BX UC-NRLF *b zt? am fbl OTT^OF L^C^^&S^UL_. \}&*-£^<-&L m Christian Science: The True Christianity Clarence C. Eaton, C.S.B. WORKS ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Written by MARY BAKER EDDY SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES. In one volume, 700 pp. The original, standard, and only text- book on Christian Science Mind-healing. Cloth . . $3 18 Full Leather (same paper as cloth binding) . . . 4 00 Morocco (Oxford India Bible paper) 5 00 Levant (heavy Oxford India Bible paper) . . . . 6 00 Large Type Edition. Leather (Oxford India Bible paper) . 7 50 German Translation. Cloth Pocket edition i| MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS. 471 pp. Cloth Morocco (Oxford India Bible paper) 4 00 Levant (Oxford India Bible paper) 5 00 THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, AND MISCELLANY. 364 pp. Cloth 2 25 Morocco (Oxford India Bible paper) 4 00 CONCORDANCE TO SCIENCE AND HEALTH. Bound in leather, 607 pp., 10 x 7, and Addendum 5 00 CHURCH MANUAL. Containing By-laws of The Mother Church 100 Pocket edition 2 00 CHRIST AND CHRISTMAS. An illustrated poem . . . 3 00 UNITY OF GOOD AND OTHER WRITINGS. Morocco (heavy Oxford India Bible paper) 3 50 CHRISTIAN HEALING AND OTHER WRITINGS. Morocco (heavy Oxford India Bible paper) 3 50 RETROSPECTION AND INTROSPECTION. A biographical sketch of the author. Library edition, cloth. 95 pp. . . 1 06 UNITY OF GOOD. Library edition, cloth. 64 pp. . . . 65 Pocket edition, leather covers 1 00 PULPIT AND PRESS. Library edition, cloth. 90 pp. . . 1 06 RUD1MENTAL DIVINE SCIENCE. Pebbled doth covers. 17 pp. 32 Library edition 55 Printed in New York point system of type for the blind . . 50 NO AND YES. Pebbled cloth covers. 46 pp 32 Library edition, cloth 60 MESSAGES TO THE MOTHER CHURCH. Library edition, cloth 1 56 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE vs. PANTHEISM. Pebbled cloth covers 26 MESSAGE TO THE MOTHER CHURCH, 1900. Paper covers 26 MESSAGE TO THE MOTHER CHURCH, 1901. Paper covers 50 MESSAGE TO THE MOTHER CHURCH, 1902. Paper covers 50 CHRISTIAN HEALING AND THE PEOPLE'S IDEA OF GOD. In one volume. Library edition, cloth. 36 pp. . 60 CHRISTIAN HEALING. Paper covers. 20 pp 21 THE PEOPLE'S IDEA OF GOD. Paper covers. 14 pp. . 21 POEMS. 70 pp., all of Mrs. Eddy's hymns, also her earlier pv-ems. Specially bound 1 50 FEED MY SHEEP. Solo 50 The above prices are for single copies, prepaid. For quantity prices and description see price list furnished upon request. Direct orders for above works, and make remittances payable to ALLISON V. STEWART Falmouth and St. Paul Sts. Boston, Mass., U. S. A. 2 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY A LECTURE BY CLARENCE C. EATON, C.S.B. MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF LECTURESHIP OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, . SCIENTIST, IN BOSTON, MASS. <£ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY FALMOUTH AND ST. PAUL STREETS BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS IJ. S, A. 3X i?' /* Copyright, 1914, by The Christian SJcience Publishing Society. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY T-J OW true and yet how . difficult of realization is the great fact that each new moment of each new hour is the only moment of which any of us can be conscious ! Our yesterdays, with their joys and sorrows, are gone ; they belong to the dead past. Our tomorrows, with their hopes and an- ticipations, never come. It is quite evident that the present, and not the succeeding moment, is the one in which we consciously exist. It is likewise self-evident that all that can ever come within the range of our knowledge and experience must exist now. God, Truth, Life; man, immortality, heaven, bliss, eternity, in fact all the verities of being, are in existence now. No one can consistently believe that the past has entombed any verities which are not in evidence in this present time, because all that is true is eternal. Nor can we conceive of the future holding within its grasp a knowledge of things which has not always existed, because all true knowledge is universal and eternal, Obvi- 363225 4 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ously, as we can know and enjoy the verities of being, we should be profoundly interested in de- monstrating their truth at this very moment. It requires tactful, patient, and loving thought- fulness to teach and encourage people to realize that there is contained in the simple act of acquir- ing true knowledge and understanding, all that is necessary for their extrication from sin and dis- ease. In order to appreciate this fully, we should recognize that one's consciousness is made up largely of beliefs which have been accepted with- out investigation or effort, while passing through the natural experiences of life from childhood to adult years. UNDERSTANDING NECESSARY The average individual is what might be called mentally conservative, and the inclination of thought is to follow the line of least resistance. Ordinarily people believe rather than know or un- derstand, since it requires less effort to do so. Because of this we need not be surprised if truths frequently appear new and radical to mortals, and may even be regarded as inconsistent and arouse within them antagonism and resentment. Ideas or proposals which cast doubt on established be- liefs or opinions, are even likely to be characterized THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 5 as evil by the conservative thought, because they disturb settled convictions, and in many instances their presentation is considered disagreeable and positively obnoxious. Thus it is conceivable that extreme mental conservatism may be largely re- sponsible for the prevalence of belief in the pres- ence and power of evil. Christian Science declares that false belief rather than natural causes is primarily responsible for all the disagreeable things, including sin, sick- ness, and death, which have entered the world's experience. Christian Science makes a sharp dis- tinction between believing and knowing as causa- tion, and by its teaching inspires and quickens con- sciousness to the employment of right ideas to the exclusion of false beliefs. Its accomplishments are notably twofold, since it not only corrects errors of thought through the application of truth, but by the same process successfully removes the effects which they have produced. "god with us" In its teaching and practice Christian Science demonstrates that truth reflected or expressed is Immanuel, or "God with us." And this means the divine will with us and for us ; Truth with us, Life with us, Love with us, wisdom with us. It is 6 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: power, action, law, health, and strength with us. It means the divine likeness or living presence of the "Wonderful, Counselor, . . . The Prince of Peace," the healer of the sick, the redeemer, — the Mind or consciousness that is God, good. In a word, Christian Science is disclosing to the world the unreality of all save that which has its origin in God, by demonstrating the presence, reality, and power of the creative and governing Principle of the universe. The extension of the realization of all this is being accomplished through an appeal to the indi- vidual consciousness, with which Christian Science deals wholly. It must be recognized that the realm of thought is the legitimate and only field of its operation, and each one of us is asked to accept and prove for his own advancement and advan- tage, the metaphysical truths which it elucidates and demonstrates. And in urging men to partici- pate in the benefits which accrue to activity in right knowing, we recognize that each one is there- by contributing to the great work of hastening the coming of the glad day when knowledge of things that are real and true will supersede all beliefs to the contrary and eliminate their effects. Further- more, the desirable end is that this knowledge be extended until it shall envelop the whole earth, THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 7 even "as the waters cover the sea," and so add manifold blessings to all mankind. It is clearly the mission of Christian Science to educate human consciousness and arouse it from the dormancy enforced upon it by beliefs which are manifestly at variance with revealed truth and law. Ultimately the only effectual way in which this can be accomplished is by the demonstration of its teaching. DEMONSTRATION IS NECESSARY Demonstration was the method constantly em- ployed by Jesus of Nazareth, and only in this manner could he have succeeded in establishing true Christian doctrines and practice. The the- ology which he taught and practised culminated in the healing of the sick as well as the trans- forming of the sinner. He appealed to the hearts and minds of men, and all of his arguments, para- bles, and admonitions were projected with the sole purpose of correcting errors which dominated the thought of his time. To undo the mistakes of pre- ceding generations, he repeatedly taught the peo- ple, and reasoned concerning spiritual truths and the things pertaining to God and His being, His universe, its government and law. Mrs. Eddy has followed faithfully in the way 8 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: of the Master, and, it must be conceded, has im- measurably aided in enlightening the nations of the earth, as Jesus told his followers to do, with respect to what the gospel of Truth is and what it can and must accomplish on their behalf. In a single statement our Leader indicates in substance that a misunderstanding of the Bible teaching as to the creation of man is responsible for all human discord; that is, that the prevalence of a false sense of man's origin and nature has led to theories and errors which have been productive of untold misery and suffering. Creation is a subject which should be more generally understood, because it is generally misunderstood. At the present time, publicity is being widely given to Biblical history, and particularly that portion relating to creation. Much of this effort is only serving to extend fur- ther the belief in a material rather than a spiritual creative power and universe. Christian Scientists recognize that they have their reasonable part to perform in minimizing the effect of this erroneous effort by acquiring a more specific knowledge of the Scriptures on this very subject. SPIRITUAL VERSUS MATERIAL MAN Inasmuch as the successful demonstration of Christian Science involves the rejection of the THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 9 material or false standard of man, and the ac- ceptance of the spiritual and true standard, the importance of becoming more familiar with this question must be apparent at a glance. Indeed, Mrs. Eddy has well said that it was the correct view of man which resulted in healing the sick in Jesus' day. The contention of Christian Science as to the verity, perfection, and spiritual nature of the universe, including the real and only man there is, is based wholly upon the Scriptures, and its claims in this respect are readily conceded when rightly comprehended. Two separate and widely differing accounts of creation are found in the Bible, the contradictory and conflicting texts of which appear to have escaped the attention of many students. More- over, the true nature and character of Deity is erroneously involved in this history, because of a change by the historian of the name of the Supreme Being from God to that of Lord God. Were it not for the original meaning of these terms, this change might appear of trivial moment to the student of Scripture. However, it was of sufficient importance to attract the attention of Josephus, the celebrated Jewish historian, who refers to it in his history of the Hebrew nation. Moreover, it is of special significance to us, since 10 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: the change seems to call into question the integrity of God, the creator of man, by confusing Him with the Lord God, who, one of these records states, is the supposed creator of Adam. GOD CREATED SPIRITUAL MAN It should be thoroughly understood that the Scriptures plainly indicate that a distinction ex- ists and is to be made between man as the offspring of God, and Adam, who has long been referred to as our first parent. That man and Adam bear no relation to each other, and should not be confused, is very apparent. Inasmuch as the Bible history does not confuse them, we certainly are without authority for so doing. In this connection the honest investigator will find that Christian Science sustains and proves true to the text the purest teaching of the Scriptures relative to God and the significance of His being and creation. It points out the error of the practice of confounding the term God (Elohim), or Spirit, with that of Lord God (Jehovah-Elohim), or even Lord. It holds with the very best authority that these terms, with their varying shades of meaning, are not synonymous. The original Hebrew term for God, that of Elo- him, is always understood as meaning the creator and supreme ruler of the universe, the one of whom THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 11 St. John said, "All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made." We observe that the term God is used altogether in the record of creation which appears in the first chapter of Genesis, concluding with the third verse of the second chapter. This first record chronicles the completeness and perfection of all of God's works. Christian Science supports this record in its entirety, and by it readily justi- fies its claims and teaching as to the perfection of man. It is interesting to note that Jesus of Naz- areth, who founded true Christianity, endorsed this record, for on one occasion he referred to it in these words : "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?" Where the terms "male and female" occur in the Bible, it is observed that their use is in connection with that which God created. THE PERFECT MAN There frequently occurs in this first record of creation relative to that which God created, the observation, "And God saw that it was good." This evidence of divine approval was also uttered with respect to man. Man having been made in the image and likeness of God, as the record states, it is within the bounds of reason to main- 12 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: tain that he must reflect the divine nature. He is manifestly the highest expression or reflection of supreme good, as he was given dominion over the earth and the lesser objects of creation. Having incorporated in her writings the start- ling declarations as to the all-perfection of man, Mrs. Eddy repeatedly refers to him as the idea of God. Such a conclusion logically follows the premise that God, the creator, is the one and only Mind or intelligence. Ideas alone can originate and exist in Mind, hence man as God's image must be mental. As the son or offspring of God, he should be accounted as incorporeal and not visible or cognizable to the senses. Because he is like Spirit, he must be spiritual. Individual' man, each idea or thought of God, including the "male and female" of His creating, must abide constantly in Him, for Mind and its ideas can never be sepa- rated. Paul says in this regard: "For in him we live, and move, and have our being." As man is not the possessor of or subject to anything which did not originate in God, he can- not be the victim of evil, sin, suffering, sickness, disease, or death, tlis wisdom, his strength, his courage, and his capabilities are unlimited, be- cause they are derived from a divine and hence unfailing source. His unity or at-one-ment with THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 13 that source provides him with the capacity for both wisely and humanely exerting the dominion or supremacy bestowed upon him. Progressively, diligently, faithfully, and lovingly exercising this authority, man is momentarily conscious of the blessing and protection of his creator, abiding with, overshadowing, and resting upon all of his activities. RELATIONSHIP TO GOD In the light of these more consistent and com- forting explanations rendered by Christian Sci- ence, we observe man as the beneficiary of all that his Maker is and has provided. Man must ever be what his Maker designed that he should be, because God and His universe are unchanging. The harmonious and undisturbed relationship thus necessarily existing between God and man as Father and son, provides for what might rightly be called true worship. The true model, or ideal man, magnifies, exalts, and glorifies the perfect pattern, God. Man seeks to obey and conform to the laws of his being because it is his nature, pleasure, and joy to do so, not because a supreme power demands or even requires it of him. Through prayer, or genuine communion with good, man instinctively and reverently turns in thought to U CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: the great heart of God, and receives the answer which his every sincere and righteous desire, whether uttered or unexpressed, merits. No audible petition, no beseeching, no supplicating, no plead- ing, is necessary, but just faith, trust, confidence, and assurance. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy has given a very comprehensive review of the subject of crea- tion, including the two records which we have re- ferred to. The second account is designated as the "Jehovistic" record, and the man referred to therein as having been formed by the Lord God from the dust of the ground, and into whose nos- trils the breath of life was breathed, was called Adam. References in the Scripture to this type or standard of man, in a majority of instances, indicate the imperfect nature thereof, and urge that we separate ourselves therefrom. The prophet Isaiah thus admonishes us: "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" In the New Testament and from the lips of Christ Jesus we learn that "the flesh profiteth nothing." Paul says, "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God," and the apostle also says that the children of God "have put off the old man with his deeds ; and have put on the new THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 15 man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him." MATERIALISTIC VIEWS OF MAN All materialistic views and theories concerning man give preference to the belief that he is a ma- terial being, and the ultimate of these conclusions bear close resemblance to those incorporated in the Bible history with respect to the Adam type of man, namely, "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." A review of the analysis of man as given by material science might be considered instructive in a way, but not altogether edifying. Moreover, it would only serve to show us the utter futility of all attempts to obtain a knowledge of the true and perfect man by a study of the false. Suffice it to say, that material investigations have cul- minated in placing in one of the departments of the national museum at Washington, D. C, an exhibit embodying the most advanced scientific research, discovery, and conclusion as to what man is. The display consists of the exact propor- tionate quantities of the various elements which, taken together, are supposed to constitute an average man. It includes the smallest ingredient comprised in the classified fifteen per cent of inor- 16 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ganic salts, to the largest portion, — even the eighty-five per cent, or nine and one-half gallons of just common, ordinary water. From the standpoint of material science, this exhibit approximates and is accepted as the last and most improved analysis of the one hundred per cent man of either ancient or modern times. And an authority upon material values has ad- vanced the proposition that from a commercial point of view the marketable value of the prop- erties which, according to this exhibit, constitute man, cannot possibly exceed $2.18. Irrespective of the strange conclusions which materialists have arrived at with respect to the question, What is man? we are assured by them that he possesses life. While some disagreements of opinion exist as to the phenomena, the mani- festations of life, all materialists seem to agree that life is not a quality of matter, and that nat- ural science can neither produce it nor account for it. In the absence of definite knowledge on this most important point, it is apparent that materialists are greatly handicapped when at- tempting to protect life or extend its duration by the application of any system of therapeutics or longevity which material science may devise. THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 17 BASIS OF SPIRITUAL HEALING Thus the entire system of material healing, we observe, is predicated upon the belief that the uni- verse, including man, is material. On the con- trary, healing as instituted and successfully ac- complished by Christ Jesus, and fully sustained in the present age by Christian Science, is based upon the spiritual nature and existence of all being. Material conclusions are deduced from material sense, which takes no cognizance of spiritual life, being, and law. We must recognize that nothing which material sense, or mortal mind, can conceive of or may propose concerning God and His per- fect man, approximates the truth. It is true that the system of complicated beliefs and theories which its numerous branches have devised, and the conclusions promulgated, have been denomi- nated science. Yet the application during the past ages of this so-called science has not resulted in improving the conditions of humanity to such an extent as would justify us in believing that it is altogether scientific. Thus the branch of ma- terial science known as materia medica, appears to have been incorrectly designated a science, as many of its practitioners concede, because there is little that is exact or accurate about it. This is not to be construed as a reflection upon the 18 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: many philanthropic men in its practice, since humanity itself has demanded the very service which they have endeavored to render. One of the chief criticisms which lodge against the materialism of our age, is the needless alarm which its teaching projects into the experience of the people of the world. It would induce us to be afraid of nearly everything with which we are compelled to come in contact, and encourages us to sustain and suffer unjust sentences by believing in and fearing matter. It would thus provide for an interminable reign of discord and chaos. In accepting its theories and proposals without ques- tion or investigation, we are impeached by our own consciousness ; but deliverance has come, for in the light of the teachings of Christian Science we are learning that it is not incumbent upon us to abuse or outrage our common sense, just to please some one, or to uphold false and injurious teaching and doctrines. DAWN OF SALVATION Surely the night of mental inertia is far spent, for the dawn of salvation — the day of spiritual understanding — is at hand. Perhaps we do not realize this so vividly as we ought, for perchance we heed not the cry, "Awake thou that sleepest, THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 19 . . . and Christ shall give thee light," and "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Ministering to the needs of suffering humanity through spiritual knowing, is the most conclusive evidence of true Christianity of which we can possibly conceive. It is especially so, since such ministry is in fulfilment of Scrip- tural prophecy. The practice of Christian Science has demon- strated that the false material laws which by common belief and consent operate through fear, ignorance, and superstition to incapacitate mor- tals and cause invalidism, are rendered null and void by the higher law of Mind. The individual knowledge of this, and its application, naturally effects the eradication of the discordant conditions which may be held in thought or externalized on the body. There is nothing mysterious or miracu- lous about the modus operandi of Christian Science healing, since an infinite and irrevocable law pro- vides for reconstruction, readjustment, restora- tion, recovery, or redemption, in accordance with the supreme wisdom and power of the Principle which established the law. The changes wrought in consciousness, and which result in the healing of the sick according to the practice of Christian Science, are in no sense 20 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: due to the use of hypnotism or suggestive thera- peutics. The domination of a submissive men- tality or consciousness by an imperative one, is recognized as a dangerous practice, the bulk of the results therefrom being evil rather than good. Moreover, the practice is unchristian, because contrary to the teaching of Jesus, who denounced and repudiated such methods. The exercise of the human will as evidenced in one human or mortal mind dominating another, was characterized by the Master as the equivalent of casting out devils by the prince of devils. IMPORTANCE OF RIGHT THINKING The simplicity of the mode of healing wrought through spiritual means, is fully appreciated when one realizes that wrong thought is responsible for the appearance of disease. Jesus regarded evil thinking as the source of all disorders. He indicates in words which appear in two of the gos- pels — Matthew and Mark — that the defilement or contamination of the body was due to "evil thoughts," or the habit of wrong thinking. He thus taught that an exceedingly close intimacy exists between consciousness and its lower substra- tum, — the body or embodiment. We might desig- nate their relationship under normal conditions as that of master and servant, Following the THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 21 teaching of Christian Science, and by educating consciousness in the way of righteousness and peace, many thousands have found, to their great astonishment and joy, that it is possible to obtain an improved mentality or consciousness, and this in turn exerts a corrective influence over the body. This experience has repeatedly operated advan- tageously to one's recovery from discords, which seemed to appear wherever and whenever the nor- mal relationship of consciousness and body — that of servant and master — was not well defined or understood. The varied experiences of humanity abundantly prove that turbulent or extreme mental conditions have caused pain and disease in accordance with existing mortal laws. The so-called mortal or material man seems to be the one who is especially subject to these experiences. To rescue all who believe in this standard of man, and who suffer the bitter consequences of such belief, was the chief mission of Christ Jesus nineteen hundred years ago, and this is the exact mission of Christian Science today. MRS. EDDY'S DISCOVERY That there is a divine law operating in the affairs of men to accomplish healing and salvation through spiritual understanding today, is the 22 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: revelation of Christian Science to the world. If, as the Master and his disciples proved, a law ex- isted and operated to effect healing and redemp- tion in their time, it surely exists and is operative now. Mrs. Eddy has again and again in her writ- ings illustrated the simple manner of accomplish- ing the healing of the body through mental proc- esses. An instance in point is found on page 428 of Science and Health, which reads as follows : "We must realize the ability of mental might to offset human misconceptions and to replace them with the life which is spiritual, not material." And again on page 393 we have the emphatic declara- tions : "Take possession of your body, and govern its feeling and action. Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man. Be firm in your understanding that the divine Mind governs, and that in Science man reflects God's government." Here Mrs. Eddy gives emphasis to the teaching and practice of Christ Jesus, and urges us to extend the range of the influence of thought or consciousness beyond the mere point of directing the movement of the body, even to the bounds of governing its sensations and casting out its in- THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 23 firmities and protecting it against their recur- rence. We are also urged to cultivate the habit of contradicting the errors of sense* and to oppose their suggestions with much firmness and constancy of thought. We are assured that habitually to maintain the attitude of denying the presence and power of evil and all that seems to threaten our peace, harmony, and prosperity, is our divine right. In pursuing a right course in our work of over- coming the errors and discordant experiences which beset us, we find that prayer is a most effectual aid. True prayer is the inseparable companion of every effort which culminates in the healing of mortals. To pray aright means to pray intelli- gently and conscientiously. Prayer must be based upon spiritual understanding. We may with rea- son and in all righteousness assume that God has anticipated all of man's needs. Jesus gave this assurance in his teaching, for he said, "Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things." Then to ask God for what He has already pro- vided, or to expect favors the granting of which would require a change in the infinite plans, would be indicative of doubt and distrust. This would be asking amiss, and would preclude an answer. Readers and students of the text-book of Christian Science have found that the chapter on Prayer 24 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: therein contains some of the most helpful and in- spiring thoughts and instructions it has ever been their privilege to consider. THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST The teachings of Christian Science with respect to Christ Jesus do not justify the criticism which we sometimes hear, that Christian Scientists dis- believe in his divinity. As a doctrinal point in religious teaching the divinity of Christ Jesus has been the center of much controversy and specula- tion. Like many other questions, it is one which has been very generally misunderstood. By the many, Christ has been regarded as the person named Jesus, who evidenced unusual spirit- ual knowledge and wisdom; we recognize that Christ, meaning Messiah or Saviour, was a title bestowed upon the Nazarene Prophet, rather than a name. According to Bible prophecy, the expec- tation was that some one would appear in the world in human form, and by intercession and sacrifice propitiate God for the salvation of sinners. In the Christian world Jesus has been regarded as the one who has performed this service. The world utterly failed, however, in its interpretation of the purpose, labors, and life of this divinest of men. He appeared on earth as a babe, born of a devout woman, and he called himself the "Son of man." THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 25 Thirty years passed, during which he was evidently preparing himself for the incomparable service which he was to render humanity. He sought dili- gently for knowledge which would destroy discord, remove limitation, heal the sick, raise the dead, and improve human conditions. Having found that knowledge, he astonished, shocked, and discomfited the self-satisfied materialists of his day, and glad- dened the hearts of the poor and lowly, by proving in three short years the wonderful power of spir- itual understanding scientifically applied. It re- claimed the sinning, healed the sick, cast out evils, and raised the dead. Throughout his earthly experience the Master disclaimed that his works were of a supernatural order. He said that these were undertaken to bear witness to the power of Truth as he was led and sustained by it. He attributed the wonders which he wrought to no power of his own. Moreover, he did not claim to possess any advantage which others could not enjoy. His frank and humble admission was, "I can of mine own self do nothing," "but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." Jesus taught that the consciousness or divine impulsion which actuated him, and which he was ever obedient to, was the natural source of the power which he personally reflected. The unity or 26 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: oneness of his humanity with the divine Principle of being and its supremacy in his life, prompted him to refer endearingly to God as his Father. This Principle was the source of every desire and impulse which possessed him, and governed him with the certainty of unchanging and eternal law. Paul referred to this presence as the Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus." This presence, then, constituted his divinity. JESUS' LIFE-WORK We note that absolute Truth was the basis of the teaching and practice of Jesus, and all the results obtained through his efforts were contingent upon the activity of right ideas, or Truth, in his con- sciousness. That he completed all that was ex- pected of him, and that he could do no more and no less for humanity than he had done, seems certain when we remember that he said, "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." In the true vision of his life-work we observe that the Master's experiences were examples of a concrete order, all having been demonstrated for the observation, in- struction, and guidance of humanity. A repeti- tion specifically of his experience would be quite unnecessary, because the fulness and sufficiency of his influence and teaching is undeniably with us always. THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 27 When nearing the completion of the work which he believed had been divinely entrusted to him, Jesus instructed his disciples to continue in render- ing to humanity the same service which he had rendered. The divine idea which inspired him he knew would remain with, minister to, and comfort them and the nations of the earth. The Christ which was in him did not begin on earth with his birth, or end with his ascension. It had always been and would ever continue to be. The disciples were to continue to preach the kingdom of God (the power and government of good) at hand, to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out devils. Moreover, with wonderful forethought Jesus provided for this great work to extend be- yond the immediate or natural lifetime of the disci- ples, even to the end of the world; for he com- manded them to enlist the service of all nations, implying that upon these nations should ulti- mately rest the responsibility for its perpetuation. Thus we observe that he dedicated the sacred com- mission and trust of his life-work, not alone to a succession of religionists or professed believers, but to all who constitute the nations of the earth, and this even unto the end of time. We are rejoiced and inspired by the knowledge of the fact that Christian Science has restored to the world the spiritual understanding which en- 2& CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: abled Jesus to heal the sick and reclaim the sin- ning. There has thus been conferred upon each one of us the privilege and duty of furthering his mission by performing the works which he said could be accomplished by all who would believe, understand, and follow his teaching. MRS. EDDY AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE When founding this great movement, Mrs. Eddy made known the teaching and practice of Chris- tian Science by publishing the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The religious and metaphysical teaching therein em- bodied is founded upon the Scriptures, and par- ticularly the words and doctrines uttered and promulgated by Jesus of Nazareth. In this book, and in her other writings, Mrs. Eddy has given special emphasis to the fact of the reality of spirit- ual life and being. She has quickened the interest of mankind in Scriptural history and teaching, and has given a new significance to the so-called healing miracles of Jesus' time. She character- izes them as divinely natural manifestations, pro- duced by the operation of the Principle of the Science of being, according to well-defined law. In proving her contentions, Mrs. Eddy has restored to the service of mankind the practice of healing bodily infirmities entirely through spiritual means. THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 29 The text-book referred to was first published in 1875. Successively, and as the needs have since required, there have appeared, under Mrs. Eddy's direction, periodicals which are now being pub- lished monthly, weekly, and even daily. These publications contain instructive writings in am- plification of the teaching and practice of this Science, and except the daily newspaper give au- thentic instances of healing which have occurred and are occurring from day to day as a result of the observance and application of the doctrines of Christian Science. They are also providing in- formation relative to the growth and progress of the cause, as well as legitimate news and world events of moment and interest, and valuable com- ments thereon. In dispensing thoughts of love, peace, purity, health, and righteousness, the value of the service which these writings and publications are continu- ally rendering mankind is beyond estimate. The far-reaching influence of Mrs. Eddy's life-work, and the power for good which it is exerting, man- kind today but dimly realizes and only feebly com- prehends. It is an occasion for congratulation and thanks- giving that the present generations are witnesses and participants in the activity of this world-wide movement of true Christian faith and practice. 30 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Those who glory and share in its triumphal prog- ress and achievements, gladly and lovingly accord to Mrs. Eddy the honor done her as its Founder. Her earliest struggles on behalf of this consum- mation first assumed definite and effective shape less than fifty years ago. As a consequence, to- day millions of adherents and sympathizers are reaping the benefits. The impulsion and inspir- ation which urged Mrs. Eddy forward to the ac- complishment of a work which since the Master's time is without a parallel in the world's history, was the service which she could thereby render suf- fering humanity. Our appreciation of all this, and our gratitude to her, can best be evidenced by purity, meekness, and humility, and in loving, up- lifting service to one another. TRIUMPH OF THE TRUTH Impelled by the inspiring words and demonstra- tions of a solitary woman of our own blest land, a vast number, who represent every nation of the earth, are today observed climbing the heights of spiritual understanding. A progressive Christi- anity is leading them on, and the ever-brilliant rays of divine Truth go before to designate and illumine the way. On every hand the waymarks and influence of ignorance, fear, superstition, big- otry, and false beliefs are seen to disappear. More- THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY 31 over, their effects in sin and disease, and in impo- tent and obsolete doctrines and practices, are rapidly vanishing from human experience. Divine metaphysics is releasing mortals from the grasp of limitations imposed by sensory evi- dence, and is breaking down the barriers of doubt and skepticism as to the eternity of life and being. It is reestablishing a rational faith in and depend- ence upon the sustaining presence of the eternal verities of Life, Truth, and Love. It is arousing consciousness to the apprehension and acceptance of the healing and redemptive power of God's immutable laws. As a result of this enlightened advancement and transformation, salvation no longer means the escape or deliverance of wicked and condemned persons from the punishment threatened by an avenging Deity. In place of its former and most repelling significance, the term salvation is now being accepted as synonymous with the attain- ment of spiritual understanding. Working out one's own salvation is best comprehended as the simple act of the individual in acquiring the true knowledge of the relationship existing between God and His universe, including man, which He created and governs. Christian Science is very largely responsible for this improved condition and ever-increasing knowl- 33 THE TRUE CHRISTIANITY edge, since through its teaching and practice it has disclosed the important fact that all the functions of true existence are and must ever be centered and circumferenced in this knowledge. It is also con- clusively proving that the natural outcome of what might be rightly termed Christian activity is the healing work which Christ Jesus insisted should be considered as the only legitimate evidence of a man's right to be called a Christian. Periodicals Published by The Christian Science Publishing Society Falmouth and St. Paul Sts., Boston, Mass., U. S. A. The Christian Science Journal Founded April, 1883, by Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and author of the Christian Science Text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." This monthly magazine is the official organ of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Subscription price: Domestic territory (including Mexico and Cuba), one year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; single copy, 20 cents. For Canada add 25 cents and for all other countries 65 cents annually for postage; single copy, for Canada, 20 cents; other countries, 25 cents. Christian Science Sentinel A weekly newspaper for the home, published every Saturday, con- taining news items of general interest, and contributed and selected articles, testimonies of healing, and timely editorials in connection with the Christian Science movement. Subscription price: Domestic, one year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; single copy, 5 cents. For Canada add 45 cents and for all other countries 95 cents annually for postage; single copy, for Canada, 6 cents; other countries, 7 cents. Der Herold der Christian Science A monthly magazine printed in German. It contains original and translated articles bearing upon Christian Science, testimonies of healing, also the Lesson-Sermons which are read at the Sunday ser- vices in all Christian Science churches. Subscription price: Domestic and Canada, one year, $1.00; six months, 60 cents; single copy, 10 cents. For all other countries add 25 cents annually for postage; single copy, 12 cents. The Christian Science Monitor A daily newspaper published every afternoon, except Sunday, of world-wide scope, containing current news, and particularly designed for those desiring a high-class publication in the home. Subscription price: Domestic and Canada, one year, $5.00; six months, $2.50. For all other countries add $3.00 annually for postage. For Greater Boston postal district, $6.00 a year by carrier. »The Christian Science Quarterly Published January, April, July, and October. Contains the Lesson-Sermons which are read at the Sunday services throughout the year in all the Christian Science churches. Subscription price: In the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, one year, 50 cents; single copy, 15 cents. For all other countries add 10 cents annually for postage; single copy, 18 cents. 1 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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