GEOL.UB, 1106 Ml8r McIKNES REPORT ON THE PART OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES DRAINED BY 'JIoH AND ATTA.VAPISKAT RIVERS . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES University of British Columbia The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIF. CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH HON. W. TBMPLBMAN, MINISTKB; A. P. Low, DEPUTY MINISTER K. W. BBOCK, DIKBCTOB. REPORT ON A PART OF TMK NORTH WEST TERRITORIES DRAINED BY THE WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS BY WILLIAM McINNES REPORT ON A TRAVERSE THROUGH THE SOUTHERN FART OF THE NORTB WEST TERRITORIES FROM LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE IN 19O2 BY ALFRED W. G. WILSON OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1910 , lOOt* Frontispiece. PLATE i. Boulder of green and reddish-purple Slate, Winisk river. CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH HON. W. TEMPI.EMAN, MINISTRR; A. P. Low, DEPUTY MINISTER ; R. W. BROCK, DIRECTOR. REPORT ON A PART OF DRAINED BY THE WINISK AND UPPER ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS BY WILLIAM McINNES OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1909 No. 1O8O 40741 Geology Library P \\Q(* To E. W. BROCK, Director Geological Survey, Department of Mines. SIR, I have the honour to submit a report on my surveys and explorations made during the seasons of 1903, 1904, and 1905, 3n the portion of the North West Territories of Canada drained by the Winisk river and by the upper branches of the Attawapiskat river. I the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) WILLIAM McINNES. OTTAWA, May, 1906. 4074 1J 787412 v CONTENTS. PAGE. General remarks 7 Earlier explorations in the district 7 Surveys 8 Routes into the resrioii 9 General description of the region 10 Geological summary 13 Direction of glaciation 21 Height 01 land region 21 Lower Winisk River region 21 Albany River and Attawapiskat River valleys , 21 Winisk river .. 22 Attawapiskat river 35 Routes between the Attawapiskat and Winisk rivers 39 Routes between the Winisk river and" Trout lake 41 Route between the Albany and Attawapiskat rivers 43 Cultivation of the land 44 Fish 45 Wild animals 45 Indians 46 Archaeology 49 Forests.. .- 49 Climate ' 51 Water temperature 52 Land shells 52 Fresh water shells 53 List of fresh water shells collected by W. Mclnnes 53 liu'ex 55 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plato I. Boulder of green and reddish-purple slate, Winisk river.. Frontispiece. II. Silurian limestone on the lower Winisk river 16 " III. Treeless area fringing west coast of Hudson Bay 34 " IV. Indians of the lower Winisk river 46 " V. Lower Winisk river, showing banks of Silurian limestone, and characteristic forest . 50 MAP. No. 1089. Portions of Northern Ontario, and of che North West Terri- tories, showing country drained by Albany, Severn, and upper Winisk rivers, etc. REPORT ON A PART OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES OF CANADA DRAINED BY THE WINISK AND ATTAWA- PISKAT RIVERS, BY WILLIAM MC!NNES. The present report deals with a tract of country lying within the unorganized North West Territories of Canada, between N. lat. 51 10' and N. lat. 55 10', and between W. long. 86 and W. long 90. This district forms part of what was known for a time, prior to the inauguration of the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, as the District of Keewatin, and lies between the northern boundary of Ontario and the southwestern shore of Hudson bay. It is drained by rivers running from the west into Jam'es bay and into Hudson bay respectively, and the report is, in the main, a description of one of the latter the Winisk throughout almost its entire length, and of the upper branches of one of the former, the Attawapiskat. Earlier Exploration in the District. As far as I have been able to learn, there are no references in the journals of the early explorers to the Winisk river. All concerned in the search for a northwest passage to the Orient, they were natur- ally led to give most of their attention to the passages between the Arctic islands lying at the extreme north end of the bay. The mouth of the Severn river was, however, visited by a number of them, and Henry Hudson and Thomas James explored the bay now known as James bay, then called Hudson's bays. Captain Thomas James, and Captain Luke Foxe (who styles himself in his journal, 'the northwest fox') seem to have been the only navigators who sailed along the coast between the Severn river and Cape Henrietta Maria, for the purpose of examining it. They describe a generally low shore, with shallow water, and make no allusion to having noticed the mouth of the Winisk river. It must 7 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA have been, however, as Mr. Miller Christy points out, in the vicinity of the bay at the mouth of the Winisk river that the two vessels approached one another in August, 1631, when the two captains, both bearing letters from His Majesty King Charles I to the Emperor of Japan, were able to compare notes as to their discoveries, and when Captain Foxe, ridiculing James' action in keeping his flag continually flying at the masthead, said to him, to use the quaint language of his journal, ' Keepe it up then/ quoth I, 'but you are out of the way to Japan, for this is not it.' Mr. G. Taylor, of the Hudson's Bay Company's service, seems to have visited the river in 1808, and to have supplied the topographical details that appear on the Arrowsmith map. Dr. Eobert Bell, in 1886, descended the Attawapiskat river from the lake, which he named Lansdowne, to the sea, and published an account of the exploration in the Annual Report of the Geological Survey for that year. 1 The Fawn branch of the Severn river was explored by Dr. A. P. Low in 1886 2 and the Ekwan and Trout rivers by Mr. D. B. Dowling and Mr. W. H. Boyd in 1901. 3 No description of the Winisk has been published, though, without doubt, employes of the Hudson's Bay Company have traversed it, as, in the early part of the last century, posts of the Company were established at three points near the head of the river. The missionary priests from Albany, too, have descended the river, holding missions at the more important Indian centres. Surveys. In order to secure data for the compilation of a map of the region, the following surveys were carried out during the seasons of 1903-4-5 : Surveys by micrometer telescope and compass, checked by astro- nomical observations for latitude, were made of the Winisk river, from the mouth to a point 190 miles from the coast following the course of the stream; from the foot of Wunnummin lake up to the outflow of the west branch at Misamikwash lake, a distance of 60 miles; down the west branch for 55 miles, and across by a portage route 24 miles in length to Trout lake at the head of the Fawn 1 Annual Report Geological Survey of Canada (New Series), Vol. II., 2 Ibid. Part E. 3 Summary Report Geological Survey of Canada, 1902. REGION OF WIN1SK AND ATTAWAPISKAT K1VERS branch of the Severn river; of a route from the foot of Lake St. Joseph by way of the south branch of the Attawapiskat river to Fort Hope, a distance of 189 miles ; and of 27 miles of the Albany river below Fort Hope. In addition to the above a number of track surveys, checked by latitudes, were made. These covered portions of the Winisk river; part of the Attawapiskat river; three routes connecting the Attawa- piskat and Winisk rivers; a route from the Albany river at Eabemet lake to Lansdowne lake; and a route from Trout lake down the west branch of the Winisk river and across to the main river near Nibina- mik lake. Routes into the Region. While the number of possible routes to the Albany river from the Canadian -Pacific railway is very great, there are but three that have been used to any great extent, one leaving the railway at Dinorwic station' and reaching the Albany river by way of Lac Seul and its tributary the Koot river, another one starting from Ignace and reaching the Albany by way of Sturgeon and Musibimega lakes, and another leading from Nipigon station by Nipigon river and lake and crossing to the Albany by way of the Ombabika and Opichuan rivers. The first of these is 'the best route in, particularly where a load is to be carried, as, though somewhat longer than either of the others, it is down stream or through large lakes for the greater part of the distance. For light canoes and a quick passage the route by way of Nipigon is preferable, 011 account of the shorter distance to be traversed. The greater part of the supplies used for the fur trade in the district are brought up the Albany river from James bay, a route including 300 miles of swift water where tracking is the only means of progression, and about 50 miles of alternating quiet water and rapids where portages are frequent. This is considered an easier route to Fort Hope, the headquarters of the trade, than any of the roads from the Canadian Pacific railway. The completion of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway will shorten very considerably the distance from this side, and render the whole region comparatively easy of access. From Fort Hope the heads of the Winisk and Attawapiskat rivers can be reached by several routes, none particularly difficult, but all made tedious by reason of the number of portages necessary. 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA General Description of the Region. The region may be roughly divided into three great areas, each with characteristic features: the Archaean area of the high interior plateau ; the boulder clay area ; and the limestone area of the Hudson Bay basin. The Archaean, of the three, comprises by far the largest extent of country. It consists of an elevated, undulating plain, with an average height of from 700 to 1,000 feet above sea-level. The effects of long-continued subaerial decay and denudation, supplemented by the later cleaning up and smoothing action of a great glacier, are everywhere noticeable in the gently rounded out- lines of the very moderate elevations. On it all the larger rivers of the Hudson Bay watershed, and many of those flowing south and west, have their sources, the great muskeg areas acting as storage reservoirs, from which, even in the dryest season, the volume of drainage is large. It is along the parts of their courses lying within this area that the quickest descent occurs, falls and rapids that would afford water-powers being thus largely confined to the upper stretches of the streams. This condition is in contrast with that obtaining everywhere throughout eastern Canada, where the streams flow for the greater part of their length over the Archaean, and only come tumbling down from the elevations when low down in their courses after they have attained almost their maximum volume, thus making the eastern portion of Canada probably unequalled in the world in the matter of water-powers. It must not be thought, how- ever, that throughout the area now under consideration there is any scarcity of good water-powers. They occur in great number, but owing to the distribution of the Archaean highland before referred to, they are situated mainly far inland rather than near the coast. Though, considered as a whole, the central, elevated region cannot be spoken of as generally adapted for agriculture, there occur basins covered by heavy deposits of stratified sand and clay that seem to have been laid down in lakes held in between barriers formed by the walls of the retreating glacier and ridges of drift. An examination of some of these clays by Dr. Hoffmann shows them to be highly calcareous and somewhat siliceous, a composition that with the admixture of the surface vegetable mould should produce an excel- lent soil for general agriculture. The question of climate, which is, of course, of the utmost importance when considering the agricul- tural possibilities of a district, will be referred to more particularly REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 11 4 in another place. It may be said here, however, that the climatic conditions are, if somewhat adverse, not by any means prohibitory to the general cultivation of suitably situated tracts. Muskeg, alternating with low ridges of gravel and boulders, covers wide tracts, though, owing to the fact that the only practicable mode of travel through the country is by canoes, there is a tendency, perhaps, to overestimate the extent of such areas, as the natural canoe routes must follow the watercourses, and these in turn keep to the lowest elevations, and, therefore, show a proportion of swamp that is greater than the average of the district. It was noticed that the surface drainage became more perfect in that part of the region extending westerly towards Trout lake. Ascending the Winisk river from Weibikwei lake towards its headwaters this was very noticeable, the muskeg areas becoming infrequent and of smaller extent. The larger lakes throughout the district are confined to the Archaean area. They are all comparatively shallow, and so studded with islands, and broken by long, projecting points, that they seldom show any large expanses of open water. They occupy depressions in the superficial deposits, generally with a boulder clay bottom, and in no case was one found occupying a regular rock basin. The areas of the principal lakes are approximately as follows: Wunnummin lake 60 square miles. Weibikwei lake 40 " Lansdowne lake 38 " Ozhiski lake .. 25 Wapikopa lake . .. . 24 Eabemet lake. . .. ...... .; .... 20 Nibinamik lake 10 " The highest land lies about the headwaters of the south branch of thje Attawapiskat river, east of Cat lake, where an elevation of probably 1,500 feet above the sea-level is reached. The approximate heights of the principal lakes determined by barometric measurement is given below: Eabemet lake, Albany river 900 feet above sea-level. Ozhiski lake, Attawapiskat river 910 Lansdowne lake, Attawapiskat river. ... 815 Wimbobika lake, Attawapiskat river. . . . 1,300 Weibikwei lake, Winisk river 670 " " 12 GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY, CANADA Wapikopa lake, Winisk river 750 feet above sea-level. Nibinamik lake, Winisk river 785 " " Wunnummin lake, Winisk river 830 " " Misamikwash lake, Winisk river 865 " " The tract referred to as the boulder clay area consists of a broad belt of country, about 159 miles in width, lying between the Archaean highlands and the edge of the limestones of the basin of Hudson bay, overlapping the latter, however, so that the surface features of the two are generally quite similar. Gently undulating, and with a slight slope northerly and easterly, its general surface aspect is that of a great swamp, sparsely covered with stunted and deformed trees, that reach a growth approaching their normal only along the immediate banks of the rivers where drainage is afforded by frequent short gullies into the trenches that constitute the river valleys. The interior, to within a chain or two of the river-banks, owing to the impervious character of the till, is quite undrained, and consequently covered by a thick deposit of sphagnum moss from two feet to ten feet deep, the surface layer still growing, and even the bottom only bleached a little, but not at all oxidized. The short cool summer season, and consequent low tem- perature of the water that saturates the moss, is probably the prin- cipal reason for the absence of any of the visible effects of decay. The rivers flowing through this region have no real valleys, that is to say, they occupy trenches but little wider than the immediate channels in which they flow, cut down through the stiff, tough till, which stands up in nearly vertical walls that rise from the freshet mark on either side. At low stages of the water a slanting beach, often paved with boulders, slopes gradually from the foot of the bank to the edge of the diminished channel. A more or less continuous layer of marine clay, rich in fossil shells, overlies the boulder clay, ensuring, wherever it is present, a soil of good quality. The absence of other than swamp vegetation must be ascribed, then, to the almost total absence of drainage, and to the generally unfavourable climatic conditions. The third area, underlain by Silurian limestones and dolomites, presents essentially the same surface features as the till area. The folding of the limestones, however, though generally amounting to broad undulations only, gives to it somewhat more of relief, and the troughs in which the rivers lie have been excavated entirely through REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 13 the mantle of till, and have cut down into the limestones to depths of from twenty to thirty feet. There is the same absence of any vegetation other than that having a muskeg habitat, excepting on the islands in the rivers and along their banks. The northern rim of this area consists oi a treeless plain, border- ing the shores of the bay, and varying in width from a mile and a half to three miles. It has an elevation of only a few feet above the level of high, spring tides, and is probably submerged on occasions when these tides happen to coincide with northeast storms on the bay. The sandy and gravelly surface is sparsely covered with bunchy grasses, and, early in August, was bright with the flowers of many sub-arctic plants, among which the Arctic daisy, Chrysanthemum arcticum, the yellow ragwort, Senescia pallistris, the painted cup, Castelegia pallida, a live-for-ever with small, bell-like blue flowers, purple vetches, and the large rose-coloured Epilobium were promi- nent. Geological Summary. The geological divisions recognized in the region under considera- tion consist of the following, in ascending order: Laurentian. Keewatin, Lower Huronian (?), Silurian (Niagara), Pleistocene (Till, etc.), Post-pleistocene (Marine clays, etc.), LAUREN TIAN. Biotite granite gneisses, varying in the proportion of their various constituents, in their attitude, and in the degree to which the gneissic structure has been developed in them, are widespread over the whole extent of country explored. Over great areas they have a stratiform appearance, the foliation showing an almost horizontal structure, with only very low, broad undulations. As at present constituted they, without doubt, include areas that differ widely in age, the com- paratively new granites, however, occurring in quantity quite insignificant in comparison with the volume of the older gneisses. Pegmatites, in veins and irregular masses, cut the gneisses practi- cally everywhere, and are, probably, though newer than the gneisses, almost contemporaneous with them in their present form. 14 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA KEEWATIN. The Keewatin bands, made up of areas of basic rocks, in the main diorites, diabases, and chloritic and hornblende schists, but including a considerable volume of coarse conglomerates, though occurring as belts of considerable length and four to six miles in width, are of exceedingly small volume when compared with the whole extent of gneisses in which they are enfolded. Probably not more Jhan a tenth of the whole Archaean area is occupied by them. In the region explored, between the Albany river and the overlap of the mantle of till, six apparently separate belts of these rocks were noted. They have all, in a general way, about the same trend, N. 70 E. The belt of these rocks crossing the Albany river at Petawanga lake and seen again on the route between the Albany at Fort Hope, just north of Eabemet lake, is the most southerly. It is made up for the most part of chloritic, feldspathic and hornblendic schists, and diorites in different stages of deformation, and has a width of about six miles. The gneisses bordering the belt on the south are finely foliated, hold a large proportion of black biotite, and are, in certain layers, thickly spotted with garnet crystals. Masses of coarse pegma- tite, cutting these gneisses, hold crystals of mica up to 2" in diameter. The next belt going northerly is situated about twenty miles north of the Albany river, and is well exposed along the banks of the Kawinogans river, which has cut its channel in these rocks for about seventeen miles. This band is from one to four miles in width, and is made up of feldspathic and chloritic schists, diorites and other basic rocks. It is flanked by biotite gneisses, with, at points close to the contact, occasional outcrops of hornblende granite-gneiss. Another belt, quite similar to the two above referred to, lies just north of Lansdowne lake. Further reference is made to it in the descriptions of the routes leading north from the Attawapiskat to the Winisk. The most interesting belts are the next two; the first, lying just south of Nibinamik lake, by reason of the occurrence in it of a large mass of hypersthene gabbro, similar to the nickel-bearing in- trusives of Sudbury; and the next, the Wunnummin Lake band, on account of the extensive development in it of heavy beds of coarse conglomerate, holding pebbles, chiefly of various forms of granite. The most northerly band is apparently quite narrow, and was noted REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT EIVEKS 15 only where a few isolated outcrops are seen near Kingfisher lake north of the Winisk river. SILURIAN. The Silurian section along the Winiak river seems to comprise, in ascending order, twenty feet of close-grained, hard, brittle, green and black ribboned slates, with bands and nodules of more highly calcareous material; six feet of a hard, dark-grey, rusty weathering, calcareous quartzite; ten feet of a much more calcareous form of the last named beds, so calcareous as to constitute an impure lime- stone rather than a quartzite. All of these lower beds, which are exposed at but one place on the river, where they are brought up by a compound anticlinal fold, are hard and baked-looking, with many small veins of quartz and calcite cutting them in all directions. Lithologically they are quite dissimilar to any of the strata compos- ing the rest of the section. Further effects of pressure are seen in the hardened condition of all the rocks, and in their cracked and fissured condition, the cracks filled with secondary quartz and cal- cite. The more massive beds described as calcareous quartzites are seamed in all directions by thes^ white, reticulating veins, which are bought into strong prominence by their contrast in colour with the dark, rusty- weathering surfaces of the parent rock. There seems to be a gradual passage upwards from these beds, by the increase in their calcareous content, into impure limestones, and then into the next beds in the series, consist- ing of a series of slightly magnesian limestones, comprising eight feet of buff-coloured, slightly ferruginous, hard, close-grained, flaggy beds, with the texture of lithographic stone in certain layers; two and a half feet of more massive nodular limestone, the nodules of finer texture than the enclosing, slightly shaly matrix; and ten feet of rubbly, shaly limestone, with occasional sandy layers. Nodules of bluish opalescent quartz, with banded, agate-like structure, occur in the more compact beds throughout the series. Above these beds is a very persistent band, six feet in thickness, of a tufaceous-looking, vesicular limestone, the very distinctive char- acter of which makes it easily recognizable at many points along the river. Cavities in it are coated with crystals of calcite, and vesicles and cracks occurring in it are filled with a fibrous form of that mineral. The calcite occurs throughout the rock in irrregular masses that weather out to form cavities of irregular sizes and shapes. 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA Immediately above this bed there occurs a 6" layer of a compact yellowish limestone, with but little magnesia; then six feet of very fine-grained, almost compact, very light buff coloured dolomite, containing a small quantity of argillaceous matter and occurring in heavy flag-like beds, the plates hard and clinking under the hammer. These are overlaid by twelve feet of buff-coloured impure magnesian limestone, shaly in certain layers; and ten feet of flaggy and shaly buff-coloured, somewhat nodular, magnesian limestone, the whole becoming disintegrated easily so as to show only nodular, crumbling surfaces. Broadly speaking, the strata may be said to lie almost hori- zontally, with a slight dip towards the shores of the bay, amounting to about the same as the descent accomplished by the river. Low undulations cause the same beds to recur again and again in the sections exposed along the river. The exposures are not continuous, long intervals where the overlying boulder clay only is seen inter- vening between the exposed sections, so that the generalized section given above, and tabulated on a succeeding page, is made up from an examination of separated exposures occurring along the river for a distance of eighty miles. Though the strata are uniformly buff- coloured and closely similar in general appearance, a few very dis- tinctive beds notably the tufa-like limestone bed, which seems to be very persistent and to keep its distinctive characteristics serve to connect the various exposures satisfactorily. The lowest beds, com- prising the thirty-five feet of strata brought up by the compound anticlinal fold, appear at only one place on the river. As no fossils were found in them their age can be inferred only from their appar- ently conformable position immediately underneath the fossiliferous Silurian strata. The corrugated surface of the dome of the anticlinal itself dips about ten degrees north of west, at a low angle varying from five to twenty degrees, and it is possible, though not probable, that the rocks noted by Mr. Dowling at Sutton Mill lake represent underlying beds brought up by a southeasterly extension of this fold. The calcareous nodules, which probably represent bands broken by the stress of the folding, weather out readily, where exposed to atmospheric action, leaving a rock full of holes. II J7 i 4074 p. Iti. REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 17 GENERALIZED SECTION ALONG THE WINISK RIVER. Flaggy and shaly, buff magnesian limestone. Shaly, impure, rusty-weathering, magnesian limestone. Flaggy, clinking dolomite. Compact, slightly magnesian limestone. Vesicular limestone. Slightly magnesian, shaly limestone with sandy layers. Slightly magnesian, nodular limestone. Slightly magnesian, clinking, flaggy limestone. Rusty-weathering, siliceous limestone. Dark grey, rusty-weathering, calcareous quartzite. Black and green, ribboned slates. 4074-2 18 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA A small collection of fossils was made from the beds overlying the vesicular band, in which Dr. WhiteaVes has identified the following forms : Favosites gothlandica, Lamarck. Stropheodonta niagaraensis, W. and M. Leptcena rhomboidalis, Wilckens (sp.). *Camarotcechia (?) winiskensis, Whiteaves. *Camarotoechia (?) coalescens, Whiteaves. *Glassia varidbilis, Whiteaves. *Actinoceras Iceewatinense, Whiteaves. Trimerella, sp. indet. Orthis, Spirifer, Streptelasma, " Trochonema, " Euomphalus, " Loxonema, " Cyrtoceras, " Bronteus, " Encrinurus, " Though not a very satisfactory collection in itself for purposes of age-determination, the above-named species correlate the beds hold- ing them with those of the Severn river to the north, and the Ekwan river to the south, and collections from the three localities combined fix the age of the rocks very satisfactorily. The southern limit of the Silurian limestones cannot be fixed with any degree of exactness, owing to the heavy overmantle of till that conceals from view the underlying rock for a distance of 130 miles along the river. It seems probable, however, that it extends to the vicinity of N. lat. 54 20'. Mr. Low found on the Fawn branch of the Severn, the nearest river to the west, the same wide area of country completely covered by till intervening between the most northerly exposure of gneiss and the first exposure of limestone. He thought it probable that the limestones extend under the till for a distance that would correspond very closely to that given above for the Winisk. East of the Winisk river the inland boundary of the Silurian bends suddenly to a direction nearly due south, crossing the * The two new species of Camarotoechia, the Glassia and the Actino- ceras have been described by Dr. Whiteaves in Pala-ozoic Fossils, Vol. III., Fart IV., 1906, where further notes concerning the collection will be found. REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 19 Attawapiskat river a little above N. lat. 52 W, and the Albany one degree lower. PLEISTOCENE. The boulder clays of the Winisk river may be easily divided into an upper and a lower till, the one lying upon the gently undulating surface of the other. The upper bed is composed of a buff-coloured clay, drying slightly friable, with occasional large boulders, and many small pebbles and angular fragments of diorite, quartzite, gneiss, red and white sand- stone, jasper, etc. Its greatest observed thickness is about forty feet, measured from the surface of the lower till to the bottom of the fossiliferous marine beds. No stratification is apparent in it, and the large boulders are so rare, that, at a little distance, cut faces have the appearance of beds of pure clay. The lower till, the thickness of which was not ascertained, is composed of an extremely tough blue clay, with very many large boulders, semi-rounded and mostly well striated. Limestones and dolomites quite similar to the Silurian beds of the lower river make up a large proportion of the boulders, but others of gneiss, quartzite conglomerate, etc., are not uncommon. The sloping beaches extend- ing between low and high water marks are often a mosaic of the washed out material from the clay, forming very good examples of boulder pavements, the natural tendency of the rocks to arrange themselves with their flatter sides parallel to the surface resulting in an almost smooth floor, over which the spring floods seem to pass with little or no denuding power. The whole bed of the river is, in the same way, protected by a layer of heavy boulders that offers great resistance to the wear of the current, and that has practically stopped the further excavation of the channel at levels far from the bottom of the lower till. The accumulations of glacial drift are an important feature over this whole district. They form the highest elevations, and are the principal causes that define the shapes of the lakes and the direc- tions of the rivers. The influence of morainic ridges of boulders and gravel on the course of a river is strikingly seen in the case of the upper part of the Winisk river. The direction of the ice mevement was about S. 23 W., and the course of the river is found to conform to this direction to a remarkable extent, that is, it makes its way 4074 2J 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA eastward in a series of zig-zags, the lake-like expansions conforming in a remarkable way to the course of the morainic ridges of drift. The lakes occurring along the river are characterized by many long narrow bays with the same trend, due to the drift ridges that bound them. The glaciation of the whole area shows most clearly that it is the result of the passage of a large glacier, continental almost in extent, moving in a general way a little south of west, but showing minor deflexions, that occurred probably at stages in the period of glacia- tion when the ice sheet was not at its greatest thickness and was more readily influenced by the surface contours. The general S.S.W. direction of movement is indicated not only by strise, chatter marks, and crag and tail sculpturing, but also by the character of the boulders enclosed in the till and scattered broad- cast over the Archa?an area. The occurrence of the fossil-bearing limestones along the west coast of Hudson bay and James bay, and the entire absence of any rocks at all similar to them over the whole region farther south, makes the character of the travelled boulders derived from these rocks a sure index to the direction followed by the moving ice-sheet. Additional evidence is afforded by the occur- rence in the till of boulders and pebbles of jasper, hematite, quart- zite of a very distinctive character that Dr. Bell has recognized in place on the east coast of Hudson bay, and jasper breccia or con- glomerate. The wide tract of country lying between the Archaean gneiss and the first exposures of limestone, where the underlying rocks are completely concealed by the thick mantle of boulder clay, might be the source from which is derived many or all of these apparently foreign boulders, but their very close similarity to rocks that are known to occur on the east shore of Hudson bay makes it more probable that they have been derived from them. A few southwesterly stria? that appeared to be possibly later than the prevailing ones might be interpreted to indicate a glacier travelling down a gathering ground such as has been assigned to the Keewatin glacier. The local variations of the stria? from the general direction are so many, however, that it seems quite possible that they are only the records of deflexions caused by local surface relief, and made perhaps by a very much reduced glacier. No evidence of a glacier moving down towards the bay was noticed. The following list of p-lacial strise is arranged under three divisions the height-of-land REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 21 region where the striae may be considered to represent most truly the general course of the glacier, the Winisk Biver channel where the direction of the striae seems to have been somewhat affected by the river course, and the valleys of the Albany and Upper Attawapiskat rivers, where the direction has been quite governed by the trend of the valleys. Direction of Glaciation. Height-of-Land Region Kawinogans river S. 50 W. Hail lake S. 40 W. Wapitotem river S. 38 W. Winisk river, eight miles above Weibikwei lake. S. 38 W. Winisk river, Wapikopa lake S. 32 W. Lower Winisk River Region Winisk river below outflow of Winiskisis S. 6 W. " at outflow of Tabasokwia S. 6 W. " above Tashka rapid. . S. 10 W. " at Tashka rapid S. 30 W. at Boskineig fall S.30 E. i mile below Boskineig fall .... S. 18 W. 1 " " . . . . S. 10 E. " 2 miles " " . . . . S. 12 E. " 8 " " " . . . . S. 10 E. 13 " . . . . S. 24 E. " 15 .... S. 26 E. Albany River and Attawapiskat River Valleys Eabemet lake, northwest shore S. 83 W. " north shore S. 78 W. Albany river 10 miles below Eabemet S. 68 W. " 12 " " S.67W. 15 " S. 64 W. Ozhiski lake W. Kabania lake N. 79 W. POST-PLEISTOCENE. The marine clays, overlying the boulder clays along the Winisk river, were found to be generally fossiliferous, excepting near their most southerly extension where they are quite thin, and, as far as 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY^ CANADA observed, do not hold fossils. From a collection made from these clays in 1903, Dr. J. F. Whiteavcs has identified the following species : Pecien islandicus, Mtiller. Mytilus edulis, L. Cardium ciliatum, Fabricius. Serripes Groenlandicus, Ganelin. Macoma calcarea, Gmelin. Mya truncata, L. My a arenaria, L. Saxicava rugosa, L. Buccinum tenue, Gray. Buccinum ? and, fresh water species: Sphcerium striatinum, Lamarck. Limncea pahistris, L. The Winisk Kiver. The Winisk river, though without falls in its lower course, and with a volume that would lead one to suppose it easily navigable by vessels of considerable size, is so rapid and so wide for a long dis- tance up from the bay that it would be difficult to find a channel for a steamer of even moderate draft. This is particularly true of the thirty miles of its course over the flat-lying limestone ledges that often form barriers quite across the river bed, on which there is a depth of only a few feet of water. The river has cut down into the limestones to a depth of more than forty feet, the strata rising in vertical walls to that height above mean low water level. There is evidence that the river followed its present channel in the limestones prior to the glacial period. It has since then not worn out for itself any valley beyond its immediate channel, which is a mere trench in the boulder clay in the upper stretches, and in the clay and underlying limestones farther down. The extreme tough- ness of the lower boulder clay, and the protection afforded by the great number of large boulders that wash out from it and coat the bottom and lower parts of the sides of the trench, have prevented any quick degradation of the bank?, which stand up, raw and steep, like the sides of a newly excavated canal or railway cutting. The REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 23 more gently sloping parts of the bank, between high water mark and the foot of the boulder clay wall, are covered with a growth of grasses and small bushes, and, beyond latitude 54 30', the nearly vertical boulder clay itself supports a growth of silver berry, Eleagnus argen- tea, and buffle berry, Shepardia, the almost snow-white foliage of the former standing out in strong contrast with the dark-green leaves and red berries of the latter. The Winisk river, along its upper course easterly to Weibikwei lake, has a distinguishable valley. The lower part of the river, how- ever, from the lake to the sea, has absolutely no valley outside of the steep-walled trough in which it runs. The upper Attawapiskat river, flowing in an easterly direction, has a fairly well-marked valley, comparable to that of the Albany, though of less extent. The upper parts of the river are roughly parallel to one another and to the Albany river, with which it is not at all improbable that the Attawapiskat was at one time connected, as the country now dividing them is characterized by high hills of glacial drift, filling up and concealing any former channels that may have existed. These are the very remarkable hills described elsewhere in this report in greater detail. In all the rivers on this slope is seen the tendency to split up into two or more channels, enclosing areas of land often many miles in extent. This feature is more marked in the case of the Winisk than in any of the others. Above Weibikwei lake one of these divisions of the channel occurs, enclosing an area of thirteen square miles; and below, the two branches known as the Winiskisis and the Taba- sokwia flow around islands with areas of about 480 and 180 square miles respectively. The former of these branches, flowing to the east at a point seven miles below the lake, joins the main river again sixty-five miles below. The Indians say that no important stream comes in to the branch, but a number of small streams makes it a river of considerable size at its confluence with the main channel, even at low water when no water is passing over the bar at its upper end. The volume of water in the river during the period of spring freshet must be quite ten times as great as at low water in mid- summer. The height reached by the water is, in many places, plainly indicated on the banks. Evidences of the destructive force of the ice, when running out in the spring, are common. Trees on some of the islands are found 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA broken and uprooted at heights of fifteen feet above the normal water level, and the boulder clay of the banks is ploughed and deeply scored at corresponding heights. The flat surface of the limestone bordering the gorge is evi- dently swept annually by the river when at its height, though the water surface in the gorge at ordinary summer level is thirty feet below the top of the limestone. No beds of lignite were observed, though a few highly carbon- aceous, sandy layers were seen to occur at water level, apparently beneath the boulder clay on the upper Winisk river. Owing to the frequent small landslides occurring along this part of the river it was impossible to fix the position of these beds with any degree of certainty. Though for so great a part of its course the river is bordered by high and steep banks of clay, landslides seem to be exceedingly rare, excepting where the country has been swept by forest fires. Where fires have recently taken place along the banks, denuding them of their protecting vegetation, small landslides ar.e almost continuous. The Winisk is with little doubt the largest of the rivers discharg- ing into the west side of Hudson bay or James bay between the Severn and Albany rivers. Eising in the highlands lying to the south of Trout lake, it drains the large expanse of country lying to the east of the upper waters of the Severn river, and to the north of the spreading branches of the Attawapiskat. The watercourses of this section of country have been most inadequately represented on the existing maps, owing to the lack of knowledge of their positions, and a reference to the map accompanying this report will be neces- sary in order to understand the apportionment of the watersheds among the various rivers. From Misamikwash lake, above which the Winisk is divided into two main and many smaller branches, the river flows out by two channels, one quite insignificant in volume flowing to the north, and the other, a river of considerable size, flowing to the east. The former of these forms the head of the Asheweig or west branch of the Winisk, and the latter the main river. Diverging at a point situated in N. lat. 53 and W. long. 90, these two streams unite 224 miles below, following the course of the main river, in K lat. 54 and W. long. 87 30'. From Misamikwash lake for twenty-five miles the river keeps a general easterly course. In this distance the descent is about thirty- REGION OF WIXISK AXD ATTAWAPISKAT IUVKKS 25 five feet, and occurs principally in a series of five rapids, at the lowest of which, just above Wunnummin lake, there is a very con- siderable fall. Between the rapids are stretches of swift water, varied by many lake-like expansions. The surrounding country is for the most part low, seldom rising to greater heights than fifty feet above the river. Few rock exposures are seen, what there are consisting of low, rounded knolls and ridges of well foliated biotite granite gneiss, generally with an almost horizontal foliation and often invaded by a coarser white granite or pegmatite. The banks are usually low, but in places the river is found impinging against a bank of un- stratified sand and gravel twenty to thirty feet in height. Below the rapid and fall just referred to a large stream comes in from the south, and the river widens out to form Wunnummin lake, a body of water of varying width, twenty-five miles in length. The trough in which the lake lies has been hollowed out mainly in a band of Keewatin rocks to whose trend it generally conforms. The most conspicuous rocks occurring in the belt are heavy beds of coarse conglomerate, very similar to that of Abram lake on the English river below Minnitaki lake. 1 With these are associated diorites and chloritic and hornblende schists, the whole striking about N. 70 E. and dipping at high angles. These rocks can, without doubt, be classed almost wholly with the Keewatin, though there are possibly small areas of lower Huronian, the basal beds of which would be represented by the conglomerate. About the lake almost the only eminences in view are low hills of unassorted drift, rising generally not more than fifty feet above the water level, but in one case forming a very striking cone-shaped eminence, rising perhaps 300 feet above the surrounding level. Owing to its inaccessibility this hill was not visited, but from its general aspect, and from the accounts of it given by the Indians, it evidently is one of those remarkable, isolated masses of drift seen on the south branch of the Attawapiskat, and noted also by Mr. Camsell as occurring in the country north of Cat lake. 2 From Wunnumin lake to Nibinamik lake, a distance of twenty- five miles, the descent is about forty-five feet, the fall occurring principally at three points, where series of heavy rapids break the course of the river. Between these are stretches of quiet flowing 1 Annual Reimrt Geological Survey, 1901, Vol. XIV, p. 90 A. 2 Summary Report Geological Survey, 1904. 26 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA water, where the current, though generally strong, flows along pla- cidly between banks of sand not generally high, but in places, where the current has worn into the side of a drift ridge, showing cut banks seventy-five feet in height. A stream known as Michikenis flows in from the south about six miles below Wunnummin lake, and a larger one, referred to again in describing the route from Trout lake, joins the river from the north five miles above Nibinamik lake. Nibinamik lake is an irregular body of water whose shape has been largely defined by ridges of glacial drift. From inlet to outlet is but five miles, the lake, however, extending to the south for seven miles and to the north for four miles. A number of low ledges of fine, well-foliated biotite gneiss occur along its shores, cut by a coarse white gneiss that often is interbanded with the finer, giving the whole an appearance of stratification. The land rises gradually from the lake shores to heights of about sixty feet, a considerable thick- ness of sand and gravel concealing the underlying rocks, excepting at the immediate shores. A forest about one hundred years old, but never very large, covers the surrounding country. Spruce and tama- rack are the principal trees, with aspen, poplar, and canoe birch on the ridges. . From the southern end of the lake, by a large brook entering the southeasterly bay, a route to be referred to again, leads to the Atta- wapiskat river. For the next twelve miles, between Nibinamik and Wapikopa lokes, the river flows with a fairly stiff current, increasing to rapids at three places, and descends in all about thirty-five feet. No ledges are seen along the shores, the over-mantle of drift, rising in places to form ridges ninety feet in height, quite covering the underlying rocks. Wapikopa lake has a length northeasterly of thirteen miles, with a long irregular bay running to the north for fourteen miles, where it receives the waters of the river of the same name, a quiet flowing stream thirty yards wide, two to six feet deep, and with a sluggish current of about one mile an hour. Many exposures of biotite gneiss occur about the lake-shores, the foliation well marked, and dipping at angles of from forty degrees to horizontal. A coarser grey gneiss cuts these stratiform beds, and encloses in places angular blocks of the finer black gneiss in such numbers as to constitute a breccia. REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT EIVEKS 27 A newer reddish granite, with porphyritic crystals of red feldspar, occurs in heavy ledges near the west end. Green forest from thirty to one hundred years old clothes the shores of the lake on every side. From Wapikopa lake downwards to Weibikwei lake, a distance of thirty-eight miles, the river follows a most irregular course, and really constitutes a succession of lakes, with intervening rapids, the total descent being about eighty feet. The lake-like expansions are remarkable for the way in which the long narrow bays, running off from them, conform to the direction of glaciation. This is caused by the recurrence of parallel ridges of glacial drift, with a direction about N. 30 E., the valleys between them forming the basins of the lakes. A number of small rapids occur where the river breaks through the drift ridges, and for ten miles immediately above the outflow of the channel coming in below Weibikwei lake the current is very swift, and heavy rapids occur, some of them over ledges of biotite gneiss. These rocks, the only exposures seen, are fine, banded black and grey biotite gneisses, dipping at various angles but preserving a general northeasterly trend. They are invaded by irregular masses of a coarser white gneiss, that sometimes occurs as bands conforming to their foliation, but often cuts them in the form of apophyses, and surrounds and encloses angular blocks and masses. Midway, at a point above Kanuchuan lake, where the river divides into a number of channels, a small brook flowing in from the south is the starting point for a route across to Lansdowne lake, and nine miles above Weibikwei lake a channel leads off to the north, rejoining the main river just below that lake. The southern channel of the river flows into the northwesterly bay of Weibikwei lake and discharges from its extreme northern end. Weibikwei lake has an extreme length of seventeen miles, and is seven miles wide. Two rivers of considerable volume flow into its southern end, the Michikenopik (stone fish- trap) known on the old maps as the Fishbasket river and the Wapitotem, up which the principal canoe route to the south leads. The lake, though of considerable area, nowhere shows any wide expanse of open water, consisting of a series of long, narrow 28 GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY, CANADA channels, lying about north and south, between parallel low islands of sand, gravel and boulders, with a substratum of till reaching about the level of the top of the water. The passages are not generally more than half a mile in width, and only thirty feet in depth. The land about the lake is low, and has been almost entirely denuded of trees by recurring fires, excepting in a few localities where Banksian pine, tamarack, and spruce of fair size remain to show the character of the original forest. Sturgeon, whitefish, pike, and dore of good size are plentiful in the lake, and the Indians say that brook trout are not uncommon, but that lake trout do not occur. The only ledges about the shores are biotite gneisses that form low points near the southern end of the lake. The river discharges from the extreme northern bay of the lake by a short rapid, with a fall of three or four feet. Just below the rapid, at the head of a long bay that extends for several miles to the west, the channel which leaves the river ten miles above rejoins. This is probably really the main channel of the river. Below the junction the river flows for the first eight miles of its course over horizontally foliated ledges of banded, biotite gneiss, that cause an almost continuous succession of rapids with swift water between, down to the point of outflow of the Winiskisis, a channel that flows off to the northeast, to become reunited to the main river seventy miles below. At low water no water flows over the bar at the en- trance to this channel, though there is, at all stages of the water, a river of considerable size coming in at the junction, due, the Indians say, not to any single large stream, but to a great number, of smaller tributaries draining the country between this stream and the heads of the Ekwan and Black-fence branch of the Attawapiskat rivers. Thirteen miles below the head of the island thus formed, another branch channel, called the Tabasokwia, splits off to the west and flows around an island about twenty-three miles long. For forty- five miles below the lake, or to the upper edge of the till-covered area, the river is an almost continuous rapid, the descent being probably as much as seven feet to the mile. At two points only do these rapids become cascades, both situated near the bottom of the very rapid section. At the Tashka rapid the vertical fall is not great, but at the Boskineig or Smoky fall there is a vertical pitch of about fifteen feet. The portage past the first of these rapids mounts over a low ridge of boulder clay, but cut banks, showing a section through the till, are first seen just above the Boskineig fall, where the river REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 29 has cut down through twenty feet of an upper buff-coloured clay, and six feet of an underlying, exceedingly tough blue clay holding many well striated boulders. Below the fall the cut banks of boulder clay become higher, and a few inches at the summit are seen to be stratified. Four miles below, in the thin layer of stratified beds at the top, the first fossil shells, Saxicava rugosa, were noted, proving these beds to be of post-glacial, marine origin. The height r.bove the sea is estimated to be about 350 feet. The banks, along this part of the river's course, are low, rising gradually from almost water level to heights of not more than fifty feet above it. Frequent exposures of biotite gneiss, generally nearly horizontal, but much disturbed by intrusions of a coarser white gneiss, and by veins and apophyses of pegmatite, occur all along the river. They are low, rounded, well-glaciated ledges, showing well marked stria- tion in a general direction varying from south to southwest, but showing occasional striae, that are probably later, having a direction about southeast. Down to this point, and for a few miles beyond, the old forest has been destroyed by the same fire that swept the shores of Weibikwei lake, and its place taken by a second growth about thirty years old. Occasional low bosses of biotite granite-gneiss are exposed along the shores for sixteen miles below Boskineig fall. A horizontal or gently undulating foliation is well developed, though the regular uniformity of their attitude is marred by frequent invading masses of coarse white gneiss and pegmatite. These exposures are the last that outcrop along the river until the outer rim of the limestones of the Hudson Bay basin is reached, 140 miles below. Though the bottom of the trough gradually becomes lower in reference to the surface of the till as the river is descended, at no place in this distance has degradation been carried far enough to expose the underlying rocks, the great number of boulders derived from the wearing away of the till probably becoming an increasingly impor- tant factor in retarding the wearing action of the current. Below the last exposure of gneiss the old forest still clothes the banks, the brule above referred to extending only to that distance. The banks of the river preserve, all along the part of its course lying within the till-covered area, a very uniform character. The shores between low and high water mark gradually slope up from the 30 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA water's edge, and are often paved with boulders, and marked at the upper edge by a belt of low bushes and grasses. From high water mark the bank of boulder clay rises in an almost sheer wall, bare and raw looking, like the side of a recent railway cutting or canal; the lower till often rough with the great number of projecting boulders, but the upper smooth faced like a pure clay. Capping the upper clay is a very unequally distributed layer of marine clay, in places reach- ing a thickness of ten feet, but over long distances entirely wanting. The impervious character of the till, together with its nearly flat or gently undulating surface, gives to the country a muskeg-like character, even though it lies eighty feet or more above the bed of the river. Along the immediate banks, and for perhaps a chain or two back, there is a narrow belt of trees of fair size, and back of that stretches away a great level, plateau-like country, practically without drainage, and consequently moss-covered to a great depth, support- ing a stunted and deformed growth of black spruce and tamarack. There is no river valley, the trench cut in the boulder clay being but little wider than the actual bed of the stream. The comparatively stable character of the till walls is indicated by this belt of larger growth, as, were the disintegration proceeding at all rapidly, the ordinary condition of tree growth would prevail quite to the edge of the trough. At sixty-eight and seventy-seven miles, respectively, below Weibikwei lake, the Tabasokwia and Winiskisis channels rejoin the parent stream, the latter now of considerable volume. At a lake-like expansion studded with islands, situated seven miles below the inflow of the Little Winisk, the first tributaries of importance join the river, the Asheweig flowing from the southwest, and the Atikameg fBom the southeast. The former of these, which is slightly the larger, is the West Winisk of the old maps, and the stream referred to on a former page as flowing out from the main river at Misamik- wash lake 224 miles above. At its outlet it is a quiet flowing stream, with a good current, a chain or more in width, and having an average depth of about four feet. A short distance below this point white birches and balsam spruces are seen for the last time on the banks, and thence to the sea the forest growth, quite to the edge of the river trough, is composed entirely of black spruce and tamarack. The islands, and here and there a projecting point, however, continue to show groves of white spruce, balsam poplar, and aspen. EEGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RlVERS 31 After a course almost directly north, with slight curves to the east and west, for 126 miles, the river by a sharp turn suddenly changes its direction to a little south of east, and keeps that trend for seventy miles. Looking down the valley from a point a few miles above the elbow, the land to the north, beyond the turn, is seen to be elevated a little above the general level, the line of higher ground probably representing the northern edge of the Silurian basin. The abrupt turn made by the river, and its long detour to the east before resum- ing its normal northerly direction, may probably also be attributable to the presence of the barrier offered by the rim of the limestone area. Two tributaries, the Banipatau and the Pikwakwud, join the main river near the elbow. Both head near the Fawn branch of the Severn river, and by the last named there is a canoe route to the Severn. The "Winino brook comes in from the north about half-way down the easterly stretch, and nine miles farther on an island six miles in length, known to the Indians as Atikminis, or Caribou island, divides the river into two channels of nearly equal volume. The almost sheer walls of boulde: clay, with their intermittent and irregular capping of marine clay, continue to rise in reference to the river bed, until at a point fifty miles above the mouth they attain a height of eighty-five feet above the water level, with a bed of but slightly beached and not at all decayed sphagnum moss on top. The marine clays with their contained fossils, a list of which is published elsewhere in this report, immediately underlie the moss. The lime- stones and dolomites of the Hudson Bay basin first outcrop at a distance of forty-two miles from the bay, measuring along the river. They are flat-lying, slightly magnesian, flaggy limestones, forming the bed of the river, but not appearing above the water. Within a very few miles, however, the slope of the river carries it below the surface of the limestones so that they form low walls, gradually in- creasing in height in reference to the surface of the water until, four miles below, the river flows through a gorge cut to a depth of thirty feet in the limestones and dolomites. This is probably a part of an old pre-glacial channel, as from here on down towards the sea the limestone walls, capped by boulder clay, alternate with banks that show till only down to high water mark. The surface of the country, extending back from the sides of the river-trough, has the 32 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA same plateau-like character stretching away as far as the eye can see, as in almost level, moss-covered plain, with only a sparse growth of stunted trees. The limestones show gentle undulations, but are, broadly speak- ing, nearly flat, with a slope northerly corresponding closely with the descent of the river. A small collection of fossils, determined by Dr. Whit-eaves, is referred to more at length on another page. They serve to satisfactorily fix the position of these beds as Silurian, and of about the age of the Niagara. At a projecting point on the southeast bank, twenty-six miles from the mouth, an entirely different set of rocks is brought to the surface, in the form of a double anticlinal fold, whose axis strikes south 70 east. These consist of banded green and black slates and calcareous quartzites, the whole very hard and baked looking. No actual contact with the overlying dolomites or limestones is seen, so that it is not possible to say with certainty whether or not the two sets are conformable. It seems very probable, however, that the upper beds, that gradually merge upwards from a calcareous quart- zite into a highly siliceous limestone, underlie conformably the lowest stratum of limestone. No fossils were found in these beds. The ribboned character of the slates, their bright coloration, and the occurrence in them of streams of more highly calcareous pebble- like pieces that are very suggestive of broken limestone bands, give to them a most striking appearance, and would make their recogni- tion, if exposed at any other place on the river, almost a certainty. It was considered at the time that these might represent a part of the Nastapoka series noted by Mr. Dowling about thirty miles to the east, on Sutton Mill lake. There does not seem, however, to be a sufficient similarity between these beds and those described by Mr. Dowling to warrant this correlation. Below this point, and down nearly to the mouth of the river, the limestones and dolomites, for the most part a repetition of the same beds lying in low undulations, are almost continuously exposed, forming low cliffs, overlain by a thick mantle of boulder clay. The river, along this part of its course, is about thirty chains wide, with many expansions three-quarters of a mile or more in width, and dotted with islands. The Mattawa, a river of considerable volume, by which there is an Indian canoe route to the Ekwan river, comes in from the east twenty-four miles from the mouth, and ten miles farther down the Mishamattawa, or Big Mattawa, flows in from the west. This stream REGION OF WIXISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 33 is used by the Indians as an inland canoe route to the mouth of the Severn, which is reached by ascending the stream almost to its head and crossing thence to the Shagamu, which flows into the west shore of Hudson bay about a day and a half's journey below the Severn. For the last twenty-five miles of its course before reaching the shores of the bay, the river has an average width of about three- quarters of a mile, but expands to over a mile at many places. An almost continuous line of islands divides it into a number of channels all along this part of its course. For the last twelve miles above the sea these islands are generally low, and clothed only with grasses and low bushes, but varied by occasional, more elevated ones that support groves of balsam poplar of good size. Above this the islands are mostly masses of till that have resisted the wear of the current ; they are higher and generally well wooded with large white spruce, that attain diameters as great as two feet, and are tall and straight. The current is swift for the whole distance from Weibikwei lake to the mouth, a distance of 240 miles, though across the boulder clay area, and through the limestones, the descent is comparatively uni- form. Though there is water enough all along for tracking canoes, a channel suitable for larger boats could only be found by following a very tortuous course, and by frequently crossing from side to side, where the flat limestone ledges, approaching the surface, form almost continuous barriers across the current, with perhaps only one break where the water has any considerable depth. This even slope is characteristic of all the rivers flowing from the great central Archaean plateau downwards to the west coasts of Hudson and James bays,- after they have passed the more elevated Archaean country and reached the gently sloping till-covered area. The Albany, the Attawapiskat, and the Severn rivers are other examples of this. The absence of any valley might be interpreted to mean that the river, in its present form, is very recent. It must be borne in mind, however, that evidence of a considerable age is afforded by the gorge in the limestones where the river flows in a channel cut down at least forty feet into the flat-lying strata, and all along in its passage through the sedimentary belt its pre-glacial age is indicated by the cliffs of limestone that appear alternately on the one side and on the other, with boulder clay forming the banks in the intervening spaces, constituting what is practically a broad, shallow, partly till-filled gorge all the way. 4074-3 34 GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY, CANADA It seems evident then that through the boulder clay area, until the limestones are reached, the present channel does not necessarily represent an older valley, but that below, through the limestones, the river has resumed possession of an older, pre-glacial channel. Approaching the mouth the banks become lower, and for the last few miles are not generally more than about fifteen feet high, and are composed of stratified clays and sands. Bordering each side of the river at the estuary, and extending back from the shore of the bay to form a belt from two to five miles in width, a treeless tract four or five feet above ordinary high tides extends away to the east and north, and is probably continuous, almost without interruption, up and down the west shore of the bay. It is a comparatively level plain, intersected, however, by many channels that are filled at high tide, with a gravelly and sandy surface sparsely covered by clumps of grass and brightened by many species of sub-arctic flowering plants. The river has an easterly direction just at its mouth, and the south shore consequently becomes, without change of direction, the coast of the bay; and it is only by the turning away to the north of the opposite shore that the actual mouth of the river can be fixed. At this point the estuary has a width of about three miles. It is generally shallow, large boulders showing above the surface even at high tide, while at low tide bars of sand, gravel and boulders are exposed. The ordinary rise and fall of the tide is only about six feet, but this is sufficient, so fiat is the bottom of the bay in this neighbourhood, to expose at low tide wide sand flats extending far out from the actual shore i: ne and dotted with large blocks and boulders, mainly of limestone, that in places are heaped together to form points and low ridges that remain uncovered even at high tide. The shallow character of the bay was further evidenced, when the mouth was visited in August, 1903, by the barrier of pack ice that formed a continuous line across the estuary, about five miles off shore. The small sailing vessel used by the Hudson's Bay Company for the transport of supplies from the post at the mouth of the Severn river to the Winisk river is forced, by the shallow water off the mouth, to make a long circuit, following the channel of the river from far out in the bay. The length of the Winisk actually traversed, from Misamikwash lake to the mouth, is 365 miles. As it is a riv^r of considerable volume at the upper point reached, it may be confidently stated that its total length is well over 400 miles. 4074-p. 34. EEGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 35 Its volume was estimated to be about 25,000 cubic feet per second in midsummer, at a point twenty-five miles above the bay. To avoid the difficult navigation of the west coast of Hudson bay, the Indians have well-known routes both east and west from the Winisk, the western leading to the Severn river by a stream called the Mishamattawa, which enters the Winisk six miles from the mouth. From near the headwaters of this stream the Shagamu river is reached by a portage route, and that stream is descended to the coast, which is reached at a point about a day and a half's journey from the mouth of the Severn river. The eastern route leaves the Winisk eleven miles from the mouth by its tributary the Shamattawa. This stream is ascended to a large lake on its course, and one of the tributaries entering the lake is utilized to reach a stream flowing into the Ekwan river by which the western side of James bay is reached. By this route the hazardous journey for canoes along the exposed west coast and around the point of Cape Henrietta Maria is avoided. The Attawapiskat River. The Attawapiskat river was examined to the main forks twenty miles above Lansdowne lake, and its southern branch, the Kanu- chuan, for 135 miles farther, where it overlaps the foot of Lake St. Joseph at a distance of about fifteen miles to the north. A micrometer survey was made of the greater part of this dis- tance, connecting at one end with Lake St. Joseph and at the other with Fort Hope post on Eabemet lake. The Attawapiskat watershed was first reached at Wimbobika and Kapichegima lakes, lying about twelve miles to the northwest of the northeasterly end of Lake St. Joseph. The upward continuation of the river is represented by two large brooks flowing in from the west, and one, known as the Rice-stalk river, from the north. The latter affords a canoe route to Cat lake. This has been traversed by Mr. Jabez Williams, of the Hudson's Bay Company, who reports that biotite gneisses only are exposed along the route. These lakes, both long, narrow and trending about east, parallel to the prevailing strike of the gneisses in that vicinity, are separ- ated by a low ridge of chloritic, feldspathic hornblende-schists, that occur in a belt, at this point not more than three-quarters of a mile wide. The westerly extension of this belt was not traced, but it prob- 407431 36 GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY, CANADA ably does not reach the shores of Lake St. Joseph, as it appears to be tapering in this direction. Easterly it was traced pretty con- tinuously, as the stream valley has been excavated in these rocks practically all down its course. The outlets of these two lakes unite a few miles below to form the small river known to the Indians as the Kawinogans, or No- Pikerel river. For twenty-five miles below the junction the river has a width of only from one to two chains, and is swift flowing and broken by numerous rapids. At frequent intervals exposures of chloritic and feldspathic schists outcrop, striking both to the north and south of east, or parallel to the general course of the river valley. Associated with the schists are more or less schistose diorites, and massive pyritous quartz diorites. At the edge of the belt is a strip of hornblende granite gneiss similar to the biotite gneiss, excepting that in it the biotite has been replaced by hornblende. The trend of the belt of basic rocks would carry it to the south of the long narrow lake called by the Indians Kagabades-dawaga. Excursions inland from the south shore of this lake revealed no out- crops, and as no further exposures of these rocks were seen on the river, the belt probably terminates in this direction not far east of the head of the lake. Along the lake shores ledges of rock were seen at only one point, where obscurely foliated biotite gneisses are cut by a later red granite of medium grain. Stratified fine white quartz sand, underlain by blue clay and over- lain by gravel, forms banks from ten to thirty feet in height all along both sides of the lake. Among the peach pebbles, which occur in great variety, are in- cluded dolomites and fossiliferous limestones, as well as many large semi-angular blocks, indicating that the underlying clay is probably a till. Where the banks are low, and fresh sections are afforded by the work of the waves, a layer of peat from two to three feet thick over- lies the clay. From the south shore of the lake a rolling, sandy- covered slope, the sxirface coated with white moss, and supporting an open growth of jackpine, white birch, and spruce, gradually rises to the summit of a ridge two hundred feet or more above the river. Along the side of the ridge, which is entirely of drift material, are numerous cirque-like depressions sixty to ninety feet deep, with REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVEBS 37 steeply-sloping sides, and in a few cases holding up small ponds of water. The opposite or southeast side of the ridge falls away abruptly, at as steep an angle as the sand will assume, to another rolling sandy plateau that extends for miles to the southeast. The Otosk or Elbow river, probably the longest of the various branches of the Attawapiskat, as it heads near the northeast end of Cat lake, flows into the lake from the northwest, about half-way down its northern side. Eleven miles below, after flowing in an easterly direction past a number of rapids, with occasional outcrops of biotite granite-gneiss, the river expands to form Kakawizida lake, a shallow body of water ten miles in length and a mile wide. The same rolling, sandy plain, with extensive tracts of muskeg where it approaches the south shore, surrounds the lake. Beyond the muskeg area, which extends for two miles or more back from the lake, the land gradually rises to about a hundred feet, where glacially planed surfaces of gneiss, coarse and obscurely foliated, outcrop through the drift covering. Beyond, the sandy flat gradually gains in elevation southwards for five or six miles, and then rises sharply to form a ridge of gravel and boulders 300 feet above the lake, only a few feet wide at the summit, and falling away abruptly to the south and east to a well-wooded valley. An open forest of banksian pine covers the whole of the sand plateau. From the summit of the ridge described others are seen, appar- ently of similar character and with the same general east and west trend. Twenty-nine miles farther down the river, which still keeps an easterly direction, Ozhiski or Mud lake occupies a shallow trough, twenty-one miles long and a little over two miles wide at the broadest part. Shelving ledges of biotite granite-gneiss, lying nearly hori- zontal, or gently undulating, occur at many points along the shores. The country traversed by the river for the last fifty miles above the lake is characterized by very heavy deposits of drift, mostly stratified and often from fifty to sixty feet in thickness. Where sections are exposed along the river or lake shores, by the wear of the water, the greatest thickness is seen to be occupied by very fine, white, quartz sand and siliceous clay, underlain by a tough blue clay, in fine laminations, and overlain by irregularly distributed deposits of coarse sand and gravel. Underneath the whole, land resting imme- diately upon the bed-rock, are deposits of till of unequal thickness, thait at no place are exposed in section. 38 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA Occasional lenticular layers of indurated calcareous material, one to two inches in thickness, holding approximately 59 per cent of calcium carbonate, occur in the siliceous clays. Two specimens of the clay were examined by Dr. Hoffmann, one from the neighbour- hood of Ozhiski lake and one from higher up to Kanuchuan river. Differing only in the proportion of their lime content, they are described as slightly ferruginous, feebly plastic, readily fusible clays, holding a large quantity of siliceous grit and containing from 2" to 30 per cent of calcium carbonate. In combination with the vegetable mould of the surface these clays should form a soil very suitable for general agriculture, though they are evidently not of value for in- dustrial use as clays. Flowing out from the north side of Ozhiski lake the river con- tinues northerly for fifteen miles, with many heavy rapids and a high average rate of flow, to an elbow, where it changes the direction of its course sharply to .'the east. Ledges of well foliated, banded, biotite granite-gneiss protrude through the drift mantle at frequent intervals along the river valley, generally lying at low angles, but in places very much contorted and crumpled. The prevailing strike is about northeast. The Pinei- muta, or north branch of the Attawapiskat, comes in from the west just at the elbow. Though somewhat smaller than the south branch, this is a river of considerable volume. For the first few miles above the forks it is broad and smooth-flowing, with banks of clay and sand, and is then broken by a high fall, above which it receives a large tributary that drains Totogan lake, lying a short distance to the north of the south branch, above Ozhiski lake. Above this the Indians say that the river .takes a very long bend to the north and then southwest, and heads near the sources of the Pipestone branch of the Winisk. From the elbow the river, now nearly doubled in volume, flows easterly for twenty miles into the long southwesterly bay of Lansdowne lake. It is a succession of lake expansions, with connecting rapids, which, though they are rough, can all be run by loaded canoes. Kabania, eleven miles long and generally quite narrow, is the largest of these lakes. The land about the lake is low and drift covered, nearly horizontal, but contorted ledges of banded, biotite gneiss, with glaciated surfaces, showing at intervals. Lansdowne lake, and the lower Attawapiskat riTer to James bay, have been described by Dr. Bell in his report published in 1887. REGION OF WINISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT RIVERS 39 Koutes between the Attawapiskat and Winisk Rivers. The tract of country lying between the Attawapiskat and Winisk rivers was crossed by three canoe routes, two starting from Lans- dowue lake and one from the ^Attawapiskat river, ten miles above the lake, and striking the Winisk at Weibikwei lake, between Wapikopa lake and Kanuchuan lake, and at Nibinamik lake respectively. The first-named route leaves the extreme northeasterly bay of the lake, and reaches the height-of-land by way of a small boulder-strewn brook, flowing through low land with occasional gravel and boulder ridges of moderate height. After crossing the divide the route follows the course of the Wapitotem river, through numerous lakes down to the south bay of Weibikwei lake. For the whole distance ,the country is characterized by drift ridges, rising from seventy to one hundred feet above the general level, with areas of muiskeg and low, sand- covered flats occupying the intervening valleys. For the first thirteen miles north of Lansdowne lake no exposures of rock in situ are seen, the drift cover hiding completely the underlying rock. A low ridge of slightly schistose, hard, chloritic diorite, specked with iron-pyrites and striking east and west, is the first outcrop observed. The width of the band of which it forms a part cannot be determined even approximately, as to the north the first rock outcropping through the drift occurs on Mistassin lake six miles farther on, and to the south the nearest is on Lansdowne lake nineteen miles away. These, in both cases, are biotlte gneisses, the last being the first of a series of exposures that occur at intervals all the way down the stream to Weibikwei lake. The trend is in a general way about east and west, though satisfactory strikes are seldom seen owing to the contorted character of the strata, due principally to pegmatite in- vasions where the foliation is plain, or to obscure foliation. The prevailing type of rock is a hard, reddish, banded, biotitc gneiss, lying nearly horizontal, stratiform in appearance, and cut by irregular masses and veins of coarse white pegmatite. The distance across by this route ie sixty-five miles, and for the whole distance the country, excepting a few low, muskeg areas, has been repeatedly swept by forest fires, so that many of the ridges show surfaces of bare boulders and gravel, and other* a second growth of banksian pine, white birch, aspen poplar, spruce, and tamarack. In the muskeg tracts only spruce and tamarack grow, and the trunks do not attain a size to be of industrial value. 40 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA Low, rounded bosses of biotite gneiss, varying from very coarso to quite fine and containing a large proportion of biotite, are exposed at intervals to beyond Sagaminnis lake. The prevailing strike is a little west of south. At the northeast end of a long portage between two small lakes, lying about midway in the series, one of these low bosses is composed of interbanded fine quartzose gneiss and horn- blende schist, the fine gneiss resembling a finely micaceous, schistose quartzite, and the whole striking in conformity to the foliation of the gneisses that are exposed at no great distance on either side. The strata are much shattered and seamed with quartz veins con- taining iron sulphide. This is probably an offshoot from, or con- tinuation of the belt to be next referred to. Crossing another divide the route continues to Nibinamik lake, through numerous small lakes occurring along the course of a small tributary flowing northwesterly into the most southerly bay of the lake. The stream valley follows the trend of a belt of basic rocks from one to two miles wide, and traced in a compound curve northerly, northwesterly, and northeasterly for twelve miles. Chloritic and hornblende schists, associated with highly altered and sheared quartz diorites, are the prevailing rocks at the lower end of the belt. Farther north on the band more massive, hard diorites, and coarse diabases altered in places to obscurely schistose chloritic rocks, occur with the schists, all striking parallel to the longitudinal axis of the belt. At intervals for a distance of more than two miles massive ledges of hypersthene gabbro, similar to the Sudbury nickel- bearing irruptive, whose relations to the other rock masses were not clearly seen, but which occur at or near the western edge of the belt, are associated with a massive hard, dark-green diabase. The belt, striking northeasterly, passes just to the east of Nibina- mik lake and should cross the Winisk river a few miles below the foot of the lake. Owing to the continuous drift covering no ex- posures of rock in situ were seen along this section of the river. The most westerly route traversed ascends the Pusabiwan river, a tributary entering the Attawapiskat from the north at the foot of Kabania lake. For the first few miles to the north of the river no exposures of hard rock are seen, the surface consisting of rolling hills of sand and clay. Beyond, though the country is for the most part drift covered, numerous outcrops of biotite gneiss, flat-lying or gently undulating, are seen along the river and Like shores to the REGION OF WLXISK AND ATTAWAPISKAT BIVERS 41 height-of-land separating these waters from those of the Michi- kenopik brook flowing into the south end of Weibikwei lake. North- erly from here the route follows a series of small lakes lying near the heads of streams flowing northeasterly into the Winisk, for a distance of twenty miles. Large areas of muskeg, and low sandy flats, occupy the greater part of the area traversed, diversified only by sand, gravel, and boulder ridges that nowhere rise to elevations of more than eighty or ninety feet above the general level. The second route, leaving the northwesterly bay of Lansdowne lake by a portage over a low ridge of unassorted sand, gravel and boulders, ascends a small brook through a series of lakes situated along its course, for a distance of eight miles, to a divide between the Attawapiskat and Winisk watersheds. Occasional outcrops of biotite granite-gneiss lying at low angles are seen to within about three miles of the height-of-land, beyond which, after a short interval completely drift covered, exposures of massive diorite, and hornblendic and chloritic schist are seen, for a distance of about four miles. These, without doubt, are extensions westerly of the belt of b > a ; the parallelism of the hornblende plates with the structure of the rocks is well developed. 14: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA The relative amounts of quartz and feldspar vary considerably in different localities. The quartz, whan present, is almost invariably in small an- hedra; the feldspars occur in larger anhedra, and are frequently altered to kaolin. Biotite is found associated with the hornblende, but it generally forms only a small percentage of the minerals present. In thin sec- tion the absorption colours vary from pale greyish-brown to deep brown. Leucoxene, ilmenite associated with titanite in considerable amount, pyrite, and possibly a small amount of magnetite are also present. Near the southwest angle of Slate lake the compass was considerably affected by the local attraction. Garnet, usually of a pale pink colour when in thin section, occurs ina number of localities in the amphibolite areas, both in symmetri- cal crystals and in strings and masses drawn out in a direction parallel to the foliation and filled with inclusions of the other con- stituents, usually quartz anhedra. Occasionally small prismatic or radiating crystal-aggregates of a dark tourmaline, blue in basal sections, are found; less often the tourmaline has lost its crystal outlines and occurs in masses parallel with the foliation. The absorption colours in section are various tints of grey, except when the vibration plane of the nicol is trans- verse to the axis of the crystals, then the colour is black. Other varieties of metamorphic rocks containing biotite, sericite, another mica seemingly related to the phlogopites, quartz, and other accessory minerals, but little or no hornblende, occur, sometimes with the amphibolites, sometimes apparently alone. These amphibolitee and associated schists occur both in belts ex- tending for long distances, and as detached masses, varying in size from a few cubic yards upwards, and completely surrounded by the more acid rocks described below. Lack of time prevented a detailed examination of the contacts between the schists and the acid rocks, but in the several localities noted the contacts were similar to those already fully described by Dr. Lawson as occurring in the Lake of the Woods region. 1 The first and broadest of these bands begins about 21 miles above "- Lawson. A. C., Can. Geological Survey Report, New Series, Vol. I, 1885, Part CC, p&ge 10 et seq. LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE 15 Lac Seul, and is about 25 miles in width. This is the belt of Keewatin rocks, shown on Bowling's map of the Red Lake district. 1 The contact between the schists and the acid rocks to the south seems to lie beneath a large muskeg area through which the river runs, as the first outcrop of the schists occurs some miles below Slate lake. The northern contact crosses the course of the river 10 miles above Slate lake, the basin of which lies almost wholly upon the schists; the direction both of the longer axis of the lake and of the longer axis of the island is parallel with the strike of the rocks out- cropping on its shores. The adjacent rock on the northern boundary is a coarse pegmatitic granite containing inclusions of amphibolites similar to those of the main area. Detailed study of this area may show the schists to be divisible into several belts of different origin and composition, now all metamorphosed. Along the southern portion of the band the schists, as already noted, are very rich in biotite and another associated mica; while northwards they are chiefly amphibolites, in some cases containing little else than hornblende. The other large belt of these rocks crossed in our traverse lies over 100 miles directly northeast of Slate lake along the Cat River route and north of Lake St. Joseph, in the vicinity of Blackstone lake, but its boundaries were not accurately determined. There is at present no evidence that this belt bears any relation to the similar belts found farther west, though the relation of each to the adjacent acid rocks is similar. Between the northern boun- daries of the schists on Slate lake, and the most northern point reached by our line, there are several narrow belts of amphibolites, rarely exceeding a quarter of a mile in width. Whether these are metamorphosed sediments or dikes is not at present determined. Probably both types are represented; except near STate lake they never underlie dominant topographic features. One of these belts, about 1J miles wide, is crossed by the trail between Hailstone lake and Big Portage lake. The rock is a horn- blende-plagioclase amphibolite carrying small amounts of biotite, gar- net, sphene, ilmenite, and leucoxene. It strikes about N 80 W and stands at a high angle. The acid rocks of this region consist of gneisses and granites, and underlie most of the area under review. They range in colour from i Dowling, D. B., Can. Geological Survey, Vol. VII, (N.S.), 1894, Part F, map. 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA a light grey to a decided red, the prevailing tints being shades of pink. When the percentage of basic constituents becomes greater the colour is dark green or almost black. Of the seven different varieties of Laureiitian gneisses, as classi- fied by Barlow, 1 only four are found in the area. The unrepresented gneisses are those in which muscovite occurs alone, those in which rauscovite and biotite occur alone, and those which contain garnet. Several specimens showed augite as an accessory constituent, and one specimen contained biotite, hornblende, and augite. These rocks differ in no essential feature from the typical rocks described by Barlow, and a detailed description of each type is, there- fore, unnecessary. Quartz is prevalent in all the gneisses, appearing invariably as ir- regular anhedra between the feldspar crystals. Ortnoclase often occurs in considerable amount, generally in ir- regular grains interlocking with the other minerals. Sometimes it has partly decomposed to kaolin or muscovite, and occasionally to zoisite or epidote. In many specimens microcline is seen in large amount, and seems to be directly associated with orthoclase. Plagioclase is abundant, and occasionally forms the bulk of the feldspathic constituents. The angles of extinction indicate that it is usually related to oligoclase. The primary biotite, in a few cases partly chloritized, occurs both in large plates (in aggregates of several crystals) and in small iso- lated plates, (generally oriented parallel to the rock structure). When hornblende or muscovite are present the biotite is closely associated with them. Hornblende occurs in a few specimens of these gneisses. In thin section the colours vary from pale yellow through green to bluish green, and are much lighter than the hornblende of the amphi- bolites. Augite was found in two of the specimens collected in the field. In one it is unaltered, in the other much of it is altered to a horn- blende which occurs both as small fibres or plates scattered through the mass of the augite crystals, and as large masses nearly surround- ing them. The augite in thin section is pale green in colour. 1 Barlow, A. E., fteport Geological Survey, New Ser. Vol. X, 1897, Part I, Page 71. LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE 17 Epidote is present, presumably as a primary constituent, since it is closely associated with unaltered biotite or hornblende. It is usually of a pale yellowish colour and slightly pleochroic. Muscovite, both as a primary constituent and as a secondary con- stituent from the alteration of the feldspars, occurs; and a few specimens also contain chlorite. Apatite is frequent in irregular grains and stout crystals. Titanite is also found, usually in irregular grains of varying size or as small well formed crystals. Garnet appears in fresh irregular grains or masses, and as small crystals in specimens from the southern part of the region. It is usually much fractured and almost colourless. Leucoxene is of frequent occurrence when titanite is present, and ilmenite is probably represented in these rocks by a black opaque mineral always associated with leucoxene. Apart from structure there is little difference between the granites and the gneisses of the area. In some few cases the feldspar of the granites is almost wholly microcllne. The prevalent granite is a hornblende-biotite granite, but there are other varieties sparingly distributed in which either or both of these constituents are lacking. In some localities there seems to be a gradual transition from true granites through granitoid gneisses to gneisses, and no definite line can be drawn between them. The granites frequently occur as large batholithic masses, dikes from which penetrate the surrounding rocks. The largest single area of these gneisses and granites underlies all the country between Cat lake and Gull lake, and extends a consider- able distance to the south and west. Just north of Slate lake our traverse line crossed a large area of coarse pegmatitic granite, which continues to Gull lake; other areas are found around Cat lake. The change in the strike of the gneiss at Cat lake, from the north- east direction found prevailing south of the lake to a northwest and nearly western direction, may be due to the intrusion of these gran- itic masses, though it has not been possible to work out the relations in detail. Both gneisses and granites occur in the district immediately north of Lac Seul and Lake St. Joseph. On an island in Lake St. Joseph, about 5 or 6 miles from the outlet of the Cat river, there is a belt of grey- white schistose rocks about 5 18 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA chains wide, strike N 50 E and dip at 79 toward the nortwest. Microscopic examination shows that this is a highly altered quartz- less porphyry, consisting mainly of sericite mica in which are altered phenocrysts of orthoclase and a small amount of less altered plagio- clase, with, in one instance, a little apatite. At many points along the route the bed-rock is obscured by loose debris of glacial origin. The greater part of this material, which presumably has not been carried very far, invariably consists of boulders and cobbles derived chiefly from the country rock. Along the rivers and in the lake basins this coarser material is frequently overlain by finer sands and gravels in the form of sandplains, gen- erally small, but sometimes several square miles in area. In a few cases along the Wenasaga river, on Cat lake, on the height-of-land between Lake St. Joseph and the Boot river, and in an area north of the east end of Lac Seul, arenaceous clays, probably also of glacial origin, were observed. Everywhere the hummocky ridges of the Archaean show the usual smooth rounded surface due to glacial action. Striae and deeper grooves were noted in a number of localities. On the west arm of Gull lake small concentric cross-fractures were observed with the con- vex side turned toward the northeast so that a normal to the chord of the bow strikes S 54 E. Near the east end of Cat lake a few flat plates of a sectile, finely crystalline, grey-white dolomitic limestone were found among the drift cobbles on the beach, and were recognized by our men as similar to rock they had previously seen in situ on the Severn river. The inference is that the fragments have been brought to Cat lake from the Palaeozoic areas in the Hudson Bay basin to the northeast. The following table contains a record of the location and direction of the glacial stria3 and grooves noted daring the traverse. The bearings are magnetic. Slate lake, island near middle stme S 50 W Slate lake, upper end grooves S 74 W Near eighth portage , " S 43 W Marsh lake, north end stria S 59 W Gull lake, south end, concentric cross fractures (normal) S 54 W Gull lake, north end of south lake groove S 50 W Gull lake, east lake, north side.. " S48W LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE 19 Smoothrock lake, near inlet . .stria S52W Cat lake, northeast bay, north side, near Hudson's Bay post striae and grooves S 74 W Cat lake, northeast bay, middle of north side. ........ S 75 W Cat lake, northeast bay, island near east end S 80 W Cat lake, northeast bay, south side near middle, younger. S 87 W Cat lake, northeast bay, south side near middle, older. ... S 72 W Cat lake, northeast bay, south side S 70 W Cat lake, northeast bay, south side, opposite Hudson's Bay post S74W North bay, east side ' S 72 W Cat lake, north bay, on island in upper arm of lake about 3 miles northwest of the end of Fawcett's line S 82 W Cat lake, west side of main lake, west of Hudson's Bay post stria? and grooves S 74 W Cat lake, west side of main lake, southwest of Hudson's Bay post S 73 W Cat lake, east side of main lake, point 2 miles below Hud- son's Bay post. ., S 65 W Smoothrock lake, southwest side above rapids. . . .grooves S 50 W Lake St. Joseph, 2 miles south of Cat river. ... " S 28 W Lake St. Joseph, 2J miles south of ,'Cat river. ... " S38 W Economic Geology. There seems to be little prospect of finding valuable econoaiic minerals in the region in paying quantities. In almost all the bands of basic schists small, less often large, veins of quartz occur. At the surface these veins and the associated schists present the usual rusty appearance due to the decomposition of the pyrite. The granites are occasionally cut by pegmatitic dikes. Near the head of Cross lake, a rock, apparently of this character, .carries a small amount of molybdenite in crystals varying in size up to an inch and a half across; it is uncertain whether the mineral is of economic importance, but the small size and the poor character of the specimen seen, and the difficulties of transportation point to the deposit being economically unworkable. The extent of the vein is not known. The property is at present (1902) in the hands of Mr. C. W. Ross of Dinorwic, to whom the writer is indebted for specimens of the minerals. 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA Near the inlet into Slate lake, about three-quarters of a mile from its northeast end, on the eastern shore, is the only place where mag- netic minerals were found sufficiently segregated to produce a notice- able local variation of the compass. Here, stringers of a metallic mineral, probably magnetite, were found. Though this 'metal is sometimes a constituent of the basic rocks, the more common occur- rence of iron ore is in the form of ilmenite. No hematite was noted in the district. Botanical Notes. The following notes, while not exhaustive, give a fair index of the phanerogamic plants of the area. The forest growth is found chiefly around the lakes and streams. The sands, sandy gravels, or clays, usually of glacial origin, are generally forested, the trees varying with the character of the soil. There are large areas of nearly bare rock where only a few stunted conifers or poplars grow in the crevices. Where the soil is sparse, and the country low-lying but yet fairly well drained, there is an open forest, chiefly black spruce, and the ground is covered with a dense mat of moss interlaced with fibrous roots. The soil covered, and the swampy areas, are usually thickly over- grown with small shrubs, mostly alder. In general the timber is rather small; in most parts of the district at present too small even for pulpwood or ties. Occasionally along streams the trees are larger, especially north of the east end of Lac Seul. Another area of good timber, chiefly black spruce and tamarack, occurs along the Eoot river between Lac Seul and Lake St. Joseph. Forest fires have swept over the region, pmebably on the average once every 35 or 40 years. On the islands and in certain protected localities one frequently finds fairly large trees, and there is, there- fore, no reason to attribute the small size of the majority of the trees wholly to adverse climatic conditions. Around Lake St. Joseph a unknown extent of forest has been fire-swept, and in many places completely destroyed within a few years. North of Slate lake, around Big Portage and Gull lakes and northward, large areas have recently been burned. The commonest and most widespread tree is the black spruce, Picea nigra. Associated with this, but in very much smaller numbers, is the Canada balsam, Abies balpaimea. In the muskeg area the tam- arack, Larix Americana, is found abundantly, rarely more than 8 inches in diameter. Many of larger size are found along the Root LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE 21 river. The only specimens of the red pine, Pinus resinosa, observed were isolated trees near the east end of Lac Seul ; probably there are others in the district, but no important areas are likely to occur north of Lac Seul or Lake St. Joseph. The Banksian pine, Pimis lianlcsiana, however, occurs wherever the soil is suitable. The white cedar, Thuya occidentalis , is found occasionally along the Wenasaga river and on the Cat Lake route. A few specimens of a species of maple were noted around Lac Seul and north of it. The canoe birch, Betulch papyrifera, occurs sparingly throughout the whole region. Specimens large enough to afford bark for small canoes are found on the islands in Cat lake. Associated with this birch, but more abundant, are the balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera, and the aspen poplar, Populus tfemuloides. Isolated specimens of the black ash, Fraxinus sainbucifolia, were noted in several localities, even as far north as Cat lake. INDEX A PAG. Amphibolite 13,14,15 Apatite , 17 Archaean rocks 13 Augite 16 B Barlow, A. E., classification of Laurentian gneisses referred to.. .. 16 Bell, E., report referred to 7 Big Portage lake, elevation of 13 Biotite 14, 15, 16 Blackstone lake, elevation of 13 Bluffy lake 10 elevation of 13 Botanical notes 20 C Cat lake 12 " " elevation of .. 13 " striae at 19 " river 11 Clay 18 Cross lake, elevation of 13 " molybdenite at 19 Dowling, D. B., map of Eed Lake district 15 " report referred to 7 Economic geology. Epidote F Fawcett, Thos., report referred to 7 Feldspar 13, 14 Fires, forest 20 Forests (See Timber) . . G Garnet 13. 15, 17 Geology of the district 13 Glaeiation 18 Gneiss 13,15,16,17 4074-6 23 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CANADA PAGE. Granite 13,15,17,19 Gull lake 11,12 " elevation of 13 strife at 18 H Hailstone lake, elevation of 13 Height of land, elevation of 13 Hornblende 13,14,15,16 llmenite 13,14,15,17,20 J Jackpine lake, elevation of 13 Johnston, J. F. E., topographic work done by 7 K Kaolin 14 L Lac Seul, elevation of 12 Lake St. Joseph, elevation of 13 striae at 19 Lakes, character of 9 Laurentian gneisses, classification of by A. E. Barlow 16 " Peneplain 9 Lawson, A. C., contacts described by 14 Leucoxene (See llmenite) Low, A. P., report referred to 7 Lynx bridge (See Peshe-asho-kummig) M Magnetite 14,20 Margaret lake, elevation of 13 Marsh " " 13 " striae at 18 Mica 14,15,18 Microcline 16 Molybdenite 19 Muscovite 16, 17 O Oganie lake, elevation of 13 Orthoclase 16 P Peneplain, definition of 8 Peshe-asho-kummig 12 Plagioclase 16 Pyrite 13, 14, 19 LAC SEUL TO CAT LAKE 25 PAGE. Quartz 13,14,16,19 R Keel Lake district 15 Root river, good timber on 20 Ross, C. W., molybdenite property, owned by 19 S Samlplains 18 Schists 13, 14, 15, 19 Seiicite 14 Slate lake 10, 15 elevation of. 13 magnetic attraction at 14,20 striae at 18 Smoothrock lake 11 " stria; at 19 Sphene 13,15 Stri#, glacial 18 T Timber 20 Titanite 14, 17 Topography of the district 7 Tourmaline 14 W Wenasaga lake 10 "' elevation of 13 " river 10 Wilson, A. W. G., geologic work done by 7 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH. HON. W. TEMPI.BMAN, MINISTER; A. P. Low, DEPUTY MINISTER; R. W. BROCK, DIRECTOR. SELECTED LIST OF REPORTS AND MAPS (SINCE 1885) OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC INTEREST PUBLISHED BY THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Reports of the Mines Section: No. 245. Report of Mines Section , 1886. No. 662. Report of Mines Section 272 300 301 334 335 360 572 602 625 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893-4. 1895. 1896. 698 718 744 800 835 893 928 971 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. Mineral Production of Canada: No. 414. Year 1886. 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1886-91. 1892. No. 422. Year 1893. No. 719. Year 1900. 555 577 612 623 640 671 686 1894. 1895. 1896. 1886-96. 1897. 1898. 1899. 719a 813 861 896 924 981 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. Mineral Resources Bulletins: No. *818. Platinum. No. 860. Zinc. 851. Coal. 869. Mica. *854. Asbestos. 872. Molybdenum and 857. Infusorial Earth. Tungsten. 858. Manganese. 877. Graphite. 859. Salt. 880. Peat. No. 881. Phosphate. 882. Copper. 913. Mineral Pigments. 953. Barytes. 984. Mineral Pigments. (French). Reports of the Section of Chemistry and Mineralogy: No. *102. Year 1874-5. *110 *119 126 138 148 156 1875-6. 1876-7. 1877-8. 1878-9. 1879-80. 1880-1-2. No. 169. Year 1882-3-4. No. 580. Year 1894. 222 246 273 299 333 359 1885. 1886. 1887-8. 1888-9. 1890-1. 1892-3. 616 651 695 724 821 *958 1895. 1896. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1906. * Publications marked thus are out of print. *972. Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals and Rocks, by R. A. A. Johnston and G. A. REPORTS. GENERAL. 745. Altitudes of Canada, by J. White. 1899. ptive C coung. YUKON. *260. Yukon district, by G. M. Dawson. 1887. Maps Nos. 274, scale 60 m. -1 in. ; 275-277, scale 8 m.=l in. 295. Yukon and Mackenzie basins, by R. G. McConnell. 1889. Map No. 304, scale 48 m. = 1 in. 687. Klondike gold fields (preliminary), by R. G. McConnell. 1900. Map No. 688, scale 2 m. =1 in. r 884. Klondike gold fields, by R. G. McConnell. 1901. Map No. 772, scale 2 m. = 1 in. *909. Windy Arm, Tagish lake, by R. G. McConnell. 1906. Map No. 916, scale 2 m. = 1 in. 943. Upper Stewart river, by J. Keele. Map No. 938, ] scale 8 m. 1 in. ! Bound together. 951 . Peel and Wind rivers, by Chas. Camsell. Map No. | 942, scale 8m. =1 in. J 979. Klondike gravels, by R. G. McConnell. Map No. 1011, scale 40 ch. = l in. 982. Conrad and Whitehorse mining districts, by D. D. Cairnes. 1901. Map No. 990, scale 2 m.=l in. 1016. Klondike Creek and Hill gravels, by R. G. McConnell. (French). Map No. 1011, scale 40 ch. = l in. 1050. Whitehorse Copper Belt, by R. G. McConnell. Maps Nos. 1,026, 1,041, 1,044- 1,049. BRITISH COLUMBIA. 212. The Rocky mountains (between latitudes 49 and 51 30), by G. M. Dawson. 1885. Map No. 223, scale 6 m. = 1 in. Map No. 224, acate 1 m. =1 in. *235. Vancouver island, by G. M. Dawson. 1886. Map No. 247, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 236. The Rocky mountains, geological structure, by R. G. McConnell. 1886. Map No. 248, scale 2 m. = l in. 263. Cariboo mining district, by A. Bowman. 1887. Maps Nos. 278-281. *271 . Mineral wealth, by G. M. Dawson. *294. West Kootenay district, by G. M. Dawson. 1888-9. Map No. 303, scale 8 *573 . Kamloops district, by G. M. Dawson. 1894. Maps Nos. 556-7, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 574. Finlay and Omineca rivers, by R. G. McConnell. 1894. Map No. 567, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 743. Atlin Lake mining division, by J. C. Gwillim. 1899. Map No. 742, scale 4 939. Rossland district, by R. W. Brock. Map No. 941, scale 1,600 ft. =1 in. 940. Graham island, by R. W. Ells. 1905. Map No. 921, scale 4 m.=l in., and Map No. 922, scale 1 m.=l in. 986. Similkameen district, by Chas. Camsell. Map No. 987, scale 400 ch.=l in. 988. Telkwa river and vicinity, by W. W. Leach. Map No. 989, scale 2 m. =1 in. 996. Nanaimo and New Westminster districts, by O. E. LeRoy. 1907. Map No. 997, scale 4 m. = l in. 1035. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowling. ALBERTA. *237. Central portion, by J. B. Tyrrell. 1886. Maps Nos. 249 and 250, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 824. Peace and Athabaska Rivers district, by R. G. McConnell. 1890-1. Map No. 336, scale 48 m. = l in. 703. Yellowhead Pass route, by J. McEvoy. 1898. Map No. 676, scale 8 m. = l in. 949 . Cascade coal-fields, by D. B. Bowling. Maps (8 sheets) Nos. 929-936, scale 1 m. = 1 in. 968. Moose Mountain district, by D. D. Cairnes. Maps No. 963, scale 2 m. = 1 in. ; No. 966, scale 1 m. = l"in. 1035. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowling. Map No. 1,010, scale 35 m.-l in. SASKATCHEWAN. 213. Cypress hills and Wood mountain, by R. G. McConnell. 1885. Maps Nos. 225 and 226, scale 8 m. = l in. 601. Country between Athabaska lake and Churchill river, by J. B. Tyrrell and D. B. Dowling. 1895. Map No. 957, scale 25 m.=l in. 868. Souris River coal-field, by D. B. Dowling. 1902. 1035. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowling. Map No. 1,010, scale 35 m. = l in. MANITOBA. 264 . Duck and Riding mountains, by J. B. Tyrrell. 1887-8. Map No. 282, scale 8 296. Glacial Lake Agassiz, by W. Upham. 1889. Maps Nos. 314, 315, 316. 325. Northwestern portion, by J. B. Tyrrell. 1890-1. Maps Nos. 339 and 350, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 704. Lake Winnipeg (west shore), by D. B. Dowling. 1898. f Map No. 664, scale 8 m. =1 in. \ Bound together. 705. Lake Winnipeg (east shore), by J. B. Tyrrell. 1898. [ Map No. 664, scale 8 m = l in. ( 1035. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowling. Map No. 1010, scale 35 m = 1 in. NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. 217. Hudson bay ad strait, by R. Bell. 1885. Map No. 229, scale 4 m. =1 in. 238. Hudson bay, south of, by A. P. Low. 1886. 239. Attawapiskat and Albany rivers, by R. Bell. 1886*. 244. Northern portion of the Dominion, by G. M. Dawson. 1886. Map No. 255, scale 200 m.=l in. 267. James bay and country east of Hudson bay, by A. P. Low. 578. Red lake and part of Berens river, by D. B. Dowling. 1894. Map No. 576, scale 8 m.=l in. *584. Labrador peninsula, by A. P. Low. 1895. Maps Nos. 585-588, scale 25 m. = 1 in. 618. Dubawnt, Kazan, and Ferguson rivers, by J. B. Tyrrell. 1896. Map No. 603, scale 25 m.=l in. 657. Northern portion of the Labrador peninsula, by A. P. Low. 680. South Shore Hudson strait and Ungava bay, by A". P. Low. f Map No. 699, scale 25 m. = 1 in. { Bound together. 713. North Shore Hudson strait and Ungava bay, by R. Bell. I Map No. 699, scale 25 m.=l in. 725. Great Bear lake to Great Slave lake, by J. M. Bell. 1900. 778. East Coast Hudson bay, by A. P. Low. 1900. Maps Nos. 779, 780, 781, scale 8 m. = l in. 786-787. Grass River region, by J. B. Tyrrell and D. B. Dowling. 1900. 815. Ekwan river and Sutton lakes, by D. B. Dowling. 1901. Map No. 751, ,*cale 50 m.=l in. 819. Nastapoka islands, Hudson bay, by A. P. Low. 1900. 905. The Cruise of the Neptune, by A. P. Low. 1905. ONTARIO. 215. Lake of the Woods region, by A. C. Lawson. 1885. Map No. 227, scale 2 m. - 1 in. *25. Rainy Lake region, by A. C. Lawson. 1887. Map No. 283, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 206. Lake Superior, mines and mining, by E. D. Ingall. 1888. Maps Nos. 285, scale 4 m.-=l in.; No. 286, scale 20 ch.=l in. 326. Sudbury mining district, by R. Bell. 1890-1. Map No 343, scale 4 m. -1 in. 327. Hunter island, by W. H. C. Smith. 1890-1. Map No. 342, scale 4 m.=l in. 332. Natural Gas and Petroleum, by H. P. H. Brumell. 1890-1. Maps Nos. 344-349. 357. Victoria, Peterborough, and Hastings counties, by F. D. Adams. 1892-3. 627. On the French River sheet, by R. Bell. 1896. Map No. 570, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 678. Seine river and Lake Shebandowan map-sheets, by W. Mclnnes. 1897. Maps Nos. 589 and 560, scale 4 m.=l in. 723. Iron deposits along the Kingston and Pembroke railway, by E. D. Ingall. 1900. Map No. 626, scale 2 m. =-1 in.; and plans of 13 mines. 739. Carleton, Russell, and Prescott counties, by R. W. Ells. 1899. (See No. 739, Quebec.) 741 . Ottawa and vicinity, by R. W. Ells. 1900. 790. Perth sheet, by R. W. Ells. 1900. Map No. 789 scale 4 m.=l in. 961. Sudbury Nickel and Copper deposits, by A. E. Barlow (Reprint). Maps Nos. 775, 820, scale 1 m.=l in.; 824, 825, 864, scale 400 ft.=l in. 962. Nipissing and Timiskaming map-sheets, by A. E. Barlow. (Reprint). Maps Nos. 599, 606, scale 4 m. =1 in.; No. 944, scale 1 m. - 1 in. 965. Sudbury Nickel and Copper deposits, by A. E. Barlow. (French). 970. Report on Niagara Falls, by J. W. Spencer. Maps Nos. 926, 967. 977. Report on Pembroke sheet, by R. W. Ells. Map No. 660, scale 4 m. = l in. 992. Report on Northwestern Ontario, traversed by National Transcontinental railway, between Lake Nipigon and Sturgeon lake, by W. H. Collins. Map No. 993, scale 4 m. =1 in. 998. Report on Pembroke sheet, by R. W. Ells. (French). Map No. 660, scale 1075 . Gowganda Mining Division, by W. H. Collins. Map No. 1,076, scale 1 m. = 1 in. QUEBEC. 216. Mistassini expedition, by A. P. Low. 1884-5. Map No. 228, scale 8 m. =1 in. 240. Compton, Stanstead, Beauce, Richmond, and Wolfe counties, by R. W. Ells. 1886. Map No. 251 (Sherbrooke sheet), scale 4 m.=l in." 268. Megantic, Beauce, Dorchester, Levis, Bellechasse, and Montmagny counties. by R. W. Ells. 1887-8. Map No. 287, scale 40 ch.=l in. 297. Mineral resources, by R. W. Ells. 1889. 328. Portneuf, Quebec, and Montmagny counties, by A. P. Low. 1890-1. 579. Eastern Townships, Montreal sheet, by R. W. Ells and F. D. Adams. 1894. Map No. 571, scale 4 m. = l in. 591 . Laurentian area north of the Island of Montreal, by F. D. Adams. 1895. Map ^No. 590, scale 4 m.=l in. 670. Auriferous deposits, southeastern portion, by R. Chalmers. 1895. Map No. 667, scale 8 m. = l in. 707. Eastern Townships, Three Rivers sheet, by R. W. Ells. 1898. 739. Argenteuil, Ottawa, and Pontiac counties, by R. W. Ells. 1899. (See No. 739, Ontario) . 788. Nottaway basin, by R. Bell. 1900. *Map No. 702, scale 10 m.=l in. 863. Wells on Island of Montreal, by F. D. Adams. 1901. Maps Nos. 874, 875, 876. 923. Chibougamau region, by A. P. Low. 1905. 962. Timiskaming map-sheet, by A. E. Barlow. (Reprint). Maps Nos. 599, 606, scale 4 m. = 1 in.; 944, scale 1 m. =1 in. 974 . Report on Copper-bearing rocks of Eastern Townships, by J. A. Dresser. Map No. 976, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 975. Report on Copper-bearing rocks of Eastern Townships, by J. A. Dresser. (French). 998. Report on the Pembroke sheet, by R. W. Ells. (French). 1028. Report on a Recent Discovery of Gold near Lake Megantic, Que., by J. A. Dresser. Map No. 1029, scale 2 m. =1 in. 1032. Report on a Recent Discovery of Gold near Lake Megantic, Que., by J. A. Dresser. (French). Map No. 1029, scale 2 m.-=l in. NEW BRUNSWICK. 218. Western New Brunswick and Eastern Nova Scotia, by R. W. Ells. 1885. Map' No. 230, scale 4 m.=l in. 219. Carleton and Victoria counties, by L. W.Bailey. 1885. Map No. 231, scale 4 m. = l in. 242. Victoria, Restigouche, and Northumberland counties, N.B., by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. 1886. Map No. 254, scale 4 m.=l in. 269. Northern portion and adjacent areas, by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. 1887-S. Map No. 290, scale 4 m. =! in. 330. Temiscouata and Rimouski counties, by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. 1890-1. Map No. 350, scale 4 m. =1 in. 661. Mineral resources, by L. W. Bailey. 1897. Map No. 675, scale 10 m. = l in. New Brunswick geology, by R. W. Ells. 1887. 799. Carboniferous system, by L. W. Bailey. 1900. / 803 . Coal prospects in, bv H. S. Poole. 1900. \ Bound together. 983. Mineral resources, by R. W. Ells. Map No. 969, scale 16 m.=l in. 1034. Mineral resources, by R. W. Ells. (French). Map No. 969, scale 16 m. =1 in. NOVA SCOTIA. 243. Guysborough, Antigonish, Pictou, Colchester, and Halifax counties, by Hujh Fletcher and E. R. Faribault. 1886. 331. Pictou and Colchester counties, by H. Fletcher. 1890-1. 358. Southwestern Nova Scotia (preliminary), by L. W. Bailey. 1892-3. Map No. 362, scale 8 m.=l in. 628. Southwestern Nova Scotia, by L. W. Bailey. 1896. Map No. 641, scale 8 m. = l in. 685. Sydney coal-field, bv H. Fletcher. Maps Nos. 652, 653, 654, scale 1 m.=l in. 797. Cambrian rocks of Cape Breton, by G. F. Matthew. 1900. 871. Pictou coal-field, by H. S. Poole. 1902. Map No. 833, scale 25 ch.=l in. MAPS, 1042. Dominion of Canada. Minerals. Scale 100 m. 1 In. YUKON. 805. Explorations on Macmillan, Upper Pelly, and Stewart rivers, scale 8 m.=l in. 891. Portion of Duncan Creek Mining district, scale 6 m. =1 in. 894. Sketch Map Kluane Mining district, scale 6 m. = l in. 916. Windy Arm Mining district, Sketch Geological Map, scale 2 m. =1 in. 990. Conrad and Whitehorse Mining districts, scale 2 m. = 1 in. 991. Tantalus and Five Fingers coal mines, scale 1 m. =1 in. 1011. Bonanza and Hunker creeks. Auriferous gravels. Scale 40 chains = 1 in. 1033. Cower Lake Laberge and vicinity, scale 1 m. =-1 in. 1041. Whitehorse Copper belt, scale 1 m. =1 in. 1026. 1044-1049. Whitehorse Copper belt. Details. . BRITISH COLUMBIA. 278. Cariboo Mining district, scale 2 m.-l in. 604. Shuswap Geological sheet, scale 4 m. = l in. 771. Preliminary Edition, East Kootenay, scale 4 m. =1 in. 767. Geological Map of Crowsnest coal-fields, scale 2 m. *1 in. 791 . West Kootenay Minerals and Striae, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 792. West Kootenay Geological sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 828. Boundary Creek Mining district, scale 1 m. =1 in. 890. Nicola coal basin, scale 1 m. =1 in. 941. Preliminary Geological Map of Rossland and vicinity, scale 1,600 ft. =1 in, 987. Princeton coal basin and Copper Mountain Mining camp, scale 40 ch. 1 in. 989. Telkwa river and vicinity, scale 2 m. =1 in. 997. Nanaimo and New Westminster Mining division, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 1001 . Special Map of Rossland. Topographical sheet. Scale 400 ft. =1 in. 1002. Special Map of Rossland. Geological sheet. Scale 400 ft. =1 in. 1003. Rossland Mining camp. Topographical sheet. Scale 1,200 ft. =1 in. 1004. Rossland Mining camp. Geological sheet. Scale 1.200 ft.-l in. 1068. Sheep Creek Mining camp. Geological sheet. Scale 1 m.-l in. 1074. Sheep Creek Mining camp. Topographical sheet. Scale 1 m. -1 in. ALBERTA. 594-596. Peace and Athabaska rivers, scale 10 m. = 1 in. 808. Blairmore-Frank coal-fields, scale 180 ch. =1 in. 892. Costigan coal basin, scale 40 ch = l in. 929-936. Cascade coal basin. Scale 1 m.=l in. 963-966. Moose Mountain region. Coal Areas. Scale 2 m. =1 in. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Coal Areas. Scale 35 m. =1 in. SASKATCHEWAN. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Coal Areas. Scale 35 m. =1 in. MANITOBA. 804. Part of Turtle mountain showing coal areas, scale 1$ m. =1 in. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Coal Area?. Scale 35 m. = 1 in. ONTARIO. 227. Lake of the Woods sheet, scale 2 m. =1 in. *283. Rainy Lake sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. *342. Hunter Island sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 343. Sudbury sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 373. Rainy River sheet, scale 2 m. = 1 in. 560. Seine River sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 570. French River sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 589. Lake Shebandowan sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 599. Timiskaming sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. (New Edition 1907). 605. Manitoulin Island sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 606. Nipissing sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. (New Edition 1907). 660 . Pembroke sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 663. Ignace sheet, scale 4 m. = 1 in. 708. Haliburton sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 720. Manitou Lake sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. *750. Grenville sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 770. Bancroft sheet, scale 2 m.=l in. 775. Sudbury district, Victoria mines, scale 1 m. =1 in. 789. Perth sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 820. Sudbury district, Sudbury, scale 1 m. =1 in. 824-825. Sudbury district, Copper Cliff mines, scale 400 ft. = 1 in. 852. Northeast Arm of Vermilion Iron ranges, Timagami, scale 40 ch. =1 in. 864. Sudbury district, Elsie and Murray mines, scale 400 ft. = l in. 903. Ottawa and Cornwall sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 944. Preliminary Map of Timagami and Rabbit lakes, scale 1 m.=l in. 964. Geological Map of parts of Algoma and Thunder bay, scale 8 m. =1 in. 1023. Corundum Bearing Rocks. Central Ontario. Scale 17^ m. =1 in. 1076. Gowganda Mining Division, scale 1 m. =1 in. QUEBEC. 251. Sherbrooke sheet, Eastern Townships Map, scale 4 m. =1 In. 287. Thetford and Coleraine Asbestos district, scale 40 ch. =1 in. 375. Quebec sheet, Eastern Townships Map, scale 4 m. =1 in. 571. Montreal sheet, Eastern Townships sheet, scale 4 m. =1 in. 665. Three Rivers sheet, Eastern Townships Map, scale 4 m. = 1 In. 667 . Gold Areas in southeastern part, scale 8 m. = 1 in. 668. Graphite district in Labelle county, scale 40 ch. =1 in. 918. Chibougamau region, scale 4 m.=l in. 976. The Older Copper-bearing Rocks of the Eastern Townships, scale 8 m. =1 In. 1007. Lake Timiskaming region, scale 2 m. =1 in. 1029. Lake Megantic and vicinity, scale 2 m. = l in. 7 NEW BRUNSWICK. 675 . Map of Principal Mineral Occurrences. Scale 10 m. = 1 in. 969. Map of Principal Mineral Localities. Scale 16 m. = 1 in. NOVA SCOTIA. 812. Preliminary Map of Springhill coal-field, scale 50 ch. =1 in. 833. Pictou coal-field, scale 25 ch. = 1 in. 897. Preliminary Geological Plan of Nictaux and Torbrook Iron district, scale 25 ch. = 1 in. 927. General Map of Province showing gold districts, scale 12 m. =1 in. 937. Leipsigate Gold district, scale 500 ft. =1 in. 945. Harrigan Gold district, scale 400 ft. =1 in. 995. Malaga Gold district, scale 250 ft. =1 in. 1012. Brookfield Gold district, scale 250 ft. = l in. 1019. Halifax Geological sheet. No. 68. Scale 1 m.=l in. 1025 . Waverley Geological sheet. No. 67. Srale 1 m. = 1 in. 1036. St. Margaret Bay Geological sheet. No. 71. Scale 1 m. = l in. 1037. Windsor Geological sheet. No. 73. Scale 1 m. =1 in. 1043. Aspotogan Geological sheet. No. 70. Scale 1 m. =1 in. NOTE. Individual Maps or Reports will be furnished free to bona fide Canadian applicants. Reports and Maps may be ordered by the numbers prefixed to titles. Applications should be addressed to The Director, Geological Survey, Depart- ment of Mines, Ottawa. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 ? r. * H; L3KARY UNI v ! GRNIA .LJF. i GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER M Manuf octurwl by fiAYLORD BROS. Inc SyracuM, N.Y. Stockton, Calif. UCLA-Geology/Geophysics Library F1106M18r