GIFT OF iVt'V x 1% 47.7 3V 2 x 3 26,019 6 x 3 7,020 1% x lii 0.5 31/2 x2y 2 . 2,780 5% x 3 32 1x1 0.2 3 x 2% 4,987 5 x2y 2 14 3v 9 A.A. 14 330,600.4 X *j tt 2y 2 x 2 289 14 46,126.6 2y 2 x iy 2 6 9 Extra Sets Eolls 17 229,893 23 50 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN SUMMARY BY SHAPES (cont'd) Ship Channel Size Quantity 12x4 31,270 12x3% 30,916 10x4 12,654 10x3% 51,622 10x3% 32,155 9x4 31,197 9x3y 2 104 8x3y 2 46,539 8x3 29 7x3y 2 35,780 7x3% 85,494 6x3% 316 6x3y 2 41,020 6x3 5,016 6x2i/ 2 1,373 4x2 60 16 405,545 Structural 18x4 15x3^ 13x4 12x3 10x2% 9x2y 2 8x2% 7x2% 6 x 2V 8 5x2 4x1% 11 Channels Quantity 83 15,785 3,053 28,890 1,147 4,100 6,603 1,221 464 1 6 61,353 I Beams Size Quantity 28x10 26 x 9V 2 24 x 24 x 9 7 20 x 7 20x6% 18x11% 18 x 7% 18 x 7% 18 x 18 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 12 x 12x5 10 x 4% 9x 4% 8x 7x 6x 5x 4x 7 6 6% 6 sy 2 5% 4 3% 3% 3 2% 23 236 582 4,565 916 189 133 395 1,827 218 165 124 1,036 7 2,374 628 200 101 19 63 15 55 1 8 13,857 51 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING DISTRIBUTION EQUAL LEG ANGLES 6x6 5x5 4x4 Section Wt. in Total Thick- pounds Quantit ness per ft. Eeq'd .75 38.9 227 .6875 35.8 952 .625 32.7 866 .5625 29.6 9 .50 26.4 226 2,280 .875 33.1 5 .8125 31.0 9 .75 28.7 1,018 .6875 26.5 1,115 .625 24.2 5,389 .5625 21.9 4,381 .50 19.6 14,739 .4375 17.2 13,071 .375 14.9 1,822 .3125 12.3 5 41,554 .75 23.6 595 .6875 21.8 492 .625 20.0 3,322 .5625 18.1 8,063 .50 16.2 12,247 .4375 14.3 7,031 .375 12.3 1,139 32,889 .625 17.8 70 .75 18.5 17 .6875 17.1 975 .625 15.7 1,966 .5625 14.3 1,861 .50 12.8 7,434 .4375 11.3 1,984 .375 9.8 769 .3125 8.2 17 2 2 32 7.1 5 11 105 9.05 9 15 362 2.4 1 1 10 0.9 5 6 370 0.6 14 27 616 3.7 1 1 5 1.0 1 1 12 0.75 11 18 547 1.86 4 3 125 8.9 19 31 769 7.0 21 24 739 5.9 26 43 1,012 14.6 27 52 1,094 11.9 19 33 904 2.0 1 5 104 0.05 31 52 1,448 28.7 3 6 156 3.8 6 11 122 4.03 14 31 759 4.4 17 33 751 10.7 31 52 1,377 8.9 25 42 1,176 6.0 17 35 826 1.38 31 52 1,377 23.9 1 1 10 7.0 2 2 72 0.24 6 10 258 3.8 13 17 415 4.75 11 29 629 2.96 31 51 1,306 5.7 24 36 870 2.3 20 33 801 0.96 3 3 173 0.1 15,023 31 55 10.4 52 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN EQUAL LEG ANGLES (Cont'd) Size of Shapes 3y 2 x 3y 2 x 3 2% X 2 x Section Wt. in Total Used in Average Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity ness per ft. Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull .75 16.0 173 2 1 180 0.96 .6875 14.8 121 5 5 201 0.6 .625 13.6 3,509 21 36 787 4.5 .5625 12.4 5,629 17 27 589 9.6 .50 11.1 36,427 32 54 1,314 27.7 .4375 9.8 80,159 33 58 1,464 55.0 .375 8.5 38,143 32 57 1,486 25.7 .3125 7.2 591 13 26 615 0.96 .25 5.8 1,580 2 2 80 19.7 166,332 34 60 1,508 110. .625 11.5 55 3 3 146 0.38 .5625 10.4 367 5 5 226 1.62 .50 9.4 3,964 24 46 1,101 3.6 .4375 8.3 13,828 31 51 1,309 10.6 375 7.2 32,764 34 58 1,405 23.3 .3125 6.1 5,864 30 52 1,276 4.6 .25 4.9 8,668 9 15 551 15.7 65,510 34 59 1,481 43.2 .50 7.7 3.5 1 1 70 0.05 .4375 6.8 7 2 3 17 0.41 .375 5.9 227 9 12 425 0.53 .3125 5.0 3,587 27 59 1,358 2.64 .25 4.1 2,128 25 46 1,138 1.87 .1875 3.07 32 4 9 144 0.22 5,984.5 33 60 1,406 4.25 .25 3.62 6 2 2 12 0.5 .375 4.7 11 3 4 75 0.15 .3125 3.92 23 5 4 124 0.19 .25 3.19 753 20 36 1,031 0.73 .1875 2.44 40 6 6 170 0.24 .125 1.65 0.5 1 1 10 0.05 827.5 20 37 1,063 0.78 .375 4.1 10 1 5 104 0.1 .1875 2.12 66 2 " 6 254 0.26 76 254 0.3 53 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING EQUAL LEG ANGLES (Cont'd) Size of Shapes 1x1 of Shapes 8x6 8 x 3V 2 7 x 3V 2 6x4 Section Thick- Wt. in pounds Total Quantity Used in Average Quantity ness per ft. Req'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull .25 2.34 30 8 9 108 0.28 .1875 1.8 17 6 6 101 0.17 .125 1.23 0.7 3 3 124 .006 47.7 12 16 301 0.16 .1875 1.48 0.5 1 1 2 0.25 .1875 1.16 .02 1 1 2 0.01 UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Section Wt. in Total Used in Average Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity ness per ft. Req'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull .75 33.8 32 2 3 34 0.94 .6875 31.2 4 1 1 5 0.8 .625 28.5 106 3 3 85 ' 1.25 .5625 25.7 28 3 7 179 0.16 .50 23.0 387 7 14 508 0.76 .4375 20.2 325 5 8 394 0.83 882 12 18 567 1.5 .75 27.5 1 1 1 2 0.5 .6875 25.3 116 1 1 5 23.2 .625 23.2 1,339 10 12 404 3.3 .5625 21.0 3,152 2 1 180 17.5 .50 18.7 5.076 12 20 592 8.6 .4375 16.5 2,066 10 20 343 6.02 11,750 17 31 723 16.2 .875 28.7 99 1 1 110 0.9 .75 24.9 1,765 4 10 235 7.5 .6875 23.0 921 1 1 70 13.2 .625 21.0 1,048 7 12 230 4.55 .5625 19.1 75 3 4 37 2.03 .50 17.0 5,791 13 23 744 7.8 .4375 15.0 5,203 17 27 721 7.2 .375 13.0 4,055 12 13 513 7.9 18,957 29 44 1,142 16.5 1.00 30.6 1,758 5 13 152 11.5 .9375 28.9 529 2 4 49 10.8 .875 27.2 1,060 6 10 226 4.7 .8125 25.4 3,760 6 13 153 24.6 .75 23.6 2,552 8 15 239 10.7 .6875 21.8 1,350 8 11 158 8.5 .625 20.0 2,517 14 28 548 4.6 .5625 18.1 2,156 11 24 537 4.0 .50 16.2 2,799 20 37 794 3.5 .4375 14.3 1,553 11 27 666 2.34 .375 12.3 882 10 19 512 1.7 20,916 31 59 1,379 15.2 54 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES (Cont'd) Size of Shapes 6 x 3y 2 5x4 5 x 3% 5x3 .8125 .625 .5625 .50 .4375 .375 .75 .6875 .625 .5625 .50 4375 .375 .3125 .6875 .625 .5625 .50 .4375 .375 .3125 .375 .3125 22.7 17.8 16.2 14.5 12.8 11.0 19.8 18.3 16.8 15.2 13.6 12.0 10.4 8.7 17.1 15.7 14.3 12.8 11.3 9.8 8.2 9.1 7.7 52,011 31 7 636 54 12 254 994 34 126 421 155 1,504 3,638 3,713 . 80 9,671 18,423 176 81 257 1 1 150 0.1 5 6 229 1.17 3 6 82 6.5 9 8 446 4.1 12 20 362 6.2 29 54 1,197 8.5 31 58 1,369 10.6 31 58 1,498 14.9 5 10 283 0.45 34 60 1,508 34.6 1 3 30 1.03 2 2 10 0.7 6 7 330 1.9 4 5 76 0.71 2 2 45 0.27 5 10 344 0.74 10 19 488 2.03 3 4 163 0.21 1 1 70 1.8 5 5 348 1.21 4 5 169 0.92 17 31 799 1.9 25 42 925 3.9 21 36 927 4.0 5 9 137 0.58 30 50 1,173 8.25 2 4 120 8.9 1 1 150 0.1 1 1 2 2.0 11 20 443 0.88 20 41 1,017 3.8 28 60 1,434 7.5 17 30 884 2.56 31 60 1,485 12.4 2 2. 24 7.3 2 4 24 3.4 3 5 44 5.9 55 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES (Cont'd) 4x 3 x2i/ 2 Section Wt. in Total Used in Average Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity ness per ft. Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull .625 14.7 111 2 4 87 1.3 .5625 13.3 166 5 5 112 1.48 .50 11.9 300 16 25 696 0.43 .4375 10.6 4,309 16 27 616 7.0 .375 9.1 551 15 26 657 0.84 .3125 7.7 1 1 1 70 0.014 5,438 21 36 916 5.9 .625 13.6 89 4 8 131 0.68 .5625 12.4 253 4 8 114 2.2 .50 11.1 537 13 32 537 1.0 .4375 9.8 14,338 32 54 1,343 10.7 .375 8.5 39,712 35 54 1,460 27.2 .3125 7.2 1,539 16 26 637 2.4 .25 5.8 1 1 1 2 0.5 56,469 34 60 1,508 37.4 .625 12.5 3 1 1 110 0.027 .5625 11.4 1,591 5 6 242 6.6 .50 10.2 2,523 8 10 398 6.35 .4375 9.1 8,043 12 19 571 14.1 .375 7.9 6,064 24 49 1,019 5.95 .3125 6.6 2,237 16 29 709 3.16 .25 5.4 5,558 2 2 220 25.3 26,019 27 49 1,099 23.7 .50 9.4 3 1 1 4 0.75 .4375 8.3 24 3 3 136 0.18 .375 7.2 369 7 16 571 0.65 .3125 6.1 1,351 12 27 595 2.28 .25 4.9 33 3 12 322 0.1 2,780 15 30 811 3.4 .50 8.5 15 2 2 120 0.125 .4375 7.6 73 3 4 149 0.49 .375 6.6 657 16 28 770 0.85 .3125 5.6 3,971 25 49 1,192 3.3 .25 4.5 271 10 13 416 0.65 4,987 26 49 1,193 4.2 56 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES (cont'd) Size of Shapes 3x2 Section Thick- ness .4375 .375 .3125 ,25 .375 .3125 .25 .1875 .25 .1875 Wt. in pounds per ft. 6.8 5.9 5.0 4.1 5.3 4.5 3.62 2.75 3.19 2.12 Total Used in Average Quantity Quantity Req'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 6 1 1 14 0.43 3 2 2 181 0.017 18 1 1 24 0.75 1'7 3 3 39 0.44 44 19 170 84 16 289 1 5 6 3 6 10 2 6 4 16 16 7 13 24 235 268 368 483 122 651 115 110 115 0.19 0.07 0.46 0.17 0.13 0.44 0.01 0.045 0.05 57 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING BULB ANGLES (restricted) Size Section of ThicTc- Wt. in pounds Total Used in Average Quantity Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Req'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 10 x 3y 2 .675 33.0 533 2 2 21 25.4 .65 32.1 1,061 2 4 39 27.2 .625 31.1 1,680 2 3 32 52.5 .575 29.1 553 3 4 24 23.0 10 x 3y 2 .55 27.9 119 1 1 4 29.7 .525 26.9 826 5 7 70 11.8 .50 25.9 4,084 9 11 107 38.2 .475 24.9 801 4 5 30 26.7 .45 23.9 454 4 4 34 13.3 10,111 12 16 199 51.0 9 x 3i/ 2 31.7 3 1 1 4 0.75 .65 29.5 27 1 2 4 6.75 .625 28.6 8 1 1 4 2.0 9 x 3% .55 25.7 8 2 4 6 1.33 .525 24.8 112 3 5 19 5.9 .50 23.9 244 5 5 35 7.0 9 x 3y 2 .475 22.7 579 5 5 38 15.2 .45 21.8 3,077 6 8 70 44.0 .425 20.9 458 4 6 31 14.8 .40 20.0 390 6 5 38 10.3 4,906 9 13 132 87.2 8 x 3^5 .65 26.5 324 1 2 20 16.2 .525 22.4 79 1 1 10 7.9 .50 21.7 633 4 7 50 12.7 .475 20.5 272 2 5 26 10.5 .45 19.6 2,652 8 11 78 34.0 .425 18.8 529 7 9 68 7.8 .40 18.0 4,946 9 12 103 48.0 9,435 10 15 155 61.0 8x3 .425 18.0 14 1 1 4 3.5 .40 17.2 941 4 7 108 8.7 955 4 8 112 8.5 58 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN 7x3 7x3 ey 2 x 31/2 6% x 3 BULB ANGLES (cont'd) Size of Section Thick- Wt. in pounds Total Quantity Used in Average Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Req'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 7%x 3% .50 20.4 29 1 1 4 7.25 7%x 3y 2 .425 17.8 10 1 1 4 2.5 .40 17.0 238 1 1 4 59.5 277 1 1 4 69.3 7^x 3 .35 14.8 0.2 1 1 2 0.1 7 x 31/2 .575 21.6 88 1 2 13 6.8 .525 20.1 36 1 1 11 3.3 .475 18.7 439 2 2 10 43.9 7 x 3y 2 .475 18.3 118 1 1 21 5.6 7 x 3V 2 .45 17.6 1,204 9 11 107 11.2 .425 16.8 1,201 3 4 32 37.8 .40 16.2 1,824 7 10 123 14.8 .375 15.5 1,964 6 7 56 35.1 .35 14.8 400' 4 3 28 14.3 7,274 13 18 268 27.0" .475 17.7 549 1 1 4 137.0 .45 16.9 1,479 3 3 26 57.0 .425 16.0 6 1 2 4 1.5 .40 15.3 3 1 2 2 1.5 .375 14.6 4,000 2 5 160 25.0 .35 13.9 0.2 1 2 2 0.1 6,037.2 3 8 195 31.0 .425 16.7 27 1 1 10 2.7 .375 14.3 5 1 1 10 0.5 32 1 1 10 3.2 .35 12.9 0.2 1 1 2 0.1 t 17.8 33 1 1 10 3.3 59 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING Section Thick- BULB ANGLES (cont'd) Wt. in Total pounds Quantity Used in Average Quantity ness per ft. Eeq 'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull .50 16.2 51 3 4 29 1.76 .475 15.6 161 2 2 20 8.05 .45 14.9 784 6 13 145 5.4 .425 14.1 627 7 7 108 5.8 .40 13.4 1,943 8 13 132 14.7 .375 12.8 3,450 9 17 139 24.8 .35 12.2 4 1 3 10 0.4 7,020 18 30 464 15.1 .425 13.4 1 1 1 4 0.25 .40 12.5 25 1 1 6 4.2 .375 11.9 6 2 2 6 1.0 32 2 3 12 2.7 .328 10.3 12 1 1 8 1.5 .313 10.0 2 1 1 1 2.0 Size of Shapes 6x3 6x3 5 x 2y 2 .313 10.0 14 9 1.5 60 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN SHIP CHANNELS Size Section Wt. in Total Used in Average of Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Keq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull x 4 .84 50.0 1,452 1 4 46 31.6 .75 46.3 249 3 3 59 4.2 .70 44.3 11,198 10 15 415 27.0 .595 40.0 7,566 11 18 470 16.1 .473 35.0 10,805 15 29 677 16.0 12 31,270 15 31 753 41.5 12 x 3i/ 2 .61 37.2 2,552 7 9 196 13.0 .50 32.7 17,179 15 21 627 27.4 .44 30.2 9,421 15 25 691 13.6 .375 29.3 1,764 5 6 54 32.7 30,916 22 32 838 37.0 10 x 4 .741 40.0 147 1 1 21 7.0 .65 36.9 2,101 4 6 254 8.3 .50 31.8 2,227 3 7 124 17.9 .447 30.0 8,179 4 4 134 61.0 12,654 10 16 481 26.3 10 x 3V 2 .675 33.2 78 2 2 39 2.0 .60 30.6 2,468 5 9 200 12,3 .55 28.9 20,796 9 19 434 48.0 .50 27.2 28,195 21 40 781 36.0 .475 26.4 15 3 7 129 0.12 .375 23.5 70 1 2 11 6.3 51,622 21 42 925 56.0 10 x 3% .575 28.5 837 24 29 28.8 .50 26.0 443 7 10 283 1.57 .45 24.3 9,109 6 10 205 44.5 .40 22.6 1,054 4 13 231 4.6 .375 21.7 20,712 17 28 677 30.6 32,155 19 38 852 37.8 x 4 .65 34.7 1,485 46 91 16.3 .55 31.7 375 45 90 4.2 .45 28.6 29,337 11 14 300 97.5 31,197 11 14 300 104.0 61 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING SHIP CHANNELS (cont'd) Size of Section Thick- Wt. in pounds Total Quantity Used in Average Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 9x3% .50 26.9 71 1 1 1 71.0 .45 25.4 31 1 1 10 3.1 ? 21.8 2 1 1 2 1.0 104 3 3 13 8.0 8 x 3% .625 27.2 301 3 10 151 2.0 .60 26.5 561 8 10 328 1.7 .55 25.2 7,082 2 7 107 66.0 .50 23.8 18,232 22 40 838 21.8 .425 22.7 14 2 2 28 0.5 .415 21.5 20,349 17 38 1,008 20.1 46,539 26 42 1,060 44.0 8x3 .40 19.3 2 1 2 11 0.18 .344 17.6 17 2 6 114 0.15 29 2 6 114 0.25 7 x 3y 2 .55 23.3 69 2 4 41 1.7 .50 22.1 138 7, 10 158 0.9 .45 20.9 11,420 19 35 858 13.3 .40 20.2 444 2 3 12 37.0 .40 19.7 23,709 16 31 890 26.6 35,780 24 45 1,178 30.4 7 x 33/ 8 .575 21.9 25 1 1 70 0.36 .438 18.6 55,403 22 38 957 57.8 .35 16.5 25,392 21 30 851 29.8 .313 15.6 4,674 10 18 631 7.4 85,494 28 48 1,250 68.3 6 x 3% .535 21.5 133 2 3 121 1.1 .41 19.0 183 9 12 293 0.63 316 10 14 325 0.98 6 x 3V 2 .375 17.9 146 1 2 28 5.2 .35 15.0 40,874 29 48 1,238 29.6 41,020 29 49 1,248 32.9 6x3 .563 18.1 66 3 3 41 1.6 .313 13.0 4,950 7 10 519 9.5 5,016 8 12 550 9.1 6 x 2i/ 2 .313 12.5 1,373 3 9 202 6.8 4x2 .394 10.1 60 1 2 13 4.6 62 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN Size of Shapes 18 x 4 15 x 31/2 13 x 4 12 x 3 10 x 2- 9 x 2i/ 2 x 2^ 7 x 214 6 x 2i/ 8 STRUCTURAL CHANNELS Used in Average Quantity Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull I 1 110 0.75 Section Wt. in Total Thick- pounds Quanta ness per ft. Eeq'd .63 55 83 .818 55 240 .72 50 1,053 .622 45 76 .524 40 2,660 .426 35 722 .40 33 11,034 15,785 .678 45 538 .497 37 916 .452 35 1,337 .375 32 262 3,053 .758 40 15 .636 35 12,301 .513 30 8,493 .39 25 6,009 .28 20.5 2,072 28,890 .676 30 255 .529 25 62 .382 20 753 .24 15 77 1,147 .615 25.0 711 .452 20.0 3,386 .23 13.25 3 4,100 .582 21.25 15 .49 18.75 1,801 .399 16.25 4,137 .307 13.75 586 .22 11.25 64 6,603 .423 14.75 225 .318 12.25 933 .21 9.75 63 1,221 .563 15.5 307 .44 13.0 7 .318 10.5 123 .20 8.0 27 2 7 2 10 2 8 7 6 2 15 4 16 14 21 6 1 2 2 12 1 5 6 6 11 13 2 1 2 4 6 4 4 184 242 152 403 22 559 640 161 527 154 154 287 275 302 154 159 5 464 22 164 176 164 154 186 21 276 5 297 154 150 118 181 271 1.3 4.35 0.5 6.6 32.8 19.7 24.6 4.7 114.5 31.1 26.2 18.9 0.68 41.6 29.4 16.8 6.3 54.8 1.65 0.4 2.62 0.28 3.8 4.6 21.3 0.6 159 25.8 0.68 11.0 23.4 3.57 0.42 35.5 10.7 3.38 12.6 4.1 2.0 0.047 1.04 0.15 1.7 63 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING STRUCTURAL CHANNELS (cont'd) Size Section Wt. in Total Used in Average of Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 5 x 2 All 11.5 1 1 1 5 0.2 4 x 1% .325 7.25 1 1 1 4 0.25 .252 6.25 5 1 1 1 5.0 6 1 2 5 1.2 I BEAMS Size Section Wt. in Total Used in Average of Thick- pounds Quantity Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 28 xlO .50 105 236 1 1 . 8 29.5 26 x 9V 2 .46 90 582 1 1 8 72.7 24 x 9 .476 74 4,565 2 2 118 38.7 24 x 7 .631 90. 233 1 1 150 1.55 .50 80 683 1 2 154 4.5 916 1 2 154 5.9 20 x 7 .60 80 189 1 1 70 2.7 20 x 6% .50 65 133 2 2 220 0.6 18 xiiy 2 .48 92 395 1 2 154 2.6 18 x 7y 2 .32 52 1,827 1 1 70 26.1 18 x 7i/ 2 .38 48 218 2 2 18 12.1 18 x 7 .562 75 165 1 1 150 1.1 18 x 6 .555 60 115 1 1 110 1.05 .46 55 9 1 1 12 0.75 124 2 2 122 1.01 15 x 6% .44 46 1,036 1 1 70 14.8 15 x 6 .59 60 7 1 1 8 0.88 15 x 5V 2 .656 55 45 2 5 48 0.94 .41 42 2,329 4 10 319 7.3 2,374 6 15 367 6.5 12 x 5i/ 4 .46 40 628 6 8 269 2.3 12 x 5 .436 35 187 3 3 48 3.9 .35 31.5 13 2 2 21 0.62 200 69 2.9 64 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN I BEAMS (cont'd) Siee of Shapes Section Thick- ness Wt. in pounds per ft. Total Used in Average Quantity Quantity Eeq 'd Designs Yards Hulls per Hull 10 x 4% .749 .602 .31 40 35 25 19 9 73 1 1 1 1 1 5 31 8 104 0.61 1.13 0.7 101 3 7 143 0.7 9 x 4% .406 25 19 2 5 96 0.2 8x4 .541 .27 25.5 18.0 37 26 1 2 3 1 4 122 132 0.3 0.2 63 5 254 0.25 7x3% .25 15 3 1 1 22 0.14 6 x 33/ 8 .352 14.75 55 2 4 83 0.66 5x3 .21 9.75 1 2 2 18 0.06 4 x 2% .337 9.5 8 1 1 31 0.26 65 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING H PILLARS Size Section Wt. in Total of Thick- pounds Quantity Shapes ness per ft. Eeq'd j 14 1.17 236 133 .82 162 206 .67 130.5 781 .63 122.5 96 .59 114.5 64 .55 106.5 49 .51 99 67 .47 91 208 .43 83.5 270 1,874 12 .78 132.5 164 .74 125.5 396 .70 118.5 63 .67 112 387 .63 105 150 .59 98.5 113 .55 91.5 188 .51 84.5 465 .43 71.5 246 .39 64.5 21 2,193 10 .63 88.5 11 .59 82.5 15 .55 77 42 .47 65.5 112 .43 59.5 151 .39 54 168 .36 49 19 518 8 .63 71.5 483 .55 62 7 .51 57.5 14 .47 53 13 .43 48 52 .39 43.5 59 .35 39 135 .31 34.5 33 .31 32 55 851 6 .313 23.8 20 5 .313 18.7 10 4 .313 13.6 26 6 5 371 5.1 24 25 6.55 2 3 164 2.41 11 70 0.9 5 8 259 1.5 4 7 189 0.8 24 25 4.5 3 5 175 1.07 3 5 244 1.9 2 3 224 1.1 11 70 0.3 7 10 389 5.6 11 10 1.1 2 3 24 0.6 34 46 0.9 3 5 39 2.9 46 54 2.8 3 6 181 0.93 1 1 22 0.86 8 12 248 2.1 2 3 121 4.0 24 25 0.28 12 11 1.27 12 14 0.93 23 16 3.3 46 40 1.5 46 63 2.14 3 4 29 1.14 24 31 1.8 66 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN TEES Size of Shapes Section Thick- ness W't. in pounds per ft. Total Used in Quantity Eeq'd Designs Yards Hulls Average Quantity per Hull 6i/ 2 x 6i/ 2 .45 19.8 5,760 14 19 409 14.1 6 x 5i/t 1.375 39.4 51 1 1 32 1.59 6 x 4% 1.06 28.2 77 2 2 42 1.83 6x4 .5625 15.6 101 4 4 26 3.9 5x3 J 13.6 81 4 4 48 1.7 41/2 x 3 .4375 9.8 65 2 3 85 0.77 4x5 f 11.9 27 1 1 32 0.84 4x4 .5625 13.5 16 1 1 8 2.0 4x4 .4375 10.5 126 3 8 122 1.03 4x3 .4375 9.2 7 1 1 46 0.15 4x3 .375 7.8 5 1 1 46 0.11 31/2 x 3i/ 2 .4375 9.2 13 1 1 22 0.59 3x3 .375 6.7 1 1 1 8 0.13 ZEES Size of Shapes Section Thiclc- ness Wt. in pounds per ft. Total Quantity Eeq'd Dt Used in 'signs Yards Hulls Average Quantity per Hull 6 .375 15.7 12 1 1 10 1.2 1 14.6 71 1 1 12 5.9 83 1 1 12 6.9 5 .3125 11.6 22 1 1 32 0.69 4 .375 12.5 1 1 2 13 0.08 3 .50 12.6 13 1 1 5 2.6 3 .4375 11.5 129 1 1 30 4.3 .375 9.8 440 3 8 169 2.6 569 3 8 199 2.8 3 .3125 8.5 13 2 3 19 0.7 21/2 .50 13.6 753 5 7 141 5.3 67 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING APPENDIX E. showing variety of rolled steel nesses (tabulated by Designs for the 1508 vessels covered by Emergency Fleet Corporation. Approx. E.F.C. D.W.T. Design 12,500 11,925 11,800 10,000 9,600 Eeq. Eeq. 56 18 37 Shipyard CARGO SHIPS Pennsylvania S.B. New York S.B. Bethl. Alameda Sun S.B. Federal S.B. Carolina S.B. Doullut & Williams shapes and section thick- and Shipyards) specified Eeport of Oct. 15, 1918, to Variety of Number Section of Ships Shapes Thicknesses 9,500 27 Oscar Daniels Eeq. Cramp S.&E.B. 9,400 15 Groton Virginia Moore S.B. Pacific Coast S.B. Union Constr'n Seattle N. Pacific Standifer 79 Skinner & Eddy 9,000 25 Newburgh Merrill-Stevens Pensacola Chester Merchant 11 21 53 2 33 77 18 36 80 12 24 51 30 25 67 Approx. 12 29 71 8 31 85 10 33 72 Approx. 2 31 86 6 22 52 12 22 52 Approx. 25 21 49 10 25 56 10 24 50 10 23 53 10 !6 44 46 26 72 10 35 98 Approx. 6 35 98 Approx. 10 29 86 18 35 98 60 35 98 68 STANDARDIZATION OF SHIP MATERIALS LLEWELLYN Approx. E.F.C. Tt.W.T. Design 8,800 7,500 7,400 5,350 5,000 4,350 4,200 4,050 19 16 13 66 80 17 14 22 Req. 63 43 23 Eeq. Req. 60 60 74 Number Shipyard of Ships CARGO SHIPS (cont'd) Atlantic 10 Long Beach 8 Southwestern 10 Western Pipe 18 Groton 6 Baltimore D.D. 8 Los Angeles 30 Columbia River 32 Northwest Steel 31 Skinner & Eddy 31 Duthie 22 Ames 25 Downey 10 Seattle Constr'n 21 Hog Island 110 Pennsylvania S.B. 2 Standard 23 Beth. Sp.P.&H.&H. 9 Hanlon 8 Bayles 4 Submarine 150 New Jersey S.B. 12 Pusey & Jones 10 American S.B. 60 Great Lakes 24 American S.B. 60 Globe 5 Great Lakes 24 Manitowoc 12 McDougall-Duluth 15 Saginaw 12 Toledo 16 Variety of apes Section Thicknesses 26 60 20 52 27 65 24 64 34 87 Approx. 34 87 22 45 34 73 33 63 26 66 36 88 27 57 27 54 17 36 36 118 32 60 25 56 28 84 26 54 39 106 42 118 23 46 23 48 20 46 24 42 20 46 Approx. 16 29 18 29 17 31 16 16 29 Approx. 29 Approx. 19 45 69 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, MAY MEETING Variety of Approx. E.F.C. Number Section D.W.T. Design Shipyard of Ships Shapes Thicknesses CARGO SHIPS (cont'd ) 3,800 49 Albina 13 19 37 3,500 20 American S.B. 56 19 43 Approx. Globe 10 19 43 McDougall-Duluth 10 19 43 Approx. Saginaw 12 21 37 Toledo 8 20 43 Eeq. Staten Island 5 21 43 3,400 44 Manitowoc 14 21 38 CARGO TRANSPORTS 10,000 29 New York S.B. 3 24 56 8,000 24 Hog Island 70 32 129 5,000 Eeq. Cramp S.&E.B. 3 25 55 COLLIER 8,600 Eeq. New York S.B. 5 30 60 TANKERS 1 Navy Newport News 8 28 59 12,650 Eeq. New York Ship 4 34 91 10,300 59 Baltimore D.D. 12 22 61 10,150 Eeq. Sun S.B. 8 30 56 10,000 47 Bethl. Sp.P.&Un. 28 29 62 41 Moore S.B. 6 19 38 9,800 Eeq. Texas S.S. 4 36 88 7,500 31 Bethl H.&H. 3 39 83 Terry S.B. 10 39 83 Approx. 6,000 58 Baltimore D.D. 6 19 33 4,800 Eeq. Bethlehem Moore 1 23 41 Variety of Approx. E.F.C. Number Section D.W.T. Design Shipyard of Ships Shapes Thicknesses TUGS Ocean 35 Bayles 2 10 13 Bethlehem Moore 20 12 14 Newburgh 3 12 16 Providence 10 11 12 Whitney 10 9 11 Harbor 36 Johnson 6 8 12 Northwest Eng. 2 8 12 Approx. 70 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 20 1935 LD 21-100m-7,'33 CaylordBros Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 VMt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY