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D„ FRANCISCO HEEFUBLIC Ji CIvASSlFIKD English Prose Fiction, INCLUDING Translations and Juvenile Works Notes and Index to Subject-references. Ho. 6, 1891. SAN FRANCISCO: H. S. Crockkk Company, Stationers and Printers. Francisco Free Pub LIU CIvASSIFlED English Prose Fiction, INCI^UDING Translations and Juvenile Works WITH Notes and Index to Subject-references. Ho. 6, 1891. luaf THB I7BB,SIT7l SAN FRANCISCO: H. S. Crocker Company, Stationers and Printers. 1891. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. P. N. LiLiENTHAL, President, Colin M. Boyd, E. D. Sawyer, Ralph C. Harrison, Geo. T. Shaw, P. N. LiLIENTHAL, E. R. TayLOR, A. E. Mann, C. C. Terrill, Wm. Norris, John H. Wise, Jos. O'Connor, The Mayor, ex officio. Secretary, C. Stevens. Librarian, - - JOHN VANCE CHENEY. CATALOGUE DEPARTMENT. A. J. Rudolph, Assistatit Librarian (in charge). Miss Emily I. Wade, Miss Margaret A. Schmidt, Miss Sarah H. Perkins. PREFACE. ^^^ZlpQ'^;^ In re-cataloguing the fiction department of this library it was thought best to attempt to push a little further toward complete execution the aim of the Class List of English Prose Fiction (sixth edition, 1877), issued by the Public Library of Boston. As the work progressed the scope enlarged, so that the present volume reaches, perhaps, beyond the limit heretofore attained in like endeavors. It is hoped that this classified and annotated catalogue will not only enable the reader to find the novel desired, but draw the attention to substantial matter in other departments of the library which, without it, might pass, in too many instances, unexamined, not to say undiscovered. It is hoped, too, that this is a step toward bring- ing the library into closer relationship with the schools, and lastly, that our patrons will find herein a handy reference work for general use, at least until such time as the mass of material scattered through the library shall be arranged and made thoroughly access- ible. A special effort has been made to enter authors' names with all the fullness and accuracy possible, the real name, when known, being followed by the pseudonym in brackets. EXPLANATIONS. The class number 808 indicates a book for young people. For subjects with reference notes see index, pp. 301-306. tv In conformity with the recommendations of the American Library- Association, the more common masculine and feminine fore-names have been abbreviated by means of a colon or two periods placed after the initial, viz.: MASCULINE. A Augustus B: Benjamin C: Charles D David E: Edward F: Frederick G George H : Henry I: Isaac J: John K Karl U Louis M : Mark N Nicholas 0: Otto P: Peter R Richard S: Samuel T: Thomas W William FEMININE. A.. Anna B.. Beatrice C. Charlotte D.. Delia E.. Elizabeth F.. Frances G.. Grace H. Helen L. Isabella J.. Jane K.. Katharine, Kate L.. Louisa M. Mary N.. Nancy O.. Olivia P.. Pauline R.. Rebecca S.. Sarah T.. Theresa U.. Ursula v.. Victoria W. Wilhelmina Z.. Zenobia A single star at the left of the shelf-number signifies that the book can be taken home only by permission of the Librarian ; two stars signify that the book cannot go out of the Library. This publication is a section of the intended general catalogue. JOHN VANCE CHENEY, Librarian. San Francisco, August i, 1891. REGULATIONS. (Reprint of Borrower' s Hand- Book issued February, 1888.) OPEN DAYS AND HOURS. The Library will be open every day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., except Sun- days, legal holidays, and the evenings before Christmas and New Year's. On Sundays it will be open from i to 5 p. m. It may, however, be closed at any time by action of the Trustees. WHO MAY BECOME BORROWERS. All residents of the City and County of San Francisco, twelve years of age and over, and all non-resident tax-payers of said city and county, may become borrowers. HOW TO BECOME BORROWERS. Apply at the Library for an application {Form No. 25), fill it out according to directions thereon, and return it. Call again after two or more days, and, if the application be approved, a card will be issued which entitles the owner to full privileges of the Library for the period of two years from the date of issue. HOW TO DRAW A BOOK. For Home Use. — Fill out one of the buff blanks, provided for this pur- pose, with the name and address, as on the borrower' s card, together with the shelf number of the desired book, as found in the Catalogue ; then hand in at the Delivery Desk both the buff slip and card. For Use in the Library. — Fill out a pink blank and hand in the slip only. If the book be delivered, hand in the door check. RULES CONCERNING BOOKS. THERE ARE THREE CLASSES OF BOOKS. I. Books issued simply on presentation of card, or slip and door check, for use either at home or in the Library. II. Books issued on card, or slip and door check, by permission of the Librarian, III. Books issued on slip and door check only, and not to be taken out of the Library, Among these are : books of reference, books restricted by terms of gift, books not easily replaced, books deemed unsuitable for general circula- tion, unbound periodicals, and periodicals dating back more than five years. Books with purely medical contents will be issued only to adults, to medical students, and to physicians. The Librarian will exercise his discretion in granting the use of any books of the classes named in this paragraph. An appeal from his decision will always lie to the Trustees. VI THE NUMBER OF BOOKS THAT MAY BE DRAWN AT ONE TIME. Only one book at a time may be obtained for either home or Library use. An exception will be made when a single volume is of little service without others of the set to which it belongs. HOW LONG A BOOK MAY BE RETAINED. Books may be retained two weeks, if no other limit be set at the time of drawing, and may be renewed for the same period either by personal application or by letter ; after which they cannot be again issued to the same borrower until they shall have been at least one day in the Library. Books in the hands of borrowers are, however, always subject to recall for Library purposes. Books must be returned at the expiration of the time for which they are issued, all days to be counted except the day of issue. If a book becomes due on a closed day the time will be extended to the next open day. FINE FOR BOOKS OVERDUE. A fine of five cents will be imposed for each day that a book is overdue. Borrowers refusing to pay such fines will be denied the privileges of the Library. FORBIDDEN. I. Borrowers are forbidden to lend Library books, or to exchange them with other borrowers. Each book must be kept in the personal custody of the borrower, and returned on the card on which it was drawn. II. Marking, writing in, or in any way defacing any Library book, pamphlet or paper, is strictly forbidden, and will subject the offender to the penalties of the law. PENAL CODE. Section 623 of the Penal Code reads : — "And every person who maliciously cuts, tears, defaces, breaks or injures any book, map, chart, picture, engraving, statue, coin, medal, apparatus, or other work of literature, art or mechanics, or object of curiosity, deposited in any public library, gallery, museum, collection, fair or exhibition, is guilty of felony. ' ' The Trustees offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the detection and conviction of any person mutilating any book, periodical, pamphlet or journal belonging to the Library. Borrowers finding any book or periodical defaced or mutilated are required to report the fact to the Librarian before taking the book from the Library. LOSS OR INJURY. If a book belonging to a set be lost or injured, the book must be replaced, or the set paid for by the borrower. Borrowers refusing to comply with this regulation will be denied the privi- leges of the library, besides being held legally responsible. Vll RULES CONCERNING CARDS. NOT TRANSFERABLE. Cards may be transferred for the use of members of the owner's household only. When an infringement of this rule is detected, the card will be taken up. CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Notice of change of residence of borrower or guarantor must be given immediately to the Secretary of the lyibrary. Neglect to give this notice will subject the borrower to a forfeiture of privileges. SURRENDER OF CARDS. Cards must be surrendered at the Library when the holders cease to be residents or tax-payers of San Francisco. LOST CARDS— DUPLICATE CARDS- TRIPLICATE CARDS. If a borrower's card be lost, a duplicate may be issued upon a new appli- cation, indorsed by the same or another guarantor, two weeks after filing the application. If a duplicate card be lost, three months must elapse after notice to the Secretary and filing of new application, before a triplicate card can be issued. Borrower's cards found in books or elsewhere must be returned to the Secretary. Cards may be canceled at any time by the Secretary or Librarian. LIABILITY OF THE GUARANTOR. A guarantor is understood to guarantee the card issued on the application signed by him, and he is liable on his guaranty for all uses made of the card guaranteed, until its return and cancellation. If a book is not returned, or a fine not paid within ten days after due, the guarantor will be called upon to pay such fine or the value of such book. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DOOR CHECK. Visitors, whether they have borrower's cards or not, must take a check from the door-keeper when they come in, and return it when they go out. This door check must be kept, and not laid down on the tables or elsewhere in the Library. Vlll COMPLAINTS. Complaints about the service of the Library must be made to the lyibrarian immediately after the occurrence of cause of complaint ; and, if in writing, must be signed with the writer's name and address. Complaints against the management of the Library, or the conduct of any employe thereof, must be reduced to writing and submitted to the Trustees through their Secretary, who will place them before the Board at the earliest opportunity. NO ADMITTANCE TO THE BOOK SHELVES. No person other than an oflScer or employe will be admitted to the shelves or behind the Library railing unless by permission of the Trustees, or when invited by the Secretary or by the Librarian. WRITING WITH INK. All writing in the reading-room must be done with a pencil. The use of ink is forbidden. ABUSE OF LIBRARY PRIVILEGES. When, in the judgment of the Librarian, a violation of any of the rules of the Library demands summary action, he may cause the offender to be at once ejected, and excluded from the Library until such time as the Trustees may have opportunity to give final decision. GIFTS. The Trustees will gladly accept, for the Library, gifts of books and pamphlets of every description that may be of public interest. On notice to the Librarian, packages in the city will be sent for. Contributors living at a distance may forward at the expense of the Library. ENGLISH FICTION GLISH FICTION V. I. Aboriginal America. Discovery of America. The southern colonies. The northern colonies. Wars of the colonies. Revolt of the colonies. War of the revolution. Washington. Harper's story b'ks. 12 vols. Marco Paul ser. 6 vols. V. I. In New York. V. 2. On Erie canal. V. 3. In the forests of Maine. V. 4. In Vermont. V. 5. In Boston. V. 6. At the Springfield armory. Rollo ser. 14 vols. Rollo's tour in Europe. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5- V.6. V.7- Engrlish Fiction. A., J. Y., pseud. See Akerman, J: Yonge. "A man 's a man for a' that." 823.1277 "Abandoned." Verne, J. 823.5784 Abbd Constantin, L'. Haldvy, L. 823.3845 Same. 823 . 4563; in 823 . 6690 Abb^Tigrane. Fabre, F. 823.4136 Abbot, The. Scott, Sir W. 823 . 1391 Same, in 823 . 4803 ; in 823 .5159; in 823 . 6027 Abbott, Edwin Abbott. \^Asquare.'\ Flatland: a romance of many dimensions. 823 . 4902 Abbott, Jacob. American history. 8 vols. 973-690 973.691 973.692 973-693 973-694 973-695 973.696 973.697 808.580-91 808.719-24 808.719 808.720 808.721 808.722 808.723 808.724 808.903-16 10 vols. 808.917-26 Science for the young ; or, the funda- mental principles of modem philosophy explained and illustrated. 4 vols. V. I. Heat. 808.716 V.2. Wght. 808.798 V. 3. Water and land. 808.715 V. 4. Force. 808.1105 Abbott, J: Stephen Cabot. American pioneers and patriots. Boone, Daniel. 808.542 Columbus, Christopher. 808.538 Crockett, D: 808.541 Franklin, B: 808.797 Jones, J: P. Life ... of. 808.546 Kidd, Capt. W: 808.540 I,a Salle, Chevalier de, and his companions. 808.1050 Standish, Miles. 808.545 Stujrvesant, P: 808.547 Washington, G: 808.543 Abdalla, History of Weber, H. p. 593. z«** 823.6232 Abdallah. Laboulaye, E. R. I/. 823.4100 Abel Allnutt. Morier, J. * 823 6180 Ablest man in the world. The. 28 pp. Mitchell, E: P. p. 45, z» 823.4711 Aboard the Mavis. Markham, R: 808.1866 Aboriginal America. Abbott, J. 973-690 About, Edmond Francois Valentin (1828- 1885). The king of the mountains. Tr. by M.. L. Booth. 823.6976 The man with the broken ear. Tr. by H:Holt. 823.3436 Same. 823 . 6804 The notary's nose. Tr. by H: Holt. 823.6836 Rouge et noir: a tale of Baden-Baden. Tr. byE. R. 823.6282 The story of an honest man. 823.6051 Note. — For his life and writings, see Appletons' journal, v. 3. p.664, **5i.953.— Mazade,C. de. Les id6es lib^rales. (Rev. d. a. Mondes. 2e p6r. v. 22.) p. 727, in **54.255. — Men of the third republic. 923.1165. — Monteg^t,]^. Les romans d'A. {Rev. d. a. Mondes. 2e p6r. v. 22.) p. 987, i« **54.227. — Sat- urday rev., V. 59. p. no, ** 52.4841. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 2, in ** 50.1;— Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. i, in ** 50,1*. English Fiction. Contin. About giants and other wonder people. Smithson, I., a«rf Barnes, G: F. 808.1598 About money and other things. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) 823.5518 Abram Van Zandt, the man in the picture. Lowell, R. T. S. p. II, in 823.1019 Absentee, The. Edgeworth, M. ** 823.4655 Abyssinia. See also Africa, note. Dalton, W: The tiger prince; or, ad- ventures in the wilds of Abyssinia. 808 . 870 Hawkesworth, J: Almoran and Ham- et: an oriental tale. (Ivife in Abyssinia.) (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, v. 26.) p. 135, in ** 823.2087 Johnson, S: History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (L,ife in Abyssinia.) 823.903 Note. — See Table d^cennale du "Tour du monde." 1860-1870. p. i, z'n **9i3.i38*. — ^Wilklns, Col. H. St. Reconnoitring in Abyssinia (1867-8). 916.129. — Winstanley, W. A visit to Abyssinia. 2 vols. 1881. 916.191-2. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2. 1880, p. 2. No. 4, 1884, p. I. No. 3, 1882, p. I. No. 5, 1888, p. I. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 3, in ** 50.1 ; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. i, in ** 50.1". Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis,J. 823.1535 Same. 823.5445 Achilles Tatius. The loves of Clitopho and Leucippe. (Greek romances. Tr. by Rev. R. Smith.) p. 349, in 823.2134 Achsah. Round, W: M. F. 823.1371 Across the chasm. Magruder, J. 823 . 5607 Adam, Uncle, pseud. See Wetterbergh, Carl Anton. Adam, Mme. Edmond. 5"i?/J/r.y. E-- (R-) 823 . 202 Agamenticus. Tenney, E. P. Agatha Page. Henderson, I: Agatha's husband. Craik, Mrs. 823.1549 823.5750 D. M. (M.) 823.5832 823.6313 *» 823.6716 Age of chivalry. Bulfinch, T : Agincourt. James, G: P. R. Agnes. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 823.5030 Agnes Hilton, Hoffman, M.. I. 823.769 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, Mrs. H. E.. (B.) 823.2038 Agnes Sorel. James, G: P. R. 823.5058 Same. 823 . 5059 Agnes Surriage. Bynner, E. L. 823.7169 Agnew, Cora. Peerless Cathleen: an Eng- lish society story. 823 . 4 Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce: a story from Scottish history. 2 vols, (in i). 823.5398 Same. 2 vols. 823 . 5-6 Home influence. 823 . 7 Home scenes and heart studies. 823 . 8 The mother's recompense: a sequel to Home influence. 823.9 The vale of cedars; or, the martyr. 823 . 10 Woman's friendship. 823.11 Ahsahgunushk Numamahtahseng. 91 pp. Herbert, H: W: p. 309, in 823.4253 Aidd, Hamilton. Carr of Carrlyou. 2 vols. (in I). 823.2368 Introduced to society. in 823.5145 Same. ?« 82^.5187 A nine-days' wonder. 823 . 5828 Penruddocke. 823.5823 Aikin, J:, and Barbauld, Mrs. A.. Letitia (Aikin). Evenings at home; or, the juve- nile budget opened. 808.1664 Aimard, Gustave. The gold-seekers: a tale of California. Ed. by Percy B. St. John. (And) The treasure of pearls ; a romance of adventures in California. 823.7008 ENGLISH FICTION ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Aims and obstacles, Contin. James, G: P. R. in 823.6247 Ainslie, Herbert, pseud. See Maitland, E. Ainsworth, W: Harrison (1805-1882). Auriol; or, the elixir of life. {Also) A night's adventure in Rome (1830). 823.27 Beau Nash ; or, Bath in the eighteenth century. 823.5790 Boscobel; or, the royal oak: a tale of the year 1651. 823,5601 Cardinal Pole; or, the days of Philip and Mary. 823.5606 The constable of the tower. 823 . 5605 Crichton. 823.16 The flitch of bacon; or, the custom of Dunmow: a tale of English home. 823 . 17 Guy Fawkes; or, the gunpowder treason. 823.18 Jack Sheppard. 823 . 19 James the Second. 823.20 John Law, the projector. 823.5602 The Lancashire witches : a romance of Pen die forest. 823 . 2 1 The leaguer of Lathom: a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. 823 . 5603 Life and adventures of Mervyn Clith- eroe. 823 . 22 The Lord Mayor of London; or, city life in the last century. 823 .5604 Mervyn Clitheroe, Life . . .of. 823 . 22 The miser's daughter: a tale. 823 . 23 The mysteries of the court of Queen Anne. 823.5912 A night's adventure in Rome. ( With his Auriol. ) in 823 . 27 Old St. Paul's: a tale of the plague and the fire. 823 . 24 Same. * 823.6014 Ovingdean Grange: a tale of the south downs. 823.25 Rookwood: a romance. (With memoir and biog. sketch of A.) 823.26 Same. 823.5625 Saint James's; or, the court of Queen Anne. 823 . 28 The spendthrift: a tale. 823.29 The Star-chamber: an historical ro- mance. 823.30 Tower of London. 823 . 5825 Windsor Castle. • 823 . 32 Note. — For his life and writing.s, see Appletons' joum., V. 8. pp. 152-54, in *■■* 51.958. — Stephen's Diet, of national biog., v. i. ** 920.330*. •'Airy fairy Lilian." Hungerford, Mrs. M. 823.740 Akerman, J: Yonge. {A., J: Y.) Tales of other days. 823 . i Contents: — The magic phial; or, an evening at Delft.— Tale of the civil wars.— Friar Rush.— Ghys- brecht, the free-lance. — The three suitors. — The fifth of November. — A tale of the low countries. — Trial by battle.— The castle of Stauffenberg.— The brothers. — Roger Clevelly. — Haviland Hall. Alarc6n, Pedro Antonio de. Black eyes. 12 pp. Tr. by Mrs. F.. C. Henderson. (/« Henderson, Mrs. F.. C, Dundei^iksborg . . . ) p. 175- «« 823.6534 The tall woman. Tr. by RoUo Ogden. 34 pp. (/» Modern ghosts.) p. 79, ?■« 823.7349 Ilnglisli Fiction. Contin. Alaska. Allen, W. B. The Red Mountain of Alaska. 808.1912 Note.— See Badlam, A. The wonders of Alaska. 1890. 9177.620. — Bibliography. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states, v. 28: Alaska. (1730-1885. Authorities quoted, pp. xxiii-xxxviii.) * 970.97. — Elliott, H: W. Our arctic province, Alaska and the Seal islands. 1887. 9177.608. — Murphy, T: G. History of Alaska. (From the Alaska Times.) 977.161. See also Catalogues of this lyibrary. No. 2, 1880, p. 5. No. 4, 1884, p. 4. No. 3, 1882, p. 3. No. 5, 1888, p. 3. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 18, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882- Jan. i, 1887. p. 6, in ** 50. r^ See also Catalogue of govt. pubs, of the U, S. (1774-1881). p. 1246, in ** 15.202 Alba's dream and other stories. 823.5816 Contents: — Alba's dream. — A message. — How Percy Bingham caught his trout. — The legend of Friar's Rock. — The wild rose of St. Regis. — ^Jane's vocation. — A sweet revenge.— The Wolf-tower. — Juliette.— A silent courtship.— The little chapel at MonamuUin. Albert, M.. A hidden terror. 823.4983 Albert Lunel. 3 vols, (in i). Brougham, Lord -a.'. V: ** 823.6685 Same. 3 vols. 823 . 6441-3 Albert Travers, Fortunes of. Berrington, B. S. 823.7197 Albrecht. Bates, A. 823.6951 Alcestis. Cornish, Mrs. — . 823.806 Alcock, Deborah. The czar: a tale of the time of the first Napoleon. 823.5909 Genevieve: a story of old France. 823.7196 The Spanish brothers: a tale of the six- teenth century. 823.1184 Same. 823.5910 Under the southern cross: a tale of the new world. 823 . 1 183 Alcott, L.. May. A garland for girls. 808.1462 Contents: — May flowers.— An ivy spray and ladies' slippers. — Pansies. — Water-lilies. — Poppies and wheat. — Little button-rose. — Mountain-laurel and maidenhair. Independence: a centennial love story. ( With her Silver pitchers. ) itt 823 . 34 Modern Mephistopheles. 823.1997 Moods. 823.33 Same. 823.4295 Silver pitchers. {And) Independence: a centennial love story. 823 . 34 Contents.— SWv^v pitchers.— Anna's whim.— Trans- cendental wild oats. — The romance of a summer day.— My rococo watch.— By the river.— Letty's tramp.— Scarlet stockings.— Independence: a cen- tennial love story. Work: a story of experience. 823.35 Alcove, The. Abbott, J. ?« 808.587 Alden, Mrs. I.. (McDonald). [Pansy.'] The Chautauqua girls at home. 808. 1511 The hall in the Grove. 808. 15 12 Alderbrook. Judson, Mrs. E. (C.) 823.908 Aldrich, T: Bailey. Marjorie Daw and other people. 823.6926 Contents:— ^ar^^vi^ Daw.— A Rivermouth ro- mance. — Quite so.— A young desperado. — Miss Mehetable'a son.-A struggle for life.— The friend of my youth.— Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski.— P^reAntoine's date-palm. Marjorie Daw and other stories. 823.36 Cb»/tfM/i.— Marjorie Daw.— Miss Mehetabel's son. — Our new neighbors at Ponkapog.— A midnight fantasy.— Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski.— A strug- gle for life. — P^re Antoine's date-palm.— Quite so.— A Rivermouth romance.— The little violinist. ENGLISH FICTION ENGLISH FICTION Eng-lisli Fiction. Contin. Aldrich, T: Bailey. Contin. Prudence Palfrey: a novel. 823.37 The Queen of Sheba. 823 . 38 ' Story of a bad boy. 808.283 Alec Forbes of Howglen. MacDonald, G: 823.5372 Same. 823 . 2637 Alexander, Mrs., pseud. See Hector, Mrs. Annie (French). Alexander, Francesca \_Francesca\. The story of Ida. Epitaph on an Etrurian tomb. Ed. byJ:Ruskin. 45 PP- «» 823.5038 Alfgar the Dane. Crake, ^^r/. A. D. 823.5655 Alger, Horatio, yJK. Boyhood and manhood series: Abraham Lincoln, the backwoods boy. 808.1324 From canal boy to president. 808. 1054 Algeria. See also Africa, note. Ballantyne, R. M. The pirate city: an Algerine tale. 808 . 1275 Dumas, A. D. Tales of Algeria. 916.95 La Ram^e, L. de. Under two flags. 823.1830 McCabe, J. D. Our young folks in Africa. 808.1874 Yonge, CM.. A modem Telemachus. (Captivity of Baroness Bourke. ) 823 . 5760 See Catholic World, July, 1881. p. 509, in 282.100. Note. — See Playfair, Sir R. ly. Bibliography. (Roy. Geograph. See. Suppl. papers, v. 2. pp. 127-430. Lond., 1888.) *9io.52oi".— Morell, J:R. Algeria: the topography and history, political, social and natural, of French Africa. Map. Illus. 1854. 965.2.— Palszky, 'P.,comp. The tricolor on the Atlas; or, Algeria and the French conquest. 1854. 965 .1. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 21-2, in ** 50.1. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885; 1886-18S9. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of State.) ** 350.549(5'-''. Alhambra, The. Irving, W. 823.1807 Alice. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer-. 823 . 5931 Alice Doane's appeal. 16 pp. Hawthorne, N. p. 279, in 824.414 Alice Learmont. Craik, Mrs. J). M. (M.) 823.5651 Same. in 823.330; in 823.5508 Alice Lorraine. Elackmore, R: D. 823.3916 Same. 823.5836 Alice Sherwin. M., C. J. " 853.1376 Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Dodgson, C: L. 808.688 Alicia Warlock, and other stories. Collins, W:W. 823.6386 Alide. Lazarus, E. 823.964 Aline. Durand, Mme. A. M. C. (H.) 823.7046 Alkahest, The. Balzac, H. de. 823.5208 All alone. Theuriet, A. 823.5598 All for love. Dupuy, E. A. 823.490 All for the best. Holt, E. S.. 808. 15 16 All in the dark. Le Fanu, J. S. 823 . 6438 All sorts and conditions of men. Besaut, W. 823.3719 Allan Quatermain. Haggard, H: R. 823.5072 Same. 823.7154 Allan's wife and other tales. Haggard, H: R. 823.6987 Allen, Grant. For Maimie's sake: a tale of love and dynamite. in 823 . 5052 English Fiction. Contin. Allen, Grant. Contin. In all shades: a novel. 823.5447 This mortal coil. 823 . 6624 Allen, H. N., tr. Korean tales: collection of stories tr. from the Korean folk-lore, together with introductory chapters descrip- tive of Korea. 823 . 6535 Contents: — Introductory. The country people and government. — Descriptive. Sights in and about the capital. — The rabbit and other legends. Stories of birds and animals. — The enchanted wine jug; or, why the cat and dog are enemies. — Ching Yuh and Kyain Oo: the trials of two heavenly lovers. — Hy- ung Bo and Nahl Bo; or, the swallow-king's re- ward. — Chung Yang: the faithful dancing-girl wife. — Sim Chung: the dutiful daughter.— Hong Kil Tong; or, the adventures of an abused boy. Allen, R: Miss Eaton's romance: a story of the New Jersey shore. 823 . 7028 Allen, Willis Boyd. The Red Mountain of Alaska. 80S.1912 Allingham, Althea. Marshall, E. In four reigns. 823.5770 "All's dross but love." 64 pp. Lancaster, A. E. 823.5490 All's for the best. Arthur, T. S. 823.6975 Allworth Abbey. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1474 Alma. Marshall, 3Trs. E. (M.) 823.7138 Almeria. Edgeworth, M. ht 823.507 Same. p. 273, ** 823.4652 Almoran and Hamet. Hawkes worth, J: p. 135, in ** 823.2087 Alone. Terhime, 3Irs. M.. V. (H.) 823.1550 Aloys. Auerbach, B. 823.4346 Alps. See also Switzerland, note. Abbott, J. Rambles among the Alps. {In his Harper's story books, v. 7.) z« 808.586 Note. — See Catalogties of this Library. No. 5, No. 2, 1S80, p. 7. No. 3, 1882, p. 4. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. Alroy. Disraeli, B: Although he was a lord, and Bridges, Mrs. Col. — . Same. Alton Locke. Kingsley, C: Alvira the heroine of Vesuvius. J. Amadis of Gaul. 3 vols. p. 5. pp. 24-25, i» ** p. 9, zw**50.i-. 823.458 other tales. 2« 823.5049 in 823.5075 823.931 O'Reilly, A. 823.1222 Lobeira, V. de. ** 823.6893-5 Amazon, The. Dingelstedt, F., Freiherr v. 823.6825 Amazon, The. Vosmaer, C. Sam,e. Amber Gods and other stories. Mrs. H. E.. (P.) Ambitious woman. An. Fawcett, 823.4804 823.5089 Spofford, 823.4199 E. 823.6436 823.6560 823.555 Same. Amelia, History of. Fielding, H: Same. 823 . 615 1 ; 823 . 7069 America. See also notes under British North America. — Central America. — Indians. — New England. — South America. {Also) Hunting . . . adventures. Abbott, J. Aboriginal America. {Am.. hist., v. I.) 973 690 Discovery of America. {Am. hist., v. 2.) 973.691 ENGLISH FICTION ENGLISH FICTION Contin, English Fiction America. Contin. Brinton, D. G. world. 1876. Butterworth, H of America. Longfellow, H: 3 vols. Scheie de Vere, M. R. B of American history. 1872 The myths of the new 291.19 Young folks' history 970.67 W. Poems of places. 821.206-7; 821.210 The romance 970.30 Wright, H. C. Children's stories iu American history . 808 . 1 695 Note.— See Ford, P. L. Bibliograpliy, cata- logues, and reference lists on America. (Ltb.Jour., V, 13. pp. 37-40.) in** i9.24'>.— Watson, P. B. Bib- liography of the pre-Columbian discoveries of America. 38 pp. {Lib. Jour., v. 6. 1881.) p. 227, in** 19.21.— Maps of America, 154&-1600. (Bost.Pub. X,ih. Bulletin, No. 41, PP- 205-7.) tn ** 17.135.— Win- 8OP, ].,ed. Narrativeandcriticalhistory of America. 8 vols. 1889. * 97o.i27>-». (Critical notes on sources of information and accounts of the cartog- raphy of the country follow many chapters.) v. i. contains the following bibliographical notes by the editor: Americana in libraries and bibliographies; Early descriptions of America and collective ac- counts of the early voyages thereto; The progress of opinion respecting the origin and antiquity of man in America; Bibliography of aboriginal America; Comprehensive treatises on American antiquities: Bibliographical notes on the industries and trade of the American aborigines, on American linguistics, on the myths and religions of America; Archceological museums and periodicals. *97o. 127*. For antiquities of America, see Publications of the Smithsonian Institution. See also Catalogues of this I<^ibrary. No. 2, 1880, pp. 7, 8. No. 4, 1884, pp. 6, 7. No. 3, 1882, pp. 4, 5. No. 5, 1S88, pp. 5, 6. American, The. James, H :, /r. 823 . 883 American baron, The. De Mille, J. 823 . 5844 American coin. By the author of "Aristoc- racy." 823.7236 American girl's home book of work and play. Campbell, Mrs. H.. (S.) 808.1313 American history. 8 vols. Abbott, J. 973.690-97 American history. Stories of Dodge, N. S. 808.1675 American Humane Educational Society. See Animals, note. American literature. See Literature. American notes. Dickens, C: J. H. p. 601, in 823.4968 Same. 823.5331 American penman. An. Hawthorne, J. C. 823-5444 American pioneers and patriots. See Abbott, J: S. C. American politician. An. Crawford, P. M. 823.4873 Am^ro, Constant, Joint author. See Tis- sot,V: Ames, Lucia True. Memoirs of a millionaire. 823.6556 Amicis, Edmondo de. Cuore: an Italian schoolboy's journal. Tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 808.1657 Amid the corn . By the author of " The even- ing and the morning." 3 vols. 823 . 1987-9 V. I. The Christmas party. V. 2. The Whitsuntide visit. V. 3. The bridegroom and the bride. Amis and Amilouu. Weber, H: W: p. 367, in * 821.1240 Among the hills. Pointer, E. F.. 823.1857 Among the pines. Gilmore,J. R. 823.608 !Englisli Fiction Among the Turks. Contin. Cameron, V. H: L. 808.1585 Amongst machines. Lukin, J. 808.630 Amorassan. Lewis, M. G. p. 107, ?'« 823.4275 Amos Kilbright. Stockton, F. R: 823.5764 Amulet, The. Conscience, H. p. 157, in 823.5707 Anaconda, The. 56 pp. Lewis, M. G. p. 49, ?■« 823.4275 Anastatius. 3 vols. Hope, T: * 823.2057-9 Ancient regime, The. 3 vols. James, G: P. R. * 823.6403-5 Anderdon, W: H: Antoine de Bonneval: a tale of Paris in the days of St. Vincent de Paul. 823.39 Andersen, Hans Christian. (1805-1875.) Danish fairy legends and tales. Tr. by Caroline Peachey . 808 .771 Contents.— 'the wild swans.— The ugly duckling.— The little mermaid.— The storks.— The nightingale. —Little Ida's flowens.— The swineherd.— Ole I.uck- oie; or, the dustraan.—The daisy.— The buckwheat. — The emperor's new clothes. — The real princess. — The top ftnd the ball.— The garden of Paradise.- The fir-tree.— Mother Elder.— Elfin-mount.— The snow-queen. — Holger the Dane. — Tommelise.— Great Oaus and little Clans.- The constant tin soldier. —The naughty boy.— The angel.- Theclogs of for- tune. — The shepherdess and the chimney-sweeper. — The tinder-box. — The red shoes. — The fellow- travellers.— The leaping-match.— The rose-elf.— The flyinf^-trunk.— The old street lamp.— The little match girl.— The neighbours.— The bell.— The darning-needle. — Little Tuk. — The shadow. — The old house.— The flax.— The drop of water.— The happy family. — The falsecollar.— Story of a mother. —The history of the year.— The world's fairest rose.— A picture from the castle ramparts.— " Quite true."— The swans' nest. — Good humour.— Gnef of heart. — "Everything in its place."— The nisse at the grocer's.— A thousand years hence.— Under the willow-tree. — A vision of the last day. The improvisatore (life in Italy). Tr. by M.. Howitt. 823.4223 The man from Paradise (poem). 7 pp. {In Bushby, Mrs. — , tr. The Danes, ... V. I.) p. 305. in 823.6444 Morten Lange. A Christmas story. 10 pp. {In Bushby, Mrs. — , tr. The Danes . . . v. i.) p. 199. "^ 823.6444 Fairy tales. (Complete collection.) Tr. by Mrs. H. B. Paull. 808.1928 The goloshes of fortune, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 808.600 Con/if«if.r.-— The goloshes of fortune.— The oldstreet lamp.— Theelf-hill.— Theloveliest rose inthe world. —The swineherd.— Something.— The buckwheat.— The rose-elf. O. T.: a Danish romance. 823.67S8 The old church bell, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 808.605 Contents:— 'X\ic^ old church bell.— A story from the .sand-dunes.— The last dream of the old oak tree.— The Psyche. — My boots. Only a fiddler: a Danish romance. 823.4219 The sand-hills of Jutland (and other stories). 823.4182 Contents:— "t^cy^ sand-hills of Jutland.— The mud- king's daughter.— The quickest runners.— The bell's hollow. — Soup made ofa sausage-stick. — The neck of a bottle.— The old bachelor's nightcap.— Some- thing.— The old oak tree's last dream.— The wind relatesthe story of WaldemarDaaeand his daugh- ters.— The girl who trod upon bread.— 016, the watchman of the tower.— Anne Lisbeth; or, the apparition of the beach.— Children's prattle.— A row of pearls.— The pen and the inkstand.— The child in the grave.— Charming. ENGLISH FICTION ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Andersen, Hans Christian. Contin. Stories. 57 pp. {In Scudder, H. E., comp. The children' s book.) p. 154, i7i 808.1882 Stories for the household. 808. 1323 The two baronesses. 823.4006 Same. 823.6635 Note.—VoT life and writings see Andersen, H. C. Story of my life. 1876. 928.83. — Brandes, G. (In Azj Eminent authors of the 19th cent.) 1S86. p. 61, »■« 809.67. 5^e a/io Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 37, ** 50.1. Andersonville violets. Collingwood, H. W. 823.7320 Andreas Hofer. Llundt, Mrs. C. (M. ) 823.6265 Andreds- weald. Crake, Rev. A. D. 823.5654 Andrews, Fanny \_El2ey Hay\. A mere adventurer. 823 . 5842 Andrews, J.. The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 808.1428 Angel of the bells, The. Du Boisgobey, F. 823.5097 Angela's fortune. Theuriet, A. 823.5550 Animals. See also Hunting. — Natural his- tory, note. Church, E. R. Home-animals. 808.1597 Kingston, W: H: G. Stories of the sa- gacity of animals. Cats and dogs. 596. 106 The horse and other animals. 808.1445 Newton, Rev. R: Bible animals and the lessons taught by them. 808. 1722 Sewell, A.. Black Beauty: his grooms and companions. Ed. by the American Humane Education Society. 808.1697 Tolstoi, Count L. N. Tales from zool- ogy. 14 pp. (/« his The long exile, etc.) p. 187, «■« 808.1348 Wood, J: G: Routledge's picture book of animals. 808.1883 Note.— See Baker, Sir S: W. Wild beasts and their ways. Illus. 1890. 590.126. — Bamum, P. T. The wild beasts, birds and reptiles of the world. 1889. *590.ii7. — ^Beaugrand, C: The walks abroad of two young naturalists. 590 .1 14. — Bibliography. In Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower animals in health and disease, v. 2. 1875. pp. 399-418, zn 590.41. — Broderip, W. J: Zoological recreations. 1862. 590.26. — Buckland, F. T. Curiosities of natural hist. 4 series. 1868-73. D 4.62-5. — Buckley, A. B. Life an4 her children: glimpses of animal life. 1881. 590. 67' — The winners in life's race. 1883. 596.39.— Gould, C: Mythical monsters. 1886. ♦590.104. — Hehn, V. The wanderings of plants and animals from their first home. 1888. 580.87. — Holder, C. F. The ivory king: the elephant and its allies. 1886. 599.107;— Living lights: account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 1887. 590.106; — A strange company, wonder-wings, mul- lingongs, colossi, etc. Illus. 1888. 590.118. — tnger- soll, E., a«rfo/A«rj. Habits of animals. 1882. 590.- 115.— I-ankester, E. R. Uses of animals to man. 636.33.— Lee, Mrs. R. Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of birds, reptiles and fishes. 1876. 590.34. — Menault, E. Wondersof animal instinct. 158.2. — Oswold, F. L. Zoological sketches. 1883. 596. 38.— Simmonds, P. L. Dictionary of useful ani- mals and their product. 590.97. — Smith, H. A. Animals, birds and fishes. 1887. * 590. 107. — Wil- son, A. Facts and fictions of zoology. (Humboldt i,!*., No. 29.) 1882. i'«824.327.— Wood, J. G. Strange dwellings. 1872. D 4.67;— Trespassers. D4.70. 5^«a/jo Natural history. — Zoology in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 163; 256. No. 4, 1884, p. 19S; 324. No. 3, 1882, p. 130; 209. No. 5, 1888, p. 263; 391. Englisli Fiction. Contin. Anna Kar^nina. Tolstoi, Count L. N. 823.5241 Annals of a baby. Stebbins, Mrs. S.. (B.) 823.4529 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. MacDonald, G: 823.1061 Annals of a sportsman. Turgenef, I. S. 823.4910 Annals of the parish. Gait, J: 823.4191 Annan water. Buchanan, R. W: 823.5116 Anne. Woolson, C. F. 823.4468 Anne Furness. Trollope, Mrs. F.. E. (T.) 823 . 6002 Anne Judge, spinster. 3 vols. Robinson, F: W: 823.4128-30 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir \V. 823 . 1392 Same. Anne Sdverin. p. 291, tn ** 823.6033 Craven, Mme. P. (de la F.) 823.6842 Annie Kilburn. Howells, W: D. 823.5541 Annouchka. Turgenef, I. S. 823.4901 Another's crime. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.5752 Anson, W. S. W., ed. Epics and romances of the middle ages. Adapted from the work of Dr. W. Wagner by M. W. MacDowall. 823.6146 Anstey, F., pseud. See Guthrie, F: Anstey. Antarctic regions. See also Arctic regions, note. Poe, E. A. Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. ( With his The prose tales.) in 823.1921 Note.— See Bibliogrraphy. Chavanne, J., and others. Die Litteratur iiber die polar-Regionen der Erde. 1878. • 16.214. — Enderby. Discoveries in the Antarctic ocean. 1833. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Journal, V. 3.) p. 105, in ** 910.3.— Hartwig, G. The polar world (popular). 1881. 919.112. — Laugel, A. Le p61e austral et les expeditions antarctiques. {Rev. a. d. Mondes. 2e p6r. v. i.) p. 802, m ** 54.206. — Weddell, J. Vovages towards the south pole. (1822- 24.) *♦ 9191 .25.— Wilkes, C: U. S. exploring expedi- tion. 1838-42. V. 1. p. 133; V. 2. p. 281, in *• 910.70-1. Anteros. Lawrence, G: A. 823.954 Antipodes, Zigzag journeys in the. Butter- worth, H. 808.1815 Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir W. 823 . 1393 Same. ** 823 . 6024 Antoine de Bonneval. Anderdon, W: H. 823.39 Antoinette. 2 vols. Blyth, M. P. 823 . 7206-7 Antoinette. Ohnet, G. 823.6676 Antonia. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. (D.) 823.6790 Antomna. Collins, W: W. 823 . 250 Antonio di Carara. A Paduan tale. 79 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10.) in ** 823 . 6656 Antony Brade. Lowell, R. T. S. 823 . 1018 Aphrodite. Eckstein, E. 823.6981 Apologue, An. 11 pp. Shorthouse, J. H: p. 307, /« 823.5438 Apostate. The. Daudet, E. 823.6501 April day, An. Jephson, P. P. in 823.4993 April hopes. Howells, W: D. 823.5522 Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis. Works of Apuleius: comprising the Metamorphoses; or, golden ass. — ^The God of Socrates. — The Florida. {And) His defence; or, a discourse on magic. New tr. Added, A metrical ENGLISH FICTION ENGLISH FICTION £n^lisli Fiction. Contiti. Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis. Contin. version of Cupid and Psyche. {And) Mrs. Tighe's Psyche: a poem in six cantos. (Bohn's lib.) 1888. 823.2116 Arabella Stuart. (Time of James I. of Eng- land, ) 3 vols. James, G: P. R. * 823.6406-8 Arabesques. Greenough, Mrs. S.. D. 823.665 Arabia, etc. Church, A. J: Stories of the magicians. Thalaba and the magicians of the Dom- daniel, Rustem and the genii, Kehama and his sorceries. 823 . 5663 Clerk, Mrs. G., tr. 'Ilam-en-Nas. Historical tales ... of the time of the early Khalifahs. 823.1836 Same. 953-12 Ebers, G. Homo sum. (The anchor- ite spirit — in the deserts and rocks of the Sinaitic peninsula.) 823.4525 Same. 823.4063 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Abdallah; or, the four-leafed shamrock. 833.4100 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. p. 167, 821.228 Same. in * 821.231 Palgrave, W: G. Alkamah's cave: a story of Nejd. p. 303, in 915.365 Note. — See Cricliton, A. History of Arabia, an- cient and modem. Map. lUus. 2 vols. 1S40. 953.8-9. —Doughty, C: M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Map. lUus. 2 vols. 18S8. 915.352-3.— lianar, E: W: Arabian society in the middle ages. 1883. 962.23.— Myers, A. B. R. Life with the Hamram Arabs (chiefly sporting). 1876. 915.366.— Ruete, Mrs. E. Memoirs of an Arabian princess. 1888. 923.1953. — Taylor, B. Travels in Arabia. 18S7. 915.354. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2. 18S0, p. II. No. 4, 1884, p. II. No. 3, 1882, p. 8. No. 5, 1888, p. 21. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 49-50, in ** 50.1;— Sajne. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. pp. 17-18, in ** 50.1*. Arabian days' entertainments. HauflF, W. 823.4327 Arabian nights' entertainments. (In Weber, H: Tales of the east, v. i.) in ** 823.6230 Arabian nights' entertainments: additional tales. (/« Weber, H: Tales of the east, V. 2.) p. 725, in ** 823.6231 Arabian nights' entertainments. Saine as The thousand and one nights. Arabian nights' entertainments. See Thous- and and one nights, note. Arblay, Mme. Francisca (Burney) d'. 1752- 1840. Cecilia; or, memoirs of an heiress. 3 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 40-42.) ** 823.2101-3 Evelina; or, the history of a young lady's introduction to the world. 2 vols, (in i). 823.1911 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 38-39. ) ** 823.2099-2100 Note.— "Pot her life and writings, jz-ifMacaulay, T: B. Miscl. essays, p. 728, in 824.68.— Stephen, L. Diet, of nat. biog., v. 2. ** 920.330=.— Woolsey, S..C..,ed. Diary andletters. 2 vols. 928.363-4. See also Poole's Index (to 1S82). pp. 50, 51, in ** 50.1;— Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. 1,1887. p. 18, «» •*5o.i>. Eng^lish Fiction. Contin. Arbouville, Mme. Sophie (de Bazancourt) d'. Christine: a Dutch story. Tr. by F: Hard- man. 85 pp. {In Tales from Black- wood, V. 6. ) ifi ** 823 . 6652 The village doctor. 77 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5.) in ** 823.6651 Arcadia, Countess of Pembroke's. Sidney, Sir P. 823 . 6639 Archer, E. M. Betwixt my love and me. in 823 . 5069 Archibald, Malmaison. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.5684 Archie Lovell. Edwardes, Mrs. A. in 823 . 2815 Same. 823.5807 Archipelago on fire, The, Verne, J. in 823 . 5064 Arctic Crusoe. St. John, P. B. 808.374 Arctic regions. See also notes under Antarc- tic regions ; — Eskimos. Ballantyne, R. M. Fast in the ice. 808.673 Same. 808.1284 World of ice ; or, the whaling cruise of ' ' The Dolphin. " 808 . 265 Knox, T: W. Voyage of the " Vivian " to the north pole and beyond. 808. 1845 St, John, P. B, The Arctic Crusoe: a tale of the polar sea. 808.374 Schwatka, F: The children of the cold. 808.1673 Verne, J. At the north pole. 823 . 5537 The desert of ice; or, the further adventures of Captain Hatteras. 823.6S79 The English at the north pole. 823.6880 The field of ice. 823.4343 The fur country, 2 pts. 823. 688 1-2 Note. — See Bibliogrraphy. Chavanne, J., and others. Die Litteratur Uber die polar-Regionen der Erde. 1878. ** 16.214.— Hartwig, G: Heroes of the Arctic regions, from "The polar world." 1S88. 919.110 ; — The Polar world : a popular description of man and nature in the Arctic and Antartic regions of the globe. 1886. 919. 121. — Jeannette expedi- tion, 1879-1882. (Petermann's Mittkeilungen, v. 28.) p. 241, in ** 910.317. — Liaurldsen, P: Vitus Bering: the discoverer of Bering strait. (Russian explo- rations, 1725-1743.; 1889. 9191.89.— Markham, A. H. Northward ho! 1879. 9191.93;— A polar recon- naissance: being the voyage of the "Isbjom" in 1879. 919. 1 18. — Markham, C. R. Life of John Davis the navigator, 1550-1605, discoverer of Davis straits. 925.94. For attempts to discover a North-west passage, j^tf AUibone's Diet, of authors, v. 1. p. 633, in ** 803.6 .S"^^a/w Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 12. No. 4, 1884, p. 13. No. 3, 1882, p. 10, No. 5, 1888, p. 23. See also Poole's Index (to 1882J. pp. 55-56, in ** 50.1 ;— Same. From Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 20, in ** 50. 1 -. See also Catalogue of gov't pubs, of the U. S. to March, 1881. *♦ 15.202. Arden Court. Graham, B. /« 823.5012 Ardis Claverden. Stockton, F. R: 823.7417 Argles, Afrs. M., now Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret, Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte, F, B. 823.5286 Argyle, A.. The Cecilias ; or, the force of circumstances, 823.6124 Olive Lacey: a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. 823.41 ENGLISH FICTION 10 ENGLISH FICTION Englisli Fiction. Contm. Ariadne. Durand, Mme. A. M. C. (H.) 823.2326 Ariadne. La Ramde, L. de. 823 . 1814 Ariosto, Lodovico. Tales from Ariosto. Re- told for children by A lady. 808 . 777 Contents: — The story of the Princess Angelica. — The story of Ginevra. — The story of Ruggfiero and Bradamante. Aristocracy. (Anon.) 823.7237 Arius, the Libyan. Kouns, N. C. 823.7239 Armadale. Collins, W: W. 823.251 Arminell. Gould, S. Baring-. 823.6577 Armitt, Annie. In shallow waters. in 823.4975 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant, W. 823 . 7163 Armourer of Paris. 83 pp. Smith, A. p. 333, ?■» 823.1449 Army society. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) in 823.5040 Arne. Bjornson, B. 823.4218 Same. 823 . 4364 Arnold, G: Why Thomas was discharged. 25 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 5.) p. 142, in 823.4706 Arnold's promise. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) in 823.5123 Around a spring. Droz, A. G. 823.4042 Around the golden deep. Reeder, A. P. 823.5343 Around the world m eighty days. Verne, J. 823.3105 Same. S23.6918 Arr, E. H., pseud. See Rollins, Mrs. Ellen Chapman (Hobbs). Arrom, iJ/ir.?. Cecilia (BohldeFaber). \_Fernan Caballero.'] La Gaviota-the sea-gull; or, the lost beauty. 823.6892 The old and the new; or, three souls too good for this world. {In Zimmern, H.., andK. Half-hours with for. novelists, v. 2.) in 823-6614 Art novels. (Art life, aesthetics, etc.) Barnard, C: The soprano: a musical story. 823 . 6632 English art. Collins, W: W. Hide-and-seek. 823.257 Leaves from Leah's diary. {In his After dark and other stories. ) in 823 . 249 Edwardes, Mrs. A. Archie Lovell. 823.5807 Same. {With her heah.) in 823.2815 Fothergill, J, The first violin. 823.586 Thackeray, W: M. The Newcomes. {Works, y. i.) 823.1578 Same. 2 vols. 823.5000-1 German art. Drew, C. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. 823.1847 Heyse, J. L. P. Children of the world. 3 vols. 823.6455-7 Italian art. Colonna the painter. A tale of Italy and the arts. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. I.) in ** 823.6647 Hawthorne, N. The marble faun. 2 vols. 823.4362-3 Same. ■ 823.6553-4 iEngrlisli Fictioii. Contin. Art novels. (Art life, aesthetics, etc.) Contin. Italian art. Contin. Jameson, Mrs. A. . Diary of an ennuy^e. 914. 26S Vosmaer, C. The amazon. 823.4804 Note. — See " Fine Arts" in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 83. No. 4, 1884, p. 104. No. 3, 1882, p. 71. No. 5, 1888, p. 139. Arthur, King. See England, Arthurian era. Arthur, Timothy Shay. All's for the best. 823.6975 The Latimer family, and other temper- ance stories. 823.5911 The mill and the tavern. 823.5758 Orange blossoms: fresh and faded. 823.5688 The strike at Tivoli mills; and what came of it. The wife's engagement ring. Arthur. Sue, M. J. Arthur Blaue. Grant, J. Arthur Bounicastle. Holland, J. G. Arthur Merton. Porter, D: D. Arthur Mervyn. 2 vols. Brown Same. Arthur Monteith. Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of 823.5622 S23.5757 823.6298 823.618 S23.7S5 823.6503 C:B. 823.137-8 823.6201-2 Blackford, 3frs. — . in 823.6584 Lever, C: J, 823.969 823.659 Mrs. E. D. 823.1475 823.6573 823.2790 823.5080 in 823 . 5084 19 pp. Hunger- in 823.4981 in 823.4982 823.363 823.4914 823.7250 ). 823.234 823.7161 808.1520 Artiste. Grant, M. M. Artist's love, The. Southworth, E. (N.) Artists' wives. Daudet, A. Arundel motto. Hay, M.. C. Sa^ne. As Avon flows. Vince, H: S. "As it fell upon a day." ford, Mrs. M. Same. As it may happen. Davis, R. S. As it was written. Harland, H: As 'tis in life. Delpit, A. Asbury twins, The. Clarke, R. . Ascanio. Dumas, A. D. Ashcliffe Hall. Holt, E. S.. Ashmore, Annie. Faithful Margaret. 823.42 Asia. See also notes under Afghanistan, — Asia Minor, — Assyria, — Babylon, — Caucas- us, — China, — India, —Japan, — Persia, — Tur- key. [Also) Hunting . . . adventures. Dalton, W: Phaulcon the adventurer; or, the Europeans in the east. 823 . 6082 White elephant; or, the hunters of Ava and the king of the golden foot. 808 . 872 Fenn, G: M. Middy and ensign: a tale of the Malay peninsula. 808. 1222 Same. 823*5740 Hearn, L. Stories of Moslem lands. 22 pp. {In his Stray leaves . . . ) p. 169, in 823.4791 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 821.227-9 Asia, Central. Geddie, J : Beyond the Himalayas : a story of travel and adventure in the wilds of Thibet. 808. 11 84 Ker, D. Lost city. 808.136X ENGLISH FICTIDN 11 BNGLISH FICTION flngrlisli Fiction. Contin. Asia, Central. Contin. Lubomirski, Prince. Safar-Hadgi ; or, Russ and Turcoman . 823 . 2330 Reid, Capt. T: M. Plant hunters; or, adventures among the Himalaya moun- tains. 808.430 The cliflF-climbers. (Sequel to "The plant hunters.") 808.757 Secret of the Lamas: a tale of Thibet. 823.7076 l^ote. — See Curzon, G: N. Russia in central Asia in 18S9, and the Anglo-Russian question. 1889. (Bibliog^raphy, pp. 440-68.) 914.127. — Lansdell, H. Russian central Asia. 2 vols. 1885. (Bibliogra- phy, in V. 2, pp. 654-84.) 915.323-4.— Bibllograpliy. Murray, H. Discoveries and travels in Asia. 3 vols. 1820. (List of authorities, etc., in v. 3, pp. 487-513-) *9i5-337-9- — Bonvalot, G. Through the heartofAsiaover the Pamir to India. 2 vols. 1S89. 915. 340-1 .—T ay loi-, B. Central Asia. i88g. 915.348. — Wardrop, O. The Kingdom of Georgia. (With, bibliography.) 18S8. 915.367. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2. iSSo, p. 14. No. 4, 1884, p. 15. No. 3, 1882, p. II. No. 5, 1888, p. 25. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 67, 68, in ** $0.1;— Same. Jan, i, iSS2-Jan. i, 1S87. pp. 24, 25, in *^ 50.1^. Asia Minor. See also notes under Arabia. — Assyria. — Persia. — Syria. Eckstein, E. Aphrodite: a romance of ancient Hellas. (551 B. C.) 823.6981 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. 821.228 Note.— See Stcrrett, J. R. S. The Wolf expedi- tion, 1884-5. (Archseolog. Inst, of Amer. Papers, etc., V. 3.) * 956.35;— An epigraphical journey in Asia Minor, 18S3-4. * 956. 34. — Colliguon, M. Voy- age en Asie-Mineure. {^Rev. d. d. Mondes. se p6r. V. 37, P- 150; V. 38, p. 891. ** 54-351. 352. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 3, 1882, p. 11; No. 4, 18S4, p. 15; No. 5, 1888, p. 25. S^<; a/50 Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 68, 7»**50.i; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 25, 7« ** 50.1^. See also Index to Consular reports. 1S80-1885; 18S6-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs, £>epi. 0/ State.) ** 350-5496»"^. Askaros Kassis the Copt, De Leon, E. 823.4048 Aslauga's knight. 42 pp. La Motte-Fouqu^, F. H. K: ?■» 823.5196 Same. p. 169, in 823.4762 Asmodeus. Le Sage, A. R. 823 . 6872 Aspasia. 2 vols. Hamerling, R. 823.4312-13 Aspendale. Preston, H. W. 823.1275 Aspern papers. James, H: 823.5780 Asphodel. Maxwell, 3Irs. M.. E.- (B.) 823.1589 Same. 823 . 2415 ; 823 . 5045 Assunta Howard. Salter, E. 823.5961 Ass'ya. Turgenef, I. S. p. 123, in 823.5763 Assyria. See also Babylon, note. Melville, G: J: \V.— Sarchedon, A le- gend of the great queen. [Semiramis, 13th cent. B. C] {With his Brookes oi Bridle- mere.) «■»** 823.4662 Kate.— See Bibliography. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria. (Principal works consulted, pp. xiii-xvi.) 1887. 935.16. — Triibner&Co. Cat. of lead- ing books on Egypt . . , and on Assyria . . . 1881. **ii.35i. — Kaulen, F. Assyrien uud Babylonien nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. 18S5. 935.13. — Ranke, L. V. Universal history. Ed. by G:W. Prothero. 18S5. 909.169.— Rawllnson, G: Five great monarchies. 3' vols. 1873. * 930.33-5. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, i88c, p. 14. No. 5, 18S8, p. 25. No. 3, 1882, p. II. English Fiction. Contin. Assyria. Contin. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 69, in ** 50.1; — Satne. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 25, in ** 50. i''. Aster, W: Waldorf. Sforza: a story of Milan. 823.7015 Astronomy. See also Moon, note. Abbott, J. Rollo's philosophy — sky. 808.910 Ball, 5"i> R. S. Star-land. 808.1602 Flammarion, C. Uranie. 823.7257 Note. — See Bibliographies. Chambers, G. F. Handbook of descriptive astronomy. (Bibliography, pp. 850-873.) 1S77. * 523-33. — Holden, E. S. On reference catalogues of astronomical papers, etc. II pp. (Smithsonian Institution. Misc. coll., v. 20.) 1881. p. 95, in ** 500-160.— Pritchett, H. S. Hand list for student of astronomy. 4 pp. (St. Louis Pub. Lib.) in ** 16.223. — Proctor, R. A. Article "Astronomy " in Encyclop. Brit., v. 2. (Bibliog- raphy, p. 720.) in *■* 32.272. — Clerke, A. M. Popu- lar hist, of astronomy during the 19th cent. 1885. 520.49. — Dun Echt Observatory: Publications. 3 vols. 1876-85. **522.26-8.— Frith, H. Marvels of astronomy. 520.44. — Houzcau, J. C. Fabulous as- tronomy. 6 pp. (Pop. science, v. 35. June, 1889.) p. 194, tn * 505.469*. — Lick Observatory. Publi- cations. V. I. 18S7. ** 522.19. — Lockyer, J. N. Star-gazing. Past and present. 1878. 522.29. — Oliver, J: A. W., and others. Astronomy for ama- teurs. 1888. 522.33. — Parkes, S. H. Unfinished worlds. 1888. 520.50. — Proctor, R. A. Easy star lessons. 522.13; — Expanse of heaven. D 4.34;— Half-hours with the stars. 524.2; — Mysteries of time and space. 520.34; — Myths and marvels of astron- omy. 521.4; — New star atlas. 524.1; — Other worlds than ours. 523.6. — Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with an opera glass. 1889. 522.22.— Young, C: A. A text-book of general astronomy. 1888. 522.25. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 14, 15. No. 4, 1884, pp. 15, 16. No. 3, 1882, pp. II, 12. No. 5. 18S8, pp.25, 26. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 70, 71, in ** 50.1;— Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 18S7. pp. 26, 27, i» ** 50. 1-. At a high price. Biirstenbinder, E. 823.4991 Same. 823.6704 At an old chateau. Macquoid, Mrs. K.. S. 823.6461 At any cost. Mayo, Mrs. I.. (F.) ?'» 823.4995 Same. z« 823.5202 At bay. Hector, Mrs. A. (T?.) 823.4839 Same. 823.4981; 823.4982 At fault. Smart, H. 823.7129 At her mercy. Payn, J. 823.5952 At his gates. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 823.4831 Same. 823.5018 At last. Kingsley, C: 823.5746 At last. Terhune, Mrs. M.. V. (H.) 823.1551 At odds. Tautphoeus, J. (M.) Freiherrin von. 823.1797 At the councillor's. John, E. 823.2775 At the north pole. Verne, J. 823 .5537 At the world's mercy. James, Mrs. F. A. (P.) «» 823.4993 At war with herself. Brame, Mrs. C, M. (L.) 823.5100 Same. 823.5128 At ye Grene Griffin. Holt, E. S.. 823.7102 Athens. Eddv, D. C. Walter in Athens. 808.1651 Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude Franklin (Horn). \^Frank Lin.'\ Los Cerritos: a romance of the modern time. 823 . 7006 What dreams may come. 823.7359 Atlantic, Rollo on the. Abbott, J. 808.919 ENGLISH FICTION 12 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Attach^, The. Haliburton, T: C. 823.687 Attila. James, G: P. R. 823.848 Same. 823.7020 Attorney, The. Irving, J: T. 823.4025 Aubert Dubayet. Gayarrd, C: E. A. 823.4624 Auer, Adelheid von, pseud. See Cosel, C. von. Auerbach, Berthold. Aloys. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. 823.4346 The axe. 13 pp. {In Zimmern, H.., and A. Half -hours with foreign novelists.) in'^ 823.6613 Black Forest village stories. Tr. by C: Goepp. 823.5730 Contents:— t^a^ gawk.— The pipe of war.— Manor- House Farmer's Vefela. — Nip-cheeked Tony. — Good government. — The hostile brothers.— I vo, the gentle- man. — Florian and Crescence.— The Lauterbacher. Brigitta. Tr. by C.Bell. 823.4045 The convicts and their children. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. 823.7092 The foresters. 823.4002 German tales. 823 . 7013 Co«^^«^5.— Christian Gellert's last Christmas. — The step-mother. — Benigna. — Rudolph and Eliza- beth.— ©rdmutha. The "good hour;" or, evening holiday. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 823.5626 Joseph in the snow. 823.4347 Landolin. Tr. by A. B. Irish. 823.6791 The little barefoot. Tr. by E- B. Lee. 823.3053 /M«*rfairoaj The barefoot maiden. Lorley and Reinhard. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. 823 . 6792 Master Bieland and his workmen. Tr. by E. Hancock. 823.4590 Same. 823.6629 On the heights. Tr. by S. A. Stem. 2 vols. 823.5642-3 Poet and merchant : a picture of life from the times of Moses Mendelssohn. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. 823.6793 Spinoza. Tr. by E. Nicholson. 823.4576 The villa on the Rhine ; with a bio- graphical sketch of the author by Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. 823.4333-4 Issued also as Villa Edeu : the country house on the Rhine. Waldfried: a novel. Tr. by S. A. Stern. 823.6628 Same. 823.6794 Note. — 5^« article on " Auerbach" in the Nation, V. 41, Aug. 1885. p. 179, in »* 51 .740. Aulnay Tower. Teufel, Mrs. B. W. (H.) 823.4898 Aulnoy, Marie Catherine (Jumelle de Berne- ville), comtesse d'. Fairy Tales. Tr. by J. R. Planch^. 808.1927 Aunoy, comtesse d'. See Aulnoy, M. C. (J. de B.), comtesse an . Aunt Margaret. Abbott, J. /« 808.588 Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. (W.) 823.751 Same. in 823 . 758 Aunt Rachel. Murray, D: C. 2« 823.5105 Aunt Serena. Teufel, Mrs. B. W. (H.) 823.1863 Aurelian. 2 vols. Ware, W: 823.1648-9 Aurifodina. Peck, G: W. ** 823.6717 Eugrlisli Fiction, Contin. Auriol. Ainsworth, W: H. 823 . 27 Aurora. Tincker, M.. A. 823.4905 Aurora Floyd. Maxwell, Mrs, M.. E.. (B.) in 823.5066 Same. 823.5904 Austen, J.. (1775-1817). Emma: a novel. 823.43 Mansfield Park. 823.44 Northanger Abbey. ( With her Pride and prej udice. ) in 823 .5341 Same. {And) Persuasion. 823.2012 Persuasion. ?« 823.47 Sam,e. in 822.2012 Pride and prejudice. {And) Northanger Abbey. 823.5341 Sense and sensibility. 823.5536 Same. {And) Persuasion. 823.47 Note. — For her life and writings, see Black- vrood'8 mag. v. 86. p. 99, tn **52.i84. — Bou- cher, I,. Le roman classique en Angleterre. (Jiev. d.d.Mondes. 3ep6r. 1878. v. 29.) pp. 449-67, t« ** 54-343- — Forsyth's "Novels and novelists." 820.35. — Harper's monthly, v. 41. p. 225. i>» ** 51.436. — Maiden, Mrs. S. F. (Life of) Jane Austen. (Fam. women ser.) 1889. 928.695. — Stephen, I,. Diet, of nat. biog. v. 2. p. 259, in ** 920. 320^. Austin, Mrs. J.. (Goodwin). Cipher: a ro- mance. 823.5827 ■ The Desmond hundred. 823.6626 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters: a story of the old colony. 823 . 73W) ■ Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. 823.6625 Moonfolk: a true account of the home of the fairy tales. 808 . 396 A nameless nobleman. 823.5786 Nantucket scraps : being the experiences of an off-islander, in season and out of season, among a passing people. 823.5674 The shadow of Moloch mountain. 823.5835 Standish of Standish : a story of the pilgrims. 823.6543 Austin Elliot. Kingsley, H: 823.937 Austin Friars. Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. (C.) 823.1321 Australasia. Knox, T: W. The boy travel- ers in Australasia. 808. 1842 Australia. See also note under Pacific ocean. Gordon, W: J: The captain-general: being the story of the attempt of the Dutch to colonize New Holland. 823 . 7045 Howitt, W: Boy's adventures in the wilds of Australia. 8 1 8 . 1 93 Verne, J. Voyage around the world : Australia. 823.5546 Life and -manners. Bowman, A. The kangaroo hunters. 808.892 Farjeon, B: L. The golden land. 808.1711 Grif ; a story of Australian life. 823.545 Joshua Marvel. 823 . 5860 Eraser, J. Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill. 823.6370 Keyser, A. An exile's romance ; or, re- alities of Australian life. 823 . 7391 Kingsley, H: The Hillyars and the Bur- tons. 823.941 Recollections of Geofirv Hamlyn. 823.944 ENGLISH FICTION 13 ENGLISH FICTION [English Fiction. Contin. Australia. Contin. Life and manners. Contin. Kingston, W: H: G. Twice lost : a story of shipwreck, and of adventure in the wilds of Australia. 808 . 348 Rowcroft, C. TheJ^ustralian Crusoes. 823.1373 Southlanders, The : expedition to the interior of New Holland. 823.4095 Bush life. Boldrewood, R. Robbery under arms . . . life ... in the bush and in the gold- fields . . . 823.7168 Henty, G: A. A final reckoning. 808.1476 — - Trollope, A. Harry Heathcote of Gan- goil. 823.5889 Mining attd convict life. McCarthy, J., and Praed, Mrs. R. (M. P.) C. The ladies' gallery. 823.7266 O'Reilly, J: B. Moondyne : a story from the under-world. 3d ed. 823 . 1223 Reade, C: It is never too late to mend: a matter-of-fact romance. 823.1292 Note. — For explorers of the 19th century before 1870, wtfSonnenschein's " The best books." p. 216, in ** 17.238. 5^e«/5o Brassey, Zafify A. (A.) The last voyage to. . .Australia in the "Sunbeam." 1889. *9io. 611. — Cook, Capt. Three voyages round the VForld, Ed. by C: R. Low. (ist voyage 1768-71 ; 2d voyage, 1772-75; 3d voyage, 1776-79.) * 910. 264. — Curr, E: M. The Australian race. 4 vols. 1886-87. 994.24-27. —Denton, S. F. Incidents of a collector's rambles in Australia . . . 1889. 919.116.— L.uniholtz, C. Amongf cannibals. 1889. * 919. 109. — Rusden, G: W: History of Australia. 3 vols. 1883. 994.28-30.— Willoughby, H. Australian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1886. *9i90.49. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 16. No. 4, 1884, p. 17. No. 3, 18S2, p. 12. No. 5, 1888, pp. 26, 27. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 78, 79, in ** SO.x\—Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 29, in ** 50.1". See also Index, to Consular reports, 1880-1885 ; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of State.) ** 350 .5496*- ^• Australian aunt, The. 51 pp. Hector, Mrs. A. (F.) p. 251, in 823.6623 Same. in 823 . 6694 Australian Crusoes. Rowcroft, C: 823.1373 Austria. See also Germany, note. Adams, W: T. Sunny shores. 808.497 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. p. 189, in 821.221 Vernaleken, T. In the land of marvels: folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. 808.1691 Wratislaw, A. H. Sixty folk-tales from exclusively Slavonic sources. Tr. with brief introd. and notes. 1890. 823.6946 Eighth Century. Bohemia^ A. D. 738. Musaeus, J. H. Libussa. {In Tales from the German.) p. I, in 823.6276 Hungary. (Early times.) Gore, Mrs. C. F.. G. (M.) Hungarian tales. 3 vols. 823 . 6567-9 Pulzsky, F. A., and T. Tales and tra- ditions of Hungary. 3 vols. 823.5731-3 English Fiction. Contin. Austria. Contin. Twelfth Century. Hungary. Koeruer, K. T. Zriny, ein Trauerspiel. p. 269, in 831.42 Pulzsky, F. A., and T. The baron's daughter. 17 pp. (Contrast of the proud allodial proprietor. ) {In their ta\&s . . . of Hungary, v. i.) p. 11, in 823.5731 • Castle of Zipsen. 20 pp. (Opposi- tion of the knight to the burghers.) {Iti their Tales . . . of Hungary, v. i.) p. 29, /» 823.5731 Yanoshik. 12 pp. (The common robber appears as avenger of social injus- tice. ) {In their Tales ... of Hungary, V.I.) p. 52, z« 823.5731 Thirteenth Century. Rudolph von Hapsburg, 1 273-1 291. , drama. Kotzebue, A. A. F. von. {The- ater, V. 34.) in'822.82 , poem. Schiller, F. von. 831.54 Seventeenth Century. Thirty years' wary 1618-1648. See Ger- many, note. Prince Eugene, 1 663-1 736. Mundt, Mine. C. (M.) Prince Eugene and his times. 823 . 6271 Zschokke, H. Der Pascha von Buda. p. 231, in 833.1038 Eighteenth Century. Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary, 1741- 1780. Dudevant, Mine. A. L. A. suelo. Same. — Mundt, Mme. C and her fireman. chant of Berlin. ) (D.) Con- 823.6214 823.6885:823.6703 (M. ) Maria Theresa ( With her The Mer- in 823.5888 Paalzow, Mrs. H. (W.) von. The citizen of Prague. 823 . 6073 Seven years' war, 1 756-1 763. See Germany, Seven years' war. Hunt^ary. Pulzsky, F. A., a«i3? T. Jacobins in Hungary. 2 vols. {In their Tales . . . of Hungary, vols. 2-3.) 823.5732-3 foseph II., 1765-1790. Mundt, Mme. C. (M.) Joseph II. and his court. 823 . 6301 Nineteenth Century. Trollope, A. The last Austrian who left Venice. (1866.) p. 251, «» 823.1614 Life and manners. Fogerty, J. Countess Irene. 823.7040 Gerard, D. Orthodox. 823.7078 Kiirschner, L. Erlach Court. 823.6578 "O thou, my Austria!" 823.7415 Trollope, A. Lotta Schmidt. (Vienna.) 823.1614 Musical life. See also Musical novels. Haydn's first lesson in music and love. {In Robert . . . and other stories. ) p. 186, «■« 823.5811 Haydn's struggle and triumph. (/» Rob- ert . . and other stories.) p. 196, «« 823.5811 Galicia. Franzos, K. E. For the right. 823.6551 The Jews of Barnow. (Jewish life in eastern Galicia. ) 823 . 4474 ENGLISH FICTION 14 ENGLISH FICTION JEnglisli Fiction. Contin. Austria. Contin. Nineteenth Century. Contin. Hungary. Bowring, J: Poetry of the Magyars. * 831.10 J6kai, M. A modern Midas. 823.4927 Pandour and liis princess. 64 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9.) «« ** 823.6655 Tyrol. Hillern, Mrs. W. (B.) von. Geier- Wally : a tale of the Tyrol. 823 . 6806 Immermann, C. Andreas Hofer: play. p. 469, i7i 832 . 87 Mundt, Mme. C. (M.) Andreas Hofer. 823.6265 Note.—See Bibliography. Krones, F., Ritler von Marchland. Grundriss der osterreichischen Geschichte mit besonderer Riichsicht auf Quellen- undlviteraturkunde. 1882. 943.115.— Brogrlie, Z)wc de. Frederick II. and Maria Theresa: 1740-42. 2 vols. 1883. 943.111-12. — Coxe, W: History of house of Austria (1218-1792), with contin. of same to revolu- tion of 1848. 4 vols. 943.17-20.— Gindely, A. Ru- dolf II. und seine Zeit. 1600-1612. 2 vols. i858. 943.124-5. — Kohlrausch, F: History of Germany (to 1814). 1856. 943.4.— liCger, I,. History of Aus- tro-Hungary to 1889. 943.110.— Maurice, C. E. The revolutionary movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany. 1887. 943.313. — Metternich, Prince, Memoirs of, 1773-1835. 4 pts. (in 1). 1881-2. 923.1049. — Motley, J:!,. Vienna, 1862- 1867. (/n Aw Correspondence, V. 2.) p. 33, i»* 928. 673. — ^Palacky, F. Geschichte von B6hme^toi526). 10 pts. (in 5 vols.). 1864-7. 943.119^23. — Wagner, Lieut. A. ly. Campaign of Koniggratz (1866). 1889. 943.114. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 16. No. 3, 1882, p. 13. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 79, 80, in **50.i; — Same. Jan. i, 1882- Jan. i, 1887. p. 29, i« ** 50.1*. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885 ; 18S6-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of Stale.) ** 350-5496*-^. Author of Beltraffio (and 4 other stories). James, 'R:,Jr. 823.4894 Author's love, An. Balch, E.. 823.5467 Automaton ear, and other sketches. McL,and- burgh, F. 823.1076 Avatar. Gautier, T. 823.5737 Aveline, Alfred A\ pseud. See Hasselt, Andr^- Henri-Constant van. Avenger, The. 59 pp. De Quincey, T: p. 5, in 823.1778 Away in the wilderness. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.631 Same. in 808 . 1268 ; in 808 .1279 Axel and Anna. 41 pp. Bremer, P. p. 470, in 823.2120 Ayesha, the maid of Kars. Morier, J. * 823.6181 Ayrshire legatees. Gait, J: p. 167, in 823.4191 Ayrton, Chaplin. Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-stories. Illus. 808.1871 Aytoun, W: Edmondstoune. The emerald studs. A reminiscence of the circuit. 66 pp. (/« Tales from Blackwood, v. 6.) ?■«** 823.6652 The Glenmutchkin railway. 44 pp. (In Tales from Blackwood, v. i.) in ** 823 . 6647 How I became a yeoman. 55 pp. [In Tales from felackwood, v. 2.) in ** 823 . 6648 How I stood for the Dreep-daily burghs. 79 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 4.) in ** 823 . 6650 Elng-lisli Fiction. Contin. Aytoun, W: Edmondstoune, Contin. How we got possession of the Tuileries. 89 pp. (/« Tales from Blackwood, v. 5.) in ** 823.6651 Norman Sinclair. 3 vols. 823.6137-9 The surveyor's tale. 48 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 8.) in ** 823.6654 Azarian. Spoflford, Mrs. H. E.. (P.) 823.5165 Same. 823.5759 Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli, marquis d'. The challenge of Barletta. Tr. by Lady L.. Magenis. 2 vols, (in i). ** 823.6637 Aztec treasure-house. Janvier, T: A. 823.7165 Babiole, the pretty milliner. 2d part. Du Boisgobey, F. in 823.5141 Same. z« 823.5188 Baboe Dalima. Perelaer, T. H. 823 . 7223 Baby Rue. Clark, Mrs. C. M. 823.1872 Babylon. Crawford, F. M. Zoroaster. (5th cent. B.C.) 823.4886 Ward, Mrs. E.. S. (P.), and Ward, H. D. The master of the magicians. (6th cent. B. C.) 823.7342 Note.— 'Por Babylon and Babylonia see Kaulen, Dr. F. Assyrien und Babylonien. 3. Aufl. (Mit Litteratur, 1620-1885.) 935.13.— Layard, A. H. Dis- coveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Map. Illus. 1853. 915.116; — Early adventures in . . . Babylonia. 2 vols. 1887. 916. 180-1. — Baw- linsou, G: Five great monarchies. * 930. 33-5. — Recordsof the past. 6 vols. 930.50-5. — Snaltli, G: Hist, of Babylonia. 939.12. See also 'Poole'^lndss. (to i?&2). p. 84, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882- Jan. 1, 1887. p. 36, jw ** 50.1*. Bach, Johanu Sebastian. Barnard, C: Bach and Beethoven. {The tone masters, v. 3.) 808.1620 Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann. Friedemann Bach. 19 pp. {In Robert and other stories.) p. 153, z« 823.5811 Bachelor of Salamanca. 2 vols. Le Sage, A. R. " Bachelor of the Albany. Same. Bachelor vicar of Newforth. 823.5735-6 Savage, M. W. ** 823.4674 823.4832; 823.4988 Bachelor's blunder, A. Bachelors' surrender. Back to back. Hale, E: E. Back to the old home. Hay, M Roe, ^r5.J.H. in 823.5108 Norris, W: E: in 823.5x20 823.2397 «« 823.5562 C. in 823.4986 Same. in 823 . 5021; in 823 . 2790 Bad to beat. Smart, H. ?w 823.4985 Same. in 823 . 5020 Baden, Mrs. F.. (Henshaw). Stories. {With The artist's love, by Mrs. E. D. E. (N. ) Southworth. ) in 823 . 1475 Stories. ( With The Christmas guest, by Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) Southworth.) in 823.1481 Stories. ( With The fatal secret, by Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) Southworth.) in 823.1490 Stories. ( With The phantom wedding, by Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) Southworth.) in 823.1504 ENGLISH FICTION 15 ENGLISH FICTION Englisli Fiction. Contin. Baden, Mrs. F.. (Henshaw). Contin. Stories. ( With The spectre lover, by Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) Soutbwortli.) in 823.1508 Baffled conspirators, The. Norris, W: E: 823.7341 Bag of diamonds, The. Fenn, G: M. 823.5591 Bage, Robert. Man as he is not. {In Bar- bauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novetists, v. 48. ) ** 823 . 2 109 Baggesen, Jens. Agnete and the merman (poem). 12 pp. {In Biishby, Mrs. — ., ir. The Danes . . . v. i.) p. 251, in 823.6444 Bagpipers, The. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. (D.) 823.7027 Bailey, James Montgomery [Danbury News Man}. Mr. Phillips' goneness. 823.52 Bailiff 's maid. John, E. 823.4060 Baker, Sir S: White. Cast up by the sea. 808.338 Same. 823.2301 Baker, W: Mumford IG: F. Harrington}. Blessed Saint Certainty. 823 . 4188 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire: a story of to-day. (Anon.) 823.6372 Inside: a chronicle of secession. 823.5927 The making of a man. 823.4900 Mose Evans: a simple statement of the singular facts of his case. 823 . 50 The new Timothy. 823 . 1912 The Virginians in Texas: a story for young old folks and old young folks. 823-5923 Balacchi brothers. 25 pp. Davis, Mrs. R. B. (H.) p. 120, in 823.4702 Balch, E.. An author's love : being the un- published letters of Prosper M^rimde's "Incounue." (Anon.) 823.5467 Baldwin, James. Heroes of the olden time. 3 vols. story of Roland. 823.5624 Story of Siegried. 823.5623 Story of the golden age. 823 .5515 Balfour, Mrs. Clara Lucas (Liddell). The Burnish family. (Anon.) 823.7311 Balfour, D: Stevenson, R. L: Kidnapped: being the adventures of B. in 1751. f« 823.5051 Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. Star-land: being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. lUus. 808.1602 Ball at Sceaux. Balzac, H. de. p. 89, ?« 823.4255 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Away in the wilderness. 808 . 63 1 Same. ?'» 808.1279 The battery and the boiler ; or, adven- tures in the laying of submarine electric cables. 808.1262 The battle and the breeze. ( With his Wrecked but not ruined.) in 808. 1265 Battles with the sea: being descriptive of our coast-life-saving apparatus. 808 . 1549 The big otter: a tale of the great nor'- west. 808.1531 Ilng-lisli Fiction. Contin. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Contin. Black ivory: a tale of adventure among the slavers of east Africa, 808.453 Blue lights; or, hot work in the Soudan: a tale of soldier life. 823.6622 The cannibal islands; or. Captain Cook's adventures in the south seas. ( With his Hunting the lions. ) iti 808 . 1286 Chasing the sun; or, rambles in Nor- way. 808.637 Same. «« 808.1281 The coral island: a tale of the Pacific ocean. 808.817 Deep down: a tale of the Cornish miues. 808.1264 Same. in 823.6692 Digging for gold ; or, adventures in California. 808.1285 Dog Crusoe : a tale of the western prai- ries. 808 . 207 Dusty diamonds cut and polished : a tale of city-Arab life and adventure. 808.1272 Erling the Bold: a tale of the Norse sea-kings. 808.1273 Fast in the ice ; or, adventures in the polar regions. 808 . 673 Same. {And) Fighting the whales. 808.1284 Fighting the whales. 808.674 Same. «« 808.1284 Finding his fate. 16 pp. {In Twenty novelettes. . . ) p. 143, «« 823.7183 Fire brigade ; or, fighting the flames. 808.208 The floating light of the Goodwin Sands. 808 . 209 Freaks on the fells. {Also) Papers from Norway. 808.213 The fugitives; or, the tyrant queen of Madagascar. 823.5636 Gascoyne, the sandalwood trader: a tale of the Pacific. 808.210 The golden dream; or, adventures in the far west. 808 . 829 Gorilla hunters: a tale of the wilds of Africa. 808.211 Hunting the lions; or, the land of the negro. {And) The cannibal islands; or, Captain Cook's adventures in the south seas. 808.1286 The iron horse: a tale of the Grand Na- tional Trunk Railway. 808.1261 The life-boat: a tale of our coast heroes. 808.827 Lighthouse: being the story of a great fight between man and the sea. 808 . 267 The lonely island; or, the refuge of the mutineers. 808 . 1263 Lost in the forest. {And) Away in the wilderness. 808 .1279 Madman and the pirate. 808.1277 Martin Rattler; or, a boy's adventure in the forests of Brazil. 808 . 263 Over the Rocky mountains; or. Wan- dering Will in the land of the redskins. ( With his The pioneers. ) in 808 . 1280 ENGLISH FICTION 16 ETTCLISH FICTION Bullish Fiction. Contin. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Contin. The pioneers: a tale of the western wil- derness. {And) Over the Rocky mountains. 808.1280 The pirate city: an Algerine tale. 808.1275 Posthaste: a tale of her majesty's mails. 808.1271 The Red Eric; or, the whaler's last cruise. 823.6908 The red man's revenge: a tale of the Red river flood. 808. 1270 Red Rooney, 823.6621 Rivers of ice. 808.814 Saved by the life-boat. ( With his Sunk at sea.) z« 808. 1282 • The settler and the savage: a tale of peace and war in south Africa. 808 . 206 Shifting winds: a story of the sea. 808.212 Six months at the Cape. 808. 1550 Sunk at sea; or, the adventures of Wan- dering Will in the Pacific. {And) Saved by the life-boat. 808 . 1282 Tales of adventure. 808 . 1268 Contents: — Away in the wilderness.— The pio- neers.— Hunting the lions.— Up in the clouds. Tales of adventure on the coast. 808.1269 Contents.— ttie story of the rock; or, building on the Eddystone.— Wrecked but not ruined.— Saved by the life-boat. — Chasing the sun; or, rambles in Norway. Tales of adventure on the sea. 808.1266 Contents.— Vi^'hilng the whales.— Fast in the ice; or, adventures in the Polar regions.— The cannibal islands.— The battle and the breeze. Ungava : a tale of Esquimaux-land. 808.264 Up in the clouds ; or, balloon voyages. {And) Chasing the sun; or, rambles in Norway. 808.1281 Why I did not become a sailor. ( With his Freaks on the fells. ) 808 . 213 Wild man of the west : a tale of the • Rocky mountains. 808.703 World of ice ; or, adventures ... in the Polar regions. 808 . 265 Wrecked but not ruined. {And) The battle and the breeze. 808 . 1265 The young fur traders. 808 . 268 Ballroom repentance, A. Edwardes, Mrs. A. 823 . 2785 Ballyblunder : an Irish story. (Anon. ) 823.6431 Balsamo. Dumas, A. D. 823.5903 Balsam-seller of Thurotzer, The. Gore, Mrs. C. F.. G. (M.) p. i, in ** 823.6569 Balzac, Honors de (i 799-1850). After-din- ner stories. Tr. by M. Verelst. 823 . 5587 Con/^«/j.— Introduction.— Balzac. (By E. Saltus.) —The Red Inn.- Madame Firmiani.— The " Grande Bret^che."— Madame de Beausdant. The Alkahest; or, the house of Claes. Tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. 823 .5208 A Breton town. {In Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with for. novelists, v. 2.) in ** 823.6614 Bureaucracy; or, a civil service re- former. Tr. by K. . P. Wormeley. 823 . 5460 English Fiction. Contin. Balzac, Honord de. Contin. The cat and battledore, and other tales. Tr. by P. Kent. 3 vols. 823.4254-6 Contents .—v. i. The cat and battledore.— The ven- detta. V. 2. The purse.— The ball at Sceaux. V. 3. Madame Firmiani.- A double family. First 4 tales issued also as The vendetta. C(Ssar Birotteau. 823.5209 The country d octor. 823 . 5 149 Same. 823.5570 Cousin Bette. Tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. 823.5510 Cousin Pons. Tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. 823.5210 A Cretin village. {Also) A Breton town. {In Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with for. novelists, v. 2.) in ** 823.6614 The Duchesse de Langeais; with An episode under the Terror. {Also) The illus- trious Gaudissart ; — A passion in the desert ; — and The hidden masterpiece. Tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. 823.5211 ■ An episode under the Terror. ( With his Duchesse de Langeais. ) in 823 .5211 Eugenie Grandet. 823.3438 Same. 823.4969 Fame and sorrow, etc. Tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. 823.7177 Contents: — Fame and sorrow.— Colonel Chabert. —The atheist's mass.— La Grande Bretdche.— The purse. — La Grenadidre. • The hidden masterpiece. Duchesse de Langeais.) The illustrious Gaudissart. Duchesse de Langeais.) Louis Lamiaert. (Philosophical studies.) Tr. by K. . P. Wormeley. 823 . 5428 Contents .—Inirodi. (by G. F. Parsons). — Louis Lambert. — Facino Cane. — Gambara. The magic skin. Tr. by K. meley. Modeste Mignon. Tr. by meley. A passion in the desert. Duchesse de Langeais. ) Pere Goriot. Same. Seraphita. {Also) Jesus Christ in'Flan- ders. {And) The exiles. Tr. by K.. P. Wor- meley. 823 . 7335 Shorter stories. Tr. by W: Wilson and the count Stenbock; with a prefatory notice. 823-7353 Sons of the soil. Tr. by K.. P. Worme- ley. 823.6942 The two brothers. Tr. by K.. P. Wor- meley. 823.5213 The vendetta: tales of love and pas- sion. 823.7118 Contents.— The cat and battledore.- The ven- detta.— The purse.— The ball at Sceaux. Note. — For life and writings, see Oautier, T., and others. Balzac. 78 pp. {In their Famous French authors.) 928.87.— Xerminier, J. L. E. CEuvres completes de Balzac. 24 pp. {Rev. d. d. Mondes^j. 847, n . s. v. 1 8 .) p. 1 93 , i « ** 54 . 167.— Lillly, W. S. The age of Balzac. 411 "~ ~ {With his in 823.5211 {With his in 823.5211 K P. Wor- 823.5212 P. Wor- 823.6542 {With his in 823.5211 823.4866 z« 823.5105 37-) p. 1004, d'histoir 52 :ac. 41 pp. {Contemp. Rev. v. •5387.— Molenes, G. de. Es- d.d.Mondes,\^i,2, 4 s. v. 32.) p. 390, 7n ** 54.149. — Novels. 24 pp. (Rev. of in N. A mer. Rev. v. 65.) p. 85, in ** 51 .544.— Poetes et romanciers modemes de la France. M. de Balzac. 19 pp. {Rev. d.d. Mou' ENGLISH FICTION 17 ENGLISH FICTION Bnglish Fiction. Contin. Balzac, Honor6 de. Contin. Note. Contin. des, 1834, 3 s. V. 4;) p. 440, in ** 54.117.— Poltou, E. M. de Balzac. Etude morale et littdraire. 55 pp. {Rev.d. d. Mondes, 1856, 2ep6r. v. 6.) p. 713, i'« ** 54.211. — Stephen, L. Balzac's novels. 13 pp. (Fortnightly Rev. n. s. v. 9.) p. 17, in ** 52 .1194. See also Poolo'a Index (to 1882). pp. 90, 91, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i. 1887. p. 32, i«** 50.1^. Bamford, M.. E. Marie's story: a tale of the days of Louis XIV. 808 . 1626 Bangs, J: Kendrick, and Sherman, Frank Dempster \Two wags\. New waggings of old tales. 823.5465 Banim, J: Boyne water. 823 . 54 The conformists. ( With his The de- nounced.) ?■« 823.56 The denounced; or, the last baron of Crana. (yJ/^o) The conformists. 823.56 Peter of the castle. {And) The fetches. 823.61 The rival dreamers. 26 pp. {In John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 12.) p. 178, ?■» 829.135 , ed. Canvassing. {Originally written by Miss Martin. With The mayor of Wind- gap. By M. Banim.) p. 209, in 823.59 , and Michael \P^Hara fatnily\. Bit o' writin'. 823.53 Contents: — The Irish I,ord-Lieutenant and his double. — The family of the cold feet. — The hare- hound and the witch. — The soldier's billet. — A peas- ant girl's love. — The hall of the castle. — The half- brothers. — Twice lost, but saved. — The faithful servant. — The Roman merchant. — 111 got, ill gone. — The churchyard watch. — The last of the storm. — The rival dreamers.— The substitute. — The White Bristol. — The stolen sheep.— The publican's dream. — The ace of clubs. Clough Fionn; or, the stone of destiny. ( With their The ghost-hunter.) in 823.58 Crohoore of the billhook. ( With their Peep o' day.) in 823.60 The ghost-hunter and his family. {Also) Clough Fionn; or, the stone of destiny. 823.58 Peep o' day; or, John Doe. {And) Crohoore of the billhook. 823.60 Banim, Michael \_Abel O'Haral. The croppy. 823.55 Father Connell: a tale. 823.57 The mayor of Wind-gap. {Also) Can- vassing. {Originally written by Miss Mar- tin and ed. by J : Banim. ) 823 . 59 , joint author. See Banim, J: Banished, The. Morier, J., ".— Apple- tons' Cyclopaedia of Am. biog., v. i. **Q2o,32o. — Beecher, W: C, and others. Biography of Rev. H. W. Beecher. 1889. 922.321. Seealso Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 107, in ** 50.1; —Same. Jan. 1, 1882- Jan. i, 1887. p.38, m**5o.i*. Bee-man of Orn and other fanciful tales. Stockton, P. R: 808.1349 Beers, H: Augustin. Split zephyr: an atten- uated yarn spun by the fates. 53 pp. (/» Stories by Amer. authors, v. 8.) p. 48, «■« 823.4709 Beesly, Mrs. — . Stories from the history of Rome. 2d ed. 808.841 Beethoven, L. van (1770-1827). Barnard, C: Bach and Beethoven. {^The tone masters, v. 3.) «« 808.1621 Beethoven. 18 pp. (/« Crucifix of Baden, etc.') p. 135, in 823.5817 Sheppard, E.. S. Rumor. 823.6043 Note.— See Graeme, E. Beethoven : a memoir. 1887. 927.281. — Grove, Sir G: Beethoven's nine symphonies: analytical essays. 1888. 785 .4.— Hale, E: E. Lights of two centuries. * 920. 314. — Mos- cbeles, I. Life of Beethoven (contains list of his works, pp. 385-390). 927.51. — ^Nobl, L. Beethoven, depicted by his contemporaries. 927 . 181, — Kudall, H. A. Beethoven. (Great musicians.) 927.287. — "Wagner, R. Beethoven. 927. log. Before the dawn. Dulac, G: 823.5402 Beggar on horseback, A. Payn, J. 823 . 5988 Same. 823 . 6057 Begum's daughter, The. Bynner, E. L. 823.6434 Behind blue glasses. Hacklander, H. W. 823.5563 Behind closed doors. Rohlfs, Mrs. A. . K. . (G.) 823.7147 Behind the arras. Neville, C. M. 823.5948 Behrens, Bertha [ W. Heimburg]. Lora : the major's daughter. Tr. by Mrs. J. W. Davis. 823.6321 Beleaguered city, A. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 823.5640 Belgium. See Netherlands. Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. p. 127, in 821.220 Belinda. 2 vols. Edgeworth, M. ** 823.2110-2111 Same. ** 823.4647-8 Bell, Currer, pseud. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. (Bronte). Bell, Mrs. Lenox. Not to be won. 823.4779 Bell, Malcolm. Roanoke of Roanoke Hall. 823.6344 Bell of St. Paul's. Besant, W. 823.6362 Bellamy, C: Joseph. The Breton mills. 823.5700 An experiment in marriage. 823.7167 Bellamy, E: Dr. Heidenhoff 's process. 823.7361 Looking backward 2000-1887. 823.5495 English Fiction. Contin. Bellamy, E: Contin. Lost. 20 pp. (/« Stories by Amer. authors, v. 7.) p. 47, in 823.4708 Miss Ludington's sister: a romance of immortality. 823 . 7338 Six to one. 823 .7162 Belle Nivemaise, La, and other stories. Daudet, A. 823.5252 Bellehood and bondage. Stephens, Mrs. A. S.(W.) 823.1965 Belles and ringers. Smart, H. 823.4030 Bellows-mender of Lyons. 24 pp. {In Fa- mous stories. By De Quincey, and others.) p. 259, «■« 823. 1778 Belot, Adolphe (1829-1890). The black Ve- nus. (Sequel to The thirst for the un- known.) Tr. by G: D. Cox. 823.5793 Fedora; or, the tragedy in the Rue de la Paix. Tr. byA. D. H. ' 823.5727 Issued also as Men are what women make them; or, the drama of Rue de la Paix. La grande Florine. (Sequel to The stranglers of Paris.) Tr. by G: D. Cox. 823.2774 My good friend. Tr. by E: Wakefield. , . . 823.7005 The stranglers of Pans. ("Les ^tran- gleurs.") Tr. by G: D. Cox. 823.3498 Belt and spur. Ssl^ou, Mrs.'E.li.,ed. 808.1610 Belton estate. Trollope, A. 823.1603 ' Same. in 823.6262 Ben Brace. Chamier, F: 823.197 Benedict, Mrs. Anne (Kendrick). My won- der-story. 808.1900 Benedict, Frank Lee. Frank Worthington's name. 823.5833 Hammer and anvil. 823.69 Her friend. 823.65 A late remorse. 823 . 5699 Miss Van Kortland. 823.6038 My daughter Elinor. 823.5834 The price she paid. 823 . 5673 St. Simon's niece. 823.6039 Same. 823.6131 Ben-Hur. Wallace, L. 823.4860 Benjamin, E. Bedell. Hilda and I: a story of three loves. 823.2018 Benjamin, Park. The end of New York. 60 pp. {In Stories by Amer, authors, v. 5.) p. 82, *■» 823.4706 Ben-na-groich. 32 pp. {In Tales from Black- wood, V. 7. ) in ** 823 . 6653 Bennett, Emerson. Ellen Norbury. 823.70 Forest and prairie. 823.71 Kate Clarendon. 823 . 72 The orphan's trials. 823.74 Viola. 823.77 Bentzon, Thdr^se, pseud. See Blanc, Mme. Marie Th^r^se (de Solms). Berber, The. Mayo, W: S. 823.1143 Berger, E., /.y^wrf. 5epi. 0/ State.) ** 350 •5496''*- See also Royal Geog. Soc. journal. 46 vols. 1831-1876. ** 910. 1-46. Bread-and-cheese and kisses. 76 pp. Far- jeon, B: L. 2« 823.6125 Bread upon the waters. Craib, Mrs. D. M. (M.) 823.325 Same. ?« 823.330; z« 823.5508 Bread-winners, The. Hay, J: 823.4692 Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence, G: A. 823.958 Bred in the bone. Payn, J. 823.6052 Bremer, Fredrika. (1801-1865.) Brothers and sisters: a tale of domestic life. 823.6107 Father and daughter : a portraiture from the life. 823.2174 The four sisters : a tale of social and do- mestic life in Sweden, 823 . 1919 Issued also as Hertha. The home ; or, family joys and family cares. 823.2173 The midnight sun : a pilgrimage. in 823.5023 Same. 823.6109 The neighbors : a story of every -day life, 823.2175 Same. (And other stories, viz.: Hopes. — The twins. — ^Tralinnan : a sketch from the olden time. ) 823 .2117 Eng-lish Fiction. Contin. Bremer, Fredrika. (1801-1865.) Contin. New sketches of every-day life: A diary; together with Strife and peace. 823 .6108 The parsonage of Mora. 823.6106 Issued also as Life in Dalecarlia. The president's daughters. 823.2118 Same. Part 2 : Nina. 823.6129 Works. Tr. by Mrs. M.. Howitt. 4th ed. 823.2120 Contents:— A. diary.— The solitary. — The com- forter. — A letter about suppers.— The H family. — Axel and Anna ; or, correspondence between two lovers, Same, (viz.:) The home ; or, life in Sweden. And Strife and peace. 823.2119 Note.— See Bremer, C. Life, letters and post- humous works (sketches and poems) of F, Bremer. 928.84. Brenda Yorke. Hay, M.. C. ?« 823.2472 Same. 2« 823.4998 Bresciani, J^ev. A., .S". J. Mathilda of Can- ossa, and Yoland of Groningen. Tr. by A.. T, Sadlier. 823.1904 Ubaldo and Irene: a historical romance, Tr. by A,. T. Sadlier. 2 vols. 823.6888-9 Bressant. Hawthorne, J, C. 823 . 722 Breton maiden, A, By A French lady, 3 vols, 823 . 7208-10 Breton mills, The, Bellamy, C: J. 823.5700 Brian Fitz-Count. Crake, J^ev. A. D. 823.5657 Bric-a-brac stories. Hamson, Mrs. C. (C.) 808.1685 Bricks without straw. Tourg^e, A. W, 823.2312 Bridal eve. The, Southworth, Mrs. E, D, E. (N.) 823.1477 Bridal march, and other stories. Bjornson, B. 823.4467 Bridal of Borthwick. Moir, D : M. tn 823 . 702 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W. 823 . 1396 Same. 823.4437; 823.4803 Same. in 823.5326; in 823.5337 Same. «» 823.5797; ** 823.6026 Same. ** 823 . 6724 Bride of Landeck, The. James, G: P. R. Bride of Monte-Cristo. Monte Cristo." Bride of the Nile, The. in 823.5562 Sequel to "Count of in 823.5104 2 vols, Ebers, G. M. 823.5738-9 Bridegroom of Barna. 78 pp. [In Tales from Blackwood, v. 12.) in ** 823.6658 Bride's fate. The, Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1479 Bridges, Mrs. Col. [Mrs. Forrester.'] Al- though he was a lord, and other tales. in 823.5049 Same. in 823 . 5075 Diana Carew ; or, for a woman's sake. 823.583 Same. in 823.5016 Dolores, 823.2451 Same. «'« 823.5118 Fair women, in 823.4990 Same, (^/^o) My hero, 823.3157 From Olympus to Hades. «« 823.5034 I have lived and loved. 823,3757 Same. 823.5082 ENGLISH FICTION 28 ENGLISH FICTION ESnglisli Fiction. Bridges, Mrs. Col. [Mrs. Forrester.'] Contin. June. Same. Mignon. My hero. Same. Once again. Rhona. Same. Roy and Viola. Same. Viva: a novel. Same. ill 823.4986 in 823.5021 823.584 ( With her Fair women.) z« 823.3157 My lord and my lady. 823 . 3945 Omnia vanitas • a tale of Society. in 823.4986 in 823.5021 in 823.5040 823.3513 in 823.5120 823-4053 tn 823.4996; in 823.5422 823.585 ?■« 823.4996; z« 823.5422 A 5'oung man's fancy, and other tales. {Also) From Olympus to Hades. 823.3064 Briery Creek. Martineau, H. ««** 823.6713 Brig and the lugger, The. Walmsley, H. M. p. 75, in 823 . 1670 Brigade commander. De Forest, J: W: 823.4709 Bngadier Frederick, Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, P. A. 823.6103 Bright, Mrs. Matilda A. [Lyndon."^ Mar- garet: a story of life in a prairie home. 823.1248 Same. 823 . 2047 Bright days in the old plantation time. Banks, M.. R. 808.1192 Bright star of life. Farjeon, B: L. in 823.6587 Same. 823.7122 Brigitta. Auerbach, B. 823.4045 Brink, Mrs. Marie [di Sebregondi] ten. Not in their set; or, in different circles of so- ciety. Tr. by MS. 823.7111 Brinvilliers, Marie Marguerite (d'Aubray), marquise de. Smith, A. Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the poisoner of the seventeenth century: a romance of old Paris. 823. 1450 British Columbia. See also British North America. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the great northwest; or, a trip to the American Switzerland. 808.1915 British North America. See also notes under Hudson Bay, — Nova Scotia, — United States. Ballantyne, R. M. Away in the wilder- ness. 808.631 Young fur-traders. 808 . 268 Note.— See History of the British dominions iu North America, 1497-176,3. Map. 1773. * 9171. 22.— Murray, H. Historical and descriptive account of British America. 2 vols. 1840. 971.4-5. See also Catalogues of this Library, under Amer- ica, British. No. 2, 1880, p. 8. No. 4, 1884, p. 7. No. 3, 1882, p. 5. No. 5, 1888 (Bnt. Amen), p. 42. British Columbia. Ballantyne, R. M. The red man's re- venge: a tale of the Red river flood. 808.1270 Wild man of the west: a tale of the Rocky mountains. 808.703 Note.— See Bibliography. Bancroft, H. H. Works, V. 32. History of British Columbia, 1792- 1887. (Authorities quoted, pp. xiii-xxxi.) * 970. 96.— Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. British North America. Contin. British Columbia. Contin. Note. Contin. Winsor, J. Narrative and critical history of America, v. 8: Later history of British . . . Amer- ica. 1S89. * 970.127". See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 32. See also 'Boo\»''fi Index (to 1882). **yt.\;—Sanu. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. I, 1887. ** 50.1*. 5i*5iA.i6'.— Winsor, J. In Aw Nar- rative and critical history of America.' 8 vols. {See Index, v. 8.) ** 970.127-127". See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 18S0, p. 37. No. 4, 1884, p. 48. No. 3, 1882, p. 31. No. 5, 1888, p. 45. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 186, in ** 50 . i ;— Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1S87. p. 64, in ** 50.1^. See also Catalogue of govt. pubs, of the U. S. (1774-1881). ** 15.202 San Francisco. Clark, J. F. Society in search of truth; or, stock-gambling in San Francisco. 823.4512 Harte, F. B. Captain Jim's friend; — "A knight-errant of the foot-hills;" — A secret of Telegraph hill. ( With his The heritage of Dedlow Marsh. ) in 823 .6911 Note.— See liloyd, B. E. Lights and shades in San Francisco. 1876. * 9177. 6. — Moses, Prof. B. The establishment of municipal government in San Francisco. 83 pp. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, etc., V. 7.) 1889. in 973.582'. — Soulc, F., and others. The annals of San Francisco. 1855. *977.25. — ^Winsor, J. Narr. and crit. hist, of America, v. 8. pp. 211-12, 261, in *97o.i27''. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 201-2. No. 4, 1884, pp. 257-8. No. 3, 1882, pp. 168-9. No. 5, 1888, pp. 310-11. &-The trusty Eckart;— The Runenberg. V. 2. Eichter, J. P. F. Schmelzle's journey to FlEetz;— Life of Quintus Fixlein.— Tieck, L. The elves;— The goblet. Carlyon's year. Payn, J. 823.6065 Carmen: the power of love. 65 pp. Meri- mee, P. ?» 823.6699 Carr, Alice Comyns. Paul Crew's story. z» 823.4981 Same. «» 823.4982 Carr of Carrlyon. Aide, H. 823 . 2368 Carried by storm. Fleming, Mrs. M. A. (E.) 823.2034 Carriston's gift. Fargus, F: J: z» 823.5012 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Rev. C:L. Carthage. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Lapsed but not lost. 823.2158 Note.— See Chnrch, A.J: The story of Carthage. (Story of nations.) 1888. 939.35.— Grote'a History of Greece. (Index in v. 12.) 938.12.— Mommsen's History of Rome. v. 2. p. i, in §37.5.— Monroe, J. \ln his The people the sovereigns.) p. 263, in 324.56.— Newman, F. W: A defence of Carthage. 27 pp. (/« his Miscellanies.) p. 278, »'« 824.206.— Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars. fCox, 5ZVG: W:, anrf Sankey, C: Epochs of anc.hist.) 1887. 937.134.— An Universal liistory. V. 15, chap. Ixxii. 1780. p. 216, in ** 909.45. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 203, in ** 50.1;— 5a»«tf. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. p. 69, in ** 50- 1*. Gary, Alice. Clovernook; or, recollections of our neighbourhood in the west. 823 . 181 Pictures of country life. 823 . 182 Caesar Borgia. Robinson, J.. 823.2027 Caesar's column. Donnelly, I. 823.6432 Case of Mr. Lucraft and otiier tales. Besant, W. , and Rice, J. 823 . 6330 Case of Reuben Malachi. Edwards, H: S. in 823.5074 Casella. Finley, M. 823.4109 Cash on delivery. Du Boisgobey, F. ?» 823.5135 Same. in 823.5136 Cashel Byron's profession. Shaw, G: B. in 823.5033 Casimir Mar-emma. Helps, Sir A. 823 . 749 Same. 823.5459 Cassian. 2 vols. Gore, Mrs. C. F.. G. (M.) ** 823.6567-8 Cassy. Smith, H. 823.1454 Cast away in the cold. Hayes, I: I. 808.367 Cast up by the sea. Baker, 5?yS: W. 808.338 Same. 823.2301 English Fiction. Contin. Castelneau. James, G: P. R. ** 823.6705 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Ale- 823.6906 823.5641 823.7116 823.922 in 823 . 1410 823.5549 823.6178 823.5497 823.4085 R. shine. Stockton, F. R: Castle and town. Peard, F.. M. Castle builders. Yonge, C. M.. Castle Daly. Keary, A. Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir W. Same. in 823.5329 ; in ** 823.6034 Castle Foam. French, H. W. 823.590 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A. Castle in Spain, A. De Mille, J. Castle in the air, A. Ewing, H. B. Castle Nowhere. Woolson, C. F. Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G: P. in 823.6247 Castle of Otranto. Walpole, H. 823.1671 Same. in 823.4996; 823.5422 Same. p. 175, ?«** 823.2083 Castle of Roussillon, The. Dutheil, E. 823.6871 Castle Rackrent. Edgeworth, M. p. x,in ** 823.4646 Same. p. i, in 823.7422 Castle Richmond. Trollope, A. 823 . 1606 Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fosdick, C: A. Castle's heir, The. Wood, Mrs. E. (P.) 823.6010 Castleton, D. R. Salem: a tale of the seven- teenth century. 823 . 183 Cat and battledore. Balzac, H. de. 823.4254 Cat of Bubastes, The. Henty, G:A. 808.1605 Catherine. Thackeray, W: M. , 823.1573 Catherine's lovers. Erckmann, E.,a«a?Chat- rian, P. A. p. 201, in 823.4122 Catherwood, Mrs. M.. (Hartwell). The ro- mance of Dollard. The story of Tonty. Catskill fairies. Johnson, V. W. Caucasus. Tolstoi, Count L. N. The Cossacks: a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. 823.1871 The invaders, and other stories, 823.5242 Note.— See 'Dvla.nrieTt'B,. Russie dans le Cau- case. {Rev. d. d. Mondes. 2e p6r. v. 27, p. 769; v. 32, p. 946; V. 33, p. 297; v. 60, p. 947; V. 61, p. 41.) 1860-66. ** 54.232, 237, 238, 265, 266.— Dumas, A. D. Impressions de voyage; le Caucase. 1880. 914.363. — ^Freshfleld, D. W. Travels in central Caucasus and Bashan. 1869. 915.250.— Grove, F. C. The frosty Caucasus. (Travels, 1874.) 914.264. — ^Rob- erts, Sir R. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 96 pp. 1877. 956.14.— Thielmann, Baron M. von. Jour- ney in Caucasus. 2 vols. 1875. 950.9-10. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 208, in *• 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 71, in **5o.i='. Caunter, Rev. Hobart. The romance of his- tory. India. 823 . 194 Contents: — The traveller's dream. — The idol of Somnat. — The royal merchant. — The Abyssinian slave. — The Rajpoot marriage. — The Mohamedan Nimrod.— The rival brothers. — The siege of Gualior. —The pariah.— The defence of Chittore.— The light of the world. — Theprince and the fakeer. — The Om- rah's daughter. — The revolt of the fakeers. — The Mahratta chief. Cavalier, The. James, G: P. R. 823.7107 Cavaliers and Roundheads. Edgar, J: G: 808.1483 Cavaliers of fortune. Grant, J. 823.622 Cavalry life. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) 823.4990 823.6555 823.6994 808.636 ENGLISH FICTION 36 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Caxton, Pisistratus, pseud. See Lj^ton, E: G: Earle Lytton Bulwer- Caxtons, The. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- 823.1023 Same. 823.6217 Cecil Castlemaine's gage, and other stories. La Ram^e, L. de. 823.1817 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop, T. 823 . 1723 Cecilia. 3 vols. Arblay, Mme. F. (B.) d'. ** 823.2101-3 Cecilias, The. Argyle, A.. 823.6124 Cecil's tryst. Payn, J. 823.6053 Cecily. Dixon, Mrs. 808.1210 Central America. Knox, T: W. Boy travel- lers in Mexico . . . with a description of the republics of Central America and of the Nicaragua canal. 808 . 1803 Simms, W: G. The damsel of Darien. 2 vols, (in i). ** 823.6729 Warburton, E. B. G: Darien. (Bucca- neers.) 3 vols. 823.2048-50 Note.— See Allen, B. Sketch of eastern coast of C. A. (In Roy. Geog. Soc.jl., V. II, 1841. pp. 76-89, »w**9io.ii. — Bibliography. Bancroft, H. H. His- tory of Central America, v. i, 1501-1530; v. 2, 1530- 1800; V. ^, 1801-1887. (Authorities quoted, v. i, pp. xxv-lxxii.) (IVorks, vols. 6-i.) 1882-7. *970.7o-2. — Chambers's papers for the people. No. 13. v. 3. in 829.36. — Chamey, D. The ancient cities of the new world. 1888. * 9178.59.— Fitzroy, R. On the great isthmus of C. A. (In Roy. Geog. Soc. jl., v. 20, 1851.) pp. 161-189, in **9io.20.— Proebel, J. Seven years' travel in C. A. 1859. 9179-37. — Scher- zer, C. Travels in C. A. 2 vols. 1857. 9179. 10-11. — Squier, E. G: Waikna. 1855. 9176.5.— vioUet- le-Duc. Cites etruinesAm^ricaines, 1863.970.51. — Wells, W. V. Historical sketch of C. A. 1502- 1857. (/« his Explor. in Honduras.) p. 449, in 9179.18; — Same. 978.53. — Winsor, J. Mexico and Central America (with critical essay on the sources of information). (Narr. . . . hist, of Amer., v. i, pp. 133-208.) *97o.i27». See also America, Central, in Catalogue of this lyibrary. No. 2, 1880, p. 8. 5««a/yo Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 212, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 73, in **5o.i*. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885 ; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of State.) ** 350 •5496'-^. Century of gossip. Nash, W. G. 823. 1181 Cerise. Melville, G: J: Whyte- 823.1 151 Same. Cerritos, Los in** 823.4667; 823.7273 Atherton, Mrs. G. F. (H.) 823 . 7006 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Adventures of Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza. Tr. by C: Jarvis. 823.6897 Same. 823 . 6896 Don Quixote of La Mancha. Tr. by Mot- teux. With notes, life and writings of Cervantes, by J: G. Lockhart. 4 vols. 823.6899-902 Same. 823.5235-8 The exemplary novels of C: to which are added El buscapi^ ; or, the serpent. {And) La Tia fingida ; or, the pretended aunt. Tr. by W. K. Kelly. Port. (Bohn's.) 823.6898 Contents: — The Lady Cornelia. — Rinconete and Cortadillo: or, Peter of the corner and the little cutter. — Tne licentiate Vidriera; or, Doctor Glass- case. — The deceitful marriage. — Dialogue between Scipioand Berganza, dogs of Hospital of the Res- urrection . . . commonly called the dogs of Ma- hudes.— The littly gipsy girl. — The generous lover. — The Spanish-English lady. — The force of blood. — The jealous Estramaduran. — The illustrious scul- lery-maid.— The two damsels.— The serpent.— The pretended aunt. English Fiction. Contin. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Contin. Galatea : a pastoral romance. Tr. by G.W.J. Gyll. 823.2121 The wanderings of Persiles and Sigis- munda: a northern story. (Tr. by L. D. S. ) Port. 823.6903 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H. de. 823.5209 Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant, Mm,e. A. L. A. (D.) , 823.6295 C^sette. Pouvillon, E. 823.4484 Ceylon. Knox, T: W. The boy travellers in the far east. Pt. 3: Adventures of two youths in a journey to Ceylon and India. 808.1837 Nordhoflf, C: Ceylon. (/» his Stories of the island world.) p. 151, in 808. 165 Chainbearer, The. Cooper, J. F. 823 . 291 Chaldean magician, The. Eckstein, E. 823.7125 Challenge of Barletta. 2 vols, (in i). Azeglio, M. T. d'. ** 823.6637 Chamberlain, Nathan H: The sphynx in Aubrey parish. 823 . 7 1 40 Chamberlain, Parthene B. Mistress of the house. 823 . 195 Chambers, Julius. \^Felix Somers.} A mad world and its inhabitants. 823 . 196 Chamier, Capt. F: Ben Brace; the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. 823.197 The saucy Arethusa. 823 . 6347 Tom Bowling: a tale of the sea. 823.6348 Chamisso, Adalbert von. See Chamisso de Boncourt, L: C: A. Chamisso de Boncourt, L: C: Adelaide (called Adalbert). Peter Schlemihl. Tr. by Sir J: Bowring. 3ded. f 823.4344 Chamois-hunter, The. Souvestre, E. 823.5941 Champney, Mrs. E.. (Williams). The heart- break cameo. 22 pp. (In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.) p. 94, in 823.4707 Three Vassar girls abroad: rambles . . . through France and Spain . . . 808. 1821 Three Vassar girls at home: a holiday trip . . . through the south and west. 808.1825 Three Vassar girls in England. 808 . 1824 Three Vassar girls in France: a story of the siege of Paris. 808 . 1826 Three Vassar girls in Italy. 808. 1828 Three Vassar girls in Russia and Tur- key. 808.1823 Three Vassar girls in South America. 808.1822 Three Vassar girls in Switzerland. 808.1919 Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. 808.1827 Witch Winnie. The story of a "King's Daughter." 808.1913 Chance acquaintance, A. Howells, W: D. 823.828 Chance child. 51 pp. Chances and changes. E.. Chandos. La Ramde, Mayo, Mrs. I.. (F.) in 823.4050 2 vols, (in i). Strutt, ** 823.6767 L. de. 823.1818 ENGIvISH FICTION 37 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Changed brides, The. Southworth, Mrs. B. D. E. (N.) 823.1480 Chanler, Mrs. Am^lie (Rives). A brother to dragons, and other old-time tales. 823.5384 Channings, The. Wood, Mrs. E. (P.) 823.6388 Chantry House. Yonge, C M.. in 823.3347 Chantry priest of Bamet. Church, A. J: 823.5293 Chaplain of the fleet J. Chaplain's craze, The, Chaplet of pearls, The. by W. S. Rose. — Bulfinch, T: Besant, W., and Rice, 823.6085 Fenn, G: M. 823.5595 Yonge, CM.. 823 . 1762 Same. 823.6004; 823.6096 Chaplin, Heman White. [C H. White^ Eli. 38 pp. (/« Stories by Amer. authors, v. 9.) p. 55, z« 823.4710 Five hundred dollars, and other stories of New England life. 2d ed. 823 . 6937 The village convict. 25 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.) p. 5, in 823.4707 Character sketches. 30 pp. Thackeray, W: M. «■« 823.1572 Charity Helstone, Brock, Mrs. F.. E.. G. (B.) Carey- 823.120 Charlemagne cycle of romances, The. Ariosto, Iv. Orlando furioso; with notes 2 vols. 1858. 851. 1-2 Legends of Charlemagne. 823.150 Cox, Sir G: W., a«af Jones, E. H. Ro- land. (/« their Romances of the middle ages.) p. 202, in 940.54 Early Eng. Text Soc. Publications. The Eng. Charlemagne romances. 11 pts. (Ex- tra ser. , Nos. 34-41 ; 43-5. ) ** 806 . 2=»^-'". «-5 Lockhart, J. G., tr. Spanish ballads. 821.854 Thdroude {attributed to). The song of Roland. Tr. by J: O'Hagan. 821.1286 Wieland, C. M. Oberon. Ein roman- tisches Heldengedicht. ( Werke, v. i.) 831.44 Note.— See article "Roland, Legend of," in Bn- cyclop. Brit., v. 20. p. 641, in ** 32.290. Charlemont. Simms, W: G. 823.1428 Charles, Mrs. E- (Rundle). Against the stream : the story of a heroic age in Eng- land. 823.202 The Bertram family. 823 . 203 The black ship : with other allegories and parables. 808 . 1490 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta fam- ily. 823 . 204 Conquering and to conquer. 823 . 205 The cripple of Antioch, and other scenes from the Christian life in early times. 823.5577 Conlenis.— The cripple of Antioch.— The false Christ: a tale of the second fall of Jerusalem.— Wayside notes in the days of Chrysostom. Diary of Kitty Trevylyan : a story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. 823 . 206 The Draytons and the Davenants : a story of the civil wars. 823.207 English Fiction. Contin, Charles, Mrs. E.. (Rundle). Contin, The early dawn ; or, sketches of Chris- tian life in England in the olden time. 823.208 Co«fe«/j.— Lights and shadows of the early dawn.— The two martyrs of Verulam. — Annals of an Anglo-Saxon family through three generations. — Saxon schools and homes. — Saxon minsters and missions.— Alfred the truth-teller.— Saxon and Nor- man.— A story of the LoUaids.— Annals of an abbey. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England : a story of the fifteenth century. 823 . 209 Lapsed, but not lost. 823.2158 The martyrs of Spain, and The libera- tors of Holland. 823.6598 On both sides of the sea: a story of the Commonwealth and the Restoration. A sequel to ' The Draytons and the Daven- ants.' 823.210 Sketches of the women of Christendom. 823.5696 Contents: — The first woman.- The women of the Gospels.— The women of the Acts of the Apostles.— The women of the early church.— The Christian women of Rome in the fourth century.— The Chris- tian women of the middle ages. — Christian women of modern times. — The women of the army of suc- cor. The victory of the vanquished: a story of the first century . 823.211 Winifred Bertram and the world she lived in. 823.212 Charles Auchester. Sheppard, E.. S.. 823.5960 Same. 3 vols. ** 823.6233-5 Charles Dickens parlor album of illustrations. 823.1799 Charles Lever. Gresley, Rev. W: ** 823.6772 Charles O'Malley. Lever, C: J. 823.973 Charles Tyrrell. 2 vols, (in i.) James, G: P. R. 823.850 823.7407 college. 823.6333 823.6812 Charley Kingston's aunt. Oliver, P Charlie Lucken at school and Adams, H. C. Charlotte Ackerman. Miiller, O: Charlotte Temple. Rowson, Mrs. S. (H.) in 823.5022 Charlotte's inheritance. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) «« 823.2403 Same. in 823 . 5048 Charmed sea. The. Martineau, H. z»** 823.6710 Same. ** 823.6751 Charming widow, A. Macquoid, Mrs. K.. S. 823.7398 Chasing the sun. Ballantvne, R. M. 808.637 Same. in 808 . 1 269 ; z« 808 . 1 28 1 Chasseur d'Afrique. WaJmsley, H. M. 823 . 1670 Chateau d'Or. Holmes, Mrs. M Chateau Frissac. Sikes, Mrs. O. .J..(H.) 823.4846 (L.) 823.6116 823.6877 Chateau Morville. Tr. by E. R. Chatelain, Mme. Clara (de Pontigny) de. The Dalecarlian conjuror's day-book. ** 823.6608 ENGIylSH FICTION 38 KNGI.ISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Chatrian, Pierre Alexander, joint author. See Erckmann, Emile. Chatsworth. Patmore, P: G: 823.6074 Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra. The poison tree: a tale of Hindu life in Bengal. Tr. by M. S. Knight. 823 . 4936 Chautauqua girls at home. Alden, Mrs. I.. (McD.) 808. 15 1 1 Cheaterie packman, The. Ritchie, L. in 823.702 Checco: a tale of Perugia. Macquoid, Mrs. K.. S. in 823.1622 Chelsea householder, A. Lawless, Hon. E. Cheney, Mrs. C. Emma, tory of the civil war. Cheney, Mrs. Ednah Nora's return: a sequel house" of Henry Ibsen. 823.4592 Young folks' his- 973.689 Dow (Littlehale). to "The doll's 823.7322 Cheney, J: Vance. The old doctor: a ro- mance of Queer village. 823 .5177 Cherbuliez, Victor. Count Kostia. Tr. by O. D. Ashley. 823.6840 Iv'idee de Jean T^terol. (/« Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with foreign novel- ists). «'» 823.6613 Jean Teterol's idea. 823.2331 Meta Holdenis. 823.2318 Same. 823.2378 Prosper. Tr. by C. Benson. 823.6841 The romance of an honest woman. 823.7119 Saints and sinners. (Noirs et rouges.) Tr. by M. . N. Sherwood. 823 . 6435 Same. [Also) The lawyer's secret; (afid) The mystery at Fernwood. By Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) Maxwell. 823.6384 Samuel Brohl and Company. 823.2322 Same. in 823 . 6688 Cherry and Violet. Rathbone, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) 823.1093 Chesebro', C. The foe in the household. 823.6245 Chesney, C: Cornwallis. [_A volunteer.'] The battle of Dorking; or, reminiscences of a volunteer. By an eye witness, in 1925. 823.5649 The fall of England? The battle of Dorking: reminiscences of a volunteer. 823.4015 Chevalier de Maison Rouge, The. Dumas, A. D. 823.3108 Same. 823.6522 Chevaliers of France. Herbert, H: W: 823.4253 Chicot, the jester. Dumas, A. D. 823.4611 Same. 823.6514 Chien d'Or, Le. Besant, W., and Rice, J. «■« 823.3138 Chien d'Or. Kirby, W: 823.950 Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria (Francis). Philo- thea: a Grecian romance. 823 . 7084 Child and woman. Helm, C. 823.6805 Child of the century. A. Wheelwright, J: T. 823.5430 Child of the revolution, A. Roberts, M. «■« 823.5033 Child wife, The. Reid, Capt. T: M. 823.6334 Englisli Fiction. Contin. Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi, Count L.N. 823.6366 Childhood's memories. 12 pp. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) in 823.5076 Child-life in Italy. Watson, E. H. 808.1684 Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-sto- ries. Ayrtou, C. 808.1871 Child-pictures from Dickens. 808. 1914 Children at home. Brock, Mrs. F,. E.. G. (B.) Carey- 823.121 Children of Gibeon. Besant, W. e« 823.4985 Same. in 823 . 5020 ; 823 . 6962 Children of the abbey. Roche, R. M. 823.1354 Children of the cold. Schwatka, F: 808.1673 Children of the New Forest. Marryat, Capt. F: ^ 823.1095 Children of the world. 3 vols, (in i). Heyse, J. L. P. ** 823.6633 Same. 3 vols. 823.6455-7 Children of to-morrow. Sharp, W: 823.7295 Children's book, The. Scudder, H. E., comp. 808.1882 Children's book of poetry. Coates, H: T., comp Children's stories Wright, H. C. Same. Children's stories Wright, H. C. Children's stories Wright, H. C. Children's stories Wright, H. C. Child's history of England, A. J.H. 808.1868 history. 808.1581 808.1695 literature. 808.1533 American progress. 808.1696 the great scientists. 808.1644 Dickens, C: 808.686 in American in English of of Same. in 823 . 5334 Child's history of Greece. 2 vols. Bonner, J: 808.621-2 Child's history of Rome, A. 2 vols. Bonner, J: 808.623-4 Child's history of the United States, A. 3 vols. Bonner, J: 808.618-20 Child's own book, and treasury of fairy sto- ries. 808.1028 China. Dalton, W: Wolf boy of China. 808.871 Davis, J. A. Chinese slave-girl . . . woman's life in China. 808.836 Gueullette, T: S. Chinese tales. 80 pp. {In Weber, H: Tales of the east, v. 3.) P-335. «■«** 823.6232 Hwa Tsien Ki. The flowery scroll: a Chinese novel. 823 . 1837 Knox, J: W. The boy travellers in the far east. Pt. i. 808.1835 Lander, S.. W. Spectacles for young eyes: Pekin. 808.101 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. p. 191, in 821.229 Sealy, T: Chinese legends. 828.81 Verne, J. Adventures of a Chinaman in China. 823.5178 Tribulations of a Chinaman in China. 823.4342 Note. — See The Chinese in America. (Blbll- og^raphy.) [Bost. Pub. Lib. Bulletin, No. 51. v. 4. p. 1437] in ** 17.135.— MoUendorff, P. G., and O. F. ENGLISH FICTION 39 ENGUSH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. China. Contin. Note. Contin, von. Manual of Chinese bibliography. 1876. ** 15-275.— Boulger, D. C. History of China. 3 vols. 1881-4. 951 .33-5. — Culin, S. Chinese secret societies in the U. S. 5 pp. (Journ. 0/ A mer. folk-lore, v. 3.) 1890. p. 44, z'« 291. 81^. —Davis, J: F. The Chinese: a general description of China and its inhabitants. 2 vols. (Lib.of entertain, knowledge.) 1836. 951.4-5. — Doollttle, J. Social life of the Chinese. 1876. 915 . 136.— Farwell, W. B. Why the Chinese must be excluded. 8 pp. (7'A«ybr«/«, v. 6, i888-g.) p. 196, i« * 5I.470I*. — Gray, J. H. China: history of the laws, manners and customs of the people. 2 vols. 1878. 915. 174-5.— Hiibner, J. A., Baron von. Ramble round the world. 910.59.— James, H. E- M. The long White Mountain; or, a journey in Manchuria. 18S8. 915.369. — Margary, A: R. Journey from Shanghae to Bharao-and back to Mamoyne. 2d ed. 1876. 915.166.— Mayers, W: F. The Chinese gov- ernment. 1886. 323.15.— Mendoza, J. G. de. His- tory of China, \llakluyt Soc, 1853.) 2 vols. ** 951.7-8. — Pinkerton'8 voyages . . . v. 7. i8ii. ** 913.15.— Boss, J: The Manchus; or, the reigning dynasty of China: their rise and prog^ress. 1880. 951.32. — Taylor, B. India, China and Japan. 915.41. — Thomson, J. Straits of Malacca, Indo- china and China. 1875. 915.69.— Universal his- tory. V.18. **909.48. — Modern part of an universal history, v. 7. ** 909.55.— "Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom. 2 vols. 1883. * 951.2^30. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 45. No. 4, 1884, p. 59. No. 3, 1882, p. 37. No. 5, 1SS8, p. 57. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 231-236, in ** SO. 1;— Same. Jan. i, i8S2-Jan. i, 1887. pp. 78-80, iVi ** 50.1=*. See also Index to Consular reports, 1880-1885 ; vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of State.) 823.7141 823.5672 823.5594 Christian's mistake. ** 350-5496'-^. See also "Chinese Question " in Catalogues of this Library. No. 3, 1882, p. 38. No. 4, 1884, p. 59. Chinese slave girl. Davis, J. A. 808.836 Chinese tales. 80 pp. Gueullette, T: S. p. 335, «■«** 823. 6232 Chita. Heam, L. Choy Susan. Bishop, W: H: Chris. Norris, W: E: Chris and Otho. Smith, Mrs. J. P. 823.1464 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) 823.326 Christie Johnstone. Reade, C: /« 823.5420 Same. 823.7410 Same, and other stories. Reade, C: 823.1285 Christina, Queen of Sweden. (1632-1654.) Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories, x i pp. (/« his Tales and sketches.) p. 203, in 824.414 Note.— See Barine, A. Christine de SuSde. {Rev. d. d. Mondes. 3d p^r 1S88. v. 89.) p. 783, «»*54-399°- — Collins, W: W. A queen's revenge. 17 pp. (fn his My miscellanies.) p. 42, m 824.18. — Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Female sovereigns, v. 2. p. I, in 923.933. — Ranke, L. von. Hist, of the popes. V. 2. p. 351, 7M282.56. — Woodhead, H. Memoirs of Christina. 2 vols. 1863. 923.2048--9. Christine. Curtis, L. J. 823.4640 Christmas books. Dickens, C; J: H. 823.394 Same. 823.5307; 823.5333; 823.5557 Christmas books. Thackeray, W: M. 823.1574 Christmas eve and Christmas day. Hale, E: E. 823.680 Christmas guest, The. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1481 Christmas stories. Dickens, C: J: H. 823.395 Same. z« 823.5321; 823.5332; «« 823.5555 ^English Fiction. Contin. Christmas stories (New). Dickens, C: J: H. in 823.426 Christmas stories. Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.4850 Christmas wreck, and other stories. Stock- ton, F. R: 823.5219 Christopher, and other stories. Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.) 823.5418 Christopher Tadpole, Struggles . . . of . . . Smith, A. 823.1448 Christowell. Blackmore, R: D. 823.3916 Same. 823.4941 Christy Carew. McNabb, Mrs. M.. (L.) 823.3119 Chronicles of Dustypore. Cunningham, H. S. 823.4190 Same. 823.4375 Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott, Sir W. V. 2. p. 171, in 823.1394 Same. ?« 823.1412; 823.4826 Same, 823.5160; p. 311, in** 823.6032 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) 823.204 Chrysal. 4 vols, (in 2). Johnston, C: 823.7364-5 Same. 4 vols. 823.4518-21 Chrysostom, Wayside notes in the days of. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) p. 219, «■« 823.5577 Chubbuck, Emily. See Judson, Mrs. Emily (Chubbuck). Chuck Purdy. Stoddard, W: O. 808.1726 Church, Alfred J: The chantry priest of Barnet : a tale of the two Roses. 823.5293 The count of the Saxon shore ; or, the villa in vectis : tale of the departure of the Romans from Britain. 823 . 5292 Stories from Homer. 808.1131 Contents.— 'The Iliad.— The Odyssey. Stories from Livy. 808 . 1545 For contents, see Livius Patavius, Titus. Stories from the Greek tragedians. - 808.1378 Contents: — The story of the love of Alcestis. — The story of the vengeance of Medea. — The story of the death of Hercules. — The story of the seven chiefs against Thebes. — The story of Antigone. — The story of Iphigenia in Aulis. — The story of Philoctetes ; or, the bow of Hercules. — The story of the death of Agamemnon. — The story of E'ectra ; or, the return of Orestes. — The story of the Furies ; or, the loosing of Orestes. — ^The story of Iphigenia among the Tau- rians. — The story of the Persians ; or, the battle of Salamis. — The story of Ion. Same. 823.4155 Stories from Virgil. 808.1413 For contents, see Virgilius. Stories of the east from Herodotus. 808.1546 Stories of the magicians. Thalaba and the magicians of the Domdaniel, Rustem and the genii, Kehama and his sorceries. 823.5663 The story of the Persian war from Her- odotus. S23.5671 Three Greek children: a story of home in old time. 808 . 1705 To the lions: a tale of the early Chris- tians. 823.6545 , awcTSeeley, Richmond. The hammer: a story of the Maccabean times. 823.6940 ENGLISH FICTION 40 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Church, Mrs. Ella (Rodman). Home-ani- mals. 808.1597 Little neighbors at Elmridge. 808.1633 Church, Mrs. Florence (Marryat) Ross- See Lean, Mrs. F. (M.) Churton, H:, pseud. See Tourg^e, Albion Winegar. Cigarette-maker's romance. Crawford, P. M. 823.7334 Cinnamon and pearls. Martineau, H. in ** 823.6712 Cinq-Mars. Vigny, A.-V. , comte de. 823 . 1873 Same. 2 vols. ** 823.6311-12 Cipher. Austin, J.. G. 823.5827 Circuit rider. Eggleston, E: 823 . 520 Citizen Bonaparte. 1794-1815. Erckmann, :^., and Chatrian, P. A. 823.6862 Same. in 823.7253 Citizen of Prague. Paalzou, Mrs, H. (W.) von. 823.6073 Citoyenne Jacqueline. Keddie, H. 823.923 City and suburb. Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. (C.) 823.1322 City boys in the woods. Wells, H: P. 808.1802 City in the sea. Saxon, E. L., comp. 823.7173 Civil-service reform. By Major Simpleton. 823.4593 Clack, Mrs. Louise. Our refugee household. 823.1852 Claire. By the author of "Vida." 823.6399 Clandestine marriage. Dupuy, E. A. 823.492 Clara Howard. Brown, C: B. in 823.141 Same. p. 285, in ** 823.6205 Clara Vaughan. Blackmore, R: D. 823.2517 Same. 823 . 4950 Clare Avery. Holt, E. S.. 808.1523 Claretie, Jules. Monsieur le ministre : a ro- mance in real life. Tr. by J : Stirling. 823.4321 Claribel's love story. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) 823.5017 Clarionet, The. 82 pp. Carleton, W: 823.169 Clarissa. Richardson, S: 823.1316 Same. 5 vols. ** 823.6164-8 Same. 8 vols. ** 823 . 2062-9 Clark, C: Heber. [Max Adeler."] The fate of young Chubb. 5 pp. (/« Half-hours with great story tellers.) p. 75, z« 823.5478 Clark, Mrs. C (Moon). [C: M. Clay.'] Baby Rue [her adventures and misadventures, her friends and her enemies] . 823 .1872 Clark, F: Thickstun. In the valley of Havi- lah. 823.7245 Clark, H. H. Joe Bently, naval cadet. 823.7035 Clark, J. F. The society in search of truth; or, stock gambling in San Francisco. 823.4512 Clarke, C: Three courses and a dessert; comprising three sets of tales, West coun- try, Irish, and legal; and a melange. With fifty illustrations by G: Cruikshank. 823.352 [English Fiction. Contin. Clarke, Mrs. M.. V.. (Novello) Cowden- The girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines: in a series of tales. 2 vols. 823.5821-2 A rambling story. 823.4110 Yarns of an old mariner. 823 . 233 Same. 823.4248 Clarke, R.. Sophia. [Sophie May.] The As- bury twins. 823 . 234 The doctor's daughter. 823 . 235 Our Helen. 823.1915 Classic tales: comprising Johnson's Rasse- las. — Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. — Swift's Gulliver's travels. — Sterne's Senti- mental journey. 823.4489 Claude, M..S. Twilight thoughts: stories for children and child-lovers. Ed. by M.. L. Avery, with a preface by M. Arnold. 808.1467 Claude Stocq. Reybaud, Mrs. H. E. F. (A.) in 823.812 Claudia. Douglas, A. M. 823.476 Clavers, Mrs. M.., pseud. See Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. (S.) Clay, Bertha M.., pseud. See Brame, Mrs. C. M. (Low). Clay, C: M., pseud. See Clark, Mrs. C. (Moon). Clay, H: Life of Henry Clay, the statesman and the patriot. 808.792 Claytor, Graham. Pleasant Waters : a story of southern life and character. 823.7170 Cleland, Robert. Barbara Allan, the provost's daughter. 823.6992 Clemens, Jeremiah. Bernard Lile : an histo- rical romance embracing the periods of the Texas revolution and the Mexican war. 823.7100 Clemens, S: Langhorne. [Mark Twain.] A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. 823.6141 The prince and the pauper : a tale for young people of all ages. 823.6133 The stolen white elephant, etc. 823.6978 Contents; — The stolen -white elephant. — Some rambling' notes of an idle excursion.— The facts concerning the recent carnival of crime in Con- necticut. — About magnanimous-incident literature. — Punch, brothers, punch. — A curious experience. — The great revolution in Pitcairn. — Mrs. McWilliams and the lightning. — On the decay of the art of lying. — The canvasser's tale. — An encounter with an in- terviewer. — Paris notes. — Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany. — Speech on the babies. — Speech on the weather. — Concerning the American language. — Rogers. — The loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Ro- sannah Ethelton. , and Warner, C: Dudley. The gilded age : a tale of to-day. 823 . 5809 Clergyman's tale: — Pembroke. Lee, S. p. 1 1 in 823 . 968 Clerk, Mrs. Alice M., tr. 'Ilam-en-Nas: his- torical tales and anecdotes of the times of the early Khalifahs. Tr. from the Arabic. 823.1836 Clerk, Mrs. Godfrey. See Clerk, Mrs. Alice M. Clever woman of the family. The. Yonge, C. M.. 823.1763 Cleverdale mystery, The. Wilkin s, W. A. 823.4485 ENGLISH FICTION 41 ENGLISH FICTION Cusrlish Fiction. Contin. CUff-climbers. Reid, Capt.t\M. 808.757 Clifford, Josephine. Overland tales. 823.2155 Contents:— 1,0. Graciosa.—Juanita.— Hetty's hero- ism.— A -woman's treachery.— The gentleman from fiskiyou.— Something about mjpets.— Poker-Jim.— he tragedy at Mohawk station.— I,one Linden.— Manuela,— The romance of Gila Bend.— A lady in camp.— The golden lamb.— It occurred at Tucson.— A bit of " early California."— Her name was Sylvia. -Crossing the Arizona deserts.— Down among the dead letters.— Marching with a command.— To Texas, and by the way.— My first experience m New Mexico. , . , . CUfford, Mrs. Lucy (Lane). Mrs. Keith's crime. (Anon.) 823.5045 Clifton picture. Coulson, G: J. A. 823.5930 ' '" Gaboriau, E. 823.2160 Clique of gold. Same. Clive, Robert, (1725-74-) Browning, R Dramatic idyls.) Henty, G: A. z« 823.5022; 823.6453 Lord, Baron of Plassey. Clive. 19 PI). {In his p. 88, in 821 . 1267 With Clive in India 808.1474 Note.— See Macaulay, T: B., Lord. " Essays.'' V. 4. p. 194, in 824.135.— Malcolm, Str J: Lue of Clive. 3 vols. * 923. 2022-4.— Wilson, Col. Sir C: (Life of) Lord Clive. 1890. 923.2016. Clockmaker, The. Haliburton, T: C. 823. 688 Cloister and the hearth. Reade, C: 823. 1286 Cloister legends. Stewart, E.. M. 823.1519 Closed door, The. Du Boisgobey, F. 823.5092 Cloud pictures. Underwood, F. H: 823.4174 Cloueh Fionn. Banim, J:, and Banim, M. ?•« 823.58 CloTcn foot, The. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) ?■« 823.2416 Same. 823.5114 Clovemook. Cary, A. 823.181 Club-book, The. Picken, A., ^^. 823.702 Coates, H: T., comp. The children's book of poetry. Illus. 808.1868 Cobb, James F. Martin the skipper: a tale for boys and seafaring folk. 808. 1627 The watchers on the Longships; a tale of Cornwall in the last century. 823.4532 Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr., pseud. See Dunlap, Walter D. Cobban, J. Maclaren. Julius Courtney: or, master of his fate. Repr. from Black- wood's magazine. 823.7246 Tinted vapours: a Nemesis. z» 823.4988 Cockton, H: George Julian. 823.240 Issued also as The pnnce. The life and adventures of Valentme Vox, the ventriloquist. * 823 . 243 Same. 823.5818 The prince; or, George St. George Julian. 823.6382 Stanley Thorn. 823.241 Sylvester Sound: the somnambulist. 823 . 242 Same. 823.5843 Coffin, C: Carleton. [Carleton.'] The boys of '76: a history of the battles of the revolu- tion. 808.1857 Caleb Kringle : a story of American life. 823.244 Following the flag. 973-5 Ilnglisli Fiction. Contin. Coffin, C: Carleton. [^Carleton.'] Contin. Freedom triumphant : the fourth period of the war of the rebellion from Sept. 1864, to its close. ^ 808. 1862 Four years of fighting. 973- 183 Issued also as Boys of '61. My days and nights on the battle-field. 973-643 The story of liberty. 808.1858 Winning his way. 823 . 245 Coffin, Roland Folger. How old Wiggins wore ship : an old sailor's yarn. 12 pp. (/« Stories by Amer. authors, v. 9.) p. 139, in 823.4710 Coldstream. 13 pp. Vaughan, H. p. 169, in 823.1778 Ccelebs in search of a wife. More, Mrs. H. 823.5749 Same. 823.6069 Coleman, J: Curly: an actor's story. 823 . 5062 Coleridge, Christabel Rose. An English squire. zw 823.5053 Coleridge, Mrs. Sara Henry (Coleridge). Phantasmion : a fairy tale. 823.4124 College theatricals. 38 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2.) in ** 823.6648 Collegians, The. Griffin, G. 823.671 CoUingwood, Harry. The Congo rovers: a story of the slave squadron. 808. 1706 Pirate island. 823.7036 Same. (enl. ed.) 808.1707 The rover's secret: a tale of the pirate cays and lagoons of Cuba. 808. 1708 Under the meteor flag: the log of a midshipman during the French revolution- ary war. 808.1709 CoUingwood, Herbert Winslow. Anderson- ville violets: a story of northern and south- ern life. 823.7320 Collins, Mrs. F.. (C), joint author. See Collins, Mortimer. Collins, Mabel. Lord Vanecourt's daughter. 3 vols. 823.7366-8 Collins, Mortimer. A fight with fortune. 823 . 246 Marquis and merchant. 823.6380 Same. 3 vols. 823.7369-71 , and Collins, Mrs. F.. (Cotton). Frances. 823.247 Sweet and twenty. 823 . 248 Collins, R. U. {Constant Reed.'\ John Hal- sey, the anti-monopolist: a novel. 823.4827 A^o/i?.— Based on John H. Burke's litigation with the " bonanza firm." Collins, W: Wilkie. After dark, and other stories. 823 . 249 Contents:— K^^r dark: leaves from Leah's diary.— Miss or Mrs.?— The dead alive.— The fatal cradle; otherwise, the heart-rending story of Mr. Heavysides. — " Blow up with the brig!" A sailor's story.— The frozen deep.— Fatal fortune. Alicia Warlock (a mystery), and other stories. 823 . 6386 Contents:— KViQXBi Warlock.— A sane madman.— The fatal cradle; otherwise, the heart-rending story of Mr. Heavysides.— " Blow up with the brig I" A sailor's story. — The queen's revenge. — Fragments of personal experience: my black mirror. — Sketches of character, i. Mrs. Badgery.— A case worth looking at; memoirs of an adopted son. Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. 823 . 250 Armadale: a novel. 823.251 ENGLISH FICTION 42 ENGI.ISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Collins, W: Wilkie. Contin. Basil: a novel. 823.252 Blind love. 823 . 7247 The dead secret: a novel. 823.5826 The evil genius: a domestic story. 823.5647 The frozen deep, and other tales. 823.256 Contents.— the frozen deep.— The dream woman. —John Jago's ghost ; or, the dead alive. The ghost's touch. 43 pp. [And) Percy and the prophet. 73 pp. in 823 . 6686 The guilty river : a novel. 823.5646 Hide-and-seek ; or, the mystery of Mary Grice. 823.257 ■ " I say no;" or, the love-letter answered. 823.4788 The law and the lady: a novel. 823.258 The legacy of Cain. [Also) My lady's money : an episode in the life of a young giri- 823.3563 I/Ove's random shot, and other stories. in 823.6696 Contents: — Love's random shot. — The dream woman. — ^John Jago's ghost. Man aud wife. 823 . 259 The moonstone. 823 . 260 My lady's money : an episode in the life of a young girl. ( With his The legacy of Cain.) ^ in 823.3563 The new Magdalen. 823 . 262 No name. 823 . 263 Percy and the prophet. 73 pp. ( With his The ghost's touch.) in 823 . 6686 Poor Miss Finch. 823 . 264 ■ Queen of hearts. 823 . 265 A rogue's life: from his birth to his mar- riage. 823.266 The two destinies. 823 . 267 The woman in white. 823.268 Colomb, Mme. ( — ). Uncle Chesterton's heir. Tr. byH: Frith. 823.6913 Colombo, Cristoforo. (14460^7-1506.) Ab- bott, J: S.C. Life of Columbus. 808.538 Barlow, J. The Columbiad: a poem. 821.22 Cooper, J. F. Mercedes of Castile. (First voy. of Columbus.) 823.300 Humphrey, F.. A. Adventures of early discoverers. 808.1905 Note.— See XnAeraon, R. B. America not dis- covered by Columbus. 1877. 970.33.— Biblio- grraphlcal account of voyages. {Hist, mag., 1861, v. 5-) pp. 33-38, in ** 973.522.— Irving, W. I,ife of Co- lumbus. 3 vols. 923.207-9.— Parton, J. The real merits of Columbus, (/n his Triumphs of enter- prise.) 1874. pp. 5it-53i, in 920.245.— Wlnsor, J. Columbus and his discoveries. (Narr . . . hist, of Amer. ii, 1-92.) * 970.127*. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 51. No. 5, 1888, p. 62. No. 3, 1882, p. 43. ; Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 280, in ** 50.1; I, 1887. p. 94, in «* 50.1" dex. p. 106, in •* /no See also — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan See also Encyclop. Britann 32.27P. Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. Baker, W: M. 823.6372 Colonel Enderby's wife. Harrison, Mrs. R. G. (K.) 823.4830 Same. in 823.4973 Colonel Jack, Life of. De Foe, D. in 823.2122 Englisli Fiction. Contin. Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard, H: R. 823 5529 Colonel's daughter, The. King, Capt. C: 823 . 7392 Colonel's opera cloak. Brush, 3Irs. C. (C.) 823.1999 Colonial days. Markham, R: 808.1865 Colonial times of Buzzard's bay. Bliss, W: R. . 823.6537 Colonna the painter : a tale of Italy and the arts. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. i . ) in ** 823 . 6647 Colquhoun, M. J. Primus in Indis. 823.5065 Colston, E: (1636-1721.) Marshall, 3frs. E. (M.) In Colston's days : a story of old Bris- tol. 823.5774 Columbus, Christopher. See Colombo, Cris- toforo. Colville of 'the Guards. ' Grant, J. 823 .5681 Same. 823 . 6525 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, R,. 823.132 Same. in 823 . 2338 Coming race. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- 823 . 1024 Same. _ 823.5863 ; 823.5975 Comins, Lizzie B. [Laura Caxton.'\ The Hartwell farm. 823 . 2359 Marion Berkley : a story for girls. 823 . 270 Commodore Junk. Fenn, G: M. z« 823.6698 Commonplace, and other short stories. Ros- setti, C. G. 823.1370 Comyn, L. N. Elena : an Italian tale. 823.272 Con Cregan, The confessions of Lever, C: J. 823.974 Con O'Regan. Sadlier, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) 823.1378 Condemned door. The. Du Boisgobey, F. iti 823.5086 Condensed novels. Harte, F. B. 823.711 Confederate chieftains. Sadlier, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) _ 823.1377 Confession. Simms, W: G. 823.1429 Confessions of a clarionet player, and other tales. Erckmann, ]^., and Chatrian, P. A. 823.6855 Confessions of a Thug. Taylor, M. 823 . 4276 Same. 3 vols. * 823.4629-31 Confessions of an odd-tempered man. 19 pp. Opie, Mrs. A. (A.) p. 394, in 823.6136 Confessions of Claud. Fawcett, E. 823 . 5743 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever, C: J. ^ , . . 823.974 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Lever, C: J. ** 823.6221 Confidence. James, 'H.:,Jr. 823.1928 Conformists, The. Banim, J: p. 234, «■« 823.56 Congo. Abbott, J. 808.591 Congo river. See Kongo river. Congo rovers. The. Collingwood, H. 808.1706 Coningsby. 2 vols. Brydges, Sir S: E. ^ . . . ,. * 823.144-5 Coningsby. Disraeli, B: 823.459 Same. in 823.3002 ENGLISH FICTION 43 ENGLISH FICTION !Englisli Fiction. Contin. Connecticut. See New England. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. Clemens, S: I/. 823.6141 Conquering and to conquer. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) 823.205 Conscience, Hendrik. The amulet. ( With /i/j The poor gentleman.) z« 823.5707 Count Hugo, of Craenhove. {Also) The curse of the village. 823 . 5705 The curse of the village. {With his Count Hugo, of Craenhove. ) in 823 . 5705 The fisherman's daughter. ( With his The village innkeeper. ) in 823 . 5706 The happiness of being rich. {Also) Ricketicketack; {and) Wooden Clara. 823.5704 I/ion of Flanders; or, the battle of the Golden Spurs , 823 . 6540 Ludovic and Gertrude. {Also) The young doctor. 823.5659 Merchant of Antwerp. Tr. by Revin Ivyle. 823.2445 The poor gentleman. (.^/5o) The amu- let. 823.5707 Ricketicketack. ( With his The happi- ness of being rich. in 823.5704 Tales of Flemish life. 823.4233 Con^^nfc.-— Author's address to his friends. — The recruit. — Mine host Gansendonck. — Blind Rosa. — The poor nobleman. Veva ; or, the war of the peasants. 823.5660 The village innkeeper. {Also) The fisherman's daughter. 823 . 5706 Wooden Clara. ( With his The happi- ness of being rich.) in 823.5704 The young doctor. ( With his Ludovic and Gertrude.) /« 823.5659 Conscience. 2 vols, (in i). Dorsey, Mrs. A. (H.) 823.473 Conscript, The. Dumas, A. D, 823.6923 Conscript, The. Erckmann, E., and Chat- rian, P. A. 823.1850 Consequences of a duel, The. Du Boisgobey, F. 823.5098 Conspirator, The. 2 vols. P , Count P. 823.7327-8 Conspirators, The. Dumas, A. D. 823.3164 Same. 823.6516 Constable of France, and other military his- toriettes. Grant, J. 823.623 Constable of the tower, The. Ains worth, W: H. 823.5605 Constance. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.5507 Constance Sherwood. Fullerton, Lady G. C. . (L. G.) 823.6363 Constant de Rebecque, Henri-B: Adolphe: an anecdote found among the papers of an unknown person. ** 823 . 6728 Constantinople. See also Turkey. Eddy, D. C. Walter in Constantinople. 808.1650 Consuelo. Dudevant, Mme. A. L,. A. (D.) 823.6214 Same. 823.6703; 823.6885 Contarini Fleming. Disraeli, B: 823.460 Same. z« 823.2314 Same. 2 vols. ** 823 . 6737-8 Eng-lish Fiction. Contin. Contraband. Melville, G: J: Whyte- ** 823.4666 Sam,e. 823.7274 Contrast, The. Edgeworth, M. . _, p. 3, ?«** 823.4651 Convict, The. James, G: P. R. 823.7307 Convicts and their children. Auerbach, B. 823 . 7092 Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, F: J: Conyngham, D: P. The O'Mahony, chief of the Comeraghs: a tale of the rebellion of '98. 823.273 Cook, Dutton. Doubleday's children. 823.1805 Cooke, J: Esten. \^Anas Todkill.l Bonnybel Vane, embracing the history of Henry St. John, Gentleman. 823.5661 Canolles: the fortunes of a partisan of '81. 823.7099 Doctor Vandyke. 823.5830 Fairfax; or, the master of Green way Court; a chronicle of the valley of the Shenandoah. 823 . 5509 Henry St. John, Gentleman, of "Flower of Hundreds," in the county of Prince George, Virginia : a tale of 1774-75. 823.2017 Issued also as Bonnybel Vane. Her majesty the queen. 823.275 Hilt to hilt ; or, days and nights on the banks of the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864. From the MSS. of Colonel Surry of Eagle's Nest. 825 . 5525 Justin Harley : a romance of old Vir- ginia. 823 . 276 Leather stocking and silk; or, hunter John Myers and his times : a story of the valley of Virginia. 823.277 Mohun ; or, the last days of Lee and his paladins. Final memoirs of a staflf officer serving in Virginia. From the MSS. of Colonel Surry of Eagle's Nest. 823 . 278 My Lady Pokahontas : a true relation of Virginia. 823 . 5690 Out of the foam : a novel. 823.5526 Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other stories. 823.279 Contents:— Vr^ity Mrs. Gaston. — Annie at the corner. — The wedding at Duluth. Stories of the Old Dominion; from the settlement to the end of the revolution. 808.1468 Surry of Eagle's Nest ; or, the memoirs of a staff-officer serving in Virginia. Ed. from the MSS. of Colonel Surry. 823.281 The Virginia Bohemians : a novel. 823.5902 The Virginia comedians ; or, old days in the Old Dominion. 2 vols, (in i). 823.5662 The youth of Jefferson; or, a chronicle of college scrapes at Williamsburg in Vir- ginia, A. D. 1764. (Anon.) 823.7421 Cooke, Mrs. Rose (Terry). Happy Dodd; or "She hath done what see could." 823.5635 Somebody's neighbors. 823.4169 Steadfast: the story of a saint and a sinner. ^.-r-ssss^s.^^ ^^^ '^^^^ /■^ 0? THB « F. Origin and intent of the crusades.- Robert the crusader. (/« his Hist, of Normandy, etc., v. 4.) in 942.492. — Richard of Devises. Chronicle concerning the deeds of Richard I. 78 pp. in ** 942. 1320. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 321, in ** 50.1: <^ Jan. I, 1882-Jan. I, 1887. p. 109, »»**50.i». English Fiction. Contin. Crusoe in New York, and other tales. Hale, E:E. 823.4330 Crust and the cake. Mayo, Mrs. I.. (F.) 823.1137 Cry of blood, The. 2 pts. Du Boisgobey, F. in 823.5078 De Mille, J. Verne, J. 823.5851 823.4491 823.6310 — Same. Cryptogram, The. Cryptogram, The Same. Cuba. See Spain. Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge, J: T. 823. 1635 Cudlip, Mrs. Annie Hall (Thomas). Called to account. 823.4775 Denis Donne. in 823.6213 Jenifer. 823.4999 No alternative. 823 . 1583 No medium. 823.5012 On guard. ( With her Played out.) in 823.6246 A passion in tatters. in 823.6263 Played out. {Also) On guard. 823.6246 Walter Goring. 823.1584 Cudlip, Mrs. Pender. See Cudlip, Mrs. A. H. (Thomas). Cumberland, R: (1732-1811.) Macaulay, iJ/m E. Tales of the drama founded on . . . the comedies of . . . Cumberland . . . 823.1051 Note.—Vor his life and writings, see Edinburgh review, v. 8. April, 1806. p. 107, in ** 52.373. — Foster, J. Cumberland. 11 pp. {Crit. essays, v. 2) p. 52i «'« 824.117.— Notes and queries, 5th ser., V. II. p. 504, in ** 52.678'.— Scott, Sir W. Cum- berland. 40 pp. (Misc. works, V. 3.) p. 191, in 920.366.— Stephen, L. Diet, of nat. biog., v. 13. ** 920. 330''. Cumberland, Stuart C. The rabbi's spell: a Russo-Jewish romance. in 823.5097 Gumming, Lt.-Col. W. Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts: or, scenes in camp and jungle. 823.6581 Cummins, Maria Susanna. El Fureidis. 823.354 The lamplighter. (Anon.) 823.356 Mabel Vaughan. 823.357 Cunningham, Allan. Gowden Gibbie. (Pick- en, A., ed. The club-book, v. 2.) in 823.702 The haunted ships. 22 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 8.) p. 128, in 829.131 The king of the peak. 24 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 7.) p. 206, in 829 . 130 LordRoldan. 2 vols, (m i). 823.5667 Cunningham, H. S. Chronicles of Dusty- pore: a tale of modern Anglo-Indian soci- ety. 823.4190 Same. 823.4375 Cuore: an Italian schoolboy's journal. Ami- cis, E. de. 808.1657 Cupid and the sphinx. McClellan, Mrs. H. (H.) 823.1059 Cupid on crutches. Wood, A. B. 823.1647 Cupples, G: The green hand: adventures of a naval lieutenant. 808.345 Curate and the rector. Strutt, Mrs. E.. 823.1372 Curate in charge. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 823.5950 ENGLISH FICTION 49 ENGLISH FICTION !Eug:lisIi Fiction. Contin. Curly: an actor's story. Coletaan, J: 823.5062 Curran, J: Elliott. Miss Francis Merley. 823.6957 Curse of Came's Hold, The. Henty, G: A. 823.7048 Curse of Clifton. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1483 Curse of Everleigh, Pierce, Mrs. H.. C. 823.1261 Curse of gold, The. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. (W.) , 823.1964 Curse of Koshiu. Wingfield, L. 823.7192 Curse of the village, The. Conscience, H. p. 169, x« 823.5705 Curtis, G: W: My chateaux. 22 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 4.) p. 160, in 829.127 Prue and I. 823.358 Trumps: a novel. 823.359 Curtis, Laura J. Christine; or, woman's trials and triumphs. 823.4640 Cut by the county. Maxwell, iJ/rj. M.. E.. (B.) 2« 823.5108 Cuthbertson, Misses. Forest of Montalbano. 4 vols. ** 823 . 6783-6 Cutler, Mrs. M.. C. Philip; or, what may have been: a story of the first century. 823.7248 Cjrnic fortune. Murray, D: C. in 823 . 5131 Cyrilla. Tautphoeus, J. (M.) Freiherrin von. 823.6439 Czar, The. Alcock, D. 823.5909 Daddy Darwin's dove-cote. 28 pp. Ewing, Mrs.'S. H. (G.) in 823.5090 Daddy Jake, the runaway. 56 pp. Harris, J. C. * 808. 1808 Daggett, Rollin Mallory. Braxton's Bar: a tale of pioneer life in California. 823 . 4528 Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine (Vinton). Lights and shadows of a life. 823 . 5666 Dahn, Felix. Felicitas. Tr. by M. , J. Saf- ford. 823 . 5728 Daisy. 2 vols, (in i). Warner, S, 823.1674 823.912 M.. 823.1764 Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.788 Dalbroom folks. The. 2 vols. Smith, J. 823.6397-8 Dalecarlian conjurer's day-book. The. Chate- lain, Mme. C. (de P.) de. ** 823 . 6608 Dalton, W: Phaulcon the adventurer; or, the Europeans in the east: a romantic biog- raphy. 823.6082 Tiger prince; or, adventures in the wilds of Abyssmia. 808.870 White elephant; or, the hunters of Ava and the king of the Golden Foot. 808.872 The wolf boy of China. 808 . 871 Issued also as John Chinaman. Daltons, The. Lever, C: J. 823.976 Same. 823.6341 Same. 2 vols. 823.5716-17 Damant, M.. Peggy Thomhill: a tale of the Irish rebellion. 823 .7171 Daisy Bums. Kavanagh, J. Daisy chain, The. Yonge, C. Daisy Thornton. Englisb Fiction. Contin. Damascus. See also Syria, note. Eddy, D. C. Walter in Damascus. 808.1649 Dame Durden — little woman. Dickens, C: J: H. 808.1569 Daraen's ghost. Bynner, E. L. 823.1841 Damon, Sophie M. Old New-England days: a story of true life. 823 . 5379 Damsel of Darien, The. 2 vols, (in i). Simms, W: G. ** 823.6729 Danes, The, sketched by themselves. Stories . . . tr. by Mrs. Bushby. 3 vols. 823.6444-6 Darnel, J. W. The girl in checks; or, the mystery of the mountain cabin. 823.7249 Daniel Deronda. 2 vols. Cross, Mrs. M.. A, (E.) 823.997-8 Danish fairy legends and tales. Andersen, H. C. 808.771 Danites in the Sierras. Miller, C. H. 823.4204 Daphne. Booth, Mrs. E. M. J. (G.) von. 823.5783 Dare. Blow, Mrs. M.. W. (G.). 823.4299 Darien. 3 vols. Warburton, E. B. G: 823 . 2048-50 Daring deeds of American heroes. Brayman, J. O., ^^. 808.1314 Daring deeds of the old heroes of the revolu- tion. Watson, H: C. 808.387 Daring fiction, A. 42 pp. Boyesen, H. H. p. 112, z» 823.4711 Dark colleen. The. Buchanan, Mrs. H. (J.) 823.893 Dark days. Fargus, F:J: 823.4817 Same. 823.4915; ?« 823.5106 Dark house. The. Fenn, G: M. in 823.5046 Dark inheritance, A. 99 pp. Hay, M.. C. in 823.6694 Dark marriage morn, A. Brame, Mrs. C.. M. (L.) 823.5120 Dark marriage morn, A. Marston, O. 823.4771 Dark stones from the sunny south. Camp- bell, 5z> G. 823.7242 Darkness and daylight. Holmes, Mrs. M. . J.. (H.) 823.789 Darnell, H: Faulkner. The craze of Chris- tian Engelhart. 823.7001 Same. 823 . 7037 Darragh, J. T:, C. C. S., pseud. See Hale, E: Everett. Darrell, Joyce. Winifred Power. «» 823.5073 Darryll Gap. Townsend, V. F.. 823.1595 Dasent, Sir G: Webbe, Popular tales from the Norse. With an introductory essay on the origin and diffusion of popular tales. 3ded. 808.1801 The story of Gisli the outlaw: from the Icelandic. Illus. 823 . 6448 Daudet, Alphonse. (1840 — .) Artists' wives. Tr. by L. Ensor. 823.6573 Contents: — Prologue. — MadameHeurtebise. — The credo of love. — The Transteverina.— A couple of singers.— A misunderstanding. — Assault with vio- lence. — Bohemia at home. — Fragments of a woman's letter found in the rue Notre-Dame-des- Champs. — A great man's widow. — The deceiver. — The comtesse Irma. — The confidences of an acad- emic coat. ENGLISH FICTION 50 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Daudet, Alphonse. Contin. La Belle Nivernaise: the story of an old boat and her crew, and other stories, (Tr. by R. Routledge.) Illus. by Mont^gut. 823.5252 Contents: — La Belle Nivernaise. — The fig and the idler. — My first dress coat. — The three low masses. — The new master. L'evang61iste: a Parisian novel. Tr. by M.. N. Sherwood. 823.5566 The immortal; or, one of the " forty." {LHmmortel.) Tr. by A. W. and M. de G. Verrall. 823.7012 Indret. — The vice. {And) The machines. {Extr. from Jack.) (Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with foreign novelists^ in ** 823.6613 Jack. Tr. by L. Ensor. 823.6566 Same. Tr. by M. . N. Sherwood. /« 823.2827; 823.6845 The little good-for-nothing. Tr. by M. . N. Sherwood. 823.6846 The nabob, Tr. by L. H. Hooper. 823.3189 Same. Numa Roumestan. Tr. by V. lin. 823.6884 Champ- 823.4289 823.5664 and Ris- Same. The partners; or, Fromont, Jr ler, Sr. {Fromont jeune et Risler ainS.) 823.5580 Issued also as Sidonie. Port Tarascon : the last adventures of the illustrious Tartarin. Tr. by H: James. 823.6449 Robert Helmont: diary of a recluse, 1870-1871. Tr. by L. Ensor. Illus. by Picard and Montdgut. 823 . 6331 Sappho: Parisian manners. * 823.5423 Sidonie. {Fromont jeune et Risler aini.) Tr. by M.. N. Sherwood. 823.6922 Same. {Also) Jack. Tr. by M., N. Sherwood. 823 . 2827 Stories of Provence. 823.4958 Contents: — Introduction. — MaitreCornille'ssecret — The pope's mule. — Mr. Seguin's goat. — The old couple. — The Reverend Father Gaucher's elixir. — The woman of Aries. — Ballads in prose. — The cur6 of Cucugnan.— The light-house atthe Sanguinaires. — The wreck of the '"s^raillante." — Legend of the man with gold brains.— Bixiou's pocket-book. — The poet Mistral. — The two inns. — At Milianah. — Home- sickness. Tartarin of Tarascon, traveller, "Turk" and lion-hunter. Illus. by Montdgut, and others. 823.5253 • Tartarin on the Alps. Illus. by Rossi, and others. Tr. by H: Frith. 823.5347 Wives of men of genius. Tr. by E: Wakefield. 823.6340 Issued also as Artists' wives. Note. — For life and writings, see James, H: Partial portraits, p. 195, in 824.390. — Mauris, M. French men of letters, p. 219, in 928. 179.— Monte- grtit, E. Nouveaus romanciers. 28 pp. (Rev. d. d. Mondes, 1876, se p6r. v. 18.) p. 605, in * 54.332. &«aiio Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 334, m**5o.i; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 112, in ** 50.1*. Daudet, Ernest. The apostate. 823 . 6501 Daughter of an empress, The. Mundt, 3Irs. C. (M.) 823.5800 Daughter of Bohemia, A. Tiernau, Mrs, F.. C. (F.) 823.6359 English Fiction. Contin. Daughter of Eve, A. Kirk, Mrs. E. W. (O.) 823.5397 Daughter of Fife, A. Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.) 823.5414 Daughter of Heth. Black, W: 823.80 Daughter of night, The. Fullom, S. W. 823.5926 Daughter of silence. Fawcett, E. 823.7255 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen, H. H. 823.4542 Same. 823.5621 Daughter of the stars, and other tales. Far- gus, F:J: Daughters of Eve. Meritt, P. Davault's mills. Jones, C: H: Davenport Dunn. Lever, C: J Sam.e. 2 vols. David Copperfield. i« 823.5094 823.7056 823.904 823.977 823.5710-11 Dickens, C: J: H. 823.400 Same. 2 vols. 823. 5311-12; 823.6350-51 David Elginbrod. MacDonald, G: 823.1062 David Lloyd's last will. Smith, H. 823.1456 Davidson, Ellis A. The boy joiner and model maker: containing practical instructions for making numerous articles for use and orna- ment, mechanical toys, models, etc.; with descriptions of various tools and the method of using them. 808 . 1867 Davis, J. A. The Chinese slave-girl: a story of woman's life in China. 808.836 Davis, L. Clarke. A stranded ship: a story of sea and shore. 823.360 Davis, Mrs. R.. Blaine (Harding). Balacchi brothers. 25 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. i.) p. 120, in 823.4702 The captain's story. 20 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 2.) p. 187, in 829.125 A faded leaf of history. 20 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 10.) p. 201, in 829.133 John Andross. 823.361 Margret HovTth: a story of to-day. 823.4257 Waiting for the verdict. 823 .5857 Davis, Robert S. ITrebor.'] As it may hap- pen: a story of American life and charac- ter. 823.363 Dawes, Rufus. Nix's mate: an historical ro- mance of America. 2 vols, (in i). ** 823.6236 Dav7n. Haggard, H: R. in 823.5072 Same. 823.7155 Day, Rev. Lai Behari. Folk-tales of Bengal. 808.1694 Day and night stories. Sullivan, T: R. 823 . 7026 Day of fate, A. Roe, Rev. E: P. 823.2341 Day will come, The. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) Days of Bruce. Same. 2 vols. Days of my life. The O. (W.) Days of yore. 2 vols. 823.7198 2 vols, (in i). Aguilar, G. 823.5398 823.5-6 Ohphant, Mrs. M. 823.5027 Keddie, H. 823.924-5 ENGLISH FICTION 51 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Day's pleasure, A. Contin. Howells, W: D. Lever, C: J. 823.5765 823.978 Day's ride, A. Same. p. 401, in 823.6341 Dayspring. Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) 823.5775 Deprofundis. Gilbert, W: 823.4087 Dead boxer, The. Carleton, W: z» 823.169 Dead heart, A. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) in 823.5064 Dead man's secret, The. Paeon, J. in 823.5141 Same. in 823.5188 Dead marquise. Kip, L. 823.4123 Dead men tell no tales, but live men do. Sala, G: A: 823.7303 Dead men's shoes. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) 823.2407 Same. 823.5125 Dead secret, The. Collins, W: W. 823.5826 Dead sin, and other stories. Mayo, Mrs. I. Dead tryst, The. Grant, J. Dead-sea fruit. Maxwell, Mrs. M. 823.1138 823.4794 E.. (B.) 823.2413 Same, 823.6076 Deane, Margery, pseud. See Pitman, Mrs. M. J. (Davis). Dear lady Disdain. McCarthy, J. 823.5978 Death trust. The. Halstead, A. L. 823.6502 Debit and credit. Freytag, G. 823.6277 Decastro, Mr. John, and his brother Bat, His- tory of. 4 vols. Mathers, J:, and A. solid gentleman, pseud. ** 823 . 6009-12 Deemster, The. Hall, C. 823.5448 Deep down. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.1264 Same. ?« 823.6692 Deephaven. Jewett, S.. O. 823.4071 Deerbrook. Martineau, H. 823.7352 Same. 2 vols. ** 823.6740-1 Deerslayer, The. Cooper, J. F. 823.293 Deer-stalkers of Glenskiach, The. Picken, A. in 823 . 702 Defaulter, The. 18 pp. Hood, T: p. 151, in 823.1778 De Foe, Daniel. (1661-1731.) Life and ad- ventures of Robinson Crusoe. 808.368 Same. With a memoir of the author. 823.2147 The life and strange surprising adven- tures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mari- ner. "Written by himself. (/« Lib. of famous fiction.) p. 163, in ** 823.6215 Life and surprising adventures of Rob- inson Crusoe, of York, mariner. Illus. by Cruikshank. Ed by J: Major. ** 823 . 6627 Novels and miscellaneous works. With prefaces and notes, incl. those attributed to Sir Walter Scott. (Bohn's standard lib.) 823.2123 V. 2. Memoirs of a cavalier. — Memoirs of Captain Carleton.— Dickory Cronke; or, the dumb philos- opher.— Everybody's biisiness is nobody's busi- ness. Robinson Crusoe, Life ... of. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 16-17.) ** 823.2077-8 English Fiction. Contin. De Foe, Daniel. Contin. Works, vols. I, 2, 5, 6, 7. 5 vols. 823.2122-25, 2128 Contents;— V. i. Life, adventures, and piracies of Captain Singleton.— Life of Colonel Jack. 823.2122 V. 2. Memoirs of a cavalier. — Memoirs of Captain Carleton. — Dickory Cronke. — Everybody's busi- ness is nobody's business. 823.2123 v. 5. History of the plague in London, 1665; to which is added the great fire of London, 1666, by an anonymous writer. — The storm, 1703. With the essay, inverse. — The true-bom Englishman: a satire. 823.2124 v. 6. Life and adventures of Duncan Campbell. — New vo>;age round the world. 823.2125 V. 7. Political tracts relating to the Hanoverian succession. — Life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. — Biogrraphi- cal ace. of De Foe. 823.2128 Note. — For his life and writings, see Adams, W: H: D. De Foe's "Robinson Crusoe." {In his Fa- mous books.) p. 299, in 829.1. — Blerzy, H. Un publiciste du dixhuitiSme si^cle. 24 pp. {Rev. d. d. Mondes, 1870, 2e p6r., v. 86.) p. 685, tn *=*54.29i. — ChadwlcK, W: Life and times of De Foe. 1859. 928.49. — Distingruished men of modern times, v. 3. p. 105, in 920.153. — Great whig: journalist. 31pp. {Blackwood's mag., -v. 106. 1868.) p. 457, i» ** 52.204. — Jeaffreson, J: C. Daniel De Foe. 20 £p. (In Aw Novels, etc., V. I.) p. 65, in 820.186. — iamb, C: Defoe's secondary novels. 3 pp. {Inhis Mrs. Leicester's school.) p. 304, in 824.415. — liCe, W: Daniel Defoe, his life and recently discovered writings from 1716-1729. 3 vols. (Chronological catalog, of his works, V. I. pp. xxvii-lv.) 928.553-5. — Minto, W: Daniel Defoe. (Eng. men of letters.) 928.209.— Scott, Sir W. Defoe. 69 pp. {Miscel. works, V. 4.) p. 228, in 920.367. — Stepuen, L. De Foe's novels. 46 pp. {In his Hours in a library.) p. I, in 824.86. — Tuckerman, H. T. Daniel Defoe, the writer for the people. 19 pp. {In his Essays.) p. 285, in 824.224. 5f« a/.ri7 Poole's Index (to 1S82). p. 341, iw*"* 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 114, in ** 50. i^ De Forest, J: W: The bloody chasm. 823.1891 Issued also as The oddest of courtships. The brigade commander. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 8.) 823.4709 An inspired lobbyist. 35 pp. (/» Sto- ries by Amer. authors, v. 4. ) p. 137, ?■« 823.4705 Irene, the missionary. 823.1789 Kate Beaumont. 823.5855 The Lauson tragedy. 50 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 3.) p. 56, in 829.126 Overland: a novel. 823.5854 Playing the mischief; a novel. 823.5845 The Wetherel aflfair. 823.5853 Deformed, The. Tytler, M. Fraser- in * 823.6194 De Kay, C: Manmat'ha. 24 pp. {In Sto- ries by Amer. authors, v. 10. ) p. 88, in 823.4711 De Kroyft, Mrs. S.. H.. (Aldrich). Little Jakey. 33 pp. Qohnson, R., ed. Little classics, V. 10.) p. 141, /» 829.133 Deland, Mrs. Margaretta Wade (Campbell). John Ward, preacher. 823.5278 Sidney. 823.7337 Delaware. James, G: P. R. 823.2157 Deldee. James, Mrs. F. A. (P.) in 823.4995 Same. /« 823.5202 De Leon, Edwin. Askaros Kassis the Copt: a romance of modem Egypt. 823 .4048 ENGLISH FICTION 52 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Delitzsch, Franz. Jos6 and Benjamin: a tale of Jerusalem in the time of the Herods. Tr. by J. G. Smieton. 823.7124 De rOrme. James, G: P. R. 823.7388 Same. 2 vols. ** 823 . 6248-9 Delpit, Albert. As 'tis in life. Tr. by E. P. Robins. 823 . 7250 Demerara. Martineau, H. z«** 823. 6707 Same. in De Mille, James. The American novel. A castle in Spain. Cord and creese. The cryptogram: a novel. The lady of the ice: a novel. The lily and the cross ** 823 . 6749 baron: a 823.5844 823.6178 823.6349 823.5851 823.5829 a tale of Acadia. 823-373 The living link: a novel. 823.5852 Same. z» 823.6214 An open question. 823.5850 The winged lion ; or, stories of Venice. 808.172 Democracy. Eling, C. 823.4577 De Molai: the last of the military grand mas- ters. Flagg, E. 823.7043 Demon of Cawnpore. Verne, J. 823 . 4024 Dempster, Mrs. C. I/.. (Hawkins). Ninette: an idyll of Provence. 823 . 7080 Same. 823.7291 Wood, Mrs. E. (P.) 823.6009 Cudlip, Mrs. A. H. (T.) in 823.6213 Thackeray, W: M. 823.1573 ?■« 823.2537 Dene Hollow. Denis Donne. Denis Duval. Same. Denison, C: Wheeler. The tanner boy. (U. S. Grant.) «o8.224 Denison, Mrs. M.. (Andrews). Erin go bragh ! 823 . 378 Mr, Peter Crewitt. 823 . 377 That husband of mine. 823 . 1899 Denmark. See also Scandinavia. Adams, W:T. Up the Baltic. 808.498 Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy legends and tales. 808.771 Brosboll, K: Aunt Bodil. — A masquer- ade. — ^The priest's lamb. — Repaid. — What a woman never forgets. — The white stone. — Whitsuntide at Tibirke. — Who can one depend on? (Vicary, J: F., comp. A stork's nest.) in 823.5415 Bushby, Mrs. — , tr. The Danes, sketched by themselves. 3 vols. 823 . 6444-6 Ewald, H. F: Olufsborg. — The treasure of Kjoersholm. (Vicary, J: F., comp. A stork ' J nest. ) z« 8 23 . 54 1 5 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. p. 95, in 821.214 Scudder, H. E. The viking Bodleys. 808.1854 Thorpe, B:, ed. Yule-tide stories : a col- lection of Scandinavian . . . popular tales and traditions. 823.4231 Vonved the Dane: count of Elsinore. {In Dublin Univ. mag., vols. 55, 56). in** 52.1044-45 See also Tales by H. C. Andersen. English Fiction. Contin. Denmark. Contin. Note.— See Bibliography. Bruun, C. V. Bib- liotheca Danica fra 1482 til 1830. 2 vols. 1873-86. * 15.276.— Coxe.W. Travels in Denmark and Nor- way, about 1780. (Pinkerton's voyages, v. 6.) in ** 913.14.— Dahlmann, F, C. Geschichte von Danne- mark (101523). 3vols. (Heeren, A. H.L., M«£i Ukert, F. A. Geschichte europ. Staaten.) 948.35-7. — Dun- ham, S. A. History of Denmark ... to (1814). 3vols. (Lardner, D. Cab. eye.) 948.12-14. — £ngelhart, C. Denmark in the early iron age. 1866. 948.39. — Freeman, E: A. Norman conquest. 6 vols. {See Index, v. 6.) 942.107-iiA. — Gallenga, A. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols. 948.40-41.— Gosch.C: A. Denmark and Germany since 1815. 948.33. — Grifiln, G. W. My Danish days: with a glance at the his- tory, traditions and literature of the country. 1875. 948.11.- Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. 293.5. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of Slate.) ** 350- 5496' '^ See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 344, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i. 1882-Jan. i, 1887. pp. 115-16, in ** 50.1^. D'Ennery, Adolphe Philippe {called Den- nery). The two orphans. in 823.5043 Denounced. Banim, J: 823.56 Denver express. 37 pp. Hayes, A: A. p. 31, z« 823.4707 Dequet, Alphonse. Theodore, conte de la vie litt^raire. 18 pp. Tr. by Mrs. F.. C. Henderson. (Henderson, 3Irs. F.. C. Dunderviksborg . . .) 1881. p. 317, w 823.6534 De Quincey, T: The avenger. 59 pp. {In Famous stories. By De Quincey, and others. ) p. 5, in 823.1778 Flight of a Tartar tribe. 69 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. i.) p. 137, in 829.124 The vision of sudden death. 23 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 3.) p. 182, in 829.126 Hawthorne, N., and others. Famous stories. 823.1778 Contents: — The avenger. By T: De Quincey. — Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. By N. Hawthorne.— Love and skates. By T. Winthrop.— The defaulter. By T: Hood.— Coldstream. By H. Vaughan.— Ma- donna. By H: Spicer. — The metempsychosis. By R. Macnish.— The uninvited.- The bellows-mender of Lyons.— The Smallchange family.— The Scots- man's tale. By H. Lee.— The blacksmiths of Hols- by.— A penitent confession. Dering, Ross G: Giraldi; or, the curse of love. 823.6547 Derrick Sterling. Munroe, K. 808 . 1440 Derrick Vaughan, novelist. Bayly, A. E. 823.6562 Grant, J. 823.5680 823.6524 Reid, Capt. T: M. 808.431 Desert of ice, The. Verne, J. 823 . 6879 Deserted wife. The. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1484 Desmond hundred, The. Austin, Mrs. J.. (G.) 823.6626 Desperate remedies. Hardy, T: 823.696 Despot of Broomsedge cove, The. Murfree, M.. N. 823.5469 Destiny. Ferrier, S. E. 823.2051 Destruction of Gotham. Miller, C. H. 823.5388 Same. 823.5769 Desultory man, The. James, G : P. R. 823 . 856 Derval Hampton. Same. Desert home. The. ENGLISH FICTION 53 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Dethroned heiress, The. Depuy, E. A. 823.493 Detlef, K:, pseud. See Bauer, Klara. Detmold. Bishop, W: H: 823.5698 DeVere. Ward, R. P. 823.4054 Devereux. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- 823.1025 Same. 2 vols. ** 823.6257-8 Devil-puzzlers, and other sketches. Perkins, F: B. 823.4500 Devil's chain. The. Jenkins, E: 823.899 Devil's Ford. Harte, F. B. p. 169, in 823.5152 Devil's ward, The. 13 pp. Mackay, W: in 823.5084 Same. ?« 823.5089 Devon boys. Feun, G: M. 808.1713 Dialect tales. McDowall, Mrs. K.. S. (B.) 823.6121 Dialogues. Abbott, J. Dialogues for the amusement and instruction of young per- sons. {In his Harper's story books, v. 8.) in 808.587 Note. — See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 3, 1882, p. 52. No. 4, 1884, p. So. Diamond button. The. North, B. 823.6956 Diamond cut diamond. Trollope, T: A. in 823.5073 Diamond necklace. Note. — See Carlyle, T: The diamond necklace. (/« his Crit. and miscel. essays, v. 3.) p. i, in 824.401. — Vizetelly, H. The story of the diamond neck- lace. 944.424. Diana. Warner, S. 823.1675 Diana Carew. Bridges, Mrs. Col. — . 823.583 Same. 2« 823.5016 Diana, Lady Lyle. 3 vols. Dixon, W: H. 823.4555-7 Diana of the cross ways. Meredith, G: in 823.5060 Diana's livery. McGlasson, E. W. 823 . 7397 Diane Cory val . 823 . 4673 Diary, A. Bremer, F. 823.2120 Same. p. 9, in 823.6108 Diary of a superfluous man. 68 pp. Turge- nef, I. S. p. 63, in 823.4740 Diary of a woman. Feuillet, O. 823.4234 Diary of an old doctor. Maitlaud, J. A. 823.1082 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) 823.206 Diary on the continent. Marryat, Capt. F: in 823 . I 107 Diavolo. 2 pts. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) in 823.5119 Dick Netherby. Walford, Mrs. L. B. (C.) 823.4320 Dick o' the fens. Fenn, G: M. 808.1444 Dick Onslow among the redskins, Adventures of. Kingston, W: H: G. 808.1554 Dick Rodney. Grant, J. 823 . 624 Dick Sand. Verne, J. 2« 823.5129 Same. 7» 823.2855; 823.6300 Dick, the door-boy. 39 pp. Greene, H. p. 191, in 808.1357 Dickens, C: J: Huffam. [Boz.'\ (1812-1870.) Additional Christmas stories. ( With his The uncommercial traveller. in 823.5321 English Fiction. Contin. Dickens, C: J: Huffam. [Boz.'] Contin. The adventures of Oliver Twist. 823.5300 Same. 823.6352 Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the riots of 'eigbty. 823.5551 Same. {And) Hard times. 823.5336 Same. 2 vols. 823.5303-4 Same. (And) Mystery of Edwin Drood. 823.384 Same. {And) Sketches. Pt. 2. 4 vols. (in I). 823.385 Contents: — Barnaby Rudge. — Sketches. Pt. 2, {viz.: Characters: The dancing academy.— Shabby- genteel people. — Making a night of it. — The prisoners' van.— Tales: The boarding-house.— Mr. Minns and his cousin. — Sentiment. — The Tuggs's at Ramsgate.— Horatio Sparkins.— The black veil. — The steam excursion. — The great Winglebury duel. — Mrs. Joseph Porter. — A passage in the life of Mr. Watkins Tottle. — The Bloomsbury christening. — The drunkard's death.) Bleak House. 823 . 390 Same. 2 vols. 823.5313-14 Boots at the Holly -Tree inn. 20 pp. {In Half-hours with great story tellers.) p. 80, 7« 823.5478 Child-pictures from Dickens. 808.1914 Contents:— UittXe. Nell. — The marchioness. — Paul and Florence.— The fat boy.— Tiny Tim.— Smike. — Oliver Twist. A child's dream of a star. 4 pp. (John- son, R., ed. Little classics, \. 10.) p. 223, tn 829.133 A child's history of England. {Also) A holiday romance, and other pieces, {mz.: George Silverman's explanation. — Sketches of young couples.) 808.686 — — Satne. 942.1259 Chops, the dwarf. 16 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 2.) p. 118, in 829.125 Christmas books. 823.5307 Contents: — Introd. — Christmas carol. — The chimes. — The cricket on the hearth. — Battle of life. — The haunted man. Same. {Also) A tale of two cities. {And) A message from the sea. 823 . 5557 Same. {Also) The uncommercial trav- eller. 823.5333 Contents: — Christmas books, {vig.: The seven poor travellers. — The Holly Tree. — The wreck of the Golden Mary. — The perils of certain English prisoners. — Going into society.— The haunted house. — A message from the sea. — Tom Tiddler's g^round. — Somebody's luggage. — Mrs. Lirriper's lodging. — Mrs. Ivirriper's legacy. — Doctor Marigold. — Two ghost stones. — Mugby Junction.) — The uncommer- cial traveller. — Also (No thoroughfare. By Dickens, C: J: H., and Collins, W: W.) , Same. {And) Reprinted pieces. 823.394 Contents: — Christmas stories, {viz.: A Christmas carol. — The chimes. — The cricket on the hearth. — The battle of life.) Additional Christmas stories, (viz.: The haunted man.— Somebody's luggage. — Mrs. Lirriper's lodg- ings. — Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. — Doctor Marigold. — Two ghost stories.— The boy at Mugby.— The seven poor travellers.) Reprinted pieces, {viz.: The long voyage.— The begging-letter writer. — A child's dream of a star. — Our English watering-place.— Our French water- ing-place.— Bill-sticking. — "Births. Mrs. Meek, of a son." — Lyingawake. — The poor relation's story. — The child's story. — The school-boy's story.— No- body's story.- The ghost of art.— Out of town.— Out of tne season.— A poor man's tale of a patent. — The ENGLISH FICTION 54 ENGLISH FICTION Bnglisli Fiction. Contin. Dickens, C: J: HuflFam. \_Boz.'\ Contin. Christmas books. {And) Reprinted pieces. Contin. Contents. Contin. noble savage. — A flight. — The detective police. — Three " detective" anecdotes. — On duty with In- spector Field. — Down with the tide. — A walk in a workhouse. — Prince Bull: a fairy tale. — A plated article. — Our honorable friend. — Our school. — Our friend. — Our vestry. — Our bore. — A monument of P'rench folly. — A Christmas tree.) A Christmas carol. 44 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 5.) p. 7, in 829.128 Christmas stories. (^Also) Great expec- tations. 823.5332 Contents: — Christmas stories, {viz.: A Christmas carol.— The chimes. — The cricket on the hearth. — The battle of life. — The haunted man.) — Great expectations. Same. {Also) Pictures from Italy, and American notes. 4 vols, (in i). 823.395 David Copperfield, Personal history of. 2 vols. 823.5311-12 Same. . 823.5559-60; 823.6350-51 Dickens' Little folks. 808.1569 Contents: — Dame Durden — little woman, from Bleak House. — Smike, from Nicholas Nickleby. — The two daughters, from Martin Chuzzlewit. Same. S08.1570 Contents: — Florence Dombey, from Dombey and Son. — Oliver, and the Jew Fagui,from Oliver Twist. — The boy Joe and Samuel Weller, from Pickwick papers. Same. 808.1571 Contents: — Little Nell, from The old curiosity shop. —Dolly Varden, the little coquette, from Barnaby Rudge.-^Tiny Tim ; Dot and the fairy cricket, from the Christmas stories. Dombey and Son. 823.406 Same. 823.5849 Same. 2 vols. 823 . 5308-9 Great expectations. . 823.409 Same. 823.5318 Satne. {Also) Pictures from Italy. {And) American notes. 823.4968 Hard times. «« 823.414 ■ Same. z« 823.5304; ?» 823.5336 Same, (^wa?) Reprinted pieces. 823.4750 Contents: — Hard times. — Reprinted pieces, {viz.; Child's story.— Detective police. — Down with the tide. — A flight. — Ghost of art. — Lying awake. — Monument of French folly. — Noble savage. — No- body's story. — On duty with Inspector Field. — Our bore. — Our honorable friend. — Our school. — Our vestry. — Out of the season. — Out of town. — Plated article. — Poor man's tale of a patent. — Poor relation's story. — Prince Bull. — School-boy's story. — Three detective anecdotes. — Walk in a workhouse.) Same. 2 vols. 823.411-12 vols. 1-2. — Hard times. V. 2. — Reprinted pieces. A holiday romance, and other pieces. ( With his A child's history of England.) in 808.686 ■ Sam,e. in 942.1259 The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 vols, (in i). 823.424 Same. S23.5848 Same. 2 vols. 823.5305--6 Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 2 vols. 823.437-7;^ Same. 823.5298-9 Same. 4 vols. 823 . 433-6 Little Dorrit. 823.419 Same. 2 vols, 823.5315-16 English Fiction. Contin. Dickens, C: J: Huflfam. {Boz.'] Contin. Martin Chuzzlewit, Life and adventures of. 2vols. (ini). 823.424 Same. 823.5848 Same. 2 vols. 823.5305-6 Same. 4 vols. 823.420-423 Master Humphrey's clock. 823.425 Same. _ /« 823.5554 Miscellanies. ( With his Old curiosity shop.) ?■« 823.5554 For contents, see forward under Old curiosity shop. Mudfog papers. 823 . 4046 Contents:— VubXic life of Mr. Tulrumble, once mayor of Mudfog.— Full report of the first meeting of the Mudfog Association for the Advancement of Everything.— The pantomime of life.— Some particulars concerning a Hon.— Mr. Robert Bolton, the "gentleman connected with the press." Mystery of Edwin Drood. 823.384 Same. in 823.432 Sam.e, and other stories. 823 . 5323 Contents: — Mystery of F;dwin Drood. — Master Humphrey's clock. — Hunted down. — A message from the sea. — Full report of the first meeting of the Mudfog Assoc, for the Advancement of Flvery- thing. Same, and other stories. {With his Pictures from Italy . . . ) in 823.5331 Same. {Also) Pt. II, by T: P. James. 823.6122 New Christmas stories. ( With his The uncommercial traveller.) in 823.426 Nicholas Nickleby. 823 . 5553 Same. 2 vols. 823.437-7^ Sajne. 823.5298-9 Same. 4 vols. 823.433-6 Old curiosity shop. — Master Humphrey's clock. — {And) Miscellanies. 823.5554 Contents:— Old Curiosity Shop.— Master Hum- phrey's clock.— Miscellanies, (viz.: On duty with Inspector Field. — Down with the tide. — A walk in a workhouse.— Prince Bull: a fairy tale.— A plated article.— Our honorable friend.- Our school. — Our vestry.— Our bore.— Hunted down.— Mudfog Asso- ciation: First meeting.— Mudfog As.sociation: Second meeting.— The Holly-Tree inn.— A Christmas tree.) Same. {And) Reprinted pieces. 2 vols. (in I). 823.6585 Contents: — Old curiosity shop. — Master Hum- phrey's clock. — Miscellanies. — Reprinted pieces, {viz. ; The long voyage. — The begging-letter writer.— A child's dream of a star.— Our English watering-place.— Our French watering-place.— Bill- sticking.— " Births. Mrs. Meek, of a son."— Child's story.— Detective police.— Down with the tide.— A flight.— Ghost of art.— Lying awake.— Monument of French folly.— Noble savage.— Nobody's story. — On duty with Inspector Field.— Our bore.— Our honora- ble friend.— our school.— Our vestry.— Out of the season.— Out of town.— Plated article.— Poor man's tale of a patent.— Poor relation's story.— Prince Bull.— School-boy's story.— Three "detective" anec- dotes.— Walk in a workhouse.— A Christmas tree.) Same. 2 vols. 823.5301-2 Oliver Twist. 2 vols, (in i). ** 823.5300 Same. 823.6352; 823.6756 Same. {And) A child's history of England. . 823.5334 Same. (^«fl) Great expectations. 4 vols. (in i). 823.6935 Same. {Also) Uncommercial traveller. {And) Short Christmas stories, {viz.: Some- body's luggage. — Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings. —Mrs. Lirnper's legacy.— Doctor JMarigold. — Two ghost stories.) 823 . 5555 ENGLISH FICTION 55 ENGWSH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Dickens, C:J: HufFam. \_Boz.'\ Contin Our mutual friend 2 vols, (in i). 823.1858 823.5171; 823.5552 823.6342-3 823.5319-20 823.427-30 Same. Same. 2 vols. Same. Same. 4 vols. The personal history of David Copper- field. 2 vols. 823.5559-60 Same. 823.6350-51 Pickwick club, Posthumous papers of the. 823.5173 - — Same. 823.5556; 823.5677 - Same. 2 vols. 823.449-9^ Same. 823.5296-7 Pickwick papers. 4 vols. 823 . 445-8 Pictures from Italy, and American notes for general circulation. (Also) Mys- tery of Edwin Drood, and other stories, {viz.: Master Humphrey's clock. — Hunted down. — Holiday romance. — George Silverman's explanation.) 823.5331 Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. 823.5173 Same. 823.5556; 823.5677 Same. 2 vols. 823.449-9* Readings condensed by himself. 823 . 1832 Contents.— A. Christinas carol. — Bardell and Pick- wick. — David Copperfield. — Mr. Bob Sawyer's party. — Story of Little Dombey. — Nicholas Nick- leby (at the Yorkshire school).— Boots at the Holly- Tree inn. — Dr.Marigold. — NicholasNickleby. [Short reading.] — Mrs. Gamp. Reprinted pieces. ( With his Christmas books.) ?■« 823.394 Same. ( With his Hard Times.) in 823.4750 Same. ( With his Old curiosity shop.) in 823.6585 Same. in 823.5302 Same. ( With his A tale of two cities. ) in 823.414 Sam.e. [Also) Sketches by Boz illustra- tive of every-day life and every-day people. V.I. 823.4957 Short Christmas stories. ( With his Oliver Twist. ) in 823 . 5555 For contents, see before under Oliver Twist. The signal-man. 19 pp. (Johnson, R,, ed. Little classics, v. 8.) p. 109, in 829.131 Sketches by Boz. 823 . 5324 Contents: — Seven sketches from our parish. — Scenes.— Characters. — Tales. Same. in 823.4957 Same. Pt. 2. ( With his Barnaby Rudge. ) in 823 . 385 For contents, see before under Barnaby Rudge. Tale of two cities. 823.5317 Same. Hard times for these times. {Also) Reprinted pieces. 823 .414 Uncommercial traveller. ( With his Oliver Twist. ) in 823 . 5555 Same, and additional Christmas stories. 823.5321 Same. {And) New Christmas stories. {Also) Master Humphrey's clock. — Gen- eral index of characters and their appear- ances, familiar sayings from Dickens's works. 823.426 Engrlish Fiction. Contin. Dickens, C:J: Huflfam. \^Boz.'\ Contin. , and Collins, W: W. No thoroughfare. in 823 . 6689 Same. p. 470, in 823.5333 , atid others. Christmas stories. 823 . 452 Contents: — The haunted house. — A message from the sea— Tom Tiddler's ground. — — The Charles Dickens parlor album of illustrations [selected] ; chronologically arranged . . . with a table of contents, in- cluding the artists' names. 823 . 1799 Cow/^n/j.— Sketches by Boz. — The Pickwick papers.— Oliver Twist.— Nicholas Nickleby.— Old curiosity shop.— Barnaby Rudge.— Christmas sto- ries. — Martin Chuzzlewit. — Dombey and Son. — David Copperfield.— Bleak House.— Little Dorrit.— Tale of two cities.— Our mutual friend. Pierce, G. A., and Wheeler, W. A. The Dickens dictionary: a key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of Charles Dickens. 823 . 5325 JVote.—'Por his life and writings, see Bageliot, \V. Literary studies. 40pp. {lVorks,-v.2.) p. 239,1^814.23. — Bibliography. Johnson, C. P. Hints to collectors of original editions of the works of Charles Dickens. 1885. ** 10.10. — Brunetiere, TS,. Revue litt^raire. II pp. {Rev.d.d.Mondes,2fi-ph:.,v.^2. 1888.) p. 695, i« * 54.399". —Dickens, C: Letters, 1833-1870. 3 vols. 1879-81. 826. 7-8-8A. — Drake, S: A. Our great benefactors, p. 102, z>i * 920. 3 12.— Fields, J. T. Dickens. 126 pp. {In his Yesterdays with authors.) p. 125, in 92S.76.— Forster, J: Life of Charles Dickens. 3 vols. 1872-4. 928.50-2. — Hale, E: E. Lights of two centuries. 1887. p. 269, in * 920.314.— Home, R. H. {In his New spirit of the age. 1844.) p. 9, in 928.77.— Jeaffreson, J: C. Charles Dickens. 32 pp. {In his "i^ove^s, etc.,\. 2.) p. 303, j« 820. 187.— Foe, E. A. C: Dickens. 17 pp. ISelect works.) p. 600, in 829.406.— Ward, A. W: (Memoir of Charles) Dickens. 1882. 928.422.— WWpple, E. P. The genius of D. {In his Success . . .) 1877. p. 250. zw 829. 272; — Novels and novel- ists. C: Dickens. {In his Literature . . . ) 1871. p. 42, j« 829.275. See also references in Allibone's Dictionary, v. i. **8o3.6.— Index to Harper's monthly. '**5i.475. — Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 349-51, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i. 1887. p. ii8,m ■** 50.1*. — Stephen, L. Diet, of nat. biog., v. 15. ** 920.- 33oi».— Taine, H. A. Eng. lit., v. 3. 820.58.— Thomas. Lippincott's Dictionary. ''='''920.1. Dickens, M. . Angela. A mist of error. 823.7228 Dickens' Little folks. See Dickens, C: J: H. Dickins, F. Victor, tr. The old bamboo- hewer's story: the earliest of the Japanese romances, written in the tenth century. With analytical notes and vocabulary. Illus. * 823.6430 Dickory Cronke. De Foe, D. ?« 823.2123 Dick's wanderings. Sturgis, J. R. in 823.6700 Did she love him ? Grant, J. 823 . 625 Digby Grand. Melville, G: J: Whyte- ** 823.4671 Same. 823 . 7275 Digging for gold. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.1285 Dikes and ditches. Adams, W: T. 808.488 Dillwyn, E. A. Jill and Jack. 823.6909 Dimitri Roudine. Turgenef, I. S. 823.7066 Dingelstedt, Franz, Freiherr von. The ama- zon. Tr. by J. M. Hart. 823.6825 Dinna forget. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) 823.7068 Dinner-party. 48 pp. Eddy, J: p. 92, in 823 4703 ENGLISH FICTION m ENGLISH FICTION En^lisli Fiction. Contin Diothas, The. Thiusen, I. Discarded daughter, The. E. D. E. (N.) Discoveries. Hale, E: E. ery, told by discoverers Disk, The. A. 823.4596 Southworth, Mrs. 823.1485 Stories of discov- 808.1369 Robinson, E: A., and Wall, G: 823.4727 Disowned, The. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- 823.1026 Same. 823.6337 Disraeli, B:, Earl of Beaconsfield. (1804- 1881.} Alroy. {Also) Ixion iu heaven. — The infernal marriage. {And) Popanilla. 823.458 Coningsby; or, the new generation. 823.459 Same. «'« 823.3002 Contarini Fleming: a psychological auto- biography. 2 vols. ** 823 . 6737-8 Same. { With his Endymion.) in 823.2314 Same. {And) The rise of Iskander. 823.460 Endymion. 823.2313 Same. 823.6157 Same. {Also) Contarini Fleming. 823.2314 Henrietta Temple: a love story. 823.461 Same. z« 823.3002 The infernal marriage. ( With his Alroy.) ?■» 823.458 Ixion in heaven. ( With his Alroy.) «« 823.458 Lothair. 823.464 Same. {Also) The young duke. 823.2751 Miriam Alroy. {Also) Henrietta Tem- ple. {And) Coningsby. 823.3002 . Novels and tales, v. 6. Venetia. 823.469 Popanilla. {With his Alroy.) in 823.458 The rise of Iskander. ( With his Conta- rini Fleming.) ?» 823.460 Same. 98 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, V. 6.) p. 137, in 829.129 Sybil ; or, the two nations. 823 . 466 Same. {Also) Venetia. 823.3230 Tancred; or, the new crusade. 823.467 Venetia. 823.469 Same. ( With his Sybil.) in 823.3230 Vivian Gray. 2 vols, (in i). 823.470 The young duke. 2 vols, (in i). 823.468 Same. in 823.2751 Note. — For his life and writings, see Bagetiot, W. Mr. Disraeli as a member of the House of Com- mons. 5 pp. ( Wor>fei, V. 3.) p. 446, 814.24. — Bibli- ography. (Tn Lit. world, Apr. 23, 1881.) ** 805.660. — Cacheval-Clarlgny, A. Lord Beaconsfield et son temps. 112 pp. {Rev.d.d.Mondes. 18^9. v. 3.5.) pp. 481, 787; V. 36, p. 129, in *■* 54.349-50. — Life of the Right Honorable Benjamin Disraeli ... 14 pp. 1878. 923.786.— Froude, J. A. Lord Beaconsfield. 1890. 923 .2017. — Greg, W. R. The great twin breth- ren. 12 pp. (/« /iw Miscel. essays.) p. 149, z» 824. 284. — Higginson, T: W. Disraeli. 36 pp. (/« Aw Eng- lish statesmen.) p. 35, in 923.90. — Jeaffrbson, J: C. The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. 42 pp. {In his Novels, etc., v. 2.) p. 221, in 820.187. — Political iMl ventures of Lord Beaconsfield. 923.62.— Shep- Englisli Fiction. Contin. Disraeli, B:, Earl of Beaconsfield. Contin. Note. Contin. hard, W: Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield. 79 pp. {In his Pen pictures, etc.) 1884. p. 87, in 820.158. — Smiles, S: Brief biographies. 1877. p. 222, m 923. 841. — Stephen, L. Diet, of iiat. biog. v. 15. p. loi, j« **92o.33o"; — Mr. Disraeli's novels. 49 pp. (in his Hours in a lib., 2d. ser.) p. 344, in 824.320.— To'wle, G: M. Beaconsfield. 30 pp. {In Ascertain men of mark.) 1880. p. 95, i« 923.777. 5V^c/5o Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 354-5, zw ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 119, in ** 50.1'''. Lang, Mrs. A. Dissolving views. Same. Disturbing element, The 823.5049 823.5050 Yonge, C. M.. 823.5637 Dita. Majendie, Zcfi^j)/ M. E.. 823.1089 Same. 823 . 5037 Divided lives. Fawcett, E- 823 . 5573 "Dixon, Mrs. { — .) [Emma Leslie."] Cecily: a tale of the English reformation. 80S. 12 10 Elfreda: a sequel to Leofwine. 808. 1207 Leofwine the Saxon: a story of hopes and struggles. 808 . 1209 Walter: a tale of the times of Wesley. 808.1187 DvKoa.yRev.'^. Broken columns. (Anon.) 823.215 Dixon, W: Hepworth. 3d ed. 3 vols, Ruby Grey. 3 vols. Djambek the Georgian. Diana, Lady Lyle. 823.4555-7 823.4552-4 Suttner, A. G. von. 823.7049 823.7355 Dtaitri. Bain, F. W. Doctor Basilius. Dumas, A. D. 823 . 7346 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells, W: D. 823.4279 Dr. Caldwell. Roe, E: R. 823.7412 Doctor Claudius. Crawford, F. M. 823.4851 Doctor Glennie's daughter. Farjeon, B: L. 823.7373 Dr. Goethe's courtship. S., V. 823.4249 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. Hawthorne, N. 823.4551 Dr. HeidenhofPs process. Bellamy, E: 823.7361 Doctor Hildreth. White, A. L. 823 . 1940 Doctor Jacob. Edwards, M. B. Betham- 823.4099 Same. 823.5055; i« 823.5068 Doctor Johns. 2 vols. Mitchell, D. G. 823.1161-2 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. Austin, Mrs. J.. (G.) Dr. Rameau. Ohnet, G. Dr. Sevier. Cable, G: W. Doctor Thome. Trollope, A. Same. Doctor Vandyke. Cooke, J: E. Dr. Wainwright's patient. 823.7360 823.7075 823.4863 823.1607 in 823 . 6262 823.5830 Yates, E. H. 823.5890 Doctor Zay. Ward, Mrs. E. . S. (P. ) 823 . 4487 Doctor's daughter. Clarke, R.. S. 823.235 Doctor's wife. Maxwell, 3Irs. M.. E.. (B.) 823 . 2408 Same. in 823 . 4977 Documents in the case. 50 pp. Matthews, J. B., a«^ Bunner, H: C. p. 31, in 823.4702 Dodd, Mrs. Anna Bowman (Blake). Glo- rinda: a story. 823.5456 ENGLISH FICTION 57 ENGLISH FICTION !Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Dodd family abroad. Lever, C: J. 823 . 979 Same. 2 vols. 823.5718-19 Dodge, M.. Abigail. \_G ail Hamilton. '\ First love is best: a sentimental sketch. 823.694 Gala-days. 823.1794 Contents:— G2\a. days.— A call to my country- womeu.— A spasm of sense. — Camilla's concert.— Cheri.— Side-glances at Harvard class-day.— Suc- cess in life. — Happiest days. Dodge, Mrs. M.. E.. (Mapes). Hans Brinker: a story of life in Holland. 808 . 1417 Theophilus, and others. 823.4075 Saind. 823.5665 Dodge, N. S. Stories of American history. 808.1675 Dodgson, Rev. C: Lutwidge. [Lewis Carroll.] Alice's adventures in Wonderland. 808.688 Sylvie and Bruno. 808 . 1553 A tangled tale. 823 . 4925 Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there. 808 . 687 Doe, C: H: Buffets. 823.6100 Dog Crusoe. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.207 Dog fiend. The. Marryat, Capt. F: 823.1096 Same. ** 823.6674 Doing and dreaming. Mayo, Mrs. I.. (F.) 823.1139 Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. Scudder, H. E. 808.1855 Dole, Nathan Haskell. Young folks' history of Russia. 947-46 Dollars and cents. Warner, A.. B. 823.1672 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne, N. «« 823.727 ►Saw^, and other pieces. 823.4083 Dolly Varden, the little coquette. Dickens, C:J:H. «•« 808.1571 Dolores. 'BriAgQS, Mrs. Col. —. 823.2451 Same. ■ z» 823.5118 Dombey and Son. Dickens, C: T: H. 823 . 406 823.5849 823.5308-9 Same. Same. 2 vols. Don Gesualdo. La Ram^e, L. de. p. 217, ?■« 823.5747 Don John. Ingelow, J. 823.3426 Don Quixote, Adventures of. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. 823.6896 Same. 823.6897 Satne. 4 vols. 823.5235-81823.6899-902 Donal Grant. MacDonald, G: «« 823.5043 Donnelly, Ignatius. [Edmund Boisgilbert.] Caesar's column: a story of the twentieth century. 823.6432 Donnet, Mme. L^onie. The notary's daugh- ter. Tr. by Lady G. Fullerton. 823.6912 Donovan. Bayly, A. E. 823.6968 Doom I 85 pp. McCarthy, J. H. «« 823.5105 Crake, A. D. 823.7120 Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.790 Dora Thome. Brame,'7J/iry. C. M. (L.) 823.5063 James, Mrs. F. A. (P.) in 823.5015 Dorothea; or, a ray of the new light. 3 vols. (Anon.) ** 823.6725-7 Dorothy Forster. Besant, W. z« 823.5039 Dorothy Fox. Parr, Mrs. L.. (T.) 823.5942 Doomed city. Dora Deane. Doris's fortune. Englisli Fiction. Contin. Doroth3r's venture. Hay, M.. C. 823.3146 Same. 823.5063 Dorothy's vocation. Green, E. E. 823.7377 Dorr, Mrs. Julia Caroline (Ripley). Sibyl Huntington. 823.472 Dorsey, Mrs. A.. (Hanson). Conscience: an American Catholic tale. 2 vols, (in i). 823.473 The oriental pearl; or, the Catholic emi- grants. 823.474 Tangled paths. 823.475 Dostoyevsky, Fe6dor Mikhailovitch. Crime and punishment: a Russian realistic novel. 823-5476 Dot and the fairy cricket. Dickens, C: J: H. 808.1571 Double family,. A. Balzac, H. de. p. 59, in 823.4256 Double story, A. MacDonald, G: 823.1063 Double wedding. Warfield, Mrs. C. A. (W.) 823.1655 Double wedding at Dunderviksborg. 58 pp. Zedritz, K: E: p. 31, in 823.6534 Doubleday, T: The murderer's last night. 22 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 7.) in ** 823 . 6653 Doubleday's children. Cook, D. 823 . 1805 Doubly false. Stephens, 3Trs. A. S. (W.) 823 . 1966 Doubtful gentleman. A, pseud. See Paulding, James Kirke. Doudney, S. . Miss Tweed's ghost story. 10 pp. (/« Twenty novelettes . . . ) p. 205, i« 823.7183 Prudence Winterbum. 808.1631 Douglas, Amanda Minnie. Claudia. , 823.476 Hope mills; or, between friend and sweetheart. 823.479 Home nook ; or, the crown of duty. 823.478 In trust; or, Dr. Bertrand's household. 823.480 Lost in a great city. 823.4164 Lucia: her problem. 823.481 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. 823 . 482 The old woman who lived in a shoe. 823.4501 Issued also as There's no place like home. Out of the wreck; or, was it a victory ? 823.4871 Seven daughters. 823 . 483 Stephen Dane. 823.484 Sydnie Adrian ce; or, trying the world. 823.485 Whom Kathie married. 823.4502 Douglas, Edith, pseud. See Bumham, Mrs. C. L. (Root). Douglas, Marian, pseud. See Robinson, Mrs. A. D. (G.) Douglas Duane. Fawcett, E. z« 823.5571 Douglass, Mrs. R. Dun. A romance at the antipodes. 823 . 7038 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge, C. M.. 823.1765 Down south. Adams, W: T. 808.893 Down the ravine. Murfree, M.. N. 808. 1343 Down the Rhine. Adams, W: T. 808.489 ENGLISH FICTION 58 .ENGLISH FICTION Englisli Fiction. Contin. Down the west branch. Farrar, C: A. J. 808.1731 Down-easters, The. Neal, J: ** 823.6237-8 Downward path, The. Gaboriau, E. 823.5907 Same. 823.6174 Dowson, Prof. J:, tr. Ikhwdnu-s Safd; or, brothers in purity. From the Hindustani. * 823.1854 Doyle, A. Conan. The captain of the Pole- star, and other tales. 823.6410 Dragomonov, Michael. \Stepniak.'\ A female Nihilist. 823.6188 Dragon and the raven, The. Henty, G: A. 808.1480 Dragon of the north. Oswald, E. J. 823.7086 Dragon's teeth. Queiros, E. de. 823.5471 Drake, Sir Francis. (1540-1596.) Corbett, J. For God and gold. (Drake's 3d voyage.; 823.5650 Sajne. 823.6907 Henty, G: A. Under Drake's flag. 808.1487 Towle, G: M. Drake, the sea-king of Devon. 808.1144 Note. — For his life and voyages, see Barrow, Sir J. Life, voyages, aud ex;)loits of Drake. 1864. 910.630. — Jolinsoii, S: Sir F. Drake. 25 pp. ( IVorks.) p. 466, in 829 . 123. — Lieng', R. Sir F. Drake's service against the Spaniards. 1587. (Camden Soc, No. 87.) j« * 942.1057. — Lodge, K. Portraits, v. 2. p. 237, in * 920.186. — Stillman, J. D. B. Did Drake discover San Francisco bay? 6 pp. (Overl'd mo., v. I. 1868.) p. 332, z« ** 51.200. — "Winsor, J. Narr. and crit. hist, of America. 8 vols. (See Index, v. 8.) * 970.127-127". See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. .362, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882- Jan. i, 1887. p. 122, i« ** 50.1=*. Drake, the sea-king of Devon. Towle, G: M. 808.1144 Drawn game, A. King, R: A. 823,4833 Sa me. in 823 . 5062 Drayton. Shreve, T: H. 823.4266 Draytons and Davenants. Charles, 3Irs. E.. (R.) 823.207 Dreadful temptation, A. Miller, 3Trs. A. McV. 823 . 7057 Dream and a forgetting, A. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.5443 Dream children. Scudder, H. E. 808.1560 Dream life. Mitchell, D. G. 823.5290 Dreamer, A. Wylde, K.. 823.4043 Dreamer of dreams, A. Nicholson, J. S. 823.5501 Dred. Stowe, i^/r^. H. E.. (B.) 823.1526 Drew, Catherine. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. 823.1847 Drift from Redwood Camp. 43 pp. Harte, F. B. p. 173, in 823.5281 Drift from two shores. Harte, F. B. 823.5285 Drifting island. The. Oilman, J: B. 808.1689 Drifting round the world. Hall, Capt. C: W. 808.1869 Drift-wood. Longfellow, H: W. in 823.1010 Driven back to Eden. Roe, E: P. 823.4859 Driver Dallas. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) 823.6680 !En|irlisli Fiction. Contin. " Dropped from the clouds." Verne, J. 823.5784 Droz, Antoine Gustave. Around a spring. Tr. byMS. 823.4042 Droz, Gustave. See Droz, Antoine Gustave. Drysdale, W: The princess of Montserrat: a strange narrative of adventure and peril on land and sea. 823 . 732 1 Dubois, C: Madame Agnes. 823.6285 Du Boisgobey, Fortunl. The angel of the bells. (L'ange du bourdon.) Tr. by L. E. Kendall. 823 . 5097 Babiole, the pretty milliner. 2d pt. in 823.5141 Same. ?« 823.5188 Cash on delivery. {Rubis sur Vongle. ) in 823.5x35 Same. z« 823.5136 Closed door. 823 . 5092 Condemned door. {Porte close.) in 823.5086 The consequences of a duel : a Parisian romance. Tr. by A. D. Hall. 823.5098 The coral pin. Tr. by C. A. Merighi. 2 pts. 823.5093 The cry of blood. Tr. by L. E. Ken- dall. 2 pts. in 823 . 5078 The lost casket. Tr. from "La main coupee," by S. Lee. 823.4149 Issued also as The severed hand. The lottery ticket. 823 . 5095 The Matapan affair. Tr. by L. E. Ken- dall. 2 pts. (in i). 823.6595 The mystery of an omnibus, in 823 . 6702 Old age of Monsieur Lecoq. Tr. by F. E. Garnett. 2 pts. (in i). 823.3226 Piedouche, a French detective. (Le coup 'd'oeil de M. Piedouche. ) 823 . 5094 The pretty jailer. 2 pts. (in i). in 823.5025 The prima donna's husband. in 823.5126 The red band: the adventures of a young girl during the siege of Paris. 2 pts. in 823.5130 The sculptor's daughter. {Margot la balafrie.) Tr. by L. E. Kendall. 2 pts. (in i). z« 823.5025 Sealed lips. 823 . 5096 The severed hand. {La main coupee.) 2 pts. (in i). 823.3393 Zig-zag, the clown; or, the steel gaunt- lets, in 823 . 5069 Du Bois-Melly, C: The history of Nicolas Muss: an episode of the massacre of St. Bartholomew. 823 . 6570 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Country of the dwarfs. 808 . 693 Lost in the jungle: narrated for young people. 808.692 My Apingi kingdom: with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, etc. 808.691 Stories of the gorilla country: narrated for young people. 808 . 799 Wildlife under the equator: narrated for young people. 808.694 Duchess, The, pseud. See Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret. ENGLISH FICTION 59 ENGLISH FICTION Eng-lish Fiction, Contin. Duchess Frances. 2 vols. Keddie, H. 823.7226-7 Duchess of Rosemary lane. Duchesse de Langeais Ducie diamonds, The. Farjeon, B: L 823.5865 Balzac, H. de. 823.5211 Blatherwick, C. in 823.5091 Dudevant, Mine. Amantine Lucile Aurore (Dupin). \C: Sand.'] (1804-76.) Antonia. Tr. by V. Vaughan. 823.6790 The bagpipers. Tr. by K.. P. Worme- ley. 823.7027 Cesariue Dietrich. Tr. by E: Stan wood. 823.6295 Consuelo. 823.6214 Same. Tr. by F. Robinson. 823.6703 Same. 823.6885 The countess of Rudolstadt: sequel to "Consuelo." 823.7090 Same. Tr. by F. Robinson, 823.6921 Fanchon the cricket; or, "La petite fadette." 823.6847 Issued also as Little Fadette ; and Fadette. First and true love; or, the days and times of Monsieur Antoine. 823 . 6296 Indiana. With a biog. of George Sand, and tr. by G: W. Richards. 823.6848 Jealousy; or, Teverino. With a biog. of George Sand, and tr. by O. S. Leland. 823.6849 The marriage. 10 pp. {Also) The cabbage. 13 pp. {Extr.from'L,a.-aiax&a.u diable.) (Zimmern, H.., and A. Half- hours with foreign novelists.) in ** 823.6613 Mauprat. Tr. by V. Vaughan. 823.6850 The miller of Angibault. Tr. by M.. E. Dewey — Monsieur Sylvestre. Tr Shaw. — My sister Jeannie. Crocker. — Princess Nourmahal derpoole. — The snow man Tr. Tr. 823.6851 by F. G: 823.6914 by S. R. 823.6852 by L. Van- 823.5534 Tr. by V. Vaughan. 823.6853 Spiridion. ** 823.6640 The tower of Percemont. 823.2317 Note. — For her life and writings, see Arnold, M. Mixed essays, «^c. 1883. p. 236, z« 824.407. — Caro, ( — .) George Sand. (Rev. d. d. Mondes, 1887.) se p^r. V. 83. p. 572, i« **54.398. — Uutlevant, A/we. A. Iv. A. (D.) Histoire de ma vie. 4 vols, (in 2). 928.530-1. — GB.\xX\eiT^'X: .,andoikers. Famous French authors. p. 85, in 928.87.— Haussonville, G. P. O. C, vi- conite d'. George Sand. 100 pp. {Rev. d.d. Mon- des, 187S.) 3e p6r. v. 25, p. 729; v. 26, pp. 5, 332, in **54'339~4°'~SaInte-Beuve, C. A. George Sand. (In his Premiers lundis, v. 2.) 824.444. — Thack- eray, W: M. Madam Sand and the new apoca- lypse. 24pp. (/« Aw Paris sketch book.) p. 172, i'm 914. 131. — Thomas, B. (Life of) George Sand. 928. 658. — Underwood, S. A. Heroines of free-thought, p. 117, in 922.234. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 369, 370, in **5o.i; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Tan. 1,1887. p. 125, m **50.i2. Dudley Carleon. Maxwell, 3Trs. M.. E.. (B.) in 823.4991 Duellists, The. A tale of the " Thirty years' war." 28 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. ) in ** 823 . 6656 English Fiction. Contin. Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders, Grant, J. 823.4796 Same. 823 . 5679 Duke of Monmouth. Griffin, G. 823.672 Duke's dilemma, The, 52 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 4.) in ** 823.6650 Duke's motto. The. 96 pp. Fdval, P. H. C. * 823.6223 Duke's secret. The. Brame, Mrs. C, M. (L.) in 823.5080 Dulac, G: Before the dawn: a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. 823 . 5402 Dulcie Carlyon. Grant, J. 823.6526 Dumas, Alexandre, the younger. (1824 — .) Camille. {'* La dame aux camelias.'^) 823.5567 Note. — For his life and writings, .r^(» Matthews, J. B. Alex. Dumas, fils. 26 pp. (/« his French dramatists of the 19th cent.) p. 136, in 824.39. — Mauris, M. French men of letters, p. 151, in 928. 179. — Scherer, V,. Les prefaces de M. A. Dumas, fils. 17 pp. {Etudes. . . V. 4.) p. 305, jw 844.35. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 371, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 125, in •* 50. i"- Dumas, Alexandre Davy, (1803-1S70.) Ad- ventures of a marquis. 823 . 5883 *Ascanio: an historical romance. 823.7161 *Beau Tancrede; or, the marriage ver- dict, in 823.5063 Issued also as The marriage verdict; — The young chevalier, Same. {Also) The three guardsmen, 823.3229 The black tulip. 823.6450 Bragelonne, the son of Athos; or, "ten years later": being the conclusion of ' ' Twenty years after. " 823 . 6302 The chevalier de Maison Rouge: a tale of the reign of terror, 823.3108 Same. 823.6522 Chicot the jester. (Sequel to Marguer- ite de Valois. ) 823 .4611 Issued also as Diana of Meridor. Same. 823.6514 La comtesse de Charny. (Same as Countess de Charny, Last pt, Andrde de Tavernay,) The conscript. {Conscience IHnnocent.) 823.6923 The conspirators. 823.3164 Issued also as Chevalier d'Harmental. Same. 823.6516 *Count of Monte-Cristo. 2 vols, (in i). 823.6303 Same. 823.6508 Countess de Charny, (Sequel to Tak- ing the Bastile. ) 823 . 3099 Same. 823.6521 Diana of Meridor. (Same as Chicot the jester.) Doctor Basilius. Felina de Chambure Forty-five guardsmen the jester.) Same. *The half brothers. Issued also as The iron hand. The horrors of Paris: a sequel to "The Mohicans of Paris." 823.6228 823.7346 The female fiend. 823.5880 (Sequel to Chicot 823.5538 823.6515 823.7085 ENGWSH FICTION 60 ENGLISH FICTION ^English Fiction. Contin. Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Contin. Ingenue. 823.3243 The iron mask. Tr. by T: Williams. 823.5803 Isabel of Bavaria. 823.3161 Joseph Balsamo: a novel. 823.5903 Issued also as Memoirs of a physician. Louisa; or, the adventures of a French milliner. Tr. by G. Griswold. 823.5881 Louise La Valli^re. 823 . 5802 Love and liberty: a thrilling narrative of the French revolution of 1792. 823.6915 Madame de Chamblay. 823 . 5879 The man with five wives. 823.5882 * Marguerite de Valois. 823.5183 Issued also as Margaret of Navarre. Same. 823.6513 The memoirs of a physician. 823.6518 Memoirs of a physician ser. : i: The memoirs ot a physician. — 2: The queen's necklace.— 3: Six years later.— 4: The countess of Charny.- 5: Andr6e de Taverney.— 6: The chevalier de Maison-Rouge. The Mohicans of Paris. 823.6353 Contin. and conclusion Salvator. Nanon; or, women's war. 823.734S Pauline; or, buried alive. 823.5565 Issued also as Buried alive. Queen's necklace. (Sequel to Memoirs of a physician.) 823.3481 Same. S23.6519 Regent's daughter. (Sequel to The con- spirators.) 823.2739 Same. 823.6517 Six years later: being the "third series" of " The memoirs of a physician. " 823 . 6286 Issued also as Taking the Bastile. Taking the Bastile: a sequel to The Queen's necklace. 823.6520 *The three guardsmen. in 823.3229 Issued also as The three musketeers. Same. in 823 . 5088; 823 . 6930 The three guardsmen ser. : i: The three gfuardsmen.— 2: Twenty years after. — 3: Bragelonne, the son of Athos. — 4: The iron mask. — 5: Louise de La Vallidre. * The three musketeers. (Being the first of the d' Artagnan romances. ) 823 . 6509 * Twenty years after. (Sequel to The three musketeers.) 823.2748 Same. «« 823.5077; 823.6500; 823.6510 The twin captains. 823.5564 Issued also as Twin lieutenants. * The two Dianas. 823.7347 Vicomte de Bragelonne : being the com- pletion of "The three musketeers," and " Twenty years after. " 2 vols. 823.6511-12 The watchmaker. 823.2448 The young chevalier. (Sylvandire. ) Same as The marriage verdict. — Beau Tan- cred. Note. — * Authorship auestioned. See Qu^rard's Supercheries litt6raires a6voil6es, v. i. pp. 1086- 11 18, in •* 14.8. Note.— Vor his life and writings, s^i; Bibliogra- phy. Ivorenz, O. Catalogue g^niral de la Librarie Jransaise. vols. 2, 5, 9. ** 15.32, 35, 38*. — Castelar, E. Alexander Dumas. {In his Life of Lord Byron . . . ) p. 207, in 92S.337. — Dumas, A. D. Mes memoires. 10 vols, (in 5). 1850-2. 928.532-6. — Fitzgerald, P. Life and adventures of Dumas. 2 vols. 1S73. 92S.88-9.— Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors. 1S79. p. 264, in 92'?. 87.— Hay ward, A. Alexander Dumas. (/« his Selected essays, v, i.) p. 393, in 824.252.— English Fiction. Contin. Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Contin. Note. Contin. Mattliews, J. B. Dumas. 32 pp. {In his French dramatists of the 19th cent.) p. 46, in 824.39. — Komand, H. Pontes et romanciers modernes de la France. 35 pp. {Rev. d. d. Mondes. 1834. 3e p6r. V.I.) p. 129, ?«**54.ii4. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Dumas. (/« Aw Premiers lundis, v. 2.) 824.444. See also Poole's Index (to 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. SO-i''. Dun, The. Edgeworth, M. Same. p Duncan Campbell, Life . . p. 371, in ** p. 125, in ** in 823.506 295, ?■« 823.7427 of. De Foe, D. 823.2125 Dunderviksborg and other tales. Henderson, Mrs. F.. C. 823.6534 Dunlap, Walter D. [Sylvamis Cobb, Jr.] The painter of Parma: an Italian story of love, mystery and adventure. 823.7011 Dunlap, W: Thirty years ago; or, the mem- oirs of a water drinker. 2 vols. 823 . 487-8 Dunning, C. 6"^!? Wood, C. Dunning. Dupree, Frank. Married by proxy. 823.7251 Dupuy, Eliza Ann. All for love; or, the out- law's bride. 823 . 490 The cancelled will. 823.491 The clandestine marriage. 823 . 492 The dethroned heiress. 823.493 The Huguenot exiles; or, the times of Louis XIV.: a historical novel. 823.489 Michael Rudolph. 823 . 4284 A new way to win a fortune. 823 . 499 ■ Was he guilty? 823.501 Issued also as How he did it. Who shall be victor? A sequel to "The cancelled will." 823.502 Why did he marry her ? 823 . 503 Durand, Mme. Alice Marie Cdleste (Henry). \_H: Griville.'] Aline. Tr. by W: G. Temple. 823 . 7046 Ariadne. 823.2326 Bonne-Marie: a tale of Normandy and Paris. Tr. by M.. N. Sherwood. 823.6867 Guy's marriage. Tr. by M.. N. Sher- wood. 823.4610 Mam'zelle Eugdnie. 823.4934 Markof, the Russian violinist. Tr. by H.. Stanley. 823.6920 Pretty little countess Zina. Tr. by M.. N. Sherwood. The princess Oghdrof. Tr. Sherwood. Sylvie's betrothed wood. 823.7101 by M.. N. 823.4035 Tr. by M.. N. Sher- 823.4526 Trials of Raissa. {Les ^preuves de Raissa.) Tr. by M. . N. Sherwood. 823 . 4001 Xenie's inheritance. Tr. by L. E. Ken- dall. 823.4209 Durward, Mostyn. For better, for worse. 823.4773 Dusantes, The. Stockton, F. R: 823.6192 Dust. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.4742 Dusty diamonds. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.1272 Dutchman's fireside. 2 vols, (in i). Pauld- ing, J. K. 823.7014 Dutheil, Eugenie. [Mme. Eiighiie de La Rochere.'^ The castle of Roussillon; or, Quercy in the sixteenth century. Tr. by Mrs. J. Sadlier. 823.6871 ENGLISH FICTION 61 ENGLISH FICTION Eng'lish Fiction. Contin. Dwarfs. Smithson, I., and Barnes, G: F. About giants and otlier wonder people. 808.1598 Dynamiter, The. Stevenson, R. L:, and Ste- venson, Mrs. F. Van de G. in 823.5078 Dynevor terrace. Yonge, C. M.. 823.1766 Earl Hubert's daughter. Holt, E. S.. 808.1525 Earl of Mayfield. 823 . 1253 Earle, Anne Richardson. Her great ambi- tion. 823.7339 Earl's atonement, The. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) «■« 823.5088 Earl's error, The. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) in 823.5123 Earl's promise, The. Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. (C.) 823.1323 Early dawn, The. Charles, Mrs. E- (R.) 823.208 Early lessons. Edgeworth, M. 808.292 Early western life. Rideout, Mrs. J. B. 808.1596 Earnest trifler. Sprague, M.. A. Earth trembled, The. Roe, E: P. East Angels. Woolson, C. F. East Lynne. Wood, Mrs. E. (P.) Eastern tales, by many story tellers, tine, Mrs. — , cd. Eavesdropper, The. 69 pp. Ebb-tide. Tiernan, Mrs. F. Eberhardt, (- (Roscoe, T: 823.2005 823.5270 823.4966 823.1731 Valen- 808.389 Payn, J. in 823.6691 C. (F.) 823.6226 .) Popular traditions. 34 pp. The German novelists, v. 2.) p. 179, in ** 823 .6827 Ebers, Georg Moritz. The bride of the Nile. Tr. by C.Bell. 2 vols, 823.5738-9 The burgomaster's wife. Tr. by M.. J. SafiFord. 823.4311 An Egyptian princess. Tr. by E. S. Buchheim. 823.3258 Issued also as Daughter of an Egyptian king. Same. Tr. by E. Grove. 2 vols. 823.2347-8 The emperor. Tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 823.4202-3 Gred of Nuremberg: a romance of the 15th century. Tr. by E. V. Conder. 823.7039 Homo sum. Tr. by C. Bell. 823.4063 Same. 823.4525 Joshua: a tale of Biblical times. Tr. by M.. J. SafiFord. 823.6998 Margery (Gred.): a tale of old Nurem- berg. Tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 823.6571-2 Jssuedalsoas Gred of Nuremberg. A question. Tr. by M.. J. SafiFord. 823.4200 Serapis. Tr. by C. Bell. 823.4926 Same. Tr. by M.. S. Smith. 823.5088 The sisters. Tr. by C. Bell. 823.2578 Uarda: a romance of ancient Egypt. Tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 823.2161-2 A word only a word. 823 . 7452 Echo of passion, An. Lathrop, G: P. 823.5364 Eckstein, Ernst. Aphrodite: a romance of ancient Hellas. Tr. by M.. J. SafiFord. 823.6981 Eng-lisli Fiction, Co7itin. Eckstein, Ernst. Contin. Cards for four. 26 pp. Tr. by Mrs. F.. C. Henderson. (Henderson, Mrs. F.. C. Dunderviksborg . . . ) 1881. p. 243, in 823.6534 The Chaldean magician: an adventure in Rome in the reign of the emperor Dio- cletian. Tr. by M.. J. SafiFord. 823.7125 Nero: a romance. Tr. by C. Bell and M.. J. SafiFord. 2 vols. 823.7150-1 Prusias: a romance of ancient Rome under the Republic. Tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 823.4731-2 Quintus Claudius: a romance of impe- rial Rome. Tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 823.6982-3 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Walter's tour in the east. 6 vols. 808.1646-51 V. I. Walter in Egrypt. 808.1646 V. 2. Walter in Jerusalem. 808.1647 V. 3. Walter in Samaria. 808.1648 V. 4. Walter in Damascus. 808.1649 V. 5. Walter in Constantinople. 808.1650 V. 6. Walter in Athens. 80S. 1651 Eddy, J: A dinner-party. 48 pp. {In Sto- ries by Amer. authors, v. 2.) p. 92, t« 823.4703 Eden, I/on. Emily. The semi-detached house. Ed. by Lady M. T: Lewis. 823.4183 Edgar, J: G: A boy's adventures in the bar- ons' wars. 808 . 1909 Cavaliers and Roundheads. 808.1483 History for boys ; or, annals of the na- tions of modem Europe. 808 . 800 Same. 808.803 Sea kings and naval heroes: a book for boys. 808.802 Wars of the Roses. 808.801 Edgar Hun tly. Brown, C: B. 823.139 Sajne. 823.6203 Edgeworth, Maria, (i 767-1849.) Belinda. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 49-50.) ** 823.2110-2111 V. r. Belinda. V. 2. Belinda, concluded.— The modern Griselda. Early lessons. — Parents' assistant. — Frank. — Rosamond. — Harry and Lucy. Re-ed. and rev. by Mrs. Valentine. 808 . 292 The modern Griselda. ( With her Be- linda.) 82 pp. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, v. 50.) p. 245, in 823. 211 1 Murad, the unlucky, 45 pp. (Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 12.) p. 88, iti 829.135 Tales and miscellaneous pieces. 14 vols. ** 823.4646-59 Contents: — v. i. Castle Rackrent. — Essay on Irish bulls.— Modem Griselda. * 823.4646 vols. 2-3. Belinda. 823.4647-8 V. i.. Essay on self-justification. — I,eonora. — Letters of Julia and Caroline, etc. * 823 .4649 V. 5. Lame Jervas. — Limerick gloves. — Lottery. — Manufacturers. — Murad the unlucky. — Out of debt out of danger. — Rosanna. — The will. * 823.4650 V. 6. Contrast. — Dramas, (viz.: Love and law; — Rose, thistle and shamrock.)— Grateful negro.— To-morrow. * 823.4651 V. 7. Almeria.— Ennui. * 823.^1652 V. 8. The dun.— Madame de Fleury.— Manccuvring. • 823-4653 ENGLISH FICTION 62 ENGLISH FICTION Engflisli Fiction. Contin. Edgeworth, Maria. Contin. Tales and miscellaneous pieces. Contin. Contents. Contin. V. 9. Emilie de Coulanges. — Vivian. * 823 .4654 V. 10. The absentee. * 823.4655 vols. 11-12 Patronage. * 823.4656-7 V. 13. Harrington. — Ormond. *823.4658 V. 14. OxvaoTsA, concluded. * 823.4659 Tales and novels. 18 vols. 823.7422-39 Contents:— V. i. Castle Rackrent. — Essay on Irish bulls. — Essay on . . .self-justification. 823.7422 vols. 2-3. Moral tales. 2 vols. (viz..-v.i: Forester. — The Prussian vase. — The good aunt. v. 2: An- gelina; or, I'amie inconnue. — The good French governess. — Mademoiselle Panache. — The knap- sack.) 823.7423-4 vols. 4-5. Popular tales. 2 vols. {viz.:v.i: Lame Jervas. — The will. — The Linierick gloves. — Out of debt out of danger.— The lottery.— Rosanna. v. 2: Murad, the unlucky. — The manufacturers. — The contrast. — The grateful negro. — To-morrow.) 823.7425-6 vols. 6-10. Tales of fashionable life. 5 vols, (viz.: v. i: Ennui. — The dun. v. 2: Manoeuvring. — Al- meria. v. 3: Vivian, vols. 4-5: The absentee, v. 5: {Also) Madame de Fleury. — Emilie de Cou- langes. — Modem Griselda.) 823.7427-31 vols. 11-12. Belinda. 2 vols. 823.7432-33 V. 13. Leonora. — Letters on various subjects. 823.7434 vols. 14-16. Patronage. 3 vols. v. 3: (Also) Comic dramas, (vtz.: Love and law; — The rose, thistle and shamrock.) 823.7435-37 V. 17. Harrington. — Thoughts on bores. 823.7438 v. 18. Ormond. 823.7439 Tales of fashionable life, (viz.): Ennui; — Emilie de Coulanges. _ 823.505 Same, (viz.): Manoeuvring; — Madame de Fleury;— The dun. 823.506 Same, (viz.): Vivian; — Almeria. 823.507 Note.— 'Por her life and writings, see Drake, S: A. Our great benefactors. 1884. p. 69, z« * 920.312. — Hayward, A. Maria Edgeworth: her life and writings. 57 pp. (5zoe. . . • and crit. essays, v. I.) p. 130, zn 824. 220. — Jeaffreson, J: C. Maria Edge- worth. 8 pp. (/n his Novels, etc., v. 2.) p. 7, in 820.187.— 01iphant,.fl/)i. M. O. (W.) Maria Edge- worth. (/« her Lit. hist, of Eng.) 1883. p. 325, in 820.89. — Oliver, G. A. A study of Maria Edge- worth. 1882. 928.399. — Stephen, L. Dictionary of national biography, V. 16. p. 380, z« ** 920.330^°.— Zimmern, H.. (Life of) Maria Edgeworth. (Fam. women ,ser.) 18S4. 928.662. See also references in Allibone's Diet, of Eng. lit., V. I. p. 542, in ** 803.6. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 338, in ** 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 130, in** 50. 1=. Edina. Wood, Mrs. E. (P.) 823.6361 Edith Lyle. Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.791 Edith Mortimer. Parsons, Mrs. G. (H.) 823.1234 Editor's tales, An. Trollope, A. 823 . 1616 Edmond Dantes. Sequel to the Count of Monte-Cristo. 823.6120 Edna Browning. Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.792 Edward. 2 vols. Moore, J: 823.6462-63 Same. 4 vols. ** 823.6768-71 Edwardes, 3frs. Annie. Archie Lovell: a love story. in 823 .2815 Same. 823.5807 A ball-room repentance. — Vivian the beauty. (/i«rf) A point of honor. 823.2785 A ball-room repentance. Issued also as At the eleventh hour. A blue-Stocking. 823.1906 Jet: her face or her fortune ? 823.2905 Leah: a woman of fashion. 823.6376 Same. (/J/^o) Archie LovelL 823.2815 Eilgrlish Fiction. Contin. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Contin. Ought we to visit her ? 823 .5869 Same. {Also) Philip EarnscliflFe. 823.3233 Pearl-powder. 823.7372 Philip EarnsclifiFe. {With her 0\xg\itv}& to visit her ?) in 823 . 3233 A point of honor. 823.514 Same. in 823 . 2785 Steven Lawrence: a love story. 823.5806 Susan Fielding: a love story. 823.5856 A vagabond heroine. 823.517 Same. in'&i2>-^^\ Vivian the beauty. in 823 . 2785 Same. 823.4354 Edwards, Amelia Blandford. The four-fifteen express. 38 pp. (Johnson, R., ^a?. Little classics, V. 8.) p. 71, /« 829.131 Hand and glove. in 823.2522 Same. 823.4385 Miss Carew. 823 . 5086 Same. (.r4/5c») My brother's wife. {And) Hand and glove. 823 . 2522 My brother's wife. ( With her Miss Carew.) ?'» 823 . 2522 Edwards, Bruce. Rachel Noble's experience. 823.7073 Edwards, C: Di Vasari: a tale of Florence. 95 PP- (-^'^ Tales from Blackwood, v. 8.) in •** 823.6654 Edwards, Harry Stillwell. Two runaways, and other stories. 823.6325 Edwards, H: Sutherland. Case of Reuben Malachi. in 823.5074 Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham- Doctor Jacob. 823 . 4099 • Same. in 823.5055; z« 823.5068 Flower of doom, and other stories. in 823.5108 Love and mirage: an out-of-door ro- mance. (Anon.) z« 823.5036 The Sylvestres; or, the outcasts. 823.519 Same. 823.5846 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop, T. 823.1724 Edwy the fair. Crake, .^^y. A. D. 823.5656 Effie Ogilvie. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) in 823.5131 Eggleston, E: The circuit rider: a tale of the heroic age. 823.520 The end of the world: a love story. 823.521 The Graysons: a story of Illinois. 823.5516 The hoosier school -master: a novel. 823.522 The mystery of Metropolisville. 823.523 Queer stories for boys and girls. 808.1418 Roxy. 823.4029 , and Seelye, Mrs. Lillie (Eggleston). Famous American Indians. Brant and Red Jacket. 808 . 767 Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. 808.826 Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 808. 1589 Eggleston, G: Cary. Big brother series : Captain Sam; or, tiie boy scouts of 1814. 80S. 1057 ENGLISH FICTION 63 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Eggleston, G: Cary. Contin. Strange stories from history for young people. 808.1432 The wreck of the Red Bird: a story of the Carolina coast . 808 . 1 142 Eglantine. Stephenson, Mrs. E. (T.) 823.5989 Egoist, The. Meredith, G: 823.2264 Same. 3 vols. Egypt, Ancient. Gautier.T. 823.6620 823.4369-71 The romance of a mummy. 823.4544 ■ Hearn, L. Book of Thoth: from an Egyptian papyrus. 14 pp. {In his Stray leaves . . . ) p- 19, in 823.4791 Henty, G: A. The cat of Bubastes. (Time of Thotmes III.) 808 . 1605 Melville, G: J: Wbyte- Sarchedon : a legend of the great queen. (B. C. 2000.) in ** 823.4662 Walloth, W. The king's treasure house. (B. C. 2000.) 823.6986 Ingraham, J. H. The pillar of fire; or, Israel in bondage. (B. C. 1491.) 249.13 Ebers, G. M. Uarda: a romance of an- cient Egypt. 2 vols. (.B. C. 1489. Ram- esesIL) 823.2161-2 Joshua: a tale of Biblical times. (B. C. 1391?) 823.6998 Egyptian princess. (B. C. 526.) 823.3258 Same. 2 vols. The sisters. (B. C. 160.) First century^ A. D. Croly, G: 3 vols. Second century., A. D. Ebers, G. M. The emperor. 2 vols. (Roman dominion and early Christianity.) 823.4202-3 Third century, A. D. Moore, T: The epi- curean. (Worship of Isis.) 187.2 Fourth century, A. D. Ebers, G. M. Homo sum. Serapis. (Edict of against paganism.) Same. Fifth centtiry, A. D. Kingsley, C: Hypa- tia. (Neo-Platonism.) 823.933 Seventh century, A. D. Ebers, G. M. Bride of the Nile. 2 vols. 823.5738-9 Eleventh century, A. D. Disraeli, B: Alroy. 823.458 Note. — See Belzonl, G. B. Narrative of . . . recent discoveries. . . in Egypt and Nubia, v. i: Text. V. 2: Plates. 2 vols. 1820. ** 962. 28-9. — Bib- liography. Bibliotheca .^gyptiaca and supple- ment. 2 vols, (in i). * 16.53;— Triibner& Co. Cata- logue of leading books on Egypt and Egyptology .... 1881. ** 11.351.— Brugsch-bey, H: Geo- graphische Inschriften altiigyptischer Denknialer. 3 vols. 1857-60. ** 932. 56-8;— History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols. 932.13-14.— Bunsen, C. C. J. Egypt's place in universal history. 5 vols. 1854-67. *962.3-7.— Dancker, M. Hist, of an- tiquity. 6 vols. {See v. i.) * 930. 145-50.— Egypt Exploration Fand. Publications. 6 vols. 1885- 1888. *'=932.52-52''. — Herodotus. Hist.; ed. by Rawlinson. 4 vols. *93o.36-9. — Ijanoye, F. de. Ramesesthe great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. 1875. 931.1.— Maspero, G. C. C: Egyptian archaeology. lUus. 932 .60.— BawUnson. C. C. History of an- cient Egypt. 2 vols. 932.62-3;— Story of ancient Egypt (Story of the nations). 1890. 932.55.— Wil- 823.2347-8 823.2578 Salathiel. 823.345-7 823.4063 Theodosius 823.4926 823.5088 liiig'lisli Fiction. Contin. Eg^pt, Ancient. Contin. Note. Contin. klnson, 5iV J. G. Manners and customs of the an- cient Egyptians. 2ded. 3 vols. 1878. * 932. 23-5; — Popular account of the ancient Egyptians. 2 vols. 1874. 932 •2-3- See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 69. No. 4, 1884, p. 90. No. 3, 1882, p. 59. No. 5, 1888, pp. 97, 98. See also Encyclop. Britann. Index, p. 144, in ** 32.27P. Egypt, Modern. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Levant, with a Talmudist story-teller . . . trip through Egypt. 808.1812 De Leon, E. Askaros Kassis the Copt. 823.4048 Eddy, D, C, Walter in Egypt. 808.1646 Fletcher, J, C. Kismet. 823 . 4301 Grant, J. The Royal Highlanders; or, the Black Watch in Egypt. 823 . 6530 Hale, E: E., and Hale, S. A family flight over Egypt . . . 808.1829 Knox, T: The boy travellers in the far east. Pt4. 808.1838 Palgrave, W: G. Hermann Agha: an eastern narrative. (Egypt, 1762-1773.) 823.1229 Note.— See Bibliography. Bowen, J. E. Con- flict of East and West in Egypt. {Polit. sci. guar., 1886, v. I.) (Books and periodicals consulted, pp. 676-677.) pp. 295, 449, 636, in 320.132''. — Gleichen, Count, (— ). With the Camel Corps up the Nile. (1884-85.) 1889. 916.190.— Gordon, G^n. C.J. Jour- nals at Khartoum. (Ed. from MSS. by Hake.) 1885. 916.166.— Jerrold, W: B., ed. The Belgium of the east. 916.194.— r>ane, E: W. ... Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. (1825-1835.) 2 vols. 1871. 962.24-5.— Murray, J: Handbook for travellers in lower and upper Egypt. 1888. * 9102.3, — ^Royle, C: The Egyptian campaigns, 1882-1885, and events which led to them. 2 vols. 1886. ^2. 26-7. — Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian question. 1883. 962.21. — Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) (Hist, of) Egypt. 1881. 932.53.— Wilson, 5z>C. W. From Korti to Khartum (to relieve Gordon). 1885. 916.193. See also Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Pales- tine. 1879. 914.180. — Field, H:M. From Egypt to Japan. 1877. 910.120.— Glennie, J. S. S. Pilgrim memories. 1875. 915.54. — IVl artineau, H. Eastern life: present and past. 1848. 915.113: — Same. 962. 10. — Taylor, I: Leaves from an Egyptian note- book. 1888. 916.196. lyramids. See Seiss, J. A. Miracle in stone. <^th ed. 1877. 916.32. — Smyth, P. Our inheritance in the great pyramid. 4th ed. 1880. 932.8. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 69, 70. No. 4, 1884, p. 90. No. 3, 1882, p. 59. No. 5, 18S8, pp. 97, 98. 5^^ a/io Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 394-7, in ** c,o.i\— Same. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. pp. 133-5, '« ** 50.12. 6>g a/so Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept.of StaU.) ** 350-5496'-='. Seealso Index to Harper's monthly, pp. 173-4, in ** 51 .475. See also Rowell, J. C. Contents-index. {Lib. oj Univ. of Cat.) ** 19.134. Eg^3rptian princess. An. Ebers, G. M. 823.3258 Same. 2 vols. 823.2347-8 Eichhofs, The. Bethusy-Huc, V. Grdfin. 823.4345 Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. (Ft. I of The giant raft.) Verne, J. 823.4350 Same. 823.6310 "89. Heury, E. 823.5441 ENGUSH FICTION 64 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. G. See Eiloart, Mrs. E.. Eiloart, 3Irs. E.. Some of our girls. 823 . 5091 Eisenbach. Picken, A. p. 119, «"« 823.702 El Fureidis. Cummius, M. S. 823.354 Elbon, Barbara, pseud. See Halstead, Leo- nora B. Elect lady, The. MacDonald, G: 823.5409 Elective affinities. Gothe, J. W. von. 823.6801 Elena. Comyn, L. N. Eleventh commandment, The. 823.272 Barrili, A. G. 823.4508 in 808.585 808.1207 Elfred. Abbott, J. Elfreda. Dixon, Mrs. (— .) Eli. 38 pp. Chaplin, H. W. p. 55, z« 823.4710 Ehot, G:, pseud. See Cross, Mrs. M.. Ann. (Evans). Elizabeth. Cottin, Mme. S. (R.) 823.4965 Same. p. 701, in ** 823.6215 Elizabethines, The. 38 pp. Gore, Mrs. C. F.. G. (M.) p. 189, in ** 823.6568 Elizabeth's fortune. Thomas, B. 823.4998 Ella of Garveloch. Martineau, H. in ** 823 . 6707 Ellen Middleton. FuUerton, Lady G. C. (L. ^•) 823.593 Ellen Norbury. Bennett, E. 823 . 70 EUie. 26 pp. Shorthouse, J. H: p. 281, z« 823.5438 Elhnwood, March. A year at Poplar Row. 823.524 Elliot, F.. The Italians: a novel. 823.526 The red cardinal. «« 823.5060 ■ Romance of old court-life in France. 823.6050 Elliott, Mrs. Maud (Howe). The San Ro- sario ranch. 823 . 475 1 Elliott, S. B. The Felmeres: a novel. 823.525 Ellis, Mrs. S.. (Stickney.) Family secrets; or, hints to those who would make home happy. 3 vols. 823.527-9 Hearts and homes; or, social distinc- tion. 3 vols. 823.530-2 Home; or, the iron rule: a domestic story. 823.4101 Pique: a tale of the English aristocracy :Eng-lish Fiction. Contin. Emilie de Coulanges. 70 pp. Edgeworth, M. p. 171, z« 823.505 823.4633 823.780 823.804 823.559 823.560 823.4644 (Anon.) Elsa. Hogbin, Rev. A. C. Elsie Venner. Holmes, O. W. Elsie's children. Finley, M. Elsie's motherhood. Finley, M. Elsie's widowhood. Finley, M. o-t-tt Elster's folly. Wood, J/;r.f. E. (P.) 823.6008 Elves, The. 7 pp. Tieck, L. 823.6328* Emerald gems: a chaplet of Irish fireside tales, historic, domestic and legendary. 823.1190 Emery, Mrs. E. B. Queens. 823.533 Emery, M. S. Every-day business; notes on its practical details: arranged for young people. 808.1586 Emery, S.. A. Three generations. 823.5858 Emigrants of Ahadarra. Carleton, W: 823.170 Same. Sam,e. Emma. Abbott, J. Emma. Austen, J. 295, in ** 823.4654 p. 143, /» 823.7431 tn 808.581 823.43 Emmanuel. Cooley, W: F. 823.6575 Emperor, The. 2 vols. Ebers, G. M. 823 . 4202-3 Empress Josephine. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) 823.6266 Empty heart. Terhune, Mrs. M.. V. (H.) 823.1552 Enchanted moccasins and other legends of the American Indians. Matthews, C. 808.1856 Enchanter Faustus and Queen Elizabeth. 12 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2.) in ** 823.6648 Enchanting and enchanted. Hacklander, F. W. 808.1493 End of New York. 60 pp. Benjamin, P. p. 82, in 823.4706 End of the world. Eggleston, E: 823.521 Endymion. Disraeli, B: 823.2313 Same. 823.2314; 823.6157 Engel, Dr. M. E. Popular tales. 29 pp. (Roscoe, T: The Gertnan novelists, v. 4.) p. 346, in ** 823.6829 Engineer, The. Abbott, J. 808.586 England. See also London. Abbott, J. Story of English history, from the earliest periods to the American revolution. {Harper's story books, v. 5.) 808.584 Vernon; or, conversations about old times in England. {Harper's story books, V. 9.) ?■« 808.588 Adams, W: T. Red Cross; or, Young America in England and Wales. 808.493 Bell, R., ed. Early ballads: illustrative of history, traditions and customs. 821.471 Butterworth, H. Zigzagjourneysin the British Isles. 808 .1813 Champney, Mrs. E.. (W.) Three Vas- sar girls in England. 808 . 1824 Crake, A. D. Stories from old English history. 808.1625 For contents, see Crake, A. D. Creighton, L. Stories from English history. 808.1 181 Cunningham, A. Traditional tales of the English . . . peasantry. 2 vols, * 291.52-3 Dickens, C: J: H. A child's history of England. in 808.686 Same. in 823.5334 Ellis, G: Specimens of early English metrical romances. 821.130 Hunt, R., ed. Popular romances of the west of England; or, the drolls, traditions and superstitions of old Cornwall. 2 vols. 828.47-47' Knox, Mrs. L (C) Little folks' history of England. 808.616 Knox, T: W. The boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland. 808. 1930 Neele, H: Romance of history: Eng- land. 823.1182 ENGLISH FICTION 65 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. England, Contin. Percy, S. Tales of the kings and queens of England: stories of camps and battle- fields, wars and victories. 808 . 1603 Scudder, H. E. English Bodley family. 808.1853 Strickland, A. Tales from English his- tory for children . 808 . 293 For contents, see Strickland, A. Towle, G: M. Young people's history of England. 942.1310 Yonge, C. M.. Young folks' history of England. 808.794 Mythic Ai,. Swinburne, A. C: Locrine: a tragedy. 822.1071 Note.—VoT the early period, see Dawkins, Pyof. W. B. Early man in Britain. 1880. 571.9.— Elton, C:I. Origins of English history. 942.1363.— Gelkle, J. Prehistoric Europe: a geological sketch. 1881. Si. 6. — Geoffrey of Monmouth. British history. (In Six old Eng. chronicles.) p. 87, in 942.139.— Keary, C. F. Dawn of history. 1878. 504.13.— Rhys, J: Celtic Britain. 18S4. 942.1321.— Scarth, H: M. Early Britain: Roman Britain. 942.1361.— Wright, T: The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, 1875. 942.197. ROMAN PERIOD, B. C. SS-A. D. 409. Roman. Beaumont a«fi? Fletcher. Bonduca; trag. i«** 822.898 Church, A. J: Count of the Saxon shore; or, the villa in vectis: tale of de- parture of the Romans from Britain. 823.5292 Shakespeare, W: Cymbeline. B. C. 4. 822.651 Note. — For other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, pp. 317-318. Tupper, M. F. King Veric. ( With Smedley, F. E: Fortunes of the Colville family.) p. 239, in 823.1443 ^o^^ .—Britain abandoned by the Romans, A. D. 410. EarIvY Christians. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Early dawn. 823.208 Crake, A. D. Camp on the Severn: a tale of the tenth persecution in Britain. (303-313-) 823.7096 Holt, E. S.. Imogen: a story of the mission of Augustine. 823.5725 Smith, A. Edwin of Deira (poem). 821.371 Note.— See Bede. Ecclesiastical history of Eng- land. 274.2.— Caesar's Commentaries. (Books iv and V .) ingzj.hi .—Elton, C : I . Origin s of English history. 942.1363.— Gildas (^A« W^w^) Works. 942. ijg. —Guest, E. Origines Celticse. (B. C. 150-A. D. 577.) 2 vols. 1883. 942.1306-7.— Pearson, C: H. Early and middle ages of England. 942.1227.— Scarth, H: M. Roman Britain. 942.1361.— Tacl- tus's Agricola and other annals. 2 vols. 937.14-15. —Vine, F. T. Caesar in Kent. 1887. 942.1395.— Wrigrht, T: The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon. 942.197. BRITONS AND SAXONS, A. D. 410-1066. Crake, A. D. Doomed city; or, the last days of Durocina . . . Anglo-Saxon con- quest . . . and mission of Augustine. 823.7120 Ireland, S:W:H. Vortigern: hist. play. 822.1105 Milman, H. H. Samor. {Poetical works, V. 2.) p. I, in 821 . 1328 English Fiction. Contin. England, Contin. BRITONS AND SAXONS, A. D. 410-1066. Contin. Arthurian era, Arthur: his life, etc., in English verse. {Early Eng. Text Soc., v. i.) ** 806.1 Baillie, J. Ethwald; trag. {Works.) in 822.897 Bulfinch, T: Age of chivalry; or, legends of King Arthur. 823.6313 Chaucer, G. The wif of Bathes tale. p. 157, in 821.87 Dryden, J: King Arthur; opera. p. 363, in 822 . 140 Geoffrey the Knight: a tale of chivalry of the days of King Arthur. * 823.5192 Lafon, J. B. Jaufry the knight and the fair Brunisseude. 823.6104 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- King Ar- thur; poem. p. 201, in 821.246 Same. With notes. 821.722 Malory, Sir T: Boy's King Arthur . . . history of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. 808 . 1870 History of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. 3 vols. * 823.6615-17 La mort d'Arthure. 3 vols. ** 823.6773-5 Merlin: or early history of King Arthur. {Early Eng. Text Soc., vols.3-4.) ** 806.13-" Morte Arthure; poem. (Early Eng. Text Soc, V. 2.) ** 806. I* Scott, SirVJ. The bridal of Triermain. {Poetical works.) p. 379, in 821.355 Sir Tristrem. {Poetical works.) p. 574, /» 821.355 Idylls of the King. 821.631 The Egyptian maid p. 281, in 821.441 597. Holt, E. S.. 823.5725 Cowper, 823.7123 Tennyson, Lord. 1879. Wordsworth, W: (poem). St. Augustine, A. D. Imogen. Isle of Wight, 7th century, A. D. F. Caedwalla. Danish wars. Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane; or, the second chronicles of ^scendune: a tale of the days of Edmund Ironsides. 823 . 5655 Hughes, T: Scouring of the White Horse. 823 . 836 Alfred the Great, 871-901. Henty, G: A. The dragon and the ra- ven. 808.1480 Knowles, J. S. Alfred the great; play. p. 176, in 822. 147 Saxon life. Dixon, Mrs. { — .) Leofwine the Saxon. 808 . 1 209 Harold II., 1066. Tennyson, Lord. Har- old; drama. 822.285 Note. — See Allen, C: G. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 942.1^22. — Armitage, iW«. E. S. Childhood of the English nation, (chaps. I.-IX.) 1877. 042.216. — Bede's Ecclesiastical history of Englana. (to A. D. 731.) 1875. 274.2. — Church, A. J: The story of early Britain. 18^. 942.1283. — Church, R: W: Beginning of the middle ages. 940.64. Creasy, Sir E: S. History of England, (to 1480.) 2 vols. 942.1327-8. Elton, C: I. Origins of English history. ENGLISH FICTION 66 ENGLISH FICTION Eng-lish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. BRITONS AND SAXONS, A. D. 410-1066. Contin. Note. Contin, 1882. 942.1363. Freeman, E: A. Historical essays, (ist sen) 1875. 904.16; — History of the Norman conquest, (vols i and 2.) 1873. 542.107-8;— Old Eng- lish history. 1881. 942^8; — Origin of the English nation. 942.1421.— Geofifreyoy^onwow/A. British history (to A. D. 688). 1848. p. 87, in 942.139.— Gil- das {tkelVise). Works. (Roman conquest to 560.) 942. 139.— Green, J: R: Conquest of England. (758-1071.) 942.1371; — The making of England. 1882. 942.837. — Lappenberg, J. M. England under the Anglo- Saxon kings. 2. vols. (B. C. 54-A. B. 1066.) 942. 1276-7; — Geschichte von England, v. i: to 1066. 942. 1428.— Pauli, ZJn R. Ivife of Alfred. 1878. 920.194.— Pearson, C: H: History of England during the early and middle ages. 2 vols. 1861. 942.1227; — Historical maps of England during the first thirteen centuries. 942.i4i7.--Powell, F. Y- Early Eng- land, to the conquest. 942.325. — Stabbs, W. Con- stitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1880. 942. 451-3. — Taine, H. A. History of English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8. — Yonge, C. M.. Cameos of English history. (Cameos I -V.} 1868. 942.179. See also Catalogues of this I,ibrary. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-4, 97. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-5, 120-1. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-2, 83-4. No. 5, 1888, pp. loo-i, 187-9. NORMAN PERIOD, 1066-1154. Wii,iyiAM THE Conqueror, 1066-1087. Crake, A. D. Andreds-weald; or, the house of Michelham. 823.5654 Brian Fitz-Count: a story of Walling- ford Castle and Dorchester Abbey. 823 . 5657 Cumberland, R: Battle of Hastings; trag. in * 822 . 6 = Kingsley, C: Here ward the Wake "Last of the English." 823.932 Same. 823.6422 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. 823 . 6000 Note.—See Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the English nation. 1877. 914.216. — Bede's Anglo- Saxon chronicle. 1875. tn 274.2. — Brnce, J: C. Bayeux tapestry elucidated. 1854. * 942.1373. — Churcb, R: W: (Life of) Saint Anselm. (1034- 1109.) 922.341. — Cobbe, T: History of the Norman kings. (515-1129.) 1869. 942.1326.— Creighton, L. England a continental power. 942.291. — Freeman, E: A. History of William Rufus. 2 vols. 1882. 942.969-70; — Norman conquest. (5 vols, and index.) 6 vols. 1873-9. 942. 107-11' -—Short history of the Norman conquest. 3d ed. 942.1324. — Henry of Huntingdon. History of the English. (A. D. 55- A. D. 1155.) 1879. 942.653.— Jewett, S.. O. The story of the Normans. (Story of the nations.) 1S90. 942.1387. — Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. 1870. 940.55.— liappenberg, J: M. Geschichte von England, (to 1154.) 2 vols. 942.1428-9. — Micbel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes. (Poems and legends.) 3 vols. 1836-40. * 841.66-8. — Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history. 4 vols. 1856. 942. 359-62. — "Roger de Hovedon. Chronicle. (732-1201.) 2 vols. 1880. 942.367-8. — Kule, M. Ivife and times of Saint Anselm. (1034-1109.) 2 vols. 922.344-5. — Stabbs, W: Constitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1880. 942.451-3. —Taine, H. A. History of English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8. — Thierry, A. Conquest of England. 2 vols. 1875. 942.378-378A.— Wace,R. Roman de Ron. (to A. D. 1106.) * 942. 1372. — "WiMianDa. of Malmesbury. Chron- icle, (to A. D. 1142.) 1876. 942.71;— Degestis pon- tificum Auglorum. 1870. 942.617. — Wright, T:, ed. The Anglo-l,atin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the 12th century. 2 vols. * 942. 633-4. — ^Yonge, C. M.. Cameos of Eng. hist. (Cameos vi-xviii.) 942.179. 5 J: Chronicles. (Ed- ward II. to coronation of Henry IV.) 2 vols. 940. 13-14.— Gairdner, J., and Spedding, J. The Lol- lards. {In their Studies in Eng. hist.) 1881. 942. 925. — Hall, H. Court life under the Plantagenets. (Reign of Henry II.) 1890. * 942. 1297. — Hntton, Rev. W. H. The misrule of Henry III. (1236-1251.) 1887. 942.1402;— Simon de Montfort and his cause. (1251-1266.) 942.1425. — Iianler, S. Boy's Froissart. 1879. 940.15.— I-echler, G. V. Life of Wiclif. 922. 320.— Liongman, W: Life and times of Edwardlll. U327-1377.) 2 vols. 1869. 942.1356-7. — Matthew Paris. Chronicle. (1235-1257.) 3 vols. 942.372-6. — Maurice, C. E. Lives of English popular leaders: Tyler, Ball and Oldcastle. 920.379; — Stephen Lang- ton. 923.2013.— Norgate, K. England under the Angevin kings. 2 vols. 1887. 942.1295-6.— Pauli,G. R. Geschichte von England, (i 154-1399.) 2 vols. 942.1430-1;— Pictures of old England. 1861. 942.1413; — (Memoir of) Simon de Montfort. 1876. 923.1105.— Pearson, C: H. Middle ages of England. 1861. 942.1227;— English history. . .in the 14th century. 1875. 942.124;— Prothero, G: W. Life of Simon de Montfort. 1877. 923.1057. — Richard, of Devizes. Chronicle. (1189-1102.) 1841. 942.1320. — Rogers, J. E. T. John Wiklif. (/» his Hist, gleanings, 2d ser.) 1870. 923.966.— Rowley, J. Rise of the peo- ple. (1215-1485.) 942.307.— Seehohm, F. The black death and its place in English history. 24 pp. (Fortnightly rev., v. 2. 1865.) pp. 149, 268, in**^i. 1181.— Stubbs, W: Learning and literature at the court of Henry II. (1154-1189.) (Lectures vi and vii. In his Seventeen lectures, etc.) 940. 172;— Con- stitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1S80. 942 . 451-3;— Early Plantagenets. 1876. 942.323.— Talne, H. A. History of English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8.— Walslngham. Historia brevis. (1272- 1422.) (no translation yet.) ** 942. 1416. — Warour- ton, W. Edwardlll. 1876. 942.324.— Wright, T:, ed. Political poems and songs rel. to Eng. hist. (1327-1483.) 2 vols. * 942.522-3. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-74, 97. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-62, 83-84. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-95, 120-121. No. 5, 1888, pp. loo-ioi, 187-189. LATER PLANTAGENETS (Houses of Lan- caster and York), 1399-1485. Henry IV., 1399-1413. Shakespeare, W: Henry IV. 2 pts. in 822.254 Note.— Vor other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, p. 318. Lollards. Holt, E. S.. The wild rose of Langley: a story of the court of England in the olden time. 808.1528 Henry V., 1413-1422. Reeve, C. Old English baron: a Gothic story. ** 823 . 2083 Shakespeare, W: Henry V. 822.72 Note.— Tor other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, p. 318. Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. LATER PLANTAGENETS (Houses of Lan- caster and York), 1399-1485. Contin. Henry v., I4I3-1422. Contin. Yonge, C. M.. The caged lion, 823.1761 Henry VI., 1422-1461. Shakespeare, W: Henry VI. 822.651 Note. — For other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 26.5. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, p. 318. Strutt, J. Queenhoo-Hall: a romance. 4 vols. * 823.4675-8 Edward IV., 1461-1483. Evenings at Haddon Hall. 823.2151 Heywood, T. King Edward IV.; play. 2 pts, in 822.177 Edward V., 1483-1483 (murdered in the tower by Richard III. ?). Richard III., 1483-1485. James, G: P. R. The woodman. 823.882 Shakespeare, W: Richard III. in 822.651 Note.— Tor other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, p. 318. War in France. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Joan, the maid deliverer of France and England. 823.209 James, G: P. R. Agincourt, ** 823.6716 Wars of the Roses, 1455-1485. Church, A. J: Chantry priest of Bar- net: a tale of the two Roses, 823.5293 Edgar, J: G: Wars of the Roses. 808.801 Heseltine, W: Last of the Plantage- nets. 823.1813 Holt, E. S.. At ye Grene Griffin; or, Mrs, Treadwell's cook. 823.7102 Red and white. 808. 15 18 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- Last of the barons. 823.5933 Stevenson R. L: The black arrow. 823.5246 Note.— See Besant, W., and Rice, J. Life of Sir Richard Whittington. 1881. 923.1183. — Brougham, H: P., Baron. England and France under the house of Lancaster. 1852. (Attributed also to Sir W: Courthope.) 942.1329. — Forte8Cue,5z>- J: Govern- ance of England. 1885. 340. 155.— Gairdner, J. History of Richard III. 1878. 923.2019; — The houses of Lancaster and York. 1875. 942.318. — Hall, E: Chronicle: history of England during the reign of Henry IV. to Henry VIII. (1399-1547.) 1809. 942. 1378.— Kirk, J: F. Charles the Bold. 3 vols. 1864- 68. 923.137-9.— Knight, C. Life of William Cax- ton. 1877. 928.294. — liCgge, A. O. The unpopular king: Richard III. 2 vols. 942.1414-15. — More, ^'zV T; Edward V. and Richard III. {In Kennett, W. Hist, of England, V. i.) p. 48i,jn **942.i4i8. — Pas- ton letters. Ed. by J. Gairdner. (1422-1509.) 3 vols. 1872-5. V. I, 1422-1461; V. 2, 1461-1471; V. 3, 1471-1509. 942.926-8.— Pauli, G. R. Geschichte von England, (v. 3: 1399-1509!) 942.1432. — Rowley, J. Rise of the people. (1215-1485.) 942.307. — Ste- venson, Rev. J., ed. Letters illust. of the wars of the English in France. (1422-1461.) (Gt. Brit. Rolls, chron.) 3 vols. * 942. 1404-6. — Strickland, A. Margaret of Anjou. {In her Queens of Eng- land, V. I.) p. 534, in 920.198. — Stubbs, W. Con- stitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1880. 942 .451-3.— Taine, H. A. English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8.— Towle, G: M. History of Henry V. 942.1366. — Walslngham, T: Historia brevis. (1272-1422.) ** 942.1416.— Wright, T:, ed. Political poems and songs rel. to Eng. hist. 1327- 1483.) 2 vols. * 942.522-3. ENGLISH FICTION m ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. LATER PLANTAGENETS (Houses of Lan- caster and York), 1399-1485. Contin. Note. Contin. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-74, 97. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-62, 83-84. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-95, 120-121. No. 5, 1888, pp. loo-ioi, 187-189. TUDOR PERIOD, 1485-1603. Henry VII., 1485-1509. Cowper, F. Captain of the Wight: a romance of Carisbrooke Castle in 1488. 823.5697 Holt, E. S.. Tangled web: a tale of the fifteenth century. (Perkin Warbeck.) HENRY VIIL, 1509-1547. 23.7105 Ainsworth, W: H. Windsor Castle. 823 . 32 The Lancashire witches. (Introduc- tion.) 823.21 Crake, A. D. Last abbot of Glaston- bury: a tale of the dissolution of the mon- asteries. 823.7097 Filleul, M. Pendower. Cornwall in the time of Henry VIII. 823 . 558 Herbert, W: H: Memoirs of Henry VIII. of England, with the fortunes, fates and characters of his six wives. 823 . 5726 Holt, E. S.. Isoult Barry of Wynscote: her diurnal book . 808 .1519 Lettice Eden: a tale of the last days of Henry VIII. 808 . 1522 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) Dayspring: story of the time of William Tyndale. c r , , 823.5775 Story of John Marbeck. 823.5578 Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Henry the Eighth and his court. 823 . 5886 — — Rathbone, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) Passages in the life of the faire gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew. 823.4079 Reynolds, G: W. M. The necromancer. 823 . 6339 Shakespeare, W: King Henry VIII. in 822.651 Note.— Vox other editions, see under Shake- speare in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, p. 318. Anne Boleyn. Milman, H: H. Anne Boleyn; poem. p. ij in 821.1329 Sir Thomas More. M., C. J. Alice Sherwin. 823.1376 Sir Thomas More; play. {In Amyot, T:, and others, eds. Suppl. to Dodslefs old plays, V. 3.) in ** 822. iSi Stewart, A. M. Margaret Roper. 823.1894 The Reformation. See also Reformation, note. Di-xon, Mrs. {—.) Cecily. 808.1210 Robinson, J.. Westminster Abbey. 823 . 2026 Edward VI., 1547-1553. Ainsworth, W: H. The constable of the tower. 823.5605 Clemens, S: L. The prince and the pau- per. 823.6133 Engflish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. TUDOR PERIOD, 148S-1603. Contin. Lady Jane Grey, i553-i553- Ainsworth, W: H. The tower of Lou- don. 823.5825 Rowe, N. Lady Jane Grey; trag. in 822.15 Mary, 1553-1558. Ainsworth, W: H. Cardinal Pole. 823.5606 Holt, E. S.. All for the best. 808.1516 For the Master's sake. 808. 1514 The King's daughters. 808. 1526 — -^ Robin Tremayne: a tale of the Ma- rian persecution. 823 . 5724 Hugo, V. M., comte. Marie Tudor; drama. z« 840.48 Tennyson, A., Lord. Queen Mary; drama. 822 . 284 Elizabeth, 1558-1603. Caddell, C. M.. Wild times. 823.164 Holt, E. S.. Joyce Morrell's harvest; or, the annals of Selwick Hall. 823 . 7103 Kingsley, C: Westward ho! 823.935 M., C. M. May Lane. ( With Holt, E. S. . The well in the desert.) p. 185, z« 823.5768 Scott, Str W. Kenilworth. 823 . 1402 Same. 823.5155; ** 823.6028 Wordsworth, W: The white doe of Rylstone (poem). p. 155, in 821.441 Catholics. Boyce, J: The spaewife. ' 823.115 Same. 2 vols. 823.6931-2 Caddell, C. M.. Wild times. 823.164 Fullerton, Lady G. C. (L. G.) Con- stance Sherwood: an autobiography of the i6th century. 823.6363 Kingston, W: H: G. Three hundred years ago. 808.1615 Spanish Armada. Holt, E. S.. Clare Avery. 808.1523 • Macaulay, T: B. Armada; poem. {In his Essays and poems, v. 3.) „..„. ^, , P- 741, «■« 824.69 Wtlham, Shakespeare. Black, W: Judith Shakespeare. 823.5535 Somerset, C. A. Shakespeare's early days; drama. (Lacy's . ... plays . . . , v. 93-) i« 822.753 Williams, R. F. Shakespeare and his friends. {Also) The secret passion. {And) The youth of Shakespeare. ** 823.6260 Sir Francis Drake. Cor be tt, J. For God and gold. 823.5650 Henty, G: A. Under Drake's flag. 808.1487 Towle, G: M. Drake, the sea king of Devon. 808.1683 Earl of Essex. Jones, H. Earl of Essex; trag. in * 822 . 6 Mary, Queen of Scots. See under Scotland. Note.— See XV^in, Miss 1,. Life of Queen Eliza- beth. 2 vols. 1823. ** 923.43-4.— Bacon. History of Henry VII. {Works,\.-^\.) 1869. 01. 11.— Bar- rows, Sir J: Life of Drake. * 910.630.— Blunt, J: H: Reformationof the Church of England. (1514- 1547-) 1869. 283.57.— Brewer, J: S. Reign of rieury ENGLISH FICTION 69 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. TUDOR PERIOD, 1485-1603. Contin. Note. Contin. VIII. (1509-30.) 2 vols. ** 942.1407-8.— Brosch, M. Geschichte von England, v. 6 : 1509-1603. 942.1433.— Bund, J. W. W- State trials, v. i: Trials for treason. (1327-1660.) 340. 162.— Burton, J. H. Queen Mary. {In his History of Scotland, v. 4.) (Impartial.) 941.124.— Creighton, L. Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. 1877. 923.442.— Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. 1887. 942.1270.— Demaus, R. Life of Hugh Latimer. 922.342.— Dixon, R: W. History of the Church of England. (Impartial.) (1529-1558.) 4 vols. 1878-81. 283.104-7.— Edwards, E: Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. 2 vols. 1868. 923. 94-5. — £wald, A. C. Stories from the state papers. 1882. 942.867.— Fisher, G: P. (Account of) the Reformation. 1873. 274.28.— Friedmann, P. Anne Boleyn: a chapter of English history. (1527-1536.) 2 vols. 1884. 923.1950-51.— Froude, J. A. History of England. (1529-1588.) 12 vols. 942.44-55;— Short studies on great subjects. 4 vols. 824.32-34".— Galrdner, J. Henry the Seventh. 1889. 923.1933. — Galrdner, J., and Spedding, J. Studies in Eng- lish history. 1881. 942.925.— Geikie, C. History of the English Reformation. (Partisan.) 1879. 274.11. — Goadby, E. The England of Shakespeare. 942. 869.— Hall, E: Chronicle. (1398-1509.) 1809. ** 942 . 1378.— Hall, H. Society in the age of Elizabeth. 942.1370. — Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England. (1485-1760.) 3 vols. 942 .41-3.— Holin- shed, R. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ire- land, (to 1577.) 6 vols. 1S07-8. ** 042.1379-84.— Hosack, J: Mary, Queen of Scots and her accusers. (1542-1587.) 2 vols. 1870-74. 923.2003-4.— I^atimer, H. Sermon on the ploughers, 18 Jan. 1549. (Arber, E. Reprints.) 829.13;— Seven sermons before Ed- ward VI. 1549. (Arber, E. Reprints.) 829.18.— I-ee, F: G: Reginald Pole, Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury: an historical sketch. 1888. * 922.332. liingard, J: History of England. (B. C. 55-A. D. 1689.) (Rom. Catholic.) 10 vols. 942.87-96.— Macau- lay, Tf B. Burleigh and his time. (/wAw Essays, v. 3.) p. 1, 1M824.135;— Ranke's history of the Popes. (In his Essays, v. 4.) p. 299, in 824. 135.— Nicholls, J. F. Life of Cabot. 923.2042.— Seebohm, F. The era of the Protestant revolution. 274.13.— Strick- land, A. Anne Boleyn. (/» A^>- Queens of England, V. 2.) p. 176, in 920 . 199;— Catherine of Aragon. {In A^r Queens of England, V. 2.) p.97,i« 920. 199;— Eliza- beth. (i» A^^ Queens of England, V. 3.) 920.200;— Mary. {In her Queens of England, v. 2.) p. 475, in 920.199.— Stubb8,W: Reign of Henry VII. (1485- 1509.) Lectures xv. and xvi. {In his Seventeen lectures, etc.) in 940. 172;— Reign of, and parliament under Henry VIII. (1509-1547.) Lectures xi and xii. {In his Seventeen lectures, etc.) in 940.172. — Taine, H. A. English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8.— Tliornbury, G. W. Shakespeare's Eng- land. 2 vols. 942.1400-1.— Towle, G: W. Ralegh, his exploits and voyages. 1882. 923 . 11 18. 5^« ato Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-4, 97. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-5, 120-1. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-2, S3-4. No. 5, 1888, pp. loo-i, 187-9. STUART PERIOD, 1603-1714. James I., 1603-1625. See Scotland. Ainsworth, W: H. Guy Fawkes ; or, the gunpowder treason. (1605.) 823.18 The Lancashire witclies. 823.21 The star-chamber. 823.30 Fenn, G: M. Sweet Mace: a Sussex le- gend of the iron times. 823.7117 Scott, Sir W. Fortunes of Nigel. 823.1398 Same. 823.5158; ** 823.6029 Arabella Stuart. James, G: P. R. Arabella Stuart. 3 vols. * 823.6406-8 Charles I., i625-(beheaded) 1649. Ainsworth, W: S. The star-chamber. 823.30 Cooke, J: E. Her majesty the queen. 823.275 English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. STUART PERIOD, 1603-1714. Contin. Charles I., 1 625-1 649. Contin. Crouch, A. T: Q. The splendid spur; . . . adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a servant of . . . King Charles I., in . . . 1642-3, 823.7061 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) Memories of troublous times: being the history of Dame Alicia Chamberlayne of Ravensholme, Gloucestershire, 823 . 5772 Under Salisbury spire in the days of George Herbert. 823 . 7269 Martineau, H. The Hampdens. 823,7400 Mitford, M.. R. Charles L; trag. in 829.390 Robinson, J.. Whitehall; or, the days of Charles the First. 823 . 1347 Prince Rupert. Melville, G: J: Whyte- Holmby House. ** 823.4667 Commonwealth, 1649- 1660. Ainsworth, W: H. Boscobel; or, the royal oak: a tale of the year 1651. 823.5601 The leaguer of Lathom: a tale of the civil war of Lancashire. 823 . 5603 Ovingdean Grange: a tale of the south downs. 823.25 Akerman, J: Y. A tale of the civil wars. (/« Tales of other days.) p, 10, in 823 . 1 Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Draytons and Davenants. 823.207 On both sides of the sea. 823.210 Crake, A. D. Fairleigh Hall: a tale of Oxfordshire during the great rebellion. 823.7098 De Foe, D. Memoirs of a cavalier. {Works, \.i) 823.2123 Edgar, J: G: Cavaliers and Round- heads ; or, stories of the great civil war. 808.1483 Grant, J. Harry Ogil vie. 823.630 Henty, G: A. Friends, though divided. 808.1575 James, G: P. R. The cavalier. (Ends with the battle of Worcester, 1651.) 823.7107 Hanry Masterton ; or, the adventures of a young cavalier. 2 vols, (in i). 823.864 Two scenes from the civil wars, 10 pp. (/« his The desultory man.) p. 84, «» 823.856 MacDonald, G: St. George and St. Mi- chael. 823.1068 Marry at, Capt. F: Children of the New Forest. 823 . 1095 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) Memories of troublous times: being the history of Dame Alicia Chamberlayne of Ravensholme. Gloucestershire. 823.5772 Marvel, A. On the victory obtained by Blake; poem. 11 pp. (1657.) {Fuller worthies' lib.) p. 2061, in ** 821 . 1070 Melville, G: J: Whyte- Holmby House: a tale of old Northamptonshire. 823.7278 ENGLISH FICTION 70 ENGI.ISH FICTION Eng-Iish Fiction. Contin. England. Coniin. STUART PERIOD, 1603-1714. Contin. CoMMONWEAiyTH, 1649-1660. Contin. Peard, F.. M. . To horse and away. 808.1509 Rathbone, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) Lady Wil- loughby. (Diary of tlie 17th cent.) 823.7394 Reid, Capt. T: M. No quarter ! 823 .6336 Scott, 5zVW. Woodstock. 823.1414 Same. in ** 823 . 6032 Yonge, C. M., The pigeon pie: a tale of Roundhead times. 823. 1771 Under the storm. in 823.6693 Cromwell. Herbert, H: W: Oliver Cromwell; or, England's great protector. 823 . 765 Same. 823.2352; 823.5687 Hugo, V. M., comte. Cromwell; trag. {Thidtre, v. i.) 840.46 Marvel, A. State poems. {Fuller wor- thies^ lib.) pp. 161-207. m** 821. 1070 See also poems by Dryden, Ile. (/n Ai.y Essays, V. 4.) p. 1, ire 824.135. — Mack- ntosh, 5zy T. History of the revolution in 1688. f 1685-1694.) * 942.1374.— Masson, D. Charles II. (In his Life of Milton, v. 6.) 928.707; — Life of J: Milton: . . . political . . history 01 his time. 6 vols, (and Index.) 7 vols. 1881-7. "'928.702-8. — May, T: History of the long parliament. (1640-41.) ** 942. 1376.— Mitchell, D. G. English lands, let- ters, and kings. 1890. 820.177.— Morris, E. E- Age of Anne. 942.391. — Pattison, M. Life of Milton. 928.28. — Fepys, S: Memoirs and diary. 5 vols. 1828. 829.213-17.— Ranke.L. von. History of England. 6 vols. 1875. 942.466-71.— Kaumer, F. L. G. v. Political history of England during the English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. STUART PERIOD, 1603-1714. Contin. Note. Contin. i6th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 2 vols. 1837. * 942. 1314-15.— Beign of gueen Anne. 36 pp. (Edin. rev., V. 151. No. 310.) **52.5ooi.— Bogers, J. E. T. William Laud. (In his Hist, gleanings, 2d sen) 923 .966.— Smith, G. Pym and Cromwell. (In his Three Eng. statesmen.) pp. 1, 67, in 923.88.— Sped- dlng, J. Life and times of Lord Bacon. 2 vols. 923 . 2028-9.— Stanhope, Lord. History of the reign of Queen Anne. (1701-13.) 942.1362.— Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. (1575-1714.) vols. 4-6. 920.201-3.— Swift, J. Historyof the last four years of Anne. (Works, v. 5.) 923.445.— Taine, H. A. History of English literature. 3 vols. 1876. 820.56-8. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-74, 97. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-62, 83-84. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-95, 120-121. No. 5, 1888, pp. 100-101, 187-189, HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. George I., A. D. 1714-1727. De Foe, D. Life, adventures and pira- cies of Captain Singleton. {Works, v. i.) 823.2122 New voyage round the world. (Buccaneers.) {Works, v. d.) «« 823.2125 Grant, J. Lucy Arden. 823.637 Pyle, H. Rose of Paradise: . . .ad- ventures (of) Captain John Mackra, in con- nection with the famous pirate, Edward England, in 1720 . . . 823.5288 Old Pretender's rebellion, 1715-1716. James, G: P. R. Henry Smeaton: a Jacobite story of the reign of George I. in 823.6247 Scott, 5zVW. Rob Roy. 823.1408 Same. in ** 823 . 6025 Swift, J. Travels into several remote nations of the world. (Satire on contem- porary politics. ) 823 . 2966 South Sea bubble, 1716-20. Ainsworth, W: H. John Law, the projector. 823.5602 George il, a. d. 1727-1760. Ainsworth, W: H. The Lord Mayor of London. 823.5604 Fenn, G: M. Devon boys: a tale of the north shore. (French wars. ) 808.1713 In the king's name; or, the cruise of the " Kestrel . ' ' (Jacobite times. ) 808.1714 Smollett, T. G: Roderick Random. (Bombardment of Carthagena, 1741.) 823.1473 Thackeray, W: M. The Virginians. 823.1581 Young Pretender's rebellion, 1 745-1 746. See Scotland. Kotzebue, A. F. F. v. Eduard in Schott- land; play. p. 55, in 832.74 Scott, 5VrW. Waverley. 823.1413 Same. in ** 823.6023 Methodists. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Trevylyan. Dixon, Mrs, times of Wesley Foote, S — Same. Diary of Kitty 823 . 2C)(5 (— .) Walter: a tale of the 808.1187 The minor; comedy. in ** 822 . 2 in ** 822.110 ENGLISH FICTION 72 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin, England. Conthi. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. George II., A. D. \'j2'j-i'](io. Contin. Methodists. Contin. Graves, Rev. R: Spiritual Quixote. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 32-3.) ** 823.2093-4 Smollett, T. G: Humphry Clinker. 823.1471 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 30-31.) ** 823.2091-2 Biographical. Reade, C: Peg WoflSngton. 823.1293 Same. 823.5420 Manners. Ainsworth, W: H. The flitch of bacon; or, the custom of Dunmow: a tale of Eng- lish home. 823.17 Composer's difiSculty. (Handel and his opera Messiah.) 7 pp. (/» Robert . . . and other stories.) p. 147, in 823.5811 Grant, J. Letty Hyde's lovers. (Brit- ish service in 1742.) 823.636 Rathbone, Mrs. M., A. (M.) The old Chelsea bun-house. ** 823.6715 Novelists. Fielding, H: Adventures of Joseph An- drews. (/« Az^s Novels, V. I.) 823.6149 Same. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, v. 18.) ** 823.2079 History of Amelia. 823.6151 History of Tom Jones, a foundling. 2 vols. 823.6149-50 Same. 3 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 19-2 1 . ) ** 823 . 2080-2 Johnston, C: Chrysal; or, the adven- tures of a guinea. 4 vols, (in 2). * 823.7364-5 Lennox, Mrs. C. (R.) Female Quixote; or, the adventures of Arabella. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 24-5.) ** 823.2085-6 Richardson, S: Works. 12 vols. ** 823.6161-72 Smollett, T. G: Expedition of Humphry Clinker. 823 . 1471 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 30-1.) ** 823 . 2091-2 George III., A. D. 1 760-1820. Ainsworth, W: H. Lord Mayor of Lon- don; or, city life in the last century. 823.5604 Collingwood, H. Under the meteor flag. (French revolutionary war.) 808 . 1709 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) In four reigns: recollections of Althea Allingham. 1785- 1842. 823.5770 Scott, Sir W. The surgeon's daughter. 823.1410 Same. in 823.5329; in ** 823.6032 The tapestried chamber. ( With his The talisman.) p. 270, w* 823.1412 | Englisli Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. George HI., A. D. 1760-1820. Contin. Gibraltar, ijj^2,2). Hamley, 5'/r E: B. Laz- aro's legacy: a tale of the siege of Gibral- tar. 64 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2.) «»** 823.6648 Gordon riots, 1780. • Dickens, C: J: H. Barnaby Rudge. 823.384 Same. 823.385; 823.5336; 823.5551 Same. 2 vols. 823.5303-4 Lord Nelson. Chamier, F: Ben Brace ; the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. 823.197 Mutiny at the Nore, 1797. Marryat, Capt. F: The king's own. 823 . 1 100 Same. 823.2916; ** 823.6662 Peninsular campaign, 1808. Grant, J. King's Own Borderers. 823.633 • Romance of war; or, the Highland- ers in Spain. 823.648 Maxwell, W: H. Stories of the Penin- sular war. 823. 1 131 Luddite riots, 1813-1818. Henty, G: A. Through the fray. 808 . 1484 Sam.e. 808.1612 Napoleonic wars. See also France. Ballantyne, R. M. Battle and the breeze. [In his Tales of adventure . . . ) in 808.1266 Same. ( With his Wrecked but not ruined. ) in 808 . 1 265 Blackmore, R: D. Springhaven: a tale of the great war. (Death of Lord Nelson.) 823.5151 Same. 823.5514 Buchanan, R. W. Shadow of the sword. 823.4166 Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Against the stream: the story of a heroic age in Eng- land. (Days of Clarkson and Wilberforce. ) 823 . 202 Biographical. Disraeli, B: Venetia. {With his ^yh\\.) in 823 . 3230 Same. 823.469 Ritchie, Mrs. A. I., (T.) Miss Angel. (Angelica Kaufman, Sir Joshua Reynolds, etc.) 823.5986 Manners, (i 8th century.) Brooke, H: Fool of quality; or, the history of Henry, Earl of Moreland. 2 vols. 823.6532-3 Cobb, J. F. Watchers on the Long- ships: a tale of Cornwall in the last cen- tury. 823.4532 Edgeworth, M. Belinda. {In her Tales . . . , vols. 2-3.) ** 823.4647-8 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Bnt. novelists, vols. 49-50.) ** 823.2110-11 Gaskell, Mrs. E.. C. Sylvia's lovers. 823.5S67 Goldsmith, O. Vicar of Wakefield. 823.615 Same. 823.4206; 823.5873; 823.6425 ENGLISH FICTION 73 ENGLISH FICTION Engflisli Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Manners. (i8th century.) Contin. Goldsmith, O. Contin. Same. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, v. 23.) p. 169, in ** 823 . 2084 Same. {In Classic tales.) p. Ill, in 823.4489 Same. 91 pp. {In Lib. of famous fiction.) p. 447, in ** 823.6215 Grant, J. Strange story of the Duchess of Kingston. 14 pp. ( With his Ross- shire BuflFs.) p. 188, ?■» 823.649 Inchbald, Mrs. E.. (S.) Simple story. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, v. 28.) ** 823.2089 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) On the banks of the Ouse ; or, life in Olney a hundred years ago. 823 . 541 1 Melville, G: J: Whyte- Cerise. 823.7273 Same. {With his Holmby House.) in ** 823 . 4667 Moore, J: Edward. 2 vols. 823.6462-3 Richardson, S: Clarissa (Harlowe) ; or, the history of a young lady. 823 . 1316 History of Clarissa Harlowe. 5 vols. {Works, yo\s. Ar^.) 823.6164-8 Same. 8 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 1-8.) ** 823 . 2062-9 History of Sir Charles Grandison. 4 vols. ( Works, vols. 9-12.) ** 823.6169-72 Same. 7 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brtt. novelists, vols. 9-15. ) ** 823 . 2070-6 Pamela; or, virtue rewarded. 3 vols. ( Works, vols. 1-3.) ** 823.6161-3 Bath life. Ainsworth, W: H. Beau Nash. 823.5790 Smollett, T. G: Humphry Clinker. 823.1471 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 30- 31.) ** 823.2091-2 London life. Arblay, Mme. F.. (B.)d'. Evelina. 2 vols, (in i). 823. 191 1 Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The Brit, novelists, vols. 38-9.) ** 823 . 20^9-2 100 Dickens, C: J: H. Tale of two cities. 823.5317 Middle and low life. Warren, S: Now and then. Religious life. Holt, E. S. Sea life. Marryat, Snarleyow. Same. Russell, W: C, mate. 823.1685 Ashcliffe Hall. 808.1520 Capt. F: The dog fiend; or, (Smuggling. ) 823 . 1096 ** 823.6674 John Holdsworth, chief in 823.5128 Engrlish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Manners. (i8th century.) Contin. Sea life. Contin. Smollet, T. G: Humphry Clinker. 823.1471 Same. 2 vols. 823.2091-2 — Peregrine Pickle. 823 . 1472 Note. — See also Sea stories. Theatrical life. Reade, C: Art: a dramatic tale. ( With his Christie Johnstone . . . ) p. 231, in 823.1285 Clouds and sunshine. ( With his Christie Johnstone . . . ) p. 185, in 823 . 1285 Manners, (ist half of 19th century.) Adams, H: C. School-days at Kings- court: a tale of 1803. 808. 1567 Austen, J., Emma. 823.43 Mansfield Park. 823.44 Northanger Abbey. 823.2012 Same. { With her Pride and preju- dice.) in 823.5341 Pride and prejudice. 823.5341 Persuasion. ( With her Sense and sensibility.) in 823.47 Sense and sensibility. 823.47 Same. 823.5536 Cross, Mrs. M.. A. (E.) Adam Bede. 823.996 {In /^(fr Tales 823.4647-8 Edgeworth, M. Belinda. . . . , vols. 2-3.) Same. 2 vols. (Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. (A.), ed. The British novelists, vols. 49-50.) ** 823.2110-11 Manoeuvring. {In her Tales of fash- ionable life.) in 823.506 Same. {In /i^r Tales . . . , v. 8.) * 823.4653 Patronage. 2 vols. {In her Tales . . . , vols. 11-12.) * 823.4656-7 Scott, Sir^. St. Ronan's well. 823. 141 1 Same. 823.5326 Same. in ** 823 . 6030 Thackeray, W: M. Vanity fair. 823.1580 London life. See Theodore Hook's novels. Domestic life. Ferrier, Miss S. E. Destiny; or, the chiefs daughter. 823.2051 — Inheritance. 823.2052 Marriage. 823.1991 More, Mrs. H. Ccelebs in search of a wife. 823.5749 Note. — See also Jane Austen's novels. (Begun 1811.) Military life. See Napoleonic wars, under France. Political life. Gait, J: The member: an autobiog- raphy. ** 823.6720 The radical: an autobiography. (Na- than Butt.) ** 823.6721 • Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- My novel. 2 vols. 823.1037-8 Same. S23. 5971-2 ENGLISH FICTION 74 ENGI.ISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin, England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Manners, (isthalfof 19th century.) Contin. Political life. Contin. Ward, R. P. De Vere; or, the man of independence. 823 . 4054 ^- Tremaine; or, the man of refinement. ** 823.6733 Religious life. White, W. H. Revolution in Tanner's lane. 823 . 5272 Rural life. Irving, W. Bracebridge Hall; or, the humourists: a medley. 823.1810 Lj^ton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- Eugene Aram. 823 . 1028 ■ ■ — Same. 823.6218 Mitford, M.. R. Our village. 2 vols. 823.2148-9 Note. — See also Jane Austen's novels for rural gentry. George IV., A. D. 1820-1830, Croly, G. Marston; or, the soldier and statesman. 2d ed. 3 vols. * 823 . 5492-4 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) In four reigns. 1785-1842. 823.5770 Wii.i,iAM IV., A. D. 1830-1837. ■ Cross, Mrs. M. A. (E.) Felix Holt, the Radical. 823.999 Marshall, Mrs. E. (M.) In four reigns: the recollections of Althea Allingham. 1785-1842. 823.5770 Under the Mendips. (Bristol riots, 1831.) 823.5773 Victoria, A. D. 1837 — . Chartists. Disraeli, B: Sybil; or, the two nations. 823 . 466 Same. 823.3230 Kingsley, C: Alton Locke, tailor and poet. 823.931 Crimean war, 1844-5. Grant, J. Lady Wedderbum's wish. 823.634 Laura Everingham. Same. Lord Hermitage. One of " The six hundred. Henty, G: A. Jack Archer. Kingsley, H: Ravenshoe. Melville, G: J: Whyte- 823.635 823.5682 823.4797 823.642 808.1532 823.943 The interpreter. 823.1853 Same. ( With his Digby Grand.) in** 823.4671 Life and manners. London life. Besant, W. Bell of St. Paul's, 823.6362 Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Winifred Ber- tram. 823.212 Dickens, C: J: H. Martin Chuzzlewit. 4 vols. 823.420-3 Nicholas Nickleby. 823 . 5553 ■ Same. 2 vols. 823.437-7K; 823.5298-9 Oliver Twist. 823.5300 Same. 823.5334; 823.5555; 823.6756 James, Hc.yr. A London life. 823.6536 English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Life and manners. Contin. London life. Contin. Lovelace, F. The Moloch of fashion. ■ 823.5491 Melville, G: J: Whyte- The Brookes of Bridlemere. 823 .1150 Same. ** 823.4662; 823.7272 Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Al- bany. ** 823 . 4674 Trollope, A. The three clerks, 823.1628 Whitty, E: M. Friends of Bohemia. 2 vols. 823.6155-6 Fashionable life. Aid^, H. Introduced to society. 823.5145 Aristocracy. (Anon.) 823.7237 Black, W: Prince Fortunatus. 823.7030 — — Burke, Sir J: B. Family romance; or, episodes in the domestic annals of the aris- tocracy. 823 . 152 Clemens, S: L. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. 823 . 6141 Collins, M. Marquis and merchant. 3 vols. 823.7369-71 Ellis, Mrs. S.. (S.) Pique: a tale of the English aristocracy. (Anon.) 823.4633 Hook, T. E: Gumey married: a sequel to Gilbert Gurney. 823.817 McCarthy, J,, and Praed, Mrs. R. (M.- P.) Campbell- The ladies' gallery. 823.7266 Yates, E. H, Broken to harness: a story of English domestic life. 823. 1749 Note. — See also novels by Disraeli, B:; Hook, T. E:; I^ytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer-; Melville, G: J: Whyte-; Trollope, Mrs. F.. E. (T.); Yonge, C. M.. Middle-class life. Yonge, CM.. The daisy chain. 823.1764 Note. — See also novels by Jane Austen. Low life. Warren, S: Ten thousand a year. 823.1689 Note. — See also novels by C: J: H. Dickens. Politics. Chesney, C: C. The battie of Dorking. 823.5649 Collins, W: W. The woman in white. 823.268 Dickens, C: J: H. Hard times, 2 vols. (Social and political questions. ) 823.411-12 Same. in 823.5304; in 823.5336 Disraeli, B: Coningsby. 823.459 Same. ( With his Miriam Alroy.) in 823.3002 Endymion. 823.2313 Same. 823.2314; 823.6157 Vivian Grey, 823.470 Kingsley, C: Two years ago. 823.934 Yeast: a problem. 823 . 936 Kingsley, H: Austin Elliot. 823.937 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- The new Timon. (Polit, satire.) p. i, in 821,246 McCarthy, J., atid Praed, Mrs. R. (M.- P.) Campbell- "The Right Honourable." 823.5488 ENGIvISH FICTION 75 ENGI.ISH FICTION £ngrlish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. IvIFE AND MANNERS, Contin. Politics, Contin. Murray, E. C. G. Member for Paris. 823.6098 TroUope, A. Phineas Finn, the Irish member. 823.1619 Ward, R. P. Tremaine. ** 823.6733 Parliamentary elections. Lytton, E: G: E. I/. Bulwer- My novel. 2 vols. 823 . 1037-8 Same. 823.5971-2 Trollope, A. Ralph the heir. 823 . 1623 Warren, S: Ten thousand a year. 823.1689 Social and labor questions. Besant, W. All sorts and conditions of men. 823.3719 Children of Gibeon. in 823 . 4985 Same. 823.5020 Same. 823.6962 Caird, Mrs. M. (A.) Wing of Azrael. (Marriage and divorce.) 823.7199 Cross, Mrs. M.. A. (E.) Felix Holt. 823.999 Jenkins, E: Little Hodge. 823.900 Kingsley, C: Alton Locke. 823.931 Sime, W: King Capital. 823.4503 Trollope, Mrs. F.. (M.) Life ... of Michael Armstrong, the factory boy. ** 823.6222 Note.— See also novels by H. Martineau. Socialism. Gilbert, W: De profundis. 2d ed. 823.4087 Gresley, Rev. W: Charles Lever; or, the man of the nineteenth century. ** 823.6772 James, H:, Jr. Princess Casamassima. 823.5744 Linton, Mrs. E. (L.) True history of Joshua Davidson, communist. 823.4814 Blanufacturing districts. Hamerton, P. G. Wenderholme: a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. 823.693 Martineau, H. A Manchester strike. (/« her Illust. of polit. econ., v. 3.) in ** 823 . 6708 Nicholls, i¥r5. C. (B.) Artist li/6. Collins, W: W. Note. — For Art novels, see p. 10. Literary life. Murray, D: C vessel. Military life. Grant, J. Frank Hilton Shirley. 823.128 Hide-and-seek. 823.257 The weaker 823.6424 (In Arabia.) 823.627 Oliver Ellis. (In West Indies. ) 823 . 640 The phantom regiment. (In Spain.) 823.644 Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) Cavalry life. 823.4990 Note. — See also novels by W: H. Maxwell. Flngrlish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Life and manners. Contin. Sea life. Ballantyue, R. M. Shifting winds. 808.212 Black, W: White wings: a yachting ro- mance. 823 . 2350 Chamier, F: Saucy Arethusa. 823.6347 Tom Bowling: a tale of the sea. 823.6348 Cupples, G: The green hand: adven- tures of a naval lieutenant. 808 . 345 Kingston, W: H: G. From powder monkey to admiral. 808 . 1033 Paddy Finn; or, the adventures of a midshipman . 808 .1614 Three lieutenants. 808.1616 True Blue; or, the life . . . of a Brit- ish seaman of the old school. 808 . 365 Russell, W: C. The Flying Dutchman. ( With his A sailor's sweetheart.) in 823.2510 Jack's courtship. 823.4947 A sailor's sweetheart. 823.2510 A sea queen. 823 . 4507 Wreck of the "Grosvenor." in 823.6702 Scott, M. The cruise of the Midge. 823.1389 Tom Cringle's log. 823 . 1390 Stables, G. On special service. 808 . 1423 Note.— See also novels by Capt. F: Martyat. AlsoS&a. stories ;— Whale fishery, in general al- phabet. Sporting life. Melville, G: J: Whyte- Sat- anella. ** 823.4668 Note. — See also Hunting and sporting adventures, in general alphabet. University life. Bradley, E: Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. 823.117 College theatricals. 38 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood.) 2« ** 823 . 6648 Hughes, T: Tom Brown at Oxford. 823.837 Same. ( With his Tom Brown's school-days.) in 823.5955 Kingsley, C: Alton Locke. 823.931 Kingsley, H: Ravenshoe. 823.943 Lockhart, J: G. Reginald Dalton. 823.4511 My college friends. Charles Russell, the gentleman-commoner. (/« Tales from Blackwood, v. 4.) in ** 823.6650 — No. II. Horace Leicester. 45 pp. (/« Tales from Blackwood, v. 6.) in ** 823.6652 No. IIL Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. 43 PP- (-^« Tales from Blackwood, v. 6.) in ** 823 . 6652 Thackeray, W : M. Pendennis. 823.1576 Same. 2 vols. ' 823.5006-7 School life. Adams, H. C. Charlie Lucken at school and college. 823 . 6333 Schoolboy honour: a tale of Hal- minster College. 808. 1608 Who was Philip ? 808. 1609 ENGLISH FICTION 76 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Life and manners, Contin. School life. Contin. Dickens, C: J: H. Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 2 vols. 823 . 5298-9 Grant, J. Dick Rodney. 823 . 624 Hughes, T: Tom Brown's school-days at Rugby. 823.5167 Same. 823 . 835; 823 . 5955 ; in 823 . 6677 Same. in 823.6698 Kingston, W: H: G. Schoolboy days. 808.1543 Smedley, F. E. Frank Fairlegh; or, scenes from the life of a private pupil. 823.1444 TheoIvOGicai, movements. Borrow, G: Lavrengo, the scholar, the gipsy, the priest. 823 . 112 Disraeli, B: Tancred. (Defense of the Jews.) — Holt, E. S.. Verena. — McDonnell, W: Exeter Hall. — Haitian d, E: By and by. Same. — — Higher law: a romance. Pilgrim and the shrine, — Mallock, W: H. A nineteenth century 823.467 808.1521 823.6158 823.1079 823.2354 823 . 1080 823.1081 romance of the 823.5585 Ward, Mrs. M.. A. (A.) Robert Els mere. 823.5342 Note. — See also novels by Mrs. M. O. (W.) Oliphant. High Church. • Chamberlain, N. H. The sphynx in Aubrey parish. 823 . 7 140 Yonge, CM.. Heir of Redclyflfe. 823.1768 Pillars of the house. 2 vols. 823.1772-3 Roman Catholic. Disraeli, B: Lothair. (Catholicism in England.) 823.464 Same. 823.2751 Reeorms. — — Dickens, C: J: H. Bleak House. (Delays in Courts of chancery. ) 823 . 390 Same. 2 vols. 823.5313-14 Little Dorrit. (Circumlocution office, etc.) 823.419 Same. 2 vols. 823.5315-16 Reade, C: Put yourself in his place. (Legal trades unions. ) 823 . 1294 A woman-hater. (Difficulties, etc., in pursuit of medical studies. ) 823 . 1984 Note.— See also novels by H. Martineau. Insane asylums. Reade, C: Hard cash. 823.1290 Yates, E. H. Dr. Wainwright's patient. 823.5890 Poor and poor laws. Besant, W. All sorts and conditions of men. 823.3719 Dickens, C: J: H. Adventures of Oliver Twist. (Work-house abuses.) 823.5300 Same. 823.5334; 823.5555 Same. ** 823 . 6756 Farjeon, B: L. Toilers of Babylon. 823.6320 [En^lisli Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Reforms. Contin. Prison abuses. Dickens, C: J: H. Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. 823.5173 Same. 823.5556; 823.5677 Same. 2 vols. 823. 449-9^; 823. 5296-7 Same. 4 vols. 823.445-8 James, G: P. R. The convict, 823.7307 Reade, C: It is never too late to mend. 823.1292 Smith, H. In prison and out. 823.1458 Sam,e. Temperance. Jenkins, E: in 823 . 6687 The devil's chain. 823.899 Life-saving service. ^ Ballantyne, R. M. sea. The life-boat. London fire brigade Fire brigade Battles with the 808.1549 808.827 Ballantyne, R. M. 808.208 Mail service. Ballantyne, R. M. Post haste. 808.1271 Railroad system. Ballantyne, R. M. The iron horse, 808.1261 Country i^ife. Blackmore, R: D. Cradock Nowell. 823.5837 Cross, Mrs. M.. A. (E.) Adam Bede. 823.996 a study of provincial in 823 . 6261 823 . lOOO-IOOI Wyncote. 823.535 Country quarters. 823.599 Colonel Quaritch, V. 823.5529 Lady Lee's widow- 823 . 6072 from the madding 823.697 823.5081; 823.5386 Under the greenwood tree. 823 . 701 Howitt, W: Woodburn Grange. 3 vols, (in I). 823.833 Melville, G: J: Whyte- Satanella : a story of Punchestown. ** 823.4668 Mitford, M.. R. Our village. 823.2148-9 Sewell, E.. M. Margaret Percival. 823.4177 Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) Army so- ciety: life in a garrison town. in 823.5040 Trollope, A. The Bertrams. 823.1604 — Eustace diamonds. Orley Farm, Middlemarch: life, Satne. 2 vols, Erskine, Mrs. T: Gardiner, M. (P.) Haggard, H: R. C, Hamley, Sir E: B. hood. Hardy, T: Far crowd. Sam,e. 823.1608 823.1618 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humbleth- waite. 823.1624 Same. 823.5997 Vicar of BuUhampton, 823.1629 Same. 823.5999 The warden, 823.1630 ENGLISH FICTION 77 ENGLISH FICTION Bnglish Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Country lyiifE. Contin. Yonge, C, M.. Beeclicroft. 823.1760 In Berkshire. Kingsley, H: Silcote of Sil- 823 . 2033 Deep down: a tale 808.1264 in 823.6692 Christowell: a Dart- 823.3916 cotes. In Cornwall. Ballantyne, R. M. of tlie Cornish mines. Same. In Devonshire. Blackmore, R: D. moor tale. Kingsley, H: Leighton Court. 823.942 Yonge, C. M.. Two guardians. 823.1776 Note.— See also novels by C: Kingsley. Isle of Man. Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.) Feet of clay. 823.7240 Caine, H. The deemster. 823 . 5448 In Lancashire. Hamerton, P. G. Wender- holme. 823.693 Scilly islands. Besant, W. Armorel of Lyon- esse. In Sussex raine. Same. In Wales. Blackmore, R: D Blackmore, R: D. 823.7163 Alice Lor- in 823.3916 823.5836 Hardjr, T: In Yorkshire. Blackmore, R: D, Maid of Sker. 823.5831 Wessex tales. 823 . 6 1 90 Dickens, C: J: H. — Sam.e. 2 vols. — Same. — Same. 4 vols, Hamerton, P. G. NichoUs, Mrs. C. — Same. — Shirley. — Villette. — Same. Reid, T. W. Mary Anerley. 823.2290 Nicholas Nickleby. 823.5553 823.437-7" 823.5298-9 823.433-6 Wenderholme. 823.693 (B.) Jane Eyre, 823.126 in 823.6261 823.128 823 . 129 in 823.6261 Mauleverer's millions. in 823.5090 Anglo-Indian life. See also India. Cunningham, H. S. Chronicles of Dustypore. 823.4375 Note.— See Adolphus, J. History of England. (1760-1804.) (Tory.) 7 vols. 942.441-7.— Amos, S. English constitution. (18^0-1880.) 323.18;— Primer of the English constitution. 942.1342. — Arblay, Mme. v.. (B.) d'. Diary and letters. (1778-1840.) 2 vols. 1880. 328.363-4. — Ashton, J: Dawn of the 19th century in England. 2 vols. 1886. 942.1229-30. — Bj^ehot, W. English constitution. 1877. 342.5. —Bancroft, G: History of the United States. 10 vols. (i492-i782._) 973.32-41.— Bloomfleld, G. (L.), Baroness. Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life. (1822-1871.) 923.2030.— Browning, O. Mod- em England. (1820-1874.) 1879. 942 .403.— Bryant, W: C, and Gay, S. H. History of the United States. (Earliest times to 1865.) 4 vols. 1879. 973.11-13^- —Canning:, G:, and others. The poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. 1890. 821.1293. — Comwallis, C:, il/ar^MW. Correspondence. 3 vols. 1859. 816.49-51.— David- !English Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. HANOVERIAN PERIOD, A. D. 1714-1891. Contin. Note. Contin. son, J. M. Eminent English liberals in and out of parliament. 92:5.798. — Dillce, 5'2> C: W. Problems of Greater Britain. 1890. (Relationsof the English- speaking countries to the comparative politics of the countries under British government.) 327.62. — Frothingliam, R: Rise of the republic of the Uni- ted States. (1643-1790.) 1872. 324.10. — Greville, C: C. F. Memoirs: journal of the reigns of King George IV. , King William IV. , and Queen Victoria. 8 vols, V. I : "journal of the reign of Geoi'ge IV. 1888. 923.1955. — Hallam, H. Constitutional histoty of England. (Accession of Henry VII. to death of George II., 1760.) 3 vols. 1876. 942.41-3. — James, W: Naval hist, of Gt. Brit. (1703-1827.) 6 vols. ♦942. 1389-94. — Janlus. letters, ed. by John Wade. 2 vols. 1887. 304.1-2. — Lieclcy, W: E: H. History of England in the i8th century. 8 vols. 942. 71-2,2^-2". — ^Iiudlow, J: M. The war of American independence, 1775-1783. 1876. 973.252. — Macaulay, T: B. Mme. F. B. d' Arblay. (/« his Essays, v. 5.) p.,248, m 824.136; — Bar^re. (1755-1841.) (In his Es- says, v. 5.) p. 423, tn 824.136; — Robert, Lord Clive. (/« A/i Essays, v. 4.) p. 194, i« 824. 135; — Warren Hastings. (/» his Essays, v. 5.) p. 1, z« 824.136; — Samuel Johnson, Croker's ed. of Boswell's Life of. (In his Essays, v. 2.) p. 368, in 824. 134; — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (/n his Essays, v. 3.) p. 194, in 824.135; — Horace Waipole, Earl of Orford. (/« his Essays, v. 3.) p. 143, /« 824. 135.— McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone. 1880-1884. 942.1325;— Epoch of reform. (1830-1850.) 942.868; — Same. 942. 1271; — History of our own times. (1837-1880.) 2 vols. i88o.' 942 .395-6. — Markliam, .(4 rfwjiVa/ J: A naval ca- reer during the old war. (1775-1826.^ 923.2027. — Mar- tineau, H. History of England, (i 790-1854.) 4 vols. 1864. 942.112-15. — Massey, W: N. History of Eng- land. (1745-1801.) (Whig.) 4 vols. 942.1343-6.— May, T: Constitutional history. (1760-1860.) 2 vols. 1878. 942.171-2. — Molesworth, W: N. History of Eng- land. (1830-1874.) 3 vols. 1877. 942.265-7.— Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. (George I. and II.) (1713-1795.) 1886. 942.1266.— Rogers, J. E. T. Adam Smith. (1723-1790.) (/« his Hist, gleanings, ist ser.) p. 93, in 923.965; — John Home Tooke, (1736-1812.) (/« //ziHist. gleanings, 2d ser.) p. 189, in 923.966;— Sir Robert Waipole, Earl of Orford. (1676-1745.) {In his Hist, gleanings, 1st ser.) p. 47, in 923.965;— John Wilkes. (1727-1797.) (/« his Hist gleanings, 2d ser.) p. 131, »'» 923.9(56. — ^Rowley, J, Settlement of the constitution. (1689-1784.) 1878. 942.308.— Bussell, W: C, Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England, 1890. 923.1926. — Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England. 1883. 942. 922. — Smiles, S: Industrial biography. 1871. 926. 19;— Life of George Stephenson. 925.38; — Life of James Watt, 926.33. — Smith, G. Foundation of the American colonies. {In his Lectures, 1859-61.) p. 185, in 907 .2;— Pitt, 1784-1806, {In his Three Eng. statesmen.) 1878. 923.88.— Smith, S. Peter Plym- ley'S letters. 816.63,— Southey, K.- Life of Nelson. 1830. 920.165;— Life of Wesley. 1876. 922.109.— Stanhope, P. H. (Lord Mahon.) History of Eng- land. (Tory.) 1713-1783. 7 vols. 1854. 942.330-6;— Notes of conversations with the Duke of Wellington, 1831-1851. 904.45. — Stephen, L. Historyof English thought in the 18th century. 2 vols. 1876. 192.21-2.— Taine, H. A. History of English literature. 3 vols. 820.56-8.— Tancock, O. W. England during the American and European wars. (1765-18200 1S78. 942.326.— Thackeray, W: M. The four Georges. (Lectures.) {IVorks, v. x.) S23.1579.— Waite, R. Life of Wellington, 1879, 923.436.— "Waipole, H. Memoirs. 2 vols. 923.2044-5;— Last journals of. Ed, by Dr. Doran . 2 vols. 923.2046-7. — waipole, S.H. History of England. (1815-1861.) 5 vols. (Index in each vol.) 942.1351-5.— Ward, T: H. Reign of Victoria. (1837-1887.) 2 vols. 942. 1397-8.— Wharton, G.,and P. Wits and beaux of society. 1873. 920.77.— Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges. 942.198. See also Catalogues of this Library, No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-74, 97. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-62, 83-84, No, 4, 1884, pp. 94-95, 120-121. No, 5, 1838, pp. loo-ioi, 187-189, ENGIylSH FICTION 78 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. England. Contin. Contin. lylFE AND MANNERS. Note.— See Adams, W: H: D. The merry mon- arch; or, England under Charles II. (1630-1685.) 2 vols. 1885. 942.1279^80.— Ashton, J: The dawn of the 19th century in England. 2 vols. 18S6. * 942. 1229-30; — Men, maidens, and manners a hun- dred years ago. 1888. 942.1318;— Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 1882. * 942.1190-1.— Badean, A. Aristocracy in England. (1886.) 942. ijij.—Balcli, E.. Glimpses of old English homes. lUus. 1890. * 942. 1399.— Besant, W. Fifty years ago. 1888. 942.1278.— Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. 2 vols. 1878-9. 313. T,S-6;—Same. 313.37-8;— Sa»J«. 3 vols. 3I3-55-7- —Collier, R. I,. English home life. 1886. 942. 1319. — Colman, H: European life and manners. 2 vols. 1849. 940.191-2.— Gronow, Capt. R. H. Reminiscences and recollections. 1810-1860. lUus. 2 vols. * 923. 2025-6. — Guild, C. Britons and Mus- covites. (Trav. and descrip.,etc.) 1888. 914.467.— Heath, F.G: English peasantry. 1874. 942.1369. -Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe. i8g8. 9x4.410.— Hoppins, J. M. Old England, its scenery, art, and people. 1878. 914.40.— Howitt, W: Visits to remarkable places. 1888. 914.440.— Jesserand, J. J. English wayfaring life in the middle ages. (14th cent.) 1889. 942.12S4.— L.au- gel, A. A. England, political and social. 1874. 914.455.— I-ytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- England and the English. 1874. 829.601.— Mason, E:T., ^rf. British letters illustrative of character and social life. 3 vols. 1888. 826.119-21.— Miller, H. First impressions of England and its people. 1873. 914. 54.— Nadal, E. S. Impressions of I/jndon social life. 1875. 914.39.— Pascoe, C: E. London of to-day. 1890. 914.454. — Roberts, G: Social his- tory of the people of the southern counties of Eng- land. 1856. 942.1359.— Shand, A. I. Haifa cen- tury; or, changes in men and manners. 2d ed. 1888. 942.1317.— Smalley, G: W. London letters. V. 2. 824.440.— Thrupp, J: The Anglo-Saxon home. (5th- nth cent.) 1862. 942.1358.— Timbs, J: Ancestral stories and traditions of great families illustrative of Eng. hist. 942.455;— Nooks and cor- ners of English life, past and present. 1867. 942. 465.— Wharton, G., and P. Wits and beaux of so- ciety. 1873. 920.77.— Wright, T: Hist, of dom. manners during the middle ages. 1862. * 942.1396. England as seen by foreigners. Blouet, p. [Max O'Jiell.] John Bull and his island. 1887. 914.351;— 5a»««. 942.958.— Daryl, P. Public life in England. (1884.) 942.1115.— Emer- son, R.W. English traits. (1833-1847.) 1876. 914.53. — Escott, T: H. S. England: its people, polity and pursuits. 2 vols. 1879. 942.1364-5.— Hawthorne, N. Our old home. 1863. 915.55;— Passages from the English note-books. 1873. 914.37.— Patten, C. B. England as seen by an American banker. 914. 469.— Taine, H. Notes on England. 914.48.— White, R: G. England without and within. 1890. 914.456.— Winter, W: The trip to England. 1881. 914.465. See also Poole's Index (to 1S82). p. 408, j« ** 50.i-r-Same. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. p". 141, in ** 50-1 • In general, and for long periods. Note.— Pot bibliography, see Adams, C: K. Man- ual of historical literature. 1882. ** 907. 4.— Allen, Pro/. W: F. The reader's guide to English history. 1886. 907.8.— Bright, J. F. History of England. 4 vols. (Contains a list of authorities.) 942 .398-400^ . — Gardiner, S. R., and MuUinger, J. B. Intro- duction to the study of English history. 1881. (pp. 200-424, by J. B. Mullinger, on authorities.) 942. 1424. —Montgomery, D. H. The leading facts of Eng- lish history. 2d ed. 1889. (pp. 404-408. A short list of books on English history.) 942.1293.— Son- nenschein, W. S. The best books: classified bibli- ography. 1887. ** 17.238. For comprehensive works, see Allen, J. Bat- tles of the British navy. 2 vols. 1852. v. i: 1190- 1799. V. 2: 1800-1840. 942.338-9.— Bright, J. F. History of England. (A. D. 449-1880.) 4 vols. 942. 398-400-400'.— Green, J: R: History of the English people. (A. D. 449-1815.) 4 vols. 942.225-7-7='.— Hosmer, J. K. Hist, of Anglo-Saxon freedom. (Polity of the Eng. speaking race.) 1890. 323.17.— Uozier, H. M. The invasions of England. 2 vols. !Engrlis]i Fiction. Contin. England. Contin. In general, and for long periods. Con- tin. Note. Contin. (Norman conquest toA. D. 1805.) 1876. 942.1298-9. —Hume, D: History of England. (B. C. 55-A. D. 1689.) (Tory.) 6 vols. 942.65-70.— Kennet, W., and Hughes, J. Hist, of England (to 1701). 3 vols. ** 942.1418-20.— Knight, C: Popular history of England. (B. C. 56-A. D. 1848.) 942.79-86.— Lln- gard, J. History of England. (B. C. 55-A. D. 1689.) (Roman Catholic.) 10 vols. 942.87-96.- Morris, E: E., ed. Epochs of modern history, viz.: Beginning of the middle ages— England and Europe in the ninth century. By R. W. Church. 940.163;— Nor- mans in Europe— Feudal system and England un- der Norman kings. By A. H. Johnson. 940.164;— Crusades. ByG:\V:Cox. 940.165;— Earlv Plantag- enets— their relation to the history of Europe: foundation and growth of constitutional govern- ment. ByW: Stubbs. 942.1267;— Edward III. By W. Warburton. 923.1836;— Houses of Lancaster and York— the conquest and loss of France. By J. Gairdner. 942.1268; — Era of the Protestant revolu- tion. By F: Seebohm. 274.56;— Early Tudors. Henry VIL, Henry VIII. By C. E. Moberley. 942. 1269;— Age of Elizabeth. By M. Creighton. 942. 1270;— Thirty years' war, 1618-1648. By S: R. Gardi- ner. 943 . 101 ;— Puritan revolution, and the first two Stuarts, 1603-1660. By S: R. Gardiner. 942.1263;— Fall of the Stuarts, and western Europe. By E: Hale. 942.1264;— Age of Anne. By E: E. Morris. 942.1265; — Early Hanoverians— Europe from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. By E: E. Morris. 942.1266;— Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. By F. W. Longman. 943.102;— French revolution and first empire. By W: O'C. Morris. App. byA. D. "White. 944.628;— Epoch of reform, 1830-1850. By J. McCarthy. 942. 1271;— English restoration and Louis XIV. From Peace of Westphalia to Peace of Nimwegen. By O. Airy. 940.162. — Ran8ome,C. History of England. (B. C. 55-A. D. 1887.) 942.1308;— Rise of constitu- tional government in England. 1883. 323.16.— Stone, A. P. A history of England. (List of works for reference, pp. 226-233.) 1890. 942.1316. For British colonies, see also British North Amer- ica.— United States: Colonial period. — West Indies.— Bourne, H. R. F. Story of our colonies. 1888. 942.1292. — Froude, J. A. Oceana; or, England and her colonies. 1888. 910.623.— liUcas, C. P. Hist, geography of the British colonies, v. i. 1888. 942. 1388. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, pp. 72-74, 97. No. 3, 1882, pp. 61-62, 83-84. No. 4, 1884, pp. 94-95, 120-121. No. 5, 1888, pp. 100-101, 187-189. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of State.) ** 350.5496'-''. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 408-15, in ■►* 50. 1 \—Same. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. pp. 141-3, in **5o.i='. England's great protector, Herbert, H: W: 823.5687 English at the north pole. Verne, J. 823.6880 Same. 823.7126 English Bodley family. Scudder, H. E. 808.1853 English family Robinson. Reid, Capt. T: M. 808.431 English orphans, The. Holmes, 3Irs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.793 English poetry, Stories from old. Richard- son, iJ/JK.?. A. (S.) 808.1690 English squire, An. Coleridge, C. R. in 823.5053 Ennery, Adolphe Philippe d'. See D'Ennery, A. P. Ennui. Edgeworth, M. 823.505 Same. p. 7, ^» ** 823.4652 Same. p. i, z« 823.7427 ENGLISH FICTION 79 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Entail, The. Gait, J: 823.4193 Entailed hat, The. Townsend, G: A. 823.4729 Entdeckungsreisen in derWohnstube. Wag- ner, H. 808.1879 Enthusiast in anatomy. 7 pp. Oxenford, J: p. 100, in 823.5478 Eoline. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. (W.) 823.754 Epic of kings: stories retold from Firdusi. Zimmern, H.., tr. 823.6143 Epics and romances of the middle ages. Wagner, Dr. W. * 823 . 6146 Epicurean. Moore, T: 187.2 Episode under the Terror, An. 24 pp. Bal- zac, H. de. p. 191. 2« 823.5211 Erckmann, i^mile, and Chatrian, Pierre Alex- andre. The blockade of Phalsburg: an episode of the empire. 823 . 6854 Brigadier Frederick. {Also) The dean's watch, {and) The invisible eye. 823.6103 Catherine's lovers. Tr. by J: Simms. ( With their Forest House. ) in 823 . 6103 Citizen Bonaparte. 1794-1815. The story of a peasant. 823 . 6862 Same. in 823.7253 Confessions of a clarionet player, and other tales. 823.6855 The conscript: a story of the French warofi8i3. 823.1850 The country in danger (1792); or, epi- sodes of the great French revolution. 823.6860 Same. z« 823.7252 The dean's watch. ( With their Briga- dier Frederick. ) in 823 . 6103 Forest House, and Catherine's lovers. Tr. by J: Simms. 823 . 4122 Friend Fritz: a tale of the banks of the Lauter. 823.1839 The illustrious Dr. Mathdus. 823.7316 The invasion of France in 1814: com- prising the night-march of the Russian army past Phalsburg. With memoir of the authors. 823.6863 The invisible eye. ( With their Briga- dier Frederick.) in 823 . 6103 Madame Th^rese; or, the volunteers of '92. 823.4302 Same. 823.6856 A man of the people: a tale of 1848. 2 vols. 823.7317-8 The plebiscite; or, a miller's story of the war. By one of the 7,500,000 who voted "Yes." 823.6857 Issued also as A miller's story of the war.— Story of the plebiscite. The Polish Jew. Tr. by C. A. Merighi. 49 pp. 823.5089 Same (the original work upon which the play of "The bells" is founded), and other tales. 823.6858 The states general (1789); or, the begm- ning of the great French revolution. 823.6859 Same, and The country in danger. 823.7252 Strange stories. {Contes fantastiques.) 823.4003 English Fiction. Contin. Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Pierre Alex- andre. Contin. Waterloo: a sequel to " The conscript of 1813." 823.5675 Year one of the republic. — 1793. — The story of a peasant. 823.6861 Same. {And) Citizen Bonaparte. 823 . 7253 Erema. Blackmore, R: D. in 823.2517 Same. 823.6345 Erewhon. Butler, S: * 823.1856 Erie canal. Abbott, J. Marco Paul on the Erie canal. 808.720 Erin go bragh ! Denison, Mrs. M.. (A.) 823.378 Erlach Court. Kirschner, L. 823.6578 Erling the bold. Ballantyne, R. M. 808. 1273 Ernest Lin wood. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. (W.) 823.755 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bul- 823.1027 823.5976 ** 823.6757-8 Hillern, Mrs. W. (B.) 823.4017-18 823.1273 823.535 Ernest Maltravers. wer- Same. Same. 2 vols. Ernestine. 2 vols. von. Ersilia. Poynter, E. F. Erskine, Mrs. T: Wyncote. Escaped from Siberia. Tissot, V., and Amdro, C. 823.6332 Escrich, Enrique Perez. The martyr of Gol- gotha: a picture of oriental tradition. Tr. by A. J. Godoy. 2 vols. 823.7152-3 Eskimos. See also Arctic regions, p. 9. Ballantyne, R. M. Fast in the ice. {In Az.y Tales of adventure . . .) «« 808.1266 Red Rooney . 823 . 662 1 Ungava. 808.264 Heam, L. The bird wife: an Esqui- maux tradition. 8 pp. {In his Stray leaves . . . ) p. 41, «■« 823.4791 Rink, H. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo. 1875. 299.16 Note.— See Blerzy, H. Un hivernage chez les Esquimaux. 27 pp. (Rev, d. d. Mondes, 1865, 2e p6r. V. 57.) p. 90, m **54..262. — Brown, R. Races of mankind. 4 vols, (in 2). *3io.i-2. — Hall, Ca^/, C: F. I/ife with the Esquimaux. 2 vols. 1864. 9191.11-12.— Wells, R., and Kelly, J: W. English- Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies. Pre- ceded by ethnographical memoranda concerning the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia. By. J: W. Kelly. (U. S. Bureau of Education. Circular, etc. No. 2. 1884.) 3701.28. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 424-5, tn •* 50.1; — Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 146, in **5o.i*. See also Table d^cennale du " Tour du monde." 1860-1870. •*9i3.i38»;— 5a»J«, for 1871-S0. **9I3.138^ See also Reports of Arctic voyagers, — Parry, Lyons, Franklin, Collinson, M'Clure, Kane, Hall, Hayes, Nares, and others. Ethel Mildmay's follies. King, K.. 823.5090 Ethelyn's mistake. Holmes, Mrs. M.. J.. (H.) 823.794 Ethne. Field, Mrs. E. M., ed. 823.6400 Etlar, Carit, pseud. See Brosboll, K: Etna Vandemir. Hancock, S. J. 823 . 1877 Ettrick shepherd, The, pseud. Eugene Aram. Lytton, E: G: Same. Eugdnie Grandet. Same. Balzac, H. See Hogg, J. E. L. Bulwer- 823 . 1028 823.6218 823.3438 823.4969 ENGLISH FICTION 80 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlish Fiction. Contin. Eunice Lathrop, spinster. Noble, A. L. 823.7440 Europe. See also Crusades. — Reformation. Also names of particular countries, as France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc. Adams, W: T. Isles of the sea; or. Young America homeward bound. 808.494 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Europe. 808 . 1820 Zigzag journeys in northern lands: the Rhine to the Arctic. 808.1814 Zigzag journeys in the Orient: the Adriatic to the Baltic. 808.1818 Cox, Sir G: W:, a«a? Jones, E. H. Pop- ular romances of the middle ages. 940.54 Edgar, J: G: History for boys; or, an- nals of nations of modern Europe. 808 . 800 Forney, J: W. The new nobility: a story of Europe and America. 823 . 6089 Gould, S. Baring- Curious myths of the middle ages. 940.35 Hale, E: E., and Hale, S. A family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. 808.1831 Saxon, Mrs. E. L., ed. Belt and spur: stories of the middle ages from the old chronicles. 808.1610 Scudder, H. E. Mr. Bodley abroad. 808.1851 Waddington, S:, camp. The sonnets of Europe. 1887. 821.1274 Wagner, Dr. W. Epics and romances of the middle ages. 823.6146 — — Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Sights and insights. 2 vols. 823.1699-1700 Note.— See Alison, A.. History of i^urope. (1789- 1815.) 12 vols. * 940.36-47;— 5a»2ff. 1815-1852. 8 vols, and index. 9 vols. * 940. 182-90. — Draper, J: W: History of the intellectual development of Europe. 2 vols. 309.4-5.— Dyer, T: H: History of modern Europe. (1453-1857.) 4 vols. 940.9-12.— Emerton, Prof. E- Introduction to the study of the middle ages. (375-814.) 940.173. — Freeman, E: A. Four Oxford lectures, 1887. Fifty years of Eu- ropean history. Teutonic conquest in Gaul and Britain. 1888. 940.167;— The historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. Text and plates. 1882. 940. 129-30; — History of Europe. (Hist, primers.) 1881. 94023. — Geikle, J. Pre-historic Europe. 1881. Si. 6. —Gibbon, E: Decline and fall of the Roman em- pire. 6 vols. 937.8-13,— Sa»«^. 7 vols. 937.63-9. — Uallam, H: View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 940.1; — Same. 3 vols. 940.2-4. — Holmes, O.W. Our hundred days in Europe. 1888. 914.410. — Lice.A. E. European days and ways. 1890. 914.466.— Iillly,W: S: Chapters in European hist. 2 vols. 1886. 940. 193-4.— liord, J. Character and so- ciety of the middle ages. (In Froissart, J. Chroni- cles?) 940.15. — Murdock, H. Reconstruction of Europe. Sketch of the diplomatic and military history of continental Europe; from the rise to the fall of the second French empire. 1889. (Biblio- graphical note, pp. 403-405.) 940.170.— Myers, P. V. N. Outlines of raedizEval and modern history. 188S. 940.169. — Praet, J. van. Essays on the polit- ical history of the i5th-i7th centuries. 1868. 940. 138.— Russell, W: History of modern Europe. With continuation ... to the present time by W: Jones. 3 vols. 18.56. 940.18-20.— Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th and 19th centuries, etc. 8 vols. * 940. 151-8. — Ungewitter, P. H. Europe: its past and presentcondition. 1856. 940.168. — Weir, A. HLst. bases of modern Europe. (1760-1815.) 940.197. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 78. No. 4, 1884, p. 98. No. 3, 1882, pp. 66-67. No. 5, 1888, p. 136. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 429-31, in *" 50.1;— Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 148, /«♦* 50.1*. English Fiction. Contin. European slave life. 3 vols, (in i). Hack- lander, F. W. ** 823.6638 Europeans, The. James, H:,yn 823.884 Eustace diamonds. Trollope, A. 823 . 1608 Eustache de St. Pierre. 8 pp. Herbert, H: W: p. 107, in 823.4253 Eutaw. Simms, W: G. 823.1430 Eva St. Clair. James, G: P. R. 823.5892 Evan Harrington. Meredith, G: 823.1154 Evang^liste, L'. Daudet, A. 823.5566 Evans, Augusta J., ^'^f? Wilson, Mrs. A. J.. (E.) Eve. Gould, S. Baring- 823.5403 Eve Effingham. Cooper, J. F. ** 823.6259 Evelina. 2 vols, (in i). Arblay, Mme. F.. (B.)d'. 823.1911 Same. 2 vols. ** 823.2099-2100 Evelyn's folly. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) 823.5126 Evenings at Haddon Hall: a series of roman- tic tales of the olden time. 823.2151 Evenings at home. Aikin, J:, and Barbauld, Mrs. A.. L. (A.) Every-day business. Emery, M. S. 808.1664 808.1586 823.171 823.5647 823.6411 Evil eye, The. Carleton, W: Evil genius, The. Collins, W: W. Evil that men do. Fawcett, E. Evil that women do. Racowitza, H. von. 823.7025 Ewald, Herman F: The treasure of Kjoer- sholm. 12 pp. — Olufsborg. 14 pp. (Vic- ary, J: F., comp. A stork's nest.) in 823.5415 Ewmg, Gen. Hugh Boyle. A castle in the air. 823.5497 Ewing, i^r.y. Juliana Horatia(Gatty). Agi-eat emergency, and other tales. 823.536 Jackanapes, and other stories. in 823.5090 Six to sixteen: a story for girls. 823-537 Executor, The. Hector, Mrs. A. (F.) 823.4621 Same. 823 . 4977 Exemplary novels of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Tr. by W. K. Kelly. 823.6898 Exeter Hall. McDonnell, W: 823.6158 Exile of von Adelstein's soul. 78 pp. Under- wood, F. H: 823.4174 Exiles, The. 46 pp. Balzac, H. de. p. 229, z« 823.7335 Exile s romance. An. Keyser, A. 823 . 7391 Expatriation. By the author of "Aristoc- racy." 823.7238 Expedition of Humphry Clinker. 2 vols. Smollett, T. G: ** 823.2091-2 Experiences of Richard Taylor, Esq. John- stone, Mrs. C. L * 823.6194 Experiment in marriage. Bellamy, C: J. 823.7167 Expiated. Prior, H. L- 823.5870 Expiation. French, A. 823.6950 Faber, Christian. Fickle fortune: a story of Place la Greve. 823 . 538 Fabiola. Wiseman^ N: P. S. 823.4615 ENGLISH FICTION 81 ENGUSH FICTION Cngrlish Fiction. Contin. Fables. ^sop. A child's version of (his) fables ; with a supplement containing fables from La Fontaine and Krilof. (Ed. by) T. H. Stickney. 808 . 1470 Fables. Ed. by E: Garrett. 829.322 Fables, English and Ilindoostanee. * 894.3 Three hundred .^sop's fables. 829.379 Babrius. Mythiambics (Greek). 884.9 Bidpai, or Pilpay. Fables. Ed. by J. Jacobs. ** 899 . 29 — ^ Bleek, W. H. I. Reynard the fox in south Africa; or, Hottentot fables and tales. * 899.15 Bulfinch, T: Poetry of the age of fable. 821.53 Dryden, J: Fables. {Poetical works.) pp. 211-262, in 821.125 Dubois, J. A., abbt. Hindu fables. 6 pp. (/« his Description ... of India.) p. 502, /«*954.ii4 Eggleston, E: Modern fables. (/» his Queer stories . . .) «« 808.1418 Gay, J: Fables, with memoir. By A. Dobson. 821.907 Hood, T: The fox and the hen (poem). 4 pp. ( Works, V. 2.) p. 263, in 828.52 The kangaroos (poem). 3 pp. ( Works, V. 2.) p. 193, in 828.52 Iriarte, T. de. Fdbulas literarias. (Span- ish.) 861.3 Jeflferies, R: Wood magic. 808.1595 La Fontaine, J. de. Fables (in French). 841.48 Same. {Coll. des classiquesfrangais.) p. 279, in 840.24 Lytton, E: R. Bulwer- Fables in song. 821.263 Phaedrus. Fables, ( With Terrence. Comedies.) p. 365, in 872.5 Saxe, J; G. Fables and legends of many countries (poems). 821.351 Tolstoi, Count L. N. Fables para- phrased from the Indian, and imitations. 33 pp. {In his The long exile, etc.) p. 211, in 808.1348 Wesselhoeft, Mrs. E.. F. (P.) The winds, the woods, and the wanderer: a fable for children . 808 . 1 692 Fabre, Ferdinand. The abb6 Tigrane, can- didate for the papal chair. Tr. by Rev. L. W. Bacon. 823.4136 Face illumined. Roe, E: P. 823.1356 Facing death. Henty, G: A. 808.1482 Facino Cane. 22 pp. Balzac, H. de. p. 151, z« 823.5428 Fainalls of Tipton. Johnson, V. W. 823.4784 Fair barbarian, A. Burnett, Mrs. F. . E. (H. ) 823.4151 Fair but false. Brame, Mrs. C. M, Fair emigrant, A. Mulholland, R. Fair god. Wallace, L. Fair Harvard. Washljuru, W: T. Fair maid, A. Robinson, F: W: (L.) 823.5099 823.7059 823.1668 823.7115 823.7063 Eng-lish Fiction. Contin. Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W. 823. 1397 Same. in 823.5155; ** 823.6033 Fair mystery, A. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) in 823.5042 Fair play. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823 . i486 Fair prospect, The. 12 pp. (Bushby, 31rs. — , tr. The Danes . . . , v. 3. ) p. I, in 823.6446 Fair Puritan, The. Herbert, H: W: ^ . ^ 823.764 Fair Saxon. McCarthy, J. 823 . 1053 Fair women. Bridges, Mrs. Col. — 823.3157 Same. in 823.4990 Faire gospeller, Passages in the life of the. Rathbone, Mrs. M.. A. (M.) 823.4079 Fairer than a fairy. Grant, J, 823 . 626 Fairfax, Lina Redwood. Misfortunes of bro' Thomas Wheatley. 25 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 6.) p. 68, in 823.4707 Fairfax. Cooke, J: E. 823.5509 Fairleigh, Frank, pseud. See Smedley, F. E: Fairleigh Hall. Crake, A. D. 823.7098 Fairy book. Mac^, J. 808.406 Fairy gold. Kirk, Mrs. E. W. (O.) 823.5900 Fairy guardians. Willoughby, F. 808.1693 Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. Croker, T: C. * 299.21 Fairy tales. Abbott, J. Minigo; or, the fairy of Cairn- stone Abbey. {In his Harper's story books, V. II.) in 808.590 Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy legends and tales. 808.771 Fairytales. (Complete ed.) 808.1928 The goloshes of fortune, and other stories. 808.600 The old church bell, and other sto- 808.605 808.1729 808.1730 808.377 808.1323 Popular tales for children. — The sand-hills of Jutland. Stories and tales. Stories for the household. Arabian nights' entertainments. 808.398 Aulnoy, M. C. (J. de B.), comtesse d'. Fairy tales. 808.1927 Austin, Mrs. J.. (G.) Moonfolk: a true account of the home of the fairy tales. 808.396 Baumbach, R. Summer legends. 808.1660 Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales, their origin and meaning. 823.4509 Child's own book, and treasury of fairy stories. 808.1028 Cooley, Mrs. A. (K.) Ho ! for Elf-land. 808.1027 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Is it true? 808.114 Croker, T. C. Fairy legends and tradi- tions of the south of Ireland. * 299.21 Dodgson, C: L. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. 808.688 Sylvieand Bruno. 808.1553 Through the looking-glass and what Alice found Uiere. 808 . 687 ENGIvISH FICTION 82 ENGIvISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Fairy tales. Contin. Drake, J. R. The culprit fay. (Bryant, W: C. Griffis, W: E. Grimm, J. I/. household stories. German popular stories. trod, by J: Ruskm. Illus. by 6 pp. New lib. of poetry, v. 2.) p. 769, z» * 821.44 Japanese fairy world. 808.1026 , and W. K: German 808.793 With in- G: Cruik- shank. 808 . 1592 German popular stories and fairy tales. 808.1107 German popular tales. 808.411 Same. 808.1322 Household stories. 808.1315 Guiney, L. I. Brownies and bogles. 808.1599 Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and enchanted. 808 . 1493 Hahn, J. G. v. Griechische und alban- esische Marchen. 833 . 1050 Halliwell-Philipps, J. O. Illustrations of the fairy mythology of Midsummer night's dream. {Shakes. Soc.) ** 822.171 Harrison, Mrs. C. (C.) Bric-a-brac sto- ries. 808.1685 Old-fashioned fairy book. 808.1365 HauflF, W. I/ongnose the dwarf, etc. 808.1237 Hays, Mrs. H.. Adventures of Prince I/azybones, and other stories. 808.1355 Hazlitt, W. C. Fairy tales, legends and romances, illustrating Shakespeare and other English writers. * 822.309 Hebbel, F. Der Rubin: ein Marchen. 16 pp. (Sdmmt. Werke, v. 9.) p. 189, in 839.69 Hood, T: The plea of the midsummer fairies. 38 pp. — The two swans. 10 pp. (poems.) {Works, \.$.) pp. 213, 5, in 828.55 Household tales and fairy stories. 808.1340 Hugessen, E. H. KnatchbuU- Hig- gledy-piggledy. 808.810 Moonshine. Fairy stories. 808.885 Puss-cat Mew, and other stories for my children. 808 . 1679 Queer folk. 808 . 1049 Tales at tea-time. 808.886 Whispers from fairy-land. 808 . 763 Johnson, V. W. The Catskill fairies. 808.636 Keary, E. Magic Valley; or, patient Antoine. 808.1544 Kingsley, C: The heroes; or, Greek fairytales. 808.550 Same. , 808.1006 Laboulaye, E. R. L/. Fairy tales of all nations. 808 . 672 I^ast fairy tales. 808.1312 I^ang, A., ed. The blue fairy book. 808.1687 The red fairy book. 808. 1688 MacDonald, G: The princess and the goblin. 808.1677 Mac^, J. Home fairy tales. 808.406 [Eng^lislL Fiction. Contin. Fairy tales. Contin. Mathews, C, tr. Indian fairy book. 808.1330 Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little Boy, and other tales out of Fairy -land. 808. 1350 Pabke, M., a«fi? Pitman, Mrs. M.J. (D.) Wonder-world stories from the Chinese, French, German . . . 808.393 Paton, Sir]. N. Princess of Silverland, and other tales. 808. 1329 Rink, Dr. H: Tales and traditions of the Eskimo . 299 . 1 6 Sa-nioxA, Mrs. M. M. (R.) Visit to El- fay-gno-land . 808 . 768 Scudder, H. E. Dream children. 808.1560 Seven little people and their friends. 808.1559 Segur, S. (R.), comtesse de. Fairy tales. 808.1326 Smith, J. M. Tales of old Thule. 808.753 Stockton, F. R: The bee-man of Orn, and other fanciful tales. 808 . 1349 The floating prince, and other fairy tales. 808 . 1345 Same. Ting-a-ling. Same. Valentine, Mrs. — ., by many story-tellers. Wilde, O. O'F. F. prince, and other tales. Willoughby, F. ed. W. 808.1902 808.1137 808.1410 Eastern tales 808.389 The happy 808.1643 Fairy guardians. 808.1693 Wright, H. C. The princess Liliwin- kins, and other stories. 808.1558 See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 439, in ** 50.1;— Same. Jan. i, 1882- Jan. i, 1887. p. 151, in** 50.1^. Fairy tales of all nations. L,aboulaye, E. R. L. 808.672 Faith and unfaith. Hungerford, Mrs. M. 823.3989 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) 823.1693 Faithful Margaret. Ashmore, A. 823.42 Faithfull, Emily. A reed shaken with the wind: a love story. 823.539 Falcon family. The. Savage, M. W. * 823.6144 Falconberg. Boyesen, H. H. 823.4217 Falkland. Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- 823 . 1029 Same. p. 145, in 823.5863 Same. p. 149, in 823.5975 Fall of Asgard, The. Corbett, J. 823.5648 Fall of Damascus. Russell, C: W. 823.1375 Fall of England ? Chesney, C: C. 823.4015 Fallen idol, A. Guthrie, F: A. 823.5676 Fallen pride. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1487 False Christ, The. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) p. 65, in 823.5577 False or true. 19 pp. Opie, Mrs. A. (A. ) P- 375> in 823.6136 Falsely accused: a criminal trial in Niimberg. 1790. (/« Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser., V. 3.) z» 823.7487 ENGLISH FICTION 83 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Fame and sorrow, etc. Balzac, H. de. 823.7177 Family affair, A. Fargus, F:J: 823.4912 Same. 823 . 5069 Family doom, The. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) 823.1488 Family feud, A. Harder, L. 823 . 6802 Family flight around home. Hale, E: E., a«afHale, S. 808.1832 Family flight over Egypt and Syria. Hale, E: E., and Hale, S. 808. 1829 Family flight through France, Germany, Nor- way and Switzerland. Hale, E: E., and Hale, S. 808.1831 Family flight through Mexico. Hale, E: E., a« F. History of Nor- mandy and of England. (741-1101.) 4 vols. 942. 489-92. — Scliixildt, E. A. Geschichte von Frank- rexch. (v. i: 481-1328.) 944.773. CAPETIAN DYNASTY, A. D. 987-1328. Crusades, 1096-1291. See Crusades, p. 48. I2TH CENTURY. Gobineau, J. A., comte de. Typhaines 823.7044 In his name: a story of the 823.4037 Newton, W. W: Priest and man; or, Abelard and Heloisa. 823 . 6527 Phiwp Augustus, A. D. 1 180-1223. James, G: P. R. Philip Augustus; or, the brothers in arms. 2 vols, (in i). 823.874 Ponsard, F. Agnes de M^ranie; trag. {Sem. litttraire, t. 16.) p. 33, in 843.316 Phii,ip the Fair, A. D. 1285-1340. Conscience, H. The lion of Flanders. 823.6540 — — Flagg, E. De Molai: the last of the military grand masters of the order of Templar Knights. 823 . 7043 Note. — See Gaizot, F. P. G. History of civiliza- tion. 3 vols. 1852. 313.36-9.— Hallam, H: Eu- rope during the middle ages. 3 vols. 1872. 940. 2-4. — Massun, G. The story of mediaeval France. {987-1514.) 1889. 944.749. — MicUelet, J. Historyof France. (B. C. 1200-A. D. 1483.) 2 vols. 944.28-9. HOUSE OF VALOIS, A. D. 1327-1589. Phii,ip VI., A. D. 1328-1350. Herbert, H: W. Eustache de St. Pierre; or, the surrender of Calais. 1347. 8 pp. (/« his Chevaliers of France.) p. 107, /« 823.4253 Planch6, J. R. William with the ring. (Siege of Calais; poem.) 821.807 St. George for England: a tale of Cressy and Poitiers. 808 . 1479 John the Good, A. D. 1350-1364. Dulac, G: Before the dawn: a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. 823 . 5402 James, G: P. R. The Jacquerie. 2 vols. (in i). (Peasant's revolt, 1358.) 823.866 St. George for England: a tale of Cressy and Poitiers. 808 . 1479 Chari,es v., A. D. 1364-1380. Bertrand dti Gueslin. Milnes, R: M. {In his Poetical works.) p. 259, in 821 . 187 CharIvES VI., A. D. 1380-1422. Dumas, A. D. Isabel of Bavaria, 823.3161 ENGLISH FICTION 89 ENGLISH FICTION Englisli Fiction. Conlin. France. Contin. HOUSE OF VALOIS, A. D. 1327-1589. Con- tin. CharIvES VII., A. D, 1422-1461. James, G: P. R. Agnes Sorel (died 1450). 823.5058 Same. 823.5059 Joan of Arc. Charles, i?/r5. E.. (R.) Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. 823 . 209 Herbert, H: W: Fortunes of the maid of Arc. (1428.) (/« his Chevaliers of France.) p. 115. in 823.4253 Robinson, J.. Maid of Orleans. 823.2025 Schiller, J. C. F. von. Maid of Orleans; drama. 832.36 Shakespeare, W: Henry VI. in ** 822 . 1026 Note.—'Por other editions, see under Shake- speare, in Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 207. No. 4, 1884, p. 265. No. 3, 1882, p. 173. No. 5, 1888, pp. 317-18. Southey, R. Joan of Arc (poem). {Poetical works. ) /« 82 1 . 1 1 65 Louis XI., A. D. 1461-1483. Hugo, V. M., vicomte. Notre-Dame; or, the bell-ringer of Paris. (Old Paris, 1482, etc.) 823.5611 ^ Notre-Dame de Paris. (Another tr. of Notre-Dame. ) 823 . 629 1 Same. 823.6420; 823.7146 Phipps, E. King Rent's daughter; drama. in 822.696 Reade, C: Cloister and the hearth. 823.1286 Charles the Bold of Burgundy, 1433-1477. James, G: P. R. Mary of Burgundy; or, the revolt of Ghent. 823.870 Scott, Sir W. Anne of Geierstein. (Bat- tle of Nancy, 1474-7- ) 823 . 1392 Same. ** 823 . 6033 Quentin Durward. 823 . 1409 Same. ?'« 823.5157; in ** 823.6030 15TH CENTURY. Manners, etc. Smith, A. The armourer of Paris. 83 pp. ( With his Fortunes of the Scattergood family. ) p. 333, in 823 . 1449 Francis I., A. D. 1515-1547. Baillie, J. Basil. (Mantua, battle of Batavia) ; trag. 822 . 128 Dumas, A. D. Ascanio. 823.7161 Henry II., A. D. i547-i559- Yonge, C. M.. Chaplet of pearls; or, the white and black Ribaumont. 823.6004 Same. 823.6096 Duke of Guise. (Assassinated 1558.) James, G: P. R. One m a thousand. 823.873 Francis II. (married Mary, Queen of Scots), A. D. 1559-1560. See note on Scot- tish history. Chari^es IX., A. D. 1560-1574. Dryden, J., and Lee, N. The duke of Guise; trag. in 822.139 St. Bartholomew's Day, 1572. Du Bois-Melly, C: History of Nicolas Muss. 823.6570 Dumas, A. D. Marguerite de Valois. 823.5183 Same. 823.6513 Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. HOUSE OF VALOIS, A. D. 1327-1589. Con- tin. Chari.es IX., A. D. 1560-1574. Contin. St. Bartholomew' s Day, 1572. Contin. Herbert, H: W: Hamilton of Bothwel- haugh. 62 pp. (/« his Chevaliers of France.) p. 247, in 823.4253 Holt, E. S.. Sister Rose. 823.7232 James, G: P. R. Man at arms; or, Henri de Cerons. 823.869 Marlowe, C. Massacre at Paris; drama. ift 822.122 Henry III., A. D. 1574-1589. Ainsworth, W: H. Crichton. 823.16 Chapman, G: Bussy d'Ambois; trag. 822.886 Dumas, A. D. Chicot, the jester: sequel to ' ' Marguerite de Valois. ' ' 823 . 46 1 1 Same. 823.6514 La dame de Monsoreau. 3 vols, (in 2). 843.495-5^ Forty-five guardsmen: sequel to "Chi- cot, the jester." 823.5538 Same. 823.6515 James, G: P. R. Henry of Guise; or, the states of Blois. 823 . 863 Radcliffe, Mrs. A. (W.) Mysteries of Udolpho. 3 vols. ** 823.2106-8 i6th century. Manners, etc. Dumas, A. D. Countess de Charny. 823.3099 Same. 823.6521 The two Dianas. 823.7347 Dutheil, E- Castle of Roussillon. 823.6871 Frith, H. Under Bayard's banner. 808.1606 James, G: P. R. Corse deLeon; or, the brigand. 823.853 Leonora d'Orco. 823.7233 Kip, L. Under the bells. 823.951 Lawrence, G: A. Brakespeare. 823.956 Note. — See Baird, Prof. H: M. History of rise of the Huguenots. 1515-1574. 2 vols. 1883. 044.21-2. —Bray, Mrs. A. E. (K.) Joan of Arc andthetimes of Charles VII. 1873. 923.1988.— Comines, P. de. Memoirs of (Louis XI., Charles VIII., and Charles the Bold). 2 vols. 1823. 944.457-8.— Da vila, H. C. History of the civil wars of France. 2 vols. 1758. 944.188-9.— Freeman, E: A: Charles the Bold. (In nts Essays, ser. I.) p. 314, tn 904.16.— Froissart, Sir J: Chronicles. 2 vols. 1874. 944.13-4. — Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1875. 942.318.— Guizot, F. P. G. History of civili- zation. 3 vols. 1852. 313.46-g;— History of France. 6 vols. 1856. 944.4-9. — Uallam, H: Europe dur- ing the middle ages. 3 vols. 1S72. 940.2-4. — Jer- vis, Rev. W: H. The Gallician church: a historyof the church of France from the concordat of Bologna, A. D. 1516, to the revolution. 2 vols. 1872. 274. 62-3.— Iiamartine, A. M. L: de P. de. Jeanne d'Arc, with notes historical and philological and a vocabulary. 923.1952. — Maiiubourg:, L. History of the league, book 3. (Dryden, J: IVorks, v. 2.) p. 284, in 821.127A. — M^rim^e, I'. Chronique du regne de Charles IX. 1890. 944.692; — Same. Tr. by G: Saiutsbury. 944.784. — Monstrelct, E. de. chronicles. 2 vols. 1849. 944.112-3. — Fardoe, J. S. H. Court and reign of Francis I. (1521- 1546.) 3 vols. 1887. 923.1993-5. — Bobiuson, Afrs. M. W. (F.) Henry III., King of France and Poland: his court and times. 3 vols. 1S88. 923. 1971-3. — Schmidt, E. A. Geschichte von Frank- reich. (v. 2: 1328-1559.) 944.774. — Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc, "the maid." 1886. 923.1954.— Wlilto, ENGI/ISH PICTfON 90 ENGLISH FICTION !BnglisIi Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. HOUSE OF VALOIS, A. D. 1327-1589. Con- tin. Note. Contin. H: The massacre of St. Bartholomew. 1871. 944. 40.— Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XI. (1422- 1483.) 1876. 944.45.— Wraxall, N. W. History of France. (1574-1610.) 6 vols. 1814. 944.664-9. HOUSE OF BOURBON, A. D. 1589-1793. Henry IV., A. D. 1589-1610. Dryden, J., awfi^Lee, N. The Duke of Guise; trag. «» 822. 139 Elliot, F.. Romance of old court-life in France. 823.6050 James, G: P. R. Fate of the Due de Biron. {In his The desultory man, v. i.) p. 165, in 823.856 One in a thousand. 823.873 Rose d'Albret. 823.7234 Macaulay, T: B. Battle of Ivry; ballad. p. 379, z» 824.69 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Henriade: epic. {CEuvres, v. 10.) 841. 11 Note.— See Anquetil, L: P. Intrigue du cabinet, sous Henri IV., et IR. Private diary . . .during the campaign of 1S12-14. 2 vols. 923.1199-1200. IVaterloo, June 18, 1815. — Chesney, C: C. Water- loo lectures: a study of campaign of 1815. 1S69. 355 -TO. —Gardner, D. Quatre-Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. 1882. 944.419.— Glelg, G: R. Story of the battle of Waterloo. 1861. 355.514.— Siborne, Capt. W. History of the war in France and Bel- gium in 1815. With atlas. 1848. 2 vols. * 944. 729- 729!. £lba and the Hundred Days. — Campbell, Maj.- Gen. Sir N. Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba. 1869. 923. 1316.— Maitland, Rear Admiral Sir F: L. Narrative of the surrender of Buonaparte. 1826. 944.670. Captivity, 1815-21.— Forsyth, W: History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. 3 vols. 1853. 920.212-14. — O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile. 2 vols, (in I). 1S22. 923.433. RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS. Louis XVIIL, A. D. 1815-1824. Charles X., A. D. 1824-1830, Second revolution, 1830. Scribe, E. Ber- trand et Raton; drama. {Fr.) in 842.99 Louis Philippe, A. D. 1830-1848. Revolution of j8^8. Erckmann, ife., and Chatrian, P. A. A man of the people. 2 vols. 823.7317-18 Note. — See Alison, Sir A. Fall of the throne of the barricades. 41pp.; The French revolution of 1830. 42 pp. (/« Aw Essays polit., etc., V. 1.) pp.435, 253, in 824.448. — Browning, O. Modern France, 1814- 79. 1880. 944.150. — Guizot, F. P. G. Last days of the reign of Louis Philippe. 1867. 944.663; — Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. (1807-1840.) 4 vols. 944.738-41.- Heine, H. Franzosische Zus- tande. {Sdmmit. IVerke, Bde. 8-11.) 3 vols. 1862. 839.63-5.— liamartine, A. M. L. de P. de. History of the French revolution of 1848. 1870. 0^.50;— Same. 944.95; — History of the restoration of^monarchy in France. 4 vols. 1865. 044.56-9.— t.ouis XVIIL, A"/;/^ of France. CorresponaenceofPrince Talleyrand and King Louis XVIIL during the congress in Vienna. 1881. 944.171.— Turnbull.D. The French revolu- tion of 18^0. 944.771.— Williams, H. N. Narr. of events which have taken place in France; with ac- count of the present state of society and public opinion. (1815.) 944-757. Second republic, A. D. 1848. (Louis Na- poleon, President.) Edmond Dantes. (Causes of the revolution.) 823.6120 SECOND EMPIRE, A. D. 1852-1870. Napoleon III. Murray, E. C. G. Member for Paris : a tale of the second empire. 823.6098 Sheppard, E.. S. Rumor. 823.6043 Notf. — SeeHugo, V. M.. vicomte. Hist, d'un crime. 2 vols, (in i). 944.648; — Same. Another tr. 944.649. Society under Napoleon III. Feuillet, O. Camors. 823.7160 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- The Pa-. risians. 2 vols. 823.1041-2 Franco-German war, 1870-1871. Buchanan, R. Songs of the terrible year, (1870.) {Works, v. 2.) p. 277, in 821.51 ENGLISH FICTION 94 ENGLISH FICTION Unglish Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. SECOND EMPIRE, A. D. 1852-1870. Contin. NapoI/EOn III. Contin. Franco-German war, 1870-1871. Contin. Collins, W: W. The new Magdalen. 823.262 Daudet, A. Robert Helmont: diary of a recluse. i87o-,i87i. 823.6331 Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, P. A. Brigadier Frederick. 823.6103 The plebiscite. 823.6857 Gaboriau, E. Other people's money. 823.3014 Same. 823.5057 • Grant, J. Paquette. 27 pp. ( With his The queen's cadet.) p. 206, in 823.646 Six years ago. 823 . 655 Kingsley, H: Valentin: a French boy's story of Sedan. 823.946 Lucas, A. Leonie; or, light out of darkness. 823 . 1020 Macquoid, Mrs. K.. S. Mere Suzanne. 823.7133 Smith, H. Max Kromer: a story of the siege of Strasburg, 1870. 823 . 1461 The commune. Hugo, V. M., vicomte. L'an- nee terrible; poem. Siege of Paris. Champney, Mrs. E.. (W.) sar girls in France. Du Boisgobey, F. 840.54 Three Vas- 808.1826 The red band. 2 pts. in 823.5130 King, E: Kentucky's love. 823.948 Lucas, A. Within iron walls. ( With her 'L,€ome^.) p. 190, in 823.1020 — - Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- The Pa- risians. 2 vols. 823.1041-2 Peard, F.. M.. Mademoiselle. 823.7470 NATIONAI, and SOCIAlv CHARACTER, etc. Balzac, H. de. Bureaucracy; or, a civil service reformer. 823 . 5460 Craven, Mme. P. (de la F.) Anne S^v- erin. 823 . 6842 Curwen, H.,/r. French love songs, and other poems. 821.683 Hugo, V. M., vicomte. Les mis^rables. 823.6289 Same. 823.6990 Same. 5 vols. 823.6414-18 James, G: P. R. Domestic life in France. 3 pp. (/« A/j The desultory man, V. 2.) p. 30, in 823.856 Sikes, Mrs. O. (L.) Chateau Frissac; or, home scenes in France. 823 .6116 Weyman, S. J. The house of the wolf. (i6th and 17th centuries.) 823.7299 See also novels by E. F. V. About, H. de Balzac, Mme. A. L. A. (D.) Dudevant. [C- Sand.] Middle and low life. See Novels by A. Belot; E. Gaboriau. Military life. Balzac, H. de. A passion in the desert. 20 pp. ( With his The Duchesse de Lan- geais.) (French in Egypt.) p. 275, in 823.5211 ; Gaboriau, E- Military sketches. {With his A thousand francs reward.) tn 823.6699 Engflish Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. SECOND EMPIRE, A. D. 1852-1870. Contin. Nationai, and sociaIv character, etc. Contin. Life in Paris. Daudet, A. L'^vang^Uste. 823.5566 The immortal; or, one of the " forty." 823.7012 The nabob, 823.3189 Same. 823.6884 Sappho: Parisian manners. * 823.5423 Diane Cory val. (Anon.) 823.4673 Droz, A. G. Around a spring. 823.4042 Hooper, Mrs. L. H. ( J.) Under the tri- color; or, the American colony in Paris. 823.1923 Hugo, V. M., vicomte. Les misdrables. 823.6990 Same. 823.6289 Same. 5 vols. 823.6414-18 Irving, W. Sketches in Paris in 1825. 23 PP- ( With his Wolfert's Roost . . . ) p. 215, i« 823. 1808 Kimball, R: B. Romance of student life abroad. , 823.5734 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Paris in America. (Social and political criticisms.) 823 . 6870 Ohnet, G. A last love. 823.7180 Ruffini, G. D. Paragreens on a visit to the Paris Universal Exhibition. 823. 1374 Smith, A. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. 823.1451 See also Novels by H. de Balzac. Provincial life. Balzac, H. de. Cdsar Birotteau. 823.5209 The country doctor. 823.5149 Same. 823.5570 Eugdnie Grandet. 823.3438 Same. 823.4969 Illustrious Gaudissart. 57 pp. {With his The Duchesse deLangeais.) p. 217, in 823.5211 Sons of the soil. 823.6942 The two brothers. 823.5213 Chateau Morville; or, life in Tour- aine. 823.6877 Daudet, A. Stories of Provence. 823.4958 Dempster, Mrs. C. L.. an idyll of Provence. Same. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. chon the cricket. Monsieur Antoine. — - Field, M. The secret Croix. Jenkin, Mrs. C: (H.) Ninette: 823.7080 823 . 7291 (D.) Fan- 823.6847 823.6296 of Fontaine-la- 823.7079 A Psyche of to-day. 823.4240 — Lamartine, A. M. L: de P. de. My mother's manuscript . . . 823 . 6874 Stone-mason of Saint Point. 823.6293 — Pouvillon, E. C^sette. 823.4484 — Ritchie, Mrs. A. I.. (T.) Village on the cliff. 823 . 1570 ENGLISH FICTION 95 ENGLISH FICTION Cnglisli Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. SECOND EMPIRE, A. D. 1852-1870. Contin. Nationai, and sociai, character, etc. Contin. Provincial life. Contin. Sikes, Mrs. O. (L.) Chateau Frissac. 823.6116 Souvestre, E. Brittany and La Vendde. 823.6878 Teufel, Mrs. B. W. (H.) Guenn, awave on the Breton coast. 823 . 4672 Note. — See: Napoleon ///.— Bagehot, W. Letters on the French coup d'etat ot 1851. {Works, v. 2.) 1889. p. 371, in 814.23. — Browning, O. Modern France, 1814-79. 944.150. — Dernier des Napoleon. 1872. (Attributed to MM. de Beust, de Hubner, de K^ratry, and Lacroix.) 944.772.— Falloux, F. A. P. de. Memoirs. (Royahst.) 2 vols. 1888. 923. 1924-5. — Hugo, V. M., vicomte. History of a crime. 944.425;— Things seen. (1838-1875.) 1887. 944.624.— Jerrold, W. B. Life of Napoleon III. 4 vols. 1874- 1882. 923.1983-6. — liacrolx, v. Histoire politique . . . de Napoleon III. 4 vols. 1853. ** 923. 2038-41. — liecomte, F. Relation historique et critique de la guerre franco-allemand. 1870-71. 4 tomes. 1872-74. 944.688-gi.— Liefevre, E. Documents of- ficiels . . . Histoire de 1' intervention frangaise au Mexique. 2 vols. 1869. 944.686-7.— Maupas, C. E.de. Story of the coup d'etat. 2 vols. 1884. 944.765-6.— Napier, Sir C: J: History of the Baltic campaign of 1854. 1857. 947.50. — 'Sw^oXkon. WX,, Emperor of the French. Works. 2 vols. 1852. 923.446-7. — Wraxall, Sir F. C. L. Second empire as exhibited in French literature. 1852-1863. 2 vols. 1865. 944. 785-6. Crimean war, 1854-1856.— Chambers, W., anrfR., pubs. Pictorial history of the Russian war, 1854-56. 1856. 947.49. — Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. 6 vols. 1S63-88. 947.-I-3, 3'-3^.— Napier, C. History of the Baltic campaig^n in 1854. 1857. 947.50. — Bassell, W : H. General Todleben's History of the defence of Sebastopol, 1854-5: a review. 1865. 947.29. Franco-German war, 1870-71. — Borbstaedt, A., and Dwyer, F. The Franco-German war to the catastrophe of Sedan and the fall of Strass- burg. Maps and plans. 1873. 944.762. — Busch, J. H. M. Bismarck in the Franco-German war. 1870-71. 2 vols, (in 1). 1884. 923.1979.— Clarke, F. C. H. Franco-German war, 1870-71. (With maps.) 2 vols. 1874-80. Text: ** 944.160-2, 165 ''j Maps: ** 944.163-4.— Daudet, A. Recollections of a literary man. 819.16. — Deutsch-franzosische Krieg, 1870-71. Redigirtvon der Kriegs-geschicht- lichen Abth. des grossen Generalstabes. 5 vols. 1872-7. Text: ** 944.619-21; Maps: ** 944. 622-3. — Glaastone, W: E. Germany, France and England. 1870. (/« A « Gleanings, etc.) p. 19^, z"« 829.106. — Lang, H. Aus den Erinnerungen eines • Schlachten bummlers. 1870-71. 2 vols. 94_4.754-5. — Lecoiute, F. Relation historique et critique de la guerre franco-allemand en 1S70-71. 4 vols. 1872- 74. 944.668-Qi.— Mommsen, C. M. T., and others. Letters on the war between Germany and France. 1871. 943.128. — K^musat, P. de. Louis A. Thiers. 928 . 887.— Russell, W : H. My diary during the last great war. 1874. 940.32.— Wasliburne, E. B. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869-77. 2 vols. 944.625-6. Sedan, 1870. — Claretie, J. Le champ de bataille de Sedan. [1870.] 26 pp. {Kev. d. a. Mondes, v. 91, 2e p6r. 1871.) p. 48, tn * 54.296. — Fitz-Oeorge, G:W:A. Plan of the battle of Sedan. (1870.) 1871. 944.777. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 1175, in ** 50. j;— Same. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. p. 394, in *• 50.1==. Life and manners. — Blouet, P. Jacques Bon- homme. John Bull on the continent. From my letter-box. 944.645. — Carette, Mme. Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. 1889. 044.655;— Inner life of the court of the Tuileries. (2a pt.) 944 .655*. — Coignet, C. Francis the First and his times. 1889. 923. 1885. — Daudet, A. Recollections of a lit- erary man. p. 233, j« 819.16. — Gronow. Capt. R. H. Reminiscences and recollections. (1810-1860.) Englisli Fiction. Contin. France. Contin. SECOND EMPIRE, A. D. 1852-1870. Contin. Note. Contin. 2 vols. * 923. 2025-6. — Jackson, Lady C. C. The French court and society. Reign of Louis XVI. and first empire. 2 pts. (in 1). 944.426.— Jarves, J. J. Parisian sights and French principles seen through American spectacles. 914.275. — Kingsley, C: Three lectures on the ancien regime. 1867. 944.661.— Lacroix, P. The eighteenth century, its institutions, customs and costumes, 1700-1789. 1876. *944-93-— M^arshall, F. French home life. 1874. 944-756. — Taine, H. A. Ancient regime. 944.42. — Tocqueville, A. C: H. C. de. On the state of so- ciety in France before the revolution of 1789. 1856. 944.662.— Uzanne, O. The Frenchwoman of the century: fashions, — manners, — usages. (19th cent.) 1887. ** 394.18.— Vasill, Count P. Society in Paris. 1890 944.761. General histories. — Allonville, A. P., ctymte d'. M^moires secrets de 1770 k 1830. 6 vols. 1838- 45. 944.680-85. —Bibliography. — Brunet, J. C. Table methodique: hist, de France. 75 pp. (/« Azj Manual, v. 6.) p. 1251, /'«** 14.40. — Masson, G. Earlj^chroniclersof Europe: France. 944.460. — Bon- nemere, J. E. Histoire des paysans, depuis la fin du moyen age jusqu'^ nos jours, i20'--i85o. 2 vols. 1856. 944.693-5.— Crowe, E. E. History of France. (A. D. 400-1814.) 3vols. 944.139-41.— Guizot, F. P.G. History of France from the earliest ages to the year 1848. 6 vols. 1872-81. 944.4-9. — ^Kirkland, Miss E.. S. Short history of France for young people. (B. C. 600-A. D. 1870.) 1890. 944.651.— Kitchin, G. W. History of France down to the year 1453. 1877. 944.51.— Martin, H. Histoire de France. . .jus- qu'en 1789. 17 vols. 1864-78. * 942. 432-48. —Masson, G. Early chroniclers of Europe. France. (300- 1550.) 1879. 944.411.— Michelet, J. Histoire de France. 9th ed. 19 vols. 1876-7. 944.710-28. V. 1: 222 B. C- 800 A. D. 944.710 V. 2: 814A. D.-1180 " 944.711 V. 3: 1187 " -1304 " 944-712 V. 4: 1305 " -1364 " 944.713 V. 5: 1364 " -1409 " 944.714 V. 6: 1414 -1438 " 944-715 V. 7: 1439 " -1465 " 944-716 V. 8: 1465 -1483 " 944-717 V. 9:1483 -1515 (La renaissance.) 944.718 V. 10: 1508 " -1547 " (La r^forme.) 944.719 V. 11: 1547 " -1572 " 944-720 V. 12: 1548 " -1598 " 944-721 V. 13: 1598 " -1628 " 944.722 V. 14: 1629 " -1661 " 944.723 V. 15: 1661 " -1690 " 944.724 V. 16: 1689 " -1715 " 944-725 V. 17: 1715 " -1723 " 944-726 V. 18: 1724 '• -1757 " 944.727 V. 19: 1758 -1789 " 944-728 Petitot; C. B. and A., and Monmerqu^, L. J. N. Collection complete des m^moires relatifs 4 I'his- toire de France, jusqu' au commencement du dix- septiSme sificle. le ser. 1819-26. 52 vols. •♦944.277- 328; — Same. 2e ser. 1820-29. 78 vols. ** 944. 329- 4o6J^.— Ranken, A. History of France . . . from the time of Clovis. (486-1793.) 9 vols. 1801-1822. * 944. 6S-76.— Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on the his- tory of France. 2 vols. 1852. 944.609-10. — ^Thierry* J. N. A. Lettres sur I'histoire de France. 1868. 940-71. — Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Annales de I'em- pire depuis Charlemagne. {CEuvres computes, v. 25.) 1785. 944-85- See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1890, pp. 86, 87. No. 4, 1884, pp. 108, 109. No. 3, 1882, p. 74. No. 5, 1888, pp. 143, 144. See also Bowell, T. C. Contents-index, pp. 177- 181. {Lib. 0/ Univ. of Cal.) 1890. ** 19.134. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). pp. 472-82, in *• 50.1; — Same. Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. pp. 164-66, in •*5o.i*. See also Index to Consular reports. 1880-1885; 1886-1889. 2 vols. (U. S. Pub. Docs. Dept. of Slate.) ** 350.5496'-'. For a late work on the political affairs, etc., in France, J^* Hurlbert, W: H: France ana the re- public (in 1889). (Bibliography xxi, xxii.) 1890. 944-750. Frances. Collins, M., and Collins, Mrs. F.. (C.) 823.247 ENGLISH FICTION 96 ENGLISH FICTION ^n^lish Fiction. Contin. Francillon, Robert E: A dog without a tail. 38 pp. [In Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser. , V. 6.) in 823.7490 Grace Owen's engagement. {In Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser., v. 2. ) in 823 . 7486 Left-handed Elsa. {In Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser., v. 12.) in 823.7496 A story of Eulenberg. {In Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser., v. 8.) in 823.7492 Under Slieve-Ban: a yarn in seven knots. 823 . 1897 Zelda's fortune. 823.5871 , and Senior, W: The golden flood: a cloud in seven colors. 823.4953 Franco, Rev. J: Joseph, S. J. Tigranes: a tale of the days of Julian the Apostate. 823.6891 Frank Fairlegh. Smedley, F. E: 823.1444 Frank Forester's sporting scenes and charac- ters. 2 vols. Herbert, H: W: 823.5754-5 Frank Hilton. Grant, J. 823.627 Frank Mildmay. Waxry aS., Capt.^: 823.1097 Same. ** 823.6659 Frank Sinclair's wife. Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. (C.) 823.1325 Frank Warrington. Harris, Mrs. M. (C.) 823.703 Frankenstein. Shelley, Mrs. M.. W. (G.) 823.1421 Franklin, B:, 1706-1790. Abbott, J. Frank- lin the apprentice boy. {Harper's story books, V. 4.) in 808.583 Abbott, J: S. C. (Life of) B: Franklin. 808.797 Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. 14 pp. {In his Tales and sketches.) 1889. p. 189, in 824.414 Note.— For accounts of Franklin's life and char- acter, see Brlggs, C. F. {/n Homes of Amer. states- men.) 1854. p. 65, in 917,36.— Brougham, H., Baron. Franklin. 5 pp. {In his Hist, sketches of statesmen, v. 2.) p. 153, in 923.510. — Chasles, V. E. P. Franklin. 34 pp. {Rev. d. d. Mondes, 1841, 4e p6r., V. 26.) p. 669, in ** 54. 143.— Drake, S: A. Our great benefactors, p 339, z'«*92o.3i2. — Foster, J. Franklin's correspondence. {In Aw Crit. essays, v. 2.) i860, p. 411, in 824.117. — Grlswold, R. W. Prose writers of America. 1870. p. 57, 7« * 829.110. — Ho'we, H: Memoirs of the most eminent Amer. mechanics. 1858. p. 37, m 926.118. — Life of F. 20 pp. (Longacre & Herring. Nat. portr. gallery, v. 2.) p. I, in ** 923.1598.— Parker, T. (In his His- toric Americans.) 62pp. p. II, m923.ii09. — Sander- son, J: Signers of the Declaration, v. 2. p. 7, in ** 920.94.— Sumner, C. B: Franklin and J: Sliddell at Pans. 38 pp. {Works, v. 8.) p. i, in 329.63. — Tnckerman, H. T. B: Franklin, the American philosopher. 20 pp. {In his Essays.) p. 456, in 824.224. See also Toole's Index (to 1882). pp. 483-4, in ** 50.1; — Same, ist suppl. from Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 166, i«**5o.i''. See also Catalogues of this tdbrary. No. 2, 1880, p. 87. No. 3, 1882, p. 75. Franklin, the apprentice boy. Abbott, J. in 808.583 Franzos, Karl Emil. For the right, Tr. by J. Sutter. 823.6551 The Jews of Barnow. Tr. by M. W. MacDowall . 823 . 4474 Fraser, Mrs. — . The cousins. {In Stan- dard tales, etc., ed. by Mrs. C. I. Johnstone.) in * 823.6194 Same. (Tieck, L. The elves . . . ) 1864. p. 24, in 823.6328 English Fiction. Contin. Fraser, Jessie. \_Tasma.'\ In her earliest youth. 823.6357 A Sydney sovereign, and other tales. 823.7201 Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill: an Aus- tralian novel. 823.6370 Fraser-Tytler, C. C. See Liddell, Mrs. C. C. (F.-T.) Frau Wilhelmine. Stmde, J. 823.5222 Freaks on the fell. Ballantyne, R. M. 808.213 Frederic, Harold. Brother Sebastian's friend- ship. 20 pp. {In Stories by Amer. au- thors, V. 6.) p. 145, in 823.4707 The Lawton girl. 823 . 6996 Frederick I. 1657-1713. See also Germany, note. Topelius, Z. Times of Frederick I. (Surg, stories. 4th eye.) 823.4701 Frederick II., the Great, King of Prussia. 1712-86. Muudt, Mrs. C. (M.) Frederick the Great and his court. 823 . 6280 Frederick the Great and his family. 823.5887 Old Fritz and the new era. 823.6270 Note.— See Abbott, J: S. C. Frederick, the Great. 263 pp. {Harper's mag., V. 4:0, 1870: pp. 1,161,321, 490, 673, 834; V. 41, 1870: pp. 35, 200, 383, 518, 709, 869; V. 42, 1871: pp. 41, 201, 364, 557, 680, 874. 3 vols. ** 51 •435-37-— Brougham, H., Baron. {In his Hist, sketches of statesmen, v. 2.) p. 160, i« 923. 510. — Carlyle, T: History of Frederick II. {IVorks, vols. 9^14.) 6 vols. * 923.1845-50. — Dodge, T: A. Frederick. {In his Great captains.) 1889. p. 140, in 355.12. — Ferris, G. T. Great leaders, p. 357, 2« 920. 329. — Grimm, H. Voltaire and F. — F. and Macaulay. {In his I^iterature.) in 804.9.— Iiamb, Lady C. {In her Warrior kings . . . ) 35 pp. p J43, j» 923.1418. — Macaulay, T:B., Baron. Freder ick, the Great. 100 pp. {In his Essays . . . , v. 5) 5.— Ss - ■ — - . - - . 100 148, in 824.136.- ainte-Beuve, C: A. {In his . p. 248, in * 920.31 rltannica Index, p. 169, in Monday-chats.) 40 pp. p. 248^ m * 920.313. See also Encycl. B: " ** 32.27P See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 87. No. 4, 1884, p. 109. No. 3, 1882, p. 75. No. 5, 1888, p. 145. 5^£ato Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 485, j'n ** 50.1; —Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. p. 166, in ** 50.1=*. Frederick the Great and his court. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) 823.6280 Frederick the Great and his family. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) 823.5887 Free Joe and other Georgian sketches. Har- ris, J. C. 823.5255 Free Lances, The. Reid, Capt. T: M. 823.6335 Free prisoners. Bruner, J. . W. 823.4384 Free, yet forging their own chains. Roe, M. . A. 823.1368 Freedom triumphant. Coffin, C: C. 808.1862 Freeland, Mrs. Carrie J. [C. J. G.^ In palace and faubourg: a story of the French revolution. 823 . 6368 Freeman, Mrs. A. M. Somebody's Ned. 823.589 French, Alice. {Octave Thanet.'\ The bish- op's vagabond. 42 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 7.) p. 5, in 823.4708 Expiation. 823.6950 Knitters in the sun. 823 . 5377 French, C. Secret of the cliffs, in 823.5054 ENGLISH FICTION 97 ENGLISH FICTION £ngrlish Fiction. Contin. French, Harry Willard. Castle Foam; or, the heir of Meerschaum: a Russian story. 823.590 The only one. 823 . 7450 Our boys in India: the wanderings of two young Americans in Hindustan, with their adventures on the sacred rivers and wild mountains, etc. lUus. 808.1872 French wines and politics. Martineau, H. in ** 823.6709 Frere, M.. Old Deccan days; or, Hindoo fairy legends, current in southern India. With an introd. and notes by Sir H: B. E: Frere. 808 . 1035 Freres, The. Hector, Mrs. A. (F.) 823.4574 Same. 823.4976 Frescoes. La Ramde, L. de. 823.4730 Freshwater fisherman. Mitford, M.. R. in * 823.6194 Fresneau, Mme. A. Theresa at San Do- mingo: a tale of the negro insurrection of 1791. Tr. by E. G. Magrath. 823.6938 Freytag, Gustav. Debit and credit. Tr. by L. C. C. 823.6277 The German professor. (Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with for. novelists, v. 2.) in ** 823.6614 The lost manuscript. Tr. by Mrs. Mal- colm. 823.6389 Our forefathers. Tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. 2 vols. 823 . 6797-8 1. Ingo. 823.6797 2. Ingraban. 823.6798 Fridolin's mystical marriage. Wilbrandt, A. 823.4759 Bertha (Heyn). \Georg \Golo Raimund.'] From Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 823.4548 concern. 54 pp. Foote, p. 83, in 823.4705 Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, 823.1839 Friedrich, Mrs. Dannenberg.'\ hand to hand. Friend Barton's Mrs. M.. (H.) Friend Fritz. P. A. Friends: a duet. Ward, Mrs. E.. S. (P'.) 823.5244 Fnends of Bohemia. 2 vols. Whitty, E: M. 823.6155-6 Friends, though divided. Henty, G: A. 808.1575 Friendship. La Ram^e, L- de. 823.1820 Friis, Prof. J. A. Lajla: a tale of Finmark. Tr. by I. Markhus. 823.6964 Frith, H: The hunting of the " Hydra;" or, the phantom prahu. 808. 1495 Under Bayard's banner: a story of the days of chivalry. 808.1606 From canal boy to president. Alger, H., fr. 808.1054 From dawn to daylight. Beecher, Mrs. E. W. (B.) 823.7375 From farm house to the White House. Thayer, W: M. 808.1727 From flag to flag. Ripley, E. McH.- 823 . 5439 From gloom to sunlight. Brame, Mrs. C. M. (L.) in 823.5104 Same. 823.5133 From hand to hand. • Friedrich, Mrs. B. (H.) 823.4548 / Cngrlish Fiction. Contin. From jest to earnest. Roe, E: P. 823. 1357 From my youth up. Terhune, Mrs. M.. V. ^(H.) 823.1553 From Olympus to Hades. Bridges, Mrs. Col. in 823.3064 Sam.e. in 823.5034 From post to finish. Smart, H. in 823.5116 From powder monkey to admiral. Kingston, W:H:G. 808.1033 From the earth to the moon. Verne, J. 823.2541 Same. 823.5485; 823.6305 Frontier schoolmaster. Thomas, C. 823.1842 Frontier series. 6 vols. 808. 1653-6 General, The; or, twelve nights in the hunter's camp. By W: Barrows. 808.1653 Cabin on the prairie. By C: H. Pearson. 808.1654 Planting the wilderness; or, the pioneer boys. By J. D. McCabe, Jr. 808 . 1655 Young pioneers of the north-west. By C: H.Pear- son. 808.1656 Frost, J: Old Hickory: young folks' life of Gen. Andrew Jackson, seventh president of the United States. 808.1715 Froude, James Anthony. Nemesis of faith. 823.4260 The two chiefs of Dunboy; or, an Irish romance of the last century. 823.5512 Frozen deep, and other tales. Collins, W: W. 823.256 Frozen dragon, A. Holder, C: F: 808.1904 Frozen hearts. Appleton, G. W. 823.7356 Fugitives, The. Ballantyne, R. M. 823.5636 Fuller, F.. Auretta. See Victor, Mrs. F.. A. (F.) Fuller, Gardner A. Pennimans; or, the tri- umph of genius. 823.591 Fuller, J.. G. The Brownings: a tale of the great rebellion. {Also) Lucy Lee; or, all Slings for Christ. 808 . 1580 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana C. (Leveson Gower.) Constance Sherwood: an autobi- ography of the 1 6th century. 823.6363 Ellen Middleton: a tale. 823.593 Lady-bird: a tale. 823.595 Fullora, Stephen Watson. The daughter of night: a story of the present time. 823.5926 Fur country. The. 2 pts. Verne, J. 823.6881-2 G., C. J. See Freeland, Mrs. Carrie jf. G., H. Suzanne de I'Orme: a story of France in Huguenot times. 808. 1659 G. T. T. Hale, E:E. 823.682 Gaboriau, Emile. The amateur detective. (Zimmern, H.., and A. Half-hours with for. novelists, v. 2.) z«** 823.6614 Clique of gold. in 823 . 5022 Same. 823.6453 Issued also as The g^ilded clique. The count's secret. 823.1890 Same. /« 823.5127 The downward path. 823.5907 Same. 823.6174 File No. 113. «■« 823.5115 Same. {Also) Other people's money. 823.3014 The gilded clique. 823.2160 ENGLISH FICTION 98 ENGLISH FICTION English Fiption, Contin. Gaboriau, Emile. Contin. In peril of his life. ( With his Promise of marriage.) ?'« 823.2731 The little old man of Batignolles, and other stories. ( With his Promise of mar- riage.) z« 823.2731 Marriage at a venture. Tr. by Vincenzo Calfa. tn 823 . 2463 Same. in 823 . 5035 Issued also as Chance marriage. Military sketches. (With his A thou- sand francs reward. ) in 823 . 6699 Monsieur Lecoq. 2 vols, (in i). 823.4259 Same. 823.6206 Same. Tr. by Mrs. L. E. Kendall. 2 pts. ?■» 823.5038 The mystery of Orcival. 823.2164 Same. 823.5034; 823.6079 Other people's money. ?« 823.3014 Same. in 823.5057 Promise of marriage. — In peril of his life. (^And) The little old man of Batig- nolles, and other stories. 823 . 2731 A thousand francs reward. Tr. by M. J. SaflFord. {Also) Military sketches. Tr. by L. E. Kendall. in 823.6699 The widow Lerouge. in 823.5029 Sam,e. {Also) Marriage at a venture. Tr. by V . Calfa. 823 . 2463 Within an inch of his life. 823.5070 Same. 823.6080 Gabriel Conroy. Harte, F. B. 823.712 Same. 823.6216 Gabrielle. McCarty, L. 823.7302 Gage, C: S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. 12 pp. {In Stories by Amer. authors, v. 9.) p. 42, in 823.4710 Gagneur, Mrs. Louise (Mignerot). A nihi- list princess. 823 . 1846 Gala-days. Dodge, M.. A. 823.1794 Galama. Liefde, J: B. de. 823.5847 Galatea. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. 823.2121 Gald6s, Benito Perez. See Perez Gald6s, Benito. Gaily, J. W. Sand; and Big Jack Small. (Two stories. ) 823 . 4162 Gait, J: The annals of the parish, and The Ayrshire legatees. With memoir of the au- thor. 823.4191 The Ayrshire legatees. ( With his The annals of a parish. ) in 823 . 4191 The book of life. (Picken, A., ed. The club-book, v. 2.) in 823.702 The entail. 823.4193 The fatal whisper. (Picken, A., ed. The club-book, v. 2.) p. 181, in 823.702 Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller. 9 pp. (Johnson, K., ed. Little classics, v. 9.) p. 58, in 829.132 Same. (Picken, A., ed. The club- book, V. 2.) p. 69, in 823.702 The member: an autobiography. ** 82;j.6720 The painter: a Sicilian tale. (Picken, A., ed. The club-book, v. 2.) in 823.702 Provost, and other tales. 823.4192 ** 823 . 6649 The voy- English Fiction. Contin. Gait, J: Contin. The radical: an autobiography. ** 823.6721 The reform: being The member and The radical. 823 . 7376 Sir Andrew Wy lie of that ilk. 823.4194 The unguarded hour. (Picken, A., ed. The club-book, v. 2.) in 823.702 The wearyful woman. 10 pp. (/« Tales from Blackwood, v. 3.) in Gama, Vasco da. Towle, G: M ages and adventures of Vasco da Gama 808.740 Gambara. 86 pp. Balzac, H. de. p. 173, i« 823.5428 Gambler's wife. The. Grey, Mrs. E.. C. in 823.5051 Same. in 823.5058 Games and songs of American children. Newell, W: W., to w;>. 808.1876 Games and stories. See Higgins, E. M. Hol- idays at the grange. 808.1638 Garden of women. Keddie, H. 823.1783 Same. 823 . 4239 Gardiner, Marguerite (Power), Countess of Blessington. Country quarters: a love story. 823.559 Garfield, James Abram. (1831-81.) Alger, ^.,Jr. From canal boy to president. 808 . 1054 Note. — See Iiaveleye, i,. de. Le president Gar- field. 13 pp. {Rev. d. d. Mondes, v. 47. 3e p6r. 1881.) p. 671, in** 54.361.— Liowell, J. R. Garfield. 14 pp. {In his Democracy . . . ) 1887. p. 43, in 829.670.— The poets' tributes to Garfield, in ** 923.1386. — ^U. S. Senate. Miscel. docs., v. 5. 1881-2. ** 350.2628. See also Catalogrues of this Library. No. 3, 1882, p. 78. No. 5, 1888, p. 175. No. 4, 1884, p. 113. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 500, in ** 1, 1882-Jan. I, 1887. p. 171, in ** ya.\:r-Same. Jan. 50-1 • Garland for girls. A. Alcott, L. M. 808.1462 I.. (Fyvie). See Mayo, Garrett, E:, pseud. See Mayo, Mrs Garrett, E:, and Ruth, pseud. Mrs. I.. (Fyvie). Garrison gossip. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) 823.4992 Garth. Hawthorne, J. C. 823.5868 Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. Ballan- tyne, R. M. 808.210 Gaskell, Mrs. E.. Cleghorn (Stevenson). Cranford . 823 . 600 Same. 823.5033 Moorland cottage. 823 . 603 Right at last, and other tales. 823.605 Sylvia's lovers: a novel. 823.5867 Gaspar, the gaucho. Reid, Capt. T: M. 808.1579 Ward, Mrs. E.. S. (P.) 823.1255 Ward, Mrs. E.. S. (P.) 823.5224 Gautier, Judith. See Mendds, Mme. Judith (Gautier). Gautier, Th^ophile (181 1-72). Captain Fra- casse. Tr. by M. M. Ripley. 823.6883 The romance of a mummy. Tr. by A. McC . Wright. 823 . 4544 Gates ajar. Gates between. The. ENGLISH FICTION 99 ENGLISH FICTION Engrli^h Fiction. Contin. Gautier, Th^ophile (1811-72). Contin. Spirite: a fantasy. 823.2316 Same. 823.6454 Note. — For his life and writing's j^eBrunetiere, F. T. Gautier. 11 pp. {Rev. a. d. Mondes, v. 84, 3e p6r. 1887.) p. 693, in * 54.399. — Mauris, M. French men of letters. 1880. p. 65, in 928.173.— Sainte-BeuTe, C. A. Gautier. (/» his Premiers lundis, V. 2.) 824.444; (In G&\x\X^r,t., and others. Famous French authors}) p. 7, j» 928.87. — Swin- burne, A. C. Memorial verses on the death of G. 13 pp. {Poems and ballads, 2d s.) p. 84, in 821 .397-. SeealsolndtTC to Harper's monthly, p. 271, in ** 51 -475. See also Poole's Index (to 1882). p. 503, tn ** So.r,—Same. Jan. i, 1882-Jan. i, 1887. p. 172, in **5o.i». , and Merimde, Prosper. Tales before supper. Tr. by M. Verelst, and delayed with a proem by Edgar Saltus. 823 . 5737 Contents: — Introduction. (Sketch of T. Gautier.) By E. Saltus.— Avatar. By T. Gautier.— Venus of lUe. By P. M^rim^e. Gautran. Farjeon, B: L. 823.6599 Gaviota, La, — tbe sea-gull. Arrom, Mme. C. (B. deF.), 823.6892 Gayarre, C: Etienne Arthur. Aubert Dub- ayet: or, the two sister republics. (Sequel to ' ' Fernando de Lemos. " ) 823 . 4624 Gayworthys, The. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) 823.1694 Geddie, J: Beyond the Himalayas: a story of travel and adventure in the wilds of Thi- bet. 808.1184 Geier-Wally. Hillem, Mrs. W. (B.) von, 823.6806 Gemini. Fox, Mrs. E- 823.1998 General, The. Barrows, W: 808.1653 General Bounce. Melville, G: J: Whyte- ** 823.4664 Same. 823.7276 Geneva. See also Switzerland, noie. Abbott, J. Rollo in Geneva. 808.926 Genevieve. Alcock, D. 823.7196 Genlis, St^phanie-F^licit6 (Ducrest de Saint Aubin), comtesse de. Adelaide and Theo- dore; or, letters on education. 4th ed. 3 vols. ** 823.4688-90 Gentle belle, A. Tiernan, Mrs. F.. C. (F.) Gentle savage, The. King, E: Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett, E Gentleman of the old school R 823.5897 823 -4547 823.4238 James, G: P. 823.859 Geoffrey Hampstead. Jarvisf T: S. 823.7449 Geoffrey the knight: a tale of chivalry of the days of King Arthur. With engravings by G. Dord. * 823.5192 Geoffry Hamlyn, The recollections of. Kings- ley, H: 823.944 Geographical novels. See also Sea stories. Andrews, J.. The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 808.1428 Stockton, F. R: Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. 808. 1886 Note.— See novels by Adams, W : T. ( Young A mer- 2caa*roarf.)— Ballantyne.— Butterworth.— Griswold. —Kingston.— Knox, T. W.— Verne,— and others. See also Catalognies of this Library. No. 2, 1880, p. 91. No. 4, 1884, p. 114. No. 3, 1882, p. 79. No. 5, 1888, p. 177. English Fiction. Contin. George Caulfield's journey. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. (B.) i« 823.4991 George Christy. Halsey, H. 823.5054 George Geith of Fen Court. Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. (C.) 823.1326 George Julian. Cockton, H: 823.240 George Silverman's explanation. 29 pp. Dickens, C: J: H. p. 449, in 808.686 Same. p. 449, in 942.1259 Georgia scenes, characters, incidents, etc. Longstreet, A: B. 823.1012 Georgina's reasons. James, H:, Jr. p. 159, «■« 823.4894 Georgy Sandon. Ogle, A. 823.1225 Gerald Estcourt. Lean, Mrs. F. (M.) 823.219 Gerald Ffrench's friends. Jessop, G: H. ^ ,,. , 823.6574 Geraldine Hawthorne. Butt, B.. M. 823.4570 823.7078 823.2315 German emigrants. Gerard, Dorothea. Orthodox. Gerard's marriage. Theuriet, A. Gerda. Schwartz, Mrs. M. S. (B.) 823.1944 Gothe, J. W. von. P- 357. i« 823.2183 German household stories. 2d ser. Grimm. J. L., awrfW. K: 808.1538 German novelists. 4 vols. Roscoe, T:, tr. ** 823.6826-9 German popular stories. Grimm, J. L., and Grimm, W. K: 808.1592 German popular tales. Grimm, J. L., and W. K: 808.1322 German tales. Auerbach, B. 823.7013 Germany. See also notes under Austria. — France. Also Reformation. Adams, W: T. Down the Rhine; or, Young America in Germany. 808 . 489 Hale, E: E., and Hale, S. A family flight through . . .Germany. 808.1831 Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. 2 vols. 821. 215-16 Wagner, W. Book of ballads on Ger- man history (in German); arranged and annotated. (A. D. 410-1871.) 831.122 Wratislaw, A. H., tr. Upper and lower Lusatian stories. {In his Sixty folk-tales, etc.) 1890. p. 92, z« 823.6946 Yonge, C. M.. Young folks' history of Germany. 943-5 Hermann, or Arminius, destroys the Ro- mans under Varus, A. D. 9. ; drama. Kleist, H. B. W. von. 830.2 ; drama. Klopstock, F. G. 832.11 Note. — See Ancient Germans. {In Univ. hist., anc. pt.^ V. 17.) p. I, in ** 909.47. — Caesar's Com- mentaries. 937.53; 037.61.— Freytag:, G. Ausder Romerzeit. loi pp. {In his Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit, v. i.) p. 27, in 943.11. — Gibbon, E. History, etc., v. i. Chap. 9. p. 249, in 937.8. — Mot- ley, J: L. Hist, introd. {In his The rise of the Dutch republic, v. I.) p. i, in 949.10. — Stubbs, Vl': Caesar and Tacitus. 28 pp. {In his Constitutional hist, of England, v. i.) p. 13, in 942.451.— Tacitus. Germany. {Works.) 2 vols. 937.71-2. 4TH CENTURY, A. D. Freytag, G. Ingo. (A. D. 357.) 823.6797 5TH CENTURY, A. D. Dahn, F. Felicitas. (Early Christianity. ) 823 . 5728 ENGIylSH FICTION 100 ENGLISH FICTION Engrlisli Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. 8th centxjry, a. D. Freytag, G. lugraban. 823.6798 Genoveva, or Genevihve of Brabant. Hebbel, F. Genoveva. {Sdtnmtl. IVerke, v. 3.) p. i, in 832.91 ■ • MoncrieflF, R. H. Genevieve of Brab- ant. 76 pp. {In his Stories of old renown.) p. 223, in 808.1686 Charle;magne;, a. D. 742-814. See also Charlemagne, p. 37. Bulfinch, T: I,egends of Charlemagne. 823 . 150 9TH CENTURY, A. D. Bates, A. Albrecht. (The Black Forest.) 823.6951 loTH CENTURY, A. D. ScheflFel, J. von. Ekkehard. 833 . 364 IITH CENTURY, A. D. Henry IV., 1056-1106. Bresciani, I?ev. A. Mathilda of Canossa, and Yoland of Gron- ingen. (Submission to Pope at Canossa, 1076.) 823.1904 Crusades, 1096-1291. See Crusades, p. 48. 12TH CENTURY, A. D. Meredith, G: Farina. (Cologne.) ( With his The shaving of Shag- pat.) ?■« 823.5274 13TH CENTURY, A. D. Otho IV., 120S-1215. James, G: P. R. Castle of Ehrenstein. in 823.6247 Philip Augustus. 823.874 Frederick II., 1215-1250. Immermann, K. Iv. Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite. p. 151, in 832.28 Rudolph von Hapsburg, 1273-1291. -; drama. Kotzebue, A. F. F. von. {Theater, v. 34.) in 832.82 ; poem. Schiljer, J. C. F. von. 831 .54 14TH CENTURY. Crucifix of Baden. 823.5817 15TH CENTURY, A. D. Ebers, G. M. Gred of Nuremberg. 823.7039 Margery: a tale of old Nuremberg. 2 vols. (Another tr. of Gred. ) 823.6571-2 Reade, C: The cloister and the hearth. 823.1286 Spindler, C. Der Jude. 2 vols. 833.425-6 WolflF, J. Salt master of Liineburg. 823.7185 Hussites. Kotzebue, A. F. F. von. Die Hus- siten von Naumburg. (1432.) Play. p. 259, in 832.73 Maximilian, 1459-1519. {Emperor, 1493.) James, G: P. R. Mary of Burgundy. 823.870 Vehntfrerichte. Scott, Sir vols, (in i). Same. Contin. Contin. W. Anne of Geierstein. 2 823.1392 ** 823.6033 Manners. Yonge, CM.. The dove in the eagle's nest. (Domestic feudal manners.) 823.1765 Note. — See Dunham, S. A. History of Europe during the middle ages. 4 vols. 1833-4. 94o-i77- 80. — Hallam, H. View of the state of Europe dur- ing the middle ages. 3 vols. 1872. 940.2-4.— Mod- ern part of an universal history, vols. 25-7. 3 vols. 1782. ** 909.73-5. "5- Engrlisli Fiction. Germany. Contin. I5TH CENTURY, A. D. Note. Contin. See also Catalogues of this Library. No. 2, i83o, p. 78. No. 4, 1884, p. No. 3, 1882, pp. 80,81. No. 5, 1888, p. 184. 16TH CENTURY, A. D. Gothe, J. W. von. Gotz von Berlich- 830.20 822.34 Klytia: a story of Heid- «« 823.4973 . T. W. The cooper of ingen; drama. Same. Hausrath, A. elberg castle. Hoffmann, Nuremberg. [In his Strange stories.) p. 13, in 823.6807 Kleist, H. von. Michael Kohlhaas. {In Tales from the German. ) p. 165, in 823.6276 I/abadye, A. de. The baron of Hertz: a tale of the Anabaptists. 823 . 6868 Morier, J., ed. The banished: a Swab- ian historical tale. (Wiirtemberg.) * 823.6182 Roberts, M. In the olden time. (Peas- ant war.) 823.5792 Reformation, 1517, etc. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.) Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. 823 . 204 Kingston, W: H: G. Count Ulrich. 823.5782 Luther. Meredith, O. Thomas Miintzer to Martin Luther. {In his Chronicles and characters, V. 2.) e« 821.1345 Rudolph II., 1576-1612. Spindler, C. Der Bastard. 2 vols. 833.437-8 Manners. Aleman, M. Guzman d'Alfarache. 863.17 Arnim, L. A. von. Isabella von Aegypten. (Gipsy life.) 833.664 Note.— See Gindely, A. Rudolf II. und seine Zeit. (1600-1612.) 2 vols. 1868. 943.124-5.— Banke, I,, von. History of the Reformation in Germany. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1845-7. 274-59-6i.— Robertson, W. Charles V. 4 vols. 923.121-4. 17TH CENTURY, A. D. Arnim, L. A. von. Die Capitulation von Oggersheim, 1621; drama. z« 832.112 Vertreibung der Spanier aus Wesel im Jahre 1629. z«832.iii Marry at, Capt. F: The phantom ship. 823. mi Same. ** 823.6670 Thirty years' rvar, 1618-1648. Byron, G: G. 1^., Baron. Werner; trag. p. 133, i» 821.73 Same. in 822.730 De Foe, D. Memoirs of a cavalier. (Tilly & Gustavus Adolphus.) {I ft his Novels, V. 2.) 823.2123 Duellist, The: a tale of the "Thirty years' war. " 28 pp. {In Tales from Black- wood, V. 10.) «■«** 823. 6656 James, G: P. R. Heidelberg. 823.862 Lee, Miss H. The German's tale. {In A^r Canterbury tales, v. 2.) 823.967 Liefde, J. B. de. The maid of Stral- sund. 823.2181 Topelius, Z. Times of Gustav Adolf. 823.4476 ENGLISH FICTION 101 ENGUSH FICTION English Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. 17TH CENTURY, A. D. Contin. Thirty years^ war, 1618-1648. Contin. Velde, E. K. van der. Axel. {In Tales from the German.) p. 119, in 823.6276 Wallenstein. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Piccolomini. p. 179, «■« 832.35 Same. Tr. by Colendge. p. 479, in 829.480 Death of Wallenstein. 832.35 Same. Tr. by Coleridge. p. 609, in 829.480 Witchcraft. Meinhold, J. W. Mary Schweid- ler, the amber witch. 823.4246 Note.— See Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adol- phus and the struggle of Protestantism for exist- ence. 1890. 923.2050.— Gardiner, S. R. Letters illust. the relations between England and Germany at commencement of the 30 years' war. 2 ser. i: 1618-1619; 2: 1629-20. 2 vols. ** 942.1060; 1068;— Thirty years' war, 1618-1648. 1887. 943.101.-610- dely, Prof. A. History of the Thirty years' war. 2 vols. 1884. 943.89-90. — ^Malleson, Co/. G. B. The battlefields of Germany, outbreak of Thirty years' war to Blenheim. 1884. 943.95.— Schiller, J. C. F. von. History of the Thirty years' war. 1873. 949.3.— Smith, W: Lectures on modern history. 2 vols. 1854. 901.9-10.— Trench, .^6/. R. C. Gus- tavus Adolphus in Germany. 1886. 943.92. I 8th century, a. D. Auerbach, B. Poet and merchant: a picture of life from the times of Moses Mendelssohn. 823 . 6793 Dr. Goethe's courtship: a tale of do- mestic life . 823 . 4249 Friedmann Bach. 19 pp. {In Robert . . . , and other stories. ) p. 153, «■« 823.5811 Miiller, O: Charlotte Ackerman: a the- atrical romance. 823.6812 Richter, J. P. F. Invisible lodge. 823.4613 Shorthouse, J. H: I/ittle school-master Mark : a spiritual romance. in 823 . 4993 Smart, H. Courtship in 1720. 823.4331 Zschokke, H. Die Prinzessin von Wolfenbiittel. (German.) P-3. «'« 833.1038 Frederick, the Great, 1 740-1 786, See Fred- erick II., the Great, p. 96. Maria Theresa, 171 7-1780. See under Aus- tria, Maria Theresa, p. 13. Seven years' war, 1756-1763. Lessing, G. E. Minna von Bamhelm; com. 832 . 34 Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Frederick the Great and his court. 823 . 6280 Frederick the Great and his family. 823.5887 Paalzow, Mrs. H. (W.) von. Citizen of Prague. 823 . 6073 Zschokke, H. Biickwirkungen. (Ger- man.) p. 223, in 833.1041 Note.— See Broglle, C: J. V. A., due de. Freder- ick the Great and Maria Theresa. 1740-42. 2 vols. 1883. 943.111-12. — Carlyle, T: Frederick the Great. {iVorks, vols. 9-14.) 6 vols. 1886-7. 923. 1845-50. — Frederic II., of Prussia. History of the seven years' war. (vols. 3-4 of his CEuvres post., 1788.) 2 vols. 943.28-9. English Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. I 8th and I9TH CENTURIES, A. D. War Tvith France, 1793-1815. See France, note, p. 92. Gothe, J. W. von. Hermann and Do- rothe#(life in small town with French im- migrants); poem. 821.1021 Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Louisa of Prus- sia and her times. 823.6268 Napoleon and Bliicher. 823 . 6269 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. 823.5801 Note.— See Seeley, Prof . J. R. Life and times of Stein. (1780-1831.) 2 vols. (Germany and Prus- sia in Napoleonic times.) 923.134-5. Revolution of 184.8. Auerbach, B. Waldfried. (Political movements, 1848-72.) 823.6794 Freytag, G. Debit and credit. 823.6277 Soil und Haben. 2 Bde. 823 . 126-7 Spielhagen, F. Through night to light. 823.6822 Note.— See Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9 in Italy . . Germany. 1887. 943. 313- Franco-German war. See France, Franco- German war, pp. 93, 94. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, P. A. Brigadier Frederick . 823 . 6 103 Life and manners, Auerbach, B. Master Bieland and his workmen . 823 . 4590 Same. 823.6629 The villa on the Rhine. 2 vols. 823.4333-4 Behrens, B. Lora, the major's daughter. 823.6321 — — Biirstenbinder, E.. At a high price. 823.4991 Same. 823.6704 Banned and blessed. 823.4614 Crawford, F. M. Greifenstein. 823.5455 Edwards, M. B. Betham- Doctor Jacob. 823.4099 Same. 823.5055; /« 823.5068 Hacklander, F. W. European slave life. 3 vols, (in i). ^Illustrations of all classes of European society.) ** 823.6638 Forbidden fruit. 823 . 7094 Heyse, J. L. P. The romance of the canoness. 823.5618 Hillem, Mrs. W. (B.) von. By his own might. 823.7095 Only a girl; or, a physician for the soul. 823.5617 John, E. At the councillor's. 823.2775 The bailiffs maid. 823.4060 Countess Gisela. 823 . 2654 Gold Elsie. 823.6601 In the counselor's house. {Sam,e as At the councillor's.) «« 823.6693 In the Schilhngscourt. 823 . 2023 Same. 823.2444 The little moorland princess. 823.3052 — The old mam'selle's secret 823.5781 The second wife. 823.2455 ENGLISH FICTION 102 ENGLISH FICTION iEnglish Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. Life; and manners. Contin. Powers, S. Papers from Germany. ( With his Muskingum legends.) p.j^7, in 823.4145 Bichhofs. 823.4345 Schobert, H. Picked up in the streets. 823.5271 Spielhagen, F. The Hohensteins. 823.4281 Streckfuss, A. F. K. Reichenbach, M. von. The — Tautphceus, J. (M.) Cyrilla. The initials. Quits. — Teufel, Mrs. B. Too rich. 823.6824 Freiherrin von. 823.6439 823.1796 823.1798 W. (H.) Theopendoor. 823.6209 Trollope, Mrs. F.. E. (T.) Sacristan's household. 823.6001 Waller, M. E. The rose-bush of Hildes- heim: a cathedral story. * 823.6140 Williams, A. B. The giant dwarf. 808.1639 Life among the aristocracy. Brink, Mrs. M. (diS.) ten. Not in their set; or, in different circles of society. 823.7111 Dingelstedt, F. Freiherr von. The Amazon. 823 . 6825 Gliimer, C. von. A noble name. 823.4549 Harder, L. A family feud. 823.6802 Menger, R. Countess Loreley. 823.7055 Life at watering places. About, E. F. V. Rouge et noir: a tale of Baden-Baden. 823.6282 Turg^nef, I. S. Smoke. 823.4214 Musical life. Beethoven. 18 pp. (/«Cruc. of Baden.) p. 135, /« 823.5817 Cornish, Mrs. — . Alcestis. 823.806 Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. (D.) Con- suelo. 823.6214 Same. 823.6885 Sheppard, E.. S. Charles Auchester. j^Seraphael is Mendelssohn; Miss Benette is Jenny Lind.) 823.5960 Same. 3 vols. ** 823.6233-5 Counterparts; or, the cross of love. 823.6127 Peasant life. Gothe, J. W. von. Hermann and Dorothea; poem. 821. 102 1 See also Novels by B. Auerbach. University life. Powers, S. German student fraterni- ties. 20 pp. ( With his Muskingum le- gends.) p. 318, in 823.4145 Student rambles in Prussia. 34 pp. ( With his Muskingum legends.) p. 103, in 823.4145 School life. Owen, Mrs. J. A. A winter school in the upper Eifel. ( With her After shipwreck.) p. 167, in 823.6945 Literary life. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Goethe and Schiller. 823 . 6267 English Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. Life AND MANNERS. Contin. Mining life. Biirstenbinder, E.. Good luck ! 823 . 6264 Travelling apprentices. Gothe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and trav- els. 2 vols. 823 . 6799-6800 Bavaria. Peard, F.. M.. Castle and town. 823.5641 Tautphceus, J. (M.) Freiherrin von. At odds. 823 . 1797 Breslau. See Tales by G. Freytag. Black Forest. Auerbach, B. Black Forest village stories. 823.5730 Mecklenburg. Renter, F. An old story of my farming days. 2 pts. (in i). in 823.5030 Posen. See Tales by G. Freytag. Prussia. Lindau, P. Lace: a Berlin romance. 823.7264 Stinde, J. The Buchholz family. Sketches of Berlin life. 2 vols. 823.5220-1 Frau Wilhelmine. Concluding pt. of The Buchholz family. 823 . 5222 See also Tales by G. Freytag (Polish); and F. Spielhagen. Note.— See Child, T. Impressions of Berlin. 16 pp. (^Harper's mag., v. 81, Aug. 1890.) p. 340, in * 51.A16*. See also Rowell, J. C. Contents-index. (Lib. of Univ. ofCal.) p. 51, in ** 19.134. The Rhine. Cooper, J. F. The Heidenmauer: a le- gend of the Rhine. 823 . 295 Haring, G. W. H. Hans Preller: a legend. 26 pp. {In Tales from Blackwood. 3dser., v. 2.) p- 90, in 823.7498 Legend of the Rhine. (In Stray leaves . . .) p. 146, /« 823.5810 Lytton, E: G: E. L. Bulwer- The pil- grims of the Rhine. ( With his Leila. ) in 823 . 1035 Same. in 823.5957 Saintine, J. X. B. The myths of the Rhine. 293 . 9 Thackeray, W: M. Legend of the Rhine. 45 pp. ( Works, v. 8.) p. 421, in 823.1577 Same. p. 205, in 823.5010 Same., p. 394, in 823 . 6552 Saxony. See Tales by G. Freytag. South Germany. Hillern, Mrs. W. (B.) von. A graveyard flower. 823.4733 Swabia. See Tales by B. Auerbach. Hauff, W. The cold heart. {In Tales from the German.) p. 51, in 823.6276 Note.— See Freytag, G. Bilder aus der deut- schen Vergangenheit. 4 vols. (ins). (Mittelalter- 1848.) 1876. 943.11-15;— Pictures of German life in thexviii. ana xix. centuries. 2 vols, (in i). 1863. 943.148.— Gould, S. Baring- Germany, past and present. 1882. 943.82.— Howitt, W: Rural and do- mestic lifein Germany. (1840-2.) 1842. 943.118.— May- hew, H: German liie and manners as seen in Sax- ony. 1865. 943.147.— Smalley.G: W. Prince Bis- marck. — Count Herbert Bismarck. — The German emperor. 53 pp. {In his London letters ... v. i.) 1891. p. I, j« 824.439.— Whitman, S. Imperial Ger- many: a critical study of fact and character. 1889. 914.447. ENGLISH FICTION 103 ENGLISH FICTION £ng^lisli Fiction. Contin. Germany. Contin. In GENERA!,, AND FOR I.ONG PERIODS. Note.—See Bibliography. Dahlmann, F. C. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 1875. ** 15.274.— Janssen, J. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. (1462-1618.) Biicherverzeichniss, v. 4. pp. xviii-xxxi.) 6 vols. 943.134-9.— Bryce, J. The holy Roman empire. 1877. 943.55. — Biilau, F. Ge- schichte Deutschlands von 1806-1830. (Fortsetzung von Pfister's.) 943.145.— Frederick, crown prince and emperor: a biographical sketch . . .ByR. Rodd. 923.1932.— Kohlrausch, H. F. T. History of Ger- many. 1876. 943.31.— liewis, C. T. History of Germany from the earliest times. 1874. 943.127.— I