CATALOGUE BRECHIN DIOCESAN LIBRARY, DEPOSITED AT THE CHAPTER HOUSE, BRECHIN; WITH AN CONTAINING CATALOGUE OF BOOKS BEQUEATHED TO THE DIOCESE BY THE LATE REV. ARCHIBALD WILSON, B.A., ST. MARGARET'S, LOCHEE. MONTROSE, 1869. PRINTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE. RULES, &c. 1. The Incumbent of St Andrew's Church, Brechin, shall be Librarian, unless it shall seem meet to the Synod of the Diocese to appoint another. 2. The Brechin Diocesan Library, though specially intended for the use of the Clergy of the Diocese,* shall be open to others, on the written recommendation of any of the Clergy, in terms of Form hereunto appended the Clergyman who thus recommends being held personally responsible for the work or works given out. 3. The Librarian shall keep a Book in which he shall regularly enter the date when, and the names of the persons to whom, all books are given out ; and he shall give out no volume without a written order for the same (which order, if called for, he must produce) under the penalty of being personally responsible for the damage or loss that may be incurred. 4. No person shall be allowed to have more than Six Works be- longing to the Library in his possession at one time ; and the books must be sent for, and returned at the expense and risk of the person taking them out. 5. If a book be lost or receive any damage, the person losing or damaging it shall be obliged to furnish the Library with another copy of the same edition of that work, or one of equal value. 6. No book, until it has been a year in the Library, shall be retained by any person longer than three months. After it has been a year io the Library, it may be retained six months ; and at the expiration of that time, a fresh application must be made to the Except so far as provided for in the bequests of Bishop Abernethy Drummond, the Rev. Alex. Jamieson, &c. See "Rules and Regulations" prefixed to Catalogue of 1846. .Librarian, if a further detention of it be wished, and he shall comply with this request, unless some other person has applied for the book. 7. If any person entitled to receive books from the Library shall refuse to abide by these Kules shall, for instance, detain a book or books longer than the stated time, and, when called upon, fail to give up it or them, he shall be fined One Guinea, to be expended for the use of the Library ; and, if within one month thereafter, the book or books be not returned, nor the fine paid, the case shall be reported to the Diocesan Synod, and the defaulter dealt with according to its decision. 8. No book shall be given out without a strict adherence to the foregoing Rules. FORM OF EECOMMENDATION REFERRED TO IN RULE IL, TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE LIBRARIAN. Clergyman of the Diocese of Brechin, hereby request that you will give the undernoted work (or works') from the Diocesan Library, holding myself responsible for its (or their} safe return'. Signature of Clergyman, Books. Signature of Applicant, r/ ABBADIE Traite de la Verite de la Keligion Chretienne. 2 vols. V 12mo. A. Eotterdam 1701. G. i. 7-8. ABERCROMBY (Patrick, M.D.) The Martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation, &c. 2 vols. folio. Edin. 1711. A. vii. 2-3. ABERNETHIE DRUMMOND (William, D.D., Up. of Edin.) Dialogues. 8vo. Edin. 1776. A. iii. 9. ... See also JONES, Pamphlets and Tracts. Abstinence. Abstinence from Blood Defended, by the Author of " Eeve- lation Examined with Candour" (Dr Delaney). 8vo. Lond. 1734. A. ii. 10. ... See Pamphlets. ADAM (Eev. D.) Sermons. 8vo. Dundee 1847. C. v. 4. ... (Rev. Eobt., M.A.) The Eeligious World Displayed. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1823. C. v. 2-3. ADAMSON (John) The Muse's Welcome to the High and Mighty Prince James, by the Grace of God King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., at His Majestie's happie return to his olde and native Kingdome of Scotland, after fourteen yeeres absence, in anno 1617. Digested according to the order of His Majestie's progresse by J. A. Folio. Edin. 1618. A. v. 1. ADDISON (Eight Hon. Joseph) The Evidences ot the Christian Religion, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1733. A. ii. 7. Adoration Two Discourses concerning the Adoration of our B. Saviour iti the H. Eucharist. 4to. Oxford 1687. C. v. 1. AINSWORTH (Eobt.) Latin Dictionary, abridged by Thos. Morell, D.D. 8vo. Lond. 1794. A. iv. 1. Alcoran. The Life of Mahomet, together with the Alcoran at large, &c. 8vo. London 1718. A. iv. 2. ALLEN (Joshua) Sermons. 8vo. London 1751. A. iv. 3. ALLESTRY (Eichard, D.D.) Eighteen Sermons, &c. Folio. London 1669. A. v. 3. ALSTEDIUS (Johannes Henricus) Thesaurus Chronologise. 8vo. Herb. Nassov. 1624. A. i. 4. ALTHAM (Eoger, D.D.) Sermons, vol. 2. 8vo. London 1732. A. ii. 4. AMBROSIUS (Sanctus) Opera Omnia. Folio. Parisiis 1529. A. vi. 3. ... Another Copy. Parisiis 16J4. A. vii. L 2 CATALOGUE. America. Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. 1766. A. i. 5. ANACREON Anacreontis Teii Carmina. 8vo. Lond. 1733. A. i. 6. ANDERSON (Jas., A.M.,W.S.) An Historical Essay on the Independence of Scotland. 8vo. Edin. 1705. A. ii. 9. ANDREWES (Lancelot, Bp. of Winchester) 96 Sermons. 2 vols. folio. Lond. 1635. A. vii. 4-5. ... Another Copy. Folio. London 1635. C. vii. 6. ... On the Ten Commandments, &c. Folio. Lond. 1642. A. v. 2. ... Responsio ad Bellarminum. 8vo. (Library of Anglo Catholic Theology.) Oxford 1851. A. iv. 4. ... Tortura Torti. (Library of Anglo Catholic Theology.) 8vo. Oxford 1851. A. iv. 5. ... Opuscula Posthuma. (Library of Anglo Catholic Theology.) 8vo. Oxford 1852. A. iv. 6. ... Preces Privatae (Greece et Latine). 24mo. Oxford 1675. (Two Copies.) C. i. 4 and 10. ANNESLEY (Samuel) Sermons, vol. 2. 4to., wants title page. 1661 A. i. 2. Annotations. Annotations on the Later Prophets and New Testament. Folio, wants title page. C. vii. 5.. ANSELMUS (St. Archiep. Canthaur) Opera Omnia. Folio. Lugduni 1630. D. vii. 1. Answer. Answer to Dr Hicke's " Christian Priesthood," by a Pres- byter. 8vo. London 1709. A. ii. 8. Ante Nicene. Ante Nicene Christian Library (Clark's Edition), comprising r... The Apostolic Fathers. 8vo. Edin. 1867. B. ii. 3. jf-... Justin Martyr and Athenagoras. 8vo. Edin. 1867. B. ii. 4. jn... Tatian, Theophilus, and the Clementine Eecognitions. 8vo. Edin. 1867. B. ii. 5. Clement of Alexandria, vol. I. 8vo. Edin. 1867. B. ii. 6. ANTONINUS (Marc. Aurel. Anton.) Meditations. 12mo. Glasgow 1764. C. i. 2. Apology. Apology for the Pulpits, &c. 4to. Lond. 1688. A. i. 1. v Apology for the Bible, by B. Watson, D.D., Bp. of Landaff. \ See OGDEN. Apostolic Fathers (The). See Ante Nicene Christian Library. APTHORP (East, D.D.) Discourses on Prophecy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1786. A. ii. 1-2. AQUINAS (St Thomas) Summa Theologise (Black Letter). Folio, wants title page. Basil. 1485. A. vi. 1. ... Another Copy. Folio. Colonial Agrippinse 1640. A. vi. 2. ARCUOMBROTUS et ' THEOPOMPUS. 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1669. A.i. 3. ARIA (Benedict. Montani Hispal.) Commentaria in Isaiam. 2 vols. 4to. Antverpiae 1599. A. v. 6-7. ARIOSTO (M. Lud.) Orlando Furioso. Ed. Jeron. Kuscelli. 24mo. In Lyone 1570. A. i. 8. ; AT i~i-2y /; CATALOGUE. 6 ARMSTRONG (T. B.) Journal of Travels in the Seat of War between Turkey and Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1831. A. iii. 1. ARTHUR (Edward) Sermons. 8vo. Berwick 1783. A. ii. 3. ASHTON (Thos., D.D.) Sermons. 8vo. Lond. 1770. A. iii. 3. ATHANASIUS (St.) Opera. Grasce et Latine. 2 tomes folio. Colonise 1686. (Two Copies.) C. vii. 14. ... Treatise against the Arians. (Library of the Fathers, 8 and 19.). Parts I. and II. 8vo. Oxford 1842. F. iii. 13-14. ... Historical Tracts. (Library of the Fathers 13.) 8vo. Oxford 1843. F. iii. 15. ATHENAGORAS See Ante Nicene Christian Library. ... Apologia. 8vo. Colonise 1573. A. i. 7. ... Apologetics, by D. Humphreys. 8vo. London 1714. A. iii. 4. ATKINSON (Chris.) Sermons. 8vo. Cambridge 1774. A. iii. 2. ATTERBURY (Francis, Bp. of Rochester) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1740. A. iii. 5-6. ... (Francis, D.D. , Dean of Carlisle) Sermons. 8vo. London 1708. A. iii. 8. ... (Lewis, D.D.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1703. A. iii. 7. AUGUSTINUS (St. Aurelius) Opera Omnia. 5 tomes folio. Lugduni 1586. C. viii. 1-5. ... Another Copy. 7 tomes folio. Parisiis 1637. C. viii. 6-11, and D. viii. 1. ... Confessions (Library of the Fathers). 8vo. Oxford 1838. F. iii. 16. ... On the Psalms (Library of the Fathers). 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1847-50. F. iii. 17-20. ... Homilies on the New Test. (Library of the Fathers). 2 vols. 8. Oxford 1844-5. F. iii. 21-22. ... Homilies on the Gospel, according to St John (Library of the Fathers). 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1848-9. ' F. iii. 23-24. ... Confessiones. No date. C. i. 15. ... Meditationes, Soliloquia et Manuale Augustini ; et Meditationes, Anselmi, Bernardi, &c. 32mo. Colonize. No date. C. i. 16. AUSTIN (Rev. Gilbert) Chironomia. 4to. Colonise N.D. 1806. A, v. 4. ... (William) Devotionis Augustinianse Flamma, or Certaine Devout, Godly, and Learned Meditations, &c. Folio. London 1637. A. v. 5. B BACON (Lord) Works. 10 vols. 8vo. London 1824. C. v. 5-14. ... Novmn Organum, 12mo. Lugd. Batav. 1650. C. i. 6. BADGER (Rev. George Percy) The Nestorians and their Ritual. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1852. C. v. 15-16. BAGOT (Lewis, LL.D.) Discourses on the Prophecies. 8vo. Oxford 1780. C. v. 20. BAILEY (Rev. B., M.A.) Exposition of the Parables of our Lord. 8vo. London 1828. C. v. 19. 4 CATALOGUE. BALGUY (John, M.A.) Tracts, Moral and Theological. 8vo. Lon- don 1734. C. iv. 5. BALL (Nathaniel) Sermons. 8vo. London 1756. C. v. 25. BALZAC (Sieur de) Les Oeuvres Diverses. 12mo. A. Amsterdam 1664. C. i. 5. BARCL^EUS (Robertas) Theologiaa vere" Christiana? Apologia. 4to. Amstelodami 1676. C. vi. 15. ... Apology for Doctrines of the Quakers. 8vo. London 1841. C. v. 17. ... Another copy. 8vo. London 1736. C. vi. 17. BARCLAIUS (Joannis) Argenis. 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1664. C. vi. 16, ... The same translated by Kingesmill Long, Gent. Folio. London 1625. C. vi. 3. BARETTI (Guiseppe) Italian Dictionary. 4ro. London 1798. C. vi. 4. ... Italian Grammar. 8vo. London 1778. C. vi. 14. BARLEE (Rev. C., LL.B.) Adjnmentum or Prayers for every Sunday in the year intended to precede and follow the Sermon. 8vo. London 1819. D. iii. 4. BARONIUS (Caesar) Annales Ecclesiastici. Folio. Lutet. Parisis 1660 C. vii. 7. BARROW (Isaac, D.D.) Works. Folio. London 1683. C. vii. 11. ... A Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy, &c. Folio. London 1687. C. vii. 10. ...Works. 2vols. folio. London 1741. C. vii. 8-9. BARRY (Rev. Alfred, M.A.) Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament. 8vo. London 1856. C. v. 22. BASELEY (Rev. T., A.M.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1801. C. v. 21. BASIHUS (St.) Opera Omnia. Three tomes folio. Paris 1638. C. vii. 12-14. BASNAGE (Mr) History of the Jews. Translated into English by Thomas Taylor, A.M. Folio. London 1708. D. vii. 2. BASSELIERS (V. P. F. Balthasar) Conciones Morales de Lazaro. 4to. Antverpiae 1638. C. v. 27. BATE (Julius) Essay on the Third chapter of Genesis. 8vo. London 1741. C. iii. 4. BAXTER (Richard) Saint's Rest. 4to. London 1669. C. vi. 13. BAYLE (Peter) Dictionaire Historique et Critique. 2 tomes folio. A. Rotterdam 1697. D. viii. 3-4. BEATTIE (Jas., LL.D.) Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth. 8vo. Edin. 1770. C. iv. 1. ... Letters. 12mo. London 1820. C. i. 34. BEAUMONT (J.) Some Observations upon the Apologie of Dr Henry More. 4to. Cambridge 1665. C. v. 26. BECANUS (Martinus, Soc. Jesu.) Analogia Veteris ac Novi Test. 12mo. Duaci 1653. C. i. 7. BEDA (Venerabilis) Opera quaedam Theologica, &c. 4to. London 1693. C. iv. 4. BELLARMINUS (Cardinalis) Explanatio in Psalmos. 4to. Paris 1644. C. vi. 10. /-J ^v<2<^*-* , /- *&<<- /yz-T, CATALOGUE. BUCHANANUS Poemata. Adjecta sunt Paraphrasi Psalmorum. 8vo. London 1686. D. iv. 30. BULL (Rt. Rev. George, D.D.) Discourses. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1713. C. iii. 18-20. ... Another Copy. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1714. C. iii. 21-23. ... Opera Omnia. Ed. J.E. Grabe. Folio. Londini 1721. D. vii. 14. BULLINGER (Heinreich) In Apocalypsim Conciones Centum. Folio. Basilese 1559. D. vii. 15. BUNDY (Richd., D.D.) Sermons, vol. 1, 8vo. London 1740. C. iii. 24. ... Select Sermons. 8vo. London 1750. C. iii. 25. BURGESS (Rt. Rev. Thos., D.D.) See Pamphlets. BURKITT (Wm., M.A.) Notes on the New Testament. Folio. Lon- don 1712. D. vii. 6. BURNET (Rt. Rev. Gilbert, D.D., Bp. of Salisbury) A Vindication of the Ordinations of the Church of England, &c. 8vo. London 1677. C. iii. 26. ... History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 vols. Folio. London 1715. E. vii. 1-3. ... Abridgment of the History of the Reformation, &c. 8vo. London 1683. C. iii. 27. ... Exposition of the XXXIX Articles. Folio. London 1737. D. vii. 16. ... Of the Pastoral Care. 12mo. Glasgow 1762. C. i. 1. ... Sermons. 8vo. London 1713. C. iii. 28. ... (Thomas) Archseologise Philosophies. 8vo. London 1733. C. iii. 29. BURROUGHS (Jeremy) Moses : His Self-Denyall A Treatise upon Hebrews xi. 24. 8vo. London 1649. C. ii. 17. BURTON (Rev. Edward D.D.) Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ. 8vo. Oxford 1829. C. iv. 29. ... Bampton Lectures. 8vo. Oxford 1829. C. iv. 28. ... Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1833. C. iv. 26-27. ... (Hezekiah, D.D.) Discourses. 8vo. London 1685. C. iii. 30. BUTLER (Rt. Rev. Joseph, LL.D., Bp. of Durham) Sermons. 8vo. London 1729. D. v. 13. ... Another copy. 8vo. London 1774. D. v. 14. .., Analogy, &c. 8vo. London 1736. D. v. 12. ... Another Copy. 8vo. London 1791. D. v. 11. BUXTORFIUS (Joannes) Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmadicum, et Rabbini- cum. Folio. Basileas 1639. D. vii. 3. ... Another Copy. 12mo. Basileae 1710. D. iii. 5. ... Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sauctae Hebrseae. 12mo. Basilias 1651. D. iv. 6. BYTHNERUS (Victorinus) Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis : sive Analysis Critico-Practica Psalmorum. 12mo. Tiguri 1664. D. iii. 8. ... Another Copy. 4to. Londini 1653. C. vi. 12. o 10 CATALOGUE. CAESAR (C. Jul.) Commentaria. 4to. Frar.cofnrti 1606 D. vi. 10. CALASIUS (F. Marius de) Concordantiae Sacr. Bibl. Hebr. 4 tomes. Ed. Gul. Komaine A.M. Folio. Londini 1747. E. viii. 5-8. CALDER (Robert) On the Priesthood of the Old and New Testament. 8vo. Edin. 1716. D.iii. 30. CALEPINUS (Ambrosius) Dictionarium Latinum. 2 tomes folio. Lugduni. 1681. _ E. viii. 9-10. CALVINUS (Joannes) Institutio Christianas Religionis, &c. 8vo. Basiled 1561. D. vi. 16. ... In Quinque Libros Mosis Commentarii. Folio. St Andrews, n.d. E. viii. 11. CAMERARIUS (Phil.) Operas Horarum Subcisivarum, &c. 4to. Francofurti 1615. D. vi. 13. CAMDEN (Gul.) Britannia. 4to. Londini 1600. D. vi. 14. CAMFIELB (Benj.) Angels and their Ministries. 8vo. London. 1678. E. ii. 15. CAMPBELL (Hon. A.) The Doctrines of a Middle State, Prayers for the Dead, &c. Folio. London 1721, E. viii. 12. ... (George, D.D.) The Four Gospels Translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London 1789 D. vi. 1-2- ... Another Copy. 4 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen 1803. D. ii. 1-4. ... Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. Vol. 2nd. 8vo. London 1800. D. ii. 7. ... Dissertation on Miracles. 8vo. Edin. 1762. D. ii. 6. ... Sermons, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1771. D. ii. 5. ... (Sir Hugh, of Calder) On the Lord's Prayer. 8vo. Edin. 1709. E. ii. 21. CAMPENSIS (Joannes) Interpretatio Paraphrastica Psalmornm. 24 mo. Norimbergse 1532. C. i. 24. Canons, Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical! for the Church of Scotland. A.D. 1636. 4to. See Pamphlets. P. viii. 18. Canon Law Corpus Juris Canonici, &c. 4to. Colonies 1631. D. vi. 11. ... Another Copy. 4to. Coloniae Munatianae 1682. D. vi. 12. CARDWELL (Edw., D.D.) Synodalia. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1842. E. iii. 21-22. ... Documentary Annals. 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford 1844. E. iii. 23-24. ... History of Conferences on Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. Ox- ford 1849. E. iii. 25. ... Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum 8vo. Oxford 1850. E. iii. 26. ... The Two Liturgies of King Edward VI. 8vo. Oxford 1852. E.iii.27. CARET (Robt., L.L.D.) Palseologia Chronica A Chronological Account of Ancient Time. Folio. London 1677. E. viii. 13. CARLETON (George, M.A.) Royal Chapel Sermons. 8vo. London 1736. E. iii. 12. L a K o H. u. i*^. ^ S . . . V&RO& 1~o ( 6 y i*. i>*+* Vf. & c^. //. _ ^zr / / /. K y CATALOGUE. 11 CARLETON (E. P. Thomas Compton) Philosophia Universa. Folio. Antverpije 1649. C. vii. 1. CARPZOV (Dr of Leipsick) Defence of the Hebrew Bible A Eeply to Whiston, &c. 8vo. London 1729. E. iii. 9. CARTER (Rev. T. T., M.A.) The Doctrine of the Priesthood in the Church of England. 8vo. London 1863. E. iii. 10. Carthage Judgment of Council of Carthage on Baptism of Heretics, &c. F. iv. 7. Case Case stated between Churches of Rome and England. 8vo. London 1714. E. iii. 11. ... Case of Praying for all Actual Governors as such, &c., in a letter to the Rev. Mr Patrick Cockburn, M.A. 8vo. London 1739. E. ii. 6. Cases Cases to recover Dissenters. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1718. (2 copies.) D. ii. 15-20. CASPENSIS (Ludovicus) Cursus Theologicus. 2 vols. Folio. Lug- duni. 1641. F. viii. 4-5. CASTALIO (Sebast.) Dialogorum Sacrorum Libri IV. 12mo. Edin. 1676. D. i. 30. Catalogue Catalogue of the Library deposited at Laurencekirk for the use of the Clergy of the Diocese of Brechin with an appendix, &c. Montrose 1846. In Cabinet. CATCOTT (Rev. A. S., LL.B.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1767. E. iii. 13. Catechismus Catechismus ad Parochos ex decret. Concil. Trident. 12mo. Lugduni 1676. D. iii. 26. CATROU (P. F.) Les CEuvres de Virgile. Traduction Nouvelle. 6 vols. 8vo. A. Paris 1716. P. ii. 1-6. CAVE (Win., D.D.) Antiquitates Apostolicse, &c. Folio. London 1684. E. vi. 3. ... Autiquitates Christianse, &c. See JEREMY TAYLOR. Folio. London 1703. E. viii. 14. ... Lives of the Fathers. 2 vols. Folio. London 1682. E. vi. 1-2. ... Another Copy. Folio. London 1716. E. viii. 15. ... Primitive Christianity. 12mo. London 1676. E. ii. 13. ... Another Copy. 12mo. London 1682. E. ii. 14. ... Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria. 2 vols. Folio. Oxonii 1740-3. F. viii. 2-3. ... Another Copy. Folio. Colon. Allog. 1720. F. viii. 1. Celibacy A Treatise of the Celibacy of the Clergy, by H. Wharton. 4to. London 1688. D. v. 26. CELLARIUS (ChristopherusJ Historia Nova. 24mo. Jenael702. C. i. 33. Ceremonies Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the various Natiens of the known World. Folio. London 1741. F. viii. 6. CHABOTIUS (P. Gualt.) Prelectiones in Quintum Horatium. Folio. Basiliaj 1591. F. viii. 7. CHAMIERUS (Daniel) Panstratiae Catholicae, sive Contraversiarum de Religione adversus Pontificios Corpus. 4 tomes. Folio. Geneva 1626. F. viii. 8-11. 12 CATALOGUE. CHANDLER (Samuel, D.D.) A Keview of the History of the Man after God's own heart. 8vo. London 1762. E. ii. 2. ... (Rt. Rev. Richd., Bp. of St Davids.) On Miracles. Reply to Woolston. 8vo. London 1729. E. ii. 1. ... (Rt. Rev. Edward, Bp. of Lichfield) A defence of Christianity. 8vo. London 1728. E. ii. 3. CHATELAIN (Pere le) Sermons ou Discours sur differens Snjets. 6 tomes. 12mo. A. Paris 1768. D. iii. 15-20. CHAPMAN (Rev. , of Bath) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1790. D. ii. 9-10. CHARLES!. Works of King Charlesl. Folio. London 16 62. F. viii. 12. CHARLES II. Papers of King Charles II. 4to. London 1686. See Pamphlets. O. vii. 21. CHAUCER (Geoffrey) Works. (Black Letter.) Folio. London 1602. F. viii. 13. CHEYNE (Rev. P.) Scottish Communion Office Vindicated. 8vo. Aberdeen 1843. E. ii. 29. CHILLINGWORTH (Wm., M.A.) Works. Folio. London 1727. F. viii. 14. ... Religion of Protestants, &c. 4to. London 1687. D. vi. 15. Christian Principles of the Christian Faith (Translated from the French). 2 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1755. D. iii. 24-25. ... Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. 8vo. London 1724. E. ii. 7. Christianity Practical Christianity, &c. 8vo. London 1685. M. iii. 4. CHRYSOSTOMUS (Sanctus) Opera Omnia. 12 in 11 vols. Folio. Paris 1636. E. vii. 4-14. ... Commentarium in Acta Apostolorum. 12mo. Paris 1548. E.ii. 23. ... Homilies on St. Matthew. (Library of the Fathers.) Parts I. and II. 8vo. Oxford 1843-4. F. iii. 26-27. ... Homilies on St John. Do. Part I. 8vo. Oxford 1848. F. iii. 28. ... Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles. Do. Parti. 8vo. Oxford 1851. F. iii. 29. ... Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1841. F. iii. 30. ... Homilies on 1st Corinthians. Do. Parts I and II. 8vo. Ox- ford 1839. F. iv. 1-2. ... Homilies on 2nd Corinthians. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1848. F. iv. 3. ... Homilies on Galatians and Ephesians. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1840. F. iv. 4. ... Homilies on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1843. F. iv. 5. ... Homilies on Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1843. F. iv. 6. ... Homilies on the Statues. Do. 8vo. Oxford 1842. F. iii. 25. Church An Essay on the Nature of the Church. 8vo. Edin. 1728. F. i. 22. ... The Constitution and Discipline of the Primitive Church. 8vo. No Title Page. E. Hi. 18. (Hv^> r&-\.(u*.^ J . y -V' <\ [AM.** i/y jJLls ' y CATALOGUE. 13 Church of England A Short, Plain, and Practical Exposition of the Prayers, &c., of the Church of England. 8vo. Reading 1742. I), iii. 29. ... An Essay on the Revenues of the Church of England. 8vo. London 1795. F.i. 15. ... See also Case. Church Government The Divine Eight of Church Government 4to. London 1654. D. v. 25. CHURCHILL (Charles) Sermons. 8vo. London 1765. E. iii. 2. CICERO (M. Tullius) Opera. 4 tomes in 2 vols. Folio. Hamburgi. 1618. F. vii. 1-2. ... Of the Nature of the Gods, &c. (Translation.) 8vo. London 1741. E. iii. 15. CLAGETT (Wm., D.D.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1693-4. E. ii. 9-10. CLARKE (Samuel, D.D.) Seventeen Sermons. 8vo. London 1724. E. iii. 16. ... Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God, f X"- ^" <2^s*** / *'*f ^^-. ^-A*^ ^r*r ^~i.^^3. ' CATALOGUE. 41 MAMACHIUS (Fr. Thomas Maria) Antiquitates Christianas. Ed. Rob. Fribarnius. 2 vols. 4to. Romae 1749-50. I. vi. 9-10. MANNING (Henry Edward, M.A.) On the Unity of the Church. 8vo. London 1842. K. v. 2. HANSEL (H. L., B.D.) Bampton Lectures for 1858. The Limits of Religious Thought.Svo. London 1858. K. v. 3. MANX (Richard, D.D., Bp. of Down and Connor) Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford 1816. K. v. 4. Manuscripts. ... De Actibus Humanis, Legibus, &c. 4to. 1713. I. vi. 20. ... De Deo Uno et Trino. 4to. 1713. I. vi. 21. ...Sermons. 2 vols. 4to. 1739. P. ix. 10-11. ... Jacobite Memoirs from 1682 to 1714. 8ro. P. viii. 8. ... Sermones Dominicales. 4to. P. ix. 2. MAPLETOFT (John, D.D.) The Principles and Duties of the Christian Religion. 8vo. London 1719. K. ii. 37. MARCELLINUS See FAUSTINUS MARMET (E.) Dix-Huit Sermons sur Job. xix. 23-27. 24to. Queuilly 1636. K. ii. 26 MARRIOTT (Rev. Charles, B.D.) Lent Readings on the Epistle to the Romans. 12mo. Oxford 1849. K. ii. 35. MARSH (Herbert, D.D., Bp. of Peterborough) Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible. 8vo. Cambridge 1828. K. v. 14. ... A Comparative View of the Churches of England and Rome. 8vo. London 1816. K. v. 10. ... A Dissertation on the Origin and Composition of the Three First Canonical Gospels. 8vo. Cambridge 1801. K. v. 12. ... Illustration of the Hypothesis proposed in the Dissertation, fec. 8vo. Cambridge 1803. K. v. 13. ... Horse Pelasgicae. 8vo. Cambridge 1815. K. v. 11. ... See Sermons. MARSHALL (Nath., A.M.) Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church. 8vo. London 1714. K. v. 26. MARTIAL (M. Val.) Epigrammata, cum notis Th. Farnabii. 12mo. Amstelodami 1670. K. ii. 27. ... See DIONYSIUS. Martyr Account of the Martyrs at Smyrna and Lyons in the Second Century. (Lord Hailes.) 12mo. Edinburgh 1776. K. ii. 36. Mary A Method to Love and Serve the B. V. Mary. (By R. F.) Imperfect. 12mo. No date. P. iv. 31. ... (Queen of Scots) An Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo. Edinburgh 1772. K. v. 25. MASKELL (Rev. W., M.A.) A History of the Martin Marprelate Controversy. 12mo. London 1845. K. ii. 31. ... Mouuraenta Ritualia Ecclesise Anglicana?. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1846-7. K. v. 6-8. ... Holy Baptism. 8vo. London 1848. K. v. 9. o 42 CATALOGUE. MASON (Francis, B.D.) Vindicia? Ecclesiso Anglicanse. Folio. Lon- dini 1625. I. vi. 8. ... (John, A.M. ) Self-Knowledge. 12mo. London 1769. K. ii. 28. MASSILLON (Jean Baptist.) Sermons. Vol. 4. 12mo. Paris 1746. K. ii. 29. MASSONTJS (Papirius) Libri Sex de Episcopis Urbis, quse Eomanam Ecclesiam rexerunt, &c. 4to. Paris 1586. K. v. 20. MATY (Paul Henry) Sermons. 8vo. London 1788. K. v. 15. MAUNDRELL (Henry, M.A.) A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, 1697. 8vo. Oxford 1749. K. ii. 33. MAUBICE (F. D., M.A.) On the Epistle to the Hebrews, with a Preface on Newman's Theory of Development. 8vo. London 1846. K. v. 16. ... The Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. 8vo. Cambridge 1855. K. ii. 32. MAYOR (William, LL.D.) Ancient Universal History. 9 vols. 18mo. London 1813. L. i. 1-9. ... Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus. 25 vols. 18mo. London 1796-1801. L. i. 10-34. MBDE (Joseph, B.D.) Works. Folio. London 1677. K. viii. 10. ... Another Copy. 3 vols. 4to. London 1642. K. iv. 27-29. ... Diatribas; or Certain Discourses on Divers Texts of Scripture; Churches, that is, appropriate places for Christian Worship both in and ever since the Apostles times ; The name Altar or Thusiasterion anciently given to the Holy Table; The Eeverence of God's House, &c. 8vo. London 1637-42. L. ii. 15. ... See Pamphlets. MERIVALE (J. H.) Collections from the Greek Anthology, by the late Kev. R. Bland and others. 8vo. London 1833. L. ii. 12. MERRICK (James, M.A.) The Psalms Translated or Pharaphrased in English Verse. 12mo. Reading 1766. L. i. 39. MESTON (William, A.M.) Poetical Works. 12mo. Edinburgh 1767. L. ii. 21. MIDDLETON (Patrick) A Dissertation upon the Power of the Church, &c. 8vo. London 1733. L. ii. 13. MILL (W. H., D.D.) Observations on the Attempted Application of Pantheistic Principles to the Theory, &c., of the Gospel. Part I. 8vo. Cambridge 1840. K. v. 5. ... Lectures on the Church Catechism. Edited by hig son-in-law, Rev. Benj. Webb. 12mo. Cambridge 1856. K. ii. 38. MILLAK (John, Professor of Law, Glasgow) Distinction of Ranks in Society. 8vo. London 1773. L. iii. 1. MILMAN (Rev. H. H., DD.) History of Latin Christianity. 6 vols. 8vo. London 1857. K. iv. 10-15. MILNE (Rev. James, M.A.) Sermons delivered in St Andrew's, Banff. 8vo. Edinburgh 1806. L. iii. 2. MILKER (Rev. Joseph, A.M.) Works. 8 vols. 8vo. London 1810. L. iii. 3-10. i 67l*t Lx^r- CATALOGUE. 43 MILKER Sermons. With Life by Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1814. L. iii. 11-12. MILTON (John) Paradise Lost 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh 1765. L. i. 35-36. ... Another Copy. With Critic by Addison, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Edinburgh 1755. L. i. 37. MINSH^EUS (Joannes) Emendatio, &c., sui Ductoris in Linguas. Folio. London 1627. K. viii. 15. MINUCIUS (M. Minucius Felix) Octavius. 12mo. London 1706. L. ii. 18. ... The Same. English Translation, by Lord Hailes. 12mo. Edin. 1781. L. ii. 19. Miracles The Miracles of Jesus Vindicated. 8vo. London 1730. L. ii. 3. MIRANDA (F. Barth. G.) Summa Conciliorum et Pontificum. 24to. Parisiisl564. C. i. 21. MIRANDULA (Joannes Fran. Picus) Opera Omnia. Folio. 1496. K. viii. 11. MITCHELL (Patrick, D.D.) Presbyterian Letters Addressed to Bp. Skinner of Aberdeen, on his Vindication of Primitive Truth and Order. 8vo. London 1809. L. ii. 1. MOHAMMED See MURRAY. MOLINIER (Estienne) Sermons pour tous les Dimanches de 1'Annee. 2 vols. 12mo. A. Rouen 1663. L. ii. 24-25. ... Sermons pour toutes les Feries et Dimanches du Caresme. 2 vols. 12mo. A. Rouen 1657. L. ii. 26-27. MONRO (Alexander, D.D.) Enquiry into the New Opinions, chiefly Propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland. 12mo. London 1696. (Two Copies.) L. i. 43, and L. ii. 17. ... (Rev. Edward, M.A.) Parochial Work. 8vo. London 1851. L. iii. 16. MONTAIGNE (Michael, Seigneur de) Essays. Made English by Charles Cotton, Esq. Vol 2. 8vo. London 1700. L. ii. 22. MONTESQUIEU (M. de Secondat, Baron de) The Spirit of Laws. Translated. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1762. L. ii. 28-29. MOORE (John, Bp. of Ely) Sermons. 8vo. London 1715. L. ii. 16. MORE (Henry, D.D.) Enchiridion Ethicum. 16mo. Amstelodami 1679. C. i. 28. Mort Le Bonheur de la Mort Chretienne. 12mo. A. Paris 1693. L. i. 42. MORTON (Thomas, Bp. of Lichfield) Of the Institution of the Sacra- ment of the Blessed Bodie and Blood of Christ, CATALOGUE. 47 NEWTON Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John. 4to. London 1733. K. vi. 6. ... (Richard, D.D.) Sermons. Edited by S. Adams, LL.B., 8vo. Oxford 1784. L. iv. 15. ... (Thomas, D.D., Bp. of Bristol) Dissertations on the Prophecies. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1771. L. iv. 16-18. NICHOLLS (William, D.D.) Paraphrase on the Book of Common Prayer, together with Lives of the Apostles, &c. 8vo. London 1753. L. iv. 19. NICHOLSON (Right Rev. William, Bp of Gloucester) A plain but full Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England. 4to. London 1676. L. iv. 25. NICOLAS (Auguste) Etudes Philosophiques sur le Christianisme. 4 tomes. 8vo. Paris 1865. L. iv. 20-23. NICOLSON (William, Archdeacon of Carlisle) The Scottish Historical Library. 8vo. London 1702. L. iv. 24. NOLDIUS See Concordantice. NORTH (Roger, Esq.) Examen, or an Enquiry into the Credit, &c., of a Pretended Complete History. 4to. London 1740. K. vi. 4. NUGENT (Thomas) Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music. Translated from the French of the Abbe Du Bos. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1748. L. iv. 28-30. o Observateui L'Observateur Catholique. Tomes v.-xvi. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris 1858-1865. L. v. 6-13. Observations Observations on Divers Passages of Scripture, &c. 8vo. London 1764. L. iv. 33. Office Office de la Semaine Sainte. A L'Usage de Rome et de Paris. 24to. Paris 1743. C. i. 32. OGDEN (Rev. Uzal) The Deist Unmasked, &c. With Leslie's Short Method, and Watson's Apology for the Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow 1807. L. v. 4-5. OGILVIE (John, D.D.) Enquiry into the Causes of the Infidelity and Scepticism of the Times. 8vo. London 1783. L. v. 14. OLDENBURG (Henricus) Acta Philosophica, Societatis Regije in Anglia. 3 vols. 8vo. Amstelodami 1672-81. D. i. 1-3. OLDHAM (Mr John) Poetical Works. 8vo. London 1686. L. v. i. Ordinal The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Conse- crating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, according to the use of the Church of England. 8vo. Oxford 1787. L. v. 3. OREM (William) Description of Chanonry, Cathedral, and King's College of Old Aberdeen, in the years 1724 and 1725. 8vo. Aber- deen 1791. L. v. 2, ORIGEN Opera quae quidem extant oinnia. Folio. Basilese 1571. K. vii. 6. 48 CATALOGUE. ORIGEN Commentarius in Nov. Test., Dialogi adversus Marcionistas, Libri adversus Celsum, et Diversi Tractatus. Pars Secunda. Folio. Lutet. Parisiis. 1619. K. vii. 5. ... Contra Celsum Libri. Octo. Ejusdem Philocalia. Ed. Gul. Spencerus. 4to. Can tabrigise 1658. (Two Copies.) K. vi. 9-10. ORR (John, M.A.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1750. L. iv. 31-32. OVERALL (John, D.D., Bp. of Norwich) Convocation Book (1606.) 4to. London 1690. K. vi. 8. OVLDIUS (Publius Naso) Metamorphoseon. Libri xv. Studio et Opera Jacobi Pontani. Folio. Antwerpise 1618. K. vii. 7. ... The same. Englished, Mythologiz'd, and Represented in Figures by G. Sandys. Folio. Oxford 1632. K. vii. 8. OWEN (Robert, D.D.) An Introduction to the Study of Dogmatic Theology. 8vo. London 1858. L. v. 15. PAGNINUS (S. Lucensis ) See Lexicon Hebraicum. PALEY (William, D.D.) A View of the Evidences of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1811. L. v. 16-17. ... Horse Paulinse. 8vo. London 1812. L. v. 18. ... Moral and Political Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1810. L. v. 19-20. ... Natural Theology. 8vo. London 1813. L. v. 21. ... Works. 8vo. Edinburgh 1831. L. v. 22. PALMER (John, M.A.,) The Catholique Planisphaer. 4to. London 1658. L. vi. 21. ... (Rev. William, M.A.) Origines Liturgicse. 2 vols. London 1845. L. v. 23-24. ... Treatise on the Church. 2 vols. London 1842. (Two copies.) L. v. 25-28. ... (William) An appeal to the Scottish Church. 8vo. Edin. 1849. L. v. 29. ... See Pamphlets, Tracts. Pamphlets An Essay on the Church, by the Rev. W. Jones, M.A. London 1800 ; Catechetical Instruction, or the Catechism of the Church of England Explained and Illustrated, &V~*s^- 0iC & \S4*+ ^SfajL&A&J rf&rrvi*^ a^ ^ ^fc:^^ ^u^t, /6/4* y * cZ^fc / x*"T^ st * . . > * s'~* CATALOGUE. 49 Pamphlets. brigiae, 1688 ; An Answer to a late Book, intituled " A Discourse concerning the Inventions of Men in the Worship of God, by Wm. (King) Lord Bp. of Derry, &c.," by Robt. Craghead, minister of the Gospel. Edinburgh 1694; Some Seasonable and Modest Thoughts, partly occasioned by, and partly concerning the Scots East India Company, &c. Edinburgh 1696 ; Sermon Preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Bp. of Lincoln, held at Hartford, June 12, 1700, by Philip Falle London 1700. 4to. L. ii. 14. ... Libri de Rebus Britannicis, a Catalogue drawn up by Mr James Anderson ; Gloria Domus Waldsteinianae, &c., Viennas Austrian 1706 ; RemarksuponE. Settle's Narrative Londonl683; Cornelii Van Houten Oratio Inauguralis, &c. Harlemi 1690; Oratio Leopoldo Marchioni, &c., Coram Senatu Populoque Academico, &c., Vienna Austrise ; Panegyricus Petro Primo, D. G. Reg. Totius Roosias, &c. ; Jucunda? Aganippidos Undae ut in Vota fluant et refluant Celsissimo ac Reverendissimo Jacobo Ernesto, &c. ; The History, Ancient, and Modern of the Sheriff- doms of Linlithgow and Stirling, &c., by Sir Robert Sibbald, Doctor of Medicine Edinburgh 1710. Folio. O. vii. 1. ... The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem, Restored and Compared, &c. ; Office for the Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist, founded on the Liturgy of St James ; Bp. Innes' Answer to all the Papers against the Bishops of Scotland ; Lord Hailes' Hist. Mem. concerning the Provincial Councils of !-'cot. Clergy, from earliest accounts to Era of Reformation ; Do. Canons of Scottish Church drawn up at Perth 1242-1269 ; Do. Life of George Leslie ; Do. Life of Barclay ; Beattie's Minstrel ; Vindication of Bp. Keith's Family ; Rev. C. Cordiner's Sermon on Peace ; Narrative of the late Riots at Edinburgh ; Information for Jos. Knight against John Wedderburn : Information for John Wedderburn against Jos. Knight. 4to. 0. vii. 24. .. The History of Jacob and his Twelve Sons. ; The Satires and Elegies of Ariosto ; Canons and Constitutions Eccles. for the Church of Scotland Aberdeen 1636 ; Protestation of the Noble- men, &c. Edin. 1638 ; Reasons for a Generall Assemblie 1638 ; Protestation of the Noblemen, &c. 22d Sept., 1638 ; Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland 1638; Remonstrance of the Nobility, &c. Edinburgh 1639 ; Answer to the Profession, &c., of Marques of Hamilton, 1638 ; Information to all Good Chris- tians Edin. 1639; The Mysterie of Iniquity yet Working; Special Passages, &c. August 1642; An Answer to a Speech without doors ; The Humble Answer of the Lords and Commons 1642; Returne from the Parliament of England 1642; Declaration of Reasons for Assisting the Parliament 1643; Proclamation concerning a Cessation of Arms 1643; Proposi- tions for Peace December, 1644; Remonstrance of the Lord Mayor of London 1646; Solemn and Seasonable Warning 1646 ; Directions of the General Assembly 1647 ; His Majestie's 50 CATALOGUE. Pamphlets. Paper Touching Episcopacy 1 648 ; Reasons of the Minister's Elders, &c. 1662 ; Declaration of the Parliament of Scotland 1648 ; Declaration of the Commissioners of the General Assembly 1648; Apologetical Declaration of Presbyterians 1649; A Declaration by His Majesty 1650 4to. P. viii. 18. ... Protestation of the Noblemen, &c. 4th July, 1638 ; Answer to M. J. Forbes of Corse 1638 ; The Confession of the Faith, &c., pro- fessed by the Protestants of Scotland 1568, reprinted 1638; Protestation of the General Assembly 1638 ; Remonstrance of the Nobility, &c. Edin. 1639 ; An Information to all Good Christians Edin. 1639 ; The Case of Ship-Money briefly dis- coursed 1640; News from Ireland, &c. Edin. 1641 ; Remon- strance of the State of England 1641 ; Articles of the Large Treaty of Peace 1641 ; His Majestie's Manifest 1641 ; Mr Hide's Argument before the Lords 1641 ; Speech of Mr J. White concerning Episcopacy 1641 ; Copie of the Irish Rebel's Covenant 1641 ; The Downfall of Greatnesse, for the Loss of Goodnesse a poem, or a short Survey of Thomas Lord Wentworth 1641; Sir Francis Bacon's Confession of Faith 1641 : Roome for Canterbury, or a true Relation of the Birth and Life of William Laud 1641 : Parallel between Essex and Buckingham, by Sir Henry Walter Knight 1641. 4to. P. viii. 19. ... The Earl of Newcastle's Declaration 1642 ; Relation of the Fight at Kyneton 1642 ; Eight Speeches at the Guilde-Hall, by Lord Wharton, Master Strode, Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Holland, Lord Say, also, a Letter from Master Secretary Nicolas to Earl of Cumberland 1642 ; True Copie of the Petition of the London Gentlewomen, &c., to the House of Commons, 1642 ; The Humble Desires of the Commissioners of His Majestie's Kingdom of Scotland 1642 ; A Declaration of the Lords and Commons 1642 ; True Intelligence from Ireland 1642 ; Relations of Divers Proceedings betwixt the King and his loyall subjects 1642 ; Some Passages from Westminster, London, York, and other parts 1642 ; Continuation of the True Diurnal Occurrences in Parlia- ment 1642 ; His Majestie's Instructions to his Commissioners of Array 1643; Earl of Bath's Declaration 1642; Declaration from Parliament 1642; Returnes from the Parliament 1642; His Majestie's Speech in the House of Commons 4 Jannarii, 1642 ; Speech of J. Pym. Jan. 25, 1642 ; A Deep Sigh Breathed through the Lodgings at Whitehall 1642 ; Plots, Conspiracies, and Attempts 1642; His Majestie's Declaration 12th August, 1642 (Black Letter) ; Seasonable and Modest Thoughts concerning the Scots East India Company 1696 ; Reflections on Lord Haver- sham's Speech Edin. 1704; The Highlander's Answer to do; State of the Process, W. Wemyss, Esq. ; Memorial for the Marquis of Lothian. 4to. P. viii. 20. ... Practices and attempts of the Hamiltons 1648; Act for Putting the Kingdom in a Posture of Defence 1648 ; News from West- _ pera Omnia quse exstant. Traducta a Marsilio Ficino. Folio. No date. L. vii. 5. PLAUTUS (M. Accius) Opera Ed. Dionysius Lambinns. 4to. Aurelise Allob. 1615. L. vi. 22. PLINY (Caecilius) Epistles. 12mo. 1611. D. i. 5. ... The Letters of Pliny. Translated by Wm. Melmoth. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1747. M. v. 28-29. PLUMPTRE (Charles, M.A.) The Christian Guide. 8vo. London 1802. M. iv. 15. PLUTARCH Demosthenis et Ciceronis Vitse. Ed. P. Barton. 8vo. Oxon. 1744. M. iii. 24. ... Plutarch's Lives. 2 vols. 8vo. London. No date. M. iii. 8-9. POCKLINGTON (John, D.D.) See Pamphlets. PODMORE (Thomas) The Layman's Apology for Returning toPrimitive Christianity. 8vo. Leeds 1747. I. v. 8. Poetce Poetarum Scotorum Mubse Sacrse. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1739. M. v. 25-20. ... See LAURENCE. Poetry The Laws of Poetry. 8vo. London 1721. M. v. 27. POLUS (Mathasus) Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturse In- terpretum. 5 tomes. Folio. London 1669-76. L. viii. 1-5. POLWHELE (Richard) Sermons. Vol. 1. 8vo. London 1788. M. v, 14. POLYBIUS (Megalopolitanus) Historiarum Libri v. Priores. Nic. Perotto interprete. 12mo. 1597. C. i. 27. ... See SLOAN. POLYCARP (S.) See IGNATIUS. Polygamy Reflections on Polygamy, by Phileleutherus Dublinensis. 8vo. London 1737. M. iii. 5. POOLE (Matthew) Blow at the Romish Church. 8vo. London 1679. M. iii. 21. POPE See Pamphlets. Popery Tracts on Popery. 8vo. 1685. L. vi. 20. PORTEOUS (Beilby, D.D., Bp. of London) Lectures on the Gospel of S.Matthew. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1812. M. v. 15-16. ... Sermons. 8vo. London 1787. M. v. 17. K 66 CATALOGUE. PORTEUS Life of Bp. Porteous, by Rev. Robert Hodgson. 8vo. London 1811. M. v. 18. ... See Pamphlets. POTTER (John, D.D.) On Church Government. 8vo. London 1724. M. vi. 19. POWELL (Samuel, D.D.) Discourses. 8vo. London 1776. M. v. 20. Prayer The Book of Common Prayer. (Black letter.) Folio. London 1715. L. vii. 6. ... Do. Folio. London 1724. L. viii. 7. ... Do. Folio. Edinburgh 1732. L. viii. 6. ... Do. Bound up with Holy Bible, Folio. No date. L. vii. 7. ... Do. 8vo. London 1707. M. v. 21. ... Do. Dyce's Edition. 4to. London 1843. L. vi. 19. ... The Booke of Common Prayer, &c., for the use of the Church of Scotland. (Black letter.) " Folio. Edinburgh 1637. L. vi. 18. ... Another Copy, with King James' Psalms. (Black letter.) Folio. L. vi. 17. ... Another Copy. Reprint. 8vo. Edinburgh 171?. M. iii. 11. ... The Book of Common Prayer, &c. Bishop Torry's Edition. l'2mo. Edinburgh 1849. C. i. 31. ... Do. American Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia 1786. M. iii. 19. ... Do. Zurick Edition. 8ro. London 1693. M. iii. 20. ... Prayer Book for Christians of all Denominations. 8vo. London 1761. M. iv. 29. ... Prayers for Families. 8vo. London 1781. M. iv. 30. ... Preparation for Holy Communion. Reprint. 12mo. London 1701. D. i. 6. ... See Church of England. Presbyterian New Presbyterian Eloquence, by Jacob Curate Junior. 8vo. Edinburgh 1810. M. iii. 12. ... Presbytery Untwisted from the Bottom. 8vo. London 1709. M. iv. 31. PRETTYMAN (George, D.D.) Christian Theology. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1800. M. v. J2-13. PRICHARD (Rev. James) Life of Hincmar. 8vo. Littleinore 1849. M. iii. 18. PRIDEAUX (Humphrey, D.D.) The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from the Declension ol tho Kingdom of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. 2 vols. Folio. London 1717-8. L. viii. 10-11. ... Another Copy. 2 vols. Folio. London 1724. L. viii. 8-9. PROCTER (Francis) A History of the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. Cambridge 1855. M. iii. 23. Prophetes Les Douze Petits Prophetes, avec 1'Explication. 4to. Paris 1680. M. iii. 2. Protestant The Protestant's Trial by the Written Word. 18mo. Brussels 1771. D. i. 20. PRYMNE (William) The Antipathie of the English Lordly Prelacie. 4to. London 1641. M. iii. 6. / CATALOGUE. 67 Psalms The Book of Psalms, with Forms of Prayer. 18mo. Edin. 1634. D. i. 7. ... A New Version of the Psalms, by M. Montague. 8vo. London 1851. M. v. 11. .. The Psalter in English Verse ; by a Member of the University of Oxford. (Rev. J. Keble.) 12mo. Oxford 1840. P. viii."32. ... Psalterium Ecclesise Anglicanse Hebraicum. 8vo. London 1804. C. i. 36. PUDDICOMBE (J. N., M. A.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1736. M. v.22. PUFFENDORF (Samuel) De Jure Natures et Gentium. 4to. Amster- dam. No date. L. vi. 23 ... De Officio Hominis et Civis, &c., 8vo. Cantab. 1735. M. iv. 9 ... An Introduction to the History of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe. 8vo. London 1702. M. iv. 7. ... The Compleat History of Sweden from its Origin to this time. 8vo. London 1702. M. iv. 8. PURCHAS (Samuel) Microcosmos : or the Historic of Man. 8vo. Lon- don 1619. M. iii. 10. ... (John,M.A.) Directorium Anglicanum. 4to. London 1858. B.i.12. PUSEY (Rev. E. B., D.D.) The Real Presence, the Doctrine of the English Church, with a Vindication of the reception by the wicked, and of the Adwration of our Lord Jesus Christ truly present. 8vo. Oxford 1857. M. v. 31. ... The Church of England a Portion of Christ's One Holy Catholic Church, and a means of Eestoring Visible Unity. An Eirenicon, in a Letter to the Author of " The Christian Year." 8vo. Lon- don 1865. M. v. 4. ... See Tracts Sermons. PYLE( Rev. Thomas) Sermons. 2vols. 8vo. London 1776. M.iv. 16-17. ... (Rev. Philip) Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo. Norwich 1789. M. iv. 18-21. Q QUESNEL (Pasquier) Commentary on the Four Gospels. English Translation. 2 vols. 8vo. Bath. No date. M. iii. 25-26. QUINCY (John, M.D.) Lexicon Physico-Medicum. 8vo. London 1687. M. iii. 27. R RALEIGH (Sir Walter) The History of the World. Folio. London 1614. L. viii. 12. RAMSAY (Allan) The Gentle Shepherd, A Scots Pastoral Comedy. 8vo. Edinburgh 1776. M i. 3. ... (The Chevalier) The Travels of Cyrus. 2 vols. 8vo. London. No date. M. i. 1-2. 68 CATALOGUE. KAMPERTUS See GAUDENTIUS. RANDOLPH (Rev. Francis, D.D.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1806. N. viii. 4. RAPHAEL The Cartoons of Raphael. 4to. London 1801. M. vi. 5. RAPIN (M.) Salvation Every Man's Concern. Translated by George Stanhope, D.D. 8vo. London 1728. M. ii. 20. RATTRAY (Right Rev. Thomas, D.D.) The Liturgy of S.- James. 4to. London 1744. (Two copies.) M vi. 6-7. RAVANELLUS (Petrus) Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vols. Folio. Genevse 1654. L. viii. 13-14. RAY (Rev. John, M.A.) The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of Creation. 8vo. Edinburgh 1777. (Two Copies.) M. i. 4-5. ... Miscellaneous Discourses. 8vo. London 1682. M. i. 6. ... Persuasive to a Holy Life. 8vo. London 1719. M. i. 7. RAYNAL (Abbe) Translation of the History of the East and West Indies. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1782. M. i. 8-13. READING (William, M.A.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1724. M. i. 35. REAY (W., M.A.) Sermons. 8vo. London 1755. M. ii. 22. Reconciler The Reconciler of the Bible. Folio. London 1662. M. vi. J. REEVES (William, M.A.) Apologies of Justin Martyr, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1709 & 1716. (Three Copies.) M. ii. 8-9. & 23-26. Reflections Reflections on our Common Failings. From the French. 12mo. London 1701. M. i. 29. Registrum Rogistrum Episcopatus Brechinensis. 2 vols. 4to. Aberdeen 1856. 0. vii. 13-14. REGNIER(DU) Sermons. 3 tomes. 8vo. A Lyons 1761. M. i. 24-26. REID (Thomas, D.D.) An Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense. 8vo. Edinburgh 1764. M. iii. 33. ... On the Active Powers of Man. 4to. Edinburgh 1788. M. vi. 2. ... On the Intellectual Powers of Man. 4to. Edinburgh 1785. M. vi. 3. Religion Religion of Nature Delineated. 4to. London 1725. M. vi. 8. ... Considerations about the Reconcileableness of Reason and Religion, &c. 12mo. London 1675. E. ii. 20. ... A Gentleman's Religion. 8vo. Dublin 1730. M. i. 33. ... Religionism, or Popular Preaching, alias Pulpiteers. 8vo. Lon- don 1812. M. ii. 33. ... Reply to Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion, by Philalethes Cantabrigiensis. 8vo. London 1834. M. i. 34, Remains Remains of Christian Antiquity. 2 vols. (2d & 3d). 12mo. Edinburgh 1778. M. i. 27-28. Remarks Remarks on Revelation and Infidelity. 8vo. Edinburgh 1797. M. i. 30. RENNEL (W. H.) Discourses. 8vo. London 1796. M. iii. 30. Reports Reports of the Scottish Episcopal Church Society. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1839-1859. N. viii. 9-10. - 21 zzr. J2^. /- -v ( / (Lt&*(*t/ tf$ r *atu^ CATALOGUE. 69 Revelation Kevelation Examined with Candour. 2 vols. 8 r o. London 1745. M. ii. 13-U. ... Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin 1732. M. ii. 15-16. Review The Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1820-1. N. viii. 6-S. ... The Theological Review, from 1825-1843 (1826 & 7 wanting). 34 vols. 8vo. London. N. ix. 1-31 & viii. 1-3. ... See Magazines. REYNOLD (Edward, D.D.) Works. Folio. No date. L. viii. 15. RICHMOND (Richard, LL.D.) Sermons, &c. 4to. London 1764. M. vi. 4. RIVETUS (Andreas) Meditationes in Psalmos Peuitentiales. I2mo. No date. D. i. 11. ROBB (Kev. William) Poems. 8vo. Edinburgh 1809. M. iii. 29. ROBERTS (Francis, A.M.) Believer's Evidences for Eternal Life. 8vo. London 1649. D. i. 12. ROBERTSON (William, D.D.) The History of Greece. 8vo. Edin- burgh 1790. M. ii. 5. ... The History of Charles the Fifth. 4 vols. 8vo. London 1772. M. ii. 1-4. ... The History of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1761. M. ii. 6-7. ... (Rev. J. C.) History of the Christian Church. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1858. N. viii. 11-13. ... (Rev. James) Exposition of the Revelation of S. John. Folio. Edinburgh 1730. L. vii. 8. ... (Alexander) See STRUAN. ROBINSON (Thomas, M.A.) Scripture Characters. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1792. M. ii. 27-28. ROBISON (John, A.M.) Proofs of a Conspiracy of Free Masons, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh 1797. M. ii. 29. ROCHEFORT Memoirs of Count de Rochefort. Translated. 8vo. London 1707. M. ii. 17. ROGERS (John, D.D.) Sermons. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1749. M. ii. 10-12. ... (Richard) Commentary on the Book of Judges in Sermons. Folio. London 1615. L. vii. 9. ... (Thomas) On the Thirty-Nine Articles. 4to. Cambridge 1681. M. iii. 28. ROLLIN (Charles) Quintilian. 2 vols. 8vo. Padua 1782. M. i. 22 23. ... The Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres. (Tran- slated from the French.) 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1759. M. i. 18-21. ... Another Copy. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1768. M. i. 14-17. Rome Romse Antiques Memorabilia. (F. Albertinus) 8vo. Parisiis 1607. M. ii. 18. Ross (Alex., of Lochlee) See Pamphlets. ROTHKRAM (Rev. John) The foice of the Argument for the Truth of Christianity, drawn from a Collective View of Prophecy. 8vo. Oxford 1653. M. ii. 34. 70 CATALOGUE. ROUTH (Martin, J.) Reliquiae Sacrae. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1814. N. viii. 18-19. ... Another Copy. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1846. N. viii. 14-17. ROYAUMONT (Sieur de) L'Histoire du Vieux et du Noveau Testament. 8vo. Paris 1692. M. i. 36. RUDD (Rev. A. B.) Sermons. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Shrewsbury 1789. N. viii. 5. RUDDIMAN (Thomas, A.M.) An Introduction to Mr James Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae. 8vo. Edinburgh 1773. M. i. 37. ... Treatises. 8vo. Edinburgh 1754. M. i. 40. ... Grammaticae Latiuae Institutiones. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1745. M. i. 38-39. ... An Answer to Mr George Logan's Treatise on Government. 8vo. Edinburgh 1 747. M. ii. 35. RUSSELL (Right. Rev. Michael, LL.D., Bp. of Glasgow) A Connexion of Sacred and Profane History. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1827. M. iii. 31-32. ... History of the Church in Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1834. M. i. 31-32. RUTHERFORD (John) Translation of M. de Guys' Letters on Greece. 3 vols. 8vo. London 1781. M. ii. 30-32. RYCAUT (Sir Paul) An Abridgment and Translation of Bap. Platina's Lives of the Popes. 8vo. London 1704. M. ii 19. ... History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire. 8vo. Lon- don 1686. M. ii. 21. S SACHEVERELL (Henry, D.D.) Tryal before the House of Peers for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 8vo. London 1710. N. iv. 23. Sacrifice A Scripture Account of Sacrifices. 8vo. London 1755. N. iv. 24. SADEEL (Antonius) Opera Theologica. 4to. S. Andrews 1593. M. vi. 9. SADLER (Rev. M. F.) The Second Adam, and the New Birth. 8vo. London 1862. N. i. 1. SAGE (Right Rev. John) The Principles of the Cyprianic Age. 4to. London 1695. N. iv. 11. ... Letters on Toleration, &c. 8vo. London 1704. N. iv. 26. ... Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1844-6. N. viii. 20-22. SALLUSTIUS (Caius Crispus) Historic Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini. 8vo. Edinburgh 1755. N. ii. 13. SALMON (Thomas) Gazeteer. 8vo. London 1785. N. ii. 12. ... An Impartial Examination of Bishop Burnet's History of his own Times. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1724. ft. iii. 5-6. ... The Chronological Historian. 8vo. London 1733. N. iii. 4. BANCROFT (William, D.D., Abp. of Canterbury) Occasional Sermons. 8vo. London 1694. ft. ii. 27. # _ Gjja 7 { . CATALOGUE. 71 BANCROFT Sermons and Life. 8vo. London 1703. N. ii. 28. SANDERSON (Robert, D.D., Bp. of Lincoln) Eight Cases of Conscience. 12mo. London 1674. N. i. 35. ... Episcopacy (as Established by Law in England), not Prejudicial to Royal Power. 8vo. London 1661. N. i. 34. ... Sermons. Folio. London 1656. L. vii. 12. ... (William, Esq.) A Compleat History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles, from his Cradle to his Grave. Folio. London 1658. L. vii. 11. SANDFORD (Right Rev. Daniel, D.D., Bp. of Edinburgh) Sermons. 8vo. Edinburgh 1802. N. ii. 17. ... (Rev. John, M. A.) Parochialia. 8vo. London 1845. N. viii. 25. SAKAVIA (Hadrian) Diversi Tractatus Theologici. Folio. London 1611. L. vii. 10. SCANDRET (J.) Sacrifice the Divine Service. 12mo. London 1732. N i. 26. ... Another Copy. 12mo. Oxford 1840. N. i. 27. SCAPULA (Johannes) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum Novum. 4to. Basileae 1579. M. vi. 10. ... Another Copy. Folio. Aurel. Allobrogum 1604. L. viii. 16. SCATTERGOOD (S.) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford 1810. N. vii. 1-2. SCHARPIUS (Johannes) Syrophonia Prophetarum et Apostolorum. 4to. Genevas 1639. M. vi. 18. Schema Schema Sacrum ; or, a Sacred Scheme of Natural and Re- vealed Religion. 8vo. Edinburgh 1710. N. ii. 30. SCHLEGEL (W. A.) On Dramatic Art and Literature. 8vo. Lon- don 1846. O. i. 22. ... Philosophy of Life, &c. 8vo. London 1847. 0. i. 23. SCHREVELIUS (Cornelius) Lexicon Manuale. 8vo. London 1774. N. iv. 7. SCLATER (Mr) Original Draught of the Primitive Church. 8vo. London 1717. N. ii. 20. Scotia Scotia Illustrata. See SIBBALD. Scotichronicon Scotichronicon : Comprising Bp. Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, enlarged ; with Reeves' and Guodall's Treatises on the Culdees. By the Rev. J. F. S. Gordon, D.D. 4to. Glas- gow 1867. 6 fa-Is B. i. Ir-v Scotland An Account of the Affairs of Scotland, relating to the Revolnlion in 1688, as sent to the late King James II. when in France. By the Right Hon. the Earl of B[alcarres ] 8vo. London 1714. N. iii. 34. ... Scotland's Opposition to the Popish Bill. 8vo. Edinburgh 1780. N. v. 23. Scot The Scot's Farmer. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1773. N. vii. 8-9. SCOTT (David) History of Scotland. Folio. Westminster 1727. L. vii. 13. ... (John, D.D) Works, containing the Several Parts of the Christian Life. 2 vols. Folio. London 1718. L. vii. 14-15. CJ CATALOGUE. SCOTT The Christian Life. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1754. N. i. 2-6. ... Another Copy. 5 vols. 8vo. London 1757. N. vii. 3-7. SCOUGAL (Rev. Henry, M.A.) The Life of God in the Soul of Man. 8vo. London 1832. N. i. 38. ... Another Copy, with Preface by Bishop Burnet. 8vo. London 1707. N. 1. 37. ... Another Copy, with Funeral Sermon. 8vo. Aberdeen 1753. N. i. 36. ... Discourses. 12mo. Glasgow 1751. D. i. 8. Scourge The Scourge. By T. L. 8vo. London 1720. N. iii. 32. SECKER (Thomas, D.D., Abp. of Canterbury) Lectures on the Catechism. 8vo. London 1810. (Two copies.) N. ii. 15-16. ... Works. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1792. N. vii. 10-13. SEED (Jeremiah) Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1766. N. iv. 18-19. Semaine La Sainte Semaine, ou Preparation pour la Sainte Cene. 12mo. London 1G80. D. i. 9. SENECA (L. Anneens) Opera. 18mo No date. D. i. 10. Sennaar Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar, by an American in the Service of the Viceroy of Egypt. 8vo. London 1822. N. iv. 4. Septuagint Septuaginta. Edid. Grabe. 4 vols. 4to. Tig. Hel- vet. 1730. M. vi. 11-14. ... See also Biblia. Sermons Sermons by the following, W. S., B. D., R. Mossom, R. Allestree, Bishop of Chester, J. Sayer, Dr Stillingfleet, Seth Bp. of Sarum, Dr Patrick, R. Meggot, R. Worge, Dr M. Allgood. 4to. London J 660- 1684. N. v. 5. ... Do. by Dr Sharp, Bishop of Lincoln, Dr Hickes, L. Blackburne, F. Carswell, T. Cooke, J. Walker, J. Connell, Archbishop of York at the Coronation of Queen Anne, R. Forster, Gilbert Bp. of Sarum, W. Bp. of Lincoln, T. Pierce, Dr Gibson. 4to. Lon- don 1679-1706. N. v. 6. ... Do. by W. Hopkins, W. Cave, W. Sherlock, T. Leigh, Dr Stilling- fleet, J. Scott, Dr Patrick, \V. C., W. Cross, John Archbishop of York, William Bishop of Oxford, Dr Sherlock, J. Archbishop of York, W. Nichols, P. ^ewcome, Zach. Wells, Dr Pead, T. Wise on S. Luke xvii. 26-30. 4to. London 1683-1708. N. v. 7. ... Do. by H. King, J. M., R. Mossom, S. Ford, I. Price, W. God- man, J. Spencer, J. Warwell, P. Heylin, J. Philips, T. Wash- bourn. 4to. London 1660 and 1661. N. v. 4. ... Do. by Rev. T. Scott, Dr Berkeley, G. Gaskin, C. Daubeny, Bp. Seabury, Bp. Gleig, James Watkins, James Milne. 8vo. N. v. 2. ... Do. by Jas. Blinshall, D.D.. John Scotland, George Hill, D.D., John Erskine, D.D., David Black, David Johnstone, D.D., Wm. Bennet, John Thomson, Samuel Charteris, John Freebairn, M.A., Thomas Hardy, William Greenfield, D.D. 8vo. N. v. 3. CATALOGUE. 73 Sermons. ... Do. by Dr Bisse (Beanty of Holiness); Meadowcourt, Harper, Stebbing, Lavington, Parker, Perrot, Bulkley, Randolph, New- ton. 1720-1760. 8vo. N. iv. 20. ... Do. by Danvers (1712), Blackall (1693), Dr Hares (1719), Dr Stuart (1717), Richardson (1711), Stephens (1717), Betty (1729), Pierce (1714), Walter Stephens (1714), Archer (1710), New- come (1717), Trapp, Fothergill (1735), Perrot (1738). 8vo. N. iv. 22. ... Do. by Bishop Skinner, at Consecration of Bishop Seabury, &c. See Tracts. ... Do. by Dawes (1707), Cannon (1707), Trimnell (1708), Bp. of Norwich (1708), Chetwood (1708), Donnes (1708), Caesar (1708), Manningham (1708) Atterbury (170), Blackburne (1708), Hare (1709), Bp. of S. Asaph (1709), Kennett (1709), Stanhope (1710). Clarke (1710), Goddard (1710). 4to. N. v. 1, ... A Sermon, preached on Good Friday (1579) at S. Paul's Cross, by John Knewstub ; Sermon, by Francis Tayler (1583) ; A Sermon of Repentance and Amendment of Life, kc. (1585) ; Sermon on Almesgiving, by Thomas Drant, B.D., 1572. 12mo. (Black Letter.) D. i. 13. ... Sermons by Various Authors. 8vo. Glasgow 1741. N. ii. 22. ... Douze Sermons. 12mo. A Rotterdam 1685. N. i. 29. ... Serious Hints, respectfully addressed to the Consideration of the Clergy, at the Momentous Crisis A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, by Edward Burn, A.M., 1798 ; A Sermon preached before the House of Lords on January 30, 1738, by Martin Benson, D.D., Bp. of Gloucester, 1806 ; The Jubilee a Sermon preached on October 25, 1809, being the day on which George III. entered on the 50th year of his reign, by the Rev. John Hewlett, B.D., 1809 ; Christian India, or an appeal on behalf of 900,000 Christians in India who want the Bible a Sermon, by Henry Martyn, B.D., 1811 ; The National Religion the Foundation of National Education a Sermon, by Herbert Marsh, D.D., 1811; A Sermon preached at the Consecration of the Right Rev. David Low, LL.D., by the Rev. James Walker, M.A., 1820 ; a Sermon preached at the Consecration of the Bishop of Limerick, by Charles R. Elrington, D.D., 1820 ; A Sermon on the Unchangeableness of Jehovah, by John Graham, S.S.T.S., Dumfries, 1825 ; Indulgence of the Young, a Crying Sin of the Times Two Sermons, by the Rev. Harvey Marriott, 1 827. P. iii. 30. ... The True Position of the Scottish Episcopal Church, a Sermon, by the Very Rev. E. B. Ramsay, M.A., 1842; Deference to the Authority of their own Church the Middle Path for English Christians of the Present Day a Sermon, by John Bowstead, M.A., 1842 ; A Sermon for the Times, by a Layman, 1842; The Glory of Christ and of His Church, a Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Salisbury September 8, 1842 to which are added, Two other Sermons, (1) On the Pastoral L 74 CATALOGUE. Sermons. Office, (2) On Christian Almsgiving by G. J. Majendie, B.D., 1842 ; A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Salis- bury, by Edward Denison, D.U., Bishop of Salisbury, 1842 ; The Holy Eucharist, a Comfort to the Penitent, a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., 1843 ; A Sermon preached on Ascension Day, 1843, by Thomas Edward Morris, M.A., before the University of Oxford ; The Lord's House a Sermon, &c., by the Rev. John Marshall, 1843 ; The Way to find Rest for our Souls marked out in the Old Path of Church Discipline and Doctrine a Sermon, by John Besley, D.C.L., 1843 ; Two Sermons The First by Samuel, Lord Bp. of Oxford, the Second, by the Warden of Trinity Col- lege, Glenalmond Preached at the Consecration of S. Andrew's, Fasque, 1847 ; The Cry of the Prophet a Sermon, preached in St Mary's, Montrose, on the occasion of the Death of the Rev. Leonard Morse, B. A., by the Right Rev. A. P. Forbes, D.C.L , Bp. of Brechin, 1848; Suffering the Great Earthly Sanctifier Sermon by the Right Rev. A. P. Forbes, Bp. of Brechin, in behalf of the Dundee Infirmary, 1853 ; The Love of God and the Patience of Christ a Sermon, by the Hon. and Rev. Francis R. Grey, M.A., 1858 ; A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Brechin, at the Annual Synod, August, 1862, by the Right Rev. A. P. Forbes, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin ; Pentecostal Fear a Sermon, by the Rev. John Keble, M.A., 1864; Our Lord : The Sufficing Manifestation of the Eternal Father in Nature and in Grace a Sermon preached on the occasion of the Meeting of the British Association in Dundee, by A. P. Forbes, Bp. of Brechin, 1867 ; The Offertory a Sermon, by the Rev. William Gresley, 1843 ; Mutual Forbearance Recommended in Things Indifferent a Sermon, by Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D., 1843 ; Women labouring in the Lord a Sermon, by the Rev. John Keble, M.A., 1863. P. ii. 12. SCREES (Jean de) Histoire de France. 2 vols. 8vo. 1603. N. iv. 27-28. SHAKESPERE (William) Works Bell's Edition. 9 vols. 8vo. London 1774. X. ii. 3-11. ... Another Copy. 8 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh 1761. O. i. 14-21. SHARP (Granvilfe) On the Greek Article. 8vo. London 1803. N. ii. 14. ... (James, Abp.) The Life of Abp. J;unes Sharp. See Tracts. ... (John Presp. Eccles. Angliae) De Rebus Liiurgicis Oratio. 4to. Aberdeen 1714. M. iv. 25. ... (John, D.D., Abp. of York) Sermons on Several Occasions. 4to. London 1691. N. v. 8. ... Works. 7 vols. 8vo. London 1754. (Two Copies.) N. i. 7-20. SHARPE (Gregory, LL.D.) Two Dissertations on the Origin, Con- struction,