch feizure made, until the owners pay five fhillings to redeem the fame ; and in cafe the fame fhall not be claimed, and the penalty of five fhillings, with expence of removing, paid if not claimed, and within two days after feizure, it fhall be lawful for fuch perfons fo ap- P^^yw^nt in 1 days, pointed to caufe the fame to be appraiied and fold, and the refidue of the money arifing therefrom (after paying the penalty and charges) to be re- turned to the owners who fhall demand the fame. XYIU. fecT. 18. All landlords, or owners, tenants, or occupiers of any Wades fenced in 2 1 wafle or vacant piece of ground, or fite of any houfe or tenement, in or days after notic; by adjoining to any of the flreets, lanes, or places in faid five divifions, and ^ '^°"""''^"'°"^ • two divifions hereby added, which fhall lie open to and unfenced from the fame, or where the fence in a ruinous condition, or out of repair, fhall within twenty-one days after notice delivered to them, or any or either of them, by order of faid commiflioners, or any five or more, well and fuf- ficiently fence in the premiffes mentioned in fuch notice, or caufe the old fence (if any) to be well and fuificiently repaired within the time aforefaid; and in cafe fuch work not compleatly finifhed within the time aforefaid, or done br commif- it fhall be lawful for faid commiffioners to order and caufe the fame to be fioners order, at the C done P"'>'' expe.ice. done, compleated, and finifhed ; and the tenant or occupier thereof, or other perfon in poflfeiTion, or ffized thereof, to whom fuch notice given, fhall pay the expence upon demand of the perfon authorized by faid com- miflioners to receive the fame ; and in cafe of refufal or negledt-to pay it fhall be lawful for fuch perfon, as faid commiOioners, or any five or more, fhall authorize, to profecute one or more atlions or fuits for reco- very of fuch expence, together with colls of fuit, from the perfon fo neg- ledling or refufing. Rreakingor exerci- XIX. /eel. 19. Whereas horfe-riders and fervants frequently exercife Ting lioriesin ftreets, horfes in the ftreets, to anno3'ance of pafl'engers, if any perfons convidled^ '°^- in a fummary way before a juflice of (iud city, upon oath of one or more credible witnefles, or by confelTion, of breaking or exercifmg horfes m any of the ftreets comprehended within this or faid a£t, they ihall be fubjedl to the penalty of ten fhillings, recovered as other penalties in faid Eubbifh not laid XX. fect. 20. Whereas great inconvenience arifes from laying rubbifh duwn in ftieeis, &c. jn places in this and faid ad\ mentioned, after which the fame is carried upon low back cars, and heaped in fuch a manner, that great part is dropped before carried out of town ; no perfon wliatfoever, carrying out of any houfe, yard, cellar, court, lane, or alley, any coal-afhes, horle- dung, or rubbifh, fliall attempt to lay down the fame in any place men- crtrts to be ready to tioned in firid aft, but'fhall have a cart ready at the door of faid houfe, carry away, yard. Cellar, lane, or alley, to load faid rubbifh in ; and no perfon £hall not on cars, ^^ permitted to load or carry away fuch rubbifli on any low-back car,, or penalty 10 s. otherwife than, in a cart, under penalty of ten fhillings,. recovered as other penalties in faid ad. Building materials, XXI. /f/7. 21. If any perfon fet, or place, or caufe to be fet or placed, &c on carnage or jj^ ^^y ^f jj.jg carriage-ways or foot-ways within the limits aforefliid, any loot-ways (umels n 1 »• l /i i- 1 u • t i- r , inclofed) removed ^aflvS, package, timber, Itones, wheels, bricks, lime, fand, mortar, or in two days alter 1)0 v/ood, or any Other material or things whatfoever, for the purpofes of tice, making mortar, or of building any houfe, fhop, ware-houfe, coach-houfc, ftable, or tenement, or for any other purpofe (unlefs inclofed in a paling or other ereclion, as herein after directed) and fhall not remove the fame within two days after notice given or left at the premiires where the fame fhall bs, or if empty or unoccupied, or in building, ftuck againft the wall thereof, by any one of fuch commiffioners, or by any perfon by five or more of them appci.ated, every perfon fo offending fhall for every fuch jfnahy Tos. offence pay a fum not exceeding ten fliillings ; and any one of fuch com- ftiie.i anci rtmoved jniiffionrrs, /)r any peifon fo appointed by them, may feize, or caufe to be ^ ^" ' feized, fuch materials or things (not inclofed as aforefaid) and take or re- move, or caufe to be taken or removed, to the flore-yard-, or place for keeping materials for works of the divifion wherein fuch feizure made, there detained untill the owner, or his known fervant, fhall pay to the per- fons, in whofe cuftody the fame fhall be, the faid penalty, with charges if not claimed, and of removing ; and in cafe the fame not claimed, and faid penalty and paymeflt in 5 days, charges paid within, five days after feizure, then it fhall be lawful for faid *'''^' commiffioners,, or any five or more, to order the fame to be appraifed and fold, and the money arifing fliall be applied to purpofes of this aft. ad offence, 1 day XXII. /eSI. 22. If any fuch nuifance, obftruftion, or annoyance after- ternoiice, 20.^. ^^j.^^ replaced, and continued o^e day, after notice to remove, the perfon, coftviiled SDubliiu convided of fuch fecond offence (hall forfeit twenty (hillings, and forty 403- a'"'*'", (hillings every repeated offence. XXIII. feSl. 23. No perfon ffiall eredl or build, or caufe to be ere(fted Supervifor'sllcenoc or built, any fuch paling, or ereCl: any pofl:s, bars, rails, boards, or other '" '?'^'"'^ ^''^ ''^''' thing, by way of inclofure for making mortar, and depofiting bricks, Hone, P^^'"2 "• lime, fand, or any other materials for building or repaiiing any houfe, (hop, ware-hoLife, coach-houfe, flable, or tenement, or other works, or for any other purpofe, without leave or licence firft obtained under the hand of the fupervifor of the divifion, who is required to grant the fame forthv/ith, on every perfon fo applying for fuch licence paying to faid fupervifor one fliilh'ng ; and no perfon fliail eredt any fuch paling or in- penalty nnta'i'^i'e clofure in any other manner, or fuffer the fame to remain for any longer ^^^s. every 12 hou «, time than expreffed in fuch licence, upon pain of forfeiting a fum not ex- ceeding twenty ihillings, every twelve hours that the fame, or any part thereof, (hall be continued contrary to directions of this aft ; and if any if ereaed without fuch kind of inclofure fliall be eredled without leave of faid fupervifor fo leave, or longer had,^ or fet up in any other manner, or continued for any longer time than '''^" allov._ed, re- allowed in fuch licence, in either of faid cafes it fhall be lawful for fuch '""^'^ '° oreyat . commilfioners, or any five or more, to caufe the fame to be pulled down and removed, and the materials depofited in the flore-yard or place for keeping materials for the works of the divifions, wherein fuch inclofure pulled down, there to be kept until the owner, or his known fervant, fhall pay to the perfon in whofe cuflody, the faid penalty, with charges of re- moving ; and in cafe the fame not claimed, and faid penalty and charges if not claimed, and paid within five days after feizure, it (hall be lawful for faid commiffioners penalty with charges to order the fame to be appraifed and fold, and the money arifing (hall paid, in j days, ma- be applied to purpofes of this aft. lenaislold. XXIV. Je^. 24. If any perfon Ihall fift, fcreen, or flack any lime (ex- To fift, fcreen, or cept within fuch inclofure as aforefaid) in any (Ireet, lane, quay, fquare, flack lime (fave in- court, yard, alley, paffage, or place comprehended within and under the '^'o'^'^) 4°5- jurifdidion of this and (aid ad, or caufe the fame to be done, he fhall forfeit every fuch offence forty (hillings. XXV. fen. 25. If any perfons empty any bog-houfe, or take away any Night foil taken on- night-foil from any houfe within any of faid five divifions, or faid two di- ly between n at vihons hereby added, before eleven o'clock in the night, or Ihall continue "'E^^ ^nd j m^the to take away fuch foil after five in the morning, or put 'or cad any fuch '"°^'^'"S» foil, or wilfully or negligently permit the fame to run out of any car, cart, tub, pail, or otherwife, into any of the ftreets, lanes, quays, bridges, not call into ftreet, fquares, courts, alleys, or places in faid divifions, it fhall be lawful for &=• any conftable, beadle, or watchman (and they, and each and every of them, is required and injoined fo to do) and for every or any other perfon whom- foever, to apprehend perfons fo offending, and to carry them to the watch-houfe in the pari(h, wherein fuch offender fo taken up (the confla- Offenders carried t« ble or keeper whereof refpedively are required to take fuch offenders parilh-watch-houfe, into cuftody) and thereafter as foon as conveniently may be to convey ^"'^ ''*^*°'^ * ™^'^' them, before one or more of thejuftices for faid city, who upon fuch of- ''„^!f ';,,.,„ .-.. r 1 1 r 1 r i ,• -^ , "^ ^ ,, committed to brioe- fence proved upon oath of the perfon apprenending, or others, fhall com- well not above : mit fuch offender to the bridewell of faid city, not exceeding one month, month nor under nor lefs than two days, there to be kept to hard labour -, and faid commif- ^'^^y^*. fioners, or any nine or more, are authorized to order any fum, not ex- 9^j°^J?^'^^°j^^^*j" ceeding twenty (hillings, nof lefs than five (hillings, to be paid out of faid bovezos. norund« C 2 rates 59. rates raifed by this and faid former adt, to the perfons by whom faid of- fender fo detrfted, apprehended, and conveyed to fuch watch-hoiife, as a reward for their trouble. IToufesof t;l. ayear XXVI. JeH. 26. It fhall be lawful for faid commiffioners, or any nine may by 9 corrmifli- or more, to grant to owner or occupier ofhoufes of value of five pounds oners be exeirpted. only, or under, by the year, fuch relief in the payment of any rate or aiTeffment, by this or faid recited aft, as they think proper. Lying-in hofpltal to XXVII. /f/7. 27. The governors and guardians of the hofpital for re- pay only 20I. a year, ^^gp^j^j^ of lying-in women fhall be charged and pay the yearly fum of twenty pounds, and no more, for pavement in and about faid hofpital. The pleafure XXVIII. Jeii. 28. And v/hereas it is highly conducive to the health and grounds not leafed vvelfare of the citizens of Dublin, that the pleafure-grounds, belonging to or bull ings. ^^^ hofpital for reception of lying-in women, fhould remain for their ufe and recreation as heretofore, it lliall not be lawful for the governors or guardians of faid hofpital, or their fucceflbrs, to leafe out the whole or any part or parcel of faid pleafure-grounds for building thereon. The college 70I. XXIX. JeH. 29. The provoft, fellows, and fcholars of Trinity College' y"^v ' near Dublin fiiall for pavement in and about faid college pay the annual fum of feventy pounds, and no more ; and the lord mayor, fheriffs, com- mons, and citizens of Dublin, fhall for the pavement at or around faint St. Stephen's -green Stephen's-Green pay the annual fum of fifty pounds fterling, and no more; 5ol- any thing in this or faid ad to the contrary notwitliflanding. The corner houfes XXX. /fi?. 30. Provided faid lord mayor, llieriflTs, commons and citi- Temovediniz ^ zens do, within twelve months after palling this act takedown and re- months, andanges ^ ^^ lioufes at the corners of faid green, and round off the four an- rounded from 6 to r r ■ ^ r r c 10 feet. g'ss "1 faio green irom lix to ten rcet. 7 commiflloners may XXXI. 7^7. 31. Whercas by reafon of purchafeg, which faid commif- let, Tell or diipc.fc oi fioner.s are impowcred to make by the recited ad, they may happ n to be iu.plu^purchakd poflTeffej} of ground, over and above what may be made ufe of for widcn- ^"^""^ ' ing, enlarging, and improving the flreet, way, or palTage, for which they puichafcd, it fliall be lawful for fiid commilii-oners, or any feven or more, to let, fell, or dilpofe of any fuch piece or pieces of ground, either to- togeihcr or in par- gcthcr or in parcels, as they find moft convenient, to fuch perfons as fhall c«''=i "be willing to contrad, agree for, or purchafe the fame, giving preference piefcrcnce toven- ^^ ^^^ perfons of whom purchafed, and to apply the money arifmg to pur- fo'r purpofesoffaid pofes of laid ad; and it fhall be lawful for faid commiilioners, or any art ; feven or more, to dcfign, allign, and lay out in what manner any new nay direfl new edi- iiQufes or edifices lliall be erecfed or built upon any ground, which they ^'"- fiiall be poflefTed of as aforefald. 9 commiiliorrrs may XXXII. /cc?. 32. After the firft of March, 1776, faid commifiioners;, remove market ob- qj- any nine or more, Ihall remove and abate all obftrudions and nuifances ftiudtionsi whatfoever in the feveral markets of fnid city and liberties ; and it lliall bfi lawful for faid commiilioners to oblige the owners, or tenants in pof- have Rails named feffion of any of the flails in faid markets, to affix their names, and num- and numbered ; y^^^^ j^ legible charaders, on the front of dieir refpedive flails ; and in Botfce! ^i ft offcncn ^^^^ ^"^'^ owners or tenants refufe or negled to remove any nuifance or 5s. 2d 103. 3d Sec. obflrudion by them refpedively occafioned or made, after two days notice J9S. to them perfonally, or left at fuch ftalls, or to affix their names and num- ber as aforefaid, it fhall be lawful for any nine or more of faid commif- fioners, or any perfon by them appointed in manner in faid ad direded, to levy ths following fines or forfeitures j for firfl offence five fiiillings, for for tlie fecond ten and for the third twenty (hillings ; and faid fine of twenty fhillings for every time after fuch perfons Iliall fo oftend. XXXIII. fen. '>,i. When owners or proprietors of dead walls or void Ground inclored in fpaces of ground fhall not be known, or cannot be found, fo as that the dead walls, void rates and aifeflments, which commillioners by faid a*ft fliall rate and alFefs, Tpaces, a fecurity for may be recovered and received, the ground, inclofed in fuch dead wall "'"''"' '"'"'"*"'• or void fpace, fhall remain and be a fecurity to faid commiflioaers for all arrears of fuch rates and aflelTments ; and faid commilfioners, or any nine 9 commKTioners 11137 or more, may, if they think proper, fue in the name of their treafurer, '"^ '" treafuter's the owner, proprietor, or occupier of fuch dead walls, or void fpaces, for all or any of the rates made by virtue of faid aft, and all arrears ; in which aftion no eflbign, protedtion, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed. XXXIV. /c<^. 34. All fuch dead walls, and void fpaces, Ihall be re- Rated by j »omniir-- fpedively rated by faid commilfioners, or any five or more, at one (hilling ''°"<^''5 at is. per I. in the pound of the annual value, which faid commiiiloners, or any five i^^ p^^ ^^^^ ^^ fg]. or more, judge fuch grounds, fronting to and bordering upon any of faid vein tenant. ftreets and other places in this and faid adt mentioned, would be let for by the foot to a folvent tenant, and no more ; any thing in this or faid re- cited a.hr« and Do- nore ; after the paffing of this aft into a law one or niore rales or alfelf- aTdii',entsby 9 com- ments fliall, twice every year, or oftner, if thought needful by the com- minioners in faid miffioners herein and by faid former aft appointed, or any nine or more, baronies, not ex- be laid and affefTed for and upon all and every the lands, houfes, fhops, «edmg in 1 year ts. warehoufes, cellars, vaults, or tenements within faid baronies of faint ^"^^^^^ ^",'^^y"-^^ Sepulchre's and Donore, in fuch fums as faid comminioners, or any nine ,„iniRci'i money, or more of them, fhall yearly, and every year, order and dlreft ; fo as fuch rates or afllfrmcnts do not exceed in the whole one lliillins; in the pound in any one year of the yearly rent, as afcertained and rated for minifter's money in fuch baronies and places refpeftively, for each pre- ceding year ; which rates, or affeiTments, fhall be paid annually by fucli perfons, in proportion, manner, and form, as rates for minifter's money now paid. - XXXVII. fe^. 37. Whereas there are fome places extra-parochial in 4 perfons appointed faid baronies, that do not pay any minifter's money ; it fhall be lawful for '" f^'P^'^'^e "^^^y the proteftant inhabiiants of the barony of faint Sepulchre's, affembled in ',yJhiaTpi"«sr'^*" \eftry re:u:ned to board. veftry at the church of faint Kevan, and of the barony of Donore, alTem- bled in veftry at the parilli church of faint Luke, on the firft Thurfday in February next, to nominate and appoint four perfons for each barony re- fpeftively, to vahie all lands, houfes, fhops, ware-houfes, cellars, vaults, or other tenements in all extra-parochial places in faid baronies, and make returns of fuch valuations refpeftively to the firft board of commiffioncrs, that fhall fit after the firft of April next, or in default of fuch returns, b" thi^rt'blirT^^'' ^"^ either of them, the firft board of commilTioners, that Hiall fit after the ' "'"^ ' firft of April next, and fhall confift of nine or more commiffioners, are authorized and required to nominate four perfons for each or either of faid baronies fo negleAing to make return, who fliall value all the houfes, fhops, ware-houfes, cellars, vaalts, and other tenements in the places extra-parochial in faid baronies of faint Sepulchre's and Donore refpeclively, fo return valuation ^"^ return their refpedlive valuations to faid commiffioners within one inaniotKh.; month after having received diredlions to make fuch valuation; and the tax paid according!)'- tax, laid on in Other parts of faid baronies according to minifter's money, ftial! in all places extra-parochial m faid baronies be laid on and paid ac- cording to one or other of the valuations aforefaid, as one or other of them happen to be made. The diviriona! co-n- XXXVIII. fed. 38. Whereas the baronies of faint Sepulchre's and Do- nu:tte5 toriaid b3- nore are in county of Dublin, the divifional committees for faid baronies, lollies, and re- fenefciia! giileis ; % firft fworn on grand Jury ; till next grand jury fworn at Ealter, and fo fuccelGvely vacancies fupplijd or fixth and feventh divifions, may confift each of the following parcels, and be conftituted in manner following ; the fenefchals and regifters of the liberties of faint Sepulchre's and Thomas-court and Donore, for the time being, to be always two refpedlively of faid committees ; the three firft perfons fworn on the refpedlive grand juries at next Eafter courts leet held in faid liberties, likewife to be of faid committees refpedively, and to continue members till another grand Jury in each of faid liberties fworn at next fucceeding Eafter court leet, when the three firft fworn on the grand jury at fuch next Eafter court-leet, fhall fucceed immediately as committee-men to the three firft of the laft grand jury, and from time to time fucceffively, during this adl : in cafe of death, difability, or refig- nation of any of faid grand jury men, the proteftant inhabitants refpec- tively affembled in veftry in each barony, on notice in church, fhall eleft in vtttlry on notice. fj-Qni time to time one, two, or three perfons, as the cafe may happen, in each barony, to fupply the places of any fuch grand jury men fo dying, difabled, or refigning, in each barony ; which perfons ftiall continue com- mittee men, as long as the perfons fo dying, difabled, or refigning, would have continued. XXXIX. fe£l. ^g. The faid fenefchals and regifters, and faid three other perfons appointed members of faid divifional committees for faint Sepulchre's and Donore, may likewife, during their continuance as com- mittee-men, be commiffioners for carrying into execution the powers, by this and faid former adl vefted in commiffioners. XL. fed. 40. On the firft Thurfday in February next, and on every Th^^fA!'^''%^h'^ firft Thurfday every fucceeding February annually^ the proteftant pariftii- "^ ^'" ^ ■ oners of the feveral parifties, or parts of parifhes, comprized within faid barony of faint Sepulchre's, (hall meet in the veftry room of the church of faint Kevan, or fome other ufual place for tranfading the publick bufinefs of that part of the parifti of faint Peter in faint Sepulchre's, the ufual no- on ufual notice, tice being firft given by the minifter or curate, and fhall eleft, by ballot, toeleft lobyballot ^^^ perfons j four of whom ftiall, at time of eledion, be refident in that ^ ' part Said commitee-men ComrnilGoners. Annual veftry for part of the ward of faint Kevan, within the Line, and is comprized in faid barony of faint Sepnlchres's ; and four refident in that part of the refident it! i^e re- ward of New-ftreet comprized in faid barony ; and two refident in the Tpeflive wards; Poddle ward in faid barony; which ten perfons, together with the fencf- '° "^^ V""^ "''''"^',* * chal and Regifter of faid hberty of faint Sepulchre's, and the three grand ^j^|[|'Jj'j^yj,°' jury men, or perfons eleded as aforefaid in their room, lliall conftitute a committee for better carrying this and faid former adt into execution within the fixth divifion or divifion of faint Sepulchre's, and fhall be armed v. ith like powers i with all the fame powers, fworn, and be in every refpeft exa(5\ly on the fame fame footing, as any of the divilional committees appointed by faid former acl, or adting under the powers therein or herein given ; and the veftry for Donorc: proteftant parifliioners of the feveral parithes, or parts of parilTies, com- prized within the barony of Donore, fhall meet in the vefbry-room of the •j'lurch of faint Lvi'ice, or fome ufual place for tranfadVing the publick bufinefs of faid parifli, the ufual notice being firfl giveri by the miniffex or curate ; and fhall eledt, by ballot, eight perfons, fix of whom fhall be refident at to eleft 8 by ballot time of eledlion in the parifli of faint Luke in faid barony ; and two refi- ^^^" lelident, dent in that part of the parilTi of faid Catherine, comprehended within the barony of Donore ; which eight perfona, together with the fenefchal and to be w^th others a regifler of the liberties of Thomas-cOiut and Donore, and the three grand committee for 7th jury men, or perfons tleded as aforefaid in their room, fhall conflitute a*^'^'""" ' committee for better carrying this and faid former aft into execution within the feventh divifion, or divifion of Donore ; and fhall be armed with al! the fame powers, fworn, and be in every refpedl exadlly on fame footing as any of the divifional committees by faid former adt, or adting under powers therein or herein given ; and the five, who out of perfons appointed tlie ? cnmm'tree- committee-men for faint Sepulchre's, are to be commiffioners, and the men coiiiniiiiioners five, who out of perfons appointed committee-men for Donore, are to be ^^5',' !'=''"■>'• •'""^^ commilfioners, fhall likewife be armed with all fame pov/ers, and be in^^"" '"' E''^^^'/- every refpedt on fame footing as the commiifioners by faid former ad\. XLI. fe^. 41. As to all pavements adjoining or belonging to all llables. Pavement to AaMes coach-houfes, or other out-ofhces within the limits of this ad\, in cafe of ""^ "^'tes repaint*) defect or want of reparation, the ov/ner or occupier of fuch flables, coach- ""V °*°f ' f"" "'^f"" houfes, ware houfes, or other out-offices, fhall, within fix d^ys after notice |'J'J.',•"e^^^,' 2^^o^|^[,t. given, or left in writing at the dwelling-houfe, or lafl place of abode, t;e men'; by or by order of two of the committee adling under this or the former act, well and fufficiently, and in fuch manner as fhall by faid commilfion- ers be directed, repair and amend all fuch defedts and wants of repara- * tion ; and in default of fo doing faid commilfioners, or any five, may in default by y ccm- caufe the fame to be amended and repaired ; and in cafe the colls and ex- mnTioi.tii; pences fhall not be paid to, or to order of faid commifiioncrs, or any *'='"^"'''f ":'^ P^"^'" three, within fix days after demand, faid commiflioners, or -any three, ^ottri'i^T^n-r. uo'j may caufe the fame to be levied by diftrefs and fale of goods and chattels jufiitelvvajiati.i. of fuch occupier or owner, by warrant under hands and feals of twojuf- • tices of the city or county of city of Dublin ; which warrant faid juftices are authorized and required upon complaint of faid commiliiioners, or any three, to iiTue accordingly. XLII. fe^. 42. Norhing in this adt fhall take away from, or deprive any AAion or tight to perfon of any right of adtion, or to recover damages fuftained by fuch damages aui taken perfbn, by any adt pretended to be done under faid former adt, for which ^*''y* any adticn hath adtually been commenced and proceeded upon. XLIII. feJ?. Dublin* Blinders, pliyiki- XLII. JeEl. \o^. Barriflers at law, phyficians, praftifing attornies at law, ans, attornies, lut- ^nd fuiceons, following their bufinefs as f\ich, fhall be exempt from fVommarket jurv- by Serving upon the market-jury, and not be liable to be returned by the 13 & 14 G. 3. c 11. fherifFs of the city for that purpofe. '• 'J- . XLIV. JclI. 44. Whereas it may be very dangerous and inconvenient, Sr-dano with ftres ^^^^^ fedan chairmen fhould not be permitted to pafs upon the broad or toot paths. fl'^gg'?^ foot-paths on the fides of ftreets of faid city ; fedan chairs, and the chairmen carrying the fame with fares, may lawfttlly pafs and re- pafs upon fuch foot-paths without interruption, or being liable to any pe- nalty or forfeiture. ComniiiTionersad- XLV. JeB. 45. The following perfons added to the com-raiHioners tied ; named in the faid acft, and have like powers they are invefted with, vix. the honourable Richard Annefley, Hercules Langford Rowley, William Brabazon Ponfonby, James Ormfbie, Dixie Coddington, Robert Lindfay, Clotworthy Rowley, Nicholas , Tench, Jofhua Cooper, William Gore, and Richard Underwood, James Dennis, John Scott, James Shiel, Attiwell "W^ood, and Jofeph Hoare, Cornelius Grogan, William Burton, Charles Domville, and the fenefchal and deputy for liberty of faint Patrick, Dub- apubiickaft. 'in ; find this aA fhall be deemed a publick aft, and judicially taken no- tice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons, without fpecially pleading the fame. 2Dutie0» Additional duties I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 3. JeB. I. After the 25th of December, from 25 Dec. 1 77 J, 1775, until the 25th of December, 1777 inclufive, there fhall be raifed, to 25 Dec. 1777 J levied, colleded, and paid the feveral rates and additional duties herein IS per I OQ on flour, f. ' . ' f,. . , , r n w 1 11 -1 meal, bread, and ^iter mentioned, an additional duty of one fhilling per hundred weight Liiciiit imported, upon all flour, meal, bread, and bifcuit, except of the produce and ma- except Britini ; nufadure of Great Britain, imported ; an additional duty of two fhillings 2S. per barrel on barrel upon all wheat, except of the produce of Great Britain, imported, wheat (except Bn- ^ , ^ . '^ . , ,. • r 1 1 1 l i- • j tiih) unlersthemid-'Unlefs the middle price of wheat, at the port where the lame imported, dieprice where im- fhall exceed the the price of twenty-three lliillings Englifh -per barrel at ported above 25s. the time of fuch importation •, the faid price to be afcertained as direded per barrel, as by j^y ^^ ^^ twenty-ninth of George the fecond, intituled, an a£l for the fur- ther eiuouragement of tillage. II. fe£l. 2. All additional duties, rates, and impofions hereby granted, raited as by >4&i5(}5all be raifed, anfwered, colleded, and paid during the time aforefaid, at excifelaw'-**' " ^^"^^ ^''^^' '" ^^ ^^^^ manner, and by fuch ways, means, and metliods, and under fuch penalties, and forfeitures, and with fuch powers, as appointed, direfted, and expreffed, for the raifing, colledting, and paying the duties therein mentioned, in and by an aft fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the excife or new itnpojl, according to the book of rates., or by any other law now in force relating to the revenue of excife in this kingdom, as fully and effeftually to all intents and purpofes, as if parti- with like appeal. cularly mentioned, exprefled, and enafted "again in this aft, with like ref medy. of appeal to and for the. party grieved, as by faid aft, or anj other ;,., . ._ ., law or laws now in being relating tp duties of excife is provided. ; No fees to ofJicers. III. feCt. v,. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, fhall be payable to, nor be dedufted or received by, vice-treafurers, receiver or ;.; paymafter paymafter general, clerk of the pells, or any other officers of this kingdom, for or on account of the iffuing or payment of any money arifing by, or which fhall be received for or on account of, the aids hereby granted, or of Any payment in purfuance of this a£t. III. Stat. 15 St 16 Geo. 3. cap. 8. /eSt. i. Whereas twelve thoufand effcc- ,2oco men necef- rive men, commiffion and non-commidioned officers included, are necelTary fary ; 5046 men, to be maintained within this kingdom for its defence; three thoufand ^'^^ ^^'^"j" '"^^^J^jq']; forty-fix men, commiffion and non-commiflion officers included, raifed """^^^^ condnued t purfuance of an aft in the feffion of 1769, continued for two years years to 3 1 Dec. from the firft of January 1776, to the thirty-firft of December, 1777, in- 1777. clufive, fo as that the forces on the eftablifhment in this kingdom may Jj^o^"^ °^ eftablift- amount to fifteen thoufand and forty-fix efFe ^^' ^^-^ not above proof, imported, eiglit pence, and fo proportionably; for every S^'^'Jg .;^;^^ ^^^^^ gallon of foreign fpirits (above the quality of fingle fpirits) imported, an nngle in proportion additional duty fhall be paid for fuch fpirits, and fhall be charged thereon to duties for fingle ; in proportion to the duties payable for fingle fpirits of fame denomination, according to the comparative degree of ftrength fuch fpirits fo imported fhall bear to fingle fpirits of the fame denomination ; every pound weight coffee, chocoIsM, of coffee, chocolate, and cocoa nuts imported, threepence; a tax of one cocoa, 3 p. per lb. (hWWng per barrel upon all herrings imported (except Britifh) an a dd i- |^^".'"S'. <=""?£ tional duty of twenty ihillings flerling on every hundred weight of mo- ^J"' ' ' P^ laffes ; twenty fhillings on every hundred of treacle ; additional fix pence mol'afles, treacle, per yard all foreign fluffs, called rornals, and all manufaftures of cotton, 20s. pa C. D from Romalls. 5°''°"'> or of cotton and linen mixed, plain, painted or ftained, imported from any except Brit.m, d. p^^^^. bgyopj f^^^ (except manufafture of Great Britain) ; additional fix law hides exported, pence per hide every raw and untanned hide exported to parts beyond feas except to Great Bri- (except to Great Britain); additional one fhilling every rheam of writing or tain, 6d. printing paper imported (except the manufadlure of Great Britain); addi- cept^BrhfilT^s. per ^'°"^' ^^^ P'^^^^ P''''. y^"^' °^^r and above the prefent duties, on all damalk riiesm; ' towelling Or napkins made of flax or hemp imported from foreign parts,, towelling, fave from or from any other place than Great Britain, during the time aforefaid, at Great liritain, yard- or undcr a yard wide ; and of one (hilling per yard on all fuch goods r^ To" afters IS ^™™ ^'^ ^° ^'S^^ quarters wide, and two (hillings per yard from eleven to from I. 'to 12, 2s. twelve quarters wide. a yard. _ V. Jen. 3. The fix pence per pound, and all other fees payable to Fees accounted for vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver general, upon ilVuing or payment of sj additional aid. ^ny fyf^^g ^hich may arife out of the aids herein before particularly men- tioned, fliall ■ bs received by faid vice-treafurers, ■ receiver, or paymafter- general, for the ufe of his majelly, his heirs and fuccelTors, during the time aforefaid, and duly accounted for to his m^jefty, his heirs and fuc- ceflors, as a further additional aid hereby given and granted for further fiipport of his majefty's government. Further additional VI. fe^. 4. The feveral further additional rates, duties, and impofirions *^""^^ ' after mentioned, fliall be granted, raifed, levied and paid to his majefty^ his heirs and fuecclTors, from the 25th of December, 1775, to the 25th. of December, 1777, inclufively ; a further additional duty of four pounds French wme thirteen fliillings and four pence per ton upon all French v/ines j of fix. \'o\t~6i '*' ^ ° ' pounds per ton all wines of the growth of Portugal ; and of four pounds oiher wines, except eleven fhlllings />d'/- ton all Rhenifh, and all other wines (except Spanifh) Spanifli. 4I lis. imported, over and above all other duties now payable, and fo proportion- above all other du- ai^jy . ^ further additional fix pence per gallon all brandy, geneva, and other S^i'rks imported 0^'1'ts imported from the 25th of December, 1775, to the 25th of December, taveof the luw '777 inclufively, (except fpiiits of the growth and produce of his majefty's colonies, 6d. a gal- fugar colonies in America) over and above all other duties now payable ; 'o°' . a further additional ten fhillings upon every coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, 4 wheel carjiages ^^ chaife with four wheels, v/hich any perfon fliall keep in pofTelllon, being 203. if above one; ^^^ more than one; and of twenty fhillings for every coach, chariot, ber- lin, calafli or chaife with four wheels any perfon fhall keep exceeding that hackney, (la»es, and number, except hackncy and ftage-coaches, and coaches kept by coach- tor faie. excepted ; makers for falc ; alfo an additional ten fhillings on all chaiies with two to 25 Deo.' 1--6. ' wheels, which any perfon fliall keep in poHelTion (except hackney chaifes kept by makers for fale) from the 25th of December, 1775, to the 25th of December, 1776 inclufively, over and above all other duties now pay- awheel carriages able ; a further additional ten iTiillings every coach, chariot, berlin, calafli, *°*- or chaife with four wheels, which any perfon fhall keep, being not more 203. if above one; ^.han one, and of twenty fhillings every coach, chariot, berlin, calafl;, or chaife with four wheels, which any perfon fhall keep exceeding that num- ter (except hackney and ftage coaches, and coaches and other fuch car- riages with four wheels as aforefaid, kept by coach-makers for fale) and a wheel chaife; tos. a!fo an additional ten (hillings on all chaifes v/ith two wheels, which any 10 25 Dec. 1777. perfon ihall keep (except hackney, and chaifes kept by makers for fale) over and above all other duties now payable from the 25th of December, 1776, to- the 25th of December^ 1777 inclufively. VII. fe^. VII. fen. 5. The feveral furtlier additional rates, duties, and impofitions Further «dditionaf herein after mentioned, fhail be granted, raifed, levied, and paid from the duties. 25th of December, 1775, to the 25th of December, 1777 inclufively, fur- s°,*l J,';e,'or' thcr additional four pence />fr gallon upon all aqua vitte., ftrong waters, or fpi,i;s jiinlied for fpirits made or diftilled within this kingdom for fale, to be paid by the I'ale, 4v4. per gallon j tirft maker or diftiller ; further additional four pence ^<'r gallon all rum or rum or fpii its from other fpirits of the growth and produce of his majefty's fugar colonies in the cobnies, ^i. America, imported from the 25th of December, 1775, to the 25th of De- cember, 1777 inclufively ; further additional fix pence />£T gallon all brandy, brandy or fpiiitsiin- geneva, or other fpirits imported from 25th of December, 1755, to 25th ported (coloniescx- of December, 1777 inclufively (except fpirits of the growth and produce c*"?'^ ) ^<* *S^'" of his majefty's fugar colonies in America. VWl.fen. 6. For better coUefting faid duty chargeable on every perfon who fhall keep any carriages with four wheels or two wheels (except as before excepted) every perfon, who from the 25th of December, 1775, Ihall have or keep any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, Carriages certified in or chaife with two wheels, fhall within three calendar months after 25th of 3 monOis to exciie December, 1775, or after he or fhe fhall have or keep any fuch, by wri- colieflor, and place ting under his or her hand certify to the colleftor of excife in fome one^^ tefideacet of the diftrids, where he or fhe fliall refide or dwell, within the time afore- faid, a true account of every fuch coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, and chaife with four wheels, and chaife with two wheels (except hackney or ftage- coaches, and coaches kept by coach-makers for fale) and (except hackney chaifes and chaifes with tv/o wheels, kept by makers for fale) with the name of the place and parifh of refidence or abode at the time of giving fuch certificate ; which certificate fhall hz kept by the refpeAive colledtors^g„;gj.3fgj j^ j^j^^j of the feveral diftridts, and alfo entered or regiftered in an alphabetical regiftered; ■book to be by them refpedively kept for that purpofe, and a copy of fuch copies if requited' entry, figned by fuch colledor or his clerk, fliall be delivered, if required, ""'''°"' f" ; without any fee or reward, to the perfon delivering fuch certificate ; and numbered » a number Ihall be entered on each certifice fo regiftered ; and faid collec- tors fhall, under their hands, on or before the 25th of December every •year, give a true lift of all coaches, chariots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes yearly lifts to collec- with four wheels, and all chaifes with two wheels, from time to time re- tors of duties t turned to them refpedtively in fuch certificates, with the names of the per- fons and places of abode, mentioned in fuch certificates, to the perfons appointed by commtffioners of excife, or any three, to colleft and receive faid duties ; and fuch perfons as fhall be appointed by the faid commif- fioners of excife, or any three, to colledl and receive faid duties on coaches, chaviots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes with four wheels, and chaifes with two wheels, fhail have full power and authority to levy, colled, and re- levied as hc»rth- ceive the fame within the diftrid, where the certificate entered, in fame money, manner as revenue from fire-hearths is now by law levied, colleded, and received; and fhall refpedively fign and deliver acquittances, without fee acquittances without or reward, and keep duplicates thereof in a book for that purpofe,'"'. , , ■ r ■ ji r.Lj.rc duplicates kept and in fame manner as acquittances are given and kept lor the duty or nre- ^.^.^1.^^^^^ . '^ hearths, and fhall refpeclively return the book containing the duplicates of fuch acquittances to fuch perfons, and at fame time, to be difpofed of in fame manner, as books containing duplicates of acquitt.TUces for faid duty on fire-hearths are returned ; the duties aforefaid ftiall be paid in the re- D 2 fpedive payment where re- Tpeftive diftrifts, wherein faid carriages entered or regillered refpeftivcly, giiiered. • ^^d in no Other. IX. fen. 7. If any perfons fhall have or keep any coach, chariot, ber- hn, calalh, or chaife with four wheels, or chaife with two wheels, charge- Not certifying, g^^jjg ^-JjI^ i^^jj refpetlive duties by this aft, not certified as aforefaid, every penat/ao. ^^^ perfon fiiall fcr fuch neglecl forfeit twenty pounds, to be fued for, recovered, levied, and applied in fuch manner and form, and by fuch ways and methods, as prefcribed and appointed for forfeitures and penalties by as by 14 & 15 c. 2. an ad fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettlmz the ex- cije or new impoji. PolHrffor charged as X. JeH. 8. Provided every perfon, (except as before) having in keep- °''^""- ing or poffefTion any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaile with four or two wheels, belonging to another, fhall be charged for every fuch, with faid duty, as the owner or proprietor is or ought to bs charged by this ad. Duties levied paid XI. feil. 9. The perfons authorized and im powered to colled and levy to coiieaors of Dif- faid duty on coaches, chariots, berlins, calafhes, and chaifes- with four '" ' wheels, and chaifes with two wheels, fhall pay the fame to colledors of the feveral diftrids, where faid duties fhall be colleded and raifed, and feparate accounts ; ^^^jj colledors (hall keep feparate and diftind accounts thereof, and pay pai in o rea.ury. ^^^^ {^ms into tteafury, as other money received by them for ufe of his majefty. 4 wheeled carriages XII. feH. lo. Nothing in this ad fhall extend to charge any perfon, who certi(iec),not charged fhall keep and certify to faid colledor of excife in manner above men- vvi-h duty on 2 tioned any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, nr chaife with four wheels, with ' faid additional duty of ten fhillings, chargeable upon chaifes with two nor cabriolet or wheels, nor to charge any cabriolet or garden-chair, or to oblige fuch per- gafden-chuir. fon to make any entry of any fuch chaifes with two wheels, or of fuch cabriolet or garden-chair. Said duties above all XUL/e^. II. AH additional and further additional duties, rates, and other, by 1 4 & 1 5 impofitions hereby granted, fhall be raifed, anfwered, levied, co'.ieded, c. 2. c. 8 & 9. 2j^j paid., over and above all other duties by an ad fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the excife or new impoJl, or by one other ad fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the fulfidy of poundage, and granting a fubfidy of tonnage, and other fums. Fees accounted fqr. XIV. /^/7. 12. The fix pence per pound, and all other fees payable to vice-treafurers, receiver, or paymafler-general, clerk of the pells, or any other officers, upon iffuing or payment of any money out of the aforefaid duties hereby grafted, and herein after particularly mentiorusd, that is, 'the aforefaid duty of four pounds thirteen fhillings and four pence per ton upon, all French wines ; of fix pounds per ton for all wines of growth of Portugal ; four pounds eleven fhillings per ton, for all Rhenilh, and all other wines, except Spanifh ; the fix pence per gallon, on all brandy, ge- neva, and all other fpirits, except of the growth and produo; of fugar colonies in America -, the aforefaid d.uties on coaches, chariots, berlins, ca- laflies, or chaifes v/ith four or two wheels; the aforefaid further additi- onal duty of four per gallon on all aqua vita, flro^g waters, or fpirits made v/iihin this kingdom for fale ; four penee per gallon on all rum or other fpirits of growth and produce of fugar colonies in America ; of fix pence per gallon on all brandy, geneva, or other fpirits, ex- cept of growtii and produce of fugar-colcnies in America, fhall be re- (jeived by vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafter-general, for ufe of his majefty, majefty, bis heirs and ruccelFors, during the time aforefaid, and dirly ac- counted for. XV. fe^. 13. If faid wines or other goods and merchandizes, upon which Drawback on ex- faid additional and further additional duties are charged upon importation, P°" by ("bjea* (hall, afterpayment, or fecnrity given, be again exported by any merchant '"2_^'|,',^jr,[^sfon(.'"pfc fubjed or fubjedls of this realm, or any other of his majefly's dominions, tineas of tequi- within twenty-four, or by merchant ftrangers within twelve, calendar Cites > months after importation, and due proof firft made by certificate from the proper officer of due entry and payment of faid additional and further ad- ditional duties, or fecurity being given, and that all other requifites have been performed, by law required in thofe cafes, where duties of excife are to be repaid by the before mentioned a.&i,for/enling the excife or new impoft; the faid additional and further additional duties hereby impofed lliall, without any delay or reward, if paid, be repaid or allowed unto fuch mer- chant fo exporting, within one month after demand ; or, if not paid, the 'ft a month after fecurity for faid additional and further additional duties fhall be vacated or"^'"*"''- difcharged, as to fo much as (o exported ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. XVI. Jen. 14. The additional rates and duties hereby granted and im- Duties on coffee, pofed on coffee, chocolate, and cocoa nuts, and all monies arifing thereby, chocolate, and co- fhall be paid to the truflees for hempen and flaxen manufadures, to be ^°^' '« hemp and applied to encourage and fupport faid manufaftures, and trade thereof in ' * this kingdom; and faid additional duties on raw and untanned hides, and on raw hides to all money arifmg thereby, (hall be paid to faid truflees, to be applied to- f^'C^g flax-feed. wards encouraging the raifing flax-feed in this kingdom. XVII. /ff of aforefaid additional duties and aids, granted to the perfons and for the '^"* **"'•*'• purpofes herein after mentioned ; four ihouliind pounds to the fpeaker, to enable him to maintain the flate and dignity of his office ; iv/o thoufand pounds per annnm, for two years, from 25th of December, 1775, to 25th of December, 1777 inclufively, to the truftees for flaxen and hempen raa- manufaclurcf. duties* nufkifltiir s, to encourage the ■ raifing fiifficient quantities of ' hemp and flax in this kingdom ; alfo further two thoufand pounds per annum for two years, from 25th of December, 1775, to rz5t4i of 'December, 1777, inclu- fively, to faid truflees for hempen and flaxen manufaftures, for encou- ragement of faid manufadures in Leinfler, Munfter, and Connaught ; and faid fums fo granted to faid truflees, be freed and difcharged from pay- ment of fix pence /)fr pound, and all other fees payable to vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafter general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer ; five hundred pounds to Agmondifham Vefey, accomptant-general, as a reward for his expence and trouble in preparing and ftating the publick accounts, laid before the houfe of commons this feflion ; three hundred pounds to Henry Gore, for his expence and trouble in preparing and making out ac- count of imports and exports for two years, ended 25th of March, 1775, purfuant to order of the houfe of commons ; five hundred pounds to Ed- ward Sterling and Henry Alcock, clerks of the houfe of commons, for their attendance and fervice this feflion ; three hundred pounds to Benjamfn ^Higgins, clerk -afliftant, for his attendance and fervice this feflion ; one thoufand pounds to Dixie Coddingdon, ferjeant at arms, for his attendance and fervice this feflion ; three hundred and fifty pounds to George Melvin and George Frederick Winfl:anley, clerks attending the committee of ac- counts, and other committees, for their attendance and fervice this feflion, to be equally divided between them ; one hundred and twelve pounds to Abraham Bradley, for printing the publick accounts laid before the houfe of commons this feflion ; fifty pounds to Hulton Bradley, for his trouble and attendance in delivering the votes to the members of the houfe this feflion ; one hundred pounds to James Mc Cowen and George Harper, door- keepers to the houfe, for their attendance and fervice this feflion, to be equally divided between them ; two hundred pounds to the fpeaker, to be by him divided amongfl; the back-door keepers and meflengers attend- ing the houfe of commons (being thirteen in number) in fuch manner as he fhall direft ; fifty pounds to George Frederick Winfl:anley, for extra- ordinary trouble during his attendance on committee of accounts ; two iiundred pounds to John Wetherall, aflifl:ant-examinator of cufl:oms, for extraordinary trouble in making up the accounts by him laid before the houfe, and in attending this feflion ; three hundred and eighty-feven pounds one fhilling and eleven pence three farthings to Elizabeth Coogan, in con- fideration of her lofles by pulling down her houfe near the old bridge, to widen the paflage from the Inns to Arran-quay ; nine hundred and fifty- five pounds ten .fliillings to Abraham Bradley, printer, the cofl: of fifteen fets of the journals of the houfe of commons, in thirteen volumes, with the appendix and index, delivered to fifteen members who had not before receivey them, and for printing and binding five hundred copies of the fixteenth volume of the journals, purfuant to orders of the houfe; three hundred pounds to William Horton, examinator of corn premiums, on ac- count of the great increafe of his trouble in examining and keeping ac- counts of faid premiums, and for his expence in payment of clerks in two years, ending at Lady-day, 1775 -, one hundred pounds to Henry Smyth, deputy paymafl.er of corn premiums, for his extraordinary trouble and expence in preparing accounts laid before the houfe for two years, ended Midfummer 1775 ; twelve thoufand five hundred pounds to the Incorporated Society, towards fupporting the protefl:ant charter fchools j * one one- thoiifand five hundred pounds to the lord mayor, fherrffs, commons, and citizens of Dublin, towards paying off the debts by them contra jefty's printer, for feventeen fets of Statutes, delivered to members who had not before received them ; one thoufand pounds to truftees of Cork, harbour, towards improvement of the fame, to be accounted for to parlia- ment ; ten thoufand pounds to governors of the foundling hofpital and work -houfe, to difcharge debts contraded for u/e of that charity ; three thoufand four hundred pounds to Benjamin Houghton, for his great fervi- ces to the publick, and as a retribution for his lofs in having, in a great meafure, relinquifhed a very beneficial trade ; one thoufand pounds to the company of undertakers of the grand canal, towards difcharging the debt incurred in faid work, before the fame was transferred to, faid company ; three thoufand feven hundred pounds to the lord chancellor and chief judges for finifhing the Four-court marfhalfea ; one thoufand pounds to Daniel De Lacherois, Ponfonby Boyd, and Robert Kyle, for repairing the pier arxi- improving the harbour of Donaghadee, to be accounted for to parliament; one thoufand two hundred pounds to Roger Palmer, in confideration of extraordinary attendance, care, and expence in the office of paymafler of corn premiums during two years, ended Michaelmas 1775 ; five hundred- pounds to Hampden Evans of Portrane, and Jofhua Davis of Dublin, to- wards ereding a pier at Portrane, to the northward of Howth, in county of Dublin, to be accounted for to parliament ; three liundred pounds to John Dempfey, to enable him to carry on the pier begun by him at Lough- fhinny in county of Dublin ; three hundred pounds to Barnaby Scott, to indemnify him in lofles fuflained by deftrudion of a quantity of blankets by a riotous mob, which blankets where defigned for ufe of troops going abroad ; one hundred pounds to Margaret Kirby, deputy houfe-keeper of the houfe of commons, for her long and faithful fervices ; two hundred pounds to Thomas Johnfton, towards repairing loffes fuftained in endea- vouring to improve the breed of the cattle of this country ; and five hun- dred pounds to Edward Stirling, for his pains, care, and cofl in making indexes to the appendix, and to the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fif- teenth, and fixteemh volumes of the printed Journals of the houfe, and preparing copies of faid journals for the prefs, confifting of the proceed- ings of the feffions 1765, 1767, 1769, 1771-2, and 1773-4, and fuperin- tending the whole work : all which faid feveral fums are to be paid by vice-treafurers or receivers-genera!^ without any farther or other warrant. XX. yVv/. ?uffls forltfmp and flax applied to no other puipofe. XX. feEt. 1 8. After 25th December, 1775, tfie feveral firms granted by this adl, or any other att now in force, and appropriated to encourage raifing fufficient quantities of flax and hemp, and for encouragement of hempen and flaxen manufaftures in Leinfter, Munfter, and Connaught, fliall be appHed to fuch purpofes only, and no other ; and a feparate and diftindl account fhall be kept by the proper officer of the application thereof, and be laid before parliament. XXI. JeEl. 19. The tax of one fhilling ^^r barrel upon all herrings im- northweft fiftieries. ported, be paid to the Dublin Society, to be applied to encouragement of the filheries in the north-wefl: parts of thi's kingdom. Drawback on export XXII. fe£l. 20. Provided in cafe any herrings fo imported fhall t»e exported of" herrings in 9 within nine calendar months after fuch importation, the duties, hereby im- pofed and paid on importation, fhall be repaid to and drawn back by the exporters. Tax on herrings to Rsonths. "Recital. Doubts on the »6l XXIII. Stat. 15 & i^Geo. 3. cap. iO. Whereas doutts have arifen, this leffion; c. 8. whether the preamble of the adt for granting additional duty on feveral com- modities., was intended to render ineffedual the addrefles of both houfes in tlie prefent feflion, relative to fending four thoufand men out of this king- Preamble thereof not dom -, nothing in faid preamble fhall be conflrued to render ineffedua! te render ineffeftual faid addreffes, fo far as they relate to the four thoufand men to be fent out addrefles as to lend- of t^js kingdom, ing out 4000 men. 1. Stat. 15 & vS Geo. 3. c. 19. feB. \. Whereas the fifheries by fub- jefts of his majefly's dominions in Europe have been found the beft nur- feries for able and experienced feamen, ahvay ready to man the royal navy when occafions require, and it is of the higheft national importance to give all due encouragement to faid fifheries, and fecure the annual re- turn of fifhermen, faiiors, and others employed : to promote thefe impor- tant purpofes, and with a view firfl to induce his majefty's fiibjed: to pro- ceed early to the banks of Newfoundland, and thereby profecute the fifhery to greateft advantage, after the firfl: of January, 1776, the refpedive . bounties after mentioned fliall be paid and allov/ed annually eleven years liflT oflS or foJ" a certain number of lliips or vefl'els employed in the Bririfli filhery on Irith fuKjeas, the banks of Newfoundland, under the limitations and reftriclions after of JO tons, ' mentioned \ fuch veflels as fhall appear by their regifter to be Bricilh built, and ly men, 3 4thr,jjji(^ Q^y^pj by hjs majefty's fubjcifls refiding in Great Britain or Ireland, beWes mader, lub- ^^^ ^^ burthen of fifty tons, or upwards, and navigated with no lefs than qualified 35 by 10 & fifteen men each, three fourths, belkies the mailer, his majefty's fiibjedts, ii Will. ?.fir;/. and in other refpeds qualified, and fubjed to the fame rules and reftric- clcaredtroman Iriflifiojjs^ ^s by ^n ad in Great Britain tenth and eleventh Wiliiam the third, port alter 1 Jan. ^^ encourage the trade to Ne-wfouudland, and fhall be fitted and cleared out from fome port in Ireland, after the ift of January, 1776, and after that day in each fucceeding year, and fhall proceed to the_ banks of Newfound- land, and having catched a cargo of fifh upon thofe banks, coniifting of no lefs than ten thoufand by tale, fliall land the fame at one of the ports on the fouth-eaftern fide of Newfoundland, between Cape Ray and Cape de Grat, on or before the fifteenth of July every year, and fliill make one Bounties 1 1 years from I Jan. 177'i, yearly, to NewfoiHidlar^ binks ,■ catching lOooo filli by tale ; landing between cspt Kav and De Grat, by 1 5 July, or or more trip at leaft to faid banks, and return with another cargo of filh mAlng a trip, and catched there to the fame port ; in which cafe the twenty-five of faid ^Xer wfc^"'' ""' (hips firft arriving at faid ifland of Newfoundland from the banks, with a the^fi.ii zj (hips in- cargo of fifh catched there, confifting of ten thoufand by tale, at leaft, and titled to 40I. each, after landing the fame at one of the ports within the limits before men- tioned in Newfoundland, fliall proceed again to faid banks, and return to faid ifland with another cargo of filh, fhall be intitled to forty pounds each j aad fifty veflels, which fhall fo arrive next in order of time, on or before tlie next jotoaol. the fifteenth of July each year at faid ifland, with a like cargo, and fhall each, proceed again to the faid banks, and return in manner before mentioned, fhall be intitled to twenty pounds each; and fifty other velTeis, which next 50 to lol. each, (hall fo arrive the next in time, on or before fifteenth of July in each year at faid ifland with like cargo, and proceed again to faid banks, and return in manner before mentioned, fhall be intitled to ten pounds each; upon on certificate to col- the mafter or owner of fuch veflels producing to colledor at the port in ieflor from New- Ireland, from whence fuch veflel cleared out, a certificate under hand and foun>s fubjeav and properly belonging to his majefty's faid fubjeds, without paying any ''^P°"^'' '"''"''' '^■' cuftom, fubfidy, or other duty for the fame j any lav,^ or ufage to the con- " "'^ trary notwithftanding. E Siat. Trawling between HI. Stat. 15& 16 Gt'o. 3. cap. 31. fe£l. I. If any perfon after the 25th of and of'Lamb-br'''^^'''^'^' '77^' ^^^^ ^'^ ^eftroy any fifli whatfoever in the broad of Lamb- penahy lol. with ^^Ji between the eafl point of the hill of Howth and the eaft point of the veflel, tackle, the ifland called Lamb-bay, by trawling, fuch perfon llial!, on due proof geer, &c. before any one or more juflices of the county, or county of the city of , Dublin, forfeit ten pounds, together with the boat or veflel employed in fuch trawl-fifhing, with all her tackle, fails and rigging thereunto belong- by diftrefs and fale ing, with fuch fifhing-trawls and geer made ufe of in fuch trawling ; faid to marine (ociety ten pounds to be levied by diftrefs and fale of the goods of the perfon fo and profecutor. offending, one moiety to ufe of the Marine Society, the other to fuch per- fons as (hall inform and profecute to convidion the perfon found guilty of trawling as aforefaid. Recital 3 G. 3. c. \- Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 4. /e^. 1. Whereas by an ad third of his 12. fee. 3, & 4. majeftiy, /or continuing the encouragement hy former aHs to the flaxen and hempen manufaHures -, it was enafted, That whoever fhould import or caufe to be imported, any good and found hemp-feed or flax-feed from any of the ports or places for that purpofe therein mentioned, within twenty-one years from the end of the then feflion, and from thence to the end of the then next fucceeding feffion, fhould receive for every fuch hogfhead of fuch hemp-feed or flax-feed, as a premium, five fhillings fterling, paid by fuch officers, and in fuch manner, as drawbacks are ufually paid ; and it was therein alfo provided, that during faid twenty-one years, and until the end of the then fucceeding feffion, every merchant, who fhould export any hemp- feed or flax-feed, fiiould, for every hogfhead thereof, pay five fhillings cuftom, unlefs oath made as therein diredled, that the fame was of the Recital of ij G. 3, growth of this kingdom : and whereas by a6t in Great Britain, in the fif- Biit. of further teenth year of his majefty, a further bounty of five fhillings per hoglliead hogfcLdVvearr ^^^ allowed during two years from the firft of January, 1776, and from fiom I Jan,' 1776, thence to the end of the then next feffion, for all flax-feed imported into fcc. on importing Ireland, payable by order of the commiffioners of cuftoms in England, and flax-leed, and certi- by the recciver-gencral of faid cuftoms, in manner therein direded, to im- ficateot payment of j.gj.g thej-gof Mvion producing: fuch certificate as therein required, that bounty in Ireland; ^, , *^, , ^ , , ° ■ j r^ • t i i 1 1 1 ■ . the bounty, granted by the above mentioned act in Ireland, had been paid intent to encourage and allowed for the fame : and whereas it is incumbent on his majefty's the linen manufac- fubjefts of this kingdom to prevent faid bounty from being perverted to t"'^r V t f d ^^y purpofe, other than for which it was beftowed, the promotion and en- during laid further couragement of the linen manufadure of this kingdom ; fo long as faid bounty, a further further bounty, granted by faid ad of the Britifh parliament, fhall conti- duty of 5s. and 6d. nue and remain payable, every merchant, who Ihall export any flax-feed cn'flSSex"or^''"'^ ^^^^ kingdom, fhall for every hogfliead thereof pay a further duty ed, bi fides the d°uty ^^ ^^^ fhillings and fix pence cuftom to the king, his heirs, and fuccef- by 3 G. 3. c. 12. fors, over and above the duty granted by faid ad of the third of his ma- ^- 4- jefty's reign, unlefs oath made before the commiffioners, fub-commif- uj)lef3oath oflrifh fioners, or officer of the port where fuch flax-feed ftiall be exported, that growth before the ^, ^ ' , , ^ ,-,.,. , ^ Officer. t"^ lame was of the growth of this kingdom. Foieign feed export- H. JeH. 2. Every perfon exporting or attempting to export any foreign fd without paying flax-feed, without paying faid duties of five Ihillings, and five fhilhngs duties, fcifeited, ^jj^ ^j^ pence, flaall forfeic all fuch flax-feed, and alfo twenty fhillings per . ^ ' " '"'""' ' hogfhead hogrtiead for all Aich flax-feed fo exported or attempted to be exported ; and 20s. per hog- one moiety of fuch flax-feed and of fuch penalty to go to his majeflry, l"s U^^^^'^^^j j^former heirs and fucceflbrs, the other to the perfon who (hall give information of the fame. III. fa7. 3. No perfon ftiall be entitled to receive the premium granted No premium unri(>r by faid ad third of his majefty, or to obtain any certificate that fuch j G. 3. c. 12. till bounty has been paid, until he "fhall make oath before the colledor of the «='''' bctore colleaor r, ■' . , '^1 /-iri- 1 n- 1 fwnere imported or cuftoms m the port, where fuch feeds imported, expreiimg the name ot (^^^^^^1'^^ ^.j^^^^^. the country and port from whence he believes the fame was imported, and found andgood; the that he verily believes the fame is found and good, and of the growth oflalKummer'sgrowth; the fuinmer then next preceding, and that the fame has been imported for "^Pof'^d tor lowing, the purpofe of being fowed, and is fitting for that purpofe, and has not °^ *" been imported for the ufe of any manufadurer of oil, or for the purpofe of being converted into oil, or of being exported out of this kingdom. IV. fen. 4. Provided any perfon, who fhall wilfully and corruptly Perjury lool. to make any falfe oath contrary to true intent and meaning of this ad, fhall proiecutor, for every fuch offence forfeit one hundred pounds, payable to and recovered by any perfon who fhall fue for the fame, and (hall be fubjed to all fuch penalties and punilhments, as perfons are fubjed to, convided of wilful and corrupt perjury. V. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 7. Whereas by an ad third year of Recital 3 G. 5, his prefent majefty, /^r continuing the encouragement hy former aBs to the flaxen^- ^^- •• 3- and hempen manufa£lures ; whoever fhould import or caufe to be imported any good and (bund hemp- feed or flax-feed from any port in Ruflia, Swe- den, Denmark, Poland, PrulTia, Germany, or on the Baltick fea, or within the Sound, or from Hamburgh or Altena, or any of the Englifh plantations in America, within twenty-one years from the end of the then feffion, and from thence to the end of the next fucceeding feifion, fhould" receive for every hogfhead of fuch hemp-feed or flax-feed, as a premium, five fhillings fterling, paid by fuch officers, and in fuch manner as draw- backs ufually paid : for the more effedual encouragement of importation a 55. ahog.Tiead boun- bounty of five fhillings fhall be paid for every hogfhead of good and found ty on feed imported hemp-feed or flax-feed of the growth of the United Provinces, or Auftriau ^fo™ United Provm- Netherlands, and imported from thence, to the perfons who (hall fo im-"^ orNetherUnds. port or caufe the fame to be fo imported ; and fuch bounty fhall continue continued to i May, to be paid from the firft of January next until the firll of May, 1778, "77?, fubjed however to the feveral claufes, regulations, and reftridions con- ^^ ^/3 G. 3. c. 12. taiaed in faid ad concerning the bounties therein given and provided. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 32. fe£l. 2. An ad the third of his prefent ^ g. 3. c. 2^ & majefty, and an ad the 25th of George the Second, for better prefervation 25 G. 2. c. '5. coit- cf the game., and every provifion in faid ads, continued to the 24th of June, """^'^ '024 June, 1783, and to the end of the then next feflion, with the following amend- '7^^' ^'^' ments. II. fen. z. Whereas many idle perfons take and deftroy game on Sundays, Deftroying, having, when the firft of Auguft or September happen to fall on a Sunday ; after feiiing or buying "' the 24th of June, 1776, every perfon, who (hall wilfully take, kill, or 5^°" '"^ between t ft E 2 deftroy, '^*'"''''>""J*'"*"^'>' ard 2d Monday in deftroy, Or hsvc in poffefTion, or fell or expofe to fale, buy, or daufe to ^"g"'^' be bought, any groufe between the firft Saturday in January and the fe- sllwdiyTn January "^^""^ Monday in Augult in any year, or any partridge or quail between and I ft Monday in the firft Saturday in January and the firft Monday in September in any September. year, ftiall be liable to fame -penalties, as inflicted by faid ads for prefer- liable to penalties in yation of game on any perfon convidted of offending. laid a£ls. ° Breaking gaol to ref- Stal. 15 & i6 Geo. 3. cap. zi. /efl. 19. Whereas gaols have of late cue themfelves or \3een frequently broke open, and prifoners fet at large : after pafling this others, tho not ca- ^^ perfons, who by force or violence break, open any gaol or prifon, with "' * ° "^ ' intention to refcue and enlarge themfelves, or any other prifoner therein confined on account of any offence, though not capital, and found felony, guilty thereof, fhall fuffer death as in cafes of felony, without be- ''"'V f I, ^^^^ °^ clergy, and fhall and may be tried before trial or attainder of the others. ' perfon fo enlarged ; any law or ftatute to the contrary in any wifenotwith- ftanding. I. Slat. 15 & 16 Geo. 5. cap. 17. feH. i. Whereas a doubt hath arifen, whether under the fevcral ads in force relative to exchange of glebe, and for other purpofes, a tenant for life of lands in pofleiTion is empowered and authorized to exchange fuch lands, or any part thereof, in like man- ner, and for fuch purpofes, as tenants in tail in poffelTion are enabled ; to remove faid doubt, and for better and more'fpeedy execution of the good Tenant for life in purpofes intended by faid ads, it fhall be lawful for every perfon, feized pofTefrionmaybydj.d ^f ^^ eftatc for life in pofleflion in any lands, by deed or deeds, under for m"r m m;nil« ^ '"^ or their hands and feals, to exchange fuch lands, or any part thereof, or fchool-maiter's as a glebe for the incumbent or minifter of any parifh, having adual cure of demeine, as tenant fouls, or for a demefne for a mafter of any free-fchool, in fuch manner, in tail, by 1 G. 2. j^^d to fuch effed, as perfons feized of an eftate tail in pofTeiTion are en- '^"r h^' 4 '"^""heraa ' ^^'^^ ^° S''^""^ '""'^^ ^''"'^^ ^^ ^ ^'*^^^ ^^^ incumbent of any pariOi having Z toice.^°"^ ^ adual cure of fouls, by an ad the firft of George the fecond, and under fuch reftridions as he or they might have done by an ad the fecond of queen Anne, or any other ad; now in force. Endowments of new U. /ef2. 2. Whereas there is room to doubt, whether endowments can glebe or demefne _ ^^ ^^^,^^1^ under the powers and ftatutes in force, where fuch church, chap- 7C'ct2X?lX P^K or perpetual curacv, or free-fchools, Or all, at the time of intended cur:)cv, or fchooi endowment, be pollefTed of ten acres of glebe m perpetuity ; for better poir.ffJdof iT>ore encouragement of the clergy to build glebe houfes, and refide within their than 10 and under parifhes, it fhall be lavvful for any ecclefiaftical or lay corporation, or body 20 acres fo as not corporate or politick, and for every perfon feized of an eftate in fee, for -IQ'n a • jj^^^ ^^ j^ ^^jj^ ^^ ^j^,^ j^^^g jj^ pofTeflion, without confent of the next heir, or next in remainder, under the feveral rules, limitations, and reftridions of the feveral ftatutes in force for that purpofe, to endow with new glebe and demefne any church, chappel, perpetual curacy, or free-fchool, though iat the time of .faid endowment in polTeirion of more than ten, and under twenty (Bltht twenty acres of glebe lands or demefne, to fiich church, chappel, perpe- tual curacy, or free-fchool of right belonging; provided fuch quantity of land fo granted, together with all other glebe before belonging, fhall not exceed forty acres plantation meafare. III. feSi. 3. Provided nothing in this aft fhall extend to alter or take Statut«s as fo ex- away from the force of the laws and ftatutes relative to exchange of glebe, change of glebes or endowments of churches with new glebes ; but the fame, and every ^"'^ endowments, m part thereof, fhall remain and be in full force, as if this ad never made, t°^gj' fave where they, or any of them, altered or amended by this aft. t^atbliecs atiCi peiDlat:^, I. Slat. 15 8c 16 Geo. 2. cap. 18. /e^. i. After the 25th of March, 1776, To pay 20s. ayear until the twenty-fifih of March, 1778, there fhall be paid by every haw- '» 25 March, ly;?, ker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other trading perfon going from town to town, or to other mens houfes, fairs, marts, or markets, and travelling either on foot, or with liorfe, horfes, or otherwife, (except as herein after mentioned) and carrying to fell, or expofmg to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes (except as herein after mentioned) a duty of twenty fhillings by the year; and every perfon fo travelling with any horfe, afs, mule, and 205. each beaft or any other beaft or beafts, bearing or drawing burthen, fiiall pay twenty fhillings by the year, from the 25th of March, 1776 to the 25thof March^ 1778, for each beaft bearing or drawing burthen, he or ftie fhall fo travel with, over and above the firft mentioned duty of twenty fhillings by the year ; which rates and duties fhall be collefted by fach perfons, and in fuch raifed as for ale- manner, ways and means, as the duty for licences to keep alehoufes is houfe licences, by raifed and collefted by an aft thirty-third George the fecond, /or ^f//£fr??G 2. c. 10. regulating the collenion of his majeftfs revenue., as fully, to all intents and 93 > purpofes, as if the provifions in faid aft for that piupofe were particularly mentioned and enafted again in this prefent aft. W. fefl. 2. Every pedlar, hawker, petty- chapman, and other trading Note of intended perfon fa travelling, fhall, before the 25th of March, 1776, and fo like- manner of travelling wife in every year, deliver, or caufe to be delivered, to the colleftor of ^'-"''/^'"^^ )'^*f'>' '<* excife where he or fhe fhall refide or dwell, a note in writing, under his " *^'^°' ' or her hand, or under hand of fome perfon by her or him authorized, how and in what manner he or fhe intends to travel and trade, wheiheF on foot, or with one or more horfes, alTes, mules, or other beafts bearing or draw- ing burthen ; and thereupon a licence or licences fhall be granted by fuch licence thereupon, colleftor for fo travelling and trading ; for which he or fhe (hall thereupo_n and payment of pay, or caufe to be paid for each licence, die yearly duty herein before di- ^"'y- refted. III. feB. 3. If any fuch hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other per- Trading contrary 51. fon, after the 25th of March, 1776, be found trading as aforefaid, with- out, or contrary to, or not warranted by fuch licence, fuch perfon Oiall, for each offence forfeit five pounds ; one moiety to the informer, the other to informer and the to the Incorporated Society for promoting Englifh proteflant fchools ; and Society, if any perfon fo trading, upon demaid by any revenue officer, juftice of peace, mayor, conftable, or other officer of the peace of any county, city, town corporate, or borough, where he or fhe fhall fo trade, fhall refufe Ref„angfo fhew li- to produce and (hew immediately his or her hcence for fo trading, the cence. 20s. to m- perlbn ^oriner, l^atbftetei ant) 1&eDlacsf» perfon fo refufing fhall forfeit twenty fhillings to the informer, and for or committed. non-payment fufFer as a common vagrant, and be committed to houfe of corredtion. Colleaors to grant IV. feEl. 4. It fhall be lawful to and for coUeAors of the feveral di- licence with the age, (^fi^s^ and they are refpedively required, upon the terms and receipt as a o e> »n « cnp- ^forgfaij^ [Q grant one or more licence or licences under their hands to every hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or any other trading perfon, for him or herfelf, with one or more horfes, affes, mules, or beafts, which they fhall travel with, as the cafe fhall require, according to the terms and di- redtions of this ad: -, and faid coUedlors are required to infert in fuch li - cences the ages, places of abode, and a particular defcription of the per- fons, to whom licences fhall be granted, and to number each licence, and keep particular entries of fuch defcrlptions and licences ; for each of which licences fhall be taken by fuch coUeftors for their own ufe one fhilling, and no more, except fuch hawker, pedlar, or petty-chapman, fhall travel with horfe, afs, or mule, or other beaft, bearing or drawing burthen, and in that cafe fhall be paid for each of fuch licences two fliillings, and no more, over and above the duties aforefaid ; and colledtors fhall keep fepa- rate and diftindt accounts of the duties hereby granted, and pay the money arifmg thereby into treafury, as other money received for ufe of his ma- jefty. V. fen. 5. Said colleAors accountable to his majefty for the du- ties hereby granted, and fubjecl to like penalties and forfeitures for not rendering a true account, and paying in manner before mentioned, as they are liable unto for not rendering a true account of any money received for ufe of his majelly. VI. fe£l. 6. The monies, arifing from faid duties, (hall from time to time b^ brought into the exchequer, and without any fee or deduftion whatfo- ever be paid by vice-treafurer or receiver-general to the Incorporated So- ciety for promoting Englifh proteftants fchools, or to their treafurer for ufe of faid Society. VII. Jen. 7. If any perfon forge or counterfeit, or caufe to be forged or to King and proiecu. counterfeited, any licence for purpofes aforefaid, or travel with fuch forged "'^' or counterfeited licence, knowing the fame, fuch Perfon (hall forfeit fifty pounds ; one moiety to the king, the other to him who (hall profecutc or fue by aftion of debt, bill, plaint, or information in any courts of record at the Four-courts in Dublin ; in which no efToign, protedlion, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed ; and fuch per(bn fhall be fub- jedt to fuch other pains and penalties, as may be inflided for forgery. VIII. JeB. 8. If any perfon fued, molefted, or troubled for putting in execution any of the powers in this ad, or for doing any thing purfuant thereto, fuch perfon fhall and may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence ; and if the plaintiff non-fuited, or judgment againft him upon demurrer or otherwife,or a verdid pafs for defendant, or a difmifs upon a civil bill, fuch defendant fhall have treble cofts ; recovered as by law cofls to defendants in other cafes. ConRible negleaing IX. fea. g. If any conftabic refufe or negled upon due Notice, or his 40s. to the Society own view, to be aiding and alTifting in execution of this ad, being there- and profecutor, ^,njQ required, being convided by oath of one or more credible witnefTes, before any juflice for the county or place where fuch offence committed, bydlftrefsandiaie. (hall forfeit every fuch offence forty fhillings j levied by diflrefs and fale ■ of numbered and en tercd ; fee IS. with a beaft 23. feparate accounts kept, paid into treafury. Accountable as for other money. Paid to the Society without dedu^ion. Forged licence 50I. ind penalties for forgery. General iffue. treble cofts on fuit, &c. t^albftets; ant) }^zt\ats. of goods, by warrant under hand and feal of fiich juftice ; one moiety to faid Society, the other moiety to the informer who Ihall proftcute, render- ing the overplus, if any, to owner of goods diflraintd. yi. fen. lo. It fhall be lawful for any perfon to feize and detain any Any onemay feize fuch hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other trading perfon, and alfo thet'" lit- nee pro- goods they fhall be found trading with, until they produce a licence, if^^^d; they have any ; and if found trading without licence contrary to this a(ft, it fhall be lawful for fuch perfon fo feizing, taking to afliflance fuch per- fons as he fhall think fit, to carry the perfon feized, as alio faid goods, before fome one of his majefty's juflices for the county or place, or before the coUedor for the diflrid: where fuch offence committed ; which juflices brought before a and colledlors are flridly required either upon confeflion, or due proof ofJ"*^"^^ °^ colleaor ; a witnefs upon oath, that the perfon had fo traded, unlefs fuch licence fhall be produced by fuch offender before faid juftice or colledor, by war- rant under hand and feal to caufe five pounds to be forthwith levied by penalty 5!. by di- diftrefs and fale of goods, wares, or merchandizes, rendering the overplus '^'''-^'s »"'* '»'«• if any, to the owner, af^ter deducing reafonable charges for taking faid diftrefs, and out of faid fale to pay the penalty and forfeiture, XI. fe£l. II. This ad fhall not extend to prohibit any perfon from fel- Exempted, primed ling any aft of parliament, form of prayer, proclamation, gazette, alma- papers, fift, fruit, nack, or other printed paper, or any fifh, fruit, or viftuals, nor to binder j^^'^"^|?^j_'^"' ™' any perfons the real workers or makers of any goods or wares within this kingdom, or their wives, or apprentices, from carrying abroad, expofing to fale, and felling any of faid goods or wares of their making, in any pub- lick fairs, markets, or elfewhere ; nor any tinker, cooper, glazier, plumber, harnefs-mender, or other perfons ufually trading in mending kettles, tubs, houfehold goods, or harnefs whatfoever, from going about fuch bufmefs only, or fromcarryir^ with them proper materials for mending the farne, and no other thing for fale. .' •x'Ay XII. Je£l. 12. This a£l fhall not extend to fubjett any perfon, wrjo fhall And raw wool, fii- carry raw and unmanufadured wool, or frizes, worfled or woollen flock- "'. worfted, or ings, from one part of the kingdom to another, or expofe the fame to ^''^"'■'" '^"'^^'"S*' fale in any fair, market, or other place, to any of the duties or penalties before mentioned ; fo as fuch perfon fhall not at fame time carry or expofe to fale any other wares, goods, or merchandizes. XIII. feB. 1 3. This ad fhall not prohibit or reflrain from felling, or ex- And flax, Stc. yarn, pofing to fale, in any place whatfoever, any flax, tow, hemp, flaxen '"i^"^' &c. yarn, hempen yarn, ticken, plain, flriped, chequered, painted or flained linens, buckrams or canvas, fo as fuch perfons fhall not at fame time carry or expofe to fale any other goods, v/ares, or merchandizes. XlV./f^. 14. This ad fhall not fiibjed any perfons, who carry any pots Iron or metal pots .or griddles of cafl iron or metal, from one part of the kingdom to an-°'' g'"*'|'"' -^"f^- .* other, or expofe the fame to fale in any fair, market, or other place, to horLs" ^' ' '* *" any greater duty than twenty fhillings by the year in the whole, although fuch perfons trade or travel with one or more horfes, or beafls drawing or bearing burthen ; fo as fuch perfons fhall not at fame time carry, or ex- pofe to fale, any other goods, wares, or merchandizes. XV. /e^. 15. It Ihail be lawful for the commilConers of revenue, or , commiffioners to any three or more, to order and dired to be paid out of the monies raifed order reafonable le- by this ad, to faid colledors, their clerks, or any other perfon, fuch funis, '^="<^^' as Not to licence, fave as before. Private conveying and felling in hired places, or on booths or flails without li- cence, leather- cutters and fellers, caft cloaths cryers, deemed within the aft. ft (^atbftetfii ant) |tieoiat:<3f» as they or any of them reafonably deferve for their fervice, or may have expended in execution of, or relation to this aft. XVi. fe^. 1 6. This aft fliall not be conftrued to give any power for licenfing any hawker, pedlar, or petty-chapman, to fell, or expofe to fale, any wares, or merchandizes in any city, borough, town-corporate, or market-town, any otherwife than he or fhe might have done before ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. XVII. /f^. 17. Whereas dealers, hawkers and pedlars, to evade duty on licences, do not openly travel from town to town, or to mens houfes, but privately cofivey and carry their goods, wares, and merchandizes, and fell, or expofe to fale, in fhops, rooms, warehoufes, or other places hired in cities, towns, and places where they are not ufually refident, and di- vers other perfons privately carry and convey to publick ftreets and pla- ces in cities, towns-corporate, and other places where they refide, but not adjoining or n5ar to their dwelling-houfes or apartments, and fell, and expofe to fale, upon booths, flails, or ftandings, without licence ; and fe- veral people, under denomination of leather-cutters or leather-fellers, hawk about parcels of leather in booths, ftalls, ftandings, or otherwife ; and alfo divers, under denomination of cryers of old caft cloaths, do alfo hawk about ftreets, and alfo expofe to fale, on ftands, ftalls, or otherwife, with- out licence : and a doubt has arifen, whether fudh perfons are to be deemed hawkers, pedlars, petty-chapmen, or trading perfons, within the meaning of former afts ; after the 25th of March, 1776, until the 25th of March, 1778, all and every the perfons aforefaid fliall pay fuch duty, and take out fuch licences as aforefaid ; and in cafe any perfon whatfoever fhall be found trading, felling, or expofing to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes (except as herein excepted) in any (hop, room, warehoufe, or other place in any cit)', borough, town-corpoarte,"*market-town, village, or other places wherein he, flie, or they have not been refident one calen- dar month previous, and fell, or expofe to fale, fuch gaods, wares, or merchandizes therein, or in any of them, without licence as aforefaid, fuch perfons refpeftively, and alfo all fuch as found trading, felling, or expofing to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes whatfoever (except as aforefaid) upon booths, ftalls, ftandings, or otherwife, in any publick ftreets, or places in any city, borough, town-corporate, market-town, village, or other place, fuch booths or places of fale not being adjacent or adjoining their dwelling-houfes, ftiops, warehoufes, or other apartments, and alfo all under denomination of leather-cutters or leather-fellers, who hawk about from town to town, and fell, or expofe to fale, in cities and towns-corporate, or in fairs, marts, or markets, or other places, large or fmall parcels of leather, in or upon booths, ftalls, ftandings, or otherwife ; and alfo all under denomination of cryers of old caft cloaths, who fliall hawk about the ftreets, lanes, or alleys of trties and towns-corporate, and other places, to purchafe or fell old caft cloaths of any kind, or fliall fell, or expofe to fale, any fuch goods on ftands, ftalls, or otherwife, without licence, all fuch perfons Ihall be deemed and taken hawkers, pedlars, or petty- chapmen, within the meaning of this aft, to all intents and pur- pofes, and liable to all penalties and forfeitures upon hawkers, pedlars, petty -chapmen, and others, travelling without licence ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding* XVail. ffSi. XVIII. f^. i8. ^ After the 25111 M^irch, 1776, untU the 25th of March, S^^^J^^^^J^^; ^-^J . 1778, every hawker, pedlar, and petty-chapman, for every perfon th.it ^^^^^ p^^j-^^^ ^^, fhall be employed or carry, whether fervanc or other perfon, in his or h?r p|o,,eH, company, or otherwife, any boxes, bundles, or parcels of goods, wares, and for e\ery bead, or merchandizes, on their backs, arms, or otherwife, feparate or diftinft, for the purpofe of felling and trading with the the fame, fhall take out and pay for as aforefaid a feparate and diftind foot licence for every fuch perfon ; and every hawker, pedlar, and petty-chapman, for every horfe, mule, afs, or beaft of burthen, he or (he fhall make ufe of or drive, whether in his or her own company, or otherwife, fhall take out and pay for a feparate and diftinft horfe licenle ; and fuch feparate and diftinft perfon, whether fervant or other perfon employed or carrying fuch boxes, bundles, or parcels, and fuch hawker, pedlar, or petty-chapman, that fhall not take out a horfe licence for every horfe, or beaft of burthen, he or flie fhall make ufe of, or drive, fliall be fubjed and liable to all penalties and for- feitures upon hawkers, pedlars, petty- chapmen, and others trading without licence ; it being the true intent and meaning, that for one foot licence no more goods, wares, or merchandizes fhall be hawked about for fale, than one perfon can well or reafonably bear, carry, or travel with, and for one horfe licence no more goods, wares, or merchandizes fhall be carried about as aforefaid, than one horfe, afs, mule, or other beaft can well or reafon- ably bear or carry or travel with ; any thing herein to the contrary not- withftanding. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 6. feB. r. Whereas by an a p^irtsot parts of faid road from Dundalk to Dunleer, between the road leading j'^^|^^"^'[j^^'f^^jj"i"^_ from faid turnpike road to the houfe formerly inhabited by James Mat- in^he letm. thews in Haggardftown, and the faid white houfe of Lurgan Green, and alfo a toU-houfe or toll-houfes, and there to demand, receive, and. take the tolls and duties, which 'laid truftees are impowered to take by faid Ad at the gate now ereded upon faid road, during the' term mentioned in faid ad. ■ ' F II. S^at. :J ,2b00§ 21. Rpcital 25 G. t. II Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cjp. 12. fefl. i. Whereas by an a&. 25th of ^ George the Cecond, for making the road from Athy to Leighltnhridge ., feveral to'ls and duties are charged, and one penn/for every carriage drawn but by one horfe : and faid tolls snd duties are infufficient to keep raid roads . in repair, and pay the intereft of the fums raifed on credit of faid ad ; tojli iufu35cif!it I in lieu of faid toll or duty of one penny, two pence be paid for every car 1 hor'ie'^e'x\Tpfvic!i°'' '^^"'^S^' (Irawn but by one horfe, mare, or gelding, paffing or repaf- turf. ' ' fi'ig on faid road, excepting cars and horfes loaded with turf, to the per- fons named in faid atl, or furvivors of them, or any five or more, or to fueh perfons as they or furvivor, or any five or more, fhall authorize or appoint, to and for the ufes and purpofes in faid ad fet forth ; the faid toll or duty to be paid and recoverable in fuch manner and form, as the other tolls and duties are paid and recoverable by faid acft. 25 G. 2 r. iq. not HI. feci, 2. All tolls and duties in (aid ad, and all and every the claufes oiheiwifc alierid. ^^^ matteis therein, not altered or amended by this, fliall be in full force ; it not being intended by this ad to alter or amend the fame but in the particular aforefaii Recital 9 G. 2. c. 23. IV. Stai. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 13. fen. i. WTiereas an ad pafled ninth George the (ccond^ for repairing the road from Kihulien to 'Jimaho, and the tolls tolls infufficient ; and duties granted have not been fufficient ; for more efFeudally amending and repairing faid road, and keeping in good order and repair, and fecu- ring the debts now due, or which fliall hereafter become due, on account Truftees named. of faid roads for honeft and fair creditors ; William duke of Leinfter, Richard earl of Cavan, i£c and furvivors of them, (hall be truftees of faid road, and they, or any five or more, or fuch perfons as they appoint, fhall and may after the firfl of April, 1776, caufe to be ereded one or more gate or gates, turnpike or turnpikes, in, upon, or acrofs any part of faid road, and alfo toll houfes, and there take the tolls and duties following ; the toll; for every coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, chaife, or chair drawn by fix hor- fes, geldings, mares, or mules, two fhillings ; drawn by four geldings, mares, or mules, one fhilling and fix pence ^ drawn by two horfes, mares, geldings, afles, or mules, one Ibilling ; every waggon, wain, cart or car- riage with four wheels five fhillings ; with two wheelsj drawn by three or more horfes, geldings, mares, mules, afifes, or beafts of draft, three fhil- lings ; of two wheels, drawn by two, fix pence ; every chair, or chaife, or capriole, drawn by one, fix pence ; every cart, car, or other carriage Its having but om;, two pence, except cars and carriages with turf only, and drawn by one, which are hereby excepted from any of faid tolls ; every horfe, mare, gelding, mule, or afs with any perfon riding, two pence ; laden or unladen, and not drawing or having any perfon riding, three half pence -, every drove or fcore of oxen, cows, or neat cattle, two fhillings and fix pence, and fo in proportion ; every drove of calves, hogs, fheep, * goats, or lambs, one fhilling and three pence by the fcore, and fo in pro- portion ; every carriage whereon any mill-ftone, two fhillings and fix pence ; which fums fhall be demanded and taken as a toH or duty ; and the rop- ney fo raifed fhall be veiled in faid truftees ; and every part thereof paid, on refufing toll may applied, difpofed of, and aifigned to the purpofes, and in fuch manner as difttain and fell in herein after direded ; faid truftees, or any five or more, are impowered 5 f/- day, during fuch times as employed in the repair ; and "I'^^^^^v^^; ^ j^^. others i;l. a year each ; defaul's inquired of at SelHons ; imprifonment till ac count and payment. turnp'kes at fords in the Barrow by cz built on, and not part of any garden, orchard, yard, planted walk, or '"'" ' ^atsr. avenue to a houfe, or of any park or paddock for deer, or any field in- clofed with a ftone wall five feet high, made with lime and fand ; and to treat with owners, or others interefted in faid ground for recompenoe fatisfaaion made -, and fatisfaftion ; in cafe any perfons negleft or refufe to treat, or through on refufal to treat, any difability by non-age, coverture, or fpecial limitation in any fe^t]^. or dua-bihiy, vhttmi ■' ^ V • J- ^ > L •/- 1 /- r / ir to (heriff to return ment, or other impediment, cannot or otherwife nowfoever refule to dif- ^ :y|.y . pofe of their interefts in fuch land, as faid truftees think convenient, faid 5 days notice ; truftees are impowered to ilTue warrants to fheriffs to impannel and return, at fuch time and place within the county as appointed in fuch warrants (of which notice is to be given to the party at leaft five days before) a fufficient jury, who upon their oaths (hall enquire into the true and real value ; and fuch verdiAs or inquifitions as found and returned, afcertaining ,.,1 .' •„.,,, . , the value, fhall be final and conclufi^e as well to faid truftees, as to the verdia "snal. feveral owners and proprietors, notwithftanding any difability or incapacity ■whatfoevcr. _XV. /en. 12. Said truftees, or any nine, may, under hands and feals, ^ ,rutiees may bor- afllgn over faid toll, or any part, the cofts and charges to be paid out of row on affignment fuch toll, for any term or time during this adt, as a fecurity for any mo- of toll. ney borrowed for that purpofe, to fecure the repayment, with lawful inte- reft, or lefs, if the fame can be fo had ; which money ftiall be applied and difpofed of towards all or any of the purpofes by this adt. , XVI. feSI. 13. It ftiall be lawful for faid truftees, or any nine, to make Orders by 9 frvft«s out orders in writing to treafnrer or receiver, requiring him to pay to per- to pay intereft ;,,.,. fons named, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, the growing inte- reft, as the fame fhall from time to time become due, until the principal paid off" and difcharged at one entire payment, or otherwife ; provided no n^ 0^^^, jtove jqI order be for greater fum than fifty pounds. XVII. fea. 14. Alt perfons, to whom fuch order given, or their exe- Orders transferabl* cutors or adminiftrators, may by indorferaents transfer the rights and bene- by indorfement > fit of the fum mentioned ; which indorfements, upon notice to the trea- furer or, receiver, and an entry in a book for that purpofe, which treafurer entered ftiall, Numbered. Surplus 200I. drawn by ballot at Athy ; 30 flays advertife- meat. Tdt at firft gate ; bi« once a Jay, Giving t'cfcets to a\oiiJ loll 103. Elcfiion dayj toH- tree. <; (ruftees may com- pcurid. {hall, upon requeft, without charge, fee, or reward, make accordingly, and permit to be viewed, at reafonable hours, n}all entitle the indorfee or aflignee, executor, adminiftrators, or afligns, to the fole benefit of the fum fo transferred or afligned ; and faid order may, in like manner, be afligned or transferred by fuch aflignee, executors, or adminiftrators, and fo toties qiioties \ and after fuch afl'ignment it fhall not be in the power of perfons, who made fuch afllgnment, to make void, releafe, or difcharge faid aiTign- menr, or the fum transferred, or any part. XVIII. fe5l. 15. Treafurer fhall arithmetically number all orders given in purfiiance of this ad, as delivered out, commencing by number onz. XIX. fen. 16. The tolls fhall be applied to the purpofes before men- tioned, and alfo to difcharge of the intereft of money borrowed, and all the furplus applied in difcharge of the principal fo borrowed, or to be borrowed, in manner herein after mentioned, f/z. when fuch furplus Ihall amount to two hundred pounds, faid treafurer fhall caufe the number of all orders and fum s contained to be written on feveral tickets of parch- ment, rolled, fealed up, and put into a box or urn, and well mixed toge- ther, and an indifferent perfon appointed by faid truftees, or any five, fhall publickly between ten and twelve of a day publickly advertifed in the Dublin Gazette at leaft twenty days before, at Athv, draw out as many, as the fums contained fhall amount to two hundred pounds ; and the perfons, the number of whofe orders, or their executors, adminiftra- tors, or affign.s, fhall, within twenty days after faid orders fo drawn, be paid the principal with the intereft, and Ihall, upon payment thereof, de- liver up their orders to faid treafurer to be cancelled ; and the intereft fhall ceafe from the expiration of twenty days, counted from the day of drawing. XX. fen. 17. Provided, in cafe more than one turnpike on the fide of faid highway, no perfon having paid toll at the firft gate through which fuch perfon fhall pafs, and producing a note or ticket, fhall be liable to pay any toll at any other, fuch perfon delivering faid ticket at the latter gate the fame day ; and no perfon,^ having occafion to pafs where the toll taken, who fhall return the fame day upon or with the fame horfe, mare, gelding, afs, mule, cattle, coach, chariot, berlin, chaife, chair, calafh, wag- gon, cart, car, or carriage, Ihall be liable the fame day to pay faid toll more than once in the fame road. XXI. fen. 18. E/ery perfon giving, difpofing, or offering, and the per- fon receiving, notes or tickets, being conviii^ed upon oath before faid truftees, or any five, or before one juftice, fhall relpectively forfeit ten fhillings, to be levied, recovered, and difpofed of, as any other peniilty for forfeiture is direfted by this aft. XXII. y>i7. 19. Provided all coaches and paflcngers on horfeback fhall pafs and re pals toll-free on the day, on which an election for knight of the lhir>i for Kildare or Queen's county, or for any burgefs for any borough i.: faid counties. XXIII. feEl. 20. Said trdftees, or any five, may compound or agree by tlie year, or otherwife, with any perfon ufing to travel through, ^.with any milch cows, horfe, mare, or gelding, afs, or mule, coach, _ on. .Qljier carriage, for any fum paid quarterly from time to time. _.■. 1^ ^f XXIV. fe^. 21. Provided no perfon fliall be charged, who fliall carry ^etfom exempui. any quantity of materials for making or repairing faid road, or any of the roads in the parifhes in whicli the fame lie, or in any of the neighbouring parifhes, nor be chargeable for any carts, cars, or waggons load en witli corn in the flraw only, nor for plows, harrows, or implements of hufban- dry, in order to the ufing or repairing of the fame in tlie paiiHi-'s, which the faid highway or road do lie ; nor any toll taken for any cattle going to water, or for any poft-horfe carrying the mail or packet, or for fiich horfe as ufed only to ride on by owner or driver of any carriage , provided fuch horfe pafs through with fuch carriage ; nor taken for hoifis of fol- diers upon march, or for carriages attending them, nor carriages travelling with vagrants fent by pafles, or with prifoners tranfmitted. XXV. Je^. 22. The tolls fhall take place and have continuance from Continuance 6t firft of April, 1776, during fixty- one years, years. XXVI. feci. 23. Provided, if before expiration of fixty-one years all On sdjudication of parts of faid road fufficiently made, amended, and repaired, and fo ad- '"''''^* ^"'V'^^'^^,- ^ r,,, ••r/r"' jr r l j ment, toll decrtaled judged by majority or trultees, and after repayment or money borrowed, one j,jjf with intereft, and cofts and charges thereof, faid tolls fhall be decreaied refpedlively one-half of their prelent amount, the faid refcrved moiety to be applied toward keeping up and preferving laid road in repair. XXVII. /e^. 24. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees, or any five, upon Vacancies fuppUcd death, removal, or refufing to art, to elert: another fit and able perfon, or fo many perfons more living in county of Kildare and Queen's county, to be joined in execution of all powers in them repofed. XXVIII. fc-fl. 25. The clerk and treafurer fhall fourteen days previous Board at Athj- everj- to the firft of May every year give notice by advertifement in the Ga- 1 ft May; zette of a board to be held in Athy on the firft of May between eleven advertlied ndays and three, at which faid truftees, or any nine, ftiall proceed to examine ^^^°'^i accounts ; and faid clerk and treafurer are to produce their books and all books produced j accounts ; at which board the creditors, or their agents, may regifter their accounts fettled, debentures, and fettle their accounts, and receive from faid truftees fuch payments of intereft or principal, as the funds will enable faid truftees to make ; fuch payments made in fuch manner and under fuch reftritlions as already mentioned. XXIX. feil. 26. Said truftees, or any fifteen, ftiall meet at Athy on Meetings appointed, the firft of April next, may then adjourn, and afterwards meet there,' or at any other place near faid highway, as faid truftees or any five think proper and convenient, as often as neceflary ; and if there ftiall not ap- pear a fufficient number to ad, and to adjourn, the clerk, by notice in writing, affixed at turnpikes at leaft ten days before next meeting, lliall appoint faid truftees to meet where laft appointed, or at fome other con- venient houfe near faid road, on that day fortnight upon which fuch laft meeting was appointed ; and faid truftees at all meetings fhall defray their own charges and expences. XXX. feci. 27. Provided no truftee -ftiall have or accept of any place No pface of profit tc of profit arifing out of or by reafon of the toll, but fuch perfon ftiall be in- truftee. capable from time of accepting and continuing to enjoy fuch place of profit of afting as a truftee. XXXI. fc-n. 28. If any fuit commenced for any thing in purfuance of Aaions in Kildare this ad, the atition ftiall be laid in county of Kildare or Queen's county, or Queen's count/; and general iiTue, &c. 'rcb!e cods to defen- dants. a publict aft. tolls and provlfions in 9 G. 2, c. 33, 10 ceale. continuance 41 jears. on adjudication of trudees and re-pav- ment, toll to ceafe. Recital 5 S{ 4 G. 3. c.j6. regulations therein inlufficicnt ; for making the cir- cular road in more convenient dliefliun 7 trulees maj ereft turnpike's ; «n.l take tolls in lieu et the fofnier re- pealed ; coach land 6, is. 6 J. and not elfewhere ; and defendants may plead general ilTvie, and give this att and the fpecial matter in evidence, and if it appear fo, or fuch a(ftion brought in any other county, the jury fhall find for defendants, and upon fuch verdift, or if plaintiff be nonfuited, or difcontiniie after defendants appeared, or if on demurrer judgment given againfl: plaintiff, defendants fhall recover treble cofts, and have like remedy for the fame as in any other cafes in law. XXXII. fen. 29. This deemed a publickad. XXXIII. fed. 30. Provided from the ift of April, 1776, the tolls grant- ed by laid adt the ninth year of his latemajefty, and all provifions therein, not hereby re-enaded, fhall ceafe. XXXIV. feSI. ^i. Provided the feveral tolls and duties hereby granted, and all other the provifions and regulations herein contained, Hiall take place and have continuance from and after the ifl of April, 1776 for and durinfy the term and fpace of 41 years, and no longer. XXXV. fe^. 32. If before expiration of faid term of 41 years all parts of faid road fufficiently amended and repaired, and fo adjudged by majority of truftees, and if re-p.aymeiit made of money advanced or borrowed on credit of faid tolls, with all intereft, and if all cofts and charges attending the fame paid and fatisfied, faid tolls fhall ceafe, and be' utterly void, any thing herein before to the contrary notwithftanding. XXXVI. Slat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. c without XXXIX. /f(f?. 4. No gate, turnpike, or toll-houfe fhall be erefted, or No turnpike or toll any toll demanded at any turnpike- gate, between caftle of Dublin, and any between Dublin caf- part of faid circular road, except by order of faid truftees, or any fifteen, ','«, and any part of under penalty of ten pounds fterling, to be levied off the goods and chat-'^"' '°^'^'' tels of the perfon levying fuch toll, or keeping fuch gate, upon conviction P "^ 7 '°- thereof, before any juftice of the county, or county of the city of Dublin, who are hereby authorized to hear fuch complaint, and upon convidion to iflue warrant accordingly. XL. fe^. 5. Said truftees, or any feven, authorized from time to time to 7 trudecs may agree treat, contract, and agree with owners, proprietors, occupiers, and perfons ft"" purchafe or rent interefted in any lands, tenements, houfes, buildings, grounds, or heredita-. °^ g'ountls. &c. G ments. ment3, through which Aich road is to be made, for purchafe thereof, or by way of rent or otherwife, as faid truftees, or any feven of thein, think fit, and to pay for the fame, and for any lofs or damages in any manner, as by and treat with corpo- faid former ad\ direfted ; and alfo it fiiall be lawful for all bodies politick, rations, truftees tor corporate, or collegiate, corporations aggregate or fole, and all feoffees in infants, &c. triift, executors, adminiftrators, guardians, committees, and other truftees whatfoever, for any infants, femes covert, lunaticks, idiots, or ceftuique trufts, and for all perfons feized, poffelfed of, or interefted in any wife in any fuch lands, tenements, houfes, buildings, ground, or hereditaments, to treat with faid truftees, any feven or more, for purchafe, and to convey the fame to faid truftees, in fuch manner and form, as by faid former or on refufal may fum. this acl is directed ; and fuch truftees, in cafe of negleft or refufal of fuch B)on juries, examine owners, proprietors, occupiers, or perfons interefted, to treat or agree for and adjudge com- purchafe of fuch lands, tenements, houfes, buildings, grounds, and heredi pen^ation as y ai j^j^^j^^g^ ^j. ^^y p^j.^ thereof, as in faid former or this aft fet forth, fliall ,* , have fuch power and authority to fummon juries, and to examine upon oath, ' ' '.' and adjudge compenfation to fuch owners, proprietors, occupiers, or perfons interefted, and charge the fame upon the tolls, in fuch manner, and under take down houfes, ^"*^^ regulations, as in faid ad particularly fet forth ; and it (hall be lawful &c. ' for faid truftees, or any feven, with workmen or agents, to take down fuch lay grounds into the houfes, buildings, and tenements, and lay the ground whereon eredled, and new road, alfo fuch Other grounds, lands, and hereditaments as aforefaid, or fuch part to be a common thereof, into fuch new road, as they think fit, and fuch new road, when fo highway; laid out and made, fliall become a common highway, and be repaired, and ret-.lied and rents j^^pj. jj^ repair, and the annual rents thereof paid, and payment of tolls of fal'daa " ^^^^^ ^o^'l enforced under fuch regulations, as in faid former, or by this aft particularly fet forth, anyprovifoin faid aft to contrary thereof in any wile notwithftanding. T n „„ . . ^f XLI. /(f^. 6. All fuch other powers and authorities for making, rcpair- Truflres powers nof . . -^ . , , ..'.-.,., , n 5- j repealtd, continued, mg, furveying, and keepmg m repair faid circular road, or colletlrng and afligning the tolls, and all other powers and authorities whatfoever, given to the truftees by faid aft, and not herein particularly repealed, continued to faid truftees appointed by this aft in fuch manner and form, as by faid former aft fet forth. -truftees yearly to XLU. fe^. 7. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees, or any feven, every Ippcin!aiu-.erinten-year, to appoint one fuperintendant for the fouthern divifion of faid road, (lan-t lor louth-rn and one for the northern, and the furveyors appointed, or to be appointed, & northern divifion; py^f^^^Pif fQ f:^;^ former aft, and fuch perfons as they ihall appoint from to prevent annoy- ■ ■ ^^ remove and prevent annoyances on any part of faid road, ances within jo teet ' _ . , ^ , r-, ; , n LU-n. r„ of the centre'; or v/ithm thirty feet of the center, by filth; dung, aihes, mbbilh, lewerb, and locleameiewers, or drams running into faid road, and to cleanfe any ditch, fewer, or watcr- ^Si:y. couife adjoining, or which may be nccedary to carry off the water there- from. ToUcon'inued 4T XLIII. fed. 8. The toll or duty hereby granted, fhall take place and years from 20 April, have continuance from 26th of April, 1776, during 41 years. '776- VLIV. fen. g. No money fhall be granted at any board for making or bmonaflidivrt"? repairing any part of faid road, unlefs it appear by affidavit of two credible 3 literate,' before perfons, who can read and write, Avorn before any two juftices for the coun- zjuftices, that lefs ty or city of Dublin, that fuch a ium is neceffary to make or repair fo many will not fuffice ; perches of faid road, at fo much by the perch, and that a fmaller fum will. not not be fufficient ; and no money (hall be paid by the treafurer to any over- nor payment by fm- feer, iinlefs fuch overfeer (hall deliver an alfidavit fworn before a board of '^"/',^''j^'^;°^^^'J|,^J'' faid truftees, or any two juftices for faid county or city, that faid fnm f^.p'j^o^'rj' ^r z" hath been faithfully and honeitly expended in making or repairing fo many juftlrcsof cxpen*'- perches of faid road, and for his wages, at not more than eighteen pcnCe ing fahlifdlly. an* for each pound fo expended in making or repairing, and that he did at- ["' "•''f*"' " '^"^ P" tend faid work diligently and carefully, and fhall alfo produce an ^xadl /y"!.. '3,',^ j,'"^^.^"''' account of the number of men, horfes, and cars, employed each day at aQ account ; faid work, and fwear to truth of faid account; and if there fliall not ap- on default of truf- pear at any meeting appointed by ("aid truftees a fufficient number to ad:, tees, tteaiuienoap- and adjourn to any other day, the treafurer, by notice in Dublin Gazette, point meeting. 20 at leaft twenty days before next meeting, fliall appoint faid truftees to ^'^^^^^^ """""' meet where the meeting laft appointed, or at fome convenient place near t,uftees defray their faid road ; and faid truftees, at every meeting, fhall defray their own charges, charges and expences. 'KLN.fect. 10. In any fuit for any thing done in purfuance of this General IITue p!ead- ad\, defendants may plead the general ifTue, and give the fpecial matter in ^d by deiendants, evidence, and have fuch other advantages, as in the former adt in fuch cafe ^^' ■'" fet forth. XLVI. ./>£•/. II. This ad; (hall be deemed a publick ad, and judicially A pnblick aft. taken notice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons v/hatfo- ever, without fpecially pleading. XLVII. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 5. cap. 36. feH. r. The ad thirteenth George 13G. z- c. 14. con- the fecond, and all the authorities, powers, articles, rules, penalties, and """"* '*' J^"'' claufes therein, except what hereby varied or altered, fhall be of full force and efFed, and continue from the ift of May 1776, during the further term of forty-one years, and from thence to the end of the then next felTion, for the intents and purpofes in faid ad and hereafter mentioned, as if the fame powers were repeated and re-enaded in this ad ; any thing in faid ad to the contrary notwithftanding. XLVIII. feet. 2. The perfons herein named, and thofe eleded in their Truflees named for ftead, according to the rules in faid former ad, and none other, fhall be the Leinfter and the truftees for putting the former and this ad in execution, for the '^""1^" divifions. Leinfter and Munfter divifion, and inverted with all the powersin the for- mer and this ad given. XLIX. feet. 3. That part of the road from Timoho, through Bally- Ldnfter and Mun- nakill and Durrow, to the bounds between the counties of Kilkenny and fter divifions. Tipperary, fhall be diftinguifhed by the name of The Leinfter Divifion ; and that part from the bounds through Cafhell to Tipperary, The Mun- fter Divifion. LX. feet. 4. The tolls and duties by the former ad fhall be colleded Former tolls paid till according to diredions of faid ad, until the ift of November, 1776, and ' Nov. 1776; from ift of November, 1776, during the former and this ad, the truftees '" herein named, or any feven, or thofe by them authorized, fliall take the tolls and duties following, for every coach, berlin, chariot, calalh, chaife, af,er tolls followina- or chair, drawn by fix or more, two ftiillings and fix pence ; drawn by coach and 6; 2s. 6d! ]efs than fix, and more than two, one fliilling and fix pence; drawn by "'ore than 2, is. 6d. two, thirteen pence; for every chair or chaile, drawn by one, fix pence ; '^>' *' '^'^■. every waggon, wain, cart, or carriage with four wheels, drawn by three vv4gons'',''&c.^with • G i or 3 horfes' as." iwbeeU 18. 6d.. or more, two (hillings ; and with two whtels, drawn by more than two, carts 6d. °"^ Hiilling and fix pence ; every cart or other carriage with two wheels, pg^j'jj and drawn by two, fix pence; every car, or carriage by one horfe, twa with turf, jd. pence ; (excepting cars with turf, and for each of them one penny) every ahorfe, &C.1} horfe, mule, or afs, laden or unladen, and not drawing, one penny half- oxen, IS. 8d. per penny ; every drove of oxen or neat cattle, one (hilling and eight pence ^^°'^ ' by the fcore, and fo in proportion ; every drove of calves, hogs, Iheep, milWone ^'<:s.° ^^ lambs, ten pence by the fcore, and fo in proportion ; every carriage tolls veiled in truf- whereon any millftone, five fliillings ; which funis ihall be demanded and ta- tees; ken in name of toll, and the money raifed veiled in faid truflees, fubjeCl to debts charged ; debts now due to creditors of faid road, which debts are made a charge applied to each di- ^po^^ f^'d tolls ; the tolls arifing on the Leinfter divifion fhall be difpofed vifion refpeaively. of for keeping in repair that divifion of faid road, and for payment of fums heretofore and hereafter borrowed on credit of the tolls of that divifion only, and the intereft ; and the the tolls arifing on the Munfter divifion, fliall be difpofed of for keeping in repair that divifion of the faid road, and payment of fums heretofore and hereafter borrowed, and the intereft. Tolls but once a day hi. fe^. 5. No perfon obliged to pay any tolls more than once in on each divifion. the fame day, within either of the divifions, but every perfon, having paid at any one of the gates, between Timaho and the bounds between the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary, on producing a note or ticket (which the receivers are required to give without fee or reward) fhall be permitted to pafs free through all the gates on faid divifion at any time during the day, in which he paid ; and in like manner, having once paid at any one of the gates on the other divifion, fhall, on producing fuch ticket or note, be admitted during faid day through the other gates of faid divifion ; but it is the true intention of this aft, that every perfon fhall pay twice on the fame day, in cafe he fhall travel over more of faid road, than is contained in one divifion. Exempt from toll. LTI. fe^. 6. No perfon fhall be charged, who fhall carry any mate- terials for repairing faid roads, or any of the roads in the parifhes in which the fame lie ; nor any cars, carts, or waggons, laden with corn in ftravv only, nor for any ploughs, harrows, or other implements of hufbandry, in order to the ufing and repairing the fame in the feveral parifhes, in which the faid road does lie ; nor for any horfe, or other cattle going to water, nor any poft-horfe carrying the mail or packet, nor for fuch horfe as ufed only to ride on by the owner or driver of any waggon, cart, or carriage, provided fuch horfe pafs through faid turnpike with fuch wag- gon, cart, or carriage ; nor any toll be taken for horfes of foldiers pafling - upon march, or for waggons, carts, cars, or other carriages attending them, or for the horfes, cars, or other carriages with vagrants fent by paffes, or prifoners tranfmitted. Receiver's falary not LIII. /ei^. J. The falary or wages of the clerk or receiver, appointed under 10!. nor by faid truftees of each divifion for carrying the former and this ad into above 20I. execution, fhall not be lefs than ten pounds, nor exceed twenty pounds yearly. A publick aJ». LIV. fe^I. 8. This ad (hall be deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken notice of by all Judges, juftices, and other perfons, without fpecially pkading. LV. Slaf. LV. Stat. 15 &: i6 Geo. 5. cap. 37. feH. i. Whereas by an ai5l third 3^-3. c. 19. & George the fecond, the tolls granted (hould have continuance only from Z^^^'^ ^•^^^^- ^°^' tenth of May, 1730, for twenty-one years : and by another ad feventh of George the fecond, (except thereby altered) (hould continue during the further term of twenty four years, and to the end of the then next feffion ; the faid laft mentioned and former ad, as thereby amended, al- tered, and confirmed, fhall be of full force and [efFeft, continue and be executed from the expiration of faid terms of twenty-one and twenty- four years, during the further term of two years, and from thence to the end of the then next feJlion, for the intents and purpofes in faid ad men- tioned, as if the fame powers and authorities granted by faid ad were herein repeated and re-enaded ; any thing in faid ad of the feventh of George the fecond to the contrary notwithftanding. l^ofpitalsf* I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 23. fe^. i. Whereas out-penfioners of the To prevent frauHs hofpital for antient and maimed officers and foldiers have of late fuffered by money-lenders j great impofitions and diftreffes from frauduleut pradices of money-lenders, from whom faid out-penfioners frequently take up money, on terms many times moft ufurious and oppreffive ; all affignments, bargains, fales, con- all agreements and trads, orders, letters, or powers of attorney, irrevocable or conveying in- Securities by out- tereft, and agreements or fecurities whatfoever, made by any out-penfioncr, P«""0"s''s '°^ money ^ ' ° . r r^ r r i i i r ' due on penfion mad« for, upon, or m refped or any lum due, or to become due, tor or ony^jj^ account of the penfion of faid hofpital, to fuch out-penfioners as have been or fhall be admitted thereunto, fhall, from the 24th of June, 1776, be abfolutely null and void to all intents and purpofes. II. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 25. feH. \. Whereas by an ad eleventh n & 12 G. 5. c. and twelfth of his prefent majefty, the affiftants appointed by the gover- "• *• '*>• "^"^'^ '• nors, or any five, are impowered to put in force laws, and regulations, ordained at quarterly or general meetings, wherein clever; at leafl prefent : and every rule, order, regulation, and by-law fubfifting on the 23d of June, 1772, is thereby made good and valid, fubjed to bs amended, altered, or made null and void by faid governors, or any twenty-one ; the gover- governors of foiind- nors of the foundling-hofpital and workhoufe of Dublin fhall have full ""S '"'! ^^k-ho-'fe J L-i 11- 1 J i_i , may mate bye-laws power and authority to make and ordain rules, orders, bye-laws, and ^^A regulations at other regulations at their quarterly or other general meetings or affemblies, qjaiterly or general holden in purfuance of faid ad : provided no rule or regulation hereafter "i^etings ; made by faid governors fhall have the force of a bye-law, unlefs con- ^^' "°' ,'° '^^^^ '!°^/* r A \ ^ in/-- 1 1 of bye- laws, unlets nrmed, twenty-one governors at leafl ligning at a quarterly general meet- ,.on((,^^,j 1,., ^i s^n, ing ; the fame having been firfl propcfed at fome general meeting fourteen vemors at meeilDg, days at leafl previous to faid quarterly meeting, and notice given of its and piopofed at ge- being to be taken into confideration in the fummons for faid quarterly "«fal meeting 14 meeting ; and no bye-law, hereafter made, fhall be repealed, altered, or,;ce^;n^f°^^^o^"g ."°' fufpended, except at a general quarterly meeting, twenty-one governors no bye-laws repe'al- at leafl prefent, and alfo except the repeal, alteration, or fufpenfion, pro-ed, alteied.or luf- pofedat fome general meeting or affembly fourteen days at leafl previous p^"''^'^' ''?' ^' 'i""" *^ o J J i [grly meetmgs, 21 ^° prefent, prcpofcd 14 days, and notice. to fuch quarteily meeting, and notice given thereof in the fummons for fiich quarterly meeting. No go- erncr to en- III. fe^. %. If any governor accept of or enjoy any place of profit, mem *'^* °^ ^'"°'"' ^'^ ^"y falary or emolument under faid corporation, he fhall ceafe to adl as a governor, fo long as he fhall enjoy. "& 12G. 5. c. IV. feB. 3. Whereas by faid aft all poor children under fix years, II. r 37. recited; found, or taken up within faid city and liberties, or font to the foundling- hofpital, fhall be received and kept, or fent to nurfe ; and all children who appear fix years old, and not thought to exceed eight, fhould be received, provided proper room, and fuch children appear found in mind and body : * and the number of children of fix years and under have of late years increafed fo far beyond the expedation of faid governors, that the ex- pence of fupporting them has exceeded every provifion, that could be made, exclufive of grants by parliament ; that the funds appointed for fupport of the foundling-hofpital and workhoufe fhall be applied to the no child appearing Foper ufe, from the 24th of June, 1776, there fhall not be received into above 1 yejr old re- fiiid hofpital, or fent to nurfe therefrom, any child, who fhall appear to ceived or lent to be above one year old, upon any account whatfoever, any law to the con- ""''^- trary notwithflanding. II governors or y V. Jed. 4. The governors, or any eleven, or the court of afllftants, or adlflants may reduce any five, may, where any fine incurred, or liable to be impofed by faid fines, not uiyler 20s. firft recited aft, impofe or inflift only fuch part, according to the nature of the offence, as they in difcretion judge proper ; fo as fuch fine fhall not be lefs than twenty fhillings ; any thing in faid aft to the contrary not- withflanding. S'er'^ld'pTb'" a ^^- Z"'^- 5- I"ft^ad of the days in faid aft for quarterly meetings faid May! Aug, & Nov. affemblies fhall be held on every fecond of February, firll of May, firfl irSunday the Men- of Auguft, and fiifl of November every year, unlefs any of faid days hap- day after; pen to fall upon a Sunday ; in which cafe fuch meeting fhall be held on the Monday immediately following •, and every aft, matter, or bufinefs, by faid recited or this aft ordered, direfted, or allowed to be done at any • of faid quarterly meetings, fhall and may be done on any of faid days, ?e1ted"!ft May^un- <^^c^P^ ^^^^ ^he court of affiilants Ihall be always elefted on the firfl of lets Sunday. ' May every year, or, if faid day happen to fall upon a Sunday, on the Monday immediately following. ^, , f rra VII. JeH. 6. No rule or order relating to the internal management of No order of alFilt- r • i \ r ■ y 1 • c n-n n. w i ,. ■ ants valid, unleis 5 '^id hofpital, made at any meeting or aiiiltants, mail at any time be valid, prefent fign thebook or conflrued fo, unlefs five members prefent fhall on fame day fign their fame day. names in the book, in which the orders and refolutions relative to the fame ufually entered. 1 1 & 12 G 3. c. VIII. fed. 7. Whereas by faid firfl recited aft there fhall be paid unto II. f. J I. recited; the governors and fucceffors fix pence in the pound yearly rent of houfes, as returned for minifters money in the city, fuburbs, and liberties ; and where no fuch valuations, or fuch houfes extra-parochial, a new valuation may be made in manner in faid aft : and it has been difficult to afcertain the valuation of feveral of thofe houfes, whereby the funds for fupport of faid hofpital have been confiderably diminifhed : and feveral houfes, , not charged with miniflers money, are chaiged with parilTi or county mlnIfte"rCmone°y, ceffes : it fhall be lawful for faid governors, until a valuation of fuch houfes charged with houfes for coUeftion of miniflers money fhall be made, to charge all fuch houfes houfes with fix pence in the pound, and with all other taxes cliargeable 6<'' P*'' '•*"'' '?"' thereon, for ufe of faid foundling-hofpital and workhoiife, to be afcertained ^""'^'^'j^'^^f*" by, and applotted, according to any pariih or county cefs, which hath been or fhall be made, to charge any fuch houfe with payment of any pariih or county cefs. IX. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 5. cap. 31. /ft?. 2. Whereas by the ad of the thir- 13 8f M G. ?. c. teenth and fourteenth of his prefent majefty the building, called the Meath ''3- '■ >r«"ed; Hofpital, fhall from the 24th of June, 1774, be created, founded, ereded, and eftablifhed the hofpital or infirmary for the county of Dublin ; but a doubt hath been conceived, whether the provifion thereby made as to the""'^'^' thereon; bodies corporate and governors, or in refped of the feveral infirmaries and hofpitals in the feveral counties, mentioned in an ad fifth year of his prefent majefty, touching county hofpitals, doth extend to the faid Meath Hofpital, now the county hofpital, under the prefent circumftances thereof ;^''^'^^'i°P°'^'^''' . the archbifhop of Armagh, the lord chancellor, the billiop of the diocefe, ""^^ (J^p"^,^;^^^"^^^,,' and redtor or vicar of the parifh in which the faid hofpital is fnuated, and tor'or vicar, and eve- alfo every donor and contributor to faid hofpital, as herein after mentioned, ry contributor, in- fhall be a body corporate, governors and governor of faid hofpital, with'^.°^P°''^''^'' ' like powers as the governors of other county hofpitals in faid ad of fifth nots'of^ot'heToDuntv of his prefent majefty ; and donors and contributors to faid hofpital fhall hofpitals in 5. G. 3. be governors, as follows ; every donor of not lefs than ten pounds fhall c. 20. be a perpetual member and governor ; and every perfon, who fhall fub-''°-«>f o*^'"'- ^ P"' fcribe and pay annually for ufe of faid hofpital one guinea, fhall be a mem- ^J^'"^ ^^^^^^^"^^^ ber and governor for one year from the time of fuch fubfcription and ally tor 1 year, payment, and no longer. Eace, Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 8. /a?. 21. No gold or filver 'ace, ^^o 's^_^«' "jjj'^'"' cambricks, or lawns whatfoever, (except manufadure of Great Britain) °riil'iThrimport«i'; fhall, from 25th of December, 1775, be imported in any fhip or veilel Jr forfeited, and ' whatfoever, under penalty of forfeiture of all fuch lace, cambricks, and treble value the lawns, and treble the value, and of the fhip or veflel in which imported, '^''P' ^^• with all her guns, tackle, furniture, ammunition, and apparel; one moiety J5"')^j.^"'^ *" ^^°' of which forfeitures fhall be and remain to his majefty, his lieirs, and fuc- ceffors ; the other to him or them who fhall feize and fue for the fame by adion, bill, plaint, , or information, in exchequer, wherein no wager of law, protedion, eltoign, or other dilatory plea allowed. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 34. feH. i. After the ift of April next lime not turned it fhall not be lawful for any perfon to burn, or caufe to be burnec^, any within the publlufc lime or lime-ftones whatfoever within the publick lamps of Dublin, or ["."'P^ ""^ '''^^"'" " liberties thereof, in any lime-kilns, not ereded before the 24th of Match, ^^"/"J'j^^^f'j',^/^ 1772; and if any perfon fhall after the time aforefaid burn any lime or lime-ftone within the publick lamps, or liberties, in ?,ny other lime-kiln than as aforefaid, he fhall, every fuch offence, be liable to penalty of fifty P^"»''^ 5">- pounds ; JLiim. tomformerand pounds ; one moiety to the informer, the other to the church-wardens of ^°°^ ' t^lie parifh where fuch lime burned, to be applied to ufe of the poor of fuch parifli ; fuch penalty to be recovered by aftion of debt, bill, plaint, en fult in 6 months, or information, in any courts of record in faid city : provided fuch fuit commenced within fix months after faid offence committed. lord mayor or al- II. /ef}. 2. It fhall be lawful for the lord mayor, or any of the aldermen dermen may funirnon of faid city, upon complaint of fuch ofFence, to fummon the perfon, to to aniwer complaint, „^. 1 u- r ^ ■ 11 • , • /- , ^ ^ ' 'attend nim at fuch time and place, as mentioned in fuch fumnions, to »nd Iffue warrant to anfwer fuch Complaint ; and if it appear by confefTion of the party, or by (iieriffs to abate the oath of one or more witnelfes, that he has been guilty, he fhall iflTue his '"'"■ warrant to fheriffs of the city, requiring them to abate the kiln wherein fuch lime or lime-ftones burned, which fuch fheriffs are required and im- powered to do. General iffue plead- HI. /ei^. 3. If any adtion or fuit commenced or profecuted for any thing ^^- dpne in purfuance of this ad, defendants may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence. A publlck aa. ^^- •/^'^- 4- This ad: fhall be deemed a publick ad, and judicial notice taken thereof i-r t \ bereft ^' ■^^'^^' ^5 ^ ^S Geo. 3. cap. I. feSI. r. For fo much of the feveral rorfumsdtie r' principal fums borrowed, as fhall remain unpaid on the 25th of Decem- Dec. 1775, by i; ber, 1775, there fliall be paid at the receipt of exchequer, by the vice- and 14G. 3. c. 2. treafurer or vice-treafurers, paymafler or receiver-general, or deputies, at ^^'I^^^dLi ft' ''^^ ^""^ °^" every fix calendar months from the 25th of December, 1775, without dedu ion. ^^ ^j^^ perfons who have paid or lent the fame, their executors, admini- flrators, or aifigns, interefl at the rate of four pounds per centutn, to com- mence from the 25th of December, 1775, without any fee or charge, and free from all dedudions, defalcations, and abatements whatfoever, until they fhall be refpedively paid their principal money at one entire payment. Additional duties for . ^^- fi^- 3- That the interefl of fums formerly borrowed and remain- payment ef loan in- ing unpaid, and the feveral annuities, may be duly and regularly paid, ac- terefi: and annuities cording to the true intent and meaning of the recited ads, from and after to 25 Dec. 1777; the 25th of December, 1775, there fliall be raifed, levied, granted, col- leded, and paid to his majefiy, his heirs and fucceffors, until the 25th of December, 1777 inclufive, and no longer, over and above the rates and duties payable by an ad fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the excife or new iiupoji, or by one other ad, fourteenth and fif- eenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the fiibjidy of poundage and grant- afubfidy of tunjtage, and over and above any other duties, rates, impo- "tions, and taxes granted to his majefiy by any other ad in this kingdom, and ftill in force, and over and above any duties, rates, and impofitions granted by any other ad of parliament, or which fhall or may be enaded during this prefent fellion, the feveral duties, rates, impofitions, and wine'kl '*"r to'ti'"' ^^x^s after mentioned ; an additional duty of fix pounds per ton for and port 3 1. other wine upon all forts of winjp of the growth of France or Spain, and of three 5I. pounds of the growth of Portugal, and five pounds per ton all other wines imported Hoan, imported after 25th of December, 1775 ; four pounds llerling per pound weight upon all velvets or manufaiftures made^of or mixed with filk (except idi-ets, (ilfcs (ex- thofe of Great Britain, China, Perfia, and the Eaft Indies) imported after ccpiBiiiii^i, &c ) 4!. 25th of December, 1775 ; an additional duty of one halfpenny /)^;- pound f''""^' .. weight upon all hops impoited after the 25th of December, 1775 ; ^^'c 01^1^0^80911 j />^ pounds />«• centum upon all China, earthen, Japanned, or lacquered ware, .r.,./. as lared ; as valued or rated for cuftom by the book of rates, imported after ihe 25th of December, 1775; three pounds />«- ton all forts of vinegar im- vinegar, 3l./>fr ton ; ported after the 25th of December, 1775; a further additional duty of .v^vu 'v//^, Scc.dif- two pence fer gallon upon every gallon of aqua vita, ftrong waters, and "Ht'l for lale, zd. fpirits, made or diftilled within this kingdom for fale, to be paid by the ■""■ S^''°" ' firft maker or dilliller, from and after the 25th of December, 1775 ; a coffl-e, zd.j^fr !b. ■further additional duty of two pence per pound all coffee imported afier the 25th of December, 1775 ; a duty of ten lliillings per annum, to be paid by all that fell or tap out by retail any cyder between the 25th of December, 1775 and the 25ih of December, 1777 inclufive ; a duty of cyJer retailers, los. one penny per gallon upon all cyder fold or tapped out by retail, to be^-'j"'"'-^"'' "^•^'''' paid by the perfon who fhould fell or tap out the fame by retail, after the °^ "" ' 25th of December, 1775; an additional duty of twenty fliillings by every coaches, &c. zos. to perfon for every coach, chariot, berlin, calalh, or chaife with four wheels, 25 Dec. 1776 and which fuch perfon fhall keep in his or her pofleffion (except hackney and ^°^' ^^ ^^' ^"^'il ' ftage coaches, and coaches and fuch other four-wheeled carriages as afore- fliid, kept by coach-makers for fale, and alfo except cabriolets or garden chairs) at any time between the 25th of December, 1775 and the 25ch of December, 1776 inclufive ; an additional duty of twenty fliillings by every perfon for every coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, which any perfon fhall keep in his or her poflelfion (except as aforefaid) be- tween the 25th of December, 1776, and 25th of December, 1777 inclufive; an additional duty of twenty fliillings per ton foap-boilers wafte, and fo in foapwafteexp^rred proportion for a greater or lelfer quantity, exported to any parts beyond sos per ton ; feas after the 25th of December, i^JS; an additional duty of three linen rags, 3l./.£r pounds /)^r ton every ton of linen rags, and fo in proportion for a greater ton. or lefler quantity, exported to parts beyond feas after the 25th of Decem- ber, 1775. III. fe^. 4. For the greater difcouragement of the pernicious and illegal Green tea 6d /■fr lb. pradlice of unlawfully importing and clandefl:inely running and landing of-i^' other tea,- ■tea, after the 25th of December, 1775, until the 25th of December, i???^"^,',",.-,^''' ? inclufive, there fliall be paid to his majefty, his heirs, and fucceffors, fix pence every pound of green, and four pence for every pound of black bo- hea and other tea imported during the time aforefaid, in lieu and full fatis- fa<5lion of all duties of cuftoms and excife. IV. /e^. 5. The further addditional duty after mentioned fhall be Further additional raifed, levied, and paid from the 25th of December, 1775 to the 25th ofduties to 25 Dec. .December, 1777 inclufive, Hve pounds per centum for and upon the feveral '777. goods and manufadures (not being of the growth, and produce, or manu- ^J^^^""!,' "3" f^^^'' fadture of Great Britain) herein after named, as the fame now ftand rated qj on importer's oati, for cufloms in the book of rates ; or, if unrated, fliall be valued on oath of the importer, which fliall be imported during the time aforefaid, over ' .... •;;t» and above all other duties now payable for the fame, viz. apparel, apples, "*** •^»''>f bacon and hams, beads of glafs, chocolate, cocoa nuts,.. coffee, cork, ca- H pers, Horn. pers, cloves, currants, chefnuts, walnuts, fmallnuts, bugles, hulled barley, artificial flowers, milinary ware, pearl barley, fans, hats chip and flraw, anchovies, fl:urgeon, pins, wrought ivory, olives, onions, prints and pidures, mace, nutmegs, wrought incle, drugs (not being for dyer's ufe") elephant's teeth, furs, all lacquered, japaned, gilt, painted, brunzed and enamelled ware, cloves of all forts, almonds, annifeeds, cinamon, liquorice, pepper, piamento, pruins, raifins, rice, faffron, fuccards, fuccus, liquorita, needles, thimbles, outnal threads, fifters thread, china and earthen ware, whited brown thread, and all other threads, haberdafhery, hardware, toys, mer- mitts, iron pots, fcilfars, fnufF, tyles, fhot, laces of cotton, thread, wor- fted or filk, groceries of all kind (except fugars) oranges and lemons, lime, lemon and orange juice (not being for dyers) tape, foreign linens, and all manufadures of flax and hemp ; and alfo the further additional duties after mentioned upon all chintzes, calicoes, and muflins of the ma- cliintzes, calicoes, nufadure of China, Perfia, and the Eafl; Indies, imported, fix pence per mufl.ns,6d./'er yard; yard over and above all other duties ; a further additional duty upon all teas, purchaied at teas imported, purchafed at the India company fales for an higher price company Tales above than four fliilling Britifh per pound, at the rate of one penny per pound 43./frib. id^/^r lb. vveight for every fix pence Britifh paid for the fame, over and above four every . pai over ; f^jijij^gg Britifli at the iales above mentioned, from the 25th of December, 1775 to the 25th of December, 1777 inclufive; the price of the teas to the price in the be inferted in the cocket, and to be further afcertained by a reference to cocket ; the fale books of the Eafl: India company, copies whereof, or of fuch parts copies of the com- thereof as iTiall relate to the teas fo imported, atteflied by the principal ac- dence °° ^ ^*'" countant or deputy accountant for the time being of the Eafl: India company, the commilfioners of the revenue are required to procure from time to rime for the purpofes above mentioned ; and which copies fhall be admitted as evidence in all profecutions commenced or arifing upon this aft ; a fur- cards, 6d. />«• pack, ther additional duty of fix pence per pack upon all painted or playing cards manufadured or vended in tlys kingdom between the 25th of De- cember 1775 and the 25th of December 1777, over and above all other duties now payable. Draw^acfe on fjrpirt Y.fefl. 6. If the wines and other merchandizes, upon which the afore- by ftibjefl in 24,5 fgij duties are charged upon importation, fliall, after payment thereof, or ftran?crsiniz fecurity given, be again exported by any merchant fubjeft of this realm, fate off. quifites ^^ ^ny Other his majefl:y's dominions, within twenty-four calendar months, ptrformed i or by merchants ftrangers within twelve after importation ; and if due proof firft made by certificate from the proper officers of the due entry and pay- ment of faid duties hereby granted, or fecurity given for the fame, and if all other requifites performed by law required, in thofe cafes where the duties of excife are to be repaid, the duties hereby impofed fhall with- out any delay or reward be repaid or allowed unto fuch merchants fo ex- allowed in I nnnth porting the fame, within one calendar month after demand thereof, or the fe- aftci demand. c irity for faid duties by this ad charged fliall be vacated as to fo much as fo exported ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. Ileflicn torfceive 4 VL/eH. 15. All perfons, to whom debentures or receipts of one hun- .rfebenitiesof 251. died pounds each have been given for any part of the feveral principal t»ch,or iofjil. andYums foj-naerly borrowed, which fhall remain unpaid on the 25thof Decem- ber 1775, now carrymg mtereft at the rate or rour per centum, or their txeciuors,. adminiflrators or afllgns, fliall or may at their eledion or choice .' " - receive receive in exchange for the fame from the vice-treafurers or paymafter or receiver-general, or deputies, either four debentures of twenty-five pounds each, or two debentures of twenty-five pounds each, and four of twelve pounds ten fhillings each, as he, fhe, or they fhall think proper ; fiich de- numbered ; bentures fo given in exchange to be numbered as vice-treafurers, pay-maf- ter, or receiver-general, or deputies think fit, and to bear the fame rate ofi'ameintereft ,is for intereft, payable at the fame time and times, with the debentures fo ex- debentures exchan- changed, which are hereby required to be cancelled ; and all perfons intitlcd S^'' > to any of faid debentures of one hundred pounds each, or to any debenture of any leflTer fum taken in exchange for fuch debentures, may by indorfe- transferred by in- ment on fuch debentures or receipts transfer the right and benefit of the doritment ; fums due ; which indorfement, upon notice to vice-treafurers, or deputies, and an entry or memorial thereof in vice-treafurer's office, which vice-trea- furers, or deputies Ihall, upon requeft, without charge, fee, or reward, make accordingly ; and fhall, on requeft, permit the fame to be viewed at ufual office hours, without fee or reward, fhall entitle the indorfee or affig- ne?, his or her executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, to the fole benefit of the fum fo transferred or alligned ; and faid debentures or receipts may in like manner be affigned or transferred by fuch indorfee or affignee, his or her executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, and fo toties quoties ; and after fo /o/i>.< avsf/.-; ; fuch affignment it fhall not be in the power of the perfons, who made not atter in power fuch alignment, to make void, releafe, or difcharge faid affignment, or to '^'^ alfignor. difcharge or receive the fum thereby transferred or affigned, or any part. VII. fe£l. 1 6. All additional and other duties and rates hereby granted, Duties levied asbj- other than fucli as are otherwife by this aft appointed, fhall be raifed, an- H & 15 f^. 2. c 8. fwered, collefted and paid unto his majefty, his heirs and fuccefTors, Jur- °'' °''^^^ "'^'^^ '^*^- ing the term aforefaid, at the fame time, and in the like manner, and by fuch ways, means, and methods, and by fuch rules and direftions, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and with fuch powers, as are appoint- ed, directed, and expreffed by faid aft, fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for the fettling of the excife or new tmpoft \ or by any other law now in force relative to the revenue of excife in this kingdom, as fully and effeftually to all intents ;'nd purpofes, as if the fame were particularly mentioned, fpecified, and enafted again in the body of this aft, with like remedy of appeal to and for the party grieved, as by faid aft of excife, or any other law or laws now in being relating to the duty of excife is provided. VIII. fea. 20. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, fhall No fees on account be payable to, nor be dedufted or received by vice-treafuers, receiver or °f '^"'^ ?=•>''"«"'''• paymafter general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer or officers of this kingdom for or on account of the iffiiing or payment of any fum or fums arifing by, or which ("hall be received for or on account of the aids hereby granted, or of any payment in purfuance of this aft. IX. fefl. 21. So much of the yearly produce of faid duties arifmg upon looool, yearly of teas, as ftiall amount to ten thoufand pounds yearly, fhall firft be paid to '^^.^"''^^'° trudee^ truftees of hempen and linen manufaftures ; and fo much of the refidue of ^';^''"«^"'^anufaaure. faid duties upon teas, as fhall amount to feven thoufand three hundred relenue'° "^''""^' pounds yearly, ftiall be placed to the account of his majefty's heredi- tary revenue ; and the furplus of the produce of fuch duties, together furplus with the "with the fcveral other duties and aids hereby granted, ftiall firft be°'''^'' ^'^= to'"":re(l • ■■ ■ Hz - , appliedf '7'"^"^=?^^^- ?loatr« applied and paid by vice-treafurers, or deputies, to pay the interefl: for fo much of the feveral principal fums formerly borrowed as unpaid on the ihen to the annui- 2^th of December 1775; and next to the payment of the annuities afore- ""• faid. PiincJpaUnruitereft X. /f(^. 2q. So much of the feveral principal fums formerly borrowed due 2^ Dec. 1777, as remain due and unpaid on the 25th of December 1777, fhall be well and pii.l without any de- (,.yiy fatisfied and paid unto the feveral perfons, their executors, admini- " '°" ftrators and afligns, to whom the fame fhall be then due, together with fuch interefl for the fame as fhall be then due at the rate aforefaid, without any deduction, defalcation, or abatement whatfoever. Sepsrite accounts of XI. Je£l. 24. After the 25th of December 1775, a feparate and diftindt appiopnaied duties; account fhall be kept by the proper officer of the aids, duties, and taxes granted by this ad, or any other ad now in force, and appropriated to particular ufes ; and commiflioners of revenue fhall return their weekly weekly abftraQs te- abftraifts from the colIeAors to accountant general ; and accountant ge- turned to accountant neral fhall return a feparate account of the feveral duties and taxes fo ap- general ; propriated to the vice-treafurers, or deputies; and every coll edor or re- v^ce"rMfuTe''rs"^ '° ceiver of faid duties and taxes do take a feparate receipt for the fame, feparate receipts when paid into trcafury, which receipt the vice-treafurers, or deputies, are given. hereby to give accordingly. Surplus duties by XII. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 2. fe£l. 23. Provided, if the furplus 13 & 14 G. r C.2, or exceeding of the duties granted lafl feQion by an aifl for granting unto and by 15 & 16 ^y^ niajelly tke feveral HutieSy Rates, impojitwns and taxes therein parliciilarh G. 3. c I, amount- rr , 1 t- 1 ■ ^ a . i . r r i ^ jneon ^<^ Dec. 1 77;, ('^pr^jj^'^t ^^ ^^ applied to pay an interejt at the rate of j our pounds per centum or 24 lune or 25 per annum, for fuch part of the feveral principal fans formerly borroived, as Dec. 177^ or ^111 •pall remain unpaid on the 25th day of December, ill}; and to apply the to looool. ^^^^ ^^- Jjfypliis of the faid duties in fuch manner, and for fuch purpofes as Jhall be wh"en'at'o^r"under direBed by parliament ; or by an aft pafTed this feflion, for granting unto his paf. majefly the feveral duties, rates, impofitions, and taxes therein particularly expreffed, to he applied to pay an interefl at the rate of four pounds psr centum per annum, for fuch part of the feveral principal fums formrely horro-^ed, as pall remain unpaid on the 2§:h of December, 1775, and for fuch other pur- pofes as are therein mentioned, remaining in the hands of the vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafler general, or deputies, after payment of the feveral fums appointed to be paid by this or the faid recited ads, or any other att now in force in this kingdom, fhall on the 25th of December 1775,' or any 24th of June, or 25th of December 1776, or 1777, amount to ten thoufand pounds or more, over and above all interefl:, annuities, and charges, payable thereout at faid time, the vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafler- general, or deputies, fhall, as often as fuch furplus fhall fo happen, pur- chafe loan debentures therewith, as foon as, and from time time, when- ever they can be procured at or under par, until the whole of fuch furplus fhall be expended therein. Advenifcnient of XIII. fe£l. 24. And for rendering the purchafe of debentures as afore- fu.h fuipius, and fajj more eafy, the vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafter-general, or depu- forXaie ot dehen- ^j^^^ fhall, whenever fuch furplus fhall fo happen, advertife in one or more twesmiz ays, ^f jjje publick news-papers the amount thereof, and for all perfons defi- rous of felling debentures to apply and fignify the number of the deben- ture, the name of the prefent owner, and the value for which it will be fold, fold, at the treafury cm a day not more than twelve days diflafit, to be mentioned in faid advertifement ; and in cafe on faid day there fhall not be application fufficient to exhaiifl the whole of faid furplus, they fhall a"-ain advertife in like manner, and fo to continue to do from time to fo from timet nime; time for applications to be made on fome one day in every fuccelfive week, while any part of faid furplus fhall remain ; and on each of faid days fo mentioned vice-treafurers, receiver or paymafter-general, or deputies, fhall then and there proceed to purchafe the debentures, that fhall be offered at or under par, until the whole of fuch furplus be expended; always pur- theloweft fuftpur- chafine firft thofe which fhall be offered for the fmaller value ; and vice- ^^hafed, treafurers, receiver or paymafter-general, or deputies, are required to can- ^^^^^ ^^^^^,1^^ . eel immediately every debenture fo purchafed ; the refidue of any furplus, refidue unapplied which fhall remain in the hands of vice-treafurer unapplied as before di- difpofed by pariia- reAed, fhall be difpofed of in fuch manner, as fhall hereafter be appointed "i^"'' by parliament. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 32. feH. 5. An aft the thirty-third of 33 G. c n. asto George the fecond, fo far as the fame relates to the more eafy providing "^^^^5*"^""^^''°^ ^^ a maintenance for parifh clerks, continued in full force until the 24th of ^^ june 178?, &c. June, 1783, and to the end of the then next feflion. ' ' parliament. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 11. feH. i. Whereas by an aft nth of his Recital 11 G. 3 . • prefent majefly the fpeaker is required to iffue warrant to clerk of the crown c 10. to make out new writs in the room of members, who die during a recefs for more than twenty days, the deaths of fuch members having been cer- tified in writing to him under hands of two members, and fourteen days notice firfl given by the fpeaker thereof, and of his intentions to iffue fuch warrants, in the Dublin Gazette ; and inconveniencies might arife, if fuch and of ;r,convei.i- notice fhould be infertcd in the Dublin Gazette, and fuch warrant iffued ences. by the fpeaker, in cafe of death of a member not certified fo long before ^ ,f< the aftual meeting for difpatch of bufinefs, as that the faid notice may be itiferted and the fourteen days expired before the faid meeting, or in the cafe of death of a member, againfl whofe eleftion or return a petition had been prefented, and was depending at the time of prorogation or adjourn- ment ; nothing in faid aft fhall be conflrued to extend to require the r.peakei's warrant fpeaker to infert notice in the Dublin Gazette, or iffue warrant to make for "sw wrii and out a new writ in room of any member deceafed, whofe death fhall not/'"''"'^ '" ,./^'''f ^. ,,, -,-1 iz-i-'^i , r ini • ^,not requidte, vhere be duly certified to the fpeaker fo long before the aftual meeting or the member's death not houfe of commons for difpatch of bufinefs, as that the fpeaker may be certified, foas 14 able to infert notice thereof, and of his intention to ilfue fuch warrant, days notice before fourteen days at leaft before fuch meeting, and for the eleftion of a mem- jpf'^''"g "i*)' ^ 'p*'^ ber to ferve in parliament for any county, city, borougli, or place, in the " * '• ' , room of any member deceafed, againfl whofe eleftion or return a petition had been prefented to the houfe of commons, and was ,a<^ually; depending at the time of fuch prcrocation or adjournment. \&atliatnent. To prevent diforders n. JeQ. a. And whereas it would tend to promote the piirpofes of faid llcftiol^r' '' ^'^' f'^^ prevent inconveniencies and diforders for want of more fpeedy Provifions of 1 1 G. eleftions, if the faid adl extended to members, who fhall become peers of 3. c. 10. extended Ireland ; the fpeaker of the houfe of commons, during recefs for more fo members becom- than twenty days, whether by prorogation or adjournment, is hereby re- refs'Tbove'^zo da 7' ^"^'"^^^ ^° ''^"^ '""'^ warrants to the clerk of the crown to make out new liy}peaker's°warrant^"'^s for elefting members in the room of fuch, as fhall during fuch recefs for new writ ; become peers of Ireland, as foon as he fhall receive notice by a certificate or» certificate to under hands of two members of the houfe, that a writ of fummons hath fpeaicer by 2 mem- -^^^^ iffued under great feal of Ireland to fummon faid members to par- bersof writaf fum- .• ^ *^ mons. I ike notice and war- \\\. fe£l. 3. Provided, after receipt of fuch certificate like notice in rant by fpeaker. Dublin Gazette fhall be given by the fpeaker, as is required in cafe of members deceafed ; and fuch notice and warrant fhall be fubjeft and liable to fame exceptions and regulations, as required by faid adl, and this ad, in cafe of notices and warrants to be ilTued in room of members dying du- ring a recefs. "'hen on former IV. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 16. fe6l. i. Whereas the idlenefs and eleflion the number dilllpation by the length of time frequently fpent in the poll at eleftions "oo^tdepu^rap- ^'^'^ members are produftive of many evils, and of dangerous tendency pointed by the officer ^o the freedom of eledion ; in all cafes where the eledion cannot be de- to take the poll un- termined upon view, and a poll demanded, the fherifF or returning officer der him before com- or officers. On every eleftion, whenever upon the laft or any former elec- mencememot the ^^^^ ^j^g number of eledors have exceeded four hundred, (hall, before commencement of the poll appoint one deputy to take the poll under him or them, at fame time, and in fame court-houfe, or if not convenient adjourn only from room therein, in the neareft convenient place ; and fhall not, during fuch afl^candWatercon- ^^^'^'<'"' adjoum for any longer time than from day to day, except from feat. ' Saturday to Monday, unlefs with confent of all the candidates : and every ftieriffand returning officer, and every deputy, fhall, before he proceed to take the poll, take and fubfcribe in open court, if required by any eledor, the oath following, which any eledtor is impowered to adminifter. deputy H° required ^, . ^° ^"^"^^^^ "^^^^ ^ "^'^^ honejlly and impartially, by any eleftor. Without favour to any candidate, take the poll at this election ; and that I have not directly or indirectly received, nor will hereafter receive, any money, gift, reward, promife, contract, or fecurity for money, or other reward, for or in rejpect of the conduct I Jhall oh/erve during the enfuing poll, or the re- turn I Jball make at the clofe thereof ; which laft words, or the return I fhall make at the clofe thereof, fl;all be omitted, when the oath is admiftered to a deputy, and inllead thereof fhall be inferted thefe : and that I will make a fair and true return of the poll to he by me taken, to the returning officer, who has appointed me, whenever and as often as 1 fhall he thereunto required by bim. a^*^Tfu7™°*"'''^ ^' ^^^' ^' ^^^"^y returning officer, who fhall have appointed a deputy, atpeauri; ^^^ ^^.^^ ^j^^ ^^ ^^^^ during the poll, as he fhall think proper, remove and appoint another deputy in his room ; and fuch deputy (liall, upon no-- lice given to him by the returning officer each day, clofe his poll-book. patliament and deliver in the fame immediately to faid officer, who fhall tot up there- foclofe poll-book from the number of votes polled on faid day for each candidate, and caufe j""J?""^'j^^^°"i^^^^'^jr the tot thereof for each to be read aloud, and entered in his poll-book in^a^jj^jy. open court ; and if fuch deputy fhall refufe to deliver his poll-book, when votes for each tot- required by returning officer, or continue to take tlie poll after dire(f\ed eJ, leadaloml, and by him to ftop, and before again direded by him to proceed, or after his^"'^'^'^' . ^^ deputation revoked, he fhall forfeit five hundred pounds ; (to be recovered book/o7comfnu'ing by any perfon who will fuc in any courts of record, to and for the ufe of to poll contraiy to fuch perfon fuing) and every vote admitted by him after fuch refufal, di- Hircaion, penaU/ redion to ftop, or revocation, (hall be null and void to all intents; but 5°^'j w pro^cuior, the perfon, who gave fuch vote, is not thereby difabled to give his vote ^ojj".* at fuch eledlion before the fheriff or other returning officer. but may be given VI. fe£l. 3, Provided fuch removal and new appointment of a deputy, before the officer and fuch notices to clofe the poll, and deliver up the book, fhall be made ^^?'' ffnio^al. ap- publickly and proclaimed in the place, where fuch deputy refpedivly fhall tlctTpublick.^" take the poll, by the fherifF or under (herifF, or fome perfon appointed for that purpofe by the fherifF. VII. Jetl. 4. If any perfon violently and outrageoufly difturb the court On riot poll not or other aflembly duly holden for the eledion, or interrupt the proceed- '^'°'^'|'.^"'^'^j°""^" ing of the poll, fuch difturbance or riot fhall not be any excufe to the re-^^^^gj.' turning officer, nor afford him any pretence for clofing the poll, or making a return : but the court, or other fuch aflembly, fhall thereupon be ad- journed for fome convenient time, as the occafion may require ; and if neceffiary, further continued by adjournment, from time to time, till fuch difturbance ceafed, when fuch returning officer fhall return, and again pro- ceed on taking the poll ; and every perfon, convidted of having violently on conviaion of and outrageoufly difturbed the court, fo as to interrupt proceeding of the diili'fbance, efFi- poll, or of having wilfully effaced, obliterated, torn, altered, or deftroyed ^g"J,°'^.'^^^'?i^7or'^ the whole or any part of the poll-book of the returning officer, or his i;(.|e,;„g ,be^ „, deputy, whereon any thing relative to faid eledion entered, or of having the ft-rit. fdonv, forcibly or fraudulently taken or fecreted the fame, or any fuch part ifanfportation:? thereof, or the writ or precept for holding fuch eledion, fhall be adjudged •^^'"'' guilty of felony, and tranfported feven years to feme one of his majelly's plantations abroad. VIII. /fi.7. 5. No fherifF or returning officer niall, upon any pretence, Officfr net toreim.-, return more than the number of perfons, by his writ or precept required ; more than by writ and in cafe of an equality of voices for any two or more candidates upon '^1""^^'^ ;. the clofe of the poll he fhall be at liberty to give his cafting voice, whe- on^oquality"^ *°'^^ ther otherwife legally qualified to vote or not as fuch eledion ; and if any returning more fherifF or returning officer fhall return more than the number by his writ^uool. and incapa or precept direded, and convided thereof in any court, he fhall forfeit*'^ to vote, two thoufand pounds to the perfon, who profecuted him to convidion, and adjudged incapable of ever after voting at any eledion for members in parliament. IX. fen. 6. Whereas permitting perfons to vote by virtue of rent Voter'; Ifreqiifre.l charges of a fmall yearly value is a great inlet to perjury, and tends to de- i^'a" ffpcl.re it rleir ftroy the freedom of eleft ions ; every perfon tendering his vote as a freeholder '^reebold conMs in at any eledion fhall, before admitted to poll, declare, if required, whe- '^"'''^''^^^^' ther his freehold confifts in rent-charge ; and no perfon fhall have a right no rent charge un- . to vote, nor fhall be admitted by any returning officer to poll at any elec- 20!. admitted. ticn. fatlimmnt tion by virtue of a freehold, confilting of a rent-charge of a lefs yearly value than twenty pounds ; any law, ftatute, ufage, or cuftom to the con- trary notwiihftanding. No fee-farm a X. /eor affirmation, if a quaker. / of in the county, city, or town of Oath if a rent- (as the cafe (hall be) do fwear. That I am a freeholder, and have a freehold charge. confijling of a rent-charge upon land or lands, tenement or tenements, heredita- ment or hereditaments, or all or any of them (as the cafe (hall be) lying and being at in the county, city, or town of (as the cafe fhall be) of the clear yearly value of twenty pounds, above all charges payable cut of the fame, and that I did not receive the fame, nor was the fame granted to me, in exchange for a freehold in this or any other county ; and that I was in fojfejion of the faid rent-charge, and had a right to receive, and did receive, to my own ufe, one year's rent at the leaf, arifing therefrom, twelve calendar months, at the leaf, before the prefent vacancy happened ; and that I have not refunded nor will I refund any part thereof ; and that I have not been polled before at this election. Ill (lead of oath by And the faid oaths or affirmations refpedively, as the cafe (hall require, %i G. 2. c. 10. f. 3-fhalI be adminiftered and taken in lieu and (lead of the oath or affirmation required by a certain aft the twenty-(irft of George the fecond. XII. fen. g. Provided if the freehold, whether a rent- charge or other eftate, by virtue of which any perfon fliall tender his vote, fhall have come by marriage, marriage-fettlement, defcent, prefentation to a benefice, de- vife, or promotion to fc^ne office, to which fuch freehold annexed, then the words in the firft oath, and that I have been for fix calendar months, pre- vious vious to the day of the tejle of the writ or precept for holding this electicn, in the actual poffejfim of the faid freehold, or in the receipt of the rent and profits thereof; or the words in the laft oath, and that I was in pojfejfion of the f aid rent-charge, and had a right to receive, and did receive to my own ufe, one year's rent at the leafl arifmg therefrom, twelve calendar months at the leafi be- fore the prefent vacancy happened, iliall be omitted, if the perfon tender- ing his vote rtiall defire it, and inftead thereof fliall be infeited in which ever of faid oaths fuch perfon fiiall take, and that the f aid freehold came to q^^j^ v^he^e the me by marriage, marriage fettletnent, defcent, devife, prefentation to a bene- freehold by marri- Jice, or by promotion to fame office, to which fuch freehold is affixed ("as the age. fetitement. de- cafe fhall be) before the prefent vacancy happened. And if any eledtor fhall ''^'^"t- deviie. pre- require, the following words fhall be added to fuch oaths refpeftively, 2'"°"' *" P'"""" and that I am not a papifl, nor married to a papifl, and I do not educate, or fuffer to be educated, any of my children under the age of fourteen years in the popijh religion ; a7id that I am of the age of twenty-one years, as I verily be- lieve. XIII. feH. lo. Provided, where a convert from popifh to proteftant religion Convert's oath, fhall tender his vote upon any election, the words, married to a papifl, fhall be omitted, and the following words inferred, if required, by fuch convert, have I fince my conformity to the proteftant religion married any papifl now living. yAV. fefl. II. Provided, every fheriff, or returning officer, or deputy, where regiftry re- fhall have full power and authority to adminifter the refpetlive oaths or quired, oath not ad- affirmations in this aiil, but not to any perfon whofe freehold is by the ™"''^e''^'^ "" '^''"'"" ads now in force required to be regiftered, until it fhall appear, fuch free- hold had been duly regiftered in manner thereby prefcribed. XV. fell. 12. No perfon fhall be admitted to vote as an inhabitant on Oath of inhabitants any eletlion for any borough where the right of voting vefted in the pro- in boroughs, inilead teftant inhabitants in general, or in the freeholders or inhabitants, until of the oath by 3 G. fuch perfon fo tendering his vote, in cafe of any objedion made thereto 3- ^- '3- ^ S- by any eledor, fhall take the following oath, or, if a quaker, affirmation, inftead of the oath diretled by an adt the third of his prefent majefty. / do fwear, or (if a quaker) do affirm, that I am an in- habitant of (here naming the place where fuch eledion is) and that my houfe isjituated in and my next neighbours are and I have been an inhabitant of the faid borough for thefefix months lajl pafl, and that I am not, nor have I been within thefe fix months laft pafl, an inmate or lodger, with any other perfon in faid borough, but have paid the tifual and cuflomary taxes and ccffies in faid borough as an houfe- holder, which have been legally demanded of me ; and that I did not divide my houfe in order to multiply votes at this eleBion -, and that I did not come to re- fide in faid borough, fince the prefent vacancy happened, nor in order to give my vote at this eleHion. , So help me God. And if any candidate, or any perfon having a right to vote, require, thefe words fliall be added : And that I am of the age of twenty-one years, as I verily 0~. \ believe ; (and if in like manner required, the following woids alfo added) and that I am not a papifl, nor married to a papifl^ and do not educate^ or fuffer \g^^^^ I .to J&arliauient to le educated, any of ray children under the age of fourteen years in the pjpijb religion ; provided, if a convert from popifh religion fhall tender his vote, bj converts. inftead of thefe words (nor married to a papiji) fhall be inferred, fior have /, fince my conformity to the proteflant religion married any papijl now living. Atlmininered at any Which oath or affirmation the fenefchal or returning officer of futh borough, tItdlorsiequLft J deputy or deputies, appointed as aforefaid, is impowercd and dlrecfled to adminifter to fuch voter at requell of any eleftor ; and on fuch voter fo vote not admitted taking the faid oath, or, if a quaker, affirmation, then, and not before, be ore oat ; ^^^^^x fenefchal or returning officer fhall admit fuch vote; and faid oath or tonclufive to officer iaf^i-jnation, fhall be abfolntely final and conclufive evidence to the fenefchal or returning officer, or deputy, that the perfon is qualified to vote at fuch no further fcrutlny. eledlion ; and no fuch voter fhall be liable to any further fcrutiny or exa- mination v/hatfoever before fuch fenefchal or returning officer, or deputy, en any fuch eledion. rena'tiesforpeiiury, XVI. /f^. 13. If any flicriff or returning officer, or deputy, ele^or, or perfon taking the oath or oaths, or affirmation before mentioned, or any of them, fhall be guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, or falfe affirming, he fhall and may be profecuted by indi6lment, or oiherwife, as perjury in any court of record may now be profecuted ; and being convicled, fhall incur and fufFer the pains and penalties, by law inflided in cafes of wilful and corrupt perjury. After tefteofwrltof XVII. feH. 14. No perfon hereafter elecfled for any county, cit)^ town, or fumnons no prefent, borough, after t eft e of writ of fummons, upon the calling or fummoning reward or entertain- gf^^j^y parliament hereafter, fhall, by himfelf, his friends, or agents, or any ment to voters , employed on liis behalf, and at his coft and charge, before his elecftion for any county, city, town, or borough, diredly or indiredly give, prefent, or allow to any perfon or perfons having voice or vote in fuch eledions, any money, meat, drink, entertainment, or provifion, or m.ake any pre- roproraife or agree- ^-__^j.^ S'^^ reward, or entertainment, or fliall at any time hereafter m.ake any promife, agreement, obligation, or engagement, to give or allow any money, meat, drink, provifion, prefent, entertainment, or reward, to or for any fuch perfon or perfons in particular, or to any fuch county, city, town, or borough in general, or to or for the ufe, advantage, b-ncfit, employment, profit or preferment of any fuch perfons, or places, in or- der to be elected, or for b?ing eleded, for fuch county, city, town or borough. yA' ill. feet. 15. Every perfon fo giving, prefenting, or allowing, mak- Inc3f|icuated to j^^g^ promifing, or engaging, doing, afting, or proceeding, fhall be dif- t:.i,e ui par lanun . j^j^j^j^ ^^j^j incapacitated upon fuch elecftion to ferve in parliament for fuch county, city, town, borough, or ''place ; and fhall be deemed and" taken not. to be rriembsrs, nor fhall aft, fit, or have any vote or place ia parlia- ment, but fhall be to all intents, conftrudions, and purpofes, as if never returned or eieded members for the parliament. II & 12G. 3. c. 12. XIX. Stat.- 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 30. fe^. i. Whereas an ad pafTed continued 11 o yearns ^^^ eleventh and twelfth of his prefent nujz :> the oaths of fupremacy and allegiance, and appointing other oaths ; and alio, and fubfcubing and fubfcribing and audibly repeating the declaration in an adl for more effec- '"^f!"''."S ''j^ f "^ *- r° ■ I 1 • , ,- 1 1 1/- LI- A r ration m 30 L. 2. tual preferving the king s perton and government, by dilabling papilts irom fitting in either houfe, in the tl:irtieth of Charles the fecond. Poo;. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 35. fe£l. i. Whereas by an ad el-.^vcnth Recl-al n & 12 G. and twelfth ot his prefent majefty one body corporate was creat'-d in j. c. ;o -, every county, county of a city, and town : and the prefident and a!iiflani.s inftituted for relief of the poor, and punilliing vagabonds and ilurdy beg- gars for the county of the city of Limerick, being a coi poration cr'^ated by laid ad, have been enabled by charity to ered at a very ccnfiderable expence a large and commodious houfe of induftry for the poor, upon a lot of ground contiguous, and within the liberties of the fame, which ihey _l:ave procured for the purpofe : and the prefident and affiflants for the ■'county of Limerick, being another corporation created by faid ad, have raifed a ccnfiderable fum for ereding an houfe of induftry for the poor of faid county, but h/?. 3, As often as one whole year's rent fhall be due or in arrear VMicn I year s rent (g any leflfor of any leafe of great or fmall tythes or other ecclefiaflical enr^er, an eieament dues, or any of them, and fuch leflbr hath right by law to re-enter or re- may be for tidies and poflefs for non-payment of fuch rent, fuch leflbr may bring adion of ejed- daes as on kale of ment for recovery of fuch great or fmall tythes, ecclefiaftical dues, or any ^^ ^' of them, and proceed in fame manner, and entitled to fame remedy and relief, and fubjed to fame provifoes and conditions, as in cafe of ejed- ment for non-payment of rent referved upon a leafe of lands or other pre- miffes. IV. _/f/7. 4. In all cafes where tenants of any demifed premilTes abfcond. If tenants abfcnnd, and Cannot be found, upon affixing a copy of the declaration, fummons, fixing cjpy ui dec a^ j^„ j noticc in ejedment for non-payment of rent, upon fome confpicuous lalioii, lummons.and ^ , t' . , , . '^ -J , -r t -rr \ -r r r co:ice in ricifinKrit P''^'''^ ^^ the pnucical houle upon the demued premiiies, and, ir no houle on the principal theieon^ upon fome other publick and confpicuous place upon faid pre- houfe, clnircii door, unifies, and in ejedmeni: for non-payment of rent upon leafes of tythes, or contpicuju' place, g„ ecclefiaflical dues, upon the church door of the parilh or union wherein vi:liom'iuic*or payable, and, if no church, upon fome other publick and confpicuous part cou.t. of fuch parifli or union, the fame fhall be a fufficient fervice of fuch furn- raons and notice in ejedment, without any rule or o/der of any court p»e- vioufly obtained. AfTidnvit ofabfconc- V. feSl. 5. Provided before fuch fervice allowed by the court, in which ing anddiJigeiit fuch ejeC^ment brought, as fufficient, it fliall be made appear to fuch court ^eiTch. by affidavit, that the tenants of fuch demifed premiiies, tythes, or eccle- fiaftical dues abfconded, and, though diligent fearch h.rJT b=en made for him, her. or them, they cannot be found. ■" " "" VI. feS?. ' VI. feEl. 6. And provided fiich fummons or notice fhall have been To No'"" affixed one affixed one month before any further proceeding in faid ejedment. «"edinE.* °'^ ^^^' Jae\)enue» •I. But. T5 & i6 Geo. 3. cap. 15. fc^. i If any common or retailing J,--. 7;;^'-.-_ brewer, retatler of beer or ale, maker or diftiller of aqua vita or itrong ^^^^ ,p ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ v^aters, or fervants, fhall from the 24th of June, 1776, refufe or deny any lake account', and to gauger or fearcher to enter, where the brewing ordiftilling bufinefs, or any fte the whole Cni(h- part thereof, is carried on, of or belonging to fuch brewer, retailer, or dif- ^^' penalty 50I, tiller; or if fuch gauger or fearcher, having entered, fhall not be permitted to remain therein to gauge and take account of quantities of liquors brew- ed, or in any procefs of brewing, and of wafh, low wines, finglings and fpi- rits, or of any other hquors or ingredients whatfoever, ufed or ready to be ufed in fuch place, and to fee the whole brewing or diftilling compleatly finifhed, and the liquors tunned or ftored, fuch brewer, retailer, and dif- tiller, niall for every fuch offence forfeit thirty pounds. II. fetl. 2. From 24th of June 1776, no perfon fhall let out for hire or Brewing pans not lend any pan for brewing to any perfon whatfoever ; and every perfon of- lent or hired out, ifending fhall forfeit every fuch brewing-pan, and alfo five pounds. P^"*''^ ^'- ^"'^ '''^ III. /f^. 3. After the 24th of June 1776, all goods, wares, and mer- R^J|."it_,] j j, 5 q_ ,, chandize, landed out of any veffel on the quay, fhall be taken from ofFc. 16. faid quay by the owners, proprietors, or other perfons to whom the fame Goods landed on configned, at the refpedive times herein after mentioned; every ^afk of ^"^°^"^j!|^°"^1^^"^Yen fpirits, wines, and other liquors or liquids fhall be taken and carried away ^^. . within three days commonly called working days, not Sundays or holidays, liquors in 5 working after fo landed; and every cafk, or other package of weighable or dry days after ; goods, fhall be taken and carried away within fix Working days after fo weighable or dry landed ; and if any perfons contrary to the diredions herein contained fuf- p°°3['tl"2s. a djy fer their fpirits, wines, liquors or other liquids to lye or remain on fud each package or quay any longer time than three woiking days after fo landed, every cafk cjfk, to king and fhall be fubjeft and liable to, and charged and chargeable with, the penalty '"foinjii. of two fhillings for every day the fame fhall remain on faid quay over and above faid three v.'orking days; one half whereof fhall b: paid to his majefly, the other to fuch perfons v/ho fhall give information of fuch goods continuing or lying on faid quay from and after faid time ; and in cafe any perfons fufTer any of their calks or packages of weighable or dry goods or merchandizes to lye or remain on faid quay any longer time than fix working days after fo landed, every cafk or package of weighable oT dry goods Ihail be fubjeft and liable, and charged and chargeable with a penalty of two fhillings every fuch cafk or package, for every day fuch cafk or package fhall fo remain on faid quay over and above faid fix working days ; one half whereof fhall be paid to his majefty, the other to fuch perfon who fhall give information of fuch goods continuing or lying on faid quay after the fame time. IV. fe£l. 4. Surveyors of the faid quay are required to fcize fuch goods, ^"°f.'.°"/'''',-"?; wares, and merchandize continuing on faid quay after expiration of laid i^dcred in iloreb ; working days, and lodge the fame, or fuiiEcient part thereof, in his ma- ibld'^for laid penal- jefly's flores, as fecurity for the amount of fuch penalties; and in cafe ties if not paid in 3 ~ - - -- L^ months. the owners negledl ro pay fuch penalties within three months next after the fame fo feized, it (hall be lawful for fuch furveyors to fet up and fell the fame by publick audion, and to apply the money to payment of fuch penalties, and the cofls and charges attending, rendering back any overplus to fuch owners. No auflton on fald V. fe£l. 5. After the 24th of June, 1776, no goods or merchandize of t]uav, unitfsbycom- what kind or nature foever, fhall be fold by audion or cant on faid quay, ' unlefs fold by order of the commilhoners for payment of his majefly's duties ; and in cafe any perfon fhall from the time aforefaid fell, or at- penalty 20I. to king tempt to fell, any goods, liquors, wares, or merchandize by audion on in ormer, ^-^jj cuftom-houfe-quay, fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay twenty pounds, every time fuch perfon fhall fell or attempt to fell fuch goods by auction on faid quay; one half to his majefty, the other to the perfon who fhall give information thereof Rut damaged goods VI. JeH. 6. Provided it fhall be lawful for any perfon to fell or difpofe mayon furveyor's by publick cant any damaged goods, wares, or merchandize, landed on faid fiid°quay by cant in ^1"^^ ' P''°V'ded furveyors of the cuflom-houfe-quay (hall report by writ- 6 days. ing under their hands to commillioners, that fuch goods intended to be fold by audion are really damaged ; and provided fuch damaged goods fhall be fo fold by auftion within fix days after landed, otherwife fuch damaged goods (hall be fubjed and liable to the feveral penalties and feizures here- in before mentioned. Spirits (except cor- VII. /c^. 7. After the 24th of June, 1776, if any brandy, rum, or dial waters in caflis Other fpirits, except cordial waters in cafks under fifty gallons gauge, or under 50 gallons) any teas in any package whatfoever (excepting fuch teas as diredly brought teas (except from G. from Great Britain, and proved exported from thence) or any tobacco in any Britain) tobacco in ^^s^^Qe. containing lefs than five hundred pounds weight, fhall be found on package under 500 f ,^ ^ . S- , . • ^11 1 • 11 lb. attmpted to be board any fhip, vefIel,or boat in any port or harbour, or hovering within three run, (live nectlTuy leagues of the fhore of this kingdom, or difcovered fo to have been, al- of which due notice though bulk fhall not appear broken, or any of the faid goods or ccm- and proot ) the vef- modities before mentioned, run, or attempted to have been run out of fuch befidesihe^p^enah'ies. ^'P' '^'^(fel, or boat, (fave in cafe of unavoidable neceffity and diflrefs) of which neceffity and diftrefs the mafter, purfer, or perfon having or taking charge or command, fhall, immediately after arrival of fuch fhip, veffel, or boat into any bay, harbour, river, or creek of or belonging to this kingdom, give notice and proof before the colledlor, or other chief officer of revenue refident at the nearefl port where fuch veffel fhall arrive, fuch fhip, veffel, or boat, with all her guns, tackle, furniture, ammuni- tion and apparel fhall be forfeited, over and above any other penalty or forfeiture for faid offence by any law now in force. Recital 11 & 12 G- VIII. feei. 8. After the 24th of June, 1776, if any perfon on board any 3. c. 7. r. 13. fhip^ boat, or veffel, being within the limits in the recited ad mentioned, preventing officers^ ^^j| ^^^^^ ^^ prevent any officer of revenue from boarding or entering, or or fciihfg, tw'^not^' from feeing, furveying, or making fearch for excifeable goods and com- with arm?, the (hip, modities ; or clfe, permitting them fo to do, fhall prevent or hinder fuch &c. forfeited. officer or officers from feizing and carrying away fuch excifeable goods or commodities, or fhall or may be found therein, and which by any law now in being they have power to feize, though fuch refiflance, hinderance, or prevention fhall not be with arms, or by force of arms, then, and in iuch cafes, fuch fhip, boat, or veffel, with all her guns, tackle, furniture, ammuinition !aeV)Ctttie» ammunition, and apparel, and all goods and commodities' found therein, ftiall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized and profecuted as hereinafter direfted. IX. feff. g. Whereas perfons importing excifeable goods, or purchaf- G^ods, keptfrandn- ing fuch goods from merchants importers, obtain permits for the quantities ,"". 1'^^V/," /-■ 1 t/-j J J rri ■ r J r Permit, deemed lun. lo nnported or purchafed, and undercover or fuch permits lend out Imug- gled goods of the fame quality and quantity, keeping in their pofl'clhon the goods fairly entered, and have evaded all forfeiture by producing tef- timony, that the goods feized in their polfeffion were the fame identical goods fairly imported; after the 24th of June, 1776, all goods mentioned in fuch permits, as f"hall or may be granted for carriage of any excifeable goods, fhall be confidered and taken into the account of goods, for which fuch perfon is intitled to have credit as goods legally imported ; and any furplus or exceeding found in cuftody or polfeffion of any perfon, and for which fuch perfon cannot produce a permit or certificate of entry, fhall be deemed and taken to have been run, and forfeited, as fully and effedlually, to all intents and purpofes, as if fuch goods had been adually run. X. /e^i. 10. Whereas by an aft firfl and fecond of his Majefly it fhall No writofappraife- be lawful for owners of goods and merchandizes feized for being or intended ment or deliver/ as to be run, and for the mafter of any vefTel feized for breach of any laws of ^J' * ^- }■ ^' 7- , excife, to apply for writs of appraifcment and delivery ; and the benefit, ten conTenrby 5 intended for fair traders only, hath been obtained by fmugglers ; after commiflioners. the 24th of June 1776, no writ of appraifcment or delivery fhall ilTue for any fhip or other veil'el whatfoever, unlefs the penon, fo applying for fuch writ of appraifement or delivery, fhall produce a confent in writing, under hands of three or more of the chief commiflioners of revenue of excife, for the granting of fuch writ of appraifement ot delivery. XI. /e^. II. For more effeClual coUedling duties on coaches, chariots. Coach duties by i^ berlins, calalhes, and chaifes with four wheels, and chaifes with two wheels, '^ ''^ ^; 3- <=; '-^ after the 24th of June 1776 all perfons, in whofe polTeflion any of the gji^.^^J'j -j, 'q,'Jj/^^J;(-_ aforefaid carriages liable to the aforefaid duties, found within the refpeftive tria, unlefs colfec- times mentioned in an at7. 17. Whereas whenever the duties on any commodity ex- dutics exceed prime ^°^^ ^he prime coft of fuch Commodity, collufive feizutes have been con- coft J certf d between the fmuggler and officers of revewue, who made or pretended all (pirits, fefied snH to make fuch feizures for his or their own advantage ; after the 241)1 of Sofcand'e'^ ''■*' J""^.'776, all brandy, geneva, rum, or other fpirits, which (liall hereafter a fnm cqnal to the be fcized and Condemned as illegally imported, fhall be fold by incli of - wafh and iJohle, tents and purpofes whatfoever ; and after the 24th of June 1776 all walh •nheie no ftill, Stc. and pot-ale in any heufe, out houfe, or other place not belonging to a &xed, lii.kd. common difliller of fpirits, aqua vita, or flrong v/aters for ftlle, and where no flill, black-pot, or alembick is fet and fixed for diflilling of the fame, may be fpilled by any officer of excife, who flaall find or difcover the fame. _, , A ,1: . XXVI. f£^. 26. Whereas the importing tobacco-flalks is produdliVe ported, forfcifed or ^^ great frauds-,, tb' dimmution of revenue, and detriment or the latr ihtvalue. trader; after the 24th of June 1776, no tobaccn-ft Uks or flems flripped from the leai; ftiail. be imported under penalty of forfeiture, or the value thereofv ' 'j~o' r ' ^ XXVII. >/7. towns. Withdrawn on XXVn. /en. a). After the 24th of Ji n' 1776, all tdbacco-ftalks or flemsSeifed if on boardm in- any package whatfoever fliall be feized and forfeited, if found on board ?">'^^'''"'"^°',*i''** any fhip, veflel, or boat in any port or harbour, or hovering within three [^"^j^ norb?o!ce, nor leagues of this kingdom, or fhail be difcovered fo to have been, although attempt to run; bulk fhall not appear to have been broke, or any cf the faid tobacco-ftalks except ftripred from or ftems run, or attempted to have been run out of fuch lliip, veiTel, or '°^^'^^° '^S^")' ™" boat ; fave only and except fuch as have been flripped from tobacco le- [Ig^'p^j^'^'^g^j ,3"^ gaily imported, and for which his majefty's full duties fhall have been fent coaflways by paid, and have been put on board any fhip, boar, or velfel to be fentcocket. coaflways by cocket from one port to another in this kingdom. XXYIU. feet. 28'. All tobacco, tobacco-ftalks, and ftems feized and le- Tobacco and ftalts gaily condemned, and which after condemnation will not fell publickly for not felling for full the full duties, fliall be burned, or otherwife deftroyed : and the commif- j"'"^'^-^'" f°a" ,- r I ■ ■ n ■> r y rr r , ■ demnation, deltroy- lioners 01 his majefty s revenue may cauie the omcer or perfon making ed; feizure to be rewarded in fuch manner, as they fhall think proper, fuch reward not above reward not to exceed one psnny per pound #ei^f, in lieu of all other al- id-f^r lb. lowances. XXXIX. feet. 2g. Whereas goods and merchandizes have been fmug-S-'curuie"! for goods gled- into this kingdom, to detriment of revenue and the fair trader -, after '""' ^"^ ^!^. '"t^'*<^^'^» the 24th of June 1776, all contradts, notes, bills, bonds, judgments, "'^'^^^°' mortgages, or other fecurities, given or executed, where the whole or any part of the confideration Ihall be for any goods, wares, or merchandizes, tun, or brought into this kingdom with an intent to run the fame (to defraud his majefty of the duties now payable, or which ftiall at any time here-r after be lawfully impofed' upon any fuch goods,- wares, or merchandizes) fhall, as between the conftrator or conftrators, drawer and drawee, co- nuzor and conuzee, mortgagor and mortgagee, obligor and obligee, and all' and every perfon and perfons having notice that any fuch note, bill, bond, mortgage, judgrtient-, or other fec-urity, was given and executed for goods fo run, or intended' to be run, be utterly void to all intents and purpofes whatfoever. XXX. fia. 20. An aft in' the thirty-third- of Georges the fecond^, and alfo 53 g. 2. c. to. i C, one other aft in the firft and fecond, third and fourth, fifth and fixth, feventh 3 c. 7. Vg. 3. c. ' and eighth, eleventh and twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth of his majefty,/or ^i- 5 G. 3. c. 15. continuing and amending feveral' kvws' relating to hii revenue, and for the more ^ ^'1' '^ ''''■ ' ' efectiial prenrenting frmids therein ; and all and every the ciaiifeS therein fj'^ i4G.'^3.''c 8. Cexcept as altered, repealed, or amended by this aft, or by any of the re- continued, fave as ' cited afts, fhall continue and be iil force two }^ars, froto the 24th of June ^'f^^'-'^; 2 years, &c. 177^, and from thence to the end of the theii next feflioHj and n.o''""™^^-'""^ ''''^• longer. XXXI. feet. 3-^. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures inflift'ed by this ''e"'>'''«. except aft, or the feveral afts Herein before laft- partifcularly meritif3, free from all >ntalls,tru(b, &c. to be applied to- wards faid fcheme. Lands &c. vefted in Hen. Vaugiian Brooke to ufes. Agreements not al- tered. Woods fold, and the money divided. I. Srat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 38. fei^. 1. From henceforth there (hall be a corporation to continue for ever, for the execution of the charitable fcheme in the lafl will and teflament of George Vaughan, fo far as the fund hereby vefted in fuch corporation, fhall be fufficient to anfwer the fame; which corporation fhall be called and known by the name of The Governors of the Charitable Charter School eretled and endowed by the lad will and teftament of George Vaughan, efquire, and lliall confifl of the perfons herein named. II. Se^. 2. Towns, lands, fee-farm rents, tenements, and hereditaments from the firfl of November 1775, hereby vefted in, and fettled upon, the faid governors of the charitable charter-fchool, and their fuccelVors for ever, freed and difcharged of and from all eflates, entails, ufes, trufls, limi- tations, remainders, reverfions, charges, and incumbrances whatlbever, by the faid will or codicil limited ; to the intent neverthelefs, that faid cor- poration fhall apply and employ the fame in the due execution of fo much of the charitable fcheme of faid George Vaughan, as the fund hereby vefted in faid corporation, fhall be fufficient to maintain, fupport, and anfwer, according to their beft difcretion, and moft benefically for the objefts of laid charity. III. /en. 3. Towns, lands, fee-farm rents, tenements, hereditaments, and leafe- holds, from the firft of November, one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-five, vefted in Henry Vaughan Brook, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and afllgns, for ever, freed and difcharged of and from all the eftates, entails, ufes, trufts, limitations, remainders, reverfions, charg- es, and incumbrances whatfoever, by the will or codicil of faid George Vaughan, limited ; but neverthelefs, as to the faid towns, lands, and premifles laft herein particularly defcribed, with their appurtenances, to the following ufes, of Guftavus Brooke, during life, of Henry Harte, during life, William Newburgh, during life, and to ufe of heirs male of the body of the furvivor ; in default of fuch iflue, to ufe of heirs male of the body of Bafill Brooke ; and of heirs male of the body of Gufta- vus Brooke, and of heirs male of the body of Henry Harte, to ufe of heirs male of the body of William Newburgh ; in default of fuch ilTue, to ufe of right heirs of George Vaughan the teftator ; and as to the faid perfonal eftate vefted in Henry Vaughan Brooke, in truft for faid Guftavus Brooke, Henry Harte, William Newburgh, and Henry Vaughan Brooke, their ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and alligns, fubjeft to fuch agreement as hath been made between them. IV. ff^. 4. Nothing in this adl fhall make void, confirm, or vary any agreement between Guftavus Brooke, Henry Harte, William Newburgh, and Henry Vaughan Brooke, or any of them, touching the prenxiiTes here- by vefted in faid Henry Vaughan Brooke. ; ". ^ V. fe^. 5. Said governors of the charitable charter-fchool, and Henry Vaughan Brooke and his heirs, may and fhall forthwith, and with all con- venient venient fpeed, abfolutely fell and difpofe of the wocds and plantations now growing upon the lands in county of Fermanagh, and divide the mo- ney arifmg by fale equally between them ; one moiety to faid governors for the charitable purpofes aforefaid, the other to Henry Vaughan Brooke, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, upon truft as aforefaid. Y\. fefl. 6. Nothing herein fhall affeft, prejudice, or change the right Mary Tampfon's right or title of Mary Sampfon to faid George Vaughan's leafehold interelt un- ""' ^ffcded. der the fee of Derry. VII. fcSl. 7. Said governornors fhall meet and corporately affemblc Governors to meet; when and fo often, and at fuch places, as they think fit, feven days notice 7 da^s notice; ^ being previoufly given in writing to each of faid governors, or left at his dwelling-houfe, or publiflied in Dublin Gazette ; and upon death or refig- nation of any perfon herein named, the governors of faid charitable "."^''"""^y".^'' charter-fchool, or the major part, three at leafl confenting, fhall within iix jn'^ 5 ^fnon^t]™V con- calendar months after fuch vacancy elecft fome other in the place of every renting ; fuch perfon, fo as that the number of governors may always be thirteen, '3 '" number, and no more •, and as often as any vacancy fhall happen by death or re- fignation of any perfon hereafter elected, fome other fhall in like manner be eletled ; and all fach perfons fo elec^ted, fhall to all intents be deemed governors of faid charitable charter-fchool, as if their names herein parti- cularly inferted, due notice being given as aforefaid of fuch meeting, other- wife fuch eledtions fhall be void. VIII. fe£I. 8. Said governors and fuccefTors fhall for ever be in name incorporated ; and fadt one body politick and corporate in law for the puipofes in this att, have perpetual fucccifion, fue and be fued, plead and be impleaded, ^^^^ common feil • by the aforefaid name of incorporation, in all courts and places of judi- make rules, 5 pre-' cature, and appoint a common feal or feals for ufe of faid corporation ;fent j and faid governors (five at leafl prefent) being corporately affemblcd, fliall have power by votes of the greater part to make fuch laws, rules, or- ders, and regulations, for good government and management of faid clia- rity, confiftent with the laws of this realm, as they think neceflary and convenient, and to revoke or alter the fame at difcreiion : to which all obferved bv officcr.% officers and fervants belonging to faid fchool, or employed by Paid gov tr- Servants ai-.d chil- nors, appointed by votes of the greater number of iaid governors fo afltm-'^"^" adinjt:ed > bled, five at leaft being prefent, and all children, who flial! be admitted and remain in faid fchool, fhall be fubjeiTt unto, and obliged to obferve '^^ '^'f^^' '^'■'' ; and obey ; and in cafe fuch ofiicers, fervants, or cliildren, or any of them, refufc or negleft to fubmit and obey the fame, faid governors, at an}' af- fembly corporately convened by votes of the greater ntuuber, five at leafccrpnnlfhed in iLeM prefent, fhall have full power to fufpend, deprive, or difmifs, fuch officers uli'i^it^tion. or fervants, and to remove and difmifs fuch child and children out of fjnd fchool, or for fuch offences or neglecft to appoint any tefler punifhment, as they in difcretion think fit. IX. ftH. 9. It fhall be lawful for the governors, or the greater num-Maj-tiy indenmrf ber, from time to time by indenture under common feal to demif^^ leaie 3 llvew.f :i premiffes hereby vefted in them, or any part thereof, for any term not >^^'^'" P''"''^'°" = exceeding three lives, or any number of years, not exceeding thirty-oae, in poffeflion, and not in reverfion, remainder, or expedlancy, fo as upon '^'^'^'"g'^'f ''*■■"' every fuch leafe there be refcrvcd and made payable, during continuance '^'" "j'""^ '^'*'';"'' •"" thereof, half-yearly, to faid governors and thtir fiiceeiTcrs, li"? moft nr.d "'"' ^"''' ' b-ft j^cDoolsf* t>eft -improved yearly rent that can be reafonably had from a Tolvent te- nant at the time of making, without taking any money or other thing by .- .. , . p way of fine or income, for or in refped of ftich leafe, and fo as none of w°afte-^""' * ^° ^^"^'■' l^a^^s be made difpimifhable of wafte by any exprefs words therein ; claufe'ofdiftrefsandand fo as in every of fuch leafes there be contained a claufe or claufes of diftrefs and re-entry for non-payment of rent, and fo as the leflees feal and deliver counterparts ; and all leafes in any other manner (hall not be good or available in law, but be ip/o facto null and void. X. feet. lo. This aft fhall be deemed in all courts of juftice a publick aft, taken notice of and allowed as fuch by all judges and others, with- out fpecially pleading. XI. feet. II. Saving and referving to the king, and to all other per- fons, bodies politick and corporate, their refpeftive heirs, fuccefibrs, exe- cutors and adminiftrators (other than and except any perfons claiming un- der the faid laft will, all fuch right, title, eftate, and intereft at law and in equity, as any of them had, could, might, or ought to have had, as fully to all intents and purpofes, as if this aft never made ; any thing herein t» the contrary notwithilanding. no fine i re-entry ; counterparts deliver. Cd; leafes otherwife void A publick afl. Saving. Duties on wrirings or ingrofTment from 2; Dec. 177s W Pec. I 777- 5G. g. c. 13. con- Stat. 15 & 1 6 Geo. 3. cap. 32. feH. i. An aft fifth of George the fe- tlnued to 24 June cond for regulating and government of feamen in merchants fervice, con- '7^3- tinued in force to the 24th of June 1783, and to the end of the then next feiTion. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 9. feH. i. From the 25th of December 1775, there Ihall be raifed, colle(!:led, and paid unto his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, 'till the 25th of December, 1777 inclufive, for the feveral matters and things herein after mentioned, which fhall be written or en- groffed at any time from the 25th of December 1775, to the 25th of De- cember 1777 inclufive, the feveral and refpeftive rates, impofitions, duties, charges, and fums herein after ex preifed, in manner and form following; for every fkin or piece of vellum or parchment on which any grants or letters patent under great feal of Ireland, of any honour, dignity, promo- tion, franchife, liberty or privilege to any perfon or perfons, bodies poli- tick or corporate, or exemplifications of the fame, Ihall be engroffed or written (commilfions of rebellion in procefs always excepted) three pounds-, for every fkin or piece of vellum or parchment, or fheet of paper, on which any pardon (except the pardon palled in forma pauperis), of or for any crime or offence, or of any fum of money or forfeiture whatfoever, or on which any warrant of reprieve, relaxation from any fines,, corporal punifhment, or other forfeitures fhall be engroffed or written, the fum of three pounds -, for every fkin of vellum or parchment, or fneetof paper, upon which any grant from his majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, of any fum exceeding one hundred pounds, which fhall pais the great feal, Ihall be grants or patents of honour, pronioiion, franchife, &c. ^l f(r (kin ; procefs excepted ; pardons (except^^sr- tna puuperis) of Ot- fcnce or forfeiture, reprieves, relaxation cl fines 01 puniili- luent, 31. grants under great feal above lool. or grant of employ- ment above 5ol/fr ami. 3 1. be engrofled or written, three pounds ; for every fkin of vellum or parch grantsin fee, /eafc merit, or fheet of paper, upon which any grant of any office or employ- '""^t hTre^j'n chl'r'°e*d ment, above fifty pounds per amiuvi, fhall be written or engrofled, three ^^fjer great or ex- ' pounds ; for every fkin, on which any grant of lands in fee, leafe for chtqucr feal {rujh- years, or other grant or profit not herein particularly charged, that fhall "''■'"" "^'P'^f*) 2l- pafs the great feal of Ireland, or feal of exchequer {aijiodium leafes ex- "fl^'l^'^i"' P'^nio- *^ Ts /? 11 1. n- J -.^ » J r n ■ ■ Hon of icol. /■tfr cepted) fhall be engrolled or written, two pounds ; for every fl<.in or piece „„„_ ^l. or iheet of paper, uporj which any prefentation or donation, which fhall pafs the great feal, or upon which any collation by any archbifhop or bifliop, or any prefentation or donation by any patron whatfoever, of or to any benefice, dignity, orfpiritual or ecclefiaflical promotion vvhatfoever, ^i-ftn^jpej ],y b;. of one hundred pounds a year or upwards, fhall be engrofftd or written, Ihop or vicar'gens- two pounds ; the value afcertained by certificate of the archbilhop or bifhcp, ^^'s oe'ti'icate. or vicar general of the diocefes. W. fen. 2. Provided two or more benefices epifcopally united fhall be Unions deemed one deemed one only. ""'y- \\\. fen. 3. Every fkin or piece of vellum or parchment, or fheet of Dlfpenfatlon or fa- paper, en v/hich any difpenfation to hold two eccefiaftical dignities or be- cult/, 61. nefices, or both a dignity and a benefice, or any other difpenfation or .fa- culty from the archbilhop of Armagh, or mafler of the faculties, fhall be engroffed or written, fix pounds; every fkin or piece of vellum or parch- admlfHon cf fellows ment, flieet or piece of paper, upon which any admiflicn of any fellow of ''*^5°"^g« of P^y- the college of phvficians, or of any attorney, clerk, advocate, prodfor '^'^'^"^' f"ornt}', ^\ rr cc ■ L V n ., i ' cleik, adi ocate or cf- notary, or other ofhcer or officers in any court whatfoever, fhall be en- ficer in anycourt, ?!. grofled or written (except fuch officer be an annual officer in any corpora- eiccp- amualincor- tion or inferior court, whofe office is under ten pounds a year in falary, fees poiation or inferior or other perquifites) three pounds ; every fkin or piece of vellum or parch- *^°"" "' *^^' ''''' ^ ment, ©r piece of paper, upon which any appeal from the admiralty or^^*^' prerogative, or any archiepifcopal court, fhall be engrcTed or written, three ^pp^ji, ,; pounds; upon which any conveyance, furrender, of grants or offices, re- deeds iiuoiied of re- leale, or other deed whatfoever, enrolled of record in any courts at Dub- "id, 5s. ]in, or other court of record whatfoever, fhall be engroifcd or written, five fhillings ; every piece of vellum or parchment, upon which any writ '^°^'^""' '^^ ''"^' °- of covenant for levying a fine, upon which any writ of entry for fuffering ^^"'^'^^'^'"'^ recovery. a common revovery, engroffed or written, two fhillings and fix pence ; ' every fkin upon which any exemplification of what nature foever, that exemptlficatien, 5-: Ihall pafs the feal of any court whatfoever, engroffed or written, five (hillings; every fkin upon which any decree or difmiifion made by or in- decree or dimiG (■t, the courts of chancery or exchequer, engroffed or written, fix pence; every fkin, piece or fheet, upon which any inflitution, that fhall pais the feal of ''■''^''""°" ^^• any, archbilhop or bifhop, chancellor or other ordinary, or any ecclefiaflical court whatfoever, engroffed or written, five fhillings. IV. /fi57. 4. Provided an inftitution to two or more benefices epifcopally Unions as fing'e br- united fhall be confidered as a fingle benefice. nefice. V. fen. 5. Every fkin, fheet or piece, upon which any writ of error, E'ror, cfr/,Vari, sp. certiorari, or appeal, except to the delegates, engroffed or written five f^^'' ('^'"^ '" '''"^" fhillings ; as alfo every fkin or piece upon which any writ of /habeas cort>usVT^ '^' n' J /v ■ p * n • ■ 1-1 r oi'Ptas corpus. ? s. ^ ed or v/ritten, one fhilimg; every fkin or piece upon which anv fin- lenience. %trach. tenet in the admiralty, or upon which any attachment made out of faid ■^'^"'- or relaxati-n" court of admiralty, or any relaxation of fuch attachment,, flialJ be en- °'^'''^'f^'=)' s^- L ' groffed probate, or letters of grolVed or wntten, five fhillines i every fkin or piece, upon which any tdminiltrjuon tor „ u . r 'n i r j • -n. .• r ei u i above -ol. js P'Obate of a Will, or letters of adminiltration tor any ellate above the Kcognizdnce, fta- Value of thirty pounds, engrofled or written, five fhillings ; every fkin or tu.es, 5s. piece, upon which any recognizances conditioned for payment of money, or performance of covenants or agreements, ftatute ftaple or merchant, en- groifed or written, or entered of record in any court or office, five fhil- bvit if for Kcence to lings ; (except recognizances entered into by perfons applying for licences retail, bd-only; to fell by retail beer, ale, wine, flrong waters, or other liquors, which re- mp frius 01 fsfiea. Cognizances fhall be confidered as bonds, and pay fix pence only;) every 25. 6d. fliin or piece or iheet upon which any record of ni/i prius or pojlea engrofled , , or written, two fhillings and fix pence ; every fkin or piece of vellum or prola^officlr^s 6d Parchment or paper, upon which engrofled or written any judgment what- foever figned by the mafter of any office, or his deputy or fecondary, or by any prothonotary or his fecondary, deputy, or clerk, or any other of- ficer belonging to any of the courts at Dublin, who have power, or ufually ecciefiaftical court do or fhall fign judgments, a duty after the rate of two fhilling and fix comnilffion, not o- pence for every judgment engrofled or written on fuch fkin or piece ; for therwiie charge , gyg^y fkin, piece, or flieet, upon which any commiflion out of any eccle- fiaflical court, not herein otherwife particularly charged, iTiall be engroflfed admiralty warrant, or Written, two fhillings and fix pence ; upon which any warrant, moni- raonition. or decree, jJQj,^ q^ pcrfonal decree in the court of admiralty fhall be engroflTed or wages ; ^^^ "^ written (except in fuits for feamens wages) two fhillings and fix pence ; fpecialbaii, appear- for every piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, upon which any fpecial ance, 13. bail taken in any of the courts of Dublin, or before any of the judges of faid courts, or in any other court whatfoever, fhall be engrofled or written j common bail, ap- and for every piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, upon which engroflfed peaiance, bd. or written any appearance upon fuch fpecial bail, one fhilling ; for every piece, upon which any common bail filed in any court whatfoever, and upon which any appearance made upon fuch bail, engroflTed or written, fix chancery or exche- pence ; every flvin or piece of vellum or parchment, upon which engrofled quer pleadings, is. or written any bill, anfwer, replication, rejoinder, interrogatories, depo- fitions taken by commiflloners, or any other pleadings whatfoever in chan- p3a'lm^ionr6d- ^^^^ ^"^ exchequer, one fhilling ; every flcin or piece of vellum or parch- ment, fheet or piece of paper, upon which any admiflion into any corpo- affidavits, 6d. ration or company, engroflTed or written, fix pence ; every piece of parch- o^excife'offictr ™^"^ ^^ paper, upon which any affidavit engrofled or vi^ritten (except fuch magiftra^e, oraflingas taken before officers of cuftoms or excife, or any juftice of peace, or fummarily, or on magiflrate of any corporation, ading as a juftice, or afting in any court indiflments or civil Qf confcience, or fummary jurifdiftion, or before any judge of aflTize or bill, or for pubhck (^oj^rnjffiynej. ^f oyer and terminer relatve to profecutions or trials on in- inoney, hemp ana ,. „ ■'..,,.,, , /-i n 1 1 r -r flax, corn premiums, diftments, or to civil bills, or that fliall be made for raifing or account- premiums, turnpikes, ing for publick money, and except affidavits relative to hempen and flaxen or Dublin Society J rnanufafture, or to payment of corn premiums, or made before truftees copy of affiJavit filed of any turnpike, relative to the roads or tolls of fuch turnpike, or or lead, '6d. before the Dublin Society) fix pence ; every piece of parchment, or paper, upon which any copy of fuch affidavit, as is herein before deeds, not otherwife charged, filed or read in any court whatfoever, fhall be engrofled charged, is. exceptor written, fix pence ; every piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, upon for binding poor which engrofled or written any indenture, leafe, or deed-poll, not hereby children; otherwife charged (except indentures for binding poor parifh or other poor children, fupported by publick or private charities, apprentices) one fhilling ; fhilling : every piece, upon which any original writ (except fuch upnn which a capias iffues) fnhpcena^ capias quominus, dedinms potejlatem to take anfwers, examine witneiTes, or appoint guardians, or any other writ what- fover, or any other procels or mandate, that (hall iffiie out of or pafs the feals of any courts at Dublin, or any other court whatfoever holding plea, where the debt or damage doth amount to forty fhillings or above, or the thing in demand is of that value, Ihall be engroiTed or written, fix pence ; every piece, upon which entry of action in mayor's and fherifFs courts of writs, procefs, 6d. of Dublin, and in courts in all corporations, and other courts whatfoever, out of which no writs, procefs, or mandates ifliie, holding plea where the debt or damage doth amount to 40s. or above, fhall be engiolTed or written, fix pence ; every piece, upon which any rule or order (except in caufes upon inditVentry of a«. I 8. For better and more effeduallevying, collecting, and p"-;^,"^ ^ ^^^^^^^ paying duties hereby granted, it fhall be lawful for his majefty, or lordvernor; lieutenant, or other chief governors, from time to time to nominate and appoint perfons commiffioners or officers for ftamping and marking parch- ment, vellum, and paper, and managing thexiuties thereupon -, and the com- head oflice in Dub- miffioners fo appointed fhall keep their head office in fome convenient place ''" > within Dublin : and faid commiiiioners, or major part, are impowered un- (^ g p^j^j ^^1^1, ^ijj,_ der hands and feals to appoint fuch other inferior officers, with confentfcnt inferior officets. and approbation of the lord lieutenant, or chief governors, for marking or ftamping or for better collefting or levying the duties hereby granted, as they think proper. ' XIX. /f^. 19. Providted the feveral commilTioners and officers for the Commiffioners and ftamping or marking vellum, parchment, and paper, and managing the ''''"^^'■^ ^>' ' 3 & ' 4 duties thereupon, appointed by the lord lieutenant, in purfuence of an ad: 9: ^■cf'^^"''^^ laft feffion, for granting feveral duties upon vellum, parchment, and paper ; widi^fame po Jeis. and the feveral inferior officers appointed by faid commiffioners in purfu-unlefs removed, ance of faid ad:, as alfb' fuch other commifTioners and officers as fhall be hereafter appbinted purfuant to-tlvis ad, fhall, during contmuance of tliis ad. Former damps con- i" tinued ; lltered or renewed from time to time ; en due notice by proclamation ; judicial notice there of. Inipre flion durable, and ieaft liable to forgery. OlTicer appointed to take notice ; orders in courtJ at commidioners re- requert ; Oath by comn-ilf- fioiiefs and officers. a£t, for more effe(5lual levying the duties hereby granted, continue to aifl in the feveral offices, to which they have been or fhall be fo appointed, in like manner, with fame powers and authorities, and fubjeft to fame re- ftriftions and limitations, as in faid recited acl, unlefs fooner removed from fuch offices by the lord lieutenant, or chief governors, or by faid commiffioners, with confent or approbation of the lord lieutenant, or chief governors. XX. fe^. 20. The feveral types, marks, or (lamps already provided by faid commiffioners for the duties granted by faid recited ad, fhall con- tinue to be ufed for ftamping and impreffing all vellum, parchment, and paper, on which any of the things herein before charged lliall be engrof- fed or written ; and faid types, marks, or ftamps, or any of them, may be altered or renewed from time to time, as his majefty, his heirs and fuc- ceffors, or the lord lieutenant, or chief governors, fhall think fit, fo as publick notification thereof be given by proclamation, iifued under great feal of Ireland, a convenient time before faid types, marks, or flamps, fhall be altered or renewed, that all perfons may have due notice thereof: apd all courts of juftice and judges whatfoever fhall, without allegation .or proof, take judicial notice of the feveral types, marks, and ftamps, 1ieretofor€ appointed, by faid a.Ct, and of all hereafter publifhed by any pro- clamation ifl'ued, as and for the true and lawful types, marks, and ftamps, to be made ufe of in purfuance of this aft. XXI. fe^. 21. Commiffioners in providing types, marks, and ftamps from time to time Ihall take care they be fo contrived, that the imprcf- fion may be durable, and leaft liable to be forged or counterfeited. XXIL. /e^. 22. Commiffioners heretofore or hereafter conftituted by his majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, or by the lord lieutenant, or governors, as aforefaid, may from time to time, as they fee occafion, appoint a fit perfon to attend in any court or office to take notice of the vellum, parch- ment, or paper, upon which any of the matters or things aforefaid en- grofled, written, or put, and pf the marks or ftamps thereupon, and of all other matters and things tending to fecure his majefty 's duties arifing by this aft; and the judges in the feveral courts, and fuch others to whom it may appertain, at requeft of faid coinmilfioners, or any two or more, fliall make fuch orders in the refpeftive courts, and do fuch other matters and things for better fecuring faid duties, as fhall be lawfully and reafonably d fired ; and every commilfioner and other officer hereafter appointed, before he proceeds to execution of this aft, fhall take the oath following. -nrr h I A. B. do /wear, that I 'will faithfully execute the trujl repofed in me, pur- fiiant to an aB of parliament, intituled, an aft for granting to his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors,, feveral duties upon vellum, parchment, and paper, 'without fraud or concealment, and -will from time to time true account make of my doings therein, and dclher the fame to fuch perfon or perfons, as his majef- ty, his heir ^ or fucceffors, or the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or go- vernors of this kingdom for the time being, hath apf'tinted, or hereafter Jhall appoint, to receive fuch account ; and ivill take no fee, reward, or profit for the execution or performance of the faid truf, oir the hufr/iefs relatitig thereunto, from any per/on or perfons^, other than fuch as fall be paid or allowed by bis m/ijejly, his heirs or fuccef[9i-s^__or by fowi otler ptrfc\ nr perfons for tint pur' pofe pofe authorized by his majefty, or by the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being. And fuch oath may be adminiftered to any fuch commiflioner or commif- Adminiftered by any fioners by any two or more of the fame commiflloners, whether they have 2 hnving taken itor taken the fame previoufly or not ; and any of faid commillioners, or any "°'' ,. _ juftice of peace within the kingdom may adminifter the hke oath to any jgrs^byanTconiniif- fubordinate officer. fioners or jnHlce. YJYAW. feEt. zj,. Said commiflloners, and other ofiicers heretofore or ^"'^3 and 01 deis of hereafter appointed, and all ofiicers employed, or intrufled by or under ^'"^' .^"^'■''^"°" °''" them as aforefaid, fhall, from time to time, for better execution of their ^^^'^ ' feveral places and trufls obferve and perform fuch rules, methods, and oiders, as they refpetlively have received, or fhall receive from time to .-r r V till- 1 • r J r -J •,- commillioners to fur- time, from the lord lieutenant or chier governors; and laid commillioners ni/h vclium 8cc. fhall take fpecial care, that the feveral parts of this kingdom, from time to time, be fufficiently furnifhed with vellum, parchment, and paper, (lamp- . ed or marked as aforefaid, fo as his majefty's fubjeAs may have it in elec- ^^'j,, '°"|jg°, o!j^!'^_ tion to buy the fame of perfons employed by faid commilTioners at the ufual or moft common rates, above faid duty, or to bring their own to be ftamped as aforefaid, or to furnifh themfelves or others that fhall have done the fame „,,..„ , , r , , r A" proceedings and XXIV. feB. 24. That his majefty may not be defrauded of any duties writings as ufual. hereby granted, all records, writs, pleadings, and other proceedings in courts of law and equity, and all deeds, inflruments, and writings wha;- Ibever hereby charged, fhall be engrofTed or written in fuch manner, as they have been ufually accuftomed to be or are now written. Some part of writ- XXV. /?(f7. 25. All writings, matters, and things (in refpedl whereof ing upon or near any of faid duties payable) engrofTed or written after 25th of December, the ftamp ; 1775, fhall be written in fuch manner, that fome part thereof fhall be either upon or as near as conveniently may be to the (lamps or marks, in purfuance of this aft placed on the vellum, parchment, or paper, where- upon the fame fhall be written or engrofTed; upon pain that the perfon penalty lol. and who Ihall write or engrofs, or caufe to be written or engrofTed, any fach*^°''^'* writing, matter, or thing contrary to tenor and true meaning hereof, fhall every fuch ofTence forfeit ten pounds, with full cods of fuit. XXVI. y>rr. 26. All vellum, parchment, and paper, intended to be Vellum.&cbrouglit charged with duties aforefaid, fhall, before any of the matters or things to head office to be herein before mentioned be thereupon engrofTed or written, be brought to '^^"'P^'^'. ^"'^*'"' the head office aforefaid, to be (lamped and marked ; and faid commilTion- ^*^' P*>''"S ' ""^^• ers and officers are required, upon demand of the perfons bringing the fame, forthwith without fee or reward to (lamp or mark any quantities or parcels fo brought, fuch perfons paying to fuch officers appointed in that behalf the refpeftive duties hereby direfted. XXVII. fea. 27. If any perfons arrefted after ift day of Hillary Term, J^'! *«»«d alT.gnable 1776, by any writ, bill, or procefs out of any courts of record at Dublin, at jJ^'jJ^°j^'Ji'j"^J"' fuit of any common perfon, and the fherifFor officer taketh bail from fuch with 2 wimefles ; .perfon, againfl whom fuch writ, bill, or procefs taken out, the fherifF or without ftamp ; officer, at requefl and cofts of plaintiff in fuch aftion or fuit, or his law- ful attorney, fhall affign to plaintiff the bail bond, or other fecurity taken from fuch bail, by indorfing and attefting it under his liand and feal in prefence ftamp. Stamping before pay- ment, loal. to king and prolecuror. Writing'«ithout ftamp, or llamped lor lower duty : f .(Ti5nm»nt (lampt prefence of tv.'O Of more credible witneffes, without any ftamp; provided- e ore aaion, ^j^^ allignment Co indorfed duly ftamp^d, before any acftion brought there- upon ; and alfo after 25th of December 1775, all iTieriffs and officer hav- *fl"V^d''^^' h^°"^^ '"5 authority to grant replevins,, as often as neceffary to affign any bond " of any plaintiff in replevin to avowant, fuch allignment may be made without any ftamp, provided the ailignment fo made be duly ftamped be- fore any aftion brought thereupon. XXXlII. fee?. 28. If any commiflioner or officer fhall fix any fuch mark or ftam.p to any vellum, parchment, or paper, before the duties thereupon charged by this aft duly anfwered and paid, or fecured to his his majefty's ufe, he ftiall every fuch offence forfeit one hundred pounds; one moiety to his majefty, the other to him or them that Hiall inform or fue in any courts of record. XXIX. fefl. 29. If any perfons have engroffed or written, or caufed to be engroffed or written, fmce commencement of faid recited aft, or ihall at any time hereafter cngrofs or write, or caufe to be engroffed or written, any of the matters or things for which faid vellum, parchment, or paper was chargeable by laid aft, or is hereby charged to pay any duty, before faid vellum, parchment, or paper, hath been or ftiail be marked or ftamped as aforelaid, or upon which there was not or ftiall not be fome ftamp or mark refembling the fame, or have engroffed or written, or caufed to be engroffed or written, or ftiall engrofs or write, or caufe ro be engroffed or written, any matter or thing upon any vellum, parch- ment, or paper ftamped or marked for any lower duty than the duty by faid cr th's aft payable for what hath been or fhall be fo engroffed or written, there Ihall be duly anfwered and paid to his majefty, over and above the duty aforefaid, for every fuch deed, inftrumenr, or writing, ten pounds ; and no fuch record, deed, inftrument, or writing fhall be pleaded or given in evidence, or admitted in any court good or payment ajid lawful available in law cr equi y, lintii as well faid duty, as faid ten pounds^, ftamp; £rft paid, and a receipt produced under hands of fome officers appointed to receive duties above mentioned, and until the vellum, parchment, or paper, on which fuch deed, inftrument, or writing written or made, ftiall be marked or ftamped with a lawful mark or ftamp ; and proper officers are enjoined and required, upon payment or tender of faid duty and ten pounds, to give a receipt, and to ftamp with thd mark or ftamp. proper for fuch deed, inftrument, or writing refpeC\ively. XXX. fe^. 30. If any perfons fhall engrofs or write, or caufe to be di'tv,"^ penalty 5I. to engroffed or written, any of the matters or things, for which faid vei- king and ptoiccutor. j^^^ parchment, or paper is hereby charged to pay any duty, before faid vellum, parchment, or paper fhall be marked or ftamped. as aforefaid, or upon which there fhall be fome ftamp or mark refembling the lame, or fhall engrofs or write, or caufe to be engroffed or written any matter or thing upon any vellum, parchment, or paper, marked or ftamped fur any lower duty, tiian the duty by this aft payable for what fo engroffed ■or written, fuch perfon fo offending fhall every fuch offence forfeit five pounds, one moiety to his majefty, the other to him that will inform and fue. ' ■ ' ^ - i For it^prcper ftamp; .XXXI. >7..^=ii. • In cafe any clerk officer, orperfon, in refpeft of any t-o-jnterfeil, or for puWick ofhce cr employment intitled or uurufted to make, engrofe, or lower duty, clerk write dilailed ; ■ . lol. above the duty not evidence till receipt given and llamp on payment Stjmped for lower write any records, deeds, inftruments, or writings, by this atft charged to pay a duty, fhall be wilfully guilty of any fraud or pradice lo deceive his majefty of any duty by this ad: payable, by making, engrofTing, or writing any fuch record, deed, inftrument, or writing, or by caufing the fame, upon vellum, parchment, or paper, not marked or damped accord- ing to this aft, or upon which there fhall not be fome ftamp or mark re- fembling the fame, or upon vellum, parchment, or paper, marked or ftamped with any mark or ftamp he (hall know counterfeited, or by wil- fully engrofling or writing any fuch deed, inftrument, or other writing, upon vellum, parchment, or paper, he fhall know marked or ftamped for a lower duty as aforefaid, then every fuch cleik, officer, or perfon being lawfully convicted, fhall forfeit his office, place, or employment, and be difabled to hold or enjoy the fame for the future ; and if any attorney be- longing to any court whatfoever fliall wilfully be guilty of any fuch fraud (^""j'hy'hkh'^* or pradice, and convided thereof, difabled for the future to pradife as "" attorney. XXXII. /ft7. 32. If any perfon fhall write or engrofs, or caufe to be Writing before again written or engrofled, either the whole- or any part of any matter or thing, '^^.'"F^'''':"''"!*"^ in refped whereof any duty is payable by this ad, upon any part of any [ij'^p for u?|^ "penal- piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, whereon there Ihall have been be- ty 50I. fore engrolTed, written, or printed, any other matter or thing, in refped whereof any duty is payable by this ad, before fuch vellum, parchment, or paper, again marked or ftamped according to this aft, or fhall fraudu- lently erafe or fcrape out, or caufe to be erafed or fcraped out, the name of any perfon, or fum, date, or other thing engrofled, written, or printed in fuch inftrument, writing, matter, or thing, or fraudulently cut, tear, or get off any mark or ftamp, or any part thereof, with intent to ufe fuch ftamp or mark for any other writing, matter, or thing, in refped: whereof any duty payable by this ad, every psrfon fo offending in any particulars before mentioned ftiall for every fuch offence forfeit fifty pounds. XXXIII. /^>'*'"' fhall every fuch offence forfeit forty fhiUings, recovered in a fummary way before any juftice, who is hereby authorized to hear and determine the fame, and upon due proof, and default of payment of faid penalty, on default imprifon- to commit offender to prifon not exceeding one month, without bail or ment not above i mainprize ; which penalty fhall be to fole ufe and benefit of the perfon, '"o"!''- who fhall without fraud or covin firft fue. XLIVI. fe6l. 47. After 25th December 1775, all perfons, who fhall AdvertifementduiiM print or publifh, or caufe to be printed or publilhed, any advertifement in P^'J-' '" ^? rT' ^l any pamphlet, news-paper, or other literary performance, fliall within forty •* * ^' " '^^ days after the printing or publication pay the duty thereon hereby charged to perfons appointed to receive, or their deputies or clerks, the duties for all fuch advertifements as fhall be fo printed or publifhed within Dublin, and to the next adjacent head officer appointed for the colledlion of faid ftamp duties, the faid duties hereby charged for and upon all fuch adver- tifements as aforefaid, printed or publifhed out of the limits of faid city ; and the commiflioners and officers lafl mentioned, or fuch of them to whom it fhall appertain, are required, upon payment of the duties hereby char- ged on fuch advertifements, to give receipts for the duties hereby charged^ and in default of fuch payment within the time herein before limited, the printer or publifher of every fuch advertifement liable to pay treble the duties before by. this adt chargeable thereupon, to be recovered with full cofts of fuit. XLVIII. JeEl. 48. If any perfon whatfoever fhall counterfeit or forge Counterfeit {lamp;, any type, mark, or flamp, to refemble any provided and ufed by faid felony^ recited ad, or in piirfuance of this adl, or counterfeit or refemble the impreflion of the fame upon any vellum, parchment, paper, or other mat- ter diredted to be flamped, thereby to defraud his majefty of any duties hereby granted, or fhall utter, vend, or fell any vellum, parchment, or paper with fuch counterfeit mark or impreffion thereupon, knowing fuch counterfeited, every perfon fo offending, and thereof convidted in due , , form of law, judged a felon, and fhall fuffer death as in cafes of felony without benefit of clergy. XLIX. fe£l. 49. It fhall be lawful for his majefly, the lord lieutenant. Salaries ani durges or chief governors, out of the duties arifmg by this adt to caufe fuch p^'d out of duties, money to be expended and paid from time to time for falaries and other ' , incident charges, as neceffary in and for receiving, colledting, levying, or managing the fame duties, any thing in this adt to the contrary notwith- ftanding. ,1 L. Jen. 50. All officers concerned in levying, colledting, and receiving Separate accounts the duties by this adl fhall keep feparate and diftindl accounts thereof ;''^P'' and the feveral perfons employed to colledt and levy faid duties in the jaid into fr a Mry city or county of Dublin, fhall pay the fame in fpecie into his majefly's ift Mondiy mcntli- treafury on the firfl Monday every month, unlefs a holiday, and then the 'y > next day after which fhall not be a holiday j and the feveral perfons em- q, roexr!' .- •. ployed to levy and colledt faid duties in other parts of this kingdom, tors; fhall pay the fame in like manner to the feveral colledtors of the inland excife of the refpedtive diflridls, in which received and colledted ; which coUedlors are authorized and required to receive and give receipts without fee j^mmp0. notice of payment fee Of reward, and to keep diftindt accounts thereof ^ and every flamp- in 6 days to comm:r- officer (hall in fix days after making any payment into treafury, or to any '°"^"' of faid colledors, give notice of amount of fiich payments to commillion- ers of ftamps ; and if faid officers, or any of them, neglect or refufe to difa'hled"°a'nd^c'hlfr - P^^ ^^^^ ^^"^® ^^ ^^^ ^''^° °^ '" manner aforefaid, or detain all or any parr ed^i2p'erc=nt. ^ of the monids by them coUcdled and received, he or they fhall be difmiiied from employment, and rendered incapable to ferve his majefty, his heirs and fucceifors, and be charged with intercft for the monies fo detained after the rate of twelve pounds per cenlum per annum. LI. fea. 51. Provided it fhaLl be lawful for receiver- general of faid duties to retain -fuch fum, not exceeding one month's produce of faid du- ties, as he fliall fo receive, to anfwer necetfary demands of faid office. LII. fea. 52. There fliall be provided and kept in his majefty's trea- fury one book, in which all monies, paid into treafury by this ad, fhall be entered and regiftered apart and diftind from all other monies paid or pay- able to his majelly upon any account whatfoever. Llil. fefi. 5j. None of the duties granted by this ad fhall be received or col.'eded by or paid to faid commiffioners of flamps ; and the feverai perfons, refpedively employed in receiving, colleding, or paying the du- colieflors to account ^ics by this ad granted, fliall once every year, during continuance of this yearly to impreft- ad, exhibit their refpedive accounts to commiliioners for taking imprefh accounts ; who iliall examine upon oath faid accountants employed in raifing, receiving, or colleding faid duties, what money was by them or any of them refpedively raifed, coUeded, or received within the time of fuch their accounts, and likewife what part thereof was by any of them paid into his majefty's treafury, or to colledors of inland excife ; and in making faid accounts before faid commiffioners they are to produce pro- vouchers produced, per vouchers for any money fo raifed, received, and paid ; and faid com - miffioners of imprefl accounts are finally to adjufl and fettle faid accounts, and to give dicharges to faid feverai accountants. LIV. fea. 54. When accounts of money received for the feverai duties fo audited, the fame fhall be figned by faid commiffioners of accounts, and be at all times to faid officers therein concerned a full and fufficient warrant and difcharge to all intents and purpofes. LV. fea. §^. All penalties incurred by this ad, unlefs otherwife di- reded by this ad, may be recovered by any perfon, who fhall fue by adion Receiver general may retain 1 lEontli produce. Diftinfl regiilry jji treafnr)'. Duties not received by commiinoners ; commidloncis examined on oath /ccnnnt< audited and fieneJ, a full iriifchaize. Feralties, iinlefs o- t}ierv\ire riireftcd, to piolecutor. ^k) fees to ofEcers aci-cunteJ fo; to the ki«g. of debt, bill, plaint, or information in any courts of record at Dublin, in which no eflbign, protedion, privilege, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed. LVl. fea. s6. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, (hall be payable to, or deduded or received by, viie-treafurers, rectiver, or paymafler-general, clerk of pells, or other officer for their own ufe, for or on account of^ ilTuing or payment of any money arifing by, or re- ceived for or on account of the aids hereby granted, or of any payment in purfuance of this ad ; but the fame fhall be received, and duly accounted for to his majefly, hia heirs and fucceflbrs. I. Star, I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. i. fea. 4. For the greater difcoiiragemcnt ^'^'^^l^^^'^ l^\^^ of the pernicious and illegal prac\ice of unlawfully importing and clandef- ^^ ^[j'jul^om's and tinely running and landing of tea, after the 25th of December 1775, until anj exi.iie, the 25th of December 1777 inclufive, there fhall be paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceflbrs, fix pence every pound of green, and four pence for every pound of black bohea and other tea imported during the time afcrefaid, in lieu and full faiisfadion of all duties of cuftoms and excifd._ ..... I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 26. fcH. i. Whereas the feveral adls for Ref-ea'. of ;o W. 3 encouragement of planting have not had the defired effett, and to avoid ^^^ • ^ ^ confufion from the multitude of the laws, and to make or?e new ad, con- ,nj ^ a. c. s- taining all fuch parts as are p'roper to be contiriiied, with alterations and a. id 8 G, f c. 8. additions, from ifl of May 1776, an adl tenth of William the third; and ^i"^ 5 G. 2 .c. 9 ss. fourth and ninth of queen Ann; and alfo eighth of George the fifft ; [°^P['"""S fn^ber- and alfo fo much of an a''"§ "«".', /- 1 , n- 1 » r r5 rj r» n ^ Ihoots, &c. without Ipoil, or deltroy any timber or fruit-tree, or any young trees, or 'uoots, ^^^^f^Jj or any part thereof, without conf^nt of owner firft obtained, or who fhall afllfling'heni 1 ; be aiding or allifting in fo doing, or have in his, her, or their polTeflion pufTelTing trees, any timber-tree, or any kind of wood, under-wood, poles, fticks of wood, "'°°<''.']^f"''^' r°°'^' j-L ni 1 irLii^- r &c. without fair fhoots or young trees, fhrubs, plants, or roots, and fhall not give a la- ^^.^^^^^j . tisfatlory account, that they came fairly and honeftly by the fame ; or Hxing branches (ex- .who iTiall fix up in any church or chappel the green branches of any tree cept Holly, &c.) in or fhrub, or any part of any tree or fhrub, having the leaves on it, except '^'^"''^^ or chappel ; holly, bay, lauraftina, yew, or ivy, and fhall be thereof convicted upon [^"f-°^^ a'iufUce";"^ ^ oath of any one credible witnefs before any one of his majefty's juftices p^njity not abo'ves!. within his jurifdidion, fhall, for every fuch offence, forfeit fuch fum not with charges ; exceeding five pounds, as to fuch juftice (hall feem meet, together with o" non-PY"^«"' -charces previous to, and attending fuch conviftion, afcertained by fuch ^°'^™"'^° "°^ " °^'^ . -P ^ , ' '^ . . „. /in • r 1 "ir ' 6 months, jultice ; and upon non-payment, fuch jultice ihall commit luch ortenaer to the common gaol, or houfe of corredlion of fuch county, by warrant under hand and feal, without bail or mainprize for any time not exceeding fix months, or until faid penalty and charges paid. III. feel. 3. All oak, beech, afh, elm, larix, fycamore, walnut, cheft- Trees deemed nut, cherry, lime, poplar, alder, quicken, or mountaiti-afh," hoUy-timter, timber, fallow, afp, birch, cedar, pine and fir trees, fhall be deemed and taken ,' timber-trees within the true meaning and provifion of this and of cvety other ad now in force relative to timber-trees. IV. feSl. 4. Every perfon, who Ihall after the ift of May aforefaid Deflroyi»g or taking wilfully cut or break down, pluck up, or fpoil, burn, deftroy, or take, ^"^^^' pla"ts. or ■' /-L L 1 , r r • J roots otJt of nurf>;- carry, or convey away any Ihrub, plant, or root, out or nurleries, gardens, ^j^.^ g^^_ woods, or fields of any other, without confent of owner firft obttained, or fhall be aiding or aflifting in fo doing, or make life of any gads, withs, °' *'"'^'"S J ; bows, or back-bands, made of w:ood, on plows, harrows,' dars, carts, "^^'"1^^^ ^^ ^■" * harnefs, or having them ; hamefs, or tackle, or in whofe cuftody or polTeiTion any gads or withs fhall or fcoUops for ^" ^^'^ °'' fo^^d, or make ufe of any fcollops of oak, afh, or other timber- th itching; or may- tree for thatching houfes, or put up any maybufh oppofite or near his bufhes ; ' houfe, or fuffer any to be fo put up, or remain three hours, or keep any having birkor rind,^,,jrj^ qj. j.jp,j ^f trees in his houfe or pofleffion, not being a known tanner oHaVu'liyob'aiaed;"'' '^y^'"' °'' lawfully poifeiTed of trees or woods, or not having lawfully 'obtained the fame from fome perfon fo poffefifed, and fhall be thereof con- on I wirnefs penal- vidled upon oath of One credible witnefs before any one juftice within j; not above 403. his Jurifdidion, Oiall forfeit fuc.h fum as to fuch juftice fhall feem meet, not exceeding forty fliillings, with charges previous to, and attending fuch conviction, afcertained by fuch juftice ; and upon non-payment fuch juftice lliall commit fuch offender to the common gaol or houfe of correc- OT committed not a- tion, by warrajit, without bail or mainprize, for any time not exceeding bove 3 months. xhtee months, or until faid penalty and charges paid. Cleric of peace not V. fefi. §. If the clerk of peace of any county negled or refufe to keep filing or entering on a feparate file among the records, or to enter in an alphabetical book certificaiesof plant- every certificate, delivered to him by any perfon relative to planting trees, mgas y .3. which fuch clerk is direded to do by an aft fixth of his prefent majefty ; Penaliv ji. by civil every clerk fo offending fhall forfeit five pounds every offence, recovered bill. . , by any perfon who lliall fue by civil bill. '"' . Vl. /e^. 6. Juftices within their jurifdidlions arc authorized to put this Jul 'ces toin orce, ^^ j^ execution, and to adminifter an oath to any fuch credible witnefles ■ ana aclmmiuer oain ; .rnrirr* j - i- ' penalties, not appli- and one moiety of all fuch forfeitures and pecuniary penalties, not other- ed, to informer with wife employed, fhall be paid to informer, with full cofts, the other to full coi\5, and the poor of the parifh ; and it fhall be lawful for any conftable, or other perfon, ?'°'^l-»j I by warrant of any one juftice to fearch all fufpetfed houfes and places lui petted places -' . . .,.,.,,. -'._-',.-. -. . / -. . j^»av.v,o lea'rched on war- Within jurildiaion of fuch juftice, tor any timber or fruit-trees, fticks rant; fhoots, ihrubs, plants, roots, or bark; and if fuch conftable or perfon if trees, bark. &c. fh^i] f^^d any fuch in pofTellion, houfe, out-houfe, field, or ground of any iound thepirtyto ^ fufpcfted of any ofFences aforeflud, he fhall bring fuch perfon be- provelaJrly bought r ^ , "n- , -r /- 1 r n. n • 1 r 11 r ^" "i- or 'jiien, '0''^ fuch juftice ; and if fuch perfon fhall not make full and clear proof 01 conviaed. to fatisfadion of fuch juftice, tliat fuch were fairly and honeftiy bought by or given to him or her by the owner or proprietor, in default thereof, and not otherwife, fuch fufpeded perfon lliall be judged and ftand convided of a breach of this ad, and fubjed to the feveral penalties for fuch offence. Preamble. I. SlM. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. Cap. 21. /fi.7. I. Whereas of late feveral Airft.&c pto- ing any money, fire-arms, ammunition, or other thing, or threatening to^"'^ '"J"'"' °'' injure the perfon or property of any fubjedts ; or fhall by gift, promife,"co^^p°['"^3/ or threats, procure any of his majefly's fubjeds to join in any of the afore- abode or employ- faid offences, or unlawfully compel, or by force, threats, or menaces, at- mtnt ; tempt to compel, any fubjeAs to quit their habitation, farm, poffeirion, ♦f'°"y' ^leath. place of abode or lawful employment, every perfon lb offending, ^^^"^Z ilTJ irm\w^^ ^^' thereof lawfully convided, fiiall be adjudged guilty of felony, and fuffer to affault or inju°e death as in- cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy. habitation or proper- IV. Jen. 4. From firfl of March 1776, if any perfon or perfons fliall ff ' . after fun-fet and before fun-rife, or before fix in the forenoon, thougii J,^;,^ '^'* ''°"'"*' the fun fhould be arifen, malicioully aflault, or in any manner whatfoever by thicatl open malicioufly injure the habitation, property, goods, or chattels of any other, Joots. take au-ay or forcibly and malicioully break into their houfe, barn, or out-houfe, or ''°''^' *^ ^^ "■'^^- malicioufly caufe any door to be open by threats, menaces, or forcibly f°" ' °^ •'v ""^^aces .1 • u /- 11- 1 ' . / to cauledeivcrv ; take or carry away any horfe, geiding, mare, or mule, or any gnti,.t\vord, N -' or or other offenfive weapon, or any money, or goods or chattels, without confent of owner, or (hall caufe the fame, or any of the fame, to be de- ftlonj, death. hvered to them by threats or menaces, all perfons fo offending, being law- fully convided, adjudged guilty of felony, and fuffer death as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy. For fai.i offences V. fen. 5. If any perfon or perfons fhall after fix in the forenoon, the before fun-fet tine fun being rifen, and before fun-fet, commit any of the offences laft herein and iniprif nmen-, before mentioned, they fhall on conviAion be punifhed by fine and im- ment^"^""* ''""' '" P^ifonment, pillory, whipping, or fuch other corporal punifhment, as the court in diicretion fliall think fit. V\. feet. 6. It fliall be lawful for every juftice, fheriff, under-fheriff. Peace o/ncers m.iy mayor, bailiff, or other peace officer, within their jurifdiftions, taking with command aiiiilance, ^j^^j^ ^^^ neceffary aliiftance, (and they are authorized to command all fub- apprchend. dlfperfe, -'^"^^ °^ ^S^ ""^ ability to be aflifting therein) to apprehend, difperfe, and oppofe all con- refift, and oppofe all concerned in any of the unlawful ads before men- cerned ; tioned ; and if any perfon happen to be killed, maimed, or hurt, in appre- iiidemnitied for kill bending, difperfing, refifting, or oppofing any fuch offenders, every fucli iDg 01 uning juftice, fheriff, or peace-officer, and all perfons aiding and allifting any of them, fhall be freed, difcharged, and indemnified, as well againll the king's majefty, his heirs, and fucceffors, as againft all other perfon or per- fons, or for or concerning the killing, maiming, or hurting any fuch perfons. to atd, al,et, fuc- vu. fg^t. 7. All pcrfons who (hall from the firft of March 1776 affift, coiu or cencea ; abet, or fuccour any perfon or perfons to commit any of offences afore- faid, or wilfully and knowingly conceal any who have committed any offences aforefaid (for which fentence of death, as in cafes of felony, may be awarded) every perfon fo aiding, alfifting, abetting, fuccoujing, or felony, deal . concealing, fhall, on being lawfully convifted, be adjudged guilty of felony, and lufier death, as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy, ratisfaflion for in-" VIII. feH. 8. To prevent the feveral outrages and offences before men- jury and damage to tioned, fatisfadion and amends may be made in manner after mentioned 4)etfoD or property ; ^ u r i. • j • -/l r 11 j • • "* 'to all perlons, their executors or adminiltrators, tor all and every iniuiy and damage, which fhall be done or committed againft their perfons, habira- lions, poifeliion, property, goods, or chattels, by any offender againft this ad, and every perfon, or their executors or adminiflrators, who lliall fuftaiii any fuch injury, lofs, or damage by any of the offences before mention-'d, by petition next af- ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ recover fati.sfadion and amends at the next alfizes for (lies, Ittiins torih , -' , - , „ • 1 1 1 -i ■ ■ 1 ■ > • hf injurv 311J value, ^"^ county, where fuch oltence committed, by exhibiting to the judge or by what miniber, of judges of affile their petition, praying fuch fatisfadion and amends, and whit religion, thtir therein fetting forth particularly the injury and damage done to his, her, na;iiesjnddeiciip- ^j. ji^j^jj. pgrfon, habitation, property, goods, or chattels, and the particular ' value thereof, by what number of perfons they believe fuch injury ( r da- mage dnncj and of wiiat religion they believe fuch offender or oflend.MS, or any of them, was or were, with tl^e names and defcriptions of fuch of faid offenders as they ihall know, and fuch particular defcriptions of fuch o- ther'- of them as they can give ; and the matter fhall thereupon be exam:- examined into in ^^^ [jy fuch judges in open couit, in prefence of the grand-juiy impanel- mad jutT^' * ^^^ ^""^ fworn at laid alTizes, on oath of the party alfaulted or injured, and ftich other evidence as can be produced touching faid offences, according to the nature thereof; and if on confidcration of the matter iuch judge x>r judges judges fhall be of opinion, that the perfons preferring fuch petition have ■'' PfO""!' * P'^e'"'^'''- fully proved the feveral matters aforefaid, and the value of the injury or '^^^^°" '^'^ •='^""'y' damage, fo as to intitle to fatisfa''"*'^''''^* manner and form, as other publick money prefented at the alfizes purfuant to the laws now in force. IX. feci. g. Any perfon aggrieved by any prefentment in purfuance of Traveife if prefent- this aft, in cafe the fum prefented exceed five pounds, may at faid allizes ""^"^ *'^°*'^ J'- traverfe the fame ; which traverfe (hall be tried at the fame or next alfizes, tried the fame or as the judge or judges, who allow the fame, think fit ; and if the ilTue next aflifcs. found for the traverfer, fuch prefentment fhall be difcharged, otherwife final and conclufive to all pei fons. X. fen. lo. Perfons applying for fuch prefentment fhall by them- In 48 hours notice felves, or fome perfon on their behalf, within forty-eight hours after fuch to 'nhabitants j injury and daitiage done or committed, or within a reafonable time after they fhall be at liberty, give notice thereof unto fome of the inhabitants of fome town or village near the place, where fuch fadl committed ; and anj ' '^°"^'^*° P'"" under diredions of the proper officers of faid city, to provide for the ufe i'eaden''pT,"c'^tvo,n the of fuch houfe or houfes one branch, or leaden pipe, of the ufual and ac- main, cuftomed dimenfions, to convey the water from the feveral main pipes, that now are or hereafter may be laid in the feveral flreets, alleys, yards, courts, fquares, lanes, or on the quays in faid city, into fuch houfes. II. /clI. 2. To enable to conftrud new mains of larger dimenfions For new and I.irgrr than heretofore, and to extend faid works, from the 25th of March, i^yy, mainsand works, every owner or occupier of every houfe in Dublin (hall pay to the lord ■'"""^' ^'^"' R^"* '" mayor, flieriffs, commons, and citizens, or to the officers or colledors by '^atJ^"!^*"*''"" '°' them appointed, the following fums only, and at following rates, for water ; for every dwelling-houfe, paying fifteen i"hillings and upwards mi- ^^'^7 dwelimg- jiifter's money, the annual rent or fum of twenty fhillinss : paying from '^°".'^i''^""S '5'- re /v.-ir • n. 1 i i r *r ' n -ii- n)inilti.t s mLn»y2'J'S. ten to nueen millings mimfter s money, the annual rent of hfteen Ihillings ; ' . " and OTater. piylDSfrom iota and paying lefs than ten fhillines minifter's money, the annual rent often oer 10S. los. .,. ° , . .„ . « . , Where m^niiler's ^'^^ 7^"- 3- Where the minifter's money is not afcertained, fuch houfes mooey not afcertain- fliall bs chargeable with, and pay at the rates before mentioned, according ed, as rated by work- as rated by work-houfe books. vvhe^e let to divers ^^." ^^^^- ^- Wheaeas many houfes are let out in lodgings or tenements tenants, levied from ^° divers, in fiich cafe the foregoing rent, payable at the rates before owner, or part occu- mentioned, fhall be paid; and the lord mayor, flierifFs, commons, and pi"' J citizens are impowered to levy the fame from the owners of fuch houfes or tenements, or from the occupier or occupiers of any part or parts, in fuch (Jeduaed out of manner as other diftrefles and fales by this aft direfted; and fuch occupier their rem ; allowed or occupiers of fuch tenements, being parts of houfes, are required and au- on receitof refidue ; thorized to pay fuch fums in purfuance of this adl, and to deduft the fame a difcharge for fo „, » r j r i ■ i . i- i • , jjjm-h, out ot the rent ol: their holdings ; and owners or proprietors are required to allow fuch deduclions and payments upon the receipts of the refidue of the rents ; and all fuch tenants, paying fuch annual rents for water as herein cliarged, fhall be acquitted and difcharged for fo much as faid rent amounts to, as ifaftualiy paid to fuch per fons, to whom the rents of their holdings -vx'.f f J- „.,. ^f^ould have been due and payable. Water Ufed in OCCU- -ir /• n t- i *^ "^ ,n i-nn r 11 ^ . pations or raanufac- ^ • Jetl. 5. Every brewer, malfter, diftiller, fugar-baker, tanner, fkin- tures. paid for as by ner, dyer, and every other perfon who fhall make ufe of faid water in their agreement with the occupations or manufaftures, fhall pay for faid water agreeably to the pre- *^''^', I fent mode, according to their refpeftjve confumptions and agreements be- rear each. tween them and faid city-, provided faid fum fhall not exceed twenty pounds in any one year for each perfon. If not paid 21 days ^^- J^^^- ^- ^^ ^"Y P^rfon negled or refufe to pay the annual rents be- after demand, le- ^''c mentioned for twenty-one days after perfonal demand, or in writ- vied by diitrefs on ing left at place of abode or occupation of the perfons fo diredled to pay, lvi'thT^°hi'h^""'"'^ ^^'' "^^ lawful for the lord mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens, or Mfifli'conft^ble'- their officer Qr receivers, by warrant under hand and feal of lord mayor, (which warrant the lord mayor is authorized and required to grant) by and with aififtance of the high conftable, or of a conflable of the parifh or place, (who is required to be aiding and affifting) to enter into the houfes or lands within faid city, occupied by perfons fo chargeable, and to J ^ . . diflrain their goods and chatties ; and if faid annual rent not paid within afttr^ w'i'th^conraf..'^^^"^^y'°"^ ^"^^^ '^^^^^ fuch diflrefs, together with cofls, afcertained by any certainedbyijuf- two or more juflices for the county of the city, then to fell fo much and tices. fuch part as will be fufficient to pay faid rent, with all cofts and charges attending fuch diflreis and fale, returning overplus (if any) to owners. DIftrefs not unlaw- ^^ J^^- 7- Where any diflrefs m.ade for any money to be levied by ful nor treipaflfers for this .ad, the diflrefs itfelf fhall not be deemed unlawful, nor the parties want of fa.m, or ftrmakrng fuch diftrefs trefpraffers, on account of any default or want of form fwbfequent itregula- jjj ^^y proceedings relating thereto, nor yet trefpaffers, ab initio, on account bat remedy in cnft. °^ ^"Y 'iregLiIarity afterwards done by parties dillraining ; but the perfon, aggrieved by fuch irregularity, may recover full fatisfaftion for the fpecial damage in adion on the cafe. If tender of amends VIII. fefi. 8. No plaintiff fhall recover in any adion for any fuch irre- before aflion, no gularity, trefpafs, or other proceedings, if tender of fufficicient amends recovery ; made by or on behalf of the parties who committed, or caufed to be com- mitted, any itich irregularity, trefpafs, or wrongful proceedings-, before AkIi fuch a£tion brought ; and in cafe no fuch tender made before adlion com- menced, it fhall be lawful for defendants, by leave of the court, before iiTue joined, to nay into court fuch fum as they think fit; whereupon, f'^^^"f''r'^ ™/^^ fUch proceedings or order and judgment (hall be made, as in other adions, i,it^j court. wherein the defendants allowed to pay money into court. IX. feet. 9. The lord mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens, may The corporaii-n make fuch regulations for improvement of faid works, and lay down fuch may regulate the mains upon fuch conftruftions, as to them may feem expedient, from the i^"'!"* ' city bafon, through the feveral ftreets, alleys, yards, courts, fquares, and aYexpedicTc' i>om lanes on the quays of faid city; and are hereby appointed confervators of theb.ifon ; faid water and water courfe from the bafon to and through the feveral appointed conferva- places aforefaid, with the fame powers, reftriftions, refervations and pe- '"'f^* ^ nalties, and fubjedt to the fame appeal, as appointed by an adt fixth of ^' ^ ■ i. c. 1 . George the firft. X. feet. 10. In cafe any houfe fhall at any time from the. 25th of March On want of water 21 1777, for twenty-one days fucceflively want water, through the negli- flays '""cceinvely gence or inattention of the lord mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens, '".''''^°^'^""*' or by the negligence, corruption, or inattention of any of the officers em- ployed by them in faid works, in fuch cafe, and not otherwife, it fhall be lawful for the owner or occupier to retain out of the annual rent, which they are diredled to pay, one-fourth of faid rent for faid year, in which fuch omiffion or default ihall happen, as a compenfation for fuch want or detention of water. XI. fe^. 1 1 . The lord mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens, may Money may be bor- borrow at intereft, upon credit of faid rates and rents, fuch fums as they ^""'^'^ °" '^^"^]^^ °^ find neceffary for purpofes of this ad, and may demife or mortgage the I^ntl^under coi'nmon faid rents, or any part, the cofts of fuch mortgages to be paid out of fuch feal. rent, as a fecurity to any perfon who fhall advance fuch fums, by a writ- ing under common feal, in form, or to the effeft following. " By virtue of an aEl made in the fifteenth and fixteenth years of the reign cf " the reign of his majefty king George the thirds for regulating the pipe-water *' of the city of Dublin, we, the lord mayor, foeriffs, commons^ and citizens of *' the city of Dublin, in confideration of the fum of *' to the treafurer of the faid lord mayor, fjeriffs, commons, and citizens cf the *' city of Dublin, in hand paid, do grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto *' his executors, adminiftrators, and ajfigns, fuch ** proportion of the whole rents arifing by virtue of the faid a£l, as the faid " fum of doth or f J all hear to the whole fum of *' money advanced, or to he advanced on the credit thereof, to he had and holden " from this day of in the year of our Lord *' for and during the continuance of the faid " aa, unlefs the faid fm of with interefl at the *■'• rateof per centum per annum, y£rt//Z'f/oo?2^r ** repaid and fatisfied." And '=''''^ ""'"<=/' money received by virtue thereof-, and this deemed a publick a6t, and j u- ^ pj,y j^l^^ ^^^ dicially taken notice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons, without fpecially pleading. I. Stat. 15 & 16 Geo. 3. cap. 33. feH. i. Whereas the laws have notKo,ice;n3 days to been fufficient to prevent the Healing, plundering, and carrying away goods a juftice or nextre- from veffels in diftrefs, ftranded, or in danger of being ftranded, wrecked, .'^""« ^'^^'^-^ of •''"'- or driven on fhore, every perfon, who fhall get, or have in cuftody or '^T^^^.J'^g^'^' ^/^'^^'ir^l' poffellion, any part or parts of any fiiip or vefFel fo in diftrefs, ftranded, in diftrefs, fl:randed, wrecked, or driven on fhore, or of the tackle, furniture, fails, ammuni- or wrecked ; tion, or cargo, or of the goods belonging to fuch fhip or velTel (knowing the fame to be) fliall, within three days next after fuch perfon fhall know- ingly have got or had the fame in cuf^ojj or poflellion, give notice to fome one of his majefty's juftices of the county, in which fuch perfon refident, or to the next refiding officer of revenue, that he, fhe, or they hath or have part of fuch fhip or veflel, or of the tackle, furniture, fails, ammunition, or cargo thereof, or the goods thereunto belonging (as the ^"'^ ^^^''^ ''*P°'"'''''' truth fhall be) in cuftody or polTeffion, and of the place or places where 0^0^ in^iament at depofited at time of fuch notice ; and if any negleft or omit to give fuchaflifes, imprifoned notice, and Iball be thneof lawfully convifted upon indidment, they fhall not above 6 months, fuffer imprifonment, not exceeding fix months, as the judge or judges of aflize, before whom convided, fhall in his difcretion think fit. II. Je£l. 2. Every perfon, w ho fhall fo have any part of fuch fhip or vef- Delivered without fel, or the tackle, furniture, fails, ammunition or cargo, or of the goods embezzlement in 48 thereunto belonging, in cuftody or pofiellion, fhall deliver the fame within ''""'^^l^'" '^'™"'* forty-eight hours after demand, and without wilful embezzlement, to any [j°jjg ^j^J".°' '"^" juftices of the county where the fame fhall be, or to any officers of re- venue who fhall demand the fame ; and every perfon, who fliall neglecfl, o'' deemeJ ftolen, refufe, or omit to deliver as aforefaid, fhall be deemed to have llolen the^" felony ; fame, and, being lawfully conviifted, adjudged guilty of felony ; and it fhall be fufficient in indictment for any offence againft this aft to aver and proof of belonging to prove, that fuch parts of any ibip or velfel mentioned therein, or the tac- f^e ^ ef^^l fufficient kle, fails, furniture, ammunition, or cargoe thereof, had been on board, p^''°" provingpro- or did belong to fuch fhip or veifel, without averring 01 proving the pro- perty thereof was in any particular perfon. III. fed. 3. This aft fhall in every year be publickly read in full market Read yearly the on the market-day next preceding Michaelmas-day, in the publick market- market before Mi- place of every market town within five miles of the fea, by the chief ma- *^'!^^.''"^^ m markets giftiate, or fome peri^rn appointed by him, and, v/here there is not a chieftj,gfg"L'^iJef°jnj, magiftrate, by the clerk of the market, or fome perfon appointed by him ; giftrate or market and every chief magiftrate and clerk of the market, who fhall negleft to clerk, or perfon ap- read, or have the fame read as aforefaid, fhall forfeit five pounds, by civil P°""<^J ; . bill by the party who ftiall firft fue. penalty 5!. by c.v:l FINIS. 1 -J^^ A N A P P E N D IX T O T H E ABRIDGMENT O F T H E Statutes of IRELAND; CONTAINING An ABRIDGMENT of the feveral ACTS paffed in this Kingdom, in the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of His prefent Majefty, our mod gracious Sovereign Lord King George the Thii'd. WITH A TABLE of the Titles of the STATUTES, (hewing under what Head# they are abridged. By FRANCIS VESEY, Efq; DUBLIN: Printed by the Executors of DavId Hay, Affignee ofthe late Boulter Griersox, Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXXVni. TABLE O F T H E Titles of the STATUTES, PASSED IN THE Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of the Reign of His prefent Majefly King George the Thiid. Shewing nndcr what Heads they are abridged. Anno regni dec. fexto Georgii III. Regis. AN a6t for continuing an afl, intituled., an ad for allowing further time to perfons in offices or employments, to qualify themfelves, purfuant to an ad, intituled, an adl to prevent the further growth of popery. ^ualifping. Anno regni decinio feptimo £5? oHavo Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. I. An ad for granting unto his majefty an additional duty on beer, ale, ftrong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned ; and for prohi- biting the importation of all gold and filver lace, and of all cambricks and lawns (except of the manu- faifliire of Great-Britain.) duties!. Hace. Camb^icU niia CHAP. II. An adt for granting unto his majefly . the feveral duties, rates, impofi- • tions and taxes therein particularly exprefled, to be applied to die pay- ment of the intereft of the fums a a therein The TABLE. therein provided for, and towards the difcharge of the faid principal fums, in fuch manner as therein, is direded, and for fuch other pur- pofes as are therein mentioned. 2lJ?fcntccj0f Unnuiticji. Conc^c^, &c. CpDcr Hoan. Cca. CHAP. IIJ. An afl for granting to his majefty, his heirs and fuceelfors, feveral duties upon ftanaped vellum, parchment and paper. c H A p. IV. An aift for granting to his majefty an additional duty upon the feveral goods and merchandizes therein mentioned. ♦DUCIC^. CHAP. V. An a70. CHAP. XI. An act for continuing and amending an act palled in rhe fourteenth year of his prefent majefty's reign, jnri- tukd, an act to prevent malicious cutting and wounding, and to pu- nifh offenders called chalkers. arijalUcijs. CHAP. XIL An act for incorporating the charitable mufical fociety, for lending out mo- ney, intereft free, to indigent and indufirious tradefnaen. Cyantji. CHAP. xni. An act for eftablifhing a militia in this kingdom-. lI^llHia. CHAP. The TABLE. CHAP. XIV. An act for the relief of infolvent debt- ors. CHAP. XV. An act to enable teftamentary guar- dians of minors to make leafes for the purpofe of building county-in- firmaries and hofpitals on the e- ftates of fuch minors, fubject to the reftrictions herein after men- tioned. I^ofpitnlsJ. CHAP. XVI. An act for granting and continuing to his majefly, the feveral duties, rates, and impohtions therein mentioned, for the ufe of the corporation for promoting and carrying on an inland navigation in Ireland. CHAP. XVII. An act to amend and continae an act paffed in the thirteenth and four- teenth years of his prefent majefty, intituled, an act for the better regu- lation of the baking trade in the city of Dublin, and for other piir- pofes. 25ahcr)af. CHAP, xviir. An act for the further encouragement of the whale fifheries carried on from Ireland. ^iffj* CHAP. XIX. An act for the better prefervation of fifh,, in rivers, lakes, and inland waters. jplffj. CrCCjSf. C H A P. XX. An act to explain and amend the acts made for the enco\iragement of the fiftieries of this kingdom, and for promoting the good ends propofed by faid laws. ^if^. CHAP. XKI. An act to explain and amend an act palTed in the third year of the reign of his prefent majefly, intitiikd, an act for the better regulatii-n of the Imen and hempen manufactures. Iliucn. CHAP. XXII. An act to explain and' amend an act palled in the tliirtecnih and four- teenth years of the reign of his pre- fent majefly, intituled^ an act for amending the publick roads. i)iaijuiaj)i5. i AN- ^"*' A B R 1 D G M E" W T O F T H E Several A6ts pafled in this Kingdom I N T H E Seventeenth and eighteenth Years of the Reign of His prefent Majefty King George the Third. I. Stcit. 17 & iS Geo. 3. cap. z. fe5l. 19. All perfons, who Ihall have 4^- /"- /^- on neat upon twenty-fifth December 1777, or at any time between 25th December P''^*'""'^ **'*""' 1777 and 1779 inckifive, any falary, profits of employment, fees, or pen^ ^;"Pj°'|;;^^""; j^J'v fions, in this kingdom, fhall during the time aforefaid pay unto his majefty ^5 Oec. 1777 and the full fum of four fhillings fterling out of every twenty fliillings a year, 1779. if abfent 6 which he, fhe, or they do or fhall receive, or be intitled unto, by reafon of ■^on''^***'^'^ >'^" * fuch falaries, profits of employments, fees' and penfions, over and above the charges and expences of executing faid employments ; unlefs fuch perfons live and adtually refidc within this kingdom for and during the fpace of fix Calendar months at lead in every fuch year ; which tax or duty fhall be flopped ftopped and ic- atid deduced yearly out of fuch falaries, fees, and penfions, during the time*^''"'"^'*''^ tofungj artd term aforefaid', by vice-treafurers, payniafter, and receiver-general, or by fuch perfons Who are to pay the fame ; and fhall be paid to vice-treafurers or deputies, to be accounted for to his majeft'y ; and alfo the faid tax of four fhillings in the pound fl,all be flopped by the deputies of fuch perfons fo ab- fent, and paid by them to vice-treafurers, or deputies, to be accounted for to his majefty ; and fuch deputies (hall within one calendar month after fuch Deputle* in one • •tax become due, giVe in upon oath an account before the chief baron, or any 'i'"^'*' f" account oa of barons of exchequer, or any two juftices, of the net. profits of luch em-°^ '' ''^^{'.''^ * f*'"" ployment, for which fuch deputies accountable to their principals ; which ac- !^,^j"' "^" ° counts fuch perfons,, to whom given upon oath, fhall forthwith fend to vice- lent forthwith to treafilrers, or deputies ; and fuch deputies of fuch perfons fo abfent nialhicc-treafurera ; within one calendar month after fuch account given in, pay to vice-treafiirers, paTTnenc in amontlf. or deputies, thfe fUrti due" and payable to His m'ajefly on'acCount 6f faid tax of four (hillings in the pound, in cafe fuch deputies of perfons abfent (hall omit ^r negled to give in upon oath fuch account, or to pay the faid tax A • within penalty, difahled, and lool. to King aod pro(ecutor. Secretaries and agents to deliver lilisof abftrntees by Uil of February yearly, on oath, or dIfaWed. Peifonsijemplod. within the times appointed, fuch deputies from the time of fiich omifiion or negleft fhall be incapable of exercifing or holding fuch deputation, and aHb forfeit one hundred pounds fterling, to be recovered by bill, plaint, or infor- mation, in any courts of record at Dub/in ; one moiety to ufe of his majefty, the other to fuch perfons who fhall fue ; in which fuit no effoign, protection, wager of law, or more than one imparlance allowed. II. fen. 20. Secretaries of commilTioners of revenue, and agents of the perfons intitled to receive any falaries, fees, or penfions upon eftablifhment, fhall refpeftively on or about the lail of February yearly deliver in upon oath (which oath the chief, or any of the barons of exchequer, or any two juftices of the peace, are impowered to adminifler) to beft of their know- ledge a lift or account of fuch officers of revenue, and of perfons intitled to receive any fuch falaries, fees, or penfions, who Ihall have been abfent and out of this kingdom for fix calendar months in the year, ending 25th of De- cember next preceding : and in cafe fuch fecretaries or agents refufe or neg- led to deliver in fuch lifts, they fhall be difabled from holding and enjoying faid office of fecretaries, or being agents. III. fe^. 21. Provided this aft fliall not extend to charge the tax or duty of four fhillings a year upon the falary, penfion, fees, or profits of em- ployments, payable to any of the defcendants of his majefty's royal grand- father, or to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor, or principal fecre- tary, or to prince Ferdinand, duke of Brunfwick, the duke and dutchefs of Athol, Edward lord baron Hawke, or George Charles, efquire, if his majefty Ihall think fit by his fign manual to exempt faid prince Ferdinand, duke and dutchefs of Athol, lord Hawke, and George Charles, or any of them, from payment of the fame ; nor fhall the fame extend to officers of the army, fo far as refpedts the pay arifing from their regimental commillians ; nor to the half-pay officers on the eftablilhment, or widows of officers. Znnnitits. Annuities to fubfcri- I. Slat. 1 7 & J 8 Geo. 3. cap. 2, fe^i. 2. The feveral annuities granted by^ bers for 2(150001 faid a(!ts to fubfcribers who advanced and paid two feveral fums of two hun- and i75oool.patd ^j^gj ^^^ fixty-five thoufand pounds, and of one hundred and fevemy-five P"^'"*»' '°^' 3 St M thoufand pounds, into his majcfty's treafury, purfuant to faid adls, fhall be J5& 16G. 3.C 3 regularly paid, as the fame fhall become due, according to the true intent and meaning of faid afts. II. Jeii. 24. The herein before mentioned adl to explain and amend an ad, intituled, an aH for granting annuities in the manner therein pro- inded, to fuch perfons as fhall voluntarily fubfcribe towards the raiftng a fum not exceeding the fum of two hundred and Jxty five thoufand pounds., fhall continue until the 25th December 1779, and no longer ; and the fur- plus or refrdue of produce of faid duties be applied towards payment of faid principal fums formerly borrowed, carrying an intereft at four pounds per centum per annum., and' next to payment of (aid one hundred and fixty-fix thoufand pounds, or fo much thereof, as fhall be borrowed in. purfuance of this a^. 13 & 14G. 3. c. coiuinued to 25 IXc. .779- 1, Stat. c^frf/. 17 8c 1 8 Gm. 3. frtp. 3,/^^. 11. For preventing abiifes by arreftingTep«T-r.t*^f«of' without any writ or legal procefs, by means whereof the duty upon fuch J^J^uSt^'' "" procefs will be loft, after the 25th December J777, every officer or derk dme of figning wn't belonging to king's bench, common pleas; or exchequer, who fliall (ign any o- process to ArreiV, writ or procefs before judgment to arreft (hall at figning fet down upon indo.feJ and en- /uch writ or procefs, the day and year which (hall be enteredupon the reroem- '^.^^^ ■ ^^, ^^ ^^ brance-roU, or book where abftrads of fuch writ or procefs entered, upon j^^^-m^j pain to forfeit ten pounds for every offence or negle6t ; recovered by any perfon who fhall fue in any court of record, by debt, hill, plaint, or infor- mation, wherein no wager of law, protection, or elToign, or more thaa oae imparlance allowed. I. Stat, 17 6c 18 G^o, 3. tap. ij. feil. 1. Whereas tlie prefent table for RecitJ, aflize of bread is confeffedly inaccurate, as ftating the produce of the quarter of wheat higher than found to be by moft accurate experiments ; from whence a neceflity arifes of impowering the magiftrate to vary allowance to the baker, as the price of wheat and flour varies ; which creates much trouble HouQioM and white rill- 1 II r r 1-1 abk'ntins, or quit- neymen or the baking trade, any journeyman baker rerunng to work with, or ting fervice without who fhall quit fervice, on account of his employer having one or more ap- one week's notice, prentices, or fhall abfent himfelf, or quit the fervice of his employer, °^ coirb ning, or without giving one week's notice of his intention, or guilty of en- '|-n"|f^'"fa'^"."'t'' tering into any combination againft faid mafter bakers, or other perlon or imprlibned not concerned in faid trade, or any journeyman baker, who fliall wilfully or above one month ; malicioufly damage, adulterate, or deftroy materials or property of his employer, (hall, upon due proof by oath of one or more credible witnefl'es before the lord mayor, or other magiftrate of Dublin, or liberties, be fined not exceeding five pounds, or imprifonrtrent, not exceeding one month, at difcretion of the magiftrate before whom fuch proofs made ; and rafter employirg w any mafter baker within faid city or liberties, who fhall employ any journey- 6 months attet con- man baker, within fix months after fuch convidtion, fhall, upon due proof, '''^'""' ^^"^^ 'o*- be fined ten pounds, recovered and applied, as by an aft i Geo. 2. for regu- ^^ ^^ ' '^' "' ^' '*' lating tbe price and- ajize of tread, and the markets. A a III. feet. Selling corn, &c. adulterated, or not equal to that pro- duced to view," or other fraud on buyer, forfeited with 40s. to informer and poor, vr cominiited not aboy« 3 weeka. jgSc 14G.3.C. 47. and 15 & 16 G. 3. c. 22, except as amended, continued 3 years, &c. from 44 June, 1778. 2i5aUct:«(* III. feet. 3. Whereas divers frauds are often pra<5liTed by felling, or offer- ing to fale, wheat, rye, meflin, peas, beans, barley, here, oats, fhillin, catlings, meal, flour, and malt, by fpoiling and adulterating, or producing to view a fpecies of fuch corn, grain, malt, meal, or flour, of a quality fu- perior to the bulk offered ; if any fell, or offer to fale, any of faid forts of corn, grain, malt, meal, or flour, in the whole, or in part, fpoiled or adulterated by wetting, or mixing any fand, gravel, dirt, rotten or damaged corn, grain, malt, meal, or flour, grown or blighted corn, or other kind of fluff, or which fliall not be in quality of equal goodnefs to that produced to view, or ufe any other fraud or deceit therein, or to make fuch corn, grain, malt, meal, or flour appear heavier than it would have been vviihout fucH mixture, fraud, or deceit ; every perfon, lawfully convicted by oath of on^ credible witnefs before any jufl:ice of peace, fliall for every fuch offence for- feit all fuch corn, grain, malt, meal or flour ; one half to informer, the other to ufe of the poor of the parifli where offence comrnitted, and ^Ifo forty fhillings, by difl:refs and fale of fuch offenders goods ; one moiety to informer, the other to the poor of the parilh ; and in cafe no fuch diftrefs can be had, every fuch offender fliall, by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juftice be fent to houfe of corredion, to be whipped and: kept to h?r4 labour, not exceeding three weeks, as fuch jufl:ice fliall direft. IV. /(ct. 4. Said ad, and one other ad for amending in fifteenth and fix- teenth of his prefent majeft;y, and every claufe in both, except as herein a- mended, ftiall continue two yeare, from 2^th June 1778, and to end gf the next fefiion. V -- .A' TABLE 2i3aftct2?» TAB E Of the ASSIZE of BREAD, In PoundS;, Ounces, and Drachms, Avoirdupoiie Weight. Notc^ The Ounce is divided into Eight Drachms, calculated- upon the real Produce of one Qiiarter of Wheat, viz. Thirty-ievea Stone, Seven Pounds. Pric^ of Penay one Loaf. Quarter. ]. s. d. Ib.oz dr. pts. I lO o 1 lo 6 III o I II 6 1 I J2 O i ■ I 12 6 I \i O 1 13 6 1 14 [ I 14 6 1 1 \s 1 15 6 I l6 Q ' I 16 6 I 17 \ 1 17 6 '< 4; Penny 6 Penny 12 Penny ~ Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Ib.oz. dr. pts. lb. oz. dr. pts. lb.( 32. dr. pts. 5. 13 2 ^ 8 12 17 8 d 5 II 6^ 8 9 5 ^ 17 i 2 s^ 5 10 2 if 8 7 3 1 7 16 14 7 H 5 8 r^ 8 5 2 1 T 16 10 5 i 5 7 4 8 3 2 16 64 5 6 I ^ 8 I I I I IT 16 2 3 A 5 4 TT 7 15 2 1 TT 15 14 4 A 5 3 4f^ 7 13 2 65 TT 15 10 5 ^4 5 2 2 ^4 7 II 4 I T4 15 7 tV 5 I T 1 5 1 * 2,0 1 7 9 6 i^ 15 3 5 ik 5 7 8 15 4 H 6 ^ 7 6 2 44 14 12 4 f ^ 4 13 6^ 7 4 5 1 T 14 9 2 V 4 Ii2 544 , 7 3 40 TT 14 6 i^ 4 lii 5^ 7 I 4 4 TT 14 3 T^ 4. lO 5 1 f 7 H O' _^ V;' :s»aftecsf» F rice of one Qyarter. ]. s. d. I i8 o 1 i8 6 I 19 o .1 19 6 J2 o o a o 6 z I o 2 I 6 2 2 o 2 2 6 2 3 o Z 5 6 2 4 o e 4 € 2 5 o 2 5 6 2 6 o 2 6 6 2 7 o 2 7 6 2 8 o 2 8 6 2 9 o 2 9 6 2 lO o 2 lO 6 2 II o 2 II 6 2 12 o 2 12 6 2 13 o 2 13 6 2 H o T H 6 2 15 o 2 15 6 2 i6 o 2 i6 6 ;i 17 o 2 17 6 2 i8 o 2. i8 6 2 19 © 2 19 6 Penny Loaf. Ib.QZ. dr.pts. 4 Penny Loaf. lb. oz. dr.pts. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 I I O 3 15 J H 3 14 3 13 3 12 3 12 3 " 3 lo 3 JO 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 I I O o 5 T7 5 ff 6 ^ 7 "^ o 2 i* 3 ff 5 I 7 - ^ 2 44 5 ^ 7 i^ 1 if 4 ^ 7 i^ 4 »T TJ 14 7 2 5 I 4 4 14 TT O 3 ^ 7 t 1 TT 2 ^ 6 I o ■T 2 1 T 6 « 2 ^*T 6 44 3 T57 7 A S TTT 4 f» t TTT o »* TT 2 •«>* 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 « 6 404 3 -Jrf 6 Penny X.oaf, Ib.oz. dr. pts. 6 14 6 13 6 II 6 10 6 9 4 "^ o 4^ 5 A 2 TJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 7 6 5 4 2 I o 15 14 13 12 5 II 5 10 S 9 I T 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 I o o 15 14 13 4 13 4 12 4 II 4 II 4 10 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 ,5 ■5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 o 5 3 - 1 ff o 610 TT ST 4 1^ 3 -A 3 tV 2 4 2 A 3 A 2 f^ 2 ^ 3 tV 4 4^ 5 ^ 6 44 2 44 4 -.^V 6 A o i ( I 9 8 7 7 6 4 ""TTT O TITS' 2 TT 5 1 f TT o 2 -.Vr 5 A o -AV 3 T^ 6 14 444 12 Penny Loaf, lb. 02.dr.pts. 13 i3 o ,V 13 10 I 44 J3 7 3 A 13 4 5 4^ 13 2 o 12 15 3 tV 12 12 7 ^ 12 10 2 W 12 8 o '^ 5 5 A 12 3 2 ^ 12 I o 14. II 14 7 -rV II 12 6 TT II 10 5 TT II 8 4 44 II 6 6 44 II 4 5 ff II 2 c i4 II 06^ 10 15 o 10 13 I ¥r 10 I I 34 'o 9 5 ff 10 8 o 10 6 2 ^ 'O 4 5 44 10 3 o -^ 10 I 4 ^ 10 o o 9 14 3 14 9 13 o ^, 911 44 9 10 I T^ 9 « 5 A 9 7 2 4» 960 9 4 5^ 9 3 2 44 9 o 6 44 8 15 4 41 8 ;i4 2 f. 8 13 ' ^ Baftets. Price of one Quarter. 1. s. d. o o I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 lo lo I •I 12 12 '3 '3 '4 '4 '5 '5 r6 16 ^7 '7 8 t8 '9 19 o o I 1 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 G 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 Penny Loaf. lb. 02. dr. pts. 4 Penny Loaf. Ib.oz. dr. pts. 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H 13 13 13 12 12 12 II II II 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 S 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 z 7 H 4 I 6 3 o 6 Iff J 8 117 TTT 1 1 ^ TT7 O J S I 4 "^ 2 44 o 44 6HJ-' TT 4 T^ U TTi 4 TTT 21 o TT 7 tV 5 T^ 3 It o 6 4i 2-m 4! TTT 4a 6 Penny Loaf lb.02. dr. pts. 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 I I o o 15 15 3 14 3 13 3 13 3 12 3 12- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2- 12 II II 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5^ 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 o 3 -'v't 6 ^'r 2 i4 I T t T r 7 TTT 7 o TTT 1 r « ! T17 4 ^ 5 A I i 6 tV 2 7 3 o TT 5 i ~ T 7 » 1 / Tff 4 f? 3 TT7 o 5 TTT 7 fi 1 7 TT 1 o TT 4 1 f " TjJ- I 6 4 I 6 4' 6^ 4j1^ ra Penny Loaf. Ib.oz. dr.pts. 8 12 8 10 8 9 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7^ 7 7 7 7 r 7 r 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 2 I o 15 13 12 II 10 9 8 8 7 6 5' 4 3 3 2 I' O o 15 14 13 13 12 II II' 10 9 9 8 7 7 o 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 9 «T I 8 TT 1 7 TT t T 1 T 14 TTT I « r ' TTV I 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 o I A 7 9 , TTT *tf 7T J 4 TT tIt 50 I i« T i« T7 40 TT 2-4 . 4 4 TT 6 T^- 2 -rV'f 4 -^ 6 ft o A 3 A 5^ O Tfr 5 o 2 ;*f" 5U' Baftets, Trice of Penny- Loaf. 4. Penny 6 Penny 12 Penny one Loaf Loaf. Loaf. <^arter. 1. s. d. b. oz. dr. pts. j^ .07, dr. pts. Ib.oz. dr.pts. lb. oz. dr.pts. 420 . 2 2 I ,',- 3 3 ^ U 6 ^ 3 il 426 2 I 7 W 3 2 7 A 6 5 6/, 430 2 I 5 ^ 324^ 6 5 I i4. 436 2 t 4 .Vt 3 2 2 /^ 6 4 4 i5T 440 2 124- 320 6 4 446 2 I I ^ 315^ 6 3 3 /.V 450 2 7 x't 3^3^ 6 261? 456 2 054^ 3 I f^ 6 2 I 44 460 2 4 if 3 6 -H 6 I 5 i^ 466 2 2 i^ 3 4 T^A 6 I ;4§ 470 ^ I 44- 302.^ 6 4 ^T 476 2 300 6 480 15 6 -^ 2 14 5 I'r 5 15 3 iV 4 8 6 15 5 VA 2 14 3 1? 5 H 7 fl 490 15 3 H 2 14 I tV 5 M 3 tV 496 15 2 ^ 2 14 7 rVV 5 13 6 i^f 4 10 15 1 . 2 13 5 T 5 13 2 4 4 10 6 14- 7 A'f 2 13 3 tVt 5 12 6 ^v 411,0 14 6 ,V 2 13 I ^ 5 12 2 ^ 411 6 14 5 ^ 2 13 7 in 5 u 7 tVt 4 12 14 3 i^ 2 13 5 44 5 113^ 4 12 6 14 2 T?T 2 13 3 t't 5 10 6 4« 4 13 14 7? 2 J3 I ff 10 2-4 4 13 6 I 13. 7 ;^T 2 12 7 ,\V 5 9 6 t4^ 4 14 1 » 13: 6 i4 2 12 5 ^; ' 5 9 2 14 4 14 6 13: 5 ^ 2 12 3 ^ 5 8 7 4 4 J5 '\ ^ 13 3 ;i- 2 12 I U 5 8 3 tV 4 15 6 13. a "tI 2 11 7 II? 5 7 7 J^.' 4 16 13; I T 2 11 6 5 7 4- 416 6 13: -.Vr 2 11 4 .^ 5 7 /A 4 1-7 i 121 6 1^ 2 11 2 .J4 5 64^ 4 17 6 I ' 12' 5 U 2 11 -^ 5 6 I iV 4 18 ■ 1 1 12 4 4 2 10 6 ^ 5 5 5- 418 6 12 3 ,Vt 2 10 5 ,Vt 5 5 2 i*A 4.19 12 2.^ 2 10 3 -H 5 4 6' 4t 4' 19. 6, 12 I ,W 2 10 I JfJ 5 4 3 iV^ 5. c> 0. J 12; *2 10 5 4 A TABLE 2i&aUcr9f, A T A B L E Of ASSIZE for WHITE BREAD, Calculated at 2-3 of the HOUSHOLD ASSIZE. 2 Penny f Penny 6 Penny 12 Penny Price Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf 1. s. d. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. I 10 I 15 4 3 14 I ^ 5 13 2 1 II 10 5 4 I 10 6 I 14 4 ^ 3 13 I ^ 5 II 6 \ II 7 4^ I II I 14 ^ 3 12 I T 5 10 2 -J. II 4 5 I 1 1 6 I 13 4 i: 3 II I 585^ II I 3 * I 12 I 13 I i 3 10 2 ^ 5 7 4 10 15 4, I 12 6 I 12 5 H 3 9 3 f 5 6 1 i 10 12 2 I I 13 I 12 2 3 8 4 4 546^ 10 9 5 i 1 13 6 I II 6 f 3 7 5 1 5* 3 4 i 10 7 I I 14 1113^ 3 6 7 522^ 10 4 51 I 14 6 III Of 3 6 I 5 I I i- 10 2 3 -f I 15 I 10 5 1- 3 5 2 ^ 500 10 I 15 6 I 10 2 f 3 4 4 f 4 14 6 ^ 9 13 5 i I 16 I 9 7 i 3 3 6i 4 13 6 i 9 II 4 T I 16 6 1 9 4 i 3 3 I 412 5 \ 9 9 3 4 I 17 I 9 2 3 2 4 411 6 -j. 9 7 4 t I 17 6 I 8 7 3 r 6 4 10 5 T 9 5 2 ^ I 18 I 8 41 3 I o| 4 9 5 i 9 3 2 X I 18 6 I 8 I li 3 3 1 4 8 5- 9 ' 3 i X 19 177^ 2 15 6| 476^ 8 15 4 - I 19 6 175 2 15 2 467 8 13 6^ 2 172^ 2 14 5 i 460 S 12 2 6 I 7 .V 2 14 ^ 4 5 I i 8 10 2 4- 2 I I 6 6 2 13 4 f 442^ 8 8 4 i 2 I 6 I 6 3 f ^ '2 12 7 li 43 3 H' 8 6 7i B 2i5after0. 2 Penny 4r *enny 6 Penny Loaf. 1 2 Penui Price. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. 1. s. d. Ib.oz dr. lb. 02 dr. Ib.oz -dr. Ib.oz . dr. 2 2 6 I 6 I i 2 12 3 f 4 2 5 T 8 5 2 ■?■ 3 2 i 5 7 r 2 II 7 f 4 I 7 8 3 J 6 2 3 J 5 5 li 2 II 3 ^ 4 I ^ 8 2 I 4. 2 3 6 I 5 3 tI 2 10 7 1 4 2 ^ 8 T 5 T 2 4 6 I 5 I i 2 10 3 ^ 3 i^ 5 7 15 ^ T 2 2 4 I 4 7 i 2 9 7 T 3 14 7 7 13 6 2 5 I 4 5 i 2 9 3 1 3 .4 I i 7 12 3 7 3 i I 2 5 2 6 a 6 2 7 6 6 6 6 J 4 I 4 i 4 1 3 4 2 4 6^ 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 7 8 5 I i 5 4 3 13 3 12 3 12 3 11 4 T 7 4 4 -;: 7 II 7 9 7 8 7 7 2 7 2 8 2 8 I 3 I 3 I 3 5 ^ 3 i 2 7 2 6 2 6 2 i 7 3 1 3 10 3 10 3 9 7 i 2 i 5 f 7 5 7 4 7 3 7 5 i 3 i 2 9 I 3 T 2 6 i 3 9 1 7 2 7 I 7 6 14 2 » 2 9 6 I 2 6i 2 5 5 1 3 8 4 T J 4 2 lO I 2 5 i 2 5 2 i 3 8 2 lO 6 1 2 3 f 2 4 7 1 3 7 3 T 7 2 1 I I 2 2 -,v 2 4 4 ^ 3 6 7 6 13 6 4 2 I I 6 I 2 4i 2 4 I 1 3 6 2 ^ 6 12 5 > 2 12 2 12 6 I I I I 7 tV 6f 2 3 2 3 7 i 4 ^ 3 5 3 5 6i 2 i 6 11 6 10 5 i 5 4 2 13 6 I 1 4 ^ 2 3 » i 3 4 6^ 6 9 5 2 13 I I 3 i 2 2 7 3 4 2 -J 6 8 5 4 2 14 6 I "^ 2 -A 2 4 4 f 3 3 6i 6 7 5 1 2 14 I I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 2 '5 I 7 1 2 I 7 i 3 2 7 i 6 5 6 4 6 4 2 15 2 16 2 16 6 I 6 ; 2 I 5 3 2 3 i 7 6 1 5 i 2 1 2 1 3 2 6 4 / I 4 2 I 3 I 4 6 3 6 2 6 I i 2 17 2 17 2 18 2 18 2 19 6 I I 2 u 2 2 5 4t 3 ! 3 I 3 5 T ' i 3 6 6 I H 2 1 1 3 2 6 4 4 15 15 6^ I '5 I '5 7 i 5 2 15 2 15 6i 3 i 5 15 5 14 7 4- 2 19 15 5 ii I 15 2 ^i 2 15 ■} 5 14 2 i 3 6 '5 41 I 15 f 2 14 5 i 5 *3 3 »5 3 i I 14 7 a J4 2 -t 5 12 5 3 I 6 15 2 .V I 14 4 ^ 2 13 7 5 " 6 i 3 1 15 » 1 1 14 2 1 2 13 4 i 5 i« ol 3 2 6 15 .V I 14 ^ 2 13 1 5 10 2 f 3 2 14 1 ^'^ I '3 6 if 2 12 6 5 9 4 ^ 3 3 6 14 6i I '3 5 2 12 3 i 5 8 7 3 3 14 5i 1 13 3 2 12 0| 5 8 i 1 mnhtt^* 2 Penny 4 Penny 6 Penny 12 Penny ^tice. Loaf. Loaf, Loaf. Loaf. s. d. lb. 02. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb . OZ. dr. Jb .oz. dr. 4 o 14 4 ? I 13 I i 2 II 6 5 7 4 4 6 14 3 i I 12 7t 2 II 3 5 5 6 6 i 5 o 14 2 7, I 12 5 ' 2 1 1 i 5 6 I i 5 6 14 I T7 I 12 3 f 2 10 5 i 5 5 3 T 6 6 14 I I 12 2 2 10 3 i 5 4 6 i 6 6 14 /t I 12 1 2 10 f 5 4 I 1 7 o c 13 7 ^ I II 5f 2 9 5 ^ 5 3 4 1 7 6 13 6 H I II 5* 2 9 3 f 5 2 71 8 o 13 5H I II 3 ii 2 9 I 1 5 2 2 T 8 6 13 4^ I II I 2 8 5 \ 5 ^ 3t 9 o 13 4j I II T 2 8 41 5 I ' I ' 9 6 13 3^ I 10 ^1 2 8 2 i 5 0' 4^ lO o 13 2 1 I 10 5 i 2 8 5 lo 6 13 I 1 I 10 3 J 2 7 5 ! 4 15 3i II o 13 I I 10 2 2 7 3 i 4 14 6 -J II 6 13 i I 10 I 2 7 I 4 14 2 12 O 12 7 5 I 9 7 i 2 5 7 4 13 6 12 6 12 7 I 9 6 2 6 5 4 13 2 15 12 6 -.'» I 9 44 2 6 2 4 4 12 5 1 13 6 12 5^ I 9 3 « 2 6 ^ 4 12 I t- 14 12 4I I 9 I f 2 5 6| 4 " 5» 14 6 12 4^ ' 9 ^ 2 5 4 f 4 II I i 15 12 3i I 8 7 2 5 2 ?. 4 10 5 1 15 6 12 2 ^ I 8 5 i 2 5 1 4 10 I f 16 12 2 1 I 8 4 1 2 4 6| 4 9 5 1 16 6 12 I i I 8 3 2 4 4 h 4 ? ' ' 17 12 o| I 8 I ^ 2 4 2 1 4 8 5f 17 6 12 t I 8 ', 2 4 r 4 8 2 iS II 7 1 I 7 7 f 2 3 7 4 7 6 18 6 II 7 ^ I 7 7 2 3 5 4 4 7 3 J 19 II 6^ I 7 41 2 3 3 i 4 6 6 1 19 6 11 51 I 7 3 i 2 3 » \ 4 6 3 f II 5 f I 7 2 1 2 3 4 6 6 II 4 U I 7 I i 2 2 6i 4 5 5 f I II 4 J I 7 \ 2 2 4 J 4 5 I I 6 II 3 i I 6 7 2 2 2 i 4 4 5 2 II 3 I 6 6 2 2 I 4 4 2 2 6 U 2 4 I 6 5 2 7 ^ 4 3 7 3 II T ■ ' I 6 3 8 3 V 2 54 4 3 3' 1 3 6 II I i I 6 3 2 4 i 4 3 I 4 II 1 I 6 I J 2 ' f 4 2 5 I 4 6 II 1 I 6 1 2 I 4 2 2 5 10 7 1 I 5 Z ^ 2 I » 4 I 7 ^ 6 10 7 i I 5 6| a 4 I 4 .tsr B« 2i5afeecs» i 1 2 Penny 4 Penny 6 Penny Penny Price. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. 1. s. d. lb. oz. dr. Ib.oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. 4 6 10 6 ^ I 5 5 i 2 4 f 4 I 1 4 6 6 10 6 ^ 154^ 203 406 4 7 to 5 ^ ^ 5 3 \ 2015 403 4 7 6 10 5 f I 5 2 f 200 400 4 8 10 4 1- I 5 I ! I 15 6 1 3 15 5 4 8 6: 10 4 1 150, I 15 5 3 '5 2 4 9 10 3 1 147; I 15 3 T 3 14 7 4 9 6 10 3 -,% 146^ I 15 2 i 3 14 4 4 4 ip 10 2 J4 ' 4 5| I 15 1 3 14 I 1 4 lo 6 10 24. I 4 5 I 14 7 i 3 13 7 ^ 11 10 2 I 4 4 I 14 6 3 13 4 4 II 6 10 14^ 1434 I 14 5 f 3 13 2 1 4 12 10 I 142^ I 14 3 i 3 12 6 i 4 12 6 10 11 141^ I 14 2 § 3 12 4 1 4 13 10 j^ I 4 1 I 14 ^ 3 '2 I 1 4 15 6 9 7 i 1371 I 13 7 1 3 II 7 4 14 9 7 .V I 3 7 i I 13 6 ^ 3 II 5 i 4 H 6 097 1 3 6 I 13 5 3 II 2 4 15 9 6 ,\ I 3 5 '« I 13 3 i 3 lo 7 J 4 15 6 0964 13 4! I 13 2 i 3 10 5 4 i6 9 5 i 133^ I 13 I f 3 10 2 1 4 i6 6 9 5 i I 3 2 f I 13 3 10 4 17 1 9 4 4i I 3 I H I 12 6 ^ 3 9 5 i 4 17 6 9 4 .V I 3 I f I 12 5 1 3 9 3 i 4 18 9 4 i 130^ I 12 4 i 3 9 I 4 18 6 0934 1274 1 12 3 -^ 3 8 6i 4 19 9 3 A I 2 6| 1 12 2 ^ 3 8 4i 4 19 6 093 I 2 6 1 12 I 1 3 8 2^ 4 0921 I 2 5 i I 12 S 8 IStaf. I. Stat, ij & 1 8 Geo. 3. cap. 45. feet. 9. Whereas the property, which a bankrupt (hall acquire or become iiititled to, after having become a bank- Pfoperty acquired rupt, and obtained certificate, is not fubjedl to debts contradted prior to fuhj'f^','o ^deu" con- having become a bankrupt : whenfoever any perfon, who had at any time trat'xd atter ift before been a bankrupt, and obtained certificate, fhall again become a bar.krupicy bankrupt, and not have efFeds fufficient to fatisfy demands of his creditors, in every fuch cafe the property which fhall come to or be acquired by fuch bankrupt, after having become a fecond time a bankrupt, (hall be fubjeiit to all fuch debts, as contracted by him after the time of having firft become a bankrupt. II. Stat. 17 & I 8 Gfo. q. cap. 48. fe^I. I. Whereas great frauds have been ^"''t' ^^ ^'^^'^ . ' »j J T^ •' o not keep 11) 2 repulsr committed by traders not keeping regular books of account, and the effedl jc^o^nts. n & iz of an adt, to prevent frauds by bankrupts, hath been thereby defeated, after G.t,,c 8. the firfl January, one thoufand (even hundred and feventy-nine, no per- a'"'er in jm. 1779, fon againft whom a commiilion of bankrupt awarded, intitled to any benefit "^ ''y|^i''|- °u/^'a of faid ad, unlefs it appear to major part of the commillioners that fuch ^„^ t^;, account perfon hath from the time aforefaid kept honeftly and fairly a book or books, boob kept oi all in which hath been entered an account of all his dealings, bills of exchange dealings, bills, debts, drawn, endorfed, or accepted by him, of his debts and credits, and expences ^nd credit?, and ,'-,.' r .' ' ' r houle expences. in houle-keeping. III. feet. 2. Unlefs it appear to major part of faid commiHioners, that And inventory ihere- fuch perfon fhall make out an inventory once in every two years at leall '" °"ce in 2 years . in fuch book of all his efFeds, moveable and immoveable, debts and credits, aJ, f \.'^|!^'f '' f^^'^' fpecifying profits and loffes on the fame from time to time, not intitled to "be- an^ loVes from time nefit of faid ad. to time lY. feet. 3. Whereas by an ad eleventh and twelfth of his prefent ma- Before fcrvice of jefty, to prevent frauds by bankrupts, any trader having privilege of parlia- gj"|^|;^^ °"- P"''!^?- ment, who fhall negled to make fatisfadion for any j aft debt to the amount ,^ adjudge dim 3*^ of one hundred pounds fterling, or more, within two months after fervice bankrupt wiihn 11 of legal procefs for fuch debt, adjudged a bankrupt : before any fuch pro- ^f '-zCi 3. c. 8, fee. cefs fhall be ferved on any trader, having privilege for any fuch debt an '' affidavit fhall be made by the creditor, or in cafe the debt or debts be owing ="^divit by creditor to partners then by one partner, and filed on record in fome one of courts "eco^j ""Dublin"of of record in Dubhn, that fuch debt is jnftly due and owing to him alone, i,eing juilly due and or to him and partner or partners, by fuch perfon intended to be ferved, and a trader within fdid that fuch debtor, as he or fhe verily believes, is a trader within the true in- ^'-'*- tent and meaning of faid ftatute. V. fe^. 4. In cafe any trader having fuch privilege and fo ferved with If privileged trader procefs, (hall within two months after fervice enter into a bond in fuch fum, '" 2 "lomhs after * . . jcrv'icc of proccls and with two fuch fufficient fureties as any judge or judges of that court, gij,^ bond and 2 out of which fuch procefs fhall iifue, fhall approve of, to pay fuch fum as lurctics, approved lliall be recovered in fuch adion in which fuch procefs fhall iffue, together by the couu, to pay. with fuch cofts as fhall be given, fuch trader having fuch privilege fhall not I,oVdTeme'd''bTt!kI be or be accounted and adjudged a bankrupt -, and in cafe any commiilion f^p^^ iffue, upon fhewing to the lord chancellor, that fuch bond was entered into and commifiloB fu- within due time, fuch commiflion fhall be fuperfeded ; and the ufual bond, perf,778. and coj\3 as he fhall or may have fuftained thereby ; but in cafe fuch fatif- fottion not made, nor fuch bond given within the time appointed after fuch affidavit made, and after fervice of fuch procefs, then any creditor may fue out a commiiiion againft any fuch perfon, and proceed thereon in hke manner as againft other bankrupts. VI. fef}. 5. If any merchant, banker, broker, fador, fcrivener, or tra- der, (hall after the lall day of this feflion commit any ad of bankruptcy, any creditor or creditors of fuch perfon may fue out a commilfion againft fuch merchant, banker, broker, fcrivener, or trader ; and the commiilioners in fuch commiiiion, and otl''er perfona, may proceed thereon in hke manner as againft other bankrupts, any privilege of parliament to contrary notwith- ftanding. VII. fe£i. 6. Provided this a(5t» and the faid recited s£t of eleventh and twelfth of his prefent majefty, and the feveral provisions hereby ftiall con- tinue in force two years, from twenty-fourth June one thoufand kvcn hundred and feventy-ejght, and to the end of then next feflion, and no longer. Bread for fale in county Dublin made by allize for city, meal and flour by fame teguiations, white and houlhold only fold, according to the grain, «nd weekly adize, Baker in Dublin county to mark the quality and name as by the alTize, felling deficient in weight js. not marked is. 6d. each loaf, on complaint and weighing hefoie magiftrate in 48 hours, penalties recovered on convifliot! by diftrefs am warrant. I. Stat. 17 & \S/. 8. After 24th June 1778, clerk of the peace for county of g^^^Jf^ P^^^" [^ Dublin, or in his abfence his deputy, fhall read this ad in open court on read this ail ift the firft day of every general quarter- felBon for faid county ; and in cafe day every quatter- of failure faid clerks fhall forfeit forty fhillings, to be fued for and recovered felions, as other penalties before mentioned: penalty 40s. IX. feet. 9. All penalties herein fhall be paid to treafurer of county of Penalties to cou&ty Dublin hofpiral, for ufe of the hofpital ; and the treafurer fhall keep a fair hofpiial. and diftind account. X. feet. 10. Provided no perfon punifhed ' by this ad fhall be for the No other profecu- fame offence profecuted on any other law, ftatute, ufage, or cuftom what- tion. foever. XI. feet. II. In cafe any perfon fued or profecuted for any thing in ex- General iflHe, and ecution of this ad, the defendant ma,y plead general ilTue^.and give tlie "'^'''* "'" '* °*" fpecial fenchnt on non- fpecial matter in evidence ; and if a verdift pafs for defendant, or plaintiff '"'^' ^'^- non-fuited, or judgment for defendant, fuch defendant (hall recover treble cofts. Continuance two XU. feet. 12. Provided this ad fhall continue in force two years, from years, &c. 24th June 1778, and until the end of the then next feflion after faid two years. I. Slat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 8. feH. i. Whereas the laws for improve - Revenue laws inef- ment of revenue, and prevention of frauds, have proved ineffeftual ; and f*'^ H* h h - - great frauds are praftifed by common brewers, by mixing fmali beer and ale ftrona beer brew-' ^^ ftrong beer, and making ufe of bad and improper ingredients, whereby the ers nor 10 brew or brewery hath been confiderably diminifhed, and health endangered : fell fmall, after 29th September 1778, no common or retailing brewer of ftrong beer ror the contrary, ^j. g]p q^^^^ brew or fell any fmall beer : and no common or retailing brewer to declare in writing r ,- n n n 1 r it n \ 1 1 to colleflor or "' Imail, (hail brew or fell any ftrong beer or ale ; and every common or gauger which in- retailing brewer (hall declare in v.-riting to collecflor of the diftritt, and alfo to tendea for three ganger of the walk in which he carries on his trade, whether he intends from '"°^''''^' that time to the end of three calendar months next enfuing to be a brewer of ale brewing contrary ^^'^ ^rong, or of fmall beer ; which declaration (hall be forthwith entered by fvich to declaracion 50I. collcdtor and gauger in their books refpeftively ; if after fuch declaration any pennlty. common or retailing brewer, fo declaring to be a brewer of ftrong beer or ale, brewers ot ^^™Sy ftiall blew any fmall beer or ale of a lower price than eighteen (hillings and four- per band, \i gal- P^n^e by the barrel, containing thirty-two gallons, clear of all dedudions, and Jons clear of all without any abatement, or allowance made by barrel to the (core, or other- deduaions, wife ; or fo declaring to be a brewer of fmall fhall brew any ale or ftrong offnull, not above beer, that is, any of an higher price than fix Ihillings the barrel, contain- s. per arie , j^^ ihirty-two gallons, fhall forfeit for every fuch offence fifty pounds : and if any common or retailing brewer fhall, after 29th of September 1778, brewing before de- rnake any brewing before fuch declaration, fhall forfeit fifty pounds for every Claration 50I. ^-^,^|, offence. g II. fetT. 2. It (hall be lawful for gauger, or other officer of excife, to charge foThftee^d\o7all' ^"'"'^ common brewer, who ihall declare to be a brewer of ftrong beer or ale, found in his polTcf- for all worts or guile found with the duty chargeable upon ftrong beer or ale. fion. III. ffci. 3 Provided it (hall be lawful for chief commilhoners of excife, Three commiffioners Qj. ^^^ three Or more, from time to time, by order finned and publifhed in rnar O'lvTin *Dub! gazette, to impower for fuch rime as to them feem expedient, all brewers in linorCoik) im- any particular parts of this kingdom, except Dublin and Cork, to brew as power to blew both vvell fmall as ale or ftrong beer. IV fea. 4. After 29ih September, 1778, if any common brewer of ftrong Stfong brewers not bcer or ale fhall fell, or if any retailer of ftrong beer 01 ale fhall buy, any to fell, or retailers ftrong- beer or ale for a lower price than eighteen (hillings and four-pence by buy, uncer 1 8 f . 4.. ^j^, barrel, containino; thirty-two gallons clear of all deductions, and without perbarrel32 Gal- ' o .' & -r r u Ions clear. any abatement or allowance by barrel to the fcore, or otherwile, luch common Penally 20I. per bar- brewer and retailer fhall refpedively forfeit twenty pounds for every barrel '«!• of ftrong beer or ale, fo bought and fold. V. jea. 5. Provided, if either buyer or feller of fuch ftrong beer or ale for lower price than eighteen (hillings and four-pence by the barrel Ihall in- i from form againft the other party concerned in fo buying or felling, the party fo Informers adnn'rcA informing fhall be admitted to give evidence againft the party informed a- «'''<'ence and dii- gainft, and in cafe of conviction upon fuch information, difcharged from pe- ^ ^'^' ' nalties incurred. VI. feet. 6. If any brewer of ftrong beer or ale fhall, after 29th Septcm- Selling on tmC at ter 1778, fell upon truft or credit at a lower price than eighteen fhillings "''•d«'' P"ce. do 'c- and four-pence by the barrel of thirty-two gallons, clear of all dedudions '^"^^y* and without any abatement or allowance by barrel to the fcore, or otherwife, fuch brewer not entitled, or have any remedy to recover any Aim on account of fuch beer or ale fo fold ; and all promiflbry notes, bonds, or other wri- fecuriiiei giv«n void, tings as a fecurity for payment of fuch debts fo contracted, are declared void and of none efFedt. VIL fe^. 7. After the 29th September 1778, no perfon fhall fell or caufe Strong retailed at to be fold by retail any ftrong beer or ale at a lower price than two-pence ^cfli- per ouart. halfpenny by the quart, nor any fmall at an higher price than one penny, ''"^".^'^ 'f*' upon pain of forfeiting every time he or fhe (hall fo offend, 5/. upon due proof [e"o,'e a |uftic«. upon oath thereof before any juftice of the county or city where fuch ofFeiider bv d.ftiefs, fhall refide ; and fuch juftice is required upon conviction of fuch offender to to pof^f and in- grant a warrant to diftrain for the fame ; one half to the poor of the parifh '<''™^- where fuch fine levied, the other to informer. VIII. fen. 8. After the 24th June 1778, no common or retailing brewer, or No ingredients in other retailer of beer or ale, fhall make ufe of any madder, moloffes, fugar, beer or ale fave honey, or compofition or extract of fugar, or any broom, wormwood, gen- w»J«^ "^^'f' ^°P>> tian root, drug or herb, or any ingredient whatfoever in brewing, making, J forfeited with or working of any beer or ale, other than water, malt, hops, and barm ; loJ. and all beer or ale brewed or mixed with any ingredients other than water, malt, hops, and barm, fhall be forfeited ; and every fuch common or retail- ing brewer, or other retailer of beer or ale, offending therein, fliall forfeit for every fuch offence ten pounds. IX. feet. 9. Provided no penalty or forfeiture herein mentioned lliall extend Except for purl, jill, to infufmg broom, wormwood, ground-ivy, or other ingredient into beer or ^'°°^^'' worm- ale by retailer, after the fame is brewed and tunned, for making purl or jill, )^°° ^^'' °' ^'' or broom or wormwood beer ; or to ufmg any ingredient neceflary for porter, in making or brewing the fame. X. feet. 10. Whereas by an aft eleventh and twelfth of George the third, Recital n & la for improvenimt of revenue, every perfon, brewing beer or ale for fale, fhall ^ ^acf^'h h'f' deliver to retailer a certificate, fpecifying the real quantity, and whether a- pirate certificates bove fix fhillings the barrel price, or of fix or under, which certificate (hall delivered to retailer, be given to the gauger on the next vifit : and certain brewers to evade faid lor every calk j aft, dehver a. diftinft and feparate certificate for every calk, whereby fuch ^I'l^'delivere'dof ^retailer is enabled to dehver to the gauger certificates for fo many cafks only ji,g ^^^^^ ^•^^ as remain unfold ; after the 24th June 1778, every common brewer or per- price, time, and<» fon brewing or making beer 6r ale for fale fhall, fo often as they deliver any wliom. beer or ale to retailer or other perfon felling, fend and deliver therewith one certificate only, figned by fuch common brewer or other perfon, or their clerk or head-fervant ; in which certificate fhall be fpecified the whole quan- tity fo delivered, diftinguifhing whether fuch beer or ale was above fix fhillings ■» the barrel price, or of fix fhillings or under, at what time brewed, and when and to whom fent, C • ■ XT. fret. Second cfTtifirates XI. feet. II. If after 24th June 1778, any fuch common brewer, or other ot iL'cceeding pjr- perfon brewins or making any beer or ale for fale, (hall deliver to fuch re- cels the lame day ' •, \ c r \v ^1 ^- 1 ri 1 ddivered to retailer, ^^'1^'' °^ ovn^x perion leiling more than one quantity or parcel of beer or ale ' in one and the fame day, every fuch brewer fhall upon delivery of each fuc- ceeding quantity or parcel deliver therewith to fuch retailer one other certi- ficate figned by fuch brewer, clerk, or head fervant ; in which fhall be ex- prelfcd the quantity then delivered, and theretofore delivered in the fame day, witli quantity, pii. fpecifying the quantities and parcels in which the fame was delivered, and ce, lime, &c. whether fuch beer or ale fo delivered in the fame day was above fix fhillings per barrel price, or of fix fhillings or Under, at what time brewed, and when, and fo whom fent ; and on delivery of every fecond or other certificate, every fuch common brewer or other perfon fhall receive from the former given fiich retailer the former certificate or certificates delivered to him on the fame back, it not deli- ^r^^J ^ j,i cafe the fame fhall not have been delivered to the ganger purfuant thrufl°nl'y'bm'uEl t ^° ^'^^ diredions herein after contained ; and the laft certificate delivered in ill account. any one day, and no other, fliall be brought in account againll: the (lock of fuch brewer, or other perfon felling beer or ale. Certificate accepted YAX.Ject. 1 a. After 24th June 1778 every certificate fo figned fhall be t.y rct.iilcr, jnd He, accepted by the perfon to whom fuch beer or ale fent or delivered, and by iveie to ganger on j^j^ delivered to gau^er of the walk on the next vifit, fave only fuch certifi- cate as previoully given up to fuch brewer, on a further certificate ; and gauger to enter in fuch gauger is required to enter in his flock book the quantity, quality, and |fock book panicu- time of delivery of fuch beer or ale exprefied in fuch certificate, with names andindorie and iVe '^f f^^^ btcwer and retailer, and to fign his name on the back of every fiich every ceriticate; certificate, and file the fame in excife-office of the diftridt ; and in cafe any penalty on biewer brewer fhall not caufe to be delivered to fuch retailer on delivery of any beer '*"'• or ale fuch ceitificate, fuch brewer or other perfon fhall forfeit for every fuch ret.iiler not p'odu- oflence forty fhillings; and in cafe any gauger or officer of excife *^h"f""d'^'u''Td '^^'^ ^"*^ '" po^f'f'"" of any retailer or perfon felling any beer or ale, for »rid4D3 per barrel- ^hich fuch retailer fhall not on demand produce fuch certificate, every fuch retailer or perfon fhall be chargeable with the duty payable on beer and ale, for the quantity lb found, and for which, fuch certificate fo demanded fhall not be produced, r.nd alio forfeit forty fhillings for every barrel thereof found in pofTeffion, for which fuch certificate fo demanded not produced un- lefs previoufly given up, purfuant to this aft. Permit fent with YAW. feet. 1 3. After 24th June 1778, every common brewer or oiher, certificate^, when brewing or making beer or ale for fale, fhall, as often as they fell any to (jii^fi^ be carried into diftrirt of any excife-office, other than where brewed, fend a permit with fuch certificate as aforefaid, figned by gauger of the walk penalty 40s. per jn which brcwed ; and if any brewer negled fo to do, they fhall for- karrcl on biewer ; ^^j^ ^^^^ every barrel fo found in any other dillritft without fuch permit pniTeiror 40s. per forty fhillings ; and the perfon in whole pofTellion found fhall pay the barrel and excile. excife thereof, and forfeit forty fhillings every barrel. _ . . ^ . XIV. /ff/. 14. After 24th Tune 1778, where it fhall appear by certifi- On increafe foi^nd tjl .. -t v. \. vJ ■ \, dutic- laid and os ^ ligncd by any commcn or retailing biewer or other, brewing beer or per baiiel. ale for fale, clerk or head fervant, that they have delivered out more than a decreale fhall appear for in the flock of fuch brewer, they fhall, by the gai'ger or officer of excife, be charged with all the duties, to which fuch quantity fo delivered out, more than the decreafe fhall appear for in the flQck is by law liable, as if fuch encreafed quantity had been originally gauged. I ganged, and over and above faid duties rtiall forfeit forty fhilJing3 every barrel found fo delivered out, and for which there fiiall not be fuch a dc* creafe in ftock. XV./i'ct. 15. Ifany perfon after 2 4it]i June, 177$, falfely oiake, forge, Faife certificstei, or counterfeit, or caufc or procure, or vvillingly aift or alfift in the fuife fined not above i;o!. making, foiging, or counterfeiting any fuch certificate for delivery of beer ;.'^K"^"^'^<^ "°'»''"^' = or ale with intention fraudulently to cover their ftock, or (hall utter and pub- "''^" '' hfh as true any falfely made, or counterfeited certificate for purpofe afore- faid, with intention to defraud knowing the fame falfely made, forged, or counterfeited, being lawfully convided according to due courfe of kw, fliall be fined or imprifoned at difcretion of the judge before whom tried, provided fuch fine fhall not exceed fifty pounds, and imprifonment no,t ex- ceed fix months. XVI. feet. 16. Whereas brewers frequently tun wort or guile between New wort or guile the evening and morning vifit of the officer and replace with a diftind ^rew- ^^'«J^ g*J'g'"| ^^«^™' ing privately made, and impofe fuch on the officer as wort or guile of the charged, brewing gauged and taken an account of the evening before : after 24.th June 1778, whenever any new wort or guile found, or difcovered in pof- .feffion of any brewer, of which fuch brewer, or fervant, fhall not have made a previous declaration, fuch new wort or guile, after the fame fhall be Kaueed, fhall be deemed as an incrcafe made to the former brewing fo , I I n i- J 1 J J- 1 J ^ -I pen altr on brewers gauged at laft vifu, and charged accordingly; and every common or retail- ^| p^/lj^^^^l ing brewer fo offending fliall, for every barrel fo encreafed, over and above the quantity in former brewing, forfeit five pounds; and the fervant or fer- fervants jos per vants any way knowingly concerned or aflifting in fuch new brewing or in-''*"<^'<" imprifon- creafe of wort or guile, fhall forfeit for every barrel fo newly brewed or "^"'3 months. increafed, twenty fhillings, and for default of payment fufier three months imprifonment. XVII. fra. 17. Whereas brewers, for bringing into ftock beer and aje clandeflinely brewed, on turning out replace with empty cafks, or of water or taplafh, and by mixing fuch with their ftock, and placing on the upper „ . . part froth or barm, impofe upon officers, and fhew and declare the fame as ,," ^^'^^'''S ws <- 1 ■ n 1 1 • ■ ]■ r ■ :rt 1 1 • • I 1 c all calks counted, part of tlieir ftock, obtaining credit for more in ftock than intitled to ; after 24th June, 1778, every common or retailing brewer of beer or ale, or fer- yant, who fhall fhew ftock to the officer, fhall .count all t;he cafks of ijeer, f h d ale, guile, or worts, and declare the number of each denomination to the n,-,^j„3,,gn jg^Ured officer fo taking account; in cafe fuch brewer, or -fervant, refufe fo to dc>, they fhall forfeit for every fuch offence twenty pounds; if after declaration refufing. 3o'- there fhall be found any empty cafk, or containing any other liquor or thing, +°^- P^^", ,*;?"" fave only what they were declared to contain, or any cafks more than one "■^ ° ^ ^''° ' of each denomination, but in part full, or a greater number of cafks in the account declared, whole, than declared, fuch brewer fhall forfeit for every caflc fo found con- '';°"'''>' ''^''"^ view or information of any perfons, ("who fhall declare their names, and^-" places of abode, tc faid conflable or peace officer) to feize and fecure and without any other warrant to convey fuch offenders before fome Juftice of peace of Dublin or liberties ; and parties accufed being brought before fuch juftice within whofejurifdidion the offence committed, fuch juftice lliall pro- _ ceed to examine upon oath any witneffes, who fhall appear, or be produced witnefrcson oath, to give information touching fuch offence; (which oath the faid juftice is required to adminifter) and parties accufed convided of any fuch offence, penalty nor abov- either by confeffion, or upon fuch information, fhall forfeit any fum not ex- j'o°"p"o'fe"u"tor! ceeding twenty fhillings, nor lefs than five fhillings, to the perfons who fhall profecute to convidion any fuch offenders ; and if perfons fo convided re- o" non-paymenr. fufe or not able forthwith to pay, every fuch offender ftiall by warrant i"ider ^'^^™''^j'_ '^'°"'''' hand and feal of fome juftice, within whofe jurifdidion convided, be com- mitted to the houfe of corredion, or fome other prifon within Dublin, or liberties, within which the offence committed, or the offender apprehended, to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month, or fhall be pubtickly whipped, as fuch juftice fhall think fit and order. II. fcH. 2. In cafe perfons giving fuch information negled or refuse to j^P^^^^^ ^^^ g,^^^^_ attend without lawful excufe allowed by the juftice, fuch conftable or officer i„gin6 hours, with- within fix hours from fuch information, he, fhe, or they, fo offending ftiall, out lawful excufe, upon proof on oath of fuch conftable or officer, that fuch perfon having given penalty not above fuch information (which oath faid juftice is required to adminifter j ftiall forfeit j^°^conftabk"oro3°h^ any fum not exceeding forty iTiillings, nor lefs than ten lliillings, to fuch conftable or officer; and if not forthwith paid, levied by diftrefs and fale of offender's goods and chattels, by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juf- tice. III. fe£l. 3. The court of mayor and aldermen of Dublin fhall have full « j^^ bvma-or and power to make, frame, and fet down in writing, ftich reafonable rules, or- 31)!//^,,^^ tor^Xi. ders, or ordinances for governing and regulating all perfons, who fhall drive vers of cutla, any cattle, fheep, calves, or lambs within Dublin and liberties, and to an- with penalties not nex fuch. reafonable penalties and forfeitures for breach, not exceeding forty above 40s. not (hillings, nor lefs than five ftiillings, for any one offence ; and fuch rules, or- ^"ot^V abridge time ders, and ordinances, or any of them, from time to time to amend. of market, IV. feet. 4. Nothing in this ad fhall impower faid court of mayor and open from 1 2 at aldermen to fhorten or abridge the time for keeping faid market open ; *' "'g'^' "" 3'" but that the fame ftiaU be kept open from u at night till 3 in the afternoon ]^;'^''j"°°^ °" """" on Cattle. unlcf. cn!a-|ed br ou the fev^ral market-days, and at no other hours ; unlefs faid court ofmay- ttie court. Qj jj^^ aldcrmca enlarge tlie time for keeping it open. V. fe£l. 5. Any one Juflice of pesceof the city of Dublin, or hberties with- One jiiflice may jn whofe jurifdi'f^ion.s any offence committed, fliall have power to hear and termTnToffences a- determine in a fummary way complaints of offences contrary to rules, orders, gainft laid rules, oi" ordinances at any time hereafter made by faid court of mayor and aldermen, and on view or in purfuance of this aifl: ; and faid juftice or juflices, and each of them within complaint on oaih th^jr refped^ive jurifdidions, are required upon view, or complaint on oath of fiabter^TappTchend ^"y ^"'-^ offence within their jurifdidions, contrary to fuch rules, orders, or and anfwer com- ordinances, within fix days after to iflue warrant underhand and feal to plaint, fuch conftables, or peace officers, as faid juftices or any one from time to time think fit, requiring to apprehend fuch offenders, and bring before faid juftices or any one within their jurifdi(flions, to anfwer the complaint in not exceedi^'^the ^'^^'^ warrants ; and if fuch offenders convided, either by confeffion, or oath penalty by faid rules, ^^ °"^ *^'' 'Tiore credible witneffes, (which oath fuch juftices or any one are required to adminifter^ it fhall be lawful for fuch juftices or any one to committed i month mipofe a fine for faid offence, not exceeding the penalty inflided by faid unlefifooncr paid, rules, orders, and ordinances; and if perfons fo convi£ted negled or refufe forthwith to pay penalty impofed, it -(hall be lawful for fuch juftices, or one penalties to profe- j^em, in their jurifdictions, immediately to commit to the houfe of correc- tion, or other prifon, within the jurifdidion, to be kept to hard labour not exceeding one month, unlefs faid penalty or forfeiture fooner paid ; all which penalties and forfeitures fhall be paid to the perfon, who fliall inform and profecute to conviction any fuch offender. ..-,(- ^^- f^<^^- 6- If any perfon, apprehended for any offence againft this ad, re- ^ j' k''^" 'rfrTtT fiife to difcover his name and place of abode to the iuftice, before whom and abode, commit . ,-l n • ,• t 1 f i- •, « 1 i rr ted imonrhorun- brougiit, Ihall immediately be delivered over to a conuable or peace om- lil diicloi'ed. cer, and by him conveyed to the common gaol, or houfe of corredion of the county or place, where offence oommitted, or the offender apprehended^ to remain for one month, or until he fliall declare his name and place of abode to faid juftice, or fome other jufticc of peace for faid county or place. VII. feet. 7. An abftrad of the feveral provifions and penalties in this i'rinted abftrac<>s ad, and all fuch rules, orders, and ordinances, fo made from time to time ported in 14 days ^^ ^^j^ court of mayor and aJdermen, fhall within fourteen days after mak- a ter ma ing tu es. jj^g jjg printed and fixed upon fuch moft confpicuous places within Dublin and iiberties in iuch manner as the court think proper, and from time to time order. , VIII. f^€l. 8. In cale any perfon, againft whom a warrant iflued by any tur"idiaioii,"or good J'^^'^^s ^'^her before or after convidion for any offence againft this ad, or being in ditferent againft fuch Tules, orders, and ordinances hereafter made, ftiall efcape, go couniv, &c. war. into, rcfid^, or be in any other county, city, liberty, town, or place out of rant iiidorkd lufti- the jurifdidion of the perfon granting fuch warrant ; and if goods and chat- ».ien 10 Lxeciatc It, j-^jg of ^ny offender, convided in purfuance of this ad, ftiall be in a differ- ent county, city, liberty, town, or place, than where the faid party was convided, or the warrant of diftrefs granted, it fhall be lawful for any jui- tice for the county, city, liberty, town, or place, than where the faid party was convided, or warrant of diftrefs granted, for any juftice of the county, « city, Cattle. city, liberty, town, or place, into which fuch perfon fhal! efcape, either before or after convidion, or where his goods or chattels fhall be after fuch convidion v and they and every of tliem are required within their jiirifdic- tions upon proof upon oath of hand-writing of faid juftice granting fucli warrant to indorfe hrs name on fuch warrant ; and the fame, when fo indorf- ed, (hall be fufficient authority to. all peace officers to execute fuch warrant in fuch other county, city, liberty, town, or place out of the jurifdidion of the perfon granting faid warrant; and the faid juftices refpedively, or anyone, as the cafe fhall happen, after indorfing faid warrant, may, on of- fenders being apprehended and brought before faid juftices, or any one with- in their jurifdidions, hear and determine the complaint, as if it had origi- nally arofe within their Jurifdidions, or may dired offender to be carried to the perfon, who granted faid warrant, to be dealt with according to law. IX. fen. 9. No perfon fhall fuffer any punifhment for any offence ProfecutFon in 14 againfl this ad, unlefs profecution commenced within fourteen days after ; '^^^■'' and when any perfon fuffer imprifonment purfuant to this ad for any of- fence in default of payment of any penalty for breach of any rules, orders^ on "mprironment not and ordinances, made for the court of mayor and aldermen, as aforefaid, fuch '° P'^" P^n^li/, perfon fhall not be liable afterwards to pay fuch penalty. X. fetl. 10. Any perfons aggrieved by order or judgment of any juftice Appeal to next of peace upon account of any offence committed, or fuppofed committed ''"■"ns, againft this ad, may appeal to next general or quarter-felllons of the peace for the county, city, or place, where fuch convidion made, fir/t giving fecu- i^tute'^'and' abfde°b7 rity in the fum forfeited before fuch juftices in their refpedive jurifdidions, order, and 14 days to pfofecute fuch appeal with effett, and to abide by the orders on fuch notice, appeal, and giving fourteen days notice in writing of fuch intention to appeal to the party on whofe profecution fuch conviction was founded, if there are fo many days between the conviction and fuch feUions, and if nor, then to if not fo manr, to the next fubfequent general or quarter-felllons after any fuch convidion ; and "^^' lellions, juftices in the next general or quarter-feflions are authorized to hear and '^^'^^^ °" appeal, determine every fuch appeal, and make fuch order and award fuch cofts and cofts as to them l"hall appear juft, and to taufe to be levied under order of any fuch felTion the cofts awarded^ together with fuch fum as any fuch court by Jdiftrefs and fate. or feffion, on hearing fuch appeal, fliall adjudge forfeited, by diftrefs and fale of goods and chattels of the perfon who llial! refute to pay fuch cofts and fum forfeited, or of the perfons who have become furety for him as aforefaid. XI. feet. I I. No order or proceedings by or before any juftice of peace, Not quafhed for by virtue of this ad, fliall be qualhed or vacated for want of form. want of form. XII. fe£l. \2. All juftices, before whom any perfons convided of any of- fence againft this ad, fhall caufe the convidion to be drawn up in the Form of convidion following form or words to the fame tffed, as the cafe fhall happen. Se it remembered, that on the day cf in the year of our Lord A. B. u convifled before mt C. D. one of his majejly's juftices of the peace for the city of Dublin, or liberties thereof (as the cafe Hiall happen) either on bis own confefTimi, or on the oath of one or more cre- dible witnefs or witneffs fas the cafe fhall be) by virtue of an aH made in the eighteenth year of his prefent majefly king George the Third, to prevent the mif- (hief that anfes from driving cattle within the (ity of Dublin, and liberties there- 9l €attlc» of ( specif yiHg the offence, and time and place when and where the fame was com- mitted ("as the cafe Ihall be). Given under my hand feal, the day and year above written. Hoits for afting in 6 months ; laid and tried where offence; general ilFue, &c. treble cortj fo de- fendants on non- ■■Ijit, &c. Coniiniianee 3 years. A publick act. Neceflary rules by the court ia 3 months. Grand jury cefs paid by occupier when levied, tlio' not lb when im- pofed. 13 & 140.3. e.4s. to cut tr ftib, or with Tf arms wound with intent < ■ m if er, rob, _or XIII. /t^7. 13. Action or fuit againft any perfons for any thing done in purfuance of this ad; fhall be brought or commenced within fix calendar months next ofter every fuch caiife of aftion accrued, and not afterwards ; and fhall be brought, laid, and tried, in the county, city, or place, in which offence committed, and not elfewhere ; and defendants in fuch adion or fuit may plead the general iflue, and give this adt and fpecial matter in evidence at any trial thereon, and that the fame was done in purfuance of this ad\ ; or if not commenced within the time before limited, or laid or brought in any other county, city, or place, than where offence committed, if the jury find for defendants, or if plaintiffs nonfuit, or difcontinue, or if judgment given for defendants therein, in any of the cafes aforefaid fuch defendants fhall have treble cofls and fuch remedy for recovering as any defendants may have for cofts in any other cafes by law. XIV. /f'' ''**'''• Itnowiag of, and privy to the offence, on convidion adjudged felons, and fhall fulfer death, as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy, or any ftatute ; and the bodies of perfons executed by this at\ lliall be d^^iivered to '"'^'" anatomiwd. the chirurgeons of Dublin, or one of them, or to the profeifor of Trinity- College, to be diOTefted or anatomized. U. feiJ. 7. Provided no attainder of fuch felony fhall corrupt the blood, ^^o corruption of or forfeit dower of the wife, or lands, goods, or chattels of offenders. '''°'"' "■■ fori«"rure. III. feet. 3. Provided this ad ftall continue in force four years, from 24th ^om j'^ane next June next. '" 4j""enex. I. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 12. feet. i. Whereas in the city of Dublin Recital. and fuburbs there are always a great number of indullrious tradefmen, who ■' voluntary Sociefy from extreme poverty are unable to fupport themlelves and families, when '"*^""'^ci in 1756. vifited by ficknefs or other calamity, and often incapable of earning a liveli- wentTrad'ermen'^nt&. hood for want of money to buy materials and neceflaries for their trades, reft free ; whereby feveral of that ufeful clafs have perifhed, and their families reduced to beggary, and a burthen to the publick : for remedy v/hereof a voluntary fociety was inftituted in 1756, for lending out money intereft free to indigent tradefmen : and the good effeds of faid inftitution were fo rapidly and pow- erfully felt, that large fums were colleded, and many perfons of quality and diftindion contributed largely to fupport of faid charity, whereby feveral thou- fand families were relieved in a few years : and great benefits are likely to arife from fuch inftitution to the kingdom in general, and city of Dublin in particular, by confiderably encreafing the number of inhabitants, and pro- moting the trade and manufadures thereof, whereby the inhabitants of faid kingdom will be more able to contribute to increafe of revenue, and fupport of the eftablifhment ; and it might greatly promote tlie good ends aforefaid, if corporations of like kind were eftablifhed in manufaduring counties and market-towns : and divers are willing to contribute large fums for the good ends and purpofes aforefaid -, but faid voluntary fociety are not capable in law of taking fuch contributions, or carrying their good intentions cffedually into execution, unlefs incorporated by an ad, with fuch claufes, powers, ju- rifdidions, and authorities, as ufual in like cafes : the chief governor, lord primate, lord chancellor, archbifhop of Dublin, fpeaker, chief juftice of incorporated king's bench, common pleas, and chief baron of exchequer, earl of Antrim, members ; Cavan, Tyrone, Lanefborough, Shannon, Clanbrafiiill, Charlemont, Bflla- mont, Roden, Ely, Aldborougli, vifcount Ranelagh, Powerfcourt, Mount- morres, Mount-Cafliell, wSoudiwell, bifhop of Cloyne, Cork, Ferns, lord baron Carysfort, Longford, Annaly, Irnham, Hercules Langford Rowley, Thomas Adderley, Richard Longfield, Richard Townlhend, Sydenham Sin- gleton, William Meade Ogle, Robert Longfield, Charles Craven, Arthur Craven, fir Thomas Blackall, lord mayor, recorder, and llieriffs of Dublin, Luke Gardiner, George Putland, Mark Syaott, William Smyth, Nadianiel Cavenagh, and Francis Heath, be conflituted governors, and luch others as D eleded €\>mty. named . to have perpetual fucceflion ; purchafe lands not above focol. per annum. goods and chattels «t' any value ; h3\e common I'tal. Prefident, Sec. ap- pointed. Three general meet- ings every year j vice-prefidenis cho. fen for i year. Five at meeting to adminifter uaths and examine as to the charity. Seven to eleft offi- cers 2d I'huifday November, or next meeting appointed by 1 vici-pre(kl«ni and 7 ; «le<■> chule Others. of vice-prefidents always one Inall have full power to remove any treafur- er, fecretary, regifter, or any other officer or fervant ; and upon any vacan- cy by death, refignation, or removal of any of them, at any time to choofe others in their places, feven members at leaft being prefent, whereof prefi- dent or any one of vice-prefidents to be one. VUl/ect. 8. At all general meetings, in cafe of abfence of prefident, '^^^ '^'^^^■^ °l ^T , the vice- prefident, firft named in the lift then prefent ftiall be chairman fi'rftn^Ime'iroD^lift"" and have a cafting voice in cafe of equality of votes; and in cafe all the chainnaa. «ith vice-prefidents abfent, faid corporation or any five fhall have power to carting voice, appoint one of the members prefent to prefide for fuch time ; and all adVs '' ''''^ ^J?'^"' ^ '^"^' done, or orders made, whilft the perfon fo appointed prefides, as valid and "F"''' ^"'^PP'"'"^ efFedual, as if prefident or vice-prefidents prefided. IX. /c/Z. 9. Said corporation or any feven, whereof prefident or one of 7 may eleft mem- vice-prefidents one, fhall have full power to eledt fuch perfons members as '^''' they judge proper ; which from time to time eledted, deemed to all intents members of faid corporation, as if herein particularly named. X./eci. 10. Said corporation at any of the three ftated general meetings and at no other, feven at leaft, whereof prefident or one of vice-prefidents gerter^T^mee^in? one, ftiall have full power to make fuch bye-laws, rules, and ordinances foj good government of faid corporation, as they judge convenient ; provid- r ed fuch bye-laws not repugnant to laws of Ireland, and the fame confirmed i^^.^ and confirmed, by fome fucceeding general meeting, at which feven at leaft prefent, whereof prefident or one of vice-prefidents to be one ; and the fame method ftiall beobfervedin altering or repealing fuch bye-laws, rules, and ordinances after fo made and confirmed. XI. ft"^. 11. It fhall be lawful for faid corpwration, or any feven, whereof ^^j , ^^^^ ^^^ prefident or one of vice-prefidents one, at any ftated general rneetings above 3 live'sor 31 to make leafes of any lands or tenements belonging to faid corporation, not years, exceeding three lives, if for lives, and if years, not exceeding thirty-one, to "°^ inreverfion, commence and take effe(ft in poffelfion, not in revcrfion, or by way of fu- ^Jj^^^ '^p"'' „ ture intereft ; upon which leafe fhall be referved during the the continuance half-yearly. ' the beft yearly rent that can be got without fine, gratuity or other reward ; which rent fhall be payable half-yearly, on the two ufual feafts, on which rents are payable. XII. /efi. 12. Provided the feal of faid corporation fhall not be affixed Leafes, reported to any leafe not referred to a committee, who Ihall repr)rt, that the leafe is proper.hy indenture, proper and is by deed indented, and contains ufual powers of diftrefs find ^^^^1."^" ^ g°jj^^^'j._ re-entry for non-payment ; which leafe under feal of corporation fhall be read as evidence in all courts of record without any further proof XIII. y^^. 1 3. Said corporation or any five at any general meeting fliall have ^ at general meet- power to lend fuch fums intereft free, to fuch perfons as they think fit, not ing to lend intereft lefs than forty fhillings, nor more than five pounds, to any one at any one *'ref. "of ^^'^" 4°3- time, to be repaid at fuch times, fums, and proportions, as they think rca- ""'' ^^°'''^ ^ '°°"^ fonable ; for which fums notes fhall be paffed by the borrower, mentioning terms of loan. D 2 aIV./c.?. WoBPy to t^e Toci- 'is.lV.fef?. 14. All money, hitherto fubfcribcd or bequeathed to the charita- ety veiUd in the blc mulical focicty, fhall veft in the corporation, and by any order from them, corporation, or any feven, whereof prefident or one of vice-prefidents one, may be paid paid to treaiurer by ^^ ^j^g treafurer, whofc receipt fhall be a fufficient diicharge and acquittal ; and not repayinp fued '" Cafe any money lent by this a€i be not repaid purfuant to terms of loan, by treafuier. it ihall be lawful for treafurer in his own name to fus for the fam?. On notice of vacan- IsN.fe^. 1 5. In cafe the office or place of any one or more of vice-prefi- cies 7 to meet and dents, or members, officers, or fervants fhall become vacant by death, depriva- *''^'^- tion, refignation, or otherwife, the remaining members fhall not only continue and remain incorporate to all intents, but it fhall be lawful for faid corporati- on, or any feven, whereof one of vice-prefidents one, and they are required to meet for that purpofe, within days after notice that fuch vacan- cy has happened, to eledl new vice-prefidents, members, officers, and fer- vants. Accounts kept, XVI. fe£l. 1 6. Said corporation fhall caufe fair accounts in writing to be viewed by members, kept in books prepared of all receipts and payments, loans and other tranf- ^^•, adions of faid corporation, officers and agents, to be viewed and infpecled by fct'ibed ^7 Nov ^"y "^embers, fubfcribers, or benefat\ors, upon any occafion ; which ac- yeariy or 14 days counts ihall be examined, audited, and fubfcribed upon 17th November eve- after, ry year, or within fourteen days after, by faid corporation, or any feven, whereof prefident or one of vice-prefidents one. To appoint perfons XVII. fe^. 17. To make the good effeds of faid charity as extenfive as to lend on like teims poffible it fhall be lawful for faid corporation, or any feven, the prefident or in manufac'tucing Q^e of vice-prefidents one, to appoint perfons under their hands and feal of counties and mar- corporation to receive contributions, and lend out money, intereft free, not lefs than forty fhillings, nor exceeding five pounds, at any one time, upon like terms of payment, to any perfon throughout the different manufacturing counties and market-towns. And to receive con- XVIII. /fif?. 1 8. Perfons fo appointed under feal of faid corporation fhall tiibutions, have powcr of receiving contributions and benevolencies, in the different and lend 'o irdigcni ^.Q^^jj^g qj. ^owns wherein appointed and the benefadions and contributions and indullnou- mi- ^ n 1 1 1 • j- 1 • j /i. • c ^ r 1 ■ nufaiiurers there, mall be lent out to the indigent and mduftnous manufacturers relident m snd keep regidar fuch couuty Or town ; and pcrfons ading under fuch appointment fhall keep accounts, regular books of account of all fums, they receive, and of money lent by traniaiiited once a jj.,g^^ and the terms upon which lent; which accounts, fairly tranfcribcd fileViy civil bill, fl^^H he tranfmitted once in every year to faid corporation for infpedion -, and appointment under perfons fo appointed lliall (on non-payment of any money borrowed from corporation feal the Corporation, and lent by them) have full power and authority to fue for- evidence, ^^^^^i monev bv civil bill, or otherwife, as they think mofl advifeable ; and and ihe note or wit- , • ' 1 • j r 1 r \- -^u » u c c r.ffrc5 (hall put de- ptoducuig the appointment under feal ot corporation, without other proof or t""' the fame term ©f years, as tranfportation for faid offence might by law have been adjudged, or fuch fhorter term, as fueh court think fit, provided in. no cafe lefs than three or more than ten years. II. /e^. 2. Where any male at any feflion of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, quarter or other general feflion- of peace for any county, city, Convi'aed of felony town, or place, lawfully convidted of any robbery or felony, for. which by ^"^^^J^^^"'^^[!]5J''>'" law liable to fuffer death without benefit of clergy, and his majefly fhall allowed conditional extend the royal mercy to any fuch offender, upon condition of being kept pardon as If under •to hard labour for ten years, or any fliorter time fpecified, in cuftody of fuch g^at feai, and kept overfeers as aforefaid, and fuch intention of mercy notified in writing by |i*t,je^foe(-if;td"^ ^^' fecretary of chief governors to the judge or juflice of oyej and terminer, or gaol delivery, in any county, city, or place, before whom convided or condemned, it fliall be lawful for every fuch judge or jufb'ce to make an order fbr allowing forthwith to every fuch- offender the benefit of a condi- tional pardon, in fame manner, as if a conditional pardon under great feal, and fhall adjudge that every fuch offender be kept to hard labour incuflody of fuch overfeers for the time fpecified in the notification. III. fe^. 3. When any offender ordered to be kept to hard labour in sherilF or paoler oa manner aforefaid, or as herein-after, the clerk of aflize, peace, or other clerk court cleric's' certi- of court, by which fuch order made, fhall give the (heriff or gaoler having ficatc flull deliver cuflody a certificate under his hand containing account of the chriflian name ""^'"'S- to overieers fir-name, and age of fuch offender, his offence, the court before whom and ' term for which he fhall be fo ordered to hard labour ; and the fherifl" or gaoler fhall, with all convenient fpeed after fuch order and certificate, con- vey fuch offender or caufe to be conveyed to fuch place within this king- dom, and alfo deliver or caufe him to be delivered, together with faid cer- tificate, to fuch overfeers as aforefaid ; and overfeers, to whom fo delivered, ihall give a proper receipt under their hands ; which Ihall be a fliflicient dif- charge to the fheriff or gaoler. IV. Jeer. 4. All expences by flieriff or gaoler in conveyance of any fuch Expences paid by. offender ifiall be paid by the county, city, town, or place, for which the «'"."«y treaimer on- court ordering fuch punifhment by hard labour inflead of tranfportation^" "■"^"°' "' fhall be held ; and the fheriff or gaoler fhall receive the money due from the treafurer by order of the juftices at quarterly or other general lellion ; who are required to make fuch order. V. h-a> Ovfiiirs have lame Wjecl. 5. After d<"li very of any fuch offender into cuflodv, to which ew''^orlh,'t!'''^'^-H§*-'''' o^'ef^^^ers, who (liall have the cuftody, (hall, during the term for ».>d kerpi" is'i.o'uf ^^''li^'ii ordered ro harrl labour, have fame power over fuch offender, as in- as pro'ciihtd by incident to ofnct; of a fheiiff or gaoler ; and in cafe of any abufe vX cuflody, ba-urt ofllcf, or other miibel.aviour in difcharge of of^ce, Piiall be liable to fame punilh- ment as a gaoler ; and alio iTiall during fuch term keep fuch offender to hard labour, either in raifing fand, foil, and gravel from and cleanfing river AnnaLiffey in harbour of Dublin, or in any other laborious fervice, for bene- fit of navigation of faid river and harbour eaflward of Eflex-bridge, but at fuch places only, and fubjeift to fuch diredions, limitations, and reftridtions, as ballaft-ofRce committee from time to time prefcribe. Wllftir^^rs '" ^'^- -^^^^ ^- P'o^'ided fuch offenders, when ordered to hard labour in the butln'"levcll'ing ^'^'^"^ ^"^ harbour of Dublin, (hall in no cafe be employed in delivering ton- banks, and difcharg nage of ballad to maflers and commanders of fliips, but only in digging, ing above high- raifmg, and taking up gravel, fand, and foil from the fhelves and fand- vvatermailc, ^ banks of faid river and harbour, and in difcharging upon the fhore above hon!"^' ^ na^'^a- \{\^ water-mark, or in fome other laborious fervice for benefit of the naviga- tion. Allotted only bread VII. fect. 7. Every offender, ordered to hard labour in cuftody of over- and wholefome feers, fhall during fervice be fed and fuftained with bread and wholefome coarfe fsod, water coarfe inferior food, and water or fmall beer, and alfo fufficiently clothed ; and fhall not be permitted to have any other food, drink, or clothing, than if other fupplied, fuch as fo allotted ; and if any perfon rtiall fupply any fuch offender, dur- penalty not above jng his fervice, with any drink, food, or clothing, other than as fo direft- ^°^' ed or permitted, he or llie fhall, for every fuch offence, forfeit any fum not exceeding forty killings. Refufing labour cr VIII. feil. 8. If any offender during the term of fuch term of fuch niisbehaving. whip- fervice rcfufe to perform any labour authorized by this aiS, or guilty of ped or punifhed as any Other mifbehavjour or diforderly condutl, it fhall be lawful for over- in houie otcorteUi- ^^^j.g having cuftody to order fuch moderate whipping or other punilli- ment to be inflided, as by law on perfons committed to a houfe of corredion for hard labour. ReOored to liberty IX. fell. 9. Every offender kept to hard labour fhall at end of fervice, to receive from o- and Upon being reftored to his liberty, receive from overfeers, under whom veri'eer iint under he ferved, fuch fum not lefs than forty fl.illings, nor more tlian five pounds, 'ehaviour ihew fuch figns of reformation, as fhall induce faid recommended and ^ court to recommend him as an objed of mercy, and it fhall be thereupon feciersn's 'ei^er t.it j-^g^^j^^^ jjy ^ letter from fuch fccretary to the overfeers, that his majefly snd to receive 'as if thinks fit in ccnfideiation of fuch good behaviour to fhorten the duration of terving the whole. I'uch term, fuch offender fhall be accordingly fet at liberty at the time in fuch letter, and receive a fum from his overfeer and clothing in fame man- ner as if he had ferved the whole of the term. For females, and 'X.fect. 10. Whereas in many cafes it might be inconvenient to fend weak or aged males, ^onvids efpecially females, and males weak and aged, to work in clearing in faid river : where any perfon at any feffion of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, or quarter or other general felfion of peace for any county, city, town or place lawfully convicted of grand or petit larceny, or other crime for for which he or flie liable by law to tranfportation, it Hiall be lawful for the iXu^fn 'Jia'cc »p. court in which convidled, or any court held for the fame place, and with pointed not under like authority, if fuch court think fit, in place of fuch punifhment by tranf- j, or above ten portation to order and adjudge, that fuch perfon fhall be fent to fome pro- /<''-• per place of confinement within faid county, city, town, or place appoint- ed in manner after mentioned, there to be kept to hard labour for fuch term as fuch court fhall appoint, not exceeding the term for which tranf- portation for faid offence might have been adjudged, provided the fame iTiall in no cafe be lefs than three or more than tea years. XI. /c?/7. If. Where any perfon lawfully convidled of robbery or other Felons on fccrerarj',- felony, for which he or (lie liable to fuffer death without benefit of clergy, "'lification to the and his majefty fiiall extend the royal mercy to any fuch offender, upon ^^\^-^l^i mnionTi'ii condition of hard labour at the place of confinement to be appointed in under great fcal, manner after mentioned, and fuch intention of mercy notified in writing and ordered to lurd by the fecretary to the judge or judice, before whom convicted or condemned, 'jbonr for ihe time- it fliall be lawful for every fuch judge or juftice of oyer and terminer, or general gaol delivery, to make an order^4br allowing forthwith to every fuch offender the benefit of a conditional pardon in fame manner as if un- der great feal, and Ihall adjudge, that every fuch offender be kept to hard labour for the time fpecified in the notification. XII. feet. 12. When any offender ordered to hard labour in manner Slie"^ or gaoler c.t aforefaid, the clerk of aflize, peace, or other clerk of the court, by which t^jK' "/"*' ^'^ fuch order made, fhall give flieriff or gaoler, having cuflody of offender, ^^^^ to^houfe°of "cor- a certificate under his hand, containing account of the chriftian name, fir- teaion, on recdt, name, and age of offender, his or her offence, the court before whom con- vided, and term for which he or fhe ordered to hard labour ; and the fhe- riff or gaoler fhall with all convenient fpeed after fuch order, and receiving fuch certificate, convey or caufe him or her to be conveyed, to the proper houfe of corre(ftion, and deliver or caufe to be delivered together with faid certificate into cuftody of the mafter or keeper: and perfons, to whom fo expence paid as delivered, fhall give a proper receipt under their hands, which fhall be a aforefaid. fufHcient difcharge to the fheriff, gaoler, or other perfon fo delivering ; and all expences by any fheriff or gaoler in conveying fuch offender to houfe of corredion fhall be paid by the county, city, town or place for which the court ordering fuch punifhment held, in fame manner as before dire^fled in refpetft to offenders ordered to hard, labour in river Anna Liffey and harbour of Dublin. XIII. feet. i^. The juftices for every county, city,, town, and' place, fhall at the firfl quarter or other general felfion of peace held next after pafling "°"'^'* °^'^°"'^'-'^'''" this ad take into confideration the flate of their houfes of corredfion, that (-^.(i-,^,', of'peace! proper places within the fame or elfewhere within each county, city, town, proper places for and place, may be prepared for fuch ofl^enders as. ordered to hard labour offent'ers prfparcd, therein by this aft, and for purpofes aforefaid ;• and for keeping fuch offen- ^"^ reguJanng or- ders to hard labour, employment, regulation, and government, fhall give j^eepers liable as fuch directions and orders, as fuch juflices think moft fit and proper, as they gaokrs. are authorized to by the laws now in force in refpeft to houfes of correc- tion, or by any of them ; and the keeper of the place of confinement fhall, in cafe of abufe of cuftody or other mifbehaviour in difcharge of office, be liable to fame punifhment as a gaoler. E /e({..XlY.. Refcuing, or afTifting XIV. /f(7. 1 4. If any perfon refcue any offender, by this ad ordered refcue, or efcape, to hard labour or houfe of correclion, either in his conveyance or whilll in or attempt, on con- cuftody of perfons appointed, or if any perfon aiding or aflifting in fuch ref- viaion by india- ^^^^ or if any perfon, not having aftual cuftody of any fuch offender, Oiall be tion ofbbour or^' aiding and alfifting in any efcape, or 111 all by fiipp!}ing arms or inftru- cofre(flion, ments of difguife or efcape, or otherwife in any manner be aiding and af- fixing in attempt to make any fuch efcape, though no fuch efcape made ; every fuch perfon conviiiled of fuch offence by indiftment before any court of oyer and terminer, and general gaol-delivery, for the place where fuch offence committed, fhall be by fuch court adjudged and ordered to the fame portion of hard labour or cofreftion, as the perfon refcued or efcaped, or attempted to be aided in any efcape, had to ferve or fuffer at the time of fuch refcue, efcape, or attempt. Forfirft cfca ef XV.fect. 1 5. If any perfon ordered to hard labour under this a&. either of fcrvice doubled, in the river or harbour and bay of Dublin, or at any place of confinement appointed by this atl, fhall during the term break prifon or efcape from the place of his or her confinement, or from the perfons having lawful cuflody of fuch offender, he or fhe fhall on conviction for firfl efcape be punilhed by doubling the term of fervice and hard labour, in which he or fhe was at fecond felony death *'^^ ^'"^^ °^ ^^"^'^ efcape, and for a fecond be adjudged guilty of felony, with • out benefit of clergy, and fuffer death accordingly. Trial w here taken, XVI. feH. 16. And that fuch convictions maybe had with as little trouble and expence as polTible ; every offender efcaping fhall be tried be- clerlc's cer "fi fore juflices of alfize, oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery for the county, city, evidence o "^^ ^ or place where apprehended and taken -, and the clerk of affize and peace conviflion f former owhere fuch orders of confinemerrt or hard labour made, and their fucceffors, fhall at requeft c-f profecutor, or any other in his majefty's behalf, certify a tranfcript briefly and in few words containing effed of every indictment and conviction of fuch man or woman, and of the order for confinement or being fent to hard labour, to the juflices where indidled for any fuch efcape. Tee 2s. 6d. ^of taking for the fame above two fhillings and fix-pence ; which certificate produced in court fhall be a fufRcient proof, that fuch perfons have before been convitled and ordeied to fuch place of confinement or hard labour refpec- tively. Clerk flierifF, gao- XVII. feet. 1 7. Provided fuch clerk of court and fheriff or gaoler fhall ler, p'aid as ui'ual on be paid by treafurer of the county, city, town or place, like fatisfailion as tranfportation. ufually paid for order of tranfportation of any offender. XVIII. fert. 18. Provided offenders fent to and confined in fuch places Offenders feparated appointed kept feparate from and not fuffered to intermix with any perfons from thofe ot inte- ' ' r- • ,- rr 1 • i i • 1 ' 1 rior desree confined for any oirence under petit larceny, or other cnme not making the perfons having committed the fame fubjeft to tranfportation. XIX. feci. 19. The overfeers of places of confinement appointed by this leers'"^ ^ °''"' ar/. 21. Towards defraying expences necelTarily incurred by this ^""'j'''' ^^f"- aft grand juries of counties and counties of cities and towns, except county ^' ? r^vLfl™,.^ *' r • r T^ 11- 1-1 n- T- n i - «■ i i ^"° Michaelmas or City or Dublin, authorized at aflizesand at Eafter and Miciiaelmas terms ,ernn for county of in king's bench for county of Dublin, feverally to prefent (as in other in- Dablinin B. R. ftances they are by the laws now in force impov^ered) on their refpeftive counties five pounds for each convi ^'^^ ^■°''''^°"'*' before the mayor, or any of the aldermen of the ward according to the fummary method before. TOentioned, fuch penalties tp ga tQ..u&.o^ the.woj^tr, houfe of faid city. -- ,^" ,,;. ,'..'; j !".",.;.'.■ ^ XlV./ft/. 1 3. If any perfons after firft Auguft next take or deftroy any fifh Trawling in Cork whatfoever (oyfters excepted) in the harbour of Cork, vnfide of the points '^"'"'"r''^''^'^>''^"'' called Cow and Calf, by trawling, fuch perfons ftiall on due proof before the '^^y^ &c.roHouft mayor or any one or more of the juftices of the county of faid city, or for of iRduitry andfro- the county of Cork, contiguous to faid harbour, forfeit ten pounds, together fecutoi. with the boat or veflel employed in fuch trawling or fiftiing, with all tackle, fails, and rigging, together with fuch fifhing-trawls and geer made ufe of in fuch fuch trawling -, ofte moiety of faid ten pounds, and of the money by fale of fuch forfeited boat or veflel to go to ufe of the houfe of induftry of faid city, the other moiety to fuch perfons as nrft fue. Warrant to water- XV. feet. 14. Mayor of Cofk fhall iffiie from time to time as occafion require,, bailiff or [pecial of- a warrant to the water-bailiff or his deputy, or any other fpecial officers by him ficertofLMzefor _ appointed for that purpofe, requiring to feize, arrefl, and attach, and take tilTde"ernvieed *^"^'" '""^^ cuftody any boat or vefTel, that any of them find trawhng for fifh in faid harbour of Cork (oyfters only excepted) infide faid points called Cow and carry peribns and Calf, and to Carry (aid boat or vefTei with her tackle, fails, and rigging;, before mayor or a fifhing-trawlr- and geer, to fome convenient place within faid harbour, there j^"'-'" ' to be detained until the caufe of feizure determined purfuant to the meaning hereof, and to carry the feveral perfons, found trawling in fuch boat or vefTel, before faid mayor, or any one or more of juftices of the county of faid city, or coimty of Cork, contiguous to faid harbour, to have faid matters heard and detetmined, and according to the true intent and meaning hereof; and on nen-pajmnent ini- the faid mayor, or any of faid juflices, (ball have power on convidion for priiened 1 month, f^^}^ trawling to commit the perfon not paying his proportion of faid penalty to gr.ol for the county of faid city or county of Cork, according to their re- fpedive jnrifdicffions for payment of fuch penalty, fuch imprifonment not to exceed one month. B kk not burned XV./^if?. 15. No bricks fhall be burnt, or any clamp of bricks fet to be burned v/.ithiii 2 miles of within two miles Englifh flatute meafure, computed from the exchange of faid Exchange ; cfty of Cork ; and in cafe any perfons burn or caufe to be burned any bricks, or penalty lol. by civil fef q^ f^j-g any clamp of bricks, or any clay fhaped or tampered for bricks, and 'rorecubr'* Within two miles, perfons fo offending for every fuch offence fhall forfeit ten pounds, recovered by civil bill at aflizes for county of faid city, by the firft perfon that fhall fue ; one moiety for ufe of the workhoufe, the other to the perfon fo fuing. And tlie clamps XVII. /e^. 16. Befides faid penalty often pounds, the mayor, or any of juf- deftroyed. tices of county of faid city, fhall have power, and are required on viev/, or information on oath, to iffue warrant to extinguifh, abate, or deftroy any clamp or parcel of bricks, or of clay fet on fire to be burned into or for bricks, within two miles Englifh flatute meafure, computed as aforefaid. Giving away pipe- XVUl. f^ct. 1 7. Whereas a confiderable expence incurred in fupplying the water, or permitting city of Cork and fuburbs with water, if owner or poffeflbr of any pipe or "' ^^"kh^ r^' H branch of any pipe in faid city or liberties, rented or to be rented from the infotmer. mayor, fheriffs,, and commonalty of faid city, or from the com.mittee deputed or to be deputed by them, fhall give away pipe-water, or permit or fuffer any perfon to give or carry away pipe-water from fuch pipe, or branch of any pipe -, fuch perfon fhall forfeit for every fuch offence twenty fhillings, recoved in the fummary way aforefaid before the mayor or any of aldermen of the ward, by the firft perfon that fhall fue, one moiety to the v/ork- houfe, the other to go to informer. Penalty for branch- XIX. fecL 18. If any perfon put a branch-pipe into any of the mains or pipe without autho- pipes laid for conveyance of water in any of the flreets, lanes, or paflages in nty, lol. by civil ^^j^ ^j^y ^^ fuburbs, or fhall have a branch-pipe conveyed into or near any to workhoufe and dwelling-houfe or out-houfe in faid city or fuburbs from the branch-pipe of informer. any Other perfon without the confent and authority of the mayor, fheriffs, and commonalty, or of fuch committee as aforefaid, in order that fuch per- fon may be fupplied with pipe-water without paying, every perfon fhall for every fuch offence forfeit ten pounds, recovered by civil bill at the general aflizes affizes for the county of faid city, by the firft pcrfon who fliall fuc ; one moiety for ufe of the work-houfe, the other to the informer, or perfon firft filing. 'K'K. fen. 19. If any building or enclofure of ground hath beei;i made in BuilJinfsorinlo. faid city of Cork, the fuburbs or liberties, where pipes or mains have been ^"'^f^'"')' '"^ c 'fcreJ laid, or aquedufts ereded, or hereafter fhall be laid or erefted for fuFply'ng!,°!fr'!ui4's^'' with water ; it fliail be lawful for the mayor, fheriffs, and commonalty, or ' '' " ' faid committee, or anyone or more of faid committee,with workmen from time to time, when fuch mains, pipes, or aquedu(f\s out of order, to enter into and. upon fuch buildings and enclofures, or any ground through which fuch mains, pipes, or aqueduds laid or ereded, in order to repair the fame, paying all fuch damages as the owner or owners fuftcr tiiereby, to be afcertained in a afcertalned bt- z. fummary way by two perfons, one appointed by the mayor, fheriffs, and com- i by the mayV, &c. monalty, or faid committee or majority of (iiid committee, and the other by ' by owner, •fuch owner or owners ; and in cafe fuch two perfons fhall not agree, then ^uch damages to be afcertained by a third perfon nominated as umpire by faid or an umpire; two perfons ; and in cafe the owner or owners of fuch buildings, inclofures, or ground refufe permillion for entering to repair, for every fuch refufal fuch owner or owners fhall forfeit twenty fhillings, recovered in the fum- penalty rcfufmgen- mary way aforefaid before the mayor or any of aldermen of the ward by "'^"ce 20s. as afore- the firft perfon who fhall fue ; one moiety for ufe of the workhoufe, , tl]e, other ^' ' to informer, or firft perfon that fhall lue. r mJs uid c^t^ -'I!, XXI. feet. 20. Whereas the furns appropriated are not fufficient for Tup- n & 12G. 3.C. 15. port of foundling children in faid city and fuburbs : and by an^d eleventh ■■'. and twelfth of his prefent majefty, for.fdiefpf poor infants deferted, the pa- rifhes in Cork are exempted from receiving children : and many have mife- jably perifhed in fliid city : the church-wardens in Cork and the fuburbs may, church-wardens mar if they think proper, take into their care and poffellion any jpfant children, wkc deferted infants, deferted and expofed in their refpedive parifhes, and provide proper mirfes,^"^ P^"""^*^ "^"*^'' clothing, and other necelTaries ; and the expences thereof ftall be raifed on jt^g' j^.-^.f inha- inhabitants of the pariflies refpedively by parifh rates in fame manner, as re-bitantsby parid pairs of parifh-churches or other ufual parifh rates are raifed ; and church- rates ; wardens fhall refpedively take an account, when any fuch deferted or ex- ^"'^ '" ' ''''^"'^'"'^ pofed infant child fhall be taken by tl>em in their parillies, and in two days ^1,"^°^" ^/"■^"jn'ci at fartheft return in writing to rna,.fter of the worklioufe of faid city an ac- place ; count of the time and place of takir]g fuch defertpcj or exprifed- children ; and returns entereJ, turns the mafter of the workhoufe llmll keep a book, in which he (hall enter re- of faid church-wardens in priority, as the fame (hall be made ^ aqd layfaid book lajj before afllftsnts; before the governors or courts of aififtants, whenever faidgovernorg or court fhall meet ; and whenever the funds of workhoufe fhall anfwer to take one „.i.en the funds an. or more of the faid deferted or expofed children on the foundation to be pro- fwer, takeabypii- vided for agreeable to the ad, provided faid governors, or, ciourt fhall take or«y- < from refpedive parillies fuch and fo many, as the funds of faid workhoufe will then allow of, and according to priority of . fuch deferred or expofed children being taken on faid parillies. - p;.y. ! . XXII. fe^l. 21. It fhaJl be lawful for the mayor, and juftices for the county Grand or petty ju- of faid city, recorder, or deputy, as any happen to prcfide at quarter- felfions ""■' '"'*"''.'"^'^^' or any adjournment, ta impole a fine not exceeding five pounds on anyll,°^^''o')^T.'wfchouc grand juror, petty -^uror, or uitnefs legally fummoned to attend^ and fhall fufficientexcnfe, P ' ■ " refufe 6"^ "<''*''o*^ .^'- reTule or ilv'gle^fl to appear purfuant, and for whom no fufficient exciife laid precefs in nature of before the court ; and to ilTue procefs from time to time in nature of execu- execution; ^.j^^^ ^^ ferjeants at mace, conftables of county of faid city, and baihffs, or to any one or more, to levy faid fine off goods and chattels of fuch grand- on hufbands of/me juror, pefty-juror, or witnefs fo fined, and of the hufband of feme-covert; wwwj; gj^j ^^jj ^i^g when levied fball be paid to governors of the workhoufe of Cork 2r6d."toderToV ^""^ "^^ ^^ ^^^ workhoufe, deducting two fhillings and fix-pence to clerk of peace. peace, two fhillings and fixpence to fuch ferjeants at mace, conftables, or 2s. 6d. to officer, bailiffs as iTiall execute faid procefs. ?^o,aI/^^''^^' XXIII. /ftV. 22. Provided deputy-recorder fhall take all fuch oaths, as the recor er. recorder ought, only fubftituting words, deputy-recorder, in place of re- corder ; and the courts and p^erf^ns authorized to adminifter oaths to recorder, fhall have full power to adminiilt-r to fuch deputy-recorder. Tfufleesby 5 G. 3. XXIV". feet. 23. That the feveral truftees appointed or to be appointed for c. 24. fea 12. for widening: or imnrovine the feveral flreets, ways, and paffag^s, in faid city ■widening Itreets m?y , j- 1 i r xv cr l f i • r ^ ■ n. ■ ■ 1 j -, purchafe grounds, ^" ihe fhorteftroadfublifting at the time of claiming fuch premium. III. S/at. 17 & I 8 Geo. 3. cap. 31 ffcl. i. An aft thirteenth of his prefent '3 G. 3. c. majefty, for amending tiventy-mnth of George the Second, for further encourage- "'Continued to ,,, tnent of tillage, faid aft continued until twenty-fifth December 1 781. ' '• ' ^'^-P.®?-^*'^'• IV. 6"/^;. 17 & 18 Gfo. 3. cap. 3\. fen. r. \Vhereas granting a bounty '"'P°"'"S *^°^'^*^*y upon carriage by water coailways from the northern and fouthern parts to w,^,',''''" ^'°"? tS 1 1- 11 I ' r »i -11 1 • • , Wicklow to the Dubhn will^ be a further encouragement to tillage and navigation ; and Tufcar fouthward tend to lelfen exp;nce of bounties on inland carriage : all perfons, who after Drogheda and Car- £rft day of Augufl 1778 import any found merchantable wheat, beans, "''^'=f«'g"5 "o"!^- peas, oats, here, or barley, or .any flour of wheat, malt made of here or **^^.'J|^'gP" "j^'^V barley, or oatmeal, of growth and produce of this kingdom, by water coaft- percwrflour and ways to Dublin, from any port or place fouthward of Dublin, not nearer malt, thereto than Wicklow, nor farther than the Tufcar, or from any port or place to the northward, not nearer than Drogheda nor farther than Carrick- fergus, and fhall lj;ll and difcharge ihe fame in the -publick markets Or placec where corn, flour, malt or oatmeal ufually fold in Dublin, fhall up- F 2 on ■'on perforniiiig the fev-tlal requifites after mentioned receive from colled\dr of the port of Dunlin, or officer appointed for paying the premium upon ..inland carriage of corn and flour to Dublin, four-pence per hundred weight jfor- every hundred of inch wheat, beans, peas, oats, here, barley, or oat- meal imported or brought into Dublin as aforefaid, and twelve-pence per hundred for every hundred weight of fuch flour made of wheat, and malt .made of bere or barley imported into Dublin ds aforefaid. Fromfomhofthe V. feH. 2. All perfons, who after firft Augufl: 1778 import or bring Tufcar and narth any fuch found merchantable wheat, beans, peas, oats, bere, or barley, or of CarticJcfergiis flour of wheat, malt made of bere or barley, or oatmeal of growth and ^^- P" ^*^f- °'' produce of this kingdom from any port or place fouthward of the Tufcar, Tdr^per cwt.^flour^" o*" northward of Carrickfergus, by water coaflrways to Dublin, and fhall and malt, fell' and difcharge the fame in the publick markets or places where fuch wheat, beans, peas, oats, bere or barley, or flour of wheat, malt, or oat- meal are ufually fold in Dublin, ihall in like manner upon performing the requifites after mentioned receive from colledor of the port of Dublin five pence per hundred weight for every hundred of fuch wheat, beans, peas, oats, bere or barley or oatmeal, and one fhilling and two-pence per hundred weight for every hundred of fuch flour of wheat, and malt made of bere or barley. Notice m writing ^l.Ject. 3. The mafl:er of the (hip, boat, or veflel in which fuch wheat, by mafter and owner beans, peas, oats, bere or barley, or flour of wheat, malt made of bere or of quantity and barley, or oatmeal, fliall be brought to Dublin, and likewife the real owner, br(hiJpS^"ftot- ^a'l before the fame fliipped give notice thereof in writing to the colledor kftor of the port* ■ or principal officer of the port or diflridl where fliipped, and fpecify in fuch ■ - notice the quantity and quality intended to be fliipped ; and fuch colledor ■who dial! dire>ft an or principal officer Ihall thereupon dired one of the officers of fuch port or officer to attend, (jjftrid to attend the fhipping ; and as foon as the fame (hall be fliipped, and milie rttutn, ^^^^^j.^ officer fliall make a return in writing to fuch colledor or principal of- ^> t;, p.yifiper of, the quantity and quality fo fliipped, and in fuch return the name .rr,:o ■"" . '"1 [^s^; | o'f the fhip, boat, or veifel in which fo (hipped, and of the mafl:er thereof, Ihall premiiim'fftidjHr-,:: j^g fpecified, and alfo the time of (hipping, and the laid return (hall be uant to return, fjgj^^j ^y f^^h officer making the fame; and the quantity, for which the pre- affidavitsby mafter miums fliall be paid, fliall not exceed the quantity fet forth in Inch return -, and owner, ^^^ the mafter of fuch (hip, boat, or veflel (hall after fuch wheat, beans, f " V V d' •" P,^^^' °^'^' b"''^ ^"^ barley, or flour of wheat, malt, or oatmeal, (o (hipped, quaTi^flfipp^.'re-' make an affidavit before fuch colledor, 01 before fome neighbouring juftice fidence, growih of of peace (which oath they are refpedively required to adminifl:er without fee this kingdom and qj- reward) of the quantity and quality lb fliipped, and likewife the that no bounty re- owners of fuch articles (hipped fliall make like affidavits in manner aforc- "'^^ ' foid, mentioning their places of refidence and the quantity and quality of the articles (b (hipped by them refpedively, and that the Hime are of the colleaor to give growth of this kingdom, and that no part fo fliipped has ever received any certificate to the , bounty for carriage by land, or coaflways ; and fuch colledor or principal ^l^"' officer (hall thereupon deliver to fuch niaflier a certihcate under his hand and feal, in which (hall be mentioned the quantity and quality fo (hipped, and and tranfmit copies ^j^^ ^j^g name of the mafter and owner and owners of fuch cargo, and their to Dublin colietler, ^j^^^ ^f refidence ; and fuch colledor or prindpal officer fliall by the next poft tranfmit to colledor of the port of Dublin true copies of all fuch re- turns, turns, affidavits and certificates, which copies he is required to file and keep fafe. ^^\ ^'"'r.^Kr ^^v "''^'' °n T'^ r""']' ^'^' r°^u' °' ^'/'^' ^'" "P°" The certific.e given arrival in Dublin deliver to colieaor of the port fuch certificate, and alfo by mafter on arrival. make an affidavit before fuch colledtor or officer ('which fuch colledor or of- '° Dublin collfflor, ficer is required to adminifter without fee or reward^ in which fhall be ^"'' ^" affidavit. mentioned the quantity and quality of fuch wheat, beans, peafe, oats, here or barley, or flour of wheat, malt, or oatmeal fo brought, the names of the owners and place whence. VIII. fea. 5. If any perfons forge any fuch certificate, affidavit, or note. Forging or produc or produce to fuch colledor or officer any fuch certificate, affidavit or note, '"g lorged affidavit, knowing the fame forged, or knowingly fvvear any thing falfe in any fuch ^'^".''ifa'^' omote, affidavit, they fhall upon convidion fufter fuch punilliment as perfons convid- nuiiJheda^^^""^' ed of wilful perjury are by laws fubjed to. pejury. IX. feet. 6. Like accounts fhall be kept of the feveral payments made ^^^ accounts of in purfuance of this ad for all wheat, beans, peas, oats, here or barlev, or P^)''':^"'^ kept as tof. flour of wheat, malt or oatmeal imported coafl:ways to Dublin, as are'di- can'a"'"^ °" '^"''" reded to be kept by the feveral ads relative to premiums upon land curiage ° of corn and flour brought to Dublin. X. fefl. J. Provided officer appointed for paying faid premiums fliall' No premium paid not pay any premium in purfuance of this ad, unlefs a certificate be pro- t'" certificate of duced to him under hand and feal of the furveyor or land-waiter of the ^'^'■'''" f^fveyor or port of Dublin, fpecifying the quantity of corn, beans, peas, malt, flour, or Ifon;^'''^''3',' (^""j,"^ oatmeal landed, that is found and merchantable, with name of the (liip and reiunisTranft^itted port from whence it came, nor unlefs the colledor of faid port of Dublin made as required, fhall certify in like manner, tliat by the copies tranfmitted to him from colledor or principal officer of the port, from whence faid lliip came, the feveral certificates, affidavits, and returns feein to him to have been made as required by this ad. XI. feci. 8. None of the ollkers before mentioned fliall take any fee or No fee to ot]]cers. reward whatfoever for any thing they iliall do in purfuance of the diredions before given. XII. /rt7. 9. This ad flull continue in force until the firft June i''82 f^omlntiarfce tc ifi: and to end of the then next feffion. JuneiyS:,. I. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 2. feH. 9. After the 25th December 1777, Cvder not r t 'i 1 no perfon fliall fell or tap out by retail anyc>der, bur only fuch as licenfed without licence!' according to diredions^ of this act, under fuch penalty as herein after ex- prefled. ll.fen. 10. After 2sth December 1777 't diall be lawful for the chief Licence by esciie. commilhoners of excife or any three, and the coUedors of excife in their cair.miilioners and refpedive difl:rid3, from time to time to jlTue and grant fuch licences for *^o"e»^o"> felling and tapping out cyder by retail, and for every fuch licence one fhilling and one penny, and no more, fliall be paid or demanded as a fee ; f^^ ,, ,j and if any perfon fliall after 25th December 1777 fell or tap out cyder by ' ' retail without fuch licence every fuch perfon fliall every time forfeit and pay P-i^'li.'' 5'- five pounds. III. feil. II. For better ordering and coUeding faid duty of one penny per gallon upon all cyder fold or tapped out by retail, it Ihal'l be lawful for the gangers Excifc officers may gaugers and officers of cxcife, within their diftri(fls from time to time, after ^f'h'ufelTnd"'"'" '^^^^ December J 777, to enter in the day-time into the houfes, out-houfes, brs, °"ke sccount', ftore-houfes and cellars of every retailer of cyder, and take an account of Hud charge id. per all fuch cyder as found in the poffefiion of fuch retailer, and to charge with gallon. faid duty of one penny per gallon accordingly. IV. fea. 12. After 25th December 1777, every retailer of c^'der fhall Retailers to ihew fhew to gaugers or officers of excife on demand all flock of cyder then on ftock. hand ; and in cafe any fuch retailer or his or their fervant (in cafe fuch Penalty lol. retailer fhall not be prefent when the ganger or officer fhall come to fuch re- found '* tailer's houfe to take ftock) fhall refufe to make declaration, and fhew all '. ' ftock of cyder then on hand ; every fuch retailer fhall for every fuch offence forfeit ten pounds ; and if fuch ganger or officer fhall after declaration made as aforefaid find any cyder in polTeffion or cuftody of fuch retailer over and above the quantity fo fhewn and declared, fuch retailer fhall likewife forfeit Jen pounds. Debtors In fchedules I- '^^'?^- i7 & i8 Geo. J. c. i^. fe£l. I. Whereas perfons, who fe names may before I May mentioned in fchedules annexed, have been by misfortunes rendered unable lyfto. peiiiion B R jq fatisfy the whole of their debts, and it is reafonable to make provifioa for or C. B. as by i G. ^^j^]^ ^^ them, as do their utmofl for their creditors : it fhall be lawful for all on performing like perfons, whofe names mentioned in faid fchedulcF, before 1 ft May 1780, to requifites, exhibit petitions to king's bench or common pleas, fetting forth the feverai likereliet, and pu- matters dirctted to be fet forth in petitions, in a fchedule annexed to an aCt ac?oTn"! or' conceal- ^^ °^ '^'^ prefent majefty, /ar relief of infolvent debtors ; and fhall, upon per- jng. ' forming the feverai requifites in faid ail diredled, be intitled to like benefit eftates and effefts ^nd relief, and fubjedl to like punifhment in cafes of delivering a falfe and lubjea as therein, untrue account of eftate and effedts, or concealing, as by faid aCl is dired- ed with jefpedl to the perfons whofe names mentioned in the fchedule an- nexed to faid adl ; and the refpeftive eflates and efFedls of perfons, whofe names mentioned in the fchedules annexed, fhall be fubjetfl to all the terms and provifions in faid adl with refped. to eftates and effects of perfons in the fchedules annexed to faid a6l. 1 ike powers in B.R. II. feet. 2. King's-bench and common pleas refpetflively inverted with all and C. B the like powers with refpetfl to the perfons, eftates, and effedls of the debtors in the fchedules annexed, as faid courts were inverted with by faid aift for relief of perfons in the fchedules thereunto annexed. Piifoners above 20 HI. fect. 3. Such of faid perfons in the fchedules, as are adlual prifoners miles from Dublia jn any gaol orprilbn in this kingdom, on any procefs whatfoever, for, or by «)n any pioceis or jj-gfon of any debts whatfoever, and which gaol or prifon is above 20 miles aaj'req'u'[n''es'aT!n diftant from Dublin^ on preferring petition, as in fuch cafes directed by faid (aid afl, likereiief. aCt ift of his prefent majefty, and upon performing the feverai requifites in and puniilimcnE lur faicf-atft, fhall have and be intitled to like benefit and relief, and fubJeCl to laiie accounr, or jjj^^ puniihment in cafe of delivering a falfe and untiiie account of eftate .onceau.t,, ^^^ effects, or concealing, as by faid act directed with rel'pect to perfons in and eilates and ef- fchedules annexed to faid act , and the eftates and effects of perfons in the .♦".'asfu'-j-:! as there Schedules annexed fhall be fubjeot to all the terms and provifions in faid act, ■ with refpect to eflates and effects of perfons in fchedules to faid act. IV. Ject. 4. Judges in any county, city, town, or place, after pafling this' ad, act, inverted with all like powers, with refpect to perfons, eflates, and ef- Judges oF affize veft. fects of debtors in faid fchedules, as vefted with by faid act ift of his pre- ''^ *""''''''« P°*"»' fent majefty. V. feet. 5. Provided none of the perfons in the fecond fchedule Hiall >^i„ngjn jd fdiedule be intitled to take any benefit under this act, unlefs two-thirds of the real imitled, unleis cer- creditors in number and value of fuch perfons refpectively Ihall fign a cer- tificateonoathby tificate, fignifying their confent to difcharge of fuch perfons refpectively ; ^-"^^ °* ■■"' '^'^^^'- the truth of which certificate mufl^ be proved upon oath to fatisfaction of the '°^i^^ '" """''^" *"'* court, to which fuch petitions preferred. VI. feci. 6. Provided no perfon (hall take any benefit by this act, who jsjo conveyance or lias made any fraudulent conveyance or aflignment of his eftatc and goods, aiTignment 10 defraud or any part, previous or fubfequent to his failure, with intention to defraud '^"='^''0^2. his creditors, or any of them, or done or fufFered any fraudulent act for pur- pofe aforefaid, and the fame made to appear to fatisfaction of the court in which the petition depending, upon an exam nation either vnm voce, or by affidavit, as fuch court direct. VII. /fct. 7. And provided, nothing herein fhall extend to the benefit of Bankrupts excepted, any perlbn within the provifions of the bankruptcy law. Vill. feet. 8. Provided nothing herein fhall extend to benefit of any,-who .^nd former infol- has been relieved by and taken benefit of any former act of infolvency. venre. IX. feet. 9. Provided no perfon as guardian, truflee,- executor or admi- ^^j ,^l^^ ^^^P niftrator indebted, fhall be intitled to any benefit or relief from this act. tee, executor or ad- X: feci. 10. Provided all who have con.veyed, embezzled, or converted to m niiirator. their own ufe, any monies, goods, wares, or merchandizes of perfons who ■'^"'' ^^'"^■^^''"S ^•"- employed or intrufted them, fliall be excluded from receiving any benefit or P °'^'^' ^ 2°" ^' advantage. XJ. fea. II. Provided nothing herein fhall in any manner extend to give And debt for renK' benefit, eafe, difcharge, or relief, from any debt for rent, or arrears of rent, whether by a bond, note, or other inllrument in writing, perfected to landlord for the fame, or otherwife, v/hvch debt became due and payable out of any lands, tenements, and Hereditaments, where he, fhe, or they owing fuch rent, or arrears, or any other deriving by, from, or under them, are in poflenion of all or any fuch lands, tenements, or hereditaments, out' of which fuch rent was payable. XII. feii. 12. Provided all prifoners wholes names in the fchedules^ and Prifoners for debt, confined on any procefs for debt in any gaol or priibn, and not committed ""^^ '^°""'""''^d '7 to fuch gaol or prifon on or before the 17th March 1778, fuch prifoners fhall ^^"^^^^^ llkis 2°-'^ds not be intitled to the benefit of this act, unlefs two-thirds of creditors in of creditors in num. number and value fign a certificate, fignifying confent. that fuch prifoners ber and value fign may have the benefit ; the truth of which confent, as well as that fuch ere- c^"''"]'F'"e. ditors fignins: are really and botia fide creditors of fuch priibners, fliall be°",^' ^^l ^""^ ■r J ^ rr i-^i 1, rT-.i! . judges ot b. R. or venhed by affidavit, or other manner, as the judges or kings- bench and adjze. of aflize think proper: XIII. feet. 13. Provided nothing herein fhall give any relief to any tythe- ^o tythe-farmer or farmer or proctor on account of any debt incurred on account of the tythes P^°J; °V'"' f "" t , r , , r '"^" account. he has tarmed, or been proctor tor. XIV. /fr/. 14. Provided- this act fhall not free the real or perfonal eftate, Snbfequcnt rea! or- • which fuch perfons, as obtain their liberty by virtue hereof, fhall acquire, or P?^^^°"*' ^"^'^^ '•'*" become intitled to, after having taken benefit thereof, bat the fame lliall be liable to the debts owing by them in as full and ample a manner, as if this act never made. XV. M. John Uourke's perfon freed ffom arreft on an afTignment to 3 taiftces- Wthto^i. XV. feet. 15. At the petition of feveral creditors of Jolin Bourkc, on behalf of themfelves and the reft, from the time the demand of faid John on his uncle Richard Bourke's eftate, and the remainder of his faid uncle's cftate, to which he is intitled, and the Bond of Robert Franklin for five hundred pounds, and alfo the reverfion of four hundred pounds per ^nnum, fhall be affigned to Holt Waring and Richard Bolton, as truftees, the perfon of the faid John Bourke fhall thenceforth be freed, acquitted, and difcharged of and from all arrefts at the fuit of any creditor or creditors of faid John Bourke, for any money now due and owing by him, and if f^id John Bourke lliail be arrefted for or on account of any fuch debt or debts, faid John Bourke Ihall be forthwith freed, releafed, and difcharged. Difpenfation. i8 H. 8. c. 19. Dignity, canonry, or prebend in ca- thedral poflefled 25 Dec. lad, held as if a difpenlaiiiSn obtained. Not to affcL^ afls or fuits to avoid before 25 Dec. I. S/at. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 25. /ect. i. Whereas doubts have arifen whether a dignity, canonry, or prebend in a cathedral be compatible with any other benefice without firft obtaining a difpenfation ; and many benefices are in fadl; fo holden : all perfons who were in aftual poiTeffion of any digni- ty, canonry, or prebend in a cathedral church, together with any other be- nefice or benefices, on or before the 25th of December laft, may hold, pof- fefs and enjoy the fame, in like manner as if a difpenfation had been regu- larly and in due time obtained for holding the fame ; any law or uiage to the contrary notwithftanding. II. fe^. 2. Provided nothing herein fhall extend to or afFeft any aft, mat- ter, or thing done, or fuit commenced before faid 25th December laft, for voiding any ecclefiaftical benefice, dignity, canonry or prebend, on account of fuch incompatibility. 2DiQillerS. Not licenfed until bond and fureties for duties in penalty 20I. per 100 gallons in frills. Dlftillers not to lirew fmall beer or ale for ale, charged tor all malt liquors as pot ale or waft, and the penalt eu for concealment. I. Slat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3, cap. %. fe£l. 20. Whereas injury hath arifen to the fair diftiller as well as to revenue from frauds and failure of infufficient and difiaoneft perfons : after 24th June 1778, no perfons fhall be intitled to obtain from commiffioners of excife any licence to carry on diftilling bufinefs, until fuch Ihall enter into a bond to his majefty, with two or more fuificient lUieties approved of by the commilfioners or any three or collectors of excife in their diftrids, in the penal fum of twenty pounds fterling, for •every hundred gallons which the ftill or ftills of fuch perfons applying for jicenfes contain, conditioned for the due payment of all duties fuch perfons (hall or may be liable to during the time fuch perfons continue to carry on the bufinefs of a diftiller under fuch licence, on account of fuch diftil- lery. II. fefl. 2f. A\Trereas it is of detriment to the brewing trade and re- venue that diftillers fhould be permitted to brew for fale : after 29th Sep- tember 1778 no diftiller permitted 1,0 brew fmall beer or ale for fale; and it fhall be lawful for the ganger or officer of excife to gauge, take account of, and charge all malt liquors of any ftrength o'r denomination, in poflef- fion of ?ny diftilier, as pot-ale -or walh for purpofe of diftilling ; and faid diftiller fhall be fubje(ft to fiich penalties, lofs, and forfeitures, as by the law 2PiQtllet0» laws heretofore for (hort declaration of or concealing wadi or pot-ale from thf gauge, fight, or view of the officer appointed to take account. I. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 27. feH. i. Whereas by an aft this M- Recital 17 & 18 G. fion, five thoufand pounds was granted to commilTioners for making paffages 3, c. 1. fee. 17. through Dublin, to be expended in widening from his majefty's caftle to the Parliament-houfe between the Caftle-gate and George's- lane, and it maybe "^ele" °fan°d°'' more expedient to make a paffage in a different line from that defcribed in fhali be applied till faid aft executed at kfs expence : no part of faid five thoufand pounds, comminioners value except as after mentioned, lliall be applied, until faid commiffioners have '^e purchafes In firft valued Cpurfuant to powers in them vefted) the houfes and grounds ofej^"' ''"^^ ^'"*' neceffary to be purchafed to make fuch pafTage through the difFereiit lines, which may be propofed for the fame. ■ V '.--n'" " II. fe£l. 2. As foon as fuch lines furveyed and valuation made fepafate g^ accounts and eftimates of the whole expence of fuch line Ihall be laid be- iaid*be(bre thlnf at fore faid commiflioners at a general meeting, of which twenty-one days pre- meeting on ii days vious notice at lead fhall be given in Dublin Gazette, exclufive of the day of "o"" '" Gazette, pnblifhing and day of meeting ; and faid commilTioners or major part fhall 'l^" deteimined at filch meeting determine through which of faid lines fuch palfage fhall be "^""^ ^"'"^ ' made. \\\. fefl. 3. Provided no fuch determination fhall be conclufive, unlefs Made by ic made by fifteen commilfioners appointed by the former aft. III. feet. 4. As foon as fuch determination made, faid commilfioners And the 5000!. ap- fhal! apply faid five thoufand pounds towards making fuch palfage through P''^«^ thcreta fuch line fo determined on. V. J'eH. 5. Provided faid commiflioners may apply fiich part of the May apply for the five thoufand pounds, as may be necelfary to defray the expence of making '"ufv^'and valuation, fuch furveys and valuation. VI. feet. 6. Provided it fhall be lawful for faid commiffioners, or any 1 j may contraft lor fifteen or more, to contraft with any perfon or perfons who undertake to lay i^-'ch paiFage in tiie open and make fuch pafiage in the line fo agreed upon within a certain time ''."^ within a certain mentioned in fuch contraft ; and in confideration thereof to convey, tranf- "'"^' fer, and aflign to fuch perfons contrafting all fuch houfes and lands, as and convey. fhall be purchafed or valued and vefted in faid commilfioners for making fuch palfage, and alfo fuch part of faid five thoufand pounds as Ihall remain un- applied as aforefaid. VII. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 43. feet. i. After zpth September 1778, c,ch p.rifh in Dub- each of the parifhes within faid city and fuburbs fhall for purpoles of this i;n a diiLna wa.d aft only, and no other, be confidered as, and fhall be, a diftinct ward : and for this ad enly, the lord-mayor and board of aldermen fhall from time to time nominate and ^n alderman ap- appoint fome one of the aider men to be alderman of faid ward, and as fuch f°'"'f ^f"!^ ^1"' ^1 ^ r ■ I r ■ i i r i i i ,- . 'U'c "y the board to nave the Ipecial nipenntendance and care of, and to be the prelident or prefident of each guardian of, the police of each of the faid refpeftive wards, during pleafure of waid, the faid lord mayor and board, without any diminution or infringement how- 'he general power ever of their or any of their general power, authority, and junfdiftion over "?' ''^"^''^ '"*''"S" the reft of faid city ; and every fuch alderman, prefident, or guardian of the * police in each ward fiiall have full power to nominate fome one pcrlbn of G the prefitleni to appoint the coitimon coiinci! of faid city, and a refident in and inhabitant of faid wardy council-ma""de-"' ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ '" ^'^'"■^ ^^'"'^ ^^ afliftant or deputy to faid prefident, during. _u,y^ ' pleafure of fuch prefident ; and fuch deputy fhall in abfence of his principal with all powers. have all minillerial powers, piivileges, and authorities of his principal within the bounds of each ward, for which fo appointed deputy. De pur) firft approved VIH. feet. 2. Provided no perfon fhall be capable of being or ading as at board, fuch deputy, until firft approved of by lord-mayor and board of aldermen, or sniKwear to ?0 3l ^^^ majority, and until fuch deputy fiiall previoufly make oath before lord- reaior peifonal. mayor, that he is then poficifed of and entitled unto a real or perfonal eftate of the value of eight hundred pounds, over a.nd above fufficient to fatisfy and difcharge all his juft debts. To remain of com IX. feet. 3. Provided no perfon fliall be capable of being or ading as fuch mon council and le- deputy, any longer than v/hilll he remains one of common council, and a re- fxi^'^t. fident in and inhabitant of the refpeiflive ward for which fo appointed. Reprefcntativesi'n X. y>/7. 4. Inhabitants of every of the faid wards fhall every year, at wardmote chofen a veflry for that purpofe, choofe a certain number of inJvabitants of faid, yearly at v«ftry, in' ward, paying fcot and lor, not lefs than fix, nor more than twelve, to be habitants paying '^o' reprefentatives of faid ward in a wardmote-court, and which wardmote-court nor above 12 ' f^'id alderman or his deputy, and faid inhabitants fo chofen, fhall have power fiimmoned 33'occa- to hold for the year then next enfuing ; and faid prefident or deputy fhall, as fion by prefident or occafion may require, fummon and call together the faid reprefentatives to deputy, chairman, f,Q|j a v/ardmotc-court or afTembly, in which faid prefident, or deputy, fhall with a caltin? voice: 1 i- ,. ,, re r c ■ /lli ^ be chairman ; and in all cafes or equality or voices amongit the other wardmote to make members have a cafuing voice ; and faid wardmote-court fhall have power or alxer rules ; from time to time to make fuch reafonxble rules, orders, and regulations, with refped to police of faid ward, and prefervation of peace therein, as to them, or the majority feem fit, and to alter, amend, or repeal the fame ^ appoint conftabies, and faid wardmote-court fhall have power to choofe and appoint from time watchmen, or pa- ^q ^jj^^ ^^^^^^ ^ number of perfons, as they judge requifite, toad as conftables ' or inferior peace-officers in faid ward, and alfo to be v/atchmen, guards, or properly clothed and patroles of refpedive wards, from fun-fet to fun-rife, and to have the fame armed, properly clothed and armed fuitable to the occafion, and to make fuch rules, orders and diredions, as they from time to time think requifite, for more and remove at plea- efFedual prefervation of peace in faid ward, and to remove any of their faid '"''^» conflables, peace-officers, watchmen, guards, or patroles, and appoint others with power to arreft at their will and pleafure ; and faid prefident, deputy, and conflables, inferior robbers, &c. peace-officers, watchmen, guards, md patroles, and each of them, fhall have full power and authority to feize, arreft, and detain all robbers, thieves, rio- ters, drunken and diforderly perfons, and other offenders againft the peace, and to piirfue into whom they find within the bounds of their wards, or fhall purfue from thence any other ward, into any Other ward, and carry before the prefident of faid ward, or his de- and carry before a puty, or before any Other magiflrate of faid city, to be dealt with according amf'toTn*ter fearch ^° '^^^ 5 ^^^ ^°^ ^^^^ purpofe to enter into, fearch for, and feize fuch per- nor, and fei7e them, fons, or thofe whom they reafonably fufped fo to be, in any lioufes wichin or on reafonablc fuf. their wards, where ale, beer, porter, or fpirirous liquors of any kind, fold by picion, in ale-houles retail,, and kept open for reception or entertainment of fuch as refort thereto, &c.^opea from 10 fj.^^ ^gj^ j^j. night to fix, next morning, whether faid houfe be licenfed cr. unlicenfed. XI. fe^ 5. Whereas the number of unlicenfed and diforderly houfes fe'- ling ale, beer, ftrong and fpiritous liquors, have greatly contributed to the robberies. robberies, riots, anddiforders committed, and the fuffering lioufts {"eHing li- quors, whether hcenfed or not, to be kept open for reception or entertain- ment of fuch as refort thereto at late and unfealonable hours, tends greatly to difturb the peace and good order of faid city and fuburbs, as fuch houfes are found to harbour idle and difordcrly perfons ; the magiftrate and alderman of Po^.grtoenter and each ward, or his deputy, with the guards and patroles, (hall and may enter fearch fuch houies, into and fearch all fuch houfes, and for that purpofe, if need be, to break I'cenCed or not. open any door or doors, if not opened upon demand and requeft for that ^""^ '"**'' ''°°" " r J ' I I _ I not orcncd on re- purpofe, and apprehend all perfons found therein, whom they have reafona- queft, ble caufe to fufpedt are robbers, thieves, or loofe, idle, or diforderly perfons, and apprehend on and (hut up, or caufe to be (hut up, fuch houfes, and arreft the keepers, that reafonab'e fufpicion, they may be profecuted for keeping diforderly houfes, or otherwife, as the ?" j- ? '"'^'j, cafe may warrant, at expence of the ward. and profccute the XII. fe£l. 6 This a6t (hall be taken to be a publick one, and taken no- keepers. tice of as fuch by all judges and courts whatfoever. A publick aft XIII. Stat. 17 & i8 Geo. 3. frt/>. 44. At all times hereafter, when the in chief baron's ab- chief baron of exchequer fliall be abfent from Dublin, it (hall be lawful for fence, lo:d mayor the lord- mayor, to take the oath or oaths of office before the chief, or other "^.^*'^'.'^ '"°'" ^^^o'^ juftice of king's-bench, or common pleas, who are impowered and required to Q-'"g"^*° ' ' '^^ adminifter faid oaths ; and the loid-mayor fo fworn (hall be as effeclually in- flated in his office, and take upon him the execution thereof, as if he had ac- tually been fworn before the chief baron, any law or ftatute to contrary not- witliftandins;. 'o- XIV. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 46. feSl. i. Whereas it will tend to im- provement of Dublin, and to opening a new and convenient paflage to the circular road, if the archbilhop impowered to grant a longer leafe of ground after mentioned, after pafling of this acl, it (hall be lawful for John, lord arclibifhop of Dublin to grant any concurrent or other leafe or leafes of that '^'^'^^'^'^'■''''^'•.'^P "''T parcel of ground, not exceeding one acre and thirty perches, part of the T"^'^ "•'^'^""^"'S farm of faint Sepulchre's, in county of Dublin, now in tenure and occupation not abQvr'40 years* of the right honourable John Scott, through which Harcourt-ftreet is now i acre and ?o ptrch- laid out, and intended fpeedily to be opened, for any term not exceeding ^^ °'^^'' -^P"'<^hre'8 forty years from time of makirg, notwithftanding any leafe or leafes then in being ; and for faid archbilhop and his fucceffors, from time to time to renew for 40 years ; renew for the like term of forty years : provided the rent referved to faid rent referved not archbilhop and his fuccelFors by fuch leafe or leafes be, as foon as the fame l^is 'han lateable Ihall take e(feft in poffeffion, not lefs than a rateable proportion of the prefent ?'°P°'"™ of rent rent payable out of the whole of faid farm to faid archbilhop and his prcdc- °[^J'^"j^ °'' ''°' *° celfors for twenty years la(l paft, any law or ftatute to contrary notwith- ftanding. XV. /eSI. 2. Provided the immediate tenant firft deriving under faid Tenants to have for archbifliop (hall, during tv.o months from time of pafling this ad, have the 2 months lucceilively fole and exclufive power of taking any leafe by virtue of this aA ; and after ^"^^'^'"''^'^ P"^^' "^ the expiration of faid two months the tenant next deriving under (uch mi- p^^' '^""'^"^"^"^ mediate tenant for two months immediately following fhall have the like fole and exclufive power of taking ftich concurrent leafe, if the fiift tenant refufe or negled\ to take within the two months given to him •, and if at end of tour months from palling of this atfl neither the fiifl: or fecond tenint have G 2 t.jk n Sulijefl to like co- venants of renewal to derivative te- nants as leal'es now in being. Preamble Dublin/ taken fuch concurrent leafe, the third, fourth, and every other tenant fhall have fucceffively the like fole and exclufive power of taking fuch concurrent leafe for two months next after expiration of the months, given to the perfon from whom he immediately derives. XVI. fen. 3. Every leafe in purfuance of this adt to the now immediate tenant of faid archbifhop, or any perfon deriving from him, or to any of their executors, adminiftrators or alligns, fhall be fubjeft and liable to like covenant of renewal to his or their derivative tenants, their executors, ad- miniftrators or afligns refpedively, as the leafes now in being are fubjed to On petitions to chancery by pari- ftiionersof St. Mary's, and by grand juries of county and city of Dublin, the re- Ipeftive boundaries afcertained by com- milPion of peram- bulation. XVII Stat. 17 5i 18 Geo. 3. cap. \-].fect. \. Whereas feveral difputes at law have arifen, by reafon that the boundary*of the parifh of faint Mary's in Dub- lin, on the north-eafl: fide is not fixed, and two trials had, whereupon it appeared that Palace-row was not included within faid parifh, but fuch trials are in- ■efFeftual for afcertauiing the line in every part, whereby it is difficult, if not impracticable, to applet and levy parifh celfes and taxes, and the like uncer- tainty, as to the boundary of the county of city and county of Dublin, whereby it is difficult to execute procefs againfl offenders ; and the mode of proceeding for a commifl'ion of perambulation on account of the number of neceffary parties would be tedious and expenfive : it fhall be lawful for the lord chancellor, as foon as conveniently may be after palling this aft, on a peti- tion by the minifter, church-wardens and parifhionersof faid parifh, or any twelve or more, praying to have the boundary on north-eafl afcertained, and a petition by grand-juries of the county of city and county of Dublin, or either of them, to have the boundaries between faid counties within the places before mentioned afcertained, after notice in fuch publick manner as the chancellor fhall diredl of fuch petitions preferred, and after hearing what may be faid touch- ing the matter by perfons who may think themfelves affefted theieby, or their council, or in cafe there fhall not be any fuch oppofition, to iffue a commif- fion of perambulation for afcertaing the mears and boundaries of faid parifh on the north-eaft, and alfo one or more commilTions of perambulation, as the fame may be necelfary, for afcertaining the mears and boundaries between faid counties, on which fuch orders and proceedings fhall be had as in fuch cafes ufual and neceffary, and after the mears and boundaries of faid parifh- on the north-eafl:, and between faid counties in the places before mentioned, afcertained and fettled by faid commilfions, and the proceedings had thereon, the fame refpedively fliall be binding and conclufive for the future to all perfons, now or hereafter concerned or interefled : provided the flreet called Palace-row, and alfo the houfe in Granby row now inhabited by William Deane, on which two trials by two feveral juries, hath been found not within faid parifh, fhall not in virtue of any proceeding on faid commiffion or other - wife be comprehended or taken to be within faid parilh of faint Mary's. One third of ex- XVIII. fe£l. 2. One-third of the charges of this aft, and expences, fhall pence by the pa- ^j- ^ veftry on or before firfl November after paffing the fame be applotted. '';'^'°r"f '\^™'and levied ofT the inhabitants of parilTi of faid Mary's rateably and in pro- nilter's money at . • • n , 1^1 1 r t r ^ ■ l veftry by ift No- portion to minuter s money, with like remedy tor default in payment, as by vember ; law for enforcing payment of minifler's money ; and the remaining two-thirds 2-3ds and fijither fhall at the term next after palfing be prefented, one moiety by grand-jury th^r ^'^^n""^'' ^^ A of the county of city of Dublin, the other moiety by grand-jury of the county, juries. ^^ "'^^'^^" " fo beraifed off the inhabitants of each county refpeftively as other grand-jury ceffes J and all fuch fums as may afterwards be neceffary for defraying the expences conc!ufi»e to all interefled. expences attending faid proceedings in chancery, and upon faid commillions refpedling the boundaries of faid counties, fhall be prefented to be raifed in like manner by the refpeftive grand-juries. XIX. Je£l. 3. Provided nothing herein fhall impower faid commilfions to Not to extend the extend faid parilh in the other parts tliereof beyond the bounds already fetl' 3"^ 'J^c. ment in this kingdom may amount to fifteen thoufand and forty-fix effective ' ^79 ; . ,. o. -' .^ _ ■111/-/- \ c forces on eitablilli- men, commiliion and non-commilhon officers included, 10 loon as the rour ^^^^ ^^ i,g , -^ 5 thoufand men, fent by your majefly out of this kingdom on account of the on return of 4000 prefent exigency of affairs, fhall be returned. fent abroad. II. feB. z. To carry into execution your majefty's refolution, fignified by lord vifcount Townfhend, late lord lieutenant, to keep within this kingdom To keep 12000, twelve thoufand effeftive men, commiflion and non-commiflion officers in- ""''^'^; '"''.^''""^°'' eluded, at all times, unlefs in cafes of invafion or rebellion in Great Britain, '(^l^^j^gj'^" '."j tj"^ and to defray the other neceflary expences of government; from the 25th other exnences, ad- of December 1777 until the 25th of December 1779 inclufively, and no ditional duties io 25 longer, there fhall be granted, raifed, collefted, levied, and paid, the feveral ^^'^- '779* rates, additional duties and impofitions after mentioned ; for every thirty- two gallons of beer or ale, above fix fhillings the barrel brewed within this o" beer or ale js. _ kingdom by any common brewer, or in his veflels, or by any other who fhall Y S^"""'' "^^^ '"* fell or tap out beer or ale publickly or privately, fuch gallon to contain two ^jl^^;^"' 1^"^^!^^ .'' hundred and feventy-two cubical inches, and one fourth part of a cubical inch, two fhillings, to be paid by the common brewer, or by fuch other refpedively, who fhall brew,fell or tap out, and fo proportionably; and for every thirty-two fmall beer 4d. gallons of beer or ale of fix lliillings or under, four-pence, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefs quantity; for every gallon oi aquavit a, ftrong waters or fpi- ^q^J3^,;t£ ftron? rits, made or diftilled within this kingdom for iale, four-pence by the firft waters, fp'irlts, /\i. maker or diftiller ; every pound weight of tobacco imported three pence per gallon, half-penny; every yard of muflin imported fix pence ; every yard of all 'o''^'^'^*^ 5^''- P'^'' forts of filks and fluffs made or manufadured in Perfia, China, or the Eaft- ^'^p,-,, gj p^^ varH Indies, imported, one fhilling and fix-pence ; every tun of wine imported-Eiafiiks and iluft's' four pounds, and fo proportionably ; every gallon of brandy, llrong wa- ls. and 6d. t-ers, and fpirits perfeftly made, and of fpirits made and diftilled of wine not"'"« 4' a tun j above proof imported eight pence, and fo proportionably ; and for every "^'?|' ^' '^ " * ^ gallon of foreign fpirits (above the quality of fingle fpirits) imported an ad- |-,„(^.jgn'fpirits above ditional duty Ihall be paid for fuch fpirits, and charged thereon in propor- fmgle in proportion tion to the duties payable for fingle fpirits of lame denomination^ according 'o ^""-^ '°t ''"S'"-' J to the comparative degree of ftrength which fuch fpirits fo imported fhall bear to fingle fpirits of fame denomination ; for every pound weight of coflee, coffee; chocolate, chocolate, and cocoa nuts, imported three pence ; a taxjof one lliilling per bar- cocoa, 51I- per lb. rcl )B^utielf♦ herrings, evc'pt rel upon all herrings imported (except BritiHi herrings) ; an additional duty Bunni IS. perbarre', pf twenty ihillings flerling on every hundred weight of molafles ; twenty i')s\er*c'w^ '' jfiiillings on every hundred of treacle ; an additional duty of fix-pence per romii.', cottons, ex-'jard for all foreign (luffs called romals, and all manufadures of cotton, or cept BritiQi 6cl. per cotton and linen mixed, whether plain, painted, or ftained, imported from y^''^- any parts beyond feas (except the manufacture of Great Britain ;) an addi "(r except w'^Great' "^'°"^^ duty of fix-pence per hide for every raw and untanned hide exported Briuin, (except to Great Britain ;) one fhilling every rheam of writing or printing piper imported, IS. paper imported (except manufacture of Great Britain-,) additional fix-pencc per rheam, fave per yard, over and above prefent duties, on all damafk towelling, or napkins row' iii'ne fave 'iiade of flax or hemp imported from any other place than Great Britain, at }!iinlh, yard wide or "'' under a yard wide, and of one fhilling per yard on all fuch goods from fix under 6 '. to eight quarters wide, and two fhillings per yard on all fuch goods from 6 10 S quarters is. eleven to twelve quarters wide. II to 12, 23. ayard, \\l. foil ^, The fix-pence per pound, and all other fees payable to Fees as additional "vice-treafurers, paymafter or receiver-general, upon ifliiing or payment of any aid, fum out of the aids herein before particularly mentioned, fhall be received for the ufe of his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, during the time afore- faid, and duly accounted for as a further additional aid for further fupport of government. IV. fon. 4. The feveral further additional rates, duties, and impofitions Turiher additional after mentioned, fhall be granted, raifed, levied and paid to his majefty, duties, his heirs and fucceffors from 25th December 1777 to the 25th of Decern Freiith wine, 4I i-?sbcr 1779 inclufively, four pounds thirteen fhillings and four pence per rort*^ 61°"' '^^^ ^^'^ ^'^ French wines ; fix pounds per ton all wines of the growth other wines, except Portugal ; four pounds eleven fhillings per ton for all Rhenifh, and all o- Spaiiirti, 4I. IIS tlier wines (except SpanifhJ imported over and above all other duties now above all other da- payable, and fo proportionably ; fix-pence per gallon for all brandy, geneva, J-'"'. j-j- and other fpirits imported from 25th December 1777 to 25th Decemb r far colonies, 6d. '779 cxclufively, (except fpirits of the growth and produce of his majefty's p;r gallon, fugar Colonies in America) over and above all other duties now payable; paper, except wrL one ("hilling per rheam upon paper, except writing, printing, brown, blue, ting, &c. IS. per ^^^ preffmg paper, imported from 25ih December 1777 to 25th December except Britifli, '779 inclufive, except of the maiiuf.iclure of Great-Britain ; ten fhillings for every coach, chariot, berlin, calalli, or chaife with four wheels, which 4. nhi-el carri:ig.-< any perfou fhiU keep in pTllellion, b;in'^ in number not more than one, lo:. ao3. it "above aid twenty fhillings exceeding that number (except hackney and ftagC; and one, carriages kept by coach-makers for fale;) ten fhillings on all chaifes with two v/het.;ls which any perfon fliall keep in his or her pollellion, (except hack- far fale'excemed^" "'^ ^""^ chaifes by makers for fale) from 25th December 1777 to 25th Decem- ber 1778 inclufively, over and above all other dities now payable ; ten lliil- 2 whcL-l chaifes, lings for cvcry coach, chariot, berlin, calafli, or chaife with four wheels, los^toi, ec. which every perfon (liall keep in polfellion, being in number not more than "'"' one, and twenty fhillings exceeding that nuinbsr (except hackney and flage, and carriages for fale) and ten ihillings on all chaifes with two wheels, (ex- 10 2) Dtc. 1779, j,gp{ hackney and chaifes for fale) over and above all other duties, from 25th P , .... DtLcmber 1778, to 25th of December i 779 inclufively. tu 2j Dec. 1-79^ ^- -^^^^ 5- T'^^ feveral further additional rates, duties, and impofitions after mentioned Ihall be granted, raifed, levied, and paid from 25t-li De- cember 1777 to 25th December 1779 inclufively, four- pence per gallon for ?.!1 Ar.r.avitae, R.ong waters, or fpirits made or diililled within this king- dom dom for fale, to be paid by firft maker diftiller; four-pence per gallon for ft'^g ""f^rs orfpi- all rumor other fpirits of growth and produce of his majefty's fugar-colonics *■'" ''"^''^^'I'l °' '*^* in America, imported from 25th December 1777 to 25th of Deceml)er ,''i|'j|.3 |'„^.o,tjj_ 6(1. 1779 inclufively ; fix-pence per gallon for all brandy, geneva, or other p^r gii:on, fpirits imported from 25th December 1777 to 25th December 1 779 inclu- *'">"■' colonies, 4^. fively (except fpirits of the growth and produce of his majefty's fugar-co!o- nies in America.) V\. fc£l. 6. For better collefting faid duty on carriages every P<;'f'-n (-^..igj^pj ^^^j r^.f„ who after 25th December 1777 ftiall have or keep any coachy chariot, ber- de„ce"cirt)fitd in lin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, or chaife with two wheelf, fliall v/irh- ■: mo.ith:. to excit'r in three calendar months after 25th December 1777, °^ ^f"^^"" ^^ ^^ ^^ '^''^''' "^ ° ''''^^'•'' • have or keep any fuch, by wrting under his or her hand certify to colleftor of cxcife in fome one of the diftriifts, where he or fl.e fhall rcfide or dwell, within the time aforefaid, a true account of every fuch coach, chariot, ber- ccrtific:,r€s I.ept ar.d lin, calafh, and chaife with four wheels, and chaife with two wheels, which ^^S'j'^^'^.'l^^jj^ ^^^ he or fhe fhall have or keep, (except hackney or ftage and carriages kept by coachmakers for fale, and hackney and chaifes with two wheels, kept V by makers for fale) with the name of place and parifh of refidence or abode numliered. at the time of giving fuch certificate ; which certificate fhall be kept by refptc- tive colledors j and. alfo entered or regiftered in an alphabetical book kept for je.viy I'ft to co'lec- that purpofe, and a copy of fuch entry, figned by fuch colledor or his cleik, tors of the liutv, fliall be delivered, if required, without any fee or reward, to the perfon deliver- ing fuch certificate, and a number fliall be entered on each certificate io regi- fliered ; and faid colledors fliall under their hands on or before 25ih December ^'^'""^ " ^""^' in every year give a true lift of all coaches, chariots,, berlins, calaflies and chaifes with four and chaifes with two wheels, from time to time returned to them refpedively in fuch certificates,, with the names of perfons and acquittances without abode mentioned in fuch certificates, to the perfons appointed by commifli- fee, oners of excife, or any three to collect and receive faid duties ; and fuch perfons^.appointed by faid commiflioners or any three to colledl and receive ,iupiicjtes kept and faid duties fhall have full power and authority to levy, colletft, and receive returned, die fame within the diftrid where the certificate entered, in fame manner as revenue from fire- hearths is now by law levied, colletfted and received ; and fhall refpertively fign and deliver acquittances without fee or reward, and keep duplicates thereof in a book for that purpofe, as acquittances are •'i'J'^^IJ' '^~ given and kept for duty of fire-hearths, and fhall refpetflively return the ^' book containing the duplicates to fuch perfons, and at the fame time, and to be difpofed of in fame manner, as books containing duplicates of acquittan- ces for faid duty on fire-hearths are returned ; and the duties aforefaid fhall be paid in the refpedlive diftrids, wherein faid carriages entered or regiftered and in no other. Vll.fect. 7. If any perfon fliall have or keep any coach, charior,_ berlins t^^f.^^^tif^ln^^ ,ol. calafli, or chaife with four or chaife with two wheels, chargeable with faid 35 by 1 4 & i\ G. duties not certified as aforefaid, every fuch perfon fliall for fuch n^gled for- 2. cap. 8. feit twenty pounds, to be fued for, recovered, and levied, and applied in manner and form and by fuch ways and methods, as prefcribcd lor forfei- tures and penalties by an atft fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the Second, for fetiUng of the excife or new impofi accordnig to book of rates. YIW. feet. 8. Provided every perlon Ccxcept as before) having in keeping p„(rHrur charged »s or pofleirion any coach, chariot, b:rlin, calafh, or chaife with four or tli.uie uv\ncr. with Dur'f!: Ivvied paid to collectors of oif- rricl, I'eparnte accounts into ireafury, 4 wheeled carriages certified, no charge ot duly on 2 wheel- ed. nor cabiioict or gar. den chair, Said duties aliove ail oiher by 14 & 15 C. 2 C.3& 9. Tres received ac- counted for, Drawback on ex- port by I'uhjeds in 24, (Irangets in 12 inonihs, on cenili- cste of requifitcs performed, in a month after demand. Duties on-coifi-'e. Sec. to hiBip and fl.ix manvific^'ire, on Lilies to riifing fldi-leed. V. ilIi two wheels, bdonging to another, Ihall be charged with faid duty in fame manner as the owner or proprietor is or ought to be charged or charge- able by this aift. IX. feci. 9. The perfons impowered to levy faid duty fhall pay the fame to the faid colledors of the feveral diflridts, where faid duties colledled and raifed ; and faid coUedlors fhall keep feparate and diflinCl: accounts thereof, and pay tlie lame into treafury, as other money received by them for ufe of his majefty. X. feet. 10. Provided nothing in this aift fhall extend to charge any perfon, who fliall keep and certify to faid collectors of excife any coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, or chaife with four wheels, with the faid addional duty of ten fliillings upon chaifes with two wheels, nor to charge any ca- briolet or garden chair, or to oblige fuch perfon to make any entry of any fuch chaifes with two wheels, cabriolet, or garden chair. XI. /V=d »• tv ' 4 * • - .... . - • -, C z c. S or her txcift laws ; be railed, aniVvered, collected and paid unto his majefty, his heirs and fuc- ''^^ ^ ^'^ '^^ ceffbrs, during the term aforefaid, at the fame time, in like manner, and by fuch ways and means, methods, rules and diredions, under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and with fuch powers, as are appointed for duties in faid adt foirr- teendi anJ fifteenth of Charles the Second, for fettling the excife or new impojl accord ng the book of rates, or by any other law now in force relating to revenue of excife in this kingdom, as fully and efTedually as if parti- cularly exprelfed and enaded again in the body of this ad, with like re- wiih like appeal, medy of appsal for the party grieved, as by faid aft or any other law now in being relating to duties ot excife, is provided: X\'I. fe£l. i6. After the 25ch December 1777 a feparate and diftind ac- ?eparte accounts count fliall be kept by the proper officers of the feveral fums arifmg from ''^P' ^nd returned the aforefaid feveral aids, duties, and taxes ; and the commiflioners of revenue weekly abftraa;, fhall return their weekly abftrads from the coUedors to the accountant-general, and the accountant-general (hall return a feparate account of the aforefaid fums to vice-treafurers or deputies ; and every colledor or receiver do take a and feparate te- .feparate receipt for the fame when paid into treafury ; which receipt the vice- ceipts. treafurers or deputies are required to give accordingly. XVII. /ci7. 17. The feveral fums after mentioned be paid out of the Pavments out of aforefaid additional duties and aids to the perfons and for purpofes after men- '^id dunes. tioned ; four thoufand pounds to the fpeaker, to enable him to maintain the ftate and dignity of his office ; two thoufand pounds per annum for two years from asth December 1777 to 25ch December 1779 inclufively, to the trufbees for flaxen and hempen manufadures, to encourage raifing fufficient quantities of hemp and flax ; and alfo further two thoufand pounds per annum for two years from 25th December 1777 to 25th December 1779 inclufively, to faid truftees for encouragement of faid manufadures in Leinfter, Munfler, and Connaught, and faid feveral fums fo granted to faid truftees be difcharged from payment of fix-pence per pound, and all other fees payable to vice- treafurers, receiver or paymaflier-general, clerk of the pells, or any other of- ficer ; five hundred pounds to AgmondiQiam Vefey, accomptant-general, for his expence and trouble in preparing and fl:ating the publick accounts laid be- fore the houfe of commons thit feflion ; three hundred pounds to Henry Gore,, for his expence and trouble in preparing and making out the account of im- ports and exports for two years ended the 25th March 1777, P^iffiia-nt to order of the houfe ; five hundred pounds to Henry Alcock and Shapland Carew, clerks of the houfe of commons, for their attendaace and fervice ; three hun- dred pounds to Benjamin Higgins, one thoufand pounds to Dixie Coddington, ferjeant atarms; three hundred and fifty pounds to George Melvin and George Frederick WinftanJey ; one hundred and twelve pounds to Abraham Bradley, for printing the publick accounts ; fifty pounds to Hulton Bradley, for deli- vering the votes to the members ; one hundred pounds to James Mc Cowan and Hen-ry Holmes, door-keepers ; two hundred pounds to the fpeaker, to be divided amongfl the back-door-keepers and meffengers (being thirteen in number) as he fhall dired ; fifty pounds to G. Fred. Vv^inftanley, for extraordinary trouble , during attendance on the committee of accounts: ; two hundred pounds to mr. John Wetherall, affiftant-examinator of cuftoms, for extraordinary trouble in making up the feveral accounts by him laid before the houfe, and attend- ing this feffion ; three hundred pounds to William Horton, William Wetherall, H and 2DtttiC0* and Paul Le Bas, examinators of corn premitjms, on account of the great in- creafe of their trouble in examining and keeping accounts of faid premiums, and for expence in payment of clerks in two years ending at Lady-day 1777 ; one hundred pounds to mr. Henrv Smyth, deputy-paymafter of the corn premiums, for iiis extraordinary trouble and expence in preparing the accounts for two years ending Midfummer 1777 ; one thoufand two hundred pounds to fir Roger Palmer, bart. in confideration of his extraordinary attendance, care, and expence in the office of paymafter of corn premiums ; one hundred pounds to the reverend Anthony Sterling, for the trouble and expence of his late father in preparing copies, fuperintending the printing, and making an index to the proceedings of the fellion of 1775, being the feventeenth volume of the journals ; three hundred pounds to the fpeaker, to be diftributed as he fhall think fit amongft the clerks ; twelve thoufand five hundred pounds to the Incorporated Society, towards fupporting the proteftant charter-fchools ; ten thoufand pounds to Dublin Society, for improvement of hufbandry and other ufeful arts, and to enable them to continue premiums ; eight thoufand pounds to governors of the foundling-hofpital and workhoufe, to difcharge the debts contracted for ufe of that charity, and their necelTary expences; two hundred and fifty pounds to George Melvin, one of the committee clerks ; one hundred pounds to Benjamin Higgins, clerk-afliftant ; two thoufand nine hundred and forty-fix pounds to the governors of faint Patrick's hofpital ; fix thoufand pounds to the board of firft-fruits, for building new and re- building old churches in fuch parifhes as no divine publick fervice has been performed in for twenty years pafl ; two hundred pounds to rar. James Magee for his fervices to the publick in the brewing trade ; one thoufand five hundred pounds to truflees of the circular road, to be expended towards compleating faid road ; one thoufand feven hundred and five pounds to Daniel De Lacherois and Robert Kyle, for repairing the pier and im- proving the harbour of Donaghadee, to be accounted for to parliament ; one thoufand five hundred pounds to the Hibernian Marine Society ^ five hundred pounds to doftor Achmet, towards fupporting the Dublin baths for ufe of the poor ; three thoufand pounds to the lord chancellor and chief judges for carrying on the building offices for publick records ; four thoufand pounds to the corporation for relief of the poor in city of Dublin, for two years from 25th December 1777 to the 25th December 1779 inclufive, in aid of the cJiaritable contributions ; one thoufand two hundred and thirty-five pounds fifteen Ihillings to the chancellor and chief judges for finifliing the four-court marlhalfea ; five hundred pounds to Roger Hall, Robert Rofs, and Ifaac Corry, towards compleating the wet dock and piers at Wanen's- point in the bay of Carlingford, to be accounted for to parliament ; one thou- fand five hundred pounds to the lord- mayor, IherifFs, commons and citizens of Dublin towards carrying on the ballafl-ofHce wall ; five thoufand pounds to the commiilioners for making wide and convenient palTages through Dublin, to be expended in widening that part of the approach from his majefty's caflle to the parliament-houfe, between the Caflle-gate and George's lane, to "be accounted for to parliament ; one thouiand fix hundred and thirty-five pounds one fhilling and fix-pence to Mary Hay, widow and executrix of David Hay, affignee of the late Boulter Grierfon, being the cofl of printing and binding eiglity-fix fets of the Statutes at large in nine volumes, delivered to members of the houfe of commons ; three hundred pounds to Richard Uniacke, Hugh Hugh Swayne, and Jeremiah Merrick, Peter Hennls, and John BnTcoe, or any three of them, towards perfefting the pier to the northwards of the harbour of Youghall, to be accounted for to parliament ; one thoufand pounds to the lord-mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens of Dublin, towaid:, build- ing the New Gaol ; three hundred pounds to George Taylor and Andrew Skinner, to publifh their drawings of the roads of Ireland ; three thoufand and twenty-three pounds ten fhillings to Abraham Bradley, the coft of feventy- nine fets of the journals in thirteen volumes, and the appendix and Index, delivered to feventy-nine members who had not before received them, and for printing and binding five hundred of the feventeenth volume of faid jour- nals purfuant to orders ; one thoufand pounds to truftees for improvement of Cork harbour, towards carrying on faid work, to be accounted to parliament; one thoufand five hundred pounds to governors of the Hibernian fchool ; all which fums are to be paid by vice-treafurer or receivers-general without any further or other warrant. XVIII. JeB. 1 8. After 25th December 1777, the feveral fuiis granted by Money fci hemp and this or any other a£l now in force, and appropriated to encourage raifing fuf- flax manufaaure ficient quantities of flax and hemp, and the hempen and flaxen manufaftures applied to no other in Leinfter, Munfter, and Connaught, fhall be applied to fuch purpofes only, a'fepjra'te account, and no other ; and a feparate and difl:in- ^ merchants, or go, at fuch port, or of governor or perfon prefiding at fuch fettlement, importing ^^^?°''' °' P'°"^ "" that fuch goods or merchandizes were there landed, and teftifying the landinf^^ "*"'' or upon proof upon oath, (adminiftered as aforefaid) by one credible wit- nefs, that fuch goods were there landed, or perifhed at fea, or taken by the enemy, (the examination and proof thereof being left to collector or other officer) the faid bond fhall be delivere.l to exporter or his order to b; cancelled without fee or reward ; and on failure of any of faid requifites the faid otherwife liable ta goods liable to payment of faid duties, as if this act not made. duties. XXXI. fefl. 3. Whereas feveral allowances are given in Great-Britain upon exportation to any of faid places of Britifh manufactures, particularly of fiik or filk mixed, in nature of a drawback of or compenfation for the high duties payable there on importation of raw and thrown filk: and high duties are hkewife payable in this kingdom upon importation of raw and thrown filk, and it feems juft and reafonable, allowances of the fame nature fhould be given upon exportation from hence to any of faid places of any manufacture of filk, or filk mixed with other material than wool or cotton bearing fuch proportion to allowances in Great-Britain upon like articles as fn proportion to duties upon importation of raw and thrown filk here bear to duties in Great- drawback in Great- Britain, upon importation of raw and thrown filk ; the feveral allowances '^ "=>'" '<^' '^^ high, or fums hereafter exprefled, lliall be paid to any perfons, who between 24th ''"''" °"(-'** *"** Augufl 1778 and 25th December 1779, really and truly export to any a^n'^Lwie to ex, places aforefaid by way of merchandize any commodities manufacture of this porteis of Iriih ma- kingdom after particularly fpecified, and fo in proportion for any greater ""'*'^"'^^s orlefs quantity, (that is) for all ribbands and fluffs made in Ireland of filk only, exported as aforefaid, one fhilling and feven pence for every pound^ ^'"^"" "* weight Avoirdupois i for all filks and ribbands of filk mixed with gold or of Irifh fiiks or mix- filver two fhillings and three halfpence for every pound weight Avoirdupois ; ed, ic. for all filk (lockings, filk gloves, filk fringes, filk laces, Hitching or fewincy filk, eight pence for every pound weight Avoirdupois ; for all itufili of filk mixed with any other material than wool or cotton fixpence farthing for every pound weight Avoirdupois ; for all wrought or manufactured gold or plate wrought; filver plate made in Ireland and exported as aforefaid fixpence for every ounce Troy weight i which feveral allowances for each fpecies of filk manufacture, .iinwance paid hy or of filk mixed and wrought, or manufactured gold or filver thread, (hall coileflor on exp'or- be paid and anfwered by the collector or officer of the port from whence ''^''''^ °*''' °'^''^' "8 exported, upon demand without taking fee or reward, on oath made by ex-'^'"'' '"^^"'^^A '" •"= porter before fuch collector or officer (which oath he is required to adminiflcr) pii'ccs?ai',d nol re- that faid goods are of Irilli manufacture, and exported, or intended to be, landed; to fome of Britifh plantations in America, or Wefl-indies, or fettlenients be- longing to Great Britain on coafl of Africa, and not re- landed, or intended to be, ifi any part of Ireland ; and on exporter likewife giving fufficient fecurity and bond w the to faid collector or officer (which fecurity any fuch officer is impowered tov-lue; take) in the name, and to ufe of his majefty, his heirs and fucceifors by bond, in penalty of the value of the goods, conditioned that fi\id goods fhall not be re-landed, but landed in fome of the Britifia plantations in Ame- rica or Weft-Indies, or fettlements on coafl of Africa, danger of feas and capture by an enemy only excepted ; and upon a like certrficate as before re-deliVered to ex- mentioned being delivered to th^e collector, upon fuch proof made before poster on like cettt- collector ^'^^^^ *"** P'°°^ collector or oflicer as before provided, every fuch bond fhall be delivered to exporter or order to be cancelled without fee or reward. XXXII. feet. 4. Said allowances upon filk manufadure, and of filk mixed, (ha'l be paid by the colledor or officer out of any monies in his hands at the time arifing out of any of the cuftoms, excife, or additional duties not ap-, propriated ; and the money fo paid fhall be accepted of in his account as fo much paid to his majefty, and he fhall be difcharged thereof accordingly -^ and faid allowance upon wrought or manufactured gold or filver plate fhall be paid out of the monies arifing from the duties for ufe of the corporation for promoting and carrying on inland navigation, and fhall be accounted for and charged as paid for and on account of faid corporation. XXXIII. Jefl. 5. It fhall be lawful for any feaicher or proper officer of cuftoms, after entry of any of faid goods,- and before or after fhipping, to open and ftriftly examine every bale, trufs, cheft, or other package, to fee if the goods are right entered; and if on fuch examination the goods found to be right entered, the officer fhall at his charge caufe the fame to be re- packed to fatisfaftion of exporter ; which charge fhall be allowed to faid of- ficer by the commillioners of revenue, if they think it reafonable; but in cafe faid officer fliall find faid goods, or any part, entered under a wrong denomi- nation, or otherwife wrongfully, whereby his majefly would have been de- frauded in the allowance on exportation, contrary to true intent and mean- ing hereof, all fuch goods fo wrong entered fhall be feized, and the fame as likewife the value forfeited, and profecuted, fued for, levied, and applied, as prefcribed for recovery of penalties by fourteenth and fifteenth Charles the fecond, for fettling of the excife., or new impofl^ according to the hook of rates ; or by any other a^^^^'^ cording to a book of rates, and where the duties of import excife are to be rg. »"" o'n«f <*""6M paid by the &Sl fourteenth and fifteenth Charles the fecond, for tke fettling of the excife, or new impoji, according to the book of rates ; then the whole of the fubfidy inwards, and the whole of the duties of irnport excife^ and all othqf (Juties paid upon importation, fhall without delay or reward be xepaid and al- lowed to fuch merchant fo exporting to any of faid places during the time aforefeid, within one month after demand ; and if any difpute arife concerning any of" faid goods or merchandize, whether they be of growth, produce, o^r fnannfafture of Great-Britain, the onus probapdi fhall be on exporter or perfon proof on exporter; claiming drawback. XXXVI. fe^. g. Proper officers fhall keep a feparate and diftinfl account DIftina accounts of the drawbacks and allowances by this adt, and alfo of the duties that kept of drawba.ks would have been payable on exportation of fuch articles, in cafe the feveral ^"'' °* ''""-^' «'''^<'» duties now payable thereon, and which are hereby enaded to ceafe and de- ditary'fcTenue. "^' termine, had continued, in order that compenfation may be made to heredi- tary revenue for any Jofs, it may fuftain by means of the drawbacks propofed to be given, or allowances made, or duties taken off by this ad\, upon any exports to Britifh plantations in America ,or \y,eft-Indies, or fettlcments on coaft of Africa. I. .1!?/^/. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. csp. 8. fe£I. 30. After .firft September 1778, Ko du-y on fidi iduring this aft, no duty whatfoever ftiall be paid for any fifti cured in this cured here exported, kingdom upon exportation thereof. H. feet. 51. Aftea- 24th June 1779, during this a6t, no drawback of f>j„ j 3^^,,^,^ ^^ 0ny duties allowed upon .exportation of ftlli imported. export of h(h i.n- porter*. III. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 18. feet. i. Whereas a valuable whale- Recital. fiftiery has lately been difcovered fouthward of forty-four degrees north, and the com.mons in parliameat ou 26th March i77''» did come to feveral re- iblutions, viz. that the extealion of rhe whale-filhery was highly deferving encouragement ; that the moft eftedlual means would -be by bounties upon fhips employed to fouthward of the limits, in which the whals-fifliery at prefent encou;:aged, granted for a number of years certai>n, and payable in proportion to their tonnage ; that an addrefs fhould be prefented to grant a |3ounry of forty fhillings per ton -, that vyour commons would make good .the fame : after firft of Auguft next, in lieu and ftead of bounties granted Bounties n ieu of by his majcfty, the bounties after mentioned fhall be paid and allowed un- thofe granted"', der the feveral rules and reftj-iaions exprefled ; every Britiih or Irifli Ihlp Briiiih or Mih'fhips or veflel, that fiull within the time hmiied by this ad proceed from iiom inin ^on on i any whale fiiliery to (outh any port of Ireland on the whale-fifhery to any Teas wherein the whalc- ^il.^^nrJn'^nH firtiery ufually carried on fouth of latitude forty - four degrees north, 3-4ths Biitiih. firft manned and navigated by crews whereof the captain or mafter and viited by revenue three-foiuths at leaft of the mariners Britifh fnbjeds, fhall before fhe officer. proceed on fuch voyage or be intitled to benefit of this adt be vifitcd tonnage admeafured ^y Pfoper ol^cer cr officers of revenues belonging to Inch port, who fliall and certified, examine into fuch (hip or veflfcl, and take account of the tonnage by ad- meafureraent, and certify fuch vifnation, examination, and admeal'urement, cfrtificateornumbet ^^ chief commifiionars of revenues ; and if it appear by certificate of fuch h3r7o7ne?s°"&r' "^cers, that fhe hath on board fuch a number of men, provifions, boats, fifliing-lines, and inllruments to be ufed in fuch fifhing, as after mentioned, the names inferted, Wrongly built, and otherwife a proper fhip for fuch voyage and fifliery, and hath on board among her crev/ a fufficient number of harpooners, fleerf- ai)d oath of owners men, line-man:igers, before employed in fuch voyages (the names of fuch ''"cdTf hw'th ''iT P^''^°"s '" fuch certificate) ; and if it further appear by oath of one or more manned and ac- owners, and of the mafler or chief officer of fuch fhip, at the foot of fuch coutred to fouth- certificate, and made before collector or comptroller of fuch port (who are ward of" 44 degrees required to adminifter) that it is really and ' truly their firm purpofe and N. to take whales, determined refolution, that fuch Ihip lliall, as foon as licence granted, forth- &r. ana no other . , _i r i r 'r\ i i i i defrn a.ui import ^''''^" proceed, fo manned, furnifhed, and accoutred, on a voyage to the 10 fuch a place in fouthv/ard of forty-four degrees north in fuch feas as in fuch oath exprelTed, Ireland, and there in the then approaching feafon to ufe the utmofl endeavour of themfelves and fhip's company to take whales, or other creatures living in the fea, and on no other defign or view of profit in fuch voyage, and to import the whale-fins, oil, and blubber into this kingdom (naming the port to which it is their intention to return) ; and if the mailer after fuch cer- and bond \A/ith 2 tificate and oath do alfo become bound with two fufficient fureties unto his lurenes co.ual to majefty, in penalty of fuch fum as equal to treble the bounty intended by trtble the bounty, jj,jg ^^^ (which bond faid coUedor, with approbation of comptroller is re- quired to take, and is to be in force for three years againft the mafter and bond in force three fureties) for faithful dealing of faid mafter and fhip's company, in regard years, to faid fhip and voyage, it fhall be lawful for any three or more of chief com- millioners of revenue, on receiving fuch certificates and oaths, and being cer- 5 comminioners may ^jf^^j . colleflor and comptroller of fuch port, that fufficient fecurity hath licence to proceed -, / c r a j ji j- 1 on voyage. ^^^" given asaroreiaid, to give and grant, and they are required to give and grant, to mafter and owners of fuch Ihips full licence and audiority to proceed on fuch voyage. have'40 Hn^'or ^^- J'^'^- 2- To prevent difputcs whether a ftiip properly qualified and 1 20 fathoms, 40 fitted out; every fhip of the burthen of two hundred tons defigned for this haiyoons, 4 boats, fifhery fhall have on board forty filhing-lines of one hundred and twenty fa- 6 men each, 6 thom each, forty harpoon irons, four boats with fix men including a har- months provifions, pooner, a fteerfman, and a line-manager to each boat, making in the whole 1 fhi an i twenty four men, befides the mafter and furgeon, with fix months provifions creafe, ^^ l^aii for fuch number ; and every fliip of larger burtlien an increafe of fix men, one boat, ten fuch lines, and ten harpoon irons more for every fifty an apprentice for 3 tons above faid two hundred tons, together with provifions in proportion; and- years eveiy 50 ton. gy^j-y fj^jp jq employed in faid filhery ftiall have on board an apprentice inden- ^^ . ,. tured three years at leaft, for every fifty tons burthen, whicli fliall be account- Officers immediate- , i ^\ ur -j ujr'/T.- )y on return review ^"^ ^^ °"^ °^ "^^ number ot men required on board lucn.fhip. ftiip and lading, V. fefl. 3. On return to the port tp which the mafter and mate declared on oath their intention to return, the proper officers of revenue fhall immediate- ly. repair on board, and view the condition of fliipand lading, and certify the and certify, fame with their obfervations, as alfo the real tonnage ; and take account or . , , a fchedule of names of mafter, mate, and perfons aboard, diftinguilTiing har- pg,c^„5 sanies in pooners and perfons more immediately employed in filhery, and certify the (dicdule ; fame ; and the mafter and mate fhall make oath before colleflor and comp- troller on the back of or annexed to the licence granted as aforefaid, (which °^''^ ^'' ""'''■'' ^"'' they are then to deliver up) that they did in purfnance thereof, mentioning ^/(*"|'^°'),°J.^"'^'^'^' the day of departure, proceed on a voyage directly to the places aforefaid, and have not fmce been on any other, or purfued any other defign or view of profit; and did there (mentioning time of their llay on thofe feas) ufe the utmoft endeavour of themfelves and fhip's company to take whales and other creatures living in thofe feas, and all the whale-fins, oyl and blubber imported, if any in fuch fhip, was really and bona fde caughi and taken in faid feas by the crew of fuch fhip only, or with affiftance of the crew of fome other Bri- tifh or Irifh fhip, licenfed for that voyage, purfuant to this ad ; all which the whole trsnrmit- fchedule, certificate, licence and oath fhall be tranfmitted by colledor and tedtocomuiiirioners; comptroller of fuch port to chief commiflloners of revenues in Dublin , and -h a fuch commiflioners fully fatisfied of faithful dealings of the mafter, and P^r- jj°"J'J^P|.^J[^'°j^j'(^j?^ fons employed with refpedl to fuch voyage and fifliery, fhall on demand colle. with her crew in faid feas diligently endeavouring to catch whales or other ^fd ccnrinue iheie creatures living in thofe feas, and fliall not depart thence before ift of March' ' following, unlefs laden with blubber and fins of one whale caught by the ""'^'^ '^den wiih crew, or with affiftance of the crew of fuch other licenfed fliip before that '''"''''7 '"'^ ''"'°* r J I -111 • 1 ' n- J ,- one whale causht. , time, or rorced by unavoidable accident or necellity to depart looner from or forced to depart thofe feas ; which fliall be verified on oaths of mafter and mate upon her re- looner; turn before the collettor and comptroller of cuftoms, at the port where fhe ^'^"^^^ on oaths fliall arrive, who fliall tranfniit the fame, with the fchedule, licence, 'and other "=>"'"''"ed with do.' documents required, to chief commiflioners of revenues. • VII. /f(7. 5. CommilTioners of revenues fhall at beginning of every feflion (;nn,m;fj^^„5,s ,0 lay before both lioufes an account in writing of number of fliips employed in ceniiV both houfes at whale fifliery, with refpettlive names and burthens, from whence fitted oiit, beginning every Tef- ar.d at what port difcharged, and what quantity of oyl or v/haie-fins each ^'^''•' "^™^'^ o*" imported. *r»i!..u« (_j ^iriii..i^'..ij ii'^iui-- !;..-:j* ioi;; ■■; ;•;.' "oog io ji'."t '^ ' '^'" VIII. fefl. 6.' "'Ownerl cjf'fhfp.'; iffidef'tv/o 'hundred tons, crh [^fey¥d' lA faWi.Ike l-.ounry f«r (liip$ fifhery, and provided with failors, boats, lines, and harpoons,- in fuiie pro- under ioo tons by . portion to the number of tons as is provided for fliips of tv\'o hundred tons^ ^''''''■"'"■™"-"'- and upwards, and who have otherwife conformed in all refpefts to diretftions .■ prefcribed to owners of fliips of two hundred tons, iniitlcd to faid bounty ac- cording to admeafurement of fuch fliips. '■ ' f' - • '• - ' ■ IX.Jefl.'j. Provided no fhip employed in fai^l- fiflie^V-,-; aVthough aboveifabove400.no four hundred tons, intitled to a larger bounty rhan a' ftipo'f four himdred larger b'l.imty. tons would be;*- -*-'-'-.J uj, ^r.rji jii cij ^tji^i.^houi ,j noiimzi.ii :si ^-;uur;.({ I 2 ' X. feet. Not obliged to fit X. feci. 8. Provided noitiing herein fliall oblige the cwr.cr of any fhlp ourotheiwifechao above fouf hundred tons, in order to intitle to faid bounty, to fit out, equip, 400 n.. ^^j mann any fuch fhip, otherwife than as a fhip of four hundred tons only, as by this an'hs. tute, unlefs the profecution commenced within three calendar months after fuch offence alledged to be committed. .Appeal to next XXIV. JeB. 1 3. Provided it fhall be lawful for any, convicted before fuch (juarter leiHons, jufticc of any offencc againft this ftatute, to appeal to next general quarter- 3^.u'i«ic^3"ibl"each • '<^'^"'ons for the county or jurifdidion where offence committed ; fuch perfon 'entering into recognizance before fuch juftices with two fufficient fecurities in ten pounds each, that the perfon fo convided ftiall appear at fuch quarter- if affirmed, feflions, and abide by judgment of the court ; and in cafe fuch judgment affirmed legal fees, gj. ^^^^ quarter-feffion.s, fuch two fureties, or one of them, fhall pay over and fonible char"er*' ^ihove forfeiture adjudged the ufua! and legal fees unto fuch officers of the court, as intitled, and moreover unto profecutor fuch cofts and reafonable cliarges as the court think fit, to make amends for the trouble and expence in attending fuch appeal. Filhertncn and 3p- XXV. J'e^. 14. Provided this ad fhall not abridge any fifherman, or his prentices »viii, av- ;ipprentices lawfully authorized, to fiili in navigable rivers or waters with lul nets and engine,', ,-1 1 ■ i r \ i- 1 j 1 not reitraincd. iawtul nets and engines, but every or them may, according to laws and orders made and to be made for good order, rule, and government of fuch naviga- ble rivers and waters, ufe the trade of filTiing, as they lawfully might before this ad. General iiFue, XXVI. y'ci?. 15. Provided if any perfons whatfoever fued or profecuted jp.i ipeciil mjtttr for any thing in purfuance of this act, it Ihall be lawful to plead the inevi.tence; general ilfue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence; and if verdid for cfciendanis. '^ -defendant, or plaintiffs nonfuit or fuffer any difcontinuance, defendants fliall , . . have treble cofts, for which like remedy, as in other cafes where cofts to dc-. lendants. Coniinusnce from JCXVII. /(v7. 1 6. This aCl ffiall Continue in force from 24th June 1778 Vais^^&c'''^^' ''^"^^" '"^^'^f' years, and until end of then next fcifion, and no longer. Fiee liberty to fifli XXVIII. Stat. 1 7 Si J 8 Geo. 3. cap. 20..fen. i. Whereas the extending and for, take, b'ly, or iniproving the filheries is of great importance, as it not only adds to the na- cmeall wh.'e fiH. a. ^j j wealth, but may prove a fruitful nurfery of able feamen to the fleet of Great Britain : it ihall be lav/ful for the inhabitants ot this kingdom at all times fill) timfs' and fcafons, when they think proper, freely to fifli for, take, buy from fifhermcn, and cure any lierrings, cod, and ling, or other fort of white fill), in all nnd every part of the Teas, channels, creeks, and bays, wlierefoever fiich fifli found, or may be taken on the coafts ; and that no perfon (liall under any pretence whatfoever prefume to obftrudl or hinder any peifons from fifhing in places aforefaid. XXIX. fftl. 2. Provided no perfon by this ad\ fliall have liberty to nlh or Except hcrtfngs, as take herrings in day-time, or at any other time, or any other manner tiun 'v the aft: for en- is directed by the ad\s for encouragement of fifheries of this kingdom. c .uragement of XXX. fiil. ,-?. Whereas many diificultiea attend obtaining the bounty on 01^^00^ that fifti exportation of filh caught on the coafts : upon fufficient proof made before tbr txport was colledlor, or cliief officer of the port, that fuch fifh entered for exportation, caugiito.Ttiiecoa.1s. was caught on the coafls of this kingdom, or within thirty-five leagues, and "' !" ?5 l^gues. upon the raafter or perfon having charge of the venTel, in which fuch fiOi is no i";'n'',o°eia J, to be exported, making oath, that to bcft of his knowledge or belief faid filh unicisindiarefs im- is not intended to be relanded, and that he will not permit or fuffer faid filli mediately made or any part to be relanded, unlefs in cafe of real diftrefs to fave the goods kno'-^n, and owner'.^ from perifhing, and alfo upon the owner or proprietor of faid fifh becoming jn'"reble boun"y'^''^' bound with two fufficient fureties in penalty equal to treble value of theboun- ihe bounties paid by ties he Ihall be intitled to, conditioned not to reland the fifh, intended to be colifdor. exported, in any port, haven, creek, or other places in Ireland, unlefs in cafe of diflrefs immediately made known to fome one or more of officers of the port nearefl the place where fuch veilel ftranded, which bond the collector of the port is required to take, and the faid bond is declared good and valid in law for the fum contained, then, and upon performance of thefe requifites, the owner, or perfon fhipping off fuch fifh, fhall in three months after ex- portation receive the boimties payable thereon from colledor of the port from whence exported, any thing in any other law or flatute to contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XXXI. JeB. 4. If any mafler or perfon having charge of a vefTel in which Reimdin?, unlefs in any fifh exported, and a bounty claimed, fliall reland, or permit or fuffer any actual diiiiefs, treble part to be relanded, unlefs in adlual diftrefSj fhall forfeit treble value of fuch value ; fifh relanded ; and every feaman, or perfon who aflifl in relanding, fliall for- 'f^^'"/^ , J"/.^" '^'• feit ten pounds ^ faid penalties fucd for and recovered by the fame ways and. , .^ , "'(^- J means as penalties by aft fourteenth and fifteenth Charles the fecond, com- monly called the aft of excife. XXXII. /fi\f. 5. No owner of any fifh intitled to bounties upon exportation^ No tountifs on ex-. unlefs firft landed in, and afterAvards exported from, fome port in this king- f'"j' ";' "•''^* ''^'^ ' r ' r D landed la li;me port dom. ■ ^. I„.re. XXXIII. Jict. 6. A penalty of twenty pounds fhall be paid by all perfons, 20I. penalty to (lioot who fhoot or wet any nets for taking herrings in the day-time, or be in any. o' "■'^' "^'- ^"^ h^''- v/ife aiding or affifting in the fame; fuch penalty ihall be recovered, upon "!J,^' X ^ ^y. complaintbeforeanyjufliceof county next to the place where ofFencecommittedj. or where fuch offender fhall refide or be found, and fhall be levied off goods and chattels of offender, by warrant under hand and feal of fuch jufiice, for ufe of the perfon, who fhall fue ; and in cafe faeh offender on demand refufe to pay fuch penalty to fuch juftice, or the perfon whom he fhall by warrant impower to levy, and no goods or chattels found fufficient to nnfwer, it. fhall be lawful, for fuch Jullice to caufe faid offender to be apprehended and ^ committed. or Onjuft caufe of fufpicioB velTels boarded, and offen- ders appreliended j peace and revenue officers to aflift to prevent taking her- rings by day between ifl Augufl and ifl September from 4 till funfet, and from I ft Oftober and 1 ft Auguft from fuarife to funfet. Ditputes between owner or mailer and hands as to wages or earnings not »- bove 5I and for ab- fenting from fervice, determined by jufli. ces for the county, as if between maflers and fervants. Revenue ofScers tnay as ufual enter vefTels by night or day, continue, feateli for, and leife unentered goods. ^Bounties on eTport of cured herrings and maA-karel in "2 gallon barrels, by 3G.3. c 24- f 5- paid in proportion for ca;ks of lefs 'fize. Be'bre^ntry the fliime of velTcl and port painted on tranfum and quar* teis, boats, and buoys, conxmitted to comrnan gao! of the county where fudi juftice relldes, without bail or mainprize for fix months, or until he have paid fuch penalty. XXXIV. fef}. 7. As perfcns are encouraged to faid offences from opportu- nities of efcaping by water from the authority of fuch juftice, it ihall be lawful for perlbns, impowercd to execute warrant of fuch juftice, to board any veflel, in which they may have juftcaufe to fufpeft fuch offender harboured or concealed, and to apprehend fuch offender wherefoever found, fo as he iDay fuffer punilhrneat aforefaid ; and all magiftrates and peace-officers, and alfo officers of revenue, are required to be aiding and affifting by all lawful means to effedtual carrying into execution the claufes aforefaid, for preventing the pernicious pradice of fifhing for or taking herrings in day-time between firft of Augufl: and firft of September, from four 'odock in the morning till fun- fet, and between -firft 0>;^ober and firft Auguft from fun-rife to fun-fet. XXXV. /e£f 8. Any difputes or differences between iperfons engaged on board any veflels employed in the fifheries, and owner or mafter diereof, touching any -demands fuch perfons may have againft fucii owners or mailers on account of wages or fhares of earnings of fucli veifels, where fuch de- mand does not exceed five pounds, and alfo all fuch complaints of fuch owners or mafters againft any perfons or liands engaged on board faid veffels on account of abfenting or withdrawing from duty and fervice on board, ftiall be determined by any juftices for the county, where fuch difputes arife ; who are impowered to give like relief, and by like remedies and means, and to inflidt like penalties and punijhments, as irapowcred to do in all cafes of dif- putes between raafters and fervants, or artificers and employers, by all or any of the laws in being. XXXVI. fift. 9. Provided nothing herein fh^il reftrain any .officers of revenue from tvme to time depated by chief commiffioners of excife, or major part, from entering into any fhip, txufs, or veflel v\4ia^foever, &s well by niglit as day, coming into any port, harbour, haven, creek, or other places, and to continue there on board until fatly unladen and difcharged, or again re- loaded in purfuance of the powers in this ad, but dia:t it fhall be iawful for fuch officers to enter 'into any ifiu;h fhip, bufs, or veflel, to fee, furvey, and make fearch for, any goods or commodities either put on ;board, or taken our^ or carried away, or intended to be carried a.way, without due entry firft had and made, or paytnent of the - day in Nov. nets &c. fhall forfeit the drudge-net or other machine, with which the fame fhall be forfeited, and 40s. drudged for or taken, as alfo forty fliillings ; recovered and applied as the other forfeitures and penalties. Forfeitures, fave XLIV. /ff/. 1 7. The fcverxl penalties and forfeitures by this ad, except otherwife appointed, where otherwife appointed, fhall be recovered before any juftice of peace of recovered before a ^^^ county where offence committtd, or wherein the parties refide, and levied or whe^e^refide^nt, ' hy diftrefs and fale of goods and chattels, by warrant under hand and feal by diftreis and fale of fucli juftice before whom offence proved, by confelTion, or on oath of one on warrant, credible witnefs ; which when recovered fhall go to ufe of perfons who fue proof by 1 witnefs within twelve calendar months next after offence. or conteliion, to profecutor in 12 , n 1 ■ , r 1 • r months. XLV. Slat. 17 & i8 Geo. 3. cap. ^6. feet. 5. An act third of his prefent majefty, for encouragement of fijheries of this kingdom^ and alfo an aft fifth of his prefent mr.jefty, and alfo a claufe in an aft feventh of his prefent majefly, ^c/'-i.^c. 2c'.r\o. for continuing., reviving, and amending feveral temporary Jlatutes, and other pur continued to 1 Jsn. pofes, whereby the faid two before recited adls of the third and fifth of his 1790 &c prefent majefty are amended, fhall continue in force until firfl of January 1790, and to the end of the then next felfion. ^ 'KLV\. feet. 6. The feveral claufes relative to trawling in the bay of Dub- continued to 24Juae hn, and to prcfervation of game, contained in an att the thirteenth and four- 1790 &c. teenth of his prefent majefty, continued to 24th June 1790, and to the end of the then next feflion. 3 G. fj. c. 24, and 5 G. 3. c. 7. and Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 7. feet. i. Whereas by an ad 3d of his prefent Recital 3 G. 3. c. 12. majefty for continuing encouragement to flaxen and hempen manufadures., ^^ ^' whoever fhould caufe to be imported any good and found hemp or flax-feed from any port in Rufiia, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Pruflia, Germany, or on the Baltic, or within the Sound, or from Hamburgh or Altena, or any Englifh plantations in America, within twenty-one years from the end of the then felfion, and to the end of the next fucceeding felfion, fhould receive & 15& 16G.3.C.7. for every hogfhead as a premium five fhillings fterling : and by an ad laft felfion a bounty of five fhillings fliould be paid for every hogfhead of the growth of United Provinces, or Auftrian Netherlands, and imported from thence, to the perfons who fhould fo caufe the fame to be fo imported, and that fiach bounty fhould continue until the firft of May 1778, fubjed to feveral regulations and reftridions provided, and it is expedient further to con- 5 per hogfhead ^inue faid bounty for a limited time : a bounty of five fhillings fhall be paid for bounty on feed im- every hogfliead of good and found hemp-feed or flax- feed of growth of the ported from United United Provinces or Auftrian Netherlands, and imported from thence, to Provinces or Nether- j]^g Perfons who fliall fo caufe the fame to be fo imported ; and fuch bounty co"ntinued to I May ^'^'^ continue to be paid from the firft May next until firfl: May 1780 ; 1780, ' fubjed however to the feveral claufes, regulations, and reftridions in faid as hj 3 G. 3. c. 12. ad concerning the bounties therein given and provided. I. Sta\ I. Stat. 17 &• l8 Geo. 3. cap. 36. /f^. 2. An aiS 3d George the ftr.ond, for ^ ^ ^ more effeflual preventing and further punijbmmt of forgery, perjury., and fubor- ^^.^^^^^^' ' *' ^"' nation of perjury, and to make it felony to fteal bonds., noteSy or other fecurhies for money, made perpetual. II. fe£l. 3. A claufe in an ad feventeenth George the fecond, for amend- j.. q ^ ^ ,, f; , ment of the law in relation to forgery, and fahiage of goods flranded; which claufe continued to 2j relating to forgery, was by fubfequent ads continued, and by twenty-ninth March 1790 &c. George the fecond twenty-one years from 25ih of March 1757, continued unto 25th March 1790, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion. Stat. 17 & \%Geo. 3. cap. 36. feet. 6. The feveral claufes relative to,,gf ,.g ^ c 41 trawling in the bay of Dublin, and to prefervation of game, contained in an continvcd to June ad the thirteenth and fourteenth of his prefent majefty, continued to 24th 1790 &t;. June, 1790, and to the end of the then next fellion. I. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 28. feet. i. Juftices of peace, within their fe-CeHs^ wards, and veral jurifdidions in quarter-feHions affembled, may order the walls and cie- rooms ordered at lings of the feveral cells and wards both of debtors and felons, and alfo of q"2"ef-'«'^'0"= to any other rooms ufcd by prifoners in their eaols and prifons, to be fcraped ^ ■"^''% ^? J , ■ r, , •■ '^1 1 n ^ 1 r 1 r white- waflied once and white-waihed once in the year at leait, and as orten as to them leem j y^^^ gj i^a^^ meet, and to be regularly wafhed and kept clean, and conftantly fupplied with kept clezn, frefh air by hand ventilators or otherwife, to order two rooms in each gaol or <^o"'^ant freft air, prifon, one for men, the other for women, to be fet apart for fick prifoners, ^ "^""""j or fick. ... ^ . ^ . men and women ic* direding them to be removed into fuch rooms as foon as feized with any dif- parate, order, and kept feparate from thofe in health, to order a warm and cold bath, removed when dif- or commodious bathing-tubs, to be provided in each gaol or prifon, and^'^^'^ed, dired the prifoners to be wafhed in fuch baths or tubs, according to the con- ^'a™ a"d co'^ baths • • ■ • ' >~j Qj- tnhs tor 63Cn dition in which they fhall be at the time, before fuffered to go out of fuch „ao|^ gaolf or prifons upon any occafion whatever; to order the rcquifitions of to wafh prifoners be- this ad to be painted in large and legible charaders upon a board, and hung (^[e going out, up in fome confpicuous place of each of faid gaols and prifons, and to appoint '"'•^^" """S "P '" an experienced furgeon or apothecary, at a ftated falary not exceeding ten a,^,,,n^ant fjj„ppj, ^^ pounds per annum, to attend each gaol or prifon refpedively, who fhall be di- Epothecary, lalar/ reded to report to faid juftices by whom appointed, at each quarter- fcffions, "ot above lol. a ftate of health of prifoners under his care or fuperintendanc'e. ^° report each q\jar- II. fe^. 2. Said Juftices in quarter-fellions authorised to dired the feveral (;;^u,t5 „(-' -^^ice courts of Juftice within their juiifdidions to be properly ventilated, to order ventilated, cloaths to be provided for prifoners when they fee occafion, to prevent prifo- prifoners cloathed ners from being kept under ground whenever they can do it conveniently, ^^^" °"a!ion, and to make fuch other orders from time to tirne '0. reftoring or preferving[|.1,'(,"'^JJ^,||j°"i|'^ heahh of prifoners as they think neceflary. other orders fioai time I© time. K 2 III feet. Pitfentments to HI. feSl, 5. Grand juries of every county, or county of a city, or town, cution'- '^ '"'° ^"" ^^^ ^'SMt power and are required from time to time to prefent fuch fums » neceflary to be raifed in fuch county in the ufual manner, to pay expences of if gaolers nfg!e(f^ or carrying this aft into execution : and if any gaoler or keeper of any prifon difobe/, proceeded fhall negleft or difobey orders of fuch juflices in purfuance of this aft, he aflfzes or"ftffion7 *^ "^^7 ^^ proceeded againft in a fummary way by complaint to judges of aflize, fined, Of committed, ^'"j^^'^^s '" S"^'^'-^'''^^^^^"^' ^"'^ '^ found guilty (hall pay fuch fine, as the judges orjuflices impofe, and be committed in cafe of non-payment. 1J&16G. ^ c. 21. ^^- ^^^^- 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 2,6. feH. 7. Whereas by an ad fifteenth f. 19, noteffeftual; and fixteenth years of his prefent majefty, to prevent and punijh tumidttiom rijings^ and for other puTpofes, perfons who break open any gaol or prifon, with an intention to refcue or enlarge him, her, or themfelves, or any other perfons whether pri- P'''^on^''j ^^^^ fufFer death, and faid claufe has been found not fully to an- foners or othervwTe, f^er the purpofes intended : every perfon or perfons who by force or violence forceabl/ breaking break any gaol or prifon, with an intention to refcue and enlarge any prifo- gaol to refcue prifo- ner or prifoners therein confined on account of any offence, though notcapi- phal offenc°' 7elon ^^^^ ^" P^'''"'^"S who Commit fuch ofFcnce, whether he, fhe, or they fhall be without ckrgy. prifoners or otherwife, and fhall be found guilty thereof, fhall fufFcr death as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy. ^^^]^P'^' ^■.^'' V. feet. 8. The feveral claufes and provifions in faid aft contained Hiall !!!f1„^ 1?^"/".'^^ extend to all cities and counties of cities, and the faid recited aft, together snQ counties or ci* ^ o ties, with the faid two claufes, continued in force unto the 24th June 1780, and »nd with thefe to the end of the then next feffion. claufes continued to 2 Anne c. 10, con- ^tat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. ^6. feet. i. An aft fecond of queen Anne,. tinued zij-sars&c. for the exchange of glebes., and continued by feveral fubfequent afts and by twenty-ninth George the fecond, continued in force for twenty-one years, and from thence to the end of then next feffion of parliament. to pay 20s. a year to I. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 6. feet. i. After 25th March 1778 until 25 March 1780, 25th March 1780, there Ihall be paid by every hawker, pedlar, petty-chap- man, or other trading perfon going from town to town, or to other mens' houfes, fairs, marts, or markets, and travelling either on foot, or with horfe, horfes, or otherwife, (except as after-mentioned) and carrying to fell, or ex- pofing to fale, any goods, wares, or merchandizes (except as after mention- and 20f. each beaft, ed) a duty of twenty fhillings by the year ; and every perfon fo travelling with any horfe, afs, mule, or other beaft bearing or drawing burthen, fhall pay twenty fhillings by the year, to the 25th March 1780, for each beall he or Ihe fliall fo travel with, over and above the faid firft duty of twenty fhillings by raifed as alehoufe the year; which rates and duties fhall be collefted by fuch peribns, manner, licences by 330.2.^^^3 ^^^ means, as the^ duties for licences to keep ale-houfes by an aft c. 10. f.93. thirty- third of George the fecond, for regulating the coUection of revenue., as fully as if the provifions in faid aft, were particularly enafted again in this aft. ' „ . II. feet. II. feS?. 2. Every pedlar, hawker, petty-chapman, and other trading per- Noie of manner of fon Co travelling, fhall before the 25th March 1778, and fo likewife in every ''■^**^'''"6'^'J''«|^^_ year, caufe to be delivered to the colleftor of excife of the diftrift, where he^^^'' '° '^ e of j or fhe fhall refide or dwell, a note in writing under hand, or under the hand of fome perfon authorized, how and in what manner he or fhe intends to tra- vel and trade, whether on foot, or with one or more horfes, alTes, mules, or other beafts bearing or drawing burthen ; and thereupon a licence or licences licence tlicreon, and fhall be granted by fuch coUeftor for fo travelling and trading, for which he ''"■>' P»"*- or fhe fhall thereupon caufe to be paid for each licence the yearly duty be- fore direded for the fame. m. fact 3. If any fuch perfon, after 25th March 1778, be found trading Trading contraiy as aforefaid without, or contrary, to, or not warranted by fuch licence, fuch 5i- perfon fhall for each offence forfeit five pounds ; one moiety to informer, the to imformer and other to Incorported Society for Englifh Proteflant fchools in Ireland ; and 'o^"-"'/ J if any perfon fo trading, upon demand by any revenue officer, iuftice of ^ " '"S '° P^° "'^^ -'r niii n- r 1 r • licence aos. to in- peace, mayor, conftable, or other ofhcer of the peace of any county, city, f„fmer, town-corporate, or borough, where he or fhe fo trade, fhall refnfe to produce or committed, and tliew immediately his or her licences for fo trading, the perfon lb refu- fing fhall forfeit twenty fhillings to the informer, and for non-payment fufier as a common vagrant, and be committed to houfe of corredlion. IV. feet. 4. It fhall be lawful for faid coUedlors of the diftridls, and they Colleiaors to grant are required upon the terms and receipt aforefaid, to grant one or more H- ''cence^s, with the cences under their hands to every hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or any j|p^i.j''_°y^^'.*" other trading perfons, for him or herfelf, with one or more horfes, affes, mules, or beafls, which they fhall travel with, as the cafe fhall require, ac- cording to the terms and direcftions of this adl ; and to infert in fuch licences the ages, places of abode, and a particular defcription of the perfons to whom granted,and to number each, and keep particular entries of fuch defcrip- numbered, tions and licences ; for each of which licences fhall be taken by fuch collec- entered ; tors for their own ufe one fhilling and no more, except fuch hawker, pedlar, or ,„^fj,'beaft 2s petty-chapman travel with horfe, afs, mule, or other beafl bearing or draw- feparate accounts ; ing burthen, and in that cafe two fhillings and 110 more, over and above du- payment to treaiuiy. ties aforefaid ; and faid colletlors fhall keep feparate and diflinift accounts of the duties, and pay the money into treafury, as other money received for his majefly V. feet. 5. Said colledlors accountable to his majefty for the duties, and Collectors accoimt- fubjeft to like penalties and forfeitures for not rendering a true account, and able as for other paying in manner before mentioned, as they are liable unto for not render- -™°"*y' ing a true account of any money received for his majefly. VI. feet. 6. The monies arifmg from faid duties fhall from time to timep^u j^ fo<-^p,yyvit,},. be brought into exchequer, and without any fee or deduction be paid by out deduaion. vice-treafurer or receiver-general to the Incorporated Society for Engliilr pr-o- teftant fchools, or their treafurer, for ufe of faid Society. VII. fe^. 7. If any perfon caufe to be forged or counterfeited any licence Forced licence 50I. for purpofes aforefaid, or travel with fuch, knowing the fame forged or coun- to King and sh»U- terfeited, fuch perfon fhall forfeit fifty pounds, one moiety to the king, the '^"'"'^ i other to him who fhall profccuie ; recovered by debt, bill, plaint, or infor- mation in any courts of record at the four-courts in Dublin, in which no ef- foign, protedtion, or wager of lav/, or more than one imparlance allowed -.,:, aad.s and other penaltier, Geneial ifTuc j treble cofts to ^- fenJant. Coriftable's neglefl, 40s to (ociety and profecutor. Any one may (the till licence produ- Crd; bring with goods before a julHce Or colieftor ; penalty 5 1. by dilttefs and fale. Exempted printed papers, fifli, fruit, victuals, real makers, tinkers, &c. And raw wool, fri- zes, worfted Or woollen llockin^s. And flax, 5tc. jatn, linens, &c. l^atbhecs ant) |^etlat«2f» and flmll be fubjed to fnch other pains and penalties as may be inflidled on perfons for forgery. VIII. fe^. 8. Any perfon fued, molefted, or troubled for putting in exe- cution any powers in this a6t, or doing any thing purfuant thereto, may plead general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence ; and if plaintiff non- fuited, or judgment againfl him upon demurrer or otherwife, or a verdid for defendant, or a difmifs upon a civil bill, fuch defendant fhal! have treble cofts ; recovered as by law cofts to defendants in other cafes. IX. /efl. 9. If any conftable refufe or negledt upon due notice, or his own view, to be aiding and aflifting in execution of this ad, being thereunto re- ■quired, being thereof convided by oath of one or more credible witneftes before any juftice for the county or place where fuch offence committed, fhall forfeit for every fuch offence forty fliillings ; levied by diftrefs and fale of the goods, by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juftice ; one moiety to faid ibciety, the other to the informer who fhall profecute, rendering the overplus to the owner diftrained. X. feSf. 10. It ffiall be lawful for any perfons whatfoever to feize and detain any fuch hawker, pedlar, petty-chapman, or other trading perfon, and alfo the goods found trading with, until they produce a licence, if they have any ; and if found trading without licence contrary to this ad, it fhall be lawful for fuch perfons feizing taking to their alliftance fuch perfons as they think fit, to carry the perfon fo feized, as alfo faid goods, before fome one of juftices for the county or place, or colledor of revenue for the diftrid where offence committed ^ which juftices and coUedors are ftriitly required, either upon confelTion, or due proof of a witncfs upon oath, (which they are re- fpedively impowered to adminifter) that the perfon fo brought had fo traded,, unlefs fuch licence produced by fuch off"ender before faid juftice or colledor, by warrant under hand and feal to caufe five pounds to be forthwith levied by diftrefs and fale of offender's goods, wares, or merchandizes, rendering the overplus to owner, after deduding reafonable charges for taking faid diftrefs; and out of faid fale to pay penalty and forfeiture aforefeid. XI. /eS7. II. Provided this ad ftiall not prohibit any perfon from felling any ad of parliament, form of prayer, proclamation. Gazette, almanack, or other printed paper, fifh, fruit, or viduals, nor the real workers or makers of any goods or wares within this kingdom, or their wives or apprentices, from carrying abroad, expofmg to Me, and felling any of faid goods or wares of their making in any publick fairs, markers, or elfewhere, nor any tinker, cooper, glazier, plumber, harnefs-mender, or other perfons ufually trading in mending kettles, tubs, houftiold-goods, or harnefs whatfoever, from going about fuch bufmcfs only, or carrying with them proper materials for mending the fame, and no other thing for fale. XII. /ccl. 12. This ad fhall not fubjed any perfons who carry raw and un- manufadured wool, frizes, or worfted or woollen ftockings, from one part of the kingdom to another, or expofe the fame to fale in any fair, market, or other place, to any duties or penalties before mentioned, fo as fuch perfons lliall not at fame time carry or expofe to fale any other wares, goods, or merchandizes. XIII. fed. 13. This ad fhall not reftrain any perfons from felling, or ex- pofmg to fale in any place whatfoever any flax, tow, hemp, flaxen, hempen yarn, ticken, plain, ftriped, chequered, painted or ftained hnens, buckrams or or canvas, {o as fuch perfons fhall not at fame time carry or expofe any o- ther goods, wares, or merchandizes. XIV. fen. 14. This act (hall not fubjed any perfons, who carry any pots Iron or metal pots or griddles of caft iron or metal from one part of the kingdom to another, or gticMks 20s. a or expofe to fale in any fair, market, or other place, to any greater duty than y^ronly, tho'w.ih twenty lliillings by the year in the whoJe, althougli fuch perfons trade or tra- °' ^^' vel with one or more horfes, or beafls bearing burthen; fo as fuch perfons fhall not at fame time carry or expofe any other goods, wares, or merchan- dizes. XV./(fi7. 15. Provided it fhall be lawful for commilTioners of revenue, or any Three commidloners three or inore,to order to be paid out of monies raifed by this aift to faid col- to direft realisable lectors, their clerks, or any other perfon, fuch fums as they reafonably deierve '■awards. for their fervice, or have expended in execution of or in relation to this ad. XY.fe^. 1 6. Provided this ad fhall notextend to give any power for licenfing No licence fave as any hawker; pedlar, or petty-chapman, to fell, or expofe any wares or mer- heretofore, chandizes in any city, borough, town-corporate, or market-town, any other wife than he or fhe might have done before this act. XVU. fe^. 17. Whereas dealers, hawkers and pedlars, to evade duty on Private conveying licences, do not openly travel from town to town, or to other men's houfes, in hired places, or but privately convey and carry their goods, and fell or expofe the fame in °'] boothf or ftalls fhops, rooms, or warehoufes, or other places hired for that purpofe in ci- j^ath "'cm^eT^' d ties, towns, and places where they are not ufually refident, and divers other fgHer? "eat^ cloath perfons privately carry and convey their goods to publick ftreets arrti places cryeis, within the in cities, towns-corporate, and other places where they refide, but not adjoin- ^'^• ing or near to their dwelling houfes or appartments, and fell and expofe upon booths, ftalls, or ftandings, without licence ; and feveral under denomination of leather-cutters or fellers, hawk about and expofe in cities and towns- corporate, fairs,, marts, markets, and other places, large and imall parcels of leather in booths,, flails, flandings, or otherwife ; and alfo divers, under de- nomination of cryers of old caft cloaths, hawk about the ftreets of cities, towns, and other places, old cafl cloaths, and expofe feveral of fuch kinds of goods on ftands or ftalls, or otherwife, without licence : after 2,5th March 1778 until 25ih March 1780, all the perfons aforefaid lliall pay fuch duty, and take out fuch licences as aforefaid ; and any perfons whatfoever found trading, felling, or expofmg any goods, wares, or merchandizes whatfoever (except as herein excepted) in any fliop, room, warehoufe, or other place in i:ny city, borough, town-corporate, market-town, village, or otlier places wherein they have not been refident one calendar month previous, and to fell or expofe fuch goods therein without licence, fuch perfons refpeclively, and alfo all perfons found trading, felling, or expofing any goods whatfoever (except as aforefaid) upon booths, ftalls, ftandings, or otherwife, in any publick ftreet or places in any city, borough, town-corporate, market-town, village, or other place not adjacent or adjoining their dwelling-houie, fliop, v.arehoufes, or other apartments, and alfo all perfons under denomination of leather-cutters, who hawk about from town to town, and fell or expofe in cities and towns-corporate, fairs, marts, markets, or other places, large or fmal! parcels of leather, in or upon booths, ftalls, ftandings, or otherwife ; and all perfons under denomination of cryers of old caft cloaths, who hawk about ftreets, lanes, or alleys of cities and towns-corporate, and other places, to to purchaie cr fell old caft cloaths of any kind, or fell or expofe any fuch goods on ftands, flails or otherwife, without licence, all fuch perfons deemed and taken hawkers, pedlars or petty-chapmen, within meaning of this aft, to all intents, and fubjed and liable to all penalties and forfeitures upoa hawkers, pedlars, petty-chapmen and others trading without licence. XVIII. fe£l. 1 8. And whereas it hath been found that feveral hawkers, pedlars, and petty-chapmen have refpedlively employed one or more other perfon or perfons, fervant or fervants, with him, her, or them, to carry about boxes, bundles or parcels of goods, wares and merchandizes, on their backs, arms or otherwife, feparate and diflindl frorrtthat or thofe carried about by him, her or thenifelves, and have fold and expofed to fale in booths, ftands, and flails, or otherwife, as well the faid goods, wares, and merchan- dizes, fo carried by fuch other perfons or perfons, fervant or fervants, as thofe carried by him, her, or themfelvts, under the fandtion of one foot licence taken out by fuch perfon or perfons fo being or appearing to be the prin- cipal owner or proprietor thereof, without feparate or diflinft licence or li- cenfes for fuch other perfon or perfons, fervant or fervants : and it hath been alfo found, that by means and under the fanftion of one licence many per- fons principal and feparate dealers, who have no connexion with fuch perfon or perfons having one licence only as aforefaid, alfo fraudulently pafs under the denomination of his, her, or their fervant or fervants, and trade without licence, to the great injury of the fair trader and dealer with licence, and the great diminution of the faid tax on hawkers and pedlars : and whereas it is reafonable that a horfe licence fhall be paid for and taken for every horfe, ho^tr'lkence ^tor e. ™'jl'^> ^^^^ o'' ^cafl of burthen that fhall be made ufe of, or driven by every very perfon employ- hawker, pedlar, and petty-chapmen: after 25th March 1778 until 25th •d, March 1780, every hawker, pedlar and petty-chapman, for every perfon that fhall be employed or carry, whether fervant or other, in his or her company, or otherwife, any boxes, bundles or parcels on their backs, arms, or other- wife, feparate or diflintt for felling and trading with the fame, fhall take out and pay for as aforefaid a feparate and diftindt foot-licence for every fuch and for every beaft. perfon ; and every hawker, pedlar, and petty-chapman, for every horfe, afs, mule, or beaft of burthen he or fhe fhall make ufe of or drive, whether in his or her own company or otherwife, fhall take out and pay for a fepa- rate and diflincfl horfe licence ; and fuch feparate and diftinft perfon, whe- ther fervant or other employed, or carrying fuch boxes, bundles, or parcels and fuch hawkej-, pedlar, or petty-chapman, that fhall not take out a horie licence for every iiorfe or beaft of burthen, he or fhe fhall make ufe of or drive as aforefaid, fhall be fubjeft and liable to all penalties and forfeitures upon hawkers and others trading without licence ; it being the true intent and meaning, that for one foot licence no more goods or merchandizes fhall by this adt be hawked about for fale, than one perfon can well and reafonably bear, carry or travel with, and for one horfe licence no more goods or mer- chandizes fhall be carried about than one horfe, afs, mule, or beaft of bur- then, can well or reafonably bear carry or travel with ; any thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithflanding. Stat. y \^\^v^^\^^. I. Stat. 17 & i8 Geo. 3. cap. 10. fen. 1. After pafllng ti>is a(f^, an aft ^ q, 3. c '-,6. & ij' third of his prefent majefly, for making more convenient the approaches to the u 16G. j/c. 28. city of Dublin^ and alfo another adl iifteenth and fixteenth of his prefent ma- 'epealed. ieftv, intituled an afi to explain and amend, and every claufe in each of them except as to purcha- , r \ 1 \ r ji- rij ling lands &c. (except fuch as relate to purchalmg and making agreements for lands, tene- jnj power ro con- ments, houfes, and building-groimds, and to powers to enter into contrads and traa with truftees, agreements with truftees named, and to make fales and conveyances as in »id fell and convey, faid ac^s fet forth, and the powers to truftees to iffue precepts to fheriffs to ^"'^ y^']^^^ fura- fummon juries for purpoles m laid acts, and every matter relative to con- gnj appoirtn,.n; of firming adts of fuch juries, and powers given to faid truftees to name and and powers co offi- appoint treafurers, fuperintendants and colledors, and which relate to the'^^'^s, power of fuch treafurers, fuperintendants, and colleftors, as in faid adts) fliall be repealed and made null and void. ll.fen. 2. After palling this aft the members of both houfes of parliament, Truftees appointed lord mayor, recorder, and aldermen, the reftors and vicars of parifhes in Dub- f<3"" a circular road lin, the juftices of the peace for the county of Dublin and city, having an eftate "^^""^ l^ublin, and of freehold in lands, tenements, or hereditaments of the clear yearly value of f°(,n'^''hoJ,fg''5o f^'^f two hundred pounds at leaft, within either of faid counties, all for the time wide, being, and the truftees named in faid aft of third of his prefent majefty, or elefted fmce fhall be nominated, conftituted and appointed, truftees for ma- king and_ keeping in repair faid roads and foot-paths ; and alfo a road from faid circular road to the fellion-houfe of Kilmainham, fixty feet wide at leaft and for putting in execution the feveral powers and authorities mentioned and contained in this aft. III. Jea. 3. Said truftees, and fuch other perfons as hereafter appointed Sajd truftees and truftees in purfuance of this aft, or any feven or more, fhall have full power fuch as after appoin- and authority to make and keep in repair during the term hereafter menti- ted, or any 7, ira- oned a circular road round the city of Dublin, fixty feet wide in the cli-ar f^^'^''^'^. '° ^^^^ at leaft, beginning at the river Anna Liffey, near the Marine Nurfery, and from ^hg roardelineated thence to the New Bridge lately built on the fouth of Kilmainham, and from ' thence acrofs faid river, at or near Illand-bride, and to be continued on the out-fide of his majefty's park the Phoenix to the northward of Pruifia-ftreet and the fields of Henry Meredyth efquire, near the road from Dublin to Finglafs, and from thence to the northward of Eccles-ftreet, and to the ri- ver Anna LifFey eaftward of the delft manufiiftory lately kept by Thomas Afhburne, and alfo the faid road to the feilions-houfe of Kilmainham. IV. fed. 4. Provided no part of the circular road already made purfuant No part made, and to faid afts or either, and for which annual rents by way of compenfation for which a cotiipen- have been already afcertained or paid either by agreement of parties or by '^''°" ^7 agreement verdidt of a jury purfuant to faid afts or either, fhall be altered or changed '^^ *"'^''^' ^''"^'^• but ftiall remain and be part of faid read. V. feet. 5. Safd truftees or any feven or more fhall have full and ample Power t© remove pov/er and authority to pull down and remove all houfes, walls, and other buildings, buildings, and to lay into the faid load fuch parts of lands and grounds, through '"'' '^-y '"to the ^°^^ which faid roads or foot-paths fhall pafs, as they or any feven or more think on°"eafonable fatis- neceft'ary, firft making reafonable fatisfaftion to every perfon, who ftiall fdiuoa fitll made, or may fuftain any damage thereby, in fuch manner as hereafter menti- oned. L VI. feet. To make diflina V\. feet. 6. Provided it fhall be lawful for faid truftees to make diftindt morrgage3, works, and feparate mortgages of the tolls of the fouthern and northern line, and and tunds. ^|j-^ ^^ Carry on the fame as different works, and by and out of diftinft and feparate funds, if they think proper. VII. fdct. 7. Said truftees or any feven or more, or fuch as they autho- 7 trullees mayerea yJ2e and appoint, may eredl one or more gates or turnpikes in upon or a- h"ouTs7' ^" '° "crofs any parts of faid roads, and alfo toH-houfes, and there demand, re- «nd take toll before ceive, and take the tolls and duties following, for every coach, berlin, cha- permMllon to p.ifs riot, calafh, chaife, or chair, by fix horfes or beafts of burthen or more, coaches and 6, Src. ^^^ fhilling and fix-pence ; by a lefs number than fix, and more than two, Ibove two IS one fliilling ; by two horfes, fixpence ; for every carriage, commonly called hv two, 6d. a chaife or chair, with one horfe, mare or gelding, three-pence ; every brew- ciiairs 3d. er's dray with wheels narrower than nine inches, five lliillings and five-pence ; dravs under 9 inch f-Qj. every waggon, wain, cart or carriage with four wheels, the breadth ^'l.^t'^li^'" ^'L„ not lefs than fix inches at the fole, and ftreaks fet on with flat or rofe- 4 wneeieu waggons, , 1 ^ r in i i 1 • 1 1 r 1 £:c. I or more ^horf- headed nails, and the fore axle-tree fo much Ihorter than the hind, that luch es, 5d. carriage fhall roll at lead ten inches of the road in breadth on each fide, and viith 6 Inch wheels ji^g wheels at fuch a diftance from each other, that the fpace between the and flat nails, middle of one rrack made by the wheels on the road, and middle of the other, to roll 10 mches on _. ,, , _ . ^ J . , ,, -- 7 , , each fide, 'nail be from four feet ten inches, to five feet, drawn by three or more fpace between tracks horfes, five- pence ; with two wheels, the breadth not lefs than fix inches at from 4teetioin. to le^ft, and the ftreaks fet on with flat or rofe -headed nails, drawn by one or 5 *^^'', , , tv/o horfes, three-pence ; with four wheels narrower than fix inches, ten 2 wheeled ^d. „ .„. •,'^11 1 r • 1 1 • /^ wheeled under 6 ihillings ; With two wheels narrower than lix inches, having one or more inches, 10s. liorfes, five Ihillings ; every car having but one horfe, mare, gelding, or 2 wheeled 5s. mule, the breadth of wheels three inches at the fole, and ftreaks fet on with cars, 3 inch wheel, ^^j, ^^ rofe-headcd nails, two-pence ; the breadth of wheels being four inches 4;nch, id. half, un-^r the fole and the ftreaks with flat or rofe-headed nails, onc-pennyhalf- cicr 3, IS. penny ; with wheels narrower than three inches, one fhilling ; for every horfe, Jioifes. .3(c. id. mare, gelding, mule, or afs, laden or unladen, not drawing, one penny; exen, IS. 8d. per ^^^^ every drove of oxen, or neat cattle, one fhillirg and eight-pence by calves, &c. lOiJ. ftore, and fo in proportion for any greater or leiler number ; for every drove toll ve'fted hi truf- of calves, hogs, flieep or lambs, ten pence by fcore, and fo in proportion ; tees tor ufes in the which refpetlive Aims iTiall be demandsd and taken in name of atoll or du- ^^- ty, and the money fo raifed fhall be vefted in faid truftees and every part thereof fhall be paid, applied, and difpofed of, and alFigned to and for the feveral ufes, intents and purpofes, and fuch manner, as after mentioned and direded. On retula! levied by yjjj_ ,-^^_ g_ g^^j^ truftccs impowered by themfelves, or any by them J J .3 or feven or more under their hands and leals autiionled, to levy the toll or duty upon any who after demand negledl or refufe to pay by diftrefs of any horfes, cattle or goods, upon which fuch toll or duty impofed, or upon any other goods or chattels of fuch perfons who ought to pay, and may detain and keep unn! inch toll or duty, with reafonable charges of diftraining and keeping, fhall be paid ; and it Ihail be lawful for fuch perfons fo diftraining after five days after diftrels to fell the goods diftrained by publickaudion returning overplus (if any be) upon demand to owner alter fuch toll, duty, and reafonable charges deduced. Faid bnt on.~e a y ji\;_ f}^.(^ g Provided no perlbn (hall be liable to pay toll more than once, on producins iickti, ^^,,^^ ^.^j, .^^^.-.^ repafs, or return through all or any of fuch turnpikes the fame day, I day, computed from twelve at night to twelve in the fiicceeding ^^^-^^ ^^ altering a night, with the fame coach, or other carriage, horfe, or other cattle, and tjckti to avoid ftall produce a ticket that the toll was paid at any of the faid turnpikes los.oneacfi. which the receivers or collcdors are required to give gratis upon receipt of toll ; and if any perfon having paid toll and having fuch note or tic- ket fhall give, offer, or difpofe of the fame to any other, or alter the fame, to avoid payment of any of faid tolls ; every fuch perfon, and the per- fons receiving and making ufe thereof, fliall refpedively forfeit and pay ten (hillings. X. fcf'. lo. Out of the money arifing from turnpikes, or borrowed on Tvudees fi-ft to pay credit of this aft, faid trultees or any fevcn fhall fiift pay and difcharge chaiges lor the art, the expence of procuring this adt and making faid roads and foot-paths and lot pmchaie and and paymg tor purchale or grounds and houles, and making compenia- ,|jen ,(, the roads tion for damages, as by this ad direfted, and of erefting fuch turnpikes and paihs, or toll-houfes ; and after fuch charges and expences fully fatisfied, the intercit ol lums bor- profits arifmg and tolls collected Hiall be applied for and towards the re- fJ^''^"^' pair of faid roads and foot-paths, and to payment of interefh of any ^'^' ^ ' money borrowed on credit of faid roads, and payment of officers falaries, and biidges (except and to the erecting any bridge or bridges, (except over the Anna Liffey, over Liff^y eait- eaftward of Elfex-bridge) or other works neceifary for convenience and ^'^^d) fupport of fuch roads and foot-paths, and for paying rewards as hereaf-^^^.^^j^ on'convia- ter mentioned for convidion of any guilty of robbing or maiming any.jng robbers, &c. perfon on faid roads or foot-paths, or in paying off any debt contrac- debts, ted by faid truflees, or in eftablifhing a ferry-boat for carriages overtlie ^ '^'^v over Liltfy, Anna Liffey, oppofite or near to the Marine Nurfery, or for planting trees °'P^" & along faid roads, as faid truflees or any feven think fit. XI. feet. II. Whereas the right of eftablifhing of ferries over the Ri^-ht to truflees of Anna Liffey from the Old-bridge to Rings-end belongs to the lord-may- teniageover i.itFey or, fheriffs and commons and citizens, and the ferries and right of efla- ^^^' iViance Nuite- blifhing ferries from Effex-bridge to Rings-end is now granted and de- '^^' mifed to John Jones of Dublin efquire for a term of years, of which about twenty unexpired, and faid lord-mayor, fheriffs, commons, and . „ citizens, and John Jones, have refpeclively confented and agreed to de- ^" ^y'l^^^g" a ie.de mife to faid truflees a paffage or right of ferriage, oppofite or near to the executed by John Marine Nurfery for fuch terms, and fubjeift to fuch rents, as after menti- Jones ror his term. oned ; faid John Jones, his executors, adminiflrators and alfigns, fhall at requefl in writing of faid truflees, any feven or more, under their hand$ and feals, execute or grant a leafe of a ferry and right of eflabhfhing a ferry over faid river, oppofite or near to faid Marine Nurfery for fuch term of years as he or they fhall then have in the ferries over the faid river. XU.feiJ. 12. The lord-mayor, fheriffs, commons and citizens of Dublin -^"^ by lord mayor. fhall upon like requefl in writing to be delivered to town-clerk feal a like ^" '""^ "." ^"^ - I/- /-J rt c r t ri n u/-u ■■ ^'^"" ""' above 70 leafe or grant to fa'd truflees tor fuch term as faid truflees by iuch writing ye^^s, fliall require, not exceeding feventy years, and to commence from expiration rtnis referved as by of the leafe of ferries now in being, and made to faid John Jones ^ upon eachof j>'0' awaided, which leafes fhall be refpedively referved fuch annual rents payable refpec-^^^™^^^^' J=- ^'^^ lively to faid John Jones, his executors, adminiflrators and aifigns, and faid ,^ j. '(^_ lord-mayor, fheriffs, commons and citizens during faid refpective terms, L.a as Rents charged on ferriage, from 1 ft Jan. after opened. Counterparts of Leafes by trufteer. executed. as fliall be adjudged and awarded by a jury, fummoned, impanelled, and fworn in fame manner, and under like penalties, and with lame right of challenging to parties, as is diredted by thiF aft, and faid aft third of his prefent majefty, refpeding juries for valuing grounds through which faid road is to pafs. XIII. /c^. 13. The rents fo referved (liall he charged upon and made payable out of the tolls of the ferry, to be eftablifhed at or near faid ma- rine nurfery, and the firll annual payment fhall be made payable on the firft of January next after faid ferry opened for paflengers. XIV. ff^. 14. Said truftees, any feven or more, (hall feal and deliver counterparts of faid leafes to faid John Jones, and lord mayor, fherifFs, commons, and citizens of Dublin refpeftively. On 2 monthsneglea, XV. ffct. I §. If faid John Jones, or lord-mayor, fherifFs, commons, or fame right to efta- citizens, negleCl or decline to execute leafes as aforefaid for two months blifli ferry as if leafes next after fuch requefl, from thenceforth faid truflees fhall have the fame right to eftabiifh a ferry, as if fuch leafes adually executed, paying fuch rent out of the tolls of the ferry to faid John Jones, and lord-mayor, fhe- rifFs, commons, and citizens, during fuch time as faid ferry fhall fubfift, as awarded by a jury in manner aforefaid. XVI. fecr. 16. It fhall be lawful for faid truflees, any fifteen or more, after execution of fuch leafes, or in two months after fuch requefl, to eflablifh a ferry and ferry-boats for carriages, horfes, mules, and other cattle, and palFengers. XVII. /f(5. 17. Said truflees, or any feven, impowered from time to trafl for groundT&c. tiiTic, to treat, contratft, and agree with owners, proprietors, occupiers, for toll-houfes, with and perfons interefled in any lands, tenements, houfes, buildings, grounds, yards not above 100 or hereditaments, through which any part of fuch roads are hereafter to be cet quare, made, or for any ground wanted for building toll-houfes, with fufficient yards thereunto, not exceeding one hundred feet fquare to each, for pur- by purchafe or rent, chafe thereof, or by way of annual rent for th; fame, or otherwife, as faid and compe«(ation as truflees or any feven think fit, and to pay for the fame, and for any lofs or damages, in fuch manner as by faid aft third of his prefent majefly particularly direfted and appointed : and alfo it fhall be lawful for all bo- dies politick, corporate, or collegiate, corporations aggregate or fole, and all feofFees in trufl:, executors, adminiflrators, guardians, committees, and other truflees whatfoever, for and on behalf of any infants, femes covert, Kinaticks, idiots, cejlin que triifls, and for all perfons whomfoever, feized or pofTelfed of, or interefled in, or in any wife intitled to, any fu^i lands, tenements, houfes, buildings, grounds, or hereditaments, to treat with faid truflees or any feven for the purchafe, and to convey the fame to fuch truflees, in fuch manner and form as by faid aft third of his pre- fent majefly direfted and appointed ; and fuch truflees, or any feven, in cafe of negleft or refufaiof fuch owners, proprietors, occupiers, or perfons interefled, to treat or agree for purchafe, as in faid aft third of his prefent majefly fet forth, fhall have full power and authority to fummon and im- pannel juries, and examine upon oath, and impofe fuch fines on jurors for default, and to judge compenfation by verdift of fuch jury, to fuch and judge compenfi- owners, proprietors, occupiers, or perfons interefled, by way of annual tion, income, or otherwife, as faid truflees direft, and to charge the fame upon as by 3 G. 3. c. 36. ^j^g xq\\s^ and in fuch manner, regulations, powers, and authorities, as by faid aft third of his prefent majefly, particularly fet forth. XVIII. 1 5 truflees after leafes or requeft, may eftablift ferry. 7 truftees may con- by 3 G. 3. c. 36, power given to con vey as by faid ad, «nd to truftees to iir pannel juries on re- fufai to agree, examine on oath, fine jurors XVIII. /f(7. 18. After fuch annuity or annual rent afTcfTtd hy fuch A fcer compen ration jury by way of compenfation to fuch owners, proprietors, occupiers, or ,',I^'f^^^Ju'4"j"j pprfons intitkd to, or interefled in fuch grounds, houfes, buildings, lands, charging ihe rTnton -tenements, or hereditaments, it ffiall be lawful for faid tniftees, or any m-.U. and lender to feven, to fign, feal, and execute to fuch owner, proprietor, occupier, or pany or ag>.nt ot at perfon intitled by fuch verdicl to fuch compenfation, a deed or writing "'"^' *'^"'^'^- under hands and feals, charging faid tolls of faid road with fuch annuity or annual rent, and fhall caufe the fame to be delivered or tendered to fuch owner, proprietor, occupier, or perfon interefled, or to his or their own agent or agents, or to be left at his or their known ufual place of abode, dwelling, or refidence, XIX. feet. 19. After tender or delivery of fuch deed all fuch houfes. And premJiTes in ver. buildings, and tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premiires fpecified m ^l-fi the lole proper- faid verdid, fhall be the fole and abfolute property of faid truftees ; and '>" °^ t'"'^*-'". it fhall be lawful for faid truftees, any feven or more, by themfelves, work- (^ p^n j^^.^^ ^^j men, or agents, to pull down all fuch houfes, buildings, and tenements, lay uuo the roac, and to lay the ground whereon ereded, and alfo fuch other grounds, lands, or hereditaments as aforefaid, or fuch part thereof, as they think fit, into faid road; and to do every fuch ad, matter, and thing, with re- fecure and indofe, . lation to fuch lands, tenements, houfes, building-grounds, or heredita- ments, and to wall in, ditch, drain, and fence out the fame, in fuch man- ner as faid truftees or any feven think fit for carrying this ad into execu- tion ; and faid ground fo fecured and inclofed fhall thenceforth become ,i,g gr^Mwd a com- and be a common highway to all intents whatfoever, and be repaired and mon higliway. kept in repair in fuch manner, as herein before and after authoiifed and direded. XX. fen. 20. Said annuities or annual rent, fo agreed for or afleffed, vh if • fliall be paid from to time, as become due, by half-yearly payments, by ly^by^tfjlVurers,'^"^' treafurers of faid road, the firft payment to begin within fix calendar months next after fuch ground taken by faid truftees ; and fuch perfons lame intetefl in renrs fhall during this ad have fame eftate and intereft in fuch annual rents, as 35 ,„ ground, they would have had in faid ground, in cafe this ad never made ; and in „„ nonpavment 50 default of payment thereof within thirty days after become due (being de- days, being dcman i- manded of treafurers for time being) it fhall be lawful for the perfons in- ed, recovered wi'h titled to faid annual rents, or any of them, to commence or profecute one f^u" coils agamfttrea. , 1 r -11 ■ n \ r Hirer, incaleor or more adions at law on the cafe, or in debt, againft the treaiurer or trea- ^^^^_ furers on account of faid annuity or annual rent, and fhall upon fuch ac- tions recover the money then due, together with full cofts of fuit, and have fuch remedy for the fame, as allowed by law in other cafes ; which money and cofts when paid fliall be allowed to fuch treafurer in his ac- count with faid truftees. XX\. fe-ct 21. If any perfons whatfoever, owning, renting, or occu conviacd of per- pying any land near unto any turnpike in purfuance of this or faid former mating, palTagc ne»r ads, fhall for gain, reward, or otherwife, wittingly or willingly permit wr.pikes en oath any perfon whatfoever to pafs through any gate, paifage, or way with any ^^!°'yj ""^'^^s 0^ coach, berlin, calalTi, chaife, or chair, waggon, wain, cart, car, or car- '■''''"■ ' riage, or riding, or driving any horfe, mare, gelding, mule, or afs, or any fort of cattle, and be thereof convided upon oath before faid truftees, any feven or more, or any one Juflice fcr county or county of city of Dublin, (haii Penalty 1 OS. (hall t'oifeit and pay to truftees authorized to put this ad into execution ten fhillings, to levy by diflrefs and fale of offender's goods, by warrant under hand and feal of fuch juftice, or of faid truftees, or any five or more, rendering overplus to owner if any, the charges of taking and dif- pofing being firft deduced. side-gates erefletl, XXII. feet. 22. It fhail be lawful for faid truftees or any feven to ered one or more gates, or turnpikes, and toU-houfes on the fide of faid roads, or acrofs any way or lane leading out, and there to receive and not extended to the take fuch toll, fo as the fame do not extend to any of the great roads now g|^eat roads intoDuk,]^j,j|^g 1^^^^ the city of Dublin, nor to create a double charge, in cafe of ilor a double charge. Pa'^ing through any other of the turnpikes ereded by this ad between the city of Dublin and any of the adjacent counties. Colleaors to account XXIII. feet. 23. Every colledor of tolls fhall on firft Tuefday of monthly on oaih by every month, or oftner, if required, give in a true and perfed account in ttealurer, writing Upon refpedive oaths of all money, received by them, for or on account of the tolls, which oath treafureis of faid roads are impowered to puniflied for perjury, adminifter ; and if any fwear falfely in making fuch affidavit, they ftiall upon convidion fuffer all pains and penalties of a perfon convided of committing wilful and corrupt perjury. Salariies allowed at XXIV. feet. 24. Said truftees or any feven, at any general board in g«neral board, purfuance of this ad, fhall order and allow to treafurer, coUedors, receivers, or to any overfeer of faid roads or foot-paths any compenfation, by way of annual falary, or otherwife, that they or any feven in difcretion think treafurer not above fit, not exceeding forty pounds fterling to fuch treafurer by the year; 40I. yearly, twenty pounds by year for each colledor or receiver 1 and eishteen pence CO eftors 20I each, ■ »i 1 r r 111 r ■ 1 ■ '^ overfeers i8d. per 1. '" '■"^ pound tor every fum expended by any overfeer m making or re- pairing fuch roads and foot-paths. Payments (not aSove XXV. feet. 25. Said truftees or any feven fhall have power from 50I. one time) or- \xvn.^. 26. No money granted at any board for making or re- or repairing unleis pairing, unlefs it appear by affidavit of two credible perfons, who can bSSe'Silicerw ^^^'^ .^"d w""'"^^' ht^ox& fome juftice for the county, or county of city of at board, of the ne- Dublin, or before faid truftees at faid board, (which oath faid juftices and ceffity, truftees are impowered to adminifter) that fuch a fum is necelTary to make or repair fo many perches of faid roads or foot-paths at fo much by the perch, and that a fmaller fum will not be fufficient to repair or make the no payment to over- fame; and no money fhall be paid by treafurer to any overfeer, unlefs leer without affidavit fuch overfeer deliver to fuch treafurer an affidavit, fworn before a board, ''^d"^ tt^°"'^' (which oath fuch truftees are impowered to adminifter) that faid fum hath en oath. hztn faithfully and honeftly expended in making or repairing fo many perches of faid roads or foot-paths, and for his wages, at not more than eighteen pence for each pound fo expended in making or repairing faid: roads or foot-paths, and that he did attend faid work diligently and care- fully, and fhall alfo produce an exad account of men, horfes, and carts or cars employed each day at faid work, and fhall fwear to truth of faid account. xxvn. XXVII. feet. 27. Said truftees, or any feven, fhall meet at fuch days -"even trurtees to and places within the city or county of city, or any other place conve- [".'^^' ^"'^ adjourn ; nient to faid road, as by them, or any feven, from time to time appointed, 'treai\i'rer'to"lrfver- and adjourn their meetings to fuch times and places as aforefaid, as they tit^, zodiysat leaft; or any feven think proper ; and if there fhall not appear at any meeting bear their own ex- a fufficient number, to a6t and to adjourn, the treafurer by notice in P'^"<^es. Gazette, or other publick. news-paper, at leall twenty days before next meeting, fhall appoint faid truftees to meet where the meeting was laft appointed, or at fome other convenient place near faid roads ; and faid truftees at every meeting ftiall defray their own expences. XXVIII. feet. 28. Upon death of any faid truftees, or refigning or re- Vacancy fuppHed at fufing to adt, it fhall be lawful for faid truftees or any feven at general board. board to eledt another in room, which perfon fhall be to all intents vefted with all powers and authorities for carrying this a6t into execution. XXIX./fr/^. 29. It fhall be lawful for faid truftees, or any feven, or over- Overfeers may dig feer or other perfon by them or any feven appointed at any general board, and take materialt and for all perfons employed by fuch overfeer, to dig for, raife, gather, '™ *"y gf°un<'^- take, and carry away any gravel, fand, ftones, or other materials wanted "°' S*'"*^"^- ^'^• for making, repairing, or preferving faid roads and foot-paths, out of any grounds of any perfons not a garden, orchard, yard, planted walk or walks, or avenue to a houfe, where fuch materials are or may be found, and from time to time to carry away fuch and fo much as necelfary for making or repairing fuch roads and foot-paths or any other works carried on by faid truftees, or any feven, paying neverthelefs fucli, damages to parinR damage ; owner or occupier of fuch ground as fhall be reafonable ; and in cafe faid aiccnained by -^ truftees, or the perfons appointed by them to raife fuch materials, dif- "e'g'^bouj-s, one agree about the quantum of fuch compofition, fuch damages fhall be af- ^|^^°,^''|r,7byaiu'rt[cei certained by three fubftantial houfe-holders of the neighbourhood adjoin- fwom to appiaiie ; ' ing to the place, where fuch materials are to be raifed, one named by each payment tliereon ; of the parties, and the third by the next or any neighbouring juftice, who ^'"^''"'^'"S P°"^''y fhall be fworn by fuch juftice to be appraifers of fuch damages to the beft "°'* "^'^ ^ ' of their fkill ; which damages fo afcertained fhall bs paid by treafurer im- mediately upon producing a writing, figncd by faid appraifers, afcerrain- ing Inch damages ; and if any perfon obftrudl or prevent faid truftees, overfeers, or perfons appointed in digging for, raifing, or carrying away fuch materials, fuch perfon fhall upon conviftion by oath of one credible wimefs, before any one juftice for county, or county of city of Dublin, forfeit for every fuch offence a fum not exceeding five pounds, levied, v/ith the charges attending, by diftrefs and fale of goods of offender by wariant of any one juftice of county, or county of city. XXX. feet. 30. Every perfon who fliall lay any dirt, dung, ftraw, Nnirsnre<^ penalty rubbiili, allies, or fcowering of any ditches or drains, or other likh, or ""« ^tKJve zo.i. any ftones or timber within forty feet of centre of faid roads, or burn any bricks 01 v/eeds, or build any lime kiln or fmith's forge within two hundred )ards of faid roads, or pull dov/n or injure any part of any bridge, toll-houfe, foot- path, gate, turnpike-poft, mile-ftone, finger-poft, or any other thing belonging to faid roads or foot-paths, or put up any fign-poft or May-bulh, dig any ditch, pit, hole, or drain, build any wall, or leave any car or cart in the night from fun-fet to fun-iife within thirty leet of centre of faid roads, or the carcafe of any iiorfe, mu'e, afs, or beaft. beafl-, or fkin any dead beaft within one hundred yards of the centre ; or fhall lead or drive any car or cart with timber, boards, or iron lafhed crofs-ways, or fcrape the gravel off any part of faid road or foot-paths, fhall upon conviiftion by oath of one credible witnefs before any one jullice of county, or county of citv of Dublin, or upon view of every fuch juf- tice, for every fuch offence forfeit a fum not exceeding twenty fhillings, to be levied by diftrefs and fale of goods, by warrant of any one juftice of faid county, or county of city, and alfo fuch timber, boards, or iron abaiedj to the perfon who fhall feize the fame ; and faid truftees, or any kven may order any houfe, or part of a houfe, lirne-kiln, fmiths forge, wall, or ditch, hereafter built or made contrary to intent of this ad, to be pulled down ; and any perfon may take and carry away all fuch dung, dirt, ftraw, afhes, rubbifh, and fcowering of ditches or drains, or timher, Stc. and other fikh, ftones or timber fo laid, and appl/ the fame to his own rubbilh taken. ^ .,',. ri r j ufe, Without bemg fued or prolecuted. Nobuildino-^ onthe XXXI. /d-^. 31. No part of land purchafed by this a6t for any part roads, faie'toD- of faid roads, or any part of the lands through which faid roads fhall hoNfes, nor within pafs, fhall be made ufe of for erefting any building whatfoever, other ^5 'eet i {jjjjj^ f-^^^Yi toll-houfes as are or may be erefted by order of faid truflees ; and no building whatfoever, except fuch toll-houfe, fhall be eretled within twenty-five feet of faid road on eidier fide, and no building whatfoever, except houfes whofe walls fhall be feventeen feet high at leafl, and built with ftones or bricks and lime, mortar, and well fafhed and flated, fhall be ereded within eighty feet of faid road on either fide : and no part of nor witlvn So feet ^^''^ ^°^^ ^'^^^ ^^ paved without a licence firft obtained under hands and unlefs 17 feet walls, feals of faid truflees, or any feven ; and if any fuch buildings, hereafter of ftnne, &c. falhed ereded contrary to true intent and meaning of this adt, it fhall be lawful and tlated ; f^j. f^j^^ truflees, or any feven, to order to be pulled down ; and no per- licerce"^ witiout ^-^^ keeping an inn, ale-houfe, or houfe of publick entertainment, or who buildings abated ; fhall fell ale, wine, brandy, or other fpirituous liquors, fhall be capable no publican to hold of taking, holding, or enjoying any place of trufl or profit under this place. aa. Riding or dilvlng on ^XXII. /f/7. 32. If any perfon ride or drive any horfe, beafl or cattle, foot-path, on the foot-path, fuch perfon upon convidion by oath of any one credible penalty not above witncfs before any onejuflice of county, or county of city, or upon the 20s. by diftrefs and view of fuch juftice, for every fuch offence forfeit a fum not exceeding ftleof the horfe. twenty fhillings, levied by diftrefs and fale of the horfe, beafl, or cattle all penalties tn pro- ^^ ridden or driven on fuch foot-path ; and one moiety of all forfeitures fecuior and houfe and pecuniary penalties inflided by this ad fhall go to profecutor, with of induihy. f^jH cofts, the Other to governors of the houfe of induflry for county of Dublin. Tuflices for the XXXIII. feet. ^2- Juflices of p'ace for county and county of city of county and city im- Dublin impowered to put this ad into execution, fo far as relates to powered ; them, and to adminifter the feveral oaths before direded within their ju- i pav'ptnait7?nt'to rifdidions ; and if any perfon, convided of any offence by this ad, not hard labour n')t a- ^ble to pay penalty, it fhall be lawful for the jufliee andjuftices, before bj,c3 inontl.s. whom convided, to fend fuch perfon to the woikhoufe, houfe of induftry, or of corredion of the county or county of city, to remain at hard la- bour for fuch time as faid juflices think proper, not exceeding three months. XXXIV. feet. XXXIV. feet. l\. Every perfon guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, ''-'•j'lrr. '"org'iig falfe affirming, or forging or counteifeiting the name of any juftice or "^"'^'' P""'"'"'- rruftee, treafurer, coUettor, or ovcrfeer of faid roads, and thereof con- vided by due couife of law, fliall incur the pains and penalties by law enaded againfh wilful and coiriipt perjury. XXXV. /tff/. 35> No gale, turnpike, or toll-houfe, fhall be ereded, ^'o tumpite on 1 14. or tolls paid, upon any part of the road made by late lord Fitzwilliam, ■'^''''"'"''''■'""'^^°*<* between Rings- end bridge and the road from Dublin to Donnybrooke, ''"''''"' ""''•"^• without confent of the prefent lord Fitzwilliam. XXXVI. /ff/. 2)^. It lliall be lawful for faid truftees, or any fifteen, ,^ imfteesmay to eftablifh a ferry-boat or ferry-boats for carriages over the Anna LiHey, eiUbliih fenyi.'oais. oppofite to or near the marine nurfery, and to make fuch convenient ways '•^"M-*'^"".',^y and palfages, and defences to fuch boats, as faid truftees or any fifteen *^'=""-'"^| °^^ P''*^'" think necelTary ; (provided no fuch works or defences fhall be carried jnd take toil ; within the prefent walls of faid river v/ithout confent of the pilot com- mittee of city of Dublin, or majority of them) and to impower any per- fon or perfons to demand, receive, and take the following tolls and du- ties, before permitted to pafs over faid ferry ; for every horfe, mare, geld- ferriage ; ing, or other cattle, two pence ; every coach, berlin, chariot, calafh, or chaife, one fliilling ; every two-wheel chaiie or chair, fix pence halfpenny; every fedan chair, three pence ; every four-wheeled cart with fix inch wheels, four pence ; every two wheeled cart with fix inch wheels, two pence; every car, two pence; and for every perfon, one penny ; which ftUBS fhall be raifed by and veiled in faid truftees, and paid, ap- vefled in truftees, plied, difpofed of, and alfigned to and for the eftablifliing fuch ferry- and applied, boats, and for making fuch convenient ways, palfages and defences, for the purpofes and under regulations before mentioned. XXXVII. fe£l. 37. Said truftees, or any feven, may borrow money 7 tn^ae^s tnay bor- on credit of the tolls, and apply the fame in defraying the expences ofiow on tolls andaf- this ad, and carrying the fame into full execution, and aifign over faid '"2" ^^ itcutity, tolls, or any part, by writing under hands and feals, for any time or ""''^ '"'^^'^'^ term during this aft, as a fecurity for any money advanced or lent to them on credit thereof, payable to fuch perfons who fhall fo lend, with fuch rate of intereft, not exceeding the legal intereft, by the hundred, as faid truftees, or any feven, by writing under hands and feals, prom ife or agree to pay ; which intereft ihall be paid half-yearly by treafurer of faid road, according to agreement of faid truftees, or any feven. ,..^5 .J., XXXVIII. fea. 38. The feveral tolls and duties hereby granted fliall Tolls continued 41 take place and have continuance from firft of May 1778, for and durino-rev^ '■' -t 'ft. May the term of forty-one years. '773 XXXIX. fe£l. S9- Provided no truftees for putting this a<5l into exccu-No phce or profit tion fhall have or accept of any place or profit arihng out of or by rea- to iruikej. fon of the toll or duty by this acl laid or granted ; but fuch perfons. lliall be incapable from the time of accepting and continuing to .enjoy fuch place or profit of afting as a truftee. XL. feet. 40. If any fuit commenced for any thing done in purfuance Suits for afiing in of this ad, the adion fhall be commenced within fix calendar months next 6.i"o"t'i-^; after fadl committed, and not, afterwards, and fliall be laid in county of '^'_'^ '"'^Y''"'' city of Dublin, and not elfewhere, and defendants may plead general jf_ S'-ni-'s' "'>Je, &c. fue, and give this atl and fpecial matter in evidence on any trial there- upon, and that the fame was done in purfuance of this ad; and if it ap- M - pL^ar pear to have been done, or that fuch adion or fuit brought after time (o limited, or in any other county or place than in county of city of Dubh'n, treble cofts to de- the jury fhall find for defandants ; and upon fuch verdid, or if tlie plain- fendants. tiff nonfuited, or difcontinue after defendants have appeared, or if on de- murrer judgment againft plaintiff, defendants may recover treble cofts, and have like remedy, as any defendants have in any other cafes by law. XIL. feet. 41. This a<5t deemed a publick ad, and judicially taken A publick afi. notice of as fuch by all judges, juftices, and other perfons whatfoever, without fpecially pleading. Recital 13 & '4G. XLII. Slat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 22. fe^. i. After ift June 1778, fhereon^' *"*^ °" '' '^ ^^^' ^^ lawful for Grand Juries of counties, and counties of cities and prefentnient to re- towns, by prefentment to grant fuch fums as they think neceflary for pair bridges iliu' no repairing any bridge in fuch counties, although no plan of the work to be plan annexed to done be annexed to the affidavit, upon which fuch prefentment grounded ; and for'roads tho' 3"^^ ^^f^ to grant fuch fums as they think necelTary, for making or re- fer lefs perches or pairing any road in fuch counties, on any barony or half-barony in which fum thanfworn to fuch roads fituated, although the prefentment be for a fmaller number of in affidavit. perches or a fmaller fum than is fworn to in the affidavit, upon which fuch prefentment is grounded ; and for the judge of adize to confirm fuch prefentment. XLiri. /t^3. 2. Every perfon, who fhall expofe to fale after ift Sep- Sale of carcaie or tember 1778 the carcafe or hide of any beaft or any part in the prin- hide^m principal ^^jp^j fl-j-ggjg ^f ^ny town, through which travellers ufually pafs from Dubliri to Bel- Dublin to Belfaft, fhall upon convidion by OBth of one credible witnefs faft forfeited, and before any one juftice of the county where fuch offence committed, or 40s. on warrant of upon view of any fuch juftice, for every fuch offence forfeit not exceed- j"'^'"' ing forty fhillings, levied by diftrefs and fale of goods by warrant of fuch juftice, and alfo fuch carcafe or hide, or part of a carcafe. XLIV. /f/Z. 3. It fhall be lawful for grand jury of any county by pre- Prefenttnent far fentment to raife fuch fums, as they think necelfary, upon any barony or not'aUvrisX^er half-barony for making, widening, and deepening drains on each fide of perch. any publick road in fuch barony or half-barony, which has been or fhall and IS. per pound be made through a bog, and for carrying off the water that may injure overfeers, f^,^,h road : provided fuch fum fhall not exceed twelve-pence for each perch of fuch drain, and for wages to overfeer appointed for fuch work, not exceeding one fhilling for each pound expended. Affidavit by 2 lite- XLV. fi-^. 4. Provided no fum fhall be fo prefented, unlefs it appear rate before 2 juftices by affidavit by two credible perfons, who can read and write, before any °f^^"'%'^o'''^^le two juftices for fuch county, that the fum required is a reafonable charge, a nece r;', ^^^ ^^^^ work necelTary, and cannot be efFedually executed for a fmaller to the beft of their judgement ; and no fum of money fhall be paid by treafurer of any county on account of any fuch prefentment, until it ap- and by one overfeer pear to grand jury and judge of affize by affidavit of one of the overleers, before a judge that who can read and write, fworn before one of the judges of aflize, that faithfully expended, ^{^g f^^j^ f^ accounted for hath been faithfully and honeftly expended in execution of the woik, for which granted by fuch prefentment, to beft of his fkill and judgment. M. XLVL XLVl./e^. 5. Whereas the publick roads receive great damage by Overfeerj to add ta overfeers negleding to oblige landholders to keep ditches on each fide affidavits that the fcoured, the words following, viz. (and that the ditches which are on each ditches are efTcftualty fide of the faid road are efFedually fcoured, and a free paffage made 'Xge^or'^wller. for the water) Ihall be added to the affidavit, which fuch overfeer is obliged by law to make, before he receives the money prefented for repair of fuch road. XLVII. fen. 6. Whereas by an ad thirty-third George the fecond, Recital 33G. 2. c. chapter eight; if it appear to any judge by two witnefles upon oath, ^ ^"^ '■*■ within one year after any .query or a prefentment for highway or bridge difcharged, that faid court was deceived or impofed upon by any affidavit time for procefs on for difcharging fuch query, and the road or bridge not made or built pur- diichargcd query en- fuant to the prefentment, the judge may notwithftanding fuch query dif- ^'^'^ to 2 year^, charged ilTue procefs againft overfeers, as if faid query never anfwered ; and whereas the time allowed for iffi.iing fuch procefs is not found fufficient, the time allowed for ifluing procefs upon fuch query may be enlarged or extended to two years inflead of one year. XLVIII. fefl. 7. Any juftice, who fhall have a freehold eftate of one M^^oJ- .ool a hundred pounds per annum in any barony or baronies in county of Down, /)"4«^mayon"vievi' fhall be impowered on view to abate all nuifances, to remove all encroach- remove nuifances. ments, on any of the roads in fuch barony or baronies in faid counties, wherein he fhall have fuch freehold, and have the fame power and autho- rity to proceed to abatement of fuch nuifances or encroachments, as the church-wardens in laws now give to any juftice on complaint to him of any nuifance ; and £>cwn overfeers to the feveral church-wardens of every parilli in county of Down fhall be Prevent nuifances, overfeers of the roads to prevent encroachments and nuifances on the fame, and have fame powers and authorities within their parifhes, that the "■'^ Fefentment for overfeers or fub-conltables appointed by grand jury ot any other county have by the ad aforefaid ; and no money fhall be prefented or raifed off any barony or parilh in faid county for payment of any fuch overfeer for trouble in executing fuch office. XLIX. /(ft-/. 8. juries of Antrim, Donegall, Down, Kerry, Kildare, King's-County, Limerick, Wicklow, and city and county of Londonder- ,-'"'' J""" "^ "'■ L n- n- II 1 r 11 j i ■ tain counties mav ly, at each aiiizes mail nave tull power and authority to enter into any at affizes contract contrad or agreement by the year with any perfons for keeping any part by the year tor or proportion o-f the pubhck roads of faid county, heretofore made or re- l<^eping roads In re- paired by prefentments, in fufficient order and repair for anytime not^^"^"'^' above 4 exceeding four years ; which fliall be figned by parties, with whom the figned hy parties, grand juries make the fame, and fhall be delivered over to clerk of the delivered to ciown crown, to be kept with records of faid counties ; and grand juries of faid '^''^^'^• counties fhall have full power and authority to prefent any fum to be j^jf^g^'' ''^ records, Jevied and raifed off the inhabitants of the refpedive baronies or half- not aboveVd". haU". baronies to be paid to the perfons, wiph whom they make fuch contrad or per perch tor con- agreement, provided the fame Iball not exceed two-pence half-penny by "aftors, the perch of road fo to be kept in repair, and fo for a greater or lelTer proportion of road. L. /f^. 9. Provided no part of the money fo prefented fhall be paid Notpa'd till con- by treafurer of faid county, until fuch contradors make affidavit before "^^"''^ affid^mts _ the judge of affize, that fuch proportion of road is at that time in fuffici- bdnaV^dlkilnt °^ Ma cnt " ■■ order, and al'owed ent order and repair, and until fuch affidavit allowed and palled by the then by g jury and judge- g^g^^j j^^y and judge of afiize. rrefeosment not «- Ll./f^. ID. Whereas grand juries are allowed to prefent not exceed- bove I ool. for cacli jjjg j^ the wbolc one hundred pounds for an accurate furvey and map of loooooaaes m the^jj^jj. ^^^jj^j ^^^ ^^jj £-^,j^ -^ ^^^^ proportioned to the various fizes of csuntylor a map, . -/•niirir i- <:i_ «- kept by trealurer a- cciinties : It ihall be lawful for grand jury or each county at any aflizes mong records, to prefent on county at large any fums not exceeding in the whole one hundred pounds for each one hundred thoufand acres in fuch county, according to county books, or the ufual computation thereof, and fo in proportion for any lefs quantit)', for obtaining an accurate furvey and map thereof; fuch map v.hsn finillied to be depoiited and kept by trea- ffiide without affida- fufcr of fuch county among the rccorcU iand faid prefentment may be made vi{ or eftimate. -without any affidavit or eftimate of the probable expcnce thereof being previoufly laid before them. On fecuri-y, appro- LII. fc-ii. 1 1. Provided no money fhall be paid on afccount of any fuch xed by grand jury, prefcntment^ Until faid furvey finifhed, and map delivered to the treafurer by lurveyor to com- ^^^ approved of by the grand jury, unlefs fufficient fecurity given to the mapirtimeVpeciti- treafurer, and approved of by the grand jury, by the furveyors for corn- ed, treafurer to pay pleating faid furvey, and delivering faid map on the terms and within not above i 3 ds be ,;he tjme fpecified in fuch fecurity ; in which cafe it fhall be lawful for the tore lurvty finifhed grand jury from time to time to direil treafurer to pay any fum not ex- ceeding two-third parts of the money prefented to fuch furveyors to ena- ble them to proceed in making fuch furvey, before fuch furvey actually finiilied. No reward demand- LIII. fcct. 12. If any juftice of peace or other perfon demand or take ed or taken for any money or reward for fwearing any affidavit directed 10 be made by fwearing any affida- ^y^e adt for amending the publick roads, or by this aft ; every fuch jnf- ^"' . I tice or perfon offending fhall forfeit five pounds to profecutor or informer, by civil bill. to be recovered by any perfon who fhall lue by civil bill. County and city of LIV. feL^. 1 3. Provided nothing herein fliall extend to the county or Dublin excepted, county of city of Dublin, except fo far as relates to impower grand juries fave as to piefent- ^^ grant prefentments for making maps or furveys of counties. xnent lot maps. or o r j LV. Shit. 17 & 18 Geo. 5. c^p. z^.Ject. i. Whereas the feveral regu- i^& 140.3,0. lations by feveral laws for repairing the turnpike-roads, from Dublin to fhet"u°np^k.e"ioacs° Dunleer, fiom Dunleer to Dundalk, from Dundalk to Newry and Ban- recited or to the bridge, and from Dublin to Kinnegad and Mullingar, are fully fuffici- trutlees appointed, cient to enforce a due execution of the faid laws refpeftively ; and the their proceedings, feveral regulations in faid recited ad are unneceiTary to be extended to '^' faid roads, or the truflees of the fame, and would, if extended, be at- tended with great inconvience, not being comformable in many inftances to the regulations by faid feveral laus : nolliing in faid recited atl con- tained fhall extend to faid recited loads, or any of them, or the truftees appointed for the fame, or to their proceedings, treafurers, clerks, over- feers, or fervants, or any of them, nor to any treafurer of a county, or clerk of the peace, for or in refpett of the fame. 3G. 2. c. 19. LVI. Stat. 17 & 18GV0. 3. cap. 37. feEl. \. The feveral ads and andyG. 2 C22. every authority, power, penalty and claufe contained, fliall be of full and 15 & j6 G. 3, ^^j.^^ g^j effed, and executed from the end of thisfellion, for and during the further term of one yeiir, and until the end of thtf next enfuing fellion, conunutd i year, excepting fuch parts of faid ads v/hich relate to the roads leading from ^^- !' '" '°^'^\t u •KT XT ui J r XT ^ ir w ■ . r R^ .1 Horn Nii'an loNob Navan to Nobber, and rrom Navan to Kel's, in county or Meath. benni Kelli. LVII. fefl. 2. The tolls and duties granted by faid a*'*' *"!| "'"^' ^^' until the truftees therein named fhall certify under their hands, that faid cj"j"y compleated, roads llTall have been compleatly and fufficiently repaired; and tiience- forth, and not fooner, the faid tolls and duties fhall be applied to all the then to purpofes ufes and purpofes provided for, and intended by, the faid feveral atls or F™>"ded. any of them. LVIII. Stat. 17 & i8 Geo. 3. cap. 2,9- fetl. r. Whereas an ad paflTed ^ • , , p thirteenth of George the fecond, for repairing the road from the town of ^^" *■' ' Nenagh : for better furveying, ordering, amending, and keeping in repair the faid road, the honourable Robert Rochfort, fir William Parfons, John Lloyd, Peter Holmes, Thomas Coghlan, reverend Thomas Daw fon,. „ „ Henry Prittie, John Bayley, Daniel Toler, Francis Sadler, William ' Vaughan, John Greene, Wentworth Parfons, John Head, Daniel Rogers, George Pepper, Samuel Judge, Charles Minchin, Samuel Abbot, James Otway, reverend archdeacon Synge, Richard Gafon, Theobald Pepper, captain John Robiufon, Charles Atkinfon, major George Clarges, William Newftead, Andrew Armftrong of Callen, Lawrence Parfons, Mullock, efquire, counfellor at law, Gultavus Handcock, reverend Anthony Malone, Edmond Malone of Ballynahown, George Clibborn, James Clibborn, John Loftus Cuppaidge, Richard Penncfather, Thomas Woods, Benjamin Woods, reverend Abraham Downes, reverend Abraham Dovvnes, junior, Jeremiah Hanks, John Wilkinfon, Robert Jackfon, major Upton, Thomas Bernard, junior, Anderfon Saunders, Richard Faulkner, Michael Menitt, George Stoney, William Smith, William AVoodward, William Woodward, junior, John Toler, Thomas Otway, Cooke Otway, John Bayley, junior, George Harden, Henry Duggan, Denis Kelly, John Kelly, reverend Tho- mas Falkiner, Robert Dillon, John Green, major Edmond Malone, John Head, Morgan O Mara, Henry O Brien, George Heney, Jonathan Wil- lington, Thomas Stoney, George Synge, Casfar Otway, Stafford O Brien, Thomas Pepper, William Pennefather, Simon Pepper, Richard Beggs, Thomas Falkiner of Lifbrien, Edward Ledger, Jofeph Rogers, Paul Min- nitt, Jofiah Minnitt, John Willington, George Jackfon, Manfell An- drews, Henry Palmer, Ralph Smyth, reverend John Smyth, and the fur- vivors and furvivor of them, nominated and appointed truftees of faid road ; and they or any five or more, or fuch perfons as they appoint, may erect gates, turnpikes, upon any part of faid highway, and alfo toll- houfes, and there take the tolls and duties following ; for every coach, ^j^^ j^j; berlin, chariot, chaife, or chair drawn by fix horfes, geldings, mares, or mules, two ("hillings and three pence -, drawn by any leffer number and more than two, one fhilling and fix pence ; drawn by two nine pence; for every waggon, wain, cart, or other carriage with four v/hetls drawing beams or grofs timber, fifteen fhillings ; and. for every v/aggon, wain, cart, or other carriage, drawing beams or other grofs timber, one (hilling and'. and fix pence ; for every wain, cart, or other carriage with two wheels, drawn by two or more horfes, mares, geldings, mules, or oxen, feven fhillings and fix pence ; for every cart or other carriage drawn with two horfes, geldings, mares, or mules, fix pence ; for every carriage common- ly called a chair or chaife, or capriole, with one horfe, mare, mule, or gelding, fix pence; for every car or other carriage drawn but by one horfe, mare, mule, or gelding, three half-pence, except cars laden with turf, and for each of them three farthings ; and for any horfe or other cattle laden with turf not drawing three farthings; for every horfe, mare, or gelding, mule or afs, laden or unladen, not drawing three half-pence ; for every drove of oxen, cows, or neat cattle, two fhillings and fix pence per fcore, and fo in proportion for any greater or kfler number ; for every drove of calves, hogs, fheep, goats, or lambs, feven pence halfpenny per fcore, and fo in proportion ; which fums fhall be demanded and taken in name of toll or duty, and the money raifed fhall be veiled in faid truftees, and the fame and every part paid, applied, difpofed, and aifigned to and for the feveral ufes, intents, and purpofes, in fuch manner as after men- tioned ; and faid truftees or any five or more impowered by themfelves or any perfons by them or any five under their hands and feals authorized to levy the toll or duty upon any perfons, who after demand negled or refufe to pay, by diftrefs of any liorfes or other cattle or goods upon which fuch toll or duty impofed, or upon any of the goods and chattels of fuch perfons who ought to pay, and may detain and keep until fuch toll or duty with reafonable charges of diftrainingand keeping paid ; and it may be lawful for perfons fo diftraining, after five days after diftrefs taken, to fell the goods, returning the overplus (if any) upon demand, to owner. LIX. feci. 2. Out of the firft money arifing out of the profits of the timipikes faid truftees or any five fhall firft pay and difchaig: the ex- pences of procuring this ad\, and of ered\ing fuch turnpikes, and building and repairing fuch toll-houfes, and buying or renting ground to erec\ or build the fame upon, and thenceforth the whole of the profits arifing from the tolls flrall be applied for and towards the repair, and Ihiortening of faid road. LX. feet. 3. Provided no part of the money arifing from faid tolls fhall be applied to any other purpofe, except to the repair of faid road, and that the truftees fhall be accountable for fuch furplus, as fhall remain after faid road effetlually repaired ; and if faid road can be kept in good and efFedual repair for a lefs fum, than that which fhall be annually pro- duced by the tolls, fo of^en as there fhall be any furplus, faid commilfion- ers or any fifteen or more, fhall in I'uch proportion, as they think fit, by order under hands and feals reduce the tolls impofed and payable by this aft. LXI. feet. 4. Provided if any complaint made to any of the judges of afiiie for county of Tipperary, King's-county, or county of Wcftmeath, t'hat any part of faid road is out of repair, fuch judge, to whom fuch com- plaint made, fliall examine into the matter of fuch complaint upon oath in a fummary way, and if he find any part of faid road out of repair, he fliall by order in writing diredl the whole of faid tolls, or fo much as ne- ceilary, to be applied to putting faid road into fuch repair as before mentioned. LXII. LXII. feet. 5. Treafurer of tolls of faid road fhall on firft diy of every afTizes return to clerk of crown of each county, where a gate erefted, a particular account figned by him, and verified by affidavit at the foot, fworn before one of the judges of aifize for faid county or counties re- ffwtlively, fpecifying the fum received at each turnpike on faid road, the fums paid by him, to whom, for what, and when, the balance (if any) remaining in his hands ; and the clerk of crown fhall lay, the fame before the grand jury at faid allizes to be infpeded by them, and afterwards file the lame in his office. LXni. feet. 6. If fuch treafurer negledt to return fuch account at the time herein mentioned, he fliall be incapable of holding or exercifing fuch office ; and the judge of affize is authorized upon due proof of fuch omif- Cen or neglet7. 3. All powers vtfted in laid corporation by any law now in coiporuioniciitwed. fQj-^e renewed and granted in as full and ample manner, as if the claufts granting were repeated and re-enacted in this act. No new warrsntf by IV. feH. 4. After ihis act it Ihail not be lawful for faid corporation to co.pora'ionior mo- j^gj^f ifliie. Or grant any new warrants or orders for raifing or paying any rev liil formei dil- ' r r j r r • j .■ f r r C ,-^ ^^ money out of funds of faid corporation for any purpole (payment or Javeiori3iaiesr<-n". officers and fervants fahuics, houfe-rent, and fuch fums as neceffary to 01 accidental Lieach- repair any accidental breaches in any navigation now in ufe, and which the tolls of fuch navigation not fufficient to repair, excepted) until all out- f% for which toW _ {landing and unfatisfied warrants or orders of faid corporation for money '"'"'''*^'*"'- already granted, and all debts already incurred by faid corporation, fully difcharged; any law, by-law, refolution^ or order of faid corporation to contrary in any wife notwithffanding. V. feet. 5. When all fuch warrants for payment of money already Arrears difcTiarged^ granted, or debts already incurred by the faid corporation, paid off and funher grants by difcharged, and faid corporation thereby entirely relieved from debt and '^°''P.°""."" ''•""''* arrear, it fhall not be lawful for faid coi'poration to refolve, order, or "^"^1-"^.^,^^"!' y^^^;"*^ grant any money to be raifed or paid out of the funds for any purpofe whatfoever (paymerrt of officers and fervanls falaries, houfe-rent, and fuch fums as neceffary to repair any accidental breaches in any navigation now in life, and which toll of fuch navigation not fufficient to repair, excepted) unlefs there lliall be in the funds of faid corporation at the refpective times of making fuch orders, refolutions, or grants, fo much as fuffi- cient to difchaige the fame ; and if not as much money as will fa- tisfy the fame, faid orders, refolutions, or grants of faid corporation fhall be null and void to all intents; any act of parliament, by-law, refo- lution, or order of faid corporation to contrary notwithflanding, furies. r. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. 45. feet. 3. It fliall be lawful for King's- y^.j^^ ^,3^ „„ <-oun- bench, Ccmmon-pleas, and Exchequer refpectively, upon motion by cii's motion be ftiucb the proper officer of each court for the trial of any ilfue, joined in any of fpecial juries are on faid cafes, and triable by a jury of twelve men, in fuch manner as fpecial trials at bar. juries have been and are ufually ftruck in fuch courts refpectively upon trials at bar in the fame courts. \\. fea. \. The jury fo ftruck fhall be the jury returned for trial of And fliiil fie the jury faid ilfue, and fummoned by the fherifF or other officer appointed to re- ''f"""'^'' '^^^f '■'=''• turn the fime at leaft fix days before the affizes or fittings, at which fuch j" bdme"*^ ilTue is to be tried. III. feet. 5. The party, who fliall apply for fuch jury to be ftruck, llialt Fees Ix-m by the bear and pay the fees for ftriking. fuch jury, and fliall not have any allow- P^'''>'' *'-^ "°' '*^^''- ance for the fame upon taxation of cofts. IV. feet. 6. Where any fpecial jury ordered by rule of any of faid In ci:ie? or counties courts to be ftruck by the proper officer in manner ai'orefaid, in any caufeo*" towns. (Kenffs arifing in any city or county of a city or town, the llieriff or CherifTs Hvall '■'^" ^^T^^V^Z.v, . ^, 11/1 11- ^ , , , , - - • I omcer lilts 01 qnaii- be ordered by luch rule to bring, or caufe to b; brought, beiore laid tied jurors, as the officer, the books or lifts of perions qualified to ferve onjuries uithinthc gLiad pannel for tti- fame, out of which juries ought to be returned by fuch fherifts in like als ^it bar in coumie^ manner as the grand pannell ufually oidered to be brought in order to ^' '"S^' ftriking juries for trial at bar in caufes ariling in counties at large ; andju,y ftnirk thceout. in every fuch cafe the jury ftiall bs tak%:n and ftruck cut of fxh bock or nil refpectively. \.f^. Not fbmniDnir.g In writing every perlbn ftruck or returned flic clays hilbre, fined not above jol. nor under tul. eftresced. Not apffaring, on oa:h of I'uginions, fine not shove 20I. nor ur.der 5I. eftrea-ed, unlefs caufeon oath allowed, 7tdes may be order- ed. diiwn by ballot, till fulTicient numba ap- J«ar. As valid as if (red bv 12 originally ilruck. V. f0Ct, 7, If flierifts, or fuch other officer appointed to rie forfeited and further three pounds for every hogfhead, and fo in proportion, to the per- 3' P" hogftead, fon that bought; and every perfon except importer, who fhall fell and certificate by every deliver to any one buyer at one time four or more pecks, or any larger vender, except iii»' quantity or parcel, of flax or hemp-feed for fowing or to be fown, fhall P°""' .*'*^+P^'''' with every fuch parcel deliver to buyer a certificate (if demanded} fub- ',7me°rnd^abode of fciibed expreffing truly the quantity and price, and that the fame was fo his vender, and cou». fold to be fown, and name and place of abodie of the perfon from whom "y, anJ growth as he bought, and of the country where it grew, and year of growth, as cer- '^'"''*'' '° '^""' tified to him by fuch perfon ; and if fuch feed the produce of. this king- if of this kingdom, dom, the name of the county where it grew, and year of growth, uporv he county and pain of foi failing o the p'rfon who bought luch feed fold without fiich^'.''*''' ccfuficateor the value or price,, andulfo three pounds for every bognicad^''''^P*"*''^' receipt for ccnificjte and fo in proportion, for which certificate buj'er fliall give a receipt if re- It required, quired ; and if any fuch flax or hemp-feed fhall be of a different growth or a'e 7un faUa- ^ °'' ^§^ fi'om what cxprcHed in certificate, the perfon that fold fhall forfeit and°3l'.;*c.-liogfhead, the price or full Value, and alfo further three pounds every hogfhead, and bad, mixed, or dam- fo in proportion, to the perfon that bought; and after the firft day of nified feed not fold /^uguft ncxt, no perfons, M'hether importer or others, fliall fell or offer, or ofher's'"''" "' expofe, any bad, mixed, or damnified flax or hemp-feed for fowing or to or for'feited, or va- be fowed, upoii pain of forfeiting, or the value, and alfo a fum not ex- Jue, and not a! ove ceeding three pounds nor lefs than twenty fhillings every hoglliead, and fo 3I nor under 20s. in proportion, to perfons who bought. tuVr^^ ^^ ' '° III. feci 3. Provided that proof of the feed not having grown, or the crop Proof of feed not being infufhcient, fliall not be in itfejf conclufive evidence of fuch feed grown, or crop in- having been bad, mixed, or damnified, fo as to induce any penalty on •fufficient, not con- importer or feller. cl.,rne to iMouce pe- ^y j^,^^ , ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ hQwxM^ paid on any flax or hemp- Ko bountv on iio- k^^ imported, unkfs importer produce to collector or chief officer, where portwithpiu pro- imported, an afldavit or other folemn atteftation of the perfon, who fhip- ducing (hippei's afn pej, declaring the quantity fo by him Ihipped, and tliat the fame was of ^nd" f° b In ""alt growth of the fummer next preceding, and was at the time of fliipping 4unimers growih, goo'^j foiir.d, and merchantable flax-feed and fit for fowing to bell of his and found and fit judgment ; nor unlefs importer fliall alio fwear, or being a quaker affirm, for fowing, andve. he verily believes the before recited affidavit or atteftation really and bona ritying it, anJ '{'•'t s^g (-^e aflidavit or atteftation of die fliipper, and believes the contents true • it daipa^ed he will •^j, -ini.i-,- r r • i n r \ 1 ,- \ jioc fell, but le- '^'^^ ^^'^^ '^ cale he mall dilcover any part or (aid riax-leed or hemp-feed export or difpofe of to receive any damage or injury while in his poffefllon, or by any means for oil. and not give rendered unfit for fowing, that he will not fell the fame for fowing, but falfe certificate. ^\\\ re-export or difpofe thereof for making oil, and will not give any falfe certificate to any buyer. Officer on import V. fetl. 5. After the time aforefaid coUedtor or chief officer of the ihall iraniedlately af- port, mto uhich importation of feed made, fhall immediately after land- ttr landing, and be- jj^g ^j^^^ before payment of the bounty fummon and convene three per- liion 3°"ikilfull"™ ot ^""^ ^"o"^ importers of flax-feedj fuch as he fhall judge b;ll fl '^^'^^ 'o''eit icl. to tor, officer, or perlon mail tor every luch orience rorreit ten pounds to any profecutor. perfon, who fhall fue. VII. feet. 7. Whereas by third of his prefent majeflry, for contintung en- , g. 5, c. 12, f. t. couragement to fliixen and hempen manufaflures, a premium of one fhilling a is. /.?r buftiel pre- bufhell was to be paid for every bufhell, the growth of this kingdom, """"' thereby not fent on fhip board from fouthern part to the northern, which hath not '^'^^" ' proved efFedual : for twenty-one years from ifl: Augufl: 1778, a premium 25^^^ buftel prr- of two fhillings a bufhell fhall be paid for every bufhell of good, found, mium from ift Aug. clean, and merchantable flax-feed, growth of this kingdom, fent on fhip- '"y^- on good Iriih board from fouthern part of this kingdom to the northern, agreeable and "^''■'^^^ inippe° fubjedt to the feveral regulations and refl;ri(5tions in faid a6t. 55 t,,. ijjj ,£t_ VIII. fen. 8. Whereas the faid recited claufe and provifoe have been in fome infliances attended with great inconvenience to the publick : after -^^ ^ ' ^' 'g' gj^^j firfl: of Augufl: next, the faid claufe and provifoe, and every part thereof, as to power to tnif- Ihali be repealed and made null and void, fo far as the fame relates to tees or magiftrates the jurifdidtion and powers given to the truftees or any jufl;ice or juftices '° ^^^^ complaints of peace, or other magifl;rate, to hear and determine all or any com- fei'ii,','^''t''ed''^for"^ plaints or informations for importing of, or felling, or expofmg to lowing, fale, any parcel or quantity of flaxfeed or hempfeed for fowing, or to be fown. IX. fen. 9. After firfl Augufl next all offences or breaches againft OiFences againfl this any claufe or article in this or in the recited atfl relative to flax or hemp- atft or 5 G. 2, c. feed, where the penalty or forfeiture does or may not exceed in value 34. as to flax or fix pounds, fhall and may be heard and finally determined by the faid '''^'"P-'""*^' ^''^"e n r t ■ t • 1 penally rot above trultees for the time being, or any one or more, or by any one or more ^1 (ietermined by i jufUces of peace for the county, or by any chief magiflrate of any city or or mere truftees' or town corporate, where fuch offences or breaches committed, within their j"'^'"-" "r C. magif- refpedive jurifdiftions. . wh'e%°o'S°'con" X. fefi. 10. Provided no fuch determination fhall be made, unlefs mitted. fufficient and reafonable notice previoufly given to the party complained , ^ ^ . of; and all offences or breaches of or againfl any claufe or article in this ,0 r,in\c3, or recited adf, where the penalty or forfeiture exceed fix pounds, and penalties above 61. not exceed forty pounds, fhall be heard and finally determined by the anff ""' above 40I. refpedtive judges of afllze on their circuits in a fummary way by civil ^'..^'''^r ^^ i^'^'' bill ; on which the parties may be at liberty to proceed by procefs and ap- ^^^^^ ^j. Hefendant peal in the ufual way in the refpeftive counties, where fuch oflTences or live at plaintift's cp- breaches committed, or in the county in which defendants live, at option J'O". of the plaintiff; or by the recorder of Dublin, or chairman and juflices P for 01 hj recortler or chairman and Juf- tices for county of Dublin or where tlcfendaots live at plaincifFs option. for the county of Dublin, where committed in the county of city or county of Dublin refpedtively, or in the faid county or counties where defendant or defendants in fuch civil bill relpecf^ively hve, at option of the plaintiff; and if the judges think neceffary, that a jury fhall be impa- nelled on trial of fuch civil bill, a jury fhall be returned injiattter by the fheriffs {'for which fuch fheriffs fhall not receive any fee or reward) to jury returned inftati- tj-y xho. fame ; and the verdid by fuch jury fhall be final and conclufive ter where necefllary, ^.^ ^y^^ parties m all courts of law and equity ; and all penalties or for- ee to en , fgjfyfgg fg^ offences againfl any caufe or article in this or in the recited aft, where the penalty does or may exceed forty pounds fterling, fhall be fued for and recovered by fuit or aftion at law, or bill, plaint, or information in king's-bench, common pleas, or exchequer, where no penalties ^j^''^ '*°' ejfojgn or wager of law allowed; and in all adions or fuits for recovery ^ "' ^ ' of forfeitures or penalties for offences againfl: this or the recited aft, when the penalties exceed forty pounds, the venue fhall be laid in the county, or county of a city, or town, wherein fuch offences committed, and no other; and that all fuch aftions and fuits may be determined by a jury of the county, county of a city or town, wherein fuch [offences refpec- tively done, it fliall be lawful for the fevera! perfons and courts hereby impowered to examine upon oath every witnefs produced (which oath they are impowered to adminifler) upon any complaint or information of any breach againft this or the recited aft, and to iffue their executions or warrants refpeftively to fheriffs of the 'counties, counties of cities counties of towns, and conflables, requiring and impowering to levy the penalties or forfeitures off the goods and chattels of fuch offenders j which, when levied, fhall be paid to the perfon fuing. XI. /cc/. II. Such perfons and courts, as hereby impowered to hear and determine offences againfl this or the recited aft, may adjudge and per pound. award at difcretion fuch reafonable cofts, not exceeding two fhillings and fix-pence in the pound, to either of the parties, as they refpeftively think proper. X.l\. fen. 12. Provided nothing herein fhall charge any perfon with any penalty or forfeiture concerning any offence againfl this aft, uniefs complained of, or fued or informed againfl, within nine calendar months next after fuch offence and breach. yaw. fen. 13. whereas by a claufe in the recited aft third of his prefent majefly every linen-weaver or manufafturer fhall acrofs each end of every piece of linen-cloth weave two coarfe threads or cords, diflarit about i-4th part of an inch, and write clofe to fuch coarfe threads or cords, on each end, in legible charifters his chriflian, fir-name, and refidence ; every perfon, who fhall not obferve faid claufe in every parti- cular, or fhall be guilty of offending againfl the fame, after twenty-fourth Augufl 1778 fhall for every fuch offence forfeit five ihillings ; and no perfon whatfoever fhall fell or expofe to fale or buy any piece of brown threads and manu- or Unbleached linen or hempen cloth, that has not two coarfe threads or fadurer'i name and ^ords woven at each end, and the manuflifturer's name and refidence written legibly at each end, as in faid recited aft direfted ; upon pain of the perfon felling or expoiing to fale any fuch piece forfeiting five fhil- lings, and the perfon buying the fame forfeiting forty (hillings for every fuch offence. XIV. feet. verdifl conclufive, by and venue laid in the county where ofFince done, Vitnefles on oath, warrant to nieriffs to levy penalties to profecutor. Cofts to either party, rot above 23. 6d. Profecution in 9 months. Offenders 3 G. 5, c ic; forfeit 5s. againft 34. '"ec. Brown linen or hempen cloth lolJ to have 2 coirfe refidence at each end as in faid aft, penalty on teller 5s buyer 40J. XIV. feet. 14. After fiifl Auguft 1778 no brown or unbleached linen Rrovvn doth Money- or hempen cloth commonly known by the name of Moneymore's or ie- !""'"• 7-8ihswrde ven-eighths wide, made in Ulfter, Leitrim, Sligo or Mayo, from the fett^^ fiom fct'oT'soo of eight hundred to twelve hundred, fhall be fold or expofed to fale, to i'2oo, before ' which fhall not be when brown, and before bleached, thirty-two inches bleached 3 z inches broad at leaft ; and when bleached, thirty inches broad at leafl: ; and no '*^''^'*' " '"^" '>'"<^'»- piece of feven-eighths wide, manufailurered in Leitrim, Sligo, and Mayo, ^ ^^'^'■^ . , fhall contain any greater number of yards in length (if a fing'e piece) jards only, than twenty-fix, and if a double piece) than fifty-two yards, upon pain double 52, of the perfon felling orexpofing to fale forfeiting five fhillings. penalty 5I. XV. /ea. 15. After 24th Auguft 1778 no perfon fhall fell or offer j.^^^^, ,. , any piece of brown or unbleached linen or hempen cloth, that fiiall not each end open have at leaft fix inches at each end open at the out fide to view, under a penalty js. penalty of five fhillings for every fuch offence, XVI. feet. 16. After firft Auguft 1778 all brown or unbleached li- J^o^'a*"!^. flieeting, nen cloths called or known by names of Dowlafs, Sheetings, or Ozenbrigs, ,'^,„^^"''"F '" manufadurered or made in Munfter or Connaught, may be fold or ex- ibid wi'thout'"feriMfg! pofed in any place in fajd provinces without being fealed ; any thing in ? G. ^ c 34, not- the recited a&. to contrary notvvithftanding. withftanding. XVII. feet. 17. Whereas by the recited aift all brown cloth or yarn Recital 5 g. 3. c. ibid, except iji Dublin, by any other than refident merchants or fhopkeep- 5 4 'ec. 49, injuri- ers or in whoiefale, fhall be fold in open market or fair between eight in °"^ "^° 'j."^" mde, the forenoon and four in afternoon for yarn ; and ten in the forenoon Jjlal^jj^y ' in"fa;'r'o"r°'' and four in afternoon for cloth : and the (aid claufe is found injurious to maiket brown cloth the linen trade by giving an unfair advantage to perfons refiding in mar- before 11, or after ket towns, and to promote jobbing and foreftalling : after 24th Auguft + f'^°'^ ^J^^P'- to 1778 no perfon refident or not fhall buy or offer to buy, within the ^^ M^j^h, or be^fore cuftom-gates or gaps of any fair or market-town on the refpedive days ^5 March to'2j the market or fair held, any brown or unbleached linen or hempen cloth Sept. before eleven in the forenoon, or after four in afternoon, from 25th Sep- ppn^L'y 40s per tember to ;25th March, or before ten in the forenoon, or after four in the ''"■*^*' afternoon, from 25th March to 25th September, under a penalty of forty (hillings for every piece of brown or unbleached linen or hempen cloth fo bought. XVIU. fea. 18. Wherfts by fifteenth and fixteenth of his prefent Large quantities of majefty no cambricks or lawns ("except of Great-Britain) fhall be im- "'"^"^'? ^"''. '^"''* ported undex forfeiture and treble value and of the (hip : and of late p„ned, thJ pJ^hi- large quantities of foreign cambricks and lawns have been clandeftinely biied by 15 & 16 imported notwithftanding to great detriment of the manufadures ; after G. ^, c 8, fee zt. firfl July 1778 if any cambricks or lawns, or goods of the kind, ufually ?" 3'^|°"s'or ie;z- known by or -under either of thefe denominations, fliall be feized in pur- j"^ "'"I'^l^')- ^l'^^^^ fuance of faidad, or any other ad now in force ; or if any adion brought maniitafluied upon by owner or claimer of fuch goods againft any officer of cuftoms of ex -owner 01 clainier. cifeor other perfon for any thing done in puiluance of faid ad, or other ad in force; and if any doubt or queftion arife, where (hch goods were jnanufadured, the proof fhall be upon the owner or claimer, ar.d not on the perfon who feized, or againft whom fuch adion brought ; any law, ufage or cuftom to contrary notwithftanding. XIX. fee:. 19. If any perfons deliver to bleach any foreign cambricks To deliver to Weach- or lawns to any bleacher as Irifh, or knovvingly bleach or ftamp any fo-er forefgn as Irifii. reign cambricks or lawns with a Britifh or Irifh ftamp, fuch perfon fhall °' '''«*<^ •" '^"'"P P 2 forfeit Jlintn. with Bruirti orlrlih forfeit fifty pounds ; and to diftinguifli Irifh cambricks or lawns from fo- fnmp ^ol. reiga every bleacher fhall, before he deUvers the fame to the owner, or e,ich end with iruf- <^xpofe them to fale, mark or ftamp each end of every fuch piece with the ues feal an I his truftees feal, and alfo his own name and place of abode, under penalty name and abode, of five pounds for cach piece ; and no cambricks or lawns fhall be ex- penalty 5 1. per piece, pofed to fale, or remain in cuflody of any wholefale or retail merchant of fn^me^rchani'Tcuf- cambricks or lawns, without fuch flamps, under penalty of five pounds tody without ftamp, for every piece fo expofed, or found in cuftody of fuch merchant ; and 5I. per piece, no remnant of cambrick or lawn fhall be expofed to fale or remain in remnants without cuflody of any fuch merchant, without one end ftamp^d as aforefaid, penalLs recovered ""^er penalty of five pounds every fuch remnant ; fuch penalties and as by 3 G. 3, c. 34. forfeitures to go to and be recoverable from the perfons in whofe cuftody fuch goods found, by the perfon or perfons who fhall ftize the fame as aforefaid, in fame manner as all penalties are recovered by the third of his prefent majefly, for belter regulation of linen and hempen manufac- tures. Cambricks, lawns, ^^- feB. 20. Whereas doubts have arifen how far cambricks, lawns, and damaflis, asli- and damafks are included within linen and hempen cloths in the aift for nen and hempen better regulation of linen and hempen manufaflures, and in all other acts re- manuiaaures within jajiyg (q jjj^gn ^^^ hempen manufadures : all cambricks, lawns and da- ?fae oth'eraitt' " mafks, are to be confidered as linen and hempen cloths, and as linen and hempen manufadures, within intention of faid ads. MagiiVates to take XXI. fefl. 21. No juftice of peace or chief magiftrate of any town no tee or reward, or corporation fhall receive or take any fee or reward for any fummons or warrant or hearing or determining any complaint or information, or for jiiftices to have ^^y thing he may do or caufe in purfuance of this or the ad aforefaid; 200T per°annum' ^^'^ no juftice fhall hear or determine any complaint or informarion for any breach or offence againfl this or the ad aforefaid, unlefs fuch juf- penahy lool. by ci. tice have an eflate for life in lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the "i"^'"' clear yearly value of two hundred pounds flerling ; and if any juftice not having fuch eftate fhall hear or determine fuch complaint or information, fhall forfeit to the injured party one hundred pounds for every fuch of- fence or breach, recovered by civil bill, as before mentioned. Falfe fwearing pu- XXII. /f^. 22. Every perfon who fhall knowingly fwear any thing nilhed as tor perjury. £^j^^^ either 7;/ w voce, or in any affidavit, or upon any examination in any matter relative to any thing contained in faid recited ad of third of his prefent majefty, oi in this ad, fhall upon convidion fuffer fuch pu- nifhment, as perfons convided of wilful and corrupt perjury are by the laws fubjed to. Linen hall, &c. XXIII. feH. 23. The Linen-hall and Yarn-hall, and houfes, offices and veiled in the truftees. grounds to them refpedively belonging in county of city of Dublin, vefted in truftees of linen and hempen manufadures for the time being, and their fucceflbrs. Larcenies in linen XXIV. /fr/. 24. All perfons, that after firft Auguft 1778 by day or hall, &c. by day or by night privately and felonioufly fteal any goods or chattels, wares or night to ys value merchandizes, of the value of five fliillings or more, being in the Linen-hall the' no hoiiie-break- ^^ Yarn-hall, Or in any houfe or office belonging, although the faid Linen- other"°the7ein'^^ on ^^'^ or Yarn-hall, or fuch houfe or office be not adually broken by fuch conviaion or pe- offender, and although the owner of fuch goods, or any other perfon or reniptory ch.^lieng- perfons, be or be not in the faid Linen-hall or Yarn-hall, or in fuch houfe or office, or (hall affift or aid any perfon to commit any fuch offence, being thereof, Hmett. thereof conviifled or attainted by verdid or confefTion, or fhall peremp- isg above jo, clergy torily challenge above twenty returned to be the Jury, fhall be abfolutely '^''^" *"*y" debarred of and from the benefit of clergy, any law or cuflom to the con- trary notwithfl^anding. XXV. feet. 25. Whereas robbing bleach-yards has become frequent, l^rown or part b'each- and ftolen linens recovered have been found with the ends cut off to ^"^ ''"'•" "',''**^^ . c L- 11. . c r n. c \ coarle coids at each prevent owners from being able to prove property : atter nift September ,.„j as by ^ G " 1778 no perfon whatfoever fhall have in cuftody any piece or more of c. 34, brown or in part bleached linen, that fhall not have two coarfe cords at each end, as direifted by third of his prefent majefly, for better regulation °' f^O'fei'ed with of linen and hempen mamifa£iures ; upon pain of forfeiting fuch piece of g^g'^,^^(^'|^'|j^' [^Ij" cloth, and alfo forty fhillings for every fuch piece, to be recovered and adt. difpofed of, as by faid aft diredted with regard to penalties and forfeitures therein not exceeding fix pounds. XXVI. feet. 26. Every bleacher or perfons giving out linens to bleach Bleacliers to mark or whiten Ihall mark on each end of the piece with marking ink within on each end within the cords the two initial letters of his name or more, with his or her ''^^ cords initials of number fixed after faid letters ; and if any piece or part of a piece of ^^^' ""' '^ """"" linen Ihall be found in the cuftody of any perfons whatfoever, not corded on either end, before the fame is finifhed and {\amped by a white feal- mafler, he or (he, in whofe cuflody faid hnen is found, Hiall forfeit the )l^^^J^^ ^"^ 't to fame, and alfo five pounds, to be recovered by the firft real informer that ,n; real informer as fues in fuch manner as by faid adl directed with regard to penalties and by 3 G. 3, c 34, forfeitures therein, not exceeding fix pounds ; and if any perfon fhall p<:naltie3 not above take on board any Ihip, boat, or vefTel, or attempt to take on board any , tt 1 10 fliip, boat or vefTel, any fpinning-wheel, loom, hackle, or any machine tai^f on board any made ufe of for or towards manufadturing of linen or hempen cloth, or wheel or machine any part of any fpinning-wheel, loom, hackle, or of fuch machine ; u'^tl for the manu- every perfon fo offending fhall forfeit five pounds, to be be recovered as /''("•'^^'j ^i h 1 all penalties and forfeitures are by this or the ad third of his prefent ^y lajd aa. majefly for better regulation of linen and hempen manufactures ; and alfo fach fpinning-wheel, loom, hackle, or machine. XXVII. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. cap. ^2- ^^^- I- Whereas printing and To cut or deftroy in, ftaining linens, cottons, and muflins, is and has been a very confiderable wear or ufe, bleach- manufafture, and of great national importance as it gives employment 8'^^" °^ P'^^^^ P'^<^'» to many of both fexes, has produced an additional home and foreign tia'i',"ed''i;nens' &c confumption of Irifh linens, and is capable of further improvements : or goods of wool,' and evil-minded diforderly perfons have cut and deflroyed garments on fiik, orhair, or de- the wearers backs, and in a riotous manner gone into the fhops, ware- '^'"y ^°°'' f«'ony houfes, and bleach-greens of the faid and other man ufaftures, and there "J^ 1^'^" P°"^"°* cut and deflroyed the fame, and at length threaten the lives and proper- ties of ufeful and induftrious inhabitants, and march through the principal ftreets in Dublin, and denounce vengeance with horid threats againft all wearers and venders of printed manufaftures, and prefumed to difperfe printed hand-bills declaratory of fuch dangerous and illegal intentions, by means whereof confiderable quantities of faid manufactures remain un- difpofed : after firfl May 1778 all perfons whatfoever, who wilfully or malicioufly cut, or otherwife deftroy any plain, painted, ftained, or printed linens, cottons, lawns or muflins, or any manufadlured goods of wool. 5l(ttcti» wool, filk, or hair, when in wear or ufe of any perfon whatfoever, or in the bleach-green, ware-houfes, (hops or any other place whatfoever, or fhall deftroy any wool, and be thereof lawfully convided, fuch per- fons fhall be adjudged guilty of felony-, and every fuch felon fhall be fubjed and liable to like pains and penalties as in cafes of felony ; and the court before whom tried fhall have power to tranfport fuch felons for (even years, in like manner as other felons aredireded to be tranfport- ed by laws and llatutes of this realm. XXVIII. feet. 2. Provided in cafe any law fhall be palTed to authorize Or kept to hard la- ^^^ a limited time punifhment by hard labour of perfons for certain crimes years, ""' ^ '^^^ liable to be tranfported, it fhall be lawful, if fuch court think fit, in place of tranfportation to order that fuch perfons fhall be punifhed by being kept to hard labour in fuch places and manner, as is or fhall be diredted by any fuch law or ad, for fuch term of years as the court think fit ; pro- vided in no cafe more than feven years -: and all perfons, aiding, abet- ting, orallifting in wilfully or malicioufly cutting or otherwife deftroying any plain, painted, ftained, or printed linens, cottons, lawns, or muflins, nice penalty on aid-O"" ^"y rnanufadured goods of wool, filk, or hair, in wear or ufe of any ing or abetting. perfon, or in the bleach-green, ware-houfes, fhops, or any other place, or fhall deftroy any wool, and ihall be thereof lawfully convided, fhall be liable to fame punifhments, as if they had wilfully or malicioufly cut or otherwife deftroyed the fame, I. Slat. 17 & i8 Geo. 3. ca^p. 2. feet. i. Whereas by an ad fifteenth and ReCital IJ& 16 G. fixteenth years of your majefly feveral aids and additicnal duties were -■ ^ '■ granted from the 25th December 1775 to 25th December 1777 inclufive, duties thereby grant- to pay an intereft for feveral fums at four pounds per cent, per ann.^rom 25th ed infufficient, December 177^; and the aids and duties granted by faid ad have not .V 1 ., 5, . r , proved fufflcient to difcharge the principal fums and the intereft ; and it is recital iiSciaIj. a.« „ .,.- ° r • ■ i ■ ^ it^ 1 c 5, & c 7. necefiary to provide for payment or prmcipal unpaid on 25th December 1777, with intereft, and alfo of the feveral annuities granted by an ad thir- st ij Sc 16G. 3, teenth and fourteenth years of your majefty, explained and amended by '• 2- one other ad the fame feffion -, and alfo the feveral annuities granted by one other ad in the fifteenth and fixteenth years of your majefty : for fo 4/^?>■ ceni. intereft much of the feveral principal fums fo formerly borrowed, as unpaid on 25th for fums borrowed, December 1777, there fhall be paid at the receipt of exchequer at the end h^itt-veaH*"^' ''''^' °^ every fix calendar months from 25th December 1777 to the perfon or wiiisout deduaion, perfons who has or have paid or lent the fame, his, her, or their execu- tors, adminif^rators, or alfigns, an intereft at the rate of four pounds per centum per annum from faid 25th December 1777, without any fee or charge and free from all dedudions, defalcations, and abatements what- foever, until they fhall be refpedively paid their principal at one entire payment. II. fen. 5. For all fuch further fums, not exceeding in the whole one Ifiteteft not exceed- h^,j,^rgj and fixtvfix thoufand pounds, as Oiall be adually paid by any ing .\ pel cent. Ui\d . . J , • n r l- r r i /■ u j half yearly without psrlons into trcafury at the inftance of chiet governor, to Uipply fuch de- deduaion for further ficiencies as may arife in the aids this feffion for fupport of government, >oin of i66,oool. there fhall be paid at the exchequer by vice treafurers or paymafters gene- ral. ral, or depiufes, at the end of every fix calendar months, from the refpec- tive times of fuch payments to the perfons fo paying or lending, or their executors, adminiftrators, or afTigns, fuch intereft as Ihall be agreed by the chief governor, not exceeding four pounds per centum per annum, without any fee or charge, and free from all deductions, defalcations, and abate- ments, until they fhall be refpedlively paid their principal at one entire payment. III. J'efl.^. Such like debentures or receipts bearing fuch interefi, not Like debenture? g,i- exceeding four Y^^unds per centum per annum, as fhali be fo agreed upon, vea and numbered, fhall be given by the proper officers for all fums to be paid into the ex- chequer purfuant to this aft, on account of the faid intended loan not ex- ceeding one hundred and fixty-fix thoufand pounds, as heretofore given for fuch parts of principal fums formerly borrowed ; and the faid debentures fhall be numbered in arithmetical progreflion, where the common excefs or difference is to be one, until the whole numbered, beginning with the num- ber next after the laft, for the fums fo formerly borrowed, and now land- ing out at an intereft of four pounds per centum per annum. IV. feet. 5. That the intereft of faid fums fo formerly borrowed and remaining unpaid, and the faid feveral annuities, and alfo the intereft of faid one hundred and fixty-fix thoufand pounds, or fo much as fhall be raifed in purfuance of this acft, may be duly and regularly paid; from Additional duties for 25th December 1777 there fhall be raifed, levied, granted, colledled, and '°^"'. '."'^"''* ^'1^ paid until 25th December 1779 inclufive, and no longer, over and above ^"""'"" " ^^ the feveral rates and duties payable by an aft fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fecond, for fettling the excife or new impoft according to the book of rates ; or by one other aft fourteenth and fifteenth of Charles the fe- cond, for fettling the fuhfidy of poundage, and granting afubfidy of tunnage, and over and above any other duties, rates, impofitions, and taxes by any other aft ftill in force, and over and above any duties granted by any other aft, or which fhall or may be enafted during this feflion, the feveral duties,, rates, impofitions, and taxes after mentioned, an additional' duty of fix prench and Spanifli pounds per wn for all forts of wine the growth of France or Spain, and wines 61 /fr ton, three pounds per ton for all forts of growth of Portugal, and five pounds P°'t 3'>. for all other wines imported after 25th December 1777 ; four pounds fter- ° "'"^ ^ ' ling per pound weight for all velvets or manufaftures inade of or mixed velvets, (llks, except with filk (except thofe of Great-Britain, China, Perfia, and the Eaft- ^"""1 &c 4I ;•« lb. Indies) imported after 25th December 1777 ; one halfpenny />^/- pound hops h ^^r lb. weight for all hops imported; five pounds per centutn for all china, ear- ear tKen ware &c. then, japanned, or laquered ware, as valued or rated for cuftom by the j /><■»■««'■ as rated, book of rates imported ; three pounds per ton for all forts of vinegar im- vinegar 3!./^ ton, ported; a further additional duty of tv/o pence per gallon for x'^.quavitce, fpirits Stc. diftilied ftrong waters, and fpirits made or diftilled within this kingdom for fale, to tot fale 2d. fer g*!- be paid by firft maker or diftiller from 25th December 1777 ; two pence '°"' ., per pound for all coffee imported ; a duty of ten fhillings per annian to be cyd^f retailers los. paid by all perfons that fell or tap out by retail any cyder at any time be- fer am. & lA.ptr tween 25th December 1777 and 1779 inclufive; one penny /i^r gallon for gallon, all cyder fold or tapped out by retail, paid by the perfon who fhall fell or tap out ; additional twenty fhillings to be paid by every perfon for every coaches &c. lo?. to coach, chariot, berlin, calafh, orchaife with four wheels, which fuch per- 35 Dec. 1778 & 20s. fon fhall keep in pcfTeffion (except hackney and ftage carriages, and car- '" ^'> ^f^- '''79' ringes ^^'"^ "'^^ '^'^^P'^ ' riages kept by coach-makers for fale, and cabriolets or garden chairs, at any time between 25th December 1777 and 1778 inchifive ; an additional twenty (hillings between 25th December 1778 and 1779 inclufive; addi- foap wafte exported tional twenty fhil!ings/'i?r ton for foap boilers wafle, and fo in proportion, ' that (hall be exported to any parts beyond the feas after 25th December linen rags jl./i^r ton, 1777 '» t'lree pounds per ton linen rags and fo in proportion that fhall be exported after 25th December 1777. Green tea6d./^r lb. ^- f^'-'^- 6. For the greater difcouragement of the pernicious and illegal other tea 4d. pra<5tices of unlawfully importing and clandeftinely running and landing of tea, after 25th December 1777 until 25th December 1779 inclufive there fhall be paid to his majefty, his heirs and fuccefTors, fix pence for in lieu a\ all cuftoms every pound of green, and four pence every pound of black bohea, and and exciie. other tea which fhall be imported, in lieu and full fatisfadion of all duties of cuftoms and excife. further additional VI. /cc/. 7. The further additional duties after mentioned (hall be duties to 25 Dec. raifed, levied, and paid from the 25th December 1777 to 25th December '779- 1779 inclufive ; five pounds per centum for and upon the feveral' goods and \lZw''{\\ ^°°'^' manufadures (not being of the growth and produce or manufacture of ted or on importer's ^''^^'^ Britainj herein after named, as the fame now ftand rated for culloms eatb, iri the book of rates, or if unrated, fhall be valued upon oath of the im- porter, which fhall be imported during the time aforefaid, over and above all other duties now payable, viz. apparel, apples, bacon and hams, beads of glafs, chocolate, cocoa-nuts, coffee, cork, capers, cloves, currants, chefnuts, walnuts, fmall nuts, bugles, hulled barley, artificial flowers, millinary ware, pearl barley, fans, hats chip and draw, anchovies, fturgeon, pins, wrought ivory, olives, onions, prints and pictures, mace, nutmegs, wrought incle, drugs fnot being for dyers wk) elephants teeth, furs ; all lacquered, japanned, gilt, painted, brunzed and enamelled ware, gloves of all forts, almonds, annifeeds, cinnamon, liquorice, pepper, piamento, pruins, raifins, rice, faffron, fuccards, fuccus liquoritia, needles, thim- bles, outnal threads, fifters threads, china and earthen ware, whited brown thread, and all other threads, haberdafhery, hardware, toys, mermitts, iron potts, fcifiars, fnuff, tyles, fhot, laces of cotton, thread, worfled, or filk, groceries of all kinds, Cexcept fugarsj oranges and lemons, lime, lemon, and orange juice, (not being for dyers) tape, foreign linens, and all manufaftures of flax and hemp ; and alfo the further additional duties cliinfres, calicoes, after mentioned, for all chintzes, calicoes and muflins of manufadure of muilins, 6d./« yard, chi^a, Perfia, and the Eaft-Indies, imported during the time aforefaid, fix pence per yard over and above all other duties ; a further additional duty conipTnv faies above ^°'' ^'^ ^^^^ imported, which (hall have been purchafed at the India com- 4s per lb. id. fer\h. pauy falcs for an higher price than four fhillings Britifh per pound, at the for every 6d. paid rate of one penny /x^r pound weight for every fix pence Britifh paid for ®*'^''' the fame, over and above four fhillings Britifh at the (ales above-mentioned, the price in the ^"^""^ ^^^ '^^^ December 1777 to 25th December 1779 inclufive, the price cocket, of the teas to be inferred in the cocket, and further afcertained by a refe- rence to the fale books of the Eaft-india company, copies whereof or of copies of company f^-h parts thereof as fhall relate to the teas (b imported, attefled by the 00 s e»i ence, principal accountant or deputy of the company, the commiflioners of re- venue are required to procure from time to time for the purpofes above- mentioned, and which copies fhall be admitted as evidence in all profecu- tions tions commenced or aiifing upon this a€t ; a further additional duty of fix"rds6d./»«- pack. Y)ence per pack for all printed or playing cards manufadlured or vended in this kingdom between 25th December 1777 and 1779, over and above all other duties now payable. VII. feet. 8. If faid wines and other merchandizes, upon which the Drawback on export aforefaid duties are charged upon importation, fliall after payment or fecu- ^^ '""'>i^^\= '" 24, rity given be again exported by any merchant, fubje(^ of this realm, or^ionihs, any other his majefty's dominions, within twenty-four calendar months, or by merchants flrangers within twelve, after the importation ; and if due on requifite certifi- proof firfl made by certificate from the proper officers of the due entry "te, and payment of faid duties or fecurity given ; and if all other requifitesin i month after dj" performed, by law required where the duties of excife are to be repaid, mand, the faid duties fhall without any delay or reward be repaid or allowed unto fuch merchant within one calendar month after demand, or the fecurity fhall be vacated as to fo much as exported ; any thing herein to the con- trary notwithflanding. VIII. Jeci. 17. All perfons, to v.'hom debentures or receipts of one hun-EIeQIon to receive dred pounds each have been given for any part of faid feveral principal 4 debentures of 2,-1. fums formerly borrowed, which fhall remain unpaid on 25th December °''.^ ° 5'- ^ 4 o> 1777, now carrying interefl at four pounds per centum, as alfo fuch perfons to whom fuch debentures given for any fums borrowed in purfuance of this ad, his, her, or their executors, adminiftrators, or alligns, may at their election or choice receive in exchange for the fame from vice-trea- furers, paymafler or receiver-general, or deputies, either four debentures of twenty-five pounds each, or two of twenty-five pounds each, and four of twelve pounds ten (liillings, as they think proper ; fuch deben- numbered, tures given in exchange to be numbered as vice-treafurers, paymafter, or receiver-general, or deputies think fit, and to bear fame interefl payable fame Intereft as de- at fame times with the debentures exchanged, which are to be cancelled ; bentures exchanged and all perfons mtitled to any debenture of one hundred pounds each, or '^"^ '(-^""h'k'''' of any lefler fum taken in exchange, may by indorfement transfer the 'io")-ement ^ ' right and benefit of the fums due, which indorfement upon notice to vice- on notice and memo- treafurers or deputies, and an entry or memorial in faid office, ("which vice- rial, treafurers or deputies, fhall upon requell without charge, fee, or reward, make accordingly, and permit to be viewed at ufual office-hours without fee or rewardj fhall intitle indorfee or affignee, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, to the fole benefit of the fum fo transferred or alTigned ; and faid debentures may in like manner be affigned or transferred by fuch indorfee or affignee, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, and fo toties ^'o ">i'" ?"_""'"' (jucties ; and after fuch affignment it fhall not be in the power of the per- "°' ^.('^"^ '" P°^^" fons, who made fuch alignment, to make void, releafe, or difcharge faid° *' affignment, or to difcharge or receive the fum transferred, or any part. IX. feet. 18. All additional and other duties and rates hereby granted, Duties levied as bj other than as otherwife by this act appointed, fhall be raifed, anfwered, 14 & '^ C. 2. c. 8, collected and paid at fame time, manner, ways, means, and methods, °^ |"''|''"'^^ I * rules and directions, and fuch penalties, forfeitures, and powers, as di- ^^' rected by faid act fourteenth and fifteenth Charles the fecond for fettling the excife or new impofi according to book of rates, ox by any other law now in force relative to revenue of excife, as fully and efledlually as if particu- larly enaded again, with like remedy of appeal to the party grieved, as by Q^ laid Horn, ftild aft of excife or any other law now in being relating to the duty of excife. No fries en account X. /f^. 22. Neither the fix pence per pound nor any other fee fhall be of fjiJ p:ivnient3. payable to, nor deducted or received by, vice-trcalurers, receiver or pay- mafter-general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer, for or on account of the ifluing or payment of any fums arifing by or received for or on ac- count of the aids hereby granted, or of the faid one hundred and fixty-fix ihoiifand pounds, or any part thereof, which may be borrowed, or of any payment made in purfuance hereof lo.oool^ yearly of XI. fef/. 23. So much of the yearly produce of faid duties arifing upon tea duties to trui- teas, as fhall amount to ten thoufand pounds yearly, fhall firft be paid to tees of lincn manu- truftees of hempen and linen manufadlures, and fo much of the refidue ,\"1?', 1 »,»^;f,rv of faid duties upon teas, as fhall amount to feven thoufand three hundred 7,3001. to nereoicaiy loiiiii rii- • levenue, pounds yearly, mail be placed to account or hereditaiy revenue ; and furplus with the the furplus of produce of fuch duties, together with the feveral other du- oiheraidsrointereft j-j^g gj^j ^jjg hereby granted, fhall firfl be applied and paid by vice-treafu- 1 T" the^annuiJes ^^'^ °'' deputies to difcharge of the interell of fo much of faid feveral and iiitereft of 'principal films formerly borrowed as unpaid on 25th December 1777, and 166,000. next to payment of the annuities aforefiid, and the expences incurred thereby purfuant to faid feveral recited ads, and the provifions herein-after containeti, and alfo to difcharge of the intereft of fuch fums, not exceed- ing one hundred and fixty-fix thoufand pounds, as (hall be borrowed in purfuance of this aft, in the manner, at the times, and according to the rate of intereft before mentioned. I? 8t 14 G. q, C.7. XU. /e^. 24. And for that purpofe the herein before mentioned aft, continued to 2 J Dec. to explain and amend an a£l intituled an a£l for granting annuities in the man- '779- ner therein provided^ to fuch per Jons as Jh all voluntarily fuhfcribe towards the raifing a fum not exceeding the fum of two hundred and fixty-five thoufand pounds, fhall continue until the 25th December 1779 and no longer; and the furplus or refidue of produce of faid duties be applied towards payment of faid principal fums formerly borrowed, carrying an intereft at four pounds per centum per annum, and next to payment of faid one hundred and fixty-fix thoufand pounds, or fo much thereof as fhall be borrowed in purfuance of this aft. Principal and intfied XIII. fe^. 25. So much of principal fums formerly borrowed as fhall county-trea- ty, and applied as after directed 1 provided fuch fines may be remitted in l"""^"^' r I ^ r • 1 • I • J r '■ r j it in ro rfavs after cafe the return or tranlcnpr, made withm ten days after impoled. fir.ercnwttcd' IX. feet. 9. Every fuch clerk, or fecretary fhall immediately after he fhall receive fuch lifts or returns, and tranfcripts, enter or caufe to be Clerk to regift.r entered in a book for that purpofe the names of all perfons contained in fuch "^-nes. &c. in re- lifts or returns, with refpetflive places of abode, additions, obfervations, pj^"^^ '" "'S"'"""S' and other diftinftions, according to fuch returns, diftinguilliing baronies, half-baronies, parifhes, and places for which return made; and fhall af- and aftix alphabeis, fix to fuch book an alphabet, wherein alphabeted all fuch names, baro- nies, half-baronies, pariihes, and places,, as contained in faid returns, for ufe and infpeftion of faid lieutenants and deputy- lieutenants ; and immedi- ately after fuch returns give notice in writing to faid commiifioners of ar- ^"'^ written notice ray then refid^nt in the county, that he hath received fuch returns for ufe 'i°(jg°™^"' '"""° '^' and infpeCfion of commiliioners ; provided if any perfons think themfelves aggrieved by any thing contained in or omitted out of fuch lifts or re- ^^'"''"^ amended at °° 1 1 1 r /- • 1 -n- c^"y one ot 2 next turns, and make the lame appear to faid commiliioners, at any one of nieetin"s, the two next meetings, faid commiliioners fhall dirett fuch lifts or returns to be amended, as to them feem meet. X./e^. 10. Commiliioners of array for any county, or any three, fhall 3 comminioners in within fixteen days after notice by faid clerk, or fecretary, that he hath re- '6J ^'"^ '^'J-"!'^"'.^"'^ and exercifed in purfuance of this aft, fliall fubdivide the whole county in^o'di'n'^cis" into fuch or fo many diftrids, as fhall each be capable of furnifhing with each capable with convenience in point of number and fituation a company of militia, not convenience to fur- lefs than twenty, commiflion and non-commiffion officers included, and "''^ ^ company not fhall make a return to chief governors of fuch fubdivilion, and number of "|"j",^_°'°'' proteftants in each diftrid, capable of ferving in the militia, diftinguilhing and return it to fuch as qualified and willing to ferve as officers and in what rank refped- chief govc-mors, ively ; and certify to fuch governors the diftrid of fuch county in which ^"'^ number ot c;- moft necelfary fuch companies ftiould in the firft inftance be raifed, if the ji'|iin;,i|iQiinir'thof« number of companies, government fhall appoint to be raifed in fuch jor officeri;'^ and county, fliall not be equal to the whole number of diftritts, ranks, XI. feet ^"*^ ceriiPy dillrift ' ' lirll nsccflarv, No id company in a "Kl. feH. II. No diftrlft, in which a company fo raifed, fliall have a diftria, till each fecond company raifed therein, until after every dillrid in faid county raifed one. j^^^^ ^ company raifed. Chief governors in I XII. fefl. 12. Such chief governors fliall in one month after fuch return monih after return appoint and grant commiflions to fuch and fo many perfons willing and u) grant comnMifions, qualified as after mentioned to ferve, whether returned in fuch lifts or cers, jjQj.^ ^g fufficient to compleat the number of officers neceflary for command whether in fuch lifts °f "^^e militia in fuch county, one captain, one firft and one fecond lien- or not, tenant to each company, and one adjutant for each county, only; and if any of the perfons fo commiflioned Ihall die or remove out of fuch county, **"int asmanv^' *''" ^^ '"'^^'gn h's commillion, or be removed, fo often fuch chief governor fhall appoint fo many officers as aforefaid, as become fo deficient. Officers not commif. XIII. /t'iS?. 13. Provided, no perfon except governors, and deputy iioners of aira/. governors, appointed an officer in faid militia, fhall, whilft he continues officer, be a commiffioner of array therein. Notice to commifli. XIV. fe£i. 14. Cliief governors fliall caufe notice to be given to* the oners c'erk of ofii- clerk or fecretary of commiffioners of perfons fo appointed officers in the cer-s number of .mjlitia for faid county, with the number of companies to be raifed in each, diftriiis ^ ' ^*^ particular diftrifts in which raifed ; provided, the whole number of not uncer roo, nor fuch militia fliall not in any one county wherein raifed be lefs than one above 500, in one hundred, nor more than five hundred; fave only in county of city of county, _ Dublin, wherein the number may amount to, and fliall not exceed, one I'Ut in Duhltn city .1 r j 1 1 • r >^ 1 1 • 1 1 mayamounttoiooo, '^"^^'^'^'^ men, and the city ot Cork, wherein the number may amount Cork 600, to, but fliall not exceed, fix hundred ; and city of Limerick, wherein the Limerick 500. number may amount to, but fliall not exceed, five hundred. •Clerk immediately XV. /f (3. 1 5. Such clerk or fecretary fliall immediately after receiving to acquaint com- fuch noticc acquaint the commiffioners of array therewith; who are there- niinioiiers, ^_^^ upon to appoint a day or days for convening the feveral protefi:ant inhabi- days for convening tauts of the refpecftivc diftrids or fubdivifions at the principal market-town at principal maikei in fucli fub-divifion, or fuch other town as moft in the centre thereof; and in thefubdivifion.or give feven days notice to proteftant inhabitants of fuch diftrici or fiib- town moft in the jivifion, of the place at and day in which faid inhabitants are to be fo portine notice in convened, by pofling up fueh notice in every market-tov/n, and door of every market town every church where divine fervice within fuch ' '"■■=* fy couti- in manner aforefaid, not exceeding the eftimate before-mentioned ; and \IJ° ^'°^' *■" ^ ' his majefty's faid lieutenant or deputy lieutenant (hall accordingly provide deh'vered to each fuch clothing forthwith, and deliver the clothing of each company to the captain for the com. captain for ufe of the company. P^"/- XXI. /a7. 21. It fhall be lawful for chief governor to caufe a number of arms and accoutrements, and a (ufficient quantity of ammunition, to be Arms Src. om of delivered out of his majefty's (lores, which together with the clothing '^ore^s delivered alfo necelTary for fuch militia, fhall be delivered to the captain of each company, '" "ptams, (uch captain firft entering into fecurity by recognizance before chief baron of exchequer or any judge ofailize, or tv/ojuftices of the county whereon 500I, recognf- fuch captain refides, and to be returned into exchequer, in five hun- zance. dred pounds, to be accountable for the fame, according to this aft. XXII. feci. 22. Said captain fliall provide chefts, wherein he fhall Captain to provide keep faid arms, cloaths or accoutrements, in fome dry and fecure part ofand fec!i°e '^'^ '^'^ his houfe, in feparate chefts ; and take care that after exercife, or other and take care that duty, where clothing and accoutrements necefTary, every militia man every man deanfe fhall cleanfe and return his arms, cloaths, and accoutrements, =""' leturti them. XXIII. fefl. 23. As foon as any body of militia in any county pro- vided with cloaths, arms and accoutrements, it fhall be lawful for cap- Captains to .nppoint tains of each company to meet or affemble, and appoint fuch places in ""oft convenient each diftrid for training and exercifing, as moft convenient to habitations f'.^"^ '" ■^^'^\ '^'^' of ofncers and private men or (aid company ; at which places the com- ercife, pany of fuch diftridt fhall be trained and exercifed : provided, no fuch militia man obliged to attend to be trained and exercifed for more than 28 days between twenty-eight days in the year, between the laft of April and the firft of ^f'' ^'^d Augujl, Auguft in each year, and alfo for a time not exceeding two days in any other month in every year : provided the number of faid days, in ^ ^"^ °' " "'°"' ' \yhich fo trained and exercifed, fhall not in the whole exceed forty- "°' '" 'l^^ ^'^°^^ fix days in each year ; and fuch attendance ftiall be at fuch time ^^^''^ "^^ ""-"^ ^^"' within faid period, as the captain of fuch company fhall appoint. XXIV. >f?. Militia. XXIV, fen. 24. Provided nothing herein fhall prevent fuch captain CiiieJ out at any or commanding officer from calling out his faid company, or any part,-. v"'"eb°M"'ift^ate'^^' ^°^ P^blick fervice at any time, upon authority of any magiftrate, for > ag' ' proteding peace and enforcing execution of the laws. Sstjeants to call over XXV. fe^. 25. The ferjeant or perfon, appointed to train and dif- at exi-rcife, cipline, fhall at every time and place appointed for aflembling for that purpofe call over the names of the men appointed to be then and there in 2 days certify ab- allcmbled and exercifed, and vi'ithin two days after every fuch exercife aO-'eh^un"'"^' ^^ ^^^''^'fy '^ writing to the captain or lieutenant, the name or names of °' abfent from exercife, either at time and place appointed, or during exercife, or who depart without licence, with iiich as otherwife difobedient or mifbehave ; and any neighbouring juflice, not an officer commiflioned in militia, is required upon proof upon oath within two days after fuch offence committed to fine every fuch abfent militia man (whofe excufe above?st^'a''fticI !^^ "^^^ "°.^ ^'^'"^ fufficient) for firft time of being fo abfent, not exceed- (nmofficerfonoath, '"§ ^'^° fhillings ; and if fiicli man refufe immediately to pay, fhall by it noc fufficient ex- order of fuch juflice be fet in flocks one hour; for fecond offence, c"'e. . fuch militia man fo convided fhall forfeit four fliillings ; and if fuch at°Ji ^'flocks olir'^'' ""^^"^^ ^° P^y immediately, fuch juflice before whom convided fhall by horn", ° ° warrant commit to houfe of corredion ox other prifon or place of confine- 2d offence 4?. or ment four days; and for third and every other offence fo convided committed 4 davs, fhall forfeit fix fhillings ; and if fuch refufe immediately to pay, fuch further oifence 6s. j^ftjce fhall by warrant commit to houfe of corredion or other prifon not evf committed not ' „ i- 1 i ,- 1 1 r • 1 1 -r i-,- above i month, un- exceeding one month, or until inch penalty fooner paid; and if any dif- Jefs paid, ' abled by drunkennefs at time of exercifing, being convided on oath tiitibied by drunk- before fuch juflice, fhall forfeit ten fliillings ; and if fuch refufe imme- ennefs, 10s. diately to pay lliall be by order or warrant of fuch juftice committed to or impDloned not „„, „„•,-' • j- 1 -r jt 1 i- above 2 davs pnlon, to remain not exceeding two days ; ir any difobedient or in- difobedience'or in- folent to his officers, and convided as aforefaid, fhall for fi.rfl offence folence to officers forfeit twenty fliillings ; if fuch militia man refufe immediately to pay, 111 offence 20s. f^ch juflice, before whom fo convided, fhall by warrant commit to houfe unlds^Myment, ^^^ of '^orredion or other prifon feven days, or until he pays faid penalty, 5d and other offence which il,all firfl be ; and for the third and every other offence fuch 40s. _ militia man convided lliall forfeit forty fhillings -, and if fuch militia or commuted ,not ^lan refufe immediately to pay, juffice of peace fhall by warrant commit above i' mon^h' un^ ^° houfe cf corredion or other prifon, not lefs than fourteen days nor Jcfspaymeat, ' exceeding one month, or until he pays faid penalty, which fhall firft be; .t>fell, paun, em- if any militia man fell, pawn, imbezzel, or lofe any of his arms. bczzie, or loieaims, cloaths, atamunition, or accoutrements, convided in manner aiforefaid, bove ?1. n^or "under ^-"^'^ ^'"'^■^^''^ •'^°'- ^^^'^^'^'"S three pounds, nor lefs than the full value of cioaths, &c. full value, arms, cloaths, ammunition, or accoutrements fo fold, loft, pawned, or lefufir.g. committed imbezzelled ; and if fuch refufe immediately to pay, the juflice fhall J mcnth and ti.l fa by warrant commit to houfe of corredion or other prifon one month, il'ncK able' 5 months ^P'^ """"'^ fatisfadion made for the fame ; and if not of ability to make not returning arms, ^'•'^'^ fatisfadion, then for three months ; if any refufe or negled to re- &c. is good order, turn his aims, cloaths, and accoutrements in goo,d order to his captain ondsy ot cxerciieor on d^y cf exercife cr next day after licenfed to depart, convided as depart'" 6d ^" ° aforefaid, fhall for every fuch offence forfeit two fhillings and fix-pence ; if iuch refufe immediately, to pay, the juflice .fhall by warrant commit to fr Committed 7 da} s. houfe of corredion or other prifon feven days, or until he pays faid penalty, which (hall lirfl be ; if any refufe or negkd to return his arms, deaths. Militia. cloaths and accoutrements in good order to his captain, within one day "»' ^^'"^"eife.a" e^ after every fuch general exerci(e bv companies finifhed, or the fervice fofgrafc Zr^Ten^ct*' which the fame delivered out fhall be finilTied or concluded, and be there- finifttd. js. of convifted, fuch militia man fhall forfeit five fliillings ; and if fuch refufe immediately to pay, thejuilice fhall by warrant commit to houfe fc*'"f'"g> committed of corredlion or other prifon fourteen days, or until he return i>-i^'\'u^n''in*pood order. ■cloaths, arms, or accoutrements in good order. XXVI /ft?. 26. It any non-commilTioned officer negligent in duty, Non-commiflion of- or infolent or difobedient to orders of his fuperior, and convided as j^c r ncgilgem o. m- aforefaid upon oath of fuch fuperior officer before one or more juftices ^'||^'"J^^" j"P*"°'' of peace, fliall forfeit not exceeding thirty fhillings, at difcretion of fuch juftices; and if fuch non-commillion officer refufe immediately to pay, or committed 14 thejuftices of the peace fhall by warrant commit fuch non-commillion tiays. of P^) "'<•"'> officer to houfe of coireftion or other prifon fourteen days or until he j-^ ^^j^^ Ij-^ ^ pays, which fhall firft be ; and fuch fuperior officer being a capram ^^„^ nuy diichaigc. may difcharge fuch non-commiflion officer out of militia, if he think fit. XXVII. /(? 2 jiiiHces not 3- °'' commiflioners of array, or any three or more in purfiiance of this ,bov.e 50I. not under a\ ^ 1 ,- ferjeant is. P^Y °' ^^^^^ Company ; and luch commanding officer fhall caufe the fame piovided bypailiam. to be paid over to or for the perfons intitled, without any dedmftion, in tach company's pay fuch manner or proportions, and times or feafons, as previoully agreed to commanding offi- ^jpon and dircdcd by commiffioners of array for faid county, or any three cer, tor thole inii- j j 1 r 1 • n u i tied, without de- °'' rno^e ; provided the pay of each private man (hall not exceed one dutiion, as direfled pound ten fhilliugs and ei_ght- pence in the year ; and the officers, fer- hy 3 comminioners ; Jeants, drummcrs, and private men, fhall at leaft be paid once in every p.ivatc'f pay il. los. quarter. ciuarreTly^'payment. XXXIV. feet. 34. And as often as the militia of any county, or any J , . . part employed in fupprelfing infurreftions and outrageous tumults, and IS. a day to privates ' ^ . ' J , ,.ri' . & . „- ' , employed on infur- purtuing, apprehendmg, and attendmg execution or notorious oflenders, rc(ftion3, tumults, fuch and fo many private men of faid militia fhall during the time em- '^c ployed be intitled to pay of one (hilling per day ; the whole of which on oath prefentmeiit ^jjy ^ information on oath, afcertaining the nature of the fervice or by erand jury, and , / .•' 1 • 1 /• • 1 i- • r t 1 11 1 1 r ■ , paiii to commanding dirty, in which faid militia fo employed, and the length of time, be pre- oJficers for themen, (ented by grand jury of the coiinty, in which fuch militia fo employed, railed to repel in- and paid to the commanding officer or officers of fuch militia men, to vafion. or publick {jg immediately paid to fuch militia men, in manner aforefaid ; and ^s tb'e7'ioot''out of^" often as called out by order of government for repelling invafion, tunds made good by Of publick fervice, they fhall be paid out of the publick funds, as be- parllament, fore mentioned, to be made good by parliament, and intitled to fame when embodied fub- pjjy as officers and private men in other regiments of foot in thi« king- je. as regu ars, ^j^^ receive, and no other ; and provided alio, wl;en fo embodied and regimented, they fhall be fubjcdl to (ame laws and regulations as regular forces. XXXV. y>f/. 35. Whereas in cafes of invafionorinfurredion, and alfo for better difciplining the militia, it maybe neceffary to embody and regiment 'fuch companies, as fhall be raifed by regulations before mentioned, in their feveral feveraVcoimtres : it fhall be lawful for chief governors to order, vrlTene- Orc G. 3, c. 5s, by I or in trufl for him, if in this kingdom, or within fix months after any de- >n. 177V. Of Pfe- v'lhi, defcent, or limitation fhall take efFed in poffellion, if at that time v.ous 10 the Idle, vvjihin this kingdom, or if then abroad beyond feas, or under aae of or in 6 monehs alter , ^=' '. .- r /- 1 • 1 1 deu4'e, &c. take^ ef- '^w-"ty-one years,, or in prilon, or ot unlound mind, or under coverture,. feft in potfcilion if ^^^^cu withiu fix OTonths after return from abroad, or attaining twenty-one' in the kingdom, 01 years, OT difcharge from prifon, or becoming of found mind, or after 6 roomhs alter diUr jjiQ become a feme folg, take and fubfcribe the oath of allegiance and r ty remove , declaration, prefcribed by an a£t thirteenth and fourteenth of his prefent . majefly, to emible f objects, of ijabattver perjuafion to tejlify. their allegiance^, in fome one of his majeily's four courts, or at the quarter felhons for the: county of Dublin, or before the judges of alhze in open court ; which oath the judges prefiding in faid court, the chairman of faid fellions, and faid Judges of alhze, are impowered and required to adminiller. TheT names, titles, IV. feet. ^, Names of fuch peribns, as lb take and fubfcribe faid oath and additions, in- and declaration, with titles and additions, fliall be entered upon rolls, for "^^ ^,'. I that purpofe appointed by the refpedive courts 1 and faid rolls once in trjnlmitted once a r r \ f j , , r 1 • 1 n a- T car to rolls. office, ^^'ery year trandnitted to and depouted in the rolls-omce, to remain amongft the records. No maintenance or ^- fi*^'- 5- No maintenance or portion fhalT be granted to any child of portion to chd I of a popifh parent upon a bill filed againfl fuch parent, purfuant to afore- popifli par<-ot upon faid ad fecond Anne, out of the perfonal property of fuch papift, except a- bill filed puHuant^ Q^^^ ^f j-^^,]^ leafes which they may hereafter take under the powers grant- o'ur ot^pei'fonal' pro- ^^ '" ^'^'^ ^'^ ' ^^Y' '^l'''"S Contained in any ad or ftatute to contrary in any peny, lave leaks ^^'f^ notwithftanding. u.ider thi. aft. VI. feet. 6. After the ift November 1778 the conformity of the eldeft fon, and filing bilhop's certificate, and performing the requifites by any cX (^ 3 ' ^'^^ required in that refped, fhall not affed or alter the eftate of any po- cont'ormity of eldeft P''^ parent by making fuch popilh parent tenant for life, or vefting a re- foij. as by laid act or verlion or eftate in fuch eldeft fon, but fuch popifh parent fhall remain any oihar ihiii not feized and poiTelTed of th; fame eftate and intereft in all and every his or evu/"^'"" ^"''"'' her real eftate, as he or ftie would have been, if fuch eldeft fon had not conformed, or faid ad of fecond of queen Anne had not been made. Not to afTea fiich V 11. fed. 7. Provided nothing herein fhall affed the right, title, claim,. former claims by Of eftate of any eldeft Ion and heir of a popilh parent, who has, or at e.'deil Ions. any time before pafling this ad fhall have, conformed in fuch manne? as by the aforefaid part of laid ad direded, or of any perfon deriving by, faim, from, or under fuch eldefl; fon and heir of fuch popifh parent ; &ny thing herein to the contrary in any wife notwitliftanding. VIII. feet. H. All perfons being in aiflual poffeHion of any !ands, t«ne--p;ti<^ „o, Ihigafrf ments, or hereditaments under titles, which Ihali not have been litigated before i Nov. 1778, before ift November 1778, whether derived by defcent, devife, limitation, anti ihoie deriving or purchafe, and all perfons deriving under fertlcments upon marriages, or """^^ mamage itt- other valuable confideration, by papifts in pofleillon, fliall have, take, hold, [^''"'^"if 2ri'and*8ih or enjoy the fame, as if the faid an being a proteftant, who fliall at or proteftant be- any time become a papift, or fhall educate, or fuffer to be educated, '^""•'"S '^P''^,'-, , any of his children under the age of fourteen years in the popiA^ unde^TA^papifts!*" religion. XI. feet. I r. Any perfons, who have power under fettlements to make power under fettle- leafes for one or more life or lives, may and fliall have the like power to let ment to leafe for for. any number of years deterxninable on one life, or fuch number of ''"^-'' ''''^P°"'^''°^ lives, as in their refpedlive fettlements mentioned and agreed upon in refpecfl ^n^'^^e'^lTveT" of fuch power, fiibjed however to all and every other provifoe, condition, but fubjefl to the and reftridion. in faid fettlements contained concerning fuch leafes. other reAriaions in faid I'ettlcmcnts. I. Stat. 17 & 18 Gei. 3. cap. 26- feH. i. Whereas it is expedient to amend faid ad rn fome particulars : if the name of any member, who has " ^,' -' *"" !'',- r J rtn. • j- r r or nitli i- menilers, who Iw- ierved on a leiect committee duruig lame felTion, fhall be drawn, his name ved Can e lllFion on fliall be fet afide and deemed incapable of ferving on fuch feled committee, Teka committee, let unlefs the houfe fhall before the day for taking into confideration the faid ^iide ii drawn, petition have refolved, that the number of members, who have not ferved ""''■j^' ''l'^ """"'^.J'^ r \ r \ vT. • ■ 1 r r ,t • • • n- • r , ^ , . not liTvine relolv d on luch feleCt committee in the lame leliion, )s inlufiicient to fulfil the infuffici«nt° purpofes of faid a£t refpeding ihe choice of fuch fele^raj,« •jl. promotion, of the value of one hundred pounds a year or upwards, aicertained bv bifti- two pound; the value to be afcertained by certificate of archbilliop or"P"^""^^*^^- bifhop, or vicar-general. II. feet. 2. Provided two or more benefices epifcopally united fiiall be Unions deemed or.e. deemed and taken to be one benefice only. III. feet. 3. For every (kin or fheet on which any difpenfation to hold Dlfpenf^tlon cr h- two ecclefiaftical dignities or benefices, or both a dignity and a benefice, «ulty 6). or any other difpenfation or faculty from archbifhop of Armagh, or mafter of faculties, fhall be engrofTed or written, fix pounds ; upon which any admiflion of any fellow of college of phyficians, or attorney, college of phvfidans, clerk, advocate, prodor, notary, or other officer in any court whatfo- ^'j^°Jj7in any'^courr, ever, fhall be engroffed or written (except an annual officer in any cor- ajimiiHon ?1. excep't poration or inferior court, whofe office is under ten pounds a year inoffic* under ici. a falary, fees, or other perquifites) three pounds; every fkin or piece year, upon which any appeal from admiralty or prerogative, or any archiepif- appeals, 3!, copal court, engroffed or written, three pounds ; every fkin or piece upon which any conveyance, furrender of grants or offices, releafe oi'dg^jjinjoUed, js. other deed whatfoever, enrolled of record in any court of record whatfo- ever, five fhillings ; every piece upon which any writ of covenant for le- writ for fine or re- vying a fine, two fhillings and fix pence ; upon which any writ of entry covery, 2s. 6d. for common recovery, two fhillings and fix pence ; every n- the debt or damage doth amount to forty fhillings or above, fix pence ; tret: or prefentnient, every fkin or fheet, upon which any rule or order (except in caufes upon indidments, or which relate to prefentments) in any courts at Dublin, cither of law or equity, which Ihall be taken out, fhall be en- grofled groiTed or written, fix pence ; every (kin or (heet upon which any copy of fuch rules or orders, except in caufes upon indicftments, or which re- late to prefentments entered, or copies of any other records or proceed- . , ings in any courts at Dubhn, not hereby otherwife charged, fix pence ; "'^"' ' every (kin or fheet upon which any citation or monition in the pre- (,^^,|^.Cj^(ij^.„I p,;,. rogative or any ecclefiaftical court, or any hbei or allegation, depofition, ccedings, imento- anfwer, fentence, or final decree, or any inventory exhibited in preroga- f'""^. orcopit-;, 6.1 tive or any ecclefiaftical court or admiralty, or whereupon any copies of '^"'f'^'"' 'e^'"-"'* them refpedively engrolTed or written (except in fuits for feanien's wages) ^ ' fix pence ; upon which any charter-party, policy of aflurance, paflport, bond, releafe, contradt, or other obligatory inftrument, or any proteft, pro- policies, ir notarial curation, letter of attorney, or other notarial ad, fix pence ; upon which ■"-^'^> ^'^- ^•^■ any declaration, plea, replication, rejoinder, demurrer, or other plead- ^.^^ pieadin-s i j ings whatfoever in any court of law, one penny; upon which any copy copj^,_ \j_^'' thereof, one penny ; upon which any depofitions in chancery, or exche- quer (except paper drafts or depofitions taken by any commilTion, before engrolfed) not herein before charged, or upon which any copy of any bill, anfwer, plea, demurrer, replication, rejoinder, interrogatory, depo- deporuicns, c^-'py fitions, or other proceedings whatfoever in any court of equity fliall be fiiuiLy p.-occedin^s, engrofled or written, one penny; every fkin or flieet upon which a copy,, i^^- attefted by proper officer of prerogative or any ecclefiaftical court of any ^''*^'''^*' *^"P^ *""' will, one penny ; upon which any certificate or debenture for drawing back any cuftoms or duties for re-fhipping or exporting of any goods or jfj^^^jck, 4^. merchandizes after twenty-fifth December, 1777 to twenty-fifth of Der cember 1779 inclufive,, exported or fhipped to be exported for any parts beyond the feas, to be paid by the perfon for whofe benefit or at .whofe inftance fuch debenture or certificate obtained, four pence ; every almanack or calendar for any one particular year, or lefs than a year, . ,^ ^^j.^ ^ r, printed on one fide only of any one fheet or piece of paper onty, .oneo^ij,^ ',d others 2d. penny ; every other almanack or calendar for. any one particular year, two pence. VI. fe^. 6. Provided nothing in this a.£t fhall charge any calendar ot^° more than the perpetual almanack in any bible or common prayer book, or any other .^yU^^ll\.' ' '°' calendar or almanack, with, more than the duty tlmt would be payable ' by this ad for fuch other calendar or ahnanack,. in cafe it were raada for three years only. VII. /if(7. 7. Provided, for every printed almanack or calendar fofpajdfor every yeat. feveral years the refpedive rates aforefaid be paid for every, fuch year. VIII. fe/l. 8. For all papers containing publick news, intelligence, or News, ih. occurrences, a duty of one halfpenny for every fheet and piece of paper lefs than a fheet. on, which printed ; for every pamphlet or paper not ex- pamphlets not ex-.- ceeding fix fheets. odavo, or in a lefler page, or twelve in quarto, orceedmg 6 n.eets twenty in folio, fo printed; one (hilling fterlins for every fheet of anv °'-'*^/°.- '^ '^"^T". ,.,-'_ ' f , . ' . , ° V ..-'(. ," 20 folio, IS. a (he.'t. Kind or paper contained in one printed copy or imprefiion ; ror every ad- j^yg,tji-gjnen^ ^d,. vertifement to be contained in gazette, news paper,, or journal, publifhed weekly or oftner, or in any other printed paper or pamphlet whatfoever, difperifed or made publick, yearly,, monthly,. or, at any other, interval, two pence. IX. fe^. 9. Every deed,, inftrument, note, memorandum, letter or other muniment or writing, for or relating to payment of money, or for making Confiieratlon on making any valuable confideiation for or upon lofs of any rtiip, veflel, deemed policks" 2"^°^^' ^ages, money, efFeds, or by fire, or for any lofs whatfoever, or for or upon any life or lives, fhall be conflrued policies of aflurance within this att. A3 to freight defm- ^- S^^- lO- Every deed, inftrument, note, memorandum, letter, or ed charier parties. Other muniment or writing, between the captain and malter, or owner of any fhip or veffel, and any merchant, trader, or other, in refpedl to freight or conveyance of money, goods, wares, merchandizes, or ef- feds on board, deemed a charter-party within this ad. To prevent lofs of XI. feH. it. For preventing abufes by arrefting without any v/rit or duty by arreft with- legal procefs by means whereof the duty upon fuch procefs will be loll, cut writ. _ ^ _ gf(.gj. ^]^g 25th December 1777, every officer or clerk belonging to king's o^procefs'to arreft bench, Common pleas, or exchequer, who (hall fign any writ or procefs be- indorfed and enter- fore judgment to arreft, fhall at figning fet down upon fuch writ or procefs ed, the day and year ; which fhall be entered upon the remembrance-roll, or penalty lol. to pro- jj^^.j^g book where abftrads of fuch writ or procefs entered, upon pain to forfeit ten pounds for every ofience or negled, recovered by any perfon who fhall fue in any court of record by debt, bill, plaint, or informa- tion, wherein no wager of law, protedion or efToign, or more than one imparlance, allowed. ., , , XII. /f^. 13. All books and pamphlets ferving chiefly for almanack, Alnfi3n3CKS however •^ «-/ i r zj j * defcribed charged, ^^ whatfoever name defcribed, charged with the duty on almanacks, but not as pamphlets, not with any of the duties on pamphlets, or other printed papers ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding.. Bills or notes excep- XIII. /('/7. 12. Provided this ad fhall not charge any bills of ex- ^^- change, accounts, parcels, fees, or any bills or note (not fealedj for money at fight, or upon demand, or at the end of certain days of pay- ment. And probate or ad- XIV. fe8. \ \. Provided alfo nothing in this ad fhall charge the pro- miniibationot tea- bate of any will or letters of adminiftration of any common feaman or men or (oldiers dy- foldier, who fhall be flain or die in his majefty's fervice, a certificate being ing in fervice on produced from the captain or commander or commanding officer under whom fuch feaman or foldier ferved at his death, and oath (or by quaker folemn affirmation) of the truth before the proper judge or officer by whom fuch probate or adminiftration ought to be granted, which fuch judge or officer is required to adrainifter, and for which no fee or reward taken. XV. fefl. 15. Provided alfo none of the duties before exprefTed fhall And pupers. ^^ raifed or paid by any perfon admitted to fue or defend in /or»»^^^z<- feris^ fo far as relates to the fuit in which fo admitted. And warrants, ?c- ^^'^- f^^' '6- Provided this ad ftiall not charge with any duty any cognizance."!, and v/arrant by or recognizances before any juftice of peace, or any pro- court maniil pio- ceedings of any court-martial, which relate to any trial of any common ceedings ori foldiers. {"Q][jjgj And a.^sof parli."- XVII. feB 1 7. Provided this ad fhall not charge any ads of parli- ment or ftate, votes, amenr, proclamation, order of council, forms of prayer and thankfgiv- or orders books oi jngs or ads of ftate, ordered by his majefty or chief governors to be ifhooi or devotion, panted, or the printed votes or other matters ordered to be printed by bMhof inipn'rnna''^"'*^'^^r h^^fe, with any of faid duties on pamphlets or news-papers, or to Ksport or mortality, charge any books commonly uled in any fchools, or containing only matters Stamps* matters of devotion or piety, with faid duties on pamphlets, or any fin" gle advertilement printed by itfelf or the daily accounts, or hills of goods imported and exported, or weekly bills of mortality (fo as fuch accounts or bills contain no other matters than what ufually comprized) with any the duties aforefaid. XVIII. fea. 1 8. For better levying the duties it (hall be lawful for Commldloners sp. his majefty or chief governors from time to time to nominate and appoint pointed by cbiet go- commillioners or officers for ftamping and marking parchment, vellum, vemor. and paper, and managing the duties thereupon; and the commiflioners°^" '".l^"'.'''"* n 1.1*^ 1-11^ ■ r ».' , . , • T>, , ,. to appomc With fhall keep their head office m fome convenient place within Dublin : conient inferior of, and faid commifTioners or major part are impowered under hands and ficers. feals to appoint fuch other inferior officers, with confent and approbation of chief governors, for marking or ftamping, or for colleding or levying the duties, as they think proper. XIX. fe£l. 19. Provided commiffioners and officers appointed by the^™«|=^PP°'""^'' late lord lieutenant in purfuance of an adl thirteenth and fourteenth, and ^ (^^ ^^ (,y 1 j & 16 one other ad, the fifteenth and fixteenth, of his majefty, and the inferi- g. 3, c. 9, and b/ or officers appointed by commillioners in purfuance of faid ads, as al- this aft, (hall aa fo fuch other commillioners and officers as hereafter appointed purfuant ^"^j.'^™ P*""^^' _ to this ad, fhall during this ad continue to ad in the feveral offices to^j which fo appointed in like manner, with fame powers and authorities, and fubjed to fame reftridions and limitations, as in faid ads, or one of them, unlefs fooner removed by chief governors or by faid com- milTioners with confent of chief governors. XX. fea. 20. The types, marks or ftamp^ already provided, fhall con- p^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ tinue to be ufed, and any of them may be altered or renewed from time^inugj^ to time, as his majefty or chief governors think fit, fo as publick notiiicati- altered or renewed on thereof be given by proclamation under great feal a convenient time be- o" "otjce by pro. fore that all perfons may have due notice thereof: and all courts of juftice ^yj™-^ "notice (here, and judges whatfoever lliall without any allegation or proof rake judiciql^j^f notice of the feveral types, marks, and ftamps heretofore appointed by faid ads, which fhall be hereafter publifhed by any proclamation ilfued as and for the true and lawful types, marks,, and ftamps in purfuance of this ad. XXI. /f^. 21. The commilTioners in providing types, marks, and ImprefTion durable ftamps fliall take care they be fo contrived, that the impreflion be dura- ^"'^ '"'^ ''^'^'^ '* ble, and leaft liable to be forged or counterfeited. XXII. feet. 22. The commillioners may from time to time, as they oiRcert to t»ke ao- fee occafion, appoint a fit perfon to attend in any court or office to take tice, notice of the vellum, parchment, or paper upon which any the matters or things aforefaid engrofTed, written, or put, and of the marks or ftamps, and of all other matters and things tending to fecure duties by this ad ; ^^j^^^ j^, ^^^^^^^ ^, and the judges in the courts and fuch others to whom it may appertain, at c.^miilioneia le- requeft of faid commilBoners, or any two or more, fliall make fuch order* que u. in the refpedive courts, and do fuch other matters and things for fecur- ing faid duties, as fhall be lawfully and reafonably defired ; and every commiflioner and other officer, befoie he proceeds to execution of this ad. ftiall take the oath following. /A.B. o.itb nf eommiffion. ^ A. B. . do f'wcar^ that I will faithfully execute the tntjl rcpfed in me^ •Jk ind officers. purfiiant to an afl of parliament, intituled, an adl for granting to his ma- jefly, his heirs and fucceflbrs, feveral duties upon (lamped vellum, parch- ment and paper, without fraud or concealment, and will from time to time true account make of my doings therein, and deliver the fame to fuch perfon or perfons, as his majejly, his heirs or fucceffors, or the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being, hath ap' pointed, or hereafter fhall appoint, to receive fuch account ; and will take no fee, reward, or profit for the execution or performance of the f aid trufl, or the hufmefs relating thereunto, from any perfon or perfons, other than fuch as fhall he paid or allowed by his majejly, his heirs or fucceffors, or by fome other perfon or perfons for that pi^rpofe authorised by his majefty, or by the hrd lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being. aHminiftered to com- And fuch oath may be adminiftered to any fuch commifTioner by, any iniinoners by any 2, two or more of the fame commiflioners, whether they fhall have taken t() u r mates y ^^^ {zn\Q previoufly or not : and any of faid commiflioners or any iuftice any commilhoner or ^ ' ■ • -Vi i i-i . ^ . ,■ rr ■' -^ juilice. or peace may adminiiter the like oath to any lubordinate omcer. Rules and orders of XXIII. /(ft/. Z7,. Said commiflioners and Other officers heretofore or c governor obfcrv- hereafter appointed, and all officers employed or intruded by them, fhall '^'l. . from time obferve and perform fuch rules, methods, and orders, as they comrnirtloners fur- j^^^g received or fhall receive from time to time from chief governor ; &c. ^' ^^^ ^^'d commiffioners fhall take fpecial care, that the feveral parts of this eleflion to buy. kingdom from time to time be fufficiently furnifhed with vellum, parch- ment and paper, ftamped or marked, fo as fubjedts may have it in eledion to buy the fame of the officers or perfons employed by faid commiflion- oners at the ufual or moft common rates, above faid duty, or to bring their own to be flamped, or to furnifh themfelves or others that fhall have done the fame. All proceedings and XXIV. fect. 24. That his majefly may not be ""defrauded of duties, writing as uiual. all records, writs, pleadings, and other proceedings in courts of law and equity, and all deeds, inftruments and writings whatfoever, hereby charged, fhall be engroffed or written, as ufually accuftomed or now writ- ten. XXV. fect. 25. All writings, matters and things, in refpeifl whereof Part written upon or ^"Y of faid duties payable, and engroffed or written after 25ch December near a (Ijinp. 1 77 7 fhall be Written in fuch manner, that fome part thereof fhall be penalty lol. and either Upon or as near as conveniently may be to the ftamps or marks, '^"'"" upon pain that the perfon who fhall write or engrofs, or caufe to be written or engroffed, any fuch matter contrary to the tenor and true meaning hereof, fhall for every fuch offence forfeit ten pounds, with full cofts of fuir. XXVI. fect. 26. All vellum, parchment, and paper hereby intended Paper, &c. firfl: to be charged, fliall, before any matters thereupon engroffed or written, biought 10 office to {jg brought to the head office to be damped and marked ; and commiffi- wiihom''fee' oners and officers are required, upon demand of the perfon bringing the paying duties. fame forthwith, wrthout fee or reward, to flamp or mark any quantities or e or parcels brought; fiich perfon paying to officers appointed the duties hereby direded. XXVII. fecL 27. If any perfon arrefted from 2?th December ilTln-tu > ^ .. by any writ, bill, or procefs, out of any courts of record in Dublin, at the topiaimiff by in- fuit of any common perfon, and the fherifF or other officer rtiall take bail dorfem. under hand from fuch perfon, the fheriflF or other officer at requeft and cofls of the ^"^ '^^' wi'h '^o , plaintiff or his lawful attorney fliall affign to the plaintiff the bail bond ^3'^''^"^ ^(j-|''^^'^„t or other fecurity by indorfmg and attefling it under his hand and feal, ftamped', ^ '2""""" in prefence of two or more credible witneffes, which may be done with- out any ftamp, provided the affignment fo indorfed be duly ftamped be- replevin hondj af. fore any adion brought thereupon ; and alfo after 25th December 1777 ligned v/ichout all fheriffs and officers having authority to grant replevins, as often as '^^mp. neceffiiry for fuch fheriff or officer to affign any bond of plaintiff in replevin to avowant, fuch affignment may be made without any ftamp, provided the aflignment be duly ftamped before any adion brought there- upon. XXVIII. fen. 28. If any commiffioners or officer fhall fix any fuch Stamp before pay- raaik or ftamp to any vellum, parchment, or paper, before the duties "'f"' i°°' '° K. charged by this aft duly anfwered and paid, or fecured, he fhall for every *"'* profecutor. fuch offence forfeit one hundred pounds ; one moiety to his majefty, the other to him or them that ftiall inform or fue in any courts of re- cord. XXIX. /e^. 29. If any perfon hath caufed to be engroffed or writ- Writing before ten fince commencement of faid recited adls, or ftiall hereafter caufe to ftamp, or (lumped. be engroffed or written, upon any vellum, parchment, or paper, any mat- for lower du;y lol. ters for which faid vellum, parchment, or paper was chargeable by faid a<5ts, or is hereby charged to pay any duty, before marked or ftamped as aforefaid, or upon which there was not or ftiall not be fome ftamp or mark refembling the fame, or hath caufed or fliall caufe to be engrofled or written any matter upon any vellum, parchment, or paper, ftamped not evidence till or maiked for any lower duty, than the duty by faid ads or this ad payment and ftamp,- payable for what fo engroffed or written, there fhall be duly anfwered ^^^ f^copt and paid over and above the duty aforefaid for every fuch deed, inftru- ment, or writing, ten pounds ; and no fuch record, deed, inftrument or writing, fhall be pleaded or given in evidence, or admitted in any court to be good or available in law or equity, until as well faid duty as faid ten pounds, firft paid to his majefty's ufe, and receipt produced under hand ) ■ of fome officers appointed to receive the duties, and until the vellum, -•'* parchment, or paper, on which fuch deed, inftrument, or writing, made, fhall be ftamped with a lawful mark or ftamp, and the proper officers are required upon payment or tender of faid duty and ten pounds to give a receipt for the fame, and to mark or ftamp faid vellum, parchment, or, paper with the mark or ftam.p proper for fuch inftrument,. XXX. y£f<7. 30. If any perfon caufe to be engroffed or written any pefore (lamrifd »r matters, for which the vellum, parchment, or paper is hereby charged, tor lower di';ry,'jt. before marked or ftamped, or upon which there fhall not be fome ftamp to K. and profccu- or mark refembling the fame, or fliall caufe to be engroffed or written '°'' any matter upon any vellum, parchrr^ent or paper, maiked or ftampicd for any lower duty, than by this ad payable, , fuch perfon ftiall for every Officers, *P. for ffaiiH or piailice dilabled. f(3 of sttorne/s, Wrtring before again llanipeil, fiafwig, taking off ftamp for ufe, pe- nalty 50I. On altfration ftiniped paper m 60 Hay; after pro- clamati n brought to office, lilce quantity and C)uality with new ftamps deiirered ■without fee, penalty lool. not fo brought, not deemed flamped. fuch offence forfeit five pounds, one moiety to his majefiy, the other to him that will inform or fiie. XXXI. feet. 31. In cafe any clerk, officer or perfon, in refped of any publick office or employment intitkd or intriifted to make, engrofs, or write any records, deeds, inflruments, or writings by this aCl charg- ed to pay a duty, fhall be wilfully guilty of any fraud or praftice to de- ceive his majefty of any duty by this act payable, by making, engrolT- ing or writing any fuch record, deed, inftrument or writing, or by caufing the fame, upon vellum, parchment or paper, not marked or ftamped according to this adl, or upon which there fhall not be fome ftamp or mark refembling the fame, or marked or ftamped with any which he fhall know counterfeited, or by wilfully engroffing or writing any fuch deed, inftrument or other writing, upon vellum, parchment, or paper, which he fhall know marked or ftamped for a lower duty, be- ing thereof lawfully convifted, ftiall forfeit his office, place, or employ- ment and be difabled to hold or enjoy the fame ; and if any attorney belonging to any court whatfoever fhall wilfully be guilty of any fuch fraud or pradtice, and be convidled, he fhall be difabled to pradtife as an attorney. XXXII. fen. 32. If any perfon caufe to be written or engroflfed the whole or any part of any thing, in refpeft whereof any duty is payable by this ad, upon any part of any piece of vellum, parchment, or pa- per, whereon before engroffed, written, or printed, any other matter in refpeift whereof any duty is payable by this ad, before again marked or ftamped according to this ad, or fhall fraudulently caufe to be erafed or fcraped out the name of any perfon, or any fum, date, or other thing engrofled, written, or printed ; or fraudulently cut, tear, or get off any mark or ftamp with intent to ufe for any other writing, matter, or thing, in refped whereof any duty payable by this ad, every pedbn fo offending in any of the particularlars fhall for every fuch offence for- feit fifty pounds. XXXIII. y^f/. ^3. Provided as often as his majefty or chief governor alter or renew faid marks or ftamps, or any of them, it fhall be lawful for all perfons, who at that time have in cuftody or poffeffion any vel- lum, parchment or paper, marked with ftamp fo altered or renewed, upon which none of the matters or things hereby charged engroffed or writ- ten, within fixty days days after fuch intention of renewing or altering publiftied by proclamation to bring or fend fuch unto faid commiflioners, to the head office in Dublin, or to fuch other officers appointed ; and faid commiffioners and officers are required to caufe to be delivered the like quantity, and as good in quality, ftamped with fuch new mark, without demanding or taking, diredly or indiredly, for the fame, any money or other confideration whatfoever, under penalty of forfeiting for every offence one hundred pounds, fued for, recovered and divided, as other penalties in this ad ; and in cafe any perfon negled or refufe within the time aforefaid to caufe to be brought and delrvered any fuch vellum, parchment or paper, the fame is declared to be of no other ef- fed or ufe than if never ftamped ; and all things after that time en- groffed or written thereon fhall be of no other effed, than if on vel- lum, parchment, or paper, not marked or ftamped at all ; and all perfons who who fhali engrofs or write any of the matters hereby charged on fuch vellum, parchment, or paper after faid time, fhalJ forfeit and fuffer as herein bsfore enaifled for perfons writing or engroding on veiliim, parch-- ment, or paper not marked or flamped. XXXIV. /ff/. 34. Providied as often as his majefty or chief gover- |.,oj.]j^„[o„Qf nor alter faid ftamps, or any of them, the proclamation for giving all altered ftamps fert perfons due notice (hall within twenty days afterdate be fenr to the '" ^^'^ays to chi«f mayor, chief magiftrate, or head officer of every city; corporation, borough, '"^i^m'^j"' and market-town ; which officers fhall caufe the fame to be p\iblifhed tOk"t or'sund!y"""' the inhabitants either on next market-day or Sunday in the chiKch imme- pe.ialty jol. to K. diately after d vine fervice, upon pain of forfeiting &ft.y pounds ; fued^'"' proiecutor. for by debt, bill, plaint, or information in any courts of record at Dub- Jin, wherein no eflbign, protetftion, wager of law, privilege, or more than one imparlance granted or allowed ; ont moiety fo his majefty, the ether to fuch who fhall' fue. XXXV. feet. 35. And for better diftribution of faid vellum, parch- Prices fetyeati)' ani; ment and paper, and that fubjefts may have the fame with more con- ft^mped, venience, and at an eafy rate^ the chief governor fhall once every year at leaft fet the prices, at which the fame fhall be fold ; and faid com- millioners fhall ftamp faid price fo fet upon every fkin or piece of vellum or parchment, or fheet or piece of paper, fo by them fold ; and fha'll hkewile allow and pay to every perfon that fhall bring vellum, parch- allowance for pre- ment or paper, to faid head office to be ftamped Cthe duties whereof '^"^ P^^™*"' ***'«"' hereby impofed amount to ten pounds or upwards^ after the rate of "'y'°' fix pounds in the hundred pounds />fr anynim for fix months, upon pre- fent payment of faid duty ; and any perfon who fhall buy of faid com- miflioners or their agents vellum, or parchment or paper, at the head' office, the duty whereof fhall amount to ten pounds or upwards, fhall have the fame allowance for prefent payment. XXXVI. /cf/. ■},(>. Provided all vellum, parchment and paper, ftamp- p cd or marked, and paid the duties- granted by faid recited adl:s, may be ^^ ad^jlj^ji'**' ' iifed for the purpofes thereby intended without any additional ftamp, mark, or duty. XXXVII. feSl. 3-. And for better colledling and fecuring the du-copy of pamphlet* ties on pamphlets, one printed copy of every fuch pamphlet, after 25th In 6 days after December 1777 printed or publifhed within Dublin, lliall, within fix P""''"g brought to days after printing be brought to faid head office, and the title with the °|,|^^'fj,p„ . , number of fheets and duty fhall be regiftered or entered in a book there ty r'egirtcre'd, kept for that purpofe, which duty fhall be thereupon paid to the pro- duty paid thereon, per officer or deputy or clerk ; who fhall forthwith give a receipt for ."^^^'Pf.'ndorferl, the fame on fuch prrinted copy, to denote the payment of duty 1 and '/ "°' '" Dublin, to 1 *^r r\ 11 -J Li-n_ J • head colleiflor in 14 one printed copy of every fuch pamphlet printed or publiihed in any ^3,,.^,. place not within Dublin, fhall within fourteen days after printing be brought to fome head collector of ftamp duties, who is required forth- with to enter the title with number of fheets and duty in a book for that purpofe ; which duty fhall be thereupon paid to fuch colledor, who fljalf give a receipt on' fuch printed copy. XXXVIII. /^Y. 38. If any fuch pamphlet printed or publiihed, and the Penalty ad, duty not duly paid, and the title and number of fheets not regiftered and a receipt for fuch duty given on one copy within the refpei^tive times be- fore Stamps. fore limited, the printer and publifher, and all other perfons concern- ed in or about the printing or publifhing, (hall for every fuch offence, forfeit twenty pounds. XXXIX. feet. ^g. No printer or other perfon fhall publifh any Security for duty on news-paper, intelligence or occurrences, or any paper ferving the pur- •dvertifcmeiic, pofe before he Hiall have entered into fecurity for the duty on advertife- peiialty 2ol. ments printed thereupon, upon pain that every perfon fhall for every fuch offence forfeit twenty pounds. Selling pamphlet or ^L. feH. 40. No perfon whatfoever fhill fell, or expofe to fale, any news without name fuch pamphlet. Or news-papsr, without the true refpedive name and or abode 20!. place of abode of fome known perfon, by or for whom really and truly printed or publilhed, written or printed thereon, upon pain that every perlVjn fhall for every fuch offence forfeit twenty pounds. 'KLA. feet. 41. No ofHcer for diftributing fhamped vellum, parchment Stamped paper for qj. p.^pgr, fliall fell or deliver any ftamped paper for printing any pu6- news not ociivcrcd t t ■ iv n \ r r % r till duty for adver- "''^ news, mfeliigence, or occurrences to any perfon, unlels fuch perlqn tifement fecured. give fecurity for payment of duties for the advertifements, which fhall be printed therein. Stamps on news' not ^LII. feet. is^z. A.nd in regard of the uncertainty how many copies fold cancelled, °f '"'^'^i printed news papers may be fold, and to the intent the duties may not be leifened by printing a lefs number than may be fold, out of fear of lofs in printing more fuch copies than may happen to be fold, the commilTioners or major part or head officer fhall caufe to be cancel- led all ftaraps upon copies of any impreifion of fuch news paper, really on oath thereof and ^""^ truly Unfold in the hands of the perfon, by or for whom printed or ct no fraud or profi', P"t)lilhed ; and upon oath or folemn affirmation before faid commiffi- oners or any one, or fuch head officer, to the fatisfacftion of fuch com- milfioners or officer, that all fuch copies containing the ftamps, fo ten- dered to be cancelled, are really and truly remaining unfold in hands of the perfon by or for whom printed or publifhed, and that none of liie rmmber tieli- ^^^'^ copies have been fraudulently returned or rebought after fold or vaed without du:y. dilpofed of, or any profit or advantage made thereof (which oath or affirmation faid commilfioners or any one, and faid head officers, are au- thorized to adminifter, and to examine upon oath or affirmation into all circumflances relating to felling or difpohng of fuch printed copies) fhall caufe to be delivered the like number of other fheets, half-fheets or lefs pieces of paper, properly flamped with the fame flamps, upon payment for fuch paper ; but no duty fhall be taken for the ftamps thereon, r •] d XLIII. feet. 43. After the 25th December 1777 it fhall be law- o"oillit^'raw/no't ' ^"^'^ for all perfons,. who fhall at any time have any flamped velluiji, executed or ufed, parchment or paper, written or engrolTed, inadvertently and undefigne.d- and no confideratioii ly fpoiled, obliterated, or by any other means rendered unfit for the given, brought to purpofe intended, before the fame is executed by any party or parties, of and "exchangeT" ^"^ which in either cafe fhall not have been ufed for any other purpofe or other manner whatfoever, nor any money or other confideration paid or given to the attorney, folicitor, or other perfon employed to tranfacft the bufmefs intended .to have been carried into execution by fuch writing - or engrotfmentj or to .the writer, or engroffer thereof, for the duty irn- : prefled thsreori, to bring or fehd fuch unto faid commiifioners- at therr head head office ; and upon oath or affirmation (which faid comnniflloners are, or any one isauthojjzcd to adminifter) that fuch ftamped vellum, parch- ment or paper, fo wii:t:n or tngroiTed upon, or fpoikd, obliterated, or by any other means rendered unfit hath not been executed by any par- ty or parties, or ufed for any other purpofe, or in any other manner, and that no money or other confideration hath been paid or given for the duty imprelTed thereupon, except the money fiift paid for fucii duty to faid commiffioners, or receiver-general of ftamp duties, or other pro- per officer, faid commiffioners are required to caufe to be ftamped and marked for the perfons, who fhall fo bring and deliver any quantity fo written or engroffed, upon fpoiled, obliterated, or by any other means rendered unfit, the like quantity with refpedive duties, ftamped, marked or impreifed, on the vellum, parchment or paper, fo written or engrolTed- upon, fpoiled, obliterated, or by any other means rendered unfit, with-n i , out demanding or taking, diretlly or mdiredtly, for the fame, any mo- ,j„^,,, (rom time to ney or other confideration; and faid commilhoners are- impowered from time, time to time to make rules and orders for regulating the methods, and hmiting times for fuch cancelling and allowance with refpetft to fuch news-papers and other matters, as they fhall upon experience and con- fideration find neceflary or convenient for effetStuai fecuring the duties, and doing juftice to perfons concerned. XLIV. feet. 44. Provided faid commiffioners and officers fhall deliver Stamps for alma- to any perfon, by or for whom any almanack pr'inted, paper ftamped, nacks delivered on according to the true intent and meaning hereof, for printing fuch al- ^'^"."■ity to pay du- manack, upon giving fufficient fecurity to pay duties charged within "^''"i,^,"'?,"''^^" ,, three months aher delivery ; and upon bringing to them any number ofj^^ months, and the copies of fuch almanacks, within three months from faid delivery, duty abated, and requeft made, ftiall cancel all ftamps upon fuch copies, and abate fo much money due upon fuch fecurity, as fuch cancelled ftamps amount to. XLV. fe^. 45. Provided where any almanack fhall contain more than Almanack one ffieet one fheet, it fhall be fufficient to ftamp only one of the fheets of pa- only damped, per, upon which fuch almanacks printed, and to pay the duty accord- ingly. XLVI. /^6-/. 46. After 25th December I'j'^'j, in cafe any perfon Selling :i!manacb or fhall fell, hawk, carry about, utter, or expofe to fale any almanack or news'^ not ftamped calendar, news-paper, book, pamphlet, or paper, conftrued to be, or 4°' bdoie ajuilic«, ferving the purpofe of an almanack or news- paper, within intention °' "Y"'°"""'^'" °"* of this atft, not ftamped or marked, fhall for every fuch offence forfeit forty fhillings, recovered in a fiimmary way before any juftice, who is authorized to hear and determine, and upon due proof, and default of payment of penalty to commit to prifon not exceeding one month, without bail or mainprize, which penalty fhall be to fole ufe and bene- fit of the perfon who fhall without fiaud or covin firft fue. XLVII. /t"^. 47. After 25th December 1777 all perfons who caufe Advcttifement paU to be printed or publiihed any advertifement in any pamphlet, news- 4° ^avs, or trebio paper, or other literary performance, fhall within forty days after the ""'' '^" '^"'^^' printing or publication pay the duty to the perfons appointed to receive, or deputies or clerks, tlie duties for all fuch advcrtifements fo printed or publifhed within Dublin, and to the next adjiict nt head officer appointed fcT "To countfrfeit "amps Or tittering kaowingly, felony. Sala g for colleftion of faid flamp duties, the faid duties upon all fuch advertifements printed or publidied in any place out of limits of city ; and the commillioners and officers laft mentioned, or fuch to whom it fhall appertain, are required upon payment of duties to give receipts; and in default of fuch payment within the time, the printer or publifher fliall be liable to pay treble the duties before by this aft chargeable, recovered with full cofts. XLVIII. feet. 48. If any perfon fhall counterfeit or forge any type, raark, or ftamp, to refemble any provided and ufed by faid recited ads, or in -purfuance of this adi:, or the impreflion of the fame, upon any vel- lum, parchment or paper, or other matter direfted to be ftamped, to defraud his majcfty of any of the duties, or fhall utter, vend, or fell any vellum, sparchment or paper, with fuch counterfeit mark, or im- preflion, kinowing fuch mark or imprelfion counterfeited, being thereof convided in due form, fhall be judged a felon, and fuffer death as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy. XLIX. feet. 419. It fliall be lawful for his majefly, or chief governor, I'" apd charges out of the duties to cau/e fuch .fums to be paid for falaries and other inci of duties. dent charges, as neceffary for receiving, coUeding, levying, or managinj faid duties ; any thing in this aift to the contrary notwithftanding. Separate accounts L,. feH. 50. All officers concerned in levying, colleding, and receiving kept. the duties, fhall keep ftparate, and diflindt accounts thereof; and th^* paj^d mto^reafury ift perfons, employed to coUett and levy in the city or county of Dublin, fh; 11 pay the fame in fpecie into treafury on the firfl monday every month, un- lefs a holiday, and then the next day after ; and the feveral perfons em- ployed to levy and collect in other parts fhall pay in like manner to the collecflors of inland excife of tJie djftric^s, in which received and coUeded, which faid colledors are authorized and required to receive and give re- ceipts without fee or reward, and to keep diflind accounts; and every flamp-officer iliall in fix days after any payment give notice of the amount to commillioners of flamps ; and if faid officers negled or refufe to pay at the time or manner aforefaid, or detain all or any part, they fhall be difmiffed froin employment, and rendered incapable to {txve his majefly, and charged with interefl for monies fo detained, after the rate of twelve pounds per eentum per annum. Receiver general U. jeei. 51. Provided it fhall be lawful for receiver-general of faid !i!,'^l" ' ™°"'''^P'^''" duties to retain fuch fum not exceeding one month's produce, to anfwer necelTary demands of faid office. LII. feet. 52. There (hall be provided -nd kept in treafury one book» irn which all monies paid by this ad fhall be entered and regiflered apart from all other monies paid or payable to his majefly upon any account. LIII. feet. g^. None of the duties granted fhall be received or col- leded by, or paid to faid comraiffioners of flamps ; and the perfons, who fhall be refpedively employed in receiving, colleding, or paying the du- ties, fhall oope every year during this ad exhibit their refpedive accounts thereof to the commilfioners for taking imprefl accounts, who fhall from time to time examine upon oath faid accountants, employed in raifing, re- ceiving, or colleding what fums were by any of them refpectively raifed collected, or received within the time of their accounts, and likewife whaj- part Monday monthly, or to excife collec. tors, notice of payment in 6 days to cora- niinioners, penalty, difabled and t,J per cent. duce. Diilln(fl regiftry in tieafury. Duties not paid to ccmmiirioners, account yearly to impreft. examined on oath as to payments to treafury or collec- tors, Stamps. part thereof was by any of them paid into treafury, or to collectors of inland excife ; and in making faid accounts before faid commiHioners, ^py(.|jjr5 p,Qjm.5j they are to produce proper vouchers for any money fo raifed, received, " and paid ; and faid commiHioners of impreft accounts are required finally fettled Anally hf to adjuft and fettle faid accounts, and to give difcharges to faid ac- inipaft conimiirioo- countants, '^^''■ LIV. feet. 54. When the accounts of money received for t!ie duties Accounts audited fo audited, the fame fhall be figned by fiid commiOioners of accounts ; and figned a lulkdii- and fhall be at all times to faid officers a full and fufficient u^arrant and diicharge. difcharge to all intents. LV. feet. 55. All penalties incurred by this act, unlefs otherwife direct- penalties, unlcfs cd, may be recovered by any perfon, who fhall fue by debt, bill, plaint, otbeiwitedireacd, or information in any courts of record at Dublin, in which no ellbign, '*^ P'°'^'^"""' protection, privilege, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance, allowed. LVI. feet. 55. Neither the fix pence per pound, nor any other fee, Nq fees to treafurer, (hall be payable to, or deducted or received by, vice-treafurers, receiver, &c. or paymafter-general, clerk of the pells, or any other officer for their own ufe, for or on account of iffuing or payment of any money arifing by or received for or on account of the aids hereby granted, or of any payment accoucted for to K. in purfuance of this act, but the fame fliall be received and duly accounted for to his majefly his heirs and fucceffors. LVII. Stat. 17 & 18 Geo. 3. eap. 26. feet. 15. Whereas an atft thir- Recital 13 & 14G. teenth and fourteenth, alfo an aft fifteenth and fiKteenth, of his prefent 5' S;^' ^"^ '^ *, .majefly, and alfo an aft pafTed in the prefent feffion /or ^r^«/;'«^y>- ' ^ ^gg^'' "j. ,^ veral duties upon ftamped vellum., parehment, and paper : and doubts have arifen on the provifions as to admiffion into corporations and . * companies : and many perfons have been admitted, and their admiflion entered, engroffed, or written, upon vellum, parchment, or paper not ftamped : and great inconveniences would arife to feveral corporations and companies, if ten pounds was to be paid for every fuch omiffion, or in de- fault the faid admiffion rendered void : every fuch admiffion into any cor- admidlon into cor- poration or company, antecedent to 25th March 1778, entered, engroffed, Fw^'"^"^*"*^ '^'""' or written, without (lamp, fhall be to all intents as valid and effeftual, Ma'r!^^ 7^37 v^aU defen- the *'^"' °" nonfuit, &c. Wtiraht^ ant) ©cafatc^. r u cover treble coftg, VII. M. i; ' from 24th Jul faid two ^ears. the fpecial matter in evideRee ^ and if a verdid pais for defendant or plaintiff non-fuiied, or judgment for defendant, fuch defendant (hall re- cover treble coftg, Continuance J yens VII. /^(f7, 12. Provided this ad fliall continue in force two years fcc. ' from 24th June 1778, and until the end of the then next feliion after Wines imported in I. Stat. 17 Sc 18 Geo. 3. cap. 8. feet. 27. Whereas great quantities caflcs under 3 1 gal- of different kinds of wines have been lately imported in fmall cafks or Ions forfeited with veflels, that the fame might be more eafily and privately conveyed with- the value an ca . ^^^^ paying duties : after 24th June 1778 no wines ihall be imported or brought into any port, harbour, haven or creek, in any cafk or veffel, which (hall not contain thirty-one gallons at leaft, from any place what- foever, upon pain of forfeiting faid wines, and the value with the calk or veffel. . , , U. feet. 28. After faid 24th June 1778 all wines in cafks or veffels t'eal'lons forfeit-' ""'^^'^ thirty-one gallons fhall be feized and forfeited, together with the ed if on board in caik or veffel, if found on board any (hip, veffel, or boat in any port or port orin 3 leagues harbour, or hovering wirlijn three leagues of the fhore, or difcovered fo to of (hore, the' bulk have been, although bulk ffiall not appear to have been broke, or any of "°* /? ^'..^' ,!'^ r faid wines in cafks under thirty-one gallons run, or intended to have been tempt to run, unlets p r ^ n • rr > \ " j- 1 L 1 r on diftrefs, ofwhich run, out offuch fhip, veflel or boat ; fave where not bound ror any port notice and proof in this kingdom, but obliged to put into fuch port or harbour, or forced immediately. to come within three leagues of fliore by unavoidable neceffity and dif- trefs; of which the mafler, purfer, or perfon having or taking the charge or command, fhall immediately after arrival into any bay, harbour, liver, or creek, give notice and make proof before colledtor or officer refident at the neareft port, where fuch Ihip or veffel fhall arrive. Except of Cham- ^^^' ■^^''^- ^9- Provided this act fliall not extend to wines of growth of paigne. Burgundy, Champaigne, or Burgundy, or Italian, or Mufchat, imported as ufual in Italian, or Mufchat, fmaller veffels, or to Madeira wine ; provided imported in veffels not under as ufual, or Maidera twenty-eight gallons. m 38 gallons veflels. j o o THE E N ». Y '^ [f f" li UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^B Form L9-50m-7,'54(5990)444 * t I67V63 Vesey - An appendix to the Abridg- 1767-33 Y.l ment of the statutes of li-eland 25 167 V63 1767-83 v.l .^ ll^"lliiliiilliiiil|||lin|i(|i|l|lll|ij|(ij||)| D 000 732 943 6