UC-NRLF $B SET D77 mm ^ f » % ^ ■] IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl r^/i^a*i^'<^^B!t^*f>f^ ELEMENTS or GEOMETRY, PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. WITH AN APPENDIX, AND COPIOUS NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS^ BY JOHN LESLIE, F.R.S.E. PROFESSOE OF MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OP EDINBURGH. THIRD EDITION, IMPROVED AND ENLARGED. EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. AND FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, & BROWN, LONDON. I8I7. EDINBURGH : Printed by Abernethy ^ Walker. PREFACE. The volume now laid before the public, is the first of a projected Course of Mathematical Sci- ence. Many compendiums or elementary treatises have appeared — at different times, and of various merit ; but there seemed still wanting, in our lan- guage, a work that should embrace the subject in its full extent, — that should unite theory with practice, and connect the ancient with the mo- dern discoveries. The magnitude and difficulty of such a task might deter an individual from the attempt, if he were not deeply impressed with the importance of the undertaking, and felt his exertions to accomplish it animated by zeal, and supported by active perseverance. The study of Mathematics holds forth two capi- tal objects : — While it traces the beautiful rela- tions of figure and quantity, it likewise accustoms the mind to the invaluable exercise of patient at- tention and accurate reasoning. Of these distinct objects, the last is perhaps the most important in a course of liberal education. For this purpose. j5^^f)rro^^ IV PREFACE. the Geometry of the Greeks is the most powerful- ly recommended, as bearing the stamp of that acute people, and displaying the finest specimens of logical deduction. Some of its conclusions, indeed, might be reached by a sort of calculation ; but such an artificial mode of procedure gives merely an apparent facility, and leaves no clear or permanent impression on the mind. We should form a wrong estimate, however, did we consider the Elements of Euclid, with all its merits, as a finished production. That admi- rable work was composed at the period when Geo- metry was making its most rapid advances, and new prospects were opening on every side. No wonder that its structure should now appear loose and defective. In adapting it to the actual state of the science, I have therefore endeavoured care- fully to retain the spirit of the original, but have sought to enlarge the basis, and to dispose the accumulated materials into a regular and more compact system. By simplifying the order of arrangement, I presume to have materially a- bridged the labour of the student. The nume- rous additions that are incorporated in the text, so far from retarding, will rather facilitate his pro- gress, by rendering more continuous the chain of demonstration. The view which I have given of the nature of Proportion, in the Fifth Book, will contribute, I PREFACE. hope, to remove the chief difficulties attending that important subject. The Sixth Book, which ex- hibits the application of the Doctrine of Ratios, contains a copious selection of propositions, not only beq,utiful in themselves, but which pave the way to the higher branches of Geometry, or lead immediately to valuable practical results. The Appendix, without claiming the same degree of utility, will not perhaps be deemed the least in- teresting portion of the volume, since the inge- nious resources which it discloses for the construc- tion of certain problems are calculated to afford a very pleasing and instructive exercise. The Elements of Trigonometry are as ample as my plan would allow. I have explained fully the properties of the lines about the circle, and the calculation of the trigonometrical tables ; nor have I omitted any proposition which has a distinct reference to practice. Some of the pro- blems annexed are of essential consequence in marine surveying. In the improvement of this edition, I have spa- red no trouble or expence. The text has been simplified and reduced to a shorter compass, by throwing such propositions as were less elemen- tary to the Notes Other Notes of a simpler kind are intended chiefly to engage the attention of the young student. In various parts of the work, the demonstrations are occasionally abbre- VI PllEFACE. viated. The Elements of Trigonometry ai'e much expanded, and now brought to include whatever appears to be most valuable in recent practice. But the greatest additions have been made in the Notes and Illustrations, which will be found to contain a variety of useful and curious infor- mation. The more advanced student may per» use with advantage the historical and critical remarks ; and some of the disquisitions, with the solutions of certain more difficult problems re- lative to trigonometry and geodesiacal operations, in which the modern analysis is but sparingly introduced, are of a nature snfficiently interest- ing to claim the notice of proficients in science. I have simplified, and materially enlarged the for- mulae connected with trigonometrical computa- tion ; explained the art of surveying, in its dif- ferent branches ; and given reduced plans, blend- ed with the narrative of the great operations lately carried on both in England and France. I have likewise shown a very simple method of calculating heights from barometrical observa- tions, accompanied by illustrative sections ; and I have been thence led to state the law of climate, as it is modified by elevation. On this attractive subject, I should have dwelt with pleasure, had the limits of the volume permitted. My original design was to exhibit, within per- haps the compass of five volumes, the Elements of PREFACE. Vll Mathematical Science in their full extent, including the principles and application of the Higher Cal- culus. But, after due reflection, I have abandoned that aspiring project. The publication of abstract works in this country procures neither fame nor emolument ; and after having discharged the more pressing obligations which I had contracted, I shall consider my time as more agreeably and perhaps more beneficially employed in pursuing without distraction the labyrinths of physical research. The text of the present volume has, by successive im- provements, arrived at such a state of maturity^ that I shall hardly be tempted in any future edi- tion to alter it. It will be followed, without delay, by another volume, which is to contain the tract on Geometrical Analysis, enlarged and improved ; the Geometry of Lines of the Second Order, ex- panded to three books, and including the more important of the Higher Curves ; and the Geo- metry of Planes and Solids, embracing Spherical Trigonometry, with Perspective and the Projec- tion of the Sphere. I intend likewise to print, with all convenient speed, a short treatise on the Philosophy of Arithmetic. The substance of it is already before the public, in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica ; but 1 shall endea- vour to abridge, to modify and improve that article* As a sequel, I wish to give a concise and accurate view of the Elements of Algebra, though I will Vlll PREFACE. not absolutely pledge myself to the performance of a task so much wanted. It is the nature ot genuine science to ad- vance in continual progression. Each step car- ries it still higher ; new relations are descried ; and the most distant objects seem gradually to approximate. But, while science thus enlarges its bounds, it likewise tends uniformly to sim- plicity and concentration. The discoveries of one age are, perhaps in the next, melted down into the mass of elementary truths. What are deemed at first merely objects of enlightened curiosity, become, in due time, subservient to the most important interests. Theory soon descends to guide and assist the operations of practice. To the geometrical speculations of the Greeks, we may distinctly trace whatever progress the mo- derns have been enabled to achieve in mechanics, navagation, and the various complicated arts of life. A refined analysis has unfolded the harmo- ny of the celestial motions, and conducted the philosopher, through a maze of intricate pheno- mena, to the great laws appointed for the govern- ment of the Universe. College of Edinburgh,' March 1. 1817. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY Ijeometry is that branch of natural science which treats of bounded space. Our knowledge concerning external objects is derived entirely from the information received through the medium of the senses. The science of Physics considers Bodies as they actually exist, invested at once with all 'their various qualities, and endued with their peculiar affections : Its re- searches are hence directed by that refined spe- cies of observation which is termed Experiment. But Geometry takes a more limited view ; and, selecting only the generic property of Magnitude y it can safely pursue the most lengthened train of investigation, and arrive with perfect certainty at the reipotest conclusion. It contemplates mere- 2. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. ly the forms which bodies present, and the spaces which they occupy. Geometry is thus founded likewise on external observation ; but such obser- vation is so familiar and obvious, that the primary notions which it furnishes might seem intuitive, and have often been regarded as innate. This science, proceeding from a basis of extreme sim- plicity, is therefore supereminently distinguished, by the luminous evidence which constantly attends every step of its progress. PRINCIPLES. In contemplating an external object, we can, by successive acts of abstraction, reduce the com- plex idea which arises in the mind into others that are successively simpler. Body, divested of all its essential characters, presents the mere idea of sur- face ; a surface, considered apart from its peculiar qualities, exhibits only linear boundaries ; and a line, abstracting its continuity, leaves nothing in the imagination, but the points which form its ex- tremities. A solid is bounded by surfaces ; a sur- face is circumscribed by lines ; and a line is ter- minated by points, A point marks position ; a line measures distance ; and a surface presents ea^te?!- sion. A line has only length ;, a surface has both length and. breadth ; and a solid combines all the tliree dimensipns of lengthy breadth, and thichiess. *• ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, S The uniform tracing of a line which through its whole extent stretches in the same directioin, gives the idea of a straight line. No more than one straight line can therefore join two points ; and if a straight line be conceived to turn as an axis about both extremities, none of its intermediate points will change their position. From our idea of the straight line is derived that of a jplane surface, which, though more com- plex, has a like uniformity of character. A straight line connecting any two points situate in a plane, lies wholly on the surface ; and consequently planes must admit, in every way, a mutual and perfect application. Two points ascertain the position of a straight line ; for the line may continue to turn about one of the points till it falls upon the other. But to determine the position of a plane, it requires three points ; because a. plane touching the straight line which joins two of the points, may be made to re- volve, till it meets the third point. The separation or opening of two straight lines at their point of intersection, constitutes an ajigle. If we obtain the idea of distancey or linear extent, from contemplating progressive motion, we derive that of divergence, or angular magnitude, from the consideration of revolving motion. / ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. Geometry is divided into Plane and Solid ; the former confining its views to the properties of space figured 6n the same plane ; the latter em- bracing the relations of different planes or sur- faces, and of the solids which these describe or ter- minate. In the following definitions, therefore, the points and lines are all considered as existing^ in the same plane. BOOK I. DEFINITIONS. 1. A croohed line is that which con- sists of straight lines not continued in the same direction. 2. A curved line is that of whicli no portion is a straight line. 3. The straight lines which contain an angle are term- ed its sides, and their .point of origin or intersection, its vertex. To abridge the reference, it is usual to denote an angle by- tracing over its sides ; the letter at the ver- tex, which is common to them both, being placed in the middle. Thus, the angle con- tained by the straight lines AB and BC, or the opening formed by turning BA about the point B into the position BC, is named ABC or CBA. ^ 4. A right angle is the fourth part of an entire circuit or revolution of a straight line. It is manifest that all right angles, being derived from the same measure, must be equal to each other. If a straight line CB stand at equal angles CBA and CBD on another straight line AD, and if the surface ACD be con- ceived laid over towards the opposite side, the point B and 6 ELEMENTS^ 01' GEOMETRY. the line AD remaining in the same place ; CB will, in this new position EB, make angles EBA and EBD equal to the former, and therefore all of them equal to each other. But the four angles ABC, CBD, DBE, and EBA constitute, a- bout the point B, a complete revolu- tion ; or the line BA in forming them, by its successive openings, would return into its original place, — and consequently each of those angles is a right angle. The angle contained by the opposite portions DA and DB of a straight line is hence equal to two right angles ; and, for the same rea- son, all the angles ADC, CDE, EDF and FDB, formed at the point D and on the same side of the straight line AB, are together equal to two right angles. 5. The sides of a right angle are said to he perpendicu- lar to each other. 6. An acute angle is less than a right e. 7. An obfuse angle is greater than a right angle. 8. One side of an angle forms with the other produced a siippleme7ital or exterior angle. SOOK I. 9. A vertical angle is formed by the production of both its sides. 10. The inverted divergence of the two sides of an an- gle, or the defect of the angle from four right angles, is named the reverse angle. The angle DBE is vertical to ABC, ABD is the supplemental or exterior angle, and the angle made up of ABD, DBE, and EBC, or the opening formed by the regression of AB through the points D and E into the position BC, is the reverse angle. It is apparent that vertical angles, or those formed by the same lines in opposite directions, must be equal ; for the an- gles CBA and itfiD which stand on the straight line CD, be- ing equal to two right angles, are equal to ABD and DBE, and, omitting the common angle ABD, there remains CBA equal to DBE. . 11. Two straight lines are said to be inclined to each other, if they meet when produced ; and the an- gle so formed is called trheir inclination. 12. Straight lines which have no in- clination, are termed parallel. 13. K figure is a plane surface included by a hnear boun- dary called its perimeter. 14j. Of rectilineal figures, the triangle h contained by three straight lines. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 15. An isosceles triangle is that which has two of its sides equal.' 16. An equilateral triangle is that which has all its sides equal. 17. A triangle whose sides are une- qual, is named scalene. It will be shown (1. 9. cor. ) that every triangle has at least two acute angles. The third angle may therefore, by its charac- ter, serve to discriminate a triangle. 18. A right-angled trmngle is that which has a right angle. 19. An obtuse angled triangle is that which has an obtuse angle. 20. An acute angled triangle is that which has all its angles acute. 21. Any side of a triangle may be called its base, &M the opposite angular point its vertex, 22. A quadrilateral figure is contained hyfoiir straight lines. 2S. Of quadrilateral figures, a trape- zoid ( 1 ) has two parallel sides : / BOOK I. 24. A trapezium (2) has two of its sides parallel, and the other two equal, though not parallel, to each other : 25. A rhomboid (3) has its oppo- site sides equal : ^ 26. A rhoTiihus (4-) has all its sides e- qual: 27. An ohlong, or rectangle, (5) has a right angle, and its opposite sides equal : 28. A square (6) has a right angle, and all its sides equal. 29. A quadrilateral figure, of which the opposite sides are parallel, is called a parallelogram. 30. The straight line which joins obliquely the opposite angular points of a quadrilateral figure, is named a diagonal. 31. If an angle of a rectilineal figure be less than two right angles, it protrudes, and is called salient ; if it be greater than two right angles, it makes a sinuosity, and is termed re-entrant. Thus the angle ABC is re-entrant, and ""^~~ ^ ^ the rest of the angles of the polygon ABCDEF are salient at A, C, D, E and 10 ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. 32. A rectilineal figure having more than four sides, bears the general name of a polygon, S3. A circle is a figure described by the revolution of a straight line about one of its extremities : •a' S^. The fixed point is called the centre of the circle, the describing line its radius^ and the boundary traced by the remote end of that line its circumference. 35. The diameter of a circle is a straight line drawn through the centre, and terminated both ways by the cir- cumference. It is obvious that all radii of the same circle are equal to each other and to a semidiameter. It likewise appears, from the slightest inspection, that a circle can only have one centre, and that circles are equal which have equal diameters. 36. Figures are said to be equals when, applied to each other, they wholly coincide ; they are equivalent^ if, with- out coinciding, they yet contain the same space. BOOK I. li A Proposition is a distinct portion of abstract science. It is either a problem or a theorem. A Problem proposes to effect some combination. A Theorem advances some truth, which is to be esta- blished. A problem requires solution, a theorem wants demonstra- Hon ; the former implies an operation, and the latter ge- nerally needs a previous construction. K direct demonstration proceeds from the premises, by a regular deduction. An indirect demonstration attains its object, by showing that any other hypothesis than the one advanced would in- volve a contradiction, or lead to an absurd conclusion. A subordinate property, included in a demonstration, is sometimes, for the sake of unity, detached, and then it forms a Lemma. A Corollary is an obvious consequence that results from a proposition. A Scholium is an excursive remark on the nature and application of a train of reasoning. The operatio7is in Geometry suppose the dramming of straight lities and the description of circles, or they require in practice the use of the nde and compasses. 12 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION I. PROBLEM. To construct a triangle, of which the three sides are given. Let AB represent the base, and G, H two sides of the triangle which it is required to construct. From the centre A, with the distance G, describe a cir- cle ; and, from the centre B, with the distance H, describe another circle, meeting the former in the point C : ACB is the triangle required. Because all the radii of the same circle are equal, AC is equal to G ; and, for the same reason, BC is equal to H. Consequently the triangle ACB answers the conditions of the problem. The limiting circles, after mutually intersect- ing, must obviously diverge from each other, till, crossing the extension of the base AB, they return again and meet below it j thus marking two positions for the required tri- angle. Corollary, If the radii G and H be equal to each other, the triangle will evidently be isosceles ; and if those lines be likewise equal to the base AB, the triangle must be equi- lateral. BOOK I. IS PROP. II. THEOREM. Two triangles are equal, which have all the sides of the one equal to those of the other. Liet the two triangles ABC and DFE have the side AB equal to DF, AC to DE, and BC to FE : These triangles are equal. For conceive the triangle ACB to be applied to DEF : The point A being laid on D, and the side AC on DE, their other extremities C and E must coincide, since AC is equal to DE. And because AB is equal to DF, the point B must occur in the circum- ference of a circle described from D with the distance DF ; and, for the same reason, B must be found in the circumference of a circle de- scribed from E with the distance EF: The vertex of the triangle ACB must, therefore, ap- pear in a point which is common to both those circles, or, by the first proposition, in F the vertex of the triangle DFE. Consequently these two triangles, being rectilineal, must entirely coincide. The angle CAB is equal to EDF, ACB to DEF, and CBA to EFD ; the equal angles be- ing thus always opposite to the equal sides. Scholium. This proposition is only the preceding one changed into a theorem. But any rectilineal figure may be divided into triangles, which, being separately constructed with the same corresponding sides, must, by their combi- nation, hence form an equal figure. M. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. III. THEOR. Two triangles are equal, if two sides and the angle contained by these in the one be respective- ly equal to two sides and the contained angle in the other. Let ABC and DEF be two triangles, of which the side AB is equal to DE, the side BC to EF, and the angle ABC contained by the former equal to DEF which is contained by the latter : These triangles are equal. For let the triangle ABC be applied to DEF : The ver- tex B being placed on E, and the side BA on ED, the ex- tremity A must fall upon D, since AB is equal to DE. And because the angle or divergence ABC is equal to DEF, and the side AB co- incides with DE, the other side BC must lie in the same direction with EF, and being of the same length, must ter- minate with it ; and consequently, the points A and C rest- ing on D and F, the straight lines AC and DF will also coincide. Wherefore, the one triangle being thus per- fectiy adapted to the other, a general equality must obtain between them : The third sides AC and DF are hence equal, and the angles BAC, BCA opposite to BC and BA are equal respectively to EDF and EFD, which the corre- sponding sides EF and ED subtend. Schol. By applying this proposition to practice, the mu- tual distance may be found between two remote objects which have their communication obstructed. BOOK I. 15 .PROP. IV. PROB. At a point in a straight line, to make an angle equal to a given angle. At the point D in the given straight line DE, to form an angle equal to the given angle BAG. In the sides AB and AC of the given angle, assume the points G and H, join GH, from DE cut off DI equal to AG, and on DI consti- tute (I. 1.) a triangle DKI, having the sides DK and IK equal to AH and GH: EDK or EDF is the angle required. For all the sides of the triangles GAH and IDK being respectively equal, the angles opposite to the equal sides must be likewise equal (I. 2.), and consequently IDK is equal to GAH. Cor. If the segments AG, AH be taken equal, the con-, struction will be rendered simpler and more commodious. SchoL By the successive application of this problem an angle may be continually multiplied. Two circles CEG and ADF being described from the vertex B of the given angle with radii BC and BA equal to its sides, and the base AC being repeatedly inserted be- tween those circumferences ; a multi- tude of triangles will be thus formed, all of them equal to the original triangle ABC. Consequently the angle ABD is double of ABC, ABE triple, ABF quadruple, ABG quintuple, &c. 16 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. If the sides AB and BC of the given angle be supposed equal, only one circle would be required, a series of equal isosceles triangles being constituted about its centre/ It is evi- dent that this addition is without limit, and that the angle so produced may con- tinue to spread out, and its opening side even make repeated revolutions. PROP. V. PROB. To bisect a given angle. Let ABC be an angle which it is required to bisect. In the side AB take any point D, and from BC cut off BE equal to BD ; join DE, on whiph construct (I. 1.) the isosceles triangle DFE, and draw the straight line BF : The angle ABC is bisected by BF. For the two triangles DBF and EBF, having the side DB equal to EB, the side DF to EF, and BF common to both, are (I. 2.) equal, and consequently the angle DBF is equal to EBF. Cor, Hence the mode of drawing a perpendicular from a given point B in the straight line AC; for the angle ABC, which the opposite seg- ments BA and BC make with each other, being equal to two right angles, the straight line that bisects it must be the per- pendicular required. , Taking BD, therefore, equal to BE, and :ij BOOK I. 17 constructing the isosceles triangle DFE ; the straight line BF, which joins the vertex of the triangle, is perpendicular to AC. ScJioL In the general construction, the isosceles triangle 33FE may stand either below or above the base DE; but if it were made equal to DBE, the vertex F would coin- cide with B, and render the construction indeterminate. PROP. VI. PROB. To let fall a perpendicular upon a straight line, from a given point above it. From the point C, to let fall a perpendicular upon the given straight line AB. In AB take towards A the point D, and with the distance DC describe a circle; and, in the same line, take towards B another point E, and with the distance EC describe a second circle intersecting the former in F; join CF, crossing the gi- ven line in G : CG is perpendicular toAB. For the straight lines DC, DF a-^^ [ U \r ^ and EC, EF being joined, the trian- gles DCE and DFE have the side DC equal to DF, EC to EF, and DE common to them both ; whence (I. 2.) the angle CDE or CDG is equal to FDE or FDG. And because, in the triangles DCG and DFG, the side DC is equal to DF, DG common, and the contained angles CDG and FDG are proved to be equal; these subordinate triangles are (I. 3.) equal, and consequently the angle DGC is equal to DGF, and each of them a right angle, or CG is per- pendicular to AB. 18 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. VII. PROB. To bisect a given finite straight line. On the given straight line AB, construct two isosceles triangles (I. 1.) ACB and ADB, and join their vertices C and D by a straight line cutting AB in the point E : AB is bisected in E. For the sides AC and AD of the triangle CAD being respectively equal to BC and BD of the triangle CBD, and the side CD common to them .both; these triangles (I. 2.) are equal, and the angle ACD or ACE k equal to BCD or B^CE. Again, the inferior triangles ACE and BCE, having the side AC equal to BC, CE common, and the contained angle ACE equal to BCE, are (I. 3.) equal, and consequently the base AE is equal to BE. PROP. VIII. THEOR. The exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of its interior opposite angles. The exterior angle BCF, formed by producing a side AC of the triangle ABC, is greater than either of the op- posite and interior angles CAB and CBA. For bisect the side BC in the point D (I. 7.), draw AD, and produce it until DE be equal to AD, and join EC. BOOK I. 19 The triangles ADB and EDC have, by construction, the side DA equal to DE, the side DB to DC, and the vertical angle BDA equal to CDE ; these triangles are, therefore, equal (I. 3.), and the angle DCE is equal to DBA. But the angle BCF is evidently greater than DCE ; it is con- sequently greater than DBA qr CBA. In like manner, it may be shown, that if BC be produ- ced, the exterior angle ACG is greater than CAB. But ACG is equal to the vertical angle BCF, and hence BCF must be greater than either the angle CBA or CAB. Cor. Hence all the exterior angles of a triangle are greater than the interior, and likewise greater than three right angles. PROP. IX. THEOR. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. The two angles BAC and BCA of the triangle ABC are together less than two right angles. For produce the common side AC. And, by the last proposition, the ex- terior angle BCD is greater than BAC, add BCA to each, and the "^ C JD two angles BCD and BCA are greater than BAC and BCA, or BAC and BCA are together less than BCD and BCA, that is, less than two right angles (Def. 4). Cor. Hence a triangle can only have one right or ob- tuse angle, its two remaining angles being always acute. 20 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. X. THEOR. The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal. The angles BAG and BCA at the base of the isosceles triangle ABC are equal. For draw (I. 5.) BD bisecting the vertical angle ABC. Because, by hypothesis, AB is equal to BG, the side BD common to the two tri- angles BDA and BDG, and the angles ABD and GBD contained by them are equal ; these triangles are equal (I. 3.), and consequently the angle BAD is equal to BGD. Cor. Every equilateral triangle is also equiangular^ PROP. XL THEOR. If two angles of a triangle be equal, the sides opposite to them are likewise equal. Let the triangle ABG have two equal angles BGA and BAG ; the opposite sides AB and BG are also equal. For if A B be not equal to GB, let it be equal to GD, and join AD. Comparing now the triangles BAG and DGA, the side AB is by supposition equal to CD, AG is common to both, and the contained angle BAG is equal to DGA ; the two triangles (L 3.) are, therefore, equal. But this con- clusion is manifestly absurd. To suppose then the inequality of AB and BG involves BOOK I. 21 a contradiction j and consequently those sides must be equal Cor, Every equiangular triangle is also equilateral. SchoL By the application of this proposition, the dis- tance of an object inaccessible from one side may in some cases be measured. PROP. XII. THEOR. In any triangle, that angle is the greater which lies opposite to a greater side. If a side BC of the triangle ABC be greater than BA ; the opposite angle BAC is greater than BCA. For make BD equal to BA, and join AD. The angle CAB is evidently greater than DAB ; but since BA is equal to BD, this angle /s. DAB (I. 10.) is equal to ADB, and / \^^ consequently CAB is greater than ADB. f^^,^^ — ^ ^ Again, the angle ADB, being an exte- rior angle of the triangle CAD, is (I. 8.) greater than ACD or ACB; wherefore the angle CAB is much greater than ACB. PROP. XIII. THEOR. That side of a triangle is the greater which sub- tends a greater angle. 22 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. If, in the triangle ABC, the angle CAB be greater than ACB ; its opposite side BC is greater than AB. For if BC be not greater than AB, it must be either equal or less. But it cannot be equal, be- cause the angle CAB would then be equal to ACB (I. 10.) ; nor can BC be less than AB, for then AB would be greater than BC, and consequently (I. 12.) the angle *^ ACB would be greater than CAB, or CAB less than ACB, which is absurd. The side BC being thus neither equal to AB, nor less than it, must therefore be greater than AB. - PROP. XIV. THEOR. Two sides of a triangle are together greater thai^ the third side. The two sides AB and BC of the triangle ABC are to- gether greater than the third side AC. For produce AB until DB be equal to the side BC, and join CD. . Because BC is equal to BD, the angle BCD is equal to BDC (I. 10.) ; but the angle ACD is greater than BCD, and therefore greater than BDC, or ADC 5 con- sequently the opposite side AD is greater than AC (I. 13.) ; and since AD is equal to AB and BD, or to AB and BC, the two sides AB and BC are together greater than the diird side AC. »00K I. 2S PROP. XV- THEOR. The difference between two sides of a triangle is less than the third side. Let the side AC be greater than AB, and from it cut off a part AE equal to AB ; the remainder EC is less than the third side BC. B For the two ^ides AB and BC are to- gether greater than AC (I. 14.); take away the equal lines AB and AE, and there remains BC greater than EC, or EC is less than BC. PROP. XVI. THEOR. Two straight lines drawn to a point within a triangle from the extremities of its base, are toge- ther less than the sides of the triangle, but con- tain a greater angle. The straight lines AD and CD, projected to a point D within the triangle ABC from the extremities of the base AC, are together less than the sides AB and CB of the triangle, but contain a greater angle. For produce AD to meet CB in E. The two sides AB and BE of the triangle ABE are greater than the third side AE (I. U.) ; add EC to each, and AB, BE, EC, or AB and BC, are greater than AE and EC. But the sides CE and ED of the triangle DEC are (I. 14.) greater than DC, and 24 (ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. consequently CE, ED, together with DA, or CE and EA, are greater than CD and DA. Wherefore the sides AB and BC, being greater than AE and EC, which are themselves greater than AD and DC, must be still greater than AD and DC, or the lines AD and DC are less than AB and BC, the sides of the triangle. Again, the angle ADC, being the exterior angle of the triangle DCE, is greater than DEC (I. 8.) ; and, for the same reason, DEC is greater than ABE, the opposite in- terior angle of the triangle EAB. Consequently ADC is still greater than ABE or ABC. PROP. XVII. THEOR, If straight lines be drawn from the same point to another straight line, the perpendicular is the shortest of them all ; the lines equidistant from it on both sides are equal ; and those more remote are greater than such as are nearer. Of the straight lines CG, CE, CD, andCF drawn from a given point C to the straight line AB, the perpendicular CD is the least, the equidistant lines CE and CF are equal, but the remoter line CG is greater than either of these two. For the right angle CDE, equal to CDF, is (I. 8.) great- er than the interior angle CFD of the triangle DCF, and consequently the opposite side CF is (I. 13.) greater than CD, or CD is less than CF. But if ED be equal to FD, A Gr £ ;d :f Ji BOOK r. 25 CD being common to the two triangles ECD and FCD, and the contained angles CDE and CDF equal; these triangles (I. 3.) are equal, and consequently their bases CE and CF are equal. Again, because GCD is a right-angled triangle, the an- gle CGD or CGE is (I. 9. cor.) acute, and, for the same reason, the angle CED of the triangle CDE is acute, and consequently its adjacent angle CEG is obtuse. Where- fore CEG, being greater than a right angle, is still greater than CGE, and the opposite side CG must be greater (L 13.) than CE. Cot; Hence only a single perpendicular CD can be let fall from the same point C upon a given straight line AB; and hence also a pair only of equal straight lines greater than CD can at once be extended from C to AB, making on the same side, the one an obtuse angle CEA, and the other an acute angle CFA. — As the term distance signi- fies the shortest road, the distance between two points, is the straight line which joins them ; and the distance from a point to a straight line, is the perpendicular let fall upon it. PROP. XVIII. THEOR. If two sides of one triangle be respectively equal to those of another, but contain a greater angle ; the base also of the former will be greater than that of the latter. In the triangles ABC and DEF, let the sides AB and BC be equal tb DE and EF, but the angle ABC greater than DEF ; then is the base AC greater than DF. 26 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. For, suppose AB one of the sides to be not greater than BC or EF, and (I. 4.) draw BG equal to EF making an angle ABG equal to DEF, join AG and GC. Because AB and BG are equal to DE and EF, and the contained angle ABG is equal to DEF; the triangles ABG and DEF (I. 3.) are equal, and have equal bases AG and DF. First, let the triangles ABC an^ DEF be isosceles. Since the side AB is equal to BC, the angle BAC (1. 10.) is equal to BCA ; but (I. 8.) the angle BHC is greater than the interior angle BAH or BCH, and consequently (I. IS.) the side BC or BG is greater than BH, or the point G lies beyond H. Next, suppose the side BC or EF to be greater than AB or DE. Where- fore (I. 12.) the angle BAC is greater than BCA ; but (I. 8.) the exterior angle BHC of the triangle ABH is greater than BAH or BAC, and hence still greater than BCA or BCH -, consequently the side BC or EF is (I. 13.) greater than BH. In every case, therefore, the point G must lie below the base AC. But the triangle GBC being evidently isosceles, its angles BGC and BCG (I. 10.) are equal. Whence the angle AGC, being greater than BGC or BCG, which a- gain is greater than ACG, must be still greater than ACG; and therefore the opposite side AC is (I. 13.) greater than AG or DF. ppoK I. ■ 27 PROP. XIX. THEOR. If two sides of one triangle be respectively e- qual to those of another, but stand on a greater base ; the angle contained by the former will be likewise greater than what is contained by the lat- ter. Let the triangles ABC and DEF have the sides AB and BC equal to DE and EF, but the base AC greater than PF; the vertical angle ABC is greater than DEF. For if ABC be not greater than the angle DEF, it must either be equal or less. But it cannot be- equal to DEF, for tfee sides AB, BC being then e- qual to DE, EF, and contain- ing equal angles, the base AC would (I. S.) be equal to DF, which is contrary to the hy- pothesis. Still more absurd it would be to suppose the an- gle ABC less than DEF, since the triangles BAC and EDF, having their sides AB, BC equal to DE, EF, but the contained angle ABC less than DEF, or DEF great- er than ABC, the base DF would, from the preceding pro- position, be greater than AC, or AC would be less than DF. PROP. XX. THEOR. Two triangles are equal, which have two angles and a corresponding side in the one respectively equal to those in the other. 28 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Let the triangles ABC and DEF have the angle BAC equal to EDF, the angle BCA to EFD, and a side of the one equal to a side of the other, whether it be interjacent or opposite to those equal angles ; the triangles will be e* qual. First, let the equal sides be AC and DF, which are in- terjacent to the equal angles in both triangles. — Apply the triangle ABC to DEF ; the point A being laid on D, and the straight line AC on DF, the other extremities C and F must coincide, since those lines are equal. And because the angle BAC is equal to EDF, and the side AC is applied to DF, the o- ther side AB must lie along DE ; and for the same reason, the an- gles BCA and EFD being equal, the side CB must lie a- long FE. Wherefore the point B, which is common to both the lines AB and CB, will be found likewise in both DE and FE ; that is, it must fall upon the corresponding vertex E. The two triangles ABC and DEF, thus mu- tually adapting, are hence entirely equal. Next, let the equal sides be AB and DE, which are op-' posite to the equal angles BCA and EFD. The triangle ABC being laid on DEF, the sides AB and AC of the an- gle BAC will apply to DE and DF, the sides of the equal angle EDF; and since AB is equal to DE, the points B and E must coincide ; but by hypothesis, the angles BCA and "''' EFD being equal, BC must adapt itself to EF, for other- wise one of those angles becoming the exterior angle of a secondary triangle, would (I. 8.) be greater than the other. BOOK I. 2ft Whence the triangles ABC, DEF are entirely coincident, and have those sides equal which subtend equal angles, Schol, By the application of the first case, where the sides lying between the equal angles are equal, the distance of an inaccessible object can be measured in all cases. PROP. XXI. THEOR. Two triangles are equal if two sides and a cor- responding opposite angle be equal in both, and the other opposite angles have the same character. In the triangles ABC and DEF, let the side AB be equal to DE, BC to EF, and the angles BAC, EDF, opposite to BC, EF, be also equal j the triangles themselves are equal, if the other angles BCA and EFD opposite to AB and DE be of the same character, or at once right, or acute, ot obtuse. For, the triangle ABC being applied to DEF, the an- gle BAC will adapt itself to EDF, since they are equal ; and the point B must coincide with E, because the side AB is equal to DE. But the other equal sides BC and EF, now stretching from the same point E towards DF, must likewise coin- y\ ^ cide J for if the angle at C or F be right, there can exist no more than . one perpendicular EF (I. 17. cor.) and, in like manner, if this angle at F be either obtuse or acute, the line EF, which forms it, can, for the same rea- son, have only one corresponding position. — Whence, ia each of these three cases, the triangle ABC admits of a perfect adaptation with DEF. 50 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, PROP. XXII. THEOR. If a straight line fall upon two parallel straight lines, it will make the alternate angles equal, the exterior angle equal to the interior opposite one, and the two interior angles on the same side to- gether equal to two right angles. Let the straight line EFG fall upon the parallels AB and CD ; the alternate angles AGF and DFG are equal, the exterior angle EFC is equal to the interior angle EGA, and the interior angles CFG and AGF, or FGB and GFD, are together equal to two right angles. I^or conceive a straight line, produced both ways from F, to turn about that point in the same plane; it will first cut the extended line AB above G and to- wards A, and will in its progress afterwards meet this line on the other side below G and towards B. In the position IFH, the angle EFH is the exterior angle of the triangle FHG, and therefore greater than FGH or EGA (I. 8.) But in the last position LFK, the exte- rior angle EFL is equal to its vertical angle GFK in the triangle FKG, and to which the angle FGA is exterior -, conse- quently (I. 8.) FGA is greater than EFL, or the angle EFL is less than FGA or EGA. When the incident line EFG, therefore, meets AB above the point G, it makes an angle EFH greater than EGA ; and when it meets AB below that point, it makes an angle EFL, which is less than the game angle. But in passing through ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 3 I all the degrees from greater to less, a varying magnitude must evidently encounter the single interfnediate limit of equality. Wherefore, there is a certain position CD, in which the line revolving about the point F makes the ex- terior angle EFC equal to the interior EGA, and at the same instant of time meets AB neither towards the one part nor the other, or is parallel to it. And now, since EFC is proved to be equal to £GA, and is also equal to the vertical angle GFD ; the alternate angles FGA and GFD are equal. Again, because GFD and FGA are equal, add the angle FGB to each, and the two angles GFD and FGBi are equal to FGA and FGB ; but the angles FGA and FGB, on the same side of AB, are equal to two right angles, and consequently the inte- rior angles GFD and FGB are likewise equal to two right angles. Cor. Since the position CD is individual, or that only one sti'aight line can be drawn through the point F pa- rallel to A B, it follows that the converse of the proposition is hkewise true, and that those three properties of parallel lines are criteria for distinguishing parallels. PROP. XXIir. PROB. Through a given point, to draw a straight line parallel to a given straight line. To draw, through the point C, a straight line parallel to AB. In AB take any point D, join CD, and at the point C make (I. 4.) an an- \^ gle DCE equal to CDA ; CE is paral- -^^^^^^^^^ ^^ leltoAB. ( ^ S2 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. For the angles CDA and DCE, thus formed equal, are the alternate angles which CD makes with the straight lines CE and AB, and, therefore, by the corollary to the last proposition, these lines are parallel. PROP. XXIV. THEOR. Parallel lines are equidistant, and equidistant straight lines are parallel. The perpendiculars EG, FH, let fall from any points E,.Fin the straight line AB upon its parallel CD, are equal ; and if these perpendiculars be equal, the straight lines AB and CD are parallel. For join EH : and because each of the interior angles EGH and FHG is a right angle, they are together equal to two right angles, and consequently the perpendiculars EG and FH are (I. 22. cor.) parallel to each other ; where- -^ ^^ ^ fore (I. 22.) the alternate an- gles HEG and EHF are equal. ^ But, EF being parallel to GH, the alternate angles EHG and HEF are likewise equal ; and thus the two triangles HGE and HFE, having the angles HEG and EHG respectively equal to EHF and HEF, and the side EH common to both, are (I, 20.) e- qual, and hence the side EG is equal to FH. Again, if the perpendiculars EG and FH be equal, the two triangles EGH and EFH, having the side EG equal to FH, EH common, and the contained angle HEG equal to EHF, are (I. 3.) equal, and therefore the angle EHG equal to HEF, and (I. 22.) the straight line AB parallel to CD. Cr Jrl ISOOK I. S3 PROP. XXV. THEOR. The opposite sides of a rhomboid are parallel. If the opposite sides AB, DC, and AD, BC of the qua- drilateral figure ABCD be equal, they are also parallel. For draw the diagonal AC. And because AB is equal to DC, BC to AD, and AC is com- mon ; the two triangles ABC and ADC are (I. 2.) equal. Conse- quently the angle ACD is equal ^ ^ to CAB, and therefore the side AB (I. 22. cor.) parallel to CD ', and, for the same reason, the angle CAD being equal to A CB, the side AD is parallel to BC. Cor, Hence the angles of a square or rectangle are ail of them right angles ; for the opposite sides being equal, are parallel ; and if the angle at A be right, the other in- terior one at B is also a right angle (I. 22.), and conse- quently the angles at C and D, opposite to these, are right. — On this proposition depends the construction of the instrument called a Parallel Ruler, PROP. XXVI. THEOR. The opposite sides and angles of a parallelo- gram are equal. Let the quadrilateral figure ABCD have the sides AB and BC parallel to CD and AD ; these are respectively equal, and so are likewise the opposite angles at A and C, and at B and D. 34< ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. For join AC. Because AB is parallel to CD, the al- ternate angles BAC and ACD are (I. 22.) equal; and since AD is parallel to BC, the alternate angles ACB and CAD are also equal. Where- fore the triangles ABC and ADC, having the angles CAB and ACB equal to ACD and CAD, and the ^ inteijacent side AC common to both* are (I. 20.) equal. Consequently, the side AB is equal to CD, and the side BC to AD ; and these opposite sides being thus equal, the opposite angles (I. 25.) must be likewise equal. Cor, Hence the diagonal divides a rhomboid or paral- lelogram into two equal triangles. PROP. XXVII. TPIEOR. If the parallel sides of a trapezoid be equal, the other sides are likewise equal and parallel. Let the sides AB and DC be equal and parallel j the sides AD and BC are themselves equal and parallel. For draw the diagonal AC. Because AB is parallel to CD, the alternate angles CAB and ACD are (1. 22.) equal ; and the triangles ABC and ADC, having the side AB equal to CD, AC common to both, and the contained angle CAB equal to ACD, are, therefore, equal (1. 3.). Whence the side BC is equal to AD, and the angle ACB equal to CAD ; but these angles being alternate, BC must also be parallel to AD (I. 22. cor.) BOOK I. 35 PROP. XXVIIL THEOR. Lines parallel to the same straight line, are pa- rallel to each other. If the straight line AB be parallel to CD, and CD pa- rallel to EF; then is AB parallel to EF. For let a straight line GH cut these v ^^"^'- a\i B And because AB is parallel to CD, 7 \ ^ !^ the exterior angle GIA is equal (I. 22.) Z \ -j. ^ to the interior GKC ; and since CD is NT parallel to EF, this angle GKC is, for \ the same reason, equal to GLE. There- fore the angle GIA is equal to GLE, and consequently AB is parallel to EF (I. 22. cor.) PROP. XXIX. THEOR. Straight lines drawn parallel to the sides of an angle, contain an equal angle. If the straight lines AB, AC be pa- rallel to DE, DF i the angle BAC is equal to EDF. For draw the straight line GAD through the vertices. And since AC is parallel to DF, the exterior angle GAC is (I. 22.) equal to GDF ; and, for the same reason, GAB is equal to GDE ; there con- sequently remains the angle BAC equal to EDF. 36 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XXX. THEOR. An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to both its opposite interior angles, and all the interior angles of a triangle are together, equal to two right angles. The exterior angle BCD, formed by the production of the side AC of the triangle ABC, is equal to the two op- posite interior angles CAB and CB A, and all the interior angles CAB, CB A and BCA of the triangles are together equal to two right angles. For, through the point C, draw (I. 23.) the straight line CE parallel to AB. And, AB being parallel to CE, the interior angle BAC is (I. 22.) equal to the exterior one ECD j and, for the same reason, the alternate angle ABC is equal to BCE. Wherefore the two angles CAB and ABC are equal to DCE and ECB, or to the whole exte- rior angle BCD. Again, add the adjacent angle BCA to the exterior angle BCD, and to the two interior angles CAB and ABC ; and all the interior angles of the triangle ABC are together equal to the angles BCD and BCA on the same side of the straight line AD, that is, to two right angles. Cor, 1. Hence the two acute angles of a right angled triangle are together equal to one right angle ; and hence each angle of an equilateral triangle is two-third parts of a right angle. Cor. 2. Hence if a triangle have its exterior angle, and pne of its opposite interior angles, double of those in an- BOOK I. 37 other triangle ; its remaining opposite interior angle will also be double of the corresponding angle in the other. SchoL On the second corollary depends the construction of that invaluable reflecting angular instrument, called Hadley's quadrant or sextant. PROP. XXXI. THEOR. . The interior angles of any rectilineal figure are together equal to twice as many right angles (a- bating four from the amount) as the figure has sides. For assume a point O within the figure, and draw straight lines OA, OB, OC, OD, and OE, to the several corners. It is obvious, that the figure is thus resolved in- to as many triangles as it has sides, and whose collected angles must, by the last proposition, be equal to twice as many right angles. But the an- gles at the bases of these triangles constitute the internal angles of the fi- gure. Consequently, from the whole amount, there is to be deducted the vertical angles about the point O, and which are (Def. 4.) equal to four right angles. Cor, Hence all the angles of a quadrilateral figure are equal to four right angles, those of a pentelateral figure equal to six right angles, and so forth ; increasing the ag- gregate by two right angles, for each additional side. — The same conclusion is derived from the successive apj5lication of triangles, by which the figure, at each accession, has the number of its sides increased by one, and the amount ©f its interior angles augmented by two right angles. dS ELEMENTS Of GEOMETRY. PROP. XXXII. THEOR. The e^iterior angles of a rectilineal figure are together equal to four right angles. The exterior angles DEF, CDG, BCH, ABI, and EAK of the rectilineal figure ABCDE are taken together equal to four right angles. For each exterior angle DEF, with its adjacent interior one AED, is equal to two right angles. All the exterior an- gles, therefore, added to the interior angles, are equal ta twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. Conse- quently the exterior angles are equal to the four right an- gles which, by the Proposition immediately preceding, were abated, to form the aggregate of the interior angles. Cor, If the figure has a re-entrant angle BCD, the an- gle BCK which occurs in place of an exterior angle, must be subducted in forming the a- mount ; for the corresponding- interior angle BCD, in this case, exceeds two right angles, by the angle BCK. Hence the angles EFG, DEH, CDI, ABL, FAM, diminished by BCK, are equal to four right angles. BOOK I* 3'J Schol. The amount of the exterior angles might be de- duced from the successive deflections which a side would make before it has returned to its first position. Thus, in the first case, AF makes a complete circuit, changing into the positions EG, DH, CI, BK, and finally into AF again. But in the second case, AG, after making similar deflec- tionsy turns backwards at C from the position DK to GL. PROP. XXXIII. THEOR. If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral figure he equal, its opposite sides will be likewise equal and parallel. In the quadrilateral figure ABCD, let the angle at B be equal to the opposite one at D, and the angle at A equal to that at C ; the sides AB and BC are equal and parallel to DC and DA. For all the angles of the figure being equal to four right angles (1. 31. cor.), and the opposite angles being mutually equal, each pair of adjacent angles ^ ^ . must be equal to two right angles. Wherefore ABC and BCD are equal to two right angles, and the -A. 1> lines AB and DC (I. 22. cor.) parallel; for the same rea- son, ABC and BAD being together equal to two right an- gles, the sides BC and AD, which limit them, are parallel. But (I. 26.) the parallel sides of the figure are also equal. Cor, Hence a quadrilateral figure contained by right angles has its opposite sides equal and parallel, t 40 ELEMENTS Of GEOMETRV. PROP. XXXIV. PROB. To draw a perpendicular from the extremity of a given straight line. From the point B, to draw a perpendicular to AB, with- out producing that line. In AB take any point C, and on BC (I. 1. cor.) de- scribe an isosceles triangle BDC, produce CD till DF be equal to it; and BF being joined, is the perpendicular re- quired. For, since by construction DF is equal to CD or BD, the triangle BDF is isosceles, and (I. 10.) the angle DBF equal to DFB ; whence the angle CDB, , j., being equal (I. 30.) to the interior angles y DBF and DFB, is double of DBF, or y'\ the angle DBF is half of CDB. But / the triangle BDC being isosceles, the angle CBD is equal to BCD ; consequently the angles DBF and DBC are the halves of the vertical and base angles of BDC, and therefore (I. 30.) the whole ang:le CBF is the half of two right angles, or it is equal to one right angle. SchoL This problem, of which the construction may be slightly modified, is often more convenient in practice than the one given in the corollary to Prop. 5. of this Book. PROP. XXXV. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to construct a square. Let AB be the side of the square which it is required to construct. BOOK I. 41 From the extremity B draw, by the last proposition, BC perpendicular to BA and equal to it, and, from the points A and C with the distance BA or BC describe two circles intersecting each other in the point D, join AD and CD ; the quadrilateral figure ABCD is the square required. For, by this construction, the figure has all its sides e- qual, and one of its angles ABC a right angle ; which com- prehends the whole of the definition of a square^ PROP. XXXVI. PROB. To divide a given straight line into any number of equal parts. Let it be required to divide tho straight line AB into a given number of equal parts, suppose five. From the point A and at any oblique angle with AB, draw a straight line AC, in which take the portion AD, and repeat it five times from A to C, join CB, and from the several points of section D, E, F, and G draw -the parallels DH, EI, FK, and GL, (I. 23.), cutting AB in H, I, K, and L : AB is divided at these points into five equal parts. For (I. 23,) draw DM, EN, FO, and GP parallel to AB. And because DH is parallel to EM, the exterior ilLl-II Ki. B 42 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. angle ADH is equal to DEM (I. 22.) ; and, for the same reason, since AH is parallel to DM, the angle DAH is equal to EDM. Wherefore the triangles ADH and DEM, having two angles respectively equal and the inter- jacent sides AD, DE — are (I. 20.) equal, and consequent- ly AH is equal to DM. In the same manner, the tri- angle ADH is proved to be equal to EFN, to FGO, and GCP ; and therefore their bases, EN, FO, and GP are all equal to AH. But these Hues are equal to HI, IK, KL, and LB, for the opposite sides of parallelograms are equal (I, 26.). Wherefore the several segments AH, HI, IK, KL, and LB, into which the straight hne AB is di- vided, are all equal to each other. Scholium. The construction of this problem may be fa- jcilitated in practice, by drawing from B in the opposite di- rection a straight line parallel to AC, and repeating on both of them portions equal to the assumed segment AD, but only four times, or one fewer than the number of di- visions required ; then joining D, the first section of AC, with the last of its parallel, E with the next, and so on till G, which connecting lines are (I. 27.) all parallel, and con- sequently the former demonstration still holds. \ ELEMENTS GEOMETRY BOOK IT. DEFINITIONS. 1 . In a right-angled triangle, the side that subtends the right angle is termed the hypotenuse; either of the sides which contain it, the base ; and the other side, the perpeU" dicular. 2. The altitude of a triangle is a perpendicular let fall from the vertex upon the base or its ex- tension. 3. The altitude of a trapezoid is the perpendicular drawn from one of its parallel sides to the other. 4. The complements of rhomboids about the diagonal of a rhomboid, are the spaces required to complete the rhomboid ; and the defect of each rhomboid from the whole figure, is termed a gnomon. d* ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 5. A rhomboid or rectangle is said to be contained hy any two adjacent sides. A rhomboid is often indicated merely by the two letters pla- ced at opposite corners. PROP. I. THEOR. Triangles which have the same altitude, and stand on the same base, are equivalent. The triangles ABC and ADC which stand on the same base AC and havewthe same altitude, contain equal spaces. For join the vertices B, D by a straight line, which pro- duce both ways ; and from A draw AE (I. 23.) parallel to CB, and from C draw CF parallel to AD. Because the triangles ABC, ADC have the same altitude, the straight line EF is parallel to AC (I. 24.), and con- sequently the figures CE and AF are parallelograms. Wherefore EB, being equal to AC (I. 26.) which is equal to DF, is itself e- qual to DF. Add BD to each, and ED is equal to BF; but EA is equal to BC (I. 26.), and the interior angle AED is equal to the exterior angle CBF (I. 22.). Thus the two triangles EDA, BFC have the sides ED, EA equal to BF, BC, and the contained an- gle AED equal to CBF, and are therefore equal (l. 3.). Take these equal triangles CBF and EDA from the whole quadrilateral space AEFC, and there remains the rhom- boid AEBC equivalent to ADFC. Whence the tri- angles ABC and ADC, which are the halves of these rhom- boids (I. 26. cor.), are likewise equivalent. Cor. Hence rhomboids on the same base and between the same parallels, are equivalent. BOOK II. 45 PROP. II. THEOR. Triangles which have the same altitude, and stand on equal bases, are equivalent. The triangles ABC, DEF, standing on equal bases AC and DF and having the same altitude, contain equal spaces. For let the bases AC, DF be placed in the same straight line, join BE, and produce it both ways, draw AG and DH parallel to CB and FE (I. 23.), and join AH, CE. Because the triangles ABC, DEF are of equal altitude, GE is parallel to AF (I. 24.), and GC, HF are parallelo- grams. But AC, being equal to ^ DF, and DF equal (I. 26.) to HE, must also be equal to HE, and therefore (I. 27.) AE is a rhomboid or parallelogram. Whence the rhomboid GC is equivalent to AE (II. 1. cor.), and this again* is, for the same reason, equivalent to HF j consequently GC is equivalent to HF, and therefore their halves or (I. 26. cor.) the triangles ABC and DEF are equivalent. Cor, 1. Hence rhomboids on equal bases and between the same parallels, are equivalent. Cor, 2. Hence triangles which have the same vertex, and equal bases in the extension of the same straight line, are equivalent; and hence straight Jines drawn from the vertex of a triangle to equal sections of [the base, will like- wise divide it into equivalent triangles. 46 fiLKMENTS OF OEOMETllY. PROP. III. THEOIl. Equivalent triangles on the same or equal bases> have the same altitude. If the triangles ABC and ADC, standing on the same base AC, contain equal spaces, they have the same alti- , tude, or the straight line which joins their vertices is pa- rallel to AC. For if BD be not parallel to AC, draw the parallel BE hieeting AD or that side produced, in E, and join CE. Because BE is made parallel to AC, the triangle ABC is (11. 1.) equivalent to AEC ; but ABC is by hypothesis equivalent to ADC, and therefore AEC is equivalent to ADC, which is absurd. The sup- position then that BD is not parallel to "^ ^ AC involves a contradiction. The same mode of demonstration, it is obvious, will ap- ply in the case where the equivalent triangles stand on e- qual bases. Co7\ Hence equivalent rhomboids on the same or equal bases, have the same altitude. PROP. IV. PR OB. To find a triangle equivalent to any rectilineal figure. Let it be required to reduce the five-sided figure ABCDE to a triangle, or to find a triangle that shall contain ^a e- qual space* ^ BOOK II. ^T Join any two alternate points A, C, and through the intermediate point B, draw BF parallel to AC, meeting either of the adjoining sides AE or CD in F ; which point, when the angle ABC is re-entrant, will lie within the figure: Join CF. Again, join the alter- nate points C, E, and through the intermediate point D draw the parallel DG, to meet in G either of the adjoining sides AE or BC, which, since the angle CDE is salient, must for that eifect be ^ ^' produced ; and join CG. The triangle FCG is equivalent to the five-sided figure ABCDE. Because the triangles CFA and CBA have by construc- tion the same altitude and stand on the same base AC| they are (II. 1.) equivalent; take each of them away from the space ACDE, and there remains the quadrilateral fi- gure FCDE equivalent to the five-sided figure ABCDE. Again, because the triangles CDE and CGE are equal, having the same altitude and the same base ; add the tri- angle FCE to each, and the triangle FCG is equivalent to the quadrilateral figure FCDE, and is consequently equivalent to the original figure ABCDE. In this manner, any polygon may, by successive steps, be reduced to a triangle ; for an exterior triangle is always exchanged for another equivalent one, which, attaching itself to either of the adjoining sides, coalesces with the rest of the figure. Schol. This problem is of singular use in practice, since it enables the surveyor greatly to abridge his computations, by reducing any plan that he has delineated at once to an equivalent triangle. t 48 i^EMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. V. PROB. A triangle is equivalent to a rhomboid which has the same altitude and stands on half the base. The triangle ABC is equivalent to the rhomboid DEFC, which stands on half the base DC, but has the same alti- tude. For join BD and EC. The triangles ABD and DBC having the same vertex and equal bases, are (11. 2. cor. 2.) equivalent. But the diagonal EC bisects the rhomboid DEFC (I. 26. cor.), and the triangles DBC and DEC, having the same altitude, are equivalent (II. 1.^; consequently their doubles, or the triangle ABC and the rhomboid DEFC, are equivalent. • Cor. Hence the area of a triangle is equal to half the rectangle contained under its base and its altitude— from which property is derived the mensuration of any rectili- neal figure. PROP. VI. PROB. To construct a rhomboid equivalent to a given rectilineal figure, and having its angle equal to a given angle. Let it be required to construct a rhomboid which shall be equivalent to a given rectilineal figure, and contain an angle equal to G. Reduce the rectilineal figure to an equivalent triangle BOOK II. 49 ABC (II. 4.), bisect the base AC in the point D (I. 7.), and draw DE making an angle CDE equal to the given angle G (I. 4.), through B draw BF parallel to AC (I. 23.), and through C the straight line CF parallel to DE : DEFC is the rhomboid that was required. For the figure DF is by con- struction a rhomboid, contains an angle CDE equal to G, and is equivalent to the trian- gle ABC (II. 5. J, and consequently to the given rectili- neal figure. PROP. VII. THEOR. ^he complements of the rhomboids about the diagonal of a rhomboid, are equivalent. Let EI and HG be rhomboids about the diagonal of the rhomboid BD 5 their Complements BF and FD contain equal spaces. Since the diagonal AF bisects the rhomboid EI (I. 26.. cor.), the triangle AEF is equivalent to AIF; and for the i&ame reason, the triangle FHC is equi- -^ TC c valent to FGC. From the whole tri- ^/T angle ABC on the one side of the dia- gonal, take away the two triangles "^ I J3 AEF and FHC ; and from the triangle ADC, which is equal to it, take away, on the other side, the two triangles AlF and FGC, and there remains the rhomboid BF equi- valent to FD. Cor, The same property will extend to the spaces left on both si^es of the diagonal by rhomboids any how combined. 50 » ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. VIII. PROB. With a given straight line to construct a rhom- boid equivalent to a given rectilineal figure, and having an angle equal to a given angle. Let it be required to construct, with the straight line L, a rhomboid, containing a given space, and having an angle equal to K. Construct (II. 6.) the rhomboid BF equivalent to the given rectilineal figure, and having an angle BEF equal to K ; produce EF until FG be e- qual to L, through G draw DGC parallel to EB and meeting the extension of BH in C, join GF and produce it to meet the exten- sion of BE in A ; draw AD parallel to EF, meeting CG in D, and produce HF to I : FD is the rhomboid re- quired. For FD and FB are evidently complementary rhom- boids, and therefore (II. 7.) equivalent; and, by reason of the parallels AE, IF, the angle FID is equal to EAI(1. 22.), which again is equal to BEF or the given angle K. ScJiol. This problem might also be solved by repeated operations ; each triangle, into which the rectilineal figure is divided, being successively converted into a rhomboid, having an angle equal to K, and placed on a line equal to L, or the summit of each preceding rhomboid. These rhomboids will evidently coalesce and fulfil the conditions required. The process is not so direct as when the figure was previously reduced to an equivalent triangle ; but it seems better adapted for the solution of another similar BOOK 11. 51 J)rq{)lem— To constitute under the same conditions a rhom- boid equivalent to the difference between given figures. The smaller rhomboid is here placed below the summit of the other, leaving the defect standing on the original base. PROP. IX. THEOfe. A trapezoid is equivalent to the rectangle con- tained by its altitude and half the sum of its pa- rallel sides. The trapezoid ABCD is equivalent to the rectangle con- tained by its altitude and half the sum of the parallel sides BC and AD. For draw CE parallel to AB (I. 23.), bisect ED (I. 7.) in Fj and draw FG parallel to AB, meeting the production of BC in G. Because BC is equal to AE (I. 26.), BC and AD are together equal to AE and AD, or to twice AE with EDj or to twice AE and twice EF, that is, to twice AF j con-* sequently AF is half the sum of BC K C Gr- . and AD. Wherefore the rectangle A" "Vv / contained by the altitude of the /^ / /X trapezoid and half {he sum of its pa- rallel sides, is equivalent to the rhomboid BF (II. 1. cor.),» but the rhomboid EG is equivalent to th6 triangle ECD ^ (II. 5.), add to each the rhomboid BE, and the rhomboid BF is equivalent to the trapezoid ABCD. ^hol. Hence the area is found of any rectilineal figure referred to a given base j for it is equal to that of the aggre- gate rectangles under the mean of each pair of perpendi- culars and the interjacent portion of the base This pro- position is of great use in surveying, since it abridges the 52 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. mensuration of the irregular borders of a field, by help of what are called offsets, or perpendiculars branching from, the great line to each remarkable flexure of the extreme boundary. PROP. X. THEOR. The square described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, is equivalent to the squares of the two sides. Let the triangle ABC be right-angled at B ; the square described on the hypotenuse AC is equivalent to'BF and BI the squares of the sides AB and BC. For produce DA to K, and through B draw MBL pa- rallel to DA (I. 23.) and meeting FG produced in L. Because the angle CAK, adjacent to CAD, is a right angle, it is equal to BAFr'^from each of these take away the anglfe BAK, and there remains the angle BAC equal to FAK. But the angle ABC is equal to AFK, both of them being right angles. Wherefore the triangles ABC and AFK, thus having two an- gles of the one respectively equal to those of the other, and the interjacent sideAF equal to AB, are equal (1. 20.), and consequently the side AC is equal to AK. Hence the rectangle or rhomboid AM is equivalent to ABLK (II. 2. cor.), since they stand on equal bases AD and AK, and between the BOOK ir, 53 same parallels DK and ML. But ABLK is (11. 1. cor.) equivalent to the rhomboid or square BF, for it stands on the same base AB and between the same parallels FL and AH. Wherefore the rectangle AM is equivelent to the square of AB. And in like manner, by drawing MB to meet the pro- duction of HI, it may be proved, that the rectangle CM is equivalent to the square of BC. Consequently the whole square, ADEC, of the hypotenuse, contains the same space as both together of the squares described on the two sides ABandBG. Cor. Hence the square of a side AB is equivalent to the rectangle under the hypotenuse AC and the adjacent seg- ment AN made by ,^ perpendicular. Schol. This proposition is deservedly the most celebrated of the whole Elements, and serves as the main link for con- necting Geometry with the modern Algebra. — The de- monstration may be variously modified ; but one of the simplest forms is that in which CAKO is proved to be a square, and the rectangle NK equivalent to the rhomboid AL and to the square BF on the one side, while the remain- ing rectangle NO is equivalent to the rhomboid CL and to the square BI on the other. PROP. XI. THEOR. If the square of one side of a triangle be equiva- lent to the squares of both the other sides, that side subtends a right angle. Let the square described on AC be equivalent to the two squares of AB and BC ; the triangle ABC is right- angled at B. ^4i ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. For draw BD perpendicular to AB (I. S^.) and equal to BC, and join AD. Because BC is equal to BD, the square of BC is equal to the square of BD, and consequently the squares of AB. and BC are equal to the squares of AB and BD. But the squares of AB and BC are, by hypothesis, equivalent to the square of AC ; and sincie ABD is, by construction, a right angle, the squares of AB and BD are, by the preced- ing proposition, equivalent to the square of, AD. Whence the square of AC is equi- valent to that of AD, and the straight line AC equal to AD. The two triangles ACB and ADB, having all the sides in the one respectively equal to those in the other, are therefore equal (I. 2.), and consequently the angle ABC is equal to the corresponding angle.ABD, that is, to a right angle. Cor. Hence the numbers 3, 4, and 5 will express the sides and hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle— a proper- ty which readily suggests another method of erecting a per- pendicular at the extremity of a straight line. PROP. XII. PROB. To find the side of a square equivalent to any number of giyen squares. Let A, B, and C be the sides of the squares, to which it is required to find an equivalent square. Draw DE equal to A, and from its extremity E erect {I. 34.) the perpendicular EF equal to B, join DF, and again, perpendicular to this, draw FG equal to C, and join PG : DG is the side of the square which was required. BOOK II. 55 For, since DEF is a right-angled triangle, the square of DF is equivalent to the squares of DE and EF (II. 10.), or of the lines A and B. Add on both sides the square of FG or of C, and the squares of DF and FG, which are equivalent to the square of DG (II. 10.), are equivalent to the aggregate squares of ^ A, B, and C. And, by thus repeating the process, it may be extended to any number of squares. PROP. XIII. PROB. To find the side of a square equivalent to the difference between two given squares. Let A and B be the sides of two squares ; it is required to find a square equivalent to their difference. Draw CD equal to the smaller line B, from its extre- mity erect (I. 34-.) the indefinite per- pendicular DE, and about the cen- tre C, with a distance equal to thp greater line A, describe a circle cut- ting DE in F: DF is the side of the square required. For join CF. The triangle CDF being right-angled, the square of its hypotenuse CF is equivalent to the squares of CD and DF (II. 10.), and consequently ta- king the square of CD from both, the excess of the square of CF above that of CD is equivalent to the square of DF, or the square of DF is equivalent to the excess of the square of A above that of B. B& (ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. PROP. Xiy. THEOR. The rectangle contained by two straight lines, is equivalent to the rectangles contained under one of them and the several segments into which the other is divided. The rectangle under AC and AB, is equivalent to the rectangles contained by AC and the segments AD, DE, and EB. For, through the points D and E, draw DF and EG parallel and equal to AC (I. 23.). The figures AF, DG, and EH are evidently rhomboid- al ; they are also rectangular, for the angles ADF, AEG, and ABH are A p f b each equal to the opposite angle ACF (I. 26.). And the opposite sides DF, EG, and BH, being equal to AC,— the spaces into which the rectangle BC is resolved, are equal to the rectangles contained respectively by AC and AD, DE and EB. PROP. XV. THEOR. The square described on the sum of two straight lines, is equivalent to the squares of those lines, together with twice their rectangle. If AB and BC be two straight lines placed continuous ; the square described on their sum AC, is equivalent to the two squares of AB, BC, and twice the rectangle contained by them. ir BOOK II. 51 G For through B draw BI (1. 23.) parallel to AD, make AF equal to AB, and through F draw FH parallel to DE. It is manifest that the spaces AG, GE, DG and CG, into which the square of AC is divid- ed, are all rhomboidal and rectangu- lar. And because AB is equal to j^j j__ — |j|; AF, and the opposite sides equal, the figure AG is equilateral, and ha- ving a right angle at A, is hence a square. Again, AD being equal to AC, take away the equals AF and AB, and there remains DF equal to BC, and consequently IG equal to GH (I. 26.) : wherefore IH is likewise a square. The rect-" angle DG is contained by the sides FG and DF, which are equal to AB and BC ; and the rectangle CG is con- tained by the sides GB and GH, which are likewise equal to AB and BC. Consequently the whole square of AC is composed of the two squares of AB and BC, together with twice the rectangle contained by these lines. PROP. XVI. THEOR. The square described on the difference of two straight lines, is equivalent to the squares of those lines, diminished by twice their rectangle. Let AC be the difference of two straight lines AB and BC ; the square of AC is equivalent to the excess of the two squares of AB and BC above twice their rectangle. For let the squares of AB, BC and AC be completed, and produce CE and DE the sides of the latter to H and I. 58 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. It is evident, that GE is equal to BL or the square of BC ; to each add the intermediate rect- angle EB, and GC isequal to IL ; but the rectangle under AB and BC is equal to the rectangle IL, which is also equal to DG. From the compound surface CAFGBKL, or the squares of AB and BC, take away the space DFGBKLC, or the rectangles IL and DG, that is, twice the rectangle under AB and BC, — and there remains ADEC, or the square of the difference AC of the two lines AB and BC. i^" 7-r n- 33 K c -A- C B K PROP. XVIL THEOR. The rectangle contained by the sum and diffe- rence of two straight lines, is equivalent to the difference of their squares. Let AB and BD be two continuous straight lines, of which AD is the sum and AC the difference ; the rectan- gle under AD and AC, is equivalent to the excess of the square of AB above that of BC. For, having made AG equal to AC, draw GH parallel to AD (I. 23.)> and CI, DH parallel to AE. Because GK is equal to KC or HD, and EG is equal to CB or BD, the rectangle EK is equal to_ LD (IL 2. cor.); and consequently, adding the rectangle BG to each, the space AEIKLB is equivalent to the rectangle AH. But this space AEIKLB is the ex- cess of the square of AB above IL :< Z J -F G K y. II A JB D BOOK II. or the square of BC ; and the rectangle AH is contained by AD and DH or AC. Wherefore the rectangle under AD and AC is equivalent to the difference of the squares of ABandBC. Cor. 1. Hence if a straight line AB be bisected in C and cut unequally in D, the rectangle under the unequal segments AD, DB, together with the square of CD, the interval between the points of section, is equivalent to the square of AC, the half line. For AD is the sum of AC, CD, and DB is > <;^ ir b evidently their difference ; whence, by the Proposition, the rectangle AD, DB is equivalent to the excess^of the square of AC above that of CD, and consequently the rectangle AD, DB, with the square of CD, is equal to the square of AC. Cor. 2. If a straight line AB be bisected in C and pro- duced to D, the rectangle contained by AD the whole line thus produced, and the produced part DB, together with the square of the half line AC, is equivalent to the square of CD, which is made up of the half line and the produced part. For AD is the sum of AC, CD, and DB is their difference; whence - ^ ^ ? ? the rectangle AD, DB is equivalent to the excess of the square of CD above AC, or the rectangle AD, DB, with the square of AC, is equivalent to the square of CD. Scholium. If we consider the distances DA, DB of the point D from the extremities of AB as segments of this line, whether formed by internal or external section ; both corollaries may be comprehended under the same enun- ciation. That, if a straight line be divided equally and unequally, the rectangle contained by the unequal segments is equivalent to the difference of the squares of the hklf line and of the interval between the points of section. 60 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XVIII. THEOR. The sum of the squares of two straight lines, is equivalent to twice the squares of half their sum and of half their difference. Let AB, BC be two continuous straight lines, D the middle point bf AC, and consequently AD half the sum of these lines and DB half their difference; the squares of AB and BC are together equivalent to twice the square of AD, with twice the square of DB. For erect (I. 5. cor.) the perpendicular DE equal to AD or DC, join AE and EC, through B and F draw (I. 23.) BF and FG parallel to DE and AC, and join AF. Because AD is equal to DE, the angle DAE (I. 10.) is equal to DEA, and since (I. 30. cor.) they make up toge- ther one right angle, each of them must be half a right an- gle. In the same manner, the angles DEC and DCE of the triangle EDC are proved to be each half a right an- gle; consequently the angle A EC, composed of AED and CED, is equal to a whole right angle. And in the trian- gle FBC, the angle CBF being equal to CDE (I. 22.) which is a right angle, and the angle BCF being half a right angle — the remaining an- gle BFC is also half a right angle (I. 30.), and therefore equal to the angle BCF ; whence (I. 11.) the side BF is equal to BC. By the same reasoning, it may be shown, that the right angled triangle GEF is likewise isosceles. The square of the hypotenuse ^BOOK II. 61 EF, which is equivalent to the squares of EG and GF (II. 10.), is therefore equivalent to twice the square of GF or of DB ; and the square of AF|, in the right angled tri- angle ADE, is equivalent to the squares of AD arid DE, or twice the square of AD. But since ABF is a right an- gle, the square of AF is equivalent to the squares of AB and BF, or BC; and because AEF is also a right an- gle, the square of the same line AF is equivalent to the squares of AE and EF, that is, to twice the squares of AD and DB. Wherefore the squares of AB, BC are toge- ther equivalent to twice the squares of AD and DB. Cor. Hence if a straight line AB be bisected in C and cut unequally in D, whether by in- terjial or external section, the squares A C p "B of the unequal segments AD and DB ^ 9 ,^ P are together equivalent to twice the square of the half line AC, and twice the square of CD the interval between the points of division. PROP. XIX. PROB. To cut a given straight line, such that the square of one part shall be equivalent to the rect- angle contained by the whole line and the re- maining part. Let AB be the straight line which it is required to di- vide into two segments, such that the square of the one shall be equivalent to the rectangle contained by the whole line and the other. 62 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETKIf. Produce AB till BC be equal to it, erect (I. 5. cor.) the perpendicu- lar BD equal to AB or BC, bisect BC in E (I. 7.), join ED and make EF equal to it ; the square of the segment BF is equivalent to the rectangle contained by the whole line BA and its remaining segment AF. For on BC construct the square BG (I. 35.), make BH equal to BF, and draw IHK and FI parallel to AC and BD (I. 23.). Since AB is equal to BD, and BF to BH j the remainder AF is equal to HD : and it is farther evi- dent, that FH is a square, and that IC and DK are rect- angles. But BC being bisected in E and produced to F, the rectangle under CF, FB, or the rectangle IC, toge- ther with the square of BE, is equivalent to the square of EF or of DE (II. 17. cor. 2.). But the square of DE is equivalent to the squares of DB and BE (II. 10.) ; whence the rectangle IC, with the square of BE, is equivalent to the squares of DB and_BE; or, omitting the common square of BE, the rectangle IC is equivalent to the square of DB. Take away from both the rectangle BK, and there remains the square BI, or the square of BF, equivalent to the rectangle HG, or the rectangle contained by BA and AF. Cor. 1. Since the rectangle under CF and FB is equi- valent to the square of BC, it is evident that the line CF is likewise divided at B in a manner similar to the original line AB. But this line CF is made up, by joining the whoje line AB, now become only the larger portion, to its greater segment BF, which next forms the smaller portion in the new compound. Hence this division of a line being once obtained, a series of other lines all possessing the same property may readily be found, by repeated additions. BOOK II. 63 Thus, let AB be so cut, that the square of BC is equiva- lent to the rectangle BA, AC: Make successively, BD equal to BA, DE equal to DC, EF equal to EB, and FG AC B T) E. ' ir a I — t i 1 i i 1 equal to FD ; the lines CD, BE, DF, and EG, beginning in succession at the points C, B, D, and E, are divided at the points B, D, E, and F, such that, in each of them, the square of the larger part is equivalent to the rectangle contained by the whole and the smaller part. — It is obvious, that this procedure might likewise be reversed. If FD, EB, and DC be made successively equal to FG, EF and DE, the lines DF, BE, and CD will be divided in the same manner at the points E, D and B. Cor. 2. Hence also the construction of anotlier problem of the same nature ; in which it is required to produce a straight line AB, such that the rectangle contained by the whole line thus produced and the part produced, shall be equivalent to the square of the line AB itself. Divide AB, by this proposition, in C, so that the rectangle BA, AC is equivalent to the - ^ ^ ^ ^ square of BC, and produce AB until BD be equal to BC : Then, from what has been demon- strated, it follows that the rectangle under AD and DB is equivalent to^^Vje square of the whole line AB. It will be convenient y for the sake of conciseness, to desig- nate in future this remarJcahle. division of a line, where the rectangle under the whole and one part is equivalent to the. square of the other, hi/ the term Medial Section. 64- ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XX. THEOR. The square of the side of an isosceles triangle is greater or less than the square of a straight line drawn from the Vertex to the base or its exten- sion, by the rectangle contained under its inter- nal or external segments. 1. If BD be drawn from the vertex of the isosceles tri- angle ABC to a point D in the base ; the square of AB exceeds the square of BD, by the rectangle under the segments AD, DC. t'or (I. 7.) bisect the base AC in E, and join BE. Be- cause the triangles ABE and CBE have ^ the sides AB, AE equal to BC, CE, and the side BE common, they are equal (1. 2.), and consequently the correspond- ing angles BEA, BEC are equal, and each of them (Def. 4.) a right angle. Wherefore the square of AB is equi- ^ valent to the squares of AE and BE (II. 10.); and since AC is cut equally in E and unequally in D, the square of AE is equivalent to the square of DE, together with the rectangles AD, DC (II. 17. cor. 1.) ; and consequently the square of AB is equivalent to the squares of BE and DE, together with the rectangle AD, DC. Bi;^the square of BD is equivalent to the squares of BE and DE (II. 10.); whence the square of AB is equivalent to the square of BD, together with the rectangle AD, DC. 2. But the square of the straight line BD drawn from the vertex to any point in the base produced, is greatefr BOOK It. 65 than the square of AB by the rectangle contained under AD and DC, the external seg- ments of the base. For draw BE, as before, to bi- sect the base AC. The square of DE is equivalent to the square of AE, together with the rectangle AD, DC, (IL 17. cor. 2.); to each of these, add the square of BE, and the squares of DE and BE, — that is, the square of BD (II. 10.) — are equal to the squares of AE and BE, or the square of BA, together with the rectangle AD, DC. PROP. XXI. THEOR. The difference between the squares of the sides of a triangle, is equivalent to twice the rectangle contained by the base and the distance of its middle point from the perpendicular. Let the side AB of the triangle ABC be greater than BC ; and, having let fall the perpendicular BE, and bisect- ed AC in D, the excess of the square of AB above that of BC is equivalent to twice the rectangle contained by AC and DE. For the square of AB is equivalent to the squares of AE and BE (II. 10.), and the square of BC is equivalent to the squares CE and BE ; wherefore the excess of the square of AB above that of BC is equivalent to the excess of the square of AE above . that of CE. But the excess of the square of AE above that of CE, is (IL 17.) equivalent to the rectangle con- tained by theiy sum AC and their difference, which is evi- 66 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. dently the double of DE ; and consequently the difference between the squares of AE and CE, being equivalent to the rectangle contained by AC and the double of DE, is equivalent to twice the rectangle under AC and DE. ' Cor, The difference between the squares of the sides of a triangle, is equivalent to the difference between the squares of the segments of the base made by a perpendicu- lar ; — a property likewise easily derived from the preceding proposition. PROP. XXII. THEOR. In any triangle, the sum of the squares of the sides, is equivalent to twice the square of half the base and twice the square of the straight line which joins the point of its bisection with the ver- tex. Let BD be drawn from the vertex B of the triangle ABC to bisect the base; the squares of the sides AB and BC are together equivalent to twice the squares of AD and DB. For let fall the perpendicular BE (I. 6.) ; and if the point D coincide with E, the triangle ABC being evidently isosceles, the squares of AB and BC are the same with twice the square of AB, or twice the squares of AE and EB, or of AD and DB (II. 10.) -^ dk c But if the perpendicular fall upon C, the triangle is right angled, and the squares of AB and BC are then equivalent to the square of AC, and twice the square of BC, or to twice the squares of AD, DC and BC ; but (II. 10.) twice the squares of DC and BC are BOOK II. 67 equivalent to twice the square of DB, and consequently the squares of AB and BC are equivalent to twice the squares of AD and DB. In every other case, whether the perpendicular BE fall within or without the base AC, the squares of AE, EC, the unequal seg- ments of AC, are (II. 19. cor.) equiva- lent to twice the square of AD and twice the square of DE ; add twice the square -^ X) E c of EB to both, and the squares of AE, EB and of CE, EB — or the squares of the hypotenuses AB, BC — are equiva- H C T2 lent to twice the square of AD, and twice the squares of DE, EB, that is, (II. 10.) to twice the square of DB. PROP. XXIII. THEOR. The square of the side of a triangle is greater or less than the squares of the base and the other side, according as the opposite angle is obtuse or acute,- — by twice the rectangle contained by the base and the distance intercepted between the ver- tex of that angle and the perpendicular. In the oblique-angled triangle ABC, where the perpen- dicular BD falls without the base j the square of the side AB which subtends the oblique angle exceeds the squares of the sides AC and BC which contain it, by twice the rectangle under AC and CD. For die square of AD, or of the sum of AC and CD, is (II. 15.) equivalent to the squares of these lines AC, CD, 68 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. together with twice their rectangle. Add the square of DB to each side, and the squares of AD, -^ DB, or (II. 10.) the square of AB is equi- valent to the square of AC^ and the squares of CD, DB, together with twice - — ^ ^ the rectangle AC, CD ; but the squares of CD, DB are (II. 10.) equivalent to the square of CB ; whence. the square of AB exceeds the squares of AC, BC, by twice the rectangle under AC and CD. Again, in the acute-angled triangle ABC, where the perpendicular BD falls within the triangle; the square of the side AB that subtends the U acute angle, is less than the squares of the containing sides AC, BC, by twice the rect- angle under the base AC and its intercept- -A. u c; ed portion CD. For the square of AD, or of the difference between AC and CD, is (II. 16.) equivalent to the squares of AC and CD, diminished by twice their rectangle. Add to each the square of DB, and the squares of AD and DB — or the square of AB— -are equivalent to the square of AC, with the squares of CD and DB, or the square of BC, diminish- ed by twice the rectangle under AC and CD. Conse- quently the square of AB is less than the squares of AC and BC, by twice the rectangle under AC and CD» Cor. If the triangle ABC be isosceles, having equal sides AC and BC, the square of the base AB is equivalent to twice the rectangle under the side AC, and the adjacent segment AD made by the perpendicular BD, whether the vertical angle be obtuse or acute. For the square of AB is equivalent to the sqnai'es of AC and BC, or twice the square of AC increased or diminished by twice the rect- BOOK II. 69 angle under AC and CD ; that is, equivalent to twice the rectangle under AC and AD, the sum or difference of AC and CD — This might also be demonstrated from the co- rollary to Prop. 10. ScJioL When the three sides of a triangle are given, the segments of the base made by a perpendicular may be found either by Prop. 21. or Prop. 23., and thence the perpen- dicular can easily be determined from the application of Prop. 10. But half the rectangle under this perpendicu- lar and the base will, by corollary to Prop. 5., express the area of the triangle. PROP. XXIV. THEOR. The squares of the sides of a rhomboid, are to- gether equivalent to the squares of its diagonals. Let ABCD be a rhomboid : The squares of all the sides AB, BC, CD, and AD, are together equivalent to the squares of the diagonals AC, BD. For the angles BCE and CBE are equal to the alternate angles DAE and x\DE, and the interjacent sides BC and AD are equal ; wherefore (I. 20.) the tri- angles BEC and DEA are equal. Consequently CE being equal to EA,the squares of AB,?BC, are (II. 22.) equivalent to twice the square of AE and twice the square of BE ; whence twice the squares of AB, BC, or the squares of all the sides of the rhomboid, are equivalent to four times the square of AE and four times the square of BE, that is, to the squares of AC and BD. ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. BOOK III. DEFINITIONS. 1. Any portion of the cir- cumference of a circle is called an «rc, and the straight line which joins the two extremi- ties, a chord. 2. The space included between an arc and its chord, is named a segment. S. A sector is the portion of a circle con- tained by two radii and the arc lying be- tween them. 4. The tangent to a circle is a straight line which touches the circumference, or meets it only in a single point. 75 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 5. Circles are said to touch mutually, if they meet, but do not cut each other. 6. The point where a straight line touches^ a circle, or one circle touches another, is called the point of contact. v. A straight line is said to be inflected from a point, when it terminates in another straight line, or a( the circumference of a circle. BOOK IH. 73 PROP. I. THEOR. A circle is bisected by its diameter. The circle ADBE is divided into two equal portions, by the diameter AB. For let the portion ADB be reversed and applied to AEB, the straight line AB and its middle po^nt, or the centre C, re- maining the same. And since the radii of the circle are all equal, or the distance of C from any point in the boundary ADB is equal to its distance from any point of the op- posite boundary AEB, every point D of the former must meet with a corresponding point of the latter, and consequently the two portions ADB and AEB will entirely coincide. Cor, The portion ADB limited by a diameter, is thus a semicircle, and the arc ADB la a semicircwmference, PROP. II. THEOR. A straight line cuts the circumference of a cir- cle only in two points. If the straight line AB cut the circumference of a circle in D, it can only meet it again in another point E. JFor join D and the centre C; and because from the point C on- 74 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. ly two equal straight lines, s».ich as CD and CE, can be drawn to AB (I. 17. qor.) the circle described from C through the point D will cross AB again only at E. PROP. III. THEOR. The chord of an arc lies wholly within the cir- cle. The straight line AB which joins two points A, B in t circumference of a circle, lies wholly within the figure. For, from the centre C, draw CD to any point in AB, and join CA and CB. Because CDA is the exterior an- gle of the triangle CDB, it is greater (I. 8.) than the interior CBD or CBA; but CBA, being (I. 10.) e- <]ual to CAB or CAD, the angle CDA is consequently greater than CAD, a!;id its opposite side CA (J. 13.) great- er than CD, or CD is less than CA, and therefore the point D must lie within the circle. Cor. Hence a circle is concave towards its centre. PROP. IV. THEOR. A straight line drawn from the centre of a cir- cle at right angles to a chord, likewise bisects it ; and, conversely, the straight line which joins the centre with the middle of a chord, is perpendicu- lar to it. BOOK III. 75 The perpendicular let fall from the centre C upon the chord AB, cuts it into two equal parts AD, DB. For join CA, CB : And, in the triangles ACD, BCD, the side AC is equal to CB, CD is common to both, and the right angle ADC is equal to BDC ; these trian- gles having thus their corresponding angles at A and B both acute, are equal (I. 21.) and consequently the side AD is equal to BD. Again, let AD be equal to BD ; the bisecting line CD is at right angles to AB. For join CA, CB. The triangles ACD and BCD, ha- ving the sides AC, AD equal to CB, BD, and the remain- ing side CD common to both, are equal (I. 2.), and con- sequently the angle CDA is equal to CDB, and each of them a right angle. Cor. Hence a straight line cutting two concentric cir- cles has equal portions intercepted by their circumferences. PROP. V. THEOR. A straight line which bisects a chord at right angles, passes through the centre of the circle. If the perpendicular FE bisect a chord AB, it will pass through G the centre of the circle. For in FE take any point D, and join DA and DB. The triangles ADC and BDC, having the side AC equal to BC, CD common, and 76 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. the right angle ACD equal to BCD, are '^qual (I. 3.), and CO! sequently the base AD is equal to BD. The point D is, therefore, the centre of a circle described through A and B j and thus the centres of the circles that can pass through A and B are all found in the straight line EF. The centre G of the circlt AEBF must hence occur in that perpendicular. Cor, The centre of a circle may hence be found by bi- secting the chord AB by the diameter EF (I. 7,), and bi- secting this again in G, PROP. VI. THEOR. The diameter is ihe greatest line that can be inflected within a circle, The diameter AB is greater than any chord DE. For join CD and CE. The two sides DC and EC of the triangle DCE are together greater than the third side DE (I. 14.); but DC and CE are equal to AC and CB, or to the whole diameter AB. Wherefore AB is great- er than DE. PROP. VII. THEOR. If from any eccentric point, two straight lines be drawn to the circumference of a circle ; the one which passes nearer the centre, is greater than that which lies more remote. ]gOOK III. 77 Let C be the centre of a circle, and A a different point, from which two straight lines AD and AE are drawn to the circumfe- rence ; of these lines, AD, which lies nearer to B the opposite ex- tremity of the diameter, is greater than AE. For the triangles ADC and AEC have the side CD equal to CE, the side CA common to both, but the contained angle DCA greater than EC A 5 wherefore (I. 18.) the base AD is likewise great- er than the base AE. Cor. 1. Hence the straight line ACB, which passes through the centre, is the greatest of all those that can be drawn to the circum- ference of the circle from the ec- centric point A. For it is evident fropi the Proposition, that the nearer the point D approaches to B, the greater is AD ; consequently the point B forms the extreme limit of majority, or AB is the greatest line that can be drawn from A to the circumference. Cor. 2. Hence also, whether the eccentric point be with- in or without the circle, the straight line AH is the short- est that can be drawn from A to the circumference. For AE is less than AD, and AG less than AF ; and the near- er the terminating point approaches to H, which is obvi- ously the most remote from B, the sshorter must be its dis- tance from A. Wherefore the point H marks the limit of IB ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. minority, and AH is the shortest line that can be drawn from A to the circumference of the circle. PROP. VIIL THEOR. From any eccentric point, not more than two equal straight lines can be drawn to the circum- ference, one on each side of the diameter. Let A be a point which is not the centre of the circle, and AD a straight line drawn from it to the circumference. Find the centre C (III. 5. cor.) join CA and CD, draw (I. 4.) CE making an angle ACE equal to ACD and cutting the circumfe- rence in E, and join AE : The straight lines AE, AD are equal. For the triangles ADC, AEC, having the side CD equal to CE, the side AC common, and the con- tained angle ACD equal to ACE, are equal (I. 3.), and consequently the base AD is equal to AE. But, except AE, no straight line can be drawn from A on the same side of the diameter HB, that shall be equal to AD : For if the line terminate in a point F between E and B, it will be greater than AE (III. 7.) ; and if the line terminate in G between E and H, it will, for the same rea- son, be less than AE. Cor, 1. That point from which more than two equal BOOK III. t9 straight lines can be drawn to the circumference, is the cen- tre of the circle. Cor. 2. Hence a circle will not cut another in more than two points. PROP. IX. THEOR. A circle may be described through three points which are hot in the same straight line. Let A, B, C, be three points not lying in the same di- rection ; the circumference of a circle may be made to pass through them. For (I. 7.) bisect AB by the per- pendicular DF, and BC by the per- pendicular EF. These straight lines DF, EF will meet ; because, DE be- ing joined, the angles EDF, DEF are less than BDF, BEF, and con- sequently are together less than two right angles, and DF, EF are not parallel (I. 22.), but concur to form a triangle whose vertex is F. Again, every circle that passes through the two points A and B, has its centre in the perpendicular DF (III. 5.) ; and, for the same reason, every circle that passes through Band C has its centre in EF; consequently the circle which would pass through all the three points, must have its centre in F, the point common to both perpendicular* DF and EF. It is farther manifest, that there is only one circle which can be made to pass through the three points A, B, C j 80 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. for the intersection of the straight lines DF and EF, which marks the centre, is a single point. Cor, Hence the mode of describing a circle about a gi- ven triangle ABC. PROP. X. THEOR. Equal chords are equidistant from the centre of a circle \ and chords which are equidistant from the centre, are likewise equal. Let AB, DE be equal chords inflected within the same circle ; their distances from the centre, or the perpendicu- lars CF, CG, let fall upon them, are equal. For the perpendiculars CF and CG bisect the chords AB and DE (III. 4.), and consequently BF, DG, the halves of these, are likewise equal. The right-angled tri- angles CBF and CDG, which are thus of the same character, having the two sides BC, BF equal respec- tively to DC, DG, and the corre- sponding angle BFC equal to DGC, are equal (I. 21.), and consequently the side FC is equal to GC. Again, if the chords AB, DE be equally distant from the centre, they are themselves equal. For the same construction remaining : The triangles CBFandCDG are still right-angled, or of the same charac- ter, and have now the two sides CB, CF equal to CD, CG, and the angle BFC equal to DGC ; consequently they are equal, and the side BF equal to DG ; the doubles of these, therefore, or the whole chords AB, DE, are equal. BOOK III. 81 PROP. XI. THEOR. The greater chord is nearer the centre of the circle ; and that chord which is nearer the centre is also the greater. Let the chord DE be greater than AB ; its distance from the centre, or the perpendicular CG let fall upon it, is less than the distance CF. For in the right-angled triangle BCF, the square of the hypotenuse BC is equivalent to the squares of BF and FC (II. 10.) ; and, for the same reason, the square of the hypotenuse DC of the right angled triangle DCG is equiva- lent to the squares of DG and GC. But the radii BC and DC are equal, and , consequently their squares ; wherefore the squares of DG and GC are equivalent to the squares of BF and FC. And since BE is greater than AB, its half DG, made by the perpendicular from the centre, is greater than BF, and con- sequently the square of DG is greater than the square of BF ; the square of GC is, therefore, less than the square of FC, because, when conjoined xyith the squares of DG and BF, they produce the same amount, or the square of the radius of the circle. Hence the perpendicular GC it- self is less than FC. Again, if the chord DE be nearer the centre than AB, it is also greater. For the same construction remaining : It has been proved that the squares of BF and FC are together equivalent to the squares of DG and GC ; but GC being less than FC, the 82 ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. square of GC is less than the square of FC, and consequently the square of DG is greater than the square of BF ; whence the side DG is greater than BF, and its double, or the chord DE, greater than AB. PROP. XII. THEOR. In the same or equal circles, equal angles at the centre are subtended by equal chords, and termi- nated by equal arcs. If the angle ACB at the centre C be equal to DCE, the chord AB is equal to DE, and the arc AFB equal to DGE. For let the sector ACB be applied to DCE. The cen- tre remaining in its place, the radius CA will lie on CD ; and the angle ACB being equal to DCE, the radius CB will adapt itself to CE. And be- cause all the radii are equal, their extreme points A and B must co- incide with D and E ; wherefore the straight lines which join those points, or the chords AB and DE, must coincide. But the arcs AFB and DGE that connect the same points, will also coincide ; for any intermediate point F in the one, being at the same distance from the centre as every point of the other, must, on its application, find always a corresponding point G. The same mode of reasoning is applicable to the case of equal circles. Cor, 1 . Hence, in the same or equal circles, equal arcs BOOK III. 83 are subtended by equal chords, and terminate equal angles at the centre. Cor, 2. Hence also, in the same or equal circles, equal chords must subtend equal arcs of a like kind, that is, arcs which are both greater or both less than a semicircumfe- rence. Schol. The length of a chord in a circle is thus insufficient alone to determine the magnitude of the angle which it subtends at the centre. To remove the ambiguity, it is requisite to know, whether this angle be greater or less than two right angles. PROP. XIII. PROB. To bisect a given arc of a circle. Let it be required to divide the arc AEB into two equal portions. Draw the chord AB, and bisect it (I. 7.) by the perpen- dicular EF cutting the circumference AB in E: The arc AE is equal to EB. For the triangles ADE, BDE, have the side AD equal to BD, the side DE common, and the containing right angle ADE e- qual to BDE; they are (I. 3.) con- sequently equal, and the base AE equal to BE. But these equal chords AE, BE must subtend equal arcs of a hke kind (III. 12. cor. 2.), and the arcs AE, BE are evidently each of them less than a semicircumference. Cor. The correlative arc AFB is also bisected, by the perpendicular EDF at the opposite point F. 8't ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRy. PROP. XIV. PROB. An arc being given, to complete its circle. Let ADB be an arc *, it is required to trace out the circle to which it belongs. Draw the chord AB, and bisect it by the perpendicular CD (I. 7.), cut- ting the arc in D, join AD, and from A draw AC making an angle DAC equal to ADC (I. 4.): The intersec- tion C of this straight line with the perpendicular, is the centre of the circle required. For join CB. The triangles ACE and BCE, having the side EA equal to EB, the side EC common, and the contained angle AEC equal to BEC, are equal (I. 3.)) and consequently AC is equal to BC. But (I. 1 1.) AC is also equal to CD, because the angle DAC was made equal to ADC. Wherefore (III. 8. cor. 1.) the three straight lines CA, CD, and CB being all equal, the point C is the centre of the circle. PROP. XV. THEOR. The angle at the centre of a circle is double of the angle which, standing on the same arc, has its vertex in the circumference. Let AB be an arc of a circle ; the angle which it termi- BOOK III. 85 nates at the centre, is double of ADB the corresponding angle at the circumference. For join DC and produce it to the opposite circumfeo rence. This diameter DCE, if it lie not on one of the sides of the angle ADB, must either fall within that angle or without it. First, let DC coincide with DB. And because AC is equal to DC, the angle ADC is equal to D AC (I. 10.) ; but the exterior an- gle ACB is equal to both of these (I. 30.)j and therefore equal to double of either, or the angle ACB at the centre is double of the angle ADB at the . circumference. Next, let the straight line DCE lie within the angle ADB. Froni what has been demon- strated, it is apparent, that the angle ACE is double of ADE, and the an- gle BCE double of BDE ; wherefore the angles ACE, BCE taken together, or the whole angle ACB, are double of the collected angles ADE, BDE, or the angle ADB at the circumference. Lastly, let DCE fall without the angle ADB. the angle BCE is double of BDE, and the angle ACE is double of ADE ; the excess of BCE above ACE, or the an- gle ACB at the centre, is double of the excess of BDE above ADE, that is, of the angle ADB at the circumference. Cor. Hence if an equal circle be described from any point D in the circumference, its arc intercepted by the Because 86 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. lines DA and DB will hejhe half of AB, and the whole of the interior arc half of the exterior. PROP. XVI. THEOR. The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal. Let ADB be the segment of a cir- cle ; the angles AFB, AGB contain- ed in it, or which stand on the same opposite portion AEB of the cir- cumference, are equal to each other. For join CA, CB. The angle ACB, or its reverse at the centre, and terminated by the arc AEB, is double of the angle AFB or AGB at the circumference (III. 15.); these angles AFB, AGB, which stand on the same arc AEB, are, therefore, in every case, the halves of the same central angle ACB, and are consequently equal to each other. Co7\ Hence equal angles at the circumference must stand on equal arcs ; for their doubles or the central angles, be- ing equal, are terminated by equal arcs (III. 12.). Hence also equal angles that stand on the same base, have their vertices in the same segment of a circle. Schol. Hence the ordinary construction of theatres, the seats being disposed in large arcs of a circle, so that the stage may to each spectator subtend an equal angle, or present always the same visual magnitude. BOOK III. 87 PROP. XVII. THEOR. •The opposite angles of a quadrilateral figure contained within a circle, are together equal to two right angles. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral figure described in a cir- cle ; the angles A and C are together equal to two right angles, and so are those at B and D. For join EB and ED. The angle BED at the centre is double of the angle BCD at the circumference (III. 15.) •, and for the same reason, the reverse angle BED is double of BAD. Consequently the angles BCD and BAD are the halves of angles about the point E, which make up four right angles; wherefore the angles BCD and BAD are together equal to two right angles. In the same manner, by joining EA and EC, it may be proved, that the angles ABC and ADC are together equal to two right angles. i Cor, 1. Hence it is evident from Prop. I. 16., that a cir- cle may be described about a quadrilateral figure which has its opposite angles equal to two right angles. Cor» 2. Hence if one side of a quadrilateral figure in- scribed in a circle be produced, it will form an exterior e- qual to the opposite angle. Cor. 3. Hence the angles at the base of a triangle in- scribed in a circle, are together equal to an angle contain- ed in the segment opposite to its vertex. 88 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XVIII. THEOR. Parallel chords intercept equal arcs of a circle. Let the chord AB be parallel to CD ; the intercepted arc AC is equal to BD. For join AD. And because the straight lines AB and CD are pa- rallel, the alternate angles BAD and ADC are equal (I. 22.) ; wherefore these angles, having their vertices in the circumference of the circle, must stand on equal arcs (III. 16. cor.), and consequently the arcs AC and BD are equal to each other. ^ Cor, Hence, conversely, the straight lines which inter- cept equal arcs of a circle are parallel; and hence ano- ther mode of drawing a parallel through a given point to a given straight line. PROP. XIX. THEOR. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle, the angle in a greater segment is acute, and the angle in a smaller segment is obtuse. Let ABD be an angle in a semicircle, or that stands on the semicircumference AED ; it is a right angle. For ABD, being an angle at the circumference, is half of the angle at the centre on the same base AED (III. 15.); it is, therefore, half of the angle ACD formed by the diverging of the opposite por- tions CA, CD of the diameter, or BOOK III. 89 or half of two right angles, and is consequently equal to one right angle. Again, let ABD be an angle in a segment greater than a semicircle, or which stands on a less arc AED than the semicircumference ; it is an acute angle. For join CA, CD. The angle ABD is half of the cen- tral angle ACD, which is evidently less than two right an- gles ; wherefore ABD is less than one right angle, or it is acute. But the angle AED, in the small- er segment, is obtuse. For AED stands on the arc ABD, which is greater than a semicircumference, and is the base of an angle at the centre, the reverse of ACD, and greater, therefore, than two right angles ; AED is hence an obtuse angle. Cor, Hence conversely the arc which contains a right angle must be a semicircle. SchoL From the remarkable property, that the angle in a semicircle is a right angle, may be derived an elegant me- thod of drawing perpendiculars. PROP. XX. THEOR. The perpendicular at the extremity of a diame- ter is a tangent to the circle, and the only tangent which can be applied at that point. Let ACB be the diameter of a circle, to which the straight hne EBD is drawn at right angles from the extre- 90 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. mity B ; it will touch the cir- cumference at that point. For CB, being perpendicu- lar, is the shortest distance of the centre C from the straight lineEBD (I. 17.) j wherefore every other point in this line iis farther from the centre than B, and consequently, falls without the circle. But EBD, drawn at right angles to the diameter, is the only straight line which can pass through the point B and not cut the circle. For were HBF such a line, the perpendicular CG let fall upon it from the centre, would be less than CB (I. 17.), and must therefore lie within the circle ; consequently HBG, being extended, would again meet the circumference. Cor\ Hence a straight line drawn from the point of con- tact at right angles to a tangent, must be a diameter, or pass through the centre of the circle. Scholium. The nature of a tangent to the circle is easily discovered from the consideration of limits. For suppose the straight line DE, extending both ways, to turn about the extre- mity B of the diameter AB ; it will cut the circle first on the one side of AB, and afterwards on the o- ther. But the arc AH being less than a semicircumference, the an- gle HBA which the line D'E^ makes with the diameter is acute (III. 19.); and, for the same reason, the angle KBA isa- cute, and consequently its adjacent angle D'BA is obtuse. Thus the revolving line DE, when it meets the semicir- BOOK III. 91 cumference AHB, makes an acute angle with the diame- ter J but when it comes to meet the opposite semicircum- ference, it makes an obtuse angle. In passing, therefore, through all the intermediate gradations from minority to majority, the line DE must find a certain individual posi- tion in which it is at right angles to the diameter, and cuts the circle neither on the one side nor the other. PROP. XXI. THEOR. If, from the point of contact, a straight line be drawn to cut the circumference, the angles which it makes with the tangent are equal to those in the alternate segments of the circle. Let 'CD be a tangent, and BE a straight line drawn from the point of contact, cutting the circle into two segments BAE and BFE ; the angle EBD is equal to EAB, and the angle EBC to EFB. ,For draw BA perpendicular to CD (I. 5. cor.), join AE, and from any point F in the opposite arc, draw FB and FE. Because BA is perpendicular to the tangent at B, it is a diameter (III. 20. cor.), and con- sequently AEFB is a semicircle ; wherefore AEB is a right angle (III. 19.), and the remaining acute an- gles BAE, ABE of the triangle, be- ing together equal to another right angle, are equal to ABE and EBD, which compose the right angle ABD. Take the angle ABE away from both, and the angle BAE remains equal to EBD. 92 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Again, the opposite angles BAE and BFE of the qua- drilateral figure BAEF, being equal to two right angles (III. 17.), are equal to the angle EBD with its adjacent angle EEC ; and taking away the equals BAE and EBD, there remains the angle BFE equal to EBC. Co7\ If a straight line meet the circumference of a cir- cle, and make an angle with an inflected line equal to that in the alternate segment, it touches the circle. Schol. A tangent may be considered as only a secant arrived at its ultimate position, when the two points through which it is drawn come to coincide. Suppose the straight line joining B and F were extended, it would make with the chord BE an angle EBF, equal to what the arc EF subtends from any point in the opposite circumference. But, when the point F is brought into the situation B, and BF merges into a tangent, the angle EBF passes into EBD, and the angle of the opposite or alternate segment becomes BAE. PROP. XXII. PROB. To draw a tangent to a circle, from a given point without it. Let A be a given point, from which it is required to draw a straight line that shall touch the circle DGH. Find the centre C (III. 5- cor.), join AC, and on this as a diame-, ter describe the circle AGCK, cut- ting the given circle in the points G, K : Join AG, AK ; either of these lines is the tangent required. For join CG, CK. And the angles CGA, CKA, be- BOOK III. 93 ing each in a semicircle, are right angles (III. 19.), and consequently AG, AK, touch the circle DGHK at the points G, K (III. 20.). Cm; Hence tangents drawn from the same point to a circle are equal ; for the right angled triangles AGG and ACK having the side CG equal to CK, CA common, are equal (I. 21.), and consequently AG is equal to AK. PROP. XXIII. PROB. On a given straight line, to describe a segment of a circle, that shall contain an angle equal to a given angle. Let AB be a straight line, on which it is required to de- scribe a segment of a circle containing an angle equal to C. If C be a right angle, it is evident that the problem will be performed, by describing a semicircle on AB. But if the angle C be either acute or obtuse j draw AD (I. 4.) making an angle BAD equal to C, erect AE (I. 34.), perpendicular to AD, draw EF (I. 5. cor.) to bisect AB at right angles and meeting AE in E, and, from this point as a centre and with the distance EA, describe the re- quired segment AGB. Because EF bisects AB at right angles, the circle described through A must also pas$ through (III. 5.) the point B ; and since EAD is a right 91 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. angle, AD touches the circle at A (III. 20.)> and the an- gle BAD, which was made equal to C, is equal (III. 21.) to the angle in the alternate segment AGB. PROP. XXIV. THEOR. Two straight lines drawn through the point of contact of two circles, intercept arcs of which the chords are parallel. Let the circles ACE and ABD touch mutually in A, and from this point the straight lines AC, AE be drawn to cut the circumferences ; the chords CE and BD are paral- lel. For draw the tangent FAG, (III. 20.), which must touch both circles. In the case of internal contact, the angle GAE is equal to ACE in the al- ternate segment, (III. 21.); and, for the same reason, GAE or GAD is equal to ABD ; consequently the an- gles ACE and ABD are equal, and therefore (I. 22.) the straight lines CE and BD are parallel. When the contact is exter- nal, the angle GAE is still e- qual to ACE, and its vertical angle FAD is, for the same reason, equal to ABD; whence ACE is equal to ABD ; and these being alternate angles, the straight line CE (I. 22.) is parallel to BD. BOOK III. 95 PROP. XXV. THEOR. If through a point, within or without a circle, two perpendicular lines be drawn to meet the cir- cumference, the squares of all the intercepted dis- tances are together equivalent to the square of the diameter. Let E be a point within or without the circle, and AB, CD two straight lines drawn through it at right angles to the circumference ; the squares of the four segments EA, EB, ED, and EC, are together equivalent to the square of the diameter of the circle. For draw BF parallel to CD, and join AF, AD, CB, and DF. Because BF is parallel to CD, the arc BC is equal to the arc FD (III. 18.), and consequently the chord BC is also equal to the chord FD (III. 12. cor. 1.) ; but BC being the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle BEC, its square, or that of FD is equivalent to the squares of EB and EC (II. 10.), and AED being likewise right-angled, the square of AD is equivalent to the squares of E A and ED. Whence the squares of AD and FD are equivalent to the four squares of EA, EB, ED, and EC. But since ED is parallel to BF, the interior angle ABF is equal to AED (I. 22.), and 96 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. therefore a right angle ; consequently ACBF is a semicir- cle (III. 19. cor.) and AF the diameter. The angle ADF in the opposite semicircle is hence a right angle (III. 19.), and the square of the diameter AF is equal to the squares of AD and FD, or to the sum of the squares of the four segments EA, EB, ED, and EC intercepted between the circumference and the point E. PROP. XXVI. THEOR. If through a point, within or without a circle, two straight lines be drawn to cut the circumfe- rence ; the rectangle under the segments of the one, is equivalent to that contained by the seg- ments of the other. Let the two straight lines AD and AF be extended through the point A, to cut the circumference BFD of a circle ; the rectangle contained by the segments AE and AF of the one, is equivalent to the rectangle under AB and AD, the distances intercepted from A in the other. For draw AC to the centre, and produce it both ways to terminate in the circumference at G and H ; let fall the perpendicular CI upon BD (I. 6.), and join CD. Because CI is perpendicular to AD, the difference be- tween the squares of CA and CD, the sides of the trian* gle ACD is equivalent to the diffe- rence between the squares of the seg- ments AI and ID the segments of the base (II. 21. cor.) ; and the dif- ference between the squares of two straight lines being equivalent to the rectangle under their sum and their BOOK III. 97 difference (II. 17.), the rectangle contained by the sum and differ- ence of AC, CD is equivalent to the rectangle contained by the sum and difference of AI, ID. But since the radius CG is equal to CH, the sum of AC and CD is AH, and their difference is AG 5 and because the perpendicular CI bisects the chord BD (III. 4.), the sum of AI and ID is AD, and their dif- ference AB. Wherefore the rectangle AH, AG is equi- valent to the rectangle AB, AD. In the same way it is proved, that the rectangle AH, AG is equivalent to the rectangle AE, AF; and consequently the rectangle AE, AF is equivalent to the rectangle AB, AD. Cor. 1. If the vertex A of the straight lines lie within the circle and the point I coincide with it, BD, being then at right angles to CA, is bisected at A (III. 4.), and the rect- angle AB, AD is the same as the square of AB. Consequently the square of a perpendicular AB limited by the circum- ference is equivalent to the rectangle under the segments AG, AH of the diameter. Cor, 2. If the vertex A lie without the circle and the point I coincide with B or D, the an- gle ABC being then a right angle, the incident line AB must be a tangent (III. 20,), and consequently the two points of section B and D must coa- lesce in a single point of contact. Wherefore the rectangle under the distances AB, AD be- comes the same as the square of AB j and consequently H H 98 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. the rectangle contained by the segments AG, AH of the diameter, is equivalent to the square of the tangent AB. PROR XXVII. PROB. To construct a square equivalent to a given rectilineal figure. Let the rectilineal figure be reduced by Proposition 6. Book II. to an equivalent rectangle, of which A and B are the two contain- ing sides ; draw an indefinite straight line CE, in which take the part CD equal to A and DE to B, on C de- scribe a semicircle, and erect the per- pendicular DF from the diameter to meet the circumfe- rence : DF is the side of the square equivalent to the given rectilineal figure. For, by Cor. 1 . to the last Proposition, the square of the perpendicular DF is equivalent to the rectangle under the segments CD, DE of the diameter, and is consequently e- quivalent to the rectangle contained by the sides A and B of a rectangle that was made equivalent to the rectilineal figure. PROP. XXyill. THEOR. A quadrilateral figure may have a circle describ- ed about it, if the rectangles under the segments made by the intersection of its diagonals be equi- BOOK HI. 99 valent, or if those rectangles are equivalent which are contained by the external segments formed by producing its opposite sides. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral figure, of which AC and BD are the diagonals, and such that the rectangle AE, EC is equivalent to the rectangle BE, ED ; a circle may be made to pass through the four points A, B, C, and D. For describe a circle through the three points A, B, C (III. 9. cor.), and let it cut BD in G. Be- cause AC and BG intersect each other within a circle, the rectan- gle AE, EC is equivalent to the rectangle BE, EG (III. 26.) ; but the rectangle AE, EC is by hypothesis equivalent to the rectangle BE, ED. Wherefore BE, EG is equivalent to BE, ED ; and these rectangles have a common base BE, consequently (II. 3. cor.) their altitudes EG and ED are equal, and hence the point G is the same as D, or the cir- cle passes through all the four points A, B, C, and D. Again, if the opposite sides CB and DA be produced' to meet at F, and the rectangle CF, FB be equal to DF, FA, a circle may be described about the figure. For, as before, let a circle pass through the three points A, B, C, but cut AD in H. And from the proper- ty of the circle, the rectangle CF, FB is equivalent to HF, FA ; but the rectangle CF, FB is also equivalent to DF, FA ; whence the rectangle HF, FA is equivalent to DF, FA, and the base HF equal to DF, or the point H is the same as D. ELEMENTS OJP GEOMETRY. BOOK IV. DEFINITIONS. 1. A rectilineal figure is said to be in* scribed in a circle, when all its angular points lie on the circumference* 2. A rectilineal figure circumscribes a circle, when each of its sides is a tan- gent. 5. A circle is inscribed, in a rectilineal figure, when it touches all the sides. fb2 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 4, A circle is described about a rectili- neal figure or circumscribes it, when the cir- cumference passes through all the angular points of the figure. 5. Polygons are equilateral, when their sides, in the same order, are respectively equal : They are equiangular, if an equality obtains between their corresponding angles. 6. Polygons are said to be regular, when all their sides and their angles are equal. BOOK IV. 103 PROP. I. PROB. Given an isosceles triangle, to construct ano- ther on the same base, but with only half the ver- tical angle. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle standing on AC; it is required, on the same base, to construct another isosce- les triangle, that shall have its vertical angle equal to half of the angle ABC. Bisect AC in D (I. Y.), join DB, which produce till BE be equal to BA or BC, and join AE, CE : AEC is the isosceles triangle required. For, the straight line BE being e- qual to BA and BC, the point B is the centre of a circle which passes through the points A, E, and C ; and consequently the angle ABC is the double of AEC at the circumference (III. 15.), or the vertical angle AEC is half of ABC. But the triangles AED and CED, having the side DA equal to DC, the side DE common to both, and the right angle ADE (III. 4'.) equal to CDE are (I. 3.) equal, and consequent- ly AE is equal to CE. Wherefore the triangle AEC is likewise isosceles. PROP. ti. PROBi. Given an acute-angled isosceles triangle, to con- struct another on the same base, which shall have double the vertical angle. 104? ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Let ABC be an acute-angled isos- celes triangle; it is required, on the base AC, to construct another isosce- les triangle, having its vertical angle double of the angle ABC. Describe a circle through the three points A, B, and C (III. 9. cor.), and draw AD, CD to the centre D ; the triangle ADC is the isosceles triangle required. For the angle ADC, being at the centre of the circle, is (III. 15.) double of ABC, the angle at the cir- cumference. PROP. III. THEOR. If an isosceles triangle have each angle at the base' double of the vertical angle, its base will be equal to the greater segment of one of its sides divided by a medial section. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle which has each of the angles BAC, BC A double of the vertical angle J\.BC \ the base AC is equal to the greater segment of the side Bx4i formed by a medial section. For draw CD to bisect the angle BCA (I. 5.), and about the triangle BDC describe a circle (III. 9. cor.). Because the angle BCA is double of ABC and has been bisected by CD, the angles ACD, BCD are each of them equal to CBD, and consequently the side BD is equal to CD (I. 11.). But the triangles BAC and DAC, having the angle BOOK IV. 105 ACD equal to ABC, and the angle at A common to both, must have also (I. 30.) the remaining angle CD A equal to BCA or CAD; whence (I. 11.) the triangle DAC is likewise isosceles, and the side AC equal to CD ; but CD being equal to BD, therefore AC is also equal to it. And since the angle ACD -is equal to CBD in the alternate segment of the circle, the straight line AC touches the circumference at C (III. 21. cor.); wherefore the rectan- gle contained by AB and AD (III. 26. cor. 2.) is equiva-^ lent to the square of AC, or the square of BD. Conse- quently the base AC of this isosceles triangle is equal to the greater segment BD of the side AB cut by a medial section. Cor, Hence the interior triangle ACD is likewise isos- celes and of the same nature with ABC, having the great- er segment of AB for its side, and the smaller segment for its baso. PROP. IV. PROB. Given either one of the sides, or the base, to construct an isosceles triangle, so that each of the angles at the base may be double of its vertical angle. First, let one of the sides AB be given, to construct such an isosceles triangle. Divide AB by a medial section at C (II. 19.), and on CB, as a base with the distance AB for each of the sides, describe an isosceles triangle (I. 1.) 106 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Next, let the base AB be given, AC B to construct an isosceles triangle of J[ ' ^g ^ this nature. Produce AB to C, such that the rectangle AC, CB be equal to the square of AB (II. 19. cor. 2.), and on the base AB, with the distance AC for each of the sides, de- scribe an isosceles triangle. These isosceles triangles will fulfil the conditions re- quired. For it is evident, from the last Proposition, that isosceles triangles constituted on CB or AB, with each of the angles at the base double the vertical angle, would have AB or AC for their sides, and consequently (I. 2.) must coincide with the triangles now described. Cor. Hence of such an isosceles triangle the vertical angle is equal to the fifth , part of two right angles ; for each of the angles at the base being double of the vertical angle, they are both equal to four times it, and consequent- ly this vertica} angle is the fifth part of all the angles of the triangle, or of two right angl^. PROP. V. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to describe a re- gular pentagon. i Let AB be the straight line, on which it is required to describe a regular pentagon. On AB erect (IV. 4.) the isosceles triangle ACB, ha- ving each of the angles at its base double of its vertical an- (jle, from the centre A with the distance AB describe an BOOK IV. lo: arc of a circle, and from the cen- tre B with the same distance de- scribe another arc, and from C inflect the straight lines CE, CD equal to AB: The points C, D, E mark out the pentagon. For it is evident from this con- struction that BF and AG bisect the angles at the base of the triangle ACB, and conse- quently (IV. 3.) AB is equal to BF and FC, or AG and GC. Again, the triangles BAD and BFC, having the sides AB, BD equal to BF, BC, and the contained angles equal, are themselves equal (I. 3.), and consequently AB is equal to AD, and the angle BAD equal to BFC, or three times ACB. In the same way it is shewn that' AB is equal to BE, and that the angles round the figure are each equal to thrice the vertical angle of the original isos- celes triangle. PROP. VI. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to describe a re- gular hexagon. Let AB be the given straight line, on which it is re- quired to describe a regular hexagon. On AB construct (I. 1.) the equilateral triangle AOB, and repeat equal triangles about the vertex O ; these tri- angles will together compose the hexagon required. Because AOB is an equilateral triangle, each of its an- 108 ELEMENTS OF GEOMET^IY. gles is equal to the third part of two right angles (1. 30. cor. 1.) ; wherefore the vertical angle AOB is the sixth part of four right angles, or six of such an- gles may be placed about the point O. But the bases of the triangles AOB, AOC, COD, DOE, EOF, and BOF are all equal ; and so are the an- gles at the bases, and which, taken by pairs, form the inter- nal angles of the figure B ACDEF. This figure is, there- fore, a regular hexagon. PROP. VII. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to describe a re- gular octagon. Let AB be the given straight line, on which it is re- quired to describe a regular octagon. Bisect AB (I. 7.) by the perpendicular CD, which make equal to CA or CB, join DA and DB, produce CD until DO be equal to DA or DB, draw AO and BO, thus forming (IV. 1.) an angle equal to the half of ADB, and, about the ver- tex O, repeat the equal trian- gles AOB, AOE, EOF, FOG, GOH, HOI, lOK, and KOB to compose the octagon. For the distances AD, BD are evidently equal ; and because CA, CD, and CB are all BOOK IV. 109 equal, the angle ADB is contained in a semicircle, and is therefore a right angle (III. 19.)» Consequently AOB is equal to the half of a right angle, and eight such angles will adapt themselves about the point O. Whence the fi- gure BAEFGHIK, having eight equal sides and equal angles, is a regular octagon. PROP. VIII. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to describe a re- gular decagon. Let AB be the straight line, on which it is required to describe a regular decagon. On AB construct (IV. 4.) an isosceles triangle having each of the angles at its base double of the vertical angle, and, about the point O, place a series of triangles all equal to AOB : A regular decagon will result from this composi- tion, ni For the vertical angle AOB of the isosceles triangle is e- qual to the fifth part of two right angles (IV. 4. cor.), or to the tenth part of four right angles ; whence ten such angles may be formed about the point O. The figure BACDEFGHIK, having therefore ten equal sides and eq^ual angles, is a regular decagon. ' '^/v F SIC k \/ t yK ii^ - ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. IX. PROB. On a given finite straight line, to describe a re- gular dodecagon. Let AB be the straight line, on which it is required to describe a regular twelve-sided figure. On AB construct (I. 1.) the equilateral triangle ACB, and again (IV. 1.) the isosceles triangle AOB, having its vertical angle equal to the half of ACB, and repeat this triangle AOB about the point O; a regular dodecagon will be thus formed. For ACB being an equilate- ral triangle, each of its angles is the third part of two right an- gles (I. 30. cor. 1.) ; conse- quently the angle AOB is the sixth part of two right angles or the twelfth part of four right angles, and twelve such an- gles can, therefore, be placed about the vertex O. Scholium. Hence a regular twenty- sided figure may be described on a given straight line, by first constructing on it an isosceles triangle having each of the angles at the base double of the vertical angle, and then erecting ano- ther isosceles ti'iangle with its vertical angle equal to the half of this. And, by thus changing the elementary tri- angle, a regular polygon maybe always described, with twice the number of sides. BOOK IV. Ill PROP. X. PROB. In a given triangle, to inscribe a circle. Let ABC be a triangle, it which it is required to in- scribe a circle. Draw AD and CD (I. 5.) to bisect the angles CAB and ACB, and from their point of concourse D, with its dis- tance DE from the base, describe the circle EFG : This circle will touch the triangle internally. For let fall the perpendiculars DG and DF upon the sides AB and BC (I. 6.). The trian- gles ADE, ADG, having the an- gle DAE equal to DAG, the right angle DEA equal to DGA, and the interjacent side AD common, are equal (I. 20.), and therefore the side DE is equal to DG. In the same manner, it is proved, from the equality of the triangles CDE, CDF, that DE is equal to DF; conse- quently DG is equal to DF, and the circle passes through the three points E, G, and F. But it also touches (III. 20.) the sides of the triangle in those points, for the angles DEA, DGA, and DEC are all of them right ano-les. PROP. XL PROB. In a given circle, to inscribe a triangle equian- gular to a given triangle. Let GDH be a circle, in which it is required to inscribe 112 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. a triangle that shall have its angles equal to those of the triangle ABC. Assuming any point D in the circumference of the cir- cle, draw (III. 22.) the tan^ gent EDF, and make the an- gles EDG, FDH equal to BCA, BAC, and join GH : The triangle GDH is equi- angular to ABC. For EF being a tangent, and DG drawn from the point of contact, the angle EDG, which was made equal to BCA, is equal to the angle DHG in the- alternate seg- ment (III. 21.); consequently DHG is equal to BCA. And for the same reason, the angle DGH is equal to BAC j wherefore (I. 30.) the remaining angle GDH of the trian- gle GHD is equal to the remaining angle ABC of the triangle ACB, and these triangles are mutually equian- gular. PROP. XXL PROB. About a given circle, to describe a triangle ^f quiangular to a given triangle. Let GIH be a circle, about which it is required to de- scribe a triangle, having its angles equal to those of the triangle ABC. Draw any radius FG, and with it make (I. 4.) the an- gles GFI, GFH equal to the exterior angles BAE, BCD of the triangle ABC, and, from the points G, I, and H BOOK IV. n^ draw the tangents KM, KL, and LM to form the trian- gle KLM : This triangle is equiangular to ABC. For all the angles of the quadrilateral figure KIFG be- ing equal to four right angles, and the angles KIF and KGF being €ach a right angle (III. y/^\/^ \\^a; cHb 20.), the remaining an- gles GKI and GFI are together equal to two right angles, and consequently equal to the angles BAG and B AE on the same side of the straight line ED. But the angle GFI was made equal to BAE ; whence GKI is equal to CAB. In Hke manner, it may be proved that the angle GMH is equal to ACB ; and the angles at K and M being thus equal to BAC and BCA, the remaining angle at L is (I. 30.) equal to that at B, and the two triangles are therefore equiangular. PROP. XIII. THEOR. A straight line drawn from the vertex of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle to any point in the opposite circumference, is equal to the two chords inflected from the same point to the extremities of the base. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle inscribed in a cir- cle, and BDj AD, and CD chords drawn from it to a point D in the circumference ; BD is equal to AD and CD taken together. If 114? ELEMENTS OF GEOIHETRY. For, make DE equal to DA, and join AE. The angle ADB is (III. 16) equal to ACB in the same segment, which, being the angle of an equilateral triangle, is e- qual (I. SO. cor. 1.) to the third part of two right angles. Bnt the triangle ADE being isosceles by construction, ^ the angles DAE, DEA at its base are equal (I. 10.), and each of them is, therefore, equal to half of the remaining two-thirds of two right-angles, or to one-third part. Con- sequently ADE is likewise an equilateral triangle (I. 11. cor.), and the angle DAE equal to CAB ; take CAE from both, and there remains the angle DAC equal to EAB ; but the angle ABD is equal to ACD in the same segment. And thus the triangles ADC and AEB have the angles DAC, DC A equal to EAB, EBA, and the interjacent side AC equal to AB ; they are consequently equal (I. 20.), and the side DC is equal to EB. But DE was made equal to DA ; wherefore DA and DC are togethei: equal to DE and EB, or to DB. PROP. XIV. THEOR. About and in a given square, to circumscribe and inscribe a circle. J^ct ABCD be a square, about which it is required to circumscribe a circle. Draw the diagonals AC, DB intersecting each other in Q, and, from that point with the distance AO, describe the circle ABCD : This circle will circumscribe the square. BOOK IV. 115 Because the diagonals of the square ABCD are equal and bisect each other, the straight lines OA, OB, OC, and OD are all equal, and consequently the circle described through A passes through the other points B, C, and D. Again, let it be required to inscribe a circle in the square ABCD. From O the intersection of the diagonals and with its distance from the side AD, describe the circle EGHF This circle will touch the square internally. For let fall the perpendiculars OG, OH, and OF (I. 6.). And because the straight lines AB, BC, CD, and DA are equal, they are equally distant from the centre O of the exterior circle (III. 10.) ; wherefore the perpendiculars OE, OG, OH, and OF are all equal, and the interior circle passes through the points G, H, and F; but (III. 20.) it likewise touches the sides of the square, since they are perpendicular to the radii drawn from O. Cor, Hence an octagon may be inscribed within a given square. For let tangents be applied at the points I, K, L, and M, where the diagonals cut the interior circle. It is evident, that the triangle AOE is equal to DOE, lOP to EOF, and EOZ to MOZ ; whence the angles POE and ZOE are equal, being the halves of EOA and EOD, and consequently the triangles PEO and ZEO are equal. Wherefore PZ, the double of PE, is equal to PQ, the double of PI ; and the angle EZM is, for a like reason, equal to EPI. And, in this manner, all the sides and all the angles about the eight-sided figure PQRSTWYZ are proved to be equal. 1 1 EJ.EMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XV. PROB. In and about a given circle, to inscribe and cir- cumscribe a square. Let EADB be a circle in which it is required to in- scribe a square. Draw the diameter AB, the perpendicular ED through the centre, and join AD, DB, BE, and EA : The inscribed figure ADBE is a square. The angles about the centre C, being right angles, are equal to each other, and are, therefore, subtended by equal chords AD, DB, BE, and AE, but one of the angles ADB, being in a se- micircle, is (III. 19.) a right angle, and consequently ADBE is a square. Next, let it be required to circum- scribe a square about the circle. Apply tangents FG, GH, HI, and FI at the extremities of the perpendicular diameters: These will form a square. For all the angles of the quadrilateral figure CG, being together equal to four right angles, and those at C, A, and D being each a right angle, the remaining angle at G is also a right angle, CG is a rectangle ; and AC being equal to CD, it is likewise a square. In the same manner, CH, CI, and CF are proved to be squares ; the sides FG, GH, HI, and IF of the exterior figure, being therefore the doubles of equal lines, are mutually equal, and the angle at G being a right angle, FH is consequently a square. Co?\ Hence the circumscribing square is double of the inscribed square, and this again is double of the square de- scribed on the ra^us of the circle. BOOK IV. 117 PROP. XVI. PROB. In and about a given circle, to inscribe and cir- cumscribe a regular pentagon. Let ABCDE be a circle in which it is required to in- scribe a regular pentagon. Construct an isosceles triangle having each of its an- gles at the base double of its vertical angle (IV. 4.), and equiangular to tliis, inscribe the triangle ACE within the circle (IV. 11.), draw AD, EB bisecting the angles CAE, CEA (I. 5.), and join AB, BC, CD, and DE; The figure ABCDE is a regular pentagon. For the angles AEB, BEC are each the half of CEA, and therefore equal to ACE; but the angles EAD, DAC are likewise equal to ACE. tlence these angles, being all equal, must stand on equal arcs (III. 16. cor.); and the chords of these arcs, or the sides AB, BC, CD, DE, and AE are equal (III. 12. cor.). And because the segments EAB, ABC, BCD, CDE, and DEA are evidently equal, (III. 16.), the interior angles of the figure are all equal, and it is, therefore, a regular pentagon. Next, let it be required to circumscribe a regular pen- tagon about the circle. At the points A, B, C, D, and E apply tangents; these will form a regular pentagon. For FAK being a tangent, the angle KAE is equal to ACE (III. 21.); and in like manner it is shown that the angles AEK, DEI, EDI, CDH, DCH, BCG, CBG, 1 ^ 8 ELEfylENTS OF GEOMETRY. ABF, BAF are all equal to ACE. The isosceles trian- gles AKE, BFA, having, therefore, the angles at the base equal and the bases themselves AE, AB,— -are equal (L 20.); for the same reason, the triangles BGC, CHD, DIE, EKA, are equal. Whence the internal angles of the figure are equal, and its sides, being double of those of the annexed triangles, are likewise equal : The figure is, therefore, a regtilar pentagon. PROP. XVII. PROB. To inscribe a regular hexagon in a given circle. Let it be required, in the circle FBD, to inscribe a hexa- gon. Draw the radius OA, on which construct the equilate- ral triangle ABO (I. 1. cor.), and repeat the equal trian- gles about the vertex O : These triangles will compose a hexagon. For the triangle ABO, being equilateral, each of its an- gles AOB is the third part of two right angles; and conse- quently six of such angles may be placed about the centre O. But the bases of the triangles AOB, BOC, COD, DOE, EOF, and FOA form the sides of the figure, and the angles at those bases its internal angles ; wherefore it is a regular hexagon. Cor, 1. Tangents applied at the points A, B, C, D, E, F, would evidently form a regular circumscribing hexa- gon. — An equilateral triangle might be inscribed by join- ing the alternate points 5 and, by applying tangents at BOOK IV. 119 those points> an equilateral triangle would be made to cir- cumscribe the circle. Cor, 2. The side AB of the inscribed hexagon is equal to the radius ; and since ABD is a right-angled triangle, and the squares of AB and BD are equal to the square of AD or to four times the square of AO, the square of BD the side of an inscribed equilateral triangle is triple the square of the radius. Cor. 3. The perimeter of the inscribed hexagon is equal to six times the radius, or three times the diameter, of the circle. Hence the circumference of a circle being, from its perpetual curvature, greater than any intermediate sys- tem of straight lines, is more than triple its diameter. PROP. XVIII. PROB. To inscribe a regular decagon in a given circle. Let ADH be a circle, in which it is required to inscribe a regular decagon. Draw the radius OA, and with OA as its side describe the isosceles triangle AOB, having each of its angles at the base double of its vertical angle (IV. 4.)y repeat the equal triangles about the centre O : These triangles will compose a decagon. For the vertical angle AOB of the component isosceles tri- angle, is the fifth part of two " right angles (IV. 4. cor.), and consequently ten such angles can be placed about the point O. But the sides and angles of the resulting figure are all "f^=Hffi^ evidently equal; it is, therefore, a regular decagon. 120 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Co7\ Hence a regular pentagon will be formed, by join- ing the alternate points A, C, E, G, I, and A. It is also manifest, that a decagon and a pentagon may be circum- scribed about the circle, by applying tangents at their se- veral angular points. PROP. XIX. THEOR. The square of the side of a pentagon inscribed in a circle, is equivalent to the squares of the sides of the inscribed hexagon and decagon. Let ABCDEF be half of a decagon inscribed in a cir- cle whose diameter is AF ; the square of AC, the side of an inscribed pentagon, is equivalent to the square of AB the side of the inscribed decagon, and of the square of the radius AO, or the side of an inscribed hexagon. For join AD, and draw OB, OC, and OD. Since the arc DEF is double of AB, the angle AOB at the centre is (III. 15.) evidently equal to OAD or OAG at the circum- ference •, and because the arc BCDEF again is double of DEF, the angle OAB at the circumference is likewise e- qual to AOG at the centre. Whence the triangles AOB and AGO, having the an^ gles OAB and AOB equal to AOG and OAG, and the interjacent side AO common, are equal (I. 20.), and therefore the base AB is equal to OG. Conse- quently, (IV. 18.) GAO is au isosceles triangle having each of the angles at its base double the vertical angle; BOOK IV. 121 wherefore (IV. 3.) OG is equal to the greater segment of side AO divided by a medial section. But (II. 20.) the square of AC, drawn from the vertex to a point in the extension of the base of the triangle OAG, is equivalent to the square of AG, together with the rectangle under OC and CG, or the square of OG ; that is, the square of the side of the inscribed pentagon is equivalent to the squares of AO and of AB, the sides of the hexagon and decagon. Cor. The triple chord AD of the decagon is equal to the combined sides AO and AB of the inscribed hexa- gon and decagon. For the triangle OAG, being equal to AOB or COD, the angle DCO or DCG is equal to AGO or DGC, and consequently (I. 11.) CD is equal to GD. Wherefore AD being equal to AG and GD, is equal to AO with OG or AB. Scholium. Hence the sides of the inscribed decagon and pentagon may be found by a single construction. For draw the perpendicular dia- meters AC and EF, bisect OC in D, join DE, make DG e- qual to it, and join GE. It is evident, that AO is cut me- dially in G(II. 19.), and con- sequently that OG is equal to a side of the inscribed deca- gon. But GOE being a right- angled triangle, the square of GE is equivalent to the squares of GO and OE (II. 10.), or the squares of the sides of the decagon and hexagon ; whence GE is equal to the side of the inscribed pentagon. It also follows, that CG is equal to CI or CP, the triple chords of the inscri- bed decagon. H^ y p^ X M ' ^ ^ *^\ / !f\ D '1 ■M. i- 2ir J 22 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XX. PROB. In a given circle, to inscribe regular polygons of fifteen and of thirty sides. Let AB and BC be die sides of an inscribed decagon, and AD the side of a hexagon inscribed ; the arc BD will be the fifteenth part of the circumference of the circle, and DC the thirtieth part. For, if the circumference were divided into thirty equal portions, the arc AB would be equal to three of these, and the arc AD to five ; consequently the excess BD is equal to two of these portions, or it is the fifteenth part of the whole circumference. A- gain, the double arc ABC being equal to six portions, and ABD to five, the defect DC is equal to one portion, or to the thirtieth part of the circumference. Scholium. From the inscription of the square, the pen- tagon, and the hexagon, — may be derived that of a variety of other regular polygons : For, by continually bisecting the intercepted arcs and inserting new chords, the inscribed figure will, at each successive operation, have the number of its sides doubled. Hence polygons will arise of 6, 8, and 10 sides; then of 12, 16, and 20; next of 24', 32, and 40 ; again, of 48, 64, and 80 ; and so forth repeated- ly. The excess of the arc of the hexagon above that of the decagon, gives the arc of a fifteen-sided figure ; and the continued bisection of this arc will mark out polygons with 30, 60, or 120 equal sides, in perpetual succession. BOOK IV. 123 The same results might also be obtained from the diffe- rences of the preceding arcs. Of the regular polygons, three only are susceptible of perfect adaptation, and capable therefore of covering, by their repeated addition, a plane surface. These are the equilateral triangle, the square, and the hexagon. The angles of an equilateral triangle are each two-thirds of a right angle, those of a square are right angles, and the angles of a hexagon are each equal to four-third parts of a right angle. Hence there may be constituted about a point, six equilateral triangles, four squares, and three hexagons. But no other regular polygon can admit of a like disposition. The pentagon, for instance, having each of its angles equal to six-fifths of a right angle, would not fill up the whole space about a point, on being repeated three times ; yet it would do more than cover that space, if added four times. On the other hand, since each angle of a polygon which has more than six sides must exceed four-third parts of a right angle, three such polygons can- not stand round a point. Nor can the space about a point ever be bisected by the application of any regular polygons, of whatever number of sides ; for their angles are always necessarily each less than two right angles. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. BOOK V. OF PROPORTION. The prieceding Books treat of magnitude as concrete, or having mere extension 5 and the sim- pler properties of lines, of angles, and of surfaces, were deduced, by a continuous process of reason- ings grounded on the principle of superposition* But this mode of investigation, how satisfactory so- ever to the mind, is by its nature very limited and laborious. By introducing the idea of Number into geometry, a new scene is opened, and a far wider prospect rises into view. Magnitude, being considered as discrete, or composed of integrant parts, becomes assimilated to multitude ; and un- der this aspect, it presents a vast system of rela- 126 EtEMENTS OF GEOxMETRY. tions, which may be traced out with the utmost facility. - Numbers were at first employed, to denote the aggregation of separate, though kindred, ob- jects ; but the subdivision of extent, whether ac- tually effected or only conceived to exist, bestow- ing on each portion a sort of individuality, they came afterwards to acquire a more com- prehensive application. In comparing together two quantities of the same kind, the one may contain the other, or be contai?ied by it ; that is, the one may result from the repeated addition of the other, or it may in its turn produce this other by a successive composition. The one quan- tity is, therefore, equal, either to so many times the other, or to a certain aliquot part of it. Such seems to be the simplest of the numerical relations. It is very confined, however, in its ap- plication, and is evidently, in this shape, insufficient altogether for the purpose of general comparison. But that object is attained, by adopting some in- termediate term of reference. Though a quantity neither contain another exactly, nor be contained by it ; there may yet exist a third and smaller quantity, which is at once capable of measuring them both. This measure corresponds to the arithmetical unit ; and as number denotes the col- lection of units, so quantity/ may be viewed as the aggregate of its component measures. But mathematical quantities are not ajl suscep- BOOK V. 127 tible of such perfect mensuration. Two quantities maybe conceived to be so constituted, as not to ad- mit of any other quantity that will measure them completely, or be contained in both without leaving a remainder. Yet this apparent imperfection, which proceeds entirely from the infinite variety ascri- bed to possible magnitude, creates no real obstacle to the progress of accurate science. The mea- sure or primary element, being assumed succes- sively still smaller and smaller, its corresponding remainder must be perpetually diminished. This continued exhaustion will hence approach nearer than any assignable difference to its absolute term. Quantities in general can, therefore, either ex- actly or to any required degree of precision, be represented abstractly by numbers ; and thus the science of Geometry is at last brought under the dominion of Arithmetic. It is obvious, that quantities of any kind must have the same composition, when each contains its measure the same number of times. But quan- tities, viewed in pairs, may be considered as ha- ving a similar composition, if the corresponding terms of each pair contain its measure equally. Two pairs of quantities of a similar composition, being thus formed by the same distinct aggrega- tions of their elementary parts, constitute a Pro- portion, 12^ ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. 1 . Quantities are homogeneous^ which can be added to- gether. 2. One quantity is said to contain another, when the subtraction of the smaller— continued if necessary — leaves no remainder. 3. A quantity which is contained in another, is said to measure it. 4. The quantity which is measured by another, is called its rhultiple ,• and that which measures the other, its sub- multiple, 5. Lilce multiples and submultiples are those which contain their measures equally, or which equally measure their corresponding compounds. 6. Quantities are commensurable, which have a finite common measure ; they are incommensurable^ if they will admit of no such measure. 7. That relation which one quantity is conceived to bear to another in regard to their composition, is named a ra- tio. 8. When both terms of comparison are equal, it is call- ed a ratio of equality ; if the first of these be greater than BOOK V. 129 the second, it is a ratio of majority ; apd if the first be less than the second, it is a ratio of minority, 9. A proportion or analogy consists in the identity of ra- tios. 10. Four quantities are said to he proportional^ when a submultiple of the first is contained in the second as often as a hke submultiple of the third is contained in the fourth. 1 1 . Of proportional quantities, the first of each pair is named the antecedent^ and the second the consequent, 12. The antecedents are homologous terms; and so are the consequents. 13. One antecedent is said to be to its consequent as another antecedent to its consequent. 14. The first and last terms of a proportion are called the extremes^ and the intermediate ones, the means. 15. A ratio is direct^ if it follows the order of the terms compared ; it is inverse or reciprocal^ when it holds a re- versed order. Thus, if the ratio of A to B be direct^ that of B to A is the inverse or reciprocal ratio. 16. Quantities form a continued proportion, when the intervening terms stand in the double relation of conse- quents and antecedents. 130 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 17. When a proportion consists of three terms, the middle one is said to be a mean proportional between the two extremes. 18. The ratio which one quantity has to another may be considered as compounded of all the connecting ratios among any interposed quantities. Thus, the ratio of A to D is viewed as compounded of that of A to B, that of B to C, and that of C to E). 19. Of quantities in a continued proportion, the first is said to have to the third, the duplicate ratio of what it has to the second; to have to the fourth, a triplicate ratio ; to the fifth, a quadruplicate ratio ; and so forth, according to the number of ratios introduced between the extreme terms. 20. If quantities be continually proportional, the ratio of the first to the second is called the suhduplicate of the ratio of the first to the third, the suhtriplicate of the ratio of the first to the fourth, &c, To facilitate the language of demonstration relative to numbers or abstract quantities, it is expedient to adopt a clear and concise mode of notation. 1, The sign = expresses equality^ t^ majority^ and .^^n minority: Thus A = B denotes that A is equal to B, BOOK V. 131 A'liP'B signifies that A is greater than B, and A.,^^ im- ports that A is less than B. 2. The signs + and — mark the addition and subtrac- tion of the quantities to which they are prefixed : Thus, A-f-B denotes that B is to be joined to A, and A — B sig- nifies that B is to be taken away from A. Sometimes these two symbols are combined together : Thus, Ar±=B represents either the sum of A and B, or the excess of A above B. 3. To express multiplication, the quantities are placed close together ; or they may be connected by the point (.), or the cross X : Thus, AB, or A.B, or A X B, denotes the product of A by B ; and ABC indicates the result of the continued multiplication of A by B, and of this product again by C. 4. When the same number is repeatedly multiplied, the product is termed its iponsoer ,- and the number itself, in re- ference to that power, is called the root. The notation is here still farther abridged, by retaining only a single letter wfth a small figure over it, to mark how often it is under- stood to be repeated : This figure serves also to distinguish the order of the power. Thus AA, or A% signifies that A is multiplied by A, and that the product is the second poxioer of A j and AAA, or A^, in like manner, imports that AA is again multiplied by A, and that the result is the third power o^ K. 5. The roots are denoted, by prefixing a contracted t or the symbol V , Thus VA or VA marks the second root of A, or that number of which A is the second power ; V A signifies the third y^oot of A, or the number which has A for its third power. 132 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 6. To represent the multiplication of complex quantities, they are included by a parenthesis. Thus, A(BH-C — D) denotes that the amount of B + C — D, considered as a single quantity, is multiplied into A. 7. Ratios and analogies are expressed, by inserting points in pairs between the terms. Thus A : B denotes the ra- tio of A to B i and the compound symbols A : B : ; C ; D,. signify that the ratio of A to B is the same as that of C to D, or that A is to B as C to D. PROP. I. THEOR. The pi^oduct of a number into the sum or dif- ference of two numbers, is equal to the sum or difference of its products by those numbers. Let A, B, and C be three numbers ; the product of the sum or difference of B and C by the number A, is equal to the sum or difference of the separate products AB and AC. For the product AB is the same as each unit contained in B repeated A times, and the product AC is the same as the units in C likewise repeated A times ; whence the sum of the products AB and AC is equal to the units contain- ed in both B and C, all repeated A times, or it is equal to the sum of the numbers B and C multiplied by A. Again, for the same reason, the difference between the products AB and AC must be equal to the difference be- tween the units contained in B and in C, repeated A times ; that is, it must be equal to the difference between the num- bers B and C multiplied by A. Cor, 1. Hence a number which measures any two num- bers, will measure also their sum and their difference. Cor, 2. It is hence manifest, that the first part of the proposition may be extended to more numbers than two ; or that AB+AC-I-AD+, &c. = A(B+C+D+, &c.) 134/ ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. Ii: THEOR. The product which arises from the continued multiplication of any numbers, is the same in what- ever order this operation be performed. Let A and B be two numbers ; the product AB is equal to BA. For the product AB is the same as each unit in B add- ed together A times, that is, the same as A itself repeated B times, or BA. Next, let there be three numbers A, B, and C; the products ABC, ACB, BAG, BCA, CAB, and CBA are all equal. For put D = AB or BA ; then DCzrCD, that is, ABC = CAB, and BAC = CBA. Again, put E = AC or'CA; then EB = BE, that is, ACB = BAC, and CAB = BCA. Lastly, put F = BC or CB ; then FA = AF, that is, BCA = ABC, and CBA = ACB. And thus the several products are all mutually equal. It is also manifest, that the same mode of reasoning might be extended to the products of any multitude of numbers. PROP. IIL THEOR. Homogeneous quantities are proportional to their like multiples or submultiples. BOOK V. "^155 het A, B be two quantities of the same kind, andj^A, j^B their Hke multiples ; then A : B : : pA : ^B. For, since A and B are capable of being measured to any required degree of precision, suppose a to be the mea- sure which A and B contain m and 7i times, or that A = 9n.a and Bzzn.a ; consequently pA=p.via, and p3=p,na. But (V. 2.) p.ma = m.pa, and p,na=i7i.pa. Wherefore a andi pa are like submultiples of A and of pA, which con- tain them respectively m times ; and these like submultiples are both contained equally, or n times, in B and in /?B. Consequently (V. def. 10.) the quantities A, B, and pA, ^B are proportional ; and A, /;A are the antecedents, and B, ^B, the consequents, of the analogy. Again, because the ratio of pA. to ^B is thus the same as that of A to B, which, in reference to pA and^B, are only like submultiples, it follows that homogeneous quanti- ties are also proportional to their like submultiples. PROP. IV. THEOR. In proportional quantities, according as tlie first term is greater, equal, or less than the se- condi the third term is greater, equal, or less than the fourth. Let A: B : : C: D; if A^^B, then C:::^D ; if A = B, then C = D ; or if A.^B, then C^-nD. For, if A be greater than B, then the measure or submul- tiple of A must be contained oftener in B, and hence the like submultiple of C will be contained oftener in D ; where- fore C is greater than D. IS»6 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. If A be equal to B, the measure of A is contained e- qually in B, and hence that of C in D, or C is equal to D. But, if A be less than B, the measure of A is not con- tained so often in B, and hence the measure of C is not contained so often in D, or C is less than D. Scholium, On this proposition is grounded the mode of stating a proportion in the Rule of Three, while the arith- metical operation will be found to depend on Prop. VI. PROP. V. THEOR. Of four proportionals, if the first be a multiple or submultiple of the second, the third is a like multiple or submultiple of the fourth. Let A : B : : C : D ; if A=:;?B, then C=^D. For, suppose the approximate measures of A and C to be a and c, and let Kzzzmp.a^ and C = »zp.r, It is evident, from the hypothesis, that A=:j)'B=:mp,a, or B = W2.ff ,• but the consequents B and D must contain their measures equally (V. def. 10. )> and therefore D=»2.c. Whence C =zmp.czz(y, 2,) p,mc=zp'D. Again, if 5'A = B; then will qC = T>, For, let A = na, and C^=wc; therefore B = g'A=rgrw«= (V. 2.) nq.af and, from the definition of proportion, D = nq.c=z (V. 2.) q.7lc:=:qC, BOOK V. 1S7 PROP. VI. THEOR. If four numbers be proportional, the product of the extremes is equal to that of the means j and of two equal products, the factors are con- vertible into an analogy, of which these form se- verally the extreme and the mean terms. Let A : B : : C ; D-, then AD = BC. For (V. 3.) A.D : B.D : : B-C : B.D ; and the second term of this analogy being equal to the fourth, therefore {V. 4.) AD = BC. Again, let AD = BC ; then A : B : : C r D. For, by identity of ratios, AD : BD : : BC : BD, and hence (V. 3.) A : B : : C : D. Cor. 1. Hence the greatest and least terms of a propor- tion, are either extremes or means. Cor. 2. Hence also a proportion is not affected, by trans- posing or interchanging its extreme and mean terms. On this principle are founded the two following theorems. PROP. VII. THEOR. The terms of an analogy are proportional by inversion^ or the second is to the first, as the fourth to the third. Let A : B ; : C : D ; then imersely B : A ; : D : C. For the extreme and mean terms are thus only mutual* ly interchanged, and consequently the same equality of products AD and BC still obtains. 138 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. VIII. THEOR. Numbers are proportional by alternation^ or the iirst is to the third, as the second to the fourth. Let A : B : : C : D J then alternately A : C : : B : D. For the extreme terms being still retained, the mean terms are merely transposed with respect to each other ; the same equality of products, therefore, also here subsists. I»ROP. IX. THEOR. The terms of an analogy are proportional by composition ; or the sum of the first and second is to the second, as the sum of the third and fourth to the fourth. Let A : B : : C : D ; then by composition A + B : B : : C+D : D. Because A : B : : C : D, the product AD = BC (V. 6.) ; add to each of these the product BD, and AD + BD = BC + BD. But (V. 1.) AD + BD = D(A+B), and BC + BD = B(C+D) ; wherefore (V. 6.) assuming the fac- tors of these equal products for the extreme and mean terms, A+B : B : : C+D : D. BOOK V. isy PROP. X. THEOR. The terms of an analogy are proportional by division ; or the difference of the first and second is to the second, as the difference of the third and fourth to the fourth. Let A : B : : C : D ; suppose A to be greater than B, then will C be greater than D (V. 4.) : It is to be proved that A— B : B : : C— D : D. For, since A : B : : C : D, the product AD=:BC (V. 6.), and, taking BD from both, the compound product AD — BD is equal to BC — BD; wherefore* by resolution,. (A— B)D = B(C-D), and consequently A—B : B : : C— D : D. If B be greater than A, then BD— AD = BD— BC, and, by resolution, (B— A) D = B (D— C) ; whence B— A : B : : D-C : D. PROP. XI. THEOR. The terms of an analogy are proportional by tonversioii ; that is, the first is to the' sum or dif- ference of the first and second, as the third to the sum or difference of the third and fourth. Let A : B : : C : D, and suppose A^^B 5 then A : A=i=B : : C : C=i=:D. For, since (V. 6.) the product AD = BC, add or sub- 140 :fiLEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. stract these to or from the product AC ; and AC=t:AD = AC=i=BC. Wherefore, by resolution, A(C=t:D) = C(A=±=B), and consequently A : A=1=B : : C : C=±:D. If A--^B, then AD—AC = BC— AC, and, by resolu- tion, A(D— C)=rC(B— A), whence A : B— A: : C: D-C Cor, Hence, by inversionj A=t:B : A : : C=izD : C, or B--A : A : : D— C : C. PROP. XII. THEOR. The terms of an analogy are proportional by mixing ; or the sum of the first and second is to the difference, as the sum of the third and fourth to their difference. Let A : B : : C : D, and suppose kr^^ ; then A + B : A—B::C + D:C— D. For, by conversion, A : A + B : : C : C + D, and alter- nately A : C : : A + B : C + D. Again, by conversion, A : A — B : : C : C — D, and al- ternately A : C : : A — B : C — D. Whence, by identity of ratios, A + B : C + D : : A— B : C~ D, and alternately A + B : A— B : : C + D : C--D. The same reasoning will hold if A be less than B, the order of these terms being only changed. BOOK V. HI PKOP. XIII. THEOR. A proportion will subsist, if the homologous terms be multiplied by the same numbers. Let A : B : : C : D 5 then pK : qBi-.pC : qD. For, since A : B : : C : D, alternately A : C : : B : D; but the ratio of A to C is the same as pA : pC (V. 3.), and the ratio of B to D is the same as qB : ^D Where- fore^ A : pC : : ^^B : g'D, and, by alternation, jpA : g'B : : ^C : ^D. Car. The Proposition may be extended likewise to the division of homologous terms, by employing submultiples. PROP. XIV. THEOR. The greatest and least terms of a proportion, are together greater than the intermediate ones. Let A : B : : C : D ; and A being supposed to be the greatest term, the other extreme D is the least (V. 6. cor. 1.) : The sum of A and D is greater than the sum of B and C. Because A : B : : C : D, by conversion A : A — B : ; € : C— D, and alternately A : C : : A— B : C— D; but A, being the greatest term, is therefore greater than C, and consequently (V. 4.) A — B is greater than C — D ; to each add B+D, and A+D is greater than B + C. 342 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. The same reasoning is. applicable, if any other term of the analogy be supposed the greatest. Cor, Hence the mean term of three proportionals, is less than half the sum of both extremes. PROP. XV. THEOR. If two analogies have the same antecedents, another analogy may be formed, having the con- sequents of the one for its antecedents, and the consequents of the other for its consequents. Let A : B : : C : Dand A : E : : C : F ; then B : E : : D : F. For, alternating the first analogy, A : C : : B : D, and alternating the second, A : C : : E : F ; whence, by iden- tity of ratios, B : D : : E : F. This inference is named a direct equality. PROP. XVI. THEOR. If the consequents of one analogy be antece- dents in another, a third analogy will arise, ha- ving the same antecedents as the former, and the same consequents as the latter. Let A : B : : C : D, and B : E : : D : Fj then A : E : : C: F. For, alternating both analogies, A : C : : B : D, and BOOK V. 143 B : D : : E : F; whence, by identity of ratios, A : C : ; E : F. This conclusion is also named a direct equality. PROP. XVII. THEOR. If two analogies have the same means, the ex- tremes of the one, with those of the other as the mean terms, will form a third analogy. Let A:B: : C:D,andE: B;: C: F;thenA;E: : F: D. For, since A : B : : C : D, AD = BC (V. 6.) ; and be- cause E : B : : C : F, EF = BC. Whence AD = EF, and A : E : : F : D. Co7\ Hence the extreme and mean terms being inter- changeable, it likewise follows, that, if A : B : : C : D, and ,A:E::F:D, thenBiE:: F:C. PROP. XVIII. THEOR. If the extremes of one analogy are the mean terms in another, a third analogy will subsist, ha- ving the means of the former as its extremes, and the extremes of the latter as its means. Let A : B : : C : D, and E : A : : D : F; then B : E : : F:C. For, from the first analogy AD=:BC, and, from the ser- Hi- ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. cond, EF=AD ; whence BC = EF, and consequently B : E : : F : C. Cor, Hence also, if A : B : : C : D and B : E : : F : C j then E : A ; : D : F. The principle of this and the pre- ceding Proposition is named inverse, or perturbatey eqiia- lity, ■ PROP. XIX. THEOR. If there be any number of proportionals, as one antecedent is to its consequent, so is the sum of all the antecedents to the sum of all the conse^ quents, Let A : B : : C : D : : E : F : : G : H; then A : B : : A+C+E+G : B+D+F+H. Because A : B : : C : D, (V. 6.) AD = BC; and, since A : B : : E : F, AF=BE, and, for the same reason, AH = BG. Consequently, the aggregate products, AB + AD + AF+AH=BA+BC + BE4-BG; and, by resolution, A(B + D + F+H) = B(A + C+E+G;; whence A : B : : A + C+E+G: B+D+F + H. C(yi\ I. It is obvious, that the Proposition will extend likewise to the difference of the homologous terms, and may, therefore, be more generally expressed thus : A : B : : A=±=CdtE=±=G : B=i=D=±=F=t=H. Cor, 2. Hence, in continued proportionals, as one ante- cedent is to its consequent, so is the sum or difference of the several antecedents^ to the corresponding sum or diffe- rence of the consequents. For, if A : B ; ; B : C ; : C : BOOK V. 145 then, by corollary 1, A : B : : AdtB=i=E : BdfcDdfcF, or (V. 8.) A : Adt:C=i=E : : B : B=t=D=i=F; wherefore (V. 11.) A : C=S=E : : B : D=4=F, and (V. 8.) A : B : : C=t:E : D=i=F. PROP. XX. THEOR. If two analogies have the same antecedents, another analogy may be formed of these antece- dents, and the sum or diiFerence of the conse- quents. LetA:B::C:D, and A:E: : C : F; then A: BdfcE : : C : D=±=F. For, by alternation, these analogies become A : C : : B : D, and A : C : : E : F •, whence (V. 19. cor. 2.) A : C : : B=i=E : D=fcF, and alternately, A : B=±:E : : C : D=±zF. Cor. If A : B : : C : D, and E : B : : F : D -, then A=i=:E : B : : C=t:F : D. For, by alternating the analo- gies, A : C : : B : D, and E : F : : B : D ; whence (V. 19. cor. 2.) B : D : : A=t=E : C=±=F, and, by alterna- tion and inversion, A=±=E : B : : C=i=F : D. PROP. XXI. THEOR. In continued proportionals, the difference be- tween the first and second is to the first, as the difference between the first and last terms to the sum of all the terms excepting the last. 14f6 Elements of geometry. Let A : B : : B : C : : C : D : : D : E; then if A-::^B, A— B : A : : A—E : A + B+C + D. For (V. 19.), A : B : : A+B+C+D : B+C+D+E, and consequently (V. 11. cor.), A— B : A :: (A + B + C+D) ^(B + C+D+E) : A+B + C+D; that is, omitting B+C+Dinthe third term, A-B:A::A-E: A + B+C+D. If A^B, then B— A : A : : (B+C+D+E)— (A + B + C+D) : A+B+C+D, that is, B— A : A : : E— A : A + B+C+D. The same reasoning, it is evident, will hold for any num- ber of terms. Scholium. Hence the summation of continued progres- sions, whether ascending or descending, is easily derived. PROP. XXII. THEOR. The products of the like terms of any numeri- cal proportions, are themselves proportional. Let A :B: :C: :D E: :F:: ;G; :H I: K:: :L: :M; then AEI ; :BFK : : CGL :DHM. For (V. 6.), from the first analogy AD = BC, from the second analogy EH = FG, and from the third analogy IM = KL; whence the compound product AD.EH.IMi= BC.FG KL. But AD.EH.IM= AEI.DHM (V. 2.), and BC.FG.KL = BFK.CGL ; wherefore AEI.DHM = BFK.CGL, and consequently (V. 6.), AEI : BFK : : CGLiDHM. BOOK v: 147 The sAme reason, it is obvious, will apply to any number of proportionals. Cor. 1. Hence the powers of the successive terms of nu- merical proportions, are likewise proportional. For, if A : B : : C : D, and, repeating the analogy, A ; B : : C : D ; then, by multiplication, AA : BB : : CC : DD, or A* : B» : : C* : D^ Again, let A : B : : C : D, and, repeating the analogy, A:Br:C:D, and A : B : : C : D i whence, by multiplying the corresponding terms, AJ : B» :: CJ : D. And so the induction may be pursued generally. Cor. 2. Hence also the roots of the terms of a numeri- cal proportion, are proportional. If A : B : : C : D, then VA: VB: : VC: VD. For let VA:>/B:: VC: VE, and, by the last corollary, A : B : : C : E ; but A : B : : C : D, whence C : E : : C ; D, and consequently E = D, or VA : VB : : VC : VD. — In the same man- ner, it may be shewn in general that, if A : B : : C : D, VA: VB:; VC: VD. PROP. XXIII. THEOR. The ratio which is conceived to be compounded of other ratios, is the same as that of the products. of their corresponding numerical expressions. Suppose the ratio of A : D is compounded of A : B, of B : C, and of C : D, and let A : B : : K : L, B : C : : 148 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. M : N, and C : D : : O : P ; then will A : D : : KMO : LNP. For, since A : B : : K : L, B : C : : M : N, and C : D : : O : P, the products of the similar terms are proportional (V. 22.), or ABC : BCD:: KMO : LNP. But A :D: : ABC: BCB (V. 3.), and consequently A : D : : KMO : LNP. The same mode of reasoning is applicable to any num- ber of component ratios. PROP. XXIV. THEOR. A duplicate ratio is the same as the ratio of the second powers oT the terms of its numerical ex- pression, and a triplicate ratio is the same as that of the third powers of those terms. Let A : B : : B : C : : C : D ; then A* : B* : : A : C, and A^ : B^ : : A : D. For, since A : B : : B : C, and A : B : : A : B, the products of the corre- sponding terms are proportional (V. 22.), or A* : B* : : BA : CB. Whence (V. 3.) A* : B^ : : A : C. Again, since A : B : : B : C, and A : B : : C : D, and A : B : : A : B, as before, (V. 22.), A' : B^ : BCA : CDB. And consequently (V. 3.) A':B^::A:D. BOOK V. 149 A T> J3 C oD.- PROP. XXV. THEOR. The product of the numbers expressing the sides of a rectangle, will represent its quantity of sur- face, as measured by a square described on the li- near unit. Let ABCD be a rectangle and OP the linear measure ; and suppose the side AB to contain OP, m times, and the side BC to contain it, n times* Divide these sides accordingly (1. 36.), and, through the points of section, draw straight lines (I. 23.) parallel to AD and DC : the whole rectangle will thus be divided into cells, each of them equal to the square of OP. It is evident, that there stand on BC, w columns, and that each of these columns contains, m cells ; consequently the entire space includes, m.n cells, or is equal to the square of OP repeated »m times. Cor. 1. If »2 = w, then AB = BC, and the rectangle be- comes a square ; but 7nn is in that case equal to 7iny or »*, Whence the surface of a square is expressed by the second power of the number denoting its side. Cor. 2. Rectangles which have the same altitude m are as their bases n and p ; for (V. 3.) mn : mp : : n : p. And triangles having the same altitude, being (II. 5. cor.) the halves of these rectangles, must likewise be as their bases. Cor, 3. If two rectangles be equal, their respective sides are reciprocally proportional, or form the extremes and means of an analogy. For if mn ^pq^ then (V. 6.) w : jp : : q '. n. X 50 ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. PROP. XXVL PROB. Given two homogeneous quantities^ to find, if possible, their greatest common measure. Let it be required to find the greatest common measure, which two quantities A and B, of the same kind, will admit. Supposing A to be greater than B, take B out of A, till the remainder C be less than it ; again, take C out of B> till there remain only D ; and continue this alternate ope- ration, till the last divisor, suppose E, leave no remainder whatever ; E is the greatest common measure of the quan- tities proposed. For, the quantity sought, as it measures B, will measure its multiple ; and since it also measures A, it must mea- sure the difference between the multiple of B and A (V. l.cor. 1.), that is, C; the required measure, there- fore, measures the multiple of C, and consequently the difference of this multiple and B, which it measured,— that is D : And lastly, this measure, as it measures the multiple of D, must consequently measure the difference of this from C, or it must measure E. Supposing the decomposition to terminate here, the common measure of A and B, since it measures E, must be E itself; and it is also the greatest possible measure, for nothing greater than E can be con- tained in this quantity. By retracing the steps likewise, it might be shown, that E actually measures, in succession, all the preceding terms D, C, B, and A. If the process of decomposition should never terminate, the quantities A and B do not admit of a common mea- BOOK V. 151 sure,— or they are incommensurable. But, as the residue of the subdivision is necessarily diminished at each step of this operation, it is evident that some element may always be discovered, which will measure A and B nearer than any ^issignable limit. PROP. XXVII. PROB. To express by numbers, either exactly or ap- proximately, the ratio of two given homogeneous quantities. Let A and B be two quantities of the same kind, whose numerical ratio it is required to discover. Find, by the last proposition, the greatest common mea- sure E of the two quantities ; and let A contain this mea- sure K times, and B contain it I^ times : Then will the ra- tio K : L express the ratio of A : B. For the numbers K and L severally consist of as many units, as the quantities A and B contain their measure E. It is also manifest, since E is the greatest possible divisor, that K and L are the smallest numbers capable of express- ing the ratio of A to B. If A and B be incommensurable quantities, their decom- position is capable at least of being pushed to an unlimited extent ; and, consequently, a divisor can always be found so extremely minute, as to measure them both to apy de- gree of precision. 152 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XXVIII. THEOR. A straight line is incommensurable with its seg- ments formed by medial section. If the straight line AB be cut in C, such that the rect- angle AB, BC is equivalent to the square of AC ; no part of AB, however small, will measure the segments AC, BC. For (V. 26.) take AC out of AB, and again the re- a T'f V C ^ mainder BC out of AC. But AD, being made equal to BC, the straight line AC is like- wise divided in D, by medial section (11. 19. cor. 1.); and, for the same reason, taking away the successive remainders CD, or AE, from AD, and DE or AF from AE, the sub- ordinate lines AD and AE are also divided medially in the points E and F. This operation produces, therefore, a series of decreasing lines, all of them divided by medial section : Nor can such a process of decomposition ever ter- minate ; for though the remainders BC, CD, DE, and EF continually diminish, they must still constitute the seg_ ments of a similar division. Consequently there exists no final quantity capable of measuring both AB and ACc Cor, Since (V. 6. and V. 24.) the whole line is to its smaller segment in the duplicate ratio of the same line to its greater segment, it evidently follows that the squares of the parts of a line divided by medial section are likewise mutually incommensurable. BOOK V. 153 PROP. XXIX. THEOR. The side of a square is incommensurable with its diagonal. Let ABCD be a square and AC its diagonal; AC and AB are incommensurable. For make CE equal to AB or BC, draw (I. 5. cor.) the perpendicular EF, and join BE. Because CE is equal to BC, the angle CEB (I. 10.) is equal to CBE ; and since CEF and CBF are right angles, the remaining angle BEF is e- qual to EBF, and the side EF (I. 11.) equal to BF; butEFis also equal to AE, for the angles EAF and EFA of the triangle AEF are evidently each of them half a right angle. Whence, making FH equal to FB, FE or AE, — the excess AE of the diagonal AC above the side AB, is contained twice in AB, with a remainder AH ; and AEl again, being the excess of the diagonal AF of the derived or secondary square GE above the side AE, must, for the same reason, be contain- ed twice in AG, with a new remainder AL ; and this re- mainder will likewise be contained twice with a correspond- ing remainder in AH, the side of the ternary square KH. This process of subdivision is, therefore, interminable, and the same relations are continually reproduced. ELEMENTS or GEOMETRY. BOOK VL The doctrine of Proportion, grounded on the simplest theory of numbers, furnishes a most powerful instrument, for abridging and extending mathematical investigations. It easily unfolds the primary relations subsisting among figures, and those of the sections of lines and circles ; but it also discloses with admirable felicity that vast con- catenation of general properties, not less impor- tant than remote, which, without such aid, might for ever have escaped the penetration^ of the geo- meter. The application of Arithmetic to Geome- try forms, therefore, one of those grand epochs which occur, in the lapse of ages, to mark and accelerate the progress of scientific discovery. 156 JILEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, DEFINITIONS. 1. Straight lines drawn from the Same point, are termed diverging lines. 2. Straight lines are divided similarli/f when their cor- responding segments have the same ratio. 3. A straight line is cut in extreme and mean ration when the one segment is a mean proportional between the other segment and the whole line. 4. A straight line is said to be cut harmonically, if it consist of three segments, such that the whole line is to one extreme, as the other extreme to the middle part. 5. The area of a figure is the quantity of space which its surface occupies. 6. Similar figures are such as have their angles respec- tively equal, and the containing sides proportional. 7. If two sides of a rectilineal figure be the extremes of an analogy, of which the means are two corresponding sides in another rectilineal figure ; those figures are said to have their sides reciprocally proportional. BOOK VI. 157 PROP. I. THEOR. Parallels cut diverging lines proportionally. The parallels DE and BC cut the diverging lines AB and AC into proportional segments. Those parallels may lie on the same side of the vertex, or on opposite sides ; and they may consist of two, or of more straight lines. 1. Let the two parallels DE and BC intersect the di- verging lines AB and AC, on the same side of the vertex A ; then are AB and AC cut proportionally, in the points D and E,~or AD : AB : : AE : AC. For if AD be commensurable with AB, find (V. 26.) their common measure M, which repeat from the vertex A to B, and, from the corresponding points of section in AD and AB, draw (I. 23.) the parallels FI, GK, and HL. It is evident, from Book I. Prop. 36. that these parallels will also divide the straight lines AE and AC equal- ly. Wherefore the measure M, or AF the submultiple of AD, is con- X v o -P H B tained in AB, as often as AI, the m like submultiple of AE, is contained in AC ; consequently (V. def. 10.) the ratio of AD to AB is the same with that ofAEtoAC. But if the segments AD and AB be incommensurable, they may still bie expressed numerically, to any required de- gree of precision. For AD being divided (I. 36.) into e-r qual sections, these parts, continued towards B, will, to- gether with some residuary portion, compose the whole of 158 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. AB. Let this division of AD extend through DB as far as h^ and draw the parallel he. Let the parts of AD and AB he again subdivided, and the corresponding residue will evi- dently be diminished ; consequently, at each successive sub- division, the terminating parallel he will approximate perpetually to BC. Wherefore, by continuing this pro- K cess of exhaustion, the divided lines Kb and Arwill approach their limits AB and AC, nearer than^any finite or assignable interval. Consequently, from the preceding demonstration, AD : AB : : AE : AC. And since AD : AB : : AE : AC, it follows, by conver- sion (V. 11.), that AD ; DB ; : AE : EC, and again, by composition (V. 9.), that AB : DB : : AC : EC. 2. Let the two parallels DE and BC cut the diverging lines DB and EC, on opposite sides of A ; the segments AB, AD have the same ratio with AC, AE, — or AB : AD ; : AC : AE. For, make AO equal to AD, AP to AE, and join OP. The triangles APO and AED, having the sides AO, AP equal to AD, AE, and the contained vertical an- gle OAP equal to DAE, are equal (L 3.), and con- sequently the angle AOP is equal to ADE ; but these being alternate angles, the straight line OP (I. 22.) is pa- rallel to DE or BC, and hence, from what was already de- monstrated, AB : AO or AD : : AC : AP or AE. And since AB : AD : : AC ; AE, by composition BD : BOOK VI. 159 AD : : CE : AE, and, by conversion, BD : AB : : CE : AC. 3, Lastly, let more than two parallels, BC, DE, FH, and GI, intersect the diverging lines AB and AC ; the seg- ments DA, AF, FG, and GB, in DB, are proportional re- spectively to EA, AH, HI, and IC, the corresponding segments in EC. For, from the second case, AD : AF : : AE : AH ; and, from the first case, AF : FG : : AH : HI. But from the same case, AG : FG : : AI : HI, and AG : GB : : AI : IC; whence (V. 15.) FG : GB : : HI:IC. Cor. 1 . Hence the converse of the proposition is also true, or straight lines which cut diverging lines pro- portionally are parallel ; for it would otherwise follow, that a new division of the same line would not alter the rela- tion among the segments, which is evidently absurd. Cor, 2. Hence, if the segments of one diverging line be equal to those of another, the straight lines which join them are parallel. PROP. II. THEOR. t)iverging lines are proportional to the corre- sponding segments into which they divide paral- lels. 160 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETEY. Let two diverging lines AB and AC cut the parallels BC and DE; then AB : AD : : BC : DE. For draw DF parallel to AC. And, by the last Pro* position, the parallels AC and DF must cut the straight lines AB and BC proportion- ally, or AB : AD :: BC : CF. But CF is equal (I. 26.) to the opposite side DE of the parallelogram DECF; and consequently AB : AD:; BC : DE. Next, let more than two diverging lines, AB, AF and AC intersect the parallels BC and DE j the segments BF and FC have respectively to DG and GE the same ratio as AB has to AD. ' From what has been already demonstrated, it appears, that AB : AD : : BF : DG, and al- so that AF : AG : : FC : GE. But by the last Proposition, AB : AD : : AF : AG ; wherefore AB : AD : : FC : GE. The same mode of reasoning, it is obvious, might be ex- tended to any number of sections. "Whence AB : AD : : BF : DG : : FC : GE. Cor. 1. Hence the straight lines which cut diverging lines equally, being parallel (VI. 1. cor. 2.), are themselves pro- portional to the segments intercepted from the vertex. BOOK VI. 161 Cor, 2. Hence parallels are cut proportionally by diver- ging lines. PROP. III. PROB. To find a fourth proportional to three given straight lines. Let A, B, and C be three straight lines, to which it is required to find a fourth proportional. Draw the diverging lines DG and DH^ make DE equal to A, DF to B, and DG to C, join EF, and through G draw (I. 23.) GH parallel to EF and meeting DH in H; DH is a fourth proportional to the straight lines A, B, and C. For the diverging lines DG and DH are cut propor- tionally by the parallels EF and GH (VI. 1.), or DE : DF : : DG : DH, that is, A : B^- : C : DH. Cor, If the mean terms B and C be equal, it is obvious that DG will become equal to DF, and that DH will be jfbund a third proportional to the two given terms A and B. PROP. IV. PROB. To cut a given straight line into segments, which shall be proportional to those of a divided, straight line. 162 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Let AB be a straight line, which it is required to cut into segments proportional to those of a given divided straight line. Draw the diverging line AC, and make AD, DE, and EC, equal respectively to the seg- ments of the divided line, join CB, and draw EG and DF parallel to it (I. 23.) and meet- ing AB in G and Fj AB is cut in those points proportionally to the segments oi AC. For the parallels DF, EG, and CB must cut the di- verging lines AB and AC proportionally (VI. l.)> or AF : FG : : AD : DE, and FG : GB : : DE ; EC. PROP. V. PROB. To cut off the successive parts of a given straight line. Let AB be a straight line, from which it is required to cut off successively the half, th^e third, the fourth, the fifth, Stc. Oil AB describe (I. 23.) the rhomboid ABCD, and through E, the intersection of its diagonals AC and BD, draw EF parallel to AD, join DF, and through G, where it cuts AC, draw GH likewise parallel to AD, again join DH and draw the parallel IK, and so repeat the opera- tion : Then will AF be the half of AB, AH the third, AK the fourth, and AM the fifth part of it. The triangles AED and CEB are equal (I. 20.), since BOOK vr. 163 KKH Jf they have (1. 23.) the angles DAE and ADE equal to BCE and CBE, and the interjacent sides AD and CB (I. 26.) likewise equal ; and therefore DE = EB. But AD and EF being parallel, DE : EB: : AF : FB (VI. 1.)'; whence (V. 4.) AF = FB, or AF is the half of AB. And AD and EF being intercepted parallels, AD : EF : : AB : BF (VI. 2.) ; con- sequently, since AB is double of BF, AD is likewise double ofEF(V.5.) Again, the ^y C diverging lines AGE and DGF are proportional to the intercepted parallels AD and EF (VI. 2.), or AD : EF : : AG : GE ; and GH being parallel to EF, AG : GE : : AH : HF (VI. 1.), whence AD : EF : : AH : HF; but AD was shown to be double of EF, where- fore AH is double of HF (V. 5), or AH is two-thirds of AF, or of the half of AB, and is consequently the third part of the whole AB. Now, since AF : HF : : AD : GH, (VI. 2.) and AFis triple of HF, it is evident that AD is triple of GH; but AD : GH : : AI : IG : : AK : KH, and, AD being triple of GH, AK must also be triple of KH ; or AK is three-fourths of AH, which was proved to be the third of AB, whence the segment AK is the fourth part of the whole line AB. By a like process, it is shown that AM is the fifth part of AB. Cor. This construction likewise exhibits other portions of the line AB. For, since AF is the half, and AH the third, their difference FH must be the sixth part. Again, AH and AK being the third and fourth parts, the inter- val HK is the twelfth. In like manner, it is shown that KM i§ the twentieth part of AB. 164 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. / 1 J "^ X^:- 1 / r \ ^h" "■■" /K Cr i PROP. VI. PROB. To divide a straight line harmonically, and in a given ratio. Let AB be a straight line, which it is required to cut harmonically, in the ratio of K to L. Through A draw the diverging line AC, and produce it both ways till AC and AD be each equal to K, make AE equal to L, join CB, draw EF parallel to AB, and FG paral- lel to CA, and join DF cutting AB in H; the straight line AB is divided harmonically in the points H and G, such that K : L : : AB : BG : : AH : HG. For the parallels AC and GF, being intercepted by the diverging lines AB and CB, AC : GF : : AB : BG (VL2.). Again, the diverging lines AG and DF are cut by the parallels AD and FG, whence (VI. 2.) AD or AC : GF : : AH : HG. Where- fore, AB : BG : : AH : HG; and each of these ratios is the same as that of AC or AD to GF, or that of K to L. Cor. Hence AG is divided, internally in H and exter- nally in B, in the same ratio. In like manner, BH is di- vided proportionally, by an external and internal section in A and G ; for AB : BG : : AH : HG, and alternately AB : AH : : BG : HG. BOOK V|. 165 PROP. VII. THEOR. If a straight line be divided internally and ex- ternally in the same ratio, half the line is a mean proportional between the distances of the middle from the two points of unequal section. Let the straight line AB be divided in the same ratio, internally and externally in C and D, and also be bisected in E ; the half EB is a mean proportional between EC and ■ )■ "-^ ^ ^f ^ ED, or EC : EB : : EB : ED. For since AC : CB : : AD : DB, by mixing and inver- sion AC— CB : AC+CB : : AD~DB : AD+DB, that is, 2EC : AB : : AB : 2ED, and, halving all the terms of the analogy, (V. 3.) EC : EB : : EB : ED. Cor, Hence if a straight line be cut internally and exter- nally in the same ratio, the square of the interval between the points of section is equivalent to the difference between the rectangles under the internal and external segments. For (II. 17.) AD.DB=ED^--EB% and AC.CB = EB*^ EC^; consequently AD.DB— AC.CB = ED*— 2EB*+ ECS or (V. 6. and VI. 7.) ED*— 2ED.EC + EC% which (IL 16.) is the square of ED— EC or of CD. PROP. VIII. THEOR. If diverging lines divide a straight line harmo- nically, they will cut every intercepted straight line also in harmonic proportion. 166 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. Let the diverging lines EA, EC, EB, and ED termi- nate in the harmonic section of the straight line AD ; any intercepted straight line FG will be likewise cut by them harmonically, or FG : GI : : FH : HI. For, through the points B and I, draw (I. 23.) KL and MN parallel to AE. Because the parallels AE and BL are intercepted by the diverging lines DA and DE, AD : DB : : AE : BL (YI. 2.) ; and for the same reason, the parallels AE and BK being intercepted by the diverging lines AB and EK> AC : CB : : AE : BK. And since AD is divided harmonically, AD : DB : : AC : CB ; wherefore AE : BL : : AE : BK, and con- sequently (V. 8. and 4;.) BL = BK. But, KL being parallel to MN, BL ; BK ::IN:IM(VI. 2. cor. 2.); consequently, BL being equal to BK, IN must also be equal to IM; whence FE : IN : : FE : IM. Again, FE : IN : : FG : GI, for the parallels FE and IN are cut by the diverging lines GF and GE ; and FE : IJVI : : FH : HI, since the parallels FE and IM are cut by the diverging lines FI and EM. Wherefore, by identity of ratios, FG : GI : : FH : HI; or the intercepted straight line FG is cut harmonically in the points H and I. BOOK VI. 167 PROP. IX. THEOR. A straight line drawn from the concourse of two tangents to the concave circumference of a circle, is divided harmonically, by the convex cir^ cumference and the chord which joins the points of contact. Let ED and FD be two tangents applied to the circle AEBF; the secant DA, drawn from their point of con- course, will be cut in harmonic proportion, by the convex circumference EBF and the chord EF which joins the points of contact, — or AD : DB : : AC : CB. For the tangents ED and FD are equal (III. 22. cor.), and EDF being thus an isosceles triangle, DE* = DC* + EC.CF (II. 20.); (but III. 26. cor. 2.) DE* is also equal to AD.DB, and the chords ABandEF, by their mu- tual intersection, make the rectangle EC, CF equal to AC, CB. Whence DC* = AD.DB— AC.CB, and therefore (VI. 7. cor.) AC : CB : : AD : DB. Cor. Hence by applying Prop. 7, it follows, that half the chord AB is a mean proportional between the distan- ces of its middle point from C and D ; and that, when AD passes through the centre of the circle, the square of the radius is equivalent to the rectangle under the distances of the chord and of the intersection of the tangents from the centre. 168 ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRY. PROP. X. THEOR. A straight line which bisects, either internally or externally, the vertical angle of a triangle, will divide its base into segments, internal or external, that are proportional to the adjacent sides of the triangle. Let the straight line BD bisect the vertical angle of the triangle ABC ; it will cut the base AC into segments which have the same ratio as the adjacent sides, or AD : DC : : AB : BC. For through C draw CE parallel to DB (I. 23.), and meeting the production of AB in E. Because DB and CE are parallel, the exterior angle ABD is equal to BEC, and the alternate angle DBC equal to J^ BCE (I. 22.) > wherefore the angle ABD being equal by hy- pothesis to DBC, the angle 33/ BEC is equal to BCE, and con- sequently (I. 11.) the triangle CBE is isosceles, or BE is e- qual to BC. But the parallels DB and CE cut the diverging lines AC and AE proportionally (VI. 1.), or AD: DC : : AB : BE ; that is, since BE = BC, AD : DC : : AB : BC. Again, let the vertical line BD bisect the exterior angle CBG of the triangle ; it will divide the base into external segments AD and DC, which are also proportional to the adjacent sides AB and BC. BOOK VI. 169 For through C draw CE parallel to DB, and meeting AB in E. The equal angles GBD and DBC are, from the pro- perties of parallel straight lines, re- spectively equal to BEC and BCE, ^ and consequently ^ C the triangle C'BE is isosceles, or the side BC is equal to BE. And since the diverging lines AD and AB are cut by the parallels DB and CE proportionally, AD : DC : : AB : BE or BC. Cor, Hence the converse of the Proposition is likewise true, or if a straight line be drawn from the vertex of a triangle to cut the base in the ratio of the adjacent sides, it will bisect the vertical angle •, for it is evident, from VI. 6. cor., that a straight line is only capable of a single section, whether internal or external, in a given propor- tion. Scholium, The vertical line BD must bisect the base AC of the triangle, when the sides AB and BC are equal. In the case where BD bisects the exterior angle CBG, if AB be supposed to approach to an equality with BC, the straight Hne EC will come nearer to AC, and consequent- ly the incidence D of the parallel BD with AC will be thrown continually more remote. But when the side AB is equal to BC, the straight line BD, being now parallel to AC, will never meet it, or there can be no equality of external section ; for though the ratio of AD to CD tends towards the ratio of equality as the point D retires, yet the 170 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. constant difference AC betwreen those distances must al- ways bear a sensible relation to them. After BD, in turn- ing about the point B, has passed the limits of distance beyond C, it re-appears in an opposite direction beyond A, when AB, receding from equality, has become less than BC. PROP. XL THEOR. Triangles are similar, which have their corre- sponding angles equal. Let the triangles ABC and DEF have the angle CAB equal to FDE, CBA to FED, and consequently (L 30.) the remaining angle BCA equal to EFD ; these triangles are similar, or the sides in both which contain equal an- gles are proportional. For make BG equal to ED, and draw GH parallel to AC. Because GH is parallel to AC, the exterior angle BGH is equal (I. 22.) to BAC, that is to EDF; and the angle at B is, by hypothesis, equal to that at E, and the interjacent side BG was made equal to ED; wherefore (I. 20.) the triangle GBH is equal to DEF. But, the diverging lines BA and BC being cut proportionally by the parallels AC and GH (VI. J.), AB BOOK VI. 171 is to BC as BG to BH, or as ED to EF. Again, thosi^ diverging lines being proportional to the intercepted seg- ments AC and GH of the parallels (VI. 2.), AB is to BG as AC is to GH, and alternately AB is to AC as BG is to GH, or as ED to DF. In the same manner, as BC is to BH so is AC to GH, and alternately, as BC is to AC so is BH or EF to GH or DF. And thus, the sides opposite to equal angles in the triangles ABC and DEF are the homologous terms of a proportion. Cor, Isosceles triangles are similar which have their ver- tical angles equal. For the supplementary angles at the base, forming (I. 30.) the same amount, must consequently be equal to each other. Scholium, It is obvious that the twentieth Proposition of Book I. is but a particular case of this theorem. PROP. XII. THEOR. Triangles which have the sides about two of their angles proportional, are similar. In the triangles ABC and DEF, let AB: AC : : DE : DF and BC : AC ; : EF : DF; then is the angle BAC equal to EDF, and the angle BCA equal to EFD. For (1. 4.) draw DG and FG, making angles FDG and DFG equal to CAB and ACB. B}" the last Proposition, the triangle ABC is similar to DGF, and consequently AB : AC : : DG : DF; but by hypothesis, AB : AC : : DE : DF, and hence, from iden- 172 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. tity of ratios, DG : DF : : DE :DF, or DG.is e- qual to DE. In the same manner, BC : AC : : EF : DF, and BC AC : : GF:DF;whenceEF:DF : ; GF : DF, and EF is e- qual to FG. Wherefore the triangles DEF and DGF, having thus the sides DE and EF equal to DG and FG, and the side DF common to both, are (I. 2.) equal ; consequently the angle EDF is equal to FDG or BAC, and the angle EFD is equal to DFG or BCA. Cor. Hence isosceles triangles which have either side proportional to the base, are similar. Scholium. The second Proposition of Book I. may be considered as only a particular case of this theorem. PROP. XIII. THEOR. i Triangles are similar, if each have an equal an- gle, and its containing sides proportional. In the triangles BAC and EDF, let the angle ABC be equal to DEF, and the sides which contain the one be proportional to those which contain the other, or AB : BC : : DE : EF; the triangles BAC and EDF are similar. For, from the points E and F, draw EF and FG, ma- king the angles FEG and EFG equal to CBA and BCA. IJOOK \u 1 78 The triangles BAG and EGF, having thus their corre- sponding angles equal, are similar (VI. 11. )j and therefore AB : BC : : EG : EF. But by hypothesis, AB : BC : : ED : EF; where- fore EG : EF : : ^ ^^ ED : EF, and con- ^ ^ ^ sequently EG is e- qual to ED. Hence the triangles GFE and DFE, having the side EG equal to ED, EF common to both, and the contained angle GEF equal to ABC or DEF, are equal (I. 3.), and therefore the angle EFG or BCA is equal to EFD; consequently the remaining angles BAG and EDF of the triangles ABG and DEF are equal (I. 30.), and these triangles are (VI. 11.) similar. Scholiwn. The third Proposition of Book I. is merely a particular case of this general theorem. PROP. XIV. THEOR. Triangles are similar, which have each an equal angle, and the sides containing another angle of the same character proportional. Let the triangles GAB and FDE have the angle ABC equal to DEF, and the sides that contain the angles at C and F proportional, or BC : AG : : EF : FD ; while those angles are both of them either acute or obtuse, the trian- gles ABG and DEF are similar. For, from the points E and F draw EG and FG, 174! ' ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. making the an- gles FEG and EFG equal to ABC and BCAv The triangle' ABC is evidently similar to GEF, and BC : CA : : EF : FG; but, by hypothesis, BC : CA : : EF : FD, and therefore £F : FG : : EF : FD, and FG is equal to FD. Whenee the triangles EGF and EDF, ha- ving the angle FEG equal to FED, the side FG equal to FD, and the side EF common, and being both of the sanie character with CAB, are equal (I. 21.) ; consequently the angle GFE or ACB is equal to DFE, and therefore (VI. 11.) the triangles ABC and DEF are similar. Scholium, This Theorem exhibits the general property of which Prop. 2. Book II. is only a particular case. PROP. XV. THEOR. A perpendicular let fall upon the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle from the opposite ver- tex, will divide it into two triangles that are simi- lar to the whole and to each other. Let the triangle ABC be right-angled at B, from which the perpendicular BD falls upon the hypotenuse AC; the triangles ABD and DBC, thus formed, are similar to each other, and to the whole triangle ACB. For the triangles ABD and ACB, having the angle BAC common, and the right angle ADB equal to ABC, li ooK vi. ' 175 are similar (VI. 1 1 .).] Again, the triangles DBC and ACB are si- milar, since they have the angle BCD common, and the right an- gle BDC equal to ABC. The tri- angles ABD and DBC being, therefore, both similar to the same triangle ABC, are evi- dently similar to each other (VI. 11.). Cor, Hence the side of a right-angled triangle is a mean proportional between the hypotenuse and the adjacent seg- ment, formed by a perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite vertex; and the perpendicular itself is a mean proportional between those segments of the hypotenuse. For the triangles ABC and ADB being similar, AC : AB : ; AB : AD ; and the triangles ABC and BDC being si- milar, AC : BC : : BC : CD; again, the triangles ADB and BDC are similar, and therefore AD : DB : : DB : DC. Scholium, This corollary affords an easy demonstration 6f the celebrated theorem contained in Prop. 10. Book 1.;. PROP. XVI. PROB. To find the mean proportional between two gl* ven straight lines. Let it be required to find the mean proportional between the straight lines A and B. Find C (III. 27.) the side of a square which is equivalent to the rect- -g, , angle contained by A and B ; C is C\ — ' « the mean proportional required. For since C^ = AB, it follows (V. 6.) that A : C : : C : B. 176 tXEMENTS or GF.0METIl5f. PROP. XVIL PROB. To divide a straight line, whether internally or externally, so that the rectangle under its seg- ments shall be equivalent to a given rectangle. Let AB be the straight line which it is required to cut, so that the rectangle under its segments shall be equivalent to a given rectangle. From the extremities of AB, erect the perpendiculars AD and BE, equal to the sides of the given rectangle, and in the same or in opposite directions, according as the line is to be cut inter- nally or externally"; join DE, on which, as a dia- meter, describe a circle, meeting AB or its exten- sion in the point C : AC and CB are the segments required. For join DC and CE. The angle DCE, being contained in a semicircle, is a right angle (III. 19.), and therefore, in both cases, the angles ACD and BCE are together equal to a right angle. But the angles ACD and CDA are likewise toge- ther equal to a right angle (1. 30. cor. 1.) ; and consequent- BOOK VT. 177 \y the angles BCE and CDA are equal. Wherefore the right-angled triangles GBE aYid CAD, having the acute angle ADC equal to BCE, are similar (VI. 11.); whence AC : AD : : BE : CB, and (V. 6.) AC.CB = AD.BE. Scholium. It is obvious that, in the second case, the cir- cle, lying on both sides of the given line AB, must always intersect its extension in two points C and C. But, in the first case, the circle may either cut AB in two points C and C, or touch it in a single point, which will hence mark a limitation of the problem. A straight line drawn from the centre of the circle parallel to AD or BE, must (Vl. 1.). divide AB proportionally, and hence bisect it -, but that parallel would also be perpendicular (I. 22.) to AB, and therefore (III. 4.) bisect the chord CC^ Consequently the points C and C are equally distant from the middle of AB, and the portion AC is equal to BC. When these points come to coincide, they rhust therefore pass into the middle point of AB, or that of its contact with the circle. When the circle does not reach AB, the problem fails, because (11. 17. cor. 1.) no straight litie can be divided internally, such that the rectangle under the segments shall exceed the square of its half. This impossibility is indicated by the circle not reaching the straight line AB. This proposition furnishes one of the simplest and most elegant methods for constructing quadratic equations ; the segments of the line denoting the roots, and indicating by position their character. The first case has two additive roots, which may become equal or merge in a single root, then limiting the possibility of the equation ; the second case has always two unequal roots, the one additive and the other subtractive. In both cases, those roots, conjoined in their actual position, complete the line AB. N 178 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. PROP. XVIII. THEOR. The rectangle under any two sides of a trian- gle is equivalent to the rectangle under the per- pendicular let fall on the base and the diameter of the circumscribing circle. Let ABC be a triangle, about which is described a cir- cle having the diameter BE ; the rectangle under the sides AB and BC is equivalent to the rectangle under BE and the perpendicular BD let fall from the vertex of the trian- gle upon the base AC. For join CE. The angle BAD is equal to BEC (III. 16.), since they both stand upon the same arc BCj and the angle ADB, being a right an- gle, is (III. 19.) equal to ECB, which is contained in a semicircle. Wherefore the triangles ABD and EBC, being thus similar (VI. 11.), AB : BD : : EB : BC, and consequently (V. 6.) AB.BC=EB.BD. PROP. XIX. THEOR. The square of a straight line that bisects, whe- ther internally or externally, the vertical angle of a triangle, is equivalent to the difference between the rectangle under the sides, and the rectangle under the segments into which it divides the base. fiOOK VI. 179 In the triangle ABC, let BE bisect the vertical angle CBA or its adjacent angle CBF ; then BE^ = AB.BC— AE.EC, or AE.EC—AB.BC. For (III. 9. cor.) about the triangle describe a circle, produce BE to the circumference, and join CD. TheanglesBAE and BDC, standing upon the same arc BC, are (III. 16.) equal, audi the angle ABE is, by hypo- thesis, equal to DBC; where- fore (VI. 11.) the triangles AEB ^nd DCB are similar, and AB : BE : : DB : BC. Consequently (V. 6.) AB.BC = BE.BD; but BE.BD = BE.liD + BE», or BE.ED^BE^ and (III. 26.) BE.ED = AE.EC; wherefore AB.BCn AE.EC + BE% or AE.EC— BE* ; and consequently BE* = AB.BC— AE.EC, or AE.EC— AB.BC. PROP. XX. THEOR. The rectangles under the opposite sides of a quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle, are toge- ther equivalent to the. rectangle under its diago- nals. In the circle ABCD, let a quadrilateral figure be in- scribed, and join the diagonals AC, BD ; the rectangles AB, CD and BC, AD, are together equivalent to the rect- angle AC, BD. 180 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. For (I. 4.) draw BE, making an angle ABE equal to CBD. The triangles AEB and DCB, having thus the angle ABE equal to DBC, and the an- gle BAE or BAG equal (III. 16.) to BDC, are similar (VI. 11.), and hence AB : AE : : BD : CD ; whence (V. 6.) AB.CD = AE.BD. Again, because the angle ABE is equal to DBC, add EBD to each, and the whole angle ABD is equal to EBC ; and the angle ADB is equal to ECB (III. 16.) i wherefore the triangles DAB and CEB are similar (VI. 11.), and AD : BD : : EC : BC, and con- sequently BC.ADrzEC.BD. V^hence the rectangles AB, CD and BC, Al) are together equal to the rectangles AE, BD and EC, BD, that is, to the whole rectangle AC, BD. PROP. XXI. THEOR. Triangles which have a common angle, are to each other in the compound ratio of the contain- ing sides. Let ABC and DBE be two triangles, having the same or an equal angle at B ; ABC is to DBE in the ratio com- pounded of that of BA to BD, and of BC to BE. For join AE and CD. The ratio of the triangle ABC to DBE may be conceived as com- pounded of that of ABC to BOOK VJ. 181 DBC, and of DBC to DBE. But (V. 25. cor. 2.) the triangle ABC is to DBC, as the base BA to BD ; and, for the same reason, the triangle DBC is to DBE, as the base BC to BE ; consequently the triangle ABC is to DBE in the ratio compounded of that of BA to BD, and of BC to BE, or (V. 23.) in the ratio of the rectangle under BA and BC to the rectangle under BD and BE. Cor. 1. Hence similar triangles are in the duplicate ra- tio of their homologous sides. For, if the angle at B be equal to that at E, the triangle ABC is to DEF in the A. ratio compounded of that of AB to DE, ^nd of CB to FE; but, these triangles being similar, the ratio of AB to DE is the same as that of CB to FE (VI. 11.), and con- sequently the triangle ABC is to DEF in the duplicate ra- tio of AB to DE, or (V. 24:.) as the square of AB to the square of DE. Cor, 2. Hence triangles which have the sides that con- tain an equal angle re- ciprocally proportional, are equivalent. For, the angle at B being equal to that at E, the triangle ABC is to DEF as AB.CBtoDE.FE;but AB : DE::FE:CB, andAB.CB = DE.FE; 182 ELEMENTS OP GEOMETRV. consequently (V. 4.), the third and fourth terms of the analogy being equal, the first and second must also be equal. PROP. XXII. THEOR. Similar rectilineal figures may be divided into corresponding similar triangles. Let ABCDE and FGHIK be similar rectilineal figures, of which A and F are corresponding points ; these figures ma}" be resolved into a like number of triangles respective- ly similar. For, from the point A in the one figure, draw the straight lines AC, AD, and, from F in the other, draw FH, FI ; the triangles BAG, CAD, and DAE are re- spectively similar to GFH, HFI, and IFK. Because the polygon ABCDE is similar to FGHIK, the angle ABC is e- qual to FGH, and AB:BC::FG:GH; wherefore (VI. 13.) the triangle BAC is similar to GFH. Hence the angle BCA is equal to GHF j and the whole angle BCD being equal to GHI, the remaining angle ACD must be equal to FHI. But BC : AC : : GH : FH, and BC : CD : : GH : HI, consequently (V. 15.) AC : CD : : FH : HI, and the triangles CAD and HFI (VI. 13.) are similar. Whence, the angle CDA being equal to HIF and the BOOK VI. 18S angle CDE to HIK, the angle ADE is equd to FIK; and since CD : DA : : HI : IF, and CD : DE : : HI : IK, therefore (V. 15.) DA : DE : : IF : IK, and the tri- angles DAE and IFK are similar. The same train of reasoning, it is obvious, would apply to polygons of any number of sides. PROP. XXIII. PROB. On a given straight line, to construct a rectili- neal figure similar to a given rectilineal figure. Let FIC be a straight line, on which it is required to construct a rectilineal figure similar to the figure ABCDE. Join AC and AD, dividing the given rectilineal figure into its component triangles. From the points F and K draw FI and KI, making the angles KFI and FKI equal to EAD and AED ; from F and I draw FH and IH making the angles IFH and FIH equal to DAC and ADC ; and lastly from F and H draw FG and HG ma- king the angles HFG and FHG equal to CAB and ACB. The figure FGHIK is similar to ABCDE. For the several triangles KFI, IFH, and HFG, which compose the figure FGHIK, are, by the construction, evi- dently similar to the triangles EAD, DAC, and CAB, in- I> B IT K F K to which the figure ABCDE was resolved. Whence FK : KI : : AE : ED ; also KI : IF : : ED : DA, and iS4i ELExAIENTS OF GEOMETRY. IF : IH : : DA : DC, and consequently (V. 16.) KI : IH : : ED : DC. Again, IH : HF : : DC : CA, and HF : HG : . CA : CB ;— and hence (V. 16.) IH : HG : : DC : CB. But HG : GF: : CB : BA ; and the ratio of GF to FK, being compounded of that of GF to FH, of FH to FI, and of FI to FK, is the same with the ratio of BA to AE, which is compounded of the like ratios of BA to AC, of AC to AD, and AD to AE. Wherefore all the sides about the figure FGHIK are proportional to those about ABCDE; but the several angles of the former, having a like com- position, are respectively equal to those of the latter. "Whence the figure FGHIK is similar to the given figure. The same reasoning, it is manifest, would extend to po- lygons of any number of sides. Scholium. The general solution of this problem is derived from the principle, that similar triangles, by their compo- sition, form similar polygons. The mode of construction, however, admits of some variation. For instance, if the straight line FK be parallel to AE, or in the same exten- sion with that homologous side, — the several triangles FIK, FHI, and FGH may be more easily constituted in succession, by drawing the straight lines FI and KI, FH and IH, and FG and GH parallel to the corresponding sides in the original figure ABCDE ; because (I. 29.) a correspond ing equality of angles will be thus produced. But, if FK have no determinate position, the construc- tion may be still farther sim- plified ; For, having made AK / equal to that base and joined AD and AC, draw KI, IH, and HG parallel to ED, DC, andCB. The figure AKIHG js evidently similar to AEDCB, BOOK VI. 18' since its component triangles have the same vertical angles as those of the original figure, and the angles at the bases equal (I. 22.). If the given base FK be parallel to the corresponding side AE of the original figure, a more general construction will result. Jom AF, EK, and produce them to meet in O; join OB, OC, and GD, and draw FG, GH, HI, and therefore IK, parallel to AB, BC, CD, and DE : The figure FGHIK thus formed is similar to ABCDE. For the triangles KOF, FOG, GOH, HOI, and lOKare evidently similar to the triangles EGA, AOB, BOC, COD, and DOE. But these triangles compose severally the two polygons, when the point O lies within the ori- ginal figure; and when that point of concurrence lies without the figure ABCDE, the similar triangles lOK and DOE being taken away from the similar compound polygons FGHIOK and ABCDOE, there remains the figure FGHIK similar to the original one. It farther appears, from these investigations, that a rec- tilineal figure may have its sides reduced or enlarged in a 186 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. given ratio, by assuming any point O and cutting thd di- verging lines OE, OA, OB, OC, and OD in that ratio ; the corresponding points of section being joined, will ex-j' hibit the figure recjuired. PROP. XXIV, THEOR. Of similar figures, the perimeters are propor- tional to the corresponding sides, and the areas are in the duplicate ratio of those homologous terms. Let ABCDE and FGHIK be similar polygons, which bave the corresponding sides AB and FG ; the perimeter, or linear boundary, ABCDE is to the perimeter FGHIK, as AB to FG, BC to GH, CD to HI, DE to IK, or EA to KF; but the area of ABCDE, or the contained surr face, is to the area of FGHIK, in the duplicate ratio of AB to FG, of BC to GH, of CD to HI, of DE to IK, or of EA to KF. For, by drawing the diagonals AC, AD in the one, and FH, FI in the other, these polygons will be resolved into similar triangles. Whence the several analogies AB:BC::FG:GH, BC:AC::GH:FH, AC : CD : : FH : HI, CD : AD : : HI : FI, and AD : DE : : FI : IK ; wherefore, by equality and alterna- ]tion, AB : FG : : BC : GH : : CD : HI : : DE : IK : : K :\r K. BdOKVl. 187 AE : FK, and consequently (V. 19.) as one of the antece- dents AB, BC, CD, DE or AE, is to its consequent FG, GH, HI, IK or FK, so is the amount of all those ante- cedents, or the perimeter ABCDE, to the amount of all the consequents, or the perimeter FGHIK. Again, the triangle CAB is to the triangle HFG (VI. 21. cor. 1.) in the duplicate ratio of AB to FG, — the tri- angle DAC is to the triangle IFH in the duplicate ratio of AC to FH, orof AB to FG,— and the triangle EAD is to KFI in the duplicate ratio of AD to FI or of AB to FG; wherefore (V. 19.) the aggregate of the triangles CAB, DAC, and EAD, or the area of the polygon ABCDE, is to the aggregate of the triangles HFG, IFH, and KFI, or the area of the polygon FGHIK, in the du- plicate ratio of AB to FG, of BC to GH, of CD to HI, or of DE to IK. Cor, Hence also the perimeter ABCDE is to the peri- meter FGHIK, as any diagonal AD to the correspondr ing diagonal FI, and the area ABCDE is to the area FGHIK in the duplicate ratio of AD to FI. PROP. XXV. PROB. To constriijct a rectilineal figure that shall be similar to one, and equivalent to another, given rectilineal figure. Let it be required to describe a rectilineal figure similar to A, and equivalent to B. On CD, a side of A, describe (II. 8.) the rectanglq CDFE, equivalent to that figure, and on DF describe the 188 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. B rectangle DGHF equivalent to the figure B ; find (VI.16.)IKamean proportional be- tween CD and DG, and on IK construct, in the same position, a fi- gure X similar to the rectilineal fi- X .IT A. « G K TI gure A ; this will be likewise equivalent to B. For the figures A and X, being similar, must (VI. 24.) be in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides CD and IK ; and since IK is a mean proportional between CD and DG, the duplicate ratio of CD to IK is the same as the ratio of CD to DG (V. 24.) ; consequently the figure A is to the figure X as CD to DG, or (Y. 25. cor. 2.) as the rectangle CF to the rectangle DH ; but the figure A is equivalent to the rectangle CF, and therefore (V. 4.) the figure X is equivalent to the rectangle DH, that is, to the figure B. PROP. XXVI. THEOR. A rectilineal figure described on the hypote- nuse of a right-angled triangle, is equivalent to similar figures described on the two sides. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle ; the figure ACFE described on the hypotenuse is equivalent to the similar figures AGHB and BIKC, described on the sides AB and BC. BOOK VI. 189 Foi' draw BD perpendicular to the hypotenuse. And since (VI. 15. cor. 1.) AC:AB:: AB : AD, therefore AC is to AD in the duplicate ra- tio of AC to AB, that is, (VI. 24.), as the figure on AC to the figure on AB. For the same reason, AC is to CD in the duplicate ratio of AG to BC, or as the figure on AC to the figure on BC. Whence (V. 19. cor. 2.) AC is to the two segments AD and CD taken together, as the figure on AC to both the figures on AB and BC ; and the first term of the analogy being thus equal to the second, the third must be equal to the fourth (V. 4.), or the figure described on the hypote- nuse is equivalent to the similar figures described on the two sides. PROP. XXVII. THEOR. The arcs of a circle are proportional to the an- gles which they subtend at the centre. Let the radii CA, CB, and CD intercept arcs AB and BD ; the arc AB is to BD, as the angle ACB to BCD. For (I. 5.) bisect the angle ACB, bisect again each of its halves, and repeat the operation indefinitely. An angle ACa will be thus obtained less than any assignable angle. Let this angle ACa or BCb (I. 4.) be repeatedly applied 190 Elements or geometry. about the point C, from BC towards DC ; it must hence, by its multiplication, fill up the angle BCD, nearer than any pos- sible difference. But the elemen- tary angle ACa being equal to BC6, the corresponding arc A« is (III. 12.) equal to BL Conse- quently this arc Aa and its angle ACa, are like measures of the arc AB and the angle ACB, and they are both contained equally in the arc BD and its corresponding angle BCD. Wherefore AB : BD : : ACB : BCD. Cor. Hence the arc AB is also to BD, as the sector ACB to the sector BCD ; for these sectors may be viewed as alike composed of the elementary sector ACa, PROP. XXVIII. THEOR. The circumference of a circle is proportional to the diameter, and its area to the square of that diameter. Let AB and CD be the diameters of two circles ;-*the circumference AFG is to the circumference CKL, as AB to CD ; and the area contained by AFG is to the area contained by CKL, as the square of AB to the square of CD. For inscribe the regular hexagons AEFBGH and CIKDLM. Because these polygons are equilateral and equiangular, they are similar ; and consequently (VL 24. BOOK VI. 191 cor.) the diagonal AB is to the corresponding diago- nal CD, as the perimeter AEFBGH to the perimeter CIKDLM. But this proportion must subsist, whatever be the number of chords inscribed in either circumference. Insert a dodecagon in each circle between the hexagon and the circumference, and its perimeter will evidently ap- proach nearer to the length of that circumference. Pro- ceeding thus, by repeated duplications,— the perimeters of the series of polygons that arise in succession, will conti- nually approximate to the curvilineal boundary, which forms their ultimate limit. Wherefore this extreme term, or the circumference AEFBGH, is to the circumference CIKDLM, as the diameter AB to the diameter CD. Again, the hexagon AEFBGH (VI. 24. cor.) is to the hexagon CIKDLM in the duplicate ratio of the diagonal AB to the corresponding diagonal CD, or (V. 24.) as the square of AB to the square of CD. Wherefore the suc- cessive polygons which arise from a repeated bisection of the intermediate arcs, and which approach continually to the areas of their containing circles, must have still that same ratio. Consequently the limiting space, or the circle AEFBGH, is to the circle CIKDLM, as the square of AB to the square of CD. Cor, L It hence follows, that if semicircles be described. 192 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. on the sides AB, BC of a right-angled triangle, and on the hypotenuse AC another semicircle be described, passing (III. 19.) through the vertex B, the crescents AFBD and BGCE are together equivalent to the triangle ABC. For, by the Proposition, the square of AC is to the square of AB, as the circle on AC to the circle on AB, or (V. 3.) as the semicircle ADBEC to the semicircle AFB ; and, for the same reason, the square of AC is to the square of BC, as the semicircle ADBEC to the semicircle BGC. Whence (V.8. and 19.) the square of AC is to the squares of AB and BC, as the semicircle ADBEC to the semicircles AFB and BGC. But (II. 10.) the square of AC is equivalent to the squares of AB and BC, and therefore (V. 4.) the semicircle ADBEC is equivalent to the tvvo semicircles AFB and BGC ; take away the common segments ADB and BEC, and there re- mains the triangle ABC equivalent to the tvvo crescents or lunes AFBD and BGCE. Cor, 2. Hence the method of dividing a circle into equal portions, by means of concentric circles. Let it be required, for instance, to tri- sect the circle of which AB is a diameter. Divide the radius AC into three equal parts, from the points of sec- tion draw perpendiculars DF, EG meeting the cir- cumference of a semicircle described on AC, join CF, CG, and from C as a centre, with the distances CF, CG, de- s BOOK VI. 193 scribe the circles FHI, GKL: The circle on AB will be divided into three equal portions, by those interior circles. For join AF and AG : Because AFC, being in a semicircle, is a right angle (III. 19.), AC is to CD (VI. 15, cor. 1. and V. 21-.), as the square of AC to the square of CF, that is, as the circle on AB to the circle FHI ; but CD is the third-part of AC ; wherefore (V. 5.) the circle FHI is the third part of the circle on AB. In like manner, it is pro- ved, that the circle GKL is two third-parts of the circle on AB. Consequently, the intervening annular spaces, and the circle FHI, are all equal. PROP. XXIX. THEOR. The area of any triangle is a mean proportional between the rectangle under the semiperimeter and its excess above the base, and the rectangle under the separate excesses of that semiperimeter above the two remaining sides. The area of the triangle ABC is a mean proportional between the rectangle under half the sum of all the sides and its excess above AC, and the rectangle under the ex- cess of that semiperimeter above AB and its excess above BC. For produce the sides BA and BC, draw the straight lines BE, AD, and AE bisecting the angles CBA, BAC,^ and CAI, join CD and CE, and let fall the perpendicu- lars DF, DG, and DH within the triangle, and the per- pendiculars EI, EK, and EL without it. 194« ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. The triangles ADF and ADG, having the angle DAF equal to DAG, the angles F and G right angles, and the common side AD,— are (I. 20.) equal; for the same rea- son, the triangles BDG and BDH are equal. In like manner, it is proved, that the triangles AEI and AEK are equal, and the triangles BEI and BEL. Whence the triangles CDH and CDF, having the side DH equal to DF, the side DC common, and the right angle CHD equal to CFD, — are (I. 21.) equal; and, for the same rea- son, the triangles CEK and CEL are equal. The peri- meter of the triangle ABC is therefore equal to twice the segments AF, FC, and BG ; consequently BG is the excess of the semiperi- meter above the base AC, and AG is the excess of that semiperimeter — or of the segments BH, HC, and AG,— above the side BC. But the sides AB and BC, with the segments AK and CK, or AI and CL, also form the perimeter ; whence, BI being equal to BL, the part AI is the excess of the semiperimeter above the side AB* Now, because DG and EI, being perpendicular to BI, are parallel, BG : DG : : BI : EI (VI. 2.), and consequently (V. 25. cor. 2.) BI X BG : BI xDG : :DG X BI : DG X EI. But since AD and AE bisect the angle BAC and its ad- jacent angle CAI, the angles GAD and EAI are together equal to a right angle, and equal, therefore, to lEA and EAI ; whence the angle GAD is equal to lEA, and the BOOK VI. 195 right-angled triangles DGA and AIE are similar. Where- fore (VI. ll.)DG:AG:: AI:EI, and (V. 6.)DGxEl = AG X AI ; consequently BI X BG : DG X BI : : DG X BI : AG X AI. But the triangle ABC is composed of three triangles ADB, BDC, and CD A, which have the same altitude j and therefore its area is equal to the rect- angle under DG and half their bases AB, BC, and AC, or the semiperimeter BI. Whence the area of the tri- angle ABC is a mean proportional between the rectangle under BI and its excess above AC, and the rectangle un- der its excess above BC and that above AB. Co7\ Hence the area of a triangle will be expressed nu- merically, by the square root of the continued product of the semiperimeter into its excesses above the three sides* PROP. XXX. PROB. To convert a given regular polygon into an- other, which shall have the same perimeter, but double the number of sides. It is evident that, by lines radiating from the centre of the inscribed or circumscribing circle, a regular polygon may be divided into as many equal and isosceles triangles as it has sides. Let AOB be such a sector of the given polygon ; from the centre O let fall the perpendicular OC, and produce it to D> till OD be equal to OA or OB, and join AD and BD. The isosceles triangle ADB is there- fore (IV. 1 .) constructed on the same base with AOB, and has only half the vertical angle. Consequently twice as many of such angles could be constituted about D, as were 196 ELEMENTS OF GEOxMETKV. placed about O. Bisect AD and BD in E and F, and the straight line joining these points must (VI. 2.) be equal to half the base AB. Wherefore the triangle EDF, repeated about the vertex D, would form a re- gular polygon with twite as many sides as before, but under the same extent of perimeter, since each of those sides has only half the former length. Cor. 1. Hence DG, the radius of the circle inscribing the derived polygon, is half of CD, that is, half of the sum of OC and OA, the radii of the circles inscribing and cir- cumscribing the given polygon. Again, since AOD is evi- dently isosceles, AD^ = 20A.CD (II. 23. cor.), and conse- quently DE the radius of the circumscribing derived poly- gon, being the half of AD, is a mean proportional between OA and DG, the radius of the circle circumscribing the given polygon, and the radius of the circle inscribing the derived polygon. Cor. 2. Hence the area of a circle is equivalent to the rectangle under its radius, and a straight line equal to half its circumference. For the surface of any regular circum- scribing polygon, being composed of triangles such as EDF, which have all the same altitude DG, is equivalent (11. 5.) to the rectangle under DG, and half the sum of their bases, or the semiperimeter of the polygon. Therefore the circle itself, since it fgrras the ultimate limit of the polygon, BOOK VI. 19*1 must have its area equivalent to the rectangle under the ra- dius or the limit of all the successive altitudes and the se- micircumference, which limits also the corresponding semi- perimeters. Scholium, From this proposition is derived a very sim- ple and elegant method of approximating to the numeri- cal expression for the area of a circle. Let the original po- lygon be a square, each side of which is denoted by unit ; the component sector AOB is therefore a right-angled isosceles triangle, having the perpendicular OC, or the radius of the inscribed circle equal to .5, and the side OA of the circumscribing circle equal to V.5 or .7071067812. But DG, the radius of a circle inscribed in an octagon of OA + OC .5H-.707106812 the same perimeter, is = - — ^ = = .6035533906 ; and DE the radius of the circle circumscri- bing that octagon, is = V(OA.DG)= V(.603533906X .707 1068 12) = .65328 14824. Again, the radius of the cir- cle inscribed in a polygon of 16 sides with the same peri- .603533906 + .65328 1 4824 meter, is = — = .62844174365 ; and the radius of the circle circumscribing that polygon, is =V(.6284174365 X .6532814824) = .64072SS619. In like manner, the radii of circles inscribing and circum- scribing the polygons of 32, 64, 128, &c. sides, under the same perimeter, are successively found, by an alternate se- ries of arithmetical and geometrical means. It may be ob- served, that these radii mutually approximate about four times nearer at each step : For (II. 10.) CA*= OA"*-— OC* = (II. 17) (OA~OC)(OA + OC); and, for the same rea- son, GE^= DE*— DG^ = (DE— DG)(DE+DG) But, C A being double of GE, and C A* = 4GE*, it is evident that (OA— OC) (OA+OC)=4(DE— PG) (DE+DG) ; 19S ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. and since the successive radii must approach on both sides to form the same amount, or OA + OC = D£4-DG near- ly, it follows tJiatOA—OCrz 4(DE— DG) nearly. In the subjoine4 table, where the computation is carried to ten decimal places, this rate of mutual approximation will be found true to the last figure, in the expressions for the radii of the circles attached to all the polygons beyond that of 256 sides. Thus, for the polygon of 512 sides, .6366237671-^.6366117828 ^^^^^^^^^^ ti • i = .0000029960, which is the 4 difference between .6366207710 and .6366177750, the radii of the circles described about and within the polygon of 1024 sides. After five or six terms have been computed, the rest may be found by a simple process, because the mean proportional between two proximate lines is very nearly equal to half their sum, or the arithmetical mean. While each number in the first column, therefore, is always equal to half the sum of the preceding terms in both columns, the corresponding number in the second column may be considered as equal to half the sum of that number and of the term immediately above itself. Thus, .6366207710, the radius of the circle circumscribing the polygon of 1024? sides, is equal to half the sum of .6366177750, the radius of its inscribed circle, and of .6366237671, the radius of the circle circumscribing the polygon of 5 1 2 sides. But the final term may be discovered still more expedi- tiously ; for, since the numbers in both columns are formed by taking successive means, tho^e of the second column must each time be diminished by the fourth-part of the common difference, and consequently (V. 21.) the continued dimi- nution will accumulate to one-third of that difference. Wherefore the ultimate radius of the inscribed and cir- BOOK vr. 199 cumscribing circles, is the third-part of the sum of a radius of inscription and of double the corresponding radius of cir- cumscription. Thus, stopping at the polygon of 256 sides, .6366587814-1 +2(.6366357516) ^o^^1V^►,^^. xi. n i -^ ^ =.6366197724, the final result. NO. of sides of Radius of Inscribed Radius of Circum- the Polygon. Circle. scribing Circle. 4 ■5000000000 •707 10678 12 8 •6035533906 •6532814824 16 •6284174365 •6407288619 32 •6345731492 •6376435773 64 •6361 083633 '636S755077 128 •6364919355 '63668369^ Q56 •6365878141 '6366357516 512 •6366117828 •6366237671 1024 •6366177750 •6366207710 2048 •6366192730 •6366200220 4096 '6366l964>75 •6366198348 8192 •6366197411 •6366 197880 16384 •6366i976i<5 '6366197763 32768 •6366197704 •6366107733 65536 '63661977^9 •6366197726 131072 •6366197722 •6366197724 262144 •6366197723 •6366197724 Hence the radius of a circle, whose circumference is 4, or the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 2, will be denoted by .6366197724 ; wherefore, reciprocally, the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1, will be expressed by 3.1415926536, and its area, or that of the ultimate polygon, by .7853981434. In most cases, however, it will be sufficiently accurate to retain only the first four figures. Wherefore 3.1416, multiplied into the diameter of a circle, will denote its cir- cumference, and .7854, multiplied into the square of the diameter, will give the numerical expression for its area, APPENDIX. The constructions used In Elementary Geome- try, were effected, by the combination of straight lines and circles. Many problems, however, can be resolved, by the single application of the straight line or the circle 5 and such solutions are not on- ly interesting, from the ingenuity and resources which they display, but may, in a variety of in- stances, be employed with manifest advantage. This Appendix is intended to exhibit a selection of Geometrical Problems, resolved by either of those methods singly. It is accordingly divided into Two Parts, corresponding to the rectilineal and the circular constructions. 200 APPENDIX. PART L Problems resolved hy help of the Ruler^ or by Straight Lines only, PROP. I. PROB. To bisect a given angle. Let BAG be an angle, which it is required to bisect, hy drawing only straight lines. In AB take any two points D and E, from AC cut off AF equal to AD and AG to AE, draw EF and DG, cross- ing in the point H : AH will bisect the angle BAG. For the triangles EAF and DAG, haying the sides EA and AF equal by construc- tion to GA and AD, and the contained angle DAG common to both, are equal (I. 3.), and consequently the angle AEF is equal to AGD. And since AE is equal to AG, and the part AD to AF, the remainder DE must be . equal to FG ; wherefore the triangles DEH and HGF, having the angle at E equal to that at G, the vertical angles at H equal, and also their op- posite sides DE and FG, are equal (1. 20.) ; and hence the side DH is equal to FH. Again, the sides AD and DH PART 201 are equal to AF and FH, and AH is common to the two triangles AHD and AHF, which are therefore equal (1. 2.), and consequently the angle DAH is equal to FAH. PROP, II. PROB. To bisect a given finite straight line. Let it be required to bisect AB, by a rectilineal construc- tion. Draw AK diverging from AB, and make AC = CD = DE, join EBj and continue it beyond B till BF be equal to BE, and lastly join FC ; which will bisect AB in the point G. For draw BH parallel to AE. And because BD evidently bi- sects the sides EC and EF of the triangle CEF, it is parallel to the base CF (VI. 1. cor. 2.) ; wherefore BDCH is a parallelo- gram, which has (I. 26.) its op- posite sides BH and CD equal. But AC being parallel to BH, the angles GAC and GCA are equal to GBH and GHB, and the side AC, being made equal to CD, is hence equal to its cor- responding interjacent side BH; whence the triangles AGC and BGH -are equal (I. 20.), and therefore AG i^ equal to BG. 202 APPENDIX. PROP. III. PROB. Through a given point, to draw a line parallel to a given straight line. Let it be required, by a rectilineal construction, to draw- through C a straight line parallel to AB, In AB take any two points D and F, join CD, which produce till DE be equal to it ; ^ ^ again Join E with the point F, and continue this till FG be e- qual to EF: Then CG, being ^ B'^ /f B joined, will be parallel to AB. For, since AB or DF evident- ly bisects the sides EC and EG of the triangle CEG, it must be parallel to the base CG (VI. l.cor. 2.). PROP. IV. PROB. From a point in a given straight line, to erect a perpendicular. Let C be a given point, from which it is required, by help of straight lines merely, to erect a perpendicular to AB. In AB, having taken any point D, draw DE equal to DC and inclined to AB, join EC and produce it until CG be equal to CD or DE, make GF equal to CE, join FG PART 203 and produce this till GH be equal to GC : Then CH will be perpendicular to AB. For the triangles DCE and GCF, having the sides DC, CE equal to GC, CF, and the contained angles vertical at C, are equal (I. 3.); whence FG = CD = CG=GH. The point G is therefore the centre of a semicircle which would pass through F, C, H, and consequently the angle FCH is a right angle (III. 19.), or CH is perpendicular to AB. A B PROP. V. PROB. To let fall a perpendicular upon a given straight' line, from a point -without it. Let C be a given point, from which it is required, by a rectilineal construction, to let fall a perpendicular to AB. In AB take any point D, draw DF ob- liquely, and make DE = DF=DG, join FE and produce it until EH be equal to EG, make EI = EF, join HI, and (Appendix, Part I. Prop. 3.) draw CK parallel to it : CK is the perpendicular required. A.G IB ^04? APPENDIX. For the point D being obviously the centre of a semi- circle passing through G, F, and E, the angle GFE is a right angle ; and the triangles EOF, EHI, having the sides GE, EF equal to HE, EI, and their contained an- gles vertical, — are equal (I. 3.), and consequently the an- gle HIE is equal to GFE, or is a right angle ; but since CK and HI are parallel, the angle CKA is equal to HIE (I. 22.), and therefore is also a right angle, or CK is per- pendicular to AB. PART 11. Geometrical Prohlems resolved by means of Compas- ses, or by the mere description of Circles* PROP. I. PROB. To repeat a given distance in the same direc- tion. Let A and B be two given points; it is required io find, by means of compasses only, a series of equidistant points in the same extended line. From B as a centre, with the given distance BA, de- scribe a portion of a circle, in which inflect that distance three times to C ; from C, with the same radius, describe PART II. 205 another circle, and InseK the triple chords to D ; re- peat that process from D, E, &c. : The equidistant points A, B, C, D, E, &c. will all lie in the same straight line. For, by this construction, three equilateral triangles are formed about the point B, and consequently (I. SO. cor. 1.) the whole angle ABC, made by the opposite distances BA and BC, is equal to two right angles, or ABC is a straight line. The same reason applies to the successive points, D, E, &c. PROP. 11. PROB. To find the direction of a perpendicular from a given point to the straight line joining it with another given point. Given the points A and B : to find a third point, sucl> that the straight line connecting it with B shall be at right angles to BA. From A and B, with any conve- , M . NT) nient distance, describe two arcs in- tersecting in C, from which, with /' the same radius, describe a portion ,/S of a circle passing through the points A and B, and insert that radius three x'c times from A to D : BD is perpen- — ' dicular to BA. 206 APPLNDIX. For it is evident, from the last Proposition, that the arc ABD is a semicircumference, and consequently (III. 19.) the angle ABD contained in it is a right angle. Scholium, The construction would be somewhat simpli- fied, by taking the distance AB for the radius. PROP. III. PROB. To find the direction of a perpendicular let fall from a given point upon the straight line which connects two given points. Let C be a point, from which a perpendicular is to be let fall upon the straight line joining A and B. From A as a centre, with the C distance AC, describe an arc, ; and from B as a centre, with the | distance BC, describe another ' | arc, intersecting the former in ''^ ; ^ the point D : CD is perpendicu- i lar to AB. % For CAD and CBD are evi- dently isosceles triangles, and consequently (I. 7.) their vertices must lie in a straight line AB which bisects their base CD at right angles. Scholium, It will be perceived that this construction dif- fers not in any respect from the mode employed in Prop. 6. Book I. of the Elements. PART II. 209 PROP. IV. PROB. To bisect a given distance. Let A and B be two given points ; it is required to find the middle point in the same direction. From B as a centre, with the radius BA, describe a se- micircle, by inserting that distance successively from A to C, D, and E ; from A as a centre, with the distance AE, de- scribe a portion of a circle FEG, in which, from the point E, inflect the chords EF and EG equal to EC; and from the points F and G, with the same radius EC describe arcs intersect- ing in H : This point bisects the distance AB. For, by the first Proposition, the points A, B, and E extend in a straight line ; but the trian- gles FAG, FHG, and FEG, be- ing evidently isosceles, their ver- tices A, H, and E (I. 7.) must lie in a straight line ; whence the point H lies in the direction AB. Again, because EFH is an isosceles triangle, AF*— HF^ = EA.AH (II. 20.); that is, AE*— EC% or (III. 19. and II. 10.) AC* or AB* = EA.AH. Wherefore, since EA is double of AB, the segment AH must be its half. 21© AlPPENDlX. pAop. v. prob. To trisect a given distance. Let it be required to find two intermediate points that are situate at equal intervals in the line of communication AB. Repeat (App. II. 1.) the distance AB on both sides to C and D ; from these points, with the radius CD, describe the arcs EDF and GCH, from D and C inflect the chords DE and DF, CG and CH, all equal to DB, E/ \G: and, with the same dis- tance and from the points E and F, G and H, describe arcs inter- secting in I and K: The distance AB is tri- sected by the points I and K. For it may. be de- monstrated, as in the last proposition, that the points I and K lie in the same direction AB. In like manner, it appears (II. 20») that DG* KG^ = CD.DK, or 9AB^-.4AB% or 5AB* = 3AB.DK ; and consequently 5AB=3DK, or2AB=3AK, and AB=: 3BK. But, for the same reason, AB = 3AI. ■■'•'-]C PART II. 211 T 13 C X) E F I PROP. VI. PROB. To cut off any aliquot part of a given distance. Suppose It were required to cut off the fifth part of the distance between the points A and B. Repeat (App. II. 1.) the distance AB four times, to F ^ from F, with the radius FA, describe the arc GAH ; in- flect the chords AG and AH equal to AB, '^- and, with that radius and from the points G -A and H, describe^ arcs intersecting in I : AI is the fifth part of the line of communication AB. For, as before, the point I is situate in AB. But since AGI is evidently an isosceles triangle, and AF is equal to FG, it follows (II. 23. cor.) that AG* = AF.AI, and con- sequently AB^=5AB.AI; whence AB=5AI. PROP. VII. PROB. To divide a given distance by medial section. Let it be required to cut the distance AB, such that BH* = BA.AH. From B describe a circle with the radius BA, which insert successively from A to D, E, C, and F ; from the extremities of the diameter AC and with the chord AE, describe two arcs intersecting in G ; and, from the 212 APPENDIX. ^ points E and F with the distance BG, describe other two arcs intersecting in H : This is the point of medial section. For it is evident that this point H lies in the straight line AB. And because the trian- gles AGB, CGB have their sides respectively equal, the angle ABG (I. 2.) is a right angle, and consequently (II. 10.) AG* = AB^ + BG^; but AG=AE, and AE^ = 3AB* (IV. 17. cor. 2.); wherefore SAB* = AB* + BG% and BG* = 2AB*. Now since BE = EC, it follows, (II. 20.) that HE*— BE* = CH.HB; but HE*— BE* = BG*— BE* = AB*, and therefore AB* = CH.HB. Whence CH is cut by a medial section at B, and consequently (II. 19. cor. 1.) its greater segment BC or AB is likewise divided medially at H by the remaining portion BH. PROP. VIII. PROB. To bisect a given arc of a circle. Let it be required to bisect the arc AB of a cifcle whose centre is C. - From the extremities A and B with the radius AC, de- scribe opposite arcs, and from the centre C inflect the chord AB to D and E ; from these points, with the dis- tance DB describe arcs intersecting in F; and from D or E, with the distance CF, cut the given arc AB in G : AB is bisected in that point. PART II. 213 For the figures ABCD and ABEC being evidently rhomboids, DC and CE are parallel to AB, and hence con- stitute one straight 'line; consequently y<(^ the triangles DEC and EEC having their correspond- ing sides equal, the angle DCF is a right angle, and (II. 10.) DF^ = DC^ + CE^ But, in the rhomboid ABCD, DB* + CA^=2DC^+2CB* (II. 22.), or BD^ = 2DC^ + CB^; and since DB = DF, 2DC* + CB^ = DC^ + CF% whence DC* + CB^ = CF% or DC* + CG* = DG*, and therefore (II. 11.) DCG is a right angle. And because CG is perpendicular to DC, it is likewise (I. 22.) perpendicular to AB, and the triangles CAP and CBP are equal (I. 21.), and the angle ACG equal to BCG ; whence (III. 12.) the arc AG = BG. PROP. IX. PROB. To find the centre of a circle. Assume an arc AB greater than a quadrant, and from one extremity B, with the distance BA, describe a semi- circle ADC, cutting the given circumference in D ; from the points B and C, with the distance CD, describe arcs intersecting in E, and, from that point with the same dis- tance, describe an arc cutting ADC in F ; and lastly, fron^ 214 APPENDIX. the points A and B, with the distance AF, describe arcs intersecting in G : This point is the centre of the circle ADB. For the isosceles triangles BEC, BEF, being evidently equal, the angle FBC is equal to both the angles at the base ; but FBC is (I. S2. El.) equal to the interior angles BAF and BFA of the iso- sceles triangle ABF, and ^^^ hence that triangle is simi- ,-' /\ lar to BEF. Wherefore >''' •' \ BE : BF : : BA : AF, or CD : BD : : BA : AG; consequently the isosceles triangles CBD and BGA (VI. 12. cor.) are similar, and the angle BCD is e- qual to GBA ; BG is, therefore, parallel to CD, and hence (I. 30. p.) the angle BDC, or BCD, is equal to GBD. The triangles BGA and BGD, having thus the side BA equal to BD, BG common, and equal contained angles GBA and GBD, are (I. 3. El.) equal, and therefore the side GA is equal to GD. The point G being thus equi- distant from three points. A, D, and B in the circumfe- rence, is hence (III. 8. cor.) the centre of the circle. PROP. X. PROB. To divide the circumference of a given circle successively into four, eight, twelve, and twenty- four equal parts. PART II. 215 1. Insert the radius AB three times from A to D, E, and C ; from the extremities of the diameter AC, and with a distance equal to the chord AE, describe arcs in- tersecting in the point F ; and from A, with the distance BF, cut the circumference on opposite sides at G and H : AG, GC, CH, and HA are quadrants. For, as before, AF*==AE^ = 3AB*; and the triangle ABF being right-angled, 3AB^ = AF* = AB^ + BFS and therefore BF' = AG* = 2AB* j whence (11. 12.) ABG is a right angle, and AG a quadrant. 2. From the point F with -p the radius AB, cut the circle in ,-^^ I and K, and from A and C in- ject the chord AI to L, H and M; the circumference is divided into eight equal portions by the points A, I, G, K, C, M, H, and L. For BF*, being equal to 2AB*, is equal to the squares of BI and IF, and consequently PIF is a right angle ; but the triangle BIF is also isosceles, and therefore the angle IBF at the base is half a right angle ; whence the arc IG is an octant, 3. The arc DG, on being repeated, will form twelve e- qual sections of the circumference. For the arc AD is the sixth or two-twelfth parts of the circumference, and AG is the fourth or three-twelfths ; consequently the difference DG is one-twelfth. 4. The arc ID is the twenty-fourth part of the circum- ference. For the octant AI is equal to three twenty-fourths, and 216 APPENDIX. tbe sextant AD is equal to four twenty-fourths ; their dif- ference ID is hence one twenty-fourth part of the circum- ference. PROP. XI. PR OB. To divide the circumference of a given circle successively into five, ten, and twenty equal parts. Mark out the semicircumference ADEC, by the triple insertion of the radius, from A and C, with the double chord AE, describe arcs intersecting in F, from A, with the distance BF, cut the circle in G and K, inflect the chords GH and GI equal to the radius AB, and, from the points H and I, with the distance \^ BF or AG, describe arcs in- ^ tersecting in L. ^Dx'' ^"^^"^^iE It is evident from App. II. pry \t 7, that BL is the greater 7 \ segment of the radius BH a[ i _q divided by a medial section ; \ I wherefore(;iV.23.cor.2. Eh) \ X / AL is equal to the side of ^s^ ^^ the inscribed pentagon, and ^ J^ BL to that of the decagon inscribed in the given circle. Hence AL may be inflected five times in the circumfe- rence, and BL ten times ; and consequently the arc MK, or the excess of the fourth above the fifth, is equal to the twentieth part of the whole circumference. Scholium. This proposition, and the preceding, include the happiest application of the circle to the solution of such problems. PART II. 217 PROP. XII. PROB. From a given side to trace out a square. Let the points A and B terminate the side of a square, which it is required to trace. From B as a centre describe the semicircle ADEC, from A and C, with the distance AE, describe arcs intersecting in F, from A, with the distance BF, cut the circumference in G, and from A and G, with the radius AB, describe arcs intersecting in H : The points H and G are corners of the required square. For (App. II. 10.) the angle ABG is a right angle, and the distances AB, AH, HG, and GB, are, by construction, all equal. PROP. XIII. PROB. Given the side of a regular pentagon, to find the traces of the figure. From B describe through A the circle ADECF, in which the radius is inflected four times, from A and C with the double chord A E describe arcs intersecting in G, from E and F, with the distance BG, describe arcs inter- secting in H, from A, with the radius AB, describe a por- tion of a circle, inflect BH thrice from B to L and from 218 APPENDIX. .t A to O, and lastly from L and O, with the radius AB, describe arcs intersecting in P : The points A, L, P, O, B mark out the polygon. For, from App. II. 7, it is evident that BH is the greater segment of the distance AB divided by a medial X. section. Consequently ^y (IV. 3. El.) the isosceles triangles BAI, lAK, KAL, ABM, MBN, and NBO, have each of the angles at the base double their vertical an- gle. Wherefore the an- gles BAL and ABO are each of them six-fifths of a right angle (IV. 4. cor.), and hence (I. S3, cor.) the points L and O are corners of the pentagon ; but P is evidently the vertex of the pentagon, since the sides LP and OP are each equal to AB. Scholium. The pentagon might also have been traced, as in Book IV. Prop. 5, by describing arcs from A and B with the distance HC, and again, from their intersection P, and with the radius AB, cutting those arcs in L and O. It is likewise evident, from Book IV. Prop. 8, that the same previous construction would serve for describing a decagon, P being made the centre of a circle in which AB is inflected ten times. PART IT. 219 PROP. XIV. PROB. The side of a regular octagon being given, to mark out the figure. Let the side of an octagon terminate in the points A and B ; to find the remaining corners of the figure. From the centres A and B, with the radius AB, de- scribe the two semicircles AEFC and BEGD ; with the double chord AF, and from A, C and B, D de- scribe arcs intersecting in H, I ; from these points, with the radius AB, cut the semicircles in K, L : on HI de- scribe the square HMNI, by making the diagonals HN, IM equal to BH, and the sides equal to AB ; and, on MH and NI, describe the rhombus- ses MOKH and NPLI : The points A, B,K,0,M,N,P,and I- L, are the several cor- ners of the octagon. For (by App. II. Prop. 10.) BH, AI are both of them perpendicular to BA, and BKH, ALI are right angled isosceles triangles ; HI is therefore parallel to BA, and HMNI, consisting of triangles equal to BKH, is a square ; whence all the sides AB, BK, KO, OM, MN, NP, PL, and LA of the octa- gon are equal : But they likewise contain equal angles ; for ABK, composed of ABH and HBK, is equal to three half right angles, and BKO, by reason of the parallels BH and KO, being the supplement of HBK, is also equal to 220 APPENDIX. three half right angles. In the same manner, the other angles of the figure may be proved to be equal. PROP. XV. PROB. On a given diagonal to describe a square. Let the points A and B be the opposite corners of a square which it is required to trace. From B as a centre describe the semicircle ADEC, from A and C with the double chord AE describe arcs in- tersecting in F, from C with the distance BF describe an arc and cut this from A with the radius AD in G, and lastly from B- and A with the distance BG describe arcs inter- >< secting in H and I : ABHI is ^ the required square. /rrV^ \ For, in the triangle AGC, the / .^, \ straight line GB bisects the base, //' '\ \ and consequently (II. 22.) AG* -^\ /^ ^ + CG* = 2AB* + 2BG* ; but, *y ' (by App. II. Prop. 10.) CG*= ^ BF* = 2AB*; whence AG* = AB* = 2BG% and (II. 11.) AHB is a right angle ; and the sides AH, HB, BI, and lA being all equal, the figure is therefore a square. PROP. XVI. PROB. Two distances being given, to find a third pro- portional. PART II. 221 Let it be required to find a third proportional to the dis- tances AB and CD. From any point E, K ^j j3 and with the distance '•.*". Ci OO AB, describe a portion of a circle, in which / ' \H inflect FG equal to CD, and from G, with that ,^r^i.^^-_L^.i^^, - t- distance, describe the j^\ 133 semicirde FHI ; HI ^^^.^^-.......,B is the third propor- tional required. / /£' For-the atigfes GEH and IGH are each of ^^-- ^G i them double the angle GFH or IFH at the circumference (III. 17. EL); whence the triangles GEH and IGH must ako have the angles at the base equal, and are consequent- ly similar : Wherefore (VI. 12. El.) EG : GH : : GH : HI. If the first term AB be less than half the second term CD, this construction, without some help, would evident- ly not succeed. But AB may be previously doubled, or assumed 4, 8, or 16 times greater, so that the circle FGH shall always cut FHI ; and in that case, HI, being like- wise doubled, or taken 4, 8, or 16 times greater, will give the true result. PROP. XVII. PROB. To find a fourth proportional to three givea distances. 222 APPEI9D1X. Let it be required to find a fourth proportional to the distances AB, CD, and EF. From any point G, de- scribe two concentric circles HI and KL with the distan- ces AB and EF; in the cir- cumference of the first inflect HI equal to CD, assume any point K in the second 'cir- cumference, and cut this in L by an arc described from I with the distance HK ; the chord LK is the fourth pro- portional required. For the triangles ILG and HKG are equal, since their corresponding sides are evidently equal ; whence the an- gle IGL is equal to HGK, and taking away HGL, ther angle IGH remains equal to LGK ; consequently the iso- celes triangles GIH and GLK are similar, and GI : IH : : GL : LK, that is, AB : CD : : EF : LK. If the third term EF be more than double the first AB, this construction, it is obvious, will not answer without some modification. It may, however, be made to suit all the variety of cases, by multiplying equally AB and the chord LK, as in the last proposition. PROP. XVIII. PROB. To find the linear expressions for the square roots of the natural numbers, from one to ten in- clusive. PART II. 228 This problem is evidently the same as, to find the sides of squares which are equivalent to the successive multiples of the square constructed on the straight line representing the unit. Let AB, therefore, be that measure : And from B as a centre, describe a circle, in which inflect the radius four times, from A to C, D, E, and F ; from the opposite points A and E, with the double chord AD, describe arcs intersecting in G and H,— with the same distance, and from the points D, F, describe arcs intersecting in 1, — and, with still the same distance and from E, cut the cir- cumference in K ; and from A and K, with the radius AB, describe arcs inter- secting in L ; Then will AK^ = 2AB% AD* = 3AB*, AE* =4AB% IK^ = 5AB%IG*=6AB*j IC* = 7AB^GH* = 8AB% IA* = 9AB% andIL* = 10AB^ For, in the isosceles triangles ACB and BDE, the per- pendiculars CO and DP must bisect the bases AB^'and BE ; and the triangle ADI being likewise isosceles, IP = AP, and consequently IB = AE = 2AB. But, from what has been formerly shown, it is evident that AK* = 2AB* and AD* = 3AB*; and since AE = 2AB, AE*=4.AB^ In the right-angled triangles IBK and IBG, IK* = IB*-f- BK*=4EB* + BK* = 5AB%IG* = IB* + BG* = 4AB* + 2AB* = 6AB*5 but (II. 23.) IC* = IB*-}-BC* + IB.2BO = 4AB*+AB*^-2AB* = 7AB^ Again, GH being double --■XT ^ 224- APPENDIX. of BG, GH* = 4j . 2AB* =8AB% and AI being the triple of AE, AI*=9AB* ; and lastly, lAL being a right-an- gled triangle, IL* =IA* + AL* =9AB» + AB* = lOAB*. If AB, therefore, denote the unit of any scale, it will follow, that AK=V2, AD=V3, AE=V4, IK=V5, IG= V6, IC= V7, GH= VS, IA= V9, and IL= VlO. ELEMENTS OP PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Trigonometry is the science of calculating the sides or angles of a triangle. It grounds its con- clusions on the application of the principles of Geometry and Arithmetic. The sides of a triangle are measured, by refer- ring them to some definite portion of linear ex- tent, which is fixed by convention. The mensu- ration of angles is effected, by means of that uni- versal standard derived from the partition of a circuit. Since angles were shown to be propor- tional to the intercepted arcs of a circle described from their vertex, the subdivision of the circum- ference therefore determines their magnitude. A quadrant, or the fourth-part of the circumference, as it corresponds to a right angle, hence forms the basis of angular measures. But these mea- sures depend on the relation of certain orders of lines connected with the circle, and which it is necessary previously to investigate. 226 ELEMENTS OF DEFINITIONS. 1 . The complement of an arc is its defect from a quadrant ; its supplement is its defect from a semicircumference ; and its explement is its defect from the whole circumference. 2. The sine of an arc is a perpendicular let fall from one of its extremities upon a diameter passing through the other. 3. The versed sine of an arc is that portion of a diame- ter intercepted between its sine and the circumference. 4. The iarigent of an arc is a perpendicular drawn at one extremity to a diameter, and limited by a diameter extending through the other. 5. The secant of an arc is a straight line which joins the centre with the termination of the tangent. In naming the sine^ tangent, or secant, of the complement of an arc, it is usual to employ the abbreviated terras of cosine, cotan- gent and cosecant, A farther contraction is frequently made in noting the radius and other lines connected with the circle, by retaining only the first syllable of the word, or even the mere initial letter. Let ACFE be a circle, of which the diameters AF and CE are at right angles ; having taken any arc AB, produce the radius OB, and draw BD, AH perpendicular to AF, and BG, TRIGONOMETEY. 227 CI perpendicular to CE. Of this assumed arc AB, the com- plement is BC, and the supplement BCF ; the sine is BD, the cosine BG or OD, the versed sine AD, the coversed sine CG, and the sup- plementary versed sine FD ; the tangent of AB is AH, and its co- tangent CI ; and the secant of the same arc is OH, and its cosecant 01. Several obvious consequences flow from these defini- tions : — 1. Since the diameter which bisects an arc bisects also the chord at right angles, it follows that half the chord of any arc is equal to the sine of half that arc. 2. In the right-angled-triangle ODB, BD* + Or)* = OB* ; and hence the squares of the sine and cosine of an arc are together equal to the square of the radius. 3. The triangle ODB being evidently similar to OAH, OD : DB ; OA : AH ; that is, the cosine of an arc is to the sine, as the radius to the tangent. 4. From the similar triangles ODB and OAH, OD : OB ; : OA : OH ; wherefore the radius is a mean proportional between the cosine and the secant of an arc. 5. Since BD* = AD.FD, it is evident that the sine of an arc is a mean proportional between the versed sine and the 228 ELEMENTS OF supplementary versed sine, or between the sum and differ- ence of the radius and the cosine. 6. Hence also the chord of an arc is a mean proportional between the versed sine and the diameter 5 for AB* = AD.AF. 7. The triangles OAH and ICO being similar, AH : OA : : OC : CI j and hence the radius is a mean proportional between the tangent of an arc and its cotangent. 8. Since OD* = BG=^ = CG.CE, it follows that the cosine of an arc is a mean proportional between the sum and the difference of the radius and the sine. The circumference of the circle is commonly divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees, each of them being subdivided into 60 minutes, and these again being each distinguished into 60 seconds. It very seldom is required to carry this subdivision any farther. Degrees, minutes, seconds, or thirds, are conveniently noted by these marks, o / // ttt Thus, 23° 27' 43'^ 42''', signifies 23 degrees, 27 minutes, 43 seconds, and 42 thirds. Scholium, To discern more clearly the connection of the lines derived from the circle, it will be proper to trace their successive values, while the corresponding arc is supposed to increase. Let the arc AB', on the opposite side, be made equal to AB, draw the diameter FOA, extend the diame- ters 5'OB and 60B', join BB' and 66', and at A apply the TRIGONOMETRY. 229 double tangent HAH'. It is evident that BE=zbe, or that the sine of the arc AB is equal to the sine of its supple- ment ABb. But B'E and 6V, or the sines of ABF6' and ABFZj'B' which lie on the opposite side of the diameter, are likewise equal to BE ; that is, the inverted sine of an arc is equal to the sine of that arc or of its supplement, augment- ed, each by a semicircumfe- rence. The arc AB, and its defect A^FB' from a whole circumference, have both the same cosine OE ; and the sup- plemental arc ABb, and its de- fect from a whole circumference, have likewise the same cosine, although with an inverted position. AH and OH are respectively the tangent and secant not only of AB, but of the arc ABbFb\ which is compounded of the original arc and a semicircumference ; and the similar lines AH' and OH', on the opposite side, are at once the tangent and secant of the supplementary arc AB^, and of AB6F6'B', likewise compounded of that arc and a semicircumference. As the prolonged diameter Z>'OBH, therefore, turns a- bout the centre, the sine and tangent both increase, till the arc attains 90°, when the sine becomes equal to the radius, and the tangent vanishes into unlimited extent. Between 90^ and 180^, the sine again diminishes, and the tangent, re-appearing in the opposite direction, likewise contracts by successive diminutions. In the third quadrant, the sine emerges with a contrary position, and increases till it be- comes equal to the radius j while the tangent, resuming 230 ELEMENTS OF its first position, stretches out till it vanishes away. Be- tween 270^^ and 360", the opposite sine again contracts, and the tangent, re- appearing on the same side, shrinks also by degrees to a point. In the firs^t and fourth qua- drants, the cosine lies on the same side of the centre, while the secant stretches from it in the direction of the extre- mity of the arc ; but, in the second and third quadrants, the cosine shifts to the opposite side, and the secant shoots from the centre in a direction opposite to the termination of the arc. The same phases are thus repeated at each succeeding re- volution. Hence, if m denote any integral number, the sine of an arc a is equal to the sine of the arc {^m — i) 180*^ — a, and to opposite sines of (2/w-i) 180^ + « and of 2»2.180° — a, the cosine and secant of an arc a are equal to the cosine and secant of 2w.l80® — a^ and to the opposite cosines and secants of (2?w — i) 180°— « and of (2w — i) 180° + «; and the tangent or cotangent of an arc a is equal to the tangent or cotangent of the arc (2w — i) 180° -J- «, and to the op- posite tangents or cotangents of the arcs (27w — i) 180 — a and 2»z.l80— «. An arc may, by a simple extension of analogy, be con- ceived to comprehend innumerable other arcs. Thus, the arc AB, in fact, represents all the arcs which have their origin at A and their termination at B j it therefore in- cludes not only the small arc AB, but that arc as aug- mented by successive revolutions, or the repeated addition of entire circumferences. Hence the sine or tangent of an arc a are the same with the sine or tangent of any arc «.360«'+ff. TRIGONOMETRY. 231 PROP. I. THEOR. The rectangle under the radius and the sine of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the sum of the rectangles under their alternate sines and cosines. Let A and B denote two arcs, of which A is the great- er; then, R.sin{A-{''B)=:sinA.cos'B-{-cosA.sinB. For it is evident that AC will represent the sum of the arcs AB and BC ; make BC equal to BC, and join OB and CC, and draw HFH' parallel, and CE, FG, BD, and HC'E' perpendicular, to the radius OA. The triangles COF and C'OF, having the side CO equal to CO, OF common, and the contained angles FOC and FOC measured by the equal arcs BC and BC, are equal ; wherefore OF bisects CC at right angles. But the triangles OBD and OFG being similar, OB : BD : : OF : FG, or HE, and consequently OB.HE = BD.OF. The triangles OBD and CFH are likewise similar, for the right angle CFO being equal to HFG, if HFO be taken from both, the remaining angle CFH is equal to OFG or OBD ; whence OB : OD : : CF : CH, and OB.CH = OD.CF. Wherefore OB.HE + OB.CH, or OB.CE = BD.OF+ OD.CF. But BD and OD are the sine and cosine of the arc AB, CF and OF the sine and cosine of BC, and CE is the sine of the compound arc AC. Consequently, B smAC=sinA'B cosBC + cos AB sinBC, E'A 2S2 ELEMENTS OF Cor, 1. Hence, likewise, the rectangle under the radius and the sine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the difference of the rectangles under their alternate sines and cosines \ or R sin AU= sin AB cosBC-^cos AB sinBC. Cor, 2. If the two arcs A and B be equal, it is obvious thsit R sin2A=: sin A 2cos A, Cor. 3. Let the arc A contain 45° ; then R 5m(45 and cosSasi4}C^ -—Scsz c5-.3c(i-.c*)=c5(l— 3-il)=J^Ui— 3^*)- In this way, the following tables are formed : Sin 2a = c^.2L SmSa=: c^{3t--'t^), (8.) Sin ^a = c*(4j?— 4ifJ). ;S/w 6« = c\6t^20t^ +6^0' &c. &c. &c. Co5 3a = c5(l— 3^»). (9.) Co5 4«=^;*(l--6/^»+2f*). Cos 5« = cs( 1—10^*4-5^*). Co5 6a = c^{\-^l5t'- + \6t^-'t^). &c. &c. &c. The first set of expressions being divided by the second, will evidently give the same results for the tangent of the multiple arc. PROP. VI. THEOR. The supplemental chord of half an arc, is a mean proportional between the radius, and the sum of the diameter and the supplemental chord of the whole arc. 24 4. ELEMENTS OF This property, which is only a modification of cor. 2. to Pr. 2. will admit of a more direct demonstration. For draw the chord AB, the semichords AE and BE, and the supple- mental chords CB and CE, and the radius OE. The isosceles triangles AEB and COE are similar, for the angles OCE and EAB at the base stand on equal arcs AE and EB; consequently AE : AB : : CO : CE. But, AC BE being a quadrilateral figure contained in a circle, CE.AB = AE.CB + EB.CA = AE (CA + CB), or AE : AB : : CE : CA + CB; wherefore CO: CE:: CE: CA + CB, or CE» = CA(^^±^). Cor, Hence, in small arcs, the ratio of the sine to the arc approaches that of equality. For, let the semiarcs AE and EB be again bisected in the points F and G ; and, continuing their subdivision indefinitely, let the successive intrrmediate chords be drawn. The ratio of the sine BD to the arc AB may be viewed as compounded of the ratio of BD to the chord AB, of that of AB to the two chords AE and EB, of that of AE and EB to the four chords AF, FE, EG, and GB, and so forth. But thpse ratios, it has been shown, are the same respectively as those of the supplemental chords CB, CE, CF, &c. to the diame- ter CA. And since each of the ratios CB : CA, CE : CA, CF : CA, 3cc. approaches to equality, it is evident that their compounded ratio, or that of the sine to its corre- sponding arc, must also approach to equality. TRIGONOMETRY. 24-5 Scholium, Hence the ratio of the sine BD to the arc AB 15 expressed numerically, by the ratio of th« continued product of the series of supplemental chords CB, CE, CF, &c. to the relative continued power of the diameter CA* The ratio may, therefore, be determined to any degree of exactness, by the repeated application of the proposition in computing those derivative chords. But a very con- venient approximation is more readily assigned. Make CD to ei as CB to CA, CI to CK as CE to CA, CK to CL as CF to CA, and so forth, tending always towards the limit Z ; then the ratio of CD to CZ, being com- pounded of these ratios, must express the ratio of the sine BD to its corresponding arc AB. Now CD : CB : : CB : CA; consequently CI = CB, and CD : CI : : CI : CA, or the point I nearly bisects DA. Again, CE* = CA (^5A±^\ and therefore CE differs from CA, by nearly the fourth part of the diiferenee between CB and CA. These differences being small in comparison of the quantities themselves, the series of supplemental chords may be considered as forming a regular progression, each succeeding term of which approaches four times nearer to the length of the diameter. Wherefore IK=|DI, KL=iIK, and so continually. But (V. 21. El.) as the difference between the first and second term, is to the first, so is the difference between the first and last tern>, or DI itself, to the sum of all the terms, or the extreme limit DZ ; that is, 3 : 4 : : DI : DZ ; and consequently DZ=|DA. The i^tio of the sine BD to the arc AB is, therefore, nearly that of CD to CD-f |DA, or of 3 CD to CD+2CA. 24;6 ELEMENTS OF This approximation may be differently modified. Since SCD=60A— 3DA, and CD+2AC=60A— DA, it fol- lows that BD is to AB, as 60A— 3DA to 60A— DA. But this ratio, which approaches to equality, will not be sensibly affected, by annexing or taking away equal small diflPerences. Whence the sine is to the arc, as 60A — 6DA to 60A—4DA, or 30D to 0A+20D. But OD is to OA, as the sine of AB is to its tangent ; and consequently the triple of that arc is equal to its tangent together with twice its sine. Again, both terms of the ratio increased by the minute difference DA become 60A — 2D A, and 60A ; wherefore BD is to AB, as 30A— DA to 30A, or as 20C+0D to SCO. Hence, if CP be made equal to the radius CO, and PBH be drawn to meet the tangent, — the arc AB will be near- O DA ly equal to the intercepted portion AH. For BD : AH : : PD : PA, or 20C-f OD : 30C ; that is, as the sine BD is to its arc AB. Another approximation, of much higher importance, may be hence derived ; for PD : PA : : BD : AH, or as the sine to its arc nearly. But (V. 3. El.) PD.CD is to PA.CD in the same ratio, and PA.CD= PD.CD + AD.CD = (III. 26. cor. 1.) PD.CD + BD^ ; whence PD.CD is to PD.CD + BD*, as the sine to its arc nearly. If the arc be small, it is evident that OD will be very nearly equal to AO, and consequently PD may be as- sumed equal to 3AO, and CD equal to 2AO. Where- fore 6A0^ : 6AO* + BD* : : BD : AB nearly; or, the ra- dius being unit, and a and s denoting a small arc and its TRIGONOMETRY. 247 sine, 6 : 6+s^ : :s : a, and hence a = s +r— nearly. But since a and s are very small, a^ will approach extremely near to 5', and it may, therefore, be inferred conversely^ that s = a — — . 6 A convenient approximation for the versed sine of an arc is easily derived from the fundamental property of the lines themselves; for 2AO.AD = AB* -, BD' + AD*, or employing v to denote the versed sine, 2t;=5*4-^% and «^=~ +^* If> therefore, the arc be small, it maybe suffi- ciently near the truth to assume v=r— > but should great- er accuracy be required, substitute this value of v in the second term of the complete expression, andv=2r-+^> which will form a very close approximation. Calculation of the Trigonometric Lines. The preceding theorems contain all the principles re- quired in constructing Trigonometric Tables. The ra- dius being denoted by unit, the several lines connected with the circle are referred to that standard, and are ge- nerally computed to seven decimal places. The first object is to compute the Sines for every arc of the quadrant. Since the semicircumference of a circle whose radius is unit was found, by the scholium to Prop. SO. Book VI. of the Elements, to be 3.1 4 15926536, the length of the arc of 248 ELEMENTS OF one minute is .0002909, which, in so small an arc, may be' assumed as equal to the sine, and consequently the versed sine of a minute = |(.0002909)* = .000,000,042,308. Whence, by cor. 3. to Prop. 3. sin{K + 1') = 2sinK — 2^mA X .000,000,042,308— 5m( A— 1') •, and therefore, by a series of repeated operations, the intermediate arc being successively 1', 2', 3', 4', &c. the sines of 2', 3', 4', 5', &c. in their order will be calculated. The numbers thus obtained will at first scarcely differ from ^n uniform progression, the versed sine of 1', which forms the multiplier of deviation, being so extremely small. It is hence superfluous, to compute rigidly all those mi- nute variations. The labour may be greatly shortened, by calculating the sines for each degree only, and employ- ing some abridged process for filling up the sines, corre- sponding to the subdivision in minutes. The arc of one degree being equal to ,0174533, it fol- lows from the scholium to Prop. 6., that the sine of 1°=:.0174533—|.(.0174533)' =.0174524, and hence the versed sine of 1°=4-(.0174524)^=:.0001523. Wherefore 5m(A-f- l°)=25/wA— 25fwA X .0001523— 5zw( A— 1°); or, if from tmce the sine of an arc, diminished by its 6566*** part, the sine of an arc one degree lower be subtracted, the re^ mainder will exhibit the sine of an arc, which is one degree higher. Thus, Sin2^ =z2sinl--2sinl'' X .0001523=.0349048--.0000053 =.0348995. Sin3°z:z2sin2°^2sin2° X .0001523— 5ml °=:.0697990— .0000 1 pe—.0 1 74524= .0523360. 6'm4°=2sm3°— 25z>z3«^ X .0001523— .5^2°=. 1046720— .0000160— .0348995.=:0697565. TRIGONOMETRY. » = .0002908882604^6, and the versed sine of 1'= 4.(.U0029088826046)* = .000000042308. Employing these data, therefore, Sifi2' = '2sini'-2sinl' X .000000042308=r.00Q58 17763845 ; SinS' = 2si7i2'-'2sm2' X .000000042308—5^1'= .0008726645152; and so forth. But it is very seldom requisite to push the estimation to such extreme nicety. The sines being calculated for each degree as before, those corresponding to the subdivi- 250 ELEMENTS OF sion in minutes, may be found by a mere expeditious me- thod, though founded on ulterior considerations. If the sines increased uniformly, the sine of A^'+w' would exceed that n of A by the quantity — -(5mA+l° — sin\ — 1°) = B. But the rate of this augmentation, being continually retarded, occasions a defect, equal to w* X5W A X .000,000,04^2308 = C. Again, since the retardation itself gradually relaxes, it re- quires a small compensation, which may be estimated at (60-~7^')B X .00000 1 3 =D. The sine of A° + /j' is then very nearly =s?ViA + B — C + D. Thus, the sines of 31°, 32°, and 33° being respectively .5150381, .5299193, and .5446390, let it be required to find the sine of 32° 40'. 40 Here B = — -(5^w33°~sm31«^ = .0098670, C = 1600 X sm32 X .0000000423=r.0000359, and D=20 X .0098670 X .00000 1 3 = .0000003. Whence sm32° 40' =i= .5299193 + .0098670 — 0000359 + .0000003 = .5397507. After the sines are calculated up to 60°, the rest are de- duced from cor. 4. Prop. 3. by simple addition. Thus, 5m61°=52w59°+5ml°=.8571673 + .0l74524=.8746197. The Versed Sines and supplementary versed sines are only the difference and sum of the radius and the sines. The Tangents are easily derived from the sines, by help of the analogy given in the third corollary to the definition^. Thus, C(?s32°: 52W32 .-.R: tan32°, or, .8480481 : .5299193 : : 1 : ,62^869^— tanS2°, Beyond 45°, the calculation is simphfied, the radius being (cor. 7. defin.) a mean propor- tional between the tangent and cotangent, or the cotan- gent is the reciprocal of the tangent. TRIGONOMETRY. . 251 The Secants are deduced by cor. 4. to the definitions, since they are the reciprocals of the cosines^ From the lower tangents and secants, the tangents of arcs that exceed 45® are most easily derived; for (cor. 4. Prop. 4.) tan{^5°+a)=sec2a+taji2a. Thus, tan4!6°=sec2''+ta?t2°, or 1.0355303 = 1.0006095 + .0349208. PROP. VII. THEOR. In a right angled triangle, the radius is to the sine of an oblique angle, as the hypotenuse to tlie opposite side. Let the triangle ABC be right angled at B ; then R : sinCAB : : AC : CB. For assume AR equal to the given radius, describe the arc RD, and draw the perpendicu- lar RS. The triangles ARS and ACB are evidently simi- ^^^ lar, and therefore AR ; RS : : AC : CB. But, AR being the radius, RS is the sine of the arc RD which measures the angle RAD or CAB; and consequently^ : sin A : : AC : CB. Cor. Hence the radius is to the cosine of an angle, as the hypotenuse to the adjacent side ; for R : sinC or cos A : : AC : AB, 25^ ELEMENTS OF PROP. VIII. THEOR. . In a right angled triangle, the radius is to the tangent of an oblique angle, as the adjacent side to the. opposite side. Let the triangle ABC be right angled at B ; then R:tanBAC::AB:BC. For, assuming AR equal to the given radius, describe the arc RD, and draw the per- pendicular RT. The triangles C Art and ABC being similar, AR : RT : : AB : BC. But, AR being the radius, RT is the tangent of the arc RD which measures the angle at A ; and therefore R : tan A : : AB:BC. Cor. Hence the radius is to the secant of an angle, as the adjacent side to the hypotenuse. For AT is the se- cant of the arc RD, or of the angle at A ; and, from simi- lar triangles, AR : AT : : AB ; AC. PROP. IX. THEOR. The sides of any triangle are as the sines of their opposite angles. In the triangle ABC, the side AB is to BC, as the sine of the angle at C to the sine of that at A. TRIGONOMETRY. 253 For let a circle be described about the triangle ; and the sides AB and BC, being chords of the intercepted arcs or of the angles at the centre, are (cor. def.) equal to twice the sines of the halves of those angles, or the angles ACB and CAB at the circumference. But, of the same angles, the chords or sines (VI. 11. cor El.) are proportional to the radius; and conse- quently AB : BC : : sinC : sinK, Cor. Since the straight lines AB and BC are chords, not only of the arcs AB and BC, but of the arcs ACB and BAC, or the defects of the former from the circumference, it follows that the sides of the triangle are proportional also to the sines of half these compound arcs, or to the sines of the supplements of their opposite angles. — A like inference results from the definition, for the sine of an arc and that of its supplement are the same. PROP. X. THEOR. In any triangle, the sum of two sides, is to the difference, as the tangent of half the sum of the angles at the base, to the tangent of half their difr ference. In the triangle ABC, AB+ AC : AB— AC : ; tan^^ : tarP"^. 2 % 254t ELEMENTS OF From the vertex A, and with a distance equal to the greater side AB, describe the semicircle FBD, meeting the other side AC extended both ways to F and D, join BD and BF, which produce to meet a straight line DE drawn parallel to CB. Because the isosceles triangle DAB, has the /^ \B. same vertical angle with the triangle CAB, each of its remaining angles ADB and ABD is (1. 30. "^ El.) equal to half the sum of the angles ACB and ABC ; and therefore the defect of ABC from that mean, that is the angle CBD, or its alternate angle BDE, must be equa} to half the difference of those angles. Now FBD being (III. 19. El.) a right angle, BF and BE are tangents of the angles BDF and BDE, to the radius DB, and hence are proportional to the tangents of those angles with any other radius. But since CB and DE are parallel, CF, or AB + AC : CD, or AB— AC : : BF: BE; consequently ATI. An Ajy An . ACB+ABC , ACB— ABC AB + AC: AB — AC:: tan i : tan > 2 '^ or AB+AC : AB— AC : : cotlA : cot(B+hA), or — co/(C+iA). Cor. Suppose another triangle abc to have the sides eib^ and ac equal to AB and AC, but containing a right angle : It is obvious that tan-^ : tan-^ ^ ACB+ABC ^ ACB— ABC : : tan ^r : tan -, or h TRIGONOMETRY. 255 that is, R : tan{4i5-^b) : : cotl A : coi(B+\A), or--co2f(C+.lA). Now, in the right angled triangle abc, ah or AB, is to «r, or AC, as the radius, to the tangent of the angle at h. PROP. XI. THEOR. In any triangle, as twice the rectangle under two sides, is to the difference between their squares and the square of the base, so is the ra- dius to the cosine of the contained angle. In the triangle ABC, 2AB.AC : AB^ + AC^— BC^ : : R : C05BAC ; the angle BAC being acqte or obtuse, according as BC* is less or greater than AB* + AC^. For let fall the perpendicu- lar BD. In the rigjit angled triangle ADB, AB : AD : : R : s2>iABD or C05BAC ; con- sequently 2AB.AC : 2AD. AC : : R : cosBAC. But (II. 23. El.) twice the rectangle under AD and AC is equal to the difference of the squares AB _, . and AC from the square of BC. Whence 2AB.AC : AB* + AC*— -BC* : : R : C05BAC. Cor. The radius being denoted by unit, it follows (V. 6. El.) that AB* + AC^— BC* = 2AB.ACco5BAC, and con- sequently BC^=AB* + AC*— 2AB.ACC05BAC, or BC= V(AB»+AC;i-~2AB.AC C05BAC). 256 ELEMENTS OF PROP. XII. THEOR. In any triangle, the rectangle under the semipe- rimeter and its excess above the base, is to the rectangle under its excesses abovje the two sides, as the square of the radius, to the square of the tangent of half the contained angle. In the triangle ABC, the perimeter being denoted by P, |P(|P— AC : (iP--AB) (iP-.BC) : : R* : tan^BK For, employing the construction of Prop* 29., Book VJ. of the Elements; since the triangles BIE and BGD are right angled, BI : IE : : R : tanlBE, or tan^B, and BG : GD : : R : tanGBB, or tanlB ; whence (V. 22. El.) BI.BG : lE.GD : : R* : tanhB\ But it was proved that -q IE.GD = AI. AG ; where- fore BI.BG : AI.AG : : R* : tanlB'', Now BI is equal to the semiperime- ter, BG is its excess above the base AC, and AI, AG are its excesses above the sides AB and BC ; conse- quently the proportion is established. TRIGois^OMETEY. 257 PROP. XIIL THEOR. In any triangle, the rectangle under two sides, is to the rectangle under the semiperimeter, and its excess above the base, as the square of the i a- dius, to the square of the cosine of half the con- tained angle. In the triangle ABC, the perimeter being denoted by P, AB.BC : 4P(,P— AC) : : RM cos.B^. For, the same construction remaining ; in the right- angled triangles BIE and BGD, BE : BI : : R : sz>BEl, or cos B, and BD : BG : : R : smBDG, or cos B ; whence BE.BD : BI.BG : : R* : co5 B*. But the quadrilateral figure EADC, being right angled at A and C, is (III. 17. El.) contained in a circle, and consequently (III. 16. El.) the angle AED or AEB is equal to ACD or to DCB ; wherefore, ^ince by construc- tion the angle ABE. is equal to DBC, the triangles BAE and BDC are similar, and BE : AB : : BC : BD, or BE.BD = ABBC. Hence AB.BC : BI.BG : : "R^'.coslW. Now BI is the semiperimeter, and BG its excess above IG or AC ; wherefore the proposition is de- monstrated. 258 ELEMENTS OF PROP. XIV. THEOR. In any triangle, as the rectangle under two side^ is to the rectangle under the excesses of the semi* perimeter above those sides, so is the square of the radius, to the square of the sine of half their contained angle* In the triangle ABC, the perimeter being stili denoted by P, AB.BC : (|P— AB) (iP— BC) ; : R' : sinlB', For, the same construction being retained, in the right- angled triangles BIEand BGD, BE : IE : : R : sin^B, and BD : GD : : R : siiiiB ; whence BE.BD : lE.GD : : R* : sinkB"^. But it has been proved that BE.BD= AB.BC, or the rectangle under thecon- taining sides of the trian- gle; and IE. GD=AI. AG, or the rectangle under the excesses of the semiperi- meter above the sides AB and BC. Wherefore the proposition is ' establish- ed. Scholium, > The three last propositions are demonstrated here by an independent process; but they are only modi- fications of the same principle, and might consequently be derived from a comparison with the first of the train. The eight preceding theorems contain the grounds of trigonometrical calculation. A triangle has only five va- TRIGONOMETRY. 259 riable parts— the three sides and two angles, the remain- ing angle being merely supplemental. Now, it is a gene- ral principle, that, three of those parts being given, the rest may be thence determined. But the right-angled tri- angle has necessarily one known angle ; and, in conse- quence of this, the opposite side is deducible from the con- taining sides. In right-angled triangles, therefore, the number of parts is reduced to four, any two of which being the assigned, the others may be found* JPROP. Xy. PROB. Two variable parts of a right-angled triangle being given, to find the rest. This problem divides itself into four distinct cases, ac* cording to the different combination of the data. 1. When the hypotenuse and a side are given* 2. When the two sides containing the right angle are given, ^. When the hypotenuse and an angle are giveni 4. When either of the sides and an dhgle are giverii The first and third cases are solved by the application bf Proposition 7, and the second and fourth cases receive their solution from Proposition 8. It may be proper, however, to exhibit the several analogies in a tabulaif form* 260 ELEMENTS OF J 1 ,a SOLUTION. I. AC, A B A, or C, BC AC : AB : : R : sinC, or cos.\. R : sin A : : AC : BC. 11. AB, BC A, or C AC. AB : BC : : R : tanA, or cotC cosX : R : : AB : AC, or R ; secA : : AB : AC III. AC A AB BC R : cos\ : : AC : AB. R : sin A : : AC : BC. IV. AB, A BC AC R : tank : ; AB : BC. cosA : R : : AB : AC, or R'.secA : : AB : AC. In the first and second cases, BC or AC might also be deduced, by the mere application of Prop. 11. Book II. of the Elements : For AC^ = AB* + BC% or AC= V (AB* + BC*) and BC^ = AC^-AB* = (AC + AB) (AC-AB), or BC= V((AC+ AB) (AC— AB)). Cor. Hence the first case admits of a simple approxi- mation* For, by the scholium to Proposition 6, it appears, that, AC being made the' radius, 2AC + AB is to 3 AC, as the side BC is to the arc which measures its opposite angle CAB, or alternately 2AC+ AB is to BC, as 3 AC to the TRIGONOMETRY. 261 arc corresponding to BC. But the radius is equal to an 0/1/ III o arc of 57 17 44? 48, or 57| nearly ; wherefore 3 AC is to o the arc which corresponds to BC, as 3 >C 57 a, or 172°, to the number of degrees contained in the angle CAB, and con- sequently 2AC + AB : BC: :172° ; the expression of the angle at A, or AC+^AB : BC : : 86° : number of degrees in the angle at A. This approximation will be the more correct, when the side opposite to the required angle becomes small in com- parison with the hypotenuse ; but the quantity of error can never amount to 4? minutes. PROP. XVI. PROB. Three variable parts of an oblique angled tri- angle being given, to find the other two. This general problem includes three distinct cases, one of which again is branched into two subordinate divisions. 1 . Whtn all the three sides are given, 2. When two sides and ati angle are given ,• which angle may either (1.) he contained by these sidesy or {2,) subtended hy one of them, 3. When a side and two of the angles are given. The first case admits of four different solutions, derived from Propositions 11, 12, 13, and 14, and which have their several advantages. The second case, consisting of 262 ELEMENTS OF two branches, is resolved by the application of propositions 9 and 10 ; and >he solution of the third case flows imme- diately from the former of these propositions. -T? 6 Given. Sought. SOLUTIOl^. I. AB, BC, ind AC. B. AB . BC : (iP-AB) (^P-BC) ::R^: sin\B\ iP(iP-AC) : (iP-AB) (iP-BC) ::7^*:/flwi'B^ AB . BC : iP (iP-AC) ::R^: cos\B\ ?AB . BC : AB' + BC^ ~AC^ ::R : cosB. 1 9 3 4 il. 1 AB, BC, and c. A, and AC. AB ; BC : : ^iwC : sin A ; whence B, and sinC'.sinB:: AB : AC 5 6 ^2 AB, BC, and B. A, c, Hnd AC. AB + BC : AB-BC : : cot\B : : co^(A+iB). or - co/(C+iB). rAB: BC: ;R: itanb; and I R : tan(^5°'d) : : cot^B : eo^( A+^B), or-co^(C+iB). sinA : sinB : : BC : x\C, or AC=V( AB^^-BC^— 2AB.BC CQ*B.) 7 8 9 10 rii. AB, A, B, and thence c. BC, AC. sinC : sin A : : AB : BC, sinC : sinB : : AB : AC. 11 12 TRIGONOMETRY. 263 For the resolution of the first Case, the analogy set down first, is on the whole the most convenient, particu- larly if the angle sought do not approach to two right angles. The second analogy may be applied with obvious advantage through the entire extent of angles. The third and fourth analogies, especially the latter, are not adapted for the calculation of very acute angles ; they will, how- ever, answer the best when the angle sought is obtuse. It is to be observed, that the cosines of an angle and of its supplement are the same, only placed in opposite direc- tions ; and hence the second term of the analogy, or the difference of AB^ + BC* from AC^, is in excess or defect, acc6rding as the angle at B is acute or obtuse. — These re- marks are founded on the unequal variation of tKe sine and tangent, corresponding to the uniform increase of an arc. The first part of Case II. is ambiguous, for an arc and its supplement have the same sine. This ambiguity, how- ever, is removed if the character of the triangle, as acute or obtuse, be previously known. For the solution of the second part of Case II. the first analogy is the most usual, but the double analogy is the best adapted for logarithms. In astronomy, this mode of calculation is particularly commodious. The direct ex- pression for the sid9 subtending the given angle is very convenient, where logarithms are not employed. 264* ELEMENTS OF PROP. XVIi. PROB. Given the horizontal distance of an object and its angle of elevation, to find its height and abso- lute distance, Let the angle ABC, which an object A makes at the station B, with an horizontal line, and also the distance BC of a perpendicular AC, to find that perpendicular, and the hy- potenusal or aerial distance BA. In the' right-angled triangle BCA, the radius is to the tan- gent of the angle at B, as BC to AC ; and the radius is to the secant of die angle at B, or the cosine of the angle at B is to the radius, as BC to AB. PROP. XVIII. PROB. Given the acclivity of a line, to find its corre- sponding vertical and horizontal length. In the preceding figure, the angle CBA and the hypo- tenusal distance BA being given to find the height and the horiz{;ntal distance of the extremity A. The triangle BCA bein;. rigiit angled, the radius is to the sine of the angle CBA as BA to AC, and the ra- dius is to the cosine of CBA as BA to BC. TRIGONOMETRY. S65 Scholium* If the acclivity be small, and A denote the measure of that angle in minutes ; then AC=BA X nearly. But the expression for AC, will be rendered more accurate, by subtracting from it, as thus found, the ^. ACJ quantity ^^^. In most cases when CBA is a small angle, the horizontal distance may be computed with sufficient exactness, by de- AC* ducting ~jj^, or BA X A* X .000^000,0423, from the hy- potenusal distance. PROP. XIX. PROB. Given the interval between two stations, and the direction of an object viewed from them, to find its distance from each. Let BC be given, with the angles ABC and ACB, to calculate AB and AC. In the triangle CBA, the angles ABC and ACB being given, the remaining or supple- mental angle BAC is thence given; and consequently, swBAC : 5/wACB : : BC: AB, and smBAC : smABC : : BC : AC. Cor, if the observed angles ABC and ACB be each of them 60^, the triangle will be evidently equilateral ; and if the angle at the station B be right, and that at C half a right angle, the distance AB will be equal to the base BC. 266 ELEMENTS OF PROP. XX. PROB. Given the distances of two objects from any station and the angle which they subtend, to find their mutual distance. Let AC, BC, and the angle ACB be given, to determine AB. In the triangle ABC, since two sides and their contained angle are gi- ven, therefore, by corollary to Propo- sition 10. AC + BC : AC — BC ; : cot\C : cot{A'\-\C)f then sin A : sinC : : BC : AB; or (from the cor. to Prop. 11.) AB= >/(AC*-hBC*— 2AC.BC cosC.) Cor, By combining this with the preceding proposition, the distance of an object may be found from two stations, between which the communication is in- terrupted. Thus let A be visible from B and C, though the straight line BC cannot be traced. Assume a third sta- tion D, from which B and C are both seen. Measure DB and DC, and ob- serve the angles BDC, ABC and ACB. In the triangle BDC, the base BC is found as above ; and thence, by the preceding proposition, $he sides AB and AC of the triangle ABC are determined TRIGONOMETRY. g67 PROP. XXI. PROB. Given the interval between two stations, and the directions of two remote objects viewed from them in the same plane, to find the mutual dis^ t^nce, and relative position of those objects. Let the points A, B represent the two objects, and C, D the two stations from which these are observed ; the in- terval or base CD being measured, and also the angles CD A, CDB at the first station, and DCA, DCB at the second ; it is thence required to determine the transverse distance AB, and its direction. It is obvious that each of the points A and B would be assigned geometrically by the intersection of two straight lines, and consequently that the position of the objects will not be determined, unless each of them appears in a diffe- rent direction at the successive stations. 1. Suppose one of the stations C to lie in the direction of the two objects A and B, At C observe the angle BCD, and at D the angles CDA and BDC. Then by Prop. 9.slnCAD : sinCDA : : CD : CA, and sinCBD : sinCDB : : CD : CB ; the difference or sum of CA and (pB is AB, the distance sought. 2. When neither station lies in the direction of the t'w^ objects^ and the base Cf) has a transverse position. 268 ELEMENTS OF Find by Prop. 19. the distances AC and BC of both ob- jects from one of the stations ^ C J then the contained angle ACB, or the excess of DCA above DCB, being likewise gi- ven, the angles at the base AB of the triangle BCA, and the base itself, may be calculated, from the analogies exhibited for the solution of the second branch of Case second. For AC+BC : AC— BC : : cotiACB : cot{\ACB'\-CAB), and thus the angle CAB is found. Or more conveniently by two successive opera- tions, AC : BC : : R : fan b, and R : tan{i5° — b) : : cotkACB : co/(|ACB + CAB. Now, sinCAB : sinACB : : BC : AB, or AB= V(AC^ + BC*— 2AC.BC cos ACB). The inclination of AB to CD' in the first case is given by observation, and in the second case it is evidently the supplement of the interior angles CAB and DCA. A pa- rallel to AB may hence be drawn from either station. Cor. Hence the converse of this problem is readily sol- ved. Suppose two remote objects A and B, of which the mutual distance is already known, are observed from the stations C and D, and it were thence required to deter- mine the interval CD. Assume unit to denote CD, and calculate AB according to the same scale of measures; the actual distance AB being then divided by that result, will give CD r For the several triangles which combine to form the quadrilateral figure CABD, are evidently given in species. TRIGONOMETRY. 269 PROP. XXII. PROB. Given the directions of two inaccessible objects viewed in the same plane from two given stations, to trace the extension of the straight line con- necting them. Let the angles ACD, BCD be observed at C, and ADC, BDC at D, with the base CD -, to find a point E in the straight line ABF produced through A and B. By the last proposition, find AD and the angle DAB, and assume any angle ADE. In the triangle DAE, the angles at the base AD, and conse- quently the vertical angle AED, being known, it fol- lows, by Prop. 9., that 5m AED : sinE AD : : AD : DE. Wherefore, measure out DE on the ground, and its ex- tremity E will mark the extension of AB. PROP. ;XXIII. PROB. Given on the same plane the direction of two remote objects separately seen from two stations and their direction as viewed at once from an in- termediate station, with the distances of those stations, from the middle station, — to find the mutual distance of the objects. S70 ELEMENTS OF Let object A be visible from the station D, and B from E, and both of them be seen at once from the station C j the compound base DC, C£ be- ing measured, and the angle DCA, ACB and BCE, with ADC and BEC, observed,— to determine AB. In the triangles DAC, CBE, the sides AC and BC are found by Prop. 19., and in the triangle ACB, the base AB is thence found by the application of Prop. 20. It is evident that the mode of investigation will not be altered, if the three stations D, C and E should lie in the game straight line* PROP. XXIV. PROB. Given four stations, with the direction of a re-* mote object viewed from the first and second sta- tions, and the direction of another remote object viewed from the third and fourth stations, all in the same plane, — tb find the distance between the objects- Let the bases EC, CD, and DF be given, with the an- gles ECD and CDF, and suppose that at the stations E and C the angles CEA and EGA are observed, and the angles BDF and BFD at D and F ; to find the transverse distance AB. TRIGOifC^METRY. 211 In the triangles EAC and DBF, find by Prop. 19. the sides AC and BD ; and in the triangle CAD, the sides AC, CD, with their contained an- gle ACD, being given, the base DA and the angle CDA are found by Case II. But the distances DA, DB being now given, with their contained angle ADB, the base AB is found by Prop. 20. ' PROP. XXV. PROB- The mutual distances of three remote objects being given, with the angles which they subtend at a station in the same plane, to find the relative place of that station. Let the three points A, B, and C, and the angles ADB and BDC which they form at a fourth point D, be given j to determine the position of that point. 1. Suppose the station D to he situate in the direction of two of the objects A, C* All the sides AB, AC and BC of the triangle ABC be- ing given, the angle BAC is found by Case I. ; and in the triangle ABD, the side AB with the angles at A and D being given, the side AD is found by Case III. and consequently the ^ position of the point D is determined^ 272 ELEMENTS OP 2. Suppose the three objects Ay B and C to lie in the same direction. Describe a circle about the extreme objects A, C and the station D, join DA, DB and DC, produce DB to meet the circumfe;rence in E, and join AE and CE. In the triangle AEC, the side AC is given, and the an- gles EAC and ECA, being equal (III. 16. El.) to CDE and ADE, are consequently given ; wherefore the side AE is found b}^ Case III. The triangle AEB, having thus the sides AE, AB, and their contained angle EAB or BDC given, the angle ABE, and its supplement ABD are found by Case II. Lastly, in the triangle ABD, the angles ABD and ADB, wth the side AB, are given ; whence BD is found by Case III. But since the angle ABD and the distance BD are assigned, the position of the station D is evidently deter- mined. 3. Let the three objects form a triangle , and the station jy lie either without or "within it. Through D and the extreme points A and C describe a circle, draw DB cutting the circumference in E, and join AE and CE. 1. In the triangle AEC, the side AC, and the angles ACE and CAE, which are equal (III. 16. El.) to ADB and BDC, being given, the side AE is found by Case III. TRIGONOMETRY. 273 2. All the sides of the trian- gle ABC being given, the angle CAB is found by Case I. 3. In the triangle BAE, the sides AB and AE are given, and their contained angle EAB, or thediiferenceofCAEandCAB, are given, whence, by Case II., the angle A BE or ABD is found. 4. Lastly, in the triangle DAB, the side AB and the angles ABD and ADB being given, the side AD or BD is found by Case III., and con- sequently the position of the point D, with respect to A and B is determined. By a like process, the relative position of D and C is deduced ; or CD may be calculated by Case XL from the sides AC, AD, and the angle ADC, which are given in the triangle CAD. It is obvious that the calculation will fail, if the points B and E should happen to coincide. In fact, the circle then passing through B, any point D whatever in the opposite arc ADC will answer the conditions required, since the angles ADB and BDC, being now in the same segment, must remain unaltered. PROP. XXVI. THEOR. The mutual distances of three remote objects, two of which only are seen at once from the same station, being given, with the angles observed at 274 ELEMENTS OF two stations in the same plane, and the interme- diate direction of these stations^ — ^to find their re- lative places. Suppose the three points A, B and C are given, with the angle AEB which A and B subtend at E, and BFC, which B and C subtend at F, and likewise the angles AEF and EFC ; to find the relative situation of each of \ / those stations E and F. '^ ^ Produce AE and CF to meet in D, and join BD. The angle EDF, being equal to AEF+CFE— 180<^, is given. Now in the triangle EBF, sinBFE : sinEBF : : EB : EF; and in the triangle EDF, si7iET>F : siriBFE : : EF : ED ; whence, (V. 23. El.) sinBFE.shiEBF : siiiEBF. sinBFE : : EB : ED, and consequently the ratio of EB to ED is found. Again the angle BED, being the supple- ment of AEB, is given, (Prop. 10. cor.) si7iBFE.sinET>F : sinEBF.sinDFE : : R : tan b, and R : tan (45 — b) : : co^i:BED :— coi:(iBED+EBD), or co/(180: (A, B, c) rapportee, pag. 403, ou A, B, C, sont des angles, et par consequent des nombres, ne sauroit subsister, a moins que c ne disparoisse. Car si c ne dis- paroit pas, il faudra qu'une longueur absolue c soit determinee par des nombres, sans que Punite de longueur soit connue, ce > qu? est une absurdite. L'objection faite, pag. suiv, sur Tequa- tion c = ^ : («, ^, C) se resout tres facilement. Rien n'em- peche que C, qui est un nombre, (par rapport a Pangle droit pris pour unite), ne soit une fonction de a, b, C, pourvu que cette fonction soit de nulle dimension, c'est-a-dire, pourvu que le fonction de a, b, C se reduise a une fonction de deux rapports, tels que — , — . Et en effet, c'est ce qui a lieu d'apres I'equa- 1+ ~—S- fion trigonometrique, cos C = ^ "\^ — r— -^ = a * 2 ae 2 _ NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 297 Ajouteral-je ti ces raisons, une idee qui m'est venue plu- sieurs fois. Suppose que le meme triangle, dont ^^ yous vous occupez, soit mis sous les yeux d'un etre intelligent, dont la stature et celle des objets qui l*environnent soient cent fois plus grandes que celle des objets environnans — mon raisonne- ment sera toujours le meme, et ne perdra rien de la force. Croiez-vous, cependant, qu'il fut possible que c restat dans Inequation, C =

^! j-— '4q the square AGHC is transformed into the two squares CKLF and ADIK. By reversing the process, the squares of the side^ of the right- angled triangle may be compounded into the single square of the hypotenuse. X o \ \:jsi \ K / 6. It was a favourite speculation with the Greek geome- ters, to express numerically the sides of a right-angled tri- angle. The rules which they delivered for that purpose are equally simple and ingenious. For the sake of conciseness, it will be convenient, however, to adopt the language of sym- bols. Let 71 denote any odd number ; then, according to Pythagoras, w, n*— I and^I+i, 2 ' or according to Plato, 2 w, w* — 1 and w*-|-l, will repre- sent the perpendicular, the base, and hypotenuse, of a right- angled triangle.— Thus, n being supposed equal to 3, the num- bers thence resulting are 3, 4, and 5, or 6, 8, and 10. These 306 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. analytical expressions are fundamentally the same, and are easily derived from Proposition 17. Book II. : For 2^^^X2 = (2«)^ — Or without having recourse to algebraical notation, since the square of the perpendicular is equivalent to the difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and of the base, it must, by Prop. 17. Book II. be equivalent to the rectangle under the sum and difference of the hypotenuse and base. Wherefore, if the perpendicular be an odd num- ber, its square may be divided into two contiguous factors, the one even and the other odd. Thus, assuming the perpen- dicular equal to 3, its square 9 gives, by division, 4 and 5, for the base and hypotenuse ; if the perpendicular be 5, the square 25 is parted into 12 and 13, for the corresponding base and hypotenuse ; or if this perpendicular be denoted by 7, whose square is 49, the base and perpendicular must, by partition, be 24 and 25. Again, if the perpendicular be supposed to be an even number, its square may be divided into two adjacent factors, whose sum is the half and their difference 2. Thus, the perpendicular being 4, the half of its square, or 8, is split into -3 and 5, for the base and hypotenuse ; if 6 be the perpendicu- lar, the half of its square, or 18, is divided into 8 and 10, for the base and hypotenuse ; and were 8 to represent the perpen- dicular, the half of its square, or 32, gives \5 and 17, for the corresponding base and perpendicular. 7. We may here introduce, from the Mathematical Collec- tions of Pappus, an elegant extension of the famous Tenth Proposition. In any triangle, rhomboids described on the ttvo sides, are to- gether equivalent to a rhomboid described on the base, and limit- ed by these and by parallels to the line which joins the vertex tvith their point of concourse. Let ADEB and BGFC be rhomboids described on the two sides AB and BC of the triangle ABC ; produce the summits DE and FG to meet in H, join this point with the vertex B, to BH draw the parallels AK, CL, and join KL. It is obvi- ous that AK and CL, being equal and parallel to BH, are NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 307 likewise equal and parallel to each other, and that the figure AKLC is a parallelogram or rhomboid — This rhomboid is equivalent to the two rhomboids BD and BF. For produce HB to meet the base AC in I. And because the rhomboids KI and AH stand on the same base AK and between the same parallels, they are equiva- lent (II. I. cor.) ; but the rhomboids AH and BD, standing on the same base AB and between the same parallels, are also equivalent. Whence KI is equiva- lent to BD. And in the same manner, it may be proved that LI is equivalent to BF. Consequently the whole rhomboid K!C is equivalent to the two rhomboids BD and BF, If the triangle ABC be right-angled at B, this theorem will pass into a case of the twenty-sixth of Book VI. ; the rhom- boid, described on the hypotenuse, being equivalent to the similar rhomboids described on the two sides. When these rhomboids become squares, the proposition becomes the same as the tenth ; the only difference in the construction being, that a square AKOC (p. 52.) is constructed above the hypote- nuse AC, instead of the square ADEC constructed below it. 8. Ffoto the proposition in the last article, an important theorem may be derived, which deserves a place in an ele* mentary work : In any triangle^ the square described on the base is equivalent to the rectangles contained by the two sides and their segments in- terceptedjrom the base by perpendiculars let Jail upon them from its opposite extremities. Let the perpendiculars AP, CN be let fall from the points A, C upon the opposite sides BC and AB of the triangle ABC ; the square of AC is equivalent to the rectangles con- tained by AB, AN, and by BC, CP. For complete the rhomboids ADHB and CFHB, and let fall the perpendiculars BR and BS upon DH and FH. 308 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. It is manifest, that the rhomboids AH and CH are equiva- lent to the square of AC. But the rhomboid AH is equivalent to the rectangle contained by AB and BIl II. 1 . cor.). Comparing the triangles BH R and ACN; the angle BRH, being a right angle, is equal to ANC ; and the two acute angles BHR and RBH, being together equal to a right angle, are e- qual to DAN and NAC ; but DAB is equal to DHB (1. 26.), whence the angle RBH is equal to NAC. These triangles BHR and ACN, having thus two angles respectively equal, and the correspond- ing side BH in the one equal to AD or AC in the other, are therefore equal (I. 20.), and consequently the side BR is equal to AN. The rectangle AB and BR, which is equivalent to the rhom- boid AH, is hence equivalent to the rectangle contained by AB and AN (IL 1. cor.). In the same manner, it may be demonstrated, by compa- ring the triangles BHS and PAC, that the rectangle under BC and BS, which is equivalent to the rhomboid CH, is equivalent to the rectangle contained by BC and CP. Wherefore the two rectangles of AB, AN and BC, CP are together equiva- lent to the square described on AC. If the triangle ABC be right-angled at the vertex B, the perpendiculars CN and AP will evidently meet at the vertex, and consequently the rectangles AB, AN and BC, CP will become the squares of AB and BC. And hence the beauti- ful Proposition II. 10- is derived, being only a remarkable case of a much more general property. 9. Proposition tenth. It may be proper to notice likewise an extension of this beautiful proposition, which is easily de- monstrated, after a similar mode, from the decomposition of tjie figure. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 309 Equilateral triangles described on the sides of a right-angled triangley are together equivalent to an equilateral triangle de- scribed on the hypotenuse. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle, around which are con- structed the equilateral triangles ADB, BEC and CFA ; the triangles ADB and BEC are equivalent to CFA. For let fall the perpendiculars DG, BH and FI, and join CD, BF, CG, BI and HF. It is evident (I. 21.) that the^ perpendiculars DG and FI bi- sect the bases AB and AC, and di- vide the triangles ADB and CFA into two equal triangles. But the angle DAB is equal to CAF, being angles of an equilateral triangle : add BAC to each, and the whole angle DAC is equal to BAF. But the containing sides DA and AC are respectively equal to BA and AF, and consequently (I. 3.) the triangle ADC is equal td ABF. Now the triangle ADC is composed of the three triangles ACG, ADG, and DCG, and the triangle ABF is composed of ABI, AFI, and FBI ; but, since AB and AC are bisected in G and H, the triangles ACG and ABI are (II. 2.) halves of the original triangle ABC, and consequently equivalent to each other. Wherefore the remaining triangles ADG and DCG are together equivalent to AFI and FBI. But DG and CB being both perpendicular to AB, are (1. 22.) parallel ; and, for the same reason, BH is parallel to FI. Whence (II. 1.) the triangle DCG is equivalent to DBG, and the triangle FBI equivalent to FHI; and therefore the tri- angles ADG and DBG, or the whole triangle ADB, must be equivalent to AFI and FHI, or the whole triangle AFH. — in like manner, it may be shown that the triangle BEC is equi- valent to the triangle CFH ; and consequently the equilateral triangles ADB and BEC are equivalent to AFH and CFH, which make up the whole triangle AFC. This demonstration is the second of those given by the cele* brated Italian geometer Torricelli, the favourite disciple of Galileo, and inventor of the barometer. T> n T G — ^ S(L V <. ; u : 13 310 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 10. A useful proposition may be introduced here : The square described on a straight line, is equivalent to the squares of the segments into tvhich it is divided, and tmce the rectangles contained hy each pair of these segments. The square of AB is equivalent to the squares of AC, of CD and of DB, with twice the rectangles of AC, CD, of AC, DB, andofCD, DB. For make AE and EF equal to AC and CD draw EM, FL parallel to AB, and CH, Dl parallel to AG. It is manifest that AO is the square of AC, OQ the square of CD, and QK Q_II_XJf the square of DB. Nor is it less obvi- ous that the two rectangles CN and EP are contained by AC, CD, that the two rectangles NL and PI are contain- ed by CD, DB, and that the two rect- angles DM and FH are contained by AC, DB. But those squares and those double rectangles qomplete the whole square of AB. Wherefore the truth of the Proposition is established. # Co)'. Hence if a straight line be divided into three portions, the squares of the double segments AD, BC, together with twice the rectangle under the extreme segments AC, BD, are equivalent to the squares of the whole line AB and of the intermediate segment CD. For the squares FD, HM, toge- ther with the equal rectangles GP, NB, evidently fill up the whole square AB, with the repetition of the internal square OQ ; that is, the squares of AD and BC, with twice the rect- angle AC, DB, are equivalent to the squares of AB and CD. 11. Since rectangles correspond to numerical products, the properties of the sections of lines ar'e easily derived from sym- bolical arithmetic or algebra : 1. In Prop. 14. let AC be denoted by a, and the segments ©f AB by hf c and d; then a{b-{-c-\-'d')z=ab-{-ac-\'ad. 2. In Prop. 15. let the two lines be denoted by a and b j then ia + byz::a' + b^+2ab. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Sll a. In Prop. 16. let the two lines be denoted by a and b ; then («— 6)*=«^+^^— 2«6. 4. In Prop. 17. let the two lines be denoted by a and b ; then (a + Z»)(a— 6)=a^— ^^ 5. In the Proposition contained in the last paragraph of the notes on this Book, let the segments of the compound line be denoted by a, b and c ; then {a + b + cy=a^-{-b^+c'^ + ^ab + ^ac + 2bc. 6. In Prop. 18. let the two lines be denoted by a and ^/ /a4-b\^ /a — b\^, then a^-h^^ = i(«+^)*+i(«--*)'=2(^-2~J '^\~2~ ) 7. In Prop. 19. let the whole line be denominated by a, and its greater segment byx; then x^z=aia—x), andx^+ax:=a\ whence xzzdtz^-^ -^ ==±ifl(V| — \). Hence, if unit represent the whole line, the greater segment is .618033984'28, &c. and the smaller segment .38196601572, &c. From Cor. 1. an extremely neat approximation is likewise obtained. Assuming the segments of the divided line as at first equal, and each denoted by 1, the following successive numbers will result from a continued summation ; 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, &c. which are thus composed, l+,2=z3, 2+3 = 5, 3+5 = 8, 5+ 8= 13, 8+ 13 = 21, &c. These numbers form, therefore, a simple recurring series, a kind of approximation which was first noticed in this actual case early in the seventeenth century, by Gerard, an ingeni- ous Flemish mathematician. Hence, if the original line contained 144 equal parts, its greater segment would include 89, and its smaller segment 55 of these parts, very nearly ; but 55 X 144 = 7920, being only one less than 7921, the square of 89. 12. Proposition nineteenth, cor. 2. This problem may, how- ever, be constructed somewhat differently, without employing the collateral properties. 312 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. For bisect AB in C (I. 7.)> draw (I. 5. cor.) the perpen- dicular BD equal to BC, join AD and continue it until DE be equal to DB or BC, and on AB produced take AF equal to AE : The line AF is the re- quired extension of AB. For make DG equal to DB or BC ; and because (11. 17. cor. 2.) the rectangle EA, AG, together with the square of DG or DB, is equivalent to the square of DA, or to the squares of AB and DB ; the rectangle EA, AG, or FA, FB, is equivalent to the square of AB. 13. Proposition twenty-third. This proposition is of great use in practical geometry, since it enables us to divide a tri- angle, of which all the sides are given, into two right-angled triangles, by determining the position, and consequently the length, of the perpendicular. Thus, suppose the base of the triangle to be 15, and the two sides 13 and 14: Then 15* + 13' — 14' = 225 + 169 — 196= 198, which shows that the perpendicular falls 198 within the triangle ; and — ^ =: 6.6) the segment adjacent to the short side, whence the perpendicular rr/y^ ((13/ — {6.6 j^) = ^(169— 43.56)= 11.2. The area is therefore 15 X 5.6 = 84. Again, let the base be 9, and the two sides 17 and 10: Then 17* — 9' ■— 10' = 289 — 81 — 100 = 108, indicating that 108 the perpendicular falls without the base. Wherefore, = 18 6, the external segment, and a/( 10»— -6') = ^(100—36) = 9x8 ^^64 = 8, the perpendicular; which gives —Q — = 36, for the area of the triangle. Lastly, if the base were 10, and the sides 21 and 17 : Then 2P— 17'— 10' =441 --289.— 100= 52, which shows that the perpendicular falls somewhat beyond the base. Whence — ■=■ 2.6, the external segment; and v^ ( 17' — 2.6') = NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. SIS V^(289 — 6.76) = v^282.24^=: 16.8, which gives 84 for the area, as in the first example. The same results are obtained by applying the Twenty-First Proposition. Thus, in the first example, the distance of the perpendicular from the middle of the base is — = .9, and therefore the segments of the base are 8.4, and 6.6» In the second example, the distance of the perpendicular from the middle of the base is = 10.5, and consequently the segments of the base are 15 and 6. In the last example, the distance of the perpendicular fronf the middle part of the 21*— 17* base is - — = 76, and the segments of that base are hence 12.6 and 2.6. — The length of the perpendicular and the area of the triangle are, in each case, therefore, easily deduced from these data. M. From the corollary to the last proposition is derived a very simple construction of the problem, " to find a square equivalent to a given rectangle." Let ABCD be the given rectangle, of which the side AD is greater than AB. In AB or its production, take AE equal to the half of AD and place it from E to F ; then AF being joined, is the side of the equivalent square. For (II. 23. cor. El.) since the sides '^-^^ 1 / AE and EF of the triangle AEF are ' '^4''* equal, the square of AF is equivalent '^ to the rectangle under twice AE and AB, that is, from the construction, the rectangle under AD and AB. The same construction might likewise be deduced from the demonstration of the celebrated property of the right- angled triangle. For, in the figure of page 52, suppose BO were drawn to the hypotenuse AC, making an angle ABO 314' NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. equal to BAO or BAG ; since the two acute angles are to«. gether equal to a right angle, the angle BCA is equal to the remaining portion CBO of the right angle at B, and conse- quently the triangles AOB and COB are isosceles, and the sides OA, OB and OC all equal. Wherefore AB, the side of a square equivalent to the rectangle ADMN or that under AK and AN, is determined by making AO equal to the half of AK or AC and inserting it from O to B. — The inspection of the same figure also points put the mode of dissecting the rectangle, and thence compounding the square ; for a perpen- dicular let fall from K on AB is evidently equal to GB or AB. Hence, on AF, in the original construction, let fall the per- pendicular DG, transpose the triangle FBA in the situation DHI, and slide the quadrilateral portion into the place of KAHI ; the rectangle ABCD is now transformed into the square KGDI. — A slight modification will be required when AB is less than the half of AD. In this construction of the problem, the application of the circle which (III. 37. EL) is indispensably required, is only not brought into view — When the side AD is double of AB, the point G coincides with F, and the rectangle is resolved into three triangles, which combine to form a square. 15. To this Book some neat propositions may be subjoined. PROP. I. THEOR. If, from the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, portions be cut off equal to the adjacent sides ; the square of the middle seg- 7nent thus formed, is equivalent to twice the rectangle contairied hy the extreme segments* Let ABC be a triangle which is right-angled at B ; from the hypotenuse AC, cut off AE equal to AB, and CD equal NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 315 to CB : Twice the rectangle under AD and CE is equivalent to the square of DE. For the straight line AC being divided into three portions, the squares of AE and CD, together with twice the rectangle AD, CE are equivalent to the squares of AC j^ jO E~C and DE (art. 10.). But the squares of AB and BC, or those of AE and CD, are equivalent to the square of AC (II. 10.). There consequently remains twice the rectangle AD, CE equivalent to the square of DE. By an inverse process of reasoning it will appear, that if twice the rectangle AD, CE be equal to the square of DE, the straight line AC, so composed, is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, of which AB and BC are the sides. This proposition will furnish another convenient method of discovering the numbers which represent the sides of a right- angled triangle : For since DE^=:2AD.CE, it is evident that iDE*=:AD.CE ; and consequently, expressing DE by an even whole number, and resolving ^DE* into the factors AD and CE, AD-f-DE and CE + DE will represent the two sides, and AD + CE-f DE the hypotenuse. Thus, if 2 be taken, the fac- tors of half its square are 1 and 2, which produce the numbers 3, 4, and 5. Again, if 4 be assumed, the factors are 2 and 4, or 1 and 8 ; whence result these numbers, 6, 8, and 10, or 5, 12, and 13. In this way, a very great variety of numbers can be found, to express the sides of a right-angled triangle. PROP. II. THEOR. The squares of lines draiunjrom any point to the opposite cor- ners of a rectangle are together equivalent, Iffromapoint E, either within or without the rectangle ABCD, straight lines be drawn to the four corners, the squares of AE, EC are together equivalent to the squares of BE, ED, 31^ NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. For join E with F, the intersection of the diagonals AC, BD. Because it follows readily from Prop. 27- Book I. that these diagonals are equal, and bisect each other, the lines AF, BF, CF, and DF are all equal. Wherefore the squares of AE, EC are equivalent to twice the square of AF, and twice the square of EF (II. 22.); " and the squares of BE, ED are like- wise equivalent to twice the square of BF and twice the same square of EF ; consequently, the squares of AF and BF being equal, the squares of AE, EC, are together equivalent to the squares of BE, ED. PROP. HI. THEOR. If straight lines be draxionjrom the angular points of a triangle to Used thb opposite sides, thrice the squares of these sides are together equivalent to Jour times the squares of the bisecting lines. Let the sides of the triangle ABC be bisected in D, E, and F, and straight lines drawn from these points to the opposite vertices ; thrice the squares of the sides AB, BC, and AC are together equivalent to four times the squares of BD, CE and AF. For, by Proposition II. 22. the squares of AB, BC are equi- valent to twice the square of BD and twice the square of AD, that is, half the square of AC ; the squares of BC, AC are equivalent to twice the squares of CE and half the square of AB ; and the squares of AC, AB are equivalent to twice the square of AF and half the square of BC. Whence the squares of the sides of the tri- NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 317 angle, repeated twice, are equivalent to twice the squares of BD, CE, and AF, with half the squares of the sides of the tri- angle. Consequently four times the squares of AB, BC, and AC are equivalent to four times the squares of BD, CE, and AF, with once the squares of AB, BC, and AC ; wlierefore thrice the squares of the sides AB, BC, and AC are together equivalent to four times the squares of the bisecting lines BD, CE, and AF. PROP. IV. THEOR. The squares of the sides of a quadrilateral figure are together equivalent to the squares of its diagonals ^ together tmth Jour times the square of the straight line joining their middle points. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral figure, in which the straight lines AC, BD, drawn to the opposite corners, are bisected at the points E, F ; the squares of AB, BC, CD, and DE, are together equivalent to the squares of AC, BD, togjBther with four times the square of EF. For join EF. And because AC is bisected in F, the squares of AB and BC are equivalent to twice the square of AF and twice the square of BF'(II. 22.) ; .^ and, for the same reason, the squares of CD and DA are equivalent to twice the square of AF and twice the square of DF. Consequently the squares of all the sides AB, BC, CD, and DA, are equivalent to four times the square of AF— or the square of AC — with twice the squares of BF and of DF. But twice these squares of BF and DF is equivalent (II. 22.) to four times the square of BE, or the square of BD, with four times the square of EF; whence the squares of all the sides of the quadrilateral figure are together equivalent to the squares of its diagonals AC, BD, with four times the square of the straight line EF which joins their points of equal sec- tion. 818 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATION*. This general theorem seems to have been first given by the illustrious Leonard Euler in the Petersburg Memoirs. It evidently comprehends the twenty-fourth Proposition of this Book ; for when the quadrilateral figure becomes a rhomboid, the diagonals bisect each other, and the middle points E and F coincide ; whence the squares of all the sides are equivalent simply to the squares of those diagonals. — If this rhomboid again becomes a rectangle, it will have equal diagonals, and consequently, as in the 10th Proposition of the Second Book, the squares of the sides of a right-angled tri- angle are equivalent to the square of the hypotenuse. BOOK III. 1. Proposition fifteenth. Hence angles are sometimes mea- sured by a circular instrument, from a point in the circum- ference, as well as from the centre. 2. Proposition eighteenth. On this proposition depends the construction of amphitheatres ; for the visual magnitude of an object is measured by the angle which it subtends at the eye, and consequently the whole extent of the stage, the interme- diate objects being purposely darkened or obscured, will be seen with equal advantage by every spectator seated in the same arc of a circle. 3. Proposition twenty-second. To erect a perpendicular, any point D is taken, as in Prop. S^. Book T,, and from it a circle is described passing through C and B ; the diameter CDF, by d. its intersection at the point B, determines the position of the perpendicular BF. To r— let Jail a perpendicular, draw to AB any straight line FC, which bisect in D, and from this poiirt as a NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, 319 centre describe a circle through the points C, B and F ; FJB is the perpendicular required. 4-. To this Book may be subjoined some useful propositions. PROP. I. THE OR. The inclination of tiuo straight lines is equal to the angle tcT' minated at the circumference by the sum or difference of the arcs which they intercept^ according as their vertex is xoithin or xvith' out the circle. If the two straight lines AB and CD intersect each other in the point E within a circle ; the angle AED which they form, is equal to an angle at the circumference and standing on the sum of the intercepted arcs AD and BC. For draw the chord BF parallel to CD. Because ED and BF are parallel, the angle AED (I.' 22.) is equal to the interior angle ABF, which stands on the arc AF ; but since the chords BF and CD are parallel, the arc BC is equal to DF (III. 1 8.) and consequently the arc AF, which termi- nates at the circumference an angle equal to AED, is the sum of the two intercepted arcs AD and BC. Again, if the straight lines AB and CD meet at E, without the circle, their inclination AED is e- qual to an angle at the circumference, having for its base the excess of the arc AD above BC^ For BF being drawn parallel to CD, the arc BC is equal to FD, and conse- quently the arc AF is the excess of AD above BC ; but the angle ABF which stands on AF, is equal to the interior angle AED. 320 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Cor, Hence if two chords intersect each other at right angles within a circle, the opposite intercepted arcs are equal to the semicircumference. This proposition is of some utility in practice, for an angle may be hence measured by help of a circular protractor, with- out the trouble of applying the centre to its vertex or the point of concourse of the sides. The same principle is likewise applicable to the construction of some optical instruments, adapted to measure lateral angles by the intersection of micro- meter wires. PROP. II. THEOR- If a circle he described on the radius of another circle, any straight line dratvn from the point where they meet to the outer circumference, is bisected hy the interior one, ^ Let AEC be a circle described on the radius AC of the circle ADB, and AD a straight line drawn from A to terminate in the ex- terior circumference ; the part AE in the smaller circle is equal to the part ED intercepted between the two cir- cumferences. For join CE. And because AEC is a semicircle, the angle contained in it is a right angle (III. 19.) ; consequently the straight line CE, drawn from the centre C, is perpendicular to the chord AD, and therefore (III. 4.) bisects it. PROP. III. THEOR. If, on each side of any point in the circumference of a circle^ equal arcs be repeated; the chords which join the opposite points of section will be together equal to the last chord extended till it meets a straight line drawn through the middle point a?id either extremity qfthefrst chord. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 321 Let BAG be the circumference of a circle, in which the arcs AB, BC, CD on the one side of a point A, and the cor- responding arcs AE, EF, FG on the other side, are all assum- ed equal ; the chords BE, CF, and DG, are together equal to the line GH, formed by extending GD till it meets the pro- duction of AB. For join FD and CE, and produce this to meet GH in the point I. Because the arcs BC and CD are equal to EF and FG, the chords BE, CF, and DG are parallel ; but, for the same reason, since the arcs BC and CD are e- qual to AE and EF, the chords BA, CE and DF are likewise parallel. Hence the figures HBEI and ICFD are rhomboids, and therefore the extended chord GH, being composed of the segments HI, ID, and DG, is equal to the sum of their op- posite chords BE, CF and DG. — It is obvious that the same train of reasoning may be pursued to any number of equal arcs. PROP. IV. THEOR. Ifjrom any 'point in the diameter of a circle or its extension, straight lines be drawn to the ends of a parallel chord / the. squares of these lines are together equivalent to thi squares of the segments into xuhich the diameter is divided^ Let BEFD be a circle, and from the point A in its extend- ed diameter the straight lines AE and AF be drawn to the ends of the parallel chord EF . the squares of AE and AF are together equivalent to the squares of AB and AD. For, from the centre C, let fall the perpendicular CG upon EF (I. 6.), and join AG and CE. Y 322 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONlS. Because CG cuts the chord EF at right angles, GE is equal to GF (ill. 4.) ; wherefore the squares of AE and AF are equivalent to twice the squares of AG and GE (11. 22.) But ACG being a right-angled tri- angle, the square of AG is equiva- lent to the squares of AC and CG (II. 10.), or twice the square of AG is equivalent to twice the squares of AC and CG. Wherefore the squares of AE and AF are equivalent to twice the three squares of AC, CG, and GE. Of these, the two squares of CG and GE are equivalent to the square of CE or CB, for the triangle CGE is right-angled. Consequently the squares of AE and AF are equivalent to twice the squares of AC and CB. But the straight line BD being cut equally at C and un- equally at A, the squares of the unequal segments AB and AD are together equivalent to twice the squares of AC and CB (II. 18. cor.); whence the squares of AE and AF are toge- ther equivalent to the squares of AB and AD. u\-I5 PROP. V. THEOR. The rectangle under the segments of a chord is greater or less than the rectangle under the segments into tvhich a perpendicular from the point &f section divides a diameter, by the square of that perpendicular — according as it lies without or xiithin the circle. Let the perpendicular CF be let fall from a point C in the chord ACB upon a diameter DE ; the rectangle BC, CA, is greater or less than the rectangle EF, FD, by the square of the perpendicular CF, according as this lies without or with- in the circle. First, let the perpendicular CF lie without the circle, and join CE and DG. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS^ S23 The square of the hypotenuse CE is equivalent to the squared of FE and CF (II. 10.). But the square of CE is composed of the rectangles CE, EG, and CE, CG (II. 14.) ; and the square of FE is composed of the rectangles FE, ED, and FE, FD : Where- fore the rectangles CE, EG and CE, CG are equivalent to the rectangles FE, ED and FE, FD, together with the square of CF. And since EGD, stand- ing in a semicircle, is a right angle (III. 19.), its adjacent angle CGD is also right, and the angle opposite to this at F is right; consequently (III. 17. cor. 1.) a circle might be de- scribed through the four points C, G, D, F. Whence (III. 26.) the rectangle CE, EG is equivalent to FE, ED : and taking these from the terras of the former equality, there remains the rectangle CE, CG, that is, (III. 26.) AC, CB, equivalent to the rectangle FE, FD, together with the square of CF. Next, let the perpendicular CF lie within the circle. The same construction being made, the rectangle CE, EG is still equiva- lent to the rectangle FE, ED. But the rectangle CE, EG is (II. 14-.) e- quivalent to the rectangle CE, CG, and the square of CE, or the squares of FE and CF; and the rectangle FE, ED is equivalent to the rectangle FE, FD and the square of FE. From these equal quantities, therefore, take away the common square of FE, and there remains the rectangle CE, CG, or AC, CB, with the square of CF, equivalent to the rectangle FE, FD. Lastly, if the perpendicular CF lie partly without and part- ly within the circle, the Proposition must be slightly modi- fied. The former construction being retained; Because the square of CE is equivalent to the squares of CF and 324. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. FE, the rectangles CE, EG and CE, CG are together equivalent to the square of CF and the dift'erence be- tween the rectangle FE, ED and FE, FD ; but the rectangle CE, EG is e- quivalent to the rectangle FE, ED, and consequently the rectangle CE, CG, or the rectangle AC, CB, is equivalent to the difference between the square of CF and the rectangle FE, FD. In the first case, if the square of FH be equivalent to the rectangle FD, FE, the square of CH will be likewise equiva- lent to the rectangle CG, CE ; for the rectangle AC, CB, be- ing equivalent to the rectangle FD, FE, or the square of FH, together with the square of CF, must (II. 10. El.) be equiva- lent to the square of CH. PROP. VI. THEOR. A straight line draxunjrom the vertex of a triangle through the intersection of two perpendiculars Jrom the extremities of the base to the opposite sides, is likemse perpendiculiir to the base. In the triangle ABC, the straight line BFG drawn from the vertex B through F, the intersec- tion of the perpendiculars AE and CD from A and C upon the oppa- site sides CB and ABis perpendi- cular to the base AC. For join DE. Because BDF and BEF are right angles, the quadrila- teral figure ADEC (III. 17. cor. 1.) is contained in a circle; and for the same reason, the quadrilateral ADEC is contained in a circle. Wherefore the exterior angle BDE (III. 17. cor. 2.) is equal to ACE ; but ( III. 1 6. ) BDE is equal to the angle BEE in the same Segment, which is therefore equal to ACE or GCE, and con- NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 325 sequently the quadrilateral CEFG is also contained in a cir- cle. Whence (III. 17.) the opposite angles CEF and CGF are equal to two right angles, and CEF being a right angle by hypothesis, EGF must likewise be right ; or the straight Ixne BFG is perpendicular to the base AC. PROP. VII. PROB. Through a given point , hetvueen two diverging straight lines^ to dratu a straight line that shall have equal segments terminated by them. Let AB and AC be two diverging straight lines given in a position, and F an intermediate point, through which it is re* quired to draw GFH, such that the intercepted segments FG and FH shall be equal. This may be easily effected, by drawing a parallel from F to AB, and doubling the portion so cut off, from A to G, to mark the position of GFH. But the problem may be constructed in another way, which, though more complex, is important in its application to the Theory of Lines of the Second Order. Draw AD bisecting the angle BAC, and upon it let fall the perpendicular FE, which pro- duce both ways to B and C ; from B erect BD perpendicu- lar to AB, join DF ; and EFH, being drawn perpendicular to it, is the line required*- For join DC, DGand DH. The right-angled triangles ABD and ACD are (I. 20.) equal, and consequently BDC is isosceles. But GBD and GFD being right angles, and therefore equal, the quadrilateral figure GB, FD (III. 16.) is contained in a circle, and hence the angle DGF is equal to DBF ; for the same reason, since DCH and DFH are right angles, the quadrilateral figure PCHF is likewise contained in a circle, and hence the angle 326 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. DHF is equal to DCF. Consequently the angle DGF is equal to DHF, and the right-angled triangles DFG and DFH are equal, and the base FG equal to FH. If the point F were taken in the extension of the line EB, the perpendicular to DF may then be shown to have equal segments intercepted by the sides of the exterior angle form- ed by AG and the production of C A beyond the vertical point A. BOOK IV. r. The equilateral triangle, the square, the pentagon, tho hexagon, and other polygons derived from these, were the only regular figures known to the Greeks. The inscription of all the rest has for ages been supposed absolutely to trans- cend the powers of elementary geometry. But a carious and most unexpected discovery was lately made by Mr Gauss, now Professor in the University of Gottingen, who has demonstrated, in a work entitled Disquisitiones Arith- meticce, and published at Brunswick in 1801, that certain very complex polygons can yet be described merely by help of circles. Thus, a regular polygon containing 17, 257, 65537, &c. sides, is capable of being inscribed, by the application of elementary geometry ; and in general, when the number of sides may be denoted by 2"+ 1, and is at the same time a prime number. The investigation of this principle is rathei: intricate, being founded on the arithmetic of sines and the theory of equations ; and the constructions to which it would lead are hence, in every case, unavoidably and most excessive- ly complicated. Thus the cosine of the several arcs arising from the division of the circumference of a circle into seven- teen equal parts, are all contained in this very involved ex- pression : l-ZCn+Sv"^?— V'(34-.2-/17)— 2^/(34.t.2V17)) NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 327 As the radicals may be taken either positive or negative, their various combinations, rightly disposed, will produce eight dis- tinct results. Let 5r denote the circumference ; then cos — = oos^ == .9324722294, cos ±L=cos^=:' 17 17 17 17 .7390089172, cos — = cos — =.H51SS3558 cos — = 17 17 17 eos ~ = .0922683595 cos ^ = cos ?^=— .27366229901, cos ^^z=cos^^z=^ .6026346364, cos l^=::cos^=: — .8502171357, and cos 1^ =r cos ^ = — .9829730997. 2. Pythagoras was the first who remarked tlie simple pro- perty, that only three regular figures, — the square, the equi- lateral triangle, and the hexagon, — can be constituted about a point. Here the mystic philosopher might again admire the union of the monad with the triad. — It may not be super- fluous perhaps to observe, that on this property is founded the adaptation of patchwork, and the construction of tessellat- ed pavement. S. Several interesting propositions may be annexed to this Book. PROP. I. THEOR. The square of the side of a regtdar octagon inscribed in a cir- clCf is equivalent to the rectangle contained by the radius and the difference between the diameter and the side of the inscribed square* Let ABCD be a square inscribed in a circle, and 328 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. AEBFCGDH an octagon, which is formed evidently by the bisection of the quadrants AB, BC, CD, and DA : The square of AE is equivalent to the rectangle under AO and the dif- ference between AB and AC. For draw the diameter EG. It is manifest, that the triangles AIO and BIO are right-angled and isosceles ; and because AO is equal to EO, and AI perpendi- cular to it, — the square of AE (IF. 23. cor. E|.) is equivalent to twice the rectangle under EO and EI, or the rectangle under AO and twice EI. But EI is the difference of EO and 10, and twice EI is, therefore, "equal to the difference of twice EO or AC and twice 10 or AB. Whence the square of AE, the side of the octagon, is equivalent to the rectangle under the radius and the difference of the diameter and AB the side of the inscribed square. PROP. II. THEOR. In and about a given circle, to inscribe and circumscribe an equilateral triangle. Let AEB be a circle, in which it is required to inscribe an isosceles triangle. Draw the diameter AB, describe (I. 1.) the equilateral tri- angle ADB, join CD meeting the circumference in E, draw {I. ^23.) EF, EG parallel to AD, BD, and join FG : The tri- angle EFG is equilateral. For the triangles ADC, BDC having the two sides DA, AC equal to DB, BC, and the third side DC common to both, are (I. 2.) equal, and the angle DC A is equal to DCB ; whence the arc AE is (III. 12.) equal to BE. And the triangle ADB (I. 10. cor.) being likewise equiangular, the angle DBA is NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 329 equal to DAB, and the arc AEM equal to BEL, and the re- maining arc ME equal to LE. But EF and EG being parallel to LA and MB, the arcs AF and BG are equal to LE and ME, and to each other ; hence FG is parallel to AB, and the inscribed triangle FEG is (L 29.) equi- angular, and consequently equi- lateral. Again, let it be required to describe an equilateral triangle about the circle AEB. The same construction remaining ; at the points F, E, and G, apply the tangents HI, HK, and KI, to form the circum- scribing triangle IHK : This triangle is equilateral. For because IH is a tangent and FG is inflected from the point of contact, the angle IFG is equal to the angle FEG in the alternate segment (IIL 21.), and therefore IH is parallel to EG (L 22. cor.). In like manner it is proved, that HK, KI are parallel to GF, FE, and consequently (I. 29.) the angles of the triangle IHK are equal to those of FEG, and therefore equal to each other. Cor. Hence the circumscribing equilateral triangle con- tains four times that which is inscribed ; for the figures EFIG, EHFG, and EFGK are evidently equal rhombuses, and con- tain equilateral triangles which are all equal. Hence also the side of the circumscribing, is double of that of the inscribed, equilateral triangle. PROP. III. THEOll. To inscrihe and circumscribe a circle in and about a given re^ gidar pentagon. Let ABCDE be a regular pentagon, in which it is required to inscribe a circle. 330 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Draw AO and EO to bisect the angles at A and E, let fall the perpendicular OF, and from O as a centre, with the dis- tance OF, describe a circle FGHIK : This circle will touch the pentagon internally. For, from the point O, let fall perpendiculars on the op- posite sides of the figure. The angles EAO and AEO, being the halves of the angles of the pentagon, are equal, and con- sequently the triangle AOE is isosceles, and the perpendicu- lar OF bisects the base. And the triangles AOG and BOG, having the angles OAG and OGA equal to OBG and 0GB and the common side OG, are (1.20.) equal. Again, the triangles BOG and BOH have now the angles OBG and 0GB equal to OBH and OHB, with the side BO common to both, and are therefore equal. In like manner, all the tri- angles about the centre O are proved to be equal ; conse- quently the perpendiculars OF, OG, OH, 01, and OK are equal, and the circle touches the pentagon in the points F^ G, H, I, and K. Next, let it be required to describe a circle about the pen- tagon. From the same centre O, with the distance OA, describe a circle : It will pass through the points B, C, D, E ; for the triangles about O being all equal, the straight lines OA, OB, OC, OD, and OE must be likewise equal. PROP. IV: THEOR. In and about a regular hexagon to inscribe and circumscribe a circle. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon, in which it is requi- red to inscribe a circle. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 331 Draw AO and FO, bisecting the angles BAF and AFE (1.5.) ; and from the point of intersection O, with its distance from the side AF, describe a circle : This circle will touch the hexagon internally. For let fall perpendiculars from O upon the sides of the figure. It may be demonstra- ted, as in the last proposi- ' tion, that the triangles AOB, BOC, COD, DOE, and EOF are all equal to AOF; and, in like manner, it will appear that the intermediate bisect- ed triangles are equal. Hence the perpendiculars OG, OH, OI, OK, OL, and OM, are all equal, and a circle must touch these at the points, G, H, I, K, L, and M. Again, let it be required to describe a circle about the hex- agon. From the same point O, as a centre, with the distance OA, describe a circle, which must pass through the points B, C, D, E, and F; for the straight lines O A, OB, OC, OD, OE, and OF were proved to be equal. Cor. Hence, in any regular polygon, the centre of the in- scribing an4 circumscribing circle is the same, and may be de- termined in general, by drawing lines to bisect the adjacent angles of the figure. BOOK V. DEFINITIONS. 1. The words ;vey«? in Greek and ratio in Latin, signifying reason or manner of thought^ indicate vaguely a philosophical conception. The compound term haXoyisc comes nearer to 332 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. this idea ; but its correlative, proportio, marks very distinctly a radical similarity of composition. The doctrine of proportion has been a source of much con- troversy. In their mode of treating that important subject, authors differ widely ; some rejecting the procedure of Euclid as circuitous and embarrassed, while others appear disposed to extol it as one of the happiest and most elaborate monu- ments of human ingenuity. But, to view the matter in its true light, we should endeavour previously to dispel that mist which has so long obscured our vision. The Fifth Book of Euclid, in its original form, is not found to answer the pur- pose of actual instruction ; and this remarkable and indisputed fact might alone excite a suspicion of its intrinsic excellence. The great object which the framer of the Elements had propo- sed to himself, by adopting such an artificial definition of pro- portion, was to obviate the difficulties arising from the consi- deration of incommensurable quantities. Under the shelter of a certain indefinitude of principle, he lias contrived rather to evade those difficulties than fairly to meet them. Euclid seems not indeed to grasp the subject with a steady and comprehen- sive hold. In his Seventh Book, which treats of the properties of number, he abandons his former definition of proportion, for another that is more natural, though imperfectly developed. Through the whole contexture of the Elements, we may dis- cern the influence of that mj'sticism which prevailed in the Platonic school. The language sometimes used in the Fifth Book would imply, that ratios are not mere conceptions of the mind, but have a real and substantial essence. The obscurity that confessedly pervades the fifth book of Euclid being thus occasioned solely by the attempt to extend the definition of proportion to the case of incommensurables, the theory of which is contained in his tenth book — the perti- nacity of modern editors of the Elements in retaining such an intricate definition, appears the more singular, since, omitting all the books relating to the properties of numbers, they have not given the slightest intimation respecting even the existence of incommensurable quantities. The notion of proportionality involves in it necessarily the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 335 idea of number. The doctrine of proportion hence constitutes a branch of universal arithmetic ; and had I not, on this occa- sion, yielded to the prevalence of custom, I should, after the example of M. Legendre, have rejected it from the Elements of Geometry, and deferred the consideration of the subject till I came to treat of Algebra, where it is sometimes indeed given, but in a very contracted and insufficient form. The properties themselves are extremely simple, and may be regarded as only the exposition of the same principle under different aspects. The various transformations of which analogies are susceptible, resemble exactly the changes usually effected in the reduction of equations. According to Euclid, " The first of four magnitudes is said to have the same ratio to the second which the third has to the fourth, when any equimultiples whatsoever of the first and third being taken, and any equimultiples whatsoever of the second and fourth ; if the multiple of the first be less than that of the second, the multiple of the third is also less than that of the fourth; or, if the multiple of the first be equal to that of the second, the multiple of the third is also equal to that of the fourth ; or, if the multiple of the first be greater than that of the second, the multiple of the third is also greater than that of the fourth." This definition, however perplexed and ver- bose, is yet easily derived from that which appears to furnish the simplest and most natural criterion of proportionality ; For, let A : B : : C : D ; it was stated as a fundamental prin- ciple, that, if the mth part of A be contained n times in B, the With part of C will likewise be contained n times in D. Whence ?jA=?nB, and wC=wD ; which is the basis of Euclid's defini- tion. But when the terms are incommensurable, such equali- ty cannot absolutely subsist. In this case, no single trial would be sufficient for ascertaining proportionality. It is required that, every multiple whatever, twA, being greater or less than ?iB, — the corresponding multiple, ?wC, shall likewise be con- stantly greater or less than nD. Actually to apply the definition is therefore impossible ; nor does it even assist us at all in di- recting our search. In the natural mode of proceeding, by as- suming successively a smaller divisor, we are, at each time, brought nearer to th^ incommensurable limit* But Euclid's 334 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. famous definition leaves us to grope at random after its object, and to seek our escape, by having recourse to some auxiliary train of reasoning or induction. The author of the Elements has likewise given what Dp ,.^]^arrow calls a metaphysical definition of ratio : *' Ratio is a mutual relation of two magnitudes of the same kind to one an- other, in respect of quantity^ This sentence, as it now stands, appears either tautological, or altogether devoid of meaning; and Dr Simson, anxious for the credit of Euclid, considers it, in his usual manner, as the interpolation of some Omskilful editor. I am inclined to think, however, that the passage will admit of a version which is not only intelligible, but conveys a most correct idea of the nature of ratio. The original runs thus : Aoyo^ sa-n ^vo yAyzSm o[Aoy%vm 4 x^lss Unhixol-^ei TTgej »h.MKec Tirtnec, iryjitrni, Now the term ci-jjAix*?, on which the whole evidence hinges, though commonly rendered quantus, may be translated quotus^ as expressing either magnitude or multitude. In its primitive sense, it probably denoted ivamher, and came afterwards to signify quantity ^ as this word itself has, in the French language, undergone the reverse process, \w confirmation of this opinion, it maybe stated, that the relative term «A^mon life, though unavoidably deficient in precision, were V. adopted into Geometry. But the vagueness of expression is nowhere more apparent than in what concerns Proportion.—. Thus, the words denoting time are, in most dialects, blended with those which signify number. To express how often a part is contained In a whole, we intimate how many xmys It is to be placed, how many /hidings are required, or how many ti7nes the operation of admeasurement must be repeated. In the Greek and Latin languages, the adverbs compounded from plica, a fold, are very extensive. In English, the corresponding terms are limited, and mark too obviously their composition : for NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 355 duplex^ tripleXf qiiadruplex, we have double, triple or quadruple^ ivoqfold, threefold or fourfold. But our application of the word ijoay is still more confined : we have only tvoice and thricci or tiao laays and three ways. When we seek to go farther, we are absolutely obliged to borrow the word time; thus, we say that one number is four or five times greater than another ; or that it would require the addition of the part so often, to form the whole. The German language involves the same idea without bringing it so prominently forward ; the termination mal, the same originally with our word meal, referring to the regular succession of the hours of refreshment. The French is in this instance more happy, the term fois, derived from voye, in the Latin and Italian via, a ivay, having been abridged from ioutevoye or always, and converted into a general adverb. 2. Proposition fourteenth. This proposition is easily de- rived from geometry ; for, since of proportional lines the rectangle un- der the extremes is equal to that of the means, the segments AG and AH of the diameter in the figure are (III. 7- El.) the greatest and least terms of an analogy, of which AB and AD are the intermediate terms, and consequently (111.6. El.) the diameter GH, or the sum of AG and AH, is greater than the chord BD, or the sum of AB and AD. 3. PS'oposition twenty-seventh. The numerical expression of the ratio A : B, may be deduced indirectly, from the series of quotients obtained in the operation for discovering their common measure. Let A contain B, m times, with a remainder C ; B contain C, n times, with a remainder D ; and, lastly, suppose C to con- tain D, p times, with a remainder E, and which is contained in D, ^ times exactly. Then DrryE, Czr^^D+E, BrrwC-j-D, and A=w2B-i-C ; whence the terms D, C, B, and A, are suc- cessively computed; as multiples of E ; A and B will, there- 336 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. fore, be found to contain E their common measure K and L times, or the numerical expression for the ratio of those quan- tities is K : L. It is more convenient, however, to derive the numerical ra- tio, from the quotients of subdivision in their natural order ; and this method has besides the peculiar advantage of exhi- biting a succession of elegant approximations. The quantities A, B, C, D, &c. are determined, as before, by these conditions: ArrmB+C, B=wC+D, C=pD+E, D=yE-f-F, &c. But other expressions will arise from substi- tution: For, 1. A=mB-t-C=?w(«C4-D)-fC=r(w?«+l)C4.wD, or, put- ting ?w.«-}-l=?w', Azzm'C^-wD. 2. A=m'C4-w«D=w2'(pD-f E)4-mD=(m'p+m) D+m'E, or, putting m^p-^m^m", A=:?w"D-j-w'E. or, putting ?n^^.q-\-m'=m"', A=zm'"E-\.m'^F, Again, the successive values of B are developed in the same manner : l.B=«C+D=«(;9D+E)+D=(«;74-l)D+wE, or, putting 7i.p^ 1 = n', B= w'D+ wE. 2.B=n'D+wE=w'(yE4.F)+«E=(w'y4-w)E+?2'F,or,put. ting n'.q-^nz=:n", B=w"E+w'F. These results will be more apparent in a tabular form : A=w2B+C, I Bz=:nC+D, =:m'C4-W7D, =w"D+w'E, z=:nrE^m"F, =«'D+wE, =Z7l"E+7l% &C. The substitutions are thus arranged : 7W.W-}-l = 7?i', m'.p-{-niz=:m"f m".q-{-m'zzm"'i &c. n.p'\-\:=.n', n* .q'\'nz=:7i" y Whence, the law of the formation of the successive quanti- ties, is easily perc5eived. KOTES AND ILLUSTKATIONS. S37 But, to find the ratio of A to.B, it is not requisite to know the values of the remainders C, D, E, &c. Suppose the sub- division to terminate at B; then A=mB, and consequently A : B, as mB : B, or m : 1, If the subdivision extend to C, then A=7?2'C, and B=nC ; whence A : B, as m' : n. In gene- ral, therefore, the second terra, in the expressions (or A and B, may be rejected, and the letter which precedes it consider- ed as the ultimate measure, and corresponding to the arithme- tical unit. Hence, resuming the substitutions, and combining the whole in one view, it follows, that the ratio of A to B may thus be successively represented ; l.m:l, 2. mw-f- 1 : w, or jw' : n, 3. m'p^m : np-\- 1, or w" : n'. 4. m"q-{''m' : n'q-\-nj or vi'" : n", &c. &c. &c. The formation of these numbers will evidently stop, when the corresponding subdivision terminates. But even though the successive decomposition should never terminate, as in the case of incommensurable quantities, — yet the expression thus obtained must constantly approach to the ratio of A : B, since they suppose only the omission of the remainder of the last division, and which is perpetually diminishing. 4. Proposition twenty-pinth. The sanie conclusion is de- rived from the division of surds. Thus — = 1 -f- I \/2+l ^. a/2— 1 , . • ,, ^ y^ , =" — ^=:2-\-- — -— , and then contmually the ex- pansion of the same residue —.- — - , which therefore gives 2 as a repeated integral quotient. Hence m being 1 and n, p, y, r, &c. all equal to 2, the successive approximations are, by the last note, 1 : 1, 2 ; 3, 5 : 7, 12 : 17, 29 : 41, 70 ; 99, &c. The ratios of the squares of these numbers are 4 : 9, 25 ; 49, 144 : 289, 841 : 1681, 4900 : 9801, thus approaching rapidly to the ratio of one to ttvo, but alternately in excess and de- fect. z ss$ NOTIS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. BOOK VI. ] . Proposition first. The consideration of diverging lines furnishes the simplest and readiest means, for transferring the doctrine of proportion to geometrical figures. The order which Euclid has followed, beginning with parallelograms, and thence passing from surfaces to lines, appears to be less natural. 2. Proposition fourth. It will be proper here to notice the several methods adopted in practice, for the minute subdivi- sion of lines. The earliest of these — the diagonal scale — de- pending immediately on the proposition in the text, is of the most extensive use, and constituted the first improvement on astronomical instruments. Thus, in the figure annexed, the extreme portion of the ho- rizontal line is divided into ten equal parts, each of which again is virtually subdivided into ten secondary parts. The subdivision is efiected by means of diagonal lines, which de- cline from the perpendicular by intervals equal to the primary divisions, and which are cut transversely into ten equal seg- ments by equidistant paral- lels. Suppose, for example, it were required to find the length of 2 and 38—100 parts of a division ; place one foot of the compasses in the se- cond vertical at the eight in- terval which is marked with a dot, and extend the other foot, along the parallel, to the dot on the third diagonal. The distance between these dots may, however, express indiffe- tently 2.38, 23.8, or 238, according to the assumed magnitude of the primary unit. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 3S9 Nunez, or Nonius, in a Treatise De CrepuscuUs, printed at Lisbon in 154^2, proposed one more complicated. He placed a number of parallel scales, or concentric circles, differently divided, and forming a regular ascending gradation of 89, 88, 87, &c. equal parts, from 90 to 46 inclusive. An index laid any where across these scales might, therefore, be presumed to cut at least on.e of them at some of the divisions, and hence the intercepted space would be expressed by a corresponding fraction: But the method of subdivision which was afterwards intro- duced by Peter Vernier, a gentleman of Franche Comte, and published by him in a small tract printed at Brussels in 1631, being itself an improvement on the method used in the con- struction of Tycho Brahe*s astronomical instruments, is much simpler and far more ingenious. It is founded on the diffe- rence of two approximating scales, one of which is move- able. Thus, if a space equal to n — i parts on the limb of the instrument be divided into n parts, these evidently will each of them be smaller than the former, by the nth part of a division. Wherefore, on shifting forward this parasite or Vernier scale, the quantity of aberration will diminish at each successive division, till a new coincidence obtains, and then the number of those divisions on that scale will mark the frac- tional value of the displacement. Thus in the annexed figure, nine divisions of the primary scale, forming ten equal parts in the attached or sliding scale, the moveable 2:ero stands 1 f f ? ffi'l?i ? beyond the " ■ Vi '^ ^TH-Vf?T- | ■ J^ i M i | i i i i j^, first interval between the third and fourth division. To find this minute difference, observe where the opposite sections of the scales come to coincide, which occurs under the fourth division of the sliding scale, and therefore indicates the quaAtity 1.34. 3. Proposition fifth. This problem could be otherwise sol- ved. Through B draw the inclined straight line CBG extend- ed both ways, in this take any point C, and make BD, DE, 34d NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. EF, FG, &c. each equal to BC, complete the parallelograoi ABCI, and join ID, IE, IF, IG, &c. cutting AB in the point K, L, M, N, &c. ; then is the segment AK the half of AB, AL the third, AM the fourth, and AN the fifth part of the same given line. For the segments of the straight line AB must be propof- tional to the segments of the parallels AI and BG, intercepted by the diverging lines ID, IE, IF, IG, &c. Thus, AK : KB. : : Al : BD; but, by con- struction, BC or AlrrBD, whence (V. 4.) AK=KB, and therefore AK is the half of AB. Again, AL : LB : : AI : BE ; and since BE=2AI, it follows that LB=2AL, or AL is tho third part of AB. In the same manner, AM : MB : : AI : BF; but BF=3AI, whence MB=3AM, or AM is the fourth part of AB. And, by a like process, it may be showrn that AN is the fifth part of AB. 4. Proposition seventeenth. The solution of this impor- tant problem now inserted in the text, was suggested to me by Mr Thomas Carlyle, an ingenious young mathematician, formerly my pupil. But I here subjoin likewise the original construction given by P»ppus, which, though rather more complex, has yet some peculiar advantages. Let AB be a straight line, which it is required to cut, so that the rectangle under its segments shall be equivalent to a given rectangle. On AB describe the semicircle AFB, at A and B apply tan- gents AD and BE equal to the sides of the given rectangle, and both in the same or in opposite directions, according as the line is to be cut internally or externally ; join DE, and from tlie point F where it meets the circumference, draw the NOTJES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 34,1 perpetidiciilar FC ; this will divide the given line AB into A^* and BC, the segments required. For the right angle DFC is equal (III. 19.) to the angle AFB contained in the semi- circle, and consequently their difference from AFC or the angles DFA and CFB are equal. For the same rea- son, the angle AFB being likewise equal to CFE, add or take away CFB, and the angle BFE will be equal to AFC. But AD being a tan- gent, and AF a straight line inflected to the circumfe- rence, the exterior angle DAF is equal (III. 21.) to the angle in the alternate seg- ment AF or the angle CBF (III. 17. cor. 2.). Again, BE being a tangent and BF an inflected line, the exterior angle EBF is equal to BAF. Wherefore the triangles DAF and AFC are similar to BFC and BFE ; and hence AD : AF : : CB : BF, and AF : AC : : BF : BE ; consequently (V. 16.) AD : AC : : CB : BE, and (V. 6.) AD.BE=AC.CB. Cor. If the sides of the given rectangle be equal, the con- struction of the problem will become materially simplified. First, in the case of internal section: The tangents AD BE being equal, it is evident that DE must be parallel to AB and the per- pendicular FC parallel to EB. Whence, employing this construction, or erect- ing the perpendicular BE equal to the sides of the given square, and drawing the parallel EF to meet the circumference F, from which is let fall on AB the perpendicular FC, the rectangle under the segments AC and CB is equivalent to the square of BE ; which also follows from Prop. 26. cor. 1. Book III, A- \- ^\. CK 312 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATION S. Next, in the case of external section ; The opposite tan. gents AD, BE being equal, the triangles AGD and BGE are evidently equal, and therefore DE passes through the centre. Hence the tri- angles BGE and FGC are also equal, and GC equal to GE. The modified construc- tion is therefore to erect the perpendicular BE equal to the side of the given square, join GE, and where this cuts the circumference apply the tangent FC to meet AB produced : Then AC and CB are the required external segments of the 'given line AB. For it is evident that the rectangle AC, CB will be equal to the square of BE ; which is also deduced from Prop, 26. cor. 2. Book III., since CF is now a tangent and AC.CB=CF* or BE». If AB be equal to BE, the construction will exactly corre- spond with what was before given. In applying this problem to the construction of quadratic equations, it is necessary previously to ascertain the precise import of the ordinary signs used in Algebra, when extended to geometrical quantities The signs -f- and — intimate, in general, nothing more than that the number, or the magnitude express- ed by number, to which they are respectively prefixed, is to be added to, or taken away from, any other number, with which it comes to be combined. It would be more correct language, therefore, to call the quantities carrying such signs additive and subtractive, implying merely a casual and mutable rela- tion ; instead of the usual appellations of positive and negative, which seem to bestow a distinct and absolute character, and have hence led incautious reasoners into mystery and paradox. A similar degree of reserve is indispensable in Geometry. Following the European mode of writing from left to right, we might fancy it almost natural to draw a line in the same direction : When we want to extend a line, we apply an additional line to the right; but when we seek to contract it. we retrace a deft- NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 843 cient line to the left. Thus, if NO be annexed to the right of MN, there results f__ l_ I i MO; or if NO' be M o' N O taken to the left of the extremity N, there will remain MO'c The position of NO or NO^ to the right or left, will, therefore, in reference to a combination with any line MN, have the same effect as the signs of addition or subtraction produce in Algebra. Following out the same analogy, while lines drawn upwards may correspond to additive quantities, lines drawn downwards must express subtractive quantities. Quadratic equations are reducible to these four forms : 1. x^ •}- ax=z •{• be 2. x^-—ax=z ^ be 3. a:* 4" ^^ = — ^^ 4. X* — ax = — be. The two first may be constructed from the second case of Proposition seventeenth ; and the two last will receive their construction from the first case of that problem. We shall resume the equations in their order : 1. x^^ax= +bc, then j:= — -|db:i/^+ 3c, these beingt 2 '4 roots, the greater subtractive, and the less additive. Employing the construction of the second case of the pro blem, let AB = a, AD = b, and BE = — c, since it stretches below AB ; if BC represent — x, then CA, in the reverse position, will be denoted by — a — x. Wherefore BC x CA = ( — a — x)x=r — ax — x\ and consequently AD.BE = — be = — ax — x*, or, by inversion, a:' + ar = -j- be. The roots' are, consequent- ly, the shorter segment BC which is additive, and the longer segment BC which is subtractive. wo 3i4' NOTES AND ILLtSTRATIONS; 2. x'^ax=-\-bc, then j:=+ 1=1=^-1 +^c; there being now likewise two roots, but the greater additive, and the less sub- tractivp. Here AB, AD and BE being denoted by a, by and — c, as before ; if AC represent x, C'B in a reverse position will be expressed by a^x. Consequently AC'.OB =r (a— ar)x = ax — x^i and therefore AD.BE= — hcz=.ax x% or x^ ax =;:+ be. The roots are hence the greater segment AC, which is additive, and the less segment AC, which is subtractive. In this case, the quadratic equation will alwdys admit of a double solution, since the radical part of the root is both ad- ditive and subtractive, while the circle crossing AB must ne- cessarily cut it in two parts. The third and fourth forms of the equation are constructed by the application of the first case of the problem. 3. x'-\-ax-=:-—bcy then xz=. — %r±i\^^-r -^bc ; the two roots having the same character, and both of them subtractive. Let AB = a, AD = h, and BE =rc; if BC denote— X, AC or AB — BC, will be expressed by a Jr X. Whence AC.BC = (fl-{-ar)-^=-«^-^% andAD.BE = 5c = — ax — x"". By transpo- sition, therefore, :r* 4- ax = — be. The values x are consequently BC and BC, both of ihem sub- tractive. 4. x^—ax^z-^bc, then a=z-\- ^ =±: y - — bcj both rootshaving likewise the same character, but additive. Let AB, AD, and BE be expressed as before by a, b and c ; if AC represent x, CB will be denoted by a — x. Wherefore, AC.CB=(a — x)x=ax — j;% and AD.BE=bc=:ax — j;\ Con- sequently by transposition x* — ax= — be. The roots of this equation are, therefore, expressed by AC and AC, both of them additive. KOTES AND ILLUSTRATION^. S4^ When the rectangle undef the perpendicular AD and BE, becomes equivalent to the square of half of AB, the circle touches AB, and the two points C and C merge in a single point. At this limit, too, the radical part z±z /_ — l>c of the Value of :r vanishes, and there results a single root, which is ad- ditive or subtractive according to the sign of the second term of the quadratic equation. If it were sought that the rectan- gle linder AD, BE, or under the segments AC, CB, should exceed the square of the half of AB, the circle would not meet this straight line, while the radical would evidently become impossible, and thus betray the same incongruity of hypo- thesis. It may be observed, that the algebraical solution of these quadratic equations flows from the geometrical construction. For, suppose AB were bisected in O ; it is evident that AD.BE=AC.CB=:AO^-.OC% or ,OC^--AO», or OC'= AO*— AD.BE, of AD.BE-f-AO% according as the intersec- tion takes place within or without AB. Wherefore OC always represents the radical part z±:^ — z^bc of the expression for the values of or, which are formed by its combination with OA. If the construction of Pappus be used, while the perpendi- culars AD, BE, and the transverse line DE remain the same as before, the intersection of this with a circle described on AB determines the position of a perpendicular to it, dividing the diameter internally or externally into the required seg- ments. i?. Proposition eighteenth. To this proposition might be added a corollary : That four times the area of a triangle is to the rectangle under any ttvo sides, as the base to the radius of the circumscribing circle. For the area of the triangle ABC is (Prop. 5. 11.) equivalent to half the rectangle contained by the base AC and the per- pendicular BD, and consequently four times this area is equi- valent to twice the rectangle AC, BD. But (VI. 18.) the 84-6 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. rectangle under the sides AB and BC is equivalent to the rectangle under the perpendicular BD and BE, the diame- ter of the circumscribing circle, or to twice the rectangle under BD and the radius of that circle. Whence four times the area of the triangle is to the rectangle under the sides AB and BC, as twice the rectangle under BD and AC to twice the rectan- gle under BD and the radius of the circumscribing circle, or as the base AC to that radius. Let a, b and c denote the three sides of a triangle, and S half their sum or the semiperimeter ; then, combining Prop. 29. Book VI. with this corollary, the radius of the circumscribing circle will be expressed by ^ ,,^ ^ j^ — j— rr- — .. Thus*, if the sides of the triangle be 13, 14, 15, the radius of the cir- 6. Proposition nineteenth. This well-known proposition is now rendered more general, by its extension to the case of the exterior angle of the triangle. The two cases com- bined afford an easy demonstration of the corollary to Propo- sition 7. Book Vi. ; for the straight lines bisecting the vertical and its adjacent angle form a right-angled triangle, of which the hypotenuse is the distance on the base between the points of internal and external section. 7. Proposition twenty-third. The latter part of the scho- lium was added to this proposition, with a view to ex- plain the principle of the construction of the pantagraphy a very useful instrument contrived for copying, reducing, or even enlarging plans. It consists of a jointed rhombus DBFE, framed of wood or brass, and having the two sides BD and BF extended to double their length ; the side DE and the branch DA are marked from D with successive divisions, DO being made to BO always in the ratio of DP to BC j small sliding NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 347 boxes for holding a pencil or tracing point are brought to the corresponding graduations, and secured in their positions by screws ; the point O is made the centre of motion, and rests on a fulcrum or support of lead; and the tracer is generally fixed at C, while the crayon or draw- ing point is lodged at P, From the property of diver- ging lines intersectLpg paral- lels, the three pomfs O, P and C must evidently range in the same straight line, and which is divided at P in the de^ terminate ratio. While the point C, therefore, is carried along the boundaries of any figure, the intermediate point P will, by the scholium, trace out a similar figure, reduced in the proportion of OC to OP or of OB to OD, and which, in the present instance, is that of three to one. But the point P may be placed in the fulcrum, the tracer inserted at O, and the crayon held at C ; in which case, C would delineate a figure which is enlarged in the ratio of OP to PC or of OD to DB. If the points O and P were now brought to coincide with A and E, the distances AE and EC being equal, the original figure would be transferred into a copy exactly of the same dimensions. In reducing small figures, however, artists commonly pre- fer another method, which is partly mechanical. The origi- nal is divided into a number of^mall squares, by means of equidistant and intersecting parallels. Other reduced squares are drawn for the copy, which is then filled up, by observing the same relative position and form of the boundaries. — One material advantage results from this practice ; for if oblongs be used in the copy instead of squares, the original figure will be more reduced in one dimension than another, which is of- ten very convenient where height and distance are represent- ed on different scales. 3*5 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 8. Proposition twenty-eight. The curious properties of the crescents, or lu7iu/ce, contained in the first corollary, were discovered by Hippocrates of Chios, in his attempts to square the circle. But a beautiful extension of them was briefly suggested by the Reverend Mr Lawson, and afterwards ex- plained and demonstrated by Dr Hutton of Woolwich, in whose ingenious Mathematical Tracts it now appears. It is a mode of dividing a given circle into equal portions, and contained within equal circular boundaries. For example, let it be required to cut the circle APBQ into five equal spaces. Divide the diameter AB into five equal parts at the points C, D, E and F ; on AC, AD, AE, and AF describe the se- micircles AGC, AID, ALE, and ANF, and on BC, BD, BE, and BF, towards the op- posite side, describe the semicircles BHC, BKD, BME, and BOF ; the circle APBQ will be divided into five equal por- tions, by the equal compound semicircumferences AGCHB, AIDKB, ALEMB, and ANFOB. For the diameter AB is to the diameter AD, as the circum- ference of AB to the circumference of AD, or (V. 3.), as the semicircumference APB to the semicircumference AID ; and AB is to BD, as the semicircumference APB to the semicir- cumference BKD. Wherefore (V. 20.) AB is to AD and BD together as the semicircumference APB to the compound boundary AIDKB ; and consequently these interior bounda- ries AGCHB, AIDKB, ALEMB, and ANFOB, are all equal to the semicircumference of the original circle. Again, the circle on AB is to the circles on AE and AF, as the square of AB to the squares of AE and AF ; and conse- quently (V. 20.) the circle on AB is to the difference between the circles on AE and AF, as the square of AB to the diffe- rence between the squares of AE and AF, that is (II. 17.), the rectangle under the sum and difference of AE and AF, or NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 349 twice the rectangle under EF and AS, the distance of A from the middle point of EF. Whence the circle APBQ is to the difference of the semicircles ALE and ANF, or the space ALEFN, as the square of AB to the rectangle under AS and EF; and, for the same reason, the circle APBQ is to the space FOBME, as the square of AB is to the rectangle under BS and EF; consequently (V. 20.) the circle APBQ is to the compound space ALEMBOFN, as the square of AB to the rectangles under AS and EFand BSand EF, or the rectangle under AB and EF ; but the square of AB is to the rectangle under AB and EF, (V. 25. cor. 2.) as AB to EF, which is the fifth part of AB; wherefore (V. 5.) any of the intermediate spaces, such as ALEMBOFN, is the fifth part of the whole circle. 9. Proposition twenty-ninth. This elegant theorem admits of an algebraical investigation. Put AC=«, AB=^, BC=:c, and let s denote the scmipgrimeter, and T the area of the triangle ; then, by Prop. 23. Book II., 2AC.CD = a^4-c^-~^% consequently CD=: *±f!=:£, and BD^=BC^— CD^ = 2a .A. D C c*— 'v^^^^t|^-^)^ and, therefore, by Prop. 5. Book IL, T'= AC^BP' __ 4aV— (g^ 4- c' — b^y 4 ~ 16 I^ut this expression, consisting of the difference oftwo squares, may be decomposed, by Prop. 17. Book II. ; whence T^z= 2ac + a'- + c^^b'' 2ac-^a''—c'^ -f. b^ _ (a + cf — 6^ b^—{a—cf 4 * 4 ~ 4 " i ' and, decomposing these factors again, _a±b^ a — b + c a-^-b — c — a-^-b+c ~ 2 * 2 * 2 2 "' Now, ^±1+^ = s, ^-^ + ^= s--b, ^ + ^-' = ^^^~^=5 — o-'y wherefore we obtain, by substitution, T = >V/(5(5— «) (5— W (5-C) ). Suppose the sides of the triangle to be 13, 14, and \5 ; then 350 NOXES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. the area is = v'( 21. 8.7.6) = ^^7056 = 84-. If the sides were 21, 17 and 10, the area would be the same, for >v/(24?.3.7.14)= ^^7056 = 8^. This mosl^ useful proposition was known to the Arabians, but seems to have been re-invented in Europe about the latter part of the fifteenth century. Another corollary might be subjoined to this proposition : As the scmiperimeler of a triangle is to its excess above the base, so is iJie rectangle under its excesses above the tivo sides to tJte square of the radius of the inscribed circle, ForBIrBG:: EI : DQ, and consequently (V. 25. cor. 2.)BI:BG:: EI.DG : DG* ; but it was proved that EI.DG is equivalent to AG. AI, and hence BI : BG : : AG.AI : DG\ Now BI has been shown to be the semiperimeter, and BG, AG and AI its excesses above the base and the other two sides of the triangle, of which DG is the radius of the inscribed circle. Hence let the sides of the triangle be denoted by a, b and c, and the semiperimeter by S ; the square of the radius of the inscribed circle will then be expressed by — ^^^-^ — ^ • Suppose, for example, the sides of the triangle were 13, 14- and 15, the radius of the inscribed circle would be the square O >T /? ■■ ~ root of ~j^ — , or of 16, that is 4. Employing the same notation, it is not diflScult to perceive that the continued product of all the sides of a triangle must be equivalent to the product of twice their sum into the ra- dii of the inscribed and circumscribing circles. Thus, 13.14.15=: 2730=84^.4.81. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 351 Recurring to the last figure, it is evident that BG : BI : : DG : EI : : DG.EI : EI% or, since DG.EI = AG.AI, BG : BI : : AG.AI : EP ; that is, As the excess of the peri- meter above the base is to the scmiperimeter itself, so is the rect- angle under its excesses above the other two sides of the triangle to the square of the radius of the circle of external contact below the base. Thus, in the triangle taken for illustration, 6:21 : : 8.7 : 196, and consequently the radius of the circle under the base is 14. Again, 7 : 21 : : 8.6 : 144, and the radius of the circle touch- ing externally the side 14 is therefore 12. And, in the same manner, 8 : 21 : : 7.6 : llOJ; which gives 10^ for the radius of the circle applied beyond the shortest side 13. 10. Proposition thirtieth. A similar and very important problem, which formerly occupied a place in the text, must not be omitted. It likewise furnishes an ingenious and concise approximation to the quadrature of the circle, first published at Padua in the year 1668, by James Gregory, my illustrious predecessor in the mathematical chair of the University of Edinburgh ; and seems the more deserving of attention, as it probably led that original author to the investigation of the Method of Series. Given the area of an inscribed, and that of a circumscribed, re- gular polygon ; to find the areas of inscribed and circumscribed regular polygons, having double the number of sides. Let TKNQ and HBDF be given similar inscribed and cir- cumscribed rectilineal figures ; it is required thence to deter- mine the surfaces of the corresponding inscribed and circum- scribed polygons AKCNEQGT and VILMOPRS, which have twice the number of sides. From the centre of the circle, draw radiating lines to all the angular points. It is evident that the triangles ZXK and ZAB are like portions of the given inscribed and circumscribed fi- gures TKNQ and HBDF; and that the triangle ZAK, and the quadrilateral figure ZAIK are also like portions of the de- rivative polygons AKCNEQGT and VILMOPRS. And since 352 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. XK is parallel to AB, ZX : ZA : : ZK : ZB (VI.2.); butZX is to ZA as the triangle ZXK is to the triangle ZAK (V. 25. cor. 2.), and, for the same reason, ZK is to ZB as the triangle ZAK is to the triangle Z AB ; whence ZXK : ZAK : ; ZAK : ZAB, and consequeDtly the derivative inscribed polygon AKCNEQGT is a mean proportional between the ins/^ribed and circumscribed figures TKNQ and HBDF. Again, because ZI bisects the angle AZB, Z A is to ZB, t>r ZX is to ZK, as At to IB (VI. 10.), and consequently (V. 25. cor. 2.) the triangle XZK is to the triangle AZK, as the triangle AZI to the "l\ triangle IZB. Hence the in- , \\ scribed figure TKNQ is to ^^ its derivative incribed figure AKCNEQGT as the trian- H gle AZI to the triangle IZB ; wherefore (V. 11. and 13.) TKNQ and AKCNEQGT toge- ther are to twice TKNQ, as the triangles AZI and IZB, or a\ZB, to twice the triangle AZI, or the space AII^Z, — that is, as HBDF to VILMOPRS. And thus the two inscribed polygons are to twice the simple inscribed polygon, as the surface of the circumscribing polygon to the surface of the de- rivative circumscribing polygon with double the number of sides. Cor. Hence the area of a circle is equivalent to the rectan- gle under its radius and a straight line equal to half its cir- cumference. For the surface of any regular circumscribing polygon, such as VILMOPRS, being composed of a number of triangles AZI, which have all the same altitude ZA, is equi* yalent (II. 6.) to the rectangle under ZA and half the sum of their bases, or the semiperimeter of the polygon. But the circle itself, as it forms the ultimate limit of the polygon, must have its area, therefore, equivalent to the rectangle un- der the radius ZA, and the semicircumference ACE. Scholium, This solution, it was obseryed, affords one of the 1 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 353 best elementary methods of approximating to the numerical ex- pression for the area of a circle. Supposing the radius of a circle to be denoted by unit ; the surface of the circumscribing square will be expressed by 4, and consequently (IV. 15. cor.) that of its inscribed square by 2. Wherefore the surface of the inscribed octagon is =-v/2^4=2,8284;27 1247; and the surface of the cir- cumscribing octagon is found by the analogy, 2-f- 2.8284271247: 2 X 2 : : 4 ; 3.3137084990. Again, ^^ (2. 828427 1247 X 3.3137084990)= 3.0614674589, which expresses the area of the inscribed polygon of 16 sides ; and 2.8284271247-h 3.0614674589 : 2x2,8284271247, or 5,8898945836 : 5.6568542494 : : 3.313708499 : 3.1825979781, which de- notes the area of the circumscribing polygon of 16 sides. Pur- suing this mode of calculation, by alternately extracting a square root and finding a fourth proportional, the following Table will be formed, in which the numbers expressing the surfaces of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons conti- nually approach to each other, and consequently to the mea- sure of their intermediate circle. Number of Area of the in- Area of the circum- Sides. scribed Polygon. scribing Polygon. 4 2.0000000000 4.0000000000 8 2.8284271247 3.313708*990 16 3.0614674589 3.1825979781 32 3.1214451523 3.1517249074 64 3.1365484905 3.1441184852 128 3.1403311570 3.1422236917 256 3.1412772509 3.1417503692 512 3.1415138011 3.1416321807 1014 3.1415729037 3.1416025026 2048 3.1415877253 3.1415951177 4096 3.1415914215 3.1415932696 8192 3.1415923456 3.1415928076 16384 3.1415925766 3.1415926921 32768 3.1415926344 3.1415926632 65536 3.1415926488 3.1415926560 131072 3.1415926524 3.1415926542 1262144 3.1415926533 3.1415926537 J52428S 3.1415926535 3.1415926536 S54« NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. The computation of this table might be greatly abridged, by attending to the successive formation of the numbers. Let a and b denote the area of an inscribed and circumscribing po- lygon of the same number of sides, and a' and b' the areas of correspo^ing polygons having double the number of sides. Since «' =\/ a,b, when a and b approach to equality, it is ob- vious that a' = — "J- nearly, or a^ — «= -^ : Wherefore, af- ter the sides of the polygon are multiplied, the numbers of the first column v/ill be formed, by constantly adding half their difference from those of the second column. Again, because b^z=—, — , by substitution b' = - — -—.. and hence b — i' =i: ~~~r-j = (b — a) r> — 7~T ; but, since a and b come to differ little, the fraction - — — , may be reckoned to jr. or b — b^z= - — -— Ha'^b •' * 4- very nearly. Consequently the higher numbers in the second column may be filled up, by subtracting one-fourth of the com- mon difference. It follows likewise, from combining this result with what has been shown before, that a number in the second column, diminished by the third^2LVi of the common difference, must give very nearly the final result. Thus, the areas of the inscribed and circumscribing polygon of 2048 sides, being 3,1415877253 and 3.1415951177, thdir difference is 73924, and the third of this, or 24641 , taken away from the greater, leaves 3.1415926536, for the ultimate value, or the area of the circle itself. Of the two modes of approximating to the mensuration of the circle, the one contained in the text, though not so direct^ is on the whole simpler than the other. In the course of my geometrical lectures, I generally mentioned, that the first pro- position of the fourth book, by enabling us to discover a series of regular polygons with the same sides continually doubled, admitted of an easy application. But not having pursued the calculation to any length, I neglected the obvious advantage which results from reducing the perimeter at each step to the same extent, till I was led to reconsider the subject, in con- sequence of meeting with the small work of Schwab, before quoted. It somehow had escaped my notice, that M. Legen- dre, in the additions to his Geometry, has cursorily treated the subject in the same way. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 355 The numbers contained in the last table were copied and interpolated from the tract of James Gregory, entitled Vera Circuli el Hyperbolce Quadraturat as reprinted in the Opera Fana of Huy gens. For the calculation of the table contain- ed in the text, and of other two tables which will be annexed to this note, accompanied by several acute remarks concern- ing the formation of the successive numbers, I am indebted to the very obliging assiduity of a young friend, Mr G. A. Wal- ker Arnott, whose solid talents and unwearied application pro- mise the happiest fruits. Let the same mode of computation be applied to the suc- cessive polygons derived from the hexagon. The radius of the circle being unit, the perpendicular from the centre to the base of each component triangle of the inscribed hexagon will be = v^l, and consequently the area of the figure = 4-V'^ =^ 2.5980762114. Again, each side of the circumscribing hexa- gon is = ^4 =: 2-v/j, and therefore its area, or that of the six contained triangles, is = 6-/^= 2^3=-/ 12 = 3464-1016151, or one-third more than the former. Hence the following table is constructed. Number of Area of the Area of the Sides. Inscribed Polygon. Circumscribing Polygon. 6 2.5980762114 3.4641016151 12 3.0000000000 3.2153903092 24 3.1058285412 3.1596599421 48 3.1326286134 3.1460862150 96 3.1393502030 3.1427145996 192 3.1410319509 3.1418730499 384 3.1414524723 3.1416627470 768 3.1415576079 3.1416101766 1536 3.1415838921 3.1415970343 3072 3.1415904632 3.1415937487 6144 3.1415921060 3.1415929274 12288 3.1415925167 3.1415927220 24576 3.1415926194 3.1415926707 49152 3.1415926450 3.1415926579 98304 3,1415926514 3.1415926547 196608 3.1415926531 3.1415926539 393216 3.1415926535 3.1415926537 786432 3.1415926536 3.1415926536 35G NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. If the method employed in the text for discovering the ra- dius of the circle, which has twice the number of sides under the same extent of perimeter, be applied to the hexagon or its elementary equilateral triangle, the numbers will stand as be- low. Number of Radius of Inscrib- Radius of Circum- Sides. ed Circle. scribing Circle. 6 .8660254038 1.0000000000 12 .9330127019 .9659258263 24 .9494692641 .9576621969 48 .9535657305 .9556117687 96 .9545887496 .9551001222 192 .9548444359 .9549722705 384 .9549083532 .9549403113 768 .9549243322 .9549323217 1536 .9549283270 .9549303243 3072 .9549293257 .9549298250 6144 .9549295753 .9549297002 12288 .9549296378 .9549296690 " 24576 .9549296534 .9549296612 49152 .9549296573 .9549296592 98304 .9549296582 .9549296587 196608 .9549296585 .9549296586 393216 .9549296586 .9549296586 Wherefore, .95492965855 : 1 : : 3 : 3.1415926536; and hence 3.1415926536 is the nearest expression, consisting often de- cimal places, for the area of the circle whose radius is 1. But the semicircumference in this case denoting also the surface, the same number must represent the circumference of a cir- cle whose diameter is 1. Consequently, if D denote the dia- meter of any circle, the circumference will be expressed ap- proximately, by 3.1415926536 xD; whence the area will be ^D^ X 3.1415926536, or D^ X .7853981634. By help of the note to Prop. 27. Book V. lower numbers may be found, approximating to the same results. For in this case NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 357 5K=S, K='7, 7>=16, and ^=11: whence, remounting from these conditional equahties, the ratio of the diameter to the circmn- ference of a circle is denoted progressively, by 1 : 3 — by 7 : 22— by 113: 355— and by 1250 : 3927- Tjie ratio of 1 to 3 is the rudest approximation, being the same as that of the dia- meter of the circle to the perimeter of its inscribed hexagon ; the ratio of 7 to 22 is what was discovered by Archimedes ; the ratio of 113 to 355, in which the three first odd numbers ap- pear in pairs, was first proposed by Adrian Metius of Alkmaer, Professor of Mathematics and Medicine at Franeker, who died in 1636 ; and the ratio of 1250 to 3927, the same as 1 to 3.1416, is that generally adopted by the Hindus. Hence also the circle is to its circumscribing square nearly — as 1 1 to 1 4, or, still more nearly — as 355 to 452. To this Book may be added the following Propositions. PROP. I. THEOR. JfJroTii any point in the circumferejice of a circle, straight lines he drawn to the extremities of a chord, and meeting the perpendi- cular diameter, they mil divide that diameter, internally and ex- ternally, in the same ratio. Let the chord EF be perpendicular to the diameter AB of a circle, and from its extremities F and E straight lines FG and EG be inflected to a point G in the circumference, and cutting the diameter internally and externally in C and D ; then will AC : CB : : AD : : DB. For join AG and BG, and draw HBI parallel to AG. Because AEGB is a semicircle, the angle AGB is a right angle (III. 19.); wherefore AG and HI being parallel, the alter- nate angle GBI is right (I. 22.), and likewise its adjacent angle GBH. But the diameter AB, being perpendicular to the chord 358 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. EF, must (III. 4. and 13.) bisect the arc FAE, and therefore the angle EGA is equal to AGF (III. 12. cor.) or (lil. 17.), its supplement. And since AG is parallel to HI, the angle EGA is equal to the an- ■• gle GIB or its supple- '^- ment (1. 22.); and for the same reason, the an- gle AGF is equal to the alternate angle GHB. Whence the angle GIB is equal to GHB ; but theanglesGBIandGBH being both right angles, are equal, and the side GB is common to the two triangles BIG and BHG, which are, there- fore, equal (I. 20.), and consequently BH is e- qual to BI, and AG : BH : : AG : BI. Now, because the pa- rallels AG and BH are intercepted by the diverging lines AB and GH, AG : BH : : AC : CB (VI. 2.) ; and since the pa- rallels AG and BI are intercepted by the diverging lines GD and AD, AG : BI : : AD : DB. Wherefore, by identity of ratios, AC : CB : : AD : DB, that is, the straight line AB is cut in the same ratio, internally and externally, or the whole line AD is divided harmonically in the points C and B. Cor, 1. As the points E and G come nearer each other, it is ob- vious that the straight line EGD will approach continually to the position of the tangent, which is its ultimate limit. Hence the tan-, gent and the perpendicular, from the point of contact or mu- tual coincidence, cut the diameter proportionally, or AC : CB : : AD : DB/ It is, therefore, evident (VI. 7.) that, O be- ing the centre, OC : OB : : OB : OD. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 359 Cor. 2. Since OC : OB : : OB : OD, it follows (V. 19. cor. 2.) that OC : OD : : OB^— OC^ or AC.CB : OD^ —OB' or AD.DB ; whence, by division, CD : OD : : AD.DB— AC.CB, or VI. 7. COB.) CD^ : AD.DB. PROP. 11. THEOR. If two straight lines he inflected J'rom the extremities of the base of a triangle to cut the opposite sides proportionally, another straight line, dravonjrom the vertex through their point of con - course, will bisect the base. In the triangle ABC, let AE and CD, drawn from the ex- tremities of the base to cut the opposite sides proportionally, intersect each other in F, join BF, which produce if necessary to meet the base in the point G ; AG will be equal to (jC, For join DE. And because the sides AB and BC are cut proportionally, DE is parallel to AC (VI. 1. cor,), whence BD : BA : : BH : BG (VI. 1.) ; but BD : BA : : DE : AC (VL 2.), and therefore BH : BG : : DE : AC, Again, the parallels DE and AC being cut by the diverging lines AE and CD, DE ; AC : : DF : FC (VI. 2.) and DF : FC : : FH ; FG (VI. 1.) ; where- fore BH : BG : : FH : FG, or BF is cut internally and externally in the same ratio. But DH be- ing parallel to AG, BH : BG : : DH ; AG ; and since DH is also parallel to GC, HF : FG : : DH : GC ; whence DH ; AG : : DH : GC, and consequently AG is equal to GC. PROP. III. THEOR. If a semicircle be described on the side of a rectangle, and through its extremities two straight lines he drawn from any point 360 NOTES AND ILLUSTllATIONS. in the circumfej-ence to meet the opposite side produced both xvat/s ; the altitude of the rectangle xuill he a mean proportional hetxueen the segments thus intercepted. Let ABED be a rectangle, which has a semicircle ACB de- scribed on the side AB, and the straight lines CA and CB drawn from a point C in the circumference to meet the exten- sion of the opposite side DE ; the altitude AD of the rectan- gle will be a mean proportional between the exterior segments FDandEG. For, the angle ADF, being evidently a right angle, is equal to the angle ACB, which stands in a semicircle (III. 19.). and the angle DFA is equal to the exterior angle BAG (I. 22.); wherefore (VI. 11.) thp triangle FAD is similar to ABC. In the same manner, it is proved that the triangle BGE is simi- lar to ABC ; whence the triangles D AF and BGE are similar to each other, and consequently (VI. 11.) FD : AD ; : BE or AD: EG. If the straight lines CD and CE be drawn, they will(VI. 2.) divide the diameter AB into segments AH, HI, and IB, which are respectively proportional to the segments FD, DE, and EG of the extended side DE. Consequently when ABED is a square, and therefore DE a mean proportional between FD and EG, it must follow that HI is likewise a mean propor- tional between AH and IB. If the rectangle ABED have its altitude AD equal tp the side of a square inscribed within the circle, the square of the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 361 diameter AB is equivalent to the squares of the two segments AI and BH. For FD : AD : : AD : EG, whence (V. 6.) FD.EG = AD.% or sFD.EG = 2AD* ; but (IV. 15. cor.) 2Ap= = AB^ or DE% and consequently sFD.EGnDE* ; wherefore (VI. 2.) 2AH.IB = HP, and hence, by the first ad- ditional proposition to Book II., the segments AI, BH are the sides of a right-angled triangle, of which AB is the hypote- nuse, or AB*=AP+BH=. PROP. IV. THEOR, A chord of a circle is divided vi continued proportion, hy straight lines iriflected to any point in the opposite circumference from the extremities of a parallel tangent, xiohich is limited by another tangent applied at the origin of the chord. Let AB, AC be two tangents applied to a circle, CD a chord drawn parallel to AB, and AE, BE straight lines in- flected to a point E in the opposite circumference ; then will the chord CD be cut in continued proportion at the points F and G, or CF : CG : : CG : CD, For join BD, BC, and CE. Because the tangent AB is equal to AC (III. 22. cor.), the angle ABC is equal to ACB (I. 10.); but ABC is equal to the angle BCD (I. 22.), and to the angle BDC (III. 21.); whence (VI. 1 1 .) the triangles B AC and BDC are similar, and AB : BC : : BC : CD, and consequently (V. 6.) BC*r=AB.CD. Again, the triangles CBG and CBE are similar, for they have a common angle CBE, and the angle BCG or BCD is equal to BDC or BEC (III. 16.): Wherefore BG : BC : : BC : BE, and BC^=BG.BE. Hence AB.CD=BG.BE, and AB : BE : : BG : CD ; but FG being parallel to AB, AB : BE : : FG : GE (VI. 2.), and 362 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. consequently FG : GE : : BG : CD ; therefore (V. 6.) FG.CDr- BG.GE; antLsince (III. 26.) BG.GEnCG.GD, it follows that CG.GD=FG.CD, and FG : CG : : GD : CD, and hence (V. 10.)CF: CG::CG:CD, PROP. V. THEOR. If, from the vertex of a triangle, two straight lines he dratm, making equal angles tvith the sides and cutting the base; the squares of the sides are proportional to the rectangles under the adjacent segments of the base, * In the triangle ABC, let the straight lines BD and BE make the angle ABD equal to CBE ; then AB^ : BC : : DA.AE ; ECCD. For (III. 9. cor.) through the points B, D, and E describe a cir- cle, meeting the sides AB and BC of the triangle in F and G, and join FG. Because the angles DBF and EBG are equal, they stand (III. J 6. cor.) on equal arcs DF and EG, and con- sequently (III. 18. cor,) FG is parallel to DE. Whence (VI. 1.) AB : BC:: AF:CG, and there- fore (V. 13.) AB^:BC^ :: AB.AF:BC.CG;but(III. 26.) AB.AF = DA.AE, and BC.CG = ECCD. Wherefore AB^ : CD^ : : DA.AE : ECCD. If the triangle ABC be right-angled at C, and the vertical NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 36^ lines BD and BE cut the base internal- ly ; then BC^ + AC.CE : BC* : : AE : CD. Tor make AH equal to EC. Because AB^ : BC" : : DA.AE : EC.CD, and (II. 10.) AB^=AC^ + BC% therefore AC^ + BC^ : BC" : : DA.AE : EC.CD, and, by division, AC^ : BC: : DA.DE*— EC.CD : EC.CD. But,by successive decomposition, D A. AE-^EC.CD=: DA.AC—DA.EC— EC.CD = DA.AC~-EC.AC=AC.HD; whence AC* : BC* : : AC.HD : EC.CD, and (V. 13. and cor.) AC.EC : BC* ; : EC.HD : EC.CD, or (V. 3.) : : HD : CD ; con- sequently (V. 9.) BC* + AC-EC : BC^- : : HC : CD ; but, AH being equal to EC, HC is equal to AE ; wherefore BC*+ AC.EC : BC* : : AE : CD. If the vertical lines BD, BE cut the base AC of a right- angled triangle ACB ejfternally ; then will BC^~AC.EC : BC^ :: AE : CD. For make AH = EC. It is de- monstrated as before, that AC^- : BC^ : : DA.AE-EC.CD : EC.CD ; but DA.AE-EC.CDrrDA.AC-f- DA.EC— EC.CD = DA.AC— EC.AC = AC.HD : wherefore AC* : BC* : : AC.HD : EC.CD, and AC.EC : BC* : ; EC.HD : EC.CD : : HD : CD, and consequently BC*— AC.EC : BC* : : HC or AE : CD. PROP. VI. THEOR. The perpendiculqr tvithin a circle, is a mean proportional to the segments Jbrmed on it hy straight lineSf draximjrom the ex- tremities of the diameter ^ through any point in the circumference. Cet the straight lines AEC and BCG, drawn from the ex- 36* KOTtS AND iLLUSTR4TION.V' tremitics of the diameter of a circle through a point C in the circumfe- rence, cut the perpendicular to AB j the part DF within the circle is o mean proportional between the seg- ments DE and DG. For the angle ACB, being in a se- micircle, is a right angle (IIL 19.), and the angle ABG is common to the two triangles ABC and GBD, which q^re, therefore, similar (Vf. 11.}. Hence the remaining angle BAG is equal to BGD, and conse- quently the triangles ADE and GDB are similar; wherefore AD : DE : ; DG:DB, and (V. 6.) AD.DB=: DE.DG. But (III. 26. cor.), the rectangle under AD and DB is equi- valent to the square of DF ; whence DE.DG=DF% and (V. 6.) DE : DF :DF:DG. The Appendix to the books of Geometry cannot fail, by its novelty and singular beauty, to prove highly interesting. The first part is taken from a scarce tract of Schooten, who was Professor of Mathematics af Leyden, early in the seventeenth century. But the second and most important part is chiefly selected from a most ingenious work of Mascheroni, a cele- brated Italian mathematician; which in 1798 was translated into French, under the title of Geomeirie du Compas. It will be perceived, however, that I have adapted the arrangement to my own views, and have demonstrated the propositions more strictly in the spirit of the ancient geometry. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 365 NOTES TO TRIGONOMETRY. 1. The French philosophers have, at the instance ofBor- da, lately proposed and adopted the centesimal division of the quadrant, as easier, more consistent, and better adapted to our scale of arithmetic. On that basis, they have also con- structed their ingenious system of measures. The distance of the Pole from the Equator vi^as determined with the most scru- pulous accuracy, by a chain of triangles extending from Calais to Barcelona, and since prolonged to the Balearic Isles. Of this quadrantal arc, the ten millionth part, or the tenth part of a second, and equal to 39.371 English inches, constitutes the metre, or unit of linear extension. From the metre again, are derived the several measures of surface and of capacity ; and water, at its greatest degree of contraction, furnishes the stan- dard of weights. It would be most desirable, if this elegant and universal sys- tem were adopted, at least in books of science. Whether, with all its advantages, it be ever destined to obtain a general currency in the ordinary affairs of life, seems extremely ques- tionable. At all events, its reception must necessarily be very slow and gradual ; and, in the meantime, this innovation is pro- ductive of much inconvenience, since it not only deranges our habits, but lessens the utility of our delicate instruments and elaborate tables. The fate of the centesimal division may fi- nally depend on the continued merit of the works framed aftei' Ihat model. 2. The remarks contained in the preliminary scliolium, will obviate an objection which may be made against the succeed- ing demonstrations, that they are not strictly applicable, ex- cept when the arcs themselves are each less than a quadrant. But this in fact is the only case absolutely wanted, all the de- rivative arcs being at once comprehended under the definition of the sine or tangent. To follow out the various combina- tions, would require a fatiguing multiplicity of diagrams ; and 36S NOTES AND ILLUSTRATION*. such labour would still be quite superfluous, because the mo Je of extending or accommodating the results from the general principle is so easily perceived. 3. The general properties of the sines of compound arcs may be derived with great facility from Prop. 20. of Book VL of the Elements. For, since AB.CD + BC.AD=AC.BD, it is evident that ^AB.iCD-|-iBC.iAD=:^AC.|BD; but (cor. 1. def. Trig.) the semichord of an arc is the same as the sine of half the arc, and consequently, by substitu- tion, sin \Pi.^sin\CT> + sin\\^Q sin iABCD ±= sin\k^C x sin^J^QT>. Let iAB=±L, iBC=M, and iCD i=N ; wherefore iABCI> = L+ M + N, iABC = L + M, and iBCD=M + N, and hence the ge- neral result ; sinljsin^ + siriMsiniJu 4. M -{- N)=:^/w(L-|-IVI)' 5in(M-f-N}, in which L, M and N are any arcs whatever. This expression, variously transformed, will exhibit all the theorems respecting sines. For the sake of conciseness, let the radius be denoted as usual by 1, and the semicireurafe- rence by tt. I. Put A=M, B=N, and let L be the complement of A. Then, cosK sin^ -f sin A sin ( A 4- B -f - — A ) = sin ( - — A -|- A ) s?n(A4-B); that is, since the sijie of an arc increased by a quadrant is the same as its cosine, sinh. C05B + cosK sinBzz 5^»(A+B). 2. Let the arc B be taken on the opposite side, or substitute — B for it in the last expression, and sinAcosB — cosAsinBzz- sin{A—B). 3. In art. I, for A substitute its coniplement ; theft sin{A-^B)=zsinQ-A+B)=sin[^ + A—B)=cos{A^B)yand hence cosAcosB-^sinAsiuB=cos(A — B). 4. In art. 2, likewise substitute for A its complement, and the result will become cos AcosB^-^siuAsinBz^ cos (A-^B). NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 367 5. In art. 1, let ArrB, and 2sinAcosA=zsin2A, 6. In art. 4, let A=B, and cosA''-sinA''=zcos2A. 7. In art. 3, let A=B, and cosA'^-\-sinA'^:=il. 8. Add the Jbrtnulce in art. 1. and 2, and 2sinAcosB = 5i» (A+B)4-5f«(A— B). 9. Subtract the Jormidce of art. 2. from that of art. 1, and 2cosAsinB=s?n{A'\-B) — sin{A — B). 10. Conjoin the Jbrnmlce of art. 3. and 4/, and 2cosAcosB=!: cos{A+ B ) + cos ( A— B ) . 11. Take the Jormu/cu of art. 4. from that of art. 3, and 2sinAsi7i'B=cos{A — B) — co5(A+B). 12. In art. 8, let B be the complement of A, and 2««A*= sin ( A + A)-{-sin ( A — - -f A)= 1 — cos^Az^versQA. J 3. In art. 9, let B be the complement of A, and 2cosA'z:: 5/w(A4- -— A) — {sin A \'A)=zl-\-cos2A=suvers2A. 14. In art. 5, instead of A substitute its half, and 2sin\A X cos^AzrsinA^ 15. In art 6, likewise substitute the half of A for A, and {cos^AY — {sin\Ay:=:cosA. 16. In art. 12, for A substitute its half, and 2(«n^A)* = 1 — cosA, or sinlAzz \/{\{ i — cosA))z=\/\versA. 17. Make the same substitution in art. 13, and 2(co5^A)'= i-f-co^A, or cos\A=:x/{{{\-^co6A))=:^{suversA. 18. In art 8, transform A and B into A-[-B and A — B, and consequently, for A-}-B and A — B, substitute 2A and 2B ; then 2sin{A -{- B)c<^5(A — B) = sin2A-{~sin2B, or ^m(A4-B) cos{A^B)=^si7i'2A+sin2B). 19. Make the same transformation in art. 9, and 2co5( A-f- B) cos{A — B) = si7i2A — «'«2B, or cos(A + B)sin(A — B) = \{sin2A—sin2B). 20. Repeat this transformation in art. 10, and 2cos{A^B) ^;o5(A--B)= cos2A + cos2B, or cos{Aj^B) cos{A ^ B) = ^cos(2A+cos2B). 2 ! . The same transformation being still made in art. l ] , 2sin{A+ B)5f;< A_B)=co62B— C052 A , or sin(A -}- B)sin{A--B)z= i{cos2B—coi,2A). 22. Suppose L=:N=:B, and M=A-— B; then the general 3G8 NOTES AND ILLUSTIIATIONS. expression becomes sinB'^siu{A~B)sin{A-{-B)=zsinA\ or sin{A~^.B)si7i{A—B ) =:sinA'-—smB\ 23. Instead of A in the last article, take its complement, and sin{'^- A^B)si7i(^- A— B) = cosA^—sinB\ or cos(A — B) cos(A-{- B)=zcosA' — sinB'» 24. Compare art. 21. with 22, and l(cos2B^cos2A)=:smA^-^ sinB\ 25. Comparing likewise art. 20. with 23, and l{cos2A+ cos2B)=:cosA'- — sinB^. 26. Resolve the difference of the squares in art. 22. into its factors, and 5m( A-|. B)sin(A~^B)=:(si7iA^sinB)(sinA—siiiB). 27. Make a similar decomposition in art. 23, and co*(A4-B) cos(A — B)= ( C05 A+ smB){cosA — sinB ) . 24-. In art. 18, instead of A and B take their halves, and sinA+sinB=2sinl{A-{.B)cosl{A'^B). 25. Make the same change in art. 19, and sinA-^sinBz= 25fw^( A— •B)co5i ( A-f B). 26. Change likewise art. 20, and cosB-{.co$A=z2cosl(A-\.B) co4(A~-B). 27. Do the same thing in art. 21, and cosB — cos A = 2sin^ {A--B)sin\(A+By From the third additional proposition to Book III., a very simple expression may be derived for the sum of the sines of progressive arcs. Suppose the diameter AO were drawn ; then BE + CF+ DG = HG = HO + DO, or 2si7iAB-{. 25m AC + 2si7iAD = HO + sinADy and siTiAB + si7iAC -}- si7jAD = 1H0+ Isin AD = iAO.taiiBAO + ^siriAD, Wherefore, in general, si7i a -j- sin2a -\- shiSa sItv 7ia =: \vers 7ia.cot^a-^ \sin Tia. Hence the sum of the sines in the whole semicircle is=:c(H\a. Thus, if the sines for each degree up to 180°, the radius being unit, were added together, the amount would be 114,58866. 4. On examining the formation of the successive terms of the first and second tables, it will appear that the coefficients are certain multiples of the powers of 2, whose exponents likewise at every step decrease by two. It is farther manifest, that if 1 , NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 369 A, B, C, &c. 1, A', B', C, &c. and 1, A\ B\ C\ &c. denote the multiples corresponding to the arcs 7i.a, n + i««» ^^^ n—~i.a ; then A + 1=A', B+ A'=B', C+B'r: C, &c. Whence the va- lues of A, B, C, &c. are determined, either by the method of finite differences, adopting the appropriate notation, or from the theory of functions. Thus in the first table, AA=1, and A = « — 2 ; AB=A'=»— 3, and 6.=^=^^; AC = B'= , and C = ^ — T Wherefore m general (1.) Sin na= 2^^^c"~^^— ;z^2.2"-^c"-^^+ ^ ^'~^^^""^ ,2>^V-^^~ n — ^,n — 5.W — 6^„ 7 „ ? . ^ — 2""*^C'^^5+ &c. ( 2. ) Cos nazz 2»-i.c"— «.2"-^.c«-2^ !!:!!^ .2«-^c"-!r~ ,2?^^.c"-^+ &c. The third and fourth tables are evidently formed by multi- plying constantly by 2cos 2a or 2 — 4s*, and subtracting the term preceding ; or the multiplication by 4s* produces the se- cond differences of the successive quantities. Hence in the former, AaA=4w", AAB=4A", &c. ; wherefore AArrw-f-i.w-f-i, and A := ^ ^o • — 5 AU-2( -g -^J-, ^ , _ _, n.n — i.w+T.w — 3.W+3 ^ . . _ .1 . , , and B = J^ . ^ -^--. But m the fourth table, AAA+4, AAB+4A", AAC'=4B''; and consequently A A =r 2w4-2, andA=| ; AB=S(2.«+2.w-t-2)==~i-^^^^±^, and ^_«\«--2£2+_2 Wherefore in general, 2.«3.4 w* — I 3 , w* — I w* — 9 5 2.3 2,3 4-5 (3.) Sm nazzn.s^n s^-^n — ^s 2.3 4.5 6.7 ^ B 3/0 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. (4.) Cos «a=l «*+- . 5* . -^6^4-. &c In the fifth and sixth tables, the coefficients are evidently the same as those of the power of a binomial, only proceeding from both extremes to the middle terms. Hence, according as n is odd or even, (5.) 2«-i sin u''=z±=sin na=fin.sin{n—2)a:=i=:nJ^—sin(n-4!)az:f: n — I n — 2 . ^^ „ n ._, — sin(^n — 6)adb:«&c. ; and 2«— 1 sin a" =r=t:co5 tw, =+= n.cos(n — 2)az±zn!^ — cos{n — ^jaqR n. . ■co5(«— 6)«, &c. 2 3 Again, (6.) 2»-i cos a"=:cos na^n,cos(n — 2)aJ^n, ~-—^cos{n — 4a)4- n — I n — 2 , 71. . — -; — »cos{n — 6}a, &c. In these three expressions, half the last term, which corre- sponds to the middle in the expansion of the binomial, is to be taken, when n is an even number. It will be satisfactory likewise to subjoin an investigation of the sine of the multiple arc, as derived from the Theory of Functions. It appears from inspecting the successive formation of the sines of the multiple arcs, 1. that the odd powers only of j oc- cur ; 2. that the coefficient of the first term is only n, and the other coefficients are itR functions of third, fifth, &c. orders ; and 3. that since, in the case when wrzi, the rest of the coef- ficients evidently vanish, those coefficients in general, as af- fected by opposite signs, must in each term produce a mutual balance. Let therefore sin jiazzn.s-^-n.s^J^n^s^ S:c. ; where s denotes NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 371 / in mil the sine of the arc cr, and n, n, n, &c. the successive odd or- ders of the functions of w. It is evident, from (Prop. 3. cor. 2. Trig.) that, by substitution (« + i)+(«--i))5+^(« + i) + («-i))53+((n + i) + (n-i)J5S / /// ///// 4- &c. —^^/{^s^) sin na=(2—s^—^s\ &c.) {ns+ns^-^-ns^, &c.) =2«5+(2« — 7^)$3_|.(27^_?^__J-w)s■', &c. Now, equating corre- sponding terms, and rejecting the powers of 5, we obtain these general results : /// /// /// / «/■// //y/ ///// /// / 27l'ez=2n^; (w-}-l)-J-(?2-f.I)=2W—W; (72 -f.I)-|-(w — l)=27t — 71 ^W. It remains hence to discover the several orders of the func- tions of w. 1. The equation 2n'=^2n' contains a mere identical proposi- tion ; but other considerations indicate that n must always de- note the first term, or that the first function of w is w itself. Ill in III I 2. The equation (w -J- 1) -j-(w — 1)=2« — w fixes the conditions of the third function of w, which, from the nature of the rela- tion, is obviously imperfect, and wants the second term. Put therefore, ?i"'=«?z^-f./3w ; and, by substitution, 2«w^-{-6««w-f- 2/3w=2fitw^-f-2/3w— w. Equating now the corresponding terms, and 6«=— I, or «= — ^; but <«-f-/3=o, and therefore /3=-}-|.. /// w' — I Whence n =.=— |.?z3-|- ^n =— m.-^^ • . iiiii mil 'III! m 4 3. Again, m the third equation, (w+ 1) -t-(w— i)=2w--w — Jw, mil substitute ?z=«n5-{-/3«3-t-yn, and the conditions of the fifth or- der of the function of n will be determined by this compound expression : 2xn^ -f (20« -f- 2^)n3+ ( 1 0^ -f 6/3-}- 2y)» = 2«»^-f- (2|3-t-|)n3-t- (2y — I- — t)w. Equate the corresponding terms, and 20«-t- 2/3= 2/34- 1., or «=—=:—__ In like manner, 10^-1-6^4-27=27—^—;^, and ^= — y^— ^— ^V= —^ = 1Q 9 ^^^^^ ; but ^+/3+ 7 = 0, whence 7=53^5 . . : . . ; .. 372 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Collectively, therefore, r=^^-^Q^^+g^^=;,;!^^.^!=zL^ ^ 2.3.4..5 • 2.3 4.5 Whence, resuming all the terms, sin na=:ns — w. - ""-js ^ «*— 1 w*i-9 . ,' «• a g — . rv-s — &c. as before. From the expression for the sine of a multiple arc, may be deduced the series for the sine of any arc, in terms of the arc itself, and conversely. Let na=A, and therefore ar=— ; if « n be supposed indefinitely great, then a must be indefinitely sniall, and consequently in a ratio of equality to s. Whence, A substituting A for na, and — for s in the general expression, there results, 5f«A==A---^!=^A*+^!=L^!^!=I?.:^_&c. .^,3 n*^ 2,3 4.5 n* But n being indefinitely great, the composite fractions — ^— &c. are each in effect equal to unit, which forms their .a ' extreme limit. Consequently, assuming that modification. Again, putting a=r A and 5=8, suppose n to be indefinitely small, and sinnaz=:naz=:nA ; whence, by substitution, «A = »S-«.'il=i S3+ «. — .'-^ S=_, &c. and A=S - !^ S^+ n."-!^'!^^^ S5-&C. 2.3 ' 2.3 4.5 But, if 72 vanish from all the terms, the series will pass into a simpler form. A= S'+ ^-S'+ll. S5+ -il^-?^ S7 + , &c. ' 2.3 ^ ^ ' By a similar investigation, the series for the cosine of an arc is likewise found. ^ 1/2^2.3.4 "* NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 373 These series' are very commodious for the calculation 6f sines, since they converge with sufficient rapidity when the arc is not a large portion of the quadrant. Though the method explained in the text is on the whole much simpler, yet as the errors of computation are thereby unavoidably accumulated, it would be proper at intervals to calculate certain of the sines by an independent process. The series' now given furnish also various modes for the rec- tification of the circle. Thus, assuming an arc equal to the radius, its sine is, 1- 1 1 ^— &c. =.84<147l, and its 2.S ' 2.3.4^.5 cosine is, 1 — - i -i—&c.= 440302. But that arc evidently 2 '2.3.4 approaches to 60*, of which the sine is \/l=.866025, and the cosine .500000. Wherefore (Pr. 1. Trig.) the sine of the dif- ference of these two arcs is .866045 X -540302— .81.1471 X .500000= .047 1 8, and consequently, by the series, that inter- val itself is .0472. Hence the length of the arc of 60° is 1.0472, and the circumference of a circle which has unit for its diameter is 3 X 1.0472=3.1416; an approximation extreme- ly convenient. 5. The Fifth Proposition may be otherwise demonstrated from the corollaries at p, 363. Let AB and BC, or BC, be two arcs, of which AB is the greater ; make AD, or AD', equal to BC, and apply the respective tangents. Because OAE is a right-angled tri- angle, and OG', OF, are drawn, making equal angles with OA and OE, it follows, that OA^— AE.AG': O A^ : : EG' : AF, and consequently R^^tanAB . tanBC : R^ : : tanAB + tanBC : tan{AB -|- BC). Again, since OG and OF' make equal angles with OA and OE, it is 37i NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. evident that OA^+AE.AG ; OA* : : EG : AF\ and hence R*+ianABtanBC :1V:'. tanAB-^tanBC : ^an(AB— -BC). 6. Tlie radius being expressed by unit, the sum of the tan- gents of the angles of any triangle is equal to the number arising from their continued product. For, let A, B, and C, denote the several angles of the triangle ; and since two of these, such as A and B, are supplementary to the remaining one C, the tangent of A4-B is the same (schol. def. Trig.) as that of the third angle in an opposite direction. Whence - — ^ "v. ^ — n = — tanC, and therefore ian A 4- ta7i B = — tan C -\- tan A tan B tan C, or tan A -|- tan B 4- i<^^ C = tan A tan B tan C. 7« The properties of the tangents are easily derived fram those of the sine&, -. m » . T> sin A , siiiB sinAcosB-X-cosAsinB 1. TanA-^-tanBzz ^^4- — 5= x- — ^ = ' cos A* cosB cosAcosB (art. 1. N0.3.)*-^<4±^'. ' cosAcoso 2. Change the sign of B in the last article, and tanA — tanBzz sin{A—B) cosAcosB 3. Instead of A and B in art. I. substitute their complements, andco«A+.o/B = £i'?i^. * smAsmp 4. Make the same substitution in art. 2, and cot B — cot A-=: sin {A — B) sinAsinB 5. Tan(A + B) = ^1(1^ '=^^''' ^' "^^ *' ^^^ ^'^ sinAcosB+cosAsinB ^ ^^. ^.^.^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^g ^^, cosAcosB — smAstnB » o , . ^ . , A . T.% tanA-^tanB cotB-\-cotA dnAsznB.giyes tan(A+B)= i^^^^A^anB^co^ co^A-l* 6. Change the sign of B in the last article, and /o«(A— B)=: fan A — tanB _ cotB — cotA IJ^tanAtanB "" cotB cot A + V NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 375 7. Divide the expression in the first article by that in the se- , , sin( A+B) tanA-^-tanB cotB + cotA cond, and . . ' p {= ^ a ^ — 15= ^i> — rx- sin{A — B) tan A — tanB cutB — cotA 8. In the last article, change the sign of B, and instead of A • , . . , ^ , cos{A+ B) cot B — tan A take Its complement, and — /a pv = . t. . . r> = ^ ' cos{ A-^B) cot B 4- ^aw B cotA — ta7iB cot A-\- tanB' 9. Divide the expression of art. 12. NO. 3. by that of art. 5., 1 — co*2A__ 2s2mA* ___sinA__ sin2A "^^sinAcosA cos A "" 10. Divide the expression of art. 5. in the same number, by ^u . c .10 J sin2A 2sinAcosA sin A ^ ^ that of art. 13. and =-~ — .rA = o a*— = — r=^«wA. 1 -|- C052A 2co5 A* cos A 11. Multiply the expressions of the tviro preceding articles, - 1 — cos2 A , A 2 ^ A / 1 — C052A 12. Decompose the expression in art. 9., and tanAzz . — ^.J^ = cosec2A— co^2A. stn2A 13. In the last article, change A into its complement, and co^ A= coscc2A + co/2 A. 14. Subtract the last expression from the one preceding it, and tanA — cotA= — 2co^2A, or tanAzzcotA — 2co^2A. 15. In art. 9, 10, and 11, for 2A and A, take A and ^A, and i4 — 1 — cosA __ sin A _ / i — cos A tan^A^ siwA ""l+cosA""V i-f-cosA* 16. Multiply the expressions of art. 1. and 2., and(fawA+ifawB) (tanA^tanB):^tanA^^tanB^= ^^L^^±^^^^, 17. Multiply the expressions of art. 3. and 4., and vco^B+co^A) .A, sinlA—B) sinAJfB) {cotB^cotA) = cotB^^otA'= -^IfH^SB^^^- 18. Divide art. 28. of NO. 3. by art. 29., and^f]^|±^ = 2sin\ ( A + B ) cos\ ( A—B ) _ tanl{ A+B) 2coi\[ A 4- B ) sin\ ( A—B ) "tan^ ( A—B f 376 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATION'S. 19. Divide art. 30. of the same NO. by art. 31 ., and ^?^2±£^ - cosB — cos A. 2cosl{A + B) cq4( A~- B)_ cotl ( A+ B ) 2sinl{A + B) ;s2«i( A—B)"" ^a«i( A— B ) * Since by art. 14. cot A — 2cot2A=ztanA, if the arc A and its compound expression be continually bisected, there will arise : \dot\A — cot Azz^tan^A fcotfA-^cot^A=z-^tanfA ^cot^ A— ~co/;^A=|^awf A &c. &c. &c. Wherefore, collecting these successive terms, and observing the effects of the opposite signs, the general result will come out, 1 A 1 A ^^J^ot—^^cotAzzlianlA+^tanfA+^Jan^,A . . . + -^ian~. If n be supposed to become indefinitely large, then 1 ,A 1 1 . „. . , 1 1 2» 1 — • cot ^^zz ¥"=¥'— li '' "^^'"^"'^^^ 2^- A =T«- A' ^'^ A ' tan 2" 2" and consequently j- zzcotA-^-ltanlA-i-ftan^A-i- Ifan^A ^ ^ya«^A+&c. This neat and very simple investigation is given in the se- cond French edition of Cagnoli's Trigonometry, printed at Paris in 1800, and forming the completest treatise which has yet appeared on the subject. It was also, and nearly about the same time, communicated by my friend Mr Wallace of the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, a geometer of the first order, to the Royal Society of Edinburgh ; another instance of that accidental coincidence which has occurred so frequent- ly in the history of mathematical discovery. 8. It is obvious that the terms of the series for the tangent of the multiple arc are formed out of the coefficients of the powers of a binomial. Wherefore, NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 377 {1.)Tanna-- ^ ^ n^—i , n — I n — 2 n — 5^, i—n 1^ J- n, -7:- •— — -/*— &c. 2 2 3 4 Hence also, „ V „. , . w — I n — 2,„ , ?i — I w— 2?i — 8 n — 4«, (8.) Szw na=:cnfnt-^7i.-- t^-{.Ji,—~ ;: — . /o — ^ ^ 2 3 2 o 4 • 5 &c.) and (9.) Cos na = c«(l — n. /* + w. . . /4— ^ — ^ J^T^. ^ — 3 ^ 7?— 4 « — 5 .C o N "• 2 3*4*5^6 *^ 9. The series for the tangent in terms of the arc, is easily de- rived, by the theory of functions, from the expression of the tangent of the double arc. Since ^ffw2a=: ^ =2^4- 2/3 j. I t n^ 4- &c. Put tzza-{- Aa3 ^ Ba^ + &c., and, by substitu- tion, tan2a zz 2a -^ sAa^ + 32Ba^ -f &c.= 2a + (2A + 2)a3^ (2B + 6A -J- 2)a^-}-, &c. Equating, therefore, the corre- sponding terms, we obtain, sA = 2A + 2, or A = i, and 52B = 2B + 6A + 2, or soB = 4, and B = ^. Whence, in general, /«»a=a-J-§-a3-|,^a^ &c. Again, revert this se- ries, and az=t--^i^+j.i^-^^t^+&c. The last series affords the most expeditious mode for the rectification of the circle. Assume an arc a, whose tangent t is one-fifth part of the radius, and tmiazz — J^ — 1~? • ^ 1—6/^+^* ~" 119* consequently (Prop. 5. Trig.) tajt (4a — 45°) = -i-=r .004,184,100,418. Wherefore, computing the terms of the series, ^=.197,395,559,850, and 4a=.789,582,239,400. In like manner, we find 4«--45°=. 004, 184,076,000, and hence the difference between these values, or .785,398,1634 exhibits the length of the octant ; which number, multiplied by 4, gives 3,1415926536 for the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1 . 378 NOTES AN1> ILLUSTItATIONS. 10. Proposition sixth, with its corollaries, would furnish a simple quadrature of the circle. The sine of a semiarc being equal to half the chord, it follows that the ratio of an arc to its chord is compounded of the successive ratios of the radius to the cosines of the continued bisections of half that arc. Assuming therefore the arc of 60°, whose chord is equal to the radius, the logarithm of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter will be thus computed : Arith. comp. log. Cos 15° = .0150562219 Co* 7* 30' = .0037314339, Cos 3° 45' = .0009308547 Cos 1° 52' SO" = .0002325891 Cos 0° 56' 15" = .0000581395 Cos 0° 28' 7i" = .0000145344 One-iliird of the last term, ~ .0000048448 Logarithm of 3 . = .477] 212547 .4971493730, which exceeds only by 3 in the last place the logarithm of 3,l4l59i654. As the successive terms come to form very nearly a progression that descends by quotients of 4, the third of the last one is, for the reason stated in page 245, consider- ed as equal to the result of the continued addition. » 11. An elegant mode of forming the approximate sines cor- responding to any division of the quadrant, may be derived from the principles stated in the calculation of trigonome- tric lines : For the successive differences of the sines for the arcs A — B, A, and A+ B, are sin A. — sin(A — B,) and 5fw (A 4. B) — sin A; and consequently the difference be- tween these again, or the second diflference of the sines, is sin(A 4. B) 4- 5m( A — B)~2«V/A=(Prop. 3. cor. 3. Trig.) -* 2versBsinA, The second differences of the progressive sines are hence subtractive, and always proportional to the sines themselves. Wherefore the sines may be deduced from their second differences, by reversing the usual process, and recom- pounding their separate elements. Thus, the sines of A~E NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 379 and A being already known, their second and descending dif- ference, as it is thus derived from the sine of A, will combine to form the succeeding sine of A+ E, which ia—^versBsinA^ (sinA — sin(A — B) ) -f- sinA. It only remains then, to deter- mine, in any trigonometrical system, the constant multiplier of the sine, or twice the versed sine of the component arc. Suppose the quadrant to be divided into 24 equal parts, each containing 3° 45' or 225'. The length of this arc is nearly OO 111 .11 ^ •4o='|^» ^"^ consequently twice its versed sine =(t^)' — ( __) in approximate terms. If the successive sines, corre- Zoo sponding to the division of the quadrant into 24? equal parts, be therefore continually multiplied by the fraction —-, or di- vided by the number 233, the quotients thence arising will represent their second differences. But, since 233 is nearly equal to 225, or the length in minutes of the primary or com- ponent arc, and which differs not sensibly from its sine, — this last may be assumed as the divisor, the small aberration so produced being corrected by deferring the integral quotients. In this way the following Table is constructed. It will be seen that the number 225, which expresses the length of the component arc, and therefore represents very near- ly its sine, is here employed as the constant divisor. Thus, 225, divided by 225, gives a quotient 1 ; and this, subtracted from 225 leaves 224, which, being joined to 225, forms 449, the sine of the second arc. Again, 449 divided by 225, gives 2 for its in- tegral quotient, which taken from 224, leaves 222 ; and this, added to 449, makes 671, the sine of the third arc. In this way, the sines are successively formed, till the quadrant is completed. The integral quotients, howev«er, are deferred ; that is, the nearest whole number in advance is not always ta- 38 ken. Thus the quotient of 1315 by 225, is 5 — , which ap- preaches nearer to 6, and yet 5 is still retained. These ef- forts to redress the errors of computation are marked with ■ asterisks. 580 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Parts of the quadrant. Arcs. Sines. IstDiff. 2d Diff. Arcs. 1 225' 225 224 1 3" 45' r» 450 449 222 2 7 30 3 675 671 219 3 11 \5 4 900 890 -215 4 15 5 1125 1105 210 5 18 45 0^ 1350 1315 205 ♦ 5 22 30 7 1575 1520 199 6 26 15 8 1 800 1719 191 * 7 30 9 2025 1910 183 8 33 45 JO 2250 2093 174 9 37 30 1 1 2475 2267 164 10 41 15 12 2700 2431 154 * 10 45 13 2925 2585 143 11 48 45 14 3150 2728 131 12 52 30 15 3375 2859 119 * 12 56 15 ]6 3600 2978 106 13 60 17 3825 3084 93 13 63 45 18 4050 3177 79 14 67 30 T9 4275 3256 65 14 71 \5 20 4500 3321 51 14 75 21 4725 3372 37 * 14 78 45 22 4950 3409 22 15 82 30 23 5175 3431 7 13 86 15 1 - 5400 3438 15 ( 90 Each of the three composite columns, we may observe, really forms a recurring series. In the second quadrant, the first differences become subtractive, and the same numbers for the sines are repeated in an inverted order. By continuing the process, these sines are reproduced in the third and fourth quadrants, only on the opposite side. Such is the detailed explication of that very ingenious mode, which, in certain cases, the Hindu astronomers employ, for constructing the table of approximate sines. But, ignorant totally of the principles of the operation, those humble calcu- lators are content to follow blindly a slavish routine. The Brahmins must, therefore, have derived such information from people farther advanced than themselves in science, and of a NOTES AND ILLUSTKATIONS. 861 bolder and more inventive genius. Whatever may be the pre- tensions of that passive race, their knowledge of trigonometri- cal computation has no solid claim to any high antiquity. It was probably, before the revival of letters in Europe, carried to the East, by the tide of victory. The natives of Hindustan Baight receive instruction from the Persian astronomers, who were themselves taught by the Greeks of Constantinople, and stimulated to those scientific pursuits by the skill and liberali- ty of their Arabian conquerors — This opinion seems to derive strong confirmation from the Lilawati, a very meagre and de- fective practical treatise of arithmetic and geometry, which I had some time since an opportunity of examining, with the kind assistance of the learned Dr Wilkins, at the library of the India House. Of that singular performance, a translation from the original Sanscrit by Dr John Taylor, printed at the ex- pence of the Literary Society at Bpmba}', has just reached us, and will enable the European mathematicians, who are ac- quainted with the state of science at the revival of letters in Italy, to reduce the lofty pretensions of the Brahmins to their just level. They will perceive the utter nakedness of a sys- tem, which, in the language of ignorance and oriental exagge- ration, the Hindus represented as endued with a sort of magical virtue, that would enable the person who understands it " to tell, in the twinkling of an eye, the number of leaves on a tree, or of blades of grass in a meadow, or the number of grains of sand on the sea shore." The principles before stated lead to an elegant construction of the approximate sines, entirely adapted to the decimal scale pf numeration, and the nautical division of the circle. Suppose a quadrant to contain 16 equal parts, or half points ; the length 22 111 of each arc is nearly— ^•^:;—= — -, and consequently twice its ver&ed sine is( — )*, or, in round numbers, — , It will be 1 1-^ 105 sufficiently accurate, therefore, to employ 100 for the constant divisor. The sine of the first being likewise expressed by 100,^ let the nearer integral quotients be always retained, and the sine of the whole quadrant, or the radius itself, will come out S82 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. exactly 1000. The first term being divided by 100 gives 1 for the second difference, which, subtracted from 100, leaves 99 for the first diflference, and this joined to 100, fornns the second term. Again, dividing 199 by 100, the quotient 2 is the se- cond difference, which, taken from 99, leaves 97 for the first difference, and this added to 199, gives the third term. In like manner, the rest of thq terms are found. Half Arcs. Sines. IstDiff. 2d Diff. Excess. Correct points. Sines. 1 5« 3?i' 100 99 1 3 97 2 11 15 199 97 2 4 195 3 16 521 296 94 3 5 291 4 22 30 390 90 4 6 384 5 28 7k 480 85 5 7 473 6 33 45 565 79 6 8 557 7 39 22i 644 73 6 9 635 ^ 8 45 00 717 66 7 10 707 9 50 37 1 783 58 8 9 774. 10 56 15 841 50 8 8 833 11 61 52| 891 41 9 7 884 12 67 30 9^^ 32 9 6 9'^6 13 73 7h 964 22 10 5 959 14 78 45 986 12 10 4 982 15 84 22| 998 22 3 995 16 90 00 1000 The errors occasioned by neglecting the fractions accumu- late at first, but afterwards gradually diminish, from the effect of compensation. The greatest deviation takes place, as might be expected, at the middle arc, whose sine is 707 instead of 7l7. Reckoning the error in excess as limited by lO, and de- clining uniformly on each side, the correct sines are finally de- duced. The numbers thus obtained seldom differ, by the thousandth part, from the truth, and are hence far more accu- rate than the practice of navigation ever requires. This sim- ple and expeditious mode of forming the sines is not merely an object of curiosity, but may be deemed of very consider- NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, 383 able importance, as it will enable the mariner, altogether in* dependent of the aid of books, to the loss of which he is often exposed by the hazards of the sea, to construct a table of de-- parture and difference of latitude, sufficiently accurate for every real purpose. 12. In trigonometrical investigations, it is often requisite to determine the proportion which the difference of an arc bears to that of its related lines. With this view, let A denote the increment or finite difference of the quantity to which it is prefixed. 1. In art. 29. of NO. S. change A into A+AA, and B into A ; then will AsinA=9,si?i\6,Acos{^PsL-\-\di.Ay 2. Make the same change in art. 31. of that number, and AcosA= — 25mJ^AA.5m(A4-iAA), 3. In art. 2. of NO. 7. let a similar change be made, and .. . sinAA AtanAzz . cosAcos{A-{-AA) 4. Do the same thing in art. 4>. and . . sin A A AcotA= sinAsin{A-\. aA) 5. In art 22. of NO. 3. make a like substitution, and AsinA^ = sinAAsin(2A + a A). 6. Let the same change be made in art 23., and Aco5A*= — sinAAsin{2A-\- A A). 7. Do the same thing in art. 16. of NO. 7. and ^ j__5i«A A(5m2 A-f A A^ '~ cos A^ cos A + aA)* 8. Lastly, let a similar change be made in art. 17. of that number, and sin A A( sin 2 A 4-^ A) AcofA^ = : ^^ = • stnA^sin{A~\-AAy- If the differences be conceived to diminish indefinitely and pass into differentials, these expressions, in coming to denote only limiting ratios, will drop their excrescences and acquire a much simpler form. Thus, adopting the characteristic dj 33i NOTES AND ILLUSTEATIONS. t ^Ince the ratio of an arc to its sine is ultimately that of equa- lity, and the sine of A+g?A may be considered as the same with the sine of A ; it follows, that 1. d smA—-\~cosAdA, t2. d cosA=z — sin Ad A. 3. dtanA=+.^^ . cosA^ 4. d cot A =— StnA^ .; , ; 5. d, sinA^ — -f- 2sinAcosAdA^ 6. dcosA^zz — 2sinAcosAdA. 2tanAdA 7. dtanA^=z^ S. dcotA^zz^. cosA"- 2cotAdA sinA^ ■J 3. Since, by NO. 12. d si?iA=cosAdA, or the variation of the sine of an arc is proportional to its cosine ; it follows that, near the termination of the quadrant, the slightest alteration in the value of a sine would occasion a material change in the arc itself. Again, from the same Note, d tanA= — —-, or the cosA"- Tariation of the tangept is inversely as the square of the cosine, and must therefore increase with extreme rapidity as the are approaches to a quadrant. 14.. It is convenient to reduce the solution of triangles to al- gebraic Jbrmulce. Let a, h and c denote the sides of any plane triangle, and A, B, and C their opposite angles. The various relations which connect these quantities may all be derived from the application of Prop. 11. o. But, since (art. 16. NO. 3.) sin\A.'-=i\{i—cosA\ it fol- lows, by substitution, that «n|A'=f^£Z^!:z£!±^ - — }-. — ^=:L_L 11 x_/ and therefore, s denoting the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 385 setniperimeter, Sm|A* = ( f— M^— g) . ^j^jch corresponds to Prop. 14. 3. Again, because (art. 17. Note 3.) cos\A^z=\{l+cosA), by substitution, cos^A' = ^ ^^ -=^— ^^^ = V. \ -r ^''^^^ ^ ' ^ % and consequently Co5|A'=: ^-T — ^; which agrees with Prop. 13. 4. The second expression being now divided by the third, gives tan^A"^ =4 ^-^ — ', corresponding to Prop. 12. • These are the Jbrmulce wanted for the solution of the first case of oblique-angled triangles. To obtain the rest, another transformation is required. 5. It is manifest that sinA'zz 1~cq5A'= ^^'<^'— (^'+g'— «')^ 4T* and consequently, by Note 5. Book VI., sinA'^ = -—-^ or o c , 2T 2T sin A z= -7- • Fcg: the same reason, sinB = — , and hence be ac ^?^=-? ; which corresponds to Prop. 9. sino b 6. Again, by composition. '^^^= |=|. and therefore, by art. 18. Note 7- a^ tani{A-^ B) ^^^^^^ ^ ^j^j^ p ^ a+b tan^{A+B)' ^ * 7. Lastly, transforming the first expression, there results, a = ^(b^+c^-^2bc co5A)=>/( (^— c)*4-2^c ver^A) = >/ ( (b+cy^2bc{l-\-cosA)). The iprecedmg Jbrmulce will solve all the cases in plane tri- gonometry ; but, by certain modifications, they may be some- times better adapted for logarithmic calculation. 2c 836 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 8. Divide the terms of art. 6. by a, and ?^i(^~^)= ± . !etA=: tanx, andf^-t^^l^j-f ^ ^^ = (art. 6. Ko, 7.) ^aw (45°-^^). Wherefore, — zz tan x, and tan(^5° — x) = ianlC tanl(A—B)z=tanlC cot(\C-\-B)= ta7i\C(—cot(\C+A)). 9. Again, from art. 7. « = >/ ( (^^-tc)*+2^c versA)zs 2bc (h — and consequently faw|A^«w|B= Again by art. 1., 2^cco5A=: 5^ + c* — a% or a* — b^ — c*= — 2bc.cosA, and adding 2a6 + 26^ to both sides, a^ + 2ab + g=— c*=2tti4-25'— 25c.co5A, or {a-\-b)*—c^z;::2b(a-\-b—c.cosA) ; whence ( {«+ ^) -j- c)((a + b) — c) = 26(a-f-i — c.cosA), and "" * {a-{-b)—c.cosA If the sign of b be changed, and the supplement of its adja- cent angle therefore assumed, we shall obtain * * c — {a — b) c.cosA — [a — b) The relation of the sides and angles of a triangle might also be in some cases conveniently expressed by a converging se- ries, ^, b smB sinB sinB Thus — =-7— r =r a sin A sin{B-\-C) sinBcosC-{- cosBsinC and consequently b sinB cosC -f- b cos B sin C = a sin B, or bstnC ^^J!!^^tanB, Wherefore, by actual division, ^««B= 'b cosC cosB' NOTES AND ILLUSTRAf IONS. 389 —siiiC -i — rSinC cosC H — -smCcosC* + —TsinCcosC^-\-&c.; and, in substituting the powers of this expression for those of the tangent in the series of Note 9., we obtain B= — smC-{- ^sinC cosC +5^3(4co5C'— 1 ) sinC + -^{ 2 cos C -^ I) sin C h b^ h'^ h* cosC +&€.; or — sinC 4- -— sin2Q-\--—sinSC •{■-—. sin^Q + &c. In certain extrenje cases, approximations can likewise be employed with advantage. Thus, suppose the angles A and B to be exceedingly small ; then, by the last paragraph of page 247, their versed sines are very nearly equal to lialf the squares of the sines. Wherefore, sinQ, or sin ( A + B ) =r (art. 1 . Note 3.), sinA{\ — \sinB^)-\'sinE{l'—\sinA.^) nearly, and con- sequently, by art. 5., c=(a + ^) (I — \sinK sinB) ; or, the arcs being nearly equal to their sines, substitute c for a-\- bin the second or differential term, and c~a^b — |cAB. Again, put C = TT — 6, or d = A + B, and {a-\-b){\sinAsinB)=i\siii\sin^ l^zTzf^LQz nearly, orc=a4-i— 1^* — —7-. 15. Propositiipn twenty-fifth, which is employed with great ad- vantage in maritime surveying, admits likewise of a convenient analytical solution. Let the given distances AB, BC and AC be denoted by a, b and c, and the observed angles ADB and CDB by m and n; then (art. 5. Note 3.) BD = 5^"?^_?- *' * Sin m b sinBCD b sin m sinB AD , b sin m — a sin n ^ , or — -. — = ■ T^.,.^ and - — : : — ~ Sinn asmn smBLu b stn m-\- a sin 7t sinBAD-^sinBCD _ . ^ lo xr f 7 ^ /a«i(BAD~BCD) 5mBAD4-5f«BCD - ^^''^' ^^' ^"^^^ ^'^ 7awi(BAD + BCD)- But the angles ABC and ADC of the quadrilateral figure DABC being evidently given, the sum of the remaining an- gles BAD and BCD is given, and each of them is consequent- ly found. Hence the triangles ABD and CBD are imme- diately determined. 390 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. This most useful problem was first proposed by Mr Town- ley, and solved in its various cases by Mr John Collins, in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1671. The second so- lution"'given in the text is borrowed from Legendre. 16. The reduction of oblique angles to their projection on a horizontal plane, is commonly solved by the help of sphe- rical trigonometry. It admits, however, of a simple and ele- gant general solution, derived from the arithmetic of sines. Let a and b denote the two vertical angles, or the acclivities of the diverging lines, A the oblique angle which these con- tain, and A' the reduced or horizontal angle. Since the mag- nitude of an angle depends not on the length of its sides, as- sume each of them equal to the radius or unit, and it is evi- dent that the base of the isosceles triangle thus limited will be the chord of the oblique angle A, the perpendiculars from its extremities to the horizontal plane, the sines, — and the hori- zontal traces or projections, the cosines, of the vertical angles a and b. The base of the isosceles triangle forms the hypotenuse of a right-angled vertical triangle, of which the perpendicular is the difference between the vertical lines. Consequently the square of the reduced base is equal to the excess of the square of the chord of A above the square of the difference of the sines of a and ^, or (cor. 6. def. Trig.) 2 — ^cosA. — (sin a — sinby^: (II. 16. El.) 2 — 2cosA — sin a* — si?i b* •\-'2sin a sin bz=i (2. cor. def. Trig.) cos a^'\-CQS b^ -^^sin a sin b — 2cosA: Wherefore (Prop. 11. Trig.) in the triangle now traced on the horizontal plane, 2cos a cos b cos A.' zz2cosA — 2sin a sin b ; and multiplying by \ sec a sec b, there results (cor. 4. def. Trig.), 1 . Cos A' =r sec a sec 5 cos A — tan a tan b. This expression appears concise and commodious, but it may be still variously transformed. For vers A' = 1 — co5 A' = 1 + tan a tanb — sec a sec b cos A = sec a sec b {cos a cosb-{'Sin a sin b — cosA)=z (Prop. 2. Trig.) seca sec b{cos{a — b) — cos A) : whence 2. VersA'zzsec asecb{ versA—vers(a — b).) NOTES AND ILLtJSTRATIONS. 391 Again, because (2. cor. l.andS. cor. o,Trig.)versA'zz2sm\A'*' and versA—vers(a^b)z^2sm^:±i±Z^, sin A-(g--&)^ ^e ob. tain, by substitution, 3. 5i;ziA* = sec a secb(isin^i±J^^Z^. sin A-(| -f ^)), Of these JbrmuicBf the first, I presume, is new, and appears distinguished by its simplicity and elegance. The last one however, is, on the whole, the best adapted for logarithmic calculation* When the vertical angles are skftall, the problem will admit of a very convenient approximation. For, assumiDg the arcs a, b as equal to their tangents, it follows, by substitution, that cosA'=cosA^(l~^a'')>^{l+b^)-yKOQ part <» a second. Hence each angle of the small spherical triangle requires to be diminished by «,4 sinC 455:28 ^^ ^^^°"^'- 18. Another problem of great use in the practice of delicate surveying, is to reduce angles to the centre of the station. In- stead of planting moveable signals at each point of observa- tion, it will often be found more convenient to select the more notable spires, towers, or other prominent objects which oc- cur interspersed over the face of the country. In such cases, it is evidently impossible for the theodolite or circular instru- ment, although brought within the cover of the building, to be placed immediately under the vane. The observer ap- proaches the centre of the station as near, therefore, as he can with advantage, and calculates the quantity of error which the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 395 minute displacement may occasion. Thus, suppose it were required to determine the angle AOB which the re- mote object A and B sub- tend at O, the centre of a permanent station : The instrument is placed in the immediate vicinity at the point C, and the distance CO, with the angle of devia- tion OCA, are noted, while the principal angle ADCB is observed. The central angle AOB may kence be computed from the rules of trigonometry; but the calculation is effected by simpler and more expeditious me- thods. Since (I. 30. E\.) the exterior angle ADB is equal both to AOB with OAC, and to ACB wJth OBC ; it is evi- dent that AOB = ACB + OBC— OAC. But the angles OBC and OAC, being extremely small, may be considered as equal CO to their sines, and (art. 5. Note 14.) &in OBC = /jg sinBCO, CO and sinOAC == q^ sinACO ; wherefore the angle AOB at. f sinBCO sinACO^ the centre, is nearly equal to ACB + C0\^ = ACB + C0 r^^7>H^^^''^ - -)• OA ; Call the dis- OB sinACO OB OA" tances AC and BC of the point of observation, a and b, the distances AO and BO of the centre a^ and &' ; the displace- ment CO, and the angle ACO of deviation m and ^, while the subtended angles ACB and AOB are denoted by C and C, and the opposite angles ABO and OAB by A and B ; then C ~r) 3438'. If the centre O lies oh AC, the correction of the observed angle, expressed in mi- nutes, will be merely \-r^sinC } 3438', ^c + ,»(^^2i^ 396 NOtES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. But the problem admits of a simpler approximation. Let a circle circumscribe the points A, O, ami B , and cut AC in E. The angle AOB = (IlL 16. El.) AEB = ACB -f CBE ; CE but sinCBE = jg^ sinACB, and sinOEC = sinAEO or ABO CO is equal to ^ sinCOE or AEO— ACO, and hence by com- ,. . . r.r.T^ CO ^iwACB 5m(AB0->AC0) ^. bmation sm CBE = ^ SaBO ^^^^^^ therefore, EB is nearly equal to OB, and the small angle CBE may be regarded as equal to its sine, the correction to be add- m ed to the observed angle is denoted in minutes by -r? sinCsin(A — _ b + \Ab ' tan^AQ tan\AA. ^aw(A-f-iAA)' Or, transforming the preceding expression, \Ab tan\AK , , 7-rv— r= — • r-~TirT~mr:* ^"^ consequently b^\Ab ^aw(A-i-iAA) ^ ^ \^b tan\AA / . , XT . ».v '-T-= ~ r .HA+^aAA)+^a.|AA = ^^^'^ ^- ^^^^ 7-) 52w(A+AA) ^ * V««(A+AA;) wherefore, 13 |A& __ jA^ _ ^/ co5(A4-^AA )x * 5W^aC 5iw^AA ^5m(A-|-AA) / Again, in the same incremental triangle, by art. 20. Note ]2. co5(A+|AA)= — (— co4aC)= — cos\aA ; whence Ac Ac 14, ^^ _ CQ^(A4-|AA) *Ac"~" co^^aA *■ 400 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. The differentials are found as before, by the omission of the minute excrescences. dc dc b * 11. -77:: :r: dC dA smA 12 —- —-^ * dC dA tanA ^^^ db db , (cosA\ , , . * 14'. -y-zzcosA, dc To compute the values of the finite differences, when these differences themselves are involved in their compound expres- sion, the easiest method is to proceed by repeated approxima- tions. Thus, from art. 3» Acr=——^^^^7jY^-TT (2c+Ac) ; as- taizkAB sume, therefore, first, Ac = — c otiA-L ^aA\ ^^ ' ^"^ then, ^c tanlAB tan^AB^ = - coiiA + iAA) (2^- cot{A+lAA) ^')' ^"^ '^ ^^" '^^' dom be requisite to advance beyond two steps ; though the process, if continued, would evidently form an infinite converr ging series. When only one part of a triangle remains constant, the ex- pressions for the finite differences will often become extremely complicated. It may be sufficient in general to discover the relations of the differentials merely. To do this, let each in- determinate part be supposed to vary separately, and find, by the precedingy<>nwM/<^, the effect produced ; these distinct ele- ments of variation being collected together, will exhibit the entire differential. The materials of this intricate Note appear in Cagnoli, but the subject was first started by our countryman Mr Cotes, a mathematician of profound and original genius, in a brief tract, entitled Estimatio errorum in mixta Mathesi, It is unfortunate that I have not room for explaining the application of those JbrmulcB to the selection and proper combination of triangles in nice surveys. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 401 'iO. Having in some of the preceding notes briefly pointed out the several corrections employed in the more delicate geo- desiacal operations, I shall subjoin a few general remarks on the application of trigonometry to practice. The art of surveying consists in determining the boundaries of an extended surface. When performed in the completest manner, it ascertains the positions of all the prominent objects within the scope of ob- servation, measures their mutual distances and relative heights, and consequently defines the various contours which ;iiark the surface. -But the land-surveyor seldom aims at such minute and scrupulous accuracy ; his main object is to trace expedi- tiously the chief boundaries, and to compute the superficial contents of each field. In hilly grounds, however, it is not the absolute surface that is measured, but the diminished quantity which would result, had the whole been reduced to a horizon- tal plane. This distinction is founded on the obvious princi- ple, that, since plants shoot up vertically, the vegetable pro- duce of a swelling eminence can never exceed what would have grown from its levelled base. All the sloping or hypo- tenusal distances are, therefore, reduced invariably to their horizontal lengths, before the calculation is begun. Land is surveyed either by means of the chain simply, or by combining it with a theodolite or some other angular instru- ment. The several fields are divided into large triangles, of which the sides are measured by the chain ; and if the exterior boundary happens to be irregular, the perpendi?-±=d_Y M->>j'-(oY)\ But the area of the qua- drilateral figure, or that of its two component triangles, is sinhi-^- — \z=i\sinK'^ah-\^'icd)y and therefore its square is= 4^inh} ( 2a^+ 2cf^)S or ^^.{a + hf-^c-^f.ia^by-^c^dY = 4< * 4 "" a^bJ{-c — d a-\-b^c+d a — b^c-{-d — g^hJ^cJf-d 2 ' 2 * 2 * 2 • Or, if 5 denote the semiperimeter, the square of the area will be expressed by 5 — a,s — b.s — c,s — d. If one of the sides d were supposed to vanish, the quadrilateral figure would pass into a triangle, whose area would be s.s~a,s — b.s — c, — the same as was before investigated. The English chain is 22 yards, or 66 feet in length, and equi- valent to four poles ; it is hence the tenth part of a furlong, or the eightieth part of a mile. The chain is divided into a hun- dred links, each occupying 7.92 inches. An acre contains ten square chains or 100,000 links. A square mile, therefore, in- cludes 640 acres ; and this large measure is deemed sufficient, in certain rude and savage countries, as the Back Settlements of America, where vast tracts of new land are allotted merely by running lines north and south, and intersecting these by perpendiculars, at each interval of a mile. The Scotch chain consists of 24 ells, each containing 37.069 inches, and ought therefore to have 74-. 138 feet for its correct length. The English acre is hence to the Scotch, in round numbers, as 11 to 14, or very nearly as the circle to its cir- cumscribing square. But this provincial measure is gradual- 404' KOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. ly wearing into disuse, and already the statute acre seems to be generally adopted in the counties south of the Forth. 21. Levelling is a delicate and important branch of general surveying. It may be performed very expeditiously by help of a large theodolite, capable of measuring with precision the vertical angle subtended by a remote object, the distance being calculated, and allowance made for the effect of the earth's convexity and the influence of refraction. But the raore usual and preferable method is to employ an instrument designed for the purpose, and termed a spirit-levelj which is accompanied by a pair of square staves, each composed of two parts that slide out into a rod of ten feet in length, every foot being divided centesimally. Levelling is distinguished into two kinds, the simple and the compound; the former, which rarely admits of application, assigns the difference of altitude by a single observation; but the latter discovers it from, a combined series of observations carried along an irregular sur- face, the aggregate of the several descents being deducted from that of the ascents. The staves are therefore placed successively along the line of survey, at suitable intervals ac- cording to the nature of the ground and not exceeding 400 yards, the levelling instrument being always planted nearly in the middle between them, and directed backwards to the first staff, and then forwards to the second. The difference between the heights intercepted by the back and the fore observation, must evidently give at each station the quantity of ascent or descent, and the error occasioned by the curvature of the globe may be safely overlooked, as on such short distances it will not amount at each station to the hundredth part of a foot. To discover the final result of a series of operations, or the diffe- rence o^ altitude between the extreme stations, the measures of the back and fore observations are all collected severally, and the excess of the latter above the former indicates the ep- tire quantity of descent. As an example of levelling, I shall take the concluding part of a survey, which my friend Mr Jardine, civil engineer, has recently made for the Town-Council of Edinburgh, with a de- gree of accuracy seldom attempted, in tracing the descent from the Black and Crawley springs, near the summits of the NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 40^ PentUnd chain, to the Reservoir on the Castlehill, with a view to the conducting of a fresh supply of water from those heights. To avoid unnecessary conaplication, however, i shall only no- tice the principal stations. The figure annexed represents a profile or vertical section of the ground, LV is the level of the Black spring, and the several perpendiculars from it denote the varying depth of the surface, referred to the base assu- med 700 feet below. The stations marked are as follow : L Lowest point in the Meadow. M Cleansing cocks on the north side of the Meadow. N Sunk fence in Lord Wemyss's garden. O Air cock in Archibald's nursery. P South side of Lauriston road. Q Bottom of Heriot's Green Reservoir. R Head of Hamilton's close. S Strand on south side of Grassmarket. T Cleansing cock on north side of Grassmarket. U Gaelic Chapel. V Upper side of the belt of Castlehill Reservoir. Back Ob- Fore Ob- Stations. Distance. servation. servation. Ascent. Feet. Feet Feet. Feet. L M 370 4.59 2.04 2.55 N 640 8.68 3.05 8.18 O 905 9-12 2.22 15.08 P 1236 29.43 2.11 42.40 Q 1493 16.24 1.40 57.24 R 1925 2.54 26.98 32.80 s 2260 4.69 53.28 —15.79 T 2352 4.22 4.42 —15.99 U 2540 32.40 1,25 15.15 V 2705 94.77 997 99.95 406 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Black spring, being 620.05 feet above the level of the Mea- dow, is therefore 520.1 feet higher thiin the belt of the reser- voir. The numbers exhibited in the last column, are obtained by taking the differences of the aggregates of the two preced- ing columns. Where the ground either sinks or rises suddenly, some intermediate observations are here grouped together in- to a single amount. Thus, three observations were made be- tween O and P, two between P and Q, three between Q and R, five between R and S, three between T and U, and no fewer than nine between U and V. The slight sketch between the perpendiculars from Q and R, shows the mode of planting and directing the instrument. The mode of levelling on a grand scale, or determining the heights of distant mountains, will receive illustration from the third volume of the Trigonometrical Survey, which Colonel Mudge has been kindly pleased to communicate to me before its publication. I shall select the largest triangle in the series, being one that connects the North of England with the Borders of Scotland. The distance of the station on Cross Fell to that on Wisp Hill, is computed at 235018,6 feet, or 44.511 miles, which, reckoning 6094?^ feet for the length of a minute near that parallel, corresponds, on the surface of the globe, to an arc of 38' 33".?. Wisp Hill was seen depressed 30' 4-8" from Cross Fell, which again had a depression of 2' 31" when view- ed from Wisp Hill. The sum of these depressions is 33' 19", which, taken from 38' 33".7, the measure of the intercepted arc, or the angle at the centre, leaves 5' 14".7, for the joint effect of refraction at both stations. The deflection of the visual ray produced by that cause, which the French philo- sophers estimate in general at .079, had therefore amounted only to .06805, or a very little more than the Jifteenth part of the intercepted arc. Hence, the true depression of Wisp Hill was 30'48"— 16'39".5=14'8''.5; and consequently, estimating from the given distance, it is 967 feet lower than Cross Fell. From Wisp Hill, the top of Cheviot appeared exactly on the same level, at the distance of 185023.9 feet, or 35.0424 miles. Wherefore, two-thirds of the square of this last num- ber, or 819, would, from the scholium at page 276, express in feet the approximate height of Cheviot above Wisp Hill. But refraction gave the mountain a more towering elevation than NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 407 it really had ; and the measure being reduced in the former ratio of 38' 33".7 to 33' 19", is hence brought down to 708 feet. Again, the distance 292012.7 feet, or 55.3054? miles, of Cross Fell from Cheviot, corresponds to an arc of 4-7' 54?'/.8, which, reduced by the effect of refraction, would leave 41' 23".8 for the sum of the depressions at both stations. Con- sequently, Cheviot had, from Cross Fell, a true depression of only 23/ 4<4"— 20' 4r'.9 or 3> 2".l, and is therefore lower than that mountain by 258 feet. These results agree very nearly with each other. The height of Cross Fell above the level of the sea being 2901, that of Wisp Hill is 1934, and that of Cheviot 2642 or 2643. In the Trigonometrical Survey, the latter heights are stated at 1940 and 2658 ; a difference of small moment, owing to a balance of errors, or perhaps to the adoption of some other data with respect to horizontal refraction, and which do not appear on record. From the same valuable work, I am tempted to borrow ano- ther example, which *has more local interest. From Lums- dane Hill, the north top of Largo Law, at the distance of 189240.1 feet, or 35.84 miles, appeared sunk 9' 32" below the horizon. Here the intercepted arc is 31' 3", and the effect of the earth's curvature, modified by refraction, is 13' 24". 8 ; whence the true elevation of Largo Law was 1 3' 24".8 — 9' 32", or 3' 52//.8, which makes it 213 feet higher than Lumsdane Hill, or 938 feet above the level of the sea. In the Trigono- metrical Survey, this height is stated at 952 ; but I am in- clined to prefer the former number, having once found it by a barometrical measurement, in weather not indeed the most favourable, to be only 935 feet. Through the kindness of Captain Colby of the Royal Engi- neers, who has for several years so ably conducted the survey under the direction of Colonel Mudge, I am enabled to subjoin some more examples, from the observations made last season. From Dunrich Hill the station on Cross Fell appeared de- pressed 19' 21", at the distance of 349,343 feet or 66.1634 miles. This corresponds on the same parallel to an intercepted arc of 57' 19"; the half of which, diminished by one-twelfth of the whole, gives 23' 53, for the effect of curvature modified by 40S NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. refraction. Cross Fell had therefore an elevation of 4' S2^', the excess of 23' 53'' above 19' 21'', which, at the given dis- tance, makes it to be 461 feet higher than Dunrich Hill. Con- .sequently, the altitude of Dunrich Hill above the level of the sea is 2901 — 4-61^ or 2440 feet. This altitude^ detern>ined IVom nearer bases, was only 2421 feet. Again, from Cairnsmuir upon Deugh, at the height of 2597 feet above the sea, the top of Ben-Lomond appeared with a depression of 18' 24", the distance being nearly 352,004 feet, or 66.6673 miles. The intercepted arc on the earth's surface was hence 57' 45^", and the effect of curvature, as modified by refraction, 24' 4". Wherefore, R : ^a«6'40", the real ele- vation : : 352,004 : 580, which, added to 2597, gives 3177 for the altitude of Ben-Lomond. We shall select another example, which affords an approxi- mation to the diameter of our globe. From the station at the observatory on the Calton-hill, at the altitude of 350 feet, the horizon of the sea was found depressed 18' 12" But refrac- tion being supposed to have diminished the effect by one- twelfth part, if the eleventh part be added of this remaining quantity, there will result 19' 43" for the true measure of de- pression. The angle at the centre is consequently the half of 1 9' 43" or 9' 51 1" ; wherefore, tan 9' 51.^" : 11 : : 350 : 122,048 feet, or 23.1 152 miles, the distance at which the extreme visual ray grazes the sea. Again, tan 9 51|" : R : : 23.1152 : 4030 miles, the radius of the earth, a near approximation to the real measure, or 3956. It should be noticed, that the state of the tide would have some effect in modifying the angle of de- pression. Thus, on the 12th May 1816, at 7f p. ni. the de- pression towards the mouth of the Firth of Forth, between the Isle of May and the Bass Rock, was found to be 18' 14" ; but it was 18/ 16" in a direction more to the north and near the Fife coast, because the sea had ebbed nearly five hours, the current outwards running first along the northern shore. On the following day, at three quarters after twelve o'clock, and therefore two hours and a half before high water, the de* pression about the middle of the Firth was 18' 9", and only IS' 6" on the northern shore, the tide then flowing up princi- pally in the middle of the channel. ROTES AND ILLUSTIIATIONS. 409 ^22. MARITIME Surveying is of a mixed nature : It not only determines the positions of the remarkable headlands, and other conspicuous objects that present themselves along the vicinity of a coast, but likewise ascertains the situation of the various inlets, rocks, shallows and soundings which occur in approaching the shore. To survey a new or inaccessible coast, two boats are moored at a proper interval, which is carefully measured on the surface o( the water ; and from each boat the bearings of all the prominent points of land are taken by means of an azimuth compass, or the angles subtended by these points and the other boat are measured by a Hadley's sextant Ha- ving now on paper drawn the base to any scale, straight lines radiating from each end at the observed angles, as in Prop. 21. of the Trigonometry, will by their intersections give the positions of the several points from which the coast may be sketched. — But a chart is more accurately constructed, by combining a survey made on land, with observations taken on the water. A smooth level piece of ground is chosen, on which a base of considerable length is measured out, and sta- tion staves are fixed at its extremities. If no such place can be found, the mutual distance and position of two points con- veniently situate for planting the staves, though divided by a broken surface, are determined from one or more triangles, which connect with a shorter and temporary base assumed near the beach. A boat then explores the offing, and at every rock, shallow, or remarkable sounding, the bearings of the sta- tion staves are noticed. These observations furnish so many triangles, from which the situation of the several points are easily ascertained.— When a correct map of the coast can be procured, the labour of executing a maritime survey is mate- rially shortened. From each notable point of the surface of the water, the bearings of two known objects on the land are taken, or the intermediate angles subtended by three such ob- jects are observed. In the first case, those various points have their situations ascertained by Prop. 21. and the second case by Prop. 25. of the Trigonometry. To facilitate the last con- struction, an instrument called the Station-Pointer has been invented, consisting of three brass rulers, which open and set at the given angles. 410 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 23. The nice art of observing has in its progress kept pace with the improved skill displayed in the construction of instruments. Surveys on a vast scale have lately been performed in Europe, with that refined accuracy which seems to mark the perfection of science. After the conclusion of the American war, a me- moir of Count Cassini de Thury was transmitted by the French Government to our Court, stating the important advantages which would accrue to astronomy and navigation, if the dif- ference between the meridians of the observations of Green- wich and Paris were ascertained by actual measurement. A spirit of accommodation and concert fortunately then prevail- ed. Orders were speedily given for carrying the plan into execution ; and General Koy, who was charged with the con- duct of the business on this side of the Channel, proceeded with activity and zeal. In the summer of 178'i, a fundamental base, rather more than five miles in length, was traced on Hounslow Heathj about 54< feet above the level of the sea, and measured with every precaution, by means of deal rods, glass tubes, and a steel chain, allowance being made for the effects of the variable heat of the atmosphere in expanding those ma- terials. The same line was, seven years afterwards, remea- sured with an improved chain, which yet gave a difference on the whole of only three inches. The mean result, or 27404'.2 feet, at the temperature of 62° by Fahrenheit's scale, is there- fore assumed as the true length of the base. Connected with this line, and commencing from Windsor Castle, a series of thirty-two primary triangles was, in 1787 and 1788, extended to Dover and Hastings, on the coast of Kent and Sussex. Two triangles more stretched across the Channel. The hori- zontal and vertical angles at each station were taken with sin- gular accuracy by a theodolite, which the celebrated artist Ramsden had, after much delay, constructed, of the largest dimensions and the most exquisite workmanship. At the same period, a new base of verification was measured on Rom- ney Marsh, 15^ feet above the sea, and found, after various reductions, to be 28535.6773 feet in length. This base, com- puted from the nearest chain of triangles dependent on that of Hounslow Heath, ought to have been 28533.3 ; differing scarcely more than two feet on a distance of eighty miles. The mean, or 28534'.5, is adopted for calculating the adjacent NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 411 and subsequent triangles. These triangles near the coast were unavoidably confined and oblique ; but their sides are generally deduced from larger and more regular triangles, ex- panding over the interior of the country. The annexed figure exhibits the most interesting portion of this memorable sur- vey, and represents the various combination of triangles. At- tached to it is a scale of English miles. A Frant Church. B Goodhurst Church. C Hollingborn Hill. D Tenterden Church. E Fairlight Down. F Allington Knoll. G Lydd Church. H Ruckinge. I High Nook. K Folkstone Turnpike. L Padlesworth. M Swingfield Church. N Dover Castle. O Church at Calais. P Blancnez Signal. R Fiennes Signal. S Montlambert Signal. KL The base of verification. hm CE± Calculation of the sides of the Triangles, ACE A 70*» 23' 2" C 52 II 2 * E 48 25 55 A 27 B 136 C 16 ABC 4 36.13 27 35.87 27 48 * 141744.4 113926 107895.7 71298.5 44391.2 ABE A 43* i".77 7\637.'2 D ()4 59 25.81 93629:2 li 35 20 58.42 CDF C 40 5'6.96 * 6]777-5 T> 91 34 22.01, .96039.8 r 48 24 39 DFG 1) 43 45 23.18 47850.9 ¥73 27 66169.2 G 63 14 9.82 * DEG D 62 32 32.51 71692.2 E 54 59 17-31 G 62 27 50.18* 71637.2 478509 EFG E 21 18 37* r 32 59 23 G 125 42 106926.2 FGI F 33 8 46.1 31363.7 G 26 57 29.9* 23185.7 1 121 53 44 FHI E 91 27 19-5 28534.5 H 54 19 18.5 I 34 13 22 16053 FGK F 109 50 3935 84662.8 G 38 2 23.76 554631.6 K 33- 6 56.89 * E 13 G 154 L 12 EGL 38 2.95 5 54 4 16 2.65 79536.1 14739.2 F;K 5170cS 1 79 41 0.5 . K 24 17 6.25 IKL I 14 48 25.5 * 14714.3 K 57 2 48305.2 L 108 9 345 KLM K 60 27 39.5 170566 L 70 54 5.5 18525 8 M 48 38 15 30560.4 31555 7 42562.7 KMN K 19 43 53.5 M 75 36 40 N 34 39 26.5 KLN K 130 11 33 L 34 29 42.5 N 15 18 44.5 ELN E 6 6 39.43 L 152 15 25.15 186119 N 21 37 55.42 * ENP E 25 33 55.02 ♦ II6660 N 110 55 29.83* 252505,6 P 43 30 35.15* ENS 43 19 53.32 87 30 29.38 49 9 31.9 N 23 P 119 S 36 25 41 53 NPS 0.25 41.64 18 11 168827 245786 77237 2 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, 413 .. In this register, each angle in the successive triangles is, for the sake of conciseness, marked by the single letter affixed to it, and the computed length of its opposite side in feet ranges in the same line. Tlie addition of an asterisk denotes that an angle was not actually observed, but only deduced from cal- culation. The oblique triangles ABC and ABE have their sides BC and BE derived from other larger triangles, which were nearly equiangular. The triangles ELN and E-NP had their angles discovered from conjoined observations. In ge- neral the several angles, as affected by the spherical excess, were corrected for computation by a sort of tentative process. It results from a train of calculations, that Dover Castle lies south 67° 44' 34" east, and at the distance of 328231 feet or 62.165 miles, from Greenwich Observatory. On their part, the French astronomers, under the direction of Cassini, car- ried forward the trigonometrical operations from Dunkirk to Paris ; employing Borda*s repeating circle, an instrument much smaller and less perfect than Ramsden's theodolite, but form- ed on a principle which always procures the observer a near compensation of errors. From a comparison of the whole, it follows, that the meridian of the Observatory of Paris lies 2° 19' ^l" east from that of Greenwich, differing only nine se- conds in defect from what the late Dr Maukelyne had pre- viously determined from combined astronomical observations. The success with which that great survey was attended, gave occasion both in France and England to still more ex- tensive projects. The National Assembly, amidst other es- sential improvements which it meditated, having resolved to adopt a general and consistent system of measures, the length of a degree of the meridian at the middle point between the pole and the equator was proposed as a permanent basis. But to secure greater accuracy in determining the standard, it had been decided to prolong the observations on both sides of the mean latitude, and trace a chain of triangles over the whole extent from Dunkirk to Barcelona. This bold plan was exe- cuted in the course of the years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, with equal sagacity and resolution, by MM. Delambre and Mechain, who, during all the horrors of revolutionary com- 4H« NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. motion, yet pressed forward their operations in spite of obsta- cles and dangers of the most sickening kind. After the va- rious triangles, amounting in total to 115, had been observed, they were connected, in the neighbourhood of Paris, with a base of more than seven miles in length, and measuring, at the temperature of 16^° on the centigrade scale, or 6l^° by Fahrenheit, 6075. 9 toises from Melun to Lieursaint. A base of verification was likewise traced near the southern extremity of the line of survey, extending 6006.25 toises along the road from Perpignan to Narbonne. This base appeared not to differ one foot from the calculation founded on the other, though separated by a distance of 400 miles, — a convincing proof of the accuracy with which the observations had been made. A specimen of the French triangulation is given in the figure be- low, where the vertical line represents the meridian of Dun- kirk, with the distances expressed by intervals of 10,000 toises. A St Martin du Tertre. B Dammartin. C Pantheon at Paris. D Belle Assise. E Brie, F Montlheri. G Lieursaint. H Melun. I Malvoisine, K Torfou. L Foret. M Chapelle. N Pithiviers. O Bois Commun. P Chatillon. Q Chateau- neuf. R Orleans. GH The primary base. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 415 Calculation of the sides of the Triangles, ABC A 76^ 2'30\66 17310.3013 B 57 20 17.82 150173211 C 46' 37 11.52 BCD B 59 52 2.20 15756.8013 C 48 17 34.50 13601.3539 D 7150 23.30 CDE C 37 1 40.59 9516.5896 D 57 21 1.87 13305.8528 E 85 37 17.54 CEF C 61 13 47.94 13101.0845 E 55 51 48.75 12370.8194 F 62 54 23.31 EFI E 40 32 37.60 F 45 18 40.41 1 74 8 41.99 8852.8293 12374.2130 FIG F 49 34 22.32 8369.1673 I 76 47 42.98 10703.5616 G 53 37 54.70 IGH I 40 36 56.68 G 75 39 29.67 H 63 43 33.65 6075.S993 9042.5510 FIK F 55 10 1.03 7357.8627 I 43 52 3.25 6212.1595 K 80 57 55.72 IKL 53° 22' 24" 93 8349.1059 81 36 49.90 10^92.0814 45 45.17 I 70 51 L 62 47 M 46 20 ILM 37.77 13438.2345 29.54 12650.5655 52.69 LMN L 68 35 59.16 14402.0625 M 51 5 13.26 12036.0949 N 60 IS 47.58 MNO M 31 58 52.87 9190.1355 N 91 55 5.70 17341,8323 O 56 6 1.43 NOP N 31 53 2.40 4877.2386 O 52 33 5,48 7330.6l66 P 95 33 52.12 • . OPQ O 62 31 30.34 10446 5520 P 93 17.27 11758.3955 Q 24 28 1239 PQR P 50 28 6.42 12053.9075 Q 87 35 8.93 15614.7105 R 41 56 44.65 Through the whole process of their survey, the French astrgnomers have certainly displayed superior science. In de- 4-16 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. ducing the correct results, they seem to exhaust all the re- finements of calculation. The angles measured by the re- peating circle, it was necessary to reduce, not only to the ho- rizontal plane, but generally besides to the centre of observa- tion. This would have required much nice and tedious com- putation ; the labour of performing such reductions was how- ever greatly simplified and abridged, by help of concise fov' mulcB^ and the application of auxiliary tables. There is even room to suspect that those ingenious philosophers have car- ried the fondness for numerical operations to an excess, and often pushed the decimal places to a much greater length in their estimates than the nature of the observations themselves could safely warrant. In the spring of 1799, the registers of all these operations . were referred to a commission, consisting of the ablest mem- bers of the Institute, and some other learned men deputed from the countries then at peace with France. The various calculations were carefully examined and repeated ; and a comparison of the celestial arc with that which had been mea- sured in Peru having given — - for the oblateness of the earth, the length of the quadrant of the meridian, or the distance of the pole from the equator, was finally determined at 5130710 toises, the ten millionth part of which, or the space of 443.295936 lines forms the metre. This standard was after- wards definitively decreed by the Legislative Body. Mechain, however, still anxious to realize his early project of extending the meridian as far as the Balearic Isles, again repaired to Spain, and conducted with incredible exertions a chain of triangles over the savage heights from Barcelona to Tortosa, and was about to observe the altitude of the stars, and measure the base of Oropesa, when, worn out by continued fatigue, he caught an epidemic fever, which fatally closed his meritorious labours, at Castellon de la Plana, in the kingdom of Valentia, about the latter part of September 1805. — The prosecution of the plan was subsequently committed to MM. Biot and Arago, who brought it to a fortunate conclu- sion. In the winter of 1806 and the spring of 1807, these •NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 4-17 philosophers contin»ed the series of triangles from Barce- lona to the kingdom of Vaientia, and joined that coast with the Balearic Isles, by an immense triangle, of which one of the sides exceeded an hundred miles in length. At such prodigious distances, the stations, however elevated, and not- withstanding the fineness of the climate, could not be seen during the day ; but they were rendered visible at night, by combining Argand lamps with powerful reflectors. These ob- servations give a result which agrees almost exactly with what had been already found by Delambre and Mechain. If the mean were adopted, it would yet scarcely affect the length of the metre by the diminution of a four millionth part, making this to be 443.322 lines of the toise brought by the Academi- cians from Peru. The meridional arc extending from Dunkirk to Formentera, measures 12° 22' 13".395 ; and from this ample basis, the circumference of the earth is computed to be 24855.42 English miles, and the ratio of its axes that of 308 to 309. The fourth volume of the Base Metrique, containing the ac- count of the trigonometrical observations made by Biot and Arago in Spain and the Balearic Isles, has been long promi- sed ; and I was induced, for a considerable time, to defer the publication of this edition, in the hope of being able to draw come additional information from such a valuable source. In the prosecution, however, of the French measurement, an ap- plication from the Institute has been transmitted by Count Laplace to Colonel Mudge, to have Ramsden's Zenith Sector erected near Yarmouth, in order to connect the English arc thence across the sea to near Dunkirk, with the meridional measurement extending through France and Spain to For- mentera, which would have the important advantage of being nearly bisected by the parallel of 45^. This proposition, I am happy to learn, will be carried into immediate effect. In England, the prosecution of the trigonometrical survey, without aiming at such splendid views, has, suitably to the ge- nius of the people, been directed to objects of more domestic interest, and perhaps real utility and importance. The per- plexing inaccuracy of our best maps and charts had long been the subject of most serious complaint. It was in consequence resolved to extend the series of connected triangles over the 2E 418 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. wliole surface of the Island. But the death of General Roy, happening so early as 1790, threatened to prove fatal to the completion of his favourite scheme, for which the talents and experience he possessed had so eminently fitted him. Af- ter some interruption, however, an opportunity was embraced of resuming that noble plan ; and it was, under the direction of the Board of Ordnance, committed to the care of Colonel Mudge, who, with equal ability and undiminished ardour, has, during the space now of upwards of twenty years, been engaged in carrying on the most extensive and varied system of ope- rations ever attempted, and in a style of execution which re-: fleets on him the highest credit. In 1793 and 1794^, the chain of primary triangles was continued from Shooter's Hill to Dun- nose in the Isle of Wight, including a great part of Surry, Sus- sex, Hants, Wiltshire and Dorsetshire, and connecting with a new base of verification measured on Salisbury Plain. This base had, after correction, a length of 36571-4^ feet, or 6.92697 miles, having lost almost a whole foot in being reduced from an elevation of .588 feet to the level of the sea. It differed scarcely an inch from the computation founded on the base of Hounslow Heath. In 1795, the triangles were carried into Devonshire ; and they were continued in 1796 through Corn* wall to the Sciliy Islands. The West of England became the scene of repeated operations. In 1798, a third base was mea- sured on King's Sedgeraoor near Somerton, and found, after various corrections, to be 27680 feet, or 5.242425 miles, dif- fering only about a foot from the result of the calculation de- pendent on that of Salisbury Plain. The survey now advanced to the centre of England, and was extended in 1803 to Clif- ton in Yorkshire ; another base of verification, 2.6342.7 feet in length, having been measured at Misterton Carr,on the north of Lincolnshire. The triangles were next carried towards Wales, and made to rest on a base of 24514.26 feet, stretch- ing from the western borders of Flintshire to Llandulas in Den- bighshire. From this last base, numerous triangles have been extended in different directions ; one series bending through Anglesea and by Cardigan Bay, to tlie Bristol Channel ; an- other penetrating into the central parts of England ; while a third series stretches northwards, through Lancashire, Cum- KOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 419 berland and Westmoreland, into Scotland, and uniting with the collateral chain of Misterton Carr from Yorkshire and Northumberland, is prolonged to the heights immediately be- yond the Firth of Forth. We look forward with anxiety to the conclusions of this arduous undertaking. The mountains and islands near the western coast of Scotland will furnish tri- angles of vast extent. Colonel Mudge will not omit, we are confident, the opportunities that such stations may afford to determine the quantity of horizontal refraction, noting at the same time the variable state of the atmosphere. The indica- tions of the hygrometer would then require attention. We have perfect reliance in the accuracy of his observations ; yet it would be desirable in all cases, as in the French operations, that the third angle of each triangle were actually measured. It would likewise be satisfactory, in surveying the more moun- tainous tracts, that the barometer should always accompany the theodolite, that both modes of determining the altitudes of the stations might be compared. The triangulation has been extended along the east coast of Scotland as far as the county of Banff and the borders of Ross-shire. It has also been carried towards the same points from Cumberland, through the heights of Galloway and Dumfries-shire, to the summit of Ben-Lomond; and from Dum- bartonshire and the vicinity of Glasgow in a north-easterly di- rection, connecting all the remarkable mountains of Perth- shire. The sands of Belhelvie, a few miles westward of Aber* deen, the spot formerly pointed oiit by General Roy, is now selected for a base of verification, which Colonel Mudge in- tends to measure in person this summer. It would no doubt Be very desirable to have another intermediate base determi- ned nearer the west side of the island. For this purpose, the plain between Kinniel and Carron, in the Carse of Falkirk, might seem eligible. Besides the principal triangles thus determined, a multitude of subordinate ones were ascertained in the progress of the survey, which serve to connect all the remarkable objects that occurred over the face of the country. The capital points were hence established for constructing: the most accurate charts and provincial maps. A number of royal military sur- 1-20 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. veyors, of approved skill, have since been constantly employed in filling up the secondary triangles, and embodying the ske- leton plans. The various materials are collected at the draw- ing-room of the Tower, and there adjusted, reduced and com- bined. Under the same able direction, an extensive establish- ment has been formed in those spacious apartments, where a voluminous series of maps, on the largest scale, are not only delineated but engraved. This truly national work ad- vances with great activity, and has already proved highly ad- vantageous to the public service. The Ordnance Maps, in elaborate accuracy, and even beauty of execution, surpass every thing hitherto designed. The publication of these valuable geographical details, after having been suspended for some years, is again free. Five parts have already appeared, including Devonshire, Essex, Sussex, Dorsetshire, Kent, the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and Cornwall. Other maps are in a state of great forwardness, as far northward as the parallel from Caernarvon through Shrews- bury and Warwick to twenty miles beyond Boston in Lincoln- shire. The completion of a work of such vast magnitude must require proportional tinve and perseverance. The ma- ritime counties will probably be first given to the public, and the districts of the interior afterwards delivered. For a concise and perspicuous exemplification of all the re- finements adopted in the practice of-tf igonometrical surveying, I have much satisfaction in referring to the late work of Baron Zach sur P Attraction des Montagues ; nor can I omit this op- portunity of testifying my respect and regard for that able and very learned astronomer, in whose interesting society I made a delightful excursion, in the month oi August 1814, from Lyons by Orange to Vaucluse, and thence by Avignon to Marseilles, where he was then residing, as chamberlain to her Highness the Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Gotha. 22. To determine geometrically the altitude of a mountain re- quires, it hence appears, a nice operation performed with some large instrument. The barometrical mensuration of heights is therefore, in most cases, preferred, as much easier and often more exact. This curious application was early suggested, by NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 421 the objections themselves which ignorance opposed to Torri- celli's iiipnortal discovery of the weight of our atmosphere. But more than a century elapsed before the improvements in mechanics had completely adapted the machine to that pur- pose, and experiment combined with observation had ascer- tained the proper corrections. Barometers of various con- structions are now made quite portable, and which indicate with the utmost precision the height of the mercurial column supported by the pressure of the atmosphere. The air which invests our globe, being a fluid extremely compressible, must have its lower portions always rendered denser by the weight of the incumbent mass. To discover the law that connects the densities with the heights in the atmos- phere, it is only requisite, therefore, to apply the fact which experiment has established,-^that the elasticity counterbalan- cing the pressure is exactly proportioned to the density. The elasticity of the air at any point of elevation, is hence mea- sured by a column possessing the same uniform density, with a certain constant altitude. Let AB denote the height of this equiponderant column, and the perpendicular Bl its density ; and suppose the mass of air below to be distinguished into nu- merous strata^ having each the same thickness BC. It is evi- dent that the weight of the niinute stratum at B will be ex- pressed by BC ; whence AB is to A,C, or BI to CK, as the. pressure at B to the augmented pressure at C, and therefore the density at C is denoted by CK, Again, having joined IC, Be^Di5.FG:.lC and drawn KD parallel, BI : CK : : BC : CD ; and conse- quently CD will, on the same scale of density, express the weight of the stratum at C. Hence, AC is to AD, as CK to DL, or as the density at C is to that at D. It thus appears, that, repeating this process, the densities BI, CK, DL, &c. of the successive strata form a continued geometrical progression. But the same relation will evidently obtain at equal though sensible intervals. Thus, the density of the atmosphere is re- 422 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. duced nearly to one half, tor every % miles of perpendicular ascent. At 7 miles in height, the corresponding density is one-fourth ; at 10| miles, one-eighth ; and at 14 miles, one- sixteenth. The difference of altitude between two points in the atmos- phere, is hence proportional to the difference of the logarithms of the corresponding densities or vertical pressures. But the heights of mountains may be computed from barometrical measurement to any degree of exactness, by a simple nume* rical approximation. Since AB, AC, AD, &c. are continued proportionals, it follows that AB: BC : : AB+ AC+AD, &c. ; BC-f-CD-fDE, &c. or BH. Let n denote the number of sec- tions or strata contained in the mass of air, and — ( AB4- AH) will nearly express the sum of the progression AB, AC, AD, &c.; wherefore, AB+ AH : BH : : 2AB : wBC, or the absolute difference of altitude. The height AB of the equiponderant column, reduced to the temperature of freezing water, is near- ly 'zG^O feet ; and hence this general rule, — As the sum of the mercurial columns is to their difference, so is the constant num- ber 52,000 to the approximate height. This number is the more easily remembered, from the division of the year into weeks. Two corrections depending on the variation of temperature are besides required. 1. Mercury expands about the 5,000th part of its bulk, for each degree of the centigrade scale ; and hence the i,mall addition to the upper column mil he found, hy removing the decimal point four places to the left, and multiplying hy tvoice the difference hettveen the degrees of the attached ther mo ^ meters. 2. But the correction afterwards applied to the prin- cipal computation is of more consequence. Air has its vo- lume increased by one 250th part, for each degree of heat on the same scale. If therefore, the approximate height, ha- ving its decimal point shifted back three places, be midtiplied by ituice the sum of the degrees on the detached thermometers, the product ivill give the addition to he made. If it were worth while to allow for the effect of centrifugal force in diminishing the pressure of the aerial column, this will be easily done be- fore the last multiplication takes place, by adding to twice the degrees on the detached thermometers the j(^M par^ of the piean temperature corresponding to the latitude. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 423 An example will elucidate the whole process. In August 1775, General Roy observed the barometer on Caernarvon Quay at 30.091 inches, the attached thermometer being 15° .7, and the detached 15°. 6 centigrade, while on the Peak of Snow- don the barometer stood at 26.409, the attached thermometer marking 10°.0, and the detached 8°.8. Here, twice the dif- ference of the attached thermometers is 11°.4, which multi- plied into .00264 gives .030, for the correction of the upper barometer. Next, 30.091 + 26.439 : 30.091 — 26.439, or 56.530 : 3.652 : : 52000 : 3359. Again, twice the sum of the degrees marked on the detached thermometers is 48.8, which multiplied into 3.359 gives 164 ; wherefore, the true height of Snowdon above the Quay of Caernarvon is 3359-}- 164, or 3533 feet. The correction for centrifugal force is only 7 feet more. This mode of approximation may be deemed sufficiently near, for any heights which occur in this island ; but greater accuracy is attained by assuming intermediate measures. To illustrate this, I shall select another example. At the very period when General Roy was making his barometrical obser- vations at home, Sir George Shuckburgh Evelyn found the barometer to stand at 24.167 on the summit of the Mole, an insulated mountain near Geneva, the attached and detached thermometers indicating 14°.4 and 13°.4, while they marked 16°.3 and 17°.4 at a cabin below and only 672 feet above the lake, the altitude of the barometer at this station being 28.132. Now, 3.8x.0024=.009, and 24.167-^009=24.176; the arith- metical mean between which and 28.1 32 is 26.154 ; and hence, separately, 50.330 : 1.978 : : 52000 : 2044, and 54.286 : 1.978 : : 52000 : 1895. Wherefore, joining these two parts, 2044-}- 1895, or 3939 expresses the approximate height. Tiie final correc- tion is 61.6x3.939=243, or 254 feet, if allowance be made for the effect of centrifugal force,^ and consequently the Mole has its summit elevated 4865 feet above the lake of Geneva, and 6063 above the level of the sea. In general, let A and A -|- w6 denote the correct lengths of the columns of mercury at the upper and the lower stations ; the approximate height of the mountain will be expressed by \2A:fb + 2A4.3^ + 2A + 5b '" + 2A + 2n^].b} ^^^^' 424? NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. If w were assumed a large number, the result would approadb to the accuracy of a logarithmic computation, though such an extreme degree of precision will be scarcely ever wanted. To expedite the calculation of heights from barometrical observations, I have now caused Mr Gary, optician in London, to make for sale a sliding-rule, of an easy and commodious construction. That small instrument, which should be accom- panied with a barometer of the lightest and most portable kind, will be found very useful to mineralogical travellers who have occasion to explore mountainous tracts. Nothing could tend more to correct our ideas of physical geography, than to have the principal heights in all countries measured, at least with some tolerable degree of precision. But the elevation of any place above the sea may be ascertained very nearly, from the comparison of even very distant barometrical observations, especially during the steadiness of the fine season in the hap- pier climates. In the summer of 181 4, Engelhardt and Par- rot, two Prussian travellers, by a series of fifty-one barometri- cal observations, made along the distance of 711 miles, from the Caspian to the Black Sea, ascertained the former to be 334< English feet below the level of the latter, which complete- ly oversets the supposition of any subterranean communica- tion existing between those seas. By the same mode may be traced a profile or vertical section, that shall exhibit at one glance the great features of a country. As a specimen, I have combined and reduced the sections which the celebrated philo- sophic traveller Humboldt has given of the continent of Ame- rica, running in a twisted direction from Acapulco to Vera Cruz, and connecting the Pacific with the Atlantic Ocean. A Acapulco. f Venta de Chalco. a Peregrino, g St Martin, B Chilpansingo. E La Puebla de los Angeles. b Mescala. h El Pinal c Tepecuacuilco. I Perote, d Puente de Istla, k Cruz Blanca. C Cuernavaca. F Xalafa. e La Cruz del Marques, G Vera Cruz. D Mexico. TO^oOd NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. A 42J J01009 The divided scale expresses the horizontal distance in miles, while the parallels, on a much larger scale, mark the elevation in feet. This profile is really composed of four successive sections, which are distinguished by opposite shadings. The survey proceeded first along the road from Acapulco to Mex- ico, thence to Puebla de los Angeles, next to Cruz Blanca, and finally to Vera Cruz. These several directions and dis- tances are expressed in the ground plan. An attempt is likewise made in this profile, to convey some idea of the geological structure of the external crust : Limestone is represented by straight lines slightly inclined from the horizontal position. Basalt, by straight lines slightly reclined from the perpendi- cular. Porphyry, by waved lines somewhat reclined. Granite, by confused hatches. Amygdaloid, by confused points. But the easiest way of estimating within moderate limits the elevation of a country, is founded on the difference between the standard and the actual mean temperature as indicated by deep wells or copious aod shaded springs. Professor Mayer 426^ NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. ©f Gottingen, from a comparison of distant observations (m the surface of the globe, proposed aformuhf which, with a slight modification, appears to exhibit correctly the tempera- ture of any place at the level of the sea. Let (p denote the la- titude ; and 29 cos(p*, er .14^ suvers 2U ^t Goihardy Switzerland, - - 9075 Hospice of the Great St Bernard, - - 8040 B Village of St Pierre, on the road to Great St Bernard, 5338 B Passage of Mont Cenis, - - - Gross-Glockner, between ike Tyrol andCorintUa, Ortler Spitze, in the Tyrol, lligiberg, abo-oe the lalce of Lucerne^ Dole, the highest point of the chain of Jura, Mont Perdu, in the Pyrenees, Loneira, in the department of the high Alps, 6778 B 12780 B 15430 ^408 5412 B 11283 14451 Peak of Arbizon, in the department of the high Pyrenees, 8344 Puy de Dome, in Auvergne, - - ^ 4858 G Montd'Or, . . - . 6202 G Summit of Vaucluse, wear ^w^wow, - - 2150 Village on Mont Genevre, - - 5.945 B St Pilon, near Marseilles, - - - 3295 G Soracte, 7iear Rome, - - - 2271 G Monte Velino, in the kingdom of Naples, - 8397 G Mount Vesuvius, volcanic mountain beside Naples, 3978 iEtna, volcanic mountain in Sicily, - 10963 B St Angelo, in the Lipari Islajids, - - 5260 Top of the Rock of Gibraltar, - - 1439 B Mount Athos, in Rumelia, - - - 3353 Diana's Peak, in the Island of St Helena, - 2692 Peak of Teneriffe, one of the Canary Islands, - 12358 B Ruivo Peak, the highest point of Madeira, - 5162 Table Mountain, near the Cape of Good Hope, 3520 Chain of Mount Ida, beyond the plain of Troy, 4960 Chain of Mount Olympus, in Anatolia, - 6500 Italitzkoi, in the Altaic chain, - - 10735 Awatsha, volcanic mountain in KamtchatJca, - 9600 The Volcano, in the Isle of Bourbon, - - 7680 Ophir, in the centre of the Island of Sumatra, - 13842 St Elias, on the western coast of North America, 12672 White Mountain, in the State of Massachusets, 6230 B ^ Chimborazo, highest summit of the Andes, - 21440 B Antisana, volcanic mountain in the kingdom of Q,uito, 19150 B Shepherd station on that mountain, - - 13500 B Cotopaxi, volcanic mountain in the kingdom of Qjuito, 18890 B Tonguragua, volcanic mountain^ near Riobomba, 16579 B NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS; Rucu de Pichincha, in the kingdom of Quito, - 15940 G Heights of Assuay, the ancient Peruvian road, 15540 B Peak of Orizaba, volcanic mountain east from Mexico, 17390 G Lake of Toluca, in the kingdom of Mexico, - 12195 B City of Quito, - - - 9560 B City of Mexico, - - - 7476 B Silla de Caraccas, part of the chain of Venezuela, 8640 B Blue Mountains, in the Island of Jamaica, - 7431 Pelee, in the Island of Martinique, - - 5100 Morne Garou, in the Island of St Vincent* s, - 5050 In this list of altitudes, I have not ventured to insert the Himalaya Mountains, or Great Central Chain of Upper Asia, to which some recent accounts from India would assign the stupendous elevation from 23,000 to 27,000 feet. Such at least are the results of observations made with a small sextanC and an artificial horizon, at the enormous distance of 226 or 232 miles, as computed indeed from very short bases. But even with the best instruments, and under the most favourable cir- cumstances, the determination of minute vertical angles is liable to much uncertainty. The progress of accurate observation has uniformly reduced the estimated altitudes of mountains. I shall conclude with briefly stating the French measures^. The Parisian foot was to the English, or the toise to the fa- thom, as 1.065777 to 1, or nearly as 16 to 15. The metre, or base of the new system, and equal to 39.371 English inches, ascends decimally, forming the decametre or perch, the hectometre, the kilometre or mile, and the myriametre or league, equivalent to 6.213856 of our miles; and descending by the same scale, it forms successively the decimetre or palm, the centimetre or digit, and the millimetre or stroke. The square of the decametre constitutes the are, and that of the hectametre, the hectare or acre, and equal to 2.47117 English acres. The cube of a metre, or 35.3171 feet, forms the unit of solid mea- sure or the stere, that o^ a decimetre, or 61.028 inches forming the litre or pint ; and the weight of this bulk of water at its greatest contraction makes the kilogramme ov pound, equivalent to 2.1133 pounds Troy, ih^ gramme answering to 15.444 grains, FINIS. ERRATA. P. 36. line 9. /or triangles read triangle — 144. bottom, /or B : C : : C read C : D : : E : F — 233. 5th line from bottom, /or Of the equidifferent arcs, read Oi three equicUft'erent arcs, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^-^oh'4gr), ^Ol0ct'58E8 RtC'O ^-o ^wjULft/ftia I8Dec'58MH lec'D to lEC 'i 195B . ^£P Il97t4t RECOLD ^^^' 7 .^-3PM^4 LD 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 w THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY