UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CTURAL DEPARTMENT LIBRARY GIFT OF .'Irs. Lycila Bart)' CEMENT AND CONCRETE BY LOUIS CAELTON SABIN, B. S., C. E. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, U. S. ARMY; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS NEW YORK McGRAW PUBLISHING COMPANY 1905 S'a- COPYBIGHT, 1904 BY L. C. SABIN Stanbope BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE THAT the use of cement has outstripped the literature on the subject is evidenced by the number and character of the inquiries addressed to technical journals concerning it. This volume is not designed to fill the proverbial "long felt want/' for until within a few years the number of engineers using cement in large quantities was quite limited. These American pioneers in cement engineering, under one of whom the author received his first practical training in this line, needed no formal introduction to the use and properties of cement; their knowl- edge was born and nurtured through intimate association and careful observation. To-day the young engineer frequently finds a good working knowledge of cement one of the essentials of success, and the gaining of this knowledge by experience alone is likely to be too slow and expensive, judged by twentieth century standards. In fact, the variety and extent of the uses to which cement is applied, and the knowledge concerning its properties, have of late increased so rapidly that even the older engineer, whose practice may have directed his special attention ' along other channels for a few years, finds it difficult to follow its progress. One who wishes only a catechetical reply to any question that may arise concerning cement and its use will be somewhat disappointed in these pages; on the other hand, he who would devote special attention to the subject must, of course, go far beyond them. The author has attempted to take a middle course, avoiding on the one hand a dogmatic statement of facts, and on the other too detailed and extended series of tests, but giving, where practicable, sufficient tests to support the state- ments made, and endeavoring to show the connection between theory and practice, the laboratory and the field. The original investigations forming the basis of the work were made in connection with the construction of the Poe Lock at St. Marys Falls Canal, Michigan, under the direction iii iv PREFACE of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. To the late General O. M. Poe, the Engineer officer in charge of the district at that time, and to Mr. E. S. Wheeler, his chief assistant engineer, m&y be credited a very large share of the value of the results obtained, since the accomplishment of a series of experiments of so comprehensive a character was made possible only through the broad views held by them as to the value of thorough tests of cement. The author wishes to express his appreciation of the courtesy of General G. L. Gillespie, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., in grant- ing permission to use the data collected, and of the kindness of Major W. H. Bixby in presenting a request for this per- mission. When not otherwise stated, the tables in the work are con- densed from the results of the above mentioned investigations. In supplementing this original matter, much use has been made of the experiments of others as published in society transac- tions, technical journals, etc., to all of whom credit has been given in the body of the work. If this attempt to place in one volume a connected story of the properties and use of cement serves to make the road to this knowledge a little less devious than that followed by the writer, the latter will be rewarded. L. C. S. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. January 3, 1905. CONTENTS PART I. CEMENT: CLASSIFICATION AND MANUFACTURE CHAFFER I. DEFINITIONS AND CONSTITUENTS PAfiK ART. 1. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF HYDRAULIC PRODUCTS .... 1 ART. 2. LIME: COMMON AND HYDRAULIC 3 ART. 3. PORTLAND CEMENT 4 ART. 4. SLAG CEMENT 7 ART. 5. NATURAL CEMENT 8 CHAPTER II. MANUFACTURE ART. 6. MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CEMENT 10 Materials. Wet Process. Dry Process. Semi-dry Process. Details of the Manufacture: Burning, Grinding. Sand-Cement. ART. 7. OTHER METHODS OF MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND .... 22 ART. 8. MANUFACTURE OF SLAG CEMENT 23 ART. 9. MANUFACTURE OF NATURAL CEMENT 24 PART II. PROPERTIES OF CEMENT AND METHODS OF TESTING CHAFfER III. INTRODUCTORY Desirable Qualities. Uniform Methods of Testing 28 CHAPTER IV. CHEMICAL TESTS ART. 10. COMPOSITION AJMD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 31 CHAPTER V. THE SIMPLER PHYSICAL TESTS ART. 11. MICROSCOPICAL TESTS. COLOR 36 ART. 12. WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT, OR APPARENT DENSITY .... 37 ART. 13. SPECIFIC GRAVITY, OR TRUE DENSITY. . 39 CHAPTER VI. SIFTING AND FINE GRINDING ART. 14. FINENESS 45 Importance of Fineness. Sieves. Methods. Specifications. v vi CONTENTS PAGE ART. 15. COARSE PARTICLES IN CEMENT 52 Effect on Weight, Time of Setting and Tensile Strength. ART. 16. FINE GRINDING 58 Effect on Weight, Time of Setting and Tensile Strength. CHAPTER VII. TIMfe OF SETTING AND SOUNDNESS ART. 17. SETTING OF CEMENT 65 Process of Setting. Rate. Variations in Rate. ART. 18. CONSTANCY OF VOLUME 76 Causes of Unsoundness. Tests. Discussion of Methods. Hot Tests for Natural Cements. Conclusions. CHAPTER VIII. TESTS OF THE STRENGTH OF CEMENT IN COMPRESSION, ADHESION, ETC. ART. 19. TESTS IN COMPRESSION AND SHEAR 89 ART. 20. TESTS OF TRANSVERSE STRENGTH 90 ART. 21. TESTS OF ADHESION AND ABRASION 92 CHAPTER IX. TENSILE TESTS OF COHESION ART. 22. SAND FOR TESTS 95 Value of Tests of Sand Mortars. Uniformity in Sand. Com- parison of Different Kinds. Tests with Natural Sand. Fineness. ART. 23. MAKING BRIQUETS 97 Proportions. Consistency. Temperature. Gaging: Hand and Machine. Methods. Amount of Gaging. Form of Briquets. Molds. Molding. Briquet Machines. Approved Methods of Hand Molding. Marking the Briquets. ART. 24. STORING BRIQUETS 117 Time in Air before Immersion. Moist Closet. Water of Im- mersion. Storing in Air; in Damp Sand. ART. 25. BREAKING THE BRIQUETS Testing Machines. Clips. Clip-breaks. Comparative Tests of 123 Clips. Requirements for a Perfect Clip. Form Recommended. Rate of Applying Tensile Stress. Treatment of Results. ART. 26. INTERPRETATION OF TENSILE TESTS OF COHESION .... 137 CHAPTER X. RECEPTION OF CEMENT AND RECORDS OF TESTS ART. 27. STORING AND SAMPLING 144 Storage Houses. Percentage of Barrels to Sample. Method of Taking and Storing the Sample. ART. 28. RECORDS OF TESTS 146 Value of Records. Marking Specimens. Records at St. Marys Falls Canal. CONTENTS vii PART III. THE PREPARATION AND PROP- ERTIES OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE CHAPTER XI. SAND FOR MORTAR PAGK ART. 29. CHARACTER OF THE SAND 154 Shape and Hardness of the Grains. Siliceous vs. Calcareous Sands. Slag Sand. Sand for Use in Sea Water. ART. 30. FINENESS OF SAND 150 Relation Volume and Superficial Area. Effect of Fineness. ART. 31. VOIDS IN SAND 162 Conditions Affecting Voids: Shape of Grains; Granulometric Com- position. Effect on Tensile Strength of Mortar. Moist Sand. ART. 32. IMPURITIES IN SAND 168 ART. 33. CONCLUSIONS. WEIGHT AND COST OF SAND 170 CHAPTER XII. MORTAR: MAKING AND COST ART. 34. PROPORTIONS OF THE INGREDIENTS 172 Capacity of Cement Barrels. Equivalent Proportions by Weight and Volume. Richness of Mortars. Effect of Pebbles. Con- sistency. ART. 35. MIXING THE MORTAR 177 Hand Mixing. Machine Mixing. ART. 36. COST OF MORTARS 179 Ingredients Required. Tables of Quantities. Estimates of Cost. Tables of Cost of Portland and Natural Cement Mortars. CHAPTER XIII. CONCRETE: AGGREGATES ART. 37. CHARACTER OF AGGREGATES 186 Proper Materials. Screenings in Broken Stone. Foreign In- gredients. ART. 38. SIZE AND SHAPE OF FRAGMENTS AND VOLUME OF VOIDS . . 188 Conditions Affecting Voids. Effect on Strength oT Concrete. Gravel vs. Broken Stone. ART. 39. STONE CRUSHING AND COST OF AGGREGATE 194 Breaking Stone by Hand. Stone Crushers. Cost of Aggregate. Examples. .CHAPTER XIV. CONCRETE MAKING: METHODS AND COST ART. 40. PROPORTIONS OF THE INGREDIENTS 200 Theory of Proportions. Determination of Amount of Mortar Required. Aggregates Containing Sand. Required Strength. ART. 41. MIXING CONCRETE BY HAND 203 Hand vs. Machine Mixing. Method of Hand Mixing; Number of Men and Output; Examples. viii CONTENTS PAGE ART. 42. CONCRETE MIXING MACHINES 207 General Classification. Description of Machines. Basis of Comparison. ART. 43. CONCRETE MIXING PLANTS AND COST OF MACHINE MIXING 212 ART. 44. COST OF CONCRETE 218 Ingredients Required for a Cubic Yard. Examples of Actual Cost. CHAPTER XV. THE TENSILE AND ADHESIVE STRENGTH OF CEMENT MORTARS AND THE EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN TREATMENT ART. 45. TENSILE STRENGTH OF MORTARS OF VARIOUS COMPOSITIONS . AND AGES 227 ART. 46. CONSISTENCY OF MORTAR AND AERATION OF CEMENT . . 232 ART. 47. REGAGING OF CEMENT MORTAR 236 ART. 48. MIXTURES OF CEMENT WITH LIME, PLASTER PARIS, ETC. . 243 Mixtures of Portland and Natural. "Improved" Cement. Ground Quicklime with Cement; Slaked Lime; Plaster of Paris. Conclusions. ART. 49. MIXTURES OF CLAY AND OTHER MATERIALS WITH CEMENT. 253 Effect of Powdered Limestone, Brick, etc. ; Sawdust ; Terra Cotta. ART. 50. USE OF CEMENT MORTARS IN FREEZING WEATHER . . . 260 Effect of Frost on Set Mortars. Effect of Salt; Heating Materials; Consistency ; Fineness of Sand. Conclusions. ART. 51. THE ADHESION OF CEMENT 270 Adhesion between Portland and Natural. Adhesion to Stone and Other Materials. Effect of Consistency; Regaging; Character of Surface of Stone. Effect of Plaster of Paris. Adhesion to Brick; Effect of Lime Paste. Adhesion to Rods of Iron and Steel. CHAPTER XVI. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND MOD- ULUS OF ELASTICITY OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE ART. 52. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF MORTARS 288 Ratio of Compressive to Tensile Strength. ART. 53. CONCRETES WITH VARIOUS PROPORTIONS OF INGREDIENTS 291 Effect of Consistency; Amount and Richness of Mortar; Methods of Storage. ART. 54. CONCRETES WITH VARIOUS KINDS AND SIZES OF AGGREGATES 298 ART. 55. CINDER CONCRETE AND EFFECT OF CLAY 302 ART. 56. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF CEMENT MORTAR AND CONCRETE 306 CHAPTER XVII. THE TRANSVERSE STRENGTH AND OTHER PROPERTIES OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE ART. 57. TRANSVERSE STRENGTH 313 Transverse Strength of Mortars Compared to Tensile and Com- pressive Strength. Richness of Mortar; Consistency. Transverse Tests of Concrete Bars: Variations in Mortar Used; Consistency; Mixing ; Aggregate ; Screenings. Deposition in Running Water. Use in Freezing Weather, CONTENTS ix PAGE ART. 58. RESISTANCE TO SHEAR AND ABRASION 328 ART. 59. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION OF CEMENT MORTAR, AND THE RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE TO FIRE 331 Change in Volume during Setting. Coefficient of Expansion of Mortar and Concrete. Fire-Resisting Qualities of Concrete. Aggregate for Fireproof Work. ART. 60. PRESERVATION OF IRON AND STEEL BY MORTAR AND CONCRETE 336 Action of Corrosion. Tests of Effect of Concrete. ART. 61. POROSITY, PERMEABILITY, ETC 340 Porosity. Permeability. Waterproof Mortars and Concretes. Washes for Exteriors of Walls. Efflorescence. Pointing Mortar. Cements in Sea Water. PART IV. USE OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE CHAPTER XVIII. CONCRETE: DEPOSITION ART. 62. TIMBER FORMS OR MOLDS 351 Sheathing. Lining. Posts and Braces. ART. 63. DEPOSITION OF CONCRETE IN AIR 358 Transporting, Depositing, Ramming. Rubble Concrete. Fin- ish ; Plastering; Facing; Bushhammering; Colors for Concrete Finish. ART. 64. PLACING CONCRETE UNDER WATER 369 Laitance. Tremie, Skip, etc. Depositing in Bags; Cost. Block System: Molds; Cost. CHAPTER XIX. CONCRETE-STEEL ART. 65. MONIER SYSTEM 381 ART. 66. WUNSCH, MELAN, AND THACHER SYSTEMS 383 ART. 67. OTHER SYSTEMS OF CONCRETE-STEEL 385 Hennebique, Kahn, Ransome, Roeblirig, Expanded Metal. ART. 68. THE STRENGTH OF COMBINATIONS OF CONCRETE AND STEEL 387 ART. 69. BEAMS WITH SINGLE REINFORCEMENT 390 Formulas for Constant Modulus Elasticity; for Varying Modulus. Excessive Reinforcement. Tables of Strength. ART. 70. BEAMS WITH DOUBLE REINFORCEMENT 403 ART. 71. SHEAR IN CONCRETE-STEEL BEAMS 405 CHAPTER XX. SPECIAL USES OF CONCRETE: BUILD- INGS, WALKS, FLOORS, AND PAVEMENTS ART. 72. BUILDINGS 410 Roof; Floor System; Columns. Building Forms. N. Y. Build- ing Regulations. ART. 73. WALKS 420 Foundation; Base; Wearing Surface; Construction; Cost. ART. 74. FLOORS OF BASEMENTS, STABLES, AND FACTORIES .... 426 x CONTENTS PAGE ART. 75. PAVEMENTS AND DRIVEWAYS 428 Pavement Foundations. Concrete Wearing Surface. Construc- tion. Example. ART. 76. CURBS AND GUTTERS 431 ART. 77. STREET RAILWAY FOUNDATIONS 433 CHAPTER XXI. SPECIAL USES OF CONCRETE (CONTINUED): SEWERS, SUBWAYS, AND RESERVOIRS ART. 78. SEWERS 436 Methods and Cost. Forms . ART. 79. SUBWAYS AND TUNNEL LINING 443 Waterproofing. Subways. Tunnels in Firm Earth ; in Soft Ground; in Rock. Examples; Methods; Cost. ART. 80. RESERVOIRS: LININGS AND ROOFS 453 Details of Construction. Groined Arch. Forms. Examples; Cost. CHAPTER XXII. SPECIAL USES OF CONCRETE (CONTINUED): BRIDGES, DAMS, LOCKS, AND BREAKWATERS ART. 81. BRIDGE PIERS AND ABUTMENTS AND RETAINING WALLS . . 464 Bridge Piers; Steel Shells. Repair of Stone Piers. Retaining Walls and Abutments: Coping; Rules for Use of Concrete. ART. 82. CONCRETE PILES 471 Building in Place. Concrete-Steel Piles: Molding; Driving. ART. 83. ARCHES 474 Design; Centers; Construction; Finish and Drainage. Examples and Cost. ART. 84. DAMS 484 Concrete vs. Rubble. Quality of Concrete. Construction. Examples. ART. 85. LOCKS 488 Methods of Building. Examples. ART. 86. BREAKWATERS . 493 PART I CEMENT CLASSIFICATION AND MANUFACTURE CHAPTER I DEFINITIONS AND CONSTITUENTS ART. 1. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF HYDRAULIC PRODUCTS 1. The use of a cementitious substance for binding together fragments of stone is older than history, and it is known that the ancient Romans prepared a mortar which would set under water. So far as our present knowledge of cement manufac- ture is concerned, however, the credit of demonstrating that a limestone containing clay possessed, when burned and ground, the property of hardening under water, is due to Mr. John Smeaton, who announced this as the result of his experiments made in 1756 in seeking a material with which to build the Eddystone Lighthouse. After this discovery by Smeaton nearly sixty years elapsed before M. Vicat gave the true explanation of this action, namely, that the lime during burning combined with the silica to form silicate of lime, the essential ingredient of hydraulic limes and cements. In 1796, Parker, of London, obtained a patent for the manu- facture of a cement from septaria nodules, and aptly named his product "Roman Cement." In 1824, Joseph Aspdin of Leeds, England, patented a process of manufacture of "Portland Cement." 2. The cements in general use in the United States to-day are of two kinds, Portland cements and natural cements, and in what follows our attention will be directed almost entirely to 1hese two products. Common limes were formerly used largely in engineering construction, but have of late been almost entirely superseded, 2 CEMENT AND CONCRETE for this purpose, by cements. Since the hardening of lime mortar depends on the absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere, these limes are sometimes called "air limes/' while the hydraulic products which set under water are, for a similar reason, styled "water limes." Hydraulic limes, though playing an important role in foreign countries, are not manufactured or used to any extent in the United States. The European prod- uct known as "Roman" or "Vassy" cement, somewhat re- sembles our natural cement, but is usually inferior to the Ameri- can article. Our chief interest in these products, which are used only abroad, is to know what relation they bear to the cements with which we are familiar. The following classifications are selected as being authoritative: 3. The conferences of Dresden (1886) and Munich (1884) on Uniform Methods of Testing for Materials of Construction, clas- sified the hydraulic products as follows : - (1) Hydraulic limes: made by roasting either argillaceous or siliceous limestones. They slake partially or wholly on the ad- dition of water. (2) Roman cements: made from argillaceous limestones hav- ing a large proportion of clay. They do not slake by the addi- tion of water and hence must be mechanically ground to powder. (3) Portland cements: obtained by burning to the point of insipient vitrification either hydraulic limestones or mixtures of argillaceous materials and limestones, and afterward grinding the product to fine powder. (4) Hydraulic gangues: natural or artificial materials which do not harden alone, but which furnish hydraulic mortars when mixed with quicklime. (5) Pozzolana cements produced by an intimate mixture of powdered hydrate of lime and finely pulverized hydraulic gangues. (6) Mixed cements: the products of intimate mixtures of manufactured cement with certain materials proper for such a purpose. Mixed cements should always be designated as such and the materials entering into the composition should be stated, but it may be added parenthetically that these things are seldom done. 4. MM. Durand-Claye and Debray divide cements into six classes, namely, (1), Grappier cements obtained by grinding LIME 3 the pieces of hydraulic lime which do not slake; (2), quick-set- ting (Vassy) cements formed by burning very argillaceous limestones at a low temperature; (3), natural Portland cements, or those cements made from natural rock which correspond to artificial Portland in character; (4), mixed cements; (5), arti- ficial Portlands; and (6), slag cements. M. H. LeChatelier, an eminent French authority, divides hydraulic products into four classes, namely : l Portland ce- ments, hydraulic limes, natural cements, and mixed cements. Ho subdivides the third class, natural cements, into quick-setting, slow-setting and grappier cements, and includes natural Port- lands among the slow-setting natural cements. Slag cements, which are put in a separate class by MM. Durand-Claye and Debray, are included in "mixed cements" by M. LeChatelier. 5. Prof. I. 0. Baker gives a classification that is better adapted for use in this country than any of the above. 2 He divides the products obtained by burning limestone, either pure or impure, into lime, hydraulic lime and hydraulic cements. He then sub-divides cement into Portland, Rosendale (preferably called natural) and Pozzolana. ART. 2. LIME: COMMON AND HYDRAULIC 6. Common lime is the product obtained by burning a pure, or nearly pure, carbonate of lime. On being treated with water it slakes rapidly, evolving much heat and increasing greatly in volume. It is now seldom used in engineering construction and will not be considered further. 7. Prof. M. Tetmajer has thus denned hydraulic limes: Hy- draulic limes are the products obtained by the burning of argil- laceous or siliceous limestones, which, when showered with water, slake completely or partially without sensibly increasing in volume. According to local circumstances, hydraulic limes may be placed on the market either in lumps, or hydrated and pul- verized. The following table gives a classification of hydraulic limes according to M. E. Candlot f who states that the first 1 "Tests of Hydraulic Materials," by H. LeChatelier. Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., 1893. 2 " Masonry Construction," p. 48. 3 "Ciments et Chaux Hydrauliques," par E. Candlot. CEMENT AND CONCRETE class is seldom used for important work and that the fourth class is quite rare. TABLE 1 Classification of Hydraulic Limes. E. Candlot Class. Per Cent, of Clay in Limestone. Per Cent, of Silica and Alumi- na in Fin- ished Prod- uct. Hydraulic Index, or Ratio of Silica and Alumina to Lime. Approx. Time to Set, Days. Feebly Hydraulic Lime Ordinary " " Real " " 5 to 8 8 to 15 15 to 19 9 to 14 14 to 24 24 to 30 .10 to .16 .16 to .31 .31 to .42 16 to 30 10 to 15 5 to 9 Eminently " " 19 to 22 80 to 33 .42 to .50 2 to 4 Hydraulic limes should be burned slowly, and at such a tem- perature that sintering does not take place. The best hydraulic limes have a composition very similar to that of Portland cement. The comparatively low temperature at which they are burned permits them to slake on the addition of water. They gain strength much more slowly than cements. Having considered the classification of hydraulic products as a whole, we may proceed to the discussion of Portland and nat- ural cements, the hydraulic products which have by far the greatest importance here, and the only varieties which will be taken up in detail in the present work. ART. 3. PORTLAND CEMENT 8. As the classification of hydraulic products varies, so do opinions vary as to what shall be included under the name Port- land cement. There seems to be agreement on at least one point, namely, that the burning shall be carried to a point just short of vitrification. Ideas concerning other points are crys- tallizing rapidly. The Association of German Portland Cement Manufacturers has given a definition of Portland cement in a practical manner by binding its members "to produce under the name of Portland cement only such an article as is made by calcining a thorough mixture, consisting essentially of calcare- ous and clayey substances, and then grinding the same to the fineness of flour;" and they further declare that "any article made in a manner differing from the above method, or to which during or after burning any foreign substances have been added/' PORTLAND CEMENT 5 is not recognized by them as Portland cement, and the sale of such products under the designation "Portland Cement" is re- garded by them as defrauding the purchaser. This declaration does not apply to such minor additions as are made to regulate the setting time of Portland cement, and which are permitted to an extent of 2 per cent." 9. M. LeChatelier has given the following limits for the amounts of the materials usually contained in good commercial Portland cements : l - Silica 21 per cent, to 24 per cent. Alumina 6 Oxide of Iron 2 Lime 60 Magnesia .5 Sulphuric Acid 5 Water and Carbonic Acid . 1 8 4 65 2 1.5 3 The upper limit for lime (65 per cent.) is being exceeded in re- cent years. These substances occur as "(1) SiO 2 , 3CaO, the essentially cementitious ingredient; (2) A1 2 O 3 , 3CaO, the substance mainly active during setting and contributing somewhat to the subse- quent hardening; and (3) a fusible calcium silico-aluminate whose chief function is that of a flux during burning to promote the necessary chemical reactions." 2 M. LeChatelier further holds that in good Portland cements the following formulas should be true: CaO, Mg O < SiO 2 + A1 2 O3- 3 ' and CaO, MgO > SiO 2 - (A1 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 ) = ' in each case the quantities in the formulas being equivalents of the substances, not weights. The ratio of the acid constitu- ents, silica and alumina, and the basic constituents, lime and magnesia, is called the hydraulic index. Although these form- ulas have been quite generally accepted as properly fixing the limit* of the ingredients it maybe noted that they are based on the assumption that SiO 2 , and A1 2 O 3? are equally capable of dispos- 1 "Tests of Hydr. Materials," Tr. Am. Tnst. Mining Engrs., 1893. 2 Jour. Soc. Ch. Ind., Mar. 31, 1891, p. 256. 6 CEMENT AND CONCRETE ing of a given quantity of lime and magnesia, and it is thought by some authorities that the assumption is not warranted. In the Journal Society Chemical Industry, 1897, Messrs. S. B. and W. B. Newberry give the results of some investigations in this line from which they concluded that the essential in- gredient of Portland cement is a tri-calcium silicate, but that the alumina occurs as a dicalcic aluminate. They therefore considered that the per cent, of lime should equal 2.8 times the per cent, of silica plus 1.1 times the per cent, of alumina. 10. The following analyses of brands in the market are se- lected from the various sources indicated in the table. They are given here merely to illustrate the proportions obtaining in commercial products. TABLE 2 Analyses of Portland Cements BRAND. Si0 2 . Ai 2 O 3 . Fe 2 3 . CaO. MgO. Nti 2 K 2 O. S0 3 . H S O & Loss. 1. Alpha 20.38 63.30 2.86 1.13 1.75 2. Atlas 21.30 7.65 '2.85 60.95 2.95 1.15 1.81 1.41 3. Bronson 22.90 6.80 3.60 63.90 0.70 1.10 0.40 0.60 4. Buckeye 21.30 6.95 2.00 62.30 1.20 0.98 4.62 5. Empire 22.04 6.45 3.41 60.92 3.53 2.25 6. Wyandotte 23.20 8.00 2.40 62.10 2.00 0.80 7. Omega 22.24 7.26 2.54 64.96 2.26 0.41 0.33 8. Yankton 7.70 4.80 60.00 0.80 1.20 9. Giant 23.36 8.07 4.83 58.93 1.00 0.50 0.50 2.46 10. Medusa 23.20 7.03 2.41 64.19 0.97 2.20 11. Dyckerhoff 19.35 7.00 4.50 63.75 5.40 12. German i a 21.14 6.30 2.50 66.04 1.11 2.91 13. Alsen's 24.90 8.00 3.22 59.38 0.38 0.75 0.98 2.16 14. Alsen's 23.30 5.85 4.65 60.90 0.90 0.30 2.43 1.40 3RAND. AUTHORITY. RAW MATERIALS. LOCATION. - 1 " Directory Amer'n Cement Rock and Limestone Alpha, N.J. Cement Industries" 2 u 11 11 H tt Northampton, Pa. 3 II Marl and Clay Bronson, Mich. 4 It U it tt Bellefontaiue, Ohio. 5 tt It tt It Warners, N.Y. 6 1C Soda Ash Waste and Clay Wyandotte, Mich. 7 u Marl and Clay Jonesville, Mich. 8 ti Chalk and Clay Yankton, S. Dakota. 9 U. Cummings Cement Rock and Limestone Egypt, Pa. " Amer'n Cements" 10 U It Marl and Clay Sandusky, Ohio. 11 U U Limestone, Marl and Clay Ainoeneburg, Ger. 12 41 (( Marl and Clay Lehrte, Germany. 13 U U Chalk and Clay Itzehoe, Germany. 14 "Richard K. Meade, Chalk and Thames Mud England. "Exam, of P. Cem." SLAG CEMENT 7 ART. 4. SLAG CEMENT 11. Slag cement is manufactured to a considerable extent in Europe and is beginning to assume some importance in the United States. It is a pozzolana cement in which the silica ingredient is supplied by blast furnace slag. Pozzolana ce- ments have been defined as " products obtained by intimately and mechanically mixing, without subsequent calcination, pow- dered hydrates of lime with natural or artificial materials which generally do not harden under water when alone, but do so when mixed with hydrates of lime (such materials being pozzo- lana, Santorin earth, trass obtained from volcanic tufa, furnace slag, burnt clay, etc.), the mixed product being ground to ex- treme fineness." 1 Slag cement somewhat resembles Portland in its properties, but is more like some of the natural cements in its constituents, while the manner of occurrence of these constituents and the method of manufacture are quite different than in either of these classes. 12. As this cement is a mixture of lime and pozzolanic ma- terials, its value depends largely upon its extreme fineness and the intimate mixture of the ingredients. Its specific gravity is low, about 2.7 to 2.8, and it sets very slowly, although the setting may be hastened by the addition of certain substances such as caustic soda. On account of the sulphide present, most slag cements are not suited to use in air, as they crack and soften in this medium; neither are they suitable for use in sea water, nor in freezing weather, but when mixed with two or three parts sand and kept constantly wet with fresh water, they give quite satisfactory results. Slag cement has an approximate composition of silica, 20 to 30 per cent., alumina, 10 to 20 per cent., and lime, 40 to 50 per cent. It usually contains calcium sulphide, the amount some- times reaching three or four per cent. The characteristic green- ish tint which slag cements exhibit when they harden in water is due to this ingredient, as is the odor of hydrogen sulphide sometimes given off by a briquet when broken, especially if it 1 " Report of Board of Engineers on Steel Portland Cement," Washing- ton, 1900. 8 CEMENT AND CONCRETE has hardened in sea water, a percentage of magnesia. 1 Some slag cements have also quite ART. 5. NATURAL CEMENT 13. Natural cement, as its name implies, is made from rock as it occurs in nature. Argillaceous limestones, magnesian lime- stones, or argillo-magnesian limestones, having the proper pro- portion of clay, magnesia and lime, may be used for the production of natural cement. The burning is not carried so far as in the manufacture of Portland cement, and the resulting TABLE 3 Analyses of Natural Cements j