PUB3 .
Laemmle Donation
A Guide for
Published by
Pullman Building, 17 Madison Avenue
Copyright, 1910
Entered at Stationers' Hall,
London, England.
Copyright in the United States, 1912;
Copyright in Great Britain, 1912;
Copyright in Canada, 1912,
New York.
Copyright in the United States, 1916;
Copyright in Great Britain, 1916;
Copyright in Canada, 1916,
New York.
All Rights Reserved.
Index to Contents
Aberration, Chromatic 94, 98, 124
Aberration, Spherical 94, 97, 123
A. C. Action How to Trace It 16
A. C. and D. C, Difference Between 13
A. C and D. C., Relative Efficiency of 290, 294
A. C. or D. C, to Find Out 667
A. C Wires Must Be in Same Conduit 240
Adjusting Intermittent Sprocket 461
Adjusting the Tension Springs 463
Airdomes 669
Airdome Site, Selecting. . . . . 672
Alternating Current, Definition of 22
Alternating Current, How Generated 8
American Standard Projector, Instructions for 566
Ammeter and Voltmeter for Operating Room 235, 248
Amperage 157
Amperage, Economic Limit of 292
Definition of 19
Hour, Definition of 19
Term, Definition of 23
What the Term Means 26
Anchoring the Machine 236
Aperture Plate Tracks Worn 465
Aperture, Standard Size 476
Calculating Its Candle Power 293
Comparison of Candle Power 293
Comparison of Candle Power from Mercury Arc
Rectifier and Through Rheostat. 294
Controller 303
Lamp, The 268
Position of Crater of 295
Stream 291
Voltage 31, 301, 323
Architect's Plans, Checking of 668
Asbestos Wire Lamp Leads 50, 233, 271, 313
Back Focus, Definition of 92
Back Focus, How Found 104
Back Focus, Why Important 122
Baird Projector, Instructions for 546
Batteries, Renewal of 649
Calculations, Electrical 28
Candle Power of Arc 293
Capacity, Wire, Table of 42
Capacity, Wire, Figuring Voltage Drop 45
Arc Stream 291
Calculating Candle Power of Crater 293
Care of 289
Chemicalizing 288
Economizers 302
Fresh Carbons in Lamp, Effect of 301
Hard and Soft 287
Hard Spots 287
How Made 284
Inspect When Buying 287
Mushroom Cap on Lower 299
Resistance They Offer 288
Set, Best Results 301
Set for A. C 297
Setting 290
Side Lining 300
Size of 285, 287
Solid vs. Cored Lower 286
Stubs 287
Why D. C. Crater Is Larger Than A. C 290
Carpeting 647
Chair, Operator's 235, 245
Chalk Surface for Screens 189
Cheap Equipment 667
Choke Coil 344
Choke Coil, Preddy Economizer 363
Chromatic Aberration 94, 98, 124
Chromatic Aberration of Condenser Beam 124
Cleaning Carbon Clamps, Importance of 270
Cleaning Film 206
Cleaning Lenses 108
Cleaning Machine After Film Fire 208
Closets for Operator 231
Coating for Screens 183
Coefficient, Temperature 39
Coloring Incandescent Lamps 668
Commutator, Care of 372
Commutator, Definition of 21
Compensarcs, A. C 353
Compensarc, A. C, Rules for Operation 355
Condenser Holder 266
Condenser Holders, Freddy, Elbert 267
Condenser Lenses, Distance from Film 131
Condenser Lenses, Selecting 128
Conductor, Definition of 22
Conductors, To Find Area of 48
Conductors, Properties of 40
Conduit for Wires 212, 240
Conjugate Foci, Definition of 91
Conjugate Foci, Explanation of 95
Connections, Series and Multiple . 330
Connecting to Two Sources of Supply 252
Cost of Light from A. C. Through Transformer and D. C.
Through Rheostat 294
Coulomb, Definition of 19
Crater, Position of 295
Cycle, Definition of 22
Diameter of Objective Lens 110
Difference Between A. C. and D. C 13
Dimmer, Definition of 22
Direct Current, Definition of 22
Direct Current, How Generated 11
Dissolving Moving Picture 606
Dissolving Shutter 605
Dissolving Stereopticon 603
Distance Condenser to Film 131
Door of Operating Room 213
Double Sets of Fuses 86, 252
Double Spot, One Reason for 297
Double Throw Connection for Projector 250
Dynamo, Principle of Operation 11
Edison, Model D, Instructions for 579
Economizer, Hallberg A. C 360
Edison Economy Transformer 356
Edison Super-Kinetoscope 477
Efficiency, How Calculated 23
Efficiency of A. C. and D. C 290, 294
Electric Conductors, Properties of 40
Electric Meters 655
Electrical Terms 18
Electrical Terms, Explanation of 24
Electricity, How Generated 5
Electro Magnetic Field, Definition of 22
Electro Motive Force, Definition of 22
Emergency Announcement Slides 239
Emergency Light Circuit, Fusing 86
Employes 661
Emulsion Deposit on Tension Springs 464
End Play in Intermittent Sprocket 462
Equipment Operating Room 231
Equivalent Focus, Definition of 93
Equivalent Focus, How Measured 104, 108
Exit Lights: 640
Eye Strain 153, 175, 472
I 7 easter Non-Rewind Machine 318
Figuring Seating Capacity 643
Film. PAGE
Cement Formulas 197
Cleaner, Mortimer 206
Cleaner, Ideal 207
Cleaning 206
Containers 596
Description of 192
Inspection of 201
Leader and Tailpiece 199
Life of 208
Measuring 210
Mending 195
Moistening When Dry 204
Notching Pliers 203
Perforations 194
Stretched 204
Thickness of 194
Where to Keep 203
Fire-proofing Solution 189
Fire Shutters for Ports 222
Floor of Operating Room 214
Floor, Slope of Auditorium 640
Focus, In and Out, Cause of 466
Foot-pounds, Definition of 19
Formostat, The 365
Fort Wayne A. C. to D. C. and D. C. to D. C. Compensarcs. 382
Fuses 76
Cartridge 79
Copper 83
Emergency System 86
In Case of Trouble 84
Link 80
Plug 80
Projection Circuit 81
Table of Sizes 82
Where Installed 85
Fusing for Motor Generator 82
Cap on Lower Carbon 299
Definition of 22
For Lamp 268
Where Obtained 269
Generator, Electric 11
Glass in Ports 230
Ground, Establishing Permanent 259
Ground, Testing Rheostats for 260
Grounding Machine, Reason for 262
Grounds 255
Grounds, Definition of 22
Hallberg's D. C. to D. C. Economizer 415
Hallberg's Twentieth Century Motor Generator 419
Haze on Screen, Reason for 168
Heating 632
Heating and Ventilating 624
Height of Screen Above Floor 181
High-Class Projection, Importance of 151
High-Grade Lenses 110
Horse Power, Definition of 20
Inclosed Switches 64
Induction, Definition of 23
Inductor, Power's 359
Inductor, Power's, Size and Weight 360
Insulation . . 50
Definition of 23
Rubber Covered 51
Testing 52
Weather-proof 53
Intermittent Sprocket, Used Too Long. 233, 462
Keystone Effect 154
Keystone Effect, Eliminating 156, 468
Killowatt-Hour, Definition of 20
Lamp, The 268
Angle of 273
Insulation 272
Lubrication of 268
Necessary Adjustments 273
Lamps, Compared 270-1-2
Lamphouse, The 262
Arc Projector 265
Condenser Holder 266
Keeping Clean 265
Lighting Interior 302
Ventilation 262
Ventilation, Best Method 263
Ventilation, Effect of Lack of 263
Leaders for Films 199
Lens System, Matching 113
Lens Tables of Small Value 105
Lenses 91
Altering Distance Between Factors 101
Cleaning 108
Cleaning the Objective 109
Diameter of Condensing 128
Diameter of Objective 110, 122
Dirty, Loss of Light 102
Explanation of Focus 95, 101
Figuring Sizes 105
High Grade 110
How Designed 96
Improving Definition 102
Loss of Light in 159
Lenses (Continued). PAGE
Measuring 103
Measuring E. F. Accurately 108
Selecting Condenser Lenses 128
Spread of Light Ray 102
Table for Matching 141
License Law, Draft of 621
License, Operator's 617
Life of Film 208
Lighting the Auditorium 633
Limelight Projection 674
Limit of Amperage 292
Lining Cam and Sprocket Shafts 466
Lining the Optical System 112
Lining the Sprockets 460
Location of Operating Room Ports 215
Loss Through Resistance 41, 334
Lugs, Wire Terminal 87, 88
Magnetic Field, Definition of 22
Martin Rotary Converter 405
Matching Up Lens System 113
Measuring Film 210
Measuring Lenses 104
Measuring Wires 48
Mechanism, The (See "Projector") 457
Mechanism, The, General Instructions 457
Meter, Reading 657
Mill-foot Standard of Resistance 42
Minusa Screen 187
Mirror Screen 185
Mirroroid Screen 187
Mortimer Film Cleaner 206
Moistening Dry Film 204
Motiograph, Instructions for 528
Motor Drive.
Do Not Belt to Fly Wheel 277
Elbert 275
Home-made 279
Multiple Clutch 277
Preddy ' 276
Wallstad Projection Stand 280
Spring Switch 274
Motor Driven Machines 273
Motor Generator.
Ammeter and Voltmeter 372
Bearings Run Hot. . . '. 381
Care of Commutator 372
Fort Wayne 382
General Instructions 368
Hallberg's D. C to D. C. Economizer 415
Hallberg's Twentieth Century 419
Motor Generator (Continued). PAGE
Heating 381
Locating Installation 368
Martin Rotary Converter 405
Oil 371
Sparking 374
Wagner Rotary Converter 407
Wotton Rexolux 395
Multiple Arc System 55
Musicians 663
Musicians, Light for 634
Objective Lens, Cleaning 108
Objective Lens, Description of 99
Objective Lens, Test for Distortion 100
Ohm, Definition of 20
Ohm, Explanation of 27
Oil for Projector 457
Operating Room 210
Door 213
Equipment 231
Film Storage 596
Floor 214
Model Installations : 244-6-7-8-9
Observation Port 219
Ports 215
Size of Feed Wires 239
Supplies 232, 234
Toilet Conveniences 232
Vent Flue 227
Ventilation 228
Wiring 239
Operator Remaining at Machine 235, 279
Operator's License 617
Operator's Report 623
Operator's Tool Kit 237
Optical Axis, Definition of 91
Optical System, Lining Up of 112
Outlining Screen with Black 178
Overspeeding 151
Persistence of Vision 472
Polarity 5
Changer 252
Definition of 21
Explanation of 24
For Operating Room 215
Glass in [ 230
Observation , 7j9
Shutters for ' 222
Power's 6B, Instructions for 491
Preddy Economizer 363
Projection 147
By Limelight 674
No Excuse for Shadows 149
Overspeeding 151
Projector, The 262
Adjusting Intermittent 461
Adjusting Sprocket Idlers 466
Adjusting Top Gate Idler 462
American Standard, Instructions for 566
Baird, Instructions 546
Edison, Model D, Instructions 579
Edison Super-Kinetoscope 477
Eliminating Keystone Effect 469
Emulsion Deposit on Tension Springs 464
End Play in Intermittent Sprocket 462
Extra Framing Carriage 462
Handling Small Screws 476
In and Out of Focus, Cause 466
Lining Magazines of 467
Lining the Sprockets 460
Lining Sprocket and Cam Shafts 466
Motiograph 528
Oil for 457
Power's 6B 491
Reels for Operating Room 467
Revolving Shutter 469
Shutter and A. C 473
Standard Aperture Size 476
Take Up 592
Take-Up Adjustment 459
Tension, Adjustment of 463
Threading the Machine 594
Upper Magazine Tension 468
Worn Aperture Plate Tracks 465
Worn Sprocket Teeth 462
Properties of Conductors 40
Properties of Resistance Metals 40
Radium Gold Fibre Screen 188
Comparative Results 432
General Electric 434
Installation 431
Light in Operating Room Objectionable 432
Mercury Arc 428
Trouble Chart 433
Tube, Operating Principle 429
Westinghouse 446
Reflection, Regular and Diffuse 168
Refraction, Definition of 92
Relative Efficiency A. C. and D. C 291, 294
Report, Operator's 623
Resistance 34
As Applied to Projection Circuit 322
Circuits, of, Figuring It 44
Copper Wire, of 43
Definition of 21
Devices 337
Different Metals, of 38
How It Acts 34
Loss Through 41, 334
Materials, Properties of 40
Metals, Properties of 40
A. C. and D. C 333
Adding Extra Resistance 327
Adjustable, How It Works 324
Amount of Heat Permissible 329
Coil, How to Make 327
Coils vs. Grids 329, 330
Examining Connections 328
Extremely Wasteful 333
Fan Blowing On 328
Figuring Connections 335
Fixed Resistance of Adjustable 325
Home Made of Iron Wire 329
How to Reduce Noise When Using Them on A. C. 333
Inductive Effect of A. C 333
Locate It Outside of Operating Room 328
Location of 227
Near Ceiling and Vent Flue 328
Resistance Rises with Age 336
Temporary Repair 326
Use on A. C. Bad Practice 333
Use Grid Type on A. C 333
What Happens if Spirals of Coils Touch 337
What They Do 322
Wire Coil, What They Are. 337
Why Noisy on A. C 333
Rule of Thumb 32
Screen, The 166
Areas 165
Chalk Surface 189
Character of Surface 169
Coatings 183
Distribution of Light 170
Eye Strain 175
Fire-proofing 189
Flat Surface 177
Height Above Floor 181
Illumination, D. C. and A. C 291
Screen (Continued). PAGE
Illumination Percentages 164
Interfering Light 169
Locating at Front of House 180
Metalized Surface 172
Minusa Gold Fibre 187
Mirror 173, 185
Mirroroid 186
Outlining the Picture 178
Putting on the Cloth 191
Radium Gold Fibre 188
Reason for Haze 168
Reflection of Light 168
Simpson Solar 186
Size of Picture 181
Stippled Surface 189
Stretching Its Surface 190
Table of Areas 165
Tinted Surfaces 178
Transparent 174
Where Vaudeville Is Used 181
White Wall or Sheet 171
Seating 642
Seating, Figuring Capacity 643
Seating, Loge Seats 643
Series and Multiple Connections 330
Setting the Carbons 290
Short Circuit, Definition of 21
Shunt Circuit, Definition of 21
Distance from Lens 474
Inside and Outside 475
Revolving, Principle of 469
Three and Two Wing and A. C 473
Side View, Effect of 154
Simplex Mechanism, Instructions for 513
Simpson Solar Screen 186
Size of Picture 181
Slide Coatings 615
Coloring 614
Emergency 239
Handling Them 612
Making Them 612
Stereopticon 609
Slope of Auditorium Floor 640
Soldering Fluid 90
Spherical Aberration 94
Splices, Wire 89
Spotlight, The 598
Sprocket. PAGE
Adjusting Intermittent 461
End Play in Intermittent 462
Idlers, Adjusting 466
Teeth, Worn 462
Static Electricity, Definition of 22
Stereopticon, The 600
Coloring Slides 614
Dissolving Shutter 605
Handling the Slides 609
Making Slides 612
Slides 609
The Dissolver 603
Street Mains, Definition of 22
Supplies for Operating Room 232, 234
Switchboards 67
Switchboards, Exit and Emergency 72
Switchboards, Stage 73
Switches 63
Care of 66
Inclosed 64
Metal Cabinet for 67
Proper Location of 64
Use of Various Types 65
Synchronism, Definition of 24
Carbon Sizes 287
Experiments with Arc 301
Millimeter Equivalents 289
Screen Areas 165
Screen Illumination Percentages 164
Small Wire Diameters 314
Stereo Lenses 107
To Match Lenses 141
Wire Capacities 42
Take-Up Adjustment 459
Take-Up, Faults of Old Style 592
Temperature Coefficient 39
Temporary Show, Connecting Up for 664
Tension Spring, Adjusting 463
Terminals, Wire .....87, 88
Terms, Electrical, Definitions 18
Terms, Electrical, Explanation of 24
Test Lamp for Grounds 257
Testing Insulation 52
Testing Objective Lens for Distortion 100
Testing Rheostat for Ground 260
Testing Voltage 666
Threading the Machine 594
Three-Phase Current 17
Three-Wire System 56
Three- Wire System, Connecting Arcs 242
Toilet Conveniences for Operating Room 232
Toledo Non-Rewind 315
Tools in Order 238
Tool Kit for Operator 237
Torque, Definition of 23
Transformer, The , . 343
Action of 345
Auto 346
Compensarcs 353
Construction of 343
Definition of 23
Edison Economy 356
Fusing 351
Hallberg A. C. Economizer 360
How Amperage Is Changed 349
Power's Inductor 359
Primary vs. Secondary Terms 344, 349
The Formostat 365
Theory It Utilizes 345
Wiring of Compensarc 354
Two-Phase Current 18
Two-Wire System
Use of Electrical Terms in Calculations 28
Vent Flue for Operating Room 227
Ventilation and Heating 624
Ventilation for Operating Room 228
Ventilation, Winter 633
Volt-Coulomb, Definition of 19
Volt, Definition of 20
Voltage Drop, Figuring It 45
Voltage, Explanation of 25
Warning, A 668
Watt, Definition of 20
Watt, Explanation of Term 27
Watt-Hour, Definition of 20
Watt Meter, Definition of 23
Weather-proof Insulation 53
Capacity, Figuring Voltage Drop 45
Capacity, Table of 42
Gauges 49
Measuring 48
Splices 89
Systems 54
Terminals '. 87, 88
Wiring the Operating Room 239
Worn Machine Parts, Do not Use Them 233
Worn Sprocket Teeth 233, 462
Wotton Vertical Rexolux. 395
Acknowledgement Is Hereby Made
Attleboro, Mass.,
For the Drawings for a Large
Number of the Cuts in
This Handbook.
Author's Note
THIS book is dedicated to the motion picture operator as
a token of appreciation of the important part he plays
in the presentation of the photoplay. That it may be
helpful in hastening the day of perfect motion picture pro-
jection is the desire of the writer, and he trusts that a careful
perusal of its pages may stir the ambition and increase the
ability of every reader.
October, 1910.
Publishers Note
THE remarkable vogue of the motion picture and the
rapid strides it has made in public favor as an enter-
tainment and educational factor have had their draw-
backs. Chief among these has been the impossibility of
securing a sufficient number of men with the necessary
knowledge and experience to fill important positions.
THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD has, in no small measure, con-
tributed to the success of the picture, and the articles in this
book were written to give helpful information in regard to
the many problems that may arise in connection with the
duties of the manager and operator. With a few exceptions,
the articles have already appeared in THE MOVING PICTURE
WORLD, but they have been revised and amplified and are
herewith presented in compact form to comply with popular
Mr. Richardson has avoided technical terms, and his plain
language and matter-of-fact style bespeak for this book the
same degree of popularity which attaches to the Operators'
Column which he still conducts in the pages of
October, 1910.
Author's Note
LIKE the former edition, this book is dedicated to the
moving picture operator, upon whose skill in the pro-
jection of the magnificent work of our modern pro-
ducers so very much depends. Since the inception of the
Projection Department of THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD and
the publication of the first book rapid strides have been
made in the perfection of projection. The author hopes and
believes that this work will serve to even further advance and
perfect projection to the end that the photoplay may become
still more firmly fixed in the affections of the amusement-
loving public.
October 30, 1912.
Publisher's Note
THE enormous increase in popularity of the motion
picture during the 'past few years in all countries is
one of the marvels of the day. The moving picture
is now far in advance of all other forms of public entertain-
ment among all classes and draws a daily patronage that is
beyond belief.
In no other country, however, do the pictures have quite as
good a hold on the public favor as in the United States. This
is in great measure due to the enterprise and higher ideals of
the film manufacturers in this country. It is also due in great
measure to the care and attention given to programs, theater
management and especially the projection of the pictures by
the exhibitors throughout the United States and Canada.
The first edition of this work was published over two years
since and has been of immense value and help to operators
throughout the country. This edition has been greatly en-
larged and will be found much more complete in every way.
It will undoubtedly remain the standard work in its field for
many years and is a worthy monument to its author's ability
and painstaking effort.
November, 1912.
Author's Note
AS in the case of the first and second editions, I believe
it is but right and proper that this, my latest effort,
should be dedicated to the moving picture operator,
upon whose shoulders rest, in large degree, the welfare of
the entire moving picture industry. The author has faith to
believe that this book will be favorably received by the
fraternity and trusts it will accomplish a large amount of
good for all students of projection.
In order to do justice to the magnificent productions of
today it is necessary that the moving picture operator have
a wide range of knowledge and that he be capable of apply-
ing that knowledge in the best possible way. The day of
guesswork in projection is past. The author feels that while
this book will be of great aid to the moving picture operator,
it will also indirectly be of equally great help to the pro-
ducers and all others connected with the industry by reason
of the fact that it is the finished product which is placed in
the hands of the moving picture operator, who may either
reproduce it on the screen as a magnificent spectacle or a
shadowy, jumping travesty on the original.
November, 1915.
Publisher's Note
THERE is little to add by the Publishers in introducing
this new edition. The first and second editions of
this work were most complete and instructive at
the time of their publication. Each edition was an improve-
ment over the previous one, and this book much more than
either of its predecessors not only reflects the wonderful
progress and improvement in moving picture projection but
points the way to still greater advancement.
The author has spent all of his time for many years in the
study of projection, and we confidently believe this com-
prehensive work will meet with the unqualified approval of
December, 1915.
Go to your work each day
as though it were your
first day on a new job
and you had to make good.
IN order to have a comprehensive understanding of elec-
trical action it is essential that the operator have a very
clear and thorough understanding as to precisely what
polarity means, and how it acts, because the whole super-
structure of electrical action rests thereon.
The electric circuit with which the operator comes into con-
tact consists of two wires no more and no less. There may
appear to be more, as, for instance, in a three-wire system,
but, as a matter of fact, so far as electrical action be con-
cerned, every electric circuit is composed of two wires, viz.:
the positive and the negative, and it is the affinity these two
wires (which represent the poles of the dynamo) have for
each other which constitutes "polarity." There always has
been and still is controversy between eminent theoretical
electricians as to the exact nature of the action which takes
place as between the positive and the negative wire. To avoid
all confusion, however, we will lay aside technical questions
and accept the common statement that current seeks always
to flow from the positive to the negative. Having accepted
this as the fact it may be further said that the inclination of
the current to escape from the positive to the negative is
similar to the efforts of steam to escape from the boiler into
the open air. When steam escapes from the boiler to the
open air it loses its pressure in the process. When electrical
energy escapes from the positive to the negative it does
exactly the same thing, and that is why it seeks to escape;
also that is why it will perform work in the process of escap-
ing. The pressure in the boiler will force the steam to the
open air through the cylinder of an engine, moving the piston
and thus performing work in the process. The electric cur-
rent will perform work in the motor or the lamp, since it can
get from positive to negative by so doing and thus lose its
pressure. This electrical affinity is termed "polarity," and its
strength, which may be much or little, is measured in volts.
And now let me make one point very clear. Electrical
affinity or polarity only exists between the positive wire and
the negative wire attached to the same dynamo or battery.
There is absolutely no electrical affinity between the negative
wire attached to one generator and the positive wire attached
to another generator, unless the generators themselves are
electrically coupled, as in the case of the three-wire system.
You could set two generators running, side by side, each
generating 500 volts, and touch the positive of one generator
to the negative of the other machine without any effect what-
ever, but the instant you touch the positive of either one
to the negative of the same machine there will be fireworks.
And now let us go a little further: The general idea is that
current seeks to escape from the wires into the ground.
This is not true except in so far as the ground may offer a path
from positive to negative. If you could have a generator
and wire system working at 5000 volts, or any other voltage,
thoroughly and completely insulated (a condition never found
in actual practice), you could stand with your bare feet on
the wet ground and handle either wire of the circuit without
any danger whatever, but the instant one of the .wires develops
current carrying connection with the ground and you stand
on the ground and touch the other wire you get a shock, by
reason of the fact that the current, leaping through your body
into the earth and following the earth to the location of the
ground on the opposite side, makes escape into the negative.
If you happen to be holding the negative wire, that makes
no difference, except that instead of escaping into your hands
and passing through your body into the earth the current
escapes through the ground at the positive into the earth,
follows the earth to your body and up through your body
to the negative.
In closing this topic let me repeat that the term polarity
expresses the electrical difference between positive and
How Electricity Is Generated
MORE and more it is becoming essential that the mov-
ing picture operator have a comprehensive knowledge
of electrical action, not only as pertains directly to
the projection arc circuit, but also as relates to dynamos and
motors. An ever increasing number of moving picture thea-
tres are installing either motor generator sets or mercury arc
rectifiers for the changing of alternating current into direct
current, or else isolated light plants consisting of a dynamo
driven by a gas, gasoline, kerosene or steam engine. The
operator is usually the man who is expected to take charge of
and operate these isolated plants, and most certainly it is a
part of his duties to handle and take care of a motor gener-
ator set, or other device used for the rectifying of current.
Therefore, I repeat, the up-to-date competent moving picture
operator must have a very comprehensive knowledge of elec-
trical action.
This, the third edition of my Handbook, is, like former
editions, a work for practical men. In this book I shall, as I
have in the past editions, pay a great deal more attention to
practical things than to fine-spun theories and strictly tech-
nical correctness.
We do not know the precise nature of the force we call
electricity. We do not know what it consists of. Its com-
ponent parts have never been analyzed. We only know
that it is a mighty force, which apparently has neither sub-
stance nor weight. It is a peculiar state, or condition, in and
immediately surrounding a wire attached to a battery or
generator which is not found in any wire not so attached.
We do, however, know how to handle this mysterious force,
and bend it to our will. In fact, our knowledge of electrical
action has become so complete that the mighty giant is as a
child in our hands. We have chained it to the wheels of
progress, and it has become a slave to mankind.
Electricity may be divided into three distinct classes, viz. :
Static electricity, magnetism and electric current, meaning,
by the latter, current which is generated by batteries or by
an electric dynamo.
If you take a glass jar, of any convenient size, fill it two-
thirds full of water, and then put in ordinary sal amoniac in
proportion of a pound to the gallon of water, and in this
solution suspend a piece of ordinary sheet copper, of con-
siderable dimensions, and near to it but not touching suspend
a piece of zinc, also of considerable dimensions, you will have
the simplest form of what is known as an "electric battery."
Now if you join the copper to the zinc by means of a piece of
copper wire, current will flow between the two, or, more cor-
rectly speaking, from the copper to the zinc, the copper being
positive and the zinc negative. A properly proportioned bat-
tery of this sort will generate about one volt pressure, and
will put forth a considerable amperage while it lasts. It would
be theoretically possible to construct and connect together
a sufficient number of batteries of this kind to operate a pro-
jection arc lamp, but, though theoretically possible, it would
nevertheless be highly impractical. In practice the use of the
battery is largely confined to the ringing of bells and buzzers,
the operation of telegraph instruments and similar light ser-
vice where but comparatively little energy is required.
Electric current used for ordinary light and power purposes
is generated by what is known as a dynamo, or generator, the
two terms being inter-
changeable when used in
this connection. The dynamo
depends for its action upon
magnetism, and the fact that :
When an electric conduct-
or is moved in an electric
field a current of electricity
is generated therein which
will flow in a direction at
right angles to the line of
, . In Fig. 1 we see this law
illustrated, N and S being the
q north and south poles of an
f V ordinary horseshoe magnet,
the dotted lines representing
magnetic "lines of force,"
which constantly flow between
the poles of all electric mag-
nets. The space occupied by
these lines of force is termed
a "magnetic field," and with
a magnet of the type shown
in Fig. 1 this field is, of course, strongest directly between the
A represents an electric conductor, say an ordinary copper
wire, with its ends joined by wire B, so that a continuous cir-
cuit is formed. If this wire be moved upward, in the direc-
tion of arrow A, an electric current will be generated therein,
which will flow along the wire in the direction of arrow C, or
at right angles to the line of motion. // the wires were moved
downward through the magnetic field in the direction of arrow
X, instead of up, the current in the wire would flow in the op-
posite direction, as per dotted arrow Y, it, of course, being under-
stood that the ends of the wire passing through the magnetic
field must always be joined, so that a complete circuit is formed.
Figure 1.
No current would flow if the wire were merely a straight length,
with its ends unjoined.
Now let us take a step in advance and examine Fig. 2. Re-
membering that if the electrical conductor in Fig. 1 be moved
upward the current will flow to the right, and if it be moved
downward it will flow to the
left, transfer your gaze to
Fig. 2, where you will see a
loop of wire, X X, so ar-
ranged that it may be rota-
ted on a spindle. One end
of this loop connects to ring
A, and the other end to
ring B, and the ends are
joined by means of brushes
C and D and the wire E
(outside circuit) attached
thereto. Now if we revolve
this wire loop (armature)
in the direction indicated
by small crank arrow,
the side next us will move
upward, while the other
moves downward, so that
on the side of the loop next
us the current will flow to
the right, toward collecting
ring B, whereas on the
other side it will flow to
Figure 2.
NOTE. Strictly speaking it Is vol-
tage (E.M.F.) which is generated, but
my purpose is served by the use of
the term "current," which is less
confusing to the student.
the left, away from the col-
lecting ring A, but by reason of the fact that the wire is in the
form of a loop the current flows clear around the coil, out
through brush A, around wire E to brush B, and back into the
loop again, and thus we have the electric action of a generator
exemplified. This is how current is generated.
But this is not all, since at the end of one-half revolution the
two sides of the coils will have changed place, and the current,
still moving in the same direction with relation to the magnet,
will then be flowing away from ring A, and toward ring B,
which, as you will readily see, means the reversal of the current
within the wire coil itself, as well as in outside circuit B, and
this reversal must, perforce, occur with every half revolution of
the coil, or armature. In considering this matter, bear carefully
in mind the fact that, with relation to the poles of the magnet,
the current will always flow in the direction indicated by the
arrows; also remember that this wire coil merely represents one
coil out of the many wound upon the armature of a generator,
but that the electrical action in all armature coils is essentially
the same as that of the one described.
I think after a careful study of the foregoing you will
readily grasp the idea, and understand how current is gener-
ated in an armature coil; also why the current in the armature
of a dynamo constantly reverses its direction, or, in other
words, is "alternating."
The current in the armature of all generators reverses its
direction as above set forth, though in multipolar dynamos
(generators having more than two poles) it is reversed every
time the coil passes from the influence of one set of poles
into the influence of another set of poles, which may occur
several times to each revolution of the armature.
Figure 3.
All this is just as true of direct current generators as it is of
alternating current generators, but in the case of the direct
current dynamo the alternating current generated in the
armature itself is rectified by what is known as the "commu-
tator," so that the current on the outside circuit flows constantly
in one direction, or, in other words, is direct current. As a
matter of fact all electric dynamos generate alternating cur-
rent in their armatures. A study of what has gone before
will show that this could not possibly be otherwise.
Fig. 3 is an illustration of a simple form of dynamo, tech-
nically known as a "two-pole, shunt-wound" machine. N is
the north and b is the south pole of its "field magnet." The
dotted lines between its pole pieces represent lines of magnetic
force, and its voltage and capacity will depend upon (a) the
number of lines of magnetic force passing between the two
poles, or, in other words, the "strength of the magnetic field,"
or, in other words, the "density of the magnetic flux" per
square inch of the surface of the pole pieces on the side next
to the armature; (b) the number of coils of wire the armature
contains, and, (c) the rotary speed of the armature. Of
course, there are other details of construction, such as the
kind of iron in the magnets, size of magnets, kind of arma-
ture core, etc., which are of great importance, but these items
only have to do with the efficiency of the machine, not its
operating principle.
The magnet of this type of machine is what is termed a
"permanent magnet." That is to say, the iron of its magnets
remains magnetized after the armature has come to rest. The
slight magnetism retained by the iron after the armature has
stopped is termed "residual magnetism," and it is this residual
magnetism which enables the machine to start up without
having its magnets excited from an outside source. The
residual magnetism is, however, very weak, and, in practice,
running at normal speed, the average dynamo would generate
five or at the most ten volts when operating merely on the
residual magnetism of its field magnet, which would be totally
inadequate for commercial purposes.
Now the voltage generated by the armature will depend
upon the number of lines of magnetic force which the con-
ductors upon that armature cut per second. The number of
lines of force cut per second, and in consequence the voltage
could, of course, be increased by increasing the number of
coils on the armature, but in practice this would require an
armature of huge proportions. The same effect could be had
by increasing the speed of the armature, but there, too, is a
limit, and high speeds are objectionable. It therefore follows
that the really practical method of increasing the number of
lines of force cut per second is to establish the speed of the
armature and the number of coils thereon, and then increase
the density of the magnetic field until the desired result is at-
tained, and this is the method which is adopted. It is done
as follows: Examining Fig. 3 you will observe there is a wire
coil around the top part of the poles of the field magnet. This
wire connects with one brush, passes thence to one end of coils
of resistance wire, known as the "field rheostat," and from the
other end of these coils to and several times around one of the
poles of the field magnet, across the air gap to and several times
around the other pole of the field magnet, and thence to the
opposite brush. This circuit is known as the "field circuit"
or "shunt field circuit."
Now, it is a well known fact if a wire be wound around the
poles of a magnet and an electric current be passed through
the coil thus formed, the strength of the magnet will be in-
creased; in other words, the magnetic field between its poles
will be made more dense and powerful, or, in other words,
the lines of magnetic force or the magnetic flux will be made
greater; and this will continue as the current is increased until
the point of saturation (iron is said to be "saturated" with
magnetism when it will receive no more) is reached.
As applied to the dynamo, the operation of the field circuit
is as follows: In starting up, the armature is revolved and
brought up to speed by an engine or some other source of
power. The armature coils cutting through the weak field
created by the residual magnetism generate a slight voltage,
and, the resistance of the field rheostat (See Fig. 3) having
first been eliminated by means provided, a current is set up
in the field coils, which, in compliance with the facts before
set forth, instantly increases the strength of the magnetic
field, and thus the armature coils are made to cut a greater
number of lines of magnetic force per second and the voltage
is increased, and so on until the voltage at which the machine
is intended to operate has been reached, whereupon the handle
of the field rheostat is moved, and resistance is cut into the
field circuit in such amount as will just regulate the flow of
current in the field circuit to the value which will hold the
strength of the magnet field at a point which will cause
the armature to cut just enough lines of force per second to
maintain the desired voltage.
It will, of course, be readily seen that as the load on the
generator changes an alteration of the strength of the magnetic
field will be necessary, or, in other words, variations in load
of the generator will require the altering of the amount of
resistance in its field circuit, which in some dynamos is ac-
complished automatically, while in others it must be done
by hand.
All the foregoing applies in practice to the shunt-wound
dynamo, and also very largely to the compound wound dyna-
mo, but, no matter what the type of generator may be, the
principle set forth holds good.
The current for the field circuit is taken direct from the
armature of the generator, but this comprises a very small
fraction of the total output of the machine considerably less
than 10 per cent.
It is not designed to do more than give a comprehensive
understanding of the method by which electricity is generated.
There are many excellent works on dynamo action and con-
struction, which may be consulted at the public library of
your city and the student can go as far as he likes in such
matters. In this work I can only find space for such practical
things with relation to dynamos as may be expected to be of
direct assistance to operators who are obliged to manage and
care for generators or a motor generator set.
Direct current, commonly called "D. C.," acts continuously
in one direction, presumably from positive to negative. The
electrical impulse or, putting it another way, the flow of cur-
rent is, theoretically, outward from the positive brush of the
generator to the positive wire of the circuit, along that wire
to and through the various lamps, motors, etc., to the negative,
and back on the negative wire of the circuit to the negative
brush of the generator. Direct current is very seldom of
higher voltage than 500, since above that pressure it becomes
exceedingly difficult to effectively insulate the commutator
bars of the generator from each other. Another reason why
we do not find D. C. at high voltage lies in the fact that after
leaving the generator its pressure cannot be raised without
the use of machines having moving parts, which is impractical
by reason of the expense of installation and operation, as well
as the necessary loss inherent in such a device.
Alternating current is commonly known by the abbrevia-
tion "A. C." As has already been set forth, the current in the
armature of all generators is alternating; that is to say, the
current in the armature coils constantly reverses its direction,
and "alternating current" (A. C.) is nothing more or less than
the unrectified current which is sent out on the circuit just as
it is generated in the armature coils of the dynamo, so that
the current in the whole circuit reverses its direction as often
as the current is reversed in the armature coils of the dynamo.
There are several reasons why A. C. is very largely used,
the main one being the fact that it may be generated at rela-
tively high pressure; also the pressure (voltage) may be
readily increased or reduced after the current has left the
dynamo and this may be accomplished by means of a very
simple device known as a "transformer," which has no mov-
ing parts, requires practically no care or attention, lasts in-
definitely if not overloaded, and accomplishes its work of in-
creasing or decreasing the voltage with comparatively little loss
of energy.
The advantage of high voltage lies in the fact that while a
wire of given size is rated at a certain, definite number
of amperes and no more (See Table 1, Page 42), it will carry
those amperes at any voltage. Electric energy, by which is
meant the ability of the current to perform work, is measured
in "watts." One watt is equal to 1/746 of a horse power. It
therefore follows that 746 watts is equal to 1 horse power.
Watts are found by multiplying volts by amperes, thus: 5
amperes at 110 volts equals (5 X HO) watts. Horse power
equals volts multiplied by amperes divided by 746.
Referring to Table 1, Page 42, we find that a No. 6 rubber
covered wire must not be allowed to carry more than 50 am-
peres of current. Now suppose .we have a No. 6 wire carry-
ing 50 amperes at 110 volts: 110X50=5500 watts, which
divided by 746 (watts in a horse power) gives us approx-
imately iy-2. h.p. as the limit of power which can be conveyed
on a No. 6 r.c. wire charged at 110 volts pressure. On the
other hand, suppose we have the same No. 6 r.c. wire carry-
ing 50 amperes at 2000 volts pressure. We then have 2000 X
50 = 100,000 watts, which divided by 746 equals almost 135 h.p.,
now being conveyed over a No. 6 r.c. wire which was loaded
to capacity with 7^2 'h.p. when the pressure was 110 volts.
From the foregoing it will readily be seen that there is
enormous saving in copper (wire diameters) effected by using
high voltage. This is a particularly important item if the
power (current) is to be conveyed any considerable distance.
To convey 1000 h.p. five miles by means of 110 volts pressure
would entail an enormous outlay for wires of large size, since
it would require nearly 7000 amperes, whereas with the current
at 10,000 volts only about 75 amperes would be necessary.
As has been said, A. C., unlike D. C., does not flow con-
tinuously in one direction, but, quite the contrary, flows in
one direction and then reverses and flows in the opposite. In
other words, the current flows one way for a small fraction of
a second and then reverses itself and flows in the opposite
direction for an equal space of time, the period of flow in
either direction varying from 1/50 to 1/266 of a second, accord-
ing to the way the generator is designed. Two periods of
flow that is to say, the period during which the current
flows in one direction and reverses itself and flows back
are called a "cycle." See definition of cycle, page 22.
Alternating current dynamos may be designed to pro-
duce current of any given number of cycles per second, the
determining factor being the use the current is to be put to.
Where light only is produced, the current frequency (number
of cycles per second) may be quite high; sometimes as much
as 133 cycles (266 alternations) per second; but cf late years
the use of current frequency in excess of 60 has been almost
entirely abandoned.
Where the current generated is to be used entirely for
power purposes a low frequency is much preferred, for the
reason that it is more economical for driving motors. Power
current runs as low as 25 cycles per second, whicL is the ideal
current to apply to motors. Twenty-five cycles per second,
however, is unsatisfactory for incandescent or arc lighting,
since the alternations are so far apart that there is a notice-
able flicker in the light. Light and power companies long ago
discovered the fact that 60-cycle current produces very satis-
factory results in lighting, and is at the same time fairly
economical for power purposes. For this reason practically
ajl generators designed to provide both light and power are
what is known as 60-cycle. machines.
It is essential that the operator get a clear understanding
of these things, since more and more they are called upon to
handle motors and generators, and moreover in some localities
and under some conditions problems arise which can only be
solved by one conversant with this subject. The action f
alternating current is usually expressed by diagram, such as
that shown in Fig. 4, and I will now try to help you to
understand how to trace out the real meaning of such dia-
grams. Indeed, it is very necessary that you do understand,
because when one studies matters electrical, he is constantly
confronted with diagrams of this character, and if unable to
trace out their meaning is greatly handicapped in his study.
Let us consider Fig. 4. In its length the horizontal line
represents time, and in its position with relation to the trian-
gles above and below it represents zero voltage, or, in other
words, no voltage, or, in other words, it represents the point
at which the alternations of the current are completed and
the voltage and amperage are both at zero.
From to 1 represents the time of one alternation, which
with 60-cycle current would be 1/120 of a second; the rise and
fall of voltage in that alternation being represented by the
Figure 4.
triangular line above the horizontal line which leaves 0,
mounts upward and comes back down to 1. The vertical
column of figures represents voltage. Turn back to Fig. 2 and
examine it and the text matter dealing therewith, so that the
action of an armature coil will be fresh in your memory.
Remember that when the coil in Fig. 2 is in the position
shown, it is generating maximum voltage, and, conversely,
when standing straight up and down it is in what we call the
"neutral plane," and for an infinitesimal fraction of a second
is generating nothing. Now, coming back to our diagram,
Fig. 4, where the line of the triangle leaves and mounts up-
ward, the coil of the armature is beginning to cut lines of
force in increasing number, and the voltage is rising and con-
tinues to do so until the coil is cutting the maximum lines of
force, at which time the voltage has reached 110. Meanwhile
time equal to half of an alternation, or, 1/120 -r- 2 = 1/240 of
a second, has elapsed. Now the armature coil, begins to pass
out of the magnetic field, and the voltage decreases until, fol-
lowing the right-hand line of the triangle down to 1, it is at
zero, and the current reverses. If we now follow the line on
down on the left-hand side of the lower triangle and back up
to 2, we will have traced the action of two alternations, or
one cycle of current, and during that time 1/60 of a second
will have elapsed. Now, in your imagination, draw a pencil
point from to 1, and another pencil point round the upper
triangle, and then continue the first pencil out on to 2 and
run the other pencil point down around the lower triangle.
If you could draw one pencil point from to 2 in 1/60 of a
second, and in the same length of time trace the two triangles,
one above and one below the line, to 2, with the other pencil
point, you would have exactly typified the action of one cycle
of alternating current, both as to time and rise and fall of vol-
tage and amperage.
With 25-cycle current, the action would be precisely the
same, except that from to 2 would represent 1/25 of a sec-
ond, instead of 1/60 of a second, and the action of the current
therefore would be just that much slower.
In studying the above get the fact clearly fixed in your
mind that, while the action is almost inconceivably rapid, still
it is a fact that with plain, single-phase alternating current, twice
during each cycle, or one hundred and twenty times every second,
there is absolutely no voltage, amperage, or anything else on the
line. This is hard for the mind to grasp, since it is very difficult
for the mind to accustom itself to such extreme rapidity of
The student may ask: "Well, if it is a fact that there is no
voltage or amperage on the line twice during each cycle, how
does it happen that the light from alternating current is con-
tinuous?" In reply I would say that the light is not contin-
uous, but the action is so enormously rapid that the effect of
one alternation blends in the next, so that with 60-cycle current
the effect is that of continuous, uninterrupted, even illumina-
tion, but if the current be 25-cycle, then the action is slow
enough that the eye can detect an uneveness of illumination,
in the form of flicker, and that is why very low cycle alter-
nating current, while ideal for power purposes, is objection-
able and unsatisfactory for lighting.
In handling alternating current we run into many complica-
tions, one of which is the fact that we have single-phase,
two-phase, and three-phase current to deal with. In Fig. 4
we have traced the action of alternating current. In Fig. 5
we see, at A, a diagrammatic representation of two-phase
current. Two-phase and three-phase current is produced
by a peculiarity of the winding of the generator. How-
ever, for the purpose of a clear understanding, we will assume
that we have two generators, producing current of the same
cycle, with their armatures coupled rigidly together in such
manner that when the current flow of one is at zero the vol-
tage of the other is at maximum. We will thus have a two-
phase current delivered, and the voltage of such a circuit will
never be at zero, since when the current generated by one of
the machines is at zero the other is at maximum. Now, if we
couple the shaft of a third dynamo to the shafts of the other
Figure 5.
two, in such manner that the voltage rises and falls, as shown
at B, Fig. 5, we shall have three-phase current. Two-phase
current ordinarily employs four wires (two separate circuits)
for its distribution. Its advantage lies in the fact that the
two currents, acting like the piston of a double engine, give
a steady instead of an intermittent pull on the armature of
motors. Three-phase current requires three wires for its
distribution. It is the ideal system for transmitting energy,
through any distance, for power purposes. . It gives a prac-
tically steady pull on the motor armature. Neither the two
nor three phase systems has any particular advantage over
single-phase 60 cycle current for lighting purposes.
Electrical Terms
IT is essential that the operator have a complete under-
standing of certain terms used in connection with elec-
trical work. It is quite difficult to impart a clear under-
standing of some of the terms, but we will nevertheless do
our best to make the matter at least reasonably clear.
Work is the term used to describe the act of overcoming
resistance through a certain distance. It is measured in foot-
pounds. See foot-pounds.
Foot-pounds. A foot-pound is the amount of work done or
energy consumed in raising a weight of one pound one foot,
or the equivalent, such as, for instance, raising one-half
pound two feet, or raising two pounds one-half foot. It may
also be described as overcoming a pressure of one pound
through a distance of one foot.
Coulomb. The coulomb is used to measure the quantity
of current flowing in one second. It is the number of ^am-
peres of current passing in one second. It is the product of
the amperes times seconds, thus:
10 amperes flowing in 1 second multiplied by 1
second equals 10 coulombs; 10 amperes flowing
for 2 seconds equals 20 coulombs.
Volt-Coulomb. The volt-coulomb is the electrical unit of
work. It is that amount of work performed when one ampere
of current flows for a period of one second in a circuit whose
resistance is one ohm, when the pressure is one volt.
Ampere-Hour. One may draw a certain quantity of water,
say a gallon, from a hydrant in one minute, or in ten min-
utes, but, regardless of the time consumed in drawing the
water, it is still one gallon, no more and no less. The
same holds true in dealing with electric current. A certain
given quantity may be used in one minute, or in ten minutes.
The current flowing in any circuit is the relation of the quan-
tity flowing to the time during which it flows, or, expressed
As has been said, coulombs equals amperes multiplied by
seconds, or,
2 amperes X 10 seconds = 20 coulombs.
10 amperes X 2 seconds = 20 coulombs.
1 ampere X 20 seconds = 20 coulombs, and so on.
By the foregoing you will be able to calculate that if one
ampere flows for one 'hour we would have 1 ampere X 60 sec-
onds = 60 coulombs, and 60 coulombs X 60 minutes = 3600 cou-
lombs, so that one ampere flowing for one hour equals 3600
coulombs, and 3600 coulombs are, therefore, one ampere-
hour, or a flow of 2 amperes for one-half hour would be one
ampere-hour, or a flow of 4 amperes for 15 minutes would be
one ampere-hour, since in either case 3600 coulombs would
have been used.
Ampere. Ampere is the unit rate of current flow. It repre-^
sents the quantity of current flowing through a circuit, pre-
cisely the same as gallons or barrels represent the quantity
or volume of water flowing through a water pipe.
Operators should carefully consider the distinction between
the ampere and the coulomb. The term coulomb is not much
used, but it is nevertheless one of much importance, since it
measures the quantity of current passing in a given time.
The ampere is such a rate of flow as would transmit one
coulomb per second through a resistance of one ohm, under a
pressure of one volt; a current of such strength as would
deposit .005084 grain of copper per second.
Volt The volt is the unit of electric pressure. It is the
electro-motive force induced in a conductor, usually an arma-
ture coil, which is cutting 100,000,000 lines of magnetic force
per second. It is the term used to designate the strength of
the affinity of one wire of an electric circuit to and for the
other wire. It is the term used to designate and describe the
intensity of electrical action. It is the term used to designate
that quality or property of the electric current, or electric
action, which corresponds to pressure in a steam boiler, or in
a water pipe.
Ohm. Ohm is the unit of resistance. It is the term used to
designate and measure the opposition offered to the flow of
electric current. It is the amount of resistance offered by a
column of mercury 106 centimeters in length, having an area
of cross section of one square millimeter, at degrees centi-
grade, or 32 degrees F. This is the established international
value of the ohm, designated as the "Legal Ohm."
Watt. Watt is the unit of power. It is obtained by multi-
plying volts by amperes: 1 volt X 1 apmere = 1 watt, hence,
10 amperes at 110 volts would be, 100 X 10= 1100 watts; 746
watts equal 1 horse power (h.p.). See kilowatt. See watt-
Kilowatt.- Kilowatt is merely a term of convenience, mean-
ing 1000 watts. It is 1000 -f- 746 = 1.34 ihorse power.
Watt-Hour. One watt-hour represents the amount of work
performed by one ampere of current at one volt pressure dur-
ing a period of one hour, hence, 4 amperes at 110 volts would
be 440 watts, and when that amount of energy has been ex-
pended for a period of one hour it would be 440 watt-hours.
Horse-Power. One horse-power (h.p.) equals 33,000 foot-
pounds of work per minute. It is the theoretical amount of
work one strong draft horse is supposed to perform if a block
and tackle be attached to a weight of 33,000 pounds and the
tackle be of such proportion that the horse can, by exerting
his full strength, just raise the 33,000 pounds one foot while
walking outward pulling on the rope for a period of one min-
ute. Under these conditions one horse-power has been ex-
erted during that minute. That is the theory of the thing.
One horse-power-hour is the amount of work exerted by one
horse during one hour, or by 60 horses during one minute, or
by 3600 horses during one second. In electrics 746 watts is
supposed to represent the raising of 33,000 pounds one foot in
one minute, or, in other words, one horse power. The unit
was established as follows: 1 watt is equivalent to 1 joule
per second (the joule is the practical C.G.S. unit of electrical
energy. One joule is equal to .73734 of a foot-pound, or, .00134
h.p. -seconds; it is the quantity of electric energy necessary
to raise the potential of one coulomb of electricity one volt in
pressure) or 60 joules per minute, and 1 joule is equal to
.73734 of a foot-pound, therefore 60 joules = 60 X .73734 =
44.24 foot-pounds. Now, since one horse-power equals 33,000
foot-pounds per minute the electrical equivalent would be
33,000^-44.24 = 746 watts.
Resistance is that property of an electrical conductor by
which it resists the flow of electric current. It is quite similar
in its effect on electric current to the opposition water en-
counters in flowing through a pipe by reason of friction with
the walls of the pipe.
Polarity. Polarity is the difference in condition between
the positive and the negative electrodes of a battery, or of two
wires attached to the positive and the negative electrodes of
a battery. It is the difference in condition between the two
terminals of a working dynamo, or between the wires attached
thereto. It may be described as representing the ability of
the two battery electrodes, dynamo terminals, or wires at-
tached thereto, to perform work. Positive : from which electric
impulse comes or "flows." Negative: opposite of positive.
Short Circuit. The term applied to a direct, accidental cur-
rent-carrying connection between two wires of opposite
polarity, by means of which the current is enabled to skip a
portion of its appointed path.
Shunt Circuit. A subsidiary or secondary circuit on any
part of a main circuit, by means of which a portion of the
current leaves the main circuit and flows through the sub-
sidiary or secondary circuit, as, for instance, the field magnet
circuit in Fig. 3, page 10.
Commutator. A device attached to the armature of a dy-
namo by means of which the alternating current generated in
the armature coils is changed into direct current for delivery
to the outside circuit.
Direct Current. Current which flows continually in one
Alternating Current. Current which flows alternately in
one direction and then in the opposite, the time of the flow in
either direction varying from 1/50 of a second to 1/226 of a
second, according to the construction of the generator.
Conductor. A wire or metal bar used to convey electric
Cycle. Events following each other in regular succession.
One-half the number of changes in direction of alternating
current per second. Two complete alternations of alternating
Dimmer. An adjustable choke or resistance coil used for
increasing or decreasing the resistance in an incandescent
circuit gradually, so that the incandescent lamps attached
thereto will be extinguished or lighted gradually. An adjust-
able rheostat for use on incandescent light circuits.
Electric Motive Force. Another name for voltage, and the
one commonly employed in text books.
Ground. A connection between wires of opposite polarity
through the ground, having resistance low enough to allow
current to pass from one wire to the other.
Static Electricity. A form of electricity which is generated
by friction.
Main Feeder. The street circuit entering a district to
which feed wires supplying the various streets are attached.
Street Mains. Feed wires supplying individual house mains.
Electro Magnetic Field. The field produced by an alter-
nating electric current or by an electric magnet.
Magnetic Field. That region of magnetic influence which
surrounds the poles of a magnet or wire carrying A. C.
Fuse. A short length of wire interposed in an electric cur-
rent, the same being of some alloy which will melt (thus
breaking the circuit and stopping the flow of current) at a
temperature much less than that necessary to raise the tem-
perature of a copper circuit wire to the danger point. Fuses
usually melt at less than 300 degrees F.
Galvanized Iron Wire. An iron wire coated with zinc, in
order to resist the action of corrosion.
Graphite. A condition of carbon in which it becomes an
excellent lubricant, able to withstand very high temperature.
In this condition it forms the "lead" of the ordinary lead
Induction. The influence which a mass of iron charged
with alternating current exercises upon surrounding metallic
bodies, without having any actual metallic connection there-
Insulation. The employment of any material having such
high resistance that electric current is unable to pass through
to the earth, or other current carrying substance, and thus
reach a wire of opposite polarity. Rubber, porcelain and
glass are examples of insulating materials.
Magnetic Saturation. That point at which the power of a
magnet cannot be further increased.
Torque. That force which tends to produce a rotary move-
ment around an axle, as the pulling or rotating of an electric
motor's armature upon its shaft. The force applied to the
rim of a dynamo pulley by a belt. Turning force.
Transformer. An induction coil by means of which the vol-
tage of a circuit may be changed without materially altering
its wattage. A step-up transformer is one which transforms
a current of given amperage and voltage to a current of less
amperage and higher voltage. A step-down transformer is
one which transforms a current of given amperage and vol-
tage to a current of less voltage and higher amperage.
Ampere Turn. A unit of magneto-motive force equal to
the force resulting from the effect of one ampere passing
around a single turn of a coil of wire.
Voltmeter. Ah instrument by means of which the voltage
or electro-motive force of a circuit is measured.
Ammeter. An instrument by means of which the current
flow in a circuit is measured in amperes.
Wattmeter. An instrument by means of which the power
being consumed in a circuit is measured in watts.
Current Frequency. The number of cycles per second.
Efficiency. The term used in describing the loss inherent
in transformers, motors, generators, generator sets, etc. Elec-
trically it is the relation of the wattage taken from the line to
the wattage actually employed in the work in hand. For in-
stance: If a motor takes 3000 watts from the line and only
exerts a pull on the thing it is driving equal to 2000 watts,
then its efficiency would be the percentage found by dividing
2000 by 3000, and 2000-^3000 = .666 or 662/3 per cent.
Circuit. The term commonly applied to wires of opposite
polarity to which are attached other power consuming circuits
or lamps, motors, etc.
Synchronism. Synchronism is the term used to describe
the action of A. C. alternations with relation to each other.
Synchronism is sometimes referred to by electricians as "keep-
ing step." It means that where two or more alternating cur-
rents are coupled together, as in two or three phase current,
their voltage values must rise and fall constantly with fixed
relation to each other, as shown in Fig. 4, Page 16. In order
to produce two or three phase current the voltage values must
remain absolutely in step or synchronism with each other.
When a motor is run in synchronism with a generator it
means that the voltage value of the alternations in the arma-
ture of the motor arc and must remain absolutely identical
with the voltage value of the alternations in the armature of
the generator. Once you grasp the real meaning of Fig. 5
the understanding of synchronism will be easy, therefore
study Fig. 5.
An Explanation of Electrical Terms,
I HAVE given you the definition of certain electrical terms
which the operator is likely to come into contact with in
his work. In order to convey a more complete under-
standing of the true meaning of certain ones of these terms,
however, something more than a mere definition is necessary,
therefore 1 shall elaborate by amplifying certain definitions
in the form of an explanation.
Polarity. Polarity and potential mean the same thing.
When a wire is attached to one terminal of a working dynamo
and another wire is attached to the opposite terminal of the
same dynamo there is an electrical condition in these wires
which enables them to perform work, or, more correctly, to
cause a motor to which they are attached to perform work, or
cause a lamp to which they are attached to give off light. This
electrical condition is called "polarity," or "potential." It is
the affinity one wire of an electric circuit has for the other
wire of this circuit. It represents the inclination of the cur-
rent to flow from one wire to the other wire, and this inclina-
tion is so strong that in order to pass from one wire to
the other the current will perform labor, and lots of it. When
dealing with direct current one wire is always positive and
the other is always negative; when dealing with alternating
current each wire is alternately positive and negative many
times each second.
Voltage (E.M.F.). Electric current may be said to have
both pressure and volume, and in its action in both these re-
spects, as well as with regard to friction, electricity is very
similar to and may be compared with water or steam. We
must, however, carefully remember, when using these com-
parisons, that they only hold good as applied to the laws of elec-
trical action which have been determined by experiment. In
other words, the similarity between electricity and water or
steam exists only in their similarity of action. Water may be
perceived by the senses; we can feel it and watch its action,
whereas electricity is an absolutely impalpable substance,
which cannot be perceived by any sense except that of touch,
and even then it cannot be felt except through the "shock"
occasioned by its passing over the tissues of the body. (We
can see electric light, yes, but that is only the effect of the
current, not the current itself.)
Voltage corresponds in effect or in its action to the pressure
of water in a pipe, or to the pressure of steam in a boiler. A
dry battery, such as is used for electric bells, has a pressure of
approximately one volt, and it imparts that pressure to wires
connected to its terminals, so that if you attach two wires to
such a battery they will, at any portion of their length, have
a pressure of one volt. Now, if you take a second battery
and connect its zinc with the carbon of the first battery by
means of a short piece of wire, and then attach 'two other
wires to the two remaining binding posts, you will have what
is known as "series" connection, and a resultant pressure of
two volts between the two wires. A third battery connected
in series would raise the pressure to three volts, and so on,
indefinitely. Instead of using batteries for producing light
and power, which would be entirely impractical, we use a
machine called a dynamo, each one of which is designed and
built to produce a certain voltage, which may be anywhere
from one to five hundred volts D. C, or from one to six
thousand A. C.
Remember that voltage corresponds to pressure, and is
similar in its action to pressure in a steam boiler, but that
voltage acts only between the positive and negative wires of
the dynamo which generated it, and that the positive attached
to one generator has no affinity or attraction to or for the
negative attached to another dynamo, or for the ground, ex-
cept as it offers a path to the negative of the generator to
which the positive is attached. Get this fact firmly fixed in
your mind. Ninety-nine non-electricians out of every hundred
believe current generated by a dynamo seeks to escape into
the ground. This is not so, except as the ground offers a path
between two wires of opposite polarity. If the positive or
negative side of a dynamo generating 5000 volts be thoroughly
and completely insulated (never actually the fact in practical
work) you could stand on wet ground and handle the bare
wire of the other side with your bare hands in perfect safety.
Ampere. Ampere is the term used to denote quantity. It
represents the volume of current flowing through, or along a
wire, just as gallons or barrels represent the quantity of
water flowing through a pipe, or cubic inches the volume of
steam flowing. As a matter of fact we do not actually know
that anything flows in or along the wire of an electric circuit.
Eminent electricians say there is an actual flow; other equally
eminent electricians say there is not, but that what we con-
sider as current flow is really a "molecular bombardment."
With these highly technical questions, however, we have
nothing to do. For our purpose it is sufficient to say that current
flows along the wire, just exactly as water flows in a pipe. The
work performed is accomplished by the voltage or pressure
working through the amperage or volume, and it is the
pressure or voltage which is consumed never the amperes.
Therefore, the higher the voltage or pressure, the greater
amount of work a given volume of current can perform. For
instance: If you supply a steam engine with steam at fifty
pounds' pressure it will consume a certain given quantity or
volume of steam to each stroke of the piston, according to the
cubic capacity of the cylinder, and this quantity of steam at
fifty pounds pressure will do a certain given amount of work.
Now, if you raise the pressure of the steam to one hundred
pounds the engine will perform twice as much work, but will
not consume any greater number of cubic inches of steam.
And so it is with electric current: One-half of an ampere at
50 volts will do a certain amount of work, but the same one-
half ampere at 100 volts will do just twice as much. In other
words, the amperage or volume of current is simply the
medium through which the voltage or pressure (E.M.F.) acts,
or works. In a steam engine, with the steam at given pres-
sure, you can increase the power of the engine by either in-
creasing the size of the engine cylinder, or by increasing the
pressure of the steam. In a water motor you can increase
the capacity to do work either by increasing the size of the
motor or the pressure of the water. The same thing holds
true with electricity. You can increase its capacity to do
work either by increasing the volume of current (amperage)
or by increasing the voltage. To perform a given amount of
work with a low pressure (voltage) a large volume (amper-
age) is necessary, but if the voltage be high the same amount
of work can be performed with much less volume of current.
In fact, the number of horse power of work performed by
electric current is represented by the voltage times the am-
peres, divided by 746.
Ohm. Water in passing through a pipe encounters resist-
ance, by reason of the rough sides of the pipe, as well as by
reason of the internal resistance of the water itself. This
resistance tends to retard the flow. Precisely the same is
true with electricity. In passing through a wire electric cur-
rent encounters resistance, and this resistance tends to retard
the flow of current. It is measured in ohms, the definition of
which is given elsewhere. The effect of resistance is to pro-
duce heat. In a water pipe the resistance increases as the
volume of water passing through the pipe is increased, or as
the pipe is made smaller in relation to the volume of water
flowing. It decreases as the pipe is made larger with refer-
ence to the volume of water flowing. The same thing is true
of current. Having a wire of given area, the resistance in-
creases as the current flow becomes greater, and decreased as
the current flow becomes less, or, having a given current flow
the resistance increases as the diameter of the wire is made
less or its length is increased, or decreases as the diameter
of the wire is made greater or its length is decreased.
Watt. Watt is the unit used to measure the amount of
electrical energy expended the amount of work actually per-
formed. It is found by multiplying the voltage by the am-
perage, and is transformed into horse power by dividing by
746, since 746 w,atts equal one horse-power.
For example: If we have 10 amperes flowing at 110 volts,
the amount of energy expended would be equal to 110 X 10 =
1100 watts, which, divided by 746= 1.47 h. p. If, on the other
hand, we had 110 amperes flowing at 10 volts the result would
be the same. But if we had 10 amperes flowing at 10,000 volts
then we would have electrical energy expended (work per-
formed) as follows: 10,000X10=100,000 watts -f- 746 = 134
h. p.
Use of Electrical Terms in Calculation
IT is quite problematical as to how much use the average
operator will be able to make of electrical terms in mak-
ing calculations, since, in order to find an unknown
quantity he must know two other quantities. In order to cal-
culate the number of amperes flowing in a circuit it is neces-
sary the voltage and resistance in ohms be accurately known,
and, while the operator usually knows about what the voltage
is, the resistance is seldom a known quantity, or one which
the operator can readily ascertain with any degree of ac-
curacy. To find the number of ohms resistance, the operator
must know the exact amperage and voltage, which he can, if
necessary, obtain by means of a reliable voltmeter and am-
meter. To find the voltage he must know the exact resistance
in ohms and the exact amperage. But, notwithstanding the
fact that only two of these quantities are usually known to
the operator, and those two often only known approximately,
the operator ought to understand how to make electrical cal-
culations, particularly with relation to his projection arc cir-
cuit, and I shall therefore give a somewhat extended explana-
tion of the method.
The operator must fix firmly in his mind the fact that where
the projection lamp circuit is concerned the resistance does
not lie wholly in the rheostat, or whatever takes its place.
The wires, lamp arms and carbons offer small resistance, but
a very considerable portion of the total is in the arc itself.
The resistance of the wires, lamp arms and carbons may, for
ordinary purposes, be neglected, but unless the resistance of
the arc itself be taken into consideration a very serious error
will result.
When making electrical calculations it is customary, for the
sake of brevity, to use the letters E, C and R. E stands for
"electro-motive force," which is merely another name for
voltage, hence E stands for voltage; C stands for current flow,
meaning amperes, hence C stands for amperes; R stands for
resistance in ohms, hence R stands for ohms.
The operator should also remember that in a common frac-
tion the horizontal line always means "divided by," thus ^
really means 1 4- 2. But I think I hear some one say you
cannot divide one by two. Oh, yes, you can. It is done
thusly: We put down the one, followed by a period, called a
"decimal point," and then add ciphers, thus: 1.00. We now
have 1.00 with a decimal point between the one and the two
OOs, and 1.00 -4- 2 = .50, or, .5, which is exactly the same thing
as 50/100, 5/10, or 1/2. The rule .is to count the figures or
ciphers to the right of the decimal point in the number being
divided, and then, beginning at the last figure of the result,
count an equal number, and place the decimal to the left of
the last figure counted. If there are not enough figures in the
result to do this, then add ciphers to the left.
When dealing with formulas, means that the quantity
represented by E is to be divided by the quantity represented
by C, E being the voltage and C amperes. If there be two
or more quantities above or below the line, with no sign be-
tween them, it means they are to be multiplied together, thus:
means that E (volts) is to be divided by C (amperes)
E 15
multiplied by R (ohms), means that after 15 has been
subtracted from the quantity represented by E (volts) it is
to be divided by the quantity represented by C (amperes).
The student will be greatly benefited if he will practice writ-
ing out formulas of this kind in letters, substituting quantities
in figures and working them out.
Ohms law sets forth the fact that the number of amperes
flowing are equal to the voltage divided by the resistance in
ohms. We, therefore have = C, or, in other words, volts
divided by ohms equals amperes. It then follows that if
= C, C multiplied by R must equal E. It also follows that
= R. It works out as follows: We know that the ordinary
110-volt 16 c.p. carbon filament incandescent lamp requires
approximately one-half ampere of current to bring it up to
candle power. What is its resistance? Using the formula
E 110 volts
= R, substituting figures, we have = 220,
C .5 of an ampere
the number of ohms resistance in the filament of the lamp.
E 110
Again applying the formula = C, we have = .5, or ^2, as
R 220
the amperage 110 volts will force through 220 ohms resistance.
It seems to me all this is simple enough of understanding and
application, but to make it yet more plain I will take the
formula = R, which means voltage divided by amperes equal
ohms, so that if the voltage be 50 and the amperes 10, E would
mean 50, C 10, and R would be 50 -^ 10 = 5, but if the voltage'
be 110 and the amperage 5, then E would mean 110, C 5 and
R would be 110 -i- 5 = 22 ohms.
When, however, we come to consider the projection arc
circuit, a new element enters in the shape of the resistance of
the arc itself, and if we propose to be absolutely accurate we
must consider also the resistance of the carbon arms, wires,
etc., but that degree of refinement is seldom or never neces-
sary in a projection circuit calculation.
In leaping the air gap between the carbon tips of the arc
lamp the current encounters high resistance. In overcoming
resistance voltage is consumed, as will be more thoroughly
set forth and explained under "Resistance," Page 34. Tn other
words, when current-flow is opposed by resistance, and that
resistance is overcome, there is a consequent drop in pressure
or voltage; pressure has been used, or consumed in the proc-
ess. The resistance of the arc, consequently, the voltage
drop in overcoming the resistance, is proportional to (a)
length of arc; (b) size and characters of the carbons; (c) kind
of core in the carbon; (d) number of amperes flowing. All
these factors enter very decidedly into the equation, but very
largely the resistance encountered is directly proportional to
the length of the arc.
For reasons not necessary to enter into at this time the
D. C. arc, for a given amperage, is longer than the A. C. arc.
It, therefore, follows that its resistance will be higher. The
accepted theory is that all voltage is consumed at the arc.
Whether or not this is true is a highly technical question,
which it would be unprofitable to discuss in these pages. We
shall accept the theory. Therefore the rheostat or whatever
takes its place must cut down the voltage to just that pressure
which the resistance of the arc will consume when burning
When an ordinary D. C. projection arc is operating at its
best it consumes about 48 volts. The D. C. arc voltage varies
from 45 to 55, but 48 is a fair average. In other words, the
current must reach the arc at that pressure, and that pressure
will be consumed in the arc. Ordinarily it is spoken of as
"48 volts drop across the arc." What is the resistance of
such an arc operating at 40 amperes? Knowing the voltage
(48), and amperage, we apply the formula = R, and have
48 -T- 40 = 1 1/5 ohms arc resistance. Let us prove this out.
Suppose the line voltage to be 110. The total resistance must
equal ( = R) the voltage divided by the amperes flowing;
therefore, the amperage being 40, the resistance must be
110 -r- 40, or 23/4 ohms. We have seen that the arc resistance
is 1 1/5 ohms with its voltage at 48. Subtracting the arc
voltage from the line voltage leaves us 62, as the drop in vol-
tage there must be across the rheostat. Again applying the
formula ( = R), we have 62 -r- 40 = 1 11/20 as the ohmic re-
sistance of the rheostat. Adding this and the arc resistance
together, we have a total of (1 1/5 + 1 11/20) 23/4, as the total
resistance, which corresponds to the total resistance necessary
to allow 40 amperes to pass through.
If the amperage were 45, then the total resistance, voltage
remaining the same, must be less. If the amperage were
less, then the resistance would necessarily be greater. The
higher the voltage the greater must be the resistance, as will
be seen by applying the formula = R, to accomplish a given
current flow. Resistance is always found by application of
the formula last quoted.
Arc resistance, as we have said, will vary somewhat, accord-
ing to the character of carbons and cores, the amount of cur-
rent flowing and the arc length, particularly the latter. How-
ever, with the D. C. projection arc we are reasonably safe in
taking the constant 48, for the arc drop, or arc voltage, unless
the amperage is low say 30, or less, when 45 will serve better.
Such a standard is necessary, even though more or less in-
accurate, since the operator sel-dom has a voltmeter with
which to measure the arc voltage exactly. Instead of applying
the formula = R, as it stands, we first subtract the arc
voltage (using the standard 48), from E, which represents the
line voltage, thus securing, at one operation, the total resist-
ance other than that of the arc. The problem then reads, for
E 48
any D. C. arc above 30 amperes, - '=R, but the "R" in
this case is the necessary ohmic resistance except that peculiar
to the arc itself. In subtracting 48 we have accounted for the
arc resistance. For an arc of 30 amperes, or less, the formula
is - = R. For the ordinary A. C. projection arc, up to 60
E 35
amperes, the formula to be used is - = R. In other
words we use 35 as the A. C. constant for arc voltage, instead
of the 48 used for D. C.
Suppose we wish to construct, or order a rheostat to deliver
25 amperes on 125 volts line pressure, when working in series
E 45
with a D. C. projection arc. We use the formula - = R.
Substituting figures for letters we have -- , which equals
the necessary ohmic resistance of the rheostat, not taking ac-
count of line and carbon resistance. 125 45 = 80 and
80 -T- 25 = 3 1/5, the number of ohms resistance the rheostat
must contain. If it were a 40 ampere arc we would subtract
48 instead of 45. If it were an A. C. arc we would subtract 35.
Were we to connect the same rheostat between the wires of
a circuit carrying the same voltage without an arc in series,
or, what amounts to practically almost the same thing,
freeze the carbons of the arc lamp, we would then find the
3 1/5 ohm rheostat, which delivered 25 amperes in series with
an arc, to be delivering ( = C) 110-=- 3.2 = 34.4 amperes,
There is a very simple formula, easy of application, which
combines the three formulas into one. It is called the "Rule
of Thumb." It is expressed for general use as: .
To use the formula you have but to cover the symbol or
letter representing the quantity desired, and what remains
will produce the answer, thus: Suppose we wish to ascertain
the resistance in ohms. We cover up the "R" in the formula
and find that we have remaining, which will give R, the
desired quantity. In using this formula on projection circuits
the top letter must be expressed as E minus the arc voltage,
the same as in the regular formulas, thus:
E-48 E 45 E 35
or for D. C. and for A. C.
Go to your work each day
as though it ^vere your
first day on a new job
and you had to make good.
ONE of the most difficult problems confronting the oper-
ator and the electrician is resistance. This is a factor
which is met with in almost every phase of electrical
work, and, so far as light be concerned, it may be said to be
the very foundation stone of the structure.
How Resistance Acts. In passing through a wire, current
encounters resistance, which is, in its action, very similar to
that encountered by water under pressure in passing through
a pipe. When water flows through a pipe it encounters resist-
ance directly in proportion to the size and length of the
pipe and the quantity of water flowing per minute. This
resistance is to some extent the result of molecular friction
within the water itself, but mostly it is caused by friction be-
tween the water and the sides of the pipe. In a pipe of given
diameter, resistance increases with (a) increase of the flow,
or volume of water, (b) increase of the length of the pipe,
and (c) with the roughness of the inside of the pipe. Con-
versely it decreases with decrease of the flow, the shortening
of the pipe or with increased smoothness of pipe walls. With
a given flow of water, resistance increases with the length
of the pipe, the decrease in its diameter or added roughness,
and decreases as the pipe is made larger or shorter or
Resistance consumes pressure, and pressure is consumed
exactly in proportion to the amount of resistance encountered.
In the second edition of my Handbook I explained this propo-
sition by means of a diagram, and I do not think that
particular thing can be improved upon, therefore it is herewith
reproduced in somewhat different form.
In the illustration we see a water main, with a pressure
gauge registering 100 pounds, to which are connected three
pipes A, B, and C. On A is a pressure gauge placed right up
close to the main pipe and another near its outer end. We
will assume the diameter of this pipe to be one-half inch. At
B is a short pipe of the same diameter; at C is a pipe three
inches in diameter for ten feet of its length, with a three-foot
extension of half-inch pipe at its end. At the outer end of
the large pipe is a pressure gauge, with another at the end
of the extension. Now let us consider the action. Pipe B is
short and, being open at its end, the water spurts out with
great force, carrying itself almost horizontal for a consider-
able distance, thus showing that the pressure at the mouth of
the pipe is high. The water at the end of pipe A does not
come out with such great force, and if we examine gauge
No. 1 and gauge No. 2 we shall find that, whereas gauge No. 1
registers very nearly the same as the one on top of the main
pipe, No. 2 will register far less. Gauges No. 1 and No. 2
are on the same pipe. What is the explanation of the differ-
ence in pressure?
The answer is simple. It has been used up in forcing the
water at high speed against the friction of the pipe. The
pipe is, under the conditions, working above its normal capac-
Figure 6.
ity, with the result that very high resistance is developed,
and the greater the resistance the more power (pressure) is
consumed in overcoming it.
Examining gauge No. 3 at the end of the large section of
pipe C, we find that it stands almost if not quite at equal pres-
sure with the one on top of the main, although it is ten feet
from the main, whereas gauge No. 4, at the end of the small
three-foot section, shows considerably less. What is the rea-
son for this?
Again the answer is simple. The volume of water passing
through the short' pipe is very great as compared with its
diameter. It is rushing through at high speed, therefore the
friction or resistance encountered is high, with the result
that pressure is used up very rapidly in forming the water
against it. On the other hand, while precisely the same
volume or amount of water is passing through the large sec-
tion of the pipe it is moving quite slowly, hence the resistance
it encounters is comparatively slight, and very little power
is necessary to overcome it.
The pressure at which the water might be would not affect
the result, except that if it be very low not much resistance
could be overcome. A pipe of given diameter will carry water
up to its capacity (the capacity of a pipe may be said to have
been reached zvhen its resistance to the flow of water becomes
excessive, so that there is a considerable waste of power in forc-
ing the water through} under any pressure sufficient 4:o move the
liquid and less than that sufficient to burst the pipe. A pipe of
given diameter will convey only a certain number of gallons of
water per minute without excessive friction, regardless of whether
the pressure be 10 or 100 pounds per square inch, but when the
point is reached where resistance to flow becomes excessive, the
normal capacity of the pipe is said to have been reached. True,
we can still force a great deal more water through, but it will
be at the expense of largely increased power consumption. It
costs money to force a water pipe above its capacity, and the
cost increases very rapidly in proportion to the excess of
capacity; in other words, the higher the excess over capacity
the greater the relative cost of overcoming the resistance.
The practical method of reducing this resistance is to in-
crease the diameter of the pipe until the desired flow is had
with only a normal friction loss. We therefore deduce the
rule that:
Increasing the diameter decreases the friction, or resistance
offered to a given flow, since the water is thus caused to move
more slowly.
But another equation enters 'here, viz., the length of the
pipe. Inasmuch as friction very largely results from the
rough side of a pipe, it naturally follows that the longer the
pipe the more friction there will be. We have already seen
that with a given flow as the diameter of the pipe is decreased
(made less), the friction or resistance is increased (made
greater), and conversely, as the diameter of the pipe is in-
creased (made greater) the friction or resistance is decreased
(made less).
We may also readily see that, with a given flow:
As the length of the pipe is increased the-friction (resistance}
is increased, and, conversely, as the length is decreased the re-
sistance is also made less.
Therefore, we may increase the resistance by (a) increas-
ing the flow of water; (b) decreasing the diameter of the pipe;
(c) increasing the length of the pipe; (d) increasing its
We may decrease the resistance by (a) decreasing the flow;
(b) increasing the diameter of the pipe; (c) making the pipe
shorter; (d) making the pipe smoother.
All this is simple, and is or ought to.be readily understand-
able. And now what has been said of the water pipe is also true
with relation to current and wires. If you substitute circuits of
wire for the water main and for pipes A, B, and C, with volt-
meters in place of the pressure gauges, and lamps or motors
instead of the open pipe-end you will get precisely the same
relative result in loss of pressure (voltage) when current flow is
sent through the circuits.
The voltage of the current has absolutely nothing whatever
to do with the necessary size of wire. You could convey
current at 10,000 volts, or 50,000 volts for that matter, on a No.
40 wire, which is no larger than a very fine silk thread, but
on that wire you could convey a very small quantity amper-
Electric current in passing through wires' encounters re-
sistance precisely the same as does water in passing through
a pipe. A wire of given diameter will convey a certain given
number of .amperes of current without excessive friction
(resistance), just the same as a water pipe of given diameter
will convey a certain given number of gallons of water with-
out undue friction or resistance, and the point where resist-
ance begins to rise above normal marks the "capacity" of the
wire, just as it does the water pipe. Beyond that point the
friction or resistance becomes excessive, and manifests itself
in a loss of pressure or voltage. This loss in pressure has
been consumed in forcing the current against resistance, pre-
cisely as was the case in the water pipe. It therefore follows
that loading wires beyond their normal capacity is expensive, and
should be avoided for that if for no other reason, since the waste
is registered on your meter and you will have to pay for it, ex-
actly the same as you pay for current used in your lamps or
But this is not all, for if you attempt to force amperage in
excess of the rated capacity, as shown by the Underwriters' table
(see page 42), heat will be developed, and, if the matter be car-
ried too far (which can only be done by overf using), the wires
may get red, or even white hot, finally burning in two entirely
and stopping all current flow and perhaps setting fire to the
building in the process.
Exactly as was the case with the water pipe, with a given
current flow the resistance of a wire is decreased as the diameter
of the wire is increased, or its length made shorter, and is in-
creased as the diameter of the wire is made smaller or its length
Resistance increases With increased length of wire; or
As diameter is decreased; or
As the temperature is increased above
normal; or
As the composition of the wire is
changed to an alloy having lower
Resistance decreases As length of wire is decreased; or
As the diameter is increased.
As the temperature is reduced, if it be
above normal.
As the composition of the wire is
changed to an alloy having higher
NOTE. The difference in conductivity of different metals makes the
analogy of water and current action more complete, since it corre-
sponds to roughness or smoothness of walls of the water pipe.
Different metals offer varying resistance to electric current as
follows, taking the resistance of pure silver and pure copper as 1.
Copper 1 *18% German Silver 19
Silver 1 Manganin 24
Aluminum 1.5 *30% German Silver 28
Platinum 6 *Advance Wire 28
Norway Iron 7 *Climax Wire 50
Soft Steel 8 *Nichrome 60
*Ferro Nickel 17
NOTE. The Driver-Harris Company, manufacturers of resistance
wires, are authority for these figures. I know of no more reliable
source for information of this kind. Star (*) indicates Driver-Harris
In the foregoing table the figures refer to the amount of
resistance each metal has, as compared to that of pure, an-
nealed copper. For instance, platinum has 6 and climax wire
50 times the resistance of pure, annealed copper.
I have selected for a part of this table metals and composi-
tions in very general use for resistance purposes. It will, of
course, be understood that the figures given in the tables are
based on metals and alloys of a certain standard purity, but
inasmuch as the degree of purity will, in the very nature of
things, vary to some extent, the figures cannot be relied upon
for absolute accuracy.
It must also be understood that the resistance of nearly all
metals increases with rise of temperature, whereas the resist-
ance of carbon decreases as its temperature increases. The
resistance of the carbon filament of the incandescent lamp of
the ordinary type is about twice as much when cold as when
burning at candle power. As a general proposition the re-
sistance of liquids and insulating materials become less with
increased temperature.
The resistance of a wire is not constant at all temperatures.
If you increase the temperature of a metallic wire you also
increase its resistance, and this increase in resistance follows
a definite law, viz.:
In metals increase or decrease in resistance is directly in pro-
portion to increase or decrease in temperature.
The factor that will enable you to calculate this increase or
decrease, provided you know the difference in temperature,
is called the "temperature coefficient." In all catalogs of re-
sistance wire the resistance per foot of the material is given
at a certain standard temperature, usually 75 degrees F, and
the resistance at this standard temperature will form the
basis for calculation of increased or decreased resistance by
reason of temperature change. The figure given for tem-
perature coefficient is the fraction of an ohm change in re-
sistance for each degree F change in temperature, and this
coefficient must be multiplied by the number of degrees of
the temperature change from the standard 75 degrees, and
the result added to or subtracted from the standard resistance,
depending upon whether the material increases in resistance
with heat as metal does, or decreasing with heat as some
other substances, carbon, for instance, do. For example, let
us assume the temperature coefficient of a given material to
be .001 per degree F., and that its resistance at 75 degrees F.
is 10 ohms. What will be its resistance at 175 degrees.?
Subtracting 75 from 175 we find the difference in tempera-
ture to be 100 degrees. If the resistance increases .001 of
an ohm for each degree of increased temperature then for
100 degrees increase of temperature the increase of resistance
would be .001X100 = .!. Now, multiply the resistance (10
ohms) at 75 degrees by the fractional increase, which is .1,
which gives us the actual total increase of 10 X .1 = 1 ohm, so
that the resistance at 175 degrees F will be 10 ohms, the
standard resistance, plus 1 ohm increase, or a total of 11 ohms.
Electric conductors are ordinarily selected with one of two
ends in view. In one case low resistance, tensile strength,
ductility, and cost are the ruling factors; in the other case
comparatively high and steady resistance is the important
In the first instance conductors for current distribution is
the thing considered, and, by reason of the fact that it more
nearly combines the four above-named important factors than
any other metal, copper has been selected as the standard
electrical conductor, an office which it shares only, to some
slight extent, with aluminum, the latter being used in a few
instances for high tension lines.
In the second instance a material to offer resistance is the
thing desired, and for a long time the metal used almost ex-
clusively for this purpose was German silver. Gradually,
however, German silver has been largely displaced, until it is
now but little used except in alloy combinations with other
The materials now most generally used for resistance in
motion picture projector circuits are either cast iron, made
up in grid form, or some one of the nickel-steel resistance
wires. Reliable data concerning the properties of cast iron is
difficult, in fact practically impossible to obtain, but it may be
said that it forms an excellent and cheap resistance medium
where considerable variation at different temperature is not
of great importance.
Properties of Resistance Metals. "Normal" is 75 F. or 24
C. The resistance per mill-foot of pure nickel is 64.3 ohms
at normal. Climax resistance wire, made by the Driver-
Harris Company, Harrison, N. J., has a resistance per mill-
foot of 525 ohms at normal; its temperature coefficient is .0004
per degree F. It is a nickel steel alloy with a resistance fifty
times that of copper. This metal is excellent for rheostat
German silver is a composition containing 18 per cent, of
nickel. It is known as "18 per cent. German silver." Its re-
sistance varies somewhat with different lots. Its mill-foot
resistance is 218 ohms at normal; its temperature coefficient
.00017 per degree F.
Ferro nickel has a mill-foot resistance of 170 ohms at
normal; temperature coefficient is .00115 per degree F.
Yankee silver is a new alloy, put out by the Driver-Harris
firm, which is claimed to be an improvement on the 18 per
cent. German silver in that it withstands rapid heating and
cooling well, and gives good service where German silver
fails. Its resistance is 200 ohms per mill-foot; its tempera-
ture coefficient is very low, being .000086 per degree F.
Nichrome, also a Driver-Harris product, is a practically
non-corrosive alloy with high melting point about 2600 de-
grees F. It is designed for use where high temperatures are
the rule, such as heating coils, etc. Its mill-foot resistance
is 600 ohms; its temperature coefficient .00024 per degree F.
Advance wire, a Driver-Harris product, is a copper-nickel
alloy containing no zinc. It is claimed to be constant in its
resistance under all conditions of service; therefore it has no
temperature coefficient. Resistance per mill-foot is 294 ohms.
It is particularly recommended for electrical instruments
where the resistance is subjected to repeated heating and
It is highly desirable and under certain conditions very
necessary that the operator be able to figure the resistance
of the various circuits in the theatre or of the feed-wires lead-
ing thereto. As has already been pointed out, the overcoming
of resistance consumes voltage. All wires offer resistance
to current, and voltage will be consumed in (a) proportion to
the size of the wire; (b) the length of the wire; (c) the
amount of current flowing; (d) composition of the wire.
Up to a certain point the resistance of the wire remains
without change; that is to say, the resistance offered to one
ampere or ten amperes will be identical, but when the load
becomes such that the temperature of the wire begins to rise,
then the resistance also begins to rise, and the effect is, as
has already, been explained, a loss in voltage, with the result
that the lamps will not burn to candle power and the meter
is registering wattage which is being wasted in overcoming
the excessive resistance of the wires.
Copper wire used for electric current can carry a certain
number of amperes without causing any appreciable rise in
temperature, and the National Board of Fire Underwriters,
which is the controlling factor, has adopted the amperage
rating recommended by the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers. This determines the number of amperes which
any wire may be allowed to carry, which are set forth in
Table No. 1, in which "B. & S." means "Brown & Sharpe
Wire Gauge." For reasons why more current is allowed on
weather-proof than on rubber-covered see "Insulation," page 50.
Rubber Other
Insulation Insulations Circular
B. & S. Amperes Amperes Mills
18 3 5 1,624
16 6 10 2,583
14 15 20 4,107
12 20 25 6,530
10 25 30 10,380
8 35 50 16,510
6 50 70 26,250
5 55 80 33,088
4 70 90 41,740
3 80 100 52,630
2 90 125 66,370
1 100 150 83,690
125 200 105,500
00 IsO 225 133,100
000 175 275 167,800
0000 225 325 211,600
For insulated aluminum allow 84 per cent, of above table
ratings. The Board of Fire Underwriters does not recognize
anything of less size than No. 18 wire, and nothing less than
No. 14 can be used for interior circuit wires.
The figuring of the resistance of a wire of any size or
length is a simple matter, provided the standard of resistance
for that particular material be known.
The accepted standard of resistance is the resistance of a
wire one circular mill in cross-section (one one-thousandth of
an inch in diameter) and one foot in length, made of the
same material as the wire it is proposed to measure. This is
what is known as the "Mill-foot standard of resistance." The
resistance of such a wire, when made of ordinary commercial
copper, is given by standard text books as 10.5 ohms. That
is to say, a wire one foot in length and one one-thousandth
of an inch in diameter (one mill cross-section), made of
ordinary commercial copper, at normal temperature (75 F. or
24 C), will have a resistance of 10.5 ohms.
Resistance at 75 F., International Units
6 .
Ohms per Lb.
1000 Feet
* 5.340
And now let us proceed to apply the foot-mill standard in
measuring wires. Suppose you have a wire 400 feet in length
and 1 mill-foot in cross-section (1/1000 of an inch in diameter)
made of ordinary commercial copper. It is evident that if
one foot of such a wire has a resistance of 10.5 ohms, 400
feet would have a resistance four hundred times as great, or
10.5X400 = 4200 ohms. The resistance of a wire of given
length, however, decreases, as its diameter, area or cross-sec-
tion is increased. Now if our 400-foot wire has a diameter
of 250 mills it will have a cross-section equal to 250 X 250 =
62,500 C. M., and it follows that its resistance would be equal
to the resistance of 400 feet of one-mill wire (4,200 ohms)
divided by the C. M., cross-section of the larger wire (62,500),
since it would be, in effect, equal to 62,500 wires, each one
circular mill in cross-section, or one mill in diameter. From
this we get the rule:
To find the resistance of a copper wire, multiply its length in
feet by 10.5 and divide that product by its area in circular mills.
In measuring circuits, however, it is customary to take the one
way length and double the mill-foot standard, thus: multiply the
one way length of the circuit by 21 (10.5X2 = 21) and divide
that product by the area of the wire in the circuit; expressed
in circular mills.
For example: What is the resistance of a two-wire oper-
ating room feed circuit 300 feet in length size of the wire
No. 5? Now if we were just measuring one 300-foot-long wire
we would apply the above rule, using 10.5 as the standard of
resistance, but as a matter of fact a circuit 300 feet long has
600 feet of wire, and, for convenience sake, we double the
mill-foot standard, instead of doubling the wire length.
In Table 1, page 42, we find that No. 5 wire has a cross-
section of 33,088 C. M. We then .have the problem:
Length of circuit X 21 300 X 21
= = 1874, or say .2 of an ohm,
Area of wire 33,088
which is the resistance of the circuit. This rule is, of course,
based on the proposition that the wire will not exceed 75
degrees F., or 24 degrees C. However, the rise and fall in
temperature caused by ordinary climatic conditions is not
sufficient to effect the result materially. In fact, resistance
does not begin to rise appreciably until the temperature has
increased sufficiently to be sensible to the feeling; beyond
that point it increases very rapidly with the temperature.
The foregoing is good for any number of amperes up to the
capacity of the wire, or, in other words, until the load becomes
great enough to cause a distinct rise in temperature. For
instance: If you propose to carry only 5 amperes on a No. 5
wire you would have exactly the same total resistance you
would have if you pulled 50.
Theoretically this is not strictly true, since there is a rise
in temperature with any increase in current, but it is true in prac-
tice, nevertheless, by reason of -the fact that with any load
less than the wire's capacity the temperature rise is too slight
to have appreciable effect.
When figuring copper wire resistance still another equation
enters, however, and a very important one, too, viz., drop in
It has been laid down as a general rule that:
For the transmission of any given amperage the most econom-
ical condition is one where the line resistance is of such value that
the value of the energy wasted in heat in overcoming the resist-
ance of the line will be equal to the interest per annum on the
original cost of the conductor.
The question of drop in voltage in theatre circuits is usually
given too little consideration. Where the length of the cir-
cuit, the cross-section, or area of the wire, together with its
mill-foot standard of resistance, is known, the ohmic resist-
ance may be calculated according to:
21 XL
Formula No. 1: R =
in which R is resistance in ohms; L the one-way length of the
circuit, expressed in feet; A the cross-section, or area of the
wire in circular mills, and 21 a constant equal to twice the re-
sistance of the mill-foot standard for copper wire. Twenty-
one and the one-way length of the circuit are used, instead of
10.5 and the total length of the two wires, merely for the
sake of convenience.
Formula No 2: e = IXR
in which e is the voltage drop; I the current in amperes, and
R the resistance of the circuit.
21 X I X L
Formula No. 3: e = in volts.
21 X I X L
Formula No. 4: A = in circular mills.
Formula No. 5: 1 = in amperes
Formula No. 6: L = in feet.
When it is required to give a working formula for a given
number of lamps expressed by N, each of which requires am-
peres represented by I, use Formula No. 7.
21 X N X I X L
Formula No. 7 : A = area in circular mills.
When the drop is expressed as a percentage, the size of the
wire may be determined by Formula No. 8.
2100 X I XL
Formula No. 8: A = area in circular mills, E
being the voltage of the circuit and P the percentage drop.
Where, as is often the case, the power, W, is given in watts
instead of amperes, use Formula No. 9.
2100 X WXL
Formula No. 9: A = area in circular mills.
If it is desired to find the number of lamps to which a given
size of wire will supply current with a given drop use For-
mula No. 10.
Formula No. 10: N =
21 X L X I
Applying formula No. 2, let us assume a current of 100
amperes in a circuit whose resistance figures .02 of an ohm.
Multiplying 100 amperes by .02 we get 2 volts as the drop in
that circuit. Formulas Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are ob-
tained by substituting the value of R in Formula No. 2 for R
in Formula No. 1. Also for convenience L (length of circuit)
is made equal to 2L, so that only the distance one way need
be considered.
And now let us assume an example. A two-wire operating
room feeder supplies 50 amperes at a distance of 200 feet from
the house switchboard; the drop allowed is 5 per cent, the
voltage 110. What size wire should be used? Referring to
the formula, we select No. 8, and, substituting figures, the
necessary size of wire is found as follows:
2100 X 50 X 200
A = 38181 circular mills.
110 X. 05
Turning to our capacity table we find that a No. 4 wire has
an area of 41738 CM. and a No. 3 has 52624, so that a No. 3
would be largely in excess of the requirements and a No. 4
would be too small.
If this energy were used for ten hours a day for 300 days
and the cost of the energy were 8 cents per k.w. hours, the
total yearly cost would be:
50 X HO X 300 X .08
== $1,320
five per cent, of which is $66, which latter amount would ex-
press a yearly loss due to the 5 per cent, drop when using 50
amperes at 110 volts. The cost of 400 feet of No. 4 wire would
be about $21, hence the yearly loss would be more than three
times the cost of the wire, and, without further calculation,
it is very readily seen that No. 4 wire would not be econom-
ical for this service. If, on the other hand, wires sufficiently
large to only cause a four per cent, loss be used, it is no
difficult matter to figure out the saving and discover the
fact that it would considerably more than pay interest on
the added copper cost with current at 8 cents per kilo-
watt. Suppose, however, the price of electricity were 6 cents
per k.w. instead of 8. The installation of such a large cable
would then not be profitable, since the saving would be less,
hence, less investment in copper would be necessary.
This data is of much importance to both operator and man-
ager, because by the use of the B. & S. wire gauge and a tape
line they will be able to figure out the approximate loss in
their various circuits, and in many instances it will be found
that they are paying heavily for energy wasted in line resist-
ance. There .are many operating room feed circuits that are
giving a 5 per cent, drop, or even larger than that, and all this
waste energy is registered on the wattmeter. Therefore, I
repeat, it is essential that the operator and manager have a
good working knowledge of questions of this kind.
Note: In the foregoing I neglected to include increase of
cost for installing larger wires. This must be added to initial
cost of wire in order to arrive at the correct result.
Further data on resistance as applied to the projection lamp
arc circuit will be found under the head, "Resistance Devices."
Measuring Wires
LECTRIC conductors of various kinds are measured as
to their cross-section or area in square and circular
mills, circular mills being used for round wires and
square mills for square or rectangular conductors.
A square measuring 1/1000 of an inch on each of its four sides
is called a "square mill.'* A circle 1/1000 of an inch in diameter
is called a "circular mill," commonly designated "CM."
A round wire 1/1000 of an inch in diameter is said to have
an area of cross-section of one circular mill.
The areas of all round wires are directly proportioned to the
square of their diameters, the calculation being made in mills
(thousandths of an inch).
"Squaring the diameter" means multiplying the diameter by
It therefore follows, if the areas of the circles are propor-
tional to the squares of their diameters, and the area of a wire
one mill in diameter is called one mill, or one "circular mill"
(C.M.), then wires of other sizes have an area of cross-
section, numerically equal, in circular mills, to their diameter
in one one-thousandths of an inch (mills) squared, or multi-
plied by itself, thus: If a wire be 10 mills in diameter, then
100 (10 X 10) is the "square" of its diameter, hence its area of
cross-section in CM.
Let us also consider a wire one-quarter of an inch in diam-
eter. Since the wire is one-quarter inch in diameter, and one
inch is equal to 1000/1000, then the diameter of the wire ex-
pressed in thousandths of an inch, or mills, would be equal
to 1000-^4 = 250. Such a wire would then be 250/1000 of an
inch in diameter, or, expressed otherwise, 250 mills in diam-
eter. And since the area of cross-section of a wire in circular
mills is equal to its diameter in mills multiplied by itself
(squared), it follows that the area of the wire in question
would be 250 X 250 = 62,500 circular mills.
The circular mill area of any round wire may be found by meas-
uring its diameter in thousandths of an inch, using a micrometer
caliper or wire gauge for the purpose, and multiplying the meas-
urement thus obtained by itself.
There are several methods of measuring wires. The ac-
cepted standard for wire measurement in this country is the
American Gauge, commonly known as the "Brown & Sharpe
Gauge," and in practice dubbed the "B. & S." gauge, the same
being illustrated in Fig. 7.
In using this tool it is the slot and not the round hole that de-
termines the size of the wire, and while the wire must not
actually bind in the slot, it must fit snugly. The gauge, if it
Figure 7.
be a good one, will have the width of each slot, or, in other
words, the diameter of the wire which fits the slot, stamped
opposite each slot on one side of the gauge, and the number
of the wire stamped opposite the slot on the other. In Fig. 7
it is the wire number side we see. The diameter in thousandths
of an inch is the same thing as the diameter in mills. For
instance, No. 16 wire has a diameter of fifty-one thousandths
of an inch, or, in other words, 51 mills, the term thousandths
of an inch and mills being interchangeable.
One of the most convenient and at the same time most
accurate methods of measuring wire is by means of a mi-
crometer caliper. See Fig. 8. These calipers may now be
had with the wire size and their equivalents in mills (thou-
sandths of an inch) stamped thereon. For instance, in the
illustration we see "4/0," with 460.0 opposite it, which means
that 0000 (called "four 0") wire is 460 mills (460 thousandths
of an inch) in diameter. These tools are expensive, but, on
the other hand, they are mighty good articles to own, and
ought to be included, in one form or another, in every oper-
ator's tool kit.
Figure 8.
For measuring very small wires, such as the strands of an
asbestos-covered wire (usually No. 30 or 31), the slot wire
gauge is not very reliable except in the hands of an expert.
If you have no micrometer caliper it is better to have a
machinist make the measurement for you with his. Have
measurements made of three or four strands from different
parts of the wire.
For most purposes, however, the wire gauge, in conjunction
with the wire capacity table, page 42, will answer all purposes.
WHEN there is a difference in potential maintained
between two wires of an electric circuit these wires
have an affinity for each other and current seeks
constantly to pass from one to the other. The purpose of
insulation is to prevent this and to keep the wires from
coming into electrical contact with any object which might
furnish an electrical path to a wire of opposite polarity at-
tached to the same dynamo. Such a path may be found
through the ground or through any current-carrying material
having electrical contact with wires of opposite polarity.
In short, insulation is to protect the potential of or on a
wire interference by any outside source.
As we have already seen (page 38), various metals offer
varying resistance to the passage of electric current. Not
only is this true, but various materials other than metals
offer varying resistance to the passage of electric current,
and, while there is no material which is a non-conductor
that is to say, through which electric current cannot be
forced if the pressure (voltage) be raised sufficiently high,
still there are materials which are considered! and treated
as non-conductors, because no ordinary voltage will force
current through them. These substances are called "insulat-
ing materials," at the head of which stand, in the order
named, glass, procelain, and rubber. Various natural sub-
stances such as marble and slate form excellent insulating
materials, and asbestos, when dry, is also a very good in-
sulator. There are also various insulating compounds, the
composition of which are trade secrets. In practice these
compounds are used to saturate some kind of braided or
other material which, after being so saturated, is used for
weatherproof insulation on wires to be used out of doors, or
to reinforce the rubber insulation of rubber covered wires.
Procelain is, for the most part, used to line holes in brick
or other walls through which it is necessary to pass wires
and for knobs to carry wires which are run in open circuit
through the air, or along walls. Rubber, on the other hand,
is, for the most part, used for inner insulation of what is
called "rubber covered" insulation of wires. Glass is used
only for pole insulators on low potential, owing to its fragile
Rubber covered wire consists of tinned copper wire with
a covering of rubber or rubber compound of homogeneous
character, reinforced by an outer covering of braided cotton
soaked in preservative insulating compound. Where copper
wire is covered with any of the rubber compounds the tin-
ning of the wire is very necessary, since the sulphur uni-
versally present in rubber insulation is likely to combine
with the copper and in a short time the wire would be cor-
roded, and either very greatly weakened or, if a small wire,
entirely destroyed. The tinning of the wire prevents thij,
since tin will not combine with sulphur and the rubber in-
sulation has no effect upon it.
It is not, however, the purpose of this book to go into an
exhaustive treatise on insulation materials, but merely to give
the operator a general understanding of the proposition.
The current must be confined to the wire and made to pass
from the positive to the negative through the paths provided,
and through them only, the said paths being motors, in-
candescent globes, arc lamps, etc. The strength of insulation
must increase with the potential, and its kind may vary with
the service. For instance: the insulation known as "weather-
proof" may be used where the wires are stretched in open
air on out-door circuits. On the other hand, for interior
work while this same insulation may still be used, under-
neath it and next the wire there must be a coating of pure
rubber or rubber compound. The insulation then becomes
what is known as "rubber covered." Its disadvantage lies
in the fact that rubber deteriorates rapidly under the influence
of even moderate heat, and is immediately destroyed by any-
thing like high temperature. The necessary strength of the
insulation, either weatherproof or rubber covered, will depend
upon the voltage.
There are several ways of testing the insulation of wires,
the test here given being that required by the National
Board of Fire Underwriters for rubber covered wire.
Any one-foot sample of completed covering must show a
dielectric (dielectric is defined as any substance or medium
that transmits the electric force by a process different from
conduction, as in the phenomena of induction; a non-con-
ductor separating a body electrified by induction from the
electrifying body) strength sufficient to resist, for a period of
five minutes, the application of voltage proportionate to the
thickness of the insulation, in accordance with the following
Breakdown test on 1 foot
Thickness in 64th inches Volts A. C.
1 3000
2 6000
3 9000
4 11000
5 13000
6 15000
7 16500
8 18000
10 21000
12 23500
14 26000
16 28000
In making the foregoing test the source of electro-motive
force (voltage) must be a transformer of at least one kilowatt
capacity. The application of the electro-motive force shall
be made at 3000 volts for five minutes, and then the voltage
must be increased by steps of not more than 3000 volts each,
the voltage of each step being held for five minutes until
the maximum for a given thickness of insulation is had, or
until there is a rupture of the insulation. The test for die-
lectric strength must be made on wire which has been
immersed in water for seventy-two hours, one foot of the
wire under test to be submerged in a conducting liquid held
in a metal trough, one of the transformer terminals being
connected to the copper of the wire, and the other to the
metal of the trough.
There are two types of weather-proof wire, viz.: weather-
proof and slow-burning weather-proof. The insulation of
the slow-burning weather-proof consists of two coatings, one
of which is fire-proof in character, while the other is
not. The fire-proof coating is on the outside and com-
prises about six-tenths of the total thickness of the insula-
tion. The complete covering for sizes of wire from No. 14
to No. 0000 varies from 3/64 to 5/64 of an inch. The fire-
proof insulation is not as susceptible to fire as is ordinary
weather-proof, nor does it as readily soften under the influ-
ence of heat. It is not suitable, however, for outside work,
being intended for interior work in dry, warm places such as
shops and factories. There is another type of wire insulation
called "slow-burning," which is still more fire-proof than is
the slow-burning weather-proof. It is intended to be used
in very hot places where ordinary insulation would soon per-
ish. The insulation of weather-proof wire should consist
of at least three layers of braid, each of which is thoroughly
saturated with a dense, moisture-prool; compound, applied
in such manner as to drive any atmospheric moisture out of
the cotton braiding, thereby securing a covering to a great
degree water-proof and of high insulating power. The outer
surface of this insulation is pressed down to a hard, dense
surface. This wire is for use out of doors where moisture
is certain and where fire-proof qualities are not necessary.
In general, weather-proof wires can be used only where the
insulating supports on which the wire is mounted are de-
pended on for insulation, the covering being regarded simply
as a precaution against accidental contact with other wires or
other objects.
From the foregoing it will readily be understood that the
principal difference between rubber-covered and other in-
sulation lies in the fact that the rubber-covered insulation
may be depended upon entirely for insulating, whereas the
others must depend, at least to a considerable extent, on the
insulating supports for their insulation. Rubber-covered wire
may be used in any place that weather-proof would be allow-
able, but not in places where slow-burning insulation would
be required. Double braid rubber-covered wire is the only kind
that may be used in conduits, where the two wires of the circuit
lie side by side. So far as the carrying capacity of copper be
concerned it makes absolutely no difference what the insula-
tion be composed of. The reason that rubber-covered wire
is rated at lower capacity than weather-proof is by reason
of the fact that rubber is easily injured by even moderate
heat, hence when it is used a high margin of safety is main-
Under no circumstances is it permissible to use other than
wire having rubber-covered insulation inside of conduits.
Wire Systems
IT is highly desirable that the operator have a good work-
ing knowledge of the various wire systems with which
he is likely to come in contact. It is not the purpose of
this work to make the operator a wireman, or an electrician
for that matter, but merely to give him a fairly comprehen-
sive general idea of the action of electric current and the
appliances, including the wire systems, with which he will
have to do.
On the road, particularly when playing small towns, the
operator may be called upon to connect to any one of the
several different wire systems, and unless posessed of knowl-
edge he will be unable to proceed with any degree of certainty
or confidence.
There is one wire system with which it is impractical I
might even say impossible to connect a projection arc,
viz, the series arc system. This system is used only for
street arc lighting. Instead of two wires it only has one, and
each lamp carries the entire amperage of the system, or
circuit. The voltage of the series arc system will depend upon
the number of lamps, there being an added pressure of about
50 volts for each lamp, so that a circuit supplying ten lamps
would have a pressure or voltage of 50 X 10 = 500 volts, whereas
if there were eleven lamps the pressure would be SOX 11=550,
and so on. Do not attempt to connect your projection
lamp to the series arc system, because if you do you will
fail; also you will cause serious trouble, and may succeed
in getting yourself badly shocked, or possibly even killed.
Fig. 9 is a diagrammatic representation of a 10 lamp series
arc system.
? :
-inch lens, because it would focus
parallel rays to form an image at a point 7^2 inches away;
that is to say, it would do so theoretically. As a matter of
fact, however, this is not precisely true, due to the fact that
an uncorrected lens brings some rays to a focus nearer its
surface than others.
Spherical aberration in the condenser is governed by the
fact that when parallel rays strike a plano-convex lens on the
curved side the spherical aberration is reduced to a minimum,
but if the rays be diverging, then the spherical aberration
is less if they strike the piano side. This, of course, means
that to secure the least spherical aberration the flat side of
the rear lens must be next the arc where the rays are diverg-
ing, and the convex side of the front lens must be toward
the arc, since it receives approximately parallel rays from the
rear lens. I mention this because some operators, though
few, have a notion that they gain advantage by placing the
curved side of the front lens next the machine aperture. This
is an error. In fact, the actuality is the reverse, although but
for the element of spherical aberration there would be little if
any difference which way the lens was placed.
In order to actually focus the rays of light perfectly the lens
must be "corrected" by the addition of one or more lenses having
negative curvature.
As a matter of fact, the surface of a lens is really nothing
more or less than millions of pin-points, each in effect a prism of
minute dimensions. It is a well known fact that what we
term "white light" is really composed of a number of colors.
When white light, or what we call white light, is passed through
a prism of glass, it is more or less separated into its primary
colors, or, in other words, the colors of which it is composed.
The ordinary plano-convex is an uncorrected lens, and always
carries the fault of chromatic aberration, which is the property
of separating light more or less completely into its component
parts or colors. This explains why you see a fringe of color
at the edge of the spot on the cooling plate of the machine.
Now, taking the condensing lens for example, it being an
uncorrected lens, remembering that, as I have said, its surface
is composed of numberless minute prisms, you will readily see
that the further away from the center of the lens you go the
more acute will become the angle of these prisms with relation
to the light source, or the light rays emanating from the source
central with the optical axis of the lens, and therefore the more
nearly true prism is approached. It then follows that, since the
nearer we come to the true prism the greater will be the light
separating power, we shall have a greater amount of chromatic
aberration at the outer edge of the lens than at its center. Near
the center of the lens the prisms will be very flat. Therefore
their light-separating powers will be but slight; in fact, prac-
tically nothing at all. At the outer edge these powers will be
considerable, and here is where one of the evil effects of spherical
aberration as applied to projection makes itself apparent.
As already set forth, light rays near the outer edge of a lens
will focus somewhat nearer the surface of the lens than will rays
from near its center. This means that the excessive chromatic
aberration at the outer edge of the lens is mingled with the
purer light coming through the center of the lens, and the
quality of the whole is thus injured. This is one of the reasons
for my belief that there is advantage in the properly matched
meniscus-bi-convex condenser combination. The addition of
the negative curvature in the meniscus and the extra curvature
in the bi-convex makes, in effect, a three and I believe a four
lens combination, which has or ought to have to a considerable
extent the effect of correcting spherical aberration. I do not
state this as a positive fact. It has not yet been proven to my
entire satisfaction, but I nevertheless believe it to be correct.
There is, however, another decided advantage in the use of the
meniscus lens next the arc, viz. : with a lens of given focal
length the arc will be nearer the meniscus than it would be
to a piano, hence a much greater amount of light will be
transmitted to the screen.
It is also possible that a condensing lens with a poor, im-
perfect surface would have a considerable effect in injuring
the definition of the picture. This seems to be made apparent
in Fig. 51, which is a photograph of the light ray from a con-
denser covered with a metal plate in which about a dozen
quarter-inch holes have been drilled at various points.
This photograph proves conclusively that a light ray passing
through any given point of the condenser is carried forward to
the screen, where it occupies a corresponding and magnified
area. This being true, I cannot see but that any imperfection
in the condensing lens which would in the least tend to alter
the direction of a ray from the path it would have taken were .
the lens a perfect lens must of necessity injure the result on
the screen, though Mr. Griffiths does not agree with this con-
clusion. However, I do not care to go deeply into this matter
at this time, not being entirely sure of my ground.
The operator will have noted the fact that when the machine
head is removed, and the white light projected to the screen
without any objective lens, it is impossible to bring the light
ray, as a whole, to a sharp point. Most operators have hereto-
fore believed that the rays from the condenser were supposed
to meet at a point and cross midway between the front and
back factors of the objective lens. This is not true. See Page 118.
The condenser does not bring the light ray as a whole to a
point. It forms an image of the crater, and upon the size of the
image thus formed will depend the diameter of the condenser
light ray at its narrowest point. It is a mistaken idea to suppose
that when we speak of a lens "focusing the rays" we mean that
it brings the ray, as a whole, to a sharp point. It does not. What
is really meant is illustrated in Fig. 32. All light rays emanating
from any pinpoint of objective X and reaching the surface of
the lens are refocused at a similar point in image Y. This
image may be smaller than the original object. Study Fig.
32, and I think you will get the idea.
The Objective. The objective lens of the moving picture
projection machine consists of four lenses, two in the rear fac-
tor and two in the front factor. The two at the front are
usually cemented together with Canadian balsam, so that, at a
superficial glance, they appear to be one thick lens. As a
matter of fact it is one thick lens, with a thin one cemented
to the front so that the surfaces of the two lenses are brought
into contact. It sometimes happens that the heat will melt the
balsam and cause it to run down between the lenses. When
this happens it is best not to try to fix it yourself, but send the
lens back to the manufacturer to be recemented. However, you
can separate the lenses (though I do not advise you to try it) by
proceeding as follows : Set a shallow dish, filled with water, on
the stove, place the lens on a large kitchen spoon or tablespoon
and set the spoon in the water, so that the lens will be covered.
Allow the water to come to a boil and remove the lens quickly,
shoving with your thumbs on one lens and pulling with your
fingers on the other. It is a pretty hot job, and you will have
to use considerable force, but if you bring the water to a boil
it softens the balsam and you can get the lenses apart. The
balsam can then be washed off with turpentine.
Distortion. Operators should carefully test their objective
lenses for distortion. This may best be done by taking a per-
fectly flat piece of mica, commonly known as isinglass, three
or four inches long, and cutting it to the width of a film. Hav-
ing done this, lay it off checkerboard fashion, as per Fig. 36,
and put it in the machine, being careful to get it perfectly flat
Figure 36.
over the aperture, and project its image to the screen. At A,
Fig. 36, we see no distortion. At B there is what is known
as barrel distortion, which amounts to a curvature of the lines.
The lens which projects B is not a good lens, whereas the lens
which projects A is practically perfect. The scratch marks on
the mica may be made with the point of a knife blade, or any
other sharp instrument. The lines on the mica must be perfectly
straight, and if their image on the screen is not perfectly
straight (test by streching a line) the lens is imperfect.
A lens must focus all light rays passing through a pinpoint
in the photograph to a corresponding though magnified point
on the screen. The distance at which this focusing will be
accomplished depends, within limits, upon the distance of the
film from the lens the back focus at which the lens is working.
This is diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. 37, in which arrow
A is being projected and focused at point 1. That is to say :
With the arrow at the distance from the lens, as shown, the
rays will meet and cross at point 1, where they begin to diverge.
If the screen be placed at point 2, arrow A remaining its
original distance from the lens, instead of an image on the
screen, each portion of arrow A will be represented by a
blurred ring. If the distance of arrow A from lens B is altered,
then the distance at
which the rays meet
and cross (image)
will be altered, and
the screen will have
to be moved toward
or from the lens
a corresponding dis-
tance. This explains
Figure 37. why it is necessary
to move the lens in
and out in order to focus the picture on the screen. Where
the back focus is short, as in a moving picture lens, a slight
alteration of the distance between the lens and the film makes
a decided difference in the distance at which the rays of light
will focus.
Doctoring Lenses. The question is often asked: "Can the
E. F. of a lens be altered by shortening or lengthening the
barrel, so as to alter the distance between its two factors?"
Yes, but it is not advisable to try anything of that sort. The
chances are that you will ruin your lens. This scheme has
been known to work fairly well in some instances, but more
often than not it is more or less of a complete failure.
Bringing the two" combinations closer together or separating
them farther apart would have the effect of altering the size
of the picture on the screen at a given distance, but it is a very
poor way of doing it.
The author has frequently been asked whether or not the
same lenses may be used to project a picture at different dis-
tances. Yes. But it must be understood that if the distance be
made less, then the picture will be smaller, and if the distance be
made greater the picture will be larger. Also moving the
screen will alter the back focus at which the lens will work.
The shorter the distance between the lens and screen the farther
the lens must be from the film, and vice versa.
Spread of Ray. It is easy to figure how much change in
size of picture will be accomplished by moving the screen any
given distance. Suppose you have a lens which projects a 10-foot
picture at 60 feet. It is readily seen that if the width of the
picture be divided by the number of feet it is projected the
result will be the fraction of a foot its width increases with
each foot of distance, hence in this case we have 10 -f- 60 = one-
sixth of a foot, or 2 inches, which is the amount the light ray
spreads for each foot of distance between the lens and screen.
In proof of this, multiply 2 X 60 and we have 120 inches, or 10
feet. Now, if you move your screen back five feet farther
you will have 2 X 5 = 10 inches additional width of picture, or
if we brought the screen 6 feet nearer the lens, then we would
have 2 X 6 = 12 inches less width of picture.
Improving Definition. The work of a projection lens which
does not give sharp definition may sometimes be improved by
cutting a circle of stiff dark paper, just large enough to fit
tightly into the front end of the lens barrel and up against the
front lens. In the center of this ring cut a circular opening,
the correct size of which must be determined by experiment in
each individual case. Usually it is not advisable to stop down
more than one-fourth the diameter of the opening. This is
often of benefit in sharpening the focus where the machine sets
above or to one side of the screen, because reducing the lens
diameter has the effect of increasing its depth of focus.
Dirty Lenses. It is of the utmost importance that the
operator keep his lenses scrupulously clean. "Optical Projec-
tion," by Simon Henry and Henry Phelps Gage, gives the losses
by reflection from the polished surface of each surface to each
lens as from 4 to 5 per cent., or a total of 8 to 10 per cent, for
each lens or plate of glass, and further remarks that if the
surface of the glass be not perfectly clean or perfectly polished
the light loss may amount to much more say 15 per cent, at
each surface.
It really seems to me that this cannot be true. There being
eight surfaces in an objective lens, or since two of them are
in direct contact, let us say six, even taking the lowest figure,
viz., 4 per cent, for each surface, we would have a total of
24 per cent, loss by reflection alone. However, without dis-
cussing the probable correctness of the percentages, it is an
undoubted fact that there is considerable loss through reflec-
tion, and this loss will be very largely increased if the lens be
dirty. Therefore, it is very much up to the operator to keep
his lenses not only clean but polished as highly as possible,
Measuring Lenses is a very simple operation. In order
properly to match up a projector lens system it is necessary
that the operator be able to measure and determine the exact
focal length of his condenser lenses, and it is often very desirable
that he be able to measure the exact equivalent focus of an
objective in order that he may determine what size picture it
will project at a given distance.
Plano-convex lenses may be measured as follows: Pin a
sheet of white paper to the wall of a room, opposite a window,
hold the lens up with its flat side toward the wall and, through
the open window, carefully focus some building, trees, or other
object located at a considerable distance outside the window,
on the paper screen. It is essential to accuracy that the object
being focused be a goodly distance away the farther the better
because in these measurements the light rays are presumed
to enter the lens in parallel lines, and unless they do enter in
approximately parallel lines there will be error in the result.
Be sure to get the lens in exact position where the focus of the
image on the paper screen is most sharp, and then measure from
the flat side of the lens to the wall, making a note of the pre-
cise distance. Next turn the lens around and with the convex
side toward the wall, again carefully focus the same object
on the paper screen and measure from the wall to the flat side
of the lens. It will be found that the two measurements will
differ considerably, and their sum divided by 2 will be the focal
length of the lens. For instance: Suppose one measurement to
be 6 inches and the other 7 inches : 6 + 7 = 13 which divided
by 2 = 6H> therefore it is a 6 l / 2 inch lens.
It is not practical to measure condensing lenses with any
great degree of accuracy. There is so much spherical aberra-
tion in these uncorrected, comparatively cheap lenses, that the
picture cannot be focused with absolute sharpness. The focal
length of the lens may, however, be arrived at by the fore-
going process closely enough to serve all practical purposes.
The measuring of a motion picture objective or stereopticon
lens is a very simple operation. The focus of a projection
lens may be designated in two ways viz., back focus (common-
ly expressed as b. f.) which is the measurement often used by
the film exchange, and equivalent focus (commonly expressed
as e. f.), which is the measurement used by the lens manufac-
turer. Therefore in ordering lenses of a given focal length
one should be careful to state whether the measurement given
represents b. f. or e. f. The e. f. is the measurement which must
be used in ordering lenses to project a picture of given distance.
To measure a moving picture objective or stereopticon lens
pin a sheet of white paper to a wall opposite a window. Hold
the lens square with the paper screen and, through the open
window, focus some building, tree, or other distant object on
the paper screen; be very careful to get the image as sharp as
you possibly can. Now measure from the wall to the surface
of the lens nearest the screen, and that measurement will be
the back focus, or b. f. of the lens. If, instead of measuring
from the surface of the lens to the screen, you measure from a
point half way between the front and back combinations of the
lens (half way between the lenses at either end of the tube) to
the paper screen, that measurement will be the equivalent focus,
I i
i r M 1 1 1 1 1 < i ' i ' i > i ' i ' i > i ' i M 1 1
Figure 38.
or e. f. of the lens. In other words. the e. f. is equal to the b. f.
plus half the distance between the two combinations of the lens.
All this we see diagrammatically represented in Fig. 38.
Again let me caution you always to focus some DISTANT object;
an object which is 100 feet away will do, and even an object 25
feet away will not be close enough to affect the result very
much. It is even possible to get an approximate measurement by
focusing an incandescent light, provided it be at least 10 or 15
feet away, but such a measurement cannot be depended upon
when accuracy is essential. Also see Page 108.
The use of these measurements, as applied to the objective,
becomes apparent when we learn that the size of the picture
which will be projected by any lens at a given distance from
the screen will be entirely dependent upon the focal length of
the lens. The shorter its focal length the larger will be the
picture at a given distance, and the longer its focal length the
smaller will be the picture at a given distance. A lens having
a 4-inch e. f. will project a much larger picture at 50 feet than
will a lens having a 6-inch e. f.
Nearly all machine and lens manufacturers put out tables de-
signed to tell one the exact size (width) picture a lens of given
focal length will project at a given distance. These tables are
useful as applied to stereopticon lenses, but have slight value
as applied to the moving picture objective this by reason of
the fact that the size of picture is based upon a given width of
aperture, which, in the case of the stereo, is supposed to be 3
inches, but which may vary widely with each set of slides
(the aperture in the case of the stereopticon is the width of
the standard slide mat) ; hence, by reason of the variation in
the size of slide mats it is impossible to figure the size of a
stereopticon picture with any degree of accuracy, and the table
will therefore answer about as well as measurements.
As applied to the motion picture objective, however, these
tables are not at all satisfactory. As a rule operators and man-
agers want their picture not approximately, but exactly a given
width. Now there are at the present time two different stand-
ards of motion picture machine aperture widths, viz., 15/16 and
29/32; also the aperture of the older machines of different
makes, while they were presumed to be all 15/16 of an inch,
really varied considerably, and a slight variation would make
.considerable difference in the size of the picture on the screen,
as for instance, if you used 15/16 of an inch as a basis for
figuring, and the aperture really was a little more or a little less
than that width, then the result would be a picture wider or
narrower than your figures called for. This being the con-
dition, you can readily see that tables cannot be depended upon
for any very great degree of accuracy in results.. I will, how-
ever, for reasons already set forth, append one of the tables
for stereopticon lenses.
To figure the necessary equivalent focus of a lens to project
a picture of given width at a given distance proceed as follows :
Have a machinist measure the aperture of your machine ac-
curately with an inside caliper and a micrometer. Measure the
exact distance from the lens to the screen. Multiply the dis-
tance from the lens to the screen, in feet, by the width of the
aperture, in fractions of an inch, and divide the result by the
width of the picture you desire, in feet. The result will be the
c. f. of the lens required to project a picture that width, and will
be as close to it as you can get at it by figuring. For instance :
Suppose you want a 15-foot picture at 60 feet, The machine
aperture is found to be 29/32 of an inch (the new standard)
wide. First multiply the distance from the screen in feet by
the width of the aperture in fractions of an inch. To multiply
60 by 29/32 we first divide by 32 and multiply the result by 29 ;
60-7-321.875; 1.875X29=54.375. Next we divide this
measurement by the desired width of picture in feet: 54.375 -^ 15
= 3.625, or a 3^?-inch e. f. lens. We most likely would be un-
able to get that exact focal length and would have to take, in-
stead, a 524-inch e. f. lens.
It must be understood, however, that the great bulk of pro-
jection lenses now in use are cheap lenses, and cheap lenses,
like all other cheap things, are inaccurate, therefore you can-
not expect to arrive with certainty at precisely the result you
desire in any other way than by actually testing the lenses.
The stereopticon lens is figured exactly the same way, except
that instead of measuring the aperture width, we take 3 inches
as the average width of the slide mat the slide mat, in this
case, being the aperture.
It is also entirely practical to make other measurements of
practical value as follows: Suppose you have an objective and
wish to know what size picture it will project at a given dis-
tance. First measure its e. f. as already directed and then:
Size of Image. This can be determined by multiplying the
difference between the distance from lens to screen and the
focal length of the objective, by the width of the aperture and
dividing the pro-rlurt by the focal length of the lens. For ex-
ample: Let L be the projection distance, 40 feet (480 inches);
S, the slide mat, 3 inches; F the e. f. of the lens, 12 inches;
we then have the formula (in which d is the size of image) ;
S (L-F)
Substituting for the letters their known values, we have:
3 (48012)
=117 in., or 9^ feet,
as the size picture a 12-inch e. f. stereo lens will project at 40
feet, provided the slide mat be just 3 inches wide. If. how-
ever, the mat be more or less than 3 inches, then the picture
will be wider or less wide.
Distance from Slide to Screen. With the other factors
given we get this by multiplying the sum of the width of the
Showing Size of Screen Image When Lantern Slides
Are Projected
Size of Mat Opening, 2^x3 Inches
Table 7, Figure 39
Equlv. focus
if. 4
EXAMPLE: With a lens of 10-inch focus at a distance of
20 ft. the screen image will be 5.3 x 5.8; at 25 ft., 6.6 x 7.3;
at 30 ft., 8.0 x 8.8; at 50 ft., 13.5 x 14.8 etc.
image and width of the slide mat, by the focal length of the
lens ; dividing this product by the width of the slide mat, thus :
F(d + S)
T _ ________
12(117 + 3)
Substituting values, L = 480 inches = 40 feet.
Measuring E. F. Accurately. Should the operator desire
to measure the e. f. of his objective with absolute accuracy
he may proceed as follows: Remove the mechanism and in
the position the aperture of the machine occupied place a
sheet of tin having an aperture about three-quarters of an
inch square. Now hold the lens out at a distances about
twice the length of its supposed e. f., in front of the aperture,
with the light turned on, and an equal distance in front of
the lens (still further out) hold a small screen, preferably
dull black in color, and move the lens and the screen until
the image of the aperture on the screen is exactly the same
width as the actual aperture. Now measure the distance from
the aperture to the screen and divide it by 4; the result will
be the exact e. f. of the lens.
Cleaning Lenses. It is of the utmost importance that
lenses be kept scrupulously clean. Oil and fingermarks are
particularly objectionable. I have been called to theaters
to locate the cause of lack of sharp focus in the picture, only
to find that the operator had had his objective apart to clean,
and in putting it together had inadvertently lightly touched
one of the interior surfaces of the lens with his finger. The
mark was so slight that it could not be detected by looking
through the lens, but was quite visible when the lens was
taken apart and looked at from an angle. Slight as this mark
was it seriously injured the definition of the picture.
Oil on the surface of a lens will also operate to injure the
focus of the picture. I do not think any argument is neces-
sary on this particular point.
It is absolutely essential to sharp definition of the picture on
the screen that all lenses be kept scrupulously clean.
The careful painstaking operator, whose machines run several
hours each day, will clean his condensing lenses every day, par-
ticularly the one next the arc. The objective lens need not
be cleaned more than perhaps once a week, unless oil spatters
on its rear surface, in which case it should be cleaned just
as soon thereafter as possible, and if there is tendency of oil
to spatter on the lens its rear end should be protected by
some kind of a metal guard. I cannot tell you just now how
to do this, because the method would vary with different
mechanisms, but certainly the competent operator can devise
ways and means to keep the oil off the rear end of his lens.
In some cases a collar of tin made tight enough to clamp the
rear end of the lens barrel, extending back nearly to the
aperture, will answer the purpose.
Unless there is oil on the lens I know of no better way of
cleaning them than by breathing on the cold glass and polish-
ing with a perfectly cle n chamois, or an old, clean, soft
handkerchief. Always provided there be no oil present, this
t will clean the surface of the lens perfectly, and will answer
every purpose. If there be oil on the lens, then I recom-
mend the use of a solution of one half alcohol and one half
water. Wash the lens off with a cloth saturated with the
solution, and polish quickly with a dry, soft, clean hand-
kerchief, perferably an old one. Nothing makes a better lens
cloth than an old, worn out handkerchief, after having been
laundered. Some operators prefer a solution of ammonia and
water or water and alcohol.
The operator should, perhaps twice a year, take his ob-
jective lenses apart and clean their interior surfaces, being
very, very careful that in putting them back he does not
touch their surface with his fingers. This latter is of the
utmost importance, because the very lightest touch will leave
a mark which, while invisible when looking through the lens,
is likely to seriously injure its work. In replacing the ob-
jective lens factors always put them together so that the
heavy bulge or convex of all lenses is toward the screen.
In taking out the rear combination be careful that you put
them back in the same position they were in. In other
words, don't get their position switched. The best way to
go about this is to lay a sheet of paper on a table and write
"rear lens," "inside lens," and "front lens," at different places
on its surface. Now as you take the lenses out lay the rear
one (next the aperture) on the space marked "rear lens,"
the inside one on the next space, and the front on the space
marked "front lens." Then you cannot very well make any
mistake. You will find a spacing ring between the two rear
lenses. Be sure and get it back in its place when you put
the lenses together.
Fig. 40| shows the position of the lenses in an objective.
The two front lenses are cemented together with Canadian
balsam. (See Page 100.)
Selecting Condensing Lenses. See Page 127.
Lens Diameter. Lens diameter is a subject of much im-
portance. With a point source of light it would be quite
impossible to use a very small diameter and place the arc
right up close to it. Modern practice, however, is to use an
amperage for the projeection of moving pictures which pro-
duces a crater varying from (D. C.) one-quarter to one-half
inch in diameter. This, of course, means a light source of
very high temperature, and more or less naming of the car-
bons, so that the light source cannot be brought very close
to the lens. So far as the condenser be concerned, as a rule
the diameter of the lens next
the arc might be 4 inches as
against a 4%-inch diameter
for the rear lens without in-
creasing light loss; this by
reason of the fact that the
condenser next the arc
usually, with the arc in oper-
ating position, produces a
diverging ray beyond the
lens, and it is only necessary
that the front lens have suf-
ficient diameter so that the
light from it will just cover the front lens. This is not intended
to mean that the author expects any change of this kind will
be made. It is simply an interesting point, though in Eng-
land and Germany use is made of a lens next the arc which
has a smaller diameter than the front lens. Four and a half
inches seems to be fairly satisfactory diameters for con-
densers. Whether there would be, considering the proposi-
tion as a whole, any gain in using a larger diameter con-
denser I am not quite sure, but doubt it.
The diameter of the objective lens is a matter of the utmost
importance. See Page 121 and Fig. 49.
High-Grade Lenses. The author of this work is thoroughly
and completely convinced that it is a tremendous mistake
to use cheap objective lenses for projecting the picture. This
most emphatically is not the result of snap-shot judgment,
but a conviction which has been growing for some years
which was finally clinched by knowledge of the fact that the
better English theaters are using lenses costing as much as
12 (approximately $60), supplemented by absolute proof
that there is a very large possible gain in illumination
and sharpness of focus by using a high class objective lens.
Figure 40.
The projection of the picture is nothing more or less than
a reversal of the process of its photographing. Film manu-
facturers spare no expense in procuring the best lens obtain-
able for their cameras. These lenses are a magnificent ex-
ample of the optician's art. They must have great "depth"
and plenty of "speed." They must be corrected for about
every imaginable fault, and the result is that they register
on the film a wealth of detail, depth, and sharpness which
are largely lost by reason of the fact that the photograph
must be projected by about the cheapest lens it is possible
to obtain.
Authorities in England, where] they have already made
considerable progress in the high-grade projection lens
business, claim that in order to get a perfectly flat field it is
necessary that an anastigmat lens be used. I cannot vouch
for the correctness of this, but am told by lens men here in
America that it is true.
These same authorities who have experimented with ihigh-
class objectives for the projection of pictures claim that
the high-class lens will pay its additional cost within a com-
paratively short time in current saving, it being the fact that
these lenses give a greater illumination per ampere of cur-
rent than do the ordinary objectives now being used. This
I personally have seen demonstrated.
Just reason with yourself for a moment. If the cheap leni
is the right thing with which to project a picture, then why
is it not the proper thing to take the picture with? Why
take a picture with a costly, high-class lens and project it
with a cheap, comparatively poor article. It doesn't sound
like common sense, does it, gentlemen?
I notice that no less a person than Simon Henry Gage,
Cornell University, a man deeply versed in the science of
optics, in his work on "Optic Projection," says there is no
particular value in having a perfectly sharp picture if it is
to be viewed at a considerable distance. He even says a
little coarseness is an advantage. With this I cannot at all
agree. I have the utmost respect for the knowledge of
Professor Gage, but in this one particular thing I think
he is decidedly in error, and, moreover, assuming he is right,
it must be remembered that a goodly portion of the audience
is seated compartively near the screen.
The writer makes no claim to being an expert in lenses
far from it. He does, however, claim to be the possessor
of a considerable fund of common sense, and common sense
tells him that the sharper the picture is the better for all
concerned. Moreover, flatness of field is to be highly de-
sired, since curvature of field means there will be a tendency
to out-of-focus effect at the edges when the center is in
focus, and vice versa. This may or may not be sufficient to
be noticeable, but is apt to be very much so with short focal
length lenses. It is in the nature of things, and cannot be
otherwise unless the lens is corrected to produce a flat field,
and as I understand it that means an anastigmat lens.
I would strongly advise theatre managers to purchase high-
class lenses for their projectors. I would even advise them
to have no hesitation in paying as much as sixty dollars for
a good lens. The Kleine Optical Company, Chicago, is
handling high-grade lenses. The Dallmyer lenses are handled
by Burke & Jones, New York City and Chicago, and the
other European manufacturers producing high-class pro-
jection lenses also have their representatives in this country.
Just at present it may be difficult to secure just the right
kind of lens, but I have had proof of the fact that the lenses
handled by Mr. Kleine, listed from thirty to sixty dollars, are
a very good article, and worth every cent of their price.
In order to insure the best possible results on the screen
it is essential that the light source (crater), the optical axis
of both condensing lenses, and the optical axis of both com-
binations of the objective be exactly in line and square with
Figure 41.
each other, and that a line drawn through the optical axis of
the lens system shall pass precisely through the center of
the aperture of the projector.
In Fig. 41, A is the crater, B the lamphouse condenser
opening with the condensers removed, D the aperture of
the projector, E the objective lens barrel, with the lenses re-
moved, and F the opening in the wall of the operating room.
H is a stand of white sewing thread or a fine copper wire,
G is a light metal rod placed across the opening in the opera-
ting room wall, and supported by string H being drawn taut
The method of procedure is as follows: First remove the
condensing lenses and remove the lens factors from the
objective, but leave the barrel screwed firmly in its place
in the lens ring. Next attach cord or wire H to rod G, and
pass the cord or wire through the lens barrel and machine
aperture, as shown, and bring it back and tie it around the
point of the upper carbon. After all is ready pull the lamp
back by its forward and backward adjustment (before
beginning it should be shoved clear ahead) until string or
wire H is pulled tight just tight enough so that rod G- will
be held in place and the string or wire be perfectly straight.
Now with caliper C carefully center cord or .wire H in con-
denser opening B, machine aperture A, and both ends of
objective lens barrel E, moving whatever may be necessary
to accomplish the purpose. I cannot tell you what you will
have to do to get the string in the center since this will vary
in different cases : it will have to be left to your ingenuity.
No attention should be paid to hole F in the wall as that
has nothing whatever to do with the lining except to sup-
port rod G which holds the string in place. The fastening
of the cord to the carbon point will be facilitated by using
a three cornered file and filing a small notch at N.
Matching Up the Lens System
THE action of light rays through a projection system
has been the subject of mudh controversy, and I
believe it might fairly be said that until the pro-
jection Department of the Moving Picture World undertook
a series of experiments and went into an exhaustive study
of the matter, no very intelligent explanation of the action
of light rays through the projector system had ever been
promulgated that is to say, no explanation which "squared
up" with what apparently actually took place.
The main stumbling block in this proposition lay in the
fact that the same conditions do not obtain in the projection
of moving pictures that obtain in stereopticon projection; a
fact which opticians have failed to observe, attacking the
problem of projecting moving pictures from the same stand-
point as of projection lantern slides. The difference in the
two problems lies in the following: In stereopticon projec-
tion the object (slide) is situated right up against the con-
densing lens, whereas in moving picture projection the ob-
ject (film), is at, or near the crater image a foot or more
away from the condenser, and at one of the conjugate foci
points of the condenser system. This means that the two
problems present very different angles. In order to obtain
maximum illumination in stereopticon projection the crater
image must 'be approximately central between the two factors
of the stereopticon objective lens, whereas in moving picture
projection it must be at or near the object (film).
The author does not believe this matter to be, as yet,
entirely solved, but he does believe that great progress
Plate 1, Figure 42.
has been made, and that the tables representing that progress
which are hereto appended will be found to be approx-
imately correct, and that they will, barring the limits imposed
by present day apparatus, enable the operator to match up
his projector lenses in a way to give very satisfactory results.
In this connection we are especially indebted to John
Griffiths, Ansonia, Conn.; W. S. James, formerly of Camden,
N. J.; C. D. Armstrong, Ashland, Wis.; and L. C. LaGrow,
Albany, N. Y. These men have aided very greatly in the
solving of this difficult problem and Griffiths has contributed
the greater portion of the theory upon which the tables are
based, as well as worked out the tables themselves.
The Condenser. The spacing of the two condenser lenses
different distances apart has the effect of altering the
equivalent focus of the combination. The further the lenses
are spaced apart the longer will be the E. F. of the combination,
and vice versa.
It seems, however, that, in view of the fact that with the
arc at ordinary operating distance from the rear condenser
lens, the light ray di-
verges after passing
through the rear lens
(see A-B, Plate 1) and
that, incidently, this
divergence increases with
increased focal length of
the rear lens, it is ad-
visable that the condens-
ing lenses be placed as
close as possible to each
other (without actual
mechanical contact, which
latter would tend to con-
vey heat to the front P^te 2, Figure 43.
lens), since the further apart the lenses are the greater must be
the loss through the aforesaid divergence of the light ray.
A and B, Plate 1, show a 6 l /z and a 7 l / 2 lens, with the arc
the same distance from the lens, using equal amperage in
both cases. Even with
the lenses set so that
their curved surfaces are
within one-sixteenth of
an inch of each other
there will still be some
loss, but this cannot be
avoided, since if we pull
the arc back far enough
to bring the light rays
parallel after passing
through the front lens,
Plate 3, Figure 44. t ^ ien we w ^ encounter
still greater loss on the
arc side of the lens, by reason of increased distance between
the arc and the lens and the law that intensity of illumination
decreases inversely with the square of the distance from the
light source.
Plates 2 and 3 illustrate the relative loss through spacing
of the lenses, Plate 2 shows the lenses set with their curved
surfaces approximately one-sixteenth of an inch apart.
Plate 3 shows the lenses spaced so that their curved
surfaces are one-half inch apart. It will be observed that
the loss of light is materially greater in Plate 3 than in
Plate 2.
It is also of interest to note the difference in the light
beam itself. In Plate 2 the beam does not narrow down quite
so much as it does in Plate 3, and the crossing point of the
Diagram showing how the back focus and the size of the aperture of the
objective lens determine the distance between condensers and anerture.
20 19
15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8
Distance between condensers and aperture when the buck focus of
Plate 4, Figure 45.
rays is much nearer to the lens, which means that the E. F.
of the combination has been lengthened by spacing the
lenses. However, due to reasons already set forth I believe
it is better practice to work with a fixed E. F. y setting the
condensing lenses so that their curved surfaces are not more
than one-sixteenth of an inch to one-eighth of an inch apart,
and make other conditions fit this one.
Never have the lenses actually touching each other, since
mechanical contact would serve to impart considerable heat
to the front lens, which is decidedly undesirable.
The novice would probably say that, since the light cone
is shorter in Plate 3 than in Plate 2, the E. F. of the Plate 3
combination would be less. The opposite is true, however,
Measurement from a point half way between the two lenses
to the point where the rays begin to diverge from the main
beam will show that the cone is shorter in Plate 2 than in
Plate 3.
It may be stated as an absolute fact that when the con-
denser is made up of two factors of different focal lengths,
as for instance, a 6 l / 2 and a 7 l / 2 lens, the better practice is to
Showing how the
objective is covered
by the incident light
when the directions
given in the tables
are followed.
Tmhies-back focus
of objective lens.
NOTE. Line A would pass from the extreme edge of
the conuenser to the extreme edge of the objective
lens and just pass through the narrowest part of the
machine aperture. Line B goes from the opposite
extreme edge of the condenser to the opposite extreme
edge of the objective. And while these two rays form
an internal part of the condenser beam of light they
form the extreme rays of the beam after passing the
place the shorter focal length lens next the arc. This is
proven by A-B, Plate 1. The only objection to so doing is
that the thick lens is more apt to break than is the thinner
one, but this may be very largely if not entirely overcome
by the installation of a modern condenser mount, of which
the Elbert or Preddy (see index) are excellent examples.
In the course of the aforementioned experiment's it has
been proven to the author's entire satisfaction that, provided
the front lens of the condenser combination be in line with
and square with the aperture and objective, the fact that the
rear condensing lens it not exactly square or in line with the
front one does not make any serious difference, provided,
of course, that the fault be not too great. I do not wish to
be understood as saying that this condition ought to be
allowed to obtain. The better practice is to have the entire
lens system in exact line, but with present projector mounts
this is ,a somewhat diffcult thing to accomplish, and failure
to accomplish the lining of the two condenser factors per-
fectly with each other will not be a very serious matter.
Another extremely important relation between the con-
densing lens and the objective is illustrated in Plate 4, in which
A represents the extreme limit of light from the lower
edge of the condensing lens when it is placed 16 inches from
the aperture of the machine. You will observe that with
the condenser at a distance from the aperture which will
place the arc in focus (the point where the condenser ray
begins to diverge), which is the point where the picture will
receive evenly distributed illumination, the light will pass
through the aperture and become a diverging beam. This
is clearly shown in Plate 5, which shows the light beam as in
actual projection, and is proven in Plate 6, in which the
condenser is covered by a metal plate in which are two holes
located diametrically opposite each other and about a half-inch
from the edge of the lens. It will be seen from Plate 6
that the rays from the outer edge of the condenser lens
actually do act precisely as indicated in diagram, Plate 4. In
Plate 7 the same two rays are passed on through the ob-
jective lens.
From this the inevitable conclusion is reached that, with the
crater in focus at the aperture, the closer the condenser is to the
aperture the more rapid will be the divergence of the beam
beyond the aperture, though the increase from this will be
comparativetly slight. It will also be seen that the greater the
distance from the aperture plate to the objective lens aperture
the wider the light beam will be at the point it encounters the
lens, See Plate 8. It therefore is an undoubted fact that
the diameter of the objective lens is an exceedingly im-
portant factor, particularly with long focal length lenses, and
it is a factor which must be taken into very serious account
in the matching up of projector lens systems.
Plate 9 shows the loss of light through using a lens of
too small diameter. This loss may be slight; or it may be
very great. In many cases it is the latter. In this case the
loss is far greater than appears, because the camera only
caught the loss which fell outside the lens barrel, whereas
the actual diameter of the lens aperture is considerably
less than the outside diameter of the barrel.
In Plate 4, the long scale marks condenser distance, and the
short scale, to the right, indicates the back focus of the
objective. Any objective lens may work at any one of several
different distances from the film. That is something I
have never been able to make fit in with any plan I could
evolve for matching up a projector lens system. Like most
other things, however, once you get hold of the right key
it is very simple, and the key to this particular problem is
"back focus."
In matching up a projector lens system, first, using the
well-known formula for finding the equivalent focus of the
lens required to project the size picture you want at the
distance your condition calls for, determine the E. F. of
the lens you want, procure it, mount it in the machine, and,
using any condenser, project a picture, and very carefully
adjust the objective until the picture on the scree'n is in
sharp focus. Having done this, stick a rule through the
aperture and, with its end against the lens, measure the
exact distance of the rear surface of the rear combination of
the objective from the film track surface on the aperture.
This measurement will be the BACK FOCUS at which your
lens will work, and it is this measurement and not the equiva-
lent focus, which must be used in matching up the lens
system. The E. F. has absolutely no value whatever except
to enable the operator to select the proper lens to project
the size picture he wants at the given distance.
At this point we reach an item of much importance, con-
cerning w/hich positive data cannot as yet be given, viz.:
The selection of an objective lens of the right diameter to
fit local conditions. Excess in diameter is undesirable, in
that it is likely to set up trouble in the shape of travel
ghost. Insufficient diameter, on the other hand, means loss
of light, and loss of light is expensive. On the whole, it is
much better, I believe, to get a lens of too large than too
small diameter, because it is an easy matter to stop down the
large lens to just the size needed, whereas the small diameter
cannot possibly be made larger.
On the whole, I think the best recommendation we can
make at present is that the E. F. of the required lens be
found, and that a lens be ordered having a diameter equal
to one-half its E. F., up to 4^ inches E. F., the diameter beyond
that focal length to remain fixed at 2% inches, up to 7 inches
E. F., beyond which it might possibly be increased to 2^ inches
with advantage. When the lens is received, place it in the
machine and focus the picture sharply on the screen, then measure
the back focus, as already directed, and remove the lens. Now
place a sheet of white paper inside the mechanism in the exact
position occupied by the back surface of the lens, supporting
it in any convenient way, without Jiaving changed the position
of the lamp with relation to the condenser or of the lamp-
house with relation to the aperture, strike an arc, and measure
the light on the paper. If the lens meas-
ures 2 inches in diameter and the light
measures 2 inches across, all is well. If
the light measures more than 2 inches
across, but only 2 inches up and down, the
lens still will do fairly well, though there
will be some loss. If, however, the lens
measures greater than the light, stop the
lens down to the diameter of the light at both
ends, by means of rings of metal in which
you have made a circular opening of proper
size. I do not pretend to say that this
advice is perfect. It is, however, the best I
can offer at this time, and is, I am sure,
based on the right idea.
A Digression. Let me pause here, for
T-; want of a more fitting place, and digress
^J for a moment to show you an interesting
light ray picture.
.? In Plate 10 we see a condenser with a
^ metal plate having a number of holes, each
f about one-quarter inch in diameter. This
o picture has no considerable value, except to
allow the operator or student to trace the
^ light ray action on both sides of the ob-
jective. It will be noted that the screen
illumination is not complete, especially at
the outer edges where there were but few
holes in the metal plate. Another interest-
ing point in this picture is the circle of
light on the back side of the aperture plate,
showing the loss of light through reflection
from the polished surface of the lens. In
fact, there are a number of things in this
photograph that will interest the student-
Spherical Aberration. An examination
into the effect of spherical aberration points
to the fact that it operates mainly to cause
impurity of the light, by reason of the fact
that those rays which draw in toward the
center earliest must naturally reach somewhat into the center
of the spot, and coming, as they do, from the outer edge of
the lens, they carry with them considerable color.
This, so far as I am able to determine, is the principal
practical effect of spherical aberration. It amounts to a dis-
coloration of the light, and hence a diminution of its brilliancy,
though it may or may not be sufficient to be perceptible to
the eye in individual cases.
Also spherical aberration, if excessive, will cause the spot
at the aperture to consist of a series of circles of light in-
stead of an evenly illuminated field, and as this plane is
refocused at the screen, there will, if there is an absence of
rays at the center, be a dark spot or "ghost," or if more of
the rays are reaching the center of the spot than its edges,
high lights will result. This is usually the result of the film
cutting the beam of light too far from the actual mean focus
of the crater, but there are, nevertheless, other conditions
which result in high lights and shadows on the screen, and
spherical aberration may result only in uneven illumination.
There is practically no bad effect from spherical aberration
through the stereopticon because the rays reach the slide
before they are displaced, but chromatic aberration will show
if the rays from the outer edges/ of the condenser pass
through the slide.
Chromatic Aberration of the Condenser Beam. In Plate 11,
a crater is constructed by cutting an aperture in a piece of
cardboard and placing a | ^CARDBOARD
piece of ground glass K I/MNHOU-
behind it. Back of this
is placed a 100 C. P.
incandescent lamp. The nLAMENT
crater and screen are
placed at conjugate foci
of the condensers. The
screen corresponds to
the aperture plate of the Plate 11, Figure 52.
machine. A piece of cardboard pierced with a pinhole is
placed as shown in Plate 11.
The results as observed upon the screen, Plate 11, are: the
crater is focused in full definition on the screen, but it is
colored with the shades of the spectrum in the manner shown.
Now it has been demonstrated by the Kinemacolor process
that all the colors of the spectrum can be reduced to ap-
proximately two shades, viz: a reddish-orange and blueish-
green, which for the sake of clearness we will call orange
and green.
In Plate 11 A are shown the same conditions described in
connection with Fig. 1, except that the colors of the spectrum
have been reduced to the two primary shades, viz: orange
and green. Notice that at the screen (or aperture) the
colored rays combine and form white light.
Now, if the process shown in Plate 11A be continued, and
a very large number of rays be drawn, using orange and
green ink, the result will appear as shown in Plate 11B, in
which it is observed that the beam is inclosed by an orange
envelope, Which is thickest toward the central part of the
beam and comes to a
point or disappears en-
tirely at the aperture
and the condenser. The ^
beam has a core in the
center which is com-
posed ofi the violet, :,.../?&xr v j, N ncys.
blue, and green shades
of the spectrum. The
white part of the beam
is caused by the mixture of the two other primary shades, but
the mixture is not perfect at all positions. At the section AA,
Plate 11B, the white light is most pure, but as it approaches the
position of section BB, the colors at the violet end of the spec-
trum commence to predominate, so that at section BB, the white
zone has changed to a dirty purple. In< view of this condition it
is not difficult to understand why a ghost appears in the
screen when the aperture is brought back too far toward
point BB. When properly located all the colors of the beam
finally combine at the .aperture to form pure white light, and
since it passes from .aperture to objective, all light beyond
the aperture is pure white. It is also noted that the light at
section AA, Plate 11B, is pure white.
Plate 11A, Figure 53.
Plate 11B, Figure 54.
Now it must be remembered that the results shown in
Plate 11B can only be approximately true, since all the colors
of the spectrum, which are infinite in number, have been
reduced to only two shades. Even if only seven colors had
been used in the drawing, the straight lines in Plate 11B
would show as curves, and more closely
resemble the true shape of the actual
beam. Nevertheless, when a small screen
is placed at different sections of the actual
beam, the results show a very close agree-
ment with the theories set forth.
In photographing the beam, only the
white and green zones are actinic and
show in the photograph, and by observing
Plate 11B, it is seen that the theoretical
shape of the combined white and green
zones agrees very closely with the photo-
graph. But even to the eye the beam has
a curved shape, which is probably due to
the existence of infra red at the outer
edge of the orange envelope.
It is finally seen, as a further point in
practical application, that one of the im-
portant functions of having the crater in true
focus at the aperture is to purify the light
and avoid color effects. The aperture may
be placed a little forward of the focal plane,
|^ but should never be behind it.
Some of the practical effects of chro-
matic aberration are seen in Plate 11C. It
will be observed that whereas the holes in
the metal shield covering the condenser
are of equal size the lower ray is much
the stronger. This is partly due to its
position, but also to a very considerable
extent to color in the upper ray which
reduces its actinic effect on the photo-
graphic plate.
Another important point in connection
with the condenser/is loss of light through
poorly polished, unevenly finished surfaces,
and through discoloration/ of the glass.
Of late there have been those who have
advocated the addition of yellow to the
condenser lens glass, with the idea of mel-
lowing light. With this I cannot agree.
I think it is hardly necessary to enter into
a discussion of the matter, and most emphatically advise
operators to avoid the use of lenses containing discoloration
of any kind. In selecting a condenser lens first examine its
surface, and, unless it presents a perfectly smooth, polished
appearance, and evidence of having been ground to the true
surface, reject the lens. In order to perform its function
properly a lens must be a perfect segment of the surface of a
sphere, and this perfect shape can only be obtained by grinding.
Plate 12, Figure 56.
It cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be had by merely
polishing the surface of a molded lens.
Stop .and consider the matter for a moment. In order
to secure even approximately perfect results in illumination
at the spot it is necessary that all light rays emanating
from any point on the crater and falling upon any point on
the surface of the lens be so refracted that they will reach
the same point in or on the spot.
Now this can only be accomplished by a perfectly true lens
surface, and it therefore follows that if the surface of the
lens be not perfectly true, some of the rays are going to
be refracted properly and some are not, and this of necessity
means loss in effectiveness. With this in view I would call
the attention of theatre managers to the fact that the cheap,
molded condenser lenses, having an uneven, wavy surface,
may be cheap in first cost, but are a mighty expensive article
in the long run, because of the fact that, since it takes current
to produce light, and you have to buy the current, anything
which makes for ineffectiveness in illumination means a
waste of current, hence you are simply saving a small sum
of money in the original cost when you buy a cheap condenser
lens, and are paying out money every minute you run for
current to produce light which the cheap lens is wasting.
Also reject any lens which does not measure exactly 4^2 inches
in diameter and which has an excessively thick edge. Con-
denser lenses should be exactly 4J^ inches in diameter, and
should come down to an edge but little if any thicker than
one-sixteenth of an inch. A thick edge means unnecessary
glass; therefore unnecessary absorption of light. In Plate 12
A shows the wrong and B the right lens edge. It is im-
portant that the edges of condenser lenses be of standard
thickness, .and that their diameters be exactly 4H inches,
because not only is excessive glass wasteful (it is impossible
for manufacturing reasons to bring the edge right down
to a thin edge at a 4^2 inch diameter) but with edges of
varying thickness it is impossible to make the lenses fit
properly in many of the machine lens holders; also any
change in diameter alters the fit of the lens in the holder,
and these variations will render it practically impossible for
the operator to properly line up his lens system. I would sug-
gest that operators pay careful attention to this matter be-
cause lens manufacturers seem to think that "near or about"
is good enough, both in diameters and lens edge thickness.
They will only change that attitude and come down to a
fixed standard when a large number -of kicks are registered
by purchasers. I have pointed out the reasons why diameters
and lens edge thickness should be absolutely standard. I
think you will have no trouble in recognizing the fact that
these reasons are sound. It is now up to you to compel
lens manufacturers to produce a standard article, and I
suggest that you insist on an exact 4 l / 2 inch diameter and a
lens edge thickness exactly one-sixteenth of an inch. It
is quite true that to thus standardize lenses might add
somewhat to their cost, but even so, it will be money saved
in the end, no matter from what angle the proposition be
In selecting your condensing lens, first examine its surface,
and if it is not perfectly smooth and highly polished it is not
a good lens. Next look through the lens edgewise, and if it does
not show clear (has any trace of color when looked through
that way) reject it. It is not a good lens.
If you have any doubt whatever as to the inadvisability of
using lenses containing color, either purple, greenish or yel-
low, break a clear white condensing lens in half; also break
a lens containing discoloration in half, put these two halves
in as the front lens of your condenser combination, being
certain the rear lens contains no color, and project the clear
light on the screen through the stereopticon lens. I think the
appearance of the screen will satisfy you thoroughly as to the
advisability of rejecting any lenses containing any color what-
ever. This experiment should only be tried through the stereo
lens, with which the two halves can be focused at the screen.
In a camera the lens receives rays directly from an object
and delivers them directly to the screen (plate).
In the projector there are two absolutely separate lens
systems, one of which receives its rays from the other, and
one of our problems is to so join these two systems that the
film picture will not only receive a maximum of illumination,
but also that that illumination shall be evenly distributed over
the entire area of the photograph, and that the second or
objective system be enabled to pick up the light rays delivered
to it by the first or condenser system, with the least possible
amount of loss.
Now these various propositions look reasonably simple, but
there are, in fact, some very intricate problems involved.
With relation to the condenser system, there is one point
on which we have very little accurate data, viz.: the exact
diameter of the crater for a given amperage. Until this
matter is accurately determined our efforts in that direction
can only be approximately correct, and possibly there may
always be some differences in this item since doubtless differ-
ent carbons will slightly alter crater size for a given am-
One exceedingly important point, which must be borne care-
fully in mind, is that when the source of illumination is greater
than a point the light ray from the condenser can never be
brought to a point, for example : Assuming the crater to be
an object, and the spot on the aperture an image (which is
the exact condition), if the crater be 4 inches from the apex
of the curved surface of the back condenser, and the spot on
the aperture 16 inches from the apex of the curved surface
of the front condenser, then the diameter of the spot on the
aperture will be four times the diameter of the crater, of
which the spot is an image, and the spot will be the nar-
rowest part of the condenser beam, since at this point the
beam will begin to diverge, therefore we cannot consider the
condenser beam as coming to a point further on, as it has
always been supposed to do.
Not only have we discovered the fact that there is a direct
ratio between the diameter of the crater and the diameter of
the spot on the cooling plate, but we have also found that in
order to obtain the most even illumination of the entire aper-
ture it is necessary that the crater be "in focus" at the aperture
of the machine, or in other words, that the crater and spot be at
the respective points of conjugate foci of the condenser lens.
Now in order to understand this some of you must do a
little studying. Take a condenser lens and hold it near the
wall of a room, opposite an open window, and you will find
that with the lens at a certain distance from the wall you
get a fairly good image or picture of the scene out of doors
on the wall. This means that the lens is at a distance from
the wall equal to its focal length, or, in other words, in a posi-
tion where rays emanating from a point on an object are
brought to a focus in the image, not where the light beam,
as a whole, is brought to a point, which it never is. Move
the lens further from the wall and the ray increases in size
and is quickly lost.
Some may dispute this, and cite the burning glass in proof.
Well, the point to which the burning glass apparently brings
the rays is not a point at all, but merely an exceedingly small
image of the sun.
Now, taking the condenser as a whole, the crater of the
carbon takes the place of the scene out of doors, and the
aperture of the machine the place of the wall. Of course
the image is formed much further away than was the case
with the lens held near the wall, but this is by reason of
the fact that the crater (object) is close to the lens, whereas
the out-of-door scene was far away. If a single lens were
used, instead of a double one, these distances would again
be altered.
And now the question comes: When is the crater in focus
at the aperture? This is a somewhat complicated proposition,
in which we must take into consideration the known fact
that spherical aberration exists in the condenser system,
and the further fact that the crater does not set parallel to
either the condensing lens or the film; therefore, due to the
latter equation, there is bound to be precisely the same effect
at the spot as there is when the machine sets at an angle
to the screen. In other words, since the surface of the crater
is not parallel to the lens the whole crater cannot possibly
be put in sharp focus at the aperture, or anywhere else. We
must therefore adopt a "mean focus point" or point of actual
mean focus, since we cannot expect to get a sharp focus of
the entire crater for reasons already pointed out. The point
of actual focus must, due to spherical aberration, be beyond
the plane where the rays from the outer edges of the spot
would naturally focus, they being focused nearer the lens
than the rays forming the center of the spot; therefore the
plane of actual mean focus will to some extent have the
appearance of back focus at the cooling plate. In fact, the focus
of the crater may be assumed to occupy any position between
the circle of least confusion, which may be recognized as a
round spot with reasonably sharply denned edges, and a
plane a few inches in front of the circle of least confusion,
which latter may be recognized as a white spot surrounded
by a bright blue outline. This blue spot consists of the
aberrated rays on the back focus, the white spot in the
center of the haze being the image of the crater.
The ordinary practice of the operator is to carry a sharp,
round spot at the cooling plate, rather than the actual focus
of the crater, and so long as he can maintain this spot small
enough, and still keep 'his arc near enough to the back con-
denser to give good illumination, all is well provided he can
also maintain a distance sufficiently great between the con-
denser and aperture to prevent the rays in front of the
aperture from diverging beyond the limits of the objective
lens. See Plate 8.
When the distance between the condensers and film be-
comes too great to maintain a suitable size focused spot at
the aperture and still keep the arc near enough to the con-
denser, the only alternative is to focus the actual image
of the crater, which is surrounded by a blue haze, at the
aperture, and in order to do this it is necessary to utilize
the whole length of the machine table, and also the shortest
focal length condensers usually carried in stock, viz: two
6H inch, in order that the white center be sufficiently magni-
fied to fully cover the aperture. The spot produced by this
arrangement will not look very picturesque on the cooling
plate, but will give very superior results on the screen. If the
amperage be very heavy it may be necessary to use one
6 l /2 and one 7 l /2 condenser, or if very light then one 5^ and
one 6 l /2 will be best. In this we assume the limit of the
machine table to be such that approximately twenty-two
inches can be had between the condensers and aperture.
Note. You cannot have too great a distance between the
condensers and aperture, provided you keep your arc near
enough to the back condenser.
The tables given in this article merely provide the mini-
mum, and the condensers therein named are for working
w^;h the spot at the plane of least confusion only. I would
suggest that any condition calling for greater focal length
condensers than 6^2 and
iy-2 will be better taken
care of by using the
spot with the blue haze
and shorter condensers
and the limit of dis-
tance between the con-
denser and film.
Remember this: The
spot itself is actually an
image or picture of the
crater. It therefore fol-
lows that any attempt to
use both craters with
A. C. will set up diffi-
culty, since it will, in
the very nature of
things, be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get their
images properly superimposed upon each other.
Some operators have got splendid results from meniscus-
bi-convex condensers, whereas others have reported no per-
ceptible advantage in their use. It is all a matter of local
conditions. Operators who have difficulty in getting their
arc near enough to the condenser are the ones who will get
best results with the meniscus-convex combination, by reason
of the fact that they gain at least Y^ of an inch between the
arc and the condenser, owing to the fact that the planes from
which the conjugate foci are measured are changed that is
to say, they are not the same with the meniscus-bi-convex as
Plate 13, Figure 57.
they are with two plano-convex (see Plate 13). This
is owing to the introduction of two more curved surfaces.
The result is less enlarge-
ment of the crater. On the
other hand, the operator who
can get near the condenser
with his arc and still have a
small spot will find but little
benefit in the use of the
meniscus-bi-convex set, pro-
vided the meniscus-bi-convex
and plano-convex lenses be
of the same quality, except in
reduction of spherical aber-
The theory upon which the
action of light rays through
the projector system, as set
forth in this article, is based,
is a difficult matter to ex-
plain in such way that the
reader or student will grasp
the idea. Light action is one
of the most difficult things
imaginable to describe intel-
ligently by reason of the fact
that in drawing diagrams
representing light action one
is limited to the examination
of the action of one, two or
possibly a dozen rays out of
literally millions and, as a
general rule, the student has
difficulty in considering the
single ray or the few rays
shown in the diagram as
being representative of the
action of countless numbers
of rays which accompany it
but are not shown.
' In this connection, as a di-
gression, it might be interesting
to know that scientists tell
us that a bundle of thirty-six Plate 14, Figure 58.
light rays will have approximately the same area as that
of a single human hair.
Beginning with a fact with which all are more or less
familiar, viz.: that from each point in a light source rays
radiate in all directions (in the case of a projection arc light
crater it would not be literally in "all directions," but in all
directions over an area covering what would be practically
equal to one-half the surface of a globe) until they meet
with some obstruction. After leaving the crater the first
obstruction encountered is the condensing lens through which
the rays must pass. This gives us countless numbers of
cones of light as A-l-2, B-l-2, C-l-2, Plate 14, each cone
having its apex at a point in the crater, and its base on the
surface of the condensing lens. The sum of these cones
represents the total light passing through the condenser.
Each one of these cones is made up of diverging rays ex-
clusively, up to the rear surface of the condensing lens.
With; this I believe we all will agree, and thus endeth the
first part.
But when we come to examine into their action beyond
the rear surface of the condensing lens we find that the fore-
going does not fully elucidate or make clear the entire prob-
First: From each point on the crater we have rays enter-
ing every minute pinpoint on the surface of the condenser,
therefore through each point of the condenser we have pass-
ing a cone of converging rays, each cone carrying a complete
image of the crater, as per A-C-2, A-C-1, so that we are also
entirely correct when we consider the total light passing
from the crater through the condenser as consisting of
countless numbers of cones of converging rays having their
apex at a point on the condenser at 1-2, Plate 14. It will
thus be seen that while we do not actually have two sets of
rays we do have a double light action. It may very reason-
ably be asked: "If the first part includes the total rays pass-
ing from the crater through the condenser, and the second
part merely does the same thing in a different way, why
bother with the second part at! all when the action first
described is more generally understood?"
The reason for analyzing the action of light rays complete-
ly and describing the second part is because it gives us a
clearer understanding of what follows.
Now having in mind one of the cones A-C-1, or A-C-2,
Plate 14, it will be readily seen that rays A-l and C-l meet-
ing at a point on the condenser will, even though refracted,
cross at the plane of the condenser. This can easily be
proven by using a refractometer. It therefore follows that
as the total rays entering and passing through the condenser
from the crater may be considered as consisting of count-
less cones having their apex at a point on the condenser, the
crossing point or reversal of the image must, in the very
nature of things, take place at the rear plane of the rear
condenser and at no other place. Undoubtedly the rays do
cross each other before reaching the condenser plane, but only
when on their way to and from a point which is receiving a
complete image of the crater.
This action is perhaps made most clearly intelligible, and
may be best adapted to use in this article by considering
cone A-l-2, cone B-l-2, cone C-l-2, cone A-B-1, A-B-2 and
B-C-2 (remembering that these are but representative of
Plate 15, Figure 59.
millions of other similar cones at other pinpoints on the
crater and condenser) as being two sets of rays. Please
understand that we do not mean by this that there actually
are two sets of rays, but merely use that term as a con-
venient medium through which to describe certain action of
the light which really is the same group of rays acting in two
different ways.
Theory of double action may perhaps be made more un-
derstandable by means of diagram, Plate 15, which is a
diagrammatic representation of pinhole photography.
In Plate 15, at A, we see a diagrammatic representation of
pinhole photography, in which rays by the millions go in
every direction from every point of arrow B-C, but only those
rays striking pinhole D can pass through and form an image
on the screen at E-F. That is the idea we had in mind in
saying that one set of rays projected the whole crater. To get
the point of view, you must consider each minute point on the
back plane of the condenser as being a pinhole, and as a matter
of fact it does act in exactly that way, therefore each minute
pinhole point of the condenser will receive one ray from each
pinpoint of the crater and will therefore project an image of
the crater, as a whole, to the aperture of the machine. This
same thing is shown photographically in Plate 16, in which
Plate 16, Figure 60.
A is the machine aperture, covered by a plate in which are
two pinholes, and B the back factor of an objective, covered
with a plate containing one pinhole. The action is that rays
from the lower half of upper cone X pass through as ray Y,
whereas from the upper half of cone X pass through as ray
Y. The photo is a poor one, as it is extremely difficult to
get a good picture of such weak rays. A comparison will
reveal the fact that the action in A, Plate 15 and in Plate 16,
is identical.
The second set of rays, viz.: those emanating from a point
on the crater, represented by cones A 1-2, and B 1-2, and C
1-2, Plate 14, project to the same aperture, in converging
lines, rays from every infinitesimal portion of the crater, and
that is the real explanation.
The foregoing theory is not altogether coincided in by
some, but the fact, nevertheless, remains that it is the only
one by means of which we can explain one phenomenon, viz.:
why the beam of light is round as it emerges from the objec-
tive, and continues so for a distance varying with the focal
length of the lens, and thence to the screen is rectangular.
And now comes the difficult part to explain.
In Plate 14 we see a diagrammatic representation of Grif-
fiths' theory, as applied to the condenser system. In Plate 16
we see, in photography, precisely the same thing as applied to
the objective lens. Always bear in mind
one fact, viz.: the optical action of the
objective lens and the optical action of
the condensing lens is in every respect
Now to follow this matter through
we will consider Plate 17, which is a
photographic representation of light
ray action in an objective lens, in
which X is a shield containing a
standard machine aperture, covered by a
brass plate containing two pinholes. Y
is a standard projection lens, with one-
half of its barrel cut away, 1 and 2 be-
ing respectively the back and front
factors of the lens, though 2 is hidden
behind its container. This photograph is
made with the aperture and the lens
in actually working position, and with
the light projected through the con-
denser in the ordinary way, under
actual operating conditions. You will
observe that the light coming through
the upper pinhole, Plate 17, diverges
into a cone, which corresponds to
cone A, 1-2, Plate 14. This cone cov-
ers very nearly the full aperture of the
lens. The light passing through the
lower pinhole does exactly the same
thing, and the two cones begin to in-
termingle at L, and from there on to
the lens a small central light pyramid
is shown, the upper half of which is
the upper edge of the lower pinhole
cone, and its lower edge the lower
edge of the upper pinhole cone. Be-
yond the back factor of the lens, be-
tween the two lens factors, you can
easily trace the action. And it is made
clear in this photograph that the bend
which starts the final crossing or trans-
position of the rays takes place at the
first or back surface of the first or back combination of the
objective, even as it takes place at the back surface of the rear
lens, Plate 14. The action, as between the diagram, Plate
i; y 3S.720Z$76
U?6 43d W3 4S2
&fc 442. ?>? 476
4.1 / 4J1
^J Z'/e26ft
1/7? UK 3^ VZ5 4 $76 tote tttt fW MM 64-
74- TfZJ *'(' Ztf X7J
Table 1, Figure 62.
Decimal Equivalent. 1/16 = .0625 ; 1/8 = .125; 3/16 = .1875;
1/4 = .25; 5/16 = .3125; 3/8 = .375; 7/16 = .4375; 1/2 = .5;
9/16 = .5625; 5/8 = .625; 11/16 = .6875; 3/4 = .75; 13/16 == .8125;
7/8 = .875; 15/16 = .9375.
Table 1 is what might be termed the "angle table." It
represents the tabulated results of what is shown in the
diagram in Fig. 4. In order to apply this table proceed as
First measure the diameter of the opening of the objective
lens. Next, with the picture in exact focus on the screen,
stick a rule through the aperture of the machine and place
it against the back surface of the back combination of the
objective lens, and measure the exact distance from the lens
to the film, or, in other words, from the lens to the surface
of the film track on the aperture. This will give you the
exact back focus of the lens at the position in which it works.
This is of the greatest importance because any given lens
may work in different positions under different circumstances.
Having found the measurement of the diameter of your ob-
jective, and its back focus when in working position, proceed
as follows :
In the extreme right-hand column find the number most nearly cor-
responding 1 to the back focus at which your lens is working. Opposite
this number, in the extreme left-hand column you will find the smallest
lens diameter permissible at that back focus, and at the top of the
right-hand column we see that the condensers must be two "7%s," with
22 inches between the apex of the front lens and the film. For ex-
ample: Suppose the B. P. to be 4% and the-* lens diameter 1% inches.
At the sixteenth line down we find 4.52 (practically 4%) in the right-
hand column, and opposite, in the left-hand column, 1%. We therefore
see that 1% is the least permissible lens diameter, and that our lens
is unsuitable to the work in hand. Looking at the top of the right-
hand ^column we see that with the 1%-inch lens we must have two 7%
condensing lenses with not less than 22 inches between the apex of the
front lens and the film. This is the extreme condition. Looking in
the third column from the right, however, one line further down we
again find 4.52 and discover that with a lens 1 15/16 inches in diam-
eter we may use two inches less between condenser and film, though
two 7% lenses are still required. Again looking, we find 4.60 in the
fourth, 4.6 in the fifth and so on over to the twelfth column, where we
find 4.540 In the bottom row and see that with a lens 3 inches in
diameter we could use one 5% and one 6% condenser, with 11 inches
from apex of front lens to film the extreme condition in the other
Table 2 shows relative distances of conjugate foci and
amount of enlargement of the image of the object, the object
being the crater or source of light and the image the spot on
the aperture.
Diagram A, Plate 13, shows the points from which the dis-
tances are measured with piano convex combinations.
Diagram B, Plate 13, shows the points from which the dis-
tances are measured with a meniscus-bi-convex combination.
With the piano convex combination X equals the distance
from the crater 'to the curved surface of the back condenser,
and Y equals the distance from the curved surface of the
front condenser to the aperture.
With the meniscus-bi-convex combination X equals the dis-
tance from the crater to a point l /% of an inch in front of the
convex face of the back condenser, and Y is equal to the
distance from the center of the bi-convex condenser to the
The essential difference between the meniscus-bi-convex and
the piano convex is that there is less enlargement of the spot
on the aperture with the former when the E F is the same
in both cases.
The enlargement with both sets is equal to distance Y
divided by distance X, both in inches.
When meniscus-bi-convex condensers are substituted for
piano convex we increase X by J^ of an inch and decrease
Y by the thickness of a piano lens, because the center of the
bi-convex occupies the same position as the plane of the
piano convex.
Example. Piano convex R = 4, Y = 16, therefore enlarge-
ment equals 16 -f- 4 = 4 times, so that the spot will be 4 times
the diameter of the crater. Meniscus-bi-convex X = 4%$ and
Y = 15, therefore the enlargement equals 15 -f- 4^ = 3.83
The necessary enlargement of the crater will depend on the
number of amperes we use, so, knowing the distance Y, which
is the distance the ob-
*HSI. <=? &
650 4-87 1-33
Table 2, Figure 63.
jective calls for between
the condenser and the
aperture, see table 1,
we look for that dis-
tance under the en-
largement head we re-
quire, but we must
choose it in conjunc-
tion with X, remember-
ing that X is the dis-
tance between the crater
and the condenser, plus
thickness of the lens, and that with the meniscus-bi-convex
the enlargement will be less than what the table calls for,
we see the figures we need will be those giving slightly a
greater enlargement. If with piano convex we need a four
time enlargement, with meniscus-bi-convex we could choose
about a 4j time enlargement. An examination of the tables
will make this clear, and will show the advantage of using
the meniscus-bi-convex set where it is difficult to obtain a
spot small enough and still keep the arc at proper distance
from the lens.
Another important point which has been determined is that
in thousands of instances objective lenses now in use are
not large enough in diameter.
With reference to the difficulties that may be encountered
with the large aperture lens and the revolving shutter the
following facts will be of interest:
The diameter of the beam of light at its narrowest part
in front of the objective is in proportion to the distances
between the condenser and aperture and the equivalent focus
of the objective lens. That while it is the equivalent focus of
the objective lens that determines where the crossing point
of the rays in front of the objective will be, changing the
distance between condensers and aperture changes the diam-
eter of the narrowest parti of the beam considerably and
also causes a small change in the position of the narrowest
part, which is the image of the condenser aperture. In-
creasing the distance between the condensers and aperture
decreases the thickness of the beam at its narrowest part,
and vice versa. So that increasing the diameter of the ob-
jective lens, and at the same time shortening the distance
between condensers and aperture, operates to increase the
diameter of the beam at its narrowest point; but if we in-
crease the diameter of the objective lens without altering
other conditions, the width of the beam at its narrowest point
does not increase.
The crossing point of the light beam will hardly be discern-
ible when the distance between condenser and aperture is
short, owing to the fact that the image of the condenser aper-
ture is further from the -lens, and consequently larger, so that
rays to this image do not have to converge, therefore the whole
beam of light will appear to diverge from the lens.
In this connection it is interesting to note that increasing
the distance between condensers and aperture may be used
to eliminate travel ghost when the shutter blade is too nar-
row. The effect of withdrawing the lamphouse from the
machine head has the same effect on the narrowest part of
the beam of light as withdrawing the arc from the condenser
has on the spot at the aperture.
In conclusion: Until such times as objective lenses and con-
densers are brought up to our requirements the following
points should be observed: Always have the crater as near
as possible to the condensers say between 3^ and 2*/z
inches, according to the amperage used, and always have the
greatest possible distance between the condensers and aper-
These two conditions in some cases conflict with present ap-
paratus, therefore, it may be necessary to compromise between
the two. But the compromise means loss in efficiency.
For convenience in the use of these tables the decimal
equivalents for fractions are given. I believe the foregoing is
reasonably clear at least sufficiently so that the table can be
readily applied by the operator.
Caution. In measuring the back focus of your lens be very
careful that the end of your rule is PERFECTLY CLEAN, be-
cause otherwise it might leave a faint mark on the lens which
would injure the definition of the picture on the screen.
These tables do not appear very imposing, but you may
take it from me they represent a vast amount of labor. I
would not presume to claim perfection for them. In fact I
think it quite possible they may be subject to improvement, but
I do think they are the first really intelligent step in advance,
in this particular direction, since the projection optical system
was first evolved.
I believe a great many operators are now losing a large
percentage of their light by reason of the fact that the diam-
eter of their objective lens is too small for the condition
under which it works. You will observe, too, that the smaller
the diameter of the lens the farther away must the conden-
ser be from the aperture, and Table 2 will show you that
Plate 18, Figure 63A.
under certain conditions the arc will be a great distance
from the lens, thus involving excessive light loss. If you
are obliged to locate the arc more than 3 l /2 inches from the
condenser in order to have a normal spot \ l /2 inches in diam-
eter, and still meet the conditions as per Table 1, you may
instantly conclude that something is wrong, and that some-
thing most likely is one of two things, viz.: wrong condenser
focal length or wrong diameter of the objective. Table 2 gives
objectives up to 3 inches. Personally, I believe 2^ should be
the limit.
Plate 18 is a photograph of light rays obtained by
placing a metal diaphragm, containing in its center a hole
one-quarter inch in diameter, against the front condenser, so
that the hole comes opposite to its center. You will observe the
light ray conies down to a fine point, and the least diameter of
the ray indicates the point at which the shutter should be set.
In very long and very short focal length lenses it is impossible
to set the shutter at this point because in one instance it comes
inside the hood of the lens barrel and in the other it is so far
away that the shutter cannot reach it. This point may be found
by using a plate as in the foregoing and with the machine gate
open blow smoke in the ray in front of the objective, whereupon
the correct or at least the best position for the shutter can be
plainly seen.
Some men could
learn if they didn't
already know it all
PROJECTION is a term which, taken as a whole, involves
many things. As a matter of fact, broadly speaking,
we may say that the whole motion picture industry
rests to a large extent on projection. I base this statement
on the fact that, no matter how perfect may be the work of
the producer, no matter how beautiful may be the decora-
tion of the theatre, or how excellent its appointments, or
how courteous its attendants, or how perfect its music, still,
if the projection of the picture itself be inferior the whole
thing will necessarily be unsatisfactory and in considerable
measure second rate.
To put perfect projection on the screen, and maintain it
perfectly during even one entire reel, requires ability of no
mean order, as well as ceaseless vigilance, and some con-
siderable degree of artistic sense. Not only must the projec-
tion machine be kept in perfect condition, in order that there
may be no unnecessary movement in the picture, no breaking
of the film, or other faults due to a worn or badly adjusted
mechanism, but also the light must be pure white, brilliant, and
distributed over the aperture with perfect evenness, so there
will be no shadow on the screen, other than that of the photog-
raphy itself, and no discoloration of the light, except that caused
by some fault in the film itself.
It requires close study and considerable experience on the
part of the operator to be able to determine accurately and
at a glance whether a faint shadow or discoloration of the
light is due to fault in the light itself or to fault in the film.
The operator who proposes to deliver perfect projection
must observe and compare closely. He must study projection
from all points of view, and above all things must never
arrive at the point where he imagines there is nothing more
for him to learn. When an operator arrives at that point
he; will cease to advance in his profession. The high-class
operator who produces high-class results on the screen can
seldom tell you, except in a very general kind of way, what
a film portrays, even after he has run it several times. His
whole attention will be taken up in constantly watching for
faults in the light, gauging the speed of the projector to suit
the action in each scene of the film, and attending to other
things in connection with his projection.
And now at this point let me say a few words to managers.
In the olden days, so the Good Book says, Pharaoh ordered
his Hebrew slaves to make bricks when there was no straw.
The Hebrews could not do this, because, the way bricks
were made in that ancient day, straw was a necessary part
of the proceedings. There are, in this and other countries,
many hundreds or even thousands of motion picture theatre
managers who are emulating the example of Pharaoh. They
are ordering their operators to produce high-class results
on the screen but failing to supply them with the necessary
things with which to do it asking them to "make bricks
without straw."
The manager who expects his operator to go up into a
little 6 by 7 unventilated sweatbox, containing an old style,
worn out (or not worn out for that matter old style is
enough) projection machine, and produce high-class results
on the screen, is expecting more than he is going to get. It
is not in the nature of things and cannot be done. Yet
many managers not only do this, but add insult to injury by
refusing to purchase necessary repair parts, by doling out
carbons one or two at a time, and, in general, making it
utterly impossible for their operators to do their work in
creditable fashion.
There is another type of manager who will, in the begin-
ning, provide a fairly good operating room and up-to-date
equipment, but having done this much considers his duty as
wholly finished. These projectors, to his way of thinking, ought
to run twelve hours a day for the next six years without even
so much as a new intermittent sprocket. He is generous in his
advertising, spares no expense in film service, and is, in fact,
liberal in everything except the matter of operating room ex-
pense. Of course, it follows that, under these conditions, his
operator is not going to and, in fact, cannot produce high -class
results on the screen.
These managers, too, frequently go even further than this
in their foolishness, and, instead of employing the best opera-
tor obtainable, paying him at least a fair salary, get the very
cheapest man they can find. Any one who can twist a crank,
splice a film and get some sort of a picture on the screen is,
in their opinion, an operator, provided he is cheap enough.
The wise manager, the manager who succeeds in any large way,
is the one who employs the best operator he can get, provides
him with decent working quarters, up-to-date projection machin-
ery, and says: "Now see here, Mr. Operator, within reason you
may purchase anything you want in the way of supplies. If I
catch you wasting you will be promptly fired. I only look to
you for one thing, and that is results on the screen, but it is re-
sults I want, not excuses"
The manager who takes this position is entitled to results
on his screen, and he is of the type of man who is going to
get them, too.
But to get back to our subject. When the operator is in
doubt as to whether some faint shadow or discoloration on
the screen is due to the light, or to some fault in the film
itself, the matter may be determined by shifting the lamp
a trifle. If the shadow or discoloration remains unchan'ged
as the lamp moves, it is due to some inherent defect in the
Discoloration or shadows due to light fault are detected
by observing white or light colored objects in the picture.
A white dress, for instance, must be pure white all over. If
a woman is in the foreground and the bottom of her white
skirt is in any degree yellow, the rest being pure white, it
means that your light is in need of instant adjustment. Very
likely the arc is too long. If the discoloration appears at
some other point in the picture, it means the same thing, viz.,
the light requires adjustment, assuming, of course, your
lenses are properly matched, so that you can get a clear,
white screen. It is not the purpose of this work to tell the
operator each separate adjustment to make to overcome or
correct every separate fault. This he must learn for him-
self, by experience. He is presumed to have brains. If he
has not a goodly quota of that highly desirable article he
has no right place in the operating room. Jf he has brains,
and uses them, he will quickly learn how to adjust the light
to correct the various faults.
When the operator is allowed to use sufficient current; is pro-
vided zvith good carbons and the right lenses, there is ordinarily
no excuse for any shadow or discoloration of the light.
It may be stated as a matter of fact that with modern
films of the best makes it is quite possible to project a
motion picture which will be to all intents and purposes
absolutely free from movement and absolutely evenly and
brilliantly illuminated. This, however, can only be done by
a high-class operator who has at his command ample cur-
rent, high grade carbons, and a carefully selected, up-to-date
projection machine.
This, however, must be qualified by the statement that
there are only a few makes of films which are to all intents
and purposes so mechanically perfect in their perforations
that even a perfect projector will put them on the screen
without some movement. In fact, there are none so perfect
that there is no movement at all, though the European Pathe
and a few American producers are now very close to the
ideal in this respect.
Speed of Projector. The speed at which the film is run is a
matter deserving of the closest study and attention on the part of
the operator. There are those who insist that some overspeeding
of the projection machine lends "snap" to the picture on the
screen. This opinion is held by no less person than Mr. S. L.
Rothapfel, manager of the Rialto Theatre, New York City.
Also Mr. D. W. Griffith, who produced that marvelous production
"The Birth of a Nation," holds that it is desirable to overspeed
the film. With this view, however, I am unable to agree. I take
the position that the actors who enact scenes in films are presumed
to know their business, and to enact the scenes in the best pos-
sible way. If this be true, then overspeeding of the projector com-
pels the shadow-actor to enact a scene quite differently from the
way it was done in real life. Hence if the speeded shadow scene is
right, the real scene was wrongly enacted, and vice versa. I have
never yet been able to see a horse, for instance, moving across a
screen at a speed at which no horse could possibly move in real
life, and be satisfied, and I think no one else is really satisfied with
that sort of thing. I am a firm believer in the fact that an ex-
ceedingly important part of the operator's work is to carefully
gauge the speed of his projector, so that the figures in the various
scenes will move in an absolutely lifelike manner, and this, when
you come to think of it, means a great deal. It means that the
operator must know exactly what "lifelike manner" is, which
involves a close study of many things.
Of course if cameramen always ran their cameras at ex-
actly 60 feet per minute, all that would be necessary in
order to reproduce a scene on the screen precisely the way
it was acted would be to run the projector at 60 per minute.
As a matter of fact, however, cameramen, while they are
presumed to run at exactly 60 a minute, don't do anything
of the sort. Suppose one cameraman misjudges his speed
and runs at 58, or two feet under normal, whereas the
cameraman taking the next scene misjudges his speed in
the other direction, and runs at 62. Now if the projection
machine pounds along at 60 a minute, one scene will be
run too slow and the other too fast, or if the whole thing be
run at either 58 or 62, one scene will be correct and the other
very far from right.
The operator who thinks that the finer details of projection are
not of sufficient importance to justify him in giving them atten-
tion is not and never will, in my opinion, be a high-class man.
It is quite true it usually is a difficult and discouraging
task for the operator to secure recognition for high-class
work. In fact, many managers' won't let him deliver high-
class work, but, nevertheless, the man who persistently and
consistently bends his energy to improving his projection
in every possible way is, I think, bound to win out sooner
or later. High class work cannot but be noticed. It may take
considerable time; it may be discouraging, but success will
come, and with it, at least in some degree, financial reward.
Almost the same thing may be said of the manager. The
manager who employs a high-class operator, pays him an
adequate salary, provides him with good working conditions,
tools and supplies, and insists on high-class projection, may
not immediately see the benefit. Nevertheless the public in
due course of time will recognize the fact that in a certain
theater they are sure to see a good picture, and, other things
being equal, they are going to patronize that theater.
Overspeeding the Machine. Overspeeding the machine is
a reprehensible thing from any and every point of view. It
is an all too common fault, practiced by managers of theaters
who have no respect for the property intrusted to their care
by the film exchange and no adequate conception of the
business of exhibiting motion pictures or their duty toward
their patrons. There is a certain type of manager who seems
to have an ingrowing idea that the public collectively is a
fool; that it would rather see six reels put on the screen
as a ridiculous travesty on projection as an absurd jumping-
jack performane, than see five reels put on the screen right.
They insist on shooting a reel of film through in less time
than is required for its proper projection. There are man-
agers who will talk to you learnedly about a reel requiring
"fifteen minutes," or "eighteen minutes," according to their
individual ideas. They have no adequate knowledge of pro-
jection themselves, and don't understand the fact that, whereas
one reel cf film may require only fifteen minutes (nine reels
out of ten will require more time than that), another may
require as much as twenty minutes; both fifteen and twenty
being extremes. Many "managers" insist on putting on a
six-reel program in the time that ought to be consumed by
five reels. Over on the east side of New York City I have
actually seen one thousand feet of film projected in considerably
less than ten minutes.
Overspeeding the machine is an outrage on the public; an out-
rage on the producer; an outrage on the film exchange; an out-
rage on the projection machine manufacturer, and an outrage on
the operator himself. There is no excuse for it absolutely none
at all. If the house is full and a crowd waiting to gain entrance
it would be far better to cut out one reel than to injure the whole
The operator is very seldom to blame for this particular
thing. Nine times out of ten it is the manager himself who
commits what amount to a crime against the business, when
he orders overspeeding of the films. A film might be run
at the rate of 70 feet (70 turns of the projector crank) per
minute without undue strain to the film, but if long con-
tinued it will inevitably injure the projection mechanism. If
one will but pause and consider: There are sixteen pictures
to each foot of film. Each picture must stop dead still over
the aperture, and then be displaced by the next one after
exposure, all in one-sixteenth of a second when running at
normal speed. This means that the strip of film between
the upper and lower loops must start and stop sixteen times
each second. If the crank speed be increased to 70 per
minute it means that this stoppage and starting must take
place at the rate of nineteen per second, instead of sixteen.
At 80 turns of the crank per minute it means that twenty-
two pictures (almost) will be exposed each second. Not
only must the strip of film between the two loops be started,
against the considerable pressure of the tension springs, at
this terrific speed, but also the intermittent shaft, star and
sprocket must also be started and stopped at the same rate.
It requires but slight knowledge of mechanics to understand
the strain thus placed on the sprocket holes of the light,
fragile film, as well as on the intermittent movement of the
projector. Overspeeding also makes necessary a tighter
tension, which still further aggravates the damage. The
camera which took the scene is supposed to run at 60 a
minute. Films and projection machines are intended to
withstand the strain of 60 a minute and will do so. When,
however, this speed is exceeded to any considerable degree
the strain multiplies rapidly, and the consequent wear and
tear is several times what it is at normal.
Effect of Loss of Definition. One factor enters very
largely into projection which is very little understood by
the average manager and operator. This matter has been
called to my attention by Mr. Nicholas Power of the
Nicholas Power Company, and while I have never thought
of it in that connection before I believe Mr. Power is ab-
solutely correct.
Patrons frequently complain that "pictures hurt their eyes,"
even when there is no trace of flicker. Managers and oper-
ators have been puzzled
to account for this. Mr.
Power's explanation of
the matter is as follows :
Take a carbon copy of
a letter or long article,
and attempt to read it.
You will find that before
you have read very far
your eyes begin to hurt
and even to water. The
reason for this is found
in the blurry appearance \ Figure 64.
of the copy, and the
more blurry the carbon the greater will be the strain on the eye.
The same holds true with pictures. If the definition on
the screen be not absolutely sharp, the effect on the eye is
a strain, and not only is this effect present where there is
lack of definition
through fault of the
camera or the pro-
jection lens, but it is
also present where
there is a travel ghost.
This, it seems to
me, is an important
point, and, moreover,
it is a new point. I
believe this is the
first time it has re-
ceived consideration.
I would advise man-
agers to look into
this matter and to
use every endeavor to have the definition on their screen as
sharp as it can possibly be made and travel ghost entirely
eliminated. Of course, we all know that from any point of
view the loss of definition and travel ghost is bad, but viewed
in this light it becomes doubly obnoxious.
Figure 65.
Side View. Many times the question has been asked:
"Why do the screen figures .look abnormally tall and thin
when viewed from a heavy angle?" This is clearly ex-
plained in Fig. 64; in which two people, C and D, view a
figure having a normal width of A-B on screen X = X. C
gets the full benefit of this width, as per lines A-B, but D
only gets the effect of width as per dotted line B-E, for
reasons which are self-evident.
Keystone Effect. Where the machine is set above the level
of the screen the bottom of the picture will be wider than its top,
thus producing what is known as "keystone effect," as shown
at H, Fig. 65. This effect is due to the fact that the light
ray spreads out as it travels, and to the further fact that it
must travel farther to reach the bottom of the screen than it
must travel to reach the top when the angle of projection is
This is illustrated in Fig. 65, in which A is the lens of
the projector, B-S the screen and F-S the horizontal distance
of projection, H, being a detail to show shape of picture
under these conditions. If the top of light rays A, B, S, are
all to travel the same distance to reach the screen, then the
screen would necessarily be located at B-D, and the picture
would have its normal shape, but since the bottom of the
screen is at S, it follows that to reach the top of the screen
the light rays must only travel from A to B, whereas in
order to reach the bottom it must travel from A to S, or the
distance D-S in excess of distance A-B. Now assuming A-B
to be 60 feet and the top of the picture to be 15 feet wide, and
the distance D-S to be 3 feet, we would have a light ray which
spreads 15 -^ 60 = .25 of a foot, or 12-f-4 = 3 inches with
each foot of throw. Hence it follows that distance D-S
being 3 feet, the width of the bottom of the picture would
be 3X3 = 9 inches greater than the width of the top of the
picture. The same thing as applied to a 40, 30 and 15 degree
angle on an 80-foot throw is fully illustrated in Fig. 66.
The same condition prevails when the machine is set to one
side of the center of the screen, except that in this instance
the keystone effect will be sidewise that is to say, one side
of the picture will be higher than the other side. There is,
however, this difference: The up and down keystone effect
is, for some reason which I have never been able to under-
stand, never accompanied by as great a tendency to out-of-
focus effect as is the side keystone. The instant the machine
is set to any considerable distance to one side of the center
of the screen difficulty is encountered in getting a picture
Figure 66.
which is sharp all over, and if the machine be set much to
one side it will be found practically impossible to get even a
reasonably good picture. It is no unusual thing, however, to
have a machine giving a fairly sharp definition all over the
picture with a drop in projection of fully 40 feet in 100. Of
course a portion of this difference in effect is accounted for by
the fact that the picture is wider than it is high, but this does
not seem to explain the whole thing, as a fairly sharp picture
may be had with very steep downward pitch.
The keystone effect, so far as the outline of the picture is
concerned, may be corrected by filling in the projector
aperture with hard solder, and then carefully filing it out
until the picture assumes its normal shape on the screen.
The best and in fact the only practical way to do this is to
fill in with solder and file the aperture to shape when the
light is on, first, however, having removed one of the con-
densing lenses so that the spot will be very large, since other-
wise it will be too hot to work in. By this method you can
watch the exact effect of every stroke of the file upon the
outline at the screen. Be very careful that you do not get
a little too much off, because if you do you will have to do
the whole job over again. If the machine sets above the
screen the filing will have to be done on the sides of the
aperture, the lower part of the aperture being made widest.
If the machine sets to one side of the screen then the top
and bottom will have to be filled in. Before beginning, hang a
narrow strip of black tape, weighted at its lower end, with its
upper end just where the lower end of the upper corner bend
comes. This will supply guides so that you will get the side
lines perfectly straight and perpendicular. Bevel the sides of
the aperture opening slightly on the screen side.
As before stated the outline of the picture can be corrected
in this way, but the distortion of the picture will remain.
That cannot possibly be corrected, except by setting the
machine lens central up, down and sidewise, with the center
of the screen.
The out-of-focus effect which accompanies keystone effect
where the machine is set to one side of the center of the
screen may, if it be not too great, be corrected by loosening
the aperture plate and placing a thin strip of metal under
one side, the idea being to slightly raise one side of the
aperture plate, provided it be a type of machine which will
allow of its gate being squared with the aperture in its new
position. Up and down keystone effect can also be corrected by
blocking the upper end of the aperture plate out somewhat ; but
this cannot be carried very far, or trouble with the tension shoes
will be encountered.
(Also see Limit of Amperage, Page 292.)
The number of amperes to be used for the projection of a
given size picture depends, to a large extent, on the screen
surface used and the kind and amount of auditorium light-
ing; 'the percentage of light cut by modern projectors vary-
ing but little from 50 per cent.
There are still those who commit the error of assuming
that the 'distance of projection (throw) has much to do with
the necessary volume of light; also there are still those who
attempt to apply the well known law that "light intensity
diminishes with the square of the distance."
Let me again correct these impressions. Provided the
lens system of the projector be properly matched, it makes,
within reasonable limits, but very little if any practical
difference what the distance of projection is. With the
arc at a given distance from the condenser a certain amount
of light is distributed over the area of the spot, and a cer-
tain percentage of this light intensity passes through the
aperture of the projector and, of course, the film. If the lens
system is properly matched, practically) all light passing
through the film will enter the objective lens; also practically
all light entering the lens will leave it (I am laying aside,
for the time being, the absorption of light in passing through
glass); and, once having left the lens, a moment's thought will
convince even the most skeptical that if a ray of light can
travel ninety-three millions of miles from the sun to the
earth, a difference in distance as between 50 and 100, 150 or
even 250 feet is not going to make any practical difference,
provided the atmosphere be even reasonably free from dust
and smoke, which would cause more or less diffusion.
In Fig. 67 we see an illustration of the law : "Light in-
tensity decreases inversely with the square of the distance."
In this illustration A, B and C represent different positions
of a screen. Light rays emanating from a central source
travel in straight lines in all directions. It requires but a
glance to see that, this being the fact, these light rays will
spread fanwise as they travel, and that in position C the screen
would receive only a comparatively small percentage of the
light it would receive if it were in position A. In fact,
screen B would have to be as large as is indicated by the
dotted lines in order to receive the same total illumination
received by screen A, which would, of course, greatly re-
duce the brilliancy per unit of area, and screen C would need
to be still larger in order to catch the same number of rays
screen A receives. This is a very plain illustration of the
Figure 67.
law in question, but this law does NOT apply to projection,
except in a very modified fashion.
In a projection machine we have an arc lamp with the
crater forced into a position where it will face the con-
densing lens as squarely as possible. By reason of this
condition a certain given and very high percentage of the
light emanating from the crater on the carbon strikes the
rear surface of the condensing lens, and is by that lens
projected to the spot, where again a certain definite per-
centage passes through the aperture of the machine. Now
the light which passes through the aperture and film passes
on and into the objective lens, where it is given a certain
definite direction. The rays do not spread out in every direc-
tion, as per Fig. 67, but only on the lines determined by the
curvature of the lens, therefore the light intensity of the screen
is proportional to the total candle power of the light ray at the
front end of the objective lens as compared to the area of the
Loss of Light in Lenses. At this point it is, I think,
proper briefly to consider the loss of light in the lens system.
It is a well known and established fact that, in passing
through glass, light loses .a certain proportion of its intensity.
This loss has been variously estimated by different authors,
but it appears to me the conclusion arrived at by Mr. J.
Frank Martin, of Pittsburgh, Pa., in a paper entitled, "The
Illumination of Motion Picture Projectors," read before the
Pittsburgh section of the Illuminating Engineering Society,
April 18, 1913, is the first and only authoritative statement
concerning the loss of light in the lens system of a projection
I would not by any manner of means wish to be under-
stood as indorsing the conclusion arrived at by Friend
Martin. In fact, it seems to me those conclusions lead to an
impossible screen effect, but, nevertheless, as I before said,
they are the only authoritative statements I have ever seen
on the subject. Mr. Martin says, in part:
"Many different combinations of lenses have been experi-
mentally developed, but no radical changes have been made
from the earliest form used in the magic lantern. The lens
system and the losses therein are illustrated in Fig. 68.
The projector lens system has been built up with a point
source of light as a basis; hence the low efficiency of 10 per
cent, is not surprising, and there is apparently great oppor-
tunity for improvement."
The diagram will be of great interest to operators; also
it will have for him some surprises. However, I do not
think the right impression is conveyed when Mr. Martin
says there is an efficiency of 10 per cent, at the screen. This
does not seem to me to be a fair statement of fact. As I
understand it, Mr. Martin assumes an efficiency of 10,000 c.p. at
the arc, meaning by this that the surface of the crater itself has
a total light efficiency equal to 10,000 c.p., but after the rays
have spread and a portion of them have been lost in the
interior walls of the lamphouse, there remains only an
efficiency of 200 c.p. at the surface of the front condenser.
i*v ne#cf#r 70
Figure 68.
Now what I understand this to mean is, in effect, that if the
area of the crater could be magnified to the size of the con-
denser and, without considering the light loss in the interior
lamphouse walls, it still, as a whole, gave off 10,000 c.p., the
light giving power per unit of area would be reduced to 200
c.p., or, putting it in another way, the diminution of light
intensity per unit area of measurement amounts, by reason
of the spreading of the light rays, to a difference between
10,000 and 200.
And now comes something that will be mighty interesting
to the average operator, viz., the loss of 70 per cent, in the
condenser itself. This loss Mr. Martin holds is, to a con-
siderable extent, due to the use of low grade glass in cheap
condensing lenses. The lenses used in the test were a pair
of 6 l /2 and 7 l / 2 plano-convex, of the ordinary variety. The
test was made with a Sharp-Miller photometer, by placing
a standard test plate at the point where it was desired to
measure the brilliancy. This test plate is a smooth, white
surface which reflects a definite proportion of the light from
its surface. By placing such a test plate flush with the sur-
face of the condenser, next the arc, and measuring the light
reflected therefrom, it was found that 200 c.p. was the
brilliancy of each square inch of the condenser surface. The
arc had been previously adjusted and placed in a position
that gave a clear, round spot at the. aperture of the machine.
When this test plate was moved to the surface of the outer
condenser, and the indication taken in the same manner,
60 c.p. per square inch was the light intensity recorded, which
indicates the astonishing loss of 70 per cent, in the con-
denser itself. This does not, at first blush, appear to be
reasonable, nor do I believe it represents exactly the fact,
because a slight alteration in the length of the arc may (I
don't say it would, but it might) affect a considerable differr
ence in the quality of the light, which might operate to
diminish its brilliancy. Nevertheless, whether the figures
are accurate or not they certainly do show that the con-
denser absorbs an enormous percentage of the light. Nor
are we altogether surprised that this is the fact when we
remember that the thin filament of glass contained in an
incandescent light globe causes a loss of 3 per cent. You
would hardly think this latter were possible, but illuminating
engineers tell us it is the fact.
This tremendous condenser loss certainly points to the
enormous importance of using high class condensing lenses
the best that can be had, and even then the loss would be
very great. The inefficiency of the condensing lens was very
thoroughly proved to the writer when he witnessed the
demonstration of a parabolic reflector designed to concen-
trate the light without the use of condensing lenses. He was
literally amazed to witness the projection of a really
brilliant, beautiful sixteen-foot picture with only slightly in
excess of 12 amperes of current, using an ordinary muslin
screen. This reflector, or light concentrator, has never as
yet been got into a form where it is practical for general
motion picture work, but it did show the tremendous gain
which would be made possible if the condenser could be
eliminated. Moreover, the light had a white, mellow, pleasing
quality the writer has never seen in an illumination which has
passed through condensing lenses.
But to return to our subject. Referring to Fig. 68, we
find that the test plate, when placed at the aperture of the
machine, showed a brilliancy of 510 c.p. per square inch, but
that immediately after the light had passed through the film
only 470 c.p. was shown, which indicates a loss of 8 per cent,
in the film itself. The film used was a clear piece from which
the photographic emulsion had been removed. Therefore
it appears that the celluloid of the film itself absorbs 8 per
cent of the light.
And now comes the point which makes this whole thing
appear to me as rather impossible, except viewed from the
standpoint of proportiotls of loss. It seems to me that, if
the aperture had an area of one square inch, and the light
brilliancy passing through it were only 470 c.p. per square
inch, then the screen itself could only have a brilliancy per
square inch equal to 470 divided by the total square inch area
of the screen, which would give us an actual screen brilliancy
of only a very, very small fraction of one candle power. As
a matter of fact even that result would be too high, because the
area of the aperture is only about three-quarters of one square
inch, therefore the real screen brilliancy would be three-
quarters of 470, divided by the square inch screen area, and
even that} would be reduced by the 8 per cent, loss in the
objective lens.
I have given this matter space because of the fact that it
points an entrance to 'a road which needs thorough explor-
ing, and needs it badly, too. The projection lens itself,
being of very high grade glass, only entails a loss of 5 to 12
per cent., averaging, Mr. Martin says, 8 per cent. The thin
bulb of an incandescent lamp, made of ordinary glass, causes
a light loss of 3 per cent. Now the total glass in the two
combinations of the ordinary projection lens will, I think,
measure about five-eighths of an inch in thickness. If it is true
that less than one-thirty-second of an inch of ordinary glass
causes a light loss of 3 per cent., and approximately five-
eighths of an inch of very high grade glass causes a loss
of only about 8 per cent., it would seem to be readily apparent
that there would be an enormous gain in using very high grade
optical glass for condensing lenses.
It is but a step from this result to the inevitable conclusion
tbat there is a huge duty devolving upon machine manu-
facturers to evolve some method of absolutely stopping the
breaking of condenser lenses, to the end that really high-
class, expensive ones may be used. Already the Elbert and
Preddy condenser holders have paved the way. Altogether
too little attention 'has been paid to this extremely important
matter in the past.
To get back to our main subject. Broadly speaking the num-
ber of amperes necessary to produce a given curtain illumination
will depend upon the number of square feet contained in the
screen, the character of surface of the screen and the percentage
of light cut by the revolving shutter. As set forth, the modern
projection machine will, under the best conditions, cut approxi-
mately 50 per cent, of the light, and under adverse conditions
may cut somewhat more than this, though the variation either
way from 50 per cent, will be but little. The area of the screen,
and the character of its surface, however, are largely governing
factors. Suppose we are projecting a picture 8 by 10 feet at 60
feet. In a space 8 by 10 feet are 80 square feet of surface. Now,
understanding that practically all light rays leaving the objective
lens reach the screen, while light rays are really numberless, let
us suppose, for purpose of illustration, that we have exactly 160
rays of light leaving the projection lens. This would, of course,
mean that each square foot of screen would be illuminated by
just two rays of light.
Now suppose we change our lens to one projecting a picture
12 by 16 feet, which would have 192 square feet of surface. The
total light remains the same, but the surface has been more than
doubled. It therefore follows that the light, being spread over
more than twice the area, has been weakened, so far as screen
illumination be concerned, by more than one-half. Where we
formerly had an illumination equal to that produced by two rays
for every square foot of screen surface, we now have an illu-
mination less than that equal to one ray to, the square foot. We
still have exactly the same total amount of light, but have, in
limited degree, invoked the law of inverse ratio already spoken of.
We thus see that illumination decreases as the area over which
it is spread is increased. It therefore follows that if the size of
the picture (area) be increased, it will be necessary, in order to
maintain the same brilliancy, that the power of the light, or, in
other words the amperage, be also increased to a value which will
supply to each square foot of screen surface the same intensity
of illumination it received in the smaller picture.
In the second edition of the Handbook I gave an amperage
table which was presumed to be satisfactory for use with any
good, non-reflective screen, such as a plaster wall, calcimine
surface, white muslin, etc. I see no reason for making any
changes in this table, except to say that the modern tendency is
for more brilliant illumination, and this would increase the
figures given, I believe, by very nearly 25 per cent. In other
words, high-class theatres of today would probably use nearer 50
amperes than 38 on a 15 foot picture. I shall, however, give the
tables unchanged, but with the foregoing modification. Those
who wish to follow up-to-date practice are recommended to
increase the amperage given by 25 per cent. In the "Amperes
A. C." column of the table I have made 60 amperes the limit
this by reason of the fact that operating room transformers
(compensarcs, inductors, economizers, etc.) almost without ex-
ception have a 60 ampere maximum capacity. As a matter of
fact, however, not less than 90 amperes A. C. should be used on
a 20 foot picture and an 18 foot picture should have not less than
75 or 80. Where A. C. is u^sed on large pictures I would recom-
mend two economizers wired in multiple. The figures given
in the table are based on the presumption that the screen surface
is in good condition.
Amperes Amperes
Picture. Area Sq. Ft. D. C. A. C.
6.75 x 9 61 20 35
7.5 xlO 75 20 35
8.25x11 91 20 35
9 x!2 108 22 35
9.75x13 127 25 38
10.5 x!4 147 29 44
11.25x15 169 33 50
12 x!6 192 38 58
12.75 x 17 216 43 60
13.5 x!8 243 45 60
14.25x19 268 45 60
15 x20 300 45 60
Another governing factor in j the matter of amperage is the
type of screen surface used. There are on the market a
number of semi-reflective so-called metallic surf ace screens,
and one make of glass surface screen. The principal value of
these screens lies in, the fact that a greater curtain brilliancy
may be obtained with a very considerable less current con-
sumption than is necessary with the non-reflective screen
surfaces. This matter will, however, be dealt with more
extensively under the heading "The Screen," Page 166.
We have learned that screen brilliancy will not depend up-
on the total amount of , light projected to the surface of the
screen, but upon the total amount of light projected to each
square foot of screen surface. This brings us to the inevitable
conclusion that
A certain given amperage per square foot of screen surface will
give a certain definite brilliancy of illumination to the screen,
other things being equal.
There are, of course, many equations, entering in less degree
into this matter. We are only speaking in generalities. For
instance, curtain brilliancy will to a certain extent depend
upon the set of the carbons and the angle of the lamp, but
at this stage; of affairs even the tyro operator is supposed to
have a fairly good knowledge of carbon setting and lamp
angle, since there is but one correct 'setting and one correct
angle, modified only to some extent by the pitch of the pro-
jection , machine itself.
The amperage will also depend, to some slight extent, on
the clearness of the atmosphere, to a considerable extent
and 'amount on the auditorium lighting, upon the density of
the film, upon the grade of lenses used, and the matching of
the optical system. All these are more , or less potent fac-
tors, and no set rule can be given, nor can any table be
given which will meet all conditions.
The following very interesting table shows the increased
percentage of light made necessary, by increasing the size
of the picture, for instance: If you have a six foot picture
and desire to .increase it to seven feet: The area of your
six foot picture is 26.4 and the area of your seven foot pic-
ture is 35.9 square, feet, an increased area of 9.5 square feet,
which will require 36 per cent more light. In other words,
to illuminate a seven foot-, picture to the same brilliancy as
a six foot picture would require 36 per cent more light. The
percentage, however, decreases as the size of the picture
increases; that is to say, there is a less percentage between
the ten and thirteen foot than between the eight and twelve
foot picture. This table ought to form a very interesting
study for operators. It Js based on the fifteen-sixteenths
inch aperture.
in feet.
in feet.
sq. feet.
Area increase
in sq. feet.
of increase
The Screen
THE particular and only function performed by the
screen of a moving picture theatre is to reflect "picture
light." We see the picture precisely for the same
reason that we see any other object. As light rays are re-
flected from various objects to the eye, so, in projection, light
rays reflect from the screen to the eye. The picture appears
plainer, sharper and better if "picture light" alone is reflected
and if the "picture light" is abundant.
There is very great difference in screen surfaces and in
results from the various surfaces, yet IT is UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE
THE OTHER. It is impossible to properly judge of screen surface
values by looking at screens in different theatres, by reason of
the fact that there are seldom or never two screens in neighbor-
ing houses where all factors are equal and the working con-
ditions are precisely alike. The brilliancy of the projection
light may be different, due to (a) difference in amperage,
(b) in carbon set, (c) in carbons, (d) quality of current,
(e) machine shutter. Also general results may be altered
by difference in the decoration of the theater auditorium; in
the border surrounding the screen; in the length and width
of the theatre; in the distance of the screen from the audi-
torium proper; in the size of the screen; in the angle of the
throw, or in other things. In fact these many and varying
equations make it absolutely impossible to realize the true
value of a screen surface by the plan of going from one
theatre to another, depending on the eye alone to judge
relative values. For example, changing from a small screen
to a large screen will cause the "picture light" to appear, by
comparison, less brilliant, assuming other conditions to be
equal in both cases. A change from a screen of 100 square
feet area to one of 200 square feet area will cause the large
screen, if the two surfaces be alike, to appear 50 per cent,
less brilliant than the smaller.
It is even impossible accurately to judge of different screen
surfaces by projecting a picture on one screen and then sub-
stituting the other therefor, projecting upon it the same
picture. This by reason of the fact that the light may not
be the same. Something may have happened to drop the
supply voltage slightly, which would effect the amperage at
the arc, and hence the light. The operator may not have his
carbons adjusted precisely the same in both instances, which
would or might cause a change in the screen brilliancy. In
view of these facts the only right way is the one I have sug-
gested. That kind of test is absolutely fair to everybody
and it is not a difficult one to make either.
I would most emphatically warn the operator and manager
of the danger of judging hastily as between screen sur-
faces. I would also caution managers and operators against
the too ready acceptance of the statements of salesmen as
gospel truth. Salesmen are employed to sell goods, and some of
them, I am sorry to say, don't always confine themselves to
statements which the facts will bear out.
As a matter of fact I now have an instance before me in
which an exhibitor paid $75.50 for a screen. It was a good
screen, too, the surface being guaranteed for five years. But
not very long after it was installed along came a nice, smooth-
talking artist, in the shape of a salesman for another brand of
screen. Now this other brand of screen was not one iota
better, even if it was really as good, as the screen the man
already had, yet, as absurd as it seems, the salesman actually
talked the manager into paying $225 for a new screen. The
part of this which makes the transaction particularly dis-
honest is the fact that the new screen could unquestionably
have been sold at a good profit for the same price he paid
for his other one, viz: $75.50. Verily there seems to be a
new sucker born every minute, and some of these are found
in moving picture theatre managerial capacities.
The time will, I presume, come when the screen business
will settle down to a solid basis, and some type of screen
surface will be found to be best and become standard. At
the present time, however, I cannot do more than point out
to theatre managers and to operators the necessity for demand-
ing that screen salesmen give them at least reasonable proof
of the correctness of their statements, and that proof is best
given by actual demonstration as before outlined. It is not at
all impossible for a screen salesman to carry with him a
sample surface large enough to cover half of any ordinary
theatre screen. Make him hang the sample up over half of
your screen and show you, always remembering that a new,
clean screen surface is, of course, somewhat more brilliant than
one you have been using for a year or two. Don't attempt to
judge from a small sample, however. Make him cover one-half
of your screen with his sample.
As a matter of fact, when it comes right down to absolute
accuracy, it would be necessary to build a screen to meet the
requirements of each individual house, but this is, of course,
impractical, nor would the added benefit justify the necessary
amount of labor and extra expense involved.
Light. As stated, the only function of the screen is to re-
flect light. Therefore, in order to understand results emanat-
ing from a certain screen surface we must first understand a
few of the many laws governing light action. Light travels
at the almost incomprehensible speed of 192,000 miles a
second. This speed is such that we have no way of controlling
it; therefore its speed cannot be altered. This is an item
that is of no interest to the operator, except as a matter of
general information. There are two kinds of reflection, viz:
Regular Reflection and Diffuse Reflection. Regular reflec-
tion occurs when light strikes a smooth, polished surface and
is not broken up and scattered, as, for instance, the reflection
from a looking glass. Example: We see ourselves in a
mirror because light reflects from our face to the glass, and
comes from the glass into our eyes without being scattered
or diffused.
Diffuse reflection occurs when light comes to the eye from
a body which has a roughened, unpolished surface, which by
reason of its roughness, scatters or diffuses the light rays.
Reason for the Haze. Surfaces which have, to a certain
extent, both the elements of polish and roughness, reflect
both regular and diffuse reflection, and thus produces a haze,
by reason of the fact that the regular reflection is superim-
posed over or upon the diffused reflection. This is a pecul-
iarity of the polished metallic screen surface, and explains the
reason for the failure of many home-made metallic surface
Light Travels in Straight Lines. Light rays travel from
their source to a surface in perfectly straight lines, and when
the light is reflected from a surface to the eye it again
travels in perfectly straight lines, providing, of course, the
air or space between be a perfectly transparent medium, of
uniform density. Light may travel from one surface to an-
other several times, and the direction of its rays change in
each instance, but the traveling is, nevertheless, always, subject
to change of density in the medium, in straight lines.
When light strikes a roughened surface, the minute rough-
ened elements, which we may term "peaks and depressions,"
will cause it to scatter and reflect in all directions. The direc-
tion of the reflected rays depend upon the angle of these minute
peaks or depressions, and upon their location with reference
to the source of light. "Picture light" projected upon a
screen is reflected from the screen into the eye from the vari-
ous peaks and depressions upon the screen surface, and is
scattered in a narrow or wide angle in exact proportion to
their size.
Peaks and Depressions. These peaks and depressions are
small, and, as a general proposition, invisible to the naked
eye. A single ray of light is of exceedingly small dimensions.
Scientists tell us that a bundle composed of thirty-six light
rays has the same area as that of an ordinary human hair.
The peaks and depressions which scatter light may be just as
minute as is the diameter of a light ray. It is not to be
understood that I am referring to a surface so rough that
the human eye can see the roughness. A surface may have
a rough matte appearance, and yet the minute elements in
that surface may be very smooth, and therefore not cause
perfect diffusion of the light, whereas a surface which may
appear smooth to the eye might be of such character that it
would scatter light rays in all directions, and thus create per-
fect diffusion. In other words light .rays and elements of
surface that scatter light are both almost of an infinitely
small dimension.
Matte Surfaces. It must be understood that, given the
peaks and depressions, as above set forth, there is an added
value and a very decided added value if the surface of the
screen be also visibly roughened, that is to say, if it be of a
matte character. This matte or visible roughness is not an
absolute necessity, provided the smooth surface be of the
proper character, but it is nevertheless eminently desirable
since it adds very materially in the production of a perfect
picture. True, the matte surface has little or nothing to do
with the actual diffusion of light, but nevertheless it per-
forms another important function, in that it enables the eye
to see the picture more clearly and in greater detail when
viewed from a side angle.
Interfering Light. One of the prolific causes of failure to
secure clearness, brilliancy and beauty in the picture is what
may be termed "interfering light." Interfering light is any
light other than "picture light" which strikes the surface of
the screen. It may be caused by (a) stray light beams from
the operating room, which strike the wall or ceiling and are
reflected to the screen. These rays usually emanate from the
condenser; they can be and by all means should be elimi-
nated, (b) Daylight, which is a most prolific cause of poor
results at matinee performances. It is amazing how little at-
tention managers and operators pay to the thorough excluding
of daylight from the auditorium at matinee performances. Any
daylight which reaches the screen, no matter how slight
in amount, is distinctly detrimental to the picture. That
is an absolute fact, which it seems to me any operator
or manager ought to realize and understand, (c) House
lights improperly arranged, or improperly shaded. This is
another point concerning which some managers display an
astonishing amount of crass ignorance or carelessness or
both. I have actually gone into a theatre of considerable
pretension, charging a good admission price, and found
the white light from incandescent lamps shining directly on
the screen, or found the white light shaded from the screen
but glaring directly into the eyes of the audience. I do not
care to take up the matter of house lighting here, but under
the proper heading these things will be dealt with and such
information as is available will be given on the subject of
house lighting.
Exhibitors and operators should be continually examining the
screen, keeping a sharp lookout for stray light. They can only
do this best when the projecting machine is not working no
picture or projection light on the screen. The screen should
then look the same all over, with absolutely no shadows.
After having examined the screen, with the entrance doors
closed, open them and see whether there is any difference,
and whether, when the entrance and exit doors are swung
open, shadows appear on the screen. If so, then the neces-
sary steps should be taken to exclude the rays which cause
these shadows. A few screens or double doors will very
likely remedy the matter, remembering always that at matinee
performances the shades on the windows must be absolutely
light tight in order to get the best effect. This is best accom-
plished by tight fitting wood or metal shutters, though two
dark-colored shades, with their edges running in grooves not
less than one inch deep, will serve. One will do fairly well,
but is likely to develop pinholes; two are much better.
Standing beside the screen, looking toward the auditorium,
there should be no light visible to the eye at any point. If
there is, then that light is reaching the screen and doing injury
to the projection.
Indirect lighting has been one of the best aids in elimina-
ting stray light from incandescent lamps, but it is often improp-
erly installed, and in many instances an indirect lighting fixture
reflecting light against the ceiling and thence to the screen will
cause more interfering light than any other possible installation.
This by reason of the general practice of allowing too many
and wrongly located fixtures to be illuminated during the show,
and too much illumination per fixture. See "Lighting Audi-
Tolerably dark wall decorations are a great aid in elimina-
ting stray light; also they are more restful to the eye. Dark
colors, such as green, give the picture greater contrast, and
absorb interfering light. Daylight, however, is not only the most
difficult of all stray light to exclude, but is also the hardest to
absorb, and in hundreds of instances its presence robs the picture
of beauty and detail. Dark decorations on the walls, however,
can easily be carried to excess. There is room for good
judgment and common sense here. It won't do to make the
theatre gloomy; there is an extreme both ways.
Distribution of Light. The screen not only reflects light
to the eye located at one point, but the degree of roughness
in its surface causes the distribution of light in all directions
toward and throughout the auditorium of the theatre, so that
the picture becomes visible from every point therein, and
if the screen surface be such that distribution is even, then
the picture will be as bright from one point as it will from
In fact one of the important points of difference which ap-
pears when comparing various screen surfaces is the difference
in the direction these surfaces reflect the picture light.
We may properly divide screen surfaces into four classes,
viz: three classes of direct projection screens and one class
of rear projection screens.
First: A White Wall or Sheet. These surfaces were in
general use for many years, and are still used to a large ex-
tent, particularly in the smaller towns. The white sheet
should be made of a reasonably good grade of bleached mus-
lin, which may be had as wide as 108 inches. It must be
stretched perfectly tight and be entirely free from sags and
wrinkles. The plaster wall needs no description. It must,
of course, be perfectly flat and finished with a white, hard
When light strikes the white wall or sheet the peaks and
depressions are so large, as compared with the wave length
of light, that the light is reflected in very wide angles, and on
this account a great proportion of the light is lost to the
auditorium proper. The proof of this is that a white wall
will appear brighter when one is up close to it or to the side
of it than will any other screen, whereas it will appear darker
in front and from the various points in the auditorium of the
theatre. A metallized screen, or mirror screen placed against
such a surface, will show a very great difference in brilliance
of illumination. Therefore it is not possible to secure any
very high percentage of efficiency with a white wall or
cloth screen, as compared with the efficiency secured with
semi-reflecting screen surfaces, because much of the light
from the wall or sheet is not reflected to the viewing space
of the auditorium, but in other directions.
Second: Metallized Screens. Screen surfaces coated with
various secret compounds containing more or less aluminum
or other metallic substances are now quite popular. Metallic
screens have for their base some kind of cloth, to which is
applied a preparation containing a percentage of aluminum
or bronze, though as a matter of fact in some of the modern
"metal" surfaces but little actual metal is used. Screeni
also have been made from tinfoil, attached to cloth and
coated with celluloid. This formed the surface of the "Day
arid Night" screen which was exploited for a considerable time.
Bronzes and aluminum paints are difficult and impractical to
apply in such manner as to secure perfect light diffusion, and
the exhibitor should always buy such screens from reliable
manufacturers who make a study of the preparation of such
surfaces, and who usually supply stretching devices which allow
of the screen being properly installed.
Results from metallized surface screens depend upon the
character of the surface. Evidence that the peaks and de-
pressions on many metallic surface screens are smaller than
on a white wall or sheet may be had by viewing the surface
with a microscope, and when this is the fact, the effect is
visible to the eye by viewing the screen from an angle and
noticing the difference in the amount of light reflected from
the side and the amount reflected straight back. You will
usually find that away up to one side the "picture light" be-
comes weaker, but as you go in front of the screen, at some
distance away, it becomes very bright.
For a wide house a special surface should be made which
will distribute light at rather a wide angle, while for a nar-
row house the highest efficiency is produced by a brilliant
surface which concentrates the light to a narrow viewing
The reflection of light by the screen is just as difficult and
important an optical problem as is the projection of the pic-
ture itself, and even as a lens which projects, a 9 by 12 picture
at a certain distance does not and cannot project a 16 foot
picture at the same distance, a screen which reflects evenly at
a narrow angle cannot at the same time reflect evenly at a wide
Third: Mirror Screens. This surface consists of a sheet of
plateglass, the back of which is coated precisely the same as
is an ordinary plateglass mirror. After the back has been
silvered, its face is ground to a dull finish, which is made
rough or smooth, according to the conditions under which it
is to work. The light is caught on the ground face, goes
through, strikes the silver at the rear surface, and is reflected
back to the rough finish. This has the effect of producing
very high efficiency, or, in other words, a very high brilliancy
for a given amount of projected light. The mirror screen is
packed and shipped in a permanent frame, and is all ready
to install when received.
A picture projected upon a plain lookingglass would not
be visible to the eye because the polished surface will reflect
to the eye rays from all points so located that a line drawn half
way between the eye and the object and at right angles to
another line drawn from the eye to the object will strike the
mirror. Therefore since the picture comes from the lens,
instead of an image of the picture you merely get a reflec-
tion of the bright spot light at the lens and an image of the
auditorium, as a whole. In order that the picture become
visible on the screen, it is necessary that diffuse reflection be
substituted for direct reflection, or, in other words, that the
picture light be "broken up," and this is accomplished by
grinding the surface of the glass to a dull finish.
The manufacturer claims that the mirror screen produces
two ideal results, viz: first, the surface may, within reason-
able limits, be made with either large or small peaks and
depressions, so that for a wide house the light is distributed
at a wide angle, whereas with a narrow auditorium it is con-
centrated to a narrow viewing angle. Second, the surface is
perfectly dull, without shine, and as a consequence only dif-
fuse reflection is present, the same as on a dull, white wall,
therefore a clear-cut, clean picture results.
To sum up matters pertaining to the mirror screen, it may
be said that if the screen be properly selected with reference
to local conditions high-class results should be obtained by
its use. It is costly, but is in the nature of a permanent in-
vestment, since, barring highly improbable accident of break-
age, it :'s to all intents and purposes indestructible, and once
installed should require no attention whatever for many
years, except an occasional cleaning, which is not at all diffi-
cult and consumes but little time. The mirror screen is
peculiarly adapted for use in very long auditoriums because of
the fact that a person with average eyesight will see a perfect
picture even when several hundred feet away from a mirror
Transparent Screens. The transparent screen must be
made of translucent material, so that the machine can be
placed at its rear or back side and the picture be viewed by
the audience in the auditorium through the screen. The image
appears on both sides of the curtain, but appears "backward"
to the operator.
The film is placed in the machine with the emulsion side to-
zvard the screen, instead of toward the light as in ordinary pro-
It is possible to use ordinary cheese cloth or thin muslin
for this purpose, but if this is done the machine must of
necessity be set lower than the screen and "shoot upward,"
nor can such a screen be used at all where there is a gallery
in the theatre. The reason for this is that if any portion of
the audience sit in suc'h position that the eyes will be in
line with any portion of the picture and the lens, they will
see the bright lens spot through the screen.
The translucent screen, however, breaks up this bright
spot and renders it invisible. If a cloth screen be used tbe
result will be greatly improved if it is kept wet with water.
The best screen for rear projection is ground glass, which
lends itself particularly well to rear projection, because there
is but slight loss of light, and furthermore the surface may
be ground, fine or coarse as desired, in order to distribute at
wide or narrow angles for a wide or narrow house. A fairly
satisfactory transparent screen is made from tracing cloth,
the worst difficulty being that it cannot be obtained suffi-
ciently wide, and must of necessity contain a seam, which
will show more or less in the picture in spite of anything
one can do.
Rear projection is, however, not very much used. It pre-
sents advantages where conditions are such that it can be
used properly, but in four cases out of five where it is at-
tempted there is too short a throw to get the best results.
In fact it is usually employed as a makeshift. Properly
used, that is to say where the distance from machine to
screen will be such that an objective lens of not less than 4
inch E. F. will be required, rear projection on a glass or
other high-class translucent screen comes pretty near being
ideal, since the operating room, with its noise, heat and fire
risk, is located entirely away from the audience, and pre-
sumably outside the theatre.
If this be done, and the operating room be located in a
separate structure, it will be necessary to locate the screen
in an opening in the theatre wall, and this opening must be
protected by a sheet of plate glass, outside the screen, with
the space between it and the screen closed in tightly to form
a dead air space. Otherwise there is apt to be trouble with
frost in winter. It is also necessary to protect the light ray
from rain and snow if it shoots across an open air space.
Rear projection is seldom employed under these conditions,
The question is often asked of the writer: Can we locate
a transparent screen at the proscenium line, set the projec-
tor at the rear of the stage and get a good picture? The
answer is no! It is never advisable to attempt the projection
of a picture of a size suitable for theatre work with less than
50 feet from lens to screen, and 40 feet may be considered
as an absolute minimum, understanding, however, that really
high-class results cannot be had at 40 feet unless the picture
be much smaller than is suitable for a theatre. Another
objection to this plan is that it brings the front seats too
close to the screen.
Eye Strain. About thirty-five people in every hundred
avoid the picture theatre either on account of eye strain or be-
cause they fear injury to their eyes. Eye strain in moving
picture theatres may, broadly speaking, be attributel to four
First (and greatest) : Flicker and Unsteady Light. In this
case the retina of the eye expands and contracts so rapidly,
in attempting to adapt itself to the changing light intensity
of the screen,) that the muscles of accommodation are sub-
jected to terrific strain. This sort of eye strain is so obvious
and so well understood that comment seems almost unneces-
sary. As light becomes stronger or weaker the pupil of the
eye expands or contracts. It is nature's way of regulating
the amount of light reaching the retina of the eye. When
this change occurs continuously and rapidly, however, the
strain is highly injurious. In this connection it may be said
that in nine cases out of ten where there is an objectionable
flicker it can be eliminated, or at least very greatly reduced,
if the operator understands his business, and is able to match
his shutter-setting and width of blades to local conditions.
The screen itself, as such, never produces flicker, but where a
screen of comparatively low efficiency is used and a screen of
the same area but of higher efficiency is installed using the
same amperage, this tendency to flicker will be increased by rea-
son of the added brilliancy of the light. The period of dark-
ness remains the same, but the light is much more brilliant,
hence there is increased contrast. If the brilliancy of the
picture were reduced to its former value by cutting down
the amperage, it would be found that the flicker would be
neither greater nor less than it was before.
It may be stated as a fact, that, in this day of improved pro-
jection apparatus, a pronounced flicker is inexcusable. Either
there is something wrong with the knowledge of the operator,
with the condition the projector is working under, or the speed
of projection is too slow.
Second: Eye strain may be and is caused by lack of defi-
nition in the picture, which, in turn, may be due to a dirty
lens, a badly matched lens system, or to a poor objective,
to poor condenser, or to fault inherent in the film itself. On
this account it is of very great importance that lenses of good
quality be used, that they be kept perfectly clean, and that
the operator have his picture in absolute focus at all times.
It is also important that manufacturers send out no film
which, through inherent fault, cannot be projected with per-
fect sharpness. See Page 152.
Third: Eye strain will be caused by poorly illuminated, in-
distinct or jumping pictures. An intensely absorbing picture
story will cause the audience to strain every effort to catch
every phase, every word, every expression of the face and
action of the artist on the screen. Sometimes an apt expres-
sion, though slight in detail, will change the entire meaning
of what the actor seeks to portray. We try to see, and, by
reason of dimness or "jumpiness" of this film, strain our eyes
iti the effort.
We read the picture story just as zve do a book, and if we
attempt to read a book in poor light or when it is shaking or
moving, the result is strain upon the eye, which is entirely avoid-
able by simply moving into a better light and holding the book
still. This is only a matter of plain common sense, and needs
no argument in its support.
Precisely the same thing applies in projection, only instead of
"moving into better light" we get the same effect by project-
ing more light to the screen, and instead of "holding the
book still" we prevent the film from jumping.
Fourth: Eye strain is often caused by the use of too large
a screen, with a portion of the seats placed too near it. For
example: we breathe by unconscious motion, exactly as the
eyt automatically changes its position to focus itself upon the
exact point we wish to see, without any special mental effort
on our part. If we sit near a large screen* the eye will
naturally try to follow the film story, and in so doing will
move all over the surface of the screen, moving continuously
and very rapidly. Just imagine the gymnastics the eye is
called upon to perform under such conditions. I venture the
assertion that a glass eye would not stand up very long under
that sort of treatment, much less the delicate organism of the
human eye.
Flat Surfaces Location. It goes without saying that what-
ever the surface of the screen be composed of it should be
perfectly true and flat, without wrinkles, bumps or uneven
places; also it should be set as nearly as possible with its
center level with and in line sidewise with the lens. This
latter condition is not always practical of accomplishment, nor
is an angle of projection which does not exceed 25 per cent
(3 inches to the foot or IS inches in 60) very seriously
objectionable, though a side throw is highly so.
The practice of some large houses in placing the projection
machine at the top of a very high gallery and angling down
at about 45 degrees toward the screen is a very, very bad
one. It causes keystone effect, and, even allowing that this
may be eliminated by filling in the machine aperture, the
distortion of the picture is still there and is not pleasing to
the eye. Many attempt to compensate for this by leaning
the top of the screen back a little, but if it is leaned much
more than twelve inches from the perpendicular the appear-
ance is unsatisfactory, especially from the main floor. Locat-
ing the operating room thus wrongly is usually due directly
to the fact that the exhibitor refuses to sacrifice seating
space on the main floor in a lower balcony. He prefers the
permanent injury of his projection to the sacrifice of a few
seats. The operating room could usually, by proper plan-
ning, be placed in a lower balcony or even on the main floor.
The gain in excellence of projection would far more than
compensate for the few seats lost. Its exterior walls could
easily be decorated in such manner that its appearance would
not be at all objectionable, and, in general, as I have said, the
results would be far more satisfactory.
Tinted Screen Surfaces. At this writing (last half of 1915)
it is very much the fashion for screen manufacturers to tint
the surface of their screens. Some manufacturers put out
several surfaces, such as plain metallic, flesh tint, faint
yellow, etc. The author is not in accord with this practice.
While freely granting that tinting the surface of the screen
may and probably will have the effect of softening the tone
of the picture, still he does not believe there is anything so
beautiful *as the plain black and white projection, with a
pure white light and as nearly as possible a pure white
screen surface. The only tinting he believes in is the ad-
dition of a little blue to the white when mixing a screen
paint or calcimine, this being for the purpose of rendering
the white paint still more white, just as the laundryman adds
bluing to the rinsing water in order to make the clothes
more white. You will therefore see that this sort of tinting
simply follows out the author's idea of making the screen
as white as it is possible to get it.
Let it be noted, however, that I am willing to give due
credit to the ideas and opinions of others, and in this matter
simply express my own individual opinion.
Outlining the Picture. It is wonderful what a difference
in effect is produced by giving the picture a proper border
or outline. There is nothing so effective for this as a soft,
velvety black, such as is produced by ordinary dry lamp-
black, mixed with one-third linseed oil and two-thirds tur-
pentine. This form of outline is shown in Fig. 69. In
order to outline the picture thus proceed as follows: Get the
light from both machines registered on the screen exactly
where you want it, and then with the plain white light pro-
jected to the screen draw a pencil line about 2 inches inside
the light all around, making the corners round, just as the
light is on the screen. Now shut off the light and paint
all the screen on the outside of the line black. This sort of
outline adds very greatly to the brilliancy of the picture.
Where the black border is used there is not only less
distraction for the eye, but the effect of added light brill-
iancy is 'had without its actuality. This is of very distinct
advantage, since every increase in actual light brilliancy
has a tendency, to accentuate any tendency there may be to
flicker. With very brilliant light and normal speed of the
projector, even the more modern three-wing shutters do not
entirely get rid of the flicker. By the use of a black outline
the picture appears much more brilliant, owing to contrast,
whereas it actually remains exactly as it was, and thus the
effect of added brilliancy is attained without flicker increase.
The black border cannot be used, however, where a stere-
opticon picture having a height greater than the height of
the moving picture is to be projected on the same screen;
also it must be remembered that the paint for the border must
be dull black without any gloss at all.
The reason for allowing the picture to lap over on the
black is that it greatly minimizes the effect of any movement
Figure 69.
of the picture on the screen; also it hides any vibration
there may be in the machine aperture itself. Such vibration
should not be present, but sometimes, owing to a poorly
constructed operating room floor, it is.
Where the screen is set back on the stage the better plan
is to outline the screen with black, as above set forth, and
then from its outer edge stretch black cloth having a per-
fectly dull finish (velvet is best, though rather expensive),
to the inside edge of the proscenium wall on both sides and
above, thus forming a sort of funnel. If rightly done, the
cloth preferably being in pleats or folds it is very effective,
and sets off the picture splendidly. The stage floor in front
of the screen should also be painted dull black.
Black may be objected to as too somber and there is foun-
dation for this objection. Black, however, is best from the
projectional point of view, but other dark colors may be sub-
stituted, such as green, violet, lavender or old gold, and instead
of forming a funnel a more or less elaborate arrangement or
stage setting may be preferred. In fact the possible combina-
tions are limitless, but stick to dark colors, with at least a two
foot band of dead black next the picture.
Locating the Screen in Front of the House, that is to say,
at the end where the audience enters, ivith the operating room
at the rear end of the auditorium, is bad practice, and unless
required by local law should not for one moment be considered.
The effect is bad in every zvay.
Those entering and going out must perforce pass beside
the screen, which has the effect of constantly distracting at-
tention from the picture. The idea which has caused the
lawmakers of some localities to enact ordinances requiring
this sort of screen location is based on the view that in case
of fire in the operating room the audience will not be obliged
to pass near it and therefore will not become panic-stricken.
That argument sounds very nice; also it looks well in print. The
only fault that could possibly be found with it is that it
doesn't work out in practice. If an operating room fire occurs
with the operating room near the entrance of the theatre
the audience hestitates to some extent to pass it, and is,
to just that extent, deterred from making a rush, but if the
operating room is located at the other end and a fire occurs,
good night! Somebody yells fire: There is nothing in the
world to stop them. They make one grand rush and pile
up in a heap at the entrance. Result: many injured, and prob-
ably some killed. There is no earthly necessity for such
laws, anyway. If the operating room be rightly constructed,
equipped with a proper vent flue and has a properly ar-
ranged shutter system, you can burn several reels of film
therein and the audience will never know there is a fire.
// our distinguished lawmakers would pay more attention to the
proper arrangement of the vent flue and fire shutters of the
operating room t and not so much to foolish ideas of this sort,
it would be much better for all concerned.
Where the screen is located on the stage and the house
is a short one, say less than 75 feet in depth, it is much
better to set the screen back as far as you can get it without
seriously interfering with the view from extreme side seats.
Those in the rear will still be close enough to have an ideal
view, while those in the front rows and at the side of the
auditorium will have a vastly improved view over what it
would be if the screen was at the proscenium line.
Where Vaudeville Is Used. In many theatres where a
mixed performance is given it is necessary that the screen be
placed near the curtain line, in order that the stage may be
set while the picture is being run. The majority of houses
of this kind use a plain cloth drop, usually outlined in black.
Such a screen will sway with every breeze, or will move
when touched by stage hands working at its rear. A much
better plan would be to frame this drop substantially, though
lightly, and back it with light lumber. At either side
grooves can be arranged so that the screen will always set
precisely in the same spot when lowered, and will at all
times be perfectly flat. All this is entirely practical, and
should be carried out, though it, of course, applies only to
houses having a fly loft. Such a screen would be tolerably
heavy, but could easily be counterweighted to handle with
perfect ease.
Height Above the Floor. The height of the screen above
the floor must be governed by circumstances, but where
there is a stage I believe the general effect is best if the
bottom of the picture be located quite near the stage floor.
True, there is a distinct advantage in locating the picture
high up on the wall, since it does away with the obstruction
to the view caused by persons seated in front. Such a
location, however, also has serious disadvantages, which,
in my opinion, far more than outweigh the gain. The
disadvantage is that the picture is not shown in the normal
level position in which we are accustomed to look at such
scenes in real life. It has, I think, a decided tendency to
emphasize in our mind the fact that we are looking at. a
picture, and not a real performance. Everything considered,
I believe that locating the bottom of the picture at as nearly
as practical six feet above the auditorium will usually be
Size of Picture. Much has been said, and many arguments
have been advanced for and against the large and the small
picture. The question is just as strongly debated today as
it ever was. Personally, I do not believe there is or ever will
be any set rule as to the picture size which can always be
followed to advantage. The photograph, as projected through
the machine aperture, has very considerably less than one
square inch of area. We therefore see that the magnifica-
tion is, in any event, enormous, and we must remember that
Every defect in photography, every movement of the film, and
every scratch mark and jump is magnified as the size of the
picture is increased. Also we must remember that as the size
of the picture is increased the light strength must also be rapidly
increased, if the brilliancy of picture is to remain- as it was.
You have a light strength produced by 30 amperes D. C.,
let us assume. You are projecting a 12 foot picture. This
means that the light is distributed over 108 square feet of
area. Suppose you increase the size to 16 feet. You now
have 192 square feet of surface almost double that of the
12 foot picture; hence the curtain brilliancy obtained from
your light is decreased by almost one half. You must in-
crease the amperage very greatly to secure illumination
equal to that of the 12 foot picture. You will therefore see
that a large picture is costly, in current consumption or in
sacrifice of brilliancy. See Page 165. A 12 foot picture is con-
sidered as being "life size." A picture of this size is, to one of
normal vision, perfectly distinct in all its details 75 or even
100 feet away, or much further if it be a mirror screen. It
is seldom there is any real reason for projecting a larger
picture, so far as ability of the audience to see the details
of the picture b concerned. It must, however, be granted
that in a large house a 12 foot picture seems somewhat out
of proportion, especially if the screen be located on a large
One other very important factor enters, viz: ability of
those in the rear seats clearly to see the faces of the actors,
this by reason of the fact that in the silent drama very much
often depends upon facial expression. The glance of an eye
or some movement of the features may change the whole
However, again no rule can be given which will apply to
all cases. With a high grade lens and a perfectly sharp,
brilliant picture these things are clearly discernible under
conditions which would render them almost invisible with
weak light or poor, "fuzzy" definition.
The size may be increased very greatly, but it is always
at the expense before mentioned. The possible limit depends
on local conditions, and how much you are willing to expend
for current and good lenses; also mirror screens do not ex-
ceed 13^2 by \8 l /2 feet in size. For a throw of 50 feet, fifteen
feet ought to be the limit, since with a wider picture optical
difficulties are encountered. A very short focal length pro-
jection lens is required to project a wide picture on a short
throw, and such lenses seldom give sharp definition. With
a throw of 75 feet, an 18-foot picture is as large as it is
well to attempt. At 100 feet almost any size you can illumi-
nate may be projected. To put the matter concisely, I do
not advise the use of a projection lens of less than 4 inch
equivalent focus. This matter will, however, be treated
more exhaustively under "Lenses." Mr. Frank Rembusch,
who has made a study of such matters, says :
"If a screen is too large, an elongation of faces and figures
results, especially on a short throw, where the house is short.
If the screen is too small the results also are not satisfactory.
To some extent, of course, it is a matter of taste, but after
consulting the best authorities, together with inquiries among
lens manufacturers as to what can be done, I have arrived
at the following opinion: A house 25 feet wide and 75 feet
long should have a screen about 9 feet by 12 feet, and the
longer or wider house in this proportion. For instance, a
house 40 feet wide and 100 feet long should have about a
12 by 16 screen; a house 25 feet wide and 125 feet long should
have about an 11.6 by 15.4 screen. No screen should be
larger than 12 by 16, except where the first row of seats in
front can be located at least 30 feet distant therefrom,
and the throw is not less than 125 feet. Here is your limit.
"A larger screen will cause eye strain up close, and with a
shorter throw will cause elongation of the faces and figures, and
a distortion of the pictures."
Certainly friend Rembusch is rather extreme in his state-
ment that it is not well to attempt the projection of a pic-
ture larger than 16 feet at less than 125 feet. I am of the
opinion that a practically perfect 18-foot picture may be
projected at 100 feet (5% inch E. F. lens), or even a little
less. His other statements I agree with, however.
Coatings. Many managers, particularly in the smaller
towns, and, to some extent in the small theatres of the
larger cities, prefer to use a home-made screen, which they
construct of cloth, plaster, and occasionally of metal. I have
already set forth the relative points of excellence as between
the cloth, plaster, metallized and mirror surfaces, to which
I will add the further remark that cloth, or plaster properly
coated, gives as artistic a projection as it is possible to
produce on any surface. The difference between it and the
more costly screen is found in the fact that with the latter
surfaces much greater brilliancy is had for a given amperage
than is possible with either cloth or plaster.
The traveling exhibitor, as a general proposition, uses an
uncoated cloth "sheet," but where cloth is used in a perma-
nent location it should be stretched very tightly on some sort
of frame, coated with a size made by dissolving a good
grade of glue in warm water. I do not remember the exact
amount, but, at a guess, would say about one pound of good
glue to an ordinary pailfull of water. When the sizing is
thoroughly dry the screen may receive its final coating,
which may be (a) white lead or zinc ground in oil (to be had
at any paint store), mixed about in the proportion of one-
fourth boiled linseed oil and three-fourths turpentine, to
which has been added just a little ultramarine or prussian
blue not much, but just enough to give the paint a rather
pronounced bluish tint while in the pot. It will look per-
fectly white on the screen, (b) One of the patent white
calcimines, such as muralite, alabastine, etc., also to be had
at any paint store. No matter whether paint or calcimine
is used give the curtain two or three coats, rather than one
heavy one, and be sure there are no brushmarks when the
job is finished. After the final coat has dried, outline the
screen in black, as already directed. See Page 178.
Where a plaster screen is used I would recommend that
it be of cement finish, rather than ordinary hard coat, be-
cause the cement may be calcimined and the calcimine
washed off and renewed many times without in any way
affecting the underlying surface. The plaster or cement
should be coated with one of the patent calcimines as before
mentioned even though the surface be plaster. The cal-
cimine will give a considerable better projection surface
than will the plaster itself.
Caution. Do not imagine you can coat a cloth or plaster
screen with calcimine or paint and use it indefinitely without
doing anything more to it.
I would very strongly recommend that where a plaster
calcimine coated screen is used, it be washed off and re-
coated at least once every sixty days. It may look clean and
bright, but you may take it from me, it is not. The wall paper
or calcimine on the ceiling of your home may look perfectly
clean, but rub your damp finger on it and see if it is; per-
haps the result will astonish you. The same thing applies to
the screen. Calcimine is cheap. My advice is to USE IT FRE-
Paint may be washed, if it is carefully done, but it is not
the same as new. I much prefer calcimine to paint on a
plaster surface, but if paint is used, the plaster should be first
thoroughly sized.
Caution. Don't attempt to make home-made metal surface
screens by applying aluminum to cloth or plaster. There is
about one chance in a hundred that you will get anything even
approaching satisfactory results. Calcimine or paint is much
better than ninety-nine out of every hundred home-made alu-
minum screens.
The Mirror Screen. The salient points concerning the
niirror surface made by the Mirror Screen Company, Shelby-
ville, Ind., have already been set forth. The screen is a
high class article, and has many enthusiastic suporters among
exhibitors. It gives a very brilliant picture per ampere of
current used. It is expensive in first cost, but will last
practically forever. The surface must be very carefully
selected with reference to the conditions under which it is to
work. For the long, narrow house, get a smooth finish, but
for a wide house get it just as rough as possible. It comes
all packed in a box, ready for installation. Its surface can be
washed perfectly in a few moments. The silver backing is
guaranteed against deterioration.
There are nine different mirror screen surfaces, designed
for use in theatres of varying dimensions. Mirror screens
have been in use in theatres for several years. Therefore
they have been thoroughly tested as to their efficiency, and,
as already stated, when properly selected with reference
to local conditions results from them are excellent. They
may be had in the following widths: 8 feet, 8 feet 8 inches,
9 feet 4 inches, 10 feet 8 inches, 11 feet 4 inches, 12 feet,
12 feet 8 inches, 13 feet 4 inches, 14 feet, 14 feet 8 inches,
15 feet 4 inches, 16 feet, 16 feet 8 inches, 17 feet, 17 feet 4
inches, 17 feet 8 inches, and 18 feet. The last four widths
require slot cars for their shipment. They are made as small
as required, but 8 feet is about the minimum used in theatri-
cal work.
When exhibitors erect a theatre and contemplate installing
a mirror screen they should remember that the screen must
be brought in before the walls are closed in, as it is all in
one piece. The 8-foot screen is 6 feet high, with probably
a foot added to that for packing, and in an old house it may
be necessary to cut a slot in the wall, over a door or else-
where, to get a mirror screen in.
The prices range from $135 for an 8-foot screen to $1,000
for the 18 footer.
The same company also manufactures metallic surface
screens of various kinds, made of seamless cloth, and the
surface is guaranteed against deterioration for a period of
five years.
Simpson Solar Screen. One of the oldest metallic surface
screen surfaces on the market is the Simpson Solar Screen,
manufactured by the Simpson Solar Screen Company, New
York City. This surface is of pure, carefully selected alumi-
num. Each screen is hand-made, and the surface thus pro-
duced gives sharp contrast as between the whites and blacks;
also it gives great brilliancy to the whites.
The screen is made in one piece up to twelve feet in width.
The author can vouch for the excellence in results from this
surface. It is guaranteed against peeling, tarnishing or other
defect for a period of five years, and its manufacturers assure
me that the guarantee will be made good.
The surface is slightly, though not heavily matte. The
reflection is entirely diffuse, there being no direct reflection,
therefore no haze.
The Mirroroid Screen. The J. H. Center Company, New-
burgh, N. Y., manufactures the mirroroid screen, which is a
product familiar to exhibitors pretty much all over the coun-
try. Mirroroid screens have a matte surface. The com-
parative matte of the various mirroroid surfaces is shown
in Fig. 70, which is a full size photograp'h of samples of
the material. In the opinion of the writer the rough surfaces
are best adapted for use in wide houses, and it is his opinion
that, w.hereas the matte or visible roughness of the surface
has little or nothing to do with the actual diffusion of light,
still it has a very beneficial effect in enabling the spectator
who views the picture at a side angle to get a good detail
of the picture. There is a distinct difference in the effect
produced by the visible roughness of the matte surface,
and in the effect produced by the invisible peaks and de-
pressions before described. One produces light diffusion and
the other gives detail to the picture when viewed from an
angle, or, at least, that is my opinion. Each is of impor-
tance to perfect projection.
Mirroroid screens have given very general satisfaction,
and can be recommended to the consideration of exhibitors
who are looking for a good article. They come in a variety
of tints, such as plain "metallic surface," "silver white,"
"flesh" tint, etc., and the surfaces are guaranteed against
deterioration for a period of five years. They are seamless
up to about 11 feet wide and above that a special treatment
tends to render the seam invisible.
Figure 70.
The Minusa. The Minusa Cine Products Company, St.
Louis, is putting out various types of metallic surfaces, its
specialty being the Minusa Gold Fibre Screen. This com-
pany produces screens, some of which have very rough sur-
faces, as shown in Fig. 71, which is a full size photograph
of samples submitted by the Minusa concern. These screens
are fully guaranteed for a period of five years against de-
fective workmanship, discoloration, etc.
The Radium Gold Fibre Screen is one of the oldest and
most widely advertised of the many so-called "patent" pro-
jection surfaces. Radium Gold Fibre is a metallized screen
Figure 71.
and is frankly sold as such, with all arguments both for and
against the metallized projection surface kept constantly in
mind by those who are marketing it. A high grade gold
bronze is the basic ingredient of the surface coating, and
the arguments for and against the use of yellow in projection
surfaces are well known. Unquestionably the radium gold is
an excellent surface for those who favor a yellow-tinted sur-
face. It is made by Radium Gold Fibre Screen, Inc., 220
West Forty-second Street, New York.
Stippled Surface. The following is a scheme for which it
seems H. E. Hammond, manager of the Crescent Theatre,
Erie, Pa., is responsible. It is a new one and I only give it
for what it is worth, with the remark that it looks very
good. It has been reported on favorably by the operator
who installed the projection plant in the Crescent.
Mix dry zinc (to be procured from any paint store) with
water, making it as thick as can be spread with a paint brush.
Then paint the plaster wall with the mixture, and follow up
with a wide, flat brush, pouncing the wet surface with the
ends of the bristles of the brush. Let it dry thoroughly.
Apply a second coat and pounce in the same manner; let this
dry and apply a third coat, again pouncing with the brush.
The result is a flat surface, covered with little round craters,
or depressions.
This ought to make a very white surface, and, moreover,
the effect should be good. It is said that the picture shows
up much better on a wide view where this surface is used.
Chalk Surface. Still another surface has been favorably
reported. It has in its favor the fact that it may be easily
and cheaply tried out. It consists of rubbing any suitable
surface thoroughly with ordinary white chalk, school crayon
broken into pieces two inches long and used flatwise will do,
but chalk such as mechanics use for chalk lines (obtainable
at hardware stores) is much the best. It is said, and it
sounds reasonable, that a picture projected on this surface
stands out with great brilliance. You must, of course, get
the chalk rubbed on evenly.
Fire-Proofing. Any fabric may be fire-proofed by thor-
oughly saturating it with ammonia phosphate mixed in the
proportion of one pound to one gallon of water. In the
case of a cotton screen I would stretch it tightly on a frame,
dissolve the phosphate in water and saturate the fabric
thoroughly by using a new, cheap paint brush. Let it dry
and, while it will char, it will not and cannot be made to
blaze. A lighted match would char the fabric where it came
in actual contact with it, but that would be all there would
be to it just a hole in the cloth. Phosphate of ammonia
may be had of retail druggists at about 75 cents a pound;
wholesale it is much cheaper. There is nothing in phosphate
of ammonia that will injure the fabric. Wood soaked in
Figure 72.
this solution is made thoroughly fire-proof in the sense that
it cannot be made to blaze.
Stretching the Screen. The Mirror Screen Company, which
also manufactures metallic surface screens, suggests the use
of a frame known as
the "artist frame" for
mounting moving pic-
ture metallic surface
screens or cloth screens.
Some years ago the
mounting of a screen
was of little importance.
A cloth screen was
mostly used, and due
to low reflective power,
uneveness or wrinkles
therein were scarcely
visible; moreover a
thin cloth could be
stretched taut on almost
any kind of a frame. Of late, however, the wide use of metallic
surface screens, many of which are on a heavy canvas, makes
it necessary though very difficult to stretch them tightly,
since with a semi-reflective surface every wrinkle or uneven
place will show badly.
There is nothing bet-
ter adapted for this pur-
pose than what is
known as the "artist
frame." It is much
superior to any home-
made arrangement, and
may be purchased from
almost any screen manu-
facturer for less than it
would cost an exhibitor
to make it. It is simple,
and I believe quite satis-
factory. It may be Figure 73.
shipped K. D., and the
process of putting it together is one which can be readily per-
formed by any man of ordinary intelligence. Begin to put the
frame together by laying it bottomside up, on a floor or other
flat surface. After the corners are bolted together see that
every corner and the whole frame is exactly square. This may be
tested by measuring diagonal corners. If the distance from
diagonally opposite corners is equal the screen is square. Now
put on the back braces and then turn the frame over or set up-
right in place. The various steps in the process are shown, in
their order, in Fig. 74.
Putting on Cloth. The cloth should be rolled up so that
the edge that goes to the top unrolls first. It may be put on
either with the frame standing up or laying down. Standing
the frame upright is the best plan, however, because the
cloth will partly stretch by its own
weight, and the whole job will be
more easily and better done. A
good start insures success. Lay
the roll of cloth on a level floor;
unroll a foot or two, and stretch
a chalk line to determine whether
or not its edge is perfectly
straight. Trim it, if necessary, to
fit the chalkline. Now make a
chalkline across near the extreme
edge of the top of the frame, on
the front side, where the, cloth
is to be tacked. The straight top
edge of the cloth and the line on
frame are placed together, and
the cloth is tacked fast, thus in-
suring a good, straight start.
Tacking on Cloth. Place the
tacks about two inches apart. A
thin tack with a large, flat head
is the best. If the frame is
placed upright a piece of cheese-
cloth should be looped and nailed
to the frame on each end, to hold
the roll of cloth in position while the top edge is tacked in place.
Start at the center of the top, and tack both ways along the chalk
line, until within about three or four feet of the corner. A
single tack will hold each corner in position until you are
ready to tack corners. Now unroll cloth slowly and carefully,
keeping it stretched at all times. Stretch and tack the bot-
tom of screen, beginning at center and working again to
within three or four feet of each corner. Now tack one side
at center to within a short distance of corner, and then tack
Figure 74.
and stretch the cloth on the other side, after which finish up
the corners.
In tacking any cloth screen always begin at centers of each
side and finish corners last.
If the work is done carefully the surfaces will be almost
entirely free from wrinkles, and where a light cloth is used
and well stretched by hand a very even surface is possible
on a common hand-made frame. The artist frame we arc
describing is provided with finishing strips which are nailed
to cover up the tacks and raw edge of the cloth, and this
helps the appearance very much. Beveled stretcher strips are
then pushed down between the cloth and frame from the
back, giving the appearance of a bevel around the edge on the
face side. This gives a handsome, finished appearance to
the screen generally.
In most cases the cloth is free from wrinkles when the
stretcher strips are put in position, but to provide for fur-
ther stretching lag bolts are placed in the frame which, when
screwed in, push out the stretcher strips still farther, so
that the screen can be made as tight as a drumhead. The
artist frame is always good property, as it can be used again
for new cloth. Those exhibitors who use metallized screens
should renew them at least every two years. Many metallic
screen surfaces lose their brilliancy in even less time, and
often those of inferior quality will become dull within a few
months. Fig. 72 shows front of finished screen.
The film is a strip of celluloid \Y% inches wide, by from S l / 2 to
6 thousandths of an inch thick. In the process of making
the celluloid is originally in strips about 2 feet wide by 250 to
300 feet in length. These wide strips are passed through a
machine which spreads upon one side a coating (negative or
positive, according to the use to which the stock being treated
is to be put) of photographic emulsion, approximately one-
thousandth of an inch in thickness, this being a part of the
thickness of the film as above given.
After having received its emulsion coating the film is run
through another machine, which splits it into ribbons \Y% inches
wide, and these ribbons become the film stock which is pur-
chased by the photoplay producer.
The negative stock is first perforated and then, as needed,
is placed in a camera having an intermittent movement, re-
volving shutter and lens very similar in action to those of the
projection machine (except that the mechanism is inclosed in
a light-tight box or casing), and each three-quarters of an
inch of its length is successively exposed to light, and what
is essentially a "snap shot" photograph impressed thereon at the
rate of sixteen per second (that is to say sixteen per second
is supposed to be the rate, but in practice camera speed varies
considerably). After exposure the negative is developed, fixed
and dried much the same as any ordinary kodak negative
would be the actual mechanical methods differ from the kodak
film, of course, as the negative film will be more than 200 feet
long, but the chemical action is precisely the same. The negative
is then run through a projection machine so that the director
may check up his work, make the scene over again, if necessary,
or hen the film is projected. If the producer
disputes the correctness of what is herein set forth, let bim
set forth better reasons for the stretching and the cupping
and flat spots, and then, since he will be convicted of knowl-
edge of the cause, let him produce and apply the remedy.
Emulsion May Be Removed from Film by soaking the film
in warm water, to which ordinary washing soda 'has been
added. Put in large double handfull of soda to the bucket
of water. Wash the film afterward in clean, warm water.
Cleaning film is an exceedingly important item in projec-
tion. The rain marks you see are nothing more or less
than slight scratches in the emulsion, which may or may
not have removed that part of the silver carrying the image,
but which have filled up with dirt, thus becoming either
opaque or semi-opaque. With this dirt removed these
scratches would for
the most part be in-
visible, or nearly so.
I have seen a piece of
film which was in lit-
erally terrible condi-
tion with reference to
rain marks projected
after a thorough clean-
ing, and it was almost
__ like a first run.
Cleaning films with
liquids, however, is not a thing to be undertaken without proper
knowledge. Alcohol will remove the dirt, and will not injure
the emulsion, but it is likely to cause the film to curl very
badly, therefore it is not to be recommended for film cleaning.
There .are now on the market two film cleaning fluids
which have the approval and indorsement of the Projection
Department of the Moving Picture World. These fluids have
been thoroughly tested by the department editor. The film
can be washed in these chemicals without injury. They do
not cause the film to curl, and do in every way a satisfactory
job. One of these cleaners is made by the Githcil Com-
pany, New York City, and the other by the William Rhodes
Film Company, Hartford, Conn.
A less thorough method of film cleaning, but one more
readily applicable, is found in the Mortimer Film Cleaner,
illustrated in Fig. 77. This cleaner is designed to be fast-
ened to the rewinding table between the reels. It opens on
a hinge, and the film is drawn between two felt pads. This
cleaner serves more than one purpose. It removes a con.-
siderable quantity of dust and oil, and by so doing improves
the projection. It also detects loose patches and as a rule
pulls them in two, which is much better than having them
pulled in two in the projector, thus stopping the show. If
this little cleaner were used continuously in all theatres it
would do much to improve results on the screen, but in
order to get the greatest amount of benefit from a device of
this kind the film must be subjected to the process contin-
uously; that is to say, at each rewinding. Results would also
be improved if one of the clean-
ing fluids named were used in
conjunction with the Mortimer
Another excellent device for
cleaning film is the Ideal Film.
Cleaner, shown in Fig. 78.
This device consists of base
casting D, carrying arm A upon
which are mounted spools B-B.
Upon each of these spools is
wound a strip of cotton flannel
9 feet long.
The way the film passes
through the machine is very
clearly shown. Arm A is car-
ried at its lower end by a spin-
dle attached to the upper end
of base casting D, and is held
in upright position by a coil Figure 78.
spring, so that when the re-
winder is started with a sudden jerk or from any other
cause the tension becomes too great the upper spool is pulled
down slightly against the pressure of the spring, thus lessen-
ing the tension on the film. Under screws C-C is a coil
spring which holds spools B-B over against arm A. In the
caps of the other end of spools B-B are six holes similar to
those seen in front caps, and one of these holes engages
with a dowel pin in arm A. When a section of the cloth
becomes soiled all that is necessary to bring a new strip
into place is to pull outward on either one of the spools
against the pressure of the coil spring, which releases the
spool from the dowel pin, whereupon you can revolve it and
bring a new surface of cloth against the film, snipping off
the soiled piece with a pair of shears.
' I think the action of the device is made clear by this
explanation and the photograp'h. Both the Ideal .and Morti-
mer have the approval of the Projection Department of the
Moving Picture World, and one of these devices ought to be in
every operating room, since it will be worth its price merely
for the removing of oil from the film.
Burning film leaves a sticky, brown colored gummy sedi-
ment on metal. This may be instantly removed by washing
with ordinary peroxide of hydrogen, which may be had in 25
cent bottles at any drug store.
There have been many inquiries with regard to the "life
of film," that is to say, those interested have wanted to know
the length of time a negative or positive print could be pre-
served in usable form. The only authentic information I
have been able to obtain is contained in the following ex-
cerpts from letters received from the Eastman Kodak Com-
pany, the Vitagraph Company, and the Lubin Manufacturing
Company. The Eastman Kodak Company says:
"We cannot give you information which could be considered
as absolutely authentic, but from the experience we have had we
believe it is possible to keep processed film, both negative and
positive, with but slight fear of deterioration, provided the
proper amount of precaution be used. In the the first place
it is absolutely imperative that all traces of the hypo be removed
in the developing process before the film is dried; secondly,
there should be no contact with any metal in any way, either
by being wound on a metal reel or stored in the usual tin
containers. The film should be tightly wound and then
wrapped in tissue paper, with an additional oil tissue outer
wrapping, and then placed in a wooden box, which in turn
may be stored in a vault or safe, or placed where the atmo-
sphere is of normal temperature and humidity. It might be
well in winding the film to see that no unusual amount of
moisture is wound into it. This small amount of informa-
tion is about all we have on the subject, but if the foregoing
be carefully carried out there is every reason to believe that
the film will remain in a state of excellent preservation for
Mr. J. Stuart Blackton of the Vitagraph Company says:
"On the fourth of July four years ago our New York office
was burned, and all the old films we had been keeping in a
large iron safe, in hermetically sealed boxes, were destroyed.
It is my opinion, however, that films of the present make,
if sealed up in air tight boxes, would keep for a very long
time. However, all the films over ten years old that I have
seen and tried to run on a machine were very brittle and in
such bad shape that it was almost impossible to keep the
picture on the screen, this being due, no doubt, to the fact
that they had not been kept from contact with the atmo-
Mr. Siegmund Lubin, president of the Lubin Manufac-
turing Company, says: "So far as the writer knows, a nega-
tive will keep indefinitely; that is to say, the way we keep
negatives, viz: by winding them in small rolls, placed in
small cans having lids. We have found negatives which we
have had sixteen, seventeen and eighteen years to be in
practically the same condition now as when they were taken,
with a possible exception that they might be a trifle darker,
though not enough to affect the negatives seriously."
This seems to be, up to date, the only available informa-
tion. It comes from gentlemen who are perhaps best com-
petent of judging, but even they are uncertain as to the
exact facts, only one advocating hermetically sealing
I would presume that the advice of the Eastman Kodak
Company with reference to the method of packing would be
best. They are in the film manufacturing business, and may
be presumed to have superior knowledge of the best method
of treating their own product. I might add to this by say-
ing that I have myself seen film which was fully ten years
old, and which had received no particular special treatment,
yet seemed to be 1 as pliable and in as good condition as the
day it was made.
Summing up the whole matter, my own belief is that at
or near sea level, where the atmosphere contains the ordinary
amount of humidity, films packed according to the sugges-
tion of the Eastman Kodak Company would keep in prac-
tically perfect condition for at least fifteen years ; beyond that
it would be merely a matter of speculation. However, the
caution with regard to thorough washing out of the hypo is
highly important. The east trace of hypo would, in the
course of years, cause stains which would ruin the picture.
The Edison, Power, Simplex, Motiograph, Standard and
Baird projection machines all pass exactly one foot of film
to each turn of the crank, so that the number of feet in a
reel may be measured by running it through one of these
machines and counting the number of turns of the crank,
which will equal the number of feet in a reel.
Figure 79.
In Fig. 79 a film-measuring machine is shown; the pic-
ture is self explanatory. This particular machine is made by
the Nicholas Power Company. Several American makes of
film measurers are on the market as well as instruments of
English and French manufacture.
A very good film measurer may be made by disconnecting
the intermittent of a standard projector, using only the upper
sprocket one turn of the crank, one foot of film.
The Operating Room
MORE and more the moving picture theatre owners and
managers are coming to recognize the proposition
that not only is it necessary to good results that the
operating room be equipped with up-to-date appliances, but
also that the room itself be commodious, carefully constructed,
and supplied with running water, as well as with thorough
ventilation. The following may be taken as the essentials
of a first class, up-to-date operating room:
1. It should be located central, sidewise, with regard to
the screen, and as nearly as possible so that its floor will be
3 feet below the level of the center of the screen, though a
considerable pitch in projection will not seriously mar the
2. It should not be placed nearer to the screen than 50
feet, and may be placed as far away as 250, or even 300 feet,
though 125 should be the maximum, since above that dis-
tance it becomes difficult to match up the optical system of
the projector so as to give the best possible results for the
power consumed.
3. It should be absolutely fire-proof in every respect, hol-
low tile, concrete or brick being the best materials for the
construction of the walls and ceiling, and concrete with
cement finish best for the floor. Asbestos millboard on a
substantial angle-iron frame makes a fairly good room, if
properly constructed, though it does not compare at all favor-
ably with concrete, brick or hollow tile. One objection to
this form of construction is that it is very far from being
sound-proof, so that a noisy economizer or projector, re-
winder, or even talking in the operating room is apt to be
annoying to the audience. Rooms of this kind should have
double walls and ceiling, separated by an air space. When
the walls are of concrete or hollow tile I would strongly
recommend that the ceiling be of the same material.
4. It must have a solid foundation, since the least vibra-
tion in the floor will inevitably affect the picture on the
screen. You absolutely cannot have a shaky operating room
floor and a steady picture on the screen.
5. It should be as nearly as possible sound-proof, to the
end that the noise of the machines, rewinding, or anything
else that goes on in the operating room will not annoy the
audience. This is of much importance.
6. It should be provided with sufficient incandescent lights,
arranged to instantly and brilliantly illuminate all parts of the
room; also there should be an extension cord, with a lamp,
provided with a guard, which may be carried to any point
in the room.
7. It should be reasonably easy of access, preferably not
opening directly into the auditorium, and should be reached
by a stairway, rather than by a ladder. If it opens directly
into the auditorium, then the stairway or ladder should be
surrounded by some sort of partition, so that in case of fire
the operator can leave the room without letting a cloud of
smoke into the auditorium to terrify the audience.
8. It should be large enough to hold all apparatus and still
allow not less than two feet (three is better) in the clear
behind the machines after they have been set far enough
back from the front wall so that the operator can pass be-
tween the lens and the wall, with not less than 6 feet in
width for a single machine and three additional feet for each
additional projector, stereopticon or spot light. The ceiling
should be as high as possible the higher the better, within
reason, of course, but should in no case be less than six and
one-half feet in the clear. That should be regarded as an
absolute minimum, but less than seven is very bad.
9. All openings should be equipped with fire-proof shut-
ters which will close quickly and automatically in case of
fire, except the vent flue, which must be unobstructed if there
is a fan, and if of the open type must have a damper weighted
to remain normally open, as will be hereinafter explained.
The observation port should be fitted with a movable shutter
which can be raised or lowered to suit the convenience of
the operator, as will be set forth further along.
10. There should be a vent flue leading as nearly as pos-
sible directly to the open air above the roof. If of the
open type this flue should have an area of at least 288 square
inches, regardless of the number of projectors used or the
size of the room. There will be just as much smoke from
a film burning in a small room as from one burning in a
large room. If a fan is installed in the vent flue then it
should be large enough to accommodate a 16-inch fan. There
should be a separate vent flue in the rewinding room, if
there be one, of the same dimensions as the one in the main
11. The interior walls and ceiling should be painted with
a very dark or black flat paint paint without any gloss.
This is important because of the fact that the darker the
operating room the better able will the operator be to see the
shadows in his picture.
12. All wires should be in conduit, and 'the conduit system
thoroughly grounded. Fuses and switches should be in metal
cabinets, or in cabinets built into the wall and covered with a
metal facing. Conduits should, where possible, be built in
the walls, and conduits leading to the projectors should be
carried under the floor to a point immediately under the
lamphouse of each projector.
13. Iron lined operating rooms should not be allowed, but
if they are, then the floor should be covered with a good
insulating floor covering, such as cork matting, rubber mat-
ting, or heavy linoleum.
14. The room should contain nothing except the things
necessary to the work of projection.
15. There should be proper tool racks and closets for each
operator's clothes and tools, a substantial work bench with
a good vise, though this need not necessarily be located in
the operating room.
16. The arrangements should be such that all apparatus,
switches, etc., will be easy of access to the operator, both
for manipulation and repair. It never pays to make things
unhandy. On the contrary it does always pay to arrange
them conveniently.
17. It should contain only the most up-to-date apparatus,
and that apparatus should be kept in perfect condition.
It should (and this is of paramount importance it cannot be
too strongly emphasised} have observation ports of amply large
proportions so that the operator may have a clear, unobstructed
view of the entire screen, either when seated or standing in oper-
ating position. This may be readily accomplished by installing
a special sliding port shutter, as will be hereinafter explained.
18. The exterior of the room should be as inconspicuous as
possible; that is to say, it should be decorated to harmonize
with the rest of the theatre, or, if possible, to form some
ornamental part in the general scheme of decoration.
19. It should be placed in charge of a thoroughly competent,
reliable staff of operators, possessed of both practical and tech-
nical knowledge of the art of projection, supplemented by a
good fund of horse sense. No application for position as oper-
ator should be considered unless the applicant can show that he
has had at least one year's experience, or has served one year's
actual bona fide apprenticeship in an operating room.
The foregoing constitutes what might be termed the funda-
mental essentials of operating room construction and equip-
ment, but a detailed explanation is essential in addition to
Operating Room Door. The door of the operating room
should not be less than 2 feet wide by 6 feet in height, and it
must, of course, be of fire-proof material. The sliding door held
normally closed by gravity is best. This idea is illustrated
in Fig. 80.
Figure 80.
Operating Room Floor. It is of extreme importance that
the operating room floor be perfectly solid, rigid and entirely
free from vibration.
Figure 81.
Suppose for instance your operating room floor vibrated
evenly all over just 1/64 of an inch. This means your whole
picture is jumping up and down on the screen precisely that
much, and on the whole this would scarcely be perceptible.
On the other hand, however, let us suppose the floor vibrated
in such manner as to move the lens of the machine up and
down in teetering fashion the same amount. Assuming a
throw of 100 feet the movement would then be very percepti-
ble indeed on the screen. It is illustrated in Fig. 81, in which
A is the crater of the arc and B the objective lens. If you
move A down 1/64 of an inch and at the same time move B
up 1/64 of an inch you will readily see what will happen out
at the screen surface one hundred feet away. The dotted
line illustrates it.
Modern practice is to fill in with not less than six inches
of rich concrete and after tamping this down well finish the
top off with one inch of cement, the same as is used for
sidewalks. But let me caution you that many contractors
will use a cheap cement unless you specify the kind and see
that it is used. The result of using this cheap cement is that
it constantly wears away into dust, thus keeping everything
in the operating room covered with dirt. I tyave seen many
operating rooms made that were nothing short of an outrage
in this respect. The only remedy was to paint them with
oil paint. It is also well to see that the cement finish is
mixed with sand in proper proportions. Remember that,
strange as it may seem, not all contractors are followers of
the Golden Rule, and sand is cheaper than cement. Also
after the job is done the novice cannot detect the swindle
at once; he may never detect it, in fact, but simply knows
there is something wrong with the operating room floor.
If the floor is built of concrete and cement, and the precau-
tions I have named are taken, it will to all intents and pur-
poses be one solid block of stone when it has set, and you
won't have any vibration at all, because a thing of that kind
is too heavy to vibrate.
Ports. There must be one observation and one lens port
for each projector, one lookout and one lens port for the
dissolver, if there is one, and a combined lens and observa-
tion port for the spot light, except that if the projector be a
combined picture projector and dissolving stereopticon, then
it must be provided with two lens ports, one small and square
or round, and one narrow and high.
Locating Lens and Observation Ports. There is a right
and a wrong way and a hard and an easy way to do almost
everything, including the locating of lens holes. The author
has seen it done in many different ways, but the following
method "seems, everything considered, easiest and best.
If observation port holes are built into the wall and made
of the right size, it will require extremely accurate work
more accurate than is likely to be done by the average brick-
mason, concrete or hollow tile man to get them exactly right.
I would strongly recommend the following procedure.
Lay out your operating room wall as per Fig. 82, in which
A, B, are machine lens ports, and C, D, observation ports, the
Figure 82.
NOTE: Through an oversight the stereopticon observation port was
omitted. It should be 8" square, located at convenient height, its
center about 5' 6" from the floor.
latter designed to be covered by a sliding port-shutter, and
E the stereopticon lens port. It will be observed that ports A
and B are 12 inches square, and that port E is 18 inches
high by 8 inches wide, which is, of course, far in excess of
actual requirement.
Taking, for example, the Simplex projector with standard
pedestal; when it sets level its lens is 47^ inches from the
floor, and this is approximately the height of the lens of
other modern projectors. It will be observed that ports A
and B are located 3 feet center to center, and that their cen-
ters are 18 inches on either side of the center line of the
screen, which must be first located on the plan. It will also
be observed that the bottom of ports A, B is 3 feet from the
floor, which brings their center 42 inches above the floor line,
whereas the lens will be 47/^2 inches from the floor. In
most cases, however, there is a more or less steep pitch in
the projection, so that, in ordinary cases, if the projector be
located with the lens 20 inches from the wall, as it should
be, the light ray will strike approximately the center, or even
below the center of the large port.
After the wall has been built, the floor finished, projectors
in place and the light finally projected to and located on the
screen, and the machines per-
manently bolted down, insert
a piece of asbestos millboard,
3/8 or 1/2 inch thick, set flush
with the outside edge of the
wall, as per A in detail sketch,
Fig. 83, strike the arc, project
the light ray on this board,
mark a circle around the light,
cut out the circle, replace the
board in the opening and ce-
ment it in as per detail sketch
Fig. 83.
Having completed this, set
another board, C, Fig. 83, flush
with the inside edge of the Figure 83.
wall, and proceed as before. You
will then have your lens port in exactly the right location
and precisely the right size, and you will have it, too, with
a minimum amount of trouble.
The observation ports C and D, you will observe, are 12 by
24 inches,, with their bottom located 4 feet from the floor
line, and their center 16 inches from the center of the lens
port. These ports are designed to be covered by an asbestos
millboard, or metal sliding shutters, as per Fig. 86, the detail
of which, together with detail of grooves, is shown in Figs. 84
and 86.
Port E, Fig. 82, is the stereopticon lens port, and is treated
the same as ports A and B, except that there will be two
small light ray holes in the asbestos millboard, instead of one.
This is the easiest method of locating the lens ports, and
it will be found to serve perfectly, I think, except in very
rare cases where there is a perfectly level projection, in which
case ports A and B should be located 6 inches higher, or
where there is an extraordinary steep pitch in the projection,
in which case ports C and D must be located lower, as pos-
sibly must also ports A and B.
Figure 84.
In cases of very steep projection the height of the ports
may be located as per Fig. 84. First locate the height of the
operator's eyes when seated in operating position. I have
assumed this to be 4 feet from the floor and 3 feet away
from the wall, at A, Fig. 84. Now measure the exact dis-
tance from Point A to the bottom of the screen, using the
elevation plan of the theatre, if there is one, also the exact
vertical height from the bottom of the screen to point A,
Fig. 84. Draw a rough plan, to scale, by laying off the
height of the operator's eye above the bottom of the screen,
and the horizontal distance to the screen. Then draw line S,
Fig. 84, extending from point A to bottom of the screen.
Having done this, measure from the operating room floor
line straight up to where line S bisects the line of the front
operating room wall, and that will be the bottom of your
observation port, though you should make it two or three
inches lower than the actual measurement from the floor to
the line. The lens ports may be laid out in exactly the same
Still another way is by calculation. This, too, is shown
in Fig. 84, in which I have assumed that the bottom of the
screen is 20 feet below point A, and 80 feet away. Divid-
ing 80 by 20 we find there is a drop of one foot in each four
feet of horizontal distance, so that by measuring four feet
horizontally from point A we establish point T, and then
measuring down vertically one foot we get the exact pro-
jection pitch, and thus know where to locate the bottom of
the port.
For all ordinary cases, however, the plan first described
will serve.
Figure 85.
The hole in the wall itself should in no event be less
than 12 inches wide. The necessity for a wide port is illus-
trated in Fig. 85, in which A represents the eyes of the
operator located, when seated or standing in normal opera-
ting position, from 2 to 3 feet back of the operating room,
wall. B-B is the screen; lines X-X represent the view the
operator should have of the entire screen, and would have
did the width of the port extend from C to D; lines Y-Y
show the view the operator actually has of his screen if the
port is narrow and only extends from E to F. In this event
he is compelled to bring his eyes right up close to the opening
in order to see the entire screen, and that is a bad condition,
from any and every point of view.
/ know of no other one thing which operates to produce poor
results on the screen to as great an extent as do narrow and
badly placed observation ports.
Figure 86.
With his eyes right up close to the wall, the operator must,
of necessity, at least to a certain extent, neglect his projec-
tion machine and his lamp. Moreover:
No operator wilt stand for hours with his face glued to the
wall, watching his picture continuously; and unless it is watched
continuously and closely there will be shadows on the screen, or,
in other words, there will be faults in the projection.
That is a proposition which is not a subject for argument.
It is a statement of fact, which managers will do well to rec-
ognize and consider very seriously.
The height of the observation port is a much harder mat-
ter to determine. If the ceiling of the room itself be high
enough to allow of the installation of a sliding port, such as
that illustrated in Fig. 86, I would strongly recommend that
the hole in the wall be 12 inches wide by 24 inches in height,
as per Fig. 82, and that over this hole there be installed a
movable sihutter made of ^ or y 2 inch asbestos millboard,
or of metal, if preferred, although asbestos board is better,
behind which should be installed the regular asbestos or
metal fire shutter, both sliding in grooves, as shown in Figs.
84 and 86, the movable shutter to be hung on a counter-
In Fig. 86 the shaded portion represents the movable
shutter, also shown at B, Fig. 84. It should be at least
14 inches wide, with an opening not less than 6 by 12 inches.
I believe the illustrations make the matter perfectly clear,
but in order to use this kind of shutter it is necessary there
should be head room above the opening in the wall sufficient
to allow the shutter to be raised so that upper edge of open-
ing Y, Fig. 84, will come to the top edge of the hole in the
wall at Point Z, Fig. 84, and the lower edge of opening Y
go down to the lower edge of the hole in the wall. It is not
necessary that this shutter raise or drop far enough to en-
tirely close the opening in the wall, that being taken care of
by fire shutter G, Fig. 84.
In Fig. 84 the grooves in w.hich the shutters slide are
omitted in the main drawing in order to show other things.
They may be made from small angle and channel iron,
readily obtained from dealers in structural iron. Any hard-
ware dealer can obtain them for you. What is perhaps the
most convenient method is to secure about 12 feet of \%-
inch angle iron and the same amount of ^2-inch channel
iron for each 24-inch observation port, and, after cutting
to proper length, bolt the channels to one side of the angle
as at R, Fig. 84. This leaves the other side of the angle to
be fastened to the wall. If properly put together this makes
a most excellent shutter groove. The one shown at R,
Figs. 84 and 86, is designed to carry the movable port shutter
and the fire shutter behind it. For single grooves one-inch
angle iron, is ample.
The whole idea of the movable shutter is to allow port Y,
Fig. 84, to be placed in any desired position, to suit a tall
or short operator; also to accommodate a man when either
sitting down or standing up. Many authorities Insist on the
observation port being not more than 4 or 6 by 12 inches.
Now, a fixed port 4 or 6 inches high would be extemely awk-
ward, since if placed to fit a five-foot man would be mighty
bad for a six-footer, or vice versa, so they try to get around
that difficulty by standing the thing on end, with result as
shown by lines Y-Y, Fig. 85. The movable shutter enables
the theatre owner to comply with the demands of the au-
thorities in this respect, and still have a port which is excel-
lent in every way. It is a shutter which appeals to common
sense, and no official can possibly advance any valid objec-
tion to it.
The careful planning and locating of the observation ports,
as hereinbefore set forth, will require a little thought and con-
sume a little time, but if you locate them in such manner that
the operator will be continuously inconvenienced you have no
right to expect that you will have uniformly high class results
on your screen, and let me tell you you probably won't have
them either.
A little time spent in careful, intelligent study of this mat-
ter of planning and locating the observation ports will place
the operator in position to give you much better service, and
he will do it, too. Therefore it naturally follows that the
time thus expended is a most excellent investment.
The stereopticon observation port is not of so much im-
portance, and a six or eight inch square or round hole will
do, since, ordinarily, one uses the stereo but a few minutes
at a time, and can put up with some inconvenience if neces-
sary. The stereo lens port can be located the same as per
directions for the projection machine lens holes, but in the
case of the stereopticon the hole in the wall need not be more
than 8 inches wide, but it should be 18 inches high, the same
to be filled in with asbestos board afterward, as directed
for the other lens ports.
The spot light port, if one there be, should be located with
its center 5 to 5^2 feet above the top of the floor, and should
be 16 to 18 inches in diameter, square or round, as preferred.
Wall Fire Shutters. Every observation port and vent
opening should be provided with a fire shutter made of 3/8
inch asbestos millboard, although some authorities are satis-
fied with 16-gauge sheet metal. Metal is, however, not as
desirable, I think, as asbestos board for this purpose.
In Fig. 87 is shown the proper method of bracing the
wall shutters to keep them perfectly flat. The braces are of
1 by J4-inch iron secured to the shutter either by short,
heavy screws or stove bolts.
The proper installation of these shutters together with an
adequate vent flue and thoroughly fire-proof walls offers
not only absolute protection from fire damage to anything
outside the operating room, but also against the probability
of alarm on the part of the audience. This latter will
not be accomplished, however, unless the fire shutters be so
made that they will close the
instant a fire starts. This last is
of supreme importance. It is
seldom indeed the fire itself
which causes loss of life or in-
jury to an audience. It is the
panic which almost invariably
follows an alarm of fire where
an audience is gathered. Ninety-
nine times out of every hun-
dred there are abundant time
and opportunity for every one in
the theatre to escape with perfect
safety, provided the audience
acts rationally, but the fact is an
audience seldom or never does
remain rational or sensible when
an alarm of fire is given, par-
ticularly if either fire or smoke
be visible. Given a glimpse of
fire or smoke, as a general
proposition you may depend
upon an audience to go stark,
raving mad, pile up in a heap
and kill each other through
trampling or suffocation.
/ desire to strongly impress
upon architects and moving picture managers and owners that
it is entirely practical and feasible to prevent any glimpse of
fire or smoke by the audience when a film catches fire, but in
order to accomplish this fire shutters must be installed which
will automatically" close every opening in the operating room
wall the INSTANT the fire starts.
Depending upon the operator to drop the shutters is by no
means a safe proposition. The operator is but human, and
when the film catches fire he is very likely to become more
Figure 87.
or less excited, and it is a cold fact that you never can tell
what an excited man will do, or what he won't do. Therefore
I emphasize the fact that it is a dangerous mistake to allow
the installation of fire shutters in any other way than approx-
imately as hereinafter described.
Fig. 88 is a diagrammatic representation of the front
operating room wall. The door is not located in the front
wall because it should be there, but merely for convenience
in showing the proper arrangement of the master-cord, which
should terminate in ring A, held by an ordinary heavy spike,
Figure 88.
nail, or bolt, driven into the wall beside the latch of the
This whole proposition hinges on the kind and location of
the fuse links. The master-cord is cut into sections, and these
sections are joined together with fuse links, located over each
machine magazine, the film box, and over the rewind table in
the rewind room. These fuse links may be of 160 degrees fuse
metal, but preferably should be of film, as shown in Fig. 88,
in which the fuse clamps are drawn out of all proportion as to
size in order to show the thing more clearly.
In Fig. 88 the dotted line represents the master-cord,
which is stretched from point A to point B, as shown, though
the cord may be carried in any other convenient way, pro-
vided only that the links be located with relation to the
machine magazines, film box, and rewind substantially as
shown. The master-cord may be of heavy cord of such nature
that it will not stretch, or it may be of No. 22 copper wire,
provided some unthinking official does not object, The film
links over machine magazines should not be more than 12 or
less than 6 inches long, and should not be more than 3 inches
above the top of the magazine. The same is true of the link
over the film box. The one in the rewind room may be of
convenient length, but there must be distance enough between
clamp Y and insulator Z to allow the master-cord to slack
sufficiently to let all the shutters go clear down. If this distance
be too small there is danger that clamp Y will strike hole Z
before the shutters have entirely dropped.
Figure 89.
The detail of the method of clamping the film to the cord
is shown in Fig. 89, as is also the details of one method of
attaching the fuse link over the upper machine magazines.
Rings should not be used in place of angle studs X, because in
that case when the film lets go the clamp might catch in the
ring and prevent the shutters from dropping, whereas with
angle studs when the master-cord slacks it instantly drops down
off the studs.
If metal fuse links are used they should be located ap-
proximately the same as the film links shown. Angle studs
X may be made by obtaining heavy screw hooks, such as
housewives use to screw into the ceiling to hold the family
bird cage,, etcetera, but the hook should be straightened out
until it stands at approximately right angles to the screw,
and the end should point downward, not up, when it is final-
ly in position. The upright bolt attached to the magazine
around which passes the film link, or the master-cord if a
metal link is used, should be made of ->6 or l / 2 inch iron,
flattened at one end and attached to the magazine by stove
bolts, as shown.
Having arranged our shutter cord the rest is simple. The
individual shutters are raised and attached to the master-
cord by their own individual cords, which terminate in a
hook designed to attach to the master-cord. The master-
cord remains permanently in place. It is never touched
except possibly to tighten it if it gets slack. The shutters
are raised one at a time in the morning and lowered one at
a time at night.
I believe that with what has been said and the aid of Figs.
88 and 89, you will be able to understand this matter thor-
The whole proposition is to place the fuse links where a
fire, either af the film box, the rewind table or at either
machine, will INSTANTLY strike one of them, thus sever-
ing the master-cord and dropping all the shutters before there
is any smoke or blase visible to the audience. Incidentally, how-
ever, it is exceedingly important that the bottom stop upon
which the shutters fall be heavily padded with shredded
asbestos, since if the shutters fall on anything hard they
will make an awful clatter and direct the attention of the
audience straight to the operating room the very last thing
to be desired.
It will be observed that by this system the operator can
also drop the shutters, since ring I is placed on a headless
spike right beside the latch of the operating room door. If
the vent flue be of the open type, then shutter D should be
we : '4'hted so that it will remain normally open, and it must
only be allowed to be closed by a cord attached to the
master-cord by means of a hook, the result being that when
the master-cord is slacked and the shutters closed the
damper automatically swings open.
An operating room thus equipped is, I firmly believe, as
safe as it is possible to make it.
There is no earthly sense in installing metal fuse links in
the shutter cords, and locating these links at or near the ceiling,
as is done in nine cases out of ten. Should a fire occur with
the fuse links thus located, by the time they become sufficiently
heated to melt there would probably be very little use in closing
the shutters at all, because the audience would most likely have
seen the smoke and blase and be piled up in a heap, climbing
over each other in their mad endeavor to escape a fancied
There are those who may argue that the shutters should
be dropped gently, and that this can only be done by the
operator; that if dropped suddenly as by a fuse melting,
there will be a slam which is likely to attract the attention
of the audience to the operating room, since even with the
shutters falling on pads there is bound to be some noise pro-
Figure 90.
duced when from two to eight shutters are released and
allowed to drop unrestrained.
This is a matter concerning which there may well be hon-
est difference of opinion, but the writer strongly favors very
careful padding of shutters, as per Fig. 90, and carefully
placed fuses, because there is always the liability of an ex-
cited man forgetting to drop the shutters; also if the oper-
ator is to be depended on why place any fuse at all? Better
make it one thing or the other, and I believe fuses are the
The Vent Flue. The vent flue of the operating room is an
exceedingly important matter, since it not only provides ven-
tilation, but must be depended upon to carry the fumes and
smoke from burning film, should a fire occur. The vent
flue should, where possible, pass directly from the operating
room ceiling through the roof to the open air, with its top
not less than 3 feet above the roof and protected by a suit-
able hood to prevent rain from beating in. For a long time
the author favored the open vent flue, as against the instal-
lation of a vent-flue fan. However, further and careful study
of the subject has changed his views. This change was
largely brought about through realization of the fact that
under certain conditions it is quite possible the draft through
an open vent would be down instead of up; this is especially
true in certain locations, or when the wind is in certain
directions, as any housewife who has experience of a smoky
chimney can testify. This being the fact, I am convinced
that a fan in the vent flue is better than an open pipe.
//, however, the vent pipe is of the open type it should have
an area of not less than 288 square inches, regardless of the
size of the room. A burning film will make just as much smoke
and gas in a small room as it will in a large one. It should be
provided with a damper, weighted to remain normally open, and
only allowed to be held closed by a cord attached to the
master-cord of the fire shutters in such manner that when
the fire shutters are closed the vent flue damper automatically
will swing open.
If a fan is installed in the vent pipe it should be not less
than 16 inches in diameter and it would be exceedingly good
practice to install two vent pipes and two fans instead of one,
so that in case one of the fans gets out of order there will
still be the second one to fall back on. This may seem like
a rather expensive precaution, but somehow or other it
seems to be a fact that when a thing happens it usually hap-
pens just as the wrong time, which, applied to the single vent
flue, would mean that a fire would most likely occur when
the fan was broken down.
It is essential that the vent flue, if made of metal, be thor-
oughly and completely insulated from any inflammable sub-
stance throughout its entire length, since it is likely to get
very hot if there is a serious fire. The safest plan is to
make a double pipe, with an air space not less than 3 inches
between the inner and outer walls.
Operating Room Ventilation. The ventilation system of
the operating room is a matter of much importance. It must
be remembered that the operating room is often located
immediately under the roof of the building and in any event
would be extremely hot in summer time. Add to this the
heat generated by a powerful arc lamp, and perhaps one or
two rheostats, and you have a condition which makes good ven-
tilation absolutely imperative. It must also be remembered, in
this connection, that air taken in from the auditorium will
be that which has arisen from the audience, and will therefore
not only be the very warmest in the house, but also vitiated
and rendered unfit for use by a human being. Moreover, if it is
taken in entirely through the lens and observation ports an
unpleasant draft is likely to be created, which blows directly
in the operator's face. This latter may be stopped by install-
ing glass in the ports (see "Glass in Ports" further on), but
in that event other means of letting in air must be provided,
and should be provided, whether glass is used or not. This
is best done by making inlet openings near the bottom of
the room, the same connected with the outer air at any con-
venient point, thus supplying the room with fresh air instead
of hot, foul air from the auditorium. But these latter openings
should be provided with fire shutters which will close auto-
matically in case of fire, in order to stop the draft. The heat
of the room may also be largely reduced by connecting the
top of the lamphouse to the operating room vent flue by
means of a 3 or 4 inch metal pipe, having riveted joints. This
pipe must be provided with a swing joint if the lamphouse
must be shoved over to accommodate a stereopticon lens.
This arrangement also operates to reduce condenser break-
age by providing ample ventilation in the lamphouse. It is
not costly to install, and will last indefinitely. Things of
this kind add greatly to the comfort of the operator, and
hence put him in better position to do his best work. The
Massachusetts law contains the following provision concern-
ing the ventilation of operating rooms, which is worthy of
emulation :
Operating rooms to be provided with an inlet in. each of the four
sides, said inlets to be 15 inches long and 3 inches high, the lower side
of the same not to be more than 2% inches above floor level. Said
inlets to be covered on the inside by a wire net of not greater than
%-inch mesh; netting to be firmly secured to the asbestos board by
means of iron strips and screws. In addition to the above there shall
be an inlet, in the middle of the bottom of the operating room, if pos-
sible; otherwise in the side or rear of the operating room, not over 2%
Inches from the floor. Said opening to be not less than 160 square
inches area for a No. 1 operating room, 200 square inches area for a
No. 2 operating room, and 280 square inches area for a No. 3 operating
room; connected with the outside air through a galvanized Iron pipe
with a pitch from the operating room downward to the outside wall
of the building. The opening to be covered with a hood, so arranged
as to keep out the storm, and the entrance to the operating room to be
covered with a heavy grating over ^-inch wire mesh, if in wall; and
arranged with damper hinged at the bottom, and rod or chain to hold
said damper in any position. Mesh and gratings to be securely fast-
ened in place, those in the walls to be bolted on as specified for the
smaller inlets.
Note: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 refer to the size of rooms.
The same law contains a provision for a vent pipe not less
than 12 inches in diameter from the ceiling of the operating
room to the open air outside the building, or to a special in-
combustible vent flue. In a two-machine operating room this
pipe must be not les than
16 inches in diameter and
in a three-machine oper-
ating room it must be not
less than 18 inches in
Glass in the Ports.
Many operators are now
using glass in both lens
and observation ports, and
this is a practice I can thor-
oughly recommend, provided
the glass for the lens port
be carefully selected and
quite thin. I think an old
photographic plate would
probably be ideal for the
lens port, first, of course,
cleaning the photographic
emulsion off by washing
with a strong solution of
hot water and washing soda.
I would strongly recommend
that the observation port be
surrounded by a shadow 1 box, 12 to 18 inches in depth,
painted dead black on the inside. By shadow box I mean
a casing such as you would have if you knocked the bottom
out of a box and nailed what remained over the port. Where
a box of this kind is not used there is more or less reflection
from the surface of the glass, and, while operators say that
after a few days' use they do not notice this, and that it
does not interfere with their view of the screen, still I take
the liberty of doubting the correctness of this statement. I
Figure 91.
believe they would be better able to see faint shadows on
the screen with a shadow box surrounding the port, as per
Fig. 91.
Operating Room Equipment. Remembering that box office
receipts of a moving picture theatre depend to a very great
extent upon excellence of the results upon its screen, the
wise manager will bend every energy toward the attain-
ment of artistic projection, and will use every reasonable
endeavor to enable his operator to produce high class, bril-
liant, flickerless pictures, projected at proper speed to bring
out and emphasize every good pointo and minimize any
weak ones there may be. It goes without saying that there
is small probability of continuous high class results coming
from an ill-placed, small, poorly ventilated operating room,
with inferior or worn-out equipment in charge of an oper-
ator of mediocre ability.
It also follows that the best results will be had from a rightly
located, commodious, well ventilated operating room, equipped
with up-to-date machinery and placed in charge of a thoroughly
competent operator, who will keep the equipment in the best
possible condition, the term '"competency" including industry
and careful attention to detail, as well as knowledge.
The mere possession of knowledge counts for little or noth-
ing if its possessor is too lazy or shiftless to apply it in practice.
In planning the operating room the architect should include
two small clothes closets with substantial locks thereon, so the
operator may have a place to keep his private belongings;
also it is well to have two tool cabinets which may be locked
up securely one for each operator. An operator should have
a full equipment of tools, but it is rather discouraging to
provide a costly kit of tools and then be compelled to leave
them at the mercy of any one, from the janitor to the chance
visitor, to say nothing of the other operator, who perhaps has
none of his own, and, moreover, may not be inclined to take
the best care of those belonging to others. There should be
drawers, or a closet in which to keep supplies, such as car-
bons, extra condensing lenses, etc., though, of course a shelf
will serve, and if the walls be built of cement it is a compar-
atively simple matter to provide cement shelves when the
room is built. The supply closet may be built outside of
the operating room if desired. There should also be
plenty of hooks on which to hang wire, etc. It is an ex-
ceedingly unprofitable thing to spend time hunting for a
piece of wire or a tool, or some needed repair part, when
something goes wrong. All these should not only be kept in
stock but be kept in place, where the operator can find them
instantly when they are needed. For instance: fuses should be
kept near the fuse cabinet; when a fuse blows it is no time to
be rummaging around through a miscellaneous lot of supplies
to get a new one. If a wire burns in two, possibly stopping the
show, it is no pleasant thing to have to look through a pile of
miscellaneous tangled odds and ends of wire to find what you
need. The point I am making is: Have a place for everything
and everything in its place. This is not likely to be done, how-
ever, unless proper shelves, hooks and closets be provided.
// an operator does not keep things in order, being provided
with proper places in which to keep them, then he is not the
right sort of man to have in charge of an operating room.
There should by all means be a wash basin, with running
water, and a toilet either in or convenient to the operating
room; both of these are quite essential, particularly where
only one operator is employed. Often something will go
wrong with the machine and the operator will get his hands
covered with oil and dirt in making repairs. If there is no
means of washing them, the next time he handles a piece of
film there is likely to be considerable damage done. He is also
very apt to soil everything he touches. From any and every
point of view a wash basin ought to be installed in or near the
operating room, and a toilet should be required by law, since in
many cases the operator is literally chained right there in the
operating room for hours at a stretch.
An one end of the operating room there may be a rewind-
ing room, the two separated by a fire-proof walland door, the
shutter master-cord passing through this wall and down over
the rewinding table, with a fusible link, as already set forth.
If there is a motor or generator set, or a mercury arc rectifier,
there should be a separate room provided for them at one end
of the operating room. These machines should not be placed
in the room where the film is rewound, and a mercury arc
rectifier should never be placed in the operating room itself,
because it makes the room too light, and it is thus made diffi-
cult for the operator to discern faint shadows on the screen.
Supplies for the Operating Room. I cannot imagine a
more foolish and utterly mistaken policy on the part of a
manager than to be niggardly in the matter of projection
room supplies. On the other hand I by no manner of means
approve of the operator wasting supplies or being extrava-
gant with them.
I take the position that an operator who cannot be trusted to
be careful and economical with supplies when he has plenty is
not a fit man to be in charge of an operating room.
However, in this connection it must be remembered that
A good, competent operator, who understands his business
and is allowed to do things as they should be done, does not
wait until a part breaks down entirely, thus perhaps stopping
the show until repairs are made; he renews worn parts before
the break comes.
It is false economy, from any point of view, to try to get
the last particle of wear out of operating room equipment.
Take, for instance, asbestos wire lamp leads. Altogether too
many operators use their lamp leads, particularly that por-
tion inside the lamphouse, too long. Inside the lamp-
house the wires are subjected to increasing heat from the
arc as they approach nearer to it, and as the temperature
of metal rises its resistance also rises. Copper oxidizes
under the action of heat, and where a wire is worked close
to its capacity electrically, and you add a high temperature
of heat from an outside source, the effect is to raise the re-
sistance of the wire, thus lowering its carrying capacity and
setting up still more heat and rapid oxidization and deterio-
ration. In a very short time the strands turn brown, then
dark brown, and presently if you bend the wire near the
lamp binding post, you will find it has no "spring"; it is like
a piece of string. Under this condition its resistance is very
high and it is consuming wattage which in a few hours' time
will more than equal the cost of the 1 wire. If you strip the
asbestos back you will probably find its strands have turned
brown for a considerable distance. '
I would recommend that where No. 6 asbestos stranded
lamp leads are used they be cut off and that a good, heavy wire
connector, D, Fig. 30, be attached and then connection made
from that to the lamp with a short piece of the same wire.
Then where, say, 40 amperes are used, once every week re-
move this short piece of wire, throw it away and substitute
a new piece. This will cost you a little more than twenty
cents, but it will save that much or more in current, besides
giving a better light. Where less than 40 amperes are used
the wire can be continued in use for a somewhat longer time.
When the amperage is very high, larger wire, or No. 6
doubled, should be used inside the lamphouse.
There is always tendency to use the intermittent sprocket
of the projection machine too long. Intermittent sprockets
of modern projectors are very carefully made and hardened,
but, notwithstanding this fact, in the course of time the con-
stant wear of the film will cut a notch in the side of the
sprocket teeth and in time wear them into a hook shape,
which has tendency to produce unsteadiness in the picture,
as well as do serious injury to the film itself. Therefore, this
being the fact, it would be true economy to replace the in-
termittent sprocket before the teeth show any appreciable
wear when subjected to examination, using a condenser lens
as a magnifying glass.
I mention these two examples merely as typical, and place
them in evidence as showing that it does not pay to be too
economical in the matter of operating room supplies; also
as proof that lack of knowledge often causes a manager to
practice what is in effect false economy, or, in other words,
practice economy which is, as a matter of fact, exactly the
opposite. It never pays to compel the operator to use worn
parts, since worn parts always tend to injure results on the
Managers would do exceedingly well to secure an operator in
whose judgment they have confidence, and, having done so,
alloiv him reasonably free hand in the matter of supplies.
It is an absolute fact that failure to grasp this simple idea,
and apply it in practice, is causing the moving picture industry
many, many thousands of dollars every year through loss of
business. Tens of thousands of people would be more regular
patrons of moving picture theatres if the pictures in those
houses were placed on the screen in the best possible manner,
but placing the picture on the screen in the best possible man-
ner is utterly impossible to the operator ivho is not supplied
with proper equipment or with needed repair parts.
In the operating room should be an ample supply of car-
bons, wire of the various kinds used, plenty of fuses of the
different sizes and kinds used, slide cover glasses (clean,
not dirty), stereopticon mats and gummed binder strips,
extra parts for the intermittent movement, and, if it be a
Power, Motiograph or Simplex machine, then an entire intermit-
tent movement, including the framing carriage, already assembled
and ready to slide into place in the machine; extra machine
bushings for intermittent and cam shaft bearings, extra con-
densers, and, in fact, everything likely to be needed.
In the room should be some sort of a water-tight, metal
receptacle of such form that it will not be easily upset, this
to be kept half full of water to receive hot carbon butts. If
the operating floor is covered with iron (bad practice, but
still followed in some localities) it should be covered with
insulating material, such as cork matting, rubber matting or
linoleum, or at least there should be an insulating mat of
ample size on the operating side of both machines and the
stereopticon, otherwise the operator is most likely to be
subjected to unpleasant shocks, though this does not hold
true if the Iamphouse.be thoroughly and effectively grounded
to the floor.
Operator's Chair. Some managers insist upon the oper-
ator standing up, and will not allow a chair in the room.
With all due respect to them, that is pure, unadulterated
nonsense. Some men prefer to stand up, but to other men
standing several hours continuously on their feet is a tre-
mendous hardship. The writer, for instance, could not
and would not do it. At the end of two hours he would be
too badly exhausted to do good work. Anyhow, there is no
earthly reason why the operator should not be seated com-
fortably at his machine. If the observation port be properly
made, so that he can view his picture from that position,
there is absolutely no reason whatever to suppose he won't
do just as good work seated as Wihen standing up.
As a matter of fact the operator is very likely to do better
work when seated than when standing, because when standing
there is always the temptation to move around, whereas if
seated at the machine he is likely to remain right there in front
of the observation port where he ought to be, and where he
must be to deliver the best results. It is therefore good policy
not only to allow the operator to be seated at the machine, but
to provide a comfortable chair, or at least a stool of proper
Ammeter and Voltmeter in the Operating Room. It is, m
the judgment of the author, an exceedingly good investment
to locate an ammeter or voltmeter, particularly the former,
in such position that it will be constantly in front of the
operator when he is in operating position at the machine,
the same to be connected to the operating room feeders, so
as to indicate all current used in the room..
There is a certain point at which the projection arc will
produce maximum illumination with a minimum current
consumption. Just a little movement of the carbons away from
this position will jump the current consumption by anywhere
from 5 to 20 per cent., without in any way increasing the light
brilliancy in fact it is likely to decrease it. With an am-
meter placed directly in front of the operator he is able to,
and, if a careful man, will maintain his arc at the point of
maximum brilliancy with minimum current consumption. I
believe that, in the average theatre, an operating room
ammeter, if properly located, will pay for itself in a very
short time. A good ammeter may be had at from twelve to
fifteen dollars.
The method of connecting an ammeter or voltmeter is set
forth in Fig. 92.
Figure 92.
Anchoring the Machine. It is absolutely essential to
steadiness! of the picture on the screen that the machine
itself be rigid, and without the least vibration. Most modern
projectors have tables or pedestals sufficiently solid to re-
quire no additional anchoring, provided the floor itself be
without vibration. However, there are still a number of old
style tables in use, and, for the benefit of the users thereof,
I illustrate an excellent table anchor in Fig. 93.
In Fig. 93, A is a piece of 1^4-inch pipe, at the top of
which is a flange with a right-hand thread and at the bot-
tom a flange with a left-hand thread. Pipe A is cut just
long enough barely to clear the floor and ceiling when the
flanges are not on.. Now screw the flange on and with a
Stillson wrench turn the pipe counter clockwise, which will
have the effect of forcing the top flange against the ceiling
and the bottom flange against the floor, thus firmly anchor-
ing pipe A, to which the machine table is then attached by
means of part B. The front of the table may then be
anchored to the front wall as shown. Legs of tables of the
tvpe shown in Fig. 93 should be set in iron sockets, or, in
rneir absence, be placed in an indentation made in the floor.
These tables are, however, out of date, and are rapidly being
Tools. The operator should, as has been remarked, be in
possession of a kit of tools enabling him to do ordinary re-
pair jobs. Such a kit of tools cost several dollars, but it is
a good investment. The manager is likely to have more
respect for the operator who owns a good tool kit than for
the one who shows up with a ten-cent screw-driver in one
,~L shaped piece to
y front end
fable' to froni
H of bootk
figure 93.
pocket and a pair of broken pliers in another. In the second
edition of the Handbook I gave a list of tools, to which I
see no reason for either subtracting or adding, except in
the item of a small hand-bellows, which is a very convenient
tool with which to blow dust and dirt from around switches,
and from around the pole-pieces, armature and places where
a brush cannot be used on a motor or generator. This is a
thing, however, which does not really belong to the operator's
kit, but should be supplied by the manager, and should have
a place in every operating room. It is a necessity where a
motor generator set is used. The following is the list of
One pair "button" pliers 8 or 10 inch; one pair 8 or 10 inch
lineman's side cutting pliers (I leave the matter of size open,
as some prefer one and some the other); one pair 8 or 10
inch gas pliers; one large and one medium screw-driver; one
screw-driver with good length of carefully tempered blade
for small machine screws, to be heavily magnetized so as to
jhold small screws; one pair of pliers for notching film, see
Fig. 76; one small riveting hammer; one claw hammer; one
small cold chisel; one medium-sized punch; one very small
punch for star and cam pins; one small pair tinner's snips;
pair blunt-nose film shears (such as clerks use); one small
gasoline torch for soldering wire joints; one :hack-saw. With
this kit you will be able to do almost any ordinary job, but
you will have use for them all. In addition to the above the
house manager should furnish one 8 and one 10 inch flat file,
one $/% round file, one 8 inch "rat tail" file, a small benc'h
vise with anvil and some soldering flux and solder wire.
In this list there is nothing which will not be found of use,
and many operators will desire and acquire a more elaborate
Tools in Order. It is of the utmost importance that the
operator's tools, be they many or few, be kept in order,
neatly arranged on the wall, the screw-drivers and pliers
within handy reach from operating position. One of the
most reprehensible habits possible is that of dropping tools
when one has. finished using them and letting them lie until
needed again.
It would be hard to estimate how many thousands of times
moving picture theatre audiences have sat in the dark, wait-
ing patiently while an operator searched around looking for
the pliers, screw-driver, or other tool needed to make a repair,
which he had thrown down wherever he happened to use it
last. Often I have gone into operating rooms and found the
operator's tools lying on the floor in a jumbled pile under-
neath the machine. This kind of thing is not only exceed-
ingly unworkmanlike but decidedly sloppy. The man who
does things that way is never likely to make any large suc-
cess, either of operating or anything else.
My advice to the operator is~ have a good kit of tools and
keep them neatly arranged and in perfect order.
My advice to ihc manager is to discharge the operator who
is satisfied to own a pair of pliers and a screw-driver, or who,
having other tools, does not keep them in order. If he is un-
workmanlike in so important an item, it is likely he will be un-
workmanlike in other things zvhich zvill reflect directly on the
screen in the shape of faulty projection.
Announcement Slides. It is frequently necessary to make
announcements to the audience. There are a great many
different ways in which very good appearing slides can be
hastily prepared. There are inks on the market, in several
colors, with which one may write, using an ^ordinary pen, on
clean, plain glass, just the same as he could write on paper.
There are also a number of slide coatings for sale on which
writing may be done with a sharp pointed instrument.
These slide coatings are particularly to be desired for any
slide which must be made on the spur of the moment, by
reason of the fact that a number of them can be got ready
and laid tip on a shelf in a pile where they will keep in-
definitely. If anything happens and you wish to say some-
thing to the audience, the operator can write on these slides
with anything having a sharp point. For instance, sup-
pose something occurs that will cause a delay of two min-
utes. Within five seconds the operator can write on one of
these slides ".Unavoidable Delay of Two Minutes," stick it
in the stereopticon and project it to the screen. The audi-
ence will then be satisfied to wait for that length of time.
I only suggest this as one possible way in which slides of
this kind may be utilized. They should be kept in the oper-
ating room ready for instant use. Please understand in
this I am not referring to program slides which the man-
ager himself will wish to prepare, but merely those designed
to be used for emergencies.
The wiring of the operating room is a matter which should
be carefully planned before the construction of the room is
begun, particularly if the walls are to be of concrete or
The operating room feeders must be large enough to
carry the entire load of the operating room. That is to say,
if there are, for instance, two projection arc lamps, a dis-
solving stereo, a spot light and four incandescent lamps, then
the operating room feed wires must be large enough to carry
the combined amperage of all these lamps when they are all
burning. True, they probably never will be burning all at
one time, but that does not alter the fact that the wires must
be able to supply them all without overload.
Note. When A. C. circuits are run in conduit always place
both wires of the circuit in the same conduit. If they be run in
separate conduits a highly objectionable inductive effect will
be set up in the conduit.
In order to figure the necessary amperage capacity, pro-
ceed as follows: First estimate the combined amperage.
Suppose there are two projectors and you propose to use 40
amperes from .a HO volt line through resistance. This would
call for 40 + 40 = 80 amperes at the two projector arcs.
Suppose there is a dissolving stereo which requires 15 am-
peres per light, or a total of 30 amperes, a spot light taking
15 amperes and incandescent taking 5 amperes; thus
gO-|-30-f 15 + 5 = 130 amperes. Turning to Table 1, Page
42, we find that if the feeders be two wire, it will require
00 R. C. wire to carry that amount of current.
If, however, the feeders are three wire, then, since when
the lamps were all burning the arc would burn in series on
220 instead of 110 (See three-wire system, Page 56), the am-
perage requirement would be cut in half and it would only
be necessary to have No. 5 feeders.
Again, if all the lamps are to be operated from a motor
generator set, rotary converter, mercury arc rectifier, or on
current taken through an economizer (transformer), then
the operating room feeders need only be large enough to
supply the primary capacity of these devices, or the com-
bined amperage of the arcs reduced from secondary to
primary, provided this apparatus be in the operating room.
The operating room feeders should be brought in at the
most convenient point, through conduits, and carried to a
metal switchboard cabinet. As has been already set forth
under title "Operating Room," the circuit conduits should be
laid before the room is built, and be built into the wall, floor
and ceiling. There is no sense in having the operator stum-
bling over a conduit laid on the floor; also, a conduit laid on
wall and ceiling looks unworkmanlike. It looks like a "half
baked" job. Do the thing right and embed the conduit in
the wall when building the room, carefully planning the out-
The main operating room switchboard cabinet should con-
tain (a) main feeder switch A, and fuses B, Fig. 94,
Figure 94.
carrying the entire operating room load; (b) a small switch
and fuses, C, Fig. 94, carrying the operating room incan-
descent circuits; (c) cutout blocks D, E, F (as many as
needed), carrying fuses for the various circuits, and, if de-
sired, switches also. In the drawing, Fig. 94, we will
assume circuits 1 and 2 to supply the projection machine
arcs, circuit 3 and 4 the dissolving stereo, circuit 5 the spot
light, and circuit 6 the incandescents.
The switchboard plan shown in Fig. 94 is merely illus-
trative. The board may be built up to accommodate as many
or as few circuits as may be necessary. The cutout blocks
shown may be porcelain base cutouts with switches, similar
to those illustrated in Fig. 18, Page 72; they may be
porcelain base cutout blocks without a switch, as shown, or
they may be slate base switches with fuse receptacles.
Where the three-wire system is used to feed the operating
room and connection is made to the neutral, the projection
arcs should be connected on opposite sides. It is, of course,
impossible to balance the operating room load on a three-
wire system because ordinarily only one projection arc will
be burning at a time, but suppose you connect both lamps
of your dissolver to one side, then when the dissolver is in
use, instead of the load being balanced there is approxi-
mately 30 amperes on one side and nothing on the other,
which is bad. Then, too, if both projection lamps are con-
nected to one side, when the arc of the idle machine is struck
to heat the carbons, before switching over to a new reel, for
a short time the entire load of both projectors is on one side,
meaning that anywhere from 60, 80, 90 or even 100 amperes
of current would be on one side, and this much of an un-
balanced effect would be felt by a good sized power plant.
To sum this matter up:
Where a three-wire system is used to feed the operating room,
connect projection arcs to opposite sides and connect dissolver
lamps to opposite sides, except where mercury arc rectifiers,
motor generators or economizers are used, in which case it
is much better to leave the neutral idle and connect only to
the outside wires, purchasing your motor generator or econo-
mizer with that end in view with a 220 volt motor. Mer-
cury arc rectifiers may be used for either 110 or 220.
The location of the operating room switchboard cabinet
will necessarily be determined by local conditions, but use
care to place it conveniently.
There is nothing to be gained by making things inconvenient
for the operator, and there is much to be lost by doing so.
As to the main operating room fuses, I would suggest
they be placed as s'hown in Fig. 94, rather than on the other
side of the switch. Inasmuch as the operating room feed
wires, including the operating room main switch, is pro-
tected by fuses on the main switchboard, there is no neces-
sity for protecting it further, and it is more convenient to
install fuses at B if the fuse block is "dead" than if it be
In some cities the power company, will not allow the neu-
tral of a three-wire system to be run to the operating room.
This compels the use of 220 volts which, if rheostats are
used, is very wasteful indeed. The reason for this is the
heavy unbalancing effect (already explained) of the projec-
tion arcs. It is quite possible that this unbalancing effect
might, be very serious, from a power company's point of
view, particularly in a small city where there are a number
of moving picture theatres and the power company's genera-
tors likely to be pretty heavily loaded. Supposing, for in-
stance, one side of a street main supplies five moving picture
theatres, each having two machines connected to the same
side of a three-wire system. Now suppose it happens, as it
might easily happen, that the operators in all five theatres
chanced to be changing from one machine to the other at
the same time, and all struck the arcs of their idle machines
at the same moment. This would mean, assuming that all
were pulling 40 amperes at each arc, a total unbalance of 400
amperes (five theatres, two arcs to the theatre), which would
probably put everything else attached to this same generator
out of business, at least temporarily.
Even if these five theatres each had their two arcs on
opposite sides, when only one arc was burning it would mean
an unbalance load of 40 X 5 = 200 amperes, so you see the
light company is perfectly justified in demanding that only
the outside wires be used. But this does not hold good if cur-
rent is taken through resistance. In that event the changing to
the two outside wires would have no effect at all, except to
load both generators of the system that much more heavily.
Instead of having one generator pulling an unbalanced load
of 400 amperes, as before set forth, if connected to the
two outside wires through resistance both generators would
be pulling a load equal to 400 amperes at 110 volts, when
all arcs were burning, therefore the only thing gained is a
big additional (double) and entirely useless waste of elec-
trical energy.
What the light company has the undoubted right to do
is to demand that the projection lamps of the theatre be
connected to opposite sides of a three-wire system when
Figure 95.
current is taken through rheostats, and if an economizer,
motor generator, rotary converter or mercury arc rectifier
be used that the supply be taken from the outside wires.
In Fig. 95, the typical, and in some ways excellent operat-
ing room of the Park Theatre, Bangor, Me., is illustrated.
It will be observed that the projection machine circuits are
led under the floor and up to an outlet immediately under
the lamphouse, which is exactly as it should be. The vent
flue seems to be of ample size and well located. The
switchboard is apparently neatly put together, but should
have a metal cabinet to protect it. The switch and volt-
meter and ammeter near the ceiling at the right govern a
5 k.w. motor generator set.
The work bench is made of wood, which would be ob-
jected to in many cities, though the objection has no real
basis. There is about ;as much danger in a wooden work
bench in an operating room as there is in a pile of sawdust
in an ice house. The fuse links of the shutter cord are
so located that they would be of slight value in case of fire.
There is no evidence of toilet conveniences, though it is
possible they may be placed near-by but outside the op-
erating room. The tools would look better in a neat rack
over the work bench, instead of lying on the bench.
In Fig. 96, Fig. 97, and Fig. 98, we see three views
of a most excellent operating room installation at the
Monarch Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio. In this installation
there is little to criticise. The fire shutters are hung from
a master-cord, which is correct practice. As shown the
master-cord fuses are wrongly placed, but I am informed
that since the picture was taken the fuses have been car-
ried down under the magazine and placed over the machine
apertures on brackets. What tools are in sight are neatly
hung up on the wall. The conduit is not buried in the
floor, ceiling or walls as it should be, but this could not
be avoided as the walls of the room are of hollow tile and
the local laws will not permit a conduit to be placed inside
of that kind of operating room wall. It is true that a
conduit on the face of the wall serves the purpose just as
well from an electrical standpoint as it would were it
buriedi in the wall, but it looks bad and spoils the finish
of the room. There is a wash basin, with cold and hot
water, but an apparent absence of seats for the operators,
and that I cannot agree with.
/ believe the operator is much more likely to remain at his
machine, where he belongs, if there is a comfortable seat pro-
vided, and surely he will do as good or better work when
seated at his machine than when running around the operating
room, letting George (the motor) project the picture.
The room is 10 x 15 feet, with a ceiling 10 feet at the
walls and 12 feet in the center where there is a 36 x 40 inch
vent flue, in which is an 18-inch G. E. exhaust fan. In the
rear wall, only part of which is shown, are two windows
30 x 40 inches, each having a 16-inch fan set in its center.
The windows open on a 10-foot court, and are metal instead
of glass.
Each machine is connected to two rheostats in multiple,
and it will be noted the rheostats are placed near the ceil-
ing, where they should be. There is a voltmeter and an
ammeter, but these two instruments are poorly located,
as the operator, when standing ,at the machine, would have
to turn round to see them, and that is not good. There
are three projectors, which eliminate all possibility of
Figure 98.
trouble * from a break-down. The observation ports are
8x12 inches. The walls are of tile and brick, 18 inches thick,
with a ceiling of steel roofing with an air gap of 3 inches
above and then metal lath plastered. The floor is of
cement, built up on the ground, covered with battleship
linoleum one-fourth-inch thick. The floor of the operating
room is only 3 feet 6 inches above the main floor of the
theatre. The lens ports are 6 feet 8 inches from the main
floor, which places the lens in almost perfect line with the
center point of the screen. The cabinet next to the sink
contains controls for the heating system, the center one the
switches for the theatre lights, and the third the fuse board
for the operating room. There are two sets of No. 6 wire
running to each machine, each set connected to separate
fuses. The machine switch of the two outside machines is
double-throw, so that by throwing the switch over a new
set of fuses is cut in. We see the corner opposite the sink
in Fig. 98. The bank of six lamps and the batteries are
the business end of the safety lighting system required by
Ohio law. It automatically lights small, low voltage lamps
in the auditorium if anything goes wrong with the main
Figure 99.
circuit, thus preventing the plunging of the auditorium into
I am informed that the card index shown immediately
under the cabinet contains more than two thousand ques-
tions and answers on operating and the things allied thereto.
The typewriter is used in connection with the card index.
Notice the extra parts neatly arranged on the wall; the
program slate; the extra reels and wire; the oil cans and
the electric battery flash lamp.
This installation is the work of Howard W. Codding,
who, by the way, was one of the organizers of the Cleve-
land operators' union. Judging from these pictures, Brother
Codding is a thoroughly capable, enterprising and progres-
sive operator, and one not merely satisfied to be able to
draw his Saturday night's pay, giving the least possible
mental and physical effort in return.
Later: I am informed that there are comfortable chairs
for the operators, though they do not show in the pictures.
Fig. 99 shows the operating room of the Pathe projec-
tion room at the American headquarters of that company.
I have used these operating room illustrations for two
reasons: first, they are excellent of their kind, and I believe
will serve to offer suggestions to others planning similar
installation; second, to mildly criticise the faults shown,
but I wish it understood that these installations are never-
theless good, and good ones to copy, too, with the faults
mentioned eliminated.
With regard to the projection circuit, when it cannot be
carried under the floor it should by all means be carried
through and above the ceiling, if possible, or if that cannot
be done then along the surface of the ceiling to a point
just to the left of the projector lens hole, and thence down
the wall and back, either along the left side of the machine
or along the floor, according to individual preference, to
an outlet located under the lamphouse. Some of these
various methods are shown in the illustrations. There is
no rule which can be made to apply to all installations.
As a rule inspectors require that all switches, except those
of the inclosed type, and all fuses be inclosed in a metal
cabinet, and it undoubtedly does add .an element of safety,
since there is always a chance of something inflammable
falling against an open switchboard and causing trouble, or
of the operator himself accidentally coming into contact with
it and receiving a bad shock or burn.
With modern projectors the operating switch is invariably
a part of the machine, and located under or beside and
below the lamphouse. These switches must be of the
inclosed type inclosed in a sheet metal casing.
Double Throw Connection. Two projectors should never
be connected through a double-throw switch with the supply
attached to the center contacts, so that it is necessary to ex-
tinguish one lamp to light the other', except in cases where
current is taken through a single motor generator or recti-
fier of insufficient capacity to supply both lamps. In that
event it is well to make that sort of connection, but, on
the other hand, it is advisable where that condition prevails
to arrange so that the idle lamp may be operated through
a rheostat taking current directly from the supply lines
ahead (on the street side) of the motor generator or
This sort of connection, shown in Fig. 100, is entirely
practical and not at all expensive to make. In practice I
think the change from rheostat to compensarc could be
made without breaking the arc. The idle lamp would be lit
up, using current through the rheostat, about two or three
minutes before the reel on the other machine was ended
and at the changeover the operator would quickly throw
Figure 100.
over the four-pole switch and pull the machine table switch
on the machine which had finished its task.
Except under the circumstances just named every machine
circuit should be entirely independent of every other circuit.
Connect every projector lamp and every stereo lamp entirely
independent of every other lamp and you will avoid trouble
and annoyance.
Polarity Changer. Where the supply is taken from a
small D. C. plant it sometimes occurs that when dynamos
are changed the polarity changes, which requires the instant
switching of your own wires to bring the positive back to
the top carbon. This may quickly be accomplished by the
installation of a double-throw double-pole switch, such as
is seen in Fig. 101. Throwing this switch over changes
the polarity of the wires. The cross wires should be pro-
Figure 101.
tected by flexible insulating tubing in addition to their own
Fig. 102 is a diagram of a combined polarity switch and
fuse changer. By throwing switch A a new set of fuses
Figure 102.
is cut in and by throwing switch B the polarity at the arc
is changed.
Connecting to Two Sources of Supply. For various rea-
sons it is frequently desirable to make connection to two
separate sources of electrical supply. One may have one's
own light plant, but wish, in case of accident, to be able to
instantly connect to the wires of the city plant. This may
readily be done, but due to varying conditions details may
vary widely in different cases. Suppose we have a house
plant delivering direct current at 110 volts, while the city
plant produces A. C. at 110 volts; both systems two-wire.
The problem then is simple.
Install a double-pole, double-throw switch, as per Fig. 103.
The house plant being D. C., we shall not need nearly so
much amperage from it as would be necessary for equal
screen illumination with the city plant, A. C.; therefore, we
install two rheostats, A and C, the lower one, A, to be used
with a D. C. house plant. B is a double-pole single-throw
Figure 103.
knife switch which is open when D. C. is in use, so as to
use only rheostat A. When we throw over to the A. C,
however, we close switch B, thus cutting rheostat C in
multiple with rheostat A. Rheostat C should have capacity
sufficient to build the combined amperage of the two up
to that necessary for good illumination of the screen. Sup-
pose we use 35 amperes D. C. In order to secure anything
like the same curtain brilliancy rheostat C must have ca-
pacity sufficient to deliver 25 amperes which, combined with
the capacity of rheostat A, will give 60 amperes at the arc.
But we must remember that, owing to the shorter A. C.
arc, hence the less arc resistance, rheostat A will deliver
somewhat more current on A. C. than it will on D. C., the
voltage of the supply being the same in both cases. We
will probably, therefore, be not far out of the way if we
have rheostat C of capacity to deliver 20 amperes at the arc.
We may, however, instead of this, install a transformer
(economizer, inductor, compensarc, etc.), in place of rheostat
C, Fig. 103, and with a triple-pole double-throw switch, wired
as per Fig. 104, cut out resistance A, Fig. 103, substituting
the economizer therefor. Merely throwing the switch over
Figure 104.
would then change from rheostat to transformer, and vice
versa, though the transformer would be "alive" in the sense
that you could get a shock from it. But this would do no
harm. If you wish to "kill" the transformer entirely when
Figure 105.
using the rheostat, it may be done by installing a S. P. S. T.
switch at X, Fig. 104.
Please understand there are many other switch arrange-
ments possible. Such things may be done in many ways.
Those suggested merely illustrate two possible methods.
Another and still better way to cut the two rheostats in
multiple, Fig. 105, is by means of a triple-pole, double-throw
A careful tracing out of the connections in Fig. 105 will
show that when the switch is thrown to the A. C. supply
side the two rheostats are in multiple, while when the D. C.
side is in use only rheostat 1 is working. Should the supply
voltage be higher on one system than on the other, a higher
voltage rheostat could be substituted for A, Fig. 103, and
rheostat C be made of such capacity that it will bring the
amperage up to normal when on the lower voltage.
ONE of the most puzzling things to the novice, and one
not too well understood by many experienced opera-
tors, is what is termed a "ground," meaning a con-
tact with some current carrying material by means of which
the current can escape from one wire of a circuit into the
ground and through the ground to some point where a wire
of opposite polarity attached to the same generator has con-
tact with the ground, or is "grounded." Incidentally, when
a conductor of current, such, for instance, as the metal of
a lamphouse, has electrical connection with either side of
the circuit, that side of the circuit is said to be "grounded
to the lamphouse," e\en though the lamphouse itself is insu-
lated from the opposite polarity, so that no current can
flow. This is, however, not a ground in the true sense.
The neutral of all Edison -three-wire systems is grounded
to earth. This is a true ground, and if an accidental ground
occurs on the other wires of the system, the current will
return to the dynamo through the earth, and thus form a
short circuit, blowing the fuses protecting the circuit on
which the ground occurs.
And now right here let me make it clear that the somezvhat
common belief that current seeks to escape from the wires
into the ground is wrong, except ivhen by so doing it can find
a path to a ivire of opposite polarity which is attached to the
same dynamo. Let me also emphasize the fact that the cur-
rent generated by one dynamo will not seek the opposite
polarity of another dynamo, but only that of its own gen-
Electric current has absolutely no affinity whatever for any-
thing under the sun except a wire of opposite polarity attached
to the same generator.
If the positive or negative wires of a generator carrying
ten thousand Volts, or for that matter fifty thousand, were
thoroughly and completely insulated (a condition never
found in actual practice) you could stand with your bare
feet on wet ground and 'handle a wire carrying the full
voltage with your bare hands without any danger whatever,
but if you attempted to do this and the wire of opposite
polarity be grounded at any point, the current would in-
stantly leap through your body into the earth, follow the
path of least resistance to the point where the other wire
was grounded, and enter it; or, lest we become confused,
assuming that current flows from positive to negative, if you
held the negative wire, then the current would leave the
. (-
Figure 106.
positive, enter the ground, pass through the ground to your
feet, up through your body and into the negative. The
effect, insofar as shock be concerned, would, of course,
be identical, regardless of which way the current might
flow. I emphasize this because some are puzzled by the
fact that when they touch a negative wire they get just as
heavy a shock as they do when they touch the positive.
Examining Fig. 106, A is a circuit attached to dynamo
G, and B a subsidiary circuit branching from it. Now, let
us assume that the system is grounded at point Z, in the
lower or negative carbon arm, and at point X on the posi-
tive of the subsidiary circuit. In this case the current would
leave the positive at X, travel through the ground, seeking
the path of least resistance, which might lead it through
some distance, to point Z, where it would enter the carbon
arm. You will observe that it does not enter circuit C,
attached to generator Y, although the negative of that
dynamo is grounded, let us assume, at T. The curves in
the line are merely designed to show the devious path the
current may traverse in seeking the path of least resistance.
Again, let us suppose rheostat E to be grounded, it being
on the true positive of an Edison three-wire system, or
the positive of an insulated system, and that a ground on
the neutral or the negative exists at O. The current then
leaves your rheostat, passes into the earth and follows a
water main, or possibly a gas main, or perhaps the earth
itself to point O, where it finds what it is seeking, viz.: a
point at which it can get into the negative wire..
With regard to the three-wire system grounding, it is a
great puzzle to many. Let me say, in the beginning, that
there are two kinds of three-wire systems, viz: the Edison
system, in which the neutral is always thoroughly grounded
at the generator and at other points, and the three-wire
system in which the whole system is insulated. The reason
for grounding the neutral in the Edison system is to prevent
any possibility of the conduit in buildings being charged at
220 volts, or, to put it in electrical terms, to limit, the dif-
ference of potential between any wire and the conduit sys-
tem in buildings to 110 volts. The insulated three-wire
system is, so far as the writer knows, only used for small
Figure 107.
With the Edison three-wire system your test lamp will
not show a light from ground to neutral, and if your neutral
carbon arm should be grounded there will be no effect,
unless the rheostat is in the neutral wire, in which case the
fuses may blow when the arc is struck, by reason of the
fact that the striking of the arc completes the circuit through
the ground, as indicated in Fig. 106, thus eliminating a por-
tion or all of the rheostatic resistance, the amount elimi-
nated depending upon how heavy the ground may be.
It might incidentally be mentioned that, theoretically at
least, it would be quite possible when using the Edison
three-wire system to locate the rheostat on the outside wire,
remove the insulation from the carbon arm of the lamp to
which the neutral is attached, disconnect it from the wire
and thoroughly ground the carbon arm, whereupon the arc
would operate the same as though it was connected up to
the system. The above is merely cited as a curiosity, and
not because it is really a practical thing to do.
Gounds may be tested for with a test lamp. This may be
a single lamp, of the voltage of your system, to which two
wires of convenient length are connected, or when using
the Edison three-wire system, the test lamp may be made up
as per Fig. 107. The lamp combination used in Fig. 107 is
designed to be used on either 110 or 220 volts.
Figure 108.
On 110 volts, wires A and C only should be used, but on
220 use wires A and B, the lamps being 110 volt globes,
preferably of low candle power, though standard lamps will
do. If you are not using 110 or 220 volts, then you will, of
course, use lamps of whatever voltage your system may
happen to be.
It is highly desirable to have a permanent, known ground
in the operating room, and this may best be established by
either attaching a copper wire, No. 22 or larger, to a water
pipe, or else by soldering the end of such a wire to a copper
plate not less than one foot square, and burying the plate,
embedded in powdered coke, in the ground deep enough
to secure its contact with moist earth. Having established
the ground by either of the above described methods, carry
the other end of the wire through the wall of the operating
room at any convenient point and attach a binding post at
its end. This forms a permanent, known ground. To at-
tach the ground wire to the water pipe the best method is,
using a file or emery cloth, to polish the pipe perfectly
clean and bright for one or two inches of its length, and
then, first having stripped the insulation from four or five
feet of the end of the wire, and scraped the wire perfectly
clean, wrap the same many times around the pipe tightly,
and fasten it securely in place, but be sure that the wire is
held tightly to the pipe. Having finished this, we will pro-
ceed to attach the test lamp socket firmly to the wall, in any
convenient manner, close to the end of the ground wire, and
join one of its binding posts thereto by means of a short
piece of wire. Now cut a piece of insulated wire (braided
lamp cord is excellent for the purpose) long enough to reach
from the other binding post of the test lamp to any point in
the operating room where you are likely to want to make a
test. Attach one end of this wire to the other test lamp
binding post and you will then be in a position to make a
ground test instantly at any time, simply by touching the
lead wire from the lamp to the object you desire to test, the
lead wire being, of course, kept coiled up on the wall beside
the test lamp when not in use, all of which is shown in
Fig. 108.
It is quite possible the object to be tested may be grounded
and still not light the lamp, by the reason of the high resist-
ance of the ground not allowing sufficient current to pass to
heat the filament, but this kind of ground will be detected,
nevertheless, by reason of the fact that the end of the wire
will show a spark when the contact is broken. For this
reason it is always better, when possible, to test in a mod-
erately dark room. With this arrangement the operator can
test his aparatus every day without trouble or inconvenience.
However, you must bear in mind that when using an Edison
three-wire system you cannot test any apparatus connected
only to the neutral wire with a test lamp, because they are
permanently grounded with the neutral. In testing with a
dry battery it is not necessary to use a bell; just connect two
wires to the battery, and make your test. If there Is a
ground there will be a spark. It is better, however, to use
two or more batteries connected in series.
With the insulated three-wire system the test lamp acts
the same as with the two-wire system.
Figure 109.
Locating a grounded coil in the rheostat is a deep, dense
mystery to many operators, but it really is a very simple
matter. Fig. 109 is a diagrammatic representation of a rheo-
stat; A, B, C, D, etc., indicating the coils or grids, coil or
grid E being grounded to the frame at X. Assuming that we
wish to test this rheostat to find out whether or not it is
in good order, using a magneto or bell and battery, first
touch the binding posts with the two leads from the bell
and battery, or magneto. If you get a ring it indicates that
the circuit is complete; that is to say, no cojl js broken or
disconnected. Next touch one binding post and the outer
casing or frame of the rheostat. If you get no ring then
the rheostat may be considered in good order, except for
one thing which cannot be located with a bell or test lamp,
viz., two coils being sagged together so as to eliminate a
part of the resistance without breaking the circuit.
The rheostat may be tested with a test lamp in a number
of different ways. First, assuming the rheostat to rest upon
a marble slab, or other insulating material, with the current
on, touch your test lamp to the frame of the rheostat and
to the wire of opposite polarity. If you get a spark, or light,
the coils or grids are grounded to the frame, and the ground
can be located as hereinafter described. Another way would
be to disconnect the wire leading from the rheostat to the
lamp from the rheostat binding post and, with the switch
closed, touch the frame of the rheostat with one test lamp
lead and the wire which has just been disconnected with
the other, the arc lamp carbons being "frozen," i.e., in con-
tact with each other. If you get a light or a spark there
is a ground; if not, there is none. Still another way, again
assuming the rheostat to rest on an insulating shelf, discon-
nect one of the wires from the rheostat binding post and,
with the carbons of the lamp frozen and the switch closed,
touch the disconnected wire end to the frame of the rheo-
stat. If you get a spark there is a ground.
Now suppose you have applied one of these tests and
find there is a ground in the rheostat, indicating that one
of the coils is electrically connected with the frame. How
are you going to locate the particular coil or grid at fault?
This is a point which puzzles so many operators, yet it is
as simple as a, b, c, when you come to examine it in the
light of common sense. Close the switch, and, if you are
using a test lamp, attach one test lamp lead to one of the
rheostat binding posts. Now attach the other test lamp lead
to the frame of the rheostat, and, beginning at the end far-
thest from the binding post the test lamp lead is attached
to, disconnect the first coil, which we will assume to be coil
A, Fig. 109. The light still burns. Disconnect coils B, C,
and D in turn. The light still burns. Disconnect coil E
and the light goes out, because you have removed the ground.
You will, therefore, proceed to examine coil or grid E and
locate the trouble, which may and probably will be due to
a ground through the insulation of the connection at Z.
Where a rheostat consists of two blanks of coils or grids
considerable labor can be saved by disconnecting one side
or bank from the other, and then testing each, as a whole,
to find out which half the ground is on. It is then only
necessary to disconnect the individual coils on the defective
It is always advisable that the projection machine lamp-
house and mechanism be grounded to the metal of the opera-
ting room, and the whole may, or may not be thoroughly
and permanently grounded to a water pipe. The reason for
grounding the projection machine, especially if it be an all
metal one, to the operating room metal work, lies in the fact
that if the machine be insulated from the metal of the
operating room and the lamp should become grounded to the
metal of the lamphouse it would charge the whole mechan-
ism, and, should the operator, when putting a reel in the
magazine, touch both the magazine and the metal of the
operating room with the reel, there would be a spark which
might set the film on fire.
There is no real necessity for grounding the metal of the
operating room; it may or may not be done, as best suits
the ideas of the individual.
Testing for ground is, after all, a matter of plain, horse
sense, and anyone can do it if he understand electrical action.
The Lamp House. Of late projection machine manufac-
turers have awakened to the importance of a carefully con-
structed lamphouse, and the later models of all standard
projectors leave very little to be desired so far as the lamp-
house be concerned. In the early days, when it was the
exception to use in excess of 25 amperes for projection, and
30 was about the limit, no one paid much attention to the
lamphouse. It was a little, contracted affair, built of russia
iron, single thickness, which merely served to confine the
light, or some of it, and hold the condensers after a fashion.
The lamphouse of the modern projector is, however, in
some instances, a double walled affair, lined on the inside
with insulating material. Its proportions are imposing; its
ventilation is very carefully planned, and in fact the whole
outfit is excellent and complete, and probably will not be
very largely improved in the future, except as to the con-
denser mount, which still leaves considerable to be desired.
The ventilation of the lamphouse is of extreme importance,
particularly where high amperage is used. If your lamp-
house is of the type having screens over the ventholes, either
above or below, it is very important indeed that these screens
be kept perfectly clean, since if the screen, either above
or below, clogs up, then ventilation is impeded and an ex-
cessive heat is set up inside the lamphouse. This has a
double effect. First, it tends to overheat the condensers to
raise them to an unnecessarily high temperature, which very
largely increases liability to condenser breakage through
sudden and extreme contraction of the lens, especially when
the lamphouse door is opened to trim the lamp immediately
after finishing a reel.
The lower the temperature in the lamphouse is kept the less
zvill be the likelihood of condenser breakage.
That is a plain, common sense proposition everyone ought
readily to understand. It also is very plain that the more
open and free the ventilation of the lamphouse is the lower
will be the temperature of its interior.
The second effect of lack of ventilation is that by increasing
the temperature inside the lamphouse the lamphouse itself
radiates more heat, thus increasing the discomfort of the
operator in warm weather.
The core of the carbons contains a substance known as
water-glass, and the residue of water-glass is a white ash
which coats the interior lamphouse walls and very quickly
clogs the holes in the screen at its top. Therefore it be-
hooves the operator to clean the top screen every day. It is
not a dirty job if it is done every day, but if you try to clean
it when it has not been cleaned in a long while you had
better take the entire lamphouse off and take it out of doors
to clean it or you certainly will have a nasty mess in the
operating room.
Best Method of Ventilation. The best and most feasible
scheme for ventilation is one recommended by the Projec-
tion Department of the Moving Picture World more than
three years ago. It consists of running a 3 or 4 inch metal
pipe from the top of the lamphouse to the open air, or up
into the operating room vent flue. This is now provided for
in the Power, Edison, Simplex and Baird lamphouses of late
design by an opening left for that purpose.
The idea is set forth in Fig. 110. This pipe carries away
much of the heat of the arc, reduces the liability to condenser
breakage and renders the position of the operator far more
pleasant through the hot summer months. It has the hearty
indorsement and approval of the Projection Department of
the Moving Picture World and of the author of this book.
/ would recommend its installation in all operating rooms, but
don't just run a short piece of pipe up a foot or so above the
lamphouse. It would be perfectly safe to do that, but it
would not carry the heat outside the room, and, more-
over, would not be approved by the authorities in cities.
Run the pipe out to the open air or up into the operating room
vent flue. If this is done it need not be capped with a screen,
because in any event it will not be less than 5 or 6 feet long,
and by no stretch of the wildest imagination would a spark
from the electric arc reach such a distance as that. If it is
necessary to swing the lamphouse over to the stereopticon,
Figure 110.
that can be readily provided for by putting in a swing joint
or a slip joint, or a combined swing and slip joint. Most of
the leading machine manufacturers have already made pro-
vision so that this sort of vent pipe can be attached to their
lamphouse. Where suc'h provision is not made the pipe may
be attached by cutting through the top of the lamphouse and
attaching it thereto with a suitable flange.
In most cities the authorities require that the back of the
lamphouse be entirely inclosed. This is pure, unadulterated
nonsense, but nevertheless when it is the law it must be
complied with. Where the law does not require its closure,
however, I recommend that the entire back of the lamphouse
be left open, unless such a pipe as already described is in-
stalled, in which case there will be ample ventilation without
removing the back.
Lack of ample ventilation in the lamphouse causes moving
picture theatre managers in this country a large sum in con-
denser breakage every day. I should say this item alone would
run to at least two and perhaps as much as five hundred dollars
a day, in the United States alone, meaning that that amount of
condensing lenses are broken that would not be broken if the
lamphouse had ample ventilation.
Keep Your Lamphouse Clean. The careful, painstaking,
competent operator will keep his lamphouse clean. It does
not look well to find a half inch of carbon dust, dirt and
pieces of broken carbons lying on the floor of the lamp-
house. It does not give one a good impression of the man
in charge. It is not the workmanlike way of doing things.
The rods upon which the lamphouse slides, if it slides over
to the stereopticon, should be kept lubricated. When your
lamp has the desired angle, if the lower carbon jaw comes
into contact with the front wall of the lamphouse you should
line the front wall at that point with one-eighth inch as-
bestos millboard, which may be fastened to the wall by
punching four screw holes and attaching the board with
small, short stove bolts. If your lamphouse is of the old,
unlined type it is also an excellent plan to rivet one-eighth
inch asbestos millboard to the left hand wall, or door, op-
posite the binding posts of the lamp. Many annoying grounds
are caused by a stray strand of the asbestos-covered lamp
leads protruding and making electrical contact with the lamp-
Arc Projector. Modern lamphouses are provided with a
properly located arc observation window of ample dimen-
sions, fitted with glass of a color combination enabling the
operator to look directly at the arc without the least eye-
Many operators, however, prefer to project a picture of
the arc on a white screen pinned to the operating room wall.
This is very easily done, as follows: With a drill or punch
not exceeding one-thirty-second of an inch in diameter, make
a hole in the left hand wall, or door of the lamphouse exactly
opposite the arc when it is in proper position. Through this
hole a picture of the arc will be projected to any white sur-
face held a short distance away, but the image will be upside
down. The picture may be improved by placing in front of
the hole a small piece of a broken condensing lens, or any
small lens you may happen to have; an old spectacle lens
will often serve. It is also possible to project a front view
of the arc on the front of the upper magazine of the pro-
jector by punching a small hole in the front wall of the
Figure 111.
lamphouse just above
the condenser casing.
Don't have the hole
too large, however,
or the image will
not be sharp.
Condenser Holder.
It is only of late that
any particular atten-
tion has been paid to
the condenser holder,
but several holders
have now been
evolved, the intelli-
gent use of which
very largely eliminates condenser breakage.
Condensers break because one part of the lens is thin and
another part is quite thick. Therefore when the lens is sub-
jected to heat, the edge, or thin part, heats up very rapidly
as compared to the thicker center. Hence the edge of the
lens expands and contracts much more rapidly than its
The theory of these improved condenser holders is that by
providing a heavy band of metal at the edge of the lens
there will be a retarding effect in the metal which will hold
down the temperature of the edge of the lens when it is
heating up, and hold up its temperature when it is cooling
off, so that the center and edge of the lens will cool down
approximately at the same speed, and thus expansion and
contraction will be fairly equal and breakage very nearly
eliminated. The theory is correct, as has been proven in hun-
dreds of instances where these holders have been installed.
In Fig. Ill we see four styles of the Elbert holder illus-
trated. I think the
idea is fairly well con-
veyed by the pictures.
The lens is held in
place by spring steel
ring, marked X in the
illustration. The El-
bert holder may be
used for both the front
and back lens, and in
fact as made for the
Simplex and Motio-
graph it does ,hold both
the front and back
lenses. The Power and
Edison 'holder is made
for one lens only, but a
pair may be secured, if FREDDY HOLDER
desired, so as to hold Figure 112.
both lenses.
In Fig. 112 is shown the Preddy holder, also an excellent
and very efficient device for holding the rear lens of the con-
denser. It is not, however, designed to hold the front lens.
Fig. 113 shows the method of its installation and the details
of its construction. It is made of cast metal.
No doubt machine manufacturers will themselves add this
feature to their projectors in the near future. In fact some
of them have already done so, in a limited way. / would
strongly advise all theatre managers to have their lamphouscs
equipped with one of these devices, particularly if they are using
high amperage. To those troubled with condenser breakage
these holders zvill save their cost in a very short time. Both'
the Preddy and Elbert mounts are excellent and easy to install.
In ordering give the kind and model of your projector. Don't
forget that part, for it is very necessary.
The Lamp. Light is the very foundation of projection, and
the lamp is a most important factor in the production of good
light. In fact, the production of the best possible projection
light is entirely out of the question
where a poor lamp is employed, or a
lamp that is dry, loose and "wobbly,"
or so tight in its joints, or so dry,
that you can scarcely move its
adjustment wheels.
In the past two years there has
been an enormous improvement in
the design of projector lamps; in
fact it is only within that time that
we have had anything like an efficient
lamp. The manager who is compel-
ling his operator to use an old anti-
quated type of lamp is doing a very,
very foolish thing. He is "saving at
the spigot and losing at the bung-
Figure 113.
hole." He is injuring the results on his screen every hour he
runs, merely to save a few dollars in the purchase price of a
good lamp.
Many an operator is producing poor results on the screen
for no other reason than (a) he has an old out-of-date lamp,
not having the proper adjustments; (b) his lamp is not
properly lubricated; (c) it has too much lost motion and
shakiness; (d) his lamp is too tight or too dry to allow of
his making proper adjustments of the arc; (e) its carbon
jaws are rough and dirty, thus preventing good contact be-
tween the carbon and metal.
It matters not how excellent the lamp itself may be, unless it
be kept in proper condition and properly lubricated it cannot be
handled properly and, therefore, the operator cannot make the
fine adjustments of his arc which are absolutely necessary to
good projection.
The lamp should be taken apart at stated intervals and thor-
oughly lubricated with powdered graphite. It is of little use to
lubricate the lamp with grease or oil, since it is quickly burned
off or dried by the heat, besides making a smudge inside the
lamphouse which is likely to cloud the lenses.
Managers should in all cases provide plenty of good, powdered
graphite t and compel, if necessary, their operators to use it regu-
larly on the lamps.
Seventy-five cents will get a can large enough to last for
a year of more, unless it be wasted. By all means get a can
at once unless you already 'have it. Powdered graphite may
be had of up-to-date dealers. If you fail to get it elsewhere
it may be had of the Picture Theatre Equipment Company,
19 West Twenty-third street, New York 20 cents, by parcel
post. This company has it both dry and in a paste form
both good. Say which you want when ordering.
Operators should make it a practice to take their lamp
entirely apart, except the insulated joints, which should never
be disturbed, once a week if they are running a twelve-hour
show and using heavy amperage, or say once in two weeks
if the running time does not average more than five hours a
day. Take out all the screws, dip them all in oil, wipe them
off clean and dip them in a box of graphite; also smear all
the moving parts with oil, wipe the oil off and rub the parts in
graphite; the oil is merely to make the graphite stick. There-
fore all surplus oil should be wiped off clean. Don't wipe the
parts off after dipping them in graphite. Just shake the
graphite off and put the parts back. The more graphite
adhering to them the better. If you have never done this
you will be astonished at what a difference it will make in
the handling of your lamp and your arc. You will be sur-
prised at how much better you can gauge your light.
Make it your practice to take out the carbon clamp screws
every day before starting the run, and lubricate them with
graphite as before set forth.
Do this and you won't need to twist them up with a plier;
in fact, if you have been using unlubricated clamp screws you
will most likely crush the first carbon or two you put in.
On Pages 270, 271, and 272 will be found illustrations of the
lamps of the various leading projection machines. These
are given in order that the operator may examine the gen-
eral make-up and decide for himself which is best. To this
end certain letters have been incorporated.
(a) Being the carbon feed handle; (b) the handle with
which the lamp, as a whole, is raised up or down; (c) the
handle by means of which the lamp is pulled back or shoved
ahead; (d) the handle by means of which the whole lamp
is swung from side to side; (e) the handle by means of which
the upper or lower carbon is swung to one side in order to
accomplish the side-lining of the carbons: (f) the handle
by means of which the upper or lower carbon is shoved
ahead or pulled back in order to govern the formation of
the crater; (g) the carbon clamp screws; (
Power Consumed
4 L
v '>*''
Figure 122.
This is a little digression from the main subject, which we
will now resume.
Position of the Crater. In considering light for projec-
tion, however, the foregoing must be coupled with another
item of prime importance, viz., the position of the crater.
This latter is the most important point of all, since no
matter what amount of light the arc may be producing, if
that light be not directed toward the lens, then a large pro-
portion of it or even perhaps practically all of of it will be
Figure 123.
wasted. If the crater points downward, the greater per-
centage of light will be thrown in that direction, as is
illustrated at A, Fig. 123, in which the strongest light would
follow line X, and only a very slight percentage reach the
lens, as indicated by the lines. Such a setting would be
enormously inefficient.
For best results the crater must be exactly in line with
the optical axis (center) of the condensing lens. Inasmuch
as all the light comes from the crater, it therefore follows
that the more squarely the crater can be made to face
the condensing lens, without causing the lower carbon tip
to interfere too much in the light ray, the greater percentage
of light will reach the lens, and be made available for pro-
jection. This is illustrated in Fig. 123, in which A shows
a highly inefficient D. C. setting; B a setting somewhat more
efficient, but still not a good one because the crater points
too much downward, and the strongest light would follow
line, X, thus missing the lens entirely. C, however, is an
ideal condition that is to say, the ideal practical condition,
since, for certain reasons well understood by operators, it is
impossible to get a good crater and have it squarely face
the lens, so as to cause the strongest light to pass exactly
through the center of the lens. Assuming the amperage of
arcs A, B, C, Fig. 123, to be equal, each arc would give off
practically the same amount of light, but that of A and B,
being misdirected, would not illuminate the screen nearly so
brilliantly as would the light from C.
The position of the crater is controlled by (a) the angle of
the lamp and (b) the relation of the carbons to each other.
The condition at A is the result of setting the carbon tips
central with each other, as per 1, Fig. 123; B is the result
of advancing the lower carbon tip slightly ahead (toward the
lens) of the upper carbon tip, as per 2, Fig. 123; C is the
result of advancing the lower carbon slightly more than at
3, as per Fig. 123. This, however, can be overdone, as is
shown at D, Fig. 123. At D both the angle of the lamp and the
advancement of the lower carbon is too great, the result being
that, while we have a crater facing the lens squarely, still the
advantage thus gained is neutralized by the fact that the
lower carbon tip comes between the crater and the lens;
also at Z a long skirt has formed, due to the fact that the
lower carbon has been advanced too far. This form of
crater is in itself inefficient, and, moreover, when the arc is
shut off and the carbon is allowed to cool the skirt is apt
to break off about midway of the crater, thus utterly ruining
the crater and very seriously injuring the illumination until
a new one is formed.
Re-examining C, Fig. 123, we observe that the lower car-
bon tip begins to interfere in the light at the fourth line
down, but that the lower line from the lens to the crater
misses the carbon tips and strikes the crater above its center.
This is about as good a condition as you can hope to obtain.
These sketches are not designed to accurately portray actual
arc conditions exactly as they are, but merely to set forth,
in understandable form, the various equations which enter
into the matter of carbon setting, the faults which must be
studied and guarded against, and to illustrate the best obtain-
able condition, which the operator should strive to attain.
When we consider the alternating current arc, however,
we encounter an entirely and a radically different propo-
sition; also one which is more difficult to handle where
less than 70 amperes are used. As already explained, the
crater will form on both carbon tips when A. C. is used, since
each carbon is alternately positive and negative many times
each second. As has already been set forth, the amount of
available projection light will, within certain limits, be in
direct proportion to the area of the crater, how squarely it
can be made to face the condenser, and kind of current.
With the crater-producing force divided between two car-
bons, as is the case with A. C., it follows that neither crater
will be as large, for a given number of amperes, as would be
Figure 124.
the case with D. C., with which the whole crater making force
is centered on one carbon. It is even true, as I have already
said, that both A. C. craters combined will not equal the area
of one D. C. crater, where equal amperage is used.
It has long since been very generally accepted as a fact,
however, that, due to optical difficulties, it is neither feasible
nor good practice for operators projecting with A. C. to use both
craters. Operators who study the details of projection have
long since come to the conclusion that a more uniformly ex-
cellent result will be had by using only one A. C. crater, the
upper, of course. One effect which almost certainly follows an
attempt to use both craters is a double spot at the aperture,
with liability to produce a dark, or multicolored streak across
the center of the screen. This is due to the fact that the spot
is merely an image of the crater (see Page 130), and with two
craters there will be two images, which are not superimposed
upon each other.
For years an effort was made to use both craters by means
of what was known as the "jackknife" set, illustrated at B,
Fig. 124, and A, Fig. 124. Some also attempted to utilize
both craters by setting the lamp straight up and down, but
these schemes have, for the most part, been relegated to the
scrap heap, where they rightly belong, and today the b st
men, men securing the best results and holding the best
positions, almost invariably use practically exactly the same
set (illustrated at C, Fig. 123, and in Fig. 126), both for A,
C. and D. C., or else use a very modified jackknife set by
setting the lower carbon so that it angles out very moderate-
ly with relation to the rackbars, angling the top carbon to
meet it, as in A, Fig. 124. Even this scheme has, however, been
largely discarded in favor of the regular D. C. set. Years
ago I advised, both in my books and in the Projection De-
partment of the Moving Picture World, the use of the same
set for A. C. and D. C. / still advise it. Theoretically, setting
the lamp straight up and down is better; practically, however,
it is not. By using the straight up and down lamp set, or the
jackknife set, one is enabled to get considerably higher candle
power through the lens for a given amperage. That is a con-
ceded fact, but the fly in that particular box of ointment is
that a steady light absolutely cannot be maintained with these
sets, or, in other words, the curtain illumination cannot he held
at uniform brilliancy. I cannot recommend either the setting
of the lamp and carbons perpendicularly, the jackknife set,
or any other set except that shown in Fig. 126, Page 300,
known as the "regular D. C. set."
At E, Fig. 124, we see the result of carrying an alternat-
ing current arc too short the carbons too close together.
The A. C. arc is very short much shorter than the D. C.,
and this fault must be carefully guarded against. The D. C.
current arc of 40 amperes will be one-quarter inch to three-
eighth inch in length; the A. C. arc of less than 60 amperes
will not be much in excess of one-eighth inch. It is thus
made plain that the operator has slight leeway in handling
the A. C. arc. It must be watched very carefully, fed fre-
quently, and not allowed to vary from normal length. The
condition shown at C, Fig. 124, is as good as you can hope
for when using 60 amperes or less. It can only be obtained
Figure 125.
by very careful adjust- A b
ment of the carbons,
and maintained by exer-
cising watchful care. D
shows a condition Where
the lower carbon tip has
been advanced a little
too much with relation
to the upper one, so that
the front edge of the
lower crater is built up
until it shuts off a large
portion of the light em-
anating from! the upper
crater. This condition,
too, must be carefully
guarded against. The
only remedy for condi-
tion E, Fig. 124, is to
burn a long arc until the
saw teeth are burned off.
The only remedy for
condition D, Fig. 124, is
to alter the relation of
the carbons by shoving
the top carbon tip ahead
slightly, or pulling the
lower one back.
When using D. C. the
careless operator who
allows his arc to become
too short may find the
tip of his lower carbon
crowned with a sort of
mushroom a cap having
a slim stem. This cap
is composed of graphite.
It is caused by keeping
the carbons too close
together, so that the
arc does not get sufficient
air properly to volatize the carbon. Under these conditions
the carbon particles carried from the crater are deposited
on the top of the negative carbon in the form of graphite.
Graphite has high resistance, and will withstand enormous
temperature for a long time. Therefore, this cap or mush-
room is consumed very slowly. The remedy is to knock it
off with a screw-driver having an insulated handle, and to
be careful not to again allow the arc to get so short.
Side-Lining the Carbons. It is essential that the upper
and lower carbons set exactly straight with each other,
viewed from the front that is to say, through the condensing
lens opening, as per A, Fig. 125, in which A shows correct
lining; B, top carbon out of line and C both out of line.
Modern lamps have an adjustment by which the carbon
tips may be lined with each other sidewise, but if the upper
and lower carbons be not in line with each other throughout
their length then as they burn away a constant sidewise
adjustment of the carbons will be necessary to keep; the
crater from moving over to one side.
When the operator takes
charge of a plant, or when
^gjjjjijjajk a new outfit is purchased, he
should put in two carbons of
equal diameter, line their
Hfc tips exactly sidewise and
wR then, with a straight edge
wk laid against the side of the
b two carbons, test them for
Ik side line. If either carbon
Rk is out of perpendicular he
W| should carefully file the car-
bon clamp until the matter
^L. is remedied. It is no uncom-
^k mon thing to find lamps with
|^^^^ W| either the upper or lower
H| Hk carbon, or perhaps both, out
^L ... Hi of plumb sidewise. With
8k Vk some lamps it is possible to
9L remedy this matter by
jlL loosening the screws which
HL^^jjH hold the carbon arm and
shifting the arm slightly.
.JBHHKl-JLSL. At Fig. 126 is a photo-
graphic representation of the
Figure 126. set which I strongly recom-
mend for both D. C. and A. C.
In closing the subject of carbons let me impress upon your
minds as strongly as possible the following:
Only the best possible results from a given amperage can be
had when the crater is in precisely the right position with rela-
tion to the lenses, with the least possible interference by the
lower carbon tip, and this condition can only be obtained by a
very careful adjustment and setting of your carbons.
Some interesting data and information may be found in the
following tabulated results of experiments made by the
Current Through G. E. 50 Ampere Mercury Arc Rectifier
on Lowest Notch.
Approximate distance between
carbon tips at their nearest Voltage at
point. Arc. Amperage.
1/16" 40 33
1/16" 45 28
3/32" 50 2S*/ 2
1/8 " 55 22y 2
3/16" 60 20
1/4 " Arc unstable. 65
5/16" Arc very unstable. 70 15
75 Arc went out.
Approximate distance between
carbon tips at their nearest Voltage at
point. Arc. Amperage.
1/32" 40 31
3/32" 45 2?y 2
3/16" 50 24*/ 2
1/4 " 55 22^
5/16" 60
3/8 " 7/16" 65
70 Arc very unstable
and went out after
five seconds.
It was observed that with two new five-eighth inch cored
carbons, in order to keep the arc voltage down to 50, and
thus keep the amperage within reasonable bounds, it was
necessary to separate the carbons \% inches for the first 15
to 30 seconds, after which the arc resistance gradually but
rapidly rose, until a 50 volt, 25 ampere arc was had with as
little as three-thirty-second inch separation at the nearest
point of contact between the lower tip and the crater on
the upper carbon.
With a new set of the same size carbons, but with cored
above and solid below, the extreme distance was reduced from
1/4 inch to 1 inch, and the arc voltage reduced to normal
much earlier than with two cored.
After striking an arc with two new five-eighth inch cored,
burning it 20 seconds, breaking it long enough to measure
distance between tips, and relighting, with 30 volts across
the arc there was still 50 amperes, and the arc was still
abnormally long. Under similar conditions, with two cored
and the arc voltage at 40, amperage stood at only 30.
All this has some value in that it shows a less tendency
to heavy current rush on new sets when a solid is used
Carbon Economizers. There are now on the market a
number of good carbon economizers, ranging in price from
50 cents to $1 which may be had from supply dealers. These
devices are designed to allow the operator to 'consume his
carbon stubs down to the shortest possible length. Some
are made of brass, and some of iron. 'They are simple and
quite effective.
Lighting Interior of Lamphouse. It would be a very
simple matter to place a small porcelain lamp receptacle
in the bottom of the
lamphouse, at the right
hand, front corner. From
one side run a wire to one
side of any convenient
% incandescent circuit. From
-o the other side attach to the
~ other side of the circuit
through a spring-switch,
- made as per Fig. 127, at-
tached to the right hand
lamphouse wall in such
way that a piece of fibre
fastened to the lamphouse
Figure 127.
door will shove the switch open, thus putting out the light,
when the lamphouse door is closed.
By the use of a low C. P. lamp the interior of the lamp-
house 'is thus automatically illuminated when one opens the
door to re-set the carbons, etc.
Arc Controller
WHILE the Arc Controller is a new invention it has
been in use long enough to thoroughly prove its
practicability and utility; also it carries with it the
indorsement of the Projection Department of the Moving Pic-
ture World.
The function of the controller is automatically to feed the
carbons of the arc lamp. Its method of accomplishing this
is quite simple and thoroughly positive.
Plate 1, Figure 128.
Broadly speaking, the amperage of the arc is regulated by
the voltage of the arc, and no matter whether current be
taken through a rheostat, directly from a generator, or
through a transformer, any change in voltage across the arc
will cause corresponding change in amperage at the arc. If the
voltage rises the amperage drops; if the voltage drops, the
amperage rises. This is what may be termed the immutable
law of the electric arc.
The Arc Controller operates as follows: In P. 1, A is a
small motor which drives the mechanism of controller B,
illustrated in P. 3. Controller B, P. 1, is connected to the arc
lamp by means of rod 2, P. 1 and 2, this rod being driven by
gear 44, P. 3. By tracing through the connection you will
see that motor A is thus positively and directly connected
to rod 1, P. 2, which is commonly known as the "feed
handle" of the arc lamp the handle by means of which the
carbons are fed together. Motor A, P. 1, is connected to
the line by means of wires contained in cable 9, P. 1, the
other end of which is seen at 7, P. 1, where it joins the
fuse box. The motor is not connected directly to the
supply line, but to the projection machine table switch
contacts, through cables 8, P. 1, which are controlled by
switch 5, P. 1. It will thus be seen that motor A does
not receive the full line voltage, but only the arc voltage,
which varies with the length of the arc. Now, even the
novice will understand that the speed of motor A will depend
upon the voltage of the current with which it is supplied,
hence, any rise in arc voltage, no matter how small, will in-
crease the motor's speed.
Referring to P. 2, knurled knob 12 passes through fibre
disc 9, through the end of brass lever 16, and impinges on
the surface of fibre disc 8.
Brass lever 16 is hinged to a steel collar, which passes
over and is attached to feed rod 1, P. 2. Now, when knurled
knob 12 is backed off (unscrewed somewhat), it has the
effect of unlocking fibre disc 8 and driving gear 4, from
fibre disc 9 and feed rod 1. In other words, when knob 12
is loosened, or backed off, the lamp becomes a plain hand-
fed lamp, of which fibre disc wheel 9 is the feeding knob or
wheel, and the motor is allowed to drive gear 4 and fibre
disc 8, without moving rod 1, P. 2. Conversely, when knurled
knob 12 is screwed in the whole thing is locked together, and
the motor then drives lamp feed rod 1, P. 2, direct, by means
of gear 6 acting on gear 4, thus feeding the carbons of the
lamp together. To make matters still more clear, gear 4 and
fibre disc 8 merely use rod 1 as an axle. They are entirely
independent of disc 9 and rod 1, except when locked to them
by knurled knob 12. When not so locked, gear 4 and disc
8 can rotate without in any way affecting disc 9 and rod 1.
The operation of the device is as follows: When the operator
is ready to strike his arc, he closes switch 5, P. 1, which
starts motor A running, but it is only driving fibre disc 8
and gear 4, P. 2. The operator now strikes his arc by means
of the hand feed (disc 9, P. 2), in the usual way, adjusts it
at approximately the right length, and then screws in knurled
knob 12, which locks the mechanism together, and thereafter
he theoretically need give the arc no further attention what-
You will observe I said "theoretically"; this by reason of
Plate 2, Figure 129.
the fact that faults in the carbon and things of the sort may
make it necessary occasionally to work the hand feed. As
a general proposition, however, the controller takes care of
the entire situation, so far as feeding of the carbons be con-
cerned, and I have myself seen a full show of eight reels run
without the operator at any time touching the arc lamp, ex-
cept to strike and set the arc at the beginning of each reel.
The controller maintains a perfectly steady arc voltage,
hence a perfectly steady arc amperage and even light density.
The Controller. P. 3 is an interior view of controller B,
P. 1, with cap 1, P. 1, removed. In this view gear 10 is the
gear which meshes with gear 44, P. 3, which drives rod 2, P. 1.
Now follow me closely: Spring 41, P. 3, is attached to pawl 23
by slipping bend 42 into the eyehole at 22 of part 23, P. 3.
Plate 3, Figure 130.
This has the effect, when cover 40 is in place, of holding
part 23 back, in the direction of the arrow point 34. Parts
28-28 are governor weights attached to governor cross bar
27 by means of hinge pin 47 and 35, and right here is what
might be termed the heart of the whole machine. Part 3?
swivels upon part 32 and the whole governor is attached to
the main driving shaft by pin 38 in part 27. Part 31 is a
steel tooth driven through part 23, and protruding about
one-eighth inch on the side next to wheel 16. All the parts
between part 27 l /2, which is a ball bearing, and part 26, an-
other ball bearing, which includes the entire governor,
revolve at the speed of the motor, and weights 28-28 are
held normally in, by means of spring 41 which holds part
23 back against ball bearing 26, which in turn presses back
part 32, carrying pins 25, which bear on the inner end of the
arm carrying weights 28-28. Before going any further study
this action closely, and get it firmly fixed in your mind.
Now here is how the thing operates. The motor runs
constantly, but its speed increases as the length of the arc
increases, because the voltage increases with length of arc,
and as a result of the increased motor speed, governor
weights 28-28 are thrown outward against the pull of spring
41, which has the effect of forcing part 32, ball bearing 26
and part 23 ahead, thus engaging tooth 31 with one of stop
teeth 15 on wheel 16.
Gears 14-17-29 form a "differential," gear 29 being attached
to wheel 16, gear 14 to shaft 19 (by means of pin 13), and gear
17 to gear 18. Underneath gear 18 is a worm gear attached
to the shaft connecting the controller to the motor the main
driving shaft. This worm gear drives worm gear 18, mounted
and riding loosely on shaft 19. When the motor is running,
but the arc is not being fed, the motor continues to drive
gear 18, but, wheel 16 being free to turn, the differential acts
and gear 29 simply runs around on gear 13, without oper-
ating gear 10. A moment's study will, I think, enable you
to understand this action. It is very similar to the action of
the differential of an automoble. Gear 29 must rotate gear
10, which in turn drives gear 44 and rod 2, P. 1 and 2, and
through it lamp feed handle 1, P. 2, thus feeding the lamp
carbons together, shortening the arc and reducing the voltage
so that the motor slows up, whereupon spring 41 overcomes
the lessened centrifugal force acting on weights 28-28, so
that they are pulled inward, which disengages tooth 31 from
tooth 15, which causes the differential to act and the carbons
are no longer fed.
The speed necessary to cause tooth 31 to engage tooth 15
will depend entirely upon the tension of spring 41, which is
regulated by nut 46 on bolt 45, P. 3, (3, P. 1), and this tension
must be adjusted by the operator as soon as he has the con-
troller connected up, as will be hereinafter explained.
Oil. The well formed by the gear casing should be kept
filled with a good grade of dynamo oil. Oil is poured in
through oil well 14, P. 1, and it should reach the level of the top
of the spout. One filling of good lubricant ought to last about
500 running hours. Before refilling, remove the plug in the
opposite end of 14, P. 1, drain out all the old oil, replace the
plug, fill the well with kerosene and let the machine run for
a few minutes; drain the kerosene out and then refill with
clean oil.
/*>.? tf.^f
*T"r~rv~r iv,
V '
\ /
yyo KttjLT- . 1
ZE**i \
Figure 147.
Now, turning to Fig. 147, exactly the same proposition
applies electrically; at B the upper wire, connecting to
binding posts 1 and 3, represents water pipe A, Fig. 146, the
lower wire, connecting to binding posts 2 and 4, and the arc
lamp represents pipe B, the arc itself represents the water
motor, and the resistance in each rheostat represents a pipe
and valve corresponding to C and D, Fig. 146. The action
of the water in Fig. 146 and the action of current in Fig.
147 would be identical. Each rheostat is a 25 ampere, 110
volt instrument, meaning that it has just enough resistance
to .allow 25 amperes to flow when connected in series with a
48 volt arc, and opposed to 110 volts pressure. Under the
conditions shown in Fig. 147, 25 amperes will flow from the
upper wire through binding post 1 and the resistance of the
rheostat to binding post 2, and thence to the arc; 25 amperes
will also flow from binding post 3 through the resistance of
the second rheostat to binding post 4, and thence to the arc,
joining the 25 amperes coming from the first rheostat, and
thus 50 amperes will be delivered at the arc.
The idea is perhaps a little more clearly shown at A,
Fig. 147, in which the dotted line is used to represent the
passage of the current through the resistance of the rheostat
from binding post 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. A and B, Fig. 147,
are identical, except that B is a, diagrammatic top view,
whereas A is a side view showing the wires about as they
would appear in practice. The multiple connection is shown
photographically in Fig. 148, Page 335.
Any number of rheostats of different voltage may be con-
nected in series, provided the total resistance of the whole be
sufficient to reduce the current flow to a point where the
resistance will not be overloaded.
Any number of rheostats, each having sufficient resis-
tance to oppose the line voltage without overload, may be
connected in multiple, regardless of their amperage capacity.
For instance, a 25 ampere, a 12 ampere and a 50 ampere 110
volt rheostat could be connected in multiple on 110 volts,
and the result would be current delivery equal to their
combined capacity, or 87 amperes.
You can use a 220 volt rheostat on 110 volts, or, for that
matter, on 60 volts, but you would only get amperes equal
to 220 minus the arc voltage divided by the resistance of
the rheostat. The resistance of such a rheostat would be
(220 48) -^by its rated amperage on 220 volts. You cannot,
however, connect 110 volt rheostats, either singly or in
multiple, on 220 volts, since there is not resistance sufficient
to withstand that pressure. The coils would quickly become
overheated and would soon burn out. You may, however,
connect two 110 volt rheostats in series on 220 volt current
(though they would be slightly overloaded), by reason of
the fact that you would be, in effect, making one rheostat out
of the two, and would thus present double the resistance
required for 110 volts.
You may use a rheostat built for certain voltage on that
pressure, or anything less than that pressure, but you cannot
use a rheostat on a higher pressure than it was intended for,
except it be placed in series with additional resistance.
This, however, may be qualified to the extent that a
rheostat built for a certain voltage may usually be used
on current five, ten, or even fifteen volts in excess of that
A. C. and D. C. Rheostats. There is no such thing as
a "D. C." or an "A. C." rheostat. Any rheostat will work on
either A. C. or D. C., but a rheostat that will deliver 30 amperes
when working with a D. C. projection arc, on, say, 110 volts
pressure, will deliver considerably more on the same voltage
A. C., by reason of the fact that the A. C. projection arc is
shorter, hence offers less resistance, so that the total resis-
tance opposed to the current is reduced.
This, however, is again qualified by the fact that there is a
tendency to induction when a wire-coil rheostat is used on
A. C., which has the effect of adding inductive resistance,
or, in other words, magnetic kick. The amount of inductive
resistance thus set up will vary with the size of the coils,
their length and the closeness of the spirals. It amounts to
something, but not very much. The inductive effect, however,
causes vibration in the coils, and as a result some wire-coil
rheostats are very noisy when used on A. C. This noise may
be reduced by packing the center of the wire coils tightly
with shredded asbestos forced in at the end of each coil.
The use of rheostats on A. C. is very, very bad practice. It
is unnecessarily wasteful. Where alternating current is used
rheostats should be replaced by low voltage transformers. See
Page 343, or, better still, with a mercury arc rectifier or motor
generator set, see index.
If, however, for any reason it is necessary to use resistance
in A. C. projection circuits I would advise the grid type,
since they are likely to be a great deal less noisy; also there
is much less inductive effect; therefore the resistance will
be found to be more stable.
Rheostats Extremely Wasteful. The real use of the
rheostat in the projection circuit is to consume the differ-
ence between the line voltage and the arc voltage, or, in
other words, to break the line voltage down to the value
of the arc voltage. This represents an absolute waste of
energy, since the difference between the line voltage and
the arc voltage is, and must be, dissipated in the form of
utterly useless heat generated by the rheostat, and this wast-
ed energy is all registered on the meter and must be paid for
by the theatre.
Suppose, for example, the current supply be 110 volts,
and that we use 40 amperes at the arc. Voltage times
amperes equals watts, therefore 110X40 = 4400 watts reg-
istered by the meter. The average voltage of a D. C. pro-
jection arc is only 48, therefore there must be consumed in
the rheostat 110 48 = 62 volts, which will be registered
on the meter as 62 X 40 = 2480 watts, this amount being
absolute waste. We are using a total of 4400 watts, and
only actually employing 4400 2480 = 1920 watts in the
production of light. At this voltage and amperage the rheo-
stat is 43J4 per cent, efficient.
This is bad enough, but if the voltage be higher, say 220,
then ,the proportion of waste becomes literally enormous.
Using 40 amperes from 220 volt lines through a rheostat
would mean 220 X 40 = 8800 watts registered by the meter,
whereas the actual wattage at the arc is, as in the former case,
48 X 40 = 1920 watts, so there is wasted in the resistance of
the rheostat 8800 1920 = 6880 watts, or about 3 l / 2 times
as much energy as is actually employed in the production of
light. On the other hand, if the voltage were only 60 or 70
then the waste in resistance would be correspondingly less,
and it is for this reason why the author has always advised
theatre managers when purchasing a light plant for their
theatre to get a 60 or 70 volt generator.
From what has been said the idea may be gained that if
direct current were generated at from 45 to 55 volts, or
alternating current at 30 to 35 volts, it would be possible
to operate without any resistance at all, thus eliminating all
waste. This, however, is only true where generators of a
certain type, built especially for this kind of work, are used.
By the use of certain types of generators which in themselves
automatically regulate the voltage, hence the current flow,
it is possible to operate a projection arc without any resis-
tance at all (See Motor Generator Sets, further on), but
this cannot be done when using the usual type of generator.
Resistance performs two functions, vfiz., regulates the am-
perage by regulating the voltage and supplies a steadying
influence, or sort of "cushion" for the arc. Without this
steadying influence, or its equivalent in another form, such
as a generator of the type mentioned, the arc would be so
unstable that it could not be handled at all; also it would
not. be practical to strike the arc in the first place, because
when the carbons were brought together it would establish
a dead, short circuit which would instantly blow the fuses.
Note. I have said that all pressure above arc voltage
represents waste, but this is not strictly true as applied to
projection arcs taking current through rheostats. Under
these conditions if the suply be below 60 volts the necessary
resistance is not sufficient to steady the arc, therefore, strict-
ly speaking, while the voltage between a 60 volt supply
pressure and arc voltage represents waste, still it is necessary
waste, whereas when the supply voltage is more than 60 all
over that figure is unnecessary waste.
Figure 148.
Note b. It may be remarked that traveling exhibitors
have installed a small generator in an automobile and, using
the auto engine for power, have operated a projection lamp
without resistance in circuit. This is possible with a small
generator working right up to capacity, but is not possible
when taking current from power lines or a generator of
considerable capacity.
Figuring Rheostat Connections. In Fig. 148 we see an
Edison adjustable, grid rheostat, with part of the casing re-
moved to show the grid bank, connected in multiple with a
Power's non-adjustable coil rheostat, both 110 volt instru-
The Power's is a 25 ampere, 110 volt, and the Edison a 25
to 40 ampere, 110 volt rheostat. We will therefore get 25
amperes through one, and from 25 to 40 through the other,
according to how the adjustment switch is turned. We will
have a total current of from 25 + 25 = 50, to 25 + 40 = 65 am-
peres at the arc, with this combination. With the same two
connected in series on D. C. we would get from 10 to 12+
amperes. It is figured as follows: The Power's is a 25 am-
pere, 110 volt instrument, therefore, has (110 48) -f- 25 =
2y 2 ohms resistance. The Edison, when working at 25 amperes
must have the same resistance, hence there will be a total
of 2*/2. + 2y 2 ohms when they are opposed to the voltage in
series. The resistance of the arc will be approximately 1
ohm, hence (110 48)^-2^+2^ + 1 will equal the amper-
age when the Edison is on the 25 ampere contact. This is
practically 10 amperes. If the Edison is set on the 40 am-
pere contact we would then have (110 48)^-40 equal prac-
tically \ l / 2 ohms, which added to the resistance of the Pow-
er's makes (2 l / 2 + \ l / 2 } 4 ohms. We would, therefore, have
(110 48) -f- 2y 2 + 1J*X1 = 12+ amperes delivery. If the
current be A. C., then we would have (110 35) -f- 5 = 15
amperes (not taking the inductive resistance into account);
the A. C. arc voltage being 35, instead of 48 as in D. C.
Let it be clearly understood, however, that these figures are
only approximate. It is impossible to be accurate for the rea-
son that arc resistance varies with the length of the arc;
also the rheostatic resistance varies with (a) temperature
of the coils or grids; (b) with their age. Also, merely
because a rheostat is stamped' "110 volt, 25 ampere," it does
not follow it has exactly the resistance this would indicate.
Moreover, the supply voltage may not be just what you
think it is.
As a matter of fact, a wire-coil rheostat rated at 25 am-
peres, and which delivers that amperage when new, will not
do so after it has been used for a time. The resistance of
wire coils rises gradually for a time, and then remains prac-
tically stationary until the coils finally give out entirely.
When the resistance reaches its highest point it will usually
be found that the "25 ampere" wire coil rheostat is really
delivering about 20 amperes. After using a wire coil rheostat
for a month or more you will be more nearly correct if you
subtract five amperes from every 25 amperes of its rated
This may or may not apply to any considerable extent to
cast iron grids. It is claimed that the resistance of cast iron
remains constant, or practically so, but of this I am not
Resistance Devices
EACH machine manufacturer puts out a rheostat, and
some of them put out two or three different kinds.
The Nicholas Power Company,- for instance, puts out a
grid rheostat and two or three different varieties of wire
coil rheostats. I do not believe it is necessary to present
illustrations of all these different devices, particularly in view
of the fact that they all operate on precisely the same prin-
ciple, and in exactly the same way. Wire coil rheostats are
nothing more or less than a long piece of resistance wire
coiled up into spirals in order to save space, the coils being
mounted on an iron frame, from which they are thoroughly
insulated, the whole being protected by a sheet metal guard
or cover. The current enters at one binding post, flows
through the resistance, and leaves at the other binding 'post.
The rheostat is connected into either wire of the circuit,
though most operators prefer the positive wire.
Figure 149.
Fig. 149 shows an ordinary rheostat "coil." In mounting
this coil must be stretched just a little enough so that the
spirals will be at least 1/16 of an inch apart. This is im-
portant, by reason of the fact that if the spirals touch each
other, then the current will simply jump through the coil,
instead of flowing through the entire length of the wire.
The effect of the spirals touching would tend to eliminate
a large percentage of the resistance.
Fig. 150 illustrates one grid of a rheostat. It will be ob-
served that it is, in effect, precisely the same as the wire
coil illustrated in Fig. 149. To all intents and purposes it
is a long wire made of cast iron coiled up to save space.
In Fig. 151 we see a photographic representation of an
adjustable grid rheostat. Thirteen to 26, inclusive, are cast
Figure 150.
iron grids, the same as the one illustrated in Fig. 143. The
edges of these grids are protected from breakage by metal
Figure 151.
guards, 1 and 3, Fig. 151, inside of which is a layer of
asbestos insulation. At the top, X is a metal spacing
washer; next to it, represents a similar spacing washer, but
between it and the grids are insulating washers. Next comes
another current carrying washer, and then another insulat-
ing washer, the whole being mounted on tie-rods 4-4. Now
between grids 25 and 26 at the bottom end is an insulated
spacing washer, and next to it, F is a current carrying
washer, and so on. The grids are insulated from the tie-
rods, therefore you will readily see that current entering
at binding post 9 will pass through the connections to binding
post G, thence to grid 26, up its length, across current carry-
ing washer X, down grid 25, across current carrying washer
F, up grid 24, and so on until it reaches an outlet. At the
other end, 11 is a binding post to which the wire is attached,
this post connecting to central switch post 6 through a
wire, 12, represented by dotted line; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are con-
tact buttons connected to the grids at points A, B, C, D
and E.
The lever is now on contact 5, so that current entering
at binding post 9 will flow to binding post G and through
the grids until it reaches binding post E, whence it will flow
up through the wire jumper to switch contact 5, across the
switch lever to post 6, down wire 12 to binding post 11, and
thence to the lamp. This, you will readily see, " cuts out "
grids 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. If we swing switch
lever 7 over to contact button 1 the current must then travel
through the grids until it reaches binding post A, whence
it will flow to contact 1 and around through the switch lever
and wire 12 to binding post 11, thence to the lamp. There-
fore, with switch lever 7 on contact 1 you will be getting all
the resistance that particular rheostat is capable of supply-
ing, and will be reducing the voltage, and therefore the am-
perage as much as that rheostat will reduce it.
Binding post 8 is an auxiliary binding post not found on
most rheostats. It is for the purpose of allowing the rheo-
stat to be used on low voltage current.
With switch lever 7 on contact 5, and the wire connected
to binding posts 11 and 9, you still have the resistance sup-
plied by grids 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. This is what is
known as the "fixed resistance" of the rheostat. If you
desire to use the rheostat on current of very low voltage
this resistance might be too much to supply the required
amperage, and by changing the connection from binding
post 9 to binding post 8 you will cut out coils 25 and 26,
thus lowering the fixed resistance by one-third, and increas-
ing the amperage accordingly.
This is made somewhat more plain in Fig. 152, in which
the same numbers are used. By closely examining Fig. 152,
you will observe the mica insulating washers, which are
shown at 10 in both figures, you will see they are only used
in alternate spaces. The Power Company puts this type of
rheostat out for both 110 and 220 volt current. The weight
of the 220 volt rheostat is practically double that of the
110 volt instrument.
Figure 152.
In connecting a rheostat, wires are run from the main
operating room cutout to one side of the machine table
switch, and one of the contacts at the other end of the
machine table switch is connected, using asbestos covered
stranded wire, direct to one of the binding posts of the
lamp. From the other machine switch binding post we run
an asbestos strand covered wire to one (either) of the
rheostat binding posts, and from the other rheostat binding
post we run another asbestos covered strand wire to the
other binding post of the lamp. Most operators prefer the
resistance in the positive wire when using D. C., but it
really does not make any particular difference which wine
it is in.
The rheostat shown in Fig. 151 may be disassembled by
removing its cover, and loosening nuts 4-4 which hold the
grid bank together. Having removed these nuts the grids
can be slipped off the tie-rods. In reassembling be very sure
you get the insulating and current carrying washers X and O in
their proper relation. If you don't you will have trouble. Also
when the reassembling is complete be sure to set up tie-rods 4-4
good and tight.
Caution. Be sure that lever 7 makes firm contact with
the contact buttons, since otherwise there will be arcing and
heating. Should these contacts become roughened after a
time, carefully dress them up with No. 00 emery cloth or
paper, at the same time smoothing up the contact face of
the lever. Wrapping the emery around a small file will
enable you to do a better job. All adjustable rheostats have
the same connections as the one shown in Fig. 151, except
that few have auxiliary binding post 8. The 220 volt grid
rheostat is connected into the circuit just the same as is the
110 volt one.
Some rheostats are adjustable, and some are non-adjust-
able, the latter usually having two binding posts to which
wires are connected. They offer fixed resistance which can-
not be changed. This kind of resistance is not the best,
however, for several reasons, one of which lies in the fact
Figure 153.
that a new rheostat has considerable less resistance than it
has after it has been in use for a time. Therefore, if for no
other reason it is desirable that one be able to cut out some
of the coils when the resistance becomes greater through use.
As between the grid and wire coil rheostat I would advise
the wire coil for road use, by reason of its comparatively
light weight, and the grid rheostat for theatrical use, be-
cause it is rugged in its construction, deteriorates much less
rapidly and, therefore, lasts longer. For road use the
Nicholas Power Company puts out a wire coil rheostat
made in round form, illustrated in Fig. 153.
My reason for recommending this rheostat is it is light in
weight and very flexible in its electrical action.
In Fig. 154 the top of this rheostat is shown at A, on the
left. Connections are made to binding post B-B, and all
the coils from 1 to 14 are thus placed in series with each
other, but since binding post B connects to the central
switch post by means of a copper jumper the current will
only pass through the number of coils necessary to reach
the lever. Therefore, if the lever is on contact 4 the re-
sistance of coils 1, 2 and 3 would be eliminated. At B, on
Figure 154.
the right, this rheostat is shown with its two sides in mul-
tiple. It is the same as though you connected two rheostats,
each one having the resistance supplied by half the total
number of coils in the rheostat, in multiple. The current
enters at binding posts B-B, flows through the coils on the
left to 8 and through the coils on the right to 7, and thence
to the lamp. You thus get the full capacity of these two
banks of coils, but this can only be used on 110 or less voltage,
whereas the connection at A can be used on current up to
240 volts. When using connection B, Fig. 154, the lever must
be set on contact 1. Possibly you can increase the current
somewhat by moving it to contact 2 or 3, but beyond that
the remaining coils on that side will most likely get red hot.
The Transformer
THE transformer .is a device for changing alternating
current of a given cycle (frequency) and voltage to
the alternating current of the same cycle but of a
different voltage and amperage. In general, the volts times
amperes taken from the supply line is equal to the volts
times amperes (volt amperes) given off at the secondary,
less the loss in the transformer itself, which loss varies from
10 to 20 per cent.
The standard transformer is made up with two separate
coils which are insulated from each other, one coil being
called "primary " and the other coil being called " sec-
ondary." There are modifications of transformers which are
designed as " auto transformers," in which the transform-
ing action is obtained more efficiently than with a straight
transformer, but in which the windings are not insulated
from one another, the secondary winding becoming a part of
the primai y winding. To
this class belong most
transformers used in the
operating rooms for con-
trolling the projection arc.
Another modification is a
reactance coil, or choke coil,
as it is sometimes called.
In this device the choking
effect of the transformer Figure 155.
is obtained, but the am-
peres taken from the secondary side will always be the same as
on the primary side, although the volts on the secondary side
will differ from the volts on the primary side. This device is
less efficient than either the transformer or auto transformer.
A transformer (or auto transformer) may either increase
the voltage and decrease the amperage, in which case it is
called a step-up transformer, or it may decrease the voltage
and increase the amperage, in which case it is called a step-
down transformer.
Fig. 155 represents the diagrammatic connections of a
straight transformer. It will be noted that the windings
are independent of one another, although they both sur-
round portions of the same core or magnetic circuit.
Fig. 156 represents the diagrammatic arrangement of an
auto transformer. It will be noted that with the two wind-
ings connected together so as to form practically one coil,
due to the fact that the current in the primary is transformed
through only a part of the winding, the losses become less
tlhan the losses in the transformer represented in Fig. 155.
This results in a smaller and more efficient construction
than in the straight transformer.
Fig. 159 is a diagrammatic connection of a reactance or
choke coil. With this arrangement no saving in wire size
is possible, because the same amount of current (amperes)
consumed in the arc must be
taken from the line.
In a transformer or auto
transformer the amount of
current in secondary depends
on the ratio of turns (number
of turns primary divided by
number of turns secondary).
If the primary winding were
made up with 20 turns and
the secondary winding made
up with 10 turns, this would
be a ratio of 2 to 1, and each
two amperes in the secondary
would require one ampere
from the primary. The volts
on the secondary, however,
would be only one-half of the
volts on the primary.
Referring to Fig. 157, A and
B are the wires of the sup-
ply circuit; C and D are wires leading to the primary coil
from the main supply wires; I and J are wires leading from
the secondary coil to arc lamp K; L is the laminated iron
The primary and secondary coils may be wound one over
the other and inserted in the opening in the core, or they
may be wound as shown, or in other ways, the method in
Fig. 155 being merely selected to show the idea. The wires
of the coils are themselves covered with a special form of
insulation. The coils are insulated from the iron core.
Figure 156.
Neither coil has any mechanical or electrial connection of
any kind whatsoever with the other coils or the core.
The core itself is built up of thin sheets of annealed
steel. It is essential that these sheets be very thin, the exact
thickness depending on the frequency of the current. Each
s(heet is painted on both sides with an insulating compound,
or other methods to insulate are used, after which the s'heets
are clamped firmly together and the primary and secondary
coils are wound on the core thus formed, over a layer of
insulating material, and the two coils and the core form the
The action is as follows: When the switch on the pri-
mary side is closed the current which flows through the
primary coil magnetizes
the iron core and sets up a
powerful magnetic field,
Which has the effect of mak-
ing a choke coil out of the
primary coil, and a choke
coil so powerful that prac-
tically no current at all will
flow when the secondary
circuit is open. The mag-
netic field thus created sur-
rounds both primary and
secondary coils, so that
w.hile these coils have ab-
solutely no mechanical con-
nection with each other or
with the core, and are, in
fact, thoroughly insulated
from the core, they do have
a magnetic connection, which
acts as follows :
It is one of the laws of Figure 157.
electrdcity that) all, wires carry-
ing alternating current are surrounded with what is known as a
"magnetic field"; that is to say, for a certain distance sur-
rounding a wire carrying A. C. the air is permeated with
magnetism. Now if another wire be placed within this mag-
netic field, as per Fig. 158, although there be no mechanical
connection of any kind between the two wires, if wire A
carries A. C. then there will be an induced electro-motive
force set up in wire B, though under the conditions set forth
the effect would be too slight to be perceptible except to a
Figure 158.
very delicate galvanometer. Fig. 158 merely illustrates the
theory upon which the transformer depends for its action.
In transformers instead of wire A we have a great many
wires in the primary coil or rather one wire passing through
the magnetic field a great many times, and instead of wire
B a great many wires in the
secondary coil, or one wire
passing through the magnetic
field a great many times. We
also have an iron core which
enormously intensifies the mag-
netic field, and thus the feeble
action in wire B, Fig. 158, be-
comes enormously powerful, and'
we have the "transformer."
The action of the transformer
is entirely automatic, and it
depends entirely for its action
on magnetic inductance. The
secondary current in flowing
through the secondary coil magnetizes the core, but in the
opposite direction to the primary, therefore when current
flows in the secondary the primary current increases just
enough so that combined effect of the two windings remains
the same. It therefore fol-
lows that when the load of
a transformer is increased
the primary winding auto-
matically takes additional
current from the supply
wires just sufficient to sup-
ply the added load on the
secondary, therefore the
automatic action of the
transformer depends on the
balanced magnetizing action
of the primary and second-
ary circuits.
Referring to Fig. 156, A
and B are the supply lines,
C and D are the wires
Figure 159.
feeding the auto transformer, E the winding, including both
primary and secondary, F and G the wires feeding the arc K,
and L is the iron core.
It is to be noted the entire coil E is connected across the
supply lines and that a tap T is brought out so that the
section of E from S to T forms the secondary while the
whole coil forms the primary. The action electrically and
magnetically is the same as in a standard transformer.
The choke coil, also called a "reactance" coil, Fig. 159,
represents what might be called magnetic resistance. If an
iron core consisting, in practice, of thin sheets of metal, be
built up, and one of the in-
sulated wires of an alternating
circuit be wrapped a number
of times around it, as shown,
there will be a magnetic kick
or reactance set up, which
will have the effect of offer-
ing resistance to current flow.
This is called "magnetic kick,"
or "reactance." The practical
effect upon current flow is
essentially the same as that
of the rheostat. The mag-
netic field set up around the
core of the coil has the effect
of creating a counter E. M. F.,
which opposes the line voltage
and reduces it. The choke
coil is, however, very much
more economical in operation
than is the rheostat, but is not
nearly so satisfactory for the
production of projection light
as is the transformer or auto
transformer, largely by reason
of the fact that it has a ten-
dency to produce flaming at
the carbons, and where it is
used difficulty is found in con-
centrating the crater into a
small area. The transformer
has, of course, a power factor,
but I hardly think any good purpose will be served by going
into that matter, particularly in view of the fact that the
author can no longer recommend the use of operating room
transformers. True these instruments are quite efficient and
by their use a very good illumination may be had. Still,
the use of alternating current at the projection arc is out of
Figure 160.
date, and ought to be entirely discontinued. Motor-gen-
erator sets and mercury arc rectifiers have been brought to
a high state of perfection, so there is now no good reason
why alternating current should be used for projection pur-
poses, nor is its use efficient, when viewed from the stand-
point of curtain brilliancy. By this I mean that, whereas it
is possible to secure practically as excellent an illumination
with alternating current as with direct current, still it will
take practically double the amperage to do it. In fact, for
a picture of given size a better screen result will be had
with 25 amperes D. C. than with 50 amperes A. C., and
in order to get the same result in illumination as that pro-
duced by 40 amperes D. C. it would be necessary to use
fully 80 amperes A. C. Therefore, even allowing that the
transformer has a higher efficiency than the rectifier or
motor-generator set, still if equal screen illumination is had
it will cost more to use A. C.
Where the coils are wound around opposite legs of the
core, as in Fig. 155, the transformer is called a "core"
transformer; where the coil is wound around the central leg
of the core (inside the outer legs of the core) it is known
as the "shell" type, Fig. 157.
Please let it be understood that I am not entering into all
the details of transformer construction. The details of con-
struction have much to do with the efficient performance of
a transformer, but all I seek to accomplish in this article is
to give the operator a fairly comprehensive understanding of
the theory upon which the transformer works not to give
him instructions enabling him to build one. That calls
for very careful calculations and experiment, which can only
be made by a duly qualified electrical engineer.
Transformers may be built to deliver current to a three-
wire secondary from which two voltages may be had; for in-
stance, 220 and 110. This is illustrated in Fig. 160. As a
matter of fact usually alternating current three-wire systems
are two-wire circuits up to the transformer, and beyond the
transformer become three-wire systems merely by either the
peculiarity of construction of the transformer or the method
of hitching up two transformers.
The operator is as a general proposition only interested
in the theory of the transformer and the practical operation
of the low voltage transformer commonly called "compens-
arc," "economizer," "inductor," which ordinarily takes 110
or 220 volts supply from the line and delivers secondary cur-
rent at arc voltage, and this is the type of transformer to
which we will devote our attention.
As has already been remarked, volts times amperes taken
from the line equals volts times amperes delivered on the
secondary, less the loss in the transformer which, as I have
already remarked, may run anywhere from 10 to 20 per cent.
In operating a projection arc lamp it is necessary at times
to vary the amperes. Now the secondary of a transformer
works against a slight resistance of the secondary circuit
wires and a considerable re-
sistance of the projection
arc, therefore the current
flow against this particular
fixed resistance can either
be increased or decreased
by increasing or decreasing
the voltage of the second-
As has already been re-
marked, the voltage of the
secondary will depend upon
the relative number of
turns in the primary and
the secondary coil. The
greater the number of turns
in the primary with relation
to the number of turns in
the secondary the less the
voltage of the secondary.
It is a known fact that
the best voltage across an
alternating current arc is
approximately 35 volts. In
order to keep the arc burn-
ing steadily it is always
necessary to have a steadying resistance or a reactance in the
arc circuit. One advantage of reactance for steadying the arc
is that there is very little power lost in the reactance, whereas
with resistance all of the steadying effect is turned into heat,
and, therefore, means a lot of lost power. Reactance can be
obtained only on alternating circuits.
In order to change the current at the arc it is necessary,
therefore, to change the steadying reactance when using a
Figure 161.
transformer or auto transformer. This is done in different
ways. In some cases the turns in the primary are changed,
and in this way the reactance, or magnetic choking, is
changed so as to change the value of current at the arc.
This fact is taken advantage of as per Fig. 161, in which
A, B, C are buttons and D ,a lever which completes the cir-
cuit of the primary coil through one of these buttons. It
will readily be seen that if lever D be on button A the num-
ber of turns in the primary will be decreased, and, since the
turns in the secondary remain fixed, the voltage of the sec-
ondary and consequently its amperage will be raised. By
moving lever D to button B or C the number of turns in
the primary is increased, and, therefore, the voltage and
amperage in the secondary is decreased.
Another scheme, used in the Fort Wayne A. C. compensarc,
is to have small additional reactance coils, which are cut in
or cut out of circuit by means of a switch. These are
placed in the secondary circuit, so that the secondary voltage
Figure 162.
remains the same for the different values of current, and this
gives the same length of arc and condition of the crater on
the different steps. See Fig. 162.
Fusing Projection Circuits Where Transformer is Used.
Let it be clearly understood that the term "transformer,"
as here used, means the low-voltage transformer commonly
termed "Economizer," "Inductor," "Compensarc," etc. Be-
fore reading this, however, I would recommend the oper-
ator to turn to Page 343, and study the electrical action of
these devices.
When dealing with transformers it must be clearly under-
stood that one ampere from a 110 volt line becomes con-
siderably more than two amperes at the 35 volt projection
arc, and that one ampere from a 220 volt line becomes ap-
proximately between five and six amperes at the 35 volt arc.
Let it also be clearly understood that, for the purpose of
calculating, we assume the voltage of the A. C. projection
arc, and therefore the voltage of the secondary of the trans-
former, to be 35, although it may range anywhere between
30 and 40.
This brings about a peculiar and ap-
parently very little understood condition
as applied to fusing. Almost all trans-
formers (remember I am speaking of
economizers, etc.) are fused on their
primary side only. This is bad practice.
Fig. 163 is the diagrammatic representa-
tion of a transformer-controlled projection
Note. Error: Switch 7 should be between fuses 1-1 and transformer 3.
Figure 163.
circuit in which 1-1 are the fuses at the beginning of the
primary circuit, either at the operating room distribution
panel or the main house switchboard, as the case may be;
2-2 are the lines from 1-1 to the transformer; 3 is the trans-
former; 4-4 the lines from the transformer secondary to
fuses 5, and 6-6 are the lines from secondary fuses 5 to
machine table switch 7. All these may be rubber covered
wire, but lines 4-4 and 6-6 must be of sufficient size to ac-
commodate the full amperage capacity of secondary fuses.
Line 2-2 should not be less than No. 6 B. & S., and it would
be still better to have them No. 4, because it may become
necessary, in case of breakdown or for some other reason,
to remove the transformer and substitute a rheostat, in
which case you would not want to pull less than 50 or 60
amperes, and No. 6 R. C. is only rated at 50, No. 5 at
55, and No. 4 at 60 amperes.
The ordinary procedure is to install wires 2-2 just large
enough to carry the secondary capacity of the transformer,
but, for reasons already set forth, this is not the best prac-
tice. If wires 4-4 and 6-6 are rubber covered, then No. 4
must be used, since practically all transformers (econo-
mizers, compensarcs, inductors, etc.) have a 60 ampere sec-
ondary capacity, but if wires 4-4 and 6-6 are asbestos covered,
they come under the weatherproof rating, and No. 6 is large
enough, since No. 6 weatherproof is rated at 70 amperes.
Wires 8-8, from machine table switch to lamp, must be
asbestos covered stranded No. 6, unless a special transformer
delivering more than a 70 ampere secondary current is
installed, in which case they must be large enough to ac-
commodate the current. Fuses 1-1 are merely designed to
protect wires 2-2 and the transformer primary coil, but inas-
much as No. 6 wire will accommodate nearly three times the
primary current capacity of the transformer, they really, in
effect, protect only the transformer primary coil, and for
the ordinary economizer delivering a maximum of 60 am-
peres at the arc, they should be 30 ampere capacity. Some
transformers will deliver more than 60 amperes secondary,
especially if the voltage be a little higher than rated, but
you will -find that 30 ampere fuses will meet all requirements.
The secondary may be fused to 65 amperes, which will give
a 5 ampere leeway. But, however, if 65 be found insufficient,
no harm will be done by installing others of 70 ampere
The reason for requiring fuses on the secondary as well
as on the primary are twofold; First, some operators and
managers locate the transformer outside the operating room,
even putting it down in the basement. This is very bad prac-
tice, but nevertheless they do it, and then, exercising still
more and greater bad judgment, stick 50 or 60 ampere fuses
on the primary. The inspector is not likely to see it, because
it is an out of the way place. For practical purposes they may
just as well not fuse at all, because with 110 volt transformers,
60 ampere primary fuses would deliver about 150 amperes on
the secondary, whereas with a 220 volt supply it would
give nearly 300. Second, except in small sizes, cartridge and
plug fuses are only made in multiples of 5 amperes, that is to
say 20, 25, 30, 35, etc. Now with a 110 volt supply 30 ampere
fuses will deliver approximately 60 amperes on the secondary,
but the capacity of the fuses and of the transformer is so
nearly :alike that there might be trouble with 30 ampere
fuses blowing. If, however, you install others of 35 ampere
capacity, the next size, it makes a possible difference of
between 10 and 15 amperes at the arc, with the 110 volt
supply, and between 20 and 30 amperes with the 220 volt
supply, whereas 5 amperes difference in the fuses on the
secondary means 5 amperes, and no more; therefore it is
possible to fuse much more rationally on the secondary than
it is on the primary.
This device is manufactured by the Fort Wayne Electric
Works for use on alternating current circuits only. It is
self-contained and requires no auxiliary rheostat or other
controlling mechanism. Before in-
stalling the compensarc examine the
name plate to see if the rating agrees
with the frequency and line voltage
of your service.
Place the compensarc directly
beneath the lamp house of the pro-i
jection machine if possible, other-
wise in some position convenient
to the operator to allow him to
adjust the amperage of his arc.
Connect both wires from the
Power Company's service through
a double-pole* fused switch to the
two terminals of the compensarc
marked "LINE." Connect two ter-
minals marked "LAMP" to the projec-
tion arc terminals through the
double-pole operating switch on the
projection machine. As this is an
A. C. device there are no positive ^^^
or negative wires. ^^p Figure 164.
Fig. 165 is a diagram of connections for the A. C. com-
pensarc. The primary or line wires should be fused to about
half the maximum current at the lamp. This would ordi-
narily require about a 30-ampere fuse.
Note. This diagram supplied by the manufacturer. The author
does not agree with omitting fuses from the secondary circuit.
See Fig. 163.
Figure 165.
This device is adjustable in three steps, which steps have
been found to meet the general service conditions.
When the switch on the compensarc is open no current
flows through the lamp, but the operator should not handle
his carbons without opening the operating switch on the projec-
tion machine, because if the outside lines have a ground and the
operating room is grounded the operator can receive a shock
of full-line potential. When through with the show open the
primary line switch.
Fig. 166 shows the slate top of
the A. C. compensarc and the
switch blade. Throwing the switch
blade in contact with the first clip
of the switch (Fig. 166) gives an
adjustment so that with the car-
bons separated about three-six-
teenth of an inch the current flow-
ing through the projection lamp Figure 166.
will be approximately 30 amperes. In contact with the sec-
ond clip of switch the adjustment changes so that approxi-
mately 40 amperes flow through the arc. Throwing the
switch blade over to the third clip allows approximately 60
amperes to flow through the lamp. The manufacturer recom-
mends the use of five-eighths-inch cored carbon upper and
In order to determine if your compensarc is in good con-
dition on all three steps, first, start the arc on any one of the
steps, then jump the switch quickly to the other two steps in
succession, watching the light. There should be an appre-
ciable difference in the light, which you should be able to de-
tect in trying this several times. If you think the compens-
arc is heating too much do not attempt to judge the tem-
perature by your hand; use a thermometer on the hottest
part. Lean the thermometer in contact with the hottest part
for 5 or 10 minutes and the temperature should never exceed
40 degrees C. or 72 degrees F. above the room temperature.
To obtain the best results carefully observe the following:
(1) Make sure the two leads marked "lamp" are connected
to the projection arc lamp through operating switch on the
projection machine.
(2) Always open operating switch on projection machine
when changing carbons, to eliminate possibility of shock due
to grounds on the power system.
(3) Connect to leads marked line directly to the power
line through a fused double-pole switch. When through
using the compensarc open the line switch.
(4) Never connect any resistance in series with the com-
pensarc either on the line or lamp side.
(5) Be sure the line voltage and frequency agree with the
voltage and frequency marked on compensarc nameplate.
(6) Be sure all connections are perfectly clean and tight
and see that adjusting switch has not been damaged in
(7) Do not try to use any more current than is required to
obtain a good picture.
(8) Do not overload your carbons, as this will produce a
very noisy arc.
(9) Do not separate carbons too far; a three-sixteenth-
inch separation on five-eighths cored carbons will give good
satisfaction with 40 amperes.
Plate 1, Figure 167.
The Edison Company
claims a very high effi-
ciency and a simple ad-
justing mechanism for
its transformer, which is
illustrated in Plate 1.
Wiping Connections.
The device has five leads
entering. At one side,
directly under that part
of the top in which the
word "Lamp" is cast, are
the secondary wires, which
are to be connected direct-
ly to the arc lamp, either
wire to either lamp bind-
ing post.
Plate 2, Figure 168.
The three wires entering the opposite side are the primary
lines. The wires directly under the word "Common" must
always be connected to one side of the line switch. One of
the other two wires should be connected to the other side of
the line switch, but which one is to be so connected will de-
pend upon the line voltage. This is all made clear in Fig.
168, so that no mistake can possibly be made. The end of
the wire not in use must be carefully wrapped with insu-
lating tape and left dead.
To Line
Machine Switch
Common TOO
Fig. A
To Line
Machine Switch
Common WO
108-1 10 OR 120 VOLTS
Fig. B
* II
To Line
Common 200 220
Fig. C
To Line
Common 200 220
Fig. D
Plate 3, Figure 169.
For further information see the wiring diagram in Fig.
169, which gives all necessary information with; regard to
both the 110 volt and 220 volt transformer connections.
Range of Adjustments. In Plates 1 and 2 you see a handle
or crank on top of the transformer. This handle operates
adjusting plugs which vary with the current at the arc. Cast
into the cover on top of the transformer case, Plate 2, are
two arrows, marked respectively "Raise" and "Lower."
Turning toward "Raise" you will raise the voltage, and
hence the amperage at the arc; the opposite direction lowers
the voltage, hence the amperage at the arc. The crank or
handle raises or lowers leakage plugs in the magnetic cir-
cuit, the same being placed between the primary and second-
ary windings, thus increasing or decreasing the strength of
the magnetic field.
: c>
Plate 4, Figure 170.
The primary and secondary windings are secured to the
iron core by means of wooden wedges, as per Plate 4. These
wedges must be tight enough to hold the windings rigid.
If the windings are loose, so that you can move them with
your hands when the top casting is removed, then the wedges
should be driven tighter. To do this it is only necessary to
remove the top and slip some thin, blunt instrument down
between the windings and the frame to the top of the wedges
and drive them down further. Plate 4 shows the transformer
with the top cover casting removed. To remove the cover,
take out the four round head screws shown in Plate 2.
The Edison transformer is claimed by its manufacturers
to be practically noiseless in operation, and should it at any
time become noisy there are three adjustments which may
require attention: (a) The nut on top of the handle (crank)
may have become loose. The screwshaft to which this
handle is attached is fitted with a shoulder below the cast-
ing, and between this shoulder and the under side of the top
casting is a spring washer. It is necessary that the nut on
top of the handle be set up sufficiently tight to compress
this washer flat. This means the nut should be set up
moderately tight, though, of course, not tight enough that
the handle will turn too hard, (b) The leakage plugs are
fitted at their sides with phosphor bronze springs. These
springs hold the plugs rigid between the walls of the sup-
porting guides. Should they fail of this purpose, then they
must be bent to give greater tension, (c) The thread in the
shaft to which the handle is attached should make a good
fit in the crosspiece to which the plugs are fastened. A loose
fit at this point will not make the transformer exactly noisy,
but may cause it to hum.
Operation. After connecting the transformer, close the
line switch and the operating switch and strike the arc in
the usual way, after which turn the adjusting handle until
you get the desired result on the screen. This will, of
course, vary with size of the picture, .etc. Under varying
conditions it may be necessary to work with the handle
clear down or clear up. Ordinarily, however, a position
somewhere midway should meet the requirements.
Power's Inductor, Fig. 171, consists of a well insulated,
strongly clamped laminated core with the primary wound
on one side or leg of the core and the secondary on the
other. The casing consists of a cast-iron front and back,
with a perforated brass cover. On the front, at the top, two
wires emerge, underneath which, on the casting, is the word
"lamp." These two wires connect directly to the carbon
arms of the projector lamp. It makes no difference which
wire you connect to the upper or lower carbon arm. At
the back side, near the top, the two primary leads come out.
They should be connected to the supply, as per Fig. 163,
Page 351. On the face of the front casting is a hand-wheel
which operates a single-pole knife switch, located on the
I * | opposite side of the casting. When
I I I I this switch is thrown so that its finger
II j points toward "high" you are getting
II j the maximum amperage, approxi-
II jjf mately 65. When it points to "me-
3 ? r"" T ^feAHfc^ I dium" you are getting a medium
amperage, and when it points to "low"
you are getting the lowest amperage
the transformer will supply.
The inductor is designed for a
maximum of 65 amperes on "high," 54
on '"medium," and 45 on "low" when
used on 110 or 220 volts, it being, of
course, understood that you cannot
use 110 volt inductor on 220, or a 220
on 110. In other words, you must
have an inductor suitable to the vol-
tage of your supply; also it must be
Figure 1/1. suitable to the cycle of the current
you use, though the inductor may be used on voltage rang-
ing 10 per cent below to 10 per cent, above that for which
it is rated, but in one case there will be a corresponding
increase, and in the other a decrease in its rated amperage.
The inductor is designed for a maximum temperature rise
of 50 degrees Fahrenheit above the surrounding atmosphere,
and ordinarily its temperature will not exceed 30 degrees in
excess of the surrounding air. It occupies 12 x 14 inches floor
space, is 19 inc'hes high, and weighs approximately 100
pounds. Its efficiency rating will compare favorably with
other machines of its kind.
The "Hallberg" A. C. to A. C. economizer is nothing
more or less than a transformer of the semi-constant cur-
rent type, specially designed for use in moving picture
projection arc circuits, taking A. C. at line voltage and
delivering A. C. at .arc voltage. "Semi-constant" means
that it will receive supply at a fixed potential, but will de-
liver at the arc practically steady amperage flow, regardless,
within reasonable limits, of the length of the arc.
The device consists of a continuous, rectangular core, on
one leg of which is wound a primary coil, and on the opposite
leg a secondary coil, the latter being of larger, heavier wire
than the former, to which the arc lamp is connected.
In Fig. 165 we have a
view of the top of the
Hallberg Economizer
showing the various
taps coming out. The
two marked "to lamp"
are the terminals of the
secondary coil, which
attach, through fuses,
to the arc lamp, as per
Fig. 163. The terminal Figure 172.
marked "1," Fig. 172, is
the constant, and must always be connected to one side of the
source of supply. Either one of terminals "2" "3," or "4," Fig.
172, may be connected to the other side of the supply, according
to the supply voltage and the amperage desired at the arc.
Terminal "4" represents one end of the primary winding,
of which terminal "1" is the other end. A, B, C are fuse
receptacles, and leads "2" and "3" are taps connecting to
the primary coil as per Fig. 154, Page 342. Now if a fuse plug of
sufficient capacity to carry the primary current be placed in
receptacle C, receptacles A and B being empty, then as you
will readily see, the whole of the primary coil will be in use.
This connection is designed for use where the primary voltage
is a little above normal, or when you require the lowest am-
perage the economizer will deliver. If the fuse be removed
from C and placed in A, then several
turns of the primary coil will be cut out,
which will have the effect of boosting
the secondary voltage, and hence the
amperage at the arc. The fuse plug
should be in receptacle A when the line
voltage is a little below normal, or when
the highest available amperage is de-
sired at the arc. CAUTION: Do not
unscrew the fuse plug while the arc is
burning. If you do the current will arc
and burn out your fuse receptacle ; other-
wise this arrangement is cheap, practical,
and should never give trouble.
Fig. 173 shows the appearance of the Hallberg economizer.
The machine table switch should always be on the line side of
the economizer.
Figure 173.
The economizer is supplied for voltage ranging from 100
to 120 and 200 to 220, and may be constructed for 25, 35, 40, 50,
60, 120, and up to 140 cycles. The 110 volt economizer lines
are usually connected to terminals 1 and 2 when the voltage is
100 to 105; to 1 and 3 between 105 and 115, and to 1 and 4
if between 115 to 120. If it be a 220 volt economizer then
connect to 1 and 2 for 220 volt supply and to 1 and 4 for 240.
The manufacturer supplies the following data for the Hall-
berg economizer.
Line fuses Line Line Line watts Amperes
required. Voltage. Amperes. per hour. at arc.
Regular Type 30-40 Amperes.
20 110 18 1,400 30-40
10 220 9 1,400 30-40
Standard Type 45-55 Amperes.
30 110 25 1,800 45-55
15 220 13 1,800 45-55
Special Type 60-80 Amperes.
40 110 35 2,200 60-80
20 220 18 2,200 60-80
Searchlight Type 125-150 Amperes.
80 110 75 4,200 125-150
40 220 35 4,200 125-150
There are four types of this device, viz: the "Regular,"
the "Standard," the "Special," and the "Searchlight." The
Regular type is designed for stereopticon and very light
motion picture theatre work, where the picture is small and
the performance not continuous.
The Standard type is recommended by the manufacturer
for ordinary motion picture theatre performances. It delivers
a maximum of approximately 60 amperes at the arc.
The Special type is made for those who desire an amperage
in excess of 60, and is size the author recommends to those who
want brilliant screen illumination.
The Searchlight type was ordinarily designed for Kinema-
color work, but it is now offered to the regular motion pic-
ture trade. It has a maximum capacity of 150 amperes.
Where the Searchlight is used it is well to use either three-
quarter or seven-eighth inch cored carbons. Where the
Special and Searchlight economizers are used the asbestos
covered cable should be No. 4 for the Special, and No. 2
for the Searchlight. For all other economizers they should
be No. 6.
The Freddy Economizer, the general appearance of which
is shown in Plate 1, manufactured by Walter G. Preddy,
San Francisco, consists primarily of two parts, viz., a heavy
laminated sheet metal core, 16 inches in length, around which
is placed a winding consisting of two layers of No. 4 magnet
wire. The first or inner layer is wound directly over the core,
but insulated therefrom. The second, or outer layer is wound
over the first, and has brass taps brought out on every
seventh turn. These taps are so arranged that the windings
may be tapped at eleven points, thus providing for a greater
or less amount of inductance, according to the number of
amperes it is desired to use at the arc. The taps are labeled
"contacts" in Plate 2, the wire terminating in an arrow
head, labeled "clamp," connecting to one of the contacts.
The two-screw connection at the top of the coil, and the
brass tap at the same end, are at the extreme ends of the
windings, all other taps being interposed, and acting to
cut in or out a certain number of turns of wire, thus varying
the inductive effect, and hence the amperage at the arc.
Plate 1, Figure 174.
The Preddy Economizer is an economy coil, inductance coil,
reactance coil, or choke coil, those names meaning the same
thing and applying equally to the same apparatus. The
more familiar term is choke coil. There are no switches or
levers to manipulate; all the regulation is perfected by means
of the clamp and contacts, Plate 2, as already described.
The connector (clamp) is merely a slotted brass casting
that slips on the taps, and is then screwed tight by hand.
CAUTION: Never use pliers in making this connection.
Directions. The Preddy Economizer is not a transformer
or auto-transformer, and has no "primary" or "secondary"
winding. It is connected into the arc lamp circuit precisely
the same as you would connect a rheostat. See B, Fig. 142,
in which just substitute a Freddy coil for rheostat C. It
is advisable to use (manufacturer's recommendation) wire
not smaller than No. 6, and fuses not smaller than 75 amperes.
There is no reason for placing fuses on the lamp side of the
Freddy Economy Coil, as is advisable with the transformer,
since the amperage is the same on both sides of the Freddy
Never attach the economizer to a metal lined wall unless you
first remove the metal or place a marble or other insulating or
Flate 2, Figure 175.
non-metallic material of substantial thickness between the econo-
mizer and the metal. If the device be attached to a metal
lined wall or set on a metal lined floor there will be a vibra-
tion set up in the metal, which will cause a more or less
loud buzzing sound. The manufacturer recommends that
fairly hard cored carbons be used in connection with this
device, both top and bottom. The tap connection giving the
highest amperage is the one opposite the tube connector.
If a dissolver is to be used with one economy coil the two
lamps must be wired in series. See "The Stereopticon."
When using the economizer do not add rheostats to the cir-
cuit, or switches for regulating, or other devices. Schemes
of this kind often cause a great deal of trouble, for which
the instrument gets the blame.
The economizer is a very sturdily built, rugged device,
Which ought to last indefinitely if given reasonable care. It
is well insulated and will not "bake out," owing to the extra
heavy insulation between the core and winding, as well as
between the layers.
The formostat, which is widely used and well liked on the
Pacific Coast, and somewhat known throughout the Middle
West, is of the auto type of transformer. Its ratio is two to
one for 110 volt current and 4 to 1 in the 220 volt type that is
Figure 176.
to say, one ampere taken from 110 volt line becomes two on
the secondary, while one ampere taken from the 220 volt line
becomes four on the secondary. Its range of adjustment is
from 30 to 65 amperes, and its construction is quite simple,
there being two wires for the line and two for the lamp.
These leads are marked with paper tags, when the formostat
is purchased. In case the tags are absent the two large
leads should be connected to the lamp and the two smaller
one to the feed wires. The adjustment is made in divisions
of about 4 amperes and without in any way disturbing the arc.
In Fig. 176 we see a sectional front and side view, A and B
being the line wires and 1 and 2 the coils. The regulation
of amperage is secured by raising or lowering the top coil.
In Fig. 177 we have a view of the formostat. At the top
is a notched rack upon which hangs a wire loop; from
this loop is suspended coil 1, Fig. 176. By lowering coil 1,
a^^ ^^^ or in other words, drop-
ping the wire loop to a
lower notch in the rack,
amperage is increased,
or by raising it the am-
perage is lowered. The
winding on the 110 volt
formostat is of No. 5
wire, and as the instru-
ment is of the auto type
this is equivalent to two
No. 5 wires in parallel,
so that in fact each No.
5 wire has only to carry
32^ amperes. In the 220
volt type the winding is
of No. 4 and No. 8
wires, and at full load
the No. 4 carries 43 and
the No. 8 17 amperes,
respectively. A 110 volt
formostat works well on
any voltage from 105 to
125; and the 220 volt
177 machine operates suc-
cessfully at from 210 to
240 volts. The makers recommend that the formostat be placed
on the floor under the lamphouse. Connect the wires marked
"line," which are the smaller of the four wires, to the line
through 30 ampere fuse and switch. Connect the two leads
marked "lamp" directly to the lamp. The formostat makers
recommend that there be no switch between the formostat and
the lamp, but that it be placed on the line side. All wire con-
nections should be soldered, unless some good type of wire
connector is used; see D, Figure 30, Page 89.
Wiring Diagrams for the Formostat. Fig. 178, No. 1,
shows the connections used with the regular 110 volt formo-
stat supplying two lamps alternately. No. 2 shows connec-
tions used with 110 volt formostat for three lamps. That is to
2 2.0 VOLT L//VE
30 (\MP. SWTCH
Figure 178.
say, a motion picture arc and a dissolver. No. 3 shows con-
nections used with special 220 volt formostat for two lamps,
and No. 4 shows connections used with special 220 volt
formostat for three lamps.
The tags on the wires are marked A, B, C and D, in the 110
volt type, and AA prime, B, , D, on the 220 volt tags. If
it is desired to use the 110 volt formostat with connections as
per No. 1 and 2, Fig. 178, the leads will first have to be
selected by testing between the line and lamp leads with 110
volt lamp. Between two of these wires will be found no
voltage and these wires are line A and lamp C, therefore the
two remaining are line B and lamp D. This test must, of
course, be made with the current on. If it is desired to use
connections No. 3 or No. 4, Fig. 178, with the 220 volt formo-
stat, put out before the beginning of 1912, the wires will have
to be changed, and this the manufacturer will do, free of
charge. The change cannot be made outside of the manu-
facturer's shop, and should not be attempted.
Motor Generator Sets
General Instructions. There are certain instructions
which apply alike to all motor generator sets, rotary con-
verters and other devices of like nature. To incorporate
these instructions in the matter covering each individual set
would consume valuable space needlessly, therefore, they
have been incorporated under the head of General Instruc-
General Instruction No. 1. Locating the Motor Gener-
ator. In locating a motor generator or rotary converter,
several things must be taken into careful consideration.
Wherever practical it is much better to locate the machine
either in the operating room or a room directly adjoining and
connecting therewith.
A basement, particularly if damp or dark, is objectionable
for installations of this kind. Where there is dampness the
insulation of the wires will absorb more or less moisture,
which will be expelled rapidly when the machine warms up,
and this, many times repeated, is likely to produce injurious
results. The most serious objection is that in case anything
goes wrong it takes much longer to investigate and make
the repair, if a repair is possible, than it would if the machine
were located in or adjoining the operating room. Still an-
other objection to basement locating lies in the fact that
basements are usually more or less dark, which entails the
making of repairs and performing other operations entirely
by artificial light.
The only legitimate objection to locating machines of this
kind in or adjoining the operating room lies in the possible
vibration and noise or the weakness of the floor.
As a general proposition it may be said that any floor too
weak to carry a machine of this kind is unfit to be the floor
of an operating room. Vibration can be, to all intents and
purposes, eliminated by means of felt, as per instructions
under "Installation."
When practical, always set your motor generator out far
enough from the wall so that you can walk all around it,
and before your floor is put down have the conduits laid,
so as to carry the connecting wires underneath the floor.
This is a little extra expense and labor, but in the long
run it pays, and pays big.
If you do locate your generator in the basement it is a
good plan to place it on a pedestal or platform raised some
distance from the floor, particularly if there is any danger
of the basement at any time containing water. The frame
of the machine should be thoroughly grounded by means of
a copper wire, one end of which must make good electrical
contact with the frame and the other with a water pipe or
the earth, as described under "Grounds," Page 259. Also
select as light a spot as possible, if any daylight enters the
If the machine is located in the basement, make your
operating room leads of ample size. It won't cost much
more, and there will be less waste. The size of the leads
will, of course, depend on the amperage they are to carry,
and their length. In this connection see Pages 42 and 45.
General Instruction No. 2. Installation. As soon as a
new machine is unboxed, the name plate should be carefully
inspected. If it be a D. C. to D. C. machine, you have only
to ascertain that the volts marked on the motor name plate
correspond with your line voltage. If it be an A. C. to D. C.
machine, then the volts, cycles and phase must agree with
those of the circuit on which it is to be used. The name
plate marking will also indicate the volts and amperes for
the arc lamp, and due care should be taken that the am-
perage rating, as indicated by the name plate, be not ex-
ceeded to any considerable extent, except for short periods
of time.
If the motor generator is mounted on a sub-base which
it is, for any reason, necessary to dispense with, great care
must be exercised that the motor and generator be perfectly
lined with each other, else there will be undue strain on the
coupling of the two shafts. Failure to perfectly line the
shafts will probably result in noise, vibration and a rapid wear
at both the coupling and bearings. Machines in which the
armature of the motor and generator are mounted on one
shaft, with but three bearings, and no coupling between,
should never under any circumstances be installed without
their sub-base, if they are of the type that uses a sub-base.
Where a motor and generator .are locked together, on a
sub-base or otherwise, it is not necessary to bolt them
down solidly to the floor (it is not necessary to build foun-
dations for machines of this character), and if the machine is
located in the operating room or in an adjoining room it is
not desirable to do so. The best plan is: Have a sheet
metal pan made, one to two inches deep and sufficiently
large to contain the base of the machine and extend out
under the oil boxes. Procure heavy felt the kind that is from
one-half inch to one inch thick, if you can get it, and cut
enough to make a pile at least 4 inches thick, cutting the
pieces about 3 inches larger than the base of the machine.
Place the felt where you propose to locate the machine, lay
the pan on top of it and set the machine in the pan. No bolts
or fastenings of any kind are necessary. If the machine does
not set on the felt without giving trouble the armatures are
not properly balanced and the machine should go back
to the factory. The idea of the felt is to absorb all the
vibration and prevent its being communicated to the floor
and the walls of the building. It renders the machine to all
intents and purposes noiseless.
Caution. Where direct connected motors and generators
are joined to each other by a flexible connection on the
shaft, and not placed on a single, rigid iron base, then the pad
proposition does not, of course, apply. Such an outfit must
be bolted down on a solid foundation. After the machine has
been on the pad a week, carefully level it, if necessary, by
slipping sheets of metal under the low side. // is very necessary
that the armature be perfectly level endwise, else it will not
"float" (have end play), and failure to float will probably pro-
duce grooved bearings and commutator.
Having the machine located, revolve the armature by hand
to make sure it revolves freely. Examine the armature and
commutator carefully to see that they are not bruised. Let
the oil out of the oil wells and fill them up with fresh oil.
(See General Instruction No. 3.) The electrical connections
should be made by an electrician, who should follow the
wiring diagram sent with the machine.
General Instruction No. 3. Oil. The much advertised
patent oils are absolutely unfit for motor or generator lubri-
cation. If you use them you are more than likely to either
have trouble with the bearings, or a comparatively frequent
and unecessary expense for bearing renewal, to say nothing
of worn journals.
The character of oil to be used will depend considerably
upon climatic conditions. In the South, where it is always
comparatively warm and much of the time summer heat,
I would recommend the same oil used for generators in
the local electric light plant. The
superintendent of the plant will tell
you what it is, and no doubt will sell
you oil at a reasonable figure. You
cannot do any better, because oil
used to lubricate heavy generator
bearings is necessarily an excellent
lubricant, and you can rest assured
the light plant has the oil best suited
to local climate. In the Middle
North, I would recommend a medium
heavy dynamo oil for summer use;
it may be used the year round if the
generator is in a room that is kept
warm in winter, but if in an unheated
place a light dynamo oil will be
found to give the best satisfaction in
winter. In the extreme North a
medium oil in summer and a light
dynamo oil in winter will be best.
Caution. Most, if not all, motor generator sets have the
oil carried up to the journals by rings which rest on the
journals and revolve merely by the friction of their own
weight on the journal, as per Fig. 179, which shows the
oil ring resting on the journal, revolving through a groove
in the babbit bearing. Now, you will readily see that if too
heavy an oil be used in winter time, and the machine be
located where it is very cold, the oil will congeal and stop
the ring from revolving, in which case no oil would be fed
to the journal and there would be trouble. There are
grooves cut in the babbit bearing to facilitate oil distribution.
Be sure your oil is free from dust or sediment. Never
leave oil standing open. If you do it will collect dust and
Figure 179.
the lubricating quality of the oil will be very greatly impaired.
Dirty oil is often the cause of bearings heating.
General Instruction No. 5. Cleanliness. It is important
that all parts of motor generators be kept scrupuluosly clean.
Oil should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to col-
lect, either on the machine or on the floor near it, and the
machine should, so far as possible, be kept free from dust.
A medium size hand bellows will be found very convenient
for removing dust from the armature, from around the pole
pieces and in other inaccessible places. A dirty machine is
evidence of a lazy, indifferent of incompetent operator.
General Instruction No. 6. Loose Connections. It is
highly important that all electrical connections and all bolts
and nuts be inspected periodically and carefully tightened
up, and all electrical connections be kept not only tight but
perfectly clean. Loose connections are a continual source of
absolutely unnecessary trouble.
General Instruction No. 7. Ammeter and Voltmeter. All
motor generators are or should be provided with both volt-
meters and ammeters, and they should by all means be located
on the wall in front of the operator as he sits in operating
position. It is a serious mistake to install a voltmeter and
ammeter in an out of the way place. They should be con-
stantly under the operator's eyes, since there are points at
which the arc furnishes maximum illumination with minimum
current consumption, and with the ammeter directly in front
of him the operator soon learns where he gets the most
light with the least current consumption and, if he is a
capable man, keeps his arc at that point.
General Instruction No. 8. Care of the Commutator. The
commutator of a direct current motor or generator ought
to require very little care, but sometimes does require a great
The best evidence the commutator is in Al condition is
a sort of glazed appearance, smooth as glass, a brownish
shade in color and a slight squeak from the carbon brushes
when the armature is revolved slowly. To obtain and
maintain this condition the following care must be given:
(a) The brushes kept set as nearly as possible at the
sparkless point, which point may, with the old style gener-
ator lacking the inner or "commutator" pole, vary with the
load. On the newer type of generator the inner or commu-
tating pole is used and the manufacturer marks the point
at which the brush yoke should be set by making either a
chisel or center-punch mark on the yoke and on the frame.
Some manufacturers fill these marks with white paint so
they are very easily seen some do not. Where these marks
are present the brush yoke should always be set so that the
marks on the frame casting and the yoke coincide, or, in
other words, are opposite each other!
(b) The brushes must have just sufficient tension to
make good electrical contact with the commutator, remembering
that every particle of unnecessary pressure will tend to unduly
wear both commutator and brushes, and to groove the copper
unless the armature has a little end play.
(c) That the commutator be kept clean and free from
dust. This may best be accomplished by cleaning the whole
machine every day, blowing the dust out from around the
field poles, etc., with a bellows, and last of all, wiping off
the commutator with a canvas pad made as follows: Cut
a piece of ordinary canvas 6 inches square, fold this so
that it is 2 inches wide by 6 inches long, which will
form a pad with a face of one thickness, backed by two
thicknesses. Next open up the pad and smear a little vaseline
on the center section, which is the ^back side of the face of
the pad, after which refold, let lie 'a few hours in a warm
place, and it is ready for use. Sufficient vaseline will gradually
soak through the pad to give the commutator all the lubrica-
tion it needs, and that is mighty little. The foregoing 'holds
good in summer, and in winter, too, if the generator is located
in a warm .room, but if, on the other hand, the machine is
cold, then it will be well to moisten the face of the pad by
using a few drops of a very thin oil on a piece of glass,
spreading it around evenly and then wiping it off on the face
of the pad, the idea being to get the oil evenly distributed
on the pad. Remember this, however, too little lubrication is
better than too much, and heavy lubricants (thick oils) must
never, never, NEVER be used on a commutator. If one applica-
tion as above every six-hour run does not suffice, then it is
likely that, (1) your brushes have too much tension, (2)
your machine is overloaded, (3) your brushes not properly set
or (4) there is some other trouble. Never use gasoline or
benzine around a commutator; it is likely to attack and soften
the shellac and insulation and thus set up serious trouble.
Caution. Where the mica insulation of the commutator is
undercut great care should be taken in regard to the lubricat-
ing of the commutator, and if a soft brush is used no lubrica-
tion should be given. This caution is necessary with under-
cut insulation by reason of the fact that the lubricating
medium will have a tendency to combine with carbon dust
and fill up the space between the commutator bars, thus in
time possibly short circuiting the bars. Also where soft
brushes are used the brushes themselves as a rule contain
sufficient paraffine to provide all necessary lubrication.
(d) See to it that sufficient oil, or combined oil and carbon
dust, has not collected at any point or spot, either on the
commutator or face of any brush, to form a semi-insulation:
(e) That there are no high or low bars and that the
commutator is perfectly round.
(f) That a fragment of copper does not drag across the
insulation between two adjacent bars, or that oil and carbon
dust does not form such a bridge. This fault will be evi-
denced by a thin, sparkling ring of light around the commu-
(g) That the brush springs do not carry sufficient current
to heat them.
(h) That the brushes fit properly in their holders, and
are kept free from accumulation of dirt, dust, etc. They should
be taken out and cleaned once in every 60 hours run.
(i) That the brushes are neither too hard nor too soft.
(j) That the armature "floats" slightly, i.e., has from one-
sixteenth to one-eighth inch end play, according to size of
machine. This tends to prevent the brushes from cutting
grooves in the commutator; is very important. Unless the
machine sets perfectly level the armature will not "float," hence
a level setting is important.
(k) That the copper and mica insulation wear down
(1) That the generator is not overloaded, and that there
are no other faults present which would tend to cause un-
necessary sparking, or otherwise injure the commutator.
Should the brushes of the motor or generator shpw
excessive sparking, it might be attributed to one of the
following causes;
(a) If a belt driven machine, the belt may be slipping;
if the sparking is spasmodic or intermittent, the trouble will
probably be found in the belt, since belt slip causes sudden
variations in speed, and this will, in itself, cause sparking,
since it has the effect of producing heavy fluctuations in the
voltage. The remedy, of course, is to tighten the belt, or
use a belt dressing, and, in this connection, ordinary black
printer's ink is as good an article as I know of to stop belt
slipping, and ten cents worth obtained at any printer's will
last for a month or more.
Plate 1.
Plate 2.
Figur 180.
(b) Brushes not set correctly, that is to say, the rocker
arm too far one way or another; also the brushes may be
too close together or too far apart. In the first case the
remedy is to move the rocker arm until the neutral position
is found, whereupon sparking will either cease or be reduced
to a negligible quantity. If this fails to remove the trouble I
would then see if the brushes themselves are the correct
distance from each other. In a two-pole machine they should
bear on the commutator at diametrically opposite points.
That is to say, the distance from brush-point to brush-point
should be exactly the same when measured both ways
around the commutator; in other words, distance A should
equal distance B, ,as per 1, Fig. 180. If it be a four-pole
machine * with two positive and two negative brushes (four
altogether) the correct distance to set them is one-fourth of
the circumference of the commutator between the points
of adjacent brushes, that is, distances marked X should all
be equal, as per 2, Fig. 180. If it be a mc*chinv, with more
than two positive and two negative brushes (more than
four brushes all told), divide the number of commutator
segments by the number of poles, or field coils of the machine;
the result will equal the distance, in commutator bars, the
brushes should be apart.
(c) Dirty brushes or dirty commutator may cause spark-
ing, and may even prevent the generator from picking up its
load at starting, and will sometimes cause a badly fluctuating
arc. Some of the causes of dirty brushes and dirty com-
mutator are as follows: Carbon brushes contain a small
amount of paraffine. When the carbon gets warm this par-
affine, if excessive in quantity, is likely to ooze out and coat
the commutator, thus partially insulating it in spots, or the
paramne may mix with dust and coat the end of the brush
with a semi-insulating compound. If copper brushes
be used they may become clogged with a mixture of oil
and dust; the obvious remedy is to clean the dirty parts.
To clean the commutator, use a brush stiff enough to remove
any foreign matter which may cling to the surface of the
commutator, yet not stiff enough to injure the surface. If
the brush will not remove the deposit,, then use 00 sand
paper (never use emery paper or emery cloth on a commutator)
applying the same while the commutator is revolving, but
with just barely enough pressure to clean the metal. After
having cleaned the surface, put a few drops of light oil
on a cloth, or use the pad already described and hold it
lightly to the commutator as it revolves. Don't get much
oil on the surface of the commutator just a "suspicion,"
as it were. If it is a carbon brush which is dirty, or which
does not fit the curve of the commutator, raise it just enough
to slip a piece of fine sand paper (^ or No. 1) between the
brush and commutator, with the sand side against the brush,
and pull it back and forth around the curve of the commu-
tator until enough of the brush has been ground away to
clean the surface, or to make it fit the commutator. Be sure
and always clean the commutator thoroughly after doing this,
since if carbon dust is left adhering to its surface it may work
into the insulation and cause a local short circuit between
two bars. If the brush is made of metal take it out and
clean it thoroughly with gasoline, trimming the edges and
corners off with a file if necessary.
(d) The brush not making proper contact with the com-
mutator, which may be due to (1) tensioij spring not being
strong enough; (2) tension spring having lost its temper;
(3) brush stuck in its holder; (4) brush not fitting the curve
of the surface of the commutator; (5) brush holder set at
the wrong angle; (6) high bar or insulation. The remedies
are: (1) Stretch the spring, if it is a spiral spring, or if it
is not a spiral spring, do whatever is needful to make the
spring stronger, installing a new one, if necessary; (2) put
in a new spring, and, since the fact that the old spring
has lost its temper is evidence that the spring itself is carry-
ing too much current, reinforce it with a current-carrying
jumper; (3) the remedy is obvious: do whatever is needed
to loosen .the brush; (4) use sand paper, as before described,
until the brush fits the commutator surface; (5) straighten
the holder; (6) see section f, further on.
There should, however, be only sufficient tension on the
brush to insure its making good contact with the commutator.
Be careful, therefore, and don't get your springs too strong.
If you do there will be unnecessary wear both on the brush
and the commutator, and this will to some extent add the
element of mechanical heat generated by undue friction.
The reasons for the brush sticking in the holder are:
(1) Dirt in the holder or on the brush; (2) brush not true; (3)
hammer that rests on the brush (where this type of tension
is used) not working true on the slot-end of the brush. The
brush should slip freely in its holder, though not freely
enough to allow of any considerable amount of play, and
the hammer should be so adjusted that it lies true in the slot
at the end of the brush. A brush which is not true may be
evened up by tacking No. 1 sand paper on a perfectly flat
surface and rubbing tihe brush thereon.
(e) Commutator worn too thin. If the commutator
wears down too much, although it may wear evenly and
appear to be in good condition, the brushes will spark in
spite of everthing you may do, particularly when the machine
is working at capacity. The reason might lie in the fact that
since the segments are wedge shape, as they wear down they
become narrower, thus allowing the brush to span more of
the circumference of the commutator than was intended, or
there might be a slight error in the setting of the brush
holder, and this error becomes greater as the distance
between the brush holder and the commutator increases.
The only remedy is a new commutator, but the sparking
may possibly be lessened somewhat by moving the brush
holder closer to the commutator. This trouble appears at
its worst in a series type machine.
(f) A high or low commutator segment. This fault may
usually be detected by the clicking sound made by the brush
in passing over the defective segment. When the segment
is low the brush rides in toward the shaft each time the bad
bar passes under it. If it is high the brush will jump. The
remedy will depend somewhat upon the cause. It may be
that the segment has become loose, in which case the bar
may be driven back into place by tapping lightly with a
wooden mallet, or by using a wooden block and hammering
gently, but the armature will probably have to be taken
out and sent to the repair shop, unless you yourself can
tighten the clamp ring a rather delicate operation. If the
segment is high by reason of the fact that, being of harder
material than its mates it has worn down more slowly, then,
using a fine file it may, with great care, be dressed down.
If, on the other hand, it is low, then the only remedy is to
turn down the rest of the bars to match. If the fault is
slight this may be done by re'moving the brushes and holding
a piece of grindstone which has been turned out to fit the
circumference of the commutator to it while it is revolved
rapidly. This process is, however, slow. The best way is
to put the armature in a lathe and turn it off. The grinding
may, in the case of a motor, however, be done with the
brushes down and the machine running by its own power,
but if this is done it should be done with great caution.
When you are through the face of the brushes should
be thoroughly cleaned by drawing No. J^ sand paper
around the curve of the commutator with the sand side
next to the brushes in order to grind off their face, and
thus remove any particles of sand which may have become
embedded in the brush, since it would scratch the commu-
tator and cause undue wear. It is better to do the grinding
with the brushes raised and the machine run from some
outside source of power where it is practicable.
(g) A rough or eccentric commutator. This may be
caused by improper care, or by the use of defective materials
in its construction. A rough commutator may be detected
merely by feeling. The mica insulation between the seg-
ments will either stand out in ridges, or be worn down so
that there is a small groove between the segments. An
eccentric commutator may most readily be detected by hold-
ing some instruments firmly against the frame opposite the
commutator, so that its ends just touch the bars. If the
commutator is true it will touch all the way round as the
armature is slowly revolved, but if the commutator is eccentric
it will, of course, only touch the high spots. If the eccentric
be bad it will cause the brushes to move in and out of their
holders perceptibly when the armature is revolved slowly.
The only remedy is to turn the commutator down, and this
can only be sucessfully done in a machine shop where work
of this character is understood.
(h) Brushes having too high resistance, the evidence of
which is that they get very hot and slowly crumble away
at the end next to the commutator. The remedy is to get
good brushes.
(i) Low bearings. In some types of machines low bear-
ings will throw armature out of center sufficiently to distort
the magnetic field, and this will cause sparking. The evi-
dence of this fault is that the air gap between the armature
and the pole piece will be smaller at the botttom than at the
top. The only remedy it to replace the worn bearings with
new ones.
(j) A short-circuited armature coil. This trouble will
cause the voltmeter to fluctuate badly, and the shorted coil
to heat very quickly. The coil may be shorted within itself,
or there may be a connection between two adjoining com-
mutator segments. Remedy: locate and remove the short.
(k) A reversed armature coil. This may be located by
holding a compass over each coil of the armature in turn, and
sending a direct current through the coil, with the brushes
raised and resistance in series; or current from a battery
may be used. The coil which causes the compass to turn
in the opposite direction from its mates is the guilty party.
The remedy is, reverse the connection or direction of the
windings of the defective coil.
(1) A bent armature shaft. This, of course, will cause
the whole armature to wobble. The only practical remedy is
a new shaft.
(m) Overload. The most prominent symptom of over-
load is the armature heating all over. Sparking may be
lessened, but not entirely stopped, by moving the brushes
aihead or 'back. By "ahead" I mean in the direction in which
the armature is revolving. The remedy is obvious. Get a
machine of larger capacity, or cut down the load on the one
you have.
(n) High speed sparking is caused by the brushes not
being able to make proper connection with the commutator by
reason of excessive armature speed.
(o) A weak field. This may be detected in a generator
by its inability to pick up readily, and by failure to maintain
normal voltage. On a motor the starting power is decreased,
but the speed and current are increased. A weak field may
be caused by (1) a loose joint in the magnetic circuit; (2)
heat may lower the insulation of the field winding sufficiently
to allow the current to short circuit through it; (3) there
may be a metallic short in the field coil. Remedies: With
at voltmeter test across each field coil; the one showing
the least drop is the defective one. If all read the same,
then there is a loose joint in the magnetic circuit.
(p) A shaky foundation, or anything else that causes
vibration in the machine will set up commutator sparking.
The only remedy is to eliminate the vibration.
Should a ring of fire develop, or something that looks like
a ring of fire, around the commutator, it may be caused by
(a) a piece of copper pulled across the insulation between
two bars: (b) an open circuit in the armature.
In the first instance the ring will not be strong, but just
a thin sparkling streak of light around the commutator. The
remedy is to remove whatever is causing the short between
the bars, which can usually be done by holding a piece of
fine sand paper lightly to the commutator, though the right
way is to stop the machine and hunt up the trouble, using
a magnifying glass if necessary. An open circuit in the
armature, however, might be caused by reason of a break in
one of the armature wires itself, or in one of its connections
with the commutator, and these in turn may be caused
by excessive current burning off one of the wires, or a nick
in one of the wires may be the seat of the trouble, or the
commutator may become loosened and break off one or
more of the leads. The defect may be readily located, as
the mica will be eaten away from between the commutator
segments to which the faulty coil is connected, and the
segments themselves will become full of holes and burned
at the edges. If this trouble is caught in time the open may
be closed and the commutator turned up true. Sometimes,
by reason of carlessness, abuse or overload, the armature
becomes hot, and this causes the solder on the connections
between the coils and* commutator bars to soften, where-
upon centrifugal force will throw it out, and there will, of
course, be trouble, though there is no complete opening of
circuits'. The action, however, so far as the ring of fire be
concerned, is the same as if there were, and the commutator
bars will become blackened and pitted and their edges
burned. But if any of the foregoing faults be caught in
time they can be remedied; if not it will be necessary to '
install a new commutator, and perhaps a new armature coil
as well.
General Instruction No. 9. Before starting the machine
see that it is perfectly clean and that the brushes move
freely in their holders and make good contact with the com-
mutator. Also make sure that all connections are tight.
General Instruction No. 10. Bearings Run Hot. The first
rule when a bearing runs hot is to see that the oil well is
filled with good clean oil and that the oil-rings run freely,
carrying the oil to the shaft. If the bearing runs hot on
a new machine shut down and wash out the bearing with
kerosense. Trouble is probably due to dirt that has accumu-
lated in shipment. If the bearing has been running along
satisfactorily and suddenly gets hot, flood the well with
clean oil, leaving the drain cock open and pouring in the
clean oil while the machine is running to free the bearing
from dirt. A change to a different grade of oil, either
heavier or lighter, will often correct a bearing trouble of
this kind. NEVER USE WATER TO COOL A BEARING, it may get
into the insulation of the windings and cause a worse trouble.
A machine with clean oil of the proper grade never gives
trouble from hot bearings.
General Instruction No. 11. Heating. Many operators who
are handling motor generator sets and find them getting
rather warm become unduly alarmed. Excessive heat is, of
course, not only bad, but dangerous to the insulation. How-
ever the fact must be taken into consideration that the
temperature of operating rooms frequently reaches between
35 and 40 degrees Cent. The American Institute of Electrical
Engineers allows a temperature rise of 50 degrees Cent. (90
degrees Fahr.) above surrounding atmosphere, this being
based on 40 degrees (72 degrees Fahr.) atmospheric temperature.
Therefore, simply because, in a hot operating room one
cannot hold his hand on the iron of the machine with com-
fort, it does not follow that the temperature is dangerous.
A thermometer ought always to be used to determine such mat-
ters. If the thermometer does not register a temperature rise of
say more than 30 or 35 degrees above the surrounding atmos-
phere (Centigrade), you need have no uneasiness. To change
Centigrade temperature to Fahrenheit temperature multiply
the degrees Cent, by 9/5 and add 32. For instance: opera-
ting room temperature, 40 Cent. What is it Fahr.? 40X9/5
= 40-4-5 = 8X9 = 72 + 32=104 degrees Fahr.
General Description. Both A. C. to D. C. and D. C.
to D. C. compensarcs are what are commonly styled "motor
generator sets," that is to say, two machines coupled to-
gether, one being a motor and the other a generator. In
the A. C. to D. C. compensarcs the motor and generator are
mounted on a common base, as shown in Plate No. 1.
Fig. 181. The motor and generator frames of the D. C. to
D. C. compensarcs are, however, coupled together by a
common flange, as shown in Plate No. 2, Fig. 181, so that
no base is necessary. All Fort Wayne compensarcs are
shipped completely assembled, and require only proper in-
stallation, filling of the bearings with oil and proper elec-
trical connection to the supply and lamp circuits (See
General Instruction No. 2, Page 369) before putting into
Plate 1. Plate 2.
Figure 181.
The A. C. to D. C. compensarc consists -of a standard
induction motor, either single, two or three phase, the same
being directly connected to a special D. C. generator. The
armature shafts of the set are joined by couplings, and
there are but three bearings, two on the motor and one on
the generator. The generator end of this set is wound
specially for use with projection arc lamps, and the winding
is such that no steadying resistance is necessary between
the arc and generator.
While the 115 and 220 volt D. C. compensarcs are commonly
referred to as "motor generator sets," rightly speaking they
are not, since electrical connections are different from
the true motor generator set. The machine is in effect a
"balancer." The 500 volt D. C. compensate is, however, a
true motor generator, the motor having no electrical con-
nection with the generator. The generator end of the D. C.
compensarc has exactly the same characteristics, as that of the
A. C. to D. C. machine, and will handle the arc without
any steadying resistance interposed. The two-lamp outfits
use a steadying resistance during the time of changing from one
lamp to the other only, during which period both arcs are
burning simultaneously. The generator end of both A. C.
to D. C. and D. C. to D. C. compensarcs have practically
the same mechancial construction.
The D. C. compensarc has a fan, protected by a metal
guard for the safety of the operator, mounted on the shaft
between the two machines. This fan rotates with the shaft
and sets up a current of air which helps keep both motor and
generator cool.
Installation. See General Instruction No. 2.
Oil. See General Instruction No. 3.
Removing Sub-Base to Install. See General Instruction
No. 2 and, in addition, dowel pins are provided in the base
of the generator end. To remove these pins hold the squared
head of the pin with a wrench and tighten up the nut, which
will pull out the pin. Be very careful that any liners found
under the feet of the motor- or generator be carefully replaced
in their original position. Should the coupling be taken apart
it must be very carefully reassembled, making sure that the
chisel marks on the rim register with each other.
A. C. to D. C. compensarcs should never be run on circuits
where the variation of either frequency or voltage from normal
exceeds 5 per cent. Where both frequency and voltage vary the
sum of the variation must not exceed 8 per cent.
Size of Fuses. The lamp side of these machines does not
require fusing, since the generators automatically protect
themselves against overload current when the arc is short
The motor side of the various machines should be fused as
D. C. Compensarcs.
50 amp. 1-lamp and
2-35 amp. lamps 2-50 amp. lamps
35 amp. 1-lamp alternately alternately
115 volt 30 amp. fuses 60 amp. fuses 100 amp. fuses
230 volt amp. fuses 40 amp. fuses 60 amp. fuses
550 volt 10 amp. fuses 20 amp. fuses 30 amp. fuses
A. C. Compensates.
35 amp. 1-lamp
50 amp. 1-lamp and
2-35 amp. lamps
2-50 amp. lamps
125 amp. fuses
60 amp. fuses
60 amp. fuses
30 amp. fuses
50 amp. fuses
30 amp. fuses
The wires should be of sufficient size so that the line
drop from the machine to the lamp will not exceed one
Single Phase
110 volt 35
Single phase
220 volt 20
110 volt >20
220 volt 10
110 volt 20
220 volt 1 2
Plate 3.
Plate 4.
Figure 182.
volt (see Page 45) or 2 per cent, of the voltage when the
machine is delivering full load current to the lamp. If
wires of too small diameter be used the lamp will be robbed
of some of its amperage and give poor light.
Electrical Connections. The D. C. to D. C. Compensarcs
for 115, 230 and 500 volts, one lamp outfits, are connected as
shown in Plate No. 3, Fig. 182, while those for the two
lamp outfits are connected as shown in Plate No. 4, Fig.
182. The connections for the A. C. to D. C. two lamp com-
pensarc is shown in Plate No. 9, Fig. 183, while those for the
one lamp outfits are connected as shown in Plate No. 8,
Fig. 183.
Plate 8.
Plate 9.
Figure 183.
Internal Connection Diagram, 115-230 Volt
D. C. to D. C. Compensarc.
Plate 12, Figure 184.
The diagrams shown in Plates 3, 4, 8, and 9, which are
the external connections for the different types of compens-
arcs, are practically the only ones the operator will have
occasion to refer to, since all internal connections are care-
fully made before the machine is tested at the factory, and
are as they should be when the operator receives the machine.
Internal Connection Diagram, 500 Volt
D. C. to D. C. Compensate.
Plate 5, Figure 185.
It is only in exceptional cases that some trouble inside
the machine necessitates the opening of the internal con-
nections. In such cases Plates 5, 6, 7, and 12 should be
referred to in reconnecting.
It is recommended that one of the steel panel switch-
boards, Plate 10, especially designed for use with the com-
pensarc, be included in each compensarc installation. It will
not only facilitate the wiring of the set, but help serve the
purpose of General Instruction No. 7, which see.
Starting D. C. to D. C. Compensates. To start the D. C.
to D. C. compensarc, with projection machine switch open,
close the switch in the main line, whereupon armature will
begin to slowly rotate, in a counter-clockwise direction as
you face the generator commutator. Proper direction of rota-
tion is, indicated by the small arrow on the bearing housing.
Next move lever of starting box slowly to right as machine
speeds up, until it finally reaches the last contact, where it
will be caught and held by the cut-out magnet. By this time
the armature will have reached maximum speed.
The field rheostat of the generator field circuit is marked
with a small white arrow to indicate proper position it should
occupy for machine to deliver the current and voltage at the
arc as shown on generator name plate.
To Start Arc. When the armature is up to speed, arc
may be struck as follows: Close projection machine switch
and bring carbons of lamp together, instantly separating them
again about one-sixteenth of an inch, gradually increasing this
distance as the carbons heat up until the proper length of
arc to supply maximum screen illumination is reached,
whereupon the voltmeter should register about 55 volts at
the arc and the ammeter about 35 amperes, where the 35
ampere set is used, or 55 volts at the arc and 50 amperes
if it is a 50 ampere outfit.
Caution. The closing of the carbons short circuits the
generator, and, of course, instantly creates an overload. The
generator is wound to protect itself against this very thing, and
unless the carbons are instantly separated the generator will
lose its voltage- This does no harm to the machine, but it
will be necessary to separate the carbons for perhaps ten sec-
onds until the voltage again reaches normal, zvhereupon the arc
may be struck in the usual manner.
As the machine warms up it may be necessary to move the
handle of the rheostat one or two buttons away from the
mark, to the left, in order to maintain the desired voltage and
amperage at the arc.
Reversing Connections. Provided the circuits have been
connected as shown in the diagram the polarity will be as
indicated, and the upper carbon of the lamp will be positive.
Should an error be made in connections, and either or both
the voltmeter and ammeter read backward, the trouble must
be corrected. Examine all diagrams and see that all con-
nections are made in accordance therewith, particularly that
the motor terminals are connected to the proper side of the
line. Do not attempt to correct trouble by reversing the
terminals at the generator. The machines are all carefully
checked up complete with their equipment when tested, and
the motor must, therefore, be connected to the proper side
of the line in order to bring the polarity of the voltmeter
and ammeter of the projection lamp right.
One-Lamp Outfit.
Plate 6.
Two-Lamp Outfit.
Plate 7.
Internal Connection Diagram A. C. to D. C. Compensarcs.
Figure 186.
The operation of the two-lamp-alternately equipment is
the same as for the two-lamp-alternately A. C. to D. C.
Starting A. C. to D. C. Compensarcs. In starting A. C.
to D. C. Compensarcs, see that the projection lamp switch
is open. If the motor is single phase, close the main line
switch and move the starting box arm from "off" position to
the split segment, which will put into action the number of
starting coils necessary to cause the armature to rotate.
When the armature has attained nearly full speed, the arm of
the starting box should be moved quickly over to the last
segment where it is held by a latch controlled by a
relay magnet. Should the voltage at any time fail, the relay
magnet will release the latch, allowing the starting arm to
automatically return to the "off" position, thus protecting
the motor armature from damage in case the voltage comes
on again.
The two and three phase outfits do not require starting
boxes, but should be equipped with double-throw starting
switches which have only one side fused. When starting up
the switch should first be closed to the unfused side. When
the speed of the armature reaches normal the switch should
be quickly thrown over to the running (fused) side. When the
Plate 10, Figure 187.
speed of the motor reaches normal, the starting box handle
or the double-throw switch in running position, and the
rheostat handle set as indicated by the white arrow, the
projection machine switch may be closed and the arc struck
as described under "Starting D. C. Compensarcs."
The coupling between the motor and generator is marked
to show the direction in which the armature should revolve.
It should run clockwise as one faces the generator commu-
tator. The direction of rotation of two-phase induction
motors may be reversed by interchanging the two stator
leads of the same phase. In the case of single or three phase
motors it is only necessary to interchange any two leads.
Operating Directions for Two-Lamp Outfits, both D. C. to
D. C. and A. C. to D. C. The motor of the two lamp
outfits is started the same as the regular single-lamp outfits,
directions for which have already been given.
Have change-over switch (by change-o ( ver switch the
single pole double contact switch is meant) on the panel
closed, and start the first lamp by closing the switch and
striking the arc in the usual manner. When it is desired
to change from one lamp to the other, open change-over
switch while the first lamp is still burning, then close the
projection machine switch of the second lamp and strike
its arc. Open the projection machine switch at the lamp
which is to be cut out, and then close the change-over
switch. By tracing the connections in Fig. 182 and Plate
9 it will be seen that when the change-over switch is opened
the current must flow to the lamp which is burning, and
must pass through grid resistance, which has the effect
of steadying the arc and preventing it from going out at
the instant the arc is struck at the second lamp. It is
therefore possible to strike the second arc and burn the
crater into proper shape while the end of the first reel is
still being projected, and to accomplish the effect of dis-
solving one picture into the next. The steadying resistance
is only in circuit when both lamps are burning, and care
must be taken that the change-over switch is kept closed
when only one lamp is burning. If, for any reason, an
increase in current is needed at the arc, or it is necessary
to heat up the carbons very quickly, the change-over switch
may be opened on one lamp for a few minutes, thus in-
creasing the current in the arc without disturbing the field
rheostat setting.
Caution.. Keep the first arc rather short at the instant the
second arc is struck.
If this is done neither arc will go out, or even flutter
during the period of lighting the other arc. The ability to
handle both arcs perfectly and change over without a
flicker in the picture is soon acquired, and if the second arc
is started long enough ahead to be perfectly steady there
is no difficulty in dissolving one picture into the next
Caution. Care must be taken that the two lamps are not
burned longer than is really necessary, since the compensarc is
not intended to carry both lamps continuously, neither has it
the capacity to do so.
With one lamp burning the ammeter will show from 35
to 50 amperes, and the voltmeter about 55 volts; when both
lamps are burning the ammeter will show approximately
70 to 100 amperes and the voltmeter 70 to 75 volts, the
voltage being automatically increased to compensate for the
drop in the grid resistance. The voltmeter, as shown in
the diagram, Plate 4, is connected across machine terminals
1 and 3 and indicates the machine voltage, which is the
same as the arc voltage when the change-over switch is
Care of Machine. Cleanliness. See General Instruction
No. 5.
Oil. See General Instruction No. 3; also, in addition,
immediately after starting a new outfit raise the bearing
caps and see that the oil rings are revolving freely and
carrying oil up to the top of the shaft. Keep the oil to
the proper level in the well, which is nearly to the
lip of the overflow oil gauge. The oil wells should be
cleaned out occasionally and new oil supplied. They should
invariably be filled through the side filling hole and not
through the top of the bearing. If filled through the top
the oil is likely to run out through the ends of bearings,
get into the windings and do damage.
Bearings. As soon as the bearing linings become worn
so that the armature is in danger of rubbing against the
stator, a new set of bearing linings must be inserted. To
remove the bearings first take out the set screws in the
bearing-housing. Having done this lift the oil rings up so
that they clear the bearing lining; to lift rings use a wire
with a hook bent on one end and raise rings with wire
through the bearing cover and drive out the bearing linings
with a wooden block of the same diameter as the bearings
themselves. The bearings are so made that they fit the hole
in the housing snugly enough to require light driving to
seat them, and they must be handled carefully and intelli-
gently. When duplicate bearings are supplied for the alter-
nating current motor the set screw depression is already in
the bearing, but the D. C. motor generator bearings, which
regulate the end play, are supplied without the spot for
the end of the set screw and they must be spotted before
being put into place. Use a three-sixteenth inch drill and
drill a spot for the tip of the set screw the same distance from
the end of the bearing as the one being replaced.
Care of Commutator and Brushes. See "General Instruc-
tion," No. 4, and in addition, to secure proper commutation
and proper operation the brushes must occupy the correct
position on the commutator. The proper position of the
brush has been determined at the factory, and is indicated
by chisel marks, filled with white lead, on the brush yoke
and frame.
// is very important that these marks be in line with each
Should the brush holders become loosened or moved in any
Direction of
Plate 11, Figure 188.
way they must be carefully reset so that they may make
proper angle with the commutator, as shown in Plate 11.
They must also be so placed around the commutator that
the distance from tip to tip of the brushes is exactly the
same when measured both ways around the commutator.
See Fig. 180, Page 375. Care
should be taken that the brush
holder be securely fastened at an
even height, one-sixteenth of an
inch above the commutator. It is
recommended that an extra set
of brushes be kept on hand.
Brushes may be worn down to
approximately three-quarters of
an inch in length. Only brushes
of the proper grade will give
satisfactory results, therefore only
the brush furnished with the
machine or others exactly the
same grade should be used.
Loose Connections. See "Gen-
eral Instruction" No. 6.
Loose Connections. See "General Instruction" No. 6.
Trouble. All compensarcs are carefully inspected at the
factory and tested on a projection arc lamp under actual oper-
ating conditions, as nearly as they can be secured in a factory,
therefore when the machine is received by the operator it
is ready to set up and run. If trouble is experienced do not
blame the machine until you are certain it does not lie in
some part of the equipment or in some local condition.
Ordering Repairs. If it is at any time necessary to order
repair parts, such as new brushes, new bearings, etc., bear
carefully in mind the fact that the serial number and name plate
readings of the machine must be placed on the order.
D. C. Compensarcs. Machine will not start: If the ma-
chine does not start first examine the fuses and make sure
that the power is on at the switch terminals. Then trace
and inspect the connections from the switch through the
starting box, armature, brushes, field and back to the switch,
and an opening in the circuit will probably be found.
Fuses Blow: If the fuses blow make sure they are of
proper size for the amperage used, and not loose in their
contacts. Examine the starting box for grounded or short
circuited resistance coils. Look inside the machine and see
that the connections are not touching inside where they are
not easily seen. See that the brush yoke and housing marks
agree, to insure that the brushes are set in same position as
when adjusted at the factory. Look all around the commu-
tator at the connections between the armature windings and
the commutator bars. Such minute inspection should locate
the trouble.
A. C. to D. C. Compensates. Machine does not start: If
the machine does not start when the switch is closed, first
examine the fuses and make sure the current is on at the
switch terminals. It sometimes happens that a single fuse
has blown on a three-phase three-wire outfit, in which case
the compensarc will run as a single-phase machine, but if
stopped will not start again until the blown fuse has been
replaced if a single throw switch be used. However, if a
double throw starting switch be used the compensarc will be
started up on the unfused side. Therefore, the missing fuse
must be detected by the operation of the machine while
running. If a fuse is missing it can usually be detected by
the unusual noise made by the machine while running, by
the motor end heating excessively, and more particularly
by change in speed with change in load, and general un-
steadiness of the arc. If a fuse be blown it should be re-
placed immediately, else it may cause the burning out of
the motor.
D. C. and A. C. to D. C. Compensates. Sparking at the
brushes: When a vicious sparking develops under the
brushes of the compensarc it is an indication that something
is radically wrong. The most usual causes are dealt with
fully under General Instruction No. 8, Page 372. In addi-
tion it may be noted, however, that in removing the brushes
from the boxes for cleaning, which should be done once a
week, do not take the pig tails loose front the brush holders,
and be sure to place the brushes back in the boxes in their
original position, for if they are turned around they will
not fit the commutator surface. The brushes should have a
smooth, unscratched surface, free from any copper deposit.
Open or Short Circuit in Armature: This trouble will most
often occur where the armature winding is connected to the
commutator, and results generally from a bruise in handling,
from some foreign body getting caught in the armature, or
from a chip caught when the commutator is being turned
or repaired. If an open circuit the trouble is very apparent,
since the long heavy spark accompanying it generally eats
away the mica between the segments on each side of the
break, thus indicating its location. A short circuit in the
armature will show at once by the excessive heating, and
perhaps smoking of .the coil or coils short circuited and if
the machine is continued in operation it will be burned out.
Where trouble of this kind is suspected the necessity of
prompt attention by an electrician is obvious.
Overload: If considerably more current is being taken by
the lamp than the machine is designed for, sparking may
result. See that the machine is not excessively overloaded.
Brushes in wrong position: If the brushes are left in the
same position as when the machine is received, trouble will
not occur from this cause. If brushes are ever moved or
changed, see that they are put back where they belong,
and that marks on brush yoke and bearing housing agree.
Machine makes excessive noise: This is most often due
to a weak floor, or to the machine not setting firm and
level. If the noise seems to be in the machine itself, and
nothing can be observed out of place, send for an electri-
cian, as the trouble may be serious.
Bearings run hot: See General Instruction No. 10.
(1) Keep the machine clean.
(2) Keep the oil wells full (not overflowing) of good
clean lubricating oil.
(3) Keep the commutator and brushes free from gum and
(4) Keep contacts clean and tight.
(5) Keep lamp and wiring free from grounds.
(6) Keep the current at the arc within the rating of the
When repair parts are needed it is poor economy to try to
get along without them. Brushes and bearings for these
machines can be shipped on short notice and will always
be of correct size and quality. In ordering from the manu-
facturer simply give the nameplate marking, serial number,
etc., and no difficulty will be experienced in promptly secur-
ing the desired parts.
The Wotton Vertical Rexolux
THE Wotton Rexolux is a new, vertical motor generator
set, manufactured by the Electric Products Company,
Cleveland, Ohio, designed particularly for motion pic-
ture work. The word "Rexolux" is a trade name meaning
King of Light.
This machine is a vertical motor generator set, converting
alternating current of standard line voltage into direct
current at arc voltage. The
machine is built vertical with
a view of allowing its installa-
tion in the operating room, even
when space is limited, thus
placing the machine directly
under the eye of the operator;
also, the vertical design permits
of a rugged form of construc-
tion which tends to reduce vi-
bration and noise to a minimum;
also it makes the machine very
accessible and easy to assemble
and disassemble.
The Rexolux is built in three
sizes, viz: a machine designed
to operate a single projection-
arc lamp; a machine to operate
two lamps alternately, and one
to operate two lamps continu-
ously. Where two lamps are
operated continuously only the
70 ampere machine is available.
Tihe 50 ampere machine, of
either the M, MA, or MMA type
(the meaning of these different
types will be explained later
on), occupies a floor space 17
by 20 inches, and has a vertical
height of 34 inches to the top
of cap 14, P. 1. The switch-
Plate 1, Figure 189.
board, supported by angle irons, is immediately over the
machine, so that the entire space required for the 50 ampere
equipment is 17 by 20 inches on the floor, by 5 feet in vertical
height. The 35 ampere machine is 3 inches less and the 70
ampere is 3 inches greater in height, but the* floor space
required is practically the same for all the types.
In referring to the ampere capacity of the above machines,
the ratings are based on continuous operation. The 35 am-
pere machine will carry SO amperes, the 50 ampere machine
80 amperes and the 70 ampere 140 amperes for short periods
of time, meaning by this that these machines will carry full
load continuously, and stand the overload named for short
periods, say not exceeding two or three minutes.
These machines are built for all standard voltages and
frequencies, viz: 110, 220, 440 and 550 volts; 25, 30, 40, 50 and
60 cycles, single, two and three phase.
Construction. Referring to Plate 2, Fig. 190, it will be
seen that the machine consists of four main castings, viz:
base casting 20, which rests directly on the floor, and con-
Plate 2, Figure 190.
Iff -
tains in its center the cup or depression carrying ball race 6,
which supports the entire armature; casting 18, which rests
on base 20 and forms a housing for the alternating! cur-
rent driving motor, the detailed construction of the wind-
ings of which are plainly seen at 19, Plate 2; main upper
casting 7, which supports the pole pieces of the D. C. gen-
erator, and upper yoke casting 11, carrying grating 23, the
upper armature bearing, and cap 14, Plate 1; main upper
casting 7, Plate 2, and yoke castings 11, Plate 2, are held
together by bolt 27, Plate 2, dividing at the dotted line.
The armature stands vertical (on end), with the rotor of
the alternating motor, 4, Plate 2, below, fan 5 above rotor
4, and armature 1 with commutator 2, above the fan, the
upper end being supported laterally by a ball bearing, con-
struction of which is shown in detail in Plate 3, Brush
holders and brushes 17 are shown in Plate 2.
Plate 3; Figure 191.
The details of upper bearing 3, Plate 2, are shown in Plate
3, in which 4 and 5 are,, respectively, an exterior and interior
ball race, separated by steel balls 6, part 5, the interior race
being clamped rigidly to shaft 9, by means of nut 2. Part
4 is stationary and sets in a recess in the main frame casting,
the whole being covered by cap 1. Part 7 consists of a
casting which is clamped between interior ball race 5, and the
shoulder, pf shaft 9, so that it must revolve with the shaft
at armature speed. This part (7) extends down 1 into oil
well 10. The oiling action is as follows: Oil well 10 is filled
with oil up tp approximately one-quarter inch of the top
of the passage containing plug 13. Part 7 revolves at high
speed, and, by the centrifugal action thus created the oil is
forced up through passage 3-3, whence by gravity it returns
again to the well through the bearing, thus flooding balls
6 with a continuous stream of oil.
Thirteen, Plates !- 2 and 3, is a plug closing the passage
through which oil well 10 is filled. It is essential that this plug
be in place and screwed tightly home, else the centrifugal action
before named will force the oil out and empty the zvell. Plug
12, Plates 1, 2 and 3; is for the purpose of draining oil well
10, and this should be done at regular intervals every thirty days.
After draining the oil well, insert plug 12 and fill the well
with kerosense, start the machine and let it run for say two
minutes, after which drain all the kerosense out, replace
plug 12 and fill the well up to within one-quarter inch of the
top of the passage stopped by plug 13.
As the quality of oil to be used, see General Instruction
No. 3, but:
Caution. Never, under any circumstances, use the much
advertised patent oils, as they almost without exception are
worthless for the lubrication of heavy or high speed machinery.
The use of such oils will invalidate the manufacturer's guarantee.
On the other, or lower end of the armature shaft, is ball
bearing 6, Plate 2, lubrication for which is furnished by grease
cup 21, Plates 1 and 2. This grease cup should be kept filled
with Alco Grease.
Caution. It is important that either Alco Grease or a high
grade vaseline be used, because of the fact that if a grease
containing any acid is used in cup 21, the acid will attack the
steel balls, and in course of time destroy their accuracy, thus
compelling an unnecessary and somewhat expensive renewal of
the bearing.
Armature. The armature or revolving member of the ma-
chine is completely assembled into one solid part, 1 to 6,
Plate 2, in which 3 is the upper and 6 the lower bearing.
The alternating current rotor, or revolving member, 4, is
built up of reannealed electrical sheet steel, properly punched and
assembled on armature shaft 9. The rotor bars are driven
through the slots a tight fit, the ends electrically welded
together into a solid mass of pure copper, which insures
perfect contact, low resistance and a uniform torque, or
pulling force. Directly above the rotor is fan 5, Plate 2,
made of sheet steel blades and a solid ring, the blades
riveted and welded together, and finally attached to shaft 9
by means of two heavy set screws. This fan produces a
suction through the ventilating openings in castings 18 and
20, drawing cold air over the windings of the A. C. motor.
This air is then forced up over this D. C. armature, and out
through openings 23, Plate 1.
Part 1, Plate 2, is the D. C. armature, which is mounted
directly above fan 5. Armature coils are fixed in place with
retaining band wires where the connections are made to com-
mutator 2, Plate 2. The commutator is made up of hard drawn
copper segments, insulated with mica, and held in place with steel
rings clamped with four bolts. The D. C. generator is of the
four-pole type, and is provided with commutating or inner poles.
Brushes. The setting
of the brushes is shown
in Plate 4. There are
four brush studs, 17,
Plate 1, and two
brushes to a stud. These
brushes are attached to
the holders by copper
"pigtails." Particular
care should be exercised
to see that the screw
holding the pigtail to
the brush holder is kept
set up tight, because
unless the pigtail makes
good contact with the
holder, the tension
spring will be com- Plate 4, Figure 192.
pelled to carry current,
which would probably heat the brush spring and destroy
its temper.
With regard to the amount of tension the brushes should
have see General Instruction No. 8.
The brushes are held in place by a curved arm pass-
ing around the holder, ending in a tension ringer fitting on
the top of the brush. The brushes are held to the commu-
tator against the direction of rotation. The amount of tension
can be adjusted by the spring and ratchet on the side of the
brush holder.
Care of Commutator. With regard to the care of the
commutator, see General Instruction No. 8,
The A. C. driving motor is the induction type, and is built
either for single, two or three phase current, but the same
machine will not operate on different phases. All standard
machines are built to operate on both 110 and 220 volts.
Installation. See General Instruction Nos. 1 and 2.
The Rexolux is so built that it may be readily disassembled,
since owing to its weight it would in many cases be difficult
to hoist it in place in an operating room as a unit. In order
to disassemble the machine, proceed as follows:
First, open gratings 23, Plate 1, and remove the commu-
tator brushes from their holders, allowing them to hang by
their pig-tails so that you can make no mistake in getting them
back into their proper holder. Remove screws 26, holding
cap 14, Plate 1. Remove nut 2, Plate 3. Remove nuts 24,
Plate 1 (four of them), holding main upper casting 7, and
main lower casting 18 together. Screw the eye-bolts pro-
vided into holes in main upper casting 7. (These holes were
not in the first machines put out). Thrust pieces of gas
pipe or steel bars through the eye-bolts and lift main casting
7 straight up and off, laying it to one side, but right side
up so that oil will not run out of oil well 10, Plate 3. Next
carefully lift out the armature, first, however, having pro-
vided two blocks or chairs, and lay the same down flatways on
these blocks or chairs, so that the weight is entirely supported
by the shaft.
It is very important that you do not lay the armature
down so that it rests on the side of the alternating current
rotor 4, fan 5, or direct current armature 1, or commutator
2, since any injury to these would be a very serious matter
indeed. Handle the armature carefully and use a little horse
sense, if you wish to avoid trouble. The machine may now
be hoisted or carried into the operating room, where its
reassembling will merely be a reversal of the process of
disassembling. First carefully lower the armature into place,
being careful that alternating current rotor 4, Plate 2, be on
the lower end. Next replace casting 7, and tighten up nuts
24, Plate 1, tight. Replace top ball races and nut 2, Plate 3,
tightening nut 2 down as tight as you can get it. Replace
cap 14 nd screws 26. Rotate the armature by hand to see
that it turns freely, after which replace the brushes in their
holders, put gratings 25, Plate 1, back into place, and the
job is done.
Be sure and wipe the inside of the top casting, clean, since
if any oil should get on it, it would collect the copper dust
from the commutator and might cause a ground on the brush
yoke. See that the casting and brush yoke are thoroughly
cleaned of all oil and dust before it is put back in place.
It would be preferable to wash them with a cloth dipped in
gasoline, wiping with a clean, dry cloth afterward.
Bolts 29, Plate 1, hold pole piece 8, Plate 2, which carries
coil 9, Plate 2, in place, and should not be removed under
any circumstances, unless the coil be damaged and require
rewinding. There are four of these pole pieces and eight
bolts, two bolts per pole piece. Bolts 30, Plate 1, hold
Direct/ or? of L.t
ffofafion :
/7/^>/?/ ft and /ook -
//7g down or? ton .
Plate 5, Figure 193.
inner poles 10, Plate 2, in place, and should not be lemoved
under any circumstances unless the coil is burned out and
requires rewinding.
Remember the switchboard sets directly over the machine,
as shown in Plate 1. With each machine there is furnished
four cork pads, 2 inches square by 1 inch thick, which are
to be placed under the feet of the machine, where they act
as a cushion, absorbing noise and vibration. It is not
necessary nor do we recommend screwing the machine to
the floor with lag bolts. Its weight is sufficient to hold it in
In Plate 5, lines G-G show the direct current circuits.
The current from the positive generator brush passes out at
+ G, thence over the evenly dotted line to switch B (G,
Plate 1), which when closed, connects, after passing through
the ammeter, with the positive carbons of the arc lamp.
From the negative brush of the generator the current passes
through the various interpole coils in series, then out at G,
thence similarly up to the negative side of switch B, and
thence to the arc. In order to obtain the necessary field
regulation, the extra lead from the shunt field is brought
through the frame at F, Plate 5, and thence up to the field
regulating resistance. The voltmeter is connected across
the terminals of the arc at the right hand side of switch B.
This completes the direct current connection for the type
MA single arc Rexolux.
Were it not necessary to obtain a self-starting motor, in
single phase machines, it would then require but one set of
windings. In order, however, to obtain the necessary start-
ing torque, a second set of wire coils is superimposed upon
the main power coils. This set of starting coils is thrown
out of phase with the power coils by inserting in series
therewith a starting resistance and reactance, shown opposite
starting switch A, Plate 5. The main power coils terminate
in the frame at "Ml" and "M2," Plate 5, and the terminals
of the extra starting coil at T, the other end of which is
connected inside of the machine to the main power coils.
The lines designated by a dash and a dot constitute the
alternating current wiring of the system.
Where two or three phase current is supplied it is not
necessary to use the extra starting coils, or the starting
-p^. i ^ SS-
L._.-L \jL/r?e
jw[ * 1
flBlll P p-^^
M -n--
1 ?
resistance or the reactance. In this case the wiring incident
to the starting features of the single phase motor is omitted.
An examination of Plate 6 will show that the motor start-
ing and control is identical with that shown in Plate 5,
therefore what has already been said of Plate 5 applies. By
reason of the fact that a shunt wound generator drops its
voltage when overloaded, thus automatically protecting it-
self when the carbons are brought together for the purpose
of striking the arc, the shunt wound generator is ideal. Since,
however, upon short circuiting the carbons the field of the
machine . is entirely destroyed, it is impossible to run a
shunt wound machine and keep one arc burning while the
other is struck. During the period of changing from one
projector to another to dissolve one picture into the next,
it is necessary to operate the generator temporarily during the
changeover interval, as a compound wound machine. The
regulator shown above the center of the board accomplishes
the changeover from shunt to compound wound during the
time both arcs are burning, and then back to the shunt
again when ready to extinguish one of the arcs. Regulator
C accomplishes the whole changeover process without
touching anything else.
As in the previous description "+ G" and " G" are the
main generator leads as they pass from positive and negative
brushes respectively to the generator frame. In the two-arc ma-
chine, however, the current passing from the negative brush first
passes through the system of interpoles, thence through a
separate series winding, wound on the main generator field
poles. A tap is taken between the end of the interpole
system and the beginning of the series winding and carried
out through the frame at "S." The shunt field wire passes
through the frame at "F" as heretofore. When, therefore,
"+ G" and "S" are used as the main generator terminals,
the machine is running as a shunt wound generator, similarly
when "+ G" and " : G," it is running as a compound wound
In the special regulator "C" the inner set of buttons and
segmental contacts control one arc, similarly the outer set
the other.. There are., two' similar regulator blades insulated
from each other and moving together, one being elevated
above the other. With the regulator blade in position No. 1,
the generator is operating as a shunt wound machine with
arc No. 2 shown open circuited. With the' regulator in posi-
tion No. 1 and 2, circuit "S" for the generator is opened and
connection " G" is used. The machine is therefore running
as a compound wound machine. In passing over to position
1 and 2 from arc 1 the arc No. 1 (controlled 'by the outer set
of contacts) has also inserted with series therewith just
enough ballast resistance to counteract the increased field
strength due to cutting in the compound winding.
This prevents a flicker on the screen which would otherwise
ensue. Arc No. 2 (controlled by the inner set of contacts)
has connected in series therewith its maximum resistance.
This is sufficient to limit the short circuit current when the
carbons of arc No. 2 are brought together to 15 amperes.
By moving over to the two following buttons arc No. 1
remains as it was at Nos. 1 and 2 and steps of resistance are
cut on arc No. 2, thereby increasing the amperage to about
35. The regulator is allowed to remain in this position until
the carbons of arc No. 2 are well burned in, after which the
regulator is quickly thrown to its final position No. 2. T,his
extinguishes arc No. 1 and leaves arc No. 2 burning from a
straight shunt wound generator.
To pass back to arc No. 1 when the reel is completed on
arc No. 2 the inverse order is followed, the explanation be-
ing identical. In this type of machine the connections from
the switchboard to arcs Nos. 1 and 2 are made from the
studs shown and marked accordingly. The entire function
of the regulator "C" in the two arc machine is to take ad-
vantage of the perfection of both types of machine, shunt and
compound, during the points in the transition at which they
are of greater value.
Figure 195 shows a general view of the Martin Rotary
Converter, manufactured by the Northwestern Electric Com-
According to literature which I have seen this device is
made for 25, 30 and 60 cycle, 110, 220 or 240 volt supplies,
delivering 60 to 80 amperes D. C. at the arc. Fig. 196
shows the general construction of the machine.
The manufacturers of this device were invited to supply
proof of its electrical efficiency and cuts for its description in
the Handbook, on the same terms accepted by other manufac-
Figure 195.
turers, viz: supply the cuts and
assist in the preparation of the
matter. They were invited to do
this not once, but several times,
and refused. Therefore beyond
showing what it looks like, and
,how it is constructed, I can only
say that I have had both favorable
and unfavorable reports as to this
particular apparatus. From such
information as I have had I believe
the machine is well made mechan-
ically, but that its electrical effi-
ciency is rather low, due to the
fact that it generates D. C. at 70
volts and brakes down the sur-
plus pressure with resistance. On
the other hand its manufacturers
claim, and I think their claim is
well founded, that when their ma-
chine is used one reel can be dis-
solved into the other without in
any way effecting the picture on
the screen; also the resistance used
to break down the surplus voltage
makes the arc comparatively steady
and easy to handle.
Figure 196
The Rotary Converter
THE "Wagner White Light Converter" combines a
motor and generator in one machine, having but one
field and one armature winding. The motor action
is that of a synchronous motor, which makes it necessary
that the armature be brought up nearly to full speed before
it can be run as a synchronous motor. The machine is
built for single, two or three phase circuits, and for 25, SO
and 60 cycle current, of any voltage from 110 to 550. The
direct current voltage is 65 to 75, and the amperage capacity
of the various sizes 35, 50, 70, 90 and 100 amperes. The 35
ampere converter is intended for use in theatres where but
one projection machine (one arc) is used. The 50 ampere
size may be used in theaters having two projectors, provided
the two arcs be not burned simultaneously for a period of
more than two minutes.
Plate 1, Figure 197.
Plate 1 is a view of the Wagner single phase converter.
Plate 2 is a view of the same machine disassembled to
show the construction and parts. The mechanical con-
struction of the single, two and three phase converters is
practically identical, except as to the number of slip rings
and brushes.
By reference to Plate 2, the following parts are desig-
nated by number: 2, A. C. or slip ring brushes; 3-3, end
plates; 4, slip ring brush leads; 5, frame; 6 stator or field
Plate 2, Figure 198. .
windings; 7, armature shaft; 8, slip rings; 9, ventilating
fans; 10, armature; 11, D. C. commutator; 12, ID. C. leads;
13-13, main bearings; 14, D. C. brushes arid brush holders.
The armature shaft, 7, P. 2, runs in bronze bearings
13-13, P. 2, and underneath these bearings are oil cham-
bers from whence a constant supply of oil is fed to the
bearings by rings. See Fig. 179. These bearings are
mounted in end plates, 3-3, P. 2, which are single-piece
castings, bolted solidly to main frame 5, P. 2, thus insur-
ing rigidity and freedom from vioration. The shaft pro-
jects from the bearings at either end a sufficient distance
to accommodate a pulley, so that when not generating
direct current the converter may be used as a motor for
driving light machinery, such as ventilating fans. It is not
intended, however, that the converter be used to drive
machinery and generate direct current at the same time. To
attempt this might cause overload which would probably
do serious injury to the armature windings.
Once the converter has been started it requires no further
attention, unless the power should for any reason be cut off
for an appreciable period, in which case it will be necessary to
restart the motor.
Plates 3 and 4 are wiring diagrams of single phase con-
verters, the only difference being dn the starting switqji.
Single phase converters may be furnished with either three
OnnectiOn Diagram
Fuse and switch *i
rto be for-nisKe-d by
Before starting see that all
switches are open.
I. CLOSE switch 'I.
ZTHROW-main switc ..
starting position *2 and
leave for approximately
5 aeco-nels.
d THROW -main switch to
-running position *3.
4 CLOSE switch <4-. If
Connect J to S*
Connect N to Ss
If DC. volts are too low
connect J to Si &.
h; 9 her number.
If DC volts are too h,qh
connect J to Sz *.
N to S- or r,e.t
3W(tch *|, wait till converter
stops, then open main A pole
Connection Diagram for Single Phase Converter.
Plate 3, Figure 199.
and four pole starting switches, and both diagrams are,
therefore, given here. Plate 5 shows the wiring of a two
phase converter and Plate 6 of a three phase converter.
Single phase converters are furnished with a single trans-
former, while two and three phase converters are furnished
with two transformers each. Wagner converters must take
their A. C. supply through transformers, as they are wound
to operate at a certain definite ratio between the A. C. supply
and the D. C. delivery voltage, hence the voltage of the
supply must be "stepped down" to that pressure which will
cause the converter to deliver D. C. at the required voltage.
This plan has one big advantage in that, should the voltage
of the A. C. supply be altered at any time, as for instance
from 110 to 220, 'the only part of the equipment it would be
necessary to change would be the transformer or transformers.
By examining the wiring diagrams and Plate 7 it will be
noted that a number of connections may be made at the
transformer by means of which one may raise or lower the
A. C. supply voltage of the converter. These connections
are marked SI, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 in the diagrams and on
Plate 7. This arrangement gives an available range of vol-
tage from 65 to 75 on the D. C. side of the converter, or
allows one to maintain the voltage at any required point in
case the alternating current supply voltage is variable. The
wiring diagrams explain the method of using these taps.
Connection Diorrn
and switch '1
ba furnished, by
Before starting see that all
Switches are, open.
I CLOSE switch 'I
2.THROW -main switch to
Starting position 'Z and
leave for approximately
5 seconds
3 THROW main switch to
running position '3.
4CL03E switch '<* If
current is reversed, throw Note:- Select Size of w.re corr, 9 -
sw.tcK 4 to the other ponding to the leads to which
pos.tion wire is to be Connected.
S TO STOP converter, open
switch- 'I, wait till converter
stops then open-main 3 pole
Connection Diagram for Single Phase Converter.
Plate 4, Figure 200.
. The Wagner converter may be used with any one of five
different styles of resistance (rheostat) especially designed
for this equipment, the same being designated as follows:
Non-adjustable for single arc, Non-adjustable for multiple
arc, Adjustable for single arc, Adjustable for multiple arc,
and Duplex arc regulator.
It is hardly necessary, I think, to enter into explanation of
these resistances, with the exception of the "Duplex Regu-
lator." This resistance is so connected that the moving of
a single handle introduces by gradual steps the full value of
the resistance into the circuit of one arc, at the same time
reducing the resistance in the circuit of the other arc to a
minimum, thus maintaining a uniform load on the converter
during the process of fading one picture into another; i.e.,
changing from one projection machine to the other.
The Wagner converter generates D. C. at from 65 to 75
volts, hence it is necessary to use sufficient resistance to
break down this voltage to that of the projection arc, which
varies from 45 to 55. This resistance serves the purpose of
a steadying ballast, making the arc steady and easy to handle.
Connect J toS 2 (Trnformer0
Connect K toS, OV.nsf ormer
Connect L to S 2 (Transformer *2)
Z.THROWmo.r, switch to runni.
3 CLOSE sw.tch '3. If current ,
Not* Three
3 pole
ph.se i.ne leads m 3
'* r
/Current at switch Fuses blown.
J \ No current
at tube
S 1 terminals.
u ^
l.No current at switch Line voltage
'Friction or bent stud.
H 1
Relay contact is poor.
^ Relay contact not closed. j Tilting clrcuit open
peated tilts. LTube has lost its vacuum. L
Flashes and goes out.J Lead broke?" electr de an de 1OOSe r
Tube continues to tilt ! Relay does not open! Winding short-circuited,
after starting. the circuit. friction or bent stud.
Tube goes out.
Lamp carbons separated too far.
(-Voltage of circuit low.
\ Frequency of current not right
Tube tilts feebly. -i F ric tion in tilting mechanism.
LTube is too heavy at bottom.
'Reactance coll loo'se on frame.
Reactance coil air gap not wedged tight.
Outfit Is noisy. -{ Cover vibrates.
Operating room floor vibrates set outflt on felt
Arc Is noisy.
Carbons too 'hard use softer ones.
NOTE. When proper vacuum exists the mercury gives off a sharp
clicking sound when It is run from one end of the tube to the other.
Absence of this sound and the presence of air bubbles show loss of
Tube may be defective by short-circuiting between starting anod*
and cathode. When in this condition it is badly blackened,
The General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., manu-
factures rectifiers for use on projection circuits in three
capacities, 30, 40 and SO amperes. The General Electric
AdaptinqiinHs for
//OarncfZZOVo/t supply
Connect as shown on.
dotted ftnes for I/O
Switch forus/ng
either A.C, or
D.C.attheArc .
ffequ/at/ng? Dial
' Switch
Ma/n Reactance
Plate 1, Figure 214.
rectifiers may all be used on either 110 or 220 volts. They
are made for 50 to 133 cycle circuits, and for 25 to 40 cycle
circuits. The machines are of the panel or switchboard type
in that the front of the machine consists of a slate switch-
board \ l / 2 inches thick and 16 by 24 inches in size, finished
in dull black and mounted above the main reactance, as per
PJate 1. On the front of this board are mounted the fuses,
a three-pole, double-throw switch, the adapting links, the
dial switch, and the ammeter and voltmeter, one or both,
provided they are ordered; ammeters and voltmeters only
Shafting Cot/
Starting Anode
D.C. Terminate
5er/es underload
Current Limiting
Current Limiting
Potential Relay
Plate 2, Figure 215.
being sent when specially ordered. On the back of the
board or panel are mounted the regulating reactance, the
various relays, current limiting resistances, tube, etc., as in
Plate 2. The general appearance of the machine is pleasing
to the eye. It is not excessive in weight, and occupies but
little floor space. The G. E. rectifiers are entirely automatic
in their operation. All that is necessary to start the rectifier
is to close the A. C. supply and machine table switches and
bring the carbons in the lamp together, whereupon the recti-
fier automatically will begin business. The size of rectifiers
to be used depends upon: (a) area of screen surface to be
illuminated; (b) character of screen surface; (c) the amount
of light there is in the auditorium. (See Amperage, Page
The Instruments (when ordered) are of the D'Arsonval
or permanent magnet type. When both ammeter and volt-
meter are supplied the two are mounted together in one
case, and the whole placed on a bracket above the panel.
The instruments are accurate and are connected in the sec-
ondary, or D. C. side, hence show the voltage and amperage
at the arc. They always should be ordered when a rectifier is
purchased. I myself would prefer that they be mounted on
the wall in front of the operator, rather than on the rectifier,
which may not be placed directly under the operator's eye,
and these instruments may be removed from the rectifier
and so mounted if desired.
Fuses. Fuses of greater capacity than those furnished with
the rectifier should never be used. For a 30 ampere rectifier
use 35 ampere fuses; for 40 or 50 ampere machine use 55
ampere fuses.
From Direct Current to Alternating Current. In Plate 1
we see a triple-pole, double throw switch in the center of
the panel. This switch is for the purpose of immediately
changing from D. C. to A. C., using the main reactance
as an economizer in case anything should happen to the
tube, or in case it should be, for any reason, necessary to use
A. C. at the arc. The switch as shown in Plate 1 is set
for D. C.; by throwing it over, downward, the D. C. rectifica-
tion is stopped and alternating current is supplied at the
arc. If the switch is thrown over to A. C. it may be found
that the alternating current is too low, in which case lead 3,
Plate 3, may be moved along studs 1, Plate 3, until
the right current is obtained. Do not use over 60 amperes. It
should be borne in mind that the rectifier is built primarily for
changing A- C. to D. C., and, while its main reactance may be
used as an economizer and provision is made for that purpose,
that provision is only designed for emergency. The machine
should, so far as possible, be used exclusively as a rectifier.
Connecting or Adapting Links, Plate 1, are for the purpose
of adapting the rectifier to either 110 or 220 volt supply. In
order to change from one to the other all that is necessary
is to change the links as indicated in Plate 1. For 220 volt
current they should be connected to the upper stud and the
two outer lower studs; for 110 volt current they should be
connected to the two upper and the two inside lower studs.
The Dial Switch has eleven contacts, Plate 1, which are
connected to eleven taps on the regulating reactance, Plates 3
and 5. This connection is clearly shown in Plate 3, in which the
regulating reactance, 2, has been (dropped! down to show
the connections. This switch is for the purpose of regulat-
ing the amperage at the arc, and any amperage within the
capacity of thes rectifier may be instantly had by merely
moving the switch to the left to raise and to the right to
lower, as per Plate 1.
The Main Reactance, Plate 1, is nothing more or less
than a very well constructed auto-transformer, the insula-
tion of which is calculated to withstand many times the
normal operating voltage. These reactances are given the
vacuum compound treatment, which is the best known re-
sister to moisture, as well as a high class preservative. The
main reactance has three distinct functions: (a) It adjusts
the voltage of the alternating current to the proper value to
apply to the anodes of the tube to secure the proper D. C.
voltage at the lamp ; (b) it supplies a neutral point between the
alternating current lines and forms the negative of the direct
current lines; (c) by its reactance it keeps the rectifier tube
in operation while the
current passes through
the zero point of the
alternating current
The Regulating Re-
actance. The regulat-
ing reactance, Plates 2
and 3, is nothing more
or less than a choke
coil with eleven or
more taps taken off at
certain points along
the winding, these taps
being connected to an
equal number of con-
tacts or studs of the
dial switch, P. 1 and 3,
so that the alternating current can be choked back or reduced
to a value just sufficient to give the desired amperage at the
arc. It produces practically the same effect as would a rheo-
stat, but with far less waste of power. By manipulating the
Plate 3, Figure 216.
dial switch any D. C. amperage within the range of the
rectifier is made instantly available.
The Tubes. The rectifier tube has already been described
under "General Remarks," and the General Electric tube is
shown in Plate 2 and Fig. 213.
Tubes should be handled with care, and in uncrating a new
tube the instructions which come with it should be closely and
Plate 4, Figure 217.
carefully followed. See General Remarks, under caption "In-
stallation," Page 431.
Plate 4 shows a rough diagram of the connections of the Gen-
eral Electric mercury arc rectifier; all parts of the rectifier are
shown diagrammatically without reference to their actual position
with relation to one another when mounted on the rectifier, the
idea being merely to illustrate the method employed in starting.
By referring to Plate 4 it will be seen that three coils are used for
starting, viz: a shaking magnet, a series overload relay, and a
starting anode relay, the latter, which is normally open, but picks
up when the carbons of the lamp are brought together, thus clos-
ing the shaking magnet circuit, see D, Plate 4, whereupon the
shaking magnet pulls the tube over to one side, or, in other
words, "rocks" it, thus allowing the mercury in cathode B,
Fig. 213, to bridge over and form a connection with the mer-
cury in starting anode C, which shunts the current from
the starting anode relay D, Plate 4, circuit, and operates to
demagnetize its coil, thus allowing its plunger to fall and
open the shaking magnet circuit, whereupon the tube, by its
own weight, rocks back into vertical position, thus breaking
the mercury bridge between anode C and cathode B, Fig.
213. After the tube has started operating, and the arc has
been struck, the series underload relay, which is connected
in the D. C. circuit, picks up, thus cutting the starting anode
relay and shaking magnet entirely out of circuit. If the tube
does not start ,at once the shaking magnet continues to rock
the tube until it does.
Installation. After the rectifier set has been uncrated and
placed in its operating location (See "Installation," Page
431), the tube should be placed in the holders E, F, as per
Plate 2. This is accomplished by pressing the narrow part
of the tube, just above anode arms A, Al, into upper clip E,
Plate 2, carefully lowering the tube until anodes A, Al, rest
on the 'lower clips, F, Plate 2. Having got the tube in place,
you will find four wires covered with a sort of glass bead
insulation, these wires terminating, in. brass spring clips,
Plate 5. Connect the two upper ones (either one to either
anode) to anodes A, Al, ; the small lower one to starting
anode C, Fig. 213, and the large lower one to cathode B,
Fig. 213, as shown in Plate 2. Next connect the A. C. supply
lines to the two terminals (marked A-C) at the upper left
hand corner of the panel that is to say, the left hand corner
as you stand facing the tube on the back side of the machine.
These terminals are shown on Plate 5. Next connect the
positive D. C. terminal, Plate 2, marked -j- to one side of
the machine table switch, and through the machine table
switch to the upper carbon arm of the lamp, and connect
the negative (marked ) D. C. terminal to the other side of the
machine table switch, and through it to the lower carbon arm
of the lamp. The ^D 1 . C. terminals will be seen, properly
labeled in Plate 2. Connect the adapting links in the front
of the panel according to the voltage of your alternating
current supply, as per Plate 1. Having accomplished all this,
with the triple-pole switch closed in the upper position, as per
Plate 1, and with the A. C. supply and D. C. machine table
switch closed, the rectifier is ready to start.
Operation. To start the rectifier bring the lamp carbons
together, whereupon the tube will rock, and usually start at
once. As soon as it starts slowly separate the carbons to
the usual distance when using D. C, say approximately one-
fourth of an inch for ordinary amperage. When the carbons
have been separated far enough that the voltage between
them is about 45, the potential relay, 4, Plate 5, (if it is a
40 or 50 ampere rectifier; there is none on the smaller size)
will operate and short-circuit the current limiting resistance,
3, Plate 5, thus increasing the arc current to Whatever value
the dial switch is set for.
Caution. When you first begin to use a rectifier be sure
that the potential relay operates. If it does not the current
limiting resistance, 3, Plate 5, will heat, and whereas it
would be difficult to actually burn it out still damage might
be done to the insulation of the surrounding wires.
The operator can tell when this relay acts as follows:
When the carbons are first separated the current will be
comparatively weak, and when the relay acts there will be
a sudden increase in brilliancy at the spot. The knack of
detecting the action of the relay can be acquired by starting
the arc several times and slowly separating the carbons
until the relay picks up. In doing this it would be well to
have a man by the rectifier to tell you when it does pick up,
if the rectifier is at a distance. Half a dozen trials ought
to show just how the thing works, so that you will have no
further trouble in detecting its action. To stop the rectifier,
open either the A. C. or D. C. switch or the triple-pole
Operating Two Arcs from One Rectifier. When it is desir-
able to operate two arcs from one rectifier the General
Electric Company will furnish two resistances equipped with
contactors, one to be used in series with each lamp. These
resistances consist of a number of coils, inclosed in a venti-
lated sheet metal box, for mounting on the frame of the
machine, or standing on the floor beside the machine. Dia-
gram, Plate 6, shows the resistances connected in the lamp
circuits. The operation of fading one reel into another is
briefly as follows: Assume the operator to be running a
Plate 5, Figure 218.
Rectifier Terminals
Arc No.2 X
Plate 6, Figure 219.
picture machine on No. 1, in which case the contactor is
closed by hand (cutting out the resistance which is normally
in circuit) at the start
and held in this posi-
tion by a magnet coil.
At any time while this
reel is running the
operator (leaving the
contactor on arc No.
2 open) may start ma-
chine No. 2 at about 10
amperes, thus allowing
the carbon to be warm-
ed up on No. 2, while
the reel is still being
run on machine No. 1.
At the end of the reel
on machine No. 1, ma-
chine No. 2, with arc
burning with resistance in circuit, is then started; the con-
tactor is closed, thus cutting out the resistance and boost-
ing the current to normal, at the same time short-circuiting
the arc of machine No. 1, putting it out, which stops the cur-
rent flowing in resistance box No. 1, thus opening the con-
tactor. The resistance cannot be accidentally left out when
the second arc is struck. W'hen the first arc is short-circuited
the contactor opens, which automatically cuts in the resistance.
These resistances prevent overloading the rectifier. Remember
that the resistance is in when the contactor is open.
I would recommend to managers the purchase of one of
the larger rectifiers. The modern tendency is to use high
amperage and project a brilliant picture. The first cost will
be greater, but it is worth the money. This, however, may be
qualified by saying that in very small towns where the pos-
sible patronage is limited and every penny of expenditure
has to be closely scrutinized it might not be advisable to go
above the 30 ampere size.
Explanations. We have told you in a general way of the
action of the rectifier. Now let us examine into its "chronom-
eter balance and cylinder escapement" and see if we can
find out what it's all about.
Note: You need not be afraid to perform any of these va-
rious operations in case of necessity; just follow the directions
and use a little common sense, remembering where each part goes,
Plate 7, Figure 220.
or, if necessary, attaching a labeled tag to it as you remove it.
There is no mystery about these things. All too often the opera-
tor hesitates to attempt the making of repairs through fear of
being unable to get the thing back into shape. The rectifier
is strongly made, and its parts are very simple. I repeat:
Follow the instructions here given, supplementing them by
ordinary common sense, and you will be extremely unlikely
to have any trouble.
The current-limiting resistance 3, Plate 5, consists of a
strip of resistance metal, wound in spiral form, covered with
insulating material and supplied with contacts at either end.
Resistances 1 and 9, Plate 5, are made of wire wound on
asbestos, and the whole dipped in an insulating material.
The purpose of current-limiting resistance 3, Plate 5, is as
follows: When the carbons are brought together the effect
is, to all intents and purposes, to form a short circuit, which
would have the effect of sending a heavy rush of current
through the arc circuit. Resistance 3 in effect takes the
place of the resistance offered by the arc after the carbons
are separated. This resistance is automatically cut into cir-
cuit when the plunger of relay 4, Plate 5, is down; or, in
other words, when relay 4 is "open." When the carbons are
opened and the arc struck the effect is to add the resistance
of the arc to the resistance offered by current-limiting resist-
ance, 3, and thus raise the voltage of the lamp circuit. When
this voltage reaches, a certain point (about 40 volts) the
energy of the magnet of relay 4 becomes sufficient to raise
plunger 5, Plates 5 and 7, and bring blade 6, Plates 5 and 7,
into contact with block 7, Plates 5 and 7, thus short-circuit-
ing current-limiting resistance 3, and raising the D. C. am-
Should relay 4 at any time fail to act it is most likely that
plunger 5, Plates 5 and 7, is stuck, which might be caused
by a grain of dirt or from some other cause. This plunger
may be removed from the magnet by pulling out split key
18, Plates 5 and 7, and, holding stationary nut 9 at the top
of the plunger, unscrew plunger 5 by turning its lower end.
Having removed the plunger and ascertained the cause of its
sticking, it may be replaced, and when you are able to get
split key 18 into its hole you may know that the plunger is
in the proper location. In replacing nut be sure to get it right
side up. If you can't get the split key in ihe chances are that
you haven't the nut right side up. Also, in replacing nut 9, be
sure to get the two washers underneath it in place.
It will be well to clean the contact between block 7 and
blade 6. Plate 7, say, once a month with 00 emery cloth.
Should anything happen to seriously injure the parts on
top of relay 4, Plate 5, as, for instance, something falling
on them and smashing the whole thing so badly that it could
not readily be put back into shape, then new parts can be
obtained from the factory. In order to remove the old parts,
take out three screws in the top of block 10, Plate 7, the
same being countersunk into the block two on one side
of the brass parts and one on the other; disconnect the wires
from the parts; take out plunger 5, as per former directions,
and you can then lift the block off and replace it with a
new one. The block should be ordered complete with the
parts assembled. Should it ever become necessary to remove
the coil of relay 4, Plate 5, first proceed as before directed,
and remove block 10, Plate 7. Having removed this block
you will see three screws in the top of the coil casing. Take
out these screws and disconnect the two wires which lead
from the coil, and disconnect wires (two of them) X, Plate 5.
You may then lift the coil out, and replace it with a new
one if necessary.
The instruction given for removing the top and the coil
of relay 4, Plate 5, applies equally to all the other relays;
just remove the screws in the top of the block (the screws
are countersunk in all cases), disconnect the wires, remove
the relay plunger, and the whole thing comes off.
Starting anode relay resistance 1, Plate 5, is in series with
starting anode relay 8, Plate 5 (also see Plate 2), the purpose
of this resistance being to limit the amount of current flow-
ing through the coil of the relay. It is connected permanently
into the circuit of the relay magnet coil.
Resistance coil 9, Plate 5, is connected in series with the
contacts of series underload relay 11, Plates 5 and 7. (You
cannot see this relay in Plate 5. It is under arrow head 11).
This resistance is not in series with the relay coil, but
serves to limit the flow of current through the starting anode,
Plate 2. But for this- resistance the flow of current through
the starting anode would be so heavy thai there would be
liability of damage to the tube.
Resistance coils 1 and 9, Plate 5, may be removed simply
by pulling them out of their clips as you would a cartridge
fuse. Resistance coil 3 may be removed by disconnecting
the wires attached to it, and taking out the screw which
holds the carrying clip to the panel.
Shaking Magnet. The action of the rectifier is made
automatic by means of shaking magnet 13 and relay 8, Plate 5
and 7. These magnets, therefore, of course, fill a very respon-
sible position. Part 15, Plates 5 and 7, is so made that it
brings the tube back to the vertical position after it has
been rocked by the action of the shaking magnet, through
force of gravity. Should the tube at any time fail to rock
to the vertical position, it 13 most likely due to friction in
spindle 16, Plates 5 and 7. This friction may be overcome
by means of a drop or two of oil on the bearing surfaces,
just behind the nut on the end of the bolt and at the back
of the spindle. It is also possible that dirt may work in
beside plunger 17, Plates 5 and 7. This plunger may be
removed by taking out the bolt in the fork at its lower end,
and driving out the small pin in nut 17 at the top of the
plunger. The plunger can then be dropped down enough to
clean it.
Should plunger 20 of relay 8, Plates 5 and 7, fail to work,
it may be taken out and examined by removing the split
key at its upper end and pulling the plunger out at the
Should the rectifier at any time fail to act, the first thing
to look at and test will be your fuses, including those on
the front of the panel. Don't try anything else until you
have tested the fuses. It is quite possible you may get a spark
at the carbons of the lamp when one of the fuses is burned out.
In Plate 1 we get .a view of the front of the Westinghouse
Mercury Arc Rectifier designed for use on projection cir-
cuits. This machine is built in 30, 40 and 50 ampere sizes,
the general design, characteristics and appearance being the
same for all.
Each outfit consists of a cast iron main frame on which
is mounted (a) an auto-transformer, L-L, Plate 3; (b) re-
actance coil, Q, Plate 3; (c) a tilting mechanism, B, D, K,
P, Plate 2; (d) a relay, I, Plate 3; (e) a five-point dial switch,
Plate 1, and E, F,. G, H, I, Plate 2; (f) 'adapting links, Plate
1; (g) a tube and'tube holder, 24, 25, 26, Plate 4, all inclosed
in a perforated sheet steel cover. The machine presents a
neat, compact appearance and occupies but little floor space.
In Plate 2, we have a view of the rectifier with the per-
forated sheet steel cover, the cover of the dial switch and the tube
removed. At the bottom, in the corner, is the tilting magnet,
P, the operation of which is very clearly shown. When
magnet P is energized, its plunger, K, moves downward
Plate 1, Figure 221.
and tilts or rocks the tube. The construction of the dial
switch is also very clearly shown, the round buttons, E,
being dummies, over which switch contact fingers G slide
from one wide contact, F, to another. At the bottom are four
wires, L, M, N, O, coiled up and terminating in brass spring
clips. These are the leads which connect to the anodes and
cathodes of the tube, as per 9-9-12-29, Plate 4.
In Plate 3 we have a rear view of the outfit, showing, near
the bottom, the reactance Q, and above it the auto-trans-
former L-L. In Plate 3 we see at the left the D. C. leads,
A, B, which connect to the arc lamp circuit, the inside one, A, be-
ing the negative and the outside or left hand one B, the positive.
The positive must, of course, connect through the machine
table switch to the top carbon arm of the lamp, and the
negative through the machine table switch to the bottom
carbon arm of the lamp, The A. C. leads, H, are seen in
Plate 3 at right hand side. These leads connect directly,
through a switch and fuse, to the alternating current supply.
In the center, at the top of Plate 3, is relay magnet 1, the pur-
pose of which will be explained further on.
The Auto-Transformer, L-L, Plate 3, consists of 'an iron
core with a winding of heavy copper wire. It is similar to
an ordinary transformer, except that its connections are
such that in effect it has only one winding, whereas the
ordinary transformer has two, viz: a primary and secondary.
Its function is to change the voltage of the A. C. supply
circuit to the pressure required at the arc. The center point
of the winding also forms the negative terminal of the arc
circuit, as per 3, 4, 4, in diagram, Plate 5. (See Fig. 169,
Page 358.)
Reactance Coil. The reactance coil, Q, Plate 3, is similar
in appearance and construction to a transformer. It is con-
nected into the alternating current circuit for the purpose
of limiting current flow when the carbons are brought to-
gether to strike the arc, to a value that will not be injurious
to the tube; also it operates to insure steadiness of the arc
and to prevent any wide fluctuations of the current when
the length of the arc is changed. The general effect is to
make the arc much easier to handle.
Tilting Mechanism. Each rectifier is provided with an
automatic tilting device, consisting of parts B, D, K and P,
Plate 2. This device is so connected that the closing of
the carbons energizes magnet P and thus causes the tube to
tilt, which makes the rectifier a self-starter. The mechan-
ism is operated by magnet P, Plate 2, the pull of which is
Plate 2, Figure 222.
A, mounting screws for relay; B, upper bulb spring holder; C, lower
bulb spring holder; D, brass guide for tilting rod; E, dummy contacts;
F, contacts; G, contact finger; H, contact arm; I, insulating support for
contact; J, bulb holder casting; K, tilting magnet plunger; L, M, N, O,
wires having spring contacts at end to connect to tube anodes and
applied to the tube by coil spring B, Plate 2, as shown. A
spring is used instead of a rod in order to prevent the tube
from being subjected to unnecessary and violent shock.
The Relay, 1, Plate 3, is another magnet, used to operate
the contacts which open the tilting magnet circuit when the
arc is started, thus preventing the tube from tilting at any
other time. But for this cutout the tilting magnet would
continue to operate, and the tube would be tilted, or rocked
The Five Point Dial Switch, Plates 1 and 2, is used to
change the connections to the reactance coil in such way as
to vary the arc current to any desired value within the
limits of the machine. This switch, as its name indicates,
gives five different values of current, and the change may
be made from one point to another without breaking the arc.
The Upper Adapting Link, 17, Plate 4, is | for the purpose
of changing the connections to the reactance coil, so as to
provide proper voltage adjustment at the arc for different
supply circuit voltages. In other words, the A. C. supply
may be 220 or 110 on the face of it, whereas the actual
pressure in the theatre, owing to drop in line, etc., may be
anywhere between 210 and 230, or 105 and 115 volts. By
means of this link it is possible to provide for these varia-
tions and make a connection suited to the actual voltage,
which easily may be determined by using an A. C. voltmeter.
If a voltmeter is not available the lighting company should
be requested to make the test.
The Lower Link Connector, 18, Plate 4, is used in emer-
gency, to transfer the arc from the tube circuit to direct
operation on the alternating current circuit, in case the tube
should fail or something else happen to the rectifying side
of the machine. For direct current operation (rectification)
this link should be placed so as to join the lower of the three
terminals and the upper right hand terminals, marked "D. C.
Arc"; for alternating current operation the link should join
the lower terminal and the upper left hand terminal marked
"A. C. Arc." Be sure that the wing nuts are well tightened
so as to clamp the links firmly.
The Tube is a glass vessel into which a small amount
of mercury has been placed, and from which all the air has been
removed, causing a vacuum. The general characteristics of
its operation have been described under "General Remarks,"
Page 428. It has four terminals, the upper ones being the
graphite anodes, the smaller, lower one the starting anode
Plate 3, Figure 223.
A, positive D. C. lead; B, negative D. C. lead; C, relay contact disc;
D, transformer lead tags; E, rear end of bulb holder shaft In ball bear-
ing; F, reactance lead tags; G, fibre clamping blocks for reactance coil:
H, A. C. leads; I, relay magnet; J, relay contact stud; K. transformer
iron; L, transformer coil; M, clamping block for transformer iron;
N, mounting bolt for transformer; P, cotter pin; Q, reactance coil;
R, reactance iron; S, reactance coll leads.
and the large lower one the cathode; both the two lower are
of mercury. These various terminals are connected to coiled
leads L, M, N, O, Plate 2, by means of brass spring clips,
as at 9, 9, 12, 29, Plate 4.
Installation. The rectifier will be received in two ship-
ments. The glass tube, carefully packed in a special crate,
is usually sent by express, whereas the remainder of the
outfit, being the completely assembled rectifier (except the
tube) all ready for operation, will probably be sent by freight.
When the outfit is received, remove it from its case and
place in the location selected. Remove the perforated sheet
steel cover and connect the A. C. feed wires to rectifier
leads H, Plate 3, through a line switch and fuses, as per
instructions mounted on front cover of the rectifier. Con-
nect leads D and C + to the machine table switch
with the positive (+), B, Plate 3, connected to the top car-
bon arm and the negative ( ), A, Plate 3, connected to the
lower carbon arm. Open the crate containing the tube by
removing two screws from the center of each side. Lift
the outer portion of the crate away, which will leave the
tube suspended from the inner portion of the crate. Loosen
the linen tape and lift the tube carefully from the holder.
Turn the tube upside (down, slowly and very carefully,
making sure that the mercury runs slowly into the two
bottom terminals. The mercury in a tube that is in good
condition should make a sharp metallic click when passing
from one end of the tube to the other. Grasp the tube
firmly in both hands, the right at the extreme top, and the
left grasping the mercury terminals, and, guarding carefully
against collision, slide the tube into the lower spring clips
of the tube holder, taking care that the springs do not cause
the tube to slide into the tube holder with a jar.
Be very careful not to allow the smaller mercury terminal
to strike the tube holder, or any other object, as it is quite
easily broken. After the lower part of the tube is properly
placed, push the top part gently back into the upper spring.
If it becomes necessary to remove the tube, as in case of
changing location of outfit, the same method of handling
should be followed. Connect the tube leads (that is, the
flexible wires attached to the terminal board below the
tube marked L, M, N, and O, Rlate 2) to the tube, as shown
at 9, 9, 12, 29, Plate 4. The wires may easily be traced in
Plate 4. Connect wire 4, Plate 2 f to the upper left hand tube
terminal, 9, Plate 4 ; the lead M to the small lower tube terminal,
29, Plate 4; lead N to the large lower terminal, 12, Plate 4, and
Plate 4, Figure 224.
1, lifting lug; 2, name plate; 3, mounting bolt for slate panel; 4, cast
iron cover for dial switch; 5, dial switch handle; 6, rear perforated
cover; 7, cable containing leads; 8, transformer; 9, spring clip on side
terminal of bulb; 10, mercury pool in bulb; 11, lead to side terminal
of bulb; 12, spring clip on large lower terminal of bulb; 13, resistance
box terminal; 14, main cast iron frame; 15, resistance box; 16, stud
for link connector; 17, upper link connector; 18, lower link connector;
19, end of relay contact stud; 20, transformer leads; 21, stud for front
perforated cover; 22, bolt for front perforated cover; 23, mounting
bolt for transformer; 24, upper bulb holder spring; 25, bulb; 26, lower
bulb holder spring; 27, mounting strap for tilting magnet and resistance
box; 28, lug for tilting magnet and resistance box; 29, spring clip on
small lower terminal of bulb; 30, tilting magnet frame; 31, tilting
magnet coil; 32, terminal board; 33, connector on terminal board; 84,
wiring from terminal board; 35, dial switch pointer.
lead 0, the last one, to the right hand upper terminal, 9, Plate 4.
The upper link connector on the slate panel at the top of the out-
fit should now be connected to suit the voltage of the supply
wires, which should be determined by actual test with a
reliable voltmeter. It may be noted in this connection that
the voltage for which the link is set should be tested when
the rectifier is in actual operation, since the voltage of the
line may decrease with the added load. It is unlikely that
once this connection is properly made it ever will be neces-
sary to change it. The outfit, without any further adjust-
ment, is now ready for operation.
Plate 5 shows the wiring diagram for the three types of
the Westinghouse rectifier. These diagrams are, I believe,
of questionable value to the average operator. However,
there are a goodly number who will be able to make use of
them. The upper one is for the 30 ampere, 110-220 volt,
the center one for the 40 ampere, 110-220 volt, and the lower
one for the 50 ampere, 110 volt rectifier.
Operation. With fuses of proper capacity in place, close
both the A. C. line switch and the machine table switch and
bring the carbons together, whereupon the tube will rock,
a spark appearing between the two mercury pools at each
tilt until the arc starts, when the whole tube will light up
and come to rest in a vertical position. The carbons should
be instantly separated until the greatest amount of light is
obtained on the screen.
Where the size of the theatre and equipment only justifies
the purchase of a single rectifier, the problem of blending
one reel into the next
has been solved as de-
scribed below: The
only extra equipment
necessary is a compen-
sator or economy coil
such as is usually
found in a theatre using
alternating current, and
Plate 6, Figure 226. a four-pole, double
throw switch.
The wiring is shown in Plate 6 and requires no elaborate
explanation. By means of this plan the change-over may be
made without any very seriously objectionable indication
of the fact on the screen. The operator, we will say, is
showing the first reel of a feature film on machine No. 1,
which is fed from the rectifier, the switch being thrown to
2\ Auto -Transformer [4
^o ft o Q Q Q o o_o sT Q Q_Q QAoJ>JL0Aft. 1J
Plate 5, Figure 225.
the left. About one minute before the end of the reel is
reached he throws the switch to the right, starting the arc
on machine No. 2 through the rectifier, while machine No. 1
is transferred to the alternating current supply of the com-
pensator, and the reel is completed in this manner. This
gives the carbons on No. 2. time to burn to their proper
brilliancy on D. C, ready to begin the second reel. The
process is repeated toward the end of the second reel on
machine No. 2. The procedure may, if desired, be reversed;
that is to say, starting machine No. 2 on alternating current
and later changing it to direct current. However, the first
mentioned will be found more satisfactory, as it takes a short
while for the direct current to burn the crater properly.
Always do it just as though
the boss was around.
The Mechanism
General Instructions Applying to All Machines
MACHINES are very frequently sold to small town ex-
hibitors who in the very nature of things are unable
to employ competent operators, and who themselves
have little or no knowledge of mechanics. When a part
wears or breaks they are at a loss as to the method of pro-
cedure necessary to remove the same and replace it with a
new one; also they are unable to make the necessary ad-
justments properly. These men are doing a distinctly meri-
torious work in supplying theatrical amusement to what in the
aggregate amounts to millions of people, who would otherwise
be deprived of the pleasures of moving pictures. They are en-
titled to detailed information concerning these matters, and ANY
Not only is this true, but, as a matter of fact, even com-
petent experienced operators are sometimes at their wits
end, and commit very serious blunders, simply because but
few operators, except those in very large cities, are able to get
experience on all the different moving picture mechanisms.
Some operators object to supplying detailed instructions
on projector mechanisms. I think, however, to omit these
instructions would be not only unfair to the industry as a
whole, but also to the audiences who patronize moving pic-
ture theatres, and, moreover, to the operator himself. The
claim that such instructions will have a tendency to create
operators has, in my opinion, but little weight, and even if
it did, the operator, important as is his function, is but one
cog in the mechanism of the moving picture industry, and
we must perforce look to the well-being of the industry as
a whole.
There are certain general instructions which apply to all
projection machines, as follows:
General Instruction No. 1. Oil There is a tremendous
amount of absolutely unnecessary damage done both t >
projection machines and film, through lack of knowledge
and care in the lubrication of projectors.
The much advertised patent oils are, I believe, without ex-
ception, absolutely unfitted for projection machine lubrication,
and their use will, I am firmly convinced, shorten the life of a
projector by fully one-third, if not more.
Too thin an oil is likely not only to have inferior lubricat-
ing properties, but also a decided tendency to run out the
bearing^ and be thrown off by centrifugal force, all too
often landing on the film or lens. Too thick an oil, on the
other hand, is likely to be gummy, to collect dirt, and to
remain in the bearings too long. One rule should, however,
be rigidly adhered to by all operators.
Anything more is worse than useless, since one drop is
ample for all purposes of lubrication:, and the excess will
simply run, or be thrown off, and make a dirty mess.
In my previous books I recommended a good grade of light
dynamo oil for the projector bearings. I see no reason to change
this recommendation. This oil can be procured, in bulk, from
any oil dealer, and should cost not more than 25 cents a
quart. The Projection Department of the Moving Picture
World expended a good deal of energy and time in trying
to locate a really good projector lubricant which could be
bought at a reasonable price from film exchanges. The
Latchaw oil was found, after exhaustive test, to be the only
one to fill the bill, and it received the indorsement of the
department. That however, was nearly two years ago, and
while the oil was most excellent at that time I do not know what
it is now, or even whether or not it is still on the market.
For the gears of the projector there are several very good
lubricants, among them automobile cylinder oil, bicycle
chain lubricant, automobile axle grease, and a good grade of
vaseline. Beeswax also has been successfully used by some.
A light lubricating oil is not suitable for gears. However, no
matter what is used, if the machine is of the open type that
is to say, has no casing and the gears run in the open, there
will be dust and dirt constantly collecting which, uniting with
the oil, forms a grinding paste. It is, therefore, advisable to
wasli the gears of such machines thoroughly once or twice
a week. This may easily be done, without removing the
mechanism from the table, by placing a shallow dish or pan
under the gears while you turn the crank slowly, at the
same- time flooding the gears with kerosene from an or-
dinary squirt can such as is used to oil the machine. If
preferred the mechanism may be taken off the table, im-
mersed in gasoline and, first having removed the lenses and
the crank, given a few turns while the mechanism is in the
bath. This washes out both the gears and bearings very
thoroughly. If the intermittent runs in an oil well, plug
up the oil well oil hole before immersing the machine.
If the intermittent movement of your machine runs in an
oil well a good grade of lubricant should be used therein.
Some manufacturers recommend high grade vaseline for
this purpose, which should be melted and poured in.
Personally the writter does not regard vaseline as a satis-
factory lubricant. He believes that a good medium-bodied
oil, such as a fairly heavy dynamo oil, is much better. But
whatever you use in the oil well, remember that the intermittent
is subjected to exceedingly heavy service, therefore, unless the
lubricant be high grade you may expect the cam pins to wear
very rapidly.
General Instruction No. 2. Where the old style friction
take-up is used it is of the utmost importance that the take-
up tension be set just barely tight enough to take up the
entire reel of film. Anything in addition to this is not only
bad, but very bad. A minute's consideration will convince you
of the importance of this matter. Throughout the entire
process of rewinding the friction of the take-up will exert
exactly the same amount of pull on the spindle which carries
the take-up reel. When the film first begins to wind on the hub
of the lower reel the take-up is pulling on the take-up spindle
exactly as hard as it is when the process of rewinding is
near its completion, but in the beginning the film is winding
on the \*/i inch hub, whereas at the end it is winding on the
outside diameter of a film roll ten or more inches in diame-
ter. Therefore, since the take-up pull is constant on the
spindle, the actual pull exerted on the film at the beginning is
very many times greater than it is at the end. This means that
the film is wound too tightly in the beginning and too loose-
ly at the end, and that any unnecessary take-up tension only
serves to aggravate the abnormally heavy pull at the begin-
ning of the process of rewinding; moreover, it adds to the
tendency to lose the lower loop in the earlier part of the
run, besides the constant danger of pulling weak patches in
two. Excessive tension is, in every way, deterimental, there-
fore be very careful and don't set your take-up tension any
tighter than is necessary to complete the process of rewinding.
There have of late been some improved tension equalizers
invented which equalize the take-up pull throughout the
entire run. They should by all means promptly be adopted
by machine manufacturers.
General Instruction No. 3. It is of the utmost importance
that the sprockets of your machine be kept perfectly clean.
This is particularly true of the intermittent sprocket. The
best method of cleaning them is as follows: Procure an
ordinary cheap toothbrush and a wide-mouthed bottle or
a small tin can with a cover. If a bottle is used punch a
hole in the cork and fasten the tooth brush therein in such
position that it will reach the bottom of the bottle when the
cork is in. If a can be used do the same thing with the lid.
Now fill your bottle or can with kerosene, and just as soon
as the least bit of gum or dirt begins to gather on the face
of the intermittent sprocket scrub it off with the tooth-
brush wet with kerosene. Go over your sprockets carefully
once every day and be sure they are perfectly clean. Dirt
on the upper or lower sprocket will have a decided tendency
to cause the losing of the loops.
Dirt on the intermittent sprocket will make the picture jump
on the screen, not sometimes but always.
It is an astonishing fact that many operators do not seem
to grasp this simple and seemingly self-evident idea. I have
actually known of a projection mechanism being shipped to the
factory from a distance of two thousand miles, with a complaint
that the "picture jumped terribly." On examination the face of
the intermittent sprocket was found to be covered with gum
and dirt. This was washed off, the machine tried out and
the picture found to be as steady as a rock. Imagine, if you
can, sending a machine more than two thousand miles merely
to have the face of .the intermittent sprocket cleaned off; a
thing the operator could have done in less than two minutes,
by the aid of a little kerosene and a ten-cent toothbrush.
General Instruction No. 4. It is important that the sprock-
ets of your machines be kept in perfect line with each
other and with the aperture. I cannot give definite instruc-
tions as to how to test the lining of the sprockets, since
this will vary with each different make of machine. The
meaning is set forth in Fig. 227, in which the dotted line
is presumed to be exactly central sidewise in the aperture
and perpendicular thereto. The upper, lower and intermit-
tent sprockets must be exactly central sidewise with this
line, or, in other words, the teeth on each side of each
sprocket must be equidistant from the line. This may be
roughly tested, so far as the intermittent and upper sprocket
be concerned, as follows: Using a piece of new film, of some
make that is known to have
perfect perforations, thread a
short piece, say one foot long,
into the machine, engaging it
with the teeth of the upper
and intermittent sprockets,
and closing the idlers. Turn
the fly-wheel backward until the
film is stretched tightly, being
careful that the sprocket teeth
are in the center, sidewise, of
the sprocket holes. If the upper
and lower sprocket and the
aperture are not in line the fact
will be detected by the film-
edge not being in line with the
tracks on the aperture plate, or
the aperture plate not being
central in the film. If the film
seems to bear equally on both
edges of both sprockets and the
aperture plate tracks are not
Figure 227.
straight with the film, it would indicate the probability that
the aperture plate itself is out of true. In some machines
this may be easily remedied; in others the aperture plate
cannot possibly be out of true and the indication would be
that both the upper and intermittent sprocket is too far over
to the right or left. Before making this test, however, it is
essential that you be sure your intermittent sprocket shaft
is in exact alignment with the cam shaft.
General Instruction No. 5. The intermittent movement,
that is to say, the star and cam, or in the case of the Power
Six the cam and cross, must be set up closely enough that
there is very little circumferential play in the intermittent
sprocket. This must not, however, be carried to excess.
It is not wise to attempt to eliminate all circumferential play
in the intermittent sprocket when the machine is cold. If
you do, when the machine becomes warm the expansion of the
parts through heat will set up undue friction, and cause excessive
and unnecessary wear. It is a mistake to suppose that a little
circumferential play in the intermittent sprocket will cause
unsteadiness in the picture. It does no harm whatever,
though it does not follow that an excess of movement would
not be harmful. Set it just so that you can barely detect
some movement when you try to rock the sprocket with
your finger. Don't try to adjust the intermittent as above if the
cam or intermittent shaft bushings are worn. Where a machine
is of a type to allow of its being done I would strongly advise
managers and operators to have a complete framing carriage on
hand all ready to slip into the machine.
The replacement of the intermittent sprocket, star, cam, or
their shaft is a very delicate operation, and one which really
should be done at the factory. If you have an extra framing
carriage, with all the parts assembled, when the parts be-
come worn, you can take the old carriage out, put in the
new one, and send the old one to the factory, by parcel post,
where it will be repaired in the best possible manner. This
latter does not apply to Standard or Edison.
General Instruction No. 6. The top idler on the gate or
whatever takes its place is for the purpose of holding the
film central over the aperture, guiding the film down into the
gate, and helping to eliminate side motion. It should be
kept so set that it holds the film snugly, but without bind-
ing, and so set that the film will be exactly central over the
aperture. In some machines the position of this guide
is fixed and cannot be altered; in others it may be altered,
and if set loosely enough to allow the film to have free side
play there is likely to be side motion of the picture on the
screen. Also if it be set over too far there is a possibility
of the sprocket holes showing on one side of the screen.
General Instruction No. 7. There must be no end play
whatever in the intermittent sprocket. End play in the in-
termittent sprocket is likely to produce side motion in the
picture on the screen. It does not necessarily follow that
the picture will have a side motion because there is end play
in the intermittent sprocket, but it is highly probable it
will, nevertheless.
General Instruction No. 8. It is a serious mistake to use
an intermittent sprocket after the teeth have become ap-
preciably worn. The wise manager or operator will not
attempt to save money by using an intermittent sprocket
with worn teeth, since the using of such a sprocket is bad
from any and every point of view. Worn intermittent
sprocket teeth are very hard on the perforations of the film
and very apt to produce unsteadiness of the picture on the
screen. Worn teeth also have a decided tendency to cause
the teeth to climb the sprocket holes, thus losing the lower
loop. The intermittent sprocket teeth do all the work of
pulling down the film against the friction of the tension
shoes, hence are subject to heavy wear. The operator should
examine his intermittent sprocket teeth, using a condensing
lens as a magnifying glass, every few days. As soon as
there is evidence of appreciable wear the sprocket should
be promptly renewed. The same thing is true in lesser
degree of the upper and lower sprockets, though moderate
wear on the teeth of these is not so harmful; moreover,
these sprockets may in some and I believe in all makes of
projectors, except the motiograph, be removed and turned
end for end, thus presenting an entirely new tooth-surface
to the film when one side of the teeth has become worn.
The same thing is accomplished with some makes of ma-
chines by substituting the lower sprocket for the upper
sprocket, and vice versa.
General Instruction No. 9. It is highly important that the
tension springs of your machine be kept adjusted exactly
right. The short piece of film between the upper and lower
loop is to all intents and purposes temporarily detached
from the rest of the film. That is the object of and reason
for the upper and lower loops. They allow of the strip of
film between them being started and stopped intermittently,
while the rest of the film runs continuously. When the in-
termittent sprocket acts it jerks this little strip of film down
three-quarters of an inch, thus temporarily lengthening the
lower loop by three-quarters of an inch and shortening the
upper by just that much. The office of the tension springs
is to stop this strip of film when the intermittent sprocket
stops and hold it perfectly still and perfectly flat over
the aperture during the time the photograph is being
projected to the screen. Bearing this fact in mind, it will
be seen that if the tension springs be too slack they will
not stop the film (it moves at high speed while the inter-
mittent is in motion) exactly when the intermittent sprocket
stops. In other words, the film will "overshoot," and, inas-
much as it will probably not overshoot exactly the same
amount every time, unsteadiness of the picture on the screen
will result. On the other hand it readily will be seen that,
while it is absolutely essential that the tension springs be
tight enough to stop the film when the intermittent stops,
and thus prevent overshooting, still, any tension in excess
of this will make the work of the intermittent sprocket
teeth, of the intermittent movement, and, in fact the whole
mechanism, just that much harder, with the result that there
will be unnecessary wear on the whole mechanism and the
film itself. It is a difficult matter and an impossibility to
adjust the tension so that it will be always exactly right,
since one piece of film may be a trifle thicker than another,
or a little bit smoother, or more oily. The operator, how-
ever, should be very careful and come as close to the proper
adjustment as he possibly can.
The tension may be considered as being approximately correct
when the picture is steady and without movement on the screen
when run at any speed up to 90 per minute, but at 90 or there-
abouts the picture begins to crawl up slightly on the screen.
Another fairly accurate test is to set the tension so that
you can just barely feel the pull of the intermittent move-
ment when the crank of the mechanism is turned very,
very slowly, and by "very, very slowly" I mean exactly
what I say just barely moving. If you can feel the jerk
of the tension appreciably when moving the crank thus,
then the tension is too tight. It is a fact, however, that
it is not always necessary to have the tension tight enough
so that you can feel it in the crank, even when moved as
slowly as you can move it. The 90-foot-per-minute-test is,
everything considered, the best I know of.
General Instruction No. 10. When running first run films,
the emulsion of which is soft, there is a decided tendency
of the emulsion to deposit on the tension springs or on the
shoes. This tendency is often helped out by the too liberal
use of cement in making patches. The emulsion and the
cement gather on the polished surface of the tension shoe
in a hard, unyielding mass, which, aside from making the
Figure 228.
tension shoes jump and clatter is very apt to injure the film,
and perhaps injure it seriously too. Sometimes the excess
cement on the celluloid side will gather on the aperture plate
tracks also. When running first run film the tension springs
and aperture plate should be carefully examined after each
reel, and any deposit found thereon should be carefully
cleaned off by using a wet cloth (water softens the emulsion
instantly) or the edge of a silver coin, or some other soft
Never use a knife blade, a screw driver or other hard steel
instrument to scrape off the aperture tracks or tension shoes;
by so doing you will be very likely to scratch the polished surface,
thus increasing the tendency to deposit and aggravating the
The deposit of emulsion may be very largely stopped by
the use of the machine illustrated in Fig. 228. The illustra-
tion is, I think, fully self-explanatory. The machine is placed
between reels on the rewinder, and the film runs through it in
rewinding. The four round objects are cylinders made of
wax, so set that in the process of rewinding the tracks of
the film bear on the wax and receive a sufficient deposit
of it on both sides to prevent the deposit of emulsion or
cement on the tension shoes or aperture plate of the projec-
tor. The same thing may be accomplished by a home-made
affair, using large sperm or tallow candles, as per Fig. 229,
but the machine in question is cheap in price and quite
efficient, therefore I can advise its purchase. The mere
rubbing of the tension springs with the butt end of a
tallow candle when threading the machine helps considerably,
Figure 229.
though it will not prevent deposit. Another method which is
fairly efficient is to hold a tallow candle lightly against the
teeth of the upper sprocket every half minute or so when
running first run films. This scrapes off a little tallow which
deposits on the tracks sufficiently to keep the tension springs
or shoes lubricated.
General Instruction No. 11. It is important that the tracks
of the aperture plate of your projector be not allowed to
become much worn. It is absolutely essential to good re-
sults on the screen that the film be held absolutely flat over
the aperture during the time the picture is being projected,
and this is not likely to be done if (a) the aperture plate
tracks be appreciably worn; (b) the shoes or springs do not
set squarely on the tracks, but one or both of them is
over to one side. Worn aperture plate tracks are likely to
produce a buckling of the film, with consequent in and out of
focus effect in the center of the picture. This is particularly
true of the type of mechanism which employs a limber tension
spring, instead of a stiff tension shoe. By this I do not wish
to be understood as saying that in and out of focus effect is
always due to the above causes. It may also be due to an
old, dry, shrunken film, or ta too much pressure by the
tension springs.
General Instruction No. 12. It is of the utmost importance
that the sprocket idlers be kept in line with the sprocket, so
that each side of the idler is equidistant from the face of the
sprocket, and that the distance of the idler from the face of
the sprocket be two thicknesses of a film or a trifle less.
If the sprocket idlers be not so set there is likely to be
trouble, particularly at the lower sprocket. Losing the
lower loop through the film climbing the sprocket teeth is
very often directly due to the improper setting of the idler.
It is either out of line with the sprocket or too close to or
too far away from the sprocket. Many do not realize the
importance of a close adjustment of their sprocket idlers. Never
allow your sprocket idler to "ride the film" that is to say, to
bear on it with pressure. This is especially bad if the pres-
sure is greater on one side than on the other, and will most
likely cause the film to climb the sprocket at the first bad
patch. This does not apply to the Edison machines. Their
idler rollers ride directly on the film, which is held in place
by deep flanges at either end of all sprockets. See to it that
your sprocket idlers turn; if they do not they will soon de-
velop a flat spot, and sooner or later this means trouble.
General Instruction No. 13. It is highly important that
the intermittent sprocket shaft and the cam or fly-wheel shaft
be kept in exact alignment with each other. The position of
the cam or fly-wheel shaft is fixed and cannot be changed.
It will readily be seen that if the intermittent sprocket shaft
be out of line with the cam or fly-wheel shaft that is to
say, if one end of the intermittent sprocket shaft be 'high or
low with relation to the other end it will bring one end of
the intermittent sprocket lower than the other end, and the
teeth at the lower end will be obliged to do all the work of
pulling down the film until such time as they have worn off
sufficiently to bring the teeth on the other end into play,
whereupon, if the shaft then be lined, the opposite condition
will obtain, and the teeth on the other end will be doing all
the work. This would be very hard on both the film and
the sprocket. The method of aligning these two shafts will
vary with different machines, and must be left largely to the
judgment and ingenuity of the operator. In all machines in
which the intermittent sprocket shaft has a bearing at either
end the adjustment is made by means of two eccentric bush-
ings, and there is always the liability, when making an adjust-
ment for the purpose of eliminating lost motion in the inter-
mittent, to turn one bushing more than the other, thus get-
ting the sprocket and shaft out of level with the cam shaft.
In some machines the distance between the two shafts at
either end may be tested with a caliper. With other ma-
chines, however, this test is of no value, since the diameter
of one or both the shafts is smaller at one end than the
other. The competent operator, however, will certainly be
able to devise some effective method of testing this matter,
and he should by all means do so, since it is of the greatest
General Instruction No. 14. On the old type machines it is
very important indeed that the magazines be accurately
lined with the machine. With the newer projectors this is
taken care of at the factory, and the magazines can only
be placed in one position, therefore cannot possibly be out
of line. The film in passing out of the upper magazine and
into the lower magazine must travel through the fire trap,
and if the magazine is out of line with the machine the film
is likely to rub against the side of the trap and in time cut
the metal in two, thus ruining the fire trap; also if the upper
magazine of the old style machine is much out of line it is
also quite possible the film will not come down squarely to
the upper sprocket, and this is likely to make trouble. If it
be the lower magazine that is much out of line then the
take-up will pull the film sidewise and there will be added
tendency to lose the lower loop. The film should pass from
the upper and into the lower magazine without touching
either side of the trap.
General Instruction No. 15. It is a most excellent scheme
to have operating room reels and only use the exchange reels,
which are very apt to be in more or less bad condition, in
the upper magazine for the first run, placing one of the
house reels in the lower magazine to receive the film. The
film should thereafter be handled on the house reels entirely,
being rewound to the exchange reel only when using for the
last time. These house reels should be kept, in first class
condition, with the spring clip carefully adjusted. Better
still, make a slot through the wooden hub and dispense with
the spring clip entirely. It is aggravating for the operator
who has to do rapid work in threading up to be obliged to
work with a reel which is in bad condition. The only way
to avoid this with any degree of certainty is by a theatre
owning reels of its own. There is a most excellent reel
spring made by Chas. F. Woods, Princeton, Ind., known as
the "Woods Improved Film Clip," with which operators will
do well to equip their
house reels. The con-
struction and operation
of this little device is
clearly shown in Fig.
General Instruction
No. 16. In most pro-
jection machines there
is some sort of tension
device in the upper
magazine, designed to
prevent the reel from
revolving too freely,
and it is important that
(a) this tension device
be so designed that it
will not and cannot
catch on loose screws
on reel hubs; (b) that the tension be sufficient to just barely
keep the film taut at all times, and stop the reels instantly
wihen the projector is stopped. The importance of this is
seen when we consider that, if the reel revolves too freely,
and the machine be stopped when the upper reel is three-
fourths or more empty, and the reel continues to revolve,
thus unwinding more or less slack film, when the machine is
started it is likely to get up to normal speed before it takes
up all the slack, and then the reel must be started instantly
at full speed. As a result there is a heavy jerk, which may
pull patches in two, rip out sprocket holes, or even pull the
film itself in two.
General Instruction No. 17. It is sometimes desirable that
Figure 230.
the form of the aperture be changed in order to eliminate
the keystone effect due to a steep pitch in the projection or
the keystone effect due to a side throw. This may be ac-
complished by taking off the aperture plate, filling in the
same with solder for one-sixteenth or one-eighth of an
inch at either side, or if it be a side keystone effect, then at
the top and bottom. Having completed this part of the job,
put the aperture back in place, and, with the light projected
to the screen, using a small, fine, flat file, carefully file the
sides until the light on the screen is perpendicular on the
sides or horizontal on top and bottom if it be keystone
effect. Do your filing slowly and carefully. It is well to
hang lines at the sides of the screen to guide you in your
work. Attach top of line (narrow, black tape is good) to
screen, just at bottom of top corner bend and attach weight
to its lower end so it will hang perfectly straight and per-
General Instruction No. 18. It is of the utmost importance
that the operator have a comprehensive and complete knowl-
edge of the principles involved in and the optical action of
the revolving shutter. The revolving shutter of a projection
machine serves a certain definite purpose, viz:
It shuts off the light from the screen during the time each
individual picture is being moved down to make room for the
next, and turns it on again ivhile the picture is being projected
to the screen.
Remember there is really no such thing as a "moving
picture." What we term "moving pictures" are in reality a
blending or dissolving of snapshot photographs, taken at the
rate of about sixteen to the second, into each other at ap-
proximately the same rate of speed at which they were
Examine your film; measure off one foot of it and you
will find thereon precisely sixteen complete pictures, which
are nothing more or less than snapshot photographs taken
at the rate of approximately sixteen to the second. These
photographs are strung out, one after the other, on strips of
celluloid of varying length, several lengths being joined
together into a total length of one thousand feet, which is the
ordinary length of a "reel of film." As the film passes through
the projector these photographs are successively displayed, in
an inverted position (upside down), in front of the machine
aperture, and are projected, one after the other, to the
screen. In order to accomplish this 'the photographs must
each one be standing perfectly still, and lie perfectly flat
over the aperture during the period of projection. The in-
termittent movement of the machine is for the purpose of
pulling each successive photograph away from over the ma-
chine aperture and replacing it with the next succeeding
picture, or, in other words, moving the film down exactly
three-fourths of an inch, stopping it dead still while the pic-
ture is being projected to the screen, and then jerking it
down again, and so on throughout the full length of the
reel of film. As a matter of fact, at ordinary speed, each
picture occupies one-sixteenth of a second from the time it
begins to move until the next picture begins to move, about
one-sixth of this time being consumed in the actual move-
ment of the film and five-sixths in the projection of the
picture. And right here the office of the revolving shutter
comes in. If you have an outside shutter machine, slip the
shutter off its spindle and project a few feet of film. You
will find that the picture will be projected, and that the light
will be far more brilliant than it was with the shutter in
place. You will find, however, that from every white object in
the film there will be a streak of white, which apparently
goes both up and down from the object, but in reality goes
down only, the other end being the effect of a similar white
object in the next picture. The net result is streaks of white
across the picture. This is what is called "travel ghost."
It is due to the fact that as the picture is jerked down, to
make way for the next one, the effect of impression of any
white object therein on the retina of the eye is greater than
the effect of impression of the surrounding dark objects in
the film. Hence as the picture is moved down we see white
moving across the space formerly occupied by the darker
object in the picture. In other words, the eye follows the
white object as it moves across the aperture, but it does
not see the dark object, or at least does not see it so
plainly. Owing to this effect it is necessary to shut off the
light from the screen during the time the film is in motion,
and that is the duty the revolving shutter performs.
Without any film in your machine, open the gate, project the
white light to the screen, and run the projector very slowly. You
will observe that the revolving shutter shuts off all the light
from the screen every time one of its blades comes in front
of the lens; hence two or three (according to whether your
machine has a two or three wing shutter) times during the
period a picture is being exposed and projected the light is
entirely cut off from the screen. In actual projection we
therefore have, in effect, a succession of flashes of brilliant
light and total darkness, but when the machine is run at
normal speed, with a properly designed shutter, these flashes
of light and darkness alternate so rapidly that either the eye
does not catch the effect at all or catches it but slightly. So
far as our eye is concerned the illumination of the screen is
continuous, though of diminished brilliancy.
No matter how many blades your shutter may have, only
one, the wide or main blade, has anything whatever to do
with the actual shutting off of the light during the time the
picture is being moved down to make way for the next. As
the intermittent sprocket starts to move the wide blade of
the shutter comes in front of the lens (that is what is meant
by "timing the shutter" setting it in such relation to the
intermittent movement that it will cut off the light from
the screen as the intermittent begins to move, and turn it
on again just as the movement ceases) and shuts off the
light from the screen while the intermittent sprocket is mov-
ing and pulling the next picture down over the aperture. As
the intermittent sprocket comes to rest the wide blade of the
shutter passes from in front of the lens, thus allowing the
picture to be projected to the screen.
From this it is seen that, in theory, the shutter must be so
set that it will cover the aperture, or lens, at the exact in-
stant the intermittent begins to move, and uncover it at the
exact instant the intermittent sprocket comes to rest. That
is the theory. In practice, however, it has been found that
this may be modified to some extent, and, as a matter of
fact, with most machines, the lens is only about three-fourths
closed when the intermittent sprocket begins to move, and
is still slightly open when the movement ceases. If, how-
ever, the leeway be just a little bit too much there will be
travel ghost.
All this has to. do with the wide blade of the shutter. All
shutters, however, have two or three wings, but these extra
wings have nothing whatever to do with cutting off the light
during the time the film is moving. But while this is true
they are, nevertheless, of the utmost importance. As already
has been explained, in projection the screen is alternately
brilliantly lighted and totally dark. Now the human eye is
a peculiar instrument. It will transmit to the brain a certain
number of separate impressions per second, as separate im-
pressions, but beyond that number the impressions become
merged into each other so that the effect is that of con-
tinuity. This is what is called "persistence of vision," and it
is this peculiarity of the eye which makes "moving pictures"
possible. So far as the shutter be concerned, persistence of
vision acts as follows: If the flashes of light and darkness
come too far apart, or are disproportionate to one another,
then the eye will perceive the difference. Under this condi-
tion persistence of vision operates incompletely, and instead
of an illusion of perfectly steady illumination the rapidly
recurring flashes of darkness will be perceptible in the shape
of what is termed "flicker." This flicker is a very serious
matter indeed, since it causes eye strain exactly in propor-
tion to its amount. If excessive it is highly injurious to the
eyes. It has been found that if the flashes of light and
darkness be equal to each other and at the rate of forty-eight
or more of each to the second, the effect will be, to all
intents and purposes, that of continuous illumination, without
any perceptible flicker at all, when not very brilliant illumina-
tion is used. With more brilliant illumination, such as is now
used in up-to-date theatres, this must be increased to about
55. Therefore this is the condition machine manufacturers
are striving to attain, or should strive to attain. But in
order to attain this there must be a three-wing shutter, with
all three blades of the same width, and three light openings
each of equal width with the blades.
This might seem to the uninitiated a simple condition to
accomplish, but, as a matter of fact, it is not. It brings up
some very difficult problems. First, as has already been
pointed out, the main blade of the shutter must be wide enough
to cover about three-fourths of the aperture, or light beam,
when the intermittent sprocket starts to move and still have
about the same amount covered when it comes to rest. This
fixes the minimum width of the main blades arbitrarily. It
also means that
The more rapid the intermittent movement, the less width
the main shutter blade need have,
and with a 1 to 6 movement, provided there be no lost motion
between the revolving shutter and the intermittent, a con-
dition is approached where the outside shutter may have
three wings, each wing of equal width with the other wings
and 'he light openings. This is, I believe, the best condition
obtainable, and I am of the opinion that it will e the best
so long as intermittent projection machines are usad.
It is, however, not always possible to attain this condition,
since it presumes the light ray to be cut at the narrowest
possible point, and with very short focal length lenses the
light ray spreads so rapidly that with lenses and projection
machines as at present made the shutter can only cut the
beam after it has spread too much to allow of the ideal
condition, before described, being attained. With very short
focal length lenses the beam is so wide that the main shutter
blade must have abnormal width in order to eliminate travel
ghost, and this throws the shutter out of proportion and
makes for flicker when the machine is run at normal speed.
Where 60 cycle A. C. is used, however, the use of the
three-wing shutter brings in another equation, 60 cycle A. C.
reverses its direction 120 times per second, or 7200 times per
minute. With a three-wing shutter projection machine run-
ning at the rate of 60 feet of film per minute, normal speed,
the light is cut 2880 times a minute. Now one-half of the
alternations of 60 cycle A. C. would be 3600, and if the cur-
rent happened to be not quite 60, but, say, instead, 56 or 58,
just a little of overspeeding of the machine would bring the
wings of the shutter into synchronism with one side of the
alternations. Under these conditions if the wings happen to
cut the light just at the period of its greatest brilliancy (See
Page 16, Fig. 4) its power would be diminished by approx-
imately one-half. As a matter of fact, however, this very
thing often does occur where a three-wing shutter is used
with 60 cycle A. C., and the net result is a waving effect of
the light; that is to say, its brightness will alternately
diminish and increase, the alternations of effect being due
to the fact that the shutter blades are not likely to stay in
exact synchronism with the alternations for more than one
or two seconds at a time. For this reason it is advised that
a two-wing shutter be used with 60 cycle alternating current.
The two-wing shutter, as a rule, gives somewhat more light
than the three-wing shutter, and is therefore favored by
some managers who prefer to have flicker rather than cur-
rent bills. The use of the two-wing shutter, however, is not
to be advised except with 60 cycle A. C., or with gas or
other weak illuminant.
In this connection let me say that the tendency to flicker in-
creases with the brilliancy of the projection and with increase of
size of picture, and conversely diminishes with decreased brilliancy
of projection and decrease in size of picture.
All this has been explained at considerable length in order
to give the operator as clear an understanding as may be
had of the points involved, but in addition to the foregoing
there is still another exceedingly important point which
should receive due consideration.
Almost all the later models of projectors are equipped
with an "outside shutter." Where the outside shutter is used
another point of much importance is involved, viz: width of
the light beam at the point the shutter cuts it, or, in other
words, the position of the shutter as regards its distance from
the lens.
In Fig. 63A, Page 145, the method of determining proper
location for the shutter is shown. Place a piece of metal with
a hole, say, one-quarter inch in diameter against the conden-
ser so that the hole will come approximately in the center
of the condensing lens. Now open machine gate, project
the light through this hole to the screen. Blow a little
smoke on a ray just in front of the lens and you will find the
ray to appear as in Fig. 63A, though the thinnest point may
be inside the lens barrel if the lens be of short focal length.
The correct position for your shutter is at the thin point of
the ray, provided you can get it there, but this does not
apply to either very short focal length lenses or very long
focal length lenses. In fact, it only applies to lenses between,
say, Z l /2 and 4 inches, and about 5y 2 and 6 inches e. f. When
the lens is in the right position the correct position for the
shutter may also be determined by watching it cut off the
light on the screen when revolved very slowly. // the shadow is
moving in a contrary direction to the movement of the shutter,
the shutter should be moved toward the screen; if the shadow
moves in the same direction as the shutter the shutter is too far
from the lens. When it is in correct position the effect on the
screen is a dissolving effect, the shadow entering the screen both
from above and below. When the shutter is in correct position
the periods of absolute darkness may be considerably shorter
than the periods of absolute brightness when using a 50 per cent,
two-blade shutter. Therefore, there is actually a gain in light by
having the shutter in the right position, and this gain is equal
to twice the diameter of the light beam, there being four
edges on a two blade shutter, and as the light decreases or
increases while being cut from full to zero the gain on each
edge is equal to one-half of the diameter of the beam, the
result of the comparatively gradual change from light to
darkness should result in a softer tone and diminution of
flicker effect.
The width of the shutter blade may be tested by observ-
ing whether or not any part of the bright spot of light leaves
the shutter during the movement of the intermittent sprocket.
If it does this on one side then the shutter is not set right;
if it does it on both sides the shutter blade is too narrow
and there will be a tendency to travel ghost. If, when the
intermittent sprocket stops, the edge of the bright spot has
not reached the edge of the shutter, then the main blade is
unnecessarily wide and there is light loss. The intelligent
application of this method will show at a glance exactly
wherein the main shutter blade lacks in being adapted to local
The reason why an outside shutter of large diameter can
be better proportioned than can an inside shutter of small
diameter is illustrated at
Fig. 231, which will con-
vey an accurate idea of the
effective difference in shut-
ters of small diameter and
others of larger diameter.
In the sketch "X," the
aperture opening, is eleven-
sixteenths by fifteen-six-
teenths of an inch. With
the small, inside shutter
illustrated by the smaller
circle c b a, the lines a b
indicate the width of shut-
ter blade necessary to
cover opening X, without providing for its being covered
during the time the film is in motion. Lines a c indicate the
additional width of shutter blade necessary to provide for
covering opening X during the travel of the film.
You will thus see that with a shutter of small diameter a
blade of great width, as compared to the total circle, is es-
sential if opening X is to be covered during the entire time
the film is in motion. This is primarily because of the
excessive width of blade required to cover the aperture in the
first place.
It is not difficult to see that, under these conditions, it
would be impossible to add more than one other blade to
such a shutter, and even that blade could not be of very
substantial width unless a very large percentage of the total
light be cut. In practice, however, the inside shutter is not,
of course, of such extremely small diameter as shown, but
it is nevertheless too small to admit of using three blades of
anything like equal width, as is necessary if three are to be
used and the flicker reduced to a minimum.
Figure 231.
On the other hand, take a shutter of the outside type,
having a radius as indicated by 1-2 and 1-3 (radius means one-
half the diameter of a circle), and it will be observed that
lines A B form a blade covering aperture X, whereas lines
B C form a blade capable of covering opening X during the
entire movement of the film. You will observe, too, that
this blade, instead of occupying more than half the circle,
actually covers but a trifle more than one-sixth of it. We
will thus be enabled to add two more blades of substantial
width, and still cut no more light than would the smaller
shutter having but one or two blades.
Fig. 231 contains the meat of the w.hole shutter matter
as applied to the relative merits of inside and outside shutters,
It all sums up in the fact that a shutter of very much larger
diameter may be used outside, thus allowing of a better ar-
rangement of "flicker blades." Added circumferential or
peripheral speed also helps a little.
General Instruction No. 19. A strongly magnetized screw-
driver is an excellent operating room tool. Small machine
screws may then be removed or inserted without danger of
dropping them, with resultant vexation and trouble.
General Instruction No. 20. The standard aperture now in
use is .6796 inch high by .9062 inch wide.
The instructions for the various mechanisms are intended
to enable the operator to perform any operation which may
at any time be necessary. By means of the photographs and
system of numbering the parts, it is hoped and believed that
the method of removing and replacing or adjusting various
parts of the machine will be made so plain and simple that
even the inexperienced man will .have little trouble in under-
standing and following the instructions, whereas the ex-
perienced operator will be greatly aided when called upon to
take charge of a mechanism which is new to him.
At first glance the various instructions may seem somewhat
complicated. They are, in fact, very simple and easily fol-
lowed. In this connection it must be remembered that the
operator seldom has occasion to use more than one of the
instructions at a time, while some of them will be used very
rarely and perhaps not at all.
The numbers refer to parts and plates, thus: 678, P. 7, means
that part 678 will be found on Plate 7; 682, P. 3 and 5, means
that part 682 will be found on both Plates 3 and 5.
Instructions for the leading makes of machines will be
found on the following pages: Edison Super-Kinetoscope,
477; Power's Cameragraph, 491; The Simplex, 513; The
Motiograph, 528; The Standard, 566; The Baird, 546, and the
Edison Model D, 579.
Edison Super-Kinetoscope
51 z
Figure 232.
Important Notice. The Super-Kinetoscope table rods only
allow about 18 inches from apex of front condenser lens to
film. Where this will not allow the matching of lens system
as in table 1, Page 141, the Edison company will, without
charge, exchange these rods for special longer ones.
IN the following instructions only directions for disassem-
bling the various parts of the mechanism are given, it being
intended that the operator carefully study the situation be-
fore he starts taking the parts off and that he closely watch
the disassembling and reassemble by reversing that process.
No. 1. To remove the casing from the Super-Kinetoscope,
first open both doors and at the top hinge corner will be
found a stop. Release the stops on both doors by taking
out the screw which fastens them to the door casing. Next
remove screws 26245 (four of them) P. 1, and take off the
revolving shutter casting, then remove nine round head
screws in the front plate (lens end), which will release the
entire front plate and the two doors. You may then take
off the back plate by releasing the set screw in knob 26205, P.
1, and removing three round head screws at the top and three
at the bottom. In replacing the mechanism on its base, first,
before you set it down on the base, pull the automatic stop
26131, P. 3, back so that it stands straight up, also guide
vertical shaft so that the screwdriver-shaped end enters take-
up friction disc slot. If you don't do this the contact pin
which sets down in a slot in the casting is likely to strike
and become injured. There are two dowel pins in the base.
Set down the mechanism so that it enters the pins.
No. 2. The mechanism is released from base casting 26290,
P. 4, by removing hexagon head screws (three of them)
No. 3. Balance wheel 26184, P. 4, may be removed as fol-
lows : With a large screwdriver remove screw 26186, P. 4. In the
face of the wheel hub will be seen a slot. Set this slot straight up
and down and with the point of the screwdriver tap sharply
on the top edge of what appears to be an offset in the casting
of the wheel but what is really a key washer. A sharp blow
will displace this washer, whereupon, holding) gear wheel
26277, P. 4, stationary, pull the balance wheel off the spindle
with a twisting motion. The reassembling is but a reversal
of the foregoing process, but be sure to get the key washer
properly located in its slot.
No. 4. To remove gear 26277, P. 4, follow Instruction No.
3 and remove hexagon nut 20622, P. 3, and tap lightly on the end
of the bolt, the head of which is shown at 26042, P. 4. Hav-
ing removed the bolt, the gear may be taken away, carrying
with it pinion 26277, P. 2. This pinion may be removed from
the large gear and replaced, but the job can only be done at
the Edison factory. Don't try to have your local machinist
do it unless you are looking for trouble.
No. 5. To remove gear 26031, P. 4, follow instructions Nos. 3
and 4 and, holding the gear stationary with a large screw-
driver, remove screw 26033, P. 4, and, using a hard wood or
copper punch, drive the shaft out. In the end of the shaft
will be found a key. Be careful and don't lose it; also don't
fail to get it back in place in the assembly. This shaft is
the main driving or crank shaft.
36459- -
26578 '
Plate 1, Figure 233.
No. 6. The main crankshaft to which crank 26690, P. 3, is
attached is removed by following Instruction No. 5.
No. 7. Gear 26045, P. 4, is held to its shaft by a set screw
in its hub and is located circumferentially on its shaft by a
key. To remove the gear loosen the set screw and pull the
gear off, being careful not to lose the key and to get it
properly located in reassembling.
No. 8. Gear 26191, P. 3, is held to its shaft by a set screw
in its hub which bears on a key bending into a key way in its
shaft and gear. The gear may be removed by releasing this set
screw and pulling outward on gear 26045, P. 4, tapping, if
necessary on the inner end of the shaft with a small copper
or hard wood punch.
i i
261 I
261 li
Plate 2, Figure 234.
No. 9. To remove lens carrier 26194, P. 3, loosen set screw
1714 and another one similarly located at the other end of
the shaft and two similar set screws in the casting at the
end of shaft 26201, P. 1, which supports the casting. Next
remove gear 26270, P. 1, by loosening set screw in the cast-
ing opposite the inner end of its spindle and pulling the gear
out. You may then, using a hard wood or copper punch,
drive rods 26202 and 26201 inward, toward the operating end
of the machine (until casting 26194, P. 3, is released). The
reassembling is but a reversal of the process of disassem-
bling, but in working with parts of this kind remember they
are fitted closely and if they move a little bit hard don't go
at things with a ten-pound hammer, but have a little patience
and keep tapping until the part is released.
No. 10. To remove shaft 26069, loosen screws (two of
them) 26966, P. 4, in the collar next to the governor and one
screw in the hub of the governor. Next loosen pin screw
26049 in the hub .of gear 26067, P. 3, and then, holding the
governor and) its collar stationary, pull the shaft out. It
may be found that the gears and collar of this shaft will stick
somewhat and you will have to use a little force in starting
the shaft out.
No. 11. To remove the automatic governor and fire shutter
26207, P. 3, loosen screw in the hub of governor. Next re-
move screw 26073 and another similar screw in the lower end
of part 26061, P. 2, which releases the entire governor and
plate which may be pulled straight out off the shaft. It is
not deemed expedient to disassemble the automatic governor
itself. It is exceedingly unlikely that anything will go wrong
with its internal arrangement, but if it does then the governor
must be sent to the Edison factory for repairs.
No. 12. To remove upper sprocket 26071, P. 1, screw out
part 26074 and afterward you can pull off the sprocket.
Caution: Screw 26078, P. 3, carries a coil spring. When
you remove the screw look out that you don't lose the spring.
Caution: Between the upper sprocket and the casting is
a collar with 2 set screws which holds upper sprocket shaft
in position. On reassembling don't fail to get this collar
in place, or you will be unable to work the sprocket for set-
ting the upper loop.
No. 13. To remove gear 26025, P. 4, loosen the set screw
in its hub and pull the shaft and upper sprocket out on the
sprocket side. If the shaft starts hard, use a copper punch
to drive it out.
Caution: Between the upper sprocket and the casting is a
collar. In reassembling don't fail to get this collar in
No. 14. The upper sprocket idler bracket 26082, P. 3, and
its spindle may be released by taking out a small set screw
in the face of the bracket.
Note. This may never be necessary, as roller ends can be
removed when worn without taking the bracket off.
26292 26496
7712 26252 \ 26292
26945 2629!
Plate 3, Figure 235.
No. 15. There are two short shafts at either end of the
casting, carrying a hardened double flanged roller. Either
one may be removed independent of the other by loosening
the set screw in the face of the bracket casting. The upper
flange of these rollers rides on the sprocket. There is no
way of adjusting their distance from the sprocket. There-
fore it is highly important that the tension supplied by the
coil spring 26089, P. 2 (three of them), be neither too heavy
nor too light. No explicit directions can be given except
1 2794
-- 26120
261 18
TAORTT" 26045
26080 26966
-26 I f8
26 J 84
Plate 4, Figure 236.
that the spring should exert sufficient force to hold the idler in
constant contact with the sprocket and with sufficient force
to prevent the film from climbing the teeth.
No. 16. The framing device, which consists of parts 26130
and 26131, P. 2, and parts 26138, 26137, and 26136, P. 3, accom-
plishes the framing of the picture by bending the film inward
over the top of the intermittent sprocket. Rollers 26131 (two of
them), may be removed by loosening the small set screw in
the base of the casting and pulling outward on the roller.
Each roller is mounted on a short spindle and is entirely
independent of its mate. Part 26130, P. 2, which carries these
rollers, may be removed by loosening the set screw in its
hub and pulling outward on the casting. In replacing this
part, be sure and get the point of the set screw entered into
the countersink in the shaft. Otherwise the arm will not
set right and the framing of the film will not be properly
accomplished. The removal of part 26130, P. 2, also releases
the spindle carrying it and the roller on the opposite side
which is connected with the top of link 26137, P. 3, and by
connecting the top end of the link the spindle and arm may
be pulled out. The framing lever itself can be removed from
the cast lug to which it is attached or the lug and the lever
may be detached by taking out 26144, P. 4.
No. 17. Film gate 26109, P. 1, is operated by gate lever
26120, P. 4. The raising of this lever closes the gate and locks
it. Conversely, the lowering of the lever unlocks the gate
and releases the film. The gate, its top roller, lever and link
are shown, together with the aperture plate in detail in P. 5.
The film gate and its assembled parts, as shown in P. 5, may
be released from the mechanism as a whole by taking out
screw 26121, P. 3, the screw which fits into hole X, P. 5, and
loosening the small set screw in the lugs holding the front
end of the two rods upon which the gate slides and driving
the rods out, using a hard wood punch from the back end.
No. 18. The aperture plate 26095, P. 3 and 5, is released by
taking off knurled knobs (two of them) 26103, P. 1 and 5.
The aperture plate tracks (see General Instruction No. 11)
consists of a thin strip of highly tempered spring steel (26100
right, 26101 left, P. 5), held down by two metal strips 26098,
P. 5. These strips may be removed by the simple process of
taking out the eight screws which hold strips 26098, P. 5, in
place, whereupon new strips, secured from the Edison Com-
pany, can be put in by being clamped under the metal strips.
Tension bars 26110, P. 5 and 1, are of hardened tool steel
and should wear indefinitely. They are held in place by two
guide screws, one of which is shown at 26112, P. 3, and are
supplied with tension by two bow-shaped flat springs, one at
<:he top and one at the bottom, upon which the points of
screws 26885 (two of them) bear, 7712, P. 3, being the lock
nut of these screws. The tension on the film (see General
Instruction No. 9) may be used at the will of the operator
by adjusting screws 26885, P. 3. Should it ever become
necessary to take out either one of the tension bars, 26110,
P. 1, it may be done by removing screw 26112. This will
release the tension springs also and they will drop out. The
roller at the bottom of the aperture plate may be removed
by taking out a small countersunk set screw in the center of
the roller and pulling out pin 26107, P. 3. The same thing is
also true of the roller at the top of the gate.
No. 19. The motor driving the machine is controlled by a
switch located underneath the machine, attached just in front
of the lamphouse on the operating side. This switch is a
special two-pole, single-throw switch and is he-Id closed by
means of a magnet. This magnet is only placed in operation
when the machine is threaded so that the film holds the
automatic stop 26131, P. 3, in an upright position. This stop
rests against the film, and when in this position the magnet
of the aforementioned switch is electrified and holds the
switch in running position, but should the film at any time
break, or at the end of the film, there being nothing to sup-
port automatic stop 26131, P. 3, it drops down, thus breaking
the magnet's circuit and opening the motor switch, where-
upon the machine in-
stantly stops. This ar-
rangement is entirely
automatic in its opera-
The automatic stop
as a whole may be re-
leased from the ma-
chine by taking off the
set screws in the face
of part 26253, P. 2, and
pulling out spindle
26252, P. 1.
No. 20. Vertical drive
shaft 26066, P. 2, may
be pulled out from the
top after releasing set Plate 5 Figure 237.
screw 26025 (two of
them), P. 2.
No. 21. The general construction of the take-up tension is
shown, assembled and in detail, in P. 6. The upright shaft
26519, P. 6, consists of an outer, hollow, and an inner, smaller,
solid member, the tip of which is hardened and supports a
small, steel ball 19957. Part 26503 rests upon and is supported
by this steel ball and its top end connects with upright
shaft 26066, P. 2. This shaft is supported at its lower end by
a knurled knob 26513, P. 6, and by loosening lock nut 26022
and tightening up on knurled knob 26513, the tension of the
take-up may be increased or, by slacking off on the knurled
knob, the take-up tension may be decreased. The tension is
supplied by friction with washer 26506, which is clamped be-
tween parts 26505 and 26503. The diameter of the friction
disc is 2 15/16 inches.
No. 22. The intermittent sprocket 26148, P. 2, is pinned to
its shaft. It may be removed therefrom by taking out screws
26158, P. 3 (five of them), which releases the oil well cover,
star, intermittent sprocket, sprocket shaft and collar. Next,
with a small punch, carefully supporting the hub of the sprocket,
drive out the pins and then loosen set screws in collar 26153,
P. 2. You may then pull out the shaft and star, thus releasing
the sprocket, and may substitute a new one. I would not,
however, advise the operator to do this. The Edison Com-
pany assures me that it can send out the oil well cover,
intermittent sprocket, shaft star (one piece), assembled, and
that it will fit perfectly. This being the case, I would very
strongly advise purchasers of Edison Super-Kinetoscopes to
have an extra oil well cover with the parts it carries as-
sembled all ready to put in. This would be comparatively in-
expensive and would enable you to send the old part in to the
factory, where the repair can be made in the best possible
manner. It is a very delicate operation to install an inter-
mittent sprocket and one which but few operators are
equipped to do and do right.
The Edison intermittent movement is of the familiar star
and cam type, both the star and cam pins being glass hard-
ened, the grinding being done after hardening. The movement
has, however, one exceedingly important peculiarity. It is "ac-
celerated," or, in other words, made faster than such a move-
ment would normally act so that the movement as assembled
is a trifle faster than 6 to 1, which gives you a true 50-50
three-wing shutter, The mechanism which accelerates the
movement is located behind the intermittent movement in
the oil well. I am not going to give directions for the re-
moval of this mechanism because I don't think it practical
for the operator to
undertake it. He might
get it out, but it is
extremely doubtful that
he would be able prop-
erly to reassemble the
parts. The accelerating
movement rims in oil
and it is extremely
unlikely that it will re-
quire any attention
until the whole mech-
anism is sufficiently
worn to require being
sent back to the factory
for overhauling.
No. 23. Adjusting
the intermittent move-
ment. (See General
Instruction under No.
5.) The adjustment of
the star and cam is ac-
complished by loosen-
ing heavy round head-
ed set screw 26170, P. 3, just back of the intermittent move-
ment oil well cup and then shifting lever 26169, P. 2. If you
raise the lever 26169 up,
you tighten the move-
ment and conversely by
lowering it you loosen
the movement.
Caution: Don't forget
to tighten up set screw
26170 when you get
No. 24. The inter-
mittent movement oil
well is fed by oil cup
26164, P. 1. This cup
should be kept level
full. (See General In-
Plate 7, Figure 239. struction No. 1.) At
the bottom of the oil
well is a drain, and once each week the operator should
clean the oil well out and fill it with oil. Once a month it
Plate 6, Figure 238.
would be a good plan to drain out the oil well and fill it with
kerosene and run the machine say one-half a minute, after
which drain out the kerosene and refill with oil.
No. 25. Lens ring adapters. Lens carrier 26194, P. 3, is
fitted with a metal lining called an "adapter." These adapters
are furnished in three styles, accomodating any standard lens.
No. 26. Revolving shutter 26247, P. 1, may be removed
from the mechanism simply by taking out thumb screws 26245
(four of them), P. 5. In assembling be sure to get casting
26243, P. 1, right side up so that the shutter spindle fits into
the right ends of the lower three gears as you stand facing
the lens in the machine. It is possible to turn the casting the
other way to fit the shutter of the other gear, but this is
only designed for special purpose which will be explained by
the Edison Company upon request.
For setting the shutter, see General Instruction No. 18.
Plate 7 shows the construction of the condenser holder, and
the means for spacing the lens.
Parts on Plate No. 1.
26494 Mechanism upper fire door.
26025 Upper sprocket shaft oil
cup with tube
26074 Upper sprocket coupling
with pin.
26071 Upper sprocket.
26205 M. P. lens 'holder adj.
screw knob
79 M. P. obj. lens holder feed
nut spring- screw.
26114 Film gate tension roller.
26115 Film gate tension roller
26117 Film gate tension roller
bracket spring.
26116 Film gate tension roller
bracket pin.
26200 M. P. obj. lens adapter
ring locating screw.
26927 Ext. rev. shutter hub.
26968 Rev. shutter main shaft
helical gear set screw.
26068 Rev. shutter main sliaft
26109 Film gate.
26110 Film tension bars.
26111 Film tension spring.
26135 Framing device adj. rod.
26164 Cam crank shaft barrel oil
cup with holder.
7044 M. P. obj. lens feed nut
spring adjusting screw.
2782 M. P. obj. lens holder feed
nut screw.
1714 M. P. obj. lens holder slide
rod set screw.
26245 Ext. rev. shutter shaft
bracket screws.
26243 Ext. rev. shutter shaft
26204 M. P. obj. lens holder ad-
justing screw.
26968 M. P. lens holder adj.
screw collar set screw.
26198 M. P. obj. lens holder feed
nut spring.
26199 M. P. obj. lens holder feed
nut spring guard.
26202 M. P. obj. lens holder up-
per slide rod.
26270 Ext. rev. shutter inter,
gear with hub.
26275 Ext. rev. shutter interme-
diate gear stud.
26247 Ext. rev. shutter assem.
26201 M. P. obj. lens holder
lower slide rod.
13 Ext. rev. shutter flange
26928 Ext. rev. shutter clamping
26239 Ext. rev. shutter shaft.
26926 Ext. rev. shutter blade
26245 Ext. rev. shutter shaft
bracket screws.
Parts on Plate No. 2.
Vertical drive shaft knob.
Vertical drive shaft mitre
Vertical drive shaft oil cup
with tube.
Mechanism vertical drive
Stereo, lens holder hinge
screw nut.
Stereo, lens holder.
Stereo, lens adapter ring.
Large inter, gear with first
inter, pinion and pin.
Cam shaft barrel lever.
Stereo, lens adapter ring
stop scre'ws.
Cam shaft barrel lever
Cam crank shaft oil cup
with tube.
Inter. sprocket tension
roller bracket.
Cam crank shaft gear.
Stereo, lens holder hinge
Stereo, lens holder support
and rod assem.
Take-up sprocket shaft
mitre gear with pinion
and pin.
Stereo, lens slide rod clamp
Vertical drive shaft mitre
. gear.
Vertical drive shaft oil cup
with tube.
Stereo, lens bracket.
Stereo, lens
Stereo, lens
screw nut.
Stereo, lens
Stereo, lens bracket slide
Stereo, lens holder support.
Upper tension roller bracket
Upper tension roller bracket
set screw.
Upper tension roller bracket
spring screw.
Mechanism head.
bracket stop
bracket stop
bracket hinge
26289 Upper tension roller bracket
stud with head.
26085 Upper tension roller stud
2347 Upper tension roller stud
set screw.
26085 Film gate tension roller
stud (long).
26073 Rev. shutter main shaft
end plate screws.
26061 Rev. shutter main shaft
end plate with bushing
and pins.
26131 Framing device roller.
26105 Aperture plate lower roller
26969 Framing device roller
bracket screw.
Aperture plate roller ends.
Framing device roller
Inter. sprocket roller
bracket set screw.
Inter. sprocket bracket
with bushing.
26148 Inter, sprocket.
26153 Star wheel shaft collar.
26152 Star wheel with shaft.
26085 Inter. sprocket tension
roller stud (long).
26155 Inter. sprocket bracket
adapter plate.
2347 Tension roller stud set
26035 Driving crank coupling.
26037 Driving crank stop screw.
26085 Take-up tension roller stud
26091 Take-up tension roller
26025 Take-up sprocket shaft oil
cup with tube.
26086 Take-up tension roller
bracket stud with head.
26085 Motor stop roller stud
26969 Take-up tension roller
bracket set screw.
26260 Motor stop roller bracket
2798 Take-up tension roller
bracket spring screw.
260S9 Take-up tension roller
bracket spring.
Parts on Plate No. 3.
260S2 Upper tension roller bracket.
26078 Upper sprocket clutch screw.
26083 Upper tension roller.
26121 Film'gate shift rod bracklet.
26207 Auto, drop shutter with
26095 Aperture plate and studs,
26098 Film guide.
26191 Mitre gear.
26885 Film tension spring screw.
26499 Auto, drop shutter screws.
26112 Film tension bar screw.
26100 Film spacer (right).
26101 Film spacer (left).
7712 Film tension spring screw
lock nut.
20622 Large inter, gear stud nut.
26138 Framing device link stud
knurled nut.
26137 Framing device adj. rod
26158 Inter. sprocket bracket
screws (long).
26136 Framing device adj. rod
26083 Inter. sprocket tension
26083 Take-up tension roller.
26074 Take-up sprocket coupling
with pin.
26071 Take-up sprocket.
26078 Take-up sprocket clutch
26131 Motor stop roller.
26253 Motor stop roller bracket.
15642 Motor stop arm stop screw.
26809 Motor stop arm with tip.
2794 Mechanism case left corner
plate screws.
26875 Motor stop push button
26872 Motor stop push button.
7712 Motor stop arm stop screw
lock nut.
26945 Magazine film guide rollers.
26292 Magazine film guide roller
26291 Lower film guide roller.
26292 Lower film guide roller
26498 Mechanism upper flre door
hinge screw.
26126 Film gate shift rod link
screw (large).
26127 Film gate shift rod link
screw (small).
26105 Aperture plate upper roller
26106 Aperture plate upper roller
26107 Aperture plate upper roller
26153 M. P. lens holder adj.
screw collar.
15703 Film guide screws.
1714 M. P. obj. lens holder slide
rod set screw.
26103 Aperture plate clamping
26194 M. P. obj. lens holder.
26067 Rev. shutter main shaft
mitre gear.
26195 M. P. obj. lens adapter
26049 Rev. shutter main shaft
mitre gear screw.
26069 R'ev. shutter main shaft.
26196 M. P. obj. lens adapter
ring clamp screw.
26103 Aperture plate clamping
26107 Aperture plate lower roller
26170 Cam shaft barrel set screw.
26028 Cam crank shaft oil cup.
26690 Driving crank assem.
Parts on Plate No. 4.
89 Ext. rev. shutter blade
26068 Ext. rev. shutter counter-
shaft gear.
26224 Ext. rev. shutter counter-
26277 Large inter, gear with first
inter, pinion and pin.
26042 Large inter, gear stud.
26031 Mechanism driving gear.
26033 Mechanism driving gear
26290 Mechanism base.
26574 Stereo, lens holder slide rod.
26153 Stereo, lens bracket adj.
screw collar.
26575 Stereo, lens holder support
rod bracket.
26934 Stereo, lens holder support
rod clamp screws.
26576 Stereo, lens holder hinge
Stereo, lens slide bracket
rod set screw.
Stereo, lens slide bracket
hinge bolt nut.
M. P. ob.i. lens holder feed
Vertical drive shaft oil cup
with tube.
Film gate shift rod.
Film gate slide rod.
Film gate shift rod link,
26025 Ext. rev. shutter counter-
shaft oil cup with tube.
26045 Second inter, pinion, assem.
26080 Rev. shutter main shaft
26966 Rev. shutter main shaft
collar set screw.
26043 Second inter, pinion sliaft
26218 Auto, drop shutter clutch
26118 Film grate slide rod. 26567 Stereo, lens bracket base.
26184 Cam crank shaft pulley.
26186 Cam crank shaft pulley - 6570 stereo - lens bracket adj.
screw. screw knob
26025 Vertical driver shaft oil 26569 Stereo, lens bracket adj.
tube. screw.
26019 Mechanism head bolts. L'6563 Stereo, lens bracket slide.
Parts on Plate No. 5.
26114 Film gate tension roller. 26117 Film gate tension roller
26115 Film gate tension roller bracket spring.
bracket. 26120 Film gate shift rod.
26116 Flte10n r ller 26122 Filra * ate shift rod link -
26117 Film gate tension roller assem.
bracket spring. 26126 Film gate shift rod link
26109 Film gate. . screw (large).
26111 Film tension spring. 26110 Film tension bars.
Film tension bar screw. 2 6103 Aperture plate clamping
26110 Film tension bars. ^uts
26885 Film tension spring screw. 2fi09fi Anprt ' nlfltp
26121 Film gate shift rod bracket.
26126 Film gate shift rod link 26098 Fllm SuiAe.
screw (large). 26100 Film spaced (right).
26122 Film gate shift rod link, 15703 Film guide screws (8 of
Power's Six-B Mechanism
THE Power's No. 6 Mechanism is of the "open" type in
that it has no protecting casing. Thus all the gears
and machinery are directly under the eye of the
operator. In referring to these instructions the numbers
refer to parts and plates. Thus: 738, P. 2, means that the part
indicated is shown in Plate 2, which in this case is the screw
holding the upper and the lower sprockets to the shaft.
No. 1. Removing Main Driving Gear and Spindle. To
remove main driving gear 630, P. 4, and its spindle 631, P. 4
and 7, first remove crank 632, P. 5, and taper pin, 795, P. 2,
which engages the slot in the hub of the crank. This is a taper
pin and in the later machines a prick punch mark will be
found on the end of shaft 631 P. 4. This mark is opposite
the large end of the pin. Having removed this pin, the 'shaft
and gear may be withdrawn, and, if desired, the gear may
be removed from the shaft by taking out the taper pin in
its hub.
No. 2. To Remove Shaft 618, P. 4, Carrying Gears 620 and
619, P. 4, first follow Instruction No. 1, then loosen screw
738, P. 2, backing it off some distance, as it is countersunk
into the shaft, whereupon the shaft and gear may be with-
drawn from the gear side.
No. 3. Removing Automatic Fire Shutter Governor Cover.
To remove automatic fire shutter governor cover 623, P. 2,
loosen screw 718, P. 2,. backing it off somewhat, as it is
Figure 240.
countersunk into the shaft. This releases cover 623 (also
shown at the left in Plate 8). If the cover does not readily
pull off, tap gently on the end of the shaft, at the same time
pulling on the cover.
Caution: Don't try to pry the cover off by inserting a
screwdriver point between part 623 and 624, P. 2. If you do
you will probably merely succeed in ruining your governor.
No. 4. To Remove Friction Casing of Automatic Fire
Shutter, 624, P. 2. Follow Instruction No. 3, then remove
screw 785, P. 7, whereupon part 624 may be pulled away.
No. 5. To Remove Automatic Fire Shutter Link 628 and
Lever 627, P. 7, follow Instruction Nos. 3 and ^, after which
the parts are released by taking out a screw on the back side
of part 624.
No. 6. Adjusting Fire Shutter Governor. Should auto-
matic fire shutter blade 697, P. 1, fail to drop, examine lever
627, and link 628, P. 7, and see that they work freely and are
not bent. Usually the binding of these parts is responsible
for the sticking of the fire shutter. If this is not found to
be the seat of the trouble, remove cover 623, P. 2 (see In-
struction No. 3), and carefully examine springs 741, P. 8;
also examine the inside edge of friction casing 624, P. 2, and
see if track "Y," Fig. 8, is smooth, as it should be, and not
Plate 1, Figure 241.
scratched or rough. If it is rough or scratched, carefully
polish track "Y" by using No. 00 emery cloth.
Caution. Do not use coarse emery cloth, or you will only
succeed in making matters worse.
Should the automatic fire shutter fail to raise properly,
first try injecting a drop of heavy oil in the oil hole on top of
part 624, P. 2. The clutch shoes, 625, P. 8, act by centrifugal
force, which throws out weights 626, P. 8, against the action
of springs 741, P. 8, thus forcing friction shoes 625 against
track "Y," P. 8. The friction thus engendered revolves cas-
ing 624 in clockwise direction, thus forcing lever 627, P. 7,
ahead and raising shutter flap 697, P. 1. Don't use thin oil
on the automatic shutter governor, as it tends to reduce the
friction too much. Use heavy oil and use it sparingly.
Should the fire shutter raise too quickly, or should the gov-
ernor develop undue friction, thus making the mechanism
pull hard, it will probably be found that springs 741, P. 8,
have become weakened. This may be remedied by installing
new springs, or stretching the old ones. Another possible
cause of failure of the fire shutter to act, or to act too slowly,
is the binding of the screws at the top or lower end of link
628, P. 7. This link must swing perfectly free. In the center
and top of fire shutter flap 697, P. 1, is a pin. This pin not
only serves to hold the flap to its spindle, and prevent its
slipping circumferentially, but it also prevents the shutter
from raising too high. Therefore, it should not be allowed
to become loose 'and fall out Automatic shutter governor
counterweight 629, P. 2, should be kept set in such manner
that it stands about half-way between the horizontal and
perpendicular, when the shutter flap is down, leaning out-
ward toward the lamphouse.
No. 7. Removing Top Roller Bracket. Top roller bracket
612, P. 2 and 7, may be removed by taking out stud 720, P. 7.
No. 8. Removing Top Sprocket Idler. Top sprocket idler
609, P. 2, may be removed by loosening screw 721, P. 2, pull-
ing the shaft out and taking off the collar next the roller.
These rollers should be renewed if there is any indication
of flat spots on their surface.
No. 9. Removing Top and Bottom Sprockets. Top
sprocket 617, P. 7, and lower sprocket 646, P. 2, may be re-
moved simply by loosening the set screw in the center of
their hub, pulling the sprocket off the shaft. (See General
Instructions Nos. 3 and 4.)
In the later machines there is a metal guard which comes
up between the flanges of the upper sprocket. In order to
remove this sprocket it will be necessary first to take off this
guard, which may be accomplished by the removal of two
screws, one in either of its lower corners.
No. 10. Tension of Upper Idler Bracket. Upper sprocket
idler 609, P. 2, is held to the sprocket by flat spring 615, P. 2.
Should this spring at any time become too weak, it may be
strengthened by removing the idler bracket (see Instruction
No. 7) and bending the top of the spring outward until the
desired tension is obtained.
No. 11. Removing the Gate. The entire gate, including
cooling plate 696, P. 1, automatic fire shutter flap 697, P. 1,
and hinge 690, P. 1, may be removed by taking out screws
(three of them) 782, P. 1. In replacing the gate, before
tightening up screws 782, P. 1, be sure that the top gate idler
rollers 691, P. 3, center properly with the aperture plate.
After replacing the gate, project white light to the screen.
If there is a shadow at the top, bottom or side, open the
gate. If the opening of the gate removes the shadow, then
it means that you haven't your gate properly centered, and
you must loosen hinge screws 782, P. 1, and move the gate
until the shadow disappears, being careful, however, that
the upper idlers 691, P. 3, are kept spaced equidistant from
the sides of the aperture plate.
No. 12. Removing and Adjusting Tension Shoes. Tension
shoes 790, P. 2, may be removed by first pulling out the pin
in gate hinge 690, P. 1, after which remove screws 789 (one
on either side), P. 2. This releases the tension shoes.
No. 13. Removing Tension Springs. Between the face
of the gate and cooling plate 696, P. 1, are the tension springs
and the tension spring equalizer. Should it at any time be
necessary to remove either of these, take out two flat head
screws just above and below the cross bar joining tension
shoe tracks 790, P. .2. This will release cooling plate 696,
P. 1, and expose, the parts. In replacing, be sure that the
little flat spring which acts on gate latch 693, P. 1, rests
against the latch, and not on top of it.
No. 14. Removing Cooling Plate. (See Instruction No.
No. 15. Adjusting Tension. (See General Instruction No.
9.) The tension is governed by screw 734, P. 1. Setting this
screw inward increases the tension, and conversely, backing
off on the screw decreases it.
No. 16. Aperture Plate. Aperture plate 687, P. 2, may
be taken off by removing screws 713 (four of them), P. 2,
and pulling the plate away. In replacing the aperture plate,
proceed as follows: Put the plate in place and insert the
four screws holding it, tightening them down just enough
so that by tapping lightly on the edge of the plate it may
be moved either way. Now project the white light to the
screen and move the aperture until the upper and lower
lines of the light are level on the screen, whereupon tighten
up the four screws tight.
Caution. In removing parts of this kind, remember that
the screws are small. Don't drop them or lay them
Plate 2, Figure 242.
down anywhere, depending upon luck to find them again.
Have a cigar box or some small receptacle in which to place
all screws, or in lieu of that replace the screws in the holes
when you take the part away. Then you will know where
they are when you want them. A magnetized screwdriver
is a fine thing with which to handle small screws. (See
General Instruction No. 19.)
No. 17. Adjusting Gate Latch Screw. The right-hand
edge of the face of the gate and its left-hand edge should
set an equal distance away from the face of the machine
casting, since otherwise the tension on one shoe will exert
greater pressure than it will on the other. This is regulated
by gate latch screw 722, P. 2. This screw should be set in a
sufficient distance to bring the entire gate square with the
face of the mechanism casting, and the lock nut thereon
should then be set up tight to prevent any possibility of
change in this adjustment.
No. 18. Removing Intermittent Roller Bracket. Roller
bracket 659, P. 2, may be removed by taking out the screw
in its hinge, first, however, having loosened screws 788, P. 2,
holding spring 663, P. 2. The distance of the idler which
this bracket carries from the intermittent sprocket (see
General Instruction No. 12) may be varied by tightening or
loosening screw 719, P. 2. To accomplish this, first loosen
the nut on its outer end, then turn the bracket clear up, and
the head of the screw will be found underneath. The fur-
ther this screw is backed out, the further the roller will be
from the sprocket, and vice versa. The tension of this
bracket is governed by flat spring 663, P. 2. This may be
made greater or less by bending the spring. If it is to be
made greater, remove the spring for bending. If it is to be
made less, just bend the upper end of the spring outward,
but be careful not to bend it too much.
No. 19. Removing and Adjusting Apron. Apron 669, P.
1, may be taken off by removing two screws (one at either
side) near the rollers at its lower end. The adjustment of this
apron is quite important. Should the film make a chattering
sound in going through the machine, carefully bend the ears
at the lower end of apron 669, P.'l, which carry the rollers,
ahead slightly, being careful to bend each one the same
amount. If this remedies the trouble, well and good. If it
helps but does not remedy it then try bending them a little
more. If this makes it worse bend the rollers back slightly.
You can do no damage by bending these apron ears, pro-
vided you keep the rollers square with the sprocket, that
is to say equidistant from the sprocket. To test this, meas-
ure from the face of each hub of the roller! to opposite
teeth on the lower sprocket.
No. 20. Removing and Adjusting Lower Sprocket Idler
Bracket. Lower sprocket idler bracket 653, P. 1, may be re-
moved merely by taking out its hinge screw, first, however, loosen-
ing screws 711, P. 2, holding flat spring 658. The distance of
the roller which this bracket carries from the sprocket (see
General Instruction No. 12) is determined by the position
of screw 724, P. 2. Spring 658, P. 2, should supply sufficient
tension to this bracket to hold it firmly in place when it is
Plate 3, Figure 243.
closed down, but this may be overdone. The tension should
not be sufficient to cause, the sprocket teeth to punch
through, or even seriously indent the film when it climbs the
sprocket. This adjustment calls for a little judgment and
common sense. If it is too loose the loop setter will work
overtime. If it is too tight damage may and probably will
be done to the film.
No. 21. To Remove Fly Wheel 672, P. 3, remove screw
709, P. 3. If you cannot start this screw with an ordinary
screwdriver, grind down the broad end of a file to make a screw-
driver for the purpose. Having removed this screw, place
the point of the screwdriver right up close against the hub
on the opposite side of the wheel, and tap gently until the
wheel becomes loose. In replacing the fly wheel be sure
that groove 746 in pinion 677, P. 7, connects properly with
the dowels on the spindle. In order to accomplish this in-
sert the point of the screwdriver between lugs carrying
brackets 659, P. 2, and the collar on shaft 676, P. 2, and pry
gently downward. This will hold the spindle stationary
while you twist the' wheel until tjie slots and dowels come
opposite each other.
Caution: Between pinion 677, P. 7, and the hub of the cast-
ing it fits up against is a thin steel washer. This washer fits on
the larger diameter of the shaft, and you must be careful that
it is precisely in place before the wheel is forced on, or
you will have trouble. When the wheel is in place, tighten up
screw 709, P. 3, tight.
No. 22. Removing Toggle Gear. To remove toggle gear
678, P. 1 and 7, follow Instruction No. 21, then loosen the
screw in the upper end of connecting link 682, P. 7, backing it
out for a considerable distance, since it is countersunk into the
shaft, whereupon the gear and spindle may be pulled out.
The adjustment of this gear is a very important matter.
The gear must be exactly centered between fly wheel pinion 677,
P. 1, and gear 680, P. 3. The toggle gear is carried by
connecting link 682, P. 7, and its position with relation to
the gears on either side of it is determined by the position
of the casting carrying the horizontal bar. Should a grind
develop in this gear, first having made sure that connecting
link 682, P. 7, is held snugly in its ways by casting 685, P. 7,
using a soft metal punch, tap lightly first one way and then
the other against casting 684, P. 7, the idea being to slip
the casting slightly against the pressure of the screws which
hold it. The casting cannot be moved much, but sometimes
enough movement may be accomplished to remove or re-
duce a grind.
No. 23. Adjusting Connecting Link. Connecting link
682, P. 7, plays an important part, and must be kept tight
in its ways. If by shaking horizontal bar 683, P. 7, you are
able to move connecting link 682 in its ways, then it is too
loose, and may be tightened as follows: First loosen
screws 745, P. 7, slightly. Then tighten up just a little on
screws 744 (two of them), P. 7, retighten screws 745 and
try the framing lever. If it works too hard, you have moved
screws 744 too much. If it is still too loose, then you can
give them a little bit more, but be careful and do not get
them too tight or your framing carriage will bind. In mak-
ing this adjustment, do not set screws 744 in so much that the
Plate 4, Figure 244.
connecting link fits snugly while screws 745 are loose, for if you
do when you tighen screws 745, the whole thing will be clamped
solid. When you get through with this job, be sure that screws
745 and the lock-nuts on screws 744 are set up tight.
No. 24. Removing Lower Sprocket Shaft. To remove
lower sprocket shaft loosen screw 738, P. 1, and pull the
shaft out to the left..
No. 25. Removing Large Idler Gear. To remove large
idler gear 640, P. 4, remove the mechanism from the machine
table, turn it bottom side up and looking in you will see the
shaft which holds this gear, and on it, right up against the
machine casting, a brass collar, the stock number of which
is 642. Revolve the fly wheel until the set screw in this
collar comes into view. Loosen the set screw and you may
then pull the gear and its shaft out.
No. 26. Removing the Loop Setter. Loop setter fork
768, P. 4, may be removed by first following Instructions
Nos. 24 and 25. Then remove screw 767, P. 4, which will
release the fork and clutch 766, P. 4. Loop setter cam 761,
P. 4, is removed by following Instructions 24 and 25, loosen-
ing the two large screws in its face and pulling it off the
shaft. Should it be necessary to remove the loop setter arm,
carrying roller 769, P. 3, or the spring which provides ten-
sion therefor, first follow Instructions 24 and 25; then loosen
screws 780 (three of them), P. 4. Having removed these
screws, the entire arm, including roller 769, P. 3, may be
pulled out through the hole in the machine casting. The
replacement of these parts is merely a reversal of the
process of their removal, but in replacing them, be sure
that all screws, particularly screws 780 and the screws in
cam 761, be set up tight. In replacing the loop setter, be
careful that roller 769, P. 3, lines properly with, the lower
sprocket, or, in other words, that the roller sets perfectly
"square with the film," since otherwise when the loop
setter acts the pull will be all on one side of the film, which
may and probably will cause trouble.
No. 27. Adjusting the Loop Setter. Screw 782, P. 4, is
for the purpose of adjusting or regulating the throw of
loop setter arm and roller 769, P. 3. This screw should be so
adjusted that roller 769, P. 3, rests about half-way between
the lower sprocket and the top of the front cross bar in the
base of the machine.
No. 28. The Shutter Bracket. When a new machine is
received, shutter bracket 637, P. 4, will be folded down
against the mechanism and shutter blade 700, P. 6, will be
tied to the mechanism. Raise up shutter bracket 637, P. 4, until it
is in a horizontal position, as shown in plate 4, and screw 732, P.
4, has engaged the hook on the upper part of the bracket, first
having backed screw 732 out sufficiently so that the hook
will pass in behind its head. Now, having raised the bracket
clear up, tighten screw 732, P. 5, tight, and then 'tighten screw
733 tight.
Caution: Do not tighten screw 733 until you have tight-
ened screw 732, because if you do it will probably cause the
shutter spindle to bind in the bracket. The entire shutter
bracket, 637, P. 4, may be removed from the machine by
first following Instructions Nos. 1, 24 and 25, and loosening
Plate 5, Figure 245.
screw 732, P. 4, and 733, P. 5. Then drive out the taper pin
in the hub of gear 680, P. 3, and drive out shaft 681, P. 3,
carrying with it, on the opposite end, gear 633 and 634, P. 4.
To drive this spindle out, use a heavy nail or a center punch.
No. 29. Removing Shaft 681, P. 3, and Gears 633 and 634,
P. 3. See Instruction No. 28.
No. 30. Installing Shutter Driving Gears 633, 634, and 635,
P. 4. Do not attempt it. If these gears need replacing, it will
be necessary to send the machine to the factory, or to a
thoroughly competent repair man. The same applies to the
shutter shaft 636, P. 4. It would be hardly possible for the
operator to replace either gears 633, 634, or 635, or to put in a
new revolving shutter shaft, and get the parts so adjusted that
they would run right.
No. 31. In P. 6 we see a three-blade shutter. This blade
may be changed to a two-blade, using the same hub, by
loosening screw 740, P. 6, pulling the shutter off its shaft
and removing three screws in the back of its hub. This
releases the shutter blade, which may then, if desired, be
changed to another one of different design.
No. 32. Setting the Shutter. (See General Instruction No.
18.) Shutter 700, P. 6, may be set by loosening screws 739, P.
6, in its hub, which will allow the outer hub to revolve on
the inner, thus enabling the operator to set the shutter in any
desired position.
No. 33. Removing Oil Casing Cover. To remove oil
casing cover 674, P. 4, follow Instructions Nos. 24 and 25.
Next remove screws 794 (three of them), P. 4, and tap
lightly on the hub of the cover to break the shellac joint.
In replacing this cover scrape the edges lightly, being
sure to get them perfectly clean. Then smear edge of the
cover (not casing edge, but the cover edge only} with thick
shellac, to be had of any painter, and clamp the cover in
place. It is better if the shellac dries a little before you put
the cover on, but don't let it dry too much.
Caution: Don't put on too much shellac. If you do, it will
squeeze out into the interior of the oil casing and get be-
tween the pins and the cam, thus doing serious injury to the
intermittent movement. Instances have been known where
an excess of shellac has broken a geneva pin.
No. 34. Removing Cam Shaft and Cam, First follow In-
structions Nos. 21, 24, 25 and 33. Then loosen the two set
screws in the collar on shaft 676, P. 2, just above arrow head
670, P. 2, move the collar over to the right and, with a
small, fine file, smooth off the burrs caused by the set screws.
The shaft and cam may then be pulled out to the left.
Caution: In replacing this shaft, don't forget to put the
collar on.
No. 35. To Remove Intermittent Sprocket. To remove
the intermittent sprocket, follow Instructions 19, 21, 24, 25,
33, and 34. Next loosen screw 743, P. 2, and the entire
sprocket, its shaft and the large left-hand bushing and cross
may be pulled through the oil well.
No. 36. Replacing Intermittent Sprocket. This is a thing
Plate 6, Figure 246.
I by no means advise the operator to attempt. The inter-
mittent sprocket of a projector might be termed the "heart"
of the machine. It is imperative that the sprocket itself
and its fitting upon the shaft be accurate within one ten-
thousandth of an inch. It is, of course, possible that the
operator might fit a sprocket to the shaft in such way that it
would produce perfect results, but it is hardly to be expected.
I would by all means advise the manager to purchase an extra
cross, shaft, intermittent sprocket and large bushing, assem-
bled, and all ready to slip into the machine. Then, instead of
taking chances on fitting a sprocket, you can slip the old
one out, as per the foregoing instruction, install the new one,
and for a few cents send the old one to the factory by
Plate 7, Figure 247.
insured parcel post and have a new sprocket fitted on prop-
erly, thus insuring perfect results on the screen. In this
connection see last part of General Instruction No. 5.
I would go further than this and recommend to the theatre
manager that he purchase a complete extra framing car-
riage, so that in event of wear in the intermittent movement,
worn intermittent sprocket teeth, bushing or shafts, the en-
tire framing carriage may be removed (see Instruction No.
37), and the new one substituted. You may then send the
framing carriage to the factory by insured parcel post, at a
merely nominal transportation fee, and it will be returned
to you in perfect condition, thus insuring you against any
possibility of bad results on the screen through improper
fitting of these extremely delicate parts.
No. 37. Removing the Framing Carriage. To remove .the
entire framing carriage of the mechanism, first remove the
aperture plate (see Instruction No. 16) and the gate (see
Instruction No. 11). Next remove screw 793, P. 4, in top
end of framing lever link, turn the machine around, and
looking through the lens hole you will see two perpendicular
rods, the top ends of which are held in cast lugs. Loosen
the set screws in these lugs and in similar lugs at their
lower ends, and pull these perpendicular rods out from below.
Next remove horizontal bar 683, P. 3, by taking out screw
728, P. 3. The carriage may then be taken from the machine.
No. 38. Care of Sprockets. (See General Instructions Nos.
3 and 4.)
No. 39. .Oil. (See General Instruction No. 1.)
The entire output of Power's projection machine stands
of the later types are drilled to receive the Power's Speed
Control. When the machine is received, the speed control
625 .^^fe. 626 ^jgr
parts, as shown in P. 1 and 2, are assembled, with the
exception of the lever R 52, Fig. 3, but the control is not
attached to the stand. To attach the control, place same in
position, as shown in P. 1 and 2, with the motor toward the
rear end of the projector, and fasten in place by means of
bolts R 5 (four of them), P. 1 and 2. Be sure that the con-
tacts between the casting and the control are clean, and set
up bolts R 5, tight. This instruction holds good with both the
old style 6A non-adjustable and the new style 6B adjustable
It is then necessary to attach the lever control, P. 3. If
it is the old style 6A non-adjustable stand this lever and its
casting is attached by means of bolts R 47 and R 48, P. 3. If
it is the new style 6B adjustable stand, then a special bracket,
the bottom of which is shown at X, P. 1, is sent. This
bracket is attached to the casting by means of two heavy
machine screws, one of which is shown at Z, P. 1. Having
attached the control lever, all that is necessary to complete
the installation is the' connecting of lever R 52, P. 1, with
the end of the control lever at R 42, P. 3, and with the bell
link R 53, P. 1.
Note: All parts -except very small screws have the regular
stock number either stamped or cast right into the part a
very excellent arrangement. Parts may be ordered by using
these numbers. All inachihe stands are drilled to receive
the speed Control, so that you can order it at any time, and
install under the foregoing instructions.
Instruction No. 1. The friction material, R 15, P. 2, is
leather. Should it at any time develop flat spots, or become
out of round or eccentric in form, it may be trued by placing
the point of a new 10-inch or 12-inch coarse file on rod R 39
(using the* rod merely as a rest) and bearing lightly on the
top of the friction material, with the motor running. In doing
this, be very careful to hold the point of the file perfectly flat on
the rod, since if you hold it at an angle you will get the face of
the leather ground off on a slant, and it will then not fit the
disc wheel squarely.
Instruction No. 2. New friction material may be ordered
from the Nicholas Power Company at any time. The old
material may be removed by loosening the set screws in
ihub R 16, P. 2, and in set collar R 21 and in R 24, P. 2,
Having done this, R 25, P. 2, may be pulled out to the right,
thus releasing the friction wheel. You can then take out
the old friction material by removing the screws in the face
of R 16, P. 2. The process of reassembling is the reversal of
the process of disassembling, but these parts run at high
speed, therefore be sure and set up all the screws tight.
Instruction No. 3. Caution: Never leave the controlling
lever down when the projector is standing still. Always pull the
lever clear up, so as to disengage friction wheel R 15, P. 2,
from driving disc R 13, P. 2. Failure to attend to this matter
will probably result in flat spots on the friction material. In
nine cases out of ten where flat spots develop it is caused
by failure to heed this warning.
Instruction No. 4. Tension. It is of course necessary that
there be sufficient tension or friction between friction material
Plate 1, Figure 249.
R 15 and driving disc R 13, P. 2, to pull the projection mech-
anism, but anything more than sufficient to accomplish this
purpose will merely result in undue wear of the friction disc,
friction material and unnecessary consumption of power in
the motor. The tension or amount of friction between fric-
tion material R 15 and friction disc R 13, P. 2, is regulated
by thumb screw R 32, P. 1. Proceed as follows:
Loosen lock nut R 33, P. 1, and loosen up on tension screw
R 32, P. 1, until friction material R 15 and disc R 32 are out
of contact. Now, start your motor running and having set
the controlling lever down so that the friction driving wheel
is pretty well in on the friction disc, slowly tighten up on
tension screw R 32, P. 1, until the projection mechanism
attains full speed and you are satisfied there is no slippage
between the friction disc and driving wheel. Having done
this, your tension will be just right, provided, of course, you
have followed the instructions carefully, and have set up
Plate 2, Figure 250.
screw R 32 only sufficient to bring the projector up to full
speed, this being done, of course, with the film in the ma-
chine, or in other words, under actual operating* conditions.
Having got the adjustment just right, don't forget to tighten
up lock nut R 33, or else the adjustment is likely to work
Instruction No. 5. Grease cups (two of them), P. 1, should
be kept filled with some good lubricating grease (not oil but
grease), which may be obtained from any automobile supply
store. The commutator of the motor can be got at by open-
ing the two latticed cast-iron doors on the end of the motor.
Instruction No. 6. The motor may be disengaged merely
by removing bolts R 6, P. 1 and 2, and disconnecting its
cable. When putting
the motor back be sure
and line the shaft of the
motor correctly with
the friction driving shaft
R 25. If you don't do
this, -there will be
trouble and probably
more or less noise. In
fact, should the device
develop noise at any
Plate 3, Figure 251. time> an d you find that
the friction wheel ma-
terial is true, then the next thing to look at is the alignment
of these two shafts; it being possible that bolts R 8 have
worked loose and let the motor get out of alignment with
driving shaft R 25.
Instruction No. 7. No Oil. With the exception of the
motor bearings, none of the other bearings of this device
requires any lubrication whatever, this by reason of the fact
that the bushings are all of material which requires no lubri-
Order parts by number. Column to left indicates plate
upon which they appear.
Plate No.
1 601 Main frame casting.
3 602 Top frame casting.
7 603 Frame carriage.
6 604 Top frame supporting
rods (2).
3 & 5 605 Stero bracket holder
with thumb screw.
606 Stero bracket holder
with thumb screw
607 Stero collar bracket.
608 Stero lens rod.
2 609 Small top roller.
7 610 Small top roller spindle.
2 611 Set collar for small
top roller.
2 612 Upper roller bracket.
5 613 Large upper roller.
7 614 Large upper roller
2 615 Upper roller bracket
Plate No.
7 616
1 & 4
1 & 4 620
9 _ ,, -
3 & 7 623
2 624
7 627
Set collar for large top
Upper sprocket.
Upper sprocket spindle
Upper sprocket feed
gear (large).
Upper sprocket feed
gear (small).
Pinion for auto, shut-
ter spindle.
Spindle for auto, shut-
Friction case cover for
auto, shutter.
Friction case for auto,
Friction shoe with
spring flor auto,
Weight for auto, shut-
Lever for auto, shutter.
Plate No.
7 628 Link for auto, shutter.
3 629 Counter weight for
auto, shutter.
4 630 Crank shaft driving
4 & 7 631 Crank shaft.
7 632 Crank shaft with
handle complete
4 633 Small gear meshing in
driving gear.
4 634 Large gear for revolv-
ing shutter.
4 635 Small gear for revolv-
ing shutter.
4 636 Spindle for front shut-
4 637 Bracket for revolving
4 638 Set collars for front
shutter spindle (2).
639 Stud with screw for
front shutter bracket.
4 640 Large idler gear.
4 641 Idler gear spindle
5 642 Large idler gear spindle
set collar.
643 Take-up feed pinion.
644 Take-up feed pulley.
645 Take-up feed spindle
2 646 Take-up feed sprockets
4 647 Framing device clamp.
4 648 Framing lever socket.
4 649 Framing lever socket
1 650 Framing lever.
651 Framing device screw.
4 652 Framing device wing
1 653 Take-up roller bracket.
1 655 Take-up roller spindle.
4 656 Set collar for small
2 & 4 657 Take-up roller.
2 658 Take-up roller bracket
2 659 Intermittent roller
2 660 Intermittent roller.
661 Intermittent roller
bracket spindles.
662 Intermittent set collar
for shaft.
663 Intermittent spring.
664 Contact screws for
2 665 Intermittent spindles.
2 666 Pin cross (with spin-
2 667 Intermittent sprocket.
7 &1
7 &3
Plate No.
668 Gate spring support.
1 669 Apron complete.
2 670 Intermittent bushing
1 671 Intermittent bushing
5 & 3 672 Flywheel
4 673 Oil cup int. movement.
4 614 Cover for int. move-
675 Cam for int. move-
Cam shaft.
Flywheel pinion.
Toggle Joint idler gear.
Toggle joint idler gear
Driving gear for Idler.
Driving gear spindle.
Connecting link.
Small horizontal lever.
Large guide casting.
Small casting.
Studs for horizontal
Aperture plate.
Front plate.
Hinge for gate.
Guide rollers.
Guide rollers, bush-
ings, spring and
1 693 Latch for door
694 Tension shoe.
695 Gate hinge pin.
1 696 Cooling plate.
1 69? Flap for auto, shutter.
1 698 Rock shaft auto, shut-
2 699 Carriage guide rods.
6 700 Outside revolving shut-
ter blade.
6 701 Outside revolving shut-
ter bushing (large).
6 702 Outside revolving shut-
ter bushing (small).
6 703 Outside revolving shut-
ter flange complete.
5 704 Lens ring screws.
1 705 Upper film shield.
7 706 Lower film shield.
707 Spindles for lower film
708 Lower film shield
3 709 Flywheel spindle screw.
710 Upper roller bracket
screws and nut.
Screws for No. 658.
Springs for auto K<>V-
ernor friction shoe.
Screws for aperture
Set screw for No. 679.
Screw holding No. 670.
Lens ring.
Set screws to tighten
Screws holding inter-
No. 682.
mittent roller brack-
Screws holding No. 685
against No. 682.
Lower film shield
Slots in No. 677.
Pins to engage in No.
Screws holding take-
up bracket spring.
Washer between No.
Screws holding gov-
677 and No 603.
1 & 2
ernor cover to shaft.
Screws adjust, inter-
mittent shaft.
Oil casing cover screws.
Screws holding apron
Screw stud holding
No. 669.
upper roller bracket.
Screw holding upper
Screw top end of No.
sprocket roller spin-
Screw holding upper
Gate latch screw and
fire shield.
Screw holding No. 688.
1 & 2
Screw holding right
Screw holding tension
hand bushing for in-
termittent (No. 671).
Screw to adjust lower
Hinge screws.
sprocket rollers with
Screws holding lower
fire shield bracket.
Screw holding take-up
roller bracket.
Screws holding roller
idler spindle to
Collars for lower
bracket spindle.
Screws holding top end
Screws holding top
of No 628.
frame casting sup-
port rods.
Loop setter cam.
Screws holding hori-
zontal lever.
Loop setter gear.
Cam pin for fork.
Spring for gate roller
Loop setter pulley
Screws holding fram-
ing device clamps.
Loop setter pulley.
Loop setter clutch.
Stamp on wide wing
Loop setter bearing
of shutter.
Loop setter fork.
Upper screw holding
Loop setter roller.
revolving shutter
Loop setter rollei
Lower screw holding
Loop setter clutch pin
No. 637.
Screw for adjusting
Loop setter clutch pin
tension shoes.
Pin through No. 631.
Loop setter arm spin-
Oil hole back of No.
Loop setter pulley pin.
Magazine thumb
Loop setter stud for
2 &1
Set screws for sprocket.
Loop setter clutch pin
for fork.
Screws in outer shut-
Loop setter pulley
ter hub.
Screws holding No. 700
to shaft.
Loop setter set screw
for roller spindle.
- '779 Loop setter set screw ^^ 187 Set screw and nut for
for cam sate stop.
780 Loop setter set screw 2 788 Screws for intermit-
No 767 to No. 601. tent spring.
- 781 Loop setter set screw 2 789 Screws to fasten angle
No 690 to No. 601. 696 to No - 689<
i 783 SJet collar for inter- ^2
' mittent shaft. 4 ?93 gcrew for take-up
1 784 Screws to fasten No. roller spindle
'.705 to No. 689. 4 ''794 Screw for cover No.
7 785 Screws to fasten No. 674 to No. 603 (car-
628 to No. 601. riage).
7 786 Set screws for handle 2 795 Pins for No. 631.
j No. 632. 3 796 Screws to hold No. 641
Instructions for Simplex Mechanism
Note: Tjhe numbers refer to parts and plates, thus:
W-128-B, P. 4, means that part W-128-B, which by reference
to the list of parts, we find to be the fly wheel of the inter-
mittent movement, will be found on Plate 4.
No. 1. $& Remove the Film Trap Door, E 4, P. 5, lift it
straight' upward, unhooking the v door from pins. The door
will disengage when raised. Should it stick tap upward
lightly on bottom of door.
No. 2. To Remove Intermittent. To take out whole in-
termittent movement, remove screw, S-209-G, P. 3, pull off
gear, G-112-G, P. 3. Push in on film trap screw, S-134-E,
P. 2, which opens door. - Next remove o pull back the lower
right hand back section of machine the door with the
curved top immediately .below the aperture. Next loosen
screws, S-157-B, P. 2 and 4, and push back locks, L-116-B,
P. 4, so that they no longer engage ring, R-133-A, P. 1, on
framing cam, C-100-A, P. 1 and 4. Loosen collar, C-192-G,
P. ! 5, grasp fly wheel, W-128-B, P. 3, with right hand, and
pull straight outw.ard, at the same time pulling out gear,
G-133-Gi, P. 3, with the left hand. You thus remove the entire
intermittent casing, fly wheel and intermittent sprocket. In
replacing same, reverse the process of removal step by step,
first reading Instruction No. 8 carefully.
No. 3. Adjusting Star and Cam (See last part of General
Instruction No. 5) is done as follows: Loosen two screws,
S-125-B, P. 4. Grasp hexagon on B-132-B, P. 4, with the
wrench supplied with each machine, or with a plier, and
turn same slightly either way until the lost motion in the
sprocket is almost taken up, leaving just enough play so that
you can barely feel the sprocket move when you try to rock
it circumferentially. Tighten screws (two of them), S-125-B,
P. 4, when you are finished.
Figure 252.
No. 4. Removing and Replacing Intermittent Sprocket.
(I do not recommend it. See last part General Instruction
No. 5.) When the sprocket teeth become undercut, that is to
say, having a groove worn in the surface presented to the
film, the sprocket should be removed and a new one installed,
(it is a good plan to have an eccentric bushing, B-132-B, P. 4
and 5, star and spindle, S-299-B, P. 5, and intermittent sprocket,
W-131-B, P. 1, already assembled, ready to place in the ma-
chine when required) this being done as follows: Loosen the
two screws, S-125-B, P. 4, and, grasping intermittent sprocket,
pull straight out, thus removing bushing, star, spindle and
sprocket from the casing. Next carefully remove sprocket
from spindle. To do this first remove taper pin which holds
Figure 253.
Showing the relation of the parts of the Intermittent movement, a
portion of the casing being cut away to show you the parts in place.
the sprocket to the shaft, and with a cloth in the left hand
grasp star and bushing firmly, while with the right hand you
pull the sprocket from its spindle with a twisting motion.
Should the sprocket stick you may lay the edges on a vise
and with a brass or copper punch gently drive the spindle
out. Be very careful, if the sprocket is good, that you do
not ruin it in the process, as its rim is thin and easily
battered or bent. In installing the new sprocket be very
sure that the large diameter of the pinholes in shaft and
sprocket are together. To replace parts in the machine,
first wipe the bushing and its bearing parts perfectly clean
and lubricate with good clean oil. Push the bushing into its
bearings until the star is against the cam; turn the fly wheel
slowly, at the same time pushing in on the sprocket until
pin, P-177-B, P. 5, on cam, C-178-B, P. 5, engages with star
slot, when bushing may be pushed home; after which adjust
star to cam as per Instruction No. 3 and tighten up the two
screws, S-125-B, P. 4. See Instructions Nos. 10 and 11.
No. 5. Cleaning Sprockets See General Instruction No. 3.
No. 6. End Play of Intermittent. See General Instruc-
tion .No. 7.
No. 7. To Remove Intermittent Casing Cover, C-148-B,
P. 4 and 5, first follow instruction Nos. 2 and 4, next in-
M 12-R
Plate 1, Figure 254.
sert spanner wrench in hole on C-148-B, P. 4, and unscrew
the cover from casing. The screw on this cover is an ordi-
nary right hand thread. See Instructions Nos. 10 and 11.
No. 8. To Remove Cam, C-178-B, P. 5, first follow In-
structions Nos. 2, 4 and 7; then remove taper pin holding
collar, C-134-B, P. 4, and pull collar off. The cam and. its
spindle may then be pulled out. See Instructions No. 10
and 11.
No. 9. To Remove Flywheel Shaft, S-286-B, P. 3, first fol-
low Instructions Nos. 2, 4, 7 and 8; then drive out taper pin,
P-123-B, P. 3, pull off flywheel and shaft will slip out. See
Instructions Nos. 10 and 11.
No. 10. Replacing Bushing, B-132-B, P. 4 and 5, and In-
termittent Casing, C-107-B, P. 4 and 5. This is a very simple
operation. It is, however, of great importance that it be
rightly done. Both the casing and bushing fit in their bear-
ings very closely. It is therefore necessary that they, as
well as their bearings, be cleaned perfectly and lubricated
with a good, clean oil. Having done this, push the casing
or bushing carefully into place, turning or shaking it slightly
if it sticks. Never under any circumstances attempt to
drive the parts into place. You will simply ruin both bear-
ings and casings, or bushings, if you do.
No. 11. To Replace Intermittent Casing, C-107-B, P. 4 and
5, in the machine, first follow Instruction No. 10; then hold
flywheel, W-128-B, P. 3 and 4, in right hand, and gear, G-133-
G, P. 3 and 4, in left hand with gears meshed together; in-
sert shaft and casing, C-107-B, P. 4 and 5, into bearings and
push both casing and gear into place together, having the
rim of casing in such position that locating pin, P-12S-A, P. 4,
enters hole in casing rim. The rest of the operation is
simply a reversal of Instruction No. 2. See that the clutch,
C-126-A, P. 4, locks with its mate properly when gear, G-112-
G, P. 3 and 4, is pushed into place.
No. 12. To Remove Gear, G-143-G, P. 4, or the complete
Governor or Vertical Shaft, S-443-G, P. 4, loosen set screw
in hub of gear G-143-G, P. 4, next remove set screw in
governor ling holder and, grasping gear G-138-G, P. 4, pull
upward. Vertical shaft, S-443-G, P. 4, will come out, thus
releasing the other parts.
No. 13. To Remove Spiral Gear, G-116-G, P. 4, first follow
Instruction No. 12; then remove set screw holding collar,
C-193-G, P. 5, and pull shaft out to the right.
No. 14. To Remove Spiral Gear, G-117-G, P. 4, remove set
screw from end of gear. Spindle will slip out to the left,
thus releasing gear.
No. 15. To Remove Shutter Gear Bracket, B-122-G, P. 2
and 3, first follow Instruction No. 14; then remove the two
screws, and bracket will come off.
No. 16. To Remove Shaft of Outside Revolving Shutter,
S-447-G, P. 2, remove the set screw from gear, G-117-G, P. 4,
and shaft may be pulled out.
No. 17. To Remove Shutter Blade take out the ten screws,
S-142-D, P. 2, in spider, S-325-D, P. 2.
Plate 2, Figure 255.
No. 18. To Remove Shutter Adjusting Slide Block, S-323-
A, P. 2, remove pin near outer edge of lower track or slide,
and turn the knob, K-lll-A, P. 2, to the left until sliding
block, S-323-A, P. 2, is released.
No. 19. To Remove Shaft or Screw, S-252-A, P. 2, loosen
lock nuts, 123-A, P. 2, turn knob to left until sliding block,
S-323-A, P. 2, is released. Remove the lock nuts and the
shaft may be pulled out.
No. 20. To Remove Focusing Slide, which carries lens
holder H-125-C, P. 2, remove the screw which holds same to
frame, F-100-A, P. 1, and the slide will come out. On top
there will be found a small gib which provides tension. Be
sure to replace this gib when putting the parts together
No. 21. To Remove Framing Cam,_ C-100-A, P. 1 and 4,
take out upper screw, S-223-G, P. 3. ^Remove door, as per
Instruction No. 1. Remove screws, S-133-C, P. 4, which
releases the film trap. Loosen screws, S-143-A, P. 5, un-
screw ring and the cam may then be pulled out to the left. The
framing cam, C-100-A, P. 1 and 4, is a large ring bearing in
which the intermittent casing, C-107-B, P. 4 and 5, rests. To
replace same, just reverse the process, screwing up ring un-
til cam has no end play, after which set up screw, S-143-A,
P. 5, tight, as this is the screw Which locks ring in place.
No. 22. To Remove Automatic Fire Shutter Lift Lever,
first remove screw in link. Next remove film trap, as per
Instruction No. 1, and take out pivot screw.
No. 23. To Remove Governor Lift Lever, L-105-G, P. 4,
remove lower screw in link, and screws, S-150-G, P. 4.
No. 24. To Remove Framing Slide Lever, L-104-G, P. 3,
first remove gears, G-112-G, P. 3 and 4, and G-133-G, P. 3 and 4,
and intermittent casing, as per Instruction No. 2. Loosen screw,
S-145-G, P. 3, which allows you to pull out lever, L-104-G,
P. 3, carrying spring, S-330-G, P. 3, with it. This also re-
leases framing slide arm, A-110-G, P. 4, carrying roller, R-
128-G, P. 4, which may be pulled out after lever, L-104-G, P.
3, has been removed.
No. 25. Spring, S-330-G, P. 3. This spring is for the pur-
pose of holding roller, R-128-G, P. 4, against the framing cam,
C-100-A, P. 4. It also holds lost motion out of parts between
lever and framing cam. To remove the spring take out
screw, S-145-G, P. 3, which releases the spring. To replace,
put it on its stud in same position as it was, then bend the
free end around to the right until it enters slot in end of
stud. Place washer on and replace screw, S-145-G, P. 3,
setting it up tight.
No. 26. Framing Handle Tension Spring, S-341-G, P. 1.
This spring causes framing handle, or lever, H-105-C, P. 3, to
work hard or easy, according to how it is adjusted. If lever,
H-105-G, P. 3, works too hard, this spring has too much
tension: if too easy there is not enough. To change the
tension, first remove screw, S-209-G, P. 3, and pull off gear
G-112-G, P. 3. Loosen outer one of nuts and tighten or
Plate 3, Figure 256.
loosen inside nut until the lever works to suit you, after
which lock the nuts lightly together again.
No. 27. Film Trap Door Holder, H-119-E, P. 2 and 5, is
held in place by film trap door holding stud, S-367-E, P. 2
and 5, which runs through and is held by a screw on the
outside which also retains a thimble, inside of which is a
coil spring, which holds the door against film trap. All
these parts may be readily removed as follows: Place a
piece of cloth or paper, between the jaws of a pair of pliers
t:> prevent marring the metal, and unscrew, thus releasing
the spring and stud, S-367-E, P. 2 and 5. The metal thimble
on screw, S-134-E, P. 2, is merely to protect and hold the
coil in proper position. If it is desired to remove the door
holder and stud also you must take off film trap. (See In-
struction No. 1.)
No. 28. Film Trap Shoes, S-309-E, P. 5, may in time wear.
(See General Instructions Nos. 9 and 10.) They may be re-
moved by taking out the three screws in front of the film
trap which holds them in place. Should the screws project
through when new shoes are installed, they must be carefully
dressed down flush with surface of the film trap, using a
fine file, this also applying to film trap gate shoes.
No. 29. Intermittent Sprocket Tension Shoes attached to
holder, H-118-E, P. 5, are made of tool steel. They hold the
film in contact with intermittent sprocket, W-131-B, P. 1; their
adjustment is therefore important. They must be set so
that their curved portion just barely touches th6 sprocket
rim. It must, however, be observed that the inside half of
each shoe is offset so that it is away from the sprocket
slightly when the outer edge touches. Set by the outer half
only. Look at the shoes occasionally and see that they are
in proper adjustment.
No. 30. Lens Holder, H-125-C, P. 2, may be shifted for-
ward or backward on sliding block, by loosening clamp
screw. In installing new lens, place sliding block in center
of its travel by means of focusing knob, K-102-A, P. 3.
Place lens in adapter ring. These rings are made to fit vari-
ous sizes of lenses. Loosen clamp screw, and slide lens
back and forth until edges of aperture appear in sharp focus
on the screen. Tighten clamp screw and complete focusing
by means of knob, K-102-A, P. 3. Tube projection lenses
only may be used on the Simplex machine. It is therefore
unnecessary to purchase a lens jacket.
No. 31. Upper and Lower Sprocket Roller, P-102-C, P. 2,
(See General Instruction No. 12), must be carefully ad-
justed with relation to the sprockets. The upper roller is ad-
justed by means of screw, S-194-C, P. 2, That of the lower
idler is adjusted by a similar screw, S-194-C, P. 2, These
rollers must be kept set away from the sprockets by about
twice the thickness of a film. If set too close it has a ten-
dency to cause the film to run off the sprockets. If too far
away it may cause the sprocket holes to climb, that is, the
film may slip over. In either event the effect is to lose the
loop. It will be seen that these adjustments are of the
Plate 4, Figure 257.
utmost importance. After making adjustment be sure to
set up the adjusting screw lock nuts tightly.
No. 32. Roller Arm Tension Springs. Upper sprocket
roller arm, A-126-C, P. 2, is held against sprocket by means
of a spring clamped under screw, S-149-A, P. 2. To remove
this spring, take off film trap, as per Instruction No. 1. The
lower roller arm spring, S-340-A, P. 5, is held by two screws
Which may be removed through the opening in base, B-100-A,
P. 1, of the machine.
No. 33. Aperture Size. The Simplex aperture opening is
exactly .9062 inch wide by .6796 inch high, the height being
three-quarters of the width. These dimensions may be used
in figuring lenses for this machine.
l S-326-E
Plate 5, Figure 258.
No. 34. Oil. (See General Instruction No. 1.) Also the
Precision Machine Company sells Simplex Oil at $2 a gallon,
$1 a half gallon.
No 35. Washing Gears and Bearings. Simplex gears and
bearings are well protected from dust and dirt. Still, it is
not a bad plan to wa^h them thoroughly with kerosene or
benzine once each week. Use an ordinary oil can filled with
kerosene or benzine and flood the gears and bearings
thoroughly while turning the crank. Use rags under the
gears to catch the dirty oil as it runs off. See third from
last paragraph General Instruction No. 1.
No. 36. Setting the Shutter. (See General Instruction No.
18.) The revolving shutter may be set while the machine is
running by turning knob, K-lll-A, P. 2. If white streaks
show at top or bottom of letters in titles or there are flashes
of white up and down from any white object in film it is
evident that the shutter is out of adjustment. Turn knob,
K-lll-A, P. 2, one way or the other until the ghost dis-
No. 37. Focusing Lens. The picture on the screen is
readily focused by turning knob, K-102-A, P. 3, which moves
the objective lens closer to or further from the film, accord-
ing to the way it is turned.
No. 38. Clean Sprockets. (See General Instruction No. 3.)
No. 39. Tension Pad, P-100-E, P. 5, holds the film flat and
stationary over the aperture during exposure. Tension for
pad, P-100-E, P. 5, is provided by spring, S-328-E, P. 2 and 5.
The tension is constant and can only be varied by bending
th* springs. (See General Instruction Nos. 9 and 10.)
No. 40. Stereopticon Lens. The stereo lens will be placed
in its mount and clamped there by a ring, R-112-R, P. 1.
To adjust lens loosen wingnuts, S-155-D, P. 1, and slide the
lens and mount either forward or backward on rod, R-126-R,
P. 1, until picture is in approximate focus on screen. Tighten
wingnuts, S-15S-D, P. 1, again and complete focusing with
knob on top of mechanism, K-102-A, P. 1. The stereo lens
may be raised or lowered by means of screw, S-264-D, P. 1,
on stero arm, A-122-D, P. 1, thus centering the picture on
the screen.
No. 41. Oil Holes will be found, as indicated on the vari-
ous plates.
No. 42. Worn Aperture Plate. See General Instruction
No. 11.
The speed controller of the Simplex projector is simple,
positive in its action, and very flexible in the matter of speed
control. In fact, within the limits of minimum and maximum
it is possible instantly to attain absolutely any desired speed
of the projection mechanism within practical limits of pro-
In Fig. 259 we have a top view and in Fig. 260 a side
eiew of the Simplex Controller; X-7 and D-110-X are two
Figure 259.
friction discs held normally face to face by spring S-470-X,
but really held separated by disc wheel X-8, which is carried
by shaft S-475-X, which engages with and drives the projec-
tion mechanism. The operation is essentially as follows:
R-152-X is a steel bar half inch square, which is rigidly
attached to the casting carrying wheel X-ll, and disc wheels
X-7, and D-110-X. All these parts are attached rigidly to
.bar R-152-X, and move therewith, as does also casting X-3
at the other end of the bar carrying the end belt idler pulley
On the other hand casting F-115-X, Fig. 260, carries fric-
tion disc wheel X-8, adjusting wheel X-9 and the inner idler
belt "pulley P-248-X. This casting carrying the parts is
moved along on bar R-152-X by means of adjusting wheel
X-9, and when it is moved friction wheel X-8 is thrust far-
ther in between friction discs X-7 and D-110-X, or pulled
further out, according to the direction in which adjusting
wheel X-9 is rotated, and the farther in wheel X-8 is the
slower will the moving picture mechanism run, or the far-
ther out it is the faster it will run, X-ll being the motor
belt pulley.
The amount of friction between the disc wheels may be
regulated by means of nuts N-136-X. The farther in they are
screwed the greater will be the amount of friction, or the
more they are loosened up the less the friction. The friction
should never be more than just sufficient to carry the load
without slipping. Anything in excess of this means unneces-
sary wear to the parts.
Caution: Operators must see to it that there is no oil on
the friction surfaces of X-8, X-7 and D-110-X. These sur-
faces must be kept perfectly dry.
Figure 260.
C-141-X is an oilhole closed by a steel ball. Press on the
ball with the nose of the oil can and the oil will run in.
Spring S-471-X merely governs the tension of the driving
Numbers Are Manufacturers' Stock Numbers. You May Use
These Numbers for Ordering Parts.
Note. The letter following the number denotes the portion
of the mechanism to which the part belongs, thus: A, Center
Frame Assembly; B, Intermittent Case Assembly; C,
Mechanism Assembly; D, Outside Mechanism Assembly;
E, Film Trap Assembly; F, G, Inside Mechanism. Hence if
you are looking for a part belonging to the film trap as-
sembly, look at the part numbers ending in E.
Plate Stock
No. No. Description
1 C-189-A Handle shaft driv-
ing collar.
1 F-100-A Centre frame.
1 K-102-A Focusing pinion
2 K-lll-A Shutter adjusting
screw knob.
Plate Stock
No. No. Description.
3 A-109-A Focusing rack arm.
3 A-117-A Picture framing-arm.
1 B-100-A Base.
3 B-127-A Vertical shaft
1 C-100-A Framing cam.
4 C-126-A Main driving gear
Plate Stock
No. No.
1 N-118-A
2 N-123-A
4 P-125-A
1 P-136-A
3 P-189-A
4 P-196-A
1 R-133-A
5 S-143-A
3 S-146-A
2 S-149-A
2 S-252-A
2 S-253-A
3 S-283-A
1 S-287-A
2 S-323-A
5 S-340-A
2 S-353-A
4 B-132-B
4 C-107-B
4 C-134-B
5 C-148-B
5 C-178-B
4 G-104-B
5 G-105-B
4 L-116-B
3 P-123-B
2 P-134-B
5 P-177-B
4 S-125-B
5 S-130-B
2 S-157-B
3 S-286-B
5 S-299-B
3 W-128-B
1 W-131-B
5 A-100-C
5 A-104-C
Picture framing
handle pivot nut.
Shutter adjusting
screw lock nut.
Framing cam loca-
ting pin.
Inter-sprocket wheel
taper pin.
Focusing pinion.
Picture framing
handle pivot.
Framing cam ad-
justing ring.
Framing cam ad-
justing ring screw.
Focusing knob set
Upper sprocket arm
spring screw.
Shutter adjusting
Shutter adjusting
slide set screw.
Vertical shaft brack-
et screw.
Handle shaft.
Shutter adjusting
Lower sprocket roll-
er arm spring.
Upper sprocket roll-
er arm spring.
Eccentric bushing.
Intermittent case.
Star wheel cam
Intermittent case
Star wheel cam.
Fly wheel gear.
Fly wheel shaft
Intermittent case
cover lock.
Fly wheel taper pin.
Intermittent case
cover dowel pins.
Star wheel cam pin.
Intermittent case ec-
ccentric bush. sc.
Film guide holder
Intermittent case
cover lock screw.
Fly wheel shaft.
Star wheel and shaft.
Fly wheel.
Intermittent sprock-
et wheel.
Proj. lens holder
adapter, inside
Proj. lens holder
adapter, outside.
Plate Stock
No. No.
5 S-279-D
1 S-324-D
2 S-325-D
2 S-366-D
2 W-103-D
3 W-126-D
5 W-145-D
2 W-146-D
5 E-4
1 E-5
5 H-118-E
2 H-119-E
1 L-101-E
Lower sprocket roll-
er arm.
Upper sprocket roll-
er arm.
Film trap lever,
Picture framing
Proj. lens holder.
Film trap door trip
Governor lift lever
Governor lift lever
connecting link.
Pad roller.
Auto fire shutter
hinge screw.
Film trap screw
U. & L. sprocket
roller arm screw.
Lower sprocket roll-
er arm screw.
Proj. lens holder
jacket screw.
Pad roller screw.
Proj. lens holder
clamp screw.
Proj. lens holder
slide stop screw.
Proj. lens holder
Driving arm.
Stereo slide arm.
Driving arm handle.
Top plate.
Driving arm retain-
ing plug.
Driving arm retain-
ing screw.
Stereo universal
clamp wing screw.
Stereo slide top
Shutter spider clamp
collar screw.
Stereo lens adjust-
ing screw.
Top plate screw.
Stereo slide.
Shutter spider.
Driving arm stud.
Driving arm washer.
Governor weight.
Upper sprocket.
Lower sprocket.
Film trap door.
Film heat shield.
Film guide holder.
Film trap door hold-
Auto flre shutter
lift lever.
Plate Stock
Plate Stock
Auto fire shutter
lift link.
Film trap door pad.
Film protector.
Lateral guide roller.
Auto fire shutter
lever screw.
Auto fire shutter
link ret. screw.
Film trap door stud
Film trap heat shield
retaining screw.
Lateral guide roller
Film trap shoes.
Auto fire shutter.
Film guide retain-
ing spring.
Film trap door pad
Lateral guide roller
Film trap door hold-
er stud
Film trap.
Framing arm.
Picture framing
handle arm.
Shutter gear brack-
Intermediate shaft
retaining collar.
Spiral driving gear
shaft collar.
Spiral driving gear
shaft collar.
Lower sprocket gear.
Main driving gear.
Shutter drive bevel
Spir. driv. gear with
broached hole.
Spiral gear
Intermediate gear
No. 2.
Intermediate gear
No. 1.
Intermediate bevel
Bevel gear No. 3.
Vertical shaft gear.
Bevel gear No. 2.
Governor upper link
Framing slide lever.
Governor lift lever.
Picture framing
Picture framing
connecting link.
Picture framing
Handle friction
spring' retain nut.
Picture framing
lever pivot screw
Framing slide arm
Picture framing
lever pivot screw.
Framing slide lever
stud set screw.
Framing slide lever
stud spr. ret scr.
Governor lift lever
pivot screw.
Main driving gear
retaining screw.
Picture framing
link screw.
Picture framing
connecting link'
Framing slide.
Framing slide lever
Picture framing
handle frict. spr.
Lower sprocket
Vertical shaft
Intermediate shaft.
Upper s p r o c k e t
Spiral driving gear
Shutter shaft
Picture framing
handle friction
The Motiograph, No. 1-A 1916 Model
Note. Wihile in general appearance the mechanism of the
1916 model Motiograph very closely resembles former mod-
els, still the removal of the inside shutter has tended very
greatly to simplify the mechanism and has rendered it much
easier for the operator to assemble and disassemble the ma-
chine. There are also other important improvements, as
will appear further on, among which is the addition of an
auxiliary fly wheel, and the substitution of a sliding toggle
joint (the parts of which are shown at A, B, C, P. 5) for the
ball and socket.
No. 1. Gear Cover M-A, 1-P, P. 2, carries the parts shown
Figure 261.
attached thereto in P. 2. By loosening thumb screws 233
(two of them), P. 2, and thumb screw 233, P. 4, the gear
cover may be pulled away, together with the parts attached
No. 2. The Entire Mechanism may be swung around on
its base, in order to allow the operator to get at the shutter
or lens, by loosening the hand wheel underneath the base-
board and raising pin 283^2, P. 1.
No. 3. Front Plate, 172, P. 4, which carries the objective
lens, may be removed by loosening thumbscrews 99-A (two
Plate 1, Figure 262.
of them), P. 4, and raising the outer end of spring 275, P. 4,
at the top edge of the front plate, at the same time pulling
the top of the plate outward and up.
No. 4. The Machine Gate is opened by pressing on knob
125-P, P. 1. This knob is the end of the gate latch rod,
which extends inward and carries gate latch screw 220, P. 1,
as may be seen by removing the front plate (see Instruction
No. 3) and looking inside the mechanism. Gate latch screw
220, P. 1, is threaded into this knob and may be removed
by a screwdriver. Looking inside the mechanism you will
see, in the upper left hand corner, a collar on the gate latch
rod, held in place by a set screw. This collar serves to
compress a small spiral spring. In order to remove this
spring, loosen the set screw in the collar and remove screw
220, P. 1, whereupon the gate latch rod may be pulled in-
ward, thus releasing both the collar and spiral spring. Should
the gate latch at any time fail to work properly, it is prob-
able that the head of gate latch screw 220, P. 1, has become
worn, and a new one should be ordered and installed. It is
also possible that the spring has become weak, in which
case it should be taken out and either stretched until it gives
sufficient compression or a new one may be installed.
No. 5. To Remove the Machine Gate, unscrew knob 127,
P. 1, lift governor rack-bar, 168, P. 2, off standard 83, P. 1, and
lift the gate away. In replacing the gate don't forget to hook
the end of the rack bar to standard 83, P. 1.
Caution: It will probably never be necessary to take the
gate apart, and if it is for any reason necessary to do so, I would
not advise the operator to undertake this particular thing
unless he is compelled to. When the gate is once taken
apart it is a somewhat difficult matter to reassemble it prop-
erly, and I would suggest that instead, should it ever be
necessary to make any repairs to its internal mechanism,
the gate be sent to the factory. The film tension bars, 96 A,
P. 1, and the tension spring can, of course, be removed with-
out taking the gate apart.
No. 6. Aperture Plate, 162 A, P. 1, may be removed by
taking out screws (four of them) 217, P. 1. These screws
are small, therefore be careful or you will lose them. Better
lay a piece of paper underneath to catch them should they
fall, or, better still, handle them with a magnetized screw-
driver. (See General Instruction No. 19.)
No. 7. Tension Springs and Shoes. Tension shoes, 96 A,
P. 1, are held in place by a one-piece square, flat spring, 174
A, P. 2, which may be seen by looking into the gate edge-
wise. This spring not only holds the tension shoes in place,
but also supplies them with normal tension. The action may
be plainly seen by pressing on one of the shoes, at the same
time looking into the gate edgewise. Spring 259 P, P. 2,
bears on the lower edge of spring 174 A, P. 2, and by means
of thumbscrew 245, P. 2, may be caused to supply auxiliary
or increased tension to the bottom of the tension shoes.
Tension shoes, 96 A, P. 1, may be removed as follows:
Loosen screws 294 and 222, P. 2, and swing cooling plate over
to the left out of the way. Next block fire shutter, 163, P. 2,
up out of the way. You will then see spring 174, A, which
is held by two round-head screws, one at either side of the
aperture. First, having backed off on thumb screw 245, P. 2,
Plate 2, Figure 263.
until spring 259, P. 2, is out of contact with spring 174 A,
remove the two screws holding spring 174 A, and pressing
in on the tension shoes with the thumb and finger of one
hand and in on the top and bottom of spring 174 A, : P. 2,
with the thumb and finger of the other hand, slip spring
174 A down slightly, which will unhook it from the tension
shoes and release both them and the spring.
In replacing the shoes and spring, place the shoes in
proper position so that the hooks on the lugs will point
downward, and pressing spring 174 A down flat, slip it up
under the hooks until they are engaged, whereupon replace
the screws and swing the cooling plate back in place, tighten
up its holding screws and the job is done.
No. 8. Automatic Fire Shutter Blade, 163 P, P. 2, may be
removed as follows: First follow Instruction No. 5; next
remove screws 219, P. 1, and another similar screw about
three inches immediately above. Loosen screw, 294, P. 2,
and you can lift the entire front plate of the gate away, which
will release automatic fire shutter, 163 P, P. 2.
No. 9. Tension Spring, 259 P. 2, may be removed by fol-
lowing Instruction No. 8, and then taking out screws, 260 P,
P. 2.
No. 10. Tension. (See General Instruction No. 9.) The
tension may be increased in two ways, first by removing
spring, 174 A, P. 2 (see Instruction No. 7), and bending it in
proper direction to supply added tension, or by tightening
up on thumbscrew, 245 P, P. 2. It is intended that spring
174 A, P. 2, shall supply proper tension without help from
spring 259, P. 2.
No. 11. To Remove Upper Sprocket Shield, 282 P, P. 1,
remove screws (two of them) 284 P, P. 1.
No. 12. To Remove Upper Sprocket, 106, P. 4, remove the
set screw in the center of its hub, and pull the sprocket off
the shaft. In replacing it remember that the end hav-
ing an offset hub goes in toward the casting. If put on the
other way the sprocket will be out of line with the aperture,
and there will be trouble. Having removed the hub you
can pull its spindle 51 A, P. 1 and 2, carrying gear 87^2, P. 2,
out to the left, first having removed the gear cover. (See
Instruction No. 1.)
Caution: In removing upper and lower sprockets you must
take the set screw clear out before you can pull the sprocket
No. 13. To Remove Upper Sprocket Idler Bracket, 24,
P. 4, remove set screw 249, P. 4, loosening screws 227 and
265, P. 4. Next remove top sprocket, 106, P. 4 (see In-
struction No. 12), and you can pull the bracket away.
No. UYz. Idler Roller, 108, P. 4, is held away from the
sprocket (see General Instruction No. 12) by screw 241, P. 4,
which is locked by knurled knob, 241, P. 4. Idler roller, 108,
may be removed from its spindle by taking out screw 223,
P. 1. I would advise the operator to remove the upper, lower
and the intermittent idler rollers at least once each week,
clean and lubricate their spindles, using a medium light oil
207 f>
18! ' "%^
Plate 3, Figure 264.
for the purpose. True, there is an oil hole in their center,
but better take them off.
No. 14. Lower Sprocket, 106, P. 4, may be removed by
taking out the screw in its hub and pulling the sprocket off
the shaft, first having raised the idler bracket. If it is de-
sired to remove its spindle, 52 A, P. 2, which carries take-up
belt driving pulley, 20, P. 2, it will first be necessary to fol-
low Instruction No. 23. Having done so you will see, down
in a pocket inside the frame casting, gear 17 A, P. 3, which
drives the lower sprocket shaft. Loosen the set screw ir
its hub, backing it off a considerable distance, as it is deeply
countersunk into the shaft, and you can pull the driving
pulley and spindle out to the left. In replacing same be
sure you get set screw which holds gear 17 A, P. 3, properly
located in the countersink in the shaft, and set it up tight, be-
cause if this set screw works loose it will be a job to get at
it and retighten.
No. 15. Lower Sprocket Idler Bracket, 25 A, P. 4, may
be removed by loosening the screw in the upper end of spring
274, P. 4, and screw 249, P. 4, and screw 227, P. 4. In re-
placing same be sure to tighten up screw 227, P. 4, and the
one on top of spring 274, and to readjust screw 249, P. 4, so
that the spring has the proper tension. Lower idler roller,
108 A, P. 4, is merely a guide roller and sets approximately
one-eighth of an inch from the sprocket. The other two
rollers should, however, be adjusted by means of screw 241^4
and lock nut 241, P. 4, as per General Instruction No. 12.
Any of these idler rollers may be removed from their spindle
by taking out the screw in the end thereof, but it will be
necessary to take off the entire bracket in order to get the
center roller off.
No. 16. Gear Bridge, 4 A, P. 3, may be removed by taking
out screws 224 A (three of them), P. 2. Back these screws
out for about one-half inch and then, using a screwdriver,
carefully pry the bridge away. The holding screws are
"necked," in order that they may be left in the bridge to
avoid the possibility of becoming lost. When you have
backed them off for about one-quarter inch they will release
the main casting, though they are still attached to the
bridge. In replacing the bridge be sure that you get the
end of the spindle carrying gear 84, P. 3, properly entered
in its bearing and also that shaft 50 D, fly wheel shaft 61 P,
and the pin entering spindle 65, all P. 3, are properly entered,
and that the locating pins enter their proper receptacles. Do
not attempt to drive the bridge on. If you start it right it will
enter without any trouble, and all that will, in any event, be
necessary, will be to tap the casting lightly with the handle of
the screwdriver immediately over each of the two locating pins.
No. 17. To Remove Revolving Shutter Shaft, 197 P, P. 2,
remove screws 159, P. 3, and 158 P, P. 4. You may then
pull the spindle and its casting, together with the revolving
shutter and gear 207 P, P. 3, out. Having done this, if it is
desired to remove the shutter spindle from the casting, you
may do so by loosening the set screw in collar, 201 P, P. 3,
which will allow you to pull the spindle out of the casting.
Caution: At either end of the shutter spindle bearing is a
fibre washer. Be sure and get these washers back in place
in reassembling.
No. 18. To Remove Fly Wheel 14 P, P. 2, follow Instruc-
tion No. 16, after which remove the two set screws in the
hub of the fly wheel. It is better to remove these screws,
as they are deeply countersunk into the shaft, then grasping
the fly wheel on the other end of the shaft to hold it sta-
tionary, twist fly wheel 14 P, P. 2, at the same time pulling
outward, and thus working it off the shaft.
Caution: In replacing be sure to get the screws properly
located in their countersink.
No. 19. To Remove Gear 87, P. 2, take out set screw 129,
P. 2, which releases the gear.
No. 20. To Remove Gear 15 A, P. 2, follow Instruction
Nos. 16 and 17, whereupon the gear may be pulled off the
No. 21. To Remove Crank Shaft 50 P, P. 3, first detach the
crank, O-13 P, P. 1, then follow Instruction 20, thus releas-
ing the shaft, which may be pulled out from the left hand
or gear side.
No. 22. To Remove Gear 16 P, P. 3, follow Instructions
Nos. 16, 17, 18 and 20, in their order, and then take out screw
16^ P, P. 3. This releases the gear. In replacing be sure
that you set up screw 16H P, P- 3, tight.
No. 23. To Remove Gear 18 A, P. 3, follow Instructions
Nos. 1, 16 and 18, and then remove screw 129, P. 3. In re-
placing be sure to set screw 129 up tight.
No. 24. To Remove Gear 17 A, P. 3, follow Instructions
Nos. 1, 16, 18 and 23, and then loosen the set screw in the
hub of gear 17 A, P. 3. Next loosen the set screw in the face
of belt pulley 20, P. 2, and slip the pulley off its shaft. You
may then pull spindle 52 A, P. 2, out from the sprocket side,
thus releasing the gear..
No. 25. To Remove Automatic Governor Shaft 65, P. 3,
and the parts attached thereto, follow Instructions Nos. 1, 16
and 18; then, looking in past the left-hand edge of the fly
wheel, you will see a set screw in the hub of a casting in
the end of standard 83, P. 1. Loosen this set screw until the
casting will revolve on the rod, whereupon you can pull the
whole governor away. Should it ever become necessary to
renew the springs, gear, or other parts of the governor, I
would advise that it be sent to the factory by insured parcel
Plate 4, Figure 265.
post. Don't try to do this particular job yourself. In replacing
the governor the set screw in the casting is countersunk
deeply into the shaft, and it is necessary that this screw
enter the countersink, else standard 83, P. 1, will not set
right, and your automatic fire shutter will not work.
No. 26. Framing Carriage D-l, P. 4, carrying outside fly
wheel, D-38, P. 1, may be removed as follows: First loosen
screws 216 (two of them), P. 4, and then, by means of
knurled knob at its top, unscrew framing carriage guide rod
72 P, P. 4, and pull it out. Next remove the screw which
holds the upper end of the link which joins the framing car-
riage and framing lever casting 11 P, P. 4. Next loosen the
two screws, one at each lower corner of the nickel plated
shield in the side of the mechanism back of the fly wheel,
and raise knob 296, P. 1. You may then, by working it
around a little, pull the whole framing carriage out to the
right on the crank side of the mechanism.
No. 27. To Remove Fly Wheel Shaft 61 P, P. 3, follow
Instructions Nos. 1, 16, 18 and 26, then loosen a set screw
in the face of the framing casting just behind the lower gate
hinge. You will be obliged to remove the gate in order to
get- at this set screw. (See Instruction No. 5.) This set
screw holds the bronze bearing in which the shaft runs, and
you may then, using either a copper or a hard wood punch,
drive the shaft bearing and inner end of the toggle out into
the interior of the frame casting.
No. 28. Striper Plate D-32, P. 1, (F-F, P. 5), may be re-
moved by taking out the three screws at its lower end. See
P. 5.)
No. 29. Fly Wheel, D-38, P. 1, may be removed by taking
out the two set screws in its hub. They are deeply counter-
sunk, and must be backed out for quite a distance before
the wheel will be released. When the wheel is released from
the screws, hold the fly wheel on the opposite end stationary
while you pull the wheel off with a twisting motion.
No. 30. To Open the Oil Well follow Instruction No. 29,
and then loosen the screw at each lower corner of the nickel
plated shield behind the fly wheel and remove it; next re-
move four machine screws in the black casting on the end of
the framing carriage. These screws hold the cover of well
E, P. 5, and having removed them you can pull the cover off,
tapping it lightly to break the joint. Before starting this job,
you can, if you wish, remove the whole framing carriage from
the machine. See Instruction No. 26. It is well to remove
the oil well cover, say once in each five or six hundred hours
running, and clean it out thoroughly.
Never use graphite in the oil well unless you want trouble,
and plenty of it.
Caution: In replacing the oil well cover be sure that you
wipe both the surfaces perfectly clean. If you do not there
is apt to be a leakage of oil.
Note. Directions follow for the removal and renewal of
cam, star and intermittent sprocket and their bushings. I
do not, however, advise this. It is much better to purchase
an extra framing carriage, and when anything goes wrong
with the old one, or when excessive wear develops in the
bushings, spindles, intermittent sprocket, or other parts, in-
sert the new carriage in the machine and send the old one
to the factory by parcel post for repairs. It is, of course,
possible that the operator can and will make the necessary
Plate 5, Figure 266.
repairs in an entirely satisfactory manner. Still, when one
considers the delicacy of the parts and the fine adjustment
necessary, one readily sees that this can be best done at the
factory, where all necessary tools and men skilled in this
class of work are available.
No. 31. Cam Shaft X, P. 5, carrying cam G, P. 5, may be
removed by following Instruction No. 30, and then loosening
the set screws D-13 (two of them) in part D-12, P. 4. Back
these screws out a considerable distance, as they are deeply
countersunk in to the shaft. Having done so you can pull
the cam and shaft away, which releases part D-12, P. 4.
No. 32. The Star and its Shaft J, P. 5, may be removed
by following Instructions Nos. 26, 28, and 31. Having done so,
take out the two set screws in the hub of intermittent
sprocket D^IO, P. 1, and you can pull the star and shaft out.
No. 33. To Remove the Bearings of the Intermittent
sprocket Shaft follow Instruction No. 32. The bearing on the
star end is held by a set screw, the head of which is in the
top of the casting, and the bearing in the other end is held
by a set screw in the face of the casting at the end of the
bearing. Remove these screws and you can drive the bear-
ing out and insert new ones. The screws in the face of the
casting which holds the left hand bearing should be set up
just far enough so there is no end motion in the intermittent
sprocket. If you set it tight you will bind the sprocket; if you
leave it too loose the sprocket is apt to have end play-
No. 34. The Bearings of the Cam Shaft may be removed
by following Instructions No. 26 and 31. This bearing ex-
tends the full length of the casting. It is held at one end by
a set screw, the head of which is in the top of the framing
carriage casting; the other end is held by . two set screws
which bear against the lug in the end of the bearing. This
bearing is eccentric. Having loosened the two set screws
which bear against the lug, and the one in the top of the
casting which holds its other end, you may drive the bearing
out, using a hard wood punch. In replacing it it will be
necessary to adjust the bearing carefully. Proceed under In-
struction No. 35.
No. 35. Adjusting Intermittent Movement. When the in-
termittent sprocket develops considerable circumferential play,
or the intermittent movement becomes noisy it is in need
of adjustment. Proceed as follows. Set screws D-26, P. 4, (two
of them), bear against eccentric bearing lug D-5, P. 4, and a
movement of these set screws has the effect of altering
relation of the star and cam to each other. When you loosen
the lower screw and tighten down on the upper one you
tighten the cam against the star, thus eliminating the lost
motion in the intermittent sprocket, but you must be very
careful and not get the movement too tight or you will have
trouble, particularly if the adjustment be done while the
machine is cold. Tighten up on the upper screw, first having
backed off on the lower one, until you can feel just the
least bit of shake in the intermittent sprocket when you try it
with your finger. Having got your adjustment made tighten
up both set screws. This adjustment must be made with the
movement "on the lock" in position when the sprocket is
No. 36. Adjusting the Framing Carriage. The ease with
which the framing carriage moves up and down is governed
by screws 216 (two of them), P. 4. Tightening these screws
has the effect of pressing together the casting lug on the
guide rod, thus making the carriage move harder; conversely
loosening these screws makes it move more easily.
No. 37. Bearings. All bearings of the Motiograph ma-
chine are held by set screws, and may easily be removed for
replacement. Bearing 194, P. 4, is held by set screw 235, P. 4.
The bearing which can be seen just at the bottom of gear
207-P, P.' 3, is held by set screw 103-A, P.. 4. The bearings
in bridge 4-A, P. 3, are held by set screws 225 (three of
them), P. 3.
No. 38. Oil. Never under any circumstances use graphite in
the oil well. Graphite is ordinarily one of the finest lubricants
made, but it does not work at all satisfactorily in the inter-
mittent movement of a projection machine, nor do I advise
its use on gears or on any part of the mechanism. I would
advise the use of a very heavy oil, such as Mobile B, which
can be had at almost any garage, for the toggle joint. This
joint works, under considerable pressure, at high speed. If
a light oil be used it is likely to be thrown off rapidly. Mo-
bile B ought to be about right.
No. 39. i Lining the Sprockets. See General Instruction
No. 4.
No. 40. Keeping the Sprockets Clean. See General In-
struction No. 3.
No. 41. Setting the Shutter. See General Instruction No.
18. ,
No. 42. Sprocket Teeth. See General Instruction No. 8.
No. 43. Motiograph Take-up uses a flat belt about one-
half inch wide. This belt is driven by pulley 20, P. 2, the
driven .pulley being shown, not attached to the machine,
at 10 A, P. 1. The belt is given the necessary tension by
idler pulley 109, P. 1, the tension being governed by set screw
156, P. 1. This plan is quite efficient, but the operator should
see to it that the adjustment of idler 109, P. 1, is carefully
made, else there will be a heavy pull on the film, which is, of
course, injurious.
MODEL 1916
Note: In ordering parts give serial number of mechanism
and article number. That is all that is necessary.
Numbers in first column indicate plate in which the part
is shown.
Plate Article
Plate Article
No. No.
No. No.
1 1-P
Main frame casting:
4 25-A
Roller bracket.
of mechanism.
lower, with shafts.
3 4- A
Gear cover.
Gear bridge.
Upper reel arm,
4 25%
1 25%
Screw to bind roller
brackets on shafts.
Screw to bind front
1 9-P
casting only.
Lower reel arm,
eccentric roller
shaft in lower
casting only.
1_ IO-A
4 11-P
Take-up belt ten-
sion idler bracket.
Framing lever cast-
26y 2
Magazine latch,
large piece.
Spring for maga-
Hand bolt to clamp
mec'hanism to
zine latch.
Magazine latch.
small piece.
Crank handle cast-
Hinge on magazine
ing, only.
1 013-P
Crank handle com-
Hinge on magazine
2_ 14-P
Balance wheel.
Spring for maga-
3 15-A
Main gear.
zine hinge.
3 16-P
Double gear be-
Fire trap, casting
tween main gear
and balance shaft
Fire trap complete,
with rollers.
3_ 16%-P
Screw for double
Spider casting only,
gear No. 16-P.
for lower maga-
3 17-A
Gear on lower
sprocket shaft.
Stereo lens arm
3 18-A
Gear between bal-
ance shaft gear
Shutter shaft and
and lower sprock-
gear, solid.
et shaft gear.
Shutter shaft and
Governor crank,
gear, main, hollow.
Shutter drive shaft
2 20
Small belt pulley
and screw.
Bushing for govern-
1 21
Large belt pulley
or drive shaft.
and screw.
Screw for gear on
Stereo lens mount
upper sprocket
Stereo lens retain-
Bevel gear on shut-
ing ring.
ter drive shaft.
Thumb screw for
\Bevel gear on shut-
stereo lens mount
ter shaft.
Intermediate gears
Stereo lens ring
in shutter gear
complete, less lens.
4 24
Roller bracket, up-
Screws for clamp-
per, with shaft.
ing inner shutter
4 - 24%
Screw to bind
wing on gear hub.
roller shaft in
3 50-P
Crank shaft with
upper bracket.
Plate Article
No. No.
1 51-A
3 52-A
3 61-P
3 65-GC
4 71-P
4 72-P
4 74
2 75-P
1 81
1 82
1 82%
1 83
3 84-A
2 87
2 87%
3 90
1 96-A
2 97-A
4 99-A
Upper sprocket
Lower sprocket
Upper reel shaft.
Lower reel shaft.
Balance shaft and
pinion, one piece.
Upper fire shield.
Lower fire shield.
Governor shaft.
Governor complete.
Bushing for shut-
ter drive shaft.
Framing: device
guide rod.
Framing device
slide rod, long,
with head.
Framing lever con-
necting screw.
Framing lever
Screw to hold
framing lever in
Bushing for shut-
ter gear case
Shaft for roller
Roller arbors for
top or bottom
roller bracket.
Eccentric roller
arbor for lower
roller bracket.
Governor crank
Gear on governor
drive shaft.
Gear on upper
sprocket shaft.
Intermediate gear,
Gear on governor
shaft and hub.
Stereopticon slide
rod to hold lens
Wing nut and
washer for No. 91.
Screw to locate
shutter gear case.
Screw to retain
shutter gear case
in frame.
Film tension shoes,
Round aperture
heat arrester on
film gate.
Thumb screw for
front plate (2).
Screw to clamp
shutter drive bush-
Plate Article
No. No.
1 105-A
Cap for hole, when
changing over '09
screw for clamp-
ing mechanism to
Sprocket, upper or
Idler rolls, hard-
ened steel.
4 108-A
Idler film roll.
hardened, lower
roller bracket.
Tension pulley for
take-up belt.
Roller guide on
governor shaft.
Governor balls,
brass (two).
Shutter gear casing
complete with
Roller, complete
for top of gate,
with shaft and
1 116-A
Roller, top of gate,
solid end. hard-
Spring for gate
111 6% -A
Roller, top of gate,
spring end hard-
Spring for plunger,
to locate mechan-
ism on base.
Center pin in hing
of magazine.
1 120-P
Side plate.
Nut, upper reel
Collar on gate latch
1 125-P
Gate latch rod.
1 126
Shaft for No. 116.
Ball screw for gate
Screws to fasten
upper or lower
reel arm to frame.
Shaft screw, hard-
ened, for gear or
for belt tension
pulley or stereo
lens bracket.
Pin in governor
Pin for governor
drive gear.
3 146-P
Front shutter
bracket casting.
Pin in gear on
governor shaft.
Screw to fasten
crank to shaft.
Screw to hold
wood handle on
Plate Article
Plate Article
No. No.
No. No.
Adjusting screw
for take-up belt
tension pulley.
1 157 .
Lock nut for screw
No. 156.
4 15&-P
Front shutter
bracket casting,
top screw.
4 159-P
Front shutter
bracket casting,
3 20-/-P
lower screw.
1 160-P
Main frame of film
4 208
- 161-P
Front shutter
complete, t w o -
1 162-A
Aperture plate.
2 163-P
Automatic fi r e
shutter and gear.
2 164-P
Heat shield on
1217 .
4 167-A
Link to connect
framing device.
with No. 11-A.
1 219 ,
Rack bar for fire
Governor strips.
Shutter wing (out-
-t \
er) with collet
and screws.
2 222
Shutter wing (in-
Front plate.
Stud in crank for
wood handle.
2 174-A
Film tension spring
2 224-A
to hold No. 96-A.
Governor spring.
Front shutter com-
2 225
plete, three-wing.
Front shutter blade
Hub plates for
front shutter (2).
180-P '."
Hub for front
Small bushing in
gear bridge for
balance wheel
Large bushing for
balance arbor.
2 193-A
Bushing in bridge
4' 235 ?
for governor shaft.
4 194
Bushing in frame
for governor shaft.
Screw for front
Rivets for front
2 197-P
Front shutter shaft.
4 241
2 198-P
Front shutter shaft
with gear.
2 199-P
Collar for front
4 241%
shutter shaft.
Screw in governor
3 201-P
Collar screw for
front shutter shaft.
Locating screw for
idler bracket
Screw for sprock-
ets, upperor lower.
. Screw for balance
Screw for shutter
wing collet.
Spiral gear for
front shutter shaft.
Locating screw for
front plate.
Screw to fasten
magazines to spi-
Screw to fasten
heat shield to
Screw for aperture
Screw for lower
fire shield.
Screw for studs
on gate.
Screw for gate
Screw for film ten-
sion spring.
Screw to hold
round aperture
heat arrester to
' No. 164-A.
Screw to hold idler
roller on shafts.
Screw to hold
bridge on main
Screw to hold bush-
ings in bridge.
Locating screw,
for roller brack-
Spiral gear for shut-
ter drive shaft.
Screw for gear
cover, upper.
Screw for gear
cover, rear.
Screw for gear
cover, front.
Screw to clamp
governor bushing
in frame.
Screw for attach-
ing magazine to
reel arm.
Magazine body and
Lock nut on roller
bracket adjusting
Adjusting screw,
upper rollerbrack-
Adjusting screw,
lower rollerbrack-
Plat* Article
Plate Article
No. No.
No. No.
2 242-P
Fibre washers for
1 283%
Locating plunger
front shutter
Shutter drive shaft
Collar for crank
with gear 230-P
and gear 281-P
Screw for locating
Shutter gear case
crank handle.
Screws to clamp
2 245-P
Adjustable tension
bushing in shutter
thumb screw.
gear case.
Adjustable tension
Shaft for interme-
stud on heat ar-
diate gears in
shutter gear case.
4 249
Screw to hold roll-
Screw in gear on
er bracket in place.
lower sprocket
Roller for maga-
zine fire trap.
Screw for upper fire
Shaft for roll in
magazine fire trap.
Screw for heat ar-
Screw to hold traps
rester gate.
to magazines.
1 295-P
Latch pin for side
Screw for nut on
reel shaft.
Nut for latch pin.
Spring for gate
Spring for latch pin.
latch rod.
Screw for side
2 259-P
Adjustable tension
plate, same as
No. 48-A.
2 260-P
Adjustable tension
Bushing for shut-
spring screw, same
ter gear case
as door latch
collar screw.
4 D 1
Horizontal main
Wood handle for
4 D 2
Vertical casting,
Screw for small
cap for D-l.
belt pulley.
D 3
Large bushing for
4 265
Screw for roller
geneva star shaft.
bracket springs.
D 4
Small bushing for
Screw to locate
geneva star shaft.
framer guide rod.
4 D 5
Eccentric bushing
Button in magazine
for geneva cam
latch screw.
Screw for maga-
D 6
Geneva cam and
zine latch.
Taper pin for disc
D 7
Geneva driver pin
on balance arbor.
4 270-P
Disc on balance
D 9
Geneva star and
shaft (one piece).
Spring for upper
1 D10
Intermittent sprock-
and lower roller
et ('hardened).
bracket (3 pieces).
Screws for sprock-
4 275
Spring to hold front
et (hardened) (2).
plate (2 pieces).
4 D12
Disc on cam shaft.
Set screw to fast-
4 D13
Screw to fasten
en large balance
D-12 to geneva
shaft bushing in
cam shaft (hard-
main frame.
Take-up belt.
1 D14
Intermittent idler
Screw for No. 275
roller bracket and
springs, front
Idler roller, same
4 279-P
Disc between
as No. 108.
framer and bal-
Pin to hold D-14
ance arbor.
to D-l.
Gear on shutter
1 D17
Springs to hold
drive shaft.
D-14 in position
1 282-P
Guard for upper
1 D18
Screw to hold D-17
Plunger to locate
to D-l.
mechanism o n
Adjusting screw for
1 28 4 -P
Screw for upper
Screw to clamp
sprocket guard.
Plate Article
No. No.
4 D26
4 D29
4 D30
1 D32
1 D38
Screw to clamp
roller shaft in in-
termittent brack-
Screw to hold D-15
on shaft, same as
No. 223.
Screw to clamp
D-3 in Dl.
Screw to clamp
D-4 in D-l.
Screw to clamp
D-5 in D-l.
Adjusting screw for
D-5 (2).
Screw to fasten
D-2 to D-l.
Take-up screw to
adjust framer on
guide rod.
Screws in D-2 to
adjust friction on
slide rod (2).
Oil cup on D-2.
Pin in D-2 for con-
necting link.
Stripper plate.
Stripper plate
Dowel pins for D-2.
Screw to hold D-4
in place.
Bushing for framer
cap No. 02.
Screw for bushing
on D-36.
Balance wheel on
cam shaft.
Balance wheel
screw, same as
No. 249.
Intermittent roller
Plate Article
No. No.
2 MA 1-P
2 MA 2-P
2 MA 3-P
2 MA 4
2 MA 5
2 MA 6
2 MA 7
2 MA 8
2 MA 9
2 MA11
2 MAI 2
2 MAI 3
held by two ball bearings clamped in
the holding casting by screws 853P, P. 2. The entire gover-
nor, including the ball bearings, may be removed as a unit
by following instructions Nos. 1 and 2. Then remove taper
pin 70P, P. 2, and pull off arm 117P, P. 2. Next remove screw
141P, P. 2, and a similar screw immediately under the arrow
head of 853P, P. 2; this releases bar 140P, P. 2. Next loosen
screws 853P, P. 2, whereupon the entire governor including
the ball races and beveled gear may be pulled out toward the
No. 7. To remove ball bearing 138P, P. 3, and spring 134P,
P. 2, follow instructions Nos. 1, 2 and 6, which releases the
governor as a unit. Now remove screw 822P, P. 2, and its
mate on the opposite side and tap lightly on the end of shaft
130P, P. 3. The ball bearing is just a tight fit, and by tap-
ping lightly on the end of the shaft with a copper or brass
punch it will slip off the shaft, and this releases the governor,
weight, spring and sleeve.
No. 8. To remove spring 134P, P. 2, follow instruction
No. 7.
No. 9. To remove weight 145 P, P. 2, follow instruction
No. 7, and then drive out the pins holding the governor-
Plate 1, Figure 268.
carrying arms. These pins are not tapered and may be
driven either way.
No. 10. To remove ball race on inner end of governor
shaft, follow instruction No. 7, and then drive out taper pin
in hub of gear 136P, P. 2. The large end of each taper pin
used in this machine may be recognized by a file mark on
the hub behind the head of the pin. Gear and ball race may
now be driven off.
No. 11. To remove flywheel, 26P, P. 2, take out screw in
end of shaft and carefully pry off the cap under it, where-
upon the wheel may be pulled away. This also releases pin-
ion 27P, P. 2 and 3.
No. 12. To remove bearing bracket 30P, P. 3, which is
also the oil well cover, follow instruction No. 11. Then pull
off pinion 27P, P. 3, remove screws 867P (six of them), P. 2,
whereupon the bracket including the cam 34P, P. 2, gear 33P,
P. 2, and its shaft 25P, P. 2, can be pulled away as a unit.
In removing this bracket pull the parts away carefully, mov-
ing them straight outward, then up and to the right, being
careful not to strain any part, else you may injure the cam
pin or the star or both.
No. 13. To remove cam 34P, P. 2, follow instructions Nos.
11 and 12, and drive out taper pin engaging the hub of what
appears to be gear 33P, P. 2, but is in reality the hub of the
cam. This will release cam 34P, P. 2, and gear 33P, P. 2.
Gear 33P, P. 2, is held to cam 34P, P. 2, by four screws in the
back of the cam; by removing these screws the gear is
No. 14. Shaft 25P, P. 2, runs in a bronze bushing pressed
into the bracket casting 30P, P. 3. This bushing may be
driven out and a new one substituted. The new bushing may
be driven in from either direction, but be very careful that
you get it started straight, and do not use anything but a
hard wood punch to drive it. Proceed carefully and you
will have no trouble. The inner end of the bushing should
be flush with the casting.
No. 15. To remove the intermittent unit, which includes
shaft 40P, P. 2, star 44P, P. 2, bushing 42P, P. 2, eccentric
sleeve 43P, P. 2, collar 45P, P. 2, and intermittent sprocket
41P, P. 2, proceed as follows: Remove screw 49P, P. 1, and
pull off bracket 48P, P. 1. Release screws 833P (two of them),
P. 1, and take off intermittent stripper 52P, P. 1. Next re-
move screw 201, P. 2. Then raise up on pin SOP, P. 1, which
revolves eccentric sleeve 43P, P. 1, and disengages the star
from the cam. The intermittent unit may now be removed
by grasping the intermittent sprocket and pulling straight
No. 16. To remove intermittent sprocket 41P, P. 2, follow
instruction No. 15 and then drive out the two taper pins in
the hub of the sprocket. See recommendation in instruction
No. 57.
No. 17. To remove both bushings 42P, P. 2, follow instruc-
tion No. 15, drive out taper pin in the hub of star 44P, P. 2.
Intermittent shaft may then be removed from sleeve 43P,
P. 2. There are two bushings in this sleeve, and to remove
them drive either one clear in against! the other bushing
and drive the old bushings right on through. In putting in
new bushings us'e nothing but a hardwood punch and be
sure to get them started straight. Drive the bushings in at
either end of the sleeve until they are flush with the face of
the sleeve. See recommendation in instruction No. 57.
No. 18. The inner end of shaft 25P, P. 2, is carried by a
small bronze bushing. To remove this bushing and to re-
place proceed as follows: First follow instruction Nos. 11,
12 and 15, which removes the entire intermittent mechanism.
The hole which holds the bushing carrying the end of shaft
25P, P. 2, extends clear through to the other side, its open
end being plugged up with a loosely fitting iron plug. Stick
a steel nail or any slim punch through the bushing and drive
this plug out. Then the bushing may be driven out from
either end and the new one driven in. In driving in the new
bushing use nothing but a hardwood punch, and be sure to
get it started straight. The new bushing may be driven in
from either end and its face must be flush with the casting
on the inside end.
No. 19. Gear 176P, P. 2 and its shaft, gear 163P, P. 2;
belt wheel 161P, P. 2; gear 158P, P. 2, and the shaft carrying
them may be removed as a unit by first disconnecting the
motor and the take up belts 659P and 334P, P. 4, and pulling
out the hinge pins 338P and 660P, P. 4, then removing screws
872P, P. 2, and two others in the opposite end of plate 181P.
Next remove screw 152P, P. 1, and crank 151 P, P. 1, and the
taper pin in the shaft behind the hub of the crank. Next
loosen screw on the inner end of shaft 455P, P. 1. This
screw is on the gate side just between sprocket 452P, P. 1, and
the casting. Having released the screws, turn down the
stripper plate which comes up between the flanges of the
sprocket, and then remove sprocket 452P, P. 1, by loosening
the screw in the center of its hub and pulling the sprocket
off its shaft; also pull off collar which is on the shaft behind
sprocket, after loosening two set screws in its hub. This
releases the parts. After having raised the framing carriage
as far as it will go, grasp plate 181P, P. 2, and pull the whole
thing straight out and away.
Caution. In replacing this part be careful when you put
the lower sprocket 452P, P. 1, back on the shaft that it
centers properly between the flanges of the idler roller 281P,
P. 1 (see instruction No. 55), and that the stripper plate is
raised up into position between the flanges of the sprocket,
and its holding set screw well tightened.
Plate 2, Figure 269.
No. 20. The method of driving the machine is as follows:
When crank driven, gear 158P, P. 2, which is attached to take
up belt pulley and to the crank shaft, drives pinion (stock
No. 174) which is secured to the lower sprocket shaft 170P,
P. 1. This pinion is just inside the plate 181 P, P. 2, and does
not show. It drives the lower sprocket shaft and gear 176P,
P. 2 and 3, which in turn drives the cam shaft through
pinion 27P, P. 2 and 3.
When the machine is motor driven, motor pulley 625P,
P. 4, drives friction disc 622P, P. 4, which in turn drives belt
659P, P. 4. Belt 659P, P. 4, drives pinion 163P, P. 2, being
attached to pulley 161P, P. 2. Pinion 163P, P. 2, drives
lower sprocket shaft gear 176P, P. 2 and 3. Gear 176P, P.
2 and 3, then drives the intermittent movement through
pinion 27P, P. 2 and 3.
No. 21. To remove gear 176P, P. 2 and 3, drive out taper
pin in its hub, remembering that the file mark on the hub
is at the large end of the pin. Gear can then be pulled off
the shaft.
No. 22. To remove lower sprocket shaft 170P, P. 3, and
the inner pinion thereon follow instruction No. 19 and then
drive out taper pin in hub of gear 176P, P. 2 and 3, where-
upon the shaft can be pulled out on the operating side of
the machine.
No. 23. To remove bronze bushing carrying lower
sprocket shaft 170P, P. 1, follow instructions Nos. 19 and
21, whereupon the bushing may be driven out from either
direction, using a hard wood block and hammer for the
purpose. In replacing this bushing take note that the bush-
ing is longer than the bearing, and be careful that it pro-
jects or extends the same distance as the old one.
No. 24. To remove belt pulley 161 P, P. 2, and gear 163 P,
P. 2, follow instruction No. 21 and then loosen set screws
(two of them), in collar 162P, P. 3, after which the pulley
and gear can be removed.
No. 25. To remove gear 158P, P. 2, and the belt pulley
attached thereto, follow instruction No. 19, and remove collar
163P, P. 3, whereupon the shaft and gears can be pulled out.
Gear 158P, P. 2 and 3, is attached to the crankshaft by
means of a taper pin in its hub, and the belt pulley next it
is also attached in the same manner.
No. 26. The crank end of the crankshaft is supported by a
bronze bushing. To remove this bushing and replace it with
a new one follow instruction No. 19, whereupon the bushing
may be driven out from either direction and the new one
driven in, using only a hard wood block for the purpose.
No. 27. Just below the intermittent oil well in the main
frame casting is one of the bushings supporting lower
sprocket shaft 170P, P. 1. To remove this bushing and re-
place it with a new one follow instruction No. 19, whereupon
the bushing may be driven out from either direction and
the new one driven in, using a hardwood block for driving.
No. 28. The springs which hold the idler roller bracket
to the sprocket are removed or attached merely by slipping
them off the studs.
No. 29. To' remove governor bracket 137P, P. 2 and 3,
carrying governor and the center ball race of shaft 100P,
P. 2 and 3, follow instructions Nos. 1 and 2, then remove
taper pin 70P, P. 2, and arm 117P, P. 2, and pull out shaft
116P, P. 2. Next remove screw 854P, P. 2, and shove up-
ward on gear 103P, P. 2, thus raising both the gear and ball
bearing above its supporting casting. Now remove screw
866P, P. 2 (four of them), whereupon part 137P, P. 2 and 3,
can be pulled away, carrying with it the governor, gear 136P,
P. 2, and link 140P, P. 2.
No. 30. To remove castings IP, P. 1, and 2P, P. 3, which
support the lens, follow instruction No. 1, then take out
taper pin 70P, P. 2, pull out shaft 116P, P. 2, and remove
four screws, one at each corner of the casting, first pulling
part 2P, P. 3, in by means of knob 10P, P. 1, far enough to
expose the two screws in the lens end of the casting.
No. 31. To remove knob 10P, P. 1, and rod 9P, P. 1, look
on the under side of casting immediately below rod 9P, P. 1,
at the end next knob 10P, P. 1, and you will find a small
screw. This screw engages a groove in shaft 9P, P. 1, and
after it has been removed, rod 9P and knob 10P may be
removed by screwing it out of the arm of part 2P, P. 3. In
replacing this part do not forget to tighten up this retaining
screw so that it engages with the groove in the shaft, or else
the rod will not operate part 2P, P. 3.
No. 32. Part 2P, P. 3, is the casting which engages or
grasps tube 318P, P. 3, which holds the lens. The lens tube
itself rests inside part 318P, P. 3, so that when the parts are
assembled and the lens is in place, part 318P, P. 3, and the
lens tube are tightly clamped together by screw 867P, P. 1
and 3; and since part 318P, P. 3, carries with it shutter blade
310P, P. 2, and shutter shaft 312P, P. 2 and 3, it follows that
by adjusting knob 10P, P. 1, the lens and the shutter blade
are both moved inward and outward when the lens is focused,
and thus the shutter is maintained at all times at a fixed
distance from the lens.
No. 33. Top guide roller 19P, P. 1, is composed of inner
flange 18P, P. 3, outer flange 20P, P. 3, and spreading rollers
19P, P. 1, these being held together by spindle 14P, P. 3,
and spring 16P, P. 3. This part may be dissembled by re-
moving set screw in the supporting casting just back of
arrow head 18P, P. 3. The tension of spring 16P, P. 3, may
be varied at will by loosening the holding set screw just
back of arrow head 18P, P. 3, and moving shaft 14P, P. 3,
slightly in or out.
Plate 3, Figure 270.
No. 34. Aperture plate 5P, P. 1, is held in position by four
screws. This plate is made of carbon steel as hard as glass.
It may be removed for renewal by taking out four screws,
one in each corner.
No. 35. To remove gate 80P, P. 1, take out the four
screws holding the main casting to the posts and then pull
the gate away. The hinges are held by dowel pins in ad-
dition to the screw.
No. 36. Automatic fire shutter flap 91 P, P. 2, is attached
to its shaft merely by being bent around it. Its position on
the shaft may be adjusted by holding horizontal rack 88P,
P. 1, stationary and lifting or lowering, as the case may be,
fire flap 91P, P. 2. Fire flap 91 P, P. 2, may be removed by
driving out the spindle from the pinion end. In replacing
hold the corner of a hardwood block against the pinion and
drive the shaft into the pinion, after having shoved the shaft
through the fire flap. The rack engaging this pinion may
be removed by driving it through the gate away from the
pinion; use only a hardwood punch for this purpose, the
door of course being open or off the machine. This rack
should be kept clean and perfectly free at all times, since
the shutter drops by gravity alone.
No. 37. Each of tension shoes 65P, P. 1, is pivoted to a
plunger which passes through the gate casting, the shoes
being held up against the film by a flat spring, the lower end
of which is seen at 66P, P. 1. The tension on this spring is
regulated by nut 68P, P. 2, which is attached to a steel screw
67P, P. 1. Thus the operator at all times is able to give his
tension the finest possible adjustment. Spring 66P, P. 1, is
so pivoted that it automatically equalizes the tension between
the two shoes.
Lower tension shoes 55P, P. 1, are attached to plate 58P,
P. 1, and are held up by a small flat yoke spring at its rear.
Plate 58P, P. 1, and lower tension shoes 55P, P. 1, may be
removed by taking out screw 878P, P. 1, on the upper end
of the plate. Upper tension shoes 65P, P. 1, may be removed
by pressing in on the lower end of the shoe until the upper
end comes out of its engaging slot; turn upper end toward
center of the gate. It will then be released from its pivot
No. 38. Spring 94P, P. 1, is held by two screws at its
lower end, and serves to hold the film over against the steel
track at the left of the aperture. It also prevents side mo-
tion. The main tension spring supplies tension tfi the upper
shoes. To remove this spring, remove screw 72P, P. 2, in
the center of nut 68P, P. 2, taking off nut 68P, P. 2, and
pulling out pin 67P, P. 1. In replacing the spring be sure
that the depression in its face rests on the fulcrum properly
and that its upper ends engage with the plungers of the
tension shoes.
No. 39 Upper sprocket 452P, P. 1, may be removed by
loosening the screw holding stripper spindle 454P, P. 1 and 3.
Swing the stripper up out of the way, loosen the set screw
in the hub of the sprocket, and pull sprocket off. In re-
placing sprocket be careful to get it properly centered be-
tween the flanges of its idler rollers.
No. 40. Upper sprocket shaft 450P, P. 1 and 3, and gear
451P, P. 2 and 3, may be removed by following instruction
No. 39 and then removing collar 453P, P. 1, by loosening
set screws (two of them) in its hub, afterward pulling shaft
and gear out.
No. 41. To remove gear HOP, P. 2, drive out the taper
pin in its hub and raise the gear off by revolving it until it
disengages from the teeth of 451P, P. 2 and 3.
No. 42. To remove shaft 100P, P. 2 and 3, remove screw
in top of mechanism which engages main supporting spring
217P, P. 1, then remove nuts 223P, P. 3, and take out the
two top screws holding machine case to the top of mechan-
ism, which will allow the whole top of the machine to be
taken off. Next release screw 854P, P. 2, and upper and
lower screws 868P, P. 2. Now follow instruction No. 12,
look into the oil well and see the bevel gear on lower end
of shaft, attached thereto by a taper pin, remembering that
the file mark is at the large end of the pin. Drive this pin
out. Next loosen two set screws in collar resting on part
203P, P. 2, and 215P, P. 2, whereupon shaft 100P, P. 2, may
be lifted out upward.
No. 43. The mechanism is held to the lower magazine
by four screws, the heads of which are seen by looking
underneath the edge of the casting in the top of the lower
magazine. Remove these four screws and you may lift the
whole mechanism away.
No. 44. The framing of the carriage is accomplished by
means of a segment of a gear and pinion attached to the
side of the base of the mechanism. Should anything at any
time go wrong with this mechanism you can get at it by
removing the -machine from the base, whereupon its method
of dissembling is self-evident. The framing mechanism
under the base operates a vertical screw 247P, P. 4, which
engages with a phosphor bronze nut attached to the center
of the framing carriage.
No. 45. The weight of the framing carriage is carried by
a vertical spring 217P, P. 1, and if there is a tendency for the
carriage to work down proceed as follows: Open the motor
compartment door, and looking up at the bottom of the
mechanism you will see a half round arrangement with a
cap and three screws; this is open at one side. Looking
in you will see a small nut which has a right-hand thread.
By tightening this nut slightly the tension on the framing
handle is increased. Later design has a plate supported by
two lugs in place of the half round support, the adjustment
being the same.
No. 46. Where it is desirable to use half-size lens the
company furnishes a special mount with a revolving shutter.
The half-size lens cannot be used with the regular mount as
shown at 318P, P. 1 and 3.
No. 47. To remove motor drive unit disconnect wires
leading to switch and remove belt 659P, P. 4, by taking out
pin 669P, P. 4. Looking under casting 621 P, P. 4, you will
see a horizontal link connected to a vertical lever by a screw.
Remove this screw. Next take off nut securing upper end of
toggle link to casting 621P, P. 4. Remove screw 658P, P. 4.
Motor unit may now be taken out as a whole. Motor may
be removed from casting 621 P, P. 4, by removing screws in
bottom of casting 621P, P. 4, and screws in coupling 650P,
P. 4.
No. 48. In order to remove driving friction wheel which
bears on friction disc 622P, P. 4, first follow instruction No.
47, then remove 638P, P. 4, from shaft 635P, P. 4. This
key is held in position by a screw in its face. Next remove
three screws in the face of the leather washer 633P, P. 4,
which will release disc wheel.
No. 49. To remove the friction material on face of 625P,
P. 4, follow instructions Nos. 47 and 48 and then remove
screws in the outer end (you cannot see them in the cut)
of the friction wheel. This releases the friction material,
which may be removed and new material be secured from
the manufacturer and put in its place. The friction material
will need no turning or trueing up after being put in.
No. 50. To remove disc wheel 622P, P. 4, release the set
screw in the belt pulley on the shaft of the disc, after first
having released the screw in the rim of knurled adjusting
nut on the rear end of the shaft. Back this nut off, where-
upon you may pull the friction disc and shaft away.
No. 51. To adjust the intermittent sprocket and cam in
order to eliminate lost motion in the intermittent, first loosen
screw 201 P, P. 2, and screw 49P, P. 1, after which slightly
turn eccentric sleeve 43P, P. 1, by pressing down on pro-
jecting pin SOP, P. 1, at the same time revolving the fly-
wheel by hand. When you think you have it just about
right tighten up screw 201P, P. 2, and try the intermittent
sprocket with your fingers. See General Instruction No. 5.
When you have the adjustment made to your satisfaction
tighten up screw 49P, P. 1, and the adjustment is completed.
Caution: Should you, for any reason, remove bracket 48P,
P. 1, be very sure that its face and the face it fits on arc
perfectly clean when you put them back, because dirt might
and probably would throw the part out of line and cause
shaft 40P, P. 1, to bind in bushing 42P, P. 1. Also be very
sure that screw 201P, P. 2, is set up tight. If it is not it will
cause trouble.
No. 52. End motion' in the intermittent sprocket (see
General Instruction No. 7) may be removed by loosening the
screw in the steel collar between intermittent sprocket 41P,
P. 1, and eccentric sleeve 43P, P. 1, and prying lightly
against the rim of the sprocket with a screwdriver, letting
the point of the screwdriver rest on the collar, which will
have the effect of forcing the sprocket to the right and the
collar to the left. Tighten up the screw in the collar while
it is held in this position.
No. 53. In threading the machine, when you raise the
lower sprocket idler do not jerk it up as though you were
working with a two-inch bar. Rough handling of this idler
may get it out of line with the sprocket, which will cause
the losing of the lower loop. (See General Instruction No.
No. 54. The quantity of oil in oil well 213P, P. 2, should
only be sufficient so you can see the oil splash on the.
oil window when the machine is running. In order to clean
out oil well 213P, P. 2, remove the screw immediately below
the glass window, which will allow the oil to drain out, you
of course providing something for the oil to run into. Re-
place the screw, flood the well with kerosene, and give the
machine a few turns, after which remove the screw, drain
out the kerosene and put in fresh oil. (See General Instruc-
tion No. 1.)
No. 55. With regard to the idler rollers (see General In-
struction No. 12), in order to change the distance of idler
rollers from the sprocket, loosen the clamping screw in the
Plate 4, Figure 271.
hub of bracket, one of which is shown at 800P, P. 1, which
will allow of moving the bracket on its shaft. In making this
adjustment be very careful not to move the hub of bracket
away from the main casting, which would cause the idler to
be out of line with the intermittent sprocket.
No. 56. Upper and lower sprockets may be turned end for
end on their shafts in order to present a new tooth surface
to the film, if the teeth are worn on one side.
No. 57. I would by all means advise all purchasers of the
Baird machine either at the time of purchase or later on to
secure a complete part comprised of 40P, 41P, 51P, 42P and
44P, P. 2. Then when your intermittent sprocket, shaft, bush-
ing or star is worn, all you have to do is to remove the complete
part, substitute the new one and send the old one to the
factory for inspection and repairs. This is in every way
much better than to attempt to put on a new intermittent
sprocket. The intermittent sprocket is the heart of a mov-
ing picture machine, and it must not only be true down to
as little as one ten-thousandth of an inch, but it must be
mounted absolutely true also, and the operator is seldom
in a position to do a delicate job of this kind properly.
No. 58. The wear of the bushing carrying shaft 170P, P. 1,
supporting lower sprocket 452P, P. 1, will have the effect of
increasing the distance between the sprocket and its idler.
Should you begin to have trouble with losing the lower loop,
first see if you can move the outer end of the lower sprocket
up and down perceptibly. If you can, the bushing is prob-
ably somewhat worn and the distance between sprocket and
idler has increased. The remedy is to loosen the idler. (See
Instruction No. 55.) When you are making this adjustment
hold down on the sprocket; then adjust idler roller to suit
this condition.
No. 59. There should be just sufficient pressure between
friction disc wheel 622P, P. 4, and driving friction wheel to
cause disc wheel 622P, P. 4, to continue to revolve when belt
659P, P. 4, is slipping on pulley. This pressure is regulated
by a knurled nut at the rear end of the shaft, carrying disc-
wheel 622P, P. 4. To test the drive, start the motor and
grasp the flywheel firmly, causing the belt to slip on the
pulley. Any unnecessary pressure between friction disc-
wheel 622P, P. 4, and the driving friction wheel will cause
excessive wear and loss of power and probably heating
of the motor.
No. 60. At the lower end of rod 639P, P. 4, is a casting
supported by a stud attached to the rear wall of the com-
partment. This casting is supported on the stud by a clamp
lined with fibre. Should at any time the knob 512P, P. 4.
develop a tendency to work up or down while the motor is
running, tighten the screw in this clamp bushing sufficiently
to hold the rod in place and prevent the knob from moving
through vibration of parts.
No. 61. On the operating side of the machine at the bot-
tom of the magazine is a horizontal lever, the purpose of
which is to raise the discwheel end of part 621P, P. 4, thus
releasing belt 659P, P. 4, which operates as follows: When
ready to start the show raise the lever up and start your
motor by throwing in the handle of switch 329P, P. 4, next
set speed regulating knob 512P, P. 4, in running position,
if it is not already there. Now when you are ready to pro-
ject the picture drop the lever slowly down with one hand
and as the fire shutter raises raise the dowser with the other
No. 62. Belt 334P, P. 4, operates the take-up. The take-up
gear 342P, P. 4, is on take-up spindle, 348P, P. 4, which carries
the lower reel. This spindle is supported by bar 346P, P. 4,
which is hinged to the machine casting on the opposite
side, just back of the figures 342P, P. 4. The front end
of this lever, including the take-up spindle, rests in and
is supported by belt 334P, P. 4. Th6 result is that when the
reel in the take-up magazine is empty there is very little
friction on this belt, but as the film is wound on the reel
the weight increases, and thus an automatically regular take-
up tension is supplied in excellent form.
No. 63. Any angle may be given the machine as a whole
by loosening the clamps which secure the legs and raising
or lowering the machine to secure the desired setting.
No. 64. The condenser is supported in a metal casing
which forms a heat reservoir and will go far toward reduc-
ing lens breakage. The casing is so designed that it may
be adjusted to suit various conditions. It is advisable that
the lens be kept about one-sixteenth of an inch apart.
No. 65. On the top of the carbon clamp of your lamp,
under the clamping screw, is a hole which should be kept
filled with powdered graphite at all times. Do this and you
will have no trouble with your carbon clamp screws working
No. 66. The cups on the motor should be kept filled with
a good grade of medium oil.
Order parts by number only. These numbers are the
manufacturers' regular stock numbers. The first column in-
dicates the number of the plate or plates upon which the
part appears.
Pin to adjust eccen-
tric sleeve.
Gasket for eccentric
Stripper for inter-
mittent sprocket.
Lower tension shoe.
Spring for lower ten-
sion shoe.
Upper tension shoe.
Spring for upper ten-
sion shoe.
Adjusting screw for
upper tension shoe.
Adjusting nut for
upper tension shoe.
Screw stop for ad-
justing nut for up-
per tension shoe.
Spring for locking
pin on gate door.
Plunger for locking
gate door.
Pin for releasing lock-
ing plunger on gate
Foot on gate door
Knob for releasing
pin on gate.
Rack for fire shutter.
Pinion for fire shut-
Shaft for fire shutter.
Fire shutter.
Spring for edge of
Vertical shaft.
Bevel gear on lower
end of vertical
Bevel gear on center
of vertical shaft for
D. C. machine. .
Ball bearing for cen-
ter bevel gear on
vertical shaft.
Bevel gear on center
of vertical shaft for
A. C. machine.
Nut for center bevel
gear on vertical
Bracket for lens and
2 50P
aperture plate.
Slide for % size lens
2 51P
and shutter guard.
Aperture plate.
1 52P
Spring between lens
bracket and slide.
1 55P
Frame to hold glass
on lens bracket.
& 1 9P
Screw to adjust lens.
1 65P
Knob of lens adjust-
1 66P
ing screw.
Glass for lens bracket.
1 - 67P
Pin for film guiding
2 68P
Spring for film guid-
ing roller.
2 72P
- 18P
Roller for back edge
of film.
Spreader roller for
guiding film.
Roller for front edge
of film.
1 84P
Cam shaft.
Fly wheel.
- 85P
& 2 27P
Pinion for cam shaft.
Washer for fly wheel.
Screw to hold fly
1 86P
wheel pinion on
cam shaft.
2 87P
& 2 SOP
Bracket for outside
bearing on cam
1 88P
shaft 'cover for oil
2 89P
Bushing for outside
2 90P
bearing on cam
1 & 2-^ 92P
Gasket for cam
1 94P
shaft bearing.
Bevel gear on cam
3 & 2 100P
& 2 40P
Intermittent shaft.
Intermittent sprocket.
2 10 3P
& 1 42P
Bushings for inter-
mittent shaft.
Eccentric sleeve.
Star wheel.
Collar on intermit-
tent shaft.
3 105P
Bracket for outside
bearing on Inter-
mittent shaft.
3 106P
Screw for bracket on
intermittent shaft.
14 OP
3 <
fc 2 158P
3 & 2 160P-
Driving collar on
vertical shaft.
Gear on top end of
vertical shaft.
Bushing for top end
of vertical shaft.
Lever engaging fire
shutter rack.
Shaft carrying levers
operating fire shut-
Lower lever opera-
ting fire shutter.
Governor shaft.
Pins for governor
Pins for collars on
governor shaft.
Spring for governor
for D. C. machine.
Bevel gear on gov-
ernor shaft for A.
C. machine.
Bevel gear on gov-
ernor shaft for D.
C. machine.
Bracket carrying gov-
ernor shaft.
Ball bearings on gov-
ernor shaft.
Spring for governor
for A. C. machine.
Link connecting gov-
ernor and flre shut-
Screws to guide gov-
ernor connecting
Sleeve on governor
Fixed collar on gov-
ernor shaft.
Sliding collar on gov-
ernor shaft.
Balls for governor.
Arm for governor.
Crank handle shaft.
Crank arm.
Screw to hold crank
Driving pin In crank
handle shaft.
Pulley on crank han-
dle shaft.
Helical gear tern crank
handle shaft.
-Oil cup on end of
crank handle shaft.
Pulley for motor belt
on crank handle
Collar on crank
handle shaft.
Pinion on crank
shaft for motor
2 164P
1 170P
3 & 2 176P
2 203P
2 & 3 209P
2 & 3 212P
2 213P
2 215P
1 217P
3 & 2 223P
Bushings for pinions
on crank handle
Lower sprocket shaft.
Pinion on lower
sprocket shaft.
Helical gear on lower
sprocket shaft.
Bracket for carrying
lower driving gears.
Bushing for gear end
of crank handle
Bushing for gear end
of lower sprocket
Sliding main frame.
Screw to lock eccen-
tric sleeve.
Bushing for inside
bearing on cam
Bushing for lower
end of vertical
Bushing for upper
sprocket shaft.
Bushing for crank
end of crank handle
Bushing for sprocket
end of lower sprock-
et shaft.
Hook pins for brack-
et springs.
Nut for framing.
Plug for cam shaft
bearing hole.
Spring for sprocket
Glass in front of oil
Glass in top of oil
Cup for bushing on
lower end of ver-
tical shaft.
Spring to support
main frame.
Post carrying gate
Nuts for top of posts.
Nut for bottom of
Post for front end.
Rollers for upper and
lower flre valves.
Pins for upper flre
valve rollers.
Pinion on framing
Spring on framing
Gear for framing
Handle for framing.
Bracket for flre
rollers, front.
3 & 1 280P
1 292P
1 300P
1 301P
1 302P
1 303P
2 310P
2 & 3 312P
1 & 3 318P
3 319P
Pins for lower fire
Bracket for fire
rollers, rear.
Fibre washer for
framing screw.
Bracket carrying
roller for upper
Rollers for upper and
lower sprockets.
Arm for spring on
roller bracket shaft.
Nut for sprocket
roller shaft.
Shaft for upper and
Lower sprocket roll-
Bracket carrying roll-
er for lower sprocket.
Shaft for bracket
for lower sprocket.
Bracket carrying roll-
er for intermittent
Shaft for roller for
intermittent sprock-
Shaft for bracket for
intermittent sprock-
Roller for Intermit-
tent sprocket.
Shutter for D. C.
Hub for shutter.
Shaft for shutter.
Washer clamp for
Tube carrying lens.
Casing for ball bear-
Ball bearing.
Shutter for A. C.
Switch for motor.
Belt to drive lower
Door for motor com-
Fastener for belt.
Rawhide pin for belt
Rivets for driving
Stationary bracket
carrying lamphouse.
Track bars for sta-
tionary bracket.
Gear on lower reel
sfhaft for small reel
1% core.
Gear and pulley for
driving lower reel.
Arm carrying lower
4 348P
4 349P
4 357P
3 358P
4 360P
1 & 3 450P
3 & 2 451P
1 452P
3 & 1 454P
3 & 1 455P
3 465P
2 468P
2 469P
2 470P
2 & 3 471P
2 472P
3 473P
6 2 IP
Shaft for lower reel.
Pin carrying pulley
on lower reel arm.
Collar on lower reel
Latch for lower reel
Plunger in lower reel
Spring in lower reel
Pin for latch in
lower reel shaft.
Guard for belt on
arm carrying lower
Lug for hinge on
Bracket for motor
Shaft for upper
Gear on upper
sprocket shaft.
Upper sprocket and
Collar on upper
sprocket shaft.
Shaft for upper
sprocket stripper.
Stripper for upper
sprocket and lower.
Main arm carrying
Coupling between
stereopticon arm
and lens.
Rack for stereop-
ticon arm.
Rod for stereopticon
Knob for adjusting
Pinion for stereop-
Pivot pins for stere-
opticon rack.
Yoke end for stere-
Collar on stereopticon
Housing for stereop-
ticon lens.
Retaining ring for
2%" stereopticon
Stereopticon lens
Frame for friction
Friction driven disc.
Hub for driving fric-
tion wheel.
Arm for moving driv-
ing friction wheel.
Face for driving fric-
tion wheel.
Pivot base for motor
Clamp washer for face
of driving friction
Pulley on shaft of
driven friction disc.
Bushing for driven
2 1
3 800P
friction disc shaft.
Bushing for ball
bearing end of
driven friction disc.
Bushing for driving
shaft on motor
Adjusting nut for
3 &
2 867P
driven friction disc.
Retaining washer on
hub of driving fric-
tion wheel.
Shaft for driving
friction wheel.
Friction lever for
moving friction
6 5 OP
Leather band for
flexible coupling.
Rod for speed con-
Ball bearings for
friction drive.
Belt for motor drive.
Rawhide pin for driv-
ing belt fastener.
Clamp screws.
Stock screw.
Stock screw.
Stock screw.
Clamping screw.
Machine screw, stock.
Stock macQiine screw.
Stock machine screw.
Stock machine screw.
Stock machine screw.
Stock machine screw.
Stock machine screws.
Stock machine screw.
Stock machine screw.
Nut holding housing
480 to yoke 475.
Pin for hinge of door
American Standard " Master Model"
No. 1. To Remove the Gate, loosen screw 525, P. 1, and
pull shaft 506, P. 3, out to the right. In order to get at screw 525,
P. 1, it may be necessary to take the mechanism loose from
its base and stick a screwdriver up through a hole in base
casting immediately under the screw. Before starting to
take off the gate, drop the framing carriage clear down, or
else the gate will not pass the film chute.
No. 2. To Remove the Lower Sprocket Film Chute, A-P
17, P. 2, and gear 454, P. 2, first follow Instruction No. 1,
then drive out the taper pin iri the center of the hub of lower
sprocket, 443, P. 2, and the taper pin in the hub of gear 454,
P. 2. You can then pull the shaft ut to the left, driving it
with a copper punch if necessary. Be sure and drive the
taper pin the right way.
No. 3. To Remove Lower Sprocket 443, P. 2, follow In-
struction Nos. 1 and 2.
No. 4. To Remove Gear, 454, P. 2, follow Instruction Nos.
1 and 2.
No. 5 To Remove Film Slide, A-P 18, P. 2, carrying with
it film cradle 382, P. 2, and film guiding spool 536, P. 2, fol-
low Instruction Nos. 1 and 2, ana then remove sciew 527,
P. 2, at' the lower end of the film slide, and screws (two of
them) 501, P. 2, and screws 526 (two 'of them), P. 2. The
dark metal part 382, P. 2, a portion of which is seen below
and a portion above the aperture, is all in one piece and is
Figure 272.
attached to the nickel plated parts 372 (R and L), P. 2, by
eight screws, the ends of which can be seen in nickel plated
No. 6. Film Strips, 438, P. 2 (two of them), ngiu and
left, are the strips upon which the film slides, and which
receive the pressure of the tension shoes. These strips are
steel spring. Should they at any time show signs of wear
they may be renewed by proceeding as follows: Follow
Instructions Nos. 1, 2 and 5, and then take out the eight
screws which hold the dark metal part, 382, P. 2, to the
nickel plated parts, 372 (R and L), P. 2; slide out the film
strips on that side and put in the new ones.
Caution: In putting in new film strips see to it that the
nickel plated part clamps down tightly, so that there is no crack
or space between the two. If there is it is likely that the edge
of the film will wedge in this space and rip off a portion of
525 -
Plate 1, Figure 273.
its edge. Where film is injured in this way by a standard
machine that is the place where the operator may look for
the trouble. The process of reassembling the parts is but a
reversal of their disassembling.
No. 7. To Remove the Film Guiding Spool, 536, P. 2, fol-
low Instruction Nos. 1, 2 and 5, and then drive out the taper
pin in the steel collars in either end of spool spindle. These
pins are taper and you will need a very fine punch to get
them out. However, it is not likely that this particular opera-
tion will ever be necessary, as the collars are casehardened.
No. 8. To Remove Aperture Plate, 439, P. 2, follow In-
struction Nos. 1, 2 and 5. You can then take the plate loose
by removing two screws at its top end.
No. 9. To Remove Gear, 407, P. 2, first take off belt pulley
391, P. 2 (if it is on that shaft; it may be on the transmission
spindle 377, P. 4), and then drive out the taper pin in the
hub of gear, which releases the gear, though it may be neces-
sary to remove cap 496-1, P. 1, and tap gently on the side of
the gear to force it off, using a soft punch of course.
Plate 2, Pigure 274.
No. 10. To Remove Fly Wheel Shaft, 393, P. 1, first take
off the oil well cover 389-1, P. 3. Next loosen set screw 392-3,
P. 6. This screw is in the edge of the cam opposite screw 392-2,
P. 6. You will need a small screwdriver, as it is countersunk
into the cam. There are two of these screws, one on top of
the other, the outer one acting as a lock to the inner one.
Remove the outer one and then run your screwdriver down
into the hole and loosen the inner one. After loosening the
under screw, with the screwdriver still in the hole to hold the
cam stationary, with the left hand revolve the fly wheel, at the
same time pulling outward on the cam, and you will thus
gradually work it off the shaft. Having done this, drive out
taper pin in the hub of fly wheel 390, P. 2, and loosen two
set screws in collar 409, P. 2. You can then pull the fly
wheel shaft out to the left.
No. 11. To Remove Fly Wheel, 390, P. 2, follow Instruc-
tion No. 10, as it is also necessary to remove its shaft.
Plate 3, Figure 275.
No. 12. To Remove Intermittent Sprocket, 399, P. 2, take
off oil well cover, 389-1, P. 3. Remove set screw, 392-3, P. 6.
(See Instruction No. 10 for details of removing cam.) Hav-
ing removed cam 392, P. 6, drive the taper pin out of the hub
of intermittent sprocket 399, P. 2, loosen the set screw in
collar 395, P. 2, whereupon you can pull star 394, P. 6, and
its shaft out to the right.
Caution. In replacing the intermittent sprocket or putting
in a new one be sure to get the felt washer between the
eccentric bushing and brass collar, and be sure to get the
taper pin in hub of sprocket right end to. I would strongly
advise managers and operators against attempting to fit a
new intermittent sprocket to the old shaft. These parts are
presumed to be standard, but the intermittent sprocket and
star are literally the heart of the moving picture machine, and
the variation of only so much as 1/1000 of an inch would be
very perceptible on your screen. It would be much better
and would cost but a few cents to send the star and shaft
to the factory by parcel post and have a new sprocket fitted
to the shaft when the old one wears out. See General In-
struction No. 8.
~No. 13. To Remove Eccentric Bushings 396, 397 and 398,
or either one of them, follow Instruction No. 12, and then
loosen the screws 'in caps, 497, 498, P. 2, which will release
the bushing. It may be necessary to tap the right hand cap
lightly, since it may be stuck to the oil well casing by shellac
which is used to make the joint between the frame and the
oil well tight. At the right hand end of intermittent sprocket
399, P. 2, is a brass collar, 396, P. 2, which rests snugly
against the end of eccentric bushing 397, P. 2. Between
these two is a thin felt washer. This washer is for the
purpose of preventing oil from leaking out of the oil well.
In replacing oil well cover, clean the edges thoroughly, and
smear edge of cover with thick shellac (to be had from any
painter). After clamping cover on let stand a few hours
betore putting in oil.
Caution. Don't put on too much shellac or it will squeeze
out inside the well and may break off and injure the inter-
mittent movement, as these small pieces are very hard.
No. 14. Adjusting the Intermittent. See General Instruc-
tion No. 5. In order to accomplish this adjustment loosen
cap screws 509, P. 2, and, using a punch set in the holes pro-
vided in eccentric bushings 397 and 398, P. 2, gently tap the
bushings in such way that the side toward you will move in
an upward direction. Be very sure and turn both these
bushings the same amount, since otherwise you will raise
one end of the shaft more than the other, thus not only
throwing the star out of square with the cam, but throwing
the work of pulling the film down on the teeth on one side of
the sprocket, which is very bad indeed, besides causing the
shaft to bind in the bushings. There is a scratch mark on each
bushing and you must keep these two scratch marks in exact
alignment with each other. In putting in a new set of bushings
see to it that the thick part of the bushing rests against the
cap is toward you and that the little holes drilled in the
circumference of the bushing near one end comes next to the
fly wheel, and not under the cap. This will bring your bushing
Plate 4, Figure 276.
No. 15. To Remove Bushing, 408, P. 2, under cap 496, P. 1,
follow Instruction No. 9 and remove cap 496, P. 1, by taking
out the two screws in its face. You can then pull the bush-
ing off and put in a new one.
No. 16. The Framing Carriage is raised and lowered by
means of eccentric 457 and sliding box 459, P. 1. The fram-
ing carriage is made to work tight or loose by means of
screw 460, P. 4. These parts may be removed by first taking
off framing handle 458, P. 1, then follow Instruction No. 23.
When you get the front cover plate removed, i_ull out split
key 530, P. 5, and remove screw 460, P. 4, whereupon you can
pull out shaft 456-1, carrying the eccentric, from the front.
This will also release sliding box 459, P. 1.
No. 17. To Remove Revolving Shutter, A-P 20, P. 3, from
its shaft simply loosen 522, P. 4, and pull it off the shaft. To
remove the shutter and its shaft 386-1, P. 3, just pull outward,
tapping gently with a hammer, if necessary. The shaft is
simply stuck in and fitted with a taper joint, there being a
key and keyway to give it the right circumferential location.
Plate 5, Figure 277.
No. 18. To Remove the Shutter Blade 376, P. 3, and sub-
stitute another of different form, remove the six screws in
outer rim 479, P. 3; take off the old blade and put on the
new one, replacing the screws.
No. 19. To Remove the Yoke Holder, 378, P. 4, take out
screws 500, P. 4, and pull the casting off. In replacing this
yoke be sure that the bearing surfaces are perfectly clean.
No. 20. To Remove Yoke 467, P. 4, follow Instruction
No. 20 and take out screw 503, P. 4.
No. 21. To Remove the Casting, 386, P. 4, carrying the re-
volving shutter shaft, vertical shaft 468 and horizontal shaft
386-2, P. 4, first follow Instruction No. 20*and then remove
screws (two of them) 528, P. 4. This releases the casting
carrying the three shafts named, and the five gears mounted
Caution: In replacing this casting be sure that you get
the washers just as they were, because there is likely to be
a variation in the thickness of the two washers and if you
get them switched you will have trouble with the gears
The number of the casting with its assembled parts is
A-P-10, including the three shafts named, and gears 475
(three of them), gear 474, and sliding gear 472, all on P. 4.
/ would not advise the operator, to attempt to replace any of
these parts. If it becomes necessary to do anything to them,
take the whole part off and send it to the factory by insured
parcel post.
No. 22. To Remove Front Plate Cover, 529, P. 4, first
follow Instructions Nos. 19 and 21. Then take out seven
small flat head screws on face of the cover, which releases the
whole thing.
No. 23. To Remove Crank Shaft, 385, P. 5, drive taper
pin out of part 418, P. 5, follow Instruction No. 22, and then
drive out the taper pin in fhe collar next the left side of the
mechanism casting .and the taper pin in .the hub of gear
S-A 417, P. 5. This releases the shaft, which may be pulled
out to the right as you face the lens end of the machine.
No. 24. To Remove Transmission Spindle, 377, P. 5, fol
low Instruction No. 23. Drive the taper pin out of gear 421
and 422, P. 5. Drive the taper pin out of the hub of gear
423, P. 4, which releases the shaft, and allows it to be driven
out to the right as you face the lens end of the machine.
No. 25. To Remove the Governor Lever, A-P 13, P. 2,
it is only necessary to lower the framing carriage, stick a
screwdriver from the right hand side and remove screw 511,
P. 5.
No. 26. To Remove Plate Covering the Top of the Ma-
chine, 513, P. 5, take out five flat head screws on the top of
the plate and one on the lip which comes down in front.
No. 27. To Remove Governor Vertical Shaft, 427, P. 5,
follow Instructions Nos. 22 and 26, then drive out the taper
pin in the hub of gear 434 and taper pin in collar 433. Drive
out the straight pin 432, in the top of the governor weights
430, and the stop pin in the shaft just above the sliding
collar, all in Plate 5. This will release the shaft, which can
be lifted or driven out upward. This instruction applies
equally to the removal of any one of the parts mounted on
spindle 427, except the lower gear, which may be removed
by merely following Instruction No. 23 and driving out the
taper pin in its hub.
No. 28.^To Remove the Upper Sprocket, 443, P. 3, drive
out the taper pin in its hub and pull sprocket off its shaft.
The shaft may also be removed by driving out taper pin in
gear 444, P. 2, having first removed the sprocket, of course.
No. 29. To Remove Upper Sprocket Idler Shaft, 447, P. 2,
take out the screw holding lever 446, P. 4, and slide the
shaft out to the right.
No. 30. Adjusting Sprocket Idlers. The distance of the
two intermittent sprocket idlers 488, P. 3, from the sprocket
is governed by screw 537, P. 1. When making this adjust-
ment be sure that you set the lock nut on screw up tight.
Part 485, P. 1, contains the two lower sprocket idler rolle:s
539, P. 4. The distance of these rollers from the sprocket is
governed by screws 538. These idlers should be set as per
General Instruction No. 12.
No. 31. Tension. (See General Instruction No. 9). The
tension may be altered by tightening or loosening screws
(six of them) 494, P. 1.
No. 32. Tension Shoes, 374, P. 4, may be removed by
driving out the small taper pin in their lower end, and
sliding the shoes out.
No. 33. Tension is supplied to the take-up as follows:
Part S-A 388, P. 2, is attached rigidly to shaft 385, P. 5. Chain
sprocket wheel S-A 415 is mounted loosely on the same shaft
with a cotton belting washer, 415-7, P. 1, between the two.
These three parts are held together under pressure by
springs, 387-1, P. 1, the tension of which is governed by
thumbscrew, 385-1, this thumbscrew being locked in place on
the shaft by screw 387-2. Setting this thumb screw inward,
thus giving the springs more compression, has the effect of
increasing the pull on the take-up reel, and loosening it has
the opposite effect.
Caution: It is necessary that washer 415-7, P. 1, be kept
clean and dry. Don't allow oil from the chain to get on it
or you will have trouble. To move screw 385-1 slack off on
the screws on its face.
Plate 6, Figure 278.
No. 34. Oil. (See General Instruction No. 1.)
No. 35. Setting Shutter. (See General Instruction No. 18.)
No. 36. Adjusting Intermittent. (See General Instruction
No. 5.)
No. 37. Clean Sprockets. (See General Instruction No. 3.)
Order Parts by Number Only. These Numbers Are the
Manufacturer's Regular Stock Numbers. The
First Column of Figures Indicates 'the Plate
on Which the Part is Shown.
Plate Part
No. No.
2 372
3 376
5 & 4377
4 378
4 379
3 381
6 392
6 392-1
6 & 1393
6 394
2 395
2 396
2 397
6 & 2398
2 399
2 407
2 408
Sides for film slide,
R. & L.
Gate blank.
Long tension strips,
R. & L.
Short tension strips,
R. & L.
Outside shutter blade.
Transmission spindle.
Yoke holder.
Gate hinge, R. & L.
Guide for threading
Film cradle.
Oil guard.
Driving spindle.
Split nut.
Shutter casting.
Shutter shaft.
Horizontal shutter
Spring for takeup.
Screw for split nut.
Friction washer.
Inside oil box.
Outside oil box.
Oiler for oil box.
Screws (4).
Balance wheel.
Motor pulley.
Cam wheel driving
Set screw to hold
Set screws to hold
cam to shaft (2).
Cam shaft.
Set collar.
Nut for 397.
Bushing for 394 long.
Bushing for 394
Intermittent sprocket
Gear 14 teeth.
Bronze bearing (un-
der cap 496).
Friction washer.
20-tooth chain
sprocket complete.
Plate Part
No. No.
2 439
2 17t
2 442
2 &3 443
4 446
2 447
2 448
2 448-1-
2 449
70-tooth gear.
Clutch collar.
Wooden handle.
Guide bushing.
Handle screw.
Crank complete.
Gear 15 teeth.
Gear 12 teeth.
Gear 42 teeth.
Stereo bracket.
Stereo extension bar.
Stereo single glass
Governor spindle.
Sliding gear on gov-
Governor head.
Governor wings.
Screws (4).
Governor arms.
Governor pin.
Governor collar.
Governor lever com-
Gear 8 teeth.
Fire shutter.
Fire shutter catch
blank R. & L,.
Screws for 436 (4).
Gate latch slide.
Gate latch.
Film slid* complete.
Right and left film
Aperture plate.
Film chute complete.
Upper sprocket spin-
Upper and lower
Gear 20 teeth.
Upper sprocket idler
roller lever.
Upper sprocket idler
roller spindle.
Upper sprocket idler
roller bracket
Upper Idler adjust-
ment screw.
Upper sprocket Idler
roller bracket
Plate Part
No. No.
& 4485-1
Upper idler rollers.
Upper idler com-
Lower sprocket spin-
Gear 16 teeth.
Framing device spin-
Framing 1 device ec-
Framing device han-
Framing device slid-
ing box.
Adjustment screw for
sliding box.
Large frame.
Sliding frame.
Shoe to fasten lower
magazine to head.
Knee and stud as-
Knee to fasten arm
for take-up.
Yoke for outside
Vertical shaft in 386.
Bronze bearing for
outside shutter.
Sliding gear for out-
side shutter.
Vertical g e a r 12
Gear 12 teeth, out-
side sihutter (3).
Bronze bushing, out-
side shutter.
Bronze ring, outside
Aluminum flange for
outside shutter.
Aluminum ring for
outside shutter.
Key for outside shut-
Outside shutter com-
Outside shutter cast-
ing complete.
Key for sliding gear
Stud for telescope
Screws (7).
Complete roller box.
Roller box casting.
Idler bracket on
gate, assembled.
Idler bracket on
Rollers on Idler
Cup for tension
spring on gate (6).
Plate Part
No. No.
1 493
1 502
1 & 4 503
2 526
1 & 2527
4 528
4 529
4 529-1
Tension stud inside
of 491 (6).
Tension nut Inside of
491 (6).
Tension spring in-
side of 491 (6).
Cap for cam spindle.
Screws for 496 (2).
Cap for intermittent
Cap for intermittent
Spring for guiding
Screws for 378 (2).
Screws for gate
latch (2).
Spring on gate latch.
Screws for sliding
rods (4).
Sliding rod short.
Sliding rod long.
Thumb screw for
Spindle holding gate.
Screw for framing
Screws for 497 and
498 (4).
Screw for governor
Light shield.
Top rollers (2).
Top plate.
Flap for top plate.
Top plate complete.
Bracket for rollers
in top plate (2).
Screws to hold light
shield (2).
Screws (5).
Catch for fire shut-
ter assembled.
Thumb screw hold-
ing stereo bracket.
Thumb screw hold-
ing magazines (4).
Screw holding out-
side shutter to
Screw holding 471.
Screw for holding
gate spindle.
Screws for holding
film slide (2).
Screw for holding
film slide and
screw for 534 and
502 (3).
Screws to hold out-
side shutter cast-
ing (2).
Front plate.
Lens ring.
Plate Part
Plate Part
Cotter pin for fram-
Screw to hold yok
ing device spindle.
holder to shutter
Screws to fasten 465
to 461 (2).
Guiding spool spin-
Small set screw in
Set screw and nut.
Tension spring for
Set screw and nut.
idler bracket.
Rollers in roller
Pin for idler bracket.
box 485.
Guiding spool film
Upper idler spring.
slide short.
3 &
4 20t
Outside shutter com-
Guiding spool flkn
slide long.
Crank complete.
Space bushing for
Oil holes.
S. A.
tA. P.
Edison Kinetoscope
Instructions for Model D
No. 1. To Remove Framing Lever, 18047, P. 2, unscrew
from head of the adjusting gear shaft.
No. 2. Driving Crank, 18066, P. 1, is secured to the shaft
by means of a spring catch. It is released merely by press-
ing on the spring and pulling outward.
No. 3. To Remove Adjusting Gear Shaft, 18052, P. 1, and
brackets 18057 and 18058, P. 1, remove screws (four of them)
17585, P. 1. The removal of these screws releases both
brackets and the shaft. If it is desired still to further dis-
semble the parts, loosen collar set screws 2798, P. 1, where-
upon you can pull the right hand bracket off the shaft
together with collar 18055, P. 1. If it is desired also to
remove the left hand bracket, 18058, P. 1, drive out pin in
the hub of adjusting gear, 18049, P. 2, slip the gear off the
shaft, and this releases the bracket.
No. 4. To Remove the Gate, together witfr parts assembled
thereon, pull out hinge rod, 18193, P. 2. If the hinge pin or
gate sticks tap gently until released.
No. 5. To Remove Aperture Plate, 19334, P. 1, remove
screw 19346, P. 3, and another similar screw immediately
opposite, which releases part 19320, P. 1. Next remove screws
20242, P. 1, pulling framing lever 18047, P. 2, down as far as
it will go, in or,der to disclose the upper one of the screws.
The removal of the four named screws releases the aperture
plate, carrying with it part 19319 and film tracks 19318 and
19317 and guide rollers 19339, all shown on P. 1. The re-
placement of these parts is merely a reversal of the process
of their dissembling, but be sure you set screws 20242, P. 1, in
snugly, and that there is no dirt between the faces of the parts,
as these screws support the aperture plate.
Figure 279.
In this connection let it be noted that the aperture is sup-
ported by a casting having its base just back of arrow head
38, P. 2. Should your aperture at any time get out of line
the first thing to do is make sure the screws holding this
casting have not become loosened.
No. 6. To Remove Film Guide Rollers, 19339, P. 1, follow
Instruction No. 5 and then pull out the split key at the end
of the spindle, which will release the parts. You cannot get
the guide roller spindle out until you have released part
19320, P. 1, as per Instruction No. 5.
No. 7. Film Tracks, 19317 and 19318, P. 1, are of spring
steel, and are removable. When in the course of time they
become worn it is only necessary to order new parts (they
are right and left hand, as per numbers given on P. 1, there-
fore order the one you want by number}. Remove screws
(six of them) 19344, P. 1, lift off parts 19320 and 19319, P. 1,
take out the old tracks and put in the new. They are notched
to fit the screws, hence you cannot get them wrong, even if
you try. Be careful and don't drop the small screws. A
magnetized screwdriver is an excellent tool with which to
handle small parts. See General Instruction No. 19.
No. 8. To Remove Part 19325, P. 1, follow Instruction
No. 5.
No. 9. To Remove Upper Film Guide, 19321, P. 2, take out
two screws, 20636, P. 2.
No. 10. Gate Latch, 18758, P. 3, may be removed by taking
out screws 18207 and 20406, P. 3. Screws 18207 and 18207 (one
at the top and one at the bottom) serve to regulate the dis-
tance of the gate from the machine casting. They should be
so set that the distance between the machine casting and the
gate casting is the same at both sides of the gate. Unless
the gate sets thus the tension shoes will exert unequal pres-
sure on the film. Should it ever be necessary to move these
screws be sure their lock nut is set up tightly when' you have
finished. If at any time the gate latch should fail to work
right it is possible the small coil spring behind it has become
too weak and needs stretching. This can easily be accom-
plished by removing the gate latch.
No. 11. The Automatic Fire Shutter Governor may be
removed by loosening screw 18779, P. 3, which is the small
set screw in collar 18778, P. 3, on the outer end of its spindle,
and set screw 8132, P. 3. Having done this you may slip
spindle 19331, P. 3, carrying gear on its inner end out, which
releases the fire shutter. The hub, which set screw 8132
holds to the shaft, and which contains screws (two of them)
18795, P. 3, is a part of the clutch disc which holds the
governor weights. The governor cover, 18791, P. 3, may be
removed (having first followed the first part of this instruc-
tion) by taking out screws 8141 (two of them), P. 3. Having
removed the governor from the gate you will see on the
inner end of the hub in which was shaft 19331, P. 3, a brass
Plate 1, Figure 280.
collar. This collar is merely pressed on the hub, and is held
there by friction alone. It may be pried off with a knife blade,
or be removed with a pair of gas pliers. Having removed this
collar, which is part 18785, you can lift off the shutter blade and
weight, thus revealing a spider-shaped copper spring. This spring
is for the purpose of holding the shutter blade away from
the revolving mechanism after the shutter is locked open,
thus eliminating considerable friction which otherwise would
be present. It will be noted that three of the prongs of the
spring are bent upward and three are flattened out against
th-e metal. This is as it should be, since the spring must
provide friction between the revolving part and the shutter
blade until the shutter blade has been raised. Do not bend
the prongs, but leave them as you find them. This spring
should be examined once in a while, since it will naturally
develop some wear, which has the effect of allowing the
metal revolving part to rub too hard against the shutter
blade, thus causing undue friction. The governor may be
still further dissembled by removing screws, (two of them)
18795, P. 3, which are in the head of the nickel-plated hub
of the clutch disc. These two screws have on their circum-
ference small spiral springs, the part number of which is
18796. Be careful and do not lose these springs. Their use
and purpose is as follows: When the semi-circular weights,
which you will see when cover 18791, P. 3, is removed, spread
open through centrifugal force, the part carrying the shutter
blade is forced outward, toward the gate, against the pres-
sure of these springs, by the two little arms or levers on
their inner ends. This has the effect of locking the fire
shutter open when the machine has attained speed, so that
all friction is removed. When the speed drops below the
danger point, these leaden weights fall inward, and the two
little springs pull the central metal part, carrying the shutter
blade inward again, thus unlocking the shutter blade and allow-
ing it to fall and shut off the light from the film.
No. 12. Bracket, 18780, P. 3, which supports outer end of
governor spindle 19331, P. 3, is held by one screw and two dowel
pins. Should you have occasion to remove the bracket be
careful you don't bend the pins, or you will have trouble.
Leave that particular bracket alone, is my advice.
No. 13. Tension Shoes, 19324, P. 2, may be removed by
taking out screws 19256, P. 3. These shoes are held against
the film by two springs. These springs are held in place by
screw 19498, P. 3, which also serve to provide greater or less
tension. In other words they are the tension adjustment
screws. By driving them inward the film tension is increased,
and vice versa.
No. 14. Gate Idler Roller, 17950, P. 2 (end), and 17949
(body), P. 2, may be removed by loosening the set screw in
17949, P. 2. Gate idler roller bracket, 18766, P. 2, and the
spring which supplies tension to the bracket, may be removed
by driving out shaft which holds it. To replace the spring
which this shaft carries, place the spring in a straddling posi-
tion over the center part of the roller bracket, with the two
ends of the spring at the bottom, and the loop-shaped part
on top. Place the spring in the groove in the casting and
press the bracket and spring down simultaneously, pushing
the shaft through the bracket and spring and into its bear-
ing at the other end, while holding the spring and bracket
down with the other hand.
In case the spring does not exert sufficient pressure, grasp
the loop at the top with a pair of pliers and pull it outward.
This will have the effect of making the spring stronger in its
action. See to it that the coils of the spring are close to the
central portion of the bracket.
No. 15. The Shield covering the gears, P. 2, is removed
by taking out screws 16580 and 16576, P. 2. In replacing the
shield, take notice that there are two washers on the inside of
the shield, and two on the outside, through which the screws
pass. Be sure and get these washers in place or things
won't "fit right."
No. 16. Bracket; 18108, P. 1, carrying upper sprocket,
17992, P. 3, and its shaft and gear, 16594 and 18106, P. 1, may
be removed from the machine by following Instruction No.
15, and then removing screws (two of them), 2076, P. 1.
No. 17. Upper Sprocket, 17992, P. 3, may be removed from
its shaft merely by loosening a set screw in its face. There
is a set collar at the right hand inner end of the sprocket,
designed to prevent end motion in the shaft and hold the
sprocket in line with the film. Keep this collar set up against
the casting snugly, but not tight enough to bind. You may
remove top sprocket shaft 18106, P. 1, and gear 16594, P. 1,
by loosening the set screw in the before-mentioned collar and
the one in the hub of the sprocket, first having followed
Instruction No. 15.
No. 18. Main Driving Gear, 16569, P. 1, may be removed by
following Instruction No. 2 and then removing screw and
v/asher 17804 and 18079, P. 2.
No. 19. Bridge Casting, 16582, P. 1, carrying gears 16575,
16574 and 16569, P. 1, may be removed by following Instruc-
tion No. 15, pulling off gears 16577 and 16575, P. 1; next re-
moving screws (two of them, one at either end of the casting)
1133, P. 1, and carefully prying casting 16582 away.
No. 20. Gear, 19574, P. 1, is removed by following Instruc-
tions Nos. 15 and 19, removing the screw in the end of the
Plate 2, Figure 281.
gear hub and driving the shaft out. The shaft is attached
to gear 19439, P. 1.
No. 21. To Remove Fly Wheel Shaft, 18684, P. 1, follow
Instructions 15 and 19, then carefully, using a small steel
punch, drive out the pin in cam 18138, P. 1, and in the hub of
bevel gear 19483, P. 1. This releases the shaft and flywheel,
which then may be pulled out to the right. The process of
assembling is reversal of dissembling.
tic. 22. Right Hand Fly Wheel Shaft Bushing may be re-
newed by following Instructions No. 15 and 18, loosening
set screw 18141, P. 1, and taking out the big, flat head screw
which holds the bushing in place. The bushing may then be
pulled out and a new one inserted in its place.
No. 23. Left Hand Fly Wheel Shaft Bushing may be re-
newed by taking out the flat head screw which holds it and
loosening set screw 18141, P. 1. The bushing may then be
pulled out and a new one inserted.
No. 24. Bevel Gear, 19483, P. 1, may be removed by first
taking 1 out the fly wheel and shaft (see Instruction No. 21).
The gear may then be pulled off after driving out the pin in
its hub.
No. 25. Cam, 18138, P. 1, is removed by following Instruc-
tion No. 24 and then driving out the pin in its hub. It may
then be slipped off its shaft.
No. 26. -The Lower Film Guard, 18709, P. 1, which comes
up around the hub of intermittent sprocket 18702, P. 1, may be
taken off by removing two screws at its lower end.
No. 27. Intermittent Sprocket Shaft, 18113, P. 1, carrying
the intermittent sprocket and star, may be removed by following
Instruction No. 21, then loosening set screw, 18141, P. 1, and
slipping out the left hand bushing. You can then take out
the parts.
No. 28. Renewing Intermittent Sprocket. / advise that this
be not attempted by the operator. It is far better, from any
and every point of view, to buy the star, sprocket and shaft
assembled and ready to put in. In fact the owner will do
well to have a spare star, sprocket and shaft assembled on
hand, ready to put into his mechanism. See General In-
struction No. 5.
No. 29. Adjusting Intermittent Movement. Star 18111 and
cam 18138, P. 1, will gradually develop lost motion, due to
wear in the parts and in the bushings which carry their shafts.
The lost motion thus produced may be eliminated by loosen-
ing set screw 18141, P. 1, and its mate which holds the bush-
ing in the opposite end (also 18141, P. 1), and slightly
revolving the bushings, one to the right and one to the left.
These bushings are eccentric, and this has the effect of
raising or lowering die shaft, according to which way you turn
the bushings.
Plate 3, Figure 282.
Caution: Don't turn your screwdriver to the right (clock-
wise) with both bushings. If you do you will raise one end of
the shaft and lower the other. A moment's consideration
will show you the rekson for this. The sprocket and star
should be set just so you can feel the least bit of play in the
intermittent sprocket. See General Instruction No. 13.
No. 30. Lower Roller Bracket, 19306, P. 1, is removed by
loosening screw 2794, P. 1. In putting the bracket back insert
the shaft in the hole, and let the bracket lie on the sprocket
as you tighten up screw 2794, tight. If at any time the tension
on this bracket is not sufficient it is likely this screw has
loosened and is allowing the shaft to revolve somewhat.
Remedy: Tighten the screw.
No. 31. Lower Roller Idler, 17949, P. 1 (body), and 17950,
P. 1 (end), may be removed by loosening the tiny set screw
in center of 17949 and slipping the shaft out.
No. 32. Lower Sprocket Shaft, 16589, P. 1, may be slipped
out to the right after you have followed Instruction No. 15,
loosened set screws in the hub of lower sprocket and in the
hub of chain sprocket 16814, P. 3. In replacing, slip the shaft
in with the sprocket loose, and center it by closing idler roller
bracket 19306, P. 1, so that roller, 17949, P. 1, fits between
the flanges of the sprocket. Tighten up the set screw in the
hub of the sprocket, with the sprocket in this position, and
you will be all right.
No. 33. Casting, 18611, P. 1, carrying lower sprocket shaft
16589, P. 1, the lower sprocket and its driving gear, together
with chain gear 16814, P. 3, may be removed in its entirety
by taking out screws 17587 (two of them), P. 1.
No. 34. Revolving Shutter Shaft, 16593, P. 3, and gear,
16585, P. 1, may be removed by following Instruction No. 26
and loosening set screws 82, P. 3, in the holding collar, first
having removed the revolving shutter. This will allow you
to slip the shaft and gear out.
No. 35. To Remove Gear, 19333, P. 1, and its shaft, pro-
ceed as follows: Follow Instruction No. 5, next follow In-
struction No. 15, and No. 19 and No. 21.
No. 36. To Remove Gear, 19333, P. 1, remove the two
screws in the hub of gear 16588, P. 3. These screws are on
the back end of the hub. Next pry off gear 16588, P. 3, and
loosen the set screw holding the bushings. This set screw
may be seen in the side of the casting just above the line
leading to arrow head 18795, P. 3. Having loosened the set
screw, carefully pry off the bushing toward the front, shov-
ing the shaft and gear along with it. As soon as you have
the bushing out of its bearing the gear and shaft can be
pulled away.
No. 37. To Remove Revolving Shatter Bracket, 19491, P.
3, first follow Instruction No. 15. Next follow Instruction
No. 33. Remove four 'hexagon-headed large screws, one
of which is seen at 38, P. 2. This releases the entire mechan-
ism from its supporting casting. Having proceeded thus far,
you will find two heavy screws at the lower corners of the
mechanism. Remove these and the brackets will be released
from the mechanism.
No. 38. T^he Entire Mechanism, that is to say, the part
which frames up and down, may be removed from the frame
by taking out the mechanism holding screws (four of them),
one of "which is shown at 38, P. 2, the three others being
in corresponding positions, there being two on one side and
two on the other. These four screws hold the mechanism to
the frame.
No. 39. Setting the Revolving Shutter. See General In-
struction No. 18.
No. 40. Oiling. See General Instruction No. 1. There is
one oil tube, leading to the intermittent shutter gear bear-
ings. The top of this tube is stopped by a steel ball in order
to keep dirt out. Press the ball down with the nose of the
oil can, and the oil will flow into the tube. A bit of cotton
should be kept in the oil hole of gear 19333, P. 1, to keep
out dirt. Beyond this no special instructions are necessary
for the oiling of the Edison Model D, except that I would
advise the use of a tolerably heavy lubricant on the star and
No. 41. Lower Shield, 18666, P. 3, may be removed, to-
gether with its hinge, by taking out two screws 2798, P. 3.
Don't take out the hinge pin. If you do you are very likely
to have a hard job getting the spring back into place.
No. 42. Adjusting Sprocket Idler Rollers. See General
Instruction No. 12, and Instruction No. 30.
No. 43. Cleaning Sprockets. See General Instruction
No. 3.
No. 44. Worn Sprocket Teeth. See General Instruction
No. 8.
No. 45. Worn Aperture Plate. See General Instruction
No. 11.
No. 46. Two-Wing vs Three- Wing Shutters. See General
Instruction No. 18.
No. 47. Adjusting Tension Springs. See General Instruc-
tion No. 9.
No. 48. End Play in Intermittent Sprocket. See General
Instruction No. 7.
No. 49. Deposit on Tension Springs. See General In-
struction No. 10.
No. 50. Lining the Sprockets. See General Instruction
No. 4.
Order Parts by Numbers. These Numbers Are the Manu-
facturer's Regular Stock Numbers.
Parts on Plate No. 1.
Adj. gear shaft bracket 18119
Upper sprocket tension
roller shaft.
Frame side post (short).
Picture gauge, assembled.
Film guide (left).
Film guide screw.
Film spacer (left).
Revolving shutter driving
shaft and mitre gear,
Cam shaft mitre gear.
Cam shaft bearings (short).
Cam shaft.
Intermittent sprocket.
Bushing set screw.
Take-up sprocket with
Take-up roller bracket shaft
set screw.
Film protector hinge spring.
Adj. gear bracket friction
Adjusting gear bracket
Adjusting gear shaft collar
set screw.
Adj. gear shaft collar.
Adj. gear shaft bracket
Upper sprocket shaft pinion
Upper steel sprocket shaft.
Upper sprocket shaft
Large intermediate gear
Upper tension roller springs. 17587
Upper tension roller brack-
et pin.
Gear guard screws.
Frame side long post
Frame side post screw.
Frame cap screws.
Picture gauge screw.
Second intermediate pinion
Cam shaft driving gear.
First intermediate pinion
Film spacer (right).
Film guide (right).
Cam shaft pinion.
Frame side cap.
Bushing set screw.
Cam and pin, assembled.
Large driving gear (hel-
Star sliaft.
External revolving shutter
shaft gear (helical).
Lower Film guard.
Driving crank long 7^ in.
Take-up sprocket shaft.
Take-up frame.
Take-up sprocket shaft
pinion (helical).
Take-up tension roller
Steel tension roller end.
Tension roller shaft.
Take-up Steel tension roller
Take-up attachment screw.
Parts on Plate No. 2.
18047 Adjusting lever. 19324
19321 Film gate guard (upper). 18193
20636 Film gate guard stop screw 19331
19353 Film gate.
Film tension bar.
Film gate hinge rod.
Drop shutter clutch shaft
and mitre gear, assem-
18766 Film gear tension roller
17950 Film gate steel tension
roller end.
18117 Film gate tension roller
H949 Film gate steel tension
roller body.
17587 Take-up attachment screws.
19312 Take-up tension roller
bracket spring.
18666 Film protector.
18302 Upper film magazine thumb
19159 Mechanism support.
17950 Upper steel tension roller
17949 Upper steel tension roller
16580 Large intermediate gear
etud (helical).
2076 Frame side post screw.
19325 Upper film guard.
16576 Second intermediate pinion
stud (helical).
38 Mechanism holding screws.
19494 Balance wheel and cam
shaft pinion.
16523 Gear guard.
18079 Large driving gear stud
17804 Large driving gear stud
washer screw.
19410 External revolving shutter
18941 Take-up steel tension roller
bracket sihaft.
18090 Second intermediate pinion
cotter pin.
16545 Mechanism base.
18049 Adjusting gear.
18052 Adj. gear shaft.
19339 Upper film guard roller.
19325 Upper film guard.
Parts on Plate No. 3.
18039 Slide adj. rack.
18042 Slide adj. rack bracket
207!6 Frame side post screw.
19489 Frame side (left).
18031 Body side (left).
18964 Automatic drop shutter,
weight and counter
16588 External revolving shutter
driving gear.
8141 Automatic drop shutter
clutch cover screw.
18795 Automatic drop shutter
clutch disc driving screw.
19331 Drop slhutter clutch shaft
and mitre gear, assem-
18778 Automatic drop shutter
clutch shaft collar.
187J1 Automatic drop shutter
clutch cover.
16693 External revolving shutter
shaft with gear, assem-
bled (helical).
82 External revolving shutter
set Bcrews.
16587 External revolving shutter
intermediate gear (hel-
2053 Driving chain tension link
19723 Driving chain tension link.
2798 Film protector hinge screw.
17992 Upper steel sprocket with
18118 Upper steel tension roller
18207 Film gate stop screw nut
2782 Film gate stop screws.
18758 Film gate latch and spring
stud, assembled.
20406 Film gate latch screw,
19256 Film tension bar screws.
18780 Automatic drop shutter
18156 Film gate guard screw,
18207 Film gate stop screw nut.
2782 Film gate stop screws.
18779 Automatic drop shutter
clutch shaft collar set
18763 Film gate guard (lower).
18705 Star shaft bearing, eccen-
18193 Film protector hinge rod.
16,814 Driving chain upper
sprocket for 9/32" shaft.
2817 Driving chain tension link
screw washer.
18667 Film protector hinge.
18666 Film protector.
19346 Upper film guard pins.
19491 Ext. rev. shutter shaft
and bracket and bush-
ing, assembled.
18795 Automatic drop shutter
clutch disc driving screw.
19498 Film tension bar spring
Machine Take-Up
The take-up of a projector is an extremely important part of
the mechanism, although until quite recently it seems to have
.received but little consideration from any one, except the pro-
jection department of the Moving Picture World, which has for
several years been persistently advocating the invention and
adoption of a take-up tension equalizer.
The old style take-up had grievous faults. Selecting the
old style Edison take-up for the purpose of illustration, parts
of which are shown in Fig. 283, it consists essentially of
spindle 1 carried by bearing 4, the latter clamped in a cast-
/ 13
Figure 283.
ing attached to the mechanism, or in some machines by the
lower magazine. Friction disc 6 was rigidly attached to
spindle 1, and revolved therewith. Belt wheel 8 was mounted
on shaft 1, upon which it revolved freely, using the shaft
merely as an axle. Seven was a friction washer, usually
made of fiber. The action was as follows: The reel was
mounted on shaft 1, to which it was locked by dowel 13, the
dowel engaging with the notch in the reel hub; the reel was
prevented from slipping off the shaft by part 2. Spring 12
was placed on the shaft and compressed by collar 14, which
was held in place by a thumb screw therein and by cotter
pin 9. Now it requires but a moment's study of this assem-
blage to see that, since disc 6 is attached rigidly to shaft 1,
whereas belt wheel 8 revolves freely thereon, when belt
wheel 8 is driven, power will be imparted to shaft 1 through
disc 6 exactly in proportion to the pressure with which the
belt wheel is clamped against disc 6, or rather fibre washer 7,
which, in turn, impinges on disc 6. AH this is quite simple.
The whole trouble with the take-up proposition lies in the
fact that, whereas the film is fed down through the projector
and into the lower magazine at a uniform speed of approxi-
mately 60 feet per minute, and belt wheel 8 is necessarily
driven at uniform speed, the film is wound on a reel the
diameter of which is very small at the beginning, but con-
stantly increases in size. Therefore it follows that in order
to take up the 60 feet per minute fed to it the reel in the
lower magazine must run very fast when the film roll is
small, whereas after the film roll on the lower reel has be-
come, say, 8 inches in diameter the reel must run very slowly,
since the film roll is then more than 2 feet in circumference.
All the old style take-up did was to allow sufficient slippage
between belt wheel 8 and disc 6 to a accomodate the before
described condition. When the take-up first started to re-
wind there would be little or no slippage between these
parts, but as the diameter of the film roll increased, slippage
took place, which allowed the reel of the magazine to slow
up, although belt wheel 8 continued to revolve at its regular
Figure 284.
speed. The objection to this is illustrated in Fig. 284. At X,
Fig. 284, we see the film coming down from lower sprocket A
and beginning to wind on the hub of empty reel D. The one-
pound weight represents the pull of the take-up, which is
constant throughout the run. At Y, Fig. 284, we see exactly
the same thing, except that the film roll has increased to
about 8 inches in diameter. The pull on levers G (repre-
senting the pull of the take-up belt) being the same all the
time, it requires no great discernment to understand that
the pull on the film at X will be a good many times that ex-
erted at Y, and this was the trouble with the old style take-up.
Tension between 6, 7 and 8, Fig. 283, had to be sufficient to
revolve the reel under conditions shown at Y, Fig. 284, or in
other words, spring 12, Fig. 283, had to be compressed suffi-
ciently to provide power to take up the entire reel of film,
which meant that at the beginning, when the roll was small,
the strain on the film was many times what it should be.
This condition had a tendency to (a) cause losing of the
lower loop; (b) exert unnecessary and injurious strain on
the sprocket holes of the film, thus injuring the perforations;
(c) it had a tendency to pull weak patches in two; (d) it had
a very decided tendency to scratch the first fifty or hundred
feet of film.
Of late, however, new and improved types of take-up have
been invented, and are in operation on some of the later
models of projectors. By their use these evils are either re-
duced or eliminated. See the various mechanism instructions.
All machines thread alike so far as the principle involved
is concerned. In Fig. 285 the idea is clearly set forth. The
film comes down from above, passes over the constantly
running top sprocket, forms a loop, passes down from the
aperture to intermittent sprocket, forms another loop, and
passes over the lower, constantly running sprocket, and
thence down into the lower magazine. The two loops must
be long enough so that when the film moves down three-
quarters of an inch it will not be stretched tight between
the upper sprocket and aperture plate, but there will still
be a loop left, and, conversely, the lower loop must be long
enough so that during the time the film stands still over the
aperture plate the lower sprocket will not pull the film
tight between itself and the intermittent sprocket. This
much is essential, but in practice the loops are carried con-
siderably longer, or larger, the proportions shown in Fig.
285 being approximately correct.' Fig. 285 shows the thread-
ing of the Power's Six machine.
The operator should thread his machine so that one picture
or one title-space will be in frame over the aperture of the
machine, in order that when the machine is started the picture
or title will be "in frame" on the screen. To do this a small
electric light connected to the house supply may be arranged,
so that it may be swung in front of the objective lens when
threading, and moved out of the way when the job is finished.
Figure 285.
It should be so arranged that swinging the lamp in front of
the lens will automatically light it and moving it away will
break the circuit and put it out. A two C. P. lamp is plenty
bright enough.
Another method followed by some operators, and the one
which really is best, is to fix a miniature battery lamp inside
the mechanism, so that it is just below the back end of the
objective lens. This lamp is connected to one or two dry
cells, and as it burns only for a few seconds while threading,
the cells will last for a long time. This plan, however, can-
not be followed with all mechanisms, since with the Simplex,
for instance, the light ray between the aperture and lens is
entirely inclosed.
Still another plan is to notice where the dividing line
comes with relation to the top of the aperture when the
picture is in frame over the aperture, but this has the dis-
advantage that you cannot always see the dividing line. On
the whole the light scheme is much the better.
In many cities the law requires that film not in use on
the machine shall be kept in fire proof steel containers.
B. Steinhauser, Terre Haute, Ind., is the inventor of the
container shown in Fig. 286. This magazine is substantially
made, and has the advantage of being in sections, each sec-
tion independent of the other. The one shown in Fig. 286
is composed of three sections each entirely independent of
the other. They are attached to the wall by means of lugs
shown, and attached to each other by means of flat hooks
on one side of each container which engages with a suitable
receptacle on the other side. Under the film compartment
is an opening designed to contain blotting paper moistened
with water. The container sets at a slope so that the reel
when placed in will immediately roll out again unless the
door is closed, the latter being controlled by a plunger shown
at the bottom of the magazine. Raise the plunger, and the
door automatically opens and the reel rolls out. The ad-
vantage of this form consists in the fact that if a six reel
program is used on two machines, three reels on each ma-
chine, three of the containers can be placed near one machine
and three near the other, thus saving the operator steps.
Also in case of fire the operator can grab the container by
the handle shown at the top, lift it off the nail, and carry it
outside instantly.
The "Safety First" Film Magazine, manufactured in Balti-
more, Md., is an excellent operating room film container. It
is cylindrical in form, its frame being made of cast iron, and
its lower ends and compartment walls of sheet steel with
one-half inch air spaces between each compartment at each
end, and on the lower half.
Figure 286.
The magazine is made to hold any number of reels de-
sired. It occupies but little space, is claimed to be thoroughly
fireproof and has many points to commend it. The cylin-
drical form prevents its being used as a catch-all for odds and
In operation when the compartment doors are lifted a wire
loop automatically raises a curved casting in the bottom of
the compartment, thus automatically raising the reel half
way out of the magazine.
The Spotlight
IT is no unusual thing for the operator to be called upon
to operate a spotlight, similar to the one illustrated in
Fig. 287. This device consists of a metal base and up-
right standards upon which are mounted the rheostat and
switch. The upper end of this standard supports a lamp-
house in such way as it may be swung
or tilted to throw the light beam in any
desired direction. Inside the lamphouse
is an ordinary arc lamp, very similar to
those used in moving picture projection
machine lamphouses, but lacking the
forward and backward screw adjustment.
Spotlight rheostats usually are designed
to deliver 12 to 15 amperes of current.
In ordering ,a spotlight it is necessary
that the voltage of your current and the
approximate distance from the operating
room to the stage be given, the latter
in order -that a proper lens may be
selected. If direct current is used the
upper carbon arm of the lamp must be
connected to the positive wire.
The spotlight has a single plano-con-
vex lens 6 inches in diameter, and the
size of the spot at the stage is changed
simply by pulling the lamp back or
shoving it ahead. The spotlight may
be used for a spot or for a flood cover-
ing the entire stage.
The spot should be round and free from ghost, but it will
be found impossible to eliminate all the color from its outer
edges. The shape of the spot as well as its freedom from
ghost will depend very largely on how the carbons are set.
They should be set practically the same as you would set
them for a projection arc, varying the advancement of the
upper carbon tip with relation to the lower, as well as the
angle of the lamp itself, until the 'best possible results are
obtained. It is better to use a half-inch cored carbon above
and .a three-eighth-inch below, if you can get them. Five-
eighth carbons can be made to do, but are too large for the
amperage ordinarily used on a spotlight. For alternating
current, however, I believe two half-inch cored carbons will
give the best results, though the amperage will have to be
Figure 287.
boosted to fully 30 in order to approximate the D. C. spot.
Following an actor with a spotlight is purely a matter of
Figure 288.
practice. There is nothing particularly difficult about it, the
hard part being to get and maintain a clear round spot.
The hole in the operating room wall should be about 16
inches square, or 16 inches in diameter if round. A color-
wheel may be obtained from any dealer in theatrical supplies,
and is a very necessary adjunct to the spotlight. By combin-
ing the use of the spotlight with a dissolving stereopticon,
using slides in the latter made from etched pattern glass and
Figure 289.
rough glass such as is used in doors and windows, and care-
fully made metal slides producing a star effect or something
of that sort, some very beautiful effects can be had by pro-
jecting with both stereopticon lamps and the spotlight at
the same time.
Spotlight connection is usually made by using what is
known as "stage cable," a heavily insulated twin wire. These
wires should be not less than No. 8.
Fig. 288 illustrates the optical system of a spotlight. The
main difference in handling a spot with A. C. is that it is
almost impossible to avoid a blue ghost at the top of the
spot, or a double spot, the latter being due to the double
It is possible to make a fairly satisfactory home-made
spotlight by using an old projection machine lamphouse.
You can fit up the standard the same as the one shown in
Fig. 289, using any convenient floor base, and arranging to
attach the lamphouse to the standard in such way that you
can tilt it and swing it from side to side. The standard is
made by having a hollow stem below, with a small one in-
side it which can be raised or lowered and clamped in place
by means oi a collar and set screw. Two pieces of different
size gaspipe make an excellent standard. One must fit in-
side the other.
The Stereopticon
THE Stereopticon consists of a lamphouse and lamp, a
condenser, a slide carrier and an objective lens.
The slides used in America measure 3% inches by 4
inches overall, with a mat opening 2% by 3 inches. In foreign
countries the slides are for the most part square, though I
do not remember the exact dimensions.
With moving pictures electric light forms the only satis-
factory illuminant. With the Stereopticon excellent results
may be had by the use of ozo-carbi light, lime-light, or even
with acetylene gas; this by reason of the fact that whereas
in projecting moving pictures, using a modern mechanism,
fully 50 per cent of the light is cut by the revolving shutter,
and, moreover, there is a large loss of light at the spot,
which must of necessity overlap the aperture by consider-
able, with the Stereopticon practically all the light pass-
ing through the mat opening of the slide finds its way to the
screen, and the only light loss by overlapping is a slight loss
at the outer edge of the condensers where the light is weak-
In moving picture projection the picture (film) is from one
to two feet away from the condensing lens, whereas with the
Stereopticon the picture is right up as close as it can be got
to the frbnt surface of the condenser. With moving picture
projection the objective is comparatively near the film, where-
as with the stereopticon it is a considerable distance (from 8
to 30 inches) away; incidentally, this is the reason why
a cracked condenser lens will show in the stereopticon
projection, whereas it will not show in the moving picture.
In both cases it is the picture which is focused at the screen,
and the condenser being so close to the picture in stereopticon
projection, is focused at the screen therewith. Hence any
imperfection like a crack will show.
In the old days, and still to some extent, the projection
machine carried a stereopticon attachment, usually single,
though sometimes dissolving. The single stereopticon at-
tachment consists merely of an objective lens attached to
the side of the moving picture mechanism, and an arrange-
ment whereby the lamphouse may be shoved over to center
the light ray from the condenser in the center of the stereop-
ticon lens. This, however, brings about a complication, since
if the same amperage used for moving' picture projection be
used for stereopticon projection, there is great likelihood of
breaking the slides by reason of excessive heat. It there-
fore follows that, while slides which will only remain in the
light five or six seconds may be projected with the heavy
amperage used for 1 moving picture projection without serious
danger of breakage, if song slides, especially chorus slides,
are to be projected, it will be necessary to reduce the current,
else the slides will most likely crack. This may be accom-
plished in a number of ways, depending on whether the
current is taken through a rheostat, a transformer, a motor
generator set or a dissolver. If current is taken from power
Figure 290.
lines through rheostats, then it is only necessary to connect
in an additional resistance as per Fig. 290, in which A is
a single-pole, single-throw switch. By opening this switch
the current is forced through the additional resistance, which
should be qf such amount that the current flow will be re-
duced to between 12 and 15 amperes, that being ample for stereop-
ticon projection. If a transformer is used, then the current
Figure 291.
may be sufficiently reduced by throwing in on the low notch,
which with most transformers will give from 35 to 40 am-
peres A. C; a little high, but it will do. If a motor genera-
tor set is used the thing can usually be done with the field
rheostat, or if that method is unsatisfactory, then a rheostat
can be arranged so that the operator can cut it in circuit by
means of a switch. With the later type mercury arc rectifier
there is an arrangement for varying the amperage instantly,
though it cannot be brought down low enough for stereop-
ticon projection. The current may, however, be reduced by
arranging resistance so it may be cut into circuit with the
D. C. circuit of the rectifier.
In stereopticon projection one fundamental proposition is to
keep your slides clean. When using a single stereopticon don't
drop a slide into the carrier like you would throw a brick on
a sidewalk, because if you do the picture being projected
will jump around like a ship on a stormy ocean. With a
properly matched lens system there is no earthly excuse for
any shadow or discoloration of the light on the screen. The
field should be absolutely clear, and the picture should be as
steady as a rock during the entire projection.
It is not, however, my intention to go extensively into
stereopticon projection with the single lamp, because there
is little of that done nowadays. The modern method of
projecting stereopticon slides is by means of a dissolver.
The Dissolver. The dissolving stereopticon, Fig. 291, con-
sists of two separate stereopticons mounted on one base,
usually one above the other, with shutters in front of the
lenses so joined that the opening of one shutter closes the
other, and vice versa, thus gradually closing one lens and at
the same time and in the same degree opening the other.
Each lamp should be connected to a source of separate
electric supply, exactly the same as though the other lamp
did not exist.
Figure 292.
Fig. 292 illustrates the method of connecting dissolver
lamps; 1 is the main operating room switchboard and fuse
cabinet; 2 are cut out blocks and fuses; 3-3 are the operating
switches, one on each circuit; 4-4 are the rheostats, one on
each circuit; 5-5 are the dissolver lamps.
When a machine-dissolver is used which utilizes the pro-
jection machine arc for the illuminant of the lower stereop-
ticon, a condition usually arises which requires special treat-
ment. As a general proposition much higher amperage is
required for the moving picture projection arc than is either
necessary or desirable for use with a dissolver. Either the
upper dissolver lamp must be supplied with amperage equal
to the projection machine arc or else the projection machine
arc amperage must be reduced, since high amperage on one
dissolver lamp and low on the other would utterly ruin the
effect on the screen. As has been said, under ordinary con-
ditions, 15 amperes D. C. is ample for stereopticon projec-
tion. If amperage much in excess of this is used there is
danger of excessive slide breakage, and this would be a very
serious matter if the slides are fine hand-colored art slides
such as those sometimes used by traveling lecturers.
Referring to Fig. 290, let us assume the upper rheostat
to be of 15 ampere capacity and the lower 35. Under this
condition the dissolving effect would be something of a joke,
but by inserting sufficient additional resistance in series
with the lower rheostat to cut the amperage down to an
equal value to that delivered by the upper resistance (15),
we thus secure an equal amperage at each lamp and the same
screen brilliancy from both stereopticons.
It is possible to accomplish the desired result by means
of an adjustable rheostat which will deliver 35 amperes maxi-
mum and 18 amperes minimum. This, however, is not the
best way, principally because the rheostat would probably
have to be built specially for the purpose, and that would be
quite costly, since special apparatus usually is expensive.
The more practical and effective way is to insert an additional
rheostat, as indicated in Fig. 290, of suc'h resistance that
the two rheostats combined will equal the resistance of the
upper rheostat, placing a single-pole, single-throw switch at
A. It needs but a glance to show that when switch A is open
the current must pass through both resistances, whereas clo"-
ing switch A cuts the extra resistance out.
Where a combined machine and dissolver is used on A. C,
taking current through an economizer, it is possible to oper-
ate both lamps of the dissolver from one economizer, though
it is rather difficult to handle the light; also it is somewhat
uncertain and requires practice. Unless handled skillfully
the arcs will go out. This may be done in several ways, one
of which is illustrated in Fig. 293, in which A is the econ-
omizer and B a double-throw, single-pole knife switch. When
this switch is thrown over to the right the upper lamp is
cut out, though its lower carbon arm is still "alive." When the
switch is thrown the opposite way the current must pass
through both lamps. It is then necessary to freeze the
Figure 293.
carbons of one lamp while the arc is struck on the other,
after which the carbons of the second lamp may be separated
and the second arc struck.
This can be and is done, but, as I h^ve said, it is difficult to
handle the arcs, and unless one has had considerable practice
there are likely to be times when the picture on the screen
will suddenly vanish. The same thing might be done with
rheostats, though there is ordinarily no reason for burn-
ing the arcs in series where current is taken through
resistance. By the connection shown in Fig. 293 the resist-
ance of the additional arc operates very materially to de-
crease the amperage.
Dissolver Shutter. The dissolving shutter of a stereop-
ticon is a very simple contrivance, and an efficient shutter
may be made by any operator, though excellent dissolver
shutters may now be had and are not very expensive either.
The effect produced by them is, however, I think, not ap-
preciably better than
that produced by the
well designed home-
made article.
In Fig. 294 we see
two types of dissolving
shutter, A being made
of metal, and B either
of metal or wood. The
construction is so plain-
ly shown that a de-
scription is hardly nec-
essary. A consists of
two pieces of sheet
metal riveted to a bar
(in which is hole X for
Figure 294.
bolt upon which it swings) to which is also attached handle
Y. The edges of the shutter are cut into saw-teeth two
inches deep, and the shutter must swing far enough so that
the light from one lens is entirely shut off when the other
is open, and the shutter must be so located that when it is
in the position shown approximately one-half of the light
from each lens will be coming through. It is attached to
the wall by bolt X so that it will swing in front of the lens.
Shutter B may be made of lumber, asbestos board or metal.
It is quite efficient. Its length must be such that when in
the position shown one-half the. light from eac'h lens will pass
Many operators who have two machines with a stereop-
ticon attachment on each work the dissolving effect by fixing
a shutter somewhat after the fashion of half of shutter A,
Fig. 294, in front of each lens and connecting the two by
means of a bar or cord. It is the same thing exactly, only
the lenses are about three feet to four feet apart, therefore
the mechanical means of rigging the shutters 'have to be a
little different. It may be accomplished by hanging the two
shutters in grooves and connecting them by a cord running
through pulleys on the ceiling, or in any other way that the
ingenuity of the operator may suggest.
Dissolving Moving Picture. In this connection many oper-
ators who run two machines disso 1 ve one reel into the next
by fixing a shutter arrangement similar to that suggested for
separate, single stereopticons, also some operators connect
their dowser handles by means of cords running to the ceil-
ing, so that opening one closes the other. I only give the
idea, since local conditions will call for different mechanical
treatment and the operator who has not ingenuity enough to
rig up things of this kind has no business in an operating
room anyhow. I might add that there is a patent dissolving
arrangement which utilizes this idea.
Color Wheel. The stereopticon or dissolver may readily
be fitted with home-made color wheels so that colored lights
may be thrown on the stage or screen. All that is necessary
is to take off one side of an old reel, leaving the hub attached
to the other side. Place the two sides together so that the
holes match, with the hub on the outside. With the two
held together in this position drill four quarter-inch holes
equidistant from eac'h other, and a half-inch from the edge
of the reels, these to receive small stove bolts. Cover three
of the openings in the reel side with colored gelatine, say
canary yellow, a light red, and any other suitable tint, leav-
ing one hole open through which to project the clear, white
light or the slides. Clamp the sides, with the gelatine be-
tween, together with the bolts, and attach to the wall by
means of a spindle, so that when the whole is revolved the
openings will come successively in front of the lens. The
open hole will allow the projection of the white light and
the stereo picture as usual.
Matched Lenses. It is absolutely necessary that the lenses
of a dissolver be carefully matched, so that both lenses will
project a picture of exactly the same size, when the two
are working at a given distance from the screen; also they
must be so set that the pictures projected by each lens will
make perfect "register" that is to say, occupy exactly the
same space on the screen. To adjust the register of the
lenses, first set the lower lens so that the picture occupies
the proper position on the screen, and then adjust the upper
lens to match. Do this with the light from both stere-
opticon lamps projected to the screen. One way to test
the register of lenses is to make two metal slides that will
fit snugly in the slide carrier. Now having clamped the
two slides together punch four small nail holes, one in each
corner, about where the corner of an ordinary standard slide
would be. These- holes must be drilled while the slides are
clamped together or held together so that their edges are
even all round.
Place one slide in the upper carrier and the other in the
lower. Disconnect the dissolver shutter, open both lenses,
and project the light from both lamps to the screen; adjust
the lenses so that the light from the holes in the two slides
register with each other. This same thing can, of course,
be done by placing an ordinary stereopticon slide in the
upper carrier, marking the edge of the picture on the screen
and then placing the same slide in the lower carrier and
making the lines match. But the same slide must be used,
or two slides the mats of which are exactly matched and
in exactly the same position in the slide. The metal slide
scheme is the better one, because if you use two slides there
might be a slight variation in their mats which would
render the result of the test of no value. It might even
cause you to reject two lenses which were really perfectly
matched; also if you used one slide and it did not fit the
carrier snugly it might not occupy exactly the same position
in one carrier that it did in the other and that would render
the test of no value. But with two metal slides which fit the
carrier, snugly, and with matched holes drilled you can de-
pend upon the result.
Caution: When using drilled slides as above make a file
mark on the top edge of both while they are clamped to-
gether and see to it that these marks are both up and toward
the lens when the slides are in the carrier. If one of them
is turned around the holes won't match.
It is essential that the slide carriers be so adjusted that
the picture is level on the screen. This may be accomplished
by raising or lowering one side of the carrier, blocking it
in place with some non-inflammable substance, first being
certain the dissolver, as a whole, sets perfectly level. The
slide carrier should set as close to the condenser as you can
get it. If your picture, which . is ample; also it should be so shaded that only the
sheet of music being played is illuminated. This may not be
quite so nice for the musician, but it is a whole lot better for
the audience.
Where there is an orchestra the same thing applies. Use
low c. p. globes and pay very careful attention to their shading,
to the end that only the sheet of music being played receives
illumination. Light amber colored globes are to be pre-
ferred to white. There is less glare and it is easier on the
musician's eyes.
Lights Around the Screen. A few years ago it was a com-
mon practice and I am sorry to say that practice is still
followed in a few theatres to place a row of incandescent
lamps clear around the two sides and top of the screen, to
be burned during intermissions. This practice is worse than
bad. It decidedly is no joke to be compelled to stare at any-
where from twenty to forty incandescent lamps for any
considerable period of time. Try it once and see for your-
self. If your eyes don't hurt after the first few minutes then
you certainly have a wonderful pair of optics. If you have
anything of that sort in your theatre, Mr. Manager, for
heaven's sake yank it out, and stand not upon the order jof
doing it. It is a crime against your audience.
How Much Light. The amount of light to be used in the
auditorium is a matter concerning which there has been a
great deal of pretty hot debate. The self-appointed
guardians of the morals of moving picture theatres (who
usually carefully overlook the glaring defects in the morals
of the burlesque houses and legitimate stage) generally de-
mand an utterly unreasonable amount of illumination in the
auditorium of the moving picture theatre, notwithstanding
the fact that this excessive illumination serves absolutely
no good purpose and operates to very largely detract from
the excellence of the show. It is freely conceded that a
dark theatre is not an ideal condition, particularly in our
larger cities, but
The writer emphatically insists that any illumination other
than an amount sufficient to enable one standing in the darkest
portion of the house to distinguish the features of those around
him for a distance of say six of at the most eight feet is un-
necessary, and therefore undesirable.
The only argument that legitimately can be advanced for
the illumination of the auditorium of the moving picture
theatre is the possibility of improper conduct on the part
of patrons seated in a dark auditorium, but I believe any
sane and unprejudiced person will admit that if there is
sufficient light to enable one to distinguish features six to
eight feet away, there is sufficient light to reduce the pos-
sibility of anything of that sort to a negligible quantity.
As to the kind of lighting, the writer believes that a prop-
erly installed indirect lighting system is, everything con-
sidered, best. What is known as the indirect lighting system
consists of incandescent globes in fixtures, typical examples
of which are shown in Fig. 300, the same being entirely
inclosed at the bottom and entirely open at the top, so that
all the rays of light from the lamps within are directed up-
ward toward the ceiling, whence they are reflected down-
ward in diffused form.
There is an almost endless variety of design of these fix-
tures, ranging from $10 each to as high as you wish to go,
some being made of metal, some of other opaque substances,
and some opalescent or semi-transparent. The last named are
very pretty, but I very much question the advisability of
using them. I believe the opaque fixture is much better for
moving picture theatre lighting. Properly selected indirect
lighting fixtures add to the appearance of the room. Where
this system is used the ceiling should be of some compara-
tively light color, a cream or very light tan or green being, I
believe everything considered, best.
Caution: When installing indirect lighting systems great care
should be had that there are not too many fixtures and that the
fixtures do not contain too many lamps designed to burn during
the performance, or that the lamps designed to burn during the
performance be not of too high c. p. It is easy to overdo in-
direct lighting, and thus injure the projection. It is well to
have the installing company guarantee that the installation will
be so made that with the projection shut off and burning the
indirect lights which will be used while the picture is on, the
illumination of the screen will be uniform all over, without any
trace of shadow.
When installing indirect lighting the lamps should, of
course, be on two or more circuits, one of which must carry
the number of lamps it is designed to use while the picture
is on, and the other circuit, or circuits, to carry additional
lamps to be lighted during intermissions, thus bringing the
auditorium illumination up to its full value when the picture
Lighting moving picture theatre auditoriums is not a matter
to be undertaken haphazard. It is a problem for an illumination
engineer who is thoroughly versed in matters pertaining to the
projection of pictures.
Shado-Lite. As long ago as five years the author of this
work recommended the scheme of lighting illustrated in
Fig. 301. He still recommends that plan, and believes it to
be ideal, */ rightly carried out. However, there has been a
lighting scheme evolved, known as "Shado-Lite," illustrated
in Fig. 302. This plan seems to me with a little modification
to be excellent. The light is thrown on the back of the
audience, and is kept entirely away from the screen, the re-
flection being for the main part downward and backward.
The only criticism I have to make on this scheme is that the
light should, I think, not strike the front theater wall at all,
but just reach the top of the front row of seats. This plan
of lighting is put forward by the Shado-Lite Manufacturing
Company, Beaver Falls, Pa. I would recommend it to the
serious consideration of theatre managers.
Figure 301.
In considering house lighting it is well to remember that
the decoration of the auditorium has very decided effect on
the amount of light it will be necessary to use. Illumination
is largely a question of the .amount of light reflected, hence
when using an indirect lighting system a ceiling of light
color will reflect a far greater percentage of light than will
one of dark color. The same is true of the walls of the
theatre. The percentage of light reflected by different sur-
faces is given different values by different authorities. I
think the following is approximately correct:
Per Cent.
Black, without gloss 1
Chocolate, without gloss 5
Dark Red, without gloss 13
Dark Brown, without gloss 14
Blue, without gloss 26
Yellow, without gloss 45
White, without gloss 75
White, glossy 85
It must be remembered that whereas light colors are more
cheerful and as a rule more pleasing to the eye, still they
will, to a much greater extent than will dark colors, reflect
any stray light there may be, and thus cause maximum injury
to the projection. Dark colors, on the other hand, while
they give the theatre a more sombre appearance, serve an
excellent purpose in absorbing or very largely absorbing stray
light. The best plan is to steer a middle course and select
colors neither very dark nor very light. Where an indirect
lighting system is used in my opinion a very light tan or
cream color is best for the ceiling. It gives a mellow tone
to the light, which is pleasing to the eye. For the side walls
Figure 302.
there is a wide range of selection, but I would avoid bright
blues, bright red, and bright yellows. In fact subdued tints are
always to be preferred to extremes either in light or dark colors.
To go into the matter of colors fully and in detail would
require a vast amount of space. In fact, theatre decoration
is a topic which in itself would form a very interesting book
of goodly size.
Side lights on the walls are distinctly objectionable. They
serve no purpose which cannot better be served by the main
ceiling lighting system. It is possible to add greatly to the
decoration of the room by carefully selected ornamental opales-
cent glass fixtures containing a low c. p. incandescent, placed
at appropriate intervals around the sides of the room from
six to eight feet from the floor. One of the most pleasing
effects we have yet seen used in this connection is a glass
"torch," something like two feet long, the "flame" lighted
by a small incandescent. This gives off no illumination at all,
merely serving as an ornament. The design of these orna-
ments are legion, and it is up to the manager to select those
best suited to his needs, remembering always that the colors
should be reasonably dark. Don't try to get any illumination
from the fixture. Treat it purely as an ornament, showing
beautiful designs, in colors, but not too brightly.
Shaded Exit Lights. There is a vast amount of crass
stupidity or carelessness displayed in many theatres with
reference to the exit lights. Don't just have a sheet of ground
glass with red or black letters on it. So construct the box for
the exit lights that no light at all can escape from it. That is
very easy if it is to be electrically lighted, but if lighted by gas
the use of a properly 'hooded ventilator is involved. Paint
the space where the letters will come bright red and then
have the letters blocked out in black and all the rest of the
glass painted black, so that only the letters will show. In case
you use a stock ground glass with red letters on it, my
advice is to paint everything but the red letters solid black,
the point 'being that you don't want any of the white light
showing just the red letters.
All too often you find the two front exit lights smearing
light all over the front wall, their rays often shining directly
on the screen. Such work is very coarse. It displays lank
stupidity or absolute carelessness on the part of the one re-
sponsible, and either one of those two things spell incom-
All auditorium lights, except those designed to be kept
burning during the performance, should be handled by dim-
mers, full description of which, together with prices, etc.,
may be had from any dealer in general theatrical supplies.
A gradual lowering and turning on of the lights has ,a far
more pleasing effect than their switching off and on. Dim-
mers are not very expensive and are a mighty good investment.
The question is often asked, by those contemplating the
construction of a moving picture theatre, "What slope ought
I to give the auditorium floor?" This question is quite dif-
ficult to answer, since it involves several points, each of
which must receive very careful consideration.
In the first place, the main auditorium floor and the bal-
cony floor present two entirely separate and different prop-
ositions. The center of the screen is considerable above
the main auditorium floor. Therefore, since the audience
must look upward toward the center of the screen, it is not
necessary that the main auditorium floor be given so sharp
a slope as is necessary in the balcony, where the audience
must look downward toward the center of the screen.
The slope to be given will necessarily depend somewhat
upon the length of the house. It will ordinarily be imprac-
ticable to give the main auditorium floor of the long house
as steep a pitch as is practical with the short house. Where
the front of the balcony is situated a long distance from the
screen, it is not necessary to have so steep a pitch in the
balcony as where it is up comparatively close to the picture.
As a general proposition I believe that for the main audi-
torium floor one foot in ten will be found to be very satis-
factory. Where it is practical to do so one may increase
this considerably with advantage, up to the point where the
slope of the aisle becomes too abrupt for safety. Less than
one foot in ten will not be found entirely satisfactory. The
slope of the balcony floor should be so figured that, using
the center of the screen for a point, a line drawn to the back
of a row of chairs will come as far above the top of the
row of chairs ahead as a line drawn from the center of the
screen to a row of chairs in the auditorium will come from
the top of the next row ahead, taking a row of chairs in the
auditorium immediately under the balcony for an example.
This can all very easily be laid out on paper, and it may be
found that it will be impracticable to have this amount of
slope to the balcony, but it should be done if possible, except in
cases where the screen sets abnormally high, or the slope
of the main floor is unusually heavy.
I think you see the idea I am trying to convey, and will
understand that it will of necessity have to be modified to
fit circumstances. One foot in ten of slope will provide a
rise of almost three inches between chair rows spaced 28
Above all things avoid steps, either in the aisles or en-
tering the theatre. Steps in an aisle are absolutely not to
be considered under any circumstances. In panic they would
be highly dangerous. Steps at the entrance cannot always
be avoided, but they are, nevertheless, very bad, and wher-
ever possible a slope should be substituted. Steps for the
seat rows very considerably increase the cost of cleaning;
otherwise they are not objectionable.
SEATING is, to the average manager, one of the impor-
tant problems. The first consideration in a moving picture
theatre is excellence in projection, and the second is making
the audience comfortable. The requirements of moving pic-
ture theatre seating has, to a considerable extent, changed
during the past two years. Just a comparatively short time
ago but very few moving picture patrons expected to remain
longer than one hour. In fact one hour was considered the
average time for a "picture show." Now, however, some of
the larger, more pretentious city theatres, and in some in-
stances the better theatres in smaller cities are putting on
elaborate feature plays, such as "The Birth of a Nation,"
"Cabida" and other similar productions, which require two
hours or more for their proper presentation. When the
patron only remains a short time, a comparatively narrow,
cheap seat will be quite satisfactory, but when one is to
remain in a chair for two or two and a half hours, with only
one short intermission, or no intermission at all, a very
different problem is presented. The chair must then be
fairly commodious, and at least fairly comfortable. Seats
may be 18, 19, 20 or 22 inches wide. In small towns where the
show is comparatively short, the seating space usually quite
limited, and the admission price low, it is quite possible to
use the 19 or even the 18 inch seat with fairly good results,
nor is it necessary to purchase expensive seats. There
are some very excellent theatre seats with wooden backs and
seats, which may be had at surprisingly low figures con-
sidering the quality of material and workmanship. These
chairs ought to serve very well in a five-cent house, or even
in a small town ten-cent theatre. In the larger cities, how-
ever, where competition is keen, the shows longer, and the
price of admission higher, the theatre manager will do well
to use a 20-inch seat, of at least fairly good quality. Imita-
tion leather upholstery may be had, which is durable, hand-
some, and very reasonable in price. I doubt the advisability
of using anything wider than 20 inches in a moving picture
theatre, unless it be a theatre de luxe which caters to a high
class trade at good prices and which presents a very long
I would in any event strongly advise theatre managers
religiously to avoid any kind of cloth upholstery. It is dif-
ficult to keep clean, is a dust gatherer, and adds materially
to the expense of janitor work; also it is hot and "stuffy."
Imitation leather is far superior; even plain wood is dis-
tinctly better.
I do not propose, however, to dwell on this subject, since
regardless of what- 1 or anyone else may say, it has been my
observation and experience that each manager is guided
largely by his own ideas and the blandishments of seat sales-
men in his selection of seats.
The front row of seats ought never to be placed less than
20 feet from the screen. If the picture be a large one, even
that distance may well be increased. (See "Eye Strain," Pages
153, 175, 472.) Assuming the picture to be 12 feet or more, the
best view of it is not had until one is at least 50 feet from the
screen, and the ideal view is had at any distance between 50 and
100 feet. This item should be taken into consideration by
managers, and
// there is a difference in the price of parquet seats, those
near the screen should be the cheaper. That is the practice in
England, and it is the correct practice. The best seats are at
the rear.
Loge Seats. One scheme successfully carried out in some
of our western cities is the placing at the front of the balcony
and (or) at the rear of the auditorium of a row of boxes
containing comfortable chairs, preferably of wicker work of
neat, strong design. These loges or boxes will, if properly
arranged, occupy the ideal picture viewing location, and the
seats therein should sell at a considerable advance over par-
quet seats. For instance: If parquet seats sell at 25 cents
loge seats should bring 35 or 40 cents. You will find that
when Willy Boy takes his inamorata to the show he will
swell out his manly chest and buy two loge seats. It costs
him 20 or 30 cents extra and is worth at least five times the
amount to him in gratified pride, but aside from the oppor-
tunity presented the young gentleman to swell up, he really
gets his money's worth in a more comfortable seat, plus an
ideal view of the picture. In a large house, having a circular
balcony and a circular auditorium back, it is possible to have
a great many of these boxes, and they have almost without
exception proved to be a splendid investment wherever
Figuring Seating Capacity. Figuring the seating capacity
of a room of given size is a deep, dense mystery to many, but
it is, as a matter of fact, an extremely simple problem.
Distance Between Rows. Usually local law specifies the
minimum distance from chair to chair back that is to say,
the distance the rows of chairs may be spaced. Thirty-tvvq
inches is a distance which meets the requirements of comfort,
and all reasonable requirements of safety as well.
It is very poor policy to place the chair rows too close to-
gether in an endeavor to increase seating capacity. You will lose
money by so doing. It makes your patrons uncomfortable and
renders it difficult to pass in and out t since the knees of seated
patrons are jammed right up against the row of seats ahead.
Moreover in case of panic, the rows being too close together
create an additional element of danger.
Thirty-two inches from chair 'back to chair back is the
distance the writer advises, and he strongly advises against
anything less than this. To secure additional comfort and
elegance in high priced theatres some even advocate a dis-
tance of thirty-six inches, but this reduces the number of
seats very considerably. Remember that as chair backs al-
ways slope backward, the higher the chair the less: room
there will be for patrons to pass in or out.
The Aisle. The width of aisles is also usually covered by
local law. It is difficult to give any hard and fast rules to
this particular item, since the size and shape of the audi-
torium cuts ;a very decided figure in the matter. Where the
banks of seats are short from front to rear that is to say,
in a short auditorium it is not necessary to have as wide an
aisle as where the house is very long. Particularly is this
true if the banks of seats be not very wide between aisles.
Aisle width is largely a question of the comfort of the audi-
ence in passing out after the show is over and the providing
of ample space in case of fire or other panic. For the
ordinary theatre auditorium, Z l / 2 feet at the front is the
proper width for center aisles, gradually increasing in width
to 4 feet at the rear. If the aisle exceeds 40 feet in length,
or serves more than ten seats on either side, then its width
should be extended to 4^ feet at the rear. Side aisles need
not have as great a width as the center aisle, by reason of
the fact that they serve seats only on one side, whereas the
center aisle serves seats on both sides.
Let us assume, for instance, that we have a room 80 feet
long by 40 feet in width. The necessity for a rear aisle will
be governed by local conditions. There may be no necessity
for any at all. But assuming, for instance, that there are
two entrances, as shown in Fig. 303, then there ought to be a 6-
foot aisle at the rear. The front seats should be 20 feet from the
screen, therefore we subtract 20 + 6 = 26 feet from seating
space, leaving a total of 54 feet for seats. Now since the
aisle is more than 40 feet long, we fix the width of the center
aisle at 4 feet, and since the side aisle only serves half as
many seats as the center aisle we fix their width at 3 feet
which, subtracting 4 + 3 + 3 :=10 feet from the total width,
leaves a total of 30 feet. We will, therefore, have two sec-
tions of seats, each 15 feet wide. Chairs may be had in
fftVS TO ^C&fC/
8' TO ^ fife:.
/9o~ WH/CH * So 'f
i 9 CMff/tfS //V ffCH
. o
Figure 303.
varying widths. Suppose we select one 20 inches wide; 15
feet equals 180 inches ; each row in each section of seats will
therefore accommodate as many chairs as the width of one
chair is contained into the total width of the section, or, in
this case, as many chairs as 20 is contained into 180, which
is nine times. We will therefore have nine seats in each
row in each section, or 9 X 2 = 18 in each row in both sec-
tions combined. If we used 18-inch chairs we would have
180 -j- 18 = 10 chairs in each row section, or 10 X 2 = 20 chairs
in each row of seats a gain of two chairs per row as against
the 20 inch chair. If the sections were, after deducting aisle
space, only 176 inches instead of 180, then we would lose one
chair in each row of each section, and have very wide aisles,
unless local law would permit of contracting the side aisles
four inches. Center aisles must never be of less width than
the figures given.
The seating space is 54 feet long or deep, and 54 feet equals
648 inches. Fixing 32 inches as the distance between chair
row, chair back to chair back, we will have as many rows as
648 -r- 32 = 20, and 8 inches over. We will therefore* have
twenty rows of seats with 8 inches to spare, and since there
are 18 seats in each row we will have a total seating capacity
of 18 X 20 = 360 seats.
It seems to me this ought to be perfectly plain, and very
easily understood. Local conditions will vary the results.
For instance: if we could use the additional 6 feet at the
rear, we would have 6 X 12 72 inches additional seating
space, which added to the original 648 inches would give us
720 inches, and 720 -f- 32 =22 rows of seats with 16 inches
over. We could therefore have 22 rows of seats, and by de-
creasing the distance from the screen by \ l / 2 feet could have
23 rows.
It would be utterly impossible to take up and consider all
the various hundreds of conditions which may arise, but the
principle is always the same, and is easy of application. Here
is the rule:
Subtract from the total length of the house the distance from
the screen to the front row of chairs, and the width of any
aisle there may be at the rear of the last row of seats. This
gives you the total length of your seating space, which, re-
duced to inches and divided by the inches from chair back to
chair back (I recommend 32 inches}, gives the total number of
rows of seats.
Lay out the width of the house on paper, to scale, leaving
space equal to the width of the aisles, and thus determine the
exact width of each section of seats. Reduce the width of each
section to inches, and divide by the width of the chairs you
have selected, in inches. This will give you the number of
chairs in each row of each section of seats, which multiplied
by the number of rows in the section will give you the total
number of chairs it contains. Proceed thus with each section,
and then add the total together and you will have your total
seating capacity.
Where the auditorium is built especially for a theatre and
has curved rows of seats, it is presumed that the architect
will plot out the floor, and tell you the seating capacity.
However, if you are your own architect you will simply be
obliged to lay the whole thing out to scale and plot it, since
if the sections or banks of seats be fan-shaped, there will be
a greater number of seats in each section at the rear than at
the front. Here again you simply have to figure the length
in inches of each space and divide by width of chairs se-
lected to determine number of seats. In fan-shaped banks of
seats it might even be permissible slightly to contract the
width of aisle toward the screen in order to place a given
number of seats in the shorter spaces, but on no account
should the aisles be narrowed toward the rear or exits, even
if local regulations permit.
Theatre aisles should be carpeted with some deadening
material, such as heavy linoleum, cork matting or fibre mat-
ting. The latter, however, is not to be recommended for
the same reason which bars the use of carpet; it collects
too much dirt, and on rainy days becomes literally a dirt
Some managers who have cement floors prefer not to use
any covering at all, but this, I think, is not good practice.
It looks too bare and cold. I believe that linoleum, care-
fully selected as to pattern, or cork matting are always well
worth the cost as a covering for theatre aisles. This, of
course, does not apply to the gallery, if there is one, but it
does apply to the balcony. Where a theatre has a main floor,
balcony and gallery, the latter is usually largely turned over
to the use of more or less rough boys, who care little or
nothing for the finer refinements of life, and a bare floor
will probably suit them just as well as anything else, but
down below these things not only add to the appearance,
but they prevent annoyance to the audience by the noise of
people coming in and going out.
Cork matting of good grade is expensive, but it forms an
ideal floor covering, in that it is not only an excellent noise
deadener, but also is not slippery when wet; also it is
handsome in appearance and is clean and sanitary. It may
be attached firmly to the floor and remain there until it is
worn out, an important point in its favor. There are two
minor objections to linoleum, the first being that it is a
little more slippery than cork matting, which is objection-
able on wet days, if the aisles are" steep; also in damp
weather it has a certain tendency to expand and wrinkle up.
Cocoa matting, firmly secured to the floor, is the best thing
to prevent slipping on steep aisles, but it is also the finest
dirt reservoir imaginable. Where it is used it should be
taken up, carried out doors and beaten, and the floor under
it cleaned every day.
I do not think I could improve matters by changing the
text matter on this subject as contained in the second edi-
tion, therefore it is .reproduced just as it was.
The electric bell and annunciator play quite an important
part in the scheme of things in a theatre. The installation
of a single bell is a very simple matter so simple, indeed,
that a child might successfully install one. It is illustrated
in Fig. 304. After installing the bell and the push-button in
the location desired, one wire is run directly from one side
of the push-button to the bell. Another wire is run from the
other side of the bell to one side (either one, it makes no
difference) of the battery, and another wire is run from the
other side of the battery to the other side of the push-button.
This completes the installation. For a single bell one battery
alone or two batteries in series may be used. By series I
mean two batteries, with the carbon of one battery connected
to the zinc of the other battery by means of a short wire,
as at A, Fig. 306. The effect of two batteries connected thus
is to cause the bell to ring louder. Two batteries in series
will not last twice as long as will one working alone.
Figure 304.
The ordinary practice in moving picture theatres is to use
either bells, buzzers, or small, low candle power lamps for
signaling to the operating room, piano player and the man-
ager. Of the three, the lamp system, if properly installed, is
the best, with the buzzer as second. The bell should never
be used. A buzzer is merely an electric bell without the bell
What is known commercially as the dry battery is best for
theatre work. Wet batteries are very effective, and very
cheap in operation, but they are liable to freeze up in winter
and thus cause a lot of trouble. The dry battery is cheap
and effective.
It is possible to renew dry batteries when they have "run-
down" by taking off the cardboard casing and punching sev-
eral holes in the lead casing about an inch from the top; being
careful, however, not to break the carbon of the battery in
the process. An ordinary nail may be used to punch the
holes. Be careful also not to disturb the sealing wax around
the top. Having done this, immerse the batteries in a solution
of one pound of sal ammoniac to one gallon of water, and
leave them for an hour or so, after which remove and stand
them upside down for one wn. Put up the bells, buzz-
ers, or lights and the push-button wherever you wish them to
be. Use two batteries, connecting the carbon of one to the
zinc of the other. Get bell wire of three different colors. The
installation is illustrated in Fig. 305, in which A-A-A are bells,
B-B-B push-buttons, and .C a two-cell dry battery.
The reason for three colors is to avoid mistakes and confusion
and to be able to find any particular wire anywhere afterward,
without tracing it clear from the battery or bell. The use of three
colors of wire simplifies matters very greatly. Suppose you get
red, blue and white. You take one color, say the blue, and run it
from one (either) binding post of the battery to one (either)
binding post of each bell. You may run separate wires from the
battery binding post to each bell or run one wire reaching all bells
or you may branch off to a bell at any point. Next take another
color (red, for instance), and run from the other battery binding
post to one (either) side of each push button. You now have one
side of the battery connected to one side of each bell and the
other side of the battery connected to one side of each push-
button. You next, with the remaining color (white) wire, con-
nect the remaining side of each push-button with the remaining
side of the bell it is to ring, and the job is done. The blue wire
(blue in this case) is called the common bell wire, the red wire
is called the push button wire and the whites are called the in-
dividual wires. It is these latter wires which determine which
bell a button will ring and you may cause a button to ring a
different bell by simply changing the individual wire to that bell.
Fig. 305 shows a plan of this system.
Figure 306.
An additional bell easily may be installed at any time as fol-
lows : Test the bell and install it and its push-button wherever
you want them to be. Now with a piece of first color wire con-
nect one binding post of the bell with the first color wire already
in use wherever you can find it. With a piece of second color wire
connect one side of the push-button with a second color wire
wherever you can find one. Understand you can just tap on to
these wires at any point you can locate one of proper color. Now
connect the remaining side of the button with the remaining side
of the bell with third color wire and the job is done. The rules
governing this system of wiring are as follows : One side of the
battery must be connected with one side of each bell by first
color wire. The other side of the battery must be connected
to one side of each push-button with second color wire and the
remaining side of each button must be connected with the remain-
ing side of the bell it is to ring with third color wire.
The various battery combinations are illustrated in Fig. 306.
A increases the voltage without affecting the amperage. B in-
creases amperage without affecting voltage. C increases amperage
and voltage. A is series, B multiple and C is a multiple of series.
In Fig. 307 we see two fire bells, one located, let us suppose, in
the manager's office, and the other on the stage, or at any other
suitable point. We also see an ordinary push-button at A, and
a form of contact more suitable to such work at B, either of
which will ring both bells. As many of these may be attached
as desired, locating them at any point in the house. Attach one
Figure 307.
side of the button to upper wire and the other side to the bat-
tery wire, as shown. In the illustration we see four batteries con-
nected in series. This being a fire alarm system, it is desired
that the bell or buzzers ring very loudly, hence several batteries
are connected in series. Employees should be made to under-
stand that it will mean instant dismissal to ring these bells, ex-
cept in case of actual necessity. The system can be arranged
for any number of bells, from one to a dozen, and there can be
as many push-buttons as desired.
Figure 308.
Fig. 308 illustrates the method of connecting a bell so that it
may be rung by more than one button. By this plan as many but-
tons may be installed as desired, any one of which will ring the
bell, provided the wire from push-button to battery wire be not
connected between battery and bell. A-A-A are push-buttons.
In Fig. 309 we see the method of wiring an ordinary an-
nunciator. The plan is too plainly shown to require explanation.
The buttons may, of course, be located anywhere in the build-
ing, and are ordinarily widely separated.
Electric Programme Board. Fig. 310 is the wiring diagram
of an electric programme board. I think the action will be
plain when you trace through the contacts in Fig. 310.
.1 1
^ '
Figure 309.
Wire A, we may call the permanent connection. As you will
observe, it connects directly to one side of all the lamps. Wire B
connects through switch C and movable arm D to the various
contacts 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Now suppose we place arm D on contact
1. You will observe that the current will flow through wire E.
through lamp 1, and thence back through the other wire, and
that no other lamp will be affected. If we move the arm to con-
tact 6, then only lamp 6 will be lighted. Such a board is simple,
145 6
Figure 310.
entirely practical, and as I have said, is the best plan I have seen.
It is also quite possible to substitute single pole, single throw
knife switches for contacts 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., connecting wire B to
one side of all these switches. The switches or the contacts should
be located at the most convenient point, either on the stage, by
the side of the musician or in the operating room. The trans-
parency can be so made that only the figure or name actually
illuminated will be visible. This may be done by covering the
whole front of the board with ground glass, on which are the
figures, or names blocked out in black, as shown in the illustra-
tion, each lampi however, being contained in a light tight com-
partment of its own. Different colors may be obtained, if de-
sired, by covering the various characters with light shades of
gelatine or using colored globes.
In practice, I would by all means advise a double-pole single-
throw switch at AB, rather than the single-pole knife switch at C.
In fact switch C would be a violation of Underwriters' rules.
Figure 311.
In Fig. 311 a battery of 36 lamps is arranged in the form of a
square, with 6 lamps either way. One wire (wire A, in the
sketch) is connected directly to one side of each lamp. A board
is now made, containing 36 sockets, arranged in a square, with 6
s.ockets each way, the same as are the lamps. This board may be
placed in any convenient location, either near the lamps or re-
moved at a distance from them, as may be most convenient; but
in any event, the other side of each one of the lamp sockets must
be connected to one side of each socket as shown. We now con-
nect the other side of each one of these sockets to wire B, as
shown in the illustration, installing a double pole, single throw
switch, at any convenient point in wires A, B. Both sides of the
socket are now alive, one directly from wire B and the other
by way of the lamps through wire A. It will be readily seen
that if an ordinary plug fuse be screwed into any one socket the
lamp connected to that socket by cross wire will immediately
be lighted and will burn until the plug is removed. Suppose
we wish to form a figure 3. It would be only necessary to in-
sert the plugs in the sockets indicated, in order to outline the
figure 3 on the board, wherever it might be placed. In using
such a plug board it is advisable to have a pattern of the various
figures and letters it is desired to use. Patterns may be made
of cardboard.
Where printed programmes are used it is quite possible to in-
stall such a board at the side of the stage, with the plug board
and the switch controlling the supply wires located in the
operating room, within convenient reach of the operator. He can
then plug in any desired number and illuminate the same by
merely throwing in the switch, i. e. : Supposing he is running
reel 2, the next being, of course, reel 3, which is described on
the programme under that number. He prepares Fig. 3 by placing
the plugs in position in the board, and as reel 2 is finished he
throws in the switch, illuminating Fig. 3, thus allowing the audi-
ence to look at the programme while the next reel is being
threaded or during the interval between the two reels. Where
only one number is to be used the board can be made very small,
and it is riot necessary to use more than two or three c. p. lamps,
these being of the proper voltage of course. Such a board can be
used to decided advantage in many ways. The lamps, if used
within the auditorium, should be frosted or else heavily colored.
It is possible to so connect the various figures through batteries
of switches that the plug arrangement is unnecessary. This is
more costly, and the plug serves every purpose. It is quite pos-
sible to substitute single pole, single throw switches, or ordinary
snap switches in place of the plugs. The arrangement shown
in Fig. 311 is much the best for programme announcements.
Electric Meters
WHAT is known as the watt-hour meter is the instru-
ment now used for the measuring of electric current.
The measurement is in watt-hours, which simply
means that a certain number of watts have been used for a
certain number of hours, one watt used for one hour being
the unit of measurement. The principle of operation of
these meters is as follows: The dials which record the con-
sumption are operated by a small motor which is placed in
series with the current consuming apparatus. The motor is
so constructed that if it were operated at a pressure of one
volt for a period of one hour during which time one ampere
of current flowed, it would record one watt, or one "watt-
hour." In other words, if the recording motor be run by one
ampere at one volt for a period of one hour it would move
the dial only just far enough during' that hour to record one
watt-hour. Using this as a basis we can readily understand
that if the pressure be 100 volts and the number of amperes
be 2, during the period of one hour the meter would record
100 X 2 = 200 watt-hours, or if the voltage be 110 and the
number of amperes flowing 20, then during a period of one
hour, the meter would record 110X20 = 2200 watt hours,
which would mean, in effect, that 2,200 watts had been used
for a period of one hour, since it would, under these condi-
tions, require one hour for the recording hand to reach the
2,200 watt-hour mark. Briefly, the foregoing describes the
principle of operation. I hardly think it is either necessary
or advisable to consume space in setting forth a diagram-
matic representation and elaborate explanation of the meth-
ods by which this action is accomplished.
Rough Test of Meter. The construction of electric meters
has reached such a stage of perfection that it is very seldom
indeed that they do not record the current consumption with
perfect accuracy. However, he who has doubt as to the
correctness of his meter may make a rough test by putting
in, say, ten new incandescent lamps, the wattage consumption of
which is at least approximately known, and carefully shut-
ting off all other current consuming devices and disconnecting
the operating room leads, allowing these lamps to burn for
precisely one hour, first having marked the exact position of
the meter dial hands. At the end of the hour shut off the
lamps and take another reading.
Caution. In doing this you should turn the lamps all on
and off at once, and not with the socket snap switches, since
the time consumed in turning off ten separate lamps by their
socket buttons would make an appreciable difference. Sup-
pose you have ten SS-watt lamps, then the meter would show
a consumption of 550 watts, or 550 watt-hours during the one
hour test, but of course the test is only a rough one, since
lamps seldom consume exactly their rated wattage. The
reason for disconnecting the operating room leads is to avoid
possibility of a ground in the operating room affecting results.
It is well, occasionally, the last thing at night, after every-
thing has been turned off, with a match for illuminant, to
take a careful reading of the meter, and then in the morning
before anything is turned on take another reading. If there
is any difference look for a ground somewhere in your lines.
This may be made more effective by leaving the operating
room arc lamp circuit switches in, but with the carbons
The unit of quantity in which electrical power is meas-
ured, and on which your power bills are based, is the watt-
hour, or the amperes times volts times hours. One watt-
hour is the equivalent of one ampere multiplied by one volt
multiplied by one hour. A 55-watt incandescent lamp will
consume 55 watt-hours in one hour that is to say it will
consume that amount of power if it is actually using what
it is supposed to use, a thing which seldom is true. There-
fore if you use twenty-five 55-watt lamps for four hours,
your light bill will be 55 X 25 X 4 = 5,500 watt-hours, or, 5^
kilowatt-hours ("kilowatt-hours" being a term which
means 1,000 watt-hours). If your rate be 8 cents per kilowatt-
hour, then the bill for that power would be 5.5 X 8 = 44 cents.
There are several different types of meters, but the principle
of operation is the same in all. For alternating current the
apparatus must, of course, be adapted for use with that kind
of power, but I think, with those details the operator is not
particularly interested.
Reading the Meter. An electric meter is read precisely as
you would read a gas meter. First carefully note the unit
in which the dials are read. On all meters used by the
Edison Company the figures above or below the dial indicate
the value of one complete revolution of the pointer, hence
one division indicates one-tenth of the value of the complete
revolution. Carefully note the direction of rotation of the
dial pointers, as indicated by the figures, the pointers mov-
ing of course, to figure 1, to figure 2, and so on around
through figure 9 back to 0; also each dial will read in an
opposite direction to its neighbor. Counting from the right
on the five-dial register the pointers of the first, third and
fifth dials of a watt-hour meter rotate in the direction of the
lhands of a watch, or to the right, while the hands of the
second and fourth dials move in the opposite direction. The
same is true of the four-dial register the first and third
dials move to the right and the second and fourth to the
left. The dials must always be read from right to left and
the figures set down as read, carefully remembering that
until the hand has reached a division that division does not
count. For instance: In No. 3, Fig. 312, the right hand dial
has passed 1, but has not reached 2, therefore it reads 1, like-
wise the second, or 100 dial hand has passed 2 but has not
reached 3; therefore it reads 2.
Taking No. 1, Fig. 312, for example, it reads as follows:
A complete revolution of the right-hand dial would be 1,000
watt-hours, but the pointer has just reached division 1, which
being one-tenth of 1,000, is 100. We therefore put down 100.
No. 1.
No. 3.
No. 2.
No. 4.
Facsimiles of Meter Dials.
Figure 312.
The next dial stands at 1, which since one division is one-
tenth of the total of 10,000 equals 1,000, therefore we set down
1 at the left of the 100, and have 1,100. The next dial also
stands at 1, which being one-tenth of 100,000 is 10,000, so we
set down another 1 to the left of the 1,100 and we have 11,100.
The next dial stands at 1, so we set down another 1 to the
left and have 111,100, and last, the 1,000,000 dial stands at 1,
which call for still another 1 at the left and we have a final
reading of 1,111,100 watt-hours.
Taking No. 3, which reads in kilowatt-hours, we apply the
same principles. The right hand dial registers up to 10 kilo-
watt-hours. The pointer has passed the 1, but has not
reached the 2, so we put down a 1, that being one-tenth of
the total of 10. The next dial to the left has passed the 2
but has not reached the 3, therefore we put down a 2 to the
left of the 1. The next dial reads 1 and the next 9, so that
we have a total reading of 9,121 kilowatt-hours. This seems
to be plain enough to be readily understood by almost any-
one, but we will consider one more example No. 2, Fig.
312. Three of the dials stand at 0, the right hand dial stands
at 9, and since the total value is 1,000, we would have 900 to
start with, followed by 000 and a 1, or a total of 1,000,900 watt-
Caution. Before reading your meter you must ascertain
whether it has a direct reading register or one with a multiply-
ing constant. Some meters are not direct reading, but require
that the dial reading be multiplied by a constant in order to
obtain the complete reading. This is for the purpose of keeping
meters of various capacities of fairly uniform size. If the con-
stant were not used, meters of larger capacity would be of greater
dimensions than those of smaller capacity. If the register face
bears the words "multiply by 3" you must multiply the actual
reading by 3 to obtain the true value. If it reads multiply
by any other number, then multiply the actual reading by
whatever the given number may be.
The manager or operator should always read the meter when
the company's man reads it, and make a record of the reading
in a book kept for that purpose. He may then at any time figure
his light bill by the simple process of reading the meter,
subtracting from this reading the last company reading, and
then by multiplying that amount by his rate he can tell pre-
cisely what he owes at any given time. Suppose, for in-
stance, when the man reads the meter it registers 297,480
watt-hours, that being the tenth of the month. On the 20th
you take another reading and find that it registers 447,580
watt-hours. Subtract one from the other and you find that
you have consumed 150,100 watt-hours (we assume a watt-
hour register) or 150.1 kilowatt-hours. Supposing your rate
to be 7 cents per kilowatt-hour: 150.1 X 7 = $10.50, which will
be your current consumption bill for that period.
Maximum Demand Indicators. Companies base their
charge to a considerable extent on the amount of current
used, the large consumer getting a lower rate than the small
consumer. This is but right and fair, since the proportionate
overhead expense is much greater for a small consumer than
for a large one. However, in some cases where the load is
intermittent, the price to the consumer is based on what is
known as the "maximum demand" rate. That is to say if
the power consumption at any time exceeds a certain fixed
amount for an appreciable period of time, there is an addi-
tional charge for the extra power. One form of demand
instrument known as the "Wright Demand Indicator" can
be used to register or record the highest amount of power
used for a period of five minutes or more during any certain
period. For instance, where a demand indicator is installed,
assuming your normal current consumption to be 50 amperes,
if you used 75 amperes for a period of, say, two or three
minutes, the instrument would take no account of the extra
consumption, but if you used that 75 amperes for a period
of five minutes or more, then the indicator would get into action
and register 75 amperes, so that when the power company's
man came around he would know you had used that amount
of current at some time for a period of five minutes or more.
The Wright Demand Indicator is installed near the regu-
lar meter, and consists of a U-shaped tube containing sul-
phuric acid. When connected in circuit the current which is
used passes through a coil near one leg of the U-shaped
tube, the same being in effect an air chamber the bottom end
of which is corked by the mercury. This coil is made of
wire calculated to carry a certain definite number of am-
peres, and so long as the current does not exceed that
amount, the coil does not become heated beyond a certain
point, but if there is current consumed in excess the coil
heats in exact proportion to the excess of current and the
heat thus generated expands the air inside the leg of the
U tube. This heating and expansion of the air is calculated
to consume a period of five minutes, and its effect is to force
the liquid up the other leg of the tube and over into an ex-
tension chamber, the quantity of liquid forced over being in
exact proportion to the degree of heat generated in the coil,
and therefore to the amperage used. Having once been
forced over, the liquid will remain there, and thus the power
company has an indisputable and permanent register of the
highest amperage you have used for a period of more than
five minutes. At the end of the month a reading is taken
of the "demand indicator," and if the column of liquid which
has been forced into the measuring tube is beyond a cer-
tain amount, the station charges a certain extra amount for
extra load. After the reading has been taken, the indicator
is unfastened and the tube tilted until the liquid runs back
out of the measuring tube into the U tube, whereupon the
indicator is again ready to begin operations. The reason
for this maximum demand charge is logical and simple when
it is once understood.
If a customer ordinarily uses 5,500 watts, or approximately
7 1/3 h. p., the power company supplying him must provide
that amount of plant capacity for that particular customer.
Allowing for losses in generation, transmission of the cur-
rent, etc., this means about 10 h. p. in boilers, engines, gener-
ators, transmission lines and transformers, in order finally to
deliver 7 1/3 h. p. to the customer. It costs real money
to provide plant capacity. The pro rata plant capacity re-
quired in this case would represent an investment of $2,000,
upon which interest is to be paid and a sum set aside each
year to cover the item of depreciation.
The demand system of rates is used so that power com-
panies may get from their customers this interest and de-
preciation first, and enough to cover the operating expense
and profit afterward. I could go on and give you a lot of
figures along these lines, but all I seek to do is to explain to
you the general action of the indicator, and the reason for
its installation. Having covered this point I believe the pur-
pose, so far as the operator or manager be concerned, is
fulfilled. I might as a last thought add the following, par-
ticularly in view of the fact that the motion picture theatre
is often a short time load, which, from the power company's
point of view, necessitates the paying of relatively high rates.
Suppose one man uses 10 amperes at 110 volts for one hour
a day, or 10X110X1 = 1,100 watt-hours; another man uses
1 ampere at 110 volts for 10 hours, or 1 X 110 X 10 =1,100
watt-hours. Now these customers both consume precisely
the same number of watt-hours, but one man uses his plant
capacity one hour out of twenty-four, while the other chap uses
his for ten hours, and it naturally follows that the latter is en-
titled to a lower rate by reason of the fact that the company
is not obliged to install added machinery capacity, except
for one ampere, whereas in the other case the machinery
capacity must provide for the added 10 amperes, although
that added machinery will only be in use one hour out of
the twenty-four, and must lie idle the rest of the time.
A theatre will reap vast advantage by the atmosphere im-
parted through and by means of neat, energetic, intelligent,
uniformed, courteous employes. On the other hand, sloven-
ly, ununiformed, discourteous or careless employes will injure
the prestige and seriously decrease the revenue of any
There are two moving picture theatre employes whose
positions are of paramount importance, viz:, the manager
and the operator. The manager, of course, has the employ-
ment and supervison of all the help, as well as the decision
as to programs and many other things of vital importance to
the welfare of the theatre. I think few, if any, will argue
that it is good business policy to employ an incompetent,
careless man as manager, merely because he may be had
The operator has in his hands the making or marring of
the performances, and upon his skill and careful, painstaking
attention to details depends, in very large degree, the ex-
cellence of the picture on the screen. It therefore follows
that, since the revenue at the box office is largely dependent
upon the result upon the screen, the operator should not
only be a man who thoroughly understands the technical
details of his profession, but he must also be possessed of
sufficient energy to apply that knowledge, and place and
maintain on the screen a perfect projection, or projection
as nearly perfect as the apparatus at his disposal will produce.
It seems to me that, as in the case of the manager, it is
foolish to argue for the employment of a careless, or in-
competent operator merely because he is cheap.
The appearance of the theatre lobby very frequently is the
deciding factor in inducing the passer-by to enter, or the re-
verse. The doorman should be a man, and not a more or
less irresponsible boy. He should by all means be neatly
uniformed and of prepossessing appearance. If the pro-
spective patron sees an ununiformed, unshaved doorman,
perhaps slumped down in a chair, or leaning against a con-
venient wall, he is likely .to conclude that the performance
is apt to be equally sloppy. I know the term "sloppy" is
not elegant, but somehow it fits remarkably well.
The ticket seller should be a bright and attractive young
lady, neatly dressed and wideawake. Many a theatre loses pat-
ronage it might otherwise get simply because of an untidy
looking ticket office presided over by an unprepossessing,
gum-chewing girl. Particularly at the front of the house
neatness in dress and a wideawake appearance counts for
much, and courtesy is above all things highly important.
Within the ushers should be courteous and obliging, con-
tinually watching for vacant seats, and seeking at all times
for opportunity to do the patron some service. Numberless
are the cases where theatres have obtained a steady patron
simply through some little act of courtesy on the part of
an employe, which in itself amounted to but little, but con-
veyed to the recipient the idea that the management was
looking after his interest and comfort. The wideawake usher
will, when the house is well filled, keep in his mind the
location of all vacant seats in the section he serves, so that
when a party or a single individual enters, he will know just
where they can be seated to best advantage. These things
count for much in the mind of the public. It is not an inspiring
sight to see patrons parading up and down the aisle looking
for seats, while the usher is doing the same thing. Save
in exceptional cases the usher ought to know just where
those seats are. If he cannot carry such things in his mind,
and is not sufficiently energetic to watch closely and make
mental note when patrons get up and leave, then he is not
the right man for the job.
Moving picture employes should also have carefully im-
pressed upon them the fact that merely because a patron
wears a threadbare coat, or a cheap dress, is no reason that
he or she is not entitled to receive exactly the same degree
of courtesy shown the man or woman dressed in fine raiment.
It is the duty of the manager, and a duty which he will,
if he is the right sort of manager, by no means neglect, to
spend most of his time around the theatre carefully watching
the performance of his employes, checking up results on the
screen, and taking careful note of comments of patrons con-
cerning the show, particularly as they leave the theatre. In
time the manager will come to know many of his patrons,
and their views and ideas will help him greatly in improving
the program and the various details of the management of
the house. A wise manager can in course of time, by stu-
dious courtesy on his own part and enforcing the same
on the part of his employes, build up a large personal fol-
lowing for his theatre, which will be very valuable from the
dollars and cents point of view. In fact the management of
a theatre has so many angles that its careful consideration
would require almost if not quite an entire book.
Musicians. The "musician" may mean a single individual
presiding over a piano, or may mean an orchestra of many
pieces. It is too large a subject to be dealt with here, except
in generalities.
Where a single musician (piano player) is employed it is
of the utmost importance that he or she be "on the job"
from the time the picture starts until it stops. The presen-
tation of a subject may be immensely improved or may be
very greatly injured by the work of the musician. Whether
or not a single musician should be uniformed is a question
open to argument. I think, however, it will depend con-
siderably on circumstances and the sex of the musician. The
piano player must, of course, have a wide repertoire of all
kinds of music at instant command, and must be able to
play "at sight" almost anything that is written.
It is highly essential that the piano player have a large
fund of good judgment and common sense, since in the
smaller theatres it will be seldom possible to rehearse and
plan out the music for the show, which latter is, as a rule,
changed every day. Therefore it is necessary that the piano
player be able instantly to select music which will at least
fit in fairly well with the action of the film, and this can
only be done by one possessed of not only a large assort-
ment of know-it-by-heart music but also a fund of good
Where an orchestra is used the members should by all
means be uniformed. The subject of orchestras is, however,
such a large one that I think it is not advisable to attempt
to deal with it.
Connecting Up for Temporary Show
THE following instructions are by no means designed
for regular road men. They are presumed to know
their business. There are, however, from time to
time small exhibitors who travel from town to town with
their own outfit, covering only small villages, and this par-
ticular chapter is written to point out to them the various
things they should look out for in connecting up to the local
plant. Also it is quite true that city operators who have had
no road experience are frequently employed to go out to
some town and give a show in a church, theatre, school or
lodge hall, and this is not quite so simple a proposition as
appears on the surface.
First, be very sure that your outfit is "all there" before
starting out. Unless the exact throw and size of picture is
known it is always advisable to take along at least three
focal lengths of M. P. and stereopticon lenses, viz: a 3^, 4^
and 6 inch M. P. lens, and a 12, 16 and 21 inch stereo; the
latter should always be "half size" lenses. It is necessary
that sufficient resistance (rheostats) be taken along to handle
the voltage of the current, and, in this connection, there is
a book published by the McGraw Publishing Company, 239
West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City, which gives the
voltage, kind of current, capacity of the generators, etc., of
every town in the United States and Canada. It is published
by subscription, and every traveling operator ought to be
supplied with one. You should at least take along sufficient
resistance to handle 220 volts.
Before starting, examine the whole outfit and be sure you
have not omitted some essential part. I have known of
operators going to some distant village to give a show, only to
discover upon arrival that, for instance, the machine crank had
been left behind, or there were no carbons with the outfit,
or that the lamp leads or lenses had been omitted, or there
was no empty reel for the lower magazine. In this respect
an ounce of prevention is worth more than a ton of cure,
and out in an isolated village you will not be able to get a
duplicate of any parts you may through your carelessness
have omitted.
It is advisable to take with you at least 250 feet of stranded
rubber covered wire, size No. 6 B. & S. On arriving at the
building where the show is to be given, first ascertain whether
the current is A. C. or D. C., and if the former whether or
not there is a pole transformer. If there is, investigate and
see if it is large enough to supply current to the arc, in addi-
tion to whatever else it may be supplying, always remember-
ing that a commercial transformer can carry a 50 per cent
overload for an hour or two without in any way injuring it.
If you have any doubt whatever as to the transformer being
large enough, it will be advisable to see the light plant
people about it, and sometimes a good cigar or two will work
wonders in convincing the local electrican that the trans-
former is large enough to carry your load. The next thing
is to determine whether or not the wires entering the build-
ing have sufficient capacity to supply your arc in addition
to whatever else they must supply. It is also necessary to
investigate the size of the meter (if there is one) and fuses.
If all. these various things are found to be of ample size, the
next thing is to determine the best place to connect your
wires. If there is a panel board near where you desire to
locate your machine, and it is fed by wires large enough to
carry your arc, plus whatever else they must carry, you may
connect to the board, if possible through a circuit service
switch. However, this detail will vary with different boards.
If there is no panel board, or if the panel board feeders are
too small, it will probably be necessary to carry your wires
to the main cutout and make connection there. If the wires
entering the building are too small you will be compelled to
run your own wires out of some convenient window or other
opening, and connect to the secondary (if there is a trans-
former) right up close to the transformer, supporting your
wires in any convenient way, high enough so that no one
can touch them. In deciding whether or not the wires en-
tering the building are large enough don't forget to figure
the load they must carry in addition to your arc. The volt-
age of the current may usually be ascertained by examining
the name plate on the meter or pole transformer, or by using
your test lamp. If you use a test lamp you should have two
110 volt lamps connected as per Page 257. You first try wires
A and B. If the lamp burns to candle power it is approxi-
mately 220 volts, and you must have a resistance to handle
that pressure. If they only burn to half candle power, then
try wires A and C, and if the one lamp thus connected burns
to candle power the voltage is 110. Having set up your
machine and made all electrical connections, strike an arc
and make sure that everything is all right as far as the light
is concerned. Try out your mechanism to be sure nothing has
become disarranged in shipment. Ordinarily if the show is
in a lodge hall, church or schoolhouse you will set your ma-
chine on a platform in the auditorium, and you should use a
little common sense and judgment in placing your rheostats.
Don't locate them where somebody will stumble over them
or film fall against them, or under your machine where you
will receive all the heat they will generate.
The traveling operator may ascertain the voltage of a
system in a number of ways. A voltmeter is best, of course,
but such an instrument is seldom available. It is exceeding-
ly unlikely that the voltage in any building will exceed 250.
Connect two, ordinary 110 volt incandescent lamps in series,
as per wires A-B, Fig. 107, Page 257. Touch the end of the
wires A-B, Fig. 107, Page 257, to the circuit wires, to the live
binding post of a switch, or to opposite fuse contacts. If
the lamps burn above power the voltage is above 220, proba-
bly 240, or 250; if they burn at candle power the voltage is
approximately 220; if they only glow red, try lamp wires
A-C, Fig. 107, Page 257. If it burns to candle power the
voltage is 110, if above power it is a little above 110, proba-
bly 120 or 125; if below candle power the current is proba-
bly 104. If it only glows faint red the current is probably
60 or 70. You may also tell by examining the plate on the
meter, if there is one, or on the motors, if there be any, or
on the outside transformer if there is any. The practical
man can judge voltage very closely by the lamp test, and
even the novice cannot make any serious error if he follows
the above carefully.
Is the Current A. C. or D. C.? This point may be deter-
mined by (a) looking for a transformer outside the building
if there is one the current is alternating, though its absence
does not offer conclusive proof that the current is D. C;
(b) by looking at the meter plate, if there is a meter, or by
looking at the motor plates, if there are any; (c) by slightly
moistening the fingers and touching two wires of opposite
polarity, thus taking a slight shock. If it is A. C. the current
will feel "jerky." This latter test is not to be recommended
to the novice, or anyone else, for that matter, for if you
should try it and the wires happen to be crossed with high
potential lines it might prove to be a very serious matter.
The best plan is to call up the powerhouse, if it is prac-
tical to do so, and ask the voltage and kind of current; also,
if alternating, what cycle.
In this connection let me add that the traveling operator
should always consult the powerhouse officials before con-
necting to lines in small towns, especially if the show is to
be given in a church, hall or schoolhouse supplied by a small
transformer. The transformer may be already loaded to
capacity, as may also the street mains and even the dynamos.
If you connect without permission, simply on the say-so of
some church or school official or citizen and damage is done
you can be compelled to pay for it.
As a general proposition it may be said that cheap equip-
ment is very expensive equipment in the end. Except where
the use is strictly temporary it seldom or never pays to buy
cheap projection apparatus.
The wise manager will keep constantly before him the fact
that his energies should be directed first and foremost to the
bringing in of every possible penny at the box office, and
that if a three hundred dollar projector will, by the added
excellence of projection, bring in an added box office revenue
of even so much as three dollars per week, as against a
projector costing two hundred dollars, then the high-priced
machine is emphatically the best investment. He must bear
in mind that if one of the lenses is producing poor results,
those results will operate to send patronage to some rival
house, hence it should be replaced immediately. He should
not for one instant forget that his audience pays an admis-
sion to his house to see what is spread forth upon his screen,
and that the more excellent the performance the greater
number of people who will pay admission hence the greater
will be the revenue of the house.
If an experienced thirty-dollar-a-week operator, working
with a three-hundred-dollar projector, can produce results
sufficiently superior to those produced by the fifteen dollar
operator working with a two hundred dollar projector to
bring in an added revenue of, say, even twenty dollars per
week, then the thirty-dollar operator and the three-hundred-
dollar projector is a good investment. And if the average
increased revenue amounts to as much as thirty or more
dollars per week (not at all impossible, or even improbable)
then the high-priced outfit is indeed a splendid investment.
It is often desirable to color incandescent globes. Red
lamps are needed for exit lights and red, blue and green are
used for stage effects. To produce the desired colors dissolve
one ounce of refined gelatine in one pint of water, and, after
bringing it to a boil, add an aniline dye (Diamond dyes are
excellent for the purpose), of the color desired, in sufficient
quantity to make the liquid very dense in color. Dip the
lamps in the solution while it is hot, and after removal let
them dry as quickly as possible. Repeated dippings and dry-
ings will make the color on the globe more dense. The
lamp may then be dipped in a thin brass lacquer, or, better
yet, in formaldehyde, which will render the color water-
proof. Incandescent globes may be frosted by dipping them
in a strong solution or hydrofluoric acid.
Those who contemplate the erection of new theatres or
the remodeling of an old one should be very careful about
leaving the location and planning of the operation room
entirely to the architect; also it is not wise to leave the
selection of a screen or other projection equipment to his
Consider the question for a moment. No matter how thor-
oughly competent an architect may be as to the planning of
buildings, by no means does it follow that he has competent
knowledge of the requirements of practical projection.
As a matter of fact some of the very best architects in the
country have\ perpetrated the most atrocious blunders imagi-
nable in operating room construction and location.
It is also, except in isolated cases, where an operator of ex-
ceptionally wide experience is found, not good practice to place
operating room construction and equipment in the hands of the
operator. He may be a most excellent operator, but his ex-
perience is most likely limited to what he has observed in a
comparatively small number of theatres.
There are now available a few really competent projection
engineers, and I would by all means advise that architects' plans
be submitted to one of these men and that they be requested to
suggest changes, both in the operating room location and
its plans, which suggestions the architect shall be, if neces-
sary, compelled to incorporate into his plans. Remember
that the income of your theatre will depend very largely
on the result on its screen. Why place that result more
or less at the mercy of an architect who, however learned
he may be along other lines, knows little or nothing about prac-
tical projection? Such a course can but result in the hampering
of the work of your operator and the injury to greater or less
extent of the picture on your screen.
It would also be an act of wisdom to consult a projection
engineer who has no manufacturing connections concerning pro-
jection apparatus. You or your operator may know something
about a few of the hundreds of different kinds of apparatus,
but it is the projection engineer's business to have a com-
prehensive knowledge of them all.
During the summer months, particularly in the south, air-
domes or open air theatres are very popular, and they are
justly popular, too, because they contribute to the the amuse-
ment of the people under the best possible conditions as to
fresh air, etc. In the past, however, airdome construc-
tion has been altogether too crude. In many of the smaller
towns it has consisted merely of an open lot with a high
fence around it, seats set directly on the ground, a little
saw-off "coop" containing one projector, and the cheapest
possible kind of screen.
In New York City the law requires, among other things,
that airdomes must be floored, either with wood or cement,
and that the chairs be fastened thereto. This is an excellent
rule to be followed. If it pays to do a thing at all it pays to
do it right. A dirt floor is by no means satisfactory, par-
ticularly to women wearing white skirts and good clothing.
In very small towns, however, the expense of a cement or
lumber floor may be prohibitive. In such cases a floor of
tamped cinders will do fairly well, but the layer should not
be less than 4 inches thick after being tamped, and the
chairs must be fastened together with wooden strips and the
sections thus formed fastened securely to stakes into the
ground. Except in very small villages, however, if the air-
dome is designed to be a permanent institution I would by
all means advise the installation of a proper floor, and that
means one either of lumber or cement, preferably the latter.
The seating of an airdome should be comfortable, but of
such character that it will not be seriously affected by sun
or rain, since it is exposed to the weather. What is per-
haps the most satisfactory seating, everything considered,
is a regular theatre chair, but with unveneered, heavy, un-
painted but varnished wood backs and seats. Such seats may
be had. They are substantial, comfortable, and eminently
suited to this kind of installation. It is also quite possible
to build a bench with seat having the curves of a regular
theatre chair, the seat and back to be covered with three-
inch wood strips spaced 3% inches center to center. The
seat should be divided into 19 or 20 inch spaces. // this be
carefully done, using the back of a theatre chair to get the angle
and slope, the result is quite satisfactory. But if a bench be
made without attention to form and without dividing it into
individual spaces, the result will be very unsatisfactory. The
seat division may consist of an iron rod extending from a point
half way between the seat and the top of the back to the front
edge of the seat, thus forming a combined division and a very
substantial brace. Use half-inch round iron. If smaller, mis-
chievous boys are apt to bend them, and if the divisions be of
wood they may be whittled. There are other ways of doing it,
but the method suggested is the best. All iron work should be
coated with asphaltum paint to prevent rusting. Whatever the
character of the seats, hoivever, they must be securely fastened
to the floor. Loose seats are extremely dangerous in case of
The operating room should be not less than 6 feet wide by
8 feet deep (front and back) ifit is to contain one machine,
or 8 by 9 if it is to contain two. It should be made of con-
crete or brick, have an ample vent flue, with inlet air flues
near the floor. The ports of the operating room should be
the same .as for the regular theatre operating room
Page 216).
The screen should be supported in such manner as will
stand the strain of considerable air pressure. If it can be
placed against a building, well and good, otherwise there
should be timbers not less than 4 by 6 inches, long enough to
reach to the top of the screen, and be set into the ground not
less than 4 feet. These timbers should be guyed to the top of
suitable anchor posts set into the ground not less than 3 feet and
located not less than 10 feet back of the screen. These guys
or braces should be of 2 by 6 lumber. Remember with a heavy
wind blowing the screen will develop a lot of pulling force.
The bracing will, however, depend considerably upon the
location of the screen that is to say whether it will receive
Figure 313.
the full force of the wind or not. If it is protected by build-
ings or otherwise the bracing and size of uprights may be
modified. For the front of the screen after careful considera-
tion I would recommend the following: that there be a hood
extending outward from the top of the screen not less than
8 and preferably 10 feet, to extend out at an angle beyond
the sides of the screen to meet two wings hinged to the edge
of the screen and so arranged that they may be closed when
the performance is over, the idea being to combine two
screen-protection doors and an upper apron into a hood, the
inside of which should be painted dead black. The hood
above can easily be supported by means of wooden timbers
extending out back and anchored to the anchor posts hold-
ing the top of the screen.
The whole plan is shown in Figs. 313 and 314, in which we
are presumed to be looking at the edge of the screen. The
top of this hood should be roofed with some one of the
patent roofings so that it will be water tight. There is noth-
ing at all impracticable in this plan, and such a screen, by
thoroughly shading from moonlight, etc., would add very
greatly to the beauty of the picture in any airdome, and
would enable the operator to show a good picture on the
brightest moonlight night, practically regardless of the
direction of the moon; also it would enable the use of one
of the metallic surface screens without fear of deterioration,
since it would always be protected.
I believe the two illustrations will enable you to under-
stand my idea in the construction of the screen. Fig. 314 is
a front view of the screen.
For an unprotected screen surface I would suggest wooden
lath on a substantial backing, braced as before suggested,
and plastered with two coats of very strong cement mortar,
with a finishing coat of cement mixed half cement and half
sand. This surface should then be covered with about three
coats of paint mixed as follows: White lead ground in oil
mixed with boiled linseed oil and a little Japan dryer for the
first coat. White lead ground in oil mixed with one-half
boiled linseed oil and one-half turpentine for the second coaf.
White lead ground in oil mixed with one-third boiled linseed
oil and two-thirds turpentine for the last coat. Light space
to be outlined in black (see Page 179).
Selecting a Site. Briefly the items to be observed in the
selection of a site for airdomes are as follows: (a) Does the
ground lie right? Is the lay of the ground adapted to use as
a theatre auditorium floor, or will you have to do a lot of
grading? (b) Will it be necessary to erect a high fence all
around the site, or is a portion or all of it already taken care
of by billboards or walls of other character? (c) Will the
glare of the lights and noise or the sound of music call forth
protest from surrounding property owners? (d) Does the site
adjoin a large tenement house, or other buildings from which
a good view of the show may be obtained without the for-
Figure 314.
mality of paying admission? (e) Will it be necessary to secure
signatures of adjoining property owners in order to get a
license? If so, can this be done? (f) What will be the prob-
able patronage, as judged by character of surrounding neigh-
borhood, and the density of its population?
The builder of an airdome should consider that where
practical it is always best to have the screen face the north
or east, since with the screen facing either of those directions
it is possible to begin the show anywhere from twenty
minutes to an hour sooner than would be practical if the
screen faced the south or west. Never have your screen face
the west if it is possible to avoid it, unless the light from the
west is cut off by some high building or obstruction. The
builder of an airdome will do well to consider other points
applying only to certain localities. For instance: How about
mosquitoes? It is rather a questionable proceeding to build
an airdome in a mosquito infested district.
Projection by Limelight
WHAT is known as "Limelight" is produced by direct-
ing the flame of hydrogen mixed with oxygen against
a pencil of unslacked lime, or a pencil of a substance
know as "Guil Pastil." The flame in itself has slight bril-
liancy, but is exceedingly hot, and raises the temperature of a
spot on the lime or pastil to incandescence, and it is from
this spot all illumination emanates.
While limelight is next to electricity in brilliance, still it
cannot be said to approch the electric arc for moving picture
projection, although it may be made to serve very well for
stereopticon work.
Those who by force of circumstances are compelled to project
moving pictures with limelight will be zvell advised to select films
of the least possible density and not attempt the projection of a
large picture. The writer considers it unwise to attempt more than
a ten-foot picture with limelight, and an eight foot one is much
better. True, some do project a twelve-footer, but illumination
is not very good. The amateur had better not try more than
eight feet.
Tank Gas. The best method of producing limelight is by
purchasing the oxygen and hydrogen in tanks. Companies
in large cities make a business of filling steel tanks with
these gases and selling them, or rather the gas in them to
exhibitors, the price ranging from 10 to 15 cents per cubic
foot. The oxygen tanks are painted red and the hydrogen
tanks black. The tanks are usually loaned to the exhibitor
free of rental, the exhibitor making a suitable cash deposit to
insure their return. Usually tanks may be had in two sizes,
viz:, one containing 25 and one containing 50 cubic feet. The
two sizes weigh about 50 and 100 pounds respectively. They are
shipped by express, and if the distance be long the shipping
charge may make the gas very expensive. A pair of 25-foot
tanks should by reasonably economical management last for
about three ordinary shows and the larger ones for six
shows. This will, however, depend on the length of show,
size of burner jet and skill of the operator. Assuming five
ordinary reels of film, many operators are satisfied to get
two shows from the 25-footers and four from the fifties.
Tank gas is, counting shipping charges, usually more ex-
pensive than gas made with a good portable outfit, but it is
superior in quality and much more convenient.
The gas is under high pressure (250 pounds per square inch;
some small cylinders are charged at far greater pressure)
and may be, but should never be used without a "reducing
valve." A reducing valve may be had of any dealer in lime-
light supplies, and should be a part of each limelight user's
outfit. It is also well to have a pressure gauge for each tank.
Some use low pressure gauges to show pressure after gas has
passed the reducing valves, though this is, I think, rather
"fussy" and quite unnecessary. . The tank gauges are not
absolutely necessary, but are nevertheless very convenient.
It is advisable to have red hose for the oxygen connections.
The other may be any color, but preferably black. This
is to prevent making mistakes in connection, which might
cause considerable annoyance, or worse.
Figure 315.
In Fig. 315 we see a typical burner for the mixing of oxy-
gen and hydrogen to produce limelight. The lime sets on
end in the three prong holder as shown.
Gas Making Outfits. There are a number of outfits for
making gas for limelight on the market. Among the best of
these is the Model B, made by the Enterprise Optical Com-
pany, Chicago, full description of which may be had by
addressing the company.
In this connection the following letter taken from the
Projection Department of The Moving Picture World, July 5,
1913, is of sufficient value to warrant receiving space. The
letter is from Mr. George A. Kraus, Magellan, New Mexico.
Mr. Kraus says:
"My own experience with gas-making outfits, after having tried
every American make, as well as one outfit imported from England,
is that the Model B Calcium Gas Machine, manufactured by the
Enterprise Optical Company, Chicago, is the lightest and most simple
in operation. It can be set up and charged, ready for use in from five
to ten minutes. There is never more than one pound pressure on the
machine. When in use the water in the upper tank regulates the gas.
So long as one uses the gas generated, the water in the upper tank
lowers to the lower one, generating gas as needed. The moment you
shut off the gas the machine stops generating. After the show, drain
off the water and take off the standpipe. Should there be any oxone
left over, it can be used again the next time the machine Is charged.
I have run three continuous shows, of three reels each, with one
charge of 30 cakes of oxone, but the saturator has to be recharged
after every performance. I have two saturators connected with the
standpipe of one, which gives sufficient hydrogen for the three
shows without recharging. I project a 12-foot picture at 41 feet, using
my Model B gas machine, and get plenty of light. For road work or
permanent location the Model B could not be too highly recommended."
It is not my purpose to give directions for the operation
of these outfits, as full and very complete directions accom-
pany them when purchased. Suffice to say they are all quite
practical, reasonably simple in operation, and capable of pro-
ducing a very good light, at a cost which is not very much
different from the cost of tank gas, when distances of ship-
ment of tanks is averaged, always provided they be handled
with intelligence, be kept scrupulously clean, and that the
directions supplied by the manufacturers be explicitly followed.
Don't imagine you can produce good limelight by careless,
sloppy methods. It simply can't be done. The illumination is
a comparatively weak one at best, and good results are hard to
get (for moving picture projection} under the best conditions.
This is all the more reason why the limelight user should ex-
ercise every care to get every possible bit of light brilliancy his
outfit is capable of producing.
The gasmaking outfits make the gas as it is used. This is
accomplished by the use of sodium peroxide, which, when
properly prepared and brought into contact with water, gives
off approximately 300 times its own bulk in oxone. The
sodium peroxide is made into cakes and is usually sold under
the trade name "Oxone," though some manufacturers use
other trade names, one of which is "oxylithe." These cakes
are placed in a reservoir, which forms the greater part of the
gas making machine, and water is added, which causes the
formation of oxygen the instant it touches the "oxone." The
water supply is usually so arranged that the water, by its
weight, forms a pressure of air in the reservoir, and this
pressure prevents it reaching the oxone, which is arranged
somewhat as per Fig. 316. When the gasburner is opened
some of the air escapes, which allows the water to rise and
touch the cakes of sodium
peroxide (oxone), where-
upon gas is formed, the
pressure increased, and the
water again driven down
until enough gas is used
to decrease the pressure,
and again allow it to rise
and touch the cakes, thus
releasing a new supply of
gas, and so on until the
cakes are entirely ex-
hausted, whereupon the
reservoir must be opened,
cleaned, and a new supply
of cakes and water put in.
It is, of course, very es-
sential that the reservoir
be absolutely gas tight.
W'hen the oxygen has
been formed it may be
combined with ether, or
with high grade gasoline.
This is accomplished in a Figure 316.
part of the machine called
the "Saturator." When the oxygen leaves the reservoir a
portion enters a tube and is led directly to the burner. An-
other portion is led through a tube to the saturator, in which
is a pad, usually made of flannel, saturated with ether, or
high grade gasoline. The oxygen passes through the satura-
tor, and is there loaded with ether or gasoline (as the case
may be) vapor, which makes it inflammable, and enables it
to act as a substitute for hydrogen.
Caution: In warm weather, and when the saturator is
nearly full, very little oxygen is required to vaporize the
ether, and there is less danger of explosion (popping and
snapping) than when the saturator is nearly empty or when
it is very cold.
The foregoing is merely intended to set forth the principle
o o oooo
o o o o o o
o o o o o oo
bo ooooo
of operation of these outfits. Still another plan, followed by
some, is to purchase oxygen in tanks and combine it with
ordinary illuminating (coal gas) gas from the gaslight sys-
tem. When this is done, due to the very low pressure of
the illuminating gas as compared to that of the oxygen in
the tank, it is advisable, and even necessary to have a speciil
form of mixing jet for the lamp. What is known as the
"blow-through" jet (to be had of any dealer in limelight
supplies) is usually employed for this kind of work. This jet
is illustrated in Fig. 317. The use of the oxygen-illuminat-
ing gas combination is not to be
recommended for amateurs.
Limes. Limes may be had in
several sizes, up to \ l / inches in
diameter. The largest size is not
the best, however, because it is
apt to flake off or even break
under the action of heat. A one-
inch lime is preferred by most
operators, though some use seven-
eighths inch.
Limes come in sealed cans or
jars, packed in powdered lime.
They must not be removed from
the package until needed, and
the package must be kept sealed.
If exposed to air containing
moisture the limes will slack, or
if there be no moisture then
they will become haid and unfit for use. Limes are quite
fragile and easily broken.
Limes must be placed in the burner so that they will stand
perfectly straight and not wobble even the least bit when
revolved. If not set true there will be uneven illumination
of the screen as the lime is revolved during the progress of
the show, to expose a new surface to the flame. The un-
evenness will be due to varying distance of the lime from
the tip of the burner.
Starting the Light. Starting the light is an operation
which, while simple, requires the exercise of cons'derable
care. Having placed the lime in position in the lamp, or
burner, as it is usually called, and turned it up so that it does
not "wobble" when rotated, pull the lime away from the
burner tip from one-half to one inch, and, having turned on
Figure 317.
the hydrogen, light it at the burner-tip with a match, just
as you would light an ordinary gas jet.
Caution: // using tank gas, remember it is under heavy
pressure, and, if there .is no reducing valve, open the tank
valve very carefully.
Turn on sufficient hydrogen to make a flame two, three,
or four inches long (only an experiment can determine the
proper length of hydrogen flame, as it will vary with size
of tip, with different lots of gas and with the individual opera-
tor's ideas) and, while slowly rotating the lime allow the
flame to play on it until well heated. This is very necessary,
particularly with a new lime and with lime of the larger
diameters, since if the full strength of the oxygen-hydrogen
flame be concentrated on a spot on a cold lime the latter is
very apt to crack. When the lime is thoroughly warmed,
advance it to within about one-eighth inch of the burner tip,
and then, without altering the hydrogen flame, carefully and
very slowly turn on the oxygen gas. The flame will at once
diminish in size, and a spot on the lime will become incan-
descent. Keep turning on oxygen very slowly, until there is
a slight hissing, whereupon ease off on the oxygen just a
trifle until the hissing barely stops. Some operators prefer
their light at a point where it does hiss just a trifle, but I
think more light is had just at the point when hissing is
about to begin.
The beginner may now, without any film in, projecting the
clear, white light to the screen, turn just a little more hydro-
gen, and again bring the light to the hissing point by adding
oxygen. If the screen brilliance is increased, continue the
process until there is no further gain. If, on the other hand,
the screen brilliancy is less, then try reducing the mixture
by first shutting off a little oxygen, and then a little hydrogen.
Keep this up until you find exactly what mixture gives the
greatest screen brilliancy, whereupon shut off the oxygen and
carefully note length of hydrogen flame. Having done this
you will be able to tell pretty closely what length of hydro-
gen flame will give best results, which will be a help every
time you start the light thereafter.
Some operators turn on oxygen until a slight red fringe
appears at the top of the spot on the lime. I cannot recom-
mend this method, however, as being very accurate.
When turning on the oxygen, if the light should go out
with a loud snap, or popping sound, quickly turn off the oxygen,
relight the hydrogen with a match, and again slowly turn on
the oxygen. See "Popping" or "Snapping," Page 680.
Caution: Remember when handling limelight gases that
oxygen and hydrogen form an explosive mixture when com-
bined. Always turn the hydrogen on first and off last. That
is to say, when lighting up never turn the oxygen on until the
hydrogen has been lighted, and when shuting down always
turn off the oxygen first. Failure to pay heed to this may result
in damage to the apparatus. Under certain conditions it
might even cause a rather serious explosion, though that is
extremely unlikely.
Distance of Jet from Lime. The best distance of tip of
burner jet from the lime will vary slightly with size of jet
and mixture used. Test the matter as follows: After the
light has been burning long enough to have its normal illu-
mination, project the clear, white light to the screen, and,
first making sure there is no pit in the lime, slowly move the
jet ahead and back until the point of maximum illumination
is found.
If the tip be too close to the lime its point may be melted.
The tip must be closer with a soft lime than with a hard one.
"Popping" or "Snapping." Popping or snapping out of
the light is one of the most annoying things the limelight
operator has to contend with. It is seldom or never danger-
ous, except to the hose connections.
When the light snaps out turn off the hydrogen quickly, else
the flame may back up in the tube and melt the rubber, or even
the metal connection at the hydrogen tank, the reducing valve
or the saturator. This only holds good when using a gas making
outfit in which oxygen passes through the saturator.
Popping or snapping (interchangeable terms meaning the
same thing) is usually due to excess of oxygen gas. Remedy:
Reduce the oxygen. It may also sometimes be traced (though
seldom) to the tip being too close to the lime. Popping is in
reality a miniature explosion, and sometimes splits the rubber
tubing used for connections. For this reason
It is best to use flexible, metal-covered tubing, which may be
had of any department store or dealer in gas fixtures. It costs
but a few cents per foot. Paint the one used for oxygen bright
red, to prevent errors in making connections.
Light Goes Out. If your light just simply "goes out,"
without making any noise, it may be due to (a) leaky or
"split tube, (b) cracked or broken lime, (c) tube slipped off
connection (should be wired on); (d) gas supply exhausted;
(e) valve clogged. The remedy for these conditions is in
each case obvious.
Revolving Lime. The action of the flame on the lime is
to form a depression on its face, called a "Pit." As this pit
has the effect of altering the distance cf the lime from the
burner tip, it affects the light brilliancy, and it is necessary
occasionally (time varies between two and five minutes,
depending on hardness of lime and force of gas jet) to
revolve the lime just enough to move the pit out from in
front of the jet and present a new surface to the flame. In
doing this revolve the lime very slowly, so that the new surface
will have time to come up to incandescence as the old one
cools off, else you will produce a decidedly bad effect on the
Hissing or Roaring. Some operators supply their jet
enough oxygen to cause the light to hiss very slightly. Should
there be a loud hissing (some call it "roaring") it may be
due to (a) Excess of oxygen, in which case the light is apt
suddenly to go out with a loud pop, or snap. If this occurs
turn off oxygen quickly (see "Popping or Snapping") relight
the hydrogen and again turn .on the oxygen, (b) Interior
wall of burner jet rough. Remedy: New jet. (c) Too much
gas for size of jet. Remedy: Reduce gas. (d) Wrong dis-
tance between tip of burner and lime. Remedy: Alter dis-
tance. A deep pit in lime has this effect, and if the lamp
begins to hiss, without any adjustment having been altered,
the probable cause is a deep pit, and revolving the lime will
remedy matters.
Adjusting the Lamp. The light must be centered with the
condenser, precisely as in the case of the electric arc. If
it be too far away, too close, too high, too low or too far to
one side, the screen illumination will be uneven, and there
will be shadows. By means of the adjustments provided,
move your lamp up, down or sidewise until the screen L
evenly illuminated all over, and there is no trace of shadow.
The Condenser. The condenser used for limelight is the
same as for the electric arc. It is customary to carry the
spot a trifle larger than with electricity, due to excessive area
of light source with consequent "fuzzy" edges of spot at
cooling plate and use two 6*/2 lenses, located as close to the
aperture as they can get them. Whether or not this is the
best practice I am not prepared to say, but presume it is,
as it is much used. One operator even advises altering the
outfit, if necessary, so as to get the lamphouse cone right
up against the machine aperture, shoving it to one side to
change films. This does not seem to the author like good
practice, but try it out anyhow. I would suppose this close-
ness would require the locating of the light too far from the
lens, which would mean heavy loss of light. This is, how-
ever, only my impression. I have not actually tried it out.
I should think a 5 l / 2 lens next the arc would be better under
those conditions.
Objective Lens. Never use an objective lens of small diam-
eter for limelight projection. Be certain the lens diameter is
large enough to receive the entire light ray (see Page 110).
You have a comparatively weak illuminant at best, and cannot
afford to waste any of it. Three and one-half, 4 and 4^-
inch E. F. objectives are. popular with gas users. An eight-
foot picture at 40 feet seems to be the one best liked. A 3 l / 2 -
inch will give close to an eight-foot picture at 30 feet, and a
4^-inch will give a little more than an eight-foot picture at
40 feet.
Clean Lenses. Clean lenses are extremely important when
using limelight. A dirty lens wastes much light by reflection,
and you cannot afford to waste any of your light when using
limelight. See "Cleaning Lenses," Page 108.
Fitting the Limelight Burner into a motion picture pro-
jection lamphouse will in the newer models of) projectors
call for a new lamppost, since, while the lamppost used for
some of the old style, small arc lamps will serve also as a
support for the limelight burner, the lamppost of the newer,
heavier arc lamps cannot be used for the purpose. The
method of anchoring the new post into place will vary with
different makes of projector, and must be left to the ingenuity
of the operator. Be sure, however, and get it located so
that the backward and forward adjustment of the arc lamp
base will still answer its purpose in the forward and back
adjustment of the light with relation to the lens.
Machine Shutter. It is never wise to use a three-wing
revolving shutter with limelight. It cuts too much light,
and with such a weak illuminant the flicker is not sufficient
to require the three wings. Use a two-winger, with the
blades reduced in width as much as is possible and avoid travel
ghost. (See "The Shutter," Page 469.) It is even claimed
by some operators that, when using oxygen and hydrogen
with a lime pencil, they get excellent results with a one-
wing shutter. I cannot vouch for this. In fact I am just a
little bit skeptical, but it is nevertheless worth trying. Re-
move your regular shutter blade from its hub, cut a single
block from stiff but thin cardboard, using the main shutter
blade for a pattern, and substitute for the regular shutter
blade. If you find it works satisfactorily insert a metal blade
in place of the pasteboard. This cannot be recommended
where a guil pastil, ozo-carbi, or Bliss Oxy-Hydro-Cet Light
is used, as the illuminant is too bright. When trying out the
one-wing shutter idea, it will be well to run the machine a
little above normal speed. The gain in light will compensate
for a slight flicker and some injury to the action in the film.
The reason a one-wing shutter may possibly be used for lime-
light projection is that flicker is very much less pronounced
with a weak illuminant than with a bright one. It is a matter
of screen brilliance.
Screen. For limelight I would by all means advise one of
the best semi-reflecting screens obtainable. If a muslin or
plaster screen is used be sure it is perfectly clean and white.
A Mirror screen would be ideal, but is too costly to be con r
sidered for a gas installation. Outline your picture in black
(see Page 178) and have the room as dark as you can possibly
get it. This is especially important when using a comparatively
weak illuminant.
Guil Pastil. Guil Pastil is the invention of one M. Guilbert,
a Frenchman. It was first imported into the United States,
in 1913, by C. E. Lindall, Bar Harbor, Me. Mr. Lindall sub-
mitted samples to the Projection Department of The Moving
Picture World, which had them tested by practical gas men, who,
without exception, reported favorably. The pastil is un-
questionably a big improvement over the lime, for which
it is a substitute. It is made of thorium, ittrium and other
rare earths, found mostly in South America. Instead of set-
ting upright in the burner it is held in horizontal position,
the jet playing on its end. It does not need to be revolved,
as does the lime, and once adjusted should not be moved.
Its density is such that little or no pit is formed by the jet.
It comes in different sizes, but the largest, 1/4 by 13/16 inch,
is most popular with operators, and is the size recommended
by the importer. The pastil is not affected by dampness,
but, owing to its density and the fact that is is a very poor
conductor of heat, is very brittle, and must be heated very slowly,
else small pieces are apt to snap off, thus injuring the pastil.
The hydrogen will often blacken the pastil while heating,
but this does no harm, since as soon as the oxygen is turned
on the blackness disappears. If preferred blackening may
be avoided by pulling the pastil away from the tip until the
light has been adjusted to about what experience tells the
operator it should be, and then the pastil slowly advanced
to its normal position. Do the advancing very slowly, how-
ever, or you may injure the pastil.
American-Made Pastil. During the European war it was
for a time impossible to obtain French pastil, so Mr. Lindall
got busy and produced an article which some operators pro-
nounce superior, many just as good, and a few not so good
as the foreign article. As to quality, each man must com-
pare and judge for himself. Mr. Lindall says the ingre-
dients, density, etc., of the "home grown" article are iden-
tical with the French product. Personally, I believe the
Lindall article is practically as good as the French.
The following is reproduced from the Projection Depart-
ment of the Moving Picture World, June 13, 1914. It contains
valuable data for pastil users.
"After a three months' trial, under various and severe tests, I have
finally discarded the old, faithful lime pencil, for the reason that since
using the guil pastil not only are the general results better, but my
gas consumption has been reduced by fully one-third. While I formally
consumed twelve cakes of oxona, with guil pastil eight suffices for a
one and a half-hour entertainment. I now have a pastil in my lamp
which has been used for twelve consecutive shows, and it is still good
for ten or twelve more. With careful handling the guil pastil should,
in my opinion, average at least eighteen entertainments, each one and
a half hours in length. But great care is necessary in handling the
pastil, since it is very fragile and will not stand up under rough treat-
ment as will the lime pencil. The first two pastils I tried lasted but
one show each. I had been using lime pencils for several years, and
one can shove in a lime pencil at a moment's notice, turn on both
gases as soon as it is in place, and be ready to begin the show. I tried
this method with the pastil, with the result that it heated too quickly
and cracked, and by the time the last reel was through the pastil was
on the floor of the lamphouse in small pieces. I now first turn a small
flame of ihydrogen for about three minutes, which heats the pastil
slowly and thoroughly; then I turn on the oxygen gas slowly, until
there is a small red ring on the outside of the flame. This heats the
surface of the pastil to white heat, delivering a steady, powerful, white
light which the line pencil can never produce. The pastil throws a
brilliant, clear field like an electric arc, except, of course, it is not BO
powerful a light. To get the best result with the least consumption of
gas, ihave the burner-tip at the lower edge of the pastil and about one-
eighth of an inch away from it. At this distance the gas is evenly
distributed over the surface of the pastil, so that its outer edge is us
white as the center. If the tip be any closer than this the light will
be in the center and the edges will be darker, which makes for poor
results, besides pitting the pastil in the center, due to the blast of gas
which concentrates on one small spot. I get the best results from a nine-
sixteenths size pastil, using two 6% condensers, projecting a 12-foot
picture at 45 feet."
Repairing Guil Pastil. Should a guil pastil by accident be
broken it may be repaired and made practically as good as
new as follows:
Take some soft asbestos wicking, such as is used for pack-
ing the stems of steam valves (to be had at almost any hard-
ware store) and wrap some of it outside of the pastil, as
per Fig. 318. Then over the asbestos wind some soft
wrapping wire, such as jewelers use. Now make a band, or
clamp, Fig. 318, out of a heavy piece of sheet metal or
tin. Bend this metal band into shape so it will act as a
sort of shield and then push it down over the pastil and
holder. I would rec-
SOf7 Wf
ommend that new pas-
tils be treated in this
manner. It protects the
pastil from damage and
is worth while merely
as a matter of protec-
tion. By its use you
will be enabled to turn
off the gas without be-
ing so careful about it.
The heat will burn off
the wire as fast as the
pencil is consumed, so
that all one needs to
do is to smooth the
surface of the pencil oc-
casionally with a piece
of No. 00 sandpaper.
The S. A. Bliss Oxy-
Hydro-Cet. S. A. Bliss,
Peoria, 111., has perfect-
ed a limelight which
many operators com-
mend highly. It con-
ffsacsros w/c/ , /n/? .
Figure 318.
sists of commercial oxygen, the same as is ordinarily used,
and a substitute for straight hydrogen, consisting of hydro-
gen combined with gas from calcium carbide, and gasoline
vapor. A specially constructed burner is supplied by the
Bliss Company. By this process it is claimed that back
firing, popping and snapping is entirely eliminated. The
apparatus consists of a hydro-cet generator and a special
burner. Oxygen may be generated from "oxone" in the
usual way or purchased in tanks. Full directions accompany
the outfit. The light produced is more brilliant than that
produced by the ordinary oxygen-hydrogen gas. It may
be used either with lime or guil pastil.
I am informed that Mr. Bliss has secured a special price
of 2 cents per cubic foot on oxygen gas to be supplied to
his customers. This price is made by a large firm having
plants in thirty-three of the largest cities in the United State.-:.
Ozo-Carbi. This light (Patents 393,737 and 724,416) is
made by burning carbide or acetylene gas with a compound
gas, which is really a modified form of oxygen, called "Ozo. '
Two tanks are used, one for the carbide and one for the ozo
gas. Each gas is made by the operator before the enter-
tainment, .and is stored in the tanks. It is then used wirh
the ordinary calcium burner, just the same as you would
use the regular tank gas, and there is no more danger in
its use than there is in using oxygen and hydrogen such as
is sold in tanks.
Acetylene and oxygen produce a very high degree of heat
in fact, the highest degree possible to obtain, othe~ than
that of the electric arc. It is not, however, practical to burn
them together in a calcium jet, but acetylene, or carbide gas
will burn together with the Ozo gas in a calcium jet, the same
as oxygen and hydrogen gas, but the result is a higher degree
of heat, and hence a higher degree of incandescence of the spot
on the lime.
The manufacturer claims that the expense of producing
the light is very much less than that of producing light by
means of oxone combined with ether or gasoline. He also
claims a considerably higher illumination.
For myself I can vouch for the fact that the ozo-carbi
forms an excellent illuminant and that it has many apparently
well satisfied users among gas men. Full and complete
instructions accompany each outfit.
American Standard Motion Picture Machine Company 692
Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 690
Bound Volumes of Moving Picture World , 698
Cine-Mundial 700
Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company 691
Feaster No-Rewind Device 694
Hallberg Twentieth Century A. C. to D. C. Motor-Generator. 688
Hugo Reisinger 692
Jones & Cammack 694
Motion Picture Electricity 700
Moving Picture World, Projection Department 697
Moving Picture World 696
New Edison Super Kinetoscope 695
Nicholas Power Company 689
Picture Theatre Advertising 699
Picture Theatre Equipment Company 702
Precision Machine Company, Inc 693
Richardson, F. H., Projection Engineer 701
Speer Carbon Company 690
Technique of the Photoplay. 699
A. C. TO D. C.
$249 For 3 - 7
Amp. D. C. Arc.
$20 extra for control
for (2) 25-35 amp.
arc's or $50 extra for
control for (2) 25-35
amp. arc's on fine
switchboard with volt
and amp. meters and
special field rheostat-
No live part on front
of board.
For 110 or 220 volt, 60 cycle, 2
or 3 phase A. C. Line. For
Weight, 450 IBs; Height, 15"; single phase, $40 extra.
Width, 15"; Length, 28"
Other Sizes and Styles
of All Kinds Quoted
Upon Request
Transformers and
Rheostats Made
to Your Order
Distributor of
All Makes of
M. P. Machines
I equip theatres com-
plete and carry all makes
carbons and supplies.
Send for Free Circulars
and Catalogues
Send $3.50 for latest Opera-
tor's Book. "MOTION PIC-
Double Lamp Switchboard
T LJ HAM RFRC, Swedish Electrical Engineer
J. O. n/-\L,L,Oll,r\Xa, Operators' Dept.
36 EAST 23d St. : The House of Quality : NEW YORK
gMCM^etK^ffli^ai^gB^^MMasia^^ j
The House of Power
Sixteen Years of Knowing How"
The merits of the Power product, consistently
maintained and constantly improved upon,
have gained for them the highest reputation
for motion picture projecting machines.
Write for Catalog R
Nicholas Power Company
Ninety Gold Street - ^ New York City
\mi MIU mil \m mi niw HJT not \w m
You cannot get good pictures with a poor lens equipment
Good pictures depend upon your lens. An operator who works
with a poor lens cannot acquire a reputation for first-class projection.
The owner's best investment is in
projection [ens
They pay for themselves many times over in the increased patronage
guaranteed by pictures that are brilliant, clear and sharp to the
Our objectives and condensers are standard, and successful opera-
tors everywhere insist upon their use. The best photo-plays are
filmed with Bausch & Lomb M. P. lenses and B. & L. projection
lenses are used in the exhibitors' projection rooms, because they
are essential to the best results.
The Edison and Nicholas Power machines are regularly equipped
with Bausch & Lomb objectives. These lenses can also be secured
through any film exchange.
Write to-day for our free booklet, "Projection Lenses." It contains
much information of value to both owner and operator
New York, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco
Speer Projector Carbons
Longer Life Better Projection Brighter Light
Look for the Trade- Mark.
ST. MARYS, PA., U. S. A.
You have promised your employer per-
fect projection; then insist on a Late Model
Its Simplicity and Durability ^itk Perfect Pro-
jection v? ill enable $ou to make good.
(See description on Pages 528 to 546)
The Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.
564 West Randolph Street CHICAGO, ILL
Are a Guarantee of
FOR BOTH A. C. & D. C.
On Every Package
IDEAL from the oper-
ator's viewpoint because
made of comparatively
fewer, but stronger and
better parts, yet con-
taining all those me-
chanical features and
exclusive devices sup-
porting the fundamental
idea around which the
Master Model is built:
that of perfection in
projection with greatest
ease of operation.
Ideal, too, from the exhibitor's viewpoint because projection
troubles cease when American Standard Master Models are in the
booth. The danger of breakdowns and delays is practically
eliminated; there are no heavy repair bills to swell the low
initial cost of the Master Model.
For complete particulars write to the address below given.
One Hundred Ten and Twelve West Fortieth Street. New York
The PROJECTOR that received the
317 East 34th: St- NewYork
Made in Switzerland.
Reflex D. C. Carbons have a Specially Constructed Negative with
Copper Coated Core.
This letter was written by an operator to a friend who asked his
opinion of Reflex Carbons:
"I am prepared to say that they are a better carbon than the
present carbons on the market.
"They make two kinds, one for A. C. and one for D. C. The
carbons for A. C. are by far the best for A. C. I ever used,
giving at least 15% better screen illumination than any other
"The D. C. carbons have a very brilliant white light. This is
caused by the special pains they take with their negative carbon
which has a copper coated cored which gives a green cast mixed
with the violet from the top carbon and makes a Brillianter,
Whiter and Better light.
"The carbons last longer and give better results than any I
have used. They are not a dirty carbon and don't fill your
lamphouse full of soot.
"In fact they are all that could be desired in carbons."
Write us for descriptive circular and price liFt. It pays to
use the best.
JONES & CAMMACK, Sole Importers
No-Rewind Device
Quickly Attached In Place of Upper Magazine
Read Mr. Richardson's Article On Page 318
1482 Broadway New York
PRICE $600.00
^]PHE most expensive projecting machine
in the world and worth every dollar of
its cost. See this Handbook for descrip-
tion of its mechanical details and write for
literature to
Programs, Re-
lease Dates, Re-
views, Comments
and Synopses of all
Leading Brands of
Founded by
tion Rate
Domestic $3.00
Canada 3.50
Foreign 4.00
Motion Picture Photography
Educational Department
Advertising: for Exhibitors
Foreign Trade Notes
Exhibitors League Page
Music for the Pictures
Photoplaywright Section
Correspondence, Etc.
Advertisements of Leading
Film Manufacturers, Exchanges and Importers
Machine Manufacturers and Dealers
Manufacturers of Electrical Equipment
Theatre Seating and Principal
Dealers in Moving Picture Supplies
Moving Picture World
17 Madison Avenue, New York City
Picture Machine Operators
Students of Projection
will find the weekly Department on
in the
Moving Picture World
of great assistance. It is up-to-date and deals
with problems of operators in all parts of the
country and under all sorts of conditions, and it is
conducted by F. H. Richardson.
The information in a single issue may
be worth a year's subscription to you
Send for a direct yearly subscription and not
only save money but get your paper at least
one day earlier than from your newsdealer
Domestic ...... $3.00 per year
Canada ...... 3.50 " "
Foreign ...... 4.00 '
Address all remittances for subscriptions
Moving Picture World
17 Madison A\>e. New York City
Bound Volumes (Quarterly) g
Moving Picture World
D g
Dating back to 1912 are on sale by the
Chalmers Publishing Company. $1.50
the Quarter, Plus Express Charges.
O Within these volumes will be found a consecutive C
D record of the happenings, great and small, in the motion D
picture industry. With these on your shelves you will
be able quickly and accurately to resolve all doubts
to get the facts as to the date of release of a given
picture; to follow the rise' and development of manu-
6 facturers, whether of films or accessories, and of play- O
H ers; to answer questions of your patrons; in fine, to U
have at your elbow data the value of which to you at
times will greatly exceed the cost of the volumes.
The Chalmers Publishing Company
17 Madison Avenue, New York
Standard Publications
Epes W. Sargent, is a work that should be in the
hands of every busy picture theatre manager. It
contains a fund of helpful information about
every form of advertising, about type and type-
setting, printing and paper. It contains helpful
information on house programs, on framing
newspaper advertisements, on form letters,
posters or throwaways. This book is extremely
practical and contains more than 100 examples
of plans that have helped others. Handsome
clothboard binding, $2 00, postpaid.
P. S. the author conducts an exceedingly
helpful department of two or three pages on 'this
important subject in each weekly issue of the
Epes W. Sargent, is also issued by the Chalmers
Publishing Company. It is the most complete,
most instructive and most helpful work on the
writing of photoplay manuscripts or scenarios. A
new third edition in course of preparation when
this book went to press. Address all orders and
remittances to
1 7 Madison Avenue, New York City
Motion Picture Electricity
By J. H. Hallberg
A 275-page textbook on electrical equip-
ment, apparatus and connections for
picture theatre houses, together with
data and tables on current consumption,
strength of materials and practical sug-
gestions. Handsome clothboard bind-
ing; $2.50, postage prepaid.
Chalmers Publishing Company, Moving Picture World
17 Madison Avenue, New York City
Printed exclusively in the Spanish language, is
issued monthly by the Chalmers Publishing Com-
pany. It is devoted exclusively to the moving
picture and outdoor and indoor amusement
enterprises in all South American and Spanish-
speaking countries. All correspondence should be
addressed to
Cine-Mundial, Chalmers Publishing Company
17 Madison Avenue, New York City
For more than eight years he has studied
one thing, and one thing only, viz: Pro-
jection and the things allied thereto. He
now offers his services and advice as to
Operating Room Plans
Operating Room Ventilation
Projection Machines
Current Rectifying Devices
Lenses and Lens Systems
Screens, Etc., Etc.
If your present results on the screen are
unsatisfactory or if your electric current
bills are too high, he will be pleased to
consult with you and may be able to
save you money and improve results at
the same time. Can personally visit
theatres within a radius of three hundred
miles of New York City. Special ar-
rangements made for longer distances.
Fees reasonable and references cheer-
fully furnished.
Room 1434.
22 East Seventeenth Street, New York City
, I
Projection Engineers
Projection Difficulties Solved and
Perfect Screen Results Guaranteed
Consult Us for Modern Equipment
We Equip Motion Picture
Theatres Completely
Machines, Booths, Motor Gen-
erators, Screens, Ticket Chop-
pers and Venders.
Everything for the Modern
Photoplay Theatre
Ask about Our Special Con-
densing and Projection Lenses
Send for Our Catalog
Picture Theatre Equipment Co.
1604 Broadway
158 Pearl Street
^J/ |
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