z 733 \ D7!)9 B4 j Library ! Sch Lib UC-NRLF WORKINC •UBLIC H ^PRESID. THE WORKING OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY / print and circulate this pamphlet with the hope that those who receive it will read it, or pass it to some one who may wish to read it. It deals with the working oj an Educational institution of great value to all the people of the City and of the Common- wealth, and as to which they ought to have the most full informa- tion possible. J. H. BENTON, Public Library, Boston. BOSTON The Rockwell akd Churchill Press 1914 THE WORKING OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BY JOSIAH H. BENTON, LL.D. PRESIDENT OF THE LIBRARY TRUSTEES REVISED EDITION. 1914 BOSTON The Rockwell and Churchill Press 1914 " A good hook is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured tip on purpose to a life beyond life." — Milton. THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. e^ e^ e^ THE people of Boston have always been fond of reading. One of the pnrposes of the original Boston Town House, built in 1657 on the present site of the Old State House, was a free circulating public library. Such a library, the first of its kind in Amer- ica, was maintained in the building until its destruction by fire in 1711, and attempts appeal' to have been made to continue the maintenance of a library in the old State House until its substantial destruction by fire in ]747. From that time, however, there was no free public circulating library in Boston until the present Public Library was opened on May 2, 1851:, in two small rooms, also used for other municipal purpose, on Mason street. The Library then had less than ten thousand vol- umes, mostly acquired by gift, and its entire expense for the first year was |13,838.07, of which |6,247.30 was for books. It has grown to its present condition where its annual expenses are $426,381.68 mainly by taxes willingly paid by the people, and is therefore peculiarly a Library made and maintained by the people for the people. The Library has developed into a library system ,[2] which is not only a collection of books, maps, manu- scripts, and other literary material unequalled, in some respects at least, by any of the great Libraries of the world, but is also a large, complicated, and delicate business machine. Its proper management not only requires wide literary knowledge and sound scholar- ship, but also excellent executive, business, and admin- istrative ability. The conduct of its business involves the disbursement for books, supplies, transportation, salaries and other expenses, many very small in amount, of about $35,000 every thirty days. It is in charge of five Trustees appointed by the Mayor and approved by the State Civil Service Com- mission to serve without compensation for terms of five years. A special statute law of the Commonwealth con- stitutes the Trustees a corporation, with authority to take and hold real and personal estate which may be given to it and accepted by the Trustees for the benefit of the Library or any branch thereof, or for any pur- pose connected therewith. This law also requires the Trustees to have the general care and control of the Central Public Library and of all its branches, and of all the expenditures of money appropriated therefor, and authorizes them to appoint a librarian and other officers and employees and to fix their compensation. I desire to tell about the working of the Libiary system, and to do this I must explain what the system is. What is it as a physical thing, simply as real and personal property? [3] LIBRARY REAL ESTATE. As real estate the Library consists of thirty pieces of land and buildings or parts of buildings in different parts of the City, of an aggregate value of about four and a half million dollars. The Central Library build- ing has cost up to the present time, exclusive of the land upon which it stands, $2,762,38475. The City also owns thirteen other pieces of real estate occupied either wholly or in part for library purposes, and the other buildings or parts of buildings occupied for library purposes are leased at an annual rental of $16,500. Li addition to rental paid for these leased premises, sums which in the aggregate are large have been paid for the necessary and proper adaptation of the premises to library uses. The floor area in daily use in these premises amounts to 304,000 square feet, or nearly six acres. All these different buildings and premises must be kept in repair, cleaned, policed, heated, lighted and maintained in proper condition for library use. The care of the Central Library building alone comprises the protec- tion, repair, cleaning, lighting, heating and mainte- nance of a building which covers 65,000 square feet of land, and has a floor area in daily use of 150,000 square feet. This building is also a beautiful architectural monu- ment, and as such has given distinction to the City, and attracts visitors from every part of the world. It con- tains fine statuary, valuable marbles, expensive wood- [4] work, and elaborate and unique decorations, all of which must be at all times carefully guarded and pro- tected and suitably maintained. It contains among other machinery and appliances a heating, lighting, ventilating and electric power plant with three 100- horse-power boilers and two tandem compound engines of 150-horse-power each; also two dynamos with capacity for 3,600 sixteen candle-power, 110 volt elec- tric lamps; eight pumps; four ventilating fans; eight electric motors with capacity of from 2 to 20-horse- power each; two passenger elevators; ten electric book- lifts; a vacuum cleaning apparatus with piping so arranged that all the books on any floor can be cleaned by the use of it. The building is also equipped with a pneumatic tube and electric carrier system for the transmission of call slips for books between the different departments and the book stacks, and of books between the stacks and the different departments. It has seating capacity for about 900 readers and a lecture room which will seat 500 persons. The operation of this building alone requires about sixteen hundred tons of coal annually, and current is supplied by its dynamos for nearly 4,000 electric lamps. Its care and operation require the constant service of a force of engineers and firemen, janitors, and watch- men, and a carpenter, painter, expert electrician, and a marble cleaner. The ordinary daily cleaning of the building requires a force of a matron and twenty scrub-women, whose work must be done at hours which will not interfere with the use of the building by the public. They work from six until nine in the morning and on Saturday evenings from five o'clock until eleven, and render an annual service in this work of about 20,000 hours. Such is the library system considered only as real estate. LIBRARY PERSONAL PROPERTY. As personal property the Library is primarily a col- lection of more than one million volumes of books, accurately speaking 1,067,103, of which 813,533 are in the Central Library and 253,570 are in the various Branches and Reading Rooms. The principal Branches are considerable libraries in themselves, the nine largest Branches having an average of over 20,000 volumes each. There are also in the Central Library about 35,000 separate manuscripts and about 150 volumes of manu- script books, over 200 atlases, about ten thousand maps, and over forty thousand photographs, prints, engravings and other pictures, and 4,400 lantern slides. Each branch has also its own collection of photo- graphs and pictures varying in number from 1,000 to 2,000, in all about 30,000. The catalogues of this collection comprise 3,500,000 separate cards, and the cases containing them placed end to end would extend about a mile. ]Nineteen different card catalogues, containing about three million cards are necessary for the working of [6] the material of the Central Library, and fifteen sepa- rate card catalogues, containing 450,000 cards are employed in working the collections in the different Branches and Reading Rooms. The shelves required for the books in the Central Library and Branches would extend a distance of over twenty miles. The Library also has a printing office, employing seven persons, where an average of over 200,000 cata- logue cards, half a million forms, nearly two million call slips for the use of books, and the various weekly lists of new books, quarterly bulletins, finding lists, and other publications, amounting annually to about 70,000 copies, are printed, for distribution among the people; and a bindery employing twenty-nine persons, where photographs and engravings are mounted, vol- umes repaired, periodicals stitched, library publications prepared for use, and about 30,000 volumes annually bound. There are also about 375 different newspapers and nearly 1,700 different periodicals in daily use in the Central Library and the Branches. There are many valuable paintings, photographs, busts of distinguished persons, and statuary, mainly, but not entirely, con- tained in the Central building. The aggregate commercial value of this personal property is more than three million dollars, and much of it is unique, so that if destroyed or sold it could not possibly be replaced. Much of the most valuable of this personal property has been freely given to the Library. [7] In 1873 the Library had 209,466 volumes, of which 92,333 had been given to it, and although the gifts since that time have not been proportionately as large, they have been constant, and in many cases large in amount and of great value. There are 24 different special collections of books, manuscripts, and engravings, varying in number from 129 to 14,888 titles, substantially all of which have been given to the Library with varying conditions as to their care and use. It is, perhaps, not invidious to mention among them the almost priceless collection of Shakespeariana, the famous Prince collection of rare early Americana, the unique Chamberlain collection of manuscripts, and the Theodore Parker library contain- ing rare and valuable books in forty different languages and dialects. One of the Chamberlain manuscripts is in the hand- writing of Governor Bradford and is signed by him and by four other persons who came over in the May- flower, including John Alden and Miles Standish. TOTAL VALUE OF LIBRARY PROPERTY. The aggregate commercial value of the real and per- sonal property devoted to free public library purposes in the City of Boston is at least seven and a half million dollars, and in addition to this, gifts have been made by thirty-five different persons or societies, in sums varying from |100 to |100,000 for the benefit of the Library and its Branches to the amount of $450,000, [8] making an aggregate amount of property of at least $8,000,000 employed in the library work of the City. COMPARATIVE VALUE OF LIBRARY PROPERTY. In 1905, the latest date available for comparison, Boston, with less than one-half the population of all the other 32 cities in the Commonwealth combined, had approximately twice as much money invested in public library property as all the other cities combined. It had 29 3/10 per cent of the population of the 33 cities, and the other 32 cities have 70 7/10 per cent, that is, there were about seven persons in the other 32 cities combined as against about three persons in Boston. But Boston has about $60.43 invested in its public library property as against about $39.57 invested in similar property in all the other 32 cities combined. Stated in another form, the comparison is this : Bos- ton had 41 5/10 per cent of the entire population in all the other 32 cities, while the amount invested in public library property in these 32 cities was only 65 5/10 per cent of the amount invested in public library property in Boston alone. That is, with a population only four- tenths as large as the combined population of the other 32 cities, Boston put to the use of its public library system property nearly 4/10 greater in value than all property put to similar uses in the other 32 cities com- bined. If we compare the value of the public library prop- erty of Boston with the value of such property in all the other cities and towns in the Commonwealth, we [9] find that with a population of 19 8/10 per cent of the entire population of all the other cities and towns, Bos- ton had public library property of 71 1/10 per cent of the value of all such property in all the other cities and towns in the Commonwealth. ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. From 35,000 to 40,000 volumes are added to the Library collection each year. During the last year, 1912-1913, the number was 37,606. Of this 27,316 were purchased by, and 6,855 were given to the Library, and the remainder were received by exchange, binding of periodicals into volumes, etc. ; 11,860 volumes were purchased for the Central Library, and 15,166 for the Branch Libraries and Reading Rooms. The total amount expended for books, including $7,452.72 for periodicals and f 2,000 for newspapers and $823.36 for photographs, was $49,094.70, or 12 3/10 per cent of the entire expenses of the Library for all purposes. The average cost of all books purchased was $1.42 per volume. Of these 22,445 were bought from money appropriated by the City at an average cost of $1.02 a volume, and 4,871 were bought with the income of Trust funds at an average cost of $3.23 a volume. Among the more expensive books purchased lately is a rare edition of Ptolemy's Cosmography, Ulm, 1482, for $390 ; The Grimani Breviary, 13 volumes, with reproductions in gold and colors of the famous miniature paintings, for $500 ; The l^orth American Indians by [10] E. S. Curtis, eight volumes of a series of twenty vol- umes, which will ultimately cost about $3,000. The most expensive books increase in value with the lapse of time, and most of the less expensive rapidly wear out with use or become of less value from the issue of other books on the same subjects. It is esti- mated that about 150,000 of the books in the Library are not worth commercially more than ten cents apiece. Books are purchased only by vote of the Trustees, and at prices fixed by the vote. The titles of the books recommended for purchase by the Librarian are put upon cards and submitted to a Committee of two of the Trustees weekly. A list of the titles and prices of books which that Committee recommend for pur- chase is then made, and copies of it sent to each of the Trustees at least two days before their weekly meeting. This list as revised and voted by the Trustees is sent to the Ordering Department as authority for the purchase of the books. Duplicate bills of the books are required to be sent to that department with the books ; one bill is filed at the City Hall, as required by law, and the other entered alphabetically by the Ordering Depart- ment in its bill book with the entry date and alphabeti- cal designation recorded on the bill and on the reverse of the title-page of each book charged in the bill, by which the book can always be traced from the bill and the bill from the book. The book is then examined, page by page and plate by plate, to see if it is perfect, the book-plate of the Library pasted in and the original [11] card upon which its title was written placed in the book, and it is sent to the Catalogue Department. This bill is certified by the Ordering Department as correct and sent to the Library Auditor, by whom it is compared with the list and price voted by the Trustees, entered and audited for payment, and finally returned to the Ordering Department, where it receives a file number and remains on file. METHOD OF WORKING THE LIBRARY. Such is the property and plant of the Library system. But it is of value only as it is worked. The books, manuscripts, and other material are useless except when they are being read and examined. And the Public Library plant, like every other, should be worked, if it is worth working at all, to the limit of its capacity. It would be as absurd to work the Public Library plant to half its capacity for profitable use as to work only half the spindles in a mill, or half the loco- motives upon a railroad. The problem of working the Public Library, therefore, is the problem of bringing its books and other material into the most general and extensive public use within the limit of the amount of money which the taxpayers are willing to pay for that use. The system is worked, as you will see from what I have said and from the map of the City, through the Central Library and a large number of Branches and Reading Rooms scattered over the entire 47 square miles [12] of the territory of the City. How can such a collection be efficiently worked? CATALOG^UING THE LIBRARY. In the first place it is obvious that it cannot be worked at all without suitable catalogues, and the making of suitable catalogues for such a system is a most complex, delicate, and difficult task. The cata- logues of the Lihi^ary are the eyes through which people who use it can see what there is in it, and find what they want. Its system is the card catalogue system which is the most easily used, and within the limits of a library of its size is the best.* The making of a card catalogue seems a very simple thing until you try to make it. The simplest form of cataloguing, however, requires at least two cards for each book, — one with the name of the book, the date of printing, number of pages, edition, size, etc., the other with the name of the author and the other information which is noted upon the first card. This applies to the ordinary book of fiction, but if the book of fiction be historical, its scene laid in some partic- ular country, a third card is desirable containing the name of the country and the other information upon the other two cards. If the book, however, relates to some department of human knowledge, — as for instance, botany, — there must be a card with the name of the book, its subject * The British Museum catalogue in printed volumes contains 2,738,745 titles, which it is estimated would require about 5,477,499 cards in a card catalogue. [13] matter, — botany, — date of publication, size, pages, etc., and a similar card with the name of the author, and a third card with the title. Botany, at the head, and if the book relate to the botany of a particular part of the world, — for instance, Massachusetts, — a fourth card is required under the title Massachusetts. And if a book is upon a general subject which embraces several subordinate subjects in the book, further cards are desirable with the title of each of the several subjects. So you see the cataloguing of a book may be simple, or it may be very complex, according to the character of the information which a person might obtain if they were looking over the catalogue to find information as to any particular subject or person. If the book is printed in English it may be cata- logued by a person trained in cataloguing who knows only the English language, but if it is in German, Rus- sian, Greek, Latin, Spanish or any other foreign or dead language, the person who is to catalogue it must be an accurate scholar in the language in which the book is printed. The Chief of our Catalogue Depart- ment has a working knowledge, I believe, of about eleven foreign langT^ages, and one assistant in that department, who works at a salary of $28.76 a week, is not only an accomplished general scholar but has a working knowledge of eight foreign languages. But when all this is done, the cards are of no use until there is put upon them numbers indicating where in the library the book is to be found. To enable this to be done the departments of human knowledge are [14] arbitrarily designated b}^ numbers, differing somewhat in different systems of cataloguing. For instance, Botany might be represented by the number 16, indi- cating that under the number 16 in the library stacks books on botany are to be found. To this class number are added other numbers indicating the shelf in that portion of the stacks where the book is to be placed, and the position of the book on that shelf. These three numbers enable the person knowing their significance to go to the place in the Library where the book is to be found. When these numbers are put upon all the cards rep- resenting the book, the cards must be printed in the Printing Department, the proof of *the cards must be read in the Catalogue Department, and the proof again read in what is called the Shelf Department, that is, the department having charge of the shelves where the books are placed. All this must be done with absolute accuracy. There is no room for mistakes in the Catalogue Department, because if a book is improperly catalogued, or improperly numbered, it may as well be lost, for nobody can find it to use it. But after this is done the book is not ready for use. The book-plate of the Library must be pasted in, the plates, if there be any in the book, must all be stamped with indelible ink to show that they belong to the Public Library, the title-page must be stamped, — " Boston Public Library," with a perforated stamp, and then a slip must be pasted into the book upon which [15] when it is issued for use the date and the fact of issue can be noted. All these things must be done in a more or less simple or complex form before any book can be placed in the Library in a condition and position to be used. Each of the three million catalogue cards in the Library system has required these various processes of work. In addition to all these, there are notes as to different editions, as to the real name of the author, where the book is written under a fictitious name, cross- references to other books relating to the same subject, and an amount of information more or less extensive, according to the importance of the book and of the subject to which it relates, which it is desirable and often necessary to place upon the cards to enable them to be conveniently and efficiently used. Of course, catalogues of engravings, pictures, photo- graphs, newspapers, and other material do not require the same elaborate treatment as cards for books, but they do require equal accuracy, and in many cases details quite as extensive as those required upon the cards for books. Li 1896, the Examining Committee spoke in their report on this part of the Library work as follows : " Few people probably realize the vast amount of work which is accomplished by the Cataloguing Depai-tment, and it is possible that still fewer fully realize how comparatively useless a large Library would speedily become if this department were not maintained with the highest degree of promptness and efficiency. This [16] demands the highest abihty, the ripest experience, and most discriminating judgment, a quick sense of the scientific relations and the relative values of every department of human knowledge, and the most alert ajid efficient executive administration." SHELVING AND TRACING OP BOOKS. To keep track of the contents of the Library after they are thus catalogued, it is necessary to keep a list called a shelf list, showing the number of books that belong on each shelf, and by this list the shelves are read each year, so that if a book is not on the shelf and is not properly charged out, as being in use, its absence is detected. This process requires the service of six competent persons working each forenoon of each working day throughout the year in the Central Library alone. The same process of reading is applied also to the shelves in the Branch Libraries. About 200,000 volumes in the Central building are on shelves where they can be taken down and con- sulted, without the service of an attendant, as in Bates Hall, or with the service of an attendant, as in the special collections and in the Fine Arts, Patent and Music Departments. There are certain portions of the Library collection, however, which for proper convenience of public use must be separated into specific departments. An illustration of this is found in the Patent Depart- ment. There the books and specifications, of which the Library has an exceptionally large and complete [17] collection, can only be conveniently consulted where they can be examined together, and one specification or drawing compared with another. And this requires a specially fitted up room, shelving, tables, etc., and the services of an attendant. This is also true of the Special Libraries, and of those collections of books which are not issued for use outside the Library, and are so valuable that examination of them can only be permitted in the presence of an attendant. This includes the Shakespeare collection and many other exceedingly rare and valuable books. PERSONS AVHO WORK THE LIBRARY. The regular Library staff, so-called, that is, the persons employed in working the books, maps, manu- scripts, and other material in the Library, consists of two hundred and thirty-eight persons, of whom forty- five are employed in the Ordering, Cataloguing, and Shelf Departments, thirty-one in the Issue Department of the Central Library, ten in Bates Hall, thirteen in the department of Special Libraries, Fine Arts, Music, etc., twelve in the Branch Department at the Central building, and ninety-six in the Branches and Keading Rooms. The remaining thirty-one are employed in the Children's, the Registration, Statistical, and Executive Departments, and in the Patent, Newspaper, and Periodical Rooms. For the Sunday and evening service the employment of one hundred seventy-one persons in the Central Library and in the Branches is required. Much of this [18] service is performed by persons employed from outside the regular library force, and paid by the hour for actual service according to a schedule of the posi- tions and rate per hour to be paid authorized by the Trustees. The Branches and Reading Rooms each have an " extra " service, that is, persons who work during busy hours only and are paid by the hour as needed. There are about 60 persons in this " extra " service. Three grades of educational qualifications are re- quired of these persons and determined by competitive examinations. The lowest grade, which includes a comparatively small number of pages, sub-assistants, etc., requires a training equivalent to a grammar school course. The middle grade requires qualifications equivalent to a high school training and familiarity with one foreign language. The third grade, including seventy-seven persons, requires qualifications equivalent to those obtained by a college course, and familiarity with two foreign languages. The proper cataloguing and classifying of books and the reference work necessary to aid those using the Library, also requires in many positions much higher qualifications than those which could be obtained by the ordinary college course. WORiaNG HOITRS OF THE LIBRARY. The Central Library and the Branches open and their work begins at 9 o'clock in the morning. The Reading Rooms open in the afternoon at varying [19] hours. The service continues until 10 o'clock at night at the Central Library building and at the West End Branch, and until 9 at the other Branches and Reading Rooms, except during the summer months. During June, July, August and September the Central Library and West End Branch are closed at 9 o'clock. The other Branches and Reading Rooms during a shorter period close earlier than in winter, but at vary- ing hours. The Central Library is in operation one hundred nineteen days of twelve hours each, and two hundred forty days of thirteen hours each, making an aggregate of 359 days, and 4,548 hours during each twelve months. LIBRARY DEPARTMENTS. The persons employed in working the Library are organized under the following heads: Executive Department, including the Librarian, Assistant Libra- rian, Auditor, Clerk, Custodian of the Stock-room, etc.; Catalogue Department, including the Chief Cataloguer and assistants; Ordering Department; Shelf Depart- ment; Bates Hall, including the Custodian and assist- ants; the Special Libraries, including also all persons employed in the Departments of Music and Fine Ai'ts; Statistical Department, including documents and manu- scripts; Periodical and NewspajDer Rooms; Patent Department; Issue Department; Children's Room; and the Registration Department, which registers card holders entitled to take out books for home use. All these are in the Central Library. [20] In each department a Time-book is kept, in which all employees are required to enter the exact time that they arrive on duty each day, and their absence from duty during regular hours is also noted thereon. In addition to these there is in the Central Library building the Branch Department, in charge of the Supervisor of Branches and Reading Rooms, who has supervision of the entire machinery of working the Branches and Reading Rooms individually and in con- nection with the Central Library. Bach of the thirteen Branches has a Custodian in charge of the work of that Branch, with necessary assistants, and in most cases a janitor to care for the premises. And each of the seventeen Reading Rooms has a Custodian in charge of its work. BOOK CIRCULATION AND USE OF THE LIBRARY. Through this organization the general work of the Library is carried on, and there are annually issued for direct home use nearly 300,000 volumes at the Central Library, and from the Central Library through the Branches about 85,000 more, while the Branches and Reading Rooms also issue more than a million three hundred thousand volumes for home use, making the direct issue for home use nearly 1,650,000 annually. The use of the Library for general reference and study is so unrestricted that no accurate statistics of it can be given. Its extent, however, is shown by the fact that during one year about half a million call slips for the table use of books in Bates Hall alone were [21] necessary. The daily use of books and other library material in the Central Library and in the Branches is doubtless many times greater than the home use of books drawn out upon cards and requires constant and accui-ate service by a large force of employees. The mere obtaining and delivering of a book to a reader in the Bates Hall Reading Room of the Central Library requires the intelligent and accurate service of six different persons, if the book is in its proper place in the stacks. The return of the book to its place requires the service of four persons. The obtaining and delivering to a card holder of a book for home use requires the services of four persons, and the return of the book to its place requires also the services of four persons, none of whom must make any mistakes, and all of these services require the perfect and efficient working of the book cari'ier system. Most of these persons who perform this accurate service receive only |8.00 a week, and the highest paid to any of them is $15.00 a week. HOW THE LIBRARY SYSTEM IS WORKED AS A UNIT. The great problem in w^orking the Library is to handle and work its collections in the Central Library and the Branches and Reading Rooms as a whole. If each Branch was worked as an independent Library, its work, though important, would be of very much less public benefit than it is when worked with the Central Library. This is done to a large and increasing extent. If a person using any one of the Branches desires a [22] book which is not in the Branch collection but is in the Central collection, application is made by the Branch Library to the Central and the book is sent to the Branch. The same is true of applications at Reading Rooms. All books issued for home use are issued upon cards, and may be returned at the Central Library or any Branch or Reading Room upon these cards, without I'eference to where the book was taken out. This requires transportation, and the Library hires four wagons at a cost of over $7,000 a year, and also uses local expresses somewhat in addition, to transport books between the Branches and Reading Rooms and the Central Library, and to engine houses, public insti- tutions and public and parochial schools. In the month of December last, nearly 11,000 books were sent to the Branches from the Central Library upon such indi- vidual applications, and over 3,000 volumes were sent on deposit to the various Reading Rooms. During the same month over 18,000 books were carried by these wagons from the Branches and Reading Rooms to the Central Library. The State law, which is construed as limiting the hours the drivers of these wagons can work to eight hours a day and not to exceed forty-eight hours a week, limits this method of transportation and makes the service somewhat more expensive than for- merly. LIBRARY COOPERATION WITH SCHOOLS, ETC. During the past year the Library has been daily sup- plying with books oO Branches and Reading Rooms, 62 [23] engine houses, 36 institutions, and 139 public and parochial schools, and sending to them an average of about 414: volumes every day by its delivery wagons. In addition to this the Branches themselves and two of the largest Reading Rooms are sending out books on deposit distributed among 157 places and amounting to over 44,000 volumes annually, of which over 18,000 are sent to schools. That is to say, not only is the col- lection of the Central Library used as a reservoir from which books may be drawn for use in the Branches and Reading Rooms, but each of the Branches and Reading Rooms is in itself a reservoir from which books are drawn for use by teachers in schools in its immediate vicinity. This applies not only to books, but to photographs and pictures of different kinds mainly for use in schools in connection with the work of the teachers. These are sent out from the Central Library to the Branches, and also from the Branches to the teachers in their vicinity in portfolios each containing about 25 pictures, which when used by the teachers are returned. These collections consist of illustrations of Fine Arts, Physi- cal and Commercial Geography, colored views of all countries, types of peoples, industries, transjDortation, etc. Li November last one Branch issued 200 pictures in this way, another 350, and another 822. About 40,000 pictures from the Branch collections are annu- ally lent to reading-rooms, schools and study clubs, and the Fine Arts Department of the Central Library also sends out over 2,500 portfolios of pictures to [24] schools. From the Branches, Reading Rooms, and the Central Library about 950 teachers are supplied with books for use in their work, and the school circulation is about 160,000 volumes a year. In addition to this cooperation in the work of the schools, there is also the work which is done by the Library employees in providing selected lists of books asked for by teachers to aid them in their work. In one month 30 requests by teachers for books were received at the Central Library, accompanied by lists of books desired, varying in number from four volumes to 239 volumes, and 29 similar requests were received where the teacher gave only the subject upon which books were desired. Some of these requests may interest you : — " Moths, butterflies and insects. — King Arthur and his Knights. — Fifty books pertaining to geography and American history. — A set of books on Mohammed, the Koran, Ottoman Empire and Sultans. — Works of American poets — as many as possible; Works of English poets — a few. — A set of books on Africa or United States history. — Books on Indians, transportation, days of the ' Forty-niners,' Great Lakes, Mississippi River, homes of people of different nation- alities, Hudson Bay Co. — A set of books on the colonization and development of the country. — Two hundred books, if possible, on Greek history, Greek literature, Greek plays, travel and social life in Greece, Greek art, and English and American fiction, myths of all lands, American literature, nature books. — American history from the close of the Revolution to the end of the Civil War." [25] The following books were recently sent to a teacher of a grammar school upon an application which stated only the subjects upon which books were required: Betty Alden. Standish of Standish. Little women. Little men. Historic boys. Godson of Lafayette. In Leisler's time. Century book of American colonies. Historic Americans. Discovery of the old Xorthwest. Stories of the Old Bay State. Benjamin Franklin. Cln-istopher Columbus. Heroes of the Middle West. Modern Europe. Cable story book. Story of the Iliad. Hans Brinker. Wonder book of old romance. Making of New England. Our first century. Peeps at many lands. Story of the thirteen colonies. American leaders and heroes. In Eastern wonderlands. Arabian nights. Wanderings of ^neas. Colonial children. The heroes. Northern Europe. True story book. Animal story book. Book of ballad stories. Heroines every child should know\ Old Greek folk stories. King Arthur. George Washington. American Indians. Strange peoples. Lobo, Rag, and Yixen. Hans the Eskimo. Every day life in the colonies. The colonies. Life in Asia. Toward the rising sun. Biog- raphy of a grizzly. Under sunny skies. Story of Japan. Children's stories in American literature. The following selected from the last monthly request of 90 books from the State Prison at Charlestown, shows the wide range of subjects asked for: Arabic language. Science of jurisprudence. Key to Italian conversation grammar. [26] Freehand drawing. Instruction in wood carving. Decorative brush work. The dawn of day. The heart of Scotland. Sign lettei'ing. In the old chateau. The art of singing. Stearns family genealogy. Our eyes and how to care for them. Constitutional history of England. Humanity. The ship dwellers. Chemistry. Cosmetics. The gem speaker. The practice of diplomacy. HELP GIVEN PERSONS USING THE LIBRAKY. There is also the constant service of the Library to children and others who come to find books upon subjects which they wish to study or write about. On a single day in one month 158 children by actual count came into the rooms of a single Branch Library between three and five o'clock in the afternoon, and this was not regarded as an unusual number. The following are some of the inquiries made for information at one Branch during three days: " Please tell me the author" of Kenilworth? " " " " " " Tom Brown at Rugby ? " " " " '* " Birds' Christmas Carol ? " " " " " " Tom Sawyer? [27] In connection with literature : Something on the life of Socrates. " " " " " Coleridge. about William Tell. " " Robin Hood. " on Burns's love of nature. In connection with geography : Something on Asia. " " Africa, rivers, etc. " about the boys of diflfei'ent counti'ies. In connection with science : " Can you give me a book explaining the causes of moisture in the atmosphere ? " The origin of the tides ? The dragon fly ? In connection with the study of history : Something on Draco. " " the Persian Wars. " " " " Holy Crusades." " Sir Walter Raleigh. " " George Washington. " " General Custer. " •' any American leaders or heroes. " " PequotWar. " " the English settlers in America. " " Salem witchcraft. " about the Lewis and Clark expedition. " " Barbai'a Frietchie. *• A book about the Civil War, for a man." General requests : Christmas stories, poems, the stoiy of the first Chi'istmas. (Many times.) Life of Christ. New Year's poems. Lives of the Saints. (Many.) St. Nicholas. Life and work of Jean Francois Millet. [28] •• Who was tlie best author of the life of Napoleon ? What a pity Carlyle did not write his life." " Please find " : My hunt after " the Captain/' Breathes there the man, etc. The discontented pendulum. ' ' Have you the Speeches of Henry Grattan ? " " Can you give me a Polish book ? " " Have you something on Phonics ? " "Have you something on Whitney's cotton-gin?" " Have you the Directory for 1907 ?" " Do you have the daily papers ?" A young lady having an old violin asked for some book giving the name and history of the old makers, violin being dated 1524. At the Reading Room, 13 Broadway Extension, among other inquiries for information during two suc- cessive days were the following : John Law. His method of finance. Nationality of Cooper's mother. Enough about the Star Spangled banner for a composition. How does the number of words in Greek compare with the number in English ? What does Good-bye really mean ? All about the Lion of St. Mark's. Stoi-y of Daniel Boone, for 4th Grade. Book on initial letters. Story of Thor. What books beside stories for a mother to read ? Anything on the training of children. Book on the Desolation Islands. Some of the subjects asked for by readers at Bates Hall during a few weeks were: Treatment of the Indians by the United States government. Theocratic government of New England. [29] Emulsions in three coloi' photography. A dream book to tell the meaning of dreams. Picture of a pallium. The habitat of the razor fish. Illustrations of flying machines. Effects of the Distinct Option law. Rate of insurance on a building containing a paint shop. Christmas in Spain. Identification of a religious order from the dress on a doll. The canon of Ptolemy. " Some nice book." Shakespeare's Taming of the " Crew." '♦ Casero's Essays on senility and friendship" for Cicero's Essays on old age and friendship. Mark Antony's Meditations, i.e., Marcus Aurelius Antoninus's Meditations. Picture of an apricot for a grocer's label. The Grub Street Journal. Coloring of metals. Silvering of mirrors. An automobile road book for England. A medical book for a young man studying to be an undertaker. The mail-order business. An occupation adapted to a nervously prostrated man. King Leopold and the Congo. Sanctification. Veal. Tara and its harp. Etiquette of mourning. Effect of coloi-s on human conduct. The saloon. Wall street terms. Astrology. Chiromancy. History of pantomime. Education of the nervous system. [30] On one day in a single month readers in Bates Hall asked information on the following subjects: Polish books. Who predicted the greatness of New York City? His- tory of the United States. Martin's History of Franklin County, O. Expi'ess 4 962 000 in Roman characters. Shakespeare's songs. Voca- tional schools in Boston. Commercial law. Walt Wiiitman's Avorks. Dead Sea. Lassalle, the socialist. Notable Americans. Use of egg albumen. Home gymnastics. Lowell Institute lectures. United States fisheries. Poem of Singing Leaves. Glaucoma of the eye. Shake- speare's Henry VIII. Emma Marshall's novels. French and German indexes of magazines. Russian books. German socialism. Electric meters. Heads of families in First Census of United States. Morse's telegraphic code. Bunyan bibliography. Lieutenant Totten's works. Livery companies of London. Scharf's history of Texas. Wool waste. Water gas. Class mottoes. Stories for Junior Christian Endeavor work. Poetry of the American Revolution. A portrait of Sir Francis Bernard. Milton books. List of public schools in Boston. City of Seattle, Wash- ington. Philippine Islands. Life of Nero and newest fiction. Foreign menus for Christmas dinners. Boys' clubs. Climate of Para, Brazil. Statistics of deaths in Boston, London, Dresden, and Munich. Boston city government. Bigelow genealogy. Pictures of wood nymphs. Biogra- phies of prominent men of to-day. Who was Gassendi ? Open shelf sys- tem in libraries. Electrical apparatus. Bible stories. Bible characters. " New Thought" books. Forestry bill in last session of Congress. Parks. Greek architecture. Psychic treatment of nervous diseases. Agriculture. American Book prices current. Telegraphy. East India Company. Laundries. Coffee-houses. English heraldry. Greek drama. Municipal elections in Boston. United States consular service. Signs of the Zodiac. Predestination. English composition. Text-book on Zoology. Hypnotic therapeutics. United States War Department reports. Many books were asked for by name, and numerous routine questions were also asked and answered. RELATION OF THE LIBRARY TO SCHOLARSHIP. It is true that the primary purpose of a free public library supported by taxation is to give good books to [31] those who would not otherwise have them, and to afford instruction by the intelHgent use of books to those who would not otherwise have it. But the Boston Public Library also has another purpose not less important to the welfare of the people, though less in the public view, and not so obvious to the public at large. It is a scholar's library, and it is of public importance that it should be maintained as such. It is only by the scholar's work that the primary purpose of a public library can be accomplished. Good books do not come by chance. They come only by the work of scholars. The scholar writes the text-book that the child studies; he discovers the law by which the inventor improves an existing industry, or creates a new industry. The scholar recreates a period of history from its scanty records and manu- scripts; he constructs a grammar by means of which civilization makes its way into new territories, or the new world shares its knowledge and its traditions with the old. The scholar's work is manifold, and that time and that state are poor indeed which are without it. The scholar's work is nowhere more important than in our City, Avhich is preeminent in the work of educa- tion, linearly 20,000 students are pursuing their studies either within immediate reach or within easy access of the Central Library building. The teachers in these institutions are scholars, many of them not only teach- ing students directly, but working in the preparation of books for students. Their work covers language, art, literature, economics, science, music, sculpture, applied [32] mechanics and every other form of intellectual instruc- tion. These institutions of learning not only give dignity and importance to our City, but they also aid its material prosperity, and even in that aspect are as important as factories and warehouses, railroad and steamship lines, or wharves and docks. Our Library is therefore not only an important means of popular education, but it is also a valuable business asset of the City. It not only gives instruction for the people, but it provides material for the work of the scholar without whose work popular education and instruction could not go on. The Boston Public Library was founded by scholars and from the begin- ning recognized its duty to scholarship. The roll call of its special collections tells the story of provision for the scholar, not only by private gift but by public expense. Dr. Bowditch brought to it his rare and valuable books on pure mathematics. The unique col- lection made by the Rev. Thomas Prince, surpassingly rich in books relating to early New England history, has found its proper place here. The Ticknor library offers opportunity to scholars for study in the French, Spanish and Portuguese languages which is probably not to be found elsewhere in America. The Barton library, with its priceless Shakespeareana, acquired partly by the generosity of Mrs. Barton, and partly by the expenditure of City money, is the crown of the Library's collections. The Allen A. Brown Music and Dramatic collections, the Thayer library, the Parker library, the John Adams library, the Chamberlain [33] manuscript collection, and many other important and some unique collections, justify the claim of our Library to be the Mecca of America for those men and women who are pledged to the service of learning. This Library has thus a great inheritance of material upon which the scholai* can work. The City cannot afford to regard these collections with indifference, or even with inactive respect. They must be kept up, cared for, extended, made more perfect, so that people will continue to come to our City for the purpose of using them. It is good for Boston that men should come to it as they go to Rome, or London, or Paris, that they may find the great rare books of the world and use them. Boston is bound in honor to keep alive its traditional hospitality toward scholarship. Kare books, books for scholars, as well as books for children, and books for the people, must be continually acquired. The money spent for a rare book which is needed for but one scholar, and by him but twice in a lifetime, may be well spent if it brings him to Boston for that book and saves him a journey half around the world to find it and use it. It may lead him, as is often the case, to make this City his home because he can here best find help in research and study. The Library must continue to employ scholars. It must recognize scholars. It must help scholars in their work. Only by doing this can it be worthy of its own history, and be of the greatest benefit to our City. The following classification of books called for and OF THE UNIVERSITY [34] used in Bates Hall reading room during three days of 1912 tells the story, and it is this: No. of Classification, Volumes Used. Bibliography 74 History, Genei'al . 205 American 1,075 English 620 French 293 Italian 59 German 138 Greek and Latin classics 108 Theology 219 Social Science 305 Political Economy 132 Jurisprudence 171 Natural Science 237 Mathematics 154 Useful and mechanic arts 243 Fine arts and music 35 Foreign languages, unclassified 134 English literature, unclassified 19 Periodicals, unclassified 24 Transactions of societies 22 Encyclopasdias 118 Fiction 74 Total 4,432 It is to be observed in connection with this list that it represents only books called for and brought to the readers by attendants, and does not include the very large number of books taken by the readers directly from the open-shelf collection of 10,000 vol- umes, placed in Bates Hall for use in real research and study. In addition to these there are the collections in [35] the Fine Arts Department, the Barton-Ticknor room and the Patent room. All books in these departments are for study and research. The statistics in the annual reports of the special libraries give but slight indication of the importance of these collections to students. Many of the most important books are restricted to use within the library building and the circulation of these volumes is not apparent. The photographs, which do not circulate out of the Library, are especially valuable in class and exhibition work and are in constant demand. The larger cabinet folios and the more expensive volumes relating to the arts of architecture, painting and decora- tion are extensively used, but their use is not recorded statistically. Students from the art schools, or sent by private instructors, are engaged in tracing, or are otherwise employed with drawing materials, using the books which the Fine Arts Department gives to them, without formality, upon tables set apart for this pur- pose. The entire Allen A. Brown Music Collection is reserved for hall use. The tables in the Barton Gal- lery are reserved for persons engaged in authorship or in extended research and this quiet reading room is largely used by i-eaders whose books are not enumer- ated in the tables of circulation. The same is true of the Department of Statistics and Documents and of the Department of Patents. The number of persons who have consulted the files in the Patent Department during the last year was 13,430, a gain of 2,114 as compared with the previous year. [36] They have used 97,945 volumes as compared with 81,397 volumes consulted the previous year. And in addition to this there is the constant use of this depart- ment by students direct from the shelves, which is not recorded. The use of the Library has grown so quietly that its importance to the interests of real education is not understood. In fact it ma}' fairly be said that this use of the Library is the supplement and complement of all the educational institutions in and about Boston. It is unthinkable that the great w^ork of education which gives so much dignity and importance and profit to the city could go on for a single day without the assistance of the Library. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. The newspaper room at the Central Library, the papers for which are mainly purchased from the income of a bequest of the late William C. Todd for that purpose, has 355 different papers filed for current reading, of which 267 are in the English language, 16 French, 16 German, 7 Italian, 7 Spanish, 7 Swedish, and the rest in 14 other languages, including one in Old Hebrew, published in Jerusalem, and one in Tagalese and English, published in the Philippines, also Greek, Russian, Armenian, Polish, Welsh, Hun- garian, etc. One paper at least, from every civilized nation, when obtainable, and at least two papers from every State in the Union, are taken. Among them are papers from [37] Buenos Ayres, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Cape Town, Alexandria, Yoko- hama, Shanghai, Bombay, Calcutta, Hawaii, the Philip- pines, Cuba, and Porto Kico. Fourteen papers are taken from Canada and sixty from Massachusetts. The papers from Boston comprise one in Lettish, three in German, one in Italian, one in Swedish, and all the English dailies and weekhes. The mere opening, filing, and caring for the use of these papers and selecting from them those which are to be bound into files, is no inconsiderable task. The Boston papers and also the leading papei's from other places are bound and preserved in newspaper files which now include over 7,000 bound volumes which are much used. During the last year about 32,000 news- paper volumes were consulted by readers. One thousand two hundied forty-nine different peri- odicals are regularly filed and used in the periodical rooms at the Central Library, 224 in the Statistical, Music, and Fine Arts Departments and in the Children's Koom, making with the 115 taken at the Branches, 1,588 in all. These include all the leading periodicals of the world in every department of literature and science and in almost every language, all of which find ready readers in the periodical room. Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Greeks, Scandinavians, Bohemians and Lithua- nians, Arabs and Turks are among the i-eaders who regularly come to the periodical room as the cur- rent numbers of those periodicals are received. The [38] workmen of various trades come regularly to read their trade journals which are not always accessible to them elsewhere. The periodical room is generally filled with readers, and the bound files of periodicals are also extensively used, the largest use being by students from colleges and other schools in the vicinity. Four hundred and seventy-seven different volumes were consulted in one day by students from a single college, and requests for information from bound volumes of periodicals made to the attendant in charge of the room cover a very wide range of subjects. The following requests illustrate it: Ancient Babylon, its social and political condition; Modern Turkey and the social revolution there; Arti- cles relating to members of the Cabinet; Poems and pictures on special subjects; Secret Societies in China; Designs for and descriptions of Floral pageants; Psycho-therapy; What Jews have done to promote civilization in England; The Course of noted Irishmen in the world; Technical information on various sub- jects; Recipes for condiments; Material for use in school and in college debates. Periodicals are also taken and on file in the different Branches, the largest number being 66 at the "West End Branch, and the smallest 12 at Orient Heights Reading Room. INTER-LIBRARY LOANS. There is another work performed by the Public Library, which, although not extensive, is still impor- [39] tant, and that is its participation in what is called the inter-library loans. It frequently happens that a per- son in another city or town desires a book which his local library does not have, but which the Boston Library has. In that case, if the local library makes application to the Boston Library the book will be lent to it upon its responsibility for its care and return, and thus the person who desires it in his own town or city can have the use of it. In this way there were lent to libraries during the year 1913 about 1,179 volumes, all of which were safely returned; and there were also lent to libraries outside Massachusetts 230. On the other hand, a person by this arrangement can obtain from other libraries books which the Boston Library does not have in the same way, but, of course, the balance is very largely in favor of the outside library, only a small number of books being borrowed of them by the Boston Library for use by our citizens. children's department. This is the most interesting as it is one of the most useful departments in the Library. It is required prim- arily because children are unable to use a catalogue under- standingly. Books for children must either be selected for them by some older person, or the children must see the books so that they can select for themselves. The beginning of this department was in a very small way, when the Central Library was opened in the new building in Copley square, in 1895. Children did not [40] much frequent the old Library building on Boylston street where there was no room for them and nothing to attract them. But when the new building was opened children came in large numbers and there was space for them to run about. They soon began to say : "Please give me a book," " Please, can I see a book?" and interfere more or less with the working of the Library for others. As an experiment a large round table was put in a vacant room off Bates Hall and filled with books suitable for children. It was soon surrounded by a fringe of small heads of all colors intently examin- ing the books. Then another table with books was added, and still another, until the room was filled with them. This, of course, required an attendant for that room, and a competent woman was placed in charge of it to aid the children and to issue books to them if they had cards upon which they could take them out. Six months after, the Trustees spent about $3,000 in purchasing books for children, and placed them upon open shelves in this room. Since that time I think the room has been the most interesting part of the Library. Children of all nationalities use it, with perfect good order, and with a degree of attention to the books which many older persons might well emulate. Of course, the success of this experiment at the Central Library was followed by a demand for similar work at the Branches, and one Branch after another was fitted up with what is called a '' Children's Room,'' — a separate room where space will admit, and where [41] sj3ace does not admit a part of the larger room set apart for the use of the children, — until each Branch and Reading Room now has special accommodation for children, and special books and pictures for their use. At the Central Library the care of the Children's Room, issuing the books, answering questions for infor- mation, etc., requires the constant service of four competent persons. At the Branches and Reading Rooms this work for children is done by the Custodian and assistants. The following requests for help were made of the Custodian of the Children's Room at the Central Library in three days, and the proper books to meet their needs were recommended to the applicants. It is not always jDOssible to furnish the best book on any required subject, as it may be out of the Library, and the books advised were from those available at the time : Story of the Wooden Horse. When was the Battle Hymn of the Republic written ? A Poem about a boy pardoned by Lincoln. Five requests for material on both sides of a debate on Chinese Immigration. Rules of order for presiding at a debate. Music as sound, for a composition. Battle of Lexington. Information about the buildings and streets of Paris. Name of the present Secretary of State. The oath of Athenian citizenship. Sir William Wallace. A request for " Geology" in which to look up ancestors. Story of Roland. [42] Story of Bayard. Story of the golden touch. Comparative greatness of Washington and Lincoln. A story to read aloud to a group of children. Story of Massachusetts. How to organize a club. Number of deaths from tuberculosis each month for two years. Christmas plays. A piece to speak in school. Pantomimes. A good book to give an elevator boy. A present to a little gii'l of six. Description of Christmas. Description of Murillo's paintings. The Poem, Night after Christmas. Many other requests for poems and stories about Christmas. STORY TELLING POR CHILDREN. Story telling, by accomplished persons, for children is now successfully practised at the Central Library and ten branches and stations. It is found to be of great educational value for the children and very important in causing them to read books. The stories told are the old ones, like " Robin Hood,'' " The Knights of King Arthur," and other stories drawn from the classics for children. The demand for this instruction is increasing rapidly, and the extent to which it can be carried is probably only measured b}^ the money which can be appropriated for it. EXHIBITIONS OF BOOKS, PICTURES, ETC. When the Central Library was opened in its new building in 1895 the rare books, engravings and other [43] treasures of the Library which had been before inacces- sible to the public, were placed upon exhibition in the Fine Arts Room from time to time. This was found to be of so much public interest that exhibitions of this character are now systematized and programmes of them published at the beginning of the winter season in connection Avith the programmes of lectures. The exhibitions of pictures are mainly arranged to illustrate the Library lectures, but outside lectures, such as those of the Lowell Institute, are also illustrated here when practicable, and events either of artistic, historical, or national importance are noticed. Many of the exhibits have been lent by friends of the Librar}^ as — Issues of the Kelmscott Press, Portraits of George Washington, Bookplates by Boston artists, Prayer Books, Fine Book Bindings, the Joan of Arc exhi- bition lent by the Joan of Arc Statue Committee of Xew York, etc. Among the historical exhibits may be mentioned those in celebration of the anniversaries of Sebastian Cabot, Americus Vespucius, Hans Holbein, W. L. Garrison, H. W. Longfellow, John Milton, Charles Dickens, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Transfer of the Bradford Manuscript, and among important events illustrated, the death of Pope Leo XIII., coronation of Edward YIL, and George Y., the War with Spain, visits to Boston by Admiral Dewey, by Prince Henry of Prussia, and by General Kuroki of Japan, the Conventions of the Music Teachers' National Association, the IST. E. Histoi-y [44] Teachers' Association, Eastern Art and Manual Train- ing Association, I^ational Association for the Promo- tion of Industrial Education, and the N^ational City Planning Conference. Exhibitions of pictures are also regularly held in the Branches and Reading Rooms, the programme of them being published in the quarterly bulletin. The pictures are mainly furnished from the Central Library and hung upon rods in the Branches and Reading Rooms. They are designed to illustrate matters which are of immediate general interest to the public, like the cruise of the United States Fleet, which was illustrated each month by a different set of pictures of scenes in the different countries visited by the fleet; or subjects which are being studied at the time by persons using the Library. The following list of recent exhibitions at one Branch and one Reading Room may be taken as illustrative: Branch Exhibition. Industrial Arts. Historic Boston Houses. American Cities. Alaska and the Eskimos. American Indians. Lake Scenery. Mountain Scenery. Children of all Nations. Reading Room Exhibition. Evolution of the Printed Book. Bi'eathing Places in Boston. National Parks. Types of Slavic Peoples. Foreign Ports and Harbors. Opportunities for Industrial Educa- tion in Boston. Picturesque America. Old Washington Street, Boston. LECTURES. Regular courses of lectures are now given on Sunday afternoons and Thursday evenings, also shorter courses, [45] under auspices of the Field and Forest Club and the Archaeological Institute of America, admission to which is free to all, and for which no compensation is paid by the Library to the persons who lecture. These lectures are mostly on subjects connected with the fine arts, and with special regard to the aesthetic develop- ment of cities. Connected courses on the Drama and the Stage and the History and Appreciation of Music are included. Courses have also been given on Civic Art, the Resources of the Library, Museum of Fine Arts, the three Museums of Harvard College by the Curators of each, the Harvard College Library by its Librarian, Library of Congress, etc. Some of the lecturers have been Charles W. Eliot, Thomas W. Higginson, Edward Everett Hale, A. Lawrence Lowell, Dr. William Everett, and many of the leading Boston architects. The course of lectures being delivered this season includes among others, " Color in Dress," " Welfare Work for Birds," "Conquest of the Ocean," "The Canadian Rockies," "The Argentine Republic," "Muni- cipal Gymnasiums," " Great Emigration Ports," " The Cape Cod Canal," " IS'ew Zealand." The recently erected Branch buildings, at Jamaica Plain, North End, Charlestown and East Boston, are all provided with Lecture Halls, where occasional lectures are given ; at the North End a course of lectures in Italian, on the history and art of Italy, was recently given under the auspices of the local Dante Alighieri Society; in this Branch a course of seventeen [46] " Talks on Vocations," given in cooperation with the Placement Bureau by prominent educators of Boston, is in progress at present. PINES FOR DETENTION OF BOOKS. Books are issued for home use either for seven or fourteen days. In order to secure their return within that time a fine of two cents a day is imposed after the expiration of the time, to be paid by the card holder before any more books are issued upon the card. The approximate number of persons paying such fines during the year 1913 was 72,044, who paid an average per person of 8.4 cents, amounting in the aggregate to $6,099.81. This was all paid into the City Treasury, as required by law, although the work of collecting and accounting for it in such small amounts was not inconsiderable. SUPPLIES, REPAIRS AND CONTRACTS. 'No supplies are purchased or repairs made without vote of the Trustees. At each weekly meeting the Librarian submits a list of these which, upon examina- tion and revision, is voted by the Trustees, and then transmitted to the Library Auditor as authority foi* the purchase and repairs. All orders for such supplies or repairs are in writing, signed by the Librarian, and numbered to correspond with the stub record, upon which is minuted the date of the list authorized by the Trustees on which the item appears, and the number of the item on that list. Bills rendered are checked [47] up from the stub record, and the receipt of the goods or the completion of the repairs is certified by the head of the department to which the goods are deUvered, or in which the work is done, or if the receipt is for suppHes to be kept in stock their receipt is certified by the custodian of the stock room. The bill then goes to the Library Auditor, who certifies it as correctly fig- ured. It is then endorsed by the Librarian, presented to the Trustees, and its payment voted by them. A requisition is then drawn by the Library Auditor upon the City Auditor for the payment, which is signed by the President of the Trustees, and attested by the Clerk of the Corporation. Supplies are disbursed from the stock room only upon requisition by the head of each department for which any supply is needed, which must be approved by the Librarian, and is then honored by the custodian of the stock room, who keeps a record showing all purchases, from whom purchased, amount paid, dis- tribution by day, month and year to the several depart- ments of the Library, and at the end of each year makes a summary account showing under each depart- ment the amount and cost of the supplies furnished to it, itemized under the several articles. The originals of all contracts made are filed with the City Auditor, and a duplicate copy with the Library Auditor, and under the State law requiring it a copy of each contract is also deposited in the office of the City Clerk. [48] WAGES AND SALARIES. The employees in the Binding and Printing Depart- ment are paid union wages and work union hours. All other employees who are classed either as " laborers, workmen or mechanics " are employed at wages prevail- ing in those employments and at hours fixed by the State law applicable to cities which have accepted its provisions, as Boston has, at "■ not more than eight hours in any one calendar day, or more than forty-eight hours in any one week." The other employees of the Library, constituting the regular Library staff, to which I have before referred, are two hundred thirty-eight in number. These employees are paid salaries fixed by votes of the Trustees, and of these employees 69 are males and 169 are females. The average compensation of all these persons, including the Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Heads of Departments, is $715 a year, the average of all the males being $932 and of the females $626 a year. Excluding the Librarian, Assistant Librarian and nine other persons employed as Heads of Departments, the average salary paid to the remaining 227 persons is $637 a year. Of these 227 persons, 60 are males, who receive the average salary of $673 a year, and 167 are females, who receive the average salary of $621: a year. The Custodians of Branches, which are really libra- ries in themselves, are all women, and the highest salary paid to any one of them is $1,000 a year. [49] A vacation without loss of j^ay is allowed to each employee in the regular force of two clays in each month, or twenty-four days for each full year's service. One-half of this vacation is allowed to all other employees. Beyond this no person is paid while not actually on duty, except by special vote of the Trustees in an occasional case of extreme hardship from sickness. 'No person is added to the regular pay-roll, nor is the salary of any employee on the pay-roll increased, without a specific vote of the Trustees in the form of an order in each case, an attested copy of which is filed with the City Auditor. PUBLICITY OF THE LIBRARY WORK. The following regular reports and official statements are made relating to the administration of the Library : 1. A monthly report is made to the Mayor showing the receipts and expenditures for the current month. 2. A complete statement must be made to the Mayor, for printing in a report issued May 1st in each year, showing the name, residence, rate of salary or wage and the kind of work done by each employee. 3. An annual report is made by the Trustees to the Mayor, and with this are incorporated the reports of the Librarian and Library Auditor showing in detail the condition and operations of the Librai-y for the year, and also the report of the Examining Committee. This annual report is printed and publicly circulated, sent to the press and to other libraries. 4. The weekly pay-rolls are made in duplicate, [50] showing the name of each person employed, the char- acter of the service performed, the rate of salary or wage, and the amount payable to every such person for the week. These are prepared and signed by the Library Auditor, and aftei- the approval attested by signature of the Librarian, must be signed and sworn to by the President of the Trustees. Each set of rolls requires 19 large sheets. They are sent to the State Civil Service Commission, and their certification of approval affixed, after which one set is sent to the City Auditor as the warrant for the weekly payment of the employees, and the duplicate set is filed in the office of the State Commission. 5. Besides these regular reports and statements others are made from time to time as requested by the Mayor or other officials entitled to receive them. 6. The bulletins, weekly lists of books added to the Libi-ary, special finding-lists issued from time to time, and othei" libi-ary publications also give information as to the work of the Library. An Examining Committee is also annually appointed of citizens residing in different parts of the City to examine the Library and report upon its condition and operation as required by the City ordinance. Their report is required to be printed with the annual report of the Trustees to the City government, and is of much value in the working of the Library. Our most eminent citizens have been willing to serve on this important Committee. Among others may be men- tioned Phillips Brooks, William Byrne, Patrick A. [51] Collins, Samuel Eliot, Ileiiry L. Pierce, William H. Prescott, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Alexander H. Rice, Benjamin F. Thomas, George Ticknor, Carroll D. W>ight, Walbridge A. Field, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Robert Grant, Hasket Derby, Robert C. Winthrop, and Lucius Tuttle. LIBRARY REVENUE. Strictly speaking the Library as such has no revenue. It has only receipts which must be paid into the City Treasury as follows, viz., in 1913-14: From sale of Catalogues, etc $67.52 From pay telephone commission 227.10 Sale of waste paper 94.88 Money found 14.64 Fines for detention of books 6,099.81 Substantially all the money which the Trustees can use for the maintenance and working of the library system comes from the annual appropriation by the City Council. The income from Trust funds, that is, property given to the Trustees in trust for the uses of the Library, amounts to about $17,500 a yeai-. These funds are by law required to be invested by the City Treasurer under the direction of the Finance Com- mittee of the City, and are invested in bonds of the City, which makes the income from them small. January 1, 1914, $466,917 of these Trust funds was invested in City bonds. Of this $10,500 bore three per cent interest; $202,800 three and a half })er cent; OF THE UNIVERSITY [52] $253,450 four per cent. The income received from them annually is $17,551. This income can only be used for the specific purposes of the several trusts under which it is held, which vary widely. Some are for the purchase of books for a separate branch; some for the addition of books to special collections, such as books on govern- ment and political economy, books in the Spanish and Portuguese languages, valuable rare editions of books, books of a mihtary and patriotic character, books in memory of specific persons, and in one case only for books published before 1850. The appropriations by the City Council are made upon detailed estimates annually submitted by the Trustees to the Mayor, showing what they think will be required for the work of the Library during the next financial year. These estimates are made in detail, and show in parallel columns the amount expended in the previous year for each item of expense, as for instance, fuel, postage, salaries, printing, supplies, etc., and the amount estimated to be required for the same item the next year, with a specific note of the increase or decrease in each item. These estimates are transmitted to the City Council by the Mayor with his statement of the total amount he recommends should be appro- priated, and the City Council then appropriate a total amount which the Trustees are to spend upon the Library for the next year. The Trustees have no control over the amount of money which is to be made available to them for the work of the Library. They must maintain and work [53] the Library as well as they can upon the amount which the City Council appropiiate. During the i)ast ten years the estimates of the Trustees, the recommenda- tions by the Mayor, and the amounts appropriated by the City Council have been as follows : 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 Estimates OP Trustees. $320,414.00 325,466.00 324,550.00 326,100.00 332,800.00 335,200.00 351,978.00 359,497.00 374,665.00 391.996.00 Amounts Recommended BY Mayor. $300,000.00 310,000.00 320,000.00 325,000.00 325,000.00 335,200.00 351,978.00 355,200.00 367,165.00 380,000.00 Amounts Appropriated BT City Council. $305,000.00 310,000.00 324,550.00 325,000.00 310,000.00 349,455.00 351,978.00 355,200.00 367,165.00 380,000.00 The appropriations for these ten years have averaged |6,431 less than the estimates of the Board. In 1906 and 1910 the appropriations equalled the estimates, but in 1913 the appropriation was $11,996 less than the estimate. This is not said by way of complaint, because I am aware of the limitations which necessarily govern the Council in making appropriations for maintenance. It is only stated to dispel the illusion which many per- [54] sons seem to have that the Trustees have only to ask for money to get it. The percentage of increase in these appropriations during these years has been about the same as the percentage of increase in the population of the city during that time. But although the service of the Library has been extended in various directions for the public convenience the Trustees have not been able to spend more than the amount annually appropriated for it, nor have they received by transfer, or otherwise, anything from the city treasury in addition to the amount of the appropriation in each year. The principal increase in the expense of the adminis- tration of the Library since 1904 has been caused by the establishment of Reading Rooms and delivery stations, now in every case transformed into Reading Rooms, in different parts of the city, by means of which the people in outlying districts have the collections of the Central Library brought near to them, and may receive books therefrom, without the necessity of coming to the Central Library Building in Copley square. The work of the Branches and Reading Rooms, including important work with the schools of the city, is of very great benefit to the various parts of the city in which they are located, and promotes the convenience of the public by extending their use of the Library. The payments made from the city appropriations for the expenses of the Central Library, including the printing and binding departments, increased from 1904 to 1914 less than two per cent, while the payments from [55] the same source for the expenses of Branches and Reading Rooms increased about twenty-five per cent. COMPARATIVE EXPENSES FOR MAINTENANCE. Boston expends annually for free public libraries $45.83 as against $54.17 expended in all the other 32 cities in the Commonwealth combined, that is to say, with a population of only 41 5/10 per cent of the popu- lation in the other 32 cities combined, Boston spends annually for public library purposes 84 6/10 per cent of the entire aggregate ex2)ense of all the other 32 cities for similar purposes. Or, stated in another form, with a population four-tenths as large as the combined popu- lation of the other 32 cities combined Boston expends for public library maintenance more than eight-tenths as much as the other 32 cities combined. Boston expends annually for public library purposes about 56 cents per capita of all its population; Avhile the other 32 cities expend only 27 1/2 cents per capita for their entire combined population. The expense for public library purposes in the towns of the Commonwealth is not reported so as to be avail- able for comparison, but if such expense corresponds with the value of the property put to public library uses in the towns, which may perhaps be fairly assumed, it would appear that Boston, with less than 20 per cent of the aggregate population of all the other cities and towns in the Commonwealth, expends for public library purposes about 71 per cent of the expense for similar purposes by all the other cities and towns. [56] In this connection it may be noted that Boston spends annually for all municipal purposes $26.69 per capita of its population, while the other 32 cities together expend annually for similar purposes only f 1.3.97 per capita of their combined population. The average annual expense per capita for municipal pur- poses of all the cities including Boston is $17.70, vary- ing from $9.58 in Chicopee to $26.69 in Boston. If it is asked why the working of the Boston Public Library should be so much more expensive than the working of the libraries of other cities in Massa- chusetts the answer is obvious. First, because the Boston Public Library is much larger and is worked to a greater degree of efficiency than the other libraries. It has more to do with and it does more with what it has than the other libraries. It does more things to cause books and other library material to be conveniently and extensively used, and it works over a very much larger area and with more diiferent instrumentalities than the other libraries. Second, because it is the only great free library for all the people of Massachusetts. The Common- wealth gave the City of Boston a considerable portion of the land upon which the Central Library building stands upon condition that the building erected thereon, and its contents, should at all times be free to the use of all citizens of the Commonwealth. The land thus given to the city for this purpose is now worth about $1,000,000 as land. The Library is also the only free scholars' library in Massachusetts, that is to say, it is [57J the only free library where scholars can conduct scholarly research. It is situated at the center of a district containing at least a million and a half people who can by modern means of communication go to the Library and return to their homes each day, and many of them do so. The citizen of Lowell or of Taunton, or of any other place within no greater distance from Boston, who wishes to use a library in the preparation of a book, or in some matter of scholarly research, would not go to his local library because he would know that while he might find there some of the material required, he would not find sufficient for his purpose, and therefore he would go to the Boston Public Library, where he would find a larger amount of material than could possibly be given by any other free library in the Commonwealth. The result, therefore, is to throw upon the tax- payers of Boston not only the expense of working the books and material of its own library for the benefit of its own citizens, but also the expense of working much of its books and library material for the benefit of all the citizens of the Commonwealth who desire to use it. Every municipality within fifty miles of Boston governs its own library expenditures for buildings, books and maintenance by this fact. It knows that, as its people who require the most expensive books, the most valu- able library material for their use, will find them in the Boston Public Library, therefore it does not need to provide them itself. To illustrate, — the town of Brookline, with ample [58] means to build an expensive library building, did, as I am told, reduce the cost of the building to be erected to a much less sum than was originally proposed, because it was said that every inhabitant of Brookhne could go and come from the Boston Public Library and use that. It is also true that the expense of working a large library system over a large area is proportionately greater than the expense of working a small library. One peculiarity of the working of a library system is that the expense and waste of the worling increases disproportionately to the additiotis which are made to the collection. A library system is like a telephone system, where each additional subscriber dispropor- tionately increases the cost of working the whole system. The expense and waste of efficiently working a collection of a million books is more than ten times as great as the expense and waste of working one hundred thousand books, because each book is worked in connection with every other. As it is true that the Public Library system is of value only as it is used, and that to produce the utmost value from its use it should be used to the limit of its capacity, so it is equally true that the increasing use of it produces a disproportionately greater increase in the expense and waste of working. Books that are transported frequently and over a large area of use wear out proportionately faster than they would if they were transported less frequently and over a smaller area. [59] Again, books for genei-al use wear out very rapidly. Volumes that are purchased at an average cost of $1.02, which, as I have said, is the average price paid for books bought with appropriations by the City Council, are not only books which wear out because they are in constant use, but they are necessarily of such paper, typography, and binding as to wear out rapidly by use. The cost of replacing such books, either with new books of the same kind or with new editions or other books upon the same subject, is veiy great, and causes a great and constantly increasing expense. PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The primary purpose of a free public library, sup- ported by taxation, is to give the use of good books and other educational library material to persons who might not otherwise enjoy such use. But it is also of great public importance that a library should within the means at its command afford opportunity for study and research by scholars and students. In doing this our Library supplements the work of our public schools and of the university. It places the highest special knowledge at the service of all our citizens without charge and without unnecessary detail or formality. It touches the elementary and common need, and begins with the child who has just learned to read and aids him in the common school. To most of the graduates of our grammar schools who pass at once into active life, the Library stands in place of the high school, the [60] academy and the college, and it is to them a university. In the aggregate of all its services, the Boston Public Library should be and I believe is in itself a system of education for all and free to all. The distinguishing characteristic of the education given by a public library is that it is not imposed upon the person who has it. The education of the schools is to a greater or less extent imposed upon those vv^ho receive it, and it is necessarily general in its character, without regard, to any great extent, to the individual needs of the persons who receive it. The schools must educate persons in classes and upon general lines of knowledge. The Library, however, educates only in response to individual wants and demands. Everything that is done by it is done in response to requests from individuals who ask for that which they each want most. Every one of the one million six hundred and fifty thousand volumes issued by the Boston Public Library in a year for direct home use is issued because some particular person wants that book. Every book consulted in the Central Library or its Branches or Reading Rooms, every newspaper con- sulted, every manuscript, every picture furnished for use is furnished because some particular person asked for it, presumably because he needed it. It is obvious that education of this kind is likely to be more effective in the development of individuals along the lines of which they are each capable than any system of education which deals with individuals in classes, and imposes upon them certain required courses of study and investigation. [61] One of the most interesting things about the Boston Pubhc Library is the extent to which it has been created, developed, and worked by voluntary and unpaid service. jN^one of its Trustees has ever received any compensation, a large part of its collections have been given to it, while nearly five hundred citizens have served from time to time upon its important Examining Committee, many of whom have given much time and performed excellent service in that capacity. I am sure there is no similar institution anywhere which has been promoted and developed by more unselfish, con- stant, and effective civic efibrt. The City government representing the taxpayers has also been liberal in its appropriations for the support of the Library. In its appropriation for the erection of the Central Library building Boston has been munificent beyond any other American city. All this has been, I believe, because the Library has been a library for the people, free to all, for the intelli- gent education of all. It was the original design of the wise, sagacious, and public-spirited citizens who promoted the foundation of this great Public Library that it should be a means of education for all. Such has been the course of its development up to this time, and such, I believe, should be its future development. Of course, this means con- stantly increasing appropriations of money by the tax- payers. In my judgment the proper maintenance and working of the Library system as it is now maintained and worked as a means of popular education, for which [62] taxation can be well justified, now requires an annual appropriation of not less than $450,000. Without this, the Library system will fail to be efficiently worked to its capacity for the education of our people, and its usefulness will surely decrease. The Library cannot simply mark time. It must either march forward, or fall behind in its work. I know the sum I have named is a large sum of money, but it is only two one-hundredths of one per cent of the tax valuation of the City and only one and fifty-eight one-hundredths per cent of the annual tax appropriation. I believe it will be well spent in aiding to produce that intelligence of our people upon which security of person and property in a free state must ultimately depend. Cities and states are not made great by economy, but rather by judicious and even lavish expenditure for proper public purposes. It is true in civil as in personal affairs that " There is that scattereth and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty." No money spent for the education of the people, whose intelligence is the only basis of good government, is ever wasted. Property in a civilized state is only a creation of the law of the state. Our title to our houses and lands, to the goods and wares in our shops and stores, to the stocks, bonds, and other obligations which we call investments, depends solely upon the law which secures us in the enjoyment of them and permits us to trans- mit them to our children and others by will. [63] This law i-ests either upon that inteUigenee which creates just laws and causes them to be willingly obeyed, or upon force, which compels them to be obeyed. Security of property, therefore, depends upon education or upon force, and I believe that free public libraries worked for the education of the people are better safeguards of the rights of person and property than policemen and battalions. INDEX. Adams library. See John Adams li- brary. Alden, John, 7. Allen A. Brown Dramatic library, 32. Allen A. Brown Music library, 32, 35. Americana, Prince collection of. See Prince library. Appropriations by City Council for Library maintenance, 51-54; for Central Library building, 61 ; con- stantly increasing appropriations necessary for efficient working of the Library, 61-63. Auditor, City, 47, 49, 50. Auditor, Library, 11, 46, 47, 49, 50. Barton, Cora Livingston, her gener- osity in matter of Barton library, 32. Barton library, 32, 35. Bates Hall Reading Room, 19 ; use of, 20, 21. Bindery, 6. Bonds owned by Library, 51. Books, number of, in Library, 5. Boston Town House, circulating pub- lic library in, 1. Boston Public Library, establishment of, 1 ; size and expense of, first year compared with present, 1, 2 ; administration of, 2 ; Trustees, appointment, powers, and duties of, 2; real estate held by, 3; extent of floor area, 3 ; Central Library building an architectural monument, 3 ; its decorations and works of art, 3, 4, 6 ; machinery and appliances, 4 ; seating capac- ity, 4 ; lecture room, 4 ; heating and lighting, 4 ; general care of building, 4, 5 ; books, manuscripts, etc., owned by the Library, 5; Branches, 5; catalogues, 5, 6; printing office and bindery, 6 ; newspapers and periodicals taken, 6 ; value of property, 6, 7, 8 ; gifts, 6, 7 ; special collections, 7, 17, 32 ; value of library property in Boston as compared with other cities of the state, 8, 9 ; current additions to the Library, 9 ; current ex- penses, 9 ; method of purchasing books, 10 ; general remarks on working of the Library, 11 ; cata- loguing, 12-16; shelving, 16, 17; the Library staff, 17 ; Sunday and evening service, 17, 18 ; grades, 18; working hours, 18, 19; depart- ments, 19, 20; circulation, 20, 21; Central Library and Branches worked as a unit, 21, 22 ; coopera- tion with schools, etc., 22-26 ; help given to individual readers, 2G ; inquiries received, 26-30; service to scholarship, 30-34; importance of special libraries, 35 ; News- paper Room, endowment, equip- ment, and use of, 36, 37 ; inter- library loans, 38, 39; Children's Department, 39-42 ; story-telling for children, 42 ; exhibitions of books, pictures, etc., 42-44; lec- tures, 44-46; fines, 46; supplies, repairs and contracts, 46, 47 ; wages and salaries, 48 ; vacations. [65] [ 49; reports, official statements, etc., 49, 50; pay-rolls, 49, 50; bulletins, finding-lists and other publications, 50; Examining Com- mittee, 60, 51; revenue and ap- propriations, 51-55 ; comparative expenses of maintenance, 55-59 ; purpose of the Library, 59-61 ; appeal for larger appropriation, 61-63. Bowditch, Dr. Nathaniel, gift of math- ematical library from, 32. Bowditch library, 32. Bradford, Gov. William, autograph manuscript of , in Chamberlain col- lection, 7 ; exhibition occasioned by recovery of his manuscript history of Plymouth Colony, 43. Branch Department, 20. Branches and Reading Rooms, 11 ; equipment of, 5, 6; "extra" ser- vice in, 18 ; working hours in, 18, 19 ; circulation through, 20, 21-24; unity of, with Central Library, 21, 22; lists of inquiries received at, 26-28 ; periodicals taken at, 37, 38 ; children's depart- ments in, 40, 41 ; story-telling provided, 42 ; exhibitions of pic- tures held, 44 ; lecture halls in recently erected Branch buildings, 46 ; salary of Custodians, 48 ; expense of maintaining, 54, 55. British Museum Catalogue, 12 (note). Broadway Extension Reading Room, inquiries received at, 28. Brookline Public Library, 57, 58. Brooks, Phillips, member of Examin- ing Committee, 50. Brown Dramatic library. See Allen A. Brown Dramatic library. Brown Music library. See Allen A. Brown Music library. Bulletins, finding-lists, etc., 50. Byrne, William, member of Examin- ing Committee, 60. 66] Cards, issuance of books by, 22. Catalogue Department, work of, 11, 14, 15, 16; organization of, 19, Catalogues, 5, 6; importance of, 12, 14 ; card catalogue used, 12 ; prin- ciples of its construction, 12, 13, 15; size of catalogue, 15. Central Library building, Copley Square, an architectural monu- ment, 3 ; its decorations and works of art, 3, 4, 6 ; machinery and appliances, care of, etc., 4, 5; date of opening, 39. Chamberlain manuscript collection, 7, 33. Charging system, by cards, 22. Children's Department, 19 ; origin of, 39, 40 ; equipment of, 40, 41 ; intro- duction of Children's Rooms in Branches, 40, 41; inquiries re- ceived, 41, 42; story-telling, 42. Circulation, 20, 21, 24, 34. City Auditor. See Auditor, City. City government. Trustees report to, 50; liberality of, 61. City Treasurer, Library funds invested by, 51. City Clerk, copies of Library contracts deposited with, 47. City Council, appropriations of, for maintenance of Library. See Appropriations. Civil Service Commission of Massa- chusetts, Trustees approved by, 2 ; pay-rolls certified by, 50. Classification, 13, 14. Collins, Patrick, member of Examining Committee, 50, 51. Contracts, filing of, 47. Conventioni, exhibitions in honor of, 43, 44. Curtis, Edward S., his work on North American Indians, 9, 10. Custodians of Branches, 48. [67] Dante Alighieri Society, lectures un- der auspices of, at North End Branch, 45. Delivery stations, 54. Department of Patents, 16, 19 ; in- crease in use of, 35, 36. Department of Statistics and Docu- ments, 19; use of, 35. Departments, organization of, 19. Derby, Basket, member of Examining Committee, 51. Dramatic library. See Allen A. Brown Dramatic library. Education greatly promoted by li- braries, 59-63. Eliot, Samuel, member of Examining Committee, 51. Endowment. See Trust funds. Engine houses, library service at, 23. Estimates of appropriations needed, 52, 53. Examining Committee, 49; extract from report of, relating to cata- loguing, 15, 16 ; appointment and work of, 50 ; citizens who have served on, 50, 51, 61. Executive Department, 19. Exhibitions of books, pictures, etc., 42-44 ; historical exhibits, 43. Expense of maintenance, 53, 54 ; causes of increase, 54, 58, 59; compari- son with other cities of the State, 55-58. Express service, use of. See Trans- portation. Field, Walbridge A., member of Ex- amining Committee, 51. Finance Committee, approves invest- ment of Library funds, 51. Fine Arts Department, use of, 35 ; exhibitions in, 43. Fines, system and amount of, 46, 51. Foreigners, their use of the Periodical Room, 37. Funds. See Trust funds. Grant, Robert, member of Examining Committee, 51. Gratuitous service of Trustees and others, to Library, 61. Grimani Breviary, 9. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, member of Examining Committee, 51. Income of the Library : from trust funds, 51, 52; annual appropria- tions by City Council, 51-54. Inquiries of readers, received at Cen- tral Library and Branches, 26-30, 38, 41, 42. Institutions, library service at, 23. Inter-library loans, 38, 39. Issue Department, 19. John Adams library, 32. Labor laws, as affecting library work, 22, 48. Lantern slides owned by Library, 5. Law, state, relating to Boston Public Library, 2. Lecture halls in new Branch buildings, 45. Lectures, purpose and subjects of, 45; noted lecturers who have spoken, 45. Librarian, 19, 46, 47, 49 ; appointed by Trustees, 2. Loans to the Library, for exhibition, 43. Manuscripts in the Library, 5. Maps, 5. Massachusetts, contributes part of land occupied by Central Library, 56 ; its citizens have free use of Library, 5G, 57. Mathematical and astronomical library. See Bowditch library. Mayor, reports of Library work made to, 49 ; appropriations recom- mended by, 52, 53. Mayflower, ship, 7. Music library. See Allen A. Brown Music library. [68] Newspaper Room, 19 ; endowed by William C. Todd, 36 ; equipment, use and care of, 36, 37. North American Indians, E. S. Cur- tis's work on, 9, 10. Old State House, attempts to maintain library in, 1. Open shelves, use of, 16, 34. Ordering I3epartment, 19 ; work of, 10, 11. Parker library, 7, 32. Patent Room. See Department of Patents. Pay-rolls, 49, 50. Periodical Room, 19 ; equipment and use of, 37, 38. Photographs, engravings, etc., 5 ; loans of, to schools, 23, 24; use of, in class and exhibition work in the Library, 35. Pierce, Henry L., member of Examin- ing Committee, 51. Placement Bureau, cooperates with North End Branch in giving Talks on Vocations, 45, 46. Portuguese and Spanish library. See Ticknor library. Prescott, William H., member of Ex- amining Committee, 51. Prince, Rev. Thomas, his library de- posited in Boston Public Library, 32. Prince library, 7, 32. Printing Department, 6, 14. Proof reading, 14. Ptolemy's Cosmography, 9. Public library, first in America, 1. Public Scliools. See Schools. Questions. See Inquiries. Reading Rooms. See Branches and Reading Rooms. Real estate of the Library, 3. Registration Department, 19. Repairs, routine of authorization, 46, 47. Reports and official statements, 49. Revenue. See Income. Rice, Alexander H., member of Exam- ining Committee, 51. Salaries of Library employees, 21, 48. Scholarship, service of the Library to, 30-34, 35, 56, 57. Schools, cooperation of Library with, 22-26. Service, gratuitous. See Gratuitous service. Shakespeareana, collection of. See Barton library. Shelf Department, 19 ; work of, in numbering and preparing books for the shelves, 13, 14; shelf-list- ing and verifying lists, 16. Spanish and Portuguese library. See Ticknor library. Special Libraries, 7, 17, 19, 32, 35. Staff, size of, 17 ; extra force for Sun- day and evening service, 17, 18 ; grades of service, 18. Standish, Miles, 7. State Prison, Charlestown, library ser- vice at, 25. Statistical Department. See Depart- ment of Statistics and Documents. Story-telling, in Children's Room, 42. Students, use of Librarv by, 31, 32, 35, 38. Study clubs. Library lends pictures to, 25. Supervisor of Brandies and Reading Rooms, 20. Supplies, purchase and distribution of, 46, 47. Thayer library, 32. Theodore Parker library. See Parker library. Thomas, Benjamin F., member of Examining Committee, 51. Ticknor, George, member of Examin- ing Committee, 51. Ticknor library, 32, 35. Time-book, 20. [ Todd, William C, endows Newspaper Room, 36. Town House, Boston. See Boston Town House. Transportation of books between Cen- tral Library and Branches, 22. Treasurer, City. See City Treasurer. Trust funds, 9; income from, 51, 52. Trustees, appointment, powers, and duties of, 2, 10, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52; service given without compensa- tion, 61. Tuttle, Lucius, member of Examining Committee, 51. 69] Union laborers, 48. Vacations, 49. Vocations, talks on, at North End Branch, 45, 46. Wages. See Salaries. Wagons, daily service by, to Branches. See Transportation. Wear and tear of books, 58, 59. Wright, Carroll D., member of Ex- amining Committee, 51. Winthrop, Robert C, member of Ex- amining Committee, 51. Working hours, 18, 22. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LIBRiU-;v bCiiUUL L. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR 17 1964 jAP. 7 - 1968 D^C 3 - 1969 ')EC19'69-5PM RECO UD ir0T BfX JUN lo JUN iZ I Pdic^ l^^3> LD 21-50n!-4,'63 (D6471sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley RETURN TO the circulation desk ot any RET University of California Library TO or to the LO/ NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station -^ — University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renev\/ed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. 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