THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES f I s C A T A L G U E THE INNER TEMPLE. ARRANGED IN CLASSES. LONDON. \ 833 T. C. HANSARD, PIUNTIB, PATBRNOSTBR-ROW, LONDON. Z e (3U L SOLS'*; CONTENTS. PRINTED BOOKS. CLASS I. OttnnitP anD ^ecclesiastical CLASS II. 2. a to. English Law, Statutes and Proclamations 33 Records, Entries, Reports, and Trials 37 Treatises 55 Scotch, Irish, and Welsh Law ... ... 83 Civil, Canon, Ecclesiastical, and Foreign Law 91 CLASS English History and Historical Treatises ... 107 Scotch, Irish, and Welsh History ... 129 Parliamentary Debates, Conferences, Journals, and Treatises .................. 133 French History ... ... 145 Various Histories, Ancient and Modern ... 151 Geography, Topography, Fbyages and Travels 165 Biography ... ... ... ... 183 Heraldry ... ... ... ... ... 191 824192 IT CONTENTS. CLASS IV jfedenceg ant) PAGE Mathematics 195 Natural History 209 fine Arts ...... 213 Ethics, Politics, fyc. ...... 215 CLASS V. Classical literature, fcc. Dictionaries and Grammars 221 Antiquities 229 Greek Classics -.231 Latin Classics - 235 Modern Latin 241 French, Spanish, and Italian Authors 245 English Poetry ... ..-249 English Prose, Miscellaneous 253 Catalogues, Kalendars, fyc. 261 MANUSCRIPTS. I. PETYT MSS. ... 263 II. MSS. received from the Executors of Bishop Barrington ... 288 III. MSS. received from the Executor of Baron Maseres 289 IV. MSS. purchased ... ... 289 NOTE. The Divisions marked A to X are in the new Room. Those numbered 1 to 32 are in the old Itoom. V C denotes the Parliament Chamber. T O the Treasurer's Office. The numbers of the Shelves are reckoned from the bottom. to. 1607 20 6 Apology for the Christians of France 12mo. 1579 22 5 Apostolical Fathers, genuine Epistles of the, translated by the Bishop of Lincoln 8uo. 1710 21 6 Atheism, the Unreasonableness of it, 8vo. 1669 23 4 Atterbury's Rights of an English Convoca- tion 8vo. 1701 20 2 Augustin de Civitate Dei 12 mo. 1610 23 3 Augustine, St. of the City of God, with the Comments of Vives fol. 1 6 1 22 3 Austin's, Wm. Theological Meditation sfol. 1635 20 1 Babington's, Bishop, Works fol. 1637 J 7 Baker's German Pulpit 8vo. 1829 20 6 Bale's Image of both Churches 12 mo. 20 4 Barker's Sermon upon Lady Capell l66l 22 5 Barlow, Bishop, on the Conference at Hampton Court, Jan. 14th, 1603 4fo. 1604 20 2 Barlow's Answer to a Catholike 1609 22 3 Barlow, John, on St. Paul's 2nd Epistle to Timothy ; with other works fol. 1632 20 2 Barrie's two Sermons 4o. 1607 23 3 Barrow's, J. D. D. Theological Works, 4 vols. fol. not uniform 16S7 20 2 Basire's Sacriledge Arraigned 4/o. 1646 20 1 Baxter's Life and Times fol. 1696 20 2 Beard's Theatre of God's Judgments 1631 20 2 Becon's Works 2 vols. fol. 1564 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 23 23 22 21 J 20 21 20 23 21 20 21 PC Beda de temporibus 4to. l6l5 Begg on Christ's Return in Glory 1831 Bell's Divine Missions, &c., 8vo. 1810 Bellarmine, de Ascensione Mentis in Deum 12mo. Cologne, l6l7 Belsham's Calm Enquiry concerning the Person of Christ 8vo. 1811 Ben-Gorion's Josephus's History of the Jews 8vo. 1671 Bennett on the Trinity 8vo. 1718 Beza upon Job and Ecclesiastes 12wo. Bible, the Holy, with the Book of Common Prayer fol. Cambridge, 1638 Bible, the Holy, with Notes by D'Oyly and Mant, ' 3 vols. 4,to. 1817 Biblia Lat. Junii et Tremellii fol. 1603 Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis 4/o. Paris, 1653 Bilson on Christian Subjection 4/o. Birkbeck's Protestant's Evidence 1635 Blackall's Sermons on Various Occasions 8vo. 1706 21 Blair's, Hugh, Sermons 2 vols. 8vo. 1779 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 6 Blount's, Chas. Anima Mundi and the Origin of Idolatry 8vo. 1679 J 7 Blunt's Veracity of Moses 8vo. 1830 20 6 Boaystuaus's Rule of the World 12 mo. 22 5 Bolton's, Robt. Instructions for Afflicted Consciences 4/0. 1635 21 6 Bonetus, de Cultu Religiose Svo. ThouL 1691 22 2 Bower's History of the Popes 7 vols. 4/0. 1 748 21 6 Boyle, the hon. Robt. on the Style of Scripture Svo. 1663 20 2 Bramhall's Defence of True Liberty, &c. 12mo. 1655 20 2 Bramhall's Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon 12mo. 1656 23 4 Brerewood's Discourses on the Greek Tongue, &c. 4>to. 1622 21 5 Brightman's Revelation of the Apocalypse, 4>to. Amsterdam, 1611 J 7 Bristol's, Bishop of, Ecclesiastical History, illustrated from Tertullian Svo. 1826 22 3 Brookes, Matthew, on the Redemption of Man fol. 1657 20 2 Broughton's Concent of Scripture 4>to. 20 6 Brown's Religio Medici 12mo. 1642 20 3 Ditto ditto Svo. 1682 21 3 Brown, J. B. on the Catholic Laws Svo. 1813 20 2 Browning's Sermons 4/o. 1636 22 3 Bryant, Jacob, on Ancient History 4/o. 1767 21 5 Bullinger's Sermons on the Apocalypse 4/o. 1561 20 6 Burgess's Fire of the Sanctuary newly uncovered. 12mo. 1625 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 2 Burgess on Kneeling at the Lord's Supper 4/0. 1631 23 2 Burnet, Bishop, on the 39 Articles fol. 1700 23 2 Burnet's, Bishop, History of the Reforma- tion 3 vols. fol. 1679 PC 5 Burnet's History of the Reformation 6 vols. Svo. 1816 23 5 Burnet's Theory of the Earth 2 vols. 8vo. 1722 23 5 Burneti Telluris Sacra Theoria 4/0. 1689 J 7 Butler's, Bishop, Works 2 vols. Svo. 1813 21 3 Butler's, Charles, Memoirs of the Catholics 2 vols. Svo. 1819 20 2 Cade's Justification of the Church of England 4/0. 1630 20 1 Calvine's Institution of the Christian Re- ligion fol. 1611 20 2 Campion and Others, Conference with, 1581 ; and a Dialogue, &c. 4/o. 1601 20 3 Care's Weekly Pacquet from Rome 3 vols. 4/0. 1679 20 2 Carleton's Jurisdiction, Regall, Episcopall, Papal 4/o. 1610 20 2 Carleton's Remembrance of God's Mercy 4/0. 1625 20 2 Carpenter's Solomon's Solace 4/o. 1606 20 2 Catholyke Cause, a Defence of the 1602 20 1 Caussin's Holy Court fol. 1634, 21 6 Cave on Church Government Svo. 1683 23 I Cave's Lives of the Fathers fol. 1716 20 2 Charity Maintayned by Catholiques 4/0. 1634 PRINTED BOOKS. Dir/Simr DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 23 22 21 20 22 23 20 22 23 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 4 4 Charles, King, Sermon upon the Death of, 1648 4/o. 1649 Charron on Wisdom, in 3 Books, by Lennard 4/o. Chemnitins's Examination of the Council of Trent, and Cranmer's Confutation of Unwritten Verities 4/o. 1582 Cheyne's Philosophical Principles of Na- tural Religion 8ro. 1705 Chillingworth's Safe Way to Salvation fol. 1638 Chillingworth's Safe Way to Salvation, and Sermons fol. 1664 Christian Church, the Rights of the, 8ro. 1706 Christian Religion, Grounds of the 1633 Clarendon's, Earl of, Religion and Policy 2 ro/5. 8vo. 1811 Clark's, Samuel, Marrow of Ecclesiastical History 4to. 1650 Clark's, Samuel, M. A. Paraphrase on the Evangelists 2 ro/j. 8vo. 1703 Clarke, Samuel, M. A. on the Being and Attributes of God 8ro. 1706 Clarke, Samuel, M. A. on the Unchange- able Obligations of Natural Religion, and of the Truth of the Christian 8ro. 1708 Clarke, Samuel, D. D. his Letters to Dod- well Sro. 1711 Clarke, Samuel, D. D. on the Trinity 81-0. 1712 Clarke, Samuel, D. D. his Reply to Nelson 8vo. 1714 Clarke, Samuel, D. D. Three Letters to, with his Reply concerning the Trinity ; and other Tracts 8vo. 1714 PRINTED BOOKS. DlV. HELP DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 20 21 21 21 20 20 23 23 21 21 22 FC 23 23 21 21 22 21 Jlarke, Samuel, D. D. his Collection of Papers in the years 1715 and 16, relating to the Principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion Svo. 1717 'lergy, English, Tracts relating to Svo. 1737 Jlerici Harmonia Evangelica foL Amst. 1699 Clericus in Pentateuchum, 2 vols. 2nd edit. foL Amsterdam. 1710 Clericus in Veteris Testament! Libros His- toricos fol. Amsterdam. 1708 Clerke's, Richard, Sermons fol. 1637 Colleton's Defence of the Slandered Priests 4fo. 1602 Collier, Ar. of an External World Svo. 1713 Collier's, Jeremy, Ecclesiastical History 2 vols. fol. 1708 Collins, Anthony, on the Grounds of the Christian Religion Svo. 1724 Commentaire Philosophique sur ces Pa- roles de Jesus Christ : " Contrain les d'entrer." 4 vols. I2mo. 16S6 Common Prayer, Book of fol. Oxon. 168! Common Prayer, the Book of, with Notes by Mant 4to. 1625 Cosin, on the Canon of Holy Scripture, 4tto. 1657 Courayer's, Le, Traite de la Divinite de Jesus Christ Svo. 1810 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 1 Crakanthorp's Vigilius Dormitans fol. 1631 20 1 Cranmer's Answer to Gardiner upon Tran- substantiation, 2 copies fol. 1551 20 4 Crashaw's Rates of the Pope's Custom House, 1625, and a Discourse to prove that Peter was never at Rome, 1572 4fo. 1625 20 2 Crashawe's Sermon at the Crosse, Feb. 14, 1607 4fo. 1609 20 1 Cronique Martmiene la, de tous les Papes jusques au Pape Alexandre, 1503 fol. 1503 21 6 Cross's Taghmical Art of Expounding Scripture by Points 8vo. 1698 23 2 Cudworth's Intellectual System fol. 1678 21 3 Cumberland's, Bishop, Sanchoniatho's Phoe- nician History 8vo. 1720 20 6 Cyrilli Arpi Catecheses 12 wo. 1564 22 4 Dalleeus de Usu Patruin 4>to. Geneva, 1655 20 4 Dalton's London's Laurell 4>to. 162 4 22 3 Damiani Petri Epistolse 4>to. Paris, 1610 21 6 De Molino's M. Spiritual Guide, from the Italian ; and concerning Daily Com- munion 8vo. 1688 J 7 Death-Bed Scenes 3 vols. I2mo. 1830 J 7 Death-Bed Scenes (new Series) 1831 20 4 Defence of the Godlie Ministers against D. Bridges 4/0. 158? 21 4 Derham's Physico-Theology 8vo. 1714 20 6 Dering's Sermon before the Queen, 1569 12/wo. 1603 20 4 Dering's, Sir Edward, Speeches in Matter of Religion 4-to. 1642 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 4 Diggs's Unlawfulness of Subjects taking up Arms against their Soveraigne 4/o. 1647 22 3 Diodati, Giovanni, la Biblia Italien fol. 1607 22 3 Diodati's Annotations on the Bible, trans- lated from the Italian fol. 1664 21 5 Done's, Wm. S., D. D. Sermons at the Temple, by Shepherd 8vo. 1786 23 5 Donne on Self-Murder 4fo. 1644 22 4 Donne's Pseudo-Martyr 4o. 1610 23 5 Downame's Sum of Sacred Divinity 4>to. 1635 23 1 Dugdale and Dodsworth's Monasticon Anglicanum 3 vols. fol. 1655 22 2 Du Pin's Ecclesiastical History 2nd edit. 6 vols. fol. 1693 22 5 Duty of Man, the Whole 8vo. 1706 23 5 Dyke on Repentance and the Temptations of Christ 4>to. 1631 23 5 Dyke on the Heart, or Self-Deceit 4-to. 23 5 Dyke on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 8vo. 1645 20 4 Dykes on Repentance, &c. 4-to. 1616 21 6 Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Kings of England 8vo. 1689 23 4 Ecclesiastical Revenues, History of, by Simon 8vo. 16S5 20 3 Emlyn's Works 1st vol. 8vo. 1746 20 3 England, Church of, Vindication of the Li- turgie of 4>to. 1646 20 3 England, Church of, Disquisition relating to 8vo. 1749 21 6 Erasti, Th. Explicatio Quaestionis Gra- vissimae, &c. 12 wo. Amsterdam, 1649 10 PRINTED BOOKS. Dir. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, 23 2 Eusebii et Aliorum Historia Ecclesiastica fol. Basil, 1549 20 6 Exercises upon the 1st Psalme 12 wo. 20 4 Faith in Answer to a Roman Catholick 4>to. l66l 20 4 Favour's Antiquitie triumphing over No- veltie 4/o. 1619 20 4 Featley's Romish Fisher caught 1624 20 1 Featley's Clavis Mystica fol. 1636 20 4 Featley's Case for the Spectacles 1638 22 5 Featley, Dan. on the Anabaptists 4,to. 1645 22 5 Fell, Bishop, on St. Paul's Epistles 4/o. 1704 20 4 Felltham's Resolves 4/o. 1636 21 6 Fenelon's Explication des Maximes des Saints 12mo. Amsterdam, 1698 21 6 Fenelon, de 1'Existence de Dieu et de ses Attributs Svo. Paris, 1718 20 4 Fern upon Resistance to the Higher Powers 4/o. 1642 21 6 Fides Divina, or the Ground of true Faith Asserted Svo. 1657 21 3 Flagellants, History of, by De Lolme Svo. 1784 21 5 Fleetwood's, Bishop, four occasional Ser- mons 8t;o. 1712 20 4 Fletcher's Christ's Victorie 4/o. 1632 21 2 Fleury's, M. Histoire Ecclesiastique 37 vols. 4,to. Paris, 1750 20 1 Fonseca's Sermons fol. 1629 21 3 Fosbrooke's, Thos. British Monachism 2 vols. Svo. 1802 22 1 Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church 3 vols. fol, 1684 PRINTED BOOKS. 11 Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 21 23 23 20 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 23 20 21 20 22 21 20 24 22 Fulke against Campian Fulke on the New Testament 12mo. 1586 fol. 1633 Fuller's Pisgah or Description of Palestine fol. 165O Fuller's Church History of Britain, and of Cambridge, and Waltham Abbey fol. 1655 Furneaux on Toleration, with other Tracts 1773 Gastrell's Certainty of the Christian Reve- lation 8vo. 1699 Gastrell's Boyle's Lectures 8vo. 1708 Gastrell's Christian Institutes 8vo. 1709 Gataker's Sermons fol. 1 637 Gataker's Vindication against Lillie 4to. 1 653 Gatford's Exhortation to Peace 1655 Gauden's Sermons 4Y0. 1642 Gauden's Funerals made Cordials 1658 Gauden on Tithes, and on Marriage 4~to. 1658 Gauden's Ecclesiae Anglicanae Suspiria fol. 1659 Gauden's Sermon on Micah, 6th and 8th ; and his discourse for a King and Parlia- ment 4>to. 1660 Gauden's Thanksgiving Sermon 1660 Gauden, John, D. D. on the Liturgy of the Church of England and other Tracts 4to. 1661 Geddes's History of the Church of Ma- labar 8vo. 1694 Geddes's Tracts 3 vols. 8vo. 1730 Gibson's, Bishop, Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglican! 2 vols. fol. 1761 Gill's Sacred Philosophy of the Holy Scriptures fol. 1635 12 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHI i. DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 23 5 Godwin, Thos. on the Civil and Ecclesias- tical Rites of the Antient Hebrews 4to. 1626 20 4 Golden Fleece, the 4to. 1626 21 6 Gouge on the Calling of the Jews 4>to. 1621 J 7 Gray's Key to the Old Testament 1829 20 3 Greek Prayer Book &vo. 1665 21 1 Grotii Opera Omnia Theologica 4 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1679 23 3 Hale, Sir M., his Primitive Origination of Mankind fol. l6?7 22 3 Hales, John, his Sermons at Eton fol. 1660 21 6 Hales, John, on the Sin against the Holy Ghost ; and other Tracts 8vo. 167? 20 3 Hales on the Divine and Human Characters of Jesus Christ ; with other Tracts 8vo. 1808 21 3 Hales, Wm. on the Primitive Church of the British Isles 8vo. 1819 20 6 Hall of Commutation 12 wo. 1652 20 1 Hall of Government and Obedience 1654 23 4 Hall's Episcopacie by Divine Right 4>to. 1640 20 5 Hammond's Practical Catechism ; and se- veral Tracts 4/o. 1646 20 3 Hammond's Resolution to six Quaeres in the Church of England 1653 21 1 Hammond on the New Testament fol. 16*59 22 3 Hammond on the Psalms fol. 1659 22 2 Hanmer's Antient Ecclesiastical History ofEusebius. English. fol. 1607 21 5 Hardy's Sermons on Several Occasions 4to. 1656 PRINTED BOOKS. 13 Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 22 21 21 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 20 23 20 20 21 20 20 23 Hardy's Exposition of St. John's First Epistle 4/o. 1659 Harmer's Specimen of Errors, in Burnet's History of the Reformation 8vo. 1693 Harmony, the, of the Divine Laws 8vo. 1682 Harris's Friars be Sober 4/o. Harrison's and Leygh's Funeral Sermons upon K. Brettergh I2mo. 1605 Hayward, of Supremacie in Affairs of Religion 4>to. 1624, Hearnii Acta Apostolorum Graeco-Latine e Codice Laudiano 8vo. Oxford, 1715 Hebrews, a Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the foL 164,6 Henry VHIth's, King, Primer 4/o. Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury, de Veritate 4/o. Paris, 1633 Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury, de Religione Gentilium 4>to. Amst. 6613 Hering's Panacea Christiana, with a Preface by Melancthon 12mo. 1624 Heylin's Animadversions on the Church History of Britain, &c. 8vo. 1659 Heylyn's Answer to Bernard and Sanderson 4/o. 1658 Heywood's Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels fol. 1635 Hills, H. on the Propagation of the Soul 8vo. 1667 Histoire des Diables de Loudun 1740 Hitching' s Church Estate from the Crea- tion till 1623 4/o. 1624 Hobbii Historia Ecclesiastica, Carmen Elegiacum 8yo. 1688 14 PRINTED BOOKS. DlT. Siu-n DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 2 5 Hody de Septuaginta Interpretibus 8ro. Oxford, l6S4 20 6 Hommii Festi Disputationes Theologicae I2mo. 1630 22 3 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, the First five Books ; and Sermons fol. 1617 22 3 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, 6th and Sth Books 4/o. 1648 20 1 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Politic fol. J 7 Hooker's Works, with his Life by Walton 3 vok. St'o. 1793 20 2 Hore beatissime \ r irginis Marie 4/o. 15C7 J 7 Home, Bishop, on the Psalms 2 vok. 12mo. IS 15 J 7 Home's Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures 4 tx>&. Svo. 1S2S 20 6 Houper on the Commandments 1550 22 4 Huetii Ahietana? Quiestiones Theologies? 4/o. Lcipsic, 169-2 22 4 Huetii Demonstratio Erangelica, 5th edit, 4/o. Lripsic, 1703 23 4 Huntley's Usurpations of the Prelates ; and other Tracts 4/0. l6S7 J 7 Huss, Joannis, Opera omnia 3 rofe. in 1. 4/o. 20 3 Jack's Mathematical Principles of Theolosjy Sro. 1737 22 5 Jackson, Thos. on the Humiliation of the Son of God 4/0. 1636 21 5 Jackson's, Thos. Sermons 4/o. Oxford, 1637 20 4 Jadtson's two Sermons, and one by Donne l6SS m 1 Jackson's Works fol. 1654 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELI DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 22 22 21 23 21 22 20 22 21 21 20 21 23 20 20 21 21 21 21 Jackson, Thos. on the Creed ; with Sermons on various Occasions fol. 1657 Jackson, Arthur, on the Poetical Books of the Old Testament 4>to. 1658 Jansenisme, Histoire du 8vo. Cologne, 1698 Jaquelot, Reponse a 1'Examen de la The- ologie de Bayle, par 8vo. Rotterdam, 1 708 Jenkin, Robert, on the Christian Religion 2 vols. 3d edit. 1708 Jermin on the Proverbs of Solomon, and upon Ecclesiastes fol. 1638 Jewell's, Bishop, Reply to Hardinge fol. 1566 Jewell's, Bishop, Defence of the Apology of the Church of England fol. 1567 Jewell's, Bishop, Sermons 8vo. 1583 Jewell's, Bishop, Apologia Ecclesise Angli- canae, cum Versione Graeca, by Smith 12mo. 1639 Jews, the History of the 3 vols. 12rao. 1830 Independency, History of, 1648, and Knell's Looking Glasse for Levellers 4sto. 1648 Infantiae Evangelium ex MSS. Editore et Interprete H. Sike 8vo. Utrecht, 1697 Johnson, Sam. against Julian, &c. 8vo. 1689 Johnson's Works fol. 1713 Jones on the Preservation of Body and Soul 4*0. 1579 Jones's, Robt. Sermons 12mo. 1659 Jones's, LLJ). Welsh Translation of the Gospels 1818 Jortin's Sermons 7 vols. 8vo. 2nd edit. 1774 Josephus's Works, by Sir R. L'Estrange fol. 1702 16 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHEL DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 6 Joye's Unite and Schisme, and Confuta- tion of Winchester's false Articles and Declaration of Faith of Zuingly 1 530 J 7 Irvine's Sermons 8vo. 1830 22 5 Jurieu's, Peter, History of the Council of Trent 8vo. 1684 20 1 Kellett's Miscellanies of Divinitie foL 1633 20 1 Kellett's Tricoenium Christi fol. 1641 20 4 Kellison's Survey of the New Religion 1605 22 3 Kennedy's Scriptural Chronology 4to. 1788 20 3 King's Enquiry into the Constitution of the Church 300 years after Christ 8vo. 22 2 Kirktori's, James, History of the Church of Scotland, and the Murder of Arch-bishop Sharpe 4,to. 1817 22 2 Knox's, John, History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland fol. 1644 21 6 Lactantius de Mortibus Persecutorum 8vo. Abate, 1684 21 4 Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel His- tory 16 vols. 8vo. 1730 21 5 Latimer's, Bishop, Sermons 4fo. 1635 PRINTED BOOKS. 17 Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 20 3 Laval's Reformation in France 6vols. Svo. 1737 23 i I ". 5 Le Clerc, Sentimens de quelques Theolo- giens de Hollande sur 1'Histoire critique du Vieux Testament, par R. Simon Svo. 1685 23 5 Le Clerc, Defense des Sentimens de quel- ques Theologiens de Hollande contre la Reponse du Prieur de Bolleville Svo. 1686 23 5 Le Clerc de 1'Incredulite Svo. 1714 22 3 Lee's, Sam., Temple of Solomon, with the Description of its Buildings fol. 1659 22 3 L'Estrange, Hamon, on the Liturgies of the Church of England fol. 1 659 20 4 L'Estrange's Holy Cheat 12mo. 1661 20 4 Ley's Sunday a Sabbath 4/0. 1641 20 4 Liber Precum Publicarum Svo. 1574 J 7 Lincoln, Bishop of, on Justin Martyr Svo. 1829 20 4 Lok's Ecclesiastes paraphrased 4/0. 1597 20 3 Love's Sermons 4/0. 1655 23 5 Lubieniecii Historia Reformationis Po- lonicae Svo. 1685 20 4 Luther upon Galatians ; and a Popish Asse and a Moonkish Calfe, by Melancthon and Luther 4/0. 1588 22 5 Luther, Martin, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 4/0. 1588 20 3 Lyon's Hebrew Grammar and Lexicon Svo. A. M. 5575 22 4 Mabillon et Germain, Museum Italicum 2 vols. 1687 J 4 M'Crie's Life of Melville 2 vols. Svo. 1824 J 7 M'Crie's Reformation in Italy Svo. 1827 D 18 PRINTED BOOKS. Div Sun DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. J J 21 20 21 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 20 21 20 20 M'Crie's Reformation in Spain 8vo. 1829 M'Crie's Life of John Knox 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 Mackqueen's Discourses on British Valour 8vo. 1715 Maddox against Neal's History of the Puritans 8vo. 1740 Maimbourg, 1'Histoire du Calvinisme de Critique de 12 wo. Ville Franche, 1683 Maimonides de Jure Pauperis et Peregrini apud Judseos, Heb. et Lat. per H. PrideauXj 4>to. 1679 Malone's Reply to Usher 4>to. 1 627 Mandeville's Free Thoughts on Religion 8vo. 1720 Maner's Dissertacion sobre el Juicio Universal 4>to. 1741 Manuscript Psalms 12 wo. Manuscript Common Place Book Marcus Antonius, Abp. of Spalato, Mani- festation of his Motives 1616 Mariages Clandestins des Protestans de France; with other Tracts 1756 Martyr, Peter, on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 4to. Mason's Historical Account of the Conse- cration of English Bishops fol. 1613 Mason's Christ's Victorie over Sathan's Tyrannic fol. 1615 Matthsei Sancti Evangelium, Heb. et Lat. 8vo. Paris, 1555 Mauger's Tableau du Jugement Universel I2mo. l675 Mead's Medica Sacra 8i>o. 1755 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 23 4 Mede's, Joseph, Key to the Revelations 4*o. 1650 22 4 Meditations Divine and Moral, by a person of Honor and Piety 4o. 16*54 20 2 Milton's Theological Works, Latin and English 2 vols. 4>to. 1825 20 4 Miserere, the, Paraphrased 1635 20 2 Missale Romanum 4o. 1585 23 4 Monastical History of Ireland 8vo. 1722 20 4 Monument of Mortality, Mirror of Modestie, and a Wakening of Worldlings Sermons 12 wo. 1621 21 4 More's, Sir Geo. Demonstration of God in his Works against Atheists 4-to. 1598 20 I Mornai upon the Masse foL 1 600 20 4 Mornay on the Trueness of the Christian Religion 4>to. 1604 22 2 Morney's, Philip, History of the Papacy foL 1612 20 1 Morton's Protestant's Appeale 1610 20 4 Morton's Encounter against Parsons 4to. 1610 20 4 Morton's Defence of Ceremonies 1619 20 4 Morton's Grand Imposture of the now Church of Rome 4>to. 20 1 Morton on the Sacrament foL 1631 23 5 Mosaicae Legis primus Liber (Genesis) He- braice 4,to. Paris. 1535 21 3 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, by Mac- laine 5 vols. Svo. 1774 22 4 Moulin sur 1'Histoire de 1'Eglise 4>to. 1680 20 6 Moundeford's Virbonus 12mo. 1622 23 4 Mountagu on Tithes Mo. 1621 20 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 3 NeaTs, Dan. History of the Puritans 4 vols. 8vo. 1732 23 4 Nettle's Answer to Selden on Tithes 4/o. Oxford, 1625 20 4 Nicanor Lysimachus to the Covenantors of Scotland 4/o. 1640 20 4 Nicholls's Abraham's Faith the olde Re- ligion 4/o. 1602 21 1 Nicholls on the Common Prayer, with the Supplement 2 vols. fol. 1711 20 3 O'Connor on Irish Catholic Bishops Svo. 1810 20 4 Owen's Unmasking of Monks and Friars 4/o. 1628 21 4 Paley's, Wm. Evidences of Christianity 2 vols. Svo. 1794 J 7 Paley's Works 7 vols. Svo. 1825 20 6 Parecbolse, sive excerpta e Statutis Univers. Oxon. 12wo. 1671 23 1 Parker, Archbishop, de Antiquitate Bri- tannicee Ecclesiae fol. 1605 22 1 Parker, Archbishop, de Antiquitate Ec- clesiae Britannicae Historia per Drake, fol. 1729 23 5 Parker's W. Assembly of Divines' Con- fession of Faith examined Svo. 1651 22 4 Parker, Sam. Disputationes de Deo 4/o. 1678 20 3 Parnell's Penal Laws against Irish Catholics 8^0. 1808 21 6 Pascal, Pensees de, sur la Religion, &c. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1677 PRINTED BOOKS. 21 Div. SHELI 22 5 22 5 22 5 22 5 21 6 23 2 20 3 23 3 20 4 J 7 20 1 20 4 20 6 20 3 22 1 20 4 22 5 21 6 22 4 21 6 21 1 20 3 DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Patrick, Bishop, on the Psalms, 2 vols. 8vo. 1680 Patrick, Bishop, on Job 2nd edit. 8vo. 1685 Patrick, Bishop, on the Proverbs 8vo. 1694 Patrick, Bishop, on Ecclesiastes Svo. 1700 Paule's, Sir Geo. Life of Archbishop Whit- gift 4/o. 1612 Paul's, Father, History of the Council of Trent, by Brent fol. 1629 Paul's, Father, Ecclesiastical Revenues 8vo. 1730 Pearson on the Creed 5th edit. fol. 1683 Pelagius Redivivus 4/o. 1626 Percy's Key to the New Testament 8vo. 1825 Perkins's Works 3 vols. in 2, fol. 1613 Petition of Citizens of London to Parlia- ment 4/o. 1642 Philalethes's Euphrates or the Waters of the East 12mo. 1655 Piazza's Inquisition in Italy Picart's Religious Ceremonies Pierce's Answer to Baxter 1722 6 vols. fol. 1732 1659 Pilkington, Bishop, on certain Chapters of Nehemiah 4/o. Cambridge, 1585 Plato's Apology for Socrates j and Phsedo, a Translation of 8vo. 1675 Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolae cum Disser- tatione Usserii 4/o. Oxford, 1644 Pomponatius de Immortalitate Animse 12mo. 1534 Poole's, Matthew, Annotations upon the Bible 2 vols. fol. 1700 Popery, Reflections on 4/o 22 PRINTED BOOKS. Dm SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Dm SHELF 20 4 23 5 20 4 21 4 23 4 23 4 21 1 20 3 20 4 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 6 21 3 23 1 20 3 21 6 22 3 Potter's Answer to Charity Mistaken 12mo. 1633 Precher, 1'Art de, & un Abb6 8vo. Amsterdam, 1683 Pretended Holy Discipline, a Survey of 4>to. 1593 Pretyman's, G. Bishop of Lincoln, Ele- ments of Christian Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. 1799 Prideaux's Introduction for Reading His- tory 4>to. 168 2 Prideaux's Life of Mahomet, and his Letter to the Deists 8vo. 1708 Prideaux's Connection of the History of the Old and New Testament 2 vols. fol. 1717 Prideaux's Original and Right of Tithes 8vo. 1736 Priest upon the Oath of Allegiance 4>to. 1611 Priestley, Horsley, and Parkhurst, upon the Divinity of Christ 2 vols. 8vo. 1783 Priestley's History of the Christian Church 2 vols. Svo. 1790 Priestley's Notes on the Bible 3rd and 4th vols. Svo. 1804 12/no. 1555 3 vols. Svo. 1813 Primer, the Salisburie Protestant Advocate, the Prynne's Breviate of the Life of Archbishop Laud fol. 1644 Prynne's Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus 4/o. 1660 Pufendorf's History of Popedom, transla- ted by Chamberlayne Svo. 1691 Purchas's Pilgrimage, or Religions of the World from the Creation fol. 1613 PRINTED BOOKS. 23 Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 22 20 20 21 20 20 21 22 21 20 20 20 22 23 20 21 21 21 Pyle's Paraphrase on the Acts of the Apostles, and on the Epistles 2 vols. 8vo. 1715 Quarles's Divine Poems Rabbotenus's Bee Hive Church 12mo. 1630 of the Romish 12mo. 1623 Rainolds's, John, Sermons upon the Pro- phecy of Obadiah 4>to. Oxford. 1613 Rainoldes's Conference with Hart 1588 Randall's St. Paul's Triumph 1623 Randolph's, Dr. Thomas, View of our Saviour's Ministry, with Sermons, Lec- tures, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1/84 Raphsoni Demonstratio de Deo; et Epis- tolae Miscellaneae 4to. 1640 Rehearsal Transposed 2 vols. 8vo. 1672 Relation of the Troubles of three Forraign Churches in Kent by the Injunction of Archbishop Laud 1645 Religio Stoici 12io. 1665 Religion, a Gentleman's 12 mo. 1693 Religion, the History of, by a Person of Quality 8vo. 1694 24 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 20 22 22 20 22 22 20 21 23 22 21 21 23 20 21 Rennell's, Thomas, D. D. Discourses on Various Subjects 8vo. 1801 Rennell on Scepticism 8vo. 1821 Replie to a Relation of the Conference be- tween Wm. Laude, and Fisher the Jesuite 4>to. 1640 Reynerus R. P. Clem, de Antiquitate Bene- dictinorum in Anglia fol. Douay, 1626 Reynolds, Edward, on the 110th Psalm 2nd Edit. 4/o. 1635 Reynolds's Sermons at Lincoln's Inne 4/o. 164-2 Richardson, Bishop, on the Old Testament fol. 1655 Rogers, Thomas, on the 39 Articles 4/o. 1621 Rogers's Catholike Doctrine of the Church of England 4>to. 1668 Rolloci, Commentarius in Aliquot Psalmos 8vo. Geneva, 1599 Romish Horse-Leech 8vo. 1674 Rosemond's French Translation of Burnet's History of the Reformation vol. 1st, 4/o. 1683 Rowlatt's Sermons 2 vols. 8vo. 181 6 Rowlatt's Sermon to the Grocer's Company 4/o. 1824 Rowlatt's Sermons at the Temple Church Svo. 1830 Ruari Martini, Aliorumque Epistolse 8t;o. 1677 Rycaut's, Paul, Lives of the Popes fol. 1685 Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas, 1644 4/o. 1647 Sandii, Nucleus Histories Ecclesiasticae 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1669 PRINTED BOOKS. 25 Div. SHELF DIVINITY" AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 6 Sandii, Interprctationes Paradoxae quatuor Evangeliorurn Svo. Cosmopoli. 1670 22 3 Sandys's Poetical Paraphrase on the Divine Poems fol. lG3S 21 5 Saunderson, Robert, Sermons ad Clerum, ad Magistratum, et ad Populum 4o. 1632 21 6 Saunderson, Bishop, Casus Conscientiae Svo. Cambridge, 1688 20 4 Scotland, Church of, the Government of, 4>to. 1640 23 4 Selden's Jus Naturale juxta Disciplinam Ebreeorum 4>to. 1 66 5 23 4 Selden de Diis Syris, Svo. 2nd Edit. Leips. 1672 23 4 Selden's Uxor Ebraica 4,to. 1673 21 6 Senault de 1'Usage des Passions 12/wo. 16*3 21 6 Senault on the Passions, translated by the Earl of Monmouth Svo. 164-9 20 4 Senault' s Reparation of Nature by Grace 4o. 1650 20 4 Senault's Corruption of Nature by Shine 4to. 1650 20 3 Sharp on the Definitive Article in the Greek New Testament 1 803 i i 20 5 Shepheard's Sincere Convert 12;no. 16'43 21 5 Sherlock, William, Vindication of the Trinity 4fo. 1690 21 5 Sherlock's Vindication of the Trinity ex- amined 4Yo. 1693 21 5 Sherlock, William, on Divine Providence Mo. 1694 21 5 Sherlock, William, on a Future Judgment Svo. 1699 21 5 Sherlock, William, on Death, 10th edit. Svo. 1699 E PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 5 Sherlock, William, on a Future State 8vo. 1704 21 5 Sherlock, Thomas, on Prophecy ; and three Dissertations 8vo. 1725 21 5 Sherlock, Bishop, Sermons 4 vols. 6th edit. 8vo. 1772 22 4 Simon, R. Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament de 4to. Rotterdam. 1685 22 4 Simon, R. Reponse au Livre intitule Sen- timens de quelques Theologiens de Hol- lande, de 4>to. 1686 22 4 Simon, R. Histoire Critique du Nouveau Testament de 3 vols. 4,to. Rotterdam. 1689 21 5 Smith, Rev. H. Sermons 8vo. 1794 21 6 Smith, Rev. H. Churchman's Answer to the Protestant-Dissenter's Catechism 12ao. 1795 20 5 Sober Sadness, or Observations upon both Houses of Parliament 1642 21 5 South's Sermons 11 vols. 8vo. 1697 J 7 Southey's Book of the Church 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 J 7 Southey's Vindiciae Ecclesise Anglicanae 8vo. 1826 22 4 Sparrow's Collection of Canons' Injunc- tions, &c. 4>to. 168 4 23 3 Spelman's Concilia Decreta, &c. 2vols.fol. 1639 21 6 Spencer, John, on Prodigies and Vulgar Prophecies 8vo. 1 665 P &23 3} Spencer de Legibus Hebrasorum, fol. Cambridge, 1685 20 5 Stapleton's Fortresse of the Faith 1565 20 5 State of Religion in the West Parts of the World 4fo. 1605 20 3 Steele, Sir Richard, Account of the Roman Catholic Religion 8vo. 1724 PRINTED BOOKS. 27 Div. SHELF 23 4 23 1 21 3 23 4 23 2 20 5 20 5 23 1 23 1 21 3 23 5 20 3 20 3 20 5 20 5 20 5 21 6 20 5 22 5 20 5 J 7 23 2 22 3 DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Stillingfleet, Bishop, Irenicum 4>to. 1661 Stillingfleet, Bishop, Origines Britannicae, or Antiquities of British Churches foL 1685 Stillingfleet, Bishop, Answers to Locke, 8vo. 1697 Stillingfleet, Bishop, Ecclesiastical Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1698 Stillingfleet, Bishop, Origines Sacrse fol. 172 t Stoughton's Seaven Sermons l6lo Strigelius's Exposition of 5 Psalmes 4>to. 15.98 Strype's Life of Archbishop Parker ful. 1 7 11 Strype's Annals of the Reformation 4 vols. fol. 1? "2 5 Strype, John, Ecclesiastical Memorials 7 vols. 8vo. 18 16 Stubbe's Defence of the Good Old Cause ; and Malice Rebuked 8vo. 1659 Sturges's Discourses 8vo. 1792 Sulpicii Severi Historia Sacra 12mo. iC35 Sutcliffe on Ecclesiastical Discipline 4>to. 1591 Sutcliflfe's Answer to the Consistorian Faction 4>to. 1592 Sutcliffe's Answer to Throckmorton 1595 Sutton, Charles, Disce Mori 8uo. l6l3 Swan's Profano-Mastix 1641 Synodus Anglicana 8vo. 1672 Talon's Holy History 4>to. 1653 Tanner's Notitia Monastica Svo. 1695 Tanner, Bishop, Notitia Monastica fol. 1744 Taylor, Bishop, Sermons at Golden Grove fol. 1653 28 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHED DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 23 2 Taylor, Bishop, Ductor Dubitantium fol, 1671 21 1 Taylor, Bishop, Life of Christ, with Cave's Lives of the Apostles fol. 167 8 21 1 Taylor, John, Hebrew Concordance to the Bible 2 vols. fol. 1754 22 2 Taylor, Thomas, Proclus on the Theo- logy of Plato 2 vols. 4to. IS 16 23 5 Tenison, Archbishop, Examination of Hobbes's Creed 8vo. 1671 22 4 Testament, Ic Nouveau, par le Clerc 4>to. 1703 20 G Testamentum Novum, per Erasmum, I2mo. 1550 21 6 Testamentum Novum Graecum, R. Stcphani 2 vols. I2mo. Paris, 156" 9 21 6 Testamentum Novum Graecum 12 mo. Elzever, 1624 22 4 Testamentum Novum Graecum Svo. apud Buck. Cant. 1G32 21 1 Testamentum Novum Graecum, Millii, fol. Oxon. 1707 22 4 Testamentum Vetus Graecum 4>to. 1653 21 6 Theologia Naturalis, Auctore Raymundo de Sabunde Svo. Frankfort, 1635 23 2 Tillotson, Archbishop, Works 3 vols. fol. 1714 PC 3 Townsend's Arrangement of the Old Testa- ment 2 vols. Svo. 1827 PC 3 Townsend's Arrangement of the New Testa- ment 2 vols. Svo. 1828 20 5 Tracts (chiefly Theological) 9 vols. 20 5 Truth's Triumph over Trent 1629 20 3 Tucker's Apology for the Church of Eng- land Svo. 1772 J 7 Turner's Sacred History of the World Svo. 1832 PRINTED BOOKS. 29 Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 22 20 21 23 20 20 20 22 20 20 21 23 23 20 23 20 Twysden, Roger, Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of Schism 4o. 1657 Tyndall, Frith, and Baines, the Works of fol. 1573 Tyrrell, James, on the Law of Nature 8vo. 1692 Veil du, in Acta Apostolorum 8vo. 1684 Verronis, Physicorum Libri 10, et Chanoci Uranii Pomerani de Verbo Dei Scripto 12mo. 1581 Vives, Instruction of a Christen Woman 4to. 1541 Voluseni Poemata Sacra 4>to. 1619 Vossius de Sibyllinis Oraculis 8vo. Oxford, 1679 Usher's Answer to a Jesuite in Ireland, 4-to. 1624 Usher's Sermon before the King 1629 Usher, Archbishop, Method for Medita- tion 8vo. 1657 Usher, Archbishop, Annals of the Old and New Testament fol. 1658 Usher, Archbishop, Britannicarum Eccle- siarum Antiquitates, et de Christianarum Ecclesiarum Successione et Statu fol. 1 68 7 Wadsworth's English Spanish Pilgrime, &c. 4/0. 1630 Wake, Archbishop, Authority of Christian Princes Asserted, &c. 8vo. 1697 Wake's State of the Church and Clergy of England fol. 1703 Warburton, Bishop, Works 12 vols. 8vo. 1811 Warner, F., D. D. Ecclesiastical History of England 2 vols. fol. 1756 30 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 21 20 23 20 21 21 20 20 21 22 Waterland's Plea for the Trinity Examined 8vo. 1719 Waterland's Sermons at Lady Mover's Lectures $vo. Cambridge., 1720 Waterland's Vindication of Christ's Di- vinity 8vo. Cambridge, 1720 Waterland's Defence of his Queries An- swered j and other Tracts upon the Tri- nity 8vo. 1722 Waterland's Second Vindication of the Tri- nity 8vo. 1723 Waterland's History of the Athanasian Creed 4>to. Cambridge, 1724 Watson, Bishop, Apology for Christianity in Answer to Gibbon 8vo. Cambridge, 1779 Weldon's Doctrine of the Scriptures con- cerning Dominion 1648 Wells on Dr. Clarke's Introduction to the Trinity 8vo. Oxford, 1713 Westfield's Sermons 4,to. 1640 Wharton's Anglia Sacra 2 vols. fol. 1691 Wharton's Defence of Pluralities Svo. 1692 Wheler's Account of the Churches of the Primitive Christians 1689 Whichcote's Sermons 4 vols. Svo. 1702 Whitby on the New Testament 3 vols. fol. 1 709 Whitefoot's Sermon upon the Death of Bishop Hall 12mo. 1656 Whitgift's Defence of the Aunswere to the Admonition fol. 1574 Wilkins, Bishop, on Natural Religion Svo. 1693 Wilkins's Concilia Magnte Britannic et Hibenrias 4 vols. fol. 1737 PRINTED BOOKS. 31 Div. SHELF 20 20 20 20 23 20 21 20 20 21 20 20 22 DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Willett's Hexapla in Genesin 1608 Willett's Hexapla in Danielem 1610 Willett's Synopsis Papism fol. 1614. Willett's Harmonic upon the 1st and 2nd Booke of Samuele fol. 1614 Williams on the Succession of Protestant Bishops 8vo. 1721 Wodenote's New Descants upon Old Records 12mo. 1649 Wolaston's Religion of Nature 8vo. 1750 Wollebii Compendium Theologise Christi- anee 12mo. 1647 Worcester, Bishop of, Sermon 4sto. 1778 Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biography 6 vols. 8vo. 1810 Wycklife's Pathwaye to Perfect Knowledge 12mo. 1550 Yates's Ibis ad Caesarem . 1626 Zouch de Politia Ecclesise Anglicanse 12mo. 1705 32 PRINTED BOOKS . SHELF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. L A W. ENGLISH LAW STATUTES AND PROCLAMATIONS. Div. i SHELF ,\c 1 1 c, &D 26 26 1 1 2,3, 4,5, &6 ABRIDGEMENT of the statutes 9 vols. 8vo. 1737 Acts, (Public), from 1st Geo. I. to 37th Geo. III. inclusive, except 2nd Geo. I. 98 vols.fol. Acts, Public, General, from 38th Geo. III. continued 44 vols. Acts, Private 23 vols.fol. Acts, Private, 55th Geo. III. continued 18 vols.fol. 1815 Acts, Public, Local and Personal, from 38th Geo. III. to 1st Geo. IV. continued 89 vols. Acts and Orders of Parliament, and of Committee of Safety in 1659 fol. 1659 Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, 1641 to 1659 fol, Addington's Abridgement of Penal Statutes Carkesse's Book of Rates fol. 1726 Cawley's Statutes of Elizabeth, James, and Charles I. fol. 1680 34 PRINTED BOOKS. DlF. SHELF ENGLISH LAW. 1 2 Cay's, John, Abridgement of the Statutes 2 vols.fol. 1739 1 2 Cay's, Henry Boult, Abridgement of the Statutes fol. 1766 1 2 Charter, the Great, by Blackstone fol. 1759 3 7 Excise on Salt, Statutes of 12mo. 1707 3 7 Excise Statutes I2mo. 1716 3 7 Ferrerz's Translation of Magna Charta and other Statutes Black Letter, 8vo. 1542 3 7 James I. King, Statutes Concerning Lea- ther 25 1 Keble's Statutes at Large 2 vols. fol. 1 2 Lambard's Saxon Laws fol. 1 644 3 7 Littleton and Perking's Magna Charta, in- terleaved with MS. notes 8vo. 1576 3 7 Magna Charta 12 wo. 1618 1 2 Nova Statuta, 1st Edward II [. to 22nd Edward IV. 1 2 Nova Statuta, 1st Edward III. to 19th Hen. VII. [See Pynson.] 1 5 Proclamations of James I. from 1st to 22nd of his Reign inclusive 2 vols.fol. 1624 1 2 Proclamations of James I. from 1st to the 10th of his Reign, and Statutes of the 2lst fol. 1624 PRINTED BOOKS. 35 Div. 1 3 B 1 1 20 1 25 STATUTES AND PROCLAMATIONS. Proclamations of Charles I. from the 1st to the 6th of his Reign fol. 1625 Pulton's Abstract of the Penal Statutes 4>to. 1577 Pulton's Penal Statutes fol. 1661 Pynson's Statutes fol. Raithby's, John, Index to the Statutes from Magna Charta to 49th Geo. III. 4to. 1814 Rastall's Statutes from Magna Charta to 23rd Elizabeth fol. Rastall's Statutes from Magna Charta to the 1 6th James I. 2 vols.fol. 1618 Scobell's Collection of Acts of Parliament fol. 1658 Statuta Nova, &c. printed by Wm. Mach- linia, bound up with MSS. No. 511 Statuta Pacis, by E. W. 12 wo. 1644 Statutes, Abridgement of the Printed, by Letton and Machlinia, bound up with MSS. No. 511 Statutes relating to Windows and Servants Geo. II. and Geo. III. Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to Elizabeth 2 vols.fol. Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to 1st Geo. IV. with Raithby's Index con- ' tinued 31 vols. 4>to. 1769 Statutes at Large from 9th Henry III. to 13th Geo. III. by Hawkins, Ruff head, &c. with Appendix and Index 13 vols.fol. Statutes at Large 7 vols. fol. 36 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. Sun, ENGLISH LAW. 26 C Statutes of the Realm 12 vols. and Indexes, fol, Statutes from Edward III. to Henry VIII. 8 vols. fol. 1596 Statutes from Henry III. to 4th Charles I. 4 vols. fol. Berthelet's edition, 1564-1628 Statutes relating to High Treason 8vo. 1?09 Statutes concerning Election of Members of Parliament 8vo. 1734 Statutes concerning Elections 8vo. 1747 Stowell's Statutes of the Isle of Man 8vo. 1792 Tyrwhitt and Tyndale's Digest of the Sta- tutes 3 vols. 4>to. 1822-6 Wingate's Abridgement of the Statutes 8vo. 1689 PRINTED BOOKS. 37 Div. SHELF 6 2 6 2 6 2 4 5 6 2 26 4 6 2 A 3 6 2 6 2 A 3 4 1 4 1 4 5 4 5 6 2 4 5 4 4 A 3 ENGLISH LAW. RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. ABRIDGEMENT of Cases in Equity 2nd edit. fol. 1734 Abridgement of Cases in Equity vol. \\.fol. 1756 Abridgement of Cases in Equity 5th edit. 2 vols. fol. 1793 Acts of Hen. VII. in the Court of Requests 4/o. 1592 Aleyn's Reports fol. 1688 Almon, John, Trial of, for a Libel &c. 8vo. 1770 Ambler's Reports fol. 1790 Ambler's Reports by Blunt 8vo. 1828 Anderson's, Sir E. Reports 2 vols. fol. 1664 Andrew's, George, Reports Anstruther's Reports Appeals in the House of Lords from 1726 to 1754 10 vols. fol. Appeals in the House of Lords from 1758 to 1785 9 vols. fol. Ashby and White, with other Cases 8vo. 1705 Ashe's Tables to the Year Books, with Ap- pendix, containing Dalison and Bend- loe's Reports 8vo. 1609 Ashe's Tables to the Year Books, 2 vols. fol. 1614 Ashe's Tables to Coke's Reports 8vo. 1618 Aston's Entries 4/o. 1661 Atkyns's Reports by Sanders 3 vols. 8vo. 179* fol. 1754 3 vols. 8vo. 1817 38 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW. 6 2 Atkyns's, J. Tracy, Reports 3 vols.fol. 1665 26 3 Ayloffe's Calendars of Ancient Charters, &c. 4/o. 1772 A 3 Banks's Case of the Earl of Stirling 8vo. 1832 5 2 Barnardiston's. Chancery Reports fol. 1742 6 2 Barnardiston's K. B. Reports 2 vols.fol. 1744 24 5 Barnes's Notes of Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1754 A 3 Barnes's Notes of Cases , 8vo. 1790 A 3 Barnewall and Alderson's Reports 5 vols. 8vo. 1818 A 3 Barnewall and Creswell's Reports 10 vols. 8vo. 1823 B 3 Barnewall and Adolphus's Reports 8vo. 1831 4 5 Bellewe's Cases in the Reign of Richard II. 8vo. 1585 7 5 Belt's, Robert, Supplement to Vezey's Sen. &B 3 Reports 2nd edit. 8vo. 1825 5 2 Benloe's Reports fol. 166 1 5 2 Benloe and Dalison's Reports fol. 16'89 B 3 Bingham's Reports 7 vols. 8vo. 1824 4 5 Blackerby's Law Cases 8vo. 1717 5 2 Blackstone's, Sir Wm. Reports 2 vols.fol. 1781 5 2 Blackstone's Henry, Reports 2 vols. fol. 1791 B 3 Blackstone's, H. Reports 4,t/i edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 1827 B 3 Blackstone's, W. Reports by Elsley 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 6 4 Blandy, Mary, Trial of fol. 1752 B 3 Bligh's Reports 3 vols. 8vo. 1823 B 3 Ditto, ditto, New Series 3 vols. 8vo, 1829 PRINTED BOOKS. 39 RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. Bosanquet and Puller's Reports 3 vols.fol. 1800-180* Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports 2 vols. 8vo. 1806 Bosanquet and Puller's Reports and New Reports 5 vols. 8vo. 1826 Bridgman's Reports fol. 16*59 Bridgman's Equity Index 3 vols. 8vo. 1822 Bridgman's Judgments 8vo. 1823 Bridgman's Digest in Equity Svo. 1824 Broderip and Bingham's Reports 3 vols. Svo. 1820 Brooke's Novel Cases 12mo. 1625-1587 Brown's Entries 2nd edit. fol. 1675 Brown's, Josiah, Cases in Parliament from 1701 to 1779 7 vols.fol. 1779 Brown's, Wm. Reports in Chancery 4 vols.fol. 1785 Brown's Parliamentary Cases 8 vols. Svo. 1803 Brown's Reports in Chancery 4 vols. Svo. 1820 Brownlow and Goldsborough's Reports 3rd edit. 4,to. 1 675 Brownlow's Entries fol. 1693 Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy 2 copies, Svo. 1820 Bulstrode's Reports 3 parts in l, fol. 1657 Bunbury's Reports fol. 1755 Burrow's, Sir James, Reports 5 vols. fol. 1766 Burrow's, Sir James, Settlement Cases 3 vols. in 2, 4/o. 1768 Burrow's, Sir James, Case of Literary Pro- perty 4/o. 1773 Div. SHELF 5 2 7 5 B 3 5 2 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 20 &4 6 5 4 4 5 2 5 2 A 4 A 4 A 4 4 4 A 4 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 40 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF A 4 6 4 5 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 5 A 4 6 4 A 4 5 2 4 2 4 2 4 5 4 5 4 2 5 3 4 2 26 4 4 2 4 2 A 4 ENGLISH LAW. Burrow's Reports 5 vols. 8vo. 1812 Byng, Admiral, Trial of, and others fol. 1757 Caldecott's Reports 4,to. 1786 Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium fol. 1802 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum fol. 1803 Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escsetarum 4> vols. fol. 1806 Calendarium Ducatus Lancastriee 2 vols. fol. 1823 Calthrope's Reports 12mo. 1655 Campbell's Ni. Pri. Cases 4 vols. Svo. 1818 Canning, Elizabeth, Trial of fol. 1754 Carrington and Payne's Reports, 4 vols. Svo. 1825 Carter's Reports fol. 1688 Carthew's Reports /o/. 1728 Carthew's Reports fol. 1741 Gary's, Sir George, Reports in Chancery 12mo. 1650 Cases, Hen. VIII. Ed. VI. and Mary, from Brooke's Abridgement, by March 12 wo. 1651 Cases in Chancery fol. 1735 Cases in King's Bench, William III. fol. 1738 Cases in Equity in L. C. Talbot's Time,/o. 1741 Cases in Law and Equity, 12th and 13th Anne before Parker, &c., by Gilbert Svo. 1760 Chancery Cases 2 vols. fol. 1 702-7 Chancery, Select Cases in, from 1724 to fol. 1740 1733 Chester Cause, The Svo. 1791 PRINTED BOOKS. 41 Div. SHELF A 4 B 8 A 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 20 &4 2 1 2f 4 4 A 4 4 2 4 2 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 4 4 B 8 4 2 B 4 B 4 4 2 B 4 4 2 H 5 RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. Chitty's Reports, K. B. Chitty's Equity Index Choice Cases in Chancery Clayton's Reports Clift's Entries, by Ingleby 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 IZmo. 1672 12/no. 1651 fol. 1719 Coke's Reports, Part 5th, answered by a Catholic Divine 4lo. 1606 Coke's Entries fol. l6l 4 Coke's Reports, 13 Parts, 1607 and 1621 5 vote. fol. 1656-59-97 7 vols. 8vo. 1738 6 vofo. 8vo. 1826 fol. 1724 /o/. 1744 2 t?ofo. 8z>o. 1792 Coke's Reports complete Coke's Reports Comberbach's Reports Comyns's Reports Comyns's Reports Concanen's Report of Rowe v. Brenton 1830 Cooper's, George, Reports in Chancery 8vo. 1815 Corbett and Daniell's Election Cases 8vo. 1821 Cotton's, Sir Robert, Abridgement of Re- cords in the Tower of London, by William Prynne fol. 1657 Coventry and Hughes'* Index 2 vols. S>vo. 1827 Cowper's, Henry, Reports fol. 1783 Cowper's Reports 2 vols. 8vo. l SOO Cox's Cases in Equity 2 vols. Svo. 18l6 Croke's Reports 3 vols. fol. 1083 Crompton and Jervis's Reports Sto. l&Si! Cunningham's Reports fol. 17 66 Curran's, John P. Speeches Sro. 1815 42 PRINTED BOOKS, Div. SHELF B 4 B 4 4 2 B 4 26 3 3 1 7 5 B 4 4 2 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 24 5 20 &4 5) 4 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 ENGLISH LAW. Daniell's Exchequer Equity Cases Svo. 18 1& Danson and Lloyd's Cases Svo. 1828 Davy's Reports fol. 1628- Deacon and Chitty's Reports Svo. 1832 Dickens's, John, Reports in Chancery 2 vols. Svo. 1803 Domesday-Book, Part 1st by Henshall and Wilkinson 4,to. 1799 Doomsday-Book fol. 2 vols. Douglas's Election Cases Douglas's Election Cases Douglas's Reports Douglas's Reports 4 vols. Svo. 1777 4 vols. Svo. 1802 fol. 1783 2 vols. Svo. 1813 Douglas's Reports by Frere and Roscoe 2 vols. Svo. 1831 Dow's, P. Reports 6 vols. Svo. 1814 Dow and Clark's Appeal Cases Svo. 1827 Dowling's Cases, K. B. Practice Svo. 1832 Dowling and Ryland's K. B. Reports 9 vols. Svo. 1822 Dowling and Ryland's Magistrates 1 Reports 4 vols. Svo. 1823 Du Calvet's Case, French and English, Svo. 1784 Dyer's Reports 12mo. fol. 1688 Dyer's Reports Abridged 12mo. 1602 Dyer's Reports, translated by Vaillant 3 vols. Svo. 1794 East's, Edward Hyde, Reports in King's Bench 16 vols. Svo. 1801 Eden's Chancery Cases 2 vols. Svo. 1 8 IS PRINTED BOOKS. 43 Div. SHELF A 5 H 5 A 5 3> 2 26 2 5 3 4 2 4 2 A 5 4 2 4 2 A 5 A 5 4 2 A 5 4 2 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 4 5 4 4 RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. Ellesmere's Post Nati 4/o. 1609 Erskine's Lord, Speeches 5 vols. 8vo. 1813 Espinasse's Reports 6 vols. in 3, 8vo. 1801 Evans's Decisions of Lord Mansfield 2 vols. in \, 4>to. 1803 Fabrigas and Mostyn, Case of Farresley's Reports Finch's Reports, temp. Fitzgibbon's Reports Forrest's Exchequer Reports Fortescue's Reports fol. 1773 fol. 1716 fol. 1725 fol. 1732 8vo. 1802 fol. 1748 Foster's Reports and Discourses on Crown Law fol. Oxford, 1?62 Foster's Crown Cases 8vo. 1792 Fraser's Election Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1791 Freeman's Reports, by Dixou fol. 1742 Gilbert's Cases, K. B. &c. Gilbert's Reports Glanville's Reports of Cases 8vo. 1740 2nd edit. fol. 1742 Parliamentary 8vo. 1715 Glyn and Jameson's Cases 2 copies, 2 vols. 8vo. 1821 Godbolt's Reports 4>to. 1652 Goldsborough's Reports 4>to. 1653 Gow's Reports, Nisi Prius 8vo. 1818 Gunpowder Treason, Proceedings against the Traitors concerned in it 4>to. Hansard's Entries fol. 1685 44 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW. 4 2 Hardres's Reports fol. 1693 D 2 Hargrave's Juridical Arguments 2 vols. Mo. 1797 B 8 Harrison's Index 2 vo/s. 8vo. 1829 4 2 Hetley's, Sir Thomas, Reports /oZ. 1657 4 2 Hobart's Reports, by Chilton 5th edit. fol. 1724 4 2 Holt's Reports fol. 1738 A 5 Holt's Cases, Nisi Prius 8vo. 1818 A 5 Hovenden's Suppt. to Vesey, &c. 2 vols. 8vo 1827 A 5 Hughes's Report on an Extent 8vo. 1811 4 2 Button's Reports 2nd edit. fol. 1682 A 5 Huxley's 2nd Book of Judgments 8vo. 1674 B 5 Jacob and Walker's Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1821 B 5 Jacob's Chancery Cases 8vo. 1828 4 2 Jeakes's Charters of the Cinque Ports fol. 1728 4 2 Jenkin's Reports 2nd edit. fol. 1734 4 2 Jones's, Sir William, Reports in the Reigns of James and Charles I. fol. 167 5 4 2 Jones's, Sir Thomas, Reports in the Reign of Charles II. fol. 1695 and 1729 3 1 Jones's, Edward, Index to Records in the Exchequer 2 vols. fol. 1793 6 S Keble's Reports 3 vols. fol. 1685 6 3 Keilwey's Reports 3rd edit. fol. 1688 6 3 Keling's Reports fol. 1740 6 3 Kelyng's Reports fol. 1708 B 5 Kenyon's Notes of Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1819 PRINTED BOOKS. 45 Div. SHELF RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. 4 5 King's Bench, Judgments in the Court of 8vo. 1655 B 5 Knapp's Cases before the Privy Council 8vo. 1829 6 3 Lane's Reports fol. 1657 6 3 Latch's Reports, by Walpole fol. l66l B 5 Leach's Crown Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 B 5 Lee's, Thomas, Cases in King's Bench, temp. Hardwicke 8vo. 1815 B 5 Le Marchant's Report of the Gardner Case, 1828 6 3 Leonard's Reports fol. 1687 4 4 Levinz's Entries fol. 1702 26 1 Levinz's Reports 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. 1702 6 3 Levinz's Reports 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. 1722 6 3 Ley's Reports fol. 1659 4 4 Liber Assisarum fol. 1 606 3 1 Libri Censualis (Vocati Doomsday Book) Indices fol. 1811 3 1 Libri Censualis (Vocati Doomsday-Book) Indices fol. 1816 6 3 Lilly's Reports fol. 1719 4 4 Lilly's Entries fol. 1723 6 3 Littleton's Reports fol. 1683 Lloyd and Welsby's Cases 8vo. 1 829 6 3 Lofft's, Capel, Reports fol. 1776 5 3 Lucas's Reports fol. 1736 24 4 Luders's Controverted Elections 3 vols. Svo. 1785 B 5 Luders's Controverted Elections, with his MS. Notes 3 vols. 8vo. 1785 PRINTED BOOKS. Drv. SHELF 6 3 B 5 B 5 B 5 B 8 B 5 B 5 4 5 B 5 B 8 B 5 5 1 B 5 B 5 5 3 5 3 4 4 A. 6 5 3 A 6 A 6 ENGLISH LAW. Lutwyche's Reports and Entries, 2 vols. fol. 1 704 M'Cleland's Exchequer Reports 8vo. 1825 M'Cleland and Younge's Reports 8vo. 1827 Maddock's, V. C. Reports 6 vols. 8vo. 1822 Manning's Index to Nisi Prius Reports 1820 Manning and Ryland's K. B. Reports 4 vols. 8vo. 1827 Manning and Ryland's Magistrates' Reports 8vo. 1827 March's Reports 4,to. 1675 Marshall's Reports, C. P. 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 Martin's Index to Excheq. Records 8vo. 1819 Maule and Selwyn's Reports 6 vols. 8vo. 1814 Maynard's Reports in the Reign of Edward II. fol. 1678 Merewether's West Looe Case 8vo. 1823 Merivale's Reports in Chancery, 3 vols. 8vo. 1817 Modern Reports 6 vols. being the first 6 parts, fol. 1700 Modern Cases fol. 1730 Modern Entries 3 vols. fol. 1734 Modern Reports 12 vols. 8vo. 1793 Modern Reports, Part 7, see Farresley's Parts 8 and 9, see Modern Cases. Part 10, see Lucas's. Part 11, see Reports in the Reign of Queen Anne. Part 12, see Cases King's Bench, Wm. HI. Montagu and Macarthur's Cases 2 copies, 8vo. 1829 Montagu's Cases in Bankruptcy 1831 PRINTED BOOKS. 47 Div. SHELF A 6 5 3 B 8 A. 6 A 6 A 6 4 4 A 6 5 3 A 6 3 1 5 3 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 A 6 A 6 B 6 B 6 B 6 B 6 A 6 RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. Moody and Malkin's Cases Moore's Reports Svo. 1826 fol. 1675 Moore's Index to Term Reports 2 vols. Svo. 1821 Moore's Reports, C. P. and E. C. 12 vols. Svo. 1821 Moore and Payne's Reports 3 vols. Svo. 1828 Moseley's, Willi Moyle's Entries Moseley's, William, Reports tempore King Svo. Dublin 1793 4,to. 1658 Nelson's Reports Svo. 1717 Nelson's Reports in Chancery fol. 1725 Nolan's Reports, Justice of Peace 1793 Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scac. fol. 1807 Noy's Reports 2nd edit. fol. 1669 Owen's Reports fol. 1656 Palmer's Reports fol. 1678 Parker's, Sir Thomas, Reports fol. 1776 Parliament, Cases in fol. 1698 Peake's Nisi Prius Cases 2 vols. Svo. 1820 Peckwell's Election Cases 2 vols. Svo. 1805 Petersdorff's Abridgment of Common Law Reports 15 vols. Svo. 1825 Petrie's Cricklade Case Svo. 1785 Philipps's Election Cases Svo. 1782 Phillipps's State Trials, reviewed 2 vols. Svo. 1826 Peltier's, John, Trial for a Libel Svo. 1803 48 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEW ENGLISH LAW. 3 1 Placitade quo Warranto fol. 1818 3 26 &5 1 1} Placitorum, in Domo Capitulari Westmo- nasteriensi Asservatorum Abbreviatio fol. 1811 Plowden's Reports fol. 1599 5 3 Pollexfen's Reports fol. 1702 3 I Poor Rates, Abstract of the Returns of fol. 1805 5 3 Popham's Reports 2nd edit. fol. 1682 B S Pratt's Index to Term Reports 8vo. 1826 5 3 Precedents in Chancery from 1689 to 1722 fol. 1733 B 6 Precedents in Chancery 8vo. 1786 B 6 Price's Exchequer Reports 11 vols. Svo. 1816 Price's Notes of Practice in the Exchequer &c. Svo. 1831 26 1 Proceedings in Error between Harrison, Chamberlain of London, Plaintiff, and Alexander, Attorney K. B. Defendant, &c. 4fo. 1768 1 1 Proceedings in Chancery, temp. Q. Elizabeth 2 vols. fol. 1827 10 6 Prynne's Argument in the Case of Lord Maguire 4>to. 1681 6 4 Prynne's Trial of Archbishop Laud fol. 164-6 10 6 Prynne's Aurum Reginse 4>to. 1 668 3 1 Public Records, Reports from the Select Committee of fol. 1800 3 1 Public Records, Report from the Commis- sioners of fol. 1812 3 1 Public Records, Report from the Commis- sioners of 2 vols. fol. 1819 5 3 Quo Warranto, Pleadings upon fol. 1690 PRINTED BOOKS. 49 Div. SHELF 4 4 5 3 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 24 &5 2 1 3} A 7 5 3 10 4 A 7 10 4 P 5 A 7 4 4 5 3 4 5 A 7 3 1 3 1 A 7 RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. Rastall's Entries fol 1596 Raymond's, Sir Thomas, Reports fol. 1696 Raymond's, Lord, Reports and Entries 3 vols. fol. 1743-1765 Records, Public, Reports of the Lords' Committees upon 8vo. 1719 Records, Public, Index to the, with Direc- tions to the several Places where they are to be found, by Strachey 8vo. 1739 Repertorie of Records 4>to. 1631 Repertorium Juridicum, by Tomlins fol. 1786-1787 Reports in Chancery, Charles I. to 20th Charles II. 2 vols. 8vo. 1693 Reports in the Reign of Queen Anne fol. 1/37 Report respecting Insolvents 1819 Report of Commissioners on the Practice in Chancery 8vo. 1826 Reports on Courts of Common Law 1829 Reports on Ecclesiastical Courts 1832 Ridgeway's Cases temp. Hardwicke 1794 Robinson's Entries . fol. 1684 Rolle's Reports 2 vols. fol. 1675 Romney Marsh, Charter of 8vo. 1686 Rose's Cases in Bankruptcy 2 copies, 2 vols. 1821 Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Henry III. et Edward I. in Turr. Lond. &c. As- servati 2 vols. fol. 1812 Rotulorum Originalium in Cur. Scac., &c. 2 vols. fol. 1805 Rules and Orders in K. B. 8vo. 1822 H 50 PRINTED BOOKS. Div Sun. ENGLISH LAW. 6 4 Rushworth's Trial of the Earl of Strafford 2nd edit. fol. 170O A 7 Russell's Cases in Chancery 4 vols. 8vo. 1827 Russell and Mylne's Chancery Cases A 7 Russell and Ryan's Crown Cases 8vo. 1825 A Ryan and Moody's Nisi Prius Cases 8vo. 1827 7 Ryan and Moody's Crown Cases 8vo. 1824 5 3 Ryley's Pleadings in Parliament fol. 1661 6 4 Sacheverel, Dr., Trial of . fol. 1710 5 3 Salkeld's Reports 3 vols. in 2, 3rd edit. fol. 1731 A 7 Salkeld's Reports 3 vols. 8vo. 1795 5 3 Saunders's Reports fol. 1686 7 5 Saunders's Reports, by Serjeant Williams 4>th edit., 2 vols. in 3, 8vo. 1809 A 7 Saunders's Reports 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 5 3 Savile's, Sir John, Reports fol. 1688 5 3 Sayer's Reports fol. 1775 32 4 Sessions Cases from 1739 to 1743 3 vols. 4to. 1739 32J t 4j Sessions Cases from 1781 to 1799 1 7 vols. 4. 1818 4 3 Vesey's, F. Jun., Reports 6 vols. fol. 1795 A 8 Vesey's, F. Jun., Reports 7th to 19th vols. 8vo. 1804 7 5 Vesey and Beames's Reports 3 vols. 8vo. 1813 A 8 Vesey and Beames's Reports 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 4 4 Vidian's Entries fol. 1684 A 8 West's Reports, contemp. Hardwicke, 8vo. 1827 A 8 Wightwick's Exchequer Reports 8vo. 1819 6 4 Willes's Reports fol. 1799 6 4 Williams's, W. Peere, Reports 3 vols. fol. 1740 A 8 Williams's P. Reports by Cox 3 vols. 8vo. 1787 A 8 Williams's Report of the Case of King's College, v. Eton College 8vo. 1816 6 4 Wilmot's Notes and Opinions Mo. 1802 (> 4 Wilson's, Sergeant, Reports 3 vols. in 2, 1784 PRINTED BOOKS. 53 Div. SHELF RECORDS, ENTRIES, REPORTS, AND TRIALS. &A 6 4 5 6 B Wilson's Exchequer Reports 8vo. 1817 Wilson's, John, Reports in Chancery 8vo. 1818 fol. 1657 fol. 1680 Winch's Reports Winch's Entries Year Books 9 vols. fol. 1679 Yelverton's Reports fol. 1735 Younge and Jervis's Reports 3 vols. 8vo. 1828 Younge's Exchequer Reports 8vo. 1830 54 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHELF ENGLISH LAW. PRINTED BOOKS. 55 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. Div. SHELF c 3 6 6 6 6 7 6 c 3 c 3 6 6 C 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 c 3 26 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 C 3 C 3 ABBOTT on Shipping 8vo. 1827 Abridgment of Coke's First Institutes 12mo. 1714 Abridgment of Coke's Second Institutes, defective Adams on Ejectment 8vo. 1818 Adams on Ejectment 8vo. 1830 Allnatt on Partition 8vo. 1820 Almse Curiee Cancellarise Praxis, by Brown 2 vols. 8vo. 1705 Amos and Ferard on Fixtures Archbold on Commitments Archbold's Criminal Acts Archbold's Bankrupt Law Archbold's Poor Laws 8vo. 1827 12mo. 1828 12mo. 1830 12mo. 1831 2 vols. 12mo. 1831 Archbold on Criminal Pleading 12mo. 1831 Arrests, Law of 12mo. 1742 Ars Clericalis 2 vols. 8vo. 1698 A she's Fasciculus Florum 12mo. 1618 Astry's Charge to Grand Juries 8vo. 1725 Atherley on Marriage Settlements 8vo. 1813 Atkinson's Conveyancing 3 vols. 8vo. 1829 56 PRINTED BOOKS. Dm SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. A 7 Atkinson's Orders in Chancery Svo. 1831 6 5 Atkyns, Sir Robert, on Penal Statutes 2nd edit. fol. 1689 6 6 Attorney and Pleader's Treasury 2 vols. Svo. 1736 26 4 Attorney's Practice, K. B. 2 vols. 1759 C 3 Babington on Auctions Svo. 1826 C 3 Babington on Set-off Svo. 1827 C 3 Bacon's Law Tracts Svo. 17 37 6 5 Bacon's, Matt., Abridgement of the Law 5 vols. fol. 1768 C 3 Bacon on Uses, by Rowe Svo. 1806 C 3 Bacon's Abridgement by Dodd 8 vols. Svo. 1832 6 6 Bagshaw's Rights of the Crown of England Svo. 1660 6 6 Banker's and Creditor's Case stated and examined Svo. 1675 C 3 Barnes on Equity Practice Svo. 1827 C 3 Baron and Feme Svo. 1738 x> 2 Barrington on the Statutes 4,to. 1766 C 3 Barton's Conveyancing 5 vols. Svo. 1810 C 3 Barton's Precedents 7 vols. Svo. 1821 7 6 Bayley on Bills Svo. 1822 D 3 Bayley on Bills Svo. 1 830 D 3 Beames's Orders in Chancery Svo. 1815 D 3 Beames's Pleas in Equity Svo. 1818 D 3 Beames's Costs in Equity Svo. 1822 D 2 Beawes's Lex Mercatoria, by Chitty 2 vols. 4>to. 1813 D 3 Beccaria on Crimes, &c. Svo. 1804 PRINTED BOOKS, Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 26 D D 6 6 26 24 26 4< Beldam on Laws affecting Dissenters &c. 8vo. 1828 Bentham's Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, par Dumont 2vols.8vo. 1811 Bentham on Usury 8vo. 1818 Bentham on Judicial Evidence Svo. 1825 Billinghurst on Bankrupts 8vo. 1676 Billinghurst's Arcana Clericalia, by Curson 8vo. 1705 8vo. 1760 8vo. 1815 8vo. 1816 12mo. 1711 Bills of Exchange, the Law of Bingham on Judgments Bingham on Infancy and Coverture Blackerby's Justice Blackstone on Forfeiture for High Treason 1748 Blackstone on Collateral Consanguinity 1750 Blackstone ' Whether Tenants by Copy, &c. can Vote for Counties r 1758 Blackstone's Law of Descents 1759 Blackstone's Analysis 8vo. 1762 Blackstone's Commentaries 4,to. l, 2, and 4>th vols. 1765 Blackstone's Commentaries, 1st. edit. 1st vol. only, with MSS. notes by Maseres 4>to. 1765 Blackstone's Commentaries 4to. 1770 Blackstone's, Sir William, Commentaries, by Christian 4 vols. 8vo. 1800 Blackstone's Commentaries, by Lee, Hoven- den, and Ryland 4 vols. 8vo. 1829 Blanshard on Statutes of Limitation 8vo. 1826 Blount's, Thomas, Tenures 8vo. 1679 58 PRINTED BOOKS. Div Mil 1 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. D 2 Blount's Tenures, by Beckwith 4,to. 1815 6 6 Bohun's Justice 8vo. 1693 6 6 Bond's Justice Svo. 1707 26 4 Boote's Suit at Law 8vo. 1760 3> 3 Boote's Suit at Law Svo. 1823 6 5 Booth's Real Actions fol. 1701 24 3 Bott's Poor Laws, by Const 2 vols. Svo. 1793 6 5 Bracton de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae fol. 1569 D 3 Bradby on Distresses Svo. 1808 D 3 Branch's Maxims in Law, &c. Svo. 1824 6 6 Brevia Selecta Svo. 1663 6 &24 5) 25 Brevium Registrum fol. 1634 6 5 Brevium Officina fol. 1679 6 5 Brevium Thesaurus fol. 1687 6 6 Bridall's Laws of England Svo. 1673 6 5 Bridgman's Conveyances 4>(h edit. fol. 1710 D 3 Britton, by Kelham Svo. 1762 26 2 Brooke's Abridgment fol. 1573 6 5 Brooke's Abridgment of the Law fol. 1586 6 6 Brooke's Reading on Statute of Limitations 12 wo. 1647 6 6 Brown's Justice Svo. 1695 6 6 Brown's New Method of Drawing tering Declarations, &c. and En- Svo. 1699 6 6 Brown, William, on Fines Svo. 1725 6 6 Brownlow, of Writs 4>to. 1653 6 6 Brownlow's Declarations 4*0. 1653 6 5 Brownlow's Brevia Judicialia . fol. 1662 PRINTED BOOKS. 59 Div. SHELF 6 6 B 3 6 5 D 3 26 4 26 4 24 2 24 5 7 5 D 3 26 4 I> 3 D 3 2> 3 3> 3 D 3 C 4 6 6 C 4 6 6 6 6 26 4 6 6 C 4 C 4 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. Brydall's Law of Natural Fools, &c. Svo. 1700 Buckley on Marshalsea Courts Svo. 1827 Buller's Nisi Prius 4to. 1772 Buller's Nisi Prius, by Bridgman Svo. 1817 Burn's Digest of Militia Laws 2 vols. 1760 Burn's History of the Poor Laws Svo. 1764, Burn's Justice 3rd edit. fol. 1756 Burn's Justice 15th edit. 4 vols. Svo. 1785 Burn's Justice, by Chetwynd 6 vols. Svo. 1820 Burn's Justice, by Chitty 6 vols. Svo. 1831 Burton's Exchequer Office of Pleas Svo. 1770 Burton's Compendium of the Law of Real Property Svo. 1830 Butler's Horse Juridicae, &c. Svo. 1807 Butt on County Elections Svo. 1830 Byles on Bills of Exchange Svo. 1 829 Bythewood's Conveyancing 7 vols. Svo. 1830 Caldwell on Arbitration Svo. 1825 Callis's, Serjeant, Reading on the Statute of Sewers 4>to. 1647 Callis on Sewers Svo. 1824 Calthrope's Copyholder 4to. 1635 Carlisle's, Bishop of, Border Laws Svo. 1705 Carter's Law of Mortgages Svo. 1728 Gary's, Richard, Necessary Use and Fruit of Pleading Svo. 1601 Gary's Law of Partnership Svo. 1827 Gary's Commentary on the Tenures of Littleton Svo. 1829 60 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHE ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 5 6 Chamberlain's Justice 8vo. 1681 C 4 Chambers on Estates, &c. 8vo. 1824 5 6 Chancery, Practice in 8vo. 1706 5 6 Chancery, History of the Court of 8vo. 1726 5 6 Chancery, Orders of the Court of, for set- tling the Fees to the Officers and Clerks 1744 5 6 Charters of London, by S. G. 8vo. C 4 Chitty's Prerogatives of the Crown 8vo. 1820 C 4 Chitty's Commercial Law 4 vols. 8vo. 1824 C 4 Chitty on Descents 8vo. 1825 C 4 Chitty on Contracts 8vo. 1826 C 4 Chitty on the Game Laws 8vo. 1826 C 4 Chitty's Stamp Laws 8vo. 1829 C 4 Chitty's Collection of Statutes on Civil Rights, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 C 4 Chitty on Pleading 3 vols. 8vo. 1831 C 4 Christian's Bankrupt Laws 3 vols. 8vo. 1818 5 6 Chronica Juridicialia 8vo. 1685 5 6 City-Law, the, with MS. Notes 4-to. 1647 5 6 Clarke's, George, Game Laws, from Henry III. to the present Period 12mo. 1786 5 6 Clericalis Instructor 6 vols. 5th edit. 8vo. 1714 5 6 Clerici Pacis Officium 8vo. 1686 5 6 Clerk, the Complete 4to. 1683 5 5 Coke's Institutes 3 vols. fol. 1642 parts 2nd, 3rd, and 4>th. 5 5 Coke's Institutes, Indexes to fol. 6 5 Coke on Littleton nth edit. fol. 1719 D 2 Coke on Littleton, by Hargrave and Butler fol. 1788 PRINTED BOOKS. 61 Div. SHELF c 4 c 4 c 4 5 6 C 4 c 4 c 4 c 4 5 6 5 6 B 4 B 4 B 4 24 2 3> 4 D 4 5 6 24 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. Coke's 1st Institute, by Thomas 3 vols. 8vo. 1818 Coke upon Littleton, by Coventry 8vo. 1830 Coke's Institute, by Hargrave and Butler 1 9th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 12/no. 16?3 8uo. 1764 8vo. 1803 2 vofo. 8v0. 1791 2 vofo. 8vo. 1812 1726 Coke's Copyholder Coke's Law Tracts Cole's Bedford Level Law Collectanea Juridica Collinson on Idiots, &c. Common Law, Common-placed Common Pleas, History and Practice of the Court of, by a learned Judge, 8vo. 1737 Comyn on Usury 8vo. 1817 Comyn on Contracts 8vo. 1824 Comyn on Landlord and Tenant 8vo. 1830 Comyns's Digest of the Law 6 vols. fol. 1762 Comyns's Digest, by Hammond, 8 vols. 8vo. 1822 Const's Poor Laws 3 vols. 8vo. 1807 Conveyancer's Assistant 8vo. 1702 Cooke's, William, Bankrupt Laws 2 vols. 8vo. 1788 Cooke's Bankrupt Laws 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 Cooper's Equity Pleading 8vo. 1809 Cooper's Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie 8vo. 1828 Cooper's Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie, par Royer-Collard 8vo. 1 830 Cooper on Registration, &c. 8vo. 1831 Cooper on the Public Records 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 62 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. D 4 Coote's Analysis of Fearne on Contingent Remainders 8vo. 1814 D 4 Coote on Mortgage 8vo. 1821 5 6 Copyhold Estates, Treatise of, or Lex Custu- maria 8^0. 1701 D 4 Cornish on Uses 8vo. 1825 D 4 Cornish on Remainders Svo. 1827 D 4 Cornish on Deeds, &c. Svo. 1828 5 6 Coronee Jura, or his Majesty's Royal Rights Svo. 1680 D 4 Cottu on Criminal Justice Svo. 1822 5 6 Court-Keeper, &c. by O. O. Svo. 1561 D 4 Coventry on Enclosure Acts Svo. 1827 D 2 Cowell's Law Dictionary fol. 1727 7 &D 5 1 45 Crabb's History of English Law Svo. 1829 5 6 Crompton's Justice 4>to. 1583 5 6 Crompton of Courts 4>fo. 1594 3> 4 Crown Circuit Companion Svo. 1820 D 4 Crown Circuit Companion, a Supplement to the Svo. 1823 5 6 Crown Law, a Summary of 2 vols. Svo. 1728 24 4 Cruise on Fines and Recoveries Svo. 1783 D 4 Cruise on Fines and Recoveries 2nd edit. 2 vols. Svo. 1786 D 4 Cruise on Uses Svo. 1795 D 4 Cruise, William, on the Origin and Nature of Dignities or Titles of Honour Svo. 1810 D 4 Cruise on Real Property 6 vols. Svo. 1824 26 2 Cunningham's Law Dictionary, 2 vols. fol. 1771 26 4 Cunningham's Justice of Peace, 2 vols. Svo. 1762 PRINTED BOOKS. 63 Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 5 6 Customs and Privileges of London Svo. 1702 5 6 Dalrymple's, John, Considerations upon the Policy of Entails in Great Britain Svo. 1764 5 6 Dalrymple's, John, Essay towards a General History of Feudal Property Svo. 1757 5 5 Dalton's Country Justice fol. 1665 5 5 Dalton of Sheriffs fol. 1700 5 5 D'Anver's General Abridgment of the Law 3 vols.fol. 1705 C 5 Daniel's Letters on Legal Reform 800. 1830 5 6 Davies, Sir John, concerning Impositions 12wo. 1656 C 5 Dax's Exchequer Practice Svo. 1831 C 5 Deacon's Bankrupt Law 2 vols. Svo. 1827 C 5 Dickinson's Quarter Sessions Svo. 1829 C 5 Dictionary of Election Law Svo. 1830 C 5 Disney on Gaming Svo. 1800 C 5 Dixon on Title Deeds, &c. Svo. 1826 5 6 Doctor and Student Svo. 1687 5 6 Doctrina Placitandi Interfol. 4,to. 1677 5 6 Doctrine of Demurrers, by R. G. Svo. 1706 5 6 Doddridge's, Sir John, English Lawyer 4to. 1631 PC I Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales 3rd edit. fol. 1680 5 5 Duke's Law of Charitable Uses fol. 1676 C 6 Duke on Charitable Uses, by Bridgman Svo. 1805 5 6 Duncomb on Juries Svo. 1739 C 5 Duncomb's Trials, per Pais Svo. 1766 C 5 Dwarris on Statutes 2 vols. Svo. 1830 64 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF c 5 c 5 c 5 c 5 5 6 C 5 c 5 c 5 5 6 C 5 c 5 c 24 &5 5 5 4 1 P 5 6 5 6 26 3 24 4 C 5 C 5 5 6 C 5 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. East's, Edward Hyde, Pleas of the Crown 2 vols. 8vo. 1803 Eden's Penal Law 8vo. 1775 Eden on Injunctions 8vo. 1821 Eden's Bankrupt Law 8vo. 1826 EUesmere's Office of Lord Chancellor 12/wo. 1651 Ellis on Debtor and Creditor 8vo. 1822 Elmes on Architectural Jurisprudence 8vo. 1827 Elmes on Dilapidations Svo. 1829 English Liberties 12mo. Espinasse's Law of Actions on Statutes, 8vo. 1 824 Espinasse's Bankrupt Law Svo. 1825 Evans's Collection of Statutes, 8 vols. Svo. 1829 Examen Legum Anglian 4>to. 1656 Exchequer, Practice of the Court of Svo. 1658 Exchequer, Modern Practice of the Court of Svo. 1731 Exchequer, View of it by a learned Judge, (Gilbert) Svo. 1738 Exchequer, Dialogue Concerning the 1758 Fearne, Charles, on Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises 4,th edit. Svo. 1791 Fearne on Contingent Remainders by Butler 7th edit. Svo. 1820 Fell on Mercantile Guaranties Svo. 1820 Fidell's Perfect Guide to a Young Lawyer 4/o. 1654 Field's, Barren, Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries Svo. 1811 PRINTED BOOKS. 65 Div. SHELF 7 4 c 5 5 5 5 6 C 5 5 5 5 6 26 4 5 5 C 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 C 5 5 6 5 5 C 5 C 5 26 3 5 6 5 6 C 5 C 5 5 6 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. Field onCounsel's not Speaking for Prisoners 1828 Fielding, Sir John, on the Penal Laws, 8vo. 1762 Finch's Law, French fol. 1613 Finch's Law, English, by Pickering 8vo. 1730 Finnelly on Elections 8vo. 1830 Fitzherbert's Grand Abridgement fol. 1577 Fitzherbert's Justice 4,to. 1606 Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium 1635 Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium 4/0. 1730 Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium 2 vols. 8vo. 1794 Fleetwood's Annals Edward V., Henry VIII. 1597 Fleetwood's Justice of the Peace 8vo. l658 Foley's Poor's Law 8vo. 1751 Fonblanque on Equity ,, 2 vols, 8vo. 1820 Forster's Law of Customs, Trade, &c. 8vo. 1727 Fortescue on the Laws of England, by Selden fol. 1737 Fortescue de Laudibus, &c., by Amos Bvo. 1825 Foster's Crown Law 8vo. 1792 Freedom of Speech, &c., Considered 4,to. 1766 Fulbeck's Preparative to the Study of the Law 8vo. 1600 Fulbeck's Parallel between the Civil, Canon and Common Law 4>to. l6l8 Gabbett's Digested Index of the Statute Law 4 vols. 8vo. 1812 Gambier on Parochial Settlements 8vo. 1828 Game Law I2mo. 1707 66 PRINTED BOOKS. SHEL ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 5 C B B C B B B B B B 5 26 26 B 26 5 B 5 B B 5 B 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 4 5 4 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 Gamester's Law 12mo. 1708 Gilbert on Devises, &c. 8vo. 1756 Gilbert on Distresses, &c. Svo. 1757 Gilbert on Rents Svo. 1758 Gilbert's Chancery, &c. 8vo. 1758 Gilbert's Exchequer Svo. 1758 Gilbert on Executions, and History and Practice of King's Bench Svo. 1763 Gilbert's Common Pleas Svo. 1779 Gilbert's, Lord Chief Baron, Law of Evi- dence, enlarged by Lofft 2 vols. Svo. 1791 Gilbert on Uses, by Sugden Svo. 1811 Gilbert on Tenures, by Watkins Svo. 1824 Glanvilla, Ranulp. de, de Legibus Angliae 12mo. 1604 Glanville de Legibus I2mo. 1673 Glanville, by Rayner 12mo. 1780 Glanville, by Beames Svo. 1812 Glisson's Common Law Epitomized Svo. 1679 Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy 4,to. 16S5 Godson on Patents, &c. Svo. 1823 Goodinge on Bankrupts Svo. 1704 Gow on Partnership Svo. 1830 Grant's Chancery Practice 2 vols. 12mo. 1829 Greene's Privileges of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London Svo. 1708 Greenwood's County Courts Svo. 1730 Griffiths on the Jurisdiction and Conser- vancy of the River Thames Svo. 1746 Gude's Practice, K. B. 2 vols. Svo. 1828 PRINTED BOOKS. 67 Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 4 6 Habeas Corpus, Writ of, Arguments on it, with other Law Tracts 4/0. 1649 26 4 Habeas Corpus, &c., Tracts on 8vo. 1758 4 6 Kale's Pleas of the Crown 8vo. 1707 5 5 Hale's Pleas of the Crown 2 vols. fol. 1736 D 5 Hale's Pleas of the Crown 2 vols. 8vo. 1800 4 6 Hale's History of the Common Law 8vo. 1716 J> 5 Hale's History of the Common Law, by Runnington Svo. 1820 D 5 Hall on the Sea Shores of the Realm 8vo. 1830 5 5 Hammond's Criminal Code 8 vols. fol. 1828 ]> 5 Hampson on Trustees 8vo. 1830 D 5 Hands on Election Petitions Svo. 1812 D 5 Hands on Fines Svo. 1 825 4 6 Hardresty's Militia Law 8vo. 1718 33 2 Hargrave's, F., Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England vol. 1st 4/0. 1787 D 2 Hargrave's Jurisconsult Exercitations 3 vols. 4>to. 1811 4 6 Harrison's, Jos., Chancery Practiser 6th edit. 2 vols. Svo. 1779 X> 5 Harrison's Evidence Svo. 1825 24 2 Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown 2 vols. fol. 1716 3> 5 Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown, by Curwood 2 vols. Svo. 1824 26 &D 5) 5( Hawkins's Abridgment of Coke Lit. *j 18mo. 1751-1822 33 5 Hayes on Limited Devises Svo. 1824 3> 5 Hayes on Disposition of Real Estate Svo. 1829 D 5 Hay ward's Translation of Savigny on Legis- lation, &c. Svo. 1831 68 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 4 6 Heath's, Sir Robert, Maxims and Rules of Pleading 8vo. 1694 4 6 Herbert's Justice 12mo. 1554 4 6 Hereditary Descents, a Treatise ori, by B. S. Svo. 1700 5 5 Hernes's, John, Pleader fol. 1657 4 6 Hernes's, John, Reading on Sewers 4>to. 1659 4 6 Hernes's, John, Law of Charitable Uses 12 mo. 1663 B 5 Heywood on Borough Elections 8vo. 1797 D 5 Hey wood on County Elections Svo. 1812 B 5 Highmore on Idiocy, &c. Svo. 1807 D 5 Highmore on Mortmain Svo. 1809 4 6 Holbourne's, Sir Robert, Readings upon the Statute 25 Edw. III. stat. 5. ch. 2. Svo. 1681 D 5 Holroyd on Patents Svo. 1830 2> 5 Holt on Navigation Laws Svo. 1824 D 5 Holt's Bankrupt Law Svo. 1827 4 6 Home's Mirroir des Justices I2mo. 1642 D 5 Home's Mirrour of Justices Svo. 1 768 5 5 Horsman's Conveyancer 3 vols. fol. 1744 B 5 Hovenden on Fraud 2 vols. Svo. 1825 B 5 Howard's Duties of Solicitors Svo. 1827 4 6 Hughes's Abridgement of the Law 3 vols. 4>to. 1660 B 5 Hughes on Insurance Svo. 1828 B 5 Hullock's Law of Costs 2 vols. Svo. 1810 . - I ' C 6 Impey's Pleader 8vo. 1814 C 6 Impey's Forms, K. B. and C. P. 8ro. 1820 FEINTED BOOKS. 69 Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. C 6 Impey's Practice, K. B. Svo. 1823 c 6 Impey's Practice, C. P. Svo. 1825 c 6 Impey on Mandamus Svo. 1826 c 6 Impey's Sheriff and Coroner Svd. 1831 4 6 Infant's, the, Lawyer 2nd edit. Svo. 1712 4 6 Jacob's Justice ' Svo. 1716 4 6 Jacob's Lex Mercatoria Svo. 1718 24 2 Jacob's Law Dictionary fol. 1729 26 2 Jacob's Law Dictionary fol. 1744 4 6 Jacob's Statute Law, Common-placed Svo. 1731 4 6 Jacob's City Liberties, or Laws of London Svo. 1732 C 6 Jacob's Court Keeper Svo. 1819 C 6 Jacob's Law Grammar Svo. 1822 4 6 Jenkin's, Judge, Works written by him in the Tower 12mo. 1648 C 6 Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction of Chancery Svo. 1828 C 6 Jervis on Coroners Svo. 1829 C 6 Jickling on Legal and Equitable Estates Svo. 1829 c 6 Jones, John, de Libellis Famosis Svo. 1812 4 6 Juries, Grand, of England, a Treatise on them Svo. 1681 4 6 Juries, Grand, of England, a Guide to 12/no. 1699 4 6 Justice of the Peace, his Office, by W. N. Svo. 1707 C 6 Raima's, Lord, Historical Law Tracts 2nd edit, S,vo. 176l 70 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHEL ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. c 6 Kaims's, Lord, Principles of Equity 3rd edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 1778 4 6 Kelham's Domesday Book, illustrated, 8vo. 1788 C 6 Kennedy and Grainger on Tenancy and County Customs 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 4 6 Kilburn's Justice 8vo. 1703 4 6 King's Bench and Common Pleas, Practice of 8vo. 1696 4 6 Kitchin's Jurisdictions, or the Authority of Courts 8vo. 1675 C 6 Kyd on Corporations 2 vols. 8vo. 1793 C 6 Lambard's Saxon Laws 4>to. 1568 4 6 Lambard's Justice 8vo. 1619 4 6 Lambard's Archion 8vo. 1635 4 6 Landlord and Tenant's Law 12 wo. 1718 4 6 Law Common-placed, with MSS. Notes, 8vo. 1583 4 6 Law Tracts, various upon regulating the Law 4/0. 1631 4 6 Law, Directions for the Study of, by W. P. 12mo. 1662 4 6 Law of Juries, by Nisi Prius, by S. E. 8vo. 1665 4 6 Law Dictionary, French and Latin 8vo. 1701 4 6 Law of Corporations 8vo. 1 702 4 6 Law of Executors and Administrators 8vo. 1702 4 6 Law of Errors 8vo. 1705 4 6 -aw of Executions, by S. C. 8vo. 1706 4 6 -/aw of Commoners and Commons 8vo. 1720 4 6 Law of Trover, &c. 8vo. 1720 4 6 Laws relating to Women 4,to. 1632 PRINTED BOOKS. 71 Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 4 6 Laws concerning Masters, &c. 8vo. 1707 C 6 Lee's Dictionary of Practice in Civil Actions 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 4 6 LegalJudicature, Court of Chancery 8vo. 1727 C 6 Leigh and Dalzell on Conversion of Pro- perty 8vo. 1825 C 6 Lewin on Settlements 12mo. 1827 C 6 Lewin on Poor Laws 12mo. 1828 26 3 Libels, Law of 4*to. 1765 5 5 Liber Intrationum fol. 154,6 5 5 Liber Placitandi fol. 1674 4 6 Lilly's Register 2 vols. 8vo. 1710 26 o-j &5 5j Lilly's Conveyancer fol. 1719-1742 5 5 Lilly's Practical Register or General Abridgement of the Law 2 vols. fol. 1719 C 6 Lister on Elections 8vo. 1828 24 &4 6j Littleton's Tenures 2 copies, 8vo. 1612-1656 5 5 Littleton's Tenures et Novas Narrationes fol. Rouen, C 6 Littleton's Tenures 12mo. 1813 C 6 Long on Sales of Personal Property 8vo. 1821 C 6 Long on the Law of England 8vo. 1827 C 6 Lube on Equity Pleading 8vo. 1823 4 6 Luders, Alexander, on the Use of the French Language in our Ancient Laws, &c. 8vo. 1807 4 6 Luders, Alexander, Considerations on the Law of High Treason, in levying War 8vo. 1808 C 6 MacNally's Rules of Evidence 2 vols. 8vo. 1802 72 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHI i. ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. C 7 7 D 6 C 5 26 C C 6 C C C C 6 C C 26 C D 6 G I 2 2 7 6 5 N 5 6 6 T G 6 G Maddock's Chancery Practice 2 >&. 8uo. 1820 Madox's, Thomas, Formulare Anglicanmn fol. 1702 Madox's, Thomas, Baronia Anglica foL 1736 Magens on Insurance 2 vols. 4>to. 1755 Mainwaring's Legitimacy of Amicia 12mo. 1679 Male on Elections Svo. 1820 Malyne's Lex Mercatoria 3rd edit. fol. 1686 Manby on Fines and Recoveries Svo. 1738 Manning's Exchequer Practice Svo. 1827 Mansel on Demurrer Svo. 1828 Man wood's Treatise on the Laws of the Forest 4>to. Marshall on Insurance 2 vols. Svo. Mathews on Presumptions Svo. Mathews on Portions, &c., for Children Svo. Mence on the Law of Libel Svo. Meriton's Guide for Constables, &c. 12mo: Merrifield on the Law of Attornies Svo. Meymott's Court of Requests Svo. Mildmay on City Elections Svo. Millar on Insurances Svo. Miller on Criminal Law Svo. a Mille's Rules and Orders of the Court of Common Pleas Svo. Mitford's, John, (Lord Redesdale,) Treatise on the Pleadings in the Court of Chancery 3d edit. Svo. Mitford's Equity Pleading 1829 1824 1679 1830 1830 1743 1787 1822 1732 1814 1827 PRINTED BOOKS. 73 Drv. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. D 6 M'Kinnon's Evidence 8vo. 1812 6 7 Modern Conveyancer 3 vofo. 8t>o. 1/17 D 6 Montagu on Lien 8vo. 1821 6 Montagu on Partnership 2 vo/s. 8i>o. 1822 D 6 Montagu on Composition 8vo. 1823 D 6 Montagu on Equity Pleading 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 D 6 Montagu on Set-off 8vo. 1828 X 6 Montagu and Gregg's Bankrupt Laws 2 vofc. 8vo. 1827 D 6 Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws 2 vols. Svo. 1823 6 7 Morgan's, John, Attorney's Vade Mecum with Appendix 3 vols. 8vo. 1787 TO Morgan on Assurances Svo. 1821 D 6 Muchall's Doctor and Student Svo. 1815 D 6 Nares's, John, Summary of the Law of Penal Convictions Svo. 1814 26 1 National Debts, History of 1761 6 7 Natura Brevium 12 wo. 1557 6 7 Nelson's Lex Testamentaria Svo. 1714 5 5 Nelson's Abridgement of the Common Law 3 vols. fol. 1725 D 6 Newland on Contracts Svo. 1806 7 \D 5 ? 65 Newland's Chancery Practice 2 vols. Svo. 1830 A 7 New Orders in Chancery Svo. 1828 D 6 Nolan's Poor Laws 3 vols. Svo. 1825 6 7 Novse Narrationes, &c. I2mo. 1561 6 7 Noy's Maxims of the Law, with other Tracts Svo. 1641 6 7 Noy's Complete Lawyer 12 wo. 1651 74 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 6 7 Noy's Rights of the Crown 12mo. 1715 3> 6 Noy's Grounds and Maxims of the Law 12mo. 1821 6 7 Oaths, Ancient and Modern, and their seve- ral Forms Svo. 1689 D 6 Okey's Digest of Law Usage, &c. 8vo. 1831 D 6 Orme's Election Laws Svo. 1812 X> 6 Page on the Poor Laws Svo. 1830 D 6 Paley on Principal and Agent Svo. 1819 B 6 Paley on Convictions 2 vols. Svo. 1827 1> 2 Palmer's Table of Costs I0th edit. 4>to. 1829 D 6 Palmer's Practice on Appeals^ &c. Svo. 1830 B 6 Paris and Fonblanque on Medical Juris- prudence 3 vols. Svo. 1823 B 6 Park on Insurance 2 vols. Svo. 1817 B 6 Park on the Humphreysian Code Svo. 1828 B 6 Parkes's History of Chancery Svo. 1828 B 6 Parkes's Practice, K. B. and C. P. 12mo. 1829 B 6 Peake's Law of Evidence Svo. 1822 4 5 Pearce's Law of the Stannaries fol. 1725 6 7 Peers, House of, their Judicature in Cases of Appeal Svo. 1675 6 7 Penal Law, several Treatises on 4>to. 1675 6 7 Penal Laws against Non-Jurors, Papists &c. Svo. 1716 6 7 Perkins's Law of England 12mo. 1657 B 6 Perkins's Profitable Book by Greening 12mo. 1827 B 6 Petersdorff's Index to Precedents in Pleading 8vo. 1822 PRINTED BOOKS. 75 Div. SHELF D 6 6 7 3> 6 6 7 D 6 6 7 D 6 6 7 C 7 7 5 c 7 c 7 c 7 c 7 c 7 c 7 c 7 6 7 4 5 4 5 C 7 C 7 C 7 26 3 6 7 ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. Petersdorff on Bail 8vo. 1824 Philips on the Necessity of Tenures 4*o. 1660 Phillipps on Evidence Piggott on Recoveries Platt on Covenants Pleading, the Method of Plowden's Jura Anglorum Powell's Treatise on Courts Leet Powell on Powers Powell on Devises Powell's Devises by Jarman 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 4*o. 1739 8vo. 1829 8vo. 1697 8vo. 1792 4*o. 1642 8vo. 1799 2 vols. 8vo. 1807 2 vo/5. 8t;o. 1827 Powell's Conveyancing Powell's Mortgages by Coventry 3 vols. 8vo. 1810 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 3 vofo. 8vo. 1819 2 uofo. 8fo. 1820 3 vofo. 8vo. 1823 8vo. 1824 Preston on Conveyancing Preston on Estates Preston on Abstracts of Title Preston on Legacies Proposals for Remedying the Charge and Delay of Suits, with Tancred's Essay for a general Regulation of the Law 8vo. 1724 Prynne's Examination of the 4th Part of Coke's Institutes fol. 1669 Pulton de Pace Regis et Regni fol. 1609 Pye on Justices of the Peace 12mo. 1827 Ram on Tenure and Tenancy 8vo. 1825 Randell on Perpetuity 8vo. 1822 Rayner's Readings on Stats. Geo. II. 1775 Readings on various subjects of the Law 2 vols. 4*o. 76 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. 5 7 Reeves's, John, History of the English Law 2nd edit. 4 vols. 8vo. 1787 26 5 Regula Placitandi 12mo. 1691 5 7 Retorna Brevium, by R. G. 2nd edit. 8vo. 1728 26 1 Richardson's Practice, K. B. and C. 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SHELF ENGLISH LAW TREATISES. c 7 Runnington on Ejectment 8vo. 1820 c 7 Russell on Crimes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 5 7 Saltern's Antient Laws, and other Tracts 4to. 1605 D 7 Sanders on Copyholds 8vo. 1819 D 7 Sanders on Uses, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 D 7 Saunders on Pleading, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 26 1 Sayer on Costs and Damages 2 vols. 8vo. 1770 D 7 Scriven on Copyholds 2 vo/*. 8vo. 1823 5 7 Scroggs on Courts 8fo. 1714 D 2 Sedgwick on Blackstone's Commentaries 4,to. 1807 5 7 Selden's Duello, or Single Combat 8vo. 1610 4 5 Selden's Fleta fol 1647 5 7 Selden's Office of Lord Chancellor, by Dugdale 8vo. 1677 4 5 Selden's Tracts of the Common Statute and Ecclesiastical Law fol. 1683 7 6 Selwyn's Abridgement of the Law of Nisi Prius 2nd and 7th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 1810 D 7 Selwyn's Nisi Prius 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 D &7 7 1 5J Seton's Decrees in Equity 2 copies, 8vo. 1830 D 7 Shepherd on Elections 12mo. 1830 5 7 Sheppard's Touchstone of Common As- surances 4>to. 1648 D 7 Sheppard's Touchstone, by Atherley 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 4 5 Sheppard's Epitome of the Law fol. 1656 4 5 Sheppard's Abridgement of the Law fol. 1675 78 PRINTED BOOKS. 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Watkins's Conveyancing, by Preston Svo. 1823 Watkins's Conveyancing, by Morley, Coote, and Coventry Watson on Sheriffs Wells's Bedford Level, &c. Wentworth of Executors Wentworth of Executors West's Precedents West on Extents Whishaw's Law Dictionary Whyte's Sacred Laws Wilkinson's Coroner and Court Leet, &c. 1638 Willcock on Corporations 8vo. 1827 Willcock on the Poor Laws 8vo. 1829 Williams on the Laws of England, and Risden on Avowries 8vo. 1680 Williains's Jus Appellandi ad Regem, 12 mo. 1684 8vo. 1831 8t?o. 1827 3 vols. 8vo. 1828 8vo. 1703 8vo. 1763 4o. 1647 8vo. 1817 8vo. 1829 12wo. 1652 Willis on Interrogatories Willis's Equity Pleading Willis on Trustees Wilson on Fines and Recoveries Wilson on Deeds Wingate's Britton Wingate's Maxims Withy on Annuities Wood's Conveyancing Wood's Institute 8vo. 1816 Svo. 1821 8vo. 1827 Svo. 1780 Svo. 1819 12mo. 1640 fol. 1658 Svo. 1800 3 vols.fol. 1762 fol. 1763 Wooddeson's Elements of Jurisprudence 4,to. 1783 M 82 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. 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Edinburgh. 1740 Balfour's, Sir Jauies, Practics Ancient Law of Scotland fol. 1754 Ball and Beatty's Reports Batty's Irish K. B. Reports Bayne's, Alexander, Institutions of the Criminal Law of Scotland 12mo. Edin. 1730 Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports Bell's Session Cases, 1790-92 Bell's Abstract of Deeds 8vo. 1814 Bell on Deeds 7 vols. 8vo. 1817 Bell's Commentaries on the Laws of Scot- 2 vols. 4,to. 1821 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 8vo. 1825 8vo. 1827 8vo. 1794 land Bell on Leases 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 84 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHI i. SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. E 4 Bell's Dictionary of the Law of Scotland 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 E 4 Beveridge's Forms of Process 2 vols. Svo. 1826 E 4 Borthwick on Feudal Dignities Svo. 1775 E 4 Borthwick on Libel, &c. Svo, 1826 E 4 Brown on the Law of Sale Svo. 1821 E 3 Brown's Supplement to the Dictionary of Decisions 5 vols. 4to. 1826 E 3 Brown's Synopsis of Decisions 4 vols. 4fo. 1829 E 5 Buchanan's Remarkable Cases Svo. 1813 E 4 Burnet's Criminal Law 4>to. 1 811 E 4 Clark on Sheriffs in Scotland Svo. 1824 E 4 Connell on Parishes in Scotland Svo. 1818 E 5 Connell on Scotch Elections Svo. 1827 E 4 Connell on Tithes in Scotland % vols. Svo. 1830 24 &E 3 1 2J Cragii Jus Feudale 3rd edit. fol. Edin. 1732 Craigie and Stewart's Appeal Cases Svo. 1825 E 4 Dalrymple on Regiam Majestatem 4fo. 1769 E 1 Dalrymple's, Sir Hew, Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland fol. Edin. 1758 E 2 Decisions during the Usurpation 1655- 1661 fol 1762 E 2 Decisions of the Court of Session, 1808-25 7 vols. fol. 1815 E 4 Decisions of the Court of Session 5 vols. Svo. 1830 E 2 Dirleton's Doubts, [see Nisbei] E 4 Dougks Cause 5 vols. 4>to. 1765-1767 PRINTED BOOKS. 85 Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. 5 Drummond's Proceedings in Sheriff's Courts 1 in Scotland 8vo. 1826 E 5 Dunlop on Scotch Poor Laws Svo. 1828 E 2 Edgar's Decisions of the Court of Session f " fol. 1791 E 2 Elchies' Decisions 2 vols. 4to. 1813 E 4 Elchies on Stair's Institutions 4>to. 1824 7 5 Erskine's Law of Scotland fol. Edin. 1773 E 2 Erskine's Law of Scotland fol. 1828 7 &E 5 55 Erskine's Principles of the Law of Scotland Svo. 1827 E 2 Falconer's, David, Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland fol. Edin, 1746 E 5 Fergusson's Reports in the Consistorial Court of Scotland Svo. 1823 E 6 Finlay's Index to Irish Reports Svo. 1830 E 5 Forbes's Institutes of the Law of Scotland 2 vols. Svo. Edin. 1722 E 6 Fox and Smith's Irish K. B. Reports Svo. 1823 E 2 Gibson's, Sir Alexander, Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland fol. Edin. 1690 E 4 Gilmour and Falconer's Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland 4-to. Edin. 1701 E 5 Glassford on Evidence in Scotland Svo. 1820 E 5 Glen on Bills of Exchange Svo. 1824 E 2 Hailes's Decisions 2 vols. 4to. 1826 E 2 Halkerston's Abridgement of Faculty De- cisions, 1752-1817 fol. 1819 i Hogan's Irish Rolls Reports Svo. 1828 86 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. E E E E E E E E Home's, H., Decisions of the Court of Ses- sion in Scotland 2 vols. fol. Edin. 1741 Home's Decisions, 1735-44 fol. 1791 Hope's Minor Practics 12mo. 1726 Hudson and Brooke's Irish K. B. and Ex- chequer Reports 8vo. 1829 Hume on Crimes in Scotland 2 vols. 4>to. 1829 Hutcheson on Justices &c. in Scotland 4 vols. 8vo. 1815 Inquisitionum ad Capell. Doni. Reg. retorn. quae in publicis Archivis Scotiae servantur Abbrev. 3 vols. fol. 1811 Irish Records fol. 1815 Irvine on Entail in Scotland 8vo. 1827 Juridical Society Styles 1826 Kaimes, Lord, on the Statute Law of Scot- land, with Historical Notes 8vo. 1757 Kames's Decisions, 1716-68 3 vols. fol. 1799 Kames on the Law of Scotland 8vo. 1800 Kames and Woodhouselee's Dictionary of Decisions from 1791 to 1797 4 vols. fol. 1791 Kilkerran's Decisions, from 1738 to 1752 fol. 1775 Lauder's, Sir John, Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland vol. 1st, fol. Edin. 1759 M'DoualTs Institute of the Laws of Scot- land 3 vols. fol. 1751 PRINTED BOOKS. 87 Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. E 5 Mackenzie's Institutes of the Law of Scot- land 8vo. Edin. 1719 E 4 Mackgill's Collection of Scotch Acts of Parliament fol. Edin. 1566 E 3 Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, and Index 43 vols. in 22, 4>to. 1811 E 1 Murray's Laws of Scotland fol. Edin. 1681 E 5 Murray's Reports, Jury Court 4 vols. 8vo. 1818 E 5 Ness on the Game Laws in Scotland Svo. 1818 E 2 Nisbet's, Sir John, Doubts and Questions in the Law, especially of Scotland fol. Edin. 1698 E 5 Parker on Arbitration in Scotland 8vo. 1830 E 2 Principles of Equity fol. Edin. 1760 1 1 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis publicis asservatum fol. 1814 E 6 Ridgeway's Cases in Parliament in Ireland 3 vols. 8vo. 1795 E 6 Ridgeway's Irish Term Reports 8vo. 1796 1 2 Robbings Abridgement of Irish Statutes 4>to. Dublin, 1736 E 5 Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases 8vo. 1807 E 3 Ross's Lectures on the Law of Scotland 2 vols. 4>to. 1822 1 I Rotuli Scotiae in Turn Londinensi et in Domo Capit. Westm. asservati 2 vols. fol. 1814-19 E 5 Sandford on Entails Svo. 1822 E 5 Sandford on Heritable Succession 2 vols. Svo. 1830 88 PRINTED BOOKS. Dnr SHEL SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. E 6 Schoales and Lefroy's Reports 2 vols. Svo. 1806 E 5 Shaw and Ballantine's Cases Svo. 1 822 E 4 Shaw's Index to Entails 4>to. 1784 E 5 Shaw's Reports 8 vols. Svo. 1821-30 - E 5 Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases 2 vols. Svo. 1826 E 4 Skene's Collection of Scotch Acts of Parlia- ment fol. Edin. 1597 E 6 Skene de Verborum Significatione 4-to. 1641 24 31 Skoenei Regiam Majestatem seu Leges &E 43 veteres Scotiae, Lat. and Eng. fol. Edin. 1 609 E 6 Smith and Batty's Irish K.B. Reports Svo. 1825 E 2 Spottiswood's Practics fol. 1706 E 6 Spottiswood's, John, Style of Writs used in Scotland 4to. Edin, 1708 E 6 Spottiswood's, John, Form of Process be- fore the Lords of Session Svo. Edin. 1711 7 5 Stair's Institutions of the Law of Scotland 3rd edit. fol. Edin. 1759 E 2 Stair's Institutions, and Supplement 2 vols. fol. 1826-31 E 6 Stark on Partnership Svo. 1825 1 2 Statutes at Large, Irish, with Marginal ! References fol. Dublin, 1678 E 1 Statutes at Large, Irish, from 1310 to 1800, with Indexes 22 vols. fol. 1765 E 6 Steuart's Answer to Dirleton Svo. 1762 E 6 Synopsis of Sequestration 800. 1827 E 6 fait on Evidence Svo. 1827 E 6 Pait on Justices of Peace Svo. 1828 E 6 Phorason on Bills of Exchange Svo. 1825 PRINTED BOOKS. 89 Div. SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. E E E E Tomlin's Index to Acts relating to Ireland 1801-1825 8vo. 1825 Vernon and Scriven's Irish Reports 1786-88 Wallace's Law of Scotland fol. Edin. 1760 Watson on Succession, &c. Svo. 1826 Wight on Scotch Parliaments 4,to. 1784 Wilson and Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases 2 vols. Svo. 1829 Wottoni Leges Wallioe Ecclesiastic* et Civiles, a Gulielino Clarke fol. 1730 90 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH LAW. PRINTED BOOKS. 91 CIVIL, CANON, ECCLESIASTICAL, Div. SHELF P 4 P 4 26 5 P 4 P 5 P 1 F 1 P 4 P 1 F 4 P 4 P 4 F ] F 1 A CTON'S Prize Causes Reports Svo. 1811 Addams's Ecclesiastical Reports 2 vols. Svo. 1823 Admiralty of Great Britain, Laws of 2 vols. Svo. 1746 Adye on Courts Martial ^Erodii Petri Pandectoe Aragon de, Fueros y Observancias del Reyno 2 vols. fol. 1667 Argentre Commentarii in Patrias Britonum Leges fol. Paris, 1628 Arguments in the Case of the Snipe, &c. 12mo. 1810 2 vols. Svo. 1619 Assises de Jerusalem Atcheson's Case of Havelock, &c. Atcheson's Case of Fisher, &c. Svo. 1812 fol. 1690 Svo. 1800 Svo. 1803 Atcheson's Reports, &c. on Navigation and Trade Svo. 1807 AylLffe's Parergon Juris Canonici Anglican! fol. 1726 Ayliffe's Roman Civil Law fol. 1734 92 PRINTED BOOKS. Div "Mill CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. r 5 Bach's Tithing Table 4to. 1633 6 2 Bacon's Liber Regis 4>to. 1786 F 1 Baluzii Capitularia Regum Francorum 2 vols. fol. 1677 F 5 Barbeyrac du Pouvoir des Souverains 12mo. 1707 F 4 Barrett's, B. Code Napoleon, with an Intro- ductory Discourse 2 vols. 8vo. 1811 F 1 Beaumanoir's Coutumes de Beauvoisis, bound with Assizes de Jerusalem fol. 1690 26 5 Besdel's Abrege des Causes Celebres, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1777 F 5 Bodinus de Republica 8vo. Paris, 1591 F 3 Bogueti Observationes in Consuetudines Burgundies 4>to. 1604 F 3 Bouteiller's, Jean, Somme Rural, ou le grand Coustumier de Pratique, Civil et Canon 4ito. Paris, 1603 F 3 Brissonii Opera Varia fol. 1 606 F 3 Brissonii Antiquitates ex Jure Civili Selectee 4/o. Lipsice, 1741 F 3 Brissonius de Formulis et Sollemnibus Populi Romani Verbis fol. 1592 F 1 Brissonius de Verborum Significatione, Cura Heineccii fol. 1743 F 4 Browne's Civil and Admiralty Law 2 vols. 8vo. 1802 F 3 Bruneau sur les Matieres Criminelles 4>to. Paris, 171 6 F 3 Brussel de 1'Usage general des Fiefs en France 2 vols. 4>to. 1750 F 3 Sugnyon's Loix Abrog6es du Royaume de France 4to. Paris, 1602 F 4 Burke on the Roman Law 8vo. 1830 PRINTED BOOKS. 93 Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. P 4 Burlamaqui, J., Principles of Natural Law, by Nugent 2 vols. 8vo. 1752 F 4 Burlamaqui Droit de la Nature et des Gens 4 vols. 8vo. 1766 24 Q"J &7 6) Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, by Fraser / 4 vols. 8vo. 1797 P 4 Burn's Ecclesiastical Law 4, vols. 8vo. 1824 P 5 Burnet's Rights of Princes 8vo. 1682 G 2 Bynkershoek Opera Omnia fol. 1767 P 3 Cantera Quaestiones Criminales fol. Salmantica, 1589 P 1 Carte's Catalogue des Rolles Gascons, &c. Conservees dans les Archives de la Tour de Londres 2 vols. fol. 1743 G 5 Causes Celebres, par Richer 22 vols. 8vo. 1772 26 3 Chappuis Jurisdiction Consulaire 4>fo. 1765 26 2 Charters, American fol. 1741 P 1 Chassensei Ducatus Burgundiae Consuetu- dines fol. Geneva, 1648 .P 5 Clarke's, Fr., Praxis in Curiis Ecclesiasticis 4,to. 1666 P 5 Clenardi Epistolae, 12mo. 1566; et Hot- mannus de Pactis et Successione Regia ; et Tractatus lohannis de Terra rubea 8vo. 1585 P 4 Clergyman's Assistant 8vo. 1822 26 5 Clerke's Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis 8vo. 1722 P 3 Cocceii Jus Gentium 4,to. Frankfort, 1 702 P 4 Cockburn's Practice of Ecclesiastical Courts 8vo. 1800 P 3 Code du Roi Henri III. de France, &c. 4>to. Lyons, 1599 26 5 Code Frederic de Prusse 3 vols. 12mo. 1751 94 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF r 4 F 5 p 1 p 5 p 3 p 4 p 3 p 1 p 1 F 1 F 5 P 5 F 1 F 3 F 1 F 1 P 5 G 1 P 4 P 4 CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. Code Napoleon 8vo. 1825 Codex Juris Ecclesiastic! Anglicani, Exa- mination of, and Answers to it 8vo. 1735 Codex Theodosianus, a Rittero, 7 vols. in 5,fol. LipsifB, 1736 Conset's Practice of Ecclesiastical Courts 8vo. 1708 Consulado de Mar 8vo. Valencia, 1539 Consulat de la Mer, par P. B. Boucher 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 808 Corpus Juris Canonici Gregorii XIII. fol. Lugd. 1616 Corpus Juris Canonici Gregorii XIII. a Pithseo 2 vols. in 1, fol. 1779 Corpus Juris Canonici, per Gibert 3 vols. fol. 1735 Corpus Juris Civilis Gothofredi 2 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1663 Coustume d'Orleans, par Masson 12mo. Orleans, 1702 Coustumes Civiles de Bretagne 8vo. Paris, 1521 Coustumes du Royaulme de France fol. Paris, 1550 Coustumes du Pais de Normandie, par Lam- bert 4,to. Rouen, 1588 Coutumier le, de Picardie 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1726 Coutumier le, de Vermandois 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1728 Cowelli Institutiones Juris Anglicani 12mo. 16*30 Cravettee Consilia 2 vols. fol. 1640 Croke's Case of Homer and Liddiard 8vo. 1800 Croke's Remarks on Schlegel 8vo. 1801 PRINTED BOOKS. 95 Div. 26 SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. 5 Cugnet's Traite de la Loi des Fiefs en Canada, &c. 4,to. 1785 G 1 Cujacii Opera Omnia 4 vols. fol. Lyons, 1614 F 4 Cunningham's Law of Simony 8vo. 1784 G 2 D'Aguesseau, CEuvres de 13 vols. 4>to. 1759-89 P 3 Danicum Jus, Latine redditum, ab Henrico Weghorst Hafnito. Oxford, 1744 P 4 Edwards's Admiralty Reports Svo. 1810 96 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. Div. SHELF P 4 G 2 P 3 P 5 G 2 P 3 P 4 26 5 26 5 P 4 P 3 P 2 P 3 P 3 Cr 2 G ] 7 &P 5 \ 4i P 4 P 2 P 3 P 5 r 3 Ellis on Tithes Emerigon des Assurances Engelbrechti Leges Locrensium 4/0. Exton's Maritime Dicaeologie Svo. 1821 2 vo/s. 4/o. 1827 B, 1699 8vo. 174,6 Feltmani Opera 8 vols. in 4>, fol. 1 764 Ferriere's Traite des Fiefs 4/o. Paris, 1680 Ferriere's Roman Law, &c. Svo. 1724 Ferriere's Commentaire sur la Coutume de la Prevote &c. de Paris 2 vols. 12mo. 1741 Ferriere's Droit Romain I2mo. 1760 Floyer's Proctor's Practice Svo. 1744 Formulare Instrumentorum ecclesiasticorum per Artinum Episc. Avinion Svo. 1 500 France, les Loix de, &c. fol. Paris, 1552 Francois Remarques du Droit 4/o. Paris, 1657 Gaillii Observations, &c. 4/o. 1663 Gentoo Laws, Code of, translated by Halhed 4/o. 1776 Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastic! Anglicani 2 vols. fol. 1761 Gilbert's Clerical Guide Gilbert's Patroni ecclesiarum Gilkenii Commentaria Svo. 1829 Svo. 1831 fol. 1606 Godolphin's Repertorium Canonicum, or Abridgement of Ecclesiastical Law 4/o. 1680 Godolphin's View of the Admiralty Juris- diction Svo. 168 5 Gravinae Origines Juris Civilis 4/o. Leipsic, 1717 PRINTED BOOKS. 97 Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. r 2 Gregorii Tholosani Syntagma Juris Uni- versi fol. Frankfort, l6ll p 3 Groenewegen de Legibus Abrogatis Hol- landiae 4-to. Noviomagi, 1664 20 6 1 Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis, by Bar- &P 4j beyrac 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1632-1720 P 5 Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis, translated into English 8vo. 1655 P 2 Grotius on Peace and War, English, with Barbeyrac's Notes fol. 1738 P 5 Grotius de Imperio summarum Potestatum circa Sacra 12wio. 1648 P 5 Grotius on Sacred Things, by Barksdale 8vo. 1651 P 4 Gwillim on Tithes 4 vols. 8vo. 1801 P 4 Haggard's Consistory Cases 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 P 4 Haggard's Admiralty Reports 8vo. 1825 P 4 Haggard's Ecclesiastical Reports 2 vols. 8vo. 1828 G 4 Hallifax's Roman Civil Law 8vo. 1 795 G 2 Hamilton's Hedaya 4 vols. 4>to. 1791 P 5 Hanneton de Feudis 12mo. 1564 F 3 Heineccii Opera 8 vols. 4to. 1746 98 PRINTED BOOKS. Dir. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. P 5 Hotomanni Qusestiones Juris Civilis 12mo. Paris, 1576 P 5 Hotomanni Franco-Gallia 12mo. 1576 P 3 Houard Anciennes Loix des Francois con- servees dans les Coutumes Angloises, par Littleton 2 vols. 4-to. Rouen, 1766 P 3 Houard Traites sur les Coutumes Anglo- Normandes 4 vols. 4>to. Paris, 1776 G 4 Howard's Laws of British Colonies 2 vols. 8vo. 1827 P 5 Hughes's Parson's Law I2mo. 1641 G 4 Institutes of the Civil Law 8^0. 1704 G 4 James on Courts Martial 8vo. 1820 G 4 Johnson's Ecclesiastical Laws 2 vols. 8vo. 1720 P 5 Johnston, Nathaniel, on Abby Lands 12mo. 1687 G 3 Johnston, Nathaniel, on the King's Visita- torial Power 4>to. 1688 P 4 Jungius de Poena Fumi apud Veteres ; Ca- talogus Ant. a Wood ; and Descrizione D'Ercolano et Canzonetti Bvo. 1 76l P 2 Justelli Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Veteris 2 vols.fol, Paris, 1661 P 5 Justiniani Institutiones 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1576 P 3 Justiniani Codicis, Repetitse Prselectionis, Libri 12, Summariis D. Gothofredi, I. C. illustrati 4^ o . ] g20 26 5 Justiniani Institutiones et Theophili Para- phrasis I2mo. 1733 G 3 Justiniani Institutiones Lat. Angl. by G. Harris 4to. 1756 PRINTED BOOKS. 99 Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOEEIGN, &c. LAW. 26 5 Justinian's Institutes by Ferriere 6 vols. 12 mo. 1760 26 3 Justinian by Heineccius 4th edit. 4to. 1665 26 3 Justinian by Heineccius 4>to. 1726 26 5 Justinian by Vinnius 12mo. 1769 26 5 Justinian cum Titulis ex Digestis, &c. 12mo. 1710 G 4 Kennedy on Courts Martial 8vo. 1825 G 3 Konig Suecicarum Codex Legum 4>to. Holmice, 1743 G 3 Krebs Tractatus Politico- Juridicus de Ligno et Lapide 4>to. Aug. Vind. 1700 G 3 La Combe's Traite des Matieres Criminelles 4to. 1753 P 2 Laws of Barbadoes and the Bermudas fol. 1721 T 2 Laws of Jamaica, from 1681 to 1737 fol. 1738 26 2 Laws of Jamaica 2 vols. fol. 1771 P 2 Laws of New England, from 1692 to 1710, and their Charter fol. 1724 P 2 Laws of New York and Maryland fol. 1719 26 1 Laws of Maryland, by Bacon fol. 1765 26 1 Laws of Virginia 1st vol. fol. 1727 P 2 Laws of Virginia fol. Williamsburg, 1769 26 1 Laws of Massachusetts Bay fol. 1763 26 1 Laws of Quebec fol. 1772 G 4 Laws of Plantations, Abridgement of 8vo. 1704 G 3 Le Bret. Car. de la Souverainete du Roi 4>to. Paris, 1632 P 2 Le Rouille, le Grand Coustumier du Maine fol. 1535 100 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. G F G P P G P Le Rouille Grand Coustumier de Nor- mendie fol. Rouen, 1539 Lee on Captures in War 8vo. 1803 Leunclaius loan. Synopsis universi Juris fol. Easilecc, 1575 Ley, John, on the Oath of the 6th Canon 4,to. 1641 Lindenbrogii, Fr., Codex Legutn Antiquarum fol. Frankfort, 1613 Lipsi Civilis Doctrina 12mo. 1632 Lloyd's Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus 8vo. 1788 Loccenii Suecise Regni Leges Provinciales fol. Holmice, 1672 Loisel, M. A., divers Opuscules de 4/o. Pan's, 1652 Lovelass on Wills and Intestacy 8vo. 1823 Lowndes on Legacies 8vo. 1824 Loyseau Traite des Seigneuries 4-to. Paris, 1608 Lucensis Civitatis Statuta fol. 1539 Lyndvvood's Provinciale fol. Oxford, 1679 Mare Liberum IZmo. Leyden, 15Q5 Marquardus de Jure Mercatorum, &c. fol. 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Svo. 1812 Rutherforth's Institutes of Natural Law 2 vols. Svo. 1754 Sanchez de Sancto Matrimonii Sacramento 3 vols. in I, fol. 1739 Saunders on Conventicles 12mo. 1685 Savigny's History of Roman Law Svo 1829 PRINTED BOOKS. 103 Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. P 2 Scaccia, Sigism., de Commerciis et Cambio fol. Geneva, 1664 G 3 Schilteri Codex Juris Allemannici feudalis 4>to. Strasburg, 1697 P 5 Schilteri Institutiones Juris feudalis Ger- manici et Longobardici 8vo. Leipsic, 1728 G 4 Schomberg on Roman Law 8vo. 1785 G 2 Schulting Jurisprudentia Vetus Ante-Jus- tinianea 4>to. 1717 G 3 Sea Laws, Autient and Modern 4to. G 3 Seldeni Mare Clausum, et de Successionibus ad Leges Ebraeorum fol. 1635 G 3 Selden's Mare Clausum, translated by Ned- ham fol. 1652 G 3 Selden's History of Tythes 4to. 1618 P 5 Sharrock's Provinciale 12mo. 166* G 3 Siciliae Regni Pragmaticae 3 vols.fol. Panormi, 1637 G 3 Sigonius de Antique Jure Italiae ad Senatum Populumque Romanum 4tto. Venice, 1560 G 3 Spelman on Tithes 4^o. P 2 Spencer de Legibus Hebraeorum 2 vols.fol. 1727 P 2 Staunton's, Sir G., Translation of the Penal Code of China 4,to. 1810 G 4 Stewart's Cases in Nova-Scotia 8vo. 1814 P 5 Stillingfleet on Bonds of Resignation 8vo. 1695 G 4 Strange's Hindu Law 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 P 5 Struvii Jurispnidentia Feudalis 8vo. Jencs, 1742 G 4 Struvii Bibliotheca Juris 8vo. 1 756 P 5 Strykius de Feud is 2nd edit. 12 wo, Wittemberg, 1679 104 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. F SHELF 2 G 3 G 4 26 3 24 &F 2| G 2 G 4 G 3 G 4 26 3 P 5 P 2 P 5 G 4 G 4 F 5 P 5 G 3 G 2 G 3 G 5 G 3 CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. Suarez de Legibus ac Deo Legislatore fol. 1679 Swinburne of Spousals 4>to. 1686 Swinburne of Wills 3 vols. 8vo. 1803 Taylor's Elements of Civil Law 4,to. 1 769 Terrien du Droit Civil de Normandie fol. 1578 Theophili Paraphrasis Csesarearum Institutionum 2 vols. 4,to. 1751 Thomas's Universal Jurisprudence 8vo. 1829 Tillesley's, Richard, Animadversions upon Selden's History of Tithes 4to. 1619 Toller on Tithes 8vo. 1822 Touillieu, Petri de, Oratio de Jurispru- dentise cum rerum divinarum Scientia Adfinitate 4,to. 1717 Triglandii Paedia Juris 8vo. Oxon, 1710 Trott's Ecclesiastical Law in America fol. 1721 Tythes, the Law of 4-to. l654> Tytler on Military Law, &c. 8vo. 1814 Van der Linden's Laws of Holland, by Henry 8vo. 1828 Vattel's Law of Nations 8vo. 1811 Vattel, Droit Des Gens de 2 vols. 8vo. 1820 Venetarum Statuta Venice, 4>to. 1729 Veronae Statuta, seu Leges Municipales fol. 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Svo. 1 798 F 5 Worthington's Precedent for Wills I2mo. 1830 F 2 Zasius de Feudis fol. 1538 5&6 1 Ziletti Tractatus Juris universi 28 vols. fol. Venice, 1584 G 5 Zouch's Admiralty Jurisdiction Bvo. 1666 G 5 Zouchei Elementa Jurisprudent! 12mo. 1652 G 5 Zouchei Solutio Quaestionis veteris et novae, &c. 12mo. 1657 G 5 Zouchei Civilis Juris Qusestiones I2mo. 1682 106 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF CIVIL, CANON, FOREIGN, &c. LAW. PRINTED BOOKS. 107 ENGLISH HISTORY AND HISTORICAL TREATISES. Div. SHKI.F 11 7 30 7 ^} PC 5 PC 5 PC 5 H 6 12 6 11 5 11 5 PC 6 II 1 7 3 ABREGE des derniers Mouvemens D'Angleterre 12mo. Anvers, 1651 Acherley's, Roger, Britannic Constitution fol. 1727-1741 Adolphus's, John, History of England, from 1760 to 1783 3 vols. 8vo. 1802 Aikin's Court of Queen Elizabeth 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 2 vols. 8vo. 1823 8vo. 1830 Aikin's Court of James 1st., Allen on the Prerogative Almon's Remembrancer of Public Events, from 1775 to 1781 12 vols. Svo. Almonds Congress Journal, from 1774 to 1776 2 vols. 8vo. Almon's Prior Documents, from 1764 to 1775 800. Andrews's Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain 4>to. 1796 Anglicanae Histories decem Scriptores fol. 1652 * Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores veteres, cura W. Fulman fol. Oxford, 1684 108 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. H 1 Annals of England, from 10th James 1st. to 18th Charles 1st. fol. 1681 PC 3&4 Annual Register, from 1758 to 1831, with Indexes 76 vols. 8vo. 11 7 Argumentum Anti-Normannicum 8vo. 1682 11 6 Arlington's, Lord, State Papers 3 v. 8vo. 1701 .PC 3 Arnold's Chronicle 4>to. 1811 PC 5 Ashburnham's Narrative of his Attendance on Charles 1st. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 11 6 Atwood's Reflections upon Signing the National Association 4,to. 1696 11 7 Atwood's Dependency of Ireland upon England 8vo. 1698 11 7 Atwood's Superiority of the Crown of Eng- land over the Crown of Scotland 8vo. 1704 7 3 Aurelii, F. L. C., Examen Praefationis Moni- torise Jacobi I. fol. Friburg, 1610 H 6 Ayscu's History of Wars, &c. between Eng- land and Scotland 4/o. 1607 30 11 8 Bacon, Nathaniel, on Government, 4/o. 1647-1739 7 3 Bacon's, Lord, Life of Henry VII. fol. 1622 11 6 Bacon's, Lord, Letters in the Reign of James I. 4>to. 1702 30 7 ^} Baker's Chronicle fol. 1 660-1 733 7 2 Barne's History of Edward 111. fol. 1688 H 6 Bassompiere's Embassy to England 8vo. 1819 11 t Batii Elenchus Motuum in Anglia 8vo. l66l PC 3 Bayley's Tower of London 4>to. 1825 H 2 Beatson's, Lt. Col. Alexander, View of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tip poo Sultaun 4fo. 1800 PRINTED BOOKS. 109 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Beatson's, Robert, Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain 3 vols. 8vo. 1806 DIT. SHELF PC 3 7 3 11 7 29 4 7 3 29 4 a 2 H 6 XX 6 24 11 4 6J 11 7 B 6 7 2 7 3 7 3 PC 5 11 6 11 6 29 4 H 1 Bedford's Hereditary Right Bellamy's Philanax Anglicus Belsham's Memoirs of the Brunswic fol. 1713 1663 House of 6 vols. 800. 1793 Biondi on the Civil Wars in England, trans- lated by the Earl of Monmouth fol. 1 64 1 Birch's Glamorgan Transactions 8vo. 1747 Birch's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth 2 vols. 4>to. 1754 Birch's Life of Henry Prince of Wales, Son of James 1st. 8vo. 1760 Bisset's History of the Reign of George III. 6 vols. 8vo. 1803 Bolingbroke, Lord, on the History of Eng- land 8vo. 1754 Borough's, Sir John, Sovereignty of the British Seas I2mo. 1651 Boscobel Tracts 8vo. 1830 Boyer's Life of Queen Anne fol. 1722 Brady's History of England 3 vols. fol. 1684 Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores Vetusti- ores fol. Heidelberg, 1 687 Brodie's British Empire 4 vols. 8vo. 1822 Brown's, T., Collection of State Treatises, 8ml702 Brown's, J. B. Enquiry into the Antient Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Crown 8vo. 1815 Bulstrode's Memoirs of Charles I. and II. 8vo. 1721 Burchett's, Josiah, History of Naval Trans- actions fol. 1720 110 PRINTED BOOKS. ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Burghley's, Lord, State Papers, by Haynes and Murdin 2 vols. fol. 1740 Burners, Bishop, History of his own Times 2 vols. fol. 1724 Burnet's History of his own Times 6 vols. 8vo. 1823 Burridge's Historia nuperae rerum Muta- tionis in Anglia 8vo. 1697 Div. SHELF H 1 H 1 FC 5 11 7 PC 2 7 3 20 5 B 1 PC 6 H I 29 4 29 5 PC 5 PC 2 PC 2 20 5 H 2 29 4 Burton's Diary, 1656-9 4 vols. 8vo. 1828 Cabala, Mysteries of State, &c. in Letters of Illustrious Persons in the Reigns of Henry VIII. Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. fol. 1691 Cabala or Letters of Ministers of Kings James and Charles 4>to. 1654 Camdeni Angliea, Normannica, &c. a Ve- teribus Scripta fol. Frankfort, 1603 Carleton's, Sir Dudley, Letters Mo. 1757 Carte's History of England to 1654 4 vols. fol. 1747 2 vols. 8vo. 1739 1650 Carte's Ormonde Letters Carter's Expedition to Kent Gary, Earl of Monmouth's Memoirs, and Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia 8vo. 1808 Chalmers's Treaties 2 vols. 8vo. 1790 Chalmers on Colonies, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1814 Charles 1st., his Declaration concerning Scotland, &c. 4,to. 1640 Charnock's, John, History of Marine Archi- - lecture ... 3 vols. 4,to. 1 800 Clarendon and Whitlock compared 8vo. 1727 PRINTED BOOKS. Ill ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Clarendon's, Edward, Lord, History of the Rebellion 3 vols. fol. 1707 Clarendon's Rebellion 8 vols. 8vo. 1826 Clarendon's, Edward, Lord, State Papers 3 vols. fol. Oxford, 1767 Clarendon's Life and Continuation 3 vols. 8vo. 1827 Clarendon's, Henry, Lord, State Letters 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1763 Clarke's, J. S. Life of James II. King of England 2 vols. 4to. 1816 Cole's, Christian, Historical and Political Memoirs fol. 1735 Comber's Royal Martyr 8vo. 1758 Commons' War, History of the 8vo. 1662 Cotton, Sir Robert, on Foreign War 8vo. 1690 Coxe's Pelham Administration 2 vols. 4>to. 1829 Coxe's Shrewsbury Correspondence 4to. 1689 PC 3 De Foe's History of the Union 4to. 1786 XI 1 Diggs's Compleat Ambassador fol. 1655 PC 5 D'Israeli's Charles I. 5 vols. Svo. 1828 11 6 Dolman's Succession to the Crown of England Svo. 1682 11 6 Dolman answered, by Hay ward 4-fo. 1603 11 6 Douglas's Summary, Historical and Poli- tical, of the British Settlements in North America 2 vols. Svo. 17 60 7 2 Du Chesne Histoire D'Angleterre, d'Es- cosse, et d'Irlande fol. Paris, l64i PRINTED BOOKS. 113 Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. 20 7 11 PC 29 PC H 7 11 PC H H 11 11 Dymock's England's Dust and Ashes raked up 4/o. 1648 Echard's History of England, from Julius Caesar to the end of James II. 3 vols. fol. 1707 Eikon Basilike, vel Imago Regis Caroli 12mo. 1649 Ekins's Naval Battles of Great Britain 4/o. 1828 England and Scotland, Three late Treaties between, with other Tracts 1645 Ellis's Letters, 1st and 2d Series 7 vols. 8vo. 1825 Ellis's Enquiries respecting Clarendon, 8vo. 1827 Fabyan's Chronicle fol. 1533 Fairfax on the Interest of Kings of England 12mo. 1703 Fellowes's Charles I., Cromwell, Charles II., &c. 4/o. 1828 Fenn's, John, Original Letters, written dur- ing the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. 5 vols. in 4, 4/o. 1789 Fleetwood's, Wm., Tables to the Annals of Edward V., &c. 12mo. 1597 Fredera Conventiones, &c. 6 vols. fol. 181 6 Forbes's State Papers of QueenElizabeth 2 vols. fol. 1740 Fortescue's Difference between a limited and an absolute Monarchy 2nd edit. 8vo. 1719 Fox's, Charles James, History of James II. 4/o. 1808 French Prisoners, State of, the Charitable Proceedings to the fol. 1760 Freind's, John, Earl of Peterborough's Conduct in Spain 8vo. 1707 Q 114 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. PC SHELF 3 6 11 11 30 29 11 PC 11 20 H 11 PC H ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, &c., by Thomas Johnes 4 vols. 4>to. 1803 Frossard's, Sir John, Chronicles, Epitome of 4fo. 16*11 Fuller's Worthies of England fol. 1662 Fundamental Law, the Sovereign's Dig- nity, &c. 8vo. 1683 Gainsford's Glory of England, interleaved with MSS. Notes 4fo. 1618 Gale, Thos., Historic Britannicse Saxonicse et Anglo-Danicae, 1 5 Scriptores 2 vols. fol. Oxfordj 1691 Gale's Rerum Anglicarum Veteres Scriptores vol. 1, fol. 1684 Galfridus Monemutensis de Origine et Gestis Britannorum 4to. 1517 George lll.'s Illness, &c. History of Svo. 1789 Gibsoni Chronicon Saxonicum latine red- ditum 4ito. Oxford, 1692 Godwin, Fr., Rerum Anglicarum Annales, Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., and Maria 4to. 1628 Godwin's Annals of Henry VIII., &c. translated by M. Godwin fol. 1630 Godwin's Commonwealth of England 4 vols. 800. 1824 Goldsmith's History of England, and Con- tinuation by Wood 4 vols. 8vo. 1805 Good English, 1648, &c. &c. 4to. 1648 Grafton's Chronicle fol. 156p Grey's Defence of our Antient and Modern Historians 8vo. 1725 Grose's Military Antiquities 2 vols. 4>to. 1801 Guthrie's History of England 3 vols. fol. 1 744 PRINTED BOOKS. 115 Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. 7 PC PC a 11 11 a PC H 29 a H 6 6 4 6 4 2 6 6 2 5 6 2 7 7 7 Hall Antonii Annales N. Triveti Svo. Oxford, 1719 Hall Ant. Annaliura N. Triveti, &c. Con- tinuatio Svo. Oxford, 1722 Hall's Chronicle fol. Hallam's Constitutional History of England 2 vols. 4,to. 1827 Halliday's Annals of the House of Hanover, 2 vols. Svo. 1826 Hardwicke's, Earl, State Papers from 1501 to 1726 2 vols. 4,to. 1778 Hardynge's Chronicle 4-to. Hare's Tract on the Management of the War Svo. 1711 Harleian Miscellany, a Selection of Tracts from, relating to English History 4>to. 1793 Harris's James 1st, Charles 1st, Cromwell, &c. 5 vols. Svo. 1814 Hayward's Henry IV. 4/o. 1599 Hay ward's Kings of England 4to. 1613 Hearnii, Aluredi Beverlacensis Annales Svo. Oxford, 1716 Hearnii, Titi Livii Foro Juliensis Vita Hen- rici V., &c. Svo. Oxford, 1716 Hearnii, Gul. Camdeni Annales Rerum Anglicarum, &c. regnante Eliz. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1717 Hearnii, Gul. Newbrigensis Historia sive 'Chronica Rerum Anglicarum 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1719 Hearnii, Roberti de Avesbury Historia Edvardi III. Svo. Oxford, 1720 Hearnii, Thomas Sprotti Chronica Svo. Otford, 1719 116 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. H H H XX H H H H 11 PC Hearne's Hemingford's Chronicle of Edw. I., II., and III., 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1731 Hearne's Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1724 Hearne's Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, illus- trated and improved by Robert of Brunne 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1725 Hearnii, Joh. Rossi Historia Regum An- gliae, &c. 8vo. Oxford, 1745 Hearnii, Thomse de Elmham, Vita et Ges- ta Henrici V. 8vo. Oxford, 1727 Hearnii, Liber Niger Scaccarii, Wilhelmi- que Worcestrii Annales 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1728 Hearnii, lohannis de Trokelowe Annales Edvardi II. et Henrici de Blaneforde Chronica et Vita Edvardi II. 8vo. Oxford, 1729 Hearnii, Monachi de Evesham Historia, Vitfe et Regni Ricardi II, Jo. Rossi His- toriola de Comitibus Warvvicensibus, &c. 8vo, Oxford, 1729 Hearnii, Otterbourni et Whethamstedi His- toriae, &c. A.D. 1523, 1524 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1732 Heath's, James, Glorious Triumph of King Charles II. 8vo. 1662 Heath's, James, Chronicle of the Intestine War in England, Scotland, and Ireland fol. 1676 Henry's History of Great Britain 6 vols. 4>to. 1771 Herbert's, Edward Lord, Life of King Henry VIII. fol. 1649 Herbert's Two last Years of Charles I 8vo. 1815 PRINTED BOOKS. 117 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Heylin's Help to English History 8vo. 1 773 Hey wood's, Samuel, Vindication of Fox's History of James II. 4/0. 1811 Higden's View of the English Constitu- tion Svo. 1709 Higden's Utopian Constitution, Remarks on, &c. 3rd edit. Svo. Historical Collections abridged vols. 4, 5, 6, Svo. 1708 Historical Register 25 vols. Svo. 1724 Histoire de Guillaume le Conquerant Svo. 1742 History, Secret, of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. 12mo. 1690 History, the Secret, Reflections on, or the blatant Beast muzzled 12mo. 1691 History of Faction, alias Hypocrisy, alias Moderation Svo. 1705 History of the Civil Wars of England, from 1640 to 1660 12mo. 1680 Holinshed's History of England foL 1577 Holinshed's Chronicles of England and Ire- land, with Hooker's Continuation to the year 1586 3 vols. in 2, fol. 1587 Holinshed's Chronicles of England and Ire- land, Castrations of fol. 1723 Holles's, Denzil, Lord, Memoirs Svo. 1699 Horsley's, Wm., Abridgement of Public Treaties 4fo. 1747 Howell's Twelve Treatises, &c. 12mo. 1661 Hume's History of England, from Julius Caesar to Henry VII. 2 vols. 4/0. 1762 Hume's History of the House of Tudor, from Henry VII. to Elizabeth, 2 vols. 4*0. 1759 Dtv. SHELF 29 4 H 2 11 6 11 7 30 1 30 1 29 4 11 7 11 7 11 7 11 7 H 2 7 1 7 1 11 6 7 4 29 4 PC 6 PC 6 118 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PC 6 7 3 7 3 20 5 PC 3 11 7 XX 11 6 1 7\ 11 7 XX 6 7 3 PC 7 11 6 7 1 XX 6 7 4 ll 7 PC 2 PC 6 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Hume's History of Great Britain, from James I. to the end of James II. 2 vols. 4sto. 1754 Hutcheson's Treatises on the South Sea Subject fol. 1723 Hutcheson's Treatises on the Funds, &c. fol. 1721 Independency, History of, Part 3 16*51 Ingram's Saxon Chronicle 4to. 1819 PRINTED BOOKS. 119 Div. SHELF PC 3 PC 4 PC 4 11 7 7 l 29 4 B 6 H 6 11 7 PC 6 7 4 PC 6 H 6 PC 6 PC 6 7 2 7 1 H 6 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Lodge's Illustrations of British History 3 vols. 4to. 1791 Londonderry's Peninsular War 4/0. 1828 Londonderry's War in Germany and France 4*o. 1830 Long's History of the Popish and Fanatical Plots 8vo. 1684 Lower's Journey of Charles II. through Holland fol. Hague, 1660 Lucas's Political Constitutions of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1751 Luders's Tracts 4 vols. 8vo. 1810 Luders's, Alexander, Henry V. 8vo. 1813 Ludlow's Memoirs 3 vols. 8vo. Vevay, 1698 Ludlow's, General, Letters, by F. Maseres 4,to. 1812 Lyttleton, Lord, his Life of Henry II. 4 vols. 4ito. 1767 Macauley's, Mrs., History of England, and Continuation 9 vols. 4,to. 1766 Mackintosh's History of England 2 vols. 12mo. 1830 Macpherson's Original Papers, containing the Secret History of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover 2 vols. 4,to. 1775 Macpherson's History of Great Britain 2 vols. 4*0. 1776 Madox's, Thomas, History of the Ex- chequer fol. 1711 Madox's, Thomas, Firma Burgi fol. 1726 Marcmnont Papers by Rose 3 vols, 8vo. 1831 120 PRINTED BOOKS. ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Marine Treaties between Great Britain, France, &c. 8vo. 1779 Marlborough's, Duke of, Conduct during the War 8vo, 1712 Martyn's Chronicles, or History of Twenty Kings of England fol. 1615 Maseres on the Several Commissions relative to Quebec 4,to. 1772 Maseres's Quebec Papers 2 vols. 8vo. 1775 Maseres's Canadian Freeholder 3 vols. 8vo. 1777 Maseres, F., Histories Anglican Selecta Monumenta 4>to. 1807 Matthsei Westmonasteriensis Historia, et Chronicon Florentii Wigorn fol. Frank. 1601 Matthaei Parisiensis Historia, by Wats fol. 1640 May's History of the Parliament, begun Nov. 3, 164,0, by Maseres 4>to. and fol. 1812 Melvil's, Sir James, Memoirs 8vo. 1752 Meriton's History of England 8vo. 1678 Mesnager's Negotiation 8vo. 1736 Metamorphosis Anglorum sive Mutationes Anglite 12wo. 1653 Mill's British India 6 vols. 8vo. 1820 Millar on the English Government 4 vols. 8vo. 1818 Millot, Elemens de 1'Histoire d'Angleterre 3 vols. I2mo. Paris , 1781 Miltoni Defensio pro Populo Anglicano 4>to. 1651 Miltoni Defensio pro se 12mo. 1655 Miltoni Literee Cromwellii, &c. 8vo. 1676 Milton's Eikonoclastes M<>. 1650 Div. SHELF 29 4 11 6 7 4 7 4 11 5 11 5 a 2 ii I H 1 PC 24 6 i 3} 29 2 11 7 11 6 11 7 II 6 PC 2 11 7 11 6 11 7 11 7 11 6 PRINTED BOOKS. 121 Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. H 6 Milton's History of England, by Maseres 8vo. 1818 PC 3 Monstrelet's Chronicles 5 vols. 4ito. 1809 11 6 Nalson's Excellency of English Monarchy 8vo. 1678 7 3 Nalson's Historical Collections 2 vols. fol. 1682 ll 6 Names of Roman Catholics, &c. who refused to take the Oaths of Allegiance to King George 8vo. 1745 H 6 Napier's War in Spain 3 vols. 8vo. 1828 PC 5 Nares's Memoirs of Lord Burghley 3 vols. 4,to. 1828 PC Nayler's Coronation of George IV. fol. 1821 11 6 Nevil de Furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce 4>to. 1575 PC 3 Nichols's Progresses of Queen Elizabeth 3 vols. 4>to. 1823 PC 3 Nichols's Progresses of James I. 4 vols. 4>to. 1 828 24 &7 2J Nickoll's State Papers of Oliver Cromwell / fol. 1743 H 6 Nicolas's Testamenta vetusta 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 7 2 Nicolson's, Bishop, English Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries fol. 1736 PC 5 Noble's, Mark, Memoirs of the House of Cromwell 2 vols. 8vo. 1787 PC 3 North's, Roger, Examen of the Complete History of England 4,to. 1740 6 7 Noy's Rights of the Crown 8vo. 1715 15 1 Ogilby's, John, Coronation of Charles II. with Plates describing the Procession, foL 1662 122 PRINTED BOOKS. DIT. S n 1:1. ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. 11 6 Oldcastle's Remarks on the History of England 8vo. 1743 11 6 Orange, Prince of, his Apologie, &c. 4>to. 1581 PC 2 Ordinances, &c. of the Royal Household, from Edward III. to Will, and Mary 4>to. 1790 PC 5 Orford's, Lord, Memoirs of George II. 2 vols. 4>to. 1822 XX 3 Palgrave's Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth 2 vols. 4,to. 1832 7 2 Peck's Curious Pieces in English History fol. 1732 PC 2 Pegge's Curialia 4to. 1791 PC 5 Pegge's Forme of Cury 8vo. 1809 PC 5 Pepys's Memoirs 2 vols. 4to. 1825 11 7 Pepys's Memoirs relative to the Navy of England 8vo. 16QO 11 6 Philipps, Fab., on Preemption and Pour- veyance 4to. l66l 11 6 Prisei Defensio Historiae Britannicse 4to. 1811 29 4 Regicides no Saints nor Martyrs 8vo. 1700 11 7 Regii Sanguinis Clamor 12mo. Hague, 1652 a 6 Reresby's, Sir John, Memoirs from the Re- storation to the Revolution 8vo. 1734 7 2 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Post Bedam fol. Franc, 1601 H 6 Rerum Anglicarum, Henry VIII., Edward VI., et Maria, &c., Annales 4to. 1628 11 7 Richard II., King, Life and Reign of, 8vo. 1681 11 6 Rights of the Kingdom, or Customs of our Ancestors 4>lo. 1682 PC 6 Rimius's House of Brunswick 4>to. 1750 7 1 Roe's, Sir Thomas, Negotiations from 1621 to 1628 fol. 1740 a 2 Rose's, George, Observations on Fox's History of King James II. 4to. 1809 20 5 Royalists', the, Defence, &c. 4>to. 1648 7 2 Rushworth's Historical Collection, in four Parts, from 16th James I. to the Death of Charles I. 7 vols. fol. 1659 124 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. IX 6 Russell, Lord John, on the English Govern- ment and Constitution 8vo. 1823 11 6 Rutherfurd's Plea for the People's Rights 4,to. 1648 12 3&4 Rymer's Foedera et Acta Publica 21 vols. fol. 1704 FC 3 Sadler's State Papers 3 vols. 4>to. 1809 11 7 Salmasii Defensio Regia 8vo. 1650 7 2 Sandford's Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, from 1066 to 1707, by Stebbing fol. 1707 PC 4 Schomberg's Naval Chronology 5 vols. 8vo. 1802 11 6 Selden's Analecton Anglo-Britannicon 4>to. Frankfort, 1615 7 3 Selden's Historia Eadmeri fol. 1623 11 11 6 6 Sheringham de Anglorum Origine 8vo. Cambridge, 1670 Sheringham on the King's Supremacy 4>to. 1682 11 6 Ship Money, Remonstrance against 4>to. 1641 H 2 Sinclair's, John, History of the Public Re- venue of the British Empire 4,to. 1785 H 6 Smith's Commonwealth bound with Hay- ward's Henry IV. and Annales Henrij VIII. 8vo. 1621 20 11 6 1 71 Smith, Sir Thomas, de Republica Anglorum 12mo. Ley den, 1 630-1 641 11 7 Smith's, Sir Thomas, Commonwealth of England 12mo. 1635 PC c Somerville's, Thomas, D. D., History of Political Transactions, from the Resto- ration of Charles 11. to the Death of King William 4fo. 1792 PRINTED BOOKS. 125 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. South Sea Directors in 1720, Account of &c. fol. 1721 Southey's Peninsular War 3 vols. 4,to. 1823 Spanish War, four Letters upon the ma- nagement of it 8vo. 1711 Spanish War, Enquiry into the 8vo. 1712 Sparke's Histories Anglicanae Scriptores Varii fol. 1727 Speculum Britannicum, &c. 8vo, 1778 Speed's History of Great Britain fol. 1627 Spelmanni Vita jElfredi fol. Oxford, 1678 Spelman's Life of Alfred, by Hearne Svo. 1709 Sprigge's England's Recovery fol. 1647 Squire, Archdeacon, on the Foundation of the English Constitution Svo. 1745 State Papers, Collection of, relative to the War against France 3 vols. Svo. 1 794 State Tracts in the Reign of Charles II. 2 vols. fol. 1689 State Tracts published on Occasion of the Revolution in 1688 3 vols. fol. 1705 Stow's English Chronicles 12mo. Stow's, John, Chronicle, by Howes fol. 16*32 Strafford's Lord, State Papers 2 vols. fol. 1739 Strutt's View of the Arms, Manners, Ha- bits, &c. of the English 3 vols. 4>to. 1775 Strutt's Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England 4to. 1777 Strutt's Chronicle of England 2 vols. 4>to. 1777 Strutt's Dress and Habits of the English 2 vols. Mo. 1796 Div. SHELF 7 2 PC 4 11 6 11 6 a 1 29 4 12 1 7 2 H 7 30 l 11 6 11 6 7 3 7 3 H 6 H 1 H 1 PC 3 PC 3 PC 3 PC 3 126 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. PC 11 11 24 &H PC 29 &20 11 29 11 PC PC 11 H Strutt's English Sports and Pastimes 4-to. 1810 Succession of the Crown of England, New History of 4>to. 1690 Swift's, Jonathan, History of the four last years of Queen Anne 8vo. 1758 Sydney's, Sir Henry, State Papers 2 vols. fol. 1746 Sydney Papers by Blencowe 8vo. 1825 Symraons's Vindication of King Charles, &c. 4>to. 1648 Temple's, Sir William, Introduction to the History of England 8vo. 1695 Temple's Letters to the Prince of Orange, &c. 8vo. 1701 Thurloe's State Papers, from 1638 to 1660, by Birch 7 vols. fol. 1742 Tovey's Anglia Judaica, or History of the Jews in England 4>to. Oxford, 1738 Tracts containing Proof of the True Father and Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, &c. 8vo. 1700 Tracts, Select, relating to the Civil Wars in England, by Maseres 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 Turner's Anglo-Saxons 4 vols. 8vo. 1 799 Turner's History of England 5 vols. Mo. 1814 Tyrrel's, James, History of England 5 vols. fol. 1700 Union of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, History of the, by M. H. 12mo. 1660 Vaughan's Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 PRINTED BOOKS. 127 Div. SHELF 20 5 7 4 11 6 20 5 PC 5 H 2 B 2 7 3 H 6 24 &H 3 1 65 7 1 7 2 24 & 7 ?} 11 6 7 3 ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. Venice Looking Glasse and the State of our affairs Examined 4>to. 1648 Vere's Historical Commentaries, by Dil- lingham foL 1657 Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelli- gence 4>to. 160 5 Vox Regis, Vox Civitatis 1636, and Vox Borealis 1641 4fo. Waldegrave's, Earl, Memoirs 4>to. 1821 Walpole's, Horace, Historic Doubts on the Life of Richard HI. 4to. 1768 Walsh's, Thomas, Journal of the Campaign in Egypt 4fo. 1 803 Walsinghami Historia Anglica, &c. &c. fol. Frankfort, 1603 Warwick's, Sir P., Memoirs of the Reign of King Charles I. Svo. Edinburgh, 1813 Wei wood's, James, M.D., Memoirs of Trans- actions in England for 100 years pre- ceding the Revolution in 1688, by Maseres 8vo. 1820 Whatley's A eta Regia, an Abridgement of Rymer's Foedera fol. 1733 Whitelock's, Sir B., Memoirs of English Affairs from the supposed Expedition of Brute to the end of James I. fol. 1 709 Whitelock's, Sir B., Memoirs of English Affairs, from Charles I. to the Restoration fol. 1732 William, Prince of Orange, his Letters to King Charles II. &c. 8vo. 1704 Wilson's, Arthur, History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of James I. fol. 1653 128 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH HISTORY & HISTORICAL TREATISES. PC Winwood's Memorials of State affairs of Elizabeth and James I. by Sawyer 3 vols.fol. 1725 Wraxall's Memoirs 2 vols. 8vo. 1815 York, the Cardinal of, and Cardinal Borgia, Letters from 4>to. 1800 PRINTED BOOKS. 129 SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH HISTORY. Div. SHELF B 2 PC 2 B 6 PC 4 11 7 K 1 11 7 B 1 29 4 PC 6 B 2 B 2 B 1 29 4 ANDERSON'S, James, Collections relat- ing to Mary Queen of Scotland 4 vols. 4>to. 1727 Balfour's Historical Works 4 vols. Svo. 1825 Bannatyne's, Richard, Journals of the Trans- actions in Scotland in 1570-1-2-3 Svo. 1806 Bellenden's Works 3 vols. 4,to. 1 822 Black's Privileges of Royal Boroughs Svo. 1 707 Boethii, H., Historiae Scotorum, fol. Paris, 1574 Bristol's, John, Union of England and Scotland 12mo. 16*41 Buchanan's History of Scotland fol. Edinburgh, 1633 Buchanan's Detection of Mary Queen of Scots Svo. 1721 Burnet's, Lady Margaret, Letters to John Duke of Lauderdale 4/o. 1828 Capel, Earl of Essex, his State Letters, 4fo. 1770 Carstare's, William, State Papers 4*o. Edinb. 1774 Clanricarde's, Marquis of, Memoirs and Letters fol. 17 57 Clarendon's Civil Wars in Ireland Svo. 1720 s 130 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SBEL SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH HISTORY. j H 2 Cox's History of Ireland fol. 1690 PC 3 Culloden Papers - 4to. 1815 B 2 Palrymple's, Sir David, Annals of Scotland 2 vols. 4to. 1776 H 6 Drummond's History of Scotland, from 1423 to 1542 8vo. 1680 B 6 Essex's State Letters 8vo. 1773 H 6 Harris's, Walter, Hibernica 8vo. Dublin, 1770 S 7 Hearnii lohannis de Fordun Scoti Chro- nicon 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1722 B 2 Home's, John, History of the Rebellion in 1745 4fo. 1802 29 2 Ireland, Rebellion in 1641 4to. 1641 B 6 James, King, the Sext. Historic and Life of 8vo. Edinburgh, 1804 H 6 Jones's History of Wales 8vo. 1824 PC 5 Laing's, M., History of Scotland 4 vols. 8vo. 1804 B 2 Leland's, Thomas, D.D., History of Ireland 3 vols. 4to. 1773 11 6 Leslaeus de Origine et Rebus Gestis Scotiae 4/o. Rome, 1578 11 7 Lockhart's Memoirs of Scotland Svo. 1714 PC 3 Lockhart Papers 4/o. 1817 11 7 Mackenzie's Jus Regium 8i>o. 1684 11 7 Mackenzie's Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland Svo. 1685 PRINTED BOOKS. 131 Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH HISTORY. 11 29 29 11 H 11 30 11 11 11 PC 11 11 11 7 4 4 7 2 Maitland's, William, History of Scotland 2 vols. fol 1757 Maria Scotorum Regina, Tractatus de, 8vo. Marie Reine d'Ecosse, Defense de 1'hono- rable Sentence de, &c. 8vo. 1588 Mary Queen of Scots, Enquiry into the Evidence against 8vo. 1760 Molyneux's Case of Ireland, and its Answer 8uo. Dublin, 1698 Musgrave's, Sir Richard, Memoirs of the Rebellion in Ireland 2nd edit. 4>to. Dublin. 180J O'Flaherty's Chronologia Rerum Hiberni- carum 4/o. 1685 Orrery, Roger, Earl of, State Letters of, and his Life, by Morrice fol. 1742 Philalethes Iren. Narratio Motuum in Regno Scotiae 8vo. Dant. 1641 Powell's History of Wales, by Wynne 8vo. 1697 Protestants of Ireland, their State considered 8vo. 1692 Robertson's, William, DJ). History of Scotland 2 vols. 4>to. 1759 Sadler's, Sir Ralph, Letters and Negotia- tions Svo. 1720 Scotch Kings, their Lives, from Fergus I. to Charles II. 12mo. 1 68 5 Scotland, Affairs of, under Marquis of Mont- trose, &c. 4/0. 1648 Scotland's Interest discussed, in three Es- says 8vo. 1700 132 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WELSH HISTORY. XX II II 7 n PC H II H 1 2 6 4 2 5 2 2 2 6 Scott's, David, History of Scotland, from the year of the World 36l$ to 1726 fol. 1727 Spotswood's History of Scotland, with Bur- net's Continuation, or Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton 2 vols.fol. l6?7 Stewart's Sketches of the Highlanders 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Stranguage's History of Mary Queen of Scots fol. 1624 Temple's, Sir John, Irish Rebellion in 1641, by F. Maseres 4/o. 1812 Turner's, Sir James, Life and Times, from 1632 to 1670 4,to. 1829 Wakefield's, Edward, Statistical and Poli- tical Account of Ireland 2 vols. 4>to. 1812 Warner's, Per., LL.D. History of Ireland 4/o. 1763 Warner's, Fer., LL.D. History of the Civil War in Ireland 4/o. 1767 Warrington's H istory of Wales 2 vols. 8vo. 1788 PRINTED BOOKS. 133 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. Div. SHELF 10 7 a 6 H 1 10 4&5 10 7 10 7 24 10 6 1 73 H 2 B 6 H 1 C 4 ANGLESEY'S, Earl of, privileges of both Houses of Parliament argued 800. 1702 Atkins's Parliamentary and Political Tracts 8vo. 1741 Atterbury, Bishop, Proceedings against, &c. foL 1722 Barrow's Mirror of Parliament, from 1828 to 1831 15 vols.fol. Bishops, a Letter showing they are not to be Judges in Capital Cases 8vo. 167 9 Bishops, their Right to Vote in Parliament in Capital Cases stated and argued 8vo. 1680 Bishops, their right to Judge in Capital Cases in Parliament cleared 8vo. 1680 Brady's History of Cities and Boroughs fol. 1704 Brady on Cities and Boroughs 8vo. 1777 Carew's, Thomas, Historical Account of Elections to the year 1754 fol. 1755 Chambers on the Reform Act 8vo. 1832 134 PRINTED BOOKS. Drv. SHELF H 4 XX 7 6 i 53 XX 6 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 H 1 H 2 29 2 10 7 10 7 10 7 XX 5 29 2 XX 5 XX 6 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, Cobbett's, William, Parliamentary History of England 36 vols. 8vo. 1806 Cooper's Parliamentary Proceedings as to the Court of Chancery, the House of Lords, &c. Svo. 1828 Corbett on Elective Franchise Svo. 1826 Cotton's Posthumous Works, on Parlia- mentary Affairs Svo. 1679 Cowley's, J., Candidates' Guide, or the Electors' Rights Decided Svo. 1734 Crew's Proceedings of the House of Com- mons Svo. 1707 Derham's Manual of the High Court of Parliament 12mo. 1647 Dewes's Journals of Parliament in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Bowes ful. 1682 Dugdale's Summons to Parliament fol. 1685 Eglisham's Forerunner of Revenge 4>to. 1642 Elsynge's Ancient Method of holding Par- liaments I2mo. 1660 Fenwick, Sir John, Proceedings against him Svo. 1698 Filmer's, Sir Robert, Freeholders Grand Inquest Svo. 1679 Fox's, Rt. Hon. Charles James, Speeches in the House of Commons 6 vols. Svo. 1815 Freeholders', the, Grand Inquest touching the King and his Parliament, 23rd Charles I. 4to. Grattan's Speeches 4 vols. Svo. 1822 Gurdon's History of Parliament 2 vols. Svo. 1 731 PRINTED BOOKS. 135 Dtv. SHELF JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. 10 7 Hakewel on the Manner of holding Parlia- ments 12mo. 1671 H 2 Hale's Jurisdiction of the Lords' House of Parliament, by Hargrave 4to. 1796 10 7 Hales on Parliaments 8vo. 1707 H 6 Hammond on Proceedings in Parliament 8vo. 1825 H 4&5 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, First Series 41 vols. 8vo. 1803-1820 H 5 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Second Series 25 vols. 8vo. 1820-1830 H 5 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Third Series 10 vols. 8vo. 1830-32 H 5 Hansard's Analytical Parliamentary Digest, or Index to the 66 vols. 1803-1830 vol. 2, div . 1 H 2 1 Hatsell's, John, Precedents of Proceedings 24 3J in the House of Commons 4 vols. in 2, 4o. 1796 29 4 Historical Collections of two last Parlia- ments 8vo. 1682 10 7 Hody on Convocations and Parliaments 8vo. 1701 10 7 Hollis's Remains concerning the Bishops' Power in Parliament 8vo. 1682 10 7 Howell's, J., Inspection of the Long Parlia- ment 8vo. 1655 24 10 6 J 75 Hunt on the Right of Bishops, Sec. 8vo. 1682 10 7 Hutcheson's Treatises on Parliamentary Affairs 8vo. 1723 12 6 Irish Debates in 1763 and 1764, with an Enquiry, &c. by Sir James Caldwell, Bart. 2 vols. 1766 136 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, 29 2 Judge Jenkins's Remonstrance to Parlia- ment, 1647 4/o. 1647 10 7 Jurisdiction of the House of Lords in the Point of Impositions 8vo. 1676 10 7 Jus Anglorum ab antique 8vo. 1681 29 2 King's, the, Messages for Peace 4/o. 1648 10 7 Lex Parliamentaria, or Laws and Customs of Parliament, by G. P. 8vo. 168Q 10 7 Luder's, Alexander, on Parliaments of Ed- ward I. 8vo. Bath, 1818 7 4 Merewether on Boroughs 8^0. 1822 7 4 Merewether's Address to the King, &c. 8vo. 1830 H 6 Oldfield's Representative History of Great Britain 6 v ols. 8vo. 1816 24 3? Parliament, Journals of, from Nov. 1640 to 10 75 Nov. 1641 4/o. 1641 24 3? Parliament, Speeches in, from Nov. 1640 to 10 75 Nov. 1641 4/o. 1641 24 3 ? Parliament, Remonstrances, &c. between it 10 75 and the King, from 1641 to 1643 4/o. 1643 29 2 Parliament, Letter of Members of to the Earl of Essex 4/o. 1643 H 2 Parliament, Orders &c. in, from 1642 to 1646 fol. 1646 29 2 Parliament, Petition of Lord Mayor, &c. to 4/o. 1646 29 2 Parliament, his Majesty's Message to, from Holdenby 4/o. 1647 PRINTED BOOKS. 137 Div. JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. 29 29 10 29 29 10 H 10 10 29 10 7 10 7 10 , 7 10 7 10 Parliament, the Desires of the Young Men of London presented to 4>to. 1647 Parliament, Declaration of Sir Thomas Fairfax to 4,to. 1647 Parliament, Speeches concerning its Power to proceed against the King for Mis-go- vernment 4>to. 164,8 Parliament, Ordinances passed in 1653-4, fol. 1654 Parliament, Proceedings, &c. of the Late 4to. 1654 Parliament, Register of, for 3rd and 4th Charles I. or Ephemeris Parliamentaria fol. 1654 Parliament, 2nd Narrative of the Late so called 4fo. 1658 Parliament, Antiquity of, according to Doddridge and others Svo. 1658 Parliament, Acts, Declarations, &c. in 1 660 fol. 1660 Parliament, List of the Members of, from 1640 to 1661 Svo. 1661 Parliament! Angliee Historic Breviarium Svo. 1662 Parliament, Speeches in, from 1621 to 1675 2 vols. 4*0. 1675 Parliament, a Discourse on the Rise and Power of 8^0. 1677 Parliament, Journal of that in 1678 8vo. 1680 Parliament, Debates in 168 Svo. l68l Parliament, Debates about the Word "Abdicated," in 1688 8^0.1695 Parliament, History of that in 1700 Svo. 1702 138 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, {?i $ 1 Parliament, Journals of the House of Lords from 1st Henry VIII. 1509, to 1st William IV. with Indexes, &c. [Vols. 5, 6, 7, and 8 wanting.] 67 vols. fol. 10] 11 1.2J 2&3 Parliament, Journals of the House of Com- mons, from Nov. 8, 1547, to 1830, with Indexes 95 vols. fol. $ 3 Parliament, Journals of the Irish Commons, from l6l 3 to 1800, and Indexes 24 vols. fol. 11 3 Parliament, Journals of the Irish Lords, from 1634 to 1800 8 vols. fol. 24 4&5 Parliament, Journals of the Irish Lords, from 1634 to 1776 4 vols. fol. 12 5 Parliament, Debates of the Lords from 1660 to 1742 8 vols. 8vo. 1742 12 5,6 Parliament, Debates of the Commons from 1660 to 1746 16 vols. 8vo. 1742 11 5 Parliament, Debates of the Commons from 1746 to 1774, by Almon 9 vols. 8vo. 11' 5 Parliament, Debates of the Commons in 1620-21 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon, 1766 11 5 Parliament, Debates of the Commons from 1667 to 1694, by Grey 10 vols. 8vo. 1769 H 5 Parliament, a Key to both Houses of 8vo. 1852 12 6,7 Parliamentary Register of the Lords and Commons from 1774 to 1801 76 vols. 8vo. 1775 12 5 Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England, from 1072 to 1660 24 vols. 8vo. 1751 10 4 Parliamentary Report on Criminal Law fol. 1826 1 1 Parliamentary Writs, by Palgrave 3 vols. fol. 1827 PRINTED BOOKS. 139 Div. SHELF 10 4 10 4 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 H I H 5 H 5 10 7 10 4 H 6 XI 6 10 7 30 1 10 7 30 1 JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. Parliamentary Reform, Boundary Reports and Plans relating to 8 parts, fol. 1832 Parliamentary Reform, Reports on Divisions of Counties and Plans relating to fol. 1832 Parliaments, Antiquity, Power, and Decay of 12mo. 1681 Peers, House of, its Judicature argued 8vo. 1 669 Pettus, Sir J., on the Constitution of Parlia- ments 8vo. 1680 Petyt's, William, Rights of the Commons 8vo. 1680 Petyfs, William, Rights of the Commons answered 8vo. 1681 Petvt's Miscellanea Parliamentaria 8vo. 1681 m Petyt's, Jus, Parliamentarium, or Antient Power of Parliament fol. 1739 Pitt's, Rt. Hon. William, Speeches in the House of Commons 3 vols. 8vo. ISO 8 Popery, the Curse of, and Popish Princes 8vo. 1807 Popish Plot, Transactions about the 8vo. 1681 Population Act, Abstract of Answers to the 5 vols. fol. 1801-31 Practical Instructions for Private Bills in Parliament 8vo. 1827 Precedents of Private Bills in Parliament 8vo. 1829 Privy Council, Peers, Commons, &c., at the Restoration, Catalogue of the 8vo. 1660 Protests fol. 1/31-2-3 Protests from 1641 to 1737 8vo. 1737 Protests, Lords', relating to Bambridge's Affair fol. 1729 140 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, 30 10 29 10 10 10 10 10 29 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Protests, Lords', from Henry III. to 1/65 2 vols. 8vo. 1767 Prynne's Speeches against the Bishops, &c. 2 vols. 4/o. 164,1 Prynne on the Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists, with other Tracts 2 vols. 4/o. 1643 Prynne's Sovereign Power of Parliament, with other Tracts 4/0. 1643 Prynne's Twelve Serious Questions con- cerning Church Government, &,c. 4>to. 1644 Prynne's Sword of Christian Magistracy Supported, &c. 4>to. l64>7 Prynne's Speech touching the King's Answer to both Houses of Parliament, with other Tracts 4/0. Prynne's Answer to Prynne against Prynne, &c. 4/o. 1649 Prynne's Histriomastix and Recantation 4/o. 1649 Prynne's Vindication of the Liberties of Englishmen 4/o. 1655 Prynne against the Excise, &c. 4/o. 1655 Prynne against the Jews, Bagshaw's Argu- ments against the Canons and Prsemu- nire, &c. 4/o. 1656 Prynne of Parliaments 4/o. 1657 Prynne's Plea for the Lords and House of Peers 4/o. 1658 Prynne's Narrative concerning the secluded Members, and other Tracts 4/o. 1659 Prynne's Loyalty and Devotion to Kings, &c. 4/o. 1660 Prynne's Register of Parliamentary Writs, in 4 Parts 2 vols. 4/o. l664> PRINTED BOOKS. 141 Div. SHELF JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. 11 4 Public Accounts, Reports of the Commis- sioners of 3 vols. 4>to. 1783 H 6 Ralph's Use and Abuse of Parliaments 2 vols. 8vo. 1744 30 1 Raynal's History of the Parliament of Eng- land 8vo. 1751 30 1 Reports concerning Layer's Plot, &c. fol. 30 1 Reports relating to the Fleet Prison fol. 1729 30 1 Reports relating to the Marshalsea fol. 30 1 Reports upon the Earl of Orford fol. 1742 30 1 Reports relating to the Revenue fol. 1782 12 1 Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, from 1715 to 1800 15 vols. and 1 vol. Index, fol. 10 4 Report respecting Insolvents fol. 1819 10 4 Reports from the Lords' Committee, on the Dignity of a Peer 3 vols. fol. 1819 ,11 4 Reports on Courts of Common Law 4 vols. fol. 1829-31 30 I Rights of Election asserted against the Doctrine of Expulsion, &c. 2 copies, 8vo. 1769 12 3&1 Rolls of Parliament from 1278 to 1503, and Index 7 vols. fol. H 5 Romilly's Speeches 2 vols. 8vo. 1 820 10 7 Rymer's Power of Parliaments 3rd edit. 8vo. 1715 10 7 St. Amand's Essay on the Legislative Power of England 8vo. 1725 7 4 Scarlett's, Sir James', Speech and Letter on Parliamentarv Reform 8uo. 1831 142 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, CONFERENCES, 10 10 10 H 10 10 29 30 10 10 Sherwood on Private Bills in Parliament 8vo. 1829 Selden's Judicature of Parliament Svo. Selden's Privilege of the Baronage in Par- liament Svo. 1642 Smith's, Sir T., Arcana Parliamentaria 12mo. 1685 Thornton's, General, Speech upon Transub- stantiation Svo. 1818 Townsend's, Heywood, 4 last Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth fol. 1680 Treasons and Bills of Attainder, and Im- peachments, Discourses upon Svo. 1717 Urquhart on Proceedings in the House of Lords fol. 1773 Verax's Observations upon the Parliament begun in 1640 4>to. 1648 Vicars's God in the Mount, orParliamentarie Chronicle Svo. 1644 Voter's Guide, and Candidate's Instructor Svo. 1761 Vowell's, alias Hooker's, Order and Usage of Parliament 4,to. Whitelocke's, Sir B., Notes on the King's Writ for Choosing Members of Parlia- ment, 13th Charles II. by Morton 2 vols. 4,to. 1766 William II L his Speeches, Messages, &c. Svo. 1712 Willis's, Browne, Notitia Parliamentaria 2 vols. Svo. 1715 PRINTED BOOKS. 143 Uiv. SHELF JOURNALS, AND TREATISES. 10 Willis's, Browne, Notitia Parliamentaria, from 1541 to 1660 1 vol. 8vo. 1750 Windham's Speeches Yelverton's Rights of the People 3 vols. Bvo. 1812 12mo. 1658 144 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, &c. PRINTED BOOKS. 145 FRENCH HISTORY. Div. SHELF V 4 V 5 V 5 V 5 V 5 V 4 26 2 26 2 26 5 26 5 26 2 J 5 , M., I/Esprit de la Ligue pendant les ifieme and 17eme Siecles 3 vols. 12 wo. 1783 Anquetil, M., Louis XIV. sa Cour, et le Regent 4 vols. I2mo. 1789 Barres, W., History of the French Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte Svo. 1804 Baviere, Madame de, Fragmens de Lettres originales de 2 vols. 12mo. Hambourg, 1788 Beaulieu's, C. F., Essais Historiques sur les Causes et les Effets de la Revolution de France 6 vols. Svo. 1801 Berwick, Marechal de, Memoires du 2 vols. I2mo. 1778 Bonaparte, Offrandes a, par trois Etrangers Svo. 1810 Bonaparte, intercepted Letters to, at Dresden Svo. 1814 Boulainvilliers, Memoires de 12mo. 1727 Boulainvilliers sur la Noblesse de France 12mo. 1732 Boulainvilliers on the Ancient Parliaments of France, &c. 2 vols. Svo. 1739 Bourrienne's Memoirs of Bonaparte 4 vols. Svo. 1830 146 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF FRENCH HISTORY. 26 2 Castel's Political Annals 2 vo/s. 8fo. 1762 V 5 Colbert, Testament Politique de 8vo. Hague, 1693 J8 1 Cotton's Life of the Duke of Espernon fol. 1 670 18 1 Daniel, le P. G. Histoire de France par 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1713 V 5 D'Avaux, M. Le Comte, Negotiations en Hollande depuis 1679 jusqu'a 1684 3 vols. IZmo. 1754 19 2 Davila, H. C,, Histoire des Guerres Civiles de France, par Baudoin 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1 644 19 2 Davila, H. C., History of the Civil Wars of France, English, by Aylesbury fol. 1647 19 2 Davila, Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Francia, Spanish fol. 1686 V 5 D'Estrades, M. le Comte, Lettres, Me- moires, &c. de 8 vols. I2mo. 1743 26 2 D'lvernois, Napoleon Administrates et Financier 8vo. 1812 18 1 Du Chesne, Andreas, Historic Francorum Scriptores 5 vols. fol. 1636 26 5 Duclos, Histoire de Louis XI. 3 vols. 12mo. 1745 26 2 Dumourier, Character and Conduct of Bonaparte, with a Translation Sva. 1812 V 4 Efforts, Last, of Afflicted Innocence ; or Persecution of Protestants in France 12mo. 16S2 20 5 Favourite's Chronicle, the 4o. 1621 18 4 France, Present State of, translated and corrected by Aggas, with two other Pamphlets ' 4fo. 1588 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF V 5 24 18 3 } 4j 26 2 V 4 V 5 V 4 18 4 18 3 V 5 V 4 20 5 V 5 18 3 19 2 PC 3 FRENCH HISTORY. France, State of, in the Reign of Louis XIV. 12 mo. Paris , 1 6 52 France, du Gouvernement, &c. avant la Re- volution, avec le Caractere des Princi- paux Personnages du Regne de Louis XVI. 8vo. 1795 France, la. sous les Merovingiens et les Carlovingiens 2 vols. 8vo. 1816 Frangois I. Histoire de, par Gaillard 8 vols. 12 mo. 1769 Francois I . Histoire de, par le Sieur de Varillas 2 vols. 12mo. Hague, l684> French Proceedings from the Pyrensean Treaty to the present Time, &c. 12mo. 1684 Gifford's Residence in France in 1792-5 2 vols. 8vo. 1797 Grimeston's History of France fol. l6l 1 Renault's Abrege Chronologique de 1'His- toire de France 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1775 Henri le Grand, Histoire du Roi, par Har- douin de Perefixe 12 mo. Paris, 1662 Histoire des derniers Troubles de France 12mo. 1597 Histoire du Traite de la Paix, Conclue sur la Frontiere d'Espagne et de France en 1'An 1659 12mo. Cologne, 1665 Howell's, James, Lives of Louis XIII. and Cardinal Richelieu fol. 1646 Joinville, Johan. Histoire de St. Louis, par fol. Paris, 1761 Joiiiville, Memoirs of 4/o. 1807 148 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF FRENCH HISTORY. J 5 Las Cases, Journal of 4 vols. Svo. 1823 K 4 Linguet, Considerations sur 1'Ouverture de 1'Escaut, par Svo. 1784 V 5 Louis XIV. CEuvres de 6 vols. Svo. 1806 18 3 Maimbourg, Histoire de la Ligue par 4>to. Paris, 1683 PC 2 Maitland's Surrender of Bonaparte Svo. 1826 26 2 Maurepas, Memoires de 4 vols. Svo. 1792 V 5 Mazarin, Cardinal, Lettres du, sur la Paix des Pirennees I2mo. Amsterdam, 1690 26 5 Menin, du Sacre, &c., de Rois, &c, I2mo. 1723 18 1 Mezeray, Histoire de France, par 3 vols.fol. Paris, 1643 26 5 Mezeray, Memoires Historiques, &c. 12mo. 1732 18 3 Mezeray, 1'Histoire de France, abrege de, par 4 vols. 4tto. Amsterdam, 1755 V 4 Millet's Memoires Politiques et Militaires 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1777 V 4 Millot, Elemens de 1'Histoire de France, par 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1782 26 2 Moleville, de la Revolution, &c. 9 parts, Svo. 1802 V f 1 Moniteur le, from 1789 to 1812 49 vols.fol. 1812 26 4 Moreau, Histoire de, 12mo. 1801 26 2 Mounier, Recherches, sur les Causes, &e. with Tracts by Bigot de St. Croix, and 1'Abbe Syeyes 2 vols. Svo. 1792 18 3 Nantes, Histoire de 1'Edit de 5 vols. 4>to. 1693 PRINTED BOOKS. 149 Div. SHELF FRENCH HISTORY. 26 19 19 19 18 PC PC 18 26 2 Necker, M. de 1'Administration des Finances de la France S vols. 8vo. 1784 Noailles, Campagnes de 174-3 2 vols. 12mo. 1760 Normandie, les Chroniques de 4>to. O'Meara's Napoleon in Exile 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Pasquier, les Recherches de la France de fol. Paris , 1665 Perron, Cardinal du, les Ambassades de fol. Paris, 1629 Philippe de Comines, Memoires de 2 vols. I2mo. Hague, 1682 Plessis du, Memoires de 4,to. 1624 Revolutionary Plutarch, the 3 vols. 12mo. 1804 Rochefoucault la, et la Chastre, Memoires de 12 wo. 1677 9 vols. 8vo. 1827 3 vols. 8vo. 1825 Scott's Life of Bonaparte Segur, Count, Memoirs of Simon, M., le Due de St., Memoires de, et Supplement 7 vols. 8vo. 1788 Sismondi, Histoire des Francais 12 vols. 8vo< 1821 St. Cloud, Secret History of the Court of 3 vols. iVmo. 1806 Stephens's Wars of the French Revolution 2 vols. 4>to. 1803 Sully's Memoirs, translated by Charlotte Lennox 3 vols. 4>to. 176l Testu Almanach imperial 8vo. 1806 PRINTED BOOKS. DIT. SHELF FRENCH HISTORY. 18 18 26 26 Thuani, Historia sui Temporis ab 1543 ad 1607 5 vols. in 4>,fol. Geneva, 1620 Thuani, Histories, Index Nominum, &c. 4>to. Geneva, l634> Toulongeon, Histoire de France, depuis la Revolution, [3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th Vols.] Svo. 1803 Velly, Histoire de France, par 17 vols. 4ito. Paris, 1770 Weber, Memoires de Marie Antoinette, with Poems, &c. 3 vols. Svo. 1806 PRINTED BOOKS. 151 VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Div. SHELF X 4 26 3 30 4 30 4 30 3&4 26 4 20 1 19 4 26 3 18 4 19 5 18 3 PC 4 AcLAND'S Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys 8vo. 1827 Adams's Defence of the United States of America 1st and 3rd vols. 8vo. 1788 America, Tracts on America, Tracts on America, Tracts on 2 vols.fol. 1 vol. 4>to. 31 vols. 8vo. Ancillon, les Fran9ois refugiez en Branden- bourg 12mo. 1690 Appian, in French, by Claude de Seyssel fol. 1544 Bankes's, Henry, Civil and Constitutional History of Rome 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 Bareith, Margrave de, Memoires de 2 vols. 8vo. 1812 Bentivoglio's History of Flanders, by the Earl of Monmouth fol. 1652 Bernier, Memoires du, sur 1'Empire du Grand Mogol, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. 1671 Bever's History of the Legal Polity of the Roman State and Laws 4>to. 1781 Blackwell's Memoirs of the Court of Au- gustus 3 vols. 4/o. 1764 152 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. 15 18 19 26 19 18 18 19 18 18 19 PC 26 26 19 19 PC Blair's, John, Chronology fol. 1766 Blount's, Edward, History of Portugal fol. Bolingbroke, Lord, on the Use and Study of History 2 vols. 8vo. 1752 Brandebourg, Memoires de, par Frederic Roi de Prusse 12mo. 1751 Bryant's, Jacob, Antient Mythology 3 vols. 4>to. 1775 Caesar's Commentaries, Observations on, by Edmundes foL Camerarius's Historical Meditations, by Molle fol. 1625 Carionis Chronicon, a Melanchthone et Peucero 8vo. 1592 Catrou and Rouilles, Roman History, a Translation of 6 vols. fol. 1728 Charlevoix, Histoire de la Nouvelle France de 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1744 Chronological Catalogue of Sovereigns con- temporary with Kings of England, since William I. I2mo. 1647 Clavigero's Abbe, F. S. History of Mexico, by Cullen 2 vols. 4>to. 1787 Colden's Five Indian Nations of Canada 2 vols. 12/no. 1755 Colonies, Remarks on the Acts relating to the 8vo. 1775 Connecticut, General History of 8vo. 1781 Conringius de Republica Imperil, Germa- nici 4/o. 1674 Coxe's, William, History of the House of Austria 3 vols. 4to. 1807 PRINTED BOOKS. 153 Div. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. PC 19 19 19 PC 18 ]9 19 26 26 19 26 PC 20 G Coxe's, William, Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon 3 vols. 4>to. 1812 Cronique de Savoye, par Paradin 4>to. 1552 Daru's Histoire de la Republique de Venise 8 vols. 800. 1821 Denmark and Sweden, Tracts on 8vo. 1738 De Peysonnel M., Examen du Livre sur la Guerre des Turcs par Volney 8vo. Amsterdam, 1788 De Tott, Baron du, Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1784 Dow's, Alexander, History of Indostan 3 vols. 4,to. 1768 Duchesne's, And., Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui ful. 1619 Du Halde's History of China 2 vols. ful. 1/38 Du May's, Lewis, Estate of the German Empire 8vo. 1664 ; Dumouriez, Campagnes du Marechal de Schomberg 8vo. 1807 . Dutens, Memoires d'un Voyageur qui se repose 8vo. 1806 East Indies, History of their Discovery and Conquest, by Castaneda 4>(o. 1582 Echard's Roman History and Continuation 4 vols. 8vo. 1702 Edwards's, Bryan, History of the British Colonies in the West Indies 2 vols. 4to. 1793 Eryci Puteani Historiae Insubricae Libri 6 154 PRINTED BOOKS. VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Espagne et Portugal Abrege, de 1* His- toire d' 2 vols. 12 wo. 17 65 Falle's Account of Jersey Svo. 1734 Flanders, the Earls of, the History of Svo. Florentii, Chronicon ab Initio Mundi ad A. D. 1141 4>to. 1592 France and Russia, Sketches of their Strength 4>to. 1803 Galloway's State of Pensylvania Svo. 1759 Gentz's, F., State of Europe, by Herries Svo. 1803 Geographic, Essais de, pour servir de Suite aux Memoires du Baron de Tott Svo. 1785 Giannone's History of Naples, by Ogilvie 2 vols.fol. 1729 Gibbon's, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 6 vols, 4-to. 1776-81-88 Gillies's, John, History of Antient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests 2 vols. 4>to. 1786 Godwin's, Thomas, Exposition of the Ro- man Antiquities 4>to. Oxford, 1625 Goldsmith's History of Greece 2 vols. Svo. 1805 Goldsmith's Roman History 2 vols. Svo. 1805 Grotii Historia Gothorum, Vandalorum, et Longobardorum Svo. Amsterdam, l655 Grotius, Annales de Flandres de fol. Amsterdam, 1662 Grotius de Antiquitate Reipublicae Batavicae 12mo. 1630 Grotius's Antiquity of Holland, translated by T. Woods Svo. 1649 Div SHELF 26 3 26 3 26 3 19 4 26 1 26 3 19 4 19 4 18 2 PC 4 PC 4 19 4 19 4 19 4 19 4 19 3 19 5 19 5 PRINTED BOOKS. 155 VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Guicciardini Historia, Interprete Caelio S. C. 8vo. Basil, 1567 Guicciardini's History, translated by Fen- ton fol. 1599 Guicciardinij F., della Istoria d'ltalia 4 vols. 4,lo. Friburg, 1775 Hales's Analysis of Chronology 2 vols. 4>to. 1809 Hales's Analysis of Chronology 4 vols. 8vo. 1830 Hall's Civil War in America 8vo. 1780 Hallam's, Henry, State of Europe during the Middle Ages 2 vols. 4>to. 1818 Hampton's Translation of Polybius 2 vols. 4>to. 1772 Hampton's Translation of Polybius 3 vols. 8vo. 1809 Harte's, Walter, History of Gustavus Adol- phus 2 vols. 8vo. 1807 Heliodorus's Ethiopian History, by Barrett 4>to. 1622 Helvicus's Chronology fol. 1662-1687 Herodian's Twenty Roman Caesars 12mo. 1635 Heylin's Cosmography 3rd edit. fol. 1 666 Hispanicarum Reruin Scriptores fol. Francofurtiy 1579 Histoire des Traites de Paix, et Autres Ne- gotiations, depuis la Paix de Vervins, jusqu'a celle de Nimegue 2 vols. fol. 1725 Historia universalis usque ad An. 1656 12mo. 1663 Div. SHELF 19 5 18 3 18 3 26 1 PC 3 26 3 PC 6 18 3 19 4 19 4 20 5 26 19 l\ 26 4 19 2 18 2 19 2 20 6 19 3 26 4 Hobbes's Thucydides fol. 1676 Houssaie, Amelot de la, Histoire de Venise I2mo. 1677 156 PRINTED BOOKS. UlV. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Uiv. SHELF 18 4 19 3 19 3 19 3 19 3 26 1 19 4 18 3 19 5 PC 4 26 3 19 2 18 3 19 4 19 5 J 2 18 4 26 3 Hooke's, N., Roman History 4 vols. 4>to. 1757 Ho well's, James, Republic of Venice fol. 1651 Howell's, James, German Diet, or the Balance of Power in Europe fol. 1653 Howell's, James, History of Naples fol. 1654 Howell's, W. } History of the World 3 vols. fol. 1680 Huckes's America part 1st, 4>to. 1755 Hutchinson's, Governor, History of Massa- chuset's Bay 2 vols. 8vo. 1765 Justine, the Historie of, translated by G. W. ; and Suetonius, by Holland fol. 1606 Justinian, Secret History of the Court of, by Procopius, English 8t;o. 1674 Keatinge's, Maurice, Translation of the History of the Conquest of Mexico 4>to. 1800 Kennett's Antiquities of Rome 8vo. 1737 Knolles's, Richard, History of the Turks, with Ricaut's Continuation 2 vols. fol. 1687 Knox's, Robert, Historical relation of the Isle of Ceylon fol. 1681 Lanquette's Chronicle, and other Tracts 4>to. Lansii, Consultatio de Principatu inter Pro- vincias Europae 8vo. 1655 L'Art de verifier les Dates 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1783 Lehmanni, Chronica Spirensia 4,to. Frankfort, 1662 Le Jeune, P., Nouvelle France, en 1'Annee 1639 12mo. 1640 PRINTED BOOKS. 157 .Div. SHELF 18 3 19 4 18 4 19 3 26 3 PC 19 4 19 5 18 3 19 3 19 3 19 5 19 3 26 4 26 1 19 2 19 3 19 2 VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Leland's, Thomas, Translation of Demos- thenes 4/o. 1771 Leland's, Thomas, D.D., History of Philip of Macedon 2 vols. Svo. 1775 Leo's, John, History of Africa, by Pory 4to. 1660 Le Petit, Fr., Chronique de Hollande 2 rols.fol. Dort. l6oi Lewis's Parthian Empire Lightfoot's Historical Chart Svo. 1728 fol. 1831 Littlebury's Herodotus 3rd edit. 2 vols. Svo. 1737 Loccenii, Historia Rerum Suecicarum HolmifBf 1654, Ludolfi, Jobi, Historia ^Ethiopica fol. Frankfort, 1681 Macchiavelli's, N., History of Florence, by Bedingfield fol. 1595 Maffeii, Joh. Petri., Historiarum Indicamm Libri 16. fol. Florence, 1588 Magni, lohannis, Gothorum, Sueonumque Historia Svo. 1617 Manley on the late Wars in Denmark fol. 1670 Manley's Atlantis 1st and 3rd vols. I2mo. 1716 Manstein's Russia 4/o. 1770 Mariana Historia de Espana 2 vols. fol. Madrid, 1 669 Mariana's History of Spain, translated by Stevens fol. 1699 Mariana, Historia de Rebus Hispanias, cui accedit Minianae Continuatio 4 vols. in 2, fol. Hag< Comitum, 1733 158 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. 18 4 Marsden's History of Sumatra 4to. 1 783 19 3 Marshami, Chronicus Canon ^Egyptiacus, Ebraicus, Graecus; et Disquisitiones fol. 1672 PC 4 Martens, Recueil de Traites de 1'Europe, &c. 22 vols. Svo. 1801-30 26 3 Massachusett's Bay, Papers relative to Svo. 1769 J 5 Maurice's Indian Antiquities 7 vols. Svo. 1794 19 4 Millot, 1'Abbe, Elemens de 1'Histoire Mo- derne de 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1777 19 4 Millot, 1'Abbe, Elemens de 1'Histoire An- cienne de 4 vols. I2mo. Paris, 1778 19 3 Miraei Opera Diplomatica et Historica 2 vols. fol. Lovanii, 1723 PC 4 Mitford's, William, History of Greece 5 vols. Mo. 1784-90 20 6 Naples, the Revolution in, under Massaniello 12wo. 1650 19 2 Negotiations Secretes de Munster 4 vols. fol. 1725 18 4 Newton's, Sir Isaac, Chronology 4>to. 1728 19 5 Nouveaux Int6rets des Princes de 1'Europe Svo. Cologne, l6S8 26 1 Nova Scotia and St. Lucia, Memorials of the Limits of 2 vols. 4,to. 1 755 19 5 Novi Orbis Historia Svo. Geneva, 1578 19 5 Octoviratus, seu de Germani Imperii Elec- toribus Tractatio 12 wo. Hamburg, 1676 19 2 Ogilby's, John, Japan fol. 1670 19 2 Ogilby's, John, Africa fol. 1670 10 2 Ogilby's, John, America fol. 1671 PRINTED BOOKS. 159 Div. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. 19 2 Ogilby's, John, Asia, Persia, the Empire of the Great Mogul, and other Parts of India fol. 1673 19 2 Ogilby's, John, China 2nd edit. 2 vols. fol. 1673 18 3 Orme's History of British Military Trans- actions in Indostan, from 1745 4>to. 1763 26 4 Orosius, the History of, Anglo-Sax., by Alfred, and English by Barringtou 8vo. 1773 19 3 Panciroli, G., Notitia Dignitatum utrinsque Imperii : sc. Orientis et Occidentis fol. 1623 18 3 Parival's Iron Age, with the State of Eu- rope in 1500, by Harris fol. 1656 19 5 Paul, Father, on the Government of Venice 12mo. 1689 26 24 19 4 45 Petavii Rationarium Temporum &vo. 1710 Pfeffel's Histoire d'Allemagne 2 vols. 8vo. 1777 26 4 Pologne, Histoire de 12mo. 1698 19 4 Polybius, by Hampton 3 vols. 8vo. 1809 19 4 Porter's, Sir James, Observations on the Turks 8vo. 1771 19 3 Portugal, Histoire de fol. 1581 19 5 Portugal, History of 8vo. 1&77 26 4 Potter's Antiquities of Greece 2 vols. 8vo. 1740 26 4 Puffendorf's Europe, by Sayer 2 vols. 8vo. 1748 26 4 Quintus Curtius, by Vaugelas 2nd vol. 12mo. 1738 19 1 Raleigh's, Sir Walter, History of the World, with his Life and Trial, by Oldys 2 vols. in 1, fol. 1736 160 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. 26 4 Ramsay's Revolution of South Carolina 2 vols. Svo. 1785 19 18 4j Raynal's Histoire des deux Indes, with an Atlas 10 vols. Svo. Geneva, 1781 18 4 Rickards's India Svo. 1828 PC 4 Robertson's History of Charles V. 3 vols. 4>to. 1769 PC 4 Robertson's History of America 2 vols. 4to. 1777 PC 4 Robertson's Historical Disquisition con- cerning Antient India 4>to. 1791 26 5 Rousset's Recueil d'Actes, &c., depuis la Paix d' Utrecht jusq' au 2nd Congres de Cambray 10 vols. ( 1 wanting), 12 wo. 1728 18 4 Russell's, William, History of Modern Eu- rope 5 vols. Svo. 1801 H 3 Russell's, Lord John, Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht 2 vols. 4/o. 1824 18 1 Rycaut's History of the Turks fol. 1700 18 3 Sandoval's Civil Wars of Spain, by Wright fol. 1655 26 1 Sansovino del 1'Historia de Turchi 4o. 1564 19 3 Scudery's, M., Apologies for several Princes, &c. fol. 1654 19 3 Semedo's, Alvarez, History of China trans- lated fol. 1655 19 5 Sentimens sur les Lettres et sur 1'Histoire 12mo. 1683 26 4 Servies de, les Femmes des 12 Caesars 12mo. 1721 18 4 Sharpe's Translation of Baron Holberg's Introduction to Universal History Svo. 1758 PRINTED BOOKS. 161 Div. SHELF 18 4 J 5 J 5 19 3 18 4 19 5 19 3 18 4 PC 4 19 3 18 4 26 4 18 4 26 2 19 3 26 4 18 4 VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Sheridan's Revolution in Sweden 8vo. 1778 Sismondi, Histoire des Republiques Itali- ennes 1 6 vols. Svo. 1826" Sismondi, de la Libert^ en Italic 2 vols. Svo. 1832 Sleidan's Commentaries, &c. translated by Dans fol. 1560 Sleidani Commentarii de Imperio Caroli V. Svo. Strasburgt 1612 Sleidanus de Quatuor Summis Imperils 12mo. Amsterdam) 1678 Smith's, Captain John, History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Islands fol. 1632 Smith's, William, History of New York Svo. 1776 Southey's History of Brazil 3 vols. 4>to. 1810 Spon's, Dr. Is., History of the City and State of Geneva fol. 1687 Stael's, Baroness, Germany 3 vols. Svo. 1814 Stanyan's Switzerland Svo. 1714 Stith's History of Virginia Svo. Williamsburg, 1747 Stokes's British Colonies in America Svo. 1783 Suaningii, Chronologia Danica : 1650 Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, cum Notis Stephanii : Aurea Inscriptio Regiae Tunis, 1646, &c. fol. 1644 Suizzeri e Griggione, &c., Relazione del Paese de 12 wo. 1719 Tacite, les QEuvres de, par D'Ablancourt 4>to. Rouen, 1665 Y 162 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. 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I2mo. 1758 26 4 War, the Theatre of the present 8vo. 1745 26 1 War, the late, History of 2nd vol., 8vo. 1764 18 4 Watson's, Robert, Reign of Philip II. of Spain 2 vols. 4to. 1778 PRINTED BOOKS. 163 Div. SHELF VARIOUS HISTORIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. 19 19 18 19 19 Wheare de Methodo Legend! Historias I2mo. Oxford, 1662 Witichindi, Saxonis Rerum Historia fol. Basil, 1532 Xenophon's Ascent of Cyrus, by Bingham fol. 1623 Ximen&s, Cardinal, Histoire du, par Flechier 2 vols. I2mo. Amsterdam, 1693 Ximenes, Cardinal, Histoire du Ministe're du, par Marsolier 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1739 164 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. PRINTED BOOKS. 165 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &C. Div. j SHELF 15 PC K K PC K PC PC 15 PC 15 PC PC PC PC AMERICAN Pocket Atlas American Maps 8vo. 1776 fol. Anacharsis, Voyage du Jeune, en Grece 7 vols. Svo. 1788 Anacharsis, &c. Plates 4>to. Anson's, Lord, Voyage round the World, by Walter 4,to. 1748 Antiquarian Repertory, by Grose, Astle, &c, 4 vols Mo. 1807 Arnot's, Hugo, History of Edinburgh 4>to. 1779 Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire 3 vols. Svo. 1719 Atkyns's, Sir Robert, Account of Glouces- tershire 2nd edit. fol. 1768 Atlas, Mercator's 2 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1636 Atlas, Blaeu's 4 parts in 8, fol. 1638 Atlas, Major, Fr. de Wit 2 vols. fol. 1704 Atlas, Antiquus, Sansons, par le Clerc fol. 1705 Atlas, New General fol. 1721 Atlas, D'Anville's 2 vols. fol. 1754 Atlas, American fol. 1778 Atlas, Bowen's fol. 166 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, PC PC E K PC PC PC PC PC PC Atlas, Wyld's 2 vols.fol. 1829 Atlas, Rennell's, to Western Asia fol. 1831 Balbec, the Ruins of, Prints fol. 1757 Barrow's, John, Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa 4>to. 1801 Barrow's, John, Travels in China 4>to. 1804 Bassora, Journal kept on a Journey from, to Bagdad in 1779 8z;o. Horsham, 1784 Batteley's Antiquitates Rutupinas 8vo. Oxford. 1711 Beechey's Expedition to the Northern Coast of Africa 4,to. 1828 Beechey's Voyage to the Pacific 4>to. 1831 Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, by Nichols 8 vols. 4>to. 1780-90 Bigland and Fosbrooke's Gloucestershire 2 vols.fol. 1806 Black Sea, and the Caspian, Memoir of 4>to. 1788 Blackborow's Navigation rectified 8vo. 16S7 Blomefield and Parkin's Norfolk 5 vols. fol. 1739 fibre's South Winfield 4,lo. 1793 Bohun's Geographical Dictionary 8vo. 1688 Borlase's Natural History of Cornwall fol. 1758 Borlase's Antiquities of Cornwall fol. 1769 Bougainville's Voyage round the World, by Forster 4>to. 1772 Brand on Popular Antiquities 2 vols. in 1, 4>to. 1813 Bridges's Northamptonshire Bright's Travels in Hungary 2 vols. fol. 1791 4fo. 1818 PRINTED BOOKS. 167 Div. SHELF K 4 PC 1 K 2 PIC K 1} K 2 K 2 K 4 K 2 PC 1 PC 2 PC 2 K 2 K 2 K 2 K 2 K 2 PC 2 K 2 K 2 15 2 15 2 K 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, Ac. Britannia Magna et Hiberaia, Antiqua et Nova 6 vols. 4to. 1720 Britton's, John, Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain 5 vols. 4to. 1807 Britton and Pugin's Public Buildings 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 Brooke's, R., Gazetteer l6th edit. 8vo. 1815 Brooke's Travels to the North Cape 4fo. 1823 Brooke's Winter in Lapland 4fo. 1827 Brooke's Travels in Spain 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 Browne's, W. G., Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria 4to. 1799 Bruce's, James, Travels to discover the Source of the Nile 5 vols. 4-to. Edinb. 1790 Buckingham's Arab Tribes 4,to. 1825 Buckingham's Mesopotamia 4>to. 1827 Burckhardt's Nubia 4fo. 1822 Burckhardt's Syria 4to. 1822 Burckhardt's Arabia 4/o. 1829 Burckhardt's Bedouins, &c. 4,to. 1830 Burckhardt's Egyptians 4fo. 1830 Burney's Discoveries in the South Sea 5 vols. Mo. 1803 Burton's Description of Leicestershire fol. 1622 Burton's Commentary on Antoninus's Iti- nerary through Britain fol. 1658 Camden's Britannia, Latin fol. 1607 Camden's Britannia, by Holland fol. 1610 Camden's Britannia, by Gibson 2 vols. fol. 1722 168 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, PC 1 Camden's Britannia, by Gough 4, vols. fol. 1806 K 4 Camden's Remains, concerning Britain, by John Philipot 4>to. 1636 K 2 Campbell's, John, Political Survey of Great Britain 2 vols. 4>to. 1774 K 2 Capper's, James, Observations on the Pas- sage to India, through Egypt, and across the Great Desert ; with Rennell 4>to. 1783 K 2 Carew's, Richard, Survey of Cornwall 4to. 1723 PC 1 Carlisle's, N., Topographical Dictionary of England 2 vols. 4>to. 1808 PC 1 Carlisle's, N., Topographical Dictionary of Ireland 4>to. 1810 PC 1 Carlisle's, N., Topographical Dictionary of Wales 4>to. 1811 PC 1 Carlisle's, N., Topographical Dictionary of Scotland 2 vols. 4/0. 1813 K 4 Carver's, J., Travels through the interior Parts of North America 8vo. 1779 PC <): :> , r Gary's Improved Map of England, &c. fol. 1832 PC 2 Chalmer's History of Oxford 2 vols. Svo. 1810 PC 2 Chandler's Asia Minor 4fo. 1817 PC 2 Charlton's Whitby 4,to. 1779 K 1 Chauncy's, Sir Henry, Historical Antiqui- ties of Hertfordshire fol. 1700 K 2 Chorographia Britanniae 4to. 1811 K 2 Clogher's, Bishop of, Translation of a Jour- nal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, with remarks on Hieroglyphics 4>to. 1753 PRINTED BOOKS. 169 Div. SHELF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. K 1 Clutterbuck's, Robert, History and Antiqui- ties of Hertfordshire 3, vols.fol. 1815 K 2 Collins's, David, Account of the English Colony in New South Wales 4>to. 1798 FC 2 Collinson's Somersetshire 3 vols. 4to. 1791 K 2 Cook's, Captain James, Voyage round the World in 1772-3-4-5, with Maps, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 1777 FC Cook's Voyage, Plates to fol. K 2 Cook, Clerk, and Gore's Voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 1776-7-8-9-80 3 vols. 4,to. 1784 K 4 Coxe's, Daniel, Description of Carolina 8vo. 1741 FC 5 Coxe's Account of Russian Discoveries, 4>to. 1780 FC 5 Coxe's Travels into Poland, Russia, &c. 2 vols. 4fo. 1784 K 4 Coxe's Sketches of Swisserland 8vo. 1780 FC 2 Cullum's Hawsted and Hardwick 4>to. 1813 K 4 Dale's Antiquities of Harwich and Dover Court 4,to. 1730 X 1 Dallaway and Cartwright's History of Western Sussex 3 vols.fol. 1815-30 K 4 Dampier's Voyages 3 vols. 8vo. l6"97 15 2 Dart's History and Antiquities of West- minster Abbey 2 vols. fol. 1723 X 5 Debes's Description of the Islands of Foe- roe, translated 12mo. 16*76 FC 2 Denham and Clapperton's Travels in Africa 4/0. J826 K 4 De Pages, M., Voyages autour du Monde, pendant les Annees 1767 to 1776 2 vols. 8vo. 1782 170 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, K 4 Dodridge's, Sir John, History of Wales, Cornwall, and Chester 4>to. 1630 PC 2 Dodwell'sTour through Greece 2 vols. 4,to. 1819 15 2 Drake's Antiquities of York fol. 1736 15 2 Dugdale's Warwickshire fol. 1656 15 2 Dugdale's History of Imbanking and Draining fol. 1662 15 2 Dugdale's History of St. Paul's Cathedral, by May nard fol. 1 7 1 6 PC 2 Dunkin's Bicester and Alchester 8vo. 18l6 PC 2 Dyer's History of Cambridge 2 vols. 8vo. 1814 7 4 Dyer's Address to Subscribers, &c. 8vo. 1823 R PC 4 1 25 Dyer's Privileges of Cambridge 2 vols. 8vo. 1824 PC 2 Dyer's Academic Unity 8vo. 1827 K 4 Echard's Gazetteer 8vo. 1707 PC 4 Edinburgh Gazetteer 6 vols. 8vo. 1827 PC 2 Ellis's St. Leonard, Shoreditch 4>to. 1798 PC 2 Eustace's, John Chetwode, Tour through Italy 2 vols. 4>to. 1813 PC 2 Falle's Account of Jersey 8vo. 1734 PC 2 Fenton's, Richard, Tour through Pem- brokeshire 4>to. 1811 PC 2 Fitz- Clarence's Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to England 4/o. 1819 E 2 Forrest's Voyage to New Guinea in 1774-5-6 4to. 1779 K 2 Forster's, George, Account of Cook's Voy- age round the World in 1772-3-4-5 2 vols. 4ito. 1777 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. PC K K K PC PC PC PC Forster's, John Reinold, Observations made during a Voyage round the World in 1772-3-4-5 4to. 1778 Franklin's Journeys to the Polar Sea 2 vols. 4to. 1819 Gibson's, Matthew, View of the Churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted, with Memoirs of the Family of Lord Scudamore 4/o. 1727 Gifford's Zetland Islands Mo. 1786 Gilbert's, Thomas, Voyage from New South Wales to Canton 4/0. 1789 Gilly's Piemout, &c. 4>to. 1824 Gilly's Piemont, &c. 8vo. 1827 Gilpin's Observations on the River Wye, &c. Si'O. 1782 Gilpin's Northern Tour 8vo. 1788 Gordon's Itinerarium, or Journey through Scotland, and the North of England fol. 1726 Gough's British Topography 2 vols. 4>to. 1780 Green's Worcester 2 vols. in 1, 4/o. 1796 Grose's Francis, Antiquities of England and Wales, with the Supplement 6 vols. 4/o. 1776-1787 Gunton's History of the Church of Peter- burgh, by Patrick fol. 1686 172 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHELF PC 7 K 4 K 2 K 7 K 1 K l PC 1 PC 2 K 2 PC 2 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, Guthrie's, William, New Geographical His- torical, &c. Grammar 22wd erfzV. 8t;o. 1812 Guv's, M., Voyage Litteraire de la Grece 2 vols. 8vo. 1776 Hakluyt's Voyages, &c. of the English Na- tion 3 vols. in 2, fol. 1598 Hall's Fragments of Voyages 1st and 2nd series 6 vols. 18mo. 1831-2 Harris's, John, History of Kent, vol. l.fol. 1719 Harris's John, Collection of Voyages and Travels 2 vols. fol. 1764 4 vols. fol. 1778 4to. 1798 3 vols. 4to. 1773 8vo. 1804 Hasted' s Kent Hawes's Frainlingham Hawkesworth's Voyages Hay's Chichester Hearne's Collection of Discourses upon English Antiquities 8vo. Oxford, 1720 Hearne's History and Antiquities of Glas- tonbury, of Sherrington's Chantry, and of Thetford 8vo. Oxford, 1722 Hearnii Collectanea Lelandi 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1715 Searnii Textus Roffensis 8vo. Oxford, 1720 rJearnii, Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesiae Wigorniensis 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1723 3earnji, lohannis Glastoniensis Chronica de rebus Glastoniensibus 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1726 iearnii, Adami de Domerham Historia de rebus Glastoniensibus, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1727 learnii, Caii Thomje, Vindiciae Oxoniensis Academiee Antiquitatis 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1730 I PRINTED BOOKS. 173 Div. SHELF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. H 7 Hearnii Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford) 1733 K 2 Hearne's Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean 4>to. 1795 PC 1 Heber's Journey in India 2 vols. 4*o. 1828 ].-) 2 HenshalFs South Britain part 1st. 4*o. 1798 K 2 Herbert's, Sir T., Travels in Africa and Asia fol. 1664 X 4 Herbert's, Wm., Antiquities of the Inns of Court 4*o. 1804 K 2 Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis 2 vols. 4*0. 1806 PC 2 Hobhouse's, I. C., Journey through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey, &c, in 1809-10 2nd edit. 2 vols. 4*o. 1813 15 2 Horsley's Britannia Romana fol. 1732 PC 2 Hughes's Travels in Sicily 2 vols. 4*o. 1820 PC 2 Hutchinson's Northumberland 4*o. 1776 PC 2 Hutchinson's Durham 3 vols y 4*o. 1785 PC 2 Hutchinson's Cumberland 2 vols. 4to. 1794 PC 6 Inns of Court, and Chancery, History and Antiquities of the 8vo. 1780 K 2 Irwin's, Eyles, Voyage up the Red Sea 4,to. 1780 K 4 Izacke's Antiquities of the City of Exeter 8vo. 1724 K 4 James's, Capt. Thos., Voyage to the South Sea ' 4fo. 1632 PC 2 Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae 4*o. 1786 PC 2 Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto-Norrnanicae 4*o. 1786 174 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, K 1 Jones's Stoneheng restored, &c. fol. 1725 PC 2 Jones's Brecknockshire 2 vols. in 3,4-to. 1805 K 4 Jovii Pauli Descriptiones Regionum et ll Locorum 12mo. Basil, 156l K 2 Keate's, George, Account of the Pelew i Islands 3rd -edit. 4>to. 1789 K: 3 Kennett's Parochial Antiquities, j 4/o. Oxford, 1695 K 3 King's, Edward, Observations on Ancient Castles 4>to. 1782 K 3 King's, Daniel, Vale Royal, or History of the County Palatine of Chester fol. 1656 K 4 Lambard's Perambulation of Kent 4,to. 1656 K 4 Langle, le Marquis de, Voyage en Espagne par vol. 1st. 8vo. 1786 PC 2 Langley's Desborough, &c. 4to. 1723 PC 2 Lewis's, John, History and Antiquities of Faversham, &c. 4>to. 1727 15 2 Leycester's, Sir P., Antiquities of Great i Britain, and of Cheshire fol. 1673 PC 1 Light's, Captain Henry, Travels in Egypt, i Nubia, &c. in 1814 4>to. 1818 K 3 Linschoten'e Voyages to the East and West (i t Indies fol. 1598 PRINTED BOOKS. 175 Div. SHELF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. PC 1 Lysons's, Daniel, Environs of London 5 vols. 4>to. 1792 PC 1 Lysons's, Daniel, Parishes of Middlesex, 4/0. 1800 PC 1 Lysons's, D. and S., Magna Britannia 6 vols. 4>to. 18 06 X 3 Macartney's, Earl of, Embassy to China, by Sir G. Staunton 2 vols. 4>to. 1797 PC Macartney's Embassy, Plates to fol. K 3 Mackenzie's, Alexander, Voyages in North America 4>to. 1801 20 5 Magini Commentaria in Libros Geographies Ptolemaei 4>to. 1617 K 1 Maitland's History of London, 2 vols. fol. 1757 PC 4 Malte-Brun, Geography 8 vols. 8vo. 1822 K 1 Manning's, Owen, History of Surrey 3 vols. fol. 1804 X 4 Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda 8vo. 1698 PC 2 Martin's Thetford 4to. 1779 K 3 Meares's, John, Voyages from China to the North West Coast of America 4/0. 1790 K 3 Metelli Sequani Geographia Africae fol. Ursellis, 1600 PC 2 Meyrick's, Samuel Rush, History and An- tiquities of Cardiganshire 4/0. 1808 PC 2 Miller's Doncaster 4/0. PC 2 Milner's Winchester 2 vols. 4>to. 1809 K 4 Moore's, John, View of Society and Man- ners in France, Switzerland, and Ger- many 2 vols. 8vo. 1780 K 4 Moore's, John, View of Society and Man- ners in Italy 2 vols. 8vo, 1781 176 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF J 2 J 2 J 2 K 4 K 1 PC 1 X 1 J 2 PC 1 PC 2 K 3 J 2 K 3 PC 15 2 PC PC I PC K 4 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, Morant's History and Antiquities of Col- chester fol. 1748 Morant's History and Antiquities of Essex 2 vols.fol. 1768 Morton's Natural History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire fol. 1712 Narborough's and others' Voyages 8vo. 1694 Nash's History of Worcestershire 2 vols. fol. 1781 Nearchus's Voyage from the Indus to the Euphrates, by William Vincent 4,to. 1797 Neele's, Samuel and George, General Atlas, 1814 Newcourt's Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense 2 vols. fol. 1708 Nichols's Leicestershire 4 vols. in 8, fol. 1795 Nicolson and Burn's Westmoreland and Cumberland 2 vols. 4>to. 1787 Niebuhr, C., Voyage en Arable par 4 vols. in 2, 4/o. Amsterdam) 1776 Nieuhovii, Legatio Batavica ad Magnum Tartariae Chamum, per Hornium fol. 1668 Norden's Speculum Britanniae 4>to. 1723 Ogilby's Coronation of Charles II. fol. Ogilby's Britannia fol. 1675 Ordnance Survey of Great Britain fol. 1824 Ormerod's Cheshire 3 vols.fol. 1819 Palmyra, the Ruins of, by Wood fol. 1753 Paris, Description de la Ville de, par G. Brice 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1698 PRINTED BOOKS. 177 Parker's History of Cambridge 8vo. 1721 Parkin on Stukeley's Royston Mo. 1744 Parkinson's, Sydney, Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas 4>to. 1784 Park's, Mungo, Travels in the Interior of Africa 2 vols. 4>to. 1799 Parry's Voyages 5 vols. 4to. 1821-8 Paterson's, Wm., Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria, in 1777-8-9 4/o. 1789 Peck's Annals of Stanford fol. 1727 Pegge on Ang. Sax. Remains 4>to. 1756 Pennant's, Thomas, Tour in Wales Pennant's London Div. SHELF 15 4 K 3 J 2 K 3 PC 2 K 3 15 1 K 3 K 3 PC 2 K 3 K 3 K 3 K 3 J 2 J 2 K 1 PC 1 J 2 J 2 PC 2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. 4/0. 1778 4to. 1790 Percival's, Robert, Account of the Island of Ceylon 4/o. 1803 Philippt's Villare Cantianum fol. 1664 Phillip's, Governor, Voyage to Botany Bay, 1789 Pinkerton's, John, Modern Geography 2 vols. Mo. 1802 Plot's Natural History of Staffordshire fol. Oxford, 1686 Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, fol. 1705 Pococke's, Richard, Description of the East, and some other countries 2 vols. fol. 1 743 Polwhele's Devonshire fol. 1797 Portlock's, Capt. Nathaniel, Voyage round the World in 1785-6-7-8 4/0. 1789 Price's Journal of Sir G. Ouseley's Em- bassy to Persia vol. 1, 4,to. 1825 Rastall's Southwell 4/o. 1787 2 A 173 PRINTED BOOKS DlT. SHELF 18 4 K 2 K 3 K 3 7 K 4 \ 3j K 4 FC 2 15 2 FC 2 FC 2 FC 2 K 1 PC 1 15 2 FC 1 K 3 K 3 K 3 K 3 K 3 K 3 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY Raynal's Atlas 4fo. Rennell's, James, Memoir of a Map of Hin- dostan, with two Maps of Hindostan bound with Capper's Journey 4/o. 1783 Rennell's Geographical System of Hero- dotus examined and explained 4/o. 1 800 Rennell on the Topography of Troy 4/o. 1814 Rennell on Xenopbon's Anabasis, and Map 4/o. 1816 Rennell's Geography of Western Asia 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 Richardson's Fauna Boreali Americana 2 rote. 4/0. 1 829 Richmond, Registrnm Honoris de fol. 1722 Risdon's Survey of Devon 8vo. 1811 Ross's, Capt. John, Voyage of Discovery 4/o. 1819 Rowland's Anglesey, or Mona Antiqua Restaurata 4/o. 1766 Rudder's Gloucestershire fol. 1779 Salt's, Henry, Voyage to Abyssinia 4/o. 1814 Sammes's Antiquities of Britain fol. 1676 Sanders's Shenstone 4/o. 1794 Sandwich's, John Earl of, Voyage round the Mediterranean by himself, with Memoirs of his life, by Rev. J. Cooke 4/o. 1799 Sandy s's Travels in Turkey, &c. fol. 1670 Sanson, N., de FEurope 4/o. Paris, Sanson, N., d FAsie 4/0. Paris, Sanson, S.. de FAfrique 4/o. Paris, Sanson, S., de FAmerique 4/0, Paris, PRINTED BOOKS. 179 Savary, M., Lettres, sur 1'Egypte, par 3 vols. 8vo. 1786 Div, SHELF K 4 15 1 JL 5 K 5 K 5 15 1 15 1 15 1 K 1 TO K 5 J 2 K 3 K 5 K 1 K 3 PC 6 15 2 PC 1 K 3 PC 2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. Saxton's Maps, coloured fol. 1579 Scoresby's Account of the Arctic Regions 2 vols. 8vo. 1820 Scott's, John, Visit to Paris in 1814 3rd edit. 8vo. 1815 Scott's, John, Paris revisited in 1815, 8vo. 18l6 Seller's Coasting Pilot, coloured fol. 1677 Seller's English Pilot, coloured fol. 1677 Seller's Sea Atlas, coloured fol. 167 8 Shaw's Staffordshire 2 vols. fol. 1798 Smeaton's Edystone Lighthouse fol. 1813 Somner's Roman Ports, and Forts in Kent, with his Life by Brome 8vo. Oxford, 1693 Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, by Batteley fol. 1703 Sonnerat, M., Voyage aux Indes Orientales et & la Chine 1774-81, 2 vols. 4,to. Paris, 1782 Southouse's Monastery of Favershani, 8vo. 1671 Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, &c. fol. 1676 Stanley's, Edward, Observations on the City of Tunis 4to. 1786 Statuta Coll. Regin. Cantab. 4>to. 1822 Stow's, John, Survey of the Cities of Lon- don and Westminster, by Strype vol. 1st. fol. 1720 Stow's London 2 vols. fol. 1754 Stukeley's Richard of Cirencester 4/0. 1757 Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiosum 2 vols. fol. 171 6 180 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF PC 1 E 3 E 3 E 3 E 3&5 PC 1 E 3 E 3 J 2 PC 2 15 2 PC 2 J 2 J 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 ' PC 2 ' E 7 ' E 3 ' GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, Surtees's Durham 3 vols. fol. 1816 Swinburne's Travels through Spain in 1775 and 6, and a Supplement 2 vols. 4>to. 1779 Swinburne's Travels in the two Sicilies in 1777-8-9-80 2 vols. 4to. 1783 Swinden's Yarmouth 4>to. 1772 Symes's, Michael, Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, and Plates 3 vols. 8vo. and 1 vol. 4*o. 1800 Tanner's Notitia Monastica fol. 1787 Temple Church, Facts and Observations relating to the 4>to. 1811 Thomas's Survey of the Cathedral of Wor- cester 4*o. 1736 Thoresby's Topography of Leeds, and parts adjacent fol. 1715 Thorkelin's English and Irish History, 4*o. 1788 Thoroton's, Dr., Antiquities of Notting- fol. 1677 hamshire Thoroton's Nottinghamshire Thorpe's Registrum Roffense Thorpe's Custumale Roffense Throsby's Leicestershire Throsby's Leicester Tickell's Hull Tindal's Evesham Toulmin's Taunton 3 vols. 4>to. 1797 fol. 1769 fol. 1788 2 vols. 4>to. 1789 4*o. 1791 4*o. 1798 4>to. 1794 4*o. 1791 Trollope's Domestic Manners of the Ameri- cans Zvols.Svo. 1832 Turner's, Capt. Samuel, Embassy to Tibet 4*0. 1800 PRINTED BOOKS. 181 Div. SHELF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &c. K 1 Tumor's Grautham 4>to. 1806 K 5 Twyn's Apologia Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis 4,to. Oxon, 1608 PC 2 Upcott's Bibliographical Account of Eng- lish Topography Svols.Svo. 1818 K 5 Vaillant's, M. le, New Travels in Africa, translated from the French, 3 vols. 8vo. 1796 J 2 Vancouver's Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, &c. 3 vols. 4>to. 1798 PC Vancouver's Voyage, Plates to fol. PC 1 Vincent's, D, D., Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean 2 vols. 4fo. 1807 K 5 Volney's Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, en 1783-5 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1787 10 7 Vowell's alias Hooker's Description of Exeter 4>to. K 5 Voyages and Travels, a Collection of, Svo. 1620 X 5 Walsh's Notices of Brazil 2 vols. Svo. 1830 PC 2 Warner's Hampshire 5 vols. in 3, 4to. 1795 PC 2 Watson's Halifax 4>to. 1775 K 3 Weever's Funeral Monuments fol. 1631 K 5 Wells's Geography 8vo. 1717 15 4 Wells's DionysiiGeographia Emendata, Svo. 1738 PC 2 Whitaker's Deanery of Craven 4>to. 1812 PC 1 Whitaker's Leeds 2 vols. fol. 1816 PC 2 Whitaker's Whalley and Clitheroe 4to. 1818 PC 1 Whitaker's Richmondshire 2 vols. fol. 1823 182 PRINTED BOOKS. DlT. SHELF K 5 K 3 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 K 3 K 5 K 1 K 5 K 1 15 4 15 1 15 2 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Widmore's History of Westminster Abbey 4fo. 1743 Williatns's Monmouthshire 4to. 1758-71 Wittman's, Wm., M.D., Travels in Turkey, &c. to Egypt 4to. 1803 Wolf's Description of Ceylon, with his Life and Adventures 8vo. 1785 Wood's, Anthony, Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis, 2 vols. in 1, fol. 167 4< Wood's Stonehenge 8vo 1747 Woolnoth's Canterbury Cathedral fol, 1816 Wraxall's Tour through the North of Europe 8vo. 1775 Wright's, James, History and Antiquities of Rutlandshire fol. 1684, Zeilleri Topographia Galliee, fol. Frankft. 1655 PRINTED BOOKS. 183 BIOGRAPHY. Div. SHELF 18 14 18 15 18 PC 18 18 18 J 18 PC J 18 PC AUBREY'S, John, Letters and Lives of eminent Men in the 17th and 1 8th cen- turies 3 vols, 8vo. 1813 Aurelius, Marcus, Golden Book Svo. 1546 Balaeus de Scriptoribus Majoris Britanniae a Japheto usque ad A. D. 1548 4>to. 1549 Barwick, Dr., Life of Svo. 1724 Batesii Vitae Selectorum aliquot Virorum 4to. 1681 Berington's Abeillard and Heloisa 4>to. 1788 Biographia Britannica 7 vols.fol. 1747 Blackwell's Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer Svo. 1736 Blomberg's Life of Dr. Dickinson Svo. 1739 Boswell's Johnson, by Croker 5 vols. Svo. 1831 Bran tome, Memoires de 2 vols. 12 wo. 1666 Bryan's Biographical and Critical History of Painters and Engravers 2 vols. 4>to. 1816 Budgell's Memoirs of the Boyles Svo. 1737 Burnet's, Bishop, Life of Sir M. Hale, 1682 Calamy's Life and Times 2 vols. Svo. 1 829 184 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF BIOGRAPHY. PC 4 Campbell and Berkenhout's Lives of the British Admirals, by Yorke 8 vols. 8vo. 1812-17 PC 2 Carter's, Mrs., Memoirs and Poems 2 vols. 8vo. 1808 18 2 Carte's, Thomas, Life of the Duke of Or- mond Bvols.fol. 1736 PC 3 Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary 32 vols. 8vo. 1812 18 5 Chatham, Earl of, Anecdotes of the Life of the 4 vols. 8vo. 1792 18 5 Chaucer's Life, by Godwin 4 vols. 8vo, 1804 18 5 Gibber's, Colley, Apology for his Life 2 vols. I2wo. 1756 18 1 Clarendon's, Edward, Lord, Life, &c. Oxford, 1759 J 3 Cowper's, William, Life and Posthumous Writings, by Hayley 4 vols. 4>to, 1803 PC 5 Coxe's, William, Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford 3 vols. 4ito. 1798 PC 5 Coxe's Duke of Marlborough 3 vols. 4,to. 1818 PC 5 Coxe's Horace Lord Walpole 2 vols. 8vo. 1820 PC 3 Croke's History of the Croke Family 2 vols. 4ito. 1823 J 4 Digby's, Sir K., Memoirs 8vo. 1827 J 4 Dodington's Diary, by Wyndham 8vo. 1784 J 4 Dover's, Lord, Frederick II. 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 J 4 Du Bois, Cardinal, Vie privee du 8vo. 1789 PC 5 1 - Evelyn's, John, Memoirs, &c. by William Rrav f> tints. &tn. 1818 PRINTED BOOKS. 185 Div. SHELF BIOGRAPHY. J 18 18 T 18 18 PC K 18 H : PC 15 18 3 7 4 7 t 4 3 Fanshawe's, Lady, Memoirs 8vo. 1830 Fiddes's Life of Cardinal Wolsey fol. 1726 Forbes 's, Sir William, Life and Writings of Dr. Beattie 2 vols. 4>to. Edinburgh, 1806 Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, &c. of 3 vols. 4>to. 1817 Freheri Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Clarorum fol. 1688 Garrick, David, Memoirs of the Life of, by Thomas Davies 2 vols. 8vo. 1780 Garrick's Correspondence 2 vols. 4>to. 1831 Gassendus de Vita et Moribus Epicuri 4>to. Hague, 1656 Gassendus, Life of Peireskius by, translated by Rand 8vo. 1657 Gleig's Life of Munro 3 vols. 8vo. 1830 Granger's Biographical History of England, from Egbert to the Revolution 3rd edition, 4 vols. 8vo. 1779 Hamper's Life of Dugdale 4/0. 1827 Hardy's, F., Memoirs of the Earl of Charle- mont 2nd edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 1812 Hawkins's, Sir John, Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson Svo. 1/87 Hearne's Roper's Life of Sir Thomas More 8vo. Oxford, 1716 2 vols. 4>fo. 1830 12mo. 1681 Heber's, Bishop, Life Hobbes, Thomas, Vita Holland's, Henry, Heroologia Anglica, i. e. Vivae Effigies, &c. Clariss. et Doctiss. Anglor. fol. 1620 2 B 186 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHEL BIOGRAPHY. PC 5 Hutchinson, Colonel, Memoirs of 3rd edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 1810 PC 4 Jefferson's Memoirs, &c. by Randolph 4 vols. 8vo. 1829 J 2 Jenkins, Sir L., Life of 2 vols. fol. 1724 18 4 Johnson's, Dr. Samuel, Lives of the Eng- lish Poets, &c. &c. 4 vols. 8vo. 1783 J 3 Jones's, Sir William, Life, by Lord Teign- mouth 4>to. 1804 18 2 Jortin's Life of Erasmus 2 vols. 4>to. 1758 J 4 King's, Lord, Life of Locke 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 15 4 Leicester's Secret Memoirs 8vo. 1706 15 4 Leicester's, Earl of, Life 8vo. 1727 18 5 Lelandus, lohan. de Scriptoribus Britannicis &vo. Oxon, 1709 J 3 Macdiarmid's, John, Lives of the British Statesmen 4fo. J807 18 4 Macklin, Charles, the Life of, by Kirkman 2 vols. 8vo. 1799 J 3 Mansfield's, Earl of, Life, by Holliday 4>to. 1 797 18 1 Middleton's Life of Cicero 2 vols. 4>to. 1741 J 3 Monk's Life of Bentley Mo. 1830 PC 1 Moore's Life of Lord Byron 2 vols. 4to. 1830 J 4 Mundy's Life of Lord Rodney 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 J 4 Nicolas's Life of Davison Secretary to Queen Elizabeth 8vo. 1823 20 18 If North's, Sir Thomas, Translation of Plu- tarch's Lives fol. 1603-1595 PRINTED BOOKS. 187 Div. SHELF BIOGRAPHY. PC 3 North's, Roger, Life of Lord Guilford, 4,to. 1742 PC 3 North's, Roger, Life of Sir Dudley North 4fo. 1744 J 4 Nugent's, Lord, Life of Hampden 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 18 5 Ockley's Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan, trans- lated from the Arabic 8 vo. 1 708 18 5 Olaudah Equiano, Life of, by himself 2 vols. 12mo. 1789 18 5 Orrery's, Earl of, Remarks on the Life and Writings of Swift 8vo. 1752 J 4 Otter's Life of Professor Clarke, 2 vols. 8vo. 1825 J 3 Paris's Life of Sir H. Davy 4,to. 1831 J 4 Pearce's Life by Halls 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 18 5 Peter I. Emperor of Russia, Life of, by Mottley 3 vols. Svo. 1 739 18 2 Petrarque, F., Memoires pour la Vie de 3 vols. 4>to. Amsterdam, 1764 18 5 Philipps's, H., Grandeur of the Law Svo. 1684 18 2 Philostrate de la Vie d'Appollonius Thy- aneen, par Vigenere, &c. 4>to. Paris, l6ll 18 3 Pilkington's, M., Dictionary of Painters, by Fuseli Mo. 1810 20 6 Plutarchi Vitarum Epitome 12/no. 1597 K 7 Plutarch's Lives, by the Langhornes IFrangham's edition, 6 vols. Svo. 1809 18 2 Plutarque, les Vies des Hommes Illustres de, par Dacier 8 vols. 4>to. Paris, 1721 PC 4 Ralfe's Naval Biography 4 vols. 4>to. 1828 J 3 Roscoe's, William, Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 4 vols. 4to. 1805 188 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF J 3 15 4 18 5 18 5 J 4 18 1 18 2 18 1 15 4 18 1 J 4 J 4 J 4 18 5 18 2 PC 5 J 3 BIOGRAPHY. Roscoe's, William, Life of Lorenzo de Medici and Illustrations 3 vols. 4>to. 1796 Howe's Lives of Illustrious Men omitted by Plutarch 8vo. 1728 Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of, Life, &c. 8vo. 1683 Smith's, Sir Thomas, Life, by Strype, 8vo. 1698 Southey's Life of Nelson 2 vols. I2mo. 1827 Stanley's History of Philosophy, and Lives of Philosophers fol 1701 Suetonius's Lives of the Twelve Caesars, translated by Holland fol. 1606 Saeculi Initium floruerunt Theatrical Biography Thevet, Portraits et Vies Tanner's, Bishop, Bibliotheca-Britannico- Hibernica, sive de Scriptoribus qui in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia ad 17th fol. 1748 2 vols. I2mo. 1772 des Hommes Illustres par fol. Paris, 1584 Tomline's Life of Pitt 3 vols. 8vo. 1822 Ty tier's Life of Sir Thomas Craig 12mo. 1823 Walker's Life of the Countess of Warwick, 8vo. 1678 Walpole's, Horace, Royal Authors and Noble ^^ 2 vols. 8vo. 1759 Ward's Lives of the Professors and Founder of Gresham College fol. 1740 Watson's Memoirs of the Earls of Warren and Surrey 2 vols. 4>to. 1782 Watson, Bishop, Anecdotes of the Life of 4fo. 1817 PRINTED BOOKS. 189 Div, SHELF BIOGRAPHY. PC 15 18 PC J J Whitaker's Life of Sir George Radcliffe 4fi Wilson's Life of De Foe . 1810 3 vols. Svo. 1830 Wood's, Anthony, Athenae Oxonienses 2 vols. ful. Oxon. 1691 Wood's Athenae Oxonienses 4 vols. 4,to. 1813 Woolrych's Life of Coke 8vo. 1826 Woolrych's Life of Jeffreys Svo. 1827 190 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF BIOGRAPHY. PRINTED BOOKS. 191 HERALDRY. DlT. SHELF ALBEMARLE, Duke of, his Funeral fol. 1670 Anstis's Register of the Garter from the Black Book 2 vols. fol. 1724 Anstis on the Knighthood of the Bath, 4-to. 1725 Ashmole's Institution, &c. of the Order of the Garter fol. 1672 16 16 16 16 1 1 2 2 PC 2 Berry's Dictionary of Heraldry 3 vols. 4,to. 15 15 1 4 Betham's Genealogical Tables fol. 179 5 Brookes's Errors in Camden's Britannia prejudicing Noble Discents, with Cam- den's Answer 4-to. 1723 16 3 Brydall's Law relating to Nobility, &c. Svo. 1675 PC 6 Burke's Extinct and Dormant Peerages of England Svo. 1831 16 PC 2 3 Collins's, Arthur, Baronies by Writ, &c. fol. 1734 Collins's, Arthur, English Baronetage 5 vols. Svo. 1741 PC 3 Collins's, Arthur, Peerage of England, with a Supplement 9 vols. Svo. 1779 192 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF HERALDRY. 16 1 Coronation, the, of James II. and Queen Mary fol. 1687 16 2 Crawfurd's Peerage of Scotland fol. 1716 16 3 Debrett's, John, New Baronetage of Eng- land 3rd edition, 2 vols. 12mo. 1815 16 3 Debrett's, John, Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland 10th edition, 2 vols. 12 wo. 1816 PC 6 Debrett's New Peerage 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 PC 6 Debrett's Baronetage 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 16 3 Doddridge's, Sir John, Magazine of Honor, by Bird 8vo. 1642 16 3 Doddridge's, Sir John, Treatise on the English Nobility 8vo. 1642 16 3 Dugdale's Ancient Usage of Bearing Arms 8vo. Oxford, 1682 16 2 Dugdale's Baronage 2 vols. fol. 1675 16 1 Edmondson's, Joseph, Complete Body of Heraldry 2 vols. in 1, fol. 1780 16 3 English Nobility, their Titles of Honor 8vo. 1712 16 1 Favine's Theatre of Honor and Knighthood fol. 1623 16 1 Gwillim's Heraldry 6th edition, fol. 1724 15 1 Jacob's English Peerage, with Tables 3 vols. fol. 1766 16 3 Kearsley's Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland 12mo. 1802 PRINTED BOOKS. 193 Dir. SHELF HERALDRY. 16 16 PC 16 K 16 16 Leigh's, Gerard, Accidence of Armoury, including the Arms of the Society of the Inner Temple 1591 Miller's New Baronetage 2 vols. 12mo. 1804 Moule's Bibliotheca Heraldica Magme Bri- tanniae 8vo. 1822 Peerage of England 2nd edition) Svo. 1710 Salter's Calliope's Cabinet 12 mo. 1674 Selden's Titles of Honour 3rd edition, fol. 1672 Wallace's Nature and Descent of Ancient Peerages Svo. Edinburgh, 1785 2 C 194 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF HERALDRY. PRINTED BOOKS. 195 MATHEMATICS. Div. SHELF 27 4 27 3 28 5 28 5 28 5 28 4 28 2 28 4 27 1 27 3 27 4 27 3 28 4 28 5 27 4 28 4 27 4 A.DAMS on Mathematical Instruments, by Jones 8vo. 1797 Agnesis Analytical Institutions 1801 Alinghani's Epitome of Geometry 8vo. 1701 Alingham's Arithmetic 8vo. 1705 Apollonii Pergaei Conica Elementa 12wo. Home, 1679 Apollonius Pergaeus de Sectione Rationis aHalley 8vo. Oxford, 1706 Archimedis Opera fol. Paris, l6l5 Archimedis Opera, &c. &c. by Barrow, 4to. 1675 Archimedis Opera, by Torelli fol. 1792 Atwood on Rectilinear Motion 8vo. 1784 Autolychus de Sphaera, with other Tracts 4>to. 1587 Baily on Annuities, with other Tracts,, 4>to. 1808 Baker's Geometrical Key 4,to. 1684 Barrow's Elements of Euclid 8vo. 1660 Barrow's Lectiones Geometricas 1672 Barrow's Lectiones Mathematicae 8ro. 1685 Barrow's Mathematical Lectures 8vo. 1734 196 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELI MATHEMATICS. 28 4 Barrow's Geometrical Lectures, by E. Stone 8vo. 1735 27 4 Baselli on Mathematical Language 8vo. 1787 28 3 Bernoulli, Jac., Ars Conjectandi, et Trac- tatus de Seriebus infinitis 4>to. 1713 28 3 Bernoulli, Job., Opera omnia 4 vols. 4,to. 1742 28 3 Bernoulli, Jac., Opera 2 vols. 4>to. 1744 28 4 Blundevile's Exercises 4to. 1613 28 3 Booth's, David, Interest Tables 4to. 1818 28 3 Borellus de vi Percussionis 4>to. 1667 28 3 Borellus de Motionibus a Gravitate pen- dentibus 4>to. 1670 28 5 Borellus Euclides restitutus 8vo. Rome, 1679 28 3 Borellus de Motu Animalium 2 vols. 4to. 1731 27 3 Bullialdi de Lineis Spiralibus, &c. &c. 4/o. 1657 27 3 Calcul, la Science du 4/0. 1714 27 3 Cavaliero Geometria 4o. 1653 27 3 Chaeynei Methodus Fluxionum invcrsa, 4>to. 1703 PRINTED BOOKS. 197 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 27 3 Chseynei Methodus Fluxionum inversa, with other Tracts 4>to. 27 4 Clairaut's Elemens to. 1675 28 3 De Moivre, A., on Chances 3rd edit. 4to. 1756 28 4 Des Cartes's Principia Philosophies 4>to. 1656 28 4 Des Cartes's Geometria 4/0. 1659 27 2 Dodson's Anti-logarithmic Canon fol. 1742 27 4 Domckii Philosophia Newtoniana illustrata 8vo. 1730 27 5 Emerson's Navigation 8vo. 1755 27 4 Emerson's Miscellanies 8vo. 1776 27 4 Euclid's Elements, by Horsley 8vo. 1802 27 4 Euclid's Data, per Horsley ; with other Tracts Svo. 1803 27 3 Euclid's Data, per Sebastian 1625 198 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF 27 2 27 2 28 3 28 3 27 3 27 2 27 3 27 2 27 3 27 4 28 2 27 3 27 3 28 4 27 3 27 3 28 3 27 4 27 3 28 2 28 5 MATHEMATICS. Euler's Gunnery, by Brown 4/o. 1777 Fermat's Varia Opera Mathematica fol. 1679 Galilaei Dialog! de Systemate Mundi 4>to. Lugd. 1641 Galilseo's Mechanical Dialogues, by Weston Gamache's Astronomic, &c. Gardiner's Logarithms Goodwin's Decimal Quotients Graves on Logarithms Gregorie's Optica Promota Gregorie's Opera Mathematica 4to. 1730 4o. 1740 4>to. 1742 18l6 fol. 1829 4>fo. 1668 Gregorii Davidis Astronomiae Physicse et Geometricae Elementa fol. Oxford, 1702 Guidibaldi Planisphaeriorum Universalium Theorica 4,lo. 1579 Guisnee's Application de 1'Algebre a la Geometric 4>to. 1705 Gunter's Works, by S. Foster, 4to. 1662 Hales's Analysis ^Equationum, with other Tracts 1784 Hamilton's Conic Sections 4^o. 1773 Hamilton de Sectionibus Conicis 4>to. 1758 Hammond's Algebra 8vo. 1772 Hanbury's Supplementum Analyticum ad jEquationes Cartesianas 4fo. 1691 Harriot! Algebra Harris's, John, Geometry fol. 1631 8vo. 1705 PRINTED BOOKS. 199 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. Div. SHELF 28 5 28 5 28 2 28 4 28 4 27 3 28 3 27 1 27 5 28 2 28 5 28 5 27 5 28 4 28 5 28 2 27 4 28 5 27 5 28 2 28 3 28 3 Harris's, John, Algebra 8vo. 1705 Harris's, John. Trigonometry Svo. 1706 Harris's, Jos., Optics 4>to. 1775 Harris's, Jos., Description of the Globes and Orrery Svo. 1783 Hatton's Index to Interest Svo. 1714 Hayes on Annuities 1746 Hermanni Phoronomia, sive de Viribus et Motibus Corporum Solidorum et Flui- dorum 4,to. Amsterdam) 1/16 Herschel's Catalogue of Stars fol. 1798 Hire, de la, les Lieux Geometriques de I2mo. 1679 Hire, de la, Sectiones Conicae fol. Paris, 1685 Hire, de la, la Gnomonique de Svo. 1698 Hire, de la, Traite de Mechanique de, Svo. 169 5 Hire, de la, Nouveaux Elemens des Sections Coniques 12mo. 1701 Hobbaei Opera Philosophica 2 vols. 4/0. Amsterdam, 1668 Holwell's Practical Surveyor Hooke's Posthumous Works Svo. 1678 fol. 1705 Horsley's Mathematical Tracts, with 14 others Svo. 1801 Hues de Globis 12mo. Oxford, 1651 Hues de Globis 12mo. 1673 Hugenii de Motu Pendulorum, fol. Paris, 1673 Hugenii Opera Varia 2 vols. 4ito. Lugd. Bat. 1724 Hugenii Opera Reliqua 2 vols. 4sto. Amsterdam, 1728 200 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 27 3 Hutton's Mensuration 4>to. 1770 27 5 Button's Mathematical Miscellanies 4 vo/s. 8vo. 1775 27 1 Hutton's Tables of Numbers fol. 1781 27 2 Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary 2 t;o/s. 4*0. 1796 27 4 Button's Course of Mathematics, 2vols. 8vo. 1798 27 4 Hutton's Mathematics, first vol., with Howard's Spherical Geometry 1798 27 4 ! Johnson's Questiones Philosophies 1741 27 4 Joncourt de Natura, &c. Numerorum Trigo- nalium 4>to. 1762 28 4 Keill's Lectiones Physicae 8vo. Oxford, 1702 28 4 Keill's Remarks on Burnet's Theory of the Earth 8vo. 1734 28 4 Keill's Introduction to Astronomy 8vo. 1778 28 2 Kersey's Algebra fol. 1 673 27 3 Kirkby's Arithmetical Institutions 1735 27 5 Lamy Elemens des Mathematiques de 1710 28 2 Landen's and Braikenridge's Mathematical Lucubrations 4/0. 1755 27 2 Landen's Mathematical Memoirs, with other Tracts 2 vuls. 4>to. 1780 27 2 Lea on Equations 4/o. 1811 28 4 Lee's, Weyman, Valuation of Annuities and Leases 8vo. 1737 28 4 ! Lee's, Weyman, Valuation of Annuities and Leases 8vo. 1751 27 4 Legendre Elements de Geometric 8uo. 1802 PRINTED BOOKS. 201 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 28 2 Leibnitii et Bernoulli! Commercium Philo- sophicum et Mathematicum 2 vols. 4/0. Lausanne and Geneva, 1745 27 2 Leslie of Indeterminate Problems 4/0. 1788 27 4 Leslie's Geometry of Curve Lines Svo. 1812 27 3 Leslie's Geometrical Analysis 4/0. 1821 27 5 Leybourn's Mathematical Repository 2 vols. Svo. 1799 28 2 Ludlam's Astronomical Observations 4/o. Cambridge, 1769 27 4 Ludlam on Hadley's Quadrant, with other Tracts Svo. 1771 27 4 Lyons on Fluxions Svo. 1758 27 4 Mackay's Complete Navigator 8t>o. 1804 27 3 Mackay on the Longitude 2 vols. 4/0. 1809 28 3 Maclaurin's Treatise of Fluxions 2 vols. 4/0. Edinburgh, 1742 28 2 Maclaurin's Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Discoveries 4/0. 174S 28 4 Maclaurin's Algebra Svo. 1756 27 2 Magellan's Traites sur des Instrumens d'Astronomie, &c. 4/0. 1780 27 4 Mandey's Mechanick Powers 4/0. 1702 27 2 Mariotte, QEuvres de 4/o. 1717 27 5 Mariotte du Mouvement des Eaux, par la Hire 12 wo. 1718 28 2 Maseres, F., on the Negative Sign in Al- gebra 4/o. 1758 28 4 Maseres on Trigonometry Svo. 1760 28 2 Maseres, F., on Life Annuities 4/0. 1783 202 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF 28 2 28 4 28 4 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 4 27 4 28 4 27 2 28 3 27 4 27 2 28 4 27 2 27 1 27 2 28 5 28 3 28 3 28 4 28 3 MATHEMATICS. Maseres, F., Scriptores Logarithmic! 6 vols. 4to. Maseres, F., Tracts on the Resolution of affected Algebraic Equations 8vo. Maseres, F., Tracts on the Resolution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations 8vo. Maskelyne on the Theory of Vision 4>to. Mathematical Questions in the Ladies' Diary 4 vols. 8vo. Mathematical Questions in the Ladies' Diary, Plates to, 2 vols. 4>to. and 8vo. Mauduit Le9ons de Geometric 8vo. Menelai Sphsericorum, Libri III. 8^0. Miscellanea Curiosa 3 vols. 8vo. Miscellanea-Analytica, with Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum 4>to. Molyneux o Dioptrics 4,to. Monge Trait6 de Statique 8vo. Montucla Histoire des Mathematiques 4 vols. 4ito. Moxon's Mechanick Exercises 4,to. Murdoch's Mercator's Sailing, with other Tracts 4>to. 179V > * 1 800 1803 1789 1817 1773 1758 1705 1730 1692 1801 1800 1683 1741 Napier's Logarithmicall Arithmetique fol. 16*31 Napier's Arithmetica Logarithmica fol. 1624 Newton's, Dr., Cosmography 8vo. 1679 Newton's Optics 4>to. 1704 Newtoni Principia Philosophize 4,to. Cambridge, 1713 Newton's System of the World 8vo. 1728 Newtoni Lectiones Opticse 4fo. 1729 PRINTED BOOKS. 203 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 28 4 Newton's, Sir Isaac, Tables for purchasing or renewing Leases Svo. 1729 27 2 Newton's Arithmetica Universalis, cum Commentario Johannis Castillionei 4/o. 1761 28 2 Newtoni excerpta qusedam e Principiis 4to. 1765 28 2 Newton's, Sir Is., Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy vol. 1, by Thorpe, 1777 28 2 Newtoni, Is., Opera quae extant omnia, by Horsley 5 vols. 4to. 1779 27 4 Omerique Analysis Geometrica Svo. 1698 28 5 Oughtred's Clavis Mathematica 4>th edition, Svo. Oxon, 1667 28 5 Oughtred's Opuscula Mathematica Svo. Oxon, 1677 27 5 Oughtred's Clavis 12mo. 1698 27 5 Ozanam Geometric pratique 12mo. 1693 28 4 Ozanam's Cours de Mathematique 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1693 28 4 Ozanam's Recreations Mathematiques et Physiques 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1 69^ 28 4 Ozanam's Elemens d'Alg&bre 2 vols. Svo., Amsterdam, 1702 27 5 Pardies Ouvres de Mathematiques 12;no. 1725 27 5 Partridge on the Instrument called Double Scale 12mo. 1671 27 4 Payne's Elements of Trigonometry, with Clarke's Rationale, &c. Svo. 1772 28 2 Pemberton's View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Mo. 1728 204 PRINTED BOOKS, Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 28 5 Petty 's Duplicate Proportion 12mo. 1674 28 4 Pitisci Trigonometria 3rd edition, 4>to. Frankfort, 1612 27 4 Price on Reversionary Payments 8vo. 1771 27 5 Procli Paraphrasis in Ptolemsei, Libros IV. 12mo. 1635 28 3 Ptolemaei Harmonica, Wallis, 4>to. Oxon, 1682 27 4 Rhonius's Algebra 4,to. 1668 27 2 Rios, Joseph, de Mendoza, Tables for Nau- tical Astronomy 4>to. 1801 27 2 Robertson's Sectionum Conicarum, Libri VII. 4,to. 1792 27 3 Robertson's Conic Sections 8vo. 1802 28 5 Rohault, Jacques, Traite de Physique 2 vols. 8vo. 1675 27 2 Rohault, OEuvres Posthumes de 4/o. 1682 27 2 Rolle's Algebre et Tangentes 4>to. 1590 27 4 Rowe's Fluxions 8vo. 1762 28 2 Saunderson's Algebra 2 vols. 4to. 1567 27 2 Sharpe's Geometry Improved 4,to. 1717 27 2 Simpson's Mathematicks, with Ralphson's Analysis, &c. 4to. 1740-1697 28 3 Simpson's, Thomas, Mathematical Essays, Dissertations, and Tracts 4,to. 1740 27 4 Simpson's Annuities upon Lives 8vo. 1742 27 4 Simpson's Algebra 8vo. 1745 PRINTED BOOKS. 205 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 27 4 Simpson's Fluxions 2 t/ofo. 8vo. 1750 28 2 Simson's, Robert, Appollonii Pergaei Loci plani 4/o., Glasgow, 1749 28 3 Simson's, Robert, Sectiones Conicae 4/0., Edinburgh, 1750 28 3 Simson's, Robert, Elements of Euclid 4/o., Glasgow, 1756 27 4 Slusii Mesolabum et de Analysi, &c. 4/o. 1668 27 3 Small's Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler 8vo. 1804 27 2 Smart's Tables of Interest 4/o. 1726 28 3 Smith's, Robert, Optics 2 vols. 4,to., Cambridge, 1738 28 5 Solaires Cadrans des, Nouvelle Methode de tracer 8vo., Paris, 167 9 27 4 SpeidelTs Geometrical Extraction 4/o. 1617 28 4 Squire's, Jane, Proposal to determine the Longitude 8vo. 1743 27 2 Stevin's, Simon, Mathematica 2 vols.foL 1608 27 1 Stevin's (Euvres Mathematiques par Girard fol. 1634 27 4 Stewart's Propositiones Geometricae 8vo. 1 763 27 4 Stone's Mathematical Dictionary 800. 1743 28 4 Sturmius's Elements of the Mathematics 8vo. 1700 28 4 Sturmius's Course of Mathematics 3 vols. 8vo. 1708 28 5 Tacquet's Elementa Geometriae 8vo., Antwerp, 1672 28 4 Taylor's Mathematics 8i;o. 1707 27 1 Taylor's Logarithms fol. 1792 206 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 28 4 Taylor's, Thomas, Theoretic Arithmetic Svo. 1816 27 3 Theodosii Sphaericorum Lib. III. 4>to. 1707 27 3 Varignon Nouvelle Mecanique de 2 vols. 4to. 1799 27 2 Vincentio Greg, a SanctoOpus Geometricum Quadrature Circuli, Sec. fol. 1647 27 3 Walker's Doctrine of the Sphere 8vo. 1777 27 2 Walker's Conic Sections, with other Tracts 4fo. 1794 28 4 Wallisii Mathematica, 2 vols. 4>to., Oxford, 1657 28 5 Wallisii Arenarius Archimedis 8vo. Oxford, 1676 28 2 Wallis's Algebra fol. 1685 28 2 Wallisii Opera Mathematica 3 vols. fol., Oxford, 1695 27 3 Walmsley's Analyse des Mesures des Rap- ports, &c. 4>to. 1749 27 5 Ward's, Seth, Idea Trigonometries Demon- strates, with other Tracts 4/o. 1654 28 5 Ward's Claris Usurae, or Key to Interest 8vo. 1710 27 5 Ward's Introduction to the Mathematics 8vo. 1740 27 3 Waring's Miscellanea Analytica, with other Tracts 4fo. 1762 27 5 Whiston's Arithmetica Universalis 8vo. 1707 28 5 Wingate's Construction and Use of Logo- rit.hmpt.ical Tahlps 12mo. lfi48 PRINTED BOOKS. 207 Div. SHELF MATHEMATICS. 28 27 27 27 27 28 Wingate's Arithmetick 8vo. 1689 Wollaston's Northern Circumpolar Region laid down 4>to. 1800 Wollaston's Fasciculus Astronomicus, 4>to. 1800 Wood's Optics, with Vince's Astronomy 8vo. 1799 Woodhouse's Principles of Analytical Calcu- lation 4fo. 1803 Zendrini Acta Eruditorum 7 vols. 4/o. 1740 208 PRINTED BOOKS. Di v. SHELF MATHEMATICS. PRINTED BOOKS. 209 NATURAL HISTORY. Div. SHELF K 6 27 3 27 2 27 4 28 1 28 1 29 5 28 1 29 5 29 5 29 5 J 3 20 6 29 5 27 4 27 3 ABERNETHY'S, John, Surgical Obser- vations 2 vols. Svo. 1 804-6 Adams on Vision Svo. 1792 Adams on the Microscope 4o. 1798 Adams on Electricity Svo. 1799 Bacon's, Lord, Sylva Sylvarum, or Natural History, &c. by Rawley fol. 1651 Barry on Wines, ancient and modern, &c. &c. 4/o. 1775 Berkley, Bishop, on Tar Water Svo. 1744 Bochartus de Animalibus, &c. fol. 1663 Boyle on Gems Svo. 1672 Boyle on Final Causes and Vitiated Sight Svo. 1688 Brigg's Ophthalmographia 2nd edit. Svo. 1687 Buckland's Reliquiae Diluvianae 4/o. 1824 Burgersdicii Collegium Physicum 12mo. 1642 Butler's History of Bees 4/o. 1623 Cavallo on Factitious Airs, with other Tracts Svo. 1798 Cavallo on Magnetism 800. 1800 2 E 210 PRINTED BOOKS. Drv. 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Svo. 1795 29 4 Seneca's Morals, translated by L'Estrange 8i;o. 1705 29 1 Sidney, Algernon, on Government fol. 1698 K 6 Smith's Wealth of Nations 3 vols. Svo. 1819 K 6 Spectator, the 7 vols. Svo. 1712 29 4 Stanhope's Epictetus, with his Life from Boileau Svo. 1704 K 5 Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind 2 vols. Svo. 1818 K 5 Stewart's Philosophical Essays Svo. 1818 K 5 Stewart on the active and moral Powers of Man 2 vols. Svo. 1828 K 6 Tatler, the 4 vols. Svo. 1710 K 6 Tucker, Dean, on Civil Government Svo. 1781 29 3 Tyrrel's Bibliotheca Politica 4/o. 1694 7 4 Wells on the Bank Charter Svo. 1832 29 4 Whatley versus Walpole Svo. 1742 29 3 Whig, the Old, or the Consistent Protestant 2 vols. Svo. 1739 29 5 Wilkes's, John, Speeches 12 wo. 1777 29 6 Wren's Monarchy Asserted Svo. 1660 29 3 Wyvill's Political Papers 3 vols. Svo. 1779 29 4 Young's Centaur not Fabulous Svo. 1755 220 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ETHICS, POLITICS, &c. PRINTED BOOKS. 221 DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. Div. SHELF J 25 X X w X V X J 25 W AlNSWORTH'S Latin Dictionary 4*o. 1823 Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, by Patrick 4*o. 1746 Bailey's English Dictionary 8vo. 1726 Baudrand, Dictionaire Geographique de 4*o. 1701 Bayle, Dictionaire Historique et Critique de 4 vols. fol. 1702 Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary, with his Life, by des Maizeaux 5 vols. fol. 1 734 Bensoni Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum 8vo. Oxford, 1701 Blount's, Thomas, Law Dictionary 2nd edition, fol. 1691 Boyer's French Grammar Bvo. 1710 Boyer's French and English Dictionary 4*o. 1699 Boyer's French Dictionary Abridged 8vo. 1738 Brissonii, Bar., Lexicon Juris fol., Frankfort, 1587 Burrow, Sir James, on the Use of Pointing 4*o. 1772 222 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. 24 W X J X X X 25 W X W V X Calvini Lexicon Juridicum fol., Hanovia;, 1619 Carey's, John, Scanning Exercises 8vo. 1807 Carey's, John, Latin Prosody 8vo. 1808 Carey's, John, English Prosody 8vo. 1816 Carey's, John, Key to English Prosody, 8vo. 181 6 Caussinus, Nic., de Eloquentia 4>to. 1681 Chambaud's French Dictionary foL 1761 Chambers's Dictionary of Arts and Sci- ences 6th edition, 2 vols. fol. 1750 Chambers's Supplement to the Dictionary 2 vols. fol. 1753 Clerici, Joh., Ars Critica 3 vols. I2mo. 1712 Collier's, Jeremy, Historical, &c. Diction- ary, with Supplement and Appendix 4 vols. fol. 1701 Cooper's Thesaurus Linguae Latinse fol. 1578 Cotgrave's French and English Dictionary fol. Cowell's Interpreter of Law Terms fol. 1701 Crabb's Technological Dictionary 2 vols. 4,to. 1823 Crabb's Historical Dictionary 2 vols. 4,to. 1825 Crabb's English Synonymes 4>to. 1826 Crackanthorp's Logicae Lib. V. 1670 Crispini Lexicon Graeco-Latinum fol., Cologne, l6l 5 Cyrilli Philoxeni Aliorumque Glossaria Latino-Graeca, &c. edit. Car. Labbcei, fol. 1679 Dictionaire Neologique 8vo. 1747 PRINTED BOOKS. 223 Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. X J PC 20 20 J X 25 X X 25 4 1 2 6 6 2 4 2 5 5 2 5 Dictionnaire Nouveau de L'Academie Fran- coise 2 vols.fol., Paris, 1718 Du Fresne's Glossarium ad Scriptores Me- diae et Infimae Latinitatis 3 vols.fol., Paris, l6?8 Du Fresne's Glossarium ad Scriptores Me- diae et Infimae Graecitatis 2 vols.fol., Lyons, 1688 Du Fresne's Glossarium, Supplementum ad, by Carpentier 4 vols. fol., Paris, 1 766 Elstob's Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue 4to. 1715 Encyclopedic 28 vols. fol., Paris and Neufchatel, fyc. 1762 Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Supplement 26 vols. 4ito., Edinburgh, 1815 Farnabii Index Rhetoricus et Oratorius, &c. 12mo. 1659 French Alphabet and Treasure of the French Tongue 12mo. 1633 Gesenius's Hebrew Lexicon, by Leo 47o. 1825 Glossographia Anglicana Nova, or a Diction- ary interpreting all hard words used in the English Language 8vo. 1707 Gradus ad Parnassum 12mo. 1720 Grammar, Greek, Westminster 8vo. 1643 Grammar of the English Tongue with Notes 2nd edition, 8vo. 1712 Grammaire Espagnole abregee 12wo. 1644 Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Thesauro excerpta Bvo., Oxon, \7\\ 224 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. 20 5 Greek Grammar and Progymnasma Scho- lasticum, by Stockwood 12mo. 1597 PC 2 Grose's Provincial Glossary 8vo. 1790 V 3 Harris's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 2 vols. fol. 1708 J 4 Harris's, James, Hermes 6th edit. 8vo. 1806 25 1 Hederici Graecum Lexicon, by Patrick, 4>to. 1739 J 3 Hederici Graecum Lexicon 4o. 1825 X 2 Hickesii et Wanleii Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus, &c. 3 vols.. in 2, fol. 1705 X 5 Hickesii Thesauri Conspectus Brevis, per Wotton 8vo. 1708 X 5 Hobbes's Art of Rhetoric 8vo. 1681 X 2 Hoffmanni Lexicon Universale 4 vols. fol., Ley den, 1698 X 5 Hollyband's French and English Diction- ary 4*0. 1593 X 5 Home's, Thomas, Manuductio in jEdem Palladis 8vo. 1687 X 5 Hotomanni Lexicon Juridicum 8vo. 1594 X 2 James's, M. D., Medicinal Dictionary 3 vols. fol. 1743 J 3 Jamieson's, John, Dictionary of the Scottish Language 2 vols. 4>to., Edinburgh, 1808 J 3 Jamieson's Supplement to the Scottish Dic- tionary 2 vols. 4>to. 1825 25 1 Johnson's, Dr. Samuel, Dictionary of the English Language 2 vols. fol. 1755 J 3 Johnson's Dictionary, by Todd, 4>vols.4>to. 1818 PRINTED BOOKS. 225 Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. 24 25 25 20 X V 20 X X X X X X X Kelham's, Robert, Norman Dictionary Svo. 1779 Lacombe, Dictionnaire du vieux Langage Francois de 2 vols. Svo., Paris, 1767 La Langue Greque, Nouvelle Methode pour Apprendre Facilement Svo. 1655 La Langue Latine, Principes de Svo. 1765 Lambarde's Topographical and Historical Dictionary 4to. 1730 Latin Grammar 12wo. 1644 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary 4>to. 1826 Le Roux, P. J., Dictionnaire Comique, &c. 2 vols. in 1, Svo., Lyons, 1752 Letters, Enquiry into their Antiquity, 800. 1726 Lhuyd's, Edward, Archseologia Britannica fol., Oxon, 1707 Lilie's Grammar 12 mo. 1641 Littleton's Latin and English Dictionary 4>to. 1715 Lowth's Introduction to English Grammar Svo. 1804 Lye's Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico- Latinum 2 vols. fol. 1772 Mariscotorum, J. Al., et Annib., de Veteri Eloquentiae Cultu 12mo., Fenice, 1641 Manage Dictionnaire Etymologique, ou Origine de la Langue Francoise fol. 1694 Military Dictionary I2mo. 1702 Miller's Dictionary of Gardening fol. 1759 Milton's Grammar 12wto. 1669 Minshew's Dictionary of Nine Languages 2nd edition fol. 1 62 7 2 G 226 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. V 2 Moreri, Dictionnaire Historique de 10 vols. fol., Paris, 1759 X 2 Motherby's Medical Dictionary fol. 1775 J 3 Nares's Glossary 4*o. 1822 J 4 Noltenii Lexicon 3 vols. Svo. 1780 X 4 Oudin's Spanish and French Dictionary 4*o., Paris, 1645 X 5 Oudin's French Grammar 8vo., Rouen, 1664 25 2 Parkhurst's Hebrew and English Lexicon 4*o. 1792 J 3 Parkhurst's Lexicon 4*o. 1794 25 2 Porny's French and English Dictionary 12wo. 1763 X 1 Postlethwayte's Dictionary of Trade, Com- merce, and Navigation 2 vols. fol. 1757 V 3 Prateii Lexicon Juris Civilis et Canonici fol., Frankfort, 1581 X 4 Robertson, Gulielmi, Thesaurus Graecae Linguae 4>to., Cambridge, 1676 J 4 Roquefort's, J. B. B., Glossaire de la Lan- gue Romane 3 vols. 8vo., Paris, 1808 20 6 Sanderson's Logicse Artis Compendium 12mo. l664 J 2 Scapulae Lexicon Graeco-Latinum 4>to. 1820 J 3 Scholtz's Lexicon 4*o. 1775 J 3 Serenius's English and Swedish Dictionary 4*o. 1757 20 5 Serranus de Synonymis 12 wo. PRINTED BOOKS. 227 Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. V 3 Skinner's, St., Etymologicon Linguae An- glicanae fol. l6?l 20 6 Smith's Aditus ad Logicam, and Brere- wood's Elementa Logicae 1668 J 2 Somner's Dictionary in Saxon, Latin, and English fol., Oxford, 1659 J 2 Spelman's Glossarium Archaiologicum 3rd edition, fol. 1 6 87 w 1 Stephani, Rob., Thesaurus Linguae Latinae 4 vols. fol., Paris, 1543 X 1 Stephani, Hen., Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, cum Indice 4 vols. fol. PC 1 Stephani Thesaurus Graecae Linguae 8 vols. fol. 1816 20 5 Thesaurus Poeticus, et Pontani Reformata Poeseos Institutio 12mo. X 5 Thomas's Rules of the Italian Grammar 4/0. 1562 J 3 TookeX John Home, Diversions of Purley 2 vols., 4>to. 1798 V 3 Torriano'a Italian Dictionary fol. 1659 X 5 Udall's Key of the Holy Tongue 800., Amsterdam, 1648 X 5 Valla Laurentius de Linguas Latinae Ele- gantia Svo., Cambridge, 1688 25 2 Veneroni, le Maitre Italien de, par Placard! Svo. 1747 X 5 Verepaeus de Figuris et Tropis, &c. 8vo., Cologne, 1596 X 5 Vigerus de Graecis Idiotismis Svo. 1647 25 2 Vocabulary, French and English Svo. 1765 228 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &c. X X X X X 25 Vossii Etymologicon Linguae Latinae fol., Lyons, 1664 Vossius de Arte Grammatica et Vitiis Ser- monis fol^ Amsterdam, 169 5 Wallis's Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae 8vo., Oxford, 1674 Wallisii Institutiones Logicae, Svo., Oxford, 16S7 Waltheri, J. L., Lexicon Diplomaticum foL, Gottingce, 1745 Williams's Key into the Language of America Svo. 1643 Willymott's English Particles exemplified 12mo. 1734 PRINTED BOOKS. 229 ANTIQUITIES. Div. SHELF 29 27 PC 29 29 PC 29 V w X PC AcOSTINI DialogM di Medaglie, fol., Romce, 1592 Archaeologia vol. 2nd., 4to. 1779 Augustini Gemmae et Sculpturae, Gronovii, 4>to., Frankfort, 1694 Burneti Archaeologia 4*0. 1693 Caylus Recueil D'Antiquites Egyptiennes, &c. 7 vols. 4*o. 11 61 Evelyn's Numismata, or Discourse upon Medals Ancient and Modern fol. 1697 Graevii Thesaurus Romanarum Antiquita- tum 12 vols. fol. 1694 Gronovii Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquita- tum 12 vols. in 10, fol. 1697 Gruteri Inscriptiones Antiquae, 4 vols. fol. 1707 Hamilton's Antiquites Etmsques, Grecques, &c. 8 vols. fol. 1766 Jackson's Chronological Antiquities 3 vols. in 2, 4*0. 1752 230 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ANTIQUITIES. 29 X X 29 X X 29 W 29 PC King's, Edward, Munimenta Antiqua 4 vols.fol. 1799 Landi Numismata 4>to. 1695 Montfaucon's Antiquities and Supplement, by Humphreys 7 vols.fol. 1721 Montfaucon's Antiquities of Italy, by Hen- ley fol. 1725 Montfaucon's Diarium Italicum 4>to. 1702 Patinus de Imperatorum Romanorum Nu- mismatibus fol. 1671 Rous's Attic Antiquities 4/0., Oxford, 1649 Spanheim de Numismatibus, vol. 1st, fol. 1706 Spence's Polymetis 2nd edition, fol. 1755 Stukeley's Medallic History of Carausius, 4>to. 1757 Temple of the Muses, or Fabulous Antiquity explained in 60 Sculptures, by Picart fol. 1733 Upton, N., de Studio Militari, Joh. de Bado Aureo, de Armis, et Spelmanni Aspilogia, ab Edvardo Bissaeo fol. 1654 Vetusta Monumenta 4 vols. fol. 174,7 PRINTED BOOKS. 231 GREEK CLASSICS. Div. SHELF .^tiSCHYLI Tragcedise Septem Glasgow, 2 tto/s. 8v0. 1806 W 4 w 4 JSsopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. 12mo., Paris, 1549 w 4 Anacreon, notis T. Fabri, 12mo., Saumur., 1680 w 4 Anthologia Graeca, cura Jacobs, 13 vols. in 8, 8vo. 179* w 4 Antoninus, Mar. Au., de Seipso, Gr. et Lat. 12mo., Oxford, 1680 V 3 Antoninus, M. A. Gr. et Lat. a Gataker 4>to. } Londini, 1697 V 3 Aristophanis Comoedise Undecim, Gr. et Lat. Burmanni 4>to., Lugd. Bat., 1760 w 4 Aristotelis Opera Omnia 2 vols. 8vo. 1597 w 4 Aristotelis Opera Rhetorica, Gr. et Lat. 4>to. 1619 V 3 Aristotelis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. 4 vols. fol., Paris, 1654 w 4 Athenseus, Gr. et Lat. 14 vols. 8vo., Argent. Schweighaeuser, 1801 25 2 Bion and Moschus, by Heskin 8vo. 1748 25 2 Demosthenis Oratio Contra Midiam et Lycurgi Contra Leocratein, by Taylor, 8t>o. 1743 232 PRINTED BOOKS. Drr. SHELF GREEK CLASSICS. w 4 Demosthenes, by Reiske 8 vols. 8vo. LipsifB, 1770 X 3 Diodorus Siculus, a Rhodomanno fol., Hanau, 1604 20 6 Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis, &c. 12mo. 1670 TV 4 Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis Tabula, ac Theophrasti Characteres, Gr. et Lat. 8vo., Oxford, 1680 V 3 Euripides (Beck's) 3 vols. 4ito., Lipsice, 1778 X 3 Herodotus, a G. Jungermanno, fol., Lutet. 1618 20 6 Hesiodi quse extant 12mo. 1659 W 3 Hesiodus, a Robinson 4>to., Oxford, 1737 20 5 Homeri Ilias 12mo. 1664 W 4 Homeri Ilias, Gr. et Lat. by Clarke 2 vols. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1809 20 6 Homeri Odysseae 12 wo. IV 4 Homeri Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. by Clarke 2 vols. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1810 25 2 Johnson's Graecorum Epigrammatum De- lectus 8vo. 1740 W 4 Julian! Opera Omnia Gr. et. Lat. 8fo., Paris, 1583 W 4 Longini Dionysii quse supersunt 8vo., Oxford, 1806 20 6 Luciani Dialogorum selectorum Lib. II. 12mo. 1664 W 4 Opuscula Mythologica, Physica, et Ethica, Gr. et Lat. a T. Gale, 8vo., Amsterdam, 1688 W X 4 * 4| Oratores Graeci, by Reiske 12 vols. 8vo>, Lipsice, 177 '0 PRINTED BOOKS. 233 Div. SHELF GREEK CLASSICS. X X 25 X X 25 X Phalaridis Epistolae, a C. Boyle 8vo. Oxon, Plato de Rebus Divinis, Greece et Lat. 8vo. Cambridge, 1683 Platonis Opera Omnia quae extant fol. Frankfort, 1620 Plutarchi Vitse, Gr. et Lat. fol Frankfort, 1620 Poetae Minores Graeci 8vo. l684> Rhodii Andronici Ethicorum Nichomache- orum Paraphrasis 8vo., by Heinsius, Cantab. 1679 Sophoclis Tragrediae septem 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon, 1812 Strabonis Geographia, cum Notis Casauboni et aliorum fol. Amsterdam, 1 707 Theocriti quae extant 8vo. 1743 Theophrasti Characteres, Gr. et Lat., a Needham, cum Notis &c. Casauboni. 8vo. Cambridge, 1712 Thucydides de Bello Peloponnesiaco, 6 vols. &vo. Bipont, 1788 Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat., Leunclavii fol. Paris, 1 625 f H 234 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHEL GREEK CLASSICS. PRINTED BOOKS. 235 LATIN CLASSICS. Dnr. HELP AMMIANI MarceUmi Opera, ab H. Valesio fol. Paris, 168! X 3 w 5 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, Oiselii Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1666 V 3 Aurelius Victor, in usum Delphini 4>to. 1 68 1 w 5 Boethii Consolationes Philosophise Svo. 1671 V 3 Bruckeri, Jac., Historia Critica Philosophise 6 vols. 4>lo. 1767 w 5 Caesaris Commentarii, ex Emendatione Sca- ligeri 12 wo. Ley den, 1635 V 3 Caesaris Commentarii, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 167 8 w 1 Caesaris Commentarii, a Sam. Clarke, Ta- bulis aeneis fol. 1712 V 3 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 1685 V 3 Cicero de Oratore, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 1687 w 5 Cicero de Officiis, Graevii Svo. Amsterdam, 1688 IV 5 Cicero de Natura Deorum, Davisii Svo. Cambridge, 1718 236 PRINTED BOOKS. DIF SHEL LATIN CLASSICS. w 5 Cicero de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum 8vo. Bentley, Cambridge, 1718 w 5 Cicero de Divinatione et de Fato, Davisii 8vo. Cambridge, 1721 w 5 Cicero de Senectute et Amicitia, Graevii, 8vo. X 3 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, a Lambino 2 vols.fol. Paris, 1656 20 6 Ciceronis Orationes selectee 12mo. 1657 W 3 Ciceronis Orationes, in usum Delphini 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1683 w 3 Fabricii, J. A,, Bibliotheca Grseca 13 vols. 4>to. 1705 w 3 Fabricii, J. A., Bibliographia Antiquaria 4,to. 1716 w 3 ?lorus, in usum Delphini 4to. Paris, 1674 w 5 Horace, les CEuvres de, par Dacier 10 vols. 8vo. 1709 w 5 lorace, by Francis, du Bois's edition A. iinls I9mn. 1807 PRINTED BOOKS. 237 Div. SHEL LATIN CLASSICS. 20 6 Horatii Poemata, Bond, 12 wo. 1660 W 5 Horatii Opera, a Bond, cum Notis Variorum 8vo. Ley den, 1663 W 5 Horatii Opera et Vita, cum variis lecti- onibus quae in MSS. occurrunt 12mo. Cambridge, 1701 W 3 Horatii Opera, R. Bentleio 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1711 W 3 Horatii Opera, &c. a Carolo Combe 2 vols. 4>to. 1792 W 3 Hydii Opera, a Gregorio Sharpe 2 vols. 4>to. 1767 W 5 Justinus Svo. Paris, 1581 W 3 Justinus, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 1677 W 3 Juvenal et Persius, in usum Delphini 4,to. Paris, 1684- W 5 Juvenal et Persius, with a Translation, by M.Madan 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1807 W 3 Livii Historia, cum Notis Dujatii, in usum Delphini 5 vols. 4>to. Paris, 1679 20 6 Lucani Pharsalia 12 mo. 1665 W 5 Lucanus, cum Notis Variorum Svo. Amsterdam, 1669 W 3 Lucretius, in usum Delphini 4to. Paris, 1680 W 5 Lycosthenis Conradi Apophthegmata ex Graecis et Latinis Scriptoribus excerpta Svo. W 5 Macrobii Opera cum Notis Gronovii, &c. Svo. 1694- W 5 Martial, cum Notis Variorum, Svo. Ley den, l66l W 3 Nepos, Cornelius, in usum Delphini 4to. Paris, 1675 238 PRINTED BOOKS. Dm SHELF LATIN CLASSICS. w 5 Ovidii Opera 3 vols. I2mo. Amsterdam, 1661 w 5 Ovidii Opera, cum Notis Variorum 3 vols. 8vo. Ley den, 1662 X 3 Panegyric! Veteres, in usum Delphini 4ito. Paris, 1676 w 5 Persius, Satires of, Latin and English, 8vo. 1751 X 3 Phsedri Fabulae, in usum Delphini 4o. Paris, 1675 w 5 Phaedri Fabulae et Syri Mimi, a Fabre 8vo. Saumur, 1673 w 5 Plaute, les (Euvres de, par de Limiers 10 vols. 8vo. 1719 X 3 Plauti Comoediae, in usum Delphini 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 679 X 5 Plinii Naturalis Historia 12mo. Lyons, 1561 X 5 Plinii Epistolse, a Veenhusio 8vo. Ley den, 1669 X 5 Prudentius, Aur., Heinsii 8vo. Amsterdam, 1667 X 5 Quintilian, cum Notis Variorum 2 vols. 8vo. Ley den, 1665 X 3 Sallustii Historia, a Badio cum ligneis Figuris fol. Lyons, 1517 X 5 Sallustius, cum Notis Variorum 8vo. Amsterdam, 1690 X 5 Saxii Chris. Onomasticon Literarium 8 vols. 8vo. 1775 25 2 Selectae e profanis Scriptoribus, &c. 8vo. 1741 X 5 Senecae Opera, cum Notis Variorum 3 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1672 X 5 Statii Sylvas, a T. Stephens 8vo. Cambridge, 1651 PRINTED BOOKS. 239 Div. SHELF LATIN CLASSICS. X 3 Suetonius, ab Is. Casaubono 4,to. Geneva, l6ll 20 6 Suetonius, cum Annotationibus 12mo. 1661 X 3 Suetonius, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 1684 X 3 Taciti Opera omnia, in usum Delphini 4 vols. A>to. Paris, 1682 X 2 Taciti et Velleii Paterculi Opera, a Lipsio fol. Antwerp, 1668 X 5 Terence, les Comedies de, par Dacier, Fr. et Lat. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1688 X 5 Terentii Comcediae 12mo. Leyden, 1635 X 3 Terentii Comcediae, in usum Delphini 4>to. Paris, 1675 20 6 Terentius, a Mureto emendatus 12mo. 1667 25 2 Valerius Maximus, a Thysio 8vo. 1651 PC 5,6? Valpy's Delphin and Variorum Classics &7> 160 vols. 8vo. 25 2 Velleius Paterculus, a Thysio 8vo. 1659 20 6 Virgilii Opera 12mo. 1582 X 5 Virgilius 12mo. Ley den, 1636 X 3 Virgilius, in usum Delphini 4ito, Paris, 1682 240 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF LATIN CLASSICS. PRINTED BOOKS. 241 MODERN LATIN. Div. SHELF AcRIPPA de Vanitate Scientiarum, I2wo. 1662 13 1 16 2 Avicenna de Anima 4/o. Venice, 1546 20 6 Bacon de Sapientia Veteruni 12 wo. 1657 20 6 Baptistee Mantuani Ecloga 12mo. 1613 20 6 Barclaii Satyricon 12 wo. 1664 14 1 Barclay's Argenis 8vo. 1664 25 3 Baudi Dominici Epistolae 12 wo. 1 654 20 6 Burgersdicii Metaphysica 12 wo. 13 1 Busbequii Epistolae \Zrno. Amsterdam, 1660 16 3 Camdeni Epistolae cum responsis et vita, per T. Smith 4to. 1691 13 1 Cardani Encomium Neronis 12wo., 1640 20 2 Carmen Heroicum, &c. 4fo. l6j5 20 6 Carpentarii Philosophia libera 12wo. 1622 25 3 Casauboni Polybii Historiae Interpretatio 8vo. 1610 13 1 Castilionis Balthasaris Comitis de Curiali sive Aulico Libri 4., Interprete B. Clerke, &c. 8vo. 1619 16 2 Chassenei Catalogus Glorias Mundi fol. 1546 2 l 242 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF MODERN LATIN. J 4 Croke, Sir A., on rhyming Latin Verse, with Specimens 8vo. 1828 16 2 Demosthenis Orationes, &c. in Latinum converses a Nicolao Carro, &c. 4,to. 1571 20 5 Erasini Colloquia 12mo. T 1 Erasmi Opera omnia 10 vols. in \\yfol. Lugd. Bat. 1703 20 6 Gardiner's Specimen Oratorium I2wo. 1668 13 1 Gratii Falisci Cynegeticon,Fracastorii Alcon, &c. 8vo. 1699 25 2 Gratulatio Academies Cantabrigiensis de reditu, &c. fol. 1748 13 1 Ignoramus, per Rnggle 12mo. 1668 13 1 Lelandi Cygnea Cantio, cum Commentario 8vo. 1658 13 1 Manutii Pauli Epistolse 8vo. Venice, 1535 20 6 Oweni Epigrammata 12mo. 1659 13 1 Petrarch de Remediis utriusque Fortunae 12mo. 1628 20 5 Philelphi et Politiani Epistolee 4/o. 25 3 Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantab, apud Novanglos 4>to. 1761 20 6 Plutarchi Vitarum Epitome 12mo. 1597 13 1 Rapini Eclogee 12 mo. Ley den, 1672 20 6 Reeb's Distinctiones Philosophicae 12mo. 1631 PRINTED BOOKS. 243 Div. MODERN LATIN. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum, by Sir A. Croke 2 copies, 8vo. 1830 20 16 16 25 13 20 Scheibleri Philosophia I2mo. 1639 Spera Peter Angelus de Passione Jesu Christi, Carmen Heroicum 4fo. Naples, 1647 Spinosae Opera Posthuma 4,to. 1677 Vanierii Jacob! Praedium Rusticum 12mo. 1742 Waring's, R., Amoris Effigies 12mo. 1668 Willeii Ricardi Poemata 12mo. 1573 244 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL MODERN LATIN. PRINTED BOOKS. 245 FRENCH, SPANISH, AND ITALIAN AUTHORS. Div. SHELF ANTONIN, Marc, Reflexions Morales de, par Dacier I2mo. 1691 14 2 20 1 Appian, by Claude de Seyssel fol. 1544 T 1 Balzac, les QEuvres de 2vols.fol. 1665 14 3 Bibliotheque Choisie par le Clerc 21 vols. 12 wo. Amsterdam, 1703 16 2 Boileau, CEuvres de 4>to. Paris, 1713 13 2 Bossu, du Poeme Epique 8vo. Paris, 1693 13 2 Chausse, Jacques, sur L'Excellence du Ma- riage . 12mo. 1685 20 5 Conversations, sur divers sujets Svo. 1680 25 3 Corneille, P., les chef D'Ouvres de Svo. 1746 J 4 Don Quixote, (Spanish) 5 vols. Svo. 1797 25 3 Emiliane, Histoire des Tromperies des Prestres et des Moines Svo. 1716 13 2 Estienne, Henri, de la Conformite des Merveilles Anciennes avec les Modernes Svo. 1579 246 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF FRENCH, SPANISH, AND ITALIAN AUTHORS. 13 2 Fables de la Fontaine 5 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1709 14 2 Fenelon, Dialogues des Morts, Anciens et Modernes 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1718 14 2 Fenelon, Aventures de Telemaque 2 vols. l%mo. Paris, 1718 13 2 Fontenelle sur la Pluralite des Mondes 12mo. Amsterdam, 1687 16 2 Goguet, M., De 1'Origine des Loix, des Arts, &c. chez les Anciens Peuples 3 vols. 4,to. Paris, 1758 25 3 Guarini, il Pastor fido del I2mo. 1677 30 2to5 Histoire, de 1' Academic Royale des Inscrip- tions, &c. 50 vols. 4ito. Paris, 1736 25 3 La Harpe, Correspondance litteraire de 4 vols. 8vo. 1801 25 3 Lambert, la Marquise de, Lettres sur 1'Edu- cation 12 mo. 1729 25 3 L'Ami des Hommes 7 vols. I2mo. 1756 14 2 Lucien, de la Traduction de N. Perrot D'Ablancourt, 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1683 25 3 Machiavel, commente par Buonaparte 8#o. 18 16 PC 1 Machiavelli, Opere di (Italian) torn. 11, 4>to. 1810 16 2 Malebranche, Recherche de la Verite 4,to. 1712 14 2 Malebranche, Traite de Morale de 8vo. 1684 16 3 Malespini Novelle 4to. Venice, 1609 20 5 Marmi del Doni 4-to. 25 3 Moliere, les CEuvres de vols. 3 and 5, 12mo. 1684 16 2 Montesquieu de, CEuvres de 3 vols. 4>to. 1767 25 3 Morabin, 1'Exil de Ciceron 8vo. 1725 PRINTED BOOKS. 247 Div. SHELF FRENCH, SPANISH, AND ITALIAN AUTHORS. 13 2 Morale, Essais de, en divers Traitez 10 vols. 12 wo. 1700 30 5 Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi 10 vols. 4to. Paris, 1787 25 3 Ongaro, Alceo di 12mo. 1737 13 2 Pascal, les Provinciates de 12mo. 1657 25 3 Passerat, (Euvres de 12mo. 1695 13 2 Pensees Ingenieuses des Anciens, &c. 8vo. Lyons, 1693 14 2 Pensees sur la Comete qui parut en 1680 4 vols. I2mo. Rotterdam, 1/04 16 1 Perron du, les (Euvres diverses de fol. Paris, 1629 13 2 Perroniana et Thuana 12mo. Cologne, 1694 14 2 Platon, les (Euvres de, 2 vols. 1 2mo. Paris, 1 699 14 2 Pluton, Jugement de, sur les Dialogues des Morts 8vo. Paris, 1703 J 5 Prusse, Fred. II. Roi de, CEuvres Posthumes 8 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1788 13 2 Rabelais, (Euvres de IZmo. Lyons, 1588 16 2 Rapin, Comparaisons des grands Hommes de 1'Antiquite 4fo Paris, 1684, 25 3 Regnard, les CEuvres de 2nd vol. 12mo. 1740 25 3 Rousseau, (Euvres de vols. 4, 5, 9, 12mo. 1763 13 2 Scaligerana 12mo. Cologne, 1667 J 5 Sismondi de la Litterature du Midi de 1'Europe 4 vols. Svo. 1829 14 2 Tacite, la Morale de, &c. Svo. Paris, 1 686 248 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF FRENCH, SPANISH, AND ITALIAN AUTHORS. 25 23 20 13 13 25 Tasso, Torquato, Aminta di Telemaco, le Aventure di Traite de Civilite 8vo. 1753 8vo. 1741 12mo. Vayer-Mothe, le, Cinq Dialogues faits a limitation des Anciens, par 12mo. Mons. 1671 Voiture, de, CEuvres de 12mo. Paris, 1656 Xenophon, la Retraite des dix Mille de, par Ablancourt 8vo. 1706 PRINTED BOOKS. 249 ENGLISH POETRY Div. SHELF ALCESTE and Eliza, the Tragedie of, from la Croce Racquistata 12mo. 1638 20 4 J 6 Anstey's, J., Pleader's Guide 8vo. 1810 J 6 Ariosto's Poems and Life, by Croker 8vo. 1759 T 2 Barclay's Ship of Fools, with cuts fol. 1570 J 6 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, 7 vols. 8vo. 1711 T 2 Browne's, Wm., Britannia's Pastorals fol. 1613 T 1 Busby's, T., Translation of Lucretius 2 vols. 4fo. 1813 J 6 Butler's Hudibras 8vo. 1689 T 1 Butler's, Sam., Hudibras, with Notes, by Nash 3 vols. 4*o. 1793 T 2 Byron's, Lord, Poems 3 vols. 8vo. 1815 K 6 Caldecott's Specimen of a new edition of Shakspeare 8vo. 1819 T 2 Camoens's Lusiad, by Fanshaw fol. 1655 J 6 Carew's, Thos., Poems 8vo. 1640 T 1 Chaucer's Works, by Speght fol. 1602 25 4 Churchill's Poems 2 vols. 8vo. 1768 J 6 Cowley's, Abraham, Works and Life 3 vols. 8vo. 1707 J 6 Crabbe's Poems 2 vols. 8vo. 1 809 K 7 Grabbers Works 5 vols. 8vo. 1823 2 K 250 PRINTED BOOKS. Div SHI i I ENGLISH POETRY. J 6 Daniel's Poetical Works 4>to. 1623 J 6 t Denham's, Sir John, Works 8vo. 1709 27 1 Dodd's Translation of Callimachus 4,to. 1755 J 6 Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays 10 vols. Svo. 1744 J 6 Donne's Poems 8vo. 1669 20 2 l Drayton's, Michael, Poly Olbion T 23 fol. 1612 and 1613 T 2 Drayton's, Michael, Battaile of Agincourt, &c. fol. 1627 J 6 Dryden's Fables, Ancient and Modern, 8vo. 1713 20 2 Fulke Lord Brooke's Poems fol. 1633 25 4 Garth's Dispensary 12 wo. 1741 J 6 Greek Tragic Theatre (English) 5vols.8vo. 1809 27 1 Grove, The, a Satire 4>to. T 2 Harrington's Orlando Furioso fol. 1634 J 6 Higgins's Mirror for Magistrates 4/0. 1587 J 6 Hobbes's Homer's Iliads, in English Svo. 1676 20 2 Homer's Batrachomyomachia, &c. by Chap- man fol. T 2 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, translated by Chapman fol. T 2 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, by Cowper 2 vols. 4*o. 1791 J 6 Homer's Iliad, by Pope, G. Wakefield's edit. 5 vols. Svo. 1806 J 6 Homer's Odyssey, by Pope, G. Wakefield's edit. 4 vols. 8vo. 1 806 J 6 Horace, by Boscawen 2 vols. Svo. 1 793 PRINTED BOOKS. 251 Div. SHELF J 6 27 1 27 1 J 6 J 6 J 6 25 4 25 4 25 4 T 1 T 1 T 1 T 1 J 6 20 6 J 6 J 6 27 1 25 4 J 7 T 1 20 5 ENGLISH POETRY. Johnson's, Ben, Works 6 vols. 8vo. 1716 Keate's Monument in Arcadia 4to. 1773 Lloyd's Poems, Mason's Ode, &c. 4>to. 1762 Lucan's Pharsalia, by Rowe 2 vols. 12mo. 1807 Lucretius, by Creech 8vo. 1682 Milton's Paradise Lost Milton's Paradise Lost 8vo. 1705 2 vols. 8vo. 1750 Milton's Paradise Lost, Notes upon, by Richardson 8vo. 1734 Mylne's Poems 8vo. 1790 Ogilby's, John, Translation of Virgil fol. 1654 Ogilby's, John, ^Esop 2nd edit. fol. 1668 Ogilby's, John, Homer's Iliad fol. 1669 Ogilby's, John, Homer's Odyssey fol. 1669 Oldham's Works, with his Remains 3rd edit. 8vo. 1685 Ovid's Invective against Ibis, by Jones I2mo. 1658 Philips's Poems, Life, and Character, by Sewell 8vo. 1720 Plautus, by Bonnell Thornton 5 vols. 8vo. 1767 Poems, Miscellaneous fol. 1756 Poems on State Affairs 8vo. 1705 Pope's, Alexander, Works 9 vols. 8vo. 1770 Prior's Poems fol. 1718 Purple Island, The, and other Poems 4,to. 1633 252 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH POETRY. 25 J K J T 7 7 6 5 1 6 6 6 6 Repository, The . 12mo. 1783 Shakespeare's Works, byRowe 6 vols. Svo. 1709 Shakespeare's Poems Svo. 1630 Shakspeare's Plays and Poems, by Malone 1 ,i 21 vols. Svo. 1821 Sophocles' Electra 12mo. 1649 Spencer's, Edmund, Works and Life fol. 1679 Suckling's, Sir John, Works Svo. 1709 Surrey's, Earl of, Songs and Sonnets Svo. 1587 Terence, translated by Colman Svo. 1810 Twiss's Index to Shakspeare 2 vols. Svo. 1805 Virgil, by Dryden, Carey's edition 3 vols. Svo. 1803 Waller's Poems Svo. 1705 Warton's History of English Poetry 3 vols. 4to. 1775 PRINTED BOOKS. 253 ENGLISH PROSE. Div. SHELF 20 5 PC 5 14 3 20 5 11 4 11 4 16 1 12 4 20 2 13 1 FC 1 PC 2 7 4 PC 1 j 4 PC 4 MISCELLANEOUS. AoRIPPA, of the Vanitie of the Sciences 4fo. 1575 Anonymiana Bvo. 1809 Aurelius Marcus, his Golden Book 12. mo. 154,6 Antoninus 's Meditations, by Meric Casaubon 4to. 1635 Bacon, Lord, on Learning, translated by Gilbert Wats fol 1640 Bacon's, Lord, Posthumous Works fol. 1671 Bacon's, Lord, Works and Life 4 vols. fol. 1730 Barrington's, Hon. D., Miscellanies 4to. 1781 Bartas, the Lord of, a Summarie upon the Poeme of fol. 16S7 Beckman's, John, History of Inventions 2nd edition, 4 vols. Svo. 1814 Boyle's Works 6 vols. 4>to. 1772 Brydges's Restituta 4 vols. 8vo. 1814 Buckingham's Oriental Herald 8vo. 1825 Burke's Works 7 vols. 4to. 1792 Butler's Reminiscenses 2 vols. 8vo. 1822 Carlisle's Endowed Grammar Schools in England, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 254 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHEL ENGLISH PROSE MISCELLANEOUS. 14 25 13 31 20 14 14 14 PC PC 20 20 13; PC 14 31 11 14 2to5 5to9 Charleton's two Discourses on the Wits of Men and the Mystery of Vintners 8vo. 1675 Cicero's Orations, by Guthrie 3 vols. 8vo. 1758 Collectanea Curiosa from MSS. of Arch- bishop Sancroft, by Gutch 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1781 Critical Review, from Jan. 1780 to 1817 96 vols. 8vo. Croke's, Sir A., Case of Otmoor 12mo. 1831 Don Quixote, translated by Thos. Shelton 4fo. Drake's, Nathan, M.D., Essays 5 vols. Svo. 1805 Dryden's Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works, by Malone 3 vols. in 4, Svo. 1 800 Duncombe's, John, Translations from the Emperor Julian, and Libanius, &c. &c. 2 vols. Svo. 1784 . ,;... / .. ,,.._ , Edinburgh Review 53 vols. Svo. 1802 Eldon Law Scholarship 4/0. 1830 Elyot's Boke named the Governor 12mo. 1557 Gello, Dyalogues of, by Iden 12mo. 1548 Gentleman's Magazine, from Jan. 1781 to 1832 100 vols. Svo. Gibbon's, Edward, Miscellaneous Works, by Lord Sheffield 2 vols. 4>to. 1796 Gombauld's Endimion, by Hurst Svo. 1639 Government, various Treatises upon, by various Authors 4>to. Guicciardini, Aphorisms selected from fol. 1613 Halifax's, Lord, Miscellanies Svo. 1704 PRINTED BOOKS. 255 Div. SHELF ENGLISH PROSE MISCELLANEOUS. 7 4 Hammond's Letter to the Members of the different Circuits iZrno. 1826 11 4 Harleian Miscellany, or Collection of Pam- phlets and Tracts 8 vols. 4fo. 1753 20 5 Heliodorus's .Ethiopian History 4/o. 1622 K 6 Highinore's Public Charities of London, 8vo. 1810 11 4 Holdsworth's Remarks on Virgil 4/o. 1768 12 4 ; Howard's, John, State of Prisons in England and Wales, &c. 3rd edit. 4/o. 1784 12 4 Howard's, John, Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe, &c. 4/o. 1789 14 2 Howell's, James, Grove of Dodona 8vo. l650 14 2 Instructions for Youth, &c. by Raleigh, Burleigh, &c. 8vo. 1722 PC 5 Isaeus's Speeches, by Wm. Jones 4/o. 1 779 K 6 Johnson's, Dr. Samuel, Works, by Murphy 14 vols. 8vo. 1810 PC 5 Jones's, Sir Wm., Works and Supplement 8 vols. 4/o. 1799 14 1 Jones's, E , Translation of Cicero's Brutus, &c. Svo. 1776 14 1 Knight's, E., Cornelia Marcus Flaminius 2 volt. 8vo. 1792 K 5 Knox's Works 7 vols. 8vo. 1824 7 .j 4 j Law Society, Rules of Svo. 1821 25 4 Letters, Interesting, a Collection of 2 vols. Svo. 1767 16 2 Locke's Works 3 vols.fol. 1714 31 1 London Magazine 21 vols. Svo. 1738-1759 256 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH PROSE MISCELLANEOUS. 11 5 Luders's, Alexander, Tracts on Law and History 8vo. 1810 16 1 Mackenzie's, Sir George, Works 2 vols.fol. Edinburgh, 1716 25 4 Mandeville on Honour Svo. 1732 27 1 MarvelFs, Andrew, Works, by Thompson 3 vols. 4>to. 1776 11 5 Maseres's, F., Pamphlets on Various Subjects Svo. 1764 11 5 Maseres's Essays on Various Subjects Svo. 1809 14 1 Melmoth's Translation of Cicero's Cato and Laelius 2 vols. Svo. 1777 14 1 Melmoth's Translation of Cicero's Letters 3 vols. Svo. 1778 K 6 Memorable Things, translated from Panci- rollus, &c. 12 wo. 1727 PC 1 Milton's Prose Works 2 vols. 4to. 25 4 Montagu's Essay on Shakspeare Svo. 1770 32 5,6 Monthly Review, from January 1780 to 1832 14 5,10 128 vols. Svo. 11 4 More's, Sir Thomas, Works fol. 1537 27 1 Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus vol. 1st. 4fo. 1 798 27 1 Morritt's Vindication of Homer against Bryant 4to 1798 14 1 Mythology, Letters concerning Svo. 1748 27 1 Naval Free Schools, Proposals for fol. 1783 K 6 Nichols's, John, Literary Anecdotes > J 9 vols. in 10, Svo. 1812 PRINTED BOOKS. 257 Div. SHELF PC 2 PC 5 7 4 H 6 30 1 32 2 13 1 K 5 PC 5 PC 5 30 5 PC 1 PC 1 30 5 25 4 32 2 J 4 25 4 29 2 PC 6 14 3 ENGLISH PEOSE MISCELLANEOUS. Oldy's British Librarian Orford's, Horatio, Earl of, Works Bvo. 1788 5 vols. 4*o. 1798 Page's Letter on Canals and Railways 8vo. 1832 Pamphlets in the time of Charles I. 1631- 1656 Pamphlets Pamphlets Park's, Thos., Nugae Antiquae Parr's Works Pegge's Forme of Cury Pegge's, Samuel, Works 6 vols. 4>to. 3 vols.fol. 12 vols. 4>to. 2 vols. 8vo. 1804 8 vols. 8vo. 1828 8vo. 1809 2 vols. 4fo. 1783 Philosophical Transactions from 1683 to 1687 4 vols. 4fo. Philosophical Transactions, General Index to, from the 1st to the end of 70th vol. 1787 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, from 1753 to 1787 30 vols. 4,to. Philosophical Transactions Abridged, by Lowthorp and Jones, to 1720 5 vols. 4,to. 1722 Phoenix, the, a revival of scarce Pieces 2 vots.8vo. 1707 Political Tracts, 1711-1712 Polwhele's Traditions, &c. Prior's Works 8vo. 2 vols. 8vo. 1826" 2 vols. 8vo. 1740 Public Debts of this Kingdom, an Essay on 4*o. 1782 Quarterly Review 42 vols. 1809 Raleigh's, Sir Walter, Remains I2;o. 1669 2 L 258 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. Sun, ENGLISH PROSE- MISCELLANEOUS. 29 2 Reports from Committees of Bridewell, &c. fol. 25 4 Republic of Letters, the Present State of vols. 16 and 17 Svo. 1735 PC 1 Reynold's, Sir Joshua, Works, by Malone 2 vols. 4/o. 1797 13 1 Royal Society, Narrative of the Dissentions and Debates in the ; and other Tracts Svo. 1784 14 2 Rymer's View of the Stage Svo. 1693 K 7 Schlegel's Lectures on Literature, 2 vols. Svo. 1828 14 2 School of Man, the, from the French Svo. 1753 16 1 Selden's Works, by Wilkins 6 vols. fol. 1726 14 1 Shaftesbury's Characteristics 3 vols. Svo. 1714 PC 6 Smith's Festivals 12mo. 1831 12 4 Somers's, Lord, Tracts on Various Subjects 16 vols. 4,to. 1748 16 2 Spelman's Remains and Life, by Gibson fol. Oxford, 1698 16 2 Spelman's English Works and Life, by Gibson fol. 1723 25 5 Swift's Miscellanies 12 vols. 12mo. 1751 14 1 Swift's, Jonathan, Miscellanies Svo. 1711 12 4 Temple's, Sir William, Works and Life 2 vols. fol. 1720 31 5 Tracts 9 vols. 4,to. 31 5 Tracts 10 vols. Svo. imperfect, the 6th being wanting 32 2 Tracts from 1639 to 1655 4>to. 25 4 Tracts concerning Landed Property Svo. 1767 PRINTED BOOKS. 259 Div. ENGLISH PROSE MISCELLANEOUS. 11 11 30 30 16 32 13 PC K K 25 Tracts, curious, from 1641 to 1645 4,to. Tracts relating to the Period of the Ministry of Sir R. Walpole 15 vols. 8vo. Tracts, Miscellaneous 15 vols. 4>to. 1678 Tracts, Miscellaneous 16 vols. 8vo. 1723 Treasury of Ancient and Modern Times, from the Spanish of Pedro Mexio, &c. fol. 1613 Tyrannus on the Mode, and other Tracts 8vo. 1662 Unclaimed Dividends, a List of 4vols.8vo. 1800 Walpole's, Horace, Letters to G. Montague, Esq. and to the Rev. Will. Cole, &c. 4,to. 1818 Whately's Logic 8vo. 1831 Whately's Rhetoric 8vo. 1830 Wilcock's Roman Conversations 2 vols. 8vo. 1797 260 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF ENGLISH PROSE MISCELLANEOUS. PRINTED BOOKS 261 CATALOGUES AND KALENDARS. Div. SHELF PC PC J PC 7 PC PC 12 12 12 3 6 3 8 6 BlBLIOTHECA Legum, by Worrall, two editions 1736-77 Boyle's, P., Court and Country Guide 12mo. 1803-32 British Almanac and Companion 12 wo. 1832 Cambridge Calendar I2mo. 1831 Casley's Catalogue of MSS. in the King's Library 4>to. 1734 Catalogue of the London Institution 8vo. 1830 Catalogue of Maps, &c. presented by Geo. 4th to the British Museum 2 vols. Svo. 1829 Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates Zvols.foL 1742-87 Catalogue of Printed and MSS. Books of the London Society of Antiquaries 4o. 1816 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Angliae et Hi- berniae fol. Oxford, 1697 Catalogues of the Inner Temple Library Cottoni, R., Vita et Catalogus MSS. by Smith fol. Oxford, 1696 Cottonian MSS., Catalogue of fol. 1802 PRINTED BOOKS. Div. SHELF CATALOGUES AND KALENDARS. 12 4 Hargrave's, F., Catalogue of MSS. in the British Museum 4>to. 1818 24 1 Harleian Collection of MSS., Catalogue of 2 copies, 2 vols.fol. 1759 3 1 Harleian MSS., Catalogue of, in the British Museum 4 vols.fol, 1808 30 5 Harleiana Bibliotheca 4 vols. 8vo. 1 743 3 1 Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum, a Catalogue of fol. 1819 12 4 Medii Templi Catalogus Librorum Biblio- thecse 4,to. 1734 X 2 Montfaucon's Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum 2 vols.fol. 1739 12 1 Museo Britannico, Librorum Catalogus, &c. 2 vols.fol. 1787 30 5 Museum Meadianum 8vo. PC 6 Oxford Calendar 12 wo. 1831 12 4 Reading Gul. Bibliothecse in Collegio Sion- ensi Catalogus fol. 1724 30 5 Royal Institution, Catalogue of the Library of the 2nd. edit. 8vo. 1809 and 1821 Royal Kalendar, from 1778 to 1833 12mo. PC 2 Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica 4 vols. 4,to. 1824 12 4 Wise's, Fr., Nummorum Antiquorum Scri- niis Bodleianis reconditorum Catalogus fol. 1750 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Piv. SHBLF No. 8 5&6 502 PETYT MANUSCRIPTS. J OURNALS of the HOUSE of COMMONS in the Reigns of Kings James I. Charles II. James II. William and Mary, William III. and Queen Anne, in 83 vols. fol. JAMES I. Vol. 1. From March 19, 1 603-4, to July 7, 1604. 2. Part 1st, May 3, 1605, to February 7, 1605-6. Part 2nd, November 5, 1605, to November 25, 1606. 3. November 18, 1606, to March 25, 1607. 4. March 26, 1607, to February 9, 1609. 5. February 9, 1609- 10, to May 3, 1610. 6. May 3, l6lO, to October 16, 1610. 7. April 5, 1614, to June 6\ 1614. 8. January 18, 1620-1, to March 17, 1620-1. 9. May 14, 1621, to December 19, 1621. 10. February 12, 1623-4, to May 30, 1624. CHARLES II. 1. From April 25, 1660, to July 10, 1660. 2. July 10, 1660, to September 12, 1660. 3. November 6, 1660, to December 30, 1660. 4. November 20, 1660, to July 10, 1661. 5. November 20, 1660, to March 12, 1 661-2. 6. From March 12, 1 66 1-2, to February 18, 1662-3. 7. February 18, 1662-3, to June 13, 1663. 8. June 13, 1663, to August 20, 1664. 9. November 24, 1664, to October 3, 1665. 2M 264 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. DJV. SHELF No. JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, &c. Vol. 8 5&6 502 10. October 3, 1 66 5, to November 16, 1666. 11. November 16, 1666, to October 11. 1667. 12. October 14, 1667, to March 8, 1667-8. 13. March 9, 1667-8, to February 14, 1669-70. 1 4. February 1 4, 1 669-70, to Jan. 9, 1 670- 1 . 15. January 9, 1670-1, to February 4, 1672-3. 16. February 4, 1672-3, to April 13, 1675. 17. April 13, 1675, to February 15, 1676-7. 18. February 15, 1676-7, to May 6, 1678. 19. May 6, 1678, to February 4, 1678-9- 20. March 6, 1678-9, to August 14, 1680. 21. October 17, 1680, to January 20, 1680-1. 22. March 1 to 28, 1681. JAMES II. From May 19, 1685, to November 22, 1687. WILLIAM AND MARY. 8 5&6 502 The Assembly-Book, with the Prince of Orange's Declaration. Journals, &c. Vol. 1. From Jan. 22, 1688-9, to April 9, 1689. 2. April 12, 1689, to May 14, 1689. 3. May 15, 1689, to June 17, 1689. 4. June 18, 1689, to July 20, 1689. 5. July 22, 1689, to October 21, 1689. 6. October 23, 1689, to December 31, 1689. 7. January 2, 1689-90, to Jan. 27, 1689-90. 8. March 20, 1689-90, to October 2, 1690. 9. October 2, 1690, to October 20, 1691. 10. October 22, 1691, to January 1691-2. 11. January 11, 1691-2, to November 4, 1692. 12. November 4, 1692, to January 2, 1692-3. 13. January 2, 1692-3, to November 7, 1693. 14. November 7, 1693, to February 15, 1693-4. 15. February 15, 1693-4, to November 6, 1694. 16. November 12, 1694, to Feb. 29, 1 694-5. WILLIAM III. 17. From March 1, 1 694-5, to Oct. 31, 1695. 18. November 22, 1695, to Feb. 13, 1695-6. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 265 Div. SHELF No. JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, &c. 8 5&6 502 VoL 19. February 13, 1695-6, to October 20, 1696. 20. October 20, 1696, to February 1, 1696-7. 21. February l, 1696-7, to December 5, 1697. 22. December 5, 1697, to Feb. 17, 1697-8. 23. February 17, 1697-8, to May 2, 1698. 24. May 2, 1698, to August 24, 1698. 25. August 24, 1698, to February 1, 1698-9. 26. February 1, 1698-9, to March 9, 1698-9. 27. March 10, 1698-9, to November 16, 1699. 28. November 16, 1699, to Dec. 20, 1699. 29. December 22, 1699, to Feb. 5, 1699-700. 30. February 5, 1699-700, to Jan. 16, 1700-1. 31. February 6, 1700-1, to March 25, 1701. 32. March 25, 1701, to May 9, 1701. 33. May 9, 1701, to November 3, 1701. 34. December 30, 1701, to March 8, 1701-2. QUEEN ANNE. Vol. 1. From March 8, 1701 -2, to April 20, 1702. 2. April 24, 1702, to May 25, 1702. 3. July 2, 1702, to January 12, 1702-3. 4. January 12, 1702-3, to Feb. 1. 1702-3. 5. February 1, 1702-3, to Dec. 15, 1703. 6. December 16, 1703, to Feb. 10, 1703-4. 7. February 11, 1703-4, to Nov. 16, 1704. 8. November 17, 1704, to Feb. 3, 1704-5. 9. February 5, 1704-5, to March 14, 1704-5 10. June 14, 1705, to January 19, 1705-6. 11. January 21, 1705-6, to Nov. 21, 1706. 12. December 3, 1706, to Feb. 20, 1706-7. 13. February 20, 1706-7, to April 23, 1707- 14. October 23, 1707, to Feb. 21, 1707-8. 8 3 503 Coronation of George I. folio. 8 3 504 Register of Writs, curiously written on Vellum, folio. 8 3 505 Statutes at large, from Magna Charta to 29 Henry VI. inclusive, curiously written and illuminated, folio. 8 3 506 Statutes, from 1 Edw. III. to 23 Henry Vl.foL 266 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHELF No. MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM, &c. 8&9 1 507 508 509 510 511 Proceedings in Parliament in 1625, with an Account of the Contents at the Beginning of the Book, 8vo. Magna Charta, 8vo. Adjudicata Banco Regio, or Cases determined in the Court of King's Bench, from 14 to 27 George II. inclusive, collected in 14 vols.fol. Year-Book of Reports, containing 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 Years of Edw. Ill./o/. MSS. on Vellum and Paper, 21 vols. Vol. 1. Vicentii Speculum Historiale, folio. 2. Annales Rogeri de Hoveden, folio. 3. Instruments and Proceedings in the Eccle- siastical Courts, folio. 4. Registrum Brevium, folio. 5. Radulphi Higdeni Cestrensis Monachi Historia Polychronica, fol. 6. Statuta ab Anno Imo Edvardo III. usque ad 4tum Henrici VII. and an antient Copy of the Modus tenendi Parliamentum, folio. 7. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle and Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, illustrated and improved by Robert of Brunne, from the Death of Cadwallader to the end of King Edward I. folio. Printed by Hearne. See Hearne. In Mr. Petyt's Catalogue, called Robert of Gloucester's only. 8. Statuta ab Anno Imo Edvardi III. usque ad SOmum Henrici VI. folio. 9. The Statutes of Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, Merton, Marlebridge, Westminster 1st, Gloucester and Westminster 2nd, with a table of the several Chapters, folio. 10. Scipio African! Somnium, folio. 11. Of the glorious Martyr, St. Alban. How England was first called Albion j by Brute, Bretayne; Scotland, Albayne; and Wales, Cambria : being an old Chronicle, in very old English. The Titles of each ar in. red MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 267 Diy. SHELF No. MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM, &c. 8&9 I 511 Vol. letters, and the Chronicle ends with the beginning of Henry VL 12. Reports of Cases, collected in the Reigns of Edward III. Henry VI. Philip and Mary, and Elisabeth, folio. 1 3. Collection of Law-Cases and other Matters in Law, never printed ; and a Treatise of the Maisters of Chauncerie, page 262, folio. printed by Hargrave. See Hargrave'sTracts. 16. A Collection of Treatises, shewing what Jurisdiction the Clergy hath heretofore used in the Realm of England, and their exceed- ing the same, with Arguments thereupon, and concerning Prohibitions and the Modus Deci- mandi, 4>to. 17. A Collection of Records concerning Scot- land, and the Subordination thereof to Eng- land, 4to. 18. RegistrumChartarumEcclesiaeSarum, 4>to. 1 9. History of England by the name of Albion, &c. in French, a very antient Chronicle, 4>to. 20. Franciscus Barbarus de Re Uxoria, 8vo. 21. A Civil and Canon Law Book, touching the Consecration of Churches, in a very old hand, 8vo. 22. Historia de Bello Trojano, in a very old hand, with a table at the Beginning, 8vo. 23. A Collection of Cases argued in Parlia- ment, &c. all of Mr. Prynne's own Hand- Writing, folio, never printed. 8 4 512 Touching the Government of England, the Kings, their Oaths and Coronations, the Antiquity, Parts, Power, and Jurisdiction, of the high Court of Parliament, in 26 vols. folio, marked as follows ; A. The Britons call the Saxons to assist them against the Scots and Picts, &c. B. Touching the Britannic Church, Pope's Deposition of King Sigebart, Treaties de Expensis Militum, &c. Summoning to Par- liament, &C. | 268 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHELF No. ON THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT, &c. 512 C. Touching the Saxon Kings, their Corona- tions, Oaths, Laws, and Government, &c. vol. 1. D. FbL 2. E. ConcerningWilliam I., his Oaths, Election, Coronation, and Government. F. Concerning the Conquest. G. Of the Government of England in several Reigns. H. Concerning the several Governments in England. I. Touching the Parliaments and Government of England in and after the Reign of King John. K. The antient Jurisdiction of the high Court of Parliament over inferior Courts. Many Transactions and Proceedings in Parliament. L. Differences between Mr. Petyt and Dr. Brady, touching the Rights of the Commons of England, that they are an essential Part of Parliament. M. The Rights of the Commons of England, asserted by way of Reply to Dr. Brady. N. Erroneous Positions, against the King and Honour of Parliament, held by Dr. Brady. O. What the Crown of England is, and how to be disposed and ordered. P. The Course of settling the Succession of the Crown of England. Q. Touching the pretended Conquest of Eng- land, Laws of Countries, Speeches of King James I. in Parliament. R. The Antiquity, Parts, and Power of Eng- lish-Saxon great Councils, or Parliaments, being a farther Reply to Dr. Brady, by William Petyt, Esq. vol. 1. S. Vol. 2. T. Touching the Time of Prescriptions, Grants, Pardons, de Expensis Militum, and Privileges of Towns. U. Speculum Scotise, or a short View of the antient and modern Government of Scotland ; MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 269 DlF. SHELF No. ON THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT, &c. 8 4 512 together with a brief Account of that of Eng- land, by Way of Parallel, in two Parts, with an Appendix of Records. W. Historica Collectanea de Regno Scotiae ; ex Chartis antiquissimis, Codicibus, Manu- scriptis Chronicis, Typis publicis exaratis, Rotulis Shaedisque pervetustis, in Archivis Turris Londinensis, aliisque Monumentis Membranaceis alibi conservatis, cum Ap- pendice. X. Touching King John, Henry III. Ireland, Releases, Pardons, and Parliaments. Y. Collectanea selecta, Annorum, 1, 2, 3, 4, et 5, Edvardi II. with Summons to Parliament, &c. Z. Touching Pardons, Privileges, Alliances, &c. AA. Touching Grants, Charters, Election of Bishops, Causes, Coronations, and Marriages. BB. Touching Coronations, Marriages, Par- liaments, de Expensis Militum, Pardons, and Safe Conduct. 8 I 513 Law-Manuscripts, with an alphabetical Index of Cases, 3 vol. folio. 8 4 514 Pine's engraved Magna Charta, with the Arms of the Barons emblasoned, folio. Vol. 8 1 515 1. Placita de Juratis et Assisis, Tempore Edvardi I. apud Wigorn. Salop, et Novum Castrum super-Tynam, in Comitatu North- umbriae, Anno Imo, 3tio, 20mo, et 21 mo, with two Tables of Contents, referring to the Names of the Persons between whom the Pleadings were, folio. 2. Placita coram Rege, Tempore Edvardi I., with Tables, &c. folio. 3. Placita coram Rege, Tempore Edvardi II. ab Anno Imo usque ad 29, folio. 4. Placita coram Rege, Tempore Edvardi III . ab Anno 23 ad 37um, folio. 5. Placita coram Rege, Tempore Edvardi III. ab Anno 1 ad 22um, folio. 270 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. No. PLACITA, &c. REPORTS, &c. 8 515 516 517 518 519 Vol. 6. Placita, Temporibus Regis Johannis, Ed- vardi T. Edvardi II. et Edvardi III. et Verba obsoleta, in hoc Libro usitata, exposita. See folio 93, folio. 7. Touching the King's domestic Servants, their Petitions, Bills, Warrants, &c. and may be supposed to have belonged to the Lord- Chamberlain of the Household, about 1622, folio. 8. Recepta Scaccarii Annuitates, Foeoda, et alias Solutiones, ibidem solubiles, Anno 15gp, et Regni Elisabethse, 41 mo, folio. 9. A short Account of what every Officer in the Exchequer ought to do, by Virtue of his Office, in England ; written at the Request of the Right Hon. Lord Buckhurst, Lord -Trea- surer of England in the Reign of Elisabeth, by Mr. Fanshaw, folio. Reports of Law -Cases, in 6 vol. viz. Vol. 4. Reports in the Reign of Elisabeth, 4#o. 5. Reports in the Reign of Elisabeth, with Darcie's Case of Monopolies, and a Com- mission for Aid to make the King's eldest Son a Knight, Anno Imo, Jacobi I. 4/o. 6. Reports in the Reigns of Elisabeth, James I. and Charles I. folio. 7. Reports from Easter, 17th, to Hilary, the 22nd of James I. folio. 8. Reports from Hilary, the 2nd, to Michael- mas, the 3rd, of James I. folio. 9. Reports from Trinity, the 15th, to Hilary, the 17th, of James I. folio. A Treatise of the Court of Wards and Liveries, folio. Prohibitions to ecclesiastical Courts, high Com- missioners, and Admiralty, folio. Book of Heraldry, with the Arms of the antient Britons, Romans, Saxons, and Danes ; as MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 271 Div. Sun. No. MISCELLANEOUS. 8 1 519 also the Arms of the several Kings of Eng- land, and Nobility, from William the Con- queror to the Time of James I., curiously emblasoned, folio. 9 3 520 Catalogue and accurate Description of the Books given by Sylvester Petyt, Esq. to this Society, folio. 8 1 521 Catalogue of Benefactors to the Library of this Society, from the Reign of Queen Anne to the Year 1742, folio. 9 6 522 Law Common-Place Book, (French,) 6 vols. folio. 8 1 523 Catalogue of Books given by William Petyt, Esq. to this Society, including the Contents of each MS. 2 vols. folio. 9 3 524 Scala Perfectionis, illuminated. N.B. Said to be found in Maister Lewis de Fontibus Booke, at Cantebrigge, and turned into English by Maister Waultier de Turbaton j but since printed by Wynkin de Worde, in the Year 1484, folio. 9 3 525 Index to the Appeals, or Parliamentary Cases, from 1701 to 1728, folio. 9 3 526 The Calis Journey ; the Battle of Newport ; a Letter of Lord Bacon to Queen Elisabeth on a Point in Law ; and Sir Walter Rayleigh's Apology, folio. 8 4 527 Memorials relative to the Calis Journey, folio. 8 4 528 Treaty of Munster, in 1648, between the King of Spain and the United Provinces, translated from the Dutch, folio. 8 7 529 Hakluyt's Translation of Grotius' Mare Libe- runi, 4/o. 8 7 529 The Life and Death of Prince Henry, Son to King James I. together with an Account of his Funeral, 410. 2 N 272 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div SHEL No. MISCELLANEOUS. 8 7 530 Leslie's History of Scotland, from the Year I486 to 1651J 4/o. 8 7 Three Sermons on various Occasions, by the Rev. Alexander Strange, 4-to. 8 7 One Sermon on Christmas-Day, by the same, 8vo. 8 7 Two Sermons, by the Rev. Mr. Newcoman, 4/0. 8 7 Philip de Mornay's Meditation, 1 Cor.ii. 24, 4/o. 8 7 Two Books of Logic, with several general Heads, 8vo. 8 7 531 A curious Account of Heraldry, with the antient Manner and Form of Coronations, 4/0. 8 7 Four Sermons on various Occasions, with an Account of the desperate State of Francis Spira, in the Year 1548, 4/o. 8 7 Israel and England paralleled, in a Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Marvell. 8 7 Sermon on Psalm xciv. ver. 19, 4/o. 8 7 A Copy of the Rev. Mr. Tounson's Sermon on the Death of Sir Thomas Sadler, with a Pre- face, and Account of his Life and Death, 4to. 8 7 Four Sermons on various Occasions, 8vo. 8 7 A funeral Sermon, by the Rev. Mr. Cookson, in 1623, Svo. \ 8 3 532 Remarques sur 1'Etat de France, 4/o. 8 ,2,3 533 Records, &c. 38 vols. folio. Vol. 1 . Recorda Tempore Johannis. 2. Recorda Tempore Henrici III., ab. Anno Imo usque ad 9num. 3. Recorda Henrici III., ab Anno 18vo usque ad 18vum 4. Recorda Henrici III., ab Anno 18vo usque ad 30 mum. 5. Recorda Henrici III.,ab Anno SOmo usque ad 40mum. 6. Recorda Henrici III., ab Anno 40mo usque ad 47mum. 7. Recorda Henrici HI., 4/mum usque ad Finem Regni. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 273 Div. SHELF No. RECORDS, &c. 2&3 533 Vol. 8. Parliamenta, Terapore Henrici III., Pars Ima et 2da. 9. Recorda Tempore Henrici III. 1 0. The Rights of the Commons in Parliament, by Prescription, in the Time of Henry III. 11. Recorda, ab Anno Imo usque ad SOmuin Edvardi I. 12. Recorda Tempore Edvardi I. 13. Recorda altera Tempore Edvardi I. 14. Recorda altera Tempore Edvardi I. 15. The Rights of the Commons in Parliament, by Prescription, in the Reign of Edward I. 16". Recorda, ab Anno Imo Edvardi II. ad Annum pnurn 17 Recorda, ab Anno 9no Edvardi II., ad Annum 15tum 18. Recorda, ab Anno 15to Edvardi II., usque ad 21num 19. The Rights of the Commons in Parliament, by Prescription, in the Reign of Edward II. 20. Recorda, ab Anno Imo Edvardi II., usque ad Finem Regni sui. 21. Recorda, Temporibus Henrici III, Ed- vardi I., Edvardi II. 22. Recorda, ab Anno Imo Edvardi III., usque ad Finem 5ti. 23. Recorda, ab Anno 5to Edvardi III., usque ad 12 mum. 24. Recorda, ab Anno 12mo Edvardi III., usque ad l6tum. 25. Recorda, ab Anno l6to Edvardi III., usque ad 40mum. 26. Recorda, ab Anno 40mo Edvardi III., usque ad Finem Regni sui. 27. The Rights of the Commons in Parlia- ment, by Prescription, in the Reign of Edward III. 28. Recorda Temporibus Edvardi I., II., etIII. 29. Recorda Temporibus Johannis, Henrici III. Edvardi III. et Richard! II. 274 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHEL No. PARLIAMENT ROLLS, &c. 8 2&3 533 3&4 534 Vol. 30. Recorda, ab Anno Imo Richard! II. usque ad Annum 11 mum. 3 1 . Recorda, ab Anno 1 Imo Richard! II. usque ad Finem Regni. 32. Recorda Temporibus Richardi II. et Henrici IV. 33. Recorda Tempore Henrici V. 34. Recorda, ab Anno Imo Henrici VI. usque ad Slnum. 35. Recorda, ab Anno 2 Imo Henrici VI. usque ad Finem Regni. 36. Recorda Temporibus Edvardi III. Henrici IV., V. et VI. et Edvardi IV. 37' De Electione et Coronatione Gulielmi I. Henrici I. Stephani, Henrici II. et Richardi I. 38. Monument* Parliamentaria Temporibus Richardi I. et Johannis. Parliament-Rolls, &c. 33 vols. folio. Vol. 1. Rotuli Parliarnentarii, 5, 8, et 9, Edvardi II. 2. Rot. Parl. 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, et 27, Edvardi III. 3. Rot. Parl. 28, 29, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, et 51, Edvardi III. 4. Rot. Parl. 1 et 2 Richardi II. 5. Rot. Parl. 3, 4, 5, et 6, Richardi II. 6. Rot. Parl. 7, 8, 9, 10, et 11, Richardi II. 7. Rot. Parl. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, et 20, Richardi II. 8. Rot. Parl. 21 Richardi II. 9. Rot. Parl. 1 et 2 Henrici IV. 10. Rot. Parl. 4 et 5 Henrici IV. 11. Rot. Parl. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, et 13, Henrici IV. 12. Rot. Parl. 1, 2, et 3, Henrici V. 13. Rot. Parl. 4, 5, 7, 8, et 9, Henrici V. 14. Rot. Parl. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, H, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, et 21, Richardi II. 1, 2, 4, 5, et 6, Henrici IV. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, et 8, Henrici V. et 8 Henrici IV. 15. Rot. Parl. l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, et 9, Henrici VI. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 275 Div. SHELF No. PARLIAMENT ROLLS, &c. 9 3&4 534 Vol. 16. Rot. Parl. 10, 11, 12, et 14, Henrici VI. et Acta Consilii privati, Annis 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, et 16, ejusdem Regis. 17. Rot. Parl. 15, 18, et 20, Henrici VI. 18. Rot. Parl. 23, 25, 27, et 28, Henrici VI. 19. Rot. Parl. 29, 31, et 32, Henrici VI. 20. Rot. Parl. 33, 38, et 39, Henrici VI. 21. Rot. Parl. 1, 2, 3, et 4, Edvardi IV. 22. Rot. Parl. 7 Edvardi IV. 23. Rot. Parl. 12, 13, et 14, Edvardi IV. 24. Rot. Parl. 14, 15, et 17, Edvardi IV. 25. Rot. Parl. 20 Edvardi IV. et 1 Richardi III. 26. Rot. Parl. 1 Henrici VII. Pars Ima. 27. Rot.Parl. 1, 3, et 4, Henrici VII. Pars 2da. 28. Rot. Parl. 7 et 11 Henrici VII. 29. Rot. Parl. 12 et 19 Henrici VII. 30. Rot. Parl. 1, 3, et 4, Henrici VIII. 31. Rot. Parl. 5 et 6 Henrici VIII. 32. Summons to Parliament, Temporibus Henrici III. et Edvardi I. II. et III. 33. Summons to Parliament, ab Anno Imo ad 23tiurn Richardi II. Ab Anno Imo ad 14tum Henrici IV. Ab Anno lino ad 9num Hen- rici V. Ab Anno Imo ad 39num Henrici VI. Ab Anno Imo ad 23tium Edvardi IV. Vol. 9 1 535 1 . Charters of London, its Privileges, Courts, and Proceedings therein, in their Common- Halls, Councils, &c. collected by William Petyt, Esq. when implored by the said City to peruse their Records, in Order to make their Defence against the Quo Warranto brought by King Charles II. vol. 1, folio. 2. Vol. 2, folio. 3. Extracts out of the Liber de Antiquis Legibus, about Coronations, Pope's Inter- dicts, Jews seised, King John and his Barons, &c. folio. 4. An Act to restore Queen Elisabeth in Blood ; with several private Acts in preced- ing Reigns. One touching the Limitation MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHELF No. MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. 535 of the late Duke of Somerset's Lands, in 5 and 6 Edward VI. page 200, The Judges Opinion, to prove the Scottish Queen subject to the Laws of this Realm for any capital Crime committed within the same, page 370. - Sacramentum Regum Saxonum, Die Coro- nationis suae, page 372. Evidentiae Ecclesias Christi,Cantuariensis, page 386. Concilium Pan Anglicum Chartae diversarum Ecclesi- arum, &c. &c. folio. 5. Statutes of the Times of Richard II. Henry IV. V. and VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. folio. 6. Acts of Parliament, (many of which are transcribed out of Rastall's Statutes,) At- tainders, Repeals, Petitions in Parliament, in the Reigns of Richard III. Henry VI f. and Vlll.pagel. Flouredewe'sCase, as reported in the Year-Book lino Henry VII. concern- ing Writs of Error in Parliament, page 37. Thorpe's Petition to Parliament to make void a Judgement against him for 43. Episcopi Wigornensis Oratio, coram Parliamento habita, Solio Regale sedente Hen. VII. AnnoRegni Imo, page 49. John Forster's Petition to Parliament to make void a Judgement against him for 1000 Marks, page 53. Pope Alexander's Bull for con- firming the Succession and Election of Henry VII. to the Crown of England, page 58. Upon the Death of Prince Arthur, (19 Henry VII.) Henry, Duke of York, his younger Brother, became Prince of Wales, and his Discharge from the Name, Estate, Dignity, and Pre-eminence, of Duke of York, &c. page 113. Le Provost et Schollers de Cam- brigge porterent Brief de Trespas vers le Vicar de C. page 115. [See Year-Book, Trinity-Term, 7 Henry Nil. page 14.] John Leland's New- Year's Gift to Henry VIII. Anno Regni 37mo, concerning his laborious MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 277 Div. SHELF No. MISCELLANEOUS. 9 535 8 536 Vol. Journey and Search forEngland's Curiosities, page 130. The famous Case of Empson and Dudley, page 142. The Case of Richard Strode, page 178. [See Rastall's Statutes, 4 Henry VIII. page 412.] Act to restore the Bishop of Norwich, he having been con- victed on the Statute of Praemunire, pageZAS. Two Burgesses of the Parliament to be elected for the Town of Caleyes ; one by the Deputy and Council, the other by the Mayor, Burgesses, and Freemen ; and each to have, for his Wages, 2s. per Diem for every Day of such Parliament, page 275. [See Billa Parliament. 27 Hen. VIII. Rot. 314.] Act for incorporating and annexing the Dominion of Wales with the Realm of England, page 278. Treason to marry any of the King's Children, &c. page 288. Act to give the King full Power to dispose of the Crown of England as shall please him, page 291. Precedency of the Lords in Parliament, &c. page 297. The memorable Case of George Ferrers, Servant to King Henry VIII. and Member of Parliament in the 34th and 35th Years of the Reign of that King, page 305. Annis 34 et 35 Henrici VIII. ordered, that the King's Style be hereafter, Henricus Oc- tavus, Dei Gratia, Angliae, Franciae, et Hi- berniae, Rex, Fidei Defensor, et Ecclesiae Anglicanae et Hiberniae supremum Caput, page 311. The unprecedented Case of Sir Ralph Sadler, 37 Henry VIII. and therein of the Authority of the most high Court of Parliament, page 335, folio. 7. Private Acts in the Reigns of Henry VII. Philip and Mary, Elisabeth, and Charles I. folio. Pardonationes, Moneta, Literae Procuratoriae, Theatra Criminalia, Provisiones Papales, Creationes Nobilium, et alia Parliamenta- ria, &c. 14 vols. folio. 278 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHELF No. JOURNALS OF PARLIAMENT, &c. Vol. 8 2 536 1. De Pardonationibus. 2. De Moneta. 3. Literae Procuratoriae Cleri in Parliaments Hen. III. Edvardi I. Edvardi It. Edvardi III. et Richardi II. Coronatio etDotatio Isabellas, Uxoris Regis Job annis; de Matrimonio con- trahendo inter Edvardum, Filium Henrici III., et Alienoram, Sororem Regis Castellifi. 4. Theatrum Criminalium, vol. 1. 5. Ditto, vol. 2. 6. Ditto, 3. 7. Ditto, 4. 8. Ditto, 5. 9. De Provisionibus Papilibus in Anglia, vol. 1. 10. Ditto, vol. 2. 11. De Creatione Nobilium in Parliamento, et extra, vol. l. 12. Ditto, vol. 2. 13. De Cartis concessis Civitatibus et Burgis, vol. 1. 14. Ditto, vol. 2. 9 2&3 537 Journals of Parliament, &c. 46 vols. folio. VoL 1. Journal Parl. Dom. Procerum, 1, 3, 6, 7, 25, 28, et 31, Hen. VIII. 2. Ditto Dom. Proc. 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, et 38, Hen. VIII. 3. Ditto Dom. Proc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, et 7, Ed- vardi VI. 4. Ditto Dom. Com. 1, 2, 3, 4, et 7, Edvardi VI. 1 Mariae, 1, 2, 3, 4, et 5, Phil, et Mariae. 5. Ditto Dom. Proc. 1 Mariae, 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, et 6, Phil, et Mariae. 6. Ditto Temporibus Phil, et Mariae et Elizae. 7. Ditto Dom. Proc. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, et 23, Elizae. 8, Journal. Parl. Dom. Proc. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, et 12, Jac. 1. 9. Ditto Dom. Proc. et Coin. 43 et 44 Elizae. 10. Ditto Dom. Com. 18 et 19 Jac. I. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 279 Div. SHELF No. JOURNALS OF PARLIAMENT, &c. Vol. 9 2&3 537 11. Ditto Dom. Proc. 21 et 22 Jac. I. 12. Ditto Dom. Com. 1 Jac. 1. 13. Ditto Dom. Com. 4 et 5 Jac. I. 14. Ditto Dom. Com. 7 et 8 Jac. T. 15. Ditto Dom. Com. 18 Jac. I ; to which is added, an Account of the Summons to Par- liament, 43 Elisabeth. 16. Ditto Dom. Proc. 18 et 19 Jac. I. 17. Ditto Dom. Com. Sess. 21 et 22 Jac. I. 18. Ditto Tempore Jac. Regis, et Miscellanea. 19. Ditto Annis 21 et 22 Jac. I. 20. Ditto Tempore Jac. I. 21. Ditto Tempore Jac. I. 22. Ditto Dom. Proc. 1 et 2 Car. I. 23. Ditto Dom. Proc. 3 Car. I. Pars Ima. 24. Ditto Dom. Proc. 3 et 4 Car. I. Pars 2da. 25. Ditto Dom. Com. 1, 2, 3, et 4, Car. I. Pars Ima. 26. Ditto Dom. Com. 3 et 4 Car. I. Pars 2da. 27. Ditto Dom. Com. 4 Car. I. 28. Ditto Dom. Proc. 4 Car. I. 29. Ditto Dom. Com. 3 et 4 Car. I. 30. Ditto Dom. Proc. a 3tio Novembris, 1640, usque ad 15tum Martii eodem Anno, et Dom. Com. a. 13 Aprilis usque ad 5tum Maii, 1640. 31. Ditto Dom. Proc. a l6tio Die Martii,! 640, usque ad 24tum Julii, 1641. 32. DittoDom. Proc. a 24to Julii, 1641, usque ad 30 Octob. eodem Anno. 33. Ditto Dom. Proc. a 30 Octobris, 1641, usque ad 31 Decemb. eodem Anno. 34. Ditto Dom. Com. a 25 Aprilis, 1660, usque ad 26 Julii, eodem Anno, vol. 1. 35. Ditto Dom. Com. a 25 Aprilis, 1660, usque ad 13 Septemb. eodem Anno, vol. 2. 36. Ditto Dom. Com. a 6to Novemb. 1660, usque ad 30 Decemb. eodem Anno, vol. 3. 37. Proceedings in Parliament, lb'28, 3 and 4 Car. I. 38. Abridgement of the Lords Journals, from 1 Henry VIII. to the End of 3 Charles 1. 2 280 MANUSCRIPT FOOKS. Div. SHEL No PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. 2& 53/ 9 5&6 538 Vol. 39. Journal Parl. Dom. Com. 13 et 14 Caroli II. 40. Journal. Parl. Dom. Com. 13 et 14 Caroli II. fairer transcribed, with the preceding Part beginning 7 Jan. l66l. 41. ".Ditto Dom. Com. 14 et 1.5 Caroli II. 42. Ditto Dom. Com. 16, 17, et 18, Car. II. 43. Ditto Dom. Com. 18 et 19 Car. II. 44. Ditto Dom. Com. 21, 22, et 23, Car. II. 45. Ditto Dom. Proc. Annis 31 et 32 Car. II. apud Westmonast. et Oxonium. 46. Ditto Dom. Com. A.D. 1678, 1679, et Annis Regni 30 et 31 Caroli II. Proceedings in Parliament and Miscellanies, 56 vols. folio. Vol. 1 . Proceedings in Parliament, Tempore Jac. I. 2. Ditto. 3. Ditto and Proclamations Tempore Jac. I. 4. Manner of Proceedings in Parliament. 5. Transactions in Parliament between the Lords and Commons as to their Rights. 6. Commissions about giving the royal Assent to Bills in Ireland, &c. Pardons, 8cc. 7- Journals and Proceedings in Parliament, &c. 8. Journals and Speeches in Parliament, &c. 9. Speeches in Parliament in 1627 and 1628. 10. Letters, Non- Conformists, Knights Ser- vice, Journals of Parliament, &c. 11. Journals and Proceedings in Parliament. 12. Summons to and Transactions in Parlia- ment. 13. King Henry VII. his Title to the Crown, and Transactions in Parliament. 14. Judicature in Parliament, according to Selden, &c. 15. Proceedings by Bills, &c. in Parliament. 16. Debates and Proceedings in Parliament on the Petition of Right, by Prynne, &c. 17. Debates and Speeches in Parliament, with MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 281 -*- Div. SHELF No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. 9 Vol. many original Letters of several great Officers of State and others. 18. Speeches of King James I. and King Charles I. and Proceedings in Parliament. 19. Tracts about Parliament and Money, Trea- ties, Fishing, Star-Chamber Informations,&c. 20. Journals of the Commons, 35 Elisabeth, with diurnal Occurrences in both Houses of Parliament, beginning at Westminster, 3 No- vember, 1640, the several Arguments about Ship-Money, in the Exchequer-Chamber, 1637 ; Passages in Parliament against Lord Bacon j Fees belonging to the Warden of the Fleet, &c. 21. Proceedings in Parliament in the Reigns of Edward VI. Elisabeth, James 1. and Charles I. 22. Modus tenendi ParliamentumapudAiiglos, per Elsynge. 23. Touching Judicature in Parliament, by Selden. 24. Opinions of sundry Antiquaries about the Power and Proceedings of Parliament. 25. Explanatio brevis de Nominibus et Na- turis omnium Rotuloruui in Archivis Turns Londinensis repositorum, sive Demonstratio de quali Genere Negotioruin in illis conten- torum quod dignum Cognitione videbitur. 26. A Kalendar of all the Acts in the Clerk of the Parliament's Office, from 12 Henry VII. to 32 Charles II. 27. A Treatise against Priests, Jesuits, and Recusants, by Sir Robert Cotton, against the Duke of Bucks, Archbishop Laud. Grant of the Office of Alienation. Grant to the Tinners of the Stannaries ; with London's Representation to Oliver Cromwell. 28. The Privileges of the Knights Templars. 29. Pardons, Offences, Officers, Offices, Cinque Ports, Ireland, &c. &c. being an Index to the Records under these and other Heads. 282 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. SHELF No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. 538 Vol. 30. The Sovereignty of the Seas, by Sir John Burgh, Keeper of the Records in the Tower. 31. Sir Robert Cotton's Answer to some Pro- positions made by Prince Henry about War and Peace. 32 . Concerning the Court of Wards and Live- ries, with Prynne's Reading on the Petition of Right, in his own Hand-Writing. 33. About Soldiers, Ships, Embargoes, For- tresses, Provisions for War, Misdemeanors, &c. &c. 34. Estate of England and Wales in Queen Elisabeth's Time. 35. Catalogue of the religious Houses in Eng- land. Proceedings, before the Chief-Justice in Eyre, for the Forest of Deane, 1634. Description of Ireland, by John Dynmok. Doddridge's Treatise of the Nobility and Gentry. 36. About the Divorce of the Earl of Essex and Lady Frances Howard, in l6l3, (1st leaf wanting. ) Reasons against Peace with Spain. Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh, and several great Men, to Queen Elisabeth, King James I., &c. The Life and Death of Prince Henry. Concerning the Earl of Salisbury. The Arraignment of P. Earl of Arundel. Vita Protoplast! nostri Adae, et Evae, Uxoris ejus, &c. Sic. The Arraignment of Sir Wal- ter Raleigh, at Winchester, on the 17th of November, 1603. Cavendish's Life of Car- dinal Wolsey. 37. Observations concerning the Royal Navy and Sea-Service, by Sir Walter Raleigh. A brief Discourse, by Way of Question and Answer, about Estates of Inheritance for Lives, for Years, &c. of Tenures, Rents, and Services, Reversions, Remainders, &c. cum multis aliis. Lord-Treasurer Cecil's Speech in the House of Lords, in 3 James I. Sir Francis Bacon ou Purliainents, On the MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 283 Div. SHZLK No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, Ac. 5&,6 538 Vol. Court of Chivalry. Of Bishops, their Elec- tion, Confirmation, Consecration, Investiture, &c. 38. Of a Prince, who, for Protection, flies to his Competitors. Of ecclesiastical Matters. Of Lollards being called Puritans. Clergy not to be arrested. Dr. Gyffard against the Jesuits. 39. Observations on a Libel published against the Queen in 1592. Notes about the Cere- mony of crowning the King and Queen to- gether, out of the Liber Regalis, June 4, 1603, Thynne's (Francis) Plea, between the Ad- vocate and Anti-Advocate, about Bath and Bachelor Knights. A List of all the Officers belonging to the Crown in the Time of Queen Elisabeth, with their Fees, &c. and Names. First Governors of the Charter-House, with a short Account of their Statutes, &c. Offi- cers and Offices granted by Patent by Elisa- beth and James I. Dodderidge's Discourse of the Principality of Wales, (imperfect). Copy of the Rental, or Abstract, of the Lands belonging to the Church of Norwich, made by the Dean thereof, and by him delivered to the Lord-Treasurer, Anno 30 Elizae. Edw. Bagshaw, Esq. his Argument in the lower House of Parliament against the late Canons, Dec. 9, 1640. Some Proposals by Sir Ro- bert Heath, Attorney-General to King James I. Notes touching monarchial Government. 40. A Manuscript-Catalogue of the Cottonian Library, vol. 1. 41. Vol. 2. 42. Proceedings upon an Appeal of Treason, &c. before the Constable and Marshal, in a Court-Military, by Sir John Burgh, Knight. 43. Instructions to Francis Walsingham, Esq. by Queen Elisabeth, 1570, when sent Em- bassador to the French King. A Parallel between Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and 284 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHEL No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. 5&6 538 Vol. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. See the Answer, page 188. A Discourse touch- ing a Marriage between Prince Henry of Eng- land and a Daughter of Savoy, written by Sir Walter Raleigh, and at that Prince's Com- mand. Certain Remembrances to Prince Charles, by Sir Charles Corn wallis, during his Commitment in the Tower, July 1609. In- terrogatories administered to the Earl of Bris- tol at his Return from Spain. For Reform- ation in the Abuse of the Sea-Coal Trade. Resolutions and Opinions of the Judges of Assisesconcerning Parishes. Justice Jones's Opinion touching the Commissions by which the Justices sit at Newgate, Michaelmas, 1633. A Bill in the Star-Chamber, against the Nobility and Gentry, for living and abid- ing in the Cities of London and Westminster, contrary to his Majesty's Proclamation, 8 Charles I. An Answer to the Parallel above- mentioned. See above. Tell Truth and shame the Spaniard, by Francis Phillips. A second Present to the King's most excel- lent Majesty, touching the Furtherance and Reformation of Trade, 1640. Common- Pleas Court, Ship-Money. Poems, by several Hands. Antidote against Jesuitism. Several Arguments in the Exchequer-Cham- ber concerning Ship-Money in 163 7 and 1638. 44. Placing and Precedency of Noblemen and Noble-women, and other choice Matters, at Coronations and Installments, Creation of Knights, &,c. 45. A Collection of French and English Pro- verbs, page l, The Foundation of Heralds, page 80. A Breviat, or Directions, for the King's learned Counsel, collected by the Lord- Chancellor Ellesmere, Mense Septembris, Anno IStio Jacobi I. page 113. Extracts out of the Records, wherein may be collected by what Means the Kings of England have MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 285 Div. SHELF No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. 5&6 538 Vol. and may raise Money, by Sir Robert Cotton, page 132. Lord Bacon, of the lately-erected Office for Compositions by Alienations, page 153. The Life of Sir Thomas More, page 177. -The History of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, page 275, 2nd column. A Trea- tise of the Court of Star-Chamber, in two parts, page 334,. 4,6. Original Letters of several Kings and Queens.. Life of St. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury. With other Matters relative to the Church and State, vol. 1. 47. Pol. 2. 4-8- Queen Elisabeth's Instructions to her Em- bassador about treating of Peace with Spain. Sir George Carey's Account of France, presented to King James I. Sir Richard Weston's Negotiations with the Arch- Duchess at Brussels. 49. The Death of Queen Elisabeth, with her Declaration of a Succession. The Manner of the Sickness andDeath of Prince Henry. The Life of Sir Thomas Bodley, Knt, written by himself. With other Tracts, for Particu- lars of which, see the beginning of this MS. 50. The Proceedings against the Queen of Scots ; what should have been unto her at her Death, by the Bishop of Ross. Matters ob- jected in the Star-Chamber against Mr. Secre- tary Davison, together with his Answer, and the Opinion of the Commissioners touching the same, March 28, 1587- A Discourse of his, sent from the Tower to Mr. Secretary Walsingham, concerning what passed between Queen Elisabeth and him, from the Time of her signing the Warrant to the Time of his Restraint. The Death of Queen Elisabeth and Declaration of her Successor. The Manner of the Sickness and Death of Prince Henry, as in vol. 49. Concerning the in- tended Marriage with the Duke of Anjou. 286 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Div. SHELF No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. &c. 5&6 538 Vol. Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations of the late Queen Elisabeth's Times and Favourites. 51. The Arraignment of the Earls of Essex and Southampton in Westminster-Hall, Fe- bruary 19, 1600, before the Lord Buckhurst, &c. Some Particulars relating to the Master of the Temple, his Grievances and Answer. The King of Morocco's Letter to the Kingof England. John Finch, Esq. Recorder of Canterbury, his Speech to King Charles I. on May 30, 1625. Letters and Speeches upon making Judges and Serjeants, &c. &c. 52. Letters from the Council and others to great Persons, with their Answers, relating to Matters both of Church and State, but prin- cipally to the Church. 53. An old Book about Government and Or- ders in the King's Household, with a Table of Contents at the Beginning, all in an old Hand, and (as appears probable) in the Time of Henry VIII. 54. Ecclesiastical Courts, the Proceedings therein,their Judges and Grievances. Differ- ences between the Auditor and the Official, by Bartholomew Clerke, about the office of Chancellor, and Vicar-General, to the Arch- bishop. Touching Licenses, &c. Touching a Bill exhibited against excessive Fees exacted by ecclesiastical Officers. Dictata reverendi Patris Politiani. Brevis, veraque admodum Relatio eorum, quee dicta, facta, scriptaque sunt in Causa Sacerdotum appellantium,a Die 14 Februarii, Anno 1602, quo Romam appule- runtusque ad Diem, Octobris quando ab Ur- be discesserunt. Ab Uno ex ipsis Sacerdoti- bus fideliter recollecta. Then follows Abun- dance of Letters and Papers relating to Priests, Jesuits, &c. Letters to King James I. by several Princes. 55. Touching Prohibitions, with an Answer thereto. Of the Court of Star-Chamber. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 287 DlT. SHELF No. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT, &c. Vol. 9 5&6 538 Papal Bulls and Letters. The Etymology, Antiquity, and Authority of Sheriffs and their Deputies. Anantient Reading, in old French. A Recital of the Charters to the City of London. An Argument on the Statute con- cerning Children born beyond Sea. Excel- lent Notes collected out of the Civil Law Books, &c. De magno Cancellario Angliae et Cancellariue, ac cojudicibus ejus et Auctori- tate eorumdem. Concerning the Alienation- Omce, and the yearly Profits there raised by the Sundry Deputies, collected by Mr.Thomas Dudley, John Dudley, John Nuthall, and Jasper Cholmeley, Deputies. 56. A Declaration touching the Grants of Pro- hibitions. This Book ajtpears to have been Judge Godbold's. 9 6 2356 Ley's (Thomas) Reports in Law and Equity, 3 vols. Jolio. 9 6 2220 Readings on the Statute 21 Henry VIII. of Pluralities. T O Acts of Parliament and Bench-Table Orders of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, 5 vols, folio. T O Martin's (Adam) Index of the Records of the Court of Exchequer, 2 vols. 4/o. 2 P 2S8 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. Dir SHEL No BARRINGTON MANUSCRIPTS. 8& 7 I. MANUSCRIPTS sent by the Execu- tors of Bishop Harrington in 1823 : REPORTS by Sir Henry Hobart, folio. Reports by Hetley 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7th Charles I. folio. Reports by Sir Francis Moore, folio. Reports in Common Pleas 3rd Charles, folio. Reports 32nd Elizabeth to 3rd James, folio. Reports in Common Pleas 42nd Elizabeth, fol. Reports in Common Pleas in 1673, &c. folio. Ditto, Ditto, 4 vols. folio. Reports by Sir Francis Moore, 4to. Year Book, 4to. Reports from 25th to 36th Elizabeth, 4/0. Reports in Star Chamber, &c. 4/o. Reports 37th Elizabeth, &c. 4to. Reports 1st Lord Coke's abridged, 4/o. Reports, Miscellaneous, &c. 4/o. Reports 32nd Elizabeth, &c. 12/wo. Precedents of Pleadings, 1 1 vols. fol. Precedents of Pleadings, 5 vols. \to. and 12 mo. Law Common Place Books, 14 vols. folio. Law Common Place Books, 20 vols. 4>to. Law Common Place Books, 5 vols. 12 wo. Court of Pleas, Durham, Writs from 1674 to 1681, folio. Tenths Book, folio. Book of Accounts and Common Place, fol. Part of Littleton MS. upon Vellum. MS. upon Vellum relating to Dunstaple. MS. of Logic Metaphysics, &c. MS. of Devotion. MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. 289 Div. SIIEI.F No. MANUSCRIPTS PURCHASED, Ac. 27 3059 \\.-MANUSCRIPTS received from the Executor of Baron Maseres in 1825 : Entries of all Leases passed the great Seal of Great Britain from 20th Eliz. to 6th James. Accounts relative to Quebec. Instructions for Georgia. Mathematicks, 4 vols. folio. III. MANUSCRIPTS purchased . Letters from Henry Coventry and others, from 1676 to 1677. Curious Petitions bought at Southgate's Sale, May 1830. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 LOS ANGELES Z921 Inner temple - A catalogue of the printed book! and manuscripts t 2921 L8IS8 000 888 503