yc MRLF ^c ^s 054 i I i FOLK-DANCES F INLAND B URCHENAL | (3 forward on the ground. Then with a hop they turn (11-12) Then each small ring dances six hop to the left, placing right heels forward on the ground, steps around with the sun. (7-8) Repeat the same. C. (5-12) The same as Part B, except that the (9-10) Now all make six quick foot changes with last six hop steps are danced against the sun. hop without turning, and Bjorko Polka Figure 2 A. (|: 1-4: I) The same as Part A of Figure i. B- (5"8) All the girls form an inside ring, facing out, and dance twelve foot changes in place with the boys. Then turning to the left, the inner ring goes with hop steps around the circle till they come to own partners again. (9-10) They finish facing own partners and all dance six foot changes in place, at the same time pointing the index fingers of the opposite hands threateningly at each other, the other hands on the hips. (11-12) Then all clap hands once and dance once and a half around, so that the boys now form the inner ring. C. (5-12) The boys now dance in place with foot changing while the girls face toward the right and go around the inner ring with hop steps, and the dance continues as described In Part B. B- (5"6) Girls face about to the left with their backs toward the boys, and the boys dance up to them with six hop steps. (7-8) The boys lay their hands on the girls' shoulders and peep at them first over their left shoulders and then over the right shoulders, while the girls look away from the boys. (9-10) Then the boys dance back to their places with six hop steps. (11-12) There the boys dance hop steps in place, while the girls (after facing about to the right toward the boys) do the same. C (5-8) The same as Part B, except that now the girls look at the boys when they peep at them over their shoulders. (9-10) After this the boys do not go backward, but dance around with their partners six hop steps to the left, and (11-12) Six hop steps to the right. Figure 3 Figure 4 A. (1-4 and 1-2) The same as Part A of Figure i. A. (|:i-4:|) The same as Part A of Figure 3. (3-4) At the end the girls finish in one line, while B and C. (| : 5-12 : |) The same as Parts B and the boys dance across and stop about six steps from C of Figure 3, with the difference that boys turn the girls in another line, so that boys and girls stand their backs to girls and the girls dance forward to opposite each other. peep over the boys' shoulders. 25615 SAPPO Allegro ^ 3Ei ^■^^ i^: ^=A=A. %- -I III _i ^ £ u L^ 7-^*^- SAPPO Dancers. A number divisible by four. Steps, Walking, running, heel and toe, and Jig steps. (Heel and Toe Step is executed in the following manner: The dancers turn to the left and hop eight times on the left feet, at the same time touching the heels and toes of the right feet forward alternately four times. Then with a hop they face to the right, and while hopping on the right feet make the same heel and toe step forward with the left feet.) Figure i Position. Two couples form a ring as indicated in Diagram I. ^ \li Kl^ ?> <2 i> <; 5> <^ 1^ ri\ /T\ Diagram I A. (|: 1-4: I) All face toward the left and exe- cute the heel and toe step as described above. B. (5-6) Then the girls clap hands and change places, passing each other to the left. (7-8) Boys do the same. C. (5-8) Repeat Part B, and at the end the boys place themselves in position for the following figure. (This figure is usually repeated.) 25615 Sappo 4 Peek-a-boo m ^-^ _«^i 13 \^U ri 3^^ t=t Position gram II. Figure 2 " PEEK-A-BOO " Dancers stand as indicated in Dia- (9) The one behind peeps, from over the front one's left shoulder, at the rear dancer of the opposite couple, shading the eyes with the left hand. (10) Then do the same over the right shoulder. (11-12 and 9-12) Repeat the same four times. (13-16) Then the ones in front take one step to the left, and the back ones who have just been peep- ing at each other clap their hands, dance around with each other with the sun, and finish so that The one in front places the hands on hips, and those who have just been standing in front now the one behind places hands on the front one's stand behind. shoulders. (| : 9-16 : |) Repeat the whole Peek-a-boo Figure. Diagram II 25615 I 1= »£j ■^— I — i- ^,Ee3E3EJ 21 ,m m P lf=T 22 -m — m — •- -» — * — »- x=t-- H 1 h =F=F 28 f. -• — 0- ^^ 24 ^ ^ Jt -m — m — m— Hf — • — »■ 1^ f — ''- * # •- -I — I — h ^-•^ 3^=P^ 25 w — »- #— •- -^ — ^ — ^:=p=r=^ ■h- 26 -■ f • » ■»- ^ J^ H — 27 ^-f ^i=i= F=i^~ -\^^-^- 28 m=ati -^ ^ -I H 1^ :|^?f"^fTH'^f=^F^"g^£f3^ 29 A A A -^ -^ 30 fl A tr E^ -^mm^m =-J^ 81 =^ ^ A A V 2 A A • # • ^^ ^-* 82 A A ^ ^ -^ » — w — m *?- B • — • — ^ ^£r=5 A A ^ ^ ^ P -I — 2561S Figure 3 JIG ^ ^ ^ rr\ rT\ rr^ kU ^ KiJ /?\ A /^ Diagram III Turn around to the right (Diagram VII), Diagram VII Position. As indicated in Diagram III. g° ^° ^he left past the next one approaching (own A. (17-19) Boys and girls, standing opposite partner) (Diagram VIII), each other, dance twelve Jig steps; then ,^ (20) Three ordinary steps with appels. W (21-23) Again twelve Jig steps, and i \ (24) Three ordinary steps with appels. '^. B. (25-32) The boys run around the girls to the left (see Diagram IV). ^^^*" ^" \\y and to the right past the approaching girl (Diagram -^ IX), I- 'I Diagram IV ^^ When the boys come to (a) the girls run forward ( and go to the right past each other, Diagram IX 1> and finish as indicated in Diagram X. Diagram V . N?/ and to the left past the other boy (Diagram VI). ^2 Diagram X /^ (17-32) The third Figure is repeated, Sappo is often danced as a continuation of the ^^ Bjorko Polka. Diagram VI 25615 HARVEST DANCE First Figure -^/^ -• — •- -\^ ^^3=^ -..*^ / ?: ^^^ -4r --^ :1- -^4=i--^- ;^-r- 1^ ^~»- 4 (¥li? ?=*: -I r ^=1: -"■qr ^ 1= ^_^j:,_ iz=%=l ?= -^— H- 9^ ^=^ -0- -m- I I fEg^ ^=t "L-:!- -w- =F=f=f= :|=J^=;^^^=S: d-T — •- fr--t ^gs -«- 10 piizg: \i I =F- 11 -;5^ 12 S Second Figure it tzJt=^ / i\^ ^ ;^ d: ^i= n^r-^ !— t 13 =1: a: ._i ^, itz=*:itz 14 £=E^- 15 H •- 1=^1 :f:=t: ;.:^ 16 I 25615 —I h 17 g ^l^t- -t- 18 -» m- K=^K ^a^ B^ -d— • 19 :jr IT 20-f/i 20/ i (ii ■S^^^=3=l« ;=^: * 21 -ft* jf- =4' ^— •— ^ 22 23 i<: ^f^ •— F^ 24 EfeE3^ -h- t-^^^ 25 -$-^ -JT ^ 26 •— ^- -^-'-Tf- 27 'V 2 28 28 -» (S- ( Third Figure 3 Lui: ^/(j/f^ 29 Si i^nii 30 -• •- -• m- -d 1 ^ / 31 32 V^* :.^: aj ^ H 33 9^ ^=^- T-=^- dr 34 =^ -I— -V- ^ • — ^- 35 ?^ :t 36/ d: 'St 25615 HARVEST DANCE Dancers. Six couples. Steps. Harvest and Rocking Steps. Harvest Step is executed in the following manner: Dancers standing in couples beside each other go three short steps forward, beginning with the out- side feet. On the third step they turn toward each other and drag the inside feet on the ground. Then begin with the inside feet, and on the third step turn with backs toward each other and drag the outside feet. Harvest Dance Rocking Step is danced in this manner: Left (right) foot is placed forward and outward, the right (left) is placed in front of the left (right). At the same time one rises on the toes and on the third count the heels sink, then the right (left) foot is placed forward, etc. Figure i Position. Couples stand hand in hand after each other, the joined hands raised; each boy has a scythe on his left shoulder, each girl a rake on her right shoulder. (See Diagram I.) (1-12) The dancers go twelve harvest steps for- ward until they arrive at A. (See Diagram II.) d ^ ^ i) i) 6> 5> ^> 3> 2> l> Diagram I Diagram II Then continue with the same step, boys going around the room to the left, the girls to the right, the couples thus marching as indicated in Diagram III. (1-12) Again they separate from each other and this time, when they meet, the boys change step so as to start the " winding march " with the right foot, and the dancers still dancing the " Harvest Step " wind in and out past each other as indicated in Diagram IV, the leaders beginning by passing each other to the left. When they meet again the music begins again from the beginning. (1-12) Repeat the winding march. (1-12) After this all go down the centre in couples, then the dancers again cast off away from each other, go around, and finish in two parallel lines facing each other, the boys on one side of the room and the girls on the other side. (See Diagram V.) ^ \ I < 3)^A<^ ^ < ^ < 1) <« Diagram V Diagram lU Diagram IV Figure 2 Position, Boys stand in harvesting position with their scythes, and the girls do the same with their rakes. 25615 10 A. (13-16) While the girls stand still, the boys go forward four rocking steps, inclining the body in the opposite direction on each step and handling the scythes as if mowing. When the left foot be- gins the step the scythe is swung from right to left, and the reverse. (17-20) Each boy places his scythe on his left shoulder and goes four rocking steps backward, stepping backward with one foot on the first part of each measure and across behind with the other foot on the second part. (13-20) Now the boys stand still in their own places while the girls in the same manner go for- ward and back four rocking steps, during which they use the rakes. B. (|: 13-20: I) Repeat A. C. (21-28) The dancers turn toward the leaders and, beginning with the left feet, go forward, wind- ing in and out between each other with the rocking step, the leaders going past each other to the left. (21-28) The " winding march " continues until one has gone twice through the other line and until the dancers return to the same position as at the beginning. Figure 3 A. (29-32) The girls turn their backs toward the boys who, after turning to the right, advance four rocking steps to their partners. (33-34) The boys peep at the girls over their left and right shoulders, at which the girls turn their heads away. (35-36) Then the boys go backward to own places with four ordinary steps. (29-36) Repeat the same, but this time the girls turn their heads so as to look at their partners, after which the boys remain in the girls' places and the girls go backward four steps. B. (1:29-36: I) The same as Part A, but this time the girls come forward and peep over the boys' shoulders, and after the second time neither one of them goes backward, but instead the girls wait be- side the boys until the end of the strain. Figure 4 Music begins from the beginning. A. (1-8) The dancers go around the room to the right with harvest steps. B. (9-10) Three couples arrange themselves as indicated in Diagram VI. Diagram VI In each couple partners reach their implements toward each other and with two harvest steps go once around each other with the sun. (11-12) Then the girls of the three couples turn toward the middle, reach their rakes toward each other, and in the same manner go once around against the sun. (Diagram VII.) Diagram VII Now in the same manner each girl goes once around with the sun with the boy of the next couple, and then again against the sun with the girls. (5-8) Then the same with the third boy and again with the girls. (9-12) Couples dance out with the harvest step. 25615 II GOSSIPING ULLA ^^2 — •=, • P ^— 1 P P 1 — • — • » p 1 • 1 — *—•-*-- ¥^^*h^ V-^ _^ - M=? r— -^ — p ^-r-^ = -^-^-f- — • mf 1 2 3 4 t^--2 — » » » » >• =?— ^=5= GOSSIPING ULLA Dancers. Even number. Steps. Walking step, and " toe and heel " step. (Toe and Heel Step is executed thus : While turn- ing to the left with a hop on the left foot, the tip of the right toe is placed diagonally forward on the ground, then one hops once again on the left foot, at the same time facing forward to the front and placing the right heel forward. The same is exe- cuted to the right, making the hops on the right foot and the toe and heel with the left foot.) 25615 12 Position. The dancers stand in two lines facing each other, the girls in one line and the boys in the other. The lines are about four steps apart. (1-8) All dance the toe and heel step in place, four times with each foot. (9) Then the girls and boys advance two ordinary steps toward each other, beginning with the left feet. (10) Hop on the third step; then, as they meet, partners step to the right with the right feet past each other, Gossiping Ulla (11-12) And facing each other walk backward Repeat the whole dance again, to each other's places. (In Uleaborg partners do not change places, but (13-16) Now partners change places again in the dance around with and against the sun.) same manner, returning to original positions. SJALASKUTTAN r«^ 12 ^ S I §rtt -*?= — • •- 13 14 15 -J- ^t t 16 25615 13 SJALASKUTTAN Dancers. An even number. Steps. Polka-mazurka, and galop steps. The Polka-Mazurka Step Is danced in the follow- ing manner: One foot takes a step forward, the other is brought up close behind it, whereupon the front leg is lifted from the ground and swung for- ward; then it is swung backward (though not past the other leg), and at the same time a hop forward is made on the back leg. In this dance the step is always begun with the outside foot. Position. The dancers stand hand in hand in couples behind each other. Sjiilaskuttan Figure i ■ (1-3) All dance three polka-mazurka steps. (4) Then one ordinary step with outside feet, and bringing the feet together with a hop, pause facing each other. (5"7) Again three polka-mazurka steps, and (8) One ordinary step with outside feet and turn Figure 2 (i) The dancers go forward toward each other with three galop steps. (2) Partners join hands (elbows held outward) and with galop steps dance once around with the sun. (3-4) Then go backwards with three galop steps to own places, where they hop with feet together away from each other, bringing the feet together as long as it pleases the musician to repeat measure 4. with a hop. (9) One polka-mazurka step. (10) One ordinary step with inside feet and face each other with a hop. (11-12) Then the same, turning away from each other on the hop. (13-15) Three polka-mazurka steps. (16) One ordinary step with inside feet, and turn facing each other with a hop. In this manner they dance once around the room, repeating the figure as many times as the space allows. Then the couples go down the middle of the hall and separate from each other, forming two lines (with about six steps' distance between the (5-8) Repeat the same. (9-10) Four galop steps forward, and on the last note of the tenth measure make a hop with feet closed together, at the same time making an about face (the boys turning to the right and the girls to the left) so as to finish standmg back to back. (11-12) They stand still thus for one and a half measures, and on last note of twelfth measure they make a hop with feet together, facing about again, the boys turning to left and the girls to right. (13-14) Then partners join hands and swing once around with the sun with galop step. (15-16) Go backward to own places with four galop steps. Repeat Figure 2 as before, only after meas. 14 lines), the girls on one side and the boys on the partners stand facing each other till close of music; other. then repeat dance from beginning. 25615 14 STIGARE f =J- nif t^; -m « «- i -(©'- -^^ \ 2 p — ■ — n- fc ^=:^ 8 s STIGARE Dancers. An even number. Steps. Hop and side steps. Position. Dancers stand In one line, partners facing each other. The boys place their hands around the girls' waists, and the girls put their hands on the boys' shoulders. A. (1-2) Couples take three side steps (the boys beginning with the left feet, and the girls with the right) directly to the side and then close the feet on the same side up to the others with a stamp. (3-4) Repeat the same in the opposite direction. B. (5) Then one side step in the same direction as at the beginning, and on the third count a stamp with the foot on that side. (6) The same in the opposite direction. (7-8) Then dance around in place with the sun with hop steps until the couples come to original positions. (5-8) Then repeat Part B. Repeat the whole dance. 25615 Stigare IS .^il CLAPPING DANCE inf ^=^- b-**"*^ ''^ ^^ :i 3 i «-. — J- -• i •-. — •- -I^ a?z=^;5 H— i^=^=r^=i A A A / 9 ^ — ^ 10 A A :«=tt "^ i ^ E ^^ :^=^t=^: ^ .U A A 11 A A t^^ 12 AAA ^=?=^ 13 I^P=?: 14 S 3^t 15 & i=i^: -«- — • — •■ 16 t^=C^ CLAPPING DANCE Dancers. An even number. Steps. Polka step. Position. Couples stand hand in hand back of each other in a ring. A. (i-8) Couples dance polka steps in place (boys beginning with the left feet, girls with the right), turning alternately toward and away from each other and swinging the inside hands alter- nately backward and forward. (i-8) Then they dance the ordinary polka for- ward with ordinary dance grasp and finish facing each other, the boys on the inside of the ring. B. (9) The boys, with hands on hips, bow to the girls, while the girls, with hands on hips, courtesy to the boys. (10) All clap hands three times. (11-12) Repeat the same. (13) Boys and girls strike each other's right palms and clap own hands once. (14) Then strike left palms and clap own hands once. (15) All turn once around against the sun. (16) Stamp three times. The dance is repeated again, each boy dancing with the girl of the couple behind him. 25615 16 TIPPAN Largo •^l^EEEE^. -0- -^-. — I — I- -^ • 1 ^ ^_ I ^ J- 1 4 ^ -# Presto -«^^^3^- / i« i=r — * — •~ttS — • • • ■«3 :t=^ -^ — I — ^ — \ — I- :^=: ? TIPPAN Dancers. An even number. Steps. Foot changing with hop. Position. The dancers stand in couples beside each other in a ring, with hands joined and arms half bent. A. (i) Partners half turn on the heels toward each other and bow to each other; (2) Then, turning on the heels in the opposite direction, bow to the dancer on the other side. (3-4 and 1-4) Repeat this four times. B. (5-10) The boys draw their partners into the ring in front of them, and both with hands on hips dance eighteen " foot changings " in time to the music. (11-12) All clap hands once and then dance around with own partners. Finish with the girl standing on the left side of her partner. Each boy now has as his partner the girl who has just been a partner of the next boy to the right. The dance is now repeated with new partners. 25615 17 i THE PRETTY SISTER-IN-LAW PI _^_^ J^=m 4z P A ■^— ^ ^g^ ^ 1 ^ — 1» — 4 s- £ l«tlj=t -^— h-^- -• m- i— # H • — h ^ :& =a=?= ^— ^* §5 1^ ^4 ■# •- » ^» W- C^ n 6°' * 6MS I S ^? --^ =t^ S • • s 3^ ^^^ H 1- i-#- _j t. 1.^ :#=#=#-^ — ^-f t -• — • — h— •■ & 4 •—•— 4 •-•— #Z±3^ (35^ #t ^^? P — P ^^&7 ill? fi&'^ll '-.vtM^^ -^2- tyiZ I I I ^ ^ ^ 4L ■0- -^ ••• -P- P'S / 1^3 -• 0- ^^=0^ vn « — p^ =|- 19 20 9 '^ ^^ 25615 18 21 -fJi. ¥ 23 *^ ? THE PRETTY SISTER-IN-LAW Dancers. A number divisible by four. Steps. Walking and waltz steps, and toe touch- ing forward with hop, that is, with a hop move the right (left) foot forward, turned out, with the in- step extended so that only the tip of the toe touches with the left feet, the ground. (3-4) And back four steps. Position. The dancers stand in couples, side by side in two opposite lines, partners hand in hand; the two lines about eight steps apart. A. (1-2) All go forward four steps, beginning The Pretty Sister-in-law (5-8) Opposite couples change places with eight steps, passing each other to the right, the girls going in front of the boys. Finish in opposite places with the girls on the right of their partners. (l-8) Couples execute the figure again in the same manner, returning to own places. B. (9-12) Dancers make " toe touching for- ward with hop " eight times, beginning with the left feet. (13-16) Then couples change places with eight steps, the girls going between the opposite couple, and finish with the girls standing on the right of the boys. (9-16) Toe touching again, and couples return to own places in the same manner as described above. C. (1 : 17-24:!) All waltz in couples once around the room against the sun. After this the dance may be repeated from the beginning. 25615 19 THE ALAND GIRL Dancers. An even number. Steps. Foot changing with hop, and polka step. Position. Dancers stand in a ring in couples, partners facing each other with hands on hips. (i) With a hop all place the left feet forward. (2) With another hop they change feet. (3-4) In the same manner they make three quick THE Aland girl foot changes. (5-8) Repeat the same, but begin this time with the right feet placed forward. (9-16) Then in dance position couples dance polka, turning with the sun, while at the same time the ring revolves against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning. 25615 The Aland Girl 20 RIGHT HAND (A) _^_^ ^.-J- ^ifcr-; ■^ -• — • — w ^m — -• 0-^ -iS>- i ?=Ji r m^ # cr^i'c. 1 4 =tt=^. ^=%- -m- M ^- RIGHT HAND (A) Dancers. An even number, preferably eight right, the girls to the left, give right hands to each couples. other, and go forward executing the chain until Step. Walking step. they come to own partners, when keeping hold of Position. Dancers stand hand in hand beside hands they go once around each other and each other in a ring. (9-16) return over the same track, executing A. (1-8) All take sixteen brisk steps to the left chain in the same manner. and When partners meet each other again, the whole (1-8) sixteen to the right. dance is repeated again from the beginning. B. (9-16) Releasing hands, the boys face to the . 25615 21 Andantino m -m-r- t- Ssl «t RIGHT HAND (B) -•- -I — -I tfl — ? --i^ ?#=i^=. al 1 1- 4 :t=^ i^^^ ^ r^ ^ l"'*--^ r^< ^ • ^ m. r- -4 • -G>- ■Ik —1S- A ^ -« — «- al 4- -«— •- -I » F- :^^^ ^ ^ • \ m — g— »-^ -Z^I ^ J -• •- !i 4=t 10 -(S*- -• — «- 11 It: 12 _4 J -• — •- -4^ 12 -• — •- ■I H -^— p^ 1» RIGHT HAND (B) Dancers. Four couples in each set. A. (1-2) Couples i and 3 change places with Step. Walking step. four steps, the girls going between the opposite Position. Couples stand arranged in a square couple, about eight steps apart. (3-4) Couples 2 and 4 immediately do the same. 25615 Right Hand B 22 (5-8) In the same manner couples return to their (9-16) Return over the same track, executing own places. the chain in the same manner. B. (9-16) Partners all face each other, give When partners meet each other again, the dance right hands to each other and go forward executing is repeated, and this time the second and fourth chain until partners meet, when, still holding hands, couples change places first, they go once around each other and TANTOLI //^^-y --f^— ErrT3q -i j — • - a. 1 A m C 7 —« • — A — 1 — • i 8 • r r r [— 9 N '^r- 1.J— -# \y ^ p — -j^^^J^g'-*^ ^—r—'—- a . . A ■ ■ 1 9i 3=8: 10 ~- --^ 1^ 11 J_ -©>- 12 i 1 F W 13 i. -i5>- :^P=t 14 t 15 I --^- t- -sa, — -i 16 TANTOLI Dancers. An even number. Steps. Hop, side, and schottische steps. Position. Dancers in ordinary dance position stand in couples back of each other in a ring facing against the sun. Figure i A. (1-2) Couples dance two hop steps forward, beginning with the outside feet. (3-4) With two hop steps they dance once around with the sun, (5-8) and (1-8) Repeat the same four times. B. (9-12) Take one schottische step forward, 2561S beginning with outside feet, then the same back- ward, beginning with inside feet. (13-16) Dance around with four hop steps. (9-16) Repeat the same. Figure 2 A. (1-4) All take four side steps against the sun, the boys beginning with the left feet, the girls with the right. (5-8) The same in the opposite direction. (1-8) Repeat the same. B. (1 : 9-16: I) The same as Part B of Figure i. 23 NET-DRAGGING P -ai > -I ^ d h •— ^ / ^^-^- 34^ T— • — i: ^7: ?-r_-,rcv' O-J/*,'. t^ g-^t<T^^ ^ 1* ^ =F== I j — ^- 5t -*-=• • — ^ — • — • — ^ ?^ C/ ^V^f"^ ^ ii=f^ :t: J= 10 (>> J 1^3^ • F •-=-• F S • ^- f^ S=± J^ * ^ < (? 11 fe ^= t: ^= f- 12 ! I T ^•v-4\ (^cvvv^s '^v^ pi: 1^ H=T :1 1 - ^^^•- 3Si3 alz=4: ^ — ^ -f •- ^^rOrJ\t\T , 1 9"->- &^ o > ^ ' C^ ' 15 J!v^^ ^'yn ^^^ (^-^ ?^ ^ 25615 24 NET-DRAGGING Dancers. Four couples in each set. Steps. Galop step and walking step. Position. Couples stand arranged in a square about six steps apart from each other. Girls and boys face each other and join hands. A. (1-2) Couples I and 3 change places with six galop steps in the direction of the arrow, as indi- cated in the Diagram. (3-4) Then Couples 2 and 4 change places in the same manner. (5-6) Couples I and 3 again change places, (7-8) And immediately afterwards couples two ■ and four do the same. The people call this dancing " with long rope." B. (9-12) All release hands, and each boy with ordinary step dances once around with the sun with the girl who stands on his left side, and each girl with the boy who stands on her right side. (9-12) Then all dance once around against the sun with own partners. The dance is then repeated from the beginning. Net-Dragging 25615 25 THE OLD ONE FROM LAUCKA n Presto %=i=i =^= i i '4 ^r— •^ »«/" ^1 pw^ ♦ •? -fS'- A7 4 -©>- =^ 3^=;S^J=f ?^ is^t ^ -S" #= -I©'- -s*- H , 3i ^ :i^-^: ^ :N=^: ^— ^ / \)<\^ Bi 10 11 I :^ -^: i /J' 12 ^#: -0 L J 1. mm- -I — h :^^ 13 3^: B= 15 ^Z £ i • — a — .- i 16 ^=5=^^ THE OLD ONE FROM LAUCKA Dancers. An even number. Step. Walking step. Position. Couples stand after each other in a ring facing against the sun; then the boys about face and take one step backward so as to stand as indicated in diagram. 25615 .26 A. (1-2) The dancers walk three steps, begin- (1-4) When they come to each other they about ning with the right feet (boys inside the ring and girls on the outside), and on the fourth count place the left feet beside the right. (3-4) Then about face to the left, walk three steps in the opposite direction, and on the fourth count bring feet together. face to the right, and in the same manner walk three steps away from each other again, and, after facing about to the left, three steps toward each other. B. (5-8) Now couples dance around in place with the sun with eight steps. The Old One from Laucka (5-8) Then dance around in the same manner against the sun. The dance is repeated again from the beginning, all taking one step forward first so as to have the next one as a partner. The dance is continued thus until each reaches his own partner again, whereupon all about face, take a step backward and dance as described above, continuing until each reaches his own partner again, when the dance is concluded. The Old One from Laucka is danced in St. Mickel in the following manner: (|: 1-4: |: 5-8: I) Couples stand side by side in a ring and all, joining hands, walk sixteen steps with and against the sun. (1-4) Then couples face each other and dance past each other to the right, at the same time giving left hands to each as they go by, and (1-4) Dance back in the same manner. (I'5-8M) Then, beginning with the left hand, they execute the chain once around the ring, until all come to original positions. (|: 1-4: |:5-8: |) Finish with all dancing around first with own partner with the sun, and then in turn with every approaching girl (or boy), turning alternately against and with the sun. In this way the boys move around the ring against and the girls with the sun. When the dancers reach their own partners again the dance is finished. 25615 27 HOLLOLA POLKA s PI d 4 ^ -m — •- i=i^=i i=^ :S—rz4 ,n=^ -* m H - J m — m- •— «- 4-4 Ei: J» * — ^— ^J 15:=^: / 1 s^ EH: ^ It ^^— 4--^ ^=^= d=JK 5 ^ ^ 5 zt It It -^ i5 *• 4 '^t-^ :^=1 ;i '^ mf (I ^^ ^^=^=^ ^ -•— ^ — I ^ \- ^0 ^^ 8 WE^ -I — •—*—•- l=M ^^=^. ^—4-4: 10 '*—4—4 —J- r 11 ti#-_i-*--^ t^t iiEjt=it=z4i 12 -^ tr- 4 4-4^ 13 fg j- ES f^^ 14 t^-^ -©'- i: -^—^-^ -u- ^=ip#fe 15 -• •- SS^ __16 ■^ -4- -» »- ■-F^^= -0—0' -m-4^M " ' -0- -^ 15 ^l=* te^ 16 -I h -0 •- £3 ::p=P^P=?i=P^ 17 _}21 18 i a 19 ^- « :« «- ■i-^«-^- -5«!^i^ 21 :H^3^ 22 ^ -•-^H C^-iQ'- 23 :± -^^- ;E^ 24 l=4-t=Jz 25_ ^ -^ £ ( < k lift i 26 ^^: S ES g 4^-4- rf -0 — 04- 27 i-yi It I w 28 -» f=^ 29 if— t!-l ^ 4 4^ 4 -^=^ 30 _^ 4 if ^i:t 31 32 25615 28 HOLLOLA POLKA Dancers. Nine people in each set, either three boys and six girls, or the reverse. Steps. Running, hop and galop steps. Position. Dancers stand in three parallel lines, the two outer lines facing each other and the middle line facing toward line one with a distance of six short steps between lines. In each line a hoy stands with a girl on either side of him. These three stand hand in hand with outside hand on hips. Figure i A. (1-2) Lines I and II, beginning with the right feet, run three steps toward each other and immediately three steps back. (3-4) Repeat the same, and on the last step backward Line II releases hands, faces about quickly to the left and joins hands again. (5-8) In the same manner Lines II and III dance together, and on the last count Line II again faces about to the left so that it finishes standing facing Line I. B. (9-12) Dancers 5 and 3 (see Diagram I) now Line II Line III /j\ (8^-V^ Diagram I HoUola Polka figure with each other and back. (13-16) Dancers 5 and 7 do likewise. (17-20) Then Dancers 5, 3 and 7, i, 2 and 4, and 6, 8 and 9, form three separate rings (as indi- cated in diagram), and dance once around with the sun with hop step. Figure 2 A. (1-8) The same as Part A of Figure i. B. (9-16) The same as in Part B of Figure i, but this time dancer number i dances with num- bers I and 9. (17-20) Then numbers 5, I and 9, 2, 3 and 6, and 4, 7 and 8, form three separate rings and dance once around. Figure 3 A. (1-8) The same as Part A of Figure I. B. (9-16) Dancer number 2 now dances with 25615 numbers i and 3, number 5 dances with 4 and 6, and number 8 with 7 and 9. (17-20) Then each line forms a ring of its own and dances once around. Figure 4 A. (1-8) The same as Part A of Figure i. B. (9-16) The same as Part B of Figure i, ex- cept that number 5 executes the figure with dancers 2 and 8. (17-20) Then these three form a ring and dance around with the sun, while all the other dancers form a ring around them and dance around against the sun. * * * The dance may end here, but if one wishes to continue, it can be done in the following manner: 29 They dance as in Part A of Figure i, except that Line II executes the figure first with Line III, and then once with Line I, after which Line II dances with galop steps in the direction of the arrow (see Diagram II) to Line I's place, while Line I takes Line IPs former position. Then the music starts again from the beginning, and Line I dances as described in Part A of Figure i, but always first with Line III and the dancers in that line; when all the figures have been gone through, Lines I and III change places in the manner above de- scribed, etc. Line I /^0 \^ \a r. Line II ^^Q)4s Lin. Ill A r?) ^ Diagram II OLD MAID I I. ^ « 9 • ^^ H* 5 r^ ~ »^ r=«' s mf 1 -I — 4 — ^ ^ OLD MAID Dancers. An even number. Steps. Polka and galop steps. Position. Dancers stand in couples in ordinary dance position, behind each other in a ring facing against the sun. A. (|:i-4:|) Couples dance eight polka steps with the sun and eight against the sun, at the same time moving around the circle against the sun. (In some localities the waltz is danced instead of the polka.) B. (5-6) After this the couples go toward the centre of the ring with four side steps (boys begin- ning with the left foot, girls with the right), and at each step the boys raise their feet quite high. (As they go in towards the centre the girls resist, while the boys draw them toward the centre.) (7-9) Then they dance back to places with seven quick galop steps. B. (5-9) Repeat the same. The dance is repeated again. 25615 30 POST DANCE $^mm m ¥ It -0=L\r^ ^=P= ■ft= P :p=t: :t=f=^ ^=-"EF :&-^ ^ ^^^^^ =t=t= t= :pr=p: =t^ -^ * _^_^ "U^ r- :t: :^= 10 * I C^ -P ^L_^ ;^ 11 — I— A ^ -^ 3^ 12 ^ t- ¥=i 13 it =&- :t ^=^=r 14 15 '£^=t?==^* P=5=M=f '^-t-i^ 16 g I^S r 17 18 3^ POST DANCE Dancers. 12 persons, preferably 4 girls and 8 boys. Steps. Polka step and walking step. Position. Couples, with the girls on the boys' right sides, stand arranged in a square about six steps apart, and between each two couples stands a person, " The Post." (See Diagram I.) •; ^ H 1- H 1- 1*^1 =E :^==N= -^- s #— ^ i ^^g=j: ^3^ a^: -| — ri — ^- f=)i=^: f -'\^-^ -fr — ! ^ — •- a^ 'P m- i :^ p=^=i ^ i ^ — r ^ ^^ ? t::r^"5 r Second Figure 1^1^^ :^==pc -• »- H h w/ 9 10 11 m •^ r -• w m P=^=^- r 12 n-^t-- t- tr t^ ^^ m -m — -»- 1K=^Z i H «- -# ^ P- m f H« ^ -• -* — « • :^=1c :t -« — «- i^ — * ^ -^- 18 14 15 16 17 §^ -• •- "I h > k ^ ^ ^ s ^i ■■-1^ J ^ ^ * i^ H H •- 18 ""a 1 1 — 'z^m -m «- _/• t_ :S s 19 :^=:^= 20 ^ P- ^- ^ ^ 21 22 l! «■••••■ :k=Bc ^ f: 25615 34 '^ X 5t=i: 23 J i :i^=:tH 24 ^ — « i^=?=f / ^L-T- 25 A ^ 1 J H 26 ^^=^ :t *-^S 27 ^ ^pf^P :^=iH: 28 ?=^ / 29 30 -1 — • — » — •- / 31 ^Q= -« «- 32 SAW QUADRILLE Dancers. Four or more couples. Steps. Walking step. Position. Dancers stand in couples beside each other in two parallel lines, with about eight steps' distance between the lines, the girls to the right of the boys. Figure i (1-3) The dancers go six steps to the side in the direction of the arrow (see Diagram I), and then three steps back. (4-6) Repeat the same; (7) Again three steps in the direction of the arrow : 1~s ^ (1\ /^ Diagram I (8) Then all lean in the same direction. Figure 2 (9-10) The lines go four steps toward each other, and (11-12) Return four steps backward (13-16) The couples standing opposite each other change places with eight steps, couples passing each other to the left. (9-16) Then in the same manner they go back to their original places. Figure 3 (17-20) 1st and 4th boys join hands (the 2d and 3d girls doing the same) and go to the right in the direction of the arrow (Diagram II) Diagram II to each other's places, where they halt with a slight bow to each other. All the girls are now standing in one row and all the boys in the other. (20-24) Then they go back to their own places in the same manner. (17-24) 2d and 3d boys and ist and 4th girls go in the same manner to each other's places and re- turn to their own places. Figure 4 (25-28) All join hands with their opposites and dance around in couples eight steps with the sun. (29-32) Then against the sun. (25-28) In the same manner all join hands with their own partners and dance around first with the Sun, (29-32) Then against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning. 2561 s 35 TEN PERSONS' POLKA Moderato i^=f ^^%=t=tz t IZZlL ^- :it=^: -« — «- -* — « d — •- -Tl i=r jtzt -I \- :i=^= -• — •- /«/' ^^S 4 4 ^— • :?=fc ♦ -S- j^ ^ ■♦ ••• ^i^ cresc. [^ :^=^=^=i^=^: :^=^: -•-• — •- :; J~J. J=^ jtii: ^ A H 1- I I -^ ^ -St %-%=^ H h -» 1»- ^— ^ ^- -t-T" i=i^ 1=?^==^ ^±^^=i^ i^tE^ -m m- t^ -I _| h / 10 11 12 m- ? 1K=^- H h -» »■ -^^-^-i?^ ^— P- ±=t ^^ ^:^^:=t 13 f ^ -r r r t=^ ^=i=^ 14 S=% t^ =P=<^ H h-- ¥■ 1 » W- 1 5 f r ^0 Diagram I Figure i A. (1-2) Couple I go forward four steps, be- ginning with the left foot, (3-4) Take Couple 2's free hands and bring them with them as they (Couple i) go backward four steps. (See Diagram II.) 3> YD/N Q Diagram II (5-6) Couple I go four steps forward and bring Couple 2 to their original position; (7) Leave them there and retreat two steps. (8) Then they (Couple i) face about so as to finish standing in the middle facing Couple 4. (1-8) Couple I now execute the figure just de- scribed, in the same manner, with Couple 4, but without the final turn. B. (1 : 9-16: I) All release hands, and Couple i now go through Couple 4 as indicated in Diagram III. The girl goes first through the gate formed by them, and then to the left; the boy goes through the gate after her and then to the right. Then they go to Couple 2 and there go through the gate in the same manner, the girl passing first Diagram III Then they go to the left to Couple 5, pass through the gate formed by that pair in the same manner as before, and at last go through Couple 3, crossing each other, about face, and finish in Couple 3's place while Couple 3 take their place in the middle. Figure 2 A. (|:i-8:|) Couple 3 execute the figure with Couples 5 and i as described in Part A of Figure i. B. (1 : 9-16: I) Couple 3 then go (in the same manner as described in Part B of Figure i) through the gates formed by Couples i, 5, 4 and 2, and finish in 2nd Couple's place. Figure 3 A. (|:i-8:|) Couple 2 execute the figure with Couples 4 and 3. B. (1 : 9-16: I) Couple 2 go between Couples 3, 4, I and 5 and finish in 5th Couple's place. Figure 4 A. (1 : 1-8: I) Couple 5 execute the figure with Couples I and 2. B. (1 : 9-16: I) Couple 5 go between Couples 2, I, 3 and 4, and remain in 4th Couple's place. Figure 5 A. (|:i-8:|) Couple 4 execute the figure with Couples 3 and 5. B. (1 : 9-16: I) Couple 4 go between Couples 5, 3, 2 and I and finish in ist Couple's place, which brings Couple i into the middle; and here the dance is ordinarily concluded. 2561S 37 ARM HOOK 3iE ^^ mf m • — • — •- ^ ^ :^=1- ^ * ^= ^ — — = -^^ -^*^- ^Et_ w -0 — • — •- 10 ^fe^ =^^: -m j — -«: ■#••#•■•■ 11 « •- :|i=p: 12 -» * 9- sF 13 ^^=^=r :p=P= £ 14 • « H 1- ARM Dancers. An even number. Steps. Galop, polka and walking steps. Position. The dancers stand in two lines facing each other, the girls on one side and the boys on the other. Figure i (1-4) Couple I, in ordinary dance position, dance eight galop steps in the direction of the arrow as indicated in Diagram I, HOOK (1-4) and back again with the same number of steps. Figure 2 (5-12) (Repeated as long as the figure lasts.) Couple I separate and wind in and out, the boy going around the girls, and the girl around the boys, and every other time going around own part- ner as indicated in Diagram II. a Diagram I Diagram II 25615 38 Figure 3 (13-20) Repeated as long as the figure lasts.) Now Couple I go to the centre between the lines, take right arm hook, and dance twice around with each other, then the boy goes to girl Number 2, while the girl goes to the man of the last couple (see Diagram III). t Diagram III \ (5 a They take left arm hook with these and dance twice around. Then the ist boy and the ist girl come back to each other in the centre, take right arm hook, and dance twice around with each other. Now they take left arm hook with the boy and girl of the next couple and dance around with them, etc., until they have gone through the entire line in this manner, when they place themselves as the last couple and Couple 2 start the dance from the beginning. This figure can be danced with polka step. Cofi brio LONG POLKA LONG POLKA Dancers. Any number divisible by four. Step. Walking step. Position. Dancers stand in couples in two oppo- site lines, the girls on the boys' right sides, about six steps between the lines. (See Diagram I.) Diagram I (|:i-2:|) The lines advance toward each other and each couple forms a cross with the opposite couple, joining right hands with the thumb grasp (girl with girl and boy with boy) (see Diagram II), 25615 39 Diagram II and go once around with the sun; then return to their own places, where they bow to the opposite couple. (3-4) Now the opposite couples change places (the girls going between the approaching couple), and turn so as to face each other with the girls standing on the boys' left sides. (5-6) In the same manner they return to their own places. The dance is repeated from the be- ginning. LANES ^^^Ei mf ■f EZ \Ei4=; i=i ^j^i; 2 -• •- ^- t. ^ i^ — fc ^^ ^~ — ^ ■^ — ^^ — 1 — 1 — -^=^^-J— ^J — H — p-j= 3 4 -% — % — • — • — / 5 — 1 \ L "" • • 6 - —^ — 1 \ — \ — P- — 1 — 1 — 1 — — f~ ^ ! f—\ ^ 1 LANES Dancers. Any number divisible by four, prefer- (5-8) The lines now turn back to back and again ably eight. dance four polka steps in place. Steps. Galop, polka and walking steps. C. (|:9-i2:|) The dancers again face about and Position. The dancers stand in couples in two each couple joins hands in a ring with the opposite lines facing each other, the girls on the boys' right couple, and dances around eight steps with the sun sides, the lines about four steps apart. A. (1-4) All dance seven galop steps in the direction of the arrow (Diagram I). i' Kb ^ ^ J J z^ - p — r - -'i^-r^ t- STAMPING DANCE STAMPING DANCE (i) Dancers. An even number. Step. As follows: The heel of one foot (the right, for instance) is placed forward on the ground, then one rises on the toe of that same foot, then, with a hop the heel of the left foot is struck against the right foot so that the right foot is swung for- ward and the heel of it again placed forward on the ground; and so on. Position. The dancers stand in couples facing each other, usually in a circle, the boys outside. Partners take hold of each other's upper arms. (|:i-4:|) Placing the right foot on the ground first, partners dance around against the sun, with eight of the above-described steps. (1 : 5-8: I) When the last part of the music is played, partners dance around with the sun, plac- ing the left heel first on the ground. In this manner the dance can be continued as long as desired. STAMPING DANCE (2) Dancers. Four in each set. Step. Walking step. Position. Dancers stand in a square facing the centre, with hands on hips. n!/ ♦> <2 -^ A. (1-4) The dancers, standing in position, stamp eight times in place with the right heel and (1-4) Eight times with the left heel. B. (5-6) Dancers i and 3 change places with four steps. (7-8) Dancers 2 and 4 do the same. (5-8) Then Dancers i and 3, and 2 and 4, re- turn to their places in the same manner. The dance is repeated again. STAMPING DANCE (3) OR POTATO PEELINGS Dancers. An odd number. Step. Polka step. Position. Dancers stand in couples beside each other in a ring, or in two lines facing each other with a little distance between the couples. The one who is without a partner dances to any of the others, bows, joins hands with that one and dances to own place. The one who is now left without a partner dances in the same manner; and so on. This is danced in Puumala, where it is called " Potato Peelings." 25615 42 PLOUGHMAN'S WALTZ P fc^^ *c t ^ r *^ • * ? ¥ ^e -I 1- ? f=r =i=J: &s^^ 1^ :i r # =F^ ^^■ * t f :fe^E» fc:J- ^^ A :=S= t -S5 — 4 — H — • — • — • J- ^^P- — t- '-% % ^ X—l ■P ! 1— r^ •-»— # ?^=^=^^ - tT — #-. — ^- > ^^: m 10 a^^^ -•zt:^ i ^^- f r „r J^^: T 12 PLOUGHMAN'S WALTZ Dancers. An even number. (i-8) Couples go forward sloAvly In a circle with Steps. Walking and hop steps. sixteen weary steps with bending knees, beginning Position. The dancers stand in couples (in ordi- with the outside foot, nary dance position) behind each other in a ring (9-12) Then with eight hop steps they dance facing the sun. around with the sun. The dance is repeated. 25615 - 43 KAKKONASSI s 9 t2: -^ ft ^- i^ f: :t: r — r- % t tJ KAKKONASSI Dancers. An even number, at least four couples. Step. Walking step. Position. In couples beside each other in a ring, girls on the boys' right sides. A. (1-4) Couple I dance around in place with eight steps. (1-4) Then the girl goes to Couple 2 and dances with the girl of that couple. (5-8) Then she goes back to her own partner and dances around, while Couple 2 dance around at the same time. (5-8) Girl Number i goes again to Couple 2 and dances around, this time with the boy of that couple. (|: 1-8: I) and (| : 1-8: |) She returns to her own partner, and they dance around while Couple 2 dance around also at the same time. In the same manner girl Number i dances around with the girl and boy of Couple 3, and between times with her own partner, and so on, until she has danced with all the dancers. When dancing around she always takes right arm hook with own partner and left with the others. ? <7^/^ v!/vl> I B, (|: 1-4: I) The dancers take the position in- dicated in the Diagram, and go forward hand in hand once around the circle until they come to their own places. (5-8) Here they join hands and dance around eight steps with the sun and (5-8) Eight against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning, and this time boy Number i dances around with all the dancers and between them with his own part- ner. The next time girl Number 2 does the same. In this manner the dance continues until each one has danced thus with all the dancers, the music being continued as long as the dance lasts. 2561 s 44 SKINKOMPASSE / Plif :t:=^ ^^4: % -&- 4 V-- l :P=t: > ! 4 it. ± ± /7\ 9t i=|i: =r t4 r*^ :f^:^3^ s^^ ^s :t * £ * ? Si/ SKINKOMPASSE I. SKINKOMPASSE Dancer. One person. A cross is drawn on the floor or two sticks are laid crossways. The dancer dances as indicated in Diagrams I to VIII, turning continually against the sun. The face is always turned in the direction indicated by the arrow, and the hands are either on the hips or assisting the body in keeping tlie balance. During the dance one must, on the third count of the measure, put down the back foot one step in place. This step does not appear in the diagrams. In Diagrams I, III, V and VII, the left leg is crossed in front of the right leg; in Diagrams II, IV, VI and VIII, the reverse. Right foot is marked o, left foot v. <<" '^ t •. ^^ *• ^^ V. « % .0 ft V 0. ^. ' < ► «' ■f L 2. 3 « b. 7. ft Du t grams I— VI] I II. SKINKOMPASSE Dancers. Two persons, who stand opposite each other, and take hold of each other's arms. The feet of one are shown in the Diagrams black, and those of the other white. In diagrams I, III, V and VII the black one has the left leg crossed in front of the right, while the white is the reverse. In Diagrams II, IV, VI and VIII the black one has the right leg in front of the left and the white one the reverse. \y. V .^V ff 0. ^-. ^ ^. A V. i. S Diagrams I — VIII ^. ^' > ^' 45615 45 PLANE QUADRILLE f * \m ;=tij!' ft-m f i -isf- ■0 — 0- ■0r -0- n 1 I I ^ •0r ■0r -0: H •- E •-W- :^=P=^=r i I ! h 4 ± '^a^_b i f: J^'^J f / [^ 9 4^— f- £=^ ^: -I — 11 -» »- :t=t; i. 12 * ^ s iE£ r— >--f P=i*: ^^ ^SE^ 13 1^^ 14 15, is 4r- ^ -#- 1 6 mair. 17 * — d- • d s ■^ ♦ -^^ — ! V- J_iL ^^^ •=±-dL :S F -• 0- :p=t 18 19 20 21 i ^ — d- 5^^ 22 ^=i=^^^ -^4- 25615 46 -^ — J^^ J J I PLANE QUADRILLE Dancers. Any number of couples divisible by four. Step. Walking step. Position. Couples arranged in a square. A. (1-2) Partners in Couples i and 3 face each other, join hands and " plane," that is, go four steps in the direction of the arrow (as indicated in Diagram I), the boys going forward, the girls back- ward. Diagram I (3-4) Return to places. (5-8) Repeat the same. B. (1-2) Couples I and 3 face each other, part- ners releasing hands, and Couple i go four steps to Couple 3. (3-4) Take hands with that couple as shown in Diagram II and lead them to their (Couple I's) own place (a). 6 Diagram II (5-8) All four dance around with the sun, and finish with the girl of the ist Couple and the boy of the 3d Couple standing at A, while the boy of the 1st Couple and the girl of the 3d Couple go back to the 3d Couple's place. The girls are now standing on the boys' left sides. 0\J^ -^^ Diagram in C. (9-16) Couples I and 3 go four steps toward each other, four steps backward, again toward each other, and then couples change places, the girls going between the opposite couple. (17-24) Couples I and 3 go toward each other then back, and when they go toward each other again, boys exchange girls and then dance around with their own partners to original places. D. (17-24) Couples I and 3 now change places again, the girls going between the opposite couple, and dance around with own partners in the other couple's place. (25-32) Return in the same manner to their own places and dance around as before. The dance is repeated, with Couples 2 and 4 executing it. 25615 47 ANGELIN i ^ — • 3i= J-^— • r — , M w f 1 ^ ^^= 9^ ;i^r :^^ -I 1 w •- -• » w »- -H H* 1 -^h ^. -0F- — I — * is T^ — st- t^ ■Lj -» — fi»- 9 ^^ f f — (2 1 10 ^■- i' — 1-^ 1 — r". i"i — 1 — ^ — 1 — 1 — 1 — 12 ^ >-^ ^ — A- ^ 1 i 1 ? — :;-^— ]-^, — j "^ — 1 — 0—^ ^lU^ P== r, —^-'i^J — 1 — 1 p^^= — ^ — fl — — — — ?_i^_? J 14 r — » 15 /^ - #^ -^ ' — 1 -H " ANGELIN Dancers. An even number. Step. Walking step. Position. The dancers stand in two lines facing each other, the girls in one line, the boys in the other, the lines about four steps apart. The couple at either end of the line stand hand in hand as shown in Diagram I. 25615 48 Diagram I A. (1-4) Couples I and 5 dance sideward past each other with eight steps, without dancing around and without turning. (5-8) Return to places as indicated in Diagram I. (1-8) Repeat the same. B. (9-12) Now Couple I go with eight steps to Couple 5. (13-16) Couple I now dance in the opposite direction: Couple 5, also with eight steps, follow them and take Couple I's original place, while the boy and girl of Couple i separate and fall back to their lines. (Diagram II.) Now the girl and other, and Couple 5 now dance with Couple 4 just as they did with Couple i; after this Couple 4 follow Couple 5 past Couple i, and then dance with Couple 3. a K^ ^ ^ /6\ y^/f^ Diagrram II ^ ^ This is repeated until all couples have executed boy of Couple 4 go forward, reach hands to each the figure. FAVORITES t^- ^=^=^: -P- T^^ -i =j^ 4 — 1 — i — 1 — 1 — 1 r^ 4 ^ ^ —0 — • — • — • — ^ — * — j^ — ^ — 6 — — — — J — 7 -0 *f-^=^^ — ^ ^ 8 J i 1 ^ - - f \^- U —^ A- y— Et^-jJ FAVORITES Dancers. An even number. Step. Walking step. Position. The dancers stand in couples in two rings one inside the other, the inner ring facing outward and the outer ring facing inward. In each couple the girl stands on the boy's right side, with his arm around her waist and her left hand on his right shoulder, and their free hands on hips. (1-4) Couple I go four steps toward Couple 2, then with the same number of steps swing once around against the sun (retaining the same dance grasp). (1-4) Then four steps back and swing with the sun. In swinging around, the boys turn around in place while the girls make a larger circle. (5-8) Couple I go with eight steps to the right past and around Couple 2 (in the direction of the arrow (see Diagram), and backward to their own place. At the same time Couple 2 go two steps forward. (5-8) Couple I again go around Couple 2, but instead of returning to own place they finish in Couple 2's place, while Couple 2 dance toward Couple 3 as described above. 25615 49 EVERY BOY'S POLKA Toe Polka ^_ta :f=t:: •— P- :+=:1: -m — ^ EVERY BOY'S POLKA Dancers. An even number. Steps. Walking and polka steps. Position. The dancers stand in couples facing each other; the boys form an inside ring facing outward, the girls an outside ring facing inward. Hands on hips. (]:i-4:]) All dance eight polka steps in place, beginning with the left foot. (5-18) Then the girls face to the left and the 2. The couples go around the ring with the sun, twenty-four walking steps. After this each girl goes forward one step so as boys to the right. The girls put their right hands to become the partner of the boy standing next in across behind on the boys' right shoulders and the front, and the dance is repeated again from the boys the left hands on the girls' left shoulders, beginning. 25615 50 BOWING DANCE P^i^ E^^-^^ ^^^L jrg_. ^=^ BOWING DANCE Dancers. Any number of couples divisible by four. Step. Walking step. Position. Couples stand arranged in a square, about six steps apart. A. (1-3) Couples I and 3 face partners, join hands and " plane," that is, go six steps in one direction (Diagram I) and (4-6) Six steps in the other direction. P o each other three steps, beginning with the left foot. (8) On the third step they bow slightly forward to the left and look intently at each other, the first boy looking at the second girl and the second boy at the first girl. • (9-10) Then each one turns facing the dancer of the side couple who stands nearest, and joining hands dance around with this one with the sun (11-13) And against the sun (Diagram II). Diagram I (1-6) Then facing toward the centre of the square, the same two couples change places, each girl going between the opposite couple. They then face about toward each other (without dancing around with partner) and go back to own places, each boy going between the opposite couple. B. (7) Couples I and 3 again advance toward 25615 51 hands and dance around Diagram II (7-8) All bow toward own partners. (9-10) Partners join with the sun, (11-13) And against the sun. After this the dance is repeated by Couples 2 and 4. FREE CHOICE |i £^==3 i=^i=i'- tnf A ♦ :i=J^^ •— #^ tJ- ■ft -^ ^l t :^ J=^ U * • — P — •- t::j— a^ * S i 4:^ j^^ ^ — •- 'iE^ -» »- ^ t -w=w=^-- ^-zuL^^zi:^ *=i?* ♦ -#. -» -^ H» »~ :t: ± d. ■H #=f -•^ I^E ^^ ^^= iE?^ J ^ \^ S ft -• • •- 19 20 H 1 ff-l -"P- :N=N — ^ |i= -•—jh=i=^ IE* ■s 21 -» »- :^ -• — • — -± 22 25615 52 i ^ -•-T^ r i: -^w- 9- 27 '¥- 28 ^i^ =¥-= 29 ^f=?= 80 FREE Dancers. Any number of couples divisible by four. Steps. Walking and polka step. Position. Dancers stand arranged in a square at about eight steps' distance from each other. A. (1-4) Head couples go four steps forward and four steps backward. (1-4) Repeat the same. B. (5-16) All of these dancers figure forward and back with their opposites with polka steps. C. (17-19) Then join hands with own partner CHOICE and dance around six steps with the sun, and (20-22) Six steps against the sun. ^- (23-30) All turn so that partners face each other, give right hands to partners and dance the chain once around. Then all dance around with own partners once with the sun and once against the sun. The music is repeated as long as Part D continues. This depends upon the number of dancers. Now the side couples start the dance from the beginning. WHITE AND NICE Bright WHITE AND NICE Dancers. An even number. Steps. Foot changing with hop, and walking or polka steps. Position. The dancers stand in couples facing each other, the boys forming an inside ring, facing outward; and the girls an outside ring, facing in- ward; hands on hips. (|: 1-4: I) The dancers, beginning with the right foot, dance foot changing with hop sixteen times. 25615 (5-8) Then the couples join hands and dance round in place with eight steps; first with the sun, (5-8) Then against the sun; or (1*5"8' I) Take right arm hook with each other and dance four polka steps with the sun, and four against the sun. At the end all take one step to the right and re- peat the dance with the new partner. 53 THE OLD CARTMAN -^«^ THE OLD Dancers. Four couples in each set. Steps. Walking step and " Carting Step," that is, place the right foot in front of the left and then stamp, first with the right then with the left, eight times with each foot in time to the music, without raising the heels from the ground. Position. Couples stand arranged in a square about eight steps apart from each other. CARTMAN A. (1-4) Couples I and 3 face to the left and go across to each other's places, the boy leading and the girl following, holding his hand. (1-4) In the same manner they return to own places. B. (5) Then partners turn their backs toward each other, placing hands on hips and prepare for " Carting Step." The Old Cartman (6-9) They do the " Carting Step " with each other, (lo-ii) then dance around with the sun once with each other. (5) Now all pause, facing own partner, and pre- pare for the " Carting Step " and 25615 (6-9) do the " Carting Step " with each other. (lO-ll) All dance around in couples with the sun. C. (|: 1-4: I) The same as Part A, but this time couples two and four change places and return to own places as described in Part A. D. (1 : 5-11 : I) The same as Part B. 54 FINE HEMS 1 • — I FINE HEMS Dancers. An even number. Step. Polka step. Position. Dancers stand in couples in dance po- sition behind each other in a ring facing the sun. Figure i A. (1-4) Couples dance around four steps with the sun, at the same time moving around the ring against the sun. (5-8) Then the boys dance forward four steps, during which the girls (who now dance in front of the boys) make two turns with the sun. B. (9-12) Couples again dance around with four steps. (13-16) Now the girls dance forward, while the boys make two turns with the sun in front of them. Figure 2 A. (1-8) The boys place themselves behind the girls and take hold of their arms, which are raised outward. Beginning with the left foot, both dance four steps forward in the ring against the sun, after which the boys continue forward with four steps while the girls, dancing in front of them, make two turns with the sun. B. (9-16) The same as Part A, except that now the boys dance in front. 25615 55 SAFBON i ■•• ■••'>*■ «^» ^— # r^-5 iL_*ti*_J. j d * ■ J •— ^— j — d * ^ ^ / 1 s £ f ^ — n^ : 4- =•=1^= ?^l=| 4 ::^: g[ ^ — hHi — I — 1 I •••■•■ -^ -•• ^ 1^ r^ r f ^ ;r^^ * -'^ — b S # •*• # • 41 S* -^ J— ^— ^- :«? iziTt— t is^^^::^ I g3=j -#-• -•'— ± -^ #- -• •- i :^=9£ 10 I 11 H h- 12 ^ i f^J" T^^^=l=^^=^' 3tZ=lt ^ - d S •^ • — i ^ — ^- -• — •- -Q S d 13 14 15 -I h J* 16^ -4^ SAFBON Dancers. A number divisible by four. Step. Walking step. Position. Dancers stand in couples in two lines facing each other, with about six steps between the lines. \J/ ^ N^/ vE/ (^ /Jv ^ 4\ Diagram I 2561 s 56 The dancers may also stand in a square with the side couples resting while the head couples dance, and the reverse. (1-4) Boys go toward each other and with right hands grasp each other's right thumbs and dance once around with the sun. (5-8) Then each goes to his own partner, takes her with left thumb grasp, and dances once around against the sun. (9-16) After this all four dance the English. Now the dance is repeated, and this time the girls go toward each other, giving right hands to each other, etc. FAVORITES CHANGE Favorites change Dancers. An even number. Steps. Polka step and foot moving. Position. The dancers stand in couples opposite each other in a ring and take hold of each other's shoulders. (i) The girls move the left feet outward and the boys move the right feet forward. Then the feet are moved back. (2) Now the boys move the right feet outward and the girls their left forward, after which the feet are moved back. (3-4) Repeat the same. (1-4) In the same manner the girls move the right feet and the boys the left feet. (I '5-8: I) After this they dance the polka with the sun, while moving around the circle against the sun. The dance is repeated again. In Kirimaki the second figure only is danced, and is called there " The Kronoborger." 25615 57 CLAPPING QUADRILLE )- ^|r — 0- 0— — — 1» — t- — H — — r |- p / SEE i r I :t=: 3 4 fi j-r^ ^ ^ r^ o^ • « 1 — - — • — •— ■• — — 0- m^ * 1=1=1 ■I ^- f_f _?1- * ^ A jC jt. -^iiT 9^ -I — I — ^- ^=& / 9 :?=? ^ — « — * -I — I — h- 10 -0 — 0- -0—0- ^ -^ ■*• H 1 — 11 -I 1 Hrrffh-- =h: -• — • — 0- i^^^-tX V— f- 12= S^^£ ■» 0- 0—1 -0 — — 0- -0 — 0—0- 13 e=* -! — I — h 14 ?3 ^^ :i: :p A ♦ ^^^ 15 t 4^ J^ ^^ 16 :t=i • — •- ?=s # — ^-•- -0—¥- -r-t- f 17 -• — 0- -0 0- H 1 h t # IS # -^ # _ . =P=?=F -I 1 1 F-*- -I h 19 ^tl=i * ^CZTC =?£=?= i ^i=fi= i i=d=^ 20 21 ■tf [^ B 1i=^=^ 22 -• — • — •- 25615 S8 -• — •- 23 24 -0-~^0- fc?=i ^IB^Bb '^- ■f--i CLAPPING QUADRILLE Dancers. Any number of couples divisible by four. Steps. Walking and polka steps. Position. Dancers stand arranged in a square about eight steps from each other. A. (i-8) Partners in Couples I and 3 face each other, join hands, and dance sideways (without dancing around or turning) eight steps past each other and back to places. B. (9-10) Boys I and 3, beginning with the left foot, go four steps toward each other. (11) On the fifth step they snap their fingers at each other (or strike their left hands together) and immediately face about to the right, turning on the ball of the left foot. (12-16) Beginning with the right foot they go back to their own partners, with whom they join hands and dance twice around with the sun. 7-/"- (1-3-16) Girls I and 3 now go toward each other, beginning with the right foot, and snap fingers at each other with the right hands; then facing about to the left they return to their partners, with whom they dance twice around against the sun. C. (17-20) Boys I and 3, with four polka steps (beginning with the right foot), change places, pass- ing each other to the left. (21-24) They face about to the right and return in the same manner to their own places, where they dance with their partners once around with the sun. (17-24) Now the girls do the same, beginning with the left foot, passing each other to the right; then they face about to the left and dance around with their partners against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning, with Couples 2 and 4 dancing this time. THE ST. PETERSBURGER B= ^^ f2- a^^S ^— ^ z=^ ■iS^ &- - V Dancers. Nine persons in each set, either three hips (or the girls take hold of their skirts), boys and six girls or the reverse. Step. Walking step. Position. The dancers stand in three parallel lines, the two outer lines facing each other and the l jj A /^ /\ middle line facing Line I, with a distance of about eight short steps between the lines. The dancers l. hi /\ ^^ Ai of each line join hands, the outside hands on the Diagram I 25615 70 A. (1-4) Lines I and II go four steps toward each other beginning with the left foot, and the same number of steps backward. (5-8) Repeat this, and on the last step the middle one of Line II releases partners' hands, all three face about quickly and join hands again. (1-8) In the same manner Lines I and III go toward each other and backward twice. B. (9-16) Then the dancers in Line A dance the English while Lines B and C do the same, until all get back to their own places. (17-24) Then all face as indicated in Diagram II, and Line I dance the English, while Lines II and III do the same. A B C L.I > C < L. 11 > C < L. Ill v> C < Diagram II When the dance is repeated, Lines A and B go twice forward and back with each other first, and then lines B and C do the same. At the close, Lines I, II and III dance the English first, and then Lines A, B and C. The dance is continued in this manner. LISTENING GAME Tempo di Maztirka LISTENING GAME Dancers. Any number of couples. Steps. Running step and fall-out step. Ring grasp. Position. Couples stand beside each other in a ring, the girls on the right of the boys. (1-8) All run in time to the music, with the sun. (9-10) Partners take fall-out position toward each other, " listening." (9-10) Fall-out position away from each other. The dance is begun next time with running step against the sun, etc. " Listening " is repeated one or more times, as it pleases the musicians. 25615 71 DANIEL • • T^ m ^ — ^ — I— • — • * — • — ^ ^a — • -» — »- / 1 S|S -» — »- -« '^— ^— •- # — »— •^ ^ ♦T^ -ft ♦ St 1^ 4 =t= // -^= »= -• • 0- -#=i= -H h ggpg^^.^ ±*=^ ^•= - M- I I 1 * H» 9 t- 10 s i y ^ ^ • — ^- 11 p ~ f p * • i«p=*r: -I h- ^-5: 12 if: -^ -. #• -^ ♦ // 18 ^^ -• •- 14 -^- J=^S= :|:^ P P — \ 0—P 15 ♦ -I — ^ — I ^ *(il)^=t?^: ! h 16 ^ 4 ^^ :^=E # - -^ -I — I — h — I— • — S — -• J • -T- 17^ -»■ Cp: 18 1 §^%=i^=-i^ • — •- * — • — /— •— S-r-* &-• — to m — • ^ — P— 1-»— » — ■—•—J- 1 1 1 ■ "^ "" 1- \ - IBs^E 19 J" * 20 ?^ / 21 -J — m- 22 ^ -^- ^•=^^^=5 ^* 23 ^ >■ P~»-S-0 24 -^ sfz-& 25615 72 DANIEL Dancers. Five persons in every set. Steps. Stride step. Position. One boy, " Daniel," stands in the centre, and four girls in a square surrounding him about four steps distant from him. All stand fac- ing in the same direction, with hands on hips (see Diagram). \y w v \y (i-8) All dance stride steps once to each meas- ure. At the end of every other measure all fact to the left. This is done four times. (9-16) Then all do the same, turning to the right. (1-16) Now " Daniel " becomes restless and be- gins hopping twice as fast, thus making four hops to each measure; but the others follow his ex- ample, and thus " Daniel " never succeeds in see- ing the girls' faces, as they continually turn away from him. (1-16) Then this is repeated again, beginning in the original slow time. " Daniel " now seems worn out and hops with tottering knees. This finishes the dance. AMERICA'S POLKA '^^F — I- ^_b n=s^^ I «= -m—m—m-—^ -4— H — \- •^ -^ *-^ • -i H 1- i_r ?^ ■h — F — ^ — 0- ^^^^-^ -^■JW- = j3tti=i ^tl^^jL^- AMERICA'S POLKA Dancers. An even number. Step. Polka step. Position. Couples stand after each other in a ring in dance position, facing against the sun. Figure i (1-4) The dancers move their right feet forward and back twice, and the same with the left. (1-4) Then they dance four polka steps with the sun, at the same time moving around the circle against the sun. (5-12) Repeat the same. 25615 73 Figure 2 (1-4) The boys move their left and the girls their right feet outward and back, and then they dance one polka step in the same c^rcction. They repeat the same in the opposite direction, the boys beginning with the right feet and the girls with the left. (1-4) Repeat the sanie. (5-12) After this, couples dance four polka steps with the sun and four against the sun, at the same time moving around the room against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning. PELLINGE QUADRILLE Stately -^ P—» i^ ^ — ^ r mf 1 i!e r iE?EE«^tEJ£ES^ :!siji i^t «=^ EEEEf -4r i ii^ e5^=^=S r ^^ r J 6 I ii .^_^_P_PL_f »-• — •- t S=S: "Y^ :^? =E^ 8 - ■•• -S- ♦ If- t: P"^ i^iit: -&- i itzi: :^^-=r -i — 8 II :iE?= -f-4r— r- :^=^=^=ii= ■I h / 9 (iii; t p^# :fK=H— # 10 • • • ■•- -^ ♦ ^i=pc ^ r— F=F 11 • • ^ij- ^-^1^-^ -A=^ jLJ ^M=^ l=f^ 12 I ^^^__t^_r- a=:^^=:p=pi=4i: 18 [ ^=fe=^= £| E ^~» :p=^ lii — — I 14 -f ^g: :^=»^ i: "P=^ i d! 16^/2 f 5^t=t^ I ♦ # "m^d^M Folk Danser in PELLINGE QUADRILLE Dancers. Four or eight couples. Steps. Walking step. In marching, take cross- hand grasp; in Figures 4 and 5, high hand grasp. When a boy leaves or comes to a girl, they exchange bow and courtesy. Position. Four or eight couples in quadrille. V v^ V '^ < c < c r^ /\ ^ A 2 3 Figure i (|:i-8:|) All promenade, taking one step for each quarter-note; couples going around the circle with the sun, the boys on the inside of the ring. 25615 When all come to own places, each boy, still keep- ing the cross-hand grasp, swings his partner over to the right side. Figure 2 A. (1 : 9-16: I) Figure', ist and 3d couples. The boy of the ist and the girl of the 3d couple execute figure with each other. When they return to own places they take a couple of steps to the right toward their own partners, and dance around with the sun. B. (17-18) Couples advance toward each other; (19-20) Then retire to places. (21-22) Advance again toward each other, then (23-24) Boys exchange girls, facing about against the sun, and return to own places. (17-24) Repeat the same. 75 Figure 2 is repeated with the girl of the ist couple and the boy of the 3d couple dancing as above. Figure 2 is repeated until the 2d and 4th couples have executed the above in the same manner. Figure 3 (1 : 1-8: I) The same as Figure i. Figure 4 (25-26) After facing each other, the boy and girl of each couple (beginning with the left feet) go past each other three steps, then face about, at the same time closing the feet together. (27-28) After changing hand grasp they repeat the same, beginning on the right feet. (29-32) Repeat the same. Figure 5 (|: 1-8: I) All execute chain with ordinary walk- ing step. The whole quadrille is usually done four times. Tempo di polka 2- ^ T ~^=^=^L^" 9if t- 1 GALLOPAD X^' m^ -A^- -r=p= = 3 h =E^?=f *» Lightly wm £3EgE^ -• — •- =#=?»= :^ :^=Li4: 10 11 i:?^- ^ 12 f^ t^=E=^ -^ — ^ GALLOPAD Dancers. Any number of couples. Steps. Toe touching and polka step. Position. Dancers ordinarily stand in couples in a ring with ordinary dance grasp. (1-2) The boy places the left foot outward with the toe on the ground, the girl does the same with her right foot, then each moves this foot up to the other and takes one polka step, the boy at the same 25615 76 time swinging his partner to the left, while still retaining dance grasp. (3-4) Repeat the same, the boy beginning with the right foot, the girl the left. The boy this time swings his partner to the right. (1-4) Repeat the same. (5-12) Now they dance polka with the sun, while the circle revolves against the sun. TWO-STEPS POLKA i Tempo di Polka ~^Ch» ^ ^ ^ >«/" 1 :t^_=^ -• ^ :.^ -• — •- ^ H h y • • Jt ■^ #• # -» » -F- JJ5E* f * t^ tj *=r at=t= ii^ $^?E^ i^ ± 5 ♦ :p— ¥ ti4 ^ut^tt'^nt^ # — » — P — * — a- 1 — — I — I — P- £ ^=&=S ~i=W -I — h- ^tJ- J P— • — #- . 8 i ^^- :^J^: ^£ §i; P • -i 1- d — I \ ^ - ^ !^ 10 :*:: 12 i ■cj*— -n*^ J ^ ^ ± -^ ♦ ••• -r- -I— •<— ■(— TWO-STEPS POLKA Dancers. Any number of couples. arm grasp and continue dancing, at the same time Steps. Galop step. making a half-turn with the sun for each measure. Position. Couples after each other in a ring. The circle in the meantime revolves against the (i-i6) The dancers take single arm grasp and sun. dance several galop steps forward. Take double 25615 77 KONTRA I -•-I — • — I- ^-t=:[i=t:=M=it3t »^ ^^^^ => j- •-4—^ -s-* t ^■ g^^ H •- I^EES^ • P-m- £ :p=i ^^^ ^iLit^ i^^^ ^= -H ^^ 1 H -^- ^?= -P •- ^&=£^ ^ * * -P^?^-# p-f— f — p- C#^«-#-P ♦ 9 Wfi 1 :^ 10 ^ : j_J-jLj i:^^^z:|=:^ 11 11 ii Id — # ..c^ ^ :^=t > — ^ :| 4 ' — •— a— •— P— I H- -^H" 13 ^P^=£ t: 14 -•—I •- -•— p— ^F ■p=P=?c 15 • P^ s^ 16 -^ ♦ A -1 •!■ 1- ■U^ — C::^:^ -» m m- t n i li^S^ ^e!e^ 17 ai^ ^^1 18 ^ ¥^-1^^ ^ 19 t -•— #^ 20 -• •- e 78 ^ ^E^=£ ' 1 25615 :If m¥^ ^^^^ -• — •■ le 25 — ' ^ — I — — ^ =f=?=f=^r=f=p: i:: =t 26 ^ I: =R -^. 27 =4= t-|«= =^=1^ -^— #- 28 €= '^tT't % 3t ;=^:f * - * - J^t!=t^: 29 fej «!=i=3: "*-p«-^ -•—I — •- -•— ^- 30 m — ti-^ h 5^9^ :SPFf tz^ -7- -ni- si 32 5 -*f- III H 0- ^^^= A ± — f^^— • 33 1=1 -» H •»- "t^ 34 !3 3^ ■^riT"^ ^a; 35 ^ -4 ± P it-^*?" ^3=i=:i= 36 ^^ 37 ^^ tczzt :•— p— ,•— F— •- ?=t=i'=r= 38 • V— -5- ^ — P-# =^= j— '^ 39 40 .iL « a=» t ea 25615 79 ^^T^- KONTRA Dancers. Four or eight couples. Steps. Walking step, Polka step or Jig step. Boys put their hands behind their backs, girls hold their dresses. When marching, cross-hand grasp is taken. Every time a boy leaves or comes to a girl, they exchange a bow and courtesy. 4 V V^ \/ v^ 3 < r^ /\ r^ /\ o Position. Four or eight couples in quadrille. Figure i A. (i-i6) Couples go around the circle against the sun, the boys inside the ring. B. (17-24) ist and 3d couples. The boys, with backs turned toward the inside of the ring, dance with own partners with small polka steps (begin- Figure 2 A. (1-16) 1st couple swing once around against the sun. The boy of this couple turns his back toward the centre of the ring, and facing his own partner, dances with polka step (or Jig step), first two steps in place, then backward, then forward a little quicker. Now he executes the same with the girls of the 2d, 3d and 4th couples, and again with own partner, after which ist and 2d couples turn once against the sun. The same is danced in turn by the boys of the 2d, 3d and 4th couples. B. The same as Part A, with the exception that it is danced by the girls. The music is repeated until the figure is finished. Figure 3 A. Change Girls. (33-48) The boy of the ist couple swings once around with his partner, relinquishes her to the ning with the left feet), face about and dance fac- boy of the 2d couple, takes the girl of the 2d ing each other, go past each other to the left, and dance with the girl of the opposite couple. C- (25-32) Couples form a ring, the boys plac- ing their hands around the girls' waists, the girls' hands on the boys' shoulders. Dance around thus with galop step with and against the sun, after which the boys lead their own partners to places. (17-32) 2d and 4th couples execute the same. (First figure is danced three times.) 2561S 80 couple, and swings with her in the same manner; relinquishes her to the boy of the 3d couple, and so on. The figure is continued until all are in own places. The music is repeated until the figure is finished. B. Change Boys. Note. In Figure 3, Part B, the boy takes a step inside the ring so as to stand at the girl's left side. Figure 4 A. (1-8) Couples take double ring hand grasp with the boys' hands on top and " fold " four times. (9-16) Girls form an inner ring, the boys an outer. The girls go to the left, the boys to the right; then they go around the other way. B. (1-16) The same as Part A, with the excep- tion that the girls' hands are on top. The boys now form the inner ring and the girls the outer. The dance finishes with all " thanking " each other; i.e., the ist and 3d Couples advance toward each other, the boy of the ist Couple " thanks " the girl of the 3d Couple, while the girl of the ist Couple " thanks " the boy of the 3d Couple. After that, the girls and the boys do the same diagonally across, the girls to each other and the boys to each other, then each to his (or her) own partner. SEVEN-STEP POLKA Tempo di Polka SEVEN-STEP POLKA Dancers. Any number. Steps. Follow step, polka step and hop step. Position. Couples after each other in a ring. Ordinary dance grasp. A. (1-2) The dancers take three follow steps (all beginning with the left feet) and one stamp step. (3-4) Face about against the sun and dance back with the same number of steps. B. (5-6) After this the boys swing their girls to the left, still retaining dance grasp, and all take one follow step and one stamp step. The same is repeated to the right. (7-8) Then couples dance hop step, boys putting down the left foot first, and girls the right. (5-8) Repeat Part B again. 25615 81 ^— f-r-f-#^-#-r-J- H J J ^ 7 ^•=t^ ti^. 14 f=r=^ t: 15 # fe2#. r 16^/^ :P= T MATADORA Dancers. Four or five couples. Steps. Walking and hop step. Every time a boy comes to or leaves a girl they exchange a bow and courtesy. Position. The dancers stand in two lines facing each other, girls on one side and boys on the other, with four steps' distance between the lines. Kb ^ ^ "^ "^ ABC Figure i A. (|:i-8:|) "Big Ring." All form a ring, go once around with the sun, and finish in own places. B. (9-16) Figure by all the dancers at once. Figure 2 (1-4) The boy and girl of the ist couple go toward each other to A, take right arm hook and dance around with hop step. (5-8) Take left arm hook and dance around again. 2561 s 82 (9-12) They go between the lines to C. (13-16) Now they face about turning toward each other, and return to B. (1-8) The boy goes to the girl of the 5th couple, while the girl goes to the boy of the 2d, and they swing around, first with right, then left arm hook. (9-16) They go again between the rows, and dance around. After this they continue dancing in the same manner with the next following girls and boys in turn. The last time they go between the lines, they take their place as the last couple at the foot, and in each row all join hands down the line. (1-8) The boy leads his line once around with the sun and the girl at the same time leads her line once around against the sun, so that they return to their places. (9-16) Repeat B of Figure i again. Figure 2 is repeated until it has been executed by the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th couples. When the boy and girl of the 5th couple have led their line once around, they go around again, this time joining hands, and all marching around with the sun in couples. TREADING DANCE S Tempo di Valse # \ — •- St mf Ssfit H- 1 __- •* -^ -m — »- -» — w- -t- i_J WT 1==t: m J J -t- ■^B^ab cresc. 5 ^— • \=^-f—P-»- f ii=f i J -I I H- m « m- i ? ^^=^ ig r- 10 11 m^ ^eI^ 12 ^ W- ^^E^ i r TREADING DANCE Dancers. Any number. in a ring. Wormso hand grasp. Steps. Three step waltz for the girls and tread- (1-12) Couples dance around against the sun, ing step for the boys. at the same time moving around the circle with Position. Couples usually stand after each other the sun. 25615 83 Tempo di Mazurka FIST POLKA mM^m^m^ 3^ii^^S|^ r 2 itzi: ^^=B 4 j/s- PP =* A |=..=,=t: ?; 6 \- --^EE^- -^fe I ^'1 FIST POLKA FIST POLKA (i) Dancers. Any number of couples. Steps. Polka step, first hop, and danckig around each for himself. Position. The dancers stand in couples in a ring, partners facing each other, the girls on the outside of the ring, the boys inside. Double hand grasp. Figure i (i-3) Beginning with the left feet, couples dance three polka steps with the sun. (4) Then, turning toward each other they take three ordinary steps in place (left feet, right feet, and left feet). (1-4) Repeat the above, this time against the sun and beginning with the right feet. Figure 2 (5-6) Make a " Fist hop " once with the left and once with the right feet, with hands placed on hips. 25615 84 (7-8) Repeat the same, partners now clenching fists at each other at the same time that the hops are taken. ^ (9-10) Then each dances around by himself against the sun, at the same time clapping hands five times in time to the music. On the last step a stamp is made, and at the same time the hands are placed on the hips. (5-10) Figure 2 repeated. FIST POLKA (2) Another version of the Fist Polka, as taught by Miss Collan of Finland, is as follows: Position. Partners face each other with double hand grasp. Figure i (i) Beginning with the left feet they swing around with the sun with the following steps; one follow, or change step (done to the first two counts of the measure), and then a long step (or leap, as if hurdling) past the left feet on to the right feet, done on the third count of the measure. (2-3) Continue, taking two more of the above steps. (4) Then, facing each other, they make three ordinary steps in place (left, right, left). (1-4) Repeat the above, I, thil^ 'ti^nV'.'.syJin^jiig. around against the sun and beginning with the right feet. Figure 2 (1 : 5-10: I) The same as Figure 2 of the first version. MARTIN WAPPU • — •-#-! h-l *-J J — I I — h-h-F=F-hi- ^ r^^ TF= «--|-r- 1— -I I H- MARTIN WAPPU MARTIN WAPPU (l) Dancers. An even number. Steps. Schottische step, and foot changing with hop. Position. Dancers stand in a double ring facing each other in couples, the boys forming the outer ring facing inward and the girls the inner ring facing outward, with hands on hips. A. (1-4) Dancers all take right arm hook with partners and dance around four schottische steps with the sun. (1-4) Then take left arm hook and dance around in the same manner against the sun. B- (5~7) The dancers with a hop place the left toe forward on the ground and then change feet five times, hopping six times in all. (8) All stamp three times. (9-12) Repeat the same. At the end all take a step to the right, and repeat 25615 85 the dance with a new partner. MARTIN WAPPU (2) Dancers. Four in each set. Steps. Foot changing with hop, hopping with feet closed together (which is not necessary to ex- plain), and walking step. Position. The dancers stand in a square facing the centre, about three steps apart from each other, with hands on hips. A. (i) All dance two " foot changes " with hops in place. (2) Then three quick hops backward with feet closed together. (3-4 and 1-4) Repeat this three times. B. (5-12) Dancers join hands in a ring and dance eight steps around with the sun and eight against the sun. The dance is repeated from the beginning. OSTERBOTTNISK FOUR CORNERS i h- SEt -•— •- 9*s==t=f==N a^^=E t: I I izfe ! I I 1 r -ji-b^izj. :i^-3*=i: =^: i 5^ cresc. -\ 1- L 4 =t S I- :*=?: :itif^ 3: :^^:^= -«-r- -- #^ ^EE3^ 1^: ^-F ^-•- 4^ ^^-=^^ :E -A^- i^ — I — 1- (S?- i: S -^ — • ^-a — « • :i it -H- 10 :S. =i=K / 11 =«=?c -• d— H.— i/- 12 H «- ::t=t:=t I — -r^- 2^ -J- ir-l-' t::^ — t-^ 2561S 86 OSTERBOTTNISK FOUR CORNERS ! • • •• • ••• , •»• • • •• • • • • t t « Steps. Galop and polka step, ordinary dance grasp. (1-4) The 1st Couple dance out from corner A toward corner B with eight galop steps. (5-8) The dancers turn around to the left and take the same number of galop steps backward to corner C. Diagram I B C 3 VJ >C 4 ^,'^ >c w ai A w b^ A-C. *-A 1 ^ w 2 A A J ^ D B I 2 A ta cf ^A 3< D Diagram II Diagram III Diagram IV (9-16) Now they return to corner B, dancing Polka with the sun. (1-16) The 1st Couple continue after this to cor- ners C and D, and return to C. At the same time the 2d Couple dance out from corner A to B and C, and return to B. In this manner the 3d and 4th Couples, one after the other, dance out until one couple stand in each corner. The dance continues from corner A with two or more couples who dance after each other between corners A and B, and between C and D. Between A and B the ist Couple go in front of the 2d. Between C and D the 2d Couple go in front of the ist Couple. Between B and C, and also between D and A, the two couples go side by side in line with each other. Between B and C the ist Couple are toward the outside of the square, the 2d Couple inside; be- tween D and A the ist Couple are toward the inside and the 2d Couple outside. The dance continues thus until two, three, or more couples stand in each corner. The dance, when it is well understood, can also be done with two or three couples beginning at the same time. 25615 87 ^# UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I i . 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