YAMAN ITS EARLY MEDIAEVAL HISTORY BY NAJM AD-DIN 'OMAPtAII AL-HAKAMI ALSO THE ABRIDGED HISTOIIY OF ITS DYNASTIES IBN KHALDUN AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE KARMATHIANS OF YAMAN BY ABU 'ABD ALLAH BAH A AD-DIN AL-JANADI The Okiginal Tests, with Translation and Notes BY HENRY CASSELS KAY M.R.A.S. LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD ^ublisiijtr to tljr ifn^ta ra, p. 6. The Paris MS. writes Tajrat. 142 Ibn Khaldun. was under the rule of Suleymau ibn Tarf, who also submitted. Muhammad ibn Ziyiid perished, and he was succeeded by his son Ibrahim. Then followed Ziyad son of Ibrahim, then the brother of Ziyad, Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak son of Ibrahim. His reign endured for a long period, until he attained the age of eighty years. 'Omarah says that he reigned eighty years over Yaman, Hadramaut and the maritime islands. When Abu '1-Jaysh heard of the assassination of the Khallfah al-Mutawakkil and afterwards ' of the abdication of al-Musta'in (a.h. 252) and of the subjection of the Khalifate to the Turkish freedmen, he discontinued the payment of tribute, and when riding forth, he caused a canopy to be borne over his head, according to the usage of the independent Persian kings.^°^ Under his reign Yahya son of al-Husayn son of al-Kasim ar-Rassy son of Ibrahim Tabataba arose in Yaman proclaiming the supremacy of the Zayd- ites.^*^^ He came from Sind, whither his grand- father al-Kasim had fled, upon the suppression of the insurrection led by his brother Muhammad and by Abu 's-Saraya. of which we have related the history. Al-Kasim sought refuge in Sind and there his son Husayn and his grandson Yahya were born. Yahya appeared in Yaman in a.h. 288 and proceeded to IO6 Sa'dah, where he made open profession of the doc- trines of the Zaydites. He then marched upon San'a and wrested it from the hands of As'ad ibn Ya'fur, but the Banu Ya'fur recaptured the city and Yahya returned to Sa'dah. His followers gave him the title of Imam and his descendants occupy the country at the present day. We have herein before related their history.* It was likewise in the days of Abu '1-Jaysh, that the claims of the 'Obaydites were proclaimed in * Infra, p. 184. The Ziyudites. 143 Yaman. Muhammad (read 'Aly) ibn al-Fadl estab- lished his authority in their name, in a.h. 340, over Aden La'ah and over the highlands of Yaman, as far as Mount Mudhaykhirah. The country that remained subject to Abu '1- Jaysh extended from ash-Sharjah to Aden, twenty days' journey, and from his own province to San'a, five days' journey. When Muhammad ('Aly) ibn al- Fadl overcame him by spreading recognition of the 'Obaydite supremacy in Yaman, the rulers of the ontlying provinces cast off their allegiance to Abu '1- Jaysh. Among them were the Banu As'ad ibn Ya'fur at San'a, Suleyman ibn Tarf at 'Aththar and the Imam ar-Rassy at Sa'dah. Abu '1- Jaysh adopted a conciliatory policy with them. He perished in a.h. 371. He had extended his kingdom and had increased its revenues. Ibn Sa'Id says that he had examined a statement according to which the revenues of Abu '1-Jaysh amounted to 1,366,000 'Ashariyah dinars,* besides duties levied upon the shipping from Sind, upon ambergris arriving at Bab al-Mandeb and at Aden-Abyan, on the pearl fisheries, and besides the taxes collected in the Island of Dahlak, which included one thou- sand slaves. The Kings of Abyssinia, on the opposite shores, were in the habit of offering him presents, and sought his friendship. At his death he left a young child of the name of *Abd Allah or Ibrahim or, as is also said, of the name of Ziyad. His sister and his freedman Rashid the Abyssinian became the guardians of the child. Rashid appointed over the highlands his mamluk Hasan (Husayn) ibn Salamah the Nubian. Thence- forth the office of wazir passed from one Abyssinian * Eead : Amounted in a.h. 366 to one million 'Aththariyah dinars. It will be observed that Ibn Sa'Id's statement is simply appropriated from 'Omarah, who, as we have seen, borrowed his information from Ibn Hankal. (Note 12.) 144 ^'^'^ Khaldmi. or Nubian freedman to another. They acquired absolute control over the state, and the Ziyadite dynasty at length carae to an end in a.h. 407 (read 409). The child died and was succeeded by another, also of the family of the Banu Ziyad, younger than his predecessor. Ibn Sa'id remarks that 107 *Omarah knew not his name, in consequence of the absolute control exercised over the Prince by the chamberlains. He means ' Omarah, the historian of Yaman. It is, however, said that this second child bore the name of Ibrahim. He was placed under the guardianship of his aunt and of Marjan one of the freedmen of Hasan (Husayn) ibn Salamah. Marjan became possessed of supreme power. He had two freedmen, Kays * and Najah. He placed the infant Prince, the nominal King, under the care of Kays (Nafis), who was appointed to reside at Zabid along with the child. Najah he appointed over all the provinces other than Zabid, including the cities of al-Kadra and al-Mahjam. Marjan preferred Kays (Nafis) to Najah, between whom jealousy consequently arose. It was stated to Kays (Nafis) that the child's aunt favoured Najah, and was in secret correspondence with him. He seized her (and the child), with the concurrence of his master Marjan, and buried them alive. He assumed exclusive and supreme power, adopted the use of the royal umbrella, and put his own name on the coinage. In extreme anger at what had occurred, Najah placed himself at the head of an army, and marched against Kays (Nafis), who came forth to meet him. Several engagements and battles took place and Kays (Nafis) was eventually defeated and killed, along with five thousand men of his army. Najah gained possession of Zabid in a.h. 412, and buried * See Note 13, last par. The Sulay kites. 145 Kays (Nafis) and his master Marjan in the place of the child and its aunt. He assumed paramount authority and the coinage was struck in his name. He wrote to the supreme council of the Khallfah at Baghdad, and was formally appointed to rule over Yaman. He continued to exercise absolute sway over Tiliamah and the highlands, and he abolished in the mountain districts, the authority of the rulers appointed by Hasan (Hu- sayn) ibn Salamah. The neighbouring kings dreaded his power, and he continued in the en- joyment of that high estate until his assassina- tion by 'Aly as-Sulayhi, the representative of the 'Obaydites, who encompassed his death, in a, h. 452, by means of poison administered by a female slave he sent to the King. Najah was succeeded at Zabid by his freedman Kahlan. Afterwards as-Sulayhi possessed himself of the city and ruled over it, as will be related. The Histoey of the Ba>^u 's-Sulayht,who euled UNDEE THE AUTHOEITY OP THE 'ObAYDITES, AND PEOPAGATED THEIE SDPEEMAOY IN YaMAN. The Kadi Muhammad ibn *Aly the Hamdanite, surnamed as-Sulayhi, was the chief of Haraz in the country of the Hamdanites. He was descended from the tribe of the Banu Yam, and there grew up unto him a son named 'Aly. The office of Da'y for the 'Obaydites was at that time held by 'Amir son of 'Abd Allah az-Zawahi (the Zawahite), so 108 named after a village in Haraz. It was said that he possessed the book al-Jafr, one of the treasures, it was represented, of the 'Obaydite Imfims, and it was pretended that the name of 'Aly, son of the Kadi Muhammad, was mentioned in the book. L 146 Ibn Khaldiin. 'Aly studied under the directions of the Da'y and received his teaching. When the youth's merits and talent became manifest, the Da'y showed him his name and particulars describing him, set forth in the book. " Take care of your son," he said to the Kadi, " for he will be ruler over the whole of Yaman." *Aly grew up a Jurist noted for piety. For fif- teen years he was leader of the pilgrimage by way of Ta if and the Sarawat. He attained a great repu- tation, his name became widely known, and people commonly spoke of him as Sultan of Yaman. The Da'y 'Amir az-Zawahi died bequeathing to him his writings and appointing him his successor. 'Aly led the caravan of pilgrims in a.h. 428, according to his previous custom, and during the celebration of the ceremonies of the Mausim,^ he assembled certain men belonging to his tribe, that of Hamdan, who had accompanied him, and called upon them for their assistance and support. They consented and swore allegiance to him. They were sixty in number, ranking among the most manly members of the tribe. On his return, he established himself at Masar, a fortress on the summit of one of the mountains of Haraz, which he strengthened. His power waxed great, and he wrote to al-Mustansir, then ruling in Egypt, requesting to be allowed to make open proclamation of the 'Obaydite doctrines. He re- ceived the desired permission and carried his design into effect. He made himself master of the whole of Yaman, and took up his residence at San'a, where he built palaces and made the Yamanite Kings, whom he had conquered, take up their abode beside him. He drove forth the Banu Tarf, Kings of 'Aththar and Tihamah, and in a.h. 452, as we * Between the 8th and 13th of the month of Dhu 'I-Hijjah. The Sulay kites. 147 have mentioned, he brought about the death of Najah, freedman of the Ziyadites and King of Zabid, by means of a slave girl, he sent as a present to the Prince. He then proceeded to Mecca by command of al- Mustansir the ruler of Egypt, for the purpose of putting an end to the 'Abbaside supremacy and to the rulership of the Hasanites. He appointed his son, al-Mukarram Ahmad, his deputy at San'a, and he took with him his wife Asma daughter of Shihab, as also the kings who had their abode with him, such as Ibn al-Kurandi, Ibn Ya'fur at-Tubba'y, Wail ibn 'Isa al-Wuhazy, and others. Sa'id ibn Najah made a night attack upon him at al-Mahjam and killed him. This happened in a.h. 463 (read 473). He was succeeded by his son al-Mukarram Ahmad, who possessed himself of supreme power and established himself at San'a. His mother, 109 Asma daughter of Shihab, had been captured by Sa'id ibn Najah, on the night of the attack. She sent a letter to her son al-Mukarram. " I am with child," she wrote, " by the squint-eyed slave Sa'id, al-Ahwal. Come to me before my delivery, or dis- grace will ensue, such as time will never efface." Al-Mukarram started from San'a in the year 475, at the head of three thousand men. The Abyssin- ians numbered twenty thousand, but he routed them. Sa'id ibn Najah fled to the Island of Dah- lak. Al-Mukarram presented himself to his mother, who was seated in the archway (or casement) near which the heads of as-Sulayhi and of his brother were displayed. He took them down and buried them, and unsheathed the sword in vengeance against the city. He re-instated his maternal uncle As'ad ibn Shihab over Tihamah as before, giving him Zabid for his place of residence, and he then departed with his mother for San'a. L 2 148 Ibn Khaldun. She conducted tlie affairs of his kingdom. After a time, As'ad ibn Shihab having collected the tribute of Tib amah, transmitted it under the charge of his wazir Ahmad ibn Salim, and Asma dis- tributed the money among the envoys from the Arab tribes. She died in a.h. 477,* and in 479, al-Mukarram lost possession of Zabid, which was recovered by Sa'Id ibn Najah. Al-Mukarram re- moved to Dhu Jiblah in 480 and appointed over San'a 'Imran ibn al-Fadl the Hamdanite. 'Imran became independent and transmitted the sovereignty to his descendants. His son Ahmad assumed the title of Sultan, under which he acquired great celebrity. He was succeeded by his son Hatim son of Ahmad, but after him there was at San'a no Prince of any renown, until the city was conquered by the Suleymanites, upon that family being overcome at Mecca by the Hashimites, as is mentioned in their history. f Dhu Jiblah is a city founded by 'Abd Allah son of Muhammad as-Sulayhi in the year 458. Al-Mukarram removed thither by the advice of his wife Sayyidah daughter of Ahmad, who acquired the direction of the affairs of his king- dom, after the death of his mother Asma. He made Dhu Jiblah his place of residence and built in that city the Bar al-'Izz (the abode of Majesty). He applied himself to contrive the death of Sa'id ibn Najah and succeeded in his design, as we will relate in the history of Ibn Najah, Al-Mukarram became absorbed in the pursuit of * Read 479. See supra, p. 37. t See infra, p. 187 and Note 130. It is hardly necessary to add that the Suleymanites never conquered Sau'ii. Ibn Khaldun, misled, it would appear by Ibn Sa'id, has liopelessly confused the Suleyma-nites and Kas-sites. But it will indeed be seen that the Rassite Imams themselves did not at the period referred to, nor for long after it, become permanently possessed of San'a. And Ibn Khaldun's statement touching 'Imran ibn al-Fadl and his de- scendants, is likewise incorrect. See Note 8, the latter part. The Siilay kites. 149 pleasure, living in a state of seclusion with his wife. When on the point of death in 484, he bequeathed his dignities to the son of his paternal uncle, al- Mansur Saba son of Ahmad son of al-Muzaffar son of 'Aly as-Sulayhi, Lord of the fortress of Ashjah/'^'* He was invested by al-Mustansir the 'Obaydite and made that fortress his place of 110 residence, whilst Sayyidah daughter of Ahmad re- mained at Dhu Jiblah. He sought her in marriage, but she refused, whereupon he laid siege to the castle she inhabited. Her uterine brother Suley- man ibn 'Amir az-Zawfihi assured him that she would not consent, unless commanded by al-Mustansir the Egyptian Khalifah. Al-Mansdr accordingly made application to al-Mustansir, who complied with his request. A eunuch arrived from the Court of the Khalifah, and acquainted the Princess with the purpose of his mission. He recited to her the verse : Vnio no believer, male nor female, helongeth liberty of choice tvhen the decree of God and of His Apostle hath gone forth.* " The Prince of the Faithful," he continued, " marries thee to the Da'y Mansiir Abu Himyar Saba son of Ahmad son of al- Muzaffar, and appoints unto thee a dowry of one hundred thousand dinars in money and fifty thou- sand dinars in articles of rarity and value." The contract of marriage was entered into and Saba proceeded from the fortress of Ashyah to Dhu Jib- lah, and joined his wife in the Dar al-'Izz. It is said that she sent him a slave girl who bore an exceeding resemblance to herself, that the girl stood at the head of his couch, and that he never raised his eyes unto her until morning, when he returned to Ashyah, whilst the Princess remained at Dhu Jiblah. The person possessed of paramount influence over the Queen was al-Mufaddal ibn Abi '1-Barakat * KurTm. S. xxxiii. v. 3G 150 Ihii Khaldiin. of the Banu Yam, the tribe to which the Sulayhites belonged.* He invited his allies of the tribe of Janb to join him. He appointed an abode for them at Dliu Jiblah, close to his own place of resi- dence, and they supported him in warlike enter- prises. Sayyidah was in the habit of spending the sum- mer at Ta'kar, where she kept her treasury and valuables. On the approach of winter she returned to Dhu Jiblah. After a time al-Mufaddal remained alone in possession at Ta'kar, without interruption to their friendly intercourse. He departed to make war upon the family of Najah. A Jurist, who bore the surname of al-Jamal, seized the opportunity to raise an insurrection in the castle of Ta'kar, assisted by several (or seven) other men of his profession, one of whom was Ibrahim ibn Zeydiin, paternal uncle of 'Omarali the poet. They swore allegiance to al-Jamal, on the condition that he should put an end to the supremacy of the Imamites. Al-Mufad- dal hastening back besieged them, and the Banu Khaulan came to the assistance of the rebels. Al- Mufaddal adopted a conciliatory and temporizing policy towards the Khaulanites, but perished in the course of the siege, in a.h. 504. The Lady Sayyidah thereupon came to the spot and prevailed upon the Khaulanites to enter into an alliance, the terms of which she faithfully 111 observed. She constituted herself guardian of the family and son of al-Mufaddal. The castle of Ta'kar passed into the hands of 'Imran ibn az-Zarr the Khaulanite and of his brother Suleyman, and 'Imran acquired the influence formerly exercised by al-Mufaddal over the Lady Sayyidah. At her death, he and his brother remained sole masters of the castle of Ta'kar. * 'Omarah speaks of Abu '1-Barakat as a Himyarite. The Sulayhites. 151 Mansur, the son of al-Mufaddal son of Abu '1- Barakat, became possessed of Dbu Jiblab, and held the fortress until he sold it to the Zuray'ite Da'y, the ruler of Aden, as will hereafter be related. He established his residence in the stronghold of Ashyah, which had formerly belonged to the Da'y al-MansLir Saba son of Ahmad. Al-Mansur Saba had died in a.h. 486 (read 492), after which discord arose among his children. His son 'Aly succeeded in gaining possession of the castle of Ashyah. He gave annoyance to al- Mufaddal ibn Abi '1-Barakat and to the Lady Say- yidah, and they felt themselves helpless against him, until al-Mufaddal at length contrived, by means of poison concealed in a quince, to bring about the death of his enemy. The family of Abu '1-Barakat possessed itself of the fortresses of the Banu Muzaffar, and al-Mu- faddal died soon afterwards, as has been related. Sayyidah undertook the guardianship of his son Mansur, who did not hold independent authority. But upon his advancing in years, he became possessed of the dominion held by his father over the fortress of Ta'kar and its castles, over Dhu Jiblali and its fortresses, and of that formerly exer- cised by the Banu Muzaffar over Ashyah and its fortresses. After a time he sold the castle of Dhu Jiblah to the Zuray'ite Da'y, the Prince of Aden, for 100,000 dinars, and he continued to sell his for- tresses, one after the other, until none remained unto him but that of Ta'izz, of which he was de- prived by 'Aly son of Mahdy, after he had reigned for eighty years and had attained the age of one hundred.* And God, be He magnified and exalted, possesseth supreme knowledge of the truth. * See Note 56, the latter part, and Note 99, 152 Ibn Khaldun. The History op the dominion, at ZabId, of the Banu Najah, fkeedmen of the Banu Ziyad, their early career and the vicissitudes they underwent. 'Aly as-Sulayhi, as has been related, gained posses- sion of Zabid from the hands of Kahlan, after having destroyed him (read JSTajah) by poison in a.h. 452 with the assistance of the slave girl he had sent him. 1 ] 2 Najah had three sons, Mu'ilrik, Sa'id and Jayyash. Mu'arik committed suicide, and the two remaining brother stook refuge in the Island of Dahlak, where they abode, occupying themselves in the study of the Kur'an and of literature. After a time Sa'id departed, in anger with his brother Jayyash, and returned to Zabld, where he concealed himself in a cave, which he dug for himself in the ground. He then sent for his brother Jayyash, who joined him and they remained together in concealment. It next happened that the Hashimite Amir of Mecca, Muhammad ibn Ja'far, having renounced the supremacy of the 'Obaydite Khalifah of Egypt al- Mustansir, the latter wrote to as-Sulayhi, command- ing him to make war upon the Amir and to compel him to maintain the Alide supremacy at Mecca. 'Aly as-Sulaylii accordingly marched from San'a, and thereupon Sa'id and his brother issued forth from their hiding-place. As-Sulayhi obtaining intelli- gence thereof, despatched against them a force of about five thousand horsemen,* with orders to put the two brothers to death. But Sa'id and Jayyash avoided the troops and went in pursuit of as-Sulayhi and his army. They made a night attack upon him at al-Mahjam, which he had reached on his way to Mecca. He had with him five thousand Abyssiniansf * Kead Aljyssinians. Sec supra, p. 83. t See supra, p. 30. I The Bamt Najah. 153 wlio, however, made no attempt to defend him. His troops were scattered and as-Sulayhi was killed, falling, it is said, at the hands of Jay y ash. This occurred in the year 473. 'Abd Allah as-Sulayhi brother of 'Aly, was likewise killed, as well as one hundred and seventy men of the family of Sulayhi, and 'Aly's wife Asma, daughter of his uncle Shihab, was captured together with thirty -five Kahtanite kings, who had been deprived of their dominion in Yaman. Sa'id sent to the troops that had been des- patched against himself and against his brother, granted them an amnesty and took them into his own service. He then marched upon Zabid, which was ruled by As'ad ibn Shihab the brother of Asma, wife of as-Sulayhi. As'ad fled to San'a, and Sa'id made his entrance into Zabid with Asma, the wife of as-Sulayhi, borne in front of him in a litter, close to which were carried the heads of 'Aly and of his brother. He placed Asma in the palace of Zabid, and set tip the two heads opposite the casement of her apartment. The hearts of the people were filled with dread, and Sa'id assumed the title of Nastr ad- 113 Daulah (Defender of the State). The commanders of the fortresses made them- selves masters of the places that had been en- trusted to them. At San'a, al-Mukarram son of as-Sulayhi, was thrown into a state of stupor and all but utter helplessness. His mother Asma wrote to him from Zabid, stimulating and inciting him : " I am great with child," she wrote, " by Sa'id. Come therefore unto me, before disgrace light upon thee and upon the whole Arab nation." Al-Mukarram thereupon con- trived to instigate Sa'id son of Najah into an attack upon San'a, employing as his medium one of the commanders on the frontier, and flattering Sa'id with promises of victory.^"^ Sa'id consequently advanced at the head of 154 ^^/^ Khaldiui. twenty thousand Abyssinians. Al-Mukarram issued forth from San'a, and put the enemy to flight. He turned their position so as to intercept the road to Zabld, and Sa'id fled to the Island of Dahlak. Al-Mukarram entered Zabid and proceeded to his mother, whom he found seated at the casement near which were exposed the heads of as-Sulayhi and of his brother. He took them down and buried them. And he appointed over Zabid his maternal uncle As'ad in the year 497 (read 475). He then departed for San'a, but Sa'id subsequently returned to Zabid in A.H. 479. Al-Mukarram wrote to - Abu ' 'Abd Allah ibn Ya'fur (read Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayn), Lord of the fortress of Sha'ir, desiring him to incite Sa'Id against himself, to urge upon him the capture of Dhu Jiblah and to represent, as the motive of his action, that al-Mukarram was absorbed in the pur- suit of pleasure, that he lived in a state of subjec- tion to his wife Sayyidah daughter of Ahmad, and that he was afflicted with paralysis. The artifice was crowned with success. Sa'Id came forth at the head of thirty thousand Abyssinians, and al-Mukar- ram prepared an ambush for him below the castle of Sha'ir. Sa'id fell a victim to treachery. His troops were routed and he himself killed. His head was put up at Zabid on the spot, close to the casement, where the head of as-Sulayhi was formerly exposed. Al-Mukarram became master of the city of Zabid, and its subjection to the Abys- sinians ceased. Jayyash fled accompanied by his brothers wazu'Khalf son of Abu 1 ahir the Marwan- ite. They entered Aden in disguise and thence they proceeded to India, where they remained for six months. They met in that country a diviner, who came from (the island of) Sarandib and who cheered them with happy predictions concerning their future fortunes. They returned to Yaman The BantL Najali. 155 and the wazir Khalf proceeded in advance to Zabid, where he spread a report of the death of Jayyash, and obtained an amnesty for himself. Jayyash also came to Zabld, but remained in concealment. The Governor of Zabid at that time was As'ad ibn Shihab, the maternal uncle of al-Mukarram, 114 and along with him 'Aly ibn al-Kumm, wazlr of al-Mukarram. This man entertained feelings of intense hatred against al-Mukarram and his dynasty. The wazir Khalf contrived to win his confidence and played chess with Husayn the son of *Aly. After a time he played with the father. He won his favour and then revealed to him the plans he had conceived touching the government, inform- ing him that he was an adherent of the family of Najah. Whilst playing, Khalf was one day speak- ing in a manner calculated to stimulate the dislike of his hosts to the Sulayhites,* when 'Aly ibn al- Kumm overheard him. 'Aly questioned him and Khalf revealed his purpose, swearing him to secrecy. During that time Jayyash was collecting his Abyssinian followers and spending money upon them, until they gathered to the number of five thousand men. He then suddenly, in the year 482, rose in insurrection at Zabid. He seized the Govern- ment House, but treated As'ad ibn Shihab with kindness, in consideration of the infirmities with which he was afflicted, and set him at liberty. Jayyash became King of Zabid and of Tihamah and instituted the Khutbah in the name of the 'Abbas- ides, whilst the Sulayhites recited it in the name of the 'Obaydites. Al-Mukarram unceasingly sent the Arabs on predatory expeditions against Zabid, until Jayyash died at the commencement (read at the end) of the fifth century. He bore the surname * I have read "^1 instead of ^~^\ but Ibn Khaldun's story, it will be observed, is not perfectly clear, nor is it consistent with 'Omarah's narrative. ] 56 Ibn Khaldiui. of Abu 't-Tfimi (the Exalted), and was celebrated for bis justice. He was succeeded by bis son al-Fatik, wbo, however, was opposed by his two brothers, Ibrahim and *Abd al- Wahid. A struggle took place between him and his two brothers, in which he eventually triumphed. He perished in the year 503. His slaves raised to the throne his son Mansur ibn Fatik, a boy below the age of puberty, and they conducted the affairs of his kingdom ; but \hQ Prince's uncle Ibrahim came forth to attack him, and the slaves prepared troops to defend their own and the young Prince's authority. His other uncle 'Abd al- Wahid thereupon rose in the city. Mansur sent to al-Mufaddal son of Abu '1-Barakat Prince of Ta'kar, who came professedly to his assistance, but concealing treacherous designs. He heard that the people of Ta'kar had revolted against him, and turned back. Mansur remained king of Zabid until one of his slaves, Abu Mansur Mann Allah, was appointed his wazh' and poisoned him, in the year 517. Mann Allah raised to the throne the Prince's sou Fatik, a young child, in whose name he governed the kingdom. The wazlr was accused of attempt- ing the honour of the women of the family of Najah, so that even the mother of the infant king Fatik fled from him, and took up her residence outside the city. Mann Allah was enterprising and brave, and he is celebrated for his wars with the enemy. He was 115 attacked by Ibn Najib (ad-Daulah), the Da'y of the Alides, against whom he successfully defended him- self. It is he who erected stately colleges at ZabId for the study of Jurisprudence. He also applied himself to the protection of the pilgrims and it was he til at built the walls of the city. But after a time he addressed solicitations to the daughter of Mu'arik son of Jayyash. Perceiving no means of escape The Damt Najiih. 157 from him, slie' consented, but having surrendered herself to him, she brought about his death by means of a cloth saturated with poison, which caused his flesh to waste away. This occurred in the year 524. He was succeeded in the guardianship of the young Prince, "by Zurayk (or Ruzayk),a freedman of the family of Najah. *Omarah says of Zurayk that he was a sagacious man, remarkable for his bravery and fitness to com- mand, and father of many children. After a time he became enfeebled, but no one- succeeded to a firm hold of his office until the appointment, as wazir, of Surur the Abyssinian, who was surnamed al-Fatiki, and who was one of the freedmen in the personal service of the mother of Fatik. According to 'Omarah, Fatik son of Mansur died in A.H. 531. He was succeeded by the son of his paternal uncle, Fatik son of Muhammad son of Fatik, with Surur as his wazTr, the conductor of the affairs of the realm and of the wars with his enemies. Surur was a constant attendant at the Mosque, where he was at length slain by an assassin, whom *Aly ibn Mahdy the Kharijite employed for the purpose, and who killed him whilst he was engaged in the afternoon prayer on Friday, 12th Safar, 551. The people rose to attack the impious murderer. He killed several attendants of the mosque, but was overpowered and slain. The freedmen of the family of Najah were thrown into a state of con- sternation. They were attacked by 'Aly ibn Mahdy the Kharijite, who fought many battles with them and besieged them for a long period of time. They besought assistance of the Sharif al-Mansur Ahmad ibn Hamzah the Suleymanite, who ruled over Sa'dah.* He consented to help them, on condition of their raising him to the throne after killing their master Fatik ibn Muhammad. They agreed to his * See Note 130. 1^8 Ibn Khaldun. conditions. The Prince was slain in a.h. 553 and tlie Sharif Ahmad was proclaimed King. But he was unable to withstand ibn JVlahdy and fled under cover of night. *Aly ibn Mahdy pos- sessed himself of the city in 554, and the dynasty of Najah came to an end. Perpetuity belongeth unto God! -I -jg Abu I'-Jaysli ibn Ziyad. Rashid the Abyssinian, his freedman. Hasan (read Husayn) ibn Salamah the Nubian, his freedman. Marjan, his freedman. I I. Najah, his freedman. II. Sa'id. III. Jayyash. *Abd al- Wahid. Ibrahim. IV. Fatik. Mu'arik. Muhammad. V. Mansur. ' I r VII. Fatik. VI. Fatik. The History op the Dynasty op the Banu Zuray' AT Aden, Da'ys op the 'Obaydites in Yaman, OF ITS Rise and Progress. Aden is one of the strongest cities of Yaman. It is situated on the shores of the Indian Ocean, and has ever been a city of trade since the days of the Tubbas. Most of its inhabitants' houses are con- structed of reeds, and in consequence thereof fires frequently break out at night. In the early years of Islam it was the seat of government of the Banu Ma'n, who according to The Ztirayites. 159 al-Bayhaki claim to be descended from Ma'n ibn Za idah, and who possessed themselves of the city in the days of al-Ma'mun.^^*^ They refused submission to the Banu Ziyad, who were obliged to content themselves with having the Khutbah and coinage in their names. When the Da'y *Aly ibn Muhammad as-Sulayhi conquered Yaman, he maintained in favour of the Banu Ma'n the protection due to them as Arabs, and imposed upon them the payment of a fixed tribute. But his son Ahmad al-Mukarram expelled the Banu Ma'n from the city and appointed over it 117 the Banu '1-Karam, a family belonging to his tribe, that of Jusham ibn Yam, a subdivision of the Banu Hamdan. That family was the most nearly re- lated to him in the tribe. The province remained under their rule for a time, but discord arose among them and they became divided into two parties, the family of Mas'ud son of al-Karam, and the descen- dants of Zuray' son of al-^Abbas son of al-Karam. The latter after severe fighting prevailed over their opponents. Ibn Sa'id says that the member of the dynasty who first attained celebrity, was the Da'y Saba son of Abu Sii'iid son of az-Zuray'. He was the first to exercise undivided power over the State, after the disappearance of the Sulayhite supremacy, and his children inherited the throne. Saba was attacked by the son of his uncle, 'Aly son of Abu '1 Gharat son of Mas'iid son of al-Karam, lord of Za'azi*. He (Saba) wrested Aden from his ('Aly's) hands, after the infliction of much suffering and at the cost of a heavy expenditure of money on the desert Arabs. He died in a.h. 533, seven months after the capture of the city. He was succeeded by his son al-A'azz, whose place of abode was the castle of ad-Dumliiwah, the fortress, which (by reason of its great streugth) no enemy ever desires to i6o Ibn Khaldun. attack. ^^^ Bilal ibn Jarlr, a freedman of the Banu Zuray^ opposed al-A'azz at Aden and desired to transfer the authority exercised over the city by the retainers of the Prince, to Muhammad son of Saba son of Abu Su'ud son of Zuray'. Muhammad ibn Saba, in fear for his own safety, fled to Dhu Jiblah and placed himself under the protection of Mansur ibn al-Mufaddal, the Sulayhite King of the High- lands of Yaman. Al-A'azz died shortly after, and Bilal sent for Muhammad ibn Saba, who thereupon came to Aden. A deed of investure had come from Egypt in the name of al-A'azz. The name of Muhammad ibn Saba was substituted for that of his predecessor. Among the titles of honour which the charter con- ferred were those of ilie Great, the Crowned, the Mighty Da'ij, the Sivord of the Prince of the Faith- ful, all which were assumed by Muhammad. Bilal gave him his daughter in marriage and placed at his disposal the wealth he had accumulated in his treasury. After a time Bilal died leaving immense riches, which were inherited by Muhammad ibn Saba and which he devoted to great and benevolent objects. He purchased the fortress of Dhu Jiblah, the residence of the Sulayhite kings, from Mansur ibn al-Mufaddal ibn Abi '1-Barakat, as we have already mentioned, and he married Sayyidah (read Arwa) the daughter of (' Aly son of ?) 'Abd Allah the Sulayhite. Muhammad died in a.h. 548 and was succeeded by his son 'Imran son of Muhammad son of Saba. The affairs of his government were con- ducted by Yasir son of Bilal, and 'Imran died in 118 A.H. 560, leaving two infant sons, Muhammad and Abu Su'iid. Yasir confined them to the palace, and exercised supreme power over the State. He was greatly eulogized and was liberal in his rewards to the poets. Among those who came to his court and wrote in his praise, was Ibn Kalakis The Bann Mahdy, i6i the poet of Alexandria. The following line is from an ode he wrote in praise of Yasir : — Abandon thy home if thou desirest greatness — The crescent, having travelled, becomes a full moon."'- Yasir was the last sovereign of the Zuray'ite dynasty. When Shams ad-Daulah Sayf al-Islam (read Turan Shah), brother of Saladin, invaded and conquered Yaman in a.h. ^^^ (read 569) he came to Aden, .took possession of the city and laid hands upon Yasir ibn Bilill. The dynasty of the Zuray*ites came to an end, and Yaman became subject to the Ghuzz (Turks, Kurds, Circassians, etc.), and to their chiefs, of the dynasty of Ayyiib, as we will relate in their history. The city of al-Juwwah, near Aden, was founded by the Zuray'ite kings. The Ayyubite princes, when they became supreme, forsook that city and established their residence at Ta'izz in the mountains, as will hereafter be set forth."^ The History op Ten Mahdy the Kharijite and OF HIS SONS, THEIR RULE IN YaMAN, ITS RiSE AND ITS Fall. This man was a native of al-'Anbarah on the borders of the sea near Zabid. His name was *Aly ibn Mahdy, the Himyarite. His father Mahdy was noted for his virtue and piety. 'Aly was brought up in the religious opinions of his father, and he lived in retirement, devoting himself to a rehgious life. After a time he went on the pilgrimage. He met and became acquainted with certain doctors of 'Irak, and he learnt from their preachers the art of warning and exhorting the people. He returned to Yaman, where he withdrew himself from society 1 62 Ibn Khaldun. and occupied himself in preaching. He was an eloquent expounder of the Kur an, and he foretold events about to occur in his career. His predic- tions were followed by their fulfilment. The people listened to him with favour and he acquired popu- larity. From the year 561 he travelled to and fro on the pilgrimage, preaching to the people in the deserts. At the season of the Maiisim he attended it mounted on a dromedary he possessed. When the mother of Fatik gained paramount influence over the Banu Jayyash, in the days of her son Fatik son of Mansur, she became a firm believer in him, and she released him, his kindred and the families with which he was allied by marriage, from payment of the imposts on their lands. They prospered and were held in honour, they made use of riding horses, and the 119 party they formed became powerful. It became 'Aly's habit to say in the course of his sermons, that the time was near, meaning thereby the time of his manifestation, a thing that was widely spoken of throughout the country. The mother of Fatik, until she died in a.h. 545, restrained the state officials from molesting him. The people of the highlands had induced Ibn Mahdy to biud himself by oath to support them, and in 538 he came forth from (mto ?) Tihamah and reached al-Kadra ; but he was defeated and returned to the mountains, where he remained until 541. After that, the Lady the mother of Fatik restored him to his home, and she died in 545. Thereupon he departed and joined the Banu Khaulan, taking up his abode with one of their tribes known by the name of Hay wan (Hay dan ?), the owners of a fortress named ash-Sharaf. The ascent to the castle is of exceeding difficulty and extends a distance of a day's journey from the foot of the mountain, over a painfully laborious road, and through a narrow and The Barm Mahdy. 163 steep pass. 'Aly Mahcly gave these people the designation of jLnsdr, and upon his companions, who had accompanied him from Tihamah, he be- stowed the name al-Muhajirfin. He appointed a chief over the Ansdr, of the name of Saba, and another over the Muhajirun to whom he gave the title of Sheykh al-Islam, and whose name was an-Nubah. With the exception of these two men, 'Aly Mahdy allowed no one to penetrate into his presence. He now despatched depredating parties into the province of Tihamah, and his success was pro- moted by the deserted condition of the country ad- joining Zabid. He stopped the traffic on the public roads, spread ruin throughout the district, and he penetrated to the castle of ad-Dathir (read Dashir), half a stage from Zabid. He plotted the assassi- nation of the Regent Surur and succeeded in his design, as has already been related. He now began to harass the city with repeated attacks. 'Omarah says that he attacked it on seventy occasions and besieged it for a long period of time. At length the citizens besought assistance of the Sharif Ahmad ibn Hamzah, the Suleymanite Prince of Sa'dah. He gave them aid, but stipulated that they should slay their master Fatik son of Muhammad, and they accordingly killed him in the year 553. The Sharif was proclaimed sovereign, but was unable to withstand his enemies and took to flight. There- upon 'Aly Mahdy seized the city in Kajab 554, but he died three months after his conquest. He had assumed in the Khutbah the titles of the Imam, the Mahdy , Prince of the Faithful, Subjugator of infidels and of the ivicked. He followed the doctrines of the Kharijites, denying the authority 120 both of 'Aly and of 'Othman, and treated sin as infidelity. He established rules and laws for his sect, which it would be tedious to describe. He M 2 164 IbJi Khaldun. punisliecl tlie use of wine with death. According to 'Omarah, the penalty of death was likewise in- flicted npon any Muslim, of whatever sect, who opposed him, and the wives and children of the condemned were reduced to slavery. His people believed him to be under Divine protection. Their property was in his hands. He supplied their wants and they possessed nothing, neither money, nor horses, nor weapons. He slew any one of his followers who fled from the field of battle. The fornicator, the drinker of wine, the listener to songs, were put to death, and death also was the punishment of any person who absented . himself from the Friday prayer's, or from the sermon he delivered on Mondays and Thursdays. In matters of Jurisprudence he was a Hanafite. 'Aly ibn Mahdy was succeeded by his son 'Abd an-Naby. The latter's brother 'Abd Allah rebelled against him and obtained possession of Zabld, where the Khutbah, in which he received the title of Imam, was recited in his name. But 'Abd an-Naby succeeded after a time in overcoming him. He ex- pelled him from the city, and made himself master of the whole of Yaman. There were at that time twenty-five separate governments in the country, all of which be conquered. Aden alone remained un- conquered, and 'Abd an-Naby subjected it solely to the payment of tribute. When Shams ad-Daulah Turan Shah ibn Ayyub, brother of Saladin, invaded the country in a.h. 566 (read 569) and overthrew the government of Yaman, he seized 'Abd an-Naby, extorted from him such information as he required, and took from him a great amount of riches. He carried him to Aden, wliich he captured. Then he went to Zabid and made it the seat of government. Conceiving ere long an unfavourable opinion of its salubrity, he made a journey to the mountains, accompanied by Geography of Yaiiian. 165 his physicians, for the purpose of selecting a si)ot with a healthy atmosphere and wholesome water, ill which to establish his place of residence. Their choice fell upon the site of Ta'izz, Avhere Turan Shah founded the city, which became the seat of govern- ment to himself, to his descendants (read to his successors of the Ayyubite family), and to their freedmen, the Banu Rasul (who followed the Ayyub- ites), as we will relate in their history. With the fall of the Banu Mahdy, Arab sovereignty came to an end in Yaman, and supremo rule was thenceforth held by the Grhuzz and by their freedmen. The Provinces and Cities of Yaman. \Ye will now proceed to give a brief historical sketch of the capitals and cities of Yaman, one by one, as supplied by Ibn Sa'ld. Yaman forms part of the Arabian Peninsula and comprises seven royal seats of government. It is divided into two parts. Tihamah and al-Jibal (the highlands). Tihamah consists of two kingdoms, that of Zabid and that of Aden. The name Tiha- mah denotes the low country of Yaman adjoining the sea-coast and extending from as-Sirrayn on the borders of Hijaz, to the extremity of the province of Aden, round by the Indian Ocean. Ibn Sa'Id states that the Arabian Peninsula is situated in the First Climate and that it is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, by the Sea of Suez on the west, and by the Persian Sea on the east. Yaman belonged in ancient days to the Tababi'ah (the Tubbas). It is a more productive country than the Hijaz. Most of its inhabitants are descendants of Kahian, but it contains also people of the tribe of 1 66 Ib7i Khaldun. *Anz son of Wail.^^'' It is ruled at the present day by the Banu Rasul, clients of the Banu Ayyub, and their capital is Ta'izz, which succeeded al-Jawwah, where the Rasulites at first took up their abode. The Imam of the Zaydites resides at Sa'dah in Yaman. 4 ZabId (named after its capital) is one of the king- doms of Yaman. On its north is Hijaz, on the south the Indian Ocean, and on the west the Sea of Suez. The city was founded by Muhammad ibn Ziyad in the days of al-Ma'mun, a.h. 204. It is enclosed in walls, and a stream of running water penetrates into the city, introduced by its kings. Close to it are low-lying grounds planted with palm trees, a spot resorted to during the dry season.* Zabid is now part of the kingdom of the Banu Rasul. It was formerly the seat of government of the Banu Ziyad and of their freedmen, and it was conquered by the Banu Sulayhi, whose history has been re- lated. 'Aththak, Halt and ash-Shaejah are provinces of Zabid, in its northern part, and are known as the dominions of Ibn Tarf . They extend over a dis- tance of seven days' journey by two days*, from ash-Sharjah to Haly. From the latter to Mecca is eight days' journey. 'Aththaris the seat of govern- 122 ment, and it is situated on the borders of the sea. Suleyman ibn Tarf held the place against Abu '1- Jaysh ibn Ziyad, and his revenues amounted to 500,000 dinars. After a time he submitted to Abu '1 Jaysh, introduced his name in the Khutbah and paid him tribute. At a later period, the kingdom passed into the hands of the Suleymanites, descendants of Hasan, and Amirs of Mecca, on their being expelled from that city by the Hashimites.f Ghahb (read * See Ibn Batutah, vol. ii. p. 167-8. t Touchinjf this statement and others by Ibn Klialdun to the same efl'ect, see Note 130. Geography of Yauian. 167 Glianim) ibn Yaliya belonged to that family, and he paid tribute to the Prince of Zabid. It was from him that Muflih the freedman of Fatik sought assist- ance against Surur. Ghanim was succeeded by 'Isa the son of Hamzah, who was one of the sons of Ghanim. When the Ghuzz conquered Yaman, Yahya the brother of 'Isa was taken prisoner and carried to 'Irak. . 'Isa contrived to obtain his brother's release, and Yahya returned to Yaman, where he slew his brother and became ruler of the principality. Al-Mahjam is one of the provinces of Zabid, at a distance of three days' journey from that city. The Arabs who inhabit it belong to the tribes of Hakam and Ja'far (read Ju'fi ?), twQ sub-divisions of the tribe of Sa'd al-'Ashirah. Ginger is exported from that province. As-SiKRAYN is the furthermost place of the Tiha- mah of Yamau. It is on the borders of the sea, unwalled, and its houses are built of reeds. It was conquered about a.h. 650 by Rajih son of Katadah, Sultan of Mecca, and he possessed a castle at half a day's journey 'from the town. Az-Zaba'ib is one of the proviuces north of Zabid. It belonged to Ibn Tarf . He was supported in that district by twenty thousand Abyssinians. When the Da'y as-Sulayhi arose, he attacked Ibn Tarf at az-Zara'ib, with about three thousand men, put him to flight and killed all the Abyssinians that were with him. Ibn Sa'Id says, speaking of the provinces of Zabid and of those that border on the middle road between the sea and the mountains, that az-Zara'ib stands on the Zabid road, north of that city, and that the road is the great highway to Mecca. 'Omarah says that it is the royal highway, that it is distant a day's journey, or less, from the sea and at the same distance from the mountains, and that the 1 68 Ibii KJialdun. two roads, the middle one and that running along the sea-shore, join and diverge at as-Sirrayn. 123 Aden is one of the kingdoms of Yaman, south of Zabld. The city is the seat of government, and it is situated on the shores of the Indian Ocean. It has been a place of trade since the days of the Tubbas. It is thirteen degrees distant from the equator. Its soil produces neither crops nor trees, and the food of its inhabitants consists of fish. It is the port of embarkation for India from Yaman. It was at first ruled by the descendants of Ma'n son of Zaidah, who resisted the authority of the Banu Ziyad, but paid them tribute. When the Sulayhites became supreme over the country, the Da'y 'Aly confirmed the Banu Ma'n in their government. But his son Ahmad al-Mukarram afterwards ejected them, and appointed over the country the Banu al- Karam, of the sub-tribe of Jusham son of Yam, his kinsmen, and like himself, descendants of Hamdan. The Banu Zuray', a family of the Banu Karam, be- . came possessed of exclusive power, and they inherited the office of Da'y held by the Sulayhites, as well as their sovereignty, all which has already been related. 'Aly ibn Mahdy was not able to subdue the Zuray'ites, and he was obliged to content himself with the tribute they paid him, until they were con- quered by Shams ad-Daulah Turan Shah son of Ayyub, as hereinbefore mentioned. Aden-Abyan is a well-built city in the neighbour- hood of ash-Shihr.* Az-Za'azi' stands in the valleys of Aden, and belonged to the Banu Mas'ud ibn al-Karam, the rivals of the Banu Zuray'. Al-Jawwah was built by the Zuray'ite kings in the neighbourhood of Aden. The Ayyubites made it their place of residence, but afterwards they re- moved to Ta'izz. * SecONote 11. Geography of Valium. 169 Thi] Castle of Dhu Jiblah is one of the fortresses of the Mikhlaf of Ja'far. lb was built, by 'Abd Allah the Sulayhite, brother of the Da'y ('Aly), in A.H. 458, 'Aly's son al-Mukarram removed thither from the castle of San'a togetlier with his wife Sayyidah daughter of Ahmad, who gained absolute control over her husband. It was she who com- pleted the castle to its full height, in the year 480. Al-Mukarram, before his death, had committed supreme authority, that of King and of Da'y, to Saba son of Ahmad son of al-Muzaffar the Sulayh- ite, who occupied the castle of Ashyah. Sayyidah relied for support upon the chief of the Banu Janb, a people who, in pre-Islamitic days, were of small repute, but who gained a conspicuous position in the province of Ja'far. After a time Ibn Najib ad- 124 Daulah came from Egypt as Da'y. He abode in the city of Janad and obtained support from the tribe of Hamdan. Sayyidah fought against him, aided by the Banu Janb and Khaulan, until he em- barked at sea and was drowned. After the death of her husband al-Mukarram, her affairs were directed by al-Mufaddal ibn Abi '1-Barakat, who established his influence over her. At-Ta'kar, in Mikhlaf Ja'far, belonged to the Banu Sulayhi and subsequently to Sayyidah. Al- Mufaddal ibn Abi '1-Barakat having asked for it, she delivered the place to him and he dwelt therein, until he went forth and besieged the Banu Najah at Zabid. His absence prolonged itself, and certain fakihs (Jurists) revolted at Ta'kar, killed al-Mufad- dal's deputy and proclaimed Ibrahim ibn Zaydan, one of their number, who was uncle of 'Omarah the poet. They asked assistance of the Banu Khaulan, and al-Mufaddal thereupon returned and besieged them, as we hfive already related. The Fortress of Khudad (Khadid) belonged to 'Abd Allah ibn Ya'la the Sulayhite, and is situated I70 Ibn K /laid art. in tlie Mikhlilf (province) of Ja'far. Al-Mufaddal had introduced into the fortresses of the province, a large number of Khaulanites belonging to the tribes of Bahr, Munabbih, Rizah (Razih?) and Sha'b (Sha'b-Hay). AVhen al-Mufaddal died, the Khaulanites seized the fortress of Ta'kar, but Dhu Jiblab continued in the possession of Mansiir son of al-Mufaddal, under the guardianship of Sayyidah, as already related. Muslim ibn az-Zarr the Khau- lanite suddenly arose and captured the fortress of Khudad from 'Abd Allah ibn Ya'la the Sulayhite. 'Abd Allah fled to the fortress of Masdud and Sayyi- dah appointed Muslim ibn az-Zarr successor to al- Mufaddal. She acted with scrupulous good faith towards him and towards his two brothers (read sons) 'Imran and Suleyman. He died and his son Suleyman succeeded him in the joint possession, along with Sayyidah, of the fortress of Khudad, replacing his brother (read his father) Muslim. She married him to the daughter of the Ka'id Fath, governor on her behalf of the fortress of Ta'kar, of which Suleyman contrived by treachery to dis- possess him. The Khaulanites extended their hands (oppressively) over the people, and Sayyidah sought assistance against the two brothers from the Banu Janb. 'Imran and Suleyman were the Queen's ad- visers, and it was they who by her orders expelled the Da'y JSTajib ad-Daulah from the city of janad and from Yapian. The Fortress of Masdijd is one of the (great) fortresses of the province of Ja'far, which are five 125 {sic) m number, namely, Dhu Jiblah, at-Ta'kar and Khudad. When the Banu Khaulan wrested Khudad irom the hands of 'Abd Allah ibn Ya'la the Sulayh- ite, he took refuge, as we have mentioned, in the fortress of Masdud. The Khaulanites took it from him likewise, but they were dispossessed by Zaka- rlya ibn Shakir the Bahrite. Geography of Ya?nan. 171 The Banu Kurandi, descendants of Hirayar, were Kings in Yaman before the days of the Sulayhites, and were dispossessed by the latter. They owned the province of Ja'far and its fortresses, the province of Ma'afir, that of Janad, of Had,* and the fortress of Samadan. The fortress of Masdiid was afterwards held by Mansiir son of al-Mufaddal son of Abu 'l-Barakat, who sold it to the Banu Zuray', as already men- tioned. San'a was the capital of the dynasty of the Tubbas before the days of Islam, and was the first city built in Yaman. It is said to have been built by 'Ad, and it was called Uwal (or Uwwal), signifyhig primacy, in the dialect of the country. ^^^ Kasr Ghumdan, in its neighbourhood, was one of the seven temples. It was built by ad-Dahhak and dedicated to Zuhrah.f It was an object of pil- grimage, and was destroyed by '0th man (the third Khalifah). San'a is the most celebrated city of Yaman. It possesses, it is said, a temperate climate. At the commencement of the fourth cen- tury, it was subject to the Banu Ya'fur, a family dating from the days (descendants ?) of the Tubbas, but they resided at Kahlan, and San'a did not acquire celebrity as a royal seat (at that period), until it became the residence of the Banu Sulayhi. It was conquered by the Zaydites and then by the Suley- manites, after it had been held by the Sulayhites. The Castle of Kahlan is one of the dependencies of San'a, and it belonged to the Banu Ya'fur, a family (descendants ?) of the Tubbas. J It was built near * The name Ha4 ^&. is not in the printed edition. It looks, I think, like a copyist's error for ^^-a*. t Commonly regarded as the Arabian Venus. J Dr. Glaser marks upon his map a place KohUm, about ten miles N,E. of Hajjah, a position which does not correspond with that mentioned in our text. But Ibn Klialdun's statements must not unfrequently be received with caution. See Note 8, footnote. 172 Ibn KJialdiin, SaiiTi by IbraliTm (son of Muhamnicad son of Ya'fur), who possessed Sa'dah, San'a, Najran and other places in the highlands of Yaman. The Banu 'r- Rassy, the Zaydite Imams, made war upon the Banu Ya'fur and conquered Sa'dah and Najran. The Banu Ya'fur had recourse, for protection against their enemies, to the walls of the castle of Kahlan. Al- Bayhaki says that the castle was strengthened by As'ad ibn Ya'fur and that he fought against the Banu 'r-Eassy and against the Banu Ziyad in the days of Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak. The Fortress of as-Samadan is also a dependency of kSan'a. It contained the treasury of the Banu '1-Kurandi the Himyarites, until the fortress was taken by 'Aly as-Sulayhi. Al-Mukarram restored 12(3 to them some of their fortresses, which they held until they were deprived of power by 'Aly ibn Mahdy. They possessed the province of Ja'far, in which the city of Dhu Jiblah and the fortress of at- Ta'kar are situated. The Mikhlaf Ja'far consists of the provinces of Janad and of Ma'afir. The seat of government of the Banu Kurandi was Samadan, a fortress stronger than Dumluwah. The Castle of Minhab is one of the castles depen- dent upon San'a, situated in the highlands. It was taken by the Banu Zuray' and was appropriated by a member of that family, al-Mufaddal, son of 'Aly son of Rudi son of the Da'y Muhammad son of Saba son of Zuray'. The author of the Kharidah ^^^ gives him the title of Sultan. He further mentions that al-Mufaddal was owner of the castle of Minhab and that he was alive in the year 586. After his death the castle passed into the possession of his brother al-A'azz ibn 'Aly. JNIouNT AL-MuDHAYKHiRAH is near San'a. The province of Ja'far was founded by Ja'far, freedman of Ibn Ziyad Sultan of Yaman, and was named after him. Geography of J ^ainan. 173 *Aden-La'au is close to al-Muclhajkliirali.* It is the place in which the ShI'ah doctrines were first openly preached in Yanian. The Da'y Muhammad (read 'Aly) ibn al-Fadl was a native of 'Aden-Lii'ah, and it was to that place that Abu 'Abd Allah ash- Shiya'i, the Ismailite missionary to North Africa, came. It was there also that 'Aly son of Muham- mad the Sulayhite studied in the days of his youth. 'Aden-La'ah was the chief centre for the propaga- tion of the Ismailite doctrines in Yaman. Muham- mad ('Aly) ibn al-Fadl was the Da'y in the days of Abu '1-Jaysh ibn Ziyad and of As'ad ibn Ya'fur. Bayhan is mentioned by 'Omarah among other districts in the mountains, f It was possessed by Nashwan ibn Sa'Td the Kahtanite (and Himyarite). Ta'izz is one of the greatest of the mountain for- tresses that overlook Tihamah. It has always been one of the royal strongholds. It is now the seat of the Rasulite dynasty, and it is regarded as one of the chief cities of their kingdom. Among other Yamanite kings by whom it was inhabited, was Mansur son of al-Mufaddal son of Abu'l-Barakat, of the family of the Sulayhites (read the Himyarite). His father was (became) possessed of Ashyah and made himself master of the fortresses owned by the Banu Abi '1-Barakat and by the Banu '1-Muzaffar. His son IVIansui- inherited them, but sold them one ]^27 after the other to the Da'y the son of al-Muzaffar and to the Zuray'ite Da'y (read, sold them to the Da'y Muhammad ibn Saba the Zuray'ite), until none remained to him but Ta'izz, of which he was deprived by Ibn Mahcly. The Fortress of Ashyah is one of the greatest of the mountain strongholds, and it contained the treasures of the Banu Muzaffar. It was owned by the Da'y al-Mansur Abu Himyar Saba son of Ahmad son of al-Muzaft'ar the Sulayhite, to whom it was * See :N'otes 10 and 11. t See Note 9. 1 74 Ibn Khaldun. bequeathed by the son of his paternal uncle al- Mukarrara, Lord of Dhu Jiblah. (The Egyptian Khalifah) al-Mustansir appelated him supreme Da'y, and he died in a.h. 486 (read 492). His son 'Aly gained possession of the royal fortress of Ashyah. Al-Mufaddal was unable to prevail against him, but eventually contrived an artifice whereby he brought about his rival's death by poison, and the fortresses of the Banu Muzaffar passed into the possession of the family of Abu 'l-Barakat. Al-Mufaddal died and was succeeded by his son Mansur. The latter after a time disdained the kingdom bequeathed to him by his father and sold all its fortresses. He parted with Dhu Jiblah to the Zuray'ite Da'y, Prince of Aden, for one hundred thousand dinars. He sold also the fortress of Sabir, after having sworn the oath of divorce that he would not do so. His wife was consequently divorced from him and was taken in marriage by the Zuray'ite. Mansur enjoyed a long life. He succeeded to the throne at the age of twenty and reigned for eighty (thirty ?) years.* The fortress of Ta'izz was taken from him by 'Aly ibn Mahdy. Sa'dah is a kingdom adjoining that of San'a and situated on the east thereof. It contains three seats of government, Sa'dah, Jabal Kutabahf and the fortress of Thula, besides other strongholds. The entire country is known as that of the Banu 'r- Rassy, whose history we have already related {injra, p. 184). The Fortress oe Thola is the place that first witnessed the rise of al-Muti, who restored to the Banu 'r-Rassy the Zaydite Imamate, of which they had been deprived by the Banu Suleyman.| The adherents of the Rassites withdrew to Jabal Kuta- bah, and in the year 645 they swore allegiance to * See Note 99. t See below. + See Note 130. Geography of Yam an. 175 Ahmad al-Muti. He was a Jurist and a pious man. Nur ad-Dln ('Omar) ibn RasCd besieged him in. the fortress for a year. He collected troops for the purpose of (renewing ?) the siege, but he died in 28 A.H. 648 (read 647). His son al-Muzaffar ( YCisuf ) became absorbed in the siege of ad-Dumluwah, whilst al-Muti acquired great power and became possessed of the fortresses of Yaman. He marched upon Sa'dah and the Suleymanites, whose Imam, as has been related in the history of the Banu Rassy,* was Ahmad al-Mutawakkil, swore allecriance to him. KuTAr.AH is a lofty mountain on the east of Sa'dah, upon which stands a castle and villages."^ The Banu '1-Hadi made it their place of refuge when the Suleymanites took Sa'dah from them, and there happened that which we have related. Haraz and Masar. Haraz is part of the country of the tribe of Hamdan, and it is also the name of one of their sub-tribes, to which as-Sulayhi belonged ,^^^ whilst the fortress of Masar, in the dis- trict of Haraz, is the place where he first manifested himself. Al-Bayhaki says (of the Banu Hamdan) that their country is in the eastern (read western) portion of the highlands of Yaman. f They became dispersed after the appearance of Islam, and there are now no wandering communities of the Banu Hamdan elsewhere but in Yaman. They are the greatest tribe of Yaman. It was with their sup- port that al-Muti rose to eminence. They became masters of several fortresses in the highlands, where they possess the districts of the Banu Bakil and Banu Hashid, the two sons of Jusham, son of Habwan (read Khaywan) son of Nauf son of Ham- dan. Ibn Hazm % says that the- sub-tribes of Ham- dan branch forth from Bakil and Hashid. End of * Infra, p. 189. f See Note 23. { Ibn Hazm the genealogist died in a.h. 456. 176 Ibn Khaldun. the quotation (from al-Bayliaki). To the tribe of Hamdan belonged the family of Zuray', who exer- cised sovereignty and held the office of Da'y at Aden and at al-Jnwwah. The Banu Yam, tlie tribe of tlie Rulayhites, are one of the subdivi- sions of tlie Banu Hamdan. The Banu Hamdan are Shi'ahs. At the present time they carry heresy in their country to an extreme, and most of them are Zaydites. The Country op (the Banu) Khaulan, according to al-Bayhaki, is situated in the east of the high- lands of Yaman, adjoining the country of the Banu Hamdan. The Khaulanites possess the strongest fortresses of the hioflilands and of Mikhlaf Ja'far. They invaded the province of »la'far in the days of the Sulayhite dynasty, and the Banu 'z-Zarr, who were members of the tribe, possessed themselves of the fortresses of Khudad, of Ta'kar and of others. The Banu Khaulan and the Banu Hamdan are the greatest tribes in Yaman. The Khaulanites have many sub-tribes, and they dispersed themselves throughout the countries of Islam, but at the pre- sent time not a tent of the tribe is to be found else- where but in Yaman. 129 The district op the Banu Asbah is situated in Wadi (valley of the) Sahiil. Dhn Asbah, from whom they claim descent, has been mentioned in tracing the genealogy of the Tubbas and Akyal (kings, descendants of Himyar). The DisTitLCT op Yahsub borders upon that of the Banu Asbah. Yahsub and Asbah were brothers. The District op the Banu Wa'jl. The chief city of this province is Shahit. Its ruler was As'ad ibn Wa il and the Banu Wa il are a tribe of Dhu '1-Kala'. The latter are descended from (Himyar and) Saba. They conquered the country upon the death of al-hasan (Husayn) ibn Salamah, governor of the highlands on behalf of the Banu Naiah (read Ziyad). Geography of Ya7nan. 177 The District of Yarbu' is in the highlands. It was conquered bj the Banu 'Abd al- Wahid after the death of Hasan (Husajn) ibn Sahlmah. The in- habitants of the country had seized the frontier places. They were attacked by Hasan (Husayn) ibn Salamah, who made war upon them until they submitted. He built the city of al-Kadra on the Mikhlaf (read river) Saham and that of al-Ma'kir on the river Dhu'al. He died in a.h. 402. The Country op the Banu Kindah is in the por- tion of the highlands of Yaman that borders upon Hadraraaut and upon Abjar and ar-Raral. The Banu Kindah were ruled by a dynasty of kings, and their capital was Dammim, which is mentioned by Imru '1-Kays in his poems.* The Country of Madhhij adjoins the mountain- ous district of al-Janad, and it is inhabited by the Banu 'Ans, Zubayd and Murad, sub-tribes of the Banu Madhhij. A portion of the Banu 'Ans are in North Africa, allied with the native wanderino- tribes. The Banu Hurab, a subdivision (read kins- men) of the Banu Zubayd, inhabit the country between Mecca and Medmah in Hijaz. The Banu Zubayd of Syria and Mesopotamia are a subdivision of the tribe of TVy, and do not belong to the tribe here in question. The Country of the Banu Nahd lies in the hol- lows of the Sarawat and so also Tabalah. The Sara- wat (plural of Sarat) are (the chain of mountains) between Tihamah on the one side, and the highlands 30 of Yaman and of Hijaz on the other. They bear a resemblance to the back (sarat) of a horse. The Banu Nahd are derived from Kuda'ah, and they settled in Yaman in the neighbourhood of the Banu Khath'am. The Banu Nahd are like wild beasts, and the vulgar call them as-8arwa. Most of them * See Hamdani's Geograpliy, p. 85. N 1 78 Ibn Khaldun. are a mixed race, partly descended from tlie Banu Khath'am and Bajilah. Tabalah is in the country of the Banu NaM, and it is inhabited by a people possessed of considerable power, who belong to the tribe of 'Anz ibn Wa'il. This is the place of which al-Hajjaj was appointed ruler, and which he disdained and relinquished. The Counteies adjoining Yaman. Al-Yamamah is the first. Al-Bayhaki says that it is a separate country with its own rulers, but the actual fact is that it is part of Hijaz, precisely as Najran is part of Yaman. Such is also the opinion of Ibn Haukal. Yamamah, as a kingdom, is inferior to Hijaz.* Its territory is called al-'Arucl, on account of its interposing between Hijaz and Bah- rayn. On the east it is bounded by Bahrayn ; on the west by the outlying extremities of Yaman and Hijaz ; on the south by Najran, and on the north by the Najd (highlands) of Hijaz. It is twenty days' journey in length, and it is four days distant from Mecca. Its capital is Hajr, written with fath. The city of Yamamah was the seat of kings before the days of the Banu Hanifah. The latter afterwards adopted Hajr as their place of residence. Between the two cities is a distance of a day and a night's journey. The high-lying por- tions of the country are inhabited by sections of the tribesmen of Yarbu', derived from the Banu Tamlm, and of Banu 'Ijl. Al-Bakri says its name was Ja.ww, and that it was named after Zarka '1-Yamamah, by the last Tubba' (read by Hassan ibn Tubba'). It is situated, as well as Mecca, in the Second Climate, * de Goeje's ed. p. 18, There seems reason to suspect an error here, perhaps committed by Ibn Khaldun himself. Ibn Haukal writes, speaking of the chief city of Yamamah Ijja* ^^}i .^ aIJI Jj^j (p. 2G). See also the corresponding passages in Istakhri, pp. 14 and 18. Geog7'aphy of YiDJian. 179 and the two cities are equally distant from the equator. Among the inhabited places of Yamamah are Tudih and Karkara.* According to at-Tabari, Rami 'Alij is between Yamamah and ash-Shihr. It is a country of nomads. Yamamah and Ta'if be- longed formerly to the Banu Hizzan son of Ya'fur son of Saksak. The tribes of Tasm and Jadis con- quered the country, but were eventually overcome by the Banu Hizzan, who thenceforward ruled over Yamamah, with the Banu Tasm and Jadis, as their dependants. The last king of the Banu Hizzan was Kurt son of Ja'far. Upon his death, the Tasm- ites possessed themselves of supreme power. *Amlik, whose history is well known, was one of the tribe. The supremacy of the Tasmites Avas followed by that of the Banu Jadis, Al- Yamamah, 31 after whom the city of Jaww was named, belonged to that tribe. Her history is well known. Yama- mah was next conquered by the Banu Hanifah. Of them was Haudhah son of 'Aly, King of Yama- mah. He wore a crown, or according to other accounts, jewels strung together, none of the de- scendants of Ma'add having ever made useof acrown. After Haudhah, Thumamah ibn Uthal reigned over Yamamah in the days of the Prophet. He was taken prisoner, adopted Islam, and continued stead- fast in the faith throughout the days of apostacy. Musaylimah (the false prophet), whose history is well known, likewise belonged to the tribe of Hani- fah. Ibn Sa'id reports having asked the Arabs of Bahrayn and certain members of the tribe of Madh- hij, to what people Yamamah belonged in his day. He was told in reply, that it was in the possession of Arab tribes descended from Kays 'Ay Ian, and that the fame of the Banu Hanifah had perished throughout the country. ^^^ The Provinces of Hadramaut. They are situ- * See Hamdrlni, p, 16-4. N 2 i8o Ibn Khaldiin. ated, says Ibn Haiikal, eastward of Aden on tlie borders of the sea.* The chief city of Hadramautis small, but its provinces are of wide extent. It is separated from Aden on the one side, and from 'Oman on the other, by sandy wastes known by the name of the Ahkaf (sand heaps). It was the dwelling-place of 'Ad, and it contains the tomb of Hiid, upon whom be peace. In its midst is the mountain of Slrdbam (Shibam). Hadramaut is situated in the First Climate and twelve degrees distant from the equator. It is reckoned as part of Yaman. It is a cultivated country and is planted with palms and other trees. Most of its inhabitants uphold the supremacy of the descendants of 'Aly and Fatimah, but they abhor 'Aly for having con- sented to submit his rights to human judgment. The largest city of Hadramaut in the present day is the fortress of Shibam, in which the horses of the king are kept. Along with ash-Shihr and 'Oman, it originally belonged to 'Ad, from whose people it was conquered by the Banu Ya'rub son of Kahtan. It is said that (the Banu) 'Ad were led to the Arabian Peninsula (to Hadramaut ?) by Rukaym son of Aram (Rukaym son of 'Abir son of 'Ad ?), who had formerly visited the country in company with the Prophet Hud. He returned to the people of 'Ad and led them in ships to the country and to its invasion. They wrested it from the hands of its inhabitants, but they were themselves subsequently conquered by the Banu Ya'rub son of Kahtan. ^^"^ Kahtan ruled over the country, and it was governed by his son Hadramaut, after whom it was named. 132 Ash-Shihr is, like Hijazand Yaman, one of the kingdoms of the Arabian Peninsula. It is separate from Hadramaut and 'Oman. Ash-Shihr is so named after its capital. There is no cultivation, neither are there palm trees in the country. The * de Goeje's ed. p. 32. See also Tsatkhri, p. 25. Geography of Va?nan. i8i wealth of the inhabitants consists in camels and goats. Their food is flesh, preparations of milk and small fish, with which they also feed their beasts. The country is also known as that of Mahrah, and the camels called Mahriijah camels are reared in it.* Ash-Shihr is sometimes conjoined with 'Oman, but it is contiguous to Hadramaut and it has been de- scribed as constituting the shores of that country. It produces frankincense (lubau, olibanum), and on the sea-shore the Shihrite ambergris is found. It is bounded on the east and on the west (south ?) by the shores of the Indian Ocean, on which Aden is situated, on the east (also ?) by 'Oman. The Indian Ocean extends along the south and on the north Hadramaut, as if Shihr were the sea-shore of the latter. Both belong to one king. Shihr is situated in the First Climate and it is hotter than Hadramaut. It belonged in ancient times to the people of 'Ad, who were succeeded by the tribe of Mahrah, descended from Hadramaut, or according to other accounts, from Kuda'ah. The people who inhabit these sandy deserts are like wild beasts, and their religion is that of the Kharijites, according to the tenets of its branch sect, the Ibadites.f The first of the Kahtanites who settled in Shihr was Malik son of Himyar. He revolted against his brother Wa'il (or Wathil), who was king at Kasr Ghumdan. A lengthened war endured between them, and Malik died. He was succeeded by his son Kuda'ah. Saksak son of Wa'il continued the war, until he subdued his enemy, and Kuda'ah was restricted to the possession of the country of Mah- rah. He was succeeded by his son al-Haf, who was followed by Malik son of al-Haf. The latter re- moved to 'Oman, where he thenceforward reigned. * See Mas'udi (Barbier de Meynard), vol. i. p. 333-41, as also Istakhri and Ibn Haixkal. t iSee Mas'udi, vol. vi. p. 67. 1 82 Ibn KJialdun. Al-BajLaki says that Mahrali son of Haydan son of ('Amru son of) al-Haf reigned over tlie countries of Kuda'ali, and made war upon his paternal uncle ]\lalik son of al-Haf, Prince of 'Oman, and conquered that province. These people are now no longer borne in remembrance beyond the limits of their own country. MiEBAT and Zafar, of the same measure as the word nazal, are two cities of Shihr.* Zafar was the seat of empire of the Tubbas, and Mirbat was situ- ated on the sea-shore. Both cities are now in ruins. Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud al- 133 Himyari, who bore the surname al-Bakhudah (al- Hamiidi ?), was a wealthy merchant. He obtained access to the prince of Mirbat with his merchandise, and gained his confidence. After a time the prince appointed him to the office of wazlr, and upon his death Ahmad al-Bakhiidah (al-Harafidi) obtained possession of the throne. In the year 619 he de- stroyed the cities of Mirbat and Zafar, and he built on the sea-coast the city of Zufar, written with the letter z moved by damm, which he surnamed al- Ahmadiyyah after himself. He destroyed the old city because it possessed no anchorage. ^^^ Najran. The author of al-Kamaim (?) says that it is a distinct district and separate from Yaman, others say it is a province thereof. Al- Bayhaki describes it as extending over a space of twenty days' journey. It lies to the north-east of San'a, bordering upon Hijaz. It contains two cities, Najran and Jurash, of nearly equal impor- tance.! The greater part of the country consists of desert, and its inhabitants resemble the wander- ing Arabs in their mode of life. It contained the Ka'bah of Najran, which was built on the model of Ghumdan, the Ka'bah of * See Note 7. i Cf Istakhri (de Goeje's ed.), p. 24, and Ibn Haukal, p* 31. Geography of Ycwian. 183 Yaman. Some of the Arab people made it an object of pilgrimage and a place for sacrifices. It was known by the name of ad-Dayr (the Convent). Kuss ibn Sa'idah was in the habit of worshipping at the place.^^^ The Kahtanites who settled in the country were a section of the Banu Jurhum, but it was aftewards conquered by the Banu Himyar. They governed the country under the authority of the Tubbas. The rulers bore successively the title of al-Af'a (the Viper). One of the Af'a of Najran bore the name of al-Falammas (Kalammas ?) son of *Amru son of Hamdan son of Malik son of Muntab son of Zayd son of Wa'il son of Himyar. He was a diviner, and it was to him that the sons of Nizar re- sorted and referred their dispute, as is mentioned in this work. Al-Falammas was governor of JNTajran on behalf of Bilkis. She sent him to Suley- man, upon whom be peace. He became a believer and spread the Jewish faith among his people. He lived to a great age. It is said that both Bahrayn and al-Mushallal belonged to him.^^^ Al-Bayhaki says that the Banu Madhhij next invaded Najran and conquered it. Of them were the Banu '1-Harith son of Ka'b. Another authority relates that when the Yamanites went forth on the occasion of the floods of al-'Arim, they passed through Najran. They were attacked by the Banu Madhhij, and it was there that they became dis- persed. Ibn Hazi;n says that the tribe of al- Harith ibn Ka'b ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Malik ibn Nasr ibn al-Azd settled, under a peaceful agreement, in the neighbourhood of the Banu Madhhij. After- 134 wards they wrested the country from the Banu Madhhij and held sway over it. Christianity was introduced into Najran through the means of Fay- miin (Faymiyyun), whose history is commonly found in biographical works. ^^* The rulership over Najran by the Banu 'l-Hiirith the Madhhijites descended to t84 J^bn Khaldun. tlie Banu 'd-Dayyan (Rayyan?) and to the posterity of 'Abd al-Madan (son of Dayyan). Yazici (son of *Abd al-Madan), who lived in the days of the Prophet (whom God bless and hail with salutations of peace), made the profession of Islam to Khalid ibn al-Walld. He came as envoy to the Prophet with others of his people, but is not mentioned by Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, and this is an amendment of that writer's omission. ^^^ Yazid's nephew Ziyad, the son of his brother 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Madan,* was maternal uncle of (the Khalifah Abu '1-' Abbas) as-Saffali, who appointed him governor of Najran and Yamamah. He left two sons, Muhammad and Yahya. The fourth century commenced with supreme authority exercised by the family of Abu '1-Jud ibn 'Abd al-Madan and rulership con- tinued in their hands. War repeatedly arose be- tween them and the Fatimites of Egypt, who at times dispossessed them of Najran. The last of the dynasty was 'Abd al-Kays, who was deposed by 'Aly ibn Mahdy. He is mentioned and eulogized by 'Omarah.^2^ And unto God, be He extolled and magnified, be- longeth perfect knowledge of the truth. 135 History or the Dynasty of the Banu 'e-Rassy, THE Zaydite Imams at Sa'dah, the Rise of THEIR Dynasty and its Vicissitudes. "We have herein before given an account of Muham- mad ibn Ibrahim, he whose father bore the sur- name of Tabataba, the son of Isma'il son of Ibrahim * Ecad Zi^-ad, descendant of Yazid's brother, was, etc. The Bamt 'r Rassy. 185 son of Hasan the second, (son of Hasan son of 'Aly), of his revolt in the days of al-Ma'mun, of his recognition by Abu Saraya and of all that relates to him. Upon his death and upon the death of Abu Saraya, and upon the failure of their enterprise, al- Ma'mun issued an order for the arrest of Muham- mad's brother al-Kasim ar-Rassy, son of Ibrahim Tabataba. He fled to Sind, where he remained until his death in a.h. 245. His son al-Hasan (read Husayn) returned to Yaman, and of his posterity were the Imams of Sa'dah in Yaman, where tbey founded a Zaydite dynasty, which has endured to the present day.^^^ Sa'dah is a mountain east {pic) of San'a, on which are many fortresses, the most celebrated of which are Sa'dah, the fortress of Tula (Thula), and the mountain of Kutabah. The whole of that country is named after the Banu Rassy. Yahya son of al-Husayn son of al-Kasim ar-Rassy was the member of the family who first rose to eminence. He proclaimed himself at Sa'dah, adopted the sur- name of al-Hady, and received oaths of allegiance in A.H. 288, during the lifetime of his father al-Husayn. He collected a force consistinsr of his sectaries and other persons, and attacked Ibrahim ibn Ya'fur, or according to other authorities As'ad ibn Ya'fur, who had arisen at San'a and at Kahlan (?), and who was a descendant of the Tubbas. Al-Hady seized upon San'a and JS^ajran, ruled over them and struck coin- age in his own name. But the Banu Ya'fur soon again wrested these places from him, whereupon he 136 returned to Sa'dah, and died in a.h. 298, after a reign of ten years. Such are the particulars given by Ibn al-Mujab. He adds that Yahya was the author of works treating of things lawful and unlaw- ful. According to other statements, he was an assiduous investigator of religious law. He held doubtful opinions on questions of Jurisprudence, and 1 86 Ibn Khaldun. was the author of books that are well known among the dissentient sects. As-Suli^-® says that he was succeeded by his son IMiihammad surnaraed al-Murtada. The people rose against him, and he perished in the year 320, after a reign of twenty-two years. He was succeeded by his brother an-Nasir Ahmad, whose authority was firmly established and passed on to his children after him. His successor was his son Husayn al-Muntakhab, who died a.h. 324, and he was succeeded by his brother al-Kasim al-Mukhtar, who reigned until he was slain by Abu '1-Kasim ad-Dahhak, the Ham- danite, in a.h. 344. As-Suli says that the sons of an-Nasir who suc- ceeded to the throne were ar-Rashid, al-Munta- khab, al-Mukhtar and al-Mahdy.* Ibn Hazm, in speaking of the descendants of Abu '1-Kasim (read al-Kasim) ar-Rassy, says as follows : — " Among others of his posterity there were the princes who ruled at Sa'dah in Yaman. The first was Yahya al-Hady, who held opinions on Jurisprudence which I have investigated. They are not widely or funda- mentally different from the received doctrines. His father (read, his son) Ahmad an-Nasir had several sons, of whom the followmg ruled over Sa'dah after him, namely, Ja'far ar-Rashid, next after him his brother al-Kasim al-Muhktar,then al-Hasan al-Mun- takhab and Muhammad al-Mahdy. f The Yamanite * For al-Mukhtar, see Note 8 (footnote). The other three names are not mentioned by the author of the Hadd'ih, although he enumerates the sons and daughters of an-Nasir. See next footnote. t The names of an-Nasir's sons, as given by the author of the JIada'ik, were al-Kasim Abu Muhammad (al-Mukhtar), Isma'il, Hasan, Ja'far, Yahya and 'Aly. The name al-Mahdy Muhammad, cited in the text, may perhaps be referred to the Persian Imam, who died in Tabaiistan a.h. 3G0. But he was a descendant of al- Kasim son of Hasan, and not a member of the Rassite family. See the genealogical table, Note 107. The Bcuni ^?'-Rassy. 1S7 wlio was at Merida in 343 styled himself 'Abdailali son of Ahmad an-Nasir brother of ar-Rashld, of al- Mukhtclr", of al-Muntakhab and al-Mahdy." Ibn al-Mujab says that the succession to the Imamate of the Banu Rassy continued until dis- sensions arose among tbem. The Suleymanites came from Mecca, on being expelled by the Hashim- ites. They conquered Sa'dah, and the dominion of the Banu Rassy came to an end in the sixth century.* Ibn Sa*id relates that among the members of the family of the Banu Suleyman, there was at the time of their removal from Mecca to Yaman, Ahmad son of Hamzah son of Suleyman.f The people of Zabid besought his assistance against 'Aly ibn Mahdy tlie Kharijite, who was besieging the city, then under the rule of Fatik ibn Muham- mad, of the dynasty of Najah. He consented on 137 condition of their slaying Fatik, which they accord- ingly did in a.h, 553. They raised Ahmad ibn Hamzah (Suleyman) to the throne, but being un- able to withstand the power of 'Aly ibn Mahdy, he fled from Zabid and the city was taken by Ibn Mahdy. Ibn Sa'Td adds that 'Isa son of Hamzah, brother of Ahmad, possessed 'Aththar, one of the fortresses of Yaman. J Another member of the family was Ghanim son of Yahya. Then the power of the Suleymanites perished throughout the whole of Tihamah, throughout the highlands, and through- out Yaman, at the hands of the Banu Mahdy. Next afterwards the Ayyubites conquered these countries * With reference to the above and to most of what follows, see Note 130. t Read Ahmad son of Suleyman. See Notes 88 and 130. ;}; Instead of brother of Ahmad, we may perhaps read brother of Yahya (father of Ghanim). See Note 88, But see also supra, p. 167, where Ghauim is said to have been succeeded by a grand- son named 'Isa son of Hamzah. i8S Ibn K/ialdun. and held the Suleymanites in subjection. The Suleymanite sovereignty was lastly held by al-Man- sur 'Abd Allah son of Ahmad son of Hamzah.* Ibn al-'Adim,^-^ says that he inherited the throne at Sa'dah from his father. He displayed a hostile demeanour towards the 'Abbaside Khalifah an- Nasir (a.h. 575 — 622), with whom he affected a tone of equality, and he sent his Da'ys to the Daylamites and to Jllan, with the result that the Khutbah was recited among these people in his name, and that he appointed governors over them. An-Nasir endeavoured to raise the Arabs of Yaman against al-Mansiir by means of subventions, but could not prevail against him. Ibn al-Athir says that al-Mansiir 'Abd Allah, son of Ahmad son of Hamzah, Imam of the Zayd- ites at Sa'dah, collected troops in a.h. 592 and marched upon Yaman. Al-Mu'izz son of Sayf al- Islam Tughtakln ibn Ayyub was filled with alarm, but went forth to meet him, and put him to flight. Al-Mansur again collected, in a.h. 612, an army composed of Hamdanites and Khaulanites. Great agitation was produced in Yaman, and (the Ayyub- ite Sultan al-Mas'ud (Salah ad-din Yusuf) son of al-Kamil, at that time sovereign of the country, was filled with apprehension. He had Kurdish and Turkish troops, and the commander-in-chief, 'Omar ibn RasLil, recommended promptitude of action, ere the enemy could gain possession of the fortresses. Disputes broke out among the followers of al- Mansur, and on being attacked by al-Mas'ud his army was routed. Al-Mansur died in a.h. 630 at an advanced age.f He left a son named Ahmad, whom the Zaydites raised to the throne. They did not recognize him as Imam, but they waited for the increase of his * Read 'Ahdallah son of Hamzah. t Read, in 611, aged 53 years. The Banu ^r-Rassy. 189 years and for evidence that in liis character he ful- filled the requisite conditions. In a.h. 645, certain Zaydites, inhabiting the fortress of Tula (Thula), proclaimed allegiance to al-Muti, a member of the Rassite family. His name was Ahmad ibn al- Husayn, a descendant of al-Hady. When the Banu Rassy were driven from the seat of their Imamate at ^^ Sa'dah by the Suleyinanites, they took refuge on the mountain of Kutabali, east of Sa'dah {sic). There they remained, and members of the family succes- sively and uninterruptedly exercised the office of Imam, publicly asserting their right to supreme authority. This continued until the Zaydites recog- nized Ahmad al-Milti. He was a highly trained jurist, learned in the doctrines of his sect, constant in prayer and assi- duous in fasting. He received the oaths of fealty in A.H. 645. His career raised apprehension in the mind of Nur ad-dln 'Omar ibn Rasid. He besieged al-Muti in the fortress of Tula (Thula) for a year, but the Imam was successful in his defence. Nur ad-din relinquished the siege, and set about collecting troops from the neighbouring fortresses for the purpose of resuming it. He was assassinated (a.h. 647), and his son al-Muzaffar (who succeeded him) devoted his efforts exclusively to the fortress of Dumluwah. Al-Muti increased in power. He made himself master of twenty fortresses, then marched upon Sa'dah and wrested it from the hands of the Suleymanites. They had proclaimed Ahmad, son of their Imam *Abd Allah al-Mansur, and upon al-Muti being re- cognized as Imam at Thula, they gave Ahmad the surname olal-Mutawakkil. They had waited for his advance in years, but on al-Muti receiving oaths of allegiance, they recognized Ahmad as Imam. When al-Muti took Sa'dah, Ahmad al-Mutawakkil went I go Ibn Khaldun. down to him, swore allegiance and placed himself under liis protection. This was in the year 649. In 650 he went on the pilgrimage, and the Zajdites of Sa'dah continued under the authority of the descen- dants of al-Muti/^" I was informed in Egypt that the Imam of Sa'dah, previously to a.h. 780, was 'Aly ibn Muhammad, a descendant of the family. He died before that date and was succeeded by his son Salah, who received the oaths of allegiance from the Zaydites. Some of them maintained that he was not a lawful Imam, by reason of his not possessing the qualifications required in the holder of the office. He was in the habit of answering that he was prepared to be what- ever they chose, Imam if they pleased, and if not. Sultan. Salah died at the end of a.h. 793 and was succeeded by his son Najah. The Zaydites refused to recognize him, whereupon he said that he rendered account to God alone. This is what we heard in Egypt, touching the Zaydites, during our sojourn in that country. And God is the Inheritor of the earth and of all that therein is. >3o ACCOUNT OF THE KAEMATHIANS IN YAMAN, EXTRACTED FROM THE KITAB AS-SULUK, OF BAHA 'D-DIN AL-JANADI. In the days of As'acl ibn Ya^fur, the Karmathians appeared in Yamau, 'Aly ibn Fadl in the country of Yafi', and Mansiir ibn Hasan, who was known under the designation of Mansur al-Yaraan/^^ I will now, therefore, briefly relate their history, as it has been told by Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Malik ibn Abi '1-Kaba il, a Jurist of Yaman and a learned Sunnite. He was one of the persons who joined the Karmathian sect in the days of as- Sulayhi, and he acquired a thorough knowledge of its character. On becoming convinced of the depravity of the Karmathian doctrines, he abjured them, and he composed a celebrated treatise, in which he has described the principles upon which they are founded, he demonstrates their wickedness and warns his readers against their deceptions. 'Aly ibn Fadl, he says, was an Arab of the tribe named al-Ahdun (Ajdun ?), who trace their descent from Dhu Had an (Dhu Jadan ?).^'^^ He was a Shi'ite of the Dodekite sect. He went on a pil- grimage to Mecca, and thence he went forth with the pilgrim caravan of 'Irak, for the purpose of visiting the tomb of Husayn (son of 'Aly;. On reachmg it he began uttering lamentations and cried 192 A I- B aha 'l-Janadi. aloud, saying : " AYould that (I liad been) one of thy companions, son of the Prophet, when the hosts of the wicked came forth against thee ! " Maymun was in charge of the mausoleum and his V son 'Obayd was with him as assistant.-^^^ When they beheld the condition of Ibn Fadl, they were filled with the desire to enlist him in their service. Maymun spoke to him in private and made known unto Ibn Fadl that his son 'Obayd was destined to be the founder of a dynasty, which would be an inheritance unto his descendants, but that this thing could come to pass only after being prepared for in Yaman, at the hands of certain of his mission- aries (da'ys). " That may well be accomplished in Yaman," answered Ibn Fadl, " for ingenuity in the conduct of affairs is general among its people." Maymun ordered him to remain and to wait until 140 he had considered the matter. Maymun was originally a Jew, who regarded Islam with envy. With the object of protecting his own religion, he made outward profession of Islam and devoted himself to the care of the tomb of Husayn at Karbala.* He was a native of Salamiyah, a city in Syria, and claimed to be a de- scendant of the family of 'Aly. Most of the Alides deny his pretensions, and God is all-knowing. Ibn Malik pronounces him to have been a Jew. A certain man, who belonged to Karbala, entered into terms of friendship with Maymun. He was known by the name of Mansur son of (Husayn son of ?) Zadan son of Haushab son of al-Faraj son of al-Mubarak, a descendant of 'Akil son of Abu Tahb. His grandfather Zadan was a Dodekite ShI'ah, and one of the chief men of Kiifah, and he appointed his sons to dwell at the tomb of Husayn. When Maymun came, he attached himself to Mansur, [and * I translate this passage with considerable hesitation. Dia- critical points liere, as throughout the book, are generally absent. The Karmathians in Ya7?ian. 193 perceiving] his eminent qualities and his fitness to command, he sought his friendship and his society. Maymim was a man possessed of remarkable ability, which he employed for the furtherance of his objects. He was learned in the science of the stars, and it became known unto him that Mansur was destined to rule, and that he was to be one of the propagators of his son's claims. When Ibn Fadl came and attached himself to him, Maymun. perceived that what he sought was found, Ibn Fadl being a native of Yaman, well acquainted with the country and with its people. Maymiin, speaking to Mansur said unto him : " Abu '1-Kasim, verily submission to the law of God belongeth to Yaman, wisdom belongeth to Yaman, the foundation of all things is there, all great events have their beginning in Yaman and the issue endureth whilst its star endureth.^^* I am of opinion that thou and our friend 'Aly ibn Fadl pro- ceed to Yaman. Ye shall call upon its people to recognize the authority of my son, and ye shall attain in that country power and dominion." Man- sur had learned much from Maymun of the means whereby their ends could be gained. He agreed to what was proposed. Maymun brought him and Ibn Fadl into one another's presence, he made them enter into a mutual compact, and solemnly charged each one to deal justly by his companion. Man- sur' s relation is as follows : — " When Maymun decided upon sending us to Yaman he exhorted and instructed us. He de- sired me, on my arrival, to conceal my objects, so that they might be more surely attained. Twice repeating the name of God, he charged me with the care of my companion, to protect him, to act justly towards him, and to enjoin upon him the practice of righteousness. * He is one,' he added, ' unto whom a high destioy is reserved, and yet I cannot withal be 194 Al-Baha 'l-Janadi. free of uneasiness respecting him.' Then turning to Ibn Fadl, lie said unto him : ' In the name of 141 God ! In the name of God ! I charge thee to deal righteously with thy companion. Respect him, re- cognize what is due to him and obey him. His knowledge is greater than thine, and it is greater than mine. If thou disregard his authority, thou shalt be deprived of safe guidance.' " He bade us farewell, and we travelled with the pilgrims until we i*eached Mecca. "We performed the rites of pilgrimage and then proceeded with the pilgrims of Yaman and reached Ghulafikah.^^^ We parted after mutual promises not to forget one another, and pledges that each should keep his com- panion informed of his proceedings. I went forth and arrived at al-Janad, then in the possession of al-Ja'fari, who had conquered it and wrested it from the hands of Ibn Ya'fur. " The Shaykh Maymun had solemnly enjoined me to commence the accomplishment of my mission at no other place but at one named 'Aden-La'ah, ' for,' he said, ' it is the town in which thy talents will find their field and in which thou shalt accom- plish thine objects.' I was unacquainted with the place, and I reached 'Aden-Abyan. I sought infor- mation respecting 'Aden-La'ah and was informed that it was in the neighbourhood of Hajjah. I next inquired after any natives of the place who might have come to 'Aden-Abyan, and was directed to certain persons who had come for purposes of trade. I made their acquaintance and frequented their society and contrived to win their friendship. I told them that I was a man devoted to study, that I had heard they were natives of a mountainous country, and that I desired to visit it in their com- pany. They bade me welcome, and when they departed I accompanied them. On the road I entertained them with the recital of traditions. I TJic Karmathians in Yaman. 195 urged upon tbem the observance of the duty of prayer, and they followed the examples I set them. On arrival at La'ah, I inquired for its principal city, and was directed to it. T proceeded thither and I became an assiduous frequenter of certain of its mosques. I devoted myself to the worship of God, and a large number of persons attached themselves to me. When I perceived that affection for me had taken possession of their hearts, I informed them that I had come to their country for no other pur- pose but to call upon them to recognize the Mahdy announced by the Prophet, whom God bless and hail with salutations of peace. I made a large num- ber swear to be faithful, and they commenced .pay- ing me the legal alms. When a considerable sum had accumulated in my hands, I told them it was neces- sary I should possess a place of defence, where the alms could be preserved in safety and which should be a treasure-house unto the Muslims. 'Ayn Muharram was accordingly built for the purpose. 142 The fortress belonged to a people known by the name of Banu 'l-'Ad'a, and thither I removed the corn and money that had accrued to me.* When I proceeded to the fortress, carrying with me my possessions, five hundred men, who had sworn to be faithful, accompanied me, bringing with them their property and their families. I now openly exhorted unto submission to 'Obayd Allah the V Mahdy, son of the Shaykh Maymun, and the people, without exception, showed themselves disjoosed to conform." On gaining possession of the mountain of Mas- war, al-Mansiir adopted the use of drums and of standards. He was attended by thirty drummers, and whatever place he came to, the sound could be heard from a great distance. Al-Hawwali (Ibn * Al-Khazraji says that 'Ayn Muharram stood at the foot of Mount Maswar. 2 196 A I- B aha H-Janadi. Ya'fiu') possessed a fortress on the mountain of Maswar, under the charge of a governor, from whose hands the place was wrested by al-Mansfir. The latter, seeing that his authority was securely established, now wrote to Maymun informing him thereof, and of his having overcome all opposition. He sent him splendid presents and articles of value. This was in the year 290. Maymun, on the news reaching him, and on receiving the presents, said to his son 'Obayd (Allah) : " Behold thy supremacy is now established, but my desire is that it shall be publicly proclaimed only from North Africa." ^^"^ He then sent Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayn son of Ahmad son of Muhammad son of Zakariya, known under the name of ffs/^-/9/r?ya'7/ (the Shrite) and a native of San'a, to North Africa, and ordered him to organize its people and to subject them to his son 'Obayd (Allah). Abu 'Abd Allah accordingly went forth, as ho was commanded. He was a man of remarkable ability, one of those whose names, on account of their talents in the science of govern- ment, become proverbial. His task was not com- pleted until the year 296, when he wrote to the Mahdy informing him that the people recognized his authority, and he bade him come. 'Obayd (Allah), surnamed the Mahdy, hastened to comply, and arrived in the province of Africa. Abu 'Abd Allah had become possessed of supreme authority, and on arrival of the Mahdy, he delivered it into his hands. His brother reproached him say- ing : " An evil thing is this that thou hast done ! Supreme power was in thine hands, and thou givest it unto another ! " He continued to repeat these words until they impressed themselves upon his brother's mind. Abu 'Abd Allah resolved to betray the Mahdy, but the latter received informa- tion of what was occurring. He was filled with alarm, and instigated against his rival a person, by The Kannathians in Yajuan. 197 whom Abu *Abd Allah and his brother were slain on the sarae day, the fifteenth of Jamad al-Akhir of 1^3 the year 298. This man, 'Abd Allah ('Obayd Allah) sur- named the Mahdy,* was ancestor of the sovereio^ns , of North Africa who afterwards held Egypt. Ibn Khallikan says, touching the 'Obaydites' pedigree, that they were descendants of 'Obayd AUali, and that some persons term them Alides, thereby ac- knowledging their pretensions. And God is all- knowing. f In the foregoing abstract, I have set forth the rise of the Karmathian power in Yaman, the events in which Mansiir, a man of singularly sound judg- ment, was concerned, and his objects. The history of Ibn Fadl will now be entered into at such length as to make known his achievements and adventures. His pedigree and birth-place have already been mentioned. Those who compiled the history of his life relate that when he parted from Mansiir at Ghulafikah, as hereinbefore stated, he ascended the mountains and proceeded to Janad. Thence he went forth to Abyan, which was at that time in the possession of a man of the tribe of Asbah named Muhammad ibn Abi 'l-'Ula. From Abyan he pro- ceeded to the country of Yafi'. He found its people to be a medley of the basest of mankind. He withdrew into the valle^^s, and devoted himself to the worship of God. The people brought him food, of which he ate very sparingly, and only at the hands of those who believed in him. They in- habited the summits of the mountains % and, filled * On his coinage the name is written 'Abd Allah. t See De Slane's Ibn Khallikrm, vol. ii. p. 77. The account in our text of the death of Abu 'Abd Allah is evidently borrowed from Ibn Khallikan (De Slane, vol. i. p. 465). X Khazraji states the contrary, namely, that Ibn Fadl abode on the summit of the mountaiuo and that the people dwelt in the valleys. 198 A I- Baku H-Janadi. T\itli admiration for liim, they requested him to dwell in their midst. For a long time he would not consent, until, when they persisted in their demand, he told them that he was prevented from dwelling- among them by their disobedience to the commands they had received enjoining the practice of righteousness, and by their neglect of the prohi- bitions to do evil and to indulge in intoxicating drinks and in wickedness. They swore to be faith- ful unto him, and to obey his commands, whereupon he promised that they should be rewarded. They now began to collect and to pay him the legal alms and tithes, and large sums accumulated in his hands. He attacked Abyan, slew the ruler of the province, declared the country and all it contained to be law- ful booty unto his followers, and possessed himself of a larffe amount of wealth. He then marched o upon Mudhaykhirah,* a large city on Mount Ray- mah, which was under the rule of the Ja'farite.f He attacked him repeatedly, his efforts were crowned with success, and the Prince was slain. J His country was declared to be lawful booty, and the women were reduced to captivity. Ibn Malik has entered, in his treatise, into full particulars of these events, but they are not necessary for the purposes of this book and may be deferred to another occasion. Ibn Fadl having reached al-Mu- dhaykhirah was pleased with it. He there openly avowed his doctrines and made the city the seat of his government. Soon after he declared himself a prophet, and as such he proclaimed to his followers 44 the lawfulness of wine, and of intercourse with their * In A.H. 291 according to Khazraji. t Ja'far ibn Ahmad al-Manakhi, according to Khazraji ; but the correct reading soems to be Ja'far ibn Ibrahim. See Note 6. X A.H. 292 (Khazraji). Al-Hamdani says (p. 75, 1. 9) that Ja'far ibn Ibraliim al-Manfikhi was killed at Khawalah, close to one of the Sources of the "Wadi Nakhlah. The Karmathians in Yainan. 199 dangliters and sisters. He proceeded to Janad at the season of the festival, the first Thursday of Kajab.* He mounted the pulpit and recited the well-known verses of which the following is a copy :— Seize the tabour, maiden, disport thyself, sing thy merriest songs and rejoice. The prophet of the line of Hashim hath passed away. But another hath arisen, and he of the stem of Ya'ruh. Every prophet hath his law. Hearken now unto the law of this other prophet. He hath released us from subjection to prayer and to fasts. No longer shalt thou suffer under their burden. When others pray thou needest not rise; when they fast, eat thou and drink. Seek not the course between Safa and Marwah,f nor to visit the tomb at Yathrib.J Deny not thyself tlie marriage-bed of thy nearest, whilst consent- ing to that of the stranger. How canst thou be lawful unto the stranger, and forbidden unto thy father % Doth the plant not belong unto him that tended it and watered it in the days when it was yet unproductive % Wine is lawful as the waters of heaven, and its use is now " hallowed by the law."' Ibn Fadl's authority acquired increasing strength and stability. He conquered Mikhlaf Ja'far and Janad, and then determined upon attacking San 'a, at that time under the rule of As'ad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ya'fur. He marched by way of Dhamar and captured the fortress of Hirran. Its governor and most of the people accepted the doctrines of the new sect. The remainder took refuge with As'ad ibn Ya'fur. The latter on learning the strength of his enemy's forces fled, and Ibn Fadl entered San'a on Thursday, third of Ramadan of the year 299.^^^ At the time of his arrival exceedingly heavy rains * See mjjra, p. 10. I One of the ceremonies of the pilgrimage at Mecca. \ j\Iedinah. 200 A I- B aha 'l-Janadi. occurred. Ibn Facll alighted at the mosque and caused the channels, provided for carrying away the water, to be closed. He ordered the women, cap- tured at San'a and elsewhere, to be brought to him, and he ascended the minaret. The women were cast into the water with uncovered faces and 145 naked, and those that found favour in his eyes he took into the minaret and dishonoured. It is said that many virgins underwent that fate. The water was retained in the mosque. It filled the building up to the ceiling, and the traces thereof may be perceived to this day. The fact is mentioned by the Kiidi Surayy (ibn Ibrahim), whose life will be related hereafter (among other biographies of Jurists). Ibn Fadl now shaved the hair of his head, and one hundred thousand persons followed his ex- ample. He ordered the house of Ibn 'Anbasah to be destroyed, expecting to find a large sum in gold, but only ten thousand dinars were found, although Ibn 'Anbasah was one of the leading men of San'a, who fled from the city along with As'ad. On hearing of the destruction of his house, he sickened and died. When Mansur heard of Ibn Fadl's capture of San'a he was filled with gladness. He came unto him and they met and rejoiced with one another. Ibn Fadl then went forth unto Haiaz * and besieged al-Mahjam, which he captured. Thence he pro- ceeded to al-Kadra and took it likewise. He then reached Zabid, at that period under the rule of Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak son of Ibrahim, son of Muham- mad who came to Yaman from Baghdad. It is said that Abu '1-Jaysh lied from Zabid, and according to other accounts, that he fought and that he was * Khi says, to Hai-;lz and MilluTn. The latter, also called Rayslian, is a mountain that overlooks Mahjam. See Yakiit and Hamdaui, p. 68, 1. 25. The Karmathians in Yainan. 201 slain by Tbn Fadl.* Zabid was declared lawful spoil. The women were reduced to captivity, and historians relate that about four thousand virgins were cap- tured, besides mothers of children. Ibn Fadl then started with his army for al-Mudhaykhirah, by way of al-Mirad (?), a mountain east of Zabid. On reaching a place named al-Madalils, or al-Masha- khis,^^*' he ordered his criers to proclaim a halt. The troops accordingly halted and were summoned to assemble. They obeyed and gathered around him, whereupon Ibn Fadl spoke unto them, saying : *' Ye know that ye have come forth for no other purpose but that of striving for the advance- ment of the cause of God. Ye have captured a large number of the women of al-Husayb, but I cannot trust them with you, lest they fasci- nate you by their allurements and divert you from the holy war.^^° Let every man, therefore, sla}^ the women that have accompanied him." They obeyed. The traces of their victims' blood con- tinued visible for many years, and for that reason the place was named al-Madahis or al-Mashakhls. On reaching al-Mudhaykhirah, Ibn Fadl ordered the roads to be closed to traffic, especially the pilgrim -^^" roads. " Perform the pilgrimage," he said, " to al-Harf, a place near al-Mudhaykhirah, and perform the minor ceremonies at ath-Thalathi (?)." The latter is a valley in the vicinity of al-IIarf.f When Ibn Fadl beheld that his power over Yaman was securely established, he cast off his allegiance to 'Obayd (Allah) ibn Maymun, for * See Xote 13. f Al-Hamdani mentions al Harf (p. 69, 1. 5) in the high-lying portion of Sarat Kudam, not far therefore from Hajjah. But if that be the place referred to in our text, it is a long distance from Mudhaykhirah. Thalithah has heen mentioned at p. 131, and Note 100, as a place in Mikhlaf Ja'far. See also in Sprenger, p. 153, Hisn Thalath, near San'a. 2C2 Al-Baha W-Janadi. whose cause he had hitherto professed to labour. He wrote informing his colleague Mansur. The latter answered, reproaching him and saying : " How canst thou renounce the authority of him through whom alone thou hast acquired all that is good, and how canst thou discontinue the propaga- tion of his supremacy? Rememberest thou not the pledges entered into between him and thee, and hast thou forgotten the identical injunctions he placed upon us to act together in harmony ? " Ibn Fadl heeded him not, but again wrote, saying : " My case is that of Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi ! ^^^ Is it an evil thing in him that he hath proclaimed himself paramount ? If thou dost not come hither and submit thyself unto me, I will make open war upon thee." When Mansur read these words the con- viction of Ibn Fadl's treason was forced upon him. He ascended Mount Maswar and occupied himself in strengthening its works. " I have fortified this mountain," he said, " solely against that insolent rebel and against his like, for I perceived in his face the evil that was in him, when we met at San'a." Soon after sending his letter, Ibn Fadl prepared to attack Mansur. He collected for the purpose ten thousand men, the choice of his army. He marched from Mudhaykhirah and reached Shibam.* Repeated battles were fought between his troops and those of Mansur. He then entered the district of La'ah and he ascended Mount Jamimah, a word of which the first letteris moved by the vowel a. It is the same as Mount Faish, near Maswar, and belonged to a tribe known by the name of Banu Muntab.f * The place here referred to, I presume to be Shibrira-Akyfin, See JS'ote 11. t 1 do not find the name Jamimah in Hamdani's Geography. For Jabal Fa'ish, s(^e Note 11. Dr. Glaser has Dj. Djemime in lut. about IG^ 6', but that can hardly be the same. The Karmatkians in Yainan. 203 For eight raontlis be besieged Mans ur witlioufc suc- cess. His long detention became grievous unto him, and Mansur received information thereof. He sent proposals of peace, but Ibn Fadl replied that he would not agree thereto, unless Mansur sent him his son to remain -with him, subject to his authority. It should not, he said, be reported of him that he had departed without gaining his ends, but it should be known and spread among the people, that he had left Mansur of his good grace and not for lack of power. Mansur complied with his demands. He came, accompanied by one of his sons, unto l^*^ Ibn Fadl, who placed upon his neck a golden collar.* On his return to al-Mudhaykhirah, Ibn Fadl directed his efforts to the task of legalizing things prohibited by the law and of inculcating liberty to do that which is forbidden. He erected a large building, in which he was in the habit of collecting most of his sectaries, men and women, decked with ornaments and perfumed. The place was lighted with candles and the guests entertained one another with conversation of the most attractive and alluring cha- racter. Then the lights were extinguished and each man laid his hands upon a woman, whom having seized he did not abandon, even though she were unto him within the forbidden degrees. Sometimes it hap- pened that what fell to a man's lot did not please him, either on account of his partner's years, or for some similar reason. He might endeavour to escape from her, but she would allow him no excuse. Ibn Malik relates that a very aged woman once fell to the lot of a certain man. On discovering the fact he desired to slip away from her, whereupon * According to Khazraji, it was Mansur who placed a collar of gold round the neck of Ibn Fadl. 204 A I- B aha H-Janadi. she said to him : ^' Buhiddamin dhi hnhniiU-Amir.*^ iJn is the negative in certain dialects of Yaman, and diti is used for the relative pronoun illadhi. The sentence therefore signifies : There is no escape from that "which is an ordinance of the Amir, that is to say, of Ibn Fadl. Such practices are most shameful and pernicious, and they are repudiated by all who follow the doctrines of Ismaihsm. They are things that cannot be proved against anyone but Ibn Fadl. I have inquired of many persons, from whom correct information can be obtained respecting the doctrines of the sect. They condemned these misdeeds, and I found all agreed in regarding 'Aly ibn Fadl as an atheist, whilst upholding Mansiir al- Yaman as one of the most distinguished and most worthy men of their sect. These opinions are in conformity with the conclusions I have myself arrived at, and they are firmly established in my mind. When Ibn Fadl in consequence of his partiality for al-Mudhaykhirah made it his place of residence, he appointed As'ad ibn Ya'fur, of whom mention has been made, to be his deputy over San'a. lie was not convinced that As'ad had really allied him- self with him, and he was, on the contrary, appre- hensive of treacliery. He therefore made him his deputy at San'a. As'ad was, indeed, keenly desirous to avenge the Muslims, and he was also filled w^ith mistrust and with resentmeut against Ibn Fadl. He rarely abode at San'a, througli fear of a sudden 14-8 attack. Ibn Jarlr says that the heading of Ibn Fadl's letters to As'ad was as follows : *' From him tvlio hath spread Old the ])kiins of the earth and extended them as a caiyet, who maketh the mountains to shake and who hath firmly rooted them, 'Alij ihn Fadl, unto his slave As'ad.'' Naught besides these words is The Karmathians in Yam an. 205 reqnii'ed to convict hira of atlieism, from which God g-raiit us to be preserved. Whilst As'ad was acting as deputy for Ibn Fadl, there came unto him a stranger, said to be a Sharif and native of Baghdad. He became an associate and companion to As'ad. It is said that he was sent by the Sovereign of Baghdad for the purpose of contriving the death of Ibn Fadl, and he abode with As'ad for a time. This man, who was a surgeon, had a perfect know- ledge of therapeutics, he was highly skilled in venesection, in the cure of wounds and in the ad- ministration of beneficial remedies. Perceiving the intensity of As'ad' s fear of Ibn Fadl, he said to the Prince : " I have resolved upon making my life an offering unto Grod, and an alms unto the Muslims, that T may relieve them of this tyrant. Grive me now thy promise, that if I return unto thee, thou wilt share with me the sovereignty thou shalt acquire." As'ad gave his consent, and the stranger equipped himself for his undertaking and left the Prince, who was then dwelling in al-Jauf, in the country of Hamdan, in perpetual fear of Ibn Fadl.* The stranger travelled until he reached al-Mudhay- khirah. There he sought the society of the foremost and greatest officials of the State. He attended upon them, bled them, and administered healing draughts and boluses. They mentioned him to Ibn Fadl, praised him and described the skill he displayed, which, it was said, was such that its possessor's services were meet for none but for such as Ibn Fadl or his equals in rank. On a certain day Ibn Fadl desired to be bled. He inquired for the stranger, who was brought to * Al-Jauf is the name given to a large district in the country of Hamdan, watered by four rivers, of which the most important is the Kharid (Hamdani, p. 81). 2o6 Al-Balia ' l-Janadi. him. Tli3 physician, on being summoned, applied poison to his own hair on the front of his head, and his hair was very thick. On entering into the pre- sence of Ibn Fadl, he was ordered to divest himself of his raiment and to put on other garments pro- vided for the purpose. Ibn Fadl then commanded him to draw near for the purpose of performing the operation. He obeyed, and seated himself in front of him. He then produced the lancet and, placing it between his lips, he sucked it, to show that it was free from poison. Then he wiped it upon his hair at the spot where he had placed the poison, some of which adhered to the lancet. He now bled his patient from one of the veins of his hand, and having bound up the wound, h.e hastily departed. Resting 149 his fears upon the praise he rendered unto God, he travelled forth from al-Mudhaykhirah, hastening to rejoin As*ad ibn Ya*fur. When Ibn Fadl had rested for a while, he began to feel the effects of the poison. He became aware that he had been deceived by the phlebotomist and commanded him to be sent for, but the man could not be found. Ibn Fadl's desire for his capture in- creased, and he ordered him to be pursued whither- soever he might have gone, and to be brought back. Soldiers went forth seeking him in various directions, until one of them overtook the physician in Wadi Sahul, close to the mosque known by the name of Kaijiiaii.^ He would not surrender, but de- fended himself and was killed. His tomb is on that spot. It is a mosque for congregational prayer, supplied with a minaret. It is much visited, and blessings attend those who resort to it. I visited it in the year 696. * Al-Hamdani mentions Kayniin as situated in the province of SaliQl and in the northern portion of the country of Dbu 'l-Kalf/, pp. 68, G, and 100, 15. The Karmathians in Yaiuan. 207 The death of the physician was soon followed by that of Ibn Fadl, on the night of Thursday the fifteenth of Rabl'u 'l-Akhir of the year 303. The Mushms suffered under the trials of his usurpation, for a period of seventeen years. When As'ad heard of his death he rejoiced, and so did all the people of Yaman, with exceeding joy. They wrote to As'ad requesting him to attack Mudhaykhirah, and to destroy the dominion of the Karmathians. He consented and collected a strong force from San'a and its neighbourhood. On his arrival in Mikhiilf Ja'far, he was joined by its inhabit- ants, as also by the people of Janad and of al- Ma'afir, and the army marched upon al-Mudhay- khirah. Ibn Fadl had left a son who was known by the name of al-Ghafai, by reason of a whiteness on the iris of his eyes. As'ad besieged al- Mudhaykhirah with his troops. He encamped upon Mount Thau- man, which I have hereinbefore mentioned, when speaking of al-Ja'fari. It is now known by the name of Mountain of Khaulan, because it is in- habited by Arabs of that tribe, known under the name of Banu '1-Bi'm (?). The army remained at this place, and whenever troops issued forth from the city, the Muslims defeated them. This occurred time after time, until the enemy was utterly dis- heartened and humbled. As'ad then erected man- gonels, by means of which most of the houses in the city were destroyed, and he finally captured the place by force of arms. The son of 'Aly ibn Fadl and as many of his followers, members of his family and persons who had embraced his sect, as As'ad could lay his hands upon, were put to death. His 150 daughters, three in number, were captured. As'ad selected one, named Mu'adhah, and gave her to his nephew Kahtan, unto whom she bore 'Abd Allah, of 2o8 Al-Bahu 'l-JiUKxdi. whom intMitioii will bo matlo hereafter.* Her two sisters fell to tlie lot of two cliiefs. The siege of al-]\rii(lhaykhirah by the Muslims endured for a whole year, and it is said that during all that time As'ad never ])ut off his armour or divested himself of his sword. The rule of the Karmathians was extirpated fromMikhlaf Ja'far, and al-]\ludliaykliirah has continued in ruins from that period unto the present. As for Mansur, he continued in the condition above described, but (in contrast with Ibn Fadl) he was an able ruler who took pleasure in the per- formance of good works, the record whereof en- dureth. He did not leave the district of La'ali, and he died before Ibn Fadl, in the year 302, after bequeathing his authority to a son of the name of liasan and to one of his followers, named 'Abd Allah ibn al-'Abbfis ash-Shawiry. Mansur placed vspeeial confidence in this man, and had sent him on a mission with letters and presents to the Mahdy ('Obayd Allah), to whom ash-Shawiry became personally known, and whose esteem he also won. Mansur, on becoming sensible of his ap])roaching death, sent for these two ])ersons and said unto them : " I charge you both wiMi the care of our dominion. Be cai-efid to preserve it, and cease not to propagate the authority of 'Obayd (Allah) ibn Maymun. We are one of the trees his iamily hath planted, and but for our appeals to their rights and authority, our ends could not have been gained, it will be your duty to communicate, by means of letters, with our Imam the Mahdy, and upon naught shall ye decide without consulting liini. I have not gained the dominion we possess by means of great riches nor with the help of multi- tudes of men. I came to this countiy unwillingly, * Sec Note H. '/7/f' KiUnnalJiums ni )\i))l\ii. ly*^) iiiitl I li.'iivc nlhiiiUMl lli(> rcMiiIlM lli.il ;iro kiKtwii iiiilo \(>ii, iimlrr Mu* I'^ood iiUMjiici'S ol llie M;ili(h', of \\lhts(« comiii)'; I In* \A-m\ lidiiij^'S wtM'c !^'i\(Mi by lli(* l'r(»|ilicl , wlioiii (!imI I)I(." 'I'Ii<>s(* words \\k\ ol'ltMi rc- |)(>M.I('d l)t'r()i(« imill il iidt's (>r |i(M»|>l(\ lI|)on llit> d(';iMi ol" l\l:iiism\ nsli-Sli;iw ii')', IIk' (vxcciilor ol his wdl, wrolo lo the Mididy, (hen rc- HidinL»'Mi MiiluhvM.h, iid'oniiiiin' him of I ho ovs (h:il ho w;is |>i'o|i;u-(m| (,o (>\i'r- ('ist> (Jit* oOici* o(" \'Sa''\ with loviihy ;iiid lidolily, n|).'ir(. I"n)in ( hi* sons ol' Mniisiii'. Ono oi' ( ht* hil (cr \v;is (*nlriisl(Ml with (lit*lo((oi'. I Ii* S(*(. fori h ii|)oii his j(Mii'nov, ;ind on lu-i'ivinu^ \\\^ nJ-M.ihdiy.'ih ho (l(*liv(((M', willi (h(> con((*n(s of which \\ks w:is iiii.ic(|imin(iod. Tlit* Mnlidy knt*w :ish-SiiiiW'irv, who li:id nroro(inios coiik* nnio hiiii with inissi\'os 1,M lV(un Mmiisui*. II(* know liiiii (o Ik* well (|ii:ili(i(*d lt> rnllil (li(* ollifi* ol l^.i'v, and Ik* ro:ii-(*d l(*s|. (ho Hons ol" IMiinsiir slionld provo nn(*(|n;d (o (lu* (nsk. TIk* MM.iidy i'o|)Ii(*d (M)nst*n( in<^ (o (Ik* ;i,|)|»oin( nK*nli of Jish-Slmwiry alone, and (Ik* son ol" Mansiir I'o- lui'iu*d (() Naiiian ileceived in his (*\|)(*e(a( ions. \\\\i h(* (•oiK'(*altMl liis disa|»|)inii! iiieiil^ and d(*liv(*l'ed tin* Malnlv's K*(((*r. Il(*antl his biv*! hi't*ii eon! iiiii(*d (Ml (ernis of l"rit*iidi\' in((*i'eonrs(* w i( h asli-Shawii'\ , vdio 4)11 his side sliow't*d ( lK*in honoiii' Miul rt*s|)(M'(.. Ii(* did nol |)reeliidt* I hem rioiii l'rt*(* access iiiito liiiii. 'rii(*\ (*nlei'ed his |»i*t*seiice w li(*nMO(*\(*r ( hey |>l(*as(*tl, wiliioiil lilt* in(t*i"ri*i'(*iict* t>r a (•hainl)t*rlain. A( lt*ii;''(h, lit* wlit> liati l»t*t"ii si*n(i (.o (In* l\lalitl\ canii* 1111(0 him, ami st*i/aii<'; an o|i|)or( unit \' when ash-Shawiry was olT his ufiiard, Ik* slt*w him. lit* iiiatlt* Jiinisi*!!' inas(i(*r t)l" (Jit* ct)iiii(i-\, ami colK-cl iii^' (In* |iet)|)li* from (*V(*i'y dislnel. In* lt)t>k (hem (t»wil- 2 1 o Al-Baha 'l-Janadi. iiess that lie abjured his father's sect, and that he joined that of the Sunnis. The people listened With approval, they rewarded him with their love and they submitted to his authority. One of his brethren, named Ja'far, came unto him. Ja'far con- demned his brother's conduct and upbraided him, but his brother would not listen. Ja'far left him in anger and went unto the Mahdy at Kayrawan. He found that 'Obayd Allah was dead and that he had been succeeded by his son al-Kaira (bi amr Ulah). These events, had occurred in the year 822. The son of Mansur remained with the new Khalifah. Meanwhile his brother massacred the members of his father's sect, and drove them forth, until none remained around him but such whose religious tenets were held in secret. Only a small number continued to dwell in the country and they corre- sponded with the family of 'Obayd (Allah) son of Maymun at Kayrawan. The son of Mansur then went forth from Maswar unto 'Ayn Muharram, which has been previously mentioned, and where there was a man of the family of al-'Arja, sultans of that country. The son of Mansur (before starting) appointed a deputy over Maswar, a man named Ibrahim ibn 'Abd al-Majid (al-Hamid ?) ash-Shiya'y. He was ancestor of the Banu '1-Muntab, after whom Maswar has been named and is called al-Muntab. When the son of Mansur reached *Ayn Muharram, Ibn al-'Arja suddenly attacked him and killed him. Ibn 'Abd al-Hamid, on hearing thereof [tarried at Maswar and proclaimed himself sovereign of the district]. The members and women of the family of Mansur Avho were with him, fled to Mount al- liashab (Bani A'shab ),* but they were attacked * The tribe of A'shab son of Kudam dwelt, according to Ilanidrmi, in tlie mountains between the rivers La'ah and Surdiid (p. 112,1. 19s4q.). TJie Kiwmathians in Yavian. 211 1^2 by the people, who robbed, plundered and murdered them. Ibn al-'Arja and Ibn 'Abd al-Hamid arrived at an agreement, Id accordance with which, the country was divided between them. Ibn 'Abd al-Hamid ab- jured the doctrines of Mansur. He built a mosque, in which he placed a pulpit, and the Khutbah was recited therein in the names of the 'Abbasside Khalifahs. He sought out the Karmathians wher- ever he could hear of them, until they were almost exterminated, and only a small remnant continued to subsist in the neighbourhood of Maswar, who held the doctrines of their sect in secret and who recognized as their chief a man known by the name of [Ibn at-Tufayl. He was slain by Ibrahim. But after the latter' s death and during the reign of al- Muntab son of Ibrahim, at-Tufayl was succeeded in the office of Da'y by a person named] Ibn Rahim (Ibn Juftam ?), a man of resolute character. His dwelling-place was kept secret lest al-Muntab or other Sunnites should lay hands upon him, but he was in correspondence with the family of the Mahdy whilst they were at Kayrawan and after- wards* in Egypt. It was in his days that al-Mu'izz son of (al-Mansur billah son of) al-Ka'im son of the Mahdy ('Obayd Allah) came ibo Egypt and built Cairo, which became his place of resi- dence. ^^^ When Ibn Juftam felt the approach of death, he appointed over his sectaries a man named Yusuf ibn al-Asad (?). Ibn Juftam died when al- ii akim (grandson of al-Mu'izz) was on the throne at Cairo (a.h. 386 — 411).^^^ Ibn al-Asad secretly laboured to spread al-Hakim's supremacy, and re- cognized it himself until he knew that his end was nigh, when he appointed as his successor a man named Suleyman (read 'Amir) ibn 'Abd Allah ar- Eawahy, a native of the district of Shibam. He was a man of great wealth, of which he made use in p 2 12 A I- B aha '/-Jaiiadi. beguiling the people and in protecting his own fol- lowers fi'om persecution. If any person meditated putting him to death, he would say : " I am a Muslim and I bear testimony that there is no God but God. How then can the spilling of my blood or the seizure of my property be lawful unto you ? " Thereujion he would be left to go his way. On the approach of death, he appointed as his successor 'Aly son of Muhammad the Sulayhite. The latter's family was originally from al-Aliraj (al-Akhruj),^^^ and he was a member of the community of Shi'ahs of Haraz. NOTES. Note 1 to p. 1. — The Da'ys, a word derived from a verb signifying- to invite or sammon, were missionaries em- ployed by tlie Ismailites, to teach and propagate the doctrines of their sect. Their Chief, whose residence, under the Fatimite (or Ismaihte) Khalifahs, was at Cairo, was styled the Dd'y of Dd'ys. The title was hardly in- ferior to that of Kddij of Kildys, and both offices were fre- quently held by the same person. It has been suggested that the word is the origin of the designation Bey, applied by Europeans to the Viceroys of Algiers. Note 2 to p. 3. — These words occur in five separate passages of the Kur'an. That in Ch. xxxv. v. 19 is as follows : — No burdened soul shall {on the day of resurrection) bear the load that helongeth unto another. And though one call lopon another to assume its burden, that other shall not be laden therewith, even though the appeal proceed from its nearest kindred. NoTK 3 to p. 3. — The Ash'arites were Kahtanites, descen- dants of 'Arib. A noteworthy member of the tribe was Abu ^1-Hasan 'Aly al-Ash'ai^i, originator of the religious sect known as the Ash'arites. The 'Akkites are like- wise often described as Kahtanites, descendants of Malik and Kahtan and of 'Udthau. But it is said that the last- mentioned name must be read 'Adiidn, and that the 'Akkites are to be reckoned as an Ishmaelite tribe. They removed at an early date to the Tihamah of Yaman, where they entered into close alliance with the Ash'arites. The two tribes are stated to have been the first to apostatize in Yaman upon the death of the Prophet. In all works on Arab history and on the geography of Arabia, continual reference is made to seemingly endless numbers of tribes, and more especially is this so when tlie Yamanite provinces are in question. Readers unfamiliar with the subject, may find it useful to be supplied with its 214 Notes. NOTE 3. general outlines^ and I accordingly add to this note an enumeration of the principal tribes of Yaman. Carefully prepared tables have been constructed by F. Wiistenfeld, and they will be found of great service to anyone desirous of studying the Arab tribal system. For the following slight sketch, not having Wiistenfeld' s book within easy reach, I have contented myself with following Ibn Khaldiiu's chapters on the descent of the tribes, making, however, certain corrections and additions, chiefly derived from Hamdani's Description of Arabia, from Yakiit's Geogra- phical Dictionary, and, in a small number of instances, from one or two other works. The subject, it must be remarked is beset with so many discrepancies and with such frequent disagreements, that it would be impossible to supply, within a moderate compass, anything approaching to an exhaustive account of the tribes and of their genealogies, as taught by the native traditionists. Many tribes, moreover, some of common, others of entirely distinct lineage, bear the same name, and their origin is not unfrequently matter of dispute. Al- Hamdani, speaking of certain Arabs bearing the name of Ja'dah (p. 89-90), who, he says, claimed to be descendants of the Ishmaelite tribe of Ja'dah derived from Kays 'Aylan, makes the remark that it was a common practice for a tribe of desert Arabs to avail itself of such similarity of name, and to assert a claim to identity of lineage with that of a greater and more illustrious namesake. The thing, he continues, was of frequent occurrence and had often come under his personal observation. The inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula are by com- mon consent divided into two great Septs or Nations, one of which, the more ancient of the two, is generally known under the designation of the Yamanite tribes, be- cause for the most part they inhabited, and still inhabit, the southern provinces of Arabia. They claim to be the direct descendants of Kahtan, whom the Arabs identify with Joktan of the Jewish Scripture, the ancestor of Hazar- maveth (Hadramaut), Uzal, Sheba (Saba) and others. It is admitted that a more ancient tribal race at one time in- habited the Arab Peninsula, but one the greater part of which has long been extinct, whilst of the remainder it is only known that no traces of its posterity can be distin- guished. The traditions respecting the aboriginal race, it is further allowed, rest upon no sure authority, with the NOTE 6. Notes. 2 1 exception only of the few particulars preserved in the pag-es of the Kur'an. It is universally held that these people were, like the Kahtanites, descenda,nts of Shem the sou of Noah, and it is generally believed that their language was Arabic, a fact positively stated in respect to some of the tribes. The second great division consists of the race descended from Ishmael son of Abraham. The Ishmaelite Arabs are sometimes termed Nizfirites or Ma'addites because they are descended from Nizar son of Ma'add, son of 'Adnau. The precise links in the chain of descent from Ishmael to 'Adnan cannot be authoritatively stated, but the truth of that descent is absolutely unquestioned. 'Adnau is said to have been contemporary with the pro- phets Jeremiah and Baruch, and with Nebuchadnezzar {Bukht Nassar). The latter, according to Arab tradition, by command of God invaded Northern and Central Arabia, and exterminated all but a small fraction of its inhabitants. Ma'add son of Adiian was at that time in his childhood. He was conveyed, for safety — miraculously, it is said — to the ancient town of Harran in Mesopotamia. On his return he collected the remnant of his father's people, who had sought refuge with the Yamanites. The Ishmaelite Arabs, accord- ing to the commonly received version, are descendants of Ma'add, precisely as the Yamanite Arabs are held to be descendants of Kahtan. The postei'ity of Ishmael divide themselves into three great stems. That of al-Ya's son of Mudar son of Nizar, to which belonged, among others, the tribe of Kiirdrislo, whereof the Prophet was a member, that of Kays 'Aylan, brother of al-Ya's, and that of Rabi'ali, brother of Mudar and son of Nizar. The Yamauite tribes are in like manner divided into three great stems, all descended from Saba or 'Abd ash- Shams (servant of the Sun) son of Yashjub, son of Ya'i'ub son of Kahtan. There are in the first place the Himyarites, composed of' the descendants of al-'Ai'anjaj, better known under his sur- name of Himyar, son of 'Abd ash-Shams. Among the prin- cipal Himyarite tribes and those whose names ai-emost fre- quently met with in the histories of Yaman., were the Banu ^har'ah, the Banu Sha^Odn^ and numerous tribes descendetl from Zayd al-Jamhur, such as the tribes of Dhu Ilu'ayn or Yarlm, Ydfi', Wuhdzah, Dim 'l~Kald', Hardz, Maytamy 2 1 6 Notes. NOTE 3. Salmi, Auzd' and Dim Ashah. It will be noticed that many- places in Yaman were named after the tribes by which they were inhabited. The other two great Kahtanite stems consist of the de- scendants of Malik and of 'Arib, sons of Zayd son of Kahlan sou of 'Abd ash- Shams. Among the tribes of Malik, the chief place may be as- signed to that of Ilamddu, descendant of al-Khiyar son of Malik. The Banu Hamdan branch forth into an almost endless number of subdivisions, all connected together by common descent, and like other Arab sister-tribes, for the most part, though by no means always, in more or less close aUiance with one another. Of the Hamdanite sub- tribes, it may be sufficient here to mention the names of Hdshid and Balal (seldom dissociated from one another) the Banu Yam, Jusham and Shihdb. Next in importance to the Banu Hamdan may be reckoned the Azdites, a name borne by the most important section of the people who in- habited the country of Saba and its capital Ma'rib, at the time of the rupture of the dyke of 'Arim and of the ruin to which that portion of Yaman was in consequence reduced. All but a small section of the Azdites abandoned the country.* A portion proceeded to 'Oman. The chief body went to the Tihamah of Yaman, inhabited by the tribes of 'Akk and Ash'^ar. Here they settled in the neighbourhood of a Pool named Ghassdn, situated between the rivers Zabid and E,ima*. After a lengthened stay, dissensions with the original occupants ' of the country compelled the Azdites to depart. A portion of the tribe established itself in Najran, in the neighbour- hood of the Madhhijites who had long occupied and ruled the country. Another section led by Harithah son of 'Amru, attacked and overcame the Jurhumites at Mecca and became known as the KJmzd'ah, a designation given to them, it is said, because they " separated " them- selves from their brethren led by Tha'labah son of 'Amru. The Azdite sub-tribes of Aus and Khazraj, so named after the two grandsons of Tha^abah, possessed themselves of Yathrib (the ancient name of Medinah). Their descend- ants were the first Arab community to embrace Islam, and their recognition of the Prophet, at a time when his pro- * This occurred, according to Caussin de Perceval's conjecture, in A.D. lis. NOTE 3. Notes. 2iy spects seemed suuk into a depth of utter hopelessness, became the chief means that eventually brought about the triumph of Lis cause. He accepted the refuge they offered him and he bestowed upon them the title of al-Anstir, the Defenders, whilst the small party that accompanied him on his flight from Mecca, received the designation al-Mu- hajirvn, the Emigrants or Refugees. The Ghassanite Azdites gradually travelled northwards and eventually reached Syria, where they founded the kingdom known as that of Ghassan, which endured under Roman supremacy, until the conquest of Syria by the Muslims. Other two tribes of the stem of Malik are the Banu Khath'am, and Banu Bajilah, descended from al-Ghauth, father of al-Azd. But according to some authorities these two tribes were Ma'addites. The third great stem of the Kahtanite Arabs consists, as already mentioned, of the descendants of 'Arib, brother of Malik. It subdivides itself into four branches, three of which, the Banu Tayy, Banu Madlihi'^ and Banu, Murrah, comprise a large number of sub-tribes. The fourth is the tribe of Ashlar, the associates of the Banu 'Akk in the Tihamah of Yaman. The Banu Tayy abandoned Yaman shortly after the dis- persion of the Azdites, and settled for the most part in Northern Arabia, near the mountains of Aja and Salma, whence they spread into 'Irak and into the Syrian desert. Among the sub-tribes of the Madhhijites are the Banu, Ju'fl, Zuhayd, Hakam, and Sinhdn, derived from Sa'd al- 'Ashirah son of Madhhij, also the Banu 'Jws, Banu Murdd Banu Jald, Banu Hurah, Nakha', Munabhih or Janh, and the Ba'}iu 'l-Hdritli ibn Ka'b, who conquered Najran and dwelt there for many centuries. According to some ver- sions, the Banu Sinhan and Harith were included in the designation Janb. From the Banu Murrah were descended the Banu Kliauldn, who are described as sons of 'Amru son of Malik son of al-Harith son of Murrah and their kiusmen thei>a?X'M Jurrali sons of Rakla son of 'Amru son of Malik. Other authorities, however, pronouuce the Banu Khaulan to be a sub-tribe of Kudd'ah, sons, that is to say, of 'Amru son of al-Haf son of Kuda'ah. Al-Hamdani, if the version given by Yakut (vol. iv. p. 437-38) can be trusted, admits two separate tribes of the same name, one of which he distin- guishes under the name of Khaulau al-'Aliyah, and the other 2i8 Notes. KOTE 4. as Kliaulaa-Kiulfi^ali.* The tribes of Hamdau and of Khaulau were by far fhe largest and most powerful tribes in Yaman. There were many other subdivisions of the branch of Murrah. Among these may be mentioned the tribe of Ma'(7fir (son of Ya'f ur — see Hamdaui, p. 67, 25, and Yakut iv. 570),t that of Kindali and its sub-tribes Sakun, Tujib and SalcsaJc, also the Banu Lcd-hm, and Banu Judhdm. There remains to be noticed the great Arab stem of Kuda'ah, respecting which the generally accepted opinion is that they are descendants of Malik son of Himyar. Some, however, contend that Kuda^ah was son of Ma'add and that his descendants are Ishmaelite Arabs, whilst on the other side it is held that he was only the adopted and step-son of Ma'add, According to another version, the Banu Kuda'ah were expelled from Najran by the Banu '1- Harith ibn Ka'b the Azdites, and it is said that they went to the Hijaz and there became allied with the Ma'addites. The sub -tribes of Kuda'ah are very numerous. It may be sufficient to mention here the Banu Kalb, Banu Taniikli, Banu Jarm, Banu Nahd, Banu 'Udhrah and Banu Fahm. I have already stated that the Banu Khaulan, according to some accounts, were a sub-tribe of Kuda'ah. Note 4 to p. 4.— Most of what precedes is reproduced, almost verbatim, by Yakiit in his article on Zabid. Ibn Khaldiin, in his account of the descendants of Abu Talib (vol. iv. p. 115), repeats what he tells us in his history of Yaman [supra, p. 141) touching the Khalifah al-Ma'mun's motives for sending Muhammad ibn Ziyad to that country. He was sent, he says, on a mission to suppress the rebel- lion of the Alides, who, under the leadership of Ibrahim al-Jazzar (the Butcher), threatened to detach the province from the rest of the Empire. And Ibn Ziyad, he con- tinues, was chosen by al-Ma'miin on account of the intense hatred he was known to entertain against the family of ^Aly.t * In Miiller's edition the passage referred to occurs at p. 107. See also pp. 109 and 113. It will be observed that Yakut supplies us with a different reading. t Ibn al-Atliir describes the Banu Ma'afir as a Himjaritic tribe (vol. viii. p. 499). X Another rebellion is stated to have occurred in Yaman in ji.il. 207 (Tabari, iii. p. 10G2), led by the Alide 'Abd ar- Rahman NOTE Notes. 2 1 9 ILn Ziyad's descent seems to be traced through Ziyad's son 'Obayd Allah, the same who took a leading part in the slaughter of the Imam Husayn, grandson of the Prophet, a memorable event which Gibbon has made familiar to Eng- lish readers. Ziyad himself, the ancestor of the founder of Zabid, was regarded as son of Abu Sufyan, brother therefore of Mu'awiyah the first Khalifah of the Omayyad dynasty. The circumstances of his birth were such, it is true, as to cast grave doubt upon his claims. He was therefore generally known by the surname Ibn Abihi, the son of his father. Mu'awiyah eventually acknowledged him as his brother, far less, there is reason to suspect, out of conviction, than for the purpose of disarming an ambitious and dangerous sub- ject. Ziyad owed, probably, much of his success and influence to his talent as an orator. It is related of him, that when a young man, barely over twenty years of age, he preached a Khufbah at Medinah, the eloquence of which filled his hearers with admiration. " How marvellous a talent hath Grod granted to that youth ! " exclaimed 'Amru ibn al-'As, " Were his father of the tribe of Kuraysh, it were easy for him to drive the Arab nation before him with a switch ! '^ " By Allah," answered Abu Sufyan, " I know who is his father.'^ 'Aly, who was close at hand; turned round and stopped the discussion of so dangerous a topic : " Silence, Abu Sufyan, for thou well knowest, were 'Omar to hear thy language, its punishment would quickly follow ! " Ziyad was born in the first vear of the Hijrah and died in A.H. 53. Suleyman ibn Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik, from whom one ibn Ahmad. It was suppressed, we are told, by Dinar ibn 'Abd Allah, sent for the purpose, at the head of a strong force, by al- Ma'niun. The insurrection is said to have occurred in the coun- try of the 'Akkites. There is some difficulty in reconciling the story witb the statement that the district in question was, at that time, absolutely subject to Ibn Ziyiid. But it may well be that the latter's rise in the Tihamah of Yaman was far less rapid than is represented by 'Omfirah. Al-Hamdani, who died in a.h. 334, indeed tells us (p. 103) that, from the time of al-Mu'tasim (a.h. 218—227) to that of al-Mu'tamid (a.h. 256—279), a certain family of the Banu Shurah (subdivision of the tribe of Dliu Ru'ayn tlie Himyarites) exercised sovereign rule over the Tihamah of Yaman. Elsewhere (p. 120, 1. 7) he says that the Banu Shurah held paramount sway, at Zabid, over all the neighbouring Arab tribes. See also p. 119, 1. 23. 220 Notes. NOTE 5. of the Ziyadite's companions claimed to be descended, was, as is indicated by bis name, sou of the Omayyad Xballfab Hisbam. He was slain in a.h. 132, one of the many victims of tbe first Abbasside Kbalifab 'Abd Allah as-Safiah, the Blood-spiller. Ibn Ziyad's companion, it will be observed, is also designated the Martvdnite, after his ancestor the Kbalifah Marwan, father of "^Abd al-Malik. The Banu Taghlib were a Ma'addite (Ishmaelite) tribe descended from Rabi'ah son of Nizar. The Taghlibite com- panion of Muhammad ibn Ziyad bore the same name as Muhammad (al-Arain), son and successor of Hariiu (ar- Rashid). Al-Amin was deposed from the Khalifate in favour of his brother 'Abd Allah al-Ma'mun, and in A.H. 198 he was captured and slain by Tahir ibn al-Husayn, the general in command of al-Ma'mun^s troops. The new Khalifah, it is said, never ceased secretly to lament the slaughter of his brother. On one occasion, at the sight of Tabir, he burst into tears, and when asked the cause of his grief, he replied that he wept at the remembrance of a thing, the mention of which was dishonour and its sup- pression momming. The circumstance was reported to Tahir, who, greatly alarmed, solicited and obtained the government of Khurasan, where he soon became practi- cally independent, and founded the dynasty known as that of the Tahirites. Note 5 to p. 4. — Al-Khazraji, at this point of his his- tory (p. 78), enters into certain particulars touching the town of Zabid. The city, he says, is circular in form. It stands half-way between the mountains and the sea, at a distance of about half a days' journey from either. On the south flows the river Zabid * and on the north the river Rima'. Elsewhere (p. 81), the same writer describes the walls of Zabid, which he says were originally built by Husayn ibn Salainah, rebuilt by Mann Allah al-Fatiki, iu a.h. 520 and odd years, again by the Banu Mahdy, and again, in a.h. 589, by Sayf al-Islam Tughtakin the Ayyubite. It has, he says, four gates. One on the east called Bah ash-Shihdrik, leading to Shi- barik, a village situated on the river Zabid, and thence to the fortress of Kawarlr. One on the west, which in his day was called Bad an-Nahhl, but which at an earlier period * Al-Janadi tolls us that the city of Zabid was named after the river (fol. 29 obv.). ■SOTK 6. Notes. 22 1 bore tlie name of Tn'ih Ghuldfikalb. The road leads to Ghulilfikali and to al-Ahwab. The former, he says, served at one time as the port of Zabid, but it fell into decay and was 1 superseded by al-Ahwab, which was in his time known under tlie name of al-Buk''ah. The third gate, on the north, bore the name of Bah Salidm. It led to Wadi Eima' and Wadi Saham. The fourth gate, Bab al'Kurtub, on the south, led to Wadi Zabid and thence to the village of Kurtub, situated upon that river.* Al-Khazraji next enters into lengthy details touching the extent of the walls, in which it is needless to follow him. In describing the city walls and bastions, he quotes the work of Ibn al-Mujawir, written about A.H. 630, a book freely used by Sprenger, in his valuable work upon East- ern Geography, under the title of Tarihh al-Mustansiry. It may be worth remarking that in the Leiden MS. of al- Khazraji, the word, excepting in one instance, is written al-Mustahsiry. Note 6 to p. 4. — 'OmaraVs statements touching the foundation of al-Mudhaykhirah and on the derivation of the name Mil-hlaf Ja'far are mentioned, but absolutely contradicted by al-Janadi. The city of Mudhaykhirah, situated on Mount Thauman, was built, he says (fol. 182 rev.), by Ja'far ibn Ibrahim al-Manakhi. Elsewhere, in his chapter on the Abbasside governors of Yaman, he says (fol. 28 rev.), that the founder of the principality was Ibrahim ibn Abi Ja'far al-Manakhi, who conquered Mount Thauman in the days of al-Ma'mun. Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Hamid, appointed Governor of Yaman in a.h. 213, marched against al-Manakhi in the following year, but was defeated and killed. Janadi specifies the orthography of the name ^jL^', but adds that the form of the word is that of the dual of ^y. Yakut gives ^Onmrah's description of Mudhaykhirah, as * Johannsen gives most of these particulars (pp. 120, 253, 261) as they are borrowed from al-Khazraji by Dayba', but having misread Jb-*! for J.a:jl, a not iuexcusable error in the absence of diacritical points, he has missed the sense of the writer's words re- garding the name Buk'ah. Khazraji writes : aj i 11 iJ^I Ja^l ijtLll ^^♦--.J ^^\\ ^J.JI J i-jlja"^''. It will be observed that there is room for doubt whether the name Buk'ah is meant to api)ly to Ghul^fikah or to al-Ahwab. 222 Notes. NOTE G. also the greater part of the passage relating to Ibn Ziyad's freedman Ja'far, as is shown in the notes I have appended to the Arabic text. Yakut begins by stating that Mudhay- khirah stood on Mount Sabir, which I need hardly say is an error. (See infra, Note 11.) Abu Ja'far al-Manakhi was descended, according to Janadi, from Dhu '1-Muthlah (aI-JI ji ; but cf. Hamdani p. 100, 1. 25 and 26), the Himyarite, and from Dhu '1- Manakh. His posterity continued in existence down to the writer's days, and they were known as Sultans of Kiyad (? (jtfli) Bayt 'Izz, Raym (Raymah ?) and Karm 'Amim. Ibrahim Abu Ja'far possessed himself of Mount Raymah as well as of Thauman, and it acquired the name of Raymat al-Manfikhi. He made himself master of the greater part of Mikhlaf JaTar. Some further particulars touching the petty dynasty of Manakhi, are supplied in the accounts preserved by al- Janadi and Khazraji, of the circumstances under which the Karmathian or Ismailite doctrines were established in Yaman. Mudhaykhirah, it will be seen, was conquered by Ibn Fadl. Its ruler at that time, says al-Khazraji (who derives his information from the same soui'ce as al- Janadi), was Ja'far ibn Ahmad (Ibrahim ?) al-Manakhi, after whom Mikhlaf Ja^far is named. Aly ibn Fadl marched against him in a.h. 291, but was defeated and compelled to fall back upon the country of Yafi'. Five months later, in a.h. 292, he again attacked the city and he succeeded in gaining possession, first of Mudhaykhirah and next of the fortress of Ta'kar, Ja'far ibn Ibrahim («ic) fled to Tibamah and reached al-Kurtub in the valley of the river Zabid. He was assisted with troops by the Prince of Zabld (Abu '1- Jaysh Ishak ?). With these he resumed the struggle. A celebrated battle was fought, says Khazraji, in Wadi Nakhlah, in which Ja'far ibn Ibrahim (.sic) and his nephew Abu '1-Futuh were killed. Ja'far' s rule, adds the same writer, endured from a.h. 249 to 292, forty-three years.* * Hamdani (p. 75,1. 9) says that "Ja'far ibn Ibrahim al- !Maiiakhi " was killed at or near the fortress of Kbawalah, situated close to one of the sources of the Wjldi Nakhlah. Dr. Glaser visited the town of Menakha near Shibam-Haraz, which I need hardly say is geographically quite distinct from Mikhlaf Ja'far, or the country of al-Manakhi, as it is sometimes called. I find no mention of Manakha in Hamdani or other NOTES 7—8. Notes. 223 Al-Mudtiaykliirah, as will be seen, was re-captured from the Ismailites by As'ad ibn Ya'fur, in or shortly after a.h. 303. The city was destroyed, and Janadi adds that it con- tinued in ruins down to his time. It will be noticed that Jabal Thauman was, in the writer's days, known under the name of Mountain of Khaulan. Note 7 to p. 5. — For Bkjdr Kindah, Shikr and Mirhdt, see supra, pp. 177, 180 and 182. See also de Goeje's ed. of Ibn Haukal, note to p. 32 (vol iv. p. 4-32), whence it appears that a note appended to the Paris text in the sixth century of the Hijrab, describes Mirbat as a sea- port situated at a distance of one and a half days^ journey from Zafar, whilst accoi'ding to Yakiit the distance is five parasangs. All these places are marked on modern maps. Note 8 to p. 5. — We have seen that Ibn Ziyad was sent to Yaraan as Amir, a word of somewhat doubtful meaning, since it may be taken to signify a Prince, a Governor, or a military Commander. But it is tolerably clear that lie was not intended to supersede the Governors of the pro- vince of Yaman, whose residence was at San% and who con- tinued to be appointed by the Khalifah al-Ma'mun and his successors long after the foundation of the Ziyadite Prin- cipality. The family of the Banu Ya^fur, who eventually estab- lished themselves as a virbually independent dynasty at San'a, was, according to our text, descended from the native writers I have at my command, and the name in its application to the town in question, is perhaps of more modern date. AI-Hamdani mentions another place, Mandhi, written, accord- ing to Miiller's edition, with the letter ha not kka. He describes it (pp. 82^ 12; 110, 6, 8) as situated at the junction of the two main streams of the Wadi Kharid — one of which flows down from San'a. The other has its chief sources in the neighbourhood of Shibam-Akyan and Hadur Bani Azd. Its upper course bears, according to Dr. Glaser's map, the name of Wadi Ivhuzfimir and, lower down, that of Wadi Slmwabah (cf. Hamdani, p. 82, 1. 6, and p. 110,1. 6). Among its affluents is, as shown by Dr. Glaser, the small stream of Dhi Bin (or Dhu Bin), in Balad as-Sayad (Hamdani, p. 82, 1. 8, and 111, 25). The town of Dhu Bin, the burial-place of the Imam Ahmad ibn Husayn, is frequently mentioned in the histories of the Zaydite Imams. 224 Notes. NOTE 8. Tubbas or ancient Himyarite Kings, and Ibn Klialdiin, in his chaptei' on tlie Rassite Sharifs of Sa'dab, likewise speaks of them as of the posterity of the Tubbas. Else- where, when describing the genealogies of the Yamanite princes and tribes (vol. ii. p. 243), he gives us the pedigree of the family of Ya'fur, from which, however, it seems diffi- cult to trace their descent from the Tubbas, excepting inas- much as they were of the posterity of Zar'ah (Himyar the younger), son of Saba the younger. Among their ancestors were two who bore the name of Dhu Hawwal,* whence probably the surname the Haw- walites, by which the family is frequently designated. Ya'fur ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman, founder of the dynasty, is first heard of, accoi'ding to Janadi, under the Governorship of Aytakh, who was appointed over Yaman by the Khallfah al-Mu'tasim, according to at-Tabari, in a.h. 225 (vol. iii. p. 1302).' Al-Wathik (a.h. 227—232), replaced Aytakh by Ja'far ibn Dinar, who had formerly ruled over the country, but had been deposed in favour of Aytakh. The appoint- ment of Ibn Dinar took place in a.h. 231, according to Ibn al-Athir, and he tells us that the new Governor pro- ceeded to San^a accompanied by a force of 4000 horse and 1000 foot soldiers. Janadi says that Ibn Diniir attacked Ya'fur ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman, but that peace was eventually concluded between them. Al-Mutawakkil, who succeeded to the Khalifate in a.h. 232, appointed Himyar ibn al- Harith. The new Governor was unable to withstand the attacks of Ya^fui', and was at length compelled to return a fugitive to 'Irak. Al-Mutawakkil's assassination occurred shortly afterwards (a.h. 247), and Ya'fur made him- self master of San'a and of Janad, but not of Tihamah, which since a.h. 204 was in the possession of the Banu Ziyad. Ya'fur was succeeded by his son Muhammad ibn Ya'fur. He recognized the supremacy of the Khalifah al-Mu'tamid (a.h. 256 — 279), who in a.h. 259, formally invested him with the Government of San 'a. Hadramaut and Janad were included in the dominions of Muhammad ibn Ya'fur, but he owned allegiance to the Ziyadites and paid them tribute. He started on the pilgrimage in a.h. 262, after appointing his son Ibrahim to be his deputy. On his return he built, * The name is pointed Hiwiil in Milller's edition of Hamdani (see Note 11). Yakut, .s-.r. u^-a* writes Hawwal. NOTE N'oicS. 2 2 ia 265, the mosque of San'ti according to the design wliieli, al-Janadi says, it still retained in his own day. Muhim- niad was assassinated by his son Ibrahim, and the latter, according to al-Janadi quoting Ibn al-Janzi,* is said to have murdered not only his fatlier, but also his uncle, his cousin and his father's mother.f This occurred, he adds, six months before the death of al-Mu'tamid, in Muhirram, therefore, of a.h. 279. Ibrahim continued the alliance with the Ziyadite Princes, but his reign did not long endure, and he was succeeded by his son As'^ad, in whose days the Karmathians or Ismailites acquired dominion over the greater part of Yamau. Al-Janadi here proceeds with his account of their com^uests and of the subjection of As'ad to 'Aly ibn al-Fadl, which is included in this volume. The statement that Muhammad ibn Ya't'ur was assassi- nated by his son Ibrahim is not contained in Khazraji's ver- sion of the history of that period (fol. 29). His account, which at this particular point, differs materially from that supplied by al-Janadi, is to the following eifect : — Ibrahim, he says, continued to administer the affairs of the kingdom after his father's return from Mecca. A rebellion broke out at San'a some time after a.h. 270, and the in- surgents offered supreme authority to Ja'far ibn Ahmad (ibn Ibrahim ?) al-Manakhi. Eventually the entire family of the Banu Ya'fur were driven out of the city, and Muhammad ibn Ya'fur was shortly afterwards killed at Shibam. He was succeeded, not by Ibrahim, but by a nephew, 'Abd al-Kadir, son of Ahmad ibn Ya'fur, a circumstance that may perhaps be accounted for by the charge made against Ibrahim of being the assassin of his father. 'Abd al-Kadir retained power for only a few days. A governor, 'Aly ibn Husayn Juftam, arrived from Baghdad in Safar 279, the next month after that in which, according to Janadi, Muhammad lost his life. Juftam ruled until A.H. 282, when he returned to 'Irak. Ibrahim ibn Ya'fur now attained absolute sovereignty, but his reign did * The writer quoted by Janadi is perhaps the grandson of 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn al-Jauzi, namely, Alju '1-Muzaffar Yiisuf ibn Kizughli, generally known as Sibt ibn al-Jauzi. He was author of a history, Mirdt az-Zamun, which the author of the Kashf az- Zuniin says consisted of forty volumes. A small portion of the work exists in the Library of the British Museum. f Janadi, fol. 29 rev. 2 26 Notes. NOTE 8. not long endure. He died and was succeeded by liis son As'ad. In A.H. 288, San'a was conquered by tbe Eassite Imam al-Hady (see Tabari, iii. p. 2204 and Ibn al-Athlr, vii. p. 052). He imprisoned the chief members of the family of Ya'fur, but they were released and escaped to Shibam,* , where As'ad's authority over his followers was maintained until he was able to compel the Imam to abandon San'a. The city was finally conquered by the Karmathians, in A.H. 299 according to both al- Janadi and al-Khazraji.f Upon the death of 'Aly ibn al-Fadl the Karmathian, in A.H. 303, As'ad speedily re-established his authority in Yaman, and it endured until his death in a.h. 332, the vear in which al-Mas'udi commenced writing his Golden. Meadows, in which he describes in glowing terms the wealth and power of the Himyarite Prince. J Ibn Khaldun says [supra, p. 141) that As'ad was succeeded by a brother named Muhammad, but after As'^ad's death, the Banu Ya'fur never again recovered the brilliant posi- tion to which he had raised the family. The ensuing twelve years were occupied in the suppression of repeated attempts at rebellion, accompanied by incessant strife between the various members of the family. In A.H. 345, the Rassite Imam of Sa'dah, al-Mukhtar, son of an-Nasir Ahmad son of al-Hadi, acquired possession of San'a, but before the end of the year, he was assassinated by a powerful Hamdanite chief, known by the name of Pahhak.§ A freedman of the Banu Ya'fur, 'Aly ibn Wardan, supported by Dahhak, was recognized as Prince of San'a. He was barely able to withstand the opposition of the Khaulanites, led by al-Asmar Yiisuf ibn Abi '1-Futuh, * Shinam-Akj^an ? See Kote 11. f See jS^ote 138. According to the Iladd'ik, al-Hadi acquired possession of San'a in 297, and appointed his son over it as Governor. The Imaiu died, as will be seen (Note 127), in A.H. 298. The particulars that follow hereabove are for the most part taken from Dayba' (seventh chapter), that is to say therefore, from Khazraji at second hand, J Vol. ii. p. 55, of Barbier de Meynard's printed text and trans- lation. § Al-Kasim, surnamed al-Mukhtar, is mentioned by the Zayd- ite historians, but they do not reckon him among the Imams, nor do they say that he was assassinated. NOTE 8. Notes. 227 and he died in a.h. 350. He was succeeded by his brother Sapur, with whom Dahhak continued in alliance. In the following yeai" they made an unsuccessful attack upon the Khaulanites. They were put to flight, and whilst en- deavouring to escape to Dhamar, Sapur was overtaken by al-Asmar and killed. Dahhak now tendered submission to the Prince of Zahlfl, Abu ^1-Hasan (Abu '1-Jaysh ?) ibn Ziyad. Al-Asmar the Khaulanite, on the other hand, offered the throne to the Amir 'Abd Allah ibnKahtan (grand-nephew of As'ad ibn Ya'^fur), by whom the offer was accepted (a.h. 352). He entered San% whence Dahhak hurriedly fled. Next followed a series of struggles between the contending parties, in which a Rassite Imam, Yiisuf son of Yahya son of an-Nasir Ahmad, took a prominent part, with the result of his being for a time recognized as sovereign Prince of the city and province.* 'Abd Allah succeeded, however, in re- covering his authority, and he enjoyed a long but disturbed reign. In a.h. 379 he was able to invade Tihamah at the head of an army, with which he attacked and utterly de- feated '' Ibn Ziyad. '^ f Zabid was taken and sacked, and 'Abd Allah, having abolished the Abbasside Khuthah throughout his dominions, proclaimed the supremacy of the Egyptian Fatimites.J He died in a.h. 387 and was suc- ceeded by his son As'ad. But the fortunes of the Banu Ya^fur, as one of the great ruling families of Yaman, were now at an end. The last vestige of their authority in the city of San'a disappeared. Their condition became at best that of obscure and petty chiefs, and we are henceforward left in ignorance even of their names. We find mention of them, however, so late as a.h. 679, when we read in Khazraji's 'JJkud (fol. 115 obv.) as well as in Ibn Hatim * The name of the Imam Yusuf son of Yahya is mentioned by the Zaydite writers, but I can find ro account of his career. The author of the Jawahir gives him the title ot Da'y, and simply sa3's that he was contemporary with al-Mansur al-Kasim. The latter was surnamed al-'Ayani, after the name of the place in which he proclaimed himself in A h. 389. f Husayn ibn Salamah, we have been told, was regent from A.H. 372 to 402. X The Fatimite Khalifah al-'Azlz reigned from a.h. 365 to 3SG. It deserves perhaps to he here borne in mind that 'Abd Allah was, through his mother, grandson of Ibn Fadl the Karmathian. {Supra, p. 207.) Q 2 2 28 Notes, NOTE 8. (fol. 105 obv.), that the Rasfilite Sultan of Yaman regained possession of the fortress of Kaukabau from the Bana Hawwrd: San 'a, until its conquest by 'Aly the Sulayhite, became the scene of perpetual strife, not only between the rival tribes of Hamdan and Khaulan, but also between various pretenders to the dignity of Imam. In 389, the Imam al-Mansur al-Kasim son of 'Aly appeared from the country of the Banu Khath'am. With the assistance of the Ham- daniteSj he drove the Imam Yusuf son of Yahya fron Sa'dnh and placed the city under the command of his son Ja'far. He next reached Raydah,* where he received the submission of Ja'far son of ad-Dahhak and of the people oF al-Baun. He thence despatched to San 'a a Zaydite Sliarif, named al-Kasim ibn Husayn, a descendant of the Imam Zayd son of 'Aly Zayn al-'Abidin, and the Zaydite sectaries readily submitted to his authority. f As'ad son of 'Abd Allah the Ya'furite had established his residence at Kahlan, and he recognized the supremacy of the Imam al-Kasim. J But ere long the Zaydite Sharif renounced his allegiance to al-Manslr al-Kasim ibn 'Aly, and declared himself in favour of the authority of the Imam Yusuf son of Yahya. The Imam al-Kasim died in A.H. 393. Sau'a became the scene of prolonged strife, a prey to contending factions of rival Imams and Arab families, among which Hamdanites and Khaulanites played a prominent part, but none able to establish a settled or permanent government. In A.H. 401, Husayn son of al- Kasim declared himself, as has been done by so many pre- tenders, both before and since his time, to be the Malidij, whose coming, according to an old tradition, was foretold by the Prophet. He obtained a large following among the Himyarites and Hamdanites, who abandoned the cause of the Zaydite Sharif. The latter was driven out of San'a. * Kaydah was a town of considerable importance, in the dis- trict of al-Baun. f I find 1)0 mention elsewhere of this " Zaydite Sharif." X I have mentioned {mirra, p. 171 footnote) that Dr. Glaser has Kohlan on his map, north-east of Hajjah, probably the old fortress of the Banu Ya'fiir. YakQt says that the Yamanites [tronounce the name Kuhljin, but he calls the place a Mikhluf. Ilamdani mentions it as the name of a totally different place, in the neighbourhood, it would appear, of Yarim or Dhu Ru'ayn. Kuhlan, according to the Kamfis, was the name of an Arab tribe. NOTE 8. Notes. 229 He was pursued, overtaken, and killed in a.h. 403. But iu the following year, the Mahdy was himself expelled from the city, and lost his life near Dhu Bin, in the course of an attack by the Hamdanites, from among whom a chief of the family of Dahhak had been called to the throne by tin; citizens. The Mahdy had not yet attained the age of thirty years, and long afterwards his adherents, it is said, believed him to be living. In a.b. 413, the Sharif Ja'far, brother of Husaya the Mahdy, arrived from Sa'dah on the invitation of tbe Haradanites and Himyarites, the former of whom, after the death of Husayn, exercised intermittent authority over San'a. In 418, a new and unknown pre- tender appeared at Ma'rib, who proclaimed himself Imam, under the title of al-Mu'id li-clin Illah (He who brings the people back to the religion of God). He succeeded in making himself master of San'a,* but was killed iu 421, during which and the following year, severe famine prevailed throughout Yaman. In 422 the Imamate was claimed by Abu Hashim al- Hasan son of 'Abd ar- Rahman, who was accompanied by his son Hamzah, from whom the Hamzite Sharif's derive their distinctive appellation.f He possessed himself of San'a, from which Ibn Abi Hashid escaped, whilst Mansur ibn Abi ^l-Futiih tendered his submission. Abu Hashim's authority endureduntil a.h. 429, when he was driven I'orth by the Hamdanites. On their invitation, after an interval of two years, Ja'far son of al-Mansiir al-Kasim re-established his rule over the city. The next seven years were occupied in conflicts, during the course of which Abu Hashim, on the invitation of Ibn Abi Hashid returned and recovered posses- sion of San'a for a brief period. Meanwhile a new pretender to the Imamate, named Abu ^1-Fath Nasir the Daylamite, had appeared. Aided by the Hamdanites, he captured and plundered Sa'dah, and next made himself master of San'a. J * I can find no trace of this personage in the Zaydite historians. f I do not find the date of Abu Hashim's death. His son Hamzah was killed in a.h. 459 fighting the troops of 'Aly the Sulayhite. J An-Nfisir Abu 'l-Fath the Daylamite was a descendant of Zayd son of Hasan (see the genealogical table added to Note 107). He arrived in Yaman, from Persia, between a.h. 430 and 440, and is said to have been killed by ''Aly the Sulayhite shortlj'' after 440. Ja'far son of Mansur al-Kfisim is likewise stated to have made war upon the troops of as-Sulayhi (see infra, Note 29). 230 Notes. NOTE 8. His supremacy was for a time recognized by Ja'far son of the Imam al-Kasim, and lie maintained liis authority on a comparatively ' secure basis, until he was in his turn driven forth from the city by Ja'far and by Ibn Abi Hashid the Khaulauite. Yahya ibn Abi Hashid, to whom the writer gives the title of Sultan, died at the commencement of A.H. 440. His son was invited by the people to succeed him and received oaths of allegiance from the Hamdauites. San'a was conquered (about a.h. 453) by 'Aly the Sulayhite, whose first manifestation in Yaman, adds the writer, dates irom the night of Monday, third of the month of Jamadi 'i-Akhir of the year 439 (429 ?), the night of the conjunction of the planet Jupiter. We have seen (aupra, p. 41) that when al-Mukarram Ahmad son of 'Aly transferred the seat of the Sulaybite dominion to Dhu Jiblah in 480, he appointed over San'a 'Imran ibn al-FacU the Yaraite. Upon the death, in A.H. 492, of Saba ibn Ahmad, the city and adjoining country was formed into an independent Principality, under Sultan Hatim ibn al-Ghasbim, also a member of the tribe of Hamdan (see Note 42), He died in a.h. 502 and was suc- ceeded by his two sons, by 'Abd Allah, who died of poison after a reign of two years, and then by Ma'n ibn Hatim, who was deposed in a.h. 510. Another Hamdanite family reigned until a.h. 533, when Hamid ad-Daulah Hatim son of Ahmad son of 'Imran son of al-Fadl — gTandson, therefore, of the governor appointed by al-Mukarram the Sulayhite — was invited by the tribe to assume the crown.* He was attacked in a.h. 545 by the Zaydite Imam al- Matawakkil Ahmad son of Sulayman, against whom, how- ever, he succeeded eventually in defending himself. Hatim died in a.h. 556, and was succeeded by his son 'Aly, sur- named al- Wahid. 'Aly took the leading part in an alliance, formed in the early part of a.h. 569, against 'Abd an-Naby son of 'Aly ibn Mahdy (see Note 101), and he was the reigning Prince of San'a when, six months after his * It will be seen that, according to the above, Ibn Khaldun's statement {suj/ra, p. 148), to the effect that 'Imran ibn al-Fadl became independent at San'a and transmitted the crown to his descendants, is erroneous. The historian Ibn Hatim was a descendant of HamiJ ad- Daulah, NOTES 0, 10. Notes. 231 campaign against tlie Malidyites, Yaman was invaded and conquered by Turan Shah the Ayyubite and brother of Saladin. Muhammad son of Ahmad son of 'Imran, mentioTied at p. 60, must have been brother of Sultan Hamld ad-Daulah Hatim. Note 9 to p. 6. — Wadi Bayhan is marked on Walker's map of Arabia, south-west of Ma'rib and north-east of Dhamar, at about the same distance from either. Nash wan ibn Sa'id, who according to Ibn Khaldun {supra, p. 173), was ruler or chief of Bayhan, wrote the Kasldat al-Himyarlijah, published some five and twenty years ago at Vienna, by Baron von Kremer, with a translation into German. A description of Najrau and Jurash,with a sketch of their early history, are given by Ibn KhaldCin {supra, p. 182). Note 10 to p. 6. — There is evidently an omission here, as I have indicated in the translation. As to the descriptions of San'a, of al-Mudhaykhirah and of Shibam that follow, they are copied almost verbatim from Ibn Haukal.* The latter borrowed them from al- Istakhri,f and transferred the passages to his own book, those especially relating to San'a and to al-Mudhaykhirah, with such slight alteration, that it is only just possible to pronounce with some degree of certainty, that Ibn Haukal's Geography was the authority to which 'Omarah had re- course. The statement that San'a stands on the equator is made by Ibn Haukal, but is not to be found in al-Istakhiu. Yakut quotes the description of San'a as given by our author, but the latter's name is printed 'Inirdn ibn Abi '1- Hasan instead of 'Omarah. The statement that follows in our text, to the effect that the mountain of Mudhaykhirah was twenty parasangs or sixty miles in height, appears in both Istakhri and Ibn Haukal. I do not know how it can be explained. Even if we read circuit for height, it would be a manifest exag- geration. * de Goeje's ed. p. 31. t Id. p. 24. Istakhri seems to have borrowed his account of the climate of San'a from al-llamdfini. See Miiller's edition, p. 195, 1. 24. 232 Notes. NOTE 11. Note 11 to p. 6. — It must be through a corruption of the text that 'Omarah is made to speak of Ibn Fadl as " Sheykh of La'ah/' a designatiou which could only be pro- perly given to his colleague and eventual rival Ibn Haushab or Mansiir al-Yanian. I have omitted in my translation, the conjunction that appears in the MS., icVj sJa, which reduces somewhat the difficulty of making sense of the passage. It seems to be intended to signify that the town of Aden-La'ah was in the neighbourhood of al-Mudhay- khirah. That this is incorrect is shown with sufficient clear- ness by 'Oraarah himself, when he tells us that Mudhay- khirah stood in the province of Ja'far (see Note 6). Yakut has the following passage (vol. iii. p. <322) s.v. icV ijjc IJ Jliu. ift-U proceeding as in our text down to the words ^j^[) ijjUll to which, however, he adds oh^^' -^"f- Here we have probably the origin of the statement that al- Mudhaykhirah stood on Mount Sabir, and indeed other quotations to be found in Yakut, as well as the above, lead to the suspicion that his MS. of 'Omarah was by no means perfect. Al-Mukaddasi mentions al-Mudhaykhirah in his enumera- tion of towns in Yaman (p. 58 and p. 70), along with Janad, Dhamar, Yahsib (or Yahdib), Khaulan, Sahiil, etc. Ham- dani mentions the place only twice in his Geography, but he tells us (p. 68, 1. 3 sqq.) that it was situated in the country of Dhu ^1-Kala', along with ath-Thujjah (which, it may be inferred (p. 75, 1. 23), stood at the foot of Ta'kar), and to- gether with Ta'kar itself, 8ahul, Kaymah, etc. At p. lUO (1. 10 sqq.) he tells us that al-Mudhaykhirah, Thauman (see .supra, p. 207), the mountain of Ba'dan, also Raymah, etc., were in the district of Sahfil. Ibn Khaldun, as will be seen, distinctly says that Mu- dhaykhirah and 'Aden-La'ah were close to one another {sujrra, p. 173), misled probably by Yakiit or by Ibn Sa'id, from whom, as I have already had occasion to say, he seems to have borrowed freely. 1 may here add tbat Ibn Khaldun commits a similar error when he speaks {supra , p. 168) of Aden-Abyan as a separate and distant place from the well-known seaport ot Aden. They are in fact one and the same.* The town of 'Aden-La'ah stood probably on or close to * See, inter alia, al-Mukaddasi, p. 85. NOTE 11. Notes. 2 '^2) the banks of the Wiidi LiVah, an important affluent of the Wadi Maui', one that retains its name to the present day. A similarity of name, taken by itself, must, it is true, count for little and may, indeed, at times be very misleading.* But other evidence is not wanting. Al-Harndfiui tell us, p. 69, 1. 1) that La'ah was situated in the Sarat or mountain-range of al-Ma?aui'. At p. 112, he tells us that La'ah marked the beginning of the country of Hashid, north-west of San'a. Other passages from the same author are to the same effect (p. 106, 1.23; 113,1.19; 193,1.12). We are distinctly told, moreover {sup7-a, pp. 194, 195, etc.), that 'Aden-La'ah was in the neighbourht od of Hajjah and of Jabal Maswar, both which will be found on Dr. Glaser's map. Al-Janadi tells us (fol. 6 obv.) that 'Aden-La'ah, " one of the towns of Hajjah in which Mansur al-Yaman proclaimed the 'Obaydite supre- macy,'^ had long been in ruins. Al-Llamdani mentions another important mountain in the Masani' range, Jabal Tukhla (pp. 69 and 190 sqq.). In his detailed account of the mountain, of the roads that wind round it, its villages and strongholds, the produc- tiveness of its soil, its healthy climate, its freedom from noxious animals and insects, our author writes in a glowing style, by no means usual with him. Though not attaining the elevation of the highest sum- mits of the Masani', it overlooks, he tells us, a wide extent of country. On the south, Bura', Haraz and other moun- tains are distinctly visible. On the west, the view extends from the centre of the country of the Hakamites to Mah- jam, and the white stream of the Wadi Maur is seen glistening through the haze that rests upon the plains of Tihamah. Farther away is sjjread the sapphire -tinted sea, and, in the extreme distance, those endowed with superior powers of vision may distinguish the Farasan Islands. On the east the view is obstructed by the higher range of the Masani'. Jabal Baj/t Fd'isli, he tells us, is the name of one of the highest summits of Mount Tukhla. I feel somewhat at a loss to identify the mountain on the * Eeynaud, in his translation of Abu '1-Fada's Geography, has thus been misled into correcting a supposed error of Lis author. He adds a footnote to his translation, in which he declares that Sharjah was not a seaport. It is true that Niebuhr mentions an inland village named Sharjah, south of Hays. 2 34 Notes. NOTES 12, 13, ma]i pnblislied by Dr. Glaser in the " Mittheilungen," but he mentions its name, and says that it stands due west of Jabal Mas war. 'Omarah, still following- Ibn Haukal and al-Istakhri, pro- ceeds {sul)ra,^^. 7) with an account of Shibrim. Besides one in Hadramautj there were two places in Yaman of that name. One stood on the mountains of Haraz, situated be- tween Wadi Saham and Wadi Surdud (Hamdani, p. 105). The other, which Hamdani calls Shibam-Akyan, stood close to Kaukaban, at the foot of the mountain of Dhukhar, whence the river Surdud has its source {ih. p. 106-7). Both these places are marked upon Dr. Glaser's map. The province of Akyau, accordino" to Hamdani, belonged to the Hawwalis or Banu Ya'fur. He adds that the coun- try was the scene of the contests, whereby YaTur ibn 'Abd ar-Ilaliman, in the days of al-Mu'tasim, of al-Wathik, and of al-Mutawakkil, raised himself to power. Yakut, in his Mushtarik, mentions still another place named Shibam, three parasangs north-east of San'a, but this, I think, requires confirmation. Shibam in Hadramaut was, says Hamdani, the chief city of the province. It had thirty mosques, but half the town was in his day in ruins. Its original name, he adds, was Sbibat (pp. 86,1. 25; 87,1. 25). NoTJ] 1 2 to p. 8. — The " statement of revenue " and the particulars that follow are simply borrowed, with some slight exaggeration, from Ibn Haukal (De Goeje's ed. p. 20), and the same remark applies to the information (supplied (supra, pp. 5 and 7) respecting As'ad ibn Ya'fur and Ibn Tarf. In Ibn Haukal, the distance from Sharjah to Aden is stated at twelve, instead of at twenty days' journey. The 'Aththariyah dinar, accordiug to al-Mukaddasi (p. 1)9), v.as two-thirds of a mithkal, the standard or original weiglit of a dinar. It would therefore be equal to aliout seven shillings in gold of modern money. See also Pro- fessor de Goeje's glossary to Ibn Haukal and al-Mukaddasi, p. 296. * ■ Ibn Hauk^a calls the Prince of Hali al-Kliazdmi, but Midler's edition of al-Hamdani (p. 120^ 1. 12, and 14) gives the reading al-lLlrdiiii. Note 13 to p. 9.— According to Khazraji (p. 78), Muham- mad ibn Ziyfid died in a.h. 215. His sou Ibrahim, he con- NOTE 13. Notes. 235 tinues, died in A,H. 289, after a reign of tliirty-eight years (.s'/'c). Next to Ibrahim followed Ziyfid son of Ibrahim, who did not long reign and the date of whose death the writer is uaable to give. Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak succeeded his brother Ziyad, and is said to have reigned eighty years. He is stated by Khazraji to liave died in a.h. 391, for which we must read 371, as in our text and in Janadi. This would place his accession in a.h. 291, and would give a duration of two years to the reign of his brother and predecessor Ziyad. The latter may have been the prince who is re- ported to have been killed when Zabid was captured and looted by theKarmathians under 'Aly ibn Fadl [supra, p. 200); but as the capture of Zabid must have occurred after a.h. 292, when Ibu Facll conquered Mudhaykhirah, it may with at least equal plausibility be conjectured that it was really Abu '1-Jaysh who was attacked, and that he did not lose his life. But how, on the other hand, are we to believe that Abu ^1-Jaysh, at the end of a reign of eighty years, left an infant son to succeed him ? (See Note 98.) Al-Mas'udi says (vol. iii. p. 35) that in his day (a.h. 332 or shortly after) the Prince of Zabid was Ibrahim ibn Ziyad, which adds to our difficulties. The Prince, he further tells us, bore the surname Sahib al-Harmcdi, which I have nowhere else met with. A valuable date is supplied by a dinar, published by Mr. S. Lane-Poole in the Journal of the Numismatic Society (1887, part iv.). The coin purports to have been struck by Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak, at Zabid, in a.h. 346, and it bears the name of the 'Abbasside Khalifah al-Muti' (a.h. 334-3t)3). Of the last princes of the dynasty we are told next to nothing, and even their names are doubtful. That of the infant successor of Abu '1-Jaysh was, according to our text, either 'Abd Allah, or Ziyad. According to al-Janadi and Khazraji, it was 'Abd Allah, or Ziyad, or Ibrahim. After the death, in a.h. 402, of Husaynibn Salamah, who we are told, ruled the country as Wazir for about thirty years, we find another child on the throne, the last of his race, to whom al-Janadi gives the name 'Abd Allah. In our text he is called 'Abd Allah at p. 13 and Ibrahim at p. 15. He was assassinated in a.h. 409. Al-Janadi (fol. 184 rev.) says it may clearly be shown, that the Banu Ziyad held supreme rule for one hundred and sixty-eight years, from a.h. 203 to 371. From that date until the death of the last prince in 409, they reigned, ho 236 Notes, NOTE 14, continues, as titular sovereigns, for tliirty-eiglit years. Next followed a struggle between Najah and Anis, which endured for three years, until 412, when Najah became supreme ruler. He and his descendants and their wazirs, adds al-Janadi, ruled for 145 years, including the three years of war between Najah and Anis, that is to say, from 409 to 554, when Zabid was captured by Ibn Mahdy. The original passage of which the above is the substance, will be found in Note 98. In the MSS. both of al-Janadi and Khazraji, the year 407 is given as the date at which the Ziyfidite dynasty came to an end, and so it is also to bo found in Dayba* and in al-Ahdal. Al-Janadi's own words, however, show conclusively that a.h. 409, as in our text, is the correct date.* It must be remarked that 'Omarah tells us Zabid was founded in ah. 204, the year in which the Imam ash-Shafi' died. Al-Janadi (fol. 29 obv.) gives the same date for the conquest of Tihamah and for the foundation of the city, stating, however, likewise, that Ibn Ziyad arrived in a.h. 203. The freedman of Abu '1-Jaysh, Rushd, the master of Husayn ibn Salamah, is also so styled by al-Janadi and by Ibn Khallikan. Al-Khazraji and Ibn Khaldun give him the name of Rashid. The assassin of the last Piince of the Ziyadite dynasty is called in our text Nafis, u-^, and so also in Khazraji. Ibn Kballikan and Ibn Khaldun give him the name of Kays, (j-J ; Al-Janadi that of Anis, ^^^\ . He specifies the ortho- graphy and vocalization of the name and elsewhere returns to the point (see Note G5). He is followed by al-Ahdal (p. 264 obv.), but the latter adds that other writers call him Nafls. Note .14 to p. 10. — Mu'adh ibn Jabal, of the tribe of Khazraj, was sent to Yamnn by the Prophet, and remained there until the latler^s death. He himself died at 'Amwas (Kmmaus) in a.h. 18. His life is given by Ibn al-Athlrin his biographies of the Sahabis, the Usd al-Ghdhah, "the Lions of the Jungle " (Bui. ed. vol. iv. p. 377). It contains the following passage, which tends to bear out a sugges- tion I have elsewhere had occasion to offer (Journal of the * All Arabic students are aware how easily the words signify- ing i t^^t when the Karmathiaa dominion came to an end (a.h 304), Yaman became subject to three families or dynasties, be- tween w^liora the whole country was divided. The Banu Ziyad ruled over Zabid (Tihamah) and Aden. Sa'dah and the country on the north were in the possession of the Zaydite Imams. Janad as well as the city and province of Saa'a was held by the Banu Ya'fur. As'ad ibn Ya'fur appointed the Himyarite family, the Banu Kurandi, to be governors of the province of Janad. When, upon the death of Ibn Salainah in a.h. 402, the governors appointed by the Banu Ziyiid usurped absolute power over their provinces, the Banu Kurandi likewise declared their independence. They were deprived of their kingdom by 'Aly the Sulayhite, and the deposed prince, as will be seen, was one of the chiefs who accompanied as-Sulayhi to al-Mahjam, and one of the few whose life was spared by Sa'Id son of Najah. Some of these fortresses, as is stated by Ibn Khaldun, were restored to the Banu Kurandi by al-Mukarram Ahmad son of 'Aly, and of these they con- tinued in possession until they were deprived of their principality by Iba Mahdy. Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayu ibu at-Tubba'y appears to have been the chief of the family at the time of its restoration. The part he took in the * Dciblk was a small Egyptian town near Tinnis, on an island in Lake Menzalah. NOTE 19. Nofcs. 243 scheme to which Sa'id son of Najah fell a victim, is related further on, and it may be noticed that he is there styled Prince of Shamir. Al-Hamdiini says (p. 54^ 1. 21) that the family of Kurandi belonged to the Banu Thumamah, descendants of Ilimyar al-Asghar (ancestor of the Banu Ya^fur and Banu Auza'). The following is al-Khazraji's enumeration of the petty dynasties that sprang up in Yaman upon the death of Ibn Sahimah in A.H. 402, and of the territories and fortresses which they appropriated (fol. 83) : — The governors of the mountain districts and fortresses took possession of that with which they were entrusted. Among others, the Hamdanites seized upon San'a, as already mentioned. The Banu Ma'n took possession of Aden, of Lahj, of Abyan, of Shihr and of Hadramaut. They are not descendents of Ma'n ibn Zu'idah the Shaybanite. The Banu Kurandi, a family descended from Himyar, possessed themselves of Samadan, an exceedingly important fortress, of the strongholds of Sawa, of Dumluwah, of Sabir, of Dhakhir and of Ta'kar, a fortress which commands Janad.* They made themselves masters of (large portions of) the provinces of Ja'far, of 'Unnah and of al-Ma'afir. 'Omarah says of the Banu Kurandi that they held brilliant sway over their possessions, and were a conquering race of kings. Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayn ibn at-Tubba'y took possession of the fortress of Habb, which resembles in strength at-Ta'kar, also of Azzfin, of Khadid, of Eayt 'Izz, of the fortresses of Sha'ir, of Abwar (Anwar), of Nakil, of Sahul and of Shawafi. The Banu Wa'il ibn 'Isa seized upon Wuhazah and upon its strongholds, Yaris, Zahran, al-KhacIra, Sa'ab and Yafuz. The Banu Wfi'il are descended from Dhu l-Kala'. They are an ancient race of rulers, but they are a silly folk, who fancy themselves to be absolutely the noblest of mankind. Among others of the family, was As'ad ibn Wa'il, noted for his generous qualities and for the praise of which he was the theme. He was a pious man, and upheld the orthodox sect of the Sunnis, above all others. He sought the companionship of Kur'iin readers and of wor- shippers, he held in high honour the practice of frequenting the * The name of this fortress, and of that of the same name at Aden, is thus given in the Kamus, Ta'kar, and it would appear to have been generally so pronounced. But in Midler's Ham- dani, it is for the most part written Ta'kur, which, or its alternative Ta''kir, is perhaps the more correct orthography. Al-Janadi tells us (fol. 191 rev.) that the castle of Ta'kar above Dliu Jiblah was demolished in a.h. 594 by the Ayyubite Sultfin al-Mu'izz Isma'il. E 2 244 Notes. NOTE 19. mosques. He venerated the early Companions of the Prophet and followed the good examples of those who protected their names from insult. He was free from all taint of new doctrines. He was slain (and died a martyr) in the year 515, and was buried in the mosque of al-Ja'ami (al-Ju'fy X), I omit the words that follow, evidently an imperfect rendering of the passage in 'Omarah, wherein he speaks of the fortresses and territories taken by a family of the tribe of Bakil and by that of 'Abd al- Wahid. j^^^ 3 \J^) 3 y 3 U"^ (i*^ d^ y^. ^r^ 3 ^^ V-^ US fls:-fl ^c ^^X^s» ^}c J Ipl ^^^ Jc J J^^ ^ o^^ ja J ijl^ Jl ^ =^ ^ ^^ u-o. ,^a. ;Jc (jt^l ^^ ijrr-^ "^^^ '^'^ J?^ ^'^ 3 i»^^ ^J-*J i'*^^ aJalw t^^\ C)"**-? >^^ C^"**" J J^ '^^ J ■^•^* J l^i^'^ (J^ J J^JtJl y;iaj j» 3 ^^ J ^"^i^' l5^ c;* ^J* ^'i 3^. 3 j3^ 3 '■r^-' J Ir^ 3 k}j^) 3 o-y Ji^J \^. d* 3 S^^^ ll^ C^^ (i? ^-^^ f*"^ CJJL/- -^^ (^r^ 3 +^^'^^ ^^ li'Lo ^ ■ ^ ^ji-si-Jll L;Jl J (jiiJ^l j%j\ll L_**-U> Jjlj ^^> .\.x-.l i^a> Al-Khazraji has borrowed these particulars from al- Janadi, but in the Paris MS. of the latter (p. 183 obv.), the sense is partially obscured by what seems to be a copyist^s error, the omission probably of one, or it may be, of two lines. I have therefore preferred Khazraji's version. t •'. jj>\ I 'Omiirah, ijjl:;* i*lj. § J. \j.^Z, NOTES 20-22. Notes. 245 Note 20 to p. 16. — Ma'n ibn Zn'idah, of the Tshraaelite tribe of JShaybiin and of the great Sept of Kabi'ah, was appointed governor of Yaraan by the Abbaside Khalifah al-Mansur 'Abd Allah. His life is giveu by Ibn Khallikau (de Slane, vol. iii. p. o98), and from al-Janadi (fol. 27 obv.) it appears that he was Governor of Yaman from a.h. 145 to 151. It will be seen that the claim of the Banu Ma'n of Aden to be descendants of Ma'n ibn Za'idah is mentioned by Ibn Khaldun and distinctly contradicted by al-Khazraji (see the preceding note), as well as by 'Omarah. Note 21 to p. 17. — The Imjim Malik ibn Anas al-Asbahi was the founder of one of the four great schools into which the Suunite Muharamadans are divided. He was born, lived and died at Medlnah, for which reason he is styled Imam of the City of the Fliglit. NoTK 22 to p. 17. — The places mentioned on this and the preceding page were situated, as will be sten, in the Mikhlaf Ja'far, but, with few exceptions, I have been un- able to ascertain their position. Dumlmcah is mentioned by Niebuhr in his Description of Arabia (p. 212) and is marked upon his map, a short distance east of Ta'izz. Ham- daui's description of the fortress will be found in Note 111. The fortresses of Sahir and Bhalihir stood without doubt on the mountains after which they appear to be named. These two mountains, according to al-Hamdjini, are separated by an opening, in which stands the town and fortress of Jaba, the residence of the Banu Kurandy (p. 99, 1. 6). Mount Sabir, he adds (1. 21), separates Jaba from Janad. The valley of 'Unnah, so named after a sub-tribe of Himyar, was watered by a stream which flowed into the Wadi Zabid (Hamdani, p. 71,1. 16; 100,1. 5). I find no mention of Savva (supra, p. 131) in al-Hamdani, nor of Samaddn, which is stated to have been one of the most important fortresses in Yaman. According to Yakfit, the former stood upon Mount Sabir. The Mountain of Hahh was, according to Hamdani, in the country of Dhu Ku'ayn (p. 101, 1. 12). It cannot have been far from the town of Ibh, perhaps to the eastward, and over- looking the valley that extends downwards and sweeps round Jabal Khubban. I do not find the name of Ibb in Ham- dani, and although it and Habb are mentioned as separate 246 Notes. NOTE 22. places by 'Omarali {supra, p. 131), there seems to me reason to suspect that the two may turn out to be, at least to all intents and purposes, one and the same place. K/iadid is so written in Miiller's Hamdani. In the British Museum MS. of Ibn Khaldun, it is pointed Khudad. Yakut has Khadad, and he mei'ely says that it was aforti-ess situated in MikhlafJa'far. Hamdani tells us (p. 78,1. 17), that it stood at a distance of an hour's journey from the castle of the Wuhazites, and that it contained a magnificent palace. It is reached by tAvo roads leading to the gates of the castle, near each of which there is a supply of water. Close to the road on the south side there is a cistern (Karif 1) known by the name of al-Wafayt, excavated in black rock. Its depth is fifty cubits. Its width twenty, and its length fifty cubits. It is protected and surrounded by a wall, to prevent accidents. The other source of water supply is close to the northern gate. It is a pit in the rock like a well, lined with masonry composed of flag stones. There are steps whereby the water can be reached from the sum- mit of the castle, with the help of torches, both by day and by night. It takes an hour's time to reach the Avater, and a person at the entrance of the well cannot be distinguished from above. The Castle of Khadid must, I conclude, have stood on the north or north-west of Ibb. 'Azzdn, according to Yakiit, stood on the mountain of Raymah in the country of al-Manakhi, not far, therefore, from al-Mudhaykhirah. Yakut mentions also 'Azzan-Khabt on Mount Sabir near Ta'izz, and 'Azzcin-Dhakhir, which he says stood on Mount Sabir likewise. Bayt 'Izz, as we have seen (Note 6), stood in the country of al-Manakhi ; and a-s/i- Shn'ir, so written by al-Janadi, the place where Sa'id son of Najah met his death, must likewise have been in that neigh- bourhood, or near the banks of the Wadi Sahiil. Janadi, instead of Nur has Anwar {swpra, Note 19). This place is mentioned by Yakut, who says it stood in Mikhlaf Kayzan. Hamdani makes mention of Kaynfin, which, he says, was in the district of Sahul, and in the northern part of the coun- try of Dhu '1-Kala' (p. 100, h 15; 68, 6). An-Nakll (the mountain pass) is doubtless Nakll Sayd, near Yahdib al- 'Ulu, or the ruined city of Zafar. Sc'ihid stood in the dis- trict of Dhu '1-Kala', and it is likewise the name of a stream that flowed into Wadi Zabld. (Hamdani, p. 68, 1. 4; 71, 15.) Instead of Shcnrdkivfe must read, as in al-Jauadi, Shawdfi, "which according to Hamdani was one of the inhabited NOTE 23. N'otcs. 247 places ia the province of Sahul (p. 100, 1. 16). It is men- tioned by the author of the Marasid. Wulidzali is described by al-Hamdrmi as part of the low- lying lands of the district of Dhu '1-Kala' and contained a castle of the same name, also called Suba,^ (p. 68, 1. 6 ; 78, 15). The name Bayhars is without doubt erroneous. Al- Janadi and Kliazraji write YarU (^u-y). The same writers have Zahrdn and 8a'b (Sha'b ?) instead of Dahwdii and Sha'r. Yakut says that al-K/mdrd a,nd al-Ydb is are a fortress {sic) on Mount Wusab. Al-Janadi says of Shdhit that it had formerly been the abode of kings, but that it had lost its impovtauce. It is mentioned by Yakut, but he adds nothing to what we are told by 'Omarah. He includes the verses given in our text, which he doubtlessly borrows from our author. Their point consists in the double signi- fication of the principal words, and their more obvious ineaniug is so gross, tbat I have gladly exempted myself from the task of rendering it in English. I may here men- tion that al-Hamdiini explains (p. 84, 1. 12) that the word . al-Glid'it is used in Yaman to signify the desert. Jahjah, mentioned a few lines farther on, is marked on Manzoni's map (Gebgeb), and is referred to by Hamdiini, (p. 68, 1. 5, 12; 104, 17). Wusdhal-'Ahi^ and Wmdb al- Asfcd are identified by Glaser with Jubliin al-'Arkabali, which Hamdani tells us (p. 103, 12) stood between Wadl Zabid and Wadi Rima', adding elsewhere (p, 71, 22) that Wadi Rima' flows between Jubliiu al-'Arkabah and Jublau Raymah. Note 23 to p. 18. — The Hamdanite sister tribes of Hashid and Bakil were, as is mentioned by Ibn Khaldun on the authority of al-Bayhaki and of Ibn Hazm [supra, p. 1 75), the progenitors of most of the subdivisions of the Banu Hamdan. The Banu Bakil and Banu Hasbid were closely allied, and held high rank among* the most powerful Arab communities in Yaman. And they have, in fact, continued, as is show^n by Niebuhr, to occupy that position down to the present day. The Banu Yam, to which the iSuhiyhites and the family of Zuray' belonged, were a subdivision of tlio Banu Hashid. According to Hamdani (p. 109), the country of his tribes- men extended from San'a to Sa'dah.* The Banu Bakil, he * Sa'dah belonged to the Banu Khaulau and in pie-Islamitic times it bore the name uf Juvui^ (Hamdani, p. 07.) 248 Notes. NOTES 24, 25. adds, possessed, as a general rule, the country on the east of a line drawn from San'a to Sa'dah and the Banu Hashid that on the west. The latter owned also the district of al- ^'Vahs]l, the western portion of the province of Sahul, Iving" next to the country of Dhu '1-Kala' and enclosed by the streams that combine to form the Eiver Zabid. (Ham- dani, p. 100, 20 ) Note 24 to p. 18. — Jahal Burd' is described by Hamdani as a north-westerly extension of Julian Raymah, standing between Wadi Elma' and Wadi Saham, precisely as is shown in Dr. Glaser's map. The name al-'Amad (?), 1 have not met with elsewhere. Li'sdn, according to Dr. Glaser's map and as described by Hamdani, extends to the western elopes of Haraz. Masdr is one of the important group of mountains known by the name oi Hardz. It will be seen by what follows at p. 44, that most of the strongholds above mentioned, were held at a subsequent period by the family of Muzaifar the Sulayhites. Among other places there mentioned are Makr, az-Zarf and Bliu L'assaJi, touching which I have met with no information. Kawarlr is referred to by Khazraji [iiupra, Note 5). For Zafdr we may perhaps read Zafirdn, mentioned by Yakiit as a fortress situated on the Mountain of Wusab. The mountain of Baijmah stood in the neighbourhood of Thau- man, and is consequently a different place from Jublan llaymah above referred to. 'Omtirah speaks elsewhere (pp. 4 and 132) of Boymat al-Aslid'ir, and al-Janadi of Baymat al-Mandkhi {supra, Note 6). See also Eaymah in Hamdani, p. 68, 4. The lortress of Baymat al-Kald' of the last mentioned (p. 125, 22), is referred to as separate and distinct from Eaymah, and he speaks also of Mount Baymdri in the same locality, that is to say, next to the mountain of Ba'dan ([). 71, 16; 100, 21 ; 125, 6). Ba'diin and Eayman appear to have been the names of tribes inhabiting the pro- vince of Sahul (p. 100, 7), after which the mountains were doubtless named. Jublan was likewise (p. 103, 17) the name borne by the ancestor of certain Himyarite tribes. The word Eayman must probably in certain cases be understood in its natural sense, a hill. Note 25 to p. 1 9.— Al-Janadi (fol. 183 obv.) and also al-Alidal and al-Yafi' write ar-Batvdhy (yod^^l ULU ^ -"i^lj . Yakut repeats the statement in our text that az-Zawalai NOTE 26. Notes. 249 was a village in the district of Haraz, to which he adds, "also in the district of an-Najm, situated where the coun- try of Yaman commences." Hamdrmi tells us (p. 120, 6) that the tribe or family of an-Najm inhabited al-Mahjam. He also mentions a place named az-Zawdhi (p. 100, 16), but it is distinctly described as situated in the district of Sahiil and in the country of Dhu ^1-Kala'', in other words therefore, in Mikhlaf Ja'^far. I feel quite at a loss to sug- gest how these various statements are to be reconciled with one another. Note 26 to p. 19. — This book is spoken of under the same title by al-Janadi and Khazraji, Kitdb as-Smvar. It is mentioned in the Bibliographical Dictionary, the Kashf az-Zunun, in which it is stated that if the book ever existed, it consisted of three (astrological) treatises written by Aristotle. It will be seen that Ibn Khaldun gives the book in the possession of 'Amir the name of Kitdh al-Jafr. In his Prolegomena (translated by Baron de Slane), Ibn Khaldun enters into considerable detail on the subject. The book, he tells us, was said to have been originally in the posses- sion of Ja'far as-Sadik (the sixth Imam) and it contained particulars relating to the descendants of 'Aly, revealed by divine grace to Ja'far and other leading members of the family of 'Aly, Ja'far as-Sadik was said to have communi- cated its contents to a certain chief of the sect of the Zayd- ites, who committed them to writing. The book was named after the original copy Kitdh al-Jafr, because it was written upon sheets of kid-skin or vellum.* Ibn Khaldiin remarks that the chain of tradition, whereby it is sought to vindicate the authority of the book, is faulty. What became of the oi'iginal volume, he further states, is not known. But the Fatimites asserted that 'Obayd Allah was acquainted with its contents, and they cite examples in proof of the knowledge he and his associates had acquu-ed of the future, as showu^ for instance, in the case of Iba Haushab (Mansur al- Yaman), who, when he sent Abu 'Abd Allah ash-Shiya'y to North Africa, knew that there the destinies of the family of 'Aly were to be fulfilled, and the foundations of their empire to be laid. Abu 'Abd Allah himself, on his arrival in Africa, announced to the men of * See also Kashf ajf-ZunCm, s.v. al-Jafr. 250 Notes. NOTES 27-2^. the Berber tribe of Katuinah that tliey were the people, bearing a name derived from mystery (al-Kitman), who were destined to be champions of the Mahdy. (Ibn al-Athir, viii. 24, MakrTzi, i. 350.) In a curious extract from the Dastvr al-Munajjim'tii printed by Professor de Goeje, one of the appendices to his work on the Karmathians of Bahrayn, it is stated that 'Obayd Allah, on starting from Egypt for North Africa, was attacked by robbers at a place called at-Tahunah. They plundered him of a large portion of his possessions ; but his heaviest loss was that of certain books, in which the occult sciences of the Imams, his forefathers, were contained. When 'Obayd Allah's son al-Kfi'im, continues the writer, was sent forth on his fii'st invasion of Egypt (a.h. 301), he succeeded in capturing the robbers, and he recovered possession of the books. On hearing thereof, the Mahdy rejoiced with exceeding joy. " The recovery of these books,'' he exclaimed, " is of itself a sufficient conquest." The anecdote, somewhat more briefly told, is to be found also in Ibn al-Athlr. Note 27 to p. 21. — See Dieterici's Mutanabbi, p. 695, where the line quoted stands as follows : — Note 28 to p. 22. — The first of these two lines of verse is not given by al-Janadi, nor have I found it elsewhere. The name Asmd is regarded as derived from the verb wasama, with which the first line begins, and which signi- fies to mark, but it is also connected with the verb ffawa to be lofty, samau the sky, and with is7n a name. Queen Bilkls is mentioned in Note 41. Note 29 to p. 24. — This, according to both al-Khazraji . and Ibn Khallikan, was in a.h. 453. Al-Janadi adds (p. 183 obv.) that as-Sulayhi's envoys were Ahmad ibn Muham- mad, father of Sayyidah, who was killed at Aden by the falling in of a house at a time when his daughter was still in her childhood (Ah., p. 268), and that the other was Abu Saba Ahmad ibn al-Muzaft'ar, father of Sultan Saba ibn Ahmad. He furthur mentions that as-Sulayhi sent the Fatmiite Khallfah valuable presents, comprising seventy swords with cornelian handles. Al-Khazraji, after mention- NOTE 29. Notes. 251 iog that as-Sulayhi proclaimed the supreme authority of the Fatimite Khalifah al-Mustansir, proceeds as follows : — "When as-Sulayhi raised his standard on the mountain of Masar, where he was supported by a number of people of the tribes of Sinhan, of Yam, of Jusham and of Habrah, a large army advanced against him led by (Ja'far) son of the Tm:im al-Kasim ibn 'Aly, hereinbefore mentioned,* and by a man named Ja'far ibn al- 'Abbas, who Avas a Shafi'ite and greatly respected in the western districts of Upper Yaman. He marched along with Ja'far son of al-Kfisim at the head of 30,000 men, but was attacked in his encampment by as-Sulaj'hi in the month of Sha'ban of the year above mentioned. He was killed along with a large number of his followers and his army dispersed. As-Sulayhi then ascended the mountain of Hadiir, took possession of it, and seized the fortress of Yana'.f Ibn Abi Hashid collected an army, and an engagement took place between them at Sauf, a village between Hadur and Bir Bani Shihab. Ibn Abi Hashid was killed to- gether with one thousand of his followers. The name of the place has become proverbial in Yaman, in the phrase Slaughter of Sauf (i.e. great carnage). As-Sulayhi then proceeded to San'a and captured it. The whole of Yaman submitted to him, its hills and its plains (etc. as in 'Omarah). At p. 48, I. 16, al-Khazraji says that as-Sulayhi subdued the whole country, from Mecca to Hadramaut, but that Sa'dah held out against him for a time, under the descen- dants of au-Nasir (Ahmad). He however succeeded in slay- ing their chief and captured the city. ^J^ J ^l— <• j^ Us {J-^i:^^ ^alkll ^^ jkx* <*lilj ^,.a;^«JLl ^1 *lcjjl j^\ j ^Jc ^ ,»->.\i!l jXt>)l\ ^J^ ijjos- i^ J ^i&. J />\i J (j^"* o^ f*f ^1? '^** %>.j J^ L-Jfcjil ijbU tj-LslI (jJ y«a. ^J^, ^j J jJS »^ ^ V_jl jj> JJ.' J,:a J aI^ ijSj.\,\ i«Jl ^J■» ijUx^ jj A..WS.* ^ (j-'-sJl ^J> jixsi ^/i * See supra, ISTote 8. t Al-Hamdani mentions Yana' (p, 106, 1. 12) as one of the places situated at the foot or on the lower slopes of Jabal Hadtir, which, he says, is so named after the ancestor of the Pru[)het Shu'ayb. Hadiir is one of the mountains of the Saiat of Alhan, which extends from NakU as-Saud to Harfiz, and it must not be confounded with Hadur Bani Azd (Hamdiini, p. 68), farther north, one of the mountains of al-Masaui'. (See Glaser, p. 42-'i3,) 252 Notes, NOTES 30, 31. j^l J isi'^^U j^Ja. J-s. ^Is jc a:>c ij-W' (jyi^ |/:^^ ^* -^^^^ o" . 5^Cj _j 4^4-^ LL> ^•^J1 l5j^' ^4X1«.9 Note 30 to p. 29. — All these places, az-Zaralh, JahaJd *Akdd (the two mountains of 'Ahld) and al-'Ukwatdni (the two 'Ukwas) are mentioned by Yakut, who quotes the lines g^iven in our text, but again adds nothing to what we are told by 'Omarah, excepting a statement that the moun- tains overlook Zabld, which is manifestly wrong, 'Omfirah tells us that they stood in the country of Ibu Tarf, or in other words in that of the Banu Hakam, the tribe to which •Omarah belonged. Yakut, instead of 'Akdd as in the KamCis and Taj al-'Ariis, writes 'UkJcad. Note 31 to p. 30. — a.h. 459 is the year given by Khaz- raji (p. 83) and also by Ibn al-Athir (vol. x. p. 38). A comparison of dates shows that the death of as-Sulayhi must have occurred in a.h. 473, as stated by 'Omarah else- where (supra, p. 82), as well as in this passage, and also by Ibn Khallikan and by al-Janadi (fol. 183 obv. and rev.). It seems exceedingly probable that the words in our text, to the effect that the date 459 is assigned to the event and that it is to be preferred to the other, are an interpolation ; but the error, it may be, proceeds from the confusion of an earlier expedition to Mecca with that projected in 473. Ibn Khaldun, in his chapter on the history of the Hiishim- ite Amirs of Mecca (Bui. ed. iv. p. 103) says, as in his history of Yamau {supra, pp. 147 and 152), that the expedi- tion of 473 was undei-taken by command of the Fatimite Kbalifah, and that its purpose was the reinstatement of the Sulaymanites, in the place of Abu Hashim Muhammad son of Ja'far, who had renounced the Fatimite supremacy, and proclaimed that of the Abbasides. Ibn al-Athir mentions in his Chronicles (vol. x. pp. 19 aud 38) that as-Sulayhi made himself master of IJiIecca in A.H. 455, aud won pi-aise by establishing order in the city, by adopting measures for the importation of food, and by extending protection to the pilgrims. He draped the NOTES 32-36. Notes. 253 Ka'bah with a covering of white china silk * and restored its treasures. These, continues the historian, had been carried to Yaman by the Hasanites, from whom they were repurchased by as-Sulayhi, See Dr. Snouck Hurgronje^s Mekka, pp. 02 and 63-4. It will be noticed that Abu Hrishim Muhammad was raised to the rulership of Mecca by as-Sulayhi. Note 32 to p. 32. — The word al-Ahival may also be trans- lated the Astute, and the latter is probably the sense in which it was applied to Sa^ld by his people. Note 33 to p. 36. — Khazraji supplies us here with speci- mens of 'Aly the Sulayhite's talents as a poet. They will be found in Baron de Slane's translation of Ibn Khallikan, vol. ii. p. 348. Note 34 to p. 37. — See the description of a dinar of 'Imrfm ibn Muhammad, by Mr. S. Lane- Poole, in the cata- logue of coins at the British Museum. The defaced and illegible word is probably MaliJci. Note 35 to p. 38. — 'Omarah tells us (snpra, pp. 41 and 42) that when al-Mukarram adopted Dhu Jiblah as his place of residence, he appointed As'ad ibn Shihab over San^a together with 'Imran ibn al-Fadl. We learn from al-Janadi (fol. 184 obv.) that As'ad, upon the death of Sa'id (in 482), was transferred from San'a to Zabid. His expulsion by Jayyash occurred the same year. It is some- what difficult to understand at what time As'ad ibn 'Arraf can have ruled over the city ; but it will be observed that our text is again in a very unsatisfactory condition at this particular point. Note 36 to p. 40. — Yakut, in his Geographical Dic- tionary, reproduces 'Omarah's derivation of the name Dhu Jiblah. But, as appears from Wiistenfeld's printed edition, an error has been committed by the author or by his tran- scribers, whereby the sense of the passage is singularly misrendered. It reads as follows : — i.)j^l Ji l^^y'^ ijJX iJ o:; t^JJl ^Ji,\\ J J^^ ^i-r-i ^^=> * See Note 18, footnote. 254 N'otes. NOTES 37, 38. The words Ddr al-Tzz loa hihi being misread, it becomes obvious that the sentence could not end with the word Summi)jaL The writer has accordingly taken upon him- self, according to a practice unhappily far too common, to add on his own authority the word h'isniiJia, besides intro- ducing a conjunction after hihi, and thus, whilst escaping one difficulty, he has plunged, without perceiving it, into another. Yakut says that Dhu Jiblah stood at the foot of Mount Sabir, an error which appears also in Ibn Sa'id's Geogra- phy. It is in point of fact none other but the place shown in Niebuhr's and subsequent maps south-west of Ibb. Note 37 to p. 42. — Al-Janadi says (fol. 184 obv.) that al-Mukarram died at Bayt Tunis, or at the fortress of Ashyah, in a.h. 484 or in 480 or in 479. The context here and elsewhere {supra, p. 88) shows that al-Mukarram was living in 481. The same writer mentions that although Saba succeeded to the office of Da'y (which could not be held by a woman), Sayyidah retained in her own hands full sovereignty or temporal power over her husband's dominions. ISToTE 38 to p. 43. — Al-Janadi (fol. 184 obv.) adds the following (see also al-Khazraji, p. 53j — whence it would appear that a passage is here omitted from our text. 'Omarali relates that Ibn al-Kumm, standing before Saba, recited the ode in Avliich these lines occur. The Prince, on hear- ing the verses, forbade him to stand, and casting a cushion at his his feet, commanded him to be seated. This he did for the pur- pose of showing him honour and of exalting him over all that were present. When the poet ended his recitation, Saba exclaimed : " Thou art unto us, Abu ^Abd Allah, such as is described by al-Mutanabbi : My heart is that of Kings, though — it be perceived that my tongue is that of a poet.* \jtSj J A UJ^I l^Jc .Jjjtflllj i^\ J 8^3=* a1 *, J Aji\ ^JJ^ Axlo oloVl Jli \S liJ^ oil :> J XL Jl; *^ l^L:^ l^s-* j :i^ j '% jt^\ i\j\ ^^ j{ ^y>'i\ 6jjyJ\ Ciilil aJI ilc U>i »W A— .U aJI jlc lil^*Vl i;)! JflU_j X4SI Ax* J 1" L ^LI- 1j' U t Vj! J ^^t^, Ua ^^ 6^-i ^j liilU-i j«^«i aU- J o » _s2^-~i J Aiiaxl-J iJl c^Xs i_>^ (J-^s=f C^i-? J -»•':;-? i^>-jl^ ol-a*. Note 40 to p. 47. — Kur'an S. xxxiii. v. 36. It is ex- plained in the Kashshdf that this verse was revealed for the purpose of reproving Zaynab daughter of Jahsh and cousin of the Prophet. The latter had arranged a marriage between her and his freedman Zayd and had provided the dowry. The marriage took place, but the lady and her brother made no disguise of their profound dissatisfaction with her being the wife, as they complained, of a slave. She aspired, it was said, to being taken in marriage by the Prophet himself. Her wishes were eventually gratified, but for the particulars of that ancient piece of scandal, I may confine myself to referring the. reader to Sir William Muir's Life of Muhammad. Note 41 to p. 47. — Kur'an xxvii. 29, 30 and 32. These words are those of Bilkls Queen of Sheba (Saba), on receiving a letter from Solomon, commanding her and her people to recognise his authority. Bilkis sought the advice of her counsellors, an example which Queen Sayyidah de- clares she will not follow. The King had heard of Bilkls and of her splendour from the hoopoe, who said to Solo- mon that he came unto him from (the country of) Saba with truthful tidings, words which Queen Sayyidah, as will * Khi, ^j^ t Khi, »V^^ j^Vl X Khi, ^^ § Khi, l^--:*! II Khi, c:^s-»l ^ Khi, «^ ** ^y4 ? t^^V '? NOTES 42-44. Notes. 257 be observed, turus to account in the subsequent sentence. The words liesist me not, etc., are omitted by 'Omarah, but are inserted by Khazraji, as in the text of the Kur'an. The abrupt change from the singular to the plural arises from strict adherence to the sacred text. The expression Ye have wrested the words from their true sense is likewise borrowed from the Kur'an, which in several passages applies it to the Jews. Note 42 to p. 48. — Al-Khazraji proceeds as follows (p. 54) :- He (Saba son of Ahmad the Sulayhite) continued to inhabit his castle of Ashyah until he died in the year 492. At his death, Sau'a and the surrounding country were dissevered from the Sulayhite Kingdom. The Queen continued to inhabit I)hu Jiblah, until her death in tlie year that will be mentioned here- after (a.h. 532). San'a was conquered by Sultan Hfttim ibn al-Ghashim, whose history will be found in this book. The same date for the death of Saba, a.h. 492, is given by al-Jauadi ; but Ibn Khaldun writes 486 (supra, p. 151). Al-Janadi adds the correct orthography of the name Ash- yah. In the British Museum MS. of 'Omarah it is written Ashyakh, which I have rectified in the printed text. Note 43 to p. 49. — Al-Afdal Shahinsbah was wazir, and virtually absolute ruler of the Fatimite Empire, under the Khallfahs al-Musta'la and al-Amir. He was assassin- ated by order of the latter in a.h, 515, Note 44 to p. 50. The words enclosed within square brackets are absolutely necessary to complete the sense, and we are able to restore them, with little short of cer- tainty, from the corresponding passages of other writers. But another and larger omission may still be suspected, certain particulars on the rise of the family of al-Walid, supplied at this point both by al-Jauadi and by al-Khazraji. The latter writes (p. 54) as follows : — At-Ta'kar belonged to 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad the Sulayh- ite, brother of 'Aly ibn Muhammad ibn as-Sulayhi. Al-iVIukar- ram, upon the death of his father and of his uncle Abd Allah, appointed his cousin, As'ad son of Abd Allah, Governor of the city. As'ad's conduct became bad, and al-Mukarram removed S 258 Notes, NOTE 44. him and placed him in command of Raymah. He appointed Abu '1-Barakut son of al-Walld over at-Ta'kar and its dependen- cies, and Abu 'l-Barakiit's brother Abu '1-Futuh son of al-Walid over the fortress of Ta'izz. Al-Mufaddal, then in his early youth, was in the service of al-Mukarram at Dhu Jiblah and was admitted into the presence of the Princess. Upon the death of Abu 'l-Barak:Tt, which occurred after that of al-Mukarram, the Queen confided the Governorship of at- Ta'kar to his son Khalid. The latter remained in command for a period of about two years, at the end of which he was slain by the Jurist *Abd Allah ibn al-Masu'. This Ibn al-Masu' was a learned Jurist and a man of an earnestly religious disposition. He pro- fessed attachment to the Amir Khiilid ibn Abi '1-Barakat, who was ruler over his country Dhu 's-SufaL* (Though a Sunni) he ran no danger of being molested and Khalid trusted him. He had issued orders that the Jurist should not be hindered from coming up to him at whatsoever time he listed. This man's soul nevertheless instigated him to slay the Governor, the shedding of whose blood he regarded as lawful, seeing that Khalid was a member of the Ismailite sect. He consulted no person, but per- suaded himself that the officials, on finding him prepared with money for the payment of salaries, would submit to him and do his bidding. He engaged the services of an oil-dealer, whose wont it Avas to go up to the castle with oil, for sale to the people Avho dwelt in the fortress. He filled his leathern oil-vessel with gold and silver coin and the two went up together. On finding himself alone with the Amir Khalid, he slew him. In his excite- ment he cried aloud. The people of the castle hastened unto him, and finding the Amir dead, they killed the Jurist. Al-Janadi (Paris MS. fol. 194 rev.) proceeds in the cor re. spending passage of his history as follows : — The Queen appointed al-Mufaddal to replace (his brother Khiilid). From the day of his arrival at at-Ta'kar he pursued the Jurists with his enmity. He openly manifested the hatred he bore them and he seized the lands both of the assassin and of his family, their ancient possessions situated in Dhu 's-Sufal. Most of the Jurists fled from the neighbourhood of at-Ta'kar in dread of his severities. I have mentioned what he did to the people of the Jurist Zayd, Avhen relating the latter's history. Al-Mufaddal became the Queen's trusted adviser and adminis- trator of her kingdom. The Queen decided upon nothing without his advice. He attained great power, and his word was * Dhu 's-Sufal is marked on Niebuhr's and Manzoni's maps southwest of Dhu Jiblah. Y:lkut writes SafaJ and Siful. NOTE 44. Notes. 259 raised on high. There was not only none among the nobles of the land who could pretend to surpass him, but none that could equal him. He made incursions into Tihamah on several occasions, with results at times favourable and at others against him. He was a man distinguished by generous and noble qualities. But in supreme nobility and generosity of character, he ranked below Saba (sou of Ahmad) hereinbefore mentioned. Al-Mufaddal was liberal and the object of praise. Poets came to him from all parts and eulogized him, and he rewarded them Avith surpassing rewards. His Court was visited by Mawahib ibn Jadid al-Maghrabi, who panegyrized him in several odes, one of which contains the following lines : — O thou that ownest the Faith and the World and their people, That clingest with firm grasp to the saving tenets of Islam, Men say, he that would riches must dwell by the sea or with a King. And thus have I done, son of Walld, for thou art a Sea and thou art a King," * Among the still existing memorials of al-Mufaddal's rule, is the watercourse he constructed^ extending from Hinwah (?) to the city of Janad.f It passes over places where its channel has been excavated in the living rock, in such wise that a description of the work is hard to be believed. Many such channels were made, and a stream of water is led through them. On reaching a spot between two mountains, the craftsmen provided for its passage by means of a wall, about two hundred cubits of the new measure in length from one mountain to the other, its height from the ground about fifty cubits and its width about ten cubits. These are the dimensions according to my own measurements and estimates. A person contemplating that great work, feels convinced that it can have been executed only by the Jinn, and but for absolute certainty of its visible existence, it were impossible to believe in it. Another "reat work of al-Mufaddal was the reconstruction of * See Note 74. t Al-Ahdal (fol. 280 rev.), when mentioning the foundation of the city of Mansurah by Sayf al-Islam Tughtakin in a.h. 592, states that it was built at the distance of a quarter of a day's march south of Janad. He adds that the Sultan revived the prosperity of its valley, known by the name of Khanioah Jsj^i., which had become the abode of wild beasts, and that in the village of Hinwah (?) 'iy^, he built a hospital for the entertainment of strangers. The village in question must have stood near the Castle of Damluwah. s 2 26o Notes. NOTE 44, the mosque of Janad. The portions he bnilt are the front and the two aisles. The rear was built by a Kadi, one of the Jurists attached to the mosque. The portion erected by al-Mufa(]dal may be distinguished through its being built of stone. He roofed it and it continued in existence until Mahdy son of 'Aly ibn IMahdy captured the city. He demolished the mosque and burnt it with fire, as will be related hereafter, if it please God. It re- mained a ruin until the Ghuzz (the Turkish and Northern soldiery under the Ayyubites) arrived in Yaraan. The power of the family of Mahdy did not long endure after the destruction of the mosque, nor had it been long in existence before. When Sayf al-Islara reached the city, he restored the mosque and added to its height the existing portion, built of brick. This will be mentioned here- after, when the history of the Ayyubite conquest is related. The Kfidi Abu Bakr al-Yaf'y mentions the story of the water- channels, in the verses he composed in praise of Mansur son ot al-Mufaddal, wherein he eulogized the father as well as the son, extolling al-Mufaddal as the constructor of that great work, I doubted to whom it was to be rightly attributed, until I found the passage in question in the Kadi's poem. I have already, when giving an account of al-Yaf^y's life, said enough to render it un- necessary to recur to the subject here, but I desire to add the lines in which he refers to the artificial watercourse, and to its author al-Mufaddal, as follows: — I say, rendering honour unto him and of his noble work — in leading the waters along their rocky bed, He cleft the lofty mountains and their streams became — as heaven's rains, flowing over a level plain. The words He cleft the lofty mountains are sure evidence to the truth of what we have said. Al-Janadi's doubts as to the authorship of tlie rock-cut water-channels and aqueduct, suggest the question whether the work were not of far more ancient date than he sup- poses, and whether al-Mufaddal' s share in it may not have been confined to its restoration. It would be interesting to learn from modern travellers the present condition of a monument, of which important remains or traces can hardly fail to be still in existence. U^ ) ft^j'-^ ^^' J ^"'^ ^'-"^ *«^'^ "^i? C^ -ij^* J^fl-ll 8J-.-.11 l_*las? l^Jl cJli ^y* J JlflJl ^0 ^ i*.jill d^Vl ^ J A._ji J Jj-yi ^\J[ NOTE 44. Notes. 261 ijjjjl (jLcl ^ jj-.) J_j Alio olc ^ ajli ^Wc el!j->9 ijjj \jjS »Jl^-J1 AWiJ ^ \js^\ sA^aj U-A** l-i'j^ J-aall ^J^ J tf^^ (•J'si' V-' cj^"^ CJJ-^ ^^-3^1 JjJk>. ij.; *^A^'j* j,ji aJI j Lii^ \Ay CiJJJ Ac (»'rr';M AJj=>-J^ j l^Vl % Mj ^J^ oil ^ ^«9 Ji ^ K_l.. J I^SJJ^ II jJ^ jj^ JJ J.i J cUJl jbs.1 ^^JU. (J-; "U. U J l^:^ ^\X\ ijj>-\ J »ajJj= l^fli^ Wll ^J ^J J AcliJ^l ^ ^l^i J.1L ^ l> J-U Jl jil ^* a]> i^b=. ^li ttllo ^^ ^jiJl IJA J J^iJ-^^^ Pb'^^ t*"*^ O* b*^ A«a/C J ^1^^ c>:^-**^ C^* Ij^ U^y) j^-«*^' l^ ^ isLiiill (_^30 »U-9^&^1 LI ^ ly^a-Lil ^ j,jiil ajUj J>>. j JJ^i jujV a^J* ^ Jtr^il ^■^s li^y ^ • -^' , .-^1^1 5ii ^ J ^y^ ^^ '^'^ U^ Ji J J™' (C^ "^ (3^ ^3 ^-^ ^J'-* A>J-« a1<^ ^-jA |J«»-^ A:fc-X* II j^j»i» CiUi ^ j«j!flj' Ai J ^jSjJl ^Ifijl^ii ^ AJj>>j ^j*. J-xll tfl^?- (^^ cilxJ:-)! U! AJl liilli J J^l li a3^ U .Si i_^>a.l ^jXj AJjlcl ^ jA-jy U »;Si >Lo * Khi, i_»a1j* t Khi, .J^iil t iiaxj ? § Khi^ »j^ II Khi, '^ j^\^ H Khi, eiiUI J ysi;!^ aJjII ^.b co-il j ** Khi, dJA-^JjJ Jus It Read ^^^>1 2 62 Notes. NOTES 45-47. jUj *c_jU; c>il^3 WL^=j lls^'*U oU.-'l^l jCU J J:, lj/1 L is.-' ^ JJ:> olsr'l^ll jCil j^:. Jji J j Note 45 to p. 52. — Kbazraji lias ^^ and Yakut Kaijzaa. ^J^, in the neighbourbood, be says, of Dhu Jiblab. Tbe tribe of Janb, also called Munabbih (Ham- dani, p, 115), and those of Sinhan^ 'Ans and Zubayd were sub-tribes of the Banu Madhbij. Note 46 to p. 53. — Al-Janadi (p. 185 obv.) says that this man was son of al-Mufaddal's uncle, and such, he adds, is the statement of Ibn 8amiirrah. whilst 'Omarah, he continues, attributes tbe capture of the fortress to certain men among whom was a cousin of his own. Al-Janadi himself is of opinion that both versions may be adopted, to the effect, tbat is to say, that the insurgents were aided by the co-operation of a person who was kinsman of al- Mufaddal, and by that^ of 'Omarah's cousin. He mentions also that al-Mufaddal was buried at 'Azzan at-Ta'kar (the slopes of Ta'kar ?) Note 47 to p. 54. — Hamdani speaks of the Banu Bahr as derived from Rabfah (p. 114, 1. 20), a name borne by, amongst others, a sub-tribe of Khaulan (Rabi^ah son of Sa'd al-Akbar son of Khaulan {ih. 1. 13). Eabfah was also the name of a sub-tribe of the Banu Janb (Hamdani, p. 93, 1. 9, 33). Bahr was, moreover, according to Hamdani, a sub- division of the ^adif, a sub-tribe of the Banu Kindah, inhabitants of Hadramaut and descendants of Murrah and of 'A rib. And, at p. 112, 1. 23, he mentions a tribe or family (>f the name of Buhr, descendants of Ilimyar. The Banu Dinnah he mentions as a sub- tribe of the Banu 'Udhrah, derived from Kuda'ah, and elsewhere as descen- dants of the Banu Numayr, an Ishmaelite tribe (p. 116, 1. 17, and p. 165, 1. 1). The Banu Marran are described as a subdivision of Ham- dan (p. 107, 1. 9), but also (p. 113, 1. 15) as Himyarites. The Banu Zarr, we are told, belonged to the tribe of Jabar (descendants of Yafi') and consequently Himyarites like- * Kbi, J^ NOTES 48 -50. Notes, 263 wise, but in speaking of a member of the family {■supra, p. 57) it is said that he was a Khniilanite, The Banu Kazih and Baiiu Juma'ah are stated by Ham- dani to have been Khaulauites (p. 73, 1. 18, and p. Ill, 1. 18, 20). The tribes of Sha'b and Sha'b-I.Iay, he tells us, dwelt in the Sarat of Khaulau (p 69, 1. 24), and the Banu Hay he describes as Khaulauites (p. 114, 1. 26). Note 48 to p. 55. — The Queen, says al-Jauadi (fol. 185 obv.) appointed in the place of al-Mufaddal the sou of bis uncle, As'ad sou of Abu 'l-Futilh, as administrator and guardian of her kingdom. He was the son of Abu'l-Futiih, son of al-'Ala son ot al-Walid. He resided at the fortresses of Sabir and l^a'izz, over which his father had ruled before him. He continued to exercise the authority formerly held by al-Mufac]dal, until the year 514, Avhen he was assassinated at Ta'izz by two of his retainers.* This event, continues al-Janadi, occurred after the arrival of Ibn JSTajlb ad-Daulah. Note 49 to p. 53. — Al-Khazraji, speaking elsewhere of the Banu Jaub (fol. 105), says that when about to march, it was their custom to shout the words mentioned in the text. Note 50 to p. 57. — The Hujarhjah were a body of men in the service of the Fatimite Khalifahs. They were so named because they occupied barracks, known by the name of al-Hujav, the Chambers, situated between the great palace at Caii*o and Bab au-Nasr. They were originally a body of skilled craltsmen, first selected by the Khalifah al- Mu'izz, but they were subsequently made use of in a military capacity. Being led by al-Afdal Shahinshah against the Franks at Ascalon, they deserted their leader, who was compelled to retreat, alter sebting fire to his stores. The body was re-organized by al-Afdal. He fixed their numbers at 3000 men and placed them under the command of an Amir who received the title of al-MiiwaJj'ak. Pre- vious to that time, the Hujariyahs consisted, partly if not "wholly, ot native Egyptians. They were selected with the greatest care by the provincial governors, from among the * Khazraji mentions the same date, 514 ; but As'ad^ according to 'Omarah, must have lived to a later period. See pp. 60 anil 97, 264 Notes. NOTES 51, 52. most promising youths or children to be found in each dis- trict, special regai^d being paid to both physical and intel- lectual capacity. The native element was ehminated by al- Afdal, who replaced it by a selection of youths from among the families of the foreign soldiery. (Makrizi's Khitat, vol. i. p. 443.) Makrizi's words, I may add, are that the new levies were selected from among the children of the Ajnad, a word which properly signifies simply soldiers. The singular is Jundy, which in Egypt is vulgarly pronounced Gincly, and is used to denote a Turkish soldier, and also generally a Turk of the poorer class. So far as I am aware, al-Afdal's experiment is the only serious attempt ever made to utilize the native population of Egypt in a military capacity, from the time of the Arab conquest down to the days of Muhammad 'Aly, in the early part of the present century. The fact is all the more curious, considering the incessant struggles there have been for the acquisition of military power. The supremacy of any one of the ever contending factions has invariably depended upon the numbers and bravery of its followers. Muhammad 'Aly was the first to depart from ancient tradi- tion, and to form an army composed of native levies, but to the end of his life he retained also in his service foreign troops, a policy finally abandoned by his successors some five and twenty years ago. Negro troops have at various times played an important part in the military history of Egypt, and they were especially numerous under the Tulunites and under the Fatimite Khalifah al-Mustansir, whose mother was indeed a negress. Note 51 to p. 57. — The Ismailite Da^ys taught their neophytes that mystical and spiritual significations attached, not only to passages and single words of the Kur'an, but also to numberlci-s particulars observable in the natural world, and especially in the structure of the human body. It would appear from the text, either that they extended similar occult meanings to accidental marks and blemishes, or that Ibn Najib ad-Daulah did so, on the occasion in question, on his own authority, for the purpose of impressing upon the people a belief in his supernatural knowledge. See Makrizi's Khitat, vol. i. p. 392, and de Sacy's Expose de la reliijion des Druzes. Note 52 to p. 58. — Maytam was, according to Hamdani, NOTES 53-55. Notes. 265 the name of a mountain and of a miJih/rlf or district. The river was probably one of the affluents of the Wadi Raghfi- dah. If I rightly understand HaaidJini's. explanations (pp. 75, 1. 22; 92/16; 101, 19, 21), Maytam was south or south-east of Dhamar and j^robably at no great distance from Jabal Khubban. The Banu Hiraas, spoken of a few lines farther on, are mentioned by Ibn Kutaybah as a sub-tribe of Madhhij. (Eichhorn, p. 143.) Note 53 to p. 60. — The allusion is to a verse in the Kur'an : Say, flight will not serve you, if ye flee from death or from slaughter (S. xxxiii. v. 16). Note 54 to p. 61. — There can be little doubt that a tran- scriber's omission occurs here, and indeed if the word //ad/ta, this, be not an interpolation, the fact of such an omission may be regarded as absolutely certain. The words I have placed in the translation within square brackets may, I think, be supplied with little or no hesitation, for the pur- pose of conveying the sense that the story that follows was derived from Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayn, the same who has figured before as one of 'Omarah's authorities. The subsequent sentence, which I translate "they whom I smite with my hand," etc., has without doubt been incorrectly transcribed. Note 55 to p. 62. — Al-Ma'mun al-Bata'ihy was arrested by the Khalifah al-Amir on the fourth of Ramadan 519, and was put to death in 522. Al-Makrizi says (Khitat, vol. i. p. 463), that al-Ma'mun was accused of liaving sent (Ibn) Najib ad-Daulah Abu '1-Hasan to Yaman, with orders to strike coins bearing the name of the Imam al-Mukhtar Muhammad son of Nizar. Nizar was son of the Khalifah al-Mustansir. Upon the latter's death in a.h. 487, Ahmad, a younger brothei-, was raised to the throne by the Wazir al-Afdal Shahinshah, under the title of al-Musta'la billah. Nizar fled to Alex- andria, where he caused himself to be proclaimed Khalifah and assumed the title of al-Mustafa li-d'm Illah. He was soon compelled to surrender himself to al-Afdal, by whom he was conveyed to Cairo and put to death. The Eastern Ismailites embraced the cause of Nizar, who, as they pro- bably with truth asserted, had been appointed by his father 266 Notes. NOTE 5G. heir to the Empire. They renounced the supremacy of al- Musta'la and of his successors, whom they denounced as usurpers. Hence they are commonly known in Eastern history by the designation Nizdrites. They were also styled by their enemies al-Muldhidah, the Impious, and in the popular traditions still current in Egypt, they are remem- bered under the name of al-Fidaivii/ah, because in the perilous adventures they were in the habit of undertaking, they devoted their lives as a ransom {fida) for the libera- tion and propagation of their Faith. By western historians they are best known under the designation of the At--oyJ ^^:j9 ijfo ^jAC ^~l'>-« j;-^-s' J ^j*^^ i3^ 1^9 . J ^sH J C'i-J' J ^ jjj J>j^ 3-9j jUj^ I aJl iiU> i*-» JS ^ BJ.J-J1 ^1 J.*3S jJ.c p^fl^l 4^ U J-»< U«.^ "^^Ij tP J '"^ V=*^ U ^\s- .5j3t-w>ji ^ J J'i_jlj . ^XkJI i^Jl»j i:-- ij -^j i^« oli- aJ.J »^.1c o-J 'lilill ^.jj BjL.>11 ftj.j CiJio « NOTE 57. Notes. 269 (_jl j^ J-aflJ! l»'-Jl (.i^u^jtJ 1^1 iji* ^c Llx:^ :>jK.-4 j^) *cjl,li]l ^3! J I^^IjIm ».>;sJ1 i3' c^ •^"**'' J-^*-^' (•'= cH^ i**;'' ci*V ^1' ^y=^ ^'^ b^^ ^^^Cj A..,^i. i:^ J'^ l> I4JI ^ji^i; Iji^ F^'^J^^ C^ ('*•■?>''' L^ ^'' (^ (_^1 ^^.: ^♦s:* ^y J ol^Uli ^_^l (^) J-».<* 8jj ai^:*. j^lj _j ol^UIl ji\ -ly-Jil J 1^^ ij''^^ l_as.I-j _jft J ol^lxJl (j,l ^^ "Ic s^i.1 ^y oKUJl ^VjVl ^J^* a] ijl^ J ljJ:.^=a A_3t*.lj aJI_^1 oiK J JJ._ii ^XJ J ^sUJl It will be observed that the name borne by the ancestor of the Hamdanite Princes of Aden, stands in our text ^;_5CJ1 . In the Leiden MS. of Khazraii and in the Paris MS. " ■ ■ <^ of Janadi the name is for the most part written j»y^JI . But not invariably so. Thus in Janadi, at p. 186 rev. (see infra. Note 69), it is distinctly written ^^jCll and so also in the corresponding passage in Kbazraji, p. 77. The surname of 'Aly son of Saba is in our text and in Khazraji generally writtenyiVl . But in some instances the diacritical point is absent. In others it is not quite clear to which letter the point is intended to apply. In Janadi the name is distinctly wvittenjcVI al-A'azz. So also in al-Ahdal. In the British Museum text of Ibn Khaldun the two names are invariably written ^^\ and^cVl. * Written here and elsewhere ol.Ul 270 Notes. NOTES 58-00. Note 58 to p. 65. — The author of the Taj al-'Arns says that Ta'kar is oue of tlie mountains of Aden, on the left- hand side of a person proceeding from the gate to the mainland. 'Omarah, as will be seen (p. 73), speaks of it as within the city, but we may perhaps understand Mm to mean within the peninsula. It may perhaps be identified with the spot I find marked on Colonel F. M. Hunter's plan of Aden, under the name of Orrus al Hosn, near the " Main Pass Gate." Colonel Hunter mentions the fort of Ta'kar {Statistical Account, p. 18-i) and also the Castle (Hisn) al-Akhdar (pp. 190 and 191), but without giving an indication of their position. The latter, I presume, must have stood at no great distance from the Island of Seerah. Note 59 to p. Ql. — The name of Muhammad son of Saba is followed in the text by the words, '* and he was the last of the Banu Zaray^" They are clearly erroneous, and I omit them in the translation. Al-Janadi confines himself to saying that *Aly ibn Abi '1-Gharat was the last of the family of Mas'ud. The subsequent sentence, in which the conquest of Yaman by Turan Shah is mentioned, is evidently an inter- poliition. 'Omarali tells us (p. 79) that he wrote his history in 564, and he was executed at Cairo on the 2nd Ramadan 569, more than two months before the capture of Aden by the Ayyubites, on the 20th Dhu T-Ka'^dah according to Ibn Hatim. Note 60 to p. 68. — Al-Janadi adds that 'Aly ibn Abi '1- Gharat possessed in Lahj the city of Za'tizi^ i:jj>* ^ j> a1 cjlcpl . In enumerating the possessions of Saba ibn Abi 's-Su'ud, al-Janadi, like Khazraji, omits the name \*J\ . He writes as follows : — J'-^.^j jj*^ j o\^ j ^■'^ j »j^J>51 Jax* *! . The name of the place that follows after ;^1^W* looks in Khazraji (p. 69 ; see Note 57), and also at p. 108 (see foot-note 5 to p. 98 of the printed text of 'Omarah), like ^^ or ^^i . But both Janadi, as quoted above, and Ibn J.Jatim (see Note 101) have^-^ which it may be presumed stands for Numayr. For the mountain of Sami', see Ham- dani, p. 74, 14 ; 76, 6 ; 77, 1 ; and 78, 6. Instead of Za'azi' NOTES 61-65. Notes. 271 tlie name in Mliller's edition of Haradani and also in yprenger's lleise-roxden is written Ka'ari'. Note 61 to p. 69. — The name of this villaofe is written in the text without the diacritical points. But al-Janadi mentions it when speaking of the learned men of Lahj (ft»l. 69 rev.). There, as well as at fol. 186 obv., he calls it Bani Abbah al-'Ulya. He supplies the vocalization of the word, and tells us that it was vulgarly pronounced Mani/ahhah. See also Hamdani, p. 98, 1., iky ^^^ J»j I^jIj J^l jjV Jj^l (•-'^^f 0:m»-' j ;i; '^L »U JljUj>OJ^> Note 62 to p. 69. — The line quoted in the text is from the Mu'allakah of Tarafah ibn al-'Abd, al-Bakri. Note 63 to p. 70. — The family of Zuray', as has been seen, were members of the Banu Jusham, a sub-tribe of the Banu Yam, themselves a subdivision of the great Sept of Hamdan. Note 64 to p. 70. — See Dieterici's Mutanabbi, p. 402. The entire verse, of which, for obvious reasons, only the second hemistich was quoted, and which, as will be noticed, is inaccurately rendered, is as follows : — The noblest of Empires are built up with the sword — and to those that love (desire to win) them, lance-thrnsts are as kisses. The affixed pronoun, rendered by t/iein,\a in the feminine, the word mamdlik, kingdoms, to which it refers, being a feminine plural. Note 65 to p. 73. — As-Suhayb, according to Hamdani 272 Notes. NOTE 65 (p. 54, 24), was iuhabited by a people descended from Saba, and they were known by the designation of Saba-Suhayb. Elsewhere (p. 189) he mentions Suhayb as ou the pilgrim route from Aden, next after Lahj. Manzoni marks Jabal " Menif " on his map, about twelve miles north of Lahj, as also a stream of the same name flowing thence into the Wadi " Saib/' Yakut mentions Munif as the name of a fortress situated on Mount Sabir, which, it seems to me, requires confirmation. The following are the corresponding passages in al- Janadi (fol. 186 obv.). The words of al-Khazraji (p. 70), who indeed cites al- Janadi as his authority, are substantially the same : " War continued to rage between the two parties and many battles were fought between them, ending eventually in the victory of Saba over his kinsman. 'Aly son of Abu '1-Gharat fled to Saba-Suhayb, M^here he and his friends entrenched themselves in two fortresses, Munif and al-Jabalah (1). A wonderful thing was, that on the day upon Avhich Aly was defeated, Bilfil the freedman of Saba captured the fortress of al-Khadra. He sent a messenger Avith the glad tidings. . . . " Bilal brought down the Honourable Lady Bahjah (from al- Khadra.) into the city (of Aden), where she continued to reside until her death. I believe that the mosque known under the name of Masjid al-TIurrah (the Lady's Mosque), situated near the principal mosque of Aden, is named after her. " On the termination of the war, the Da'y Saba entered Aden, where he abode for seven months and then died.''' He was buried at the foot of at-Ta'kar, in the year 538. After the year 700, signs of excavation in a mound at the foot of at-Ta'kar became visible through the action of the rains. It was surmised that treasure was concealed on the spot, and information was carried to the Governor of the city. He went up and stood by whilst the workmen uncovered a large chest, closely fastened with nails. It was opened and found to contain the body of a man, wound in sheets, but upon being touched the body crumbled into dust. The chest and remains were restored to their original place, as was also tlie earth that had been dug out. It may be that this was the body of the La'y, but God is ail-knowing.f * Khazraji (p. 70) quotes Janadi to the effect that Saba died in 533, the same year as stated in 'Oinarah ; but the event occurred, he adds, in 532, " the year in which Queen Sayyidah also died." t The practice of burying the dead enclosed in coffins is, so far as I am aware, altogetlier unknown in ]\Iuhammadan countries at NOTE 65. Notes. 273 " The Da'y Saba died after having appointed his son 'Aly al- A'azz to succeed him. The latter did not long survive, and died of consumption.* He had four sona of tender age, whom he placed under the guardianship of an [Abyssinian] eunuch named Anis [al-A'azzi], the same name, Anis, as that of the man who slew the last Prince of the Banu Ziyad." A_? ^j)\ Ac L-j i^ljJl ^l-aJLJl ^1 v:>.flil ijt^-i VjL/*" W**-i '■^'S^/--' i_:j>Jl ^1 is.*? 6;i* J^' J l^^-i-* tl*»-i l^-a^i r;'^:*' W § ^oU j^ (_y ^_^c »^' jsT**! >_i^« i^JJl j.sr-*^' J cuJ^' ^j^ I4J cuiJj dJlftjuiai jjtj ^jo I J J rr ILm* *^ 1^ ^_;AxiJ I i-yj ^^fli ^jj J jf^^ iju.*i I4J AJl (j-LJl **J^ ^WJI S/Jsl l'^-^;_Xs:Jl ^-mJ ^A— j1 ^^C ll^Ul^iii -iJ U J J-cl <*ll^ J (jp^jJl A1«^ J A^>. J AijX-af Alia. Ac Bj ^Icls the present day. But it would seem to have been otherwise in former times. Khazraji (fol. 73) tells a story not unlike the above, to the effect that a coffin made of ebony was found, in the days of Sultan al-Mansur 'Omar ibn Easul (a.h. 626 — 647), in a graveyard at Mansurah, that upon its being opened it was found to contain remains, believed to be those of the D'l'y Muhammad son of Saba (who died at Dumluwah). See also Ibn al-Athir, vol. xii. p. 269, where it is related that on the grave of Katadah Amir and Sharif of Mecca being opened in a.h. 620, the coffin it contained was found to be empty. * At Dumluwah in A.H. 534, according, to Khazraji. He goes on to say that 'Aly's sons were Jabir, 'Alphas and Mansur. The name of the fourth he did not remember. He adds, immediately after, that al-A'azz bequeathed the kingdom to his son Hatim. t Khi, i-*l5 t Khi, dJU-U § Khi, ^^l^ II ^_;-Ul ? H ■iS\? Khi, J..I j T 2 74 Notes. NOTES 66-69. yj'j^- J^ li*" >'^=***'- -^ (^- r'^ -'"^^ '^'^ "^^ ^^"'' (*^^ ^' "^^ ^^^'^^ ^ *^ ^^"^ A»-.l ^ili- Jl ^]\^ ^^ j\k^ J^jl ia;^l a1 J JJI . 2^i\ |A.> ^i-1 to p. 74. — A Musalla is an enclosed place in the open air, set aside for the performance of prayer. Under the Fatimites, the Khalifah resorted to the Musalla in state, on the occasion of the two great festivals of the year. Makrizi says that the Musalla of Cairo was enclosed by Jauhar outside the walls in A.H. 358, and he describes the cremonies that took place on the occasion of the Khalifah's visits. (Khitat, vol. i. p. 451. See also de Sacy's Chrestomathie, note to the Life of al-Hakim.) Note 67 to p. 76. — The reason why Mansur divorced his wife is explained by Ibn Khaldun [supra, p. 174), and has perhaps been accidentally omitted fi^om our text by the transcribers. Note 68 to p. 78. — 'Omarah's verses in praise of the Da^y Muhammad ibn Saba probably contained, like those he afterwards M^rote at Cairo, eulogistic allusions to the Ismailites and to their pretensions, sure to be regarded by the people of Zabid as doubly offensive, proceeding as they did, from the pen of one who professed to be an or- thodox Sunni. Al-Ahdal writes as follows : — 'Omarah is profuse in his praise of the Da'y 'Imran and speaks in exaggerated terms of his great qualities. This is to be ex- plained by the kindness he received from the princes of the djTiasty of Zuray* and by the love he bore them — nay, it is said, by his partiahty to their religion, that is to say, to Shi'ism and Isma'ilism. Be this known unto you. ^^x-^-s.-" Jl 4?» j *^^ *4jLj..V The following is a passage in which 'Omarah speaks of 'Imran in more h^gitimate terms : They will not be contradicted, etc. (See next Note.) Note 69 to p. 79. — Al-Janadi lias the following passage * Khi, ^t^ il::-,! ^ j ijj(^)l\ ^\ NOTE 69. Notes. 275 (fol. 186 rev.), from which it may be inferred that our text of 'Omarah is incomplete at this point. See also Khazraji, p. 77. The following words of 'Omfirah, when relating the history of 'Imrfm^ are singularly eloquent and appropriate : '' Truly a gift from God were the qualicies of the Da'y 'Imran. How copious were the showers of his generosity, how abundant the springs of his beneficence % How greatly was he missed in the pathways of life by those who had daily beheld him ! How few, in the estimation of Kings and Princes, the occasions on wliich they enjoyed his companionship.* They will not be contradicted who declare that generosity and beneficence were the nature of 'Imriin, its necessary result, nay, its fulfilment and seal. Were there no other evidence of God's favour unto him, it were proved by his having been rescued from the tyranny of Ibn jMahdy." He died in the year 560. Tire learned scholar, Abu Bakr, car- ried his remains to Mecca and buried them in one of its ceme- teries. The mercy of Godf for the mightiest of Kings ardently desire to be buried at Mecca, and though striving, at the cost of heavy expenditure to compensate themselves for that of which they are deprived, their efi'orts are vain. We have here, therefore, another proof of the divine favour, of which 'Imran was the object. Among the enduring memorials of him in existence at Aden, is the pulpit in the principal mosque. His name is inscribed upon it, and it is a monument comforting to the soul and beautiful to the eye. 'Imran left three sons, Muhammad, Abu 's-Su'ixd and Mansur, all in their early youth and under the care of the Chamberlain Abu Durr Jauhar al-Mu'azzami, in the fortress of Dumluwah. The administrator at Aden of the affairs of the kingdom was the Chief Yasir son of Bilal, hereinbefore mentioned. In that condition matters remained until the arrival of Sultan Shams ad-Daulah Turan Shah son of Ayytib (in Dhu '1-Ka'dah 5G9). He con- quered Aden, and Yasir fled to the fortress of Dumluwah, where Jauhar was. I have already related what hapjiened to him. The family of Zuray' lost their sovereignty over Aden and its depen- dencies, and naught remained to them but the fortress of Dum- luwah, in the hands of Abu Durr, until he sold it to Sayf al- Islam (read to Turan Shah — see Xote 101), shortly after the year 570. * 1 translate the foregoing sentence with much hesitation. It is omitted by Khazraji. t I cannot attempt to translate the words that follow. The sentence has no doubt been corrupted and Kiiazraji omits it, T 2 2/6 Notes. NOTE 69. It now only remains for me to speak of the chief nobles of the Zuray'ite dynast3\ The first was the auspicious chief Bilal, already mentioned. He died in the year 546 or 547. It was he who was eulogised by the accomplished scholar al-'Abdy, as I have hereinbefore stated, when mentioning him. Sultan Mu- hammad son of Saba appointed Mudafi' to succeed his father, and then the brother of Mudafi', Abu '1-Faraj Yasir son of Bilal. Yfisir held his ofhce under Sultan Muhammad and under Muhammad's son ('Imran). He exercised great power and enjoyed a wide celebrity. He was greatly praised and liberally rewarded his eulogists, nor did he disappoint any one that came to his court. 'Omfirah has given a brief account of Yasir's life in his memoirs of the Poets (?) He built the mosque at Aden, known as the mosque of Ibn al-Basri, the name of one who made it his place of resort for prayer and holy living. When Yusir left Dumluwah he proceeded to Dhu 'Udaynah^ in disguise, accompanied by his niamluk Miftah who was surnamed as-Sudasy. A person gave information against him, to the of3Eicials of the Government. He was arrested, and notice of his capture was sent to Shams ad-Daulah^ who commanded him to be strangled. The order was carried into execution, and his slave (Miftah) shared his fate. It is also said that Shams ad-Daiilah ordered them to be bisected. Yasir's death took place in the year 571, and he was the last of the Zuray'ite wazirs. 'Omarah says that the descendants of al-Karam, father of al- 'Abbas and Mas'ud, whom al-Mukarram appointed (over Aden), are known under the designation family of adh-DJil'h, and that next to the Sulayhites, they were the most distinguished Arabs in Yam an. I have mentioned^ in speaking of Jauhar, how he parted with the castle of Dumluwah, and there now only remains to me to give an account of the Abyssinian kings (of Zabid). ^^ s^^ ^J) ijj*c- ^_/lJJl ji aD syj i^jl ^.>. aJ b^I^ JjS ^j.-^\ U j U^ Jl5 ^J^^ (_jA_5.j V J ^;;l^^l J CiJ^lJl ^JJ> l^ d.Jlj* JJl j (j|_;liJl ijl * jS--3 t)\ *_^,^V1 Ai'S 01. iiw ij'lsj (Jl^iO J ^S^-t, ^ji\ ^jS- AXa!!)L» ijjfc (^c /uaj J J Ijjb ^J^^:>^^ (J?.AjV1 ajJI 3.^ la^oLio i i.'J:i j i^=** * Klii, (^J-jJl S*sf ^j) NOTE 69. Notes. 277 Vljol liiJilJ AJjlio ji 'j-JJ'-r-i U^ J A.^3»»J (jsjl lj:>^-i djU'l ^^1 ijL» ^j1m[9 i—Jjil ^^>1 lli uby il^J'll (J-*-*" (jUal-JI j«J>i |^» Cilljj IjlW-i j,U ^^x^M J «^J L0J.9 us j,^Vl *_a--» jj* l^clj ^:> jj^ll ^\ j.-j sjLjJI «jjj a* _j As* j^l'sli J^ ^Ji ^-W r*^^' Ji' "J*^ (^ ^Ux> a*j1 Jj«j L_*jSiV J vy(.i.^Ul C-A^^i U-A** LijI jij.]\ j^^ jJftJl ji-^ir-^ M*. U^J T^»* (^-a J"^S? ^>u'X-Hj L_*flUl — •Uio aSj1»* ax*. [^XJJlo ioJsC IJ J^-^J ».)-c A3u> jj^j aH:.^) ^*U aJjJ.!! ,j-i.»i AJ Jcl J ^-a-i9 aJjjJI JaI aJ^ jj^ J ovi ii^ '^.}-^. '^'■^ J W? 'i^''^ J^^9 l»^kj^j:;_j ^l Jj J,5 J j^<^^ f^ 0^^=» '^^ 'Omarah, continues al-Janadi, ranks the following line among the most remarkable of Jayyash's compositions. *Jr\ ? t Khi, jy : Khi, Jii 28o Notes. NOTE 75. A mound of the fairest sand, the graceful stem of the ban-tree. — Over all, the beauteous moon. And its gift a night of Avatch- fulness. .JfcL) JJ * aJ_^ .J.) 6^_cIj iJb Ijp. ii^ ^jA LflJ t— A;^ 'Omarah's praise seems at first sight somewhat puzzling, but he reckons upon his Eastern reader's quickness to ap- prehend that the poet is not simply describing a desert moon-lit scene, that he is on the contrary descanting upon the charms of his mistress, her rounded form, her figure flexible and graceful as the ban-tree, and her face resplendent ■with beauty as the full moon. Khrazraji relates the circumstances that led to the death of Ibn Abi 'Akamah. Jayyash sought the hand of a woman, of whose extreme beauty he had been informed. She was daughter of an Arab tribe, descended from Rabi'ah son of Nizar, inhabiting the valley of Mauza^t There was a division of opinion among her people, on the question whether the demand should be complied with. The Kadi, who as a Taghlibite was akin to the tribe, advised them not to consent unless all were agreed. Jayyash, by a liberal expenditure of money, eventually gained his ends, and the woman, when she joined her husband, acquainted him with the part played by the Kadi in the matter. The same writer gives three, instead of one line only, of the verses composed by Husayn ibn al-Kumm, as follows : — Thoix hast dealt unrighteously, Jayyash, in slaying al-Hasan — Thou hast darkened, by his destruction, the glory of his age. * iJji ? Khi, diy t Ilamdani says that the country in the neighbourhood of Mauza', Mukha and Bab al-Mandab, which was occupied by the Banu ^lusili (a tribe derived from the Banu Majid, themselves a subdivision of the Banu Haydfin), was inhabited also by the Banu Farasan, descendants of tbe Banu Taghlib. The Himyarite genea- logists, he adds, claimed them as descendants of Himyar. The Farasan Islands, he further says, were named after the tribe, who, he also tells us, were originally Christians and at one time possessed churches in the islands. The Banu Farasan are described as enterprising merchants, who conducted a large trade with Abyssinia and protected commerce. (Miiller's Hamdani, p. 5.3, 1. 20 sqq. and p. 98, 1. 22 sqq ) NOTES 76-78. Notes. 281 He sought not the accumulation of riches. — Pure and free from evil, His reward for raising thee to the throne of Yaman, — is his slaughter at thy hands and a dishonoured grave. p .. ^ » •» « ^^_j % 4-liJ J A-5> J - : - 5 ij-e^-11 *ii^^j ly^ *!)-*■ u^-^^ Note 76 to p. 94. — Jurayb is described by Hamdaui (pp. 69 and 113) as a place where an important market was- held, largely frequented by the people of Tihamah and by the Ai-ab inhabitants of the country of the Banu Ham- dan. The Banu Jurayb are said to be descendants of Huzayl son of Sharahbil, one of the contemporaries and successors {tdhi') of the Prophet's Companions, mentioned in Ibn al- Athir's Tlsd al-Okdhah. (Bui. ed. v. p. 60.) Khazraji writes al-Hdrith instead of Jurayb. The town of Jurayb is described by Hamdani (p. 113, 1. 6) as situated in the district of Hajiir. The latter is marked in Dr. Glaser's map. Note 77 to p. 98. — Al-Janadi, like 'Omarah, does not mention the date at which Mansiir son of Fatik died, and Khazraji remarks that he had not been able to ascertain it. But 'Omarah's words may be held to imply that the death of Mansur followed immediately after the accession of Mann Allah as Wazlr. Note 78 to p. 98. — It is difficult to extract a consistent meaning from this passage, and hardly less so from the ver- sion given by al-Khazraji, shown in a ibotnote to the printed text. His words must signify that the lady received the title of Hurrah (free, virtuous, honourable, etc.) because she had borne a child to Mansur, an explanation which in her case in particular — that of a native of the country — is hardly satisfactory. I have preferred to read oij as in Khazraji, instead of lia^h, but iJ-j:^ as in our text in the next line, instead of oij , repeated in Khazraji. The pas- sage, however, remains very doubtful. The surname Abu 'l-Jaysh is best known through its 282 Notes. NOTES 79-82. having been borne by one of tlie Princes of the Eo-yptian dynasty of Tuluu^ and may be translated the Possessor of the great Army. But the word Jaysh may also be trans- lated agitation, turmoil, in which sense it is perhaps used in the text. I may add that the name Jayyash, de- rived from the same root, may be translated Jugh-sjpii^ited, fiery. Note 79 to p. 100. — Al-Khazraji adds that, according to statements made to him by several persons, Mann Allah was buried in a mosque at Zabid, which stood on a spot called al Hadcl. In Khazraji's own day it bore the name Mosque of Ibn ar-Ruddd, after one who, when the building threatened ruin, repaired it. In earlier times, he continues, the mosque was universally known under the name of Mosque of the son of Mann Allah. Note 80 to p. 102. — Abu 'l-IIasan Ibn al-Labban al- Fai'adi, an eminent Jurist and authority on the laws of in- heritance, died at Baghdad in a.h. 402. Note 81 to p. 102. — Abu 'Amru ibn al-'Ala, one of the seven principal readers, that is to say, recensionists of the Kuranic text, died in A.H. 153 or 157, aged eighty-six years. Of the other six, the earliest died about a.h. 118 and the latest about a.h. 181. The differences between the several readings are of so slight a character that it would be misleading to speak of them as so many versions of the Kur'an. Note 82 to p. 105. — The copyist must be suspected of being again at fault in this passage. It is difficult to make sense of the words Jl?^l ^^j , as they stand, in the text, and they are not to be found in the corresponding passage in Khazraji. He writes as follows (p. 89) : — r'lf'*' cy^**~i Yakiit mentions a village named Wasd' in the district of 'Aththar, a place which, if it is correctly described, is far too distant to be here in question. NOTES 83-87. Notes. 283 Note 83 to p. 107. — It is hardly necessary to remind the reader that^ in Muhaniraadan countries, a slave who bears a child to her master, thereby becomes free. Note 84 to p. 109. — Al-Khazraji supplies us at this point with a short passage, omitted by the transcriber of our text, but which I include in the translation. The words are as follows : — • . A\ ^)l^ ij:*Lai l^.a3l \jJk^ l^j lj^^» ivji-^i' A,«.*il Note 85 to p. 110. — My translation here again follows al-Khazraji : — w Khazraji proceeds with the words l^ j jwjs . Reading the verb in the passive, the general sense agrees with *Omarah. Note 86 to p. 111. — Some words, omitted in the text, I have supplied in the translation, from al-Khazraji's version, as follows ; — ■ Note 87 to p. 113. — It will be observed that further on, 'Omarah gives this place the alternative name of J^^~\\ . Al-Hamdani has the same, but for a totally different place, namely between Mount Sabir and Aden (p. 77, 6-9). Khazraji vocalizes the name al-Karish. Yakut writes al- Kirsh and says it is a castle in the district of al-Mahjam, but his information, such as it is, is probably nothing more than what he has gathered from 'Omarah. Al- Janadi writes : Q^^^\ a) Jliu s.J> J-a- ^J^ U-2». cT^ J (^^^- 1^^ I'G"^-)^ intima- ting in plain words, that the castle stood upon Mount Bura', The name of the castle of Dahsdn, mentioned in our text 284 Notes. NOTE 88. a few lines further on, is thus likewise given by Khazraji, but I have nowhere else met with it. Note 88 to p. 113. — Ibn Khaldun says (sup-a, p. 166-7) that Ghanim ibn Yahya was a descendant of the Suley- manite Sharif s of Mecca, who, he tells us, not only here, butJlso in his chapter on the history of the Suleymanites of Mecca, sought refuge in Yaman upon their expulsion by the Banu Hashim. But Ibn Khaldun^s statements, in cer- tain portions of his general history require to be received with some caution. Thus he tells us^ on the authority of Ibn Sa'Id, that the Suleymauite refugees conquered Sa'dah from the Rassites, that they and their descendants were the recognized Imams of Yaman throughout a period of at least a century and a half, that the Imam Ahmad (al- Mutawakkil) who brought about the assassination of Fatik ibn Muhammad in a.h. 553, and even the celebrated Imam al-Mansur 'Abd Allah, were members of the Suleymauite family. All these statements we know to be absolutely incorrect, as I shall yet have occasion to show.* It must, however, be observed that not only 'Omarah, but also every writer on the history of Yaman, including the authors of the Hada ik and of the YaivakU (Brit. Mus. Or. 3786 and 3771) invariably speak of the Hasanite family, to which Gbilnim ibn Yahya belonged, under the designa- tion of the Suleymanites. I was for a moment inclined to think that the circumstance simply pointed to the fact of their having obtained possession of the district, commonly known, at that time, as the Province of Suleyman ibn Tarf. But the explanation was one which I soon found reason to abandon. With the exception of Ibn Khaldun, none of the writers I have referred to, so far as I have been able to discover, explain who these people were, nor whence they came. I have nowhere found any allusion to kinship between them and the Imams of Sa'dah, some trace of which could hardly fail to appear, if it had existed. Ibn Khaldun, I am much inclined to think, is right so far as the origin of the family of Ghaiiim ibn Yahya is concerned. Khazraji gives us a fuller pedigree of the Sharif than any I have found else- where, and calls him Ghanim son of Yahya son of Hamzah * See Note 130. NOTES 89, 90. Notes. 285 sonof Wahlias [infra, Note 101), It seems not improbable that Ghaiiim's graudt'atlier llamzah iba Wahlias was the identical Suleymauite Prince, who unsuccessfully disputed the sovereignty over Mecca with the Banu Hashim, as may be read in the history of Mecca by Dr. Saouck-Hurgronje.* I may add that I find mention in the HadaiJc of two other members of the Saleymanite family, namely, at fol. 128 obv., 'Aly son of 'Isa son of Hamzah son of WaTmas, living in a.h. 540, and at fol. 1G8 obv., Nizam ad-din Yahya son of ^Aly (son of the pi-ecediug ?), ruler over the old pro- vince of Suleyman ibn Tai^f in a.h. 594-5, in the days, that is to say, of the Ayyubite dynasty. I have made no attempt to trace the subsequent history of the Suleymiiuites, but I find them mentioned in the life of the Imam al-Mutawakkil Yahya (Brit. Mus. Or. 3731). The author says (fol. 59 obv.) that in a.h. 963 (a.d. 1556), the Imam received letters from the Sulaymanite Sharifs in- forming him of the success with which they had resisted the troops brought by the Turks from Egypt. Al-Mutawakkil, a descendant of Yusuf the Da'y, died in A.H. 965. Note 89 to p. 115.— The death of Fatik son of Mansur occurred, according to both al-Janadi and Khazraji in the month of Sha'baa of the year 531. The omission of the year from our text is probably an accident. Neither al- Jauadi nor Khazraji give us particulars of the circumstances under which al-Fatik ibn Muhammad, the successor of al- Fatik ibn Mansur, was raised to the throne. Al-Janadi merely repeats (fol. 187 rev.) what Ave have been told by 'Omarah, with the addition, as in Khazraji, that the Prince died leaving no issue. (Supra, p. 95.) The sentences I have enclosed in square brackets are wanting in the text and are supplied from Khaz"raji. Note 90 to p. 118. — I have not found to what Arab stems these tribes, the Banu Mash'al, Zi'l and 'Imran are to be assigned. Bijt it is probable that like the Hakamites they were subdivisions of the Banu Madhhij. The Banu * See also the passage from Ibn al-Athlr (stipra, Note 31), in which certain Hasanites are spoken of as having removed 10 Yaman, at some time previous to a.h. 455. 286 Notes. NOTES 91-9-4. Haram are mentioned by Hamdani (p. 116) as the principal subdivision of the Banu Nahd. Note 91 to p. 121, — It has been sufficiently shown in the course of 'Omarah's narrative, that at least some ladies of exalted rank in Yaman, were by no means rigorous in their observance of the strict rules, that exclude Eastern women from personal intercourse with men. But in regard to this particular instance, it must be borne in mind, that Surur was technically the slave of the Lady 'Alam. His admission into her presence was consequently no violation of Muham- madan law. Note 92 to p. 121. — To stand, or even to sit before, that is to say facing a person, is a mark of respect to one superior in rank. (See supra, p. 122.) Note 93 to p. 123. — Our text is manifestly corrupt at this point, and the portion of the translatiou enclosed within square brackets is from al- Janadi's version, which, through- out tbe description of Surur's character and habits is, as is likewise that of al-Khazraji, an almost verbatim copy of 'Omarah. The following is the passage as it stands ia the Paris MS. (p. 188. obv.)! i—iiw J A^ tJ^J.i jlkUl ^b Jl tJ.oj *c->j^Jl Jju jlc J.* J^ J . Jl SsT^^ J! _.^is J vj>l' 1^=^ ^'H t»'-* J^-^- J ^^ The words in the translation, placed within ordinary brackets, are taken, as will be seen, from 'Omarah. Note 94 to p. 123. — Al-Jcinadi continues at this point as follows : — V J S.JJ i.iA»j ;^s^' 1 1 ^J^ ^-?> jj> J-s— ? i_i,4 JVl Jl iSsr^ J • Khi, \j/^ U^oUl J g^ljiJ f Khi, J^. : Khi, >A^ § Khi, JWl Jl^; J^l ^ II Khi, ^h^. NOTE 94. Notes. 287 •His mosque is known to the present day under the name of Mosque of Surur. It is situated in 'the city of Zabid, on the western side of MarUV al-'Ajuz (the Old Woman's Pasturage). Hardly any of the inhabitants of the town, saving a few of the best informed class, know who Surur was. The vulgar only know that it is one of the mosques, the erection of which is ascribed to the Abyssinians, Al-Janadi admits that his history of the early dynasties is much abridged. " If," he says to his readers, after re- cording the death of Mann Allah, — If you desire fuller information, you will find it in the Muf'id of 'Omarah. I have abridged much of his history, but always in such wise, that in what I mention there shall be, either in ex- press terms or by implication, something that points to what I have omitted. (JxJ 8,Li.l ^jA \^S^=a O^^i.1 ^U 5jl^ SJio yiaili l^i iji^ Cjij\ lil In treating of the life and character of Suriir, al-Janadi departs from his rule, and introduces into his pages an almost verbatim copy of 'Omarah's account of the celebrated Wazir. The examples afforded by the life and conduct of a pious Muslim furnish, in the eyes of an Arab writer, a far worthier theme for the historian^s pen, than the record of the rise and fall of dynasties or of any merely secular events. Here are al-Janadi's own words on the subject : — A full account of Surur's qualities, of his nobility of character, of his bravery and of his righteousness, would be of great length. What 'Omsirah has recorded on the subject is widely known. Let him who more would read, turn to that writer's book al- Mufid. The student may do so, although, in the case of Surur, I have written at far greater length than I have allowed myself to do in other instances. Thus have I done on account of Surur's great merits. I have studied to acquaint myself with all that to which 'Omarah directs attention, and I have entered into detailed particulars on the subject of Surur's virtues, such as justify in- difference to other things which I have omitted. 288 Notes. NOTE 95. Note 95 to p. 124. — Al-Janadi mentions the pedigree of *Aly iba Malady, bat it is more fully given by Khazraji (p. 97) as follows: — Abu 'l-Hasan 'Aly son of (Mahdy son of) Muhammad, son of 'Aly son of Da-ud, son of Muhammad son of 'Abd Allah, son of Muhammad son of Ahmad, son of 'Abd al-Kaiiir (?) son of 'Abd Allah son of al-Aghlab sou of Abu 'i-Fawaris son of Maimun, of the tribe of Him- yar and subtribe of Ru'ayn. Al-Janadi's rendering of the geographical names men- tioned in our text is as follows : — The commencement of his career was at al-'Irk, the lower por- tion of the valley of the river Zabld. It commences with the village of al-'Anbarah and (comprises) al-Kudayb, al-Ahwab, al- Mu'tafi (?), Wasit and its neighbourhood. He acquired there a great reputation for piety. A few lines further on he supplies us with the vocaliza- tion of the name al-Kudayb. ell J i^^sJl hj) l^ljl S^j ^^\j Ja-- jA jj.il d;s]lj 8^1 j^\s L Jjl I have nowhere else met with the name e)/Jl . Al-'Trk j^l has been mentioned at p. 15 as close to Zabid. See also Janadi, p. 183, and Yakut. Ibn al-Mujawir (Sprenger, p. 149) says that Wadi 'l-'Irk is another name for Kuwayd ij^iy half a parasang from Wadi Rima' and four from Zabld. Al-Fdrah or al-'Arah, it will be noticed, is omitted by both Janadi and Khazraji ; but al-A'rah is described by Ibn al-AIujawir, who says that its inhabitants are fisher- men and that close to it are the ruins of a city, among which the remains of two mosques could still be distin- guished. (Sprenger, p. 149-50.) To 'Omarah's description of Ibn Mahdy, al-Janadi adds that he was of a tender heart, quick in shedding abundant -^Jh ^ NOTE 96. Notes. 2 89 tears, ^j..^ i*«jJl i_^^ t-Jlall jjJ^ ^ ^ au account of liim which need not perhaps be regarded as wholly inconsistent with the savage cruelty he displayed. The autlior's meaning, how- ever, is that Ibn Mahdy was in the habit of lamenting with tears his unworthiness in the face of God. The woi'ds, " he bore between his eyes the traces of his prostrations," are an allusion to a passage in the Kur'an (S. xlviii. V. 29) : Thou shalt see them (the believers) howing down and pro>Jl (jj)?; j UU^ U^ ^y\^\ (^.JJI * The tribe of 'Ad, for its disregard of the prophet Hud, was destroyed by a suffocating wind. That of Thamud, for its defiance of the prophet Srdih, perished at the sound of an appalling cry that issued from the heavens. (Kur'an, s. vii.) t KurTm, liii. 32. * I Kur'an, xxiv. 54. NOTES 97, 98. Notes. 291 *)y J,l ol)»-U!l [jl? J j,C* 1^1 ^^iJJI dill Acj ]/ J *ft^Vjl J i^lj^l . L*l JUj NoTE 97 to p. 126. — Janadi says that after the queen's death, a great number of people swore allegiance to Ibn Mahdy at the village of Kudayb. This he adds was in A.H. 546. Ibn Mahdy then proceeded to ad-Dashir, where he remained for a time, and thence he went up to the for- tress of ash-Sharaf. I have substituted in our text the name Bdshir for Sharaf. The latter, as is shown by the words that follow, cannot be correct, and Khazraji, as well as Janadi, writes Dashir, In the printed edition of Yakut's Geographical Dictionary, the name appears as Ddsir, and the author says it stood at the distance of a night's journey from Zabid. (See supra, p. 128.) Ash-Sharaf was one of the fortresses situated on Mount Wusab. Instead of Hay wan, the name of the tribe to which ash- Sharaf is said to have belonged, we may perhaps read Haydan. Haradani mentions the Banu Haydan as sons of 'Amru son of al-Haf (p. 53, 1. 20). They were, therefore, descendants of Kuda'ah, but it has been seen (see supra, Note 3, pp. 217 and 218), that certain Khaulanites in Yaman were reo^arded as Kuda'ites. Note 98 to p. 129. — By omitting the words printed in italics, in accordance with the amendments I have indicated in the footnotes to the printed text, the succession of the Zijadite Princes here presented will agree with that pre- viously given by 'Omarah in his history of the dynasty {supra, p. 5), and after him by al-Jauadi and subsequent writers. The present passage, it is true, may be suspected of being an interpolation and has, perhaps, been corrupted by the transcribers. But the accuracy of 'Omarah's pre- vious account of the succession is itself by no means free from doubt, and the interpolation, if it be one, is perhaps capable of helping us to a more correct appreciation of the facts. Thus Abu '1- Jaysh Ishak is here stated to have been graudson, instead of son of Ibrahim — Ishak, son of Muham- mad son of Ibrahim. The latter, in like manner, is repre- sented as grandson of Muhammad ibn Ziyad — Ibrahim son of 'Abd Allah son of (Muhammad iba) Ziyad. Ibrahim, we have been told, died in a.h. 289, eighty-six years there- u 2 292 Notes. NOTE 98. fore after the arrival of Muhammad ibn Ziyacl ' In Yaman, and Abu 'J-Jaysh Ishak in a.h. 371, eighty-two years after the death of Ibrahim, who it is said was Ishak's father. (See suj)ra, Note 13.) Al-Janadi offers some remarks which may be taken to show that his mind was open to doubt as to the perfect accuracy of 'Ouiarah's account of the Ziyadite succession. He mentions and quotes (fol. 182 rev.) certain marginal nptes he found on a copy of 'Oinarah's Maflcl. As to their subject matter, it is sufficient to say that, the writer omits the reign of Ziyad son of Ibrahim, that he represents Husayn ibn Salamah as having, in a.h. 371, succeeded Ishak, and that he helieves the latter was he who bore the surname Abu ^1-Jaysh. Al-Janadi proceeds as follows : — According to the annotator, each of the Br.iiu Ziyad enjoyed a long life, and the members of the dynasty were few in number. According to 'Omarah they were many, of some the life was long, of others it was short. God knoweth the truth. The annotator says also that Husayn ibn Salamah died in 403, one year later than the date mentioned by 'Omarah. Know that in such his- torical details, both truth and falsehood, amplitude and scantiness are to be found. This is caused by transcribers' variations, which give rise to diversities in historical works. Discrepancies will be found even between one copy and another of the same hook, written by the same author. The well-informed are fully aware of these facts. It may be that some critic will take exception to the matter I have extracted from the Miifld and other works, but the only grounds for his censure will be his own inadequate study of historical works, and his neglect to compare diiferent copies with one another. That Avhich clearly appears is, that the uncon- trolled rulership of the Eanu Ziyad endured from a.h. 203 to 371, 168 years. . . . The substance of what follows has already been given in Note 13, and the following is the Arabic text of the entire passage : — i^ J] j.^"^' J 5^L? ^j^= J L (Jc i:^ i-^^>.J^> ^'^ i^-*> ^y iji^'^ o^ lj,s-lj >_a.:-aJI J lj-3.lj u_a..flll ^J^> Si ^.^VJl ^^^=a v_j!^i.l J JaJI NOTES 99, 100. Notes. 293 U.J .9 V 5,1x11 i^y^ 1 \js.\ (j;_;i-Vl ,jC ^^^Is."-'^' iJJ^lj J>-jJ. Lo t aJusi J C^LVl jj;C 5;^-a9 VI (ii).I JJ l_*--.V »;;C j J.-flJl ^S. oLaj L ^xJll ^^XJ d^L 5J.* ijl dJ ij^s.*i jfl-9 Ijsr-' 5AC ^ ^^11 J •_j^1^:l.11 (-^.^= ^ JI9 »^_S J L<»J.9 U ^J-;jl ^^J ijO (J^a- jW^"-* ^^*^U* ^.^Jljl Ijl^l 1^0 ^_^c (5;"-!1j a1-9 i>. {jji-\ s^\ Ij^ 4j''^. J !>-^5^ l;^- c^:;'"*' "^-^ ^"^ U3.1jj" Ija ij ,j J fir i;-j iij.3iiill j^^o ^i J^j uj'j ^JJ^^ j^Vl ijlj^, Jlj^l i^J^i'-f 1^1 UJ^' ^H* \j^} (•ft'l;^ l_j>*- 'ii'^Jl . ji«»-jl 5 ;^^^ ^4;^ 9-'y-^ '■^*" V** ^''**' cJJ*'j J ~j^ J Ai-< i),l-o Jj*.a:^jl Note 99 to p. 131. — I can make no other sense of the words as they stand in the text. They have no doubt been inaccurately transcribed, but they have also very much the appearance of an interpolation, and it is to be remarked that they are not to be found in the corresponding passage of al-Khazraji. We have seen that according to both al- Janadi and Khazraji {.supra, Note 56), Mansur son of al- Mufaddal was living in 547 and. died before a.h. 550. On the other hand, the present passage may be compared with what is said by Ibn Khaldun [stcpra, p. 151 and p. 174). But again it must be remarked that if Mansur was twenty years of age, or even less, when his father died in a.h. 504, and if he lived to the age of one hundred or even ninety, then he must have survived 'Omarah. And 'Omarah^s his- tory, we are told, was written in a.h. 56i. The word (^.3^, thirty, in our text, might be an error for t^^*J, ('i(jhty. But if, as seems probable, Mansur was in his childhood when his father died in 504, then it may well be that when he himself died, say in 548, he had been in possession of his inheritance for about thirty years. Note 100 to p. 132. — Ash-8hamuhi {sic) is mentioned by Khazraji (fol. 103 and 108) as also the Ibrtress of Ifo/m^'a/t, * Read ^^JlM ^ ioU j iJU f Read I'.'J 294 Notes. NOTE 101. Sharxjdk and Thdlithah, and he allows it to be inferred that these three were situated in Mikhlaf Ja'far. Yakut says that Majraa'ah stood on Wadi Nakhlah. Janadi has ath- Thdlathi {supra, p. 201), and Sharyak is mentioned in the passages borrowed from Ibn Hatim in Note 101 (p. 297). J) ami is iu eluded in the list of places given by Khazraji. It is mentioned by Hamdaai (p. lUO, 1. 18) as situated in the district of Sahul, also by the author of the Marasid, on the authority of al-Janadi, from whom he adds a not very intelligible extract. Tahlah is not mentioned by Khazraji, and looks as if it might be a careless repetition of Nakhla/i. Note 101 to p. 134. — According to al-Janadi, 'Aly ibn Mahcly was buried in Zabid, at a spot he had himself selected. The mosque built over his grave was known as al-BIashhad (the Mausoleum) and it stood opposite the college known under the name of al-Maylin (or al-Mayluu). The miuaret was still standing in al-Janadi's days, but the mosque had been converted into a stable for the use of one of the Turkish kings. According to al-Khazraji, the Rasiihte Sultan al-Ashraf Isma'il (a.h. 778-803) laid the foundations of a college on the site of the tomb, but aban- doned his intention of building. The spot was converted into a halting-place for the Sultana's camels, and continued to be so used down to the writer's days. Mahdy, son and successor of 'Aly ibn Mahdy, attacked and massacred the inhabitants of Lahj in 556 and 557. Next he captured Janad, slaughtei-ed its inhabitants and cast the bodies of the slain into the well of the mosque. This was in 558. He returned to Zabid suffering from a disease under the effects of which his body, after being covered with marks described as having the appearance of being the effects of fire, became a mass of open sores. Such was his condition that he had to be carried down from Ta'izz in a litter lined with carded cotton wool. He died on the first of Dhu '1-Ka'dah 558. Al Khazraji, after quoting the above from al-Janadi, pro- ceeds to say that a different account of the succession is given by the author of the 'Ikd atli-Thamin. According, he says, to that writer, Ibn Mahdy was succeeded by his two sous, Mahdy and 'Abd an-Naby, the latter as general administrator of th(^ affairs of the kingdom and the former as military chief. Mahdy is stated by the writer to have returned from his expedition to the Highlands in Muharram NOTE 101. Notes. 295 559, and to have died at Zabid on the 18th of that month. *Abd an-Naby now became sole ruler, and continued his brother's career of conquest and devastation. In 560 he attacked the Sulaymanite Sharifs. A party of the enemy, commanded by the Amir Wahhas ibn GLauim ibn Yahya ibn Hamza ibn Wahhas, was utterly destroyed, the AmTr himself being among the slain. Khazraji says that 'Abd an-Naby composed on that occasion a poem of the class styled Musammatah, which further on (p. 106) he gives in full. He does so after quoting a passage from 'Omarah which is not to be found in the British Museum text. It is to the effect that *Abd an-Naby was an excellent poet as well as a brave warrior, and that he was the author of a collection of poems in which is included the Musammatah in question. Continuing to write on the authority of the author of the 'Ikd atli-Thamln, al-Khazraji gives us particulars of 'Abd an-Naby's conquests and depredations in the Highlands of Yaman, In 568 he laid siege to Aden, whereupon Ilatim son of 'Aly son of the Da'y Saba son of Abu Su'iid pro- ceeded to San'a and prevailed upon the Hamdanite Sultan 'Aly ibn Hatim, ancestor of the historian, to assist the Zuray'ites against the common enemy. '^Aly ibn Hatim, a member, like the Zui*ay'ites, of the sub-tribe of Yam, con- sented, on condition of his being supported by the tribes of Janb and Madhhij. Hatim the Zuray'ite proceeded to Dhamar and obtained prooiises from Saltan 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya and from Sheykh Zayd ibn 'Amru, chiefs of the two tribes, to join in the alliance. 'Aly ibn Hatim thereupon marched from San'a, in the month of Safar 569, at the head of the Hamdanites, accompanied by tribesmen of Sinhan, Shihab, Nahd and others.* The Arabs combined their foi'ces in the district of Sahul. The army of 'Abd an-Naby was attacked and utterly routed near Ibb, by the allies, who advanced successively to Dhu Jiblah and to Janad, both of which were found to have been abandoned by the enemy. The Mahdyites were again attacked and dispersed at Dliu 'Udaynah near Ta'izz. Intelligence came from Aden that * The Banu Shihab are mentioned by Hamdani (p. 114, 23) as a sub-tribe of the Banu Kindah. The Banu Xalid were a sub- tribe of Kuda'ah, but the name was also borne by a sub-tribe of Hamdiln. At p. 92, 1. 18, Hamdani calls the Nahdites sub tribe of the Banu 'Ans. 296 Notes. NOTE 101. its siege was raised, and tliat the camp formed by 'Abd an- Naby at Zn'jizi had been abandoned. The Hamdanite Sul- tan 'Aly ibn Hatim would have pursued the enemy into Till amah, but his allies of the tribes of Janb and MadUhij refused, and he returned to San'a. His brilliant but brief campaign thus came to an end. He started from Janad on Saturday 19fch Rabi* Awwal, reached Dhu Ashrak in the eveuiiig, and Dhu Jiblah on the following day. Here he halted for six days and ordered the dismantling of the great palace, then occupied by a Sulayhite Princess, Arwa, daughter of 'Aly son of 'Abdallah son of Muhammad. 'Abd an-Naby returned to Zabid, where he soon after- wards received intelligence that Tiiran Shah the Ayyubite was at Mahall Abi Turab, and that the Sharif Kasim son of Ghanim son of Yahya son of Hamzali son of Wahhas, eager to avenge the death of his brother^ had allied himself with the invaders. I have mentioned in the Introduction to this book, that the foregoing particulars, extracted by al-Kliazraji from the Jkd ath-ThamJ)i of Ibn Hatim, are not to be found in the copy of the MS. by the same author preserved in the Library of the British Museum. The latter commences with a somewhat detailed account of the conquest of Yaman by Tiiran Sbah, of which the following is a brief summary. On the arrival of Tiiran Sbah, he was joined at Harad, also called Mahall Abi Turab, by the Sulaymanite Amir Kasim ibn Ghanim, within whose dominions Harad was situated. The allies marched thence at the end of Rama- dan A.H. £69. On the 7th Shawwal they reached Zabid, of which they gained possession at sunrise on the 9th. The town was looted, 'Abd an-Naby and his two brothers were taken prisoners, and the Sharif Kasim started on his return to his country on the 3rd (read 13th?) of the month. Turan Shah remained at Zabid until the beginning of the following month of Dhu '1-Ka'dah. He then marched upon Ta'izz, which surrendered. Next he took possession of Janad, and thence he marched upon Aden, which was cap- tured on the 20th and looted.* The Sultan returned to thp'Mikhlaf J a'far, possessed himself of 'la'kar, and then marched against the northern provinces. He started from * The author here says that the children of the Da'y 'Imran were made prisoners at Aden, together with Yasir sou of Bilal, clearly an or: or. See next page and suj/ra, Note 69. NOTE 102. Notes. 297 Dhu Jiblah and ascended Nakll Sayd on tbe 28tli Dhu '\- Hijjah. At Darwan (?), Sultan 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya the Janbite tendered his submission. Al-Musannafali (Masua'ah ?) * was captured from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Z:iyd al-Ba'yari al-Janbi. Thence the Sultati proceeded to Dhamar, near which he was attacked by the Janbites and other Arabs. The advance of the Ayyubites was severely contested, but the Arabs were eventually defeated, and driven with heavy loss into the fortress of Hirrau. Turan Shah reached the outskirts of San'a on the 7th (1 7th?) Muharram 570. 'Aly ibn Hatim escaped to the ibrtress of Birash and Turan Shah, without stopping to secure the city, set out on his return to Zabld. March- ing by way of Nakil as-Saud, he was harassed with attacks by the Banu Sinhan and Shihab, and next by the people of Bura', but he reached his destination in safety. In Jamadi '1-Awwalhe returned to Janad, and thenceforward occupied himself in gaining possession of the mountain fortresses. He successively captured Sabir, Bridiyah (? u 'l-Hatm 'Aly al-Hali al-Rakayn%. NOTE 107. Notes. -xo-L a^o record of the succession of their Imuras. At a subsequent period to that just referred to^ the two great sections, that of the Persian and that of the Yamanite or Arabian Zayd- ites, have in only a few isolated instances submitted to the authority of the same Imiim. Oa both sides the absolute supremacy of the lawful Imfim over the entire body is dis- tinctly admitted. But the distance that separated the two sections geographically from one another, and the impossi- bility of active co-operation between them in the political objects for which they respectively strove, created a practical difficulty, which only in a few rare instances was partially overcome. In Arabia itself, moreover, there has been frequent rivalry between different claimants, each of whom has been recognized by one party and disavowed by the other. It follows, consequently, that great discrepancies are found between the lists of Imams given by different writers. Among the books I have had the opportunity of con- sulting, the YaivakU as-Sit/ar gives the fullest list of the Imams, and the author brings it down to the middle of the seventh century of the Hijrah. He mentions many names omitted by other writers, and I have included them in the Genealogical Table appended to this note. The table will enable the reader to follow more easily the relation which the different families bear to one another. The names of the Persian Imams, who successively gained supreme power in the provinces of Day lam and Tabaristan, are printed in italics. Hasan son of Zayd and his brother Muhammad (descendants of Hasan son of Zayd son of Hasan) are included, because, although they are not reckoned as Zaydites, they undoubtedly prepared the way for the Imams, who afterwards, like themselves, attained supreme power on the southern shores of the Caspian. I have added, for the sake of convenience, the succession of the Dodekite and of the early Ismailite Imams, The former are distinguished by Roman numerals and the latter by capital letters. The Ismailites seceded upon the death of the sixth Imam Ja'far as-Sadik. His son Isma'il died before him, but the Ismailites hold that the latter was the designated seventh Imam, and that the succession passed on to his son, Muhammad al-Maktiim, tJte Shrouded or Concealed, from whom 'Obayd Allah " the Mahdy,^^ fouuder of the Fatimite Khalifate and Imam of the Ismailites, claimed to be descended. 304 Notes. notes lOS, 109. Note 108 to p. 149.— In the Bi-itish Museum MS. of Ibn Khaldun a genealogical table is added at the end of this chapter, according to which al-Mansur Saba was descended from 'Aly the Salayhite, father of the Kadi Muhammad and grandfather of the Da'y 'Aly. 'Aly the Sulayhite. Al-Muzaflfar. The Ka^i Muhammad. r I Ahmad. 'Abd Allah. The Da'y 'Aly. I (Builder of Dhu Jiblali.) | I I Al-Manaur Abu Himyar Saba. Al-Mukarram Ahmad, I 'Aly. Note 109 to p. 153. — Ibn Khaldiin seems here to con- fuse with one another the incidents of the expedition undertaken by the Da'y al-Mukarram for the rescue of his mother, and those of the conspiracy that brought about the death of Sa'id son of Najah. The year 497, as that in which al-Mukarram released his mother from captivity, is so given in both the London and Paris MSS. as well as in the Bulfik edition. But it is manifestly wrong, as indeed may be judged from the date 479, which immediately follows. We may probably read 475. As-Sulayhi was killed at the latter end of 473 (see Note 31), and his mother's captivity, we are told by 'Omarah, lasted an entire year. Ibn Khaldun's account of Sa'id's death also requires cor- rection. The introduction of the name of Ya'fur, although it is to be found in both MSS. as well as in the printed edition, is quite unsustainable, and has perhaps simply arisen through the copyist — perhaps, indeed, the author — having carelessly allowed his eye to be caught with the re- semblance (especially in the Arabic character) between the verb Yiujliri, which occurs in the text, and the name Yafur. The statement that Sa'Td's head was, carried to Zabid is likewise an error. It will, moreover, be remarked that Ibn Khaldun's account of the proceedings of Jayyash and of his wazir Khalf, on NOTES 110, 111. Notes. 305 their return to Zabid, differs considerably from that sap- plied by 'Omfirah. All these erroi's, it may be suspected, are the result of a careless readiug of the original text, for which, however, Ibu Sa'id is perhaps in the first place responsible. Note 110 to p. 159. — Bayhak is the name of a district near Naysapur, after which several persons of note have been named. One, Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn 'Aly al-Bayhaki, is identified by Johannsen with the writer quoted by Dayba* in his history of Zabid. He died in a.h. 458 and his life is given by Ibn Khallikau (de Slane, i. 57). His son Isma'il ibn Ahmad al-Bayhaki, also a distinguished man, died in A.H. 607. But the author, so frequently quoted by Ibn Khaldiin, is one who appears to have written on the history of a much later period. He speaks of al-Muti, the title attributed by Ibn Khaldun to the Imfim Ahmad ibn Husayn, who arose in A.H. 64>6. See supra, p. 175, and cf. the passage in Ibn Khaldiin's enumeration of the tribes of Kahlan, vol. ii. p. 252 (Balak ed.). Ibn al-Athir (vol. xi. p. 249) quotes a work entitled Kitdb Masdrib it-Tajdrih by Abu '1-Hasan ibn Abi 'l-Kiisim al-Bayhaki, who was apparently a con- temporary of the historian and who may have survived him. If, however, this be the person referred to by Ibn Khaldun, he must have lived and have continued to write down to a period more than twenty years subsequent to the death of Ibn al-Athir in a.h. 630. Touching the descent of the Banu Ma^n, see Notes 19 and 20. Note 111 to p. 160. — A description of the fortress of Dumluwah is given by al-Hamdani in his Geography of Arabia (ed. D. H. Miiller, p. 76). It was built, he says, upon a hill, the summit of which, measuring four hundred cubits in length and the same in width, comprised dwelling- places, a large mosque, and a tree capable of sheltering one hundred men, which he calls al-Kulhtimah* The hill was an ofl:shoot of Mount Silu, from which it was, however, completely isolated, and which rose at a distance of one * See Note to JuynljoU's ed. of the Marasid, vol. v. p. 489, where it is stated that the tree was a species of oak. X 3o6 Notes. note 112. bundrod cubits on the south. On its eastern side, Khadlr was distant two hours' journey.* On the north was the market-place of Juwwah and the stream Wadi al-Jannat. On the west, where the height of the hill was double that on the south, was a tethering-place for the horses belonging to the owner of the fortress. He inhabited a castle on Mount Silu, at the distance of a bow-shot. The gate of the fortress of Dumluwah was on its northern side, and access was obtained to the summit by means of two ladders, each of fourteen steps. Between the two was the prison, and the guard house above it. Water of excellent quality was abundantly supplied to the inhabitants by a stream, flow- ing close to the foot of the lower flight of steps. This stream flowed into Wadi al-Jannat, which, after re- ceiving numerous other streams and torrents, was joined by the Wadi Warazan (see JJ. Varascm on Mauzoni's map), and the united waCers, increased on their way by other tributaries, flowed down to the sea in the neighbourhood of Aden. Hamdani's words as above, in speaking of Juwwah, indi- cate a position for that place at or very near the town, marked in Manzoni's map under the name of Mama (Mawi- yah ?). Juwwah, as is shown by our text, stood on the highway Irom Aden, and it seems very probable that it and Mavia are one and the same place. Reynaud, in his trans- lation of Abu '1-Fada, writes : " Aldjoue, nom d'une petite ville tres-connue sur la grande route des montagnes." Hamdani (p. 190, 1. 8,) mentions the castle of Juwwah, which seems to be one and the same with Dumluwah. Note 112 to p. IGl.— The life of the poet Ibn Kalakis the Lakhmite is given by Ibn Khallikan (de Slane's trans- lation, vol. iii. p. 587), where a continuation of the line quoted in the text is supplied. Ibn Kalakis, we are told, was born at Alexandria in 532 and died in 567. * In the " district of Khadir " there existed in Hamdani's days the vestiges of a large and ancient town, Saluk, " now known," he says, " under the name of Ilabll ar-Rayhah, l^J\ J--s.." (In Yakut, who copies Hamdani, the name is written iJ^l J-«*»-) Among its remains, adds Hamdani, iron scoriae, fragments of gold and silver and coins are found. Salukiyah armour and dogs, he further says, were so named, after the Yamanite city. This last statement, though in accordance with the commonly received defi- nition, I am disj)osed to think requires confirmation. NOTE 113. Notes, Z^l Note 113 to p. 161. — Ibn Khaldan, it will be observed, derives most of his int'ormatioQ touching the Zurayite dynasty from Ibn Sa'id, who himself is without doubt in- debted, directly or indirectly, to 'Omarah. But Ibu Khal- diiu seems to be misled by the ambiguity of language, be it his own or be it borrowed from Ibu Sa'id, which he uses when speaking of the rivalry between the two brothers 'Aly and Muhammad, sons of Saba. In a genealogical table he appends to the chapter, he evidently confuses 'Aly al-A'^azz with 'Aly son of Abi '1-Gharat, and the table is so incorrect that I omit it altogether. I understand the Hamdanite Princes of Aden to have succeeded one another in accordance with the subjoined list. The Banu Zuray'. Al-Karam, of the sub-tribe of Jusham the Yamites. I. 'Abbas, A.H. 476. I 11. Zuray', his son. I III. Abu Su'ud, his son. IV. Saba, his son, died 533. I. Mas'ud, A.H. 476. I 11. Abu '1-Gharat, his son. I III. Muhammad, his son. IV. Aly, his brother, deposed A.H. 533 (died 545). V. 'Aly al A'azz al-Murtada, his son, 533-534. VI. Muhammad, his brother, 534- 548. VII. 'Imrfm, his son 548-560. VIII. The waz'ir Yasir son of Bilal, under the nominal supremacy of the sons of 'Imr n, until tlie Ayyubite conquest in A.H. 569. Of their predecessors, the Banu Ma'n, we have only a X 2 v3 08 Notes. NOTE 114. very meagre account. They established their power over Aden, in the days of al-Ma'mun according to Ibn Khaldun, or, according to 'Onicirah, on the downfall of the Ziyadite dynasty, previous to which time, we are told, Aden was subject to the Banu Ziyad. In about a.h. 451, the Bauu Ma'n submitted to 'Aly the Sulayhite, who imposed a tri- bute upon them which, in a.h. 401, he settled upon his niece and daughter-in-law Sayyidah. Upon 'Aly^s death, in A.H. 473, the Banu Ma'n declared their independence, but two or three years later, their country was reconquered by al-Mukarram son of 'Aly. He deposed the family of Ma'n and placed Aden under the joint authority of the two brothers 'AbbJis and Mas'ud sons of al-Karam, who were tribesmen of the Sulayhites, and to whom both 'Aly and his son were indebted for past services. Our MS. of 'Omarah represents 'Abbas and Maa'iid as having survived al-Mukarram the Sulayhite, who died in A.H. 484. But, as I have already had occasion to remark, the MS. is, at this particular point, exceedingly corrupt. The statement is, moreover, not confirmed by Khazraji, from which it can only be gathered that the tribute due to Queen Sayyidah was regularly paid until the death of Mas'iid and Zuray'. Khazraji says that Dumluwah was conquered by Zuray' in a.h. 480, whence it may be inferred that he had succeeded his father previous to that date. Zuray' and his uncle Mas'iid were killed at Zabid j but the only clue to a date is the fact that the event occurred during the lifetime of al-Mufaddal, who died in a.h. 504. The dates of the death of Abu Su'iid and of Abu '1-Gharat, under whose reign the payment of tribute finally ceased, are also wanting ; but it may perhaps be inferred Irom what is elsewhere stated by 'Omarah {swpva, p. 60), that Abu '1-Gharat and Saba son of Abu Su'iid were both on the throne in 519. The appointment of Saba as Da'y was probably in A.H. 525, or a.h. 526. (See Note 102.) From and after the capture of Aden by Saba in 533, the Banu Zuray' held undivid-ed sway over the principality of Aden. Note 114 to p. 166. — The Banu 'Anz son of Wa'il were a sister tribe to the Banu Bakr and Banu Taghlib, and de- scendants of Rabi'ah son of Nizar. NOTES 115-119. Notes. 309 Note 115 to p. 171. — Ibn Khaldun makes elsewhere (vol. ii. p. 64-) the same statement, and professes to do so on the authority of as-Subayli,* to the effect, namely, that the ancient name of Sau'a was TJwCd (or Uwwal). Two of the MSS. used by Juynboll for his edicion of the Mardsid have likewise the name in that form. It is not therefore through mere inadvertence that the word is so written. But the generality of Arab writers have Azdl, which is identified with the biblical Uzal. Note 116 to p. 172. — The Kharidat al-Kasr iva Jaridat alil il-'asr was written by 'Iraad ad-din al-Isfahani, who died in A.H. 597. His life is given by Ibn Khallikau, vol. iii. p. 300, de Slane's translation. Another book, the Kharidat al-'Ajd'ih has for its author Zayn ad-dln 'Omar ibn al-Wardi, who died in a.h. 749. Note 117 to p. 175. — Hamdrmi mentions Kutabah (p. 69) as the name of a village or town in the less elevated portion of Sarat Kudam, and it may have stood on or near a moun- tain of the same name. The town seems to have been situated not far from Hajjah, consequently almost directly south of Sa'dah, and at a considerable distance from it. Manzoni has Qataba on the road from Aden to Yarim, which, it is needless to say, cannot be the place here in question. It is probably a name of much more recent date. Note 118 to p. 175. — A sub-tribe of Hamdan may possibly have borne the name of Haraz, but it seems more likely that Ibn Khaldiin is here in error. Al-Hamdani says, in his Geography of Arabia (p. 105, Miiller's ed.), that the Banu Haraz were a tribe descended from Himyar the elder, and sons of al-Ghauth son of Sa'd son of 'Auf son of 'Ady (son of Malik son of Zayd al-Jamhiir). See also 'Omarah, p. 18. Note 119 to p. 179.— Both the Banu 'I jl and the Banu Yarbu' were Modarite tribes. The former, stated by Ibn Khaldiin to have become extinct, were a sister tribe of the Banu Hanit'ah and descendants, through the Banu Bakr ibn Wa'il, of Eabi'ah son of Nizar. The Banu Yarbii' were, as stated in the text, derived from the Banu Tamim, descen- * See for as-Suhayli, who died in a.h. 581, Baron de Slane's translation of Ibn Khallikan, vol. ii. p. 99. 2,10 Notes. NOTE 119. dants of Tabikhah son of al-Ya's son of Modar. But another tribe^ of the same name, claimed to be descendants, through the Banu Hanlfah, of the Banu Bakr ibn Wa'il, and were therefore closely connected with the Banu 'Ijl. The latter, as well as the Banu Hauifah and other sub-tribes of the Banu Bakr, are mentioned by Hamdani among the inhabitants of Yamamah, Tasm and Jadis, grandsons, or the one grandson and the other great-grandson of Shem, were the ancestors of two great aboriginal tribes of Arabia, and their language is said to have been Arabic, Saksak, who according to our author was ancestor of the Banu Hizzan, was, as he tells us elsewhere (vol. ii. p. 302), son of Wathil (or Wa'il) son of Himyar.* But according to other and perhaps preferable authorities (see Hamdani, p. 1G2, and Yakut, vol. iv. p. 417), the Banu Hizzan of Ya- mamah were derived from the Banu 'Anazah, descendants of E-abi'ah son of Nizar, and were consequently of the same stem as the Banu Hanifah, the Banu 'Ijl and, according to what is stated above, as the Banu Yarbu'. The name Hizzan was also borne by the ancestor of an ancient people, descendants of Lawadh son of Shem, (Tabari, vol. i. p. 213 ; Ibn Kbaldun, vol, ii. p, 7.) The story of 'Amlik, or 'Amliik, and Yamamah will be found in Mas'udi (Barbier de Maynard, vol. iii. p. 276, ^qq^. It tells how Hassan ibn Tubba', King of the Himyarites, marched at the head of an army against the Jadlsites. The king was warned that a certain woman at Jaww, as it was then still called, possessed such marvellous strength of vision, that she was able to descry a horseman at a distance of three days' journey. He ordered his soldiers each to hew down a tree and to carry it before him. Yamamah watched the enemy's army and reported that she beheld a forest advancing against them, with a man behind each tree. She was disbelieved, the city was surprised and taken, and the Jadlsites, who had exterminated the Tasmites, in revenge for the tyranny to which they were subjected by the Tasmite king 'Amluk, were now them- selves massacred to the last man.-|- * The name Hamddii, which occurs iu the passage above men- tioned, is clearly a misprint for Hizzan. t Yamjlmah's words describing -what she first saw, are somewhat more intelligi})le as given by Yiikut (iv. 1033) than according to to 'J'abari's and Mas'iidi's versions. NOTES 120-122. Notes, 311 The story is to be found not only in Mas'udi, who wrote in A.D. 944, but it is also told by Tabari (i. 771) who died in A.D. 923. And the latter relates it on the authority of Ibn Ishrik, who died in a.h. 151, a.d. 768. Note 120 to p. 180. — The tribe of 'Ad has been men- tioned in Note 96. The 'Adites were, like Tasm, Jadls, Thamud, etc., one of the aboriginal Arab tribes, all of whom have disappeared. The statement in the text, re- lating to the people conquered by the posterity of Ya'rub, must, I presume, be applied to the second or later 'Adites, descendants of those members of the tribe who escaped destruction in the days of the prophet Hud. Both Hadramaut and Ya'rub are usually described as sous of Kahtan. Note 121 to p. 182. — Zafar was conquered in a.h. 678 by Sultan al-Muza£far, the second king of Yaman of the dynasty of the Banu Rasul. The Prince of Zafar was at that time Salim son of Idrls, grandson, it is to be presumed, of Ahmad ibn Muhammad, the person mentioned in the text, and the founder of a short-lived dynasty. A full account of al-Muzaffar's conquest is given by Ibn Hatirn (fol. 100 obv. sq^ {sic) and in al-Ahdal (fol. 2(]0 rev.), who, in his account of the place, simply copies al-Janadi, the word appears as al-IIabuti ^^^' Sprenger (p. 144, 146) has 1^^- In saying that the seaport of Zafiir was the seat of the Tubbas, Ibn Khaldun evidently confuses it with the ancient city of the Himyarites of the same name, which stood south of San'a, and of which some traces still exist (see swpra, Note 22). Note 122 to p. 183.— The Ka'bah of Najran is said to 312 Notes. NOTES 123, 124. have been a Christian church, built by the family of 'Abd al-Madau ibu Dayyan (Rayyan ?), of whom mention -will be made in a subsequent note (No. 126). For Kuss ibn Sa'idah, see Mas'udi's Golden Meadows (Barbier de Meynard, i. 133). He died towards the com- mencement of the Prophet's career, and the Taj al-'Aru3 mentions, on the authority of the Lisan al-'Arab, that Kuss ibn Sa'idah was styled Bishop of Najran. Note 123 to p. 183. — A translation of the story of the sons of Nizar and of the Jurhumite Af'a of Najran will be found in Mas^udi (Barbier de Meynard, iii. 228). Mushallal is the name of a place situated between Mecca and Medinah. The Jurhumites were descended from Jarhum son of Kahtan and brother of Ya'rub. The patriarch Ishmael married a daughter of the tribe, and from them was de- scended 'Adnan grandfather of Nizar and ancestor of the Ishmaelite or insititious Arabs. Another, a primeval tribe known as the first Jurhumites, is mentioned by Arab writers. They were contemporaries of the 'Adites, and like them they perished and utterly disappeared. I do not know whence Ibn Khaldun derives his authority for the name and pedigree given in the text to the Af'a, but he men- tions both name and pedigree elsewhere likewise (vol. ii. p. 255). Note 124 to p. 183. — Faymiyyiin was a Syrian Chris- tian, but a follower of the true faith afterwards re-estab- lished by the Arabian Prophet. Having been captured by a band of wandering Arabs, he was brought to Najran and there sold into slavery. Through the example of his piety, and through the influence of the miracles he wrought in the name of the true God, the people of Najran, until then steeped in idolatry, became converted to the faith.* The period at which this occurred is not mentioned, but not long before the birth of the Prophet, the Christians of * Tabari, i. 920, sqq. The inhabitants of Najran, we are told, worshipped a pahn tree, which on certain feast days, they deco- rated with coloured cloths and with the ornaments of their women. At so late a period as that of the Prophet, the Madhhijites of Najrfin appear to have worshipped the idol Yayhuth. See Pro- fessor Kobertson-Smith's "Kinship," p. 192. NOTES 125, 126. Notes. 313 Najran became victims to the hostility of Dhu Nuwas, the last of the long line of the Tubbas or Himyarite Kings of Yaman. He sought to force them into the acceptance of Jadciiism, the religion he had himself adopted, and the savage cruelty with which he pursued his design is de- Bouuced in the Kur'an (S. Ixxxv.), where he is proclaimed as doomed to the torments of hell. These persecutions of the Christians of Najran bi'ought about the invasion and conquest of Yaman by the Abyssinians, who were themselves subsequently expelled by the Persians. The Arab traditions on the proficiency acquired by the people of Najra-n in the practice of supernatural arts, may serve to show that long before the rise of Islam, the Christian inhabitants of that province had made consider- able progress in civilization. It will be noticed that they are spoken of in our text as having themselves held the Jewish faith in early days. Tabari mentions that when Baruch fulfilled his mission to Bukht Nassar (sujjra, Note 3), he came from Najran. Note 125 to p. 184, — Abu 'Omar Yusuf ibn 'Abd al- Barr, a famous traditionist, was a native of Cordova and died in a.h. 463. His life is included in the biographies of Ibn Khallikan (de Slano, iv. p. 398). It may be remarked that (in vol. ii. p. 256), Ibn Khal- dun himself omits the name of Yazid and substitutes that of his brother 'Abd al-Hajr son of 'Abd al-Madan. In his biography of the Prophet (p. 53) he, however, follows the narrative of Tabari. Note 126 to p. 184. — Ibn Khaldun repeats in vol. ii. p. 255, that a portion of the Azdites remained in Najran and shared the authority of the Madhhijites over the country ; but he makes there no mention of the Banu '1-Harith ibn Ka'b of the tribe of Azd. Al-Mas'udi tells us (Barbier de Meynard, iii. 390) that the Azdites in Najran were absorbed in the tribe of Madhhij, a statement which seems more probable than that quoted in our text from Ibn Hazm. The chieftainship seems to have remained permanently in the hands of the Banu Harith the Madhhijites. Jt passed on to a family of that tribe, known as the Banu Dayyan (or Rayyan ?), descendants of Yazld surnamed Dayyan. His sou was 'Abd al-Madan, mentioned in the text and in Note 122, father (ancestor ?) of Yazid son of 'Abd al-Madan, who 3H Notes. NOTE 127. was converted to Islam. Ibn Khaldun proceeds witli a quotation from Ibn Sa'id, to the effect that in the sixth century, supreme power was held by '^Abd al-Kays of the family of Abu ^1-Jud descendant of 'Abd al-Madan. He says in our text, probably on the same authority, that 'Abd al-Kays was deposed by Ibn Mahdy, but it will be observed that there is no mention of him in our copy of 'Omarah, nor is Najran mentioned as one of the places over which Ibu Mahdy ever exercised authority. I must add that I know of no other instance in which the name 'Abd al-Kays was borne by any person in Muhammadan times. Note 127 to p. 185. — I have nowhere found confirmation of Ibn Khaldiin's statement that al-Kasim fled to India and died there. Al-Khazraji says (p. 291) that certain Yamau- ites, on the appearance of the Karmathians in their country, proceeded to the Mountain of liass at Medinah, in a.h. 284, and raised to supreme authority the Imam al-Hady Yahya son of Husayn son of al-Kasim, who, with their assis- tance, conquered the country between Sa'dah and San'a. Al-Ahdal tells us (fol, 12 rev.) that al-Kasim died at ar-Kass, leaving two sons, Muhammad and Husayn. The Zaydite MSS. recently acquired by the library of the British Museum, give a fairly consistent account of the life of al-Kasim, the ancestor ot the long line of Imams of Yaman. According to the H add' Ik al-JFardlijah (Or. 3786 and 3813), when Muhammad son of Ibrahim Tabataba died in a.h, 199, his brother al-Kasim was in Egypt. He remained there about ten years, living in a state of obscurity and in concealment, but recoguized as the suc- cessor of his brother by the Alides, who sent him emis- saries from all parts of the empire, from Mecca and from Medinah, from Ki'ifah, from Rayy and from Kazwin. When 'Abd Allah ibn Tahir was appointed to the Government of Egypt (in a.h. 211 according to Makrizi, in A.H. 210 or 211 according to Ibn al-Athir), the new Governor adopted measures for the arrest of al-Kasim.* The latter contrived, however, to make his escape from Egypt and to reach Hijfiz. There he sought refuge with an Arab tribe, among whom he lived concealed, throughout the reign of al-Ma'mun and of his immediate successors. The lapse of years brought about a relaxation of the enmity * Cf. Tabari, vol. iii. p. 1094, sqq. NOTE 127. Notes. 315 with wliicli he had been so long pursued, an d towards tho end of his life al-KJisim purchased a property, named ar- Bass, situated near Dhu Hulayfah " on the further side of Jabal al-Aswfid." * Here he built himself a house^ in which he died in a.h. 246. The successor of al-Kasim to the Imamate was, according to the author of the YawakU, Muhammad son of al-Kasim, descendant of 'Aly Zayn al-'Abidiu and of Husayn brother of Hasan. As Muhammad is generally admitted to have disappeared in a.h. 219, the introduction of his name seems an anachronism, but the case is not excep- tional. Of Husayn and Muhammad, the two sons of al-Kasim the Rassite, no record seems to have been preserved.f Yahya son of Husayn, who afterwards assumed the title al-Hddj/ ila H-Hakk, the Leader unto Truth, was born a year before the death of his grandfather. Al-Hady asserted his claim to the Imamate in a.h. 280 and proceeded to Sa^dah, where he used his influence to put an end to the strife with which the city was distracted. But he was soon compelled to abandon his task and to return to the Hijaz. Early in 284, he received invitations from the citizens to place himself at their head, and accordingly, in Safar of that year, he re-appeared at Sa'dah accompanied by his uncle Muhammad. He conquered Najran, and was next engaged in warfare with the Karmathiaus. The Zaydite author of the Hada'ik is silent over most of the particulars given by al-Khazraji [supra, Note 8) as well as by the author of the History of the Karmathians in Yaman, but he mentions that al-Hady sent his son Muhammad al-Murtada to assist the people of San'a against the Ismailites, to which he adds that the Imam became master of Yaman. Al-Hady died at Sa'dah in Dhu 'l-Hijjah 298, of poison it is said. He left three sons, Abu '1-Kasim Muhammad al-Murtada, Ahmad surnamed an-Nasir and Hasan. * Dim Hulayfah is described by Yakut as a village situated six or seven niiles from Medinah and as the MilcCd (see Note 16) of the people of that city. f The names of other sons are mentioned by genealogists, and there seems little doubt that certain descendants of al-Kasim settled in Egypt. See the Taj al-'Arus, s.v. Rass, and of, Ibn Khallikfiu (de Slane), vols. i. 115 and ii, 46. o 1 6 Notes. NOTES 128, 129. The next Imam of the Zaydites, it is stated, was Hasan ibn 'Aly surnamed an-Nasir lil-Hakk, but better known in history as al-U/rush. He arose in Persia in a.h. 301, and died at Amul in Tabaristan in 304<. But we are also told that next in succession to al-Hady was his son Muhammad al-JSJurtada. He succeeded upon the death of his father, and abdicated in 301 in favour of his brother Ahmad an-Nasir. This leaves no room for al- Utrush. The author of the Yaivaklt, on the other hand, tells us that the Imamate of both the sons of al-Hady is disputed. Al-Murtada died at Sa'dah in a.h. 310. Ahmad an-Ndsir li-din Illah was chiefly engaged in wars with the Karmathians of Maswar, whose ruler, it is stated, was 'Abd al-Hamid son of Muhammad son of al-Hajjaj.* A battle is said to have been fought in Sha'ban 307, m which the Karmathians were utterly defeated, but 'Abd al-Hamid succeeded in making his escape. Ahmad an-JSTasir died, according to the author of the Hada'ik, in a.h. 325. For the subsequent Imams down to the middle of the seventh century of the Hijrah, I may content myself with referring the reader to the Genealogical Table, Note 107, and to Note 130. I must add that I have not been able to identify the writer Ihn al-Mujdh, mentioned by Ibn Khaldun. Note 128 to p. 186. — Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya as-Siili died in A.H. 335. His life is given by IbnKhallikan (de Slane, vol. iii. p. 68). He was a voluminous writer, and it will be noticed that among his works was a History of the Karmathians, He is doubtless the author quoted by adh-Dbahabi, as reproduced by Prof, de Goeje in his "His- toire des Carmathes " (p. 35). Note 129 to p. 188. — Kamal ad-din 'Omar ibn 'Abd al- 'Aziz, surnamed Ibn al-'Adim, was author of an important work in ten volumes on the history of Aleppo, entitled Butjhyat at-Talah fi tarlWi Halah, a title which may be translated " Object of the Student^s furthest desires in re- spect to the History of Aleppo." He afterwards wrote an * This 'Abd al Hamid, it must be presumed, was father of Ibrahim ibn 'Abd al-Hamid, mentioned iu Janadi's history of the Karmathians {supra, p. 210). NOTE 130. Notes. 317 abridgment of the work, to which he gave the name Znhdai al-Halah, a portion of which has been published by Freytag. Ibn al-'Adim was born in a.h. 580 and died in 6G0. Note 130 to p. 190. — Ibn Khahlfin's chapter on the Rissite Imams is so incorrect that I have felt inclined to omit it altogether. Bat I have eventually thought that a more useful purpose may be gained by allowing it to form part of this volume, and by pointing out its inaccuracies. Touching the Suleymanite Sharifs of Yaman, it will be sufficient to refer to what I have said in Note 88. I have there pointed out Ibn Khaldun's error in respect to the Imam Ahmad (al-Mutawakkil) son of Suleyman, whom he erroneously calls son of Hamzah, and of whom he still more inaccurately says, that he was nearly related to the Suleymanite Ghanim ibn Yahya. The Imam in ques- tion was in point of fact a direct descendant of au-Nasir Ahmad son of al-Hady Yahya. 'Omarah is therefore right in styling him the Eassite. (See the Genealogical Table to Note 107.) Ahmad al-Mutawakkil 'al' Allah issued his proclama- tions asserting his claims to the Imamate in a.h. 532, and was recognized in Najran as well as at Sa'dah. With the assistance of the neighbouriug Arab tribes, he attacked and defeated the Hamdanite King of San'a, Hatim ibn Ahmad, in A.H. 515. In 549, he marched against the Karmathian tribe of Yam, who, if the Zaydite historians are to be believed, still persisted in the practices described in Janadi's account of the sect [supra, pp. 199 and 203). The country was plundered and laid utterly waste by the Imam's troops, the remnant of the population seeking refuge in Najran. His expedition to Zabid took place in ah. 552. The account of it given by the Zaydite writers differs materially from 'Omarah's. The Prince of Zabid, Fatik son of Muhammad, was, they say, a man of unparalleled wickedness and addicted to unnatural crimes. He fell into the hands of the Imam, who, refusing an enormous ransom, ordered his prisoner to be put to death in obedience to the Divine law. The Imam remained eight days at Zabid. He appointed a governor over the city and departed victorious and triumph- ant. He continued to wage war in defence of the faith and his fame spread abroad. The Khutbah was recited in his name in Khaybar and at Yaubu'. He reigned thirty-three o 1 8 Notes. NOTE 130. years. Towards the latter end of his life he became blind, and he died in a.h. 566. Al-Mansur billah 'Abd Allah was likewise a member of the Rassite family, descendant of Hamzah (son of the Imam Abu Hashim al-Hasan) and of 'Abd Allah grandson of al- Kasim the Rassite (see the Grenealogical Table, Note 107). He was born in a.h. 561, proclaimed himself Imam in 5^3, and was solemnly recognized in the following year. He took up his residence for a time at Sa'dah, then moved southwards, and in 594 or beginning of 595, he entered San'a, where the citizens submitted to his rule. In 595 he made himself master of Diiamar and its neighbourhood, but was soon compelled to relinquish his conquests and to retreat northward.* He nevertheless continued to increase in power and reputation, which not only extended into the Hijaz, but his authority as Imam was formally recognized by the Zaydites of Persia. In a.h. 600 he restored and strengthened the fortress of Zafar. In 611 he regained possession of San'a and Dhamar and occupied himself in subjecting the Miifarrijiijah, whom, according to his own historians, he treated with great cruelty. + At the instigation of the Abbaside Khallfah an-Nasir, a strong force was sent, in a.h. 612, against al-Mansur by al-Mas'ud, the last Ayyubite Sultan of Yaman. The Imam retreated to the neighbourhood of Kaukaban and intrenched himself in a strong position, where he built a substantial house for himself and quarters for his followers, and where he also set up a mint. That position he occupied for three months and a half, during which time frequent engage- ments took place between his troops and their enemies. In 613 a truce was agreed upon. The Imam removed to Kaukaban and then to Zafar. His health now gave way, and he died at the former place in the first month of a.h. 614. The death of al-Mansur billah was followed by a division in the ranks of the Zaydites. The people of Sa'dah and * Ibn al-Athir mentions in his Chronicles (vol. xii. 113) the defeat of al-Mansur 'Abd Allah by the Ayyubite Sultan al-Mu'izz Isma'il, and the date ho gives is a.h. 597, not 592 as in our text of Ibn Khaldun. t The word LsJ^sW frequently occurs in the Zaydite histories. I have nowhere met with an explanation, but it seems to be a designation for the Sunnite Muslims and is very generally accom- panied by the epifch(!t shakhjah, the vile. NOTE 130. Notes. 319 its neighbourhood recognized as Imam the Sharif Majd (or Najm) ad-din Yahya ibn al-Muhsin (read Muhammad),* who adopted the surname of al-Hady ila '1-Hakk, the same as that of his namesake and ancestor, the originator of the dynasty. In the southern districts, 'Izz ad-din Muhammad, surnamed an-Nasir li-dln Illah, son of al-Mansur 'Abd Allah, was proclaimed Imam. He was defeated, in a.h. 623, in an engagement near San'a with the troops of the Ayyub- ite King al-Mas'ud. He fled to Thula, wounded by an arrow in the eye, and died before the end of the year. He was succeeded by his brother Shams ad-dm Ahmad, al- Mutawakkil 'al' Allah. Al-Mansur 'Abd Allah, it must be stated, left a large family of sons besides the two I have here mentioned. The Imam Ahmad ibn Husayn (ibn Ahmad ibn al-Kasira), surnamed al-Mahdi, was proclaimed at Thula in a.h. 646. On the question of his descent there is a singular disagree- ment between the writers I have had the means of con- sulting, a thing all the more strange considering the importance attached by the Zaydites to the purity of their Imam's pedigree. Al-Ahdal makes Ahmad ibn Husayn great grandson of Kasim (Abu 'l-Kfisim al Husayn ?) son of al-Mu'ayyad Ahmad (one of the Persian Imams), descendant of Zayd son of Hasan and consequently not a member of the Rassite family. f The author of the Yawaklt identifies his great-grandfather with al-Mansiir al-Kasim, who died in a.h. 393, and among whose children no son of the name of Ahmad has been mentioned. The author of the BugUyat al-Miorld says that he was de- scendant, as well as Malikah the mother of the Imam Ahmad ibn Suleyman, of Ahmad son of Isma'il Abu '1-Barakat, descendant of Muhammad son of al-Kasim the Eassite. This agrees with what is said by the author of the Jawdhir, who, however, confines himself to the statement that the Imam's great-grandfather al-Kasim was descended from Muhammad son of al-Kasim the Rassite. On the other hand, a comparison of dates — the Imam Ahmad ibn Suley- man having been born in a.h. 500 — leaves the question in a doubtful condition. The designation al-Muti I find nowhere but in Ibn * Compare the Kushifat al-Glmmmali, fob 22 rev., with the Ilada'ik, fol. 206 rev. 1. 14. t See the Genealogical Table to Note 107. 320 Notes. NOTE 130. Klialdun, who, it would appear, has borrowed it from al- Bayhaki.* The word signifies one appointed to subjugate. Ahmad ibn al-Husayn was raised to the Imamate with the full consent and approval of the family of al-Mansiir 'Abd Allah. Ere long he was able to treat on terms of equality with the Rasfdite Sultan, at that time al-Muzaffar Yusuf. Such a state of things was necessarily most dis- tasteful, not only to the Sultan, but to all orthodox Muslims. Khfizraji tells us, in his 'Ukud, that the Abbaside Khallfah al-Musta'^sim sent the Sultan orders to put an end to the dominion of the heretical Imam. The Zaydite historians relate a different and a somewhat curious story. According to their version (Yawakifc, fol. 171 rev.), al-Muzaffar asked assistance of al-Musta'sim against the Imam. The Khallfah, it is related, sent the Sultan certam Hashlshiym, otherwise called, he continues, Fiddwii/lri. These are persons, he further explains, " who sell themselves and risk their lives in accomplishing the slaughter of a person whose death is required of them.'^ f ^^ i^ ^^^ without interest to observe that the word Haslnshiyln (or Ilashishiyun) is the same as that found by Mr. Lane (" Thousand and One Nights," Note 46 to ch. ii.) in Idrisi's Geography, applied to the people we call the Assassins. The word, as Mr. Lane re- marks, is precisely synonymous with Ha! j ^fij"^ = 967; also the date of al-Mutawakkil Isma'il's accession [jjS^ J ^^- c_jj = 1054. NOTE 132. Notes. 323 al-Munajjimin, whom I have already had occasion to mentiou {supra, Note 26). See also the footnote to the printed edition of Tabari, iii. p. 2256. In the case of his companion, the discrepancies between the different names attributed to him are even greater. But in styling him Mansur, as if it were a proper name, Janadi and Khazraji have allowed themselves to bo led into error, through the fact that the Ismailite emissary was known by the designation Mansur aUYaman, he, that is to say, who was endowed with divine assistance in Yaman, meaning further, he who was victorious or who triumphed in Yaman. Khazraji gives him the name of Mansur son of Husayn. The author of the Dastiir calls him Abu '1-Kasim (see supra, p. 193), al-Faraj ibn Hasan ibn Haushab ibn Zadan al-Kufi (native of Kufa). In Makrizi (vol. i. p. 349) we read Abu '1-Kasim al-Husayn ibn Faraj ibn Haushab al-Kufi ; in Ibn '1-AthIr (vol. viii. p. 22), Rustam ibn al-Husayn (or al-Hasan) ibn Haushab ibn Dadhan an-Najjar. The difference between the two last mentioned is somewhat singular, seeing that a comparison of the two passages re- lating to Ibn Haushab clearly shows that both writers have borrowed, whether directly or indirectly, from one and the same source. In Makrizi, it may be remarked, the word kkarraba, to ruin or devastate, has been wrongly substituted for haratha, to plough, with the result of destroying the sense of the phrase. Note 132 to p. 191. — There is here a divergence between the statements of al-Janadi and Khazraji touching the pedigree of Ibn Fadl, all the more noticeable, since both evidently derive their accounts of the Karmathians in Yaman from the same origin, that is to say, from Ibn Miilik, the writer mentioned in the text. In Khazraji there is no mention of Dhu Jadan. Ibn al-Athir, it deserves perhaps to be noticed, says that Ibn Fadl was member of a family, natives of al-Janad. Al- Khazraji simply says that Ibn Fadl was descendant of " Khanfar son of Saba son of Safi (Sayfi ?) son of Zur*ah (Himyar the younger) son of Saba the younger.'^ The tribe or family of Khanfar is mentioned by al- Hamdani (p. 204, 1. 10), and elsewhere (p. 53, 1. 19) the same writer tells us that Khanfar was the name of a town in Abyan. Y 2 324 Notes. NOTES 133-136. Note 133 to p. 192. — It is of course altogether out of the question to suppose that Ibn Haushab and Ibn Facll were sent to Yamau by Maymun, or that 'Obayd Allah the Mahdy was his son. 'Abd Allah son of Maymun, the real author of the Ismailite conspiracy, was perhaps still living when the two emissaries were despatched ; but Prof, de Goeje shows that it was doubtless Abdallah's son Ahmad who organized the mission to Yaman. 'Obayd Allah must at that time have been in his child- hood. He died in a.h. 322, at the age, according to Ibn al-Athir, of sixty-three years. Note 134 to p. 193. — These words are founded upon a traditionary saying of the Prophet. It is cited in both the works of Khazraji preserved in the Leiden Library, and also in the book by ar-Razi at the British Museum. Note 135 to p. 194. — Al-Khazraji here adds that Ibn Haushab and Ibn Fadl arrived in Yaman shortly after the assassination of Muhammad ibn Ya'fur, an event which we have been told by al-Janadi, on the authority of Ibn al- Jauzi, occurred in the first month of a.h. 279 (supra, Note 8, p. 225). Prof, de Goeje arrives at the conclusion that the Ismail- ite mission was sent to Yaman in a.h. 266, a date in accord with Makrizi and with the author of the Dastur. The latter states that the two missionaries were despatched in 266, whilst both agree in saying that they arrived in Yaman in 268 and that the Ismailite supremacy began to be freely preached in 270. It would follow that Ibn Fadl's final conquest of San'a (see Note 138) must have occurred thirty-one years and Ibn Haushab's death (a.h. 302) thirty-four years after their arrival in the country. It would in fact appear that they laboured for many long years, before they gained the com- manding position which they eventually held for a brief period. Note 136 to p. 196.— It will be noticed that Abu 'Abd Allah is here represented as having been sent to Africa by Maymun, or as it may be understood, by the ruling chief of the Ismailites at that period, and not by Ibn Haushab as is stated by other writers. But it is probably true that NOTE 137. Notes. 325 some time previous to his mission, Abu 'Abd Allah was absent from his native country, that he had an interview with the " grand master '^ (de GoejOj p. 19, footnote), and that he returned thereafter to Yaman. As regards the question of the date at which his mission to Africa occurred, the year 290 is to be found in Khazraji as in our text. Makrizisays (vol. i. p. 350) that Abu 'Abd Allah arrived in the country of Katfimah in a.h. 2(S8. In Ibn al-Athir we read 280, the date adopted by de Sacy, on the authority of Baybars al-Mansury and of Abu ''1-Fada. According to Ibn al-Athir, not only was Abu 'Abd Allah in North Africa before the death (at the latter end of A.H. 289) of Ibrahim ibn Ahmad the Aghlabite, but it would further appear that he had previous to that event acquired sufficient power in the country, to enable him to enter into a state of open warfare with the troops of Ibrahim. (Ibn al-Athir, vol. viii. pp. 25, 26.) The author of the Dastur cannot be accepted as a safe guide, but it is not without interest to notice that, although he explicitly mentions the totally inadmissible year 296 as that of Abu 'Abd AUah^s arrival, he does so immediately after mentioning jBgures, 145 + 135 (245 + 35 ?) which gives us the date of A.H. 280. The year 296, mentioned in our text as that in which 'Obayd Allah started for Noi'th Africa, must be wrong. Our author is, it is true, by no means singular in his error, but Professor de Goeje shows that ^Obayd Allah's departure from Syria occm*red, in all probability, not later than ah. 287 or 288. A statement by the author of the Dastiir may be noted, to the effect that when 'Obayd Allah arrived in Egypt he intended proceeding to Yaman, that he was deterred by news of the insubordination of Ibn al-Fadl, and that he remained in concealment in Egypt until he departed for North Africa. Note 137 to p. 199. — Professor de Goeje has reproduced these verses from Khazraji. Two lines are added, expressive of the indignation they aroused in the mind of the orthodox Muslim who has preserved them. The two lines are of the same character as the following, interpolated by Dayba', immediately after the passage in which the supposed new Prophet is represented as proclaiming the abolition of prayer and of fasting : — 2,26 Notes. NOTES 138-140. ^>ai« J^iJ *^^ *!>*■' J *"*^? Jj i_i *'J^ -"^ Maxj God curse Mm in every land. — May God abase Jam whithersoever he go (or among the followers of all religions). Note 138 to p. 199. — According to Khazraji, Ibn Fadl first obtained possession of San'ji in 293, a statement which is indeed confirmed by Tabari (vol. iii. pp. 2256 and 22(37), and by Ibn al-Atliir (vii. p. 378). Al-Khazraji's narrative (pp. 34, 35) is to the effect that Dliamar having been seized by the Karmathiaus, As'ad ibn Ya'fur tendered bis submis- sion, but that he fled upon Ibn Fadl making his entry into San'a. The citizens applied for aid to the Zaydite Imam of Sa'dah, al-Hadi Yahya, who despatched against their enemies an army under the command of his son Abu '1- Kasim Muhammad al-Murtada. They gained possession of Dhamar and compelled the Karmathians to abandon San'a. But the latter recaptured Dhamar from the hands of al- Murtada in A.H. 294, and drove him to seek refuge at San'a, where he joined his father. Al-Hadi was now attacked by the troops of As'ad ibn Ya'fur and, the citizens of San'a re- fusing to support the Imam against their old masters, he abandoned the city and retreated to Sa'dah. The Karma- thians again regained possession of the city for a short period, until they were for a second time expelled with the assistance of al-Hadi. But again the latter was put to flight by the approach of a strong force of the enemy. Al- Hadi died in 298. The Banu Ya'fur once more succeeded in wresting the city from the hands of the Karmathians, but they were themselves soon again driven forth, and Ibn Fadl, in Kamadan 299, made his entry into San% which re- mained thenceforth under his dominion, until the termina- tion of his career. Note 139 to p. 201. — These two words have a truly ghastly signification. They are derived from the verbs dahasa, to agitate one's limbs in the agonies of death, and shakhasa, to fix orie's eyes in the stare of death. Al-Khazraji calls the place al-Mashahlt, from shahata, to welter in blood. Miiller's Hamdani mentions al-Malahiz, situated on the banks of the river Zabid (p. 71, 1. 17, and"lOO,l. 21). Note 140 to p. 201.— The author of the Taj al-'Arus writes as follows : — NOTES 141-144, * Notes. 327 Husayb, pronounced like Zuhayr, is the name of the river (or valley) of Zabid. It has an excellent climate, and its women are distinguished for their surpassing beauty and for their grace and kindliness. Hence the well-known saying: "On entering the town of Husayb put your beasts to the trot "—meaning, hasten your pace lest you fall a victim to the women's fascinations. See also Hamdani, p. 53, 1. 24, and 119, 1. 17. Note 141 to p. 202. — Abu Sa^id al-Jannabi was chief of the Karmathian Principality of Bahrayn. He died in A.H. 301, and throughout his life remained faithful in his allegiance to 'Obayd Allah. I do not know how to explain the allusion in the text to his having declared his indepen- dence of the Mahdy, excepting by the fact that his fidelity seems at one time to have been suspected. See de Goeje's Carmathes, p. 69. Note 142 to p. 211. — Egypt was conquered by Jauhar, the Fatimite general, and the foundations of the fortress of al-Kahirah (Cairo) were laid, in a.h. 358. Al-Mu'izz arrived in Egypt and established the seat of the Fatimite Empire at Cairo in a.h. 362. Note 143 to p. 211. — Dayba' adds here that Ibn al-Asad exercised the office of Da'y under the reigns of the Fatimite Khalifahs al-Hakim and az-Zahir (a.h. 411-427), and during the earlier years of al-Mustansir (a.h. 427-487). Note 144 to p. 212. — Instead of al-Ahrdj or AJchrcij,! think we must read al-Akhruj,. which, Hamdani tells us (p. 106), adjoins the lower country of Hadfir and was in his day the dwelling-place of the Banu Sulayhi, the Ham- danites. See Dr. Grlaser, pp. 38 and 10. He identifies the district with the modern Hujrah, shown upon his map, east of Haraz. The place is mentioned, I may add, by al- Mukaddasy, who, according to Professor de Goeje's edition, writes JJkhruJ. GENEEAL INDEX. [TTie letters S, K, 8, and T, form separate headings. For geographical names, see page 352.1 A. Al-A'azz. See 'Aly ibn Saba and Muhammad. 'Abbas SOD of 'Aly al-A'azz, 73. 'Abbas ibn al-Karam, Prince of Aden, 33 (f.-note), 64, 65, 66, 307, 30S. Al-Mahdy 'Abbas Imam of Yaman, 322. 'Abd Allah ibn al-' Abbas, cousin of the Prophet, appointed Governor of Yaman, 139.— 64. 'Abd Allah ibn al-'Abbas ash-Sha- wiry, the Da'y, successor to Ibn Ilaushab, 208, 209. 'Abd' Allah ibn 'Abd Allah the Sulayhite, adherent oflbnNajTb ad-Daulah, and his successor as Da'y, 60, 298, 299. 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Madan, 184. 'Abd Allah son of Imam Ahmad an- Nasir, 187. •Abd Allah ibn 'Aly ibn Mahdy, 129, 164. 'Abd Allah ibn As'ad ibn Wa'il the Wuliazite, son-in-law of Mansur ibn Fatik, 98. Al-Mansilr 'Abd Allah ibn Hamzah, Zaydite Imam, 188. His history 318, 319. 'Abd Allah ibn Hatim ibn al- Ghashlm the Hamdanite, Prince of San'a, 230. 'Abd Allah (or Ziyad), infant son and successor of Abu '1-Jaysh Ishak, 8, 143. 'Abd Allah (or Ibrahim), successor of the preceding and last of his race, 13 sqq., 144. 'Abd Allah ibn Kahtan of the Banu Ya'f ur, 227. " Ahu Muhammad 'Abd Allah ibn Abi 'l-Kfisim al-Abbar, one of 'Omarah's informants, 12, 103. 'Abd Allah ibn al-Mahdy al-Ma'mari, 63. 'Abd Allah al-Ma'mun the Abbaside Khalifah. Sends Ibn Ziyad to Yaman, 2-4, 141, 218.— 27, 140, 141, 159, 185, 220, 221, 223, 308, 314. 'Abd Allah ibn al-Masil', 258. 'Abd Allah ibn Maymiin al-Kaddah, 324. See also Maymun. 'Abd Allah ibn (Muhammad ibn) 'Aly ibn 'Abd Allah ibu al -Abbas, as-Saffiih, the first Abbaside Khalifah, 2, 140, 184. 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad, al- Mansilr, the second Abbaside Khalifah; 245. 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad the Sulayhite. His death, 31, 84, 153. Builder of Dhn Jiblah, 40, 148, 169. Owner of Ta'kar, 257.— 50, 160, 169. Ahu 'Abd Allah ash-Shlya'i. See Ilusayn ibn Ahmad. 'Abd Allah ibn Taiiir, 314. Abu 'Abd Allali ibn Ya'fur. Eead Abu 'Abd, Allah al-Husayu at- Tubba'y, which see. 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya, 53. 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya, Chief of the Banu Janb, 295, 297. Sidtan 'Abd Allah ibn Ya'la the Sulayhite. Owner of Khadid, 55, 169, 170. His verses, 50. Ibn 'Abd al-Barr. See Abu 'Omar Yusuf. 'Abd al-Hajr son of 'Abd al-Madan, 313.' 'Abd al-Hamid son of Muhammad son of al-llajjaj, 316. 'Abd al-Kadir son of Ahmad the Ya'furite, 225. 'Abd al-Kays, 184, 314. Banu 'Abd al-Kays. See al-'Abdi. 330 General Index. 'Abd al Madfin, 184, 312, 313. Khali fall 'Abd al- Malik son of Marwiin , liO, 220. 'Abd al-Muhsin ibn Isma'Tl, one of 'Oiniirah's informants, 118. 'Abd al-Masta'la ibn Ahmad the Zawahite, 39. 'Abd an-Naby son of 'Aly ibn Mahdy. Succeeded his brother and ruled over Yaman when 'Omiirah wrote, 129, 130, 164. His con- qaests and eventual defeat by 'Alv ibn Hatim, 294-296. His death, 297.* Abu 'Ah 'Abd ar-RahTm al-Kadi al- Fadil, 'Omfirah's history written at his request, 1. His relations with the author, vil.-ix. 'Abd ar-Rahmiln ibn Ahmad the Alide. His rebellion in Yaman, 218-19 (f.-note). 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn 'Aly al-'Absi, one of 'Omarah's informants, 12. 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf, xiv. 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn Tahiral-Kaybi, 81. ■ Ahu 'l-Faro/j 'Abd ar-Rahman sur- named Ibn al-Jauzi, 225. 'Abd ash-Shams. See Saba. Banu 'Abd al-Wahid, 18, 177. 'Abd al-W;lhid son of Jayyfish, 93. His rebellion and subsequent expulsion from Zabld, 94, 95. — 156. .. As'ad ibn Shihab, brother of Asma, Governor of Zabid, 26. Anec- dotes, 25-7. His three assis- tants, 27-8. Re-appointed over Zabid, 36. Driven forth by the Banu Najah, 37. ApjDointed over San'a, 41. Flight from Zabid, 87, 153. His honourable treat- ment by Jayyash, 92, 155. — 21, 27, 33, 34, 38, 42, 84, 89, 154, 155, 253. As'ad ibn Wa'il ibn 'Isa, the Wuhaz- ite, 18, 76, 93, 176, 243. As'ad ibn Ta'fur. His family, 223. Their surname, Hawwfilites, 224. Driven out of San'a by 'Aly ibn Fadl, 199, 326". Appointed Ibn Fadl's deputy at San'a, 204. Conspires against the life of Ibn Fadl, 205. Besieges and captures Mudhaykhirah, 207. Retains his independence until his death, 226.-6, 7, 141, 142, 173, 185, 191, 234, 242. As'ad ibn Yahya al-Haythami, 22. £anu Asbah. See Dhu Asbah. Al-Asbahi. See Malik ibn Anas. ^arm'A's'hab, 210 (f.-note). Banu Ash'ar, 3, 213, 217. Al-Ash'ary. See Ahmad ibn Mu- hammad and Abu '1-Hasan 'Aly. Kltdi) al-'Asjad, name given to Khazraji's KiJdyaJi by Dayba', xviii. Asma daughter of Shihab. Her mar- riage to the Da'y 'Aly the Sulay- hite, 22. Her eminent qualities, 22. Procures the appointment of her brother As'ad over Zabid, 26. Captured by Sa'Id ibn Najah, and carried to Zabid, 31, 35. Rescued from her captivity, 31, 35-6, 85-87, 147, 153-4. Her death, 37, 148.— 21, 27, 28, 30, 38-9, 42, 65, 250. Al-Asmar. See Yusuf ibn Abi '1- Futuh. The Assassins, 266, 320. See also Nizarites, Ismailites and Kar- matliians. Al-Aswad al 'Ansi, 138-9, 300. Al-Aswad ibn 'Auf, xiv. Ihn al-AthIr, quoted, iv. (f.-note), 188, 218 (f.-note), 224, 226, 250, 252, 285 (f.-note), 305, 314, 318 (f.-note), 323, 325, 326.-236, 281 (U£d al-Ghabah). 'Aththarlvah dinars, 8, 143 (f.-note), 234. ' Banu Aus, 216-7. Banu Auza', 216, 243. Ihn A'yan. See Abu '1-Hasan 'Aly ibn Muhammad. Al-'Ayani, surname of the Imam al-Mansur al-Kasim, son of 'Aly. Najm ad-din Ayyub, father of Sala- din, ix. Azal. See Uzal. Banu Azd, 183, 216, 313. Al-'AzIz, the Fatimite Khallfah, 227 (f.-note). B. Badhan, Governor of Yaman, con- version to Islam, 138. Bahjah, mother of 'Aly ibn Abi '1- Gharat, 72, 272. Banu Bahr, 54, 170, 262. The Bahrite. See Zakarlya ibn Shaklr. Al-Bajali. See Abu, 'Abd Allah al- Husayn ibn 'Aly. Tribe of Bajllah, 45 (fl-note), 178, 217. Al-Biikhudah. See Ahmad ibn Mu- hammad al-llamudi. Bakii, sub-tribe of Hamdan, 18, 107, 132, 175, 216, 247. Abu Bakr, successor of the Prophet, 139, 300. Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad al-'Abdi, one of 'Umarah's informants, 79, 275, 276. Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al-Yafi'y, 75, 76, 260. Al-Bakri, the geographer, 178. Egyptian Balsam, 107. Abu '^-Barakat, sou of al-Walid the Himyarite, 50, 258. 334 General Index. Banu (Ahi) 'Z-Barakat, 173. Ibn Abi 7-Barakat. See al-Mufad- dal. Bamch, 215, 313. Al-Basri, 276. Al-BatiVihy. See al-Ma'mrm. Ibn Batutah, 166 (f.-note), 237. Al-Ba'yari. See Mahammad ibn Zayd. Al-Bayhaki. Several writers of that surname. The one probably here in question, 305.— 159, 172, 175, 176, 178, 182, 183, 247. Bilal ibn Jarlr as-Sa'id al Mawatfak. Deputy of Saba ibn Abi Su'ud over Aden, 69. One of 'Omarah's informants, 72. His capture of the fortress of al-Khadra at Aden, 72-3, 272. Places Mu- hammadibn Saba on the throne, 74, 160. Titles granted to him by the KhalTfab, 74. Hisgovern- ment of Aden and death, 79-80, 276, 278. Hia great wealth, 80, 160. Bilkls Queen of Saba, 22, 183, 250, '256. Banu 'Z-Bi'm (?), sub-tribe of Khau- lan, 207. An Arab Birnam-wood, 310. Bughyat al-Murld, MS. at the Brit. Museum, xxiv., 319, 322. Buhar, a weight, 80, 278. Banu Buhr, 262. Bukht Nassar, 215, 313. Burhan (or Masrur), slave of Queen 'Alam, 112. D. Dadhwayh, 139, 300. Ad-Dahhak Abu '1-Kasim, 186, 226, *227. Kitdb Daatur il-MunajjimIn, 250, 322-3,324, 325. Da'ud Sarim ad-dIn son of 'Abd Allah ibn Hamzah, 321. Da'ud ibn 'Aly, uncle of 'Abd Allah as-Saffah, Governor of Taman, 140. Da'y, 1. Meaning of the word, 213. Succession of Fatimite Da'ys in Yaman, 134, 298-9. Ad-Dayba', historian of Yaman, iii., v., svii.-xviii. His account of the conquest of Yaman by the troops of the Egyptian Sultan al-Ghuri, 237 (f.-note).— 221 (f.-note), 226 (f.-note), 236, 241, 325, 327. Ad-Dayr (monastery), name given to the Ka'bah of Najran, 183. Banu Dayyan of the Banu '1-Harith the Madhhijites, rulers of Naj- ran, 184, 313. Adh-Dhabbal, name of 'Aly the Sulayhite's horse, 84. c Adh-Dhahabi, 316. Adh-Dhaklilrah, daughter of Jayyash son of Najah, 93. Adh-Dhakhlrah daughter of Najah, 16, 81. Banu 'dh-Dhlb, surname of the family of the Banu '1-Karam, 67, 70. Banu Dhu Asbah, their country, 176.— 17, i97,'216. Dhu Hawwal, ancestor of the Banu Ya'fur, 221, Dhu Jadan, 191, 323. Dhu '1-KaUi', 17, 176, 215, 232. Dhu '1-Manakh, ancestor of Abu Ja'far al-Manakhi, 222. Dhu '1-Mnthlah, 222. Dhu Nuwas, the last Himyarite king, 313. Dhu Ru'ayn, or YarTm, 215, 219 (f.-note), 245, 288. Dhu 'th-Thafinat, surname of 'Aly Zayn al-'Abidin and of 'Aly son of 'Abd Allah son of 'Abbas, 289. Dieterici's Mutanabbi. See Al- Mutanabbi. Dinar ibn 'Abd Allah, 219 (f.-note). Malikite Dinars, first struck by al- Mukarram Ahmad, 37, 79, 80, 253. Banu Dinnah, 54, 262. Dodek'ite Shi'ahs, 301, 302, 303. Duhaym ibn 'Abs, 84. F. Abu 'l-Fada's Geography, 233, 306. Al-Kddi al-Fadil. See 'Abd ar- Rahlm. Ibn al-Fadl. See 'Aly ibn al-Fadl and 'Imran ibn al-Fadl. Al-Fadl ibn Sahl Dhu 'r-Ri'asatayn, 3." Banu Fahm, sub-tribe of Kuda'ah, 218. Al-Fa'iz bi-Nasr lllah, the Fatimite Khallfah, vi. General Index, Ihn Falfih. See Ahmad. Al-Falammas the Afa of Najran (Kalammas?), 183, 312. Faraj son of Islu'ik ibn Marzuk as- Sahrati, 115. Faraj as-Salirati the Abyssinian, 21. Banu Farasan, 280 (f.-note). Fath ibn Ivliftah appointed over Ta'kar, 54. Father-in-law of 'Imrau son of Muslim ibn az- Zarr, 55, 170. (Ibn Khaldfm writes Suleymfm instead of 'Imriin.) Alu 7-Fath. See Imam an-Nasir the Daylamite. Kadi Ahu 'Z-Fath ibn as-Sahl, 75. Abu 'Z-Fath ibn al-WalTd. See Abn 'J-Futuh. Ahu '?-Fath. See Sultan Abu 'n- Nfirayn. Al-Fatik son of Jayyash son of the Indian concnbine, 91, 93. Suc- ceeds his father, 93, 156. His death, 94, 156. His descendants exercised only nominal rule, 95-6. Al-Fatik son of Mansiir ibn Fatik ibn Jayyash. His accession, 98, 156. His death. 115, 157, 285.— 95, 100, 114, 117, 162. Al-Fatik son of Muhammad ibn Fatik ibn Jayyash, 95. Killed at the instigation of the Imiim Ahmad al-Mutawakkil, 129, 158, 163, 187. Account of his death as given by the Zaydite histo- rians, 317. Fatimah daughter of al-MuT<,arram Ahmad the Sulayhite. Married to Shams al-BIa'uii 'Aly son of the Da'y Saba the Sulayhite, 39. Escapes from her husband, 49. Fatimah daughter of the Prophet, ■ 180. Faymiyyun, converted the people of Najriln to Christianity, 183, 312. Fayruz the Daylamite appointed Governor of Yaman by Abu Bakr, 139, 300. Fidawiyah. See Assassins. IhH al-Fuwaykar. See az-Zibrikan. Abu 'l-Futiih, nephew of Ja'far ibn Ibrahim al-Maufikhi, 222. Abu 7-Futuh ibn al-Walid, 50, 258, 263. The author says here" son of al-'Ala son of Walld," but cf. p. 258. G. Al-Ghafa'i, son of 'Aly ibn Fadl, 207. Al-Gha'it, meaning of the word in Yaman, 247. The Sharif Ghanim ibn Yahya the Suleymanite. Ally of Maflih and defeated by Surur, 113, 114, 118, 167. His envoy to Surur, 116. Abandons his Arab allies, 120.— 166-7, 187, 284, 317. Ahu' I- Ghar at son of Mas'ud, Prince of Aden, 60, 66, 67. Ahu '1-Gha.jth. ihn Siimir, adherent of Ibn JNajTb ad-Daulah, 60. Gliazal, slave-girl of Queen 'Alam and sister-in-law of Surur, 120. Ihn aZ-Ghifari. See Muhammad. Kasr Ghumdan, the Ka'bah of Ya- man, 6, 171, 182-3. Al-Ghfiri, Sultan of Egypt, 237 (f.-note). Ghuzz, 161, 165. According to the Sihah {apiid Taj al-'Arus), a Turkish tribe, but the word is commonly used to denote na- tives of Western and Central Asia (Turks, Tartars, Kurds, etc.), employed in a military capacity, 161, 165. The Ghuzz enlisted by Jayyash. Their history, 104-6. Dr. Eduard Glaser, xis. sqci., 171 (f.-note), 222, 223, 228, 233, 234, 247, 251 (f.-note). Frof. de Goeje, 316, 324, 325, 327. See also Ibn Haukal, Istakhri, Khurdadhbah, etc. H. Banu, Habrah, 251. Al-Hadhaly. See Ahmad ibn 'At- tab. Imam al-Hady. See Abu 'l-IIasan 'Aly ibn Ja'far, Yahya ibn Hu- sayn and Yahya ibn Muhammad, Banu Hamdan. They and the Banu Khaulan were the two most powerful tribes in Yaman, 175, 176, 218. Their descent. 216. —18, 58, 59, 60, 64, 69, 70, 71, 145, 146, 148, 159, 168, 16y, 186, 188, 226, 228, 229, 230, 243, 247, 262, 295, 309. Al-Hamdani the Geographer, six.. General Index. 214, 217, 219 (f.-note), 232-3, 237, 243, 245, 247-8, 280 (f.-note), 327, passim. Banu Hashim, Amirs of Mecca, 147, 148, 152, 166, 252, 284, 285. Ahu Hashim. See Abit Hashim al- Hasan ibn 'Abd ar-Rahmfm. Haudbah son of *Aly of the Bann HanTfah, King of Yamiimah, 179. Al-Hayzari ibn Ahmad, 43. Al-Haythami. See As'ad ibn Yahya. Hind, daughter of Abu 'l-Jaysh Ishak, 8. Aunt of 'Abd Allah ibn Ziyad {?), 14. Her death, 15. —143-4. Ihn Hisham, descendant of Hisham the 'Omayyad KhalTfah, 2, 4. Banu Hizzan, 179, 310. Hud, the prophet, 180, 290 (f.-note), 311. H, Hada'ik al-Wardlyah, MS. at the Brit. Mus., xxiii., 226 (f.-note), 284, 285, 314. Hadramaut, son of Kahtilu, 311. Al-Haf, son of Kuda'ah, 181. 16 ii Ahi 'Z-Hafat. See Husayn. Barm Ahi '?-Hafat, 94. Al-Hafiz li-din Illab, the Fatimite Khalifah, vi., 137, 298, 300. Al-Hajjah. See 'Alam. Al.Haj]aj, 140, 178. Al-Hajuri. See Husayn ibn Abi '1- Hafat. BaWHakam, v., 217, 118, 120, 238, 252, 285. Al-Hakami, surname of 'Omarah, v., 79. Al-IIakayni. See Imum Ahu'l-Hasan 'Aly ibn Ja'far. Al-Hfikim bi amr Illah, the Fatimite Khalifah, 327. Al Hakly. See Ahmad ibn 'Aly. Al-Hamal (or al-Jamal), leader of the insurrection against al-Mu- faddal, 53, 150. Hamid ad-Daulah. See Hatim ibn Ahmad . Ihn Hamid ad-Din. See Sii'id. Al-Hamidi. See Ibrahim ibn al- Ilusiiyn and Hatim ibn Ibrahim. Hamil al-Madyah, 46. Al-Hamal. See also al-Jamal, 53. Al-Haraudi. See Ahmad ibn Mu- hammad. Ilamzah son of the Imam Abit, Hashim al- Hasan, 229, 318. Bamt Hamzah, 321. Hamzah ibn VVahhas. Suleymanite Prince of Mecca, 285. Banu Hanifah, 178, 179, 309, 310. Banu Haram, 118, 286. Al-Harami (or Hirami), 7, 9, 234. Al-Harani. See al-Murajja. Banu Haraz, 175, 215, 309. Banu 'Z-Hririth ibn Ka'b sub-tribe of Azd,183, 216, 313. JBamc 'Z-IIarith ibn Ka'b sub-tribe of Madhhij, 217, 183-4, 313-14. Harithah son of 'Amru, 216. hahih al-Harmali, 235. Hasan son of the Imam al-Mansur ' Abd 'Allah. 321. Imam Ahu Hdshim al-Hasan ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman, 229," 318. Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Yahya al- Muntakhab, mentioned by as- Suli, and by Ibn Ilazm, 186. Ah(, Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Abi 'Akamah, 27, 93, "280. Abu ' l-llasan ibn 'Aly ibn Muham- mad the Sulayhite, 77. Hasan ibn 'Aly al-Utrush an-Nasir lil-IIakk, 316. Ahit ' l-Ilsisan ibn .4fci'Z-Kasim al- Bayhaki, 305. Al-Hasan ibn Sahl, 3. Hasan son of MansQr al-Yaman, 208. Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Wahhas, proclaimed Imiim, 321. Hasan son of the Imam al-Hady Yahya, 315. Hasan son of Zayd, descendant of Zayd son of Hasan eon of Aba TiUib, 303. Abu 'Mlasan (Abu '1-Jaysh ?) ibn ZiySd, 227. Banu Ilashid, anb-tribe of Hamdan, 107, 132, 175, 216, 233, 2J7. Ibn Abi Ilashid the Khaulanite. See Yahya. HashTshiyln. See Assassins. Hassan ibn Tnbba', 178, 310. Ihn Hatim the historian. See Mu- hammad. Ibn Hatim. See 'Aly ibn Hatim. Uanud ad-Baulah Hatim ibn Ahmad, 148, 230, 317. Hatim son of 'Aly son of Saba the Zurayite, 73, 295. Hiitim ibn al-GhashIm, Saltan of SanTi, 230, 257. Hatim ibn Ibrahim ibn al-llusayn al- General Index. 337 llamidi, succeeded his father as i)a'y, 137, 299. Ihn Ilaukal the Geographer, 6 (f.- note)'. 143 (f.-note), 178, 180, 231, 23i. Ibn Haushab. See Mansur al-Yaman. Banu Ilawwal or Hawwalites, sur- name of the Banu Ya'fur, 195, 224, 234. Al-Hawwiili (al-Jawwali ?). See As'ad ibn 'Abd as-Samad. Banu Hay, 263. Banu Haydan, 126, 162, 280 (f.-note), 291. Banu Ilaywan. See the preceding. Ibn Hazm, the Genealogist, 175, 183, 186, 313, 247. Banu Himas, 58, 265. Banu Ilimyar, 215. Ally themselves with Bilal ibn Jarir, 69. Con- quered Najran, 183. Join the Hamdanites in supporting Hu- sayn, son of al-Mansur al- Kasim, 228. Ilimyar son of 'Abd ash-Shams (al- 'Aranjaj), ancestor of the Him- yaiites, 215, 5, 124, 176. Ilimyar al-Asghar, or Zur'ah, son of Saba al-Asghar, 224, 243. Abu Himyar, surname applied to Saba ibu Abi Su'ud the Zurayite, 71 ; also to al-MansCir Saba son of Ahmad the Sulayhite. Himyar ibn As'ad, secretary of Surur al-Fiitiki and one of 'Omarah's informants, 104. His history, 106-7. His story of the slave- girl Wardah, 106-111. A dealer in poison, 107.— 108, 114-16. Himyar ibn al-Harith, Governor of Yaman, 224." Al-Hirami. See al-Harami. Banu Iliwal. See Ilawwal. Al-Hujariyah, 57, 62. Meaning of the word, 263. Banu 'Ilurab, sub-tribe of Madhhij, 177, 217. Ibn Hurabah, 67. See 'Imrau. Al- Hurrah, meaning of the word, 281. Abu 'Ahd Allah al-Ilusayn ibn Ah- mad ibn Muhammad ash-Shiya'i, the Ismailite missionary to Africa, 6, 173, 196, 249. The date of his arrival in Africa, 325. Abu''l-Kdsim al-IIusayn son of al- Mu'ayyad Ahmad, 319. Abu Muhammad al-Husayn ibn Abi 'Akamah. See al-Hasan. Abu 'Ab. Introduces the Khaulanites into Mikhlaf Ja'far, 54, 170. Expedition to Zabld, return and death, 53-4; 94-5, 156. His successor, 263. Me- morials of his rule, great aque- duct, etc., 259-60.-38, 49, 131, 151, 169, 173. Al-Mufaddal son of Saba ibn Abi Sa'u(l,'68, 269. Mufaddal ibn Zuray', 59, 60, 67. Z"iitf6al-Mufid, history of Zabid, xii. Abu Manmr Muflih al-Fatiki as- Sahrati, wazTr to King Fatik son of Mansur, 103-4. Story of the slave-girl Wardah, 104-111. Anecdotes, 111, 112. His ex- pulsion from Zabld, 113. De- feated along with his Arab allies by SurQr, 114, 118. His death, 114.— 97, 100, 119, 167. Al-Muhajir ibn Abi Umayyah, 139, 300. Al-Muhajirun, surname given by Ibn Mahdy to his followers from Tiharaah, 126, 132. See also 217. Muhammad ibn al-A'azz, 60. 'Izz ad-din Muhammad, son of the Imam al-Ma7isur 'Abd Allah, 319. Muhammad son of 'Abd Allah, an- Nafs az-Zakiyyah, 302. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah the Ya- fi'ite, one of 'Oms'irah's infor- mants, 100. Mnhammad son of the Da'y al- Mukarram Ahmad, died in in- fancy, 39. Muhammad son of Ahmad ibn 'Im- "ran ibn al-Fadl, 60, 231. Muhammad al-M(tMy (son of Ah- 'mad?), 186 (f.-note). Muhammad ibn 'Aly, one of 'Oma- rah's informants, 130. Abu 'Ahd Allah Muhammad ibn 'Aly as-Sahh;imi, one of 'Omfirah's informants, 97, 102. Muhammad son of 'Aly the Sulayh- ite, father of the Da'y 'Aly, 19, 50, 145, 304. Mnhammad al-Bakir, son of 'Aly Zayn al-Abidln", 302. Muhammad ibn Abi 'l-'Arab, " the Da'y," 57, 298. Muhammad ibn al-Azraki, secretary to Queen Sayyidah, 63, 64. Muhammad ibn Bisharah, one of 'Oraarah's informants, 25. Muhammad ibn Fadl, 322-3. See ■'Aly ibn Fadl. Muhammad son of Fatik son of Jayyash, 95. His rebellion, dis- comfiture and flight, 113, 119 Muhammad ibn Abi '1-Gharat, Prince 'of Aden, 67, 307. Mnhammad ibn al-Ghifari, 45. Al-Amln Muhammad, son of Harun, the Khallfah, 3, 220. Muhammad ibn Harun the Taghlib- ite, one of Ibu Ziyad's com- panions, 3, 4, 27, 220. Muhammad ibn Ilatim the historian, XV., 227, 230" (f.-note), 270, 296, 311. Muhammad son of Ibrahim Taba- 'taba, 140, 142, 184-5,314. Muhammad ibn Idris, Imam ash- 'Shafi'y, xiii., 4, 236. Mnhammad ibn Ishak, 311. Muhammad al-Maktum, son of the Imam Isma'il, 303. Muhammad, one of the three sons of 'Imran ibn Muhammad the Zurayite, 67, 160. See Mansur, son of 'Imran. Abu Hfishim Mnhammad ibn Ja'far, Amir of Mecca, 152, 252-3. Muhammad son of Ja'far as-Sadik, 'l40. Muhammad ibn Kabas (Kays F) the 'Wuhazite, 53'. Muhammad son of al-Kasim, physi- cian and astrologer, 75. Muhammad son of al-Kasim ibn 'Aly, descendant of Zayn al- 'Abidla, 107, 315, and Gen. Table, p. 3U3. Muhammad son of al-Kasim the Rassit.e, son of Ibrahim, 315. Imam Muhammad al-M/i'aiiyad ibn al-Kasim iba Muhammad, 322. Muhammad ibn Maui' ibn Mas'ud the Zurayite, 73. Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Malik ibn Abi '1-Kaba'il, author of a history of the Karmathians, 191, 192, 198, 203. Muhammad ibn Nizar, Imam al- Mukhtdr, grandson of al-Mus- tansir, 265. 544 General Index. Sharif Mnhammad Alu 'l-Hasan ihn AM 'Z-'OmarT, merchant at Aden, and descendant of the second Khallfah, 72. Muhammad son of Saba the Zuray- ite, Prince of Aden. His acces- sion, 67, 73-4, 137. One of the author's informants, 68-72. Marries the daughter of Biliil, 74. His character and liberality, 7-1-78. Purchases the strong- holds of Mansur, ibn al-Mu- faddal, 76, 267. His death, 78," 278. Kefuses Ibn Mahdy's request for assistance, 127-8. — 73,80, 160, 269, 270. Muhammad ibn Ahi 'Z-'Ula, ruler of Abyan at the time of Ibn Fadl's arrival in Yaman, 197. Muhammad ibn 'Ulayyah, 32. Abu 'l-Kdsim JNIuhammad a-I-Mwrtarfa son of Yahya al-Hadi, 186, 315, 316, 326. Ahu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya as- SQli, 186, '316. Muhammad ibn Ya'fur, Prince of ' San'ii, 224-5, 324. Muhammad ibn Zayd al-Ba'yari the ■janbite, 297. Muhammad ibn Ziyad. His ancestor 'Ziyad, 219. History of his dynasty, 2-18. Sent to Yaman by al-Ma'mun, 4, 141, 218, 223. Conquered Tihiimah, and even- tually the whole of Yaman, 4. Founder of the city of Zabid, 4, His descendants, 5, 129, 234-6. 291-2. Hisdeath, 234.— 2,5, 27, 141, 142, 166,223. Muhammad son of Ziyad, descend- ant of 'Abd al-Madan, Governor of Yaman under the KhalTfah 'Abd Allah as-Saffah, 140, 184. Imam al-Sln'Td li-dTn Illah, 229. Al-Mu'izz li-din Illah, the Fatimite Ki.alifah, 211, 2fJ3, ;527. Al-Mu'izz Isma'Tl. See Isma'Il. Ihn al-Mujab, 185, 187, 316. Ibwal-Mn'javvir, xxi., 221, 239, 240, 241, 288. Mujrim, assassin of Surur al-Fatiki, 123. AI-Mukaddasi, the geographer, 232, 234, 238, 239, 240, 241, 327. Al-Mukarram, title of 'Imriin ibn Muhammad the Zurayite, 278. See also Ds'y Ahmad ibn 'Aly. Jmdvn al-Mukhtar. See Kasim son of Ahmad an-Nasir and Mu- liammad ibn Nizar. Al-Mulahidah, 266. iZa'Js Mula'ibal-Khanlani, citizen of Zabld, 82. D. R. Miiller. His edition of Ham- dani's Geography, xix. Tribe of Munnabbih. See Banu Janb. Tribe (or family) of Mnntab, 202, 210. Al-Muntab, son of Ibrahim ibn 'Abd al-Hamid, 211. Al-Muntakhab. See Ilasan ibn Ah- mad. Banu Murad, 139, 177, 217. Shayhh al-Murajja al-IIarani, 77. Banu Murrah, 217-8. Al-Murtada. See 'Aly son of Saba and Muhammad ibn Yahya. Najm ad-dtn Musa son of Imam al- Mansur 'Abd Allah, 321. Musafir, slave of Mufaddal ibn Zuray, 60. Musalla, meaning of the word, 274. Musaylimah, the false prophet, 179. Banu Mnslh, 280 (f.-note). Muslim ibn Yashjub. Envoy to Surur from Ghanim ibn Yahya, 116. Muslim ibn az-Zarr, of the sub-tribe of Marriin. Captures the fort- ress of Khadld, 55. His death, 55, 170. Al-Mustafa li-dTn Illah. See Nizar son of al-Mustansir. Al-Musta'Tn, the Abbaside Khalifah, 15, 142. Al-Musta'la, the Fatimite Khalifah, 257, 265. Al-Mnsta'sim, the last Abbaside KhalTfah, 320, 321. Al-Mnstansir billah, the Fatimite Khallfah, 14, 18, 24, 46, 65, 146, 147, 149, 174, 250-1, 264, 327. Al-Mu'taman. See Ahmad ibn Mas'ud. Al-Mu'tamid, the Abbaside Khallfah, 224. Al-Mu'tasim, the Abbaside Khalifah, 224, 234. Al-Mutanabbi, the poet, 21, 34,70, 125, 250, 254, 271, 289. AI-MutarrifTyah, meaning of the word, 318. Al-Mutawakkil, the Abbaside Khali- fah, 15, 142, 224, 234. Al-2iluta\vakkil. See Ahmad ibn al- General Index. 345 MansQr 'Abd Allah, Ahmad ibn Saleymfin, Isma'il son of al- Kasitn and Yahya. Sect of the Mu'tazilites, 289, 302. Al-MutI', the Abbaside Khallfah, 235. Al-Muti. See Ivulm Ahmad ibn Ila- sayn al-Malidy. Al-Muwaffak. See 'Aly ibn Ibra- him, Biliil ibn Jarir and Ibn al- Khayyftt. Same Muzaifar, the Sulayhites, 44, 132,151, 173, 304. Al-MuzafFar, Rasulite Sultan of Yaman. See Yusnf ibn 'Omar. N. Nafis, freedman of the Ziyadites, assassin of the last Prince of the dynsisty, 14-16, 22, 144-5, 236. Banu Nahd. Their country, 177. A mixed race derived from Kada'ah, 177-78.— 218, 286, 295. Najah, al-Mu'ayyad Ndsir ad-dtn. His history, 14-16. Defeats his rival, Nafis, near Zabid, 15, 144. Is recognized as supreme ruler by the Abbasides, 16, 145. His death, 24, 81, 145, 147.— 22. Bynastij oj Najah. Their history, 14-16, 81-123,' 152-58.— 107, 158, 169. Najah son of Salah son of 'Aly, Zayd- ite Imiim, 190. Ihn NajTb ad-Daulah, See 'Aly ibn Ibrahim, Banu Nakha', sub-tribe of Madhhij, 217. Nashwan ibn Sa'Td the Himyarite, Prince of Bayhan, 173, 231. An-Nasir. *See Imam Ahmad son of Yahya. Sultan Nr.sir son of Mansur the Wa'ilite, one of the author's in- formants, 23, 54. An-Nasir li-din Illah, the Abbaside Khallfah, 188, 318. An-Nasir li-dm Illah, Zaydite Imam, xxiv. Imam an~Nasir Ahu 'l-Fath the Day- lamite, 229-30. Nasr Allah ibn Salim the Jurist, friend of the author, 29. Negro troops in Egypt, 264. Niebuhr,233 (f.-note), 241, 247, 254, 267 (f.-note), 322. Nizar ibn 'Abd al-Malik, one of the author's informants, 2. Nizar son of Ma'add son of 'Adnan, 215. Dispute between his sons referred to the Af 'a of Najran, 183, 312. Nizar son of Zayd ibn al-Husayn al- Wuhazi. His lines on the Sultan of VVuhazah, 17. Nizar son of al-Mustansir, aZ-MM.s<(-, 166, 173. See also Nfir ad-d'm 'Omar, al-Mfizaffar Yuenf, al- Ashraf Isma'il, etc. Rauh son of Saba ibn Abi Sa'ud, 68, 269. Ar-Rawahy, 19, 248-49. See Az- Zawfihy. Ray ban and Rayhiin the Elder, f reed- men of Queen 'Alam, 112. Rayhiin al-Kahlani, freedman of Sa'Id ibn Najali, 45. Rayhan al-Muhammadi, treasurer of Muhammad ibn Saba the Zaray- ite,77. Banu Rayyan. See Dayyan. Ar-Riizi, author of a History of Yaman, xiv,, 324. Bayiu Razih, 54, 170, 263. Biyad, freedwoman of Mansur ibn Ffitik, 99. Ri'yah son of Abu 'l-Ghar.it, 73. Ru'ayn. See Dhu Ru'ayn. Ihn ar-Rudad, 282. Rukaym son of Aram, 180. Rushd (or RashTd), freedman of Abu 'l-Jaysh Ishiik, 8, 129, 143, 236. Ruzayk al-Fatiki, wazir of al-Fatik ibn Mansur, 100, 157. His large family and the diflBculty of dividing his estate, 100-103. His resignation, 103. Saba or 'Abd ash-Shams, ancestor of the Yamanite tribes. 215. Al-Man.y/ir Abu Himyar Saba son of Ahmad the Sulayhite. Succeeds as Da'y, 42, 169, 254. Owner of Ashyah, 43, 151, 173. His wars with Jayyash and eventual defeat, 44-5, 255 (f.-note). His marriage to Queen- Sayyidah, 45-48, 149. Eulogized by Ibn al-Kumm, 254. His death, 151, 257'.— 51-2, 105, 132, 230, 297-8, 304. Saba son of Kasim, 75. Bd'y Saba son of Abu Su'ud, Prince of Aden. Succeeds his father as joint ruler, 67-8. Enters into a struggle with 'Aly ibn Abi '1-Gharat, 69. Anecdotes, 69-70, 71-72. His conquest of Za'azi' and 'Aden, 72-3, 272. His death and place of burial, 72, 272. His sons, 68, 269.-59, 60, 113, 159, 2'J8. General Index. 347 Saba ibn Yusuf, Sheykb al-Tslfim. Cbief appointed by 'Aly ibu Mabdy over bis Ansar, 126, 1G3. Abu Saba. Surname griven to Him- yar ibn As'ad, 107. Jhn as-Saba'i, 131, 297. As-Sabkhah, 23. De Sacy, 264, 274, 325. Sa'd al-'Ashlrab, son of Madhb'j, 167, 217. Sa'd al-Mulk son of Ibn al-Kbayyat. 62. As-Saflfih. See 'Abd Allab ibn Muhammad, Sahrat, an Abyssinian tribe, 21, 104, 107. See Abyssinian tribes. Banu Sahul, a Himyaritic tribe, 216. Ahu Sa'id. See al-Jannfibi. Sa'id al-Ahwal son of Najah. Seeks refuge, after the death of his father, in the Island of Dahlak, 81. Attacks and kills 'Aly the Sulayhite, captures Asma and regains possession of Zabid, 30-1, 81-7, 147, 152-3. Defeated by al-Mukarram and driven out of Zabid, 34-6, 87, 147. Returns to Zabid, 37, 87. His death, 37, 41-2, 87, 153-4, 304.— 14, 16, 36, 65, 148, 242, 243. 11% Sa'id, xxi., xxii., 143, 144, 159, 165, 167, 179, 187, 232, 254, 284, 305, 307. Ihn Sa'id. See Nashwan. Saksak son of Wa'il (or Wiithil), son of Himyar, 179, 181, 310. Banu Saksak, sub-tribe of Kindah, descendants of Murrah, 218. Banu Sakun, sub-tribe of Kindah, 218. Saladin, vii. — ix. Ibn Salaniah. See Husayn. Salim ibn Idris, Prince of Zafar, 311. Sellm son of Bayazid, Sultan of the Ottoman Turks, 238 (f.-note). Ibn Samurrah, the historian, xiv., 262. Sapur, freedman of the Banu Ya'fur, 227. Sarawat, meaning of the word, 177. Abu 's-Saraya, 140, 142, 185. Sarwa, designation of the Banu Nahd, 177. As-Sa'y, one of Ibn Najib ad-Dau- lah's Hamdanite followers, 59. Sayf al-Islam. See Tughtikin. Sayjidah, wife of al-Mukarram Ah- mad son of 'Aly. Her parentaere and early history, 38-9. Her marriage and children, 39. Received the revenues of Aden as h.er dowry, 65-6. Assumes the direction of public afiairs, 40, 148. Removes the seat of Government to Dhu Jiblah, 40. Her marriage to the Da'y Saba son of Ahmad. 45-8. Al-Mufaddal becomes her confidential adviser, 50-1, 150, 169, 258-9. Terms accorded to the insurgents at Ta'kar, 54, 150. The Queen and Ibn Najib ad-Daulah, 58-61,169. Orders his arrest, 63. Her letters and presents to the KhalTfah, 63-4. Official notifica- tion from the Khalifah of the birth of his son, 135-136. Her death and place of sepulture, 41, 73, 257, 267 (f.-note), 272 (f.- note).— 22, 37, 49, 55, 58, 87, 88, 91, 94, 131, 134, 148-51, 169, 170, 250, 254, 256-7, 263, 266-7. Banu Sha'b Hay, 54, 170, 263. Sanu Sha'ban, 215. Imam ash-Shafi'y. See Muhammad ibn Idrls. Shat, or Suli, one of the last chiefs of the Ghuzz, 106. Shahiir son of Ja'far, 26, 87. Al-Afdal Shahin Shah, the Patimite wazTr, 49, 58, 257, 265. Sbahr son of Badhan, Governor ap- pointed by the Prophet over San'ii, 138, 139. Ibn Shakir. See Zakariya. Shams ad-Daulah. See Turan Shah. Shams ad-diu. See Ahmad son of al-Mansur 'Abd Allah. Shams al-Ma'ali. See 'Aly son of Saba. Banu Shar'ab, Himyaritic tribe, 215. Sharahbil, 94, 281. Shawar, Fatimite wazTr, vi., vii. Ash-Shawiry. See 'Abd Allah ibn al-Abbas. Sheykb al-Islam. See an-Nuby and Saba ibn Yiisuf. The Shi'ahs, their principal sects, 301-3. An Arab Shibboletb, 36. Shihiib, father of Asma and of As'ad, 21. Banu Shihab, 216, 295, 297. Asadj ad-dm Sbirkuh, al-Malik al- Mansur, vi., vii. 548 Gene7^al Index. Shujit' ad-Daulah, 49. Bann Shurah, 219 (f.-note). Ihn Siba', 76.' As-Simt al-Ghaly, History of Yaman by Ibn Katim, xv. Banu Sinhriii, 52, 58, 217, 251, 262, 295, 297. Baron de Slane, v., 249. See also Ibn Khallikan. Professor Sohertson Smith, 312 (f.- note). Dr. SnoTick Hurgronje, 253, 285. Dr. Spreuger. His Reiserouten, xxi., 221, 271. See also Ibn al- Mujawir. As-Sudasi. See Miftah. Abu Snfyan, 219. Ibn Suhaym. See 'Omar. As-Suhayli, 309. Suleyman ibn 'Amir az-Zawahi, half- brother of Sayyidah, 38, 46, 134, 149. Suleyman ibn Da'ud (Solomon the son of David), 183. Suleyman son of Hisham son of 'Abd al-Malik, 2, 219-220. Suleyman son of Muslim ibn az-Zarr. Succeeds his father in the posses- sion of Khadid, 55. His insubor- dination to Queen Sayyidah and subjection, 56. Joins in making war against Ibn Najlb ad-Daulah, 60.— 59, 63, 64, 170. Suleyman ibn Tarf , ruler of 'Aththar, 7, 9, 28, 81, 142, 143, 146, 166, 167, 234. Suleyman son of Ya-Sln, one of 'Omarah's informants, 32, 43. Banu Suleyman, the Hasanite Sharifs, 113, 130, 148, 157, 166, 171, 174, 187, 284, 317. See also Ghanim ibn Yahya. Suleymanite AmTrs of Mecca, 252, 284. See Banu Suleyman. Puli. See Shah. The Kadi Surayy, 200. Abu Muhammad Surur the Amharite, wazlr of Fiitik ibn Mansur and of the Lady 'Alam. His history, 117-123. Leader in a conspiracy against Muflih, 112-114, 117. Attains supreme command, 118. Defeats Muflih and his allies, 114, 118. Rescues the Lady 'Alam from the rebellion of Muhammad son of Parik, 119. Receives a grant of Mahjam, 114, 120, Ma;ries tho widow of Muflih, 115. Anecdote, 116. His habits, piety, and charity, 120-123. His death and place of burial, 123, 128,287.-157, 163, 167. Surur al-Kurandy, 113 (f.-note). Abu Su'ud, one of the three children of 'Imran the Zurayite, 67, 79, 160. See Mansur son of 'Imran. Abu Su'ud, son of Zuray', joint Prince of Aden, 66, 67, 159, 307. 308. Snwayd son of YazTd the Sulayhite, 48. Sahib al-IIarmali, 235. Sii'id ibn Harald ad-din, 57. Salah son of 'Aly ibn Muhammad, Imarn of Sa'dah according to Ibn Khaldrm, 190. Malik as-Sa\ih. SeeTalii'i' ibn Ruzayk. Sawab, freedmanof Queen 'Alam, ii2. Chief Steward of the Palace, 117. Battle of Sifffn, ix. and f.-note. The Sulayhites. Their history, 19- 49, 145-15 i. Duration of their dynasty, 267. Their original home, 212, 327.-67, 130, 166, 168, 171, 247, 2'J8. As-Suli. See Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yabya. Kitdb as-Suwar. See K. al-Jafr. T. Tabiibi'ah. See Tubbas. Banu Taghlib, 3, 220, 280 (f.-note). Taj al-'Arus, Commentary on the Kanius, xviii. (f.-note), xxi., 83 (f.-note), 270,31 5 (f .-n ^te), 326-7. Tamanni, wife of Mansur son of Filtik, 99. Banu Tamim, 178, 309. Banu Tanukh, sub-tribe of Kuda'ah, 218. Tarjuman ad-dIn, surname of al- Kasim ibn Ibrahim the Rassite. Tha'labah son of 'Amru, 216. Tribe uf Thamud, 2i)0, 311. Banu Thumamah, 243. Thumamah ibn Uthal, 179. The Tribes of Arabia, 213-8. The 'I'ubbas, 138, 141, 158, 165, 168, 171, 17ii, 178, 182, 183, 313. Ibn at-Tubba'y, 30. See Abu 'Abd General Index. 349 Allah al-IIusayn ; also Ibn Ya'fur. Tughtiklu, Sayf al-Islam, the Ayyub- ite, 220, 259 (f.-note), 280. Tuhfat az-Zaman, History of Yaman by al-Ahdal, xviii. See Ahdal. Banu Tujib, sub-tribe of Kindah, 218. Turaa Shah, Shams ad~Daulah, the Ayyubite. His conquest of Yaman, 296-7.— vii., 67, 161, 164, 168, 231, 270, 275, 276. T At-Tabari, the historian, 179, 218 (f.-note), 224, 311, 312 (f.-uote), 313, 314 (f.-note), 323, 326. Tabatabii. See Muhammad son of Ibrahim. Tahir ibn al-Hueayn, 220. Ahu Taliir al-Kabuni, one of the author's informants, 52. Tim A hi Tahir. See Khalf. Talil'i' ibn Ruzayk, al-Malik as-Salih, the Fatimite vvazTr, vi., 78. Ibn Talik. See Abu 'Aly. Abu 't-Tami, 279. See Jayyash. Ihn Tarf, 146, 167. See Suleyman. Tarafah ibn al-'Abd al-Bakri, quoted, 69, 271. Tribe of Tasm, 179, 310, 311. At-Tank ibn 'Abd Allah, commander of Ibn Najib ad-Daulah's Ham- danite auxiliaries, 58-60. Ty tfis (TaytQs ?), one of the last Chiefs of the Ghuzz, 106. Bavu Tayy, 217. At-Tayyib Abu 'Abd Allah, 46. Imam at-Tayyib Abu '1-Kasim, infant son of the Khalit'ah al-'Amir, 134-6, 300. Tiraz A'lam iz-Zaman, historical work by Khazraji, xvi Ihn at-Tufayl, chief Da'y of the Ismailites of Yaman, 211. Tuman-Bay, last Sultan of Egypt, 238 (f.-note). U. Banu Udhrah, sub-tribe of Kuda'ah, 218, 262. Uhdula, wife of Ishak ibn Marzuk, 115. Ibn Uthal. See Thumamah. 'Ukriraah ibn Abi Jahl. Read 'Ikri- mali, which see. Al-'Ukud al-Lu'lu'iyah. History of the Rasulites by Khazraji, xv. Uram Abiha, freedwoman ofMansur ibn Filtik, 99. Umm Fatik. See al-I/ajjah 'Alam. Umm Hamdiin, daughter of Queen Sayyidah and wife of Ahmad iba Suleyman az-Zawahi, 39, 58. Umm Abi '1-Jaysh, freedwoman of Mansur ibn Fatik, 98. Umm Ma'bad, 84. Umm Mu'ilrik, wife of Sa'Id ibn Najah, 42. 'Uwayd, father-in-law of Ishak iba Marzuk, 115. Uzal, 214. See also Azal, a geo- graphical name. W. Ibn Wahhas, surname of Khazraji, XV. Wahhas ibn Ghanim, the Suleymanite Sharif, 295. Al-Wahid. See 'Aly ibn Ilatim. Banu Wa'il (or Wa'ilites), descen- dants of Dhn'1-Kala'. Con- quei-ed Wuhazah, 17, 176, 243.— 18,130. See'As'ad ibn Wfi'il, 'Isa ibn Yazld, Nasir ibn Man- sur and Yazid ibn 'laa. Wa'ii ibn 'Isa al-Wuhazy, 30, 147, 278. Wa'il (or Wathil) son of Ilimyar. 181. Family of al-WalTd, 257 sq. Wardah, slaye-girl of the Amir 'Othman. Her story, 104-111, Her marriage to Surur, 115. Anecdote, 116. Wasil ibn 'Ata, the Mu'tazilite, 302. Al-Wathik billah, the Abbaside Kha- llfah,' 224, 234. Banu Wuhazah the Himyarites, 215. The Wuhazite. See Muhammad ibn Kabas and Wa'il ibn 'Isa. Al-Wuhaziyah, daughter of As'ad ibn Wa'il and wife of Muhammad ibn Saba, 76. Y. Banu Yafi.', sub-tribe of Himyar, 215. ;5o Genei^al Index. Al-Yafi'y (author of a MS. at the Br. Mns. Add. 16645), 248. Al-Yafi'y. See Muhammad ibn ' Abd Allah and Ahu Bakr ibn Muham- mad. Banw Ya'fur. Outlines of their history, 141, 142, 171, 185, 223 sqq., 234, 242, 326. See also Banu Hawwal. Ya'fur ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman, 224, 234. Ibn Ya'fur at-Tubba'y, 147. Doubt- less in error for Abu 'Abd Allah al-Husayn ibn at-Tubba'y. See Note 109. Banu Yahsub, a Himyarite tribe, 176. Yahya ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Yahya, Kadi of San'a, 75, 77. Yahya ibn 'Aly, wazTr of al-A*azz " 'Aly, 73, 74. Nizam ad -din Yahya, son of 'Aly the Suleymanite, 285. Yahya son of 'Aly ibn Mahdy, 297. Yahya son of Hamzah son of ' Ghcanim, 167. Yahya ibn Abi Hashid, 229, 230, ■ 251. Imam Yahya, al-Hady ila '1-Hakk, son of Husayn son of Al-Kasim the Rassite. Outlines of his history, 314, 315.— 6, 142, 143, 185, 186, 226, 322, 326. Az-Zdhir Yahya ibn Isma'il, Rasulite Sultan of Yaman, xii. Imam Majdad-dM Yahya ibn Muham- mad, al-Hady, 319. Imam Yahya al-Mutawakkil, 285, 322. Yahya son of Zayd son of 'Aly Zayn 'al-'Abidin, 302. Yahya son of Ziyad ibn 'Abd al- ■ Madan, 184. Yakut al-IIamawi, the Geographer, ■ xi., xxi., ]07 (f.-note), 214, 221, 222, 228 (f.-note), 231, 232, 239, 245, 246, 247, 248-49, 252, 253, 254, 258 (f.-note), 282, 283, 288, 291, 294, 297 (f.-note), 306 (f.- note), 310 (f.-note), 315 (f.-note), 321 (f.-note). See also foot- notes to the Arabic text. Ya'la ibn Munyah (also styled ibn Umayyah), 139, 301. Banu Yam, sub-tribe of Hamdan, to which the Sulayhites and Znray- ites belonged, 60, 64, 79, 145, 159, 176, 216, 247, 251, 271, 295. Yamamah az-Zarka daughter of Murrah, after whom Yamamah was named, 178, 179, 310. Yaman ad-Da'wah. See Hamil al- Madyah. Banu Yarbu', 177, 178, 309, 310. Banu Yarim. See Dhu Ru'ayn. Banu Ya'rub son of Kahtan, 180, 199,215,311. Al-Yas son of Mudar son of Nizar, one of the Ishmaelite patri- archs, 215. Aim 'l-Faraj Yasir son of Bilal, wazlr to Muhammad ibn Saba and to 'Imran, Princes of Aden, 80, 160, 161, 275, 276, 296 (f.-note), 297, 307. Yawakit as-Siyar, MS. at the Brit. Mus., xxiii., 284, 303, 315, 319, 320. YazTd son of 'Abd al-Madan, 184, 313-14. Sultan YazTd ibn 'Isa the Wa'ilite, one of 'Omarah's informants, 56. Yule's Marco Polo, 33 (f.-note). Yumn, freedman of Queen 'Alam, 112. Abu 'Omar Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Barr, 184, 313. Yusuf ibn al-Asad, Chief Da'y of the Ismailites of Yaman, 211. Al-Asmar Yusuf ibn Abi '1-Fatuh, 226, 227. Al-Mas'ud Saldh ad-dln Yusuf, the last Ayyubite King of Yaman, 188, 318. Al-Muzaffar Yusuf ibn 'Omar, second Rasulite King of Yaman, 175, 189, 311, 320. An-Ndsir Saldh ad-din Yusuf ibn Ayyub. See Saladin. Imam Yusuf (ad-Da'y) son of Yahya, 227, 228, 321, 322. Z. Az-Zafir (or Zahir) bi amr Illah, the Fatimite Khalifah, vi. Zafir ibn Farah, merchant at Aden, 72. Az-Zahir li-l'zaz dm Illah, the Fatimite Khalifah, 327. ZakarTya ibn Shakir the Bahrite, 170. Az-Zarka. See Yamamah. Banu 'z-Zarr, 66, 131, 176. See Muslim, 'Imran and Suleyman. General Index. 35T Az-Zawahy. See 'Abd al-Mnsta'la, 'Aly ibn Suleyman, 'Amir, Suleyman and Ahmad, also ar- Kawahy. Zayd, the Jurist, 258. Zayd sen of 'Aly Zayn al-'Abidin, 228, 302. Zayd ibn 'Amrn, Cbief of tlie Banu Madhhij, 295. Zayd al-Janihur (or Jumhur), the Himyarite, 215. Zaydites. Origin and Doctrines of the Sect, 301-303.— 6, 128, 142, 166, 171, 172, 174, 176, 226-229. See also Hassite Imams. Ihn Zaydan. See Ibrahim ibn Muhammad. Az-Zibrikan ibn al-Fuwaykar the 'Akk'ite, 20. Banu Zi'l, 113, 118, 120, 285. Ziyad (or 'Abd Allah) son of Ishak. See 'Abd Allah. Ziyad, descendant of 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Madan, 184. Ziyad son of Ibrahim, Prince of Zabid, 5, 129, 142, 235. Ziyfidsonof Abu Sufyan,2, 141,219. The Ziyildites, Princes of Zabld. Their history, 2-16, 129, 141-44. Succession of their dynasty, 234-36, 291-92.— 159, 168, 172, 224. See also Muhammad ibn Ziyad, Ibrahim, etc. Banu Zubajd, 52, 177, 217, 262. Zuhrah, to whom the temple at San'a was dedicated, 171. Zuray' ibn al-'Abbas, Prince of Aden, 64, 66, 67, 159, 268, 307. Zuray' ibn Abi '1-Fath, wazir of Queen Sayyidab, 47. The Zurayites, their history, 64-80, 158-161. Appointed to the office of Da'y, 137, 298, 299. Succes- sion of the dynasty, 307. — iii., 52, 59, 151, 159, 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 247. Zuray^c. See Ruzayk. Zur'ah (Himyar al-Asghar), 224. GEOGKAPHICAL INDEX. [J.n aster iskindicates that the name will he found, on the map. The word Wadi signifies either Valley or River. Exceptinj after heavy rains, the river-heds in Yaman are, as a ge^ieral rule, dry before they reach the sea.'] A. 'Abada, landed property in Wadi Dhu al, 111. Abjar, 177. Abwar. See Anwar. *Abyan, 5, 8, 9, 16, 197, 198, 243. Abyssinia, 8, 87, 280 (f.-note). *Aden. It and Aden-Abyan the same place, 232. Taken by tte Banu Ma'n, 16, 65, 158-59, 243. Placed under the rule of the Banu Karam, 65, 159, 168. Captured by Turan Shah, 296. Described, 168. History under .the Zurayites, 64-80, 158-161. — iii., 5, 8, 9, 21, 25, 27, 35, 37, 51, 52, 57, 63, 101, 113, 129, 143, 151, 154, 164, 165, 176, 242, 250, 269, 270, 272, 295, 306, 307. *Aden-Abyan, 6, 143, 168, 194. See Aden. Aden-La'ah. Described, 173. Its real situation, 232-33.-6, 143, 194, 195, 202. Al-Ahkaf. Sandy deserts on either side of Hadramaut. Al-Alimadlyah, surname of Zafar, 182. *Al.Ahw5b, 11, 124, 221, 237, 288. Mount Aja, 217. 'Akad, 29, 252. Hisn al-Akhdar. See al-Kha4ra. *Ai-Akhruj, 212, 327. ♦Akyan, 234. Almut, 320 (f.-note). Al-'Amad, 18, 248. Amul in Tabaristan, 316. *Amwas, 236. Al-'Anbarah, 124, 161, 288. Anwar, 17, 243, 246. 'Arafat, 12. •Al-'Arah, 11, 124, 241, 288. * Julian al-'Arkabah, 247. A1-' Arud, surname of Yamamah, 178. Ascalon, 263. Mount Bani A'shab, 210. Ashyah. Described, 173-74.— 18, 43-44, 46, 149, 151, 169, 173, 254, 257. Jahal al-Aswad {not Aswad), 315. *'Aththar. Described, 166. Its situation, 237-39.-7, 11, 141-42, 143, 146. 'Athr, 11,240-41. 'Ayn Muharram, 195, 210. Azal,309'. 'Azziin, 16, 131, 243, 246. 'Azzan Dhakhir, 246, 297. 'Azzan Khabt, 246. 'Azzan at-Ta'kar, 54, 232. B. *Bab al-Mandab, 8, 11, 64, 143, 266, 280 (f.-note). *Mount Ba'din, 232, 248. Badlyah, 297. Bahat Jazan, 238, 239-40. Bahrayn, 178, 183. Country of BakTl and Hashid, 107, 132, 175, 247-48. Bani Abbah, or Manyabbah, 69, 271. *A1-Baun, 228 and f.-note. Baybars (Yaris r Yarim ?), 17, 247. See Dhu Ru'ayn. Al-Bayda, 12, 240. Bayhan," 5, 6, 141, 173, 231. Bayn (Bir?) ar-Riyadah. *Baysh, 2.39. (Yakut says that the town of Abu Turab (Harad ?) stood in the valley of Baysh.) Bayt 'Izz, 16, 222, 243. Bayt Yunis, 254. Bi'ah, 11. Birad, or Bir AydSm, 12, 240. Geographical Index. \SZ Bir al-Bayda. See Bayda. Bir Bani Shihab, 251. *Birash, 297. Al-Buk'ah, 221 and f.-note. *Jixhai Bura', 18, 113, 132, 233, 248, 283, 297. D. Dabik, a town in Egypt, 242 (f.- note). Dabsan, fortress near Mahjam, 113, 283-84. Dahwan. See Zahrfm. Dahlak, 8, 34, 57, 62, 81, 82, 143, 147, 152. Dammun, capital of the Bauu Kin- dab, 177. Damt, 132, 294. Darawiin, 3:^1. Dar al-'Izz. At Dhu Jiblab, 41, 42, 46, 51, 148. At Zabid, 91. Darwan, 297. Ad-Dashir, 126, 128, 163, 291. Daylam, 188. *Dhahaban, 11. *Dhakhir (mountain and fortress), 16, 131, 243, 245. See 'Azzan Dbakbir. *Dbamar, 10, 199, 227, 265, 295, 297 and f.-note, 318, 326. Dhfit al-Khayf (al-Kbubayt ?), 11, 239. *Dhi Bin. See Dhu Bin. *WiUi Dhu'al, 9, 105, 110, 177. -Dhu Ashrak, 10, 76, 131, 296. *Dhubhan, 68, 269, 270 (Note 60). *Dhu Bin, 223 (f.-note), 229. Dhu llnlayfah, 315. *Dhu Jiblah. Derivation of its name, 40. Its locality, 254. Described, 169. Adopted as the capital of the Sulayhites, 40-1, 149,230. Burial-place of Queen Sayyidah, 41, 267(t.-note). Sold by Mansiir ibn al Mufaddal, 76, 151, 160, 174. Possessed by Ibn Mahdy, 131.— 39, 45-52, 57-9, 61, 64, 77, 94, 127, 148-51, 154, 160, 169, 170, 172, 174,253-54, 257, 267 (f.-note), 295-97. *Q. Mount Tukhla, 233. *Turaybah, near Zabid, 32. U. Uhazah. See Wuhazah, Al-'Ukdah, 15. Al-Ukhruj. See Akhruj. 'Ukwah, castle of 'Omarah's grand- father, 29. Al-'Ukwatani (the two 'Ukwas), 29, 252. Umm Duhaym. See Duhaym. Umm Ma'bad (or Bir Umm Ma'bad), 30, 84. *'Unnah, river and district, 16, 132, 243, 245. Usab. See Wusab. 'Dtaynah, 238. " Uwai, 171, 309. Uzal, 214, 309. W. Al-Widiyani, 11, 14, 114, 239. (In- stead of al-Wadiyani, aa in our 158 Geographical Index. text at p. 14, Khazraji writes Al-Wahsh, 248. * Waiii Warazan, 306. WasaS 282. Wasit, 124, 288. *PTOvince o/ Wuhazah, 17, 130, 243, 247. ♦Wusab, mountain and fortress, 18, 44, 247, 291. Al-Yabis, 247. Yathrib, 199, 216. *Oountry of Yafi', 191, 197, 222. Yafuz, 17, 243. *Yabdib, 232, 246. Yala'nilam, 12, 240. Yana', 251, Yanbu', 317. *Yarim, 309. See Dhu Ku'ayn. Yarls, 243, 247. Z. Az-Za'azi', in Wadi Lahj, 69, 70, 72, 73, 270-71. *Zabid. Its fonndation, 4, 141. Described, 166, 220-21. Its his- tory under the Ziyadites, 4-16, 141-45. Looted by Ibn Fadl, 200-1. By 'Abd Allah ibn Kahtan, 227. Subject to Na,jah, 16, 144-45. Taken and re-taken by the Sulayhites and Banu Najah : — By the Sulayhites, 24, 81, 144-5, 147. By Sa'Id son of Najah, 31, 87, 147, 153. By al- Mukarram, 35-6, 147. By Sa'Id, 37, 87. Again by al-Mukarram, 37, 42. By Jayyash, brother of Sa'Id, 38, 92, 155. Subject to Jayyash and to his descendants, 92-123, 152-58. Captured by Ibn Mahdy, 123, 129, 158, 1G3. By Turiin Shah, 164, 296.— 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 31-36, 41, 45, 52, 58, 59, 62, 65, 67, 77, 82, 84, 86, 88-91, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130,144, 148, 161, 165, 167, 168, 169, 187, 218, 222, 235-36, 238, 242, 252, 253, 255, 282, 287, 288, 294-96, 305, 308, 317, 327. *Wddi Zabid, 132, 216, 220, 222, 245, 246, 248, 288, 327. *Zaf*i:> read Jl c:,*:^ ? „ M 1.14, for \i\^y. read U.j^)^ „ r- 1. 14, ^j Ji;i ^) I have read ^ji jf)jj ,, f 1. 1, for o«J read o-J „ r? 1. 19, ,, ia,J ,, lsJ.\ ^^.U >'• 1. 14, ,, ^^ u ,, j^v "■■ 1. 2, „ ^ „ ^1 fA footnote 4, for \^ read '!^) „ „ 5, for ^1 >i!j ^v „ ^ jjj ^- ? "• 1- 14, ,, W'V „ i^u el f.-note 6, ,, ^J..^ ,, ,j-iE H »« 1. 20, ,, L-'a . ' V' , <_■ 1 - 11 1. 9, for jj^ili- "^1 and ?,U ^1 read ^^jjL^'^l and s^U^l VI 1. 2, for is^\ ^ read Xa-lj AT f.-note, for J-l^l read J-1^! A? 1. 16, for Li'u read LL , , 1. 17, read LU^ j J; Uy^ ^ Jj „ 1. 18, „ -^ 1 r 1. 12, oJ^i read cj>a^- "■ f.-note 5, for ;_ijjiJ read i_3^^l i-v I. 19, for sjcji) read s^cjo II- 11. 5, 6, for jj^' J read jj^. jjl (see p. i-c) irA 1. 10, for ^ J read vi j , as in vol. ii., p. 252 of Ibn Khaldun's General History. in 1. 20, jjl,?.l . So in L. In B, irr 1. 3, lok read jlak irc f.-note 2. :fc^j? Add^U/j? ir. 1.10. The MS. has laJ-^ ef J LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Ah. Ahdal. D. Dayba' (Kurrat al-'Uyun). J. Jauadi. Kan. Ibn Khallikan. Kdn. (or Ku.). Ibn Khaldfm. B. Ibn Khaldfm, Bulfik Ed. L. ,, British Mnseum, Add. 23,272. P. Ibn Khaldun, Bibl. Nat.,Suppl. Ar. 742 M. Yak, Yakut's Mu'jam. (t-^i* JlX^ ^ . Aiti'ai! ,^^5>- (t-^) «-^-*i l:!1-^A5>- J;la«i Jill j-aju tJ.*=>- 5 ^«g^'J j^X«.jAJi^ /*^y^^ Li;:M'^^ 7?'*^'* ^:^*''-V Ai^' ^«'^' *(<'*' r^^ J JlLoUI ^b 'v^*aw J g^UJl ^ALl _j__^< ^\ ^J'JJ^:^A^ ^^^ ^^A^^^l I a«jo_ Jc] (JUi^_ ^^Ji^ 1L»-. Juaj^ tJ^l is^ < aLkLjjl ^^ (*-lc ^j^aI! <-^1»^ (J-^^j .M^\ jaJi^ »a ^ liWl liUi uJli- .jiol* tiJj 1^1 *j L.^^s^,:>- .Ac ^^ Ij^ is'^* ''':6l^ iJ^ '^. t-^:* (*'ir^'* ''^^^^ IJl-^li (Jliiil M-yi J ^jt^Y-*^! CJj^ i*-'^^ ^l^iii' J ivjr'r'^ ^ m^"^' ^jAs- *a)0...i. J ay.;! L; Jb^Lo Jjtl J-jis a'j>-! ^ ^' jsaI; ..^Xc ^^^1 Cj^Aw-J.; ^jjl ^j-jJl ^_!'ai>»J! ^^Ju j!s- j_J& J ^ *j.^ll cUs^" Sxz *'-Tt/^' j^jl 'jua!1 Jla>3 ;^***'< <*>< ^_yi^ ^^-c 'Z'j-^ 'v-lAIt) Jy/«.:s^' t>,AC ^1 «._>».«j M.:^-=^ 5 ''^Ij^ (^^-Wl (*«^^^ ^_^»>j,s (J-^^ ^-'i Ji.^(jS- . .»-^x« ^J,al j^ J3'**^i bj'.x.« L/»>A«1 »j.=>-i. Loir** '^'"^^ 15^^^^^^ '^''' (vj^ ^ '''^''"^^ us^"' J ^aajj s._isr_j^l] t\jt/^l . ^j-yiL^A:]] ,l-.a>- iJA-c lH^I^j ^^:^-) i<'' '-^I'-o <)W.j>vj.! IjJJu^ Jj_j *J J 4X::.J l^>9 tX^/^l cjJ.^. *J <);il (Jj-i' ^^1^ bLi^ 8^=s^_ivAll Jjj J _j j's-f^^ t-JJIs-* ^^ ^kol^iill 2_jJ Ll^^iiJl ^ J^ i.li\ ^^iu^ll JlJ' ^ic ^^ j^^'x^ Ul J 'J,-2C ^^11 ^^Iti io^ J.jji j^iJ !i»- ^i^i lis- ^i —jXi J _j 5'.i''.A.fll <^— --.:sr_ 'u-^ajJ Ia*sJ>j^ j_^A^a!1 li^AC .'wO . ijJ^a ^ a1'.»w,J ^_.<2Alt 11 A>^j] S3 ^h J ;i^ ^j^:' ii»-cJ Ukiij' ^ . sliiAis-li _.<^Jl U^ Uk>>cj! J '.5 • J.! ^'o (_5J^^a1! *ic! J ^^1 t),.j ls>- ^i;^ S^C^ll ^^1 LlJi J J^-^^-* 7-^ I j',K.llj Cl-^j « .%.*2.U till.l ,.|.J Ui'. ljki'.A« U'-AJ' is.£J>ll ,-<^^ *»ib ;^J.^4J1 11 ^_)Ux!l «Jt> . ^,J>-^l «jj, ( ft.AlLo i^^AATs^' iljj lLAIJ L_^jJb (Jw«ai (^1 ^iJ ^ U!^ aJuj ^/^ «.>/*, <);Ov>«.L j-jk-^l^y*]! ^j'jsa^l ji^^^ ^^1^ . ^jIaaJj . lL^ 11 ^L**il ei^AJ^' _j ^'j»>^ll _j A>s^' (Jjbl J' - ci^jl^ ^ i'jl*l U'^'j uJ^j ^ 1a!_. 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JUL,, y^^'-J ^-<^ f^ t.^ (.)^1 ^Uju2j Jvxwj^ ^U''.i i\jvi ^-0 Ka=- ^^1^ (J.J ^j «.>«.Ai^l a:jl -tfii) ^.o ^ti.ii y;^'»>;>>-< i^ '^;^^^ Ii3 jj^x^ (j^KSii K-^^ ^ ]1^aj 1 Khi, ^iclL j:*.< sis* Jc«.K |ji=^ ( — jil! iiJLc jj£ ^js:" As Lcfcj l^j s.**( >U)lj^^ ^j-o (J"-^'^' <^'*'S^ f^ /►tJ^t^' l^;^' Xf-2sr_j^l J,; J, l^^ 9-^-^ /^ T'J- i-^^"** ^- ' — ''^' ^;^ ^-^^ M^ ^/♦.«j.j ^'O^Ai tLnijo .1^ U^li '^:^^j 15 V^ lJ'^t^ "jUj^SI ^^.-is ^Ic jJ ^liJl jl^i itaLASj l^fli ^^-ifJUi &)f.< j\>a U ♦O^ (J^. J^ ^•'^I^ w » JL5_J 1 - Or ^1^1 ? 1 ^^1 ? u i__>.>tj . -jkj 1/'':'. LS''? t^ '^ J (^-'^'^ (^-^ ^_s■^> ^^^-^ ••III" « u ^'jtl^ ^^ (JtJ^ 15^^ ^'*^' f^' 3 C* • eS^' S-^:'J^'*^' t\«jJ__^^V5 Ss^ y& ^J^lj ^^iiU.!l ^1 Sxc ]s% _j ^J:t^^ } (j^'^ 3 iJ3 U«J.3 l«^/ xiilt- ^ I.^aoLo Jjjj Ul Ail *s-« ^ Jlib. A^s'i] ^ ^j,s^J Hi Jj>yi[^ ^VV- -J ^■'^^^^ c;^ es' '■V*^. l)*:?^ ^^; /►■v^^ f-J'^ Ij».\juUjI J l^s^Le JjliU ^^\ S^ J^ *j^*i. <)J M^l uf^ j:s-^ J^^l ^Jx. iC)!i^^_jj Ciii t^SLe ^^j| j^J ii^ J |»^^1 lu. _j w ' c3> ^ 1 , ' Khi, ^S^y jJcValc t\5 . ^Juo [aJ - 15^')-* (<'' (J^-^ ^ ^K^ Jl Jail Ijl Lis ^^^; ^ ^^ CL^^ ci^Vyi ; J^^yi Jlj (Kj jd ty*^ (Jj^ liT*^ Li''.?'^^^ U^ 3 ^'^':i^ ^Liwo ^1 c:^*'*"^ * • .. .. 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"^^^ ^'^ 15-* i ^1=^1*" _5-i» (Jrf^' _5 ClJycf-as:' lyj^JLa- J ^Uc jJIjo licJi/i- jc* _5 j^Jo; ayJii; ^JJl ^^io^l fS^I cljI^ _j L^ ^J/^ J^"^^ /^. ^^ }^ J (J^'j '^tf^^ ^_^ 'PV-^ j.^5 lr:^5 J '^•v^^ (^-V^ L5^^ c)^^^ L_-%s-L^ I — >W j_^ (*LA!U ^AC ^Uc _j ^Sc ^jJ^ij lyi>^ _j ^^-^- Jl>»>£^ l^ _5 S;^^ V^.*^ 3 r^^ (^^'^' L5* l^^ J C^^ t)^T^ ''^'^^ LS* J 1*^*^^' ''^ '^y*' ^* V ^ l^j >'jui, iuli' ^j^I L^j ihii^ .x^ \ _j X:^_i! 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J Jw.i2jL»il ^l^J i"ja>*. »^ jj« tj^ ^U'ill ^bl ja^ s^lrs^* ^b ci^Jl^ ^ j_5^I ^^,-51 ^^ i_5^ ^ ^ lys'*' ^ _j Ic . : ci^juo ^ J ^^"^ ^/^ y±J^i ^ly*«^l lii- ^^ Uj>>o ^ ^^ '.^jj CAU!! la^ ^ ^;'j>>ka ^^ J^ ^J< */31 (^ CJ>!i ^Ai- ^iiJij' 4iJ' J ^-v^ 5 i:;":^^'^' ^^"^ '^^ -5 (*V^ CriLr' i{j>juL*i.>«Jl ,yAs>-\ e:^ sJa«j ^j ; ^ A^o^ ^^-^^ ^;^ cJ^^ *^' , ... * •■ U^. _5 JUs^l Jl LiJ.IJi' _, in liiJ'iJ-^ iji^ ^ ij^y* d'Tj uj^ '^*'' ''^ ^^ -5 <-^''-^ (^^ J"*^ (iT* W^ J j^^l^jl '-^yL:^ J J^^ ^'-^ c/*^' ^^^ c;^ L5* J 'Hi ^jUJl ^J^ ^^W^ (.jtN^ l^ii-jJ S,^***^ ^iX« ^jib ^ ii;:M^'-< 3 j^l viiiU^ ^^< ^Ji\ j^a _j ^UJl Joi l^^i^_ JJsr ^liaJx l^lc _j .. * . i= .. .! i 9 J^ ^jl^ »^'.AC J'i^As^i u-J^'i ^_5ic J-jkib ^jl^ J la/<3 J^k> auai^^ ^^ mt*^ W*^>. ^'^. c:.'^^' (*^i'_5-oI c:^'^ _5 iu-ia*!i ayj j^^jJCioo fj^isjo] } j_5^Ai! J^Ac .il^ ijl ^.;jJl lyj^j : Jjj *J' '.^jJx ^[j^'j ^jJ^ ,^1 'KIas- J italic ^1^\ ^^ j»„^yc ^J^,^^ J tj^' (J-* '-ry*'! C^J.^ (./^/ijl (^J^-* HI ..ii J^ ^ (t*'^ '^f 3 ^J\ i.xz I^j^l Jjtl s^'i i^i''j J ci^ili _j i6~c lL).! J^Y-^1 J »;;^li ^a> _j »__j^I! ^_5>».M».> ^^==^ ^_^s u^,?^ ^ J'-^. fV^-* c^^:^ Jj-^* i (Jjui aIjjJI .JiA- L_ yt _j J-s- ^' ( an>i*il (^ic:A-- "^^J^-* J (JT^'**'♦>^ _; i-^^J' ^-^ SiUiii ' 13. ^j\j^_^ ; R( ud ^^b,> ? (J9 (J.i i^L: iXi^l l/iJ J (O^.^^ J 7-^'"? '^Jjf'*^ (^A^-* ^}J^ (_j^ ^_f/:^'*^ Ijli j_5l)1.a]1 j ir'-JJ' ^'^l } i^tM-*- ; tJ-^=^' ^ -^ ;*r^ <^'-V" (J>} (j^ 15^ <'''*'^ U^' ^j^'^ i ^y^ ^^ ^h) J is'^r^' 15^^ '^ {J^ J^ ttl*^' ''^ f-JuUl _j A.J il ^lili J.iU>*!l ji^iXil jj-^MST ^^ U^ ^^ J».t^^ <^A^[> JS>0 Jl ii]j] . ^y^l ^ ^i-o J>J^ U.W ^ji ii.A^-0 itjbw* L— -^liili Jc^l ^w^b ^^^ jj^ *U- t^^liuJl ^J^ _j ^A^Jx^J! ^J.^1 *— 2:H ^J^^>*^^ 77^"^' ,*la*-^l jc^UH ^^o S J'^ ^ A^ l^^^ ; j^^.-^-^' ^^ '^J^- c:^JiJ SJ.X*. --^ij-i' _5 ^JT^:^^^^' ,Uiil ,-Atesr* f^.j^'^ I (1 (J-^ L?'-^^ uW^- J>* \ [^ JuAjtMJ ^ u^^>* iSo^yi Joe i.J'al^l -^ <-^'^i viJ^U^ I I li?>;ji (^ (^ft^'j* c^* *^' c^* *=^ '^■*'^ -Ci ^ fit J'J ^^^ ^^JuJ CJd^ ^b ^SL^l ^s^ ci^j^ J j^ j^^Jl Wj>^. ^_^lc ^_^cljJl ^^\ Ul _5 ^wll _j iukJlj j^Y^^ lyoiii jL>J ^^ ^J^ ' Read j>*s^ ^^J ei^U ^ MO •• ^.^^ ^^ ^I^aI! ^_^.1a-*!1 sj^^ ^Ji^\ _5S) _5 ^Ac ^^U a.>jU1 ^^b ^-^J^ u''^ (J-* ^^i'^^1 j^**^:^^ j3.j^ ^jl;;^'^ f*'^' o"^*^ ''^'^ '^^' r*-^*^^. ^ji ^c ^alc j^4i y^l j^^ll j.s"*^^' ^jL J^ J iiAJ.»w l^ij^Aji. _j ^^^^, ,j^ 15^^ («^'-C^ JJiXj^^ ^^'♦'?. ^i J-^^"* t^*-^ 1 ^/^' ^^6^^ ^^^-^ ? ij"'^'*'^ -5 '■^'^^ ^'*' ^^^^ ' p. and B., (jilj* u>;) d;U* ^_^l^ jlj^\ i\.s^\si ij^^d ^ l*/^'*^' O^ '"^^ ^ -J (V^"*^' yj^ r^' ^Jic ii,Ull i—Jt^l CU^o *Zx-«j1 • ^jjiAjsJwJlI ^»Al2;k^_ ^»A£^Ji.»a'l ^ U) Joe a;-4>£ .lii ^j1 JC.«^ ^Is- _j ^xOlxj L.jJ . ^lii*^ ~ • -^ .. >l^cl ^ (V^' L^i^^ ^^'^^ Cr"*^ lJ^ J '*-^:f^ is^.-<3ail jio >Uxtf j^ (V^^ iluil^L- _j lias" ^^ Ifiil (j;^/^ i/ <»^13J '^^:6*-' ^cLxs^' d^^ij J^i ^^ J <)yJk£ 4\>«>i>-l d.^ Hjomj ^tJ^j ; *JLa!u.1 . j^ ^Ix U'il J lLAIjiJ VJ^ (^'■.•6?" ^ J>J^*-i ijs' J A«*a.j l.iJ,ljt<, »Uvl Aii^AA/*.! J' (j«5;^^ Ll^-sr ^ajk-^l ^aj ^s l^j ^_^iu^l _. ^^'•:^T^ ^Ij^l j^^ ^t:^-«^ j^r- (^ Js'ikS'O ^C«.i JC;»i:t3 jt._ks f-2-«J Aajls^' jJu ^j^ U'i^f^ J ^'^ jj iji-c li-1 ^5:A_i^!l AW Sxz ij^'xi ^J ^^jjil* . jwy»/«,i- s t__;'^/i/ Aa-c ci^Ju ^Iawj^ '''•'^■?"5J j''^^ 3 15'^.-'^^^' f ^xxi\ jjiijuc .l-o . ^'^} ^ (J,^kA]\ ^^.^'iz c:^.la> ^ £) ^^ lI^^^ _5 ^^^ S^l . tUJ'*^ i3aA»«l ci^JU I a! ^ (J^A^tJ! ^jK-c SJ.J,/*. 8^^' ^ (J^aJl Pj'-V. ij^ ^ ;Jii«^l ^Js. ^^jU) j^lr ^J Jh l-^ _} i^>p 1 s! ! ^^-^ ^j"^- »«■: ■s^'-o is^J; t jil A*J i_f<^-« /^ 15!^ ''^■^-o iSt^s."! j-'O {jsjt^ jSh. J .jU^ iJuas^ L__;!j^li *lrl ■J J \iJ' J I-'" •• « ■ O ••> • •■ L5 9 Ia*w ,»^>«Ji >^(-^l2i- 5 ilA-o ^-Jo J.^«o-^ Cl^J^J iLSJ^«j « «J! xlj^Sl 1*11 .IjO l^!l (Jc-^ -i3.„««?l O"^ '"V:^' ' tr^^ f"i/. "^ ^* J ''^^ ^Iat!,- ^-ij JSAJb *^J->1 ^ !^-i=>- ^>"i^i |,cJ.ji**jl J :sl_l.^!l ki; ^Ij J^i^!l J,ajl J 'ii^^ ^3 Jl e:^*T*>' ^'^'^' ^^^ '^'-^ 't^l;^ ^ ^l^ai.11 ^^ ^clAll S^Ia; Ic ^UjJ ^J («-:^^!^^' *»Jc^\ j^.j.1 'i'x^ ^.l-iis- ^^J LlAJjb ^ J..i.a4Jl *^*Jl^ -.-l^-^^Ai yj*-l_j^ ' IJ. d_cU. ^j,a£ \'iXi _5 Ijc^ i^^aAaa/U ^JIaa^II (_).^a!l ^ (jV'*'^ -s-Ui^ jj^ if.X>^ S^l^W i\A:r* jjjI Jtlll lykC l^kiii-l iijiAo ^a . ^^ t_5*i CU^J ^-^:^'^ ''^"^jj ^j'"^'^^ ^xllajul ^1^ . IJ'.A^; .^ . ^Jk.^A^ » M^ .'t) l^j Aj ^ l^j^Ai >'vA«j^
    ^:^'^ J.A5 L: (JjA^s: _j jJl ^i^Ji j^-yX^l J>.^j cr*^% l_jIj^ sjJic ^^l^ Jcjl JUb J jW t_ J.*'^ ^^Ic Ic l^AS ^s lLAJuIj IsAJk^l i^^liill JUo^J J'i _. jci'^cj) _j A^ _j jju^ j;] ^c«rj'i 15=^ l}}^! j-<^^ 15^ -^'^ cuU . ^J'♦^' yj'-i^i*" iS 1*^ '^"^'"^ ^^' C^H' ^AjJl CiU _} [li>Ji\ ^ ^ ^^jli Ji^jJl J.^]s] ^ ^jJ^Jl jJ\.^J^iJl ^^1 1^^^ »4i.ic ^^/^^ _j jyo^] L^-j Liii-l J >IxjL« JjJ _5 'j; ^_jX) ^ye ^[sf (JoJ ,^ 11 ,U J ^jJ>Aw.Ai- _. ^T*^ ^'^ s'J J'j U^ \ ^ A^ *V. I^J aJ.**^ ''^J^;^^ (^'Xol _j ^lili^Jl j^*«-J-C ^^ J.jl^ ^ ;.y^"-^' ^^*?. *.J Ci^l^ J ^IjJ-^aj Ji) ^ b^^l |,1.£ j^J^ll^l . tX^K=vl ^X-^Jl *jul ^AjJl ^ 1J-C 'ij\^^ 15'*'*"* ^'^^ ^^^ O^V"^ ''^'*'^^ ''iX^c (-J/«> >J J ^J^:^11 tJtc il ^A*i jUAaj ^Lsr^l ul?-'^ L_-^1J^ . ^J^oj-lj K^\ ^J i'i^ ^^ [^ ^}[^J' ^Jli] _. J'aJl Jib^J l^aU 1.^*1 I^U J^o !ywjl >_i' ^Ji^^ S^^-e i>^JJ^ SAxJ t-v^'J (•''JiJ LUjtJ.\ ^ ^Ji«*Ai^ ^ .^lJo_ l/«v^ !SJ^^_ (j^ l^-o . ^■i~>j ^J-' .^1^!1 ^^ Ifl! 1 ^j^-i**! J iKA^r J I a) 1 Aj.>»>Ab ^ ^J:^^'< 5 . .k^ ( al \ i al 1 yb . ^Aas^' lLJ_jU L::^il^ ^ i_i5'.^j ^j-,1 . u_al! I^-c^j ^j-o ^ dlbbJ yyj^ (jJJl ^ll«j j^J (j'^=^ iXSJ./*^ (J'':^^ tJ-'^ '^t^j tj^ _j 15^^ '^'*'; *ajUAjL.l ^h^^ ^ Jc^As" ^!'^ ^^i 'ij\jyi\ ^_^5yj (i.«'Ji^ti i^'^^' J"!"; *J J>j-x/^ ^j1 J'.i' oJl iJJ^'j ^ULff ^s jjl^ J ^*jIaaJ1 icAj^ ^^s ^,U?j jsjoi' ^ fhJ^ji^ ^J> i^Vj ^i^ (*-^ (►:^*^^' ^1 ^''^^ i^J ^ '^'^^.j (^ 43^>«>=r* ^--lail 1^1 ijt!^=s ' ^ 1^:!^.. u^^V ■r-^ ^^^ i^ ) tj^.'^^i^^"^^ ^J^ ^ aJLJl ^ l^j^ll y.s- ^J'.'^J-^' ^^'^^ UL'ois *AaLjl j^I 15*^ J' UjI ^ j^;:*--*^^' '^ L_.-^l J iXUb *«.'Jil! Js^ J.^ Ia^ iCil^ J P. ^1 '>= ^J ^j^\ , J^ ij] ^ Lc^x i-LA!ii ^ ^>^:^^V ^^^^ J^' J'^" l5^ i. . (_)"♦•=? '-rLr^ r^^ J '"^'^ j'"*^ ''^^ i^.'x i^aI ^ £^j.^ ^jj ^Jljo ^jy^\^\ ^\ ^Jlls" Ofiil ,^!l=- ^"oiJi^ uAr-^:*. V^ ^ U'*^' LS^ ''V^ -j,^^i Jo . ;^/^=^ (O^ ^^ '^*^ ^ i\*-=sr* i>^-Jl i^ai'l j_5-J-x*Il »i-l Jl X.^l«*c c;^^'^' t-^il^^J ; ^'-o'^' ^^^^5 j]/^^ ^— if*?, l;^ ^ ^^ ^ Keatl jUj I ' Read a^ w Am.) j i_5;«J^ cU'^ CJ^'^'"^ ^* ^ iXoLwill yjJl ^ Jdxi'x J^'^^ (_).*£^ . ^ 11 ^ dd'-AC ^ lLAIj j *(z1'w^^1 11 Am ^ aAz ^',ijj!l ,.,< tuJl ,.,AJ.i ;. ,j.i ,.,^Jol .Ic ,G "^jl ^clji ,.,.Jok_A_sa_j«j>^! • UiJl ...^ <»1A1aS ,,,-♦>* WJo « 1«.^^>a2J ^y^j L5^ '''^' C5^ >? ^/i-^11 f^.j'-''*-^'-^ <-r^'J<^ _j iJ'^J' ^^1 ^ e;' ''^ ^^ [«-J'^l J>^^1 is^'"^^' l-C-l-k!! ji.s:^ c:^-«'j»'^ ^jji^_y^l ^j^l ^ .lij |«J j_5LX<«USr' ^, ^j Uvi Js»-.^1 r>-!1 ii.Ui ,js\\ *2C ijs.a}} ^Xel Jic id]] ^JO ^^Is A>o Ul Uai«*j >U J ^^^jJ^Jl ^ij^l ^j^Jb'yi ^'vkjkJ^l ^^Ull j^^i.^! ^xlsl.**.!! ^j^aAII^ ^i ^j^jla (_->ls:'" '>^cl ^^^ _5 JLtf^l _5 _5''^IIj IaJI^-*]! Jl-aJ^I LolxUll cLjy^l _> jl.*i.j"^l _j jjj^^ ^ Crt/' ^'^ ^i-^1 *^j . ^^>i. ^ v'Jl a.- jcjuo ^.Aijliill bl sUi" J 2^.Ab 'N-'^jiai AjkJiU- ».^i ^i 'i-a^ 'jU'i. ^ <);"jL!jJ *U-i |,s LaJLc U^^ JCcilLl ^ ' Read 4JV_.<»_) Jij.^^U 2SJa«. ^ u;^-^' ^'^^rJ^^ ^:^^'-^l J^aw (jl>!^*^' 1 ' Lacuna in MS. ' Khi, *-j1^ vUjX* ; o/ ft) lj Vji^U V J '" Khi, i^_^ J ^j fj^^j J'-s. ^^ " Khi, i^^^ytj l^Ulj iliUj V J '' Khi, Pj_^l (3 1— »a^l ,Ji-i» ' Khi, *]l*cl J ^.oj ^JlJ^ J aJ^ jumIj « »ys^ ja> J * Deest in Klii. Khi, |_^U-J1 y i^a. J oh^ t/j (jXr*^ (jL-Jl ^^V Ij-Jl ^^-a». J ' Deest in Klii. ■^ Khi,^^.^j ' Khi, j^^alail ; om. ^i w ■•I w sjo^Jl Kl>«Jl ii^'' _j5j ^Ic ^ ^^ic A^J^l _^5'^j ^ ^^ysaJ-Jl w s- WW CAUll ,^y*^^ ; XXA.yji}\ iyC,^] .he j^a^ ilxsw j_^j iol)A^ J J.>.a Lo ^ Read ^♦vl I 1 Khi, 4JI e)Ji *^^U * eiljl ? I - Om. Khi. ^j4.A] ^-]j^-^ '^ 1 iSii^ (j^ a)| '•Ki ijj-i*- ^^F ^^'^ ^ ^'^^.. ^ i*-^^--* \S^^ Xi-:^--, *^ .. . . " _^^^1 ^ J;>jU' 'ij i^jkil! uUc ^^Sl ei^j'^ J dcJJl Axr !$j>!j 1! J J.i>- . (Jiilil _j /►^.'"^J^' J J'*^=F ^'^ ij'^j^' 'i^^ 'j^^ %^=^] _j aJLj ^3^ 5 \s. ^ A>fs-* ,^Jo.A»- ^ bbjAs^t} _j jj'^jJl i^^Lc fJ^/t-s^ CJvi-c JyJl ,^^>ki- ViJvLc t_?J^ (^1 U^i}^ (_5* J-^s^ ''^l ^?- i,^'^ l)^1 l^-* * Om. j^j ^ft^l c>^ ^^j I ' ^^'' L?^;*'' * Read i\)j ij) Xt.sf ^j) — ifc^l ' Read -lai j ^^ lA«ai 55^yic tr^*^-*"^' ;:/ J-^^ '^-^ ; (3^V' -5 f*'-'^^' '^^^'*'^. cJ^ w w ^ t>JI>!l ^-'t- • ^'^ '■^.'•^' "-ri/^^ J 1*7^. * — ^"^'^ e;'* cJ^'l •^^.j 1^^. 3 ^>*juj ^ ^J■^^^ i_e'^i'< ij->^ Ifcli'j' *-^'l lLJ>! j . '^^j (J-=t^ j-^--^ « Khi, ^^.jll ^ ' Khi, ^J^ * Khi, e)^jl ^ Klii, aJc ^ Khi, 0^ - Khi, C^i^^^^J ' Khi, J^'> ^ Khi, *■*')'* ' Khi, iLJl J.I J' S'f- W 1*1 jJ*i- ,.,•« ILa^, ,'v«2j)ll 'j'i l;'ill ^^'^. ilx^^ l)-^-'. cJt^y t;^ V-* ^ ^»' f-^^?. L5^^ i*^:*. ' ^-^ 15^' s\|Js" 'k^kf^] ^;i^j.s'' l^>i c:^A>^^ lil '^aS!^ ' tt^J^. ^'^^ LiT* ol^ cX=^l 1^0 -.IjO *J 1 -4,^, Jl Jjoo" ^s^'' l^i^,til ^ ^c:^i_;=-l _j Li^^^j ; ^-cU' J'.^! ^_^ Khi , ^..ill ; I. Ward II., 61 Khi j'^ [J^-.-Jl Khi , JU;V1 e^^- Khi l_J>Jl^J Khi d-J^i.! Khi , i_jlx~!' '^ jj^x; J o-»^ Khi, J,*^'* Khi. tjK..^'>\j^:^\ ^. ^^jdi/«Jl Jli' [aS 'Jl^i LyjIjao ^Ic l^jk!^ l^i^ ^ f^^ Ulj.!> c:^s:\-i l-tJl^ ^^ ^ciuls^ 15-*; ij:^^'*' ^'^^ ^iLol ;J.i^/iL> t_^iA^ jJ ^Ic ^Ul . »^>».L^ j^s J *-G Jjsl ■ l^ Jj^ j^'i] <^j\ c:^5^!l 1>J i^Ull l«.^J ' Khi, ^l^. I ' \j^:^J ] •' J. and Khi, i;-- Jl I4) Ul e;^.'^=^ __»!< ^^_»U1 ^ =^1 '^.-^■^ '>^-^' (j^ ^ ' ^J X'-**!' kxs'^ ^^ \JU^A\ ^j»*^ j;j'.s:*" ^^ ^i **"sr'' ^»s:^ A^'iSl JV^ ^s" L,i' J ia-^lj hj's J «^Aji>*ll »jo_ * J Jcciyi CL^sr c_^^.!l .-clj^ w w »_«j.i aa«j ^^ ^I'vi^ jiuVa Jjj J . Ji,»/iu>«>ll KIaI! s^s^l^ «_^ss^_ is"-'^*" ' J. jl Vjv'^ "^'H •^^'^ 1^ U^ J J see note 93. •' Khi, sjl^o oi) '" J. and Khi, joi 'i:.^ ^« " Cm. Jc? ' J. and Khi om. j Ai.»a. ' Klii, A);c ■' Decst in rT. and Khi. j_^.ij! ^j~Ia!! ^^ ^^ ^aL ^ 2!J>^i s.b u_>L> L yu , sj.s"^ Jl *^j^i »^ .Xj^Caww^II icLc 1^ —;'•*" '^■'^'*' lI-^ 15' ' ^-^^ r^^ if-^^' ij*« J.^ ^3 UxJci>^_ ill 'j'j^^ll ^jl ^>i:j ^2Sr ^J ii,AAC ! ^=>- J *5>^i ^-i-3'c\=- _j ii^iiA«j,A!l /«-^»h^l ^c ^=>-,li- ^Ias^j isjsjj) i'.JOt> ( ail 2 As***-* Jl ^^_ ildll A>t.rs-, ^^jClall .^.*« J.A=s- J ^^' ''^' J'^. 9 LiLl Ul fl^Jil^ ;_cAJic Jl J_j-s_jll ^^jii ij^j'^. ^ ^A«*!! (—jlj.l ^ j' !$,_jjj_ _4_i^ ^ Khi, ibxil i5j.Jl Khi, ^Ljj Khi, »Vj* ' J. c^r^^lj c^^r-j^lj A? .XA.J-1^ i',U.c ,.»-'ii.ail J^^, jS^ ^i ^il-c _j ^'Jiii ^«*a; _j JIa^'JI ^.ii" JWl 1^; _j .«^ ' — ail j*y. (J^ ^ ^;l-^-c; ^ 'i\^ iSjd:: J.«*j 'iso')o J_j'i Jlc Jo ^ vj^^^ *— ^ ^ l^f''^ ^lU-1 l^yail IJ'i ^'s^"Jl --SiAjo ;P^_,sr, ^ c;^^^. j«^' |«^-^*J ^ ; ^ L: ^Ul ^^ ^^ ^ 'kxi\^\ (Jivti lil ^ U^lyl L ,C*«1! CL^f'-r^ ^"Jil (^Jiil l^jlc Ji-0 IJ'i S>S1 Xil^^ ^b Jl ^_^^< J.lai«Jl Cl^i-I ^^a^ W-V.At^ J]y-J^ ^1 UaI: ^iU)/J j^jjk>31 j^^-flll 'Jbcioc ^^ w ^ ^ .ir ^jjl LxJ Jsr_ 'i ^*.Ia11 15^' f>^' ^^^.J^^' (vT* ^-i'l«**Ji !$j,a JL's^ Ur^ . C>jj ^ l^jJic ^i*«.i Jcj'^^ ^1 J,^^ i_s"-^^ ' Khi, ^1 * Khi, ol£,yi ■^ Khi, si-*, _) ' Khi,>i - Khi, jU' ,.ja!1 ajkflA .1] ^xlll "_j .35 J.A^_^j ^l^'JJl J»<;-11 ^^1^ _j l^^il ^c JO ^AAa^I _5 _^jl^^il w w (K i *-l^«-^:>. f-?.''^^ f*■^■'^:^^ '■^T?- c^^ '^^^ J'~^ ts* ^^ Cl.?'.^ U,01 l.a5^ ■"■ Khi, D. iljjJlj ' Khi, D. ijij^ J " Khi, Jxi* '" Khi, ' J. JJl j.L_; ^^ Khi, j,.:^**'^ ^ Khi om. J ; J. om. j j* ^ J. and Khi om. j * J. and Khi, ^^s. j ^^3 ' Khi, J. ^J J U-^:i^^ ^./-' b>^j] ^Ij i^y-- Uj,!:: J^s-jil -J ^\ (^iVj 3 _j ^^Kj *i CI^A^i'l ^ UacJ icijJJI uLili" 5 ^K" l^ J J.VJ..* J'i A«*«l ^jJ T:^-^^ -T-'i-^l ^-^ J i^AxaJ ci;f'^' sfJi^] (jJ^j ^ l^A^j T:6^==^ J^^ ^"^'j i^* ^"^^ J c;-^^. f^ tt • '^ . 'I • • ' ^^Jj>s^' S-^:'.'^ ^j^'i^ T^ Jsail ^jAs^' U^J^J ^Ji ^:sr j^^ <1C*«-1=.- J Cj'lall 'i.s:-^\ j^j>*i (A't-s-* ^j1 (J.Si-^'J^ dS'a.y\ yb ^ (♦-1c<»-»i Al^i ^:^^ ^^ ^.Liii <);jL: sJ.^I IXK _j Ji.sr*! jc^W' w w ^ J. ^-^j^\ ; piol). J_^I,_J| A 6 , 'xa..k]\ i,\AS. i.JisW *2sr ^iiAU ,j;Jl mIis^ 'ihJ^j^ .1 i(^!' u'^^ J'"^?^ c_5' tJ''^'* '^-^ '^-^5 _j d^..'Ji » ^'♦^ ''^5 (*f*^ A:5-lj jJ5^ (Jy^i dJti.Cji ^J^.^■s>■ L_^\2^w^ J\i' J j^j}*, Xmj mJsj] iJ^iMj ^_s ^-^-^ tJ^^"* e;^ .^^Xo i_c^^ A^l^ ^^ a:!i>cjsluw'j L::^!lji i\scwj1 ,j j^^^ f^r^^ i,t.^L^i ^^.i^aX^*^ l^W . .'j^Jl "i;^ J 5 ^^'•■' '^•''^ 5^ (*-^' ^.■^j^ (J^r-^ sSiXUi J^J^"1 ul _j (_^.lj ^/i^^i' Lo ^1^ ^jJ.5^1 A,*c JcAji jjJou: _j —^ 2ii>]_j J t^j»c iJul i^i, jjj-^. 2*>»^^- AJ^jS ? 2 i^y ^ ftj i.a.li iX-c \ ? J! 4-UJ.il 1. l^>^>5' ^./-' AfC ^ Jliij ^i\ K'x^». t^'d,J3 S'^V, _j ^^'*«r^l *ii _. J.c; _j ijl;^*^ ; (♦;-•'. t— S-2J i*-^*^"*" ;^J; 'i^j c; '^'^ i 2j wiJJ XLk, L^lLi/l . ( j^L ^j ( jls^ (*lJvLo jJ.^»j; yb« ^Lj,s^' ^/^ J 'U^J^ ' '^^ l_5* * ^Ij'^^ J^ Aju«1^ -». ^>Jij'Jl J'.'*^! jyc ja_^ JUc^l ^ U«^ U _5 *s:^^'' J'^at'j sAso *=s'i^^j j.-xiU ei^'^i i^j^/3! i^^=- iJl ^ifl-< t^'ij ^:>J j^j*» ,-a1^U ^;V.<^1_j^1 _j JUi'l .j; ;J1 '.Ijkj iUl jjii' ^ ^' ii.ji5I j^-« ^jjl^ Uii <):j^j1 .1j ci^aIc Lo aJJl. u>**. JUV! jjJI J*-*"! ^Ji-o p'^.->'j lJ^x*«1 (^ t:6'*^ I.J1 CJuJi sJ.J' Jj 1^''J X^^-o ^^A^ ^X=^ J'jJi'l eJilaii" ^ yt) ^a] Khi, Jii J jjj^ ^Ifill jj ^ Khi, J..J [a|)j1 jj^5-ai* ^Jfi. Khi, Jlj'.yjjIU J. on i»*i ' D. in Khi. ^ Khi, ^j (jUnJ-i (^J^i* t_*s.U ' Khi,^Up ^_fl!l ^jj.^ ^ Khi, iili» * Khi, ljlU:i Ar .AAJ>!1 'iJ.AS. ^^>11 *S^ (JCj^aaU 2 .!jl ^.aM ^]sc] ' Jl JUll cJ,^ JU } ^xJ ^3 ^i ^1! l^U.! w cLl!J . .- Uj.! jl . Ac sj^j ; ^J ^ ^^ili ^. o^ '^r*; u^ i^^ J r^^^^' ^^' e^^-^ ^-'-'^ ^'"^ '-S'^''' 'u?^J^^ 'Usi- ^_i iu J Ia.'_J>a!1 Jl '^«^t J ''^^ i^Ull (JL»>.J is*-^=^ Jiajl J J1^~<^1 ; ^ J-^^j^^. ^^ ^i'so CJ^JlJ J.J.AC J cul^Ub ® Khi, (j^/Jl Khi, Z^J '" Khi, aL-U, " Deest in Khi. '• Khi, .L» J '■' Khi, J»^« ' Khi, Aj^ls:* J ^ Khi, ^ ^c ^ Khi, \:ty^ " Khi, ^U ^^ ^ Khi, i_^Jo^^l ^j^o^ '• Khi, iJUdl i;>Ul ^ u^^^ ^..J^ Ar ^!U>fcIl tjl J.^ j_^lc ».»- ^_j,*^li. a:^! 5Sl)^} JUJl r^A«wl . Aa.s>. J l^j a:=-tV« (^i-1 JsAx^i' -ic L»iy .U^ii '^^.aj^ isxc ^^ W WW ^ CJo'i ^^ itSliJI Sys'' c>.AXi: j^ J'^f ^ Ll_)l,i«j .^j^aJlo ^ lLAjIj ' Khi and D.,^-.;c •^ Khi, »;l' j^j^-j u^it^j JM^ ' Khi, U Khi, >JI (JIjuj L_i^jJl t_>>.49 ; ^ Khi, ^5lj«]l [^^ee note 86. ^ Khi, ^cl^JI c:j^^1 ^^) ^ Uc Li^lJ ^ \Si e^il^ ^^U ^^^.j ^^^ 'idj^ ^y*^ l^Lj ^j'J l^J.i a>^ tjL>jl::^T-9 J'i J JStJ.^ ^.c (^^>^/o. jji ijj.. ^1 L«*i!l ._Cwj _5 *lj ^ ^^l^ X«j Uls ^*A3 j,i la>^^-o Jl :k^' ^ S^sv^t ^LiUll AAi *^1^ _, „j,^J' ,^ SUJII^I U^^^ ^J-iis^U tJjj^l U,l _j Jl_.j ^^^^ ^_5i ^l^ J ^_^1 l^xij ^j\^ ^iil! l^ji t»J ^i3'uuJl Khi, ^Ijlj ■' Khi, »j) J^-flj ^^^ ' Klii, eili ijo u^' ^.}^ ^jl.«J^ 11 (J,As* ' Jcaj^/i t^^i: i Jol^j ; Jl SAc^ ^ CJ!i (J.«ij UjJx >^jiuv^b^. J_;^!! e;-^ Ijj^c _j L^:=^ :JU Ml (JJJJ Ji hJL^ [itjs- y;^'^' J^s-U ^5* cl;'l)Ac ^/j^I. ^k>»^l Uj^s^^s ^jIaSz l^l'i ^^ Ji) 15- ^-^ ^-^ i.^ »Mi . JCAAi) ^ic ^j.^A*) IJwjj.^^ ji^*jLc1 ClJJti ,j u!l ^<,1 lLA! (Ji; ^ ^^^^ "^^Jl ^jUar! ei^ii' l_ji.^l l^ JUjUw " Deest in Khi. ' Ivhi, cjl^^ll ; see note 84. « Khi, ^J\ « Khi, JlJl i« Khi, Ulj " Khi, D. ^fi '' Khi, WK ^ Khi, Lj.^*! Khi, jc 9 ii-^ ^jjXj jjl ' Khi, ^1 c^^r;i ^. liAc ij ^ Vl LS i>fjJl 'i,[A,C ,.jjil iiOAoU ^1 ^ '^■^'^ U^ (*'~^"^>7J J 7"'"^ U^ _j ^i\yi J.A.11 Ijjb ^^ Uiyi ^U J U^L CJi^'JiJ ^1:: e:^i9 jol ij-« ^ J ^'jj is' '-^J^^^:*, J ^_5^51 iJL^i^l J LlcUajil ^^ c^Jl L_^^J" ^IswaII ^iM.s- j^.i.'xi\ J c— Jws'^l 1^^ iJ s Ia:; tile ^ (J=F^ ^ VilAJlc ^-sru^! tlJ.^^^ ^ ^Jii j ■^ Khi, iLo iil a) VzJlM ^ Klli, ^\^ (_J;i >" Khi, dj^lj^ ■ c>.:.. V ] ^ Om. VI * ^:,UJI ^ L- IjI>? '^ Khi, Uji:;^ ^jjtfii) ^ t^J.^Jl *it)45^_jl ,_5AjJ ^^i ^J^^s" cHai'^J! CI^^Aii;' _j CL-i'U ^jjUjc. t}l^ Uli L^i^Jl ^'jJ-> 5 (X Khi vj" ^' L5"'' UJ*'-^' (•A'-'k^ ^:>il^j Ui .i^jj' ij^^*^ ^.J^,'^^^ f^ (Cj^all i^j ij'*'^; ci^Jo U>-IA*« ^'^:>, P d--J.i ^1 ui^li" (_^'^'*c ''•^v^s»- »»::^iili- JsLo ic^^J ts^'^" '''^^ c:^:f^c Ui .jj51 ^^i- j.j^] ^c^iU »i& *J U^aII 3 ^]^;JU) _j ^5)1:=-^ ^1 jS^] jJ^iS iLxl:*- AJ'K ^^JU, ^CJ,a,jj1 ^^'4»- CLIUS! j^l^ J "-r^*'' u^ ^/i^As^' ^;J c«i '^^W. c;' ^o'' r^^ ^^'*^ >'"*^' "^ r^^ ^'••'^' ^"^-^^ "-^^ j'-^^' ^\ isjU/«,A~- 4^Lc J^s* l^ijJ .1 i/v'-^ ' ^' 'V^i (_5^' f*^-^-* l*"?:^^ ;^v.t> Ua^ jj^.n j l^lx2£^ U! _j 1*'-=^ L5^J '-^ W^-* '^=^-^^ •^ Om. Jl ^.^^c ? - Klii, |^-«1 l:J^:^51 ^.;^U j_jju^J JJt^' ^ -p'-^iiajl ^j JU'l ^'i (c^-^ ^^JUib (^ ^-^-fJ ^^_j ** .ILii AJ'cAa!'j '^s^'^ cJ^y-:^^. '(*^ ^ LiAi'J AJwVC ^jK ^ ■' Kill, S^-jV} 5^i^ ^ ' jyaUj* jjl Klli^ J>5 Om. ^a J vc , ,1^.^11 JJ,Ux ,.,JtiJ! >.sr C Ic Uj.i ...iJ'jLaj cujLaSl . J ^a! ,.,.jtwji.j * ^fhn ^J.J,>*Ji 43>3 liJa^ lii" _5 Ick/ ^ii! L1-^30J L^l^cii Cl^s^ ^jl J'j' J -; *:^ I . 'p4-^ u^l ^./-'^ vjc ^^jS ^i «— s?.*^' '^*^-< ^J^^ '•Vr^ ^^/^ J^a^ ^__5i^ (J^s^ J' (^t^l ^ iXJUj ^^s ^(j> Jj ^[^] ^iz y;^! ^^l^i JC^^ ['^\ _j u-y: ^ J ^^ i^lji _5 is^iji ■±'*'\xi _j l4iL ^^iJb' ''^' J J^ u^ i^-< d^wo c},2>-| jSSii ^ Khi, Jy Ui * Khi, jjx-* jjliill J JUI jjljill ■ Khi, Jl kft-o (j-;aJI AJ U^l ul; VI " Khi, C^Jtij ij^ jJ LUJoi'-i J'.Asr'b 'ii^_ji. _5 i^Us- ^^^ L->^l*-« ^li> Uj.i UjI: ^ lLAjIt. ^jtA«j.!l Cl^Ul L^jl iX! J^jiiJ' iKill ^-k ^i\ ^ -ai ^s-l lIIj Ak: Jj JL«ii,»- ^i'l (^x^l)>s^ aIUIcI 0-a> ^ ^ ^jj_j]!^Ai J^l .i«> ^!1 ^r,l ^L>-;S ci^S's _I;^^.« ^..Ij J' '^'•^^^ ^^ AJj dXisJ J:Aij.l ^^^ (.::-;U ^ \^{^ J.ili' >.«j l^J-i ^-?;=sr pj^fill Aac «_.«.] ^iwj J^^l j_jtJlA!s.- ^v< jj!Lc ^^^W ei-j.Ku.ll A_ij>l A-i'ij ^$li"lh.ll '^i^ljj j^'^'^'c (jJ ^.^Jj'Ia) 2Axj jj^ *i ».~^ _j ^_jZ>.c J ^j^*jl>ll ^111 c3.AC ^J A>^S-* j^l JliiJ i)c!icl:s'^ Ul [a^iJ Uls^ 1^1^ ^ ( 9s.\Ji^ ji> ^ 7-'>-*j' iftSM &Si c:^sn^l Aij uV^-s J^il ^^ic la J 5 ei-j'j y& . ^^;:^^'*} '«€^'* ''^:^' l?'^'''^ ^■!^'*^i U)^>1 A-.fls' ^^;^-!<^ G (-5 ' Khi, \Sj4^ Ujj t;j^j ajt-.il j«j3 lift J.*s:* (3! JjliiJl ^;^ J A.^ •"■ Khi, ^^,^ ix-~J A^ o^^ii-"*' J-i J ~ Khi and J. ^j>.jj ' Khi, ^jt^UV ' Khi, U) .J ojlj t:;^! ^.} vf t^JJI yb J ^jjb'-i».>tJ! ^^)^^^^l i^jjos:'^' yci. ^^ jltS p\js^\ 1^^ jylc ^_^ JJl A-i^K ^1C J IjjjJl &\ b Ua J; )J d^-jij ^A_J[ Jv>».51 _, .li- ^^^ l^Ajj i^ri^ c:^j^ Ji'^^ ^^ l^^_j.j ^^j cJoel _. 1^>!1 J.i-j! Hi W WW u w w w U^. (^ J LS^-^' i:;«^ ^ «-e^' cj'^ U^ -J ^«^^' (*^ ^7^ <^^ 3 « Khi, sjTy > 'l^i.11 ? ' Khi, .^io j^ o^j ^ 0)0 J ' Khi, Jl i_».-.> 8;U I4) J. J Ufils i^5U ^^ ' Jie^c'i u:^;J1 sJA * J.-J^ M^j^] ^ L? ^Us*,[) kCj . ^-J^^i^ ^iiiui iUsAJiJ (J.>«>C ^ ^^wlj jy^ ^^a> ^ d^*^ *-Jt^ij^ (^i'j (^ .^-.flA^ (Jac ^Jk2- ^Lll Jtjlc lj5r.^^» k^iiits AJJ^ '^\JJ0% x>\\ X .v^ jjAAi ^l. f-i=^' 5$4>ac 1^!^ ,y^zLo \SiS\J<»,\ y *_Lc L^ J'Jb iLUA^ ^j'"?" (,'*■:}-'' '^3 l^:sr _5 l^j ^>11 j55'o ":s^ c:^;K ,^a11 ^Ul i^^ ^^St^ l^'U ^y:AJ j^l ^^Jj*ksJ' li-xj A-JJj .t_«j ^jsll »_a^ J^j'liil >Jj L-jlj j__jlc ^Jj jJl L-^J^' ^^1 .w^i ,_^i^l _j-2fcj ^J'^ll J 7 " . .• I L-j^jJl ^-« l^>3 Joi' ^ ^^1 ^-j1 jjJ '^'^^ f^-o cJ?;^^ ^J ^3 cXxc ^j1 JUAi.Il ^J J'j ^A=- ILjs^ 'j1^' J.J1 .ic ^^.oob J^ _j ' Khi, ^^ Khi, Ja.^ u_all ' Khi, 'i^\^ \jA^ - Khi, ^j-^ J ' Read iJUAi i^v-'^l 1 ' J. aiul Khi, Jla-;11 ilw* ih j.9j ^^AXi) ^^y, j^il^lij UI ^*w.!Ij ^*w.5j «j1 ^ j:Ic ^_'1 |_jJ1 ^^^1 JajoI ._j^A^ liJ^Ij _; i^j'J *_^ ^1 J L_-v>«.JlJ'o ^il t ^*«.=5^' ^_ji ^i-i^j u_yJl LfJJ.^ ^J *L9 u-^*!l ^^i J:] _j I'^^^j^ ];_.*:^^ Icls'*' IjI^.* U_5>i:.£ V-^T" ''^^ U^-^' * Read dJU ^^ j*s.* ' Khi, ts.,c iji.s ^j\ Jl Jjj p-l^ Aicj car i^Mi ^ '• Khi, ^^* ' Khi, jj* ' Eead^^;« jjj ei;l» ? * Khi, ^ac a! ^^,\) Jj It 8'.wi, 5'JICI JUU^!1 S.Uc ^SY ♦ST Jt^AilU Ax; U"' jcj.lc lij~- iU! txLk]] .^ 1^^ j$j!t>l tili'U 1^ .^^i^ (*^^yV (j''^'^^^ S w _ ... . t XawjJI d^Jl^ ^ >^j^'^\ Joe ^1 *^ ^ 4 ■>* LUs^l X .<^_1Lj1 >_j *_it)l»x< ,rii J^oU Khi, sjlol _j Khi, ijjyJ^ Khi, x—jj^ i_:_-j ^ diJi Lac. in MS. Khi, ^^ vij* d' Khi, |^_^ liilJls j-_^ r>'-*" ^■^ aH oAj ix u U M WW lLLJJ i\*j ^j.C^] ^j< ^_ jJ^ liiiJl J^J^-ji^/«Jl ^ LliJl JjoJ^^l IcXa j_i _j JUL) : JUcl ^Jlc eul-'J: ^.^^^1 (^^^ jc-i ^/.'^ ^nJ^ ^j^>»o_ ii _j jjis=;_ (j^^i ^^>fc^i cf^ J '''=^ [V^' J^"T^ '^^ y^^ U^j i''j l^yb jjjo^' ^j^ La;! Jyj _j 4ie-l^l Joe J ^j^ft^l ^ 1^^-aU _5 ijtio^l ^^ CJ.J'ii! 4>yi ^^ |,_W&^1 2i_js-l iUlc (_JJls>- _5 CAjIaJI jJul J5A>o ^!. ; j^l J^^l _j l^-o JW' e:^! J H:^^ f-i^^ '^tt-!^ e:^/«.s«ju>l ^ S-'jr*" ^ f--"^.^ («^^^ ■^ J. and Klii, aj -lj ..^1 *_J' i\s U, ^jl^ill (^Us^ S-^r^ ^V^ ^'* l)'*^'^ («-«-^' [j) ^ J'^ (^:J^' lj^.0? Khi, ^j U.S ' Khi ' '~rl>-^'. LT'^'i*'^ .u ' See supra. ^ Khi, .--ill VI ^«*-.) J; Read / Khi, J[&^j J u_r;L5_j I^JI J^ Ai ri ^jl^ IJU _'^ Jb Si 'juL: jdil Js^ Jyb_ ^ ^ ^y, J^ ^^s "yt>j fj> j^^ <^ 15J ^;' L_iU- .-jjJ^l ei^ii" aIaII (Jji-lj ^ ci^y^^' J L^ Jl ^^x^s^' O^AJkll >J' Lj^j^Il ^J ,ls^' !$j^ 5ti^^ ^jJ jJ^lsr 3-^) ^1^ J' ^jlLUl ^b ^^ Uy. jU >Ji]l ^ ^]]Jlc ^^j;! Uy.jJJ] t>lA*t^ L;„.%jt^t (^-^ (_f J^ V. '^'^^ 15-^ J'^' ''^^ri^ c/^ '^ li>'>J^ ^^UAxj *^ J^ J.!; l^yl ^ iij'^ C>J^ _5 CL-Jjicli ijj^\£. Ul J ^ Khi, Ucl ^jl - u*? ' Khi, ^ w , w ^i« e:^Jii>e Lj^Jb i;> )U>- c:^^_y^I ^j lij-i ^-r*^' l/^^' j ^^^^^ j_^'ili1 ciJ^L ^ ^_^«^j y<^ ci-=-^l» Ji^I iit>Lc ^^^ (^^^^^^ ^ •lijJI j^ 'jo^' c;.^J^ J ^1jy*< iSiysr ii j»-l^l ^JL^c CLyu. ^ e^/*'*' 5 ^ ^Ac ^aL-^^ cuA^a ^b^' (j^ (^IaII e:.,-jyUl 1 jl _j ajjILLJI CJJJ ^ li^^-^J i>;i^^ r'"^ J"'" er* '^ '--''^j ^ ''^^'j ^)-i. iV *^j <-)•*' ^^^ L-^1; '^^.■^ J* J t^l/i^ll (^^1 15^ (J? (J:^^=^ Uuclii *Jo L::^liiJ z? la/iJb L_^»tlo' ^jv^^S" (_^J.JiJb Ij ^^! J'Jii JJ^^ - Khi, ^^ I ' '^- *!j5 ^^ p_^i= jj ? jj>fjJ! j-o ,U' a:Jv=^l J |.-r^_JL«2.!l ^^J-^.). J (j:^«J.'*' ^ LL>li' Moj iJA^l j_^i3 ^^ JLc L; .-^i _j .Us'*' .Ilio '•«|/->' (s-^ '-r''^«^ i-ill^Aj ^Iaa*.1 sJ^' 7- "^5* i*^-*^ ••2 ^. ^^Jj ^j^ ^J^ A^ e-jl^j e:^ij -s-l/«^l S;.s^' iJI jj-a»- isf-'i* ^i ».Il (^II) j^^ j>jjt^u ir*"^ L/*^ ci^^ _j . _^_i_,»aJl ^.Jb j_j^ Ux^ (^^ j^ »sjo_ j ^l/».»*ii iljsJ.M»jI LjU^ cLA^I v-LAj.!1 'aL«o^ ^ '^:^!' U.**=-l iXJ' ^ U^-l-o U*j=-^>«i J ^L^w!l ^j^ JjjII J^iij t>.J,Jtwj j^ijls^U [^^s^d (^^laiiJ J lizliJ'i^^ ^'j j^so Uj^'**^^ U«jU) Cl^Jkiii aJ^Lj tii^js^' iJi^l >^i« ^^-^ '"^^■'.1; ^'^- ^ <^iJl ^:,jj 1^\ (^!U j..iJl J-i- ^c/U!l s^l^J _5 sj* ,-v • c;* f J j»4-* 9 ? L-Awjaj ^z (J.j,i» . c^l lij^^ (.y' (_)>*^'« (J-s T^? '^i ''^^-^ ; /?""* (^;:^^*" i^Ax^ ^^ kA,Ss>- ^.3^^ Jks'^^' !i3>J!5 • vj^^^ L!J'^ (*■:^*^'^'' 7^? ''^M '^'^*J Ll^Jo . 'i^'**^ ^'^K l-i^lsi' is^''^*- ''^J^-'c ij-c *y-j Jj j;ji.j.t3 Cl^i' i ^liJl Li! _j <>^>ti2_> j_^^l ^a> _ls:\J Jai <)Cj-i ,x^/i, ^ ilf^ ^< J_jl J^J.yi i--^-a^ C1^.<1 J iili^! JjC Ic i^'xx^ J (_?'^:^? *'^^ '—-"J?" w l^j' ^l»". 'jLo (J^j Ujj (J..*^- i-^-'tS'!' ir-;'-^ tj'^ ^ 15^.-^ ■ '^^♦^'^ \ji j^j^fS j.A3t«w v.^i'. ^j' ^^i^l jSi^iu*; ^a. li/fs"" ^^ '^*«! sJ>AaJ! Jui ^_^Ai^! (;-»J>Jii' ■''tJ/-*' Jy ' J^'i^^-o '^-J^^^J ^ C->i\Aj1 Kan Reac i.Cji fUs ? d-a. '< ^ Khi, ,^-- ^v- II , J.«.aI1 'sXa^c ,..jjJ1 *=s^ ^j^'Aa^ SJ' ^_j^^l ^ LUj.j (J:^1. 7-'"^^ Lv;^ AJv*-*. . i^Ur^ ^'>t") lJ:^^'^ J )V^^ T;f'**^ .ib ? ft Ul '? or JlJl ? ' Khi, ijLsA fjo^ 1^ ^.•^^ b>^^j' ■ Kan.»\flUj^_*xJ.Possibly«;jUt^x> u"^^ ^O^ Uui j:«*Aj (Jifti ^J^^l cLJ.U^ L^Li CAljbJ s^ :-^ i /^^-"^^ i^^ jJlz U^lc ,^5s:}.Ju2Jl *'ol sjU LLllJtJ Jl JU J ^iSi^l ysi^^ tjJ ^jliu.iLi, Ujtj , jiljAjfc. ,j-«^^l yfcj J:^^^ iS^M Ul _j c^j ij'-^^ A^^ cUj : ^^!1 cLUaj ^^^ —ji^ jcjl CAIJ j^^S'J U ^--^s'' ^j-o ^*^ ^jl^ w w 1.1I Joe AJ>JJJ (A-AjtAW .xi^wl J j^l t\jAj : ^^ ,yxttM. ^ J^ *j' ci^Ujill jjS\ ajLii^j ^J^ c_^cLc ,>.d ' t/>-^ I ' ' lP^-j? 6^ |J^j.ll 'iiA^c ^^.i^H ^s^ jyjji.l! l^ <-5;^^' Ci;:f«Jl CT^ ^ ,Xma.^s>- k I a>l Axw J J'oo J iS:^^ ^ A^'l,^ .1 , ^1=^ cl^-Jl iiLaaS) ,.K0 3,«jl 11.^ . iS''^^ cv,o-*Ji A-^sajl f^ 2.«jl 1^ ^ t>>is-< (c^^tiJl 2^v< jJl ^"^y f-:f'*? JviLlil _j^-^=>- CI-^s: (J^Aj *j" JSc^jo jU J JL j^ ji'^ t-^^^j^ ;j£ jL iJl^U _5 ^1 «--^*mJu) ^ j^(X^ *Jl L_jU/ ^j;A-a^ Lc J^AsrO ^ ^^L4.C ^c\s\\ ^J JUs ^cUj. J-J i^^tiJl J'j" laJ>/^' Axi^ll |_^^lail &J J'i Jl>*Jl ^ u* 4y>».s^ <^**11 ^_5^^'>^l (j^ u'^'*^ ''"*' J J^'^ (*^^' u/*"^^' ''^^^ f*^- ^.J ^^!i] J'.>»il ^^-< LciJl 4_^.-J 15^^ ;:;"*^ rvH ^;'''*^ ^jJlall \jjjd\ ^^ Vi Ji.ysM*Il ^-^1 J JvAsr* l-^a i)^j! (^^ ic5'.A«j.4.sv J ^Aju. ^ »^.l 'iX-*^ *J-s^' ^^; j_j^ '^^^ F->''"^^' ^'^ l5^' (*^ ..... ^ Om. VI % • ^IjJl JU, 1 '' Ecad ^>^ ^J) Jlj i = E> ■' 11 lijA^AJl UJi Xiis-^j iJl <)dU j^-ls^ ^^1^ J ^j^Ull ^Jo.lj j^iill cli^l \Xj<^s^] ^^sl' 4_ji3^fs:^' ^jli^.^ ijXiJI _j (J.-e'^l jfJ-51 ,^j1 ^^1 LS'^'T* C:;^ '^"♦'=^1 Ls**'^'* Lv)? i>A*.l i;^AJiJl lit jCiuili .U^.ti ( j^l ^«j^»- i^^;^^ f^* -^W^ s^os^' «yi l>«i lit Ul ^Jlflt: , iJ^^l JU _5 (^J ^ JJ^^liJ Jlii ^1 (^J lis^vr^l ^ ^_^-^^.. Lg^^^ ^^^ t^*^ ^_5^ <)cJIam*>»^ l^lc <)Ljljli 5tJJ.A2L ig-J^ A-i' e:>ji^ -^^1 (vT* ''^ J ''^ Lii-sii' ^,1 ei^Jii^l U Jli" «Icl .Aj'I l^^Uill (_).>»£ ^_5JJ1 ^^j^l ^iz ^^IJ'I ; ^_5^^W^ t.y^ ^^3 i^^^i JLij^Jl ^;^lc U^iiJ ^-ill ^-j'ju.^1 A^l cJlli ^l< ^ ^jUill J JUl ' lL=.^i ? 1 If? ^ ^4^? w I^IUawJ Uuly J j_^*j J' (J.^s ^!b^ jJoi} i)'.>«jilj 'jt.l«»"l J'.AS Xa}!^ iSXc ^ tHjUs^lj »— 5/0 %-cyo ^J j^ r^. ^"^^ '-^y. ^j'^ ^ f*?^:fV ^ iJJiS 'i JifJiJo ^_5>!S^. ^_5^'^^ _j ^^^ ^3}^ ^jiiUll J..«,s^ i^j ^j J\ ^e^^'Si^ *.||JumJ L:lW' V>*Jli jlAc c:^i^ «j*kj ^JUi 1^^ 15' MV l/«.) ^ JCaIa© Jksw!. (Olr «ii- ^^ ^1 >^^ Lo JuL»-j : slifl ^^^J _j ^^-^ &j3^as- (,!! .»^JUi (]|J ^ jJod t—sH ^'w^o l^^^-aLo^j>^^l js]^^) ^jjj' _j ^Us^ i^is^ ^JL**i fc_jili^-' ^1 ^_^clJ>^ (see) Eead 4_L-»-a. <_>l_-»l j i ' Kead ^^„s: ^\ ^ s^i.\ ^^ * Khi, *c iJl^ Jw^'jJl ^k ^; ^^J^ss;. J UjjI ^^l=J j'.^=v e/"*^^ ?^ J ''^^ ^i Sa^\ SJ^^J] ,_5^^Jin J^ 3^ U^ ^'*^'^ u^h^ '^' uJ^. ,-^Jl ^y^-*51 i^^/^n xUj _5 [^M ^ J^s^ iijcjil jJJJi LuU ^J^ ^ iJ>ji_i>.«*!l ,ji^>«Jl i^:>«-wJI ^-'iJ'j ^^*- tj^ J^ ^^^ C:^ ^ Jlflll ^1 _5 ^^aW^ ^'^^^^ Sa.s:'^ ^ J-> y} (j'^'-^l ^'^j^ 3 ij'^ =- Khi, ^y.i\._ si^j J ' Jy\\ ^:5 j.b-1 ^ j! 1 uW r*j ■ - Khi, »'d.l jjiJill Jl^il ^j^ j^ib J ^^1 ^Aa«.1 ^Jvjo ej'-iy^l 'it^:^^ 'i^' ^^ L-Ls^' ^sv c:^Cl^ IaJ Jj ^J^s^l^^s^ ^j ^}h AJ^l i-xiJl iciyiaLo iijU jji t.^J'Jo ^^ ^J<^ _5 *1 J tc^'^i>!l ^^-o jj^ CJ.IJ _j t,£/^'^ ^i'^'j J LS"^^'^ ;^^^' >^j''^'' &hx< Ui!^ w l^-fl_j^>»jl JC^Jl ^^^^il ^^^ J tU^wJ »il ^^J' LS_J^ AjO ^jAiij' _j il^L*^ c:_>l>»j ^^Sf<.J 'ili J.Aiij y^l ^ _j SjLcjJ'j UjJi^ U«. ^^ " Ic Jii* ; ^;-al< _j ^^j^Uc J i^V j^a _j jsj^j^ ^^'j j.c^l ^^jl ^ ^ ^A^ i J.-2A>».11 ^^ jyaX4i\ .\yS^ l^« U^ ^J i>.^S-< Ujo-li ^'AAit w 1 ^1 Jl»J dAjl JlJii t_CfJ^C l/«J&tXAC ^J Jj jJ^A^S- Ij b LjJ^T^^ J^ jjjlls ^J.L L_J ^ Jli" J d!j ^cljsll Jjtai ^Up c_al! ^^^a j .J.A*. IjI b CJoc idl! *3l> Jli' J ,'JbJ ^a.\\ U^xc Ai^li <)y^l _5 JU Jos^l ^*i" ^s^ ^cUl! ^ J'Jii dJ/ic ^j;l Jjc^^^ ^Ic ^h _j <^^S ^^] U iLai- CI.'^^J J Jli* Jl^l L/^' '•^ j'^^.'^ aj'«A*M.4^ _^^j1 ^jl ^ c:^^c ^jl Jli' j^j^ U _j Jli' l^i J,Jj}jJ.A^ U b Jlx«.l! ^^^ ^jJ ^j«j-! _5 l^-cy uJj/i- ( — j^" ci^l ^ ^j^ JcJul ijHi w ^ w '^ w w ^U ^_jJ f-iJ^i' JliiJ ^;^.*. Ij Ui *)J Jli ^^1 ajG ^ l^i'^1 _} U' JJL . U«i ^^j li^As^ ij^''^' 15'*^'^^^ (— ajoli tJo; .]\ % ^jSass^^ jijs,. ^^ ^.!iil ^ t^j-^1 j*^ )lJ^J*> 1—^1' BIajlIj C^KWl ^1 ^^^ 1^ ^IkL*!! ^j ti«.«^* (j*"=s^' ^eJ^ < a^./ifcll JjU) ^j^."^! ^J'^^ »li^ ^^-o ^ ^]]^ ^^^S>^ ^_5jl g:-^]! ; t— >lks" ^^^ ^^C ^!j ^^ ^y^] ^..1 ^ Read JjJ i;> e^iii::-.! jU? ' Or jJU ^ Khi, U(j^ Jlj* J <)C»ijijb L-^^ CJJij t-?^'j "^Hr^^' '^ njj^^ j_y Jiyj! w LT ijJl 6 iJ^>*a) .!> tHai ^ Sjyiss^^' j^jIL. ^j^J^^ ^'^ c::-^l9l J'j' Iawj ^^j saos^ ^_5^1'^l ij-*^*^^ j JI^J'i jhh ^IJI JJ! ^ cijI^Ull ^)I ^^ A.ks-« ''^ J^ J^ y d^jt-a*^' Uli [xAz ^yLXA.i_ ^j\ ^j^'jJl jl^ ijj.,^^ 1$^^^^ } ^\j^ Uy. Jj)\ jJil ^ ^lo. ^^1 JUl'j ^Lsr^ ^J U ^clcXll Jjo ^k jUv. * Khi, IjflJjs ' Eead J;-JLJ « Khi, *9l^ bl li ' Read ji.1, or omit ^^ «X*s.* '" Khi. aJi i ^. ' Read ja.1, ui v^m -Khi, aji^,^_, ' Read J-iJ " Khi, ol<^' ^ Khi, isJ yi^jill ; perhaps^LJl * I), in Khi. [jjs^VI ^ Khi, K.3^i\ 61 ,XAj]] s.Uc >^\ juaaU ;ljic (^ A>».s«-1 . Ac pUj',^1 &AsmS , ^s ^ y'i ^ a«. ^cljJl ic^i^J Jlyll Ijiiilsl ^ I^Joi^sl _j Jail ^^ c;' V*' ^ cJ*^ ^V v'-T?" (J- <-^^^ (J^^'*^^ ti.Jj^^w.11 ^~^'^ ^"^^ (♦'^" J J*U^ ^^\^ ^ CJ.IJ JL (>ii ^^J^ jUiill t^/i^o (*;^' ^.W w w ^^s ^ccIaII ^P= ^_5» c:^A^ Jli" IjUi ^: S^ssr* v^^''^' (^^'^'^ 5 * Oni. Khi. Read ,j«:^ ' Khi, jjUi ^;^-« ; J. i—aw ^-Ls ^^ J' J> ^- »>^^ uP'-^' ' Kin, J3U ' Read i^i Lw^ c'jJlj ' Khi, dili Ul " Khi, jT u\i9 1^ ' D. in Khi. ^ Khi, a*a. ^;;l L-^ I ,^j| |j_;l s'^ uby i-l;i^n ^«*>».^:, ^IshaH ^j'iai»JI l^JLo ^a».js»»l j^cljJ! ^ iJJbj.J'i ^ ^^^j^Jl ^ic j^sn^Jl ^£ ^! jIm.*!! L-as" jj-^a»- -.U ^U^l «-^J^ aJ;c\!1 J.-2£ liis'' c_i,/i. ^^.Ull i\s-<^li*ll J^s^j^) J.ia>«J^ _5 Jas:-* ^ [^c jx^l Jil.^1 ^^ «kJ _5 iU«.l^ J'-^s'l ^ ^l^kcl «Jf*i li^ yij" ^^J.£ 'AJL-o (^ iit'.As- ^ lx*j ^^J ^yAsr* ^_/lJJl t_j^*'^^ * Khi> J./J1 ; Kdn. ^^CJI " ijjjj jjUI c*5«» J f^ Aa,^\ 5^Uc ^;>1^ *jsr <)UaAJJ ^J^ ^Sc I^'J^I ^jl^ (.^M' c)^*^ '^'^^^ *-^-V ^'J^J^*^1 ^^1 ^"js:^ w w u l^c» «-y^l ^cj' i^ 'i^-'' (#4^1 j^*^ ti'^' •— A^J^^l ^^ tj;*^ J>i>^ >^ i^i jju_ j_j iiUi ^j>ii ^yi ^ jjjx jjbi (w.nU;^,c*ui ^ JS ^lj_j ^'^ [a^ f^J^^ ^^3 U'^*^ ^^^ J'^^' '^'^^^ ^(j*^ Id Jc^] ^Iz !$jJ^ *j Cl^l.lAil j^l g^ 4\>«>aE^ J fc)j*«Jl j^-j1 ^^ Iju« .pi * Read J--iflJll Ic ,jj ' Read a«-.1j L.. ^j J " Read o|^lill ^J,\ ^^ ,^ x* ' Oni. See note 59. - Li Khi, pjai ; K.ln. ^.^1 ^>K^1 ^_^u- >Ca 1 " ad]l Joe Jlji LiSz ^ '^?:/=^ ^ ^j^c- Jfc^ ^^J!^^ (V^^ ^- o-^-*^^ c^? t^-jj-^^ ;^■^'^^ la^j ^ l^ ^jx.^ yb Jjjl ^ l^s^ ^J.Aii\ CJ.l>kII ^^1 ^LJ ^j^ * Read Jl l^J ij^. See note 57. ' J. ^'' ^^ J^> ' Kh. 4i>b ^ Read Liol ' Khi, ^)i\\ ■ Kdn, ^.^1 * Khi, -^ ' Khi, ^\ ^ H^v , Aa.A] 'i,^^z ,.,ja!I *=^ d^lki] fJS^] J^ J 15''^=^ tX^ar* ^J> d.*^\\ SXZ j^ J.«.*j! ;_a_) ..ill jy.ll jUjJ I 5^1 'ij^z ^J,JA>x^\ ^_^A^A^ j._j a:lll jkJi.«I ili^j _. .jJl UjI li'^I^^ 4^=?^ '■^^^ vj^.*^ UAJU l^jpl ^J^ J L5*;J^^ u;^ - ^J^ ^1 ^3> IaJ JUj-i l::^*^^ _j f^J^^.'^ " all jjytJj! l-^ ^,^11 ]y^j^ 15^^ ^ii-^ ^^ i_?*^ 'y";^ 10^ 15^^ ^ 'j;^"** f*^ c^' L5* '^^ l^ys-1 J Jl^!^«j ^s. |J ^^sc ^J^ JO 'j;'^'"^ ^ '-^^ 15* '••''•^.^ Jt^^*^^' ^■t Jl " Khi, i:J * Khi, \a,jIj^C i-.*i; SjjlJ u"^^ ^}-' ^■' < ^iS" (J1 iz (_/aAiil lisa S-^^'^ (J^ 3 ^ill«>I! iJulc *l^^l i)^^ L_j' JsCll .^.<^il ^j-«."*J J I aj.«j>II l)"-*'^. ii)^ (^;^T^^^ 15^^ %**'; ^d"" ^h^j'' " 4, (^V' (^ o^ ^^^ f^-^ cj^-^ ; f«:^^' '•.^.''^«" <-^ 3 b-^- ^3j^^^ 3 <)cin ^(^s-l-j ^^H) lj!il^^ 11 l^l^^l Ul J ^J ,]j-J '^-^^ i_v,-^i ^_5j'^'' W w y^lj Jks^' (J,c_5 Uii (^1^1 t^*/*. tJl _j ^'^-ij ^ cb J^AJ ^J^ ^ i^ljsl ^ c:^^l J KUll ,j:^^Jj^i C-U^ ^1 ^la; ^ ^Ul J^ 'k\.^\ l^a:^ Om. f6 jUj^S! H.Uc ,.jjJ1 *sr juaaU 1^1 J.^j C^lj 4\Ji«J '.^jJic 7^^- (J^ tJ'^ CI^AsO**] J Cl-^i/s- e>Jl^ ^ f^fJ c>-j<3'— i iJ^WLj LI^aII ^i-^i^ (j-jj il.'^s- j_5-j ai">Ls* slalLo If*;'-* ^^'♦^jO.I jjlj^A* 1^ l^ <)Cx^ _j 5.»*w^ tXW! ^i] 'i^tlJ ^ ^^ji>UI U^ i^^^ f^ ; o"^-^-^^' L^^- U-* ^ J ^>^' ^^:^^ tir? .AC ii.cJsl! -N^sr ^}\ ^J\ ^«**11 ^J Ij^^'i'l J^li til^llj ^ ^^^r*^ ^^^ Vxj^ "^ ^j\slJ\\ jail ^U * JCJ^^ ^'v.J^I 5^,i^c (^liSl 1^5 V * Khi, ii ..oji .Lo .UJl c>i-Wj ' Khi, ^^- j< Khi, ^y^ilJ l^j^ or \j^ t ''^ JLs>i ,^^ (^^^1 ^n 4.>a^l ^j J^ kiwi ^jjJ! ^^>:^=F e;?' *-^^'*' liT^'^' e/* ^-:*. (►'j |^*"V ^J'^y**^^ J^ »^C*c ^j^iU i^j^y^' &XC d^J^lrs- » ^cl«j.il ()c! J'Jij (J>:=^. -»^jU \\ JitUc ,.i.)a!1 *sr &j<'ssi.\.] _»>»>jiM o,^/^i- /.(■'^■'i *•= J^ j\i y\ jl ^W j' jy-^' ^1 '^'c^'^ ^^^ jlJ] l_jUj Ul^sr" U ; I')'* CiJ^*" L^>^ *-2»-i cy.i^l (wl '^^*" L^'^^ (^-*.- >-^ (J«l ^ i.i_^J^I f^).x> ^'ai' J Ojisi-l (c^ Usxl'j ^Jf-ai ^Jol ilc .i^iill ju (J.r>-. y& _j J^^s^' jsi-'i *j^a!1 c:^Aj ^^^cXa* *^ ^_jj _j ^>».n sJlJ' ^i^l ^] w w Ci^^ai-, 5 jiljJl Cl^A^Vi jci^,^!! (Jjfcl \\t ^ Sjjj ^ *xu i_jvi[j (Jill w (J.-^i-* ^ L>.j«w*!l ^3l 1^ Ua*i j ui-?K,J,n jjl ^ jJ.^A.«Jl 1^; .»-^JUi J u^ Khi, ^^ l^al Jj^ J-rHj ])-^ j^ ? Khi, aJus. ^jC U^J*" i^^* (•*s* ^ ^i\i J'j" ^.^j^aAj l^ ( j^i' a (_j.a) J'j' . l^>.il l^ cuii^j ki^-c I — 25^ l^ K^Cl^ :^1 j^ L>L ^^c iJ:s:.lj Ij.^) Ij^^l Iz ci^ai'^ aJy ^a> _j J-:^>^1 jl*/i^J l^'^-*^' i/ uJ"^^' ^:^^ ^lai.i ^^^ .^.fC <0>s^l c'l/'*'^ J'"^ '^^^^ /^^^-^ (_5^^ J ^'^ C/^^?. f^ T'iJ'* U^- '^b ''" lifts" J-.-!^ ij^ 3 ijl^^l L-^Cll ^hi- Ic >i~xi\ sASiA J It*" J^ 3 J-'J^^ J^f-^^ h^ Iwli' ^lyi <*-.-^uk>»Jl ^^s L-aVw* L«^li (jjj/i^ '^.^=? (J-* <'^*^ e;^ ;^ ^i;:^^^■^' ^:^'*' 15^ ^'^ u^.'^^ "■•Jl J>'- 1*1 .X^] iX^z ^jJl *ssr juaaU 4jl ^^ J-fljUll ^^ l-i^c 'ijJ^ jJo ^jl '>s^^ J l^l^ssr y KUll ei^s^jjj LlAiJ cXxJ ^^l^ Ulj ^^ ^[c \=^' Ul*i l>«^^ (-2-y.l J l^i' i>4\s^, '^M:6^^ ^s^l (j'"^^*"^. 1;^ J la>JJ^c Ua5U^ ^^'^ ej'^*^ J li;''^»:^^' Jjjjj ijJl-K JL^W OU Uli ^>kK ^ ^j-tf *^ ^ ^laWo ^J^y=>~ ) al'.:^ ei^Ws- u!/^^ U^ 1*^ la Joe ^;l^>k£- ^aj ; titXi- ^j-^^Si^ e/^6^ u5"^ u]j^ t— aLJuii Vj^O ^ XOu,l J ^GaJl ^^-^a^ ^^^ ^c^l Jii '-♦^ic IsyLil ^ ijI;-*^ ^yW^'^ _^^a]1 iUii: Kl^ J ^ ].Sc is^ K1*J1 »J!sJl J^l_j d!;^- '^ _^^*jil J-as- l*li ayJic Jx_j>_ U Jli^iJI ^Jic ^J^^ ^Jol c^JJul _j Jul) C:-^fljdj Ai ic^J^' _j ^llaJl Jjju ^^^as- l^>i lyX* ^1 iijJJl ci^i^ _) l_j<\«*il _5 Ijjlc ^ (•^^'^ 5 ^.^/' Jl c:^!*-,! lyils Ai' ^V 131 8^!=:^' j^-« ^^ icJU^ »Aa> J^ A w ^jol jL j-li ^_^iLw '4^=^ (j^^'*' J^ j/l^Aw jc-V=F ^J/C ^ 5j^*r l^jJl Icl^l ^1 juu Ih-^ JU Jr.yi . ^^Uil '^LJl ^^jJI 9 ^^A^JS\ ^.j A- J f * Jaj"! ^_jA-^ lii;_^^1 ^_^I ^J\^.)J ^^i ^hjj] **! J'Jii j^jJ3'.i- y;*^;^ w luX^.« sj>j i^j ^jl^ lAJ'li^. ^_/^l^aiJl c:^^^^ ^^jtAll (-—jIj Ic j_f^'o J'-J c:^'«>J^=- ^ w u ,ic ' ..11 jjj *i«j.^ cW (J'A^_ l)>t^ c;!;'* (J^ ^-^"'^J (J.^^1! J-"^ O 1- 1 ^ J. and Khi, Jk,c1\ ^^js. allss Khi, ^jl^jo a.-9 ij J'o J Jfji-j^Jbiyi yj] J'i U^ j:a!1 jr,?^! CL-J'j i^J^Jlc a:iijl Ll^l'.; _j ^1 w .^laj Is L.^ .J.ij *J' (-—j'-J^il ^jH (J^j L—j'jO (2p (M^ S— ^:f-^. ^ J'^^' _; .s-li i^^Jt^ jJ>^L»il XmJ J^aI'i «-j. s.^a!1 Ic l^^JiJl J Jw<2a/«J! t ^j'.j .C*t!ilt i . ^V-V ^J^«'-*' c:^!^ _5 tJ-ia.«JI j.^^k*!i]l ^i- •^ L^.. 1 I ^ ^. J 1 ^_-» U^ri-^' ^./-'^ . ..^iiil SAJfc ^_^Mi«J ^J ^J^\jz^3 y\ J.jJ! .^ti ^^Sl jjjtAJ )Ii l^jU^ ij^^ ?^^^ 15' ^^'-^rJ^^. *J' '~?:^S1 Jj-i^. ij^ ^^ J'v4»rl ^c <_— ?4iv)i • 4J;^J ,i ^'j <)U2Li ^.y*^i J aA^ la, Jos- . &>.i ^^ J^ !Jl. yjAc ( ft^j 1^1 «js-.A«-l • ^-^^.j } ^,.^■*- _J (J^ ij-* ^:6'^ ; is^'^^ Is-i- ® Khi, Axij* ij— s^ ' Khi, ^Jlk-^ » Read ^Jlsi-' ' Kill, 4«lc ii^U^j a! i^Uj \^\j^ •' Klii, 4I c>Ufl9 ■* Khi, i2li»js.1 ^ Khi, X* rv .xa.j!,] i','.-4.r. ,.J_\!1 *2SP dXik]^ ,.i.^=>- cf^lAS ,.,'«'-Wi , Ji , .J.*^)l «*>*.^ a^w , ,; .1: J>- * S.aILc m J,^>*S1 ^ Jjti' (^^ '^:^^" (M^ '>^laS! IjI aU-1 slilj _5 "aI'.ac! j Ia/ , jj»1~^Aj i^^^ .li3>)l .'.A/c ^-c .Jfc _j '^^t'- i^i^J * t^-^'l (^-IaI) (__fl^»!ij I/kI _j U^i.;j ^J»s'' J ^j^V)! LlAi>».I! (J>j'^. .i i^l-«Jl ji .s'' -Ic »\*1 Jj J '.^Ui^l j^J] J b^j ' Khi, s^^ Kead -.jUflll U ' Khi, jj^ll ^^j o^Jl M Jxs.j i!"- 'i"J^ Ji ^^rvl j^j [xmj j^cljjl J^;l_. Urij^ UJ^ij^ ^}.h Ss^\ O'*^ 4-^*' (:/* (♦^' '►^i ^ *»^'3 Cl-^-5«A-» '.iJ (J^-J ^ 1 r-J'-=^ •* S Li' i«^ \ia^_ '] <)!Ji! 'juu Ij^i^^ i^ic ^J>£l ^ 'Jl JjA) j^rsnl^l ^ j^.^-j ^ , w..*..!, Jcl oJ J sycl _j LLtjJ! c'.s**' jij.*!' JSJJS) ,_ji J>i^t3 . L_^'U/i, ul UJ W - Kcad jlttlb I ' Khi, Ji ■J sjjkA^ ,,^;J1 JiAA=-. Xa^iJI ixiJl i'j^jk^JI Ki^l !i,=5^' .L ^d,i ( 9^^ j.JuJ.i_^A*«.>*!l A/»„i:c u^."^' ^:^^'^ *^^1 SAaz "^j-^P' lJ.U AJiLs'' SA-»£ .ftlaAl\ ..^i^l t\>-j^i -cli>.!l ^^ ^jJUi^l »J^1 'o^ij^ ^ i\/Ki^] ^^ Ijuj C-^aIj J. _1^1 'jAiUi ^^Llsvl jJi.2^ '>^^ ^j»ak'llj> ' Khi, ^1^ ^ j.un « >? ^ Khi, ^1 . Klii, Ax* i«^fij^a».U, •■' Khi, (^.Jjsi^*^ ■ '■ Omit lj.>l ? ^ Kiii, nc ,_^, r»« . J Is^l, ^djd!l lLJvIj .5 U^ ( >,3> . I >l,=s^'j 1a5 ^.ju^s'' tiAia . u j.^1 A\ j^j _j l^'jkii' ^^Ull .s- ,_^3 ^^ J*l' ^U^ ^^ i>.>Kr^l ei^-v 5J.01 ^ Khi, LjJil, see Makrizi I. 449 ] ' Kbi, c^jr-^ -^^ •>-« ^,\ rr ^ ,iA-Oi i,^.A^ ,,jaI1 ^:sr (XjkAall tfJJj ^ »_^s" J'.s"' ^'«>^ 15*'-'*^?, eJ^ ^Uj^ '^ J'-^^l JCAJ>'^^ •AST Uau *J^5.j 5 "^T^*^ /rf^ iL)^'* t>2lx)l ^^ ^j'iJxi ^jl ^1 i/«*-Asi- i^^Ua^ 4^'^ 1(31 . "'^^1^ i'tl^ • Jlii'l; l^Ai L_5.xll (J:^=*-i ^j»^J', ^t'>^' jz^aLs- . *lcJ'o U'.cJl S^ i^jl li .a 'Jail ^jl ^J ( £l»- tJ j41 I'^l LtJ&;-«^ (^« j^.-o »>/<^ . ^«-^^ LT t 9 • It 11 • 1/ . 1'^ • 1 ( • I y S-j'-s^' ^-^ _ja> . (^«^V. ijJ c;^^:^'"^ t_c;AA!! ^AjJo- _j^^_^GjJi _j .L..^ JU Jail! ''jj'Jk yfe jj«,^«>/iu!! oKi' ijl II '^^! ijjr^p_ ^JJs^ ^J] (^'.s*^' u^ o' J. V " Khi, ^ '" Klli, ixlil J Jail ji '^ Yak. i^^JU " Yak. I4] '' Yak. l;U '"^ Yak. JolHc " Yak. -Jl i'i.^ '^ Yak. '"iV ' Klli, da-jiU ^J^ " J. and Klli, lz^^-Xo ' Khi, Jl^U. ; J. jIb1$ * J. and Khi, ^o^xs * J. ami Khi, ij^xIj ' Khi, Lkc ' Khi, i;;,iiJ » J. and Khi, Jl ^ Khi, .a, J f^ i»5 " > i^" r ■ " ^ i^j^/^s'' »-j_>'i^ ic fl»-''-^' (^ 4\Ji>t*A. I ft_i\ l^li J'j" _ .Ls'' ^fib l^Uii (UjUj ^__ji^ 2^i1 j^UaIij J i;«ilJ < iVi 'ikiti i Lc'.f> jJ^ &Az ^jJlss!^ i5^^^ .j>*^1 (^.^as^ 1..::^:^ 7-^^^ i^ i3.j^^ J^ IaI ^ <.-_^^J ^^iiiiSl ^i Uil^-o ,^^1^ "-^^^^ ^_5-^^' L5*J "^"^ T'^ 'i^- t3>J.«**, y^\. K. .Ivo j,Ac J.iii' Kl^Il s!js^' ci^il^ J Ifij'L ^^^ 4-^'^ w w j,^^\a\] tX5-_.^Jl (J.=^^t rJ-<^l ijil JS^ClSkI! j^i ^A^_y!! livl^l _j ^ic (jJ jJ i^A^^] ^A^ ^i Uwj ,J^>»>=- jjl ^If-e^l .X<1 iwJIs" Si^AC .a^>f3! Ul _5 "^JjLk' * rr^*^'' e;-< A^t ^^i ^ ^lJ^ ^f»•:^^'^ ij^'> ^'^^ '•-*' |^J>A:^ ^'u2j1 C._,^j^'j 1>J'.C lU'i Uj] l^iU Uj^ !t)l_js- ^j;!^ ^» ^ Klii, \^^i * iJeest in Klii, ' Khi, .s:iJl ' Klii, ^jlil r,, ....♦all o ,U" f"* ^T^A^ J.J)I L: U^i^^ Ij (J-wM,! A^^-^ C^S'j _j ^ 'jtJ^'^ ^_^5] ci^Olr: w l^A^ _^^ (Ji-. ^Ic ^1 s^j -iij ^li ^^iill ^^aj^liil Ij^^-0 'o i— ^/i-l Ij.^-^ jyi) ^UIl ^Ux. iJj.lJl Laji ^^] _j jyj! ^.Ull ^1^ J ^i!l l^^^^ i-j>lJI iillJl ^'i [^ ^ Jj},] ^ijl j,^^^"^^ Jt _. UJ:^ ijA*w.s" c:->^^l lail l1A1(3 _j J_5=-^1 —'^^ ^^j cXJ^x^ Jaj> ^5 ix^l^ll ^x) J^j cuIaI'I Ic < a>c _j Jlall ^1^1 >iJ ^^4}] J\ a! Jja; ^ ^;1 *-::--jJi ^j'j ^J*^■i^^ (^J-o tj;yl a^j^S' ci^l _j ^j\-;*.j ^5 ^<1 ^j,^ ^. »***Ai l)^" ^-o ^j^ST j ^^IgJ j^^ Ll^Jl cdAsi. ^(3 Ic Jf^S ^^^ (^j.>«.L*/».!l 1! (.^_^svl ^Ci\ss jJ^'J Ij&jMjlj iilj^W >G»11 f?-tj J J. and Khi, ^sill 9. ' Om.j ? J>>k--1 ^j U^ o^''^'^ c;^ cjf^'^ ^!U^1 ^j^xf/i ^«=^Jr^ cJ^ t:^^ ^^ j^ic .^^J! lla Alii'-s^ J ■J'J^I;'^ ^^^^ 'l^^'; 15?^ '^:^-<;^' i^ U-^ w w jcli=kjj !1^^J! ^*! u-j'.^^ o^Aj p'./«.~«1 ^/=^ AijJ'^ «N:i^i'U ^j^5>- u-jj^iJl ^ cUaJI I! ^^yk«jl ^ j^A=-l ci^ju i'A>>^ll KUJl jsjjb i j;!ii.jj«j! l^Jl J'Jij ^ .^Tj ti^2>-l Ll^JL) sAj^aJI J;Ci^!l clJlJsajI/*, 1 ^ U _j ,_5-*£J^ t:!^'^"''-^ -s^-^i" ^-^ [/"Kali t)^" isL^l ^^t JU LII^S'J' _j l^A^AJ j^c1a!1 saJ^il tX/ks-* ^ ic jJ^-<^\ ^^^ r-* J^=^^' '^:^? J^LiuJI u la^xo ? I ' Khi, ;sy ^ c lfU *J' ^'^••-c ^^, ?-]'^^ Cl^ij -y-'^^^^ iLw litj^^ ^ ^ &.Az j;l!l ^-♦.a^. !^«*yj j>a!j!1 ^1 j_^) cul^jJl l^wj>«j ^ '^;^r','^'-i *— -jl^-i- ci^Ju >U/^! v::^l^j' . ^'.x»«xj.l . (j:i^il w (^>Jj'iaC^' ALcI^ S^'' ^j^/Jl Jl yj'^-^j' Ajjs!i*,<, i.*Ui!l SA;t^.<, 5-]^>«w=*- U _j f?.,LAll _j \yJLV\ ^ t^s-^'! laarsr ^J.j'1^ AJ.'i Cli^^l ' L Jb^a- '^'•*' {>^ '^ 5 i_5^'*j (M'*^^'^ (vj^ «.'i L^jj_!Lj ^jii^^a ^ Read j.Jj!l ^^> « KM 444. ' Khi i? .»j> ; perhaps ijj^^*- '? 1 Eead jll, ^ rl. and Klii,^ftxa. ^) j^s.-* ^j ' Oni. Klii. rv .XA>J^\ 'iXAS. ^M^.J^l *isr ^jJiai! »fti Ui Jcii:s^.^^ i *siJ.1 . j^J^wJ • f-^-*" jlJuJ>Il *^j^! jjl J ^jXXkJ^] .>^1 ^jjlLi«j <—_>.*!! («■:^^^ */^'*S' ■3.>.«J1 ^^*; ,J.I1 Uvj ^j A^sr* ^^J ^j]^'^ Ls^''^' 1.5'^ (j' tj' ^'^^' '^'^^ (s^ li^ Uy*"^ ^^)'^:^'' ^ '-7-V^' '«^-^^-« M-^-^^ i.^»l^ As>-»l ^W-X-o u« i^^c t_5^' ^jlLl***!! ^^ ^^:>isr .J.^1 ,^-<2^ c:^:sr j^j^jr^^il ^'-^^ (^ ti^>^r-l c:^j itj>j.^M.!l Isl^l 5%^' ,Ui-) , J U=-,/i. , Jb , ^xaaJI ^dll (J^ {j^^ ^'j (^'' j^^ ^^ .^♦.^ils^ . (j'v*^ ? {J^^^ (Ji,Aa=>- .i^HJ ci^j.a>5 . .'-JoJ 1 fill ^j'wo ^^c U^t>i _j>k«*] ^T"J)j (♦'•:>J (^ l-jJ't)U t^._lJ J '-«-^; y^'^^ !l j_^i)'-i^ t_?t5Ll . Jijilixis^ ^xi/>*i ^J^ Cl,"j'.! 'lajI ^ ^..J ^.'i'-J^l JSJjb '-r';^ lO^ l*>«.icl f^T^s: J'^'j ^-^^' '^^^ (_fljA.«Jl d^^.til _j ^aliSlj ^«n rJ ,J' ^l^-i^ di^ij ^U/^lj Uaas il J.ssr.1 J JJLji lIt^^^' "'l«.A»i».y ^I iJ.ji' -1^ 15^ 5'^' l*'^'*' ''^' '^:^?i l)"*' JfjLxs' ^^ (J.A.5 J c^J^;' ; (^-< <)C-\:1 J^i-1 ^tXJl *itl^ 'tJ.^Ji ^i''JuI! WW w w^ JL* ^ cJ^.ks-1 1 ftjui (X^lin^ '-r^'^'^ <^yj ij'^ ^UawI C>3;a_i * Lacuna in text. '" Kill, ^;:^l rd .x^Jj] 'i,[AS. ,.,Jt^\] >.rsr ^jiijijj ..j>.a_!L>«.j1 LlI^Jo . l)-^'; ' ^'' (ii^f'*^ «* v.Il*Ji-^ jj" AX<»J_ '^^ (^j j*«-^ ^^A^ i\^^ Ji A^Imj (J.i-« Js'jL^l^ 'H•:^^- /^■*»* S-'j*^^ '^T^^ ^ '^'^^^f-* d^lUii ljj'^*.'0 iJlJ^ ^ii- ^ J "^^Jl U^^^^ Ijrs.^^ Cl^llai ^^^ ^c %.J^il LT^ Khi, aiJ 6^«s»m Read i.1 ij^jl oUl ^^c^--5?; Khi,^aiil «.y i "' Khi, ^_^.U ^A-^U E u ^\i,- ^" JLaIc *Wj fh^-6 {J-^^j (Jp J CL^J.s:^ \Jj\ni (J^^* (^< '1/'^^ ^ a^^j\ l^Lcl^J ^1 11 L_^*!l »^:=^^ Ij '4=V* ^;^' u^ ^^' '^' o"^ i^'^.ji L_jl^>i- |j J^-.l ^1 ^aX< u_Jfcl J *yi J.s***^' ^^ &j1\ S3>. j^ A*-^ Li^'li j^jo : J.al lij.li: <}:L^i_j *Car *^1U li^>it ^^k; y^l ^1^ j^£ ^ J I ij^ ^i '^iV. ^^.»d i/^J'l ^ S-^'-^ i-lI^Jb ^U«-l isJo^JI ^tlo ^-0 l.::-sl2A>- . T-^-*^, CL-sJ-:^: ^jaLs' /♦;^'*>^1 /•'•■» ,«■-'' ^^-^^^».=>• ' iiUsCii ^^ ii ? to) ^ ^>,«jj^^^ ^Iki-j <--^*3\ ,*Ji^^ fV^^^ uiiLJ\ jx^< jUs^^ w jj fcS*^\ ^\^ ^> S*f>.iM jui\ ^ I ^l^«J Cl^Jk^ *l-***»l &< 1 <):JUj L5* LJ"^"^- (*■' 5 *lAii^l _j l:i;UaJ'j \jt^^ Ic'^**" lA^Lii- Isa^ w ^ JCs-*. (J.A.S- kUlij ^^ V^. c;^ ij^ ^ (-)y^. J U-'-^^' S-^^. J>^ J^ ^*^ Jy. f^} ^J^^}J ^BU'i/ajj u_fi!l 'wftlJ' ,^ ^i ^^A.t^r». JU ^^;J^b ,^ iYI u^l ^.j^ '' Hi w u u f«-^'^l tj iJi^h^ ^^ !) Lt'^' j'^- r^i '^^' O^ ^'^ W" <:^' J^''i j»^l «^ALkJ! ^^ 4->'^ d^Jo >U>^1 i^jk**; J j^aj ^^ J>3 J J. ^^. ^i ^c I 1 ^UVI ? '^*yn , 'x^.Ki\ 'i\.*x ,.f''^S' !»■' a:>AAU i U'^-* o :sn_.Lflll *^>!1 ^Lj.i J^ii^^W ^li-} _5 jKc 'lU^ ■i'j ^^ As-L' Li' l^jl^lAk;. J *^J' *^sr ^tfjul Jaaj J ^^1 1^11 l^la'^s^' j^.^i'ilj iJMj s sj^jj c:^i-i-t> (J^ T^i^l >^^ ^^'< ij^j^.. "^ ^ ^ xj.i 'is^W ci^JlL Uli 'i,x)^ =* Red , ju^ * Reud^lo Yak. Ul L^IU: 4^>yi Jl5j a:^£ ,a.) w w ^ JsA5-l *fiAi ^^IaI! J'_j-c1 ^jC ( slajJl J ( j'.ai3! ^ CUJ.I c;^ u;-^ U* ^^^^.y J' i^j^ ^^^3 ^ ^'^^1 ^^^ ^' c;^ ,*5'-' tX^-sr_ LcUj" ^j ,^1 J'v^'j ^5-*^ ''•^j'-> jj'^ <^'vj t^} r-o ij'*-^^^ (*^ Jw«UJl ^Ars-^ ^ Ijci^ ^_jll i^AC Ijil^ kx^ J^ i -_jj (--'l^ d^Aj ^l-»w.l ^XC (— j'.^ ^^J k^sewj) X^^ ^:^^y. (J* ^ yb c:^!'i IJJt (Jil J^l Uil^ 'W^Jj W J^ ^(J^r^^^ '^^^^=^ ^^ ^Jl Ac ^ JlSxi K-J.j^9-jSio ^l^i_ ^ JjJJ, ^'^^ ^J ^'^^ >^ ^Jiy ^^1 «— 'Its' ^^«) oKj ^ j^jij ^a _j .'^'*'^1j ^^^ J (»-jfJ'.J*>l ^j .Isr^ aUj U^ |-a _j l^>ic LL«.L j^l til«*flil ^j'.L1n« .(^iu_ ^i _j '^il J^i-jJl ^. Lc' •— -'^T^J^ '"■gf^j'^ ^xiljUi * (j' J WW w '! (_5Jo, ii.^1 ^jl k.:l.^S _5 «-7-''^'i' ci^Ju ^l^fc/jjl lij^j^ ^Juc (d^sr (Xrs-kliwj Ji d-'tiv^^i li»_^vJ6Jj'j i|**i.it*k)l j^ lSs^j ^^ '^^i ^ (J 1^1 j^^ U^pU^ CL^Jk:=^»i t__ftiAw.il ^ ^ia*^l CLi^a>iU.r . (Jl^"' e:^^J^iii jJod i fill ^Uiij' jjj; ^j Jj U y'i!^ JJl _j ci^-cl-all Kan. ^j& 'U«»l A^js^jj aJ (.2*jyjj ■Aj^l c,-^' ^.p (A i, (Js^-^***^. ».xl ^ i'-^.« ^s sn,-i^l Aj J 'i^z^\ ^^ jA.^i Ul ^yli %j^\ ^,< Jy j^i ^5U*.\1 _j ^^.-^^ J ^X> Cj^Lc J I ?-UA^ ^jU-*^ CJ^jU (^-*J^! ^1 '-fr^jj-^' ^ J^-^" iKj ulJ^l^l (Ji_A5r ;U=>- (^Aw.»-1 Uj>^=.- ^j^«j. j?!! J-jS" 5 ^:saJ-iia!l i«<^l^l tlljl^ll _5 ^_^^il Lijjs^' JC>JU.ll jlj_js'' J iiJiyJ] J ^.$31 A/fc«.! ^ '•«T"^j _^c'^ J;*^. ^:^' J lib;->-^fl.AJ l^AC Ju J '"V^'^*'' J 'jbi^^^l ^ J»/».»-l J-AJJ.S.- Lc ^asa_i^l Sa.s.-^ ^ji iz ^i^AJ! ,'>J^! jj-« J * J. and Khi, ^^ ; Ah. s^^ | ' ^^'l^jJ ^ ' is^-'' 1 See infra. \^>. J.*ual (fflO t^ , ^ 2t A-fl 3 l^Aiii Ul'x ^KJ A;J.j«.a!1 (J.^^i L'i: iXJ^juJl iWb . l^ ^Ai J! ^.^ ^^ _j ^.5^ Jl j^i^ ^^< y^ ^oU^ ^j Jljs.iI! j:j w 4^J.-flll ^Jljs^l (♦l/^l Jf^Ucl jc<^il^ -os^' J^^l Jlc ^0 JLcjc>^< J'-^ (^' r:^^' ^^:J^" '5^'«>*"«1 W J'-AJ JLjul ^ , S-''-^ w oL- If UJj la.Il ^J^^ ** _j ;J^»- JV; i^ ^'-^ '"^ ^ L»^aiA>tJ! ^'xmj ^^ h jS i_5=^'_j^-i'_j ^i_5^^^J-^l ^^^ ^^ 1^ j^~ \J^ 8_jCaJ1 ci^xil ^^ic ^^jc'jJl a]'j j^c ^j A>«>s:-^ ^_jwi'.A]l iiiLLo ^_jj c.j^. j^j=>. JUcl djLc 15^=^ Ls^bj^' r''"^ ^--^:^. f^ } ^;' 3 ^^ liT* L"^ ""s\] ^s: iUiJiiJ J^^s-ill [ss: 1^ i\j^x«. J.j^-i' Ac <^1^' J.AC ;_^JJi _.a . a^iJj ^ w w w \j:^\j ^ diillj Uaj.=^1 J'i UiJ..* '.^p'^i' ^s" ^jIm. ^_^^ _j v^A-^j-* ' Yak. \y^\ J\, ' 3j» 1 , Yak. k.> ' I "'^'^ ^'^^''' ^>^ J ^- " (JV 1 See note I'J. u"*"^^ ^J-' ir ,^^ i^ , Ic ^ 3 U"- -J U"^ L5' nIj^J ytkAS ^»^^' . J-C (X.'cilwj 1^1 (jJ>w*2«- !ijj); ,.j /.}*'* '■^'' "^ (o^ u iJJa 3 J-^ e/* (^^■^^' ^ U**"* y-^ l-U^^-25>- _j ^: .^Jl _^-o (j^as- ^ !$^.^Jjl tj^-=^ ^^ J (J ljv>«-^' ^Ic C.; .Ui' ^ "^j'jkjJiJl J:>iJiJI r^' e^ ^^J e;W'' (^-^ J ^^=F^' j'^ .sa..41 ^l o' txill ^j j.Jv*>*s^' <);1)1 Jv-kc jjI jjllaU*!! U^J-ic L-^liS '^J»L^1 _j ^ KM and J. j.i.M ^ AUj* j « Khi, j^W '' J. .jil Khi, jjA ' ^'■ ' -T. jl^iJI ' Khi, (>j^l ^J Khi, i^lj ^ ^^JM J_j ij^ ^j ' Kn. »jLjJl ^^* ^^A»l jA J Khi, U«J1 (v;-aa> i^J J"--'; ("r^ L^'**J'*J See note 19. * Khi, ^ij [j^_j^ \ij^ ^j^J.ki ^^ J -i^Ji.J IJ\J^ Jx ^^j< ^^ ^LsT _j ;^^ ^a _j J'j^- ^^?1 ^>i-l ^1 J.C J U^lc ^^U_^^ j^AJii ^j^U.^ Jl ''y^'^^l J f***j ^A«« ^^j ^J^ \^J^sJ S^'s _j J*'*- ill . ..fcsv^il (jfljL,l ' Khi, jji-j ' Khi, ^c ^ Read '-♦J * Khi, r-^: -J' ' Khi, t- ^^. t^^' ^>.}"' Ac'^ASi- * i,i\ a;jA*. J J .'SL)>.A^\ 'dMj\Aj (^^*w.J ^j^ST^I^I ^Uixll ^^ J w WW w w w * ^<=>-\^ .^^i_ ,),1 'LX-*j ^ (.^•Aj^ j^j ^ic *^!ljl jjjjj) A_^-j ; lLJ^jI-c A:5- ^a> ^ Jli' JkS^ili i>-j,jtMj i»^l>»jl »jl ^a iiis» ---a^ ^ ciJ',/«.Aw./*i- . ^.wAi- . u.«.ls'iftJl 'i^sWi ^j^^-i JIaJI -snj^l A.*^-^ ^^ /]^ r^^' ^'4:=- ^_5-<'^l ti' J'^'-*^' J^'J-i) i^l^l aII^ U^J y& _j Khi, l^jjCll *cU J * Khi, oUli* J. .Xaj.) I 5 ,Uc iL tj?.'^^' j*^ <):jkAi,ll ^^J-^ ^ l^Ajo J ir;^.^'^' e/* u''t/^" 3 ' ^^^'^''*^^' _J ^'^'=s^ \3^-J^ L5^-^' 1(1 J I 1 i_j ;^'JJ1 jy. ^ \ ^1I1 jj- Vyi JM (^^ iv»UIl iVt^'^. *i' cUj! ^"W jl ^»jj.Ai. '«f>ir'; . cl»^l iJ^ d\,\ ,.,^ ^ iXx^ ^' ,.,j%a'1 *J' LaJkAll ^' 4il,J^j * ' c;-*; *J j^Ji»A.| *J '-^:^;^l (^ "'r:^^ j.^ t>.» A-S.^ ^1 'V r" ^''^ f r*^" ^''^'^- ->'^- 'H/'''^' '^ '^'-J ^^''v^ fcL-ciLu ^Jl ^J.Aw.»- jJ ^lU (J ^J.»«,s'' ^jAAJI ^X'As>- • ^^^X^\ ^J^ ,U^il w w JU jSid i_an ^^ ^ij.ll i^J>n ^^^. J L5V^ (*^ -J ''■-^ ^'' l/'^ \A\ K ^^;^'.^l tj^ ^jtS _j J>Xb (j^ ^ic yl 'K: li^ .Ic XJkiflJl -A) 4^5 J ^-^^ A^t) ^.^.)\ ' Kill, iia-Ulj JJ^W ob J ' Khi, dU-^^ « Klii, 4.1^1 ii>- '^ Deest in Klii. » Khi and J), oil ' Khi, ^1^ '" Khi,^ i» J ^^>> ^=j-i ij*j c'-^'^-? f ^M c^* ' I>. e^Al " Khi, ^^.^5^ J UJl^H •^ Khi ami J). IjJ"^ c w iiAs^L ^ .s:^' ic ajIs-L. sJ.r^l^5 ^^JAiJh [JiA Jjj'J^a-J ^^ a " Khi, UjiX^\ '" Khi, 1^^ i;^^-c ^«Khi,i.jjJI;M.i^jjJl ^' Khi, H. i^:. >« Khi, ^iL ^^ Khi, _c>,il o':^ -" Khi, ^jjjU J ' Khi, ^1 Khi, is\^o Ujl^ J ^UJ ^^^ L J Khi J jt^la. (*WJ ^J< i].s>^* Ji" J * Khi, i-^ii^ ^ Deest in Khi. Khi, ji-] J ft^^ ' Deest iu Khi. ' Khi, ^ ' D. J4^1 V , .XA,j!i\ '■6,[-AZ ,.,iS\\ *!^ JCj^aill o w ^^ji-i" Ijlc^l |,lc ^jlc ^jl^ ^ J 1^3 i^^^; (J^ yU/«Jl JuuJ^ ialli-l j |J J^ JsJl Aac ^j jAC '^jJ-»*^ bAAii.^ 15^'^*^' <'^' 15^ ihA] J Cl^Uj^aH w «-^'^ iil.5i-_«JI • fg-'^ ) (jj^ 3 ^ ,x)l AJ.C ^ .A,z jj.'u^c ^^ f'«''T^ '^^:^^ li)'^^ '-^"■' ^-V ; ^'<^^as JIas^' ^;;»b C'J ^-oV -J lLAIwJ ^.^ J J''■■^^ Sf^i l^i d--:*.]; 1 i-cil*- i^jl (^-^^^ ^j'^'*^^ Ir*'-^ JU^tjl »:^^£=^ yb ^ jj^s'' lAs*"-* ij(^ ^ j^A^i ^J^^o ^jJ A.-«>i>-l T.-<'>^ (J-JU »^l:5-^a ^ aW' f^"-*- <)t>ic <)dJl 1a5 a1!1 ^jyuJJ L^--'wc J.A5W ^ JU^ x'Jij ^^ J^l labial w ^^jAsJj ^!i~- ^Al^^l Jli' ^s^ ^Ki ^[z j«.-^.-'2«aJ ^^i^ IjI _j Jc^Uii aajA^ ^ uJ yT"^ e/: ^y^v/^' '^"^^ llJ^ r'*^ <)o ^1 l^^ «>«j./«>i^ l^JU ^J.j'. (M.!. I til l.^-^.' i^-o • ^.^iiiJ J^bt^^ ^..^-%s«- I/O aL)_;5l^T ^^.-1' -*"' 'J l:;-< !j^i^=^ viJ^i-o VJL^Jl^ ^ J>jo J ^ LaAas^ ^^-^'j d^Jb lUJ) A!ii-^ dCAiUi" ci^Lj' ^ t)'j ; J.J.3 J JtU' >3>jic a:>«»^l J,aL ^,c ^l<, Cl^l^ l^i U^AC UjIjs^ A<1^ j^jI |^J.«*=- IjJfc V^.j J ( j.*o^ ^6 l^ ^ *l^«j tj'^^j 15^ l;*^^' iijcVo Liii-I _j i^ij^l jL)j ^^1 Lii4.^ jtj * Khi, jjw, iS^> JWj J9 A^ i«--l I ' la,-slftj 1 I •' Xhi, J-;^l , J-4.Jk!l i'.'.AC ,.,jaI1 ^st JtjkJiAll lg5 Jlij, ^ii.j.y (iCjy l^AJ'^ Jl Ar^i ^ JSJ^i » ^;^i Us.-^A' I — J^yt'**^! ^'i l^Le _. ^.AjJ'j ijJix!! LcjJl a:ji C^^ii %i_j-< J_jl ^_^a _j ^J l^-e U-J.S' (J-^J ivj^-^i _5 LS-'*^^ (J-fiil! (^) J>A=S-* l^A-« _. (j^l jyAX^ I 5,iA;'j ii;.i*'l js\cj.!l (. .~^'.^ , ,x>^l jcli' j,A£ »;1 L!.aI1 ii'r J 2^_cUil Ja=>. ^^Ic C,._^ii: ^_y:UIl J^l ^ A^s-< lia ^^ j ^^J lX^is:-* ^_5^^I L__;l:^'^' ! J. * ns-'wc ( j,yi (^ ^j[a.A»j j'o ; ._.> -^" ^:; Ui JI ^: *V^ L'T* '■^ 5 ..i-*^-<*^ LJ^r~ <' /♦ ■*' '^•*'**' S.Am*^ <)Ii.>*>C • "' Khi, ^^J^iC ,Up ' Yak. A,j Yak. ^jjjyfic;!! s^jii- ^j ^J^^ ^^./^ Jos^' 1^»J0^_ il y^l 'kJ^'i u-Jfi i^lc ir^A-^1 ^_^jJ] ^i! . S^a*=- 45'.:>, ; ^^\ ^^j,^=- jIj ; ^'1 l1J.U _5 Jl ^A^kW _5 ^ lAC .=^ J- CJ.Lc ^J>.} U / ^jO aj ^li>! t^>*^^ '^-^^^ cU'.t) ^^ JC^lc W«_^jt^Ui' .AjtJ ,J| J iJ^Jt.^' iJ« .^ >A:s- c;-^ "J' c; ■^ »J& • ^•xX^ AA.J. Ic ^aKixli i--J,-ii>_ _j j'jj 1^ ^y;j:j.s:" ..>^i .kk- ,.,1^ ^2 t a^ ■r jIj : ^jl i-:li3 Li^J ^ai ^^:.=>- ^ s ^.-i'j j:a]j Uj . , cJo ;_] J,,,.^\ .AaJJ.^ _J '^i^^ ^A_., . _J ^. Ai! jci^A^ (v)'*':!^^^ f-:^'**^ ' f^-^-' ^ * Yak. ^Ji ^1 ^> ^Jl^♦c JU J J . For ^J^»^ read s^Uc Yak. c;* J^f- ^Ij u'' *HL_ ^jli Yak. ^asa-j ^^?,j ,^j1 ujIj^ ' Khi, .a«j ^) J^s." Jb^ ^ cJ^ f-t'r c^ (^=v' >>-rC ^? ^^A/fcjJl 'i.[AS. (^jaII *sr <);AftfljJ w ^J/^J^ w C^' lJt" ^■^t^ c^^:^^' LiJ'* ^*" 5 ''^^^ ''^^ Ax*.*.. ...oaAJ ^jselAlI i^^%k-* ^^\ ^^^J] ^Jt,^ jk^s) Lll^il^ ^aII L>Jljk!^ _5 ^-*.^j ^^^'^'^^ _j w » Yak. s\U 8 Yak. d> ( '" Deest in Yak. " Yak. ^\i^ " Om. Yak. " Yak. iilflCjl iWII ^ '* Yak. d**) ^* Yak. d) J! ^ U» ^ Yak. *♦-,! ^JOJ i^^Ij))! ^Jc " Yak. j^ ' Yak. 'Iil3 ^_5-liJI * Yak. ii,il ijji •'' Yak. (6".w. »^jJll)^lwj Yak. Yak. cc l^jS U^:^^' ^■■}"' :J1 fcjfp-l .;^ is, ;lj .jJ ^ ^ J»AJ ^^'-^^ ^^^> /^^Jj <'':^-*^ tc-j^ "— ^'^.'"^ t'i] ^;jis: ^jkW J^li L-jliii" ' ^»j ^ ^^^(^ ji'j (^'■^^'>'*j t:;:^^' 1-5 14 , s ' Yak. ijjl:Jij9 (jjp^^l j cJ^ij-o^l « Yak. Ll/" « Yak. .LjJl ^^c " Yak. j^ " Yak. iolL, (^ ^- Yak. icUU j^a i " Yak. i_jbj 9 om..ijj^j (iillj jslj " Yak.^i'^Vl om.t3.cj ^ Yak. Ajji 1^ .iuj jJj |^« j«jiu i_Jiij jA.^ ; Khi, '6.^^\ ^ ^t, ^ J. a-j1 ^^) jL)^ ij> aUI j.^ II * J. J d^ jj J Jl*jj l^.fl (^ jj* ij^ •' Khi, Jilj ^^1 « Khi, ^ ;;^1 ; Yak. J U . ^J.-*-0\ ^^^Ui U"^^^ ^ ^^"iixl^ &-viial} t>^Jji^ ^i^! ^ J^^s-^ i_)-<2i! ai! Aas^' ^.-^s^jJ^ cvJ**"?^^ *^^ (*^? Ic ,j1 jjsji'i,!! tJ'T^'^' iS"^'-*^' (-S^^'*^' L,'^^'* '-i^-^^ ^j».«>A«./«wi^ . 1 ,sr . l"j 'jb.r, . L\i.M ,.T'«'>51 5.j;s- .'oi-l ,.,^ , ^laa^ iic U ^Isn^l j;)js:=*- (^ i.<^".s-* ^J^'vi: ^>^'JiJ i^ixs'^i'. J_5J_.^Lli- |.j j>A=vl ^J.iiiJ'_j ^^^'*>^' ULAIVI Cyxz ^i j'jJi JCAiii!! ^J.>li! ^jjji.5* ,^'iall jl r^^^l lIJA^I >— ^^.U J^^J ; i^s-^J t5>J>ja.« ^','iS j^J *— -'1/9 Klii, j^ ^♦a.l (j^~.i>i «;1 lIJUI uj>0^^^ ^^ S^^^^^ AAAaII ^^f^\ f..j^^ v--5l>i UJ t>.l._i- ^A ^J^»'J\\ sx—S' ic_«^k*J\ ^_k_*Ui_i^ J^\ J ^.^yt»_5\ ^^la)\ u_ flj^l 'i (j;-*J:5v r ^loj* ^^^'♦>'' ^Ai! ^J«J^ lijliil ^ISJ^j ^ dJi.AjLi' :^ %>, % m \RY FACILITY J 7 !) If i^is ^^^^RHI ^Ki^ti^'