/4^- JiLh. t^^^Mm^^ ^n m- ^'^m^^1t< OA. X j* t t 400 n .^^ English hard th. as t 500 4 jli- Tha v£j vi^ X i- in thing J, 1 \ orig. g hard ; later ^ Aji,^>^ Jim E t ^ fi*. j V gin Italian ^iorwo; || J English j V g 3 a ) strong h with fric- b 8 6 gll Hha c t :SV. ^ > tion of larynx as if n J wheezing h 600 7 glXKha ^ t t ^!l ^ ch in Scotch loch d 4 "I 8 J|5 Dal t> t\ — d d 700 9 : JlS Dhal (> tX. — — soft th, as in this r 200 n 10 l^lj Zai ) 7 > r 11 — — Z as in zeal; soft s as in rose z 7 T 12 \^j^*^ Sin (J* LT MJ. AM hard S 1 s 60 D 13 l^jc^ Sin u LT ^ jsh s 300 tJ * The termination o i. e. un (see § 3 b) is neglected in the translitera- tion, as in the modern Arabic pronunciation. TABLE OF CHARACTERS. Names Form Value g? bo OS '^ S JCi Fath) JL for a (in certain cases to be pronounced like e in men, also like German a in Manner), e. g. jJcS katala^ Jli kdla. 2) slwy^Kesra (also IsI^Kesr) ^for ?, e. g. vJa-*9-^ gadiba, «juo yabfu. 3) jC-*S Damma (also I^ Damm) _i_ for xi^ e. g. v^^^jcXj yakiubu\ ^:y«-ftj yafutu. h. When these signs for the short vowels are written 1 Many books, particularly those printed in the East, are printed without these vowel signs. 2 The terminations « ^-, 8— are here represented in the trans- literation by a, as in modern Arabic. 4. HAMZA. twice at the end of a word, they are to be pronounced with a final n (called by the Arabs j^.j^o Tanwin, by us frequently Nunation, from the letter nun), e. g. (j*fc4«Cw samsin, Jl^^ ragulun. The Nunation an receives as an additional indication the letter I, but the pro- nunciation remains unaffected, e. g. ^iLo malan. This I is omitted only when the Nunation accompanies the feminine termination 5 (see above § 1 2>), e. g. XjJyo markuljatan ^ or in cases where the word already has a final |, or in its place a ^ quiescing in «, e. g. G^ / riban, ^jjo hudan (§ 2 is placed under the |, when followed by an /-sound. Examples yoj ^amrun^ Jo! Hhilun, 4^\ ^umamun\ jUw sa'ala^ ju-L ra'-sim; Iwb'l ik-ra\ In the last two exam- ples Hamza closes the syllable. Before or after an i- or w-sound, the signs . and ^ are generally employed instead of | as the bearers of the Hamza, in which tarahhulun. This doubling of a consonant is either due — as in the examples just given — to the essential nature of the form, nominal or verbal (as for example the verbal forms corresponding to the Hebrew Ptel § 19), or is the result of assimilation. When one consonant is assimilated to another, the h. assimilation is further graphically represented by the removal of the Sukun from the assimilated consonant. This applies to the / of the article J I, when the latter precedes one of the following consonants: ^:y, vi^, t>, '^' )'> y LT' U*"' u^' U^' ^' ^' J' ij (^^^^^ ^^» dentals, sibilants and r, /, n). Examples: Is^LJ I attdgiru^ ^^^\ attalgu^ (jjw^mxJI assamsu, (the sun), but ^iiUI alkamaru (the moon). From the fact that the two last examples 12 6, WASLA. are stereotyped those consonants that may be assimi- lated are technically called solar letters, those that do not admit of assimilation, lunar letters. Note a. The word &)[ Hldhun, God, when joined to the article drops the first syllable and becomes &U I (§ 2 b) alldhu. Note b. The words ^ min, Ijs. 'an, ^] 'an (and ^| 'w), when followed by a few words beginning with * w or J ^ are usually combined with them into one word, the final ^^ n being at the same time assimilated to the following consonant, e. g. l*-o mimmd from U ^ min ma, V I 'alia from V ^I ^an Id. 6. Wasla '^. A. word beginning with two consonants receives in Arabic either a full helping-vowel prece- ded by Hamza in accordance with § 4« (e. g. ^ Jc^i I Plato), or merely a vowel which is heard only when the word is standing alone., but which must be given up when the word in question comes to stand after another word in the sentence. Thus in the latter case we find Jj^'t uktul instead of Jjo ktul. The I which is prefixed in this and similar cases is, however, still written although the.helping vowel accompanying it is given up, and it then receives over it the sign a o-o aULoT wasla e. g. >->vZJI \::/J^ hintulrvaziri. The two words thus united together are also to be pronounced as if they formed a single word. Such an Alif Waslatum or Wasla-bearing Alif is called a connective Alif in 6. WASLA. 13 contradistinction to a disjunctive Alif, that is, an Alif hamzatum or Hamza-bearing Alif (cf. § 4). Note. The sign ■* is a modification of jo; wasla or sila deno- tes "close connection". When a connective Alif has to be employed at h. the beginning of a sentence, a full vowel must be • pronounced, but, as written, only the proper vowel sign may accompany the Alif, never a Hamza. Thus we have J«»wJ! arrasidu, ^yi^\ uhrug but -,-yi*'! JU pronounce kalahrug. In the last example the division of the syllables c. is now kd'lah-rug , If the vowel preceding a connec- tive Alif is long, it must now be pronounced as a short vowel, since it stands in a shut syllable (see § 8). Thus viJUliJI ^^, properly fi-lfulki^ has now the following syllables fil-ful-ki] so too aJUl ^^n rida-llahi (§ 2 rf) = ri-dal'ld-hi^ v;^ I t^<> (§ 2 e) da-ta-hul-iwazza. If the word before a connective Alif ends in a d. consonant which has no vowel of its own, the conso- nant receives a helping-vowel. The most natural vowel in such a case is e, e. g. jJjLI I oowo dardbati- ra&^« (for oowo); so JLjLLwI istikhdlun with the ar- tide J I: JLlftAAw^l alistikbdlu, in syllables thus: «-/w- tik-ld-hi. In certain cases original final vowels that 14 6. WASLA. have been dropped reappear before the connec- tive Alif, e. g. ^^yi\j3\ *.fl> hu-mul-kd-fi-ru-na. The first word is otherwise uniformly *jd hum (§ \2a). — The Nunation (§ 3 h) is also treated as if it ended in a consonant; the favourite vowel in this case is ?, e. g. iLMwl Jc^s pronounced as if written x^^j j^JL^> r«^w- lunismuhu, in syllables: ra-gu-lu-nis-mu-hu. Note, Before a connective alif the preposition ^c "away from" becomes ^JC, the preposition ^-o, "from" becomes ^ja, but before the article qa. e. The same rule applies to a word ending in a so- called diphthong (cf. § 2) ; the consonant (. or ^) forming the second part of the diphthong must receive a helping vowel before a connective Alif, which vowel is u or I according as the consonant in question is . or ^. Thus we have aJLJI JihSajo mus-ta-fa-ivul-ld-hi in place of xJLJI ysdij^, sJuJI J^zs^srig-Ia-yil-ba-ka-ra- ^« for 5 Juj I J^ V (So, too, with the termination L_:L NoTE. The particles ^I "or" and ^' "would that!" take i as helping vowel. /. The connective Alif is altogether omitted in the following cases: 7. MEDDA. 15 1) In the article J|, when it receives as prefixes the particles J^ li or J /«; e. g. |S..^vJU, lil-hak-ki for ;3^3J!^, tXsc^JU lal-mag-du for tX^xJ^. Q O 2) In ^1 son, in apposition to the proper name of the son and followed in the genitive by the name of the father; e. g. JuJlll ^ *JLLo mus-li-mub-nul' rva-U-di Muslim, the son of al-Walid. At the beginn- ing of a line, however^ even in this case we must write S o 3) In the word ^^^\ ismun, name, after the prepo- sition lo bi in the oft recurring formula aJU! *-wkO bis- mil-ld-hi^ in the name of God. Medda. Inasmuch as the Arabic orthography 7. cannot tolerate two Alifs side by side, in such a case ^' only a single Alif is written, over which is placed a G C5 ^ -_ idJo Medda or Medd, (a sign derived from Joo). At the beginning of a word or syllable the Medda carries with it the force of a Hamza; the vowel sign Fath is then also dropped, e. g. J^l 'd-ki-lun for J^t |, ^\js kur-d- nun for ^llo; so ^\ 'd-ma-na for ^jct I, since the Hamza of the second Alif disappears as explained § 38«. 16 8. THE SYLLABLE. Note. ^I^ ra'a may be taken as an example of the rule just given. With suffixes it ought to appear, according to § 2^, as 811^, which, however, is written 81^ in syllables ra-a-lm. b. Since a ^ after a long a |I__ is written on the line (§ 4c) without receiving an Alif as bearer, the | pre- ceding the Hamza in such cases likewise receives Medda, as a rule, although the latter has no effect on the pronunciation of the word, e. g. ^\^ gd-a (for ILi.), SJ^tXjiS ta-fd-a-lu] and the same where • or ^ appears as the bearer of Hamza 5. UL^I a-Mb-ba-u- hu, Jo Li' kd'i-lun. Note. Arabic orthography has also an objection to two Waws appearing side by side, if the first has a Damma (even though the first may be only the bearer of a Hamza, as expained in § 4 c). Thus ^;«*55) tu usun is often written j-5). 8. The Syllable. An open syllable ends in a vowel short or long; a shut syllable ends in a consonant. Every syllable begins with a single consonant, not with two or more (cf. § 6). A short syllable consists of a consonant with a short vowel, as in the second syllable of c^lJo md-td (with two open syllables); a long syllable consists either 1) of a consonant with a long vowel, like the open syllable md in the above example, or 2) of a consonant, a short vowel and a con- sonant (shut syllable) e. g. both the syllables of 9. THE TONE. 17 J^x5 kat-lun (so too v^y^ mau-tun § 2«) j^w sar-ran^ or 3) of a shut syllable with a long vowel. This last variety, however, is only found (exclusive of pausal effects § 10) when the following consonant has been doubled (§ 5) and is preceded by a long «, as in jblo dab-da-tun (rarely after ai as in RajIJ du-rvaib-ba-tun which is derived according to § 66 from ddbbatu?i). Such a syllable may be described as doubly long. Other syllables of this sort are shortened as Jjb ijakul from JjJb yakul\ o».x)^ ramat from ^:i>Uoj ramdt. Note. A word consisting of but one short syllable, if it stands alone, either receives an addition at the end (see §49a6), or is joined to the following word. The latter method is adopted in a series of particles (see § 94), which notwithstanding the connec- tion are still regarded as more or less independent words. The principal stress, however, rests on the words with which the par- ticles are connected. The Accent or Tone. The accent in Arabic is thrown 9. backwards towards the beginning of the word till it meets a long syllable, or if there is no such syllable, till it reaches the first syllable of the word. A simple long syllable at the end of a word, however, does not receive the accent. Examples of words with a final short syllable: C>^Li daraba^ •SjXjmS istdnkara\ with a final long syllable: Ujc^-^J tamdmtumd, 4>^ fdrdun, xXJUjo mdmlakatun, IjJwo ddrabu, sjj lidatun. Socin, Arabic Grammar.* 2 18 10. PAUSE. 11. NUMERICAL SIGNS. ABBREVIATIONS. Exceptions: A syllable with a connective Alif (§ 6), "jo' as in Joi'l (see § 6«), cannot receive the accent; the pronunciation is therefore uktiiJ. In the same way monosyllabic inseparable particles, like : and ^ (cf. § 94), prefixed to words, do not affect the accentuation of the latter ; e. g. ^-coii famdsa. 10, In pause final short vowels are dropped. Also the Nunation un and in\ the Nunation an is changed to a, the feminine termination k " to 5^ (with the h sounded): thus ^oJsb ndzilun for (OjJsLj ndziluna\ Jls..^ ragul for Jkir ragulun\ IJliw.jo marhaM for Lla.*^ marlial)an\ }s,^\S Fdtimah for H-ilbLi- 11. Numerical Signs and Abbreviations. The usual Arabic cyphers are the following: ♦, t, t', t", 1^, e, % V, A, ^ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The tens, hundreds &c., are written to the left of the units &c. as H 19, tA^d 1895. The following are a few of the most frequently occurring abbreviations : ^ = *!^LIlJI xjJLi V/to'^/-55«/<2mw Peace be upon him ! *.*JLo = aJLwI itJJLc aJU! Jlo salla-lldhu ^alaihi wasallama God bless him and give him peace (said of Mohammed). 12. THE PEOXOUN. 19 n. ETYIMOLOGY (§§ 12—96). Chapter I. The Pronoun. (§§ 12—15.) The personal pronouns are either independent or 12 suffixed. The independent or separate personal pro- ^' nouns have the following forms: I. Pers. 11. Pers. \ III. Pers. XoTE 1. The second syllable of the pronoun of the first pers. singular, although written with I, is short. — The forms in pa- rentheses (2^^ and Z^^ pers. plural) are used particularly before Wasla (§ 6d); these final vowels are originally long. Note 2. When joined to 3 and i»3 (see § 95) the pronouns of the 3^^ pers. sing, may lose their first vowel e. g. 5^3' \J^' The suffixed personal pronouns^ which joined to a h. noun indicate the genitive, joined to a verb, the ac- cusative, are the following: Sing. Plur. Dua masc. ,::»S| fern, oi 1 30^ i''A\ "'A U^l masc. ye fem. Ip (^)^} ^ Ui 20 12. THE PRONOUN. Sing. Plur. I. Pers. [ with nouns ;^-j- 1 with verbs ^ — Q II. Pers. masc. — fem. — III. Pers. f masc. 8 — fem. be — Dual IJ- Ui Before a connective Alif (§ 6 d) the suffix pron. of the 1. pers. singular may receive as helping-vowel the a which belonged to it originally; thus we may write CjUXJI (c^Ua^^t oi' i-jUjOI ^lii£:|. After 6f, F and ai the nominal suffix of the 1. pers. sing, has the form ^ ya. Occasionally (in the Kur'an particularly) the suffix of the 1. pers. sing, is indicated by a simple i, of which the sign is Kesr , as Cj^ my lord! In the same way the corresponding verbal suffix may be only ^ ni. After an immediately preceding i or ai the suffixes », Lii, Aifi, J^ substitute the vowel i for w, thus assuming the forms s, U^, I^, J^; e. g. ^JLo instead of aJUo. Before the connective Alif Is^ generally becomes ^. — The suffixes 15 and li resume 13. THE DEMONS TRATI\TS PRONOUNS. 21 their original forms J^emd ^ before a connective Alif. For further information regarding the affixing of these pronominal forms see § 82 and the table of paradigms No. XXIII. The reflexive pronoun, when carrying a certain e. amount of emphasis with it, is generally expressed by the word j^Ju nafsun soul, to which the proper suffixes are appended. In many cases, however, the personal pronoun suffices to express the reflexive. The demonstrative pronouns are the following (with 13. their inflexion compare § 76«). The simple pronoun (rare) a. Masc. Fem. Sing. Vo ^b, 5J; ^S iu; Ij Dual ( ^°'"- ^t ^H I Gen. Ace. ^^j j ^jjlS Plur. j^l iuUi) or £^f^| (iiUCi) This simple pronoun combines: (1) with the demonstrative particle Li, generally f written defectively (5> or less correctly i § 2&). The result is the usual demonstrative pronoun to indicate that which is near at hand {this, these): 22 13. THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Masc. Fern. Sing. (^tXiO ( " ' Norn. ^ItXso Dual \ y^ ^ , Gen. Acc./^cV.« Plur. i The simple demonstrative combines (2) with a suffix of the second person. Only in the older Arabic, particularly that of the Kur'an, however, does the suffix vary according to the number of persons ad- dressed (e. g. plur. Ixlo, dual UXJ(^), elsewhere it appears uniformly as vil. There is also a form with J before cJ. The result is two forms of the demon- strative pronoun to indicate that which is more remote (that, those)\ ^-^asc. Fem. _^ Sing. dl j,(^Jp(4!lS, ^iS) / dU (^0 (^ilW Dual Nom. dbf j, diSt j vjjlj, vii}LS Gen. Ace. dUoD, vJCoo *i*4-v^*j ^^' . i Plur. k^^^\{^i^\), rarely dJ^;^ (i. Among the demonstratives we must also place the article J I (see § 5 &). When the noun, in the circumstances 14, THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS . 23 detailed in § 6/1, begins with a J, this letter has a Tesdid placed over it and the J of the article is drop- -■(,53 ^ (J a -o ii> ped. Thus we get XJLvJiJ for xJLJJ^; so too xJJ for dib (§ 5 note). The relative pronouns are the following: 14. ^(Xi\ who, which, that, — originally a compound a. demonstrative with the article as one of its elements (hence the connective Alif) — declined as follows: Masc. Fern. Sing. 00^ C^y^ [ Gen. Ace. ijjJJJI ^^^4^' piur. (^^.4jjy/^^-ijC^^i;Ij1 /^ is sometimes assimilated also to a preceding ki», e. g. C-Mjf or C*-Jl from C^ properly wUaXiI; after J, o and 3 C* is changed into the soft o, e. g. jIj^I for JU3I from J\'y, ^yj\ for ^^Jl. The IX. stem Juiif (as also the XI. stem JLiil,26. hoth with connective Alif) is used of verbs which denote the possession of inherent qualities such as colours or bodily defects, e. g. from the stem uuo: ljJa\ to be or become yellow; from the stem .^: Tl^l to be one-eyed; from the stem 5-*^^: ^Li^l to be red. The X. stem JutA;:**.!, (with connective Alif) is 27. primarily a reflexive of the IV. Jmi! (otherwise a reflexive, formed on the analogy of the YIII. stem, from a stem JolLu; with a prefixed 5), as from the stem (ji^^« IV. ^^^\ to grieve: X. ^^iw^yuJ to grieve (ones self). Very frequently the X. stem denotes also to wish or to beg something for one's self, e. g. from ^Jl^S to pardon, X.: wA*a*w[ to ask for pardon; or to think that something is so, as vIa^Z to be necessary, IV: ^jwrs^jl to make necessary, X: .^^^jijJi to consider something as necessary for one's self. 30 28. THE QUADPaLIT. STEMS. 29. THE PASSIVE. 30. THE TENSES. 28. The quadriliteral stems are denoted, for tlie verbal and nominal forms, by the paradigm jJui (that is by the addition of a fourth radical to Jkii), and con- sist for the most part of two stems, of which the first may be said to correspond to the second stem of the triliteral verb (for Joii is in reality JJtii), and the second Jiiij to the fifth, e. g. vJ^Xls to overturn, cast down, v«JCaXj fall down. Note. The stems III JJU^I and IV Jlx^l (the last corre- sponding to the IX. stem of the triliterals) are rare e. g. ^jUbl, to be quiet, from a stem ^^W^. 29. In addition to the active^ the Arabic verb has a passive voice. This passive is formed in the perfect in such a way that in place of the «!-vowels of the active we have the order u-i-a (i with the second, a with the third radical); thus the act. of stem 1. is Juti, the pass: Jjii. The additional formative syllables of the derived stems also receive the vowel w, e. g. pass. V. J^iftj, VIII Jk*JCi! (with connective Alif). 30. The Arabic verb has two principal tenses, a. perfect ^' which, generally speaking, denotes a completed action, and an imperfect which in general denotes an uncom- pleted action. .SITY 31. THE MOODS. Vs,^;^^^^ The imperfect is formed by adding the prefix S ya h. for the active of the L, V., YL, VII., YIII., IX. and X. stems, and the prefix j yu for the active of the II., III. und IV. stems, and for the passive of all the stems without exception. In the case of verbs of which Juti is the type, the c. s^cond^dical, in the impf. act, of st e m I .^ may receive one or other of the vowels w, i, a. Which of the three must be used for a particular verb will be found indicated in the dictionary under that verb (e. g. Jlo impf. u) and should be taken careful note of. Those verbs, on the other hand, of which Joii (with e-vowel) is the type, together with all passives point their second radical with a only, thus impf. act. I. JJLa.); pass. JJtij. Those verbs, finally, of which Joii (with 2/-vowel) is the type, take u with the second radical for the imperfect. As regards the active imperfect of the derived stems, the second radical takes i throughout, with the excep- tion of stems V. and VI. where it takes «; thus impf. II. Jlxaj but V. JJtlo. In the imperfect various Moods are distinguished, 31. namely the ordinary mood which we call the indicative, the dependent mood or subjunctive, and a modus apo- copatus (sometimes called the jussive). These are 32 32. THE IMPERATIVE. distinguished as follows: in the indicative the last radical, when final, always takes u, as impf. I JJtAj, III. JlcLL; in the subjunctive always a^ as J^*ij, while in the apocopatus the third radical is vowelless. In addition to the above there is a double modus energicus, which is formed by a^Dpending the syllables anna or an (in some forms only 7i) to the impf. as ' a -^"i^ . T-^- jjJ.JUlJ or ^Xxsu. Note. As the modus energicus is of comparatively rare occurrence, it is given in the tables of paradigms only in the case of the ordinary strong verb. From the examples there given it may easily be formed for the other verbs, 32. The imperaiive agrees with the apocopated imper- fect as regards vocalisation and termination, except that the prefixes ya or yu are wanting. In the imper. of the I. stem a helping vowel (therefore with connec- tive Alif § 6 fl!) is prefixed in all cases where the first consonant is without a vowel of its own. This vowel disappears, however, in pronunciation as soon as the word ceases to stand alone, e. g. JJiil but ^\ jU'. The same applies to stems VII. — X. The imperative has the same energetic bye-forms as the imperfect. IstoTE. In the imper. of stem I the prosthetic vowel is u when the second radical has u, as ^y3], but i when it is pointed with a or i, as Jx^I, ^31. 33. NUMBER, PREFIXES AND AFFIXES. 33 Note b. In the imper. of the IV. stem the prosthetic T, which is characteristic of the stem, is retained, although it disappears after the prefixed i of the impf. Hence impf. J^ (for J*JVi), but imper. J«il. In the perfect, imperfect and imperative, there 33. are, in addition to the singular and plural, dual forms for the second and third persons. Verbs are inflected by the addition of modified and abbreviated forms of the personal pronouns, and of the dual and plural terminations of nouns, to the ground-forms J^xi and JJLftj (for the terminations ani and una of the impf. indie, vid. § 76 «). The terminations just named, along with the ending ma of the 2. pers. fem. sing., drop the syllables ni and na in the subjunctive, the apocopated imperfect and the imperative. The I, which appears in the paradigm after the final . _!_ in the perf. and in these shortened forms of the impf. and imper., has no phonetic value (cf. § 2e). As to the prefixes of the impf., it is to be noted that in place of the prefix j of the 3. pers. masc, we have s as the prefix of the 2. pers. sing, and plur., and of the 3 pers. fem. of the sing., | to indicate the 1. pers. sing., and j the 1. pers. plur. The affixes emplo^-ed in the inflexion of the verb are given in paradigm I. Socin, Arabic Grammar^. 3 34 34. VERBS MEDIAE GEMINATAE. Note a. In the V. and VI. forms of verbs whose first letter is a dental or a sibilant, the formative prefix occasionally drops its vowel and is assimilated to the first radical of the verb, in which case the perf. and imper. have a helping vowel (§ 6) prefixed 6. g. yJl wrap one's self up, impf. y>^. Note b. In the impf. of these two stems, the prefix 5 may be treated in such a way that instead of the two syllables S? only . imper. jy 36 37. HAMZATE VERBS. Note. In the case of verbs of the forms J^ and J^ the vowel of the second radical appears only in the uncontracted form 6. g. J^ to loathe, 1. pers. perf. oJULo; hence the vowel a of the impf. J^.. For the conjugation of verbs mediae geminatae see paradigms Nos. VI— VIII; model verb p to flee. 37. Those verbs that have a Hamza j^ as first, second or third radical are for the most part regular, as 31 to > ^^ -^-^ ^^"^ make an impression, impf. wjL>; |^* to read, impf. |^. In certain cases we find, according to § 4&, * or ,^ (without points) as bearers of the Hamza, or ^^ may stand without a bearer, thus 3. s. m. perf. act. »1aa5^ to be sad, yjw«j to be brave; 3. s. m. impf. passive of 3*1: yJjj; 3- sing. masc. perf. act. \n^ to err, fem. c^A^i; 3. s. m. impf. act. of JLI to ask: J^J!o. Oc- casionally an I takes the place of two Alifs, according to § 7; e. g. 3. s. m. perf. III. of pT: 3 for 3||; VI. of l!^ (bind up a wound &c.) 1:&^S". 38. While in all these cases the j> may easily be distin- guished as the third radical of the verb, there are a few forms in which the verba hamzata are more diffi- cult to distinguish, inasmuch as the * sometimes entirely disappears; from this point of view these verbs ought rather to be reckoned among the weak 38. HAMZATE VERBS. 37 verbs (§ 39 ff.). The most important of such cases are the following: 1) After !, I, I (also after a connective Alif |, |, I a. at the beginning of a sentence) ^ gives up its power as a consonant (cf. § 7); hence, in place of 'a\ V, Y ^-^ — simply '^, \i, % e. g. 3. s. m. perf. IV. of Ji\: >.j| for ^-^^ --.^ . ^ ^ IjII; 3. s. m. perf. pass. IV. of yj\ is ^i* | in place of J>^ I. So also imper. I. J^j,[ for wiSj. 2) In the imper. of the I. form the verbs J^( b. take, J^l eat, ^^1 order, drop the ^ altogether: JLi&-, Jl^ yjo ; in the same way, from JLw to ask, the impera- tive is either JLuj or JlL &c. Note. Should 3 or 3 come to stand as inseparable particles (§ 87) before one of the imperatives under a, the prosthetic Alif is dropped and the radical Hamza reappears, receiving, as its bearer, an Alif on account of the preceding Fath, as in p\}. The same holds good in the case of two separate words: thus 4^5! i - 3. s. m. perf. pass. VIII of ^^^I connected with a preceding word becomes Q^^) ^jJI elladi-tumina. 3) In the VI. form the ^ of verbs primae ^ is c. sometimes changed to ., as wo!i> in place of CoU (for^lb). 4) In the VIII. form the > of the verb ^^f^ to inherit, impf. >l»yi (cf. § 18). For the conjugation of the verbs primae 5 and ^ see para- digm X where will be found the principal forms of the verbs J-tf3 to arrive, ^J^ to leave, ^5 to be dirty, Ja-^ to be anxious, jj*-3 to be sleepy, ^-*i to be easy. Verbs mediae ^ and ^. In the II., III., V., VI. 41. and IX. stems, . and are treated as consonants, and the inflexion is the same as that of the strong verb; thus 3. s. m. perf. II of JIS* (to say) med. ,: J^", 3. s. m. perf. Ill of *Lww (to travel) med. ^: oLL. In the other stems these verbs are inflected according to the following rules: Long a takes the place of the middle radical: 42. in the perf. active of the I., IV., VII., VIII. and a. X. stems, as Jli, Jlil, JUlj, JUciJ, ^\JCk1\\ in the impf. passive of the same stems, as JLL, JL1>, h, in the impf. active of VII. and VIII., as JLsij, JLiL ; c, in the impf. active of the I. stem of verbs of the d. form Joti e. g. oL^ to fear, impf. oL^. 40 43, 44. VERBS MEDIAE ^ AND ^, 43. Long J takes the place of the middle radical: a. in the perf. passive of the L, IV., VII., VIII. and X. stems as Jur, J^a^I, J-aajI) J-^'I? J..>s3^Cwwl5 ^). in the impf. active of IV. und X., as Juaj, Jl^axa^j ; ' c. in the impf. active of verbs med. ^, as ^.juao. The corresponding form of verbs med. ., on the other hand, takes long ?/, as J«.iij. Note. The nature of the phonetic changes just detailed will be more readily understood from the standpoint of the strong • verb if it be noted that 5 , i , 5 , i ; 5 , i pass into a; 5 , 5 , ^ , f^ into *; j into m. It is not meant by this that the corresponding strong forms were ever really found, in these verbs, at any period of the language. 44. The whole of the long vowels mentioned in §§ 42 — 43 are shortened (§ 8) in a shut syllable, e. g.: 2. s. m. perf. act. IV. of JIS* and TLl: v:;Jj| and ojAwl; ^i 0^9 3. sing. masc. apoc. impf. pass. I J^L, y^^ (with the tone on the last syllable as if contravening § 9). 2. pers. masc. sing, imper. I. of oLi> (§ 42 &c. from jjV,to be, we sometimes find the still shorter form JO. Note b. From a few verbs med. % and ^ strong forms are found in stems I., IV., YIIL, X.; e. g. IV. ^ja.) compel; X. k^y^a:iml to find correct, a denominative form from ^]ya correct. For[^the conjugation of these verbs see paradigms XI — XIV. Verbs ultimae * and ^. Verbs ultimae . pass into 45. ultimae ^^ in all the derived stems, and in the perf. and impf. passive of the 1 stem; thus from .ya we have 3 s. m. perf. II ;^Lc. The same applies to the active of stem I of the form JjJ; thus'LoT becomes ^^r (to have pleasure in). If the second radical has «, this vowel is changed 46. in every case into a long final a. In order to distinguish ^' the stems ult. ^ from those ult. . this final a is in the former case indicated by (^, in the latter by ! (this applies only to the 3. s. m. perf. act. I). Thus SI to throw, iCjt carry on a war ; but II. ^T, ^\is. &c. Similarly 42 46. VERBS ULTIMAE ^ AND ^. in the imperfects (cf. § 45), e. g. indie, and subj. pass. II ^1) (in place of a theoretical j^^ols and Zi^vj) ; impf. act. I of ^s, (^v:>; impf. act. V. ^aJk^^. Note. With the same reservation as mider § 43c note, we would call attention to the fact that the combinations 5 , ^5 , 5——, y£ all pass into long a. h. In all the cases mentioned in the preceding sub- section, a diphthong (§ 2 a) appears before the in- flectional additions that begin with a consonant. Thus: 2. sing. masc. perf. act. I \^/jo\ ; from lyi : vci.Cc ; II c. In the case also of the inflectional additions 2?, una, ma (and its shortened form «), the a of the second radical, (after the elision of the third radical) unites with their initial vowel to form a diphthong. Thus: 3. pers. masc. plur. perf. act. I. \yos, ^V^' ^^* ^^P^- pass. II. i^Joyj), subj. I^^l); do. act. I. ^y^J>, V. (jyowicj; 2. pers. fem. sing, of the last ^j^lx.j, subj. d. Before the dual terminations a and afii the last radical of this class of verbs is treated as a strong letter, e. g. 3. pers. perf. act. I. LCvoT, Ijy^; impf. pass. II. ^Cv^^ ^^' -^y ^^® addition of the termination at, 47. VERBS ULTIMAK 5 AND ^5. 43 the 3. pers. fern. sing, of the perfect must originally have ended in dt\ this ending, however, has now become at in accordance with § 8, as v^^; ^SL. According to the analogy of the above is also formed the 3. pers. fem. of the dual; thus we find LiX, Ij^ (where we should expect liUoT, LSlyc.). • In the impf. active of stem I, verbs ult. . of the 47. form JoiS take an w, those ult. ^ an ?", the third radical quiescing in these vowels. The ending u of the imperf. is lost, e. g. ^\Ju, {S^r?.- "^^^ imperfects active of the derived forms (with the exception of V and VI) are formed on the model of the last mentioned forms, as II ^o, (^Cij and so on. Note. With the same reservation as under § 43 c note, it may be pointed out that ^ passes into ii, ^ into %. Affixes beginning with a consonant are appended &• in every case to the i or the u just mentioned, as 3. pers. fem. plur. impf. 1. ^\juow>, r^<>3L^,\ similarly in the peif., e. g. 2. sing. masc. perf. pass, vi-uyox; do. from Jaj I. cy^> ; from J^ I ^^.wl;. If the second radical has i or w, the third radical c. is dropped and the terminations ?7, una^ ina added to the second, e. g. 3. plur. masc. perf. pass, lyo^ (not 44 48. VERBS ULTIMAE ^ AND ^J. 49. DOUBLY WEAK VERBS. l^s), l^yt; 3. plur. masc. impf. act. ^jyoo, ^j^yb (not ^yLolj, ^^ylkj); 2. pers. fern. sing. impf. d. Before the dual endings a and d?ii, as also before the terminations a of the 3. sing. masc. perf., at of the 3. sing. fern, perf., atd of the 3. fern, dual perf., and a of the subjunctive, the third radical is treated as a strong letter, if the second has i or u, Exx: 3. pers. masc. perf. act. ^^y\yL\ do. pass, "^h, j^yi^; 3. pers. fem. perf. ouyof, ^^Su\ 3. pers. masc. dual Lup;? fem. UloT; 3. pers. subj. act. I ^^J, ^7*?.' ^* P®^^* dual impf. ^LLo^j, ^i^yiJ- 48. In the apocopated impf. and in the imper. every, final a, i and u is shortened, as 3. pers. sing. masc. apoc. impf. yivJ, *o, yiS; 2. imper. ^J, j» J, yi.|. Eor the conjugation of these verbs see paradigms XV — XIX where various forms are given of the verbs !)fi to carry on war, ^^ to throw, ^j to be content, ^^-loi to carry out, accomplish. 49. Of verbs doubly weak the following are the principal varieties: a. Verbs primae . and ultimse ^^ as S^ to take care of; impf. according to §§ 40 and 47 ^J, apoc. |^. 50. THE VERB jJJj. 45 The imper. is properly ^v-, for which, however, when the word stands alone, i. e. in pause, we write xi*. The verb ^L to see, which in the impf. elides I. the Hamza, throwing back its vowel a to the first radical. Thus j^o yard for ^^lo yafd\ 3. pers. pi. ^.Is; imper. \ (ace. to a s^), fern. ^7. The IV. form * in the sense of 'to show' is similarly inflected: ^^ for ^\s\, impf. j^o for ,^few>; perf. pass, ^^sl for -- o j^&J and so on. The verb -i to live, properly ^^i ; impf. LI^ (cf. c. § 2 1? note) like a verb ult. ^ or ^k like a verb mediae geminatae; perf. IV Ll^l, perf. X ^x^LwwI^or LxsLwj also contracted ^^C^S (be ashamed). The verb jlll 'there is not' (compounded of the 50. negative ^ and an obsolete Arabic noun corresponding to the Hebrew t:^^) is inflected as follows : Sing. Dual Plural 3. masc. J^ LLIf ^y^ 3. fem. o^AwuJ L£1aJ ^-uJ 2. masc. o^-ygJ ^ I ^ .'. " 1 (W^*«J 2. fem. ci^ ,jJLyJ 1. com. v.:iJLl LLlJ 46 51. VERBS OF PRAISE AND BLAME. 52. ADMIRATIVES. 53. THE SUFFIXES. 51. The verbs of praise and blame, 1*3 to be good and fjjj^j^ to be bad, which are rarely conjugated, are written as above. 52. The Arab grammarians adduce as special forms the so-called admirative forms, that is, forms expressive of admiration. These are strictly the 3. s. m. perf. and 2. pers. imper. of the IV. stem, but have assumed a special signification; so I Jo\ Jo^l Lo properly 'what has madeZaid excellent', and Juw Ji-*dil prop, 'make Zaid excellent' both mean: how excellent is Zaid! — The verbs mediae , and ^ may in these forms take the inflection of the strong stems (§ 44 note &) as fjjo ^^^ ^ ^ow easy this is I 53. The addition of the pronominal suffixes (§ Wb) alters the form of the verb only to a slight extent. a. The 2. pers. fem. sing. perf. with a suffix receives a long final vowel as ^LyCjlo. h. The I, standing after ._L u (§ 2^), is dropped as s Jui* from I Jui* with the suff. of the 3. pers. sing. masc. c. The ending ^^ of the 2. pers. pi. perf. becomes ^j* (cf. § 12«, note 1), as ^^^jjci* from j^jdjci* with the suff. of the 1. pers. sing. d. Before the suffixes to the 1. pers. sing, and plur., 54. THE PEOXOUN AS OBJECT. 47 ^ and LS, the final net of the 2. fern. sing, and 3. and 2. masc. plur. impf. is sometimes dropped (so that these forms become identical with those of the sub- junctive and apocopated moods).Ex.: j^^^^* alongside of the more com^mon ^AJuowid3* thou (fem.) strikest me; LS«jw«dj alongside of the more common US^jwoJ they strike us. When the object of an active verb consists of a 54. personal pronoun, and this object is, for the sake of ^• emphasis, made to precede the verb, then instead of the ordinary suffixes appended to the verb the sign of the accusative bl (ns, nfc<) is employed with the suffixes of the noun (with the suff. of 1. pers. sing. ^Q); e. g. JujiS ^i)Cl to thee we pray. The Arabic verb may have two suffixes appended b. at the same time, in which case the pronoun of the 1. person precedes those of the 2. and 3. persons, and the pronoun of the 2. person that of the third, as xjoUaxI he gave it me; frequently, however, in place of the second suffix— more particularly when both pronouns are of the third person — we find the above mentioned periphrasis with Gt as LiCl 2t^«\ he married him to her. 48 55. THE NOUN. Chapter III. The Noun. (§§ 55-90). a. The Formation of Nouns. 55. Nouns in the wider sense comprise 1) substantives, 2) adjectives, 3) numerals (§§91 — 93), and 4) pronouns (§§ 12 — 14). The noun, in the narrower sense, is limited to substantives and adjectives. Primitive substantives is the name given to such substantives as cannot be derived from a verb. Accord- ing to the usual arrangement of Arabic dictionaries, it is true, the primitive noun u^K, head (un affix) for example, is found under the verb iw-ls, but this verb is in all its significations denominative. On the other hand, it may fairly be maintained that a noun like yj^t » goes back to a hypothetical triliteral root ^ + | + ^. — In contrast to these primitive nouns, we find a large number of nouns which are derived either from verbs or from other nouns, that is, which are either deverbals or denominatives. All the forms of the noun are indicated by paradigms from the root J^jii (cf. § 15 ff.); thus we say of y^L as of the deverbal in- finitive Jdi* killing, that it has the form JJti. Note. The numerous foreign words which have found their way into Arabic, adapted from Persian and Aramaic, and indirectly from Greek and Latin, have also, to some extent, been reduced to Arabic nominal forms. 56, 57. THE FORMATION OF THE NOUX. 49 A number of nouns do not show the full complement 56. s ^ a. of (three) consonants (see §§ 16 and 90), as *t> blood; with the feminine termination (§ 73) : iLoj a slave-girl; to this group belong also nouns with a prefixed vowel G o (connective Alif) as jv^*/! name, which accordingly must be sought for in the dictionary under ^, Extremely common are the nominal forms with b. one short vowel, like J^*i, Joii, Juii, e. g. J^v foot, according to the form Jijii. There are also nominal S^^ G^ G,^ G^ forms with two short vowels: JJii, Juii, Joii, JJii, Jjti, Jjii, e. g. Jo».s a man, NF. JJii; Ji" old age NF. ^Ui- Next in order we may put nominal forms with a c. G long vowel either with the first radical JldQ or with the second JLxi, Jlii, Jlii, Jyii, Jyii, Juoii, or with both Jj^li. Nominal forms with doubling of the second radical d. are such as (ja.^^ chick-pea NF. JJU; jUi (§ 63«); Note. By their mode of formation these nouns have been raised to the rank of quadriliterals like those in §§ 57 — 58. The preformatives employed in the formation of 57. Socin, Arabic G-rammar.* 4 50 58. FORMATION OF NOUNS. 59. QUADRILIT. NOUNS. 60. PARTICIPLES. nouns are the following (whose vowels vary according to circumstances): a) ^ cf. §§ 60 and 64. d) j* cf. § 61. c) J as >*AAJ fugitive NF. J^*ij from lii to flee, d) t (cf. §§ 62c; 63&), e. g. li^J^I story NF. U^j from the stem viytX^. 58. The afformatives or formative additions used in the formation of nouns are: a) ^— and i>|__ (see § 74). &) ^1 — (for substantives) or ^.j (often to 9 — form adjectives) e. g. ^jL^aji palpitation of the heart NF. ^^Vii from ^3!^ ; ^I^-LL drunk NF. ^fj^Lii from vXlw. c) ^iy• (not originally Arabic) as c:i>jCLx> 9 ' ^ ^ kingdom NF. ^:i>JLii, which takes the masc. gend. in Arabic. 59. The quadriliteral nouns are denoted by the para- digm JJjii (§ 28) as i^ JLc scorpion NF. JJLii; jj*^ JuL.o box NF. J^xi; ^Xwjuo military camp NF. JJjiijo; f^LLilb. a species of beetle NF. i^xi. 60. From among the rich growth of nominal forms in Arabic a few deverbals and denominatives may be singled out for special attention. Such, of the former class, are the participles and infinitives, whose forms will be found among the paradigms of the verb. 61. THE IXFIMTIVE. 51 The participles — the active is generally named a. nomen agentis, the passive nomen patientis — take the form jLcLi for the active of the I stem, and for the passive the form Jyiijo. In all the derived stems the participle is formed by prefixing the syllable A\ in the active the second radical takes /, in the passive a (see below). As a rule, however, the active and passive participles of the derived stems take the vowels of the active and passive imperfs. with the exception of stems V and YI. In addition to the participles there is a class of h. so-called verbal adjectives, which are in part treated as participles ; they might be called quasi-participles, as jjJlik beautiful, from ^^www^^. The Arabic participles do not in themselves convey c G any suggestion of time; hence JoU*, for example, may mean 'one who has killed' as well as *one who is killing', G > o^ J«JCii>o 'one who ought to be killed' i. e. interficiendus as well as interfectus. The Infinitive (nomen verbi) assumes various forms 61. in the I stem, and is therefore specially noted in the ^* dictionaries under each verb. One of the most common forms is JJii , as JjiiJ killing. The infinitives of Jjii 4* 52 61. THE INFINITIVE. verbs (§ 28), as a rule, take the form J^xi, e. g. from ».^^^, .^^^.-oii the being angry. J^xi and Jlii are also common forms from intransitive verbs, as i^jJL^ a sitting, from yUL^; |*!^Lww health, from ILI. In- finitives are also found with the prefix ma, as J^^4> or JCk Juo (for the same verb has frequently more than one form of the infinitive, sometimes with different meanings) from JlL3 to enter. The infinitive of the II. stem has the form JixxAJJ or jUaaj (cf. § 57&); the inf. of the III. stem the form jLii or ilJLcLLo (which last is identical with the fern. of the passive participle). The infinitives of IV., VIL, VIII., IX. and X. are formed by the insertion of a long a before the last radical; before this a every short a of the perf. becomes t, as in the IV. stem JLnil. The infinitives of V. and VI. take u after the second radical, as V. J^xAi. The Arabic infinitives do not contain the idea of time and may be used both in an active and in a passive sense. Thus JiLr denotes the circumstance that some one has killed or has been killed, the idea of killing or of being killed. 62. VERBAL ADJECTIVES. 53 Synopsis of participles and infinitives Partcp. Act. Partcp. Pass. Infin. JyXAjO Cf. § 61« Go G JjLcjo JLiil 65-.-, G j5-^ JjLftJuO JjLAJ* G ^ ^o , ® ^ " G^ -'Of G ^ o Jotxixj JLixiJ jl*il Quadr. I. JJUax) JJLii^o J^kii iLUjii Gj,--^, G^j,.-^, 6 Jo-" As regards Verbal Adjectives (cf. § 60 c), the follow- 62. ing forms may be specially noted: The form Jujii, which occurs in both an active a. and a passive sense; as Juuo killed, Juu^-^i a witness, L jL^Li II. III. G -, IV. Go, V. VI. G -^, VII. G ^o , VIII. G ^o. IX. S .0 , X. 54 THE INTENSIVE FORMS. *jya^ one who disputes with another (in the sense of [VAoLiS? part. act. of III). h. \iyxs^ e. g. y.j^(of ten an intensive form) given to lying. c. JJii f , a form denoting colours and physical defects, as ysuc\ yellow; ^yS-S lame; »^| (with . as a strong letter) one-eyed. For the formation of the feminine, see § 74&. 63. Arabic has the means of expressing a heightened or intensive form of the root idea. Of such intensive forms the following are examples: a. Jlii intensive form of JlcU and other verbal adjectives, as ^\dS (habitually) given to lying. As a denominative this form is in frequent use to denote trades or professions (nomina opificum) as •. ClL. baker 60' from 'yj^ bread. h. Very frequently there is derived from adjectives the form JJii f in the sense of an elative (generally so named because including both comparative and superlative), as ^^jmjj:^ beautiful, elative : ^^..wwu:^! more b., most b.; yJLo small, young, elative: ^jLol smaller, younger; smallest, youngest. The elatives, when stand- ing in the predicate, do not admit of inflection for 64. NOMINA LOCI, INSTRUMENTI, SPECIEI. 55 gender and number, as ^\li\ Ju^l *^ they are the most excellent of men. When used in a comparative sense, they are mostly undetermined (§ 76bc), and are followed by the preposition \jo in the sense of our "than" (properly 'at a distance from', 'measured from'). Used as superlatives, on the other hand, they are generally determined. For the feminine formation see § 74 &. Note. No special elative is formed from the words y^ good and fit bad, which are used as elatives in the form just given. As a matter of fact, the positive of other adjectives as well must IB JO* - sometimes be rendered by our superlative; thus j**UJ| y^ signifies the (absolutely) greatest of men. To the class of deverbal nouns belong further: 64. Nouns of place and time formed with the prefix a. A ma, as ^^.JcJCo the place where one writes, the school; also with the fem. termination as SwjjLo a buryingplace. Note. Nouns of place and time from the derived stems take the form of the pass, participle, as j-^«* (from the IV. stem of g^ to go out, of which lY. --*i.T cans.) the place to which or the time at which something is brought out; IcjS* (from V. stem) the place where the ritual washing is performed. Nomina instrumenti, formed with the prefix a mi, h. as ^^^X^ milk-pail, from v^UL^ to milk; -^Uci^ key, from ^Jki to open. 56 65. NOIIIXA T^fffjHf K fl ynnMKT CTXr- APF.q TfJ. c. Nomina specie! of the form xJlii , as ilxS^ the manner of writing, one's "calligraphy". 65. To the class of denominatives belong especially the nouns of relation and the diminutives. a. By means of the termination ^ (corresponding to the Hebrew "< , fem. n« and n"' ) there is derived from nouns a group of other nouns which, following the example of the Arabic grammarians, we call nomina (adjectiva) relativa, i. e. nouns of relation. Thus ^. | belonging to the earth (,^. I), earthly; ^^l-co belonging to |»Lo (i. e. Syria), a Syrian. The feminine termination is dropped when this ending is added, as ^jCo (from xXjo) an inhabitant of Mecca; occasionally we meet with certain changes in the vowels of a word, e. g. -3 Juo an inhabitant of Medina, from jLo iri¥x « LDT DEMmUTIVA. 67. NOUNS FROM STEMS MED. GEM. 57 Note. It is usual to indicate the nomina relativa also by paradigms from JxJ ; thus we say that ^'«^)I is a form ^^^, tAIbW. a form i^AsM. Diminutives from triliteral nouns take the form 66. J.AAi, as JuA£ a little slave, servulus, from tXxc slave. From quadriliteral nouns the form is JJU*i, as ^yxic a little scorpion, irom v^jJi^ (so ,^^5,0 diminutive from ,^^^^\Jo companion). From quadriliteral nouns with a long vowel between the third and fourth radi- cals the corresponding form is JuJLlii, as ik^iXlLa G ' o > diminutive from ^v. jJLo a box. Diminutives are not unfrequently derived also from proper names, as jJul tX-u^ 'M&«/c?M//f7^ralongside of &JIJI JlIc 'abdulldhi (Abdallah). The formation of nouns from stems mediae gemi- 67. natae and from those with a hamza or the semi-vowels, presents many irregularities, for a general idea of which we must refer to the inflection of the corre- sponding verbal stems. In addition to what is there given the following particulars deserve attention. For the formation of deverbal nouns from stems mediae geminatae (see § 34 ff.) the following points may be noted: The second and third radicals are of course con- a. 58 I. NOUNS FROM STEMS WITH HAMZA AND PRIM. tracted when the second is without a vowel of its own, as yi irom .^s. b. If the first radical has «, and the second i or a, contraction takes place in the participles and infini- tives, e. g. part. act. VII of 3: wiju contracted from )yAJuo'j pass, also yJUxi irom »^ju/j. Ihere is no con- traction, however, with nouns of the form Juti, as ^[>j3 inf. to be hairy. c. According to the rule given in § 35 &, from .jjo we get uuo ; irom ^Juo : jAa. d. The act. participle of I is ^li from !vLi cf. § 8. e. Contraction does not take place when a long vowel stands between the last two radicals e. g. J^, 68. The orthographical rules which apply to the in- flection of the verba hamzata (§§ 37 £f.) hold good for the formation of nouns, e. g. J^^ something asked for; Jtj^ a question, from JUL to ask; the part. act. I of 3* I, to make an impression, is wi'l for ^il ; 'iJu^ NF. nomen instrumenti aULii^ from 3*1 &c. 69. The primae . stems, which according to § 40 lose ^' their first radical in the impf., lose it also, as a rule, 70. NOUNS FROM STEMS MED. j AXD ^^5. ^^^—jQ^J^. - ■ in the nomen verbi ; as compensation the latter receives the feminine termination (§ 73)^ as from d^l to pro- mise nomen verbi sjca; from cOl to allow: aLftt>. TV after the vowel % (. ) coalesces with the latter h. to form F, as inf. IV of ii*: fall: cLib|^ for cU.^; O^Lcc time of one's birth NF. Jlil^, for J^«-5 from jjr. J passes into w (§ 40 c), e. g. part. IV of Jaij c. to be awake: Jai>-jo for iaiLyo. In the infs. of the IV. and X. stems from stems 70. med. , and ^ the middle radical disappears; the ^' feminine termination is added as compensation, e. g. I/LSj for Jlpl In the act. part, of stem I the tv of verbs med. . 6. becomes y and j (y/) is changed into 'i (j); as Juli' G ^ Q "^^ ^ G ^ for J.U, .jLl for oLtf (for Medda see § 7). A characteristic formation from these stems is jJi ; c. thus from the stem t>Lww med. . we get oJJm master, G y.^ ^ lord; from the stem i^Lb med. ^, v^jJoo good. Nouns formed on the model of JJii contain diph- d. ®o- Go ^ thongs (§ 2 «), as Jyj, yx^. The place of the second radical (see § 42) is taken e. by a long a in the act. participles of stems VII. and 60 71. NOUNS PROM STEMS ULTIMAE ^ AND ^. YIII. and in the pass. part, of stems IV., VII., VIII. and X.; e. g. part. pass. IV. *lXo, part. act. or pass. G ^o f G '^'' 9 VII. AjJuo (from a hypothetical active *ysXA pass. * JiJuc). Also in numerous nominal forms, as Ai^ (from a hypothetical v;<^) house, from J4> med. .; NF. J^xa/j from JU' is JLLo, from a hypothetical Jyixj. /. The place of the second radical (see § 43) is taken by G y G^ t, a long 2 in nouns of the type of Jmi and xJLki from med. . and (^ e. g. ^^^i from r.^ med. ^ to be gentle ; iUjyo (§ 64 c) for xjyo mode of death from med. .; in the form Joti from med. ^, e. g. (jd-o for (jd^o white (plur.) ; Jl*ax) in the forms from med. ^, e. g. j^^.^, G o -^ walk for *jua^ ; in the part. act. of the IV. and X. stems from verbs mediae . and ^, e. g. *jva^, ^-u^JCyg^; in the part. pass. I from med. ^^ e. g. iju^ from cLj, to sell (mediae ^) for c«ju^. ^. The place of the second radical is taken by long ^ a , G ' u in nouns of the type of J^*i from med. ., as .^3 light from '113; u may also arise by contraction from wu in the pass. part, of the I stem of verbs med. G ? ^ G J o ^ ., as J«.A^ for J.yLo. 71. In the case of nouns derived from verbs ultimae a. 71. NOUNS FROM STEMS ULTTMAE 5 AND ^^. 61 . and ^ those forms in which the second radical is vowelless are treated like forms from strong stems, i)0 ^ l3 O ^ as ^^D, ^^ inf. If the second radical has «, there results (cf. § 46 «) h. at the end of words a long a (from hypothetical awu, ayu) which is written L_ or ^_1_ (ace. as last rad. is ^ or ^), e. g. LkiJI the stick, for^,,a*JI; ^^y^^ the pasture, from ^. to feed, for a hypothetical ^^f ; ^t NF. jkiit for ^t, elative of ^ gener- ous, liberal (§ 63 &). The same applies to all the pass, participles of the derived stems. With the nunation, these forms appear as i vi^ , ^5^5 ^yo(ptc.pass.IV) in which the original long final vowel, now standing in a syllable closed by the n of the nunation, must be pro- nounced short (§ 8): ^asan^ mar^an^ murman. Long a appears before the feminine termination (cf. § 70 e) as, sItXl morning for s.ji; sli. death for iSly If the second radical has short 2, from iyu arises c. a long I (cf. § 47«), e. g. ^^^01 part. act. I in place of a hypothetical -^oU 1 5 and so in the act. participles of the derived forms. If the nunation is added, the result is *L, ramin &c., in which the ^^ is dropped even in the written form of the word, uyu is changed 62 72. NOUNS FROM STEMS ULTIMAE ^ AND ^. to iyu, and consequently with the nunation it likewise becomes m; e. g. inf. V. ^f^dt for _xj1aJI; IIS* for JolS*. In the act. part, of stem I from verbs ult. . irvun is changed to iyun, and consequently with the nunation further to in, e. g. ;5\LiJt for ^)LiLl|, ^\LiJI; with the nunation vL^. Before a and <^ (cf. § 47^), on the other hand, the third radical retains its conso- nantal value; thus the inf. of stem II, according to the form most in use with verbs med. . and ^ viz. aLlxaj (§ 61), is: JU^J>, i^jyiJ*- d. After «, ?/w and w^w become 'w; !/mw, and w;w;i be- come 't/;?, in each case with the hamza, e. g. i^jw^j for .IwvwJI with the nunation %]y^ inf. I of .^^ to be (wvwJI with the nunation g|^ inf. I of .^^ noble; iLos^j for ,\ySuo fem. yellow; i-!;*^ fem. one-eyed, but also substantives, as i>\y^P desert. c. Inflection of the I^oun. Arabic has three numbers: singular, dual and 75. plural. Of the last, there are two different kinds; the one, the ordinary plural, properly so called, also known as the pluralis sanus or the outer plural, which originally denoted rather a number of separate persons and things ; the other, the collective plural, also called the inner or broken plural (see §§ 86 ff.), which denotes Socin, Arabic Grammar.* 6 66 76. DUAL AND PLURAL. rather a continuous mass, in which the individual member is not distinguished. At present we shall deal only with the first-named. Arabic distinguishes three cases: Nominative, Genitive, and Accusative. 76. The terminations of the dual and the pluralis ^' sanus are as follows: Dual nominative ij^— (cf- § 33) „ genitive and accusative jjj— (cf. D"^-^) Plural mascul. nominative r.^ (cf. § 33) „ „ gen.-accus. ^ — (cf. d"^— ) „ femin. nominative ^\— (cf. ni) „ „ gen.-accus. ^— Before these terminations the Sectional endings of the sing, are dropped; the H of the feminine ending is changed to cj before the dual termination, (as it is before the pronominal suffixes appended to the sin- gular), e. g. kSsLs*, dual ^Lcj^Li.. h. By the addition of the terminations exhibited above is formed the plural of many adjectives, in particular, and also of a number of substantives. In the formation of the plural we find substantives with the feminine ending taking the sign of the masculine plural (as SjLw year, plur. ^j-a-aw); much more fre- 77. THE CASE INFLECTION OF THE SINGULAR. 67 quently, however, substantives without the sign of the feminine in the singular are found forming their plural by means of the feminine termination, e. g. JL^ condition, plur. ^:l^^!Li, eI^ heaven, plur. ^:y|.UIw (with the original waw restored § 71^), also written As regards the case inflection of the singular, it 77. is necessary to distinguish between the so-called no- mina triptota or triptotes, i. e. nouns which are in- flected for all three cases, and the so-called nomina diptota or diptotes, /. e. nouns which cannot be thus fully inflected. The latter never receive the nunation, and unless they are determined by the article or by a following genitive, they are inflected for only two cases. The following are the case-endings of the triptote a. noun: Nom. sing. _Jl un, Gen. sing. m. Ace. sing. I an. With the feminine termination _1. only is written instead of I as "^^s-, but aU^Joo; so ^ci and \Ak (cf. § 3&). The case-endings of the diptote noun are: Nom. &. sing. w, Gen. and Accus. Sing. J_ a. In the dictionary the triptotes are distinguished from the diptotes by being always written with the 5* 68 78. NOM.-MMBB^BIPB^DIPTOTA. 79. DETERM. AND UNDETERM. XOUNS. nunation, as Jk:^s a man, while the latter are always - without it, as t>j.A«l black. 78. Whole classes of nouns are always diptote. Such are a. 1) all proper names that are either feminine or have the feminine termination, as xljo, ^^^/JJ•y as names of women; jLjLwuo as name of a man. To these must be added the majority of such proper names as are of foreign origin, e. g. f^\y^\ Abraham, v«ju*;«j Joseph, ^*w*jo Moses (but monosyllables like ji Noah are mostly triptote). h. 2) Many so-called broken plurals ; cf. § 88 Nos. 18, 19, 20; § 89 Nos. 23 24, 25, 27, 29; c. 3) adjectives of the form J^iil (§ 62 c; § 63&); d. 4) adjectives of the form ^^^jls (§ 58&), which form their fem. like jjii, e. g. J^Lyli angry, fem. ^^.ydi. c. 5) Feminines formed by the terminations ^^— or i|_l. (§ 74). Cf. also the broken plurals referred to under &, §§ 88,19 and 89^29. 79. The inflection of the singular of all nouns and of the plural of feminines varies according as a noun is determined or undetermined. a. All proper names are in themselves determined -« ^ 9 "O as cW'^ muhammadun Muhammed; c\t"*-t ahmadu 80. SHOETEXIXG OF THE DUAL AND PLDTIAL TERMIXS. 69 Ahmed; such proper names are treated either as trip- totes or as diptotes according as their form and the custom of the language may determine; many of them always take the article, as ^dj^Gil. X Common or class nouns are determined: 1) by the article; as y^wi a horse, (j*^^l the horse, b. 2) by the addition of a following genitive, which c. may be either a noun or a pronominal suffix, whereby the nomen regens is put in the construct state; as ^li Jl=».1I| the horse of the man, auwli his horse. The case-endings of a noun determined (1) by the prefixing of the article, or (2) by a genitive following — and the same applies to proper names with the article — are distinguished as follows from those of the undetermined noun: Singular nom. , Gen. , Ace. _1_. Plural fem. nom. , Gen.-Acc. i. e, the nunation is always dropped. These endings are assumed not merely by all triptotes, but also by the diptotes, when determined by the article or a genitive following : e. g. Nom. o^j, Gen.-Acc. SyZ\ ; but Nom. o^!^ !, Gen. t>^:^ |, Ace. j^I^I |. Before a following genitive (which ace. to § 79 c 80. may be^ either a noun or a pronominal suffix) the 70 81. INFiEXION OF NOUXS FROM STEMS ULT. 5 AXD ^j. terminations ^ of the dual and -» of the plural are dropped, thus: Dual Nom. of tX^^: ^IlXa^, but vJ\^I IjJ^ the two slaves of the Vizier. Dual Gen.-Acc. ^^.j J^^c, but y^ ^S^^^ o^^wo I have beaten the two slaves of Omar (before a connective Alif thus: vJ)^! (^tU^j cf. § 6e). Plural Nom. of vl^L^* butcher, executioner r^yA^^ but viUiJi ^Lai the executioners of the king. S3 ^ --"'^ 83-- > o^,- Plural Gen.-Acc. ^joLai*, but viU-iJ I ^5jLoi o^jK I have seen the executioners of the king. For the inflection of the noun see paradigms XX and XXI, where -will be found the forms of the masculine triptote b-^Ua^ an executioner,the masculine diptote y^\ another, the feminine triptote &e\m hour, and the feminine diptote i^-o Mayya (name of a woman). 81. In the case of nouns derived from stems ultimae "' , and ^ when the second radical has a short vowel the nunation, ace. to § l\l)c, is taken by this vowel of the second radical. b. Nouns ending in an or a are unchangeable for all three cases; those in in or F, on the other hand, take the an of the nunation, as well as the simple a (§ 47^) as llclj, ^\pl 82. THE ADDITION OF THE PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES. 71 Before the dual terminations (cf. § 46^) the last c. radical is treated as a strong letter, as ^jJkit ^Lii^, In the plural the last radical is dropped before d. the terminations una and ina^ which, when joined to an a of the second radical, produce diphthongs (§ 46c); thus from ^c^jjo: j^y^xj, j^^^jo; if the second radical has i, the terminations are added immediately to the former (§ 47 c), as ^^!j, ^T^lj. For the inflection of these nouns see paradigm No. XXII, where will be found the forms of the triptote jiU judge, the triptote ^ j U a ^AA (ult. ,^) chosen one (often as a proper name), the triptote Ufltf (ult. 5) a stick, the diptote j^JTi remembrance, and the diptote UJj world (vgl. § 74 a). For the forms of the pronominal suffixes see 82. § 12&— J. Before the pronom. suffix of the 1. pers. sing, the a. short case-endings of the construct state are dropped, as ^L^*. The said suffix after a final «, i or ai be- comes ^ (y«), as with the nom. dual ^^ULoi, with ^ : ^L5i (§ 2 (no longer to be distinguished from the genit. and accus. plural). The same applies to the ending au from stems ult. ^< (see parad. XXII), e. g. «^k-o.x) becomes ^ak^xj, with the suffix JJaj^jc (also identical with the genitive-accu- sative form). For the union of the noun with the suffixes see paradigm XXIII. For the change before suff. of final 8 into *1> see § 76 a. 83. In the pluralis sanus of substantives of a masc. or fem. nominal form with one short vowel (that is, of any of the following types JJii, JJii, JJii and iULii, xJlii, iU-jii) the second radical frequently receives a complementary vowel which is either identical with Go^ that of the first radical or is short a. Thus ^s ! earth, plur. J)».^)l, more rarely ^^JJ^^\^ and c^Lori, more rarely ^:dL^» t; X^JLii? darkness, plur. v::^U.JLl5 alongside 84. ^jylf. 85. VOCATIVE, 73 of i:i>LJUb and v:yLJLb. This is a favourite method in the case of the plural of the form kXxi, as iiljtJb (§ 73c) a single thrust or blow; plur. oLIiJb several thrusts or blows. G o Before ^| a son, a proper name loses its nuna- 84. tion in the case mentioned § 6/2, and ^| is itself written without the prosthetic 1^, e. g. JoJJI ^^ *.JLwwuo musUmu'Tynu-lwalidi Muslim, the son of al-Walid. wCio ^jjI Jo\ zaiduni'hnu bischrin (§ 6c) means, on the other hand, Zaid is the son of Bishr (nominal sentence). After b the particle of address, the simple noun 85. follows in the nominative without the nunation, as tXZ^ Muhammed, cCi? Lj Oh M. ! (jj^"^ IJ Oh man ! (by which a definite person is hailed). But should anything of the nature of a complement (a genitive, for instance) be added to the noun in the vocative, the name of the person addressed must be put in the accusative, as ^| Ju^: aJUl Ju^ IJ o Abdallah!(Oh servant of God!); » jJi^ ^ Ij Oh Banu Kinda! i. e. members of the tribe of Kinda (here ^u cf. § 80 and 90 & is the constr. state of JvaaS). If an Object follows, the noun stands in the accus. with the nunation, as 74 86. COLLECTIVE NOUNS. \>^jj>\ \u6\s Ij Oil thou that ridest the red mare! — The particle L^ I (before which we may also have G) is always followed by a nominative with the article, as (jwLU I LL>I U Oh ye people ! Note. After I3 , which serves as the expression of pain and sorrow, a long a is appended to the noun; in pause 81— — , as «U| 13 Oh mother! 86. There are, in Arabic, a mass of words which, though singular in form, have a collective signification. The following varieties may be singled out under this head: a. Simple collectives (masc. gend.) such as j»-j>, which denotes not merely ^a people' collectively, but also s»<^ ^ 'people' as individuals; jCwLc an army and also the individual soldiers thereof. From such words broken plurals may be formed. Names of the inhabitants of a country, as 4>««^l the Jews, often coinciding with the name of the country jo"'' itself, as JoLgJI the Hindus; a single Jew or Hindu is g "^^ g o called (5^^., ^cXa^ § 65 «. Class names (masc. gend.) from which are formed, nomina unitatis (§ 73 c) as *U^ doves. So-called quasi-plurals (masc. gend.), from which no nomen unitatis is formed, as n«!o> a company of 87. THE BROKEN PLURALS. 75 G — 9 -^ ^ horsemen (a single one C^U)'i (•tX^ ^^6 domestics (one of which is (•oLL.) ; y-UJ^ a number of asses (one ass^U^); Joui slaves (from Jui). The so-called broken plurals (plurales fracti in the 87. language of the native grammarians — by German ^* scholars by preference called 'inner plurals' because due to changes in the body of the word) are also strictly speaking nothing more than collectives. Hence they are treated in Arabic as singular nouns of the feminine gender and construed accordingly. Thus 'is^yAXjo l-jIjJ i different gates, where v«>lol is the broken - * G ^ G ^'^tr plural of i^U (on the model of JLiil), and the par- ticiple act. V. of j^li is put in the fern. sing. — These broken plurals, further, take the same inflection as the singulars, discussed in § 77 ff. As a rule the broken plurals are given in the b. dictionaries alongside of the singular of their respective nouns ; when this is not so, it is to be presumed that the word either has no plural or takes a pluralis sanus. Sometimes we find from one and the same word more than one plural ; in such a case, 'not unfrequently, a word varies its plural as its meaning varies. Certain of the broken plurals are, as a rule, confined to certain specified singulars. 76 88. THE BROKEN PLURALS. 88. From nouns regarded as containing three con- sonants the following broken plurals may be formed : 1. Joti from Jotil (§ 62 c) and its fern. i.'^Jii (§ 74&), as ^ from !lL\ red; J^ (cf. § 10 ff) , o- ^ G ^^ So, from t>^| black; (jdo (for ^j_,^ G ^ S-'^" S V 6. aULii esp. from sing. Jut Li, as xi^i^ from JooL5^ perfect; but also from JJi § 70c, as 5oL.ww (for G f '' HJoylw) fi'om jJLl lord. * G— ^ G r {, 7. SJLii (rare) as H3Ci' from Oys monkey. '— 8. iOLii from Jl^U ult. (^, as sLdJJ (for i^^j^ § 71 &) from ^U judge. 9. Jlii very common, from various singulars, as J.fJ^ from ^Jo arrow. THE BROKEN PLURALS. 77 10. Jjjii very common, also from various singulars, as C>y^ from JO:^ band of soldiers; ^j (for ^Jii see § 71 e) and then (with change of w to i) Jo from ^JLj weeping. 11. xJLii (rare) as sTIJfc from y^ stone. 12. Rjyii (rare) as SLo^.*^ from ^^^ uncle. 9a J 9 . 9 s, 9 ^ 13. Jjii from JlcU, as Jl^ from Jl^Ij an un- branded she-camel. 14. Jljii from Jut U, as ^ljc5 from ^'l^ scribe. ^ 15. JJtil from various singulars, as J^i.^ from I 6 « ^^ jLa.. foot. p 16. xJUil from various singulars, as sJl£.J from '^ 9 ^ " --a ^ ^ 9 ^ "'^ 9a ^ v^ftxcs a cake, aU:^| (§ 67c) from v«axa^ beloved; g^\ from lUo]^ president; j^J! from »^| God. V ® -"* f^ 17. JLiil very common, from various singulars, 9 ^ o^ 9" ^ , - "^ as ^LL2X)! from ^k/j rain; iULcil (always without the nunation) from g^ thing. 18. i>^KjLs\ esp. from Juxi, as ib^'l from w^t?J> relative; ill^l fi'om ^^c rich. 19. j^ii (rare), as ^^^v^^ from ^.>^ wounded. 78 89. THE BROKEN PLURALS. '*>i 20. i^xi, as ilot^ from N-fcUb poet. 21. jj^^, as ^Loi from ^xi youth; ^llw^ (for ;jl>^£^ cf. § 69 &) from ^Li neighbour. 22. ^^*i, as ^IjJj from jUb" district ; ,jL;^ from j^sLi rider; ^It^^-ww negroes from fc>lll black. Note. Forms 5 and 15 — 17 are used, as a rule, only of a number of objects not exceeding ten (hence called pluralia paucitatis). 89. From nouns with more than three radical con- sonants (cf. § 56^ ff.) are formed plurals in which the first consonant takes «, the second a and the third i. Such plurals are diptotes with the exception of all those derived from stems ult. ^ (or with an additional i^— in the sing. § 74 «) which take the nunation in in the nominative and genitive, but not in the accusative which ends in ^ The forms of the singular of Nos. 24 (cf. also ^^^^yc § 66) and 25 are regarded as quadriliterals. No. 29 ends in long a and is diptote. The following are the principal varieties: 23. JJUi as Lj<>U^ from ^JO^ (NF. Jd*i) locust. This form is also found from nouns that are only in a special sense quadriliterals, inasmuch as they are really triliterals with the addition of a THE BROKEN PLURALS. 79 formative consonant; examples of this group are: a) J^UI, as JooUl from RJUil (NF. iULiiJ) fingertip; also from elatives used as substantives, such as oli^l the great ones from J5 I elat. of ^^u51 b) Jc^Uj ^ , ^-' G^ o- g'>* o- "^ " ' ", -^ as vo>l^" from ibw^* (NF. iUjtAj) experience; c) Jk^Ux? as Jolyo from xJoy^o (NF. iUJii/)) dung-heap; (jiobw ^ G^^ S^o^,.^ (with ^, not with S) from iLiuotx> (NF. jUaaxj) livelihood ; ^Lju» (ace. ^^L*i) of ^^Juuo (NF. JoLai) idea. > ^^ G -^ " 6 ^ 24. jLc!«i especially from aUL^U and J^U (used as a substantive), as fa-fila^o from iuLtLo thunder-clap; ^s\yi from jj^vU rider; ^!^ (for ^jo^Syj^ § 67 &) from ^JfiL^ person of distinction; Jli. (ace. ^Jl^) from Jb>Li a female slave. 25. JoLii from such nominal forms with a long vowel after the second radical as have a feminine form or signification, as a) ySu^ from svLI^ funeral obsequies; b) ^>|L^ from iLc^ miracle; c) (j*ot^ from (jijvi bride. 26. Jlii as .Uci from i^lxi (N. F. Jlii) decision. 27. JuJLii from quadriliteral nouns with a long vowel before the last consonant, as JooLlt from 4> JUx 80 90. IRREGULAR NOUXS. G > ^ J (N. F. JyXxi) bunch of fruit; this form is also found with nouns derived from triliteral stems, of which the following are specimens: a) JcA^^Lil as vi:ot>L£s*l from 'i^yd (infinitive Ju*aj used as a noun) turn ; c) Ju^LLo as vJijUixj from ..JJi/j (participle J*.*avo used as a noun) fate; but also Ju^Li (cf. No. 24) as jjMjyM/l^ from jjw^U^ (NF. J^li) spy. G- ^- 28. RjULii, from quadriliteral nouns denoting G— Gci— ^c5^ living beings, as SyjlJ^ from sUi^ (NF. JLii) a G- -^ G*o^. Gr" f'' mighty man; 2LaijLwul from i^iiiAwl bishop; Hjoo^* from Jl^JLj pupil; H4>4>L*S from ^^t^JtXxj a native of Bagdad. 29. Jlii, as (5;L^ from ilC^ desert; Lj|t\5 -^- Gc5- G-' -- (for ^.ltX;c § 2^ Genitive ^t, ^|, ^ -^ .^ Accusative U|, Lit, i^^ The Dual of ^«>| is jjlol (i. e. the two parents), the plur. sGl (§ 88 No. 17). The vocative singular with suff. of the 1. pers. sing, of ^^1 is ^t L", v:>j| G, oo I b ; from -I : ^.t ; with suffix of the 2. pers. masc. sing, dyj I, dinar, gold-piece; broken plur. irregular, ' .1 r" I- 'o (only in the st. constr.) possessor of . . . .; gen. (^3, ace. |6; fern. ^|j; dual nom. U6; plur. nom. ..3 (gen.-acc. 15.6) fern. ^^b\ for the plural J.| (iclu), gen.-acc. j.| is used. m. sju^ year; plur. nom. ^^-Ly (or ^^.-Lu;); gen.-acc. **• .w4-t 'amrun^ 'Amr, proper name of a man. A . is added to the written form of this word in the nom. and gen. {%y^) to distinguish it from ^^ ^umaru (a diptote). Ace. |w^ ; followed by ^ it is written .l*^ and pronounced ^amra-bna. 0. *i or 5ji mouth; st. constr. usually nom. ^, gen. ^, ace. U; broken plur. (§ 88,17) »|^|. p. JuJ night; broken plur. (from the root J^) JLII (§89,23). 3. gli water; broken plur. sLl^ or sj^jol (§ 88,9.17). 91. THE CARDINAL NUMBERS. 83 Jo hand; broken plur. (§ 88,15) Jo I from ^^Jul r. (cf. §71c). Go y G 55^ G ^o^ j»jj day; broken plur. j»L>| from *l5jl (§ 88,17). s. Chapter IV. The Numerals. (§§ 91—93.) The cardinal numbers have the following forms: 91. Masc. Fern. 1 1 6 y inflected 2 u^^l (inflected as a dua 3 l,lHla3) 9^ ^-- 6-.I ^ inflected G.cf S_o^ 4 S 0^ n 5 (J«»»^ ituM^ jj 6 9o^ 6 a » 7 «Aam n 8 ^Ui(seep.27*)Loi:;i 55 9 G" ^ G^ o 55 ^ S^ 55 1 p^ j^] V •*• «L ^<5J.t indeclinable 6* v'^ToR^^ / OK THK f rrTvTTTT-T-, -.-.-. 84 91. THE CARDINAL NUMBERS. Masc. Fern. 12 ^^^ Loj Swww^ LxjlSJ gen.-acc. "^ ic^ji 13 IcLc xi'iLi* nlcii il>^* indeclinable 14 wCLft jyijuj »wXLfr «jK I „ — o It/ ywwL& 2UIaaO 8^^!w X AaaO n 20 ^.wCLfc inflected, like all the tens, as a pluralis sanus. '-'-■ j^o^ >o^ ^o5 30 ^^•^•, 40 jj^*Jj Ij 50 ^j^,^.>»^, 60 ^^X*y, 70 ^jyu-w, 80 jj^Ui*, 90 ^^»A*o 100 xjU (also written xX5, and always so pronounced, mfatun, the | having no effect on the pronunciation). 92. THE CARDINAL NUMBERS. 85 200 ^LBLo, 300 &5Lo 1,^-*, 400 k§U l;jt 500 xjLo jm» S. , 600 kjLo o»-w, 700 kjLo *-^, 800 j^jUj xjLo, 900 iGL>o «.wkO. *> - ^^ - ^ - 1000 v-IjI, 2000 ^lijt, 3000 o^iT SiSG (v^SM is here a broken plural of the form Jlii! § 88 No. 17) &c. 11000 lilt lii S^X 100000 ujVi5\jo, 1000000 The following are the leading points to be noted 92. in joining the cardinals to the names of the objects numbered : The numerals for one (4>^|;) and two are adjec- a. tives; the numbers from 3 — 10, on the other hand, are substantives, and take the word indicating the objects numbered in the genitive plural. They may also, however, be placed in apposition after the noun. Whatever their position relative to the substantive may be — even, in fact, when the latter is altogether omitted, or when they stand as the predicate of a sentence — the construction is such that nouns of the masc. gender take the fem. forms of these numerals, * Often written iSlJVj &c. 86 93. THE ORDINAL NUMBERS. and vice versa nouns of the fern, gender take the masc. forms. Thus: ^j.aaj Rj^* (Xj^* ^yb) three sons, uyUj jOnI («jnI vci^Lo) four daughters. Also before broken plurals of which the singular is masculine, we find the fern, forms of these numerals (3 — 10), as Jl^s Jo!^' 3 men. h. The numbers from 11 to 99 are followed by the word indicating the objects numbered in the accusative singular, as ^L^s ^jJ^j 30 men. c. The numbers from 100 upwards take the thing numbered in the genitive singular as J^^ )LXjo «jJ 400 men. d. In the compound numbers the nature of the construction depends on the last numeral. The particle l is used to join the numbers together; the units and the tens may stand either before the hundreds, or after the thousands and hundreds. Thus the year 1895 is either ^ ]j RjLo ^^}^j ^ykL^^ ijU^ 93^ The ordinals have, for the most part, the form a. of the act. part, of the I stem, as may be seen from the following: 93. THE ORDINAL NUMBERS. 87 Masc. Fern. Masc. Fern. !• ^ J^l^ first ^J 6. jjj^oLw Xjw^Lm; o- ^ 3. viJli* xjdLS* 8. j^^Lj 5U>olJ G" ®^^ G^S^^ 5. (jMytfL^ RamwoL^ 10. v-^Lc S^Lfr 11. wcc^ ;5^La- HwCLt abi>La. indeclinable 12. wwLft /tfjLS* HwM^*5 in the 1313 th year of the Hegira (which began on the 24th of June 1895). Go, Fractions are usually expressed by the form Joti, b, G * ' as viiJU a third. 88 94, 95. PARTICLES. Chapter V. The Particles. (§§ 94—96). 94. The adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions cannot here be given in detail. The prepositions, like many adverbs, are still for the most part recognizable as nouns of three radicals originally, which have preserved the accusative ending without the nunation. Preposi- tions therefore always govern the genitive case in Arabic and may also stand in the genitive in depen- dence on other prepositions. Thus ^^ above, vith a subst. Jla4^| ^^s up on the hill. Note. A few adverbs end in u (which in this case lias absolutely nothing to do with the nominative termination) as ojw afterwards; so J^ ^ in the same sense; but as prepositions jjw or iXW ^ after. 95. The following particles (in alphabetical order) because written with a single letter are inseparably joined to the following word, cf. § 8 note. ^ -^^"^ . . a. I (n) interrogative particle, as Jcxi'l did he kill? Before the connective Alif: viJU^I for | + dU^I is thy name . . . ? b' L-> (a) preposition 'in'; with suffixes thus: 1. ^ in me, 2. masc. ^, 3. masc. s^ (§ I2d) &c. ^- [^ particle of asseveration, as aJjb' by God. 96. PREPOSITIONS AKD CONJUXCTIOXS WITH SUFFIXES. 89 ^ shortened from o^-^/, a particle which gives d, to the impf. the sense of the future, as Jjciijcww he will kill. o, then, denotes a less close connection than 1. e. (J (3) like, as. f. J a corroborative particle before verbs, especially g. in oaths, as ^jJuiuJ he will certainly kill; it also stands before nouns, especially after the particle J. I (§ 125 « note). J (b) preposition and conjunction ; before suffixes h. (except in 1. pers. sing. J) it becomes J, as vjj to thee. 5 (1, 1) connective particle; as a particle of *• asseveration it takes the gen., as adUl. by God. As regards the addition of pronominal suffixes 96. to the prepositions and conjunctions, the following points may be noted in addition to what has been said under § 82. Before the suffixes of the 1. pers. sing., the final a. vowel or vocalic ausJaut is dropped as is the case with the noun; thus Jou 'after' with the suff. of the 1. pers. sing. ;^jJu, but ^iljJu &c. 90 97. DISTINCTION BETWEEN PERF. AND IMPF. b. In the prepositions Jci upon, and J[ towards, the final ^ is sounded before suffixes (contrary to §2^), e.g. with suff. of the 2. pers. masc. viLLCc, viUJI^ « « « 1. „ » ^, Ui (see § 82 «) c. The prepositions ^j^ and jtwi double the n be- fore the suffix of the 1. pers. sing., as ^Lo. ^, ^1 behold, truly, and ^| that, become with the suff. of the 2. pers. sing. masc. db 1^ and viLI " » " " 1- " " ^5^1 ^^ t5^l' „ „ „ „ 1. „ plur. UJ^ or G^, Oil or LJI III. NOTES ON SYNTAX. (§§ 97—160). Chap. I. Moods and Tenses. (§§ 97—104). 97. The perfect expresses a completed action, the completion of which falls in the past, present or future, or is thought of as falling in one or other of these 98. THE PERFECT. 91 periods. The imperfect expresses an uncompleted action, which may likewise fall in each of the same three spheres of time. The perfect is, in the first place, the tense of 98. narration (perfectum historicum), when an action com- ^' pleted in the past is spoken of, and may, as a rule, be rendered by our past tense, as jo\ ^L^ Zaid came. By the perfect the idea is expressed that an action h. or a state has continued from the beginning, and still continues, as iUJLiJI \JiXjis>.\ the learned (always) disagree (gnomic aorist); JL*j> jJUj God, he is exalted (from the beginning). When the perfect expresses an action completed c. in the present, it is to be rendered by our present, as \(\s^ dLxjdiftt I present you with this (the affair is at this moment concluded). In a sentence containing an oath or a wish, the d. perfect expresses an action which, in the mind of the speaker, is completed in the future, as aJUl xliJ God curse him; also with y 'not', as aJUl x^^^ ^ may God have no pity on him; oJLjii ^ «^K hy God I do it not ! When the particle Jo stands before the perfect, e. the latter may in most cases be rendered by our per- 92 THE IMPERFECT. feet (either the present or the past perfect), as Jo Lj*5'j we have (just) mentioned, or we had mentioned. The perf. with Jo may also he used in the sense given under sub-section c, /. When the verb ^^ (to be) stands before the per- fect (with or without JjJ), we must render as a rule by our past perfect (pluperfect), as ---lyo jJ^ O jUio!^l| JUiJb jj^^i vol d3 ^L5 when Moses was born, Pharaoh had (just) commanded to kill the little children. Note. Instead of the above verbal sentence (§ 134), ^jlT may be followed by a compound nominal sentence (§ 138 d) as ^ir g. Our conditional is expressed in Arabic by the perfect, that is, it is represented as something already accomplished, as \::jS'S'^ Ishouldwish, v:iJ4>3« o^l5^(jL9) I should have wished." h. For the perf. after |3l and in conditional sen- tences see §§ 157, 158. 99. The imperfect indicative is to be rendered accord- ing to circumstances by our present or our future, sometimes also by our past progressive (imperfect). a. If the future is to be expressed with greater pre- cision than by the Arabic imperfect alone, the latter 99. THE niPEEFECT. 93 has prefixed to it the adverb Oj^w (^nd), which may be shortened to ^ and is then inseparably joined to the verb (see § 95^), as (^^ULaj oj!l ye will know (it); jl^wU, (49 &) we shall show yotT. '^A-^V^ By the imperfect is expressed an action which h. accompanies another action completed in the past, or which is still in the future from the stand point / V^' >^ O J , ^^ of the latter, as J\ jCo liLJ I L Li they came to their father weeping (cf. § 157 &); ^^>-wCo (jJuJt ^*| he came to the spring to drink. The imperfect can also express the continuance c. of an action in the past; J^JbLiLiLs may also mean 'they were fighting for a considerable time', or 'they fought repeatedly, with each other'. More frequently, however, this continuous imperfect is expressed by a combination of ^li^with the impf. (cf. § 98/. and note); sometimes we can render such a combination by our 'was wont to' or 'used to', as *^j J^ ^ <^^L> ^^S *jc|si> xj^* he used to receive every day three drachmae. If Jo stands before the imperfect, a certain in- d. definiteness is the result, as ^%Sii tXi* *it will most 94 100. THE SUBJUNCTIVE. likely be that . . .', an idea which is not unfrequeiitly found in the imperf. without Jo. Note a. The impf. also stands in direct subordination to other verbs, as ^^) cJ^ U I ceased not to drink (cf. § 110); juyUJI JUJ Jxk. he began to speak with the people; J*3l ^j3l U IoJTI cannot do such a thing. Note b. Before several verbs (perfects or imperfects) joined together with 3, it is sufficient to write ^ once, and so with o^, ^ym and J**. Note c. ^ir(see note to § 98/*) is frequently followed by a compound nominal sentence, as y»XL^\ '^yf^ ^Uic yjVT Osman was wont to visit the graves (the cemetery). 100. The Subjunctive is found in certain kinds of depen- dent clauses introduced by a conjunction, the action of which is to be represented as one to be expected as the result of the action of the principal clause, and hence as one that is only likely to occur in the future. Hence this mood is frequently (not always) used after the conjunctions ^\ that, ^t (from !^ ^jl) that not, £i until, \S (and I) that, and always after s!» v5^ »J^ in order that, ^^ (made up of SJ ^J^) in order that . . not, !| in the sense of 'except that', 'until', as ^"sJSl ^l^ he came in order to visit me; vI^XJo ^jl sCil he commanded him to write (that he 101. THE MOD. APOCOPAT. OR JUSSIVE, 102. THE MOD. ENERGIC. 95 should write). In like manner the subj. is used after ^ (^^t y) it will not be (the case) that, as ^JL«^t \J I shall not send him. The modus apocopatus (or jussive) is found: 101. 1) in positive commands, generally with the particle a. J prefixed, as v_;JcCaJ let him write. Note. When such a form is further preceded by ^ and ^ (which is sometimes the case, without any special stress resting on these particles) J generally loses its vowel, as &13] ^J£% ^^yjoyJl JJ'j2-JL3 and in God let the believers (then, therefore) trust. 2) in negative commands with y, as JlO ^ say not, h. thou shalt not say. The imperative can never take a negative. 3) always after Ij, not as a prohibition but as ne- c. gativing a completed action, as ljwoJ *J he did not strike, (as the negation of CJJ^i) \ in like manner after LIJ in the sense of 'not yet'. 4) in the protasis and apodosis of conditional sen- d. tences, see § 158. The modus energicus is usually found in assevera- 102. tions, and particularly in connection with an oath and the corroborative particle J, as aajwo^ idJL by God, I will certainly strike him; this mood is also used with the prohibitive y. 96 103. THE PASSIVE. 104. THE PARTICIPLE. 103. The Passive is employed in those cases in which the agent, for some reason or other, must not be mentioned. Hence a sentence like J^jv J^^i* means 'Zaid has been killed (by some person unknown or who may not be named)'. Our 'Zaid has been killed by 'Amr', the Arabs express by the active construction. The passive is frequently found in an impersonal sense (see § 121 «). 104. With regard to the employment of the participles the following points are to be noted: a. The participle (especially as predicate of a nominal sentence § 122^) frequently expresses our "to be about to", as dljJI ^t>U u| I am about to come, on the point of coming, to you. b. The passive participle is also used impersonally in Arabic; starting from the sentence au-Lfr /c4^ ^^ fainted (literally: it was covered over him) we can also say xlXS Z^iJuo ^ he has fainted , fem. "5, L^jJLe ^MjJuQ. In such constructions the impersonal part. pass, may be inflected for all three cases and be determined by the article, as xjuLi /^^^ J^r-? ^)y^ I passed a man who had fainted; ^^^jlJI 5t%-JI o^K L^^Jli I saw the woman that had fainted. 105, VERB. COMPLEMENTS. 106 108. ACCUS. COMPLEMENT. 97 Chap. II. The Government of the Verb. (§§ 105—117). In Arabic the verb may take as its complement 105. either an accusative, or a preposition with its case. The numerous combinations of the latter sort, in which the preposition with its case is sometimes the necessary complement of the action denoted by the verb, sometimes merely accessory (such, for example, as specifications of place and time) cannot here be given in detail. See, however, §§ 114 ff. The accusative is the case depending immediately 106. on the verb. We distinguish here the cases in which, the accusative stands a) as object, p) as predicate, and y) as limitation or more precise definition, generally called by grammarians, . the accusative "of nearer definition". a) Certain classes of verbs, as for example, verbs 107. of coming and going, take as direct object the goal to which the action is directed, e. g. ouuJi JlLj he went into the house. Note. On the other hand »iUA-J| ^| Ji.j denotes primarily the direction of the action towards the goal; C^] ^ JaLj he went into the house and stayed there. The following take trvo accusatives: 1) The causa- 108. tive forms of transitive verbs with one accusative in - ^ ^ o-o the I. stem, as -JLt to know; cans. sVl JiJI a^JLc he Socin, Arabic Grammar.* 7 98 109. THE ABSOLUTE OBJECT. taught him reading; 2) verbs that express the ideas of filling or giving, of making into, of considering or recognising as, of naming, and many others: e. g. LiLi ijos^l aJUt Joi^ God made the earth (into) a carpet; tc^t<° 2aj| * "■ he named his son Muhammed. When a verb of this class is put in the passive, the second accusative remains, as tc^i<° iuj| -4^ his son was named Muhammed; Uio^t> ^'.j he was presented with a dirhem, from the active Uist> sbl he presented him with a dirhem (for suff. see § 107). Note a. The two accusatives of such verbs as express the idea of finding one to be, or considering one as something, stand to each other, strictly speaking, in the relation of subject and predicate (§ 139); thus a sentence like U-^l*. l>^ ^^^ nia-J also be translated 'I found that he waS a gentle old man'. As second object we may have a verb instead of a noun, as t.^ps.\j!ui ^^^^ 'p^\ <^^) they found their payment to be something which was returned to them = they found that their payment was &c. Note b. Verbs expressing not an intellectual but a physical perception are also frequently found with two accusatives. The se- cond, indeed, is generally regarded as an ace. of condition (§ 1136), but sentences like UTU |^ c>-yti», it must be admitted, may also be translated: I heard 'Amr weeping, i. e. I heard how *Amr wept. 109. For the purpose of strengthening or of more precisely defining the idea conveyed by it, every verb 110. THE ACCUSATIVE AS PREDICATE. 99 may take a so-called absolute object. This absolute (or internal) object consists gf an infinitive, a nomen speciei \ <■ (§ 64 c) or other noun. U sually this object is itself more precisely defined either by some qualifying word or phrase (§ 120) or by a genitive, as LLli ^^^5 2u5l he educated him with a good education, i. e. well; ^.ii^.l bl^ (c^y^ ^® struck him with a stroke which pained me (for the relative sentence, see § 155); 5jL:i 'iZ*^ *i)ULl he walked in the way of his grand father. More rarely the absolute object is found with- out any qualification, as Ljw«S Xil^ he struck him with a stroke, as much as to say, he struck him a blow, and what a blow ! CJ^ Swo he wrapped it in (so many) parcels ; here the absolute object expresses rather the result of the action. Note. Sometimes the place of the infinitive is taken by the mere qualification, as Uji jb ^U. he journeyed long, for Uj> jb \y^ ^U. he journeyed a long journey, or by some other form of nearer definition, as lasiLo j*j»5.Jl c^, iA& &ii] ^SJ God allowed him to capture Jerusalem peacefully = ^La ^si. p) The accusative stands as the predicate with verbs 110. which express the idea of being or becoming some- thing, and is especially common with the verb J^li^ (med. .). This verb signifies either 1) to be in the 7* 100 111. THE ACCUSATIVE AS PREDICATE. G ^ -- "' sense of to exist, as ^jv. ^\S' there was (there lived) a vizier, or 2) to be something (in particular); in the latter sense it takes its predicate (to adopt the nomenclature of the native grammarians) in the accusative, as !^L^ x-j|yo| o^jLS^ his wife was pregnant. The same construction is adopted by all verbs of similar signification, such as ,^Mjd\ to be something late, ^^.j^S to be something early, jL^ to be or become something a second time, 1\S to remain, to last, J|v to cease to be something, »Lo to become something, juJJ not to be something. The place of the accusative in the predicate may be taken by a preposition with its case (cf. § 114 ff.), as JoC ^\S c>.A^M ^ Zaid was in the bouse; ^j^waJI d^Xo ooLT \jOy^\ ^J take the ■ sense of bringing, as J^b t JoC ^^\ ^® brought Zaid the news. — This i^ may also accompany an impera- tive as a periphrasis of the first person of the dual and plural, as Uj \jcla\ let (thou) us go, Hi l-^cucj let (ye) us go. 116. The meaning of many verbs is often so altered according to the preposition with which they are construed that a sense quite the opposite of the original, according to our idiom, is the result; thus ad Lis is properly: he called (to God) in his favour, i. e. he blessed him, xlic Lc3 he called (to God) against him, i. e. he cursed him; w^^L jLiX«ij he occupied himself with the affair; but with Jv^ (which contains the idea of separation) ^^1 ^j^ Juu^ij he was occupied so that he put the affair in question aside, could not attend to it. 117. Of the various uses of the preposition J (see §§ 130 ff.), we may call attention to its special use in dates, particularly in specifying the days of the month, as ^^ ^yo xJUJ J.y in the first (literally: to the first) night of (the month) Muharram. fjJL^ JLlJ ftjJ^l 118. DETERMIXATION. ( ^^^ ^^^^JB&ITY - .-- -. . ■ . ^ .1-. 2LP^T.^hu\^ ^Loui Jv>o or with the omission of JLJ Jtlii /y^ ^^ ^^® ^^™^ ^^ seven nights, which (lif. § 155) h'ad elapsed of Sa'ban, i. e. when seven nights (or days) of S. had passed; oo^ (jL J) SwCL^ *jn!^ j^Lijof ^^ when still fourteen (nights) were left of Ramadan. / Chap. III. The Government of the Noun. (§§118—134). A noun may take with it a) the article, ^3) a permut- 118. ative (noun in apposition), y) a qualifying (attribu- tive) adjunct, h) a genitive. a) When a noun is preceded by the article, it is said to be determined (§ 79 &). This determination may be stronger or weaker: A very strong determination is found in certain a. words which contain the idea of time, as aLc.LlJI this hour = now, ^^jJI this day = today. In these cases the article has the force of a demonstrative. By means of the article a single definite object is b. indicated, which the speaker has in mind, or which has been already mentioned: by Jc^lJI is meant some particular known man. Proper names furnished with the article (see § 19 a) were originally appellatives with the determination, as ^^..^lif. 106 119. APPOSITION. c. The determination by the article often serves merely to denote the species or class to which some- thing belongs, as sU^I Jcl« Jt he is like an ass. This use of the article is named the generic. 119. P) From among the cases in which a noun follows another noun in apposition, the following may be singled out as worthy of note: a. « A substantive may have in apposition words expressing a) size, b) resemblance, c) the parts and d) the material of which a thing is made up. Thus G ^ Go-' a) els 6 ^yj a dress an ell long (lit. a dress, an ell); b) Jos Jla^o J^. a man like (lit. the likeness of) Zaid; c) ^LoJ Ju:s» a rope made up of rotten pieces; d) JotXil (vi'LiI the iron finger-ring; when undeter- ^ y G ^ " mined preferably with ^j^ as ^^^^> J^c a.jLo an idol of gold. For the last, the genitive construction is also found viz: v^^jJI *Jv«o. 6. The word J^ totality is construed either with the noun following in the genitive, or stands in apposition, with a suffix referring back to the noun, as jj^LDI Ji^ or fV.gJL5^jiwQj| all men. (Note that Jo'being a substan- tive always remains unchanged as regards gender and number). 120. QUALIFYING ADJUNCTS. 107 Y) a substantive may be qualified 1) by an adjective, 120. 2) by a preposition with its case, or 3) by a relative clause (§§ 155—6). 1) The qualifying word may be an adjective^ as a. Jt>Lc. *Uol an honest Imam; in this case if the substantive is determined the adjective must also receive the determination, as JoLill *Uo^l|, the honest Imam. The adjective follows its substantive; to this rule h. the demonstrative pronoun forms an apparent excep- tion, in as much as it generally stands before (like the article § 118), less frequently after ^ the substantive which it qualifies. Thus we find *ikiJ| I j^ this slave, alongside of Ij^ ^^^oLfl. The adjective must agree with its substantive in c, gender and number, as ^i^^ *^H^ ^ pretty girl. Among the exceptions is the word ^^^Oo much, which generally remains unchanged, like a noun in apposi- - s ^ tion, even after the plural, as wAA5^JL:i., many men. That the broken plurals take their adjectives in d. the feminine has been already noted (see § 87«); the adjective, however, may also take a broken plural, as / / aIwT JLis, noble men. The plur. sanus, moreover, is not 108 121. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE AS ADJUNCT. unfrequently found especially if the adjective qualifies words denoting living beings, as ^-^L^JI ib ^ I the ancestors that were of old (part, of j^-^)- ^^ ^^ same circumstances the collectives (§ 86 a) may also take a plural adjective, as i.^V^ * Jj miserly people, ^.j^Lb *Js violent people. The preceding pronoun often stands then in the plural, as ,jj-uJ| ^!j*P these men; but with fern, plurals that do not denote living beings generally in the fem. singular, as v:i>| JUJI s jjo these deserts; before broken plurals also in the fem. sing., as viLJUiJI 5 jcJC these slaves. 2) From those cases in which a preposition with its J21. noun is dependent on a verb (§§ 114 ff.) or its equi- ^' valent, must be clearly distinguished those in which they form the qualifying attribute of another noun, as -jjJJLj ijLo J<£. \^:^JLXs^ I sat down beside a goldsmith (who was) in the bazaar; djJu ,j-^ '^^.)i> thy posterity (that will be) after thee. Sometimes this attribute does not stand next to b. the word qualified; so particularly with the relatives ,%Jo and Uo, as ^-j^I ^jjo iLiJI J^t> ^ those of the Arabs that advanced into Syria; oLio Li L.^1 122. ASYNDETON OF ATTRIBUTES. 123. THE GEXITIVE. 109 &LwujJI r\^ *Xf marry of the women whatever seemeth good unto you. Should several attributes qualify a single substan- 122. tive, the connecting conjunction is usually omitted (asyndeton), as ^xkiJI JJtJ! iJUl the high and mighty God; ibwiiJI ljI*-?I Jvo /t^U ^b a wide gate of the gates of the town; iJJh3 aLwl, ,^^ K^.-^uo aLoU-t a thick cloud over his head which gave him shade. h) One noun, when in dependence on another, is put 123. in the genitive case — the function of which is to deter- mine more exactly the application of the preceding noun. As the result of the close connection subsisting between the second noun and the first, the latter, now said to be in the construct state (§ 79 c) and therefore without the article, is regarded as determined. There- fore ^.LjiJI ^sx>> is 'the (particular) spear of the (particular) horseman', and so with the suffixes, as 2L^. his (particular) spear. When the dependent noun (nomen rectum) is undetermined, the governing noun (nomen regens) is only defined in a generic sense (§118 c), or is specialized in a way resembling the generic definition, as sdJLc ou-s a daughter of a king = a king's daughter. 110 124.CONS.AND GEN.IXSEP. 125. DETER.BYSUFF. 126. COMPOS. NOUNS. Note. More rarely, in the latter case, the generic article SB « J<»» may be attached to the nomen rectum, as y^tJ^\ ^ja. barley bread 124. The genitive cannot be separated from the go- verning word (nomen regens); adjectival and other additions must therefore stand after the genitive, as «.«jtJI viLiiJl vii^^Aj the spacious house of the king. When, according to our idiom, a genitive belongs to two substantives, in Arabic it is made dependent on the first of the two, and represented with the second by a personal pronoun, as ^uuo• xJUl iU^^ the mercy and blessings of God. 125. Substantives conveying the idea of time sometimes receive a specially strong determination by the addition of suffixes (cf. § 118 «), as 2JL1I jLo he prayed his night, i. e. the particular night in which he then was. lie. The close connection of two nouns thus standing in the genit. relation makes sometimes possible their fusion to one idea, although only the first component admits of inflection. Thus xJUl jJx. (gen. xiJI tX^; ace. aJLf! tXlt) the servant of Allah, as a proper name, conveys but a single idea. Further illustrations will be found in the numerous examples of composite proper names, of which one of the elements is one or other of the words ^1 son, CA father, ciJj daughter, jl| mother. 127. SUBST. USE OF ADJJ. 128. EXPLICATIVE GENITIVE. Ill As the Arabs have no family names, properly so-called, the name of a man or woman receives for distinction's sake an addition by the help of the above words, as Jowj jj^ (Xt^ U^yj^' V?' (observe the order). Very frequently a name thus made up has become the principal name, as that of the first Caliph ^xj •jl, for example, or that of the savant iujuCi* ^^U names of tribes, too, like s.^JL5 ^Lj, are in the same way simple notions (Einheitsbegriffe). Not unfrequently an adjective which in our idiom 127. would be made to qualify its substantive, is in Arabic raised to the rank of a substantive, on which its proper substantive is made to depend ; thus xo A i> ^.S the noble(ness) of his character = his noble character; y^UJl Ji6\ most men. The same construction is found with elatives also, as x-«iuut jjy^l !«-wLc they lived the easiest life (cf. § 109). A species of explicative genitive is found in cases 128. where a general conception is more explicitly defined by a following proper name, as ^j^l ^J the land of Yemen. — Under this head may be reckoned the suffixes appended to numerals, as ^ ( l'^'^^''^ the three of them. 112 129. CLAUSE AS GEN. 130. PERIPH. OF GEN. 131. CONS. OF INFIN. 129. A few words containing the ideas of time and place may have, instead of a genitive, a whole clause depending on them, as Jjci* *5«> on the day on which he was killed. 130. When a noun on which another noun is in the proper sense (cf. § 134) dependent must remain absolu- tely undetermined (see § 123), the usual genitive rela- tion of nomen regens and nomen rectum is inadmissible, and the connection of the two must be expressed by a preposition, as Ji} • | a brother of yours, where jjG is attrib. adjunct to • I (see § 121 «). 131. Infiniiives may govern their object according to the laws either of verbal or of nominal government. In the first instance their subject is subordinated in the genitive; Jo; J^XiJ accordingly means: the circumstance that Zaid has killed. If no subject is named, the object may likewise stand in the genitive, so that the same expression Jov Joci* may also mean : the circumstance that Zaid has been killed, the fact of Zaid's being killed. When both subject and object are present, the former is treated as a subjective genitive ; the latter remains in the accusative or J with the genitive is used as a periphrasis for the accusative, as y^\ lo^-xi 2lLo^IJuo 132. PARTICIPLE WITH OBJECT. 113 - the circumstance that he was constantly drinking 0"? w J wine; . t^J ^^-^^ the circumstance that I am fond of wine. J also stands after an undetermined infinitive (e. g. in cases like § 113^ and others) as UCi'l o^* Jop I stood up to do honour to Zaid. In the case of the participle, the object of the 132. verb appears as the objective genitive, and when the part, has the sense of the perfect it is determined by the genitive following, as ,jo>^t (3JLL ^JU! God is he who has created the earth = the creator of the earth. With a present or future sense the governing participle is not determined, as ^j-iJl 'iJ^\b ^y*JLi Jo every soul is one that will taste of death ; JliS%^ aJj^ he is one that will meet with you. If the participle is in itself determined, the object stands in the accusative or is expressed periphrastically with J, as [JLfJLJ vlJUaJI he who strives after knowledge; the same applies when the participle is strictly undeter- mined, as auot nU CJLb one who wishes to take blood revenge for his father; *^Lw^ LLs? oJs Lo I have not ceased to love Islam. Socin, Arabic Grammar.^ 8 114 133. UNDETEEM. STAT. CONSTR. 134. IMPROP. ANNEXATION. 133. A special idiomatic use of certain generic words is their combination with a following genitive. They are determined or undetermined according to the context, e. g. .6 he who has, possessor of (cf. § 90/), JLo ,3 the possessor of wealth, a rich man; v_^Lo companion, owner, JJic v^j=».Lothe man of sense; J^l people, LyjJt J^l people of the world= worldly people; (jdxj portion, e. g. &LJLiJ! u>d*j one, some of the learned; tx^ prop, change, then 'another than', as 5yj^ s Joiu viJUUi viJULJJI ^Lo the king died and another than he reigned after him; similarly ^xij one, as *jCtX^t one of them; finally ^j^jl son,in certain common idioms, as XjLw ^jjo^* ^I thirty years old. 134. A special kind of genitive relation is presented by the so-called improper annexation, by which a participle or a verbal adjective (see § 60 &) is more strictly limited or defined by a following genitive, as «is^ Jl ^j.jufcfli- Jii^) ^ ^^^ beautiful of countenance. This construction is best rendered by a relative clause, the subject of which will be the word that more clearly defines the governing idea, in other words the genitive of the Arabic will be the nominative of the English, a man whose countenance is beautiful. In such a case 135, 136. THE VERBAL SENTENCE. 115 the governing word is not determined by the following genitive; should the latter require to be determined, it may receive the article (contrary to the rule in § 123) as at&.Jl ^jJ^\ J^ Jl the man of the beautiful countenance, i. e. whose countenance is beautiful. Chapter IV. The Simple Sentence. (§§ 135—151). Sentences in Arabic are of two kinds, verbal and 135. nominal. The chief characteristic of a verbal sentence is the fact that it always contains a finite verb ; in fact, a verb of this kind with its inherent (subject) pronoun is in itself a complete verbal sentence, as ool^ thou hast struck. This type of sentence always expresses the commeficement of some activity^ understood in the widest sense. If a special exponent of the idea con- veyed by the subject of the verb is added, it follows the verb in the case appropriate to the subject, viz. the nominative, as Ju\ C>^ he has struck, Zaid (has) = Zaid has struck, whereby Zaid is singled out as the agent. In the verbal sentence, the finite verb does not 136. always agree in gender and number with the following 8* 116 136. CONCORD IN THE VERBAL SENTENCE. subject. The following are the chief points to be noted in this connection: a. The verb stands in the masculine singular before sound or outer plurals, and generally before the masc. forms of the dual. b. The verb stands in the feminine singular 1) before a sing. fern, if it follows the verb immediately, 2) be- fore sound plurals feminine, 3) before the fern, forms of the dual, and 4) before broken plurals (cf. next sub-section). c. The verb stands in the masculine or feminine singular 1) before a sing. fem. not immediately following the verb, 2) before collectives, 3) before broken plurals denoting male persons ; if these plurals do not imme- diately follow the verb, the latter in most cases takes the masc. singular form. d. Once the subject is introduced, the verbs following agree with it in gender and number, as jJLL. Jo; ^l^ t JU*. iJUl lXa^* there came Zaid, Halid and'Abdallah and they said. After collectives also the verb, in such a case, often takes the plural, as tsSjsujI ,jL^-ijtJl o^-*dx) the young people set out to follow him. So too after words like l^i* and others. Still it is always possible for the verb to remain in the singular, as JwJp>^ 137. INDEFINITE SUBJECT. 117 &M*1^ J^ ^\0^ l^jo nuj^ and the Kuraishites (the tribe Kuraish) imprisoned whomsoever they could imprison. A subject unknown, or purposely left unnamed, 137. is treated as follows (cf, French on dit, German man sagt) : 1) The verb is put in the 3. pers. sing, of the a. ^ passive (see § 103), as 2uJI^ JLlo they journey to him. It is to be noted that this impersonal passive can never stand without a complement (here «jjI). 2) Or in the 3. pers. plur. of the active, as | JU h. they said. 3) Or in the 2. pers. sing, (or plur.) of the active, c. e. g. in the Kur'an ooK! or aJCjIJ dost thou think? do ye think? where it is not any particular persons that are addressed, but people in general, as much as to say 'could any one suppose that ....?' Jju one might say (cf. Eng. 'as you might say'). 4) There may be added to the verb a subject d. (participle) formed from the same root, as Job* JU or JoLflJI jUj some one said; jsJ^jjo ^^fJl !^K J w«fli> a castle, the like of which had never been seen. Note. The case of an undefined complement of a verbal action being expressed by a substantive derived from the verb is 118 138. INDEFINITE SUBJ. 139. NOMINAL SENTENCE. not unfrequently met elsewhere than in the above construction, e. g. UaS5 JX5 aliquem (interfectum) interfecit, J)^ &«J j^Jl>w II they did not fear the reproof of any reprover. 138. Occasionally, out of sometliing that has heen mentioned, a story or the like, there arises an in- definite subject corresponding to our "it", which is usually expressed by the feminine of the verb; for example, after a fable or the like, %^ oJ^tXi? and it (i. e. this story) passed into a proverb. 139. The nominal sentence^ in contrast to the verbal sentence, expresses a state or condition of the subject. This last as a rule stands at the head of the sentence in the case appropriate to the subject, viz. the nomina- tive ; in most cases it is determined while the predicate is undetermined. The predicate may consist of one or other of the following: a) a simple noun, as (JLi o Jo\ Zaid (he) is ill; s^jf i3 and >~»yc jj^^ Zaid has struck, may be explained in this way. In the first of these two expressions it is the act of striking that is uppermost in the speaker's mind, and the enquiry as to the subject or agent from whom the act proceeds is answered with Zaid, on which the logical emphasis now rests. In *^yc j^^j, on the other hand, we start with Zaid as a given subject or agent, and the question as to what is to be predicated regarding this subject or as to what this agent has done is answered by ^^, on which in its turn the logical centre of gravity, so to say, comes to rest. Between subject and predicate, when both are 140. determined, there ought to stand the pronoun of the 3. person, but this rule is not always observed, as j^l ye ^JLI! God is the living One. — Sometimes, also, this pron. merely serves to emphasize the subject. In negative and interrogative sentences the predi- 141. Go- - o"^ cate stands before the subject, as Ju\ ^\ where is Zaid? I^j ^vo *X) Li ye have no helper (in which case the subject ^I receives the addition of \jo 120 142. NOMINAL SENTENCE. (= Frencli du, &c.) as strengthening the negation). In the same way a predicate consisting of a preposition and its noun, or of an adverb, stands before the subject when the latter is undetermined and is not more precisely defined by any qualifying word or phrase, as HlLol sIjJI ^ in the house is a woman; J^o |V^x) Ix\ among them are some who maintain. Note. A predicate of this sort may even stand before a determined subject, but in that case the logical emphasis is on the subject, as ^^'y ^^JJ*, Zaid is with me, while in ^^ 0.^3 the logical stress is on the predicate; Zaid is with me. 142. Verbal adjectives (§ 60&), in virtue of the verbal idea inherent in them, sometimes stand as predicate "before the noun in the place of a finite verb, as Jov ll«.i s.-?! ^^>L3 Zaid, his father struck Amr = Zaid's father &c. The predicate, thus placed in advance, frequently agrees in gender and number with its subject following, as ^J^J^ '^yij\ whose hearts have been inclined (to Islam), but in respect of case it agrees with the word on which this kind of sentence is generally dependent, as aju^ o tX^ ^ with a mouth, whose saliva is sweet; L^Ol RiJUis? Cj\%3 LIjI; we found animals, the species of which differed from each other, of different sorts. A circumstantial accusative 143, 144, 145. NOMINAL SENTENCE. 121 (§ 113 &) may also, in this way, refer to a following subject, although it is really dependent on the preced- ing verbs, as s^jI LIsI* JoC :^L^ Zaid came, while his father rode. When the subject of a nominal sentence consists 143. of a demonstrative pronoun, the latter agrees in gen- der with the following predicate, as ib^l^ s j^ this is a female slave. The predicate of Li not (often also that of J^ 144. u^ §§ 50 and 110, and of /.li^§ 110 when occurring with a negative) is introduced by v^, as viJUUj ! j^ Lo this is no king. In the relation of subject and predicate (cf. § 119«) 145. may stand in Arabic: A thing and its dimensions, as Lils<3 ^y^ A^«t| a. the pillar is thirty cubits (high). A thing and that which it resembles, as jd/j »Il! | h. , LJpl selling is the likeness of (is like) usury; and so with vj (§ 95/), which likewise may stand in any of the three cases. A thing and its parts, as ^Uub «jnI ^^\ J^ c. ^ the kings of the Persians fall into four divisions. 122 146. NOM. SENT. 147. NOM. SENT. WITH 'iwwa, 'a?ma. d. A thing and its material JotX^ joLo^I u»d*S oyi^ Llj^ajul one part of the toes was of iron and another of clay. 146. In certain cases a pronoun has to be supplied as subject of a nominal sentence, as J c^ ^•»*^JI of a truth (= the fact is), the evil-doers do not prosper; .\y=^ •jJ Jw^ ^o xj 1 Joo it is rela- ted that M. had four female slaves. c While ^1 introduces a new and independent sen- 148. " 05 ^ a. tence, one introduced by ^\ always forms part of another sentence, as ^^»i ^^ jLa aJUl ^^1 Jou *JI wjjo knowest thou not that God is mighty over all; here the sentence beginning with A is really the ob- ject. In JC4-&I iol 3 ^iJwCio i*-^ there has never been any doubt that he is blind, the sentence with ^\ is virtually in the genitive; in ^<>^ ^u! jc6*^ ^^ ^^^ reached my ears that he is married, it represents the subject. 124 148. SENTENCES WITH 'ttfi und md. b. Verbal sentences introduced by ^| also form in this way an integral part of the principal sentence ; a distinction must be made, however, between two va- rieties of this construction. If the sentence beginning with ^1 asserts that something is now going on, or that it has now ceased, the verb in the subordinate clause remains in the indicative, as \\ \jq o4^ (or simply ^|) J^^ ^ I am surprised that he takes the field against me, |^iix> ^^\ J[ dUj I^JLiii and they did this until they died ; if, on the other hand, something is conceived as falling in the future and therefore still uncertain, the subjunctive (cf. § 100) is required, as I Jo Jotii ^^1 dU it falls to thee to do SO, u^.a.1^1 ^yo .iX^ ^\ j^xUj it is fit and proper that thou shouldst guard against shameful actions. Note. Sometimes the preposition which indicates the relation of the two parts of the sentence is omitted before ^ and ^1, as ffl* - i s= - .' ^jjl ^J = ^U JUj this was for the reason that, and it was so, because &c. c. In the cases discussed in the above sub-section an infinitive may take the place of ^1 with the finite verb. Quite as frequently as ^| in such cases, we find Uo with the finite verb (of course always in the 149. SEVERAL PREDICATES. 150. NEGATIVE SENTENCES. 125 ^ ^ " , GS indicative), as |jo\ oowo uLo v.:>J!r^ I am surprised that thou hast struck Zaid = jjo* i^yc Jwx. The use of this so-called infiiiitive-m« is very common; thus we have it in ^^(as) — made up of (^and Uo — with a verbal sentence: ^l^i, Vr^ ^-^^b Vr*^ ^^^^ was beaten as 'Amr was beaten. When more than one predicate is required in a 149 nominal sentence, they generally follow each other without a conjunction (cf. §§ 122, 113 &, note b), as ^ s ^ ^ l^jJLt lflA.ft.& ^\^ I am attentive and well-informed. The same is the case with the predicates of the verb ^^li^ (which frequently occurs as the substantive verb) and the verbs akin thereto (see § 110), as xXJUmJI ^^ L^j^dxj^ ^y}» \ j^^.t..'^ HiljU^ \hAx,^ v^'yl y^\ y-*r^ t,ji.Aj.o the kingdom will in the latter days become mixed and a prey to dissension, and one of which one part will be strong and another weak. In negative verbal sentences we find Uo with the 150. perfect, as ljj-Cw Lo he did not drink, or ^ with the apocopated impf. (jussive, cf. § 101 c). With the impf. indicative Lo is used, as ^yM Uo b. 126 151. EXCEPTIVE PARTICLE. he does not drink, or Sf with the same tense il>l*io ^ he does not, or he will not drink. Other uses of S are (a) with the apoc. impf. (cf. § 101 &) and (b) with the perfect (cf. § 98 d). As negativ- ing an act in the past Si can only stand before the per- feet when two perfects come together, as S"! ^_w Juo ^ Jco he neither believed nor prayed, or after sentences with other negatives. Note. A j)receding negative, even in the same sentence, is frequently resumed by means of IJ, as ^ua-lo o^ ^i^A^I ixsw J he did not find the village nor yet his friend again. 151. After the exceptive particle ^| that which is ex- cepted stands in the accusative when a positive sentence precedes, as ljo\ ^1^ jj>.UJ| t\s^ the'people came, ex- cept Zaid; when a negative sentence precedes that which is excepted is less frequently in the accusative, but rather, as a rule, in the same case as the word to which the limitation or exception applies, as Lo t\j\ *i\ f»y^l ^^ the people came not, except Zaid; 4>ov ^1^ tX^L ^;vo tx) I passed no one except Z.? \>^ !^t \d^\ v:iol^ Li I have struck no one, excepi; 'Amr. Very frequently in such cases it is the exception that brings us the necessary logical complement, as 152. CO-ORDINATE SENTENCES. 127 Ju'o ^t ^5^ ^ ^ have not passed (anyone) except Zaid, i. e. I have passed only Zaid. Note. Also in the sentence &Ul ^f ill ^ (§ 111) there is no God but Allah, the last word is in the nominative, because it is the logical subject (there is no God, if not Allah; but Allah is). In the sentence ^tJ^«J| ^JWI 41)0 2)f 85J 2/3 J^a. U there is neither power nor strength except (in union) with Allah, the high and mighty One, the ideas of power and strength (8^*^ J)**) ™^st logically be supplied before the exception. Chapter V. Compound Sentence. (§§ 162—161). Co-ordinate sentences are as a rule joined together 152. by a copulative particle. Thus a simple co-ordinated sentence is usually introduced by ; (§ 95 e), as J^3 JLs. Jo\ Z. entered and said, o (§ 95 e), on the other hand, is used when the connection of the two sen- tences is less close, when, for example, the second event follows the first only after a certain interval, as ^joJa ^y^ Jo\ Zaid was ill; soon after he died, o, according- ly, is often used when the subject is changed, as joC *l^ iJ oJUi Zaid came; and so I said to him. ".U with a following nominal sentence expresses the motive of the action and is to be rendered by 'then', 'therefore'. 128 153, 154. RELATIVE CLAUSES. Note a. In lively narrative prose the connective particles are often dispensed with, particularly when the story is told in dialogue form, the words of each speaker being then mostly intro- duced by a simple Jl5. Note b. As illustration of the omission of the connectives (asyndeton) must not be quoted certain combinations of two verbs (cf. § 99 note a), in which the second verb denotes rather the end to which some more general activity is directed; such, for example, is the imperfect with verbs denoting a beginning. In other cases, a perfect may be made to depend on a perfect, an imperfect on an imperfect, an imperative on an imperative, as ]ylj\ju lyolJ they arose and fought with each other; l^Ibxl *^ arise and woo her. Note c. Among the connective particles ^X^ may also, in result expected in the future (§ 100), but denotes the actual completion of an action, as in the sentence &JCo jy ^^Xs>. y\m he journeyed until he alighted at Mecca = he journeyed and at last alighted &c. In such cases ^^X^ may also be followed by an imperf. 03 indicative or by ^J with a nominal sentence. 153. Relative sentences or clauses are of two kinds, those which do not accompany a noun and those which do accompany and qualify a noun. As regards the asyndetical connection of seyeral qualifications, the latter class is subject to the same treatment as the qualifying adjuncts discussed in §§ 120 — 122. 154. Those relative sentences that do not depend on or qualify a noun are introduced either by ^ jj| (see § 14 «) he that, that which, whoso, &c., which is 155. RELATIVE CLAUSES. 129 declinable and always determined, or by the indeclin- able pronouns ^ (he that, one that, whosoever, those that, such ... as) and Co (that which, a thing that, what). The former is sometimes determined, sometimes unde- termined. Exx: xiLiiJI v^^^ (^ '^^W '^r^(J^<^^^ those that reject our revelations, they will be the people of the left hand (Jo jJI is here in the nom. as being the subject); Luyb v::JiJLia. ^j^ J^(l (the devil said:) Shall I fall down before one whom thou hast formed of clay {^ is here in the genit.) ? *^t^L? \jyy^, *-^ JLL ^jJjl^ Li they speak with their mouth what is not in their hearts (Lo is here accus.). A relative clause is made to follow and qualify 155. a substantive by means of j^ jJI only when the sub- stantive in question (the antecedent) is determined', with it j^tXJI agrees in gender and number, as o^wo ■A^ i^JJI J^ Jl I struck the man that came. The explanation of this is that ^^jJI is originally not a relative in our sense of that word, but a demonstra- tive, and as such it is always determined. The above sentence, for example, means, strictly speaking: I struck that man there, he came. On the other hand Socin, Arabic Grammar.* 130 156. RELATIVE CLAUSES. OS^ the relative clause is appended without ,c JJI when the antecedent is undetermined, as ^L^ liviTs ^"li I struck a man who came (prop. I struck a man, he came). Note. ^oJI is also dispensed with when the antecedent is only determined in a general sense (i. e. when it has the generic article see § 118 c?), as I^U-I J*^^ yUs^S Ji^J' like an ass that carries hooks. 156. The relative clause, which we have seen to be strictly speaking merely a verbal or a nominal sen- tence subordinated to an antecedent noun, ought by rule to contain a pronoun referring back to this an- tecedent, as ^^kh. sol ^^d^S J^Ul the man whose father is rich; ItX^i ^Zw ^1 &J ^^lyhe had a son, who was named M. (in this case the pronoun is im- plied in the verb); Jo\ k} JUj J^n a man who is named Z. (prop, of whom it is said: [he is] Zaid, cf. § 146). The pronoun which in this way points back to the antecedent may stand in any part of the rela- tive sentence ; thus in the sentence (ji^^^ ^^ Vr* ^ Juuu xjl Jwb ;^ jJl the army had come up close to him, regarding which he thought that it was still at a distance, it does not appear till we reach the sen- 55 ^ S3 ^ tence which is subordinated by ^1 to the verb .jij?. 157. CIRCUMSTANTIAL CLAUSES. 131 Collectives which denote living creatures (cf. § 136^) may be followed here also by a plural verb, as jTj-JjOjj ^Js people that believe. Note a. The omission of the pronoun, however, is not un- frequent, especially when it would merely consist of a suffix of the 3. person, as CJJ Lo ^^Ic CmojJ for 4Xl5 I regret what I said. Note b. In certain cases the antecedent may be repeated in the relative clause; indeed, this is the favourite construction with Jf as »->ur 1U9 X^JJo j.j^ JT iiu^ ^]jJ JjjD jJ^ j^jlTthe (idol) Hubal had seven arrows (for casting the lot), of which each single arrow had writing upon it. A special kind of subordinate sentence is the 157. circumstantial clause. Such a clause may consist: 1) Of a nominal sentence introduced by the particle a. ., the subject of which may have been already men- tioned or may be something quite new, as xjl*! v:ioLo ajCo ^11 ^^J^i; (c^5 Amina died while she was return- ing to Mecca; vajLo iCol. Jo\ v:yLo Zaid died while his son was still young; with a compound nominal sentence iUj^XiJ! ^0 Lo so long as I live I shall be thankful. In sentences containing the notion of a condition 159. which is the case after ^\^ if, ^ if anybody, Lo if anything, U-gjo whatsoever, oixS^ Lo i^.ftjp how, how- soever, JOo when &c. the perf. is used in the sense of our present or future, and so too in the apodosis, as viiJCibfi viJL!6 oJLxi ^j| if thou doest that, thou 134 160, 161. CONDITIONAL CLAUSES. wilt perish; Jb JL^ jjJo whoso seeketh, findeth (if any one seeks, he finds). Note. If the perf. is meant to retain its proper force in the protasis, the verb ^\S' is placed after ^^, as ^^ ^ i^aj^i ^^IT ^J C^,i^>a9 Ja^ if his camisole is torn in front, she has told the truth. 160. The particles above mentioned may also take the apoc. impf.in protasis and apodosis alike, as Lwyoj* ,j 1^ IXTr *ijtX4.j if ye wait patiently, God will help you. 2,. The apoc. impf. also stands in the apodosis after an imperative (with conditional force) in the protasis, as UCJL^ .jji* \ju3 (jiLfr live contentedly (i. e. if thou live &c.) thou wilt be a king. c. An apoc. impf. in the protasis may be followed by a perfect in the apodosis, as Oj4^ 5-^•*^* ul ^^ i^iou wait patiently, thou wilt gain the victory. If the clauses are both negative, we have aJ with the apoc. impf., as ,jo!| Ij I^Zaj *J jjI if he does not go away, I am not satisfied. Note. Occasionally the apodosis of a conditional sentence is wanting, e. g. I jjb ^ ^{ if this is so— supply : then it is well (Arab. l^). 161. Before the apodoses of conditional sentences, other than those discussed in § 159 — 160 we find the particle o, which is employed: 161. CONDITIONAL CLAUSES. 135 1) When the apodosis is a nominal sentence, as a. a Joii c-»^ (j^ if he is refractory, then alas for him! Also before sentences with ^.1^ and before interrogative sentences. 2) When the apodosis is a verbal sentence, of which h. the perfect is intended to retain its force as a perfect (cf. § 159 note), especially, too, when Jo (cf. § 98 e) is employed, as yy> ^\^^ l^jojcl tym \yj^\ ^\^ c^LjI viJUJLfr UjU if they become Moslems, then have they come to the right way, and if they turn aside, then thou hast but to announce the message. 3) When the apodosis is a verbal sentence that con- c. tains an impf. with one of the particles Oyww, |j*<, ,jJ, or that expresses a command or a wish, as owL5^ ^l *-gjbl ^^ vJ!JL:>.Li *J5 ^i if thou findst thyself among people, milk into their pail. APPENDIX. COMPUTATION OF TIME. a. Names of the Days of the Week. In the following list the various names may also be used with the word for day, 113 omitted. 1. tX^^I *•-> (1st day) Sunday. 2. jji^' 5r ^jj (2nd day) Monday. 3. feTj^Sjjf 1 J (3rd day) Tuesday. 4. feULs ^t *5.j (4th day) Wednesday. 5. jujuL«iL| *•-) (5th day) Thursday. 6. xilil *1j (day of assembly) Friday. 7. c:a1JU| *I5. (Sabbath) Saturday. 5. Names of the Months. So" In the names of the months the word v.^, month, may be prefixed in the constr. state throughout; indeed, as the following table shows, some of the names are always so written. COMPUTATION OF TIME. 137 J a ^ ? 1. **.^x^l al-Muharram. r." 2. wi^ Safar. 3. J. ^M ajOn w^ the first Rabi'. 4. j^IaJI «-os . (^ ^v. the second Rabi'. 5. J,.!^! ;^3Lii the first Gumada. f ^ -m.C'O 6. 5wa.!^ll ^3ujL the latter Gumada. t3 ^ ^ 7. v^jA^; Ragab. 8. ^jujui Sa'ban. 9. ^\JcXs Ramadan (the month of fasting). -^ Ci " > 10. JI5-W Sawwal. 11. 5jJiifr^<3 Du-lka'da. 12. k^l .J Du-lhigga (month of the pilgrimage, hagg). c. The Year. The Moslems reckon by lunar years of 354 days ; their first year is usually considered as beginning at the date of the Christian era given below. In calculating from one era to the other, it may be reckoned that 33 solar years are equal to 34 lunar years. 138 COMPUTATION OF TIME. In the works of European scholars it is customary, by means of comparative tables, to give the precise day of our era with which each Moslem year begins (see the Bibliography). The following short table will be useful in helping to a rapid approximation of the date required. The Moslem year 1 b egan 16. July 622 A. D. 101 11 24. July 719 « 11 201 « 30. July 816 V » 301 n 7. Aug. 913 » n 401 11 15. Aug. 1010 « n 501 v 22. Aug. 1107 « V 601 n 29. Aug. 1204 « « 701 11 6. Sept. 1301 « 11 801 11 13. Sept. 1398 « Y) 901 11 21. Sept. 1495 11 » 1001 11 8. Oct. 1592 « 11 1101 v 15. Oct. 1689 « 11 1201 n 24. Oct. 1786 n n 1301 n 2. Nov. 1883 « v 1313 11 24. June 1895 « n LITERATURE. A history of Arabic literature as a whole, or even of particular parts of it, does not exist, for the work of Hammer-Purgstall (Litteratur- geschichte der Araber, von ihrem Beginn bis zu Ende des zwolften Jahrhundeits der Hidschret. 7 Bande. Wien 1850 — 56. 40.) must be described as premature and as useless by reason of its numerous mistakes. An acquaintance with Arabic literature must therefore be got partly from works by Arabs on the history of their literature, partly from European catalogues. In the course of the present century numerous works, including not a few specimens of the earlier litera- ture, have been printed in the East, especially in Cairo (government press in Bulak), Beiriit (where there is an excellent press managed by the Jesuits) and Constantinople; also in Persia, India and the island of Java. We must, in particular, mention the great quantity of valuable Arabic manuscripts that still await jjubhcation both in European and eastern libraries. A synopsis of such catalogues of these MSS. as have hitherto appeared will be found below. In the following selection, books of special importance are marked with a star, those recommended to beginners with a dagger. A. BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. Printed Works. a Written by Orientals. *Kitab al-Fihrist (by Ibn ahi Ydkub an-nadim; wrote in the year 377 H., beg. 3. May 987) mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Gustav Flugel. Nach dessen Tode besorgt von Johannes Rodiger und August Muller. 2 voll. Leipzig 1871 — 2. *Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum a Mustapha ben Abdallah Katib Jelibi dicto et nomine Haji Khalfa [Haggi Haltfa f 1658) celebrato compositum. Ad codicum Vindobonesium Parisiensium et Berolinensis fidem primum edidit latine vertit et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus FlilgeJ. Leipzig-London 1835 — 1858. 7 voll. 40. 140 Literature A. P Written by Europeans. Bibliotheca arabica. Auctam nunc atque integram edidit D. Christianus Fridericus de Schnurrer. Halae ad Salam 1811. •f Bibliotheca orien talis. Manuel de Bibliographie orientale. I. conte-. nant les livres arabes, persans et turcs imprimes depuis I'invention de I'imprimerie jusqu'a nos jours tant en Europe qu'en Orient etc. par J. Th. Zenker. Leipzig 1846. — Bibliotheca orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie orientale. IL contenant 1. supplement du premier volume. 2. Litterature de I'Orient chretien. 3. Litte- rature de I'Inde etc. Par J. Th. Zenker. Leipzig 1861. t(Eutin^) Katalog der kaiserlichen Universitats- und Landesbibliothek in Strassburg. Arabische Litteratur. Strassburg 1877. 4^. Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes ou relatifs aux Arabes publics dans I'Europe chretienne de 1810 a 1885 par Victor Chauvin. I. Pre- face. — Table de Schnurrer. — Les Proverbes. Liege 1892 (is being continued). Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht iiber die morgenlandischen Studien, von 1844 an in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft Leipzig 1847 ff. The annual reports on works published up to 1858 appeared in the Zeitschrift, those for the years 1869—61, 62 — 67 (one part), autumn 1877 — 81 appeared as independent publications. Bibliotheca orientalis oder eine vollstandige Liste der im Jahre 1876 in Deutschland, Prankreich, England und den Colonien erschie- nenen Biicher, Broschiiren, Zeitschriften, u. s. w. iiber die Sprachen, Religionen, Antiquitaten, Literaturen, Geschichte und Geographie des Ostens, zusammengestellt von Karl Friederici. Leipzig. 8 years (to 1883). Bibliography for 1883 — 85 (not completed) in the Literatur-Blatt fiir orient alische Philologie unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Johannes Klatt herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuhn. 1883 — 85. *Orientalische Bibliographie . . . herausgegeben von A. Muller, now E. Kuhn. Berlin 1888 ff. Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. I. Druckschriften und Ahnliches. Leipzig 1880 (a new and largely augmented edition will appear in a year or two). A. 0. Ellis, Catalogue of the Arabic books in the British Museum Vol L A-L. London 1894. For works from oriental presses an important guide is: E. J. Brill, Catalogue periodique de livres orientaux I — IX, Leide 1883 ff. (To parts I — VII Index de noms d'auteurs et de noms de livres, ib. 1889). Literature A. 141 II. Manuscripts. (Die Handschriftenverzeichnisse der koniglichen Bibliothek in Ber- lin. Vols. 7 ff.). Yerzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften von W. Ahlwardt. 40. 1. Band. Berlin 1887; 2. Bd. 1889; 3. Bd. 1891; 4. Bd. 1892; 5. Bd. 1893; 6. Bd. 1894. A 7tli and last vol. will appear soon. (Halle) Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Ge- sellschaft. II. Handschriften u. s. w. Leipzig 1881. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften der Bibliothek des Halle'schen Waisenhauses von Fr. Aug. Arnold und August Mutter. (Programm der Lateinischen Hauptschule). Halle 1876. 40. (University Library, Leipzig) Die Eefaiya, Von Prof. Fleischer: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. 8, S. 573—584. (Municipal Library in Leipzig) Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum, qui in bibliotheca senatoria civitatis Lipsiensis asservantur, ed. Naumann. Codices orientalium linguarum descripserunt H. O. Fleischer et Fr. Delitzsch. Grimmae 1838. 40. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium Bibliothecae regiae Dresdensis. Scripsit et indicibus instruxit H. 0. Fleischer. Lipsiae 1831. 40. Die arabischen Handschriften der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Qotha. Verzeichnet von Wilhelm Fertsch. 5 Bande. Gotha 1878 — 1892, (Also w. the title: Die orientalischen Handschriften der h. B. zu G. Dritter Theil). Die arabischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in ilfwncAen, beschrieben von Jbsep7t -4nmer. Miinchen 1866. (Cata- logus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae regiae Monacensis. Tomi primi pars secunda.) {Tubingen University Library) Catalog arabischer Handschriften in Damaskus gesammelt von J. Q. Wetzstein. Berlin 1863. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum orientalium in bibliotheca aca- demica Bonnensi servatorum adornavit Joannes Gildemeister. Bonnae 1864—1876. 40. Katalog der hebraischen, arabischen, persischen und tiirkischen Hand- schriften der kaiserlichen Universitats- und Landesbibliothek zu Strasshurg. Bearbeitet von S, Landauer. Strassbuvg 1881. 4^. Die arabischen, persischen und tiirkischen Handschriften der kaiser- lich-koniglichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien. Von Gustav Flugel. 3 Bande. Wien 1865—7. 4*^. {Copenhagen) Codices orientales Bibliothecae regiae Havniensis enu- merati et descripti a N. L. Westergaard etc. II. Codices hebr. et arab. Hafniae 1851. 142 Literature A. Codices Orientales bibliothecae regiae universitatis Lundensis recensuii Carolus Johannes Tornberg. Lundae 1850. Codices Arabici, Persici et Turcici bibliothecae regiae universitatis Vpsaliensis. Disposuit et descripsit C. T. Tornberg. Upsaliae 1849. 40. (Paris) Catalogue des manuscrits arabes de la Bibliotheque Nationale par le Baron de Slane. Pr. Fascicule. Paris 1883. Sec. Fasc. 1889. Trois. Fasc. 1895. 4^. (To be continued.) Catalogue general des manuscrits des bibliotheques publiques de France. DepartementS. Tome VI (p. 437 — 482). Marseille. Par M. I'abbe Albams. Paris 1892. — Tome XVIII. Alger. Par E. Fay nan. Paris 1893. [Leide) Catalogus codicum orientalium Bibliothecae academiae Lugduno Batavae I. II. auctore R. P. A. Dozy. III. IV. auct. P. de Jong et M. J. de Goeje. V. auctore M. J. de Goeje. VI. auctore M. Th. Houtsma. Lugduni Bavatorum 1851 — 77. — Editio se- cunda. Vol. I auctoribus M. J. de Goeje et M. Th. Houtsma. Lugduni Bat. 1888. (London) Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur. Pars secunda codices arabicos amplectens. Londini 1846. fol. [London) Supplement to the Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the British Museum (By Charles Eieu). London 1894, 40. (London) A catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the library of the India Office. By Otto Loth. London 1877. 4°. ( Oxford) Bibliothecae Bodleianae codicum manuscriptorum orientalium, videlicet hebraicorum, chaldaicorum, syriacorum, aethiopicorum, arabicorum, persicorum, turcicorum, copticorumque catalogus a Joanne Vri confectus. Pars Prima Oxonii 1787. — Partis se- cundae volumen primum arabicos complectens confecit Alexander Nicoll. Oxonii 1821. fol. [Cambridge) Catalogus Bibliothecae Burckhardtianae cum appendice librorum aliorum orientalium in Bibliotheca Academica Canta- brigensitis asservatorum — confecit T. Preston. Cantabrigiae 1853. 4C. Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of King's Col- lege, Cambridge. By Edward Henry Palmer: Journal of the Roy. As. Societj' of Gr. Britain and Ireland. New Series III. 105 ff. A descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manu- scripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By E. H. Palmer. Cambridge and London 1870. (Escurial) BibUotheca arabico-hispana Escurialensi sive Librorum omnium Mss. quos Arabics ab auctoribus magnam partem Arabo- Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca CoenobiiEscurialensis complectitur Literature A. 143 recensio et explanatio opera et studio Michaelis Casiri etc. 2 tomi. Matriti 1760. fol. — Les manuscrits arabes de I'Escurial decrits par Hartwig Derenbourg. Tome premier. Paris 1884. Catalogo de los Manuscritos drabes existentes en la Biblioteca Na- cional de Madrid [F. G. RobUs). Madrid 1889. [Florence) Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae et Palatinae Codicum manuscriptorum orientalium catalogus, Steph. Evod. Assemanus recensuit. Florentiae 1742. fol. (Venice) Catalogo dei Codici manoscritti orientali della Biblioteca Naniana, compilato dell' abbate Simone Assemani. 2 Part. Pa- dova 1787—1792. 40. Remarques sur les manuscrits orientaux de la Collection Marsigli a Bologne suivies de la liste complete des Manuscrits arabes de la meme collection par le Baron Victor Rosen. Roma 1885 (atti della R. Academia dei Lincei. Serie 3*. Vol. XII). [Milan) Catalogo dei Codici arabi, persiani e turchi della Biblioteca Ambrosiana [Hammer-Purgstall): Biblioteca Italiana t. XCIV, pp. 22 and 322. Cataloghi dei codici orientali di alcune biblioteche d'ltalia. 5 fasc. Firenze 1878—1892. Catalogue des manuscripts et xylographes orientaux de la Biblioth^que Imperiale publique de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg 1852. [St. Petersburg) B. Dorn, Catalogue des ouvrages arabes, persans et tui'cs, publics a Constantinople, en Egypte et en Perse, qui se trouvent au Musee asiatique de 1' Academie. — Chronologisches Yerzeichniss der seit dem Jahre 1801 bis 1866 in Kasan gedruckten arabischen, tiirkischen, tatarischen und persischen Werke, als Katalog der in dem asiatischen Museum befindlichen Schriften: Melanges asia- tiques tires du Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg. Tome V. Livi'. 5. St. Petersbourg 1867. [St. Petersburg) Notices sommaires des manuscrits arabes du Musee asiatique par le Baron Victor Rosen. St. Petersbourg 1881. [St. Petersburg) Les manuscrits arabes de I'lnstitut des langues orien- tales decrits par le Baron Victor Rosen. St. Petersbourg 1877. [J. M. E. Gottwald) description of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the Imperial University of Kasan. Kasan (no date) [1885]. In Russian. [Cairo) Fihrist al-kutub al-'arabiya al-mahfiiza bil-kutubhana al-hedi- wiye el-ka'ine biserai derb al-gamamiz. (Under the management of Spitta and Vollers.) 7 vols. Cairo 1301—1308. Second Edition. Vol. I 1310. Catalog der mektebe 'umumiye in Damascus. Damascus 1299. 40. Studia Sinaitica No. III. Catalogue of the Arabic Mss. in the Convent of S. Catharine on Mount Sinai compiled by Margaret Dunlop Gibson. London 1894. 144 Literature B, C. (Batavia) Friedrich, Codicum arabicorum in Bibliotheca Societatis Artium et Scientiarum quae Bataviae floret asservatorum Catalogus. Absolvit indicibusque instruxit L. W, C. van den Berg, Bataviae et Hagae 1873. B. INTRODUCTION. General. Borhan-ed-dini es-Sernudji (as-Sarnugi lived at the and of the 12tli century of our era) Enchiridion studiosi. Arabice edidit latine vertit et lexico explanavit Carolus Caspari. Praefatus est H. 0. Flei- scher. Lipsiae 1838. 40. Einleitung in das Studium der Arabischen Sprache bis Mohammed und zum Theil sj)ater . . . von G. W. Freytag. Bonn 1861. Orientalische Skizzen, Von Theodor NoldeTce. Berlin 1892. Trans- lated, with the title 'Sketches form Eastern History' by J. S. Black. London and Edinburgh 1892. De auctorum graecorum versionibus et commentariis syriacis, arabicis, armeniacis persicisque commentatio quam scripsit Joannes Georgius Wenrich. Lipsiae 1842. 1845. C. CHRESTOMATHIES. *-\R. Briinnow, Chrestomathy of Arabic Prose-Pieces. Berlin and Lon- don 1895. f Chrestomatia arabica quam e libris Mss. vel impressis rarioribus coUectam edidit Fr. A. Arnold. Pars I. Textum continens. Pars II. Glossarium continens. Halis 1853. fChrestomathie Arabe, ou extraits de divers ecrivains Arabes, tant en prose qu'en vers a I'usage des Aleves de I'ecole sp6ciale des langues orientales vivantes ; par A. J. Sylvestre de Sacy. II. ed. corr. et augm. Paris 1826. 3 vol.; Tome IV Anthologie grammaticale arabe. Paris 1829. f Chrestomathie elementaire de I'Arabe litteral avec un glossaire par H. Derenbourg et /. Spire. 2 ed. Paris 1892. JoJi. Godofr. Lud. Kosegartenti Chrestomathia arabica ex codicibus manuscriptis Paris. Goth, et Berol. coUecta atque tum adscriptis vocalibus, cum additis lexico et adnotationibus explanata. Lip- siae 1828. Georg, Guil. Freytag, Chrestomathia arabica, grammatica historica in usum scholarum Arabicarum ex codd. inedids conscripta. S^maj. Bonnae 1834. Literature D. 145 f Thier und Mensch vor dem Konig- der Genien. Ein arabisches Mahr- chen aus den Schriften der lauteren Briider ia Basra im Urtext herausgegeben von Fr. Dieterici. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig 1881. — Arabisch-deutsches Worterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch von Fr. Dieterici. 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1894. Brevis chrestomathia arabiea. In usum scholarum ed. Joh. Bollig. Koma 1881. Chrestomatia arabigo-espanola por Fr. J. Lerchundi y Fr. J. Simonet, Granada 1881. Girgas and de Rosen. Arabic Chrestomathy (in Russian). St. Peters- burg 1875. 1876. — Dictionary to the Chrestomathy and to the Koran by W. Girgas. Kasan 1881 (in Russian). An Arabic reading-book compiled hy W. Wright. Part first, The texts. London 1870. Magani el-adab fi hadaik el-'arab. 6, Ed. Beirut 1885 ff. Jesuit Press. 6 vols. Sarh magani el-adab (Notes &c.). 4 vols. ib. 1886 — 8. D. GRAMMARS &c. a Written by Orientals. *a\-Muzhir fi *ulum el-luga, philological Encyclopaedia by Galal ad-din as-SuyUti (f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505, cf. for as- Sujuti Goldziher in den Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akademie der Wiss! zu Wien. Phil.-histor. 01. LXIX. Bd. 1. S. 7 ff.) Bulak 1282. *Le livre de Sibawaihi, traits de grammaire arabe par Sibouya, dit Slbaicaihi (f 180 H., beg. 16. March 796). Texte arabe public d'apres les manuscrits du Caire, de I'Escurial, d'Oxford, de Paris, de St. Petersbourg et de Vienne par Hartwig Derenhourg. Tome I, Paris 1881. Tome II, Paris 1889. — SlbawaihVs Bach liber die Grammatik nach der Ausgabe von H. Berenbourg und dem Commentar des Siraii iibersetzt und erklart . . . von G. Jahn. 1.— 8. Lieferung. Berlin 1894. 1895. *A1-Mufassal, opus de re grammatica arabicum auctore Abu 'l-Kasim Mahmiid bin 'Omar Zamahsario [az-Zamah^ari f 538 H. , beg. 16. July 1 143) ed. J. P. Broch. Editio altera^ Christianiae 1879. — Also: Ibn Jals (f 643 H., beg. 29. May 1245) Commentar zu Zamachsari's Mufassal. Nach den Handschriften herausgeg. u. s. w. von Dr. G. Jahn. Erster Band. Leipzig, 1882. Zweiter Band. Leipzig 1886. 40. *Alfijjah, Carmen didacticum grammaticum auctore Ibn Malik (f 672 H., beg. 18. July 1273) et in Alfijjam commentarius quem conscripsit Ibn Akil {Ibn 'Aktl f 769 H., beg. 28. Aug. 1367) ed. Fr. Dieterici. Lipsiae 1851. — Ibn 'Akil's Commentar zur Alfijja des Ibn Malik Socin, Arabic Grrammar.^ 10 146 Literature D. aus dem Arabischen zum ersten male iibersetzt von Fr, Dieterici. Berlin 1852. al-Agurrumiyya, Arabic Grammar "bylln Agurrum as-Sinhagi (f 723 H., beg. 10. January 1323). Often printed with and without Com- mentaries. Cf. E. Trumpp, Einleitung in das Studium der arabischen Grrammatiken. Die Ajrummiyyah des Muhammad bin Daud. Miinchen 1876. On this work see Fleischer in Zeitschrift der D. Morgenl. Ges. 30 (1876), pp. 487—513; reprinted in Kleinere Schriften II (Leipzig 1888), pp. 75—106. Text also printed in Briinnow's Chrestomathy. Kafiya iin-nahii. Syntax by Ibn al-Hdyib (f 646 H., beg. 26. April 1248). Frequently printed in the East. ^ Mugni al-labib, Grammar composed by Ibn Sisani al-Ansari (f 762 H., beg. 11. Nov. 1360). Another grammatical work by the same author bears the title: Katar an-nada wa-ball as-sada; a third Sudur ad-dahab. All three works have been frequently printed in the East. al'Earlri's (f 516 H., beg. 16. July 1143)Durrat al-gawvi^as, heraus- gegeben von Heinrich Thorbecke. Leipzig 1871. (On errors of speech). With the commentary of al-Hafagi, Constantinople 1299. Cf. Le livre des locutions vicieuses de Djawaliki publie par Hartwig Derenbourg (al-Gawaliki f 465 H., beg. 17. Sept. 1072) • in Morgenlandische Forschungen. Leipzig 1875. Tarika mustahdata fi tashil al-hatt al-arabi. Calligraphic models i2 parts. Beirut 1891. P Written by Europeans. *Die grammatischen Schulen der Araber nach den Quellen bearbeitet von G. Flugel. Erste Abthl. Leipzig 1862. Abhandlungen der Deutschen Morgenl. Ges. II. Band. Nr 4. (This work gives a list of grammarians to about the year 1000 of our era). f Dr. C. P. Oaspari^s Arabische Grammatik. Eiinfte Auflage be- arbeitet von August Milller. Halle 1887. — Grammaire arabe de C. P. Caspari traduite de la quatrieme edition allemande et en partie remani^e par E. Uricoechea. Bruxelles 1880. — A Grammar of the Arabic Language translated from the German of Caspai-i and edited, with numerous additions and corrections by W. Wright. 2. ed. 2 vol. London 1874 — 5. A 3'^'^ edit, is announced. Geo. Henric. Aug. Ewald. Grammatica critica linguae arabicae cum brevi metrorum dopftrina. Lipsiae 1831 — 1833. II vol. *Grammaire arabe a I'usage des eleves de I'ecole speciale des langues orientales vivautes; avec figures. Par M. le Bon Silvestre de Sacy. Seconde edition, corrigee et augmentee, a laquelle on a joint un traite de la prosodie et de la metrique des Arabes. 2 tom. Paris 1831. — Yery important notes and corrections will be found in Literature E. 147 "^Fleischer, „Beitrage zur arabischen Sprachkunde": Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der kgl. sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Classe. 1863 (p. 93 ff.); 1864 (p. 265ff.); 1866 (p. 286 ff.); 1870 (p. 227 ff.); 1874 (p. 71ff.); 1876 (p. 44ff.); 1878 (p. 64ff.); 1880 (p. 89ff.); 1881 (p. 117ff.); 1883 (p. 72ff.); 1884 (p. 272 ff.); conf. 1856 (p. Iff.); 1862 (p. 10 ff.) Reprinted in Kleinere Schriften von Dr. JS. L. Fleiscfier, vol. I, I8t. and 2iid. parts, Leipzig 1886; thetwolastarticlesinvol.il, part 1. Leipzig 1888. /. G. L. Kosegarten. Grammatica linguae arabicae pp. 1 — 688, without title and date, incomplete. (Very rare). Mortimer Sloper Howell. A Grammar of the Classical Arabic Language, translated and compiled from the "Works of the most Approved Native or Naturalized Authorities. Published under the Authority of the Government of the N.-W. Provinces. In an Introduction and Four Parts, 3 vols. AUahabad 1880. 1883. 1886. Grammaire arabe composee d'apres les sources primitives par le P. Donat Vernier, S. J. Tome I. Beyrouth 1891 ; TomelL 1892. Darstellung der arabischen Verskunst mit sechs Anhangen u. s. w. nach handschriftlichen Quellen bearbeitet und mit Registem versehen von G. W. Freytag. Bonn 1830. Theorie nouvelle de la m^trique arabe preced6e de considerations generales sur le rythme naturel du langage par M. Stanislas Guyard. Paris 1875 (Extrait du Journal as. 7 ser., t. 7. 8). Die Rhetorik der Araber nach den wichtigsten Quellen dargestellt und mit angefiihrten Textausziigen nebst einem literaturgeschichtlichen Anhang versehen von Dr. A. F. Mehren. Kopenhagen 1853. E. DICTIONARIES. a Written by Orientals. *Sahah al-*arabiyye (or as-Sahah) by al-Gauharl (Abii Nasr Isma il ibn ' 'Hammad f 393 H., beg. 10.* Nov. 1002). 2 vols. Bulak 1282. 40. Lisan al-'arab by al-Mukarram (Ibn Manziir al-Ifriki al-Misri al-Ansarl al-Hazragif 711 H., beg. 13. May 1311). 20 vols. 40.' Cairo 1308. *al-Kamiis al-muhit (or al-Kamus) by al-Fzruzdbddi (f 816 or 817 H. = 1413/4). 2 vols. Calcutta 1817; 4 vols. Bulak 1279. 40. id. 1301/2. — With Turkish Commentaiy 3 vols. Stambul 1272 and later. — ♦Commentary to the Kamils with the title Tag-el-* arus composed by Sayyid Murtadd az-Zubaidi (f 1205 H., beg. 10 Sept. 1790). 10 vols. Caii'o 1307. Muhit al-muhit by Butrus al-Bistdni. 2 vols. Beirut 1286. (1869/70). an-Nihaya fi garib al-hadit by Ibn al-Atlr (f 606 H., beg. 6. July 1209). 4 vols. Cairo 1311 (Dictionary to the Traditions) 148 Literature E. Asas al-balaga (Lexicographical Work, dealing esp. with the meta- phorical meanings of words) by az-Zamahsari (f 538 H., beg. 16. July 1143). 2 vols. Bulak 1299. Fikh al-luga, Synonyms by at-Tdalihi (f 429 H., beg. 14. Oct. 1037). (Frequently reprinted; esp. in an expurgated edition Beirut 1888). Cf. Fleischer, Kleinere Schriften III, 152. 'lalahs (t 291 H. = 904) kitab al-Fasili. Nach den Handschriften von Leiden, Berlin und Rom herausgegeben, mit kritischen und erlauternden Noten versehen von Dr. J. Barth. Leipzig 1876. *GaWaliki's al-Mu arrab (a work on Arabic! loan-words, by al-GmcdJlki t 465 H., beg. 17. Sept. 1072). Nach der Leydener Handschrift mit Erlauterungen herausgegeben von Ed, Sachau. Leipzig 1867. Cf. Z. d. D. Morg. Ges. 33, 208. Liber as-Sojutii (f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505) de nominibus' relativis, inscriptus Lubb al-lubab, arab. cum annot. crit. ed. P. J. Veth. 1—3. Lugduni Bat. 1840—51. 4^. *Al-Moschtabih auctore Schamso'ddin Abu Abdallah Mohammed ibn Ahmed ad-DhahaU (ad-Dahabi f 748 H., beg. 13. April 1347). E codd. mss. editus a JP. de Jong. Lugduni Batav. 1881. (On homonym proper names). Kitabo-'l-adhdad sive liber de vocabulis arabicis quae plures habent significationes inter se oppositas auctore Abu Bekr ibno-'l-Anbdri (t 328 H., beg. 18. Oct. 939) ed. 31. Th. Houtsma. Lugduni Bat. 1881. |3 Written by Europeans. ■\G. W. Freytag, Lexicon Arabico-Latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum libris confectum. Accedit index vocum latinorum locupletissimus. IV. Tomi. Hal. 1830 — 1837. 40maj. Q. W. Freytag^ Lexicon Arabico-Latinum ex opere suo majors in usum tironum excerptum edidit. Halis 1836. 4^ maj. *Maddu-l-Kamoos, an Arabic-Enghsh Lexicon derived from the best and the most copious eastern sources comprising a very large collection of words and significations omitted in the Kamoos, with supplements to its abridged and defective explanations, ample grammatical and critical comments, and examples in prose and verse: composed by means of the munificence of the most noble Algernon, Duke of Northumberland and the bounty cf the British Government: by Edward William Lane. In two books: the first containing all the classical words and significa- tions commonly known to the learned among the Arabs; the second, those that are of rare occurrence and not commonly known. Book I, Parts 1—5. London 1863—1874. Ed. by Stanley Lane Poole, Parts 6—8 (and Supplement) 1877 — 1893. Literature E, 149 (From the letter k onwards, the book is incomplete; its continua- tion is not to be expected.) *Supj)lement aux dictionnaires arabes par B. Dozy. 2 torn. Leyde 1881. — Cf. Fleischer, Studien iiber Dozy's Supplement: Be- richte iiber die Verhandlungen der kgl. sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig. Philol.-histor. Classe 1881 — 1887. Reprinted in Kleinere Schriften von H. L. Fleischer. Vol. II, pt. 1. Leipzig 1888. Vol. Ill id. A. Kazimirski de Biberstein, Dictionnaire arabe-frangais I. II. Paiis 1860. fJ.. Wahrmxmd. Handworterbuch der deutschen und neu-arabischen Sprache. I. Neuarabisch-deutscher Theil I, 1. 2. II, 1. 2. — II. Deutsch-neuarabischer Theil. Giessen 1870 — 77. F. Steingass, The Student's Arabic-English Dictionary. London 1884. H, Anthony Salmone, An Arabic-English Dictionary on a new System. 2 vols. Vol. I Arabic-Enghsh ; vol. II English Index. London 1890. fArabic-English Dictionary by the late William Thomson Wortahet. Second edition, revised and enlarged, Beyrout 1893. George Percy Badger, Enghsh- Arabic Lexicon. London 1881. F. Steingass, English-Arabic Dictionary for the use of both Travellers and Students. London 1882. English- Arabic Dictionary by Mr. J. Abcarius. New edition revised and enlarged. Beyrout 1894. fVocabulaire arabe-frangais a I'usage des ^tudiants par un p^re mis- sionnaire de la Cie de Jesus; 3. 6d. Beyrouth 1893. (Arab.: al- Faraid ad-durriye.) Dictionnaire frangais-arabe par le P. J.-B. Belot, S. J. 2 parties. Beyrouth 1890. *Die aramaischen Fremdworter im Arabischen. Von Siegmund Frdnkel. Leiden 1886. Dictionnaire detaille des noms des vetements chez les Arabes. Par B. Dozy. Amsterdam 1845. Die Namen der Saugethiere bei den siidsemitischen Volkern. Von Fritz Hommel. Leipzig 1879. Die Waffen der alten Araber aus ihren Dichtern dargestellt. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Alterthumskunde, Synonymik und Lexi- cographie nebst Begistem von Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarzlose. Leipzig 1886. *G-lossaire des mots espagnols et portugais derives de I'Arabe par B. Dozy et W. H. Engelmann. 2. ed. Leyde 1869. Glossario etimologico de J as palabras espanolas de origen oriental por D. Leopoldo de Eguilaz y Yanguas. Granada 1886. Dictionnaire etymologique des mots fiangais d'origine orientale par Marcel Devie. Paris 1876. — Cf. Eemarques sur les mots frangais derives de I'Arabe par Henri Lammens. Beyrouth 1890. 1 50 Literature F. F. KORAN, ISLAM, LIFE OF MUHAMMED. CHRISTIANITY. a Written by Orientals. Al-Coranus seu Lex islamitica Muhammedis filii Abdallae Pseudo- prophetae edita ex rouseo Abrahami Hinckelmanni, Hamburg! 1694. Alcorani textus universus summa fide atque pulcherrimis characteribus descriptus, in latinum translatus, oppositis notis, auctore Ludovico Marracio. Patavii 1698 fol. f Corani textus arabicus ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum et impres- sorum et ad praecipuorum interpretum lectiones et auctoritatem recensuit indicesque triginta sectionum et suratarum addidit Gustavus Flilgel. Editio stereotypa C. Tauchnitzii. Tertium emendata; nova impressio Lipsiae 1869 (I. 1834; recensionis Fliigelianae textum recognitum iterum exprimi curavit Gustavus Mauritius Bedslob, Lipsiae 1837). (In Fliigel's first edition and in numerous oriental editions of the Koran, the enumeration of the verses, which is indispensable for reference, is wanting). *Ooncordantiae Corani arabicae. Ad literarum ordinem et verborum radices diligenter disposuit Gustavus FliXgel. Editio stereotypa, Lipsiae 1842. Chrestomathia Corani arabica, notas adjecit glossarium confecit C. A. Nallino. Lipsiae 1893. al-Itkdn fi 'ulum al-kur'an, a sort of introduction to the Koran by as-Suyutl (f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505); 2 pts. Cairo 1278. — Sayiity's Itqan on the exegetic sciences of the Qordn. Edited by Mowlawies Basheerooddeen and Noorool-Haqq with an analysis by A. Sprenger. Calcutta 1852—54. al-Kassdf. Commentary on the Koran by az-Zamahsart (f 538 H., beg. 16. July 1143). 2 vols. Bulak 1281. — The Qoran with the commentarj^ of Zamakhshari entitled the Kashshaf, an haqaiq al-tanzil, ed. by W. Nassau Lees and Khadim Hosain and 'Abd al-Hayi, Calcutta 1856. *Beidhawii (f 685 H., beg. 27. Febr. 1286; or 692) commentarius in Coranum ex codd. Parisiensibus Dresdensibus et Lipsiensibus edidit indicibusque instruxit H. 0. Fleischer. 2 vol. Lipsiae 1846 — 48. 40, — Indices ad Beidhawii commentarium in Coranum confecit Winand Fell. Leipzig 1878. Chrestomathia Baidawiana. The commentary of El-Baidawi on Sura III trans, and expld. . . . hy D. S. Margoliouth. London 1895. *Le Becueil des traditions musulmanes par Abou Abdallah ibn Ismail al-Bokhari {al-Buhdrl f 257 H., beg. 29. Nov. 870) publi6 par Literature F. 151 L. KreJd. I —III. Leyde 1862 — 68 (incomplete). — Oriental edition: Sahih. al-Bahari. 8 vols. Cairo 1290 j also frequently elsewhere, with and without commentary. Sahih Muslim. Collection of the Traditions of the Prophet, composed by Muslim (f 261 H., beg. 16. Oct. 874). With commentary by an-Nawam (f 676 H., beg. 4. Juni 1277). 5 vols. Cairo 1283. Masabih as-sunna, composed by Husain ibn Mas'iid al-Farra al-Ba- ' gatcl (t 516 H., beg. 12. March 1122). 2 vols. Cairo 1294. Ihya al-'ulum, by al-Gazali (f 505 H., beg. 10. JuH 1111). 4 vols. 40. Bulak 1289. — (Cf. Richard Gosche, Uber Ghazzalis Leben und Werke: Abhdl. d. kgl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1858). * Abdu-r-razzdq's Dictionary of the technical terms of the Sufies edited by Aloys Sprenger. Calcutta 1845. *Das Leben Muhammeds nach Muhammed ibn Ishdk (f 151 H., beg. 26. Jan. 768) bearbeitet von 'Abd el-Malik ibuHischdm (f 218 H., beg. 27. Jan. 833); hrsg. von F. Wustenfeld. 2 Bande. Gottingen 1858 — 60. Oriental edition; Sirat ibn Hisam. 2 vols. Cairo 1295. (Translated into German: Das Leben Muhammeds u. s. w. be- arbeitet von Q. Weil. Stuttgart 1864). Muhammed in Medina. Das ist Vakidi's {al-Wdkid/i f 207 H., beg. 27. May 822) Kitab al-Maghazi in verkiirzter deutscher Wieder- gabe herausgegeben von J. Wellhausen. Berlin 1882. Sama'il at-Tirmi^i (f 279 H., beg. 3. April 892) Traditions respecting the Prophet. Cairo 1273; with commentary 2 vols. Bulak 1296. Usd al-gaba. List of 7500 persons who knew Muhammed, drawn up by Ibn al-Atlr (f 630 H., beg. 18. Oct. 1 232). 5 vols. Cairo 1286. al-Isabe, A biographical dictionary of persons who knew Muhammed 'by Ibn Hagar {Ibn Bagar f 852 H., beg. 7. March 1448). Edited in Arabic by Mowlawies Mohammed Wajyh, 'Abdal-Haqq, and Gholam Qadir and A. Sprenger. Bibliotheca Indica. Vol. I, Cal- cutta 1856; vol. IV, Calcutta 1873. Vol. II, fasc. 1—13; vol. Ill, fasc. 1 — 15. Kisas al-'anbiya (Legends of the Prophet), by at-Ta'labi (f 427 H., beg. 5. Nov. 1035). Cairo 1297 and often. Pillar of the creed of the Sunnites by al-Naaafi, ed. by W. Ctvreton, London 1843. Ad-dourra al-fakhira: la perle precieuse de Ghazali [al-Gazdll f 505 H., beg. 10. July 1111) par L. Qautier. Geneve 1878. — Muslim Eschatology. Muhammedanische Eschatologie nach der Leipziger u. Dresdner Hand- schrift zum ersten Male arabisch und deutsch herausgegeben von M. Wolff. Leipzig 1872. Disputatio pro religione Mohammedanorum adversus Christianos Textum arabicum (composed 942 H. = 1535) e codice Leidensi cum varr. lect. edidit F. J. van den Ham. Lugduni Bat. 1890. 152 Literature F. Book of religious and philosophical sects by Muhammed al-Shahra- stdni {ah-Sahrastdni f 528 H., beg. 29. March 1153). Now first edited by W. Cureton. 2 vol. London 1846. — Abu-'l-Fatli Muhammad asch-Schahrastani's Religionsparteien und Philo- sophenschulen. Aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt mit Anmerkungen von Th. Haarbriicker. 2 Bande. Halle 1850 — 1. *{Bihle) Kitab al-mukaddas (Old Testament). London. E,. Watts. 1822. (New Testament 1. vol. 1821.) — f Beirut, various editions, t New York 1867. Arabic Bible- Chrestomathy with a Glossary edited by Geo. Jacob. BerUn 1888. j3 Written by Eurojpeans, Der Koran nach Boysen von Neuem aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt mit einer historischen Einleitung und Anmerkungen von (?. Walil. Halle 1828. Der Koran. Aus dem Arabischen wortgetreu neu iibersetzt mit An- merkungen von L. TJUmann. 6. Aufl. 1862. Le Koran, Traduction nouvelle, faite sur le texte arabe par Mr. Kazimirski. Nouv. ed. Paris 1854. The Koran commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed: translated into English from the Original Arabic. With explanatory notes taken from the most approved commentators. To which is pre- fixed a preliminary discourse. By George Sale. London 1774. Last ed. by E. M. Wherry "with additional notes and emenda- tions". 4 vols. London 1882—87. J. M. Rodwell, The Koran, translated from the Arabic. 2. ed. Lond. 1876. The Qur'an translated by E. H. Palmer. 2 parts. Oxford 1880. (The sacred books of the East translated by various oriental scholars and edited by F. Max Miiller, vol. VI. IX). Der Koran. Im Auszuge iibersetzt von Friedrich Rilckert, heraus- gegeben von A. Miiller. Frankfurt a. M. 1888. Die fiinfzig altesten Suren des Korans in gereimter deutscher Uber- setzung von M. Klamroth. Hamburg 1800. f*Geschichte des Qorans von Theodor Nbldeke. Gottingen 1860. tjber die Religion der vorislamischen Araber. Eine zur Habilitation etc. offentlich zu vertheidigende Abhandlung von Ludolf Krehl. Leipzig 1863. *Skizzen und Vorarbeiten. Von /. Wellhausen. Drittes Heft. Reste arabischen Heidentumes. Berlin 1887. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. By W. Robertson Smith. Cambridge 1885. *Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad nach bisher grossten- theils unbenutzten Quellen bearbeitet von A. Sprenger. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 Bande. Berlin 1869. Literature G. * 153 f Das Leben Muhammed's. Nach den Quellen popular dargestellt von Theodor Noldeke. Hannover 1863. *W. Muir, The Life of Mahomet and History of Islam. 4 vol. London 1858—61. 3rtl edition 1 vol. 1894. fDas Leben und die Lehre des Muhammed. Dargestellt von Ludolf Krehl. 1. Theil. Das Leben des Muhammed. Leipzig 1884. Skizzen und Yorarbeiten von J. Wellhausen. Viertes Heft. 1. Medina vor dem Islam. 2. Muhammad's Gremeindeordnung von Medina. 3. Seine Schreiben, und die Gesandtschaften an ihn. Berlin 1889. f Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthum aufgenommen ? von Abra- ham Oeiger. Bonn 1833. *i2. Dozy, Het Islamisme. Leiden 1863. 2 ed. Haarlem 1880 ^ Essai sur I'histoire de I'Islamisme par R. Dozy trad, par V. Chauvin. Leyde-Paris 1879. *Snouck Hurgronje, Het mekkaansche Fest. Leiden 1880. Die Mu taziliten oder die Freidenker im Islam. Ein Beitrag zur all- gemeinen Kulturgeschichte von Heinrich Steiner. Leipzig 1865. De strijd over het Dogma in den Islam tot op el-Ash'ari door Dr. M. Th. Houtsma. Leiden 1875. Zur Geschichte Abu '1-Hasan al-As'ari's (f about 324 H. = 935) von Wilhelm Spitta. Leipzig 1876. Expose de la reforme de I'Islamisme commencee au Illeme si^cle de I'H^gire par Abou- 1-Hasan Ali el-Ash'ari et continuee par son ecole. Avec des extraits du Texte arabe d'Ibn Asakir par M, A, F. Mehren. Vol. II des Travaux de la 3e session du Congres international des Orientalistes. I. Goldziher, Die Schule der Zahiriten, ihr Ursprung, ihr System und ihre Geschichte. Leipzig 1884, *Mohammedanische Studien von I. Goldziher. Erster Teil. Halle 1889. Zweiter Teil. Halle 1890. Polemische und apologetische Literatur in arabischer Sprache zwischen Muslimen, Christen und Juden, nebst Anhangen verwandten Inhalts. Von Moritz Steinschneider. Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes VI, 3. Leipzig 1877. G. JURISPRUDENCE. al-Muwatta' fil-hadit. Corpus juris composed by Malik ihn Anas al-Himyari al-Madani (f 179 H., beg. 27. March 795). Frequently printed; also with commentaries, e. g. that of az-Zarkani (f 1122 H., beg. 19. Febr. 1710). 4 vols. Bulak 1280. Sunan Abi 'Abdallah al-KazwIni, known as IbnMdga (f 273 H., beg. 8. June 886). Delhi 1282 and 1889. (Legal traditions). Sunan Abi Dd'ud Sulaiman as-Sigistani (f 275 H., beg. 16. May freq. printed, e. g. Bulak 1280. 2 vols. (Legal traditions). 154* Literature H. al-Gdmi hy Abu isa Muhammad at-Tirmidl (f 279 H., beg. 3. April 892). Frequently printed. (Legal traditions). Sunan Abi 'Abd ar-rahman an-Nasd'l (f 303 H., beg. 17. July 915); lithogr. in Kanftlr 1847. (Legal traditions). Flugel, Die Classen der hanefitischen Rechtsgelehrten: Abhandlungen der k. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften VIII. Leipzig 1860. Jus Schafiiticum. At-Tanbih auctore Abu Ishak as-Shirazi {Ahu Ishdk a^-Slrdzl wrote the work in the year 452/3 H. = 1060/1) edidit A. W. T. Juynboll. Lugduni Bat. 1879. Pr6cis de Jurisprudence Musulmane selon le rite Chafeite, par Abu Chodja {Ahu Sugd^ f in the 6*^ cent, of the Plight). Publication du texte arabe, avee traduction et annotations, par S. Keijzer. Leyde 1859. Minhadj at-Talibin, le guide des zeles croyants. Manuel de juris- prudence musulmane selon le rite de Chafi'i (as-SdfiH). Texte arabe, publie par ordre du gouvernement avec traduction et annotations par L. W. G. van den Berg. 3 vol. Batavia 1882 — 1884. (Cf. Snouck Hurgronje in the Indian Gids, 1884 ff. Elaborate criticism.) Pr6cis de jurisprudence musulmane suivant le rite malekite par -S'*^ Khalil (Halil lived in the 8tli cent, of the Flight) pubH^ par les soins de la Societe asiatique. Quatrieme edition. Paris 1877. Maverdii (al-Mdwardi f 450 H., beg. 28. Febr. 1058) constitutiones politicae. Ex recensione Maximiliani Engeri. Bonnae 1853. H. PHILOSOPHY. a Written by Orientals, Documenta philosophiae Arabum, edidit latine vertit illustravit Aug. Schmolders. Bonnae 1836. — Cf. id. Essai sur les ecoles philo- sophiques chez les Arabes et notamment sur la doctrine d'Algaz- zali. Paris 1842. Tahafut al-falasifa (the mutual refutation of the philosophers) by al-Oazdli (f 505 H., beg. 10. July 1111), Ibn Busd (f 595 H., beg. 3. Nov. 1198), Hoga Zdde (f 893 H., beg. 17. Dec. 1487). Cairo 1303. Die sogenannte Theologie des Aristoteles aus arabischen Handschriften zum ersten Male herausgegeben. Von Fr. Dieterici. Leipzig 1882 (Abhandlungen des Berl. Or.-Congresses). Cf. Die so- genannte Theologie des Aristoteles aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Fr. Dieterici. Leipzig 1883. II commento medio di Averroe alia Poetica di Aristotele pubbl. da Fausto Lasinio. Parte I. II testo arabo : Annali della Universita Literature H. 155 Toscane. Tomo XII. Pisa 1872. 4^. — II testo arabo del com- mento medio di Averroe alia retorica di Aristotele, pubbl. da Fausto Lasinio. Firenze 1875. (Pubblicazioni del E. Istituto di studi superiori). Alfdrdbi's (f 950 A. D.) philosophische Abhandliingen aus Londoner, Leidener und Berliner Handschrifteu. Herausgegeben von Fried- rich Dieterici. Leiden 1890. — Id. aus dem Arabischen iiber- setzt. Leiden 1892. — AlfdrdbVs Abhandlung der Musterstaat aus Londoner und Oxforder Handschriften herausgegeben von F. Bieteerici. Leiden 1895. Philosophie und Theologie von Averroes {Ihn Rusd f 595 H., beg. 3. Nov. 1198). Herausgegeben von M. J. MxiUe)-. Miinchen 1859. — Aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt. Miinchen 1875. Le Guide des Egares. Traite de Theologie et de Philosophie par Moise ben Maimoun dit Maimonide (f 605 H., beg. 16. July 1208). Public pour la premiere fois dans I'original arabe et ac- compagne d'une traduction fran^aise par Munk. I — III. Paris 1856—66. Kitab Ihican as-safa wa-hullan al-wafa (between 950 — 1000 of our era). 4 vols. Bombay 1305 — 1306. — A part of the rasail ihwan as-safa has also been printed in Cairo, 1306. — Die Abhandlungen der Ichwan Es-Safa in Auswahl herausg. von F. Dieterici. 3 Hefte. Leipzig 1883—6. Statio quinta et sexta et appendix libri Mevakif auctore 'Adhad-eddin el-Igt (f 756 H., beg. 16. Jan. 1355) cum commentario Gorganii ex codd. etc. edidit Th. Sorensen. Lipsiae 1848 (Scholastic Metaphysics). Definitiones viri meritissimi Sejjid Scherif Ali ben Mohammed Dschor- dschani [al-Gorgdrii f 816 H., beg. 3. Apr. 1418). Accedunt de- finitiones theosophi Mohji-ed-din Mohammed ben Ali vulgo Ibn Arabi (f 638 H., beg. 23 July 1240) dicti. Ed. et adnot critica instruxit Gustavus Fluff el. Lipsiae 1845. P Written by Europeans. Die griechischen Philosophen in der arabischen Uberlieferung. Von August Midler. (Festschrift der Franckischen Stiftungen zu dem 50jahrigen Doctorjubilaum Bernhardy's). Halle 1873. Al-Kindi (f ca. 850 A. D.) genannt „der Phiiosoph der Araber". Ein Vorbild seiner Zeifc und seines Volkes. Von G. Flilgel. Leipzig 1857. (Abhandlungen der D. Morg. Ges. 1. Band. Nr. 2). Cf. Otto Loth, Al-Kindi als Astrolog, Morgenlandische Forschungen. Leipzig 1875, pp. 261 ff. and Sir Wm. Muir, The Apology of Al-Kindy 2 Ed. London 1887. Al-Farabi, des arabischen Philosophen, Leben und Schriften. Von 156 Literature I. Moritz Steinschneider: Memoires de TAcademie Imp. des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. VII. serie, tome XIII, 4. 1869. 40. Ernest Benan, Averroes et rAverroisme. 3. ed. Paris 1861. Die Philosophie der Araber im X. Jahrhundert n. Chr. aus den Schriften der lauteren Briider herausgegeben von Fr. Dieterici. Die Naturwissenschaft mid Natm-anschaumig der Araber. Berlin 1861. — Die Propadeutik. Berlin 1865. — Die Logik und Psy- ohologie. Leipzig 1868. — Die Anthropologie. Leipzig 1871. — Die Lehre von der Weltseele. Leipzig 1872. — Die Natm'- anschauung und Naturphilosophie. 2. Ausg. Leipzig 1876. — EinleituDg und Makrokosmos. Leipzig 1876. — Mikrokosmos. Leipzig 1879. I. NATURAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE. F. Wiistenfeld, Geschichte der arabischen Arzte und Naturforscher. Gottingen 1840 (rather out of date). Histoire de la medecine arabe par le Dr. Lucien Leclerc. 2 vol. Paris 1876 (insufficient), Jbn Abi XJseibia. Herausgegeben von August MiiUer. Konigsberg i. Pr. 1884 {Ibn Abi TJsaibi'a f 668 H., beg. 14. May 1297 wrote this great work on the history of Arab physicians under the title: 'Uyun al-'anba' fi tabakat al-'atibba'. For which see Vol. II des travaux de la 6^ session du Congres international des Orientalistes a Leide. Leide 1884. p. 257 ff.). Hay at al-haiwan (zoological work) bj^ ad-Damirl (f 808 H., beg. 29. June 1405). 2 vols. Bulak 1284. Cairo 1305. Kitab al-kanun fit-tibb, Theory of Medicine, composed by Abu 'All ibn Sind (Avic'enna f 428 H., beg. 25. Oct. 1036). 3 vols. V Bulak 1294. al-Gami' li-mufradat al-'adwiya wal-'agdiya (On the common medicines and foods) by Diya' ad-din Abii Muhammad Ibn al-Baitdr (t 646 H., beg. 26. April 1248). 4 vols. Bulak 1231. Tedkire (Science of medicine) by Dd'-ild al-Antdki (f 1005 H., beg. 15. Aug. 1596). 3 vols. Cairo 1294. La Chimie du moyen-age . . . par M. Berthelot. Tome III. L'al- chimie arabe comprenant une introduction et les traites de Crates, d'el-Habib, d'Ostanes et de Djaber . . . texte et traduction . . avec la collaboration de M. O. Houdas. Paris 1893. 40. Materiaux pour servir a I'histoire des sciences mathematiques chez les Grecs et les Orientaux par M. L. P. B. A. Sedtllot. 2 tomes. Paris 1845. 1849. Traite des instruments astronomiques des Arabes, trad, par J. J. Se- dillot. Paris 1834. 1835. Memoires sur les instruments astro- nomiques des Arabes par J. J. Sedillot. Paris 1841—45. Literature K. 157 K. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY. a Written hy Orientals. Ihn Coteiha's {ihn Kutaiha f 276 H. he^. 6. May 889) Handbuch der Geschichte herausgegeben vouFerd. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1 850. — Oriental edition: Kitab al-ma'arif. Cairo 1300. Abu Bekr Muhammed ben al-Hasan Ibn Doraid's (f 321 H., beg. 1. Jan. 933) genealogisch-etymologisches Handbuch herausgegeben von F. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1854. *Chronologie orientalischer Yolker von Alberuni. Herausgegeben von Eduard Sachau. Gedruckt auf Kosten der D. M. Ges. Leipzig 1878. 40. — Chronology of ancient Nations. An English Version of the Arabic Text of the Athar ul Bakiya of Albiruni, or "Vestiges of the Past". Collected and reduced to writing by the Author in A. H. 390—1, A. D. 1000. Translated and Edited, with Notes and Index, by C. E. Sachau. Published for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Roy 80. London 1879. Ibn Wadhih (Wadih) qui dicitur al-Jaqiihi (Ya'kiibi) Historiae (composed ca. 297 H.). 2 partes ed. M. Th. Eoutsma. Lugduni Batav. 1883. Anonyme Ai'abische Chronik Band XI vermuthlich das Buch der Ver- wandtschaft und Geschichte der Adligen von Abulhasan ahmed ben jahja ben gabir ben dawud elbeladori elbagdadi (al-Balad^irt, t 279 H. , beg. 3. Apr. 893). Autogr. und herausgegeben von W. Ahlwardt. Greifswald 1883. Kitab al-ahbar at-tiwal verf. von Abu Hanifa Ahmed ibn Daud ad-Dai- nawari (f 282 or 290 H.) hrs. von Wladimir Oirgas. Leiden 1888. *Annales auctore Abu Djafar Mohammed Ibn Djarir At-Tabari (at- Tabari f 309 H., beg. 12. May 921), quos ediderunt J. Barth, Th. Noldeke, O. Loth (f), E. Prym, H. Thorbecke (f), S. Frankel, D. H. Miiller, M. Th. Houtsma, S. Guyard (f), V. Rosen et M. J. de Goeje I, 1—5; II, 1—3; III, 1—4. Leiden 1879 seq. MaQoudi (al-Masudl f 346 H., beg. 4. Apr. 957) Les prairies d'or. Texte et traduction par C.Barbier de Meynard et Pavet de Cour- teille. 9 tomes. Paris 1861—77. (id. 2 vols. Bulak 1283). Hamzae Ispahanensis [Hamza wrote about 350 H.) annalium libri X. Edidit J. M. E. Qottwaldt. I. textus, II. transl. Petropoli-Lipsiae 1844. 1848. Fragmenta historicorum arabicorum. Tomus pi'imus continens partem tertiam operis Kitabo '1-Oyun wa 'Ihadaik fi akhbari '1-had^ik (written after the 11*^ cent. A-D.) quem ediderunt M. J. de Goeje et P. de Jong. Lugduni Bat. 1868. 4^^. — Tomus secundus continens partem operis Tadjdribo 'lOmami, auctore Ibn MasTcoioaih (t 421 H., beg. 9. Jan. 1030) edidit M. J. de Goeje. Lugd. Bat. 1871. 158 Literature K. *Ibn el-Athiri {ibn al-'Atir f 630 H., beg. 18. Oct. 1232) Chronicon quod perfectissimum (el-KamQ) inscribitur. Edidit Carolus Jo- hannes Tornberff. 14 vol. Lugdnni Bat. 1851 — 1876. — 12 vols. Bulak 1290 and later. Commentaire historique sur le poeme d'Ibn-Abdoun (Ibn ^Abdiin t 529 H., beg. 22. Oct. 1134) par Ibn Badroun {Ibn Badrun wrote in the same century) publie par B. P. A. Dozy. Leide 1846 (Ouvrages arabes publies par Dozy). Historia saracenica arabice olim exarata a Georgio Elmacino (al-MaJcm ■f 672 H., beg. 18. July 1273), edita et latine reddita opere et studiis Thomae Erpenit. Lugduni Bat. 1625. Ta'rih muhtasar ad-duwal (Outlines of History by Gregorius abu '1-Farag Ibn el-*Ibri {Barhebraeus | 1286 A. D.) ed. by Salhdni. Beirut 1890. (The edition by Pococke, 2 tomi 40. Oxonii 1663 is rare). Elfachri. History of the Moslem Empires from the beginning to the end of the Califate by Ibn etthiqthaqa (wrote about 1302 A-D.). Edited in Arabic by W. Ahlwardt. Gotha 1860. Abulfedae (f 732 H., beg. 4. Oct. 1331). Annales muslemici arabice et latine. Opera et studiis J. J. Reiskii, nunc primum ed. J. G. Ch Adler. 5 voh Hafniae 1789—94. — 2 vols. Stambul 1286. f Abulfedae historia Anteislamica , Arabice e duob. Codd. Paris, edidit, vers. lat. notis et indicibus auxit H. 0. Fleischer. Lipsiae 1831. 40. Ta'rih Zain ad-din *Umar ibn al-Wardl (f 749 or 760 H. = 1348/9). 2 vols. Cairo 1285. — An excerpt: Aegyptus auctore Ibn al-Vardi. Edidit vertit notulisque illustravit Martinus Frdhn. Halae 1804. Ibn Ealdun (f 808 H., beg. 29. June 1405) al-'ibar etc. History of the World. 7 vols. Bulak 1284. — Prolegomenes d'Ebn- Khaldoun. Texte arabe par Quatremere. 3 vols. Paris 1858 (Notices et extraits des mscr. XVI, 1. XVII, 1. XVIII, 1.). — Prolegomenes historiques d'Ibn Khaldoun. Traduction par Mac OucJcin de Slane. 3 vols. Paris 1862 — 68 (Notices et extr. XIX, 1. XX, 1. XXI, 1). The Tarikh al-Kholafa; or history of the Caliphs, from the death of Mohammad to the year 900 of the Hijrah by the celebrated Jalal al-Din Al-Osyooti [as-SuyuU f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505), ed. by W. N. Lees und Mawlawi Abd al-Haqq. Calcutta 1857. Another edition Cairo 1305. *Liber expugnationis regionum auctore Imamo Ahmed ibn Jahja ibn Djabir al-Baladsori {al-Baldduri f 279 H., beg. 3. Apr. 892) ed. M. J. de Goeje. Lugduni Bat. 1866. 40. Oicsdma ibn Mounkidh un 6mir syrien an premier si^cle des Croisades, (1095 — 1188) par Uartwig Derenhourg. Deuxi^me partie. Texte Literature K. 159 arabe de I'autobiographie d'Ousama. Paris 1886 (cf. Carlo de Landberg, Critica arabica II. Leyde 1888). — Ousama ibn Mounkidh etc. par H. Derenbourg (French edition.). Paris 1889. 'Imdd ed-dln el-katib el-isfahani (f 597 H. = 1201) Conquete de la Syrie et de la Palestine par Salah ed-din. Public par le comte Carlo de Landerg. Vol. I. Texte arabe. Leyde 1888. Vita et res gestae sultani Almaliehi Alnasiri^Saladini auctore Bohad- dino P. Sjeddadi {Balm ad -din ibn Sadddd f 632 fl. = 1234) edidit ac latine vertit Alberttts Schultens. Lugduni Batav. 1732 (1755). fol. Kitab ar-raudatain^fi ta'rih ad-daulatain (History of Nureddin^ and Saladin) by Sihab ad-din al-Mukaddasi , called Abu Sdma (t 665 H. = 1267). Cairo. 2 vols. 1287. Kitab al-'ins al-galil bi-ta'nh al-kuds wal-halil. History of Jeru- salem and Hebron by Mugtr ad-din (f 927 H., beg. 12. Dec. 1520). — Cf. Histoire de Jerusalem et d'Hebron. Fragments de la Chronique de Moudjir-ed-dyn traduits sur le texte arabe par Henry Sauvaire. Paris 1876. Die Chroniken der Stadt Mekka. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Ferdinand Wuste7ifeld (I Azraki. II Fakihi, Fasi, Ibn Dhuheira, III Kutb ed-din. IV German edition). I— IV. Leipzig 1857 — 61. Hulasat al-wafa bi'ahbar dar al-mustafa (ffistory of the town of Medina) by as-SamhUdi (f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505). Bulak 1285. — Extracts translated by Wiistenfeld in den Abhandlungen der k. Ges. der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Bd. IX. 1860. *al-Hitat (Geography and History of Egypt) by al-Malnrizi (f 845 ^H.,"beg. 22. May 1441). 2 vols. Bulak 1270. — Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de PEgj'pte, ecrite en arabe par Taki-eddin- Ahmed Makrizi, traduite en fran^ais et accompagnee de notes par Quatremere. 2 vol. Paris 1837 — 45. 40. Abul-Mahdsin ibn Tagri Bardii (f 874 H., beg. 11. July 1469) Annales (History of Egypt) I, 1. 2 ediderunt T. O. J. Juynboll et B. F. Matthes. II, 1. 2. ed. T. 0. J. Juynboll. Lugduni Bat. 1852—61 (incomplete). Husn al-muhadara. History of Egypt by as-Suyutl (f 911 H., beg. 4. June 1505). 2 vols. Cairo. 'Agaib al-atar fit-taragim wal-ahbar (History of Egypt) by aUQabartl (t 1236 = 1821). 4 vols." Cairo n. d. Ahmedis Arabsiadae [Ahmed ibn'Arab§ah f 854 H., beg. 14. Febr. 1450) vitae et rerum gestarum Timuri, qui vulgo Tamerlanes dicitur historia. (Ed.) Latine vertit etc. S. H. Manger. 2 vol. Leovardiae 1767. 1772. — Cairo 1285. The History of the Almohades by Abdo - '1 -Wahid al-Marrekoshi (wrote in the year 621 H. = 1224) edited by B. Dozy. 2. ed. Leyden 1881. 160 Literature K. Historia Abbadidarum praeiiiissis scriptorum Arabum de ea dynastia locis nunc priraum editis , auctore R. P. A. Dozy. I — III. Lug- duni Bat. 1849. 40. (Deals w. Spain). Annales regum Mauretaniae a condito Idrisidarum imperio ad annum fugae 726, ab Abu-1 Hasan Ali ben Abd Allah Ibn Abi Zer' Fesano, vel ut alii malunt Abu Muhammed Salih ibn Abd el Halim Granatensi conscriptos ed. illustr. Carolus Joh. Tornherg^ 2 vol. Upsaliae 1843. 1846. Histoire de I'Afrique et de l'EsiDao:ne intitulee al-Bayano '1-Moglirib par Ibn Adhdri (de Maroc) (I6n al-'Iddn wrote between 363 and 366 H.) et fragments de la chronique d'Arib (de Cordoue) publics par B. P. A. Dozy. 2. vols, Leyde 1848—51. Analectes sur I'histoire et la litterature des Arabes d'Espagne par Al-M^kkari (al-Makkari f 1041 H., beg. 30. July 1631). Publies par B. Dozy, G. Dugat, L. Krehl et W. Wright. 2 vol. Leyde 1855 — 61. (Conf. Fleischer, Textverbesserungen in Al-Makkari's Geschichtswerke. Kleinere Schriften. Vol. II pt. 1. Leipzig 1888.) — Lettre a M. Fleischer contenant les remarques critiques et explicatives sur le texte d' Al-Makkari par B. Dozy. Leyde 1871. — Cf. The history of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain by Ahmed ibn Mohammed Al-Makkari. Translated and illustrated by Pascual de Gayangos. 2 vol. London 1840 — 3. 4^. Bibliotheca arabo-sicula, ossia Raccolta di testi arabici che toccano la geografia, la storia, la biografia e la bibliografia della Sicilia, messi insieme da Michele Amari. Lipsia 1857; Appendice, ibid. 1875. Alheruni's India, an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, chronology, astronomy, . customs, laws and astrology of India about 1030. Ed. by Edw. Sachau. London 1887. 4'\ — Id. An English edition with notes and indices. By E. Sachau. London. 2 vol. 1888. Scriptorum Arabum de Rebus Indicis loci et opuscula inedita rec. et illustr. Joannes Oildemeister. Ease. pr. Bonnae 1838. — Cf. id., Dissertationis de rebus Indiae, quo mode in Arabum notitiam venerint, pars I. Bonnae 1838. *Ibn Challican, Vitae illustrium virorum. E codd. nunc primum arabice edidit variis lectionibus, indicibusque locupletissimis in- struxit Ferd. Wiistenfeld. Gottingae 1835—40, 40. — Ibn Hal- likan (f 681 H., beg. 11. Apr. 1282). 2 vols. Bulak 1275; another edition 1299. — Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by Baron Mac Guckin de Slane. 4 vol. Paris- London 1843—71. 40. Fawat al-wafayat (supplement to Ibn Hallikan) by as-Salah al-KutuM (t 764 H., beg. 21. Oct. 1362). ^2 vols. Bulak "1283. r OF THE CTNIVERSITI Literature K, ^'"^Jf- iftl?ORH\^ The biographical dictionary of illustrious men chiefly at the beginning of Islamism by Abu Zakariya Jahya el-Nawawi (f 676 H. = 1277) edited by Ferd. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1842 — 47 (cf. idem for the Life and Writings of el-Nawawi, Gottingen 1849, from the 4*11 vol. of the Abhandl. d. kgl. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gott,). Nuzhat al-'alubba fi tabakat al-'udaba. Concerning celebrated Men. By Abul-Baraka't al-Anbdri (f 577 H., beg. 17. May 1181). Cairo lithogr. n. d. P Written hy Europeans. f Vergleichungstabellen der muhammedanischen und christlichen Zeit- rechnung nach den ersten Tagen jedes muhammedanischen Monats berechnet. 'S.er2i\xss:e°;ehen van Ferd. Wiistenfeld. Leipzig 1844. — Fortsetzung der Wiistenf. Yergl. - Tab. bis 1500 von E. Mahler. Leipzig 1887. *Die Geschichtsschreiber der Araber und ihre Werke. Von F. Wiisten- feld. (From the XXVIII. and XXIX. vol. of the Abhandlungen der Kgl. Ges. d. W. zu Gottingen). Gottingen 1882. 40. *Genealogische Tabellen der Arabischen Stamme und Familien . . . Aus den Quellen zusammengestellt von Ferdinand Wilster^feld. Gottingen 1852. q.-fol. — Register zu den genealogischen Ta- bellen der Arabischen Stamme und Familien. Mit historischen und geographischen Bemerkungen von Ferdinand Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1853. * Caussin de Perceval, Essai sur I'histoire des Arabes avant I'islamisme 3 vol. Pai'is 1847. Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sassaniden. Aus der arabischen Chronik des Tabari iibersetzt und mit ausfiihr- lichen Erlauterungen und Erganzungen versehen von Th. Noldeke, Leyden 1879. t*Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland. Von A. Miiller. 2 Bande. Berlin 1885. 1887. (Allgemeine Geschichte in EinzeldarsteUungen hrsgg. von L. Oncken. Zweite Hauptabteilung. Vierter Teil). *Geschicbte der Chalifen. Nach handschriftlichen grosstenteils noch unbeniitzten Quellen bearbeitet von Gxistav Weil. 3 Bande. Mannheim 1846 — 51. — Geschichte des Abbasidenchalifats in Aegypten. Von Qustav Weil. 2 Bande. Stuttgart 1860 — 2. t Geschichte der islamitischen Volker von Mohammed bis zur Zeit des Sultan Selim iibersichtlich dargestellt von Qustav Weil. Stuttgart 1866. fGeschichte der Araber bis auf den Sturz des Chalifats von Bagdad. Von Gustav Fliigel. 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1864. The Caliphate, its rise, decline, and fall from original sources by Sir William Muir. London 1891. New and revised edition 1894. Socin. Arabic Grammar.' 11 162 Literature L. Handbuch der morgenlandischen Miinzkunde. Von J. G. Stickel. 2 Hefte, Leipzig 1865—70. 40. Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, 9 vol. London 1875—1889. The Mohammadan Dynasties, chronological and genealogical Tables with historical Introductions by St. Lane-Poole. London 1894. Die Charidschiten uuter den ersten Omayyaden. Ein Beitrag zur Greschichte des ersten islamischen Jahrhunderts von B. E. Brunnow. Leiden 1884. De opkomst der Abbasiden in Chorasan door Gr. van Vlooten. Leiden 1 890. Memoires sur les Carmathes du Bahrain et les Fatimides par M. J. de Goeje. Leiden 1886. Die Statthalter von Agypten zur Zeit der Chalifen. Von F. Wiisten- feld. Parts 1 and 2. Abhandlungen der Kgl. Ges. d. Wissen- schaften zu Gottingen. 1875 (4^^). Band 20. Parts 3 and 4. ibid. 1876, Band 21. History of the Moors in Spain to the Conquest of Andalusia by the Almoravides (711 — 1110), by R. Dozy. German Edition with additions by the Author. 2 vols. Leipzig 1874. Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien. Von Adolf Friedrich von Schack. 2 Bande. Berlin 1865. 2. Aufl. 1877. *Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen. Von Alfred von Kremer. 2 Bande, Wien 1875 — 77. Das Einnahmebudget des Abbasiden-Reichs vom Jahre 360 H. (918 — 919) von Alfred von Kremer. Denkschriften der philos.-hist. Classe der Kais. Akademie der Wiss. in Wien. Bd. XXXVI. 1887. *Gescliichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams. Der Gottesbegrifif, die Prophetie und Staatsidee. Von Alfred v. Kremer. Leipzig 1868. Die Baustile. Historische und technische Entwicklung. Des Handbuchs der Architectur (von J. Durm) Zweiter Theil. 3. Baud, zweiteHalfte ; Die Baukunst des Islam. Von Franz Pascha. Darmstadt 1887. Prisse d'Avennes, L'art arabe d'apres les monuments du Caire depuis le Vile siecle jusqu' a la fin du XVIIIe. 3 vol. fol. 1 vol. 4. Paris 1877. — La decoration arabe. (Extrait du grand ouvrage.) Paris 1865. fol. L. COSMOGRAPHY, GEOGRAPHY, ETHNOGRAPHY, TRAVELS. a Written by Orientals. Cosmographie de Chems ed-din Abou Abdallah Mahommed ed-Dimichqi (ad-Dimi§ki f 654 H., beg. 30. Jan. 1256). Texte arabe publie d'apres I'edition commencee par M. Frahn, et d'apres les manu- LiTERATUEE L. 163 scrits par M. A. F. Mehren. St. Petersbourg 1866. 40. — Manuel de la cosmographie du moyen age, traduit de I'arabe „Nokhbet ed-dahr fi 'adjaib-il-birr wal-bah'r" de Shems ed-din Abou-'Abdallah Mohammed de Damas et accompagnee d'eclaircissements par M. A. F. Mehren. Copenhague 1874. *Zakarija Ben Muhammed ben Mahmud el-Caztcini's (aUKazmni f 682 H., beg. 1. Apr. 1283) Kosmographie. Herausg. von Ferd. Wiistenfeld. 2 Bande. Gottingen 1848—9. — id. nach der Wiistenfeld'schen Textausgabe etc. iibersetzt von Hermann Ethe, Erster Halbband. Leipzig 1868. Haridat al-'agaib wa-faridat al-garaib, a species of Cosmography composed by 'Umar ihn al-Wardi (f 749 or 750 H. =» 1348 or 9). Cairo 1292. Specimen e literis orientalibus exhibens az-Zamaksarzi, (az-ZamalSari t 538 H., beg. 16. July 1143) lexicon geographicum quod auspice T. Gr. J. Juynboll edidit Mathias Salverda de Grave. Lugduni Bat. 1856. Al-Hamddni's (f 334 H., beg. 13. Aug. 945) Geographie der Arabischen Halbinsel. Nach den Handschr. herausgegeben von David Heinrich Muller. Leiden 1884. Das geographische Worterbuch des Abu 'Obeid 'Abdallah ben *Abd el-'Aziz el-Bekri (f 487 H. = 1094) nach den Handschriften zu Leiden, Cambridge, London und Mailand herausgegeben von Ferd. Wiistevfeld. 2 Bande. Gottingen, Pai-is 1876. 1877. *Jacut's {Yakut f 626 H. = 1229) Geographisches Worterbuch aus den Handschiiften zu Berlin, St. Petersburg und Paris auf Kosten der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft herausgegeben von Ferdinand Wiistenfeld. 6 Bande. Leipzig 1866 — 73. Jacut's Moschtarik, das ist: Lexicon geographischer Homonyme. Herausgegeben von Ferd. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1846. Marasid al-ittila*i, Lexicon geographicum ed T. G. J. Juynboll I — VL Lugduni' B. 1850—64. (An Extract from Yakiit). Geographie d'Aboulfeda (AJw'i-/irfa f 732 H., beg. 4. Oct. 1331). Texte arabe par Beinaud et Mac-Guckin de Slane. Paris 1840. — Geographie d'Ismail Abou '1-Feda en arabe publiee par Charles Schier. iEd. autogr. Dresde 1846. — Geographie d'Aboulfeda, traduite de I'arabe en fran^ais par Reinaud I (*Latroduction g6nerale a la geographie des Orientaux) II, 1 Paris 1848 ; II, 2 par Stanislas Guyard. Paris 1883. *Bibliotheca geographorum arabicorum. Edidit M. J. de Goeje. Pars prima. Viae regnorum. Descriptio ditionis moslemicae auctore Abu Ishak al-Farisi al-Istakhri {al-lstahrxj cf. Zeitschrft d. D. Morgenl. Ges. Bd. 25, p. 42 ff.). Lugduni Bat. 1870. Pars secunda. Viae et regna. Descriptio ditionis moslemicae auctore Abu '1-Kasim Ibn Haukal fibid.). Lugduni Bat. 1873. 11* 1 64 Literature L. Pars tertia. Descriptio imperii Moslemici auctore Al-MoTiad- dasi {al-Mukaddasi wrote in year 378 the H.). LuQ^duni Bat. 1876. Cf. Description of Syria &c. by Mukaddasi. Translated from the Arabic by Guy Le Strange. (Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society). Pars quarta. Continens indices, glossarium et addenda et emen- danda ad part. I— III auctore M. J. de Goeje. Lusfduni Bat. 1879. Pars quinta. Compendium libri Kitab al-boldan auctore Ibn al-Fahih al-Hamadhani (wrote ca. A. D. 290). Lugd. Bat. 1885. Pars sexta. Kitab al-masalik wal-mamalik (liber viarum et regnorum) auctore Abu'l-Kasim Obaidallah ibn Abdallah ibn Khordddbeh (Ibn Hordadbeh wrote in the second half of the 9th cent. A. D.) et" excerpta e Kitab al-Kharadj (K. al-harag Taxbook) auctore Koddma ibn Djafar (Kuddma ibn Ga^far wrote about 930 A. D.). Lugduni Bat. 1889. Pars septima. Kitab al-a'lak an-nafisa VII auctore Abu Ali Ahmed ibn Omar ibn Rosteh (wrote before 301. H.) et Kitab al- boldan auctore Ahmed ibn abi Jakiib ibn Wadhih al-Katib al- Jakiibi (cf. p. 157). Lugduni Bat. 1892. Pars octava. Kitab at-tanbih wa'1-ischraf auctore al-Masudi (cf, p. 157). Accedunt indices et glossarium ad tomos VII et VIIL Lugduni Bat. 1894. Description de I'Afrique et de I'Espagne par Edrist (wrote 548 H., beg. 29 March 1153) texte arabe public pour la premiere fois d'apres les man. de Paris et d' Oxford avec une traduction, des notes et un glossaire par B.^Dozy et M. J. de Goeje. Le3'de 1866. The travels of Ibn Jubair (Ibn Gubair end of the 6th cent.) edited bj^ William Wright. Ley den 1852. Voyages d'Ibn Batoutah (Ibn Batuta f 779 H., beg. 10 May 1377). Texte arabe, accompagnee d'une traduction par C. Defremery et B. B. Sanguinetti (Publications de la Societe asiatique). 4 vol. Paris 1853—58; deux. tir. 1874—77. — Cairo 1288. j3 Written by Eicropeans. F. Wilstenfeld, Die Litteratur der Erdbeschreibung bei den Arabem. Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Erdkunde hrsgg. von J. G. Liidde I, 1841, S. 24—67. Carte generale des provinces europeennes et asiatiques de I'Empire Ottoman, dressee par Henri Kiepert 4 feuilles. Deux. ed. en- tierement corrigee et augmentee d'un index alphabetique. Berlin 1892. (Karte von) Arabien zu C. Bitters Erdkunde, Buch III, West-Asien, Teil XII und XIII bearbeitet von H. Kiepert. Neue berichtigte Ausgabe, die Orthographic revidiert von Th. Noldeke. Berlin 1867 (D. Eeimer). Literature L. 165 Skizze der Geschichte und Greoofraphie Arabians von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Propheten Muhammad. Auf Grund der Inscliriften, der Angaben der alten Autoren und der Bibel von Edzcard Glaser. Zweiter Band. Berlin 1890. Die alfce Geographie Arabiens als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus vou A. Sprenger. Bern 187.5. Arabien im sechsten Jahrhundert. Eine ethnographische Skizze von Otto Blau. Mit einer Karte : Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenl. Gesellschaft. Leipzig 1869 (XXIII B.) p. 559—592. Arabien und die Araber seit hundert Jahren. Eine geographische und geschichtliche Skizze von Albrecht Zehine. Halle 1875. Palestine under the Moslems. A description of Syria and the Holy Land from A. D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the works of the mediaeval Arab Geographers by Gruy le Strange. (London) 1890. Relation de I'Egypte par Abdallatif {^AhA al-Latif al-Bagdadi f 629 H., beg. 29. Oct. 1231). Le tout traduit et enrichi de notes par Silvester de Sacy. Paris 1810. 4". (The text of 'Abd al-Latif has been published by J. White: 'AbdoUatiphi Historiae Aegypti compendium. Oxonii 1800). *Beschreibung von Arabien. Aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammelten Nachrichten abgefasst von Carsttn Niebuhr. Kopenhagen 1772. 4^. Carsten Niehuhrs Beisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andem um- liegenden Landern. 1. Band. Kopenhagen 1774. 2. Band. 1778; English edtn. 2 vols. Edinb. 1792. f*Travels in Arabia (1814) comprehending an account of those territories in Hedjaz which the Mohammedans regard as sacred. By the late John Lewis Bnrckhardt. London, 2 vol. 1829. — Johann Lxidwig Burckhardt's Beisen in Arabien, enthaltend eine Besclirei- buug derjenigen Gebiete in Hedjaz, welche die Mohammedaner fiir heilig achten . . . Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. Weimar 1830. f*/. L. Burckhardt, Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 vol. London 1831. — Bemerkungen iiber die Beduinen und Wahabi's. Weimar 1831. Richard Burton, Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah. 2 vol. London 1857 (and frequently, also in the Tauchnitz edition). *Travels in Arabia Deserta by Chxrles M. Doughty. 2 vol. Cambridge 1888. (With new map). Adolf von Wrede's Eeise in Hadhramaut, Beled Beny 'Issa und Beled el Hadschar. Herausgegeben . . . von H. Freiherr von Maltzan. Braunschweig 1870. — Eeise nach Siidarabien und Geographische Forschungen im und iiber den siidwestlicheu Teil Arabiens von Heinrich Freihern von Maltr,an. Braunschweig 1873. 166 Literature M, Mekka von Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. 2 Bande. Mit Bilder-Atlas. Haag 1888. 1889. I* An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, written in Egypt etc. By Edward William Lane. Various editions. London. — Lane, Sitten und Gebrauche der heutigen Egypter. Ubersetzt von /. Zenker. 3 Bde. Leipzig 1852. E. W. Lane, Arabian society in the middle ages. Studies from the Thousand and One Nights ed. by Stanley Lane Poole. London 1883. (Supplement to the "Manners and Customs", containing the notes to Lane's translation of the Thousand and One Nights {y. infra). M. VERSE. Delectus veterum carminum arabicorum. Carmina selegit et edidit Th. Noeldeke, glossarium confecit A. MilUer. Berolini 1890. Tiber Poesie und Poetik der Araber von Wilhelni Ahlwardf. Gotha 1856. 40. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Poesie der alien Araber. Von Th. Noldeke. Hannover 1S64. Kitdb al-agdnl by Abu '1-Farag *Ali al-Isfahdnl (f 352 H., beg. 30. Jan. 962). 20 vols. Bulak 1285. — Alii Ispahanensis liber cantilenarum magnus, ed. Kosegarten. T. 1. Gripesvoldiae 1840. 40, — The twenty-first volume of The Kitab al-aghani ed. by Bud. E. Brunnow, Leyden 1888. — Tables alphabetiques du Kitab al-Agani par J. Quidi. ler fasc. Leide 1895. Kitab raudat al-adab fi tabakat suara* al'arab by Iskander-Aga Abkarins (modern Beyrout scholar). Beimt 1858. Bizanat al-adab wa-lubb lubab lisan al-'arab, by '' Ab-dal-Kddir ibn "TJmar al-Bagdddi (f 1093 H.; beg. 21. Aug. 1629) 4 vols. Bulak 1291 (A work on poets; on the margin are printed the Sawahid al-'Aini). An index to the poets appeared from the pen of Guidi in the transactions of the R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1887. *The Diwans of the six ancient Arabic poets Ennabiga, 'Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, 'Alqama and Lnruulqais, ed. by W. Ahlwardt. London. 1870. Bemerkungen iiber die Achtheit der alten Arabischen Gedichte mit besonderer Beziehung auf die sechs Dichter etc. von W. Ahlwardt. Greifswald 1872. Le Diwan de Ndbiga Dhobyani publie par H. Derenbourg. Journal asiatique 1868 — 9. JBL. Thorbecke, 'Antarah, ein vorislamischer Dichter. Leipzig 1867. Die Gedichte des'AZfc aw? a Alfahl. Mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Albert Socin. Leipzig 1867. Le diwan ^.^Amro'lkais par le Bon de Slane. Paiis 1837. 40. With Literature M. 167 Commentary by al-Batalyusi. Cairo 1308. Cf. Amrilkais, der Dichter und Konig. Von Fr. Rilckert. Stuttgart und Tu- bingen 1843. f*Septem Mo'allakdt carmina antiquidsima Arabum, textum etc. rec. F, A.Arnold. Lipsiae 1860 (out of print) — With commentary by az-Zauzani (f 375 H., beg. 24. May 958). Cairo 1288. A commentary by Abii Zakariya Sahya at-Tibri'zi (f 420 H. , beg. 11. Aug. 1108) on ten ancient Arabic poems edited from the Mss. of Cambridge, London and Leiden by Charles James Lyall. Fasc. I Bibliotheca Indica, New Series, No. 789, Calcutta 1891; Fasc. II ib. No. 840. Calc. 1894. Der Diwan des LeMd. Nach einer Handschrift zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Jusvf Dija-ad-dln al-Chdlidi. "Wien 1880. Cf. A, von Krenier in den Sitzungsberichten der phil.-hist. Classe der Kais. Akademie d. Wissenschaften 98. Bd. 2 Heft. Wien 1881. — Die Gedichte des Lebid. Nach der Wiener Ausgabe iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen aus dem Nachlasse des Dr. A. Huber herausgegeben von Carl* BrockeU mann. Leiden 1891. Die Mufaddalijat (Anthology of the Granmaarian al-Mtifaddal] f about 170 H.) Nach den Handschriften herausgegeben von Heinrich Thorbecke. Erstes Heft. Leipzig 1885. *Hamasae carmina cum Tebrisii scholiis integris edidit, indicibus in- struxit, versions latina et commentario illustr. O. G. Freyiag. 2 vol. Bonnae 1828—47 (collected by Abu Tammam f 190, beg. 27. Nov. 805; at-TabrIzi Comm. f 420 H., beg. 11. Aug. 1108). Anbther edition Bulak 1296. Cf. Hamasa oder die altesten ai'abischen Volkslieder, gesammelt von Abu Temmam, iibersetzt und erlautert von Friedrich Ruckert. 2 T. Stuttgart 1846. The Hudsailian poems contained in the manuscript of Leyden edited in Arabic and translated with annotations by J. G. L. Kosegarten. Vol. I. London 1854. 40. — Letzter Theil der Lieder der Hu- dhailiten, arabisch und deutsch: Skizzen und Vorarbeiten von /. Wellhausen. 1. Heft. Berlin 1884. Comp. Z. der D. Morgenl. GeseJlschaft 39. pp. 104, 151, 411 ff. Die Gedichte des 'XJrvca ibn Alward. Von Th. Noldeke: Abhandlungen der Kgl. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen. Hist.-Phil. Classe 11. Gedichte und Fragmente des ^Aus ibn Eajar, gesammelt, herausgegeben und iibersetzt von Rudolf Geyer: Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akadeinie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philos.-hist. Classe. Band 126. Wien 1892. Anis al-gulasa fi diwan al-Hansa (The poetess al-Hansa is said to have died A. H. 24, beg. 7. Nov. 644 A. D.) Beirut 1888. — Le diwan d'al Hansa' traduit par le P. de Coppier et suivi de fragments inedits d'Al-Hirniq. Beyrouth 1889. 168 Literature M. Ibn Hisami (t 762 H., beg. 11 Nov. 1360) Commentarius in Carmen Ka^bi ben Zoheir Banat Suad ed. Guidi. Lipsiae 1871. 1874. Der Diwan des Garwal b. Aus al-Hutefa (f between 68 — 70 H.) Bearbeitet von Iffnaz Goldziher: Zeitschrift der D. Morgenl. Gesellschaft Bd. 46, 8. 1—53; 173—225; 471—527; Bd. 47, S. 43—85; 168—201. Also in a collected edition. Leipzig 1893. Diwan sayyidna Hassan ibn Tdhit (f 54 H., beg. 30. Aug. 683). Tunis 1281. Diwan d'al-Ahfcal, Texte arabe publie pour la premiere fois d'apres le manuscrit de St. Petersbourg et annote par le P. A. Salhani S. J. Beyrouth 1891. Divan de Ferazdak (f 110 H., beg. 16. April 728) recits de Mohammed ben-Habib d'apres Ibn-el-Arabi publie sur le manuscrit de Sainte- Sophie de Constantinople avec une traduction fran^aise par B. Boucher. Paris 1870. 4". (incomplete), Magmii' mustamil 'ala hams dawawin (an-Nabiga, 'Urwa, Hatim, 'Al- karaa and Farazdak) Cairo 1293 cf. Z. der D. Morgenl. Ge- sellschaft 31, 667 ff.' Chalef elahma7-^s (died after 155 H.) Qasside. Berichtigter arabischer Text etc. von A. Ahlivardt. Greifswald 1859. Diwan al-Buhturt (f 190 H., beg. 27 Nov. 805). Constantinople 1300. Diwan des Abu Nowas nach der Wiener und Berliner Handschrift mit Benutzung anderer Handschriften herausgegeben von W. Ahl- icardt. 1. Die Weinlieder. Greifswald 1861. — Diwan Abi Nuwas. Cairo 1277. (Abio Nuwas f about 195 H. = 810). Diwan poetae Abu-'l-Walid Moslim ibno-'l-Walid al-Angari cognomine Qano-l-ghawdni (Sart al-gawdni f 208 H., beg. 16. May 823) quern edidit M. de J, Goeje. Lugduni Bat. 1875. 4". Al-anwar az-zahiya fi diwan Abi'l-'Atahiya (Abu*l- Atdhiya f 221 H., beg. 26. Dec. 835). Beirut 1886. 2me 6dit. 1888. Diwan Abl Tammdm Habib ibn Aus at-Ta'i (f 231 H., beg. 7. Sept. 845). Cairo 1292.' Diwan amir al-mu minin Ibn-al-Mu tazz nl-'Abbasi (f 296 H. = 909) Cairo 1891. Cf. Uber Leben und Werk des 'Abdallah ibn al- Mutazz von Otto Loth. Leipzig 1882. Mutanabbii (al-Mutanabbl f 354 H. = 965) carmina cum commen- tario Wahidii primum edidit, indicibus instruxit, varias lectiones adnotavit Fr. Dieterici. Berolini 1861. 4^. Diwan Abi Firds al-Hamdani (f 357 beg. 7. Dec. 967). Beirut 1873. Abu'l-AW al-Mdarri (f 449 H., beg. 10 March 1057) Sakt ez-zind, Poems with Commentary. 2 vols. Bulak 1286 and 1302 (Another edition Beirut 1884). — Luziim ma la yalzam. Bombay 1303. 40; Luzumiyat 2 vols. Cairo 1891. — Caroli Bieu de Abul-Alae Literature N. 169 poetae arabici vita et camiimbus. Bonnae 1843. Cf. Zeitschrift der D. Mor^enl. Gesellschaft 29, 304; 30, 40; 31, 471 ff. Yatimat ad-dahr fi suara' ahl al-'asr, Anthology composed by Abu Mansui' 'Abd al-Malik sX-Tadlibi (f 429 H., beg. 14. Oct. 1037) 4 vols. Damascus 1302. Anthologie arabe ou choix de poesies arabes inedites traduites pom- la premiere fois en fran^ais et accompagnees d' observations critiques et litteraires par M. Grangeret de La Grange. (Paris) 1828. N. BELLES-LETTRES, ETHICS, ROMANCES. ♦The Kamil of El-Mubarrad (f 285 H., beg. 28. Jan. 898), edited for the German Oriental Society by W. Wright. Part. 1 — 12; Leipzig 1864—92. A reprint appeai-ed in Cairo 2 vols. 1308. al-'Ikd al-farid, by Ibn 'Ahd-rabhihi al-Andalusi (f 328 JE., beg. 28. March 860) 3 vols. Bulak 1293. Kitab al-Muwassa of Abu 't-Tayyib Muliammed ibn Ishaq al-Wa§§d (lived 860—938 A. D.) edited by B. Briinnoiv. Leyden 1886. Ibn Arabschah (f 854 H., beg. 14. Febr. 1450) Fructus imperatorum et jocatio ingeniosorum edidit G. G. Freytag. 2. vol. Bonnae 1832. 4". — Oriental editions with the title: Fakihat al-hulafa' wa-mufakahat az-zurafa'. Makamat badr az-zaman al-Hamaddnl (al-Hamadani, the predecessor of Hariri died 398 H., beg. 17. Sept. 1007) with commentary by Seih Muhammad Abdo. Beirut 1889. Other Makamat of Hama- dani Constantinople 1298. *Les seances de Hariri (al-Harlri f 516 H., beg. 12. March 1122), avec un commentaire choisi pao Silvestre de Sacy; 1 6d. Paris 1822; 2. ed. par Reinaud et /. Verenbourg.^ 2 tom. Paris 1847—1853. — With the Commentary of as-Sariid (f 619 H., beg. 15. Feb. 1222) 2 vols. Bulak 1284. — Makamat (Vowelled text) 2. Ed. Beyrouth 1886. — The Assemblies of Al-Hariri, transl. &c. by Thomas Chenery. Vol I 1867. — Do. Arabic text with English notes &c. by F. Steingass 1895. *Kitab Adab al-Kdtib (proply. an aid to elegant writing) composed by Muhamraed Abdallah ibn Muslim Ibn Kutaiba (f in the 2nd. half of the 3rd. Centy. of the Flight). Cairo 1 300. Kitab al-matal as-sa ir fi^ 'adab al-katib was-sa'ir (Treatise on Style) by Ibn al-Atlr al-Gazari (f 637 H., beg. 3. Aug. 1239) Cairo 1282. Rasail (Letters) abi'1-Fadl badi' az-zaman al-Hamaddni (f 398 H., beg. 17. Sept. 1007). Constantinople 1298. al-Maiddm (f 518 H., beg. 19. Feb. 1124) Magma' al-amtal. (Collec- tion of Proverbs). 2 vols. Bulak 1284. — Arabum proverbia, 170 Literature N. vocalibus instruxit, latine vertit, commentario illustravit G. Q. Freytag I, II, III (a b.), Bonnae 1838—43. fLes colliers d'or, allocutions morales de Zamakhschari (az-ZamahSari t 538 H., beg. 16. July 1143) texte arabe suivi d'une traduction frangaise et d'un commentaire philologique par C. Barbier de Meynard. Paris 1876. AWs hundert Spriiche arabisch und persisch paraphrasiert von Eeschid- eddin Watwat, nebst einem doppelten Anhang arabischer Spriiche herausgegeben, iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von H. L. Fleischer, Leipzig 1837. 40. Sirag al-muliik (Ethics and Anecdotes) composed by Abii Bekr Mu- hammed at-Tartusl al-MalikI (f 520 H. , beg. 27. Jan. 1126). Cairo 1289. Muhadarat al- udaba wa-muhawarat as-§u'ara' wal-bulaga , a species of Ethics with Anecdotes by ar-Ragib al-Isfahdnl (f in the beginning of the 6*1^ centy. of the Flight). 2 vols. Cairo 1287. 40. al-Mustatraf fl kull fann al-mustazraf, a species of anthological En- cyclopaedia compiled by Ahmad al-IbUhi (lived about 800 H.) 2 vols. Cai,ro 1304. 1307. Siret 'An^ar ibn Saddad, 32 vols. Cairo 1286. 1307. (another recension 10 vols. Beirut 1871). Cf. Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Trans- lated from Arabic by T. Hamilton. Part. I, i — iv. London 1820. Alf laila wa-laila. Tausend und eine Nacht arabisch. Nach einer Handschrift aus Tunis herausg. von Maximilian Eabicht I — VIII; fortges. von E. L. Fleischer IX— XII vol. Breslau 1825—43. (This edition is not suitable for beginners in Arabic, as the language is in many parts strongly influenced by the vulgar tongue). — The Alif Laila or book of the thousand nights and one night, published from an Egyptian Ms. by W. H. Macnaghten. 4 vols. Calcutta 1839—42. — 4 vols. Bulak 1279. — Original in expurgated edition. Beyrout 1888 — 90. — Following the earlier Bulak edition: The thousand and one nights commonly called, in England, The Arabian nights' entertainments. Trans- lated by W. Lane. 3 vol. London. 1 ed. 1841. Other editions by Edw. Stanley Poole (the last 1882). PART n. PARADIGMS, CHRESTOMATHY AND GLOSSARY. Socin, Arabic Grammar.' PARADIGMATA. TABULA I. Suffixa et Praefixa in ilexione verbi adhibita. Persona Numems Perfectum Imperfectum 3. masc. sing. ;(i) 3. fern. n ^ s- a-) 2. masc. » ^_ S (i) 2. fern. n ^— (^_) ^_ i- (i) > * * 1. n — t (1) 3. masc. dual. 1 ' (1^) ^ji_s(;.) 3. fern. n iV (I') Jl^5(i') 2. n a- (1^) ^l_ 5 (i) 3. masc. plur. l^-L (1,^) ^,JL S (i) 3. fern. « u— u- '^ (i) 2. masc. n ^- (l-L) ;^,-L:(i-) 2. fem. n ;,-^-(^-) 1. n LS_ — i d) AT 4* Paradigmata. ^^% t a fee CO 0. a > •i-i p. o o o P4 o a w d ;t d =4 =4 :v^ :^ ^^3 ^4. ^4 :| % 4 !4 i^ i| i| i^ Paradigmata. ;3 •1-1 r i- 3v ,ry>-^.-0 ^-^ ^.V ^;3 \ ;3 ^.D- VD* \*3 ^ ;' o :ol o :o( o :« o :o( o :o( « :g( o :< 7^ ^^ ^7^ f:i, °i^ -J, " ^1 :^ ^5 1 "4 "i i "^ ;| -:| ^,3 ;|,44-4 3n 3s 3^, V 5 ^^ ^ 3 '^ ;3 ;i3 :3 .4 :j3 ,'i3 ^3 J r3 '^ . masc. . fern. . masc. . fem. . masc. . fem. CO Paradigmata. TABULA III. Paradigma flexionis Passivi I verbi sani Persona Nume- rus Perfec- turn Imperfectum Indicativus Subjunc- tivus Apocopat. 3. masc. sing. J^- J^xib 3. fern. >5 -j- ' JjCiu C ^ J 2. masc. n JjCiiJt o ^ > 2. fern. n > J^^^-> 1 .".."i.' 1. n ' r..!. 3. masc. dual. IxH .i^ 3. fern. n Lxlxi - ^0 > 2. J7 > J ^Lxiij) ^ ^ ft > 3. masc. plur. 1^- ' -"> 3. fern. 51 - f.:.^ ,j«*^^ 2. masc. « > CI > 2. fern. n ,jiixi' ^ f.-:.^/. ^^^j 1. V) ^0 ' LULxi- ^^0 > ^0> Paradigmata. S CO u y-'i V% \12 :^ xn . en ^J OQ ■♦^ CO c;) cS O c3 ^ (X, -< P-( QQ 8* Paradigmata. ■I i -^ B ^:o| i i4\ N:o( \:o| ^3 ;■? ^4 :^ :^ 4 :t 4 i| a ^4D r:3^ ^-p^ A:^ -^^-K r:^^ ^^^ '' '"^ ^^ .A^ °^ „i3^ ^-^ ^i3. ^i2 S '^' ^ »A \-A 3 .X\ o-A' jr3v \-A « :■? 3 ;^ ^^ ^ -^ ^ »^ ^ .^ «^ ^,J^: cK o o P-l a O a. V4 Ph Paradigiiata. 1^ a -■^ -4 4' "'-^ ^ :.? ^-6 -A *-S crA -6 --6 '■•^A «=< \:o| \ :-< \:cl \ O -^ :c< xX \ ;5 \ :ci ^-S :i3, -^ ,,D^ ^^ ;j3^ ,:j2, '••'-i ,^ ?- > 'T3 c R c ra c R r o CD .*^ Oi^ c3 -*j «+iH --H o !^ O o u O 03 cS ^ o C3 O 5= C« CLh CiH ^ l-H Ph \—» 10' Paradigmata. TABULA VI. Paradigma flexionis Activi I verbi mediae geminatae Persona Nume- Perfec- rus tum sing. C^ v ^y. « ^)yi n ^;? J 0^^ « ■^)f dual. 9 r) by- n plur. 'y n Cy/ n o '«„ n c^*;;* T) ^y Imperfectum Indica- tivus Subjunc- tivus Apocopatus 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fern. 1. 3. masc, 3. fern. 2. 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fem. 1. ,= .- « »- 7^ 05 ^ y¥ 7^ d - c ' o "- Paradigmata. ir TABULA Vn. Paradigma flexionis Passivi I yerbi mediae geminatae Persona Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfectum Indicati- vns Subjunc- tivus Apocopatus 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fem. 1. 3. masc. 3. fem. 2. 3. masc. 3. fem. 2. masc. 2. fem. 1- sing. a' f » « a' n ^ ' n ^)f V -;/ dual. 9 n ^ " piur. 'y n -0 ' « « V 7^- 1°'' i 7^ '•I 1^ 7^ S5- J 0^«> f)7^ '/^ ,«-'■' 7^;7^ 12' Paeadigmata. > '^ oi ^1 oi '^ \ «■ ol =^ s 0^ ^til!%iii\viii;| © 1— 1 > CO s P 3ULA VllI mediae 1—4 ¥\— -^ 'J* \i\— - o •A— ~. •v n: •» 9 -—Oil Si a? M 'a- s •^ P «= R -^ P « K ^ a . „ ^ £ a S 1 1 .2 S 1 .2 § 5 ^ 11 3 5 ^ .2^ .^ o >:: So o t^ « .t^ ^ §. ^ -^ ^ s. -^ ^ ,^ a a ^^ ^^ a «« fl Paradigmata. 13' TABULA IX. Paradi^ma formarum selectanim flexionis verborum hamzatorum Verbi pr. Verbi sec. i verbi tert. I. Perf. Act. ?' r*^' Cis' Impf. » ., .* rSi^:JS^ Imperat. « r^i4^. Par tic. n i^- Perf. Pass. rJ Imp erf. « ?^ II. Imperf. Act. '•«' 7^^ Infin. » 7-> i^-s^* IV. Perf. Act. ;^'" Perf. Pass. ^''» ^i VIIL Perf. Act. ^1 (ii\) ;.Ldt Imperf. « Perf. Pass. ^99 ^ ii |42il Imperf. « ^LiOi 14* Paradigmata. TABULA X. Paradigma flexionis verborum primae radicalis . et ^ Verbi pr. 5 Imperf. i Verbi pr. ^ Imperf. a Verbi pr. ^ sani Verbi pr. i5 I. Perf. Act. J^5 e'^ C"^ wmO Imperf. « Imperat. « a e (Jil, J^jl) >^] Imperf. Pass. J-^^ 9^9 Infinit. ^^ ^ 6 ^ G ^ • 7^ IV. Perf. Act. ^,1 Imperf. n 5 > > Partic. » JLoy> £i?^ > Infinit. jlTn.l |''^l t^l ;^! mi, Perf. Act. J«^'f ^JJl cs Imperf. » r! Perf. Pass. j-^i £tXjl pri^^ >3i X. Perf. Act. ft ^j Infinit. 6. - « . ?l -"1 ^1 - -."t Paradigmata. 15^ TABULA XI. Paradigma ilexionis Activi I yerbi mediae radicalis Persona Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfednm Impera- Indicati- i Subjunc- Apocopa- tivus vus tivus tus 3. masc. sing. Jii 7 9 ^ J^l 3. fern. n ^'li 9 f^ > -» 2. masc. n oJU >- :^ 2. fem. n > U^^' 4y^i iyo* iy 1. n ' 1" >^ 3. masc. dual. :5(U U^^. ^^.! ^,k^. 3. fem. n UJU- a^>^- i(^- i^- 2. n c)^^- V^ V 3. masc. plur. yu- 1 1 y^ 3. fem. « 9^1 " '^ \ .- 2. masc. n 9 9 U3^^ y^ > 9 2. fem. n iii;- ^ 1. n Jy6 1 • ' ' >^ 16* Paradigmata. TABULA XII. Paradi^ma flexionis Activi I verbi mediae radical] s^ Persona Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfectum Impera- Indicati- Subjunc- vns tivus Apocopa- tus tivns 3. masc. sing. \Lw vAamO ^ 7^. 3. fern. « IOnLu; 9 ^ "^ 2. masc. « -- 9 ^ >^ „>; 7- 2. fern. 1. n J 157*^' ^^^^* Y**'' c5/Vt;^ 3. masc. dual. iji: J'^. Laju*.J |*JUaO 3. fem. 2. » 1;- 3. masc. plur. i,;u tJ^T*^ 'j^. 1 ' 3. fem. « .-0 ^ 2. masc. 2. fem. 55 n 9 " — * — — " iIj7" 1. jj Uww/ > - ;-^ r^ Paradigmata. 17' TABULA XIII. Paradigma flexionis Passivi I verbi mediae radicalis . vel Persona Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfectum Indicativus Subjunc- tivus Apocopa- tus sing. dual. 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fern. 1. 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc, 2. fem. 1. j » LLU S o c i n , Arabic Gramiuar.* plur. ^^. ^-» JUi- JUI Jl4 Jlii- JUi- juf yiii- Jlii JUu B 4Ui- ■>,* j^-i ' I"' lyiis Jjij 18' Paradigmata. X X a; < © u en 2 S ■S u a> M a :J -J ^1 :4 \1 ^^•3 rJ -.1 %j ^=D ^*^ .a=r^ ..J- ^4 -A .A i^ v;3 ^ «-D cr=5 s ;i3 v«J — Dl ^ «-0^ '-i "-0 ^'-O ,-)=^ -■i -4 ^ „J; v4 -=D «4 <.-!^ J J v^ ,:^> !]V)' ..A ,J M; -5 ^^ vl n ''I '^ 'i 4= '^' -'i - -a1 o O) © ^ 5r! 2 &. &^ 1h Ph o o Ph ►S Ph P P Paradigmata. 19^ TABULA XV, Paradigma llexionis Activi I verbi ultimae . Jjti Persona Nume-j Perfec- rus i turn Imperfectum Indica- Subjunc- tivus tivus Apoco- patus Imyera- tivus 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fern. 1. 3. masc. 3. fem. 2. 3. masc. 3. fem. 2. masc. 2. fem. 1. sing. 9 5>^i ;>^ dual. plur. JO" if" '•I eti .Uj I I, U^>*^' ♦ «V*J B* U^>*^' > o » , 0> u^T' C.I 20* Paradigmata TABULA XVI. Paradigma flexionis Activi I verbi ultimae ^ J^ii Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfectum T... „ , — _ Persona Indica- tivus Subjunc- tivus Apoco- patus Imptra- tivus 3. masc. sing. ^) 0^ '?: 3. fern. « -'^ ^? c^' 2. masc. ii ^ >55/ ^ 61 2. fern. n ^^ ^ ^ ^ J)\ 1. " 9 0^^ 4 '4. pi 3. masc. dual. LLok o^'f- '-i^yi LLojj 3. fem. n lii^ J^f ^^T^ 1- ".-: 2. n 1 " .'.*'-'- 1' "•• LLojj' ^>' ^;j 3. masc. plur. 'P; - 9 o ^ 1^^ 3. fem. 55 G^^; U^_^ ^j^}^ 2. masc. n 5 0^^ ^ ? ^ 1 '"' 1 '"'• 'r^;i 2. fem. n 03 > 0^^ o^p"' >I^*?r'■ '^f ^;j 1. n 1 r"-- *5^^ - 0- \ ii' Paradigmata. 21* TABULA XVII. Paradigma flexionis Activi I verbi ultimae . vel ^ Jjii Nume- rus Perfec- turn Imperfectum Persona Indica- tivus Subjunc- tivus Apocopa- tU8 Impera' tivus 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. masc. 2. fern. 1. 3. masc. 3. fern. 2. 3. masc. 3. fem. 2. masc. 2. fem. 1. sing. n n n dual. n n plur. « n V n • - - 9 - a J 1'-."- — — — — — " ^ — 0^ 1 — " , - -0- , - -0 ' Lcoo ,0-0- - - 0- — ,- -^ — — 0^0^ - - ^ ,0^0-* 22^ Paradigmata. CO > > > ad x-c j.^, ,:^ j.^^ \:rf ^ :Q , :c '•s^ °.2^ 5c^ '■€ "-f \h 'h ^-f ' -0 t > ^^^»^|-D.-^.:^^^j^i^ > ;jkv.^i^^:^..7-Vv|iii^ Perfectum Activi Imperfectum » Imperativus « Participium « Perfectum Passivi Imperfectum w Participium » Infinitivus « Paradigmata. 23* ^j, !B ^' ;i3 f^ ^=ii;§^ i;i 'B \^\ *-+3 'oQ o 09 <1 a a o «2 CO P • »-< a c3 a ;3 a o a .2 CD > o Ut U O o ^ o c2i a S3 a a c3 P-l o a C8 t— ; 24* Paradigmata. TABULA XVIII. Paradigma flexionis Passivi I verb I ultimae ^ vel ^ Nume- rus Perfec- tum Imperfectum Persona Indicativus Subjunc- tivus Apocopa- tus 3. masc. sing. '^ ^ " 9 3. fern. V " " .1 ^ " 9 ijdJu 2. masc. r» — > ^ O 9 ^ "9 2. fern. « > ^ -0 > -^ «- > 9 .' ^ci oi 1. 5) ^^•1 C5^-| (ja-»! 3. masc. dual. LLai 1- - **' Ludib 3. fem. " LxLt^' ^ ^ " ' 2. n 1-.'. ..'. ^ ^ o 9 1 - -. ?..'. 1 -•'*' ' U.OJL> 3. masc. plur. ^ ^^ 9 ,0 ^''J .0 - * ' 3. fem. « ^^' ^ - Oj ^ ^ 6 > ^ ^ ^ J 2. masc. 11 c .. • •• ^ ^ * > ," -. f.' 2. fem. n ^ - *■ ' 1. n ^ 9 ^(1 9 1 -^' Paradigmata. 25^ TABULA XX. Paradigma flexionis nominis a) generis masculini a) triptoti indeterminati determinati cum articulo determinati in statu construct Sing. Norn. (oL^* ' («^LoJ» Gen. 1 "^ " 6 ^o^ > 1 fi " Ace. GLas oLoi* Dual. Nom. ^GLli- jjULoiUl ULls Gen.-Acc. "-1 = :. ""1 -'.?r --, S^ Plur. Nom. U^'^* ^^L^i •.fLoj' Gen.-Acc. ^^^ - 1 ''••?r ^Lli* P) diptoti Sing. Nom. F ji3i F Gen. >^'" ^i3f 7^' Ace. ^^i" ;^r F Dual. Nom. u'}^*" ^i^^T '7^[ Gen. Ace. c^^>^:^i (57^' 26* Pabadigmata. indeterminati determinati cum articulo determinati in statu constructc Plur. Norn. U^T^^' .F Gen. Ace. uij^' ^^Ift ^^T TABULA XXI. b) generis feminini a) triptoti Sing. Nom. kl'lf xiLl Gen. X^H o xiLlJI 'is^S*^ Ace. ^LcLl xiLlJI k^Ll Dual. Nom. ^jLc^Law ^JL^LIJ| La^LIw Gen.- Ace. '"''1 " iT ^iUv Plur. Nom. v:^L&Ll 4ULlJt v:yLilIw Gen.- Ace. ^LiLlJI v^LcLl P) dipfofi Sing. Nom. 2Lyo ceterum idem Gen. Ace. ^ Paeadigmata. 27* TABULA XXn. a) generis masculini in desinentis. . - ^ ^. determinati determinati in indeterminati . , , ^ cum articulo statu constructo Sing. Nom.-Gen. ^U* ^UJI ^^• Ace. Ll^Li* ^Uji '^"^ Dual. Norn. ,jLLo^' LLoli Gen. -Ace. ^jaavsU* ^^^liJl " l" Pliir. Nom. M^^* ^^lUi Gen. -Ace. ^^^pli ^liJi V5^^- b) nominis in ^— , !— desinentis. a) triptoti Sing. Nom.- ] Tr « ' tt "'Ir ^T • ' Gen.-Acc.) ^5*^*^ cs^^*-^' i5*^»-^ Dual. Nom. ^jLAph,>o,/c ■jLgh,o»,!| LABh,vi;o Gen.-Acc. ^jju^oh^^ v^j^o^^t ^^ ^xftia-ojo Plur. Nom. ^^iLjk^ ^^oh^^.M ^Ik^ Gen.-Acc. ^^gh^n^ ^^d[i,^4..fl q^^^ 28* Paradigmata. . ,. determinati determinati in mdeterminati ^. . , , . . cum articulo statu constructo Sing.Nom.- | Lik U^| Li^ Gen.-Acc.J Dual.Nom. ij^T^ ^II-ojJI I^-ox P) diptoti Sing.Nom.- 1 -^. -^^ r, -3^. id. Llit> UJtXJi v^<> TABULA XXIII. Paradigma nominis cum suffixis. a) nominis masc. in singulari positi loLIai*; fem. ibxLi.. cum suffixo 1. pers. sing. (C?^^ ^®™^* cs^) • » » 2. r ?) masc. dLjUai* n » 2. n n fem. dbUki* fl I) 3. n » masc. 2oLai> (gen. xjLoi*) » » 3. 57 » fem. L^Uoi* T) n 2. M dualis UJoLoi? » « 3. » w Li.^lAai*(gen. Li^L.oi*) n » 1. n pluralis LLLai' » « 2. 55 » msc. IJoLoJ* n 55 2. 55 55 fem. ^jGlAai* » 55 3. 55 T) msc. i; I? 4 J-tV (gen. l.^Loi*) » » 3. 51 5» fem. ^^Lai* (gen.^.^l.Aai*) OF THK Paradigmata. i "* -^ ^JgRSITY" b) nominis in duali posih. Nominativus cum suffixo l.pers. sing. ^^LSLki* t) n r 2. w « msc. dLSLLi etc. Gen.-Acc. » « 1. r - ^Lai* n n » 2. n n mSC. dLoLoJ) n » n 3. n » » 2UjLi^' w n w 3. n n fem. LijoLfliJ etc. c) nominis masculini in plurali positi. Nominativus cum suffixo 1. pers. sing. (C^*-^* n n n 2. n n mSC. cJoL^'etC. Gen.-Acc. w « 1. n » .-jLo-s n » n 2. n J) mSC. viJLoLoJ* w '.) r 3. « w msc auoLoj j> n n 3. » r fem. L^AjUaJ* etc d) nominis feminini in plurali positi. Nom.-Gen.-Acc cum suff. 1. pers. sing. ^'liLl Nominativus n » 2. « » msc. db'LiCw « » >j 3. n M n aG'LcLyw CtC. Gen.-Acc » » 2. n » » s^JbLcLl >) n n 3. w » n XjLtLw etC EXERCISES AND TEXTS. I. A. EXERCISES IX READING. \^Xh». Ja.l2.a». j.Sk\ I«jXawI tj'^^ v,_/JLfr L^:?)-* '«*-^^ U^)^ filj ^^ oLb li)«-Xjww iUwCio ,joLo ^>^* ^y^ J^-^^-J SbL^P vilii^j (j^^iij) sLcw i^^Ji?* -,.^t> u^LIa^^ 2. 3. s-.!^ u't^ ^->'^^. (•t^ )yi^ f}^ Vt**^ <-^^* UoJ 5Vy^ 0•*-»i^X) J^wJ. ^aOs iU^ ^yy JC}yiJ 2SJI..KXS o ,- ^ f^ ^ o- » ' I * f f ' G J < - o 5 I ^ - J ^ '.".*" > O^ I - T ? ^ ^♦jJww lyuAw /*i5yj' f*^"^ Lj.tXi*' ^ i^^ 0^>o ItXo ^Lfca- Jolp ^k? Exercises in reading. 31* L.».<^j> «^jwwJ! isJiiJI ^.^^.AamO aI ^«X4JI 5. O-^ J ^ Ci ^ 9 w >o-- 7«.--jo^ 's"^ ^ a"*'-' J""" O^O-O Jj- a** ^^ ^ ^ ^(fC ■£■ f f 9 ^«">o _^ a _^ o-o^ U4>^ iU^^ c5t>Jfi Sc>Uo JJ" 1*-^]^ »^ j^^www^^*.! >wA^>-> v.:>iS»»wi:».! LM-Xi*. loyj^ L5x;>! ^\jLsd^^^ ^bJiX^i d^^ J^^-^ /P^l ^y*-^pt 0)r Cyw^Js! ,^'^-^AJ j^'wO (^JjlHI jvA>JO }y^.£^yJl yJi^'J OUCi^Xaj ci^wAA^ift.! ^w^.A/Xo v^>JL) ^^^^J v«^>L.SX/J v::a..^ !».aaJ!^ LijtAAi/oj ^i2J.Av.J) |V^v^ ucXaamI p-'y^. L^5o LwAa.^1^ l.tXLlo ^jAj Ucryi I^Aw«J| ^^4.X.tt . Nvi*- i^^-^**^ iXJ'vJ y«y^*0 ^^^AJ UiA.AA.^1 ^^«.».^,? Ljt>Js {•kA^! (jSy*^. '^7^ (jdiiAj i^Aiyj* |VA4.^J& ^viiJ c:aaaaa«j ^ 4>tX.O.J* yAXM^ t:yOjwW *.^ Jo^ 34-36 ^^ Exercises on the etymology. 33* LaaJLXjI^ j-^ .J jj*i4>uLwwO J U 37-38 ,j».gJ5».«J CP^. ^-*4^ '^^ i^-'^^ ^T^^' ft^\yX^ (^^^.A*AA^* !«xU *j| rvJ^Jb wO UwCi! *jij ^^ijyi^ 41-44. !«»Lo! yjJt^, ^^ ^^-fi^ Sr*-* U^T^^ 5^-^'^^V. ^^>^^J sLg-o Ljl^I OC^.jJ j^ltXjO JjJ Ujxikt L»A.fta> j- 'o o- >^ ^ o JO s^ •''iT? '^' " ° " ""I"''* dLj' LU^ |W 1*^LoJo (V^'rt^ O^JJ^f i>^AXywO lC.>sL^j !^^»-fr ;^(>JLo o^AAJ {JOjo\ o^tXi o^x-wu/jI ^c4^. 45-48. ^>xo jj^-*^^ y^yL^y y^yKJM} y^jX^y ^^aaj (^^^.aaju ^ v:>Ji> ^:i^»^*.j [VA*o ^<»^^1 Sr'^'^; ^^i^;'^' ^v°;j Socin, Arabic Grammar.* C 60 34* Exercises and texts. 49. jj^jj Ujc^ cyJij*| {^y^yri ^^^^^ <5y^ ^^^^^^ 1*^. ^ "^^^ is^ '^; ' >^' o-"/ 53. S..4JU ^ 4^*^H^. (*^ ^-*-i^' (*"§^7^* '-S-^^^ sLUji^ ^ U^^^Lb (j^'tX^ (j^LU-Lb -61. ^L:^x/o y.«dX^ io%AA^ joXmjo ^ J^ i\x3yj0 |*(>^.^ »%-^Lft^ J<4-^ ^\jjO «iSVj2-«a/0 >»AXX> Ji,Lj >*t^^ ^i/j-^ JUjIaamI oLmaXJJ P''»"^V^' 'T"^^ [^•^^' )^^-i-^|. '^^•-^^^^^^^ f^ tXiLa;:/? ^-A^yii* J^-^*x> ^-71. Jo*./o V^ VH^^^J r' (J^-Ji^ ;ji>f Go^ Go^ S o- G o^ ^,. , Q , Q J- o 6-- ^^-^ Of ^ " G.-'J Gs-'j G " G^" G|^ G J iiLcLbl^ ^>^LaJ ^^'^ y^^«^ H.^ )^-^^^i ri^ (HS^*^ o«i^ -.yuo v:>-y> ;'«^'*-<' cN-V-^^ r^^T^* xJuU.%«j G -- G.^^- 9 > G /- 5 G o-^ ^l"-."! ^ "- Exercises on the syntax. 35 jjLc iXxXjQ ^^xLft/) ELUi'l ^J^^♦^ ^c-*^-^ ^^^ (5^^^ ^i t<^) B^Lft:^ ^vAoJ, vCtX>o ^JkJuLwww^ ^^JJ li]i>\Juo ^ .tX^ ,5-4^ ^^ CS-S"^^^ ^^^♦^^^ ^5*^*^ ^^ j^Lw^.^ uU-£ J'*^^ L^^5^ e^W.<^' ^^^"^ ^^* ^^' iLuAx! J^J i>lMJm> v«ft^P >^'^' ^"^ lJ'^ xX^] (^^bLw aL^I ^bJJl v.::OsLIfc v.li> J^' J'-S^ s*-^^ 9 > ''f s.^o^ G^ 5"' 9 *'. 9 ^j 'kw^-' ®iT "? ^j«wJ! |»Usj! (J'y^ i^y f*^ ^>-^*^ viUUjo sUax>! 9,. 9*> s^, 9> ^«>rr- ®»r«f ' r^ ' »- - l^»^^ ®l^ ' .-- i ,^ - 9o, ^^ ff^tTxr - 9, rr^ ^ » s ^, ^ C. EXERCISES ON THE SYNTAX. cW J^l^ 4^ JL^pi ij-^^^ ^^^^ i iLlJI 1 § 130. 2 § 99c. 36 Exercises axd texts. ^ ^jjjojU ^ItX^l^hJ^ 4|e ^s^Lv^l^ ^1 iLol ^si abx^AJI ciJyjl ^ ^LftXj| oL§^ xLLc LT^r*^ ^r^'^^'"? ^jLkJLwiil (j-« ^W <^^l ^^ ^^iU^ 'iyMi^ vi>^" diyu ^^^j diUJ! bl jyw |W x-AA^ ^L^-^i 1 §110. 149. 2 § 136c 2. 3 §124. 4 § ll3b. 5 §ii8c. 6 § 137 d.- j 7 § 121a. 8 § 101b. 9 § 113d. 10 §108. 11 § 126. 12 § 109. 13 § HO. ^ 14 § 92b. 15 § 113a. 16 §141. i7 § 108. 18 § ef 2. i9 § 98ef. 20 § 116. Exercises on the syntax. 37* ^o ^iiil^ (c^^ ^^'^■=^ 7^^ dyjt # coy t y*s. ^ ^is^^ 5 ;'^' oy ■ixkj\ % ^U\ |vOi ^iit |.Uisi s^yi >_^ip; 1 § 147 a, 148 b note. 2 § 99 a, cf. note b. 3 § 1 23, 38 Exercises and texts. ' " f^ -r 5 '' 0^^ > ? . '- »9' i^y S^ dUi ^ ^l'''^ ^LS^' ^J'i i ^^i" » § 134. 2 § 152. Exercises on the syntax. 39* i^yJu] ^ ^ajLuo J^vi! iU)tXi* l^^r^' (•U-J Jai^JLi 1,^ &Loj'^ aXmmJ! ^9^ ^^"^I ^'^LS' |0^ !.- I-' "ilC. ^ *f it- ' "At '"- CJ -"x- io^Lxx) jLs ^ v^^^wxiaJ!^ ^i'^-H^i ;5y^. ^ 4^ ^r^ 1 § 131. 2 § 101 a note. 3 § 152. 4 § ggd. 5 § 132. 6 § 144. 7 § 141. 100. 40 Exercises and texts. 2U2».L.O-« '^VS?? >lj-COyi HwwLjuo vI^aa:^ ,jI jjLLo^ j^^ ^ ^^^^ ^-i^^ ^^^^ 3 vd)JN3 ^ »La-f ^ ^^t aL»-fti 8>«oj J^Y-^i /^-y^. ;J^ ^-^^ ^T**'^ ,j»^^ «JJ! ^4> ^ jv5cXO-5^ wAyJL^Jl^ ^-♦ii-f 3 1 § 151. 2 § 113b. 3 § 157. Exercises on the syntax. 41* of- oj-'o-r"^*- o oj-^ T- " '"?■' " ' -^ ** • O J o . " ' o -^ Ur ^M ^IjJl ^ ^J-V^pt ;^l U I^Li* 154 ff. H " ^1 ""^{f I - Of. O or. ,w- O J ^ " * - ,^^o-o C5^ .,.^-„:f-o' (^iXJI ^LUJ! Jiio ;^jJI i^l^b iOAJ ^ia-w ^j-daj ^tXJ! J1A4J xj viLob Juiii <^M^ ji.s^Luo 1^1 ]|^ e)^j^ 42 Exercises and texts i^a ^ ^ ^S-^ i 9 i^^ 'Of- CI o_^ 158 flF. (3JtX-o oiJI ^aX^uao ^. ItX^I. l^tXfi^ J.AA^i* ^ Exercises on the syntax. 43* ..... . ^^ ^ .. ^ f6|^ &AX4-0 J^LiJLi pilx^l J^l 16^ J^y! JLs 9^0^^ JJJlI! y-v^^ J'-^ [•La^ J^ 4Jf ^y*^ Vr*^.^ l^-^U**^!^ (JilwiJI jl^ jvXjJo!^ jvXpy:^^ ly^^Li (v4^' cM^ ^^ ^6^^ ^i^i^; V^^^ 4 ^^^^ 44 Exercises and texts. y^i^XuM^J^Mj * *.A.^^ (.^I«K^I v.:>JLX£« ^L^mw-JI i«jt«.j| ^ ^4r^^^ ^^^ ij^^ ^"^^ J^tXi* jjl (^ viL JJCP (V^A-oly^ (?^^y; l*-f^y ^ iJ'-Vti^^' ^>^ ^5SS\i ^\^ Lo aJJI*.i v,J-l^yi (vS't^LL *j J^r?. J'^ ,^^ xjLb-l^ syb JLfti ^iLo |v5\.a^L ^^ LLw [tXi5 ^5^1^ ;5<^'^^ ^5tX^I ^jJyij J' # ^W jJiJ J^^ aJuT iQ ^llj ji^^ xiif tijc^i Exercises ox the syntax. 45'' ^^ ^:i>tX.5u« xaxjjLw owajIj. ^UL.wA^ ooLb xiLLi*. — ..J d*J UJ ^ iU>o j^^AaJI ^r'vAJ^ aU^ij ouol4>« "T" n't T " "'1^1 1 ® ' " ^^^ '- « *:. J, o ' " - " :; o aLXxAJ'! jv^^^l ,j«« v:>J^ML.^Luwl Ui (jwUJI j^ Jol ,- o -r ^ ^ ^ 'Jo ^^ O -SJ , > o ^ o ^|w£:^l JjtS? ;^^.XibX> (^tX:^ [•^^^ &Lftiil u4jU 46* Exercises a^d texts. ^1 ^;C^ oJUil ^LX3 L^^l (JwLu; ^ ^1< i^Lxi ^4^:^ r-^-*-? ^y^l u^-*^ ^^^) ^'-^ ^L=>-N J^ LgjCjLo*i ^*^.«m:SV^ &J 2L>^L:^ 2U:eLs? S^Lo.J I J^Lc J^4> ^ »w&.^l sU ,^^ v'^-*^* ^-^^ LIjjJI LyA-UUwuo SLX:^*i »-^ iO ^^«o J^4^ ^io ^3:?yi' ^-«4^ *^^^^ viL^lj (^^yi* Exercises on the syntax. 47"^ lo aJU^ ^^)^) ^^))^ '-'4*^ ^yX^\ {JOJU JU > ,.- » "--^oJE J *L^^ aLU-2^ (jjw Jou I auJI ^^.-TS^vJ n-^^3. xfti^v I JU \b UJ JU ^t>;!^l i| JU sjuaiwj ^J v^lp! >>-Laj Ux aJlIwI U^La. U^.;ys^ Lg-? (j^ (5^*^ ^,>^|J| aJ JUi *ljiia-LI 'iyj^^S Juii* ^U ^ci^-^^ clJiJ I6| JU 1^ Li^ JU S^Li viJLllI^ J J^^ 48* Exercises and texts. II. AEABIC PROSE EXTRACTS. Li^ LI3^xx) L^^t> t—is^ \^\ykl\ p^^U ^yr-'U ^1 ^A^tXiJI vilij ijjct jj^ J4>-; J^-i^*! <^i ^' t4-^ ^iiJl L§j| id J Li* (W XJ V^)^ |vl-^ id ^v^ JUi ltX5& ^2%^. ^^ >iU s^gJc U^ Ui^A/) dKI j^j[ jj^^ 2Uj<>i.M » jje Ui o-U UXI ^1^ DL^tX4Jt ^ ^xi a* L^KIw. •L-?>1^ »-*.j(>.xj »tX^ JLfti 1.^.^5 Uw Arabic prose extracts. 49* LgJuo v^ii:! ^^ UlLs^ L^ J^^i ^« Li-^^ L^^ aXr^ jlijwgJI L^ j^^JuCiLi R:$!o!> N-A-^isI ^. x^LLo C»o >^^o-c ww.-e ^ ^ ^ \ ^s. jLitX^M Ow.»ajli J^ljJf >4^l c)w>Li^r 2^,',.^ ^ul^} ijU iui XAJcXiJI ooLr"! t^Lix^M (XJuo dU-Lb ^ ^-^^ oU^ ^^jI ULfti id J^.N. Jo Socin, Arabic Grammar.- D V 50 Exercises aistd texts. ^^- jTi^i £i>i^ £;yt ^yi^ u^i^ifi; j^w jja^i iai- lylris |j ^^1 L^yi^ j/ut oL^ x^ ^^aIJ jL^tX^il ^<^!^ (j^-l dU/j ^.liUj iol^l ullf lyti^ ^1 J^; J^* J^ U^r^' \:iOt4.:5^l " ^- M ' »" I ' ^ """ "^ *• I ""f^ ' ' * "'^ * r " Arabic prose extracts. 51* X-Ul J^-w'^ /*-^ U^"T^* /*^Vt^ 5't>ljt4J 5^* jv^LjC (c^ ^Lo"^ StXJLfc 0.3I5' ^^1 >*^t^yt '^Y^ ^^vi v^ H^^ ii/eU^ 5^y^ oui^-CifLC Jls. nULII oLj ,J^ l«-Ri^ J^-wwN tr-y^ l*iwOj!. tX^I ^LxJ! !j^ ^^ Lo ULfti ^.♦fljo Jkjj iu! (jioJJ o^i^*^ ^^.<^-^^ vij L^.Xo xJJI aJJl J%^; JLi* i^i UjU iLsL-w 2UloI. i^v^ i^t ,jjLj «-Lii x^A^^i fvJ^^' cy«^LJLs xijlwww LLft5^l [*-g^M JLi* N^-o-Uil xixiil y^j^Li ^Y-^^ jj^ (5^^ J^N ^^ uLL^ v:iA«\jf. LcoLs*. •bj> I ^^) ^«ii^M ^ D* 52 Exercises and texts^ ^aJ ^IUI^ ^lo^ 5tU5 ^! ^ya^JI J^ x^ ^*^ N^.«aA4J! xi JLfti xaJ| aij>w. JLfti L-A-w L^-^ [W^* S^^ L^ L^:^^li iLyol ^^^ &3 I^ JU Rax! ^-aaJ ^J^ ooII (JjOx^I -^ dlAJuLx Ui JU !il JU (V^t-?;^ ^^y"^^ d (^ ^ — I , C'O ? . -'^ |V-§JUxi| c^AAJ ^^ xii;^li XAi ^j,A^i-ww»-«JI !^-«JJi? Uo &Jt>Lfc XaAJ RxjUI J,I -.^U^i ,.wAAX)^| wAxI Lj JLfti Jf«-cl wCt Jl^xl A-g-i v.::/jb' t\i ^A/ot ^AJ ^U iUwIs «is [V-> JLcLaw ^*.«C1A4JI ,W\.JbLi Jli j^A^A^4jl. I — ^- . " - « " " * iT "f I " ^ ' I" "ri"" Uo. (V ^A^L^ |V*i JLr ie^La». -^ ^^ J^ J« rv-J &a£ Arabic prose extracts. 53* 4 t5*^ (J^ U^^ C5^ (^^-f^" ^ ^J^^y^^ ;^' ^ ^j.; I u ^ ill Ji Si ^jJr Jji^ v^Jt j^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ' o-c '' ^ > ^ o — o-* ^ Ct ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jj, ,o-o ^ ^^xa«« »w5^j (^4-^^ JWi tib ^jf ,^ Li«^* ^-^y^ WtX? ^ >«^o.AiJ! 2J JUi XA.M L^i^^t ;^>-2»>l O^I I au^U. j^^»AA/c •-♦.;! vA/ol L> ,^ JLs cN^yc ^j..^ v.:>Ajti Lo (^^ Uo d^^ ^i dLo^^ xAjUaj ^ J^-4^ aJLT Ijoc ^1 ^A^JI ItXsi J.X*^ oolv L.(0 Jyb 5j5j wAi". 2CU 54* Exercises and texts. j^lJ^LhA*;*! X4-bix> jjD^ «jo! Jou ^Juo ^j^JijI 5^-- ^ ^— ''' O^*"*^ >O^0,^c.«o jO^ ^"0-^ f 9 ^ Cj &X/0 ^^ xiw*4.JI^ JJiaJI^ aUX^I i^Lil. iulia-Lww ;^f^ s^a5 jj! ;2i at^i^i> ^^ ^•♦^^ U** -5 ^tX:^ ' l^"/^ XJis^Uo j| |li;.£^tX^. ijli!^!/ I^^^L^^'i" ^^ XXlL+^il viLlj xJ^rL l^v^ u^r^^ ^I^f 0.^ U^T^^ viLL/0. JoLj (joJ ^ii /c^^ rtXAX**;^! (j^ ^-f ;j^ <>^^ u^;*^ u^;' ^i ^'-^ i^-' ^^^' ^^o ^! Jot^ J^Lj ;ji.^! jl^ ^^ jvJ iXA^ii J^' Arabic prose extracts. 55* jvIa- 5"^^'^ lO^ U^*?:? ''^♦^ 2U-L& uyJJLwU JjCal aul.^?! «4-^tr XJuO s^'vJ ^tVJ! «Jy^^ 3 ^4XJL^-u;J)| "^-x c5 ', -x r « >l ^ > >a -- > ' c5 ^ - > ' ^ -;,^ i-fi3'^ |V-> v^5»k> ^j^ Sr'^?'^^* «i ^^5"^^^ 5yax:skj s^jLixi ^J> f*-^-^5 (^y*'^ J^ cMi^ eUXil wCi.Ji/0 Li JLfti tX^i. J.5^ l»Liii lh&!i> xxliJJj oyjw R^U^ ij>^ 56* Exercises and texts. !^aJ<> |»^JI ,^-^^i (^4"-^ T-y*"''^ '^•^^v*-^ (•^-^•^^ ^>-^^' dLj*U.AJ« oi^j* ^ vii.i*«^ ojb' tXi' JUii ^^S *li'^ tXi ^^y^ ^A,oLi L-ftA^fcA-5 JJ ^J*La^ lJ*V 'TT^* ^SSXjh ^ji5^ W^^Ow^ vilj'«-o ^jl^ tXi' J Lai v^i |»l5j ' lAJiiajt. xj^Xlw.j ncNjXa^NI US'*.^ JU"i ^1 ^Ls^ III. TEANSLATION INTO ARABIC. Note. The order of the words in the following sentences has been adapted, so far as possible, to that required by the Arabic translation. In addition, however, the student must bear especially in mind the difference of order (§§ 135, 139 — 142) which marks the cardinal distinction between verbal and nominal sentences (§ 139 note). The square brackets enclose words which in translation should be omitted, while those in curved brackets give the form of the sentence required by the Arabic idiom. — Past and perfect tenses are generally to be rendered by the Arabic perfect, present and future tenses by the Arabic imperf. The extensive use of the (generic) article in Arabic is to be noted. All nouns not in the construct state should have the (definite) article prefixed unless qualified in English by an indefinite article. — So far as lexical the footnotes to the exer- cises are only Supplementary to the Glossary. It is, for example, only in special or exceptional cases that "oh" is to be rendered by l^jj instead of by U, and the notes draw attention to such cases. — The apology for violence done to the Queen's English, in the interests of the learner, may be repeated from the first edition, from which the following is in the main reprinted. 58 Translation into Arabic, a. A. Nominal Sentences. ^ 1. The glory of the man [is] his sons, and the solicitude of the man [is] his dwelling and his neigh- bour. — 2. The elegance of the man [lies] in his tongue, and the elegance of the woman in her understanding. — 3. The liberal [man is] related to God. — 4. The worst (of) repentance [is] at the day 2 of resurrection. — 5. The love of the world [is] the beginning of every sin. — 6. The promise of the king [is] a security. — 7. The learned [men are] the heirs of the prophets. — 8. Wisdom [is] for the character 3 like medicine for the body. 3 — 9. The world [is] the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbeliever. — 10. Contentment [is a part] of^ the nature 3 of the domestic animals. — 11. The malady of covetousness has no (not is s for it a) cure; and the disease of ignorance has no (not is for it a) physician. — 12. The nutriment of the body^ [is] (the) beverages and (the) viands, and the nutriment of the under- §§ 139 ff. 2 § 113 (J. 3 plur. 4 ^^ 5 § 50. Translation into Arabic, b. 59* standing [is] wisdom and learning. — 13. Money has (to money [is]) a difficult entrance and an easy exit. — 14. Yerily i God [is] forgiving and 2 compassionate. — 15. Yerily ye^ [are] in a manifest error. — 16. The nobles of-* Pharaoh's folk said^, "Yerily this [is] surely 6 a learned enchanter". — 17. Yerily in that*^ [lies] surely an example for the unbelievers. — 18. Flight in its [proper] time [is] better than endurance in its wrong time (in another than its [proper] time). — 19. There is no (nots [is there]) strength and no (nots) power except with 9 God, the High and 10 Mighty [One]. — 20. The best of gifts [is] understanding, and the worst of misfortunes [is] ignorance. — B. The Strong Verb. 21. Jonah went out from the whale's belly. — 22. Zaid killed Muhammed. — 23. They gave>5 (beat) Omar a violent beating ^i. — 24. The direction of prayer was shifted 12 from Jerusalem to Mecca. — 25. God knoweth (knowing) what 1 3 ye are doing. — 26. Yerily' God provides for every one his sufficiency. — 27. Learning and money [they] cover up ^^ every fault, and poverty 1 § 147 a. 2 § 149. 3 suffix. 4 J^. 5 perf. sing. § 136. 6 §147 J. "§147 0. 8 §111. 9^. 10 § 122. 11 § 109. I2§i36fe. 13 l^, § 56 note a. 1^ dual. §"l36 d. is § 137 h. 60* Translation into Arabic, b. and ignorance [they] uncover i every fault. — 28. They took him away and put him in the bottom of the well. — 29. The brothers of Joseph returned 2 to their father. — 30. "Why hast thou 3 not^ washed thy shirt? — -31. The most 5 of mankind are not^ grateful 2. — 32. They? believe not 8 in 9 the future life.— 33. We made heaven [to be] a [well-]preserved roof. — 34. Do not do good out of ^^ hypocrisy, and do not leave off [doing] it out of 10 modesty. — 35. Why do ye render waste the cultivated coun- tries ? — 36. Thereupon we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our signs to Pharaoh and his nobles; then they declared the two of them 11 to be liars. — 37. The angels said 12, "0 Mary! be obedient to thy Lord and "prostrate thyself; verily 1 3 Qod giveth thee glad "tidings of a word from 1^ him; and he ^^ [is on.e] ofi^ "those 16 who are placed near [to God], and he shall "talk to mankind in the cradle!" — 38. It is not seemly to hurry (not is good the hurrying), except in the marrying of a i? daughter, and the burying of a i? dead [man], and the entertaining of a is guest. — 39. Glorify i^ God in the early morning 20 and [late] in the evening 20. ^ 1 dual. § 136 d. 2 piur. 3 fem. * ^ § 101 c. 5 sing. § 127. 6 "5. " pronoun. 8 part. 9 <^>. lo § us d. n suffix in the dual. 12 § 136 Z,. 13 § 147 a. ^ pronoun. 15 ^. 1 6 part. 17 § 118c. i^ § 118c. la.plur. 20 indeterm. accus. § 113a. i TrANSLATIOX into ARABIC, B. 61* 40. Verily the hypocrite has (to the hyp. [belong]) three characteristics; his tongue contradicts his heart, and his speech his action, and his exterior his in- terior. — 41. The men of his people used to sit with himi on account of his learning. — 42. Yerily the holy war [is] incumbent 2 on you. — 43. The vehemence- of a (the) man 3 [is what] causes him to perish^. — 44. The head of al-Husain the son of Ali was brought into the city^ of Damascus ^ and was placed before Yazid. — 45. Yerily we" have become Muslims, so 8 become Muslims ye 9 [also]! — 46. Do not talk to one another with disgraceful talk! — 47. Every thing has (to every thing [belongs]) an indication; and the in- dication of understanding [is] reflection, and the in- dication of reflection [is] being silent. — 48. We started off towards Bagdad to bring an action against one another 10 before ^ its 12 governor. — 49. The most ex- cellent [kind] of praise [is], "[there is] no i3 god ex- cept God!" and the most excellent of [good] works [are] the fivei^ prayers; and the most excellent [kind] of character [is] (the) being humble. — 50. They, fought with one another four days 1 5, then the Byzantines 1 vi3>^ sing., then subject, then the verb in the plur.cf. §§89 notee; . 136 d. 2 part, 'a 2^. 4 nominal sent. § 139 fZ a. 5 § 107. 6 § 128. 7 § 96 d. 8 J^. 9 pronoun. 10 part. § mb. ^ (j,\. 12 § 72. 13 § 111. 1* masc. determ. after the noun, § 92 a. ^s § 113 a. b 62* Translation into Arabic, b. were routed'. — 51. What is disliked in 2 the king [is] the being devoted to (the) pleasures, and the hearing of (the) songs and the spending of (the) time therewith (with that). — 52. They said^ "0 our father! verily we 3 "went away, running races -*, and left Joseph with^ "our baggage; then the wolf ate him". — 53. Observe what [is] in the heart of thy brother by means of his eye, for^ the eye [is] the title-page of the heart! — 54. In the fourth year from the birth of Muhammed the [two] angels ' cut open 8 his belly and extracted ^ his heart; then they cut it 9 [his heart] open and extracted 9 from it a black clot of blood; thereupon they washed 9 his heart and his belly with snow. — 55. They conversed 10 about the case of the Apostle. — 56. Yerily God hath (to God [are]) n servants whom 12 he distinguishes (he distinguishes them) with his favours. — 57. Restrain thyself from meatus which 1^ causes thee to acquire an indigestion, and [from] an action which i^ occasions thee regret i^ — 58. Thou hast fallen in love '^ with a girl, a possessor of beauty i^ and elegance ^\ — 59. Muhammed said, "Help thy brother, "[whether he be] doing wrong i' or wronged i^!" They » fern. sing. 2 J. 3 §96 f^. 4imperf.inerely,§ 157 b. ^ J^^ with gen. 6^. 7 dual. Ssfng. §136a. 9 dual § 136 d lo § 137 «. ii§l47a. 12 without relative particle § 155. ^3 indeterm. 1* without rela- tive particle § 155. »» indet. is § 98 e. i^ § m b. Translation into Arabic, c. 63* asked, "0 Apostle of God! how shall we help him, "[if he be] doing wrong i?" He said, "By restraining "him from doing wrong!" — 60. Do not turn away 2 a beggar! — 61. A man (servant) does not believe, until he love for his neighbour (brother) what 3 he loves for himself. — C. The Weak Verb. 62. A 'poor [man] begged of me, so I gave him [two] pieces of money*. — 63. Be mindful of death, for he 5 takes hold of your forelocks; if 6 ye fly from him, he overtakes you, and if 6 ye stay, he seizes you. — 64. Music [is] like the spirit and wine [is] like the body; then through their 7 coming together is born joy. — 65. The Apostle used to^ preach to his com- panions and to exhort them and to teach them the beauties of character 9. — 66. Verily 10 our [true] friends will 1 1 entrust to us their secrets. — 67. The lust 12 of the world entails care and sorrow, and abstinence with regard to it restores the heart and the body. — 68. Moses said, "I have brought '^ you an evidence from your "Lord; so let go i-* along with me the Sons of Israeli" — 69. Depend on the Living [one], who does not die! 1 § 113 ^>. 2 contracted § 36. 3 l^ § 156 and note a. * dual. 5 pronoun with foil. part. 6 § 159. 7 dual-suffix. 8 see p. 61* note 1. 9pl. determ. »o§ 147 a. ii^§99a. 12 (3. >3§98e. m sing. 64* Translation into Arabic, c. — 70. He pleases me, who makes poetry to i show his education, not to ^ make gain, and applies himself to singing to i enjoy himself, not to ^ seek for himself [reward]. — 71. Demand help of the good (people2 of the good), and of those that act well (and of the acting well). — 72. Choose 3 whichever of the pages thou wilt! — 73. Supplicate much (make much the supplicating), for thou 4 dost not know when 5 answer 6 will he given thee! — 74. Restrain your tongues and dower your glances and guard your continence! — 75. A (the) kingdom is made flourishing through justice and is protected by courage and is ruled through [good] government. — 76. [Good] government [is], that 7 the gate of the chief be guarded § in the [proper] time of being guarded 9, and opened in the [proper] time of being open 9, and the gatekeeper friendly. — 77. Jalal-al-din used not to go to sleep lo except drunk 11, nor (and not) to arise in the morning except seedy and tipsy ii. — 78. It is not seemly for the wise [man], that 12 he address the fool, like as it is not seemly for the sober [man], that he address the drunken [man]. — 79. People i3 of the world [are] like folk in a ship, who ^^ are carried onwards 1 inf. § 113 d. 2 § 133. 3 fem. * § 96 d 5 ^X^. 6 impf. pass, impers. ' § U8b. 8 ^^Jl^ with part. § 110. 9 61 c. »" see p. 61* note 1. 11 § 113 6. 12 § usb. 13 § 133. !♦ §§ 155, 156. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC, C. 66"^ whilst they are sleeping i. — 80. The evil-doer [he] does not consider 2 mankind except [as] evil, because he 3 sees them with^ the eye of his nature. — 81. God elected Abraham [as] an [intimate] friend. 7 — 82. Every aifair in the world [is] transitory. — 83. Wickedness [is] to be feared^, and no one (not) fears it except the intelligent [man]; and good [is] to be hoped for, and every one 6 seeks it. — 84. [To] a man (servant) shall not 8 be given [anything] more ample than endu- rance. — 85. I looked into Paradise, then I saw the most of its inhabitants [to be] the poor ; and I looked into hell-fire, then I saw the most of its inhabitants [to be] (the) women. — 86. He 9 whose counsel is asked [is] onei<> in whom one confides; and he 10 who asks counsel [is] one^o who is to be aided. — 87. Do not put offi^ the work of to-day till to-morrow 12. — 88. Thou dost not ■ 3 find (see) in the creation of God any !•* imperfection. — 89. Little which 10 continues [is] better than much which ^0 is interrupted. — 90. Pharaoh said, "We will IS kill 16 their sons and spare their women." — 91. A Bedouin looked at a gold-piece; then he said, "How small i' is thy size and how great ^^ thy value!" — ^ 1 § 157 a. 2 § 139 d a. 3 suff. 4 ^_,. 5 § 60 c. 6 j!it. 7 \U1:L. 8 y § 100 end. 9 part. " 10 part. »i § 101 6. 12 indeterm. i3 [U. u ^ as used § 141. i5 ^, § 99 a. 16 § 19. 17 § 52. Socin, Arabic Gramma^.* E 66* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC, D. 92. The envious [man] is not well-pleased with thee S until thou diest! — 93. Be [the] tail and be not [the] head! for 2 the tail escapes whilst 3 the head perishes. D. Various subordinate Sentences. 94. Muhammed said, "Do not anticipate (begin) ^ Jews and Christians by the greeting, but when ye meet one of them s, (ihen) ^ force him towards the narrowest place (his narrowest)". — 95. When comes to thy knowledge concerning thy brother what is evil, then seek for him excuse; but if thou dost not^ find [one], then say, "Perhaps he has an excuse." — 96. If 8 thou eat little, thou shalt live long. — 97. Ifs ye talk in a good manner (make ye good the talk), ye shall enter Paradise. — 98. Ali said, — may 9 God be well pleased with him 10 — "Q ' 1 mankind! do not hope except for your Lord, and do not dread [anything] except your transgressions; and be not he ashamed, who 12 doth not know, to 13 learn, and be not he ashamed, who 12 knoweth, to 13 teach!" — 99. The subsistence which thou seekest is like the shadow (the likeness of the subsistence . . . [is] the likeness of the shadow) which moves on along 1 verbal ^sentence. 2 ^^Ls. 3 § 157 nomin. sent. 4 plur. 5 S^\ with gen. § 133 end. 6 § lei c. J §§ 159, 101c. ® § 1.60 6. 9 § 98 d. 10 after the subject. ^ l^\ § 85. ^^ ^^. 3 ^\ with subj. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC, D. 67* with thee; thou i dost not overtake it in pursuing 2 [it], then when thou turnest^ away from it, it follows theeU — 100. A man said to the Apostle of God: "0 Muhammed, give me thy cloak!*'; then he threw it down to 5 him; then he said: "I do not 6 want it"; then he [Muh.] said, "May^ God combat thee! thou didst wish to 8 declare me to be niggardly, but (and) God has not made^ me [to be] niggardly!" — 101. Whoso 10 longs for Paradise, he is unmindful of lusts 11. — 102. That a man 22 give in alms in his Ufe- time a drachma (the alms -giving '2 of a man — a drachma) [is] better for him than that ^3 he give in alms a hundred drachmae at his death. 103. The Prophet — may God bless '4 him and save him — said, "Whoso 10 drinketh wine in this world, [and] thereupon do not^^ repent, he shall be forbidden it>6 in the future life." — 104. If anyone light a lamp in a mosque, then verily ^^ the angels [they] will beg for- giveness for him as long as^s that lamp continues ^9 kindled 20. — 105. The reed-pen [is] a tree, whose 21 fruit [is] the ideas, and thought [is] a sea, whose 21 » pronoun. 2 part. 113 6. 3 § 1_58 a. * perf. 5 ^J. 6 U with irnperf. t % 98 d. 8 ^\ with subj. 9 § 101 e. 1^' § 159. 11 determ. 12 inf. i3 ^f ^ § 148 6 with subj. 11 § 11 end. 15 ^§§ 160 c, 101c. »6 § 108. i7§i6la. is § 158 6. 19 § 110. 20 part. pass. § 110. 21 § 155. 22 jAo. ^ E* 68* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. D. pearls [are] wisdom. — 106. Verily the dead [man] and he who 1 has no religion (he who no 2 religion to him) [are] equal 3; and there is no 2 trust in (to) him who 1 has no 2 piety. — 107. Every woman that ^ has no ^ modesty [is] like a dish that has no ^ salt. — 108. If anyone's 6 [whoso, his] tattle is much, his erring is much [also]. — 109. The anger of the nohle [man], although his fire flare up', [is] like smoke of woods in which [there is] no 9 blackness. — 110. To the ignorant [man] are forgiven 10 seventy 11 transgressions, ere to the knowing [man] is forgiven one. 111. Be not 12 like the needle, which 1 3 clothes mankind whilst i* it [is] naked, nor (and) like the wick, which 14 gives light to mankind whilst it is consumed is. — 112. The believer does not escape from the chas- tisement of God, until he leave off four things, lying, and pride, and niggardliness, and evil thinking (evil of the thinking). — 113. It is seemly for the younger [ones] to 16 precede the elders in three places; wheni' they travel by night ^% or wade through a stream, or encounter horsemen. — 114. Do not drink (the) poison out of reliance 19 on the antidote which thou hast 1 Cr*- ^ § 111- ' sing- * §§ 1^5, 156. 5 part.pass. § 110. 6 § 166. 7§159. 8 indeterm. § 155. 9§111. io§136a. »i§92Z). t2 "J with energ. I. § 101 b. i3 § 155. u § 157 a. is § 157 a, pron. with imperf. le § us. n § 158 a. '8 § 113^1. 19 § 113 d. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC, D. 69* (that which [is] with^ thee of 2 the antidote). — . 115. Paradise is desirous 3 of four [kinds of] folk; the first 4 of them 5 [are] those who have fed** a hungry [man] , and the second [are] those who have clothed 7 a naked [man], and the third [are] those who fast^ in 8 the month of Eamadan^, and the fourth [are] those who read 10 the Koran. — 116. Socrates was asked, "Why hast thou notn mentioned in thy law-code the "punishment of him who kills 12 his brother?" He said, "I know not that this [is] a thing which exists." — 117. Everything [it] begins smalHs, thereupon it be- comes great, except misfortune^'*; for it begins great, thereupon it becomes small ; and every thing [it] becomes cheap, when 15 it becomes abundant, excepting education; for 16 when it becomes abundant, it rises in value. 118. After Moses had returned to the Sons of Israel with the Thora (and along with him [was] the Thora), they refused to i" accept it and to do according to what [was] in it. — 119. God commanded Moses to is fast thirty is days and to purify himself and to purify his garments, and to come to ^ ^ the mountain, that he might talk to him and give him the book. — 120. After 1 y>^. 2 ^/ye, 3 part. * masc. 5 suffix in fern. sing. 6 perf. sing. " imperf. sing, s § naa^. 9 § 128. 10 imperf. sing. 11 § 101 c. 12 § 159. jz § 113 2,. u accus. § 151. is § 158 a. 16 with suff. § 96 d. n ^\ with subj. is § us a. i9 Ji- 70* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. D. .Damascus was taken-, mucli folk 2 of 3 its inhabitants joined Heraclius, whilst ^ he was in ^ Antioch. — 121. A certain one of the wise men said, Nothing (not) repels the onslaught of the conquering enemy like^ being submissive and giving way, like as ^ green plants are safe from the vehement wind through their pliancy, be- cause they s turn along with it, as (how) 9 it turns. — 122. They disagree 10 concerning "Waraka; and of 1 1 them [thereare] thosewho assert ^^ that 12 he died a Christian i3 and did not i4 reach the appearance of the Prophet; and of 1 1 them [there are] those who are of opinion i^ that 12 he died a Muslim. — 123. [ye two] companions of the prison! as to the one of you^^^ he shall serve to his lord wine i', and as to the other, he shall be crucified, then shall is the birds eat of 12 his head; the affair is decreed ^^ concerning which ye inquire! — 124. The Apostle wrote to chieftains ^ 7 ofn the tribes, inviting 20 them to become Muslims 21. — 125. A wise [man] was asked, "What [is] the thing, which [it] is not good that it be said, although it be 22 right?" He said, "A man's eulogizing himself23". — 126. Woe to 1 fern. § 136 ?>. 2 j^ coH. ^ c^t' '*§157fl^. 5 ^^. 6 JJu as subject, § 145 h. ^ ^^l US' § 147 a. § sing, suff. 9 § 159. ^lo § 98 6 with J5, §Jl37a. 11 cr*. i2§i47o. 13 §113 6. i4§ioic. 15 §98 6. 16 j^\ w. dual suif. § 133. ^7 indetenn. is fem. sing. § 136 c, 2. " § 98 h. 20 § 99 Z). 21 infin. determ. 22 ^^ § 159. 23 § 131 w. Ace. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC, E. IV [him] who converses with lying, that he may make the people laugh by it! — 127. This (the) world and the future life [are] as the East and the West; when thou approachest one of them \ thou dost recede from the other. — 128. Fear ye God in secret 2 and do not enter into what is not lawful for you! — 129. The devotee without learning [is] like the ass of the mill 3, who ^ goes around and does not 5 get through (cut) the distance. — 1 30. The eye of hate [it] draws forth every fault, and the eye of love [it] does not find the faults. E. Anecdotes. 131. An astrologer was being crucified ; then he was asked 6, "Hast thou" seen this in thy star?" Then he said, "I saw a raising upS, however I did not^ know that it [was to be] upon a piece of wood." 132. A man knocked at the door of ^o ' Amr the son of 'Ubaid; so he said "Who [is] this?" He said, "I." He [' Amr] said, "I do not know (I am not I know 1 1) among our friends (brothers) 12 [any] one i3, whose name [is] I." 133. (The) thieves came i^ in upon Abu Bekr al- Rabbani, seeking i^ something (a thing), and he saw 1 dual suffix. 2 determ. 3 § 123, note. * § 155 note. » § 1576 )) w. impf. 6 137 a. ' with interrog. part. J^. ^ 73 c end. 9 § 101 c. io ^. 11 Jij3 § 50 and impf. 12 order § idi-b. 13 -\- 1^ § 136 a. '5 § 157 ^, imperf. alone. 72* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. E. them going around i in the house. Then he said, "0 young men! This which ye are seeking 2 in the night ^ we have 4 already sought 2 in the day-time, but have not 5 found it!" So they laughed and went out. 134. It is related 6, that^ a certain one of the polite scholars eulogized a certain one of the princes; so he commanded [that] to him an [ass's] saddle and saddle-girth [should be given]. So he took them^ on 9 his shoulder and went out from his presence 10. Then a certain one of his companions saw him, then said, "What [is] this?" He said, "I eulogized the prince with the most beautiful of my poems, then he invested me with [something] of ^i the most glorious of his dresses". 135. Al-Mugira, the son of Suba said: No one (not) 12 has deceived me except (another than) a youth of 13 the sons of al-Harit. For I mentioned a woman of theirs (of i^ them), that is I should marry her; then he said, "0 i^ Prince! [There is] no good is for thee in her." So I said, "And why [not]?". He said, "T saw a man kissing 1^ her." So I turned from her; then the young man married her. So I reproached him and said, "Didst thou not i^ inform me that thou is hadst 7 imperf. 2_with suffix. 3 § 118 a. * % 9S^e. 5 U §150 a. 6 § 98 6. 7 ?j\. 8 dual suffix. 9 j^. 10 «v>-lft ^. 11 ^. 12 101 c. 13 J. 14 l4^\. 15 § 111. 16 imperf. i^ p\ § 101 r. 18 v^l with suff. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. E, 73' seen a man kissing her?" He said, "Yes, 1 saw her father kissing her." 136. Al-Dahhak the son of Muzahim said to a Christian, "[How would it be] if i thou wert to become a Muslim?" He said, "I have not 2 ceased loving 3 Islam 4, except that ^ my love for wine 6 prevents me from it." So he said, "Become a Muslim and drink it !" So after he had become a Muslim, he said to him, "Thou hast 7 become a Muslim, so if thou drink it s, we shall chastise thee ; and if thou apostatize, w^e shall have thee killed 9, so choose for thyself. Then he chose Islam and his Islam was good. So he had taken lO him by stratagem. ' 137. A Bedouin stole a purse in which (it) [were] pieces of money ^ \ thereupon he entered the mosque to pray 12; and his name was ^3 Moses. Then the leader of prayer recited, "And what is that 1^ in i5 thy right hand, Oh Moses ^'^P" go he said, "By God, verily thou [art] an enchanter!" Thereupon he threw away the purse and went out. 138. A man claimed the (a) gift of prophecy in the days i7 of al-Rasid. So after he had appeared < y § 102. 2 U with perf.^^ 3^§ 110 with indeterm. part. ^ § 132 end. 5 §§ 147 c, 148 ^\ "^1 with foil, verbal sentence. 6 § 131. 7 § 98c with Ss. s § 159. 9 § 17, note b. »o perf. 11 indetei-m. 12 § 99 J. n <^^, 1* fern, is ^. 16 gurah 20, 18. »" § 113a. T \'R ^ A R 74* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. E. before him [the Caliph], he asked him, "What [is that] which is said of thee?" He said, "that I^ am a noble prophet." He asked, "But what 2 indicates the truth of thy claim?" He said, "Demand what 3 thou wilt" 4. He said, "I wish that ^ thou make theses beardless slaves, [who are] standing 7 [there] this moments [to be furnished] with beards »" Then he looked down for a while 10, thereupon he raised his head and said, "How is it lawful that I make these ^ beardless [ones to be furnished] with beards ^ and alter these 6 beautiful 12 forms? buti3 I will make the bearded ones (owners of beards) beardless in one twinkling." So al-Rasid laughed at him and pardoned him "and commanded a present [to be given] to him. 139. A person pretended to prophecy 1^5 then they besought of him in i5 the presence of al-Ma'mim a miracle. So he said, "I will cast for you a pebble into the water, then it will dissolve". He [al-Ma'miim] said, "We are 16 content." So he brought out a pebble [which he had] along with him^', then cast it into the water; then it dissolved. So they said, "This is is a 1 § 96 (Z. 2 fe^ ^\. 3 § 5, note b. 4 perf. § 159. s ^\. 6 § 120 cZ; the dem. in sing., the adj. in broken pi. ' determ. § 120 a. 8 § 118 a. 9 indeterm. lo § 113 a. '^ plur. 12 § 120 fern. sing. " UJ^^. i4 § 22. is <_; 16 § 93 c. '- <^^^ § 121 a. 18 § 143. TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. E. trick; however, we will give ^ thee a pebble of our own 2, and let^ it dissolve!" Then he said, "Ye are not 4 more illustrious ^ than Pharao and I am not (and not 1 6) mightier in wisdom ' than Moses, and Pharao did not 8 say to Moses, 'I am not 9 content with what thou do est lo with thy staff, so that ^ i I will give thee a staff of my own ^', which i3 thou shalt make [into] a serpent.'" So al-Ma'mun laughed and let him pass on. 140. It is said i-i that Abu Dulama i^ the poet was standing 16 before al-Saffah on^^ a certain day (a certain one of the days). Then he said to him, "Ask of me what thou dost want (thy want)!" So Abu Dulama said to him, "I want a hunting-dog". So he said, "Give ye it is to him!" Then he said, "And I want a horse, oni9 which I may go forth to hunt." He said, "Give ye it to him!" He said, "And a page 20, who 21 will lead the dog and hunt with him." He said, "And give ye him a page!" He said, "And a slave-girl 22, who 23 will prepare the game and give us to eat of it." He said, "Give, ye him a slave-girl!" He said, "These, 1 imperf. 2 li^x-U ^. 3 imper. of. ^>^ w. suff.; then iuipf. ^O-^"§110- '§63&. 6 lit ^5. 7 § 113c. 8§ioic. 9 p. 10 § 156. 11 ,^^;;^ with subj. 12 ^v>J^ ^^. 13 §§ 155—56. 14 § 98 c. 15 147 (z. 16 ^U" ^vith part. § 110. i7 ^3. is with 4.^, which stands last, § 54 6. i9 ^ (after the verb) § 155. 20 accus. 21 § 155. 22 accus. 23 g 155. 76=* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. E. Prince of the Believers! have need of ([there is] no 1 escape for them from) a dwelling, which 2 they may inhabit." So he said, "Give ye him a dwelling, which 2 will contain them !" He said, "And if they have not (and if not is 3 to them) an estate, then wherefrom shall they live ?" He said, "I grant * thee ten cultivated ^ estates and ten w^aste estates V He said, "And what [are] the waste ^ [ones] Prince of the Believers?" He said, "In which 6 [there are] no plants 7." He said, "1 4 grant thee, Prince of the Believers, a hundreds waste estates of 9 the deserts of the Sons of Asad." Then he laughed at him. and said, "Make them 10 all of them lo cultivated! lo" 141. It is related ii, that Harim al-Rasid had (that to H. was 12) a black slave-girl, of ugly mien i3. Now he scattered one day gold-pieces i^ among (between) the slave-girls; so the slave-girls set about i^ gather- ing i6 up the gold-pieces, whilst i" that slave-girl stood still, looking is at the face of al-Rasid. Some one asked (it was asked), "Dost thou 1 9 not pick up the 1 § 111. 2 §§ 155—56. 3 ^ p. 4 § 98c with ^. ^ § 87 a. 6 L^ and prep, with pronoun at the end of the sentence. 7 § 111. 8 § 92 c. 9^£r^. lofem. sing, n § 98c. 12 J with infinitive § 131. "^ cr* § 119 a. 8 determ. 9 §^113 5. 10 plur. " 2nd. pers. fern. perf. w. suflf. § 53 a. 12 § 98 e. is <_> with inf. i* ^\, 15 ^^, le § 147 a. 78* TRANSLATION INTO ARABIC. treasure of the Caliph, and in its not being broken (in the lack of its being broken) a detriment ^ with re- gard to his command ; and the detriment with regard to the first is fitter to keep intact 2 the inviolability of the command of the Caliph. And I was of opinion that in its being broken [lay] my being called (qualifi- ed 3 as 4) the crazy [one], and in keeping it intact my called being (qualified ^ as^) the disobedient [one]; and the first [is] more agreeable to me than the second." Then the grandees found ^ that^ to be beautiful of her and praised her forS it and excused the Caliph for 9 loving her. And God knows best ([is] most knowing ^o). 1 § 147 a. 2 § 113^^ indeterai. inf. with foUowing J § 131. § 61 c. 4 ^_j. 5 § 136 a. 6 at the end. 7 ^. 8 ^, ^. 10 elative. GLOSSARY A. pi. = plural, see §§ 88 — 90. The numbers within parentheses after the broken plurals refer to the forms as numbered in these sections. Aaron j..wjo. Siiter prep. Abraham (va^j-?^* agreeable to elat. y^^] abstinence -^ IV with two accus.' ^' "^'^^ ^ of the gift. ^ act well (to) ,j-wwua^ /r. along with jt?r6'j9. li. ^ action JJti. See also bring, already Jj? § 98 e. address (to) ^^ III, ^^^er (to) ^U med. ^ //. ^ affair pt ' although ^^|^^ § 159. after, after that conj. L^^ among ^^. § 98/: ample L^!^ ^/a/. § 63 &. 80* Glossary A. \ 'Amr ^y4s- ^ 90n. ^and I. G^o arise (to, in the morning) as see like. as to Loj with nom. and o in the apodosis. Asad tXlLl. ashamed (to be) ^^ X § 49 c. ^ask (to) JU* med, . with J. — to ask something of JLw /mp/! a, with two ace. § 38 &.' ass J t^- assemble (to) 1^:^ //wjt?/". a, assert (to) l£,\ impf. u. 6 w ^ 5 astrologer ^^Xjo. ^ o at (one's house)^r^^. Jojt. Bagdad 4>|jou. baggage cL^- apply oneself to (to) Ihc be, exist (to) ^\S' med. y VI with ace. — not to be yllj § 50. approach (to) Csi* /^i?/*. / beard llU. jo/. JJti (3); cf. !/, W2Y^ jj^. ' § 71 &. "^ angel J^p/.RJL&Ui (28). 9 ^ ^ anger v.,^.0^. animal (domestic) il».A.^ i?/. JoLii (25). Go -' X another than ^^.s. with fol- lowing gen. answer (to give) to »oL^ X med, . with J. antidote ,vLj)'>- Antioch iu5^Uij!. apostatize t^x VIII. G ,^ apostle J«.^y appear (to) J.:uo. appearance ^^^b. Glossary A. 8r beardless SJo]pI. JjU (1). beseech of (to) v^^-Lb /// rvith ace. of person and ^ beat (to) i^wo impf. i, inf. ^ beauty ,j-ww^:=»- — beauties \ beautiful ij***^^ fern, k_; elat. § 63 &. — to find to be beautiful jj-ww^^ X because ^^ § 147 «. Bedouin ^-jIv^L before (of place) = be- tween the two hands of (dual stat. constr.). v^ of thing, best elat. of good, better elat. of good. between /^^. beverage v^wCiuo j?/. jLftLLo (23). birds CO//, oyb. birth jjjo. black jilt fern. § 74&. blackness oll*I». bless (to) ^Lo // with jLc. beg of (to) jU 2>wi?/. a, ^o^y ^^^-^ -P^- JLjLiI (17). «;e7^ «cc. -^ Mt)o (no. 67). beggar j9«r/. «c^. of JLw. book <^u5". begin, begin with (to) I Jo ^^^^ (to be) jj^ F. mj?/. «, with ace. bottom SbLIi. beginning jj*,|^ (lit. head), break (to) i^impf i. believe (to) ^1 IV; — bring (to) ^ ^TL med. ^. believer id. i?«r^. act. _ to bring an action belly ^^Jaj. against one another Sooin, Arabic Orammar.* F 82' Glossary A. *X^ VI. — to bring in ^^ IV, — to bring into jLa.4> IV. — to bring out ^ y£^ IV. — to bring upon ^'1 IV V with J^. ^ brother ? T § 90 «, c : pL § 88, 5; pL when = «friends" § 88, 21. bury (to) ^t> impf. i, inf, S o ^ but o. by, by means of o; in oaths = ^ ^t'. /^^ gen. § 95 e. Byzantines (the) coll. ** Jt- Caliph xi-LXii.. care liD. carry onwards (to) sL« m^^. j^, with o. case *-{b^. cast (to) Jd impf. a. cease (to) Jk ;w^(?. . {for J.) §42^, §44). certain one (a) (jdju w^'^^ pi. of follow, noun. Go, G j,:^ > character i^JLa- i?/. JLxil ^ (17). G^ ^ ^ characteristic iU^Lr.. S3 — chastise (to) tX^ impf. u. G ^ ^ chastisement (^lt\^. cheap (to become) {jar>^ impf. u. G ^ _-. ^ , chief jj^^ ;?/. ^^Ui (20). choose (to) .L^ med. ^ F77/. chrysolite ^^isli' Christian ^\1^ pi. jLjii (29); ^^"Lii. claim (to) U<^ F/// § 25, note. claim ^^ItS. cloak g|<5v. / G — clot of blood aLftJLft. Glossaet a. 83* clothe (to) Lww.> impf. u, — to command any Q with vo ^nd infin, cognizant of ^ AjJLi. "^ ^ 1. X /i. ^ I . rrr command yol. combat (to) jLXi ///. > ,^ V rf . ^ . companion vI^-^Lo p/. come (to) ^! impf. t, — s\,^^ • - to come to one's know- ^ r 1 J , • X "T" compassionate -U^v ledge (concerning) iJb ^ n^ m;?/-. I., with ace, {and concerning ^. J^). - to come in ^^^^^^ ^^ (*^) U^^ ^^^^• u^on^"^ impf. u, with conquering i^^r^ ^c^. 0/ Jk£. — to come out 7^ from _ '^ impf. u, wiih °°°^i'^«'^ ^^ (*°) ^J^ ''"P^' ^^ u, with ace, " consumed (to be) . 1:^^ come together >,t-^ VIII. ^/ \ command (to) ^| aVw;?/: u. contain (to) 1;^ emj?/. a, -to command anyone ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ '^^ .^^^ to do a thing, id. w;e7A *^'^ :g^ «. — to be content with, aec. and .%| with the ^ id. with ^^. 5w&y. — to command - 0^ ^^ anything to be given contentment j^Lo. to anyone, id. with J continence -l.li (pL of of pers. and ^^ 0/ thing, ^) . 84* Glossary A. continue (to) II 3 med. . ad-Dahliak dL^stlj. § ^^^' Damascus ;^j^4>. contradict (to) ^.oJLi:. III. . , , ® ? o ha • // ^ ^ daughter o^jo § 902. ^ converse (to) ii>tX^ r. — g„. g ^^ to converse about, id. ^^^ r^.^^' r^-^ §§ ^^' ^'^' ^ w?7^ JO. 90 5. — one day Lo^. counsel (to ask) X^ med. to-day |»^il. y ^' day-time ^L^. / country jJLs i?/. JL*i (9). dead v:i^uuo. ''^ courage aLcL^ui. death i:i>yo. ^ cover up (to) j/i^ impf, u. deceive (to) cJ^ i^pf- «• covetousness ^jols»,. decline (to) mJuo VIII, cradle J^gjo. decree (to) ^^ja3 impf. L crazy js^rr^ pass, of \^ demand (to) a thing JLw ^^^^ H^^ impf a, with ,j^ § 38 &. G o ^ depend on (to) Af^ V, with creation ioXh^. ^ ^ ' > crucify (to) .^JLa impf L cultivated part. act. of desert iXjtlipl. JLki (26); '^ desirous of (to be) ,^Lcc. cure gU.co. t (to) ^ to cut open ^^^impfu. detriment uah med. . VIII, with J^or cut (to) Jnjs impf a. — j^. Glossary A. SS'* devoted to (to be) dU^ dog s^JLT; hunting-dog \ VIII with ^. devotee part, act. of Ju^ r. die (to) oLo med. .. 6 difficult wLAWLft. disagree (to) v^jiJLa. F7//. disease e|3. G disgraceful ^^• dish j.ljLb. dislike (to) t^S irnpf, «. disobedient j9«r^. «c^. 0/ early see morning. domestic 5^e animal. 6 door j^Lf. drachma (Ci)4>. draw forth (to) \o /F. dread (to) .^-ci^ imp/. «. dress ^^^.JLoi?/. JJLxi (23). drink (to) C^y^ impf. a. drunk, drunken ^iJCu;. dwelling J 5 (fern.). dissolve (to) »|6 med. East easy I^^aSuO. distance RiLwwuo. distinguish (to) impf. u. (jg ^ do (to) Jl^ impf a; Jiii eat (to) J^j impf. u; imp. § 38 &. — to give to eat of j^xh IV with ace. pers. and ^^. impf a (no. 139). — to education^^^l.— to show do according to Jl«^ one's education 04>! V. with elder ^ri pL JlcUI (23). 86* Glossary A. tk^KS. impf. «, with ace. enchanter wa-LI/. elect (to) ^AXD VIII. escape (to) li impf. u. elegance Jl^^. escape Jo. enamoured of (to be) estate xilo pi. JLxi (9). eulogize (to) " Juo impf, a.; id. VIII (no. 134). evening (late) ^l^i. every Ji^' with indeterm. noun. § 119 &. evidence iLuo. evil (to be) :eUu meo (23). form »\^ ^/. JJii (4). 5^e a/50 prophecy. four l^^l §§ 91, 92«. fourth i^ir. s ^ friend v^^^Lo (see p. 85*). — of God = Abraham G — intimate ^jt\.o i?/. iSUiT (18). G '' friendly L-LdaJ. girl xj^Lc^. -^ give (to) Lkc /r w;e7A two / ace. — to give way inf. G 9 , glad see tidings. G ^0- from jsr^jt?. ^/». fruit 5 >^. glance 1^ ;?/. JLiiJ (17). glorify (to) ^j^ II. glorious y^Li elat. § 63 &. glory J^. go round (to) 'TIS med. .. — to go away Cf^c> impf. a. — to go on ^^^iuo impf. i. — to go future life see life, gain (to make) G o ^ game Joua. Go" ® garment o*i* pi J\jLi (9). gate voLj. gate-keeper ^->Lj. gather up (to) iaJLl VIII. get to (to) ^J F/// W27^ J|. — to get through gold-piece .Uj^ ;?/. §90 A:, •la a e/Wj9/. «. good /?omw «wLil. Harun ar-Rashid u^; Li hate ijaJU' have (to), 25 expressed by the subject in the dative {with J) followed by the object in the nom. (as G JLo aJ he has money); occasionally a form of /.li^to be stands before the subject (as gj ^\y G JLo he had money). — not to have either as i?i the last example, but with jjIJJ (§ 50) instead of ^ly ( jl; ^ ^0 or y with following ob- ject (§ 111) and dative of subject (aJ JLo ^). he IjD § 12 «. — he who G^- head \jt^\y hear (to) i^ wz;?/. a, inf :Lma'« CT" G * - ^ 5 > heart ,.^' ;?/. J^*i (10). 90^ Glossary A. I ^\ heaven gU**- P^- §76 6. heir part. act. of vd>x« pi &j V (6). hell-fire jllil help (to) l^aS impf, u. — to demand help of ^Lt med. , X with l-j. Heraclius J^*j^. high ^i. holy see war. hope for (to) Li.r mjo/. w, 72;«Y^ ace. horse ab|j. horsemen co//. Jui. house ouo. hunt (to) 5Lo »«^^. ^. — to go forth to hunt id. V. hunt, chase Jy^^. ^ hurry (to) J^^scr: //. al-Husain jj.lwwwi|. hypocrisy (religious) ^Lj.. hypocrite part. act. of ILil. ///. how yJu^. however ^j^^. i^ith follg verb. humhle (to be) *^. VI. hungry part. act. of cU^ in prep. ^^ Ignorance J ^^- ignorantj9«r^. «c^. o/'J^:^.. idea ^jixi J9/. Jk^LAXj(23). if ^1 § 159; in hypothe- tical clauses J rvith the perf. — if anyone ^ § 159. illustrious Jl-a-A«:^ elat. § 63 &. imperfection inf. of viyU me?7^ ^Ci X with ^. Jonah LT*^^.- intelligent part, act. of Joseph interior » UAaa/0< joy 'T^-r' )^r: justice Jj^. interrupted (to be) JaS j^jj ^ keep from (to VIl. intimate see friend, into prep. ^^. ) «Lc impf. «, with ace, and ^jo. keep intact (to) Jh IV. invest (to) anyone with kill (to) JiS impf. u. lU impf a, with JS kindle^ (to) Ji^ impf i. ofpers.and ace. of thing, king viXLc. inviolability jLol4-. kingdom iXX^. invite to (to) Li<> impf kiss (to) J^o //. u, with J I. knock (to) at the door of 92* Glossary A. ^i'4> impf. u, with J<^ of per s, and ace. of door. know (to) IXd imp/', a; olt imp, i (no. 132), ^rS impf. i (no. 73). knowing ^«r^. «c^. of^J^; elat. § 63 &. Koran ^jLiiJ!. lack j»Jl£. lamp t\y^' laugh (to) dl^ /mjt?/. a. — to laugh at id. roiili ^^ — to make laugh id. IV with vo of means. law-code i^y^. lawful (to be) Jl^. impf. i, lead (to) S\j med. .. leader see prayer, learn (to) JL& V. learned (CaJLc pi i-'^Jtl (20). learning IjL^. leave, leave off (to) ^3 impf. u. let (to) c 5 • impf tt § 40 «. liar (to declare anyone to be a) ^^dS 11. liberal ^^ . lie, tell a lie (to) 04>i^ fm/?/. 2'; 2w/'. to Jo. life (the future, next world) '7^ ^!. life-time sLvi. light (to) ^ IV. — to give light to -Ajo med. IV, with J. like (like as)^re/?. ^; conj. \^(withvb.sent.),^\ uS {nom. sent.). likeness Jouo. 6 little JoJU. live (to) yili we^. ^. living ^. G long Ju^. Glossary A. long for (to) (J Li med, . OF THB "O-NiVERSI'] VIII, with Jl. look at (to) Jh^ impf. u, with J|. — to look down ijjo IV, — to look into JLb VIII, with ^ § 25, note. lord Cjy love, fall in love with (to) J„^^ IV, with ace, love v«^u&.. loving inf. au^- lower (to) ijai. impf. u. lust »jJ:.y — lusts oll-g-cb antith. to woman (nos. 2, 43, 102), § 90 e. manifest j^flrr?. act. ^L m^w/?/'. a, mention (to) Sb impf. u, mien JaJLx). "* make, make to be (to) Joii. mighty jva^ ^/«t § 63&. . impf.a. (with two accus.). .„ s^ ^ , <: mill Rjy^Lb. -to make (poetry) JU^ mindful of (to be) SS G, ^^ med. malady *L^. al-Ma'mun ^^LJI. G G man ^. pi. JLii (9); gljo ji^^o^ emp/. w, /t'?^^ ace. G^ o J miracle sC^sjo. misfortune aU^^.^ J^US (25). ;?^. 94* Glossary A. " i Muzahim rv^lyo. naked j^^r^ /^^* modesty eL^. moment (this) R^LUt. money JU. — piece of name ^.^t money ^^.j pi. JJlati narrow (^jyo (= (Jj^a-o) (23). elat. 9 Go- month w.g-Cw. morning (early) S^Xj. morrow, to-morrow Jlc. Moses ^y^' mosque tX:^iU). most elat, of much. 9^^ mountain JJ^. much ,^^ elat, § 63&. — to be much, abundant ^^^^^ J^; ^Ir ^m;?/. t/. - to make ^^^^^^^ r^/ much Ja^IV. ^• al-Mugira 5wa*4.J|. Muhammed tX^.^. music cU-l. Muslim (to become a) JLw /r. — Muslim id. part. act. nature «lb ^/. § 88, 9. near (to place) ^ JJ //. needle s^l. neighbour ^Li-. 9 niggardly Ju^.. — to de- clare anyone to be n. So, niggardliness J^si. nobles coll. not 5^e § 150. now conj. o- nutriment v:^) J>. 0! G § 85; «/50 \j^\, obedient to (to be) v:iis impf. u, with J. Glossary A. 95^ observe (to) yj^ VIII, occasion (as a conse- quence) (to) v-aa^ jy, with two accus. Omar S^.. on acount oi prep. J. one as pronoun or adj. J^L fern, i ; with pron. suffix J^|. only Lis I. onslaught ^^b. open (to) ^Jl impf. a; inf. ^^Xi. opinion (to be of) ^\\ impf. a, § 49 &. or ^|. other lil. overtake (to) J.t> IV. owner v«^Lo pi. JLiil (17). page boy ^'%^. Paradise eUi|. pardon (to) Li^ impf u, with jLc. part (= some) u^jl? (§ 133). pass on (to let) vL^ med. pearls coll. J J. pebble SLa^. people JL5^|. perhaps JjJ § 147 «. perish (to) viiLo impf. i; — to cause to p. id. IV. person (man) ^Luil. Pharao ^Icwi. 9 " physician v^aaaIc. pick up (to) iail impf u. piece, see § 73 c. piety xSL^. place (occasion) ^j^po ;?/. jL^lii (23). place (to) «^r /mp/. a. § 40 «. i-. i 96' Glossary A. plants coll viLo (masc). please (to) v-,*.^'^ ^^' — to be well pleased with "IaoT imp/', a. with ,j^. pleasure H jJ pi § 76. pliancy ^^^ (§ 83). direction of prayer xJUs. — leader of prayer JJo\^ preach to (to) CJoL^ impf, u, with ace. precede (to) j.Jo V, poem, poetry ^i^p/. jUit prepare (to) ^^ IV, »-4.s i^ i?/. Vo (17). poet j-fcLii- poison jvwu. polite scholar i%il (20). poor lOi i?^. i^'^Ui (20) possessor .6, /<2»J § 90 /. poverty Jii. power sJ}. praise (to) tX^^ ernp/'. «. praise (God) J^3. pray (to) ^Le //. prayer s^Lo (= H^-Lo 6 »' § 43 note) pi ^\Juo presence Sw*d^. present (gift) aULo (2^/*. of preserve (to) ia^L impf. a. pride JS. prince y^S pi i>'^kx9 (20). prison jj«^JLw. G o^ promise Jc^.. prophecy (gift of) S^. — to pretend to prophecy to V. prophet ^AJ i?/.. f^^^il. (18). prostrate oneself (to) d^ impf u. Glossary A. 97^ protect (to) jIC^ impf, u, u reflection itif, of Jo V, provide for (to) ,iCr impf. refuse (to) ^| impf. a. - w, with two accus. punishment abJit. purify (to) . (^ U //. — to oneself id V. purse 'iy^. pursue (to) mj3 VIII. ^ y ^ put (to) Jljl^ impf. a. — to put off till ^T //. with J. qualify (to) inf. k^^ raise, raise up (to) r impf, a; inf. G u^ & Ramadan ^Ld^Sr. ar-Rashid Joui J|. reach (to) e),^ IV. read (to) |^* impf. a. to r. to do, id. with ^ | and subj. regard, with r. to ^. regret *Jo. relate (to) ^J^ impf. i, related to v_>Jw5 rvith ^jo. reliance inf. VIII, see rely. religion ^^.3. rely on (to) Jl5^ VIII, with JS §40^. repel (to) S\ impf. u. repent (to) CjLS med. .. repentance iLoljJ. report yxL- reproach (to) l^f »»«J^. save (to) jvJLav //. say (to) JU »i^^. .. — to say of anyone, id. with ^jx. — to s. to anyone, id. with J. scatter (to) *.aj impf. u, i. sea 7^- second ^b. secret^ jp/. JL*il (17). 9 -^ security ^\^. see (to) ^^\Umpf. a, § 49 ^. seedy part, pass, of ^^is^. seek (to) vj^lij 2^^?/. w. — to seek for one's self,id. V. seemly (to be) ^ VII. seize (to) Os^S impf. u. self jjliS § 12 e. send (to) Jlu/^ /F; for ujLLss-,* with v^. serpent ^Loii'. 9 o ^ servant (i. e. of God) jJx ;?/. jlii (9). serve wine to (to) ,-£1 impf. 2, w;?Y^ ^w'O ace. set about (to) ^Lo med. ^, with impf. § 99 note a. seventy ^yju,^. shadow JlIo. Glossary A. 99^ shift (to) \S Jc impf. i. ship iLUJ^. shirt u^flj^j*. shoulder ._< sign ibi jt?/. § 76. silent (to be) inf. v^^^^o. 9 sin x^jlU^. singing (art of) gllc. sit with (to) (jjJLai- ///, . .?-. r. size 2ocb. slave vJ^Xi^ ;>/. Ja^Ux (27).— slave-girl LsLi ;>/. ^\yl (24). sleep, go to sleep (to) ILS me^. ., impf. a; part. act. pL § 88, 9. small jj^^o. — to become s. ykuc impf a. smoke ^^LLt>. snow Jo. so conj. o- sober j9«r/. act. of lis?. J -- O 5 Socrates t^Lffw solicitude iUiC. son ^j § 90 & (pluralis sanus with names of tribes). songxAAili?/.^Ul(Jk^Lil). S o J sorrow j^y^. spare (to) "^ ^, § 49 c. Go' speech J^'. spend (to) {of time) inf. spirit ^^y staff Lai. stand (to) Ili m^^. . ; part, act. pi. § S^, 9. — to stand still \Jii\ impf i. star 1^. start off (to) &s^^ V. rv.^\. stay (to) *U* med. . /r\ steal (to) iVv.! //TJs;?/'. /. g:^ stratagem iiJLya.. 100* Glossary A. stream JlLw. strength J^:^. Su'ba iujUw. w submissive (to be) J 3 V- subsistence ^\y sufficiency xjLa^ supplication g.LcO. surely J (after ^p. tail ^b, r ^ * take (to) tX^I impf. u. — (of a city) Ij3 2>w/?/. «. to t. away ^^b impf. a. with <^. — to t. hold of tXis.| imjpf. w, with ^. talk to (to) ^)6 II, with ace. — to t. to one an- other, id. V. talk lis. tattle ihJii' teach (to) JLd //, with two accus. ten ^A.c §§ 91, 92 a. than J^ § 63 &. that j9ro;2. siJUo § 13 c. that (in order that) J with sulj, § 100. that conj. ^\ {he fore a verh) § 148&; ^.j {before a noun) § 147 a. that which Lo. then o. thereupon j^*. thief (jLl j9/. j^ (10). thing g^ jy/. JLiil (17) but without the nuna- tion illcil. think (to) J^ii impf. w, w;/^^ two accus.yinf. j^wiij. third Ijb § 93 a. thirty j^j^'^i §§ 91, 92&. this Ij^ § 13&. Thora (the) sljyd those who ^ § 14 &. thou viol. 6 " thought Jo. Glossary A. 101* transitory ;?ar^. act of ^i, travel (to) TLL med. ^. treasure iUjj^. tree Sw^^. tribe iiJLuJ'i?/. JoLii (25). trick iiJL*^. three ^^ §§ 91, 92«. through (by means of) prep. ^. throw away (to) ^J impf, ^^^^^ I^Lif; i. — to throw down , JlI ^ ^, s o *^ truth , vJco. tidings, to give glad tid- turn (to) JUo med. ^ ings to anyone of a thing yj^ 11^ with ace. VL of pers. and \^. time^^lJov. — (proper) time to turn from ^y^ with Jwft. — to t. away {act.) t>r impf. u. — to t. away from (neut.) ^^ //, with ^jc. twinkling xU-L. 'Ubaid Juu.£. 9 ^ G Ugly ^.o A^- ii— • tipsy ,j!^. title-page ^lyi-^. to {direction) prep. Jl^; (52>;i of the dative) J. tongue ^UJ;?/. xl*il (1&). unbeliever p«r^. ^. j. — from where, whence ^^o I ^j^. . *-' which re/«^. ^5 jJI« whichever ^c,\ § 14c. 9 ^ ^ while (a) xcLL. whilst cf. § 157. who rel (^tXJf ; interr. ^jjo. war (holy) m/. JLii 0/* whoever, whoso ^jjo§§ 14 &, 0^ /i/. ' 159. Waraka Si whole ';r 2^- wash (to) Julc ?;wi?/*. /. why? IJ; why then? I j UJ. wick iJLj j. wickedness ww. will (to) ^LaO med. wind ^s fern, § 72 Glossary A. word aUJL^ 103* wme wisdom aUX^. work Jux /?/. JLiil (17). world (the, this) UjjJI. 2 " worst wCi § 63 note, write to (to) .^^^impf. u, with J I. wise jCxXi pi' i^^Jii (20). wrong (to, to do) lUo' wish (to) ols /w^^. ^ ^^- ^'wp/'. i; inf, jJLJi?. with «jo (in company w.) ; (^ (in union w., by means of), without yjJu {with gen.). woe to! ij Jo., wolf Yazid 9f^o. 9fo- woman slyol, si plur. gLlj § 90/: 9 J St' wood 4>yt. — piece of youth J^ks. 9 o^ Zaid tX->\. zid Ju'o. ye (wOl. 9-» -- year xju*, i?/. § 90 m. yes |US. young luLo ^/«^. § 63 b. pL Jl^uT (23). young man ^Xi p/. ,j^^ (21). wood Sjuww^. 104* Glossary B. GLOSSAEY B. I pari, inter r. often before the first half of an alternative question. 4>l s^. c.^jf(§ 90 «) father. Jol impf. i to stay, remain. I Jo I adv. always, for ever; with neg. never. ^^1 impf. i to run away. ^^ ^i impf. i; c. ace. come, come to. c.acc. p. et\^ r. to bring, to give somethg. to some one. r 5 1 impf. w to make an im- pression. ^'1 ph sli'l trace, sign, mark. 7^ &►! wages, hire, reward. i^^Sfem. ^tX^I^ one, some one. ^\ (§90c)i?/i^prother, neighbour. tXi^l /mjo/. w to take, to sieze, catch hold of. VIII io make; w. 2 Ace. to adopt, regard (as). yc^\ //to put off, postpone, end i.| the last, second, 9 , -^o- Hw^!^f I the next world. r' fern. ^r- I other. .;>| V to conduct one's self with propriety. i^4>| good breeding, politeness, education, polite reproof. Glossary B. 105^ 'iJ^^\ vessel for holding ^JjjCw^l I (the Arabs have water, made of skins. j^<>| // to pay (tribute). 61 lo! see! when lo! 131 conj. when, if; adv. lo! see! treated the first two letters of the name as the article) Alexander. jbsJoJCw^f! Alexandria. ^ol/mi?/. «; c. Jpers. et ^f ^^e root, the chief v^ ret to allow, permit. X to ask permission. ^'o\ pi ^\'o\ ear. j.<>l m/. /permission. ^^61 /rto injure, molest. ,^c>N^I Jordan, the Jor- dan district. jujjJLbUa-wxl Aristotle. ^. I /£L^ pl >Lojf glance, intelligence. .U"^ to come too late. IV to delay. X to find that sthg. comes too late. ^jjaj belly; bottom (of a valley). iUkj repletion. (^.bLj J9/. ^j-ifip the lowest part; the heart or secret thoughts of a person. J impf. a to arouse, awaken; to send. tXxj impf. u or tXau impf. a to be distant, far off. VI to be far distant from each other. jLjiI prep, after, after the departure , death of . . . tX«j ^ after the death of. (jojl: one (§ 133), part, portion; some (of). ijdJu impf. a io hate. (jcju hatred. S - o* iiL«dij ?^., state of being hated. iLoju hatred. ^ impf. i to seek, strive. Glossary B. 109^ VII to be necessary, ^jS impf. i to build. ^iL inf. meet, behoove. JfilJij Hippocrates. ^iu impf. a to remain, re- main over, continue in life. s U; inf 126) pi, illlt son. XjJl, v.:iL (§ 90 daughter. R^y^^^^ p/. |wL^ animal, a brute beast. jG ^1 Abu Bekr, name ^\^pl.^\^\ gate, door. of the first Caliph. viUIji^^-^LAj!,viUjliouse, ^^ /m;?/: 2 to weep. family. ^Ql Jjj i?/. ^Sk^ country, vil- treasury. lage(plur. CO//. country). £Lj irnpf. i to sell, buy iJLj ?Vwj9/. w, c. flfcc. to reach, attain to; to come to one's ears. y^guLftJb Bilkis, queen of Sheba. ^ impf. u to try, afflict. ^j j9«r^. certainly; nay, on the contrary. j^j (^vT Uj) wherewith? by what means? inf I selling, sale. ^\S med. ^ IV to be evi- dent. ^ (§ 114) prep. o - ^ ^ c- between. . . • ^tXj ,j^ prop. bet. the hands of= before, in presence of. Lijo conj. with a nom. sentence: while, whilst. iuli evidence, proof. 110* Glossary B. cy«jLj> masc. coffin. ^to be well arranged, be in good order. l^impf. «, c. ace, to follow. IV c. 2 ace. to make sthg. follow, to attach sthg. to, some one. -x - ^ ^ i i i • ^L> X to ask help in se- VIII to follow, en- > .._:„„ /u^..J^ „ deavour to aquire. li* impf. i to be finished. *Uj' perfect. Hw^jj nom. unit, a date. ab^^xJI (§ 2 ^ note.) the Torah (five books of Moses). curing (blood) revenge. Ji^* prep, under. ^^ ^^* id. koiyj" earth, morsel of earth. c)3 /^wjt?/". 1^ to aban- don , leave , give up, omit. ^^iu (cf. ^^) fern. (or. ^yAi msc.) piety. vdUb fern. (§ 13 c) that (woman). Go G ^ -. -. iX-^ij i?/. 5 js^^" pupil, disciple. ouJ /mjo/". w to be or stand firm, to be fixed. IV to fix, establish. viiob Elat. ^^^j<^\ con- stant, fixed, firm. Jc^' /m/?/. «, to lose a child (fifcc.) by death (said of a mother). M ^ ^ ^ G ^ ^ _ yi>!^j /(?»i. iu^* three. «? Sy^w X cij^' thirteen. jvi* «^y. thereupon, then. Jo em/?/". 2 to bend. X to make an ex- ception of. Glossary B. Ill _>5j garment. jil^strength of character. 9 jo<\:^ new. i^iXss^ kid. vJitX^ VIII to draw to oneself. y^ impf. u to drag, pull. impf. i to run, flow. ^n ib^U;?/.^!^ (§89) female slave, young girl. island ; 5 ^j;^ I Meso- potamia. ^C^ impf. i to reward, requite. ///to pray God to re- quite some one for sthg. G ^ ^ iXZ^ the body. JoL^ to place ; make, pre- pare; c, 2 ace. to make to be sthg.; to begin (§ 99 note a). ._Q^ impf. i to become dry. LI^ impf. u to be rude. %\j^ inf. tyranny. j^ impf. i to be great, powerful, exalted. JuJLs^ great, illustrious, sound (in judgment). aLlX^ might, majesty. jJJLi mj?/". 2 to sit down ; c. J to give an audience. /// c. ace. to sit down by some one, sit with. 9 ' } j^^JLs. inf. sitting. companion one sits with. 9 „ . a live coal. 'r^ cr impf. a to bring to- gether, gather, collect. with 2 ,:y^ to bring about a meeting of two parties, to have them both come into one's presence. 112' Glossary B. (also without ii,^U and with ^1) to decide upon, resolve to do sthg. VIII to come together, to assemble. If ^ %ju^ the whole, all (L*jL«.^ as ace. of con- dition: all together). xiUi a number, party (of people). Jl^ to be beautiful. G J.A4^ beautiful,hand- some, elegant, kind. "w^ m/?/. ?/ to cover over, conceal. J9/. ^U:^ garden of trees, Paradise. .U^ interior, heart, soul, character. ^L^ belonging to the demons, a demon. .j;i:i VIII to avoid. G "^ o v^^As^ side, v^a:^ ^^ in comparison with. 8\U:5:. pi, wUs* corpse, funeral bier. (^^^^impf.aioi take trouble about sthg., exert one's self. /// to fight, do battle, esp. w. unbelievers i. e. non-Moslems. Jl^ impf. « to be igno- rant. xiL^ inf. G G a , Ju^L^- pl, jLg.5^ igno- rant. Ga iUJLsoLi. the state of ignorance, i. e. (pre- islamic) heathenism. hell. U^ coll. demons, Jinn. c^Ld. rned. IV c ace. Glossary B. pers. et ^\ r. to give or grant an answer, an audience to some one, listen to, promise, con- cede sthg.to one, comply with his request. Xto hear, in the sense of answer (a petition). 5Li. med. . to be generous. vLi med. . c. ace. to pass by. in c. ace. to pass beyond, exceed, trans- gress. cLi med. . to be hungry. x^-^ {nom. unit. § 73 c) hunger. tL^ med. ^, c ace. to come. e. o to bring. 2^ inf. ^jioe^ army, ^^o^ /r to love. JS^ love. Socin, Arabic Grrammar.* {elat. v^il c. jl j9ro m-pf. «, c. ace. vel ^jjo to be on one's guard against . . . 9 '' ^ X jcs. inf. i%d<^ inipf. a to be clever, skilled. IiO;I>) vi) iinpf. « to be free. lLi?^.xl^! free,noble. s^^^ /// to make war upon, fight with some one. VI to carry on war with each other. Sli impf. i to strive eager- ly after. i^y^ eagerness, zeal, anger, ^w^ // c. J.£, r. to incite (to), stir up (to). ^IL IV to burn, singe. ^1^ II to move, to stir up, agitate. I'i. impf. u , c. Js^ to be forbidden to one, to be legally prohibited one. II to pronounce un- lawful, declare to be for- bidden, to prohibit. J.'^ to be troubled, sad. IV to trouble, make sad. ^^^^S^ impf. u to reckon. ^U^ reckoning. OJ^ impf u to envy. Jwl/^ impf. u to be beauti- ful, good. 7Fto do good. Glossary B. 115* X to find to be good. ^^u^^j^ beauty, good- ness. -~3 ^ ^ elat. beautiful, good. G -^ - i^xi.^ coll. suite, servants, escort. -, ^^ impf. u, c. ace. pers. vel j<£. to be present with or at. IV io bring forward, esp. to bring before a sovereign or ruler. VIII c. ace. to come upon one (said of death). Pass, to be near to death. jLa. impf. u to surround. IXa. impf. i to dig. VIII to dig for one's self. fe.o^ impf a to take care of, to guard, to be atten- tive. VIII c. <^ r. to take care, give heed. ^^:^ impf i to be right. j£i truth, certainty; right, claim. Jii impf u to be despised. X to despise. yfji:^ despised. IXla. impf u to decide, give judgement. x»C> wisdom. |VS^ P^' ^UX::*. wise, learned. f^U^ i?/. j.LX^ go- vernor, ruler, judge. ^la. zm/?/. i io relate. Jki impf u to loosen, untie; impf i to be al- lowed. IV or X to pronounce sthg. allowed, declare lawful, to allow. Jc^ Fto adorn one's self. H* 116^ Glossary B, |vi (1. pers. v:iM.^) impf, a, to be hot. ^♦:^ fern, fever. I^aK^^ pigeon. d^L. impf. i to praise. S.^ Muharamed (the praised one). ^^t"-- impf. w to be foolish. (i4.cb.| foolish, stupid. Jl*.^ impf. ito load, carry ; bring ; transport, c. J^ Till c. jl^ to require, be in need of. ^^».L^ c. v«3 need, want ; c. ^^\^ request. J^ prep, round, round about. Jl:^ state, condition, situation. (^1^ impf. i, to gather together, take posses- sion (of everything). to attack; c. ace. pers. " impf. § 49 c. to live. et J^£. r. to make s. o. sit upon sthg.; to in- cite to some action. to commit sm. F to purify one's self from sin. Lj^ // to embalm. oUsi.^1 al-Ahnaf, (a man's name). ^L^m^^.^/r^p.t(§44 note b) c. Jt to compel. -^ tribe, clan. 'iy.f^ life. impf. u to be bad, wicked. vi^uuX bad, vile, vicious, profligate. IXi // c. 2 ace: io relate, tell some one sthg. VIII to test, try, prove. Glossary B. 117* 1^^ pi ^Llis-! infor- mation, news, affair. r^ well informed, forward, to produce, to expel. ^ bring out, draw out. ^ tribute. ^SL impf. i to make bread, ^yL impf, a to be dumb, to bake. wise. bread a cake of bread, I£L. impf. i to seal up, put one's seal to. jL^pcX^ Hadiga (Muham- med's first wife). Ijki impf, u to serve. 2(x)J^ tnf. G ^ -- *tX^ coll. (tbe staff of) servants. *t>LL a servant. I^ impf. i to prostrate one's self, to fall down. I,li impf, u to go out, come out, go out from, depart from. IV to bring forth or , iw^ impf. i to make a hole in, to pierce. VII to have a hole put through, be pierced. VIII to break through, flow through. ^Li impf. u to store up. ii fy^pl.^ Ci treas- ure , treasure-house. ^.Oci impf a, c. ace. r. to fear sthg. [jaL^ impf. u to be some one's special property. ^jfiL^, coll. iuflLb. an intimate friend; persons of distinction. ^^^^J^dJ^ impf. i to dye (esp. the hair). 118* Glossary B. v«A-ydj^ dyed. wwiik IX to be or become green. ^ J^'^ impf, a to sin. oLkil al-Hattab (a man's name). v-di. 2wp/. 2 to be light (opp. of heavy). i^ftAAjb- ^/. ^.jLi.1 light. jJ-i^ impf. u to be ever- lasting, to remain. cr^-i"- ^-^^/ to appropriate to oneself secretly. ^jaXh^ II c, ace. pei-s. et \j.^ to rescue, to free. IV to attain, reach, (adj. and noun) , pro- comprehend. sperity. JLL- med. (^ //to imagine something. iri3 Darius. v«>t> /wjo/. 2 to walk slowly. ib!t> p/. ^I«t> beast of burden and for riding. o c. f/cc. to enter, to come; c. JLd to come to see one, to consummate marriage with (coire) ; c.^^jj to interfere. IV to bring into, in- troduce. Jy.s^C> inf. I. |Ci;4> i?/. Jv?f;3 a dirhem, a silver coin. ^^.j impf. i to know, /r cans. Lct> /mj?/". w to call, to call upon, invoke, c. v^ to pray to God for some- thing, to call to one's aid, to name ; c. ace. et Jl to induce s. o. to do sthg., invite, summon. VI to call to one an- other, c. io to bring a complaint against . . . 'iy£.C> prayer. «i5 impf. a to push; hand over, deliver up. jLfi».|i>entering,future, LS5 impf.u, c. ^ to come next. near. 120* Glossary B. ^4> elat, ^jol low, humble, trivial, near; pi' jo^4^' ^^^ nearest parts. LliJ fern, world. 15 med. , II to subdue. j^^l re- ligion. nUj*> denar, a gold coin. 13 pron. (§ 13 «) this. tSU(§ 15) what (then)? s it 5 wolf. C- 5 J 3 ?w^ - ^ ^ sl4> J3^. wi> dwelling- w^3 ^^i/?/". a^ c, ace. to place, house, abode, frighten. court. j.lt> med. . to remain, con- tinue, be durable. ^^O prep, on this side of, below, beneath; other than, exclusively of, be- sides, before. ^54>;j»f id. ^.4> impf. a to be indis- posed. IV to treat medically. g|j5 medicine. ^13 med. ^ to be in sub- jection. ^5'3 impf. w, c. ace. to think of, mention, name, speak of. Inf. ii. J 3 xVwjt?/*. e to be insignifi- cant, feeble. G ^ JuJ3 miserable, * feeble. ^yc>fem. ^3 pron. (§ 13 c) that. s^^bimpf. a to go,go away. IV to cause to disap- pear. ^i3 gold. Glossary B. 121= .6 the (man) of, possessor *j. pi. cLn house, pi real ofcf.§§90/, 133. estate.' :I3 Tned. to become known, spread abroad. IV to make public, publish. (j^K J9/. [j>^^y head, the chief thing. (j**jojj»/. iUw5j leader, general. Jj zm/?/. ^^, (§ 49 h) to see, be of opinion, think, believe, consider advisable, c. 2 ace. to regard or esteem a per- son or thing as, hold to be. IV ^Ac. 2 ace. to show. ^^K insight, counsel, advice. aaJII! ar-Rabr, (a man's name). 5oJ /" ^ G , , senger, apostle (esp. of God). «.on // to set (of jewels), inlay. i^. impf. a to suck (at the breast). IV to give suck. l^r impf. «, c. ace. to be content with, acquiesce in, take" pleasure in. 2U£: x-UI ^x God be gracious unto him! IV to satisfy, render content. j^K in/. I pleasure, delight (in sthg.). j^" VIII to shake, tremble. ^' impf. a to watch, tend. c!) i?/. 'i\.s.s herdsman, shepherd. kic. pi \2S's subjects (also sing. coll.). isLc^jo J9/. cSyjo pasture- ground. ^ Glossary B. 123^ ^^* impf. a to have a strong craving for; c. ^£, to give up the Graying for sthg., to shun, relinquish. i^i?/. Xiisl (flat) cake. iiT impf. a to raise, lift up (the voice); c. jl to bring sthg. before the judge. «Ai^ high, noble. /Ji'T IV c. (^ to be kind, gentle with . . . ^yApl^^Syjo elbow. ^<. impf. i to be or become thin, abject, mean. /w\ bondage, slavery. patch. v_^ impf. a, c. ace. to mount on horse-, camel- back &c., to ride. ^y^s W- stepping into, aboard (a ship). ^\J6jOy name of a month. ir impf i, c. ^^ r. to throw, pelt with. vS?; 2WJ9/*. «, c. ace. rei to be afraid of sthg. v^^C monk. 1,\\ IV med. y c. ace. et c^^ to rid . . . of. ffi ^^^^ z?>} ^^^'' pi. «^L3> wind. k^L smell, scent. o\s med.j IV c. ace, to will, wish, intend, endeavour to. IC med. . to seek, desire, attack. j^I^ /mp/*. 2 to relate. \Jls^\ impf. « to advance slowly. c*\ /mp/*. a to sow. 124^ Glossary B. c Ns coll. seed, green corn, green crop, differ- ent sorts of grain. cCc\ to shake violently. // (reflexive). ivi\ impf. u to assert, re- late. o\ impf. u to conduct a bride to her husband's house. l^v w//. . to increase, to be good, pure. K m^|C w^e^. (^ ewp/". 2, c. 2 «cc. to give more, to add to. Joyo ^'^A; increase, addition. ::.part. § 95gw immunity from ills, prosperity, wel- fare. ^iCiT &IJU peace be with him! (parenthetically placed after the names of high religious personalities). G^ ^ ^ 'sjo'^kjM peace and pro- sperity. G / o pfc^L^I^ {inf. IV) Islam. •j ^ O 3 ^jLkJLww c. Js£. autho- [V-w impf. u to put poison rity over, ruk; ruler, into any thing, to poison. sultan. 1X1; impf. a to be whole, intact. // to bestow health and prosperity; c. J^ to greet, salute. IV c. jsJJi to declare one's self resigned to to God; to become a Moslem. jVA*. poison. impf. a to hear. viU-A*/ pl' RXl-wi fish. L4.AA/ // c. 2 flfcc. ?;^/ c. ace, et (^ to call by name, to give a name to. G o f^j^\ (§ 56 a) name. eU-1 heaven. Glossary B. 127* Jv^ impf. uX)\o sharpen, 2) ordain, institute. ^^ tooth, age. 'i.kjM pl. ^jX^ regula- tion, institution, tradi- tion (of the Moslems). 4>jl1 IV to support. IsHipl. nom, l^y^ (§ 76 &; 90 ni) year. I.^ impf. « to keep awake. ^Lwm^^.«tobebad,wicked. IV to spoil, corrupt, to do ill. ^Llw wi^^. . to sink into the ground. 5L1 med. . c. «cc. to be- come lord, ruler, over... ^yJ\ fern. i>\Oy^ pl. ^b^^, t>^ black. G w ^ G ^ Juuv i?/. sjLw lord, ruler, chief. siLl hour, short space of time, moment. ^Jju part. § 96 d; 99 a. ^Ll /w^^. • to drive. ^•^A« pl. ^\y^^ mar- ket, bazaar, lane. [iy^ Vlllto be equal, alike, simultaneous with. %\y^ c. J^ (quite) the same, indifferent to. ri*w m^ywwuo distance travel- led. G o ^ G^ > > G. ' o^ sword, sabre. *Lcc. F/ to find a bad omen. f*5^ a bad omen. 9^ impf. a to be satiated. IV to satiate, satisfy. aLyi // to compare. 128^ Glossary B. I:sc/i impf. u to be intri- cate, intertwined. J^^ nom. u?iit. s^ijow tree, shrub. jL^ impf. u to bind, tie. // c. J^ to press hard on one. r/// to become strong, powerful, heavy. powerful; vehement. ^ (1. pers. ^sjj^) impf. a to become bad. li, (g/«t id:) pi. ;^v^^ bad, wicked. Mischief, woe, war. Cjv-»i x^;?/". CL to drink. AJv^j9/. olw^l noble, aristocratic, respected. ^•y^ tmpf. u to rise (of the sun). (V'v-cioo place of the sun's rising == the East. ii)w*x< impf. a c. ace. to be one's companion. JwCi net. s viJbw.ci companion,ally. (^ww mj^/". i to buy, sell. VJII to buy, negotiate. be deeply struck with. &Xw p/. sLft^ lip. ---- -- '' " laJi.^ IV c. Jsx. to be ten- derly solicitous for . . . wXli< impf. u to thank, be J!i 2^jt?/. w to be high. thankful. IV to be high, lofty. \Xl impf u, to complain. drink. wine, strong nobility. height, fame, VIII to complain. i //c. ace. to say "God Glossary B. 129* bless you" to a person (e. g. sneezing). i fern. sun. Juj^ left (hand or side). tX.^ 2^^/. a c. ace. to be present at sthg., to wit- ness, to give evidence. /// c. ace, to see, be an eye-witness. JjcLi pi, 4>«-g-cb wit- ness. 8t>L^ testimony, guarantee, security, a bearing testimony. yj^ pl. .^ '•>■! month. L§^ F/// to desire, wish. s« ^xij sensual desire, appetite. --^ G ^ ?.Li CO//, wo/w. ww^Y. gUw small cattle, sheep and goats ; nom, unit, a single head of these. TLw med. . /r c. J I to point to. Socin, Arabic Grammar,* [^y^ impf. i to roast. ■^Lx,med. ^ impf. a to will, wish. %^ a matter, thing, something. voLci med, ^ to become gray-haired. v^^AJui gray hairs. ^Lw m^^. ^^ to become an old man. ^.^yi old man. ^Uajui i?/. ,jj^Lui devil, Satan. cL^ med. ^ to spread a- broad, become public. // to accompany, to follow. y^jJc impf. u to pour, pour out. IfjJc impf. w to be attrac- tive, good-looking. IVio enter the time of 130* Glossary B. early morning, c. ace. be- come sthg. early, soon. x^La^ beauty, love- liness. 1^1 associate; friend, com- panion ; owner, inhabi- tant of (cf. § 133). Sm impf. ^, c. JS to have ksu^ pi. kJ^ leaf, patience with, to put ^ - up with, endure. ^ " ■^ k/u£> impf. u or a to dye. Uio impf. u to be foolish; youthful. ^Ici pi. jjLL-o little boy. e^ mj?/". i to be in good health, sound. e^ i?/. -iL^ g/df^. y4^ silence. yjuo inf. littleness. ^.JLo impf. u to place in a row, draw up. VIII to arrange (them- selves),to stand in a row. yft-r IX to be yellow. jsuc\ pi. Juc yellow. Juc VIII to choose. oU^jfl man s name. ^JLo impf. a to be good, be in order. IV to put in order, set right. ii^jJLo apious action, good deed. ^Lo // to pray, perform divine service, to wor- t>Lo med. ^ to hunt, ship. xjJU aJuf ^Jjo tXli«V.liunting,what iLo impf. a to make, prepare, to do. wg-o p/. )L4^I relation (by marriage). CjLo ^^t?. . IV to befall, fall to one's share. JLijufljo misfortune. 9 o ^ v:i>«-o voice. 5j^.oi?/. *^ figure, shape, form. Isjuoyc cell. "Li med. ^ to cry out. VI to shout at each other. P^: ^-? - contracted to ,UJLfl§ 11. S^Lo, s^JLo divine service,worship,prayer. is caught, game. TLi mgw^ impf. u to chase away, drive away, pursue. ijjo IVto cast down one's eyes. jvxio impf. a to eat. /F to feed (trans.). ^Ljtio inf. I eating, taste, a meal, food, a (particular) dish. Glossary B. 133* v_jLb impf.u to seek, search after; wish for. v^.JLb inf. I seeking, a search. v^LL JT Abu Talib (Muhammed's uncle). «JLb impf. u to stand up, get up, rise (of the sun). VIII c. Ji to look at, see. ^^jJLb // c. ace. to set free, give divorce to. IV to set free. VII to go away, depart. «tU) 2>wj9/'. « to strive to obtain, to covet, sthg. «t^ 2/?/'. covetousness, greed. y^ impf. w to be clean, pure. II to cleanse, purify. cUo med. . to obey, be compliant. /Fid. k^Lb m/"., obedience, subjection. oLb m^L^ adoration, wor- ship. ICc^ mjo/*. 2^ to cross, to pass along (a certain road). hIxc an example (from which to take warning). y^ljlfc impf. i to look stern, black-browed.| y^LliJ! al-*^ Abbas, (man's name). H*Lld mantle, cloak. w^ib the back, upper (^ic mj9/. 2 to be or be- part, surface. come free. yS^Ub elat. ^ (f io) pro- minent, striking. jjlc ^Wjo/". w to worship. G ^ G ^ tXxc coll. J.AX& slave, g" ^ servant; pi. t>Lx& man (as the servant of God). IV to free, liberate. Go j^A.D nobility, high rank. jLoi free, noble, old. ^Ua£. Utman, (mans name). aJUl tXxD 'Abdallah (a Cf^ ^ ^- ^ to wonder man's name). at sthg. / O ^ Glossabt B. 135" a wonder, miracle. jLSJLt //to expedite. Jcc^ mj9/*. Uy c. 2 «cc. to count, reckon as . . . \J*d^ lentils. JtXfr impf. I to be just. J;>Lft just, impartial. Iji impf. a, c. ace. to be without sthg. ijLfc Fc.flfcc.to cross over, go beyond. /// c. ace. to treat as an enemy, attack. ^Jc&i?/. Itjcftt enemy. s.ljLt enmity. G jcft //to torture, punish. l-j! ji torture,punish- ment. rjca F/// to excuse one's self. sJl£ excuse (in the sense of a refusal). Oy^ coll. the Arabs. jtwfti a Bedouin. \jdZs, impf. i to interfere with, thwart, offer. Fto come in one's way. I j r ^ //w/?/. / to perceive, know, recognize. Xiwjtxj knowledge. o.lii a favour, kind deed. ^slyxJI name of the count- ry known to the an- cients as Babylonia. ye impf. i to be strong, powerful (often paren- thetically after aJUl: he is powerful). wyt elat. ytj strong, powerful. J'y£. impf. i to depose. VIII to take one's leave, be deposed. 136* Glossary B, ^yt c. acc. et »^ rei II to console, comfort. aUk^ ;?/. bUbi gift. present. jiLs^ pL y\^ a body "^ ^^^f^ ^ to be or be- of troops, army. IjiLft II to build a nest Iciw^ /// to associate with. wAa /La£ jjjjx pi. ojsLa^ a wicked, clever demon. Lii e'^wj?/". w, c. jj^ to pardon (a person), be gracious to. s ".?" 7 ' I .r- LjwO^ /?/. v_jsUld scor- pion, a bitter enemy. Jkift mi?/. 2. or jLft^ impf. a to be intelligent. JJlc intellectual abi- lity, intelligence; pru- dence. Ji F/// to fall ill. Glossary B. 137=* & SJLfi illness, sickness. /// to treat. lv-JLi impf. a perceive, know, learn (that), c. \^ to know something. IV c. 2 ace, to acquaint, inform one of sthg. Go > > jJLc pi. j»^JU know- ledge, science. 13 ^ -- ^ Suo^Lc mark, sign. 6., - IJLi elat. |V-UI pi. i^UJLft possessing know- ledge, a learned man, savant. *^L& very knowing. j^Ajtjo teacher. ^Lfr i/wp/. w to be high. VI to be highly exal- ted, esp. parenthetically after^//«^: He is exalted (§ 23). j^ prep. (§ 96 b) over, on the ground of, on, upon, at; with verbs of entering : chez ; against, in the direction of, to- wards.^^^ J^ yo to be in a state of, to be ac- customed to sthg. JS elat. J^l high; also man's name 'Ali. JLi elat. J^\ high, prominent, excellent. f^ impf. u to be or become common; to increase. riuncle(on the father's side); ^\ J^J cousin. x/)L& the common people (plebs), large crowd. SI, II to furnish, provide handsomely. 1^^ life; in the oath ^^ by my life. lii 'Omar (man's name). 138^ Glossary B. • ^-♦i(§ 90 n pronounce ^Amrun) 'Amr (a man's name). Jl4»c impf. a to do, make, construct. X to employ one for for some purpose, to apoint governor. J^4-^ V'^' JU^I work, act, deeds of piety, province. J^Ld pi. JUx a func- tionary, vicegerent, prefect. l^i impf, a to be or be- come blind. IV to disfigure, make unrecognisable. " * ^ Go? ^5^i i?^- ^54J:^ blind. ^^prep. away from, from (hinderance) ; about, concerning ; according to, on the authority of. Luai (o vine, grape. iXic J9r^p. by the side of, near, with, by (one). ^La med. . IX to be bent, E croo led 5Lc »?^^. • to return, c. ace. to visit. <^Lt w^t?. . c. ^ to take refuge in . . . X to ask for protec- tion;tosay: xJUb 3^1 (Surah 114) "I take refuge in God", c. ^ from. "Li med. . /F c. tfcc. to help, support. X to help one's self, to help on, succour. xj.Uuj Mu'awiya, the first Omayyad Caliph (661 —679). ^ii^jy^ Jesus. Glossary B. (OTNIVERS] jJ^Ld med. ^ to live. aLccwLC life, way of liv- ing, (§ 64 c). ItXi ult. , to come early. F to breakfast, to refresh oneself early. j^wft impf. u to set (of the sun). v^wjbe place where the sun sets, the West. ^y£. IV to make to sink, drown. J Li gazelle. Jusfci a/wp/. i to wash. ^Ai iVw/?/". a to cover. iU.wlxi?/.yi;|^saddle- cover, horse-cloth. ■J]- ^^ impf. i c, ace. rei et Jti. impf. i c. J pers. to pardon, forgive. 'ilsJuo pardon, forgive- ness. ^ ^ ^ Jkii impf. u to neglect. G -- o ^ SJLsx inattention, neg- ligence. v^^JLi 2m/?/. e to be all- powerful, victorious. j^jjli II et IV io bolt, bar, shut. G - > G ^o l»^ pi ;jUJLc a young man, lad, slave. ^IjLt /Twjt?/*. «, e. ^.^ to be rich. ^^ pi. iLoi! rich. ^^Lc //to sing. JLo jy. to take sthg. ;Li m^ef. ^ to penetrate from one unlawfully. ^^^ ^^^^^ go down. ^ t /m/?/*. a to get angry, ^ be angry with. vLi a cave. ^L^ w^^. . to dive. 140* Glossary B, >L£ med. ^ to be absent, c. jj^ to disappear. S o^ pl. L_>.j»^ a secret. iuA^ absence , stay among strangers. s v^Axxi inf. sunset. JLd med. ^ II to alter, change. wi^ (§ 133 with gen.) another,somethg.differ- ent from, no (with neg.), except; before substs., adjs. and parts, it ren- ders the converse, like our prefix un- or in-; Ax yjS without. Jco;y-.(§§95^; 152;161) and so, then, and. impf. a to open, to open (intr.). VIII to conquer, ac- quire for one's self. ^^ im ^ VII G 0^ i^Jii inf, /. ,-XxkApl. >sjoLix) key. ^ VIII c. to be struck with emotion, bewitched, by. .JUs a young man. nUi a young woman, girl. y^ impf. u to transgress, act viciously. G ^ es ^ yssXi pl. sLsJ evil- doer. wi zwjt?/. flj to boast of, glory in. /// to give oneself airs towards some one. Go^ y^ inf. I. ^ impf, i to flee. 9 (I io^ JJ^^JI the Persians, G-^ ijw.Li Persia. jjwii a horse, esp. of a good breed. \J^f i impf. u to spread out. Glossary B. 141' (ji/lvj pi. jiyi carpet, J^^di bounty, kind- cushion, bed. ^ess, favour, ^y impf. i, c. JU pers. ^ ^^^Pf' « *« be clever, to impose sthg. on one |r^ intelligence, as a duty. 2^ /wp. M, c. ^jQ to be empty, disengaged, finished with sthg. jJIi ?>wp/. w, to separate, part. /// to leave. VIII to become sepa- rated, to disperse. c yi 2/wj?/. a to get a fright, be afraid. jcU impf. u to become bad, wicked. jLui m/. the doing of mischief, evil, wrong. LLs IV to divulge, publish, betray. jL«di impf. u to be or remain over, to be ex- cellent. Juti impf. a to do. Go G ^ct Juti ;?/. JL*il deed, act, mode of action. juJi r to miss, enquire for, some one. wLfti J^/. ilJii poor. dli F7/ to free oneself, to become disattached. Jo F to reflect. aLgi^U i>/. x5 l«j fruit. >^ IV io become happy, ^successful, to prosper. G« > G> > viUi, viUi a (large) ship. /j^ so and so, Mr. Such- and- Such. H^ pi. ui)l Jli desert. !i mouth (§ 90 o). viLi »i^^. • c. ace. to pass 142* Glossary B. by, to expire (of the time for some one to do sthg.). ^U med. , to excel, be excellent. ^S prep. above, higher than. 8«i (§ 90o j9/. sl^l) mouth. ^ prep, in, into, at, on, among, accompanied by, by; with (before a quality), in relation to, with regard to. G>-o^ G^ ^ ^ o^-vw^Lxi pl. IsJuJ^h phi- losopher. ^^* X to find detestable. G o^ G J > yj3 pl. syj3 grave. (j»dXi impf. i to take hold of, take into one's hand. Jlo mjt?/. « to accept. IV to approach, come nearer; be susceptible to. rto receive. X to be opposite. Jui* adv. vel Jlo ^j^ before. Jlo jor^-jt?. before. Jlo prep, in the presence of, in the sphere of . . . xiii* ^j^ on his side, of his party. G j^ Jj.Ai* m/. / acceptance. G^ - XJLujJ tribe, family (in wide sense). G^- ^9 RjbLJLo comparison, re- lation. Joi' ^Vwp/. w to kill, make away with. /// c. acc.^ to fight with, fight. G o^ JjCi* m/. / killing, exe- cution. G ^ ^0^ Jou3 ;?/. JsAi killed. yy y 9 9f- XiLsxi' 5-3 1 Abii Kuhafa, the father of Abu Bekr. Glossary B. 143* ji (§ 98 e, 99 d) particle, J Jo im'pf, i to be able to, can, could (also with folg. impf.). c. Jlc to have power over. IV c. JLd to make one more powerful than . . . . 4Xjj worth, value, due, power. vJJb in rela- tion to, in proportion to . . . *Jo impf. «, to advance, approach. // to place before, set sthg. before s. o. IV to approach. V to go before, pre- cede. ft^,(Xii P^' i'LoJo an- cient,old, of a past time. ^ impf, i to stay, persevere. IV to render stable, c. {^ m to confess to sthg. X to stand fast, hold good. AyS continuance, rest. I Jj impf a to read. -1^* Kur'an or a passage therefrom. CjS im'pf. u to be near at hand. // to place near, to take as intimate friend, to offer, set before one. F7to be close together. s_ju>J> pl. :^b J>l ; elat. ph (o.Ujl(subst.).c.^ near, close(to) ; related. iu^Js the tribe of the Kuraish, the Kurai- shites. "l^jj nom, rel.Si Ku- raishite. ^Ji horn; ^j^yA}\ ^b the two horned (Alexander bicornis). 144* 6^ ci^ Glossary B. '^^ P^' ^^ place, village. Iki impf. a to cut Lwli^ ult. ^ to be hard. off. VII c. ^^ to become jv-wwii' /F to swear. m/?/. 2 to be small, few. IVto make small, take little of. Xto deem small, think little of, despise. s Jui-i* small, few, scant. ^ -» ^ v,^^* impf i to turn round, to change. F7/to alter (intr.), to change one's mind. s^jj3 pl. oJU heart. VII to be finished, c!^^ ^^-^/^ to tear away, brought to an end. iLdi' inf. I payment. take away. [jaJ3impf i to hunt, catch. iajj adv. ever, with negat. US VIII io procure, pur- never. chase. Glossary B. 145* S\j med. . to lead, guide. VII to let one's self be guided. JU* med. . to say, tell; often = ask. c. J to name. Jj> pi JlJj| speech, utterance, apothegm. JULo speech. J.U' med. . to stand up, proceed (to). /rtofix, setup, estab- lish; halt, stop, stay. X to be upright, faith- ful. ^ys coll. people, one s dependants , nation, subjects. SjoLlr resurrection. i^\j pi ^\'^ foot. AJjo place, occasion. ^^yji impf. a to be strong. ^ GiS * Hjjj strength, force; Socin, Arabic Grammar.- c. ^ the means to do sthg. ^^ (c. JI) strong, powerful. J(§§95/'; 145 & prop, subj.) as, like as. s; ^. ^L5^(it is) as if . . . yjSimpf. u to be great, large. V to vaunt oneself, be proud. G^ J ySinf. /to be advanc- ed in years. yfjS^ elat. ySS great, old. y^^ijS'impf. u to write. /// c. ace. to corre- spond with. Q y G > > ^b^fpl. w».x5"a writ- ing, scripture (= writ- ten revelation), letter, book. ^^xS^impf. u to conceal. K 146* Glossary B. ^L^X^inf. concealing, keeping close. ^ to be much or many. JV to make many, take much of. X to consider ^ much or many. yf^'xS elat. wa5 I much, many (often rather as a subst. in apposition). i^dSifnpf. i to lie, tell lies. 77 c. ace. pers. vel ^o rei to charge one with falsehood, discredit. ^dSinf. I, lying, a lie, falsehood. i^S impf, w, to cause one trouble, pain. KiS grief, distress, anxiety. ^^oS pl ^j».^i^\S divi- ^S impf. u to be noble, generous. ^S pL iLo^ noble, high-souled, highly esteemed. 'iLoSjopl. -xLjCoanoble quality, generous ac- tion. •^Simpf. a to dislike. .^^j^ VIII to acquire, to attain to sthg. ^^JlmS impf. i to eclipse. v_i.^< mjo/. /, c. ^ to uncover. F77 to be uncovered, be carried off. s^^jjiS^ ankle-bone, a die (pi. dice). \jiS^ III c. ace. pers. et J^a r^/ to requite, recom- pense one for sthg. sion (of cavalry), squad- ^impf. u to be unthank- ful, to deny. ron. I ■ X Glossary B. 147* yi^ pi. ^Lft^unbeliev- \jjSimpf. a to hide one's ing. self. ^^^impf, u to wrap in a yi^P^- ^yi" treasure. shroud. .JC^impf. i, c. ace. pers. et r, to do sthg. in some one's place; to protect s. 0. from sthg. Jr (§ 119 &) totality; be- fore determ. subst., all; before indeterm., every. LJl5^as often as . . . .jJL^ // c. ace. pers. to speakwith, address one. V to speak, talk, make speeches, e. ^^ to pro- nounce, utter. aLiJli^word. A^^J^speech, talk, con- versation. j^(§ 15) how much? U^(d + U) as. G JuL«y perfect. \jS^ impf. u to give one a s ^ surname contg. ^^f. ^^l^ m^^. . to be, exist. (Sometimes the perf. of this verb is to be trans- lated by our present). c, ace. (§§ 110, 149) to be something, c. J to be translated by "to have". 6 ^ ^ G^ o* ^\>^ pl. &jLCo| place. ^.Ax^how? j(§§95^;147&)acorrobo- rative particle. J prep. (§§ 96 h; 117; 130; 131; 132) for; is sign ^f the dative ; on account of, for . . . sake (giving purpose, mo- tive); at (the time of). J conj. c. subj. (§ 100) 148* Glossaet B. in order that; c. mod. because. y (§§ 101 &; 111; 150c) not, no. '^ prep. c. gen. without. By means of 3 a preceding negation is very frequently re- ,jt^ impf. w to be fine, Jo jj elat. jJI tasty, delicious, sweet, lyj impf. a, c. ace. to remain in . . . ^LJ jt?/. ^jU\ tongue. ij^j^ VIII to cling to. sumed. i^ ^% ^ (often ^^) nevertheless, but. d^ (also di^)i?/. IjG3G angel. vK^ 2/w/?/*. a to tarry, delay. j^ x/wp/l « to put on. IV c. 2 ace. to clothe. (j^aA/oJ!?/. j*o!^ cloth- ing, dress. ^\Ximpf.a c. (^ or c.acc. to overtake. jj, 1. pers. 06 jJ, mjp/. « to be tasty, sweet. slender, kind. Go J ^ o\n\ c. o kindness, graciousnesSjtowar ds. . . G aL«jU a morsel. Glossaey B. 149' ^j impf, a to meet, meet with. IV c. ace. to throw. X to throw one's self, to lie. p (§ 101 c) not. UJ conj. after, when. p j9«r^. if, introduces a condition, which is not likely to be fulfilled. *y med, . to blame. U^ ^^* ijiyi colour, sort, kind. U not (of. § 150). L^vLo Ma'rib, a town in South Arabia. G o jLt5 resemblance , like- ness ; the like, same ; one (pers. or thing) like, cf. § 145 &. Jjuo resemblance, na- ture, quality(of athing), ^^^ impf. a to put to the test. aJ^ inf. G > 9 'iXj(\x pi. ^i\jQ , ^j^\d^ 9 ^ ^O^ 9 ^ ^ town. aUj4Xjt = iUjJuo ^^aJI Medina. ^(§§50; 110; 144) not to be^ to be non-exis- tent. iJSj, xilj pi JLJ (§ 90;?) ^ impf. uc.^ to pass by. •♦ ♦♦ at •• y > ^ Swjo "time . gwx once. pi Clio often. 5n!^ bitterness. night. Lo, 16 Uo^ro/i.(§15)what? (§ 14) that which, what, somethg. that. %, ^ ^ > •vol (§ 90^) man. Lc conj. (§ 158 &) so ™s^_ long as. «lj^l woman, wife. 150* Glossary B. b-^^yjo manliness, vir- tus, manly virtue. jjU\jjo pi. au\!j^ mar- grave, prefect. \jdJo impf. a to be or be- come sick. (jaj)yjo sick. cj^ Fto roll (in tbe dust). ^uQ Miriam, Mary. >^.A impf. u to defer (a payment). G o ^ «i ^r^j9. with; besides; alongside of. HJoiJo stomach. v-aXo mj9/*. w to hate. oJLo hatred. iUCo Mecca. oJoo 2m/?/*. u to tarry, stay. ^xi 2m/?/. /. dLJUx) king- dom, sovereignty. 9 ^ ^ 9^0 ^ iiSULo for d^ «^. under l^ = ^xj + J^ (§5 note &). ^j^ who? (§ 15); he who, they that; one that, whoso, whoever (§§ 14, 154, 159). ^^ prep, of (= some of, in partitive sense § 1 14), belonging to; with the negation it has a streng- thening effect, § 141 ; consisting of; away from, from (separation, fuse, prevent one doing sthg.; c. ace. et ^ to defend one from or against sthg. VIII to protect one's self. Igjo impf. «, c. to be skilled, clever, expert, wellversed. y^ wedding-present, price of the bride (paid to her father). c^Uo med. . to die. // to put to death. o ^ S o ^ tc^vo ^^A death. C5^y ^^Ji dead. Moses. point of departure); JLx> pi. Jlyj! goods and hence in comparison = chattels, property, than;through(passage). flocks. 152* Glossary B. gU (§ 90 q) pi. 1\1a water. 8jol/> pl. Jol*jo table, tray. / CLo med. ^ II c. ^j^ to .\J distinguish. \u^ II c, acc. pers, et {^ rei to give one informa- tion regarding. Fto give one's self out for a prophet. iiS VIII to awake up. or^ prophet. sILo the office, rank, of prophet. tX^ impf. u to be brave, courageous. StX^ courage, magna- nimity. [V^* i?/. i*.^ constellation. La^ impf. u to become free, to save one's self. IV causative. ^^^ pron. we. L^ Fto turn aside, to draw back, retire. So^ •ox J^ c<9//., ;zo;w. wmY. jUL^ palm. Ijo m/?/. fl!, ^. j^ to re- pent of sthg., feel sorry. *Jo /// to be one's boon companion. *j Jo pl. iUotXj boon companion, mess-mate. \SS III call out, c. acc. to call to some one. s JO IV to warn. cyS «>wp/. ? to remove. VIII to strip off, dis- place. Jyi ?w/?/^ i to descend, alight, stop, lodge, encamp, c. Jkx to alight at, lodge, stay with. . . IV to send down (in Glossary B. 153* particular , a revela- tion). G o^ Jyuo pL JvUuo dwell- ing-place, abode, halt- ing-place. e" ZjS irrvpf, a to copy. &^X3 i?^. ;^»^ a copy. ^^mo 2/WJ3/. tf to forget. ,jLju*o«w/*. forgetting. eLIj (§ 90/) women. tX*go /// c. 2 «cc. to ad- jure by God. Ja^j «>w;?/. a to be lively, in good spirits. 9 ^^ ^Lio inf. ^,,^^0^ impf. u to set up. v,j.^uuaj share, portion. ^j>rij impf, « to be a true friend. y£Li impf. u, c. ace, to help, succour. V (denom.) to become a Christian, to live as a Christian. ^I^-«3J pi, a Christian. ^; LoJ ^^-«aJLJI al-Mansur, the second Abbaside Caliph 754—775. LdS VII] to draw (the sword). ^Ja3 ^mp/*. « to butt with the horns. jjjaj impf i to talk. /r to make, compel to talk. Jfeij impf. u to see, look at, examine, reflect. 1x3 impf, a to be soft, well off, affluent. Aju CO//, a herd of camels. aUjtjaffluence,welfare. IjtS part, yes, yes in- deed. 154* Glossaey B; IaS impf. u vel i c. ^j^ to flee from, avoid. (jjJu II to cheer, relieve. n^Ju fern., pi. ^yjLi\, ijw«-ftj soul (anima ap- petens), self (§ 12^); me. yxxj ij^Jlj Juci» ^jwAi the taking of a life not for a life^ i. e. without a murder hav- ing been committed. ifti 2>wi?/. a to be of use. VIII c. ^ make use of, profit by . . . isjLtuuo pi. ifcsUjo use, useful qualities, benefit. i^^A^ into play the hypo- crite. Ia3 iwp/. if c. ^ pers. to reproach one with sthg. VIII to avenge one's self. aU^j an act of revenge. y^^Xi ewjt?/*. u to afflict, hurt, injure. iuXi affliction,trouble. >sJo mj9/. i to marry. Xid., to wish to marry. oJUil -^l5o marriage with one's stepmother. tXXi V to be hard, strait, troublesome. jXi /F to deny. c. ace. r. et J^£. to find strange, to take offence at sthg. Jl^ impf. u to be fat, large. d^ large, aspiring, generous. j-^ i?/. ;L^I stream. ^^ mj^/. <3f to forbid. VIII to arrive at, come to an end. z.y' i Noah. Glossary B. 155* J05J a mans name. ^bAm.^/.^l^ fire, hell- \d^, fern, sj^ (§ 13 &), fire. this, here. jjj light. Vr^ «»«i?/'. u to flee. clS p/. ^Ip i kind, species, ICi «wp/. i to put to flight, different (sort of). ^// to turn and flee. jv^Li Hasim, man's name ; A-CwLi jJU Muhammed's clan. J^ part, interrog. *jft, ^ pron.S.pers.pIur. msc. they (§12 «). S3 ^ ivs» imjo/. w to intend to do sthg. 9 a &4J0 energy. ja.^1 India, the Hindus. liD pron. he. rUe w^^. , F// to collapse. ^^\sb impf. i to lead by ^^ ^ ^ ,1.1. , .1 ,.*Li med, , to be easy, the right way, to guide U ^ ^ aLsU ^/. ^••.i female camel. ILS ?w^^ jt?/. >4tc>^ pro- perty given in trust, a deposit (of money or its equivalent). ;d>s^ impf vij^ to inherit. VI to receive as one's portion. ^X^ heir. Ssy impf i to go down, arrive. 5u>\« Waraka, man's name. Glossary B. 157' s ^ nister. vizier, mi- ^^^ impf. a to be dirty. p^^ tnf, Lwl impf. mZjl to be pos- sible, be open (to one). IV to bring one into a comfortable position; to get riches for s. o. JwA«r impf, a to be sleepy. y^ucl impf, i to describe. ijuo description. Jufi. impf, i to connect, arrive at. VI to be mutually attached to each other. .Jol IV to bequeath by will. s ".o. executor (of a will). 'Lb"^ impf, «^ to lay. VI c. J to be humble. to appear humbly be- fore . . . VIII to be humbled, powerless. *A^^ low , ignoble, mean. Mj/i pi' /•^'vo place, position, dwelling- place. 4>^j impf. i to make an agreement, promise. VIII to accept a pro- mise, to promise one another. iijLfjo rendezvous, appointed time. Jax. impf, i to warn, ex- hort. VIII to suffer oneself to be corrected. ^L^. pi. au£ • f vessel,recep- tacle. jjr 2m/>/. i to go forth 158^ Glossary B. to a prince, c. J^s. to come to. j^^ /// c. ace. to agree with, correspond to. j^^ imp/', i to be complete. /// c. ace. to come to, arrive at. F^^^j, ifdJt sUy? God has taken him (the Mos- lem) to himself, has brought him to a bless- ed end. Pass, to die a blessed death. SU« dying; a blessed end. time. iiSr ^mj?/. «^ to fall, fall upon, light upon ; c.J^ to find some one. IV to excite. S. m^/*. 2 to stop, stand; c. J^ to go up to one. ^•r V c. aec, to beware, be afraid, of sthg. VIII to be afraid. JlT . 77 to appoint as over- seer. Fto trust (in). 9 Jui^^ representative, vice-gerent, agent. 4XJ. impf. I to bring forth. IV c. ace, to beget. X e. ace. to beget (a son) by a woman. iy^ pi c>ii\ child, son, lad. (In the sing, also eolleei.), aLijJ. feast, marriage feast. ^I impf, 2, e. aec. to be near. 77 to turn one's back, to turn round; e. ^i to turn away from. ^J^ pi. iX^^^S near; esp. 'near to God' = saint, helper. ^Jyo pi. (J|y» client, slave. Glossary B. 159* v^^' impf. u>^ c, 2 ace. to present some one with sthg.). \S part, of exclam. (§ 85) 0! (jlo impf. a, c. ^jjo to despair of . . . *jUj i?/. *Lol orphan, o jL> Yatrib, name of Me- ^yj> pi. *Gl (§ 90 5) day, dina before Islam. i?^. length of reign. ^.^ on the day that... (§129). Li-j one day; w^//^ 5w;f. e. g. dLo^ thy day (§ 125). f:pi(§ii8«) to-day. (X^jo^ (= "j*^^ 6t) in that day, then. iaib //wp/. « to be awake. IV io wake. X to have one's self waked, to awake. ^jL*J on the right, the right side, right hand. t>«-^l colL the Jews. i^^ Joseph. o^ Ju Aw., jp/. J^j (§ 90 r) hand,power,possession. IJo zmp/. i to play (either with arrows, by wh. lots were cast, or with dice). Iwjyc play, game,game of chance. ^LSo a Greek. CORRiaENDA. pp. 56, 57 for headings as printed read: § 65 Nomina Kelativa; § 66 Nomina Deminutiva. p. 68 heading read: § 78 Nom. Diptota. p. 93 1. 4, for 'you' read 'them', p. 40^ 4, read j^^J^A^^. X p. 42*, 15 read C^yo. p. 42*, 7 read f\>,. ^ o )* * ^ ^9 74 i LD21— A-40m-5,'74 (R8191L) General Library University of California Berkeley ^ M ^- . H:'^ o^<* IS ^^L UNIVERSITY OF CAIvlFORNIA LIBRARY