Mathematics OF Accounting and Finance By SEYMOUR WALTON, A.B., C.P.A. Dean of the Walton School of Commerce, Chicago And H. A. FINNEY, Ph.B., C.P.A. Professor of Accounting, Northwestern University Chicago Third Printing NEW YORK THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 1922 Copyright, 1921, by The Ronald Press Company All Rights Reserved PREFACE This book has been prepared as a manual of business calcu- lation, for use in connection with the problems which continually arise in the course of business as conducted today. In deciding what subjects to include the authors have been guided throughout by the desire to make the book directly useful in business offices, particularly to persons working in accounting and in the various lines of finance. There are many school texts on commercial arithmetic, but they are necessarily too rudi- mentary to be of much aid to readers of mature experience. No space has been given here to a consideration of the elementary and fundamental processes of mathematics. The effort has been, instead, to present material of more advanced nature which has not been generally available. This material falls into three general classes. The earlier chapters explain in considerable detail a number of short processes and practical suggestions that may be applied in routine computations of any sort. Particular attention has been given to the matter of adequate checks upon calculations. The central portion of the book treats of the special appli- cations of arithmetical principles and short methods to the problems of individual lines of business. In the final chapters an attempt has been made to explain, in simple terms, convenient ways of using logarithmic and ac- tuarial methods in the solution of business problems relating to compound interest, investments, annuities, bond discount and premium, effective bond rates, leaseholds and depreciation. During the last months of his life, Mr. Walton devoted most of his strength to this book, and it is a source of profound personal iv PREFACE regret that he did not live to see its publication. Few men were his equal as an accountant, a teacher and a writer. None surpassed him as a friend. H. A. Finney. EvANSTON, III. August 15, 1921 CONTENTS Chapter Page I Short Methods and Practical Suggestions ... 3 Short Methods of Computation Balancing an Account Combined Addition and Subtraction Adding a Part of a Column Deducting Several vSubtrahends from one Minuend Table with Net Decrease Complements Short Methods of Multiplication Multiplying by 1 1 Multiplying by 11 1 Tabulating Multiples of a Multiplier Tabulating Multiples of a Divisor Division by Use of Reciprocals II Fractions and Proof Figures 16 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Cross Multiplication Equivalent Common and Decimal Fractions Proof Figures III Arithmetical Progression 22 Elements in Arithmetical Progression Analysis of Simple Progression Computing Total Simple Interest C. P. A. Problem IV Average 29 Utility of Average Simple Average Moving Average Progressive Average Periodic Average Weighted Average V Averaging Accounts 42 Settling an Account Calculating Interest Items of Varying Amounts Focal Date Rules Applied VI CONTENTS Chapter Page Reducing Days to Months Compound Average Example of Compound Average Another Illustration VI Percentage 50 Percentage Terms Used in Percentage Fundamental Processes Percentage of Increase and Decrease Some Applications of Percentage in Business Per Cent of Goods Sold — Various Manufacturers Monthly Sales Compared on a Percentage Basis Sales for the Week Ending December 18, 1920 Comparison of Sales by Departments Individual Sales Compared with Average Individual Sales Compared with Maximum Apportionment Division of Profits Distribution of Factory Overhead Gross Profit Method of Approximating Inventory Analysis of Statements Percentage Analysis to Determine Causes of Variation in Profits VII Equation in the Solution of Problems .... 66 Solving Equations Illustration I Illustration 2 Illustration 3 Illustration 4 VIII Trade and Cash Discount ......... 76 Trade Discount Cumulative Trade Discounts Methods of Finding Net Price Cash Discount Discount as a Protection Against Loss Cash Discount Regarded as an Expense IX Turnover 83 Indefinite Meaning of "Turnover" Normal Inventories Necessary Different Bases of Comparison Working Capital as Basis of Turnover De'in'tion of Working Capital Need of Exact Definitions CONTENTS vii Chapter Page X Partnerships 89 Division of Profits Liquidation of Partnerships Periodical Distributions Reducing Capitals to Profit and Loss Ratio XI The Clearing House 08 Principle of the Clearing House Debits and Credits with Clearing House Clearing House Transactions Manager's Sheet Economy of System Application of Principle Extended XII Building and Loan Association 103 General Characteristics of Building and Loan Associations Terminating Plan Practicabihty of Plan Serial Plan Distribution by Partnership Plan Distribution by Dexter's Rule Withdrawal of Shares Sources of Income Premiums Individual Plan Dayton or Ohio Plan XIII Good-Will and Consolidation 116 Purchasing a Business with Stock Allocation of Net Earnings Good-Will Appraising Good- Will — Year's Purchase Method Capitalizing Gross Income Issue of Two Classes of Stock XIV Foreign Exchange 123 Conversion of Foreign Coinage Reverse Conversion Dealing in Foreign Exchange Average Date of Current Account Conversion of Foreign Branch Accounts Reconciliation of Accounts XV Logarithms i^p Use Multiplication Division Vlll CONTENTS Chapter Page Calculating Powers Roots Nature of Logarithms The Characteristic and the Mantissa Tables of Logarithms Characteristics of Logarithms of Numbers Between i and lO Use of the Characteristic in Pointing off Results Logarithms of Numbers Smaller Than i Use of Negative Characteristics in Pointing oflF Answers Computing with Logarithms having Negative Characteristics Determining Mantissa by Interpolation Determining Numbers by Interpolation XVI Simple and Compound Interest 154 Simple Interest — Methods of Calculating Rates Other Than 6% 365-day Basis Partial Payments Compound Interest Symbols Amount of Principal Frequency of Compounding Determining the Amount Determining Interest Determining Present Worth Determining the Compound Discount Summary XVII Annuities 171 Definition of Annuities Symbols Amount of an Annuity Sinking Fund Contribution Present Worth of an Annuity Rent of an Annuity Equal Periodical Payments on Principal and Interest Annuities Due To Find the Amount of an Annuity Due Sinking Fund Required Annual Contribution Present Worth of an Annuity Due Rents XVIII Logarithms in Compound Interest and Annuity Com- putations Calculating Compound Interest and Annuities by Logarithms To Find the Compound Interest on i To Find the Principal To Find the Rate To Find the Time 190 CONTENTS IX Chapter Page To Find the Present Value of i To Find the Compound Discount on i To Find the Amount of an Annuity To Find the Amount of Sinking Fund Contributions To Find the Present Worth of an Annuit}' XIX Bond Discount and Premium 194 Bonds Purchased Below and Above Par Discount Scientific Method of Amortization Income Rates Bond Premium Computing the Premium and the Price First Method Second Method Computing the Discount and the Price First Method Purchases at Intermediate Date Serial Bonds XX Leaseholds 217 Commuted Rents XXI Depreciation Methods 221 Annual Depreciation Appendix A — Values of Foreign Coins 231 B — Logarithms of Numbers 233 C — Compound Interest and Other Computations . 254 Mathematics of Accounting and Finance CHAPTER I SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Short Methods of Computation Since the work of an accountant necessarily involves a great deal of computation, it is desirable that he be familiar with cer- tain labor-saving devices. Those which are presented in this chapter have been selected because of their simplicity and because an accountant has occasion to apply them so frequently as to make their use habitual. No attempt is made here to describe all the innumerable "short methods" which, however ingenious, are difficult to remember and rarely available. Balancing an Account In striking a balance in an account, the proper method for determining and inserting the balance is to add the larger column and enter its total in both columns; then to add the smaller column and insert each figure of the balance necessary to produce the total. The following example is given to illustrate the method. Debits Credits $1,846.22 $ 126.13 2,913.68 248.71 4,327-11 1,635.48 2,319.11 4,757-58 $9,087.01 $9,087.01 The balance of $4,757.58 in this account is found and entered in the following way. First, the larger side of the account, which happens to be the debit side, is added for a total of $9,087.01 and the amount is placed on both sides; then the items on the credit 3 4 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE side are added and the figure in each digit column necessary to give the figure in the corresponding column of the total is in- serted in the place reserved for the balance. Thus, adding the first column, 3 + i + 8 + i, gives 13, to which 8 is added to make 21 and produce the i in the total. The 8 is inserted in the balance as shown, while the 2 of 21 is carried. The second column of digits and the 2 carried forward are added to 15, and to this a 5 is added to make 20 and give o in the total. The 5 is entered in the same column of the balance and the 2 of 20 is carried. In the same way the third column is added to 30, 7 is inserted in the balance to make 37, and the 3 of 37 is carried. The fourth column is added to 13, 5 is inserted to produce 18, and I is carried. The fifth column is added to 13, 7 is inserted to make 20, and 2 is carried. The last column requires a 4 to make 9 in the total, and the entire balance is found to be $4,757.58. Combined Addition and Subtraction It often happens that columns of figures are given in which are included both positive and negative values, that is, plus and minus numbers. It may be necessary, for example, to compare the figures of two years to show the increase or decrease of certain items and to determine the net increase or decrease for the second year. If the figures are written in ink, the minus quantities may be inserted in red. In a newspaper or book the minus numbers are usually printed in italics or indicated by a star. Two methods may be followed in adding a column of such figures. The first method is the ordinary way of adding the positive numbers and subtracting from their sum the sum of the negative numbers. The other method is to add the numbers continuously, the negative digits being in each case added nega- tively, that is subtracted. Thus, in adding the third column of the following table, which is a comparison of the manufacturing costs of 19 1 6 with those of 191 5, the procedure is as explained below: SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Account 1915 Material used $12,638.13 Direct labor 16,469.42 Indirect labor 5,827.59 Other manufacturing expense 7,962.28 Incre.\se or I9I6 Decrease $14,228.64 $1,590.51 19,672.18 3,202.76 4,713-92 1,113.67 8,242.37 280.09 $46,857.11 $3,959.69 ^2,897•42 The net increase of $3,959.69 for all four items is found by adding the increases and decreases in the following manner. The first column of digits on the right is added thus, 1+6 = 7, 7 — 7 = o, o + 9 = 9. The second column is added thus, 5 + 7 = 12, 12 — 6 = 6. In the third column 3 is subtracted from 2 to make — I, and the i is subtracted from 10 borrowed from the next column. The addition is therefore, 2 — 3 + 10 = 9. In the fourth column the borrowed 10 is represented by — i, and the column adds thus, —1+9 — 1+8 = 15. The i of 15 is carried, as in ordinary addition, to the next column, which added is, 1 + 5 + 2 — 1 + 2 = 9. The final column adds, i + 3 — I = 3- In practice, items of the same value but of opposite signs may be offset at once. Thus, a glance at the cents column in the fore- going example shows that i and 6 offset — 7, and the remaining 9 can, therefore, be put down at once in the result. Adding a Part of a Column This manner of addition is useful when it is desired to find the sum of all but the last few numbers of a long column whose total is known. For instance, a page may have an amount on each of 40 lines, and the addition of the entire column has been verified. It is now necessary to ascertain the total of the first 35 fines, as in the illustration below, in which these first 35 lines are omitted to save space. 6 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 36th line $ 2,382.46 37th " 1,896.28 38th " 1,237.61 39th " 2,068.42 40th " 1,923.16 Total of 40 amounts on page $82,642.57 The total of the items to and including the 35th may be found by adding the last five items on a memorandum paper and deduct- ing their sum from the total of the page. A much quicker and more workmanlike procedure, however, is to subtract them by addition as explained in the previous section. Adding the first column of digits, 6 + 8 + I + 2 + 6 gives 23. As 4 is required to make the 7 in the grand total, 4 must be the last digit in the footing at the 35th hne. Carrying 2 and proceeding in the same way with the second and the other columns, the required footing is found to be $73,134.64. The entire operation involves no more writing than the insertion of the figures under the 35th line. Deducting Several Subtrahends from One Minuend It is sometimes necessary to subtract several amounts from one amount, as, for example, to make various deductions from total sales. If there is room enough the various items may be listed in an inside column, their total inserted under gross sales, and the difference carried out. If only one column is possible, the subtraction can be made by addition, as shown in the follow- ing table, in which the items between the lines are deductions from the total sales, and the remainder is the amount of the net sales. Total sales $132,629.14 Less: Cash discount $ 1,436.27 Freight 2,389.16 Breakages 948.63 Sundry allowances 769.42 Net sales $1 27,085.66 SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 7 In performing the operation it should be remembered that the digits of the remainder are always those necessary in each column to make the digit of the same column in the total. Table with Net Decrease At times the amounts to be deducted are greater than the amount from which they are to be deducted. The table below is an example of this. It represents a comparison between two years to show the increaseor decrease of business in each of seven depart- ments and the total net result of the whole business. The table might have been arranged in four columns, one for the figures of 1920, one for the figures of 1921 , one for the increases, and one for the decreases; or the departments might have been listed in order, with the changes appearing in one column but the decreases indicated by red ink or italics. In the table as given the depart- ments showing an increase are listed first, and those showing a decrease are listed underneath. Dept. 1920 1 92 1 Increase or Decrease I $168,242.19 $174,629.46 Inc. $ 6,387.27 3 192,429.36 195,716.83 " 3,287.47 4 156,283.27 160,142.76 " 3,859-49 7 84,619.43 86,223.62 " 1,604.19 Total $601,574.25 $616,712.67 Tot. Inc. $15,138.42 2 $165,328.46 $158,693.82 Dec. $ 6,634.64 5 212,642.88 204,976.38 " 7,666.50 6 198,731.54 189,218.23 " 9.513-31 Total $576,702.88 $552,888.43 Tot. Dec. $23,814.45 Grand total $1,178,277.13 $1,169,601.10 Net Dec. $8,676.03 The net decrease in the foregoing table is the sum of the de- creases less the sum of the increases. The total of the incieases is, therefore, added negatively to the total of the decreases, that is, deducted digit by digit. 8 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Complements The arithmetical complement of a number is the difference between that number and the next higher power of lo. Thus the complement of 7 is 3, or the difference between 10 and 7, and the complement of 81 is 19, or the difference between 100 and 81. If instead of subtracting a number less than 10, its comple- ment is added, the result is 10 larger than the result of the sub- traction. Thus 8 subtracted from 15 gives 7; while the com- plement of 8, which is 2, added to 15, gives 17. Hence to subtract digits, in adding a column of numbers negatively, their complements may be added to the other digits and the sum reduced by ten times the number of complements added. The following table represents an addition of positive and negative quantities: 929 248 - 1,086 - 74 3,126 - 174 306 3,275 In the unit column of this table, 9 -]- 8 -f 4 (complement of 6) + 6 (complement of 4) + 6 + 6 (complement of 4) + 6 = 45, and 45 ~" 30 = 15; 30 being subtracted because three complements have been added. The 5 of the 15 is entered in the footing and the I is carried. In the tens column i (carried) + 2 -f 4 + 2 (complement of 8) +3 (complement of 7) + 2 -f 3 (complement of 7) = 17. The 7 is entered in the footing, and since three complements were added the i is dropped and — 2 carried to the hundreds column. In the hundreds column 8 (complement of the — 2 carried) + 9 + 2-f-i + 9 (complement of i) + 3 = 32, and 32 — 20 (there being only two complements) = 12. The 2 is entered and the i is carried. In the thousands column i + 9 SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 9 (complement of i) + 3 = 13, and 13 — 10 (there being only one complement) = 3, which is entered in the footing. The result of the addition is, therefore, 3,275. Short Methods of Multiplication To multiply numbers ending in zeros, both of which are integers, the significant figures of the numbers are multiplied and to the product are annexed as many zeros as there are final zeros in both the multiplicand and the multiplier. Thus, 3,400 times 1,200 equals 34 times 12, or 408, with four zeros annexed, or 4,080,000. When one of the two numbers multiplied is a decimal fraction the significant figures in the two numbers are multiplied and the decimal point in the product is moved as many places to the right as there are final zeros in the integer. This may necessitate annex- ing zeros. In the example .486X300, .486 is first multiplied by 3, to make 1.458. As there are two zeros in the multiplier, the deci- mal point in this product is moved two places to the right, making it 145.8. To multiply by 9, 99, or any number that contains no other figure than 9, as many zeros are annexed to the multiphcand as the multipher has 9's, and from the result the multiplicand is deducted. Thus, in multiplying 293 by 99, two zeros are annexed to 293, making 29,300, and from this 293 is deducted. The result is 29,007. Multiplying by 1 1 To multiply an amount by 1 1 it is not necessary to put down the figures, but only the result, which is secured by addition. The procedure is as follows : Beginning with the right-hand or unit figure in the multipli- cand, add to each digit the digit next to the right of it. Put the last digit of this sum down in the result, carrying the other digit of the sum if there is one. Continue this until each figure in the 10 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE multiplicand has been used twice. The method is illustrated in the following example : Illustration Multiply 1,342 by 11 Solution: 1,342 Product 14,762 The first digit, 2, at the right of the multiplicand, has no figure to the right of it. Therefore nothing is added and it remains 2 The second digit, 4, is added to the first digit, 2, making 6 The third digit, 3, is added to the second digit, 4, making 7 The fourth digit, i, is added to the third digit, 3, making 4 Since the fourth digit has been used only once it is necessary to use it a second time, thus, i The product is, therefore, 14,762 An analysis of the ordinary method of multiplication shows that the procedure is exactly the same in both cases. Looking at the example when multiplied in the usual way, it is seen that, 1342 II 1342 1342 [4.762 As in the above explanation, the product is formed by putting down 2 alone, then adding 4 to 2, 3 to 4. i to 3 and repeating the i. It is, however, unnecessary to write out these figures, as the whole operation can be performed mentally and the product put down at once. SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 1 1 Multiplying by 1 1 1 To multiply by 1 1 1 the same procedure is followed as when the multiplier is ii, except that each figure in the multiplicand is added to the two figures to the right, and is, therefore, used three times, as shown in the following illustration: Illustration Multiply 1,342 by 11 1 Solution: 1,342 Product 148,962 The first digit in the multiplicand is put down alone, thus, 2 The second digit, 4, is added to the first digit, 2, making 6 The third digit, 3, is added to the second digit, 4, and the first digit, 2, making 9 The fourth digit, i, is added to the third digit, 3, and the second digit, 4, making 8 The fourth digit, i, is added to the third digit, 3, making 4 The fourth digit, i, is put down alone, thus, i 148,962 If the same method is applied in multiplying 1,796 by in, it will be found necessary to carry over i, 2 and i, in adding the digits. In multiplying by any number that consists of a series of i 's each digit in the multiplicand is used as many times in the way explained above as there are digits in the multiplier; twice when the multipher is 1 1 , three times when it is in, four times when it is 1,1 1 1, and so on. Tabulating Multiples of a Multiplier When a number containing several digits is to be used re- peatedly as a multiplier, it saves time and promotes accuracy to make a table of its multiples. The best way of compiling the 12 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE table is to determine each multiple by adding the number to the preceding multiple. The addition is, of course, made on the table itself and not on a separate sheet of paper. The table is carried out to ten multiples in order to prove the work, as the tenth line must be the same as the first with one zero annexed. This is proof only in case the multiples are built up by addition. A table of this sort constructed for 683,947 as a multiplier is the following: ULTIPLIER Multiple I 683,947 2 1,367,894 3 2,051,841 4 2,735,788 5 3,419,73s 6 4,103,682 7 4,787,629 8 5,471,576 9 6,155,523 10 6,839,470 Supposing it is desired to multiply 683,947 by 3,469, the solu- tion is as follows : 683,947 multiplied by 9 = 6155523 " 6 = 4103682 " " 4 = 2735788 " 3 = 2051841 Product 237261 2143 Tabulating Multiples of a Divisor When a number containing several figures is to be used re- peatedly as a divisor, a table of multiples of the divisor may be prepared, to show at a glance how many times the divisor is contained in successive remainders and do away with the necessity of performing the multiplication. This method may also save considerable labor by reason of the fact that instead of writing SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 1 3 down the multiples to make each subtraction, they may be written on a card and the particular multiple to be deducted placed alongside the amount from which it is to be subtracted. The subtraction is made from the card across to the amount, and only the remainder is set down. The directions for the use of this method of division may be given as follows : Placing the card at the left of the dividend, find by inspection which multiple is to be used; sHde the card until that multiple is on a line with the dividend; deduct the multiple from the corre- sponding first figures of the dividend, putting the remainder under the dividend figures; then bring down the next figure and proceed in the same way with the new amount to be divided. The follow- ing example, in which 872,976,654 is divided by 683,947, illus- trates this method. Card OF Multiples Dividend Quotient (as slid for each division) I 683,947 872976654 I 2 1,367,894 1890296 2 7 4,787,629 5224025 7 6 4,103,682 4363964 6 3 2,051,841 2602820 3 8 5,471,576 5509790 38214 8 Quotient is 1,276.38, and the remainder 382.14. Division by Use of Reciprocals Two numbers are reciprocal when their product is i. For instance, 2 and .5 are reciprocal numbers, because 2 X .5 = i. It is evident from this that the reciprocal of a number is found by dividing i by the number. The quotient obtained by dividing by a divisor is the same as the product obtained by multiplying by the reciprocal of the divisor. For example, 12 -^ 2 and 12 X -5 are each equal to 6. 14 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Repeated division by the same divisor can be made easier, particularly if an adding machine is available, by determining the reciprocal of the number, tabulating the multiples of the recipro- cal, and proceeding as in multiplication. In dividing, for example, 872,976,654 by 683,947, the first step is to divide i by the divisor in order to obtain its reciprocal, which is .0000014621. The multiples of the reciprocal are then tabulated, as in the table below. The zeros in the reciprocal are not repeated in the table, as it is only necessary to remember the number of places to be pointed off in the product, ten in the present case. Having the multipHers, the procedure thenceforth is precisely as in multipli- cation, as shown in the second of the subjoined tables. ULTiPLEs OF Reciprocal I 14,621 14621 2 29,242 872976654 3 43,863 58484 4 58,484 73105 5 73,105 87726 6 87,726 87726 7 102,347 102347 8 116,968 131589 9 131,589 29242 10 146,210 102347 1 16968 12763791658134 Pointing off ten decimals, the result is 1,276.38 Since the reciprocal is approximate only, the last figures of the product must be ignored, as they do not show the exact remainder. The work may be shortened considerably by beginning at the left and ignoring all multiples and portions thereof beyond the first, second, or third place to the right of the last place desired in the product, as follows: SHORT METHODS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 15 14621 872976654 8 I 16968 7 102347 2 29242 9 131589 7 10235 6 877 6 88 5 7 4 I 127637917 or 1,276.38 CHAPTER II FRACTIONS AND PROOF FIGURES Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Fractions having the same numerator may be added by multiplying the sum of the denominators by the common numera- tor to obtain the numerator of the result, and by multiplying together the denominators of the fractions to obtain the de- nominator of the result which is then reduced to its simplest form. To add 1/9 and 1/7 by this method the procedure is as follows: 9 + 7 = 16; 16 X I = 16, the numerator of sum 9X7 =63, the denominator of stun Sum = 16/63 The solution of 3/1 1 + 3/16 is as follows: II -|- 16 = 27; 27 X 3 = 81, the numerator of sum II X 16 = 176, the denominator of sum Sum = 81/176 To subtract fractions when the numerators are the same, the difference between the denominators is first multiplied by the common numerator. This gives the numerator of the result. Then the denominators are multipHed to obtain the denominator of the result, which is reduced to its simplest terms. This method is illustrated in the solution of the following subtraction, 3/1 1 — 3/16: 16— 11=515X3= 15, the numerator of the difference 16 X II =176, the denominator of the difference Difference = 15/176 Cross Multiplication Two fractions may be added by the method of cross multipli- cation. The numerator of each is multiplied by the denominator 16 FRACTIONS AND PROOF FIGURES l^ of the other, and the two products are added to form the numera- tor of the result. The denominators of the fractions are multi- pHed to form the denominator of the result, which is then reduced to its simplest terms. This method is illustrated in the following example, in which 5/8 and 7/9 are added. 5X9= 45 7X 8= j6 loi, numerator of the sum 8X9= 72, denominator of the sum Sum = 101/72 or I 29/72 Cross multiplication may also be used in subtracting fractions. The numerator of each fraction is multiplied by the denominator of the other, and the smaller product is subtracted from the larger to form the numerator of the result. The two denominators are multiplied to form the denominator of the result. Reduction to the simplest form then follows. In the following example 5/8 is subtracted from 7/9 by this method: 7 X 8 = 56 5 X 9 = 45 II, numerator of the difference 9X8= 72, denominator of the difference Difference = 11/72 The approximate product of two mixed numbers may be found by multiplying first the integers, then each integer by the other fraction to the nearest unit, and finally by adding the three products. The following illustration in which 1 7 1/5 is multiphed by 14 1/3 shows the application of the method : 14 X 17 = 238 1/5 of 14 = 3 (nearest unit) i/3 0fi7 = __6 Approximate product 247 The exact product of this multiplication is 246 8/15. If the multiplication of the fractions is carried out to at least one decimal place, the result is more exact, as the following shows: i8 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 14X 17 = 238 1/5 of 14 = 2A 1/3 of 17= 5.; Result 246.5 Equivalent Common and Decimal Fractions The following is a list of the most frequently used decimal fractions and their equivalent common fractions. Equivalent Decimal Common Fractions Fractions 5 y'^ ■33 1/3 1/3 662/3 2/3 25 1/4 75 3/4 16 2/3 1/6 ^3^/3 5/6 125 1/8 375 3/8 625 5/8 87s 7/8 081/3 1/12 41 2/3 5/12 581/3 7/12 91 2/3 11/ 1 2 0625 1/16 1875 3/16 3125 5/16 4375 7/16 5625 9/16 6875 11/16 8x25 13/16 9375 15/16 These figures can be used in a variety of ways. One of the most obvious is to substitute the common fraction for its equiva- lent decimal, as it is usually easier to multiply or divide by the FRACTIONS AND PROOF FIGURES I9 common fraction than by the decimal. Thus, if it is desired to find 12 1/2% of a number, it is far easier to divide the number by 8 than to multiply it by the decimal .125. This substitution of a common fraction for the equivalent decimal is simple enough when the numerator of the common fraction is i. When, however, the numerator is greater than i, it is necessary to split up the decimal into such parts as will per- mit the substitution of equivalent common fractions with a nu- merator of I . The number taken is multiplied by each of these parts and the products are added to find the result. The fewer the parts into which the decimal is split, the simpler is the opera- tion. The appHcation of the rule is illustrated in the following problem. Example How much will 3,648 yards of cloth cost at 43 3/4 cents per yard? Solution: The answer can be found in three ways: 1. By multiplying 3,648 by $.4375. 2. By substituting for $.4375 its equivalent, 7/16 of $1, and mul- tiplying 3,648 by the latter. 3. By spHtting up the common fraction of 7/16 into 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16, or the decimal of .4375 into .25, .12 1/2, and .06 1/4, and substituting the equivalent fractions, and then multiplying 3,648 by each of these fractions and adding the products, as shown below: At $1.00 per yard the price would be $3,648.00 At 1/4 or .25 per yard the price would be g 12.00 At 1/8 or .12 1/2 (1/2 of above) 456.00 At 1/16 or .06 1/4 " " " 228.00 At 7/16 or .43 3/4 the price is $1,596.00 The operation can be performed much more quickly if it is recognized that 7/16 is the same as 8/16 minus 1/16, that is, 1/2 minus 1/8 of 1/2, and the calculation is made as shown below: 20 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 1/2 of $3,648 = $1,824.00 1/8 of 1,824= 228.00 7/16 of $3,648 = $1,596.00 It is always advisable to prove all computations when it does not involve too much work. This is easily done in most cases where a fraction can be split up. Thus, in the above example it has been found that 7/16 of $3,648 is $1,596. If the figure for 1/16 is added to instead of subtracted from that for 8/16 the result is 9/16, and the calculation of $1,596 can be proved as follows : 8/16 minus 1/16 is 7/16 or 8/16 plus 1/16 is 9/16 or $1,596.00 2,052.00 16/16 or original amount $3,648.00 Proof Figures There are two systems of proof figures for testing the accuracy of mathematical computations. One is based on the casting out of 9's and the other on the casting out of ii's. Many bookkeepers use one or the other system to check all their work. Both systems are used in the illustration below to check an addition, the figure at the right of each amount being the excess over the 9's or ii's in the amount, or the remainder left after the digits are added and the largest multiple of 9 or 11 is subtracted. 365,592 286,548 64,320 94,094 810,554 Excess OVER 9's 3 6 6 8 _ Total 23, or an 5 excess of 5 Excess OVER ii's 365,592 7 286,548 9 64,320 3 94,094 ° Total 19, or an 810,554 8 excess of 8 To cast out 9's from a number, the digits are added ignoring 9's, zeros and combinations of digits which add to 9. From the FRACTIONS AND PROOF FIGURES 21 sum thus obtained the largest multiple of 9 contained therein is subtracted. Thus, the digits in the first number in the above example are added as follows, beginning at left: Ignore the 3 and 6 because they add to 9; 5 + 5 = 10; ignore the 9; 10 + 2 = 12. 12 — 9 = 3, th^ excess. To cast out 1 1 's begin with the first figure at the right and add to it the third, fifth and so on, and take the excess of their sum over ii's. Then add together the second, fourth, sixth figures, etc., and find the excess of their sum over i I's. Subtract this excess from the first excess and the result is the check num- ber. If the first excess is smaller than the second, add 11 to it before subtracting. Thus, in the first number of the foregoing example, 2 + 5 + 6 = 13, or an excess of 2 over 11. Similarly, 9 + 5 + 3 = 17, or an excess of 6 over 11. Adding 11 to the 2 and subtracting 6 gives 7 as the check number. Addition is proved if the excess over 9's or ii's in the sum of the individual check numbers is the same as the check number of the total of the numbers added, as shown in the preceding example. This is not an absolute proof, as an error of 9 or 1 1 or multiples thereof may be made. Multiplication is proved by multiplying the check figure of the multipHcand by that of the multiplier. The excess over 9's or ii's in the result should be the check figure of the product, as is seen from the following: Excess Excess Numbers over 9's overii's 4,621 4 I 3,274 7 7 15,129,154 28 or I 7 CHAPTER III ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION Elements in an Arithmetical Progression An arithmetical progression is a series of numbers increasing or decreasing by a common difference. The numbers in the series are called the terms; the first and last terms are called the extremes, and the intermediate terms the means. An in- creasing or ascending series is formed by adding the common difference to each preceding term. For example, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, is an ascending series with a common difference of 5. A decreasing or descending series is formed by subtracting the com- mon difference from each preceding term. Thus, 26, 23, 20, 17, 14, is a descending series with a common difference of 3. There are five elements in an arithmetical progression, which in the formulas to be presently derived are represented by the following symbols : First term / Last term / Common difference d Number of terms n Sum of series 5 When any three of these elements are known, the other two can be computed. Analysis of Simple Progression The following is an example of a short progression: ist term 3 2nd " 6 3d " 9 4th " 12 Sth " 15 6th or last term 18 r 22 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION 23 The common difference here is 3, the number of terms is 6, and the sum of the terms is 63. It will be seen that, although the number of terms is 6, the common difference is added only five times. This explains why in Cases I and 2 considered below, i is subtracted, and why in Case 3, I is added. It will also be seen that the series consists of a number of pairs, as follows: ist and last terms make a pair the sum of which is 21 2nd " 5th " " " " " " " " " 21 3d " 4th " " " " " " " " " 21 The sum of series is 63 It is evident from this that the sum of a series is the sum of the first and last terms multiplied by half of the number of terms. It is also evident that since the sum of each pair of terms is 21, the average single term is 10^, which multiplied by 6, or the number of terms, gives 63, or the sum of the series. If the number of terms is uneven, the number of pairs includes a half pair. Thus, if the series given above is extended to seven terms, the last term is 21, and the sum of the terms is 84, which is 3>2 times 24, the sum of the first and last terms. In the following four cases the derivation of the formulas for computing the various elements of an arithmetical progression is explained. Case I. Given the first term, common difference and the num- ber of terms, to find the last term. If the series is ascending, the common difference must be added as many times, less one, as there are terms in the series. Hence the formula is: / = /+(«- i)^ Example The first term is 9, the common difference is 3, and the number of terms is 5. Find the last term. 24 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Solution: /= 9+(5- 1)3 = 9+ 12 = 21 If the series is descending, the common difference must be deducted as many times, less one, as there are terms in the series. Hence the formula is : / = /- („- i)d Example The first term is 21, the common difference is 3, and the number of terms is 5. Find the last term. Solution: /= 21 - (5 - i) 3 = 21—12 = 9 Case 2. Given the extremes and the number of terms, to find the common difference. The number of common differences is one less than the num- ber of terms; and the sum of the common differences is the differ- ence between the extremes. Hence in an ascending series the formula for finding the common difference is : .= ^ w — I and in a descending series it is : Example The first term is 9, the last term is 21, and the number of terms is 5. Find the common difference. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION 25 Solution: 21 — Q d= s- I 12 4 = 3 Ca^e J. Given the extremes and the common difference, to find the number of the terms. The difference between the extremes is the sum of the common differences, and the number of the common differences is one less than the number of terms. Hence in an ascending series the formula for calculating the number of terms is: l-f d and in a descending series it is : f-l + I + I Example The first term is 9, the last term is 21, and the common difference is 3. Find the number of terms: Solution: 21 — 9 n = 12 = -+ I 3 = 4+1 = 5 Case 4. If the extremes and the number of terms are given, the sum of the terms is found by the following formula : s = X n 26 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE or by the following: 5= (/+/)X- 2 Example The extremes are g and 21, and the number of terms is 5. Find the sum of the terms. Solution: 9+21 5 X 5 = 75 or 5 = (9 + 21) X - = 75 2 2 Computing Total Simple Interest The most important applications of arithmetical progression with which accountants are concerned fall under Case 4. They are made in computing the total simple interest on a principal which constantly increases or decreases from period to period by a common difference. For example, a $1 ,000,000 bond issue bearing interest at 5% is to be repaid in forty equal annual instalments, and it is necessary to compute the total interest to be paid during that period. Since 1/40 of the loan is to be paid annually, the principal during the last year will be 1/40 of $1,000,000 or $25,000. The interest for the first year will be 5% of $1,000,000, or $50,000, which is the first term of an arithmetical progression containing forty terms; the interest for the last year will be 5% of $25,000, or $1,250, which is the last term of the progression. Since 2 the total interest, which is s, will be $50,000 + $1,250 X 40, or $1,025,000 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION 27 C. P. A. Problem The application of the principle of arithmetical progression to the computation of interest on a given principal for an increas- ing or decreasing series of time periods, may be illustrated by a problem similar to one given in an Illinois C. P. A. examination. The problem is as follows : Problem Upon the death of a retired business man in June, 1910, a will is found conveying real and personal property aggregating $300,000 to the widow, who is his second wife, for her life, and upon her death to four children in equal shares. It is discovered after his death that his first wife had left to her two children, Henry and Emma, $20,000, consisting of securities for $10,000 bearing 6% interest, and uninvested cash of $10,000. The father had regularly collected the semi-annual interest on the investment, but there was no evidence as to his disposition of the cash portion of the be- quest. Exactly ten years elapsed between the death of his first wife and his own death, so that he had collected twenty items of interest, the last one just before he died. Henry and Emma were of age at the time of their father's death, and had never been informed of their legacy. Prepare a statement showing what would accrue to each of the four children at the death of the widow, who died immediately after her hus- band, including the amounts to which Henry and Emma would be entitled on account of their mother's estate. Exclude and do not consider any accrued income of the estate unexpended. In Illinois the legal rate of interest on undisclosed debts is 5%. Solution: The proceeds of the property that belonged to his first wife constitute a trust fund belonging to the two children, Henry and Emma; the total of this fund on June i, 1900, comprises: Open account for cash collected by decedent, June, 1890 $10,000.00 Interest thereon at 5% (legal rate on undisclosed debt) for ten years 5,000.00 Principal of securities 10,000.00 Interest collected on securities 6,000.00 Each collected coupon increased the undisclosed debt of the father as guardian. The first coupon was collected 28 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 91/2 years or 19 half years before the father's death. The twentieth coupon had just been collected. The computa- tion of the interest on these coupons can be accomplished thus: First $300 earns interest at 5% for 9 1/2 years. .$142.50 Last $300 " " " " " o " . . o Sum of extremes $142.50 Number of terms (coupons) 20 Applying the formula: s = X n 2 or 5= (/+/)X - 2 The total interest = 142.50 X 10 or 1,425.00 Total due Henry and Emma from mother's estate. . . $32,425.00 The division of the estate would be as follows: Total real and personal property $300,000.00 Amount due Henry and Emma from mother's estate 32,425.00 Balance divided among four children $267,575.00 Of which one-fourth is $ 66,893.75 The allowance of $1,425 for interest on the coupons collected must not be confused with compound interest. The item of $1,425 is interest on actual cash received by the father, for which he did not account. How he came into possession of the cash is immaterial. CHAPTER IV AVERAGE Utility of Average The principle of average may be used for determining proba- bilities, for comparing numbers with a standard or with each other, or for the purpose of simplifying calculations by using an average instead of a number of related values. Where it is pos- sible to collate statistics covering extensive and varied observa- tions, it is possible to determine an average which may be assumed, from the law of averages, to be standard. Reliance can then be placed on the probability that other similar cases, though individually at great variance from the average, will in the aggregate closely approximate the average. Mortality tables, for instance, are averages determined by exhaustive investigation. While they do not determine probabiHties for individuals, they do determine probabilities for large groups of individuals. When the principle of average is utilized, the basis of com- parison may be a simple average, a moving average, a progressive average, a periodic average, or a weighted average as the case may be. The choice of a base depends on the information desired and, in the case of weighted average, on the necessity imposed by the facts themselves. Simple Average The process of determining a simple average consists merely of adding the units to be averaged and dividing the sum by the number of units. If the sum of the units is known, the process requires division only. 29 30 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Suppose the daily sales for a week are as follows : Monday. $3,560.35; Tuesday, $3,115.95; Wednesday, $2,946.86; Thursday, $2,868.79; Friday, $3,269.87; Saturday, $3,896.43. Total sales, $19,658.25. The daily average of the sales for the week is found by divid- ing the total of $19,658.25 by the number of days taken, or 6, which gives a result of $3,276.37^. It must be remembered in figuring average that the divisor is the number of units in the dividend, and not necessarily the num- ber of items added to obtain the dividend. For example, suppose it is desired to determine the average contribution made by a number of persons to a benevolent fund, where 2 men each contributed ' I5OO, totaling : $1,000.00 4 " a (I 250. " 1,000.00 10 " u u 100, " 1,000.00 16 " a li 50, u 800.00 18 " U (( 25> " 450.00 so " " " a total of $4,250.00 The number of items added here to find the dividend of $4,250 is only 5, but the number of units to be used as the divisor is 50, making the average contribution equal to $4,250 divided by 50 or $85. Moving Average When it is desired to compare a series of numbers relating to units of time of uniform duration and of uninterrupted sequence, a moving average of a number of these units may be used as a basis of comparison. This kind of average is determined by tak- ing a simple average of the numbers to serve as the starting point ^or the moving series, and dropping after the lapse of each time unit the first number of the series and adding the number of the next time unit in order to form a new series and obtain a new average. AVERAGE 31 Assume, for example, the following conditions : 1. The values averaged are monthly sales approximated to the nearest $1,000. 2. The time units are months. 3. The number of units is 12, making up one year. 4. The first month of each series is dropped, as a new month is included in the next series. In an example of this sort each month's sales can be compared with any one of the twelve averages in the calculation of which the month's sales are included. For instance, the sales of Decem- ber, 1914, can be compared with the twelve monthly averages for the years ending with each month from December, 1914, and to November, 191 5, inclusive. Some of the possible comparisons in which the moving aver- age may be used are illustrated in the table below. Their value depends on the nature of the business whose figures are used. The most significant fact shown in the illustration is the almost uninterrupted increase in the moving average, although the monthly sales show wide variation due to the seasonal nature of the business. The decline in the moving average during the last months of 19 14 and the first months of 191 5, shows the effects of the war. Following is an explanation of the methods by which the figures in the various columns are determined : Moving average: Total sales for 1 2 months of 1913 335 Moving average including December, 1913, 335 -r- 12... 27. q 335 — 20 (January, 1913) + 53 (January, 1914) 368 Moving average including January, 1914, 368 -^ 12 ... . 30.66 Increase or decrease* in moving average — i month: Moving average including January, 1914 30.7 " " " December, 1913 27.9 Increase 2.8 32 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE More or less* than annual average: December, 1913, sales 27 Moving average including December 27.9 Decrease .9* January, 1914, sales 53 Moving average including January 30.7 Increase 22.3 Increase in moving average — i year: Moving average including December, 1914 35.4 " " " December, 1913 27.9 Increase 7.5 Increase in moving average — 2 years: Moving average including January, 1916 48 " " " January, 1 914 30.7 Increase 1 7.3 Moving Average Sales Moving I9I3 (000 omitted) average Jan. 20 Feb. 17 Mar. 21 Apr. 17 May 26 June 40 July 28 Aug. 21 Sept. 36 Oct. 55 Nov. 27 Dec. 27 27.9 More or less* than annual average AVERAGE 33 Moving Average — Continued I9I4 Sales (000 omitted) Moving average Increase or decrease* in moving average — I month More or less* than annual average Increase in mov- ing aver- age — I year Jan. S3 30.7 2.8 22.3 Feb. 47 33-2 2-5 13-8 Mar. 47 35-3 2.1 II. 7 Apr. 45 37-7 2.4 7-3 May ?>2 38.2 •5 6.2* June 3,2 37-5 •7* 5.5* July 24 37-2 ■3* 13.2* Aug. 17 36.8 .4* 19.8* Sept. 39 37-1 •3 1.9 Oct. 42 36.0 I.I* 6.0 Nov. 20 35-4 .6* IS.4* Dec. 27 35-4 .0 8.4* 7-S Increase I9IS Sales (000 omited) Moving average Increase or decrease* in moving average — I month More or less* than aimual average or decrease* in moving average — I year Jan. 45 34-8 .6* 10.2 4.1 Feb. 43 34-4 .4* 8.6 1.2 Mar. 39 33.8 .6* 5-2 i-S* Apr. 38 33-2 .6* 4.8 4.5* May 32 33-2 .0 1.2* 5-0* June 25 32.6 .6* 7.6* 4.9* July 27 32.8 .2* 5.8* 4.4* Aug. 32 34-1 1-3 2.1* 2.7* Sept. 49 34-9 .8 14.1 2.2* Oct. 85 38.5 3-6 46.5 2-5 Nov. 67 42.4 3-9 24.6 7.0 Dec. 47 44.1 1-7 2.9 8.7 34 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Moving Average — Continued I9I6 Sales (000 omitted) Moving average Increase or decrease* in moving average— I month More or less* than annual average Increase in moving average — I year Increase in moving average —2 years Jan. 92 48.0 3-9 44.0 13.2 ^7-3 Feb. 97 52.5 4 5 44-5 18.I 19-3 Mar. 83 56.2 3 7 26.8 22.4 20.9 Apr. 44 56.7 5 12.7* 23-5 19.0 May 33 56.8 I 23.8* 23.6 18.6 June 42 58.2 I 4 16.2* 25.6 20.7 July 38 59-1 9 21. I* 26.3 21.9 Aug. 55 61.0 I 9 6.0* 26.9 24.2 Sept. 80 63.6 2 6 16.4 28.7 26.5 Oct. 97 64.6 I 32.4 26.1 28.6 Nov. 84 66.0 I 4 18.0 23.6 30.6 Dec. S8 66.9 9 8.9* 22.8 3^-5 Progressive Average Progressive average is cumulative, a new unit being added to form each successive dividend, and the divisor being constantly increased in an arithmetical progression of i . In the table given below the figures used are those of the preceding illustration. The first average is that of the first two months' sales; the second, of the first three months' sales, etc. The table shows the continuous growth of the business; but the differences between the successive progressive averages are not so significant as the differences between the successive mov- ing averages, because the former are borne down by the smaller sales of the first months and years. Moreover, an increase of sales in an early month increases the progressive average for that month to a greater extent than the same increase in sales in a later month will increase the progessive average of that month, because the total sales in the latter case are divided by a larger number of months. The last column of the table indicates the months in which the sales run above or below the average. It AVERAGE 35 will be noted that the current month is not included in the aver- age used as a base. If it were included, any increase or decrease in the month's sales would affect the standard as well as the month compared. Following is an explanation of the methods of determining the figures appearing in the various columns : Progressive average: February line (20 + 1 7) -J- 2 18.5 March line (20 + 17 + 21) -r- 3 1Q.3 Increase or decrease"^ in progressive average: Average for first three months 19.3 " " " two months 18.5 Increase .8 More or less* than progressive average: Sales of March, 1913 21 Progressive average for prior months 18.5 Increase 2.5 Progressive Average Increase or More or DECREASE* IN LESS* THAN Progressive PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE I9I3 Sales AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE January 20 February 17 18.5 March 21 19-3 .8 2-5 April 17 18.8 .5* 2.3* May 26 20.2 1.4 7.2 June 40 23-5 3-3 19.8 July 28 24.1 .6 4-5 August 21 23-8 •3* 3-1* September 36 25.1 1-3 12.2 October 55 28.1 30 29.9 November 27 28.0 .1* I.I* December 27 27.9 .1* I.O* 36 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Progressive Average — Continued Increase or More or decrease* in less* than Progressive progressive progressive I9I4 Sales average average average January S3 29.8 1.9 25-1 February 47 3I-I 1-3 17.2 March 47 32.1 I.O 15-9 April 45 32.9 .8 12.9 May 32 32.9 .0 .9* June 32 32.8 .1* .9* July 24 32.4 .4* 8.4* August 17 31.6 .8* 15-4* September 39 32.0 •4 7-4 October 42 32.4 •4 10. November 20 319 •5* 12.4* December 27 31-7 .2* 4.9* 1915 January 45 32-2 •S 133 February 43 32.7 •s 10.8 March 39 32.9 .2 6.3 April 38 33.0 .1 5-1 May 32 33-0 .0 I.O* June 25 32.7 .3* 8.0* July 27 32.5 .2* S-7* August 32 32.S .0 •S* September 49 330 •5 16.S October 85 34-6 1.6 52.0 November 67 35-5 •9 32.4 December 47 35.8 •3 II-5 1916 January 92 37-3 1-5 56.2 February 97 38.9 1.6 59-7 March 83 40.0 I.I 44.1 April 44 40.1 .1 4.0 May 33 40.0 .1* 7.1* June 42 40.0 .0 2.0 July 38 40.0 .0 2.0* AVERAGE 37 Progressive Average — Continued Increase or More or DECREASE* IN LESS* THAN Progressive PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE 19 1 6 — Cont. Sales average AVERAGE AVERAGE August 55 40-3 •3 15.0 September 80 41.2 •9 39-7 October 97 42.4 1.2 SS-8 November 84 43-3 •9 41.6 December 58 43-6 •3 14.7 Periodic Average In order to show the variation in the volume of business be- tween seasons, periodic average may be utilized, as in the illus- tration below, in which a simple average is taken of the figures for the same month in the years 1913-1916 inclusive: Month 1913 1914 1915 1916 Total Average January 20 53 45 92 210 52.5 February 17 47 43 97 204 51.0 March 21 47 39 83 190 47-5 April 17 45 38 44 144 36.0 May 26 32 32 33 123 30.7s June 40 32 25 42 139 34.75 July 28 24 27 38 117 29.25 August 21 17 32 55 125 31-25 September 36 39 49 80 204 5I-0 October 55 42 85 97 279 69-75 November 27 20 67 84 198 49-5° December 27 27 47 58 159 39-75 The principle of progressive average may be utilized in con- nection with the principle of periodic average, as indicated in the following table : i^EAR January Progressive average More or LESS* than preceding PROGRESSIVE AVERAGE I913 20 I914 53 36.5 I915 45 39-3 8.5 I916 92 52.5 52.7 38 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Each progressive average in the foregoing illustration is also a periodic average. This organization of the numbers and aver- ages makes possible a comparison of the sales of each month with the average sales of the same month in all preceding years. The figures in the final column show the difference between the Janu- ary sales of the year and the progressive average of the January sales of the preceding years. Thus the figure 45 for 191 5 is 8.5 greater than the 36.5 progressive average for January, 191 3, and 1914. Weighted Average When the values entering into the computation of an average differ in two or more particulars, a simple average is impossible. Take the following case, for example : 3 men earn $5.00 per day S " " 6.00 " " 4 " " 7-00 " " In computing the average daily wage of these twelve men, the fact must be recognized that the wage payments differ in two particulars: 1 . The daily wage 2. The number of men receiving each wage The daily average is found by dividing the aggregate of their daily wages by their number, as shown below : Men Wage Product 3 $5 $15 5 6 30 4 7 28 12 $73 $73 -^ 12 = $6Vi2, the average daily wage This example serves to illustrate the principle that each value must be weighted by multiplying it by the number of units to AVERAGE $9 which the value is applicable. Additional illustrations will make the principle clearer. Illustration i What is the average rate of interest earned on the following investments made for one year? $100 at 7% $5,000 at 6% $15,000 at 5% Solution: Principal Rate Product $ lOO 7% $ 7.00 5,000 6% 300.00 15,000 5% 750.00 $20,100 $1,057.00 i)057 ^ 20,100 = 5.258%, the average rate of interest Illustration 2 What is the average life of a plant, the various fixed assets of which have the following costs and estimated lives? ( Class of Asset Cost Life A $ 3,000.00 5 years B 15,000.00 10 " C 35.000.00 20 " Solution: Depreclation Annual Class Cost Life Rate D EPRECIATIC A $ 3,000.00 5 years 20% $ 600.00 B 15,000 .00 10 " 10% 1,500.00 C 35,000, .00 -^0 •' 5% 1,750.00 $53,000. 00 $3,850.00 53,000-^ 3.850= 13.76+ ^o the average life 40 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Illustration 3 What is the average per cent of increase in the cost of manufacture under the following conditions: Where one pound of each item is used in the manufacture of each completed article, and the cost of each iiem has increased by the per cent shown in the last column of the first of the sub- joined tables? Material Cost per Pound Per cent Increase 1917 918 A $4 200 B 5 10 C 8 6X D IS 10 E 18 20 Solution i : No. Cost per Per cent Material Pounds Pound Increase I NCREASE .1917 1918 1918 A $ 4 200 $8.00 B 5 10 •50 C 8 ty^ •50 D IS 10 1.50 E 18 20 3.60 $14.10 14.10 -^ 50 = 28.2%, average increase Solution 2: Cost per Per cent Per cent Weighted Material Pound OF Total Increase Per cent 1917 1918 1918 A $4 8 200 16.0 B S 10 10 I.O C 8 16 6K I.O D IS 30 10 30 E 18 36 20 7.2 $50 28.2 AVERAGE 41 Illustration 4 The same conditions are taken here as in the preceding illustration, except that the items composing the finished article are each of a different weight, as indicated in the second column of the following two solutions: Solution i: No. % Cost per Weighted % Weighted Material Pounds Total Pound Product Increase % 1917 1917 1918 1918 A 2 10 $ 4 $ 40 200 80 B 8 40 5 200 10 20 C 4 20 8 160 (^Va 10 D 4 20 15 300 10 30 E 2 10 iS 180 20 36 20 100 fooo 176 -^ 880 = 20%, weighted average percent 176 Solution 2: No. Cost per Total % Material Pounds Pound Cost Increase Increase 1917 1917 1918 1918 A 2 $ 4 $ 8 200 $16.00 B 8 5 40 10 4.00 C 4 8 ^2 6>^ 2.00 D 4 15 60 10 6.00 E 2 18 36 20 7.20 $176 $35-20 35.20 -j- 176 = 20%, weighted average per cent CHAPTER V AVERAGING ACCOUNTS Settling an Account The object of averaging an account is to determine a single date, known as the average date, on which the account may be settled with fairness to both debtor and creditor. As a simple illustration of how an account is averaged, sup- pose B's account with A, to whom he is indebted, is as follows: March i — 60 days $1,000 March 31 — 60 days 1,000 The first item of this account is due on April 30 and the second on May 30. B may pay each amount at its maturity, or the entire $2,000 at the average maturity, which is May 15. He can make an equitable settlement on this average date because the time he gains in deferring payment of the first $1,000 for fifteen days is exactly offset by the time he loses in paying the second $1,000 the same number of days in advance of the due date. It may be desirable to compute the average date for the purpose of dating or determining the maturity of a note or other document given in settlement of an account. For instance, B might cover his account by giving A a single non-interest bearing note for $2,000, due May 15, instead of two non-interest bearing notes of $1,000 each, one due April 30, and the other due May 30. Calculating Interest The average date may also be desired for the purpose of com- puting interest on the balance instead of the individual items of an account. For instance, if A should settle the account on June 14 by a single payment of $2,000, equity would require that he pay interest, say, at 6% as follows: 42 AVERAGING ACCOUNTS 43 On $i,ooo from April 30 to June 14 — 45 days $ 7.50 On $1,000 from May 30 to June 14 — 15 days 2.50 Total $10.00 The interest might, however, be computed on the entire bal- ance of $2,000 for a period of thirty days from the average date, May 15 to June 14. Its amount in this case would also be $10. Assume that instead of paying cash, B, on April 14 gave A a note for $2,000 due in two months. The maturity of this note would be June 14, or thirty days after the average date. An equitable settlement would require the addition of $10 interest to the face of the note, which would make it $2,010. Items of Varying Amounts In the foregoing illustrations the amounts are the same and only the varying number of days has had to be considered in arriving at the average date. If, however, the amounts are not the same, they must also be considered. Suppose, for example, that B's account with A was as follows: March i — 60 days $2,000 " 31 — 60 days 1,000 The $2,000 item is due April 30 and the $1,000 item is due May 30. In this case the average date of maturity for the total of $3,000 would not be May 15 as in the previous example, since the payment of $2,000 fifteen days after maturity would not be off- set by the payment of $1,000 fifteen days before maturity. It would be May 10, because $2,000 paid ten days after maturity would be counterbalanced by $1,000 paid twenty days before maturity. It is evident from this that in averaging accounts due consideration must be given to amounts as well as to dates. The dates to be used in averaging an account are those at which the items may be assumed to have a cash value equivalent to the amount at which they appear in the accounts. Thus, sales on cash terms, being due on the day of sale, take their invoice 44 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE dates in averaging; sales with credit terms take the dates on which the invoices are due; returns and allowances take the dates when the invoices to which they apply are due; an interest-bear- ing note takes the date of the note since the face is the cash value at that date; a non-interest bearing note is not worth its face until due and hence its maturity is used in the calculation of the average date. Focal Date The average dates in the preceding illustrations were deter- mined by inspection. When an account is not so simple the com- putation of its average date requires a method involving the principle of weighted average and the selection of a basic date for calculating the time of each item. This basic date is called the focal date and the one most advantageously employed is the last day of the month preceding the earliest date used in averaging. Take, for example, the following account: Date of Terms of Date Used Transaction Payment in Averaging Amount March i 60 days April 30 $2,000.00 " 31 60 " May 30 1,000.00 The first date to be used in averaging the account is April 30. Hence March 31, the last day of the preceding month, is selected for the focal date. The subsequent steps in the process of averag- ing the account may be enumerated as follows: 1. Assume that each item is paid on the focal date. 2. Determine the number of days each item would be pre- paid if it were paid on the focal date. 3. Multiply its amount by this number of days. 4. Add the products thus obtained. 5. Divide this sum by the total of the items; the quotient represents the number of days the focal date precedes the average date. AVERAGING ACCOUNTS 45 Rules Applied The application of these rules to the foregoing account is as follows : 1. The two items are assumed to be paid on March 31, the focal date taken. 2. The first item is therefore assumed to be prepaid 30 days, and the second 60 days. 3. Paying $2,000 30 days before it is due is equivalent to paying $1, 60,000 (2,000 X 30) days before it is due; and paying $1 ,000 60 days before it is due is equivalent to paying $1 , 60,000 (i ,000 X 60) days before it is due. 4. Hence the two assumed prepayments are equivalent to a prepayment of $1 by 120,000 days. 5. One dollar prepaid 120,000 days is equivalent to $3,000 prepaid 1/3 ,000 of 1 20,000 days, or 40 days. The aver- age date is therefore 40 days forward from March 31. Forty days are taken as the equivalent of i month and 10 days, making the average date May 10. The computation of the average date is shown in tabular form as follows : Date of Terms of Date in Time from Focal Transaction Payment Average to Maturity Date Amount Product March i 60 days April 30 30 days $2,000 $60,000 March 31 60 " May 30 60 " 1,000 60,000 $3,000 $120,000 Dividing the sum of the products by the sum of the amounts (120,000 -^ 3,000) gives 40, or the number of days the average date follows the focal date. Reducing Days to Months When the time between the focal date and the date of any of the items in the account is more than one month, the reduction of this time to days may be avoided by the method outlined below : 46 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 1 . Express the time in months and days. 2. Multiply the amount of each item by the number of months to obtain a product of months; and by the number of days to obtain a product of days. 3. Add the products of months; also the products of days. 4. Reduce the sum of the products of months to days by multiplying by 30. 5. To the product of days thus obtained, add the product of days previously obtained. 6. Divide this sum by the balance of the account to find the time in days between the focal and the average dates. 7. Reduce this time to months and days on the basis of thirty days to a month. This method is illustrated in the following example, in which the focal date taken is February 28, being the last day of the month preceding the earliest date in the average, which is March 3. Date of Terms of Date in Time Product Transaction Payment Average Mos 1. Days Amount Mos. Days March 3 cash March 3 3 $250 $ $ 750 March 18 I month April 18 I 18 500 500 9,000 April 10 30 days May 10 2 10 200 400 2,000 May 8 cash May 8 2 8 400 800 3,200 $1,350 $1,700 $14,950 30 X 1,700=51,000 $65,950 65,950 -T- 1,350 =48 115/135. or 49 days 49 days = I month and 19 days One month and nineteen days forward from February 28, the focal date, is April 19, which is the average date. This computation is based on the assumption that there are 30 days in each month and 360 days in a year. Strictly speaking, however, the item due May 10 runs for seventy-one days instead AVERAGING ACCOUNTS 47 of seventy, and the item due May 8 runs for sixty-nine days in- stead of sixty-eight. The result, however, would not be ma- terially modified if the exact number of days were taken. The other method is, therefore, sufficiently accurate for all ordinary commercial transactions. Compound Average The average date of an account is computed by simple aver- age, when the account contains either debit or credit items, but not both. When both debits and credits are included, the aver- age date is found by means of compound average, which involves the following steps: 1. Determine the products of months and days for the debits and credits. 2. Determine the diff'erence between the sum of the debit products and the sum of the credit products. 3. Divide this difference by the balance of the account. 4. If the difference of the products is on the same side of the account as its balance, the average date is forward from the focal date; but if the difference of the products and the balance of the account are on different sides, the average date is backward from the focal date. This latter condition rarely occurs if the focal date selected is prior to the dates of the items in the account. Example of Compound Average In illustrating compound averaging the following account is taken : Debit Credit June I $500 July 5 Note (2 mo. with- " 20, I mo 400 out int.) $500 July 10 600 " 10 Returns (Inv. August 5 500 June 20) 50 August I Cash 300 48 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE As the July 5 th note on the credit side of the account is non- interest bearing, it does not have a cash value of $500 until its maturity on September 5. It therefore takes this date in the average. The July loth credit, being an offset to the debit of June 20, takes the same maturity date in the average as the debit item, or July 20th. As June i is the earliest date on which any of the items in the account has a cash value equal to the face of the item, the most convenient focal date is May 31. The sum of the products of months and days for the debit items of the account is found as follows : n Date of Terms of Date in Transaction Payment Average Mos. June I June i o " 20 I month July 20 i July 10 July 10 I August 5 August 5 2 Total debits $2,000 $2,000 $17,000 30 X 2,000 = 60,000 Sum of the debit products $77,000 The sum of the products of months and days for the credit items is found by the following computation. Date of Terms of Date in ^ime Products Transaction Payment Average Mos. Days Amount Mos. Days ^500 $1,500 $ 2,500 SO 50 1,000 300 600 300 T Products )ays Amount Mos. Days I $500 $ $ 500 20 400 400 8,000 10 600 600 6,000 5 500 1,000 2,500 July 5 2 months Sept. 5 3 5 July 10 offset June 20 Dr. July 20 I 20 August I August I 2 I Total credits 50 $2,150 $ 3,800 2,150 X 30 = 64,500 Sum of the credit products $68,300 The account has a debit balance of $1,150 and the sum of its debit products exceeds the sum of its credit products by 8,700. AVERAGING ACCOUNTS 49 The average date is forward from May 3 1 , the focal date, as many days as the number of times 1,150 is contained in 8,700, or ap- proximately 8. June 8 is, therefore, the focal date. The account could be averaged by deducting the $50 credit from the June 20th debit of $400 and dealing only with the net debit of $350. Another Illustration To illustrate the conditions under which the average date is backward from the focal date, assume that the July 5th non- interest bearing note was due in six months. All of the debit items are due on or before August 5, but since the creditor would have to wait until January 5 for the $500 payable on the note, which in the meantime would earn no interest, the balance of the account should carry an early average maturity. The sum of the debit products of days would be computed as in the preceding example and would total 77,000, while the sum of the credit pro- ducts of days would be computed as follows: Date of Terms of Date in Time Product Trans.\ction Payment Average Mos. Days Amount Mos. Days July 5 6 months January 57 5 $500 $3,500 $ 2,500 July 10 offset July 20 i 20 50 50 1,000 August I August 12 I 300 600 300 Total credits $850 $4,150 $ 3,800 30 X 4,150 = 124,500 Sum of the credit products $128,300 The balance of the account would still be a debit of $1,150, but the difference of the products of days would now be on the credit side, and would amount to 51,300. The average date would, therefore, be backward from June i, the focal date, by forty-five days, or the number of times $1,150 is contained in 51,300. Counting thirty days to the month, the average date would be one month and fifteen days backward from the focal date and would, therefore, be April 15. CHAPTER VI PERCENTAGE Percentage Percentage is a method of computing by hundredths. The symbol % means per cent or hundredths. A rate per cent is equivalent to a common fraction the numerator of which is ex- pressed and the denominator of which is indicated by the symbol % as being loo. Thus the same facts may be stated in the form of a common fraction, a decimal fraction or a per cent. The following are equivalent: Common Fractions Decim.\l Fractions % 17/100 .17 17 iX 1. 25 125 iH 7-So 750 12/4 3.00 300 Terms Used in Percentage Base. The number of which a given per cent is to be taken is called the base. Rate. The per cent of the base to be taken is called the rate. Percentage. The result obtained by taking a certain per cent of the base is called the percentage. Fundamental Processes All mathematical computations involving percentage may be grouped under three headings : I. To find a given per cent of a number; that is, to find the percentage. Rule: Multiply the base by the rate Example: $60 X 20% = $12 Base X Rate = Percentage 50 PERCENTAGE 5 1 2. To find what per cent one number is of another; that is, to find the rate. Rule: Divide the percentage by the base Example: $12 -r- $60 = 20% Percentage -H Base = Rate 3. To find a number when a certain per cent of it is known; that is, to find the base. Rule: Divide the percentage by the rate Example: $12 -7- 20% = $60 Percentage -^ Rate = Base Percentage of Increase and Decrease Percentage is frequently employed to compare numbers and to show how much larger or smaller one number is than the other. No new mathematical principles are involved in such computa- tions, as may be shown by the following illustrations: 1 . Percentage of Increase. The sales of a certain business in May, 1919, were $16,000 while the sales in May, 1920, were $18,000. The smaller number is taken as the base; the difference be- tween the two numbers is the percentage of increase. Then 2,000 -f- 16,000 = 12^% Percentage of increase -^ Base = Per cent of increase 2. Percentage of Decrease. The profits of a business for the year 1919 were $20,000 while the profits for 1920 were $17,000. The larger number is taken as the base; the difference be- tween the two numbers is the percentage of decrease. Then 3,000 -7- 20,000 = 15% Percentage of decrease 4- Base = Per cent of decrease Some Applications of Percentage in Business Comparisons Business statistics may be tabulated and compared on a per- centage basis to determine the relative effectiveness, desirabihty Number Per Cent Sold Sold 293 79.6 316 64.1 582 91. 1 416 79-5 52 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE or productivity of similar factors. The illustrations given in this chapter are intended to be suggestive but not exhaustive. The following tabulation shows the number of units of a cer- tain commodity purchased from various manufacturers during a year, the number sold, and the per cent sold. A comparison of the per cents indicates the relative salability of the goods pur- chased from the various manufacturers. Per Cent of Goods Sold — Various Manufacturers Number Manufacturer Purchased Walker & Co 368 White & Dudley 493 Davis Mfg. Co 639 Barton-Walsh 523 The following tabulation compares the sales of various sales- men during a month. Each man's sales (as a percentage) divided by the total sales (as a base) produces a rate which measures his portion of the total. Monthly Sales Compared on a Percentage Basis Name Sales Per Cent of Total Arthur Bradley $ 1,264.90 7.8 J.B.Henderson 1,913.52 11. 8 Fred Bates 1,732.69 10.6 Arthur Dutton 2,213.72 13.6 J. L. Weston 1,963.45 12.1 Carter Doane 1,627.32 lo.o Walter S. Waite 1,692.18 10.4 Frank Chesley 2,138.45 13. i Harold Peters 1,728.46 10.6 Total $16,274.69 loo.o The statistics may be so arranged as to obtain two percentage analyses, as illustrated in the following tabulation which shows PERCENTAGE 53 what per cent of the sales of the week was made by each salesman, and what per cent was made each day. Sales for the Week Ending December i8, 1920 D\\^ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Salesmen's totals Per cents Smith I362.50 415-75 396.21 472.96 387.29 493-89 $2,528.60 Brown J562.83 475-92 415-60 516.29 42936 562.64 32,962.64 Jones I862.94 732.83 769-42 640.20 721.32 816.25 $4,542.96 White 5126.39 143-62 129.38 145-17 96.27 163.92 504.75 Daily Totals $1,914.66 1,768.12 1,710.61 1,774-62 1,634-24 2,036.70 $10,838.95 Per Cents 17-6 16.3 15.8 16.4 15-1 The following tabulation illustrates the use of percentage of increase and decrease as a means of comparing the sales of each department of a store on the corresponding days of two years. Comparison of Sales by Departments Department Sales-Thursday December is. 1919 Sales-Thursday December 16, 1920 Increase Decrease* % Increase — Decrease* A $ 826.95 1.034-78 1.237.62 2,643.80 1,413.80 962.40 2,642.16 1.964-39 1,636.48 1,213.42 $ 914-32 1,231.64 1,196.14 2.843-27 1.376.29 1,235.96 2,927.92 2,129.80 1,596.27 1,723-96 $ 87-37 196.86 41.48* 199.47 37-51* 273-56 285-76 165.41 40.21* 510.54 10.57 19.02 3-35* 7-54 2.6s* 28.42 10.81 8.42 2.46* 42.07 B C D E f G H I J Total $15,575-80 S17. 175-57 Si, 599-77 10.27 The average of a number of quantities may be accepted as the basis of comparison, the relation of each quantity to the average 54 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE being shown in terms of per cents. The figures in the preceding tabulation of "Monthly Sales Compared on a Percentage Basis" are used for the following illustration: Individual Sales Compared with Average Name Sales Per Cent of Average Arthur Bradley $1,264.90 69.95 J.B.Henderson .... 1,913.52 105.82 Fred Bates 1,732.69 95.82 Arthur Button 2,213.72 122.42 J.L.Weston 1,963.45 108.58 Carter Doane 1,627.32 89.99 Walter' S. Waite 1,692.18 93.58 Frank Chesley 2,138.45 118.26 Harold Peters 1,728.46 95-58 Average $1,808.30 100.00 Or the maximum may be accepted as the basis of comparison, the relation of all quantities to the maximum being shown in terms of per cents. Using the same statistics for an illustration: Individual Sales Compared with Maximum Name Sales Per Cent of Maximum Arthur Bradley $1,264.90 57-i4 J.B.Henderson 1,913.52 86.44 Fred Bates 1,732.69 78.27 Arthur Button 2,213.72 100.00 J. L. Weston 1,963.45 88.69 Carter Boane 1,627.32 73-5i Walter S. Waite 1,692.18 76.44 Frank Chesley 2 138.45 96.60 Harold Peters 1,728.46 78.08 The following tabulation is suggestive of the use which may be made of percentage in comparing quantities with two or more similar quantities and with the average thereof. In this case the average is a progressive one. PERCENTAGE Comparison of Sales of Successive Years 55 Year Sales Inc. or Dec* FROM Preceding Year Inc. or Dec* from First Year Progressive Average Prior Years Inc. or Dec* FROM Progressive Average Amount Amount rf /O Amount % 1917 1918 1919 1920 $200,000 238,000 190,000 285,000 $38,000 48,000* 95.000 19.00 20.17* 50.00 $38,000 10,000* 85,000 19.00 s-oo* 42.50 $219,000 209,333 $29,000* 75.667 13.24* 36.15 Apportionment When a quantity is to be divided or partitioned, the basis of the partition may be expressed in rates per cent. The partition is then accompHshed by applying to the base a number of rates, the total of which is 100%. The division of partnership profits is a familiar illustration. Division of Profits Partners P. & L. Ratio Profits A 20% $3,200.00 B 35% s,6oo.oo C 45% 7,200.00 Total 100% $16,000.00 Or the apportionment may be accomphshed by applying the same rate to a number of bases to obtain the desired percentages. In this case the rate is computed by dividing the total percentage by the total of the bases. The distribution of factory overhead is illustrative. Distribution of Factory Overhead (Direct Labor Cost Basis) Total direct labor, all departments $5,295.00 (base) Total factory overhead 3,460.00 (percentage) Then 3,460 -^ 5,295 = 65.34+ % (rate) 56 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Since the rate is approximate only, the distribution will not be exact; a remainder of 24 cents will be undistributed. Process or Proportion Department Direct Labor of Overhead I $2,140.00 $1,398.28 2 1,965-00 1,283.93 3 1,190.00 777-55 Total $5.295-00 $3,459.76 Gross Profit Method of Approximating Inventory The rate of gross profit of prior periods may be used to ap- proximate an inventory when it is impracticable or impossible to take a physical inventory. This is accompHshed by utilizing the elements involved in the computation of gross profits. In a bal- anced table, when all but one element is known, the unknown element is found as the amount necessary to balance the table. The gross profit on sales may be computed by setting up a mer- chandise account as follows : Merchandise Inventory, Jan. i . . .$100,000.00 Sales $350,000.00 Purchases 300,000.00 Inventory, Dec. 31 105,000.00 The gross profit would be $55,000.00, the amount necessary to bring the account into balance. Now if the inventory were not known, but the gross profit could be estimated at $55,000.00, the inventory could be determined thus: Merchandise Inventory, Jan. i $100,000.00 Sales $350,000.00 Purchases 300,000.00 Gross profit 55,000.00 The inventory would be $105,000, the amount necessary to bring the account into balance. Of course the gross profit could not be definitely ascertained without an inventory, but it could be approximated by using the PERCENTAGE 57 average rate of gross profit on sales of former years, if no radical variations have occurred in this rate and if there is no reason to believe that the rate of the current period has been radically different from the average rate of the past. To illustrate, let us assume that the sales and gross profits of the business whose merchandise account appears above, were as follows : Year S.vles Gross Profit Per Cent Third preceding .... $200,000.00 $31,400.00 15.7 Second " .... 310,000.00 48,050.00 15.5 First " .... 385,000.00 60,170.00 15.6 ,000.00 $139,620.00 15.6 The annual rates are computed to determine whether there has been any considerable variation in the rates of gross profit. Then, on the assumption that the rate of gross profit for the cur- rent period was the same as the average of the rates of the three last preceding years: 15.6% of $350,000.00 (sales) = $54,600.00, approximate gross profit Then: Inventory, January i $100,000.00 Add purchases 300,000.00 Total $400,000.00 Deduct cost of goods sold (approximate) : Sales $350,000.00 Less estimated gross profit 54,600.00 295,400.00 Inventory, Dec. 31 (approximate) $104,600.00 The inventory thus computed is $400 less than that shown by the merchandise account. The following problem from a C. P. A. examination will fur- ther illustrate the method, the principal uses of which are in 58 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE approximating the value of merchandise destroyed by fire and in applying the gross profit test to the verification of an inventory. Problem The accountant is called on to confirm the inventory of a mercantile establishment. Investigation shows that inventories have been incor- rectly taken and are padded. It is mutually agreed that all inventories, except the first one, which is to be used as the basis, shall be entirely ignored. The accountant is to ascertain, on a fixed percentage of profit which it is decided shall be 33yj% of sales, what stock should be on hand December 31, 1914, with the following data obtained from the various books: Inventory referred to as a basis, January i, 191 1 $47,350.29 Gross purchases for the year ending December 31, 1911 . . . 76,320.15 Returned purchases 4,350.16 Freight and drayage on purchases 325.14 Gross sales 115,469.31 Returned sales 1,317.12 Gross purchases for the year ending December 31, 191 2 . . . $65,506.80 Returned purchases 3,715.16 Freight and drayage on purchases 41 7- 15 Gross sales 105,716.10 Returned sales 1,215.84 Gross purchases for the year ending December 31, 1913 . . . $62,517.10 Returned purchases 1,314.17 Freight and drayage on purchases 316.17 Gross sales 101,317.18 Returned sales 1,216.06 Gross purchases for the year ending December 31, 1914. . . . $58,715.16 Returned purchases 287.50 Freight and drayage on purchases 290.10 Gross sales 95,371.16 Returned sales 41 7- n Solution: Since the rate of gross profit was constant throughout the four years, and since only the final inventory is required by the problem, the data can be summarized and the four years' totals used in the inventory calculation. PERCENTAGE 59 Summary 1911-1914 Returned Returned Year Purchases Purchases Freight Sales Sales 1911 $76,320.15 $4,350.16 $325-14 $115,469.31 $1,317.12 1912 65,506.80 3,715-16 417-15 105,716.10 1,215.84 1913 62,517.10 1,314-17 316.17 101,317.18 1,216.06 1914 58,715-16 $263,059.21 287.50 290.10 95,371-16 417. II Total $9,666.99 $1,348.56 $417,873.75 $4,166.13 Statement of Approximation of Inventory At December 31, 1914 Inventory, January i, 19 11 $47,350.29 Add cost of goods purchased, 191 1-1914: Purchases $263,059.21 Z,e55 returned purchases 9,666.99 $253,392.22 Add freight. 1,348.56 254,740.78 $302,091.07 Deduct cost of goods sold, 1911-1914: Sales Less returned sales ^17,873-75 4,166.13 $413,707.62 Less gross profit (s^HVo of sales) 137,902.54 275,805.08 Inventory, December 31, 19 14 (estimated) $26,285.99 Analysis of Statements The following statements indicate the use which may be made of percentage in analyzing the financial statements of a business to show such facts as the ratio of cost of sales, expenses and profits to sales; the relative cost of the various elements of manufactured goods, and the variation in operating costs of different years. Problem From the following data obtained from the books of Johnson and Com- pany, construct a profit and loss statement showing cost of goods manufac- tured, and cost and gross profit of the goods sold. Also show percentage of each eli^ment based upon cost of manufacture and based upon sales. 6o MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Raw material, January i, 1915 $42,000,00 " " December 31, 1915 45,000.00 " " purchases during 1915 130,000.00 Freight inward 4,218.00 Wages (productive) 70,000.00 Sundry manufacturing expenses 3,500.00 Sales 280,000.00 Finished goods, January i, 1915 18,000.00 " " December 31, 191 5 22,000.00 Selling expenses 22,000.00 Administrative expenses 20,000.00 Solution: Johnson and Company Profit and Loss Statement Year Ending December 31, 1915 Sales 1280,000.00 Deduct: Cost of goods sold: Raw material: Inventory, Jan. i, 1915 . . $ 42.000.00 Purchases, 1915 130,000.00 Total $172,000.00 Inventory, Dec. 31, 1915. 45,000.00 $127,000.00 Freight inward 4,218.00 Productive labor 70,000.00 Manufacturing expense. . .. 3,500.00 Cost of goods manufactured $204,718.00 Deduct: Inventory variation — finished goods: December 31, 1915 $22,000.00 January i, 1915 i8,ooo.f)0 4,000.00 Cost of goods sold 200,718.00 Gross profit on sales 179,282.00 Deduct selling expenses 22,000.00 Net profit on sales $57,282.00 Deduct administrative expenses. 20,000.00 Net profit on operations $37,282.00 % OF % OF Cost Sales 62.0 2.1 34-2 1.7 71-7 28.3 7.9 PERCENTAGE 6l This illustration, showing the per cent of net profit and gross profit on sales raises the question whether sales or cost of sales should be used as the base in the computation of rates of gross profit. In common parlance, when a statement is made that a sale has resulted in realizing a certain rate of profit, the rate is understood to have been applied to the cost. Thus, if it is said that an article costing $2 was sold at a 10% profit, one assumes that the profit was 20 cents and the selling price $2.20. But in percentage analyses of revenue statements it is much more con- venient to use the net sales as the base. Selling expenses nor- mally are proportionate to sales and the per cent of selling expense is computed on the basis of sales. By computing the cost of goods sold and afl other deductions from sales as percentages of the net sales, the statement begins with 100% as the base and continues on the same basis throughout. But if cost were taken as the base, the sales would be represented by a rate exceeding 100%, and the selling expenses, including such items as advertising, salesmen's commissions, freight out and store expense, would hsive to be rated on the illogical basis of cost. Therefore the percentage analysis of the revenue statement should properly be made on two bases : elements of manufacturing cost, including material, labor and factory overhead, should be considered as percentages of cost; and all deductions from sales, including the cost of goods sold, the selling expenses and the administrative expenses, should be rated as percentages of the net sales. This method was followed in the preceding illustration. As an illustration of the use of percentage in the comparison of successive revenue statements, the following condensed state- ments of the J. E. Smith Wire and Iron Company are presented, together with comparative percentage analyses thereof. The analytical statement shows that the increase in sales and the increase in cost of sales have not been proportionate, as the proportion of cost to sales has steadily increased, causing a corresponding decrease in the percentage of profit. 62 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE H O o o o o o o o o o o a, o o o o o in o in o o H CO •* in u Vi J2 u > t: « 5 w o o o o o « z o o o o o H H o o o o o S2 a- 1/5 o in o m Z ^ N N ro M s w ^ Q < M (« z w o o o o o X o o o o o w o o o o o o o o O in z w» vO <^ CO t^ J >J (d W u u <; o o n o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O vO m Tt- "5 w u c/) (d o o o o o o o o o o < o o o o o o o o lO o in in o 2: ^ ^ in in « < o. o M N n l>i o a a a o o M W rR ^ ^ « IIJOHJ 00 O M t~ O ct in tt n o ■4 t^ PI r-- d N M M W XldOHtJ xajvi $85,000 70,000 55,000 40,000 50,000 saivs do % (> vO in 0) in 't q Tt in in in rn asNadxa a.MivHXsiNiKav 00000 00000 q q q q q in d in 0' in « P) N ro w 6^ saivg NO xiJOHd xaN do % t^ 00 N m m t~ t- CO ci t.1 N ro W W M W M saivs NO XIdOH(J xaM 00000 00000 (» q d d 0" d in Oi 00 t^ sasNadxg ONmag HO % 0> 10 m M q in in q Tt in in ^ in sasNadxg ONmas 00000 00000 q q q q q d 0" 0" d in m -0 t~ 00 t^ xidoaj SSOHO -iio % t^ 00 in r-p N q ri t^ fO t^ 06 •^% gross profit (1916 rate) on $100,000.00 ad- ditional business done in 191 7 $1 2,500.00 Deduct excess of additional cost to manufacture over increase in selling prices: Additional cost of material $25,000.00 Additional cost of labor 80,000.00 Total $105,000.00 Less decrease in cost of manufacturing expense 2,500.00 Net excess in manufacturing cost $102,500.00 Less increase in selling prices 100,000.00 2,500.00 Excess of gross profit of 191 7 over 191 6 $10,000.00 Deduct addhional selling expenses of 191 7. . . 5,000.00 Additional net profit of 191 7 $5,000.00 CHAPTER VII EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS Solving Equations Problems may often be solved by stating the conditions in the form of an equation and solving the equation by applying one or more of the following processes : 1. Multiplying both sides of the equation by the same number 2. Dividing both sides of the equation by the same number 3. Adding the same number to both sides of the equation 4. Subtracting the same number from both sides of the equa- tion Illustration i A manufacturer produced a certain commodity which he sold the first year at a certain price; he raised the price 25% the second year; increased that price 20% the third year; and in the fourth year he increased the third-year price by 1673%. The price the fourth year was $35. What was the price the first year? Solution: In order to obtain an equation it is necessary to represent some value by 100%. The value chosen to be represented by 100% will depend on the conditions of the problem; where convenient, 100% should represent the value required by the problem. In this case — Let 100% = the selling price the first year then 100% X 125% = 125% the selling price the second year and 125% X 120% =150% " " " " third " and 150% X ii6V3% = i75% " " " " fourth " Since the selling price the fourth year was $35 we obtain the equation: 175% = l3S 66 EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 67 But it is desired to determine 100%, which is accomplished by dividing both ?ides of the equation by 1.75: 100% = $20, the selling price the first year Illustration 2 A entered into partnership with B and was to act as manager of the business. Before dividing profits equally with B, A was to receive a special bonus of 25% of the net profit. Before calculating A's commission, the profits were shown by the revenue statement to be $5,000. How should the $5,000 be divided between A and B? Solution: This problem illustrates the difficulty which frequently arises in interpreting contracts which provide that commissions and bonuses shall be determined as percentages of the net profit. The difii- culty arises from the uncertainty as to what is the amount of the net profit; for, if the bonus is to be considered as an expense of the business, the net profits are less than $5,000; if the bonus is not to be considered as an expense but as part of the distribution of profits, the net profit is $5,000. From the statement of the problem, it is impossible to tell whether or not the commission is to be considered as an expense; hence it is necessary to give two solutions. Assuming the bonus is not an expense: Since the bonus is 25% of the net profit, the net profit must be 100%. Since the bonus is not an expense, the $5,000 is all to be considered net profit — Then, 100% = $5,000, the net profit and 25% = 1,250, the bonus and 75% = $3,750, the remaining profit to be divided equally. 37^2% = $1,875, share to A and B each Therefore, the division is as follows: A B Total Rate Bonus $1,250 $1,250 25% Remainder, K each 1,875 $1,875 3,75° 75% Total $3,125 $1,875 $5,000 100% 68 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Assuming that the bonus is an expense to be deducted from the $5,000 to obtain the net profit: 25% = bonus 100% = net profit 125% = bonus plus profit, or $5,000 Then 100% = $4,000, net profit and 25% = $1,000, bonus Proof 125% = $5,000 The division of the $5,000 on this assumption would be: A B Total Rate Gross profit $5,000 125% Deduct bonus $1,000 1,000 25% Net profit, y2 each 2,000 $2,000 $4,000 100% Total distribution $3,000 $2,000 The net difference of $125 in the distribution under the two interpretations emphasizes the necessity for care in drawing up contracts of this character. In such cases an accountant should always be consulted as to the wording of the contract, as any competent accountant would recognize the danger of there being two constructions placed on the contract, with a consequent dispute. Illustration 3 (From Ohio C. P. A. Examination, October, 1919) The American Manufacturing Company commenced business on January i, 1918, with a paid-up cash capital equal to the sales for the year 1918. The net profits for the year 1918 were $26,100. Of the total charges to manufacturing during the year, 40% was for materials, 30% for productive labor, and 30% for manufacturing ex- EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 69 penses (including 5% depreciation on plant and machinery, amounting to $3,000). The value of the materials used was 80% ot the amount purchased, and 90% of the amount purchased was paid during the year. The inventory value of finished goods on hand at December 31, 1918, was 10% of the cost of finished units delivered to the warehouse, and the work in process at that date was equal to 50% of the cost of units delivered to the warehouse. The selling and administrative expenses were equal to 20% of the sales; also to 40% of the cost of goods sold. Ninety per cent of these ex- penses were paid during the year 1918. Plant and machinery purchased during the year were paid for in cash. All labor and manufacturing expenses (exclusive of depreciation) were paid in full up to and including December 31, 1918. Of the total sales for the year, 80% was collected and 1% charged ofT as worthless. From the given data you are required to prepare a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement, showing cost of goods delivered to the warehouse, cost of goods sold, and net profit for the year. Solution: Let sales equal 100% Then (since selling and administrative expense is 20% of sales or 40% of cost of goods sold) the cost of goods sold is half of the sales or 50% and the gross profit is 50% (That is, if a is 20% of x and is also 40% of y, then y must be half of x.) Selling and administrative expenses are equal to 20% and bad debts equal 1% 21% Hence the net profit is 29% Then, 29% = $26,100 and 100% = $90,000, sales for the year, and the cash capital at the beginning of the year. Cost of goods sold = 50% of $90,000 $45,000 Gross profit 45,000 Selling and administrative expense 18,000 Bad debts 900 70 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Since the inventory of finished goods at December 31, i9i8,wasio%of the cost of finished units delivered to the warehouse, the cost of goods sold was 90% of the finished goods manufactured during the year. Then, $45,000-7-90% = $50,000, cost of finished goods manufactured And $50,000 — $45,000 = $5,000, inventory of finished goods at Decem- ber 31, 1918 Since the work in process at December 31, 191 8, was 50% of the cost of finished goods delivered to the warehouse, 50% of $50,000 = $25,000, Work in process inventory $50,000, Goods finished during 1918 25,000, Work in process at Dec. 31, 1918 $75,000, Total manufacturing cost of 1918 40% of $75,000.00 = $30,000, Cost of materials used 30% of 75,000.00 = 22,500 " " productive labor 30% of 75,000.00 = 22,500 " " manufacturing expense Of this manufacturing expense, $3,000 was depreciation on plant and machinery; hence the manufacturing expense paid in cash was $19,500. Since the rate of depreciation was 5%, the cost of plant and machinery was $60,000, all of which was paid for in cash. Since 80% of the material purchased was used in manufacturing, $30,000-^- 80% = $37,500, the cost of the material purchased; and $7,500 is the inventory of raw material at December 31, 191 8. Also 90% of $37,500, or $33,750, is the amount of cash paid for purchases; and $37,500 ~~ ^33-75° = $3,750- the accounts payable at December 31, 1918, for purchases. The selling and administrative expenses were $1 8,000. Of this amount, 90%, or $16,200, was paid in cash. The remainder, $1,800, is an addition to the accounts payable. 80% of the sales of $90,000 were collected. 1% was written off. Hence, Sales $90,000 Less: Cash collections $72,000 Bad debts 900 72,900 Balance of accounts receivable. . . . $17,100 EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 71 The cash summary is : Cash capital paid in $90,000 Collections on accounts receivable 72,000 $162,000 Deduct: Plant and machinery $60,000 Materials 33-75° Productive labor 22,500 Manufacturing expense IQ.500 Selling and administrative expense 16.200 Total disbursements 151,950 Balance $ 10,050 American Manufacturing Company Trial Balance December 31, 191S Capital stock $90,000 Plant and machinery $60,000 Reserve for depreciation, plant and machinery .... 3,000 Sales 90,000 Purchases 3 7,500 Productive labor 22,500 Manufacturing expense 19,500 Depreciation, plant and machinery 3,000 Selling and administrative expense 18,000 Bad debts 900 Accounts receivable 17,100 Accounts payable (3,750 + 1,800) 5, 550 Cash 10,050 $188,550 $188,550 Inventories: raw material, $7,500; goods in process, $25,000; finished goods, $5,000. 72 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE American Manufacturing Company Profit and Loss Statement Year Ending December 31, 1918 Sales $90,000.00 Deduct: Cost of goods sold : Material: Purchases $37,500.00 Less inventory, Dec. 31, igi8 7,500.00 $30,000.00 Productive labor 22,500.00 Manufacturing expense 19,500.00 Depreciation — plant and machinery 3,000.00 Total manufacturing cost . $75,000.00 Deduct goods in process — Dec. 31, 1918 25,000.00 Cost of finished goods manu- factured $50,000.00 Deduct inventory finished goods — Dec. 31, 1918 5.000.00 45,000.00 Gross profit on sales $45,000.00 Deduct: Selling and administrative ex- $18,000.00 pense Bad debts 900.00 18,900.00 Net profit $26,100.00 EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 73 American Manufacturing Company Assets Plant and machinery . . Less depreciation . . . . Balance Shej December 31, i . 160,000.00 3,000.00 $ 57,000.00 ET 918 Liabilities Accounts payable . . . Raw material Goods in process 7,500.00 25,000.00 5.000.00 17,100.00 10,050.00 5,550.00 Accounts receivable . . . . Cash $121,650.00 $121,650.00 Illustration 4 As another illustration of the use of percentage in the solution of prob- lems, the following C. P. A. problem is given. The Orinoco Coal Company was incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois, with an authorized capital of $8,000, divided into eighty shares of the par value of f 100 each, which were subscribed for as follows: Samuel Black 60 shares William Green 10 " John White 10 " Samuel Black was elected president; George Brown, vice-president and manager, and Charles Pinck, secretary and treasurer. Neither Brown nor Pinck held any stock, but were to receive in addition to their salaries a percentage of the profits after charging off all losses from whatever source — Brown 15% and Pinck 10%. These shares in the profits were not to be considered an expense deductible to obtain the basis of the bonuses. At the end of the year a meeting of the stockholders was held and the following balance sheet was presented: Assets Liabilities Cash $ 8,031.12 Accounts payable .... $ 740.22 Accounts receivable . . 817-32 Reserve for bad debts 376.05 Coal 6,644-15 Capital stock 8,000.00 Charles Pinck 2,264.14 Undivided profits .... 8,640.46 $17,756.73 $17,756.73 74 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE It was announced that Treasurer Pinck, who was not financially responsible and was not bonded, had disappeared and his account was uncollectible, but would be reduced by crediting the account with his share of the net profits. What amounts should Pinck and Brown receive as salary addition? What is the amount of Pinck's defalcation? If the remaining profit is divided among the stockholders, what divi- dend should each receive? Solution: Since the bonuses allowable to Pinck and Brown are to be calculated on the net profit after deducting all losses, the defalcation must be deducted from the undivided profits of $8,640.46 to obtain the net profit. Let 100% = the net profit, then $8,640.46 — defalcation = 100%. But the amount of the defalcation is not known, except that it is the amount of Pinck's debit balance, $2,264.14, minus his 10% of the net profit ; hence — $2,264.14 — 10% = defalcation Substituting the first term of this equation for "defalcation" in the first equation, we obtain — $8,640.46 — ($2,264.14 — 10%) = 100% Removing the parentheses and changing signs — $8,640.46 — $2,264.14+ 10% = 100% Subtracting 10% from both sides of the equation — $8,640.46 — $2,264.14 = 90% or $6,376.32 = 90% Dividing both sides by 90% — $7,084.80 = 100%, the net profit Then 708.48 = 10%, Pinck's bonus and 1,062.72 = 15%, Brown's bonus $2,264.14, Pinck's debit balance 708.48 " bonus credited '1)555-66 " defalcation EQUATIONS IN THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 75 $8,640.46 undivided profit per balance sheet 1,555.66 Pinck's defalcation $7,084.80 net profit — basis of Brown's and Pinck's bonus $708.48 Pinck's bonus 1,062.72 1,771.20 Brown's bonus and total $5,313.60 profits remaining for dividends Vs of $5,313.60 = $3,985.20, Black's dividend yg " " = 664.20, Green's " 1/8 " " = 664.20, White's " i/g" " = $5,313.60, total (as above) CHAPTER VIII TRADE AND CASH DISCOUNT Trade Discount There are two kinds of discount affecting the amount received for goods sold or the amount paid for goods bought. The first of these is trade discount, which is a device for varying prices without interfering with basic or *'hst" prices, often called retail prices. The convenience of its use arises from the fact that an expensive catalogue can be made permanent by recording only the list prices. The real or trade prices are determined by the trade discounts offered by the seller, which are usually contained in confidential letters or circulars sent to customers. A great saving of expense is effected by not having to issue a new catalogue whenever market prices are modified. Moreover the printing and circulating of large catalogues would take con- siderable time so that it would be impossible to give effect to price revisions until weeks after the necessity for them had arisen. But a circular altering the trade discount and thus raising or lowering the actual prices, can be prepared on a reproducing ma- chine and sent out to customers in one or two days. The way in which a trade discount operates is as follows: A manufacturer or wholesaler sells to a retailer at 75 cents an article the list or gross price of which is $1.25. He bills the article to the buyer at the gross price but then deducts the discount of 40%, thus: 16 dozen of article I15.00 $240.00 Less 40% 96.00 $144.00 In this way the actual or net price of the article isestabhshed at 75 cents. This actual price is the amount entered in the books 76 TRADE AND CASH DISCOUNT 77 of both seller and purchaser, neither of whom makes any record of the list price or the trade discount. Cumulative Trade Discounts In order to provide for fluctuations in price the device of cumulative trade discounts has been adopted. Thus the dis- counts quoted may be 30, 20, 10, and 5. This does not mean a total discount of 65, because each successive rate is calculated on the amount left after deducting the discount at the preceding rate. Thus, if the list price is $240, and the discount is 30, 20, 10, and 5, the computation is as follows: List price $240.00 Less 30% of $240.00 72.00 $72.00 $i6S.oo Less 20% of $168.00 3360 33.60 $134.40 Less 10% of $134.40 13.44 13-44 $120.96 Less 5% of $1 20.96 6.05 6.05 $114-91 $125.09 The total discount of $125.09 is almost exactly 52 3^ % of the gross price of $240. The net or real price is $1 14.91 . If the wholesaler wishes to advance the price, he notifies the trade that the last discount of 5% is discontinued, which will make the amount $120.96, or that the last two discounts of 10 and 5 are replaced by 5 alone, raising the price to $127.68 ($134.40 - $6.72). If the price is to be lowered, it is done by adding a further dis- count. If another 5 is added the net price becomes $109.16 ($114.91 - $5.75). Methods of Finding Net Price In order to avoid the necessity of making a separate computa- tion for each discount, it is well to know how to find one rate that 78 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE will give the same result as that reached by the successive steps of the combination rate. The rule for this is : Add the first two discounts; multiply the two discounts; sub- tract the second result from the first. With this result as one dis- count combine the third in the same manner; and take up in turn each of the other discounts. Thus in the illustration — The sum of .30 and .20 is .50 The product of .30 and .20 is .06 .44 The sum of .44 and .10 is .54 The product of .44 and .10 is .044 .496 The sum of .496 and .05 is .546 The product of .496 and .05 is .0248 .5212 Therefore the combination rate is .5212 It is not necessary to remember any rule, because this same result can be reached by computing the discount on $100 thus: List price $100.00 Less 30% 30.00 .30 $70.00 Less 20% 14.00 .14 $56.00 Less 10% 5.60 .056 $50.40 Less s% 2-52 .0252 Net price and total discount rate. . $47.88 .5212 This latter method has the further advantage of being sus- ceptible of easy proof, since the net price and the discount must add to 100. A still better way of reaching the same result is to compute the net amount at once, instead of finding the discount and deduct- TRADE AND CASH DISCOUNT 79 ing it. Thus, instead of ascertaining that 30% of $240 is $72 and deducting it to find $168, it is shorter to multiply 240 by 70%, or rather by .7, to get the same result, and then to multiply 168 by .8 to get 134.40, and so on. In other words, mul- tiply each successive amount by the complement of its discount rate, and the final result will be the net price, with all discounts deducted. In order to find a single rate for the net amount, multiply all the complements of the discount rates. Thus, the product of .7 X .8 X .9 X .95 is .4788, the single rate for the net price when the discounts are 30, 20, 10, and 5. Applying this single rate to $240 will give $114.91, the same result as by the other method. It will save a great deal of labor, as well as insure greater ac- curacy, if tables are made of the net amounts resulting from the application of the discounts usually given by the concern. These tables should be made for amounts of $1 to $100 and should be built up by successive additions and not multiplications. They will prove at every tenth amount, since if the net for $1 is $.4788, it will be $4.7880 for $10, thus proving every intermediate amount, whereas there is no proof if each amount is found by independent multiplication. It is not necessary to carry the tables beyond $100 if all the decimals are used. It is necessary only to be careful to move the decimal point enough spaces to the right to represent the higher numbers. Thus, if the list price is $4,836 and the net rate .4788, the table will show on line 36 the amount of 17.2368 and on line 48 the amount of 22.9824. Therefore: The net of $ 36.00 is $ 17.2368 " " " 4,800.00 " 2,298.24 " " " $4,836.00 " $2,315.48 The same result could be reached with a table of only ten lines, from $1 to $10, but a table of 100 lines shortens the computa- tions and is still easily contained on a comparatively small card. 8o MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Cash Discount In order to induce prompt payment of accounts merchants frequently offer to deduct a certain per cent from bills if they are paid within a fixed number of days. This deduction is called a cash discount and is always applied to the net or trade price reached after all trade discounts have been deducted. The discount terms are expressed by the figure of the per cent followed by the number of days in which the discount is allowed and then by the total number of days that may elapse before the bill becomes due, thus: 2/ 10 ; 1/30 ; N/60 which means that if payment is made in 10 days 2% may be de- ducted; if paid in 30 days 1%; and that the bill is due in 60 days net, that is, without any discount. The advantages of giving cash discount are usually said to be that they decrease : 1. Loss from bad debts 2. Cost of collecting accounts 3. Amount of capital tied up in outstanding accounts As only those who are comparatively strong financially are able to avail themselves of discounts offered, the first advantage would not appear to be very often realized. The advantage to the purchaser is that he makes much more than normal interest by taking his discount. Thus, in the case of 2/10; 1/30; N/60, if the 2% is taken the purchaser gains 2% for 50 days' use of the money, which is at the rate of 14.6 per cent per annum, while if only 1% is taken he gains 1% for 30 days, or 1 2% per annum. If he has sufficient bank credit, he can well afford to borrow at 6 or 7% in order to take his discounts. Discount as a Protection against Loss The term "cash discount" is usually understood to refer to de- ductions that amount to a rather heavy interest. In some cases, TRADE AND CASH DISCOUNT 8l however, the deduction allowed is far more than this. For in- stance, one concern manufacturing electrical apparatus sells on terms of 40% discount if paid within 30 days. If not paid within the time the price is at list. So large a discount is not usually considered to come within the definition of a cash discount, al- though it is such, strictly speaking, since it is dependent upon the payment of cash. It would perhaps be better to call it a trade discount with a time limit. A discount of this kind is adopted as a protection against loss in case of the bankruptcy of a customer. If a discount is given purely as a trade discount, a price is established that remains the same whether a bill is paid at maturity or not. If the customer becomes bankrupt, the claim filed with the receiver must be the net with all trade discounts deducted. If the list price is $1,000 and the unconditional trade discount is 40%, the claim must be filed for $600. If the final settlement is for 50%, the creditor loses $300. But if the discount has a time limit of 30 or 60 days, the time will have expired and a claim can be filed for the list price of $1 ,000, on which the dividend will be $500. The creditor will lose only $100, instead of $300. Cash Discount Regarded as an Expense A view of cash discount not very generally accepted is that the net price is the real price and that if the bill is not paid in time the discount is added as a penalty. This, of course, reverses the usual understanding of the subject, which is that discount taken is a profit. If this view is adopted, cash discount taken is eliminated entirely, and discount not taken becomes an ex- pense. To illustrate, if the trade price is $1,000 with an option of a cash discount of 2%, the entries would be as follows: Purchases $980 Cash discount 20 Creditor $1,000 82 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Then if discount is taken, Creditor $i,ooo Cash $980 Cash discount 20 In this case the discount disappears entirely. If the discount is not taken the entry would be : Creditor $1 ,000 Cash $1 ,000 This leaves the charge of $20 in the cash discount account as an expense. CHAPTER IX TURNOVER Indefinite Meaning of " Turnover" The principal difficulty in discussing turnover is to obtain a clear idea of what is meant by the term. In spite of the efiforts of several committees of the American Association of Public Accountants, we are no nearer an authori- tative standard of accounting terminology than we were ten years ago. The principal difficulty in arriving at correct definitions is that few authors on accounting subjects attempt any definitions at all. They seem to take for granted that everyone else attaches the same meaning to a term as they do themselves and that a definition of it is, therefore, unnecessary. There does not seem to be any formal definition of "turnover" in any standard work on accounting, and the word does not appear to be used with any clearcut meaning. R. H. Montgomery comes nearest to defining the word, but even he only suggests a definition. After stating that authorities differ greatly as to what the term means, he says: "Uniformity is desirable in accounting terminology, so the author suggests this definition: The turnover of a merchant or manufacturer repre- sents the number of times his capital in the form of stock-in- trade is re-invested in stock-in-trade during a given period."^ This is the generally accepted definition of turnover; that is, the number of times the merchandise is turned over. Mr. Mont- gomery further says: "To ascertain the turnover, take the start- ing inventory, add the purchases or cost of manufactured goods, and deduct the inventory at the end; divide the total by the start- ' R. H. Montgomery, Auditing Theory and Practice, 1919, p. 455. 83 84 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE ing inventory. The result will be the number of times the capital invested in stock-in-trade has been turned over during the period. The calculations are based upon a normal inventory."^ Normal Inventories Necessary The application of this rule to two successive years of a business will exhibit the importance of the qualification that the inventories must be normal. It will also show the difficulty of determining in the case of the majority of concerns how many times the stock-in-trade is turned over. If the starting inventory of the first year is $25,000, the pur- chases $200,000, and the inventory at the end is $50,000, the turnover during the year is 7, since $25,000 -j- $200,000 — $50,000, or $1 75,000, is seven times the first inventory. If in the following year the starting inventory is $50,000, the purchases $175,000, and the ending inventory $25,000, the turnover is 4, since $50,000 + $175,000 — $25,000, or $200,000, is four times the first inven- tory. Thus by the mere accident of a difference in the amount of the inventories at the beginning of the two years, the second year, which did the larger business, shows only a little more than half of the turnover of the first year. As the number of turnovers in the year is supposed to be a measure of the prosperity of the busi- ness, this method of determining it is evidently unsatisfactory. The difficulty is greatly reduced if it is possible to determine the average, normal quantity of stock-in-trade carried. This normal quantity may or may not be the same as the inventory at the beginning of the year as there is no necessary connection between the two. Usually, however, we only know that there was a total turnover of $175,000 or $200,000 during the year. Not knowing the amount of the concern's normal inventory from any figures contained in either its revenue statement or balance sheet, we have no means of finding how many times the stock has been ^ R. H. Montgomery "Auditing Theory and Practice," 1919. P- 455- TURNOVER 85 turned over. This we can ascertain only it inventories are taken monthly or at other intervals throughout the year, the average of which may be regarded as the normal inventory. In any event it is necessary to deline the word "normal" as it may mean the average inventory that should be carried or the inventory that is customarily carried. Different Bases of Comparison Even if this difficulty is met, another presents itself when choosing a basis for comparing the turnovers of two concerns. Mr. Montgomery probably represents at least the majority of American accountants in considering turnover to be the number of times the normal stock-in-trade is reinvested in the goods sold. British accountants, on the other hand, following Lisle, say that it should be the relation between the inventory and the sales. It can readily be seen that a serious misunderstanding results in the comparison of the turnovers of two concerns if one is calculated on the basis of cost and the other on the basis of sales, especially if high selling expenses make the cost of the goods a compara- tively small part of the selling price. This difference of opinion as to the proper basis for comparing turnovers has reference to trading businesses. In the case of manufacturing businesses the disagreement is even greater, as three bases of comparison may be used, raw material, raw ma- terial plus labor, and the total cost of the goods sold. Working Capital as Basis of Turnover Owing to this wide divergence of opinion, it has been sug- gested, and it would seem justifiably, that a better basis for cal- culating the turnover is the working capital of the business. If this method is adopted, most of the difficulties encountered in computing the turnover disappear, because the amount of work- ing capital is indicated in the balance sheet, being the excess of current assets over current liabilities. Except as affected by the 86 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE slight increase due to undistributed profits, it remains the same throughout the entire period, and, therefore, affords a stable basis of comparison. Every business, whether it is engaged in trading or manufac- turing, requires capital for two purposes: first, to provide the necessary fixed assets to carry on the operations; and second, to furnish sufficient funds to carry the stock-in-trade and accounts receivable until cash is realized on them and more goods or mate- rial for manufacture are bought. The point that interests the proprietor is how many times a year he can invest his available floating capital by repeating the process of buying the goods, selling them, and collecting the proceeds. If one person with a working capital of $40,000 is able to sell in a year goods costing $200,000, while another with the same amount of working capital is able to sell goods costing only $160,000, the first person has turned over his capital five times to the other person's four times. Some exception is taken to this definition of turnover. It is said that working capital is used for many purposes, including advertising campaigns and similar items of expense that do not affect the cost of manufacture. It is also objected that accounts receivable vary to a great extent between different concerns, as some sell on short time and others on long time, and some keep a big stock of raw materials, while others do not consider it neces- sary, or cannot afford to do so. The question of what constitutes the proper basis for reckon- ing the turnover seems to turn on the object for which the turn- over is used. If it is merely for the purpose of showing that one manager can handle more goods than another with the same average amount of stock on hand, the proper test is the relation between the normal inventory and the cost of the goods sold. But a manager could establish a record on this basis by following the foohsh policy of buying in small quantities at retail prices and paying the high expressage instead of the low freight rates. His turnover would be large, but would lead to disaster. TURNOVER 87 If a profitable business is the object sought for, the use the manager makes of the working capital would seem to be one of the best measures of his success. If too much of the working capital is diverted from the production or purchase of goods for sale to carrying on an extensive advertising campaign, or if it is tempora- rily locked up in long-time accounts receivable, the quantity of goods sold is apt to decrease. This will show itself in a lessened turnover of working capital. On the other hand, if either the beginning or the normal inventory is made the measure, the turnover will remain the same even though the business done is smaller, because the inventory will decline with the volume of business. An inventory of $25,000 and cost of sales totaling $100,000 will show the same turnover on this basis as $50,000 in- ventory and cost of sales totaling $200,000. When the yardstick varies in length, comparative measurements are of little value. The use of working capital as the basis of turnover is logical, first, because the capital is put in the business for the purpose of being turned over as rapidly as possible; second, because it is virtually constant; and third, because it presents all the elements concerned in the turnover, not only the stock-in-trade, but also the accounts and notes receivable, by means of which the turnover is effected. The turnover of working capital also furnishes a better criterion of the excellence of the management. With the inventory as the only standard a manager can make an apparently good record by starving his stock-in-trade. If, however, he uses working capital as the standard, he makes his best record by dihgence in collecting outstanding accounts, and increasing the supply of cash for the development and handling of a more extensive business. Definition of Working Capital Even if this is granted, the difficulty does not come to an end, because there is no authoritative detinition of working capital. H. R. Hatfield says: "Working capital has long had a specific 88 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE meaning as a collective term for what are often called quick assets, e. g., cash, accounts receivable, perhaps merchandise, etc." ^ H. C. Bentley says: "Working capital is the excess of quick assets over quick liabilities."'* Each of these authorities has his followers, as was shown in a recent discussion of the subject in the Journal of Accountancy. The definitions differ because in one the notes and accounts pay- able are considered to be borrowed capital, while in the other only the amount contributed by the proprietor is treated as capi- tal. The first is the economic view of what constitutes capital, while the second is the business and general accounting view. If the ordinary business man is asked how much capital he has in his business, he will always state the amount of his proprietary interest. Unlike Micawber, he does not think he has added to his capital whenever he issues a note payable. Need of Exact Definitions The final lesson to be learned from the consideration of this subject is that in preparing comparative statements of turnover, accountants should first define the terms used and should plainly state the basis of the calculations. Otherwise the conclusions reached will be entirely misleading to persons whose conception of the subject is dift'erent. It is to be hoped that the Institute of Accountants will eventually end the present ambiguity by formu- lating an authoritative definition of turnover. Having settled upon the basis to be used, the accountant de- termines the turnover by ascertaining how many times the normal inventory will go into the cost of the goods sold, or into the sales, according to which view is adopted, or how many times the work- ing capital has been reinvested in the purchase or production of goods sold. The greater the quotient in each case, the more pros- perous and better managed the business is supposed to be. 3 H. R. Hatfield, Modern Accounting, 1909, p. 179. 4 H. C. Bentley, Science of Accounts, 191 1. CHAPTER X PARTNERSHIPS Division of Profits Profits may be divided by partners in any proportions to which they agree; if they malce no express agreement the law im- plies an agreement to divide the profits equally, regardless of the capital or services contributed. The customary methods of dividing profits are: 1. In the ratio of the capital balances at the beginning of the period. 2. In the ratio of the average capitals for the period. 3. In an arbitrary ratio, usually expressed in terms of frac- tions or per cents. 4 . In an arbitrary ratio after allowing interest on the capitals. To illustrate these methods, assume the following facts: Illustration A and B are in partnership and the profits for division at the end of the year are $12,000. A's capital account during the year undergoes the following changes: Credit balance, January i $50,000 Investment, March i 2,000 " November i 3,000 Total credits $55,000 Withdrawal, May i $500 " December i 1,000 Total debits 1,500 Credit balance, December 31 $53,500 90 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE B's capital account changes as follows: Credit balance, January i $25,000 Investment, February i 10,000 " June 1 5,000 Total credits Withdrawal, October i Credit balance, December 31 j.0,000 1,000 59, 000 Solution i: Division of profits in the ratio of the capital balances at the beginning of the year: This ratio is A, 50, and B, 25; or 2 to i. A, therefore, is credited with % of $12,000, or |8,ooo; and B with }4 of $12,000, or $4,000. Solution 2: Division of profits in the ratio of the average capital for the period: This ratio may be computed in either of two ways. The first is as follows: Multiply each capital account credit by the number of months or days from the date of the credit until the end of the period, and find the sum of these products. Multiply each capital account debit by the number of months or days from the date of the debit until the end of the period, and find the sum of these products. Find the difference between the credit products and the debit products. Do this with each capital account and determine what fraction each difference is of the sum of the differences. The difference between the credit and debit products of A's capital account is found thus: Credits Date Amount Time January i $50,000 12 mo. March i 2,000 10 " November i 3,000 2 " Debits May I $ 500 8 mo. December i i ,000 r " Difference Product $600,000 20,000 6,000 $626,000 $ 4,000 1,000 5,000 $621,000 PARTNERSHIPS 91 The difference between the credit and debit products of B's capital account is found thus: Credits Date Amount Time January i $25,000 12 mo. February i 10,000 11 " June 1 5.000 7 " Debits October i $1,000 3 mo. Difference Product $300,000 110,000 35,000 $445, 00c 3,000 |.2,000 The partnership profits of $12,000 are accordingly divided in the follow- ing ratios and amounts: Ratios Expressed in Fractions A 621/1063 B 442/1063 Division of Profits $ 7,010.35 4,989.65 $12,000.00 The second method by which profits may be divided in the ratio of the average capitals for the period is as follows: Multiply the opening balance of each account by the number of months or days it remained unchanged. Multiply each new balance resulting from investments or withdrawals by the number of months or daj's it remained unchanged. Find the sum of these products for each capital account. Find the ratio of each sum to the total for all. The products for A's capital account are computed in the following way: 92 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Balance From To Time Product $50,000 January March 2 mos. $100,000 52,000 March May 2 " 104,000 51,500 May November 6 " 309,000 54,500 November December I mo. 54,500 53,500 December December 31 I " 12 mos. 53,500 $621,000 The products for B's capital account are figured as follows: Balance From To Time Product $25,000 January i February I I mo. $ 25,000 35'000 February i June I 4 mos. 140,000 40,000 June I October I 4 " 160,000 39,000 October i December 31 3 " 117,000 This method results in the same ratios as the first method, and it has the advantage that the final balances shown in the computation ($53,500 and $39,000) are the same as the balances of the accounts; and that the time numbers used as multipliers add to a full year. Checks on the accuracy of the computations are thus provided. It must be understood that these computations determine the average capital ratios but not the average capitals. To compute the average capitals it would be necessary to divide by 12, thus: $621,000 -^ 12 = $51,750.00, A's average capital $442,000 H- 12 = $36,833.33, B's " Since only the ratio between the average capitals is required, the division by 12, or by 365 if the numbers of days have been used as multipliers, is unnecessary. Solution 3 : Division of profits in an arbitrary ratio. No limit can be placed on the variety of arbitrary ratios which can be agreed upon and illustrations are unnecessary. Solution 4: Division of profits in an arbitrary ratio after allowing interest on capital. No interest can be allowed unless there is a specific agreement to do so, and in that event the rate should be agreed upon. PARTNERSHIPS 93 Assuming a rate of 6% on the opening balances of the capital accounts, the distribution, if the remaining profits are divided equally, would be as follows : A B Total 6% of $50,000 $3,000 6% of 25,000 $1,500 Total interest $4,500 Balance equally 3,750 3,750 7,500 $6,750 $5,250 $12,000 If the agreement provides for interest on partners' capitals, it must be credited to them even though it exceeds the total profits. In that event the resulting debit balance in the profit and loss account is charged to the partners in the agreed ratio. Assuming that the profits were only $4,000, the division would be as follows: A B T0T.VL Credits for interest (as above) $3,000 $1,500 $4,500 Debits for excess of interest over profits 250 250 500 Net credits $2,750 $1,250 $4,000 If interest is provided for in the agreement, it must be credited to the partners even though a loss has been incurred instead of a profit earned. Assuming a loss of $1,000, the division would be as follows: A B Total Debits for sum of loss of $1 ,000 and in- terest of $4,500 $2,750 $2,750 $5,500 Credits for interest 3,000 1,500 4,500 Net credit $250 Net debit $1,2^0 $1,000 The result is that B bears all of the loss from operations as well as the $250 net credit to A. 94 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Liquidation of Partnerships When a partnership is terminated, the procedure to be fol- lowed in realizing the assets, liquidating the liabilities and dis- tributing the partners' capitals, depends on whether all losses on realization have been ascertained before payments are made to the partners. If they have been, the losses are deducted from the partners' capitals in the profit and loss ratio, and the remaining assets, after paying the outside creditors, are distributed to the partners in amounts sufficient to pay off the capitals. To illustrate, assume that all partnership debts have been paid, and that the capital accounts are: A $10,000 B $8,000 There must be assets of $18,000. These are sold for $15,000. With losses divided equally, the division of cash proceeds is as follows : A B Total Capitals $10,000 $8,000 $18,000 Losses on realization i,Soo 1,500 3,000 Balances paid in cash $8,500 $6,500 $15,000 Periodical Distributions If periodical distributions to the partners are made before all assets are realized and all losses ascertained, they should be made, if possible, in such a way as to reduce the balances of the capital accounts to the profit and loss ratio existing between the partners, so that if all remaining assets are lost each partner's capital account will be exactly sufficient to cover his share of the loss. To illustrate, assume that all liabilities are paid and the part- ners' capitals are as follows : A $15,000 B 20,000 C 25,000 PARTNERSHIPS 95 The assets total $60,000. In realizing on $i8,oco worth of assets a loss of $3,000 is incurred, so that there is $15,000 in cash to divide. The division of cash should be made as follows, as- suming that the partners share profits and losses equally. ABC Total Capitals $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $60,000 Loss 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 Balance before dividing cash $14,000 $19,000 $24,000 $57,000 Cash 5.000 10,000 15,000 Balances left in P. & L. ratio $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $42,000 It should be noted that the cash is not distributed in the capi- tal ratio, the profit and loss ratio, nor any other ratio, but in arbitrary amounts sufficient to reduce the capitals to the profit and loss ratio. Reducing Capitals to Profit and Loss Ratio It is not always possible to bring the capital account balances to the profit and loss ratio at the first distribution of cash. This is the case if the capital of any partner after charging off all ascer- tained losses is less than his profit and loss ratio of the assets which will remain after making the proposed distribution. To illustrate, assume the capitals to be as follows: A $10,000 B 20,000 C 30,000 Losses are to be shared equally. The assets total $60,000 and all Habilities are paid. Assets carried on the books at $30,000 are sold for $24,000, the loss of $6,000 being divided as follows: ABC Total Capitals before dividing loss Loss Capitals before distribution of cash $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 $60,000 6,000 $8,000 $18,000 $28,000 $54,000 96 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE After the $24,000 is divided there will remain a total capital of $30,000. If possible the $24,000 cash should be divided in such a way as to leave each partner with a balance of $10,000; but this is clearly impossible since A's balance is already reduced to $8,000. Since A's capital is not sufficient to bear his share of the total possible loss of the $30,000 of assets which remain after the distribution, nothing should be paid to A. In the event that a total loss of $30,000 is incurred the charge of $10,000 to A would leave his account with a debit balance of $2,000. If he could not pay in the $2,000 it would have to be charged against B and C in their profit and loss ratios, which in this case happen to be equal. Therefore, B and C may possibly lose the following amounts : B C One-third each of total possible $30,000 loss $10,000 $10,000 Excess of A's share of possible loss over his capital 1 ,000 1 ,000 Total possible loss $11,000 $11,000 The $24,000 cash should be divided between the two partners in such a way as to reduce their balances to these amounts, as follows : ABC Total Capitals before distribu- tion of cash $8,000 $r8,ooo $28,000 $54,000 Cash distributed 7,000 17,000 24,000 Balances $8,000 $11,000 $11,000 $30,000 In the next realization, assets carried at $15,000 are realized at $12,000, the loss being $3,000. After dividing the loss the cash can be distributed in amounts which will reduce the capital balances to the profit and loss ratio of equality. PARTNERSHIPS ABC Total Balances (as above) $8,000 $11,000 $11,000 $30,000 °^^ i-ooo 1,000 1,000 3,000 Balances before distribut- ^"S cash $7,000 $10,000 $10,000 $27,000 ^^ 2,000 5,000 5,000 12,000 Balances (reduced to P. & ^- ^^^^°) $5,000 $ 5,000 $5,000 $15,000 The remaining assets are sold for $9,000, the di- vision of loss and cash being as follows: ^°^^ 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 Balances paid in cash ... . $3,000 $3,000 $ 3,000 $ 9,000 97 CHAPTER XI THE CLEARING HOUSE Principle of the Clearing House The general principle on which a clearing house operates is that of offsetting debits and credits and dealing only with net differences. Its simplest form is illustrated when two persons buy from and sell to each other. If instead of each paying his bill to the other in full, the one who owes the larger sum deducts the other's debt to him and pays the difference, he has to that extent adopted the clearing house principle. In the fullest application of the principle, an outside party is introduced to act as settling or clearing agent. Each unit in the combination that forms the clearing house has dealings with every other unit, but instead of settling its dealings with each of the other units individually it charges the total of all its debits and credits the total of all its credits to the clearing agent, with which it settles the net difference of the totals. In this way a single settlement takes the place of a large number of settlements. An example will make this clear. Debits and Credits with Clearing House Suppose there are six banks in a city. Every day they re- ceive on deposit and otherwise, checks on each other. If there is no clearing house, each bank presents to each of the others the checks drawn on it and collects or pays the difference due to or from it, according as the amount of the checks it pre- sents is greater or smaller than the amount of those presented to it. If the banks form a clearing house, each provides itself with a blank form, in which it inserts the amount of checks it holds 98 THE CLEARING HOUSE 99 against each of the others. The total it charges to clearing house checks on the teller's blotter. This form and the checks themselves are sent to the clearing house. The checks are de- livered to the representatives of the banks on which they are drawn, with a memorandum of the amount for each bank. As each bank receives the checks drawn on it, it enters the amounts in the second column of the form and the total becomes the credit to clearing house checks. If a bank's credits to the clearing house are greater than its debits, it pays the difference to the clearing house. The amounts thus paid in are afterwards paid to those banks whose debits to the clearing house are greater than their credits. Clearing House Transactions The following are assumed to be the transactions on a certain day of the six banks in the clearing house, it being remembered that the first column of figures on each blank is made up before the checks leave the bank and the second column at the clearing house. First National Bank Atlas Nat ^27,819.32 Merchants St 12,948.24 Traders St 22,687.19 State Tr. Co 18,729.63 Union Nat 14,963.48 Atlas National Bank $16,248.76 First Nat $16,248.76 14,629.83 Merchants St 11,283.42 26,963.42 Traders St 12,732.63 21,246.38 State Tr. Co 15,376.28 IS. 782. 16 Union Nat 9.659.87 C. H. owes . 197,147-86 $94,870.55 $ 2,277-31 Owes C. H. $27,819.32 8,664.19 10,497.26 11.958.47 7,326.58 $65,300.96 $66,265.82 $ 964.86 Merchants State Bank i^irst Nat . . $14,629.83 $12,948.24 Atlas Nat 8.664.19 11,283.42 Traders St 9.586.28 10,392.16 State Tr. Co . . . 11,473.47 9.627.59 Union Nat 10,827.42 11.432.27 $55,181.19 $55,683.68 Owes C. H $ 502. 49 Traders State Bank First Nat $26,963.42 Atlas Nat 10,497.26 Merchants St 10,392.16 State Tr. Co 11,788.39 Union Nat 9.673.57 C. H. $22,687.19 12,732.63 9,586.28 13.249.36 8,865.71 $69,314-80 $67,121.17 $ 2,193.63 100 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE s First Nat . TATE Trust Compan Y $18,729.63 15,376.28 11.473-47 11,788.39 8,842.74 Union First Nat Atlas Nat National Ban . . $15,782-16 7,326.58 11,432.27 8,865.71 8,842.74 K Atlas Nat . St... 11,958.47 9.627.59 13,249.36 7.982.25 9,659.87 Merchants Traders St. Union Nat . Merchants St. . . Traders St State Tr. Co Owes C. H 10,827-42 9.673.57 7,982.2s Owes C. H. $64,064.05 $ 2,146.46 $66,210.51 $52,249.46 . . $ 857-13 $53,106.59 Debit Credit Debits Credits Balances Balances $ 94.870.SS $ 97.147.86 $ $2,277-31 66,265.82 65.300.96 964.86 55.683-68 SS,l8l-I9 502.49 67.121. 17 69.314-80 2,193.63 66,210.51 64.064.05 2,146.46 S3. 106.59 52,249-46 857.13 $403,258.32 $403,258.32 $4,470.94 $4,470-94 Manager's Sheet The representatives of the different banks are allowed a cer- tain number of minutes in which to finish the preparation of their respective sheets. They then in turn call out their figures which are registered by the manager of the clearing house on his own sheet in the following manner: Banks First National Bank Atlas National Bank Merchants State Bank Traders State Bank State Trust Company Union National Bank If the manager's sheet balances, he rings his bell to signify that the session is over. If it does not balance he announces the fact. A certain number of minutes is allowed for finding the error. If found within that time the one who made the error is fined a certain sum. The fine increases progressively with any added time taken to reach a balance. Later, the banks with debit balances make their payments to the clearing house manager, who shortly after pays off the banks with credit balances. The total figures are kept by the manager for statistical pur- poses. The sum of the checks presented ($403,258.32) is the clearing house movement for the day, and the sum of the balances ($4,470.94) is the amount of the balances reported in the financial THE CLEARING HOUSE lOI news. The corresponding figures for the week, month and year are published periodically in the financial columns of the news- papers, and are considered a barometer of business activity. Economy of System The convenience and the economy of the clearing house sys- tem may be demonstrated by an analysis of the transactions of the Merchants State Bank. This bank has collected checks aggregating $55,181.19 and has paid checks totaling $55,683.68, or a total settlement of $1 10,864.87, by a payment of only $502.49, or less than one half of 1%. Without the clearing house, it would have been compelled, even by offsetting with each of the other banks, to make the following payments : Atlas National Bank $2,619.23 Traders State Bank 805.88 Union National Bank 604.85 $4,029.96 It would have received the following amounts: First National Bank $1,681.59 State Trust Company 1,845.88 3,527.47 Total cash movement in the bank would have been. . . $7,557.43 One payment of $502.49 takes the place of five transactions aggregating fifteen times as much. Each bank must settle on the basis of the clearing house re- turns. The corrections of any errors in addition, the listing of checks, either for wrong amounts or on the wrong bank, etc., and the settlement for checks returned for lack of funds or on account of missing endorsements, are all matters left to the individual banks to adjust with each other. Application of Principle Extended The clearing house principle is applied to the settlement of accounts whenever several parties have reciprocal relations, in- 102 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE volving the transfer of value in the form of money, securities, or merchandise. It is applied to the settlement of accounts between brokers on boards of trade and other exchanges, and also to the regulation of sales of merchandise when an agreement exists among concerns in the same line of business restricting the output of each to an agreed percentage. At present there is very little of the latter use of the method, owing to the danger of violating the law which prohibits agreements in restraint of trade. CHAPTER XII BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS General Characteristics of Building and Loan Associations A building and loan association is founded on the general principle of co-operation among a large number of small investors and a smaller number of intending borrowers, who wish to get advances for the purpose of erecting buildings on land they own, or of paying off existing loans on real estate that has been partially paid for. There are several different plans on which such associa- tions are organized, but the idea of co-operation is present in them all. In some foreign countries, notably Italy, this principle of co- operation has been extended to cover loans to workmen for the purchase of tools or machinery and even to the furnishing of large sums to working contractors for building railroads and other public works. The usual characteristics of a building and loan association are as follows: Each member subscribes to a definite number of shares, on which he pays monthly instalments of one half of i% of the par of the stock. If, for example, the par is fixed at $ioo, the monthly payment on each share is 50 cents. When these instalments together with the profits earned by each share amount to $100, the stock is said to have matured and is paid off. Terminating Plan The terminating plan of organization, the first to be adopted, is the simplest of all. It involves the subscription by a limited num- ber of persons to a certain number of shares which are to be paid in instalments, and the dissolution of the association upon the 103 I04 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE maturity of the shares. As money is paid by subscribers it is loaned from time to time. As the interest collected is also loaned, the association is in theory receiving compound interest. For instance, if 2,000 shares are taken and 50 cents per share is paid monthly, a loan of $1,000, say at 6%, can be made at the end of the first month. At the close of the second month there is another $1,000 to lend, together with $5 interest collected on the first loan, and this is repeated from month to month. The com- pound interest theory, however, does not hold strictly here, as it is difficult to lend odd amounts, unless other security than real estate is taken. The objection to this plan is that it is impossible to employ the money profitably in real estate loans, because during the latter part of the association's life loans have to be made for so short a time that great difficulty is experienced in making them; and if the later loans should be made for the usual term of five years the dues and profits on the stock could not be paid when they matured. It can, however, be arranged that after the stock reaches par no further payments should be made on the shares and no shares should be withdrawn, but the money should be kept invested and cash dividends paid out of the interest collected. Practicability of Plan The terminating plan can be used to best advantage when a large number of persons wish to pay in a given time a large sum of money with interest, each person paying a small amount monthly for the given time. This plan, for example, is extremely useful in paying off a church debt. If a church without any rich members owes $10,000 on which it is paying 6% interest, it might seem impossible to raise so large an amount. If a building and loan association is formed with 100 shares of $100 each, to run for five years, on which the monthly payments are fixed at $1.93 per month, it will usually not be found difficult to persuade the con BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS I05 gregation to take the whole 100 shares. This will not only pay off the entire debt in five years, but will also pay the interest on the diminishing amount of the note, as the holder of the note will be willing to accept partial payments of even hundreds of dollars. The plan works out in this way — Each holder of a share agrees to pay $100 and interest in monthly instalments of $1.93. If he makes his payments regularly, his account for the first two months runs as follows : Original agreement $100.00 One month's interest at 6% .50 $100.50 First month's payment 1.93 $ 98.57 One month's interest at 6% .49 $ 99.06 Second month's payment 1.93 $ 07-13 The treasurer credits the interest account each month with the interest paid that month, and the principal with the balance of the payments, applying the money to the payment of the inter- est and principal of the note. The amount of the monthly payments theoretically necessary is found from the compound interest table headed, "Amount per annum necessary to pay a debt of $1 now due and the interest thereon." In order to reduce it to monthly payments it is neces- sary to use the table of ^ % for the number of months in the life of the association. In our illustration we find the amount necessary, or $1.93, in the Yi % column on the line of the 60th period. For six years or 72 months the amount is $1.65^. As all the amounts will not be paid promptly, it is better to make the monthly payments $2 and $1.70 respectively. io6 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Serial Plan The serial plan is virtually a succession of terminating plans combined in one association. A series is started at regular inter- vals of three, six or twelve months, with whatever number of shares may be subscribed. In some states the par of a share is $200 and the monthly payment per share is $1 ; but in most of the states the par is $100 and the payment is 50 cents per month, sometimes 25 cents per week. After a new series is begun no more shares can be issued in any previous series, although the holder of stock in any series can sell it or otherwise transfer it. A serial association is a partnership with limited liability, the subscribers to the different series being the partners. The profits are divided among the series in proportion to their capitals which are the amounts paid in plus the accumulated profits to date. A simple illustration will make the process clear. Suppose that an association is started on January i, 191 7, and that on September 30, 1918, the shares outstanding are as fol- lows: Series Date of Issue nu.mber of Shares Paid per Share Profit per Share V\\LUE PER Share I 2 3 January, 1917 April, July, October, January, 1018 April, July, 800 600 700 500 400 600 500 9.00 7. so 6.00 450 3 00 1.50 $2 I I 29 71 25 88 56 27 02 $12.79 10.71 8.7S 6.88 s 6 7 5.06 3-27 1-52 During the cjuarter beginning October i, 1918, the eighth series of 700 shares is sold. The net profits for the quarter from interest, fines, etc., less the secretary's salary and other expenses, are $489.92. The undivided profits on September 30, 1918, are BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 107 $4,571.28. There are two plans by which the profits may be divided, the partnership plan and the Dexter rule. Distribution by Partnership Plan In the so-called partnership plan all previous profits are ig- nored and the capital of each series is taken as the money actually paid in multiplied by the equated number of months during which it has been left in the business. As the dues are payable on the first of each month, the equated time is found by adding i to the number of months the series has run and dividing the sum by 2. Thus, on December 31, 1918, the first series has run 24 months. Adding i and dividing by 2 gives 12^^ months as the equated time. As there are 800 shares in that series and as each share has paid in $12 the capital is $12 multiplied by 800 or $9,600 and it has been in an equated time of 12^ months. Multiplying $9,600 by 12^ gives $120,000 as the equated capital of Series i. Pursuing the same method the equated capitals of the several series are calculated as follows: Series I $12.00 X i2>^ mos. X 800 shares $120,000 2 10.50 X II "X 600 " 69,300 3 9.00 X 9/2 " X 700 " 59,850 4 7-5° X 8 "X 500 " 30,000 5 6.00 X 6>2 " X 400 " 15,600 6 4-5° X 5 " X 600 " 13,500 7 3-00 X 3>2 " X 500 " 5,250 8 1-50 X 2 "X 700 " 2,100 Total of equated capitals $315,600 The total profits to date, amounting to $5,061.20, are divided among the series in the proportion that each one's equated capital bears to the total equated capital. Reducing to the least com- mon denominator of 2,104, we have the following division of the profits among the several series. io8 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Series I . 2. 3- soo/ . ... 462/ • • ■ 399/ 4- 200/ 5- 6. 7- 8. ■ ■ ■ 104/ 90/ 35/ . . . 14/ 800/2104 of $5,061.20 equals $1,924.40 ,924.40 $2.41 Der share ,111-34 1.85 959-79 1-37 481.10 .96 250.17 .62 216.50 -36 84.19 -17 33-68 •OS 2,104 ;,o6i.i7 Of course it is impossible to balance exactly the total profits with the sum of the profits assigned to each series. Distribution by Dexter's Rule The first step in applying the Dexter rule is to calculate the capitals of the series. The capital of each series on September 30 is the value per share as shown in the table on page 106 [of this chapter] multipHed by the number of shares outstanding. To find the earning capital on December 31, it is necessary to add the contribution of 50 cents per share for each of the three months of the current quarter. This is an average of $1 per share, cal- culated thus : 50 cents paid October i was in 3 months or $1.50 for i month 50 " " November i " "2 " " i.oo " i 50 " " December i " " i month " .50 " i " Total $3.00 This is an average of $1 for three months. One dollar must, therefore, be added to the value per share shown in the first table. Bearing this in mind, the earning capital of the different series is found as follows: BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 109 Series I 800 shares at $13.79 P^r share " II. 71 600 700 500 400 600 500 700 9-75 7.88 6.06 4.27 2.52 1. 00 )II,032 7,026 6,825 3,940 2,424 2,562 1,260 700 Total capital $35,769 This rule leaves undisturbed the previous distributions of profits and adds to them the profits of the current quarter on the basis of the present earning capitals. The current profits of $489.92 are 1.37 per cent of the capital of $35,769. Hence the profit per share for each series is calculated as follows : Series Capital Current Profit Previous Profit Total Profit Shares Profit per Share $11,032 7,026 6,825 3.940 2,424 2,562 1,260 700 $151.14 96.26 93-50 53-98 33-21 35-10 17.26 9-59 $1,832 1,026 875 440 224 162 10 $1,983.14 1,122.26 968.50 493-98 257.21 197-10 27.26 9-59 800 600 700 500 400 600 500 700 $2.48 1.87 1.38 -99 .64 6 ■ 33 • 05 8 .01 $35,769 $490.04 $4,569 $5,059-04 A comparison of the profits per share shows that the partner- ship plan gives larger profits to the later at the expense of the earlier series. This is a great injustice, as the earlier series are made to share the profits they have accumulated, with the later series, which had no part in producing those profits. This is not done in an ordinary commercial business when new partners are admitted. Dexter's rule is the true partnership plan and is the one usually adopted. no MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Withdrawal of Shares In case any shares are withdrawn during the quarter the holders are given the amount they have paid in and interest for the equated time at 3 or 4 %. Thus, if fifty shares in the third series are withdrawn on December i, 191 8, the amount paid in is $8.50 per share or $425, the interest at 3% for the equated time of nine months is $9.56, and the total amount paid is $434.56. The book value of this stock is $9.75 per share or $487.50. There is a book profit of $5 2. 94 on the transaction. No entry is made for this profit, but it is added to the cash profits of $489.92, which makes the divisible profits for the quarter $542.86. Sources of Income The profits of building and loan associations arise from inter- est paid by the borrowers and also from fees, fines and premiums. The fees are membership fees, usually 25 cents per share, paid when the stock is originally subscribed. Sometimes these fees are capitalized in the series in which they are paid, making the value per share 25 cents more. Otherwise they are treated as a general profit, as in our example. In some associations a transfer fee is paid when stock changes hands. The fines are levied on stockholders who are delinquent in their monthly payments, usually 5 cents per share on stock of non-borrowers (investment stock), and 10 cents per share on stock of borrowers, for each month the delinquency continues. Premiums The premiums are either payable monthly or are deducted from the loan when made. They arise from the bidding for loans by those desiring to borrow. When the association is in posses- sion of loanable funds, bids are invited. The person offering to pay the highest premium for the money receives the loan, if his BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS III real estate security is found to be adequate. On the cash pre- mium plan, 1% of the premium is paid monthly in cash. On the deducted premium plan, the whole premium is deducted from the loan in advance and only the net amount is paid. If the loanable funds are $2,000 and the cash premium bid is 25%, the borrower makes his note for $2,000 and his monthly payments are: Dues $10, interest at 6% $10, and premium amounting to 1% of $500 premium or $5, making a total cash payment of $25. For the same amount of money on the deducted premium plan, the bid may be for $2,500 at a premium of 20%. The borrower receives $2,000 cash, but his note is made for $2,500 and his monthly payments are: Dues $12.50 and interest $12.50, a total cash payment of $25. The premium of $500 is credited to unearned premiums, and at the end of each quarter profit and loss is credited and unearned premiums charged with $15. Each borrower is obliged to subscribe for stock the par value bf which is equal to the face of his loan. When the dues paid on this stock and the profits credited to it cause it to be worth par, it is paid off by cancelling the loan. No payments are ever applied to the loan, which remains in full force until cancelled by the matured stock. It will be noted that in both the serial plans the treatment is entirely on the basis of the several series being fully paid to date. If stock in any series is delinquent, it still receives its share of the profit, the only offset being the small fine, which in the older series is much less than the earnings for the quarter. Individual Plan To meet this objection to the serial plan, some associations have adopted the individual plan, which really makes each stock- holder a series by himself. The capital is then the actual amount paid in plus accumulated profits. The procedure as to earning capital and profits is otherwise the same as in the serial plan. 112 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Dayton, or Ohio Plan One great objection to the plans hitherto considered, or to any modification of them, is that they place the borrowers in an uncertain position with regard to the time at which their loans will be cancelled, and consequently with regard to the amount of principal and interest they will be called upon to pay. Their loans are not cancelled until their stock matures. If the associ- ation proves to be very prosperous, the profits will be large and the stock will mature in a comparatively short time. On the other hand, in a poorly managed association, it may take a long time to mature the stock, and in the meantime the borrowers will have to continue the payment of their instalments and interest, making their loans much more expensive than they have anticipated. To meet this objection various forms of the "Dayton Plan" have been adopted, all of which agree in this — that the borrower is given a definite contract. His loan is to be repaid in a fixed number of months by the regular payment of a definite amount, which will cover both principal and interest. The calculation of the amount to be paid is based on the same principle as the one already shown for liquidating a church debt. The amount applicable to the principal is credited to the loan each month by the association, as the borrower does not have to own any stock. The loanable funds are obtained from the instalments paid by investing stockholders, with whom the accounts are kept on the individual plan. This system is really that of a co-operative savings bank, and is the fairest method of all. When properly managed, it is very successful. The two following problems illustrate principles dealt with in this chapter. Problem i A building and loan association published the following statement on December 31, iqi8: BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Age and Condition of Shares 113 Series Date of Issue Number of Shares Paid per Share Profit per Share Value per Share I January, 191 7 April, July, October, " January, 1918 April, July. October, " 800 600 700 Soo 400 600 500 600 $12.00 10.50 9.00 7.50 6.00 4-50 3.00 I. so $2.56 1.97 ISI 1. 14 .82 • 53 .26 .02 $14.56 12.47 10.51 3 4--- s 8.64 6.82 6 3.26 8 The balance sheet showed that the profits to date were $5,647.82. On March 31, 1919, the net profits from interest, premiums, fines and fees, less salary and expenses, were found to be $483.16. There had been with- drawn during the quarter 50 shares of the 4th series on which $10.75 ^^- terest had been paid, not included in the expenses previously mentioned. The Qth series was opened and 400 shares were subscribed and paid for the quarter. Distribute the profits March 31, 1919, on the partnership plan. Solution: First find the equated time; which is ascertained by adding i to the number of months in the age of each series and dividing by 2. Next multi- ply the equated time by the amount paid and then by the number of shares outstanding in each series, as follows: Series I . . •• 27 months old. equated 14 mos. X 3 13.50 X 800 si 1. $151,200 2. . .. 24 I2>2 ' X 12.00 X 600 90,000 3-- 21 II ' X 10.50 X 700 80,850 4-- .. 18 9>4 ' X 9.00 X 450 38,475 S-- • 15 8 ' X 7.50 X 400 24,000 6.. 12 6>^ ' X 6.00 X 600 23,400 7- 9 5 " X 4.50 X 500 11,250 8.. 6 s'A " X 3.00 X 600 6,300 9.. •• 3 2 ' X 1.50 X 400 1,200 $426,675 114 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The profits to be divided are found as follows: Undivided profits, December 31, 1918 Profits of quarter, net Less interest paid on withdrawal Profits to be divided The profits are divided in the following manner: Series ;,647. 82 483-16 ),i30.98 IO-75 3,120.23 2oi6/5689*of|6,i2o.23equals$2,i68.8i,orpershare $ 1200 1078 513 320 312 150 84 16 5,689 ,290.96 ' ,159-71 ' 551-89' 344.26 ' 335-65 ' u u 161.37 ' u u 90.37 ' 17.22 ' 2.71 2-15 1.66 1.23 .86 •56 •32 •15 .04 ),I20.24 *i5i, 200/426,675 = 2016/5689 Problem 2 Using the same figures as in the previous problem, distribute the profits in accordance with Dexter's rule. Solution: First find the capitals of the series by multiplying the value per share plus$i by the number of shares outstanding, as follows: Series 800 shares by $15.56 equals $12,448 600 700 450 400 600 500 600 400 13-47 8,082 II. 51 8,057 9-64 4,338 7.82 3,128 6.03 3,618 4.26 2,130 2.52 ' 1. 512 1. 00 * 400 $43,713 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 115 The profits for the quarter are $483.16 Plus profit on withdrawn shares 46.25 Total to be divided $529.41 The withdrawal profits are ascertained thus: Book profit for 4th series is $1.14 per share, and for 50 shares. Actually paid Retained profit on withdrawal >S7-oc 10.75 '■25 The divisible profit of $529.41 is a trifle more than 1.21% of the capital of $43,713. Calculated for each series it is as follows: Series Shares Old Profit PER Share Old Profit OF Series New Profit OF Series Total Profit per Share New Profit PER Share I 800 J2.S6 $2,048.00 J150.62 $2,198.62 $2.75 2 600 1-97 1,182.00 97 79 1,279.79 2.13 3 700 l-Sl 1,057-00 97 49 1. 154-49 1-65 4 450 1. 14 51300 52 49 565-49 1.26 S 400 .82 328.00 37 85 365-85 -91 6 600 .53 318.00 43 78 361.78 .60 7 500 .26 130.00 25 77 155-77 • 31 8 600 .02 12.00 18 30 30-30 ■OS 9 400 4 84 4.84 .02 $5. 588. 00 S528 93 $6,116.93 The last series is usually given 2 cents as i cent is so very small. With the profit per share known the statement of age and condition of shares can now be made up if asked for. CHAPTER XIII GOOD-WILL AND CONSOLIDATIONS Purchasing a Business with Stock When two or more concerns are merged, or when a business is taken over by a holding company, or when a business is bought by a corporation already in existence, the payment for the busi- ness taken over is frequently made in the stock of the corporation acquiring the business. If the amount of stock to be given for the business is to be determined on an equitable basis, two elements in the business must be taken into consideration. These are the fair value of the net assets of the business as a going concern and the earning ca- pacity of the business. The fair value of the net assets may be reached by mutual agreement between the parties, or by an appraisal of the fixed assets by an appraisal company, and an estimate of the value of the active assets by an accountant. When the value is determined, stock of a corresponding amount in face value is allotted as the price paid for the net assets. Allocation of Net Earnings To ascertain the earning power for which further stock should be issued, it is first necessary to establish a normal, or standard rate of earnings. This can be done only by agreement between the parties concerned. When the rate is agreed upon, it is ap- plied to the stock already allotted for net assets. The result is the amount of net earnings to be devoted annually as dividends on the stock given in payment of the net assets. The net earnings remaining after deducting dividends at the agreed rate on the stock issued for net assets, is the basis for Ii6 GOOD-WILL AND CONSOLIDATIONS II7 calculating the amount of stock to be allotted for the excess earning capacity of the business acquired. The theory on which stock is allotted for excess earnings is based on the fact that one of the principal reasons for investing in a stock is that it will produce an income that is considered adequate return on the money invested. What the rate of return should be is determined by the conditions of the enterprise. An investment in a business whose conditions are stable and which may be depended upon to maintain a steady earning power, or even to increase it, yields a much lower rate of return than one in a speculative and unreliable business. Good-Will The name given to the valuecreatedby the excess earnings of a business is "good- will." Consideration of good- will is involved in the discussion of a stock distribution on the basis of earnings. The stock allotment is partly based on the value of the net assets acquired and partly on the good-will, or excess earning power. Since good-will is the measure of earning capacity, it follows that only an established business can possess it. It resides usually in the reputation the business has built up in consequence of the excellence of its product, the practice of fair dealing or any other characteristics of its management giving it an advantage over its competitors. The existence of good-will cannot be proved except by a more or less prolonged experience. There- fore, when a new business is started it is false accounting to issue any stock for good-will, because its promoters expect it to earn more than the normal rate of profit. A new company, however, which has taken over an old business with a developed good-will may carry good-will among its assets and issue stock therefor. Appraising Good- Will — Years' Purchase Method In allotting stock the good-will may be valued in several different ways. It may be expressed as a given number of years' Il8 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE purchase of the total profits. This means that the purchaser is wilHng to forego profits from the business for the time agreed upon. Each condition of the terms must be agreed upon between the buyer and seller. Thus, if it is agreed that the basis shall be two and one half years' purchase of the average profits for the last ten years, it will be necessary to ascertain the total profits for ten years. One tenth of this sum will be the average yearly profit, and two and one half times the average profit will be two and one half years' purchase. If the total profit for lo years is $256,232.00 the average annual profit is $ 25,623.20 and 23^ times the average is $ 64,058.00 which is the value placed upon the good-will on the basis of two and one half years' purchase. It is better to ascertain the average of a number of years than to take the figures for the last two and one half years, as the latter may not be normal. This method is not as logical as allowing a certain number of years' purchase of the profits in excess of a rate agreed upon as normal. The latter calculation is the same as that given above, except that the normal profits are first deducted. Thus, if the invested capital is $200,000 and the normal rate agreed upon is 10%, the value of the good-will is figured as follows: Average profits (as shown above) .... $25,623.20 Normal profit 20,000.00 Excess profit $ 5,623.20 8-years' purchase $44,985.60 Capitalizing Gross Income A third method is to capitalize the gross income. If the capital is known and the per cent of income is also known, the income is found by multiplying the capital by the rate per cent. Thus, if the capital is $200,000 and the rate of profit is GOOD-WILL AND CONSOLIDATIONS 119 15%, the income is $30,000. On the other hand, if it is desired to ascertain what capital will produce $30,000 income if the rate per cent is 15, it is necessary to divide the income by the per cent expressed as a decimal, thus, $30,000 divided by .15 equals $200,000. Therefore, to capitalize a given income at a given rate per cent, the income is divided by the decimal expressing the rate. This method, like the first, is objectionable because it does not take into consideration the fact that part of the income must be used to furnish a return on the stock already allotted for net assets. That amount of the income is in fact duplicated, and the duplication reduces the amount of the return to the concern with the largest rate of profit and increases the return to the concern with the smallest rate. Suppose the following companies wish to combine on the basis of net assets and good-will representing gross income capitalized at 15%. ABC Net assets and capital $200,000 $300,000 $500,000 Average annual income 40,000 45,000 65,000 Rate of profit 20% 15^^ 13% If it is proposed to form a new company with a capital of $2,000,000, the distribution of the stock is as follows: For net assets $200,000 $300,000 $500,000 For income capitalized at 15%. . 266,667 300,000 43i^3,.^3 Total $466,667 $600,000 $933,333 The total income being $150,000, the rate of profit is 7>^ %, which will have to be distributed as follows: A receives y}4 % of $466,667 $35,000 B " " " " 600,000 45,000 C " " " " 933^333 70.000 Total $2,000,000 $150,000 120 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE A would thus receive $5,000 less per year than when operating alone and will certainly object to the plan. B would not be affected because he is already receiving 15%, while C would gain the $5,000 lost by A. Therefore, a fourth plan should be adopted by which the duplication of profits will be avoided. After allowing for a fixed rate of return on the capital issued for net assets to each of the merging concerns, the amount of profits necessary to provide the dividend at that rate is deducted from the total profits previously earned by the concern and the capitalization of the remaining profits is made by employing the same rate. This amounts to fixing the rate desired on the new stock and issuing stock to each concern sufficient to earn the profits previously enjoyed. If 8% is fixed upon as the rate desired, the first allotment of stock for net assets is the same as before — A $200,000, B $300,000, and C $500,000. The remaining profits are then calculated as follows : A B C Total $ 40,000 16,000 $ 45,000 24,000 $ 65,000 40,000 $ 150,000 80,000 $ 24,000 $ 21,000 $ 25,000 $ 70,000 Capitalizing at 8% $300,000 200,000 $262,500 300,000 $312,500 500,000 $ ] 875,000 ,000,000 $500,000 $562,500 $812,500 $ ,875,000 Income at 8% $ 40,000 $ 45,000 $ 65,000 $ 150,000 In this way each concern will receive the same earnings after the merger as before, and none will suffer. Issue of Two Classes of Stock We have thus far considered the issue of only one kind of stock. This necessitates the use of only one rate of return on the stock GOOD-WILL AND CONSOLIDATIONS 121 issued. A more usual procedure when a combination of this kind is effected is the issuance of two classes of stock, preferred and common. It is an almost universal practice to issue preferred stock for the net assets and common stock for the good-will, or excess earnings. The objection to calculating the stock given for good-will on the basis of the total earnings is the same as in the third plan. If the preferred stock is issued at 6% and the good-will is capital- ized on the total profits at 20%, the common stock issued for good-will is as follows: A $200,000 B 225,000 C 3 25^000 Total $750,000 As it takes $60,000 to pay the preferred dividend, there will be left $90,000 for the common stock, which will allow a 12% divi- dend. The profits will therefore be divided as follows: A $200,000 preferred at 6% $12,000 200,000 common at 12% 24,000 $36,000 B 300,000 preferred at 6% 225,000 common at 12% C 500,000 preferred at 6% 325,000 common at 12% Total $18,000 27,000 45,000 $30,000 30,000 6g,ooo $: [50,000 In this way A makes a loss and C a gain of $4,000. The proper method is to issue the common by capitalization of the excess profits after the preferred dividends have been provided for, thus: A Original profits $40,000 Preferred dividends 6% 12,000 Excess remaining $28,000 $27,000 $35,000 Capitalized at 20% $140,000 $135,000 $175,000 B C $45,000 $65,000 18,000 30,000 122 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE It is evident that dividends of 6% on the preferred and 20% on the common stock will give the same return as formerly. After the preferred dividends are deducted it does not make any difference what basis is adopted for capitalizing, because whatever rate is used the relative proportion remains the same. Thus, if the excess is capitalized at four years' purchase the result- ant common stock is as follows: A $112,000, B $108,000, and C $140,000, a total of $360,000, on which the $90,000 remaining profits will provide a dividend rate of 25%, and the distribution will be thus: A for preferred $12,000 " common, 25% of $112,000 28,000 $40,000 B " preferred $18,000 " common, 25% of $108,000 27,000 45,000 C " preferred $30,000 " common, 25% of $140,000 35, 000 65,000 The practice of starting a new business with a capital stock of a par value greater than the total of the net assets is often in- dulged in. In such a case a debit must be made to some account, in order to balance the books. The account debited is often called good-will. This is altogether wrong, since, as we have seen, good- will is a matter of growth and cannot be possessed by a business which has had no time to develop it. CHAPTER XIV FOREIGN EXCHANGE Conversion of Foreign Coinage In order to provide a basis for the comparative values of United States and foreign coinage, the Director of the United States Mint periodically estimates the values of foreign coins, which are proclaimed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The values thus fixed are called the mint pars of exchange, and repre- sent the intrinsic or bullion values of foreign coins in terms of United States money. A table of values recently proclaimed appears in the Appendix. To reduce a value in foreign coinage to United States money, multiply the value of the coin in United States money by the number of coins. Illustration What will a draft for £410 'i9/'6 cost in dollars at the mint par of exchange? Solution: There are two ways to calculate this: 1. Reduce shillings and pence to decimals of the pound, thus: £410. ig shillings are 19/20 of a pound .95 6 pence are 6/240 or 1/40 of a pound .025 £410.975 £410.975 multiplied by $4.8665 is $2,000.01. 2. Reduce pence, shillings and pounds to value in dollars, thus: 6 pence are 1/40 of $4.8665 $ .12 19 shillings are 19/20 of $4.8665 4.62 410 pounds at $4.8665 1,995.27 £410/19/6 at $4.8665 $2,000.01 123 124 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Reverse Conversion To reduce a value in United States coinage to a foreign money value, divide the value in United States money by the value of the foreign unit. Illustration What is the value in pounds of $2,000 at the mint par of exchange? Solution: There are again two ways to calculate this, which are as follows : 1. 2,000 -^ 4.8665 = 410.973, number of pounds .973 of 20 (shillings in the pound) = 19.46 .46 of 12 (pence in the shilling) = 5.52 Hence $2,000 = £410/19/6. 2. To find the number of pounds: 4.8665 1 2,000.00 I 4io£ 1,946.60 53-400 48.665 Remainder 4-735° Reduce to shillings 20 48665 947000 1 19 s 48665 460350 437985 Remainder 22365 Reduce to pence 12 48665I 268380 1 5.52 d 243325 250550 243325 72250 Result £ 4 1 0/19/6. In this particular case there is a much shorter method, which is as follows : FOREIGN EXCHANGE 1 25 £410/19/6 is the same as £411 minus 6d, or £411 minus 1/40 of £1. We can, therefore, obtain the result by performing the following sub- traction : £4ii/oo'o X $4.8665 $2,000.13 — 6 or 1/40 of $4.8665 —.12 £410/19/6 $2,000.01 Current rates of exchange vary from the unit par rate, because the supply and demand for foreign drafts are afifected by the balance of trade between countries. Transactions involving foreign exchange are made at current instead of mint par rates. Exchange is quoted at the current value in cents and con- versions are made as illustrated in the conversions at mint rates. Illustration What is the cost of a 300 franc draft on Paris, purchased at 8.49? Solution: $.0849 X 300 = $25.47 A United States merchant sends $5,000 to Paris when the rate is 8.49. What is the value in francs? Solution: 5,000 -^ .0849= 58,892.8, the number of francs. Dealing in Foreign Exchange There are two methods of recording transactions in foreign exchange. When the first method is used, the charges and credits are entered in two values, domestic and foreign, the conversion of each item being made at the rate applying to the transaction When the account is closed the balance in foreign money is valued by converting either at cost or current rate, and the profit or loss on exchange is ascertained. The other method attempts to ascertain the profit or loss on each item, by computing the difference between the conversion value at par and current rates. Both methods are illustrated below : 126 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Illustration A banking concern deals in foreign exchange and the following are the transactions with a London correspondent for one month: Debits Sept. 1 Remittance, 30-day bill £400 at $4.86 10 " sight bill £100/10 " 4-87 "15 " " " £200/0/6 " 4-86K Credits Sept. 2 Draft, sight £300 at $4.87^ 12 £200/12/5 " 4-87 20 Cable £100 " 4.88 1. Ascertain the profit or loss in the account for the month. 2. State the balance of the account at the end of the month in foreign and domestic currency, the current rate of sterling exchange for cable transfers being $4.89. Solution i : Although the problem states that the current rate of exchange for cable transfers is $4.89, it seems incorrect to inventory the balance of the account at this rate, since the rate is not only higher than cost but higher than any of the prices at which sales have been made. On the theory that the first items purchased are the first sold we find that the first two remittances are ofTset by the first two credits. Applying this theory, the balance of the account must have cost $4.86^, the rate apply- ing to the remittance of September 15. Setting up the account and valu- ing the balance at $4.86^, we have the following: Account with London Correspondent Debits Foreign Rate Domestic Sept. I, Remittance, 30-day bill £400/00/0 $4.86 $1,944.00 " xo, " sight bill loo/io/o 4.87 489.44 " 15, " " " 200/00/6 4.86K 973.62 " 30, Profit 6.74 £700/10/6 $3,413.80 Oct. I, Balance — Inventory £99/18/1 $4.86^ $486.28 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 127 Credits Sept. 2, Draft, sight £300/00/0 $4,871^ $1,462.50 " 12, " " 200/12/5 4.87 977-02 " 20, Cable 100/ 00/0 4.88 488.00 " 30, Balance 99/18/1 4-86^ 486.28 £700/10/6 $3,413.80 While $6.74 is shown as profit it must be remembered that the rate of 4.86^ is used because the current rate for checks is unknown, that interest has been disregarded in the calculation, and that the profit as shown is nominal only and may be increased or decreased when realized by a sale. If the balance were inventoried at $4.89, its domestic value would be $488.53, and the profit would be $ It would be correct to value the balance at the current buying rate on September 30, if that were known. This is the usual practice. In calculating the dollar value of the balance, the shortest way is to take £99/18/1 as I s 11 d less than £100/00/0, as follows: I shilling is 1/20 of $4.8675 or $0.24337 II pence is 1/12 less than i shilling, that is, $.24337 — .02027 .22310 5.47 £100 $486.75 - i/ii --47 £ 99/18/1 Solution 2: The above is the usual method of keeping a foreign ex- change account in this country. In Canada each transaction as recorded in the buying and selling registers is compared with the par of exchange and an entry made debiting or crediting Exchange, as the case may be. The par of sterling is $4.8665 or $4.86?/^. The registers, in the example taken, would show the following: Bought Date Time Sterling R.ate Paid Par Dr. Ex. Cr. Ex. Sept. 1 30 d £40000/0 $4.86 $1,944.00 51,946.67 S $2.67 10 St. loo/io/o 4.87 489.44 489.10 .34 IS " 200/00/6 4-8634 973.62 973-45 -'7 £700/10/6 J3,409-22 $.51 $2.67 128 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Sold Sept. 2 .. . . 12 ... . 20.. . . 30 St. . . . . ca. .... balance £300/00/0 200/12/5 loo/oo/o 99/18/1 4.87 4.88 $1,462.50 977-02 488.00 $1,460.00 976.35 486.67 486.20 £700/10/6 $3,409.22 *2.S0 .67 1.33 $4-50 The ledger would contain an account with the London correspondent charged and credited with the entries in the Par columns, and an account with Exchange, showing a debit of $0-51 and credits of $2.67 and $4.50. The sterling column is a memorandum inventory account only. The account with Exchange would indicate a profit of $6.66, the diflference from the profit of $6.74 shown by the United States method being caused by inventorying the balance at par instead of at cost. Of course, the postings would be made in daily totals in a bank in which a daily trial balance is taken off. The balance may be entered at cost of $4.86K, or $486.28 in the sold column and 8 cents in the credit exchange column, which will make the profit $6.74, the same as by the other method. Average Date of Current Account The principles already explained for determining the average date of an account apply when the account is kept in a foreign coinage. The following is an illustration. Illustration A of London, in current account with B of New York, engages an account- ant to prepare a statement, to be mailed to B, based on the following data: 1914 Debits: May 12 £750 May 30 117 June 12 340 July 1 150 Total debits £1,357 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 129 Credits: June 10 ^Soo June 30 300 Total credits 800 Balance i 557 Find the average due date of the account and the interest at 5% to July I, taking 365 days to the year. Solution: Focal date, April 30 — Debits May 12 £ 750 12 days £9,000 " 30 117 30 " 3,510 June 12 340 43 " 14,620 July 1 150 62 " 9,300 £1,357 £36,430 Credits June 10 £ 500 41 days £20,500 " 30 300 61 " 18,300 £ 800 38,800 Balances £ 557 Debit £2,370 Credit The amount, 2,370 divided by 557 equals 4- But since the balance of the account is a debit while the balance of the products is a credit, the average date is four days backward from April 30, or April 26. From April 26 to July i is 66 days. Interest on £557 for 66 days at 5% may be calculated in either of the following ways: I. £557 X .05 X ^ = £5-57 X - = ^5-036 £1 X .036= 2osX.o36= .72s isX -72= 12 dX .72 = 8.64 d Total interest £5/0/9 130 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 2. At 6% •fS-S? is int. for 6o days on 360 days basis " 6% .557 £6.127 " " " 66 " " 1% 1.021 n u u a II u ii u " 5% £5.106 " " Reducing to 365 day basis .07 Subtract 1/73 a a ic II (I £5.036 which is reduced to £5/0/9 as above The decimal .036 can also be reduced as follows: £1 = 240 d £ .036 = 240 X .036, or 9 d Conversion of Foreign Branch Accounts The following example shows how foreign branch account balances are converted to domestic values, and how the home office and foreign branch accounts are consolidated in the period- ical statements. Illustration A New York corporation builds a plant and establishes a branch in Liverpool, England. At the expiration of its fiscal period, a trial balance is forwarded to the New York ofhce, as follows: Plant £250,000 Accounts receivable 187,500 Expenses 25,000 Inventory (end of fiscal period) 50,000 Remittance account 150,000 Cash 12,500 Accounts payable £ 87,500 Income from sales 250,000 New York office 33 7,500 £675,000 £675,000 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 131 A trial balance of the New York books on the same date is as follows: Capital stock $2,500,000.00 Patents $1,500,000.00 Liverpool account 1,640,250.00 Remittance account 729,281.25 Expenses at New York 25,000.00 Cash 64,031.25 $3,229,281.25 $3,229,281.25 The remittance account is composed of four 60 -day drafts on Liverpool for £37,500 each, which were sold in New York at $4.85^^, $4.86, $4.86^^ and $4.86^ respectively. Prepare a balance sheet of the New York books after closing and a statement of assets and liabilities of the Liverpool branch consolidated with the New York books. Close the books at the rate of exchange on the last day of the fiscal period, which is $4.87 1<4, conversion of remittances to be made at the average rate for the four bills. Solution: Since the fixed assets are not subject to revaluation at current exchange rates, the plant cost must be taken out of the New York office account, which is subdivided to show indebtedness to the main office for fixed assets and for current assets. Since the cost of the fixed assets is not given, we must assume that it is at the same rate as the rest of the New York account. Dividing the Liverpool account balance of $1,640,250 by the New York office account balance of £337,500 we obtain the ex- change rate of 4.86, at which rate the plant has a value in United States money of $1,215,000. The reciprocal accounts are then subdivided as follows : On Liverpool books: New York office — plant £250,000 " " " — current account 87,500 On New York books: Liverpool account — plant $1,215,000.00 " current account 425,250.00 The next step is to close the Liverpool books into the New York office current account as follows: 132 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE New York Office Current Account Expenses £ 25,000 Balance £ 87,500 Remittance account . . . 150,000 Income from sales 250,000 Balance 162,500 £337,500 £337,500 Balance. . . .• £162,500 The balance sheet of the Liverpool branch is now as follows: (Plant valued at cost, $4.86; current assets and liabilities valued at current ex- change rate of $4.87}^). Assets Plant $4-86 Accounts receivable 4-^7/4 Inventory 4-^7/^ Cash 4.87M' £250,000 $1,215,000.00 187,500 913,503-75 50,000 243,625.00 12,500 60,906.25 £500,000 $2,433,125.00 Liabilities Accounts payable $4-87K £87,500 $ 426,343.75 New York office — plant account .... 4.86 250,000 1,215,000.00 New York office — current account — A-^7% 162,500 791,781.25 £500,000 $2,433,125.00 On the New York books, the Liverpool current account is credited with the remittances, and a charge is made to the account (offset by a credit to profit and loss) sufficient to leave the account with a balance of $791,781.25, the balance of the net current assets in Liverpool at $4.87>^. It is not necessary to find the average rate of the remittance account since the whole account is used. It would be found, by dividing $729,- 281.25 by 150,000, to be $4.86 3/16. The figures to be used are then found by multiplying £150,000 by $4.86 3/16, which gives $729,281.25, an amount which we already have. FOREIGN EXCHANGE 133 Liverpool Current Account Balance $ 425,250.00 Remittances... $ 729,281.25 Profit 1,095,812.50 Balance 791,781.25 M, 521,062. 50 51,521,062.50 Balance $ 791,781.25 The New York profit and loss account will appear as follows: Profit and Loss New York expenses.. .$ 25,000.00 Liverpool Branch $1,095,812.50 Net profit to surplus. . 1,070,812.50 $1,095,812.50 $1,095,812.50 This profit is subject to a further charge for reduction of the patents account. The New York office trial balance is as follows: Capital stock Surplus Patents Liverpool plant account . . Liverpool current account Cash $2,500,000.00 1,070,812.50 $1,500,000.00 1,215.000.00 791,781.25 64,031-25 $3,570,812.50 $3,570,812.50 The balance sheet is as follows: Assets Fixed assets: Patents Liverpool Plant Current assets: Accounts receivable, Liverpool Inventory Cash — Liverpool $60,906.25 Cash — New York 64,031.25 51,500,000.00 1,215,000.00 5 013.593-75 243,625.00 52.715,000.00 124,937-50 1.282,156.25 $3,997,156.25 134 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Liabilities Capital stock $2,500,000.00 Surplus 1,070,812.50 $3,570,812.50 Accounts payable, Liverpool 426,343.75 $3,997,156.25 The Liverpool branch profit of $1,095,912.50 is made up as follows: Income from sales £250,000 Less expenses 25,000 Net profit on sales £225,000, at $4.87/,^ $1,096,312.50 Increase of current exchange rate ($4. 8714^) over original valuation ($4.86) of opening balance of current account: £87,500 at $4.87^ $426,343.75 £8/, 500 at $4.86 425,250.00 1,093.75 $1,097,406.25 Less exchange loss on remittances: £150,000 at $4.87^ (current rate) .... $730,875.00 £150,000 at $4.861875 (average con- version rate) 729,281.25 i, 593-75 Net profit $1,095,812.50 Even in this explanation it is not necessary to use the average con- version rate. CHAPTER XV LOGARITHMS Use Logarithms are a special compilation of figures, used to reduce the labor of multiplication, division, computation of powers and extraction of roots. After explaining the method of employing logarithms, their theory will be briefly discussed. Every number has its corresponding logarithm — but a knowl- edge of the method of determining the logarithms of various numbers is not essential, as they may be obtained from prepared tables. The logarithms of certain numbers are stated below for use in illustrations. For a more complete table, see Appendix. Table of Logarithms of Selected Numbers Number Logarithm 2 •30103 3 .47712 4 .60206 5 .69897 6 •7781S 7 .84510 8 .90309 9 •95424 lO 1. 00000 12 1. 07918 15 I.I 7609 16 1. 20412 30 1.47712 100 2.00000 160 2.20412 300 2.47712 1,000 3.00000 1,600 3.20412 3,000 3-47712 135 136 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Multiplication Multiplication is accomplished by the addition of logarithms, as follows: 1. In the table, find the logarithms of the numbers to be multipHed. 2. Add the logarithms; the sum is the logarithm of the desired product. 3. In the table, find the number corresponding to the logarithm obtained in 2. The following examples, though more easily performed with- out logarithms, will illustrate the steps of the process; Example 2X3=? Solution: 1. Table shows 2. Sum of logarithms Number Logarithm 2 .30103 3 -47712 .77815 log of product 3. Table shows .77815 is log of 6, the product Example 2X3X2=? Solution: 1. Table shows <( a 2. Sum of logarithms Number Logarithm 2 -30103 3 -47712 2 -30103 1.07918 log of product 3. Table shows 1.07918 is log of 12, the product LOGARITHMS 137 Without going beyond the selected table, the following multipli- cations may be performed by using logarithms: 5X6=? 4X3=? 3X2X5=? Division Division is accomplished by the subtraction of logarithms as follows: 1. In the table find the logarithms of the dividend and the divisor. 2. Subtract the logarithm of the divisor from the logarithm of the dividend; the difference is the logarithm of the desired quotient. 3. In the table, find the number corresponding to the loga- rithm obtained in 2. Example 6-^2=? Solution: Number Logarithm 1. Table shows: Dividend 6 -77815 Divisor 2 -30103 2. Difference of logarithms -47712 log of quotient 3. Table shows .47712 is log of 3, the quotient The following divisions may be performed by logarithms with the aid of the selected table: 8-i-2 10 4-5 16-J-4 300 -T- 30 Calculating Powers A power of a number i3 the product obtained by using that number repeatedly as a factor. The square of a. number is the 138 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE second power; the cube, the third power, etc. The exponent of the power indicates the number of times the factor is to be used. For instance 3^ means the second power of 3; or 3 squared; the number used as a factor is 3. The superscript number "" is the exponent of the power, showing that 3 is to be used twice as a factor. Thus, 3' = 3 X 3 = 9 A number is raised to a power by logarithms as follows: 1 . In the table find the logarithm of the number to be raised to a power. 2. Multiply the logarithm by the exponent of the power; the product is the logarithm of the power. 3. In the table find the number corresponding to the loga- rithm obtained in 2. Example i 3'= ? Solution: Number Logarithm 1. Table shows 3 -47712 2. Multiply by exponent of power 2 .95424 log of power 3. Table shows .95424 is log of 9, the second power of 3. Example 2 2" = ? Solution: Number Logarithm 1 . Table shows 2 -30103 2. Multiply by exponent of power 4 1. 204 1 2 log of power 3. Table shows 1.204x2 is log of 16, the fourth power of 2. LOGARITHMS ^39 Roots A root is a number which, used repeatedly as a factor, will produce a given power. The square root of 9 is 3, because 3 used twice as a factor produces 9. , • r ^f^^ The fourth root of 16 is 2, because 2 used 4 times as a factor ^'""ThTroot of a number is expressed by writing the number under the radical sign; the index figure indicates the root to be extracted. The square root of 9 is expressed thus: The superscript ^ is the index of the root. Any root of a number may be extracted by logarithms as follows: I. In the table find the logarithm of the number, the root of which is to be extracted. 2 Divide the logarithm by the index of the root; the quo- tient is the logarithm of the desired root. 3. In the table find the number corresponding to the loga- rithm obtained in 2 . Example i Solution: I. Table shows log of 9 to be .95424 2 Divide by index of root: .954^4 - ^ = .47712, log of root ;. Table shows .47712 is log of 3, the square root of 9 Example 2 2>?) "I" to carry. This negative remainder causes confusion in the division of the positive mantissa. Hence the procedure below is followed: Add and subtract 20* Divide by 3 Number Logarithm 000729 4.86273 or 6.86273 — 10 20. — 20 3 ) 26.86273 - 30 8.95424 — 10 )r 2.95424 .95424 is the mantissa of 9 Characteristic 2; one zero; hence -y^ .000729 = .09 *2o is used to obtain the —30, which is divisible by 3 Examples Compute the following: I. .031 X .3 2 .0045 X .00021 3 .0036 X 2.2 4 .000011 X 56000 5 .0023 X 42000 6 .006 X 6.5 7 .038 X .0003 8 504 -f- 24 9 .368 -r 23 10 .00351 -^ .027 II. 390 H- •15 12. 13- .0994 - 28^ - 71 14. 1.3^ 15- 16. 17- .9^ .003 <^ 18. V.0625 19. V. 000343 20. 4^ X \/.ooi6 150 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Determining Mantissas by Interpolation Tables of logarithms are limited in scope and do not contain the mantissas of all possible numbers. For numbers beyond the scope of the table, the mantissa may be approximated by interpolation. Illustration What is the logarithm of 18565? Solution: Number Mantissa The table shows 18570 .26S81 " 18560 .26858 Difference 10 .00023 If a difference of 10 in the numbers causes a change of .00023 in the mantissa, a difference of 5 will cause a change of approximately V.o of .00023 in the mantissa. Now, .5 of .00023 = .000115 Then .26858, mantissa of 18560 plus .000115 sum .268695, mantissa of 18565 (approximate) Logarithm, 4.268695 Examples By interpolation determine the logarithms of the following numbers: 3642 1209 47629 758263 25.69 3.479 .004682 32.0046 Determining Numbers by Interpolation When a computation results in a mantissa not to be found in the table, the number corresponding to the mantissa may be determined approximately by interpolation. Solution: LOGARITHMS 151 Illustration 15^= ? Number Logarithm IS I. 17600 Multiply by exponent of power 4 Logarithm of 1 5 "* 4. 70436 The mantissas larger and smaller than .70436 shown in the table are: Number Mantissa 5063 5062 I .70441 •70432 Differences .... .00009 The mantissa oils'* is " 5,062 is ... . .70436 •70432 Difference .00004 If an increase of .00009 in the mantissa represents an increase of i in the number, an increase of .00004 in the mantissa represents an increase of approximately 4/9 of i, or .444 + in the number. Hence .70432 Mantissa of 5062 add interpolation for .00004 444 + Result .70436 mantissa of 5062444 + 4.70436 is the logarithm of 50624.44 or 15'' Exact answer is 50,625. Examples What are the approximate numbers corresponding to the following logarithms? 2.76354 4^94965 3.42345 2.4166572 1.82629 3.57927 152 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Illustration What is the value of 1856^? Solution: The logarithm of 1,856, is 3.26858 Multiply by exponent of power 2 Logarithm of 1856^ 6.53716 Table shows: Number Larger mantissa 3445 Smaller " 3444 Differences i M.-VNTISSA 53719 53706 Mantissa of. 1856^ 3444 Difference. 00013 53716 53706 10/13 of I = .769 approximately Hence 3444 Plus 760 •53706 .00010 Sum 3444769 .53716 Then 3444769 is the number represented by 6.537148 1856^ is accurately 3444736 Approximated by logarithms 3444769 Error 3^ If the problem had been 18.56'' The accurate power would be 344.4736 Approximate power (by logs) 344.4769 Error . ■0033 This example shows that fairly accurate results may be obtained by interpolation, but absolutely accurate work requires tables extended to show the mantissas of all numbers required by the problem. LOGARITHMS 153 Examples What are the values of: 1. 24 X 18 2. 360 X 800 3. 32.6 X 3 4. .27 X .71 5. 864 X .00321 6. 2462 X 3278 7. .00964 X 3425 8. 34400 -^ 43 21. ^%? Solution: The interest at 6% has already been computed being $16.41248. Since 4>2% is yi of 6%, the interest at 4^% is found as follows : $16.41248 interest at 6 % 4.. 03 1 2 " " iK%(>^% for 119 days? Solution: The interest at ^Yi^o on a 360 day basis has already been computed, being $12.30936 Deduct 7^3 of $12.30936 .16862 Exact interest on 365 day basis $12.14074 Partial Payments There are two methods of calculating interest on a debt on which partial payments are made. The one in common use among business men and known as the Merchants' Rule, consists in calculating the interest on the principal sum from its date to the date of settlement and a similiar calculation on the partial pay- ments, the difference between the total interest on the respective sides being the net interest due. On small sums and for short periods this is accurate enough for all practical purposes. The other, called the United States Rule, gives precedence to the interest due at the time of each payment, and requires that each payment shall be first applied to the liquidation of the inter- est then due, only the remainder after the interest is deducted being applicable to the reduction of the principal. If the pay- ment is not equal to the interest then due, it is applied in reducing the interest, but the excess interest is not added to the principal, 158 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE as this would be compounding it, but it is carried down and added to the interest to be deducted from the next payment. This method is made legal by statute in nearly every state. An example of the two methods will show the difference between them, 30 days to the month being used for convenience. Illustration Jan. I. Original amount $600 March i, payment $200 May I, " 200 June I, " 100 Interest is to be charged at 6%. Required — amount due July i Solution: By the Merchants' Rule : Interest on $600 for 6 months is $18.00 " " 200 "4 " " $4.00 " " 200 "2 " " 2.00 " " 100 " I " " 50 6.50 Interest due July i $11.50 Unpaid principal 100.00 Total due July i $111.50 By the United Stales Rule: Original debt $600.00 Payment March i $200.00 Less interest on $600 for 2 months 6.00 194.00 $406.00 Payment May i $200.00 Less interest on $406 for 2 months 4.06 195.94 $210.06 Payment June i $100.00 Less interest on $210.06 for i month. . . 1.05 98.95 $111. II Interest on $111. 11 for i month .56 Total due July i $111.67 SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST 159 While the difference of 1 7 cents in the results obtained by the two methods is negligible, it is otherwise when the amounts are large and the time is long. The following example is taken from the accounts of an estate that was not settled for thirty years. It was virtually as follows : Illustration An amount of $36,000 was due one of the heirs of an estate, who was to receive 6% interest until paid. January i, 1886, legacy $36,000 " I, 1 89 1, payment 12,000 " I, 1896, " 12,000 " I, 1906, " 12,000 " I, 1911, " 19,000 The administrator, using the commercial rule, agreed to settle the account as of January i, 1916, as follows: Original amount $ 36,000 Interest for 30 years at 6% 64,800 $100,800 Less total cash paid $55,000 Interest on $12,000 for 25 years 18,000 Interest on $12,000 for 20 years 14,400 Interest on $12,000 for 10 years 7,200 Interest of $19,000 for 5 years 5, 700 100,300 Amount due January i, 1916 $500 The heir refused the settlement and made his claim under the law of the state (Illinois) as follows: Original amount $36,000.00 January i, 1891, payment $12,000.00 Interest 5 years on $36,000.00. . . 10,800.00 1,200.00 $34,800.00 January i, 1896, payment $12,000.00 Interest 5 years on $34,800.00. . . 10,440.00 1,560.00 $33,240.00 I60 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE January i, 1906, payment $12,000.00 Interest 10 years on $33,240.00.. 19,944.00 Interest carried forward $ 7,944.00 January i, 191 1, payment $19,000.00 Interest 5 years on $33,240.00. . . $9,972.00 Interest brought forward 7,944.00 17,916.00 1,084.00 $32,156.00 January i, 1916, interest 5 years on $32,156.00 9,646.80 Amount due January i, 1916.. $41,802.80 It can readily be seen that a little knowledge of correct principles was a valuable asset to the heir. Compound Interest The principles of interest are involved in the computations which an accountant may be required to make in connection with such matters as bond premium and discoimt, leasehold premiums, depreciation and sinking funds. These calculations involve not only compound interest and the amount of a given principal at compound interest, but also the more complex problems of annuities. All scientific computations of interest on an indebtedness or an investment extending over more than one period of time must be based on compound interest. This is because the indebtedness or investment increases with the lapse of time. If only simple interest is charged, interest is earned only on the original invest- ment instead of on the investment for each period. For instance, if $100 is invested at 6%, the investment at the beginning of the first year is $100. It increases $6 during the first year and amounts at the end of the first year to $106. Since the investment has now increased to $106, interest SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST l6l should be earned thereon. If simple interest only is charged, $6 will be earned during the second year on an investment of $io6. This is at the rate of only 5.66 +%. Scientific computations of interest are based on the sup- position that the increase arising from interest is re-invested. This is equitable in theory, for if the interest of one period in- creases the investment at the close of that period, the investor should, during the next period, earn interest on the increased investment. To maintain the agreed interest rate during a series of periods, computations must be made on the basis of periodical compounding. Symbols The following standard symbols by Sprague and Perrine, will be used throughout this book: I = $1, £1, or any other unit of value i = the rate of interest for a single period « = an indefinite number of periods a = the amount of $1 for a given time at a given rate / = the compound interest on $1 for a given time at a given rate p = the present worth of $1 for a given time at a given rate D = the discount on $1 for a given time at a given rate r = {i -\- i), the periodic ratio of increase' Amount of Principal In finding the amount of a given principal at compound inter- est for a given number of years at a given rate per year com- pounded annually, it is customary to compute the amount of $1 for the given time at the given rate, and multiply this result by the number of dollars in the principal. When i = 6% or .06, the accumulation of the amount may be computed by either of the following methods: -C. E. Sprague and L. L. Perrine, The Accountancy of Investment, 1914. l62 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE First Method Second Method Dollars End of Dollars Symbols Principal i.oo i.oo I Interest on Ji. 00 .06 Multiply by ... . 1.06 (i + i) 1.06 I year 1.06 (i + «') " " 1.06 0636 " " .... 1.06 (i + »') 1. 1236 2 " 1. 1236 (i + «')' " " 1. 1236 067416 " " .... 1.06 (i + ») 1.191016 3 " 1.191016 (i +»)^ 1.191016 071461 " " .... 1.06 (i + ») 1.262477 4 " 1.262477 (i +')* The ratio of increase is, in symbols, (i+i), and in figures 1.06. The investment at the beginning of each year must, therefore, be multiplied by (i+i) to obtain the investment, or amount, at the end of that year. Hence i invested at the rate i becomes at the end of 1 year (i + O 2 " d + O' 3 " (i-hi)' 4 " d+O' n " (i + O" Thus the formula is obtained a= (1+ i)" If it is desired to find the amount of i at 5% for 20 years, compounded annually, the formula becomes Frequency of Compounding In the preceding illustration the interest was compounded annually. But the period of compounding may be shorter than one year, with the result that the compounding occurs with greater frequency than once a year. In such cases the formula stated above still applies. Although compounding may occur SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST 163 semiannually, quarterly, monthly or even daily, the rate is usually stated as a certain per cent per year, but i in the formula is the annual rate divided by the number representing the periods in a year. For instance, if the rate is 6% per year, iunder various conditions would be as follows: Frequency of Compounding Value of i Annually .06 Semiannually (.06 -^ 2 ) .03 Quarterly (.06 -^ 4 ) .015 Monthly (.06 -^ 12 ) .005 Daily (.06 -^ 365) -^ The number of periods, represented in the formula by n, will be the number of years times the number of periods per year. For instance n, under various conditions, is as follows: Frequency of Value of n Compounding One Year Two Years Three Years Annually i 2 3 Semiannually. . . 2 4 6 Quarterly 4 8 12 Monthly 12 24 36 Daily 365 730 1095 Illustration What is the amount of $1 at 6% interest for 20 years, compounded quarterly? Solution: i = .06 -4- 4 = .015, the rate for one period n = 20 X 4 = 80, the number of periods a = (i + i)** or (1.0x5) *°, which amounts to 3.29066279 Determining the Amount Interest tables show the amount of $1 at various rates for various periods. Such a table appears in the Appendix of this 1 64 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE book. When a table is not available, the amount may be computed with a table of logarithms. When neither an inter- est table nor a table cf logarithms is available, it is necessary to compute the amount by repeated multiplication, thus: 1.03 1-03 1. 0609 1.03 1.092727 1.03 a = (1.03)'= ? = (1.03)^ = (1.03)^ 1.12550881 = (1.03)" At this point the number of decimal places becomes so large as to make the computation too laborious. The number may be reduced to six places, by approximation, thus: 1.12550881 becomes 1. 125509 The multiplication continued is as follows: 1.125509 = (i.03)'* 1.03 159274 03 (1-03) ■ 194052 = (1.03)' 03 229874 = (1.03)7 03 266770 = (1.03) This last amount is the amount of $1 at 6% interest for 4 years, compounded semiannually SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST 165 But when the number of periods is large, as will be the case when the interest must be calculated over a long term of years, these repeated multiplications become irksome. It is possible, however, to cut down on the number of operations necessary. A short method may be utilized which should be readily understood if it is remembered that (14-^)" means that (i +i) is used n times as a factor. If we know the value of (i +i) ^ we have the amoimt obtained by using (i+i) twice as a factor. By squaring this amount we get (1+^)'', which is the product resulting from the use of (1+/) four times as a factor. Squaring this amount in turn gives us (i +i) ^, the product obtained by using (i +/) eight times as a factor. By the application of this principle, a very material reduction may be effected in the number of multiplications, as is made clear in the example given below : 1.03 1.03 1.0609 1.0609 = (i + i) = (i + i) 1. 125509 1. 125509 = (1 + i)' 1.266770 = (i + i) The quantity 1.03'° can be determined in the following manner : 1.26677 (i + «)^ 1.0609 (i "f" ^)^ 1. 34391 6 (i + i)^" The general application of this principle may be made clearer by another illustration. I66 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Illustration Required — the value of (i + i)^°: Solution: (I + i) (I + i) : + i)' + iy + i)' + i)' + i)' + iV + ■yU + i)' + iy + iy + iV + iy Thus, only seven multiplications are required to obtain the 30th power. The 80th power could be obtained thus : (i + 7) '^ (obtained by four multiplications) (1+ i)" (1+ i)'' (1 + i)'' u + iy'' SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST 167 The same principle may be utilized in the use of compound interest tables which do not extend to the desired number of periods. Illustration Given a table of 40 periods, required — the value of (i + i) '^. Solution: ( I + /) '^ " shown by table (I + /V " " " (i + i)" Determining Interest The amount of $1 at compound interest is composed of two elements: the original investment of $1 and the accumulated interest. Hence, to find the compound interest, apply the follow- ing formula: / = c — I or / = (i + J-)" - I If $1.266770 is the amount of $1 at 6% interest, compounded semiannually for four years, $1 .000000 is the original investment, and $.266770 is the compound interest. Determining Present Worth The present worth of a sum due at a fixed future date is a smaller sum which with interest will amount to the future sum. For instance, the present value of $1 due in one year at 6% is a sum, smaller than $1, which with interest at 6% for one year will amount to $1. Representing the present value of this $1 by p p X 1.06 = $1 or in symbols, pX (i + i) = i when the dollar is due in one year. I68 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Since pX {i + i) = i, it follows that i -r- (i + t) = /» (Since p X 1.06 = i, it follows that I-^ 1.06 = .943396.) If the dollar is due two periods hence, PX (i-i- i)'= I and it follows that i -^ (i + f)^ = /> If the dollar is due three periods hence pX (i-\- i)'= I and it follows that i -^ {i -\- i)^ = p If the dollar is due ?i periods hence px {i-\- ir = I and it follows that i -^ (i -\- i)" = p But since (i + i)" = a the formula p = i -^ (i + i)" may also be stated p = i -^ a In determining the present value at 6% of $1 due in four years, interest compounded semiannually, several methods are available. 1 . It may be possible to refer to a table of present values, similar to the one in the Appendix. 2. If a table of present values is not available, the present value may be computed by using the formula p = I -T- a It will first be necessary to obtain the value of a. When in- terest at 6% per annum is compounded semiannually, 7 = .03 ; with semiannual compounding for four years, « = 8. Then, a = (1.03)^. The value of a may be found by any of the methods previously explained; it is 1.266770. Then $1 -V- 1.266770 = $.789409, the present value SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INTEREST 169 3. Instead of dividing $1 by (1.03) ^ i.e., by 1.266770, the same result can be obtained by dividing by 1.03 eight times, using I as the first dividend, each succeeding dividend being the quo- tient resulting from the preceding division, thus $1.000000 - - 1.03 = $. .970874 - - 1.03 = . .942596 - - 1.03 = . .915142 - - 103 = . .888487 - - I-03 = . .862609 - - 1.03 = . .837484 - - 1.03 = . .813092 - - 1.03 = . 970874, present value of $ 942596, 915142, 862609, 837484, 813092, 789409, due in i period 2 periods 3 4 5 6 7 Determining the Compound Discount As shown in the preceding section, one would, in exchange for a promise to pay $1 a given number of periods hence, loan the present value of $1. Present values for various numbers of periods, and the discount earned, are shown below (discounted at 3% per period) : Due Periods Hence Amount Loaned Present Value I $.970874 2 942596 3 915142 4 888487 8 .789409 Discount Earned (i-p) $.029126 .057404 .084858 •111513 .210591 The discount for two or more periods is called compound discount. Compound discount may be computed by the formula D = I - p It may also be computed by the formula D= I -^ a 170 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE This formula requires explanation. Compound discount is really compound interest, deducted in advance; but it is the compound interest on the money actually loaned. For instance, if $.78940915 loaned on a promise to pay$i eight periods hence at 3%, the discount $.210591 is 3% compound interest on $.789409, the principal actually loaned. This fact can be demonstrated thus : The amount of $1 at 3% compound interest for eight periods is $1.266770. Hence the compound interest on $1 is $.266770 and the compound interest on $.789409 is the result in the fol- lowing multiplication: .789409 p Multiplied by .266770 i Product .210591 d Since the compound discount {D) is really the compound interest (/) on the actual loan {p) , D= IX p And since /> = i -^ a, we can substitute (i H-a) for p, and the formula becomes D= IX I or D = I -h a This formula may also be explained thus : The present value of $1 due in eight periods at 3% is $.789409, or $1 -^(1.03)^, or$i-^a. If the loan were i, the compound interest would be /, or $.266770; but since the loan is i-i-a, the compound discount is / -7-a, or $.266770^ 1. 266770=$. 210590. Summary In this chapter the following formulas have been derived: a = (i + ir I = a — I p = 1 -r- a; ori-T-(i + t)'' D = 1 — p, or / -7- a CHAPTER XVII ANNUITIES Definition of Annuities A series of equal payments, due at regular intervals, is an an- nuity. Although the word "annuity" suggests annum and year, the interval may be any period, as a month, quarter or half-year. Symbols In the discussion of annuities the following symbols will be employed : A = the amount of an annuity of $i for a given time at a given rate P = the present value of an annuity of |i for a given time at a given rate Amount of an Annuity Let us assume that a contract provides for payments as in the following : Example January i, 191 5 $100 " I, 1916 100 " I, 1917 100 " I, 1918 100 Total $400 Required — the accumulated value of this annuity at January i, 1918, interest at 5%. Solution: It is assumed that each payment is put at interest, in which case the amount of each payment computed separately, is as follows: 171 172 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Payment Made January i, 19 is I, 1916 I, 1917 " I, 1918 Amount of the annuity Periods at Interest Payment $100 100 100 100 Amount Symbol (I +i)' (I +.)' (I + 115.7625 110.2500 105.0000 100.0000 431.0125 Although the amount of an annuity may be computed by determining the amount of each payment, it is unnecessary to resort to this labor, as the following short method may be used: To find the amount of an annuity of $i for a given number of periods at a given rate, divide the compound interest on $i for the number of periods at the given rate, by the interest rate. Or, in symbols, A = I -^ i Applying this formula to the illustration above, /, the compound interest on $i for four periods at 5%, is shown by an interest table to be $.215506; then $ .215506 -J- .05 = $4.31012, amount of an annuity of $1 $4.31012 X 100 = $431,012, amount of an annuity of $100 This formula requires explanation. Let us suppose that $1 is loaned on January i, 1914, the contract requiring payment of simple interest annually at 5% as follows: D.\TE Interest January i, igi5 $.05 I, 1916 .05 I, 1917 05 1,1918 05 These payments, being equal in amount and made at regular intervals, constitute an annuity of $.05 per year. If put at 5% compound interest, the amount of each payment computed separately would be as follows: ANNUITIES 173 Payment Made January i, ipis I, 1916 I. 1917 I, 1918 Totals Periods at Interest Payment $.05 • OS • OS • OS f.20 Amount Symbols (l + i)i (I +i}' (I + i) .057881 •055125 .052500 .050000 .215506 The total of the annuity payments is $.20, the simple interest on $1 for four years ; and the amount of the annuity, $.215 506, is the compound interest on $1 for four years, or /. Hence, compound interest is merely the amount of an annuity. If the compound interest $.215506 is the amount at 5% of four annual payments of 5 cents, $.215506 -^ 5 = $.0431012, the amount at 5% of four annual pay- ments of $.01 or $.215506 -^ .05 = or in symbols I..31012, the amount at 5% of four annual payments of $1. 1 ^ i= A Illustration Required the amount of an annuity of $25 per month for five years at 6% per annum, interest compounded monthly. Solution: 12 (payments per year) X 5 = 60, number of terms 6% -^ 12 = K% or -ooS) the rate Now, I = a — 1 And a = (1.005)^°= 1.348849 Then \ = I -^ i = .348849 ^ .005 = 69.7698, amount of an annuity of $1 $69.7698 X 25 = $1,744.25, amount of an annuity of $25 174 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Sinking Fund Contribution The preceding section developed a method of determining the amount which results from the accumulation of a known annuity. It is the purpose of this section to discuss the converse problem, of finding an unknown annuity which will produce a required amount. This problem finds application among accountants in com- puting the periodical contribution necessary to accumulate a required sinking fund. Let us assume that a sinking fund of $100,000 is to be accumulated in five years by equal instalments made at the end of each year; what is the required contribution, assuming 4% interest compounded annually? The annual contributions constitute an annuity and the accumulated fund is the amount of the annuity. We shall first find what fund would be accumulated by a contribution of $1, applying the formula A = I ^ i To find I: 1.04 Multiplied by 1.04 1.0816 " 1.0816 = (1 + i)' 1.16Q85856 " " 1.04 = (1+ /)^ 1. 2166529024 Deduct I . = (i + f)5 .2166529024 = /, compound interest on $1 for five periods at 4% To find A : .2166529024 -^ .04 = 5.41632256, amount of an annuity of $1 ANNUITIES 175 Since annual contributions of $1 will produce a fund of $5.41632256, to find the contributions necessary to produce a fund of $100,000: $100,000 -r- 5.41632256 = $18,462.71, required contribution The computation was performed without using an interest table. If tables are available, the work may be materially decreased. For instance, a table of amounts of $1 per annum shows the amount of $1 for live periods at 4% to be $5.416323. Only one computation is necessary : $100,000 -j- 5.416323 = $18,462.71 If only a compound interest table is available, it will show the amount of $1 in five periods at 4% to be $1.216653. The following computations will be necessary: $.216653 -^ -04 = $5.416325, amount of annuity of $1 $100,000 -^ 5.416325 = $18,462.71 The following tabulation of sinking fund accumulations shows the accumulation of the fund from the two elements, annual contributions and interest: End of Ye.-vr Contribution Interest Total Fund $18,462.71 18,462.71 18,462.71 18,462.71 18,462.71 $ 738.51 1,506.56 2,305.33 3.136.05 $18,462.71 37.663.93 57.633.20 78,401.24 Totals $92,313.55 $7,686.45 Present Worth of an Annuity Let us assume that a contract, made on January i, 1914, provides for the following payments : 176 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE January i, 1915 $100 " I, 1916 100 " I, 1917 100 " I, 1918 100 Total $400 We are to find the present value of this series of payments, or annuity, on January i, 1914, discounted at 5%. The present value of each payment, computed separately, is as follows: Payment Due Periods Hence Payment Present Value Symbol $ I 2 3 4 lioo 100 100 100 I -=- Cr 4- i) 95.2381 90.7029 86.3838 82.2702 I, 1916 . I - I - - (I +i)' - (i +i)^ - ri 4- .-14 I, 1917 I, 1918 Totals J400 3S4.S9S0 The present value of each payment, and the present value of the annuity, may be computed thus: 5100 95.2381 90.7029 86.3838 -T- 1.05 = $ 95.2381 present value of $100 due in i year 1.05 = 90.7029, 1.05 = 86.3838, 1.05 = 82.2702, $100 $100 $100 2 years 3 4 $354.5950, present value of the annuity. When interest tables are not available, this method is satis- factory; but w^ith interest tables available a short method may be used which is similar to the short method of computing the amount of an annuity. To find the present value of an annuity of $1 for a given ANNUITIES 177 number of periods at a given rate, divide the compound discount on $1 for the given number of periods by the interest rate. Or in symbols, P = D -^ t Applying this formula to the illustration above, the present value of $1 due four periods hence at 5%, is shown by an interest table to be $.822702; D, the compound discount, is $.177298. $.177298 -4- .05 = $3.54596, the present value of an annuity of $1 $3-54595 X 100 = $354,596, " " " " " " " $100 This formula also requires explanation. Let us suppose that a loan of $1 is made on January i, 1914, the contract requiring the payment of simple interest annually at 5% as follows : Date Interest January i, 191 5 $.05 " I, 1916 05 I, 1917 05 " I, 1918 05 These payments, being equal in amount, and made at regular intervals, constitute an annuity of five cents per year. If dis- counted at 5%, the present value of each payment on January I, 1 9 14, computed separately, is as follows: Payment Due Periods Henxe Payment Present Value Symbols $ January i, 1915 I, 1916 I 2 3 4 S.os • 05 • OS ■ 05 I - I - I - - (1 + .) - (i +.)' - (i +.-)3 - Ct -I- ,U .0476191 •0453514 .0431919 .0411351 Present value of the annuity .... •177297s 178 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Now, instead of paying five cents interest each year, and pay- ing the $1 at maturity, the present value ($.1772975) of the four interest payments might be paid, or deducted, in advance, thus: $1.0000000 payment to be made at end of four years .1772975 present value of interest payments $ .8227025 present value of $1 In other words, the simple interest on $1 at 5% for four years is an annuity of five cents; and $. 1772975, the present value of these in- terest payments, is the present value at 5% of an annuity of four five cents payments; and$.i 772975 is also the compound discount on $1 due four periods hence at 5%. Therefore the compound discount on $1 , due in four periods at 5%, is the present value of an annuity of five cents in four periods at 5%. If the compound discount $.1772975 is the present value at 5% of four annual payments of 5 cents, then $.1772975 H- 5 = $.0354595, the present value at 5% of four annual payments of i cent or $.1772975 -4- .05 = $3.54595, the present value at 5% of four annual payments of $1 or in symbols D -^ i = P Illustration Required the present value of an annuity of $25 per month for five years at 6% per annum, compounded monthly. Solution: 12 (payments per year) X 5 = 60, number of periods 6% -i- 12 = K% or .005, the rate D = 1 - p and /> = I -^ (1.005)^"= .741372 Then D = i — .741372 = .258628, the compound discount on $1 due in sixty periods at >2 % ANNUITIES 179 and D ^ i= P $ .258628 -^ .005 = $ 51.7256, present value of an annuity of $1 $51.7256 X 25 = $1,293.14, the present value of an an- nuity of $25 Rent of an Annuity The preceding section, containing an explanation of the method of determining the present worth of a known annuity, developed the formula, P = D-^i. Each periodical instalment of an annuity is known as the rent of an annuity. This section will deal with the question of determining what rent will be produced by a known present worth. It has been shown that the present value of an annuity of $1 for four periods at 5% is $3.54595, Since a present value of $3.54595 will produce four annual rents of $1 at 5%, a present value of $1 will produce four annual rents of of $1, or $.282012. 3-54595 Therefore, to find the rent of an annuity with a present value of $1 for a given number of periods at a given rate: 1. Find the present value of an annuity of $1 for the given time and rate 2. Divide $1 by this present value of an annuity of $1 Or expressed in symbols, R= I -^ P Illustration A man invests $3,000 in an annuity to be repaid to him in five annual instalments, interest computed at 6% annually. What annual rent will be produced? l8o MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Solution: Formula — R = i -^ P The present value of $i due five periods hence at 6% may be com- puted thus: I -=- (i.o6)s or it may be determined from interest tables. The compound interest table shov/s 1. 06^ = 1.338226 then I -^ 1.338226 = .747258, the present value of $1 due in five periods I — .747258 = .252742, the compound discount on $1 due in five periods .252742 -T- .06 = 4.21236, the present value of an annuity of $1 for five periods at 6% then R = 1 -7- 4.21236 = .237396, rent produced by present worth of $1 $.237396 X 3,000 = $712.19, rent produced by present worth of $3,000 The following schedule shows the reduction of the investment due to the excess of the periodical payments over the interest earned on the decreasing investment. Original investment $3,000.00 Interest ist year, 6% of $3,000 180.00 $3,180.00 Deduct ist rent 712.19 Balance, end of ist year $2,467.81 Interest 2d year, 6% of $2,467.81 148.07 $2,615.88 Deduct 2d rent 712.19 Balance, end of 2d year $1,903.69 Interest 3d year, 6% of $1,903.69 114.22 $2,OI7.Qi Deduct 3d rent 712.19 ANNUITIES l8l Balance, end of 3d year $1,305.72 Interest 4th year, 6% of $1,305.72 78.34 $1,384.06 Deduct 4th rent 712.19 Balance, end of 4th year $671.87 Interest, 5th year, 6% of $671.87 40.31 $712.18 Deduct 5th rent 712.18 $ .00 The schedule could also be arranged as follows, showing that each payment is composed of two parts: 1 . Interest on the diminishing principal 2. Repayment of the principal Original investment $3,000.00 First rent: Interest on $3,000 at 6% $180.00 Repayment of principal 532.19 532.19 $712.19 $2,467.81 Second rent: Interest on $2,467.81 at 6% $148.07 Repayment of principal 564.12 564.12 $712.19 $1,903.69 Third rent: Interest on $1,903.69 at 6% $114.22 Repayment of principal 597-97 597-97 $712.19 $1,305.72 Fourth rent: Interest on $1,305.72 at 6% $ 78.34 Repayment of principal 633.85 633.85 $712.19 $ 671.87 Fifth rent: Interest on $671.87 at 6% $ 40.31 Repayment of principal 671.87 671.87 $712.18 $ .00 l82 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Or the schedule may be shown thus: Payment Rent I $ 712.19 2 712.19 3 712.19 4 712.19 5 712.18 Totals $3,560.94 [ntere-st Reduction of Investment Diminishing Investment $3,000.00 $180.00 $ 532.19 2,467.81 148.07 564.12 1,903.69 114.22 78.34 40.31 $3 597-97 633-85 671.87 ,000.00 1,305-72 671.87 $560.94 Equal Periodical Payments on Principal and Interest When a debt together with the interest thereon is to be paid in equal periodical instalments, the principal of the debt is the pres- ent value of an annuity, and the periodical payments are rents, to be computed by the method already explained. To illustrate, if $3,000 bearing 6% interest compounded annually, is to be paid in five annual instalments, each to include the accrued interest and a portion of the principal, $3,000 is the present value of five unknown rents. These rents were computed in the preceding illustration , being $712.19. The reduction of the debt may be tabulated thus : Original principal $3,000.00 First payment $712.19 Less I year's interest on $3,000 180.00 Payment on principal 532.19 Balance of principal $2,467.81 Second payment $712.19 Less I year's interest on $2,467.81 .... 148.07 Payment on principal 564.12 Balance of principal $1,903.69 Third payment $712.19 Less I year's interest on $1,903.69 114.22 Payment on principal 597-97 ANNUITIES 183 Balance of principal $1,305.72 Fourth payment $712.19 Less I year's interest on $1,305.72 78.34 Payment on principal 633,85 Balance of principal $671.87 Fifth payment $712.18 Less I year's interest on $671.87 40.31 Payment on principal 671.87 Balance of principal $ .00 Annuities Due In the foregoing discussion of annuities, rents, and sinking fund contributions, the formulas and methods described apply to the ordinary form of annuities, in which the payments are made at the end of the periods. When the payments are made at the beginning of the periods, the annuity is called an annuity due. Changing the payment from the end to the beginning of the period affects the compound interest, thus changing both the amount and the present value of the annuity. To Find the Amount of an Annuity Due To arrive at a method of computing the amount of an annuity due, let us compare the amounts of: 1. An ordinary annuity (A) of six periods (due at end of period) 2. An annuity due (B) of live periods (due at beginning of period) In each annuity, the interest is compoimded annually at 4%. A requires the payment of $1 on December 31 for each of six years, beginning December 31, 191 1. 1 84 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE B requires the payment of $i on January i for each of five years, beginning January i, 191 2. It will be noted that the first five payments of annuities A and B are made on practically identical dates; but annuity A has one more payment than annuity B ; hence the amount of annuity A will exceed the amount of annuity B by one payment of $1. This may be more clearly shown by the following table which shows the amount of each annuity payment and the amount of the annuity. Annuity A Annuity B Date Payment Amount at Dec. 31. 1916 Date Payment Amount at Dec. 31. 1916 Dec. 31, 1911 •' 31. 1912 " 31. 1913 " 31. 1914 " 31. 191S " 31, 1916 Ji.oo 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 Si. 216653 1. 169859 1. 124864 1. 081600 1.040000 1. 00 Jan. I, 1912 " I. 1913 " I. 1914 " I. 191S " I, 1916 $1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 r.oo Si. 216653 1. 169859 1. 1 24864 1. 081600 1.040000 $6.632976 55-632976 Annuity B is an annuity due of five rents; annuity A is an or- dinary annuity of six rents; the periodical payments and interest rate are the same in each case. The difference between the two amounts is $1, or one periodical payment. Hence we can find the amount of annuity B (annuity due) for five periods by ascertaining the amount of an ordinary annuity (A) of the same payment and rate for six periods, and deducting $1 . The amount of annuity A (ordinary) may be computed thus: $1.265319, amount of $1 for six periods 1. 00 $ .265319, compound interest for six periods $.265319 -^ .04 = $6.632975, amount of an ordinary annuity of six periods ANNUITIES 185 To compute the amount of B, the annuity due: $6.632975, amount of ordinary annuity of six periods Deduct 1. 000000, one rent $5.632975, amount of annuity due of five periods Sinking Fund Contributions to the sinking fund of a bond issue are ordin- arily made at the end of the period. If a bond issue is to run twenty years and provision is to be made for it by twenty con- tributions to a sinking fund, the first contribution is usually made at the end of the first year, thus allowing time in which to acquire cash from profits. Such contributions to a fund constitute an ordinary annuity. When contributions to a fund are made at the beginning of the period, the payments become an annuity due. To find the periodical contribution necessary to accumulate the required fund by such payments : 1. Find the amount of an ordinary annuity of $1 for one more than the number of periods 2. Deduct $1 in order to find the amount of an annuity due of $1 for the given number of periods 3. Divide the required fund by the amount of an annuity due of $1. Required Annual Contribution In the discussion of sinking fund contributions in the early part of this chapter it was required to find the sinking fund contribution necessary to invest at 4% at the end of each of five years to pay an obligation of $100,000. This was found to be $18,462.71. We shall now calculate the required annual contri- bution if made at the beginning of each year. These payments constitute an annuity due of five periods. The calculation will proceed by the following steps: 1 86 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE I. Find the amount of an ordinary annuity of six periods: !i. 265319, amount of $1 at compound interest for six periods at 4% .265319, compound interest on $1 for six periods at 4% .265319 -r- .04 = $6.632975, amount of ordinary annuity of six periods 2. Find the amount of an annuity due of five periods: $6.632975 .632975, amount of annuity due of five periods 3. Divide total fund by amount of annuity of $1 : $100,000 -H 5.632975 = $17,752.61, required annual contribution The following sinking fund table shows the accumulation of the fund due to the two elements of contributions and compound interest. Ye.\r Contribution Fund Beginning Year Interest Fund End of Ye.\r I 2 3 4 5 $17,752.61 17,752.61 17,752.61 17,752.61 17,752.61 517.752-61 36,215.32 55.416.54 75,385.81 96,153.85 $ 710.10 1,448.61 2.216.66 3.015.43 3.846.15 $ 18,462.71 37,663.93 57,633.20 78,401.24 100,000.00 $88,763.05 Six, 236. 95 Present Worth of an Annuity Due When the annuity payments are due at the beginning of the period, the present value of the annuity is composed of two elements : 1. A rent, or payment, now due (a) 2. The present value of an ordinary annuity of one less than the given number of periods (b) ANNUITIES 187 For instance, $5.451822 deposited at 4% interest compounded annually permits the immediate withdrawal of: (a) $1 rent now due, and leaves a balance of (b) $4.451822, which is the present value of live annual pay- ments of $1, the first of which is due one year hence. Therefore, to find the present value of an annuity due, proceed as in the following illustration. Illustration What is the present value at 4% per annum of an annuity of six pay- ments of $1 , the first of which is due? Solution: i. Find the present value of an ordinary annuity for one less than the given number of periods: $1.000000 .821927, present value of $1 due in five years at 4% $ .178073, compound discount on $1 due in five years at 4% $ .178073 -^ .04 = $4.451825, present value of an ordinary annuity of five payments 2. To this present value add one rent: $4.451825, present value of ordinary annuity of five payments 1. 00 $5.451825, present value of an annuity due of six payments The reduction of this present value, due to the accumulation of interest and the payment of rents is, tabulated below. Present value of annuity due of six rents $5.451825 First rent i . Balance $4.451825 Interest earned ist period .178073 Balance end of " " $4.629898 Second rent i . I88 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Balance beginning 2d period $3.629898 Interest earned " " .145196 Balance end of " " $3.775094 Third rent i. Balance beginning 3d period $2.775094 Interest earned " " .111004 Balance end of " " $2.886098 Fourth rent i. Balance beginning 4th period $1. Interest earned " " .075444 Balance end of " " $1.961542 Fifth rent i . Balance beginning 5th period $ .961542 Interest earned " " .038461 Balance end of " " $1.000003 Sixth rent i . Since the sixth rent is withdrawn at the beginning of the sixth period, there is no balance at the beginning of, nor interest earned during, the sixth period. Rents The converse of the above problem is to determine what periodical payment or rent a known present value will produce, when the first payment is due immediately. For instance, what rent will an investment of $1,000 produce, the first of six annual rents being due at once and the interest being 4%? 1. Find what present value will produce a rent of $1 This was found above to be $5.451825 2. Divide the known present values by the present value of an annuity of $1 $1000.00 -j- 5.451825 = $183.42 ANNUITIES 189 The reduction of this present value may be tabulated thus: Period Rent Balance Interest Balance $1,000.00 I 3183.42 $816.58 I32.66 849.24 2 183.42 665.82 26.63 692.4s 3 183.42 sog.03 20.36 529.39 4 183.42 345.97 13.84 3S9.8I S 183.42 176.39 7.06 183.4s 6 183.4s 0. Si. 100.55 $100.55 CHAPTER XVIIi LOGARITHMS IN COMPOUND INTEREST AND ANNUITY COMPUTATIONS Calculating Compound Interest and Annuities by Logarithms The following examples illustrate the methods of utilizing logarithms in compound interest and annuity computations. Examples I. To find the amount of i. Required — the amount of $4,500 at 4% per annum for twenty years, compounded semiannually Solution: Amount = $4,500 X 1.02''° Log 1.02 = .00860 Multiply by 40 Log 1.02''" = .34400, the log of 2.208 Hence 1.02''''= 2.208 Amount = $4500 X 2.208 = $9936 Amount computed with aid of interest table = $9936.18 Logarithms may be used more extensively in this solution, as follows: Log 4,500 = 365321 Log 1.02 = .00860 Multiply by 40 Log 1.02''" = .34400 Log 4,500+ log 1.02'"'= 3.99721, log of 9,936 Hence $4,500 X 1.02'"'= $9,936 2. To find the compound interest on i. Solution: Compute the amount as above and deduct the principal Amount $9,936. Principal 4.500. Compound interest $5,436. iqo LOGARITHMS AND ANNUITY COMPUTATIONS 191 3. To find the principal. What sum invested at 4% compounded quarterly will amount to $5000 in eight years? Solution: Principal = 5000 -7- (i.oi)-*^ Log 5000 = 3.69897 Log 1. 01 = .00432 Multiply by 32 Log i.oi^^ = .13824 Log of principal = 3.56073, the log of 3636.92 Principal = $3636.92 Principal computed by interest table = $3636.52. 4. To find the rate. If $1,125 is to be returned at the expiration of seven years for a loan of $800, what rate of interest compounded an- nually is earned? Solution: Since 1,125 = 800 X (i + tV (i + i)^= 1,125 -J- 800 Log 1,125 = 305115 Log 800 Log (i +1)7 Log I + i Hence \ -\- i i 90309 14806 14806 -7- 7 = .021151, the log of 1.0499 0499 0499, or nearly 5% 5. To find the time. For how many years should $2,000 be placed at 5% interest compounded annually to produce $5,054? Solution: Since $5,054 = $2,000 X 1.05" 5,054 -^ 2,000 = 1.05" Hence 3.70364, which is log 5054 Minus 3.30103, " " " 2,000 Equals .40261 '' " " 1.05" Since .40261 = log 1.05 X n n = .40261 -T- log 1.05 Since log 1.05 = .02119 n = .40261 -^ .02119 — 19) the number of years 192 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 6. To find the present value of i. What is the present value of $15,000 due in five years at 4%, interest compounded quarterly? Solution: Present value = $15,000 -^ (i.oi)^" Log 15,000 = 4.17609 Log 1. 01 = .00432 Multiply by 20 Log i.oi^" = .08640 Log of present value = 4.08969 Present value = $12,293.89 Present value by compound interest table = $12,293.17 7. To find the compound discount on i. Solution: Compute the present value as in the preceding example: deduct this present value from the amount due at maturity. Amount due at maturity $15,000.00 Present value 12,293.89 Compound discount $ 2,706.11 8. To find the amount of an annuity. What is the amount of an ordinary annuity of $25 for twenty periods at 4% per period? Solution: 1.04'"- I Amount of an annuity of $1 = .04 Log 1.04 = .01703 Multiply by 20 Log 1.04^" = .34060, the log of 2.1908 1.04^" = 2.1908 Deduct 1. 0000 Compound interest = 1.1908 Amount of annuity of $ i = $ 1.1908 ^ .04 = $ 29.77 " " " " $25 = 29.77 X 25 = $744-25 " " " " " by interest tables = $744-45 Logarithms may be used more extensively in these computations, but it is desired to make the solutions as simple as possible. 9. To find the amount of sinkiui^ fund contributions. What annual contribution must be made at the end of each of twenty years to amount to $50,000 at 4K%? LOGARITHMS AND ANNUITY COMPUTATIONS I93 Solution: $50,000 -r- amount of annuity of $1 = contribution Log 1.045 . = .01912 Multiply by 20 Log 1.045^" = .38240, the log of 2.41 21 1 1 Hence 1.045^° = 2.41 21 11 Deduct 1. 000000 1.412111 Compound interest Amount of annuity of $1 = 1.412111 -^ .045 = 31.38 $50,000-=- 31.38 =$1593-37 10. To find the present worth of an annuity. What is the present value of an annuity of $50 per year for ten years at 6%? Solution: The present value of the annuity = 50 X I> D =.- ^ 1.06 Log 1.06 = .02531 Multiply by 10 Log of 1. 06'° = •-?53io, the k-gof amount uf i .00 Determine the present value as follows: Log I. = 0.00000 or 10.00000 — 10 Log 1.06'" = .25310 Hence log—— = g. 74690 - 10, the log of .5583375 1.06 1. 0000000 Minus .5583375 Equals .4416625, the compound discount .4416625 -^ .06 = 7.36104, present value of annuity of $ i $7.36104 X 50 = $368,052, " " " " " $50 CHAPTER XIX BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM Bonds Purchased below and above Par Bonds are frequently purchased at prices either below or above par; that is, at a discount or a premium. When a bond purchased at a discount is held until maturity and paid at par, the owner makes a profit amounting to the difference between the cost and par; that is, to the discount. If the bond is purchased at a premium and repaid at par, the owner incurs a loss amount- ing to the premium. Conversely, one who issues a bond below par and repays it at par loses the discount, while one who issues a bond at a premium and repays it at par gains the premium. The question arises as to when such profit shall be credited, or such loss be charged, to profit and loss. The following discussion considers the subject from the point of view of the investor; the same principles apply to writing off premium or discount on the books of the business issuing the bonds. Discount Let us assume that a $ioo bond, due in two years and bearing 4% interest payable semiannually, is bought for $96.28. When paid at par there will be a gain of $3.72, the amount of the dis- count. The discount may be taken up by the following methods, which are, however, unscientific: I. By an immediatecredit to income of $3.72, thus raising the investment account on the books to the par of $100 and taking credit at once for the discount. This method is clearly wrong because it takes up at the time of purchase an income which is earned gradually as the bond approaches maturity. 194 BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 195 2. By carrying the investment at its cost of $96.28 until it is paid, at which time the difference between the cash received and the cost of the bond is credited to income. This method also is erroneous, although the error is not so apparent. In the first place, while the earning is made gradually as the bond approaches maturity, it would appear from the above treatment that none of the discount was earned until the very day of maturity; and in the second place the bond increases in value as the day of matur- ity approaches, when it is paid at par. 3. By considering the $3.72 as extra interest earned, divid- ing the amount by 4, the number of semiannual interest periods, charging }i of $3.72 each six months to the bond account and crediting it to interest. This has the effect of raising the invest- ment account gradually to par, while spreading the earning over the four periods in which the bond is held. The effect of this treatment is shown by the following schedule: Period Bond account beginning of 6 months period Portion of discou.nt TAKEN UP during ONE PERIOD Int. collected Total credit to interest I 2 3 4 Maturity $ 96.28 97-21 98.14 99.07 100.00 % .93 .93 .93 ■93 $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 J 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 Total I3.72 $8.00 $1 1.72 It may appear that this method answers all requirements, since it raises the investment account gradually to par, taking up the discount periodically. But it is subject to the criticism that, while the investment is gradually increasing, the interest remains constant. This means that the rate of interest is gradu- ally decreasing, as shown in the following table: 196 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Period Asset value in- bond ACCOUNT Credit to Income Semiannual rate of income I 2 3 4 $96.28 97-21 98.14 99-07 f2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 3.043 +% 3-014 + % 2.98s + % 2.957 + % Since the investment or asset value is increasing as the bond approaches maturity, the credits to income should also increase, so that the same rate of income will be maintained each period. When the amounts are small, the error arising from this method is immaterial and the discount may be written off in equal amounts, as above. But when the amounts are large, this method may result in serious unfairness to some parties in interest. Assuming, for instance, that $96,280 is invested in the purchase of $100,000 of bonds for a trust and that the bene- ficiary changes at the expiration of the second six months' period, the first beneficiary would receive over 3% income semiannually on the assets of the trust, while the second beneficiary would receive less than 3%. It is not sufficient that they each receive the same number of dollars. The property, or investment, held for the second beneficiary is of greater value than that held for the first, and hence the second should receive more income per period, since each is entitled to the same rate of income on the investment of the trust. Scientific Method of Amortization Any method of writing off discount, to be scientific, must take the following into consideration : 1. The investment increases in value as the bond approaches maturity, and at each interest date the investment value should be increased on the books, thus raising it gradually to par. 2. The purchase of a bond at a discount results in the rate of interest earned on the investment being higher than the nominal BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 197 rate paid on the par of the bond. Hence, the amount added to the asset value of the bond at each interest date should also be credited to interest, together with the cash collected. 3. The total credit to interest (cash collected plus portion of discount) at the end of each period should be an increasing amount but always the same per cent of the carrying or asset value of the bond at the beginning of the period. When a bond is bought at a price other than par, there are two interest rates: 1 . The nominal or cash rate paid on the par of the bond 2. The effective, basic, or income rate actually earned on the investment When the bond is bought at a discount, the income rate is greater than the nominal rate for two reasons : 1. The investment is less than par, although it gradually increases to par. 2. The income is more than the coupons collected, since the income is composed of two parts : (a) The coupons collected (b) The periodical portion of the discount When the discount is scientifically amortized or written off the method is as follows: 1 . Determine the effective rate earned on the investment, as explained later. 2. At each interest date multiply the carrying value of the investment by the effective rate, to determine the amount of revenue earned during the period. 3. Make the following entry: Debit cash for coupon collected Debit investment for portion of discount Credit interest for total income computed in (2) above. 198 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The amount charged to investment will be the difference between the total income and the cash collected. To illustrate, the price of $96.28 in the example above, was chosen because it was known that a 4% bond due in two years, with semiannual interest, would yield an effective rate of income of 6% per year or 3% semiannually if purchased at this price. The following shows the scientific amortization of the discount : Cost of bond $96.28 First period: Income, 3% of $96.28 $2.89 Coupon, 2% of $100.00 2.00 Balance — portion of discount charged to investment .89 Second period: Carrying value of bond $97- 1 7 Income, 3% of $97.17 $2.92 Coupon 2.00 Balance — portion of discount charged to in- vestment -92 Third period: Carrying value of bond $98.09 Income, 3% of $98.09 $2.94 Coupon 2.00 Balance — portion of discount charged to investment -94 Fourth period: Carrying value of bond $99-03 Income, 3% of $99-03 $2.97 Coupon 2.00 Balance — portion of discount charged to in- vestment -97 Par of bond $100.00 BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 199 It will be noted that this process conforms to the three require- ments of the scientific method as outlined above. The investment is increased gradually to par by writing off a portion of the discount at each interest period, thus: Beginning of Period Investment I $96.28 2 97.17 3 98.09 4 Q9-03 Par 100.00 The amount added to the investment value at each interest period is also credited to interest, as follows: Credits to Interest End of Period For C.\sh For Portion' of Discount TOT.\L I 2 3 4 $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 $ .89 .92 •94 • 97 $2.89 2.92 2.94 2.97 The total credit to interest increases each period and is always the same per cent of the increased investment at the beginning of each period, as shown below: Period Investment, beginning of period 'Income for period R.\TE I 3 3 4 $96.28 97.17 98.09 99-03 $2.89 2.92 2.94 2.97 •i /o 3% 3% 3% 200 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE While, as stated before, the difference is immaterial when the investment is small, the following table comparing results by the equal instalment method and the scientific amortization method will serve to show the injustice which might be caused by the improper method. Investment Value Income Equal Scientific Differ- Equal Scientific Differ- INSTAL. PLAN AMORTZN. PLAN ence INSTAL. PLAN AMORTZN. plan ence I $96.28 I96.28 i.oo 52. 93 $2.89 S+-04 2 97-21 97-17 .04 2.93 2.92 +.01 3 98.14 98.09 -05 2-93 2.94 — -01 4 99-07 99-03 -04 2.93 2.97 -.04 Assuming that the bond was held as an investment for a trust and that the beneficiary changed at the end of the second period, the column of income differences shows that, by the equal instal- ment method, the first beneficiary would receive 5 cents too much income, while the second beneficiary would receive 5 cents less than was rightfully his. Assuming that the bond was held for an estate for the benefit of a life tenant and a remainderman, that the life tenant died at the end of the second half year, and that the estate reverting to the remainderman, the equal instalment method would work detriment to the remainderman. Let us assume that the estate originally consisted of $100. By the equal instalment method the estate reverting to the remainderman would be less than $100. The income represented by the portion of discount written off would be paid to the life tenant in cash and would be added to the carrying value of the bond. The following would be a statement of the assets of the estate: BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 20I Equal Instalment Method 1 Scientific Amortiza- tion Method Cash Bond true value Total Cash Bond TRUE value Total $100.00 96.28 $ 3.72 2.00 J96.28 97-17 98.09 $100.00 100.00 9996 99-95 $100.00 96.28 J96.28 97.17 98.09 First period: Cash collected ... $ 3-72 2.00 $100.00 $ 5-72 2.93 $ 5.72 2.89 $ 2.79 2.00 S 2.83 2.00 100.00 Second period: Cash collected . . S 4-79 2.93 $ 4-83 2.92 S 1.86 S 1-91 100.00 It is seen that if the equal instalment method was followed, the assets of the estate would be impaired 5 cents by paying the life tenant in cash 5 cents erroneously computed as income. The result would be that the remainderman would be defrauded, the injustice being concealed by turning the bond back to him at a value of $98.14 when it really had a value of only $98.09. Income Rates Bond dealers frequently offer bonds at prices which net the investor a rate other than the cash or nominal rate. In the illustration above, where a 4% bond was purchased to yield an income rate of 6%, the quotation might be stated, "4% bond paying 6%," "4% bond yielding 6%," "4% bond to net 6%," or ' ' 4% bond on a 6% basis. ' ' To avoid the necessity of computing the price at which each sale must be made, bond tables have 202 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE This price varies been prepared showing the price to be paid, with 1 . The nominal rate 2. The income rate 3. The number of periods mi til maturity Since bonds usually bear semiannual interest there are two periods per year, and bond tables usually show a price based on the assumption that the interest is paid semiannually. The following portion of a page in a bond table shows various prices to be paid for a 2-year bond, depending on the nominal and effective rates. The rates at the head of the columns are nominal rates; those at the side are the effective rates. For instance, in the 4% nominal rate column on the 6% effective rate line is found the price of $96.28 used in the preceding illustrations of a 2-year 4% bond netting 6%. 2 Years Interest Payable Semiannually Per Cent Per Annum 3% 3 1/2% 4% 4 1/2% 5% 6% 7% 4.80 96.61 97.55 98.49 99.43 100.38 102.26 104.IS 4 7/8 96.47 97.41 98.3s 99.29 100.24 102.12 104.00 4.90 96.42 97.36 98-31 99-25 100.19 102.07 103.95 S 96.24 97.18 98.12 99 06 100.00 101.88 103.76 5-10 96.05 96.99 97-93 98.87 99.81 101.69 103.57 S 1/8 96.01 96.95 97.89 98.83 99.77 101.64 103.52 S-20 95.87 96.81 97-75 98-69 99.62 101.50 103.38 5 1/4 95.78 96.72 97-66 98.59 99-53 101.41 103.28 5.30 95.69 96.63 97-56 98.50 99-44 101.31 103.19 5 3/8 95-55 96.49 97.43 98.36 99-30 101.17 103.04 S-40 95.51 96.44 97.38 98.32 99-25 I0I.I2 103.00 SI/2 95-33 96.26 97-20 98.13 99-07 100.93 102.80 5 5/8 95-10 96.03 96.97 97.90 98.83 100.70 102-57 53/4 94-87 95.81 96.74 97-67 98.60 100.47 102.33 5 7/8 94-65 95-58 96.51 97-44 98.37 100.23 102.09 6 94.42 95-35 96.28 97-21 98.14 100.00 101.86 BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 203 Bond Premium When a bond is bought at a price above par, the effective rate is less than the nominal rate, for two reasons: 1 . The investment is more than the par to which the nominal rate applies. 2. The coupons collected are not all income; since only par will be repaid, a portion of the cash received at each interest date must be considered as a return of the premium (which is principal) and only the balance as income. Bond premium should be scientifically written off as follows: 1 . Determine the effective rate. 2. Multiply the gradually diminishing investment by the effective rate to compute the income earned during the period. 3. Make the following entry: Debit cash for coupon collected Credit income for amount computed in (2) above ' ' investment for difference between cash and income. To illustrate, the bond table shows that a 2-year $100 6% bond to net 4% should be purchased for $103.81 . The following shows the scientific amortization of the premium: Cost of bond $103.81 First period: Coupon, 3% of $100.00 $3.00 Income, 2% of $103.81 2.08 Balance, premium written off .92 Second period: Carrying value of bond $102.89 Coupon $3.00 Income, 2% of $102.89 2.06 Balance, premium written off .94 204 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Third period: Carrying value of bond $101.95 Coupon $3.00 Income, 2% of $101.95 2.04 Balance, premium written off .96 Fourth period: Carrying value of bond $100.99 Coupon $3.00 Income, 2% of $100.99 2.02 Balance, premium written off .98 Par of bond $100.01 The error of i cent arises from repeated approximations of interest to the nearest cent. The following table shows the periodical entries : Period Debit Cash Credit Interest Credit Investment (or Premium) Investment Cost $ 3.00 300 300 3- 00 $2.08 2.06 2.04 2.01* 1 .92 .94 .96 .99* $103.81 I 2 3 4 102.89 101.95 101.99 100.00 Total $12.00 18. 19 $3.81 ' Adjustment of i cent to correct discrepancy. The second column shows the total cash collected; the third, the amount of cash taken as income; the fourth, the portion of the coupon applied to repayment of the premium ($3.81) which, with the final repayment of the bond, completely realizes the invest- ment. Since a portion of the investment is realized periodically, the investment gradually diminishes in value. Hence the credits to interest decrease with each successive period. BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 205 Computing the Premium and the Price While the price above par to be paid for a bond to yield an effective rate less than the nominal rate may be found in a bond table, such tables are not always available. If a table of com- pound interest, present values or annuities is at hand, it will be of assistance, but the price may be computed without tables of any kind. Two methods are explained, as follows: First Method An interest bearing bond comprises two promises, as follows: 1. To pay the par at maturity — in the last preceding illustration, $ioo at the expiration of four six-months periods. 2. To pay a stipulated amount of interest periodically — in the illustration, $3 at the end of each of four six-months periods. The price to be paid for the bond is the present value, discounted at the effective rate, of all cash payments promised. In the illustration, the price is the sum of 1. The present value of $100 due four periods hence, dis- counted at 2% per period. 2. The present value of an annuity of $3 for four periods, discounted at 2% per period. These present values may be found in the interest table; thus the table shows that: Present value of $1 due four periods hence at 2% = $.923845 $.923845 X 100 = $92.3845, P. V. of principal Present value of an annuity of $1 for four periods at 2% = $3.807729 $3.807729 X 3 = 11.4232, P. V. of coupons Total $103.8077 or $103.81, price 206 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE If the table does not show present values but does show com- pound interest, the computation may be made as follows: The table shows the amount of $i at compound interest for four periods at 2% to be $1.082432. Then, $1.00 -J- 1.082432= $ .923845, P. V.of$i $.923845 X 100 = $ 92.3845, P. V. of principal Also, $1.00 — .923845 = $ .076155, compound discount, four periods $.076155 -^ .02 = $ 3.8077, P. V. of annuity of $1 for four periods $3.8077 X3 = 1 1. 423 1, P. V. of coupons Total $103.8076, price When no interest table of any kind is available, recourse may be had to the methods explained in the chapter on compound interest and annuities. Perhaps the easiest method would be to compute the amount of $1 for four periods at 2% thus: 1.02 1.02 1.0404 1.0404 1.082432 The procedure following would be as shown above. Second Method This method determines only the premium to be paid to reduce the income from the nominal rate to the effective rate. The premium so determined, added to the par of the bond, com- prises the total price. The method is based on the following reasoning : Let us assume that a 4% annual, or 2% semiannual, income is required. If the bond bore 4% interest, the price would be par. Hence the payment of $100, or par, entitles the holder of the bond to receive: BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 20/ 1. Principal, at maturity 2. Interest, $2 at the end of each six months But if, as in the preceding illustration, the bond pays 3% semi- annually, each semiannual coupon collected will be $3. Of this, the payment of par entitles the holder to receive $2. And the payment of a premium entitles him to receive the remain- ing $1. Hence, the premium is the sum which must be paid to entitle the holder to collect that portion of the periodical coupon which is in excess of the product obtained by multiplying the par of the bond by the effective periodical rate. This excess interest is an annuity. In the case of a 2-year 6% bond bought to net 4%, the annuity is $1 for four periods. The premium is the present value of this annuity, discounted at the effective rate, and may be computed as follows: $100 X 3% (semiannual cash rate) = $3.00 coupon $100 X 2% ( " effective rate) = 2.00 effective income on par Excess $1.00 The present value at 2% of an annuity of $1 for four periods is shown by an interest table to be $3.807729, to which is added the par, $100, the total being the price of the bond or $103.81. When a table showing the present value of an annuity is not at hand, one of the methods already explained may be used to find the present value. Perhaps the easiest method is by successive divisions, as follows: Example What is the premium to be paid on a 3-year 7% bond, interest payable semiannually, bought to net 5%; par $100,000? Solution: $100,000 X 3K% (cash rate per period) =$3,500 $100,000 X 2>^% (effective rate per period) = 2,500 Excess $1,000 208 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The required premium, therefore, is the present value at 2^% of an annuity of $1,000 for six periods. 975.610 P. V. of $1000 due I period hence Now, $1,000.00 - - 1.025 = $ 975.610 975.610- - 1.025 = 951.814 951.814 - - 1.025 = 928.599 928.599 - - 1-025 = 905-950 905-950 - - 1.025 = 883.854 883.854 - - 1-025 = 862.297 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 2 periods 3 " 4 " 5 6 $ 5,508.124, premium 100,000.000, par $105,508.12, price The premium could also be computed as follows: Find amount of $1 for six periods at 2^%, as follows: 1.025 1.025 1.050625 amount of $1 for 2 periods 1.050625 1.103813 " " I " 4 " 1.050625 1.159693 " " I " 6 " Find compound discount on $1 due six periods hence at 2^ % thus: $1 -^ 1. 159693 = $.862297 P. V. of $1 due six periods hence $1 — $ .862297 = .137703 compound discount or $.159693 (comp. int.) -^ 1. 159693 (amt.) = $. 137703 compound discount Find present value of annuity of $1 ,000 for six periods at 2% %, thus: % -137703 -^ -025 = $5.50812 P. V. of annuity of $1 $5.50812 X 1000 = $5,508.12 P. V. of annuity of $1,000 BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 209 The following table shows the periodical entries and the diminishing balance of the investment. Period Debit Cash Credit Interest 2j^% OF Investment Credit Investment Investment Cost $ 3,500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3,500 3,500 $ 2,637.70 2,616.15 2,59405 2,571-40 2,548-19 2,524-38 $ 862.30 883.85 905.95 928.60 951-81 975-62 •?I05,508.I3 104.645.83 103,761.98 102,856.03 101.927.43 100,975-62 100,000.00 6 Total |2I,000 115,491.87 55,508.13 Computing the Discount and the Price When bond tables cannot be consulted to determine the price to pay for a bond to net an income rate higher than the nominal rate, the price may be computed by methods similar to those described for determining a premium. First Method. The first method consists of the following three steps: (a) Compute the present value of the par, discounted at the effective rate. (b) Compute the present value at the effective rate of all coupons to be collected. (c) Add the foregoing two items, the sum being the price to be paid. In the case of the $100 2 -year 4% bond bought to net 6%, at a price of $96.28, the first item (a) is the present value of $100 due four periods hence at 3% (the effective rate) per period. The second item (b) is the present value of an annuity of $2 for four periods discounted at 3%. These present values may be found in a book of tables, thus : 210 MATHEMATICS OP ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Present value of par: P. V. of $1 due in four periods at 3% is $ .888487 $.888487 X 100 = $88.8487 Present value of coupons: P. V. of annuity of $1 for four periods at 3% is $3.717098 $3.717098X2= 7-4342 Total price $96.2829 or as shown by the bond table $96.28 If an interest table is not available, the methods already described for determining present values may be used. 2. Second Method. This method determines the discount to be deducted from par. Since the cash rate does not produce the required income, the seller permits the deduction of an amount which, invested at the effective rate, will produce the extra periodical income required. The discount is the present value of an annuity of the extra income. For instance, in the case of the $100 2-year 4% bond bought to net 6%, at a price of $96.28, the 3% effective rate is equivalent to $3 per period, while the 2% coupon produces only $2 per period, the required excess being $1 per period for four periods. The present value of 3% (the effective rate) of an annuity of $1 for four periods is shown by an interest table to be $3.717098. Then $100.00 par Less 3.72 discount $96.28 price When neither a bond table nor an interest table can be used, one must resort to the previously described method of comput- ing the present value of the annuity. Illustration What are the discount and the purchase price of a 3-year 5% bond, interest payable semiannually, bought to net 6%; par $100,000? BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 211 Solution: $100,000 X 3% (effective rate per period) $100,000 X 23^% (cash " " " ) )3,ooo 2,500 5 500 Deficient interest per period The required discount, therefore, is the present value at 3% of an annuity of $500 per period. -- $485,437 P. V. of $500 due I period Now, $500 - I. Hence, 485-437 " - i.( 47I.2Q8- - i.< 457-571- - I. 444.244- - I. 431.305 - - I. Discount 03 = 471 03 = 457 03 = 444 03 = 431 03 = 418 298 571 244 305 742 500 500 500 500 500 2 periods 3 4 " 5 6 $2,708,597 Then par Less discount Price $100,000.00 2,708.60 $ 97,291.40 The discount can also be computed as follows: Find the amount of $1 for six periods at 3%, thus: 1.03 1.03 1.0609 amount of $1 for 2 periods 1.0609 1. 125509 " •• I " 4 1.0609 1. 194052 " " I " 6 Find the compound discount on$i due six periods hence at 3%, thus: $1.00 -^ 1. 194052 = $.837484 P. V. of $1 due six periods hence $1.00— .837484= $.162516 compound discount Find the present value of an annuity of $500 for six periods at 3% thus: $.162516 (comp. dis.) -J- .03 = $5.4172 P. V. of annuity of $1 $5.4172 X 500 = $2708.60 present value of annuity of $500, or discount 212 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The following table, or schedule of amortization, shows the periodical entries and the remaining balance of the investment. Period Credit Income 3% OF Investment Debit Cash Debit Investment Investment I 2 3 4 5 6 $ 2,918.74 2,931-31 2,944-24 2,957-57 2,971-30 2,985-44 1 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2.500 2,500 $ 418.74 431-31 444-24 457-57 471-30 485-44 $ 97.291-40 97.710.14 98,141.45 98,585.69 99.043.26 99.514-56 100,000.00 $17,708.60 $15,000.00 $2,708.60 Purchases at Intermediate Date In the preceding explanations of methods for computing prices for bonds either at a premium or at a discount, it has been assumed that the purchase occurred on an interest date. When this is not the case, the customary method of determining the price is as follows : 1. Compute the price as if the purchase had been made at the next preceding interest date; also the price as if the purchase were to be made at the next succeeding interest date. The difference is the portion of premium or discount to be amortized during the period. 2. Such a proportion of this premium or discount is amortized as the elapsed time between the preceding interest date and the date of purchase bears to the total interest period. 3. To the amortized value thus obtained add the accrued interest at the nominal rate. For instance, referring to the table on page 209 let us assume that the interest dates are January i and July i ; and that $105,508.13 is the value on Jan. i, 1918, on a 5% basis 104,645-83 " " " " July i> 1918, " " " " $ 862.30 " " premium to be amortized during the period BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 213 If the purchase is made on February i, 19 18, one-sixth of the interest period has elapsed, hence one-sixth of $862.30 should be amortized, thus: Value at January i, 1918 $105,508.13 Deduct Ye of $862.30 i43-72 $105,364.41 Add accrued interest: ^/g of $3500 583.33 Price $105,947.74 The price may also be computed by adding to the price on January i the accrued interest at the effective rate, thus: Price on January i, 1918 $105,508.13 Effective interest for six months: 2H% of $105,508.13 = $2,637.70 Ve of $2,637.70 439-6i Price on February i, 1918 $105,947.74 Of this amount $105,364.41 is charged to investment and $583.33 to accrued interest. When the coupon is collected on July i, it is applied as follows: Cash $3500.00 Accrued interest $ 583.33 Interest earned 2,198.09 Investment amortization ($862.30 — $143.72). .. 718.58 The investment of $105,364.41, reduced by the amortization of $718.58, is novi^ carried at the true value (seepage 209) on July i, $104,645.83. While this is the customary method of computing a flat price, it is unfair to the buyer, since he advances to the seller $583.33 accrued interest five months before it is due. When the bond is to be purchased at a discount, the propor- tion of discount to be amortized for the fractional period should be added. Referring to page 212, let us assume that interest is payable on January i and July i, that $97,291.40 is the value at 214 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE January i, 1918, on a 6% basis, and that the transfer is to be made on May i, 1918. Then, $97,710.14 is the value on July i, igi8 97,291.40 " " " " January i, 1918 $ 418.74 " " discount to be amortized during the period % of $418.74 = $ 279.16 the discount to be amortized during two-thirds of the period $97,291.40 value at Jan. i, 1918 279.16 two-thirds of discount amortized in six months 1,666.67 accrued interest — two-thirds of $2,500 $99,237.23 price on May i, 1918 Or, value at January i, 1918 $97,291.40 Add two-thirds of 3% (effective rate) on $97,291.40 1,945.83 $99,237.23 Of this amount $97,570.56 is charged to investment and $1,666.67 to accrued interest. On July i, the investment is adjusted to its true value (see table on page 212) by the following entries : Cash $2500.00 Investment (discount $418.74 — $279.16) 139-58 Accrued interest $1666.67 Interest 972.91 All entries after July i, 1918, are as indicated in the schedule on page 212. Serial Bonds Instead of providing a sinking fund for the eventual redemption of a bond issue, the bonds may be retired gradually by serial redemption. In computing the price at which the entire issue may be purchased to net an effective rate other than the cash rate, the bonds maturing at each redemption date must be considered separately, the several values so obtained being added to fmd the total price. BOND DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM 215 As a simple illustration assume that five bonds of $100 each, bearing 6% interest payable semiannually, are to be retired in amounts of $100 at the end of each of five years. Required — the price to net 5%. The following values are taken from a bond table, though they could be computed by the methods already explained. Maturities Value Bond due in i year $100.96 " " " 2 years 101.88 " "3 " 102.75 4 103.59 5 " 104-38 (( u Total value of issue $513.56 The following schedule shows the reduction of the premium and the serial redemption of the bonds: Cost $513-56 First period: Coupons 3% of $500 $15.00 Income 2 1/2% of $513.56 12.84 2.16 Second period: Carrying value $511.40 Coupons 3% of $500 $15.00 Income 2 1/2% of $511. 40 12.78 2.22 .i« First redemption 100.00 Third period: Carrying value $409.18 Coupons 3% of $400 $1 2.00 Income 2 1/2% of $409.18 10.23 1.77 Fourth period: Carrying value $407.41 Coupons 3% of $400 $12.00 Income 2 1/2% of $407.41 10.18 1.82 $405.59 216 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Second redemption loo.oo Fifth period: Carrying value $305.59 Coupons 3% of $300 $ Q.oo Income 2 1/2% of $305.59 7.64 1.36 Sixth period: Carrying value $304. 23 Coupons 3% of $300 $ 9.00 Income 2 1/2% of $304.23 7.61 1.39 $302.84 Third redemption 100.00 Seventh period: Carrying value $202.84 Coupons 3% of $200 $ 6.00 Income 2 1/2% of $202.84 5.07 .93 Eighth period: Carrying value $201.91 Coupons 3% of $200 $ 6.00 Income 2 1/2% of $201.91 5.05 .95 $200.96 Fourth redemption 100.00 Ninth period: Carrying value $100.96 Coupons 3% of $100 $ 3.00 Income 2 1/2% of $100.96 2.53 ^ .47 Tenth period: Carrying value $100.49 Coupons 3% of $100 $ 3.00 Income 2 1/2% of $100.49 2.51 .49 $100.00 Fifth redemption 100.00 o CHAPTER XX LEASEHOLDS Commuted Rents The problem of determining the present value of an annuity arises when real estate is leased and an advance payment is made covering, or applying on, a series of rents which would otherwise be paid at regular intervals in the future. Let us assume that it is proposed to lease certain property on January i, 1918, for five years at an annual rental of $1,000, payable on January i of each year. This contract would require the following payments : Date Rent January i I I I I 1 91 8 $1,000 1919 1,000 1920 1,000 1 92 1 1,000 1922 1,000 The lessee desires to make one payment on January i, 1918, covering the entire rental; and it is agreed between the parties to discount at 5% the payments which would otherwise be made in 1919, 1920, 192 1 and 1922. The single payment to be made (i.e., the present value of the annuity) may be computed thus: Date Due Rent Symbols Present Value January r, 1918 I. 1919 " I, 1920 1, 1921 I, 1922 Now 1 year hence 2 years 3 " 4 " 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 J - - (i + <•) - (r + <•)' - ( r + i)i - (i + i)^ Si. 000. 000 952.381 907.029 S63.838 822.702 Single payment Jj. 545.950 217 2l8 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The single payment can also be computed thus : Present value of first payment Present value of future payments: Present value of an annuity of $i,ooo for four periods at 5% Present value of $1 due in four years at 5% $.822702 Compound discount $.177298 Present value annuity of $1 = $.177298 ^ .05 $3-54596 $3.54596 X 1,000 Single payment 3,545-96 54,545-96 Although the single payment of $4,545.96 pays the rent for five years, the annual entries in the accounts must show the following : 1. Annual rental of $1,000 2. Annual interest earning on the advance payment 3 . Application of advance payment to annual rent 4. Reduction of value of advance payment The following schedule shows the figures used in the annual journal entries. Date Debit Rent Credit Interest Credit Leasehold Debit balance of Leasehold Account 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 I177.30 136.16 92.97 47.62 $1,000.00 822.70 863.84 907.03 952.38 $4. 545. 95 3,545.95 2,723.2s 1,859.41 952.38 I, 1920 Totals S.5,000 1454-05 $4,545.95 It is manifest that the value of a leasehold depends largely on the rate of interest used. If the above lease had been com- LEASEHOLDS 219 muted on a basis of 4% its value would have been $4,629.90, or $83.95 more than it is worth at 5%. On a very short lease the difiference is not very great, but on a 99-year lease it amounts to a very large sum. Sublease A similar problem arises when property is subleased. Let us assume that A leases certain property on January i, 191 2, for a period of ten years at an annual rental of $3,000, and that he occupies the property until December 31, 191 7, at which time he assigns the lease to B. Due to a rise in land values, B is willing to assume the lease at an annual rental of $5,000. B may, therefore, make the following payments: Date Payment to Owner of Fee Payment to A $3,000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 $2,000 2,000 I. 1919 Or B may, with A's consent, pay A a lump sum on January i, 1918, instead of annual payments. If the future payments of this annuity of $2,000 are discounted at 5%, the lump sum is com- puted as follows : Present value of first payment Present value of an annuity of $2,000 for four periods at 5%: Present value of an annuity of $1,000 (as computed above) $3,545.95 Then $3,545-95 X 2 = Single payment i2,000.00 7,091.90 ,091.90 220 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The following schedule shows the journal and cash entries to be made annually by B. Date Debit Credit Credit Credit Cash Balance of Rent Interest Leasehold (paid owner) Leasehold Account Cost of leasehold . . . $9,091-90 January i, 1918 .... $ 5.000 $2,000.00 $ 3,000.00 7,091.90 I. 1919 5.000 1354-60 1,645.40 3,000.00 5.446.50 I, 1920 .... 5.000 272.33 1.727.67 3,000.00 3.718.83 I, 1921 .... 5.000 185.94 1,814.06 3,000.00 1,904.77 I, 1922 .... 5.000 95-24 1,904.76 3,000.00 .01 Total $25,000 J908.11 $9,091-89 $15,000.00 CHAPTER XXI DEPRECIATION METHODS Annual Depreciation There are six methods in more or less general use for the de- termination of the amount of depreciation which business en- terprises should provide annually on their fixed assets. Writing of^ an arbitrary amount at any convenient time is not included, because it is too haphazard and unscientific to be called a method. The six recognized methods are as follows: 1. Straight line method 2. Diminishing value, using a fixed per cent 3. Diminishing value method based on the sum of the years' digits 4. Annuity method 5. Sinking fund method 6. Production method It is not within the province of this book to examine the merits of the different methods. The object is only to indicate how the amount to be written off annually is ascertained when the managers of the business have decided upon the method to be used. The illustration to be used throughout is that of an asset costing $5 ,000 which is estimated to have a life of six years and a residual or scrap value of $200, if any. I . The straight line method has the advantage of simplicity, as the annual amount is determined by the simple process of dividing the total depreciation by the number of years the asset is expected to remain effective, as shown below. 222 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Year Annual Depreciation Carrying Value I $ 8oo 800 8oo 800 800 8oo Is, 000 4,200 3,400 2 4 s 6 1,000 200 Total S4,8oo 2. The diminishing value method, when a fixed per cent is applied, is a desirable one to use, but it has the disadvantage that the rate on the diminishing value is difficult to compute. The process requires the extraction of a root the index of which is the same as the number of years covered by the depreciation. The formula for this method is In this formula r represents the desired rate; w the number of periods ; 5 the scrap value ; and c the cost. The formula is applied to the illustration as follows : 6' 200 \ 5,ooo 6/ = I — V -04 Log .04 is 8.60206 — 10 Add 50. ~ 50 58.60206 — 60 Divide by 6 9.76701 — 10 log of .5848 r= I- .5848 = .4152 = 41.52% The following table shows the depreciation charges and the diminishing value in the example taken. DEPRECIATION METHODS 223 Year Depreciation Diminishing value I 2 3 4 5 6 41.52% of Is, 000. 00 " 2,924.00 " 1,709.96 99998 584-79 341-99 12,076.00 1,214.04 709-98 415-19 242-80 141.99 $5,000.00 2,924.00 1,709.96 999-98 584-79 341-99 200-00 Total $4,800.00 The fixed per cent of diminishing value is very frequently used, but because of the difficulty or ignorance of the method of computing it, the rate is guessed at, or a purely arbitrary one is used, which, however, is usually too small. Thus, it might seem to many factory managers that 25% would be too large a rate, in the preceding illustration but it really is not, as the fol- lowing shows : Year 25% OF Diminishing value Diminishing value I 2 3 4 , S 6 $1,250-00 937-50 703-13 527-34 395-51 296.63 $5,000.00 3.750.00 2,812.50 2,109.37 1,582.03 1,186.52 889.89 Total $4,110.1 1 3. The diminishing value method based on the sum of the years' digits is one which is often used to avoid the difficulties of the percentage method described above. To find the sum of the years' digits the figures representing the successive years are added together to form a denominator, in our illustration, 21 224 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE (1 + 2+3+4+5 + 6). Each year a numerator is used represent- ing the successive number of years the asset is expected to Hve, and the fraction thus obtained is apphed to the estimated total depreciation to determine the amount to be charged off that year. The result of applying this method in our illustration is as follows: Year Fraction Annual Charge Carrying Value $5. 000. 00 I 6/21 $1,371.43 3.628.57 2 S/21 1. 142. 86 2,485.71 3 4/21 914.29 1,571.42 4 3/21 685.71 885.71 5 2/21 457-14 428.57 6 1/21 228.57 200.00 Total . . . 21/21 $4,800.00 As is readily seen, this method spreads the depreciation with less difference between the early and the late years than does the second method. 4. The annuity method, to quote Hatfield . . . rests upon the assumption that the cost of production includes not only repairs and the depreciation of machinery, but as well interest on the amount of capital invested in the machine. Depreciation, on this theory, should be a sum figured as a constant annual charge, sufficient not only to write off the decline in value but also to write off annual interest charges on its diminishing value. ' In other words, this method treats the cost of machinery as an investment earning interest. Hence the cost of machinery is dealt with as the present value of an annuity; the depreciation to be written off periodically is an equal amount, and the credit to interest decreases periodically because of the diminishing value of the asset. ' H. R. Hatfield, Modern Accounting, 191 1. P- 131. DEPRECIATION METHODS 225 If there were no scrap value, the computation of the annual depreciation charge would be as follows: The cost of the machine is the present value of an annuity of unknown rents, or depreci- ation charges; this cost is divided by the present value of an annuity with rents of $1. If it is assumed that the asset in our illustration will have no scrap value and that the annuity is to be based on an interest rate of 6%, the computation is as follows: Present value of $1 due six periods hence. ... $ .70406054 Compound discount ($1 — $.70496054) .29503946 Present value of annuity of $1 ($.29503946 ■^ .06) 4.917324 Annual amount required ($5,000 -J- 4.917324). 1,016.81 The following is a table of depreciation for our example, based on the annuity method, assuming the asset has no scrap value. Year Debit Depreciation Credit Interest Credit Depreciation Reserve Balance-carrying value Basis of interest I 2 3 4 5 6 I1.016.81 i,oi6.8r 1. 016. 81 1. 016. 81 r.oi6.8i 1,016.81 $ 300.00 256.99 21 r.40 163.08 111.8s 57-56 $ 716.81 759.82 80s. 41 853-73 904.96 959-25 Is. 000.00 4.283.19 3,52337 2,717.96 1,864.23 959.27 .02 Total 16,100.86 Si, 100. 88 14,999-98 When the asset has a scrap value, the conditions are more complicated, because the cost of the asset consists of two elements : (a) The present worth of an annuity of the depreciation charges, and (b) The present worth of the scrap value. 226 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Referring to our illustration, if the asset has a scrap value of $200, the $5,000 invested in it is the sum of the following two items : (a) The present value at 6% of $200 remaining after six years (b) The present value on the basis of 6% of an annuity of six rents of unknown amounts The rents, or depreciation charges, are computed thus: Cost of asset $5,000.00 Deduct present value of $200 due in six years (.70496054 X 200) 140.99 Present value of six depreciation charges $4,859.01 In the preceding illustration the present value of an annuity of $1 for six periods at 6% was found to be $4.917324. Then $4,859.01 -r- 4.917324 = $988.14 annual depreciation The following is the table of depreciation based on the an- nuity method, when the asset has a scrap value of $200. Debit Credit Credit Year Depreciation Interest Depreciation Reserve Balance Is, 000. 00 I 1 988.14 J 300.00 $ 688.14 4. 311. 86 2 988.14 258.71 729-43 3,582.43 3 988.14 214.9s 773.19 2,809.24 4 988.14 168.55 819.59 1,989.6s S 988.14 119.38 868.76 1,120.89 6 988.14 67.25 920.89 200.00 Total JS.928.84 Ji, 128.84 14,800.00 It is not pertinent here to enter into a discussion of the propriety of including interest on fixed assets among the manu- facturing expenses. DEPRECIATION METHODS 227 5. The sinking fund method is based on the assumption that a fund is set aside to accumulate at compound interest with which to acquire a new asset when the old one is discarded. It assumes that the funds for the purchase of the asset will be pro- vided from two sources : (a) The scrap value of the old asset (b) The sinking fund Since the fund accumulates at compound interest, it is a sinking fund in the mathematical sense, but not in the accounting sense, which limits the term " sinking fund " to a fund accumu- lated to pay a definite hability. It would be preferable to call this fund a replacement fund accumulated on the sinking fund principle. At the end of the life of the asset the fund should equal the amount of the depreciation. The annual contributions to the fund will be the rents of an annuity which will produce this total depreciation fund. In our illustration the total depreciation is $4,800, or cost minus scrap value (c—s). Hence the annual contribution to the fund {SFC) will be $4,800 divided by the amount of an annuity of $1 for the given time and at the given rate. This is found by dividing the compound interest on $1 for the given time by the given rate of interest (I-^i). The formula is: SFC = {c- s)^r t or SFC = (c- s)X- Assuming that a fund is to be accumulated on a 4% basis, the compound interest (/) on $1 at 4% for six years being $0.265319, the formula is applied thus: SFC = ($5,000 - $200) X '^"^ .265319 22« MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE = $4,800 X = $192 .04 •265319 .265319 ^723-66 If a fund is established, the entries therefor will be a debit to fund and a credit to cash each year for $723.66. When the interest is collected, the cash goes into the fund by an entry debiting fund and crediting interest. In addition there must be entries for depreciation, debiting depreciation and crediting reserve for depreciation with an amount equal to the sum of the cash contributed and the interest earned each year. The following table shows the operation of the sinking fund method : End of Credit Credit Debit Total Fund Carrying Year Cash Interest Fund and Reserve Value $5,000.00 I 1 723-66 $ 723-66 J 723-66 4.276.34 3 723-66 1 28.9s 752-61 1,476.27 3.523.73 3 723-66 59-05 782.71 2,258.98 2,741.02 4 72366 90.36 814.02 3.073-00 1,927.00 5 723.66 122.92 846.58 3.919-58 1,080.42 6 72366 156.78 880.44 4,800.02 199-98 Total ... $4,341-96 I458.06 I4.800.02 The annual charges to depreciation are the amounts in the column headed "Debit Fund." Thus the reserve for depreci- ation is always equal to the fund. The charge to operations on account of depreciation increases annually, but this increase is offset by the credit to interest, making the net expense the same each year. 6. Concerning the production method ^lontgomery says: A method of making depreciation allowances which has its advantages under certain conditions is that of charging an established rate per unit of DEPRECIATION METHODS 229 output. This is especially applicable in the case, say, of a blast furnace where the frequency with which the linings will need to be renewed de- pends on the extent to which the furnace is being used. If it is being run at full capacity night and day, the wear on the linings is obviously much greater than if the furnace had not been in continual use during the entire fiscal period. ^ Mr. Montgomery applies this method with perfect justice to the lessening in value of a wasting asset, such as timber, or the coal or ore in a mine, but this lessening in value is not caused by depreciation, but by an actual consumption, or removal and conversion of the asset. In fact, this is the only possible method to be applied to those assets which diminish in exact ratio to the amount used. There can be no rules formulated for the determination of the amount to be written ofif against each unit of production. That is a matter that must be left to the judgment of the factory managers, guided by experience. The following is a comparative table of depreciation charges, made according to the first five methods : Per Cent of Sum of Straight Diminishing Years' Sinking Year Line Value Digits Annuity Fund I $ 800 $2,076.00 $1,371-43 1 988.14 $ 723.66 2 800 1,214.04 1,142.86 988 14 752.61 3 800 709-98 914.29 988 14 782.71 4 800 415-19 685.71 988 14 814.02 S 800 242.80 4S7.I4 988 14 846.58 6 800 141.99 228. S7 988 14 880.44 Totals I4.800 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 $5,928.84 $4,800.02 Credit to interest $1,128.84 Net ' R. H. Montgomery, Auditing Theory and Practice, 1919, p. 550. 230 MATHEMATICS OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The comparative carrying valuts in the same example under the five methods are as follows: End of Year Straight Line Per Cent of Diminishing Value Sum of Years' Digits Annuity Sinking Fund $S,ooo I5.000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 I 4,200 2,924.00 3.628.57 4.3 1 1 86 4.276.34 2 3.400 1,709.96 2,485-71 3.582.43 3.523-73 3 2,600 999.98 1.571-42 2,809.24 2.74102 4 1,800 584-79 885-71 1,989.65 ■ 1,927-00 S 1. 000 341-99 428.57 1,120.89 1,080.42 6 200 200.00 200.00 200.00 199.98 APPENDIX A VALUES OF FOREIGN COINS Following is a list of foreign monetary units and their values, representing the pars of exchange, as estimated by the United States Director of the Mint. Value in COUNTRY Legal Standard Monetary Unit Terms of U. S. Money Argentine Republic Gold Peso S0.9648 Gold .1930 .3893 Bolivia Gold Boliviano Brazil Gold Milreis • 5462 British Colonies in Austral- asia and Africa Gold Pound sterling 4.866s Gold Dollar Central American States: Costa Rica Gold Colon .4653 British Honduras Gold Dollar 1. 0000 Gold 1. 0000 Guatemala \ Honduras / Silver Peso .4403 Gold Gold Peso Peso .5000 Chile ■3650 Amoy .7219 Canton ■ 7197 Cheefoo .6904 Chin Kiang .7052 Fuchau .6678 Haikwan • 7345 (customs) Hankow ■6754 Tael ■ Kiaochow Nankin Niuchwang Ningpo Peking .6995 .7143 .6770 .6940 ■ 7037 China Silver J Shanghai Swatow Takau ^Tientsin Yuan ■ 6594 .6668 .7264 .6995 •4730 Dollar Hongkong British Mexican .4748 .4748 .4783 231 232 VALUES OF FOREIGN COINS Country Legal Standrd Colombia Cuba Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Haiti India [British] Indo-China Italy Japan Liberia Mexico Netherlands Newfoundland Norway Panama Paraguay Persia Peru Philippine Islands . . Portugal Roumania Russia Santo Domingo . . . . Serbia Siam Spain Straits Settlements . Sweden Switzerland Turkey Uruguay Venezuela Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold and silver Gold Gold Gold and silver Gold Gold Silver Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold (Gold \ Silver Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold and silver Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Monetary Unit (Dollar) Peso Dollar Krone Sucre Pound (lOO piasters) Finmark Franc Mark Pound sterling Drachma Gourde Rupee Piaster Lira Yen Dollar Peso Guilder (Florin) Dollar Krone Dollar Peso (Argentine) Ashrafi Kran Libra Peso Escudo Leu Ruble Dollar Dinar Tical Peseta Dollar Krona Franc Turkish Pound Peso Bolivar Value in Terms of U. S. Money 1. 0000 .12680 .4867 4-94 J I • igjo .1930 .2382 4.866s • 1930 .2500 •3244 • 4755 .1930 .4985 1. 0000 ■ 4985 .4020 1. 0000 .2680 1. 0000 .9648 ■ 0959 .0811 4.866s .5000 1.080S .1930 .5146 r.oooo .1930 • 3709 .1930 .5678 .2680 .1930 .0440 10342 .1930 APPENDIX B LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS^ No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lOO 00 000 00 043 00 087 00 130 00 173 00 217 00 260 00 303 00 346 00 389 lOI 00 432 00475 00 518 00 561 00 604 00 647 00 689 00 732 00 775 00 817 102 00 860 00903 00 945 00 988 01 030 01 072 01 IIS 01 IS7 01 199 01 242 103 01 284 01 326 01 368 01 410 01 452 or 494 01 536 01 578 01 620 01 662 104 01 703 01 745 01 787 01 828 01 870 01 912 01 953 01 995 02 036 02 078 105 02 119 02 160 02 202 02 243 02 284 02 32s 02 366 02 407 02 449 02 490 106 02 S3 I 02 572 02 612 02 653 02 694 02 735 02 776 02 816 02 857 02 898 107 02 938 02 979 03 019 03 060 03 100 03 141 03 181 03 222 03 262 03 302 108 03 342 03 383 03 423 03 463 03 5 03 03 543 03 583 03 623 03 663 03 703 109 03 743 03 782 03 822 03 862 03 902 03 941 03 981 04 021 04 060 04 100 IIO 04 139 04 179 04 218 04 258 04 297 04 336 04 376 04 4IS 04 454 04 493 III 04 S32 04 S7I 04 610 04 650 04 689 04 727 04 766 04 805 04 844 04 883 112 04 922 04 961 04 999 05 038 OS 077 OS 115 OS 154 05 192 05 231 OS 269 113 OS 308 OS 346 05 385 05 423 OS 461 OS 500 OS 538 OS 576 OS 614 OS 652 114 05 690 05 729 OS 767 05 80s OS 843 OS 881 05 918 OS 956 OS 994 06 032 IIS 06 070 06 108 06 14s 06 183 06 221 06 258 06 296 06 333 06 371 06 408 116 06 446 06 483 06 521 06 SS8 06 595 06 633 06 670 06 707 06 744 06 781 117 06 819 06 856 06 893 06 930 06 967 07 004 07 041 07 078 07 lis 07 isi 118 07 188 07 225 07 262 07 298 07 335 07 372 07 408 07 445 07 482 07 S18 119 07 555 07 591 07 628 07 664 07 700 07 737 07 773 07 809 07 846 07 882 120 07 918 07 954 07 990 08 027 08 063 08 099 08 US 08 171 08 207 08 243 121 08 279 08 314 08 350 08 386 08 422 08 458 08 493 08 529 08 56s 08 600 122 08 636 08 672 08 707 08 743 08 778 08 814 08 849 08 884 08 920 08 9SS 123 08 991 09 026 09 061 09 096 09 132 09 167 09 202 09 237 09 272 09 307 124 09 342 09 377 09 412 09 447 09 482 09 517 09 552 09 587 09 621 09 656 125 09 691 09 726 09 760 09 795 09 830 09 864 09 899 09 934 09 968 10 003 126 10 037 10 072 10 106 10 140 10 175 10 209 10 243 10 278 10 312 10 346 127 10 380 10 41S 10 449 10 483 10 S17 10 551 10 585 10 619 10 653 10 687 128 10 721 10 755 10 789 10 823 10 857 10 890 10 924 10 958 10 992 II 02s 129 II 059 II 093 II 126 II 160 II 193 II 227 II 261 II 294 II 327 II 361 130 ir 394 II 428 II 461 II 494 II 528 II 561 II 594 II 628 II 661 II 694 131 II 727 1 1 760 II 793 II 826 II 860 II 893 1 1 926 II 959 II 992 12 024 132 12 057 12 090 12 123 12 156 12 189 12 222 12 254 12 287 12 320 12 352 133 12 385 12 418 12 450 12 483 12 S16 12 548 12 S8l 12 613 12 646 12 678 134 12 710 12 743 12 775 12 808 12 840 12 872 12 905 12 937 12 969 13 001 ' E. H Barker, Computing Tables and Formulas. 1913, pages 22-39. 233 234 APPENDIX No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 135 13 033 13 066 13 098 13 130 13 162 13 194 13 226 13 258 13 290 13 322 136 13 354 13 386 13 418 13 450 13 481 13 SI3 13 S4S 13 577 13 609 13 640 137 13 672 13 704 13 73S 13 767 13 799 13 830 13 862 13 893 13 92s 13 956 138 13 988 14 019 14 051 14 082 14 114 14 14s 14 176 14 208 14 239 14 270 139 14 301 14 333 14 364 14 395 14 426 14 457 14 489 14 520 14 551 14 582 140 14 613 14 644 14 675 14 706 14 737 14 768 14 799 14 829 14 860 14 891 141 14 922 14 953 14 983 IS 014 15 045 IS 076 IS 106 IS 137 IS 168 IS 198 142 15 229 IS 259 IS 290 IS 320 IS 3SI IS 381 IS 412 IS 442 IS 473 IS S03 143 IS 534 IS 564 IS 594 IS 62s 15 6s5 IS 685 IS 715 IS 746 IS 776 IS 806 144 IS 836 IS 866 IS 897 IS 927 15 957 IS 987 16 017 16 047 16 077 16 107 14s 16 137 16 167 16 197 16 227 16 256 16 286 16 316 16 346 16 376 16 406 146 16 435 16 46s 16 495 16 524 16 554 16 584 16 613 16 643 16 673 16 702 147 16 732 16 761 16 791 16 820 16 850 16 879 16 909 16 938 16 967 16 997 148 17 026 17 056 17 08s 17 114 17 143 17 173 17 202 17 231 17 260 17 289 149 17 319 17 348 17 377 17 406 17 435 17 464 17 493 17 522 17 551 17 580 ISO 17 609 17 638 17 667 17 696 17 72s 17 754 17 782 17 811 17 840 17 869 151 17 898 17 926 17 955 17 984 18 013 18 041 18 070 18 099 18 127 18 156 152 18 184 18 213 18 241 18 270 18 298 18 327 18 355 18 384 18 412 18 441 153 18 469 18 498 18 526 18 554 18 583 18 611 18 639 18 667 18 696 18 724 154 18 752 18 780 18 808 18 837 18 865 18 893 18 921 18 949 18 977 19 005 155 19 033 19 061 19 089 19 1 17 19 14s 19 173 19 201 19 229 19 257 19 285 156 19 312 19 340 19 368 19 396 19 424 19 451 19 479 19 S07 19 535 19 562 157 19 590 19 618 19 645 19 673 19 700 19 728 19 756 19 783 19 811 19 838 158 19 866 19 893 19 921 19 948 19 976 20 003 20 030 20 058 20 085 20 112 159 20 140 20 167 20 194 20 222 20 249 20 276 20 303 20330 20 3S8 2038s 160 20 412 20 439 20 466 20 493 20 520 20 548 20 575 20 602 20 629 20 656 161 20 683 20 710 20 737 20 763 20 790 20 817 20 844 20 871 20 898 2092s 162 20952 20 978 21 005 21 032 21 059 21 085 21 112 21 139 21 165 21 192 163 21 219 21 24s 21 272 21 299 21 32s 21 352 21 378 21 405 21 431 21 4S8 164 21 484 21 511 21 537 21 564 21 590 21 617 21 643 21 669 2 1 696 21 722 165 21 748 21 775 21 801 21 827 21 854 21 880 21 906 21 932 21 9S8 21 985 166 22 on 22 037 22 063 22 089 22 IIS 22 141 22 167 22 194 22 220 22 246 167 22 272 22 298 22 324 22 350 22 376 22 401 22 427 22 453 22 479 22 SOS 168 22 531 22 557 22 583 22 608 22 634 22 660 22 686 22 712 22 737 22 763 169 22 789 22 814 22 840 22 866 22 891 22 917 22 943 22 968 22 994 23 019 170 23 045 23 070 23 096 23 121 23 147 23 172 23 198 23 223 23 249 23 274 171 23 300 23 32s 23 350 23 376 23 401 23 426 23 452 23 477 23 S02 23 528 172 23 553 23 578 23 603 23 629 23 654 23 679 23 704 23 729 23 754 23 779 173 23 80s 23 830 23 855 23 880 23 90s 23 930 23 9S5 23 980 24 005 24030 174 24 055 24 080 24 105 24 130 24 155 24 180 24 204 24 229 24 254 24 279 175 24 304 24 329 24 353 24 378 24 403 24 428 24 452 24477 24 502 24 527 176 24 551 24 S76 24 601 24 62s 24 650 24 674 24699 24 724 24 748 24 773 177 24 797 24 822 24 846 24 871 24 895 24 920 24 944 24 969 24 993 25 018 178 25 042 2S 066 25 091 25 IIS 25 139 25 164 25 188 25 212 25 237 25 261 179 25 28s f 25 310 25 334 25 358 25 382 25 406 2S 431 25 455 25 479 25 S03 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 235 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 180 25 527 25 551 25 575 25 600 25624 25 648 25 672 25 696 25 720 25 744 181 25 768 25 792 25 816 25 840 25 864 25 888 25 912 25 935 25 959 25 983 182 26 007 26 031 26 05s 26 079 26 102 26 126 26 150 26 174 26 198 26 221 183 26 24s 26 269 26 293 26 316 26 340 26 364 26 387 26 411 26 435 26 458 184 26 482 26 50s 26 529 26 553 26 576 26 600 26 623 26 647 26 670 26 694 I8S 26 717 26 741 26 764 26 788 26 811 26 834 26 858 26 881 26 905 26 928 186 26 951 26 975 26 998 27 021 27 04s 27 068 27 091 27 114 27 138 27 161 187 27 184 27 207 27 231 27 254 27 277 27 300 27 323 27 346 27 370 27 393 188 27 416 27 439 27 462 27 48s 27 SO8 27 531 27 554 27 577 27 600 27623 189 27 646 27 669 27 692 27 715 27 738 27 761 27 784 27 807 27 830 27 852 190 27 87s 27 898 27 921 27 944 27 967 27 989 28 012 28 035 28 058 28 081 191 28 103 28 126 28 149 28 171 28 194 28 217 28 240 28 262 28 285 28 307 192 28 330 28 353 2837s 28 398 28 421 28 443 28 466 28 488 28 SIX 28 533 193 28 5S6 28 578 28 601 28 623 28 646 28 668 28 691 28 713 28 735 28 758 194 28 780 28 803 28 82s 28 847 28 870 28 892 28 914 28 937 28 959 28 981 195 29 003 29 026 29 048 29 070 29 092 29 lis 29 137 29 159 29 i8r 29 203 196 29 226 29 248 29 270 29 292 29 314 29 336 29358 29 380 29403 29 425 197 29447 29 469 29491 29 513 29 535 29 557 29 579 29 601 29 623 29 645 198 29 667 29 688 29 710 29 732 29 754 29 776 29 798 29 820 29 842 29 863 199 29 88s 29 907 29 929 29 951 29 973 29 994 30 016 30 038 30 060 30 081 200 30 103 30 125 30 146 30 168 30 190 30 211 30 233 30 255 30 276 30 298 201 30 320 30341 30363 30384 30 406 30 428 30 449 30 471 30492 30 S14 202 30 535 30 557 30578 30 600 30 621 30 643 30 664 30 685 30 707 30 728 203 30 750 30 771 30 792 30 814 30 835 30 856 30 878 30 899 30 920 30 942 204 30 963 30 984 31 006 31 027 31 048 31 069 31 09X 31 112 31 133 31 154 20s 31 175 31 197 31 218 31 239 31 260 31 281 31 302 31 323 31 345 31366 206 31 387 31 408 31 429 31 450 31 471 31 492 31 S13 31 534 31 555 31 576 207 31 597 31 618 31 639 31 660 31 681 31 702 31 723 31 744 31 765 31 78s 208 31 806 31 827 31 848 31 869 31 890 31 911 31 931 31 952 31 973 31 994 209 32 015 32 035 32 056 32 077 32 098 32 118 32 139 32 160 32 181 32 201 210 32 222 32 243 32 263 32 284 32 305 32 325 32 346 32 366 32 387 32 408 211 32 428 32 449 32 469 32 490 32 510 32 531 32 552 32 572 32 593 32 613 212 32 634 32 654 i2 67s 32 695 32 715 32 736 32 756 32 777 32 797 32 818 213 32 838 32 858 32 879 32 899 32 919 32 940 32 960 32 980 33 001 33 021 214 a 041 a 062 3i 082 33 102 33 122 33 143 33 163 33 183 33 203 33 224 215 a 244 a 264 33 284 33 304 33 325 33 345 33 36s 33 385 33 405 33 42s 216 a 445 3i 465 33 486 33 S06 33 526 33 546 33 566 33 586 33 606 33 626 217 3i 646 a 666 33 686 33 706 33 726 33 746 33 766 33 786 33 806 33 826 218 a 846 a 866 33 88s 33 905 33 9-25 33 945 33 965 33 985 34 005 34 025 219 34 044 34 064 34 084 34 104 34 124 34 143 34 163 34 1S3 34 203 34 223 220 34 242 34 262 34 282 34 301 34 321 34 341 34 361 34 380 34 400 34 420 221 34439 34 459 34 479 34 498 34518 34 537 34 557 34 577 34 596 34616 222 34 63s 34 655 34674 34694 34 713 34 733 34 753 34 772 34 792 34 811 223 34 830 34 850 34 869 34 889 34 908 34 928 34 947 34 967 34986 35 OOS 224 35 025 35 044 35 064 35 083 35 102 35 122 35 141 35 i6o 35 180 35 199 236 APPENDIX No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 225 3S 218 35 238 35 257 35 276 35 295 35 31S 35 334 35 353 35 372 35 392 226 35 411 35 430 35 449 35 468 35 488 35 507 35 526 35 545 35 564 35 583 227 35 603 35 622 35 641 35 660 35 679 35 698 35 717 35 736 35 755 35 774 228 35 793 35 813 35 832 35 8SI 35 870 35 889 35 908 35 927 35 946 35 96s 229 35 984 36 003 36 021 36 040 36 059 36 078 36 097 36 1x6 36 135 36 154 330 36 173 36 192 36 211 36 229 36 248 36 267 36 286 36 305 36 324 36 342 231 36 361 36 380 36 399 36 418 36 436 36 455 36 474 36 493 36 Sii 36 530 232 36 549 36 568 36 586 36 605 36 624 36 642 36 661 36 680 36 698 36 717 233 36 736 36 754 36 773 36 791 36 810 36 829 36 847 36 866 36 884 36 903 234 36 922 36 940 36959 36 977 36996 37 014 37 033 37 051 37 070 37 088 235 37 107 37 125 37 144 37 162 37 181 37 199 37 218 37 236 37 254 37 273 236 37 291 37 310 37 328 37 346 37 365 37 383 37 401 37 420 37 438 37 457 237 37 475 37 493 37 511 37 530 37 548 37 S66 37 585 37 603 37 621 37 639 238 37 658 37 676 37 694 37 712 37 731 37 749 37 767 37 785 37 803 37 822 239 37 840 37 858 37 876 37 894 37 912 37 931 37 949 37 967 37 98s 38 003 240 38 021 38 039 38 057 38 07S 38 093 38 112 38 130 38 148 38 166 38 184 241 38 202 38 220 38 238 38 256 38 274 38 292 38310 38328 38346 38364 242 38 382 38 399 38 417 38 435 38 453 38 471 38489 38 S07 38 525 38 543 243 38 S6i 38 578 38 596 38614 38 632 38 650 38 668 38686 38 703 38 721 244 38 739 38 757 38 775 38 792 38 810 38 828 38 846 38 863 38 881 38 899 24s 38 917 38 934 38 952 38 970 38 987 39 005 39 023 39 041 39 058 39 076 246 39 094 39 III 39 129 39 146 39 164 39 182 39 199 39 217 39 235 39 252 247 39 270 39 287 39 305 39 322 39 340 39 358 39 375 39 393 39 410 39428 248 39 445 39 463 39 480 39498 39 SIS 39 533 39 SSO 39 568 39 585 39602 249 39 620 39637 39 655 39672 39 690 39 707 39 724 39 742 39 759 39 777 250 39 794 39 811 39 829 39 846 39 863 39 881 39 898 39915 39 933 39 950 2SI 39 967 39 985 40 002 40 019 40 037 40 054 40 071 40 088 40 106 40 123 2S2 40 140 40 157 40 175 40 192 40 209 40 226 40 243 40 261 40 278 40 295 253 40 312 40 329 40 346 40 364 40 381 40 398 40 41S 40 432 40 449 40 466 254 40 483 40 500 40 S18 40 535 40 552 40 569 40 586 40 603 40 620 40 637 255 40 654 40 671 40 688 40 70s 40 722 40 739 40 756 40 773 40 790 40 807 256 40 824 40 841 40 858 40 875 40 892 40 909 40 926 40943 40 960 40976 257 40 993 41 010 41 027 41 044 41 061 41 078 41 095 41 II I 41 128 41 145 2S8 41 162 41 179 41 196 41 212 41 229 41 246 41 263 41 280 41 296 41 313 259 41 330 41 347 41 363 41 380 41 397 41 414 41 430 41 447 41 464 41 481 260 41 497 41 514 41 531 41 547 41 564 41 S8l 41 597 41 614 41 631 41 647 261 41 664 41 681 41 697 41 714 41 731 41 747 41 764 41 780 41 797 41 814 262 41 830 41 847 41 863 41 880 41 896 41 913 41 929 41 946 41 963 41 979 263 41 996 42 012 42 029 42 045 42 062 42 078 42 095 42 III 42 127 42 144 264 42 160 42 177 42 193 42 210 42 226 42 243 42 259 42 275 42 292 42 308 265 42 325 42 341 42 357 42 374 42 390 42 406 42 423 42 439 42 455 42 472 266 42 488 42 SO4 42 521 42 537 42 553 42 570 42 586 42 602 42 619 42 635 267 42 651 42 667 42 684 42 700 42 716 42 732 42 749 42 765 42 781 42 797 268 42 813 42 830 42 846 42 862 42 878 42 894 42 911 42 927 42 943 42 959 269 42 97S 42 991 43 008 43 024 43 040 43 056 43 072 43 088 43 104 43 120 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 237 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 270 43 136 43 152 43 169 43 i8s 43 201 43 217 43 233 43 249 43 26s 43 281 271 43 297 43 313 43 329 43 345 43 361 43 377 43 393 43 409 43 425 43 441 272 43 457 43 473 43 489 43 505 43 521 43 537 43 553 43 569 43 584 43 600 273 43 616 43 632 43648 43 664 43 680 43 696 43 712 43 727 43 743 43 759 274 43 775 43 791 43 807 43 823 43 838 43 854 43 870 43 886 43 902 43 917 27s 43 933 43 949 43 965 43 981 43 996 44 012 44 028 44 044 44 059 44 075 276 44 091 44 107 44 122 44 138 44 154 44 170 44 i8s 44 201 44 217 44 232 277 44 248 44 264 44 279 44 295 44 311 44 326 44 342 44 358 44 373 44389 278 44 404 44 420 44 436 44 451 44 467 44 483 44 498 44 514 44 529 44 545 279 44 560 44 576 44 592 44 607 44623 44638 44654 44 669 4468s 44 700 380 44 716 44 731 44 747 44 762 44 778 44 793 44 809 44 824 44 840 44 855 281 44871 44 886 44 902 44 917 44 932 44 948 44 963 44 979 44 994 45 010 282 45 025 45 040 45 056 45 071 45 086 45 102 45 117 45 133 45 148 45 163 283 45 179 45 194 45 209 45 22s 45 240 45 255 45 271 45 286 45 301 45 317 284 45 332 45 347 45 362 45 378 45 393 45 408 45 423 45 439 45 454 45 469 28S 45 484 45 500 45 515 45 530 45 545 45 561 45 576 45 591 45 606 45 621 286 45 637 45 652 45 667 45 682 45 697 45 712 45 728 45 743 45 758 45 773 287 45 788 45 803 45 818 45 834 45 849 45 864 45 879 45 894 45 909 45 924 288 45 939 45 954 45 969 45 984 46 000 46 015 46 030 46 045 46 060 46 075 289 46 090 46 105 46 120 46 135 46 150 46 165 46 180 46 195 46 210 46 22s 290 46 240 46 255 46 270 46 28s 46 300 46 315 46 330 46 345 46 359 46374 291 46 389 46 404 46 419 46 434 46 449 46 464 46 479 46 494 46 S09 46 523 292 46 538 46 553 46 568 46583 46 598 46 613 46 627 46 642 46 657 46 672 293 46 687 46 702 46 716 46 731 46 746 46 761 46 776 46 790 46 805 46 820 294 46 835 46 850 46 864 46 879 46 894 46 909 46 923 46 938 46 953 46 967 295 46 982 46 997 47 012 47 026 47 041 47 056 47 070 47 085 47 100 47 114 296 47 129 47 144 47 159 47 173 47 188 47 202 47 217 47 232 47 246 47 261 297 47 276 47 290 47 305 47 319 47 334 47 349 47363 47 378 47 392 47 407 298 47 422 47 436 47 451 47 465 47 480 47 494 47 509 47 524 47 538 47 553 299 47 567 47 582 47 596 47 611 47 62s 47 640 47 6S4 47 669 47 683 47 698 300 47 712 47 727 47 741 47 7S6 47 770 47 784 47 799 47 813 47 828 47 842 301 47 857 47 871 47 88s 47 900 47 914 47 929 47 943 47 958 47 972 47 986 302 48 001 48 015 48 029 48 044 48 058 48 073 48 087 48 lOI 48 116 48 130 303 48 144 48 159 48 173 48 187 48 202 48 216 48 230 48 244 48 259 48 273 304 48 287 48 302 48316 48 330 48 344 48 359 48 373 48 387 48 401 48 416 30s 48 430 48 444 48 4S8 48 473 48487 48 SOI 48 S15 48 530 48 544 48 5S8 306 48 572 48 586 48 601 48 61S 48 629 48 643 48 6S7 48671 48 686 48 700 307 48 714 48 728 48 742 48 756 48 770 48 785 48 799 48 813 48 827 48 841 308 48 85s 48 869 48 883 48 897 48 911 48 926 48 940 48 954 48 968 48 982 309 48 996 49 010 49 024 49 038 49 052 49 066 49 080 49 094 49 loS 49 122 310 49 136 49 ISO 49 164 49 178 49 192 49 206 49 220 49 234 49 248 49 262 311 49 276 49 290 49304 49 318 49332 49 346 49 360 49 374 49388 49 402 312 4941S 49429 49 443 49 457 49 47 r 4948s 49 499 49 513 49 527 49 541 313 49 554 49 568 49 582 49 596 49 610 49 624 49638 49 651 49 665 49679 314 49O93 49 707 49 721 49 734 49 748 49 762 49 776 49 790 49 803 49 817 238 APPENDIX No. , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 315 49 831 49 84s 49 859 49 872 49 886 49 900 49 914 49 927 49 941 49 9SS 316 49 969 49 982 49 996 50 010 SO 024 50037 50 051 50 065 50 079 SO 092 317 50 106 50 120 SO 133 SO 147 50 161 so 174 SO 188 SO 202 50 215 50 229 318 SO 243 50 256 SO 270 50 284 SO 297 50311 SO 325 SO 338 50352 5036s 319 50379 50 393 50 406 50 420 50 433 50 447 SO 461 50474 50 488 50 SOI 320 50 515 50 529 50 542 50 556 50 569 50 583 50 596 50 610 50623 SO 637 321 50651 50664 50678 50691 SO 705 50 718 50 732 50 745 so 759 50 772 322 50 786 50 799 SO 813 so 826 50 840 50 853 SO 866 SO 880 SO 893 50907 323 50 920 50934 SO 947 SO 961 SO 974 so 987 SI 001 51 014 51 028 51 041 324 51 055 51 068 51 081 51 095 SI 108 SI 121 51 135 51 148 51 162 SI 175 325 51 188 51 202 SI 215 SI 228 SI 242 51 255 SI 268 SI 282 51 295 51 308 326 51 322 51 335 51 348 51 362 51 375 SI 388 51 402 SI 41S SI 428 SI 441 327 51 455 51 468 SI 481 51 495 51 S08 51 521 51 534 SI 548 51 561 51 574 328 51 587 51 601 51 614 51 627 SI 640 51 6S4 SI 667 51 680 51 693 51 706 329 SI 720 51 733 51 746 51 759 51 772 51 786 51 799 51 812 SI 825 SI 838 330 51 851 SI 865 51 878 SI 891 SI 904 51 917 51 930 51 943 51 957 SI 970 331 51 983 SI 996 5 2 009 52 022 52 035 52 048 52 061 52 075 52 088 52 lOI 332 52 114 52 127 52 140 52 153 52 166 52 179 52 192 52 205 52 218 52 231 333 52 244 52 257 52 270 52 284 52 297 52 310 52 323 52 336 52 349 52 362 334 52 375 52 388 52 401 52 414 52 427 52 440 52 453 52 466 52 479 52 492 335 5 2 504 52 517 52 530 52 543 52 556 52 569 52 582 52 595 52 608 52 621 336 52 634 52 647 52 600 52 673 52 686 52 699 52 711 52 724 52 737 52 750 337 52 763 52 776 52 789 52 802 52 81S 52 827 52 840 52 853 52 866 52 879 338 52 892 52 905 52 917 52 930 52 943 52 956 52 969 52 982 52 994 53 007 339 53 020 53 033 53 046 S3 058 S3 071 53 084 53 097 53 IIO 53 122 53 135 340 53 148 53 161 53 173 53 186 53 199 53 212 53 224 S3 237 53 250 53 263 341 53 275 53 288 53 301 53 314 53 326 53 339 53 352 53364 S3 377 53 390 342 53 403 53 41S 53 428 53 441 53 453 53 466 S3 479 53 491 53 504 53 517 343 53 529 53 542 53 555 53 567 53 580 53 593 53 605 53618 53 631 53 643 344 53 656 53 668 53681 S3 694 53 706 53 719 53 732 53 744 53 757 53 769 345 53 782 53 794 53 807 53 820 53 832 53 84s 53 857 53 870 53 882 53 895 346 53 908 53 920 53 933 S3 945 53 958 53 970 53 983 53 995 54 008 54 020 347 54 033 54 045 54 058 54 070 54 083 54 095 54 108 54 120 54 133 54 145 348 54 158 54 170 54 183 54 195 54 208 54 220 54 233 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78 993 79 000 79 007 79 014 79 021 617 79 029 79 036 79 043 79 O.SO 79 OS 7 79 064 79 071 79 078 79 08s 79 092 618 79 099 79 106 79 113 79 120 79 127 79 134 79 141 79 148 79 155 79 162 619 79 169 79 176 79 183 79 190 79 197 79 204 79 211 79 218 79 225 79 232 620 79 239 79 246 79 253 79 260 79 267 79 274 79 281 79 288 79 295 79 302 621 79 309 79 316 79 323 79 330 79 337 79 344 79 351 79 358 79 36s 79372 622 79 379 79386 79 393 79 400 79 407 79 414 79 421 79 428 79 435 79 442 623 79 449 79 456 79 463 79 470 79 477 79 484 79 491 79 498 79 50s 79 511 624 79 518 79525 79 532 79 539 79 546 79 553 79 S6o 79 567 79 574 79 581 62s 79 588 79 595 79 602 79 609 79 616 79 623 79 630 79 637 79 644 79 650 626 79657 79 664 79 671 79678 7968s 79 692 79 699 79 706 79 713 79 720 627 79 727 79 734 79 741 79 748 79 754 79 761 79 768 79 775 79 782 79 789 628 79 796 79 803 79 810 79 817 79 824 79 831 79 837 79 844 79 851 79 858 629 79 86s 79 872 79 879 79 886 79 893 79 900 79 906 79 913 79 920 79 927 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 245 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 630 79 934 79 941 79 948 79 955 79 962 79 969 79 975 79 982 79 989 79 996 631 80 003 80 010 80 017 80 024 80 030 80 037 80 044 80 051 80 058 80 06s 632 80 072 80 079 80 08s 80 092 80 099 80 106 80 113 80 120 80 127 80 134 633 80 140 80 147 80 154 80 161 80 168 80 175 80 182 80 188 80 195 80 202 634 80 209 80 216 80 223 80 229 80 236 80 243 80 250 80 257 80 264 80 271 63 s 80 277 80 284 80 291 80 298 80 30s 80 312 80 318 80325 80332 80339 636 80 346 80353 80359 80 366 80373 80 380 80 387 80 393 80 400 80 407 637 80 414 80 421 80 428 80 434 80 441 80 448 80 455 80 462 80 468 80 475 638 80 482 80 489 80 496 80 502 80 509 80 516 80 523 80 530 80 536 80 543 639 80 550 80 557 80 564 80 570 80577 80 584 80 591 80 598 80 604 80 611 640 80 618 80 625 80 632 80 638 80 64s 80 652 80 659 80 66s 80 672 80 679 641 80 686 80 693 80 699 80 706 80 713 80 720 80 726 80 733 80 740 80 747 642 80 754 80 760 80 767 80 774 80 781 80 787 80 794 80 801 80 808 80 814 643 80 821 80 828 80 835 80 841 80 848 80 85s 80 862 80 868 80 875 80 882 644 80 889 80 895 80 902 80 909 80 916 80 922 80 929 80 936 80943 80 949 64s 80 956 80 963 80 969 80 976 80 983 80 990 80 996 81 003 81 010 81 017 646 81 023 81 030 81 037 81 043 81 050 81 057 81 064 81 070 81 077 81 084 647 8r 090 81 097 81 104 81 III 81 117 81 124 81 131 81 137 81 144 81 151 648 81 158 81 164 81 171 81 178 81 184 81 191 81 198 81 204 81 211 81 218 649 81 224 81 231 81 238 81 245 81 251 81 258 81 265 81 271 81 278 81 28s 650 81 291 81 298 81 305 81 311 81 318 81 325 81 331 81 338 81 345 81 351 6s I 81 3S8 81 365 81 371 81 378 81 385 81 391 81 398 81 405 81 411 81 418 652 81 42s 81 431 81 438 81 445 81 451 81 458 81 465 81 471 81 478 81 485 653 81 491 81 498 81 505 81 511 81 518 81 525 81 531 81 538 81 544 81 551 654 8r 558 81 564 81 571 81 578 81 584 81 591 81 598 81 604 81 611 81 617 655 81 624 81 631 81 637 81 644 81 651 81 657 81 664 81 671 81 677 81 684 656 81 690 8i 697 81 704 81 710 81 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670 82 607 82 614 82 620 82 627 82 633 82 640 82 646 82 6s3 82 659 82 666 671 82 672 82 679 82 685 82 692 82 698 82 70s 82 711 82 718 82 724 82 730 672 82 737 82 743 82 750 82 7S6 82 763 82 769 82 776 82 782 82 789 82 795 673 82 802 82 808 82 814 82 821 82 827 82 834 82 840 82 847 82 8S3 82 860 674 82 866 82 872 82 879 82 88s 82 892 82 898 82 90s 82 911 82 918 82 924 246 APPENDIX No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 675 82 930 82 937 82 943 82 950 82 956 82 963 82 969 82 975 82 982 82 988 676 82 995 83 001 83 008 83 014 83 020 83 027 83 033 83 040 83 046 83 052 677 83 0S9 83 06s 83 072 83 078 83 085 83 091 83 097 83 104 83 no 83 117 678 83 123 83 129 83 136 83 142 83 149 83 155 83 161 83 168 83 174 83 181 679 83 187 83 193 83 200 83 206 83 213 83 219 83 22s 83 232 83 238 83 24s 680 83 251 83 257 83 264 83 270 83 276 83 283 83 289 83 296 83 302 83 308 681 83 31S 83 321 83 327 83 334 83 340 83 347 83 353 83 359 83 366 83 372 682 83378 83 385 83 391 83 398 83 404 83 410 83 417 83 423 83 429 83 436 683 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84 298 84 30s 84 311 84 317 697 84323 84 330 84336 84342 84348 84 354 84361 84367 84 373 84 379 698 84 386 84 392 84398 84 404 84 410 84417 84423 84 429 84435 84442 699 84 448 84454 84 460 84 466 84 473 84 479 84 48s 84 491 84497 84 504 700 84 sio 84 S16 84 522 84 528 84 535 84 541 84 547 84 553 84 559 84 566 701 84 572 84 578 84 584 84 590 84 597 84 603 84 609 84 61S 84 621 84 628 702 84 634 84 640 84 646 84 652 84 658 8466s 84 671 84677 84 683 84 689 703 84 696 84 702 84 708 84 714 84 720 84 726 84 733 84 739 84 745 84 751 704 84 757 84 763 84 770 84 776 84 782 84 788 84 794 84 800 84 807 84 813 70s 84 819 84 82s 84831 84 837 84 844 84 850 84 8s6 84 862 84 868 84 874 706 84 880 84 887 84 893 84 899 84 905 84 911 84 917 84 924 84 930 84936 707 84 942 84948 84954 84 960 84 967 84 973 84 979 84 98s 84 991 84 997 708 8S 003 85 009 8s 016 8s 022 8s 028 85 034 8s 040 8s 046 85 OS2 85 0S8 709 85 06s 85 071 85 077 85 083 8s 089 85 095 85 lOI 8s 107 8s 114 8s 120 710 85 126 85 132 85 138 85 144 8S 150 8S 156 85 163 8s 169 85 175 8s i8l 711 85 187 85 193 85 199 85 205 85 211 85 217 85 224 8S 230 8s 236 85 242 712 8s 248 85 254 8s 260 8s 266 85 272 85 278 85 28s 85 291 85 297 85 303 713 8S 309 8S 315 8s 321 85 327 85 333 85 339 8s 345 85 352 85 358 8S 364 714 85 370 85 376 8s 382 85 388 85 394 85 400 85 406 85 412 8s 418 8S 42s 71S 8S 431 85 437 85 443 85 449 85 455 8s 461 85 467 85 473 85 479 85485 716 85 491 85 497 85 503 85 509 85 516 85 522 85 528 85 534 85 540 8S 546 717 85 55 2 85 558 85 564 85 570 85 576 85 582 85 588 85 594 85 600 85 606 718 85 612 8s 618 85625 85 631 85 637 85 643 85 649 85 6SS 8s 661 8s 667 719 8S 673 8S 679 85 68s 85 691 85 697 8S 703 85 709 85 715 85 721 85 727 LOGARITHMS? OF NUMBERS 247 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7J0 85 733 85 739 85 745 85 751 8s 757 85 763 8s 769 85 775 85 78r 8s 788 721 85 794 8s 800 8s 806 85 812 8s 818 85 824 85 830 8s 836 85 842 85 848 722 85 8S4 8s 860 85 866 8s 872 85 878 8s 884 8s 890 8s 896 85 902 85 908 723 85 914 85 920 85 926 85 932 85 938 85 944 85 950 85 956 8s 962 8s 968 724 8S 974 8s 980 8s 986 8s 992 8s 998 86 004 86 010 86 016 86 022 86 028 72s 86 034 86 040 86 046 86 052 86 058 86 064 86 070 86 076 86 082 86088 726 86 094 86 100 86 106 86 112 86 118 86 124 86 130 86 136 86 141 86 147 727 86 IS3 86 IS9 86 165 86 171 86 177 86 183 86 189 86 195 86 201 86 207 728 86 213 86 219 86 225 86 231 86 237 86 243 86 249 86 255 86 261 86 267 729 86 273 86 279 86 28s 86 291 86 297 86 303 86 308 86314 86 320 86326 730 86 332 86 338 86344 86 350 86356 86362 86368 86 374 86 380 86386 731 86 392 86 398 86 404 86 410 86 415 86 421 86 427 86 433 86 439 8644s 732 86451 86457 86 463 86 469 86475 86 481 86 487 86 493 86 499 86 504 733 86 sio 86 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93 171 93 176 93 181 93 186 93 192 250 APPENDIX No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 85S 93 197 93 202 93 207 93 212 93 217 93 222 93 227 93 232 93 237 93 242 8s6 93 247 93 252 93 258 93 263 93 268 93 273 93 278 93 283 93 288 93 293 857 93 298 93 303 93 308 93 313 93 318 93 323 93 328 93 334 93 339 93 344 858 93 349 93 354 93 359 93 364 93 369 93 374 93 379 93 384 93 389 93 394 859 93 399 93 404 93 409 93 414 93 420 93 425 93 430 93 435 93 440 93 445 860 93 450 93 455 93 460 93 465 93 470 93 475 93 480 93 485 93 490 93 495 861 93 500 93 SOS 93 510 93 515 93 520 93 526 93 S3 I 93 536 93 541 93 546 862 93 551 93 556 93 561 93 566 93 571 93 576 93 581 93 586 93 591 93 596 863 93 601 93 606 93 611 93 616 93 621 93 626 93 631 93 636 93 641 93 646 864 93 651 93 656 93 661 93 666 93 671 93 676 93 682 93 687 93 692 93 697 86s 93 702 93 707 93 712 93 717 93 722 93 727 93 732 93 737 93 742 93 747 866 93 752 93 757 93 762 93 767 93 772 93 777 93 782 93 787 93 792 93 797 867 93 802 93 807 93 812 93 817 93 822 93 827 93 832 93 837 93 842 93 847 868 93 852 93 8s 7 93 862 93 867 93 872 93 877 93 882 93 887 93 892 93 897 869 93 902 93 907 93 912 93 917 93 922 93 927 93 932 93 937 93 942 93 947 870 93 952 93 957 93 962 93 967 93 972 93 977 93 982 93 987 93 992 93 997 871 94 002 94 007 94 012 94017 94 022 94 027 94 032 94 037 94 042 94 047 872 94 052 94 057 94 062 94 067 94 072 94 077 94 082 94 086 94 091 94 096 873 94 lOl 94 106 94 III 94 116 94 121 94 126 94 131 94 136 94 141 94 146 874 94 151 94 156 94 161 94 166 94 171 94 176 94 181 94 186 94 191 94 196 875 94 201 94 206 94 211 94 216 94 221 94 226 94 231 94 236 94 240 94 24s 876 94 250 94 255 94 260 94 26s 94 270 94 275 94 280 94 28s 94 290 94 295 877 94 300 94 30s 94 310 9431S 94 320 94 32s 94 330 94 335 94 340 94 345 878 94 349 94 354 94 3S9 94 364 94 369 94 374 94 379 94 384 94 389 94 394 879 94 399 94 404 94 409 94 414 94 419 94424 94 429 94 433 94 438 94 443 880 94 448 94 453 94 458 94 463 94 468 94 473 94 478 94 483 94488 94 493 881 94 498 94 503 94 507 94 512 94 S17 94 522 94 527 94 532 94 537 94 542 882 94 547 94 552 94 557 94 562 94 567 94571 94 576 94 S8i 94 586 94 591 883 94 596 94 601 94 606 94 611 94 6i6 94 621 94 626 94 630 94 635 94 640 884 94 645 94 650 94 655 94 660 94 665 94 670 94 675 94 680 94 685 94 689 88s 94 694 94 699 94 704 94 709 94 714 94 719 94 724 94 729 94 734 94 738 886 94 743 94 748 94 753 94 758 94 763 94 768 94 773 94 778 94 783 94 787 887 94 792 94 797 94 802 94 807 94 812 94 817 94 822 94 827 94 832 94 836 888 94 841 94 846 94 851 94 856 94 861 94 866 94 871 94 876 94 880 94 885 889 94 890 94 895 94 900 94 905 94 910 94 91S 94 919 94 924 94 929 94 934 890 94 939 94 944 94 949 94 954 94 959 94 963 94 968 94 973 94978 94 983 891 94 988 94 993 94 998 95 002 95 007 95 012 95 017 95 022 95 027 95 032 892 95 036 95 041 95 046 95 OS I 95 056 95 061 95 066 95 071 95 075 95 080 893 95 085 95 090 95 095 95 100 95 105 95 109 95 114 95 119 95 124 95 129 894 95 134 95 139 95 143 95 148 95 153 95 158 95 163 95 168 95 173 95 177 89s 95 182 95 187 95 192 95 197 95 202 95 207 95 211 95 216 95 221 95 226 896 95 231 95 236 95 240 95 245 95 250 95 255 95 260 95 265 95 270 95 274 897 95 279 95 284 95 289 95 294 95 299 95 303 95 308 95 313 95 318 95 323 898 95 328 95 332 95 337 95 342 95 347 95 352 95 357 95 361 95 366 95 371 899 95 376 95 381 95 386 95 390 95 395 95 400 95 405 95 410 95 415 95 419 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 251 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 900 95 424 95 429 95 434 95 439 95 444 95 448 95 453 95 458 95 463 95 468 901 95 472 95 477 95 482 95 487 95 492 95 497 95 501 95 506 95 511 95 516 902 95 521 95 52s 95 530 95 535 95 540 95 545 95 550 95 554 95 559 95 564 903 95 569 95 574 95 578 95 583 95 588 95 593 95 598 95 602 95 607 95 612 904 95617 95 622 95 626 95 631 95 636 95 641 95 646 95 650 95 6s5 95 660 90s 95665 95 670 95 674 95 679 95 684 95 689 95 694 95 698 95 703 95 708 906 95 713 95 718 95 722 95 727 95 732 95 737 95 742 95 746 95 751 95 756 907 95 761 95 766 95 770 95 775 95 780 95 785 95 789 95 794 95 799 95 804 908 95 809 95 813 95 818 95 823 95 828 95 832 95 837 95 842 95 847 95 852 909 95 856 9S 861 95 866 95 871 95 875 95 880 95 885 95 890 95 895 95 899 910 95 904 95 909 95 914 95 918 95 923 95 928 95 933 95 938 95 942 95 947 911 95 952 95 957 95 961 95 966 95 971 95 976 95 980 95 985 95 990 95 995 912 95 999 96 004 96 009 96 014 96 019 96 023 96 028 96 033 96 038 96 042 913 96 047 96 052 96 057 96 061 96 066 96 071 96 076 96 080 96 085 96 090 914 96 095 96 099 96 104 96 109 96 114 96 118 96 123 96 128 96 133 96 137 91S 96 142 96 147 96 152 96 156 96 161 96 166 96 171 96 175 96 180 96 185 916 96 190 96 194 96 199 96 204 96 209 96 213 96 218 96 223 96 227 96 232 917 96 237 96 242 96 246 96 25 I 96 256 96 261 96 265 96 270 96 275 96 280 918 96 284 96 289 96 294 96 298 96 303 96 308 96 313 96 317 96 322 96 327 919 96 332 96 336 96 341 96 346 96 350 96 355 96 360 96 365 96 369 96374 920 96 379 96 384 96 388 96 393 96 398 96 402 96 407 96 412 96 417 96 421 921 96 426 96 431 96 435 96 440 96 445 96 450 96 454 96 459 96 464 96 468 922 96 473 96 478 96 483 96 487 96 492 96 497 96 501 96 506 96 511 96 515 923 96 520 96 525 96 530 96 534 96 539 96 544 96 548 96 553 96 558 96 562 924 96 567 96 S72 96 577 96 S8l 96 586 96 591 96 595 96 600 96 605 96 609 92s 96 614 96 619 96 624 96 628 96 633 96 638 96 642 96 647 96 652 96 656 926 96 661 96 666 96 670 96 675 96 680 96 685 96 689 96 694 96 699 96 703 927 96 708 96 713 96 717 96 722 96 727 96 731 96 736 96 741 96 745 96 750 928 96 755 96 759 96 764 96 769 96 774 96 778 96 783 96 788 96 792 96 797 929 96 802 96 806 96 811 96 816 96 820 96 825 96 830 96 834 96 839 96 844 930 96 848 96 853 96 858 96 862 96 867 96 872 96 876 96 881 96 886 96 890 931 96 895 96 900 96 904 96 909 96 914 96 918 96 923 96 928 96 932 96 937 932 96 942 96 946 96 951 96 956 96 960 96 965 96 970 96 974 96 979 96 984 933 96 988 96 993 96 997 97 002 97 007 97 on 97 016 97 021 97 025 97 030 934 97 035 97 039 97 044 97 049 97 053 97 058 97 063 97 067 97 072 97 077 935 97 081 97 086 97 090 97 095 97 100 97 104 97 109 97 114 97 118 97 123 936 97 128 97 132 97 137 97 142 97 146 97 151 97 155 97 160 97 165 97 169 937 97 174 97 179 97 183 97 188 97 192 97 197 97 202 97 206 97 211 97 216 938 97 220 97 225 97 230 97 234 97 239 97 243 97 248 97 253 97 257 97 262 939 97 267 97 271 97 276 97 280 97 285 97 290 97 294 97 299 97 304 97 308 940 97313 97 317 97 322 97 327 97 331 97 336 97 340 97 345 97 350 97 354 941 97 3S9 97 364 97 368 97 373 97 377 97 382 97387 97 391 97 396 97 400 942 97 405 97 410 97 414 97 419 97 424 97 428 97 433 97 437 97 442 97 447 943 97 45 1 97 456 97 460 97 46s 97 470 97 474 97 479 97 483 97 488 97 493 944 97 497 97 502 97 506 97 511 97 516 97 520 97 525 97 529 97 534 97 539 252 APPENDIX No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 945 97 543 97 548 97 552 97 557 97 562 97 566 97 571 97 575 97 580 97 585 946 97 589 97 594 97 598 97 603 97 607 97 612 97 617 97 621 97 626 97 630 947 97 635 97 640 97 644 97 649 97 653 97 658 97 663 97 667 97 672 97 676 948 97 681 97 685 97 690 97 695 97 699 97 704 97 708 97 713 97 717 97 722 949 97 727 97 731 97 736 97 740 97 745 97 749 97 754 97 759 97 763 9776C 950 97 772 97 777 97 782 97 786 97 791 97 795 97 800 97 804 97 809 97 813 951 97 818 97 823 97 827 97 832 97 836 97 841 97 845 97 850 97 855 97 859 952 97 864 97 868 97 873 97 877 97 882 97 886 97 891 97 896 97 900 97 905 953 97 909 97 914 97 918 97 923 97 928 97 932 97 937 97 941 97 946 97 950 9S4 97 955 97 959 97 964 97 968 97 973 97 978 97 982 97 987 97 991 97 996 955 98 000 98 005 98 009 98 014 98 019 98 023 98 028 98 032 98 037 98 041 956 98 046 98 050 98 055 98 059 98 064 98 068 98 073 98 078 98 082 98 087 957 98 091 98 096 98 100 98 105 98 109 98 114 98 118 98 123 98 127 98 132 958 98 137 98 141 98 146 98 150 98 155 98 159 98 164 98 168 98 173 98 177 959 98 182 98 186 98 191 98 195 98 200 98 204 98 209 98 214 98 218 98 223 960 98 227 98 232 98 236 98 241 98 245 98 250 98 254 98 259 98 263 98 268 961 98 272 08 277 98 281 98 286 98 290 98 295 98 299 98 304 98 308 98 313 962 98 318 98 322 98 327 98 331 98 336 98 340 98 345 98 349 98354 98358 963 98 363 98367 98 372 98 376 98 381 98 38s 98 390 98 394 98 399 98 403 964 98 408 98 412 98 417 98 421 98 426 98 430 98 435 98 439 98 444 98 448 96s 98 453 98 457 98 462 98 466 98 471 98 475 98 480 98 484 98 489 98 493 966 98 498 98 502 98 507 98 511 98 516 98 520 98 525 98 529 98 534 98 538 967 98 543 98 547 98 552 98 556 98 S6i 98 56s 98 570 98 574 98 579 98 583 968 98 S88 98 592 98 597 98 601 98 605 98 610 98 614 98 619 98 623 98 62S 969 98 632 98 637 98 641 98 646 98 650 98 655 98 659 98 664 98 668 98673 970 98 677 98 682 98 686 98 691 98 695 98 700 98 704 98 709 98 713 98 717 971 98 722 98 726 98 731 98 735 98 740 98 744 98 749 98 753 98 758 98 762 972 98 767 98 771 98 776 98 780 98 784 98 789 98 793 98 798 98 802 98 807 973 98 811 98 816 98 820 98 82s 98 829 98 834 98 838 98 843 98 847 98 851 974 98 856 98 860 98 865 98 869 98 874 98 878 98 883 98 887 98 892 98 896 975 98 900 98 90s 98 909 98 914 98 918 98 923 98 927 98 932 98 936 98 941 976 98 945 98 949 98 954 98 958 98 963 98 967 98 972 98 976 98 981 98985 977 98 989 98 994 98 998 99 003 99 007 99 012 99 016 99 021 99 025 99 029 978 99 034 99 038 99 043 99 047 99 052 99 056 99 061 99 065 99 069 99 074 979 99 078 99 083 99 087 99 092 99 096 99 100 99 105 99 109 99 114 99 118 980 99 123 09 127 99 131 99 136 99 140 99 145 99 149 99 154 99 158 99 162 981 99 167 99 171 99 176 99 180 99 185 99 189 99 193 99 198 99 202 99 207 982 99 211 99 216 99 2 20 99 224 99 229 99 233 99 238 99 242 99 247 99 251 983 99 255 99 260 99 264 99 269 99 273 99 277 99 282 99 286 99 291 99 295 984 99 300 99 304 99308 99 313 99 317 99 322 99 326 99 330 99 335 99 339 98s 99 344 99 348 99 352 99 357 99361 99 366 99 37c 99 374 99 379 99383 986 99388 99 392 99 396 99 401 99 405 99410 99 414 99 419 99 423 99427 987 99432 99 436 99 441 99 445 99 449 99 454 99 458 99463 99 467 99 471 988 99 476 99 480 99 484 99 489 99 493 99 498 99 502 99 506 99 5 I I 99 SIS 989 99 5 20 99 524 99 528 99 533 99 537 99 542 99 546 99 550 99 555 99 SS9 LOGARITHMS OP NUMBERS 253 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 990 99 564 99 568 99 572 99 577 99 581 99 585 99 590 99 594 99 599 99 603 991 99 607 99 612 99 616 99 621 9962s 99629 99 634 99638 99 642 99 647 992 99651 99 656 99 660 99664 99 669 99 673 99 677 99 682 99 686 99 691 993 99 695 99 699 99 704 99 708 99 712 99 717 99 721 99 726 99 730 99 734 994 99 739 99 743 99 747 99 752 99 756 99 760 99 76s 99 769 99 774 99 778 995 99 782 99 787 99 791 99 795 99 800 99 804 99 808 99 813 99 817 99 822 996 99 826 99 830 99 83s 99 839 99 843 99 848 99 852 99 856 99 861 99 865 997 99 870 99 874 99 878 99883 99 887 99 891 99 896 99 900 99 904 99 909 998 99 913 99 917 99922 99 926 99 930 99 935 99 939 99 944 99 948 99 952 999 99 957 99 961 99965 99 970 99 974 99 978 99 983 99987 99 991 99 996 1000 00 000 00 004 00 009 00 013 00 017 00 022 00 026 00 030 00 035 00 039 254 APPENDIX O HH H < H t) p^ ^ O UJ U H e^ »— 1 u w Q X H O KH O -< ■p Q t—l o U H w < M < 0-i hJ ^^ cu H < b < W H O P^ W D H ;z: < HH p ^ P o PLH 1^ o u fo » o r^ t vO t r^ o m m o r^ ^-^ lO o r^ a CO 00 •0 o •& eo on t o 00 00 o t 00 >o r^ O fn m CO ■* 00 M ■^ •^ on r» o. ro r^ o O M M M M -■ " -^ " "■ M rri ro •* •<1- f " M O M ~ t^ oo >fl f Oi Tt t •* fO o Oi ro o -c t vO r^ O O IN r^ CO ^ t <»> ■o Tt o M 00 •* m a t 00 •^ o M c« o ro >ri o fO m o. fo o a ■O ro o M p< r^ o a o ■o o 1-0 00 r^ r« ro fn o ►1 •>t 'O 00 o M t 00 I^ o f-l ro VO in lo o ■o 00 00 t^ p» fo o -t t O r^ m M m >o m Ci 1^ o f^ M 00 t Oi r^ -r> ■o r^ o> r< -n o 00 m (^ t ^ o. 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PO 00 Ov PI 00 o NO l^ r* r- 00 00 00 0\ 0. on ►-I -t ro ifl Ifl t fn m -0 t vO PI ■T -I- Ov (^ f^ PO m vO ifl t Oi 0. 00 00 00 0. 'O m PO 0. 00 00 PI f 00 00 r^ 0. 00 r^ r^ Oi t r^ ^n I^ t^ P5 t •* •* 0. ■o M- Ov r^ 00 M a rn ■* o> 00 t^ r^ 00 00 fn N m PI M- Ov PI ^ m ■0 Ov 't- o> fo t 00 fn C^ -t r^ ■^ 00 -o tT rn PO PO ■* in PO PI m Tt t 00 «t tn 0. fO 00 ro 00 "1 -0 00 •* Oi m on ■* t^ -o •^ PO PO m Ov t • 1^ 00 t^ vO r^ IH •^ r^ Ov r^ m 00 M- Ov c> rt f^ on en 00 rt 1^ r^ on M Oi on t^ a Ov 0. n tn N vO fi m a I- -0 on t r^ n •^ vO PI rt Ov Tf <:> m l») vO m ^ a on -0 vO Tt M- m •* on 00 >-i Ov 0. a r^ r^ a t rn Ov ro o> 00 o> PO 00 t^ t <0 on 00 •>»• on a Ol vO t fn m rn m m t Tt r^ on 00 ►H r^ on » 1^ CO N -t on ■^ ■o on M tT 1^ 0. PO -0 00 ro '? •o •0 ■o " t^ M r- 00 M 00 M 00 Ov PI fi PO in pi 00 PO PO 00 00 M 00 0. vn 00 ■I- w m t^ 0. o> r^ •^ 00 t Ov rn 00 00 vO Ov •* IT, t^ fn 00 00 "1- PO 00 S so >o 00 n 00 ■o 00 •0 t^ N rn r^ 00 PO ■0 00 M- -0 PO on n t TT r^ r^ N -0 00 r^ >o N t m ■O ■o PI an t 00 rn Ov vO I^ 00 r^ I^ fn 00 rt PO vO so VO Ifl 00 •» r^ •t 00 ifl O t 00 r^ 00 m 0. T 00 •<}■ » ■o Ov VO 0, VO a 00 ") •* r^ 00 fO M- r^ 00 m t 00 0. PI t '? '? H rO '? fO •* ■<1- •* Tt •* ■^ M " " M 1/5 - 00 Ov ci PO pi pi in PI PI 10 >o t« 00 Ot ro t 10 00 ©. <*) t vO 00 0. m C9 « n « « to n ro ro n n fj n fO ro ■<1- ■» •f t t •t T T •«■ 10 ■o f- r* 90 00 On Ov 256 APPENDIX 6? O O 0\ 00 0\ O ^ M <5 M- O O O O lO Oi O 00 00 i-i r>. 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Ov ro 00 "t ro ro Ov 00 CO Ov 00 Ov vO (s a Ov 1^ Ov ro 00 •* vO ro i^ t^ r^ 00 "t ro ro vO r^ ro >o 10 10 ro t^ 00 VO Ov t^ ■0 r-) -t Ov 10 ^ 10 00 vO ^ 00 ro t^ Ov 00 Ov t^ t^ Tt Ov Ov t t^ 00 Ov vO vO Ov 10 ro ro 00 10 "+ ro N Ov 00 00 t^ vO 1- ro Ov 0. 00 t^ in 00 vO m -a- ro ro fO '? ro ro r^ rv» (v< fv* 01 r^ N rv* N C) rv| M w q q d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 6 d d d fO ro -t -t t 00 ro vO Ov 00 r^ ^ vO t^ Ov N Tf Ov 1- t Ov 00 Ov vO 00 CS ro N 00 r^ 10 m •t 10 ITi vO 00 ■* -0 Ov ■* 00 vO a vO vO ro Ov a 00 1^ vO t ro l-l a 00 00 l^ m tT ^ ro Ov vO T)- Ov VO vO •^ ir> ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro fv) w rs r* rv( (N CJ M (N M w 6 d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d ro cc t vO 0. vO in 00 irt -t ro N ro M Ov 00 ■* Ov rr M i> 00 Ov vD Ov t l^ •a- N 00 w M ^ -0 t n ro ro I^ 00 Ov ro Ov Ov •3- Ov Ov i-t t^ -0 r^ r^ vO tT 10 ro Tt- ■I- 00 ■:)- t^ ro 0. 00 ^ ^ Ov ro vO ri- vO 00 'I- M r^ 10 Ov •* vO 00 00 't 0. t Ov vO Ov ro T t^ t-^ vO Ov ro ro Ov t^ sO sO r^ i^ 00 ro •rt r^ Ov Tf 't vO Ov Tt Ov t^ in vO ■o o vO Pi •o >* O 00 1^ t^ rf t^ P5 00 o o ^ ro rO 00 vO rf Pi P5 rf o t^ p: vO O o o Ov o fO t^ ^ PI ■* ^ o. o> Pi t^ PI o vO 00 Tj- o t^ 1^ o 00 P) vO t^ t^ vO t r^ PI O 00 o -t vO VO ■* PI t Ov i^ Ov vO ' -^ (S r^ 1/1 >fl 00 rt fO O 00 o> rr P5 00 VO 00 ^ ■i- 00 vO 00 ^ in i-i t-4 m m ""* o q M N ro lO r^ Ov Pi ■+ i^ >-l m Oi P5 00 PI Ov in •-^ 00 in pp *-« o q 00 oo M ri (T) ^ >o t^ 00 o, M " pi lA •d " d. d Pi pi Pi " r^ 00 d P5 pi p> 4 PI vd P5 d ~ Ov O •& o o Tt- r^ t^ o 00 O ^ "7 vO PI p> o 7" 00 vO 00 o 00 1^ rO r^ rf 00 O 00 i^ t~~ oo p: m m vO o 00 o PI Ov Ov r^ r^ o vO o r- 1^ I^ 00 Ov Ov o Ov Ov P5 Ov vO m vO £5 o ro Ov vO Oi o r^ o Ov Ov vO ■* ^ r^ o VO o p« -O 1/1 o O t^ sO o> t^ O. p) P) o 1^ P5 m O VO ^ P5 •o ro i-O 't Ov I^ o o ■+ o o PI Ov 00 r^ vO Ov vO 1^ M o PI 00 •^ O o ro "t >o 00 q PI vq a Pi -q o M PI pi 4 vd t^ d d h4 pi 4 vd CO 6. ^ pi 4 vd 00 d ~ Pi Pi Pi Pi PO p> PI P3 P5 ■* o O 00 lO r^ o T fo T Pi ~ >o 00 PI o Ov ^ r^ N Pi P5 Ov ro o •t o M- 1/5 ►H Ov Pi Ov P5 vO 00 Pi Tt t^ t^ 00 P5 in 00 o O ro a 00 lo ol >o o 00 Ov t^ P5 PI a P5 O '^ O -* O r^ t^ o "1 Cv -t Pi o P) in P5 P5 Cv o. 00 Pi Ov P5 Pi o ■+ CO ^ Pi ^ O. OC O ^ P5 Cv o r^ PI 00 1- o o -* vO o o ro •^ O Ov PI 1- Ov 00 Ov ^ pn t^ Tt Ov O o M r^ ^ 1/1 r^ a •>»■ o o. Pi vO o ^ 00 Pi t-- Pi 00 ■* q vO Pp q t^ M P* rO 4 v> O 00 d 6 " pi - " " 00 d " s 4 in M 00 P< d Pi P5 pi P7 in PO 00 p> o o, « ui ^ lO -+ P5 PO lO vO 00 00 Ov 00 o o t-* m Ov 00 t^ t^ ro f^ Oi ro -* ^ o. o in P5 vO p< o. P5 vO PO vO -o O Oi 00 o a ro P5 ro Ov t^ vO Ov VO t vO Ov Ov Pi Ov o ^ O O ro o> •* O M- PI -t (^ o P5 o 00 Pi m PI PI t^ o. lO 00 o t t p> 00 ui 1- vO vO vO vO P5 o vO O ^ ■q- M- 00 _^ O CO 00 00 I^ o -t I') O o> ^ "^ M vO m o r^ O O 1^ PI >r, o O t^ O o o t o m r^ •* PI vO fn o O »-* "7 lO vO 00 q Pi ^ t^ Ov Pi vq Ov PJ t^ *-< in q m q in t-- PI ro 4 o 00 dv 6 pi pi 4 in •6 00 M d. d Pi CI pi S" vd 00 d p: pi PO 4 ui PI P) 00 ■^ fo o\ o ,^ a P5 o in 00 ^ Ov Pi >o o H-l t t o vO o r^ ^ a 0\ o o •* ^ vO o r^ 00 P5 r-5 Ov vO 00 vO Ov vO 00 vO o tT a a r^ Ov m vO t^ Ov P> o pn 00 oo' 00 o ^^ o so in a rn ro •o 00 P5 VO t^ >o Pi r^ ^ >o 1^ i^ o Oi a PO t^ 00 PI p^ PI p: 1^ vO in o Ov vC t l^ •N lO o o> o> PI ro o o Ov vO p: o i^ m m PO p: vC 00 -t Oi (N fO o o 't ~5 00 pn o 00 Ov t^ P5 PO vO 00 00 Ov '"' o O o f-H ro M- in t^ 00 O 't vq Ov Pi 't t^ M ^ 00 r^ vq o m q ■^ Ov « (S fO ■j- bi -d 00 d\ 6 " pi 4 - vd dv d Pi PI pi Pi 4 N ^ 00 Pi d P5 ^ pi P) 4 p: p? ~ •o a Tf so VO a vO t^ M t^ vC PO Pi t^ 00 I^ lO -o vO o O 00 PO vO O. PI Pi p: O a O o O ■* vO 00 P5 PO -t M o o 00 00 ro PO o vO vO -O vO Pi r^ 00 in o. o Ov m fo Oi O O 00 -o o 00 Ov •* Ov vO TJ- ■* in 00 pn o. 00 t- Oi M s q o t-< i-O •* m l^ 00 o ►H p? >n 00 o oc vr t 00 vq M CN ro 4 vd 00 d 6 " 4 " vd t^ od d •^ PI pi ^ vd 'cT d d P5 pi P3 4 P5 vO "7 o t^ Tl- t^ Tj- Pi Tf Ov ■* t^ •* Ov P5 00 PI m o o M Ov vO o o N P) ui -o o o PI m ■* m o Ov o Ov 00 00 in 00 vO vO m o r^ ■^ 00 m 't p) t^ P5 ^ in ■* Ov M -O r^ o o ro m o Ov vO ■* Tt a o Ov 00 o vO Ov PO 00 O. oo t? t o o vO 00 P5 1- 00 00 t 00 o PI ':^ vO 00 O PI o o ro 00 p< o a vO o ^ o Ov a vO PI p> o Ov o ^ o o 00 vO VO o o -t Ov r^ t^ -t o o q »-t M r4 "5 •* vO 00 q> O Pi ■* vO 00 q P4 ■* 1^ Ov Pi in CO M TJ- w pi ro 4 Pi 4 Pi 'c? vd Pi d Pi d P5 P) o „ p« n m vO ,, 00 O. o M M PI ^ in vO PI ,, oo o. COMPOUND INTEREST AND OTHER COMPUTATIONS 263 -0 •* 1/5 •* ro ■* Tf Tl- r^ co vO ro ro Ol vO 10 ^ 10 m m 00 00 -f t ro ■^ vO 0. >o m PI 00 Tf ro Tf Ov r^ ro Ol vO m Ov 1^ t~- >* r^ r^ >o Ov ro t^ ro PI Tf Tf r^ ro ro f r» r^ ro 00 ►-« ■:)• Ov t^ in ro p-> 00 00 r- Tf 00 ro Ov vO m m r^ 00 rf PI 0. m >o 00 CO ro 00 10 ro Ov 10 ro vO w •* 00 M t^ vO t r^ Tf 00 Tf 00 PI 00 f Tf CO ro P) 00 5 ro >o in vO in PI 00 in Ov 00 00 00 10 vO -f Oi ^ ro >o 0. PI r^ PJ r^ ■^ 00 vO in in in vO 00 •-* Tf in Ov v-i PI 00 ro PI »-" vq in f^ ■6 00 d ri 4 t^ d pi 4 r- d pi in 00 M 4 t-^ d 4 t^ in in d in 4 00 vd d 1^ pi ■51- M- ■* 10 10 10 10 w •0 vO vO t^ t^ t^ r^ 00 00 00 Ov Ov Ov » -0 00 PI Tf PI 00 ro ro ro Tf P) -0 vO 00 ro 00 t vO i/» •* Tt PI ro f vO vO ro r^ CO vO t^ 10 t^ ro tC N •0 -0 ro ro PI Ov vO Tf ro vO vO Ov 10 ro 1^ m m t^ ■* t^ (S 10 W 10 00 10 t^ ro VO 10 VO PI 00 Tf Tf Tf f^ m CO 00 m >o t^ ro t^ r^ r^ vO Ti- Tf vO r^ 00 ro Ov P5 ro N ro N Oi 00 vO Tt ro 10 ro ro ro -0 00 vO 00 t -0 10 Ov vO Ifl rl- t^ -0 Ov Ov t^ in Tl- t^ PI Tf r^ Ov PI vO » Tf ro 1^ ifl Ov vO Ov 1^ 00 PI »-( m vO PI Tf ri c^ 00 m vO Cv| ro I-, PI 0. t -r M t-t »-" M ro m r^ Tt t^ PI 1^ PI CO in PI 00 r^ t^ vO t rn m rn •-< v-v 1^ 10 00 « 4 vd 00 d P4 4 vd d ^ ro vd 00 t^ pi vd d ri 4 l-l d vd 4 4 •6 ^ d d 4 pi vd •. r^ vO r^ vO .0 ~ PI Tf vO r^ T 00 (N 1^ vO vO vO -t 00 ro r^ Tf 1^ vO 'f vO Tf Tf t^ 00 Ov ro o> t^ t^ rt Ov 00 ro PI ro r^ r- Tf 0. Ov ro Ov « vO r^ •* t^ S t^ vO ro ro 00 PI vO vO r^ c ro p^ 1^ m -0 ■* 00 t ro P) Ov a PI t vO 1^ 10 Tf Ov Ov vO Ov ro CO » t^ ro t •* Ti- -i- t^ Ov t^ ro Ov vO V-l vO t^ -0 vO t r- N ro Ov Ov ro ro vO 10 0. P5 -f 00 t^ Ov t^ t 00 P5 10 '? M M Ov Ov v-t Tf vq 00 '? 00 P^ q. 10 in q w Ov l^ •-< q d fj 4 -d 00 dv M 4 vd 00 d ri 4 ti d M 4 vd d M 4 06 4 H^ d d pi d r^ 00 pi ■3- Tt •* ^ 10 10 10 vO vO vO t^ ~ 00 Ov - ro t " Ov PI Tf p| P5 Ci T ~ m t^ Ov Ov ifl ~ vO ■* Tt 00 r^ vO 00 t^ 00 00 Ov 00 vO 'f vO 00 in Ov ^ N t r^ vO Ov PI 10 r- vO 00 ro n Ov vO 00 PI PI Ov 00 Ov ro Ov Ov ro ro vO PI ro ro Ov vO Tf PI t 10 ro 00 vO Tf ol r^ Tf tn >r> o> M M ro ro P) vO ro ro PI 00 ro 00 00 PI vO v-t P) 00 vO o> •* 00 vO 0. t^ ro ■0 t^ PI vO 1^ PI vO t^ o> N "* r^ ro ro ■* m Tf- ro 00 M PI 00 ro a Tf Ov N ro -0 ro ro PT) ro t^ Tt 0. 00 vO vO ro r^ ro ro Ov ro vO •f vO •* M Ov r^ f PJ PI n PJ Tt t-* Ov N vq P^ PJ t-» t^ 00 t^ Oi 6 ri 4 tfi t^ d M ro 10 t^ d w pi in t-^ d PI 4 vd 00 t-i 4 d 10 pi M PI IT, d vd f^ T ■«)■ M- ^ Ti- •o Ov ro Ov Ov Ov Ov 0. vO Tf in ro Tf ro 00 r^ 0. 00 ro ro PI 00 t^ ro Ov t^ 00 00 m ro 00 -0 00 a 00 -0 00 00 Ov Ti- vO Tf Ov PI Ov 10 t^ in 00 Tf f <5 t^ -0 Ov 00 -0 00 Ov Ov 00 Tf Ov vO 00 -0 t^ 00 0. 00 M 00 00 fO m Ov r^ ro 00 t 00 00 PI Ov Tf ro PI vO P5 ro 00 0. ro 1^ 00 00 vO 00 PI Ov 00 vO m 00 vO t^ vO N Ov in r^ Ov r^ f PI q. t^ vO vO 10 in vq vO m PI 00 ro t^ vO q vq 00 tC d d 04 ro 10 1-^ 00 d pi 4 vd t-^ d k-i ro 10 t^ d M* -0 4 vd 00 pi vd pi d 1^ r^ 06 r^ fO t t •* Ti- ■* t 10 m in in vO vO vO vO vO 00 Ov « ro 10 vO 00 Oi t ro P) ro „ 00 t ~ t^ 00 00 -f Ov PI vO -0 vO Tf vO PI 00 •o N ro vO irt ro Tl- PI 00 00 vO PI t^ Tf vO 00 ro a Ov Ov t^ vO 00 vO m 00 ro Ov t^ -0 ro nO 00 -t r^ vO Tt ^ Ti- ro ro Tf 00 Tf 00 in PI Ov 00 10 ro f ^ -T i/> ro 00 m t ro ro ro vO vO Tf ro -f m Ov Tf ro Oi 00 ir> Ov vO Ov ro t^ 00 f in 00 ro t t^ P5 00 00 vO Ci 00 10 ro t r^ (-1 t^ vO vO 00 ro 0. 00 00 vO ro Tf 00 1^ r- vO 00 IH 10 tf> "? v-i PI 00 •* »-< t^ Tl- V-* vO Tf PI 00 Tf in PI 00 •-< 0. i^ ro o t •* "§ a 1- m r^ ro 00 t- 10 00 -f ro 00 m vO Tf ro Tf Ov vO 00 t^ vO 00 vO r^ PI ro 0. 00 ro o ir> 00 10 vO Tf ro Ov vO -0 00 P^ ro 00 n 0. vO ■o M 00 r^ 0. ro Tf ro vO 10 vO ro r^ vO m 00 t^ M 00 PI -0 w-j 0. 1- 00 ro 00 Pp Ov Tf vO PI 00 Tf 00 vq Ov -0 vC 00 "7 f It- vd t^ 00 d M ro 4 •0 t^ 00 d M pi 4 vd 00 d M PI 4 pi K^ d d d »^ pi 4 t^ d fO ro ro ro ■q- ■* Tt- tT T Tf Tl- 10 vO vO vO t^ 00 Ov " ro Tf " « ro •* V) 00 p< ro t in vO t^ 00 Ov f) n ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ■* ■* Tl- t Tf t ■* ■» Tf Tf vO vO i^ 00 00 Ov Ov 264 APPENDIX n *^ vO -t lO 00 Tf -t o (^ fn 00 00 vO m o o 00 CO Ov m o rv] 00 M ri Oi vO Oi o. 0\ vO vO Ov 00 o m t^ -o VO fe o 1^ o vO re o N 00 r^ r^ in ■* f- m Ov 00 Ov vO o t-* t^ n le w 00 a ro vO Oi M- Tf ro vO vO r^ in a Ov Ov M r^ •-< 00 VO M Ov >o vO o ro 00 •I- ^ 1^ >o o. o Ov 00 vO Ov m f^ 00 re t^ I-. r^ fe? ro Tf i^ n t^ o Ov m Ov m M in -t vO 00 Ov o oo ro t^ Ov Ov Ov r^ vO 00 f^ r^ o 00 a Ov Ov vO o M re vO q ro O o. '? 00 •^ •-« q. 00 «5 q N vq M Ov r^ t^ Ov "? q 00 00 >-« t^ in vq ►-f (N ro 4 lO vd 00 dv h^ fO 4 >d 00 t^' IM q t^ m in vq 00 q r^ in •^ in r^ i-» vO ■* ^7 ro 4 o 00 d - ^i 4 - r^ d "' " 00 d ■n in 00 ^ 4 •? ■^ 4 in 00 (-J m vO f^ ro o c^ M ro t^ Ov -+ 1^ r- Ov fn Ov O ■o (^ o in vO ^ in o M r^ vO 1^ vO r^ ■o ^-5 i^ X 00 t^ -t t^ 00 Ov Ov re vO vO ir> Oi ro 't Ov 00 ~5 O. t vO o m vO Ov vO o 1- re re re ^ O O o> O rn o ~5 o 00 vO m Ov -f p) re re o t^ 00 O o Ov o ^n o ^ ►H ~> o vO re re O w t^ 00 o o Ov O CO t O. rf Ov fO l-l to ~5 Ov o re re -f fo t^ r^ 00 O 03 •i- vO 00 rj- o t^ 00 O fe 00 vO r^ Ov ri) ^ q (N 'J- t^ O ro 00 01 00 ■* M q t^ r^ r^ 00 O 1^ t^ f*) q vq in t^ q ■* t ro 4 tn vd 00 d d " ro lO " 00 d n 4 vd d r<5 r<5 vd 00 ■* 4 r^ -* d re 1-^ m m o xO 00 vO „ M ~ vO OO Ov •* ■* Ov 00 o 00 ^ a 00 ^ Ov N o 00 O 't ro "i- 't -O vO M i~5 00 -t m r- 1^ in vO ■* Ov re -1- •^ -o r^ 1^ M M Ov 00 Ov 00 Tf 00 ^ -t N -O >o r^ o. o. 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