\r >*^>; UC-NRLF ^B b^M fiis W X- ■i ,f^^.. 'r^. k"^ 4 '-MM ■W'i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %eceived MAY 16 1899 ^ igg . OF THB UNIVERSITY aglet 'spangle, pin' (Shakcsp.) from FR. aiguillet dimin. of ai- guille needle*. ago ME. ago agon: orig-. part, 'gone by, past' from go. agog adapt, of ofr. en gogues lusty, lively, in a pleasant humor' — FR. gogue 'mirth, glee'. agree me. agree : adapt, of fr. agr^er (= IT. aggradare] source LAT.^^r^///?/2 'pleasing, agreeable') . ague ME. agile: source ofr. agu 'sharp, acute' (= fr. aigu). Source lat. acutus. aid vb. from fr. aider 'help'. ail vb. ME. aile eile oe. ej^lan 'trouble, afflict' = GOTH, iis- agljan 'trouble*: deriv. of OE. eile 1= GOTH, aglus 'loathsome, troublesome'. For \/^cig cp. awe. air^ ME. aire older eir: loan- word from fr. air (source lat. aer). — air^ from fr. air 'ex- ternal appearance' is considered ident. with air^. aisel (Shakesp.); cp. eisel. ajar me. acher — one her (oe. on derr — on eyrr) 'ajar' cp. char. akimbo :me. a kemdoiae — a kenbckce (in the phrase »his hand, his armes a kemb^we setten«); for ME. bpwe cp. boitf and elbow. The first element represents an adapted on. kengr 'crook the shape of a horse-shoe' (cp. ON. kengbogimi 'crooked'). Another suggestion proceeds from an OE. "^cyneboga formed as OE. cyne- widdc. alder me. alder oe. dlor = ohg. elira crila g. erle, ON. elr elre(r), DU. LG. eller (goth. '^diliza is found in span, alisa ^ fr. alizc 'wild sorb, wild service-berr}^'). Akin to OSLOV. jelichay lat. almis (for '^alsnus) 'alder'. ale :\IE. die oe. ealu ealo (infl. caloif) ^ OSAX. alo y on. s\v. DAN. gl\ akin to osLOV. olil 'cider', LITH. alus beer'. alight 'alight from a horse' cp. light vb. all ME. rt-Zf/) - plur. alle OE.al{l) eal(l) — plur. ealle = osax. ohg. DU. LG. al, G. all, ON. allr, goth. alls. A primary form ala- is found in compounds and derivatives; cp. OSAX. ohg. alung mhg. alenc 'entire, complete', goth. atamans 'all men', ohg. ala-wdri 'all true , ala-niuwi 'all new'. Cogn. w. oir. uile (base olio-). allay me. alaie aleie alegge 'la}' aside, give up'; from lay'^. Perh. mixed with ofr. aleyer (fr. aloyer) ? allege me. alegge 'give testi- mony': adapted from ofr. alegier alegger ? alley me. aley: loanword from FR. alUe 'a going, passage'. allow vb. ME. alone: adapt, of FR. alloucr 'grant' (lat. type ad- locare) . allure me. aliire: from ofr. alurer, deriv. of lure 'bait'. almond me. almaunde: from OFR. ahnande (= fr. gmandc, whence du. amandet). Source LAT. amygdala (gr. auvydulr^ 'an 1 * 4 angel almond', whence a vulgar lat. ajnendla (it. mandola ■= ohg. mandala G. mandet). alms ME. almes oe. celmcsse (infl. celmessaft) : borrowed from oiR. ahnsan. Akin to the synon. OSAX. alamosna, ODU. aebnoese ael- moesene T>\J. aalmoes^ OHG. alaviuo- san alavidsa?i G. abnosen. Source LAT.-GR. eleetnosyna (cp. it. limo- sind) with a vulgar pronunciation almosna ==- provenz. a/mosna, ofr. almosne fr. aumone. alone me. alone late oe. eall- dna prop, 'all singly' = synon. G. allein, du. allee??. Cp. (?;'z^. along ^ie. along oe. endlong andlong', cp. long. The prefix e. rt; for OE. ««rt^ is = to G. ent- in entlang 'along' (ofris. ond- linga^. aloof adapt, of du. ie loef 'to the windward'; ident. with luff, already orig. 'quite ready'; cp. ready. — also prop, 'quite so' ME. also OE. ealswd 'quite so' = G. also. Ident. with as. — al- though ME. although altheigh\ in OE. we find theah \ eal (e. g. »|)eah ic eal m3ege« 'although I may); cp. though. alum ME. alum from ofr. alum = FR. alun\ source lat. ahhnen, whence G. alaun, du. aluin. alway me. alway alwey oe. eal- new'ey. orig. ace. sing, (some- times contr. to ealnei) prop, 'all the way, all the time' ; the com- moner form is always me. al- 7vaieSy being an adv. gen. sing, 'all the time, always'. amaze vb. me. amdse oe. d-vid- sian. amid, amidst; cp. middle. — amiss me. o?i 7msse\ cp. miss. among me. a7?iong\ prop, on- mang — on "^einang 'in the crowd'; OE. lemang 'crowd' see under 7ni?igle. Ident. with LG. 7na?tg 'among'. amount me. amounte'. adapt, of FR. amonter 'amount to' (fr. «w<7/2/ 'uphill' = LAT. ad montem)] cp. 7nouni. ancestor me. auncestrc. loan- word from ^^.ancctre old er anccstre (me. aimcessour from ofr. ances- sour) ; source lat. antecessor{em) anchor me. ankei' oe. ancor on- cor\ cp. ON. akkeri, du. g. anker late OHG. anchar'. a loanword from LAT. ancor a (it. ancor a, fr. ajicre). ancient me. auncient older auncien (for the secondary / cp. pageant, parchment): adapt, of YV^.ancien {= IT. anziano] lat. type anted7ius). and ME. OE. a7id=^ osax. endi^ DU. en, OHG. anti enti inti unti MHG. unde G. und. The cogn. SKR. dtha 'also, further , and' points to KKYK^dnthd 'and, also'. andiron -me. au7idire : loanword from ofr. a7idier (fr. Ia7zdier^ 'fire-dog\ Source unknown, perh. fr. a LAT. type a77iitdrius (lat. antes)} Cp. med.-lat. andma 'fire-dog'. angel me. aungel'. borrowed from OFR. angcle (yk. ange). The FR. word supplanted the orig. anger — ape OE. ME. engei = G. DU. engel ohg. OSAX. engil, GOTH, aggilus: early church-loanwords from lat. an- gelus ::= GR. dyytlog 'angel'. I anger ME. (7;z^^r 'affliction, sore, *■ trouble': Scand. loanword from ON. angr grief, sorrow' (dan. anger 'penitence', sw. anger 're- gret') ; akin to i^AT.angor 'bodily or mental torture'. angle ^ me, ajtgel oe. angol gngul ■= synon. ohg. angul G. angel J on. gngiill. Akin to lat. uncus 'a hook', gr. oyv.oq 'a hook', ayvAOXQOv 'fish-hook', skr. ankd 'hook', oiR. icad 'hook'. angle 2 (corner) me. angle from FR. angle = lat. angidiLS 'corner'. anguish jme anguisse: from ofr. angnisse fr. angoisse. Source lat. angustia 'straitness, poverty, per- plexity'. ankle me. ankel orig. a7ikle oe. ancleoiv 'ankle' :^ du. anklaatiw, ohg. anchlao, on. gkkla (prop. ^ankuldwf)\ akin to DU. enkel^ OHG. anchal enchil G. enkel 'ankle'. Source and formation of the group are doubtful; perh. akin to SKR. anguli angustha 'thumb, toe', AVEST. angusta 'toe'? announce me. anounce : adapt, of FR. annoncer (= lat. annun- tiare) ; cp. pronounce. annoy me. anoye anuy{e) 'weari- ness': from OFR. enoi anui fr. ennui (source lat. in odio 'in hatred'). anoint me. anointe: adapt, of OFR. enoint 'anointed' part, of enoindre 'anoint' ; c^. oifttmejit. anon 'immediately' me. anon earlier andn oe. on an *in one' (moment); cp. 7ie. another; see other. answer sb. me. answare oe. andswaru; corresp. to the synon. OSAX. ant-swbr , ofris. ondser, ON. andsvar? — Thereto the deriv. vb. answer me. ansiverc o^. ands7Ciarian. Source theTEUT. y/^swar = S7£>ear; hence answer was orig. a solemn charge made to rebut a charge'; and- means 'against'. ant ME. am{e)te oe. (E?nete 'em- met': TEUT. base dmaitjon; cp. OHG. a^neiyi mhg. ameiye g. ameise, MDU. efnte eempte, Perh. akin to G. Cfusig ORG. miii^y. cmizzi 'in- dustrious'. See e^njnet. antler ]ME. auntelere: loanword from OFR. antoillier {andoillier =^ fr. andouilier)\ lat. type afi- tocularis 'tine of a stag's horn in front of the eyes'. anvil short for me. anvelt an- felt OE. anfilt = ohg. anafalz, DU. aanbeeld odu. anbelt: teut. base atiafalti- and ana-balti-\ cp. the synon. ■ ohg. ana-boz, q,o^\\. w. beat. any me. any {eny p'ny) oe. cenii = OSAX. Snig^ mag, du. eenig, ohg. einag g. einig 'only, sole' : deriv. of teut. aina = e. 7te. ape me. ape oe. apa = du. aap, ON. apt, ohg. aj^o mhg. g. affe: a common teut. word, whence oruss. slov. opica, obo- appal (1) — arm^ HEM. opice 'ape' are borrowed. Source of teut. apan- unknown. appal(l) vb. ME. appalle : adapt- ed from OFR. apallir 'grow pale', akin to pale. apparel me. aparaile appm-eilc adapted from ofr. aparailler apa- ■ reiller 'dress' = fr. appareiller (it . apparrechiare) . appeal me. a{p)p^le\ adapt, from FR. appeler (=rLAT. ii.appellare). appear vb. me. a(p)pere: adapt, from OFR. aperer aparir apareir apa7'oir .(= it. apparire) source LAT. apparere). appease vb. me. ap^se earlier apaise: loanword from fr. apaiser 'pacify'; akin to pence. apple me. appel oe. ceppcl = DU. LG. appe/, mhg. g. ap/e/ ohg. apful'. WE ST teut. base applu-, allied to ir. uball, lith. obfilas, OSLOV. ahluko 'apple', russ. ja- ^ bloko. apply vb. ME. aplie'. adapted iroYn.O¥^.apittr'(¥Vi.appliquer, it. applicare, lat. applicare 'apply'); cp. ply vb. apprentice ]\ie. aprentice apren- lis: loanword fr. OY^.aprenfis and aprentif fr. apprentl (source lat. apprendere 'learn'). approach vb. me. aprgchc. adapt, from fr. approcher'. lat. type adpropiare 'draw near'. apricot b Arrowed from fr. ^^;'^^; cc)T4esp. to du. abrikooSy G.^rikose\ akin to span, albari- coqucy it. albercocco (mod. GR. 7igaiyj)y.y.ta) from TuAT. praecocmm [malum praecoquum'^^ lit. 'pre- cocious'. April ME. dpril{l)e\ adapt, ot LAT. aprilis'^ the earlier me. by- form averil points to ofr. avrill. Cp. G. DU. April. apron orig. napron = me. nd- pron ndp7'oun : adapt, of fr. nap- peron 'a large cloth', dimin. of nappe = lat. mappa 'table, napkin'; cp. napkin. For the loss of initial n see adder and auger. arch ME. arch{e-) oe. arce- [arde-biscopy. borrowed from FR. arch-. Cp. the synon. du. aartSy OHG. erzi- G. erz-y goth. ark [-aggilus). Source the lat. = Gr. prefix archi- [dg/i-). Perh. OFR. arc/i (in archangel) influ- enced the E. word, -archer me. archer', adapt, of FR. archer 'bowman' (lat. type arcariusy deriv. of arcus 'bow'). are (»we, you, they are«) me. are oe. (Northumbr.) aro7i'y plur. to the second person sing, art ME. art oe. eart. An Aryan, ar 'be' is prob. in lith. yrd 'is'. ark ME. arke oe. earc (infl. earce) = ohg. arahha archa 'chest' MHG. arche 'chest, money-chest' G. arche Noah's ark', DU. ark 'Noah's ark', on. grk chest, co- venant, ark, box', GOTH, arka f. 'money-box, Noah's ark': a Teut. loanword from lat. (also ROM.) area. arm^ me. arm oe. earm = OSAX. DU. army on. armry goth. artnSy ohg. ar(a)m G. arm. Akin 2 to LAT. arnius 'the topmost part of the upper arm, fore-quarter', OSLOV. ra7ne 'shoulder , arm', PRUSS. irmo 'arm*, skr. irmd-s 'fore-quarter, arm', avest. arema 'arm', armen. armukn 'elbow'. arm 2 a weapon' me. armes plur. from ofr. armes = lat. arma 'weapons'. armor me. armour{e) armilre: borrowed from ofr. armure ar- vie-ure (lat. my/iatura) 'armor'. army me. ar?nie arme'. adop- tion of FR. arm^e (= IT. annata ; base LAT. armare). arrange borrowed from fr. arranger (deriv. of fr. rang 'rank, file' from ohg. hrinc G. ring 'a rin^ or circle of people'; cp. rank). arrant ident. with errant. arras me. arras) orig. »cloth of Arras« : Arras is the name of a town in Artois (France) famous for its manufacture. See cambric and laivn^. array me. araie : adapt, of ofr. arraier areier 'arrange' (= it. arredare) : of Teut. origin ; cp. GOTH, gar aids under ready. arrest me. a{r)reste\ adapt, of OFR. ar ester fr. arret er (=: it. ar re stare, lat. ;Y^/r7r) later bai/i bai/li = 'MY.Ti.-iuA.i:.bai//iz>us ba//ivus. Source LAT. baju/us 'bur den bearer'. bairn 'child' (Sc.) me. bn-n OE. beam 'child' = OHG. GOTH. barny on. barn (whence also me. barn): deriv. of the teut. \fber 'produce', prop, partic. with the meaning that which is born'. bait vb. ME. baite beite 'feed': borrowed from ON. beita 'cause to bite' = MHG. beizen 'bait', OE. hake — bark' I I bcetan: causative of teut. bitati 'bite'; cp. bite. bake me. bake oe. bacan str. vb. := ON. baka, OHG. bahhan 'bake*. The G. forms partly show teut. kk for TEUT. k\ G. backefij du. bakkeii (oSAX. bakkcri 'baker ) ; the kk is also shown in batch. The teut. \pbak from pre-TEUr. bhog is perh. connected with GR. qcoyfiv 'roast'. bald ME. balled {o^.'^bealledef)\ source and history unknown. baldrick me. baudrik bauderik\ akin to on. baldrekr, mhg. bal- derichy fr. baudroy (ofr. baldrei, whence me. baiLdry) , med.-lat. baldringus: related io i.XT. balteus under belt. bale sb. a large bundle of mer- chandise ready for transporta- tion: loanword from ofr. ba(l)le {= SPAN, bala, IT. bulla) ; of Teut. origin, ident. with ball. bale vb. 'empty water out of a ship', also spelled bail: bor- rowed from DU. balien 'bale out'; DU. balie {= mlg. ballige balge, LG. balje, IT. baglui) 'tub' fr. fr. bailie represents aLat. type bacula (cogn. w. basin). bale ME. bale oe. bealu\ cp. oSAX. babCy ohg. balu^ on. bgl evil, calamity'; goth. '^balws 'evil' in comp. and deriv. as balweins balwjan 'torment'. balP 'a spherical body' me. ba 11(e) : borrowed from ofr. balle ■= OHG. balla ballo 'a ball, sphere', on. bgllr 'ball'. ball2 'a dance' (= du. g. ball) : borrowed from fr. bal 'a dance' (=: SPAN, baile, it. ballo) 'a dance', fr. bailer (it. ballare) is traced to GR. ^aXliLfiv 'dance'. ballast: loanword from sw. DAN. ballast orig. baglast for bar- lass prop, 'bare last' i. e. 'mere load' = DU. LG. G. ballast. balm ]\ie. baum (J>aiwte bame basnie): adapt, of fr. baume. Source lat. balsa?nu7?i, whence G. balsam, DU. balsem. bane 'harm' me. batie] 0'E.ba?m means 'murderer'; cp. on. ba7iey OHG. bano 'death'. Akin to gr. (fwvo^ 'murder'. bank me. banke oe. ba/iea = ON. bakki (orig. "^ba/ike): akin to bench, — bank (for money) adapt, of fr. banque = it. banca: ult. source teut. bank{i) in bench. bar ME. bar re', adapt, of ofr. barre. bare aiE. bare oe. b^.r =^ ohg. G. bar y ON. berr'. teut.-goth. base baza- = pre-TEUT. bhaso- in OSLOV. bosu 'bare-foot', lith. basas. bargain sb. me. bargain : adapt, of OFR. bargaine 'traffic'. barge me. barge \ adapt, of ofr. barge. Source a med.eat. barica, whence also bark'^. bark ^ 'the' rind of a tree' me. barke: possibly a loanword from the equiv. on. bprkr; cp. g. lg. borkcy northfris. btiark, goth. *barkus: prob. akin to birch on account of skr. bhiirja m. 'birch' ^ OF THH ' r T T -KT T A r XT" -D O T T'-V bark* — basket — n. 'birchbark'. Bark orig. 'birchbark'? cp. birch. bark 2 adapt, of fr. barque\ ident. with barge. bark vb. me. berke oe. beorcan ; cp. OE. borcian 'bark' and on. berkja 'bark' : teut. \f berkj not recorded elsewhere. barley me. barll older barlich late OE. bcerlic\ how the word is connected with the synon. OE. bere (cp. barn), is uncertain. Source a teut. base baraz (bariz := ON. barr, cp. gOth. barizehu *made of barley'), akin to lat. far 'corn' (aryan base bharos-). barm yeast' me. berrne oe. beorma = DU. berm, iviLG. bermc : Teut. base bervian- from an Aryan base bhernien- in lat. fermentuvi. barn me. berne oe. bern short for orig. bere-ern 'barley-house'; cp. barley, oe. -em (for ccrn ^rcenn) 'house' corresponds to GOTH, razfi 'house', on. ran7i. barnacle ^ 'a fish' me. bernake; transformed by suffix-exchange from oe. byr?ietc 'loUigo'. barnacle 2 a kind of goose ME. bernake\ an anglohlat. ber- naca of the 1 2 ^^ cent, is the first record of the obscure word. barnacles 3 'spectacles' orig. 'irons put on the noses of horses to keep them quiet' dimin. to ME. bernac from ofr. bernac 'camus, a barnacle'. baron me. bdrouw. loanword from FR. baro?i, whence also ODU. baroen, mhg. barun G. DU. baro7i. Source a military word lat. baro 'mercenary', which oftentimes is found in the Teut. Leges Bar- barorum for 'baron'. barrel me. bdrel prop, baril: borrowed fr. fr. baril. barren me. bar-rein : a fr. loan- word, cp. OFR. brahain barhain (fr. brihaigiie 'sterile'). Source unknown. barrow 'a wheel -barrow' me. bdrwe (oe. '^bearwe): derived from the teut. \f^ ber in bear\ as for the ?i'/-suffix cp. also oe. mcox-byr7ve , westphal. bierive 'a bier, stretcher*. barter Engl, deriv. of ofr. barate 'deceit, fraud' (ofr. ba- rater 'beguile'), whence me. bardt barely ODU. baraet fraud', mhg. bdrdt. base ^ 'low' from fr. basse f. {pas m.). Source vulg. -lat. bassus ? base 2 sb. 'foundation' me. base (bas): loanword from fr. base (lat. basis). bashful see abash. basin ^ie. basin: loanword from FR. bassin. Source lat. bacciniihi (akin w. lat. bacar and bicdriimi ?) whence du. bekken, ohg. (osax.) bekkin G. becken 'basin'; cp. du. lg. bak 'bowl, tub, trough', fr. /^^^ 'trough, basin' = lat. baccd). bask vb. ME. baskc. a Scand. loanword, from o^.badask 'bathe oneself. Source see under /^^M. basket me. basket] commonly considered ident. with britann.- LAT. bas Cauda 'dish-pan' (= ofr. baschoe 'bucket'); an O'E.'^bascod bay 8 "^baxod was supplanted by "^bascoty -ot being an E. dimin. suffix. A primit.LAT.-GALL.^<^?j'r<7 appears in FR. bachc tilt, vat'. bass 'a fish' me. base barse oe. beers = DU. baars, G. barsch\ cp. SWED. abborre^ dan. oborre {rr from 7's\ bastard me. bastard (= o. bastardy DU. bastaard) : borrowed from OFR. bastard (fr. bdtard = SPAN. IT. bastardd). Source ofr. ^75^ := SPAN. IT. basto pack- saddle'; cp. OFR. fils de bast *a bastard*, lit. 'a son of a pack- saddle' (not of a bed, cp. G. bankert prop, 'son of a bench). baste ^ vb. 'beat with a stick, strike': a Scand. loanword from ON. beysta 'beat' = sw. bosta 'thump', DAN. bostc strike'. baste 2 vb. pour fat over meat'; origin unknown. baste^ vb. 'sew slightly' me. baste', borrowed from ofr. bastir (fr. bdtir r= span, bastear, it. imba stare) 'baste'. Source a TEUT. bastjan = OUG. bestan 'patch' :\rHG. besten 'bind'. bat ^ 'a short cudgel' ME. late OE. bat{ti)\ loanword from IR. GAEL. bat 'staff, cudgel' or more prob. fr. fr. batte 'a rammer, wand'. bat^ a winged mammal'; the Scotch by-form ba{c)k points to -ME. bakke ■= DAN. bakke (only in comp. aftenbakke 'evening-bat'). Perh. connected with back and bacon ^ made prob. by G. (dial.) j;?>^(r/^wrt!//5 'bat' prop. 'flitch-mouse'. batch ME. bacche oe. "^bcecce) deriv. from the teut. yf bakk (^.bak)', see bake. bath ME. bath oe. bcsd= osax. bath, DU. G. OHG. bady on. bad. The dental being suffix, the word rests on a teut. y" ba {bt) in OHG. bden = g. bcihen. — bathe vb. ME. bdtlie oe. badian = ohg. badon G. bade?t, on. bada: deriv. from the teut. sb. ba^a- 'bath . batten vb.'grow fat' me. "^batnc. a Scand. loanword ixovsxoi^.bat?ia 'grow better' (= goth. gabatnan 'profit'). Akin to better and boot^. batter vb. 'beat'ME. /;r?/r^: from FR. battre. Source lat. battuere. Hence batter *a compound of eggs, flour and milk' me. batilre: from OFR. bate-ure 'a beating'. battle ME. bdtaile: loanword from FR. bataille, whence odu. bataelghey ]\ihg. bateile 'battle'. Source lat. battuere 'beat'. bay adj. 'reddish' me. bay. from FR. bai. Source lat. badius 'bay- colored'. bay^ 'inlet of the sea' me. bate : borrowed from FR. bate {= span. bahia^ it. bajci). bay''^ sb. 'a kind of laurel-tree, sweet-bay me. bay bale *a berry': borrowed from ofr. bale baye FR. bale 'a berry'. Source lat. bacca bdca 'berry'. bay vb. 'bark as a dog' me. baye shortened from abaye: loan- word from OFR. abater fr. aboyer. bay^ 'berry' (in bay-rujii) me. bai bei OE. bdj^ = northfris. bei, be beaver DITMARSCH beiCy DU. bci 'berry': Teut. base baijiz bajjiz\ not ident. with OFR. bale ^ lat. bacca. be 'exist' me. be oe. beon fr. a Teut. base '^bija?i\ cp. ohg. bi7n = OSAX. biu-7n 'I am', which an- swers to LAT. fio\ Aryan base bhio {bhijo) traceable to bhwio bhuid) cp.y/^bkii in LAT./ui 'I was!. Cp. booth and build. be- prefix me. oe. be-\ ident. with by. beacon :me. bcken oe. beacen = OHG. bouhhan^ osAX. bokan (du. baaky G. <^^7/^^ fr. ofris. bdketi)'. teut. base baukna-. See beck. bead me. /^^-V/^ 'a bead, a prayer' oe. j^<^^^/ 'prayer'. Deriv. from the teut. \fbed', cp. bid. beadle me. bedel bedel', loan- word from OFR. bedel = fr. bideau (it. bidelld). Source a Teut. bidil = ohg. /^////. beaker me. biker \ cp. the sy- non. DU. beker, osAX. bikeri^ ohg. b'ehhdri G. becher. Perh. the E. word is borrowed from the sy- non. ON. bikarr. Source lat. biccariiwi (it. bicchiere) with the hy -^oitfi piccarium (see pitcher). Further connections under basin. beam *a piece of timber' me. b§m OE. bea?n 'a tree' = ohg. MHG. bourn G. bmwi, lg. du. boom, OSAX. bom 'a tree'. The corresp. synon. goth. bagms (on. badmr}) 'tree' seems to point to a TEUT. bagwma- with a by-form bawma- bauma-. bean me. bene ben oe. (^/a« = synon. ohg. bona g. bohne, du. (!^^^//, ON. ^<^//« : TEUT. base baunb- 'bean'. The early existence of the word (goth. '^baund) is at- tested by the name of the Fris. island Baunonia (island of beans?). bear vb. 'carry' ]me. b^re oe. beran --= osAX. ohg. b'eran, on. bera, du. bar en, goth. bairan. Akin to LAT. ferre, gr. (phonv.^ SKR. \fbhar 'bear, carry': Aryan \fbher. Cp. bier and birth. bear sb. 'ursus' ME.bere oe. /^mi; = OHG. bero :\ihg. ^^r g. bar, du. ^^^r. The TEUT. beron- (on. <^'^r«) is based on an Aryan adj. bhero- 'brown' preserved in lith. beras 'brown'. beard me. berd oe. beard = DU. baard, ofris. berd, ohg. g. bart'. teut. base bar da- = Aryan bhardha- in lat. barba, osLOV. brada, lith. barzdd, pruss. bor- dus 'beard'. beast ME. best: loanword from OFR. beste (fr. bete), whence also LG. DU. beest 'beast'. Source lat. bestia (in a vulgar form besta). beat vb. me. b^te oe. b(atan = OHG. boT^yin mhg. boT^en, icel. bauta 'beat'. Cp. beetle. beaver^ 'an animal' me. be'ver OE. beofor = ohg. bibar G. bibcr, DU. <^^z'^r, o^.bjorr: teut. bebruz (whence are borrowed it. bevero, FR. bievre)- points to pre-teut. bhebhrus =: \.xt. fiber, coKH.befer, OSLOV. bebrii, lith. bebrus, lett. bebris, RUSS. bobru 'beaver'. In SKR. there is an adj. babhrus 'brown', which is perh. a redupl. beaver^ begin 15 form pointing to lith. beras 'brown' under bear. beaver- 'the lower part of a helmet' borrowed from the synon. FR. bavibr, whence also the sy- non. DU. bevei'. because :me. because bicause by- cause (also separately written be-y bi-, by- cause) : by the prep, -f- cause. beck^ 'a stream' me. bek: loan- word from ON. bekkr (= sw. bdck)\ cp. OSAX. bekiy du. beck, OHG. bah{hh) G. bach from a teut. baki-. beck- a nod or sign' me. bek short for ME. beke OE. beacen] see beacon. bed ME. OE. bed {dd) = goth. badi (stem badja-)y ohg. /^t'// z^/-/// MHG. bftte bete g. /^^//, du. bed. The cogn. cymr. ^^^/" bed for bid goes back to an Aryan \^ bhidh in gr. tjeISm 'move by praying' which with iuA.iL.ftdo 'trust' points to connection with bide. bide ME. bide oe. bidan str. vb. = GOTH, beidan, osAX. bidan, ohg. bitan, ON. bida. The strong verb TEUT. bida7i wait' agrees with \.Kl.fido 'I trust' and gr. TJtidof.iai 1 trust, obey' {nUdw 1 move by I entreaty') : pre-TEUT. bMd/i. Cp. bid pray" for the identity of bide with TEUT. bidjan. bier me. bere bere oe. /^^r = OSAX. OHG. ba7-a g. bahre , du. /^rt-^;-; the modern spelling \yith ie (since 1600) is due to fr. biere. Source a teut. herb-, derived fr. bear (teut. y/^ be r). bile :me. bl/e oe. byte = du. bui/ , OHG. /^^// yb. orig. 'sprinkle with blood' is appar. a deriv. of teut. bloda- in blood, blind adj. me. oe. blind = OS AX. DU. G. SW. DAN. bll/ld (OHG. MHO. blini)y ON. blindr ^ goth. blinds. Akin to on. blunda vb. 'close one's eyes' and to lith. blandyti 'cast down one's eyes' — • blesti blisti grow dark'. — blind vb. 'make blind' deriv. of blind^ supplanting aiE. blende (pret. blende) oe. blendan = synon. ohg. blentan G. blenden: causative of the teut. base blinda in blind adj. blindfold adj. ME. blindfelle oe. blindfellian 'strike blind, put out the eyes'; the mod. phonology of the second element of the word is due to confusion with fold'^ But ils origin is obscure; it may be akin to OE./ell, G. fell ohg. fel, GOTH. Jill = LAT. J>ellis. blink vb. me. blin^e = g. du. blinkeny sw. blinka, dan. blinke. bliss :\IE. blisse oe. bliss older bMs blids (= osAX. blidsed) : i"-deriv. of blithe. blister me. blister oe. "^blystre = opu. bluyster. Root unknown. blithe ME. blithe oe. blide 'joy- ful, glad' (cp. bliss) = osAX. blithi , LG. blide , DU. blij'(de.), OHG. M^//, ON. blidr, sw. dan. M^/, GOTH, bleips. The dental is formative, but the teut. \rM unknown elsewhere. block me. block 'a block* (of wood). Cp. tha synon. du. blok, :mlg. block, OHG. bloh mhg. ^/^^/; G. block. Uncertain whether the e. word is a native e. word or adapt, fr. fr. bloc 'block, log'. blond from fr. blond, whence also G. DU. DAN. blo?id. Source a lost teut. blunda- {= it. biondo, SPAN, blondo). blood ME. OE. blgd = OSAX. blod, DU. bloed, lg. blood, ohg. MHG. bluot G. blut, ON. bldd, SW. DAN. blod: TEUT. base bloda- (and blopa- in goth. blof) from a pre-TEUT. bhloto- bhldto-, not found elsewhere. Its relation to the sf^ bio 'bloom' is doubtful. See bleed and bless. bloom ME. blgm{e)'. borrowed from ON. blom blomi = goth. blbma, osAX. blbmo, DU. bloem, OHG. bliioma (bluomo) G. blume 'flower'. For the \^blo cp. lat. ^os and on-i. bldth 'blossom' and blow' . blossom ME. blosme oe. bldstm{a) blds?na=^iy\j. bloesem (bloem), mlg. blo(s)sem: deriv. of the teut. sfblo in blo7v.^ blow sb. 'a stroke' ME. blowe-^ deriv. from ME. blewe OE. blcowan = OHG. bliuwan mhg. bliuwen G. bliiuen, DU. blouwen, goth. bliggwan 'strike': teut. \f bleu blew. blow 1 vb. 'bloom' me. blgive oe. blow an 'blossom' = osAX. blbjan, du. bloeijen, ohg. bluojan G. blilhen 'blow, bloom', goth. "^ blbjan. The teut. \r<^/<5 appears also in bloom and blossom. blow'^ vb. 'puff' me. bhme oe. bldwansix. vb. = ohg. bldian 'blow' 22 blue bolster MHG. blcewen blcBJen G. bldhen 'blow, sweir. The teut. \(^ble bid agrees partly with lat. flare (Aryan bhld in blade and bladder). blue ME. bleiv : not deriv. from OE. blcBwen (deriv. of oe. bhhv), whence me. '^bl{we ought to be derived. :me. blew blm is loan- word from the synon. fr. bleu {= IT. biavd)\ ME- big 'blue' is adapt, of ON. bldr. The source of the whole group is a teut. base bldwa-^ blewa- 'blue' = oe. bldw^ ON. bldr,, du. blaatm>, ohg. bldo G. blau; ident. w. \.KY.flaviis 'yellow'. ^ boar ME. bgr oe. bar = ohg. MHG. ber 'a young boar', OSAX. bcr(swm), lg. ber, du. beer : teut. base baizu- or bairu-. board 'a plank' me. oe. bJrd 'board, plank, shield, table' =- OSAX. DU. sw. DAN. bord, LG. boord, g. borl, ON. ^^r^, goth. {fotu)- baiird 'foot-stool': teut. base borda- with the by-form breda- in OE. bred = G. brett (du. berd ODU. /^r^r/). boast vb. ME. bgste\ perh. traceable to an oe. '^"bosettian : deriv. from teut. \p bans bus in G. bose OHG. bosi'i boat ME. /^j?/ OE. bat = on. /^^/V 'boat'. The E. word is the source of on. bJlr, du. g. bool and FR. bateau. bodice 'stays for women' for- merly bodies^ being plur. oibody. Cp. pe?ice for pennies. bodkin me. boidekin 'a small dagger'; of uncertain origin, related to w. bidog , ir. bideog 'a dagger'? The diphthong oi in ]\IE. shows foreign origin of i^m.boidekin\ but the suffix seems to be Anglisized. body ]\1E. body bodi oe. bodij^ 'body*; akin to ohg. botah mhg. botech 'trunk, corpse'. Relation to ohg. botahha G. bottich 'a large vessel, tub' is uncertain. boil 'a small tumor' me. bile. OE. byl{e)\ ident. with bile. boil vb. 'bubble up' me. boilc boyle'. loanword from ofr. boillir FR. bouillir = span, bulliry it. bollire 'boil'. Source lat. bullh e 'bubble'. boisterous :me. boistrotts 'rough, coarse' : an extended form of ME. boistous 'rough, clumsy'. The ^/-diphthong points to foreign origin; no source yet found. bold ME. bold OE. bald (bcald older bealp) = GOTH, '^'balpa- (in balpaba adv.), on. ballr (orig. ^^balpr), OSAX. ohg. bald 'bold' (hence G. bald 'soon, quickly'). bole :\iE. bole = mhg. bole g. bohle 'a thick plank*; akin to ON. bolr 'trunk of a tree' and perh. related to gr. rpdXay^ 'stem of a tree'. boll ME. bolle OE. bolla bowel, a round vessel' = du. bol m. ohg. bolla 'a round vessel', on. bolli. Perh. akin to ball and LAT. follis 'hose'. bolster me. oe. bolster = du. MHG. bolster ohg. bolstar G. bolt — booty 2i polster^ ON. bolstr'. deriv. with sir- suffix from the teut. \f belg 'swell'; hence its orig. meaning 'swelling' (teut. base bolstr a- from *lwlhstra-). bolt vb. 'sift meal' :me. bnlU : borrowed from ofr. buUer (fr. bliiter^ 'sift'. bolt 'a stout pin of iron etc., an arrow' me. oe. bolt = synon. OHG. bolz, DU. bout, ON. bolte. Borrowed from LAT. catapulta'i bone ME. bgn oe. ban = g. bein, osax. ben^ du. been, on. bcin, sw. DAN. ben, goth. '^bain (du. g. on. sw. also leg ). Perh. cogn. with ON. bcimi 'straight'. bonnet ME. bond', loanword from OFR. bonet orig. fr. chapel de bonet\ MED. -LAT. bonneta a stuff of which caps were made'. bonny me. bony, an engl. derivative of fr. bon 'good'. booby not found in me. oe., with ENGL, ending derived from SPAN, bobo 'fool'? book ME. bgk oe. bgc = G. buck OHG. biwh, OSAX. bok, du. boek, GOTH, boka f. — bok n. 'a letter of the alphabet' shows in the plur. the meaning 'writing, document, book', and the ohg. OSAX. OE. corresponding buoh bok occurs in pluralform with the meaning 'a single book'. There- fore it is evident, that the sing, meant orig. (as in goth.) 'a single letter of the alphabet'. The TEUT. base boka- (cp. beech) was orig. 'beech-bark. beech-tablet' used to scratch runes on. boom borrowed from du. boo?n (= LG. boo!fi) 'a tree , beam, pole'. Ident. with beam. boon ME. bone petition, favor : loanword from on. bon 'a prayer'. There was a native oe. ben me. be tie 'a prayer'. boor adapt, of du. boer (= G. bauei') 'peasant'. Akin to oe. lebiii'j cp. neighbor. boot^ ]ME. bgte\ loanword from OFR. bote (boute) = fr. botte (it. bota) ; akin to G. bossen 'shoes'. Source unknown. boot^ 'advantage me. bote oe. bg't = OSAX. goth. bota, ohg. bao-^a bno2, G. bi/sse, on. bot. For the TEUT. \p bat cp. batten, better and best. booth :\IE. bgthe : loanword from ODAN. both (dan. bod) = MHG. buode G. bude. The oicel. biid differs from dan. bod in the root-vowels (teut. o'.u). The dental is suffix. For the teut. \fbu (indo-teut. bhii) 'dwell' cp. LiTH. butas 'house', oiR. both (bothdn) 'hut' (base bhii- to). See build and be. booty in the 15"^ cent, spelled bgtye and butin ; akin to the equiv. fr. butin, du. buit , g. beute, on. byte 'booty"; the fr. word represents an osAX. '^biitin '^biiti, which is cogn. w. OIR. buaid victory' and cymr. budd 'ad- vantage, profit'. Aryan \(^bhud : bhaud. border — boush border me. border bord{e)ure: adapt, of FR. bordure. Ultimate source OHG. borto 'edge'. bore vb. me. bore oe. borian = OHG. boron G. bohren, DU. boren, on. bora. The teut. base bo? on agrees with lat. for are 'bore'; cp.GR.(/oe(j03^'plough',SKR. bhiirij 'scissors': Aryan \^ bher bJwr. borough and -bury in place- names me. borive (and biry) OE. burh burg (dat. sing, /^j'rg) 'town'. OE. burg = synon. OSAX. bur{u)gy DU. burg^ ohg. bur{u)g G. burg, ON. borgy goth. baiirgs 'town". borrow vb. me. borwe oe. bor- gian protect, borrow' = ohg. borgeti g. borge?i 'borrow, give a pledge'. Prob. akin to ohg. b'ergan, GOTH, bairgan 'protect, shelter' (oSLOV. bregq 'I take care of). bosom me. bosum oe. bosm = OSAX. bosm, DU. boezem, ohg. buosam G. busen, goth. ^bbsma-. botch vb. 'mend a garment' me. bocche 'repair': deriv. from boot 'mending, repair of a thing'? perh. ident. with oe. botettian 'repair' ? Cp. G. dial, buetzen 'mend shoes' = ohg. buozzen 'repair. botch 'a swelling on the skin, a boil' ME. bocche'. borrowed from OFR. boche 'a sore' (fr. bosse 'swelling' = it. boccia 'ball'). both ME. bgthe = osax. bMi^, OFRis. bet/ie bide, ohg. g. beide^ on. bddir, sw. bdda, dan. baade. The stem of the numeral in its oldest forms had no dental: goth. bai ^ oe. be'^en bd bit 'both'. The dental ending is short for the article : me. bpthe == oe. bd da, G. beide instead of bei die. In the older periods the article was combined with the numeral; cp. GOTH, ba po scipa 'both ships', OE. bej^cn dd gebrodru 'both brothers'. bottle^ 'a hollow vessel' me. botel = DU. bottel, lg. buttel bud- del: loanwords from fr. bouteillc (= SPAN, botclla, IT. bottiglia) Source med.-lat. buticula f. di- min. of butis 'a butt'. bottle^ 'a bundle of hay' me. botel'. loanword from ofr. botel dimin. of fr. botte 'a bundle of hay. Source a teut. baiita- in OHG. boy) 'a bundle of flax'. bottom :me. botuin oe. botm ^=~ OSAX. bodom, DU. bodem, ohg. bodam G. bode7i. The teut. bases bupina- (= OHG. boda??t) or butna (= ON. botn) or with assimi- lation butma- (= OE. bottti) re- present Aryan bases bhutno- bhudno', c^. akyk^s b hud hue- 'bot- tom' in SKR. budhna', cp. gr. 7Jv9\u7Ji', LAT. fundus (if trace- able to bhudhno-s'i). The pho- netical relations of the group are obscure. bough ME. bough bow oe. boh bog ^ DU. boeg 'bow of the ship', OHG. buog 'upper joint of the arm or leg, shoulder, hip' G. bug 'shoulders, withers', on. bogr 'shoulder, bow of a ship', goth. bounce "^bogus from pre-teut. bhaghu-s 'arm, fore-arm' corresponds to SKR. bahii 'arm', also gr. -naxvg ■niy/vg 'fore-arm, elbow'. bounce vb. me. bounse 'beat, knock' oe. ^bunsian'. frequent, of a primit. ^biinajil Akin to LG. biinscn bumsen {bansen}^ 'knock'? bound sb. me. bounde older boiuic. borrowed fr. ofr. bonde bonne 'boundary'. — boundary points to FR. bonnier, whence also i)U. bunder odu. bunre. Source med.-lat. bodina. bound vb. 'leap, spring' bor- rowed from FR. bondir 'leap, spring' prop, 'resound'. Source LAT. bombitare 'hum' ? bound adj. 'ready, prepared' me. boun 'leady, prepared to go': loanword from on. bumti 'pre- pared', part, oibiia 'till, prepare'; cp. busk. bounty me. boun/e: loanword from FR. bo/lit, source lat. boni- tatem. — bounteous me. bountc- vous: derived from ofr. bontivc 'benevolent' by influence of righteous. bourn 'boundary' adapt, of fr. borne] ident. with bound. bow vb. 'bend' ME. bowe earlier bihue OE. bugan str. vb. 'bend, flee' (only intr.) = du. buigen, ]MLG. bugen, OHG. biogan G. biegen, GOTH, biugan 'bend'. The teut. \^ bug is an Aryan bhCik on ac- count of OHG. buhil 'hill'. A cogn. \f bhfig appears in lat. fugio, GK. fptvyco. — bow' sb. 'a bov weapon, a bend' me. bowe oe. boga = OHG. osAX. bogo , du. boog, G. bogen, on. bogi. bow- 'the forward part of a ship', var. of bough. bowel ME. bouil bowel', loan- word from OFR. bouel (fr. boyau)] source lat. botellus 'sausage' (it. budel/o), whence also odu. bode- line ]3U. beuling 'sausage'. bower sb. :me. bour oe. biir 'a dwelling' (see neighbor = oe. n^h;^ebur) = osAX. mlg. bur 'a house, cage', ohg. mho. Inir 'a chamber' G. bauer 'a cage', on. bur 'a chamber, larder'. For the TEUT. y/^bu 'dweU' cp. build. bowl ME. bolle OE. bolla = on. bolli, DU. bolf OHG. bolla. box' *a chest' me. oe. box: bor- rowed from a vulg.-lat. *buxeni for buxidem (nom. buxis), whence also DU. buSf G. bilehse 'box' ohg. buhsa for '^buhsja. vulg.-lat. buxis (from gr. -nvh^g 'box made of the box-tree' cp. box'^-') ap- pears in FR. bossette, it. bossolo 'box'. box- 'the name of a tree' me. box'trc OE. box', borrowed from LAT.-ROM. buXUS (= IT. ' boSSO, SPAN, box, FR. buis), whence also OHG. MHG. buhs{-boum) = G. buchs- baum 'box- tree', du. busboovi. boy ME. boic oe. *Mrt;; perh. dimin. of a lost OE. ''''bo 'brother' =r FLEM. boe 'brother': childish abbreviation of E. brother, as G. bube OHG. buobo is a reduplication of "^bo 'brother'? 26 boycott — brave boycott first heard of in Dec. 1880. Captain James Boycott was a farmer at Lough Mask, co. Mayo, Ireland; the Irish league pronounced their edict, in con- sequence of which no one wished to work or have anything to do with him; he was the victim of the system of procedure named after him. brace sb. me. brace', adapt, of OFR. brace. Source lat. brac- chimn. brach me. bracchc. adapt, of OFR. brache. Source ohg. bracko 'hunting dog' = du. brak odu. bracke. brad me. brad usually brod\ loanword from ON. broddr 'spike, shaft' (= oe. brord 'spike', OHG. brort 'edge'). The teut. base brozda- answers to OIR. brot 'sting'. brag vb. 'boast' me. bra{g)ge\ akin to ofr. braguer 'flaunt, brave, brag'. Source doubtful. braid vb. 'weave' me. breide OE. breidan 'move to and fro, weave' = osax. br'egdan, lg. breidetiy ohg. brettan mhg. brette?t, ON. bregda 'draw, pull, weave, braid'; orig. 'move quickly' ; but MLG. breiden 'knit'. Cp. bridle. brain me. brain oe. brceien = DU. breiny lg. bregen 'brain'. The TEUT. base bragena- 'brain', if from an aryan ?nrogh-, is com- pared with gr. (igf^/iLiog 'fore- head' (for *iitQt-/-). brake 'a thicket' me. brake) perh. cogn. w. LG. brake 'tree- trunk' ? bramble me. brembel oe. bremcl earlier ^brdmil] cogn. w. G. bj'o??i- beere 'brambleberry' ohg. brafria, DU. braam, perh. ident. \\\ oe. brom under broom. bran aie. brafi : adapt, from. ir. w. bran. ME. bren adapt, from OFR. bren points to the same source. branch 'a bough of a tree' ME. braunche: borrowed from fr. branche {= span. it. branca lat. type bi-rafnical deriv. of LAT. ramus 'branch'?). brand ]\ie. oe. brand brond = ODU. MLG. brand, ohg. :mhg. bra?d 'a burning, a brand', du. g. brand 'a burning, fuel', on. brandr 'a firebrand', sw. dan. brand' ■Si'^xit- brand, fire'. From teut. brinnan z= burn. — brandish vb. me. braundisshe braundisse\ loanword from FR. brandiss- in brandir (= IT. bra7idire) 'brandish'. Source a TEUT. brafid 'sword' = E. brand 'sword' OE. brond, on. brandr, MHG. brant 'blade of a sword'. — brandy short for brandyimne ■= DU. brandewijn, G. branteivein 'brandy', lit. 'burnt wine'. brass me. bras oe. bro^s. lat. ferrum, if iox/erso- aryan bherso-, is considered akin to the teut. base brasa- in oe. brces. brat 'a child' perh. ident. with me. oe. bratt 'a coarse cloak' : orig. a Celt, word, cp. Gael. ir. brat 'a cloak, mantle' — w. brat 'a rag, a pinafore'. brave borrowed from fr. brave, whence also du. braaf, g. brav. brawn breeze 21 brawn :me. braun brawn 'muscle, boar's flesh'; orig. '^braoun bra- hun\ borrowed from ofr. braon 'a piece of flesh, muscle'. Source a TEUT. brddo ace. bradun = OHG. brato aihg. brate 'a slice of bread' and also like G. brateri 'roast meat', oe. brckdan 'roast meat', g. braten^ du. braden 'roast'; in LG. dial, an OSAX. brddo 'muscle' is preserved (e.g. west- PHAL. wadbrcie) ; cp. :mlg. brdde. braze^ vb. 'adorn with brass' me. brdse oe. brasian 'cover with brass': deriv. of OE. brces\ cp. brass. braze- vb. 'harden': loanword from ON. brasa harden by fire'. . breach mk. breche: adapt, of FR. breche. Source the teut. vb. brekan = break. bread me. bred late oe. bread = OHG. brbt G. brbdy osAX. brod^ DU. brood J late on. brand. The Teut. base brau-da- is deriv. fr. the \f bru in E. broth and brew. The orig. teut. word for bread \s?iS loaf (== teut. h/aiba-). In OE. we find br^'ad 'piece of bread' and beobr fad' honey -comW. breadth formed after length strength with secondary th from ME. brede oe. brckdo 'breadth': abstract noun formed from broad with umlaut (goth. brauiei, ohg. breitt). Cp. avestphal. bredde, OSAX. "^'bredtha from bred 'broad'. break vb. me. breke oe. br'ecan str. vb. = DU. breken, osax. brekan, ohg. br'ehhan G. brechen, GOTH, brikan. With the teut. sfbrek 'break' (aryan bhre^) cp.J.AT. /rango (j)ret./regi) 'break'. breakfast me. brcke/aste: prop, 'breaking one's fast, the first meal of the day by which the fast is broken*. bream me. brcnr. loanword from FR. breme\ source a teut. braxma in ohg. brahsima imhg. braesein g. brass en = osax. bressemo, du. brasevi, osw. braxn, dan. brasen. breast me. br&st short for me. brest oe. breost = osax." brio sty OFRis. briast, on. brjdst\ akin to GOTH, brusts plur. , du. borst., OFRIS. burst (and briast), G.brnst: teut. bases breust- : briist-. breath :me. brcth oe. brckd 'breath , odor' ; akin to OHG. brddam :mhg. brdde7n G. brodem brodejt 'steam, vapor, exhalation'. breech buttocks* me. brech oe. br^L Orig. ident. with breeches (»a pair of breeches«) me. brech breche\ the corresp. oe. bred plur. points to a sing, "^broc = du. broek, ofris. brok (plur. breJi), on. brok (plur. bra^kr), ohg. mhg. bruoch. The teut. base brok- plur. brbkiz) is seemingly connected with gall.-lat. brdca 'clothing for the legs'. breed vb. me. brede oe. bredan ^ DU. broeden, ohg. bruoten MHG. briieten G. brilten 'brood, hatch', GOTH, ''brodjan: deriv. of TEUT. broda' see brood. breeze^ 'a strong wind' = synon. G. brise, dan. bris: source breeze - brim FR. brise 'the north wind' = SPAN, brisa. breeze 2 gadfly' me. brese oe. breosa. Connection with G. bremse and breme (ohg. br'miisa brhnct) is doubtful. brew vb. me. brewe oe. breowa?i str. vb. = DU. brouwen, OHG. briuwan G. b7'auen. With the teut. \fbru (Aryan bhrti bhreu) 'brew' arc related phryg.-thrac. ^oviov 'beer, cider', which prob. stands for gr. *(povrov, also lat. defrtitiwi 'must boiled down', oir. bruthe 'broth' — bruth 'live coals, heat' — bruith 'cooking'. Cp. bread. bridal, see bride, bride me. bride oe. bryd (from "^brydi '^briidi) = OSAX. odu. LG. briid, DU. bruid, ohg. mhg. bn'ii G. braiif, ox. brudr\ goth. briips means 'daughter-in-law' (but briip-faps 'bridegroom') ; osAX. briid is 'the newly married wife' as e. bride. ■ — bridal ME. brid-dle oe. bryd-ealo\ lit. ''bride-ale (me. bride oe. bryd and me. die oe. eald). In gerj^i. dialects, we find kindelbier 'bap- tism'. — bridegroom me. bride- gome oe. brydguma ■=. synon. OSAX. brlidigumo , du. bruidc- gomo, OHG. briitigomo mhg. briute- gome G. briiiitigam , ON. brud- giime (goth. brup-faps). The second element of these com- pounds (oe. goth. gu?na, ohg. go?rio man' is related to lat. homo from indo-teut. ghomoti). The phonetical development of ME. brideg07ne into e. bridegroom is due to the influence oi groom. bridge me. brigge oe. brycg == OFRis. brigge y du. brug , ohg. brucka g. brilcke (goth. '^brugja '^briigjo) . The corresp. O'^.bryggja (also LG. brilgge, northfris. bragJi) and germ, (dial.) brilcke signify 'pavement, floor'; and oe. brycgiaii ]\ie. brigge and nfris. braghir?, mlg. brilggen signify to pave'. bridle me. oe. bridcl older oe. briyiel briyiil = ohg. brillil for '^'brictil'. deriv. from the teut. vb, br'egdaii pull' under braid. Akin to OSLOV. britzda 'bridle' (Aryan \f bhreghdh also in lat. frenum 'bridle'?). brief adj. 'short' me. bref\ borrowed from FR. bref (span. rr. breve = lat. brevis 'short'). brief sb. 'a commission, do- cument' ME. bref\ cp. du. g. brief OHG. briaf and the cor- responding OFR. bref 'an official document'. Orig. ident. with brief adj. brier 'a prickly shrub' :me. brere OE. brcer brer 'a bramble'. bright ME. bright oe. beorht 'bright, white, clear* ^=^ osax. b'erhty ohg. beraht, goth. bairhts 'bright'. Akin to MLG. br'ehen 'shine, glisten'; cp. skr. bhargas 'brightness'. . brim me. brim ; perh. ident. with OE. brim 'ocean , surf = on. bri?n 'surf; cp. the name of the city of Bremen. brimstone — brook 29 brimstone i^v^. bi'iinsign earlier brenstpn = on.- hreniiisieinn 'brim- stone': deriv. of me. brenne = b u ;- ;/. brine me. brine 'salt liquor' = DU. brijn ]mdu. brine. bring vb. jNIE. bri7tge oe. bringan T=z oHG. OSAX. bringan G. bringen, GOTH. briggan\ cp. DU. brengen, OSAX. brengiany oe. brefigan 'bring' : TEUT. \Pbreng brang. brink ME. brink 'edge'; cp. on. brekka from *brinkd j lg. brink. brisk a CELT, loanword ; cp. w. brysg, GAEL. bri{o)sg 'quick, lively'. bristle :me. brittle older birstle OE. ^byrstei: dimin. of oe. byrst =r OHG. burst G. borstey du. Iwrste bristle'; akin to ohg. bursta G. bilrste 'brush'. The teut. \fbors burs (whence biir in burdocli) is an Aryan \l^ bhrs in skr. bhrsfi point, prong'. Cp. brush. brittle ME. britel oe. *brytel'. formed with suffix -il (oe. el cp. nimble^ from oe. breotan 'break' = ON. brjota 'break'. broach vb. me. brgche 'bore, spur, spit, tap' {seiten on broche 'set a-broacl), tap = fr. viettre en broche 'tap a barrel') ; fr. brocher 'broach, pierce' and broche 'a broach, spit'. broad :me. brod oe. brad = OSAX. mlg. brMy du. breed, g. breity ON. breidr, sw. dan. bred, GOTH, braids 'hxo?idi '. prob. from a pre-teut. mraito-, akin to an Aryan \[^mrit in SKR. mrit 'fall to pieces' (therefore broad \)to^. 'extended'?)." brock 'a badger' me. brok oe. brocc (z= DAN. brok) ; a celt. loanword; cp. w. corn. bret. broch, GAEL. IR. MANX broc 'a badger (celt, base brokko-f\i&r\\. ident. w. lat. brocciis adj. 'having prominent teeth' and ofr. broc 'spit, point'). broil vb. me. broile\ adapt, of OFR. briiiller 'broil, roast', ofr. bruir 'roast' seems to be ident. with G. bri'ihen ]MHG. briiejen, DU. broeijen 'foment"; cp. brood. broker me. brocour 'pedlar, pawnbroker' ; loanword from OFR. brocour brokeor 'tapster who retails wine from, the tap'; cp. FR. broche under broach. brooch 'broach' :me. broche 'a pin, peg, brooch': borrowed from FR. broche 'a spit, point'. brood :me. oe. brod = du. broed, OHG. i^iuG. bruot g. brut: appar. formed with dental suffix from the teut. \fbrb in G. brilheny du. broeien. Cp. breed. brook ME. brok oe. broc = du. broek, mlg. brok lg. brook 'marsh, pool', OHG. bruoh{h) mhg. bruoch G. l)ruch 'marsh, bog'; possibly connected with the teut. \fbrek 'break' in break. brook vb. 'put up with' ]me. bro(o)kc brouke oe. brtican 'use, enjoy' = osAX. brtikan , du. gebruiken, ohg. brtihhan ]\fflG. bruchen G. brauchen 'use, need , GOTH, brukjan 'use'. The pre- teut. form .of the yfbhrug accords with lat. fruor from 30 broom — buckram '^fruvor for '^frtig%)or and cp. lat. j fruges. I broom me. oe. h-om 'the plant of the broom' = odu. brocvi 'broom'; perh. cogn. \v. bramble. broth ME. broth oe. brod = ON. brod, OHG. brod: deriv. from the \pbrit under brew. brother j\ie. brother oe. brgdor = DU. broeder , OSAX. brothar^ OHG. iSiHG. briioder g. briider, on. brodir ^ goth. bro-par 'brother. The teut. base brbper- (Aryan bhrdter-) corresponds to lat. f rater y skr. bhrdtar- , OSLOV. brairil] cp. gr. ffparpia, brow ]\IE. browc briiwe oe. brii\ cp. ON. briln 'eyebrow' and skr. bhrii y gr. orp^vc, OSLOV. bruvi 'brow'. brown me. bro/m oe. brun = MLG. OHG. MHG. OFRIS. brwi, DU. brum, ON. bninfi. The teut. name of the color passed into ROM. (fr. brim = span. ir. brimo 'brown') and lith. {brunas 'brown'). The proper stem of Aryan bhr-iitio- appears m lith. beras 'brown' (see bear sb.) and reduplicated in skr. babhru-s 'reddish- brown' (see beaver^, bruise vb. me. briise'. loanword from OFR. bruser (fr. briser) 'break', whence oe. brysan 'break'. bruit 'a rumor' me. brut', bor- rowed from FR. bruit 'noise'. brush sb. me. hrusshe 'a brush', orig. 'brush-wood': borrowed from OFR. broce fr. brosse 'brush- wood, brush'. brute borrowed from FR. brut adj. (fem. brute)] source lat. brutus. buck vb. 'wash linen , steep clothes in lye' me. bouke (oe. '^bikia/i) = DAN. byge, sw. byka, NORW. beukja, icel. bauka, mhg. biichcn G. bauchen. The teut. vjj. bukon {bCikjati) is based on OE. btic (cp. bucket). The ROM. FR. buer^ it. bucare 'wash' are borrowed from Teut. buck sb. ME. bukkc oe. bucca\ cp. the synon. oskk. buck^ fris. DU. bok, OHG. MHG. boc{ck) G. bock, ON. bukkr bokkr, sw. bock, dan. buk 'a he-goat, ram, buck(deer)', GOTH, "^bukks ''^bukka: ident. w. GAEL, boc, OIR. boCC, CYMR. boch 'buck' from a celt, base bukko- (whence fr. bouc ofr. boc) and w. ARMEN. buc 'lamb', avest. buza 'buck' (ARYAN bhilg ?). The indo- TEUT. base bhugo- is perh. con- nected with the root oi fugio, GR. (fivyd) 'flee'; hence buck may have signified orig. 'fugitive'. bucket 'a kind of pail' me. boket: deriv. from oe. buc 'a pitcher' with the dimin. suffix -et. buckle ME. boke/: adapt, of fr. boucle, whence also G. buckel. Source med.-lat. buc(c)ula 'a beaver, shield'. buckler me. bokeler: adapt, of OFR. bocler bucler = fr. bouclicr (whence also du. beukelaar, mhg. buckeler, on. buklart). Cp'. buckle. buckram me. bokeram hukeram ^= OFR. bouqueran bouc ar an (fr. buckwheat burn 31 boiigran^ mhg. buckeraiii). Source and liistory unknown. buckwheat = du. boekweit^ MLG. bbkivete, G. buchwcizcn, dan. boghvcde'. lit. 'beech-wheat' from the resemblance of its seeds to the mast of the beech-tree. The E. word is of continental origin. Cp. beech. bud ME. biidde\ perh. akin to FR. boHto/i, DU. bot 'bud'. History and source uncertain. bugle 'a buffalo, a horn' me. biigle: borrowed from ofr. bugle *a wild ox' (lat. bucuius, dimin. of bos 'an ox'). The meaning 'horn' is short for 'bugle-horn'. build vb. short forME. bilde (pret. bilde) OE. ^byldan (pret. by/de)] deriv. with vowel mutation from OE. bold 'house' which goes back, as shown by the older OE. boil bodl, by metathesis to a teut. bo-pla- {= ON. bol ^ DU. boedel, OSAX. bodies plur. , ofris. bodel bold. OE. byldan (bytlan) is a teut. bupljan. teut. bopla- = ARYAN bhu-tlo- belongs to the INDO-TEUT. sfbha 'dwell, reside' (cp. be, bo7e>erand bool/i). For the ARYAN //- suffix cp. needle. bull ME. bule\ OE. only in dimin. bulluc = me. e. bullock] cp, the synon. DU. bul, lg. bulk, ON. boli, DAN. boll 'a castrated bull'; LiTH. bullus is primit. related. Whether the e. bull is orig. a SCAND. loanword, is uncertain. burden^ 'a load' me. birthen OE. by r den = osAX. burihinnia 'burden'; cp. the equival. ohg. burdi G. biirde, on. byj'dr, goth. baurpci'. all deriv. of the teut. \f^ ber in bear\ cp. skr. bhrti = oiR. brith 'the carrying' and see birth. burden- 'the refrain of a song' me. burdouw. loanword from fr. bourdon, orig. 'a drone-bee' (= SPAN, bordon, rr. bordo7ie 'a drone' from LAT. bur do 'a drone') ; cp. ]\ILG. bardiin 'tenor; a musical instrument', burgess me. burgeis : loanword from OFR. burgeis fr. bourgeois (lat. type burgensis from burgus 'town'). — burgher borrowed from DU. burger =^ AiLCi. borgere, OHG. burgari mhg. burgcere burger G. biirger : deriv. of teut. burg- cp. borough. burial me. buriel biricl prop. buriels biriels OE. byr^els 'tomb' (= OSAX. burgisU 'tomb') : deriv. from the OE. vb. byrian (osAX. "^burgiaii)', cp. btiry. burin 'an engraver's tool' : bor- rowed from FR. burin', perh. of Teut. origin; cp. ohg. bora 'a borer' (see under bore). burly me. burli borli oe. "^bur- lice. Akin to ohg. buro- 'very' in biirolang boralang 'very long' and perh, to skr. bhiiri 'much*? burn vb. me. heme oe. bcei-nan bernan tr. {byrnan intr.). Cp. synon. mhg. brinnen intr. and its causative brennen', G. brennen intr. and tr., goth. brinnan intr. and brannjan tr. Only one ;^ be- longs to the TEUT. yfbr'en, as shown by bryne 'conflagration'. ^2 burnish — butter burnish vb. me. bwnisshe bur- nisse'. loanword from ofr. bur- niss-, the stem of certain parts of biirnir briinir = fr. brunir. burr ME. bu7'7'e 'a bur'; cp. sw. kardborre 'a Inirdock', dan. borre, N.FRis. borj HELGOL. borren 'bur- dock*. OE. ^burre, if for teut. burzon-y may be deriv. from the TEUT. \fbors in G. borste\ cp. bri stle. burst vb, ME. bei'ste oe. berstan\ cp. synon. osax. br'estan, lg. du. bersten, OHG. brestan MHG. br'esten g. berstejty on. b testa. Cp. an Aryan \^ bhrest in oiR. brissim break' (^^ for ^/). bury vb. jme. <^?^rz> /w-/.? oe. byriyin byrytn wk. vb.; akin to oe. byrien 'tomb' — byrj^els under burial, teut. burgjan belongs perh. with oe. beorg 'mound, place of burial' to the teut-y^/w'^ in GOTH, bairgart, DU. G. bergen, oe. beorgan 'protect, shelter, secure'. bury in place-names see bo- rough. bush ^\Y.Jmsho\(\Q^ bicsk\ ident. with OHG. busk G. buschy du. bosch bos and a rom. bosco (==; FR. boiSy IT. bosco). Uncertain whether of Teut. or of Lat. origin. bush 'a thicket' me. busch busk := OHG. busc G. buschy DU. bosch] akin to fr. bois, it. bosco. Orig. derived as lat. ^buxicum from LAT. buxus = box} busk vb. 'get one's self ready' me. buske 'prepare one'self : of Scand. origin; cp. on. buask 'pre- pare'. Cp. hound adj. busk 'a support for a woman's stays' borrowed from fr. busc busque orig. 'the whole bodice', prob. a corruption of bust. buss' 'a herring-boat' me. busse OEv biitse (in butsecarlas) = du. buis, OHG. buzo, ON. buza. The Rom. shows similar words: med.- LAT. bussa buscia 'a kind of boat', OFR. busse buse buce. Source unknov^n. buss'-^ 'kiss' ^ G. dial, busscf? 'kiss'; cp. also span, buz 'a kiss of reverence'; perh. orig. a chil- dish onomatopoeia. bust from FR. buste {= it. span. busto), whence also G. bi'/ste. bustle vb. ME. bustele 'wander blindly or stupidly'; perh. akin to G. (dial.) pusseln 'bustle', icel. bust la 'bustle'? busy ME. bisy oe. bisii = DU. bezigy "LG.bcsig: teut. base "7w/'^(7-. but ME. bate shortened for btiteii OE. biUafi conj. 'except' — prep, 'besides, without' = DU. buiten 'except'. Contr. from be-iitan\ cp. G. ausser and e. otct. butcher me. hocher earlier hou- cher\ borrowed from fr. boucher 'one who kills he-goats' (deriv. of fr. bouc = buck). butler ME. buteler bot{e)ler fr. OFR. bouteiller'. deriv. of bottle. butt borrowed from ofr. boute^ FR. botte (= SPAN, botay IT. botte) *a butt, cask'. Akin to oe. bytt 'hose, a leather bottle', OHG. buthi G. butte. butter ME. butere oe. buterc butore = G. buttery DU. boter. buttock — caitiff 33 LG. hotter', source lat. biityruvi (cp. FR. beurre, it. Imrro) = gr. fjOvxvQQv, — butterfly ^m. butter- file OE. butor-fleoge = DU. boter- vlieg\ cp. G. dial, buttervogel 'a butterfly' and the G. dial, syno- nyms milchdieb and tnolkenstehler , buttock ME. buttok with dimin. suffix (cp. hillock) fr. ofr. bot (fr. ^^//j/) an end'; cp. butt-end. button ME. butoun: borrowed FR. boutoji 'a bud, a button. buttress 'a support' (in archi- tecture) ME. buteras butres'. bor- rowed from OFR. bouteretSj prop. plur. of bouteret 'a buttress'; cp. FR. boter bouter 'thrust, prop . buxom :me. buxom older Ibuh- su?n from OE. bugan = bow\ the old meaning was 'obedient, obliging'. Akin to du. buigzaam, G. biegsam 'submissive'. buy vb. JVIE. bie earlier bigge OE. by eg an 'purchase' = OSAX. buggian, goth. bugjan 'buy'. buzzard me. biisard short for bitsard: loanword from fr. busard by-form of fr. buse 'buzzard' {=^ LAT. <5z?/^^ buzzard'), whence also DU. buizerd, g. bushart. by me. OE. bi (but be- as prefix) = OSAX. ohg. mhg. bi G. bei^ DU. bij\ GOTH, bi means 'round, round about' and thus connec- tion with GR. a/av/Lia 'great heat', / being due to association w. LAT. calor, cambric borrowed from fr. cambraj, so called from Cambrai (flem. du. Kamerijk), a town of northern France where it was first made (hence G. kamvicr- tucJi). See arras and lawn-. camp borrowed from fr. cajnp 'field, army' := lat. campus 'field'. — campaign from fr. ca7n- pa(i)gne 'an open field, a mili- tary campaign'. camphor borrowed from fr. cainphrc = it. canfora, G. kampfcr, DU. kaiufcr. card 35 can vb. me. oe. can = goth. kantiy OSAX. OHG. kan o. kann. The TEUT. vb. kimnan is akin to keen', the AKs:p^\fgen see under know. can sb. :me. oe. canrie = du. kan *a pot, mug', OHG. kanna G. kanne, ON. kanna, goth. "^kanno. The TEUT. word passed into fr. (ofr. can7ie fr. dirain. canette 'a jug). canary ^ span, canario 'bird' = FR. canari\ cp. G. kanarien- vogel 'canary-bird', dan. canarie- fugl, sw. canariefogely du. kanarie- vogel 'canary-bird'; so named after the Canary islands. candle :me. candle candel oe. candel'. early loanword fr. lat. candela^ whence also it. candela, Cp. chandelier . cane me. ca7ie\ borrowed from FR. canne == it. canna 'a reed, a cane', lat. canna. canker me. cancre late oe. cancer fr. onfr. cancre (fr. c/ia?icre) : source lat. cancer y whence also G. du. kanker oho. kafiktir. canon me. canoun: adapt, of FR. canoti. Source lat. canon (gr. y.avmv) 'a rule, standard of right'. canvas me. can{e)vas (= du. kanefaSj G. cafinroas kanevaSy sw. kanfasSy dan. kannevas)'. borrow- ed from onfr. canevas (lat. type canabacius y deriv. of cannabis 'hemp'). cap ME. cappe oe. ccEppe 'cloak' (z=: OHG. kappa 'cloak' G. kappe, DU. kap 'cap'). Source lat. cappa] ident. with cape^ and cope. cape^ MS., cape', borrowed from onfr. cape (= it. lat. cappa 'a cloak, cape'): ident. with cap. cape^ 'a headland' borrowed from FR. cap 'cape, headland, head' = G. kapy it. capo. Source LAT. caput 'head'. caper from fr. capre {= it. capperOy du. kappery G. kape?-): source lat. capparis. capon ME. cdpoun late oe. (c. looo) capun fr. ONFR. capon (fr. chapori) : source lat. cappo{nem)y whence also G. kapaun and oho. kappo. captain :me. capita in from fr. capitaine (lat. type capitaneus capitanusy deriv. of lat. caput 'head'). Ident. w. chieftain. car me. cai're (by-form charre) : borrowed from onfr. carre (fr. char). Source lat.-gall. carrus (bret. ir. w. carr) 'chariot', whence 'also it. carroy du. kar, OHG. charra charro 'cart' G. kai-'re karren. caraway borrowed from fr. carvi = it. carviy lat. careum 'caraway'; cj). t>\j . kar^vij y G.karbe. carbuncle me. carbuclc. bor- rowed from ONFR. carbuncle car- boucle (fr. escarboucle'y ident. with IT. carbonchioy du. karbonkely G. karbunkeiy. lat. carbunculus 'a glowing coal, gem, boil', dimin. of carbo. card 1 iViE. card: borrowed ttom FR. carte 'a card, ticket, bill. 36 card 2 — cashier. map, chart; ident. with du. kaariy g. karte^ it. carta. Source LAT. c{h)arta *a card, paper'. card'-^ ME. carde: adapt, from FR. carde] ident. with the synon. DU. kaarde, ohg. charta o. karte^ SPAN, car da ^ it. car do 'a card'. Source lat. carduus 'a thistle'. care me. cdre oe. cam (cearu) 'sorrow, suffering, grief = OSAX. OHG. kara 'lament' (g. ka7'- in X'^r/r^/V^^ 'Good Friday'; mhg. g. karwoche 'Passion week') =: goth. kara 'sorrow'. A cognate vb. (meaning 'sigh') is preserved in OHG. qu'cran (goth. "^q air an), Cp. chary. carol ME. Carole 'dance, song' from OFR. Carole 'a kind of dance, also a carol or Christmas song*. Of CELT, origin (bret. koroll 'a dance', manx carval a carol', w. carol *a song', Gael, carull 'melody, harmony'). carp :me. carpe = du. karper, OHG. charpho karfo G. karpfen, ON. ka7-fe, sw. karpy dan. karpe. Ident. with late lat. carpa = fr. carpe, it. span, carpa. carp vb. me. carpe' carp at, talk, say' : adapt, of on. karpa 'boast, brag'. The present meaning is prob. an outgrowth of the associated idea in lat. carpere 'pluck'. carpenter :\ie. cajpenter: bor- rowed from ONFR. carpentier (fr. charpentier). Source lat. car- pentum 'carriage'. carriage me. caridj^e 'burden, baggage': borrowed from onfr. cariage (fr. charriage), deriv. of carier = e. carry. carrion me. carion caroiiie = du. karonje) cp. also me. crone, ODU. kronie: adapt, of onfr. caroigne (ofr. charoigfie = fr. charogne)\ lat. type caro7iia 'a carcass' fr. caro 'flesh'. carry vb. ivie. carie\ adapt, from ONFR. carier (fr. c harrier)', lat. type carricare 'carry' (lat. car r us 'a cart, car'; cp. car). cart me. cart fr. on. kartr ; ident. w. OE. crcet plur. cratu 'chariot' = DU. krat 'hindpart of a cart': of Celt, origin; cp. oir. cret 'a wain-body. cartridge with intensive r for cartidge, a corruption oi cartouche =^ FR. cartouche (it. cartoccio 'cartridge', deriv. of lat. charta 'paper'). carve vb. me. kerve oe. ceorfan = DU. kerven, G. kerben 'notch, indent' (goth. '^kairfan, ohg. "^k'erban not found). The \fkerf appears in gr. yodcfco 'scratch, write'. case^ ME. cds case: borrowed from fr. cas (span. it. caso 'cir- cumstance, chance'). - Source LAT. casus. case'-^ ME. cdce cdsse: adapt, from OFR. casse fr. caisse] source LAT. capsa 'box, cover'. cash from fr. casse. Hence cashier sb. cashier vb. dismiss from ser- vice' (= G. kas siren)', from fr. casser 'discharge'. cask caution 37 cask borrowed from fr. casque 'a cask, helmet' (= it. casco 'a helmet'). casket corrupted from fr. cas- sette 'a small casket', dimin. of FR. casse 'a chest, box'. cassock: adapt.fromFR.^^i-^^z^^ (it. casacca 'an outer coat', span. casaca 'a great-coat, surtout'). cast vb. ME. caste', a Scand. loanword; cp. on. sw.kasta, dan. kaste 'throw'. caste 'a breed, race' = g. kaste, FR. caste: borrowed from span. casta 'breed, race, caste'. . castle :me. late oe. casiei (also ME. castc'l = ODU. DU. kasteel) 'a castle, village': borrowed (c. I ooo) fr. ONFR. castel (ofr. chastel = FR. chdteati). Source lat. ca- stellmn. cat ME. OE. cat {tty. borrowed from oiR. CORN, cat or from ONFR. cat (fr. chat^ and ident. with G. katze, on. kgttr, norw. s w. katta. The word (base cattu-s) is in use in the Teut. Rom. Celt, languages; cp. late lat. catta cattus 'cat'. catch vb. ME. cacche (with the earlier by-form cccheti)'. borrowed from ONFR. cacher (= fr. chasser, SPAN, cazar, it. cacciare), whence also ODU. caeisen 'to chase' du. kaatsen 'play ball' and mlg. katzen *play ball'. Source a lat. type ^captiare = captare 'catch'. — Hence catchpoll me. cacchepol late OE. ccEcepol prop, 'catcher of poultry' (cp. fr. poule under poult) = ONFR. "^cachepol (ofr. chacepol) ; cp. G. hi'mervogt title of a tax-gatherer. cater sb. W£..catour acatour acha- tour 'a buyer of provisions, a caterer' : source onfr.<7^^/= fr. achat 'a'buying, purchase', whence FR. achete?'. Orig. lat. type accaptare. caterpillar earlier form late me. catefpel corrupted from ofr. chatepeleuse 'a weevil' lit.. 'a hairy she-cat': ofr. chate 'a she-cat' + peleuse (lat. pilosus) 'hairy'. — caterwaul me. caterwawe shows the E. word cat in an extended form like caterpillar] me. waive 'make a noise* is imitative. catkin dimin. of cat\ cp. g. katzche7t 'catkin'. cattle me. catel {chatel, whence E. chattel) : borrowed from onfr. catel (ofr. chatel)\ source med.- LAT. capitale 'capital, property'. caudle me. caudel: borrowed from ONT^R. caudel (chaudel = fr. chaudeaic) 'a warm drink' ; deriv. of FR. chaud 'hot' (lat. caldus calidus 'warm*). cause ME. cause', adapt, from FR. cause (by-form chose) 'a cause, thing' = it. lat. causa. causeway causey corruption of causey (due to confusion with way) ME. cause from onfr. cauce (whence also odu. casseie) = FR. chaussh'. LAT. type {vici) "^cal- data 'a paved (way)' fr. calciare 'pave'. caution M¥..caucioun: borrowed from ¥K. caution (it. cauzio7ie) = LAT. cautio 'caution'. 38 cave — champion cave ME. cave', adapt, from fr. cave\ cave' (=it. cava)] source LAT. cavus 'hollow'. cease me. cesse ccse: adapt, of FR. cesser = it. lat. cessare. ceil ciel me. cele sele vb. lit. 'emboss' from an earlier syle cyll *a canopy': source fr. ciel'd. ca- nopy* (fr. ciely SPAN. IT. cielo 'heaven, canopy, roof ■= lat. ccelum 'heaven'). cerge ::me. cer'ge\ adapt, from FR. cierge (it. cerd) ; source lat. cereus 'a wax taper'. certain :me. certein certain', bor- rowed from FR. certain (= it. certand) from lat. certanuSy deriv. of certus. chafe ME. chaufe\s2ixm\ adapt, of FR. chaujfer'^ source a lat. type caleficare (= lat. calefacere) 'make warm'. chafer me. '^-chafer oe. ceafor'. teut. base kafru-\ cp. the synon. DU. kever^ ohg. ch'evaro g. klifer (goth. '^kifra '^kafrus^. Perh. chaff is cognate. chaff ME. chaf oe. ceaf (= du. LG. kaf)'y akin to OHG.C/^ifZ^^ 'pod, husk' and perh. to chafer. chaffer me. chaffere chaffare earlier chap-fare = oe. c6ap 'a bargain' ~\- faru 'a journey' also 'business'; cp. on. kaupfgr 'a journey'. chaffinch prop, 'the chaff- finch'. chain ^h.^m, chaine'. borrowed from FR. chaine ofr. chdine (= IT. LAT. catena)', ident. with DU. keten^ ohg. chetinna G. kette. chair jvie. chaire: adapt, from FR. chaire (ofr. cha-ere); source LAT. cathedra (gr. yia&EdQa) 'a chair, seat'. chalice me. c(h)a/ice: borrowed from OFR. chalice {calice = fr. calicCy IT. calice)'. source lat. cdlic-, stem oi calix 'a cup'. From the same source also oe. cdlicy OSAX. kelik, DU. kelk, ohg. kelih G. kelch, chalk me. chalk oe. cealc 'chalk, lime' = DU. G. kalky on. sav. DAN. kalk: early loanword from LAT. calc- stem of calx 'lime- stone, chalk' (whence also fr. chaux, IT. calce, ir. gael. cailCy w. calch lime'). challenge sb. me. chalenge 'claim': adapt, from ofr. chalen- gier'y cp. IT. calogna 'accusation* ^=^^Kii.calu7nnia 'a slander, false accusation'. chamber me. chaumbrc. bor- rowed irom. YK.chafnbre', cp. it. ca??iera = lat. camera camara 'a vault, a (vaulted) room'; ident. w. du. kamer, ohg. chamara G. hammer "chamber, office'. — chamberlain me. chaiimberlein', borrowed from ofr. chambrelein chambrelenc (span. catfiarlengOy IT. camarlingo ca7nerlengd) ; ident. w. AiED.-LAT. camar- camerlinguSy OHG. chamarlinc G. kdmmerlingy formed with suffix line and lat. ca^nera. champion ME. chaumpioim: bor- rowed fr. FR. champion (cp. du. kampioe7i). lat. type ca?npio, it. campione 'a combatant' {campus chance — chapter 39 'a battle, duer). From the same S(jurce OE. ce?npa, ohg. che?nph(i)o iiHG. kempfe, olg. kempio, on. kappi 'warrior, hero'. chance me. chaunce'. adapt, of FR. chance (whence also mhg. G. sckanze ; but du. kans fr. onfr. cance)\ ofr. che-ance, it. cadenza point to a lat. type cadentia 'a falling, chance' (esp. in dice- playing). chancel me. chauncel'. borrowed from ofr. chancel'^ :med.-lat.^^7;z- cclli plur. a grating, lattice-work', whence ohg. cancella chanzella g. /v?;zs^/^/(?///: TEUT. base klaipa, — clothe vb. ME. clothe {clcde) oe. clddian (clcedan). cloud me. cloude'. scarcely ident. with OE. chid = ME. cloiid 'a mass of rock, a hill'; source and history quite unknown. clout ME. '^cloiit OE. cMt (whence ON. klutr) , ident. with w. clwty IR. GAtL. Cltldf MANX clooid? clove ^ ME. clove clowe: borrowed from OFR. do fr. clou 'a nail'; cp. SPAN, clavo 'a nail' also 'a clove' fr. LAT. claims a nail'. clove 2 ME. clove oe. clufe 'clove' (csp. of garlic), in compounds clufpting 'crowfoot' — clufivyrt 'buttercup' (cp. ohg. chlobloiih klofolouh klovolouh = g. knoblauch^ DU. knoflook 'garlic' with -n by dissimilation). The orig. meaning appears in ohg. klobo g. kloben 'a spHt stick'. clover me. clover {cUver^^ oe. cldfre {clcefre) = du. klaver ; cp. LG. klever (and klaver). A shorter and more primit. form is ohg. kleo (gen. klewes) g. klee\ base klaiw-. The formation of OSAX. "^klebara = oe. cldfre looks like a compound, the second ele- ment of which is unknown. clown borrowed from ICEL. klimni 'a clumsy, boorish fellow ; sw. dial, klimn 'a log' — kluns 'a clownish fellow', dan. klimt 'a log'? club ME. cliibbe : borrowed from ON. klubbay by-form of on. kluniba 'a club'. — The meaning 'asso- ciation of persons' is a mod. application of a clump of people. cluck vb. ME. clucke clokke oe. cloccian (^clucciaii) = du. klokkeUy MHG, klucken (^gliickeji) g. glucken. The TEUT. group is onomato- poetic like lat. glocire , gr. yXLoteiv cluck as a hen'. clumsy adj. earlier clumse me. clumsed 'benumbed': orig. part, of me. clumse 'benumb' : of scand. origin; cp. sw. (dial.) kluvimsen 'benumlied', akin to du. kleu??isc/i 'numb with cold'. cluster me. cluster oe. cluster {clyster') = LG. kluster'. akin to LG. (Hannover) klunder 'cluster of berries or fruit' and (Dit- marsch) klus 'cluster, grapes ^ DAN. klynge 'cluster'. clutch ME. clucche\ connected with cloche 'a claw'. The older ME. form is cUchen'i 46 coach cole coach borrowed from fr. coche\ a mod. common europ. word from HUNG, koszi 'wagon from the Hung, town Koszi] cp. span. cache, IT. cocchio, g. kutsche, coal ME. cole and col oe. col = DU. hool, OHG. ^olo m. — /^^/ n. G. ko/ile, ON. Z'(?/ n. plur.; orig. 'a burning coal'; cp. skr. Jval 'burn bright, flame'. — coal- mouse, also colemouse me. col-mgse oe. colmdse (= du. kool- mees, G. kohlvieise)\ prop, 'coal- tit' on account of its blackhead; from col 'coal' + ^fidse me. w^'i^^ =r G. meise, on. 7?ieisingr, whence fr. 7nisange 'tit-lark'. coast ^lY.. cgst{e)\ borrowed from OFR. coste (whence also DU. kuste = G. kiiste) = FR. cote (it. costa, MED.-LAT. costa 'coast'). coat ME. cote', borrowed from OFR. cote = FR. cotte (= SPAN. cota, IT. cotta 'a coat'). Source a TEUT. kotta- in ohg. chozzo :mhg. kotze 'a coarse woolen mantle'. Cp. cot and cote. cock ME. r^^^ OE. coc cocc (perh. cogn. w. chicketi) ■= o^.kokkr, DAN. kok\ ident. w. fr. coq\ perh. of imitative origin. History unknown (earliest reference lat. cocciLs in Lex Salica). cockle ME. cokel cokkcl oe. cocel coccel 'tares' borrowed from IR. cogal corn-cockle' (= GAEL. cogall 'tares, cockle') ? cod 'husk, shell' me. cod codde OE. codd'h?i^ = ON. kodde 'pillow'. sw. kudde 'cushion', du. kodde 'bag'. coffee = DU. koffij, g. kaffee\ borrowed from TURK, qahweh =^ ARAB, qahweh 'coffee'. coffer ME. cofre : borrowed from FR. coj^re (whence du. g. koffer). Source lat. cophinus, gr. Aocpivog 'a basket'. From the same source also coffin me. cofin: borrowed from OFR. co^n {:= span, cojin, IT. co/(7/io). cog ME. cogge = sw. ciigge; prob. of CELT, origin, cp. GAEL. IR. cog, w. cocas 'a cog'? coif ME. col/: borrowed from FR. coi^e from med.-lat. co/a co/(e)a; akin to mhg. hife ohg. chiippa from ohg. chuph g. kopf. Cp. Clip. coil vb. borrowed from OFR. coillir = FR. cueillir 'collect' (lat. colligere 'gather together). coin me. coin', borrowed from FR. coin 'wedge' (ofr. coin 'wedge, stamp upon a coin, a coin). Source lat. cuneiis 'wedge'. cold ME. cold oe. cdld {ceald) = goth. kalds, ON. kaldr, OSAX. kald, ohg. g. halt, du. koud: an old partic. formation in lat. -tus, SKR. -ta-s (goth. d from Aryan t, cp. old, loud, dead etc.). A TEUT. verbal \fkal cp. in oe. j calan, o^.kala 'freeze ; a corresp. Aryan sT gel is seen in lat. gelu 'the cold' and gelidus 'cold'. Cp. chill and cool. cole 'cabbage' me. col fr. onfr. col ^=^ FR. chow, the me. by-form collier — cornet 47 caul = OE. cdwl from lat. caiilcin (caulis). Cp. OHG. kol G. kohl. collier me. coliir: deriv. of coal with 'ier as in lawyer. coUop ME. colopes: ident. with SWED. kalops, G. klops\ source lg. kloppen (g. klopfeti) 'beat'? color :siE. colour from ofr. coloitr = FR. couletir (lat. color-cm). colt :me. oe. colt 'a young ass*; perh. akin to skr. gardabha 'ass'? comb sb. me. cgvih oe. cdmb 'comb, crest' = G. kamm, DU. DAN. sw. >^^;// : TEUT. base kaviba- from an Aryan gombho- in gr. yo/LKfog peg' (yaiKpij 'jaw'), skr. jambJia 'jaw, teeth'. come vb. me. covie oe. cuman = DU. hmien^ OSAX. Jzuman, OHG. koimin G. kojrwien^ ON. koma\ cp. GOTH, qiinan: a common teut. str. vb. kwnan q'eman fr. an Aryan \fgem in skr. ^^/«, or. (iaivo), lat. z;^«7> (for *gz^emw). comely me. rz/fw// <:' oe. cymlic 'fine, handsome'; cogn. w. ohg. ^?/;;/z^ 'deHcate, weak' and o.kaiwi 'hardly'. cony sb. me. coni earUer coning 'rabbit': adapt, from ofr. connin, whence also DU. konijn, G. kanin- chen. Source lat. cimiculus (ofr. C07iii) in a by-form cuninus. cook sb. ME. cok OE. cgc: loan- word fr. i.A.i:.coquus, whence ohg. G. koch and it. cuocOj ofr. queux. — The vb. cook me. coke is derived from the sb. by in- fluence of LAT. coquere {=^ G. kochen, du. koken), whence also FR. cuire 'cook'. cool ME. OE. Cgl = LG. kol, DU. koel, OHG. kuoli G. kit hi: teut. base kohl- from the teut. \fkal kol under cold. Deriv. keel. .coot 'a bird' me. cgtc oe. '^cgt{a) = DU. koel 'coot'. cope vb. 'vie with, match' orig. 'bargain or chaffer with': a loan- word fr. T>\j.koopen 'buy', cogn. w. OE. ceapian 'cheapen' from oe. ceap 'bargain'. Cp. cheap. copper ME. coper oe. copor\ borrowed from vulgar LAT. cup- rum 'copper' (orig. cuprium aes 'Cyprian brass'). From the same source ohg. kupfar G. kupfcr, DU. koper and fr. cuivre. — copperas me. coperosc from ofr. coper OS c = it. copparosa^ lat. cupri rosa lit. 'copper-rose'. copse earlier coppice contr. of OFR. coptiz derived from Ofr. coper (fr. couper) 'cut'. cork = G. DAN. sw. kork, DU. kurk: borrowed from span. corcho 'cork' = lat. corticeni (cortex) 'bark'. corn^ 'grain' me. oe. corn = DU. koren, g. on. dan. sw. korn, GOTH, kaurn: teut. korna- = pre-TEUT. base grno- cogn. w. LAT. grdnum, Russ. zerno. corn^ 'a hard excrescence on toe or foot': borrowed from fr. come {= LAT. cornu 'horn'). corner ivie. corner: bort^wed fr. MED. -LAT. corneria '^s^er, angle' (lat. cornu 'horn'). cornet me. cornet cornette\ horn' : borrowed fr. fr. cornet cornettc, dimin. of fr. come 'a horn'. 48 country cornice a loanword from ofr. cornice fr. it. cornice 'a cornice, border, ledge' (lat. type comix 'a border' contr. of MED. - LAT. coronix a square frame'). corps ME. corps', a loanword from FR. corps cors from lat. corpus. corpse ME. corps', borrowed from OFR. corps cors = lat. corpus. corset dimin. of me. cors 'a body'; cp. corpse. — corslet corselet', a loanword fr. fr. corse- let ^ dimin. of ofr. cors with suffix -et. cost vb. ME. coste'. borrowed fr. ofr. coster (=: fr. cotiter, LAT. cojtstare), whence also du. g. kosten. costume me. custiime (and custome)'. adapt, fr. OFR. costume FR. coutwfie =^ IT. costume (med.- LAT. costuma = lat. consuetu- dinem). Cp. custom. cot AIE. OE. cot =^ LG. DU. ON. G. kot 'hut': teut. base kuta-. cote (in comp. dove-cote, sheep- cotd) me. cote OE. cot = g. kote. The TEUT. word passed into SLAV. (osLOV. /^^/2V/*cella). Akin to cot. cottage ME. cotdge fr. ofr. co- tage'. deriv. of teut. kota- under cot and cote. cotton ME. cotoun'. a loanword fr. FR. colon =. IT. cotone : source ARAB, ^oton 'cotton'. couch vb. ME. couc/ie: adapt. fr. FR. couchcr (earlier colcher = IT. colcare) fr. lat. collocare. couch-grass sb. ; see quitch- grass. cough :\IE. coughe (oe. cohhettati) == DU. kugchen, mhg. kuchen. council adapt, fr. fr. candle 'a council, an assembly, session' from lat. concilium 'an assembly called together'. — counsel ME. conseil counseil: loanword fr. FR. conseil (lat. consilium 'deli- beration'). count sb. (:me. "^cotmte is not recorded, but inferred fr. ME. countesse e. countess) loanword fr. FR. comte 'a count, an earl'. Source lat. comitem {comes) *a companion, a count'. count vb. ME. counte: borrowed fr. FR. co7iter (source lat. co77i- putare compute, reckon). countenance me. countcjiaunce : loanword fr. OFR. contenauce 'be- havior, carriage' (lat. coiitinentia 'abstinence'). counter 'contrary' fr. fr. co?itre = LAT. contra 'against'. counterfeit me. coimtei-feit : borrowed fr. OFR. contrefait, part, of contr ef aire 'imitate'. counterpane 'a coverlet for a bed' earlier coimterpoiftt'. loan- word fr. OFR. contrepoinct 'the quilting stitch'; prop, connected with OYK. contr epoittcter 'quilt'; con- tr epoiiicti^ a corruption oi contre- poinct coutepoint 'a counterpane' (source lat. culcita puncta 'a stitched quilt'). country me. cuntre co7itre\ loanword fr. fr. contrh (= it. contr add). Source med. - lat. county — crab 49 contrata derived fr. lat. contra (Cp. G. g eg end from gegeti). county ME. counte: borrowed fr. OFR. cont^ 'county' (deriv. of FR. comte = count sb.). couple :me. couple: adapt, fr. FR. couple (= LAT. copula) 'a bond, band'. courage me. cor age: adapt, fr. FR. courage (lat. type cor a ti cum). court ME. curt: borrowed fr. OFR. curt cort (source lat. cortis 'a court-yard, palace'). — Hence courteous transformed fr. me. curteis ^= ofr. corteis fr. couriois. cousin ME. cosin cousin: adapt. fr. FR. cousin (med.-lat. cosinus for LAT. consobrinus 'a cousin). cove ME. cove o^.cofa 'a chamber, cave' = ON. koji 'hut', goth. ^ktLban- is wanting. covenant ^iY.,convenant covenant: loanword fr. FR. convenant cove- nant \>res,. part, of conve nir' agree . cover vb. me. cover e: borrowed fr. OFR. covrir cueuvrtr fr. couvrir. Source lat. cooperire 'cover. covet vb. AiE. cuveite: adapt, fr. OFR. cuveiter covoitcr = fr. convoiter (Lat. type "^cupiditare desire'). covey borrowed fr. ofr. cov^e ^= FR. couvde *a covey of par- tridges', prop. part, of fr. couver 'hatch' (source lat. cubare lie down'). cow sb. me. cil (plur. kie kye) OE. cu (plur. cy) = ON. kyr, DU. koe, MLG. ko^ OHG. MHG. kuo G. kuh: TEUT. base ko- *cow' English Etymology. from an Aryan stem ghv- (go-) in SKR. gdus (ace. gd?n) , gr. ^ovg (stem /?o/), lat. bos. cow vb. (me. ^couzae earlier '^ciigen are unrecorded): loan- word fr. SCAND. kuga 'cow, tyran- nize over' = DAN. kue 'cow', sw. kufva 'check, curb'. coward me. couard coivard: borrowed fr. ofr. couard coart coard = it. codardo (formed with suffix -ard and ofr. coe fr. queue = LAT. cauda 'tail'). cower vb. me. coure: borrowed fr. ON. kura (sw. kura , dan. kure) 'lie quiet, rest'. co^vll 'a monk's hood, a cap, hood' ME. couel earlier cuwel OE. cugle 'a cowl' (= mhg. kugel) : loanword fr. lat. cucullus 'hood . cowl2 "a vessel carried on a pole': borrowed fr. ofr. cuvel = fr. cuveau, prop, 'a little tub' (source lat. cupa *a vat, butt'). cowslip OE. cuslyppe cusloppe. coxcomb corrupted fr. cock's conib 'cock's crest'. Cp. cock and comb. coxswain, cockswain 'steersman of a boat' from cock 'a boat' and S7vain 'the person in com- mand of the boat'. coy: adapted fr. OYK.coi (coit). Source lat. qtiietus 'quiet, still'. cozen vb. 'flatter, beguile': adapt. fr.FR. cousiner 'call cousin, sponge' fr. fr. cousin. Cp. cous in. crab 1 ME. crabbe oe.- crabba = on. krabbi^ sw. krabba^ dan. S OF THK ' UNIVERSITY 50 krabbe, DU. krab, mlg. krabbe (whence G. krabbe) : akin to OHG. kr'eba-^ ^=- G. krebs fr. crabe fr. TEUT. — Ident. w. crab^ 'a kind of apple' me. crab be] a Scand. loanword; cp. sw. krabb- dple. — - crabbed 'peevish, cramp- ed'; perh. fr. crab^. crack vb. me. crake krake oe. cracian = du. kraken^ ohg. kra- chon chrahhon G. krachen : teut. \(^ krak fr. pre-TEUT. grg\ cp. SKR. grg 'rustle, crackle'. cracknel formerly crakenel cor- rupted fr. FR. craquelin 'a crack- nel'. cradle me. era del oe. era do I: a Celt, loanword, cp. IR. craidhal, GAEL, creathairdi cradle, a grate'; cp. crate. craft me. craft oe. <;r^y? := OSAX. craft,' DU. krachty g. -^r <:?//, on. kraptr. — crafty me. crafti oe. crcefti-^ = ohg. chreftig G. krliftig, crag ME. ^r^^: borrowed fr. w. craig, GAEL, creag, crake 'a bird' so named fr. its cry; cp. ME. crake 'cry out' under crack. cram vb. me. cra?mne oe. crant- mian = on. krefnja, sw. krama, DU. kramme 'squeeze'. cramp inie. crampe oe. '^crg7?ip (inferred fr. crgmpeht 'full of wrinkles') = du. lg. kraffip, G. kravipf'. a common west- teut. term for 'spasm, cramp*. crane me. crane oe. cran = OLG. krano, DU. kraan, mhg. krane ; with formative guttural oe. corfiuc, OHG. chranuh chranihQi) g. kra7iich\ cp. the cogn. gr. ysoavoc, CYMK. gar an; oslov. zeravi, lith. gerwe. lat. ^rz^^ (gen. gru-is) agrees with ohg. chreia 'crane'. crank sb. me. cranke. teut. base /^r^/Zi^ 'twist' allied to cramp. cranny me. crdny\ formed by adding e. -y to YK.cran 'a notch'. crape borrowed fr. fr. crepe (OFR. crespe = lat. crispus). crash vb. a var. of craze and crack', a Scand. loanword; cp. sw. krasa, dan. krase 'crackle'. Cp. crack. cratch M&.cracche crecche'. bor- rowed fr. OFR. creche (fr. creche) which is of Teut. origin; cp. OSAX. kribbia 'crib' under crib. crate borrowed fr. lat. crates 'a hurdle'. cravat (== g. kravatte) bor- rowed fr. FR. cravate (from Cra- vates 'a Croation'). crave vb. me. crave oe. crafian = ON. krefja 'crave, demand', SW. kriifva 'demand', dan. krave 'crave, exact'. Perh. the e. word is borrowed from Scand. craven me. cravant 'beaten, overcome' shortened fr. ofr. cravant^ 'oppressed*, partic. of cravanter (source a lat. type "^crepantare 'crack, break). craw (by-form crag 'neck, crop') me. crawe oe. '^craga] GOTH. *kraga is wanting. cream me. crcme from fr. creme (ofr. cresme, lat. cremoj-). creed 51 creed sb. me. crede oe. creda: loanword fr. lat. credo 'I believe' (»credo in deum patrem« etc.) ; cp. the origin of dirge. creek :me. creke crike (oe. '^creoca '^cricd)\ perh. a Scand. loanword from ox. krike 'crack, nook'. creep vb. me. crepe oe. creopan str. vb. ; cp. DU. kniipeUy^ LG. kriipefi, ON. krjupa. Akin to G. kriechen ohg. kriohhan : teut. \f krup kruq. Cp. cripple. cress ME. cresse earlier kerse oe. ccrse ccerse', ident. with g. kresse ohg. kressa^ du. kers and ¥K.cresson, it. crescione. Phono- logy, history and origin quite obscure ; common base a lat. type '^crexo(nem) ? crest me. creste from ofr. creste FR. Crete (lat. cristci). crib ME. crihbe oe. cribb crybb = osax. kribbia, DU. krib, G. krippe OHG. krippa'. teut. base ir/^/'^ (krubjo) akin to ohg. kr'eba. Cp. cratch. crimson me. crimosin from ofr. cra7noisin = fr. cramoisi. cringe vb. me. crcnge oe. ^r(?/2- /^;^: teut. base i^r^^^y^//, deriv. from OE. cringafi 'sink, fall in battle', cogn. w. g. krank 'sick'. cripple ME. cripel oe. crypel = DU. >^r^?^^/ 'cripple'; prop, 'a man who creeps'; teut. base krupila-y deriv. fr. \f krUp in creep. crisp :me. oe. crisp = ohg. krisp : an early loanword fr. lat. crispus 'curled'. croak vb. me. crgke oe. *crdcian (inferred from OE. crcecetung 'croaking): teut. base krekbn krdkdn] akin to crack} crock me. crocke oe. crocca\ borrowed fr. OIR. croccan-^ perh. cogn. with G. krug ohg. kruog, LG. krtike, OE. crph crog. croft ME. OE. croft 'small field' = ODU. krochte high and dry land' DU. kroft 'hillock'. crook sb. me. crgk oe. '^crgc = ON. krokr krdkr 'hook, ODU. croeCy DAN. krog 'hook'. Akin to OHG. krako 'hook' (as e. hook is to G. ha ken). crop ME. cropp oe. cropp. crosier me. croser croiser.. cross ME. cross (whence scand. krossy sw.-DAN. kors^'. borrowed from oiR. cross (cymr. croes).^ Source lat. cri1.x whence also FR. croix (:siE.crois from ofr. crois) ; OIR. croch and ohg. osax. krihi G. kreuz i)oint to the infl. lat. criicem. cro"W vb. ME. crihve oe. craw an = DU. kraaieny G. kriihcn ohg. krdcn : teut. base a str. vb. kr^Jan, but orig. not restricted to the cock's crowing as shown by the sb. crow me. crpwc oe. crd7C>e = g. krdhe ohg. krdia. crowd vb. me. croiide oe. crddan str. vb. 'crowd, press' = ODU. crtldcft 'push, thrust' (du. kruiefi), mlg. kruden kroden vb. 'molest': teut. \f kriid. crown ME. crune (whence ok. kruna, cp. odu. criine DU. kruiti) earlier by-form coroune conme: borrowed during the reign of 4* 52 cruel — curb William the Conqueror fr. ofr. corone = fr. couronne 'crown'. Source lat. corona 'crown', whence also oe. corenbeag 'crown' and OHG. korona G. krone. cruel ME. crilel {creivcf) fr. fr. cruel = LAT. crudelis 'severe' in a vulgar form crudalis, crumb = me. crombe short for croume oe. crtlma (cp. ihu?nb OE. piimci) = DU. kruim ODU. crime, lg. g. krume (osax. ^^kriinid). The m is derivative; cp. the TEUT. y" kru in g. krauen ohg. krouwbn vb. 'scratch'. cruse :\IE. crouse oe. cruse (cp. E. roovi oe. rz/w) = odu. knnSy MHG. ^r/zi-*? G. krause\ akin to ODU. DU. /v't;^.?, ME. crps. crust ME. ^r«i/^ fr. ofr. crusie FR. ^r^z//^ =r LAT. crusia 'crust of bread'. crutch ME. crucche oe. crycc = DU. /^r/z^, OHG. cruccha G. krilcke 'crutch': TEUT. base krukjd-\ ident. w. it. ^rr^^a^r .'.crutch', fr. crosse y which rest on a lat. criicea , deriv. of crux crucis 'cross'. Therefore crutch krukja crucea meant originally 'stick having a cross'. cry vb. me. crie: adapted fr. FR. crier 'cry'. cuckold ME. cukewold'. trans- formation of FR. coucou 'cuckoo', whence also e. cuckoo me. cuckou, cudgel OE. cycgel'. dimin. of a lost primitive oe. "^cycg'. base kugja- ? cufF sb. ME. cuffe coffe 'sleeve'; perh. ident. w. late OE. cuffie 'coif under coif, cull vb. ME. culle {cole coille) vb. 'gather, select' fr. ofr. coillir = FR. ciieillir 'collect' (source LAT. colligere). culver ME. culver (colver) oe. culfre culufre 'dove' ; not found in the other teut. languages, prob. of LAT. origin : lat. columba 'dove' in a vulgar form ^colubra ? cumber vb. me. cumbre vb. 'annoy' fr. ofr. combrer, whence also G. kummer mhg. kumber ; the base MED.-LAT. cotnbrus 'rubbish, bank of earth, ruins' rests on a GALL.-LAT. co7nbero- 'that whicli is carried together'. cummin :me. comin late oe. cumi7i (= DU. komijn) fr. OFR. comin =- fr. cumin. Source LAT. cuminum, whence also a TEUT. kitmin in oe. cymen, ohg. kumm kumil G. kum?nel. cunning me. cunninge: deriv. of oe. cunnan = kfiow. cup me. oe. cuppe 'cup' = mhg. kopf, ODU. kop 'beaker, cup': loanword fr. lat. cuppa (ctipa), whence also OE. iviE. cop (copp) 'summit, head', G. kopf 'head'. cur ]\IE. curre corre = odu. korre 'watch-dog', swed. (dial.) kurra 'a dog'; cp. lg. g. (dial.) kurren vb. growl'. Therefore cur prop, 'a growler'? curate see cure. curb vb. ME. curbe 'to bend' fr. FR. courber 'bend'. curd dagger 53 curd vb. w. metathesis fr. me. crudde vb.: a celt, loanword, deriv. fr. jr. gruth 'curds'? or cogn. with crowd} cp. lat. coagn- hwi fr. cogere'} cure ME. cure fr. fr. cure = LAT. cur a, — curate ]me. ciirdt = MED. -LAT. curdtus (in FR. pronunciation; cp. curious me. curious fr. LAT. curiosus}). curfew ME. curfeu (curfeni) fr. OFR. covrefeu- (cp. poor fr. ofr. povre): prop, the sign for put- ting out fires. curious see cure. curl yb. deriv. fr. me. crul (II) adj. 'curly' = du. krul\ west- TEUT. krull- for kruzl- krusl- h cogn. with ODU. kruis , G. kraus MHG. kriis 'curly' (aso ME. crous 'curly'). curlew ME. curlew {corlew) fr. OFR. cor lieu = fr. c our lieu *a bird's name' ('scolopax ar- quata'), composed of ofr. corre 'to leap' and lieu 'lightly'. curry vb. me. curr^e curraie vb. fr. OFR. coiireier) lat. type con-reddre} curse vb. me. curse oe. ctlrsian 'to curse'; cogn. with oiR. cursa- chaim 'I curse'. Source and history unknown. curtain sb. me. cur tin cor tin fr. OFR. cor tine = lat. (also it. SPAN.) cortiua 'curtain'. curve adj. fr. lat. curvus 'crooked'. cushion me. cusshin {cussheii — cusshoii) cussin quissin (quisshoi) fr. OFR. coissin = fr. cotissin 'cushion'; cp. span, coxin , it. cuscino and ident. w. du. kusscn ODU. cussin, G. kiissen kissen ohg. kussin 'cushion'. Source a med.- LAT. coximwi prop, deriv. of lat. coxa hip, haunch' = fr. cuisse 'thigh', whence e. (Shakesp.) cuisse 'piece of armor for the thighs'. custom ME. custoine earlier form (c. iioo) custiime fr. ofr. custuj?ie (fr. coutume^ = it. prov. costunia : source a lat. type "^consuetihncn. instead of lat. constietiido, cut vb. ME. cutte (by-form with umlaut kitte) : a me. vb. of celt. origin; cp. CYMR. cwtan vb. 'shorten' — C7vta adj. 'short'. cutlas fr. FR. coutelas = it. coltellaccio prop, 'a large knife' : ROM. deriv. of lat. culter 'knife'. Cp. FR. couteau = ofr. c out el 'knife' fr. lat. culiellus. Hence fr. coutelier -=- me. cuteler e. cutler 'maker of knives'. D dace from me. darce darse : | called from its swiftness). See from ofr. dars, nom. also spelled ; dart. dart 'a dart', also *a fish' (so j dagger me. dagger = on. dag- 54 dainty — dandelion gardr, du. daggert'. of Celt, origin, borrowed from w. dagr = ir. daigear\ bret. dag = GAEL, daga : all synon. dainty me. deintr. borrowed from OFR. deinte 'dignity, im- portance, value' (the me. by- form dainUth is an anglo-norman deinted 'pleasure'). Source lat. dignitatem {liainty and dig?iity are doublets). dairy me. deierie 'room for a milk-woman'; ME. ^/d"/*? 'milk-woman' (hence day -worn an 'dairy-wo- man' Shakesp.) is borrowed from ON. deigja 'milk- wo man' (sw.deja), which is supposed to be a deriv. of TEUT. daiga- (under dough) and to mean prop, 'the bread- maker, kneader of dough'. Cp. dj)ugh and lady. dais ME. deis\ borrowed from OFR. dcis later dais 'a high table in a hair = fr. dais 'a canopy' (base MED. -LAT. discus 'a table' = LAT. discus 'plate, platter' see under dish). daisy me.^ daies-ie daies-eie oe. dcEges-eage: prop, 'the eye of the day'; cp. day and eye. dale ME. dcile oe. dcel plur. dalu (me. e. e in dale is derived from the oe. plur. dalu or from the sing, infl. dceles^dcele). The teut. base dxla- cp. also in the synon. goth. dals^ ON. dairy OSAX. dal, ohg. MHG. tal (mod. that). dally vb. me. dalye points to GOTH, '^dalon oe. "^dalian (= G. dahleti). The ending j>^ is a southern continuation of the oe. infinit. in -ian (r= ohg. "^'taldiil). dam me. dam{7ne) oe. *dam{fnm) = G. damm, du. dam, on. dam7tir (goth. fatirdam7njan = oe. for- de7}i7?ian 'dam up). damage ME. ^^^?w^^isel. damn vb. me. dam{p)7ie : borrow- ed from OFR. dafrmer da7)ipner FR. da7n7ter (= span, datiar, it. dannare) = lat. dam7ta7^e 'con- demn, fine' (lat. da7n7iu7n 'injury, loss). damp me. '^da7)ip = du. lg. da7/ij> 'vapor', g. damp/ 'vapor, steam'. damsel me. da7nesek. da77iiscle'. borrowed from OFK.^da7/iisele dameisele = fr. depioiselle. The source is med.-lat. do77iicella 'a young lady', lat. type do}}i{i)ni- cella, dimin. of do77iina 'a lady'. dance vb. me daunce datmse: borrowed from fr. danser, whence also DU. dansetiy G. tanzen, dan. daTtdse, sw. daTtsa. The ofr. dansei' is traced to an ohg. daiisoti 'draw, trail'. dandelion : borrowed from fr. dent de lion (= span, diente de Icon, IT. dente di leone): prop, 'lion's tooth', so called from the jagged danger — day 55 leaves of the plant (g. lowen- zahri) . danger me. daunger'. borrowed from FR. danger 'danger. Source | a LAT. type "^dotniniarium 'power' from LAT. dominium 'sovereignty'. dank 'damp' me. ^.s'^^: borrow- ed from the Scand. ? cp. sw. dial. da7ik. 'a marshy piece of ground' ^ icel. dgkk for "^danku 'pit, pool'. dapper me. daper 'pretty, neat'; cp. ON. dapr 'sad, dreary', DU. dapper 'brave' , ohg. Uipfar G. ' tapfer 'valiant, brave'. ! dapple 'a spot, dot' a dap- pled horse' me. in dappel-gray. peril. Scand. loanword from ON. depill 'a spot, dot' {ciapi 'a pool'). dare me. dar oe. dear 1 dare' = GOTH, darsy ohg. tar. The teut. y/^dars darz is akin to gr. x)ga6HV 'be bold' — dgaovg 'bold' and skr. dhrs 'dare': Aryan \f dhers. dark ivie. derk oe. dcorc\ perh. akin to oiR. dcrg 'red' : common base dhcrgO' (cp. also oir. dorche 'dark'?). darling me. dcrling shortened from OE. dear ling *a favorite': deriv. of dear = oe. deore. dart me. dart from ofr. dart FR. dard (= span. rr. dar do)', of teut. origin: oe. darod, on. darradr also shorter darr. dash vb. me. dasshe] corre- sponding to DAN. daske (= sw. daskd) 'slap, strike'. Scand. origin of the E. word (oe. ^'das- cian '^daxiari) is improbable, e. sh pointing to a hereditary word. date^ 'an epoch, given point of time' me. date from the synon. FR. date (med.-lat. datiLvi, whence G. datii??i). date^ 'fruit of the palm' me, date: borrowed from ofr. date = FR. datte: source lat.-gr. dactyliiSy whence also G. dattel, DU. dadel. daub vb. me. daube'. borrowed from OFR. dauber 'whiten' from "^dalber = lat. dealbare 'whiten, plaster' (lat. albus 'white'). daughter me. daughter o^.dohtor = DU. dochter, OSAX. dohtar, ohg. :mhg. tohter g. tochter, on. dottir, GOTH, datihtar: ident. with the synon. lith. duktly oslov. dusti: ATysmhase dAukter; an Aryan base dhugater appears in gr. dvya- Trjg, SKR. duhitdry avesT. duydar 'daughter', skr. ^«>fe'/rt'r 'daughter' is traced to the skr. \f duh 'milk' and is interpreted as 'the milk maid'. daunt vb. me. datrnte: borrow- ed from OFR. donter fr. dompter = IT. domitare'subdue, tame' : the source is lat. domitare (frequent, of domare). day ME. day dai oe. da^^ ==^ GOTH, dags, OHG. MHG. tae(g) 6. tag, DU. OSAX. dag, on. dagr; by-forms oe. dogor, on. dcegr (fr. dogaz dbgiz) : all connected with the skr. \[^dah (for Aryan dhegh: dhogJi) 'burn'. This root appears also in lith. degti 'burn' — 56 dawn dear dagas daga 'harvest', pruss. dagas 'summer', skr. niddgha- 'heat, summer' (also skr. dhar 'day'?). The base dhogho-s common to our day and to lith. dagas signi- fied 'the time of the burning of the sun, the hot part of the day or year. dawn vb. late me. daime earlier dawe OE. dagian -= on. daga, OHG. tagen G. tagcn become day'; cp. E. dawning me. dawinge: deriv. of teut. daga- under day. | daze vb. me. dase 'stupefy' from ON. "^dasa, refl. dasask (^sk represents the refl. 'oneself') 'daze oneself = dan. dase, sw. dasa 'lie idle'. From daze is deriv. the dimin. dazzle vb. 'overpower with light'. deacon me. dcken from oe. '^deacon for diacon (=• DU. dekeUy G. diakon, on. djdk?i, ofr. diacne FR. diacre, span. it. diacond) : source lat, diaconus (gr. J/a'xo- voq) a servant, a deacon'. dead adj. me. ded oe. dead = GOTH. daupS, OHG. MHG. tot G. to{d)ty ON. daudr, OSAX. dod, du. dood. The common base daii-da is prop, partic. (dhau-to-) belonging to the teut. verbal yfdau dis- cussed under die. Cp. death. deaf me. def oe. d^af = osax. dofy DU. doof, OHG. MHG. t0Up{b) 'hearing or feeling nothing, dull, foolish' G. tauby goth. daufs{b) 'deaf, O'^.daufr. The meanings of OHG. MHG. toup{b) bordering on those of ohg. mhg. timtp g. dumniy connection of both groups is sure ; prob. akin to gr. rv(fk6g 'blind'. Cp. du7nb. deal vb. 'divide, distribute, negotiate in' me. dele oe. ddlan = osax. deliaUj du. deelen, lg. dilen, G. ieilen, goth. dailja7i : de- nominatives of daili- (cp. deal) like OSLOV. deliti 'divide'. deal! sb. 'part, portion, indefinite quantity, degree or extent, bar- gain etc' me. d^l OE. ddl {ddl) = OSAX. dS/, DU. dee/, lg. dee/, OHG. MHG. G. /ei/, GOTH, dai/s m. dai/a f. teut. dai-/t(/a-) seems to point to an aryan \^d/ia/, proved by oSLOV. de/ii part. deal2 sb. 'a board, plank' borrowed from DU. dee/ 'a board, threshing floor = MLG. de/e 'board LG. de/e 'a board, floor, a room'. The corresponding OHG. di7z G. die/c 'boarded floor' corresponds to on. pi/ja, oe. p'e/ 'board', lith. //// 'plank in the boat', oslov. tilo 'bottom', SKR. ta/a-m 'surface' are cog- nate. dean me. d(n (contr. of ^deic'ti) borrowed from ofr. deien = FR. doye7z : source lat. dccdnus 'the chief of ten soldiers or monks' (= it. dccano , ohg. t'echdn G. dechani). dear^ me. dere oe. //e-'^r^'beloved, precious, of great value' = OSAX. diuri, DU. diei', ohg. tiuri 'dear, beloved, esteemed, costly' G. ieuer. dear^ (in Shakesp.) 'fierce, ferocious' ^i¥...der oe. deor\s'Ad^ '. dearth — deep 57 different from dear^. Ident. with E. deer, G. tie?-\ cp. deer. dearth me. dcrihe 'scarcity, dearness' (= OSAX. diurida, ohg. iiurida, on. dyrd, olg. diiirthd) : deriv. of dear ^ + -//^ formative of abstract nouns. death me. de'f/i oe. dca/ = GOTH, daupus, OSAX. doth, ohg. iod MHG. tdt{d) G. tod, DU. dood, ON. daudr : a verbal abstr. noun of a sfdatL (cp. ^//^) with the abstract suffix teut. pit == lat. SKR. in- (Aryan base dhau-tu-s). debate vb. me. debate: borrow- ed from OFR. debatrc 'fight, contend , debate fr. dibattre 'contend , debate' (= span. debatir, it. dibattere), debt sb. earlier det ME. dette'. from OFR. debte dcttc fr. dette (it. dettd) = lat. debita f. sing., orig neut. plur. of lat. debitiwi. debtor me. dettur from ofr. ddor deteur fr. detteur (ir. debitore) = lat. debitorc7?i ace. of debitor 'debtor'. decay vb. from ofr. decaer (span, decaer, it. decadere) = lat. type "^decadere (instead of decidere) 'fall away, perish'. decease sb. me. ^/ oe. //e"'*^ = OSAX. diop, DU. ^//^/, OHG. tiof till/ MHG. G. tief , ON. ^^i?^/>r, GOTH, diups. The common teut. adj. deupa- belongs to a teut. Y" dtip whose by-form dub appears in oe. dyfan e. dive and in e. dub. Cp. cymr. dwfn, OIR. domun fu-do7nain, LITH. ^/2// oe. iiot com- monly /j^^: deriv. of oe. /j ^3 'island', which answers to on. eyy OHG. ouwa 'island' (teut. aiijo- fr. agwjo- deriv. of goth. ahwa = LAT. aqtm 'water'). fable ME. /dl?/e fr. fr. /a^/e = LAT. fabula. face ME. fd^e fds fr. fr. face = LAT. fades. fade (Shakesp. z^^^/^) vb. me. fade vb. fr. the fr. adj. fade (whence also o.fade, odu. vadde). Source a lat. type ^fatidtis in- stead oi fatuus 'foolish'. fail vb. ME. faile vb. fr. fr. faillir (source lat. fallere)y whence also du. veilen, mhg. velen G. fehlen. fain adj. me. fain oe. f^ien 'glad* = OSAX. fagan, ON. fegimi adj. 'glad'; cp. goth. faginbn 'to enjoy' and faheps 'joy', which is ident. w. OHG. gifeho 'joy' or more accurately w. oe. '^efca (contracted fr. '^gifeaha = *gi- fa/io) : teut. \ffe/i (Aryan pek) in OE. lefeon (pret. yfeah) = OHG. gifehan 'to enjoy'. faint adj. me. feint fr. ovr. feint partic. oi feindre'y cp. feign. fair adj. me. fair oe. feeder = = GOTH./rt'^rj-'fit',OHG. OS AX. f agar y on. /<2:^^. According to goth. gafahrjan 'to prepare , the,re exists a teut. \ffeh also in G. fegen ohg. f^/// (pres. pVihc) 'to fall'; cp. also GR. G(pdXXof.iai 'to fall'? fallow adj. me. fa /we OE.fea/o gen.fea/zaes =^ teut. base fahca- in ON.fp/r, DU. vaa/, ohg. fa/p G. fa/i/ 'pale, fallow'. Cogn. w. lat. pallidus 'pale' — pullus 'dark', gr. nohog gray', skr. palita 'gray'; the teut. adj. has the same suffix as oslov. plavii, lith. palvas 'fallow'. false adj. me. late oe. fals fr. OFR. fals =:. FR. faux] source lat. falstis 'false'. fame me. fame fr. fr. fmne = lAt. fama 'report'. famine me. fa?fun{e) fr. fr. famine: deriv. fr. lat. fames 'hunger'. fan me. oe. fan (nn) : borrowed during anglo-sax. times fr. lat. van7tus (in the vulgar pro- nunciation yi^^z/^z^tj-; cp. G. vers = ' LAT. versus^ ; G. wanne is an earlier loanword fr. lat. vannus, fancy short for me. fantasie = ofr. fantasie (lat. phantasia). far adv. me. fer ferre oe. fcor feorran\ cp. Goth, fairra adv., OHG. ferro g. fern, du. ver, O'S.f j'arri 'iar: cogn. w. gr. TisQuv 'beyond', skr. para 'distant', armen. /leri 'far'. fardel me. fardel fr. ofr. fardel = fr. fardeau 'burden, load. fare vb. me. fare oe. far an str. vb. = GOTH. /<7nz//, o^. fara, OHG. OSAX. faran mhg. varn G. fahren, du. varen: teut. \^far = ARYAN \^pOr in GR. TTOQtVOj-iai I travel, I go'. farm ME.ferme Vepast, banquet, rent, farm' oe. feorm 'banquet, food, subsistence'; cp. OE.feor?ftian vb. 'sustain, feed, support' bor- rowed fr. lat. frmare 'to make strong' (firmare alqm. cibo atque potione). farrow me. farh 'young pig' oe. fearh 'pig' = OHG. farah (g. ferkel, du. varkefi) : teut. base farha- = pre-teut. porko- in GR. n6()y.og, lat. porcits, lith. pdrszas, oslov. prase J oir. ore 'pig'-. farthing ^\e. fer thing short for fer thing oe. feordung {/e or ding feordling) 'the fourth part, farth- ing': deriv. of OE.feorda 'fourth', cp. four and ohg. for dung. fashion me. fafioun (fassoun) fr. fr. facon = lat. factio{nem). fast adj. ME. fast oe. fcest ^ os.fastr, DU. vast, ohg. festi ad], {fasto adv.) G. fest 'fast': teut. 72 fast feeblt fastii-, Kry 2i^ post u in armen. hast 'fast'. — fastvb. UE./aste OE.fcsstan = GOTH, fastan^ G. fasten^ du. vasten, ON. fasta\ prop, derived from the adj. with the orig. mean- ing 'make firm, observe'. fat adj. ME. /loy. plitstl 'felt. The synon. Rom. words IT. fellrOj FR. feuire (med. - lat. Jiltriwi) 'felt' are of teut. origin. fen me. OE.fen(nn): teut. base fanja- 'morass' in the synon. GOTH, fa HI, DU. veen, ON. /^, OHG. vinko G. y?;?/'. Observe the similarity of sound of the Rom. words for 'finch': it. pineione, FR. pimo7i and e. dialect, pink pinch. find M^E-flnde o^. fin dan str. vb. = synon. goth. finpan , on. finna, OS ax. findan fithan , du. vinden, oho. finda?i g. finden'. TEUT. \ffenpfinp ox by Verner's. law /J?;/^ y?«^ is pre-TEUT. /^;?/ in the synon. ir. vb. <^/<7/;;/ 'I find'. fine adj. xME. fine borrowed fr. FR. fin (whence also mhg. vin g. fein, DU. fijfi). Source lat. finire vb. 'complete'. fine sb. ME. fine from lat. finis 'a fine', lit. 'a final pay- ment'. finger me. oe. finger = goth. figgrSf os.fing?', DU. vinger^ OHG. fingar c^. finger : teut. hdiSQfijtgra-y perh. allied to five (Aryan penqe^ . finish vb. me. finisshe fr. ofr. finiss- base of some forms of fr. finir (lat. finire) 'end, finish'. fir ME. firre\ perh. a Scand. loanword : on. fyra rare by-form oi fura 'fir. There is a teut. name of the tree ficrh-'. oe. fnrhy OHG. /£?r//^ G. fdhre\ cp. pre-TEUT. /^r>^ qerq in lat. qucr-' cits 'oak', fire iME. //r OE. fyr : contr. of westteut. fuir == osax. ohg. fi/ir commonly osax. ohg. fiur mhg. viur G. fener y du. ?7/7^r. The ir of osax. ohg. //?/r (cp. ON. firr fyrr) is suffix; fii fr. pre-TEUT. ///- is the root ; ON. fth'-r, GR. 71V-Q, Umbrian //-r, armen. hu-r point to a common 76 first — fleam base pu-r\ skr. \fpit 'flame', whence pavakd 'fire'. first ME. first OE. fyrst fr. "^fyrest = TEUT. f arista- in ohg. fur is t (cp. G. fiirsty du. f^^rj/ 'prince'), on. fyrstr 'first'; the original word for 'first' is osax. /or mo = OE. forma with //z^- suffix (goth. fru-ma^ from indo- EUR. //-; cp. GR. npofiog , SKR. pUrva-Sy O'S>L0v.priivii^ litu. pirmas 'first'. Cp. former. fish ME. y^j-/^ OE. ^V (and y^^t-) = GOTH, y?^/^^, ON. fiskr y OHG. OSAX. y?^-^ G. fisch. TEUT. fiska-z from pre-TEUT. pisko-s agrees with hM:.piscis', the corresponding OIR. /f?.f<: points to pre -historic "^peiskos. fist ME. /jt/ short for fist OE. />'i-/ fr. TEUT. ^fthti(z) = OHG. fist G. faust, DU. f/«/j-/ 'fist'. If connected with synon. hkT.pug- nus and gr. -nvyf-iTji westteut. fusti- stands for fiihsti- = pre- I'EUT. puk-sti pug-sti- ? five ME. five OE. fife] without inflection oe. fif from teut. fimf ^= GOTYi.fimfy OSkX.ftf DU. vijf, OHG. yf«/ MHG. vi'inf G. /?^/?/, on. fimm (dan. sw. y^?;^) : pre- TEUT. phnpe pinqe (for the shifting of indo-eur. q io / see fir^ four^ wolf)', cp. skr. pancdy GR. nsvre (jibi^ms ns/iinvog), lat. quinque (for ^^pinque), lith. penki, OIR. rmm^ whence also oe. fiyt7ne, du. vUfiriy fleck — flood 11 OHG. fiietuma mhg. vliete(n) G. Jliete. fleck a Scand. loanword: on. fiekkr, sw. flcick = du. vleky G. y?^r/^'spot'. Cp. ME,yfi- (^Uius) G. fV?m. fleet ^ *a number of ships' me. flete OE. fleot 'a ship'. — fleet ^ a creek, bay' me. fiet oe. flcot 'a bay of the sea*. Both belong to the vb. fleet me. flete 'float, swim' QE. fleotati 'float, swim' = O'^.fjota, o?,\x.J^iotany \y\].vlieten, OHG. filo'-an G. fiiessen. teut. \Pfleut flat fr. aryan pleud-plud. cp. //zV and float. flesh me. fiesch <:m.fiasc shows umlaut and palatalization of the base *Jldski(z) '^Jiaiski{z) =: ohg. fleisk G. fieischy du. vleesch ; on. yf*?^/^ means only 'pork', more esp. 'ham and bacon'; perh. cogn. w. flitch. I flicker vb. me. flikere oe. fli- corian = du. flikkeren 'sparkle, glitter'; a frequent, of a base flik flak in UE.flakere, G.flackern ? flight ^ 'the act of flying' me. flight OE.flyht from oe. fleoga?i = flight - prop, 'the act of fleeing' ME. flight OE. flyht (=z du. vlugty OHG. OSAX. fluhty G. flucht) from fleon'^^Q. E. flight OE. flyht, du. f'//<^/ have both meanings of //:^M Cp. //^^. flint 'a hard stone' me. oe. flint 'a rock' ; cp. dan, fli7tty G. flinte 'musket, flint-lock', sw. flintay dan. flint 'flint*: perh. re- lated to GR. TiXivd^OQ 'a brick'. flit vb. ME. fliite oe. "^flyttan = on. flytja (sw. flyttay dan. flytte) : cp. the root under fleet vb. flitch siE-flicche oe. flic ce ^=t. on. flikki'. TEUT. base flikkja-y perh. akin to fleck} or cogn. w. float vb. me. flpte oe. flotian; cp. me. y^^7^ 'a boat, a fleet' oe. flota 'a boat, ship, a fleet': deriv. of the TEUT.\^fl?it under fleet vb. flock 1 'herd, flock' me. flok OE. floCC = on. flokkry DAN. y?b>(', sw. yf^r/^. flock 2 'a lock of wool' fr. ofr. floe = 'LKV. floccuSy whence also OHG. floccho G. flockCy du. vlok. flood me. oe. flpd = osAX.flSdy DU. eV^^<'/, OHG. fluot G. yfz//, on. flody GOTH, flodus'. a common Teut. word. goth. flodiis from ARYAN plotu-s is bascd on the 78 floor — foe TEUT. v^y/f?- from pre-TEUT. plo- in floic. floor ME. OE. Jlpr = DU. vloer, .MLG. vlor, MHG. vluor (g. Jlur) 'field, surface, hall', on. flor 'the floor of a cow-house': teut. jloru-s from pre-TEUT. plorus plants closely related to oiR. id?- for '"^pldr 'floor, paved floor'. florin ME. Jiorin : borrowed fr. FR. florin (it. fiorino so named because it bore a lily, from it. fiore 'a flower'). flounce changed fr. ^m./roimce 'a plait': loanword fr. fr. froncer 'plait , wrinkle" (prob. from a lat. type '^frontiare 'wrinkle the forehead'). flounder sb. borrowed fr. scand. sw. flundra, dan. flynder ^ on. flydra. flour ident. w. floiver from FR. fleur 'flower'. flourish vb. me. flourisshe : adapt, fr. ofr. fleuriss- stem of fleurir 'flourish' (lat. floi-escere inceptive o{ florere 'bloom*). flow vb. ME. fl&ive OE. flgwan str. vb. = ON. floa^ du. vloeien'. TEUT.y^flS- m//(?(?d= pre-TEUT. p/S- in gr. 71 h6-(o *I swim, sail', nXfOTog 'swimming, sailing'. flower ME. flour : borrowed fr. afr. flour flor = fr. jkur (lat. flos). Ident. w. //our. fluke 'a flounder' ME.flo'ke oe. flp'c = ON. floki; cogn. w. ohg. fla/i G.flacAy DU. Tj/ak adj. 'plain . Cp. the ARYANy/p/ak in lat. placenta 'cake' and pldfius (for plac?tus7) 'plain'. ' flute borrowed fr. fr. flute, I whence also du. fluit\ cp. mhg. vloite G. flote 'flute' and ofr. flaute, iT.flauto. Chaucer uses the vb. floute 'play on the flute'. flutter vb. ME.flotere oe. flotorian ix.\fflut under float. Cp. G. flatter?!} fly vb. ME. flie earher fleien OE. fleogan str. vb. = ohg. fliogan G. fliegen, du. vliegen, on. fljiiga. GOTH, "^fliugan is inferred from the factitive flaugjan 'carry away in flight' and shows that the common Teut. vb. "was fleugan] cp. LAT. plmna (for "^pliVunaT) 'feather'. — fly sb. me. flie earlier fleie oe. flepge =: ohg. flioga g. fliege^ du. vUeg (on. with ablaut flu'ga 'fly') : evidently fly means 'the flyer' from fly vb. foal me. fjle oe. fola ~~ synon. ON. foli, ohg. folo G. fohleny GOTH. />//(r?: a common Teut. term for 'the young of a horse or an ass* from pre-TEUT. p9l6?i- ; allied to gr. 7T(okog 'colt, young animal , lat. pullus a young ani- mal' esp. 'a chicken'. foam sb. me. fgme oe. f dm = OHG. feini : base fainia- for an earlier '^fai?ia- ■=- skr. ph^na, osLOV. pe?ia 'foam'. fodder me. fodder oe. foddor = DU. voeder, ohg. fuotar G. flutter, ON. /^^r: cp. oe. /^, OHG. /^/^ G. VOlkf ON. /<:i//^. The primit. meaning is perh. 'a crowd of people', whence lith. pulkas 'a crowd', OSLOV. pluku 'an army'. follow vb. ME. folwcfolowe oe. folgiaii (by-form fyly.iii) = ON. fylgja, DU. volgen, ohg. folgen G. folgen: the common west-teut. and Norse vb. for 'follow'; possibly a compound verbal stem, the first member of which is full; cp. OE. full-eode 'he followed', OE. OLG. fulgangan, OHG. fola-gdn 'follow'. Go fr. OE. gdn would be the second member. fond ME. fond prop, fonn-ed partic oi fonne 'be foolish'; cp. ME. &h. fon(nn)'2i fool': borrowed fr. sw. fane 'a fool'; icel. fdni 'a buoyant person'. food ME. fode'oY^.fpda'. teut. \ffdd fad (cp. OHG. fatunga 'food') fr. k^Yk^ pat in nartiad^at 'eat'. Cp. also feed, fodder, foster. fool ME. fpl: adopt, fr. ofr. fol (= FR. fou fol) 'a fool'. foot ME. OE. fpt (plur. fet) = OSAX. foty DU. VOet, OHG. fuOT^ G. fuss, ON. fotr, SW. /c?/, DAN. fod, GOTH. fStus: TEUT. base /^/- from ARYAN pod- changing with aryan pod- ped- in the declension; cp. GR. nod- in. TTo'Ja, nom. sing, novg (aeol. ttcdc) ; LAT. ped-em (nom. sing, pes) ; GR. nsSiXov 'sole' — nsLog (for *TT&(^j6g) 'pedestrian', SKR. pad 'foot' and pada 'step, print'. fop vb. borrowed fr. DU. foppen 'prate, cheat' (^fopper 'a wag', fopperij 'cheating') : orig. a word of G. slang. for ME. OE. for prep. = goth. failra 'before, . for', OHG. fora g. vor 'before', du. voor', cogn. w. LAT. pro 'before', gr. nQO 'be- fore'. forbear me. forbore oe. forbcran str. vb.; cp. bear vb. forbid me. forbede oe. forbeodan confounded with m^.forbidde oe. forbiddan; cp. bid. 8o force foul force sb. me. foi-ce fors: bor- rowed fr. FR. force (lat. type fortia 'strength' derived ix.fortis 'strong'). ford ME. OE. ford (me. also forth) = DU. voerty osax. '^ford in Heriford (prop, 'ford of an army*), ohg. vurt q. fur t {Frank-, Er-, Schwein-^ \ cp. oe. Oxenaford (lit. 'ford of the oxen') = Oxford. TEUT. '^fordu- forpii- from the TEUT. sffar in fa r e ; hence ford prop, 'passable, practicable pass- age'; cp. A VEST, peretu 'bridge', LAT. portus 'haven', on. fjordr 'bay'; also celt. -lat. -rititm (for '■•prtofti) in Augtistoritiim, cymr. rhyd 'ford'. foreign me. foreine: adapted {v.OFK.foraifi'. lat. iy\iQ foratieus derived fr. foras adv. 'out of door'. forfeit sb. M'e.forfete: borrowed fr. om. forfait 'a fine' part, of forf aire forsf aire 'trespass' (med.- LAT. forisf actum part, of foris- facere 'trespass', lit. 'do beyond'). forge me. forge borrowed fr. FR. forge from lat. fabrica 'a workshop'. forget vb. ME. forgete oe. for- gitan str. vb. = o?>AX.fargetany du. vergeten, mlg. z>orgeten, ohg. Jir- gej^T^an G. vergessen. The comp. v^b. is the remnant of a str. verbal Y"^t'/, whence ^- get 'ob- tain, reach'; cp. goth. bigitan find', ON. geta 'obtain'. Cp. g et and the aryan \f ghed : ghend in lat. prae-hendere j gr. /avdatoj 'seize'. fork ME. forke oy.. forca = du. 7'ork, OHG . furc/ia firka G.furkcy ON. forka: borrowed fr. lat. firca 'a fork', whence also fr.' fourche, span, horca, it. forca. forlorn 'quite lost' me. forlorn oe. forloren part, of oe. forleosan 'lose utterly'; cp. lose and G. DU. verloren, dan. forloren. former formed by adding the compar. suffix -er to me. for?nc OE. forma =r- osAX." forma 'first' ; cp. first. forsake vb. me. forsake oe. forsacan str. vb. 'oppose' ; cp. forth UTi.. forth OE. ford = osax. /u/eo 'stink' — puter- 'de- cayed', GR. 7Tv-i)^Lo 'cause to rot', GR. TTVOV LAT. pt/S 'puss'. found ^ vb. 'lay the foundation of ME. founde : adapted fr. fr. fonder from lat. fundare 'found'. found 2 vb. 'cast metals' bor- rowed fr. FR. fondre from lat. fundere 'cast metals'. fount ME. fount fr. ofr. font =^ LAT. font-em, four u^. four fo7aer oe. feower {/eowcrl^ = osAX./iwar, du. g. mer OHG. for, ON. fjorir. The oe. by- form fyder- (in comp. disfyder- fete 'four-footed') and goth. fid- wor (^Jidur-^ point to a pre-TEUT. hdiSQ peiwor petur for qetwor qetur\ ident. w. skr. catur, L3.T. quattuor, GR. xsoaaQSQ {7iiffv(jsc)f oslov. eetyrt 'four'. fowl ME. fou/ earlier fuwel oe. fugol == OSAX. fugal, DU. vogel, OUG. fogal MHG. G. z^ogel, ON. fug/, GOTH, fugls: teut. base fug la-. fox ME. OE. fox = OHG. fu/lS G. fuc/is, DU. vos, ON. fox ; the s of the TEUT. base fuh-s- is suffix as is shown by gotu. fauho, ON. foa 'fox' = OHG. foha mhg. vohe 'she-fox' (and o^.focge 'she- fox'?). Cp. vixen. frail (me. frile) borrowed fr. OFR. fraile (fr. frele) 'brittle' = LAT. fragilis. frame vb. me. f rente oe. fr em- man 'promote, do' (= o^.fremja, OHG. fremman , oSAX. fremmian English Etymology. 'perform'): derived fr. oe. fram strong, good', ident. w. from. franchise me. fraunchise'. bor- rowed from YR. franchise 'privi- leged liberty' from FK.franchiss-, stem of some forms o^ franc hir 'free' from fr. franc 'free'. fraught part, of me. fraughte vb.= DU. bevrachten, G. befrachten\ cp. G.fracht oylg. freht 'earnings, gain. Properly a compound ; cp. OE. (Bhty OHG. eht 'property' under own. freak 'a whim, caprice' me. frek 'quick, vigorous' oe. fra 'bold, rash' = ON. fr'ekr, oho. fr'eh 'greedy' o. frech 'pert', GOTH. faihu'friks 'avaricious' : teut. base fr'eka-. freckle from on. freknur plur. 'freckles'; cp. sw. frdkne plur. frdhiar, fris. (Am run) friakan 'freckles'. Perh. cogn. w. GR. TTfpxvo'c 'spotted'. free me. fre oe. freo fri: teut. base frija- = goth. freis, osax. OHG. fri G. frei. The pre-teut. priyo- is the base of cymr. rhydd 'free' and of skr. priyd-s 'dear, beloved'; cp. the skr. verbal \fpri 'rejoice, render favorable' with GOTH, frijon 'love' under friend and Friday. freeze vb. me. frese oe. freosan str. vb.; cp. synon. on. frjosa, DU. vriezen, ono.friosan G. frier en) cp. GOTH, frius 'frost, cold': teut. \ffreus fruz from a pre-teut. preusprtis, which seems to exist in LAT. priirio for ^prusio 'itch', if 'itch, frostburn' is the inter- 82 freight frock mediate meaning, and in skr. \l^prus 'spurt out'; prusvd 'drop,, frozen drop, frost'. Cp. frost. freight ident. w. fraught. fresh adj. me. fresh fresch oe. fersc =: OHG. frisc G. frisch, du. versch 'fresh'; cogn. w. OSLOV. presmii 'fresh' from Aryan prais- kino-', cp. LiTH. preskas 'sweet, unsoured' with finn. rieska 'fresh, unsoured'. The Rom. family of IT. fresco, FR. frais comes from WEST-TEUT. fr'eska-. fret^ vb. 'eat up, devour' short for ME. frete oe. fr'etan str. vb. = DU. LG. vreten, OHG. frei;z^an G.fressen 'eat up, consume'. The corresp. goth. frditan {^r&i.fret) 'consume' shows that west-teut. fretan is a compound of etan = eat\ fra is a common prefix in GOTH. (c^. fraught 2ind fret). fret^ vb. 'ornament, variegate ME. fretie oe. frcetwan 'adorn': from o^.frcetwe plur. 'ornament'= OSAX. frataha 'ornament': source perh. a Teut. compound fra -h GOTH. tewa 'arrangement'. iv\2ir Wt.. frere'. adapted fr. fr. frere 'a brother'. Friday me. friday oe. frl'^edcej^ = DU. vrijdag, ohg. friatag mhg. vriiac G. freitag , on. Frjddagr'. really 'day of the Teut. goddess Frija Frijjo in imitation of i.at. dies Veneris {Fria and Venus correspond). ON. F^'iggWk.^ ohg. Fria is prop, 'the goddess of love'; cp. SKR. /r/y^ 'wife, loved one' (oSAX. fri, oe. freo 'wife'). Cp. free. friend me. frend oe. freond = OS. \x. friund 'Mend, relative', du. vriend, ohg. friunt mhg. vriunt (d) G. freund, goth. frijonds 'friend' : teut. frijond- (formed like fiend) is pres. partic. of an old teut. vb. frijon 'love' = goth. frijon, OE. frioian'lovQ . C^.free. frieze (of a column) fr. fr. ft'ise (= iT.fregio 'frieze'), whence also G. DU. fries, fright me. fright oe. fyrhtu fyrhto', cp. the synon. goth. faurhtei 'fright' and OSAX. ohg. for{a)hta mhg. vorht{e) G. furcht 'fright'. — frighten vh.uE./righte oe. fyrhtan = goth. faurhtjan, OSAX. forhton, ohg. furihten forahtan G. filrchten. fringe me. fringe: loanword from OFR. "^fringe =^ fr. frange (source lat. fimbria 'fringe'), whence G. franse, du. franje. frisk vb. formed from the adj. OFR. f risque = SCAND. friskr 'frisky, brisk'. frith firth ue. firth', a Scand. loanword; cp. ON. fjgrdr (plur. firdir) 'bay' ,*^ dan. fiord, sw. fjdrd 'a firth': teut. hdiseferpu-, aryan pertu- cp. LAT. portus 'haven'. For the Aryan \fper cp. ford. fritter late me. fritoure'. bor- rowed fr. FR. friture 'dish of fried fish', also 'a fragment' from OFR. frif 'fried' (source lat. frigere); c^. fry. fro me. fro earlier /r^ : adapted fr. o-^.frd 'from', ident.w. from. frock me. frok: borrowed fr. OFR. froc =^ MED.-LAT. frocus 'a froo; — furze 83 monk's frock'; source osax. hroc 'coat'. frog M^.frogge oe. frogga] the OE. parallel form frocca (mod. dial, frock) points to the synon. ON. fraukr. Prob. oe. forsc, OHG. frosk G. froschy on. froskr show the same root, if derived fr. TEUT. "^fruhsqa-. frolic borrowed fr. du. vrolijk 'merry ; cp. mhg. V7'oloken 'rejoice', prob. after mhg. vro-sanc 'merry song' supplanting an older froleichen. from ME. OE. from fram ^ OSAX. OYiG.fram mhg. vram prep, 'forth, from' — adv. 'forth', ON. frafn adv. 'forward' — frd prep, 'from' — adv. 'fro', goth. fraj)t prep, 'from' adv. 'further, forward'. frost ME. frost oe. forst == on. DAN. sw. G. frosty DU. vorst: deriyed fr. \f frus = freeze, froth sb. ME.//7?7//^fr. o^.froda, froward adj. ME./rjTf^^r^/ earlier frdward'. derived fr. fro. frown vb. me. froune shortened fr. FR. refrogner. fruit ME. frilt {fruit) fr. fr. fruit = LAT. fructus. fry vb. ME. frie fr. ofr. frire = LAT./r2^(fr^ 'roast'; o."^. fritter, ivy sb. ME.fri fr. o^. frjo {free) 'spawn, fry'; ident. w. GOTn.fraiw 'seed': pre-TEUT. pro-eiwo-. fuel sb. late mf.. fouaile fr. ofr. *fouaille: lat. i^'^e focalia 'fuel'. full ME. 0E./iY/f//) = G0TH./2^//y, ON. fullrj DU. vol, G. VOll OHG. fol(ll) : TEUT. base fulla- fr. an ARYAN base p9l-no in skr. piirria 'full'; cp. LAT. plenuSy oir. Idn (orig. "^plonos) 'full'. Prop, partic. with suffix -no- fr. an aryan yfple plo 'to fill' in skr. sf pur pr, LAT. implere, gr. Tiif.nilr)ui. fuller sb. me. fuller O's.. full^-e 'a cloth-bleacher': adaption of 'L^.T.fullo 'a fuller, bleacher'. funnel late me. fund fr. fr. fondtfle\ source i.k'V.infundibulwfi. fur MK.furre forre fr. ofr. fuerre forre 'a sheath, a case"; source TEUT. -GOTH. /\].gliJ{d)enj OHG. glitafi G. gleiten, sw. glida, DAN. glide glide, slide'. Cp. glede. glimmer vb. me. g timer e --= G. gli^nmern, dan. glimre; akin to sw. glimma and osax. glimo 'splendor under gleam. glimpse vb. me. glmise vb.; akin to glif/imer, glisten vb. me. glistne oe. glis- nian 'gleam' ; akin to OE. glisian ^= OFRis. glisa 'shine' : teut. \fglit go gloat — goal in glitter me. glitere (oe. "^glito- riati) vb. 'shine' = o^.glitra, G. glitzern. A corresp. strong vb. is ON. gllia^ OS AX. glttan ■=^ ohg. gli'yifin shine' (cp. G. gleissen and GOTH, glitmunjan 'shine'). gloat vb. akin to G. glotzen^ ICEL. glotia ; an oe. glotian is un- recorded; cogn. w. MK.glouteip^. ^gluiian) look sullen. gloom 0¥..glpm iglgmung) gloom, twilight'; the m is formative (as in bloom J doom)', for the teut. \fgld cp. glow. glory ME. glgrie glgrie from ofr. glorie = L\T. gloria ; cp . fr. gloire. gloss vb. akin to mhg. glosen glow'. glove ME. glove short for glove OE. glpf = ON. glq^ 'glove'. glow vb. ME. glpwe oE. glpwan str. vb.; cp. du. gloeijen, ohg. gluoen G. glilheny on. gloa 'glow, glitter, shine' : teut. y" glo gle under gloom and e. dial, gleed. glue me. gliie borrowed fr. ofr. glu 'birdlime'; source lat. glus glutem. glum adj. from xME. glotnme glombe vb. 'be gloomy'; as gloovty shows, connected with gloom and sw. gldmig 'languid of look'. glut sb. ME. glut sb. borrowed fr. OFR. glut glout (it. ghiotto) 'a glutton'. — glut vb. ME. glote glute vb. borrowed fr. ofr. glotir gloutir (cp. FR. engloutir 'swallow up ) ; source i.kT.gluttire''s'^?i\\o'^' . — glutton ME. gluioun glotoun: borrowed fr. fr. glouton ofr. gluton ; source lat. glutto-gluttonem 'glutton'. gnarl akin to oe. gnyrran. gnash vb. aie. gnaste 'gnash the teeth'; oe. '^gndstian is akin to ON. gnista 'gnash the teeth'. gnat ME. gnat{tt) oe. gncett: TEUT. base gnatta-. gnaw vb. me. gnawe OE. gnagati = OSAX. gnagaUy ohg. (g)nagan G. nagen, on. gnaga\ cp. a by- form with initial k'. du. knagen, OS. hg. knagan 'gnaw ; the G. form nagen arose from gnagen. go ME. go OE. gdn = OSAX. gdn, DU. gaan, ohg. gdn gen G. gehen. The TEUT. \f ghai- (= oe. gd-^ OHG. ge^ supplanted the aryan y^i 'go' in lat. ire^ gr. Ibvoh^ SKR. yfi. Since teut. gai- has no old primit. noun-derivatives in Teut. and takes the place of the ARYAN \r/ (the aorist goth. iddja r=. OE. eode still remains) and as it is inflected after the ////-conjugation, the supposition arises that teut. '^gaim '^gais "^gaip are contracted fr. the verbal particle ga and the inherited im iz tp = skr. emi csi eti\ cp. GR. £?/). grasp ME. grapse perh. for ^grapse oe. ^grdpsian : possibly an intensive deriv. of oe. grd- pian ^= grope. grass ME. gras o^. grces gcers ^=^ GOTH. ON. OSAX. DU. OHG. G. graS 'herb, growth'. The final s is formative, the V^is^r^r meaning 'sprout, grow'; cp. grozv and green. grasshopper xME. grashopper orig. gras hoppe o^. gcers-hoppa {= DU. grashupper lg. grashiipper^ : 'an insect which hops about in the grass'. Cp. hop. grate sb. me. grate: source LAT. crates 'a hurdle'. — grate vb. M^. grate vb. from ofr. grater 'scratch' (fr. gratter), which is prob. of Teut. origin (ohg. krazzon G. kratzeti) . grave vb. me. grave oe. grafajt 'dig' = GOTH. OHG. graban G. gra- beny DU. graven dig , on. grafa : TEUT. \j^grab = ARYAN ghrabJi, orig. related to oslov. grebq 'dig' and grobU grave'. grave adj. from fr. grave 'stately'. gravel — grizzly 93 gravel me. gravH borrowed fr. OF^.gravekj dimin. oi oyk. grave rough sand* fr. greve 'strand'. gravy earlier orthography grea- vy, akm to greaves} gray grey me. gray grey oe. grcky^ akin to du. grauw, ohg. grdo (infl. grdwer) g. grau, on. grdr, which represent a Teut. base grdwa- grewa- (oe. grcbj^ pointing to a h^ise grdga-grega- ?). graze vb. 'feed cattle' me. grdse OE. grasian = G. grasen : deriv. of TEUT. grasa- = grass. grease me. grese grffe : adapted from OFR.^'^r?/ 'boy': borrowed fr. OFR. gramme gaurme, whence OFR. gramet 'servant'. groove ME. grove 'a pit' = du. graeve graef ohg. gruaba G. grube, ON. graf, GOTH, groba] from oe. grafan =^ grave. grope vb. me. grope oe. gr apian) intensive formation of gripe = OE. gripan. ground me. ground oe. grund orig. grUnd = osax. g. grtmd, DU. grand, ohg. grunty on. grund 'meadow' — grunnr {ix.'^grunpus) 'bottom of the sea', gotu. grundus in grunduwaddjus 'foundation , lit. *a ground-wall'. group borrowed fr. fr. graupe (=: IT. groppo), grove me. grgi>e oe. grdf grove'; TEUT. base graiba- graifa-. The me. by-form gr^ve greve 'grove, wood' corresponds to OY.. grckfe ■=■ TEUT. base graibjon- ? grovel vb. with the 2^^^. groveling UE. g7'oveling(es) grufling{es)\ akin to ME. agruf agrouve 'groveling' and ON. a grufu groveling' — griifa vb. 'bow down'. The e. word seems to be a Scand. loanword. grow vb. ME. grgwe oe. groman ^= DU. groeijen, ohg. gruoan mho. grilejen, ON. groa, sw. dan. gro: TEUT. \fgrdy whence green and perh. also grass. growl ME.growle from T>v.grollen = g. grallen. grub vb. ME. grubbe 'dig': teut. yfgrab under grave] cp. ohg. grubilon (g. griibeln 'brood, pour over). grudge vb. me. grugge earUer grucche (short for "^grouchenT)'. borrowed fr. oyk. groucher groucer murmur. gruel ME. griiel: borrowed fr. OFR. gruel = FR. gruau (lat. type grutellum, dimin. of med.- LAT. grutwn 'meal'). gruff borrowed fr. du. graf = sw. grof, dan. grov g. grab, grumble loanword fr. fr. grom- meler ; akin to mdu. grotmnelen, frequent. of mdu. grummen grommen 'murmur'. grunt vb. me. grtinte grante OE. grunnettan ; ident. w. g. grunzen, dan. grynte, sw. grynta. A more primit. stem appears in OE. grunian 'grunt'. The yfgrun is imitation of sound; cp. lat. grunnire. guarantee see warrant. guard vb. borrowed fr. fr. guarder, see ward. gudgeon borrowed fr. YR.goujon (jviE. *gugeon ^^gougeounT), guess — Gypsy 95 guess vb. x\!E. gesse: prob. not a native word, but borrowed fr. the continent (du. lg. gissen) or fr. the Scand. (dan. gisse^ sw. gissd). A native me. gesse would point to an oe. *getsian (cp. bless OE. bletsiati) = teut. base *gdtisdn ? guest ME. gest borrowed fr. SCAND. gestr guest'; there was a native oe. pst ^iest, which was supplanted by the Scand. loan- word. SCAND. gestr OE. pst = OHG. OSAX. G. DU. gast represent a TEUT. base gasti-z = lat. /lostis 'enemy', oslov.^^j// 'guest': aryan base ghostis, guide vb. me. glde borrowed fr. FR. guider (ofr. also gtder = ME. gie vb.). guild ME. gi/de oe. gy/d; cp. DU. gi/d, G. gi/de. guile sb. me. gi/e borrowed fr. OFR. gui/e 'treachery', which is of Teut. , origin ; cp. wi/e. guilt sb. ME. gf/t OE. gy/t 'a. crime': teut. base gu//i; a \fgtdt is unknown elsewhere. guise me. gise fr. ofr. guise 'way, wise', which is of Teut. origin; cp. wise. gulf adapted fr. fr. golfe, whence also G. golf. The Rom. group Span. it. golfo 'a gulf, bay' is based on gr. n6A^'- 7T10V 'a pruning-knife', skr. krpana 'sword', LIT. klrp-ii 'shear'. hash sb. from fr. hacher vb. 'hack' (of Teut. origin , cp. hack vb.). hasp me. haspe oe. hceps (for 7* lOO haste — hawk *hcBSp) = DAN. SW. G. MHG. haspCy ON. hespa 'hasp'. haste vb. me. haste: loanword fr. OFR. haster (fr. hater), whence alsro DU. haasten, G. hasten make haste'. The fr. vb. is prob. a Tent, loanword. hat sb. ME. hat (plur. hattes) OE. hcet (plur. hattas) = on. Apttr 'hood, cowl', sw. hatt, dan. hat 'hat' : Teut. base hattu- cogn. w. hood sb. and perh. also with LAt. cassis (for ^cat-tis) 'helmet'. hatch vb. me. hacche\ cp. MHG. hecken 'produce young from eggs by incubation' G. aushecken 'hatch', sw. hdcka 'breed', dan. hcekkebuur 'breeding cage'. hatch sb. 'halfdoor' me. hacche OE. hcEcc'^ cogn. w. DU. hekl hatchel see hackle sb. hatchet sb. me. hacchet'. loan- word from FR. hachette, dimin. of FR. hache 'axe': source a teut. hakka cp. hack vb. hate vb. me. hate older hdtien OE. hatian = goth. hatan, du. haten, OSAX. haton, ohg. haT^i^on g. hassen. — hate sb. me. hate influenced by the vb. hdte\ earlier me. h(te OE. hete = OSAX. heti, DU. haat, ohg. ha^^ g. hassy ON. hatr, sw. hat, dan. had, GOTH, hatis. The teut. \f hat 'hate' is perh. ident. w. the Teut. y^ hap in oe. heado- war' = OHG. hadu and G. hader 'quarrel'. hatred me. hatrMe{n): abstr. noun from the vb. hate) cp. kindr ed. hauberk me. hauberk borrowed fr. OFR. hauberc] source ohg. halsb'erc prop, 'neck-defence'. haughty adj. me. hautein 'arro- gant' from OFR. hautain] source OFR. haut = LAT. a/tus 'high'. haul see ha/e vb. haunch sb. me. haunche: loan- word from FR. hanche (ofr. hanke of Teut. origin ; cp. ohg. anka ?) . haunt vb. me. haunte borrowed fr. fr. hanter 'haunt, frequent'. have ME. have oe. habban = OSAX. hebbian, du. hebben, ohg. haben G. haben, on. hafa, goth. haban'. Teut, base habai-^ ident. w. LAT. habere'^ Aryan base khabhey ? haven ms.. hdven late oe. hcefene, prob. a Scand. loanword; cp. ON. hgfn 'haven ; perh. allied to oe. hcef, ON. haf 'ocean'. haversack borrowed fr. fr. havresac 'a knaf)sack' from G. habersack hafersack 'a sack for oats'. haw ME. hawe oe. hag a 'an inclosure' = on. fiagi\ cp. ohg. hag 'an inclosure' G. hag 'a hedge', DU. haag 'a hedge, garden'. A corresponding Aryan \f kagh is evident in cymr. cae, corn, ke 'hedge'. — Hence hawthorn OE. hagu-porn. Cp. hedge. hawk ME. hauk oe. heafoc] cp. OSAX. ^habuc in tlie proper name Habuc-horst y DU. havik , ohg. habuh G. habicht with secondary hawser — heart lOI /, ON. haukr (for hgbukr) , sw. h'dk^ DAN. hdg\ GOTH, '^habuks with formative -ka- as in ahaks 'dove'. The \fhaf is seen in OE. hebban e. heave orig. 'take, seize' as in lat. caper e. hawser 'a tow-rope' borrowed fr. the OFR. vb. haulser 'raise, tow a boat' (Lat. type altiare 'elevate, raise'). hay ME. hey oe. he^ hii : Teut. base hauja- = goth. hawi (gen. haujis) 'hay, grass', ohg. hewi houwi G. heUy on. hey^ sw. DAN. hOy DU. hooi\ orig. verbal adj. of the Teut. verbal sfhau seen in hew. Hence hay 'grass to be hewn' (orig. hauja- sc. grasa-). hazel ME. hdsel oe. hcBsel = DU. hazel, ohg. hasala G. hasel, ON. y^rt^i-/: from pre-TEUT. kdslo-, hence in Lat. with rhotacism corulus for *cosulus 'hazel'; cp. also oiR. coll 'hazel' for ^cosH he me. oe. he = osax. hi. head short for ME. • hal fuller form hived o^. he'afod= ON^. haufup (hpfiif), GOTH, haubip y osAX. hobidy DU. hoofd, OHG. houbit o. haupt'. Teut. base haubida- hau- biida- is closely allied to OE. hiife, OHG. huba G. haube 'cap, hood'. This ti-xool (ARYAN ktip- ?) may be connected with lat. caput, if this is traceable to an hypo- thetical ^cauput *cdput. — head var. suffix of -hood. heal vb. me. h^'le oe. hdlan] cp. the synon. osax. helian, du. heelen, OHG. heilan G. heilen, on. hcila, GOTH, hailjan 'heal' : deriv. ! of the Teut. adj. haila- -= e. : whole (cp. also hail adj. — hale adj.). — health me. helthe oe. /^^^ 'healing, cure' = ohg. heilida'. an abstract formation from the adj. hdl 'whole, hale' (see whole). heap ME. h4p oe. heap 'heap, troop, crowd' = oSAX. hop, DU. hoop, OHG. houf 'crowd, troop' G. haufe 'crowd , troop , pile' {GOTi^.^haups). OSLOV. kupu and LTfH. kaupas 'heap' are prob. allied. hear vb. me. here oe. her an (wEST-SAX. hyran) = osAX. horian, DU. hooren, OHG. horan G. horen, on. heyra, sw. hora, DAN. hdre\ all with rhotacism versus goth. hausjan 'hear (cp. harkdiXid hearken). The teut. \fhauz = ARYAN kous may be connected with gr. a-xovco for d-y.ovOro (with prefix n- = SKR. sam) and with teut. auso 'ear' :=: ear. hearken var. of harken; cp. hark. hearse sb. me. herse her^e orig. 'a triangular harrow', then 'a carriage for a dead body': adopted fr. O^r. herce 'a harrow' = FR. herse 'a harrow'. Source LAT. hirpex — hirpicem 'a harrow'. heart me. herte oe. heorte', equivalent to osax. h'erta, on. hjarta, goth. hairtb (ohg. herza G. herz by the second sound- shifting): Teut. base h'ertdn- or hertan- = Aryan base herd krd in LAT. cor cordis, gr. vagdia I02 hearth — heel and y./jp for ^yS]pd, IR. criWe, OSLOV. sridice 'heart'. hearth me. herth oe. heor^ = DU. heerd^ OSAX. herth, g. herd'. a TEUT. \pher 'burn' (cp. lat. cre-mare 'burn'?) may be as- sumed as the base of e. hearth and GOTH, hauri^ coaV plur. haurja 'fire', ON. hyrr 'fire'. heat sb. ME. hete oe. hckto, the abstract sb. from the adj. oe. hat (= E. hot^ formed by vowel mutation (goth. ^haitei f. heat'). — heat vb. me. hete oe. hdtan'. a factitive vb. from the adj. oe. hat = E. hot (goth. '^haitjan from "^ halts) \ cp. G. heizen. heath me. h4th oe. hdp = ^ OHG. hezda G. heide 'heath', GOTH, haipi 'a waste', on. heidr. Hence heathen me. h(then oe. hcBden corresponding to on. heidinn, DU. mhg. heiden G. heide. In goth. we find only a femi- nine half no 'a heathen woman', whereby the existence of the common Teut. masculine haipina is secured for the fourth cen- tury. It seems to be a trans- lation of the synon. lat. paganus occurring in the latter half of the fourth century of the Chris- tian era. heave vb. me. h(ve earlier hcbbe OE. hebban str. vb. = on. hefja, OSAX. hebbian, du. heffen, OHG. heffan hevan G. heben, goth. hafjan *lift, raise': aryan. \pkap in LAT. capio 'seize'. See ^^h,eavy. ^eaven j\ie. h§ven oe. heofon = OSAX. h'eban (lg. hatveii) with a by-form himily ohg. hi7nily du. hemel, g. sw. dan. himmel'. the /-suffix stands by dissimilation for the older /z-suffix after goth. himinSy ON. himinn, whilst in the Saxon forms the orig. m is dis- similated to b. The common Teut. word is prob. a deriv. of a more primit. teut. haiman- 'clearness , brightness' (ofris. hdmlicht 'bright as the sky'): TEUT. yf hai in G. heiter, OE. hd-dor 'serene'. Cp. hoar. heavy ms.. hevy oe. hefii = OHG. hebig, ON. hgfugr 'heavy': deriv. of the teut. sT haf in heave. hedge me. hegge oe. hecg (oe. also he-^e me. heye haye)'. Teut. base hagja-\ cp. ohg. hecka G. hecke, DU. hegge heg. C^. haw. heed vb. me. hede oe. hedan = OSAX. hodian, ohg. huoten g. huteiiy DU. hoeden. The teut. \fhdd from Aryan kadh {kodhT) or kdt is regarded as orig. cogn. w. LAT. cassis (for *cat-tis) 'hel- met'; cp. hood sb. / heel sb. me. hele oe. hela hcela shortened from *hdhila = east- FRis. he/a (whence du. hiet), dimin. of oe. hoh 'heel'; a Teut. base hanha- cp. in on. hckll 'heel', DAN. hal., sw. hdl, and in e. hough. heel vb. 'incline' shortened from me. heide oe. Mldan hyldan = OHG. heldan w. vb. 'incline': Teut. base halpjan derived fr. the Teut. adj. halpa- 'inclined' heifer — hen 103 in OE. niderheald 'bent down- wards'. heifer me. haifer {heckfre) oe. heah/ore heahfre {^ hcEgfreH) 'a young cow': apparently a com- pound, but of obscure elements. the first element seems to be heah' hcey- = teut. haha- haga- cp. G. dial, hagen hegel bull, ox'; the second element is perh. oe. fearr 'bull, ox' (gr. 770 o/c heifer). height M'E.heghte earlier heghthe oe. hehpo hyhpo '= goth. /lau- hipa 'height', ON. hckd'. abstr. formation from the teut. adj. hauha- z= high formed with suff. -i^a (cf. length, strength.). heinous me. heinous from ofr. hdinos = fr. haineux 'hateful'. heir me. heir eir from ofr. heir eir = LAT. heres 'an heir'. hell ME. he//e oe. he//; cp. GOTH. ha//a, OSAX. he// — he//ia, OB.G.he//(i G.ho//e: common Teut. Christian name for 'Hades, in- fernum'; ON. he/ shows that the older orig. word was also used in pre-Christian times for heathen 'infernum'. Cp. also on. He/ 'goddess of death'. Usually con- nected with Y" he/ ha/ 'conceal' (cp. ha//), hence ^^// 'the hid- ing place, the unseen place'. helm sb. me. he/me oe. he/ma', cp. ON. hj'a/m 'a rudder'. helmet dimin. of me. oe. h'e/m. In the form /fe/ma- 'helmet' com- mon to the Teut. langs.; cp. GOTH, hi/ms, ON. /ija/mr, sw. DAN. hje/7n, OSAX. DU. G. he/7n with the same meaning that may be derived fr. the verbal \f he/ in OE. OHG. he/an, goth. hi/an 'hide, conceal' (aryan \f/ie/ in lat. ce/are , occulere , skr. (arman protection'). help vb. ME. he/pe oe. he/pan := goth. Jii/pan, on. hja/pa, sw. hje/pa, DAN. }ijce/pe, oSAX. he/pan, DU. LG. he/pen, OHG. he/fan G. he/fen. teut. y/^h'e/p from pre- TEUT. \f/ze/h' (lith. sze/pti vb. pasza/pa 'help' pointing to an ARYAN \fke/p). helve sb. me. he/ve oe. he/f hy/f: Teut. base ha/bi-\ cp. mlg. MDU. he/ve, ohg. ha/ba he/ba mho. he/p ha/p 'a handle. See /la/ter. hem sb. me. hem (plur. /tcmfnes) OE. hem (plur. hemvias): Teut. base /lamja-. hemlock me. hem /ok hum /ok OE. h(m/ic hpn/ec, the second part of the compound seems to be explanatory (cp. /eek), the first part points to a Teut. base ^haumi- ? hemp ME. /lemp oe. hcsnep', cp. ON. hampr, DU. hennep, ohg. hanaf G. hanf\ ident. w. the synon. LAT. cannabis, GR. y,dvva(^ig. The Teut. word cannot be borrowed from GR. or lat. Perh. the Teutons adopted the word and the thing from the Scythians whence ^he word came also to Greece. hen ME. oe. he/i (stem henn-): the fem. of OE. hana 'cock' = ohg. henna G. henne (goth.. *ha7ijo-) derived fr. hana m. 'cock'). ON. hcena (SAV. hona 04 hence hidei 'hen') points to goth. "^honjo. The common teut. masc. hanan- (goth. oe. hanay ohg. hano) orig. meant 'singer', primit. re- lated to LAT. canere 'sing'. hence me. hennes with secon- dary -s (as in thence, once) for an earher henne, which by syn- cope stands for late oe. heonane mostly OE. heonan = OSAX. ohg. hindn (g. von hinneri). An origi- nal stem hi' 'this' is evident also in here and hither. herald me. herald (heratid): borrowed fr. FR. Mraut (lat. type heraldus), which is of Teut. origin [heri-7vald}). herb me. her be adopted fr. fr. her be: source lat. herba 'grass'. herd^ 'a flock' short for me. herde oe. heord = goth. hairda, ON. hjord, sw. dan. hjord ohg. herta g. herde, teut. her do- from ARYAN kerdha is cogn. w. skr. (drdhas fdrdha-s 'troop'; also OSLOV. creda 'herd, flock', lith. kerdziis 'shepherd'. See herd'^. — herd^ 'shepherd' now usually compounded (shep-, cow-, swine-,) me. herde oe. hyrde {hiorde), GOTH, hairdeis, ON. "hirdir, ohg. hirti G. hirte'. with formative ja- from TEUT. herdo- 'herd, flock'. here me. here oe. her = goth. ON. OSAX. her ohg. hiar G. hier: adv. of place (formed like goth. a/j'ar 'elsewhere', /ar 'there' cp. there) from the pronom. stem hi- in goth. hi-mma daga 'to- day' und hi-na dag 'till to-day (cp. hence and hither^. The stem hi' is cogn. w. lith. szis, OSLOV. si 'this one', lat. ci-s ci-tra 'on this side'. heron ivie. heiroun from ofr. hairon = fr. hiron, herring me. hering oe. hdring = ohg. hdring mhg. hcerinc G. hering, du. haring. westteut. hdring is the source of fr. hareng. hest 'a command' :me. Mste Mst with inorganic / from oe. hcBS 'a command' = teut. haisi- orig. hait-ti : teut. \(^ hait in OE. hdtan 'command'. See behest and hight. hew vb. ME. h(we oe. h(awan ■= OSAX. hauwan, ohg. houwan G. hauen, DU. houwen ; on. hgggva points to goth. ^haggwa?t in place of TEUT. hawwan. The verbal \l^haww haw (cp. hay) is allied to the ARYAN sfkow in OSLOV. kovq — kovati 'forge', LITH. kaujii 'I strike' — kiijis 'hammer'. heyday orig. hey day = e. high day. hiccough hiccup, also hick-et looks like a dimin. of hick or hik 'a catch in the voice', imi- tative of sound? hide^ sb. me. hide oe. hyd (by vowel mutation fr. a Teut. base hu- di-); synon. in all Teut. languages except Goth.; cp. ohg. htit o. haut, ON. hud, dan. sw. hud, DU. huid. ARYAN Mt/'S answers to LAT. ciitis 'skin'; cp. gr. y.vrog 'skin, hide'. The y/^ku appears in LAT. scu-tum 'shield', gr. 0/v-Tog 'skin, hide' with a prefix s. hide^ — hip^ 105 hide^ sb. 'a measure of land' OE. hid coViXx. of OE. y^/^/^ 'enough land for a household'; prop. *hiwida- 'family' allied to hind"^. hide vb. me. hide oe. hfdan\ Teut. base hiidjan, perh. cogn. w. CYMR.^r?^^^ 'hidden, concealed' and GR. vevd^M 'hide': Aryan y/^kudhl hideous by change of suffix for ME. hidoiis adopted fr. ofr. hidous = FR. hideux'. source a lat. type hispidosus, extension of lat. hispi- dus 'rough, shaggy, bristly'. hie vb. 'hasten me. Me earlier hi^e higen oe. higian. Teut. base hi-gai- perh. a reduplication of an ARYAN sfki in lat. ci-to quickly', G^.v.Uiv 'go'? Or cogn. w. SKR. ftghra 'quick'? high adj. me. heigh earlier heh OY.. h(ah = GOTH, hduhs, on. hdr, DU. hoogf OSAX. ohg. hSh, G. hoch\ TEUT. hauha- from an ARYAN kouko-. OTEUT. possessed a sb. formed from the adj. meaning 'hill' (base kouk6-s)\ cp. ON. haugr 'hill' (whence E. ho IV in proper names) and with ablaut G. hilgel] cp. lith. kau- kara 'hill'. hight vb. ME. highte heghte oe. heht {h^ht}) 'was called : pret. to oe. hdtan =: goth. haitan^ G. heissen. hill ME. hil (plur. hilles) OE. hyll (plur. hyllas)'. Teut. base hulli- or hulja- cogn. w. goth. hallus 'rock' and on. halb' 'hill'; an ARYAN \fkol cp. in lat. collis 'a hiir, culmen 'a top', lith. katnas kalva hiir, GR. v.o'ki.ovoc,^ hilt ME. OE. hilt = ON. hja/ff OHG. he/za 'a sword-hilt'. hind ^ ME. hinde oe. hind = ON. DAN. sw. hind, DU. hinde, OHG. hinia G. hindin. goth. *hindi (gen. *hindjos) is perh. connected with GR. y.e^i-dg 'youngdeer'. hind^ 'a peasant' me. hine oe. hina 'a domestic'. Cp. hide^. There is a Teut. base hmia- in goth. heiwa-fratt.ja 'husband', OE. hiwrceden 'family, household' = OHG. hirdi 'marriage' g. heirat. hind in behind and hind- feet akin to the oe. adv. hindan 'at the back of — hinder 'backwards' = GOTH, hindar prep, 'behind', G. hinter prep, 'behind'. — hin- der vb. me. hindre oe. hinder ian = ON. hindra ohg. hintiren hin- taron G. hindern, — hindmost corrupted fr. hindjnest (confused with ?nost) = GOTH, hindumists 'hindmost'. hinge me. henge; oe. '^hencge (for TEUT. "^hangjon-) is not re- corded: deriv. of the teut. \fhanh hang (see hang)\ cp. MLG. MDU. henge 'rack for hang- ing up things'. hint sb. shortened fr. me. hinted part, of hinte (Jiente) = OE. hejitan 'seize, hunt after' ixom. \fhenp seen in hunt} hipi sb. ME. hipe oe. hype] cp. GOTH, haps (nom. plur. hupeis), DU. heup, G. hiifte JVIHG. huf (plur. hiiffe) OHG. huf (plur. huff): TEUT. hilpi- from ARYAN kUbi-. ;o6 hip^ — hog hip- sb. 'the fruit of the dog- rose' ME. hepe OE. heope = osax. kwpa, OHG. Mufo MHG. Me/e. hip vb. ME. /lippe oe. */iyppan = MHG. hup fen hup fen G. hilp/en] alHed to oe. hoppian ^= y.. hop vb.; o^. hoppettan, g. hop fen, on. hoppa. hire vb. me. hire oe. hjrian vb. = DU. huren, ofris. y^^r«2, sw. hyra, dan. /^j^r^ mlg. hiiren, G.heuern 'hire, rent': West-Teut. base hui'jon. hiss vb. ME. /^m^: prob. an onomatopoetic word as ODU. hisschen 'to hiss'. hit vb. ME. hitte'. adopted fr. ON. hitta, DAN. hitte \ perh. cog. w. GOTH, hinpafi 'catch'. hitch vb. ME. hicche 'move'; OE. '^hycca?il hither me. oe. hider\ derived from a Teut. pronoun hi- 'this' in here and hence] cp. goth. hidre, on. hedra 'on this side'; cogn. with LAT. ci-tra 'on this side'. For the suffix cp. thither. hive me. hive oe. hyf\ Teut. base hubi- in mlg. huve 'hive', DU. huif\ cogn. w. lat. cupa 'bowl'? hoar adj. me. hgr oe. hdr == GOTH, ^haira-, on. hdrr 'hoary', osax. OHG. her g. hehr 'distingui- shed', also 'venerable'. The orig. meaning of the adj. was prob. venerable', on. and e. have the meaning 'gray with age*. A teut. '\f hai 'glitter, shine' is supported hy heaven and ON. y^^/^^7/5 earlier hdlej^ = OSAX. helagy ohg. heilag G. DU. heilig , ON. heilagr , dan. hellig J sw. ^^/4'' (goth. hailag in a Goth, runic inscription). Common 'teut. hailaga- from common teut. haila- cp. whole and y^*?/*?. homage me. homage', borrowed fr. OFR. ho7nage = fr. hommage'^ source a lat. type homaticuvi the service of a vassal or man' (lat. /^^w<7 'man'). home ME. hpm oe. i^^w = osax. hem^ ON. heimt'j ohg. g. du. -^^z/?? 'home ; goth. haims 'a village'. Teut. base haimo- (Jiaimi-) from a pre-TEUT. kaimd- {kaifni") = LTTH. kemas — pruss. caynds *a village', GR. YMi.iri Village . hone ME. hone oe. hdn'. Teut. base haino- = ON. heiriy sw. hen 'hone'. Cp. OE. hcBnan 'to stone', honey me. huni oe. hunii hunei : Teut. base hunang = on. himangy du. hofiiric, ohg. honatig G. /^(^/7z^ 'honey'. Origin un- certain; perh. cogn. w. or. y^ovic 'dust'? -hood a suff. used to form abstract nouns; orig. an in- dependent sb. dying out in me. : OE. had 'state, quality' = GOTH. haidusy ohg. mhg. heit 'manner (g. -heit only suffix). Cp. its var. -head. hood sb. 'covering' ME^IBprfT hod = DU. hoedy OHG. huot G. /////. Closely aUied to hat and UNIVERSITY Of „: io8 hoof host* to the TEUT. \Phad hodm heed. hoof ^ME. OE. hpf r= OSAX. hof, DU. hoeff ON. hq/r^ ohg. huof g. huf: Teut. base hof a- from Aryan '^kdpo-, whence osLov. kopyto 'hoof'. Others derive TEUT. hofa- from Aryan kdpho and compare it with SKR. (aphdj avest. safa 'hoof. hook ME. OE. hoc = MDU. hoek 'hook'. The kindred forms have a diff. vowel and answer to OE. haca^ ON. haki^ ohg. hd{c)ko g. hake, OHG. hdg(g)o points to GOTH. '^heg(g)a 'hook'. G. haken being a kind of plough', GOTH. hoha plough' may also be com- pared, so that the stem may be hoh heg hak. hoop sb. ME. OE. hop = DU. hoep, OFRis. hop, north-fris. hup 'hoop*, MLG. hop; TEUT. base hopa-. hoop vb. ME. houpe adopted fr. FR. hoiiper 'hoop unto'; of Teut. origin, cp. OE. hwopan = goth. hwopan vb. 'boast, glory'. hoot vb. ME. houte borrowed fr. osw. hicta 'hoot'. hop vb. ME. hoppe oe. hoppian = DU. hoppen, on. sw. hoppa dan. hoppe, g. mhg. hop/en. Cogn. w. hip vb. hop sb. ME. hoppe = du. hop, G. hop/en late ohg. hopfo, med.-lat. hupa (for "^huppd). Its origin is obscure. hope vb. ME. hope oe. hopian = MDU. hopen, mhg. g. hoffen. The labial in oe. hopian (goth. >. kuchlna chuhhina G. kite he : an early West-Teut. loanword from 8* ii6 kite knuckle late LAT. coquina (class, culina see under kiln) or rather from a common Rom. and vulg. lat. cocina 'kitchen' (cp. fr. cuisine y IT. cucina, span, cocina). Cp. cook. kite sb. ME. kite oe. cyta 'a kite': Teut. base kutjan-. kitten me. kitoun answers to the synon. fr. chatton 'a young cat' (perh. the E. word points to ONFR. "^ketonl!) knave me. knave oe. cnafa = OHG. knabo G. knabe 'boy'; iden- tical with oe. cnapa me. kndpe 'boy' ^= OSAX. knapo, ofris. knapa^ on. knapi 'boy', germ. knappe points to a teut. knab- ban-. Perh. cogn. w. knightl or. w. GALL, gnabat 'son'? knead vb. me. kn{de oe. cnedan ■= mlg. du. kneden, oho. knetan G. kneien'. teut. y^ ^;^^^ = ARYAN \f gnet in russ. gnetate press'. knee vb. me. >^«/ oe. cneo = osax. ^/22^, DU. G. knie OHG. lithan, goth. leipan'. teut. sfltp under lode- star. lead sb. short for me. led oe. lead = DU. lood 'lead a weight', G. lot 'a lead-weight': Teut. base "^'lauda- cogn. w. synon. OIR. ludide (base laudio-). leaf ME. le'f oe. l^af = osax. lof, DU. loof 'foliage', ohg. loub G. laub 'leaves, foliage', on. lauf 'leaf, GOTH, laufs (plur. laubos) *leaf': Teut. base lauba- orig. 'the single leaf (used as a col- lective sb. 'the foliage'). league sb. 'an aUiance' adopted from fr. ligue 'a league': source LAT. ligare 'bind'. league sb. 'about three miles' late ME. lege borrowed fr. ofr. legue = FR. Hew. source a lat.- GALL. leuga leuca 'a Gallic mile', whence also late oe. leowe 'leuga'. GALL, leuga corresponds to bret. leo, IR. leige 'a league'. leak vb. me. Icke oe. lee an (the factitive leccan 'wet' from a base lakj'an) = on. leka 'drip, leak as a ship', du. lekken, ohg. lechan G. lee ken vb. — leek adj. 'leaky'. — teut. y^M lak see under lack vb. lean adj. me. Ic'ne oe. hldne from a Teut. base hlai-ni 'lean' (with suffix -ni as in clean, green). lean vb. me. Z//?^ oe. hlcenan 'cause to lean': Teut. base hlain- jan = OHG. leinan: factitive of oe. hlionian 'lean' = osAX. hlinon, OHG. hlinen 'lean'; cp. G. lehnen, DU. leunen. The TEUT.\rM (cp. ladder) corresponds to an ARYAN yfkli', cp. LAT. inclmdre 'incline', gr. xX/Vw 'I lean' — vXi- TVC, 'hiir, LAT. cll-VUS 'hill', GOTH. hlai-w (oe. hldiv) 'mound'. leap vb. me. l(pe oe. hleapan str. vb. 'leap, run' = du. loopen, OSAX. hlopan, ohg. louffan G. lauf en, on. hlaupa, goth. hlaupan 'leap, run': t^\]T.\P hlaup, perh. cogn. w. LITH. klupau vb. 'stag- ger, stumble'. learn vb. short for me. lerne oe. leornian'. from a base lemon teut. liznbn = ohg. lirnen lernen G. lernen 'learn'; cp. osAX. linbn from a base liznon. Akin to the primit. str. vb. GOTH, lais 'I know' and the deriv. oe. ohg. 22 lease^ leisure lis-ty GOTH, lis-ts 'art, cunning'. See lore for the TEUT.y"/*^?^: liz. lease ^ vb. 'let tenements' bor- rowed from FR. laisser. lease 2 vb. 'gather, pick, glean' ME. Use OE. lesan 'gather' ^= OSAX. lesan, du. lezen 'gather, read', OHG. lesan G. lesen 'gather, read', on. lesa 'gather, pick', GOTH, lisan 'gather'; cogn. w. LITH. lesti 'pick up'. least ME. l('st OE. Icest shor- tened fr. Idsest (by-form Icerest): Teut. base laisista- superl. to the compar. teut. laisiza- = less. leather me. lel/ier oe. leder = ON. leilr, DU. leder, ohg. ledar G. leder leather': Teut. base lepra- = pre-TEUT. lelro- in ir. lethar, cymr. lledr, bret. lezr 'leather'. leave vb. me. leve oe. Idfan tr. 'leave' — intr. 'remain': Teut. base laibjan'y cp. osAX. far- l^bian remain', ohg. mhg. leiben 'leave', on. leifa leave': causat. of a str. vb. liban in oe. belifan ME. belive y osAX. biliban, du. blijven, OHG. biliban G. bleiberi, ON. li/a (orig. str.), GOTH, bi- leibaft 'remain'. For the root see live. leave sb. me. l^'ve (leve) 'per- mission' OE. leaf 'permission'; cp. OE. dlyfan ale/an 'permit', OHG. irlouben g. erlauben. leaven me. levain from fr. levain 'ferment'. Source lat. lev amen. lee ME. le from on. hli (»sigla a hl6« 'to stand to leeward')' prop, 'shelter, protection' (oe. hleo, OSAX. hleo 'shelter^. Cogn. w. ON. hly 'warmth' — hlyr 'warm; and G. lati ohg. hlao\ cp. luke- warm. leech 1 'physician' (Shakesp.) ME. leche OE. lece Ickde physician' = GOTH, lekeis, OHG. Idhhi 'phy- sician': Teut. base lekja- lakja-. Perh. allied to OIR. liaig (gen. ligd) 'physician'. leech 2 liirudo' me. '^Uche (not recorded) OE. /-^<;V'hirudo': prop, 'physician' and ident. w. leechK Cp. ODU. lake leech'? leek ME. lek oe. l^'ac = du. look, OHG. louh G. lauch, on. laukr leek': Teut. base lauka- pre-TEUT. lougo-. , leer me. ler oe. hleor 'cheek = OSAX. hlior, ON. hlyr 'cheek': Teut. base hleuza-. If the orig. meaning was 'ear', listen might be allied. lees 'dregs of wine' from fr. lie lees : base a late Gallo-Latin lia for "^liga 'sediment' (aryan \flegh in lie). left ME. left lift allied to the synon. odu. lucht luft, lg. lucht^ NFRis. leeft', the orig. meaning was perh. 'faint, weak' in oe. lyft 'inanis': Teut. base lufti-'^ Imnfti-} perh. alHed to OHG. lenka 'the left hand' G. links left'? legend me. legende from ofr. Ugende. leisure me. lisilre (commonly leisir) fr. ofr. leisir == fr. loisir. Source lat. licere. lemman liei 23 lemman 'sweetheart' me. lemman shortened fr. an earher lefman'. prop, yylief ?nafi«. lemon from fr. limo7i\ cp. lime^ . lend vb. inie. line oe. Ickfian vb. 'lend' from OE. l^n 'a loan'; cp. loan. length 3kiE. lengthc oe. lengp from a Teut. base langi^o- = ON. lengd: abstract formation of TEUT. langa- ; cp. long, lent ME. /(f/z/i? lenten oe. lenpen spring OHG. lenzin with the by-form lengiy-n lengizo lenzo G. /^«s; 'spring', DU. lente. OHG. /^^^s:/>'2 (= OE. lenpen) points to a teut. langa-tina- 'the long day'; for the second element cp. goth. sin-teins 'daily', SLOV. diniy skr. dina 'day'. lentil me. lentil fr. fr. lentille\ source the synon. lat. leniicula {lens — leJitis lentil'). leper me. lepre 'leprosy' fr. fr. lepre 'leprosy' (lat. lepra). less me. lesse lasse oe. Idssa 'smaller fr. a Teut. base laisizan- = OFRis. lessa; the adv. e. less me. les OE. Ids answers to OSAX. lis (teut. laisiz). For the superl. c^. least. A primitive adj. laisa- is LITH. lesas little, small'. -less suffix = ME. -l§s OE. -leas: prop. adj. meaning loose. lesson ME. lessoun fr. fr. le(07i'. source LAT. lectio{nem). lest 'that not' me. teste shor- tened for the list the oe. fy Ids pe 'for the reason less that'; for OE. Ids = me. les cp. less. let^ vb. me. lete oe. litan Idtan str. vb. = GOTH. IStan, o^.-ldta, OSAX. Idtan, ohg. Idi^yin G. lassen, DU. laten: TEUT.y"/^^ lat 'permit'. let^ vb. 'hinder' me. l^tte oe. lettan fr. a base latjan 'to make slow' (teut. lata- 'slow' see un- der late) = GOTH, latjan 'tarry' ON. letjay OSAX. lettian, ohg. lezzan (g. verletzen), du. letten. letter me. lettre fr. fr. lettre (lat. litter a). lettuce late me. letiife', allied to FR. laitue = LAT. Idctuca (whence ohg. lattuH). levy fr. fr. levie (fr. lever = LAT. levare). lewd ME. Ii7£jed oe. kkved 'un- learned' fr. i,AT. Uncus cp. /^ji^^. lick vb. ME. likke oe. liccian = OSAX. likhon, ohg. I'eckon g. Iccken, GOTH, '^likkon. teut. ///^y^^/z belongs to the Aryan \f Ugh 'lick' in GOTH, laigon, gr. "kU/ix) 'lick' — Xi/v^vco 'taste secretly', SKR. V"r//^ //^ 'lick', OSLOV. //5(3; {lizatt) and lith. leziii-'\ick\ lat. //«i^(7 and perhaps lat. lingua LITH. I'ezuvis 'tongue', oiR. //^zV;/ *Uck'. lid sb. {eye-lid) me. /zV/ oe. M^/ 'cover, lid' = du. lid lid, cover, OHG. /// (older hlit) G. lid (in augenlid 'eyelid'), on. lid 'cover, gate'. Cp. the teut. \[^hlid in the str. vb. OE. OSAX. hlidan cover'. lie^ vb. 'speak falsely' me. lie earlier lie Uie OE. leogan = OSAX. OHG. liogan, du. liegen, G. liigen, on. Ijuga, goth. liugan 124 like str. vb. 'tell a falsehood'. The TEUT. \l^leug answers to an Aryan \(^leugh - lugh in oslov. luzq {litgati) vb. 'lie' — luza sb. 'lie'. lie^ vb. 'rest, repose' me. lie lin OE. licgafi = OSAX. liggia?t, DU. liggen^ OHG. licken G. liegen, ON. liggja, GOTH, ligan str. vb. 'lie'. The str. vb. teut. ligjan is derived fr. the Aryan yflegh in GR. Xey.tqov Xh/og 'bed' — • aXo/OQ 'wife' — Xs/co 'bedridden woman' — Xo^sm 'bear — Xoxoc, 'ambush, lair', lat. lecius 'bed', OSLOV. legq (lezati) 'lie'. Cp. lay and lair. * lief adj. me. lef oe. Ic'of (cp. I e mm an) ■= OSAX. liof, DU. lie/, OHG. Hob [Hub) G. lieb 'dear, lief, ON. IJufr, GOTH. Hu/s dear : Teut. base leuba- adj. 'lief from the TEUT. \flub in love. liege ME. lege (by-form lige) fr. OFR. liege lige fr. lige. life ME. OE. /// =: OSAX. lif, ON. /(/, OHG. lib 'life' (g. /^/^, DU. lijf 'body') ; allied to the TEUT. \piib in live\ a lost str. vb. Itban cp. under leave vb. Outside of teut., gr. Xma^soa 'remain' points to an Aryan \flip. lift vb. ME. lifte fr. scand. lypta\ cogn. w. loft. light sb. ME. light OE. leoht = OSAX. OHG. lioht , DU. G. Hcht 'light'. The dental of the word is formative as seen in goth. liuh-af 'light"; cp. the Aryan \fluk: leuk in lat. luceo 'shine', GR. Xi:V/.6c, 'white', skr. rue 'shine'. — Hence lighten vb. me. light(e)ne (where the n is formative) 'become light' and lightning verbal sb. 'an il- luminating flash' (with the suffix -ing). light adj. ME. light oe. liht leoht = DU. ligt, OHG. Itht G. leicht, ON. littr, GOTH, leihts: Teut. base linhta- for lenkto-1 Perhaps cogn. w. GR. IXayyc. 'small', lith. lengwus lengwasW^i . See lung. — Hence also lights 'animal's lungs'. — light V vb. 'alight, descend' me. lihte oe. lihtan lit. 'make light, relieve a horse of his burden' fr. oe. liht = light. — lighten vb. ident. w. light vb. (w. formative -en). — light in the phrase "to make light of somebody" represents me. Hte oe. lyt 'little, small', which is cogn. w. little. like vb. me. like oe. lidan wk. vb. 'please' = goth. leikan (pret. leikaidd) 'please', du. lijken 'suit', ON. lika 'please': deriv. of like adj. or cogn. w. OIR. ligach 'beautiful' — lig 'color, splendor'? like adj. me. lik earHer ilik oe. •^elic = GOTH, galeiks, on. glikr, OSAX. giltk, DU. gelijk, ohg. gilih (hh) G. gleich. The Teut. adj. ga-lika- is a comp. of the particle goth. ^rt:- and a sb. lika- 'body', the comp. meaning having the same body'; cp. goth. leik, OSAX. ON. lik 'body', oe. lic-homa 'body', G. leiche — leichnam 'corpse. Cp. -ly, which and such. — Hence liken vb. me. likne 'compare'. lily — lion 25 lily ME. lilie OE. lilie (plur. lilian) = OHG. /i/ia G. /i/ie, DU. k/ie : source lat. plur. Ma 'lily', whence also OSAX. ///// 'lily'. limb ikiE. /im oe. //>« (plur. leomti) = ON. /?>«;' 'limb': Teut. base li-ma- cogn. w. Goth, li-pus, OHG. li-dj OSAX. li-thy OE. //•/ 'limb'; cp. also lith. I'emu 'stature, growth': aryan \f"lL lime^ sb. 'viscous substance, bird-lime' me. oe. lim 'cement, glue' = DU. lijm, G. leim ohg. Itnij ON. lim 'glue': teut. lima- is allied to teut. laima- (see loatn). LAT. limus 'slime' cor- responds to Ihne in form, to loam in meaning, \flai It is attested by on. leir (Teut. base lai-z-a-) 'clay, loam' and lat. li-no 'rub over, daub'. lime sb. 'the linden-tree', cor- rupted fr. earlier line-tree for lind-tree\ see linden. lime^ sb. 'a kind of citron' borrowed fr. fr. lime 'a lime'; ident. w. lemon. linch-pin earlier lins-pin me. lins OE. lynes = osAX. lunisa, DU. luns lens, G. lUnse) allied to OHG. liming and ohg. mhg. lun 'linch-pin'. The primit. base luni-, if fr. an ARYAN Ini- , is perhaps ident. w. skr. di:ii 'linch- pin'; cp. OE. d-lynnan 'loosen'. lindentree me. linde oe. lind 'lime-tree' := ohg. linta G. du. linde, on. sw. dan. lind\ Teut. base Undo pre-TEUT. lent a-, if allied to gr. sXarrj 'fir-tree' or LITH. lenta 'board*. line ME. OE. line = du. lijn, ohg. lina MHG. MLG. line g. leine, ON. lina 'cord, rope' : Teut. base lin-jbn- prop, 'the thing made of flax ; cp. linen. lineage me. linage adopted fr. lignage'. source lat. linea 'aline. linen adj. and sb. (orig. only adj.) ME. OE. linen adj. ^= osAX. OHG. linin G. leinen linnen, du. linen 'made of flax': deriv. of OE. lin 'flax' = osAX. ohg. lin, GOTH, lein sb. 'linnen'; cogn. w. LAT. linum, GR. Xivoy y OSLOV. linii 'flax'. linger vb. extended fr. me. lenge vb. 'tarry' w. the frequent suffix -ef, OE. lengan prolong' fr. long. link sb. 'ring in a chain' fr. an unrecorded me; *lenk ^link'. SCAND. loanword fr. an orig. hlenk- cp. ON. hlekkr {iox'^hlenh-), sw. lank, DAN. Icenke link'. There was a genuine oe. hlencc 'link' fr. a base hlankjon-', but the guttural of link shows that the word may not be the develop- ment of OE. hlence. linnet sb. me. Ii7iet adopted fr. FR. linot{te) 'a linnet' fr. fr. lin 'flax' so called from feeding on the seed of flax or hemp; cp. G. hdnfling 'linnet' fr. hanf 'hemp'. Cp. OE. linece 'carduelis' and linetwige 'linnet'. linseed short for me. lin-sed prop, 'flax-seed'; cp. linen. lion ME. lioun earlier leiln : bor- rowed in the 12''' cent. fr. fr. lion', source lat. leonem (Jeo). 126 lip — loath lip ME. lippe OE. lippa = osax. '^lippia^ DU. lipy MLG. lippe (whence G. lippe)] cogn. w. the synon. OSAX. lepur = ohg. le^ur and OHG. le/s lip'. LAT. labium 'lip' with the Teut. group points to an ARYAN \pieb lab. lisp vb. (Scotch wlisp) me. lispe {lipse) formed fr. the adj. OE. wlisp wlips 'Usping' = ohg. I'e/s (for ^^wlefs) 'stammering'; akin to DU. lispen^ G. lispebi 'lisp': TEUT. s/^wlifs — pre-TEUT. wlips. list^ sb. ME. list short for OE. list = DU. lijst^ G. leiste 'list, border' ohg. liste 'border'. — Ident. w. list^ 'catalogue' fr. FR. liste^ which is of Teut. origin (ohg. lista 'border, strip'). list vb. ME. liste oe. lystan 'desire' derived fr. lust. listen vb. me. listene earlier form liste oe. hlystan 'hear' ; allied to OE. hlos-nian, OHG. {h)losen 'hear", ON. hlera (goth. *hluza?t) 'listen'. An Aryan yfklus 'hear' is evident in skr. frus-fi 'obe- dience', OSLOV. slysati vb. 'hear', LITH. klausyti 'hear*, ON. hlus-t 'ear'; cymr. ^/^i"/ 'ear'. C\). leer. litter ]ME. lit&e fr. ofr. litiere (fr. litiere) 'a horse-litter' (lat. type lee tar ia fr. led us 'bed'). little short for ME. oe. litel = GOTH, leifils 'small', on. litill 'little'. Relation to the synon. DU. luttel, OSAX. luitil, OHG. luzzil, oe. lyttel 'little' is obscure. live vb. me. live earlier form lizne libbe oe. libban {lifiati) wk. vb. = GOTH, libatiy ohg. leben G. leben, du. leven, osax. libbian', cogn. w. oe. belifan = ohg. biliban G. bleiben'. teut. \f lib see under leave vb. and life. liver ME. livre oe. lifer =: du. lever, ohg. libara I'ebara G. leber, ON. lifr. Connection of teut. libro- w. the synon. GR. rj-naQ, LAT. j'ecur, SKR. yakrt and the two assumed stems "^lik and "^Ijek is doubtful. livery me. liver 6 fr. fr. livrde. lizard me. lesarde fr. fr. lizard 'lizard' (= LAT. lacertd). lo interj. me. Ig oe. ld\ a pre- historic oe. "^Idw for TEUT. laiw is warranted by ohg. lew-es 'lo'! Perhaps teut. lai-wa- is con- nected with lai-pa- in loath. loadstar see lode- star. loaf me. Igf oe. hldf: Teut. base hlaiba- in goth. hlaifs bread', ON. hleifr, ohg. leib G. laib\ akin to lith. kl'epas 'bread'. See lady, la?nmas and lord. loam ME. lorn oe. lam = ohg. leim G. lehm, du. leem: Teut. base lai-ma- fr. the ARYAN y"// under //;«^. loan ME. Ion fr. on. Idn 'a loan'. There was a genuine oe. Z;?/? fr. a teut. laihniz', cp. ohg. /^/i!^ in skr. c^u 'hear', GR. xA-u w — v.Khoq. lough 'lake' fr. ir. gall. loch\ see /ie = FR. pie fr. LAT. pica 'a magpie'; see pie. maid :me. maidc oe. mceiden := OHG. magatin'. Teut. base magadina- is diminutive of a TEUT. -GOTH. magiip- 'a girl, virgin' = OE. mcBiep , OSAX. magath, du. w^/^, ohg. magad G. wrt-^^/ — mddchen. Allied to the Teut.-Goth. base 7nagu- 'boy' = ON. 7nggr 'boy, son', oe. magu. maili sb. adapted fr. fr. maille 'mail' (also 'a mesh of a net') : source lat. macula 'a spot, hole, mesh of a net'. mail 2 sb. me. male 'a bag, wallet' borrowed fr. the synon. OFR. male = fr. malle (ohg. malha 'a leather bag'). maim vb. me. ?naime prop. maine borrowed fr. OFR. mehaigner 'torment'. main sb. me. main oe. mce-^en 'strength* = ohg. magan megin, OSAX. ON. megin 'strength' : teut. \(^mag in anight and may. main adj. borrowed fr. ofr. maine magne 'chief' (lat. magnus great'). maintain vb. me. maintene adopted fr. fr. maintenir (lat. type manutenere 'hold by the hand'). maize sb. = fr. mais^ g. mais\ adopted fr. span. maiz. Columbus is said to have im- ported the Haytian name mahis and the cereal to Spain whence it was adopted by the other mod. languages. make vb. jnie. make oe. macian = OSAX. fuakon , du. ma ken, ohg. mahhon 'make, also fit or fasten together' G. 7nachen'. Teut. base niakon 'join, belong together. Cp. with goth. ^makon the ON. comparat. ?nakara 'more suitable, fitting', oe. lemcec 'fit, suitable', ohg. gimah 'con- venient, comfortable' G. gemach ; OE. ^emcBdcea 'husband, wife' (e. make companion, spouse, E. match 'spouse'). malady sb. me. maladie bor- rowed fr. OFR. maladie fr. fr. ?nalade (source male 'ill, bad' and aptus 'disposed'). male adj. jvde. male adopted fr. FR. male (source lat. dimin. 7?iascidus. malice sb. me. ??talice borrowed fr. FR. malice (source lat. 7na- litia 'ill will'). — malign adj. adopted fr. fr. malin (f. 7naligne) 'malignant' (source 7nalignu77i i. e. male ge7ius 'ill-born). mall sb. ME. malle melle mail borrowed fr. FR. 7nail 'a mall': source lat. malleus 'a hammer'. — Hence mallet sb. me. maillet borrowed fr. FR. maillet a mallet'. mallow ME. malwe oe. 7nealwe = DU. 7/ialuwe: borrowed fr. lat. 7nalva^ whence also fr. mauve, span. it. 77ialva, G. malve. Cp. mauve, malt sb. ME. malt oe. mealt =^ OSAX. ON. malt, du. 77iout, G. 77talz. The Teut. base malta- many 31 fr. a TEUT.y^w^// in OE. m'eltan 'dissolve, melt' with which is allied the on. adj. 7nalir 'rotten' = OHG. malz 'melting away, soft' so that '^malt is perh. the adjectival neut. sb. meaning 'that which is soft'. Cp. melt. man sb. me. oe. man vion{n7i) = OSAX. OHG. DU. MLG. man G. mann, on. madr^ GOTH, manna 'mankind, man'. In oe., man mgn (n = nn) denotes 'man' and 'woman' (cp. oe. wifmon r= e. womati). goth.-teut. mann- is based on older manw- manu- (as chin is based on an Aryan ke7iw- genu-), indo-eur. mdnu 'mankind' appears in skr. as Manu, but it signified also the 'father of mankind'; cp. also skr. mantis and ifianusa 'homo' and OSLOV. mqzi 'man'. mane sb. me. mane oe. manu = OHG. mana G. mcihne, DU. maan^ on. mgn, sw. dan. man. The Teut. base mano- 'mane' shows a later development of meaning; the older meaning was 'neck'; cp. ON. men J oe. ?npte, ohg. menni 'necklace', cogn. with lat. monile 'necklace*, ocelt. f.iaviuy.rjg = OIR. muince 'necklace'. In lieu of ARYAN w<7i^^ 'neck' occurs skr. ma?tyd 'nape', closely allied to OIR. 7nuin nndnil 'nape'. mange sb. shortened fr. the adj. me. ^maunge which is bor- rowed from the fr. part, mangi lit. 'eaten'; cp. fr. mangaison 'mange'. — manger sb. me. maung^r borrowed fr. FR. man- geoire 'manger, stable' (fr. 7nan- ger 'eat = lat. manducare^. mangle vb. ME. mange leh^qaenX. and weakened for "^mankele fr. ME. manke oe. ^emancian^ which was prob. formed from an adj. oe. "^manc^^DXS.mank'. loanword fr. LAT. mancus adj. 'maimed'. mangle sb. borrowed fr. du. mangel (= sw. G. mangel)] dimin. of a simple word represented by G. mange 'a mangle' = it. mangano' a machine for smoothing linen, a war-engine' fr. lat. man- ganum = GR. f.iayyavov 'a war- machine'. manikin manakin borrowed fr. FR. mannequin =- DU. manneken\ cp. G. mdnnchen, du. mannetje: all diminutives of man. a mankind sb. me. mankinde \ earlier man-kin oe. mon-cynn. See man and kin^ also kind. manner me. manure borrowed fr. OFR. manere = fr. maniere. mantle me. mantel (a form mauntelis unrecorded) = DU. sw. DAN. mantel', ON. mgttull and OE. mentel rest on a lost lat. mantu- lum mantilu?n (fr. LAT. mantum = FR. mante, it. manto 'a cloak'), whence also G.?nanteloilG.mantal] cogn. w. FR. manteau, it. mantello (lat. type ^mantellum). many me. mani many oe. mani^ monei'. Teut. base ?nanaga- = osAX. OHG. manag G. 7nanch, DU. menig, on. margr. Cogn. w. oiR. menicc IR. minic 'frequently' (base menecci- ?) and cymr. maint, bret. mefit (celt, base manti-). 9* 132 map — marsh map sb. borrowed fr. fr. mappe = IT. LAT. mappa prop. *a nap- kin, table-cloth'. maple sb. me. ?ndpel oe. ^mcepel "^mapul in mapoltreo mapulder 'a maple-tree': perh. ident. w. ohg. ma'i^yxUra (g. massholder)^ which points to TEUT. matlU', whilst the E. word points to a base maplu-. mar vb. me. 7nerre oe. dmerra?i dmyrran wk. vb. 'to hinder, ob- struct' ■=^ GOTH, marzjan 'offend', OHG. marren, du. marren 'tarry': TEUT. -ARYAN \fmarz 7nars, miarble me. marble mdrbre fr. FR. marbre] source lat. mar7nor. march sb. me. mdrche 'march, boundary' fr. fr. marche 'bound- ary'. The Fr. word is of Teut. P origin; cp. goth. marka^ oe. mearCy OSAX. ohg. marka 'bound- ary* which are primitively related to LAT. margo 'border, edge', avest. merezu 'border', IR. mruig 'shire' (Celt, base mrogi-), Cp. mark. march vb. fr. fr. marcher. March (the month) me. (since the 12*'' cent.) March fr. fr. mars} Source lat. Martins mensis (whence ohg. merzo G. fndrz^ lg. merte) . mare me. mire oe. mire myre: Teut. base marhjbn- (= ohg. merihha G. mdhre^ DU. merie, on. '' merr)j deriv. fr. teut. mar ha- 'horse' in oe. mearh, ohg. marah, ON. marr 'horse' (see marshal). There is a pre-TEUT. marka- in the Celt, languages; cp. gall. 7narca, ir. gael. marc , cymr. CORN, march 'horse'. margin me. mdrgin{e) fr. lat. marginem (nom. sing. lat. margo = FR. marge). mark^ sb. 'line, dot, cut' i^ie. marke oe. mearc = du. on. fnarky MHG. marc (gen. markes) G. marke (goth. marka 'boundary'). — Hence mark vb. me. marke OE. mearcian = on. marka, osAX. markdn\ cp. DU. G. inerken = GOTH, "^markjan. mark''^ sb. 'a unit of weight, a coin' me. 7nark late OE. fjiarc. borrowed fr. on. 7nprky whence also DU. G. mark (med.-lat. marcd) . market sb. me. market late oe. (ii*^ cent.) markit 7narcdt\ bor- rowed fr. OFR. '^market fr. marcM (it. mercato) = lat. mercdtus 'market', whence also ohg. markdt 7nerchdt G. DU. 77tarkt. See mart. maroon adj. 'chestnut-colored' borrowed fr. FR. ma7'ro7i = it. 77tarro7ie 'a chestnut'. marrow me. marow 77iary oe. mearh 77iearg = osAX. marg, ohg. mar(a)g g. mark, du. merg, ON. mergr: Teut. base 77iazga- = ARYAN "^mazgho- in OSLOV. mozgUj ZEND mazga, skr. 7fiaJJa7i 'marrow'. The root is skr. 77tajj 'immerge' = lat. mergere. marry vb. me. 77iarie vb. adopt- ed fr. FR. tnarier'. source lat. maritare 'marry'. — Hence mar- riage ME. mai'idge = fr. mariage. marsh me. mersh oe. mersc earliest form merisc = iviDU. marshal — mastiff 133 maersc/ie, lg. g. marsc^, dan. marsk'. Teut. base maris ka- = ]VIED. - LAT. mariscus 'swamp', whence ofr. ?naresc fr. marais. Source teut. mari- 'ocean' {;= LAT. mare) in OE. mere^ ohg. meri G. meer, on. marry goth. marei. marshal ime. mar{e)schal adopt- ed fr. OFR. mareschal = fr. marichaly span, mariscal^ it. ma- rz>(:<2/^ *a marshal, farrier. Source a teut. marha-skalkaz 'horse- thane' == OHG. marah-scalc (ohg. mar ah 'a horse' = E. in are and ohg. scalch = OE. scea/c me. schalkj ON. skdlkr y OSAX. skalk^ GOTH, skalks 'servant'. mart sb. short for inarket. marten short for martern orig. martre me. martre adopted fr. fr. 7}iartre (= IT. martora, span. 7?iartii). The Fr. word, which supplanted a genuine OE. mearp, is of IVut. origin: ON. mgrdr^ OHG. 7nardar G. marder , du. marter\ osAX. '^marthar inferred fr. the adj. marthrin. martin sb. borrowed fr. fr. martin y orig. the proper name Martin^ which was applied to various birds and animals; cp. robin red-breast. martyr sb. me. martir oe. mar- tyr ■=^ OSAX. fnartir, ohg. rnartyr, GOTH, martyr (with suffix DU. martelaary ohg. martirdi'i G. mdr- tyrer) : fr. lat.-gr. martyr 'a wit- ness'. marvel vb. jvie. merveile bor- rowed fr. fr. merveiller] source LAT. mirabilia 'wonderful thiners'. mash vb. masche vb. mix' (oE. i^mdscianT) = G. 7?ieischen'. prob. cogn. w. OSLOV. 7nezga 'sap of trees' (oslov. ^^ = teut. skT), Cp. mix. mask sb. borrowed fr. fr. masque, whence also G. DU. DAN. 7naske sw. 7nask. mason me. mdsoun adopted fr. FR. 7na(on] source a type matio 'a maison' -=^ ohg. 7nezzo G. stein7netz a stone- mason'. mass^ sb. 'a lump of matter' late ME. 77iasse borrowed fr. FR. masse (= it. 7nassd) : source LAT. 77iassa 'a lump, a mass', whence also ohg. 7nassa G. mass'e. mass^ sb. 'the eucharist me. masse oe. 7ncssse\ evidently identical w. osAX. missa, du. 7tdSy OHG. 77iessa 7nissa G. 7nesse\ a Christian word from med.- LAT. 77ussa 'mass' = fr. 7nesse (whence me. 7nesse). mast ME. mast oe. 7ncest = DU. LG. G. sw. DAN. mast, ON. mastr. In accordance with Grimm's law, the Teut. base 77iasta- is based on pre-TEUT. 7?iazdo- = LAT. mdlus (for "^mddus) 'a mast'. -^' mastjpr sb. me. maister late OE. 7n^ester borrowed fr. ofr. N maistre fr. 7naitre (= IT. maestro) : source lat. 7n agister , whence also OSAX. 77iestar, du. meester, OHG. 7neistar G. meister. See 7nister. mastiff ME. mestif mastlfsido^fied fr. OFR. mestif prop, an adj. fr. 134 mat mayor the sb. OFR. 7nastin (fr. matin) 'a mastiff'. mat ME. matte oe. meatta = DU. mat, OHG. matta G. matte, IT. ;^zrt'//^ borrowed fr. LAT. matta 'a rug', whence fr. natte. match ^ sb. me. macche oe. ■^emcecca 'a companion' ident. w. oe. ie7naca sb. = E. make. match^ sb. 'the wick of a candle, a match' me. macche borrowed fr. FR. meche 'match of a lamp' : source lat. myxa 'the nozzle of a lamp'. mate sb. 'a companion' aiE. mdte = DU. maat, OSAX. *gmato, OHG. gimai^y) mhg. ge7na':^i^ey oe. '^-^emdta (wanting) would - be derived from oe. mete = meat\ hence mate prop, 'mess-mate'. mate adj. me. mdte mat 'con- founded, dejected borrowed fr. OFR. FR. 7nat (= SPAN, mate, IT. matto). Source the Arab.- Pers. expression in the chess- play schah 7ndt 'the king is dead'. matins, mattins 'morning prayers' me. matin{e)s\ borrowed fr. FR. matins plur. of matin 'morning': source lat. rnatutinus 'belonging to the morning'; cp. LAT. hora viatiLtma in OHG. mettina G. 7nette 'matutinal service'. matter sb. me. ///<^//r 7n^d, con- nected w. LAT. 7fiito 'I mow, reap' and showing a shorter form me in E. mow. But the GOTH. *w^ might represent the root and two, the suffix. — meadow aie. medwe oe. mmi gen. mcedwe. Mead and meadow are related as shade and sha- dow. Cp. mead. meagre adj. me. megre bor- rowed fr. FR. maigre (= span. IT. mag7'o) '. source LAT. macer 'lean, thin, meagre', oe. 7nceier (=^ DU. MLG. G. 77iage7- OHG. 77iaga7', on. 7}iag7' is common Teut.). The Teut. forms with lat. 77iace7', GR. (lay.tdvoi^ 'tall', ,a«>r- Qog long' have prob. com6 fr. an ARYAN \f mdk 'thin, long'. LITH. mdzas 'small' and ohg. 7tiagar might point to a common \p magh. Perh. the Teut. group comes fr. vulg. lat. -it. magro. meaP sb. 'flour' me. 7ricle oe. m'elo (gen. 771'ehves) = OSAX. m'elo, DU. DAN. 7/iee/, ohg. f7i'eio (gen. 77i'elawes) c. 7/iehly on. 7?ijgl: Teut. base ^7n'elwa- 'flour meal' lit. 'that which is ground' from a Teut. and aryan V" fnel 'grind' seen in oSAX. ohg. goth. ma Ian DU. 7nale7i g. mahle7iy on. mala 'grind'; cp. lat. 77iolOy gr. (ivWw, OSLOV. 77ielja (77ileti}y lith. 77ialu (77idlti), OIR. 77ieli77i 'grind'; cp. 771 ill. mieaP sb. 'a repast' me. ;«// = OSAX. 77idly DU. maal, G. 77iahl, ON. 77idl, OHG. *;//^/ wanting with this meaning; ident. w. goth. 7nel time', oe. mcel 'time'. miean adj. me. mme oe. ie77icene fr. a Teut. base ga-7iiaini- =^ GOTH. ga77iains , OSAX. gi77ieni, OHG. gitneiiii G. gemei7z, DU. ge7nee7i\ cogn. w. lat. r^;w- mu7iis for com-moi7ii-s; cp. lat. ^/?72/f^ with GOTH. rt-Z/^i- =: ARYAN oino-s. mean vb. ]vie. w/;?^ oe. 7n(Ena7i = OSAX. menian. Ou. 77iee7ie7t, OHG. 77ieinen 7?iei'na7i g. 77iei7ien, 0]Si.f7/ei7ia, GOTK. '^7/iai7ija72; oslov. 7//e7ijq mmiti is closely allied. Connected with y" 7na7i 'think' in 77iindl mean adj. me. w/«^ adj. 'middle' contracted fr. '^7nejcn =~- ofr. 136 ineasies — mercy meyen fr. moyen 'intermediate': source lat. medidnus. measles sb. me. fnesel sb. leper' — adj. leprous': loan- word fr. OFR.?;z(?i'^/=LAT. misellus. measure sb. me. m^silre bor- rowed fr. FR. mesure (= span. mestira , it. misurd) from lat. mensura. meat me. 7ne'te oe. meie fr. a Teut. base mati- = OSAX. metiy DU. met (in -wursi), OHG. 7nax, ON. 7}iatr^ GOTH, mats 'food'. medal borrowed fr. fr. 7}ii- daille (= span, medalla , it. medaglid)\ source a lat. type metallea fr. LAT. vietallum. meddle me. ?nedle (fnc'le) 'mix' borrowed fr. ofr. medler mesler = FR. me/er : source a lat. type miscu/are 'mix' fr. lat. miscere 'mix'. — medley sb. me. mcd/e adopted fr. ofr. med/e mesle (fem. medic e = fr. meUe) part, of ofr. tncdler 'mix'. medlar sb. me. medle-tre fr. OFR. 7?iesliei' mesle 'medlar-tree': source lat. mespilum 'a med- lar\ meed sb. ikiE. oe. med (oe. once meo7'd) = osAX. mMa, DU. miedc^ OHG. meta miata G. miete 'hire' ; GOTH, mizdo 'reward (the z of which was lost in Teut. with lengthening of i to e) fr. an aryan mizdho- in GR. /tiiGt^og 'wages, pay, hire', oslov. mzzda^ AVEST. mtzda 'wages', oind. midhd (for mizdho) 'contest, match, booty' (perh. orig. 'a prize' by inference fr. the skr. adj. midhvds 'spending lavishly'). meek adj. me. mek (late oe. ^fndoc) borrowed fr. the equiv. on. mjukr = sw. mjickj DAN. myg 'soft', cp. DU. muik 'soft', GOTH. 77iuks (inferred fr. miika- model 'meekness'). meet vb. me. mete oe. metaTt vb. = osAX. TTidtiaTz, du. 77ioete7t, ON. 77i(jeta, GOTH. gamdtja7i 'meet' : TEUT. \l^77Wt. mieet adj. me. m^te oe. "^emckte = OFRis. 77tete, MLG. 7ndte, ohg. gi7ndyt\ cp. 771 ete. melt vb. ME. melte oe. m'elta7i\ for the \P melt see malt. An Aryan y" 77ield is evident in skr. 77irdu 'soft, tender', GR. f^iiXdi^iv 'cook'. menace sb. me. 7ne7idce 77ia7idce borrowed fr. FR. me7tace (lat. minacia) 'threat'. mend vb. mende short for amCTide borrowed fr. fr. a77ie7ide7' (lat. e77te7tdare). See a 771 e 71 d. menial (prop, adj., but also used as sb.) me. meiTieal formed with the suffix -a I fr. me. mei7ii 7naini 'a household'. This is borrowed fr. ofr. mesne 77ieis7iee answering to a lat. type *;a/<7;2- sio7iata. merchant me. 77iarchau7it 7na7'- chaund borrowed fr. ofr. 777ai'- cha7tt = FR. marchaTid: source LAT. 77tercaj'i 'buy' (cp. ma7'ket). mercy me. 77ierfi . borrowed from FR. me7'ci (source med.- LAT. w^r^^^ 'mercy, pity' extended fr. LAT. me7'X 'traffic'). See 7na7'ket, i7jei'cha7zt. mid 137 merge vb. adopted fr. lat. mergere 'plunge under water'. merit me. merit fr. fr. mirite. mermaid me. mer-maide] oe. mere 'ocean' me. mere agree with OHG. OSAX. meri, goth. marei 'ocean'; cp. marsh. merry adj. me. mirie oe. inyrj^e from a Teut. base murgi- 'short' in OHG. ffiurgfdri of short hfe', Swiss tnu7'g 'raannikin'; cp. goth. mmirgjan 'shorten'. The adj. TEUT. viurgu- 'short' = IE. mrghu- corresponds to gr. ^qol- /vc 'short' (for *«^a/t;'c). mesh sb. me. mesche oe. mcksce = ON. ?npskve, OHG. mdsca G. 7naschc\ the Teut, base *mesgen belongs to the IE. mezg in lith. mdzgas 'knot' from the vb. mezgii (megsti) 'knot, weave nets'; hence mesk may be traced to a teut. \^ ?nes(/' (ARYAN mezg 'braid ). mete vb. me. met^ oe. metan = OSAX. metan, du. mefen, ohg. nieip^an G. messeuy ON. meta^ goth. mitan with which is allied' GOTH. 7nitdn 'think over', ohg. m'ei^'ipn moderate'. The teut. \("met is based on tVie Aryan \f^fned in GR. usdoiLiat I devise' — ued'iov 'counselor' — jubdiuvog a corn- measure', LAT. modus 'manner' — ?nodius 'a corn-measure', GOTH. mita^s 'measure'. mess sb. me. messe borrowed fr. OFR. 7nes FR. 7nets (source LAT. missus fr. mittere) 'send' and in MED. -LAT. 'put, place'). message me. message borrowed fr. FR. message', lat. type missatica an extension of lat. missus. — Hence messenger (with the insertion of n as in passenger^ ME. messag^r formed fr. message with the suffix -er denoting 'the agent'. metal me. 7netal borrowed fr. FR. 77lHal. miete vb. 'measure' me. mete oe. metaTi sw. vb. 'measure' = GOTH. 7nitan, G. messcTi ohg. irie-yj^an^ DU. meten. mettle ident. w. j/ietal but meaning now 'spirit, ardor'. mew vb. onomatopoetic like DU. maauweriy g. maueii ; imitative of a cat's cry. mew me. mhv oe. 77i(hv\ cp. DU. i7ieeuw, ON. md^r^ G. mowe: TEUT. base 77iai'w-. mickle me. mikel 77iichd mukel 7nuchely oe. 7}tidel 7nycel = goth. ffiikils , ON. mikill 7/iykill, osAX. jnikil, OHG. 77iihhil\ cp. much. mid- adj. me. 7nid oe. mid midd = OSAX. 7/iiddi, OHG. 7nitti g. 7nit-, ON. 77iidr, GOTH, midjis. In mod. e. and in mod. G., the adjectives E. mid- = G. tTiit- are only used in compounds as e. midday^ 77iidlent, midsum7nery 77iidwinter\ G. ?7tittag, mitte7'nacht, mittwoch (orig. dat. sing.). The teut. stem midja- answers to Aryan midhyo\ cp. GR. LiiiiOQ (for ^nsdjog), skr. 7nddhyasy lat. medius. — middle adj. and sb. me. oe. 7niddel =-- DU. middely ohg. /;////// G. mittel\ with formative -/ from the adj. mid. 138 midge milt midge me. 7mgge oe. my eg fr. a Teut. base mugjo- = osax. muggiuy DU. mugy OHG. mucka g. milcke. From on. my it may be inferred that the West-Teut. guttural is secondary. midst formed with excrescent / from ME. in middes equivalent to amid. mien borrowed fr. fr. mine fr. IT. 7?nna = oiT. mena 'fashion, carriage ofman: sourceMED.-LAT. mina?e 'conduct, lead'. miight ME. mig/if oe. mi/i^ meaht = OSAX. OHG. maht^ du. magt^ G. machty ON. mdttr, goth. tnahts. The common teut. "^mahti is an old verbal abstract from goth. magan (like oslov. mosti from *?nokii from mogq 'clean). See may. milch adj. jvie. milche oe. "^ my Ice'. deriv. of milk\ cp. the equiv. adj's. ON. milkr mj'dlkr , ohg. jn'elch G. melk, oe. m'elc. mild adj. me. oe. milde = OSAX. mildi , DU. G. mild OHG. milii , ON. 7nildr , GOTH. 7nildeis. Cogn. w. oiR. 7?ieldach 'agreeable' or blaith 'soft, smooth' (base mldti-) ? or oslov. mladil young, tender', lith. 7nildiis 'pious'? mildew me. mildew oe. 77iiled(aw = DU. 77ieeldauw, ohg. 7mli-tou G. 7nehltau\ the first part is prob. fr. OE. mele -= goth. milip 'honey'; cp. ON. 7mlska 'a honeyed drink'; the second part see under dew. mile ME. 7nik oe. ;//// = du. mijl^ OHG. mila milla (for "^miljd) G. 7neile: borrowed fr. LAT. 7rnlia (passuum) lit. 'thousand paces', (whence also fr. milk, it. miglia). The more frequent plur. 77iilia was adopted in Rom. and G. as a fem. sing, (omitting passuimi). miilfoil ME. milfoil fr. fr. fnille- feuille = LAT. millefolium. milk ME. 7nilk oe. meoloc mile = OSAX. 7riilu^, DU. r/tel^, OHG. 7niltik G. mile/i, ON. 7nj6lk7% GOTH. 7niliiks. It is remarkable that a common Aryan or at least a West -Aryan term for 'milk' is wanting, although the \f 7nelg = TEUT. melk 'to milk' occurs in all the West-Aryan languages. From a common Indo-Eur. vb. : oe. melean, du. melke7i, ohg. 7nelchan G. melken, goth. '^milkan. Cp. lat. 77iulgere, gr. d/iieXysiv, oslov. 77des/i (pres. mluzq), lith. 77iilsti (pres. 7?iilzii) oiR. mbligim {7nlieht and melg 'milk'). — milk vb. ME. milke OE. meolcia7i {= ofris. melkay on. mjolkd) fr. oe. meole. mill ME. 77iille earlier 7nilne oe. myln (whence on. 77iylnd) = DU. 7nole7i 7neulen y OHG. muli{n) G. 77iilhle\ borrowed fr. late LAT. common ROM. molina 'mill' (for class. LAT. 77iold), whence also IT. 7nulino, FR. 7noiUin. millet fr. FR. 7nillet\ source lat. miliiun 'millet'. milt me. oe. mille = du. w/7/, OHG. 7/iilzi G. 77iilz, ON. 7/iilli l from the TEUT. \f7fielt seen in 7nalt.' e. and DU. milt soft roe of fishes' is a corruption of milk (sw. mfolke 'milt' fr. 7njdlk 'milk', dan. 139 fiskemelk 'soft roe of fishes', lit. 'fish-milk'). mince vb. me. mince oe. viin- sian wk. vb. 'make small' deriv. fr. OE. min(nn) = du. min 'smaller'; cp. FR. mincer 'mince' from mince 'small' of Teut. origin. mind sb. me. minde oe. jje-mynd 'memory, mind': Teut. base ga-mundi- ■=^ goth. ga-munds 'memory' from goth. ga-munan = OSAX. {far)munan 'despise', ON. mtma, OE. ^emunany cp. goth. mims 'purpose , desire , mind', ON. mu?ir 'mind, desire, love', OE. myne 'memory, love'. Allied to ON. minni 'remembrance, mind', OSAX. mi?tna, ohg. mifinia and OHG. minni G. mi?tne 'love', orig. 'remembrance'. All belong to the common Aryan and teut. yfmen man 'think'; cp. Gk. (.ikvoc 'courage, mind', /Lu/iiv7JoiiO} 'I jremember', lat. memini reminiscor fnens moneOy skr. yfman 'think, believe', mine possessive pron. me. oe. min = OSAX. ohg. fmn, du. fnijn, G. m'ein (also ohg. 7ntn G. meiner), 0^. minUy GOTH, meins'. derived fr. the stem 7}ie- of the pers. pron. cp. me and for the suffix cp. SKR. makina'xmxi^ and thine. mine sb. UE.mine = du. mij'n, g. DAN. mine: borrowed from fr. mine (= span. it. mina) : of Celt, origin; cp. IR. Gael, m^in 'metal', BRET, mefi 'stone, metal, cymr. 7nwyn 'metal': celt, base mena meina ? mingle a frequent, vb. from me. viinge nienge OE. me tig an = OSAX. mengian, du. me/zgen, OHG. mengan g. mengen, goth. ^maggj'an. Cp. among. minnow 'a fish' me. minowe oe. ^mynwe (and myne'capito) = ohg. muniwa 'capedo'; cp. westphal. mcene, hess. tnoehnl Etymology j unknown. minster me. minster oe. mynster fr. a base munistirja- = du. munster y OHG. munistri prop, 'monastery' then convent-church' G. mi'mster'. after lat.-gr. mona- steriuniy whence also fr. moutier 'monastery, convent'. minstrel me. minis tral 7nenestral borrowed fr. fr. 7ninestrel\ source lat. mifiisterialis 'an artisan, jester, buffoon'. mint ^ sb. me. mint oe. mynet = du. munty OHG. mimi-i^ vmniyi^a G. milnze'. teut. munita- mimito- borrowed fr. lat. moneta 'place of coinage, money', whence also fr. monnaie under money. mint- sb. 'a plant' me. oe. minte = du. mzmtj OHG. minza G. 7?iinze : adapted fr. lat. 7tientha menta (gr. f.iivda) , whence also fr. menthe, it. span. 7/ienta. mire^ 'deep mud' me. mire oe. ?nyre from west-teut. miurjon = ON. mvrr 'slime' ; the r of these words is orig. s = ^; cp. oe. fneos 'moss' by the side of oe. ?nos 'moss, swamp'; G. moos also signi- fies 'marsh'; cp. moss. Hence E. 77iire prop, 'mossy soil'. mire 2 cp. pis7nire. 140 mirth — mole mirth me. mirthe earlier nmrhde OE. myrgd deriv, fr. OE. myrj^e = merry with formative -th (as in. length, strengtJi). mis 1 prefix me. oe. mis- = du. mis-, OHG. missa- missi- G. miss-, ON. mis-', GOTH, missa- for "^mipta- (prop. 'lost') is an old part, in to- from a \/^mi^ seen in oe. midan me. mithe 'shun, avoid' (= OSAX. midan, ohg. midan G. meiden). Akin to gir. w/ in mi- giiim 'misdeed'? mis 2 prefix older mes- borrowed fr. OFR. mes- (fr. ;w/-): source LAT. minus 'less'. — mischief me. mes-chef borrowed fr. ofr. mes-chief 'a bad result, damage' fr. mis'*" and chief (cp. me. bon- chef 'happiness'). — miscreant borrowed fr. ofr. mescreant (source lat. credent-em). miss vb. ME. 7nisse oe. missatt = DU. G. missen, ON. missa, GOTH. ?nissjan. Evidently connected with WEST-TEUT. mipan avoid' in OE. midan, ohg. midan G. meiden 'avoid'. Cp. 7?iis. miss contr. of mistress. mist ME. OE. mist = du. inist, LG. mist 'darkness , fog , mist', ON. mistr 'darkness, mist'. mister me. maister = master. mistle ME. mistel oe. mistel = OHG. misti/ G. miste/, ON. mistel 'mistletoe'. — mistletoe oe. mistel tan (= on. mistilsteinn) fr. ;«2>/27 'bird-lime' and tan 'branch . mite 1 sb. 'a small insect me. oe. mite = lg. mite, ohg. miyi 'a midge, fly : teut. sTmit 'cut small', whence goth. maitan = ON. meita 'cut'. mite 2 sb. 'a very small portion' ME. mite borrowed fr. ODU. mij't a small coin. mitten me. mitaine borrowed fr. fr. mitaine 'a mitten. mix vb. ME. mixe oe. miscian = OHG. miskan from ^miskjan MHG. MLG. G. mischen: all prob. borrowed fr. lat. miscere 'mix'. mizzen sb. borrowed fr. fr. misaine = IT. ?nezzana: source LAT. medius. Ident. w. G. bezaan- segel. moan vb.ME. mgne (oe. '^tndnian) with the by-form me. 7ni?ie OE. 7n(Bnan 'moan. moat sb. me. 7note borrowed fr. OFR. mote 'dike'. mock fr. fr. se moquer. mode fr. fr. mode, moiety borrowed fr. fr. moitii (lat. type 7nedietdteni) . moist adj. me, moiste 'moist, fresh': borrowed fr. OFR. 77ioiste (= FR. moite). Source lat. musteus 'belonging to new must or wine', also 'new, fresh' (mustus 'new wine'). mole^ sb. 'a mark on the body' me. 77iple OE. 7ndl = ohg. fneil also 77ieila, goth. 7nail 'a spot'. mole'^ sb. 'breakwater' bor- rowed fr. FR. mole 'a bank' (= rr. mole mold) : source LAT. moles 'a great heap, a vast pile'. mole^ sb. 'an insectivorous animal' me. 77iolle = DU. moH Prob. short for me. 77ioldeive7'p 9^ OF THB '^ I UNIVERSITY nionday — more^'«Sft;;^^ALIFOR^^^ 141 = OHG. moltw'erf G. maulwurf. From ME. mglde OE. mglde 'earth' = ON. mold^ OHG. molta^ goth. w2//^/<:2r 'earth' and from they^ werp seen in goth. wairpan\ see warp. men day ivie. mgnenday oe. mgnandcej^ = du. maandag, OHG. nidnaiac G. montag, on. mdnadagr: the common Teut. name for LAT. ///Vi- Ltcnae (fr. /?/«^/, it. lunedt) ; the first syllable of mo n day is ident. w. ?noon. money me. moneie borrowed fr. OFR. moneie = fr. monnaie (= SPAN. 7noneda, it. monetd) : source lat. inoneta. See ;«z«/ '. monger sb. me. oe. mongere oe. fnangere (= ohg. mangdri^ on. manga7'i) formed from oe. /«a«- ^/^;z 'trade' with suffix -^ and bower y pointing to GOTH, ^^n^hwa-gabur. neither see either; me. na*uther OE. ndivder earlier forrn • nd- hwi^der. nephew me. nevtw borrowed from FR. neveu\ supplanting the genuine me. n(ve oe. nefa 'grand- son, nephew' = on. /z*?/^" 'relative', ^^M DU. ^(?^ 'grandson, nephew, cou- ^ sin', OHG. n'evo G. nejfe 'sister's (or brother's) son': Teut. base '^<^\j.negen\ cp. goth. ohg. niu?i G. neun, on. niii 'nine': the forms with g are based on teut. '^negun for '^neivmiy whilst goth. and OHG. niun are based ovi^newn. The numeral is common to all Aryan languages in the form new?n newn ; cp. skr. ndvan, la r. noveniy gr. tVj'g'a, OIR. noi. nit ME. nite oe. hnitu = du. neet, mlg. /z^/^ z?//, ohg. nii^ g. «/>;•. gr. ;oWg (plur. ;om)fc) 'egg of lice, bee-bugs and fleas' may be allied, if y.(o)vtd is common to both languages. Cp. also SLAV, gnida and alban. i)cni from ^kenidd. no adv. me. no oe. nd (== on. nei cp. rt-j) from ne 'not' and ^' 'aye, ever'. noble me. jwble fr. fr. noble = LAT. nobilis. nod vb. me. nodde\ cogn. w. ohg. hnutten 'vibrate' mhg. notteti 'stake' and on. hnjoda vb. ham- mer': TRi^T.s/^hmid. noddle 'head' me. 7iodle. noise sb. me. ?ioise borrowed fr. FR. ;2. nude adj. fr. fr. nmte = lat. tiudus 'naked'. nuisance sb. me. noisaunfe bor- rowed fr. FR. nuisance 'a hurt': a verbal noun formed fr. the pres. part, of fr. nuire = lat. nocere hurt, injure'. numb adj. me. nome no7?ien prop, part, of ME. nmte = oe. niman 'take, overpower, deprive of sen- sation'; cp. Q"^. numinn 'bereft' (of life, of speech). number adopted fr. vw.novibre-. source lat. numerus 'a number'. — numerous adj. adopted fr. FR. ntmicreux (for the usual ?i07ti- breux) fr. lat. mmierosus adj. 'numerous . nun ME. nonne oe. 7tunne =^ du. 7ton, OHG. nunna G. non7ie. In the S'*' cent, adopted fr. lat. noniia (orig. meaning 'mother') ; cp. fr. nonne, it. nonna 'a nun'. ^ nurse sb. contr. of me. norige nurife: loanword fr. ofr. 7iui'rice = FR. nouri'ice. Source lat. nuti'ic-e77i\ nurse'. — nurture sb. ME. 7io7'ti'ire adopted fr. opt^. no- riture (= ¥R.7iour?'iture^ : source LAT. nutritura 'nourishment . See nourish. nut ME. 7tote nute oe. hnutu = DU. noot^ OHG. 7iu^^ G. nuss, on. hnot'wxi^. The Teut. base hnut- points to \^ k7tud (seen in oir. cnu 'nut'?). — nutmeg me. 7tote- muge mit77iegge from me. nut = nut and me. 77iuge borrowed fr. OFR. 7nnge 'musk' = lat. 77iuscus 'musk ? Cp. OFR. 77iuguette fr. 7nuguet 'a nutmeg' = ital. noce moscada. oaf — on O oaf ident. with elf\ perh. oe. celf or rather borrowed fr. ON. dlfr 'elf. oak ME. ok OE. dc fr. a Teiit. base aik- =: on. eik^ du. eik^ OHG. ^//^ G. eiche'. all with the same meaning 'oak'; perh. cogn. w. GR. alyavsTj 'spear' — Aiyic,. oakum me. gkiimb oe. d-cimiba 'tow'; cp. OHG. d-katuhi *tow': prop, 'that which is combed out'. For oe. comb cp. co?nb. oar ME. pre oe. dr (infl. are) fr. a Teut. base airo- = on. dr (dan. rtTrt^r^, sw. dra). If teut. ^/r^- is an aryan eryd-y sfer in OR. sgevriQ 'oarsman' — spsT/twg 'oar might be cognate, cp. ro7a. oast ME. ps^ OE. dsf 'kiln, dry- inghouse' = du. ees/: teut. ^/>///- cogn. w. hhrv.aesius 'glowing heat'; ARYAN V" ^i'ih 'burn' in GR. alifog 'heat'. oath ME. py/l oe. d/ = GOTH. ai/s, ON. e2'dr, du. eed, ohc. g. eid 'oath': teut. ai/a- fr. a pre- TEUT. ^2Va 'away. — off orig. ident. w. o/. offend vb. me. offende fr. fr. offe7idre ^=- LAT. offendere. offer vb. me. offre oe. offrian j wk. vb. 'offer': loanword fr. lat. offerre 'offer'; cp. du. offer sb. offering' and osax. offrbn vb. offer'. office ME. office fr. fr. office =■- LAT. officium 'duty'. often earlier oft me. ofte oe. oft I = on. Opty GOTH. uftOy OHG. ofto \ G. oft 'frequently'. The adv. points to a Teut. adj. of-ta-^ which is perh. part, of an aryan \fuq = SKR. uc 'to be wont'. oil ME. oi/e (olie) fr. ofr. oile = FR. huile 'oil' (lat. oleuffi). ' ointment me. oine?/tent fr. ofr. oignenient'. deriv. of fr. oindre = LAT. ungere vb. 'anoint'. old me. old OE. did (Jald) : Teut. base alda- = osax. aid, ohg. g. alt, ON. <7/^/r, DU. (?z<;^'old'; cogn. w. GOTH, al/eis 'old' and usalpan 'grow old'. A primitive teut. and ARYAN \fat^xQ)\N cp. in goth alan =^ lat. alere 'nourish'. on ME. OE. on = GOTH, ana 'on', G. an ohg. ana, DU. aan, ON. d (for *^/^) : cogn. w. gr. dva, SKR. ana. 52 once — otter once ME. ones late oe. dues (com- monly cenes)', orig. genitive of OE. an = one', cp. G. ei?ist ohg. eines. — one me. on oe. an fr. a Teut. base aina-z = goth. ains, ON. emn, du. ^/ and GOTH, auhns 'oven'; an ori- ginal meaning of the Teut. word is preserved in oe. ofnet 'vessel'. An ARYAN type ugno- is found in GR. invdc; oven'. over ME. pzfer oe. o/er = goth. u/ar, ohg. uhar, on. o/r, du. over; cp. g. ul?er ohg. udiri. Outside of the Teut. languages, GR. vTifp and SKR. updri 'above' are cognate. owe vb. ME. p7£^e oe. dga/i possess' ^ GOTH, aigari, ohg. eigan 'possess' : aryan y" aik in SKR. If 'possess'. — • ought me. pug hie oe. dhte is the pret. tense of oe. dgan and own me. diven oe. dgen is part. = ohg; eigan G. eigen^ osax. egan. The vb. own me. pune OE. dgnian 'possess' is a deriv. of the adj. own, owl ME. oule OE. Hie fr. a Teut. base 24Wumldn-\ cp. ohg. tiwila G. i.pala/ren. The Lat. word is a compound of GR. TTCiQct and gallo-lat. veredus 'horse' {I'heda is Gallo-Lat. for 'travelling carriage' and vc is a Celt, prefix) ; hence naga-veredus was orig. the horse in reserve'. palisade Shakesp. palisado = fr. palissade, span, palizada, it. palizzata. All equiv. and deriv. fr. lat. pdlus 'a stake'. Cp. pale and pole. pall me. pal OE. pcell'. source lat. pallium. The adoption cannot have occurred before the literary period of Anglo- I Saxon, as we should expect an OE. form ^pelle "^pylle 'wrapper'. palm — parchment 155 LAT. paila cannot be the source, as it never was the ecclesiastical terminus technicus, but rather palliimi. palm 'inner part of the hand' ME. paume palme'. borrowed fr. OFR. palme = pautne. Source i^AT.palma 'the palm of the liand' (cogn. w. OY.. fohn under feel). palm 2 sb. 'a tree' me. palm oe. pdhn'. a bible word, i^at. palma 'a palm-tree'. palsy ME. pal(e)sie oldest form parlesie fr. fr. paralysie: source LAT. paralysis 'palsy', which was used in oe. as paralysis. pan me. oe. panne = ohg. pfanna G. pfanne, on. sw. panna^ DV.pan: TEVT. panna is regarded as a transformation oii.A.T. paiina (or rather *patna) "a basin'. pane me. pane 'patch, piece, pane' fr. fr. /& pellicia = fr. pelisse, IT. pelliccia. Cp. pilch. pelt vb. ME. pelte also pilte pulte, the latter forms corresponding to OE. piltan pyltan. Source LAT. pultare 'beat, strike'? pen sb. borrowed fr. fr. pentie. Source lat. penna 'a feather'. pen vb. ME. penne oe. onpennan 'impound, enclose': prob. con- nected with pound'^ and lg. tope?inen 'bar, bolt* — Uppennen 'open'. penance me. penaimce fr. ofr. pena?tce older pen'eance = lat. poenitentia 'penitence'. pencil orig. 'a hair-brush' me. pengH fr. ofr. pine el fr. pinceau a brush'. Source lat. penicillus 'a painter's brush', whence also G. pinsel. pennon pennant me. penoun borrowed fr. OFR. pefinon 'a flag, streamer' (for the secondary / of pennant see pageant, parch- ment). Source i.m:. penna 'wing, feather'. penny me. pent plur. penies (contr. pens, whence e. pence) OE. penil pennij^ penni?ig pending = OS AX. pending penning, du. people — pester 59 penintig^ ohg. phaTiiinc pfenting pfcfining G. pfe?inig, on. permingr. The word may be derived fr. pan^ so that the form of the pefinies may have suggested the word or it may .have been asso- ciated with the base '^pand imder pawn} For the suffix -i?7g cp. shilling, fa?- thing. people ME. peple people bor- rowed fr. 0¥^.pueple fr. peuple, whence also G.pobel. Source lat. populus 'people' (cp. also du. peupel. pepper me. peper piper oe. pipor == DU. peper, ohg. pfeffar G. pfeffer, on. piparr'. borrowed fr. LAT. piper (whence also it. pepe, FR. poivre). Cp. oslov. pipru 'pepper'. perceive vb. me. perceive fr. OFR. percevervR. apercevoir. Source LAT. percipcre 'apprehend'. perch' 'a rod' me_^ p^rche fr. the synon. fr. pcrche. Source LAT. pertica 'a pole, bar? ^ perch^ 'a fish' me. pirche bor- rowed fr. FR. perche. Source lat. perca = GR. nsgY.rj a perch'. perchance cp. perhaps. — perdy (Shakesp.) by God' me. parde = fr. par dieu 'by God'. perform vb. me. perfourme ear- lier parfourne borrowed fr. OFR. pa7'fournir 'perform', perhaps (late me. perhappous 1 5^*^ cent.) and perchance have the FR. preposition par (per) in imitation of me. peraventUre- parauntre and per cas\ haps is the plur. of hap under happy (cp. paramour'). peril me. peril fr. fr. piril. Source lat. periculum 'danger'. perish vb. me. perisshe bor- rowed fr. the stem of some forms of the fr. verb phir 'perish'. deriwig formerly periwigge per- wicke borrowed fr. YV^. perruque {wi being substituted for fr. ii) ; cp. also G. perrilcke, du. pruik. periwinkle; cp. the synon. me. pervenke oe. pervince. Source LAT. pervinca 'a twining plant'. perry adopted fr. fr. poiri 'perry', formed fr. a vulgar lat. type "^piratus 'perry, drink made of pears' {\.k.T.pirum under/^^r). person me. p^rsoun borrowed fr. FR. personne. Source lat. persona', ident. w. parson. pert adj. me. pert 'pert, plain, clever, bold'; cp. Odu. gepertich flam, pertig 'alert'. The group goes back to fr. apert. pertain vb. me. part^nc bor- rowed fr. OFR. partenir. Source i.AT. pertinere 'belong'. peruke ident. w. periwig. pervious adj. borrowed fr. LAT. perviiis 'passable'. pest borrowed fr. fr. peste. Source lat. pestis plague'. ! pester vb. short for impester \ borrowed fr. ofr. empestrer I 'pester, entangle' fr. empetrer. I pet sb. 'a tame animal, a i6o pet — pile favored child' short for earlier peat (me. *///). petty adj. me. petit adopted fr. FR. petit 'small'. pew sb. ME. pile (piiwe) fr. OFR. puie 'an elevated space', an open gallery with rails', whence also du. ptd , ofris. poie. Source lat. podium 'a balcony'. pewet peewit so called from its plaintive cry; the earlier by-form puet points to a fr. source. pewter late me. p(uter adopted fr. OFR. peutre {pe autre) a kind of metal'. It stands for '^peltre = SPAN, peltre, it. peltro 'pewter'; cp. DU. piauter. pheasant me. fcsaunt earlier fesaun fr. FR. faisan ■=^ it. fagiano. Source lat. phasidnus, GR. cpaGiavog 'bird of Phasis in Colchis', whence also OYiG. fasdn G. fas an. phial vial borrowed fr. ofr. phiole (fr. fiole). Source lat. phiala, GR. (pidkrj 'a broad, flat, shallow cup'. philtre borrowed from fr. philtre. Source lat. philtrum^ GR. ipiXxQOv 'a love potion'. phlegm adopted fr. fr. phlegme. Source lat. GR. phlegma a flame, inflammation, phlegm'. pick vb. ME. pikke oe. pician = LG. DU. pikken, G. picken. picket borrowed fr. fr. piquet picquet 'a little pick axe', dirain. of OE. pic 'a pike' under pike. pickle sb. me. pike I =^ t>\5. pekel, MhG.pekel G.pokel] prob. h. pickle, frequentative of pick 'pickout, cleanse'. picnic a modern word arising about 1700 and soon received into fr. {^piquenique about 1740) and GERM, i^picknick 2^o\i\, 1770). pie ME. pie fr. fr. pie 'a broiled remnant of a shoulder of mutton". pie (in magpie) we. pie fr. ofr. pie ■= lat. pica. piebald composed of pie 'a magpie' and bald 'streaked'. piece iME. pefe borrowed fr. fr. piece. pier ME. pere borrowed fr. ofr. piere, fr. pierre = i.A.i.petra 'stone*. pierce vb. me. perfe borrowed fr. FR. percer 'pierce', me. by- form perche. piety adopted fr. fr. piiti 'piety' = lat. pietdte^n) ident. w. pity. pig ME. pigge. pigeon late me. pigoun fr. fr. pigeon. Source lat. pipio{neni) 'a chirper'. See peep oxid pipe. pike ME. pike oe. pic = du. pick, G. piek; cp. pick. pilch ME. pilc/ie oe. piUe pylce fur. Source med.-lat. ^ it. pelliccia felt', whence also fr. pelisse and ohg. pellH G. pelz, du. pels fur (primitive source la'J\ pellis^. C^. pelt. pile ^ sb. 'an arrow' me. oe. /// (= du. pijl, OHG. pfU G. pfeil, ON. pud) : borrowed fr. lat. pilum 'a javelin', whence o^K. pile, span. IT. pilo 'a javelin, pestle'. The pile pipe i6i corresponding Goth, word was arhwazna] cp. on. gr, oe. earh = LAT. arcus, pile 2 sb. 'a .heap' ^m.pile 'tower, castle' borrowed fr. ofr. pile a pier, pyramid fr. pile *a mole* = SPAN, pila 'a pillar, trough', Yi.pila 'trough'. Source hkT.pila 'a pier of stone'. See pillar. pile*^ sb. 'a tumor' (now used in plur.) fr. lat. pila 'a ball'. pile* sb. 'hair' borrowed fr. ofr. peil FR. poil = SPAN. IT. pelo. Source LAT. ptlus *a hair'. pilfer borrowed fr. ofr. pelfrer 'pilfer'. pilgrim me. pilgrim borrowed fr. MUG. pilgrim. Source med.-lat. peregrinus (late lat. pelegrinus)^ whence 'E'K. pterin, it. pellegrinOj SPAN, peregrino, du. pelgrim. pill =^ G. T>k^. pille prob. bor- rowed fr. the dimin. fr. pilule. Source LAT. piliila *a pill'. pillar ME. piler borrowed fr. FR. pilicr (^ SPAN, pilar, it. piliere). Source med.-lat. pilar e pildrius (lat. pila) 'pillar', whence also OHG. pftldri G. pfeiler\ du. pilaar is Y^. pilier, but Tt\5. pij'ler is LAT. pilar e. pillory sb. me. pilgry borrowed fr. FR. pilori 'a pillory'. pillow sb. ME. pilwe oe. pyle "^pylwe = DU. peuluw , ohg. pfuliwi{n) also pfulwo g. pfiihl'. borrowed fr. lat. pulvinus 'cu- shion'. Cp. cushion. pilot sb. borrowed fr. yk. pilote =- SPAN. IT. piloto pilota y du. English Etymology. pilooty G.pilote. Origin unknown. The word occurs in Germ, and Engl, since the i^^^ cent.; in Germ, it appears first in the It. form piloto. Perh. the It. word became European through the commerce with Genoa and Venice. pimpernel sb. fr. fr. pimprenelle pi7fipinelle. pin sb. ME. OE. pi fin == du. lg. pin. Source LAT. penna 'a pin, nail'. pinch vb. my., pine he borrowed fr. FR. pincer. pine sb. me. pine oe, *pin(tr^o) 'pine-tree': borrowed h.LkT.pinus 'a pine, whence ¥R.pin (p\5. pijn), SPAN. IT. pino 'a pine-tree'. pine vb. me. pine oe. pinian 'torment' == on. pina, du. pij'nen, OHG. pfinon pinon (g. peinigen) : deriv. fr. oe. pin = ohg. pina G. pein. ^owxc^LkT. pivna (pronounc- ed pena). pinfold; see poiutd'^. pint sb. late me. pinte fr. fr. pinte (whence du. pint, lg. pinte 'can'): source lat. pincta. pip sb. ME. pippe = du. lg. pip, G. pips ohg. pfiffi'l, : borrowed fr. a vulgar lat. pippita (= laT. pituita) 'phlegm', whence also FR. pipie, SPAN, pepita, it. pipita. pipe sb. ME. oe. pipe = du. pijp, LG. pipe, OUG. pfi/a G. pfeife, on. pipa : borrowed fr. med.-lat. pipa, whence also the synon. fr. pipe, sp\^. pipa, \T. piva. Source lat. pipdre 'chirp'. 11 l62 pit — plant pit sb. ME. //■/ OE. pyt (it) = DU. pllt^ LG. ///// OHG. pUZZi pfuzzi G. pfiltze'. TEUT. putjus'. borrowed fr. LAT. puteus 'a well, pit', whence also VT. pozzOf SF AN. poza, FK.ptiifs and OIR. cm//ie, cymr. peUn 'well, pit'. pitch sb. ME. pic/i OE. pic =r OSAX. ODU. pik DU. peky OHG. pe/i I ^^/^ (M) G.pec/i, ON. M: borrowed fr. LAT. pix (pic-) 'pitch', whence also FR. poix, SPAN. /^S:, IT. pCCC 'pitch'. ^ pitcher sb. me. picc^e'r borrowed fr. OFR. picher. Source med.-lat. picdrium, a by-form of late lat. bicdrium under beaker. pith sb. ME. pithe oe. pida cog- nate w. DU. pit ODU. pitte 'pith' and MLG. pedik 'pith'. A West- Teut. h2JS>^ pipan- is to be assum- ed, perh. a teut. pipwon- in- stead of qipwon-: \fgtt? pittance sb. ME.pitaunfe (=mlg. pitancie) borrowed fr. FR. pitance 'meat, food, daily subsistance'. pity sb. me. pite fr. fr. /////. Source LAT. pietdtem. place me. pld^e fr. fr. place {= SPAN, plaza y IT. piazza). Source lat. platea = gr. -nXaxsia 'a street'. G. platz and nn. plaats are also of Fr. origin. plague me. (14^*^ cent.) pldge adopted fr. Li\T. pldga 'an injury' whence du. plaag , ohg. pldga G. plage and it. piaga, fr. plate, plaice ME. plaice borrowed fr. FR. plaise OFR. pldise. Source MED.-LAT. pla^sa prop, platessa 'a flat-fish', whence also DU. pladijs, G. platteise. plain adj. me. plain borrowed fr. FR. plain (whence also DU. pleiri) = SPAN, piano, it. piano. Source lat. pldnus flat, even'. plain sb. me. pleine adopted fr. FR. plaine =■ span, plana, it. piano. Source lat. pldnum 'a plain'. plaint sb. me. pleinte plainte fr. FR. plainte (= lat. planctus 'lamentation'). plait vb. ME.plaite 'fold' derived fr. OFR. pleit (ploit) sb. 'fold'. Source hkii. plicare 'fold, braid'. plan -adopted fr. fr. plan, whence DU. g. plan. Source I.M:. pldnusV^i, plane', whence SPAN, plan, YT. piano. Sqq plain, plane. plane adj. borrowed fr. fr. plane (= span, piano, it. piano). Source lat. pldnus 'flat, level'. plane sb. 'a carpenter's tool' late me. plane borrowed fr. fr. plane. Source med.-lat. pldna 'a carpenter's tool'. plane-tree me. pldne{-tre) = du. plaan-boom fr. fr. plane. Source lat. platanus 'plane-tree'. plank me. planke borrowed fr. onfr. planke fr. planche (= span. plancha, it. pianca). Source med.-lat. pianca, whence du. plank, G. planke. plant me. plante oe. plant = du. plant, OHG. pflanza G. pflanze (on. plantd) : fr. lat. planta, whence also fk. plante, span. plash — pluck 163 planta, it. pianta. In me. we find also plaunte sb. vb. as adap- tion of FR. plante — planter, — plantain m^. plantain (^plauntain f) borrowed fr. y^. plantain. Source LAT. plantago i^plantaginein) 'a plantain'. plash ME. plasche borrowed fr. ODU. plasch DU. plas 'water- puddle'. plaster me. piastre plaister fr. OFR. piastre (^plaistre ^ whence T>\; . pleisier) cp. fr. pldtre. Source GR.-LAT. e/LiTrXaffrgov = IT. empiastro, fr. empldtre 'plaster. LAT. emplastrufn = med.-lat. plastrum 'gypsum', whence OHG. pflastar G. pflaster. plat plot ME. OE. plot (tt). See plot.' plate ME. plate borrowed fr. OFR. plate plaite 'plate - armor, ingot, silver fr. plat, whence DU. plat, G. platte. Source a MED.-LAT. plata 'plate of metal' (gr. nXarvc)- platoon fr. FR. peloton 'a ball, platoon'. platter me. plater fr. ofr. platel 'a plate' = fr. plateau also 'waiter'. play vb. me. plaie pleie OE. plegian 'play' and play sb. me. plaie pleie OE. pl'ega. The other teut. languages have no such root as pleg 'play'. plea sb. ME. /// plai 'debate' fr. OFR. pie plai with the by- forms plait plaid. Source MED.- lat. placitum 'a decree, sen- tence'. — plead vb. me. pl^de plaide fr. fr. plaider 'plead, argue', whence also DU. pleiten 'sue'. please vb. me. plese borrowed fr. OFR. plesir plaisir (fr. plaire 'please'). Source lat. placer e please'. — pleasure (late me. plcsiire 15*^^ cent.)* fr. the fr. infinit. plaisir, but influenced by abstract nouns such as nature leisure. pledge sb. me. plegge fr. ofr. plege (YK.pleige) 'a surety', which is related to OSAX. plegan ohg. pfl'egan 'be responsible for, answer for' (cp. plight^. plenty me. plente fr. ofr. plenti^ source lat. plinitdtem. plier see ply. plight sb. me. plight oe. pliht formed by means of the abstract formative -/ from a vb. seen in OE. pldon 'risk' (ohg. pflegan G. pflegen whence G. pjlicht 'friendly care, interest'). plot! short for complot = fr. complot 'a conspiracy'. plot- sb. me. oe. plot {tt). plough me. plough plow OE. ploh =- DU. ploeg, ohg. pfluoh pfiuog G. pflug, ON. plogr. This Teut. group plbhu- plogu- was borrowed by the Slav, (serb.- russ. plugii, LiTH. pliugas). plover me. plover borrowed fr. OFR. plovier fr. pluvier. Source a LAT. type '^pluviarius 'rainy'. pluck vb. me. plukke plokke (^plicche) OK.pluccian (oe. "^plyccan) = DU. plukken, OHG. "^pfiucchen '^pfiockon G. pfiucken, on. plokka. 11* 164 plug — poll Source a lat. type "^piliiccare ^=- IT. piluccarej fr. iplucher. Vulgar LAT. *piluccdre (whence me. pilken pluck') prop, 'pluck hairs one by one' is an extension of lat. pildre. plug sb. ident. w. du. plug^ LG. plugge {j)lucJi) late mhg. pfloc G. pflock plug'. plum ME. ploume oe. plume (plyme) = DU. pruim, lg. prume plume, OHG. pfruma beside pfiumo (lat. r changed to teut. /) G. pflaume'. early loanword fr. lat. prunum, whence also fr. prune, IT. prima. Cp. prune. plumb fr. FR. plomb = lat. plumb u?n. plume fr. fr. plume == lat. pliima. plummet me. //d?ww^/ borrowed fr. FR. plo7nbet 'a plummet' dimin. of FR. plomb lead'. plump adj. borrowed fr. lg. plump, DU. plomp. plunder vb. adopted fr. mdu. plunderen = G. plilndern 'rob, pillage'. plunge vb. short for me. plounge'. borrowed fr. fr. plonger 'duck, dive', whence also du. plonzen. plush sb. = DU. pluis , G. plusch ; borrowed fr. fr. peluche = YY, peluzzo. Source a lat. type ^pilucia, an extension of lat. pilus *hair . ply vb. ME. plie 'bend' adopted fr. fr. plier 'fold, bend, bow'. Source lat. plicdre 'fold'. poach ^ vb. 'dress eggs' fr. fr. pocher. — poach ^ vb. 'intrude into preserves' borrowed fr. fr. pocher from poche 'a pouch'. pock M^. pokke OE.pocc ^=-. mdu. pocke, DU. pock, G. LG. pocke 'small pox'. — pocket ME. poket fr. ofr. poquette, dimin. oioY^. pocke poche. See poke. \ poignant adj. U¥.. pomatit poin- launt fr. FR. poigfiant. (Source LAT. pungere). — point me. point fr. FR. point (source lat. punc- tum) 'point'. poise vb. ME. poise earlier peise fr. ofr. poiser peiser fr. peser 'to weigh'. Source lat. pensare 'to weigh'. poison UE. puisouit fr. ^^. poison 'poison' = LAT. potio(nem) 'a drink'. poke sb. ME. poke 'a bag' =: ODU. poke, ON. poki. FR. poche is perh. an Engl, loanword. Cp. pock. poke vb. nK. poke i^pouke pucke) 'thrust, throw' =: DU. poken, mlg. puken. pole ' sb. a stake' us.. pole OE.pdl 'a pale, pole': source lat. pdlus 'a stake', whence G. pfahl ohg. MHG. pfdl. $iee pale, pole 2 sb. 'a pivot' the synon. FR. pol = LAT. poluS (GR. TTOlog) 'a hinge'. polish vb. ME. polisshe fr. fr. polir i^poliss-') 'polish'. poll ME. pol (II) 'head' ^ lg. ODU. polle 'head'; perh. ident. w. bowl} pommel — port 65 pommel me. pomel borrowed fr. OFR. p07nel fr. pommeau 'the pommel of a sword': prop, dimin. LAT. pomum 'apple'. pomp ME. pompe fr. lat. po?npa, whence also fr. pompe. pond ME. potid pomU. ponder vb. borrowed fr. lat. ponderare weigh'. pontiff fr. FR. pontif pontife, LAT. pontif ex. pontoon fr. fr. ponton, it. pontone 'a great broad bridge'. pool sb. ME. OE. pgl = DU. poe/, LG. po/, OYiG. pfuol G.pfuhl'y perh. akin to oe. pu/i pyll 'pool' = ON. pollr 'pool, pond'. poop borrowed fr. fr. poupe = LAT. puppis 'the hinder part of a ship'. poor adj. me. povre fr. ofr. povre = pauvre (source lat. pauper) 'poor'. pope me. pope OE. papa = lat. papa. The continental dialects differ from the lat.-oe. forms; cp. 03AX. pdbos^ DU. paus, mhg. babes G. papst. popinjay late "b^m. popinjay earlier papegai (= du. papegaaiy mlg. papegoie, G. papagai) fr. fr. pape- gai OFR. papegay and papegau = it. papagallo. Prob. derived fr. Low GR. nanayug = arab. ba- bagha (pers. bapga). The Lat. name psittacus agrees with GR. rfjiTTay.oC' poplar sb. me. poplir{e) ^^. du. popidiery OTtV. pope Her', borrowed fr. OFR. pop Her ■= fr. peuplier. Source FR. peuple 'poplar = 'LAT.populus 'poplar', whence also DU. pop el and G. pappel. poppy sb. ME. popy oe. popi^ papcsi (about 800). The suffix i (not producing umlaut) points to an older form -ang as in body, holly. There are no Teut. equivalents. Usually considered to be borrowed fr. i.kT. papdver. porcelain sb. -- fr. porcelaine, DU. porselein, G. porzellan (since the 1 6th. cent.); the base is it. porcellana, orig. 'the Venus- shell', 'concha Veneris'; this hav- ing much resemblance to porce- lain, the name of the shell was transferred to that of the cera- mic ware. porch sb. W£.. pore he borrowed fr. "E^. pore he', source lat. porti- cus, from which OE, portic and OHG. pforzih are earlier loan- words. porcudine occuring in the i^th — J 5th cent's in the forms porpentine por point and porkepin which go back to ofr. pore espin (now porc-ipic) = IT. poreo spino {poreo spinoso) 'thornbush hog'. — pork 'flesh of swine' me. pork 'pork, swine' fr. the synon. yk. pore (= hhT. por cus). port^ sb. 'harbor' me. oe. port 'harbor' fr. the equival. lat. portiis (= fr. port, it. porto) harbor, whence also odu. port 'city'. port'^ sb. a gate fr. fr. porte z= hAT. porta a gate*, whence also o^. port or port-jpat 'a gate', du. poort, G. p forte. 66 port — power port 3 sb. 'behavior me. port fr. FR. port 'behavior : deriv. of LAT. portare 'carry'. port* = Port-wine orig. »wine of Oporto in Portugal«. portray vb. me. pourtraie fr. FR. portraire. — portrait = fr. portrait. post^ sb. 'a pillar' me. O'E.. post = DU. LG. post: early loanword fr. 'LhT. postem (nom. siwg. postis), whence also G. pfosten ohg. pfost and FR. poteau. post^ sb. 'mail service' = du. G. posty FR. postey IT. posta. The word is a native of Italy and was borrowed from there by the modern languages in the 16**^ cent. post^ sb. *a military post' = G. postetiy DU. post fr. it. posto 'guard, post'. pot ME. OE. pot (tt), = DU. LG. pot(tt)y ON. pottr (swED. potta, DAN. potte) ; akin to fr. pot = CYMR. pot, IR. pOta. potato imported in the second half of the 16* cent, together with SPAN, patata from America (in Hayti the name was batata about 1530). pouch ME. pouche 'bag' fr. ofr. pouche (^poche) 'pocket'; akin to poke. poult sb. 'chicken' {= pullet) late u^.pulte fr.rR.^*??^/^/ 'chicken' {^poule 'hen'). — poulterer ex- tended for ME. pulter fr. FR. t)oulletier. — poultry we. pultrie is derived fr. me. pulter. pounce vb. see punch. pound ^ ME. pound oe. pund 'a pound' (weight and money) = OSAX. pund, DU. pond, ohg. pfunt G pfund, ON. SW. DAN. pUfld GOTH, pund: borrowed in the second cent. fr. lat. pondo (indecl.) 'pound', not fr. lat. pondus 'weight'. pound'-^ sb. 'enclosure' me. pound (shortened in pon-, pun- fglde 'pound'). oe. pund 'en- closure' with the verb oe. pyndan ME. pinde 'impound, dam up the water' = on. pynda 'shut in (e. pinfold ME. pinfplde 'pound' points to oe. pyndan me. pinde). Frob. pen oe. pennan is cognate, if the base *panjan goes back to an earlier form *pandjan: teut. yfpand pund. pound vb. 'h&2i\! -^UE. poune oe. picnian 'pound'; perh. cognate w. DU. puiti 'ruin, rubbish'. pout vb. ME. poute 'sulk' (oe. "^piitian}). — pout sb. (a kind of fish) OE. puta or pute (in the compound ckleputan 'eelpouts') ; cp T>\i. puit a kind of fish. The word is derived from the vb. pout {TE\j'i\ \f put): the fish has its name from its pouting lips. powder sb. me. poudre 'hair- powder' fr. FR. poudre, whence also BU.poeder, G. puder. Source lat. pulverem (^pulvis), whence G.pulver, iT.polve 'dust, powder'. power me. pouir earlier polr fr. OFR. po'er = fr. pouvoir\ ident. w. it. potere and deriv. fr. lat. potest potui etc. praise — proud 167 praise sb. M^.prais preis fr. ofr. preis, ident. with price. pram sb. *a flat- bottomed lighter = lg. prahm^ DU. praam ; LG. pram, on. prdmr, sw. pram. DAN. pram are of Slav, origin; cp. OSLOV. pramu belonging to the ARYAN \fper 'cross, ferry' seen in fare vb. prance vb. me. praunce vb. ident. w. e. prank vb. me. pranke\ the sound points to Fr. origin. prate vb. late me. prate = du. LG. praten 'prate', dan. prate 'tattle'. pray vb. me. preie fr. ofr. preier = fr. prier pray' (source lat. precari 'pray'). preach vb. me. preche fr. fr. precher. Source church-LAT./rrt-^- dicare 'preach', whence also OE. predician, on. predika, du. pre- dikeUy OS AX. predikouy OHG. pre- digon MHG. G. predigen 'preach'. press vb. me. presse fr. ofr. presser =^ lat. pressarc. pretty adj. me. "^priti for prati 'pretty' and 'clever, cunning'; OE./r^/Zj 'tricky, deceitful'. The OE. sh.prcett ^\\i\:. prattas means 'trickery'. prey sb. my., preie praie fr. ofr. preie praie = fr. proie (hence du. prooi) 'prey\ Source lat. praeda. price sb. "siE.pris fr. ofr. pris = FR. prix. Source lat. pretium 'price'. See prize. prick sb. me. pricke (j>rike) oe. pricca (^prica) 'prick, spike'. — prick vb. me- pricke i^prike oe. \prician) 'prick, spur'. Cp. MHG. \pfr'ecken, o^i^.prikka: teut. y"/r/y^. — prickle relation me. prikel oe. pricel. pride ws.. pride oy. pryda: um- laut-relation to proud. priest sb. me. prest oe. preost) ident. w. ohg. prist priestar mhg. G. priester, osax. prestar, fr. pretre for OFR. prestre: descendants of lat. presbyter priest'. But there are discrepancies in the phonetical development of the Rom. and Teut. forms* prime fr. fr. pri?ne — lat. primus. — primrose fr. fr. prime rose =: lat. prima rosa ' 'first rose'. — prince me. prince fr. FR. prince (source lat. prin- ceps — p7i?icipem —- it. principe^y whence also G. prinz du. prins. print vb. me. printe short for prente impre?ite fr. fr. empreinte sb. 'a stamp, print'; cp. fr. evipreindre = lat. imprimere. prison ME.prisoun fr. fk. prison; source lat. prehensio{nem) = it. prigiofie. privy ME. prive fr. fr. privi (= lat. privdtus). prize vb. me. prise fr. EK.priser\ cf. E. prise fr. YR.prix. — prize sb. 'taking or capture e. g. of a ship' fr. fr. prise 'seizure (du. prijs, G. prise). proud ME. proud late oe. prild (by-form me. prout late OE. prut preie) ; cp. on. priidr 'proud', dan. prud 'stately'. Cp. the um- laut-relation /r/^kx.qttedan , OHG. qu'edan 'say': ARYAN spget (by-form ged in skk. gad 'speak'?). Cp. bequeath and bequest. rabbit rat 171 R rabbit cogn. w. odu. robhe robbeken 'rabbit'; perh. identical w. DU. rob^ G. robbe 'phoca? race^ me. r/^ oe. r^^? or bor- rowed from ON. rds *a running': TEUT. base rha-. race^ 'family' fr. fr. race = SPAN. PORT. raza\ source ARAB. rds 'origin'. race^ 'root' fr. ofr. rah = lat. radix. — From the same source also radish = DU. radijs (fr. radis) . • rafter me. rafter oe. rcefter\ formed by suffix -tra- from the same root as on. rdf 'roof and OHG. rdvo 'rafter'. Cp. the Aryan \preph in or. sgscpw — OQO(fog. rag ME. ra^ge (late oe. '^ra^^ inferred from the adj. raggii 'shaggy'): borrowed fr. on. rpgg 'shagginess'. rage me. rage fr. fr. rage = LAT. rabies. rail ^ ME. rai/ reil fr. ofr. reille \ source LAT. regula, whence also G. 7iegel OHG. rigilj odu. rijchel 'bar, rail'. rail 2 ME. rail oe. hrcpy, 'a gar- ment'; ident. w. ohg. hregil 'a garment': teut. base hrag{i)la-. rain me. rain rein oe. reyi = ohg. OLG. regan G. DU. regen, on. regn, GOTH, rigns: teut. base r'egna-. Cp. Lith. roke 'drizzling rain'. raise vb, me. reise borrowed fr. ■ ON. reisa 'raise': causal of on. risa =: GOTH. reisan\ cp. rise. \ raisin me. reisin fr. ofr. raisin 'a grape, whence also du. rozijn, G. rosine. Source lat. racemus 'a bunch of grapes'. rake me. rake oe. rdca = du. raak\ ident. w. OHG. rehho G. recheny on. reka : teut. base rakon- r'ekon-, derived fr. the str. vb. GOTH, rikan 'gather. ram sb. me. oe. ram {?nm) oe. rg7n ifnni) = OHG. mhg. DU. ram : teut. base ramma-; perh. cogn. w. ON. ramr 'strong. ramsons me. ramsen oe. hravi- san plur. : teut. base hra7nusan- also in G. (dial.) ramsen^ swed. ra?nsidk 'bear-garlick'; further allied to GR. afjcfivoi- 'onion', IR. erem — cymr. era/ 'garlick, lith. kermusze 'wild garlick'. range vb. fr. fr. rafiger. ransack vb. me. ransake fr. on. rannsaka prop, 'search the house': ON. rann 'house' (= goth. razuy OE. rcEsn ran cern 'house'); for ON. saka see seek, ransom me. raun^oun (du. rant- soen) fr. fr. ranfon (= lat. redemptio-neni) . rap vb. ME. rape 'rush, hasten' =: ON. hrapa vb. 'hasten'; cp. du. rapen, mhg. raffen 'seize': TEUT. base hrapon. rape sb. me. rape (= du. raap^ fr. lat. rapa 'turnip'. rat ME. rat oe. rcet (tt) =r= G. ratte ohg. ratta^ du. rat rot\ 72 rate — reave ident. w. fr. rat^ it. ratio. History of the group unknown. rate fr. fr. rate =^ lat. ratum. rather me. rather oe. hrador prop, 'quicker, sooner': compa- rative form of OE. hrade 'quickly'; cp. the adj. OE. hrced^ on. hradr 'swift', ohg. hrad^ du. rad 'quick' fr. a teut. base hrapa-. Akin to OIR. crothim 'I shake'. rattle vb. me. ratele vb.; cp. OE. hrcetele sb. 'rattle wort' and 'LG.raielen vb. 'rattle', mhg. rai^i^eln G. rasseln vb. 'rattle': teut. y^^r^/ = ARYAN \r.^r<^^/ in GR. ygaSmvco {^\'^krot in GR. Y-QOTokitbiv vb. 'rattle'?). raven sb. me. raven oe. hrcef?! ^ ON. hrafn\ cp. OHG. hraban G. rabe^ DU. raaf\ teut. base hrabiia- hrabn-', perh. fr. an ARYAN \fkro : >^^r in lat. corvus, GR. xo^a^ raven'. ravish vb. me. ravisshe vb. fr. FR. raviss- in r^^^^^y 'to ravish'. raw me. raw oe. hreaw = ohg. /?r^^/ 'spittle' and OHG. rdhhison to try to vomit'. read vb. me. r§de oe. rcedan vb. = ON. rdda 'read'; prop. ident. w. goth. rMan, ohg. rdtan G. raien vb. advise', on. nz^^z 'counsel, consult', read meant orig. 'to read a riddle' (cp. riddle), then 'to interprete the runes' (on. rdda gdtu 'read a riddle' ■ — rdda draum 'read a dream' — rdda runar read runes'), skr. has a correspon- ding y"r<2^/>^ 'perform'; cp. also OSLOV. raditi. ready adj. me. rcdi (oe. "^rckdii extended fr.) oe. rckde 'ready' = OHG. reiti 'ready'; cp. goth. garaids = on. greidr 'ready'. As G. fertig prop, meant 'ready for a journey' (g. fahrt), perh. a TEUT; base raida- 'journey' may be the source of the group; cp. IR. r^id 'passable' and see ride and road. realm sb. me. rialme (rialme) fr. OFR. realme (fr. royaume). ream late me. rpne fr. ofr. raime FR. rame\ cp. span, resma, ITAL. risma (g. rics) ream of paper'. Source ARAB, rizina 'a bundle'. reap vb. me. ripe oe. riopan vb. fr. a TEUT. V"^2j> 'cut' in ripe\ cp. OE. ri/'/^r 'sickle' and see ripe. rear vb. me. rire oe. rceran vb. = OHG. reran vb. 'raise' fr. a TEUT. base raizjan', cp. r/.f^ in ohg. rahha 'subject, thing'. -red suffix in hatred\ cp. oe. feondrckden freoiidrckden 'friend- ship' (Jiiwrceden under hind)] orig. -raidin in goth. ga-raidei?7S. red adj. short for me. red oe. r^'ad = TEUT. rauda- in goth. rauds, ohg. rot g. rj>i: ARYAN spr'ebh in oslov. russ. rebro 'rib'. rhythm see rime. -ric in bishopric = me. bisshop- riche oe. bisceoprice', cp. oe. r/<:ifta 'rice'. rich adj. me. riche fr. fr. riche) ident. w. oe. rice 'powerful', OHG. rthhi G. 7'eich, DU. 7'ijk, on. rikr, GOTH, reiks. Originally a deriva- tive of GOTH, reiks 'king' under ric. — riches sb. me. riches se fr. fr. richesse'. derived fr. fr. riche =r teut. riki 'powerful'. rick sb. short for me. rek OE. hr{ac 'a heap' = du. rook, ON. hraukr (hroki) a heap': teut. base hrauka-y akin to on. hruga 'a heap' and ir. cruach 'heap'. rid vb. ME. ridde prop, redde OE. hreddan = ohg. hrettan G. retterr. teut. base hradjan from an ARYAN \fkrath in skr. (raihay. 'loosen'. riddle sb. me. redles oe. r/^/«?/^ rckdelse = DU. raadse/, OSAX. radisli G. r/z/^^/ 'riddle'; cp. OHG. rdtisca rdtussa 'riddle': teut. \frdd red under read. riddle 2 sb. 'sieve' me. riddel for OE. hridder = ohg. hritara G. reiter 'sieve': Aryan \r>^r/ in 'LAT. cribrum 'sieve', gr. -/.qivw and in goth. hrai-ns, ohg. reini G. rein 'clean' (prop, sifted'?). ride me. ride oe. ridan str. vb. = OHG. ritan g. reiten, du. rijden, on. rida'. teut. -y^r/^/:^ pre-TEUT. m^/^ in GALLO-LAT. reda 'carriage' — veredus\oYS,e {y^ndQr palfrey) and IR. riadaim 'I go'; see ready. ridge me. r/^J-^ oe. /^ryrj (genit. hrycges) ■= teut. hrugja- in oSAX. hruggi, DU. rz/^, ohg. hrucki G. rilcken 'back', on. hryggr: pre- TEUT. krtikjo-, cogn. w. IR. crocenn sb. 'back'. rife adj. me. oe. rif 'abundant, frequent' = on. rifr 'munificent, abundant', odu. rijf 'copious', LG. rive 'abundant'. right adj. me. right oe. riht earlier "^r'iht = ohg. osax. rehl G. du. rechl, on. r^Ur, goth. raihts 'right, straight': TEUT. rehta- fr. an Aryan r'ekto- (== lat. rectus 'right, straight'), prop, participle fr. a verbal \rr^^ in lat. r eg ere 'to rule'; cp. SKR. rju 'right, straight'. righteous transformed fr. me. rightwis oe. rihtwis = ohg. r'eht- WIS 'knowing the right'; see wise. rim sb. me. rime oe. rima rioma 'border, margin'; probably cogn. w. OE. ra?id, on. rgnd, ohg. rant G. DU. rand 'border, margin': TEUT. ran-do- for ram-do- (as sandiox Aryan samdho-) . Perh. rind belongs to the same Aryan \l^rem. rime^ sb. me. rim 'verse, song' borrowed about 1200 fr. ofr. rimcj whence also mhg. rtm G. reimy DU. rijm (properly Verse'). Source lat. rhythmus. rime''^ sb. me. rime oe. hrim = DU. rijin, on. hrim 'hoarfrost'; doubtful, whether ohg. hrifo G. reify OSAX. hripOy du. rijp 'hoar- frost' are cognate. 175 rind sb. me. rinde OE. rind 'bark of a tree' fr. a teut. base rindo- (rendo-) = OHG. rinta G. rinde 'rind'; perh. cogn. w. ohg. rant G. rand and OE. rand 'border, margin' under rtm. ring sb. ME. r/;z^ oe. krin^- = ON. hringr, ohg. y^/-/^^ r/«:^ G. DU. ;7/2!^: TEUT. base hringa- {hr'enga-') fr. apre-TEUT. V"-^r^«^^ in OSLOV. krqgu 'circle' and kraglii round'. ring vb. ME. ringe OE. hringan =-= ON. hringja 'ring the bells'. rip vb. ME. rippe (ruppe) OE. ryppan = hg. rupfen 'to tear': TEUT. base ruppjan\ cogn. w. GOTH, raupjan, OHG. rouffen G. raufen, oe. rypan r^pan and perh. allied to "SiYiK.sfrup 'break'. ripe adj. ME. OE. ripe 'mature, ripe' = WEST-TEUT. ripi' in OSAX. ripiy DU. rijp, ohg. I'iffi G. reif 'mature, ripe'; derived fr. the TEUT. verbal v^rz/ 'cut' inE. reap and OE. rifter sb. 'sickle'. There- fore ripe orig. meant 'cuttable, fit for reaping'. rise vb. ME. rise OE. risan str. vb. = ON. risa, ohg. rhan str. vb. 'to move up, rise': teut. verbaly^m, whence also rear and raise. risk sb. fr. fr. risque = ital. GERM, risico. rive vb. ME. rive fr. on. rifa 'tear' = ohg. rz/^^« G. reiben, DU. rijven 'grate, rub': teut. verbal \fwrib in odu. mlg. wriven 'rub'. river me. river fr. fr. riviere riviera sea-shore: deriv. from LAT. ripa 'bank'. roach late me. rgche points to a fr. source (cp. swed. rokka, DAN. rocke 'roach'); the synon. ray goes back to fr. raie = LAT. raia 'roach'. road me. rode 'journey, road OE. rdd 'journey, road' = teut. base raido- (on. reid 'riding') fr. the verbal y"m/ in ride. roar vb. me. rgre oe. rdrian vb. = OHG. reren mhg. rhen vb. 'low, bellow': teut. base rairanl or raizan} roast vb. me. rpste fr. ofr. rostir = fr. roiir 'roast'. Source a TEUT. vb. raustjan = ohg. rosten G. rosten 'roast'; cp. ohg. iviHG. rost G. rost 'gridiron, grate'. rob vb. ME. robbe fr. fr. rober. robe sb. me. robe fr. fr. robe. Source a teut. sb. rauba- = OE. r(af 'spoil, clothing', OHG. MHG. roupib) 'booty, spoil*. Cogn. w. reave. robin = fr. Robin the name Robert. rock sb. liiE. rock late oe. rocc (stdnrocc)'. borrowed about looo fr. ONFR. roc (fr. roche) = ital. rocca. Source celt, rokka-} rock'-^ vb. ME. rocke late OE. roccian 'shake, swing, rock'; cogn. w. OHG. ruckan G. riicken, ON. rykkja 'to pull roughly and hastily': TEUT.y rz//^^. rod ident. w. rood. roe^ sb. 'a female deer' me. ro OE. rd earliest form rdha = river, stream'; ident. w. ital. ohg. r^ho: teut. base raihan-- 76 roe — row ident. \v. ohg. reh g. reh^ DU. ree^ on. rd fr. a teut. base raiha-. roe^ sb. 'the spawn of fishes' short for late ME. rgune\ properly OE. ^hrogen =^ on. hrogn^ ohg. rogan g. rogen with the by-form ohg. 7-ogo\ TEUT. base hrogna- (Jirogan-). rogue sb. fr. fr. rogue. roll vb. ME. rolie fr. ofr. roler = FR. roulei". source LAT. roiu- lare. rood ME. rode oe. r<9V/ (obi. r<7^aat, du. zaad (goth. seps in manaseps 'man- kind ) : Teut. base se-di-\ for \f se cp. sow seek vb. me. seke oe. secan (secean) == got. sokjaUy on. sdekja, OHG. siirOhha7i G. siichen, du. zoo ken. TEUT. V^ .y^/^ = ARYAN xT J"% in oiR. sdigim 'I seek' (lat. sagire ?) seethe vb. 'boil' me. jt^'M^ oe. seodan str. vb. :^ on. .y/V?^^?, OHG. siodan G. siedett, du. zieden. In GOTH., we find only the deri- vative j-^j-zz/jT sb. 'sacrifice' (prop. *a burnt- offering), teut. \f seup = ARYAN sfseut, seldom adv. me. scldotn prop. sdde(fi) OE. seldan adv. = on. sjaldan, ohg. .f^7/^/« G. .y^//(?;2, du. ^^/^ire). Derivative servant ME. seivatmt fr. fr. servant and service me. sirvise fr. fr. service (lat. servitiiwi). set vb. ME. .ff//^~ OE. j-^//^;z wk. vb. := GOTH, satjan, on. i-^/>'^7, DU. zetten, osax. settian, ohg. sezzan G. setzen'. teut. satjan causal vb. to j-zV/^^z = sit. — settle vb. ME. setle oe. s'etlian 'to fix': derived fr. oe. s'etl 'a seat'; cp. goth. sitls^ ohg. s'ei^-^al G. sessel. seven num. me. seven oe. seofone , prop, seofon == GOTH. ohg. j-//^?/;/ G. sieben du. zeven. Oldest Teut. form s'ep'am in Lex Salica. Jdent. w. LAT. septem, gr. cnro?, skr. saptan. sever vb. me. severe fr. ofr. sevrer = lat. separare. sew vb. ME. .yr«'^ oe. scowian 82 shackle — shavv stwian\ cp. GOTH, siujan^ on. syja, OHG. siuwan to sew': teut.- ARYAN \fsiw in LAT. suere, skr. svu 'to sew'; cp. sea7Ji. shackle sb. me. sc hackle oe. scedcol 'a bond'; ident. w. on. skgkull '"^oXq of a carriage', teut.. \P skak in shake. shad sb. me. schadde oe. sceadda. Perhaps an orig. teut. skadan- 'herring' is found in Scadin-avia, if it originally meant 'herring's isle'. Cp. yet IR. gael. sgadan 'herring' . shade, shadow me. schdde shad- we oe. sceadu obi. sceadwe: Teut. base skadwa- in du. schaduw, OHG. skato gen. skaiwes, G. schatten, GOTH, skadus] cogn. w. oiR. scdth 'shadow': pre-TEUT. \f skat. shaft sb. ME. schaft oe. sceaft = OSAX. shaft y OHG. scaft G. schaft y ON. skapt'. teut. skafta- prop. a 'shaven' pole; cp. shave and GR. oy.TJnr^ov 'staff, sceptre' — oy.anrov 'staff'. shag 'rough hair' oe. sceacga 'hair'; cogn. w. ON. skegg 'beard'. shake vb'. me. schdke oe. scedcan str. vb. = ON. skaka\ cp. osax. skakdn 'to go away'. shall vb. me. schal (prt. scholde) OE. sceal (prt. sceolde) == goth. skal (skulda), OHG. seal (scolda) g. soil (solte), DU. 2rz/, ON. skal. Cogn. w. LiTH. skelc-ti 'to be liable'. shallop see sloop. shallow ME. schalwe 'not deep' with the byform me. schpld) not found in oe. nor in the other (skal-da-). shambles me. schdmel 'bench' oe. scea?nol 'stool': borrowed fr. LAT. scamellum , whence also OHG. OSAX. scamdl g. schemel. shame vb. me. schdnie oe. scednm = OSAX. skama, ohg. scama G. schavi\ cp. GOTH, sik ska7tian 'to shame' = oe. scedmian. shank vb. me. schanke oe. scean- ca\ cp. G. schenkel 'shank' fr. a lost OHG. ^scenkil. Cogn. w. G. schinken 'ham' OHG. scinko 'shank'^ which is perh. a doublet by the side of OE. sceanca. shape vb. me. schdpe str. vb.; ident. w. oe. scieppan = goth. (ga)skapjan 'to create', ohg. seep- fan 'to create' (o. schajfen) : teut. \fskap. share sb. 'pa.rt'oE.seedj'u; cogn. w. shear. share sb. 'plough-share' me. schdre oe. scedru =^ ohg. seara G. pflugschaai". teut. \fsker 'cut* in shear. sharp adj. me. scharp oe. scearp = ON. skafpr, DU. schetp, osax. skarp, OHG. scaif G. scharf adj. 'sharp'. TEUT. verbal \f sk'erp in OE. sceorpan str. vb. 'to scrape'. shave vb. me. schdve oe. scedfan str. vb. = GOTH, ska ban, ON.- skafiy OHG. scaban G. schaben, du. sc haven 'to shave' : teut. \f skab cogn. w. LAT. scabere 'to shave' and prob. w. gr. aydnzw 'to dig'. Cp. shaft. shaw ME. schawe oe. scedga 'thicket, small wood'; ident. w. shawm — shield 183 ON. skagi 'promontory' and cogn. w. ON. skogr 'wood' and MHG. schache 'piece of wood'. shawm me. schahny borrowed fr. FR. (dial.) chalefnie, whence also G. schalfnei; standard fr. chahimeau fr. a lat. type cala- mella. she ME. sche\ functionally cor- responding to OE. heo (fem. of he), but phonetically to oe. seo* (fem. of the article se := the). sheaf sb. me. schef oe. sccaf'. teut. base skauba- in on. skauf, OHG. scouby DU. schoof. Cogn. w. OHG; scobar G. schober rick' (of corn). All derivatives of the Teut. \f skub in shove with the orig. meaning 'things shoved together'. ^ shear vb. me. schcre oe. sderan str. vb. = OHG. sc'eran du. g. scheren, on. skera : aryan \/"sker in LITH. skir-ti 'separate', cogn. w. \f ker in gr. ^slgsiv 'shear. sheath vb. me. sch^the oe. sdedp obi. scedpe'. fr. a teut. skaipjo- in OSAX. skedia, ohg. sceida G. scheide, du. scheede: grig, meaning 'that which separates'. Cogn. w. shed vb. me. schede oe. sded- dan ■= GOTH, skaidan with the byform osax. skcdan = ohg. sceidan G. scheiden 'to separate': TEUT. y^ skaip skaid, which is compared to GR. 6/iXsiv, skr. chid, LAT. scindere 'to cleave, cut' (ARYAN \fskhid}). See shide. sheen sb. (prop, adj.) me. schene oe. sdene {scyne) adj. 'fair' = osax. ohg. skoni du. schoon G. schon, GOTH, skaims : teut. base skau-ni-, verbal adj. 'to be looked at' fr. \P skaii in show. sheep sb. me. schep oe. sdep (scedp) = osax. skdp, du. schaap, OHG. ^^cz/ G. schaf: Teut. base skepa- (skdpa-). sheet sb. me. schete oe. scete {scyte), umlaut-deriv. of OE. sc^at 'fold of a garment' = goth. skaiUs 'hem of a garment', ohg. scoz^ G. schoss 'bosom, lap'; oe. scyte re- presents a teut. type skautjon-. teut. \fskeut in shoot. shelf me. schelve oe. .r^y^ = MLG. ODU. schelf, ohg. ^<:^/^; cp. ON. HUd'skjalf. shell sb. ME. schelk oe. ^^V// obi.' scelle'. teut. type skaljo- in DU. 5^>^^/, ON. ^-^^/ 'shell' and in GOTH, skalja 'a tile'; cogn. w. OHG. j-r^/^ G. schale 'shell'. shepherd sb. me. schepherd o^. scip-hyrde prop, compound of oe. scip 'sheep' and oe. hyrde e. herd 'one who tends a herd'; cp. GOTH, halrdeis, ohg. hirti G. hirie and see herd. sheriff sb. me. scherefe earlier schir-reve oe. sch'-ierefa \ P*^ part of the OE. compound see under shire', oe. j^erefa e. reeve is derived fr. teut. r^/^^r r^'^^; = OHG. ruoba ruo/a 'number' ? shide sb. me. schide oe. scid = ON. skid, OHG. scit G. j-^y^^/V 'thin b(^ard'; ident. w. oir. sciath 'shield' (aryan base skeito-). Cogn. w. sheath. shield sb. me. scheld oe. sceld (byform scild) : teut. base skeldu- shift — shop in GOTH, skiliius = on. skjgldr, OHG. scilt, DU. G. s child. Perh. cogn. w. LITH. skeliu I split'. shift vb. ME. schifte OE. sciftan 'to divide' = on. sk'ipta^ du. schiften to divide'. shilling sb. me. schilling oe. scilling =^ GOTH, skilliggs, ON. shilling, OHG. oSAX. scilling G. schilling: teut. base ski I ling a- more orig. sk'ellingo-, perh. akin to OHG. .y^^/Zior G. schelle bell'. The common Teut. name of the coin properly meant 'the tinkling money' (for the suffix -ing in names of coins ^o.^ penny and farthing^. shimmer vb. me. schimere oe. sci7norian\ deriv. of oe. scima light' = GOTH, skeima 'light'; cp. G. schimmern aside of OHG. sclmo 'light'. Cp. shi7te for the teut. y/^sM. shin (shinbone) sb. me. schine {schinebgn) OE. scina {scinebdn) = OHG. sci/?a (mhg. schinebeiti) G. schiene (schienbein), du. scheen (scheenbeen). oe. scie shin' shows evidently the more primitive root-form ski: separate OE. OHG. sci-na. shine vb.ME. schine o^. scinansir. vb. = GOTH, skeinan, ON. skina, OHG. OSAX. skinan G. scheine7t, du. schijiien: all equivalent. teut. ski-na-n rests on a \r j-/^^ as shown by oe. scl-ma OHG. sci-?no GOTH. skei-7na light'. shingle sb. me. schingel\ ap- parently identical w. G. sclmidel OHG. scintilla (loanword fr. lat. scinduhy by form o'isca7tdula 'shing- le); but the phonetic anomaly is not yet explained. ship sb. ME. schip oe. scip =. GOTH. ON. OSAX. skip, OHG. SCi/ G. schiff: common Teut. base skip a-. shire sb. me. schire oe. scir (obi. scire) = ohg. skira 'pro- vincia'. shirt sb. me. schirte pointing to an oe. ^scyrte\ deriv. fr. the adj. oe. sceort = sho7't, as shown by G. schurz 'shirt' aside of MHG. schurz 'short', on. skyrta = OE. ^scyrle represents a teut. type skurljon-, but OE. sceo7't a base skorta-. See short. shoal 'crowd' me. schgle oe. sceolii = OSAX. skola 'troop'. shock vb. ME. schocke fr. fr. choquer 'give a shock. shock sb. ME. schocke 'heap of corn'. OE. ^sceocc is lost, but inferred from mhg. schoc 'heap' — schocke 'shock'. Cogn. also w. MLG. hocke 'shock of corn'. shoe sb. ME. schg oe. scegh (pi. sceg-s for "^scghas) : Teut. base skoha- in goth. skohs, on. sko-r, OHG. scuoh g. schuh, du. schoe7t. Perhaps derived fr. a teut. \f^ skehr ske(g)w in goth. skewja7t ON. skcBva 'to go . shoot vb. cp. me. schgte vb. OE. sceotian 'to dart', derived fr. the primitive me. schete OE. sceo- tan = ON. skjota, oSAX. skeotan OHG. scio'y'Lfi7i G. schiessen, du. s chic ten: teut. \f skeut : skui. shop sb. me. schoppc oe. sceoppa shore — shut 85 ^booth, hut'; cognate w. oe. scypen 'shed for cattle', G. schopf schuppen 'shelter'. shore sb. me. s chore', fr. the TEUT. \/^sker 'shear, cut'. short adj. me. schort oe. sceort: base skorta-', cp. ohg. sciirz fr. a base skurtu-'. loanword fr. lat. *ex-curtusy as lat. curtus is pre- served in G. OHG. kurz 'short', DU. kort, ON. kortr (see kirtle for oe. cyrtcl and shirt for G. schiirze). shot sb. ME. schot OE. lesceot 'a missile': deriv. from the teut. \f skeut skut in shoot. shoulder sb. me. schulder oe. sculdor\ cp. DU. schouder , g. schulter (ohg. sniltirra). shout vb. ME. schoute. shove vb. me. schoiwe oe. scilfan =r on. skiifa, du. schuwen : ident. w. goth. skinban^ ohg. sciohan g. schieben'. teut. \^ skub = ARYAN \fskubh\ SKR. \f ksubh \o be agitated' seems to be cognate. — shovel sh. me, schovel oe. sce6fi\ cp. DU. schoffel and ohg. sciifala g. schaufel. show vb. ME. schewe late oe. "^escea^viaii to show'; the corre- sponding OE. sccawian means 'to look, behold and is iden- tical with the equival. ohg. skouii'dn G. schauen du. schouwen: TEUT. \f skau sku (see sheeii) in GOTH, skuggwa 'looking glass'. Cogn. w. the Aryan \/"/i?^ /j^7£' in LAT. cavcre 'to take care', GR. xofTi' 'to beget'. shower sb. me. schour oe. scur = GOTH, shlra 'storm', ohg. sei/r G. sehauer, on. s^dr. ~ . shred sb. short for me. schrede OE. sere ad (obi. sereade) .'shred, piece'; cp. oe. scr^adung 'shred and scr(adian to pare' : teut. yfskraud in OHG. scrotan 'to cut, pare'; perh. cogn. w. shroud. shrew sb., shrewd adj. fr. ME. schrewe sb. 'bad person' — schrewed adj. 'wicked, bad'; the corresp. oe. scr^awa means 'shrew-mouse'. Origin and history of the group unknown. shriek vb. me. schrike (oe. scriciaii)\ cogn. w. shrike sb. oe. scrld 'a bird's name'. Cp. ON. skrlkja 'to titter'. shrine sb. me. schrin oe. scrin\ ident. w. ohg. scrini g. sehrein, DU. schrijn'. loanword fr. lat. sc7'tnium, whence also rrAL. serig- no, FR. ^crin. shrink vb. me. schj-inke oe. {for)scrincan str. vb. *^= odu. schrinken\ cogn. w. swed. skrynka 'a wrinkle': teut. \fskrmk. shroud sb. me. schroud oe. sdriid 'garment' = ON. skrud 'or- nament, dress'. See shred. shudder vb. me. schudere (oe. ^^scudorian) = lg. schuddern (whence G. schaudeni) , DU. schudden 'to tremble'; cp. ohg. scutisbn to shudder. shun vb. me. schiine oe. scunian wk. vb. 'to avoid, abhor'; perh. deriv. fr. a teut. \^ sken 'to flee away' in on. skynda 'to hasten', OHG. scuntan 'to urge on . shut vb. ME. schutte oe. scyttan 86 shy — sin = DU. schutten 'to shut in, to block up': Teut. base skutjan cogn. \v. shuttle sb. me. schitel OE. scytels bar, bolt : Teut. base skutisla-, \f skeut skut in shoot. shy adj. me. schey oe. sceoh (^sceog-) 'timid' = mhg. schiech (g. scheu), DU. schuw: Teut. base skeoha- skeuha- , whence ohg. sciuhan \o frighten' (g. schetieft). sick adj. short for me. sek oe. seoc = GOTH, sinks, ON. sjiikr, OSAX. siok, OHG. sioh G. siech, DU. ziek: teut. seuka- adj. 'ill, sick' by the side of the str. vb. GOTH, siukan 'to be ill', whence the verbal noun goth. sauhts, OHG. suht 'illness'. sicker (Scotch) adj. me. siker OE. sicor ^ OHG. sihhtir G. sicker, OSAX. sikiir, DU. zeker: loanword (Teut. base sikura-^ fr. lat. seciirus, borrowed during the first centuries of the Christian era. sickle sb. me. sikel oe. sicol'. borrowed fr. lat. secula, whence also OHG. sihhila G. sichelT>\j. sikkel. side sb. me. side oe. side. (obi. sidati) = ON. sida, ohg. st/a G. seiie, du. sz/V/ (oldest form sibi^ = ohg. .y?/^ g. sieb, DU. 2^<^ 'a sieve': Teut. base sibi-y connected w. the vb. sift. sift me. sifte oe. .y^/^z// =r du. ziftetiy LG. (g.) sichten 'to sift'. There exists a teut. \f sib in oe. i-Z^/z OHG. sihan G. seihen 'to filter, strain', the guttural of which may have changed to a labial {sif for j-f/^). sigh vb. ME. sighe points to an OE. ^sihhla7i\ cogn. w. the equivalent me. sike oe. sican. The root sik sihh looks like sound-imitation. sight sb. me. sight earlier me. sighthe OE. iesihj>: deriv. of the TEUT. sfseh in see. sign sb. me. signe fr. fr. signe. silk ME. silk OE. siolc fr. an earlier ^siluc) cogn. w. on. silkii source lat. serictim (whence also oiR. siric and oslov. selkU 'silk'). sill sb. ME. silk OE. syll obL sylle : Teut. base si//jo- bc^rrowed fr. LAT. so/ea 'sole of the foot', whence also goth. su/Ja 'sole of a shoe', on. sy/i is an oe. loanword. Cp. so/e. silly adj. me. se7y oe. se'/i^ (scelii) 'happy, fortunate' = ohg. sditg G. selig, DU. zalig 'blessed': secondary extension to goth. sels 'good' = on. scell 'happy' i (cp. oe. scbI sb. 'happiness'). I TEUT. \fsel. silver me. silver oe. siolfor =- j GOTH, siliibr, OSAX. silubar, OHG. silabar G. silbcr, DU. zilver , ON. sil/r\ ident. w. osLOV. sirebra RUSS. serebro, lith. sidabras. Source and history uncertain. sin sb. ME. sinne oe. synn obi. synne : base sunjo- for an earlier su?nljd- in ohg. suniea G. siindey OSAX. stindia, DU. zonde] cp. yet skew 87 ON. synd fr. a base sunidjo- (the dentals are suffixal). Cogn. w. LAT. sons {sont-is) 'guilty'. since with the more original byform (Shakesp.) sithence me. sitheTis prop, sithen oe. stppan\ the additional s of the me. form is of adverbial origin (cp. once^ twice). The orig. oe. form was sip-pan (cp. the identical GOTH. pana-seips 'later') , resting on the OE. adverb sip 'later, which is a comparative to goth. seipiis 'late'. ON. sidan corresponds to OE. sippan\ cp. ohg. sid g. seit = OE. sip 'later'. sinew sb. me. sinewe oe. {siojiu pi.) sioneoive, which results fr. a Teut. base sinewd- or s'enewd-\ cp. ON. silly OHG. s'enawa G. sehne, du. zenuw: cogn. w. skr. s?tdva sinew' or w. gr. Ivic 'sinew'. sing vb. ME. singe oe. singan str. vb. :^ OHG. OS AX. singan G. singen du. zingen ; oldest Teut. form GOTH, siggwan (= on. syngva) : all synonymous, teut. \fs'engw sangw is related to GR. 6f.t(prj 'speech , oracle' : ARYAN V" saighw. The cor- resp. causal is represented by singe ME. senge- oe. sencgean fr. a Teut. ground-form sang(w)jan = OHG. sengan g. sengen 'to singe' prpp. 'to make to sing'. sink vb. i-//Z/^r, whence also on. sira. — ■ sirrah, spelt in 1 6'^ cent, sirrha serrhoy points to orig. »sir, ah« or »sir, ha«. sister sb. me. sister is regarded as a distinctively Scand. loan- word fr. ON. systir. The oe. equivalent sweostor swustor me. I sustcr is not responsible for the j modern phonology. The Teut. ! base is sw'estr- swistr-\ cp. goth. S7vistar, OHG. sw'cster G. schwester, DU. ziister. The / of the com- mon Teut. word is excrescent. Aryan base sw'esr- (nom. sw'esor) in SKR. svasr y lat. soror (for "^'svesor), lith. scsil 'sister'. sit vb. ME. sitte oe. sittan str. vb. = DU. zitten, osaX. sittian, OHG. sizzan G. sitzen: westteui. sittjan fr. teut. sitjan (= ON. sit/a); cp. GOTH, sitan: strong verbal \/^ set sat (whence a causal vb. sat/an under set), aryan \f sed in LAT. sedeOy gr. st,o/Liui (tdog 'seat'), skr. \P sad 'to sit', OSLOV. SCStiy LITH. s'iiSti. Cp. settle and soot. six ME. OE. six fr. a teut. ^,?//^ = GOTH. saihSy OHG. OSAX. sehs G. .y(?^/^i', du. ^fj", on. sex\ ARYAN seks in lat. seXy gr. f^; cp. SKR. sas. sketch sb. = du. schets y g. skizze borrowed fr. ital. schizzo. skew vb. late me. skewe 'to i88 skill sleight slip away'; cp. odu. schouwen vb. 'to shun ? skill sb. ME. skil 'reason' bor- rowed fr. ON. skil 'discernment' {skilja vb. 'to separate'). skin sb. me. skin late oe. skinn borrowed fr. on. skinn, which arises fr. a Teut. base skinpa-, whence derived ohg. scinta?t G. schinden wk. vb. 'to skin', bret. scant 'scale' rests on an aryan sk?nto-. skirmish sb. me. scar7nisshe fr. FR. escarniouch€\ cp. ital. scara- muccia, o. scharmiitzel. The group rests on ohg. scii'man (g. schir- 77ien) . skirt sb. me. skirt fr. on. skyrta 'a shirt; further relations see under kirtle and shirt. skull sb. ME. sculle (scolle). sky sb. ME. skie borrowed fr. ON. sky 'cloud ; not found in OE. (but OSAX. skion^. slack adj. me. slak oe. simc 'languid, slothful' =: on. slakr, OLG. slak, ohg. slahs\dic\L\ Teut. base slaka-. — Hence slake vb. ME. slake oe. sldcian 'slacken'. slaughter sb. me. slaughter', bor- rowed in 11^^ cent. fr. on. sldtr or its oldest form "^slahtr. Der. fr. the TEUT. \f slah in slay. . slave sb. = du. slaaf: loan- word fr. fR. esclave, whence also G. sklave. Source ital. schiavo 'slave' = GR. ' Edy.la(:if]voi 'the Slavonians, Slaves'. slay vb. me. sle (part, slain) OE. slran (part, skej^en) str. vb. = GOTH. OHG. OSAX. sla/ian (g. schlagen) , iy\}. slaan , on. sld\ TEUT. \fslak sloh =r aryan .f/^^; cp. slaughter and sledge. slay sb. (a weaver's reed) oe. slej^e 'percussorium' cogn. with the TEUT. \(" slah = slay vb.; on. sld 'bar, bolt'. sled short for me. sl(de ; bor- rowed fr. on. sledi 'a sledg-e'; corresponding to OHG. slito G. schlitten, du. slede 'sledge'. The group rests on the teut. \^ slid in slide. sledge-hammer me. slegge oe. slecg (obi. slecge) sb. 'sledge- hammer': Teut. base slagjb- deriv. fr. \P slah in slay; cp. ON. sleggja, DU. slegge slei 'mallet'. sleek adj. me. slik borrowed fr. on. slik-r 'sleek, smooth' {^ DU. slijk\. teut. \f slik in ohg. slihhan G. schleichen. sleep vb. ME. slepe (sle'pe) oe. step an (slcepaft) str. vb. == GOTH. slepan (pret. saizlep), OS ax. sldpan, DU. slapen, ohg. sldffan G. schlafen. Cogn. w. G. schlaff ohg. sldf lax, loose, remiss', teut. \^ slap = ARYAN \P slab perh. in lat. lain 'to slide'. sleet sb. ME. sld'^ oe. '^slet Cslyt) not found ; umlaut-relation to MHG. sloi^ (g. schlosse 'hail): 'Teut. base slauti-, w^hence also DU. sloot, fries, slat. sleeve sb. me. sieve oe. slefe (sly/e): Teut. base slaubjd{n-) in odu. sloove 'veil'. sleight sb. mk. sleighte earlier me. slehpe: borrowed fr. ON. sld:gd 'slyness', which is abstract for- slice slow-wor 189 mation to the adj. sly = me. s/e7i ON. slcigr. slice sb. ME. sli^e fr. ofr. esclice 'a shiver, splinter ; source the TEUT. \fslit in slit. slide vb. me. slide oe. slidan str. vb. = MHG. sliten 'to slide'; TEUT. \f slid under sled\ Aryan \p slidh in lith. sltdtis 'slipper' (cp. OE. slidor 'slippery'). slight adj. ME. slight \ oe. '^'sliht not found, but may be inferred fr. the corresp. GOTH.j'/r?////'jr' smooth', OHG. y/i?>^/ 'smooth, flat' {G.schlecht 'bad' — schlicht' %\m^\^^ ,Vi\} . slechty ON, sUttr 'flat, smooth': Teut. base sl'eh-ta- prop, slih-ia- fr. the verbal \P sltk in i'/^'^/^ (on. slikr 'sleek, smooth'). slime sb. me. oe. slhn = ohg. aiHG. slim G. sc/ileim , du. sli/'m, ON. .f//w : Teut. type sli-ma- fr. an ARYAN \i^sli, whence also LAT. li-vius 'mud . sling vb. ME. slinge str. vb. (oe. "^ sling an not recorded) 'to fling' = on. slyngva str. vb. 'to cast, fling'; cp. mhg. slmge sb. 'sling', DU. sUngcren vb. 'to toss' and ohg. slingan 'to swing'. TEUT. \f sl'engw {sl'enhw'^.). slip vb. ME. slippe OE. '^slyppan belongs to the str. vb. oe. slupan \o glide' = DU. sliiipen 'to sneak'; cp. goth. sliupan str. vb. *to slip' and ohg. slupfan G. schlupfen 'to slip': Teut. verbal \fslap, perh. related to lat. liibricus 'slippery'. slit vb. ME. slitte deriv. fr. me. slite OE. slitan str. vb. 'to slit'; cp. ON. sliia, OSAX. slitan str. vb. 'to slit", DU. slijten, OHG. sli-^yin G. schleisscn : teut. sfslit 'to tear'. sloe sb. ME. slg OE. sld (infl. sld-ri), prob. contracted fr. oe. "^sldhe (infl. ^sldlian) =^ ohg. sle/ia G. schlehe\ cp. du. slee, swed. slchi^ dan. slaaefi 'sloe' and OE.^/<:?/^-/^/v/ 'black-thorn'. Doubt- ful whether lith. sljruas 'plum' and OSLOV. russ. sliva 'plum' are cognate. sloop sb. fr. DU. sloep'. source FR. chaloupe , whence also e. shallop = G. schaluppe. slot sb. 'bar, bolt' late me. slot = DU. LG. slot^ OHG. sloi, G. schloss] derived fr. the teut. \f slid 'shut' in DU. sluiten, lg. slUten, OHG. slioyifin G. schliessen (cp. G. schliissel ohg. slu-^i^il = OSAX. slutil 'key'), teut. yfslut rests on an aryan -y^ .y/^//^^, cogn. w. LAT. dander e 'shut'. sloth sb. me. slputhe with abstr. suffix fr. the adj. slow, cp. the umlaut-relation oe. slckwp me. sleuthe. slough sb. 'mire' iME. slough oe. slph 'mire'. slo^v adj. me. slmv oe. .yAizi:/ =r OSAX. OHG. sleo 'blunt', du. sleeuw 'sour', on. sljor 'blunt': Teut. base slaiwa-, perh. cogn. w. LAT. laevus 'left', GR. Xatog. slow-worm sb. prop. me. slp- worm slg - 7vur/?i oe. sld - wyrvi 'blindworm'; ident. w. swed. sld (ormsld), norweg. slo (or^nslo) 'blindworm'. Not compounded with si 07V oe. sldiv, but resting 90 sluice — smelt on a TEUT. slaiha- 'blind worm'; cp. LiTH. slekasy PRUSS. slayx 'rainworm'. sluice sb. = Du. sluisy g. schleuse'. source ofr. escluse (fr. hluse) fr. a low Lat. type ex- cliisa 'a floodgate'. _ slumber vb. me. slo??iere fre- quentative of ME. slouwe vb. 'slumber', derived fr. the sb. OE. slii-via 'slumber'; cp. du. sluiwen sluimeren, lg. slimier en (g. schlu7nme7'ii) vb. 'slumber'. OE. slu-ma sb. 'slumber' rests on an ARYAN \r^//^ in goth. slawan to cease, be silent". sly adj. ME. sit (sly) prop, sli^i slei (Orrm sleh under sleight^ : borrowed fr. on. slckgr adj. sly, cunning'; ident. w. the non-um- lauted DU. sluw lg. slu (g. schlau), SWED. DAN. slug. As Seen by G. verschlage7t 'sly', the adj. rests on the teut. y" slah in slayl smack 1 sb. 'taste' me. sviak OE. smcBC sb. = DU. smaak\ ohg. {gi)smah\ cp. tlie vb. oe. smceccan 'to taste' = ODU. smaken ofries. smakia] cp. ohg. stnacken sinecken G. schmecken to taste', west- TEUT. \fsniak S7?iakk. smack'-^ (Shakesp.) sb. 'a loud kiss' cp. G. schmatzen fr. mhg. smatzen prop, stnackefzen , lg. smacken 'to smack the lips'. smack^ sb. (a fishing-boat) fr. ODU. MLG. sviacke (du. smacli), whence also the equivalent G. schmacke, fr. semaque, ital. semac- CQy SPAN, zumaca. Source and history of the group unknown. It is doubtful whether late oe. snacc ON. snekkja (kind of ship) is cognate. small adj. me. s?Tial (infl. smale), OE. JT?//^/ (infl. smald): Teut. adj. S7riala- in goth. STtials^ OHG. OSAX. S77ial G. sclmial. ON. S77iali = OHG. striala-Ttbi^ — snialaz^ vihu 'sheep' points to gr. /nijXov 'sheep' and oir. 77iil 'beast ; cp. also oslov. 77ialu. smallage sb. prop. S77iall ache', me. ache is fr. ache pars- ley'. Source lat. apiu77i 'pars- ley'. smalt sb. fr. du. S77ialt =: g. schmaltCj PR. S77ialt'. source ital. S77ialto, which is of Teut. origin (cp. MHG. smelzen- G. schmelzen). smart vb. me. sTTzerte oe. S7ne0r- taTi : a Teut. strong vb. = ohg. S7n'erza7i 'to smart'; cp. du. sTnart sb. = ohg. smh'zo G. schrierz sb. pain': teut. \f s/Tiert pre- teut. S77ie7'd cogn. w. lat. vi07'dere 'to bite', GR. Gf-teo^aXsoc. sm^ear vb. me. S77ic're vb. fr. the sb. OE. svieoro = on. smjg7- 'butter', ohg. osk'k. s77i'ero: aryan \l" sfn'er also in goth. S77iair-p7' 'fatness' and in lith. S77iarsas 'fat' and oiR. S77iir 'marrow'. smell sb. me. smel cogn. w. s77ioulder vb. me. s7noldcre vb. 'to burn with a stifling smoke'; cp. the sb. ME. smoldc7' 'a stifling smoke' and the vb. du. S77ieulen 'to smoulder' r= lg. smd^lcTi. smelt vb. not found in oe. ME. (see 77ieli)\ borrowed fr. smelt — sneeze 91 SWED. smdlta = dan. smeltCy du. LG. S7nelten , ohg. sm'elzdn G. schmelzen 'melt ; cp. ital. S7nalto = FR. ^mai/ 'enamel'. The teut. sPsnielt is probably connected W". sfm'elt under 7nelt. smelt sb. (a kind of fish) iME. OE. S7nelt\ ident. w. dan. du. smelt', cp. NORW. s me ltd (name of various kinds of small fish). smile vb, me. S7nile (oe. '^S7)iy- la7t})\ cogn. w. the non-umlauted MHG. S77iielc7i S77iiere7i 'to smile' and the frequentative e. S77iirk OE. S77iea7'cia7i 'smile'. smirch vb. 'to besmear' deri- vative of S77iea7\ smirk see under S77iile. smite vb. uk. S7nite oe. S77uta7i str. vb. = GOTH. S7/ieita7i, du. S77iijte7i, LG. s7/nte7i., ohg. S77it'i^2^a7t G. sch77teisse7i 'to cast': teut. \/^S7nlt 'strike, beat, smear. smith vb. me. S77iith oe. S77np = on. S7ftidr, DU. S7nid, ohg. smid G. sch77tied\ cp. goth. aiza- S7mpa 'coppersmith'; cogn. w. ohg. S77tidagis77iidii^VLG. geschmeide, DU. ges7nijde. The dental is for- mative. There is an aryan yf S77n in GR. oiLU-Xrj o/nivvi^. — S7riithy sb. seems to be the scand. S7nidja {= oe. S77iippe, OHG. S7nitthd). smock sb. me. s77iok oe. s7nocc 'smock, frock, shirt' = on. S7nokkr\ cp. OHG. smocko 'shirt': deriv. fr. the TEUT. y^ S77iug in oe. S77iuga7t, on. STnJuga/ \o creep through a hole'^ijHG. STTiiegm G. sch7tiiege7i. aryan \f S77iuk in OSLOV. S77iykati s§ 'to creep', LITH. S77iukti "to glide'. smoke sb. me. S77ipke oe. S77idca sb. 'smoke'; cogn. w. oe. sinic 'smoke' (base smauki-) and the str. vb. OE. s77teocan 'to smoke'; cp. DU. S7noken (base '^S7nuko7i) and S7nook sb. (base '^S77iauki') : TEUT. V" S77mk, perh. cogn. w. LITH. smaukii 'to choke'. smooth adj. me. smothe late OE. S7}igd with the umlauted by- form OE. S77tede\ mlg. swode re- presents an OSAX. '^S7/wihi fr. a Teut. base S7nanpi', smother sb. me. s7norther (^p7'a- being an abstract suffix) ; oe. S77ioria7i to choke, suffocate ^=- DU. LG. S77wren g. sch77tore7t 'to stew'. — smoulder vb. me. S7nolde7'e vb. rest on me. S77iolder, which is ident. w. me. S7northcr. snail sb. me. snail oe. sna.y.\ Teut. base STiagla- ; cp. mho. STiegel, ON. sTiigill 'snail'; cogn. w. OHG. sfi'ecko G. sch7tecke (lg. snigge)y me. STiegge. snake sb. me. STidke oe. sndca\ cp. the. equiv. on. sndkr sndk7', LG. S7idke. Teut. \f snak in ohg. S7tahha7i 'to creep'. snare sb. me. S7idre borrowed fr. ON. snara 'a snare, halter; ident. w. ohg. snar(a)ha oe. sriearh 'noose, snare' fr. a Teut. base snarhb77-\ cp. the str. vb. ohg. S7t'er{a)ha7i mho. sn'ei'hen 'to bind tightly'. Probably cogn. w. ohg. sTiuoi' G. schnu7' 'a lace, cord' (goth. snorjo). sneeze vb. me. sTtese (oe. s7teo- 192 snipe — sole^ scui)] ident. w. neese ME. nese = ON. hnjosa and w. oe. fneosan. snipe sb. me. snipe\ ident. w. ON. myri-snipa 'a moor-snipe' and cogn. w. the equiv. ohg. sn'epfa G. schnepfe DU. snep snip (ital. sgneppa is of Taut, origin). snite see under snot. snore vb. me. snore vb. with the frequentative snort me. snorte) cogn. w. G. schnarchen, du. snorken snurken 'to snore, snort. snot vb. me. snot oe. ^esnot 'mucus of the nose' = du. snot] cogn. w. snout sb. me. snoute = ODU. sniite du. snuzt and w. snite vb. me. snite oe. snytan = ON. snyta 'to wipe the nose'. Cp. G. schnautzCy schndutzen. snow sb. ME. snow oe. sndw = GOTH, snaiws, ON. s?icEr snjor^ DU. sneeuw, ohg. sneo G. schnee: Teut. base snaiwa-^ derived fr. the ARYAN \f snigh in ohg. sniwan G. schneien, oe. sniivan \o snow' , = LAT. ningere y lith. snigti^ AVEST. sniz 'to snow'; cp. gr. vi{p-a 'snow' and lat. nix niv-em, IR. snechta — cymr. nyf 'snow'. LITH. sn'r.gas and oslov. snegit, 'snow' correspond completely to TEUT. snaiwa- fr. snaigwa-. SO adv. ME. sg prop, stvg oe. swd = GOTH, swa, ON. svd (ohg. so DU. zoo). Cp. the derivative such and mhg. sus (g. sonst), DU. SZ/J". soap sb. ME. sppe oe. j-4^^r- sani) ; cp. ON. spar a, ohg. spar on G. sparen 'to spare'. Outside of TEUT., osLOV. .T/^?r?^ 'thrifty' and OR. dna^i'oq rare, lacking' are cognate. spark sb. me. sparke oe. spear ca: Teut. base sparkon- in DU. spark, LG. sparke; cogn. w. lat. j;|zJ(^r- sparrow sb. me. sparwe oe. spearwa =^ goth. sparwa : Teut. base sparwan-', cp. ohg. i^^r^ (g. Sperling). speak vb. me. jt///^^ oe. sp'ecan str. vb. =^ OHG. sp'ehhan with the byforms oe. spr'ecan = ohg. sprehhan G. sprechen, DU. spreken, spear spit^ 195 OSAX. spr'ekan\ west-teut. strong verbal V" sprek: spek, perhaps connected w. on. spraka 'to crackle' and lith. spragHi 'to crackle'. See speech. spear sb. me. sp(re oe. spere] ident. w. on. spjpr, ohg. sper G. DU. speer and cogn. w. lat. spar us 'a dart'. speck vb. ME. specke oe. specca 'a spot, mark'; cp. DU. spikkel. speech sb. me. speche oe. (rare) spec (spcec^ with the common byform oe. sprcec: Westteut. base spdki- sprdki-', derived fr. \fspek sprek in speak. speed sb. me. oe. sped pro- perly oe. speed fr. a Teut. base spo-di' in osAX. spod 'success', DU. sfoed 'speed' , ohg. spuot 'siict:ess' (whence G. sputen 'to make haste') : verbal abstract to the str. vb. oe. sppwan 'to suc- ceed = OHG. spuon to succeed', which are cognate w. oslov. spejati 'to succeed', skr. sphdy 'to increase': Aryan \f^ sphe spho. spell sb. me. oe. spel (infl. spell-) 'story, saying' (see also gospel) = GOTH, spill 'tale, myth', ON. spjall 'a saying , ohg. spel 'a narrative' (du. spellen vb.) : Teut. base spella-y assimilated for sqedlo", pre-TEUT. sq-etlo- r— | oiR. sc^l, CYMR. chwedl 'a story'. | Derived from the Aryan \(^seq : 'to say, tell' (cp. say)\ aryan | suffix -etlo- as in gr. ^^trAo//. | spell vb. ME. spelle 'syllabi- care' (Orrm spelldrenn 'syllabi- care'); not found in this mean- i ing in 0£. Cognate w. ofr. espeler =-- fr. ipeler 'to spell'. spelt sb. OE. spelt r^ du. spelt, OHG. sp'elta spelza'. loanword fr. late LAT. spelta (==r it. spelta, fr. ipeautre). spend vb. me. spende oe. "^spendan (in the sb. spendiijg and in the covci^owwA'&d-^for-spendari) : loan- word fr. LAT. dispenderevh.^i^^Ti^ , whence also o. spenden ohg. spentan. spew vb. me. spewe oe. spiwan = ohg. OSAX. sphvan o. speiett, GOTH, speiwan str. vb. (on. spyja, DU. spiiwe?i) : strong verbal \f spm as in LAT. spuere, lith. spiauti 'to spew'; cp. the cognate yf pj^^ 'm. or. TTTVfiv, OSLOV. p/utz? spice sb. ME. spife fr. ofr. espice (fr.) =^ lat. species. spider sb. me. spither in Kent, for spinder oe. "^ spinner e\ derived fr. spin. spike sb. me. spik 'an ear of corn' fr. lat. spica. spill vb. ME. spille late oe. spillan fr. ON. spilla] ident. w. OE. spildan, OHG. spildan 'to spill': Teut. base spiipjan. spin vb. ME. spinne oe. spinnan str. vb. =n^ GOTH. OHG. spinna7t, G. DU. spinnen , on. spinna: all equivalent. The str. vb. teut. spinnan rests on a y^ spc7i in spindle me. oe. spinel —- ohg. spini/a. spirit see sprite. spit ^ sb. ME. spite oe. spitu 'roasting spit' = ohg. spiT,, DU. spit (riAL. spito, fr. ^pois repre- 13* 196 ^pll^' spur sent a teut. spitus) ; derived fr. the TEUT. adj. spitu- in ohg. spitzi G. spitz. spit- vb. ME. spitteo^. iespyUan\ ident. w. on. spytta with the by- form spyta^ LG. spyteuy g. speutzen ; see spout. spite sb. ME. j^// for despit; see despite. spleen sb. fr. lat. (or.) splen. split vb. Scandin. loanword; cp. DAN. splitte] cogn. w. du. splijten = MHG. sptt^en G. spleisseti (whence g. splitter). Spoil vb. ME. spvile fr. fr. spo- lier (lat. spoliare). spoke sb. ME. spoke oe. spdca = OSAX. Spika DU. j^^^z^, OHG. speihha G. speiche. All equivalent; Teut. base spaikon-. sponge sb. me. sponge fr. ofr. esponge (fr. iponge) ; source lat. spongia, whence also osax. spu?tsia DU. J;j2>ritan \o be- come extendi d'. spring str. vb. me. springe OE. springan = OSAX. ohg. springan^ ON. springa (ital. springare is a TEUT. loanword): teut. \(^ spr'eng sprangy perhaps related to gr. Gn^gX^aifai 'to make haste'. Sprite sb. me. sprite fr. fr. esprit \ ident. w. spirit. Source LAT. spiritus. sprout vb. me. sproute (oe. ^^sprutari) = DU. spruiten, LG. spruteny ofries. spruta 'to sprout'; cp. G. spriessen'. teut. \f"sprut spreut. spur sb. ME. spiLre oe. spura (spora); ident. w. OHG. sporo (g. sporn), DU. spoor, on. 5/^n (ital. spro7ie FR. iperon are of teut. origin) : Teut. base spuron- sporofi-. \fsp9r in OHG. osax. oe. spur- nan 'to kick against' under spurn and in G. spur DU. i^(?^r oe. spor *a foot-track'. spurge — stammer 97 spurge sb. short for me. spourge : loanword fr. ofr. espurge (source LAT. cxpurgare). Spurn vb. me. spume oe. spur- nan str. vb. 'to kick against' = OHG. OSAX. spurnan 'to kick against': ARYAN yf sp9r in LAT. spei'-nere 'to despise', lith. splrti 'to kick against', GR. GTictiQ^iVi SKR. sphur. Cp. spur. spy vb. ME. sple fr. ofr. e spier, which is of Teut. origin: OHG. spehon G. spdhen , odu. spien (ARYAN \fsp'ek in LAT. conspicio, speculum, skr. \f^spaf). square sb. me. square fr. ofr. esguarre 'a square'. squire sb. me. squire = es- quire. squirrel sb. me. squiril ioisciirU fr. OFR. escurel (= fr. icureuit) ; source a lat. type scurellus {scuriolus) for LAT. sciurus 'a squirrel'. stable ^ sb. me. stable fr. ofr. estable (= fr. stable)', source LAT. stabulum 'abode, stable'. stable^ adj. me. stable fr. ofr. estable ~— lat. siabilis 'stable'. staff sb. me. staf (pi. staves) OE. stcef (pi. std/as) = on. sta/r, DU. staf, OHG. G. stab; cp. OHG. staben \o be stiff' and the adj. EASTFRIES. staf 'stiff', also lith. stebas 'staff — stdbas stobras] skr. \Pstabh 'be stiff. stag sb. ]VIE. stagge late oe. stag g a 'a stag'. stage sb. me. j*/^^-? fr. ofr. estage — - fr. /Az^d" (lat. type staticuni). stain sb. me. .y/^z;?^ fr. ofr. desteindre = lat. dis-tingere, stair sb. me. ^/cz> properly stfier OE. stealer = odu. olg. steger DU. steiger 'stair': west- TEUT. ground-form staigir, deriv- ed fr. the Teut. verbal \^ stig in OE. stigan, OHG. stigan G. steigen, DU. stijgen 'to climb'; cogn. w. GR. nTtiytiv 'to march' , SKR. j/z^/z 'ascend' (cp. lat. ve-stigium 'a foot-track'). stake sb. jme. stake oe. j'/«ifrtr =^ ODU. ^/^>^^ DU. .f/f2^>^, SWED. stake] cp. OFRIES. 5Az/^ 'stiff, G. stachel 'a prick, goad'. stalk ^ sb. ME. stalke, 'a dimin. form with suffixed k of me. .y/^/?; cp. OE. stela, ON. stil-kr 'a stalk', OHG. G. .?///, also GR. (xrfAfoV 'a handle'. stalk 2 vb. ME. stalke', /^ is a frequentative suffix; cp. OE. styl- lan 'to leap' (oe. "^stealcian). stall sb. ME. stal oe. s tea II fr. a Teut. base stalla- in on. stallr, OHG. .iTA?/ G. j/^?//, DU. .y/rt-/ 'stall, stable' (iTAL. stallo 'place' — stalla 'stable are of Teut. origin). ARYAN base stadhlo- in lat. stabulum 'stable'. stallion sb. me. stalloun fr. OFR. estalon (fr. italori) = ital. Stallone', of Teut. origin (teut. stalla- 'stable' under stall). stammer vb. me. staviere deriv. fr. OE. stdmor adj. 'stammering'; cp. DU. stameren-stamelen, OHG. sta7Juilon ; \f sta?n in ON. sta7nr 'stammering' — stama vb. 'to stammer', OHG. stainen 'stammer'; igS stamp — state cp. also GOTH, stmnnis 'stam- mering'. Cogn. W. OSAX. OHG. stU7n G. stunim 'dumb'. stamp vb. me. stampe (e. "^stam- pian) = DU. stampen^ OViG.stampfdn G. stamp/en (iTAL. stampare fr. Hamper are of teut. origin) : TEUT. \f stamp cogn. w. or. aisf-i- (jSiv 'to stamp*. stanch, staunch\\). me. staunche vb. fr. OFR. estancher. stand vb. me. stande oe. standan (prt. oe. me. stgd) = goth. osax. standan^ on. standa, ohg. stantan 'to stand': a strong vb., common to the Teut. languages; teut. \P stap stad\ the nasal of the verb is orig. characteristic of the present tense). standard sb. me. standard (— DU. standaard^ fr. ofr. estandart = FR. itandard (ital. stendardo fr. LAT. extender e spread out'). stang sb. me. stange loanword fr. ON. stgng gen. stangar\ ident. w. ohg. stang a G. stange^ DU. stang and the umlauted oe. steng 'pole, stake ; source the vb. Oe. stingan 'to stab, pierce' ; see sting. stanyell sb. (Shakesp.) oe. stdn- lella properly 'rock-yeller' ; cp. yelL staple sb. me. stdpel oe. stdpol 'a prop' = DU. LG. stapel, ofries. stapul block'. star sb. me. sterre oe. steorra -- ohg. osax. sterro, odu. mlg. sterre'. Teut. base sterron-\ ident. v/. GOTH, stairno, on. stjarna (hence me. sterne) , ohg. st'erno (g. stern ohg. stern). Cogn. w. i SKR. star, GR. nanJQf LAT. stella (for '^sterulaT). All equivalent. starboard sb. me. sterbgrd short for oe. steorbord] cp. on. stjorbordi 'starboard' and oe. steor under steer'^. starch sb. me. '^sterche oe. stereo (=r G. stcirke) : umlaut-derivative with palatalisation of stark. stare vb. me. stare oe. stdrian = on. star a, ohg. star en 'to stare'; derived fr. an adj. star a- in skr. j-M/rrti'fast, hard', GR. trrfofoc; hard': ARYAN \r sta 'to stand' ia ohg. stdn sten G. stehen, du. staan, lat. stare, gr. lordvia, skr. stM. stark adj. me. stark oe. stearc = OSAX. mhg. G. stark; cp. ON. (with umlaut) sterkr and goth. gastaiirknan 'to become dry': ARYAN sfstrg in LiTH. strigti 'to become stiff'. starling sb. me. Stirling short for oe. sterling : dimin. formation of OE. stcBr 'a starling' =: ohg. star a G. staar *a starling'; cogn. w. OE. st^'arn =i lat. sturnus. Start vb. ME. sterte (oe. "^ steor tan str. vb.) ; cp. odu. du. storten, OHG. sturzen G. sturzen: teut. \r stert stiirt. Starve vb. me. sterve oe. steor fan str. vb. 'die(ofhunger') = DU. sterven, osax. sterban, ohg, sterban G. sterben str. vb. 'to die'; cp. ON. starfi 'stiffness', EAST-FRIES. bestarfen 'be stiff'. The original meaning of the teut. \fsterb was probably 'be stiff. state sb. me. estdt fr. ofr. estat FR. itat = lat. status. stay" step 199 Stay * vb. me. state fr. ofr. e stayer \ FR. stayer. stay'*^ sb. oe. sti^i: Teut. base staga-, whence fr. ^tay; cp. du. LG. stag. Stead sb. me. stede oe. stede fr. a Teut. base j-/^'^/- = goth. sta^s 'a stead, place', oho. stai (o. ^-/^z^// 'town), ON. stadr 'a place': ab- stract formation of the aryan \f^ sta 'to stand' (see stare)] cp. .LAT. statio, SKR. sthiti'^L standing'. steak sb. me. stcike (late oe. staecan vb. to roast') : borrowed fr. ON. steik 'a steak' — steikja 'to roast'. steal vb. ME. stele oe. stelan str. vb. = GOTH, stilafi , ON. stela, OSAX. OHG. j/^/^;2 G. stehlen du. stelen: teut. y^j'/fc'/, perhaps ident. w. GR. GTSpfod^ai — OTf()i(Jy.aiv 'bereave'. steam sb. me. stem oe. j-//<'7w fr. a Teut. base stau-wa- (du. stooni, eastfries. sto?n): \f^ stau, not found elsewhere. steed sb. me. stede oe. steda 'a stallion : umlaut-derivative of oe. stgd = E. stud. steel sb. me. ^/(?7^ oe. stele {style) : umlaut- formation by the side of the equival. ohg. stahal g. stahl, DU. staal^ ON. i-/*?/: Teut. base stahla- and (for OE. style^ stahlja-; ident. w. opruss. stakla- 'steel'. steep adj. me. st^p oe. steap adj.; ident. w. oe. st(ap -- on. staup 'beaker' under stoup. — Umlaut- deriv. steeple me. stepel oe. stepel stypcl (fr. a Teut. base staiipila-', cp. on. stgpull 'a steeple'). steer ' sb. me. ster oe. steor =■ GOTH. Stilir, ON. Stjorr, OHG. OSAX. stior G. DU. siier 'a bull' ; ident. w. ON. pjorr (dan. /yr) : aryan base (s)teuro (oslov. turii 'steer'). But GR. ravQoq corresponds to oir. tarb (aryan base tar wo -y not cogn. w. steer). steer 2 vb. me. stere oe. steor an w. the umlauted byform styran =: OHG. stiuran G. steuern, du. sturen.] cp. ON. styri 'a rudder'; for a non-umlauted root-form see under starboard, teut. \f steiir also in goth. stiurjan\o confirm'. stem sb. ME. stem oe. st'emn stefn a stem of a tree': ablaut-relation to ON. stafn, OSAX. staff in = OHG. stafn G. stafHfn du. stafn: teut. ground -forms stemna- staffina-, cogn. w. IR. tamofi 'stem', \P sta 'to stand' under stare. stench sb. me. stench oe. stejic fr. a tuet. base stank{w)i-; see stink. step vb. OE. stappan steppafi str. vb. ; cp. DU. stappen^ ohg. stapfbn 'to step' and oe. i'/<^d' i'/*^^/? *a step, pace'; probably related to OSLOv. stopa foot-track'? The root seems to be nasalized in stafn p. step in stepfather stepmother etc. ME. step-fader^ -moder short for o^. steop feeder, -mgdor ; ident. w. ON. stjfipfadir, -modir -- ohg. stiof-fater, -muoter g. st'ief rater, stieffnutter \ Teut. base steupa-, whence OHG. bist.ufen oe. dstypafi vb. 'bereave, deprive (of pa- rents)'. 200 stool Stern ^ adj. me. sterne oe. styrne\ Teut. base stirni- prop, sternu-, cogn. w. LAT. strenuus. stern 2 sb. me. sterne. fr. on. stjorn 'a steering'; see starboard and steer vb. stew vb. ME. stiiwe vb. fr. the sb. OFR. estuve = G. j-/?^^^; see stove. steward sb. me. stiward (since the 1 2^'' cent.) ; cogn. w. oe. i"//(5)- wita 'house -holder. The first element is ident. w. sty. stick sb. ME. sticke oe. sticca -—- OHG. steeko G. stecken : Teut. base stikkon-, derived fr. the verbal \f stik in OHG. stehhan g. stechen. stiff adj. short for ME. OE. stif 'stiff' = ON. stifrf DU. .f/?;/, G. stei/', cogn. w. lith. stipti 'to be- come stiff and lat. stipes 'a pole'. stile sb. ME. stile contracted from OE. stigolm^. stiyle = ohg. stigila *a stile'; derived fr. the teut. \r stfg under stair. still adj. ME. OE. stille = ohg. OSAX. Stilii G. stilly DU. Stil, OFKIES. stille: deriv. fr. the teut. \/^ j'/ properly sti-rgp OE. stii-rdp; ident. w. ohg. stega-reif G. stegreif{p\3. steegreep), ON. stig-reip. Second element of the compound is teut. raipa- = roapi for the i^' element (Teut. stiga- sT stig^ see stair. Stitch sb. me. sticche oe. slice early stici'. Teut. base stiki- 'a pricking' by the side of oe. stician 'to prick'; cf. OHG. stehhan G. stechen (ohg. stih G. stich sb. 'pricking') > OSAX. stekan , du. steken. aryan y^stig in gr. arly/na — aviCoj; cf. SKR. y/^tij 'be sharp'. stith sb. ME. stith borrowed fr. on. stedi 'an anvil'. stock sb. ME. stock oe. stocc 'trunk, log, pillory' == du. stol^, ohg. g. stock, ON. stokkr: Teut. base stokka- for stiikka-; teut. \f stuk in du. lg. stoken, me. stoke 'to stab'; cogn. w. skr. ////'push'. stone sb. ME. stgn oe. stdn = GOTH, stains, on. steinn, OHG. G. .f/(?m, OSAX. .f/^-'^ DU. .y/^: borrowed fr. ON. stgup 'beaker, cup' = stoop 'a gallon': the sb. (teut. staupa- 'beaker') rests on the adj. staupa- =^ steep. stout adj. me. stout ix. ofr. estout; ident. w. du. stout, ohg. g. stolz 'proud': source lat. stultus 'foolish'. Stove sb. OE. stofa 'a bath' = OHG. stuba 'a bathing-room' (g. stuhe 'a room'), du. stoof\ ident. w. FR. ituve and osLOV. istuba 'a room'. Source and history uncertain. Cp. stew. stow vb. me. stowe oe. stpwian 'to restrain'; derived fr. OE. stow 'a place' = lith. stova 'place'. straight adj. me. str eight oe. {d)streht\ part, of oe. streccean =^ stretch. strain vb. me. streine fr. ofr. estraindre = LAT. stringere and straitWY.. streit fr. ofr. estreit (fr. itroii) = LAT. strictus. strand sb. me. oe. strand 'shore' = ON. strgnd (gen. strandar) 'margin, edge', du. lg. G. strand 'shore' (fr. strain of Teut. origin). strange adj. me. straunge fr. ofr. estrange (fr. itrange^ : source i.AT. extra?ieus. strangle vb. me. strangle vb. fr. OFR. estr angler = lat. strangulare. strap Sb. me. oe. strop (pp): loanword fr. LAT. struppus 'thong, fillet', whence also du. lg. strop and FR. itrope. straw sb. me. straw oe. streaw (with the byforms me. str^ oe. stre'a) : Teut. base strawa- = on. strdy DU. str 00, ohg. stro G. str oh; cp. the vb. strew oe. strewan, strej^ati = GOTH. straujany OHG. strouwen G. streuen, du. strooien 'to strew', teut. \fstrau derived fr. the ARYAN \fster in gr. orngsv i'Vfii OT(j(ovvv/Lu and lat. sterno (stravi — stratum) , oslov. streti 'to spread out'; cp. esp. lat. stramen 'straw'. straw-berry sb. me. straw-berie oe. streaw- berie; not cogn. w. straw. Probably connected w. lat. fragum 'straw-berry : ARYAN base sraghwo- = Teut. base strawa-; the 2"^^ elementin straw- berry might be explanatory. 202 stray study Stray vb. me. straie fr. ofr. j cstraier ; derived fr. lat. strata {=z street), streak sb. me, strike oe. strica 'a line'; cp. goth. siriks 'a stroke with the pen' and strike. stream sb. me. strem oe. str^'am -= OHG. stroum (o. stroni)^ DU. strooni, ON. straiimr : Teut. base strau-nia-, derived fr. the aryan \f sru to flow' = SKR. \l^ srii 'to flow'; cp. GR. QkSii'y oiR. srut/i river' — sruaim 'stream' (lat. flmnen instead oi'^frwfien: aryan srou-mcn-). Street me. strete oe. stret street infl. strcete (whence on. strceti is borrowed) = osax. strata, DU. straat, OHG. strdzza G. strasse: WEST-TEUT. strata fr. lat. strata (so. via) prop, 'a paved way', whence ital. strada = fr. ^tr^e (OTK. srdt/i) 'a street'. strength sb. me. strengthe oe. siraigdu (goth. ^straggipa) derived fr. strong. Stress sb. force' short for me. distresse fr. ofr. destresse. stretch vb. me. streccheo'E. strec- eea// (Tpart. stre/it under straight)-^ ident. w. ohg. strecchen G. strecken, DU. strekken'. teut. type strakkjan\ cp. OHG. stracken 'be straight and the adj. du. lg. strak 'straight' (g. stracks 'immediately'). strew see under straw, stride vb. me. stride oe. stridan vb. —^ mlg. striden 'to stride' : \fstl'id. j strife sb. me. strif fr. ofr. | estrif, which rests on a Teut. sb. = OSAX. strid, OHG. strtt G. streit. Strike vb. me. strike oe. strican str. vb. 'to rub, wipe' = ofries. strikaf DU. strijken, OHG. strihhan G. streichen] teut. y^i'/r/^, ARYAN \fstrig in lat. stngilis, OSLO v. strigq — stristi 'to shear'. Cp. stroke. string sb. me. oe. streng fr. a TEUT. base strangi- in on. strengr, DU. streng y OHG. G. stra?ig; cogn. w. the adj. strong, strive vb. ivie. stri7'e fr. ofr. estriver vb. (ofr. estrif under strife). stroke sb. me. strgk and stroke vb. oe. strdcian fr. \P strlk under strike. strong adj. ivie. oe. strong fr. TEUT. base strangu- in ohg. Strang strengi G. DU. streng (g. sic/i anstrengen vb.) ; cogn. w. LAT. stringer e 'to draw tight, compress'. stub sb. me. stubbe with the umlauted byform OE. stybb 'a stub'; cp. LG. stubbe, du. stobbe, ON. stubbi and GR. orvnog 'a stub, stump'. ARYAN \^ stup, nasalized in stump. Stubble sb. me. stoble stuble fr. OFR. estouble ; ident. w. OHG. stupfala DU. G. stoppel'. source vulgar LAT. stiip{i)la instead of LAT. stipula 'stubble'. stud sb. short for me. oe. stod 'a stud' (cp. the umlaut-deriva- tion steed) = ON. stod, ohg. stuot, Cp. osLov. Russ. stado, LITH. stodas 'a herd of horses'. study vb. me. studie prop, st/idic stuff suniinon 205 vb. fr. OFR. estudier (fr. Hudier) = LAT. siudere. stuff sb. fr. OFR. estoffe = FR. ^^q/fe (whence also G. sfo^, DU. s/of). stump sb. ME. s^ump s/omp; ident. w. du. stomps ohg. g. siumpf; probably connected w. stub'. KKSLM^ yf stumb: stu(m)py also in ON. stufr stufi a stump'. stun vb. ME. stufie stone OE. stUnian 'to resound' ; cp. the umlauted on. stymja 'to groan', G. stoncn, DU. steiien'. aky an \/^stPn sten in gr. avtveiv, oslov. stenjq, SKR. sta/z 'to groan, resound'. Sturgeon me. stourgeoun fr. fr. esturgeon; source a teut. base sturjon- in ohg. stufio (g. ^/Mr, DU. steur) = OE. styria 'a stur- geon'. Doubtful whether cogn. w. stir. Stutter vb. fr. me. stotc stute vb. ; cp. G. stottem 'to stammer'. All derivations of \'^ staut in GOTH. stautan, ON. stauta 'to beat, strike' — - OHG. sto-^yin G. stossen. aryan \^{s)tud in LAT. tundere \o beat', SKR. \f tud 'to strike'. sty^ sb. ("sty for swine') me. stie OE. stii infl. sti^e 'a pig-sty'; ident. w. ohg. stia 'a pig-sty', ON. sti {svin-stl)y SWED. {svin)stia 'a sty'. sty2 sb. ('sty in the eye') cp. OE. stziend; equivalent w. lg. stige, NORW. stig. subdue vb. me. subdue properly sudiie fr. OFR. souduir ~~ lat. subdiicere. subtle adj. me. sotel sutel sutil fr. OFR. sotil (fr. subtil) = lat. subtilis. succeed vb. me. sucgede fr. fr. succeder = lat. succedere. succour vb. me. sucoure socoure fr. OFR. soccorre =- lat. succurrere. such pron. me. such earlier swuch S7vich OE. swylc swilc: Teut. base swuUk in OSAX. sulik^ ohg. sulih (g. solcH) ; as shown by GOTH. S7valeiks , the i^' element of the compound rests on i-^- = OE. szad. suck vb. short for me. souke OE. silcan str. vb. with the byform OE. OHG. sugan G. sangen; cogn. w. LAT. sugere'. aryan sT^ag stik. sudden adj. me. sodein prop. sodain fr. FR. soudain (lat. type *sul>itanus for subitaneus 'sudden'), suffer vb. me. suffre soffre fr. FR. souffrir (lat. suffer re). sugar sb. me. silgre slier e fr. FR. Sucre, whence also odu. suker DU. suiker\ cp. G. zucker fr. ital. zucchero. sum sb. ME. sunmie somme fr. FR. somme. summer sb. me. sumer soi?ier OE. sHrnor fr. a Teut. base sumaru- in OSAX. OHG. sumar g. somfner, DU. somer, on. sumar. Cogn. w. AVEST. hamy oiR. sam, cymr. haf7i haf, ar:men. amarn : all equivalent. Cp. also SKR. samd 'year'. summit sb. fr. fr. sommet (rests on LAT. summus). summon vb. me. somone fr. OFR. so mooter (lat. submonere 'to remind privately'). 204 sun — sweat sun sb. ME. sunne Sonne OE, sunne infl. sunnan ^^ goth. siinno, OHG. OSAX. sunna G. so?tne, du. zon'. TEUT. base simnon-. supper sb. me. soper super fr. FR. souper. Cp. dinner, sure adj. me. silr properly seilr fr. OFR. sur seiir FR. sur {= lat. securusy whence also sicker\ surgeon sb. me. sur gen [surgein) fr. OFR. cirurgien (lat. type chi- rurqianus). — Hence surgery me. surgerie : LAT. chirurgia. swaddle vb. me. swathele oe. sivcedeiian vb. : derived fr. OE. swcedel bandage'; ident. w. the umlauted ohg. swedil 'bandage'; see swathe. swain sb. me. sivimi^xoy^. swein: borrowed in the 1 1 ^^ cent. fr. on. sveinn; ident. w. OE. swan 'man, warrior', OHG. swein 'servant'. swallow sb. (the bird) me. swalowe OE. swealwe = ohg.. swalawa G. schwalbe; ident. w. osAX. swala, on. svala 'a swallow': Teut. base swalwdn-\ if for ^swalgwon-y cogn. w. GR. aXy.xnm''^ swallow vb. WE.. ,swel{o)we ear- lier swelgen oe. swelgan str. vb. ^=. OSAX. OHG. swelgan (swelhan) G. schwelgen, du. zwelgen (on. svelgja) : Teut. verbal y^ sw'elh swelgy ARYAN \fswelk. swamp sb. cogn. w. ohg. g. sumpfy DAN. swed. sump 'a swamp'. swan sb. me. oe. swan fr. a TEUT. swana- =-- on. s%)anr\ cp. ohg. swana g. schivan du. zwaan. Cogn. w. LAT. sonar e (properly *S2>onare)y SKR. \fsvan 'to sound'. sward sb. me. swarde oe. swear d infl. swearde 'the skin of bacon" = ODU. zwaerde, mhg. swarte G. schwarte 'skin of bacon', on. svgrdr 'skin'. The modern E. meaning 'green turf is due to Northern influence; cp. on. jardar-svgrdr 'earth-sward', gras- svgrdr 'grass-sward (and mlg. grtrnswarde, dan. grensvcer^. swarm sb. me. swarm oe. swear ?n ---; on. svarmr , ohg. sivarm G. schwarfn (du. Z7iierm) : all equivalent. Cp. the skr. \f svar 'to sound? swart adj. me. swart oe. sweart = GOTH. swartSf on. svartr, DU. zwart, OHG. swarz g. schwarz] Cogn. w. LAT. sordes (properly '^svordes^ 'dirt': aryan \p sword. swath sb. me. swath oe. swcEp 'footprint, track' (with the by- form oe. swadu track'); cp. MLG. sivat — swade, G. schwaden, DU. zwaad 'a row of mown grass': Teut. base swapa. swathe vb. me. swathe oe. swd- dian\ cp. swaddle. swats (Scotch) 'beer' (dE.swata\ derived fr. \f swot under sweet. swear vb. me. sw(re oe. sweriaft (prt. ME. oe. swm-) str. vb. = OHG. OSAX. swerian G. schworen, DU. zweren, ON. sverja str. vb. ; cp. GOTH, swaran. The original meaning of the teut. \f swar was probably 'to declare, as shown by the derivative answer. sweat vb. short for me. sw(te OE. swcetan) derived fr. OE. siadt ME. swpte (e. sivcat sb. influenced sweep — swoop 205 by the vb. sweai) = DU. Z7vcet, ON. sveiti^ OHG. sweiiy G. schweiss'. TEUT. \f^swait (swit in G. schwitzen OHG. S7vizzai,) = ARYAN \f SWOid swid in SKR. s^svid to sweat', GR. i^Qwq 'sweat' — iiiUiv to sweat', LAT. siidor (orig. "^svoidos) 'sweat', LETT, swidrs 'sweat'. s^veep vb. me. swipe oe. swdpan 3^ p. sg. pres. t. swcepd to sweep' : TEUT. \f swaip under swoop. sweet adj. me. oe. swete adj. with the non-umlauted adverb OE. swote (me. S€te adj. adv.) ; ident. w. on. scetr (orig. "^svceti'), OSAX.S7£/0fi, -DV.ZOety OB.G.s(7V)U07^p G. silss: Teut. base swoti-^ orig. swotu- ^(c^, GOTH, suts 'sweet), ARYAN base swddu in skr. svadti, GR. advq Tjdvc, LAT. si/dms (orig. *suddu-is). Cp. S7iiats. swell vb. ME. swelle oe. sw'ellan str. vb. = OS AX. OHG. sw'ellan G. schwellen, du. zwellen, on. svella str. vb. :'teut. verbal ^"^ swell (also in goth. ufswallems sb.). swerve vb. me. siverve oe. sweorfan str. vb. to scrub, file'; ident. w. OSAX. swerfan, DU. zwerven , GOTH, swairban , on. sv'erfa : teut. y" swerb , aryan \l^ swerbh in russ. sverbeti^ OSLOV. svi'iibeti 'to itch'. swift adj. me. oe. j-7£////' (oe. swift}); p. participle of oe. swifan 'to move quickly' = on. ^z///i7, formed by suffix /<:^ (see old, cold, loud). Cogn. w. du. zweven, ohg. sw'ebbi G. schweben. s\vill vb. me. .fwz/^ OE. swtllan (3^ p. sg. pres. t. swiled). swim vb. ME. swmime oe. swi?7i- man str. vb. = osax. OHG. swi7nman str. vb. G. schwinwien'y ident. w. on. symja (for orig. ^^swumjati) 'to swim': teut, \^ swem {sum under sund). swine sb. me. oe. S7(jin =~. OSAX. OHG. sic'tn G. schwein du. zwijn, on. svin, goth. swein\ Teut. base swina-, properly su- -ina-, derived fr. ARYAN su 'a pig' in oe. osax. ohg. su 'a sow' =:^ LA.T. su-s, GR. i-g ov-g. The suffix -ma- in TEUT. S7mna- is diminutive , as shown under chicken, maiden. See also sow, swing vb. ME. swinge oe. swin- gan str. vb. — - OSAX. OHG. swin- gan G. sckivingcn, — swinge me.' swenge oe. swencgean \o beat, shake' causal of swing \ teut. \p sweng sivang {swangw in goth. afswaggwjan ?) swink vb. me. swinke oe. swin- can str. vb. Ident. w. swing} sw^oon vb. ME. swgune earlier swpgnie?t', derived fr. the p. parti- ciple OE. leswpgen 'in a swoon' — dswogen 'choked'; allied to GOTH, gaswogjan swogatjan 'to sigh', OE. swogan 'to sough, sigh : ARYAN sfswbgh swdgfi in lith. svagcti 'to sound'. swoop vb. ME. swgpe oe. swdpan (identical w. sweep). sword sb. isn^. swerd o^. sweord (swurd) —-- OSAX. OFRIES. sw'erd, DU. zwaard, on. sverd, OHO. sw'ert G. schwert: aryan base swerdho- (in LAT. sorbus 'service-tree'?). 2ob table tarry table sb. ME. idMe fr. FR. ^a/?/e -= LAT. tabula (whence OE. tcefel ^chess-board' =— ohg. zabal 'board') ; cp. also G. DU. ta/el. tackle sb. me. takei\ ident. w. MLG. takel 'equipment' (g. swed. take I, DAN. takkel), tadpole short for toad-poll. tail sb. ME. tail oe. tceiel ^^ OHG. zagal 'a tail", ON. tagl 'a tail', GOTH, tagl 'hair'. tailor sb. me. tailloiw fr. ofr. tailleor - — fr. tailleiir. take vb. ME. take late oe. (ii^*^ cent.) tdcan borrowed fr. ON. taka str. vb. taking the place of OE. niman (under }ii7nble^\ cp. cast :— ON. kasta supplanting oe. weoi'pan (under warp). Ident. w. GOTH, tekan str. vb. 'to touch': teut. \f tek tak\ pre-TEUT. xT/^ dag} tale sb. ME. tale oe. talu =r^ DU. taal language", ohg. ' zdla G. zahl\ cp. ON. tal 'a tale'. Cp. the TEUT. verb taljan in oe. tellan me. telle e. tell — ohg. zellan (cp. GOTH, talzjati). Hence derived talk vb. me. talke vb. (oe. '^talcian "^taleciari)] k is suffixed as in hark. tall adj. ME. tal\ probably oe. let^l 'swift, prompt' with thtj by- form geatol{lic) 'swift'. Ident. w. OHG. gizal'. Teut. base ga-tala-. tallow IVIE. talugh earlier ^talh = MLG. talch (g. talg^ du. tallz)^ ON. tolgr. Cogn. w. goth. tul- gus 'fast'? tame adj. me. tdtne oe. ta^n (infl. tamo) =:= on. tamr, DU. tarn, OHG. zam G. zahm'. Teut. base ta7fia- (hence derived goth. ta7?ijan 'to tame' ^^^ ON. temja, OHG. zcmmen). aryan \p dotn in LAT. domare 'to tame', gr. da[,idv, SKR. damdy 'to tame'. tan vb. me. tanne oe. tannian vb.; cogn. w. fr. tan 'oak-bark' (lat. tannare in the 8 ^ cent. r-= FR. tannery cp. du. /cz^/z'bark'). Hence e. tawny r= fr. tanni. tang sb. (sea-weed) fr. dan. tang = ON. pang (ppngull). tap sb. me. tappe oe. ttjsppa 'a tap' =: OHG. zap/o G. zap/en, DU. /^. — The suffix -teen (in thirteen etc.) me. -//^^ oe. -tene -tyne is the inflected form of the numeral ten. — The suffix -ty (in twenty etc.) represents the sb. GOTH, tigus 'decade' (in saihs tig jus = on. sextigir) ; cp. oe. pritil sixtil = OHG. driiug s'ehzug G. dreissig sechzig. For the g in GOTH, tigus cp. or. c)^xat,- 'decade'. tender adj. me. tendre fr. fr. tendre\ source lat. tener. tense sb. fr. ofr. tens (=r= fr. temps) = LAT. tempiis. tent sb. ME. tente (=r du. tent) fr. OFR. tente =rr vulgar lat. tenta\ cp. lat. tentorium. term sb. me. /^'rw^ fr. fr. terme\ source lat. terminus. terror sb. fr. fr. terreur = LAT. teiror{em). test sb. meant properly in al- chemy 'a vessel for testing gold' and rests on me. test{e) = lat. testa, whence also fr. tete ofr. teste Viead' with the borrowed E. testy. tether sb. short for me. teder\ doubtful, whether genuine Eng- lish or of Scand. origin. Cp. ON. tjodr = OHG. ziotar a tether" : Teut. base teudra-. tetter sb. me. oe. teter fr. a Teut. base tetru- ■= aryan dedru-. Cp. OHG. zitaroh 'tetter' and SKR. dadru 'a kind of lep- rosy', LITH. dedervine 'tetter'. than conj. me. thanne oe. panne — OHG. MHG. damie\ derived ft. the article the. thane sb. me. thein (the modern spelling a instead of ai — as in rain — is of Scotch origin) OE. p'e-yen'. Teut. base p'egna- in ON. p'egn, oSAX. thegan, ohg. th'egan 'a thane, warrior' (in the Bavarian dialect 'a male child'). Ident. w. GR. TtY.vov 'child' ; ARYAN \ftek in GRi t/ktw (aorist 6-rfx-o»'). thank vb. me. thanke oe. pan- cian poncian wk. vb. = ohg. dankon G. du. danken, oi2;r, OHG. ^f« G. deiuy DU. ^///>/; teut. pina- formed by suffix "ina- (cp. SKR. tdvakma 'thine') fr. teut. pu ■=-- thou. 14 2IO thing — thousand thing sb. ME. thing oe. ping ^-= ON. J>ing, OHG. G. DU. {/ing: Teut. base pinga- pmga-\ pro- bably ident. w. GOTH. /^/Af 'time' = LAT. tempus (for ^fenquusl). think vb. me. thenke {thenchen) OE. pencean {3'' s^. prs. t. pencp^ = GOTH, pdgkjany ON. pekkjii, OSAX. thenkian, oho. deikan g. denkcn. Cp. goth. pugkjan ^=- OSAX. thimkian, ohg. dunkan G. diinkeny OE. pyncean *to seem\ ARYAN \r/^(7/. Cp. goth. papro 'thence', on. padra 'there'. thole sb. ME. thol oe. pol (11): Teut. base polla- in on. pollr^ DU. doly G. rudderdolle, Aryan base t9lno- (= skr. ///;/^^/{W^ 'thousand'. Teut. thrall — throng 21 base fus-hund- ^ compound of hund r=r hundred^iih. an ARYAN ills 'great, much' (cp. skr. imn 'much', iavas 'might'). lith. tiikstantis ^^ OSLO v. tysqsta 'thou- sand' correspond to the Teut. word. thrall sb. me. thral (pi. ihralles) late OE. prcell {prdl) prop. prcklL fr. ON. prMl 'a thrall' (Teut. base prahila-) ; cogn. w. ohg. drigil *a slave' and w. goth. pragjan *to run' = OR. rgiyuv 'to run'. thrash, thresh vb. me. thresshe OE. perscan str. vb. = goth. priskan, ohg. dr'eskan G. dreschen (du. dorschen), ON. preskja. teut. \(^ presk (iTAL. trescare is of Teut. origin); cp. lith. traszkHi 'to rattle, clap'? thrave sb. me. thrdve thre've: a Scand. loanword; cp. ON. pre/l, DAN. trave 'a number of sheaves'. thread sb. me. thrc'd oe. prdd ■= ON. prdd7'^ OHG. drcit G. draht^ DU. draad. The dental is suffix. Derivative of \p^ prd (pre) in OE. prdwan = throw. threat sb. short for me. pr(t OE. prcat] cogn. w. oe. prutian pr(atian wk. vb. 'to threaten'; cogn. w. OE. prcaian wk. vb. 'to threaten' = OHG. drewen dromven (g. drohen). three num. me. thre oe. preo (f. n. — pri m.); ident. w. goth. preis, ON. prir, DU. driCy ohg. dri G. ^r^2 : aryan base tri- in SKR. tri (nom. tray as), gr. rptTg, LAT. /;r.f, OIR. /r/, OSLOV. RUSS. trif LITH. /r^i". — The ordinal third me. thridde oe. pridda corresponds to GOTH, pridja, on. pridi, DU. derde, ohg. ^/r///^ G. dritte\ cp. SKR. trtiya, lat. teriiuSy oSLOV. tretiju — thy*- teen me. threttene short for oe. preotene (pryttyne). thirty me. thritty OE. pritti"^ priti-^ = ohg. drizuc G. dreissig (see under /, DU. onder, OHG. ///z/^r G. unter. Two different prepositions are blended in this form: lat. inter, SKR. antar and lat. infra skr. adhds. up prep. adv. me. ?^ oe. z^)!!>/; ident. w. OHG. uf G. auf, osax. ^/; cp. the ablaut-relation goth. iup. Cogn. w. OE. ufan 'from above' = ohg. ohana osax. obana 'from above'. See above and urchin . — very and over, upon me. upon OE. upp-on; cp. ON. upp a., urchin sb. me. irchoun fr. ofr. iregon (fr. herisson) ; source a vulgar LAX. ericio{n€7n) = lat. ericius 'hedge-hog' (the genuine E. word was OE. i}^el = ohg. igil G. igel, cogn. w. or. ^/Tvoc). us pron. me. us (ous) oe. us for TEUT. tms- in G. ohg. goth. tins, OSAX. us, DU. ons. Cp. our and 7i>e. use sb. me. use fr. fr. ?/5 =■ LAT. tisus. usquebaugh sb. fr. ir. m'sge beaiha 'water of Hfe'; ident. w. whisky. utmost short for ME. outemeste OE. (w. umlaut) ytemest; ident. w. outmost. utter vb. ME. uttre outre derived fr. ME. oute vb. 'to put out' oe. iltian 'to put out'. Source out. vain adj. me. vaifi fr. fr. vain — - LAT. vdnus. vale sb. me. vdl fr. fr. vale and valley me. valeie fr. fr. valUe. Source LAT. vallis. valiant adj. me. valiaunt fr. FR. vailiant. valley see vale. van ident. w. fan. vane sb. (a wether-cock) me. (Kent.) vane — (else) fane oe. fdna =. ohg. fano {gund-fano) G. fahne, du. vaan, goth. fana: Teut. base fanan-, cogn. w. LAT. p annus 'cloth'. vanish vb. me. vanisshe fr. OFR. vanir (vaniss-)) source lat. eva7tescere. vanquish vb. me. venquisshe fr. OFR. veinquir (veinquiss-) ■=-- FR. vainer e\ source lat. vin- cere. vat sb. ME. (Kent.) vat — (else) fat OE. feet = OSAX. on. fat, OHG. fai G. fass, DU. vat: Teut. base fata-. Cogn. w. lhh. pudas 'a pot' and ohg. fay^on g. fassen 'to contain'. vaunt vb. short for ME. avaunte vb. fr. OFR. avanter (fr. vanter^ =-■- late LAT. vanitare. veal sb. me. v{l fr. ofr. v'eel (fr. veau)\ source lat. vitellus 'a little calf. veil sb. ME. veile fr. onfr. veik = LAT. velum. vein sb. me. veine fr. fr. veine -- LAT. vena. venison sb. me. vencisoun fr. OFR. veneison = LAT. venatio(nem). venom sb. me. vemm fr. ofr. venim = LAT. venenum. verse sb. me. vers fr. fr. vers; OE. ME. fers is loanword fr. LAT. versus with the medieval pro- nunciation of LAT. v as /. very adj. me. verrei verrai fr. OFR. verai (fr. vrat) ; source wade 219 a LAT. type verdcus for lat. I verdc-C7ri. vessel sb. me. i^essel fr. ofr. vcissel (fr. vaisseau) = lat. vascellmn {v as cuius — vas). vetch sb. ME. vecche fr. ofr. veche (fr. vesce) = lat. vicia, whence also OHG. wicka g. wicke du. zez/^^. vex vb. ME, vexe fr. fr. vexer = LAT. vexare. vial (phial) sb. me. zw/^ fr. fr. yf^/^ (ofr. viole). vice sb. me. e^^^';?25 mouldy'). vintage sb. transformed fr. me. vindiige, which rests on fr. veii~ dange = lat. vindemja (whence OHG. wintimma 'vintage'). viol sb. fr. fr. viole = ital. SPAN. viola\ source a late lat. vitula, whence also fiddle. virgin sb. me. virgine fr. ofr. virgine. virtue sb. me. vertii fr. fr. vertu. visage sb. me. visdge fr. fr. visage. — vision sb. me. visioun fr. fr. vision. vixen sb. (z^ instead of/" due to Kentish influence) oe. ^fyxen : Teut. base fuhsinjo- {o,. filch siii) y derived fr. teut. fuhs- fohs- under fox (^-injo- being fern, suffix as in G. got tin, grdfn etc.). voice sb. me. vois fr. ofr. vols (fr. voix) = lat. 7^0X. voutch vb. me. vouche fr. ofr. voucher (= LAT. vocare). vow sb. ME. vou fr. OFR. vou (fr. voeii) -= LAT. votuni. voyage sb. fr. fr. voyage', cp. ME. vidge vedge fr. ofr. veiage. Source lat. viaticutn. w wade vb. me. wade oe. wddan (prt. wpd) str. vb. := ON. vada, DU. waden, OHG. watan str. vb. (g. waten wk. vb.) : teut. yfwady 220 wafer wnnd ARYAN y" wddh in lat. vddere 'to go'. wafer sb. me. wdfre fr. ofr. watifre = fr. gaufre\ ident. w. DU. wafel^ G. waffel (oSAX. *wafld). The group prop, meant 'honey comb' as in fr. and is derived fr. a Teut. word (ohg. wabo G. wabe'^ sfw'eb in weave), wag vb. ME. wagge (oe. *wag- giaii) derived fr. sfweg (in oe. wagian 'to move, wag'); see wage sb. ME. wage fr. ofr. wage (fr. gage)', source a vul- gar LAT. wadium for lat. vadium (influenced by a teut. -goth. wadi 'a pledge' under wed). ^^sggon sb. fr. uu. wagen\ ident. w. wain. wail vb. ME. z£w/(? z£^(?//all borrowed fr. LG.). Source lat. vallum 'a rampart'. wall-eyed adj. fr. oe. wealden- iie — - ON. vald-eygdr 'wall-eyed'? wallow vb. ME. walwe OE. weal- wian 'to wallow'; cp. goth. zval- wison 'to wallow' and walwjan 'to roll'. Cogn. w. lat. volvere (gr. siXvstv) 'to roll', aryan \rwelw wolw. walnut sb. me. walnote walnute OE. wealh-hnutu = on. valhiiot, DU. walnoot G. walnuss (not found in OHG.). The former element (teut. walha-) see under Welsh {walnut prop, meant 'French nut'; cp. lat. nux Gallica = FR. gauge). walrus sb. = du. walrus wal- rosy G. walross, dan. hvalros] cp. ON. hrosshvalr (whence oe. hors- Mvce.t)'. lit. 'a horse-whale'. See whale. wan adj. me. wan{nn) oe. wan?i {ivonn). wand sb. me. wand fr. on. wander — was 221 vgnd (gen. vandm-) = goth. wandus 'a rod'. Cogn. w. lith. wantal or w. wind vb. ? wander vb. me. wandre oe. 7vandrian\ cp. MHG. G. wandern wandcln (oHG. wantalon) 'to wander'. Cogn. w. wend vb. wane vb. me. wane oe. wdnian = OHG. wanbn^ on. z^^/z^ *to wane, diminish' : derived fr. teut. wafta- 'lacking' in oe. wan, on. vanr, oHG. wan, GOTH, wans 'lacking' (cp. du. wanhoop 'de- spair' and G. wahnwitz 'want of wits'). Cogn. w. SKR. una 'wan- ting'. — want sb. me. want fr. ON. vant neutr. of vani' lacking, deficient'. — wanton me. wan- ioun prop. 7va7ttgwen for '^wan- togen : oe. togen is participle of teon (see team) 'to educate'. war sb. me. (since 12*^ cent.) werre = du. werre fr. ofr. werre (fr. guerre)\ source ohg. weir a 'vexation' (ohg. osax. w'erran str. vb. 'to bring into confusion or disorder'). ward sb. me, wai:d oe. weard Vatchman, guardian r::^ OSAX. ward, ohg. g. wart (on. vgrdr for ^wardus) : aryan \pwor see under wary, — warden sb. ME. ivardcin fr. ofr. wardein (gardein) ident. w. guardian', see guard, — wardrobe me. wardergbe fr. ofr. warderobe (fr. garderohe) . ware sb. me. ware oe. wdru 'merchandise' = du. waar g. I ware, ON. vara. \ warlock sb.- for me. warlgwe \ oe. wcerioga 'traitor' (= OSAX. wdrlogo) : compound of oe. wdr 'faith, agreement' and -loga 'a liar' (oe. leogan under lie '). warm adj. me. warm oe. wearm = OSAX. ohg. g. du. warm, on. varmr (cp. goth. war?njan 'to make warm') : Teut. base warma- for ARYAN base ghw'ermo- in gr. di^ounc (f/:s^f.wg) = lat. formus 'warm'. warn vb. me. warne oh. wear- nian war{e)nian = ohg. warnon \ G. warnen 'to warn'. "warp sb. me. warp oe. wearp derived fr. oe. weorpan me. werpe str. vb. 'to throw' r^r goth. wairpan , OSAX. whpan , du. werpcn, ohg. w'erfan g. werfen str. vb. 'to throw'. ARYAN \fwergw in SKR. vrj\o remove', OSLOV. Z'resti {vruga) 'to throw'. warrant sb. me. waraunt fr. OFR. war ant (fr. gar ant), wart sb. me. werte: umlauted by form of oe. wearte = on. varta, ODU. warte, ohg. warza G. warze. Perhaps cogn. w. oe. wearr 'callosity, wart' and lat. verruca 'wart'. wary adj. extension of me. war OE. wcer 'cautious, aware' = goth. wars, osax. war 'cau- tious' (ohg. giwar g. gewahr) : ARYAN \/" K'fi'r also in gr. o^ulv 'to observe'. was (I, he) — were (we) me. was-were p'E.. wces-weron (wcer on): forms of the preterite of oe. wesan ^^--. du. wezen, ohg. wesan, goth. wisan (g. wesen sb. 'a 222 wash being'). Aryan \fwes in skr. vas \o stay in a place'. wash vb. ME. wasshe oe. wascan = ON. vaska, OHG. wascan G. waschen. Aryan sfwask in ir. faiscim^ w. gwasgu 'I press'. wasp sb. ME. waspe oe. 7£'<«^j' fr. a Teut. base wafsa- in ohg. wafsa] cogn. w. lat. vespa, lith. z/^/j^ 'breeze', OSLOV. 7^^j^ 'wasp'. ARYAN \fwebh in weave\ wasp orig. weaver'. waste adj. me. 7£/^j/ fr. ofr. wast (cp. FR. ^^/(?r 'to make waste'). Source lat. vastus, influenced by teut. 7ziosti 'waste' (oe. 7C'este, ohg. wuosti G. tviist fr. an ARYAN wdstu- in oir. fas, LAT. vastus 'waste'). watch vb. me. ivacche oe. *7vced- can (in the pres. partic. wceccende) = oe. 7mcia?t under 7vake. water sb. me. 7vdter oe. wceter = OSAX. watar, du. 7vater, ohg. waT^T.ar G. 7vasser: west-teut. base watera-', ident. w. goth. 7vatd, ON. vatii. Cogn. w. wet and outside of teut., w. gr. \b(DQy SKR. udan, OSLO v. russ. voda 'water'. ARYAN \f7Vod\ ud. wattle sb. me. 7vatel oe. watol hurdle, tile'. wave sb. derived fr. the wk. vb. wave me. 7vdve oe. 7vdfian 'wave, fluctuate'; cp. on. vdfa 'to vibrate to and fro'. wax sb. me. 7vaxe oe. weaxan str. vb. = OHG. OSAX. wahsan G. wachsen^ du. was sen', cp. goth. 7vahsjan. Aryan \fweks uks in SKR. uks 'grow up, get strong*, GR. dhS^Hv wax. Cp. ox. wax sb. me. wax oe. 7veax = ON. z'^jc, OHG. wahs G. wachs, DU. 7£/^i"i". Cogn. W. LITH. 7l)dSZ' kas, osLov. RUSS. vosku. way sb. me. way wey 7vei oe. wei = OSAX. OHG. Z£/<^ G. DU. 7£ieg, ON. z'/?^/', GOTH. 7mg-s 'wav' : Teut. base wega- (allied to lat. via 'way'), derived fr. the teut. \f7veg in OE. wegan 'to carry' = OHG. 7v'egan to move', goth. gawigan] ident. w. lat. vehere 'to carry', GR. &/6/J', SKR. vah 'to carry': Aryan \f7v'egh also in wain. we pron. ME. OE. ?£// ^-= GOTH. weis, OHG. G. wir , oSAX. z^/z; ident. w. skr. vay-am 'we' : aryan ground-form wei fr. a stem 7ve- in ON. z^<2rr 'our'. ^veak adj. me. f^ 'garment', GK.ftj-d^fjJ^ clothing*, &FVI/LII 'I clothe', SKR. pas 'to clothe'. weary adj. me. 7e>cTy oe. ff//;7j (7i>drii) = OS AX. worig 'tired', ohg. wuorag 'intoxicated': teut. sl^worl or woz'i weasand sb. me. wesend oe. wcBsend uml anted byform of OE. wdsend 'throat, gullet' = ofries. wdseiide 'windpipe', ohg. weisunt 'veins'. weasel sb. me. whel oe. w'esule = ohg. wisula G. wiesely du. wezel jveasel'. Perhaps cogn. w. lat. visio 'bad smell', whence ofr. voison 'foumart'. weather sb. me. wcder oe. wider ^r=L OSAX. w'edar, du. weder, ohg. w'etar G. wetter^ on. vedr: Teut. base 7v'edra-, aryan base wedhro- in OSLOV. vedru clear' (weather) . — vedro 'clear weather'. weave sb. me. weve oe. w'efan str. vb. = ON. vefa, du. weven, ohg. w'eban g. weben. aryan y" w'ebh iibh (see 7vasp, wafer and weevil) also in gr. ixjrj-vcpog a. web' — v(faivHv 'weave'. — web me. oe. web (bb) fr. teut. wabja- in OHG. weppiy du. 7£/^^, on. vefr a web'. wed vb. prop, 'to engage' me. wedde oe. weddian = goth. ^<7- wadjon 'to pledge', on. z^^^"^. Derived fr. the sb. oe. wedd = goth. wadi, ohg. ivetti 'a pledge' and cogn. w. lat. vas — vadis 'a pledge'. Further relations see under gage and wage. — wed- lock me. wedlflk OE. wedldc (oe. lac gift, offering). wedge sb. me. ivegge oe. 7aecg =r ohg. ze/.^<:-^/ (g. 7veck)y du. z£/^^, on. veggr: Teut. base 7vagja-; cogn. w. LiTH. 7vagis, lett. imidsis 'a wedge. wedlock see ived, Wednesday me. 7vednes-day um- lauted byform of oe. Wodnes-dce^ = LG. wodnesdach, du. 7voensdag\ prop, 'day of Woden': translation of LAT. Mercurii dies. The Teut. god Woden (ohg. Wuota?t, ON. Odimi) is identified w. Mercurius. weed 1 sb. (plantname) me. wed OE. 7£/^W -— OSAX. wiod 'weed'. weed 2 sb. 'garment' me. 7vede OE. 7ved ivckd (infl. -e) = ON. vdd, OSAX. wad, OHG. wdt 'clothing, garment': Teut. base 7ve-di- fr. an ARYAN \f 7v^ to weave' in SKR. vd 'to weave'. week sb. me. 7cieke 7vike oe. 7m cu = OSAX. 7vika, ON. ?^//^^, OHG. 7v'chha wohha G. 7voche 'week'; cp. GOTH. 7mkd 'order, succession'. 224 Derived fr. \^ wtk in oe. wican 'to give way' see under weak. ween vb. me. wene oe. wemin (prop, wcenan) 'to hope, expect' = GOTH. wenj(m, on. vdna, ohg. wan{n)an G. wdhnen: derived fr. oe. wen (ween) sb. hope' = OHG. wan G. wahn, on. vein, goth. wens: Teut. base weni-. weep vb. prop, a str. vb. me. wepe (prt. ivep) oe. wepan wcepan (prt. weop) = GOTH, wopjan \vk. vb., OSAX. wopian, OHG. wuoffati MHG. wuefc7i 'lament', on. cepa (orig. ^vcepd) \o cry', teut. \r 7vdp. weevil sb. me. wevel wivel oe. wifel = osAX. wihil, OHG. ze//'^^//, on. yfill: derived fr. the teut. yfw'eb in weave\ cp. lith. wa- balas 'weevil'. — From the same root also weft me oe. weft = ON. v'eptr. weilght sb. me. weight fr. on. V(Ett orig. ^vcBht\ cp. oe. wiht 'weight' fr. OE. wegan (see way). ^veird sb. 'fate' cp. me. wirde oe. wyi'd 'fate' ^= on. urd^ osAX. ze/2/r/^ 'fate'. Derived fr. teut. werpan --=- oe. wear dan, osAX. werdan, ohg. werdati g. werden, ON. verda, goth. wairpan 'to be- come'. ARYAN Y^w^r/ in LAT. f^^;- /^r^ to turn', SKR. vft 'to turn'. welkin sb. me. welkne welken; umlauted by form of me. wolkne oe. woken 'cloud' = osax. ohg. wolkan, OSAX. wulka, ohg. inolka G. wolke 'cloud'. Perhaps cogn. w. osT.ov. vlugukii 'humid' — vlaga 'humidity', LITH. vilgyti 'to moisten', aryan \^w9lg. well adv. ME. OE. we I = Dtr. we/, OSAX. we/^a^. v'ei;- cp. ohg. w'ela wola G. wohl (goth. waila). Origin doubtful, but connection w. weal and will certain. well sb. ME. welle oe. welle wella (wylle wylla): Teut. base walljon-'. umlaut-relation of oe. weal/an str. vb. 'boil, flow' = OSAX. OHG. wallan str. vb. 'boil, flow'. ARYAN \(^wel wal in oe. wylm 'boiling, flowing' = skr, iir7ni 'flood', OHG. wella G. tvelle 'wave' =:: OSLOV. vluna, lith. vilnis 'wave'. Welsh adj. me. welsh oe. wylisc umlauted fr. a teut. walhiska-', derived fr. oe. Wealh 'foreigner', prop, 'a Celt' (cp. zvalmit). The corresponding adj. OHG. walhisc — sb. Walah means an inhabitant of a Ro- mance country, teut. Walha- r'ests on the Celtic tribe name Volcae. wen sb. me. wen oe. weim 'tu- mor' =1 DU. wen, LG. wene: Teut. base wanja- (perhaps cogn. w. wound?). wench sb. me. wenche older wenchel prop, 'infant ; ablaut-re- lation of OE. wincel 'child . "wend vb. (only in the prt. went) fr. me. wende prt. wente oe. wendan prt. wende \ orig. meanij^g 'to turn' = GOTH, wandjan, OSAX. wendian, ohg. wentan G. wen den. Causal of wind. were see was. west — whey 225 west sb. ME. OE. ivest = on. vestr^ DU. G. west (fr- ouest of Teut. origin). wet adj. short for ME. wet OE. wit wdt =: ON. vdt7', OFRiES. 7e>et: Teut. base weta- fr. the same root as watei', wether sb. me. wether oe. weder = GOTH, wiprus^ ON. vedr^ OS ax. withar wethar, du. weder weer^ OHG. widar G. widder. Cogn. w. LAT. vituliis 'calf and skr. vatsa 'calf. whale sb. me. whal (pi. whales) OE. hwcel[\t\. hwdlas) = on. hvalr, OHG. 7<:'^/ (g. walfisch, DU. 7£/^/- ?//V^^ = ON. hvalfiskr). Cogn. w. GR.TisXw^) 'monster. Cp. walrus. what pron. me. what oe. hwcet = OHG. >^W^5 G. 7£JaS, DU. W^/, OS AX. hwat; cp. the Teut. stem ^f^'c?- under who. wheat sb. me. ivh^te oe. hwcete = GOTH, hwaiteis, on. >^z,'^///, du. 7£W/^, OHG. wcizzi G. weizen. Cogn. w. white = TEUT. hivita- (in me. we find 7^'/^//^ "wheat' by the side of wh(te). wheel sb. me. whel oe. hweol (w. the byform hweowol hweogol) = ON. i^/c// (for *hvjdl} — hvc^l, DU. 7mel (ofries. ^al): teut. base hweula- (for hwegwla-) and hw'ehwla-^ Aryan base qeqlo- in SRK. cakra 'wheel', gr. xrxAoc wheel'. By the side of the re- duplicated word qe-ql-o- cp. osLov. kolo 'wheel'. wheeze vb. me. whese oe. hwesan (for ^hwdsaft) 'to wheeze'; cogn. w. OE. hivpsta, ON. hostiy ohg. English Etymology. h{w)uosto G. husten, DU. i^^aar: teut. base hwer (cp. GOTH, hj-ar); derived fr. stem hwa- under 7£jho. whet vb. ]\tE. 7vhette oe. hivettan 'to sharpen' = on. h7>etja , du. 7vetten, ohg. hwezzan G. wetzen 'to shaipen': Teut. ground-form hwatjan, Cogn. w. on. hvatr^ OSAX. /!?£/^/, OHG. /^ze/<2:5 'sharp': TEUT. sfhzvat. whether pron. me. 7vhether oe. Invceder 'which of two' = GOTH. bapar ; corresponding by ab- laut to OHG. hwedar 'which of two'. GR. noTSQOq (SKR. katara) 'which of two' is more closely allied to goth. oe. The word is orig. comparative to stem * hwa- (hwe-) in who. whey sb. me. whey oe. h7vdi = du. lg. 7vei (byform mlg. huy hole du. hui). 15 226 which — wide 'which pron. me. which oe. hwylc (prehistoric form ^^hwilid) ■=- GOTH, hileiksy OSAX. hwilik\ cp. OHG. helih G. welch: Teut. base hwilika- (hweitka-) and for OHG. hivelih a base hwalika-. Derived fr. stem hwa- hw'e- under who. while sb. me. while oe. hwil infl. hwile = goth. /D^ei/a, ohg. OSAX. hwila^ G. wcile, DU. wijl. ON. hvila 'bed (cp. ohg. hwilen 'to rest') points to connection w. LAT. quietus 'quiet' and oslov. pociti 'to rest', aryan ^f qi. whine vb. me. whine oe. hwinan str. v^. 'to make a shrill sound' = ON hvina 'to whiz'. whisky ident. w. usque baugh. whisper vb. me. whisper e oe. hwisprian 'to murmur' ; cp. ohg. hwispalon G. wispeln. Sound-imi- tation ? or cogn. w. whistW^ whistle vb. me. whistle oe. hwistlian) perh. akin to whisper. whit ident. w. wight. white adj. (short in Whit- sunday lit. 'white Sunday') me. 7i)hit OE. hwit = goth. heitSj ON. h7ntr, OHG. hwij^ G. weiss: Teut. base hwita-, cogn. w. skr. (veta 'white' — \f (vit 'to shine'. ARYAN \f kwid kivit. See also wheat and whittle. whither pron. me. whider oe. hwider; cp. GOTH, hadre whither'; derived fr. the stem hwa- hw'e- in who. whittle sb. short for me. whitel OE. hwitel 'blanket ; derived fr. 7vhite. who pron. me. who prop, whg OE. hwa ^ GOTH. hci-s\ cp. OHG. hw'e-r G. wer : stem hwa- hwe-, also iwwhat and hoim and in whichy whither, whether. ARYAN base qO' in LAT. quo-d, SKR. ka-s who', Lrrn. ka-s 'who'. whole adj. me. hgl oe. hdl (hence the abstract formation health) = goth. hails, on. heill (see hail), OHG. G. heil, OSAX. hel, DU. heel: Teut. base haila- (whence derived hailaga- ^= holy). Ident. w. osr.ov. celu 'comptete, whole' (ground-form kailo-) ; cp. OPRUSS. bailustikan 'health'. whore sb. me. oe. hore 'pro- stitute' ^ ON. hora, OHG. huora 'adulteress'; cp. goth. hors 'adulterer', aryan y" kdr 'to love' in oiR. car a 'friend' — car aim I love (Gallo-LAT. car is a 'prostitute') and LAT. carus 'dear . why pron. me. 7vhl oe. hiifi = ON. hzd: instrum. of the stem h7m- in 7vhat. wick sb. short for me. weke oe. weoce = ohg. wiohha, lg. 7^eke, DU. 7mek: Teut. base 7veuko/i, perhaps reduplicated for loe- 7vk-dn, as made probable by the equiv. oe. wecca = g. (dial.) 7vicke\ cogn. w. mhg. g. ivickel? wicked adj. extended for me. 7vicke. ; wicket sb. me. 7inkH fr. oner. 7viket (fr. guichet), whence also ODU. 7viket (du. 7vinket). wide adj. me. oe. 7vid = on. vidr, oSAX. 7ind, du. 7vijdy ohg. widow 2.27 witG.wcit: T^MT.ivida-^ perhaps participle of a lost verbal \P wt. widow sb. ME. imdwe oe. widewe {wudliwe) = GOTH. widuWO^ OHG. witaiva G. witwc^ OSAX. widowa, pu. weditwe. Ident. w. the equiv. SKR. vidhavdj lat. vidua, OSLO v. vidova, OIR. fedb'. ARYAN base widhawa. wield vb. ME. wdde oe. j^cweldan {ywyldan) \vk. vb. fr. a TEUT. ^gawa/d/an. Derived fr. the str. vb. OE. wdldan tv(aldan —~ GOTH. OSAX. waldau^ ohg. waltan (g. 7iKilten) 'to govern'. ARYAN \f 7val in LAT. valere 'to be strong'; op. also OSLOV. vlastiy lith. valdytl 'to govern'. wife sb. ME. OE. wif = on. vif, OSAX. wif, DU. udjf, ohg. wib G. 7veib\ Teut. base wiba-. No equiv. connections outside of teut. (an older word for 'wife' see under queen), — woman ME. 2inwiman prop, wimman fpl. whinncn) oe. wi/-?nann (pi. 7in/- merm) lit. 'a wife-man'. wight sb. ME. 7viiht oe. iviht 'thing, creature, being' = oHG. OSAX. 7viht thing, being' (g. du. wicht)\ cp. GOTH, waihts 'thing' and on. vdttr being, thing'. Teut. base wihti' for wehti- ident. w. oslov. vesti 'thing': aryan base iv'ekii-. W|ild adj. ME. OE. wilde fr. a TEUT. wilpja- (piop. w'elpja-) = GOTH, wilfeisy ON. villr , OSAX. OHG. wildi G. DU. ivild. Probably connected w. wold oe. w(ald -=- = OHG. G. wa/d 'wood', as fr. sauvas^e ^ lat. silvaticus fr. lat. silva 'wood'. — wilderness (cp. DU. G. wildernis) extension of ME. wildci'ne 'a desert'. wile sb. ME. (fr. 12^^ cent.) wile fr. OFR. ivile {guile) \ ident. w. guile. will vb. ME. wille (prt. wolde) OE. willan (prt. wolde) = GOTH. wiljan, ON. vilja, oSAX. willian, DU. willen: Teut. base wiljan (prop, weljati) \ ident. w. osAX. wellian, ohg. w el Ian (g. wo lien) fr. a TEUT. waljan. ARYAN \f weluolin lat. vel-le, oslov. voliti^ lith. velyti. All equivalent. Perhaps cogn. w. well •d.VidMveal'^ also GOTH, waljan 'to choose' = OHG. wellan g. 7vahlen, ohg. wala G. wahl 'choosing', skr. \fvar vr 'choose'. Cp. the following word. will sb. ]\IE. wille oe. ivilla = OSAX. OHG. willio, DU. Wil, G. wille, GOTH. 7)ilja, ON. vili: Teut. base wilja?i' for tv'eljan-, derived fr. \fwel in will vb. ; cp. oslov. volja sb. 'will'. willow sb. ME. ivilwe oe. wytig (infi. '^7vilge?)', ident. w. du. wilg ODU. LG. wilge OSAX. wilgia, MHG. wilge. wimple sb. me. oe. wimpel oe. winpel 'neck covering' =: du. g. wijnpel ohg. wimpal. Source and history unknown (ofr. gui7nple FR. guimpt are of TEUT. origin ; see gimp). win vb. ME. winnc oe. winnan str. vb. = GOTH. win?ian 'to suffer', OHG. OSAX. winnan 'to 15* 228 wind — wise Struggle' (g. gewinnen, DU. ivinnen), ON. vinna'. Teut. verbal V" W(?««, cogn. w. SKR. van 'obtain, ac- quire'. wind sb. me. oe. wlnd=^ osax. DU. 7vind, OHG. wint G. wind^ ON. vindr, goth. wmds: Teut. base winda- prop, wendo- = Aryan base wenio- in lat. ventus, skr. vata 'wind'. Derived fr. the ARYAN V" "^^ i^ OE* "^^"^^^^ = GOTH, waian^ DU. waaien, ohg. wden G. wehen 'to blow'; cp. lith. vSjas 'wind', oslov. vetru 'wind' — vijati \o blow', skr. \fvd 'to blow', GR. ariTrjc 'wind'. Cp. windc^v. wind vb. me. wlnde oe. windan str. vb. = GOTH. OSAX. windaUy ON. vinda^ ohg. wintan G. DU. winden: teut. \fwend wand. — windlass sb. (machine for raising heavy weights) transformed fr. ME. windas : loanword fr. ON. vind-dss prop, 'a winding pole'. windcw sb. me. windikve bor- rowed fr. ON. vind-auga 'window', lit. 'wind-eye'. See wind sb. and eye (on. auga). wine sb. me. oe. ivin = goth. 7V€inj ON. vin, osAX. ohg. 7vm G. 7vein DU. wijn: Teut. base wina-, early loanword fr. lat. vinum (cp. vine and vintage), whence also ital. vino — fr. vin and oir. fin, oslov. vino, wing sb. me. winge short for older wenge: loanword fr. on. V(Bngr. "wink vb. ME. 7vinke oe. ivincian wk. vb. 'blink, wink' ; ohg. winkan str. vb. (g. winken) 'to give a sign' = ME. winke str. vb. 'wink'. winnow vb. me. immiive oe. windwian; ident. w. OHG. winton (for '^wintivon) 'to winnow'; cp. GOTH, winpi-skauro 'a winnowing fan', LAT. ventilare 'to winnow'. All cogn. w. ijuind sb. winsome adj. me. 7vin-som oe. wynn-sum = ohg. wunni-sam (g. wonne-sam) : derived fr. oe. ivynn ■=^ OSAX. OHG. wunnia (cp. G. wonne) 'joy'. winter sb. me. oe. 7vinter = goth. wintrus, osax. ohg. 7vintar DU. G. winter, on. vettr: Teut. base winir-. Perhaps cogn. w. CELT, vindo- 'white' in oiR. find 'white' ? wipe vb. ME. tvipe oe. wipian) cp. LG. 7vip sb. 'wisp of straw' and GOTH. 7>ipja 'garland' — 7veipan 'wreathe', teut. yf^ wip. wire sb. me. oe. 7mr = on. virr, LG. FRIES, wir; cogn. w. OHG. wiara 'wire and lat. viriae 'armlets of metal', which ac- cording to Plinius' Hist. Nat. 1 5 is a Celtic word. wise adj. me, oe. 7vis = on. viss, goth. weis, osAX. ohg. 7ms (ohg. whi G. weise) , du. wijs. Teut. base wisa- (for wit-to-), derived fr. the ARYAN \f 7vid in GR. Of Ja, SKR veda = goth. wait, oe. wdt, OHG. 7veii^ G. 7veiss. See 7vit. wise sb. ME. OE. wise == osAx. OHG. wisa G. weise, du. wijs: Teut. base wiso-n- (fr. guise ital. guisa of Teut. origin). Probably wish — wolf 229 connected w. the Aryan \Ptvid \o know' under wise — wit. ^vish vb. me. wisshe short for OE. wyscean fr. a Teut. base wtmskjan = ohg. wunsc{i)an G. wuiischen^ du. wctischen, on. ceskja 'to wish'; cp. SKR. vanch 'to wish': ARYAN \fwP7tskf wisp sb. ME. wisp (not found in OE.); perh. ident. w. on. 7'isk, OHG. wise G. wisch 'wisp of straw' ? wit vb. ME. wite oe. witan 'to know' = GOTH. OSAX. witan, on. vita, DU. wcten, ohg. wiT^T^an G. wissen. The i^' and3'^ p. sing, were ME. wot OE. 7^<7/ =r GOTH. Wait, on. f/^//, OSAX, wet, OHG. 7£'^/^ G. wciss, corresponding to SKR. veda 'I know, he knows', gr. o?J« otJf. See also witness. wit sb. ME. 7£/z/ (//) OE. {ie)witt 'intellect, understanding' = OSAX. giwit, OHG. wizzi (g. w//2:) 'under- standing', ON. vit 'intellect': de- rived fr. wit vb. witch sb. ME. wicche oe. wiccea 'wizard' — wicce 'witch' ; ident. w. FRIES. LG. wicke 'witch' LG. wicker 'wizard' (lg. wicken vb. 'to predict' = oe. wiccian 'use witch- craft) and probably cogn. w. oe. willian 'practise divination' — wijjire 'diviner' = odu. wijche- lare, DU. mlg. wichelcn 'practise divination', teut. \f ivikk wtg. witch-elm sb. me. wicche short for oe. wice 'elm' fr. a Teut. base unkjon-. with prep. ME. with oe. wid prep, 'against' short for 7mder (in compounds like oe. widersaca w?V/t77?zV^ 'adversary') =r on. vid vidr, OSAX. with wider, ohg. widar g. wider, goth. wifra. wither vb. me. widre vb. fr. weather (me. w(de7'). withy sb. me. wit hi oe. wldi-^ 'willow ; cogn. w. ohg. wida o. weide, on. vidja and GR. trew, LITH. zil-vitis, POL. witwa, pruss. witwo 'a willow*. Aryan \fwi in LAT. vi-tis vi-nien and OSLOV. viti — LITH. vyti 'to twine, plait'. witness sb. me. witnessc oe. witness (infl. -e) 'testimony'; as GOTH, weitwods and on. vitni'^ii- ness', derived fr. the teut. \/" 7i>ii 'to know'; see 7£iit vb. wizard sb. me. ivisard trans- formed (under the influence-ef' ME. wis = wise) fr. "^ wis chard: loanword fr. ofr. wis chard (guis- chard) 'prudent, cunning'. woad sb. ME. 7i'od oe. 7vdd ■= DU. weede, ohg. weit G. 7vaid: Teut. base waida-, pre -Teut. waita-', cp. lat. vitriwi 'woad'. \A^oe interj. me. wo oe. 7vd in- ter]. = GOTH. 7vai, on. vei, cmG. OSAX. 7£'^ G. 7veh DU. fc'^^. Ident. w. LAT. vae interj. woe': ground- form ARYAN 7Vat. wold sb. ME. 7v6ld OE. 7vdld {7vcald in 'Weald of Kent') fr. a Teut. base 7cia/pu- ; cp. osAX. OHG. G. 7i>ald 'wood', DU. 7V0iid 'wood', ON. vplir plain, field": pre-TEUT. waitu-s, cogn. w. SKR. vdta (for "^vdltaf) 'garden'? See wild. wolf sb. ME. 7iiolf (pi. 7volves) OE. WUlf (pi. WUlfas) = GOTH. 230 wulfs, ON. lUfr (for *vul/r) , OSAX. 7VHlf; cp. OHG. G. 7volf: Teut. base wulfa- wolf a-, Aryan base wjlqo- in SKR. vrka, or. Ai^xo^:, LAT. lupus, LITH. vilkas , OSLOV. vlilkti. All equivalent. woman see wife. womb sb. ME. wgmhe oE. wdmb (wp7nh) 'stomach' = goth. ohg. wajfiba, ON. 'iH)7nb, du. warn 'bolly, stomach': Teut. base wambo-. wonder sb. me. wonder oe. 7Vundor = OSAX. wundar^ OHG. wuntar g. wunde7' , on. undr\ Teut. base iinmdra-. wont adj. for me. woned p. par- ticiple of ME. wane oe. ivunian 'to be used to'; cp. oe. leivu^ia 'custom, use' and on. vanVy ohg. giwon G. gewohnt 'accustomed . See wean. woo vb. ME. wimK' OE. wogian 'to woo' ; no further relations known. I'EUT. yfivog. wood sb. ME. wode oe. wudu orig. widji = ON. mdr 'tree, wood', OHG. 7C'zlii 'wood' (also in ohg. witu-hopfa G. imde-lwpf)'. Teut. base 7iiidu-, pre-Teut. base widhu- in CELT, vidu- (gall. Fidu-Cassfs)] cp. OIR. Jid 'tree'. wool sb. ME. ivolle OE. 7i>iill infl. 7vulle = GOTH, ivulla, on. //// (for '^'vull^ ; cp. OHG 7i>olla G. 7Volle: Teut. base 7vulld 7Volld, ARYAN base 7VJlnd in skr. uriia, OSLOV. vliimu LITH. vilna 'wool'; cogn. w. LAT. villus vfllus 'fleece' and SKR. yf vr (var) 'to cover'. word sb. ME. OE. 7Vprd = GOTH. waurd, ON. ord (for ^vord), oSAX. 7vord, DU. 7voordy ohg. g. 7vort'. Teut. base war da-, pre-Teut. base 7V9rdho- in lat. 7.>erbufn, OPRUSS. wirds 'word', LFfH. vardas 'name'. Aryan \f wer {7vre) in GR. siQHv 'to say' — Qi]Lia 'word'? work sb. ME. 7verk oe. 7vcorc = OSAX. OHG. werk G. DU. werk, ON. verk ; Teut. base 7verka-y ARYAN base 7vergo- in gr. sfjyov. ARYAN V" 7eie7-g in gr. ()sC&tv 'to do' — oQyavov 'instrument', skr. vrjana labor' ; cp. GOTYL.watirkjan, OHG. 7vurkan = oe. 7vyrcean vb. 'to work'. See 7V7'ight. world sb. ME. 7vorld 7verld oe. 7vorold weorold = OSAX. wero/d, DU. 7vereld, ohg. 7ver.alt {7vorolt) G. 7iDelt, ON. v'ergld. First element of the compound (7ver-ald-) is TEUT. 7vera- man' in goth. 7vair, OSAX. OHG. OE. wei'y ON. z^trr (ARYAN base 7vlro- in lat. vir, skr. z^^/7?, LITH. f^jr^?.? 'man'). 2"^^ part of the compound is TEUT. aldi- in goth. aids 'world', OE. yld (eld) 'period, age'. worm sb. me. worm for wurju prop. 7mr7n OE. wyrm fr. a Teut. base 7vurmi- in OSAX. OHG. G. 7mi m, GOTH. 7vaurms\ ident. w. LAT. vermis 'worm'; cp. ON. orjnr (for ^7Vormaz) and gr. Qouog (for f()njLtog). wormwood sb. transformed fr. OE. wermp'd {7vormpd) = ohg. 7&ert7iuota {7vor?niiota). Formation and origin unknown. worse compar. adj. me. 7vorse 7vurse older wirse oe. wyrsa = OSAX. wirso fr. a Teut. base worship — wrinkle 231 wirsizan- m goth. wairstza = OHG. wirsiro. — worst superl. ME. woi'ste wursU orig. wirste OE. ivyrsta fr. a teut. superl. wirsistan- in goth. walrsista, OSAX. OHG. wirsisto. worship sb. me. worschlp older wurpschipe oe. weordscipe: derived fr. worth. wort^ sb. (a plant) me. wort wiirt older wirt oe. wyrt fr. a Teut. base wiirti- in GOTH, waurts^ on. tirt, OSAX. witrty OHG. G. 7^^7/r^ 'plant, herb': ARYAN \fw9rd in LAT. radix (for "^vrddic-) see under r^*?/. wort^ sb. (a kind of drink) ME. wort wurt for wirt oe. zi^;'^ for *wirt = ON. f'//'/r, mhg. wirz wort': TEUT. ground-form wirtiz (pre-TEUT. base werdes- w'e/dos). worth adj. me. worth wurth OE. wyrdc. umlauted byform of OE. weorp = GOTH, wairps, OSAX. w'erth, on. v'erdr, ohg. 7(.i'erd (g. wcrt) : ident. w. lith. 7>€rtas, OPRUSS. 7i>erts 'worthy'. wound sb. me. wounde oe. wund infl. wunde = osAX. wunday OHG. wunta G. wunde J on. z/;/^/ (for "^vundy. Teut. base wundb-. Cogn. w. the adj. goth. wunds = OE. wund, OSAX. wund, ohg. 7vunt G. wund. teut. \fwun, ARYAN \fw9n in goth. winnan 'to suffer, feel pain' (see win)} wrath sb. me. wraihthe short for OE. wrcBppu (Teut. base wraipipb j \ umlaut-abstract of OE. ivrdp adj. =^ wroth. wreak vb. me. wr^kc oe. wrUcan str. vb. ■=^ GOTH, wrikan ('to persecute), OSAX. wr'ekan, DU. wreken, ohg. r'ehhaii (for "^wreh- han^ G. riichen 'to revenge'. ARYAN sfivrUg urg in lat. urgcrc 'to urge*, SKR. evry 'to remove'. wreath sb. me. writhe oe. wrchp', cogn. w. writhe. wren sb. me. wrenne oe. wrenna] ident. w. oSAX. wrendio and pro- bably w. OHG. OSAX. {w)renno a stallion' (medieval lat. warannio^. wrench sb. me. wretich 'deceit' oe. wrefic 'deceit, trick' fr. a Teut. base wranki- (also in MHG. rank 'trick' G. rdnke plur.). The modern e. meaning 'twist, sprain' seems to be older than the metaphorical sense in me. OE. and g. See also wrong. wretch sb. me. wrecche oe. wreccea 'outlaw, exile' = ohg. oSA'K.ivrekkio (g. recke 'warrior'); den\e,dir:.\fwrek in goth. wrikan 'persecute' (see wreaJz). wright sb. me. wrighte oe. wyrhta = osAX. zvurhtio, ohg. wurhto (mhg. -wilrhle) 'worker'; derived fr. teut. zvurhtwjan-\ cp. GOTH, waurstwja 'worker' by the side of waiirstw 'work'. For the root see work. wring vb. me. wringe oe. ivrin- gan str. vb. 'to press out' = DU. LG. wringen, ohg. ringan, (for ^wri7iga7t) 'to press out' (g. ringen). wrinkle sb. me. wrinkel oe. wrinkle = odu. wri7ickcl\ cogn. w. mhg. runke and ohg. runza (for *7vrtmka — '^wru?ikza). \vrist sb. me. wrist oe. wyrst 232 write — ye = MHG. G. m/(for*Z£/m/), on. risl SWED. f/rw/ 'instep, wrist'; perhaps cogn. w. G. r^i/ienMHG. rlhe 'wrist' ? write vb. me. write oe. writan str. vb. = OSAX. writauy ON. rita 'to write'. Grig, sense 'to engrave, scratch, tear, spUt' in OSAX. writa7i = ohg. riy^an (for '^wriT^'ipn) G. reissen. Cp. GOTH, writs a stroke of a pen'. TEUT. \fwrit. writhe vb. me. writhe oe. wiidan str. vb. 'to twist' = ohg. ridaiiy ON. rida str. vb. *to wind, twist'. Cogn. w. wroth. I wrong adj. me. wrong (wrang) late OE. (ii '' cent.) wrang bor- rowed fr. ON. rangr (older ^vrangr) 'wrong, unjust' prop, 'awry, perverse'. Probably fr. the same root as wre^ich (teut. \^wrank wrang^. wroth adj. short for me. wrgth oe. wrap (see also wrath) = I OSAX. wrethy on. vreidr reidr^ ODU. wreed 'wroth'; orig. sense in OHG. reid (for "^^vreid) 'curled'. \fwrlp 'to twist' in wreath and writhe. I wry fr. me. wrie vb. 'to twist'. yacht sb. fr. du. jacht prop. jachtschip\ DU. jacht corresponds to G. jagd 'hunting (oHG. jagon G. jagen 'to chase). yard' sb. me. jierd prop, ^(rd oe. leard 'fence, enclosure' = on. gardr'. Teut.base^^r<^/*rz- =^ Aryan h^i.'&Qghorto- in lat. hortus (GR.;^op- rOb") 'garden'. Allied to garden. yard"^ sb. (a measure) me. yerde oe. ^enf {lyrd) 'rod, rood' = OHG. gerta o. gerte 'a rod, switch'; cp. GOTH, gazds 'a stick, goad' -= ON. gaddr goad' and LAT. hasta 'a spear' (common base ghazdha-). yarn sb. me. ^ern prop, icrn oe. ■^earn = on. ohg. g. gam (du. garen)\ perhaps cogn. w. o^.ggrn 'guts' and lith. zarna 'entrail'? yarrow sb. me. "^arwe oe. j^earwe = OHG. garwa G. gar be ^ du. gerw 'millefolium'. yawl vb. me. loule by the side of goule vb. (change of 3 and ^ unexplained) ; source on. gaula (ggula) 'to bellow'. yawn vb. me. gdne gone oe. gdnian (the phonology of the me. word is dark) — ohg. geinbn (g. gdhnen); derived fr. QE. tp- pnan str. vb. 'to yawn' --= ON. gina'y cogn. w. OHG. gien giwen 'to yawn': aryan yfghi in lat. hiare, OSLOV. zijati, lith. zioti 'to yawn'. ye pron. me. ^e oe. le fr. a prehistoric jiz = DU. gij, OSAX. gt, OHG. ir (for *7"/;') G. ihr\ oldest teut. form juz in goth. jus 'ye'. Ident. w. skr. ytiy-a?n 'ye': Aryan stem iw —yu. year — yolk 233 yea adv. me. if oe. ^ed (for *'^ce} = OS AX. OHG. Jd G.Ja yes'; oldest form goth. ja yes'. — yes ME. yes oe. ^ese for *ied- swd prop, 'yea so* (cp. me. nese fiir ne-swa). yean older eati vb. me. f?ie OE. (anian (le-fatiiari) \o yean': derived fr. a teut. auna- (for agwna-) 'lamb' = lat. agnuSy oiR. tian: aryan base aghno-. year vb. me. ler oe. ^er dedr for *J^r) ^ OHG. y^/' G. jahr, u\J. jaarfON. a?; GOTU.Je?". Teut. basey*?;'*^-; cogn. w. theablauted GR. (b(jng year — wpa 'season' and w. avest. ydre year'. yearn vb. 'desire' me. yd'rng fr. ME. ye'rn oe. ^eorn 'desirous' (whence also the umlauted oe. lyrnan 'desire') = goth. gairfis, OSAX. OHG. gem 'desirous': teut. \fg'er in ohg. g'erdn G. begehren — OHG. g'er 'desirous' — girl (g. gier) sb. 'desire'. ARYAN \fgher in SKR. hary vb. 'desire'. yell vb. me. lelle oe. lellan (lillan) = OHG. gellan G. gelletiy DU. gilieUy ON. gjalla 'to resound' . Cp. stanyelL yellow adj. me. ^elwe oe. ^eolo (infi. leolw-) fr. a Teut. base g'elwa- in osAX. ohg. gelo g. ^^Z:^, DU. ^^^/: ARYAN base gh'elwo- in LAT. hdvus 'light yellow', aryan \(^gh'el also in on. ^/^/r 'yellow', GR. /ho^og 'green', OSLOV. ze/enu 'yellow'; from the same root also go/d (and glowl). — yellow-hammer (a bird's name) rests on the equiv. OE. amore = OHG. amero G. ammer, yelp vb. ME. lelpe oe. lelpan (lilpan) str. vb. 'to boast' := ON. gjalptiy OHG. gelpfan. yes see yea. yesterday adv. me. yesterday oe. ^eostrandcei (lystrandcBi) prop, only geostra{n) = ohg. g'estaron G. gestern, du. gisteren (gister- avond)\ cp. goth. gistra-dagis with the sense of 'tomorrow'. Teut. base g'estra-, cogn. w. on. i-gcer and lat. heri; gr. x^^^ and SKR. hyas 'yesterday' point to an ARYAN base ghyes 'yester- day'. yet adv. me. j^et short for oe. l^t (ij't, lit)] ident. w. ofries. ieta eta 'yet'. yew vb. me. ew oe. eow iw = OHG. iwa G. eibCy on. yr\ Teut. base iwa-y ident. w. OE. eoh 'yew' — OHG. iha yew', fr. {/"(whence borrowed DU. ijf) is of Teut* origin. Cp. also cymr. yw 'yew'. yield vb. me. lelde oe. leldan (lildan) str. vb. 'to pay' = goth. giidan, on. gjalda , ohg. geltan str. vb. 'to pay': teut. sfg'eld. yoke sb. me. lok (pi. ipkes) oe. 5^;z^) = GOTH, juggs, OSAX. OHG. G.Jung, T)\J.Jong, ON. /^^x^;- (for ^^jungr)'. teut. junga-, contracted fr. juwwigo- = LAT. ,^mvencHs , skr. yuvafa 'young : ARYAN base juw?nko- (ablauted byform in cymr. ieuanc 'young'). Cogn. w. 'LKT.Jtwenis, skr. yuva?i, o?>i.ov. junu, iA'V'H..jdunas young'. — youth sb. ME. louthe older luwede for yigede oe. ju^od (^eor god) = OSAX. jugud fr. a base jugunp' in OB.G J ugtmd g. jug end'. TEUT. jugunp- probably for 'ju- wunp- cp. 'LPi.T.- Juven-t-a (and GOTH, junda contracted for '^ju- 7vundd)', derived fr. AYCiMijuwen- in LAT. juvenis, skr. yuvan etc. yule sb. me. ^gl fr. on. jol', ident. w. OE. ^eol (contracted fr. leohol) 'Christmas'. Cogn. w. GOTH, jiuleis 'november' = on. ylir (oE. Giuli in Beda). Teut. base jeula- (in on. jot) andyV///- ja- (in GOTH, jiuleis) : oe. leohhol 'Christmas' points to teut. j'ehw- la- (by the side of jeula- for j'egwla-)', probably related to ON. d 'snow-storm' (teut. base j'ehivld). Yi&wc^ Yule 'the time of snow-storms' and GOTH, jiuleis 'the month of snow-storms'. y^ OF THB '* UNIVERSITY ^.A u^ . OCI ¥ Kr^'TO . t' \ '-■■>- ^SSL'-fr-!>>v "*«?'