LIBRARY OF THE University of California. (ryvvv<>. \'TJrt:Jh,Ayy% hdv ' J (18) Thus we deduce from the proposed equation (E) two new equations (Ei) and {E_i). We can apply the same method to these two equations, but we will not get two new equations for each of them. The first of the two substitutions applied to the equation (^_i) will give us the proposed equation in which ^ will be replaced by -^ . The second substitution, applied to (Ei), will bring us back to the proposed equation in which f will be replaced by -^ . If then we regard as equivalent two equations which reduce to each othe by changing ^_2> "■— 1> h f hi f hiy . . . , f Connected with the Theory op Surfaces. deducing one from the other by the formula A 4- A —2h— 3'MA< (21) The invariants of the equation (Ei) will be hi and hi_i. By the linear com- binations of equations (21) we can obtain the relation hi^, = hi+h-k- ^'^''^l\" • '^^ . ^ dudv (22) 2. Let u and v denote the parameters of the lines of curvature of a surface, Pi and />2 the principal radii of curvature of the surface at the point (w , r) , pi being the principal radius corresponding to the line v=z const, (the w-line) and P2 corresponding to m= const, (the «-line) . Let i?i, R^ denote the radii of geo- desic curvature of the lines u =. const, and v = const, respectively. We have now _E _G 1^ R^ 1 — 1 dE 2E^G dv ' — 1 dG El ~ 2Ga^E du (23) We have also the following equations connecting all of the preceding quantities p{ dv R2 \pi Pz/ ^2_VEf^_l_\_Q du R^ \p^ p^J 1 dp P2 (24) Liouville's formula for the measure of curvature can be written ^/EG_ d sfGt d s/E piPi du Ri ' dv R2 (25) Substituting the values of pi and p^ in equations (23), they can be reduced to the form d \/E a/Ea/G' dv pi^ d s/G R2 p2 VG\/E du p2 Ri pi (26) 10 Certain Partial Differential Equations Differentiating the first of equations (24) for u and the second for v and eliminating — and — respectively, we obtain the equations Pi Pi d' I VG d I dudvpi B-i dupi \du ^^ R2 "^ Jii J dv pi dudv (h \dv ^ El * R2 Jdu pz Ri dvp2 That is, - and -— are particular integrals of the differential equations Pi Pi / 7^ > _ 3^f 01 ^G 8f 01 / a 1 ^/G . VE\ 9f 01 _ (27) (28) The differential equation satisfied by the coordinates {x, y, z) of the point (u, v) of the surface may now be written d^.2 + g,^3-^ log -]R- -3^-3- log /^02A-12. . . ./^-(,-l).2 = ^-«-l).2-3^l0g-^^/l_12/l_22. . . ./l_U-l,.2. 11 (33) Thus (34) (35) k. -a — "- «+i),i) \ -C = "'-(i+l),2' J From the first of equations (34) it may be seen that (36) (37) Therefore, , _s/EG d' 1 \^G "•11 ^^^ ''■02 ) \ "'ll =^ "01 ^^ n^02 • J Consider the general invariants. Let us suppose ""i — 1,1 ^^ "■< — 2,2 J then it may readily be seen that Hi "i-l,2» \ (38) (39) (40) 12 Ceetain Partial Differential Equations But we have found equation (39) to be true for i=z2; all values of i. Therefore, we have the same invariants in equations (31), each invariant in the first series being equal invariant in the second series. Then the equations {En) equivalent. Hence, the first may be reduced to the second function (pn by ^fi-1,2 • We can determine ^ by identifying the two equations. By repeated application of equations general coefficient «= __ d log h Ai ' • • -^i-i.! then it holds for the two series of to the preceding and {Ei_i^2) are by replacing the the coefficients in (12) we find the a — dv — n 31og/to2 A<_2.a _^ d log/tn. . . .^<-l.l Oj-1.2 — 002 %; —aoz — ^ , Oj_l,2 ^ O02 • J (41) (42) The formulas of identification which we may take from equation (7) will give j^ 3 log X Oi_i, 2 — «.i i ^^ f fe<-l,2=^*l + d log X (43) Replacing o,_i,2 and a^ in the first equation by their values taken from (41), we get the equation d\osX_d.VG After integration it may be placed in the form log>l = log^ + logCr. (44) By substituting the values of 6<_i,2 and 6,1 taken from (42) the second of equations (43) may be reduced to the form Hence, log ;= log -^ 4- log V. (45) Connected with the Theory op Surfaces. 13 By comparing (44) and (45) it may be seen that U and V must be constants. Therefore, neglecting a constant factor, which would disappear after substitution, we may take Ro \/G Hence, if in (E^) the function f^ be replaced by — p- ^,_i 2,weshall find (JS',_i,2)' \/E In the same way it may be shown that replacing ^_<2 in {E_i2) by ^5- yj-^-i),! will give the equation (^_(j_i),i) , 4. We shall now consider the result of making the equations {Eoi) and (£"02) identical. By examining the coefficients it is evident that we have the condition l-^^=^' |-^^='>- (46) The integral of the first of these equations may be written R2 Substituting the value of '^- from the first of (23), we have hence, E=U^V^. (47) From the second of equations (46) we get This, combined with (23), gives we have then G = UW^. (48) The linear element of the surface may now be written 14 Certain Partial Differential Equations or ds' = X ( Udu' + Vdv') , (49 ) the U's being functions of u alone and the V's of v alone. Then the lines of curvature form an isothermal system. The equations (28) both have now the form ?

i_a^iog;._Q *^ du dv dudv dudv ' hence, since ^ = f7j Fj . Then it follows that (52) is the adjoint of (51). Connected with the Theoey op Surfaces. 16 Therefore, if u and v are the parameters of lines of curvature of a surface and the linear element can be reduced to the isothermal form ds^ = k{Udu' 4- Vdv-"), {k= U^V^) then the Cartesian coordinates {x, y, z) satisfy a differential equation which is the adjoint of that satisfied by the reciprocals of the principal radii of curvature. The invariants of (51) are Therefore, We can find dudv The invariants of this equation are ^ _ 1 31ogA 31og;_^ 1 ^ 4 du dv *[ .->. lc, = h. J (^^) Then we have hi = ki=zh=ik. (56) Then all the invariants in the series will be equal. Therefore, we are led to the consideration of only one equation, (-£"01). 5. Make now the equations {En) and (E12) identical. From equations (12) we obtain _ _ VG_dlogho^ "u — g — ^ f Ml dv dv ° Bi R^ dv Equating these coefficients, we have 9 io„V(^_aiog/io2 ,-„. dv^''^~R;-~dv~~' (^^) Making 6u = 6i2 gives us 16 Certain Partial Differential Equations We have also •-^-l^^+S-^l+l")'-^^'- Since log ^ = log F', (59) "~aw R, dudv ^ R ^ -_?„wv;^ . a\/G_a\/£' , v^aiog/io2 ^'—awai' ^ Ri "^aw r^ dv r, '^ r, bv ' By equating these values and taking (58) into account we get aMog;ioi _ d \^E dudv dv Ri But from (23) we see that d a/e a* , ,^ Hence, ^log^/GK = 0. (60) The integral of (58) may be written Ri and this combined with (23) gives _ aiogV-g _p dv Therefore, by integrating this, we have E= U^e-'"", (61) the integration of equation (57) will give log F+C7= log A02; consequently hoi=iU'V'. (62) We may write A., = ^=y'^. (63) Connected with the Theory of Surfaces. 17 Equation (60) can now be put in the form ^^\og^G-\-^log V + ^ log V^— ^ logi2i = 0. dudv duov * dudv oudv But from (58) we see that the second and third terms of this equation vanish. It then becomes log^=:0. It is evident then from (33) that "'M — r) T> y and consequently /ifli — "'01 • Combining this equation with (63), we get h^ = V'^=U'V'; (64) therefore, V^ TV From (23) we see then that OU The integration of this equation will give G= 7x6-2^'. (65) Since hot = ^oi = U'V; we obtain by differention d" log hoi__Q dudv But it has been found that J^ log ^^ = ; and by substituting this in the preceding equation we find 18 Certain Partial Differential Equations This value substituted in tiie second of equations (32) will reduce it to the form "1 — "7? D • Clearly we have then /Coi — /Cos — "01 —— ""OJ ) \^"/ that is, all the invariants in the two leading equations are now equal. The linear element in this case will be expressed by the equation ^2_g-2(£r+r)|-f/-^g.£r^^2^ Fxe'^du"]. (67) If then M and v are the parameters of the lines of curvature of a surface and if the two first derived equations in the two series of Laplace (31) are identical, that is, {En)=^(Ei2)', all the invariants in the two leading equations become equal to each other and the lines of curvature form an isothermal system. 6. We shall now consider the general case and make (En) = (Efy). To do this it is evident that we must have the coefficients respectively identical in the two equations. We have as in (41) Gil ==. an 5— log hoihn . . . . A<_-. i , Qi, = 003 ^ log htJhi . . . . A<_i, 2 , = aoj — -j^ log hiJiii . . . . hfi. Equating these values of the coefficients, we get the equation d log hn _ ^ d log hf. But „ __ ^/G " — ST ' and ^ _ /fa ^^„VE.VG\ These values substituted in (68) reduce it to the form ^IogA..= J,log^+|^Iog*„; (68) Connected with the Theoey of Surfaces. 19 therefore, since we obtain the equation This is the first equation of condition for the identity proposed. We know that 6*1 = ^00 0<2 =^ ^02 ) then making 6 gives us simply 6oi = ^02 • Substituting the values of these coefficients, the equation becomes which is our second equation of condition. By linear combinations of the last of equations (12) we may obtain the general coefficient „ ^ 8«oi 8«<-i,i I 3^01 c„_Coi— ^-.... -^^yT'^ dv + ••••+ ~d^ ^'' -Wv ^ ^ Combinations of the first of equations (41) will give 3«oi don dai-\ _ __ d^ jQg ^\ du du ' ' ' ' du dudv H-3^1ogASr^Air^...VM, (72) since, from (23), we have ^ = --1- logV^. It may readily be seen also that dv ^ dv ^ ^ dv ~ dudv ^ B\ + al^^«g^^ = -a4^^4- (^3) 20 Certain Partial Differential Equations by remembering that If these values in (72) and (73) be substituted now in equation (71), it may be put in the form <^ ^ log S + 5^l0g^-'^n^ • • • • hi-^.^ ~^»^ d^ = Cn dudv <— 1 6'' '<'g^ + 3S5s"'g5p*"---'^' , d log hoJiii .... ^<_i, 1 ^'' di •. (74) But it may be seen from the first of equations (34) that proper linear com- binations will give f— 3 (75) If we substitute this value in equation (74), we have finally „ « IZ. 7, h 9 log ^01^11 • ■ ■ • ^^ir-\, X (76) In the same manner it may be shown that in the second series of equations (31) the general coefficient is Cc ^ I ^ h h ^ lo gApgAia. . . . ^i-1,2 Co2 -|- «o2 "■<-l,2 O02 ^ — r -u/i h —h 3 log ^11^ ^ii Co2 -|- /loi n,i Oo2 ^- f (77) by remembering the relations which exist between the invariants of the two series. Since if we place Ooi — 6o2 , Coi=:C(a = 0, Cft = Cc f Connected with the Theory of Surfaces. 21 we will get after obvious reductions the following equation h —h —b ?J2i^ — A —h —h ^i^sAe nsi\ '''01 "i-l, 1 Oqi ^-- /loi "il Ooi pC . \lO) But we know z. ^ _ a' , V-E^ "'01 "01 ^5 — ^5~ log —fY- } and from (34) ^ »02 = nJoi ^^^ "-11 • Then, by making the equations (^„) and [Ea) identical, we find that all the invariants in the two series are equal and we are led only to the consideration of Since we have ^log'^=0. The integrals of these two equations may be written in the form V^ —Tjv Substituting the values of ^^— and ^— from equations (23), we get ■til -"2 — ^ ^^ — TTV 1 ^^=Cr,F2. The elimination of — ^=^ from these equations will give 2v^6r or V-, dE_V^ dG Ui dv'~ Vi du' Connected with the Theory op Surfaces. 25 where the U'S are functions of w alone and the VS ofv alone. Write now then the equation above becomes |(ra) = |(FG). (89) But this is a necessary condition for the existence of an exact differential equation {UE)du-{-{VG}dv = d(py (90) where r — 1 ^ Take u and v arbitrary and ^ will have to determined. From (23) we have and, by introducing the value of E from the first of the two equations above, it becomes s/G a / 1, ^, . 1. d^-- m 26 Certain Partial Differential Equations If we place we have then W 2 fuUi-'elu+ 'ifvVi^dv Hence, equation (91) may now be placed in the form \dudvj 8 log IF 3 log W d Ao2 = 0> log>v/>^ (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) Connected with the Theory of Surfaces. 29 That is, they have their invariants equal but taken in opposite order. 8. Next we shall consider the result of making the coefficients of the equa- tions (£"01) and (£"02) equal but taken in opposite order, that is Ooi ^^^ "02 > (l02 — - ^01 • By substituting their values we have -^ ^""^ R^^ B^— dv ^ R, ^ R, J (106) (107) By combining these we get du ^""^ R, - dv '""^ B, ' or _^_9 VG^ — ^ a VE sfQ du R., ~A/Edv R^ ' Taking into account the first of equations (106), we have 8 a/G_ d ^E du R2 dv Ri These values placed in equation (107) will give >5^ log A^E=l -^ log VC? . If we integrate this equation, we shall get E= G .U.V, (108) where ?7is a function of w only and F of v only. The linear element can now be put in the form ds'=G{UVdu'' + dv'), or ds'=GV{Udu^-\-V,dv''). (109) 30 Certain Partial Differential Equations Then the lines of curvature form an isothermal system. 9. Let us now consider the forms to which the equations (£"01) and (£'02) reduce for surfaces parallel to the original one. Since the surface is referred to its lines of curvature we have the following values for parallel surfaces: pt = p2 — a,( (110) (111) where a is a constant which changes as we pass from one surface to the next one. We have now a ^ =f p' \'d 1 du Pi \pl-{-aJ du p\ ' do pi \pi-{-aJ dv p\ (112) By differentiating the first of these equations for v and the second for u we get ^ 1 _r pi V a' 1^3 \p\ + a) _a_i 1 L^( pi\ dudv pi \pi-\-aJ dudv p^i ~* du \pt-^aj dv />?. (113) By substituting these values from (112) and (113) the equation A_I__^Ai rAiog^4-VAAl. = o dudv pi E2 du pi \du ^ B2 Ml J dv pi ' can be put in either of the two following forms : dwd» p\ Life dv ^\t>': + a)jdu f,', \du ^ Ei ^ Ri J dv p\ ^ '/>? Ri du />? Idu ^~B2 ^ Bi _-#-log du "= \pl + aj] dv pl~ (114) Connected with the Theory of Surfaces. 31 By examining these we see that in order that these equations reduce to the same form as the original equation, we must have The integration of these will give (115) (116) In the same manner as above the equation (£"02) may be put in either of the forms d^v f^ L dv '""^ R; ^ R, dv '""^ \{,l + a) J du pi J dud ^v pi V dv ^ R, ^ R, J du pi VE d_ JL R^ dv pi = 0, iR, du'^'^Kpl + aJ] dv pi The condition that these reduce to the same form as (i/oa) is, as before. (117) pl = (p{u), = (p{u), I = (pi{v).S (118) Then if each of the principal radii of curvature of the parallel surface is a func- tion of only one of the parameters u and v, the reciprocals of those radii will satisfy the same partial differential equations, (£"01) and (£"02) , as the reciprocals of the principal radii of curvature of the original surface. From (110) we have T' ^ Then, the equations Pi P \/Gr \/(to pi d 1 yjg a VE s/EG ^E^ Q ^ dudv pi du Rz dv pi R1R2 ' Pi _?_ V<^ d^ s/GdVG \^EG yG_^ dudv Pi dv Ri du p2 RiRi ' p2 ' 32 Certain Partial Differential Equations do not change form when we pass to a parallel surface. 10. (a) For the ellipsoid we have ^='i£-^;::;^, ^— ^(^— ^)^ Then equations (^oi) and {E(^) become ^udv 2{u — v) du 2{u — v) dv ' ^02_ 3 9f02 I 1 9f02__Q . dudv 2 (w — v) 3w 2 (w — v) dv ' (119) and the equation satisfied by {x, y,z)i8 a^^o , 1 d(po_ 1 doi = V — a , foi y?02 = w — a, [u — vf ' (v — a)[u — af ' {u — vf 'P^ — {u — a){v — af' The integration of (J^o) gives ^0 U- In fact, by making the substitution ^0 = M V U V the equation {E^ is transformed into dudv LIFE. I was born at Loachapoka, Ala., and received my early training at the High School at that place. I was graduated from the Southern University (Ala.) with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1887. After spending one year as principal of a high school, I returned to my Alma Mater, where I remained two years as Instructor in Mathematics, and received the degree of A. M. in 1890. Having spent another year teaching, I entered the Johns Hopkins University in 1891, where I pursued graduate courses in Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy. During 1892-'94 I was Professor of Mathematics in Millsaps College (Miss.). In 1894 I returned to this University. I have attended the lectures of Professors Craig and Franklin and Drs. Ames, Poor, Hulburt, and Chapman, to all of whom I am grateful for the kindnesses that I have received from Jl AprU, 1897. MAY 2 1935 MAR 21 1! APR 26 U ^^^ ^St94o/f N0V2S ''''^'^•3S / "j'm ■''• ''?.#:■ ^; .y