MflTY .-r OF 1 . I SAN cw cwaao tx In Memory of Xincoln jfitjelt HARPER'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY. TRANSLATED LITERALLY. C M 3 A ' CJSAR'S COMENTARIES GALLIC AND CIVIL WARS ttrilmte& to prtnw ; INCI.UPINO THE ALEXANDRIAN, AFRICAN, AND SPANISH WARS. LITERALLY TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES AND A VERY ELABORATE INDEX. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, 829 & 831 PEAKL 8TBEET. 1859. A '; \ i \ A \\\ PREFACE. THE present is the most complete translation of Caesar yet presented to the English public. Besides the books deemed authentic, it includes those variously attributed to Hirtius and others, namely, the eighth book of the Gallic War, and the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars. In addition to these, the Frag- ments, consisting of quotations from various ancient authors relating to Caesar, are now for the first time given in English. The utmost attention has been paid to render the translation as closely literal as is consistent with neat- ness of style. The text which has been followed is that of Oudendorp, collated, however, with the labors of subsequent critics. The notes are of but limited extent, as the classical student is presumed to possess either Oudendorp's, Oberlin's, Anthon's, Prenderville's, or some other of the numerous editions which supply what he is likely to require in this department. vi PREFACE. Although Caesar can not be regarded as a difficult author, the publisher has had no little trouble in pro- curing a translation to his mind, in consequence of which considerable delay has arisen. The work has at length been completed, it is hoped satisfactorily, by Mr. W. A. McDevitte, B.A., of Trinity College, Dublin, in conjunction with W. S. Bonn. THE COMMENTARIES OF C, JULIUS CJESAR ON JII8 WAR IN GAUL. BOOK I THE ARGUMENT. I. Description of Gaul and its divisions. II.-IV. The ambitious designs of the Helvetii under Orgetorix, and the suspicious death of the lat- ter. V.-VI. The Helvetii still proceed to carry out then- designs. VIII.- XI. Caesar's opposition and measures. XII. The battle at the River Arar. XIII. The Helvetii send embassadors to sue for peace. XIV. Caesar's politic answer. XV. Another engagement with the Helvetii. XVI. Caesar's reproof of the ^Edui for not sending him the promised supplies. XVIL-XIX. The disclosures of Liscua respecting Dum- norix. XX. Divitiacus, his brother, pleads for Dnmnorix. XXI.-XXVI. Various events in the war between Caesar and the Helvetii. XXVII. The Helvetii, being worsted, offer a surrender, but some clandestinely return home. XXV III.-XXIX. The numbers of the several Helvetian forces before and after the war. XXX. Certain parts of Gaul congratu- late Caesar and request a council. XXXI. Complaints are there made against Ariovistus. XXXII.-XXXVI. Caesar's message to Ariovistus and the bold answer of the latter. XXXVH.-XXXIX. A panic in the Eoman camp. XL. Caesar's speech on that occasion. XLI. Its effects. XLII.-XLVI. Conference between Caesar and Ariovistus. XL VII.- LIL Which terminates in war. LIII. The overthrow of the Germans and their flight from Gaul. LIV. Caesar, having sent his army into winter-quarters among the Sequani, proceeds to perform the civil duties of his pro-consular office. CHAP. I. All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgse Inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the Aquitani ; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, be- cause they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently resort to 1 2 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK r. them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind ; and they are the nearest to the Gennans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, "with whom they are continually waging war ; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. One part of these, 1 which it has been said that the Gauls occupy, takes its beginning at the river Rhone ; it is bounded by the river Garonne, the ocean, and the territories of the Belgae ; it borders, too, on the side of the Sequani and the Helvetii, upon the river Rhine, and stretches toward the north." The Belgae rises from the extreme frontier of Gaul, extend to the lower part of the river Rhine ; and look toward the north and the rising sun. 3 Aquitania extends from the river Garonne to the Pyrenaean mountains and to that part of the ocean which is near Spain : 4 it looks between the set- ting of the sun, and the north star. 5 CHAP. II. Among the Helvetii, Orgetorix was by far the most distinguished and wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso 8 were consuls, incited by lust of sove- reignty, formed a conspiracy among the nobility, and per- suaded the people to go forth from their territories with all their possessions, 7 [saying] that it would be very easy, 1 Of these, i. e. of the three divisions of the Gauls, (1> Celts, (2) Bel- gians, and (3) Aquitanians, not yet reduced by conquest to the state of provincials of Rome, as the AUobroges in the S. E. had been by Q. Fdbiiis Maximus Allobrogicus, who was consul in B. c. 121 (the year of the fam- ous vintage), with L. Opimius Nepos, the murderer of C. Gracchus in that year. This Fabius, who thence derived his surname, defeated them and triumphed over their ally Bituitus, king of the Averni [Auvergne] who was led captive in the victor's procession at Rome. So that be- fore Caesar's birth this was the Provincia (or Galh'a Narbonensis vel Brac- cata). The modern Provence is only part of the old Roman Provincia. 2 " To the north:" literally, to the northern stars. 3 . e. It has a north-east aspect. . * i. e. It has a north-west aspect. 5 This " part of the ocean" is the Bay of Biscay, where it washes tho north coast of Spain. 6 The consulship of M. Valerius Messala Niger and M. Pupius Piso, was in B. c. 61, the year in which Clodius profaned the rites of the Bona Dea, and in which Pompey the Great triumphed at Rome for his victories over the Pirates, and the kings Tigranes, and Mithridates. 7 Cum omnibus copiis, i. e. iravdrj/tei, with aU their goods and chattels, [conf. " cultum et copias Gallorum." Book i. 31.] CHAP. m. CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 3 since they excelled all in valor, to acquire the supremacy of the whole of Gaul. To this he the more easily persuaded them, because the Helvetii, are confined on every side by the nature of their situation ; on one side by the Rhine, a very broad and deep river, which separates the Helvetian territory from the Germans ; on a second side by the Jura, a very high mountain, which is [situated] between the Sequani and the Helvetii ; on a third by the Lake of Geneva, and by the river Rhone, which separates our Province from the Helvetii. From these circum- stances it resulted, that they could range less widely, and could less easily make war upon their neighbors ; for which reason men fond of war [as they were] were affected with great regret They thought, that considering the extent of their population, and their renown for warfare and bravery, they had but narrow limits, although they extended in length 240, and in breadth 180 [Roman] 1 miles. CHAP. HI. Induced by these considerations, and influ- enced by the authority of Orgetfirix, they determined to pro- vide such things as were necessary for their expedition to buy upas great a number as possible of beasts of burden and wagons to make their sowings as large as possible, so that on their march plenty of corn might be in store and to establish peace and friendship with the neighboring states. They reckoned that a term of two years would be sufficient for them to execute their designs ; they fix by decree their departure for the third year. Orgetorix is chosen to complete these arrange- ments. He took upon himself the office of embassador to the states : on this journey he persuades Casticus, the son of Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani, whose father had pos- sessed the sovereignty among the people for many years, and had been styled "friend" by the senate of the Roman people), to seize upon the sovereignty in his own state, which his father had held before him, and he likewise persuades Dum- norix, an ^Eduan, the brother of Divitiacus, who at that time possessed the chief authority in the state, and was -exceedingly beloved by the people, to attempt the same, and gives him his 1 The Roman mile, mille passus=4,854 English, feet, exactly=9'193 of English miles. So that the length, as in the text, would be about 21 1 English miles, the breadth 163. The real length of Helvetia from the Leman lake to Lake of Constance is hardly more than 40 geographical miles. 4 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. daughter in marriage. He proves to them that to accomplish their attempts was a thing very easy to be done, because ho himself would obtain the government of his own state ; that there was no doubt that the Helvetii were the most power- ful of the whole of Gaul ; he assures them that he will, with his own forces and his own army, acquire the sove- reignty for them. Incited by this speech, they give a pledge and oath to one another, and hope that, when they have seized the sovereignty, they will, by means of the three most powerful and valiant nations, be enabled to obtain possession of the whole of Gaul CHAP. IV. When this scheme was disclosed to the Hel- vetii by informers, they, according to their custom, compelled Orgetorix to plead his cause in chains ; it was the law that the penalty of being burned by fire should await him if con- demned. On the day appointed for the pleading of his cause, Orgetorix drew together from all quarters to the court, all his vassals to the number of ten thousand persons; and led to- gether to the same place all his dependents and debtor- bondsmen, .of whom he had a great number ; by means of those he rescued himself from [the necessity of] pleading his cause. While the state, incensed at this act, was endeavoring to as- sert its right by arms, and the magistrates were mustering a large body of men from the country, Orgetorix died ; and there is not wanting a suspicion, as the Helvetii think, of his having committed suicide. 1 CHAP. V. After his death, the Helvetii nevertheless at- tempt to do that which they had resolved on, namely, to go forth from their territories. When they thought that they were at length prepared for this undertaking, they set fire to all their towns, in number about twelve to their villages about four hundred and to the private dwellings that remained ; they burn up all the corn, except what they intend to carry with them ; that after destroying the hope of a return home, they might be the more ready for undergoing all dangers. They order every one to carry forth from home for himself provisions for three months, ready ground. They persuade the Rauraci, and the Tulingi, and the Latobrigi, their neigh- 1 Literally, " nor is there absent a suspicion that he resolved on death for himsel'' CHAP.VH. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 5 bors, to adopt the same plan, and after burning down their towns and villages, to set out with them : and they admit to their party and unite to themselves as confederates the Boii, who had dwelt on the other side of the Rhine, 1 and had crossed over into the Norican territory, and assaulted Noreia." CHAP. VI. There were in all two routes, by which they could go forth from their country one through the Sequani 3 narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely one wagon at a time could be led ; there was, moreover, a very high mountain overhanging, so that a very few might easily intercept them) ; the other, through our Province, much easier and freer from obstacles, because the Rhone flows between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the Allobroges, who had lately been subdued,* and is in some places crossed by a ford. The furthest town of the Allobroges, and the nearest to the territories of the Helvetii, is Geneva. From this town a bridge extends to the Helvetii. They thought that they .should either persuade the Allobroges, because they did not seem as yet well-affected toward the Roman people, or compel them by force to allow them to pass through their territories. Having provided every thing for the expedition, they appoint a day, on which they should all meet on the bank of the Rhone. This day was the fifth before the kalends of April [i-. e. the 28th 6 of March], in the consulship of Lucius Piso and Aulus Gabinius [B. c. 58.] CHAP. VII. When it was reported to Caesar that th#y were attempting to make their route through our Province, he hastens to set out from the city, and, by as great marches as he can, proceeds to Further Gaul, and arrives at Geneva. He orders the whole Province [to furnish] as great a number of soldiers as possible, as there was in all only one legion in Further Gaul : he orders the bridge at Geneva to . be 1 In the modern Bohemia and Bavaria, which both derive their names from the Boii. 2 Noreia seems to have been the old capital of Noricum. 3 The country of the Sequani is the modern Franche Comte. 4 C. Pomptinus, when praetor, defeated (B. c. 61) the Allobroges, who had invaded his province of Gallia Narbonensis. (They were perhaps insurgents.) 5 According to the ^'reclusive reckoning of the ancients, whereby the 31st (last) day of March would be the day before [rather the 2d day of] the kalends of April, the 30th the 3d day before, etc., etc. 8 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. broken down. When the Helvetii are apprized of his arrival, they send to him, as embassadors, the most illustrious men of their state (in which embassy Numeius and Verudoctius held the chief place), to say "that it was their intention to march through the Province without doing any harm, because they had" [according to their own representations,] 1 "no other route : that they requested, they might be allowed to do so with his consent." Caesar, inasmuch as he kept in remembrance that Lucius Cassius, the consul, had been slain, 2 and his army routed and made to pass under the yoke by the Helvetii, did not think that [their request] ought to be granted : nor was he of opinion that men of hostile disposition, if an opportunity of marching through the Province were given them, would abstain from outrage and mischief. Yet, in order that a period might intervene, until the soldiers whom he had ordered [to be furnished] should assemble, he replied to the ambassadors, that he would take time to deliberate ; if they wanted any thing, they might return on the day before the ides 3 of April [on April 12th]. CHAP. VIII. Meanwhile, with the legion which he had with him and the soldiers which had assembled from the Pro- vince, he carries along for nineteen [Roman, not quite eighteen English] miles a wall, to the height of sixteen feet, 4 and a trench, from the Lake of Geneva, which flows into the river Rhone, to Mount Jura, which "separates the territories of the Sequani from those of the Helvetii. When that work was finished, he distributes garrisons, and closely fortifies redoubts, in order that he may the more easily intercept them, if they should attempt to cross over against his will. When the day which he had appointed with the embassadors came, and 1 Vid. Madvig's Lat Gramm. ("Wood's Translation), 382. Obs. 3, p. 333. These parentheses are inserted to explain more fully the pre- cise form of the Latin subjunctives (" haberent" .... " reverterentur, etc.) in the oratio obliqva, indirect citation, where not the fact but the assertion of it by somebody, is meant to be declared. - By the Tigurini, u. c. 107, when consul (with the famous C. Marius). Yid. chap. ziL 3 The ides of April being April 13th, and the ides of every month the 13th, save March, May, July, and, October, during which four months the ides fell on the 15th of each, two days later than usual. 4 The Roman foot, pes, was equal to 97 English feet. The height of the wall would, therefore, bo about 11 feet 10 inches, according to our mensuration. CHAP. x. CJSSAR'S COMMENTARIES. 7 they returned to him ; he says, that he can not, consistently with the custom and precedent of the Roman people, grant any one a passage through the Province ; and he gives them to understand, 1 that, if they should attempt to use violence he would oppose them. The Helvetti, disappointed in this hope, tried if they could force a passage (some by means of a bridge of boats and numerous rafts constructed for the purpose ;" others, by the fords of the Rhone, where the depth' of the river was least, sometimes by day, but more frequently by night), but being kept at bay by the strength of our works, and by the concourse of the soldiers, and by the missiles, they desisted from this attempt. CHAP. IX. There was left one way, [namely] through the Sequani, by which, on account of its narrowness, they could not pass without the consent of the Sequani. As they could not of themselves prevail on them, they send embassadors to Dumn6rix the ./Eduan, that through his intercession, they might obtain their request from the Sequani. Dumndrix, by his popularity and liberality, had great influence among the Sequani, and was friendly to the Helvetii, because out of that state he had married the daughter of Orgetdrix ; and, incited by lust of sovereignty, was anxious for a revolution, and wished to have as many states as possible attached to him by his kindness toward them. He, therefore, undertakes the affair, and prevails upon the Sequani to allow the Helvetii to march through their territories, and arranges that they should give hostages to each other the Sequani not to obstruct the Hel- vetii in their march the Helretii, to pass without mischief and outrage. CHAP. X. It is again told Caesar, that the Helvetii in- tended to march through the country of the Sequani and the ^Edui into the territories of the Santones, which are not far distant from those boundaries of the Tolosates, which [viz. Tolosa, Toulouse] is a state in the Province. If this took place, he saw that it would be attended with great danger to the Province to have warlike men, enemies of the Roman 1 "Ostendere" and " demonstrare" are often used by Caesar for explicit oral declaration. 2 That is, as a pontoon. 8 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIE& BOOK I. people, bordering upon 1 an open and very fertile tract of country. For these reasons he appointed Titus Labienus, his lieutenant, to the command of the fortification which he had made. He himself proceeds to Italy by forced marches, and there levies two legions, and leads out from winter-quarters three which were wintering around Aquileia, 2 and with these five legions marches 3 rapidly by the nearest route across the ' Alps into Further Gaul. Here the Centrones and the Graioceli and the Caturlges, 4 having taken possession of the higher parts, attempt to obstruct the army in their march. After having routed these in several battles, he arrives in the territories of the Vocontii in the Further Province on the seventh day from Ocelum, 6 which is the most remote town of the Hither Province ; thence he leads his army into the country of the Allobroges, and from the Allobroges to the Segusiani.' These people are the first beyond the Province on the opposite side of the Rhone. 7 CHAP. XL The Helvetii had by this time led their forces over through the narrow defile and the territories of the Se- quani, and had arrived at the territories of the ^Edui, and were ravaging their lands. The ^Edui, as they could not defend themselves and their possessions against them, send embassadors to Caesar to ask assistance, [pleading] that they had at all times so well deserved of the Roman people, that their fields ought not to have been laid waste their children carried off into slavery their towns stormed, almost within sight of our army. At the same, time the Ambarri, the friends and kinsmen of the ^Edui, apprize Caesar, that it was not easy for them, now that their fields had been devastated, 1 Making "lociaspaientibus" directly dependent on "finittmos" which seems the true (though overlooked) construction, and is perhaps the simplest. 2 A district in Venetia, which not in ancient only, but in more modern times and the middle ages, held the key of Italy on the north-east side. 3 Contendit ire. Literally, "hastens to go." < The Centrones in the Graian Alps, Caturiges (south of them) in the Cottian Alps, Graioceli between the two. 5 Ocelum, the chief town of Graioceli, just on the frontiers of Transal- pine Gaul : the present Usseau in Piedmont. 6 Considered, of course, not so much as tribes, but as districts. This is common enongh in Caesar. 7 The first independent people north of the Roman Province (near Lugdunum, Lyons). CHAP. xn. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. . 9 to ward off the violence of the enemy from their towns-, the Allobroges likewise, who had villages and possessions on the other side of the Rhone, betake themselves in flight to Caesar, and assure him that they had nothing remaining, except the soil of their land. Caesar, induced by these circum- stances, decides, that he ought not to wait until the Helvetii, after destroying all the property of his Sllies, should arrive among the Sant6nes. CHAP. XII. There is a river {called] the Saone, which flows through the territories of the ^Edui and Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible slowness, that it can not be determined by the eye in which direction it flows. This the Helvetii were crossing by rafts and boats joined together.. When Caesar was informed by spies that the Helvetii had already conveyed three parts of their forces across that river, but that the fourth part was left behind on this side of the Saone, he set out from the camp with three legions during the third watch, 1 and came up with that divison which had not yet crossed the river. Attacking them, encumbered with baggage, and not expecting him, he cut to pieces a great part of them ; the rest betook themselves to flight, and concealed themselves in the nearest woods. That canton [which was cut down] was called the Tigurine ;" for the whole Helvetian state is divided into four cantons. This single canton having left their country, within the recollection of our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul, and had made his army pass under the yoke, 3 [B. c. 107]. Thus, whether by chance, or by the design of the immortal gods, that part of the Helvetian state which had brought a signal calamity upon the Roman people, was the first to pay the penalty. In this Caesar avenged not only the public but also his own personal wrongs, because the Tigurlni had slain Lucius Piso 4 the lieutenant [of Cassius], the 1 The night was divided by the Romans into four " watches," of three hours each ; the third beginning at midnight, and the whole four lasting from six o'clock P.M. to six A.M. " De" seems often to mean " about the middle of;" "ut jugulent homines, surgunt de node (at midnight) latro- nes." Horat. 1 Epist. ii 32. 2 The Canton of Zurich. 3 This has been already mentioned in chap. vii. 4 Consul in B.C. 112. 1* 10 - CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. grandfather of Lucius Calpurnius Piso, 1 his [Caesar's] father-in law, in the same battle as Cassius himself. CHAP. XIII. This battle ended, that he might be able to come up with the remaining forces of the Helvetii, he procures a bridge to be made across the Saone, and thus leads his army over. The Helvetii, confused by his sudden arrival, when they found that he had effected in one day, what they, themselves had with the utmost difficulty accomplished in twenty, namely, the crossing of the river, send embassadors to him; at the head of which embassy was Divico, who had been commander of the Helvetii, in the war against Cassius. He thus treats with Caesar : that, " if the Roman people would make peace with the Helvetii they would go to that part and there remain, where Caesar might appoint and desire them to be ; but if he should persist in persecuting" them with war, that he ought to remember both the ancient disgrace of the Roman people and the characteristic valor of the Helvetii. As to his having attacked one canton by surprise, [at a time] when those who had crossed the river could not bring assist- ance to their friends, that he ought not on that account to ascribe very much to his own valor, or despise them ; that they had so learned from their sires and ancestors, as to rely more on valor than on artifice and stratagem. Wherefore let him not bring it to pass 3 that the place, where they were standing, should acquire a name, from the disaster of the Roman people and the destruction of their army or transmit the remembrance [of such an event to posterity]." CHAP. XIV. To these words Caesar thus replied : that "on that very account he felt less hesitation, because he kept in remembrance those circumstances which the Helvetian embassadors had mentioned, and that he felt the more in- dignant at them, in proportion as they had happened unde- servedly to the Roman people : for if they had been conscious of having done any wrong, it would not have been difficult 1 Consul in B.C. 68, through Caesar's influence, who had been consul in B.C. 59, and had married Piso's daughter Ccdpurnia. 2 Turning the Latin from the oratio obliqua to the oratio recta, it would be : " sin bello persequi perseveras, reminiscitor .... pristinse virtutis Helvetiorum," etc. ; and lower down ( 3 ) " ne committeret" would be " ne commiseris." Vid. Wood's Translation of Madvig's Lat Gramm. 404, 5, p. 354. CHAP. IT. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 11 to be on their guard, but for that very reason had they been deceived, because neither were they aware that any offense had been given by them, on account of which they should be afraid, nor did they think that they ought to be afraid without cause. But even if he were willing to forget their former outrage, could he also lay aside 1 the remembrance of the late wrongs, in that they had against his will attempted a route through the Province by force, in that they had molested the JEdui, the Ambarri, and the Allobroges 1 That as to their so insolently boasting of their victory, and as to their being as- tonished that they had so long committed their outrages with impunity, [both these things] tended to the same point ^for the immortal gods are wont to allow those persons whom they wish to punish for their guilt sometimes a greater prosperity and longer impunity, in order that they may suffer the more severely from a reverse of circumstances. Although these things are so, yet, if hostages were to be given him by them in order that he may be assured they will do what they promise, and provided they will give satisfaction to the ^Edui for the outrages which they had committed against them and their allies, and likewise to the Allobroges, he [Caesar] will make peace -with them." Divico replied, that " the Helvetii had been so trained by their ancestors, that they were accustomed, to receive, not to give hostages ; of that fact the Roman people were witness." Having given this reply, he withdrew. CHAP. XV. On the following day they move their camp from that place ; Caesar does the same, and sends forward all his cavalry, to the number of four thousand (which he had drawn together from all parts of the Province and from the ^Edui and their allies), to observe toward what parts the enemy are directing their march. These, having too eagerly pursued the enemy's rear, come to a battle with the cavalry of the Helvetii in a disadvantageous place, and a few of our men fall. The Helvetii, elated with this battle, because they had with five hundred horse repulsed so large a body of horse, began to face us more boldly, sometimes too from their rear to 1 Si veteria contumelise oblivisci vellet, num etiam recentium injuri- arum memoriam deponere, posse, "without "se" would be in oratio recta, " si . . . volo" " num .... possum ?" For a fuller explanation see Madvig's Lat. Gramm. (Wood's Translation), 405, a, page 354. 12 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK L provoke our men by an attack. Caesar [however] restrained his men from battle, deeming it sufficient for the present to prevent the enemy from rapine, forage, and depredation. They marched for about fifteen days in such a manner that there was not more than five or six miles between the enemy's rear and our van. CHAP. XVI. Meanwhile, Caesar kept daily importuning the JEdui for the corn which they had promised in the name of their state ; for, in consequence of the coldness (Gaul, being, as before said, situated toward the north), not only was the corn in the fields not ripe, but there was not in store a suffi- ciently large quantity even of fodder : besides he was un- able to use the corn which he had conveyed in ships up the river Saone, because the Helvetii, from whom he was unwilling to retire had diverted their march from the Saone. The ^Edui kept deferring from day to day, and saying that it was being " collected brought in on the road." When he saw that he was put off too long, and that the day was close at hand on which he ought to serve out the corn to his soldiers ; having called together their chiefs, of whom he had a great number in his camp, among them Divitiacus, and Liscus who was invested with the chief magistracy (whom the ^Edui style the Vergobretus, and who is elected annually, and has power of life or death over his countrymen), he severely reprimands them, because he is not assisted by them on so ur- gent an occasion, when the enemy were so close at hand, and when [corn] could neither be bought nor taken from the fields, particularly as, in a great measure urged by their prayers, he had undertaken the war ; much more bitterly, therefore, does he complain of his being forsaken. CHAP. XVIL Then at length Liscus, moved by Caesar's speech, discloses what he had hitherto kept secret: that "there are some whose influences with the people is very great, who, though private men, have more power than the magistrates themselves : that these by seditions and violent language are deterring the populace from contributing the corn which they ought to supply; [by telling them] that, if they can not any longer retain the supremacy of Gaul, it were better to submit to the government of Gauls than of Romans, nor ought they to doubt that, if the Romans should overpower the Helvetii, they would wrest their HAP. xvni. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 13 freedom from the JEdui together with the remainder of Gaul. By these very men, [said he], are our plans, and whatever is done in the camp, disclosed to the enemy ; that they could npt he restrained by him : nay more, he was well aware, that though compelled by necessity, he had disclosed the matter to Caesar, at how great a risk he had done it ; and for that reason, he had been silent as long as he could." CHAP. XVIH. Csesar perceived that, by this speech of Liscus, DumnSrix, the brother of Divitiacus, was indicated ; but, as he was unwilling that these matters should be discussed while so many were present, he speedily dismisses the council, but de- tains Liscus : he inquires from him when alone, about those things which he had said in the meeting. He [Liscus] speaks more unreservedly and boldly. He [Caesar] makes inquiries on the same points privately of others, and discovers that it is all true ; that " Dumnorix is the person, a man of the highest daring, in great favor with the people on account of his liberality, a man eager for a revolution : that for a great many years he has been in the habit of contracting for the customs and all the other taxes of the ^Edui at a small cost, because when he bids, no one dares to bid against him. By these means he has both increased his own private property, and amassed great means for giving largesses ; that he maintains constantly at his own expense and keeps about his own person a great number of cavalry, and that not only at home, but even among the neighboring states, he has great influence, and for the sake of strengthening this influence has given his mother in marriage among the Bituriges to a man the most noble and most influential there ; that he has himself taken a wife from among the Helvetii, and has given his sister by the mother's side and his female relations in marriage into other states; that he favors and wishes well to the Helvetii on account of this connection ; and that he hates Caesar and the Romans, on his own account, because by their arrival his power was weak- ened, and his brother, Divitiacus, restored to his former position of influence and dignity : that, if any thing should happen to the Romans, he entertains the highest hope of gaining the sovereignty by means of the Helvetii, but that under the government of the Roman people he despairs not only of royalty, but even of that influence which he already has." Caesar discovered too, on inquiring into the unsuccessful 14 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. cavalry engagement which had taken place a few days before, that the commencement of that flight had been made by Dumnorix and his cavalry (for Dumnorix was in command of the cavalry which the JEdui had sent for aid to Caesar) ; that by their flight the rest of the cavalry were dismayed. CHAP. XIX After learning these circumstances, since to these suspicions the most unequivocal facts were added, viz., that he had led the Helvetii through the territories of the Sequani ; that he had provided that hostages should be mutu- ally given ; that he had done all these things, not only without any orders of his [Caesar's] and of his own state's, but even without their [the ^Edui] knowing any thing of it themselves ; that he [Dumnorix] was reprimanded by the [chief] magistrate of the ^Edui ; he [Caesar] considered that there was sufficient reason, why he should either punish him himself, or order the state to do so. One thing [however] stood in the way of all this that he had learned by experience his brother Divitiacus's very high regard for the Roman people, his great affection toward him, his distinguished faithfulness, justice, and modera- tion ; for he was afraid lest by the punishment of this man, he should hurt the feelings of Divitiacus. Therefore, before he attempted any thing, he orders Divitiacus to be summoned to him, and, when the ordinary interpreters had been withdrawn, converses with him through Caius Valerius Procillus, chief of the province of Gaul, an intimate friend of his, in whom he reposed the highest confidence in every thing ; at the same time he reminds him of what was said about Dumnorix in the council of the Gauls, when he himself was present, and shows what each had said of him privately in his [Caesar's] own presence ; he begs and exhorts him, that, without offense to his feelings, he may either himself pass judgment on him [Dumnorix] after trying the case, or else order the [^Eduan] state to do so. CHAP. XX. Divitiacus, embracing Caesar, begins to im- plore him, with many tears, that " he would not pass any very severe sentence upon his brother; saying, that he knows that those charges are true, and that nobody suffered more pain on that account than he himself did ; for when he himself could effect a very great deal by his influence at home and in the rest of Gaul, and he [Dumnorix] very little on account of his youth, the latter had become powerful through CHAP. rsi. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 15 his means, which power and strength he used not only to the lessening of his [Divitiacus] popularity, but almost to his ruin ; that he, however, was influenced both by fraternal affection and by public opinion. But if any thing very severe from Caesar should befall him [Dumnorix], no one would think that it had been done without his consent, since he himself held such a place in Caesar's friendship : from which circumstance it would arise, that the affections of the whole of Gaul would be estranged from him." As he was with tears begging these things of Caesar in many words, Caesar takes his right hand, and, comforting him, begs him to make an end of entreating, and assures him that his regard for him is so great, that he forgives Both the injuries of the republic and his private wrongs, at his desire and prayers. He summons Dumnorix to him ; he brings in his brother ; he points out what he censures in him ; he lays before him what he of himself perceives, and what the state complains of; he warns him for the future to avoid all grounds of suspicion ; he says that he pardons the past, for the sake of his brother, Divitiacus. He sets spies over Dumnorix that he' may be able to know what he does, and with whom he communicates. CHAP. XXI. Being on the same day informed by his scouts, that the enemy had encamped at the foot of a mount- ain eight miles from his own camp ; he sent persons to ascertain what the nature of the mountain was, and of what kind the ascent on every side. Word was brought back, that it was easy. During the third watch 1 he orders Titus Labienus, his lieutenant with praetorian powers, 8 to ascend to the highest ridge of the mountain with two legions, and with those as guides who had examined the road ; he explains what his plan is. He himself during the fourth watch, 1 1 For the vigilice, or watches of the night, vid. note on book i. chap. 12. 3d m .. Romans .,, . ., %^ ~ A ,, connected with mili- 3A.M. tO 6A.M. tarynightH j uty . 2 Legatum pro prcetore." The legati accompanied the generals into the field, or the proconsul [or praetor] to the provinces. They were nomi- nated (legati) by the Consu, Praetor, or Dictator, under whom they serv- ed, after such nomination had been sanctioned by a decree of senate 16 CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. hastens to them by the same route by which the enemy had gone, and sends on all the cavalry before him. Publius Consi- dius, who was reputed to be very experienced in military affairs, and had been in the army of Lucius Sulla, and after- ward in that of Marcus Crassus, is sent forward with the scouts. CHAP. XXII. At day-break, when the summit of the mountain was in the possession of Titus Labienus, and he him- self was not further off than a mile and half 1 from the enemy's camp, nor, as he afterward ascertained from the captives, had either his arrival or that of Labienus been discovered ; Consi- dius, with his horse at full gallop, comes up to him says that the mountain which he" [Caasar] wished should be seized by Labienus, is in possession of the enemy ; that he has discovered this by the Gallic arms and ensigns. Caesar leads off his forces to the next hill : [and] draws them up in battle-order. Labieuus, as he had been ordered by Caesar not to come to an engagement unless [Caesar's] own forces were seen near the enemy's camp, that the attack upon the enemy might be made on every side at the same time, was, after having taken possession of the mountain, waiting "for our men, and refraining from battle. When, at length, the day was far advanced, Caesar learned through spies, that the mountain was in possession of his own men, and that the Helvetii had moved their camp, and that Considius, struck with fear, had reported to him, as seen, that which he had not seen. On that day he follows the enemy at his usual 2 dis- tance, and pitches his camp three miles from theirs. CHAP. XXIII. The next day (as there remained in all only two day's space [to the time] when he must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not more than eighteen miles from Bibracte, 3 by far the largest and best-stored town [senatus consultum.] If the consul was absent from the army, or a pro- consul left his province, the legati, or one of them, held the absent magistrate's power and insignia, in which case he was styled Legatus pro PraBtore (or Vicegerent). 1 Bibracte, afterward Augusiodunam, (hence) the modern Autun (on the river Aroux, in Burgundy). 2 Lit. "1500 paces." The passus (poce)=2 gradus=5 pedes=4 Eng- lish feet, 10 '248 inches. 3 Literally, " At the interval at which he had 'been used" (to follow, etc.) CHAP. xxv. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. of the ^Edui), he thought that he ought to provide for a sup- ply of corn ; and diverted his march from the Helvetii, and advanced rapidly to Bibracte. This circumstance is reported to the enemy by 'some deserters from Lucius ^Emilius, a captain, 1 of the Gallic horse. The Helvetii, either because they thought that the Romans, struck with terror, were retreating from them, the more so, as the day before, though they had seized on the higher grounds, they had not joined battle; or because they flattered themselves that they might be cut off from the provisions, altering their plan and changing their route, began to pursue, and to annoy our men in the rear. CHAP. XXIV. Caeear, when he observes this, draws off his forces to the next hill, and sent the cavalry to sustain the attack of the enemy. He himself, meanwhile, drew up on the middle of the hill a triple line of his four veteran legions in such a manner, that he placed above him on the very summit the two legions, which he had lately levied in Hither Gaul," and all the auxiliaries ; 3 and he ordered that the whole mountain should be covered with men, and that mean- while the baggage 4 should be brought together into one place, and the position be protected by those who were posted in the upper line. The Helvetii having followed with all their wagons, collected their baggage into one place : they them- selves, after having repulsed our cavalry and formed a phalanx, advanced up to our front line in very close order. CHAP. XXV. Caesar, having removed out of sight first his 1 The regular complement (Justus equitatus) of cavalry in a legion in Caesar's time (the legion then was 5000 foot) was 300, i. e. 10 turms of 30 horseman each. [There were for each turm 3 decuriones, Ihdpxai.'] But in Caesar's time the decurio seems to have been captain of the whole turm, according to Vegetius. 2 As is stated in chap. x. of this book. 3 All the foreign socii were obliged to send subsidies in troops when Rome demanded them ; these did not, however, lik,e those of the socii Italici, serve in the line, but were used as light-armed soldiers, and were called " auxilia." 4 Sarcinse (lit. "packages") is used of each solder's own baggage, which he carries for himself; but impedimenta is the army's baggage, carried on wagons or beasts of burden. The Roman soldier carried a vast load, 60 pounds weight, besides his armor, which last was con- sidered part and parcel of the man himself. (Cic. Tusc. Qu. ii. 16.) 18 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. own horse, then those of all, that he might make the danger of all equal, and do away with the hope of flight, after en- couraging his men, joined battle. His soldiers hurling their javelins from the higher ground, easily broke the enemy's phalanx. That being dispersed, they made a charge on them with drawn swords. It was a great hinderance to the Gauls in fighting, that, when several of their bucklers 1 had been by one stroke of the (Roman) javelins 2 pierced through and pinned fast together, as the point of the iron had bent itself, they could neither pluck it out, nor, with their left hand entangled, fight with sufficient ease ; so that many, after having long tossed their arm about, chose rather to cast away the buckler from their hand, and to fight with their person unprotected. At length, worn out with wounds, they began to give way, and, as there was in the neighborhood a mountain about a mile off, to betake themselves thither. When the mount- ain had been gained, and our men were advancing up, the Boii and Tulingi, who with about 15,000 men closed the enemy's line of march and served as a guard to their rear, having assailed our men on the exposed flank as they advanced [prepared] to surround 3 them ; upon seeing which, the Hel- vetii who had betaken themselves to the mountain, began to press on again and renew the battle. The Romans having faced about, advanced to the attack in two divisions ; 4 the first and second line, to withstand those who had beon de- 1 Scutum, i9r>peof of Polybius, was the (oblong) wooden (or wicker- work) buckler (strengthened with an iron rim and an iron boss) of the Roman heavy-armed infantry. It covered the left shoulder, and was 4 ft. long by 2? broad. It was distinct from the (Greek) dypeus (shield), which was round, and was by the Romans discontinued for the Sabine scutum, about B.C. 400 (after the soldiers began to receive pay). 2 The pilum, or ponderous javelin, vaadf (of which the Roman soldier carried two), to throw or to thrust with, was about 6 feet 9 inches in length. The shaft was 4i feet, long ; and of the same length was the barbed (three-square) iron head, which extended half-way down the shaft. This thick javelin was peculiar to the Roman heavy-armed soldier (with his long lance), as the gosum was to the Gauls 3 Circumvenire seems preferable to venere. 4 "Roman! conversa signa bipartite intulerunt," are the words "Signa inferre," "to bear the standards on," means to attack; and "signa convertere," " to turn the standards round," means to face about. The Romans, having faced about, advanced to the attack" bipartite " from two different quarters," or " in two divisions." CHAP. xxvn. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 19 feated and driven off the field ; the "third to receive those who were just arriving. CHAP. XXVI. Thus, was the contest long and vigorously carried on with doubtful success. 1 When they could no longer withstand the attacks of our men, the one division, as they had begun to do, betook themselves to the mountain ; the other repaired to their baggage and wagons. For during the whole of this battle, although the fight lasted from the seventh hour [i. e. 12 (noon) 1 p. M.] to eventide, no one could see an enemy with his back turned. The fight was carried on also at the baggage till late in the night^ for they had set wagons in the way as a rampart, and from the higher ground kept throw- ing weapons upon our men, as they came on, and some from between the wagons and the wheels kept darting their lances and javelins from beneath, and wounding our men. After the fight had lasted some time, our men gained possession of their baggage and camp. There the daughter and one of the sons of Orgetorix was taken. After the battle about 130,000 men [of the enemy] remained alive, who marched incessant- ly during the whole of that night ; and after a march dis- continued for no part of the night, arrived in the territories of the Lingones on the fourth day, while our men, having stopped for three days, both on account of the wounds of the soldiers and the burial of the slain, had not been able to fol- low them. Caesar sent letters and messengers to the Lingones [with orders] that they should not assist them with corn or with any thing else ; for that if they should assist them, he would regard them in the same light as the Helvetii. After the three days' interval he began to follow them himself with all his forces. CHAP. XXVII. The Helvetii, compelled by the want of every thing, sent embassadors to him about a surrender. When these had met him on the way and had thrown them- selves at his feet, and speaking in suppliant tone had with tears sued for peace, and [when] he had ordered them to await his arrival, in the place, 2 where they then were, they obeyed 1 The sense of "ancipiti praelio," to which the best commentators incline. 2 Loco quo turn essent, " where they" (the whole body of the fugitive Helvetii) "then were," essent, (according to the embassador's statements, "wherever" on the faith of their statement "they were," though where exactly Caesar knew not). This is the force of the subjunctive in the "oratio obliqua." 20 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK L his commands. When Caesar arrived at that place, he de- manded hostages, their arms, and the slaves who had deserted to them. While those things are being sought for and got together, after a night's interval, about 6000 men of that can- ton which is called the Verbigene, whether terrified by fear, lest, after delivering up their arms, they should suffer punishment, or else induced by the hope of safety, because they supposed that, amid so vast a multitude of those who had surrendered themselves, their flight might either be concealed or entirely overlooked, having at night-fall departed out of the camp of the Helvetii, hastened to the Rhine and the territories of the Germans. CHAP. XXVIII. But when Caesar discovered this, he com- manded those through whose territory they had gone, to seek them out and to bring them back again, if they meant to be acquitted before him ; and considered them, when brought back, in the light of enemies ; he admitted all the rest to a sur- render, upon their delivering up the hostages, arms, and de- serters. He ordered the Helvetii, the Tulingi, and the Lato- brigi, to return to their territories from which they had come, and as there was at home nothing whereby they might support their hunger, all the productions of the earth having been de- stroyed, he commanded the Allobroges to let them have a plen- tiful supply of corn ; and ordered them to rebuild the towns and villages which they had burned. This he did, chiefly, on this account, because he was unwilling that the country, from which the Helvetii had departed, should be untenanted, lest the Germans, who dwell on the other side of the Rhine, should, on account of the excellence of the lands, cross over from their own territories into those of the Helvetii, and become borderers upon the province of Gaul and the Allobroges. He granted the petition 1 of the JEdui, that they might settle the Boii, in their own (i. e. in the ^Eduan) territories, as these were known to be of distinguished valor, to whom they gave lands, and whom they afterward admitted to the same state of rights and freedom as themselves. CHAP. XXIX. In the camp of the Helvetii, lists were 1 Lit. " he granted to the j^dui, requesting it, that they (the JEdui) shall settle the Boii," etc. (where the ut coUocarent is governed by con- cessit). CHAP. xxx. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 21 found, drawn up in Greek characters, and were brought to Caesar, in which an estimate had been drawn up, name by name, of the number which had gone forth from their country of those who were able to bear arms ; and likewise the boys, the old men, and the women, separately. Of all' which items the total was : Of the ffelvetii [lit. of the heads of the Helvetii] 263,000 Of the Tulingi v i;~ v . . 36,000 Of the Latobrigi >'.'. 14,000 Of the Jtauraci 23,000 Ofthe.BoM 32,000 The sum of all amounted to ... 368,000 'Out of these, such as could bear arms, [amounted] to about 92,000. When the census 1 of those who returned home was taken, as Caesar had commanded, the number was found to be 110,000. CHAP. XXX. When the war with the Helvetii was con- cluded, embassadors from almost all parts of Gaul, the chiefs of states, assembled to congratulate Caesar, [saying] that they were well aware, that, although he had taken vengeance on the Helvetii in war, for the old wrongs done by them to the Roman people, 1 yet that circumstance had happened no less to the bene- fit of the land of Gaul than of the Roman people, because the Helvetii, while their affairs were most flourishing, had quitted their country with the design of making war upon the whole of Gaul, and seizing the government of it, and selecting, out of a great abundance, that spot for an abode, which they should judge to be the most convenient and most productive of all 1 Probably, only an ordinary review, for the sake of a pretty accurate estimate. 2 Helvetiorum injuriis populi Romani (use of the double genitive, "Wood's Madvig's Lat. Gram. 288), the wrongs of the Helvetii L e. which they did (act) implies the wrongs of the Roman people L e. which they suffered (pass.) [So "superior umdierum Sabini cunctatio," in Book iii. 18.] "Tametsi ab iis pcenas bello repetisset," is lit. "although from them he had sought back (re-claimed) penal-satisfactions in war." Pcenas petere, or eo^etere, or repetere, capere or sumere, habere or persequi, to " take satisfaction" by dealing punishment or vengeance. Prena, expiatory punishment [or tortures]. 22 (LESAB'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. Gaul, and hold the rest of the states as tributaries. They re- quested that they might be allowed to proclaim an assembly of the whole of Gaul for 1 a particular day, and to do that with Caesar's permission, [stating] that they had some things which, with the genefal consent, they wished to ask of him. This re- quest having been granted, they appointed a day for the assem- bly, and ordained by an oath with each other, that no one should disclose [their deliberations] except those to whom this [office] should be assigned by the general assembly. CHAP. XXXI. When that assembly was dismissed, the same chiefs of states, who had before been to Caesar, returned, and asked that they might be allowed to treat with him pri- vately (in secret) 2 concerning the safety of themselves and of all. That request having been obtained, they all threw themselves in tears at Caesar's feet, [saying] that they no less begged and earnestly desired that what they might say should not be disclosed, than that they might obtain those things which they wished for ; inasmuch as they saw, that, if a dis- closure was made, they should be put to the greatest tortures. For these Divjjiacus the ^Eduan spoke and told him : " That there were two parties in the whole of Gaul : that the ^Edui stood at the head of one of these, the Arverni of the other. After these had been violently struggling with one another for the superiority for many years, it came to pass that the Ger- mans were called in for hire by the Arverni and the' Sequani. That about 15,000, of them [i. e. of the Germans] had at first crossed the Ehine : but after that these wild and savage men had become enamored of the lands and the refinement and the abundance of the Gauls, more were brought over, that there were now as many as 120,000 of them in Gaul : that with these the ^Eclui and their dependents had repeatedly struggled in arms that they had been routed, and had sustained a great calamity had lost all their nobility, all their senate, all their cavalry. And that broken by such en- gagements and calamities, although they had formerly been very powerful in Gaul, both from their own valor and from 1 i. e. to make a proclamation, that such an assembly was to be holden upon a fixed day. 2 Oudendorp has secreto in occulto, but more recent texts, and among them Bentley, regard in occulio as a gloss. CHAP. xrxi. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 23 the Roman people's hospitality 1 and friendship, they were now compelled to give the chief nobles of their state, as hos- tages to the Sequani, and to bind their state by an oath, that they would neither demand hostages in return, nor supplicate aid from the Roman people, nor refuse to be forever under their sway and empire. That he was the only one out of all the state of the .(Edui, who could not be prevailed upon to take the oath or to give his children as hostages. On that account he had fled from his state and had gone to the senate at Rome" to beseech aid, as he alone was bound neither by oath nor hostages. But a worse thing had befallen the victo- rious Sequani than the vanquished ^Edui, for Ariovistus, the king of the Germans, had settled in then- territories, and had seized upon a third of their land, which was 3 the best in the whole of Gaul, and was now ordering them to depart from another third part, because a few months previously 24,000 men of the Harudes 4 had come to him, for whom room and settlements must be provided. The consequence would be, that in a few years they would all be driven from the territories of Gaul, and all the Germans would cross the Rhine ; for neither must the land 5 of Gaul be compared with the land of the Ger- mans, nor must the habit of living of the latter be put on a level with that of the former. Moreover, [as for] Ariovistus, no sooner did he defeat the forces of the Gauls in a battle, which took place at Magetobria, than [he began] to lord it haughtily and cruelly, to demand as hostages the children of all the prin- cipal nobles, and wreak on them every kind of cruelty, if every thing was not done at his nod or pleasure ; that he was a savage, passionate, and reckless man, and that his commands could no longer be borne. Unless there was some aid in Caesar and the Roman people, the Gauls must all do the same thing that the Helvetii have done, [viz.] emigrate from their country, and seek another dwelling place, other settlements 1 The Roman " hospitium," public hospitality, was much the same as the Grecian irpogevia. 2 Romam ad senatum, lit. "to Rome to the senate (there)." 3 Esset optimus, "was" according to the speaker's representation, "the best" 4 Lit. "twenty-four thousands of the men" [called] "the Harudes." 5 Agrum, land, i. e. in the agricultural sense (arable soil). 6 Lit. " as soon as (when once) he defeated the Gauls, etc., he [began to] lord it," etc. 24 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK L remote from the Germans, and try whatever fortune may fall to their lot. If these things were to be disclosed to Ariovistus, [Divitificus adds] that he doubts not that he would inflict the most severe punishment on all the hostages who are in his possession, [and says] that Caesar could, either by his own in- fluence and by that of his army, or by his late victory, or by name of the Roman people, intimidate him, so as to pre- vent a greater number of Germans being brought over the Rhine, and could protect all Gaul from the outrages of Ario- vistus. CHAP. XXXII. When this speech had been delivered by Divitiacus, all who were present began with loud lamentation to entreat assistance of Caesar. Caesar noticed that the Sequ,ni were the only people of all who did none of those things which the others did, but, with their heads bowed down, gazed on the earth in sadness. Wondering what was the reason of this conduct, he inquired of themselves. No reply did the Se- quani make, but silently continued in the same sadness. When lie had repeatedly inquired of them and could not elicit any answer at all, the same Divitiacus the ^Eduan answered, that "the lot of the Sequani was more wretched and grievous than that of the rest, on this account, because they alone durst not even in secret complain or supplicate aid ; and shud- dered at the cruelty of Ariovistus [even when] absent, just as if he were present ; for, to the rest, despite of every thing, 1 there was an opportunity of flight given ; but all tortures must be endured by the Sequani, who had admitted Ario- vistus within their territories, and whose towns were all in his power." CHAP. XXXIII. Caesar, on being informed of these things, cheered the minds of the Gauls with his words, and promised that this affair should be an object of his concern, [saying] that he had great hopes that Ariovistus, induced both by his kindness and his power, would put an end to his oppression. After delivering this speech, he dismissed the assembly ; and, besides those statements, many circumstances induced him to think that this affair ought to be considerea and taken up by him ; especially as he saw that the JSudi, styled [as they had 1 This elliptical use of tamen, (1) "nevertheless," (2) "yet at leaet," (3) "but after aU," may be compared with that of the Greek 6/ CHAP, xxxin. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 25 been] repeatedly by the senate "brethren" and "kinsmen," were held in the thraldom and dominion of the Germans, and understood that their hostages were with Ariovistus and the Sequani, which in so mighty an empire [as that] of the Roman people he considered very disgraceful to him- self and the republic. That, moreover, the Germans should by degrees become accustomed to cross the Rhine, and that a great body of them should come into Gaul, he saw ("would be] dangerous to the Roman people, and judged, that wild and savage men would not be likely to restrain themselves, after they had possessed themselves of all Gaul, from going forth into the province and thence marching into Italy (as the Cimbri and Teutones 1 had done before 1 The Cimbri, says Niebuhr, were not real Gauls but Cymri (Celts in fact) of the same stock to which belong the Welsh Basbretons early Cumbri- ans, and inhabitants of the western coast of England. [The Picts of Scot- land and the Belgae were Cymri.] They extended eastward as far as the river Dnieper, where they were called Galatians. And he is equally suro that the Teutones or (Teutoni) were Germans. It is thought that Jutland and the regions whence came the Anglo-Saxons were the original seats of these Cimbri, who were driven from them by the progress of the Sarma- tians, and migrated southward. They appeared B. c. 115 in Noricum, and thence descended into Illyricum, where, near Noreia (in the modern Carinthia), they defeated the consul Cn. Papririus Carbo, B. c. 113, who had been sent with a large army to protect the Carnians. They, however, now moved westward into Helvetia, and on their desolating course seem to have been joined by the Teutoni, Ambrones, Tigurini, to the number of about 300,000 fighting men, besides avast multitude of women and chil- dren. "With this nomad horde they spread over South GauL South-west Gaul (i. e. Languedoc and Provence, Dauphine and Savoy, the country of the Allobroges) was now a Roman province, "provincianostra," and the consul, M. Junius Silanus, was sent to protect it. He was defeated in 109 B. c. by the Cimbri. We have seen in previous chapters [ 7 and 1 2] of these Commentaries, that in 107 B. c. the Tigurini defeated the consul L. Cassius Longinus, whose army was nearly cut to pieces, and himself slain, near the Lake of Geneva. In 105 B. c. M. Aurelius Scaurus, then consular legate in Gaul, was taken prisoner by the Cimbri, and put to death on the spot by Bororix (one of their leaders), for having warned them not to cross the Alps. In the same year, B. c. 105, on Oct. 6th, the Roman forces under the proconsul, Q. Servihus Caepio, and the consul, Cn. Manlius Maximus, sustained a dreadful defeat, owing to the discord of the two generals ; of the two consular armies, consisting of 80,000 soldiers, only ten men survived. After this, the Cimbri turned to Spain, which for two or three years they ravaged as ruthlessly as they had ravaged GauL They then, long-expected, moved into Italy, and mingled again with the Teutones. The invaders advanced in two columns. The Cimbri entered 2 26 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. them), particularly as the Rhone [was the sole barrier that] separated the Sequani from our province. Against which events he thought he ought to provide as speedily as possible. Moreover, Ariovistus, for his part, had assumed to himself such pride and arrogance, that he was felt to be quite insuffer- able. CHAP. XXXIV. He therefore determined to send embas- sadors to Ariovistus to demand of him to name some inter- mediate spot for a conference between the two, [saying] that he wished to treat him on state-business and matters of the highest importance to both of them. To this embassy Ariovistus replied, that if he himself had had need of any thing from Caesar, he would have gone to him ; L and that if Caesar wanted any thing from him" he ought to come to him. Italy on the north-east, crossing the passes of the Tyrolese Alps near Tri- dentum (Trent), to the Plain of the Po ; while the Teutoni [and Ambrones] penetrated into Italy by Nice, round the coast of the Sinus Ligusticus (or Gulf of Genoa). The famous C. Marius, in his fourth consulate, B. c. 102, opposed the Teutones, and, by means of an ambush of 3000 men under Claudius Marcellus in the barbarians' rear, vanquished and annihilated their immense army with terrible slaughter in a battle, fought on the banks of the Rhone near Aquae Sextise (Aix in Provence). Manus's col- league, Q. Lutatius Catulus, who with (the afterward celebrated) Sulla for his lieutenant, had gone against the Cimbn and had taken up a strong position near the sources of the Athesis (Adige), was much less successful, for he was dislodged by a sudden onset of the Cimbri forced to retreat fall back behind the Po and leave the whole of Transpadane Gaul (the rich plain of Lombardy) to the mercy of the enemy. This was in the. spring of 101 B. c. Catulus this year was pro-consul; and Marius, now consul for the fifth time, started from Rome (where he had declined a triumph for his victory while the Cimbri were yet in Italy), to join his late colleague. Their united forces, amounting to 50,000 men, came up with the Cimbri near Yercella3 ( VerceUi westward of Milan), and in the Raudii Campi (on July 30th), completely routed and destroyed the bar- barian host, as Marius had the Teutones. The brunt of this fearful con- flict, and therefore the honor of the decisive victory which crowned it, belonged to Catulus, who with 20,000 men had occupied the center; Marius with the remainder, being posted on the wings, had (on account of a prodigious blinding dust which arose) quite missed the enemy, yet at Rome the whole merit was given to him. [Juvenal Sat, viii. 253.] The Tigurini, who had been stationed at the passes of the Tyrol, fled and dispersed, when they heard of the overthrow and destruction of their allies the Teutonea and Cimbri. 1 " Sese ad eum veniurum fuisse ;" on this see "Wood's translation of Madvig's Lat. Gramm. 409 (the 06*. particularly), p. 357. 2 "Si quid ille" (Caesar) "se" (Ariovistum) "velit," where se is the CHAP. xxrv. CJESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 27 That, besides, neither dare he go without an army into those parts of Gaul which Caesar had possession of, nor could he, without great expense and trouble, draw his army together to one place ; that to him, moreover, it appeared strange, what business either Caesar or the Roman people at all had in his own Gaul, which he had conquered in war. 1 CHAP. XXXV. When these answers were reported to Caesar, he sends embassadors to him a second time with this message. "Since, after having been treated with so much kindness by himself and the Roman people (as he had in his consulship [B. c. 57] been styled ' king and friend' by the senate), he makes 2 this recompense to [Caesar] himself and the Roman people, [viz.] that when invited to a confe- rence he demurs, and does not think that it concerns him to advise and inform himself about an object of mutual interest, these are the things which he requires of him; first, that he do not 3 any more bring over any body of men across the Rhine into Gaul ; in the next place, that he restore the hos- tages, which he has from the ^Edui, and grant the Sequani permission 3 to restore to them with his consent those hostages which they have, and that he neither provoke the JEdui by outrage nor make war upon them or their allies ; if he would accordingly do this,"* [Caesar says] that " he himself and the Roman people will entertain a perpetual feeling of favor and friendship toward him ; but that if he [Caesar] does not obtain [his desires] that he (forasmuch as in the consulship of Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso [B. c. 61] the senate had decreed that, whoever should have the administration of the province of Gaul should, as far as he could do so consistently with the interests of the republic, protect the ^Edui and the accusative case; for "velle aliquem aliquid" is "to want something of (or with) somebody." 1 Lit. "What (sort) of business there was either to Caesar, or to the Roman people at all, (i. e. what sort of business they had^ in his" (Ario- vistus's) "own Gaul," etc. 2 The imperfects subj. of the Latin oratio oNiqua, are here translated by present tenses in English, this seeming better suited to our idiom. The imperfect is used in Latin, because the principal tense, legates mittit, as an historic present, is equivalent to a past tense, which would require the subj. imperf. , 3 Lit. " grant permission that they should be allowed to restore." * Lit. "if he should have done that so," t. e. "if he should have act- ed so in that case." 28 CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. other friends of the Roman people), will not overlook the wrongs of the ^Edui." CHAP. XXXVI. To this Ariovistus replied, that " the right of war was, that they who had conquered should govern those whom they had conquered, in what manner they pleased ; that in that way the Roman people were wont to govern the nations which they had conquered, not according to the dictation of any other, but according to their own discretion. If he for his part did not dictate to the Roman people as to the manner in which they were to exercise their right, he ought not to be obstructed by the Roman people in his right ; that the -^EJui, inasmuch as they had tried the fortune of war and had engaged in arms and been conquered, had become tributaries to him ; that Caesar was doing a great injustice, in that by his arrival he was making his revenues less valuable to him ; that he should not restore their hostages to the ./Edui, but should not make war wrongfully either upon them or their allies, if they abided by that which had been agreed on, and paid their tribute annually : if they did not continue to do that, the Roman people's name of 'brothers' would avail them naught. 1 As to Caesar's threatening him, that he would not overlook the wrongs of the ^Edui, pie said] that no one had ever entered into a contest with him [Ariovistus] without utter ruin to himself. That Caesar might enter the fists when he chose ; he would feel what the invincible Germans, well- trained [as they were] beyond all others to arms, who for four- teen years 2 had not been beneath a roof, could achieve by their valor." CHAP. XXXVII. At the same time that this message was delivered to Caesar, embassaclors came from the ^Edui and the Treviri ; from the ^Edui to complain that the Harudes, who had lately been brought over into Gaul, were ravaging their territories ; that they had not been able to pur- chase peace from Ariovistus, even by giving hostages : and from the Treviri, [to state] that a hundred cantons of the Suevi 1 Lit. " if they should not have done that, the Roman people's titlo of " brothers" would be far from being of any avail to them. " Longe procul multum abesse," often means "to be utterly impotent, or disin- clined, to be of no service." 2 Inter annos XIV. means this: intra annos XIV. would bo "within [in less than] fourteen years." CHAP. XJDCIX. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 29 had encamped on the banks of the Rhine, and were attempting to cross it ; that the brothers, Nasuas and Cimberius, headed them. Being greatly alarmed at these things, Caesar thought that he ought to use all dispatch, lest, if this new band of Suevi should unite with the old troops of Ariovistus, he [Ariovistus] might be less easily withstood. Having there- fore, as quickly as he could, provided a supply of corn, he hastened to Ariovistus by forced marches. CHAP. XXXVm. When he had proceeded three days' journey, word was brought to him that Ariovistus was hasten- ing with all his forces to seize on Vesontio, 1 which is the largest town of the Sequani, and had advanced three days' journey from its territories. Caesar thought that he ought to take the greatest precautions lest this should happen, for there was in that town a most ample supply of every thing which was serviceable for war; and so fortified was it by the nature of the ground, as to afford a great facility for pro- tracting the war, inasmuch as the river Doubs almost sur- rounds the whole town, as though it were traced round it with a pair of compasses. A mountain of great height shuts in the remaining space, which is not more than 600 feet,* where the river leaves a gap, in such a manner that the roots of that mountain extend to the river's bank on either side. A wall thrown around it makes a citadel of this [mountain], and connects it with the town. Hither Caesar hastens by forced marches by night and day, and, after having seized the town, stations a garrison there. CHAP. XXXIX. While he is tarrying a few days at Ve- sontio, on account of corn and provisions ; from the inquiries of our men and the reports of the Gauls and traders (who asserted that the Germans were men of huge stature, of incredible valor and practice in arms that oftentimes they, on encountering them, could not bear even their countenance, and the fierceness of their eyes) so great a panic on a sudden seized the whole army, as to discompose the minds and spirits of all in no slight degree. This first arose from the tribunes 1 Modern Besanfon. 2 Caesar seems to have-meant here not the common foot, but the gradus or pea sestertius (= 2i feet), as the base of the mountain actually mea- sures 1500 feet. 30 OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. of the soldiers, the prefects and the rest, who, having followed Caesar from the city [Rome] from motives of friendship, had no great experience in military affairs. And alleging, some of them one reason, some another, which they said made it necessary for them to depart, they requested that by his consent they might be allowed to withdraw ; some, influenced by shame, stayed behind in order that they might avoid the suspicion of cowardice. These could neither compose their countenance, 1 nor even sometimes check their tears : but hidden in their tents, either bewailed their fate, or de- plored with their comrades the general dangor. Wills were sealed universally throughout the whole camp. By the ex- pressions and cowardice of these men, even those who pos- sessed great experience in the camp, both soldiers -and centu- rions, and those [the decurions] who were in command of the cavalry, were gradually disconcerted. Such of them as wished to be considered less alarmed, said that they did not dread the enemy, but feared the narrowness of the roads and the vastness of the forests which lay between them and Ariovistus, or else that the supplies could not be brought up readily enough. Some even declared to Ca?sar, that when he gave orders for the camp to be moved and the troops to advance, 2 the soldiers would not be obedient to the command, nor advance 3 in consequence of their fear. CHAP. XL. When Caesar observed these things, having called a council, and summoned to it the centurions of all the companies, he severely reprimanded them, " particularly, for supposing that it belonged to them to inquire or conjecture, either in what direction they were marching, or with what object. That Ariovistus, during his [Caesar's] consulship, had most anxiously sought after the friendship of the Roman people ; why should any one judge that he would so rashly depart from his duty ? He for his part was persuaded, that, when his demands were known and the fairness of the terms considered, he would reject neither his nor the Roman people's favor. But even if, driven on by rage and madness, he should 1 "With Caesar's " vultum fingere" conf. -x/.aoa/Lievof TTJ fyei, Thuc, vL 58, &Dem. 1122 12, 20. 2 i. e. that his men should decamp from that place and march forward. 3 Lit. "would not bear the standards." CHAP. XL. CJESAR'S -COMMEliTTARIES. 31 make war upon them, what after all were they afraid of? or Avhy should they despair either of their own valor or of his zeal ? Of that enemy a trial had been made within our fathers' recollection, when, on the defeat of the Cimbri and Teutones by Caius Marius, the army was regarded as having deserved no less praise than their commander himself. It had been made lately, too, in Italy, during the rebellion of the slaves, whom, however, the experience and training which they had received from us, assisted in some respect From which a judgment might be formed of the advantages which reso- lution carries with it inasmuch as those whom for some time they had groundlessly dreaded when unarmed, they had afterward vanquished, when well armed and flushed with suc- cess. In short, that these were the same men whom the Hel- vetii, in frequent encounters, not only in their own territories, but also in theirs [the German], have generally vanquished, and yet can not have been a match for our army. If the unsuccessful battle and flight of the Gauls disquieted any, these, if they made inquiries, might discover that, when the Gauls had been tired out by the long duration of the war, Ariovistus, after he had many months kept himself in his camp and in the marshes, and had given no opportunity for an engagement, fell suddenly upon them, by this time despairing of a battle and scattered in all directions, and was victorious more through stratagem and cunning than valor. (But though there had been room for such stratagem against savage and unskilled men, not even [Ariovistus] himself expected that thereby our armies could be entrapped. That those who ascribed their fear to a pretense about* the [deficiency of] supplies and the narrowness of the roads, acted presumptuously, as they seemed either to distrust their general's discharge of his duty, or to dictate to him. That these things were his concern ; that the Sequani, the Leuci, and the Lingones were to furnish the corn ; and that it was already ripe in the fields ; that as to the road they would soon be able to judge for them-, selves. As to its being reported that the soldiers would not be obedient to command, or advance, he was not at all disturbed at that; for he knew, that in the case of all those whose army had not been obedient to command, either upon some mismanagement of an affair, fortune had deserted 82 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. them, or, that upon some crime being discovered, covetousness had been clearly proved [against them]. His integrity had been seen throughout his whole life, his good fortune in the war with the Helvetii. That he would therefore instantly Bet about what he had intended to put off till a more distant day, and would break up his camp the next night, in the fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as possible, whether a sense of honor and duty, or whether fear had more in- fluence with them. But that, if no one else should follow, yet he would go with only the tenth legion, of which he had no misgivings, and it should be his praetorian cohort." This legion Caesar had both greatly favored, and in it, on account of its valor, placed the greatest confidence. CHAP. XLL Upon the delivery of this speech, the minds of all were changed in a surprising manner, and the highest ardor and eagerness for prosecuting the war were engen- dered ; and the tenth legion was the first to return thanks to him, through their military tribunes, for his having expressed this most favorable opinion of them; and assured him that they were quite ready to prosecute the war. Then, the other legions endeavored, through th.fcir military tribunes and the centurions of the principal companies, to excuse themselves to Cajsar, [saying] that they had never either doubted or feared, or supposed that the determination of the conduct of the war was theirs and not their general's. Having accepted their excuse, and having had the road carefully reconnoitered by Divitiacus, because in him of all others he had the greatest faith, [he found] that by a circuitous route of more than fifty miles 1 he might lead his army through open parts ; he then set out in the fourth watch, as he had said [he would]. On the seventh day, as he did not discontinue his march, he was informed by scouts that the forces of Ariovistus were only four and twenty miles distant from ours. 1 CHAP. XLII. Upon being apprized of Caesar's arrival, Ariovistus sends embassadors to him, [saying] that what he had before requested as to a conference, might now, as far as his permission went, take place, since he [Cresar] had approached nearer, and he considered that he might now do it without 1 See the note on p. 3. CHAP. XLin. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIEa 33 danger. Caesar did not reject the. proposal and began to think that he was now returning to a rational state of mind, as he spontaneously proffered that which he had previously refused to him when requesting it ; and was in great hopes that, in consideration of his own and the Roman people's great favors toward him, the issue would be that he would desist from his obstinacy upon his demands being made known. The fifth day after that was appointed as the day of con- ference. Meanwhile, as ambassadors were being often sent to and fro between them, Ariovistus demanded that Caesar should not bring any foot-soldier with him to the conference, [saying] that " he was afraid of being ensnared by him through treachery; that both should come accompanied by cavalry; that he would not come on any other condition." Caesar, as he neither wished that the conference should, by an excuse thrown in the way, be set aside, nor durst trust his life to the cavalry of the Gauls, decided that it would be most ex- pedient to take away from the Gallic cavalry all their horses, and thereon to mount the 1 legionary soldiers of the tenth legion, in which he placed the greatest confidence, in order that he might have a body-guard as trustworthy as possible, should there be any need for action. And when this was done, one of the soldiers of the tenth legion said, not without a touch of humor, " that Caesar did more for them than he had prom- ised ; he had promised to have the tenth legion in place of his praetorian cohort ; but he now converted them into horse." CHAP. XLIII. There was a large plain, and in it a mound of earth of considerable size. This spot was at nearly an equal distance from both camps. Thither, as had been appointed, they came for the conference. Caesar stationed the legion, which he had brought [with him] on horseback, 200 paces from this mound. The cavalry of Ariovistus also took their stand at an equal distance. Ariovistus then demanded that they should confer on horseback, and that, besides themselves, they should bring with them ten men each to the conference. When they were come to the place, Caesar, in the opening of his speech, detailed his own and the senate's favors toward him [Ariovistus], in that he had been styled king, in that [he 1 The regular troops of the legion are here called " legionary soldiers," to distinguish them from the Velites, or light-armed infantry. 2* 34 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. had been styled] friend, by the senate in that very consider- able presents had been sent him ; which circumstance he in- formed him had both fallen to the lot of few, and had usually been bestowed in consideration of important personal services; that he, although he had neither an introduction, nor a just ground for the request, had obtained these honors through the kindness and munificence of himself [Caesar] and the senate. He informed him too, how old and how just were the grounds of connection that existed between themselves [the Romans] and the JEdui, what decrees of the senate had been passed in their favor, and how frequent and how honorable ; how from time immemorial the ^Edui had held the supremacy of the whole of Gaul ; even [said Caesar] before they had sought our friendship ; that it was the custom of the Roman people to desire not only that its allies and friends should lose none of their property, but be advanced in influence, dig- nity, and honor : who then could endure that what they had brought with them to the friendship of the Roman people, should be torn from them?" He then made the same demands which he had commissioned the embassadors to make, that [Ariovistus] should not make war either upon the -^Edui or their allies, that he should restore the hostages ; that, if he could not send back to their country any part of the Germans, he should at all events suffer none of them any more to cross the Rhine. CHAP. XLIV. Ariovistus briefly replied to the demands of Caesar ; but expatiated largely on his own virtues, " that he had crossed the Rhine not of his own accord, but on being invited and sent for by the Gauls ; that he had not left home and kindred without great expectations and great rewards ; that he had settlements in Gaul, granted by the Gauls themselves ; that the hostages had been given by their own good-will ; that he took by right of war the tribute which conquerors are accustomed to impose on the conquered ; that he had not made war upon the Gauls, but the Gauls upon him ; that all the states of Gaul came to attack him, and had encamped against him ; that all their forces had been routed aud beaten by him in a single battle ; that if they chose to make a second trial, he was ready to encounter them again ; but if they chose to enjoy peace, it was unfair to refuse the tribute, which of their own free-will they had CHAP. XLV. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 35 paid up to that time. That the friendship of the Roman people ought to prove to him an ornament and a safeguard, not a detriment ; and that he sought it with that expectation. But if through the Roman people the tribute was to be dis- continued, and those who surrendered to be seduced from him, he would renounce the friendship of the Roman people no less heartily than he had sought it. As to his leading over a host of Germans into Gaul, that he was doing this with a view of securing himself, not of assaulting Gaul : that there was evidence of this, in that he did not come without being invited, and in that he did not make war, but merely warded it off. That he had come into Gaul before the Roman people. That never before this time did a Roman army go beyond the frontiers of the province of Gaul. What [said he] does [Cae- sar] desire ? why come into his [Ariovistus] domains ? that this was his province of Gaul, just as that is ours. As it ought not to be pardoned in him, if he were to make an attack upon our territories; so, likewise, that we were unjust, to obstruct him in his prerogative. As for Caesar's saying that the ^Edui had been styled ' brethren' by the senate, he was not so unciv- ilized nor so ignorant of affairs, as not to know that the ^Edui iu the very last war with the Allobroges had neither rendered assistance to the Romans, nor received any from the Roman people in the struggles which the jEdui had been maintaining with him and with the Sequani. He must feel suspicious, that Caesar, though feigning friendship as the reason for his keeping an army in Gaul, was keeping it with the view of crushing him. And that unless he depart and withdraw his army from these parts, he shall regard him not as a friend, but as a foe ; and that, even if he should put him to death, he should do what would please many of the nobles and leading men of the Roman people ; he had assurance of that from themselves through their messengers, and could pur- chase the favor and the friendship of them all by his [Caesar's] death. But if he would depart and resign to him the free possession of Gaul, he would recompense him with a great reward, and would bring to a close whatever wars he wished to be carried on, without any trouble or risk to him." CHAP. XLV. Many things were stated by Caesar to the effect [to show] ; '" why he could not waive the business, and that neither his nor the Roman people's practice would 36 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK L suffer him to abandon most meritorious allies, nor did ho deem that Gaul belonged to Ariovistus rather than to the Roman people; that the Arverni 1 and the Rutem" had been subdued in war by Quintus Fabius Maximus, 3 and that the Roman people had pardoned them and had not reduced them into a province or imposed a tribute upon them. And if the most ancient period was to be regarded then was the sovereignty of the Roman people in Gaul most just : if the decree of the Senate was" to be observed, then ought Gaul to be free, which they [the Romans] had conquered in war, and had permitted to enjoy its own laws." CHAP. XL VI. While these things are being transacted in the conference it was announced to Caesar that the cavalry of Ariovistus were approaching nearer the mound, and were riding up to our men, and casting stones and weapons at them. Caesar made an end of his speech and betook himself to his men ; and commanded them that they should by no means return a weapon upon the enemy. For though he saw that an engagement with the cavalry would be without any danger to his chosen legion, yet he did not think proper to engage, lest, after the enemy were routed, it might be said that they had been insnared by him under the sanction of a* conference. When it was spread abroad among the common soldiery with what haughtiness Ariovistus had behaved at the conference, and how he had ordered the Romans to quit Gaul, and how his cavalry had made an attack upon our men, and how this had broken off the conference, a much greater alacrity and eagerness for battle was infused into our army. CHAP. XLVII. Two days after, Ariovistus sends embas- sadors to Caesar, to state " that he wished to treat with him about those things which had been begun to be treated of between them, but had not been concluded ;" [and to beg] that "he would either again appoint a day for a conference; or, if he were not willing to do that, that he would send one of his [officers] as an embassador to him." There did not appear to Caesar any good reason for holding a conference ; and the more so as the day before the Germans could not be 1 Modern Auvergne. 8 Modern Le Eoliergue. 3 "We find mention made of this victory in the Epitomes of Livy t lib. Ixi., and in Strabo, lib. iv. CHAP. XLvni. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 3Y restrained from casting weapons at our men. He thought he should not without great danger send to him as embassador one of his [Roman] officers, and should expose him to savage men. It seemed [therefore] most proper to send to him C. Valerius Procillus, the son of C. Valerius Caburus, a young man of the highest courage and accomplishments (whose father had been presented with the freedom of the city by C. Valerius Flaccus), both on account of his fidelity and on account of his knowledge of the Gallic language, which Ariovistus, by long practice, now spoke fluently ; and because in his case the Ger- mans would have no motive for committing violence ;* and [as his colleague] M. Mettius, who had shared the hospitality of Ariovistus.* He commissioned them to learn what Ariovistus had to say, and to report to him. But when Ariovistus saw them before him in his camp, he cried out in the presence of his army, " Why were they come to him ? was it for the pur- pose of acting as spies ?" He stopped them when attempting to speak, and cast them into chains. CHAP. XL VIII. The same day he moved his camp forward and pitched under a hill six miles from Caesar's camp. The day following he led his forces past Caesar's camp, and encamp- ed two miles beyond him ; with this design that he might cut off Caesar from the corn and provisions, which might be conveyed to him from the Sequani and the ^Edui. For five successive days from that day, Caesar drew out his forces before the camp, and put them in battle order, that, if Ariovistus should be willing to engage in battle, an opportunity might not be wanting to him. Ariovistus all this time kept his army in camp : but engaged daily in cavalry skirmishes. The method of battle in which the Germans had practiced themselves was this. There were 6,000 horse, and as many very active and courageous foot, one of whom each of the horse selected out of the whole army for his own protection. By these [foot] they 1 Inasmuch as he was not a Roman, but a GauL 2 Classical writers bear continual testimony to the sanctity of this re- lation. It appears from Aul. Gellius (1-13) to have ranked next to that of parents and clients. A league of the same nature, and bearing the same name, was sometimes entered into by persons at a distance from each other. The Roman people, at large, formed such a league with foreign States. The 31st section of the present book of Cesar's Commen- taries furnishes an allusion to this. 38 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. were constantly accompanied in their engagements ; to these the horse retired ; these on any emergency rushed forward ; if any one, upon receiving a very severe wound, had fallen from his horse, they stood around him : if it was necessary to ad- vance further than usual, or to retreat more rapidly, so great, from practice, was their swiftness, that, supported by the manes of the horses, they could keep pace with their speed. 1 CHAP. XLIX. Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself in camp, Caesar, that he might not any longer be cut off from provisions, chose a convenient position for a camp beyond that place in which the Germans had encamped, at-about 600 paces from them, and having drawn up his army in three lines, marched to that place. He ordered the first and second lines to be under arms ; the third to fortify the camp. 3 This place was distant from the enemy about 600 paces, as has been stated. Thither Ariovistus sent light troops, about 16,000 men in number, with all his cavalry; which forces were to intimidate our men, and hinder them in their fortification. Caesar nevertheless, as he had before arranged, ordered two lines to drive off the enemy : the third to execute the work. The camp being fortified, he left there two legions and a por- 1 Strange as this account may appear to us modems, into whoso military tactics nothing similar enters, it does not need the explanation which some have given of it that the foot-soldiers here spoken of threw themselves into a body when an engagement began, and supported the cavalry in that form. They were, Caesar expressly says, chosen individ- ually to assist some particular cavalry soldier ; and their duty was rather to perform that "part, as occasion required, than to render any direct serv- ice against the enemy. The Romans had, before this time, practiced in a more scientific form, this piece of warfare. Livy relates, lib. xxvi. 41, that at the siege of Capua, upon the discovery that from all their engage- ments the legions returned victorious, while the cavalry were worsted, they adopted the plan of mounting behind each horse-soldier a man armed with a small shield and seven darts, who, upon a given signal, alighted and charged the enemy. This was attended with great success, and led, says Livy, to the origin of the Velites. Sallust, too, in his Bell. Jugurth., tells us that Marius intermingled the Velites with the cavalry. Caesar appears to have resorted to this plan in the encounter with Pompey at the river Genusus, after his defeat at Dyrrachium. 2 The care with which the Romans fortified their camp in a remarkable feature in their military discipline. They never encamped even for a single night, without fortifying themselves with a rampart and a ditch. The encampment of a few hours presented the systematic and complete order of a station. CHAP. LI. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 39 tion of the auxiliaries ; and led back the other four legions into the larger camp. CHAP. L. The next day, according to his custom, Caesar led out his forces from both camps, and having advanced a little from the larger one, drew up his line of battle, and gave the enemy an opportunity of fighting. When he found that they did not even then come out [from their intrenchments,] he led back his army into camp about noon. Then at last Ariovistus sent part of his forces to attack the lesser camp. The battle was vigorously maintained on both sides till the evening. At sunset, after many wounds had been inflicted and received, Ariovistus led back his forces into camp. When Caesar in- quired of his prisoners, wherefore Ariovistus did not come to an engagement, he discovered this to be the reason that among the Germans it was the custom for their matrons to pro- nounce from lots and divination, whether it were expedient that the battle should be engaged in or not ; that they had said, " that it was not the will of heaven that the Germans should conquer, if they engaged in battle before the new moon." 1 CHAP. LL The day following, Caesar left what seemed suf- ficient as a guard for both camps ; [and then] drew up all the auxiliaries in sight of the enemy, before the lesser camp, be- cause he was not very powerful in the number of legionary soldiers, considering the number of the enemy ; that [thereby] 1 Some suppose the women here referred to were Druidesses ; but we know that the ancient Germans believed there was something sacred and prophetic (quid sacrum) in the female character. See Tacitus, Germania, cap. viii. Among the Romans, divination by " sortes" was usually per- formed by means of counters (tesserce), mostly made of wood, thrown into an urn (sitetta). To this, among other instances, Plautus alludes in his Casina, act iii. sc. v. The presage was drawn from the order in which the counters were taken out of the urn. There are many interesting records of the use of " sortes" in later times. The "sortes Virgilianae," which are among these, derive their name from the custom of placing verses of the poet Virgil in an urn, or of opening his writings at chance, and discerning the events inquired into by the order in which the verses appeared in the former, or the passage on which the eye first rested in the latter method. To this St. Augustine alludes in the 4th book of his Confessions. The Mohammedans used the Koran, and the Christians the Bible, for the same purpose. The latter was forbidden by some of the early Ecclesiastical Councils. Tacitus says that the Germans were much given to divination (auspicia sortesque, ut qui maxime observant, Ger. 10). Plutarch relates that these German fatidicce drew their observa- tions from the motion of the water in rivers. 40 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK L he might make use of his auxiliaries for appearance. He him- self, having drawn up his army in three lines, advanced to the camp of the enemy. Then at last of necessity the Germans drew their forces out of camp, and disposed them canton by canton, at equal distances, the Harudes, Marcomanni, Tribocci, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusii, Suevi ; nncl surrounded their whole army with their chariots and wagons, that no hope might be left in flight. On these they placed their women, who, with disheveled hair and in tears, entreated the soldiers, as they went forward to battle, not to deliver them into slavery to the Romans. CHAP. LII. Caesar appointed over each legion a lieutenant and a questor, that every one might have them as witnesses of his valor. He himself began the battle at the head of the right wing, because he had observed that part of the enemy to be the least strong. Accordingly our men, upon the signal being given, vigorously made an attack upon the enemy, and the enemy so suddenly and rapidly rushed forward, that there was no time for casting the javelins at them. Throwing aside [there- fore] their javelins, they fought with swords hand to hand. But the Germans, according to their custom, rapidly forming a pha- lanx, sustained the attack of our swords. There were found very many of our soldiers who leaped upon the phalanx, and with their hands tore away the shields, and wounded the enemy from above. Although the army of the enemy was routed on the left wing and put to flight, they [still] pressed heavily on our men from the right wing, by the great number of their troops. On observing which, P. Crassus, a young man, who commanded the cavalry as he was more disengaged than those who were employed in the fight sent the third line as a relief to our men who were in distress. CHAP. LIII. Thereupon the engagement was renewed, and all the enemy turned their backs, nor did they cease to flee un- til they arrived at the river Rhine, about fifty miles from that place. 1 There some few, either relying on their strength^ en- deavored to swim over, or, finding boats, procured their safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus, who meeting with a small vessel tied to the bank, escaped in it ; our horse pursued and slew all the rest of them. Ariovistus had two wives, one a Sue- 1 Dion. Cassius, 38-48, narrates this war between Caesar and Ariovistus, CHAP. LIV. CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 41 van by nation, whom he brought with him from home ; the other a Norican, the sister of king Vocion, whom he had mar- ried in Gaul, she having been sent [thither for that purpose] by her brother. Both perished in that flight. Of their two daugh- ters, one was slain, the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus, as he was being dragged by his guards in the fight, bound with a triple chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the enemy with his cavalry. This circumstance in- deed aftbrded Caesar no less pleasure than the victory itself; because he saw a man of the first rank in the province of Gaul, his intimate acquaintance and friend, rescued from the hand of the enemy, and restored to him, and that fortune had not di- minished aught of the joy and exultation [of that day] by his destruction. He [Proeillus] said that, in his own presence, the lots had been thrice consulted 1 respecting him, whether he should immediately be put to death by fire, or be reserved for another time : that by the favor of the lots he was unin- jured. M. Mettius, also, was found and brought back to him [Caesar.] CHAP. LIV. This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine, the Suevi, who had come to the banks of that river, began to return home, when the Ubii, a who dwelt nearest to the Rhine, pursuing them, while much alarmed, slew a great number of them. Caesar having concluded two very impor- tant wars in one campaign, conducted his army into winter- quarters 3 among the Sequani, a little earlier than the sea- 1 Perhaps three was with the Germans, as with some other nations of antiquity, a sacred or mystical number. 2 The Ubii were situated on the west side of the Rhine. Cologne is supposed to occupy the site of their capital. 3 The winter-quarters (Jiiberna) of the Romans present one of the most striking characteristics of the warfare of antiquity. They were fortified with astonishing strength, and, besides being constructed with due regard to the relative dignity of the several ranks of the Roman army, were fur- nished, no less than the civilized towns of the period, with every accom- modation. They covered a great space of ground. To Roman encamp- ments many towns owe their origin. In our country (where this portion of military discipline was by no means remissly observed), those places in the names of which cester or Chester appear, bespeak their having existed there. Nor is it on the authority of the name alone (where cester or Chester is certainly from Castra, and not from a Saxon word) that this assertion is made. In those places, particularly, have Roman implements of war and other vestiges of the Roman sojourn in this island been discovered. 42 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK i. son of the year required. He appointed Labienus over the winter-quarters, and set out in person for Hither Gaul to hold the assizes. 1 1 The word " conventus" in the original, refers to those courts which the policy of the Romans established in countries which they had con- quered. These may be represented by the expression, provincial assize*. Their business was to administer justice, to hear petitions, prescribe regulations as to taxes and levies, and affix seals to documents which required that process to render them legal. Over these it was the office of the proconsul to preside, assisted, usually, by twenty persons, select- ed, for the most part, from the Romans resident in that particular portion of the province, as his "assessores" or "concilium," or body of advisers. The proceedings of these courts, like all those of the governors of pro- vinces, were conducted in Latin. (Val. Maximus, ii. 2.) Hence the pro- consul was on these occasions attended by an interpreter. To this allu- sion is made, among other places, in Cicero's Third Oration against Verres, sect. 37 It will prove interesting to compare the Commentaries of Caisar, as regards the Gauls, with the history of their wars with the Romans, given in the second Book of Polybius, and to read the account of their partici- pation in the Punic war, given in his third Book. CHAP. I. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 43 BOOK II. THE ARGUMENT. I. The Belgse, from various motives, enter into a confederacy against the Roman people. II. Caesar, having received intelligence or it, proceeds against them. III. IV. The Remi submit to Caesar, and give him in- formation respecting the other Belgae. V. He crosses the river Aisne and encamps beyond it. VI. VII. The attack on Bibrnx by the Belgse, and its relief by the Romans. VI1I.-X. State of affairs between the Romans and the Belgse. XI. The Bellovaci, withdrawing from tho warfare to return home, are pursued by the Romans, and sufler severely. XII. Caesar proceeds against the Suessiones. XIII. Then against the Bellovaci, and receives the surrender of both. XIV. Divitiacus pleads in behalf of the Bellovaci. XV. Caesar's reply ; the character of the Nervii. XVI.-XXIII. Engagements with them ; a peculiarity in their mode of-warfare ;, their extraordinary courage ; they are finally subdued. XXIX. The Aduatuci. XXX. Their ridicule of the Roman engineering. XXXI. Their pretended submission to the Romans. XXXII. Csesara reply to their embassy. XXXIII. Their treachery and overthrow. XXXIV. P. Crassus announces that several nations had submitted to the Roman power. XXXV. Caesar returns to Italy; a solemn thanks- giving is decreed by the senate. CHAP. I. While Caesar was in winter quarters in Hither Gaul, as we have shown above, frequent reports were brought to him, and he was also informed by letters from Labienus, that all the Belgae, who we have said are a third part of Gaul, were entering into a confederacy against the Eoman people, and giving hostages to one another ; that Ihe reasons of the con- federacy were these first, because they feared that, after all [Celtic] Gaul was subdued, our army would be led against them ; secondly, because they were instigated by several of the Gauls ; some of whom as [on the one hand] they had been un- willing that the Germans should remain any longer in Gaul, 1 so 1 The circumstances which led to the Germans going into Gaul, and the result of their introduction, are briefly given, book i. 31. 44 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES, BOOK u. [on the other] they were dissatisfied that the army of the Roman people should pass the winter in it, and settle there ; and others of them, from a natural instability and fickleness of disposition, 1 were anxious for a revolution ; [the Belgse were instigated] by several, also, because the government in Gaul was generally seized upon by the more powerful persons and by those who had the means of hiring troops, and they could less easily eifect this object under our dominion. CHAP. II. Alarmed by these tidings and letters, Caesar levied two new legions in Hither Gaul, and, at the begin- ning of summer, sent Q. Pedius, his lieutenant, to conduct them further into Gaul. He himself, as soon as there began to be plenty of forage, came to the army. He gives a commission to the Senones and the other Gauls who were neighbors of the Belgse, to learn what is going on among them \i. e. the Belgae], and inform him of these matters. These all uniformly reported that troops were being raised, and that an army was being collected in one place. Then, indeed, he thought that he ought not to hesitate about proceeding toward them, and having provided supplies, moves his camp, and in about fifteen days arrives at the territories of the Belgae. CHAP. III. As he arrived there unexpectedly and sooner than any one anticipated, the Remi, who are the nearest of the Belgae to [Celtic] Gaul, sent to him Iccius and Antebrogius, [two of] the principal persons of the state, as their embassadors : to tell him that they surrendered themselves and all their posses- sions to the protection and disposal of the Roman people : and that they had neither combined with the rest of the Belgae, nor entered into any confederacy against the Roman people : and were prepared to give hostages, to obey his commands, to receive him into their towns, and to aid him with corn and other things ; that all the rest of the Belgse were in arms ; and that the Germans, who dwell on this side of the Rhine, had join- ed themselves to them ; and that so great was the infatuation of them all, that they could not restrain even the Suessiones, their own brethren and kinsmen, who enjoy the same rights, and the same laws, and who have one government and one magistracy [in common] with themselves, from uniting with them. 1 Polybius represents the Gauls, in general, as characterized by fickle- ness of mind and impetuosity of action. Hist. lib. ii. 35. CHAP. iv. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 45 CHAP. IV. When Caesar inquired of them what states were in arms, how powerful they were, and what they could do in Avar, he received the following information : that the greater part of the Belgae were sprung from the Germans, and that having crossed the Rhine at an early period, they had settled there, on account of the fertility of the country, and had driven out the Gauls who inhabited those regions ; and that they were the only people who, in the memory of our fathers, when all Gaul was overrun, had prevented the Teutones and the Cimbri from entering their territories ; the effect of which was, that, from the recollection of those events, they assumed to them- selves great authority and haughtiness in military matters. The Remi said, that they had known accurately every thing respecting their number, because being united to them by neighborhood and by alliances, they had learned what number each state had in the general council of the Belgae promised for that war. That - the Bellovaci were the most powerful among them in valor, influence, and the number of men ; that these could muster 100,000 armed men, [and had] pro- mised 60,000 picked men out of that number, and de- manded for themselves the command of the whole war. That the Suessiones 1 were their nearest neighbors and pos- sessed a very extensive and fertile country; that among them, even in our own memory, Divitiacus, the most powerful man of all Gaul, had been king ; who had held the govern- ment of a great part of these regions, as well as of Britain ; that their king at present was Galba ; that the direction of the whole war was conferred by the consent of all, upon him, on account of his integrity and prudence; that they had twelve towns ; that they had promised 50,000 armed men ; and that the Nervii, who are reckoned the most warlike among them, and are situated at a very great distance, [had promised] as many; the Atrebates 15,000; the Ambiani," 10,000; the Mormi, 3 25,000 ; the Menapii, 4 9,000 ; the Caleti, 6 1 A people of Gallia Belgica. Suessiones, their capital, is the modern Soissons. 2 Ambiani. The territory of these people lay along the British Channel. Atrebates (Arras), their capital, is by the Flemings called Atrecht. 3 Mormi. Their country lay along the coast opposite Kent.- 4 Menapii. They lay near the Mosa (the Meuse). 5 Caloti or Caletes. They lay to the north of the mouth of the Seine. 46 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK n. 10,000; the Velocasses 1 and the Veromandui 3 as many; the Aduatuci 19,000; that the Condrusi, the Eburones, the Cseraesi, tlie Psemani, who are called by the common name of Germans [had promised], they thought, to the number of 40,000. CHAP. V. Caesar, having encouraged the Remi, and ad- dressed them courteously, ordered the whole senate to as- semble before him, and the children of their chief men to be brought to him as hostages ; all which commands they punctually performed by the day [appointed]. He, addressing himself to Divitiacus, the ^Ecluan, with great earnestness, points out how much it concernes the republic and their com- mon security, that the forces of the enemy should be divided, so that it might not be necessary to engage with so large a number at one time. [He asserts] that this might be effected if the ^Edui would lead their forces into the territories of the Bellovaci, and begin to lay waste their country. With these instructions he dismissed him from his presence. After he perceived that all the forces of the Belgae, which had been collected in one place, were approaching toward him, and learned from the scouts whom he had sent out, and [also] from the Remi, that they were then not far distant, he hastened to lead his army over the Aisne, which is on the borders of the Remi, and there pitched his camp. This position fortified one side of his camp by the banks of the river, rendered the country which lay in his rear secure from the enemy, and furthermore insured that provisions might without danger be brought to him by the Remi and the rest of the states. Over that river was a bridge : there he places a guard ; and on the other side of the river he leaves Q. Titurius Sabinus, his lieutenant, with six cohorts. He orders him to 1 Yelocasses, or Bellocassi. Their territories were of considerable extent, and were bounded on the east by the Isere ; on the south, by the Seine ; on the west, by the regions of the Caleti, and on the north by those of the Bellovaci. 2 Vcromandui, etc. The Veromandui lay between the Nervii and the Suessiones. Their capital, Augusta Veromanduorum, is the modern St. Quentin. The Aduatuci lay on the west bank of the Meuse. The Con- drusi lay on the Meuse ; modern Condrotz derives its name from their territories. Eburones (in some Greek authors, Euburones), the greater part of whose territories lay on the west of the Meuse. The Csersesi and the Psemani also lay on the Meuse. CHAP.VII. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 47 fortify a camp with a rampart twelve feet in height, and a trench eighteen feet in breadth. CHAP. VI. There was a town of the Remi, by name Bi- brax, 1 eight miles distant from this camp. This the Belgae on their march began to attack with great vigor. [The assault] was with difficulty sustained for that day. The Gauls' mode of besieging is the same as that of the Belgae : when after having drawn a large number of men around the whole of the fortifications, stones have begun to be cast against the wall on all sides, and the wall has been stripped of its defenders, [then], forming a testudo, 2 they advance to the gates and undermine the wall : which was easily effected on this occasion ; for while so large a number were casting stones and darts, no one 3 was able to maintain his position upon the wall. When night had put an end to the assault, Iccius, who was then in command of the town, one of the Remi, a man of the highest rank and in- fluence among his people, and one of those who had come to Caesar as embassador [to sue] for peace, sends messengers to him, [to report] " That, unless assistance were sent to him he could not hold out any longer." CHAP. VII. Thither, immediately after midnight, Caesar, using as guides the same persons who had come to him as messengers from Iccius, sends some .Numidian and Cretan archers, and some Balearian slingers 4 as a relief to the 1 Bibrax Bievre, a town of the Remi, on the Aisne, must not be con- founded with Bibracte, one of the largest and richest towns of the JEdui. 2 A body of soldiers, in forming a testudo, held their shields firmly to- gether over their heads, and were thus protected from such missiles as might be thrown from above, while those of the outer files held their shields sloping in such a manner as to protect the flanks of the entire body. They thus presented an appearance not unlike the back of a tortoise, "testudo;" from which circumstance the name was derived. By the testudo was also meant a penthouse moving on wheels, under cover of which the besiegers worked the battering-ram. The name in this case was readily suggested by the resemblance which the ram presented to a tor- toise thrusting its head forward from its shell and drawing it back again, 3 Literally, " No one had the power of standing his ground." 4 Frequent mention is made by ancient writers of the Numidians and Cretans as archers, and of the Balearians as slingers. These last took their name from three islands in tbe-Mediterraneau ; two of which, from their distinctive titles of Major and Minor, are called Majorca and Minor- ca ; the third Yvica. Pliny ascribes the invention of the sling to these people. Diodorus Siculus tells us that they could break a target or helmet, or, indeed, any piece of armor, with their national weapon. Nor 48 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK u. towns-people, by whose arrival both a desire to resist together with the hope of [making good their] defense, was infused into the Remi, and, for the same reason, the hope of gain- ing the town, abandoned the enemy. Therefore, after staying a short time before the town, and laying waste the country of the Remi, when all the villages and buildings which they could approach had been burned, they hastened with all their forces to the camp of Caesar, and encamped within less than two miles [of it] ; and their camp, as was indicated by the smoke and fires, extended more than eight miles in breadth. CHAP. VIII. Caesar at first determined to decline a battle, as well on account of the great number of the enemy as their distinguished reputation for valor : daily, however, in cavalry actions, he strove to ascertain by frequent trials, what the enemy could effect by their prowess and what our men would dare. When he perceived that our men were not inferior, as the place before the camp was naturally convenient and suit- nblo for marshaling an army (since the hill where the camp was pitched, rising gradually from the plain, extended forward in breadth as far as the space which the marshaled army could occupy, and had steep declines of its side in either direc- tion, and gently sloping in front gradually sank to the plain) ; on either side of that hill he drew a cross trench of about four hundred paces, and at the extremities of that trench built forts, and placed there his military engines, lest, after he had mar- shaled his army, the enemy, since they were so powerful in point of number, should be able to surround his men in the flank, while fighting. After doing this, and leaving in the camp the two legions which he had last raised, that, if there should be any occasion, they might be brought as a re- serve, he formed the other six legions in order of battle before the camp. The enemy, likewise, had drawn up their forces which they had brought out of the camp. CHAP. IX. There was a marsh of no great extent between our army and that of the enemy. The latter were waiting to see if our men would pass this,;, our men, also, were ready in will that appear wonderful if we receive the assertion of Suidas, that they would cast a stone of a pound weight. Their usual missiles, how- ever, were small stones and leadeii bullets. The inhabitants of those islands are reported to excel in the use of the sling at the present day. CHAP. XL CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 4& amis to attack them -while disordered, if the first attempt to pass should be made by them. In the mean time battle was commenced between the two armies by a cavalry action. When neither army began to pass the marsh, Caesar, upon the skirmishes of the horse [proving] favorable to our men, led back his forces into the camp. The enemy immediately hastened from that place to the river Aisne, which it has been stated Avas behind our camp. Finding a ford there, they endeavored to lead a part of their forces over it; with the design, that, if they could, they might cany by storm the fort which Q. Titunus, Caesar's lieutenant, commanded, and might cut off the bridge ; but, if they could not do that, they should lay waste the lands of the Remi, which were of great use to us in carrying on the war, and might hinder our men from foraging. -" "_- CHAP. X. Caesar, being apprized of this by Titurius, leads all his cavalry and light-armed Numidians, slingers and archers, over the bridge, and hastens toward them. There was a severe struggle in that place. Our men, attacking in the river the disordered enemy, slew a great part of them. By the immense number of their missiles they drove back the rest, who, in a most courageous manner were attempting to pass over their bodies, and surrounded with their cavalry, and cut to pieces those who had first crossed the river. The enemy, when they perceived that their hopes had. de- ceived them both with regard to their taking the town by storm and also their passing the river, and did not see our men advance to a more disadvantageous place for the purpose of fighting, and when provisions began to fail them, having called a council, determined that it was best for each to return to his country, and resolved to assemble from all quarters to defend those into whose territories the Romans should first march an army ; that they might contend in their own rather than in a foreign country, and might enjoy the stores of provision which they possessed at home. Together with other causes, this consideration also led them to that resolution, viz. : that they had learned that Divitiacus and the JEdui were approaching the territories of the Bellovaci. And it was impossible to persuade the latter to stay any longer, or to deter them from conveying succor to their own people. CHAP. XL That matter being determined on, marching 3 50 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK n. out of their camp at the second watch, with great noise and confusion, in no fixed order, nor under any command, since each sought for himself the foremost place in the journey, and hastened to reach home, they made their departure appear very like a flight. Caesar, immediately learning this through his scouts, [but] fearing an ambuscade, becausG he had not yet discovered for what reason they were depart- ing, kept his army and cavalry within the camp. At day- break, the intelligence having been confirmed by the scouts, he sent forward his cavalry to harass their rear ; and gave the com- mand of it to two of his lieutenants, Q. Pedius, and L. Aurun- culeius Cotta. He ordered T. Labienus, another of his lieu- tenants, to follow them closely with three legions. These, attacking their rear, and pursuing them for many miles,-slew a great number of them as they were fleeing; while those in the rear with whom they had come up, halted, and bravely sustained the attack of our soldiers ; the van, because they appeared to be removed from danger, and were not restrained hy any necessity or command, as soon as the noise was heard, broke their ranks, and, to a man, rested their safety in flight. Thus without any risk [to themselves] our men killed as great a number of them as the length of the day allowed ; and at sunset desisted from the pursuit, and betook themselves into the camp, as they had been commanded. CHAP. XII. On the day following, before the enemy could recover from their terror and flight, Caesar led hisarmy into the territories of the Suessiones, which are next to the Eemi, and having accomplished a long march, hastens to the town named Noviodunum. 1 Having attempted to take it by storm on his march, because he heard that it was destitute of [sufficient] defenders, he was not able to carry it by assault, on account of the breadth of the ditch and the height of the wall, though few were defending it. Therefore, having forti- fied the camp, he began to bring up the vineae, and to provide whatever things were necessary for the storm. In the mean time the whole body of the Suessiones, after their flight, 1 There were three cities of this name in Gaul: 1. Noviodunum Sues- sinum, called also simply Suessiones and Augusta, the modern Soissons, which is meant here. 2. Noviodunum - allegiance ; yet, neverthe- less, summoning to him the chief men of the Treviri, he recon- ciled them individually to Cingetorix : this he both thought should be done by him in justice to the merits of the latter, and also judged that it was of great importance that the influ- ence of one whose singular attachment toward him he had fully seen, should prevail as much as possible among his people. Indutiomarus was very much offended at this act, [seeing that] his influence was diminished among his countrymen ; and he, who already before had borne a hostile mind toward us, was much more violently inflamed against us through resentment at this. CHAP. V. These matters being settled, Caesar went to port Itius with the legions. There he discovers that forty ships, which had been built in the country of the Meldi, 1 having been driven back by a storm, had been unable to maintain their course, and had returned to the same port from which they had set out ; he finds the rest ready for sailing, and furnished with every thing. In the same place, the cavalry of the whole of Gaul, in number 4,000, assembles, and [also] the chief persons *of all the states ; he had determined to leave in Gaul a very few of them, whose fidelity toward him he had clearly discerned, and take the rest with him as hostages ; because he feared a commotion in Gaul when he should be absent. 1 "In Meldis." Some copies have " in Bdgis ;" a reading not so prob- able as the former 108 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKV. CHAP. VL There was together with the others, Dumnorix, the ./Eduan, of whom we have made previous mention. Him, in particular, he had resolved to have with him, because he had discovered him to be fond of change, fond of power, possessing great resolution, and great influence among the Gauls. To this was added, that Dumnorix had before said in an assembly of ^Eduans, that the sovereignty of the state had been made over to him by Caesar ; which speech the JEdui bore with impa- tience and yet dared not send embassadors to Caesar for the purpose of either rejecting or deprecating [that appointment]. That fact Caesar had learned from his own personal friends. 1 He at first strove to obtain by every entreaty that he should be left in Gaul ; partly, because, being unaccustomed to sailing, he feared the sea ; partly, because he said he was prevented by divine admonitions. 2 Aft^r he saw that this request was firmly refused him, all hope of success being lost, he began to tamper with the chief persons of the Gauls, to call them apart singly and exhort them to remain on the continent ; to agitate them with the fear that it was not without reason that Gaul should be stripped of all her nobility ; that it was Caesar's design, to bring over to Britain and put to death all those whom he feared to slay in the -sight of Gaul, to pledge his honor to the rest, to ask for their oath that they would by common deliberation execute what they should perceive to be necessary for Gaul. These things were reported to Caesar by several persons. CHAP. VII. Having learned this fact, Caesar, because he had conferred so much honor upon the ^Eduan state, determined that Dumnorix should be restrained and deterred by whatever means he could; and that, because he perceived his insane designs to be proceeding further and further, care should be taken lest he might be able to injure him and the common- wealth. Therefore, having stayed about twenty-five days in that place, because the north wind, which usually blows a great part of every season, prevented the voyage, he exerted himself to keep Dumnorix in his allegiance [and] nevertheless learn all 1 " Ex suis hospitibus :" Those between whom and Caesar there existed the much-reverenced bond of hospitium, already spoken of in these notes. 2 "Religionibus:" not, probably, in reference to engagement in any religious solemnities then celebrating, or to be celebrated ; but to pre- sentiments, omens, or auguries. CHAP. nil. CJESAB'S COMMENTARIES. 109 his measures : having at length met with favorable weather, he orders the foot soldiers 1 and the horse to embark in the ships. But, while the minds of all were occupied, Dumnorix began to take his departure from the camp homeward with the cavalry of the ^Edui, Caesar being ignorant of it. Caesar, on this matter being reported to him, ceasing from his expedition and deferring all other affairs, sends a great part of the cavalry to pursue him, and commands that he be brought back ; he orders that if he use violence and do not submit, that he be slain ; considering that Dumnorix would do nothing as a rational man while he himself was absent, since he had disregarded his com- mand even when present. He, however, when recalled, began to resist and defend himself with his hand, 2 and implore the support of his people, often exclaiming that " he was free and the subject of a free state." 3 They surround and kill the man as they had been commanded ; but the ^Eduan horsemen all return to Caesar. CHAP. VIII. When these things were done [and] Labienus, left on the continent with three legions and 2,000 horse, to defend the harbors and provide corn, and discover what was going on in Gaul, and take measures according to the occasion and a according to the circumstance ; he himself, with five legions and a number of horse, equal to that which he was leaving on the continent, set sail at sun-set, and [though for a time] borne forward by a gentle south-west wind, he did not maintain his course, in consequence of the wind dying away about midnight, and being carried on too far by the tide, when the sun rose, espied Britain passed on his left. Then, again, following the change of tide, he urged on with the oars that he might make that part of the island in which he had discovered the preceding summer, that there was the best landing-place, and in this affair the spirit of our soldiers was very much to be extolled; for they with the transports and heavy ships, the labor of rowing not being [for a moment] discontinued, equaled the speed of the ships of war. All the ships reached Britain 1 " Milites." A Roman army was composed principally of infantry. Hence, tnilites was used to denote, by way of eminence, that larger and more important division of their service. 2 "Manu;" with active and determined resistance. 3 The JEduan state had not been reduced into the form of province. 110 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. nearly at mid-day ; nor -was there seen a [single] enemy in that place, but, as Caesar afterward found from some prisoners, though large bodies of troops had assembled there, yet being alarmed by the great number of our ships, more than eight hundred of which, including the ships of the preceding year, 1 and those private vessels which each had built for his own con- venience, had appeared at one time, they had quitted the coast and concealed themselves among the higher points. CHAP. IX. Caesar, having disembarked his army and chosen a convenient place for the camp, when he discovered from the prisoners in what part the forces of the enemy had lodged themselves, having left ten cohorts and 300 horse at the sea, to be a guard to the ships, hastens to the enemy, at the third watch, 2 fearing the less for the ships, for this reason because he was leaving them fastened at anchor upon an even and open shore ; and he placed Q. Atrius over the guard of the ships. He himself, having advanced by night about twelve miles, espied the forces of the enemy. They, advancing to the river with their cavalry and chariots from the higher ground, began to annoy our men and give battle. Being repulsed by our cavalry, they concealed themselves in woods, as they had secured a place admirably fortified by nature and by art, whjch, as it seemed, they had before prepared on account of a civil war ; for all entrances to it were shut up by a great number of felled trees. They themselves rushed out of the woods to fight here and there, 3 and prevented our men from entering their fortifications. But the soldiers of the seventh legion, having formed a testudo and thrown up a rampart against the fortifi- cation, took the place and drove them out of the woods, receiving only a few wounds. But Caesar forbade his men to pursue them in ther flight any great distance ; 4 both because he was ignorant of the nature of the ground, and because, as a great part of the day was spent, he wished time to be left for the fortification of the camp. 1 "Cum annotinis." Some copies have annonariis, provision-ships, from annona. The correct reading seems to be that of Oudendorp and others, as quoted and translated above. The Greek paraphrast has ovv ralf TOV irpoodev erovf. 2 See the note, book i., ch. xxi. 3 "Here and there:" rari, in small detached parties. "Longius." The comparative degree has often this sense. CHAP. XIL (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. HI CHAP. X. The next day, early in the morning, he sent both foot-soldiers and horse in three divisions on an expe- dition to pursue those who had fled. These having advanced a little way, when already the rear [of the enemy] was in sight, some horse came to Caesar from Quintus Atrius, to report that the preceding night, a very great storm having arisen, almost all the ships were dashed to pieces and cast upon the shore, because neither the anchors and cables could resist, nor could the sailors and pilots sustain the violence of the storm ; and thus great damage was received by that collision of the ships. CHAP. XI. These things being known [to him], Caesar orders the legions and cavalry to be recalled and to cease from their march ; he himself returns to the ships : he sees clearly before him almost the same things which he had heard of from the messengers and by letter, so that, about forty ships being lost, the remainder seemed capable of being repaired with much labor. Therefore he selects workmen from the legions, and orders others to be sent for from the continent ; he writes to Labienus to build as many ships as he could with those legions which were with him. He himself, though the matter was one of great difficulty and labor, yet thought it to be most expedient for all the ships to be brought up on shore and joined with the camp by one fortification. In these matters he employed about ten days, the labor of the soldiers being unremitting even during the hours of night. The ships having been brought up on shore and the camp strongly 1 fortified, he left the same forces as he did before as a guard for the ships ; he sets out in person for the same place that he had returned from. When he had come thither, greater forces of the Britons had already assembled at that place, the chief command and management of the war having been intrusted to Cassivel- launus, whose territories a river, which is called the Thames, separates, from the maritime states at about eighty miles from the sea. At an earlier period perpetual wars had taken place between him and the other states ; but, greatly alarmed by our arrival, the Britons had placed him over the whole war and the conduct of it. CHAP. XII. The interior portion of Britain is inhabited by those of whom they say that it is handed down by tradition 1 " Egregie," here does not mean eminently, or peculiarly ; but simply, with great attention, admirably. 112 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. that they were born in the island itself: 1 the maritime portion by those who had passed over from the country of the Belgae for the purpose of plunder and making war ; almost all of whom are called by the names of those states from which being sprung they went thither, and having waged war, continued there and began to cultivate the lands. The number of the people is countless, and their buildings exceedingly numerous, for the most part very like those of the Gauls : the number of cattle is great. They use either brass 2 or iron rings, determined at a certain weight, as their money. Tin is produced in the midland regions ; in the maritime, iron ; but the quantity of it is small : they employ brass, which is imported. There, as in Gaul, is timber of every description, except beech and fir. They do not regard it lawful 3 to eat the hare, and the cock, and the goose ; they, however, breed them for amusement and pleasure. The climate is more temperate than in Gaul, the colds being less severe. CHAP. XIII. The island is triangular in its form, and one of its sides is opposite to Gaul. One angle of this side, which is in Kent, whither almost all ships fi;om Gaul are directed, [looks] to the east ; the lower looks to the south. This side extends about 500 miles. Another side lies toward Spain* and the west, on which part is Ireland, less, as is reckoned, than Britain, by one half: but the passage [from it] into Britain is of equal distance with that from Gaul. In the middle of this voyage, is an island, which is called Mona : 5 many smaller islands besides are supposed to lie [there], of which islands some have written that at the time of the winter solstice it is night there for thirty consecutive days. We, in our inquiries about that matter, ascertained nothing, except that, by accurate measurements with water, 6 we per- 1 "Quos natos in insula ipsa memoria proditum dicunt ;" i. c. that they were those whom the Greek writers call avroxQoves ; aborigines ; de- scendants from the first inhabitants. Memoria denotes either written record, or traditionary report. Here it denotes the latter. 2 Tacitus, in his life of Agricola, mentions silver and gold as the pro- ductions of Britain. 3 The nefas, or impiety of eating those animals does not appear, how- ever, to arise from their having been victims offered in sacrifice. 4 This statement of Cassar's is incorrect, as Spain lies to the south, not to the west of Britain. 5 " Mona," the isle of Man. Tacitus applies this name to Anglesey. Annal. xiv. 29. * The instrument used for this purpose was called clepsydra. Vegetius CHAP. XV. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 113 ceived the nights to be shorter there than on the continent. The length of this side, as their account states, is 700 miles. The third side is toward the north, to which portion of the island no land is opposite ; but an angle of that side looks principally toward Germany. This side is considered to be 800 miles in length. Thus the whole island is [about] 2,000 miles in circumference. CHAP. XIV. The most civilized of all these nations are they who inhabit Kent, which is entirely a maritime district, nor do they differ much from the Gallic customs. Most of the inland inhabitants do not sow corn, but live on milk and flesh, and are clad with skins. All the Britains, indeed, dye themselves 1 with wood, which occasions a bluish color, and thereby have a more terrible appearance in fight. They wear their hair long, and have every part of their body shaved except their head and upper lip. Ten and even twelve have wives common to them, and particularly brothers among brothers, and parents among their children ; but if there be any issue by these wives, they are reputed to be the children of those by whom respectively each was first espoused when a virgin. CHAP. XV. The horse and charioteers of the enemy con- tended vigorously in a skirmish with our cavalry on the march ; yet so that our men were conquerors in all parts, and drove them to their woods and hills ; but, having slain a great many, they pursued too eagerly, and lost some of their men. But the enemy, after some time had elapsed, when our men were off their guard, and occupied in the fortification of the camp, rushed out of the woods, and making an attack upon those who were placed on duty before the camp, fought in a determined manner; and two cohorts being sent by Caesar to their relief, and these severally the first of two legions, when these had taken up their position at a very small distance from each other, as our men were disconcerted by the unusual mode of battle, the enemy broke through the middle of them most tells us that they were commonly used in the army. They were also used at the bar to measure the time allowed to the several advocates for speaking. Sand-glasses (which resemble them in form), were once used in England to limit the time which public speakers designed to allow themselves. 1 Pomponius Mela and Pliny have related the same thing. 114 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. courageously, and retreated thence in safety. That day, Q. Laberius Durus, a tribune of the soldiers, was slain. The enemy, since more cohorts were sent against them, were repulsed. CHAP. XVI. In the whole of this method of fighting since the engagement took place under the eyes of all and before the camp, it was perceived that our men, on account of the weight of their arms, inasmuch as they could neither pursue [the enemy when] retreating, nor dare quit their standards, were little suited to this kind of enemy ; that the horse also fought with great danger, because they [the Britons] generally retreated even designedly, and, when they had drawn oft' our men a short distance from the legions, leaped from their chariots aad fought on foot in unequal [and to them advan- tageous] battle. But the system of cavalry engagement is wont to produce equal danger, and indeed the same, both to those who retreat and to those who pursue. To this was added, that they never fought in close order, but in small parties and at great distances, and had detachments placed [in different parts], and then the one relieved the other, and the vigorous and fresh succeeded the wearied. CHAP. XVII. The following day the enemy halted on the hills, a distance from our camp, and presented themselves in small parties, and began to challenge our horse to battle with less spirit than the day before. But at noon, when Caesar had sent three legions, and all the cavalry, with C. Trebonius, the lieutenant, for the purpose of foraging, they flew upon the foragers suddenly from all quarters, so that they did not keep off [even] from the standards and the legions. Our men making an attack on them vigorously, repulsed them ; nor did they cease to pursue them until the horse, relying on relief, as they saw the legions behind them-, drove the enemy precipitately before them, and slaying a great number of them, did not give them the opportunity either of rallying, or halting, or leaping from their chariots. Immediately after this retreat, the auxiliaries who had assembled from all sides, de- parted ; nor after that time did the enemy ever engage with us in very large numbers. CHAP. XVIII. Caesar, discovering their design, leads his army into the territories of Cassivellaunus to the river Thames ; which river can be forded in one place only, and that with CHAP. XT. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 115 difficulty. When he had arrived there, he perceives that numerous forces of the enemy were marshaled on the other bank of the river ; the bank also was defended by sharp stakes' fixed in front, and stakes of the same kind fixed under the water were covered by the river. These things being dis- covered from [some] prisoners and deserters, Caesar, sending forward the cavalry, ordered the legions to follow them immediately. But the soldiers advanced with such speed and such ardor, though they stood above the water by their heads only, that the enemy could not sustain the attack of the legions and of the horse, and quitted the banks, and committed themselves to flight. CHAP. XIX. Cassivellaunus, as we have stated above, all hope [rising out] of battle being laid aside, the greater part of his forces being dismissed, and about 4,000 charioteers only being left, used to observe our marches and retire a little from the road, and conceal himself in intricate and woody places, and in those neighborhoods in which he had dis- covered we were about to march, he used to drive the cattle and the inhabitants from the fields into the woods ; and, when our cavalry, for the sake of plundering and ravaging the more freely, scattered themselves among the fields, he used to send out charioteers from the woods by all the well-known roads and paths, and to the great danger of our horse, engage with them ; and this source of fear hindered them from straggling very extensively. The result was* that Caesar did not allow excursions to be made to a great distance from the main body of the legions, and ordered that damage should be done to the enemy in ravaging their lands, and kindling fires only so far as the legionary soldiers could, by their own exertion and marching, accomplish it. CHAP. XX. In the mean time, the Trinobantes, 3 almost the most powerful state of those parts, from which the young man, Mandubratius embracing the protection of Caesar had come to the continent of Gaul to [meet] him (whose father, Imanuentius, had possessed the sovereignty in that state, and 1 Bede, the learned and devout monk of the noble Benedictine monas- tery of Yarrow (8th century), so deservedly called li the venerable Bede," states that the remains of these stakes existed in his tune. 2 " Relinquebatur." Literally, "it remained." 3 The territories of the Trinobantes comprehended Essex and Middlesex. 116 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. had been killed by Cassivellaunus ; he himself had escaped death by flight), send embassadors to Caesar, and promise that they will surrender themselves to him and perform his com- mands; they entreat him to protect Mandubratius from the violence of Cassivellaunus, and send to their state some one to preside over it, and possess the government. Caesar demands forty hostages from them, and corn for his army, and sends Mandubratius to them. They speedily performed the things demanded, and sent hostages to the number appointed, and the corn. CHAP. XXI. The Trinobantes being protected and secured from any violence of the soldiers, the Cenimagni, the Segon- tiaci, the Ancalites, the Bibroci, and the Cassi, sending embassies, surrendered themselves to Caesar. 1 From them he 1 Tacitus says that Britain -was rather surveyed than reduced, by Caesar ; claiming for his father-in-law, Agricola, the honor of the conquest. The Roman arms, it need scarcely be remarked, owe much to the milita- ry virtues of Agricola, as displayed here ; but Cscsar did what no one had done before him, he levied a tribute upon the Britons, and effectu- ally paved the way for all that Rome subsequently accomplished in this island. The following may bo given as a very brief and general account of tho condition of Britain in relation to the Romans during the period of the twelve Caesars. Augustus and Tiberius, from motives of policy, rested satisfied with the achievements of their predecessor, Julius, there. Nor did it suffer any thing at the hands of Caligula, who merely proposed, but did not attempt to execute, a design upon it. Legions and auxiliaries were introduced by Claudius, who, after absurdly arrogating to himself the honors of victory, sent thither, first Aulius Plautus, and afterward Ostorius, as propraetor or governor. This latter overthrew Caractacus, and led him in triumph at Rome a spectacle, says Tacitus, Annal. book xii. 38, which the senators pronounced to be no less glorious than when P. Scipio exhibited Syphax, or L. Paulus paraded the Macedonian Perseus in the streets of that city. Britain was next under the governorship of Didius Gallus, who, infirm by age and contented with his present glory, left matters as he received them from his predecessors in the command. It was next governed by Veranus, a man of a stern and, it would seem, boastful temper. He died after holding his office about one year. Under the propraetorship of Suetonius Paulinus, who succeeded Veranus, An- glesey was invaded, and the Iceni, under the conduct of their renowned queen, Boadicea, were signally defeated. His discipline in Britain gave offense, and Petronius Turpilianus was appointed to succeed him. His sway was very mild. Many, also, were the indulgences of the Britons Under his successor, Trebellius Maximus. Nor had they any reason to complain of the severity of their next governor, Vectius Bolanus. Peti- lius Caerealis, who succeeded him, sought to remedy the evils which tho CHAP. xxn. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 117 learns that the capital town of Cassivellaunus was not far from that place, and was defended by woods and morasses, and a very large number of men and of cattle had been collected in it. (Now the Britons, when they have fortified the intricate woods, in which they are wont to assemble for the purpose of avoiding the incursion of an enemy, with an intrenchment and a rampart, call them a town.) Thither he proceeds with his legions : he finds the place admirably fortified by nature and art ; he, however, undertakes to attack it in two directions. The enemy, having remained only a short time, did not sustain the attack of our soldiers, and hurried away on the other side of the town. A great amount of cattle was found there, and many of the enemy were taken and slain in their flight. CHAP. XXH. While these things are going forward in those places, Cassivellaunus sends messengers into Kent, which, we have observed above, is on the sea, over which districts four several kings reigned, Cingetorix, Carvilius, Taxi- magulus and Segonax, and commands them to collect all their forces, and unexpectedly assail and storm the naval camp. When they had come to the camp, our men, after making a sally, slaying many of their men, and also capturing a distinguished leader named Lugotorix, brought back their own men in safety. Cassivellaunus, when this battle was reported to him as so many losses had been sustained, and his ter- ritories laid waste, being alarmed most of all by the desertion of the states, sends embassadors to Caesar [to treat] about a surrender through the mediation of Commius the Atreba- tiaru Caesar, since he had determined to pass the winter on the continent, on account of the sudden revolts- of Gaul, and as much of the summer did not remain, and he perceived that even that could be easily protracted, demands hostages, and prescribes what tribute Britain should pay each year to the Roman people ; he forbids and commands Cassivellaunus that he wage not war against Mandubratius or the Trinobantes. laxity of the last three had induced ; and under him the Brigantes were subdued. Britain was next governed by Julius Frontinus, who conquered the Silures. Then came Agricola of whom it has been said that " he was as fortunate in many battles against the Britons, as he was unhappy in hia reward ;" for Domitian, having become envious of his fame, recalled him from his propraetorship, and, as is reported, afterward procured his death by poison. 118 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. CHAP. XXIII. When he had received the hostages, he leads back the army to the sea, and finds the ships repaired. After launching these, because he had a large number of prisoners, and some of the ships had been lost in the storm, he determines to convey back his army at two embarka- tions. And it so happened, that out of so large a number of ships, in so many voyages, neither in this nor in the previous year was any ship missing which conveyed soldiers ; but very few out of those which were sent back to him from the continent empty, as the soldiers of the former convoy had been disembarked, and out of those (sixty in number) which Labi- enus had taken care to have built, reached their destination ; almost all the rest were driven back, and when Caesar had waited for them for some time in vain, lest he should be debarred from a voyage by the season of the year, inasmuch as the equinox was at hand, he of necessity stowed his soldiers the more closely, and, a very great calm coming on, after he had weighed anchor at the beginning of the second watch, he reached land at break of day and brought in all the ships in CHAP. XXIV. The ships having been drawn up and a general assembly of the Gauls held at Samarobriva, because the corn that year had not prospered in Gaul by reason of the droughts, he was compelled to station his army in its win- ter-quarters differently from the former years, and to distribute the legions among several states : one of them he gave to C. Fabius, his lieutenant, to be marched into the territories of the Morini ; a second to Q. Cicero, into those of the Nervii ; a third to L. Roscius, into those of the Essui ; a fourth he ordered to winter with T. Labienus among the Remi in the confines of the Treviri ; he stationed three in Belgium ; over these he appointed M. Crassus, his questor, and L. Munatius Plancus and C. Trebonius, his lieutenants. One legion which he had raised last on the other side of the Po, and five cohorts, he sent among the Eburones, the greatest portion of whom lie between the Meuse and the Rhine, [and] who were under the government of Ambiorix and Cativolcus. He ordered Q. Titurius Sabinus and L. Aurunculeius Cotta, his lieutenants, to take command of these soldiers. The legions being distributed in this manner, he thought he could most easily remedy the scarcity of corn ; and yet the winter- CHAP. xnn. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 119 quarters of all these legions (except that which he had given to L. Roscius, to be led into the most peaceful and tranquil neigh- borhood) were comprehended within [about] 100 miles. 1 He himself in the mean while, until he had stationed the legions and knew that the several winter-quarters were fortified, deter- mined to stay in Gaul. CHAP. XXV. There was among the Carnutes a man named Tasgetius, born of very high rank, whose ancestors had held the sovereignty in his state. To him Caesar had restored the position of his ancestors, in consideration of his prowess and attachment toward him, because in all his wars he had availed himself of his valuable services. His personal enemies had killed him when in the third year of his reign, many even of his own state being openly promoters [of that act]. This event is related to Caesar. He fearing, because several were involved in the act, that the state might revolt at their instigation, orders Lucius Plancus, with a legion, to proceed quickly from Belgium to the Carnutes, and winter there, and arrest and send to him the persons by whose instru- mentality he should discover that Tasgetius was slain. In the mean time, he was apprised by all the lieutenants and ques- tors to whom he had assigned the legions, that they had arrived in winter-quarters, and that the place for the quarters was fortified. CHAP. XXVI. About fifteen days after they had come into winter-quarters, the beginning of a sudden insurrection and revolt arose from Ambiorix and Cativolcus, who, though they had met with Sabinus and Cotta at the borders of their king- dom, and had conveyed corn into our winter-quarters, induced by the messages of Indutiomarus, one of the Treviri, excited their people, and after having suddenly assailed the soldiers en- gaged in procuring wood, came with a large body to attack the camp. When our men had speedily taken up arms and had ascended the rampart, and sending out some Spanish horse on one side, had proved conquerors in a cavalry action, the enemy, despairing of success, drew off their troops from the assault. Then they shouted, according to their custom, 1 There must be an error (whatever be the occasion of it), in this state- ment of the space intervening between the two extreme encampments. The distance from that among the Eburones to that spoken of as being in Belgium, would bo about 1 80 miles. 120 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. that some of our men should go forward to a conference, [alleging] that they had some things which they desired to say respecting the common interest, by which they trusted their disputes could be removed. CHAP. XXVII. C. Arpineius, a Roman knight, the intimate friend of Q. Titurius, and with him, Q. Junius, a certain per- son from Spain, who already on previous occasions, had been accustomed to go to Ambiorix, at Caesar's mission, is sent to them for the purpose of a conference : before them Ambiorix spoke to this effect : " That he confessed, that for Caesar's kind- ness toward him, he was very much indebted to him, inasmuch as by his aid he had been freed from a tribute which he had been accustomed to pay to the Aduatuci, his neighbors ; and be- cause his own son and the son of his brother had been sent back to him, whom, when sent in the number of hostages, the Aduatuci had detained among them in slavery and in chains ; and that he had not done that which he had done in regard to the attacking of the camp, either by his own judg- ment or desire, but by the compulsion of his state ; and that his government was of that nature, that the people had as much authority over him as he over the people. To the state moreover the occasion of the war was this that it could not withstand the sudden combination of the Gauls ; that he could easily prove this from his own weakness, since he was not so little versed in affairs as to presume that with his forces he could conquer the Roman people ; but that it was the com- mon resolution of Gaul ; that that day was appointed for the storming of all Caesar's winter-quarters, in order that no legion should be able to come to the relief of another legion, that Gauls could not easily deny Gauls, especially when a measure seemed entered into for recovering their common freedom. Since he had performed his duty to them on the score of patriotism [he said], he has now regard to gratitude for the kindness of Caesar ; that he warned, that he prayed Titurius by the claims of hos- pitality, to consult for his and his soldiers' safety ; that a large force of the Germans had been hired and had passed the Rhine ; that it would arrive in two days : that it was for them to consider whether they thought fit, before the nearest people perceived it, to lead off their soldiers when drawn out of winter- quarters, either to Cicero or to Labienus ; one of whom was about fifty miles distant from them, the other rather more; CHAP. xxix. CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 121 that this ho promised and confirmed by oath, that he would give them a safe passage through his territories; and when he did that, he was both consulting for his own state, because it would be relieved from the winter-quarters, and also making a requital to Caesar for his obligations." CHAP. XXVm. Arpineius and Junius relate to the lieu- tenants what they had heard. They, greatly alarmed by the unexpected affair, though those things were spoken by an enemy, still thought they were not to be disregarded ; and they were especially influenced by this consideration, that it was scarcely credible that the obscure and humble state of the Eburones had dared to make war upon the Roman people of their own accord. Accordingly, they refer the matter to a coun- cil, and a great controversy arises among them. L. Aurun- culeius, and several tribunes of the soldiers and the centurions of the first rank, were of opinion " that nothing should be done hastily, and that they should not depart from the camp with- out Caesar's orders;" they declared, "that any forces of the Germans, however great, might be encountered by fortified winter-quarters ; that this fact was a proof [of it] ; that they had sustained the first assault of the Germans most valiantly, inflicting many wounds upon them ; that they were not dis- tressed for oorn ; that in the mean time relief would come both from the nearest winter-quarters and from Caesar ; lastly, they put the query, " what could be more undetermined, more un- dignified, than to adopt measures respecting the most important affairs on the authority of an enemy ? w CHAP. XXIX. In opposition to those things, Titurius ex- claimed, " That they would do this too late, when greater forces of the enemy, after a junction with the Germans, should have assembled ; or when some disaster had been re- ceived in the neighboring winter-quarters; that the opportu- nity for deliberating was short ; that he believed that Csesar had set forth into Italy, as the Carnutes would not otherwise have taken the measure of slaying Tasgetius, nor would the Eburones, if he had been present, have come to the camp with so great de- fiance of us ; that he did not regard the enemy, but the fact, as the authority ; that the Rhine was near ; that the death of Ariovistus and our previous victories were subjects of great in- dignation to the Germans ; that Gaul was inflamed, that after having received so many defeats she was reduced under the 6 122 CLESAK'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKV. sway of the Roman people, her pristine glory in military matters being extinguished." Lastly, "who would persuade himself of this, that Ambiorix had resorted to a design of that nature without sure grounds ? That his own opinion was safe on either side ; if there be nothing very formidable, they would go without danger to the nearest legion ; if all Gaul conspir- ed with the Germans, their only safety lay in dispatch. What issue would the advice of Cotta and of those who differed from him, have ? from which, if immediate danger was not to be dreaded, yet certainly famine, by a protracted siege, was." CHAP. XXX. This discussion having been held on the two sides, when opposition was offered strenuously by Cotta and the principal officers, "Prevail," said Sabinus, "if so you wish it ;" and he said it with a louder voice, that a great portion of the soldiers might hear him ; " nor am I the person among you," he said, " who is most powerfully alarmed by the danger of death ; these will be aware of it, and then, if any thing disastrous shall have occurred, they will demand a reckoning at your hands ; these, who, if it were permitted by you, united three days hence with the nearest winter-quarters, may encounter the common condition of war with the rest, and not, as if forced away and separated far from the rest, perish either by the sword or by famine." CHAP. XXXL They rise from the council, detain both, and entreat, that " they do not bring the matter into the greatest jeopardy by their dissension and obstinacy ; the affair was an easy one, if only they all thought and approved of the same thing, whether they remain or depart; on the other hand, they saw no security in dissension." The matter is pro- longed by debate till midnight. At last Cotta, being overruled, yields his assent; 1 the opinion of Sabinus prevails. It is proclaimed that they will march at day-break ; the remainder of the night is spent without sleep, since every soldier was in- specting his property, [to see] what he could carry with him, and what, out of the appurtenances of the winter-quarters, he 1 " Dat manus," lit. gives his "hands ; an expression derived from the attitude of the vanquished when holding out their hands in the form of supplication (more generally, however, tendens than dans manus), or to receive their chains, which, at once, sealed their Bubmission and preserv- ed their lives. CHAP, xxxiii. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 123 would be compelled to leave; every reason is suggested to show why they could not stay without danger, and how that danger would be increased by the fatigue of the soldiers and their want of sleep. At break of day they quit the camp, in a very extended line and with a very large amount of baggage, in such a maner as men who were convinced that the advice was given by Ambiorix, not as an enemy, but as most friendly [toward them]. CHAP. XXXII. But the enemy, after they had made the discovery of their intended departure by the noise during the night and their not retiring lo rest, having placed an ambuscade in two divisions in the woods, in a suitable and concealed place, two miles from the camp, waited for the arrival of the Romans : and when the greater part of the line of march had descended into a considerable valley, they suddenly presented themselves on either side of that valley, and began both to harass the rear and hinder the van from ascending, and to give battle in a place exceedingly disadvantageous to our men. ^ CHAP. XXXTTT. Then at length Titurius, as one who had provided nothing beforehand, was confused, ran to and fro, and set about arranging his troops ; these very things, however, he did timidly and in such a manner that all resources seemed to fail him : which generally happens to those who are compelled to take council in the action itself. But Cotta, who had re- flected that these things might occur on the march, and on that account had not been an adviser of the departure, was wanting to the common safety in no respect ; both in addressing and encouraging the soldiers, he performed the duties of a general, and in the battle those of a soldier. . And since they [Titurius and Cotta] could less easily perform every thing by themselves, and provide what was to be done in each place, by reason of the length of the line of march, they ordered [the officers] to give the command that they should leave the baggage and form them- selves into an orb, 1 which measure, though in a contingency of that nature it was not to be condemned, still turned out un- fortunately ; for it both diminished the hope of our soldiers and 1 When surrounded by an enemy, they threw themselves in an order called orbis,OT globus, from its form. This is further referred to in ch. xxxvii. of book iv. of the Gallic peace, and the fifteenth chapter of the African "War. The phrases are, orbem facere, or, volvere ; in orbem se tutari, or, eonglobare ; in orbem pugnant ; and, upon halting, in orbem consistent. 124 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK r. rendered the enemy more eager for the fight, because it ap- peared that this was not done without the greatest fear and despair. Besides that happened, which would necessarily be the case, that the soldiers for the most part quitted their en- signs and hurried to seek and carry off from the baggage whatever each thought valuable, and all parts were filled with uproar and lamentation. CHAP. XXXIV. But judgment was not wanting to the barbarians ; for their leaders ordered [the officers] to proclaim through the ranks " that no man should quit his place ; that the booty was theirs, and for them was reserved whatever the Romans should leave ; therefore let them consider that all things depended on their victory. 1 Our men were equal to them in fighting, both in courage and in number, and though they were deserted by their leader and by fortune, yet they still placed all hope of safety in their valor, and as often as any cohort sallied forth on that side, a great number of the enemy usually fell. Ambiorix, when he observed this, orders the command to be issued that they throw their weapons from a distance and do not approach too near, and in whatever direc- tion the Romans should make an attack, there give way (from the lightness of their appointments and from their daily practice no damage could be done them) ; [but] pursue them when betaking themselves to their standards again. CHAP. XXXV. Which command having been most care- fully obeyed, when any cohort had quitted the circle and made a charge, the enemy fled very precipitately. In the mean time, that part of the Roman army, of necessity, was left unprotected, and the weapons received on their open flank. Again, when they had begun to return to that place from which they had ad- vanced, they were surrounded both by those who had retreated and by those who stood next them ; but if, on the other hand, they wish to keep their place, neither was an opportunity left for valor, nor could they, being crowded together, escape the weapons cast by so large a body of men. Yet, though assailed by so many disadvantages, [and] having received many wounds, they withstood the enemy, and, a great portion of the day being spent, though they fought from day-break till the eighth hour, they did nothing which was unworthy of them. At length, each thigh of T. Balventius, who the year before had 1 " Posita," etc., lit. lay in, etc. CHAP, xxxvn. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 126 been chief centurion, 1 a brave man and one of great authority, is pierced with a javelin ; Q. Lucanius, of the same rank, fighting most valiantly, is slain while he assists his son when surrounded by the enemy ; L. Cotta, the lieutenant, when encouraging all the cohorts and companies, is wounded full in the mouth by a sling. CHAP. XXXVI. Much troubled by these events, Q. Titu- rius, when he had perceived Ambiorix in the distance encourag- ing his men, sends to him his interpreter, Cn. Pompey, to beg that he would spare him and his soldiers. He, when addressed, replied, " If he wishes to confer with him, it was permitted ; that he hoped what pertained to the safety of the soldiers could be obtained from the people ; that to him however certainly no injury would be done, and that he pledged his faith to that eftect." He consults with Cotta, who had been wounded, whether it would appear right to retire from battle, and confer with Ambiorix; [saying] that he hoped to be able to suc- ceed respecting his own and the soldiers' safety. Cotta says he will not go to an armed enemy, and in that per- severes. CHAP. XXXVIE. Sabinus orders those tribunes of the soldiers whom he had at the time around him, and the cen- turions of the first ranks, to follow him, and when he had ap- proached near to Ambiorix, being ordered to throw down his arms, he obeys the order and commands his men to do the same. In the mean time, while they treat upon the terms, and a longer debate than necessary is designedly entered into by Ambiorix, being surrounded by degrees, he is slain. Then they, according to their custom, shout out " Victory," and raise their war-cry, and, making an attack on our men, break their ranks. There L. Cotta, while figting, is slain, together with the greater part of the soldiers ; the rest betake themselves to the camp, from which they had marched forth, and one of them, L. Petrosidius, the standard bearer, when he was operpowered by the great number of the enemy, threw the eagle within the intrenchments and is himself slain while figting with the greatest courage before the camp. They with difficulty sus- tain the attack till night ; despairing of safety, they all to a man destroy themselves in the night. A few escaping from 1 " Qui primum pilum duxerat." See the note, book ii., ch. xxv. ; or book iii., ch. v. 126 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. the battle, made their way to Labienus at winter-quarters, after wandering at random through the woods, and inform him of these events. CHAP. XXXVIII. Elated by this victory, Ambiowx marches immediately with his cavalry to the Aduatuci, who bordered on his kingdom ; he halts neither day nor night, and orders the infantry to follow him closely. Having related the exploit and roused the Aduatuci, the next day he arrived among the Nervii, and entreats " that they should not throw away the op- portunity of liberating themselves, forever and of punishing the Romans for those wrongs which they had received from them;" 1 [he tells them] "that two lieutenants have been slain, and that a large portion of the army has perished ; that it was not a matter of difficulty for the legion which was wintering with Cicero to be cut off, when suddenly assaulted; he declares himself ready to co-operate in that design. He easily gains over the Nervii by this speech. CHAP. XXXIX. Accordingly, messengers having been forth- with dispatched to the Centrones, the Grudii, the Levaci, the Pleumoxii, and the Geiduni, all of whom are under their gov- ernment, they assemble as large bodies as they can, and rush unexpectedly to the winter-quarters of Cicero, the report of the death of Titurius not having as yet been conveyed to him. That also occurred to him, which was the consequence of a necessary work that some soldiers who had gone off into the woods for the purpose of procuring timber and therewith con- structing fortifications, were intercepted by the sudden arrival of [the enemy's] horse. These having been entrapped, the Eburones, the Nervii, and the Aduatici and all their allies and dependants, begin to attack the legion : our men quickly run together to arms and mount the rampart ; they sustained the attack that day with great difficulty, since the enemy placed all their hope in dispatch, and felt assured that, if they obtained this victory, they would be conquerors forever. CHAP. XL. Letters are immediately sent to Caesar by Cicero, great rewards being offered [to the messengers] if they carried them through. All these passes having been beset, those Tfho were sent are intercepted. During the night as many as 1 See a statement of the calamity of the Nervii, made by themselves, book ii. ch. xxviii. For a signal defeat of the Aduatuci, see ch, xxxiii. of the same book. CHAP. ILL C-dESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 127 120 towers are raised with incredible dispatch out of the timber which they had collected for the purpose of fortification : the things which seemed necessary to the work are completed. The following day the enemy, having collected far greater forces, attack the camp [and] fill up the ditch. Resistance is made by our men in the same manner as the day before; this same thing is done afterward during the remaining days. The work is carried on incessantly in the night : l not even to the sick, or wounded, is opportunity given for rest : whatever things are required for resisting the assault of the next day are pro- vided during the night : many stakes burned at the end, and a large number of mural pikes are procured : towers are built up, battlements and parapets are formed of interwoven hurdles. Cicero himself, though he was in very weak health, did not leave himself the night-time for repose, so that he was forced to spare himself by the spontaneous movement and entreaties of the soldiers. CHAP. XLL Then these leaders and chiefs of the Nervii, who had any intimacy and grounds of friendship with Cicero, say they desire to confer with him. When permission was granted, they recount the same things which Ambiorix had related to Titurius, namely, " that all Gaul was in arms, that the Germans had passed the Rhine, that the winter-quarters of Caesar and of the others were attacked." They report in addi- tion also, about the death of Sabinus. They point to Ambiorix for the purpose of obtaining credence ; " they are mistaken," say they, " if they hoped for any relief from those who distrust their own affairs ; that they bear such feelings toward Cicero and the Roman people that they deny them nothing but winter- quarters, and are unwilling that the practice* should become constant ; that through their [the Nervii's] means it is possible for them [the Romans] to depart from their winter-quarters safely and to proceed without fear into whatever parts they desire." To these Cicero made only one reply : " that it is not the custom of the Roman people to accept any condition from an armed enemy : if they are willing to lay down their arms, they may employ him as their advocate and send embassadors to Caesar: that he believed, from his [Caesar's] justice, they would obtain the things which they might request." 1 Literally, "No portion of the night-time is intermitted to the work. 2 The practice of occupying winter-quarters in GauL 128 CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK V. CHAP. XLII. Disappointed in this hope, the Nervii sur- round the winter-quarters with a rampart eleven feet high, and a ditch thirteen feet in depth. These military Avorks they had learned from our men in the intercourse of former years, and, having taken some of our army prisoners, were instructed by them : but, as they had no supply of iron tools which are requisite for this service, they were forced to cut the turf with their swords, and to empty out the earth with their hands and cloaks, from which circumstance, the vast number of the men could be inferred ; for in less than three hours they completed a fortification of ten miles in circumference ; and during 1 the rest of the days they began to prepare and construct towers of the height of the ramparts, and grappling irons, and mantelets, which the same prisoners had taught them. CHAP. XLIII. On the seventh day of the attack, a very high wind having sprung up, they began to discharge by their slings hot balls made of burned or hardened clay, and heated javelins, upon the huts, which, after the Gallic custom, were thatched with straw. These quickly took fire, and by the vio- lence of the wind, scattered their flames in every part of the camp. The energy following up their success with a very loud shout, as if victory were already obtained and secured, began to advance their towers and mantelets, and climb the rampart with ladders. But so great was the courage of our soldiers, and such their presence of mind, that though they were scorched on all sides, and harassed by a vast number of wea- pons, and were aware that their baggage and their possessions were burning, not only did no one quit the rampart for the purpose of withdrawing from the scene, but scarcely did any one even then look behind ; and they all fought most vigor- ously and most valiantly. This day was by far the most calamitous to our men ; it had this result, however, that on that day the largest number of the enemy Avas wounded and slain, since they had crowded beneath the very rampart, and the hindmost did not afford the foremost a retreat. The flame having abated a little, and a tower having been brought up in a particular place and touching the rampart, the centurions of the third cohort retired from the place in which they were standing, and drew off all their men : they began to call on the enemy by gestures and by words, to enter if they wished ; but none of them dared to advance. Then stones having been CHAP. XLTV. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 129 cast from every quarter, the enemy were dislodged, and their tower set on fire. CHAP. XLIV. In that legion there were two very brave men, centurions, -who were now approaching the first ranks, T. Pulfio, 1 and L. Varenus. These used to have continual disputes between them which of them should be preferred, and every year used to contend for promotion with the utmost animosity. When the fight was going on most vigorously before the forti- fications, Pulfio, one of them, says, " Why do you hesitate, Vare- nus ? or what [better] opportunity of signalizing your valor do you seek ? This very day shall decide our disputes." When he had uttered these words, he proceeds beyond the fortifica- tions, and rushes on that part of the enemy which appeared the thickest. Nor does Varenus remain within the rampart, but respecting the high opinion of all, follows close after. Then, when an inconsiderable space intervened, Pulfio throws his javelin at the enemy, and pierces one of the multitude who was running up, and while the latter was wounded and slain, the enemy cover him with their shields, and all throw their weapons at the other and afford him no opportunity of retreating. The shield of Pulfio is pierced and a javelin is fastened in his belt. This circumstance turns aside his scabbard and obstructs his right hand when attempting to draw/ his sword : the enemy crowd around him when [thus] embarrassed. His rival runs up to him and succors him in this emergency. Immediately the whole host turn from Pulfio to him, supposing the other to be pierced through by the javelin. Varenus rushes on briskly with his sword and carries on the combat hand to hand, and having skin one man, for a short time drove back the rest: while he urges on too eagerly, slipping into a hollow, 2 he fell. To him, in his turn, when surrounded, Pjdfio brings relief; and both having slain 1 The Delpbin annotator here remarks, that, from the circumstances of this Pulfio's having been a strenuous partisan of Pompey, in the civil war, either Caesar had not leisure to read over his Commentaries and blot out this incident, so favorable to Pulfio ; or that having published them before that person's espousal of Pompey's cause, he could not retract it ; or, that he was too noble-minded to withhold such a well deserved tribute of praise, even from one who had become his opponent. The annotator, however, does not favor this third supposition. 2 "In locum dejectus inferiorem concidit." 6* 130 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. a great number, retreat into the fortifications amid the highest applause. Fortune so dealt with both in this rivalry and con- flict, that the one competitor was a succor and a safeguard to the other, nor could it be determined which of the two ap- peared worthy of being preferred to the other. CHAP. XLV. In proportion as the attack became daily more formidable and violent, and particularly, because, as a great number of the soldiers were exhausted with wounds, the matter had come to a small number of defenders, more frequent letters and messages were sent to Caesar; a part of which messengers were taken and tortured to death in the sight of our soldiers. There was within our camp a certain Nervian, by name Vertico, born in a distinguished posi- tion, who in the beginning of the blockade had deserted to Cicero, and had exhibited his fidelity to him. He persuades his slave, by the hope of freedom, and by great rewards, to convey a letter to Caesar. This he carries out bound about his javelin ; and mixing among the Gauls without any suspicion by being a Gaul, he reaches Cassar. From him they received information of the imminent danger of Cicero and the legion. CHAP. XL VI. Caesar having received the letter about the eleventh hour of the day, immediately sends a messenger to the Bellovaci, to M. Crassus, questor there, whose winter- quarters were twenty-five miles distant from him. He orders the legion to set forward in the middle of the night, and come to him with dispatch. Crassus sets out with the messenger. He sends another to C. Fabius, the lieutenant, ordering him to lead forth his legion into the territories of the Atrebates, to which he knew his march must be made. He writes to La- bienus to come with his legion to the frontiers of the Nervii, if he could do so to the advantage of the commonwealth : he does not consider that the remaining portion of the army, because it was somewhat further distant, should be waited for ; but assembles about 400 horse from the nearest winter- quarters. CHAP. XLVH. Having been apprised of the arrival of Crassus by the scouts at about the third hour, he advances twenty miles that day. He appoints Crassus over Samaro- briva and assigns him a legion, because he was leaving there the baggage of the army, the hostages of the states, the public CHAP. XLvm. CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 131 documents, and all the corn, which he had conveyed thither for passing the winter. Fabius, without delaying a moment, meets him on the march with his legion, as he had been commanded. Labienua, having learned the death of Sabinus and the destruction of the cohorts, as all the forces of the Treviri had come against him, beginning to fear lest, if he made a departure from his winter-quarters, resembling a flight, he should not be able to support the attack of the enemy, par- ticularly since he knew them to be elated by their recent victory, sends back a letter to Caesar, informing him with what great hazard he would lead out his legion from winter-quarters ; he relates at large the affairs which had taken place among the Eburones ; he informs him that all the infantry and cavalry of the Treviri had encamped at a distance of only three miles from his own camp. CHAP. XLVIII. Caesar, approving of his motives, although he was disappointed in his expectation of three legions, and reduced to two, yet plafted his only hopes of the common safety in dispatch. He goes into the territories of th^ Nervii by long marches. There he learns from some prisoners what things are going on in the camp of Cicero, and in how great jeopardy the affair is. Then with great rewards he induces a certain man of the Gallic horse to convey a letter to Cicerd. This he sends written in Greek characters, 1 lest the letter being intercepted, our measures should be discovered by the enemy. He directs him, if he should be unable to enter, to throw his spear with the letter fastened to the thong, inside the fortifica- 1 In the twenty-fifth chapter of the first book of these Commentaries, Caesar is said to have found in the camp of the Helvetii (left there upon their departure), an account of their forces, written in Greek characters. ID the fourteenth chapter of the sixth book, we are told that the Gauls used those characters both in their public and then* private matters. Here we have it assigned as a reason for Caesar's using them in this let- ter, that if it were intercepted by the Gauls, it might be unintelligible to them. Some have attempted to reconcile these apparent discrepancies, by supposing that, though the Gauls used the letters of the Greek alpha- bet, they only applied them to their own language. But Caesar is not here said to have written this letter in Greek ; he is only said to have done so in Greek characters, which leaves this passage still seemingly opposed to the other two. It has, therefore, been conjectured that he wrote not only, as the original would imply, in the Greek characters, with which he seems twice to represent that the Gauls were acquainted, but also in the Greek language, of which they were ignorant. 132 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK r. tions of the camp. He writes in the letter, that he having set out with his legions, will quickly be there : he entreats him to maintain his ancient valor. The Gaul apprehending danger, throws his spear as he has been directed. Is by chance stuck in a tower, and, not being observed by our men for two days, was seen by a certain soldier on the third day : when taken down, it was carried to Cicero. He, after perusing it, reads it out in an assembly of the soldiers, and fills all with the greatest joy. Then the smoke of the fires was seen in the distance, a circum- stance which banished all doubt of the arrival of the legions. CHAP. XLIX. The Gauls, having discovered the matter through their scouts, abandon the blockade, and march toward CaBsar with all their forces ; these were about 60,000 armed men. Cicero, an opportunity being now afforded, again begs of that Vertico, the Gaul, whom we mentioned above, to convey back a letter to Caesar ; he advises him to perform his journey warily ; he writes in the letter that the enemy had departed and had turned their entire force against him. When this letter was brought to him about the middle of the night, Caesar apprises his soldiers of its contents, and inspires them with courage for fighting: the following day, at the dawn, he moves his camp, and, having proceeded four miles, he espies the forces of the enemy on the other side of a consider- able valley and rivulet. It was an affair of great danger to fight with such large forces in a disadvantageous situation. For the present, therefore, inasmuch as he knew that Cicero was released from the blockade, and thought that he might, on that account, relax his speed, he halted there and fortifies a camp in the most favorable position he can. And this, though it was small in itself, [there being] scarcely "7,000 men, and these too without baggage, still by the narrowness of the passages, 1 he contracts as much as he can, with this object, that he may come into the greatest contempt with the enemy. In the mean while scouts having been sent in all di- rections, he examines by what most convenient path he might cross the valley. 1 " Augustiis viarum." The spaces between the different divisions of the Roman camp were called vice. Of these, besides several subordinate ones, there were eight of considerable width ; five of which ran from the Decuman tp the Praetorian side of the camp, and three from the one to the other of the two remaining sides. These Caesar on this occasion very ' much contracted, with the design stated in the text. CHAP. LIL (LESAR'S COMMENTARIE& 133 CHAP. L. That day, slight skirmishes of cavalry having taken place near the river, both armies kept in their own posi- tions : the Gauls, because they were awaiting larger forces which had not then arrived ; Caesar, [to see] if perchance by pretense of fear he could allure the enemy toward his position, so that he might engage in battle, in front of his camp, on this side of the valley ; if he could not accomplish this, that, having in- quired about the passes, he might cross the valley and the river with the less hazard. At daybreak the cavalry of the enemy approaches to the camp and joins battle with our horse. Caesar orders the horse to give way purposely, and retreat to the camp : at the same time he orders the camp to be fortified with a higher rampart in all directions, the gates to be barricaded, and in executing these things as much confusion to be shown as possible,' and to perform them under the pretense of fear. CHAP. LI. Induced by all these things, the enemy lead over their forces and draw up their line in a disadvantageous position ; and as our men also had been led down from the ramparts, they approach nearer, and throw their weapons into the fortification from all sides, and sending heralds round, order it to be proclaimed that, if " any, either Gaul or Roman, was willing to go over to them before the third hour, it was permitted ; after that time there would not be permission ;'" and so much did they disregard our men, that the gates having been blocked up with single rows of turf as a mere appearance, because they did not seem able to burst in that way, some began to pull down the rampart with their hands, others to fill up the trenches. Then Caesar, making a sally from all the gates, and sending out the cavalry, soon puts the enemy to flight, so that no one at all stood his ground with the intention of fighting ; and he slew a great number of them, and deprived all of their arms. CHAP. LH.^-Caesar, fearing to pursue them very far, because woods and morasses intervened, and also [because] he saw that they suffered no small loss in abandoning their position, reaches Cicero the same day with all his forces safe. He witnesses with surprise the towers, mantelets, and [other] fortifications belong- ing to the enemy : the legion having been- drawn out, he finds that even every tenth soldier had not escaped without wounds. From all these things he judges with what danger and with 1 " Non fore potestatem," lit. there would not le the power. < 134 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. what great courage matters had been conducted ; he commends Cicero according to his desert, and likewise the legion ; he addresses individually the centurions and the tribunes of the soldiers, whose valor he had discovered to have been signal. He receives information of the death of Sabinus and Cotta from the prisoners. An assembly being held the following day, he states the occurrence ; he consoles and encourages the soldiers ; he suggests, that the disaster, which had been occa- sioned by the misconduct and rashness of his lieutenant, should be borne with a patient mind, because by the favor of the im- mortal gods and their own valor, neither was lasting joy left to the enemy, nor very lasting grief to them. CHAP. LIIL In the mean while the report respecting the victory of Caesar is conveyed to Labienus through the country of the Remi with incredible speed, so that, though he was about sixty miles distant from the winter-quarter of Cicero, and Csesar had arrived there after the ninth hour, before midnight a shout arose at the gates of the camp, by which shout an in- dication of the victory and a congratulation on the part of the Remi were given to Labienus. This report having been carried to the Treviri, Indutiomarus, who had resolved to attack the camp of Labienus the following day, flies by night and leads back all his forces into the country of the Treviri. Caesar sends back Fabius with his legion to his winter-quarters ; he himself determines to winter with three legions near Samarobriva in three different quarters, and, because such great commotions had arisen in Gaul, he resolved to remain during the whole winter with the army himself. For the disaster respecting the death of Sabinus having been circulated among them, almost all the states of Gaul were deliberating about war, sending messengers and embassies into all quarters, inquiring what further measure they should take, and holding councils by night in secluded places. Nor did any period of the whole winter pass over without fresh anxiety to Caesar, or, 1 without his receiving some intelligence respecting the meetings and commotions of the Gauls. Among these, he is informed by L. Roscius, the lieutenant whom he had placed over the thirteenth legion, that large forces of those states of the Gauls, which are called the Armoricae, had assembled for the purpose of attacking him and were not more than eight l Literally, " but that he received." CHAP.I.V. CAESAR'S COMMENTAEIES. 135 miles distant ; but intelligence respecting the victory of Caesar being carried [to them], had retreated in such a manner that their departure appeared like a flight. CHAP. LIV. But Caesar, having summoned to him the principal persons of each state, in one case by alarming them, since he declared that he knew what was going on, and in another case by encouraging them, retained a great part of Gaul in its allegiance. The Senones, however, which is a state eminently powerful and one of great influence among the Gauls, attempting by general design to slay Ca- varinus, whom Caesar had created king among them (whose brother, Moritasgus, had held the sovereignty at the period of the arrival of Caesar in Gaul, and whose ancestors had also previously held it), when he discovered their plot and fled, pursued him even to the frontiers [of the state], and drove him from his kingdom and his home ; and, after having sent embassadors to Caesar for the purpose of concluding a peace, when he ordered all their senate to come to him, did not obey that command. So far did it operate among those barbarian people, that there were found some to be the first to wage war ; and so great a change of inclinations did it produce in all, that, except the ^Edui and the Remi, whom Caesar had always held in especial honor, the one people for their long standing and uniform fidelity toward the Roman people, the other for their late service in the Gallic war, there was scarcely a state which was not suspected by us. And I do not know whether that ought much to be wondered at, as well for several other reasons, as particularly because they who ranked above all nations for prowess in war, 1 most keenly regretted that they had lost so much of that reputation as to submit to commands from the Roman people. CHAP. LV. But the Triviri and Indutiomarus let no part of the entire winter pass without sending embassadors across the Rhine, importuning the states, promising money, and asserting that, as a large portion of our army had been cut off, a much smaller portion remained. However, none of the German States could be induced to cross the Rhine, since " they had twice essayed it," they said, " in the war with Ariovis- tus and in the passage of the Tenchtheri there ; that fortune was 1 When they thought of their national glory in deeds of arms, doubtless they did not pass over their exploits in Italy and their sacking of Rome. 136 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK v. not to be tempted any more." Indutiomarus disappointed in this expectation, ^nevertheless began to raise troops, and dis- cipline them,*and procure horses from the neighboring people, and allure to him by great rewards the outlaws and convicts throughout Gaul. And such great influence had lie already acquired for himself in Gaul by these means, that embassies were flocking to him in all directions, and seeking, publicly and privately, his favor and friendship. CHAP. LVI. When he perceived that they were coming to him voluntarily ; that on the one side the Senones and the Carnutes were stimulated by their consciousness of guilt, on the other side the Nervii and the Aduatuci were preparing war against the Romans, and that forces of volunteers would not be wanting to him if he began to advance from his own ter- ritories, lie proclaims an armed council (this according to the custom of the Gauls in the commencement of war) at which, by a common law, all the youth were wont to asssemble in arms , whoever of them comes last is killed in the sight of the Avhole assembly after being racked with every torture. 1 In that council he declares Cingetorix, the leader of the other faction, his own son-in-law (whom we have above mentioned, as hav- ing embraced the protection of Ca3sar, and never having deserted him) an enemy and confiscates his property. When these things were finished, he asserts in the council that he, invited by the Senones and the Carnutes, and several other states of Gaul, was about to march thither through the terri- tories of the Remi, devastate their lands, and attack the camp of Labienus : before he does that, he informs them of what he desires to be done. CHAP. LVII. Labienus, since he was confining himself within a camp strongly fortified by the nature of the ground and by art, had no apprehensions as to his own and the legion's danger, but was devising that he might throw away no oppor- tunity of conducting the war successfully. Accordingly, the speech of Indutiomarus, which he had delivered in the council, having been made known [to him] by Cingetorix and his allies, he sends messengers to the neighboring states and summons horse from all quarters : he appoints to them a fixed day for 1 Tacitus, then, when he tells us, in his Germania, that " even three days out of the space appointed for their assemblies were wasted by the delay of those who were to meet," must refer to councils of minor importanca CHAP. Lvra. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 137 assembling. In the mean time, IndutiomSrus, with all his cavalry, nearly every day used to parade close to his [Labienus'] camp ; at one time, that he might inform himself of the situ- ation of the camp ; at another time, for the purpose of confer- ring with or of intimidating him. Labienus confined his men within the fortifications, and promoted the enemy's belief of his fear by whatever methods he could. CHAP. LVIII. Since Indutiomarus was daily advancing up to the camp with greater defiance, all the cavalry of the neighboring states which he [Labienus] had" taken care to have sent for, having been admitted in one night, he confined all his men within the camp by guards with such great strict- ness, that that fact could by no means be reported or carried to the Treviri. In the mean while, Indutiomarus, according to his daily practice, advances up to the camp and spends a great part of the day there : his horse cast their weapons, and with very insulting language call out our men to battle. No reply being given by our men, the enemy, when they thought proper, depart toward evening in a disorderly and scattered manner, Labienus unexpectedly sends out all the cavalry by two gates ; he gives this command and prohibition, that, when the enemy should be terrified and put to flight (which he foresaw would happen, as it did), they should all make for Indutiomarus, and no one Avound any man before he should have seen him slain, because he was unwilling that he should escape, in consequence of gaining time by the delay [occasioned by the pursuit] of the rest. He offers great rewards for those who should kill him : he sends up the cohorts as a relief to the horse. The issue justifies 1 the policy of the man, and since all aimed at one, Indutiomarus is slain, having been overtaken at the very ford of the river, and his head is carried to the camp, the horse, when returning, pursue and slay all whom they can. This af- fair having been known, all the forces of the Eburones and the Nervii which had assembled, depart ; and for a short time after this action, Caesar* was less harassed in the government of Gaul. 1 " Comprobat fortuna." One sense of comprobo, is, to make good. 2 Literallj, " Caesar held Gaul more tranquil" 138 OJESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK VI. BOOK VI. THE ARGUMENT. Caesar, apprehending commotions in Gaul, levies additional forces. II. -VT. Defeats the Nervii, Senones, Carnutes, and Menapii. VII., VIII. Labienus defeats the Treviri. IX. Caesar again crosses the Rhine ; the Ubii send embassadors to plead the defense of their state. XI.-XX. The political factions of the Gallic states. The Druids, the second or- der or knights, the third order or commonalty, and the mythology of the Gauls. XXI.-XXVIII. The Germans : their customs ; account of some remarkable animals found in the Hercinian forest. XXIX.- XXXI. Caesar returns to Gaul ; Ambiorix is worsted ; death of Cati- volcus. XXXII.-XXXIV. The territories of the Eburones arc plun- dered. XXXV.-XLII. The Sigambri attack the Roman camp ; some extraordinary incidents connected therewith. Caesar arrives and restores confidence. XLIII., XLIV. Caesar holds an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones ; Acco suffers capital punish- ment ; the appointment of winter-quarters ; Caesar departs for Italy. CHAP. I. Caesar, expecting for many reasons 1 a greater commotion in Gaul, resolves to hold a levy by the means of M. Silanus C. Antistius Reginus, and T. Sextius, his lieutenants : at the same time he requested Cn. Pompey, the proconsul, that since he was remaining near the city invested with mili- tary command for the interests of the commonwealth, 3 he 1 "For many reasons:" one of these may bo inferred from the close of chap. 54, of book v. 2 When Pompey was consul (which was the year 699 A.U.C.), Spain was decreed him, as his proconsular province, for a period of five years ; and permission was given him to raise what forces, and in what parts, he chose. He consequently raised one legion in Cisalpine Gaul. While, however, upon the expiration of his consulate, he was preparing to pro- ceed into the province which the senate had decreed him, an opposition was successfully made to the realization of his hopes by some of the tri- bunes of the commons, and Petreius and Afranius were sent to Spain in his stead. Pompey remained at Rome, and sought to diminish the un- pleasant nature of his position by giving out that he remained in the city for the purpose of procuring corn. Caesar requested that he would send him that legion which he had raised in Gaul. With this request Pompey CHAP. n. (LESAK'S COMMENTARIES. 139 would command those men whom when consul he had levied by the military oath in Cisalpine Gaul, to join their respective corps, 1 and to proceed to him ; thinking it of great importance, as far as regarded the opinion which the Gauls would entertain for the future, that that the resources of Italy should appear so great that if any loss should be sustained in war, not only could it be repaired in a short time, but likewise be further supplied by still larger forces. And when Pompey had granted this to the interests of the commonwealth and the claims of friendship, Caesar having quickly completed the levy by means of his lieu- tenants, after three regiments had been both formed and brought to him before the winter [had] expired, and the number of those cohorts which he had lost under Q. Titurius had been doubled, taught the Gauls, both by his dispatch and by his forces what the discipline and the power of the Roman people could accomplish. CHAP. II. Indutiomarus having been slain, as we have stated, the government was conferred upon his relatives by the Treviri. They cease not to importune the neighboring Ger- mans and to promise them money : when they could not obtain [their object] from those nearest them, they try those more remote. Having found some states willing to accede to their wishes, they enter into a compact with them by a mutual oath, and give hostages as a security for the money : they attach Am- biorix to them by an alliance and confederacy. Caesar, on being informed of their acts, since he saw that war was being pre- pared on all sides, that the Nervii, Aduatuci, and Menapii, with the addition of all the Germans on this side of the Rhine were under arms, that the Senones did not assemble according to his command, and were concerting measures with the Car- comolied, as an act of duty to the state and a tribute of friendship toward Caesar. Pompey, however, afterward demanded his legion again. The circumstances which attended its return to him performed, as Plutarch relates, their part in the civil war. With regard to the original of the rest of this sentence, it may bo re- marked, first, that some copies have "quos . . . consul is," etc., and others "quos .... consulis." Davis and Clark defend the latter reading as, agreeably with the genius and usage of the Latin language, denoting, after his consulate, an act performed during it Secondly, that Livy, iii. 20, gives the substance of the military oath in his time ; and, thirdly, that Vegetius, has left it as it was used under the Christian emperors, includ- ing these words, " per Deum et per Christum et per Spiritum Sanctum." i Literally, " to assemble at their standards." 140 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK TL nutes and the neighboring states, that the Germans were im- portuned by the Treviri in frequent embassies, thought that he ought to take measures for the war earlier [than usual]. CHAP. III. Accordingly, while the winter was not yet ended, having concentrated the four nearest legions, he marched unexpectedly into the territories of the Nervii, and before they could either assemble or retreat, after capturing a large number of cattle and of men, and wasting their lands and giving up that booty to the soldiers, compelled them to enter into a surrender and give him hostages. That business having been speedily executed, he again led his legions back into winter-quarters. Having proclaimed a council of Gaul in the beginning of the spring, as he had been accustomed [to do], when the deputies from the rest, except the Senones, the Car- nutes, and the Treviri, had come, judging this 1 to be the com- mencement of war and revolt, that he might appear to consider all things of less consequence [than that war], he transfers the council to Lutetia of the Parisii. These were adjacent to the Senones, and had united their state to them during the mem- ory of their fathers, but were thought to have no part in the present plot. Having proclaimed this from the tribunal, he advances the same day toward the Senones with his legions, and arrives among them by long marches. CHAP. IV. Acco, who had been the author of that enter- prise, on being informed of his arrival, orders the people to assemble in the towns ; to them, while attempting this, and before it could be accomplished, news is brought that the Romans are close at hand : through necessity they give over their design and send embassadors to Cassar for the purpose of imploring pardon ; they make advances to him through the JEdui, whose state was from ancient times under the protection of Rome. Caesar readily grants them pardon, and receives their excuse, at the request of the ^Edui, because he thought that the summer season 2 was one for an impending war, not for an investigation. Having imposed one hundred hostages, he delivers these to the ^Edui to be held in charge by them. 1 Namely, the absence of the representatives of three fore-mentioned states. 2 " The summer season, investigation ;" i. e. it was to be employed in the war with the Treviri and Ambiorix, and not in an examination as to the merits of the defense set up in behalf of the Sonones. CHAP. TL CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 141 To the same place the Carnutes send embassadors and hostages, employing as their mediators the Remi, under whose protection they were : they receive the same answers. Caesar concludes the council and imposes a levy of cavalry on the states. CHAP. V. This part of Gaul having been tranquilized, he applies himself entirely both in mind and soul to the war with the Treviri and Ambiorix. He orders Cavarmus to march with him with the cavalry of the Senones, lest any com- motion should arise either out of his hot temper, or out of the hatred of the state which he had incurred. 1 After arranging these things, as he considered it certain that Ambiorix would not contend in battle, he watched his other plans attentively. The Menapii bordered on the territories of tho Eburones, and were protected by one continued extent of morasses and woods ; and they alone out of Gaul had never sent embassadors to Caesar on the subject of peace. Caesar knew that a tie of hospitality subsisted between them and Ambiorix : he also discovered that the latter had entered into an alliance with the Germans by means of the Treviri. He thought that these auxiliaries ought to be detached from him before he provoked him to war ; lest he, despairing of safety, should either proceed to conceal himself in the territories of the Menapii,* or should be driven to coalesce 8 , with the Germans beyond the Rhine. Having entered upon this resolution, he sends the baggage of the whole army to Labienus, in the territories of the Treviri and orders two legions to proceed to him: he himself proceeds against the Menapii with five lightly-equipped legions. They, having assembled no troops, as they relied on the defense of their position, retreat into the woods and mo- rasses, and convey thither all their property. CHAP. VI. Caesar, having divided his forces with C. Fabius, his lieutenant, and M. Crassus his questor, and having hastily constructed some bridges, enters their country in three divisions, burns their houses and villages, and gets possession of a large 1 In the original, " ex eo, quod meruerat, odio ;" mereo referring as well to the unfavorable, as to the favorable effects of conduct, and results of fortune. Some copies have metuerat, a reading obviously erroneous. 2 The "territories," etc., "in Menapios abderet" the proposition here including the idea of his going to do so. 3 In the original, "congredi." The Greek paraphrast has voieTcdai. 142 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. number of cattle and men. Constrained by these circumstances the Menapii send embassadors to him for the purpose of suing for peace. He, after receiving hostages, assures them that he will consider them in the number of his enemies if they shall receive within their territories either Ambiorix or his embassa- dors. Having determinately settled these things, he left among the Menapii, Commius the Atrebatian, with some cavalry as a guard ; l he himself proceeds toward the Treviri. CHAP. VII. While these things are being performed by Caesar, the Treviri, having drawn together large forces of in- fantry and cavalry, were preparing to attack Labienus and the legion which was wintering in their territories, and were already not further distant from him than a journey of two days, when they learn that two legions had arrived by the order of Ca3sar. Having pitched their camp fifteen miles off, they resolve to await the support of the Germans. La- bienus, having learned the design of the enemy, hoping that through their rashness there would be some opportunity of en- gaging, after leaving a guard of five cohorts for the baggage, advances against the enemy with twenty-five cohorts and a large body of cavalry, and, leaving the space of a mile between them, fortifies his camp. There was between Labienus and the enemy a river diflicult to cross, and with steep banks : this neither did he himself design to cross, nor did he suppose the enemy would cross it. Their hope of auxiliaries was daily in- creasing. He [Labienus] openly says in a council that "'since the Germans are said to be approaching, he would not bring into uncertainty his own and the army's fortunes, and the next day would move his camp at early dawn." These words are quickly carried to the enemy, since out of so large a number of cavalry composed of Gauls, nature compelled some to favor the Gallic interests. Labienus, having assembled the tribunes of the soldiers and principal centurions by night, states what his design is, and, that he may the more easily give the enemy a belief of his fears, he orders the camp to be moved with greater noise and confusion than was usual with the Roman people. 3 By these means he makes his departure 1 "Custodis loco." "Id est, observatoris, speculatoris." Holomam. One appointed to observe and report proceedings. 2 "Quam populi Romani fert consuetude:" not than the discipline of the Roman army allowed, but, than was customary with, or usually at- CHAP. vni. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 143 [appear] like a retreat. These things, also, since the camps were so near, are reported to the enemy by scouts before day- light. CHAP. VIII. Scarcely had the rear advanced beyond the fortifications when the Gauls, encouraging one another " not to cast from their hands the anticipated booty, that it was a tedious thing, while the Romans were panic-stricken, to be waiting for the aid of the Germans, and that their dignity did not suSer them to fear to attack with such great forces so small a band, particularly when retreating and encumbered," do not hesitate to cross the river aud give battle in a disadvantageous position. Labienus suspecting that these things would happen, was proceeding quietly, and using the same pretense of a march, in order that he might entice them across the river. Then, having sent forward the baggage some short distance and placed it on a certain eminence, he says, " Soldiers, you have tho opportunity you have sought : you hold the enemy in an encum- bered and disadvantageous position : display to us, your leaders, the same valor you have ofttimes displayed to your general : imagine that he is present and actually sees these exploits." At the same tune he orders the troops to face about to- ward the enemy and form in line of battle, and, dispatching a few troops of cavalry as a guard for the baggage, he places the rest of the horse on the wings. Our men, raising a shout, quickly throw their javelins at the enemy. They, when, contrary to their expectation, they saw those whom they believed to be retreating, advance toward them with threaten- ing banners, were not able to sustain even the charge, and, being put to flight at the first onslaught, sought the nearest woods ; Labienus pursuing them with the cavalry, upon a large number being slain, and several taken prisoners, got posses- sion of the state a few days after ; for the Germans, who were coming to the aid of the Treviri, having been informed of their flight, retreated to their homes. The relations of Indutiomarus. who had been the promoters of the revolt, accompanying them, quitted their own state with them. The supreme power and government were delivered to Cingetorix, whom we have stated to have remained firm in his allegiance from the commence- ment. tended it. Pert consuetudo is an expression employed in this way. Thus, book iv. ch. xxxii. we read that it was reported to Caesar "pulverem majorem, quam consuetudo ferret videri." 144 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKVI. CHAP. IX. Caesar, after ho came from the territories of the Menapii into those of the Treviri, resolved for two reasons to cross the Rhine; one of which was, because they 1 had sent assistance to the Treviri against him ; the other, that Arn- biorix might not have a retreat among them. Having deter- mined on these matters, he began to build a bridge a little above that place where he had before conveyed over his army. The plan having been known and laid down, the work is accomplished in a few days by the great exertion of the soldiers. Having left a strong guard at the bridge on the side of the Treviri, lest any commotion should suddenly arise among them, he leads over the rest of the forces and the cavalry. The Ubii, who before had sent hostages and come to a capitu- lation, send embassadors to him, for the purpose of vindicat- ing themselves, to assure him that "neither had auxiliaries been sent to the Treviri from their state, nor had they violated their allegiance ;" they entreat and beseech him " to spare them, lest, in his common hatred of the Germans, the innocent should suffer the penalty of the guilty : they promise to give more hostages, if he desire them." Having investigated the case, Caesar finds that the auxiliaries had been sent by the Suevi ; he accepts the apology of the Ubii, and makes the minute inquiries concerning the approaches and the routes to the terri- tories of the Suevi. CHAP. X. In the mean time he is informed by the Ubii, a few days after, that the Suevi are drawing all their forces into one place, and are giving orders to those nations which are under their government to send auxiliaries of infantry and of cavalry. Having learned these things, he provides a supply of corn, selects a proper place for his camp, and commands the Ubii to drive off their cattle and carry away all their posses- sions from the country parts into the towns, hoping that they, being a barbarous and ignorant people, when harassed by the want of provisions, might be brought to an engagement on dis- advantageous terms : he orders them to send numerous scouts among the Suevi, and learn what things are going on among them. They execute the orders^ and, a few days having intervened, report that all the Suevi, after certain intelligence concerning the army of the Romans had come, retreated with all their 1 The Germans. CHAP. Hi. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 145 own forces and those of their allies, which they had assembled, to the utmost extremities of their territories : that there is a wood there of very great extent, which is called Bace"nis ; that this stretches a great way into the interior, and, being opposed as a natural barrier, defends from injuries and incursions the Cherusci against the Suevi, and the Suevi against the Chemsci : that at the entrance of that forest the Suevi had determined to await the coming up of the Romans. CHAP. XI. Since we have come to the place, it does not appear to be foreign to our subject to lay before the reader an account of the manners of Gaul and Germany, and wherein these nations differ from each other. In Gaul there are factions not only in all the states, and in all the cantons and their di- visions, but almost in each family, and of these factions those are the leaders who are considered according to their judgment to possess the greatest influence, upon whose will and deter- mination the management of all affairs and measures depends. And that seems to have been instituted in ancient times with this view, that no one of the common people should be in want of support against one more powerful ; for, none [of those leaders] suffers his party to be oppressed and defrauded, and if he do otherwise, he has no influence among his party. This same policy exists throughout the whole of Gaul ; for all the states are divided into two factions. CHAP. XII. When Caesar arrived in Gaul, the JSdui were the leaders of one faction, the Sequani of the other. Since the latter were less powerful by themselves, inasmuch as the chief influence was from of old among the JEdm, and their depend- dencies were great, they had united to themselves the Germans and Ariovistus, and had brought them over to their party by great sacrifices and promises. And having fought several successful battles and slain all the nobility of the ^Edui, they had so far surpassed them in power, that they brought over, from the ^Edui to themselves, a large portion of their depend- ents and received from them the sons of their leading men as hostages, and compelled them to swear in their public charac- ter that they would enter into no design against them ; and held a portion of the neighboring land, seized on by force, and possessed the sovereignty of the whole of Gaul. Divitiacus urged by this necessity, had proceeded to Rome to the senate, for the purpose of entreating assistance, and had returned 146 CJSSAR'S COMMENT ABIES. BOOK vi. without accomplishing his object. A change of affairs ensued on the arrival of Caesar, the hostages were returned to the .^Edui, their old dependencies restored, and new acquired through Caesar (because those who had attached themselves to their alliance saw that they enjoyed a better state and a milder government), their other interests, their influence, their reputa- tion were likewise increased, and in consequence, the Sequani lost the sovereignty. The Remi succeeded to their place, and, as it was perceived that they equaled the .^Edui in favor with Caesar, 1 those, who on account of their old animosities could by no means coalesce with the JEdui, consigned themselves in clientship to the Remi. The latter carefully protected them. Thus they possessed both a new and suddenly acquired in- fluence. Affairs were then in that position that the ^Edui were considered by far the leading people, and the Remi held the second post of honor. CHAP. XIII. Throughout all Gaul there, are two orders of those men who are of any rank and dignity : for the common- ality is held almost in the condition of slaves, and dares to undertake nothing of itself, and is admitted to no deliberation. The greater part, when they are pressed either by debt, or the large amount of their tributes, or the oppression of the more powerful, give themselves up in vassalage to the nobles, who possess over them the same rights without exception as masters over their slaves.* But of these two orders, one is that of the Druids, the other that of the knights. The former are engaged in things sacred, conduct the public and the private sacri- fices, and interpret all matters of religion. To these a large number of the young men resort for the purpose of instruction, and they [the Druids] are in great honor among them. For they determine respecting almost all controversies, public and private ; .and if any crime has been perpetrated, if murder has been committed, if there be any dispute about an inherit- ance, if any about boundaries, these same persons decide it ; they decree rewards and punishments ; if any one, either in a private or public capacity, has not submitted to their decision, 1 i. e., that the Remi stood as high in Caesar's favor as did 2 As far as we can discover from remaining testimonies, the condition of vassalage, or the state of the feudal retainer, among the ancient Gauls was not so hard as that of a corresponding relation among some more polished people. CHAP. xiv. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 147 they interdict him from the sacrifices. 1 This among them is the most heavy punishment. Those who have been thus inter- dicted are esteemed in the number of the impious and the crimi- nal : all shun them, and avoid their society and conversation, lest they receive some evil from their contact ; nor is justice ad- ministered to them when seeking it, nor is any dignity bestowed on them. Over all these Druids one presides, who possesses supreme authority among them. Upon his death, if any indi- vidual among the rest is pre-eminent in dignity, he succeeds ; but, if there are many, equal, the election is made by the suffrages of the Druids ; sometimes they even contend for the presidency with arms. These assemble at a fixed period of the year in a consecrated place in the territories of the Carnutes, which is reckoned the central region of the whole of Gaul. Hither all, who have disputes, assemble from every part, and submit to their decrees and determinations. This institution is supposed to have been devised in Britain, and to have been brought over from it into Gaul ; and now those who desire to gain a more accurate knowledge of that system generally pro- ceed thither for the purpose of studying it. 1 CHAP. XTV. The Druids do not go to war, nor pay tribute together with the rest ; they have an exemption from military service and a dispensation in all matters. In- duced by such great advantages, many embrace this pro- fession of their own accord, and [many] are sent to it by their parents and relations. They are said there to learn by 1 As judges not only in the most important civil causes, but, further, invested with the administration of capital justice ; as priests among a people given, as all allow the Gauls were in a remarkable degree, to re- ligious rites and ceremonies ; as those who had the instructions of the sons of the great not only in the mysteries of religion, but also in the theories of government and the physical sciences, the Druids possessed unbounded influence. " They," says Chrysostom, " in truth, reigned; for kings, though sitting on thrones of gold, and dwelling in gorgeous pal- aces, and partaking of sumptuous banquets, were subservient to them." 2 The Delphin commentator thinks this improbable. He supposes it more likely that this institution passed into Britain from Gaul. "When it declined in Gaul it flourished in Britain. He illustrates his position by saying, that, though Judea was the fountain of Christianity, the faith is nearly extinct there while it shines in those regions which derived it thence ; and asks who would go to Jerusalem rather than to Rome or Paris to study Christian divinity. He also observes that Csesar does not assert it on his own authority. 148 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. heart a great number of verses; accordingly some remain in the course of training twenty years. Nor do they regard it lawful to commit these to writing, though in almost all other matters, in their public and private transactions, they use Greek characters. That practice they seem to me to have adopted for two reasons ; because they neither desire their doctrines to be divulged among the mass of the people, nor those who learn, to devote themselves the less to the ef- forts of memory, relying on writing ; since it generally occurs to most men, that, in their dependence, on writing, they relax their diligence in learning thoroughly, and their employ- ment of the memory. They wish to inculcate this as one of their leading tenets, that souls do not become extinct, 1 but pass after death from one body to another, and they think that men by this tenet are in a great degree excited to valor, the fear of death being disregarded. They likewise discuss and impart to the youth many things respecting the stars and their motion, respecting the extent of the world and of our earth, respecting the nature of things, respecting the power and the majesty of the immortal gods. 3 CHAP. XV. The other order is that of the knights. 3 These, when there is occasion and any war occurs (which before Cae- sar's arrival was for the most part wont to happen every year, as either they on their part were inflicting injuries or repelling those which others inflicted on them), are all engaged in war. And those of them most distinguished by birth and resources, have the greatest number of vassals and dependents about them. They acknowledge this sort of influence and power only. 1 Because Pythagoras is said by Diogenes Laertius to have visited not only the Greek, but likewise the Barbarian schools in pursuing his study of Sacred Mysteries, it has been thought that he derived his Metempsy- chosis from the Druids. But, though there is in another writer the addi- tional record that Pythagoras had heard the Druids, the conjecture above stated will not be readily received. Between the Druidical and the Pythagorean Metemspychosis there was this difference, that the latter maintained the migration of the soul into irrational animals, while the former restricted the dogma to the passage of the soul from man to man. 2 Other ancient writers have referred to the sciences of the Druids. 3 As Caesar at the time of writing probably had in his mind the three Roman orders, "patricii" " equites" and "plels," and " equites" there is commonly rendered "knights," we have thought fit (though that trans- lation is not free from objections) to call this second order among tho Gauls by that name. CHAP. xvii. OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 149 CHAP. XVI. The nation of all the Gauls is extremely devoted to superstitious rites ; and on that account they who are troubled with unusually severe diseases, and they who are engaged in battles and dangers, either sacrifice men as victims, 1 or vow that they will sacrifice them, and employ the Druids as the performers of those sacrifices; because they think that unless the life of a man be offered for the life of a man, the mind of the immortal gods can not be rendered pro- pitious, and they have sacrifices of that kind ordained for na- tional purposes. Others have figures of vast size, the limbs of which formed of osiers they fill with living men, which being set on fire, the men perish enveloped in the flames. They con- sider that the oblation of such as have been taken in theft, or in robbery, or any other offense, is more acceptable to the immor- tal gods ; but when a supply of that class is wanting, they have recourse to the oblation of even the innocent. CHAP. XVII. They worship as their divinity, Mercury 2 in particular, and have many images of him, and regard him as the inventor of all arts, they consider him the guide of their jour- neys and marches, and believe him to have great influence over the acquisition of gain and mercantile transactions. Next to him they worship Apollo, and Mars, and Jupiter, and Minerva ; respecting these deities they have for the most part the same belief as other nations : that Apollo averts diseases, that Minerva imparts the invention of manufactures, that Jupiter possesses the sovereignty of the heavenly powers; that Mars pre- sides over wars. To him, when they have determined to engage in battle, they commonly vow those things which they shall take 3 in war. When they have conquered, they sacrifice what- ever captured animals may have survived the conflict, 4 and col- 1 To this Cicero refers in his Oration for Fonteius as to a well-known fact. 2 The student must not imagine that Csesar found the names Mercurius, Apollo, etc., existing among the Gauls, as those of their deities here spoken of. Whether the names assigned by commentators (as Woda, Mercury, Batenus, Apollo, etc.), were, or were not, the Gallic, must remain a ques- tion ; but it is to be understood that Csesar applied to the divinities of the Gauls the names of those in the Roman mythology, whose attributes generally corresponded with them severally. 3 " Ceperint" not, as some copies, ceperunt, as the vow necessarily requires the former reading. The Greek paraphrast accordingly has T& Athenseus remarks " that the Gauls sacrifice their captives to the gods." 150 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. lect the other things into one place. In many states you may see piles of these things heaped up iu their consecrated spots ; nor does it often happen that any one, disregarding the sanctity of the case, 1 dares either to secrete in his house things captured, or take away those deposited ; and the most severe punishment, with torture, has been established for such a deed. CHAP. XVIII. All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis, and say that this tradition has been handed down by the Druids. For that reason they compute the divisions of every season, not by the number of days, but of nights ; they keep birth-days and the beginnings of months and years in such an order that the day follows the night. Among the other usages of their life, they differ in this from almost all other na- tions, that they do not permit their children to approach them openly until they are grown up so as to be able to bear the serv- ice of war ; and they regard it as indecorous for a son of boyish age to stand in public in the presence of his father. CHAP. XIX. Whatever sums of money the husbands have received in the name of dowry from their wives, making an estimate of it, they add the same amount out of their own estates. An account is kept of all this money conjointly, and the profits are laid by : whichever of them shall have survived [the other], to that one the portion of both reverts together with the profits of the previous time. Husband.s have power of life and death over their wives as well as over their children : and when the father of a family, born in a more than commonly distinguished rank, has died, his relations assemble, and, if the circumstances of his death are suspicious, hold an investi- gation upon the wives in the manner adopted toward slaves ; and, if proof be obtained, put them to severe torture, and kill them. Their funerals, considering the state of . civilization among the Gauls, are magnificent and costly ; and they cast into the fire all things, including living creatures, which they suppose to have been dear to them when alive ; and, a little before this period, slaves and dependents, who 3 were ascer- 1 " Neglecta religione :" there are four general senses of the word religio. 1. Religion, devotion. 2. (in the plural) Religious ceremonies and mys- teries. 3. Superstition. And, 4. The sanctity of any particular matter, or reverential feelings entertained with regard to a certain case. This last, not religion in its general acceptation, is the sense of the word in this passage. 2 Literally " who, it was ascertained, was beloved by them." CHAP. xxn. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 151 tained to have been beloved by them, were, 1 after the regular funeral rites were completed, burnt together with them. CHAP. XX. Those states which are considered to conduct their commonwealth more judiciously, have it ordained by their laws, that, if any person shall have heard by rumor and report from his neighbors any thing concerning the common- wealth, he shall convey it to the magistrate, and not impart it to any other ; because it has been discovered that inconsiderate and inexperienced men were often alarmed by false reports, and driven to some rash act, or else took hasty measures in affairs of the highest importance. The magistrates conceal those things which require to be kept unknown ; and they disclose to the people whatever they determine to be expedient. It is not lawful to speak of the commonwealth, except in council. CHAP. XXI. The Germans differ much from these usages, for they have neither Druids to preside over sacred offices, nor do they pay great regard to sacrifices. They rank in the number of the gods those alone whom they behold, and by whose instrumentality they are obviously benefited, namely, the sun, fire, and the moon; they have not heard of the other deities even by report. Their whole life is occupied in hunt- ing and in the pursuits of the military art ; from childhood they devote themselves to fatigue and hardships. Those who have remained chaste for the longest time, receive the greatest commendation among their people ; they think that by this the growth is promoted, by this the physical powers are increased and the sinews are strengthened. And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year they reckon among the most disgraceful acts ; of which matter there is no concealment, because they bathe promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use skins or small cloaks of deers' hides, a large portion of the body being in consequence naked. CHAP. XXII. They do not pay much attention to agricul- ture, and a large portion of their food consists in milk, cheese, and flesh ; nor has any one a fixed quantity of land or his own individual limits ; but the magistrates and the leading men each year apportion to the tribes and families, who have united together, as much land as, and in the place in which, they think 1 Otherwise thus, " when the funeral rites were rendered complete." 152 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK VI. proper, and the year after compel them to remove elsewhere. For this enactment 1 they advance many reasons lest seduced by long-continued custom, they may exchange their ardor in the -waging of war for agriculture ; lest they may be anxious to acquire extensive estates, and the more powerful drive the weaker from their possessions ; lest they construct their houses with too great a desire to avoid cold and heat ; lest the desire of wealth spring up, from which cause divisions and discords arise ; and that they may keep the common people in a con- tented state of mind, when each sees his own means placed on an equality with [those of] the most powerful. CHAP. XXIII. It is the greatest glory to the several states to have as wide deserts as possible around them, their fron- tiers having been laid waste. They consider this the real evi- dence of their prowess, that their neighbors shall be driven out of their lands and abandon them, and that no one dare settle near them ; at the same time they think that they shall be on that account the more secure, because they have removed the apprehension of a sudden incursion. When a state either repels war waged against it, or wages it against' anoth-'-r, mag- istrates are chose a to preside over war with such authority, that they have power of life and death. In peace there is no common magistrate, but the chiefs of provinces and cantons administer justice and determine controversies among their own people. Robberies which are committed beyond the bound- aries of each state bear no infamy, and they avow that these are committed for the purpose of disciplining their youth and of preventing sloth. And when any of their chiefs has said in an assembly " that he will be their leader, let those who are willing to follow, give in their names ;" they who approve of both the enterprise and the man arise and promise their assist- ance and are applauded by the people ; such of them as have not followed him are accounted in the number of deserters and traitors, and confidence in all matters is afterward refused them. To injure guests they regard as impious ; they defend from wrong those who have come to them for any purpose whatever, and esteem them inviolable ; to them the houses of all are open and maintenance is freely supplied. 2 1 "Ejusrei." 2 " No nation," says Tacitus, speaking of them in his G-ermania, " more freely exercises entertainment and hospitality. To drive any one whom- soever from their houses, they consider a crime." CHAP. xrv. CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 153 CHAP. XXIV. And there was formerly a time when the Gauls excelled the Germans in prowess, and waged war on them offensively, and, on account of the great number of their people and the insufficiency of their land, sent colonies over the Rhine. Accordingly, the Volcae Teotos&ges, 1 seized on those parts of Germany which are the most fruitful [and lie] around the Her- cynian forest" (which, I perceive, was. known by report to Era- tosthenes* and some other Greeks, and which they call Orcynia), and settled there. Which nation to this time retains its po- sition in those settlements, and has a very high character for justice and military merit ; now also they continue in the same scarcity, indigence, hardihood, as the Germans, and use the same food and dress ; but their proximity to the Province and knowledge of commodities from countries beyond the sea sup- plies to the Gauls 4 many things tending to luxury as well as civilization. Accustomed by degrees to be overmatched and worsted in many engagements, they do not even compare them- . selves to the Germans in prowess. CHAP. XXV. The breadth of this Hercynian forest, which has been referred to above, is 6 to a quick traveler, a journey of nine days. For it can not be otherwise computed, nor are they acquainted with the measures of roads. It begins at the frontiers of the Helvetii, Nemetes, and Rauraei, and ex- tends in a right line along the river Danube to the terri- tories of the Daci and the Anartes ; it bends thence to the left in a different direction from the river, and owing to its 1 The Yolcae were a large and powerful nation in the south-west of Gaul, and were divided into two great tribes. First, the Volcae Arecomici, who inhabited the eastern part of the Province, whose chief city was Nimausus, Nismes. Second, the Volcae Tectosages, who inhabited the western part of the Province, whose chief city was Narbo, Narbonne. It is highly proba- ble that the migration to which Caesar alludes here, is the same recorded by Livy, in the 34th chapter of the 5th book, and that theVolcse Tectosages were the Gauls that followed Sigovesus into the wilds of the Hercynian forest. 2 The Hercynian forest is supposed to have derived its name from the German word, hartz " resin." Traces of the name are still preserved in the Harz and Erz mountains. 3 A famous mathematician and astronomer born in Africa. He was intrusted by the Egyptians with the care of the famous Alexandrian library, and was the second person who discharged that honorable office. He died 194 B.C. 4 Gallis meaning such of the Voleae Tectosagea as had not migrated into Germany. s Literally, "extends." 7* 154 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. extent touches the confines of many nations ; nor is there any person belonging to this part of Germany who says that he either has gone to the extremity of that forest, though he had advanced a journey of sixty days, or has heard in what place it begins. It is certain that many kinds of wild beast are pro- duced in it which have not heen seen in other parts ; of which the following are such as differ principally from other animals, and appear worthy of being committed to record. CHAP. XXVI. There is an ox of the shape of a stag, between whose ears a horn rises from the middle of the forehead, higher and straighter than those horns which are known to us. From the top of this, branches, like palms, stretch out a considerable distance. The shape of the female and of the male is the same ; the appearance and the size of the horns is the same. CHAP. XXVII. There are also [animals] which are called elks. The shape of these, and the varied color of their skins, is much like roes, but in size they surpass them a little and are destitute of horns, and have legs without joints and liga- tures ; nor do they lie down for the purpose of rest, nor, if they have been thrown down by any accident, can they raise or lift themselves up. Trees serve as beds to them ; they lean themselves against them, and thus reclining only slightly, they take their rest ; when the huntsmen have discovered from the footsteps of these animals whither they are accustomed to betake themselves, they either undermine all the trees at the roots, or cut into them so far that the upper part of the trees may appear to be left standing. 1 AVhen they have leant upon them, accord- ing to their habit, they knock down by their weight the unsup- ported trees, and fall down themselves along with them. CHAP. XXVIII. There is a third kind, consisting of those animals which are called uri. These are a little below the elephant in size, and of the appearance, color, and shape of a bull. Their strength and speed are extraordinary ; they spare neither man nor wild beast which they have espied. These the Germans take with much pains in pits and kill them. The young men harden themselves with this exercise, and practice them- selves in this kind of hunting, and those who have slain the greatest number of them, having produced the horns in public, to serve as evidence, receive great praise. But not even when taken very young can they be rendered familiar to men and 1 Literally, "that the appearance alone of them standing may be left." CHAP. xxx. (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 155 tamed. The size, shape, and appearance of their horns differ much from the horns of our oxen. These they anxiously eeek after, and bind at the tips with silver, and use as cups at their most sumptuous entertainments. CHAP. XXIX. Caesar, after he discovered through the Ubian scouts that the Suevi had retired into their woods, ap- prehending a scarcity of corn, because, as we have observed above, all the Germans pay very little attention to agriculture, resolved not to proceed any further ; but, that he might not altogether relieve the barbarians from the fear of his return, and that he might delay their succors, having led back his army, he breaks down, to the length of 200 feet, the further end of the bridge, which joinedthe banks of the Ubii, and at the extremity of the bridge raises towers of four stories, and stations a guard of twelve cohorts for the purpose of de- fending the bridge, and strengthens the- place with consider- able fortifications. Over that fort and guard he appointed C. Volcatius Tullus, a young man ; he himself, when the corn began to ripen, having set forth- for the war with Ambiorix (through the forest Arduenna, 1 which is the largest of all Gaul, and reaches from the banks of the Rhine and the frontiers of the Treviri to those of the Nervii, and extends over more than 500 miles), he sends forward L. Minucius Basilus with all the cavalry, to try if he might gain any advantage by rapid marches and the advantage of time, he warns him to forbid fires being made in the camp, lest any indication of his ap- proach be given at a distance : he tells him that he will follow immediately. CHAP. XXX. Basilus does as he was commanded ; having performed his march rapidly, and even surpassed 8 the expecta- tions of all, he surprises in the fields many not expecting him ; through their information he advances toward Ambiorix him- self, to the place in which he was said to be with a few horse. 1 Arduenna, the largest forest in ancient GauL The name is supposed to be derived from ar derm, "the deep" [forest]. Ar is the article, while denn in the Kymric, don in the Bas-Breton, and domhainn in Gaelic, de- note respectively, "deep," "thick." Thiery Histoire de Gaulois, voL ii. p. 41. The name is still preserved in the "forest of Ardennes," on the frontiers of France and Belgium, which is, however, but a small portion of the noble forest that extended from the bank of the Rhine, and the frontiers of the Treviri to those of the Nervii. 2 Literally, " contrary to." 156 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK iv. Fortune accomplishes much, not only in other matters, but also in the art of war. For as it happened by a remarkable chance, that he fell upon [Ambiorix] himself unguarded and unpre- pared, and that his arrival was seen by the people before the report or information of his arrival was carried thither ; so it was an incident of extraordinary fortune that, although every implement of war which he was accustomed to have about him was seized, and his chariots and horses surprised, yet he him- self escaped death. But it was effected owing to this circum- stance, that his house being surrounded by a wood (as are generally the dwellings of the Gauls, who, for the purpose of avoiding heat, mostly seek the neighborhood of woods and rivers), his attendants and friends in a narrow spot sustained for a short time the attack of our horse. While they were fight- ing, one of his followers mounted him on a horse ; the woods sheltered him as he fled. Thus fortune tended much 1 both toward his encountering and his escaping danger. CHAP. XXXI. Whether Ambiorix did not collect his forces from cool deliberation, because he considered he ought not to engage in a battle, or [whether] he was debarred by time and prevented by the sudden arrival of our horse, when he sup- posed the rest of the army was closely following, is doubtful : but certainly, dispatching messengers through the country, he ordered every one to provide for himself; and a part of them fled into the forest Arduenna, a part into the extensive morasses ; those who were nearest the ocean concealed themselves in the islands which the tides usually form ; many, departing from their territories, committed themselves and all their possess- ions to perfect strangers. Cativolcus, king of one half of the Eburones, who had entered into the design together with Ambio- rix, since, being now worn out by age, he was unable to endure the fatigue either of war or flight, having cursed Ambiorix with every imprecation, as the person who had been the contriver of that measure, destroyed himself with the juice of the yew- tree, of which there is a great abundance in Gaul and Germany. CHAP. XXXII. The Segui and Condrusi, of the nation and number of the Germans, and who are between the Ebu- rones and the Treviri, sent embassadors to Csesar to entreat that he would not regard them in the number of his ene- mies, nor consider that the cause of all the Germans on 1 "Multum valuit:" had much avail. CHAP. TTTTV. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 157 this side the Rhine was one and the same ; that they had formed no plans of war, and had sent no auxiliaries to Am- biorix. Caesar, having ascertained this fact by an examination of his prisoners, commanded that if any of the Eburones in their flight had repaired to them, they should be sent back to him ; he assures them that if they did that, he will not injure their territories. Then, having divided his forces into three parts, he sent the baggage of all the legions to Aduatuca. That is the name of a fort. This is nearly in the middle of the Eburones, where Titurius and Aurunculeius had been quar- tered for the purpose of wintering. This place he selected as well on other accounts as because the fortifications of the pre- vious year remained, in order that he might relieve the labor of the soldiers. He left the fourteenth legion as a guard for the baggage, one of those three which he had lately raised in Italy and brought over. Over that legion and camp he places Q. Tul- lius Cicero and gives him 200 horse. CHAP. XXXIII. Having divided the army, he orders T. Labienus to proceed with three legions toward the ocean into those parts which border on the Menapii ; he sends C. Trebo- nius with a like number of legions to lay waste that dis- trict which lies contiguous to the Aduatuci ; he himself de- termines to go with the remaining three to the river Sambre, 1 which flows into the Meuse, and to the most remote parts of Arduenna, whither he heard that Ambiorix had gone with a few horse. When departing, he promises that he will return before the end of the seventh day, on which day he was aware corn was due to that legion which was being left in garrison. He directs Labienus and Trebonius to return by the same day, if they can do so agreeably to the interests of the republic ; so that their measures having been mutually imparted, and the plans of the enemy having been discovered, they might be able to commence a different line of operations. CHAP. XXXIV. There was, as we have above observed, 2 no regular army, nor a town, nor a garrison which could defend itself by arms ; but the people were scattered in all 1 I have here, without the least hesitation, adopted Anthon's reading, which is supported by the authority of the Greek paraphrase. The common reading is Scaldis, "the Scheldt;" but the Scheldt and Meuse do not form a junction, nor have we any reason to suppose that they did, either in Caesar'a time, or at any other time. 8 Chapter 158 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES BOOK vi. directions. Where either a hidden valley, or a woody spot, or a difficult morass furnished any hope of protection or of security to any one, there he had fixed himself. These places were known to those who dwelt in the neighborhood, and the matter demanded great attention, not so much in protecting the main body of the army (for no peril could occur to them altogether from those alarmed and scattered troops), as in preserving individual soldiers ; which in some measure tended to the safety of the army. For both the desire of booty was leading many too far, and the woods with their unknown and hidden routes would not allow them to go in large bodies. If he desired the business to be completed and the race of those infamous people to be cut off, more bodies of men must be sent in several directions and the soldiers must be detached on all sides ; if he were disposed to keep the companies at their standards, as the established discipline and practice of the Roman army required, the situation itself was a safe- guard to the barbarians, nor was there wanting to indivi- duals the daring to lay secret ambuscades and beset scattered soldiers. But amid difficulties of this nature as far as pre- cautions could be taken by vigilance, such precautions were taken ; so that some opportunities of injuring the enemy were neglected, though the minds of all were burning to take re- venge, rather than that injury should be effected with any loss to our soldiers. Caesar dispatches messengers to the neighboring states ; by the hope of booty he invites all to him, for the purpose of plundering the Eburones, in order that the life of the Gauls might be hazarded in the woods rather than the legionary soldiers ; at the same time, in order that a large force being drawn around them, the race and name of that state may be annihilated for such a crime. A large number from all quarters speedily assembles. CHAP. XXXV. These things were going on in all parts of the territories of the Eburones, and the seventh day was drawing near, by which day Caesar had purposed to return to the baggage and the legion. Here it might be learned how much fortune achieves in war, and how great casualties she produces. The enemy having been scattered and alarmed, as we related above, there was no force which might produce even a slight occasion of fear. The report extends beyond the Rhine to the Germans that the Eburones are being pillaged, CHAP, xxxvi (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 159 and that all were without distinction 1 invited to the plunder. The Sigambri, who are nearest to the Rhine, by whom, we have mentioned above, the Tenchtheri and Usipetes were received after their retreat, collect 2,000 horse ; they cross the Rhine in ships and barks thirty miles below that place where the bridge was entire and the garrison left by Caesar ; they arrive at the frontiers of the Eburones, surprise many who were scattered in flight, and get possession of a large amount of cattle, of which barbarians are extremely covetous. Allured by booty, they advance further ; neither morass nor forest ob- structs these men, born amid war and depredations ; they inquire of their prisoners in what part Caesar is ; they find that he has advanced further, and learn that all the army has removed. Thereon one of the prisoners says, " Why do you pursue such wretched and trifling spoil ; you, to whom it is granted to become even now most richly endowed by fortune ? In three hours you can reach Aduatuca ; there the Roman army has deposited all its fortunes ; there is so little of a gar* rison that not even the wall can be manned, nor dare any one go beyond the fortifications." A hope having been presented them, the Germans leave in concealment the plunder they had acquired ; they themselves hasten to Aduatuca, employing as their guide the same man by whose information they had be- come informed of these things. CHAP. XXXVI. Cicero, who during all the foregoing days had kept his soldiers in camp with the greatest exactness, and agreeable to the injunctions of Caesar, had not permitted even any of the camp-followers to go beyond the fortification, distrusting on the seventh day that Caesar would keep his prom- ise as to the number of days, because he heard that he had proceeded further, and no report as to his return was brought to him, and being urged at the same time by the expressions of those who called his tolerance almost a siege, if, forsooth, it was not permitted them to go out of the camp, since he might ex- pect no disaster, whereby he could be injured, within three miles of the camp, while nine legions and all the cavalry were under arms, and the enemy scattered and almost annihilated, sent five cohorts into the neighboring corn- lands, between which and the camp only one hill intervened, " Ultro," or, such as chose ; freely. 160 (LESAR'8 COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. for the purpose of foraging. Many soldiers of the legions had been left invalided in the camp, of whom those who had. recovered in this space of time, being about 300, are sent together under one standard; a large number of soldiers' attendants besides, with a great number of beasts of burden, which had remained in the camp, permission being granted, follow them. CHAP. XXXVII. At this very time, the German horse by chance came up, and immediately, with the same speed with which they had advanced, attempt to force the camp at the De- cuman gate, nor were they seen, in consequence of woods lying in the way on that side, before they were just reaching the camp : so much so, that the sutlers who had their booths under the rampart had not an opportunity of retreating within the camp. Our men, not anticipating it, are perplexed by the sudden affair, and the cohort on the outpost scarcely sustains the first attack. The enemy spread themselves on the other sides to ascertain if they could find any access. Our men with diffi- culty defend the gates ; the very position of itself and the forti- fication secures the other accesses. There is a panic in the entire camp, and one inquires of another the cause of the con- fusion, nor do they readily determine whither the standards should be borne, nor into what quarter each should betake him- self. Orie avows " that the camp is already taken, another maintains that, the enemy having destroyed the army and commander-in-chief, are come hither as conquerors ; most form strange superstitious fancies from the spot, and place before their eyes the catastrophe of Cotta and Titurius, who had fallen in the same fort. All being greatly disconcerted by this alarm, the belief of the barbarians is strengthened that there is no garrison within, as they had heard from their prisoner. They endeavor to force an entrance and encourage one another not to cast from their hands so valuable a prize. CHAP. XXXVIII. P. Sextius Baculus, who had led a principal century under Caesar (of whom we have made men- tion in previous engagements), had been left an invalid in the garrison, and had now been five days without food. He, distrusting his own safety and that of all, goes forth fronj his tent unarmed ; he sees that the enemy are close at hand and that the matter is in the utmost danger ; he snatches arms CHAP. XL. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 161 from those nearest, and stations himself at the gate. The cen- turions of that cohort which was on guard follow him ; for a short time they sustain the fight together. Sextius faints, after receiving many wounds ; he is with difficulty saved, drawn away by the hands of the soldiers. This space having inter- vened, the others resume courage so far as to venture to take their place on the fortifications and present the aspect of de- fenders. CHAP. XXXIX. The foraging having in the mean time been completed, our soldiers distinctly hear the shout ; the horse hasten on before and discover in what danger the affair is. But here there is no fortification to receive them, in their alarm : those last enlisted, and unskilled in military discipline turn their faces to the military tribune and the centurions ; they wait to find what orders may be given by them. No one is so courageous as not to be disconcerted by the suddenness of the affair. The barbarians, espying our standard in the distance, desist from the attack ; at first they suppose that the legions, which they had learned from their prisoners had removed further off, had returned ; afterward, despising their small number, they make an attack on them at all sides. CHAP. XL. The camp-followers run forward to the nearest rising ground; being speedily driven from this they throw themselves among the standards and companies : they thus so much the more alarm the soldiers already affrighted. Some propose that, forming a wedge, 1 they suddenly break through, since the camp was so near ; and if any part should be sur- rounded and slain, they fully trust that at least the rest may be saved ; others, that they take their stand on an eminence, and all undergo the same destiny. The veteran soldiers, whom we stated to have set out together [with the others] under a standard, do not approve of this. Therefore encouraging each other, under the conduct of Caius Trebonius, a Roman knight, 1 " Cuneo facto." The cuneus, in its strict and proper sense, was a tri- angular figure. It was not peculiar to the Romans. Tacitus seems to speak of it as the ordinary battle array of the Germans. The Romans adopted it only under particular circumstances. They sometimes received the cuneus of their enemy by forming a figure called " forceps," from its resemblance to a pair of (opened) scissors or shears. 162 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi. who had been appointed over them, they break through the midst of the enemy, and arrive in the camp safe to a man. The camp attendants and the horse following close upon them with the same impetuosity, are saved by the courage of the soldiers. But those who had taken their stand upon the eminence, having even now acquired no experience of military matters, neither could persevere in that resolution which they approved of, namely, to defend themselves from their higher position, nor imitate that vigor and speed which they had observed to have availed others ; but, attempting to reach the camp, had descend- ed into an unfavorable situation. The centurions, some of whom had been promoted for their valor from the lower ranks of other legions to higher ranks in this legion, in order that they might not forfeit their glory for military exploits previously ac- quired, fell together fighting most valiantly. The enemy hav- ing been dislodged by their valor, a part of the soldiers arrived safe in camp contrary to their expectations ; a part perished, surrounded by the barbarians. CHAP. XLI. The Germans, despairing of taking the camp by storm, because they saw that our men had taken up their position on the fortifications, retreated beyond the Rhine with that plunder \vhich they had deposited in the woods. And so great was the alarm-, even after the departure of the enemy, that when C. Volusenus, who had been sent with the cavalry, arrived that night, he could not gain credence that Cassar was close at hand with his army safe. Fear had so pre-occupied the minds of all, that their reason being almost estranged, they said that all the other forces having been cut off, the cavalry alone had arriv- ed there by flight, and asserted that, if the army were safe, the Germans would not have attacked the camp ; which fear the arrival of Ca3sar removed. CHAP. XLII. He, on his return, being well aware of the casualties of war, complained of one thing [only], namely, that the cohorts had been sent away from the outposts and garrison [duty], and pointed out that room ought not to have been left for even the most trivial casualty ; that fortune had exercised great influence in the sudden arrival of their enemy ; much greater, in that she had turned the barbarians away from the very rampart and gates of the camp. Of all which events, it seemed the most surprising, that the Germans, who had CHAP. XLIT. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 163 crossed the Rhine with this object, that they might plunder the territories of Ambiorix, being led to the camp of the Romans, rendered Ambiorix a most acceptable service. CHAP. XLin. Caesar, having again marched to harass the enemy, after collecting a large number [of auxiliaries] from the neighboring states, dispatches them in all direc- tions. All the villages and all the buildings, which each beheld, were on fire : spoil was being driven off from all parts; the corn not only was being consumed by so great numbers of cattlo and men, but. also had fallen to the earth, owing to the time of the year and the storms; so that if any had concealed themselves for the present, still, it appeared likely that they must perish through want of all things, when the army should be drawn off. And fre- quently it came to that point, as so large a body of cavalry had been sent abroad in all directions, that the prisoners declared Ambiorix had just then been seen by them in flight, and had not even passed out of sight, so that the hope of overtaking him being raised, and unbounded ex- ertions having been resorted to, those who thought they should acquire the highest favor with Caesar, nearly over- came nature by their ardor, and continually, a little only seemed wanting to complete success ; but he rescued himself by [means of] lurking-places and forests, and, concealed by the night made for other districts and quarters, with no greater guard than that of four horsemen, to whom alone he ventured to confide his life. CHAP. XLIV. Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum 1 of the Remi, and, having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of our ancestors. 2 Some fearing a trial, 1 "Durocortorum:" Eheims. 2 " The custom of our ancestors :" more majorum. "WTiat that was may be shown by a quotation from Suetonius's Life of Kero. " In the mean time he snatched some letters from the hands of a servant of Phaon, and, upon reading them discovers that he has been declared by the senate an enemy of the state, and was sought for, that he might be punished more 164 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK YI. fled; when he had forbidden these fire and water, 1 he sta- tioned in winter quarters two legions at the frontiers of the Treviri, two among the Lingones, the remaining six at Agen- dicum, 3 in the territories of the Senones ; and, having provided corn for the army, he set out for Italy, as he had determined, to hold the asssizes. majorum. Upon which he inquired what kind of punishment that was, and was told it consisted in the criminal being stripped naked and lashed to death, with his neck fastened within a cross-bar (furea)." The question, however, may arise, how could Nero require such information ? 1 "Ignis et aquae interdictio," the penalty here spoken of, as it applied to a Roman citizen, involved the necessity of seeking an abode beyond Italy. We may suppose the sentence was severely felt by these revolu- tionary Senones ; at least for a time. * "Agendlcum:" Sens. CHAP. L CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 165 BOOK VII. THE ARGUMENT. I.-III. Many of the Gallic nations conspire to assert their freedom, IV.- VII. And select Vercingetorix the Arvernian as Commander-in-chief. VIII., IX. Caesar suddenly invades the country of the Arverni. X. Succors the Boii, XL Takes Vellaunodunum and Genabum, XII.- XIV. And Noviodunnm. XV.-XIX. The Gauls burn all the towns of the Bituriges, except Avaricum, into which they throw a strong garrison, as Cajsar was then besieging it. XX., XXI. In the mean time Vercin- getorix, being accused ot treachery by his countrymen, completely vin- dicates himself. XXII.-XXVII. Avaricum is for some time ably de- fended, XXVIII.-XXXI. But it is at length taken by storm. XXXII., XXXIII. Commotions among the JMui divert Caesar from the war. XXX1V.-XXXVI. After quelling them, he marches at the head of his army to Gergovia. XXXVII.-XLV. While he is carrying on the war there, disturbances break out a second time among the jEdni. XLVI. The Romans take possession of three dift'erent camps belonging to the enemy, XLVII.-LU. But attacking the town too impetuously, are re- pulsed with great loss. LIII.-LVII. Caesar, despairing of being able to take the town, removes his camp into the country of the ^Edui. LVIIL- LXI. Labienus, after carrying on the war successfully against the Parisii, LXII. Joins him. LXIII.-LXV. All the Gauls, with very few excep- tions, follow the example of the ^Edui, and revolt. LXVI., LXVII. Un- der the command of Vercingetorix, they attack Caesar while marching into the country of the Sequani, and are completely defeated. LXVIIL- LXXIV. He pursues them as far as Alesia, and surrounds both the town and themselves, with a line of circumvallation. LXXV.-LXXXVI. The Gauls select the bravest men in their respective states, and endeavor to relieve their besieged countrymen. LXXXVII. They sustain a total defeat. LXXXIX. Alesia and Vercingetorix surrender, likewise the Mdui and several other states. CHAP. I. Gaul being tranquil, Caesar, as he had determined, sets out for Italy to hold the provincial assizes. There he receives intelligence of the death of Clodius ; l and, being 1 Clodius, a noble but licentious Roman, who acted a prominent part in the scenes of anarchy and violence which disgraced, at this time, the Roman republic. He bore a bitter hatred to Cicero and became a ready tool in the hands of Pompey and others, who beheld, in the eloquence of Cicero, the greatest bulwark of the constitution. He succeeded in ex- pelling the father of his country, who was, however, speedily recalled. 166 CJESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. informed of the decree of the senate, [to the effect] that all the youth of Italy shonld take the military oath, he de- termined to hold a levy throughout the entire poovince. Report of these events is rapidly borne into Transalpine Gaul. The Gauls themselves add to the report, and invent, what the case seemed to require, [namely] that 1 Caesar was detained by commotions in the city, and could not, amid so violent dissensions, come to his army. Animated by this opportunity, they who already, previously to this occurrence, were indignant that they were reduced beneath the dominion of Rome, begin to organize their plans for war more openly and daringly. The leading men of Gaul, having convened councils among themselves in the woods, and retired places, complain of the death of Acco : they point out that this fate may fall in turn on themselves : they bewail the un- happy fate of Gaul ; and by every sort of promises and re- wards, they earnestly solicit some to begin the war, and assert the freedom of Gaul at the hazard of their lives. They say that special care should be paid to this, that Caesar should be cut off from his army before their secret plans should be divulged. That this was easy, because neither would the legions, in the absence of their general, dare to leave their winter quarters, nor could the general reach his army without a guard : finally, that it was better to be slain in battle, than not to recover their ancient glory in war, and that freedom which they had received from their forefathers. CHAP. II. While these things are in agitation, the Car- nutes declare " that they Avould decline no danger for the sake of the general safety, ' and promise " that they would be the first of all to begin the war ; and since they can not at present take precautions, by giving and receiving hostages, that the af- fair shall not be divulged, they require that a solemn assurance be given them by oath and plighted honor, their military Clodius met a death worthy of his life, being slain by a gladiator in the service of Milo, one of his most hated political opponents. It was on the occasion of Milo's trial for the death of Clodius that Cicero pronounced his famous oration, "Pro Milone," which has attracted the admiration of all ages for the eloquence of the language and beauty of the diction. 1 Plutarch well remarks, that had Vercingetorix waited a little longer until Caesar had actually engaged in the civil war, the rising of the Gauls would have appeared as formidable to the Romans as the inroad of the Cimbri and Teutones. CHAP. iv. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 167 standards being brougkt together (in which manner their most sacred obligations are made binding), that they should not be deserted by the rest of the Gauls on commencing the war. CHAP. III. When the appointed day came, the Oarnutes, under the command of Cotuatus and Conetodunus, desperate men, meet together at Genabum, and slay the Roman citizens who had settled there for the purpose of trading (among the rest, Caius Fusius Cita, a distinguished Roman knight, who by Caesar's orders had presided over the provision department), and plunder their property. The report is quickly spread among all the states of Gaul; for, whenever a more im- portant and remarkable event takes place, they transmit the intelligence through their lands and districts by a shout; 1 the others take it up in succession, and pass it to their neighbors, as happened on this occasion ; for the things which were done at Genabum at sunrise, were heard in the territories of the Arverni before the end of the first watch, which is an extent of more than a hundred and sixty miles. CHAP. IV. There in like manner, Vercingetorix* the son of Celtillus the Arvernian, a young man of the highest power (whose father had held the supremacy of entire Gaul, and had been put to death by his fellow-citizens, for this reason, because he aimed at sovereign power), summoned together his dependents, and easily excited them. On his design being made known, they rush to arms : he is expelled from the town of Gergovia, 3 by his uncle Gobanitio and the rest of the nobles, who were of opinion, that such an enterprise ought not to be hazarded : he did not however desist, but held in the country a 1 Men were posted on heights to convey the intelligence from one to the other by shouts. This practice was adopted in Persia. The Spaniards, on their invasion of Peru, found that runners were stationed at short regular distances to convey any important intelligence to the government. 2 Vercingetorix appears to have been by far the most talented of the Gallic chieftains that ever entered the lists against Caesar ; he certainly raised the most powerful combination against Rome which has been yet mentioned; and it was under him that the warrior Gauls made their last great effort to crush the overwhelming power of Rome, which is detailed in the present book. Celtic scholars derive the name Vercingetorix from Ver-cim-cedo-righ, which means, "chieftain of a hundred heads," or, in other words, " a great captain." 3 Gergovia, a very strong town and fortress of the Arverni, built on a very high mountain, which was almost inaccessible: it lay to the west of the Albi, and is remarkable as being the only place in Gaul that foiled the arms of Cassar. It is considered to be the modern Mount Gergoie. 168 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK TIL levy of the needy and desperate. Haviag collected such a body of troops, he brings over to his sentiments such of his fellow- citizens as he has access to : he exhorts them to take up arms in behalf of the general freedom, and having assembled great forces he drives from the state his opponents, by whom he had been expelled a short time previously. He is saluted king by his partisans ; he sends embassadors in every direction, he conjures them to adhere firmly to their promise. He quickly attaches to his interests the Senones, Parisii, Pictones, Cadurci, Turones, Aulerci, Lemovice, and all the others who border on the ocean; the supreme command is conferred on him by unanimous consent. On obtaining this authority, he demands hostages from all these states, he orders a fixed number of soldiers to be sent to him immediately ; he determines what quantity of arms each state shall prepare at home, and before what time ; he pays particular attention to the cavalry. To the utmost vigilance he adds the utmost rigor of authority; and by the severity of his punishments brings over the wavering : for on the commission of a greater crime 1 he puts the perpetrators to death by fire and every sort of tortures ; for a slighter cause, he sends home the offenders with their ears cut off, or one of their eyes put out, that they may be an example to the rest, and frighten others by the severity of their punishment. CHAP. V. Having quickly collected an army by their punishments, he sends Lucterius, one of the Cadnrci, a man of the utmost daring, with part of his forces, into the territory of the Ruteni ; and marches in person into the country of the Bituriges. On his arrival, the Bituriges send embassadors to the ^Edui, under whose protection they were, to solicit aid in order that they might more easily resist the forces of the enemy. The JEdui, by the advice of the lieutenants whom Caesar had left with the army, send supplies of horse and foot to succor the Bituriges. When they came to the river Loire, which separates the Bituriges from the ^Edui, they delayed a few days there, and, not daring to pass the river, return home, and send back word to the lieutenants that they had returned through fear of the treachery of the Bituriges, who, they ascertained, had formed this design, that if the ^Edui should cross the river, the Bituriges on the one side, and the Arverni 1 Than being lukewarm in the Gallic cause. CHAP. vin. CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 169 on the other, should surround them. Whether they did this for the reason which they alleged to the lieutenants, or in- fluenced by treachery, we think that we ought not to state as certain, because we have no proof. Ou their departure, the Bituriges immediately unite themselves to the Arverni. CHAP. VI. These affairs being announced to Caesar in Italy, at the time when he understood that matters in the city had been reduced to a more tranquil state by the energy of Cneius Pompey, he set out for Transalpine Gaul. After he had arrived there, he 1 was greatly at a loss to know by what means he could reach his army. For if he should summon the legions into the province, he was aware that on their march, they would have to fight in his absence ; he foresaw too, that if he himself should endeavor to reach the army, he would act injudiciously, in trusting his safety even to those who seemed to be tranquilized. CHAP. VII. In the mean time Lucterius the Cadurcan, having been sent into the country of the Ruteni, gains over that state to the Arverni. Having advanced into the country of the Nitiobriges, and Gabali, he receives hostages from both nations, and, assembling a numerous force, marches to make a descent on the province in the direction of Narbo. Caesar, when this circumstance was announced to him, thought that the inarch to Narbo ought to take the precedence of all his other plans. When he arrived there, he encourages the timid, and stations garrisons among the Ruteni, a in the province of the Volcae Arecomici, and the country around Narbo which was in the vicinity of the enemy ; he orders a portion of the forces from the province, and the recruits which he had brought from Italy, to rendezvous among the Helvii who border on the terri- tories of the Arverni. CHAP. Vin. These matters being arranged, and Lucterius now checked and forced to retreat, because he thought it dangerous to enter the line of Roman garrisons, Caesar marches into the country of the Helvii ; although mount Cevennes, 8 which separates the Arverni from the Helvii, 1 Literally, " he was affected with great difficulty." 2 Caesar calls them the Ruteni of the province, to distinguish them from the Ruteni of Aquitania. 3 Mount Cevenna, or Cebenna, the Cevennes, a lofty chain of mountains which separated Aquitania from Gallia Narbonensis, and joins Mount Jura, 170 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK TII. blocked up the way with very deep snow, as it was the severest season of the year ; yet having cleared away the snow to the depth of six feet, and having opened the roads, he reaches the territories of the Arverni, with infinite labor to his soldiers. This people being surprised, because they considered themselves defended by the Cevennes as by a wall, and the paths at this season of the year had never before been passable even to individuals, he orders the cavalry to extend themselves as far as they could, and strike as great a panic as possible into the enemy. These proceedings are speedily announced to Vercingetorix by rumor and his messengers. Around him all the Arverni crowd in alarm, and solemnly entreat him to pro- tect tKeir property, and not to suffer them to be plundered by the enemy, especially as he saw that all the war was transferred into their country. Being prevailed upon by their entreaties he moves his camp from the country of the Bituriges in the direc- tion of the Arverni. CHAP. IX. Caesar, having delayed two days in that place, because he had anticipated that, in the natural course of events, such would be the conduct of Vercingetorix, leaves the army under pretense of raising recruits and cavalry : he places Brutus, a young man, in command of these forces ; he gives him instructions that the cavalry should range as extensively as possible in all directions ; that he would exert himself not to be absent from the camp longer than three days. Having arranged these matters, he marches to Vienna 1 by as long journeys as he can, when his own soldiers did not expect him. Finding there a fresh body of cavalry, which he had sent on to that place several days before, marching incessantly night and day, he advanced rapidly through the territory of the ^Edui into that of the Lingones, in which two legions were wintering, that, if any plan affecting his own safety should have been organized by the jEdui, he might defeat it by the rapidity of his movements. When he arrived there, he sends information to the rest of the legions, and gathers all his army into one place before intelligence of his arrival could be announced to the Arverni. Vercingetorix, on hearing this circumstance, leads back his 1 Vienna, now Vienne, the chief town of the AUobroges, situated on the eastern bank of the Rhone. CHAP. xi. CLESAK'S COMMENTARIES. 171 army into the country of the Bituriges ; and after marching from it to Gergovia, a town of the Boii, whom Caesar had settled there after defeating them in the Helvetian war, and had rendered tributary to the ^Edui, he determined to at- tack it, CHAP. X. This action caused great perplexity to Csar in the selection of his plans ; [he feared] lest, if he should con- fine his legions in one place for the remaining portion of the winter, all Gaul should revolt when the tributaries 6f the ^Edui were subdued, because it would appear that there was in him no protection for his friends ; but if he should draw them too soon out of their winter quarters, he might be distressed by the want of provisions, in consequence of the difficulty of convey- ance. It seemed better, however, to endure every hardship than to alienate the affections of all his allies, by submitting to such an insult. Having, therefore, impressed on the ^Edui the necessity of supplying him with provisions, he sends forward messengers to the Boii to inform them of his arrival, and en- courage them to remain firm in their allegiance, and resist the attack of the enemy with great resolution. Having left two legions and the luggage of the, entire army at Agendicum, 1 he marches to the Boii. CHAP. XI. On the second day, when he came to Vellauno- dunum," a town of the Senones, he determined to attack it, in order that he might not leave an enemy in his rear, and might the more easily procure supplies of provisions, and draw a line of circumvallation around it in two days : on the third day, embassadors being sent from the town to treat of a capitulation, he orders their arms to be brought together, their cattle to be brought forth, and six hundred hostages to be given. He leaves Caius Trebonius his lieutenant, to complete these arrange- ments ; he himself sets out with the intention of marching as soon as possible, to Genabum, a town of the Carnutes, who having then for the first time received information of the siege of Vellaunodunum, as they thought that it would be protracted to a longer time, were preparing a garrison to send to Genabum 1 Agendicum, now Sens, the chief city of the Senones. It stood be- low the confluence of the Vanne and the Tonne, a southern branch of the Seine. 2 Vellaunodunum, now-Beawws, a town of the Senones, about fifty-five ruilea south of Paris. 172 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vi for the defense of that town. Caesar arrived here in two days ; after pitching his camp before the town, being prevented by the time of the day, he defers the attack to the next day, and orders his soldiers to prepare whatever was necessary for that enterprise ; and as a bridge over the Loire connected the town of Genabum 1 with the opposite bank, fearing lest the inhabit- ants should escape by night from the town, he orders two legions to keep watch under arms. The people of Genabum came forth silently from the city before midnight, and began to cross the river. When this circumstance was announced by scouts, Caesar, having set fire to the gates, sends in the legions which he had ordered to be ready, and obtains possession of the town so completely, that very few of the whole number of the enemy escaped being taken alive, because the narrowness of the bridge and the roads prevented the multitude from escaping. He pillages and burns the town, gives the booty to the soldiers, then leads his army over the Loire, and marches into the territories of the Bituriges. CHAP. XII. Vercingetorix, when he ascertained the arrival of Csesar, desisted from the siege [of Gergovia], and marched to meet Csesar. The latter had commenced to besiege Novio- dunum ; and when embassadors came from this town to beg that he would pardon them and spare their lives, in order that he might execute the rest of his designs with the rapidity by which he had accomplished most of them, he orders their arms to be collected, their horses to be brought forth, and hostages to be given. A part of the hostages being now delivered up, when the rest of the terms were being performed, a few cen- turions and soldiers being sent into the town to collect the arms and horses, the enemy's cavaly which had outstripped the main body of Vercingetorix's army, was seen at a distance ; as soon as the townsmen beheld them, and entertained hopes of assist- ance, raising a shout, they began to take up arms, shut the gates, and line the walls. When the centurions in the town un- derstood from the signal-making of the Gauls that they were forming some new design, they drew their swords and seized the gates, and recovered all their men safe. CHAP. XIIL Csesar orders the horse to be drawn out of 1 Genabum, a town of the Areliani, situated on the Loire, which ran through it. It was subsequently called by the inhabitants Aurelianum, which by a slight change became the modern Orleans. CHAP. zrv. CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 173 the camp, and commences a cavalry action. His men being now distressed, Caesar sends to their aid about four hundred German horse, which he had determined, at the beginning, to keep with himself. The Gauls could not withstand their attack, but were put to flight, and retreated to their main body, after losing a great number of men. When they were routed, the townsmen, again intimidated, arrested those persons by whose exertions they thought that the mob had been roused, and brought them to Caesar, and surrendered themselves to" him. When these affairs were accomplished, Caesar marched to the Avaricum, 1 which was the largest and best fortified town in the territories of the Bituriges, and situated in a most fertile tract of country ; because he confidently expected that on taking that town, he would reduce beneath his dominion the state of the Bituriges. CHAP. XFV. Vercingetorix, after sustaining such a series of losses at Vellaunodunum, Genabum, and Noviodunum, sum- mons his men to a council. He impresses on them "that the war must be prosecuted on a very different system from that which had been previously adopted ; but they should by all means aim at this object, that the Romans should be prevented from foraging and procuring provisions ; that this was easy, because they themselves were well supplied with cavalry, and were like- wise assisted by the season of the year ; that forage could not be cut ; that the enemy must necessarily disperse, and look for it in the houses, that all these might be daily destroyed by the horse. Besides that the interests of private property must be neglected for the sake of the general safety ; that the villages and houses ought to be fired, over such an extent of country in every direc- tion from Boia, as the Romans appeared capable of scouring in their search for forage. That an abundance of these necessaries could be supplied to them, because they would be assisted by the resources of those in whose territories the war would be waged : that the Romans either would not bear the privation, or else would advance to any distance from the camp with con- siderable danger ; and that it made no difference whether they slew them or stripped them of their baggage, since, if it was 1 Avaricum, the modern Bourges, the largest and best fortified town of the Bituriges, whose name it subsequently bore. It derived its ancient appellation from the river Avara, the Euse, one of the southern branches of the Loire. 174 OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. lost, they could not carry on the Avar. Besides that, the towns ought to be burned which were not secured against every danger by their fortifications or natural advantages ; that there should not be places of retreat for their own countrymen for declining military service, nor be exposed to the Romans as induce- ments to carry off abundance of provisions and plunder. If these sacrifices should appear heavy or galling, that they ought to consider it much more distressing that their wives and chil- dren should be dragged off to slavery, and themselves slain; the evils which must necessarily befall the conquered. CHAP. XV. This opinion having been approved of by unanimous consent, more than twenty towns of the Bituriges are burned in one day. Conflagrations are beheld in every quarter ; and although all bore this with great regret, yet they laid before themselves this consolation, that, as the victory was certain, they could quickly recover their losses. There is a debate concerning Avaricum in the general council, whether they should decide, that it should be burned or defended. The Bituriges threw themselves at the feet of all the Gauls, and entreat that they should not be compelled to set fire with their own hands to the fairest city of almost the whole of Gaul, which was both a protection and ornament to the state ; they say that " they could easily defend it, owing to the nature of the ground, for, being inclosed almost on every side by a river and a marsh, it had only one entrance, and that very narrow." Permission being granted to them at their earnest request, Vercingetorix at first dissuades them from it, but afterward concedes the point, owing to their entreaties and the compassion of the soldiers. A proper garrison is selected for the town. CHAP. XVI. Vercingetorix follows closely upon Caesar by shorter marches, and selects for his camp a place defended by woods and marshes, at the distance of fifteen miles from Avaricum. There he received intelligence by trusty scouts, every hour in the day, of what was going on at Avaricum, and ordered whatever he wished to be done ; he closely watched all our expeditions for corn and forage, and whenever they were compelled to go to a greater distance, he attacked them when dispersed, and inflicted severe loss upon them ; although the evil was remedied by our men, as far as precautions could be taken, by going forth at irregular times, and by different ways. CHAP. xvm. OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. 175 CHAP. XVII. Caesar pitching his camp at that side of the town which was not defended by the river and marsh, and had a very narrow approach, as we have mentioned, began to raise the vineae and erect two towers : for the nature of the place prevented him from drawing a line of circumvallation. He never ceased to importune the Boii and ^Edui for supplies of corn ; of whom the one [the yEdui], because they were acting with no zeal, did not aid him much ; the others [the Boii], as their resources were not great, quickly consumed what they had. Although the army was distressed by the greatest want of corn, through the poverty of the Boii, the apathy of the ^Edui, and the burning of the houses, to such a degree, that for several days the soldiers were without corn, and satisfied their extreme hunger with cattle driven from the remote villages ; yet no language was heard from them unworthy of the majesty of the Roman people and their former victories. Moreover, when Caesar addressed the legions, one by one, when at work, and said that he would raise the siege, if they felt the scarcity too severely, they unanimously begged him "not to do so; that they had served for several years under his command in such a manner that they never submitted to insult, and never abandoned an enterprise without accomplishing it ; that they should consider it a disgrace if they abandoned the siege after commencing it ; that it was better to endure every hardship than to not avenge 1 the manes of the Roman citizens who perished at Genabum by the perfidy of the Gauls." They in- trusted the same declarations to the centurions and military tribunes, that through them they might be communicated to Caesar. . CHAP. XVIII. When the towers had now approached the walls, Cassar ascertained from the captives that Vercingetorix, after destroying the forage, had pitched his camp nearer Avaricum, and that he himself with the cavalry and light- armed infantry, who generally fought among the horse, had gone to lay an ambuscade in that quarter, to which he thought that our troops would come the next day to forage. On learn- ing these facts, he set out from the camp secretly at midnight, and reached the camp of the enemy early in the morning. 1 Parento means, properly, to celebrate the funeral obsequies of a parent or friend ; hence, by an easy transition, it came to signify " to avenge the death of any one." 176 CLESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. They having quickly learned the arrival of Caesar by scouts, hid their cars and baggage in the thickest parts of the woods, and drew up all their forces in a lofty and open space : which circumstance being announced, Caesar immediately ordered the baggage to be piled, and the arms to be got ready. CHAP. XIX. There was a hill of a gentle ascent from the bottom ; a dangerous and impassable marsh, not more than fifty feet broad, begirt it on almost every side. The Gauls, having broken down the bridges, posted themselves on this hill, in confidence of their position, and being drawn up in tribes according to their respective states, held all the fords and pass- ages of that marsh with trusty guards, thus determined that if the Romans should attempt to force the marsh, they would overpower them from the higher ground while sticking in it, so that whoever saw the nearness of the position, would imagine that the two armies were prepared to fight on almost equal terms ; but whoever should view accurately the disadvantage of position, would discover that they were showing off an empty affectation of courage. Caesar clearly points out to his soldiers, who were indignant that the enemy could bear the eight of them at the distance of so short u space, and were earnestly demanding the signal for action, " with how great loss and the death of how many gallant men the victory would necessarily be purchased : and when he saw them so determined to decline no danger for his renown, that he ought to be considered guilty of the utmost injustice if he did not hold their life dearer than his personal safety." Having thus consoled his soldiers, he leads them back on the same day to the camp, and determined to prepare the other things which were necessary for the siege of the town. CHAP. XX. Vercingetorix, when he had returned to his men, was accused of treason, in that he had moved his camp nearer the Romans, in that he had gone away with all the cavalry, in that he had left so great forces without a com- mander, in that, on his departure, the Romans had come at such a favorable season, and with such dispatch; that all these circumstances could not have happened accidentally or without design ; that he preferred holding the sovereignty of Gaul by the grant of Caesar to acquiring it by their favor. Being accused in such a manner, he made the following reply to these charges : " That his moving his camp had been CHAP. xx. THE GALLIC WAR. 177 caused by want of forage, and had been done even by their advice ; that his approaching near the Romans had been a measure dictated by the favorable nature of the ground, which would defend him by its natural strength ; that the service of the cavalry could not have been requisite in marshy ground, and was useful in that place to which they had gone ; that he, on his departure, had given the supreme command to no one intentionally, lest he should be induced by the eagerness of the multitude to hazard an engagement, to which he perceived that all were" inclined, owing to their want of energy, because they were unable to endure fatigue any longer. That, if the Romans in the mean time came up by chance, they [the Gauls] should feel grateful to fortune ; if invited by the information of some one they should feel grateful to him, because they were enabled to see distinctly from the higher ground the smallness of the number of their enemy, and despise the courage of those who, not daring to fight, retreated disgracefully into their camp. That he desired no power from Ca3sar by treachery, since he could have it by victory, which was now assured to himself and to all the Gauls ; nay, that he would even give them back the command, if they thought that they conferred honor on him, rather than received safety from him. That you may be as- sured," said he, " that I speak these words with truth ; listen to these Roman soldiers !" He produces some camp-followers whom he had surprised on a foraging expedition some days before, and had tortured by famine and confinement. They being previously instructed in what answers they should make when examined, say, " That they were legionary soldiers, that, urged by famine and want, they had recently gone forth from the camp, [to see] if they could find any com or cattle in the fields; that the whole army was distressed by a similar scarcity, nor had any one now sufficient strength, nor could bear the labor of the work; and therefore that the general was determined, if he made no progress in the siege, to draw off his army in three days." " These benefits," says Vercinge- torix, " you receive from me, whom you accuse of treason me, by whose exertions you see so powerful and victorious an army almost destroyed by famine, without shedding one drop of your blood ; and I have taken precautions that no state shall admit within its territories this army in its ignominious flight from this place." 8* 178 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. CHAP. XXL The whole multitude raise a shout and clash their arms, according to their custom, as they usually do in the case of him of whose speech they approve ; [they exclaim] that Vercingetorix was a consummate general, and that they had no doubt of his honor ; that the war could not be conducted with greater prudence. They determine that ten thousand men should be picked out of the entire army and sent into the town, and decide that the general safety should not be intrusted to the Bituriges alone, because they were aware that the glory of the victory must rest with the Bituriges, if they made good the defense of the town. CHAP. XXII. To the extraordinary valor of our soldiers, devices of every sort were opposed by the Gauls ; since they are a nation of consummate ingenuity, and most skillful in imitating and making those things which are imparted by any one ; for they turned aside the hooks 1 with nooses, and when they had caught hold of them firmly, drew them on by means of engines, and undermined the mound the more skillfully on this account, because there are in their territories extensive iron mines, and consequently every description of mining operations is known and practiced by them. They had furnished, more- over, the whole wall on every side with turrets, and had covered them with skins. Besides, in their frequent sallies by day and night, they attempted either to set fire to the mound, or attack our soldiers when engaged in the works ; and, moreover, by splicing the upright timbers of their own towers, they equaled the height of ours, as fast as the mound had daily raised them, and countermined our mines, and impeded the working of them by stakes bent and sharpened at the ends, and boiling pitch, and stones of very great weight, and prevented them from ap- proaching the walls. CHAP. XXIIL But this is usually the form of all the Gallic walls. Straight beams, connected lengthwise and two feet dis- tant from each other at equal intervals, are placed together on the ground ; these are mortised on the inside, and covered with plenty of earth. But the intervals which we have mentioned, 1 These are the fakes murales. When they were struck against the walls to tear out the stones, the Gauls standing on the top caught them by a sort of snares and prevented their blows, and drew them over the walls into the town. They also undermined the embankments of tho Romans and rendered them useless. CHAP. XXV. " THE GALLIC WAR. 179 are closed up in front by large stones. These being thus laid and cemented together, another row is added above, in such a manner, that the same interval may be observed, and that the beams may not touch one another, but equal spaces inter- vening, each row of beams is kept firmly in its place by a row of stones. In this manner the whole wall is consolidated, until the regular height of the wall be completed. This work, with respect to appearance and variety, is not unsightly, owing to the alternate rows of beams and stones, which preserve their order in right lines; and, besides, it possesses great advantages as regards utility and the defense of cities ; for the stone protects it from fire, and the wood from the battering ram, since it [the wood] being mortised in the inside with rows of beams, gener- ally forty feet each in length, can neither be broken through nor torn asunder. CHAP. XXTV. The siege having been impeded by so many disadvantages, the soldiers, although they were retarded during the whole time by the mud, cold, and constant showers, yet by their incessant labor overcame all these obstacles, and in twenty- five days raised a mound three hundred and thirty feet broad and eighty feet high. When it almost touched the enemy's walls, and Caesar, according to his usual custom, kept watch at the wrk, and encouraged the soldiers not to discontinue the work for a moment : a little before the third watch they dis- covered that the mound was sinking, since the enemy had set it on fire by a mine ; and at the same time a shout was raised along the entire wall, and a sally was made from two gates on each side of the turrets. Some at a distance were casting torches and dry wood from the wall on the mound, others were pouring on it pitch, and other materials, by which the flame might be excited, so that a plan could hardly be formed, as to where they should first run to the defense, or to what part aid should be brought. However, as two legions always kept guard before the camp by Caesar's orders, and several of them were at stated times at the work, measures were promptly taken, that some should oppose the sallying party, others draw back the towers and make a cut in the rampart ; and moreover, that the whole army should hasten from the camp to extinguish the flames. CHAP. XXV. When the battle was going on in every direc- tion, the rest of the night being now spent, and fresh hopes of 180 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. victory always arose before the enemy : the more so on this account because they saw the coverings of our towers burnt away, and perceived, that we, being exposed, could not easily go to give assistance, and they themselves were always relieving the weary with fresh men, and considered that all the safety of Gaul rested on this crisis ; there happened in my own view a circumstance which, having appeared to be worthy of record, we thought it ought not to be omitted. A certain Gaul before the gate of the town, who was casting into the fire opposite the turret balls of tallow and fire which were passed along to him, was pierced with a dart on the right side and fell dead. 1 One of those next him stepped over him as he lay, and dis- charged the same office : when the second man was slain in the same manner by a wound from a cross-bow, a third succeeded him, and a fourth succeeded the third : nor was this post left vacant by the besieged, until, the fire of the mound having been extinguished, and the enemy repulsed in every direction, an end was put to the fighting. CHAP. XXVI. The Gauls having tried every expedient, as nothing had succeeded, adopted the design of fleeing from the town the next day, by the advice and order of Vercingetorix. They hoped that, by attempting it at the dead of nigjit, they would effect it without any great loss of men, because the camp of Vercingetorix was not far distant from the town, and the extensive marsh which intervened, was likely to retard the Romans in the pursuit. And they were now preparing to exe- cute this by night, when the matrons suddenly ran out into the streets, and weeping cast themselves at the feet of their hus- bands, and requested of them, with every entreaty, that they should not abandon themselves and their common children to the enemy for punishment, because the weakness of their nature and physical powers prevented them from taking to flight. "When they saw that they (as fear does not generally admit of mercy in extreme danger) persisted in their resolution, they began to shout aloud, and give intelligence of their flight to the Romans. The Gauls being intimidated by fear of this, lest the passes should be pre-occupid by the Roman cavalry, desisted from their design. 1 These balls were passed from hand to hand until they came to him, and he was in the act of throwing them into the fire when he was struck by tho arrow from the cross-bow. CHAP. TXTX. THE GALLIC "WAR. 181 CHAP. XXVII. The next day Caesar, the tower being advanced, and the works which he had determined to raise being arranged, a violent storm arising, thought this no.bad time for executing his designs, because he observed the guards arranged on the walls a little too negligently, and therefore ordered his own men to engage in their work more remissly, and pointed out what he wished to be done. He drew up his soldiers in a secret position within the vineae, and exhorts them to reap, at least, the harvest of victory proportionate to their exertions. He proposed a reward for those who should first scale the walls, and gave the signal to the soldiers. They suddenly flew out from all quarters and quickly filled the walls. CHAP. XXVIH. The enemy being alarmed by the sud- denness of the attack, were dislodged from the wall and towers, and drew up, in form of a wedge, in the market place and the open streets, with this intention that, if an attach should be made on any side, they should fight with their line drawn up to receive it. When they saw- no one descending to the level ground, and the enemy extending themselves along the entire wall in every direction, fearing lest every hope of flight should be cut off, they cast away their arms, and sought, without stopping, the most remote parts of the town. A part was then slain by the infantry when they were crowd- ing upon one another in the narrow passage of the gates ; and a part having got without the gates, were cut to pieces by the cavalry : nor was there one who was anxious for the plunder. Thus, being excited by the massacre at Genabum and the fatigue of the siege, they spared neither those worn out with years, women, or children. Finally, out of all that number, which amounted to about forty thousand, scarcely eight hundred, who fled from the town when they heard the first alarm, reached Vercingetorix in safety : and he, the night being now far spent, received them in silence after their flight (fearing that any sedition should arise in the camp from their entrance in a body and the compassion of the soldiers), so that, having arranged his friends and the chiefs of the states, at a distance on the road, he took precautions that they should be separated and conducted to their fellow countrymen, to whatever part of the camp had been assigned to each state from the beginning. CHAP. XXIX. Vercingetorix having convened an assem- bly on the following day, consoled and encouraged his soldiers 182 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. in the following words : " That they should not be too much depressed in . spirit, nor alarmed at their loss ; that the Romans did not conquer by valor nor in the field, but by a kind of art and skill in assault, with which they themselves were unacquainted ; that whoever expected every event in the war to be favorable, erred ; that it never" was his opinion that Avaricum should be defended, of the truth of which state- ment he had themselves as witnesses, but that it was owing to the imprudence of the Bituriges, and the too ready com- pliance of the rest, that this loss was sustained ; that, how- ever, he would soon compensate it by superior advantages ; for that he would, by his exertions, bring over those states which severed themselves from the rest of the Gauls, and would create a general unanimity throughout the whole of Gaul, the union of which not even the whole earth could withstand, and that he had it already almost effected ; that in the mean time it was reasonable that he should prevail on them, for the sake of the general safety, to begin to fortify their camp, in order that they might the more easily sustain the sudden attacks of the enemy." CHAP. XXX. This speech was not disagreeable to the Gauls, principally, because he himself was not disheartened by receiving so severe a loss, and had not concealed himself, nor shunned the eyes of the people : and he was believed to possess greater foresight and sounder judgment than the rest, because, when the affair was undecided, he had at first been of opinion that Avaricum should be burnt, and afterward that it should be abandoned. Accordingly, as ill success weakens the authority of other generals, so, on the contrary, his dignity increased daily, although a loss was sustained : at the same time they began to entertain hopes, on his assertion, of unit- ing the rest of the states to themselves, and on this occasion, for the first time, the Gauls 1 began to fortify their camps, and were so alarmed that although they were men unaccustomed to toil, yet they were of opinion that they ought to endure and suffer every thing which should be imposed upon them. CHAP. XXXI. Nor did Vercingetorix use less efforts than he had promised, to gain over the other states, and [in conse- quence] endeavored to entice their leaders by gifts and promises. For this object he selected fitting emissaries, by whose subtle 1 The Nervii did so in the war with Cicero, but it now became a gen- eral custom. CHAP. Tenon. THE GALLIC WAR. - 183 pleading or private friendship, each of the nobles could be most easily influenced. He takes care that those who fled to him on the storming of Avaricum should be provided with arms and clothes. At the same time that his diminished forces should be recruited, he levies a fixed quota of soldiers from each state, and defines the number and day before which he should wish them brought to the camp, and orders all the archers, of whom there was a very great number in Gaul, to be collected and sent to him. By these means, the troops which were lost at Avaricum are speedily replaced. La the mean time, Teutomarus, the son of Ollovicon, the king of the Nitiobriges, 1 whose father had received the appellation of friend from our senate, came to him with a great number of his own horse and those whom he had hired from Aquitania. CHAP. XXXII. ^Caesar, after delaying several days at Avaricum, and, finding there the greatest plenty of corn and other provisions, refreshed his army after their fatigue and pri- vation. The winter being almost ended, when he was invited by the favorable season of the year to prosecute the war and march against the enemy, [and try] whether he could draw them from the marshes and woods, or else press them by a blockade ; some noblemen of the ^Edui came to him as embas- sadors to entreat " that in an extreme emergency he should succor their state; that their affairs were in the utmost danger, because, whereas single magistrates had been usually appointed in ancient times and held the power of king for a single year, two persons now exercised this office, and each asserted that he was appointed according to their laws. That one of them was Convictolitanis, a powerful and illustrious youth ; the other Cotus, sprung from a most ancient family, and personally a man of very great influence and extensive connections. His brother Valetiacus had borne the same office during the last year : that the whole state was up in arms ; the senate divided, the people divided ; that each of them had his own adherents ; and that, if the animosity would be fomented any longer, the -result would be that one part of the state would come to a collision with the other; that it rested with his activity and influence to prevent it." CHAP. XXXHI. Although Caesar considered it ruinous to leave the war and the enemy, yet, being well aware what great 1 The Nitiobriges were a people of Gallia, whose country was situated on both sides of the Garrone, where it receives the Olt. 184 CESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. evils generally arise from internal dissensions, lest a state so powerful and so closely connected with the Roman people, which he himself had always fostered and honored in every respect, should have recourse to violence and arms, and that the party which had less confidence in its own p&wer should summon aid from Vercingetorix, he determined to anticipate this movement ; and ^because, by the laws of the ^Edui, it was not permitted those who held the supreme authority to leave the country, he determined to go in person to the ^Edui, lest he should appear to infringe upon their government and laws, and summoned all the senate, and those between whom the dispute was, to meet him at Decetia. 1 When almost all the state had assembled there, and he was informed that one brother had been declared magistrate by the other, when only a few persons were privately summoned for the purpose, at a different time and place from what he ought, whereas the laws not only forbade two belonging to one family to be elected magistrates while each was alive, but even deterred them from being in the senate, he compelled Cotus to resign his office ; he ordered Convictolitanis, who had been elected by the priests, according to the usage of the state, 3 in the presence of the magistrates, to hold the supreme authority. CHAP. XXXIV. Having pronounced this decree between [the contending parties], he exhorted the JEdui to bury in oblivion their disputes and dissensions, and, laying aside all these things, devote themselves to the war, and expect from him, on the conquest of Gaul, those rewards which they should have earned, and send speedily to him all their cavalry and ten thousand infantry, which he might place in different garrisons to protect his convoys of provisions, and then divided his army into two parts : he gave Labienus four legions to lead into the country of the Senones and Parisii ; and led in person six into the country of the Arverni, in the direction of the town of Gergovia, along the banks of the Allier. 3 He gave part of 1 Decetia, now Decize, a town of the ./Edui, situated in a rockj island in the Loire, about 153 miles south-east from Paris. 2 I have here adopted the reading, " intromissis magistratibus," which is supported by the authority of the Greek paraphrases. Oberlins reads, "intermissis magistratibus," which may be rendered, "when the magis- tracy was vacant." 3 Elaver, the Allier, a river of Gaul, which rises at the foot of Mount Lozere, runs nearly north, and, after a course of seventy-two leagues, falls into the Loire about three miles above Nevers. CHAP. XXXYL THE GALLIC WAR. 185 the cavalry to Labienus and kept part to himself. Vercinge- torix, on learning this circumstance, broke down all the bridges over the river and began to march on the other bank of the Allier. CHAP. XXXV. When each army was in sight of the other, and was pitching their camp almost opposite that of the enemy, scouts being distributed in every quarter, lest the Romans should build a bridge and bring over their troops ; it was to Caesar a matter attended with great' difficulties, lest he should be hindered from passing the river during the greater part of the summer, as the Allier can not generally be forded before the autumn. Therefore, that this might not happen, having pitched his camp in a woody place opposite to one of those bridges which Vercingetorix had taken care should be broken down, the next day he stopped behind with two legions in a secret place ; he sent on the rest of the forces as usual, with all the baggage, after having selected some cohorts, that the number of the legions might appear to be complete. Having ordered these to advance as far as they could, when now, from the time of day, he conjectured they had come to an encamp- ment, he began to rebuild the bridge on the same piles, the lower part of which remained entire. Having quickly finished the work and led his legions across, he selected a fit place for a camp, and recalled the rest of his troops. Vercingetorix, on ascertaining this fact, went before him by forced marches, in order that he might not be compelled to come to an action against his will. CHAP. XXXVI. Caesar, in five days' march, went from that place to Gergovia, and after engaging in a slight cavalry skir- mish that day, on viewing the situation of the city, which, being built on a very high mountain, was very difficult of access, he despaired of taking it by storm, and determined to take no measures with regard to besieging it before he should secure a supply of provisions. But Vercingetorix, having pitched his camp on the mountain near the town, placed the forces of each state separately and at small intervals around himself, and having occupied all the hills of that range as far as they commanded a view [of the Roman encampment], he presented a formidable appearance ; he ordered the rulers of the states, whom he had selected as his council of war, to come to him daily at the dawn, whether any measure seemed to require deliberation or execution. Nor did he allow almost 186 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES BOOK TIT. any day to pnss without testing in a cavalry action, the archers being intermixed, what spirit and valor there was in each of his own men. There was a hill opposite the town, at the very foot of that mountain, strongly fortified and precipitous on every side (which if our men could gain, they seemed likely to exclude the enemy from a great share of their supply of water, and from free foraging ; but this place was occupied by them with a weak garrison) : however, Caesar set out from the camp in the silence of night, and dislodging the garrison before succor could come from the town, he got possession of the place and posted two legions there, and drew from the greater camp to the less a double trench twelve feet broad, so that the soldiers could even singly pass secure from any sudden attack of the enemy. CHAP. XXXVII. While these affairs were going on at Ger- govia, Convictolanis, the JEduan, to whom we have observed the magistracy was adjudged by Caesar, being bribed by the Arverni, holds a conference with certain young men, the chief of 'whom .were Litavicus and his brothers, who were born of a most noble family. He shares the bribe with them, and exhorts them to " remember that they were free and born for empire ; that the state of the ^Edui was the only one which retarded the most certain victory of the Gauls ; that the rest were held in check by its authority ; and, if it was brought over, the Romans would not have room to stand on in Gaul ; that he had received some kindness from Caesar, only so far, however, as gaining a most just cause by his decision; but that he assigned more weight to the general freedom ; for, why should the ^Edui go to Caesar to decide concerning their rights and laws, rather than the Romans come to the ydui ?" The young men being easily won over by the speech of the magistrate and the bribe, when they declared that they would even be leaders in the plot, a plan for accomplishing it was considered, because they were confident their state could not be induced to under- take the war on slight grounds. It was resolved that Litavicus should have the command of the ten thousand, which were be- ing sent to Caesar for the war, and should have charge of them on their march, and that his brothers should go before him to Caesar. They arrange the other measures, and the manner in which they should have them done. CHAP. XXXVIII. Litavicus, having received the com- CHAP. zzux. THE GALLIC "WAR 187 mand -of the army, suddenly convened the soldiers, when he was about thirty miles distant from Gergovia, and, weeping, said, " Soldiers, whither are we going ? All our knights and all our nobles have perished. Eporedirix and Viridomarus, the principal men of the state, being accused of treason, have been slain by the Romans without any permission to plead their cause. Learn this intelligence from those who have escaped from the massacre ; for I, since my brothers and all my relations have been slain, am prevented by grief from declaring what has taken place. Persons are brought forward whom he had instructed in what he would have them say, and make the same statements to the soldiery as Litavicus had made : that all the knights of the ./Edui were slain because they were said to have held conferences with the Arverni; that they had concealed themselves among the multitude of soldiers, and had escaped from the midst of the slaughter. The JEidui shout aloud and conjure Litavicus to provide for their safety. As if, said he, it we're a matter of deliberation, and not of necessity, for us to go to Gergovia and unite our- selves to the Arverni. Or have we any reasons to doubt that the Romans, after perpetrating the atrocious crime, are now hastening to slay us ? Therefore, if there be any spirit in us, let us avenge the death of those who have perished in a most unworthy manner, and let us slay these robbers." He points to the Roman citizens, who had accompanied them, in reliance on his protection. He immediately seizes a great quantity of corn and provisions, cruelly tortures them, and then puts them to death, sends messengers throughout the entire state of the vEdui, and rouses them completely by the same falsehood concerning the slaughter of their knights and nobles ; he earnestly advises them to avenge, in the same manner as he did, the wrongs, which they had received. CHAP. XXXTX. Eporedirix, the ./Eduan, a young man born in the highest rank and possessing very great influence at home, and, along with Viridomarus, of equal age and influence, but of inferior birth, whom Caesar had raised from a humble position to the highest rank, on being recommended to him by Divitiacus, had come in the number of horse, being summoned by Caesar by name. These had a dispute with each other for precedence, and in the struggle between the magistrates they had contended with their utmost efforts, the 188 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK Til. one for Convictolitanis, the other for Cotus. Of these Epore- dirix, on learning tlic design of Litavicus, lays the matter before Caesar almost at midnight; he entreats that Caesar should not suffer their state to swerve from the alliance with the Roman people, owing to the depraved counsels of a few young men, which he foresaw would be the consequence if so many thousand men should unite themselves to the enemy, as their relations could not neglect their safety, nor the state regard it as a matter of slight importance. CHAP. XL. Caesar felt great anxiety on this intelligence, because he had always especially indulged the state of the -^Edui, and, without any hesitation, draws out from the camp four light-armed legions and all the cavalry : nor had he time, at such a crisis, to contract the camp, because the affair seemed to depend upon dispatch. He leaves Caius Fabius, his lieutenant, with two legions to guard the camp. When he ordered the brothers of Litavicus to be arrested, he discovers that they had fled a short time before to the camp of the enemy. He encouraged his soldiers " not to be disheartened by the labor of the journey on such a necessary occasion," and, after advancing twenty-five miles, all being most eager, he came in sight of the army of the JEdui, and, by sending on his cavalry, retards and impedes their march ; he then issues strict orders to all his soldiers to kill no one. He commands Epore- dirix and Viridomarus, Avho they thought were killed, to move among the cavalry and address their friends. When they were recognized and the treachery of Litavicus discovered, the ^Edui began to extend their hands to intimate submission, and, laying down their arms, to deprecate death. Litavicus, with his clans- men, who after the custom of the Gauls consider it a crime to desert their patrons, even in extreme misfortune, flees forth to Gergovia. CHAP. XLI. Cfesar, after sending messengers to the state of the ^Edui, to inform them that they whom he could have put to death by the right of war were spared through his kindness, and after giving three hours of the night to his army for his repose, directed his march to Gergovia. Almost in the middle of the journey, a party of horse that were sent by Fabius stated in how great danger matters were ; they inform him that the camp was attacked by a very powerful army, while fresh men were frequently relieving the wearied, CHAP. num. THE GALLIC "WAR. 189 and exhausting our soldiers by the incessant toil, since on account of the size of the camp, they had constantly to remain on the rumpart ; that many had been wounded by the immense number of arrows and all kinds of missiles ; that the engines were of great service in withstanding them ; that Fabius, at their depart- ure, leaving only two gates open, was blocking up the rest, and was adding breast-works to the ramparts, and was preparing himself for a similar casualty on the following day. Caesar, after receiving this information, reached the camp before sunrise owing to the very great zeal of his soldiers. CHAP. XLIL While these things are going on at Gergovia, the .JEdui, on receiving the first announcements from Litavicus, leave themselves no time to ascertain the truth of those state- ments. Some are stimulated by avarice, others by revenge and credulity, which is an innate propensity in that race of men to such a degree that they consider a slight rumor as an ascertained fact. They plunder the property of the Roman cilizens, and either massacre them or drag them away to slavery. Convicto- litanis increases the evil state of affairs, and goads on the people to fury, that by the commission of some outrage they may be ashamed to return to propriety. They entice from the town of Cabillonus, by a promise of safety, Marcus Aristius, a military tribune, who was on his march to his legion ; they compel those who had settled there for the purpose of trading to do the same. By constantly attacking them on their march they strip them of all their baggage ; they besiege day and night those that resisted ; when many were slain on both sides, they excite a great number to arms. CHAP. XLIII. In the mean time, when intelligence was brought that all their soldiers were in Caesar's power, they run in a body to Aristius ; they assure him that nothing had been done by public authority ; they order an inquiry to be made about the plundered property ; they confiscate the property of Litavicus and his brothers ; they send embassaders to Caasar for the purpose of clearing themselves. They do all this with a view to recover their soldiers ; but being contaminated by guilt, and charmed by the gains arising from the plundered property, as that act was shared in by many, and being tempted by the fear of punishment, they began to form plans of war and stir up the other states by embassies. Although Cassar was aware of this proceeding, yet he addresses the 190 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. uooa fii. embassadors with as much mildness as ho can : " That he did not think worse of the state on account of the ignorance and fickleness of the mob, nor would diminish his regard for the ^Elui." He himself, fearing a greater commotion in Gaul, in order to prevent his being surrounded by all the states, began to form plans as to the manner in which ho should return from Gergovia and again concentrate his forces, lest a departure arising from the fear of a revolt should seem like a flight. CHAP. XLIV. While he was considering these things an opportunity of acting successfully seemed to offer. For, when he had come into the smaller camp for the purpose of securing the works, he noticed that the hill in the possession of the enemy was stripped of men, although, on the former days, it could scarcely be seen on account of the numbers on it. Being astonished, ho inquires the reason of it from the deserters, a great number of whom flocked to him daily. They all concur- red in asserting, what Csesar himself had already "ascertained by his scouts, that the back of that hill was almost level ; but like- wise woody and narrow, by which there was a pass to the other side of the town ; that they had serious apprehensions for this place, and had no other idea, on the occupation of one hill by the Romans, than that, if they should lose the other, they would be almost surrounded, and cut off from all egress and foraging ; that they were all summoned by Vercingetorix to fortify this place. CHAP. XLV. Csesar, on being informed of this circum- stance, sends several troops of horse to the place immediately after midnight ; he orders them to range in every quarter with more tumult than usual. At dawn he orders a large quantity of baggage to be drawn out of the camp, and the muleteers with helmets, in the appearance and guise of horsemen, to ride round the hills. To these he adds a few cavalry, with instructions to range more widely to make a show. He orders them all to seek the same quarter by a long circuit; these proceedings were seen at a distance from the town, as Gergovia commanded a view of the camp, nor could the Gauls ascertain at so great a distance, what certainty there was in the ma- neuver. He sends one legion to the same hill, and after it had marched a little, stations it in the lower ground, and conceals it in the woods. The suspicion of the Gauls are increased, and all their forces are marched to that place to CHAP. XLvn. THE GALLIC WAR. 191 defend it. Caesar, having perceived the camp of the enemy deserted, covers the military insignia of his men, conceals the standards, and transfers his soldiers in small bodies from the greater to the less camp, and points out to the lieutenants whom he had placed in command over the respective legions, what he should wish to be done; he particularly advises them to restrain their men from advancing too far, through their desire of fighting, or their hope of plunder; he sets before them what disadvantages the unfavorable nature of the ground carries with it ; that they could be assisted by dispatch alone : that success depended on a surprise, and not on a battle. After stating these particulars, he gives the signal for action, and detaches the jEdui at- the same time by another ascent on. the right. CHAP. XL VI. The town wall was 1200 -spaces distant from the plain and foot of the ascent, in a straight line, if no gap intervened ; whatever circuit was added to this ascent, to make the hill easy, increased the length of the route. But almost in the middle of the hill, the Gauls had previously built a wall six feet high, made of large stones, and extending in length as far as the nature of the g*>und permitted, as a barrier to retard the advance of our men ; and leaving all the lower space empty, they had filled the upper part of the hill, as far as the wall of the town, with their camps very close to one .another. The soldiers, on the signal being given, quickly advance to this for- tification, and passing over it, make themselves masters of the separate camps. And so great was their activity in taking the camps, that Teutomarus, the king of the Nitiobriges, being sud- denly surprised in his tent, as he had gone to rest at noon, with difficulty escaped from the hands of the plunderers, with the upper part of his person naked, and his horse wounded. CHAP. XLVTI. Caesar, having .accomplished the object which he had in view, ordered the signal to be sounded for a retreat ; and the soldiers of the tenth legion, by which he was then accompanied, halted. But the soldiers of the other legions, not hearing the sound of the trumpet, because there was a very large valley between them, were however kept back by the tribunes of the soldiers and the lieutenants, according to Caesar's orders ; but being animated by the prospect of speedy victory, and the flight of the enemy, and the favorable battles of former periods, they thought nothing so difficult that their 192 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. bravery could not accomplish it ; nor did they put an end to the pursuit, until they drew nigh to the wall of the town and the gates. But then, when a shout arose in every quarter of the city, those who were at a distance being alarmed by the sudden tumult, fled hastily from the town, since they thought that the enemy were within the gates. The matrons begin to cast their clothes and silver over the wall, and bending over as far as the lower part of the bosom, with outstretched hands beseech the Romans to spare them, and not to sacrifice to their resentment even women and children, as they had done at Avaricum. Some of them let themselves down from the walls by their hands, and surrendered to our soldiers. Lucius Fabius, a centurion of the eighth legion, who, it was ascertained, had said that day among his fellow soldiers that he was excited by the plunder of Avaricum, and would not allow any one to mount the wall before him, finding three men of his own com- pany, and being raised up by them, scaled the wall. He him- self, in turn, taking hold of them one by one drew them up to th wall. CHAP. XLVin. In the mean time those who had gone to the other part of the town to defend it, as we have mentioned above, at first, aroused by hearing he shouts, and, afterward, by frequent accounts, that the town was in possession of the Romans, sent forward their cavalry, and hastened in larger numbers to that quarter. As each first came he stood beneath the wall, and increased the number of his countrymen engaged in action. When a great multitude of them had assembled, the matrons, who a little before were stretching their hands from the Avails to the Romans, began to beseech their country- men, and after the Gallic fashion to show their disheveled hair, and bring their children into public view. Neither in position nor in numbers was the contest an equal one to the Romans ; at the same time, being exhausted by running and the long continuation of the fight, they could not easily withstand fresh and vigorous troops. CHAP. XLIX. Csesar, when he perceived that his soldiers were fighting on unfavorable ground, and that the enemy's forces were increasing, being alarmed for the safety of his troops, sent orders to Titus Sextius, one of his lieutenants, whom he had left to guard the smaller camp, to lead out his cohorts quickly from the camp, and post them at the foot of the CHAP. LL THE GALLIC "WAR. 193 hill, on the right wing of the enemy ; that if he should see our men driven from the ground, he "should deter the enemy from following too closely. He himself, advancing with the legion a little from that place where he had taken his post, awaited the issue of the battle. CHAP. L. While the fight was going on most vigorously, hand to hand, and the enemy depended on their position and numbers, our men on their bravery, the ^Edui suddenly appeared on our exposed flank, as Caesar had sent them by another ascent on the right, for the sake of creating a diversion. These, from the similarity of their arms, greatly terrified our men ; and although they were discovered to have their right shoulders bare, 1 which was usually the sign of those reduced to peace, yet the soldiers suspected that this very thing was done by the enemy to deceive them.* At the same time Lucius Fabius the centurion, and those who had scaled the wall with him, being surrounded and slain, were cast from the wall. Marcus Petreius, a centurion of the same legion, after attempting to hew down the gates, was overpowered by numbers, and, despairing of his safety, having already re- ceived many wounds, said to the soldiers of his own company who followed him : " Since I can not save you as well as my- self, I shall at least provide for your safety, since I, allured by the love of glory, led you into this danger, do you gave your- selves when an opportunity is given." At the same time he rushed into the midst of the enemy, and slaying two of them, drove back the rest a little from the gate. When his men attempted to aid him, " In vain," he says, " you endeavor to procure me safety, since blood and strength are now failing me, therefore leave this, while you have the opportunity, and retreat to the legion." Thus he fell fighting a few moments after, and saved his men by his own death. CHAP. LI. Our soldiers, being hard pressed on every side, were dislodged from their position, with the loss of forty-six centurions; but the tenth legion, which had been posted in reserve on ground a little more level, checked the 1 It is more than probable that Caesar had entered into a compact with such of the Gallic states as he had brought under the sway and alliance of Rome, that when engaging in battle against their countrymen they should leave their right shoulders bare, in order that the Roman soldiers might be able to distinguish between friend and foe. 9 194 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIEa BOOK vu. Gauls in their eager pursuit. It was supported by the cohorts of the thirteenth legion, which, being led from the smaller camp, had, under the command of Titus Sextius, occupied the higher ground. The legions, as soon as they reached the plain, halted and faced the enemy. Vercingetorix led back his men from the part of the hill within the fortifications. On that day little less than seven hundred 1 of the soldiers were missing. CHAP. LIT. On the next day, Caesar, having called a meet- ing, censured the rashness and avarice of his soldiers, "In that they had judged for themselves how far they ought to proceed, or what they ought to do, and could not be kept back by the tribunes of the soldiers and the lieutenants;" and stated, "what the disadvantage of the ground could effect, what opinion he himself had entertained at Avaricum, when having surprised the enemy without either general or cavalry, he had given up a certain victory, lest even a trifling loss should occur in the contest owing to the disadvantage of position. That as much as he admired the greatness of their courage, since neither the fortifications of the camp, nor the height of the mountain, nor the wall of the town could retard them ; in the same degree he censured their licentiousness and arro- gance, because they thought that they knew more than their general concerning victory, and the issue of actions : and that he required in his soldiers forbearance and self-command, not less than valor and magnanimity." CHAP. LIU. Having held this assembly, and having encouraged the soldiers at the conclusion of his speech, " That they should not be dispirited on this account, nor attribute to the valor of the enemy, what the disadvantage of position had caused;" entertaining the same views of his departure that he had previously had, he led forth the legions from the camp, and drew up his army in order of battle in a suitable place. When Vercingetorix, nevertheless, would not descend to the level ground, a slight cavalry action, and that a successful one, having taken place, he led back his army into the camp. When he had done this, the next day, thinking 1 Prendeville well remarks that we might naturally infer from .the number of officers that perished a much greater loss among the soldiers ; however, it is by no means improbable that, as the rashness of the cen- turions contributed largely to the defeat of the troops, so they endeavored, by the reckless exposure of their lives, to atone for their misconduct. CHAP. LT. THE GALLIC WAR. 195 that he had done enough to lower the pride of the Gauls, and to encourage the minds of his soldiers, he moved his camp in the direction of the JEdui. The enemy not even then pursuing us, on the third day he repaired the bridge over the river Allier, and led over his whole army. CHAP. LIV. Having then held an interview with Viri- domarus and Eporedorix the JEduans, he learns that Litavicus had set out with all the cavalry to raise the ^Edui ; that it was necessary that they too should go before him to confirm the state in their allegiance. Although he now saw distinctly the treachery of the jEdui in many things, and was of opinion that the revolt of the entire state would be hastened by their departure ; yet he thought that they should not be detained, lest he should appear either to offer an insult, or betray some suspicion of fear. He briefly states to them when departing his services toward the ^Edui : in what a state and bofr humbled he had found them, driven into their towns, deprived of their lands, stripped of all their forces, a tribute imposed on them, and hostages wrested from them with the utmost insult ; and to what condition and to what greatness 1 he had raised them, [so much so] that they had not only recovered their former position, but seemed to surpass the dignity and influence of all the previous eras of their history. After giving these admonitions he dismissed them. CHAP. LV. Noviodunum was a town of the ^Edui, advan- tageously situated on the banks of the Loire. Caesar had con- veyed hither all the hostages of Gaul, the corn, public money, a great part of his own baggage and that of his army ; he had sent hither a great number of horses, which he had purchased in Italy and Spain on account of this war. When Eporedorix and Viridomarus came to this place, and received information of the disposition of the state, that Litavicus had been admitted by the ^Edui into Bibracte, which is a town of the greatest importance among them, that Convictolitanis the chief magistrate and a great part of the senate had gone to meet him, that embassadors had been publicly sent to Ver- cingetorix to negotiate a peace and alliance ; they thought that so great an opportunity ought not to be neglected. Therefore, having put to the sword the garrison of Noviodunum, and those 1 The JEdui at this time numbered among their dependents the Segu- siani, Ambirareti, Boii, and Aulerci Brannovices. 196 OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. who had assembled there for the purpose of trading or were on their march, they divided the money and horses among themselves ; they took care that the hostages of the [different] states should be brought to Bibracte, to the chief magistrate ; they burned the town to prevent its being of any service to the Romans, as they were of opinion that they could not hold it ; they carried away in their vessels whatever corn they could in the hurry, they destroyed the remainder, by [throwing it] into the river or setting it on fire, they themselves began to collect forces from the neighboring country, to place guards and garrisons in different positions along the banks of the Loire, and to display the cavalry on all sides to strike terror into the Romans, [to try] if they could cut them off from a supply of provisions. In which expectation they were much aided, from the circumstance that the Loire had swollen to such a degree from the melting of the snows, that it did not seem capable of being forded at all. CHAP. LVI. Cassar on being informed of these movements was of opinion that he ought to make haste, even if he should run some risk in completing the bridges, in order that he might engage before greater forces of the enemy should be collected in that place. For no one even then considered it an absolutely necessary act, that changing his design he should direct his march into the Province, both because the infamy and disgrace of the thing, and the intervening mount Cevennes, and the difficulty of the roads prevented him ; and especially because he had serious apprehensions for the safety of Labienus whom he had detached, and those legions whom he had sent with him. Therefore, having made very long marches by day and night, he came to the river Loire, contrary to the expectation of all ; and having by means of the cavalry, found out a ford, suitable enough considering the emergency, of such depth that their arms and shoulders could be above water for supporting their accoutrements, he dispersed his cavalry in such a manner as to break the force of the current, and having confounded the enemy at the first sight, led his army across the river in safety ; and finding corn and cattle in the fields, after refreshing his army with them, he determined to march into the country of the Senones. CHAP. LVII. While these things are being done by CHAP. LIX. THE GALLIC WAR. 197 Caesar, Labienus, leaving at Agendicum the recruits who had lately arrived from Italy, to guard the baggage, marches with four legions to Lutetia (which is a town of the Parisii, situated on an island on the river Seine), whose arrival being discovered by the enemy, numerous forces arrived from the neighboring states. The supreme command is intrusted to Camalugenus one of the Aulerci, who, although almost worn out with age, was called to that honor on account of his extraordinary knowledge of military tactics. He, when he observed that there was a large marsh 1 which communicated 1 with the Seine, and rendered all that country impassable, encamped there, and determined to prevent our troops from passing it. CHAP. LVHL Labienus at first attempted to raise Vineae, fill up the marsh with hurdles and clay, and secure a road. After he perceived that this was too difficult to accomplish, he issued in silence from his camp at the third watch, and reached Melodunum by the same route by which he came. This is a town of the Senones, situated on an island in the Seine, as we have just before observed of Lutetia. Having seized upon about fifty ships and quickly joined them together, and having placed soldiers in them, he intimidated by his un- expected arrival the inhabitants, of whom a great number had been called out to the war, and obtains possession of the town without a contest. Having repaired the bridge, which the enemy had broken down during the preceding days, he led over his army, and began to march along the banks of the river to Lutetia. The enemy, on learning the circum- stance from those who had escaped from Melodunum, set fire to Lutetia, and order the bridges of that town to be broken down : they themselves set out from the marsh, and take their position on the banks of the Seine, over against Lutetia and opposite the camp of Labienus. CHAP. LIX. ^Caesar was now reported to have departed from Gergovia ; intelligence was likewise brought to them concerning the revolt of the ^Edui, and a successful rising in Gaul ; and that Caesar, having been prevented from prosecut- ing his journey and crossing the Loire, and having been com- pelled by the want of corn, had marched hastily to the province. 1 This, according to Achaintre, is the part of Paris known by the name of Le Marais. A. 2 Literally, " flowed into." 198 OESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK Tir. But the Bellovaci, who had been previously disaffected of themselves, on learning the revolt of the JEdui, began to assemble forces and openly tcr prepare for war. Then Labienus, as the change in affairs was so great, thought that he must adopt a very different system from what he had previously intended, and he did not now think of making any new acquisitions, or of provoking the enemy to an action ; but that he might bring back his army safe to Agendicum. For, on one side, the Bellovaci, a state which held the highest reputation for prowess in Gaul, were pressing on him ; and Camulogenus, with a disciplined and well-equipped army, held the other side ; moreover, a very great river separated and cut off the legions from 1 the garrison and baggage. He saw that, in consequence of such great difficulties being thrown in his way, he must seek aid from his own energy of disposition. CHAP. LX. Having, therefore, called a council of war a little before evening, he exhorted his soldiers to execute with diligence and energy such commands as he should give ; he assigns the ships which he had brought from Melodunum to Roman knights, one to each, and orders them to fall down the river silently for four miles, at the end of the fourth watch, and there wait for him. He leaves the five cohorts, which he considered to be the most steady in action, to guard the camp ; he orders the five remaining cohorts of the same legion to proceed a little after midnight up the river with all their baggage, in a great tumult. He collects also some small boats ; and sends them in the same direction, with orders to make a loud noise in rowing. He himself, a little after, marched out in silence, and, at the head of three legions, seeks that place to which he had ordered the ships to be brought. CHAP. LXI. When he had arrived there, the enemy's scouts, as they were stationed along every part of the river, not expecting an attack, because a great storm had suddenly arisen, were surprised by our soldiers : the infantry and cavalry are quickly transported, under the superintendence of the Roman knights, whom he had appointed to that office. Almost at the same time, a little before daylight, intel- ligence was given to the enemy that there was an unusual tumult in the camp of the Romans, and that a strong force was 1 He refers to the garrison which he left at Agendicum to guard the baggage. CHAP. tun. THE GALLIC WAR. 199 inarching up the river, and that the sound of oars was dis- tinctly heard in the same quarter, and that soldiers were being conveyed across in ships a little below. On hearing these things, because they were of opinion that the legions were passing in three different places, and that the entire army, being terrified by the revolt of the ^Edui, were preparing for flight, they divided their forces also into three divisions. For leaving a guard opposite to the camp and sending a small body in the direction of Metiosedum, 1 with orders to advance as far as the ships would proceed, they led the rest of their troops against Labienus. CHAP. LXTL By day-break all our soldiers were brought across, and the army of the enemy was in sight. Labienus, having encouraged his soldiers " to retain the memory of their ancient valor, and so many most successful actions, and imagine Caesar himself, under whose command they had so often routed the enemy, to be present," gives the signal for action. At the first onset the enemy are beaten and put to flight in the right wing, where the seventh legion stood : on the left wing, which position the twelfth legion held, although the first ranks fell transfixed by the javelins of the Romans, yet the rest resisted most bravely ; nor did any one of them show the slightest intention of flying. Camulogenus, the general of the enemy, was present and encouraged his troops. But when the issue of the victory was still uncertain, and the circumstances which were taking place on the left wing were announced to the tribunes of the seventh legion, they faced about their legion to the enemy's rear and attacked it : not even then did any one retreat, but all were surrounded and slain. Camulogenus met the same fate. But those who were left as a guard opposite the camp of Labienus, when they heard that the battle was commenced, marched to aid their countrymen and take possession of a hill, but were unable to withstand the attack of the victorious soldiers. In this manner, mixed with their own fugitives, such as the woods and mountains did not shelter were cut to pieces by our cavalry. When this battle was finished, Labienus returns to Agendicum, where the bag- gage of the whole army had been left : from it he marched with all his forces to Caesar. CHAP. LXHL The revolt of the JEdui being known, the war 1 Metiosedum now Meudon, situated on the Seine, below Paris. 200 (LESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK vn. grows more dangerous. Embassies are sent by them in all directions : as far as they can prevail by influence, authority, or money, they strive to excite the state [to revolt]. Having got possession of the hostages whom Caesar had deposited with them, they terrify the hesitating by putting them to death. The ^Edui request Vercingetorix to come to them and communicate his plans of conducting the war. On obtaining this request they insist that the chief command should be assigned to them ; and when the affair became a disputed question, a council of all Gual is summoned to Bibracte. They came together in great numbers and from every quarter to the same place. The decision is left to the votes of the mass ; all to a man ap- prove of Vercingetorix as their general. The Remi, Lingones, and Treviri were absent from this meeting ; the two former because they attached themselves to the alliance of Rome ; the Treviri because they were very remote and were hard pressed by the Germans ; which was also the reason of their being absent during the whole war, and their sending auxiliaries to neither party. The JEdui are highly indignant at being deprived of the chief command; they lament the change of fortune, and mi^s Caesar's indulgence toward them ; how- ever, after engaging in the war, they do not dare to pursue their own measures apart from the rest. Eporedorix and Viridomarus, youths of the greatest promise, submit reluctantly to Vercingetorix. CHAP. LXIV.- The latter demands hostages from the re- maining states ; nay, more, appointed a day for this proceeding ; he orders all the cavalry, fifteen thousand in number, to quickly assemble here ; he says that he will be content with the infantry which he had before, and would not tempt fortune nor come to a regular engagement ; but since he had abund- ance of cavalry,' it would be very easy for him to prevent the Romans from obtaining forage or corn, provided that they them- selves should resolutely destroy their corn and set fire to their houses; by which sacrifice of private property they would evidently obtain perpetual dominion and freedom. After arranging these matters, he levies ten thousand infantry on the JEdui and Segusiani, 1 who border on our province : to these he adds eight hundred horse. He sets over them the 1 Segusiani, a people of Gallia Celtica, to the west of the Rhine. Their country was traversed by the Loire, near the source of that river. CHAP. LXVI. THE GALLIC WAR. 201 brother of Eporedirix, and orders him to wage war against the Allobroges. On the other side he sends the Gabali and the nearest cantons of the Arverni against the Helvii ; he likewise sends the Ruteni and Cadurci to lay waste the territories of the Volcae Arecomici. Besides, by secret messages and embassies, he tampers with the Allobroges, whose minds, he hopes, had not yet settled down after the excitement of the late war. To their nobles he promises money, and to their state the dominion of the whole province. CHAP. LXV. The only guards provided against all these contingencies were twenty-two cohorts, which were collected from the entire province by Lucius Caesar, the lieutenant, and opposed to the enemy in every quarter. The Helvii, volun- tarily engaging in battle with their neighbors, are defeated, and Caius Valerius Donotaurus, the son of Caburus, the principal man of the state, and several others, being slain, they are forced to retire within their towns and fortifications. The Allobroges, placing guards along the course of the Rhine, defend their frontiers with great vigilance and energy. Caesar, as he per- ceived that the enemy were superior in cavalry, and he himself could receive no aid from the Province or Italy, while all com- munication was cut off, sends across the Rhine into Germany to those states which he had subdued in the preceding cam- paigns, and summons from them cavalry and the light-armed infantry, who were accustomed to engage among them. On their arrival, as they were mounted on unserviceable horses, he takes horses from the military tribunes and the rest, nay, even from the Roman knights and veterans, and distributes them among the Germans. CHAP. LXVL In the mean time, whilst these things are going on, the forces of the enemy from the Arverni, and the cavalry which had been demanded from all Gaul, meet together. A great number of these having been collected, when Caesar was marching into the country of the Sequani, through the confines of the Lingones, in order that he might the more easily render aid to the province, Vercingetorix en- camped in three camps, about ten miles from the Romans: and having summoned the commanders of the cavalry to a council, he shows that the time of victory was come ; that the Romans were fleeing into the Province and leaving Gaul ; that this was sufficient for obtaining immediate freedom ; but was of 9* 202 CJESAB'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKVII. little moment in acquiring peace and tranquillity for the future ; for the Romans would return after assembling greafer forces, and would not put an end to the war. Therefore they should attack them on their march, when encumbered. If the infantry should [bo obliged to] relieve their cavalry, and be retarded by doing so, the march could not be accomplished : if, aban- doning their baggage they should provide for their safety (a result which, he trusted, was more like to ensue), they would lose both property and character. For as to the enemy's horse, they ought not to entertain a doubt that none of them would dare to advance beyond the main body. In order that they [the Gauls] may do so with greater spirit, he would marshal all their forces before the camp, and intimidate the enemy. The cavalry unanimously shout out, " That they ought to bind themselves by a most sacred oath, that he should not be received under a roof, nor have access to his children, parents, or wife, who shall not twice have ridden through the enemy's army." CHAP. LXVII. This proposal receiving general appro- bation, and all being forced to take the oath, on the next day the cavalry were divided into three parts, and two of these divisions made a demonstration on our two flanks ; while one in front began to obstruct our march. On this circumstance being announced, Caesar orders his cavalry also to form three divisions and charge the enemy. Then the action commences simultaneously in every part : the main body halts ; the bag- gage is received within the ranks of the legions. If our men seemed to be distressed, or hard pressed in any quarter, Caesar usually ordered the troops to advance, and the army to wheel round in that quarter; which conduct retarded the enemy in the pursuit, and encouraged our men by the hope of support. At length the Germans, on the right wing, having gained the top of the hill, dislodge the enemy from their position and pursue them even as far as the river at which Vercingetorix with the infantry was stationed, and slay several of them. The rest, on observing this action, fearing lest they shonld be surrounded, betake themselves to flight. A slaughter ensues in every direction, and three of the noblest of the JEdui are taken and brought to Caesar: Cotus, the commander of the cavalry, who had been engaged in the contest with Convictolitanis the last election, Cavarillus, CHAP. LUX. THE GALLIC WAR. 203 who had held the command of the infantry after the revolt of Litavicus, and Eporedorix, under whose command the ^Edui had engaged in war against the Sequani, before the arrival of Caesar. CHAP. LXY11I. All his cavalry being routed, Vercingetorix led back his troops in the same order as he had arranged them before the camp, and immediately began to march to Alesia, which is a town of the Mandubii, and ordered the baggage to be speedily brought forth from the camp, and follow him closely. Caesar, having conveyed his baggage to the nearest hill, and having left two legions to guard it, pursued as far as the time of day would permit, and after slaying about three thou- sand of the rear of the enemy, encamped at Alesia 1 on the next day. On reconnoitering the situation of the city, finding that the enemy were panic-stricken, because the cavalry in which they placed their chief reliance, were beaten, he encouraged his men to endure the toil, and began to draw a line of circumval- lation round Alesia. CHAP. LXIX. The town itself was situated on the top of a hill, in a very lofty position, so that it did not appear likely to be taken, except by a regular siege. Two rivers, on two different sides, washed the foot of the hill. Before the town lay a plain of about three miles in length ; on every other side hills at a moderate distance, and of an equal degree of height, sur- rounded the town. The army of the Gauls had filled all the space under the wall, comprising a part of the hill which looked to the rising sun, and had drawn in front a trench and a stone wall six feet high. The circuit of that for- tification, which was commenced by the Romans, comprised eleven miles. The camp was pitched in a strong position, and twenty-three redoubts were raised in it, in which sentinels 1 Alesia, a strongly fortified town of the Mandubii, near the sources of the Seine, and situated on the summit of a mountain now Mount Auxois. It was washed on two sides by the small rivers Lutosa and Osera, now Oze and Ozerain. Alesia is famous for the siege it stood against Caesar. It was taken and destroyed by him, but was afterward rebuilt and became a place of considerable consequence under the Roman emperors. At the foot of Mount Auxois is a village still called Alisa According to tradition, Alesia was founded by Sercules, which would imply that the place had been originally a Phcenican stronghold for purposes of inland traffic. The Greek writers, however, say that it took its name from the wanderings of that hero on his expedition into Spain, uTrd rye Kara rrjv arpareiav (i7/f. A. 204 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKVU. were placed by day, lest any sally should be made suddenly ; and by night the same were occupied by watches and strong guards. CHAP. LXX. The work having been begun, a cavalry action ensues in that plain, which we have already described as broken by hills, and extending three miles in length. The contest is maintained on both sides w,ith the utmost vigor ; Caesar sends the Germans to aid our troops when distressed, and draws up the legions in front of the camp, lest any sally should be suddenly made by the enemy's infantry. The courage of our men is increased by the additional support of the legions ; the enemy being put to flight, hinder one another by their numbers, and as only the narrower gates were left open, are crowded together in them ; then the Germans pursue them with vigor even to the fortifications. A great slaughter ensues ; some leave their horses, and endeavor to cross the ditch and climb the wall. Caesar orders the legions which he had drawn up in front of the rampart to advance a little. The Gauls, who were within the fortifications, were no less panic-stricken, think- ing that the enemy were coming that moment against them, and unanimously shout " to arms ;" some in their alarm rush into the town ; Vercingetorix orders the gates to be shut, lest the camp should be left undefended. The Germans retreat, after slaying many and taking several horses. CHAP. LXXI. Vercingetorix adopts the design of sending away all his cavalry by night, before the fortifications should be completed by the Romans. He charges them when departing "that each of them should go to his respective state, and press for the war all who were old enough to bear arms ; he states his own merits, and conjures them to consider his safety, and not surrender him who had deserved so well of the general freedom, to the enemy for torture ; he points out to them that, if they should be remiss, eighty thousand chosen men would perish with him ; that upon making a calculation, he had barely corn for thirty days, but could hold out a little longer by economy." After giving these instructions he silently dismisses the cavalry in the second watch, [on that side] where our works were not completed ; he orders all the corn to be brought to himself; he ordains capital punishment to such as should not obey; he dis- tributes among them, man by man, the cattle, great quan- CHAP. T.TTTTT. THE GALLIC WAR. 205 titles of -which had been driven there by the Mandubii ; he began to measure out the corn sparingly, and by little and little ; he receives into the town all the forces which he had posted in front of it. In this manner he prepares to await the succors from Gaul, and carry on the war. CHAP. LXXII. Caesar, on learning these proceedings from the deserters and captives, adopted the following system of fortification ; he dug a trench twenty feet deep, with perpen- dicular sides, in such a manner that the base of this trench should extend so far as the edges were apart at the top. He raised all his other works at a distance of four hundred feet from that ditch ; [he did] that with this intention, lest (since he necessarily embraced so extensive an area, and the whole works could not be easily surrounded by a line of soldiers) a large number of the enemy should suddenly, or by night, sally against the fortifications; or lest they should by day cast weapons against our men while occupied with the works. Having left this interval, he drew two trenches fifteen feet broad, and of the same depth ; the innermost of them, being in low and level ground, he filled with water conveyed from the river. Behind these he raised a rampart and wall twelve feet high ; to this he added a parapet and battlements, with large stakes cut like stags' horns, projecting from the junction of the parapet and battlements, to prevent the enemy from scaling it, and surround- ed the entire work with turrets, which were eighty feet distant from one another. CHAP. LXXMI. It was necessary, at one and the same time, to procure timber [for the rampart], lay in supplies of corn, and raise also extensive fortifications, and the available troops were in consequence of this reduced in number, since they used to advance to some distance from the camp, and sometimes the Gauls endeavored to attack our works, and to make a sally from the town by several gates and in great force. On which Caesar thought that further additions should be made to these works, in order that the fortifications might be defensible by a small number of soldiers. Having, therefore, cut down the trunks of trees or very thick branches, and having stripped their tops of the bark, and sharpened them into a point, he drew a continued trench every where five feet deep. These stakes being sunk into this trench, and fastened firmly at the bottom, to prevent the possibility of their being torn up, had then: 206 CJESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOKVH. branches only projecting from the ground. There were five rows in connection with, and intersecting each other; and whoever entered within them were likely to impale themselves on very sharp stakes. The soldiers called these " cippi." Before these, which were arranged in oblique rows in the form of a quincunx, pits three feet deep were dug, which gradually diminished in depth to the bottom. In these pits tapering stakes, of the thickness of a man's thigh, sharpened at the top and hardened in the fire, were sunk in such a manner as to pro- ject from the ground not more than four inches ; at the same time for the purpose of giving them strength and stability, they were each filled with trampled clay to the height of one foot from the bottom : the rest of the pit was covered over with osiers and twigs, to conceal the deceit. Eight rows of this kind were dug, and were three feet distant from each other. They called this a lily from its resemblance to that flower. Stakes a foot long, with iron hooks attached to them, were entirely sunk in the ground before these, and were planted in every place at small intervals ; these they called spurs. CHAP. LXXIV. After completing these works, having selected as level ground as he could, considering the nature of the country, and having inclosed an area of fourteen miles, he constructed, against an external enemy, fortifications of the same kind in every respect, and separate from these, so that the guards of the fortifications could not be surrounded even by immense numbers, if such a circumstance should take place owing to the departure of the enemy's cavalry ; and in order that the Roman soldiers might not be compelled to go out of the camp with great risk, he orders all to provide forage and corn for thirty days. CHAP. LXXV. While those things are carried on at Alesia, the Gauls, having convened a council of their chief nobility, determine that all who could bear arms should not be called out, which was the opinion of Vercingetorix, but that a fixed number should be levied from each state ; lest, when so great a multitude assembled together, they could neither govern nor distinguish their men, nor have the means of supplying them with corn. They demand thirty-five thousand men from the ./Edui and their dependents, the Segusiani, Ambivareti, and Aulerci Brannovices ; an equal number from the Arverni in con- junction with the Eleuteti Cadurci, Gabali, and Velauni, who CHAP. Lirvi. THE GALLIC WAR 207 were accustomed to be under the command of the Arverni ; twelve thousand each from the Senones, Sequani, Bituriges, Sentones, Ruteni, and Carnutes ; ten thousand from the Bello- vaci ; the same number from the Lemovici ; eight thousand each from the Pictones, and Turoni, and Parisii, and Helvii ; five thousand each from the Suessiones, Ambiani, Mediomatrici, Petrocorii, Nervii, Morini, and Nitiobriges ; the same number from the Aulerci Cenomani ; four thousand from the Atrebates ; three thousand each from the Bellocassi, Lexovii, and Aulerci Eburovices ; thirty thousand from the Rauraci, and Boii ; six thousand from all the states together, which border on the Atlantic, and which in their dialect are called Armories 1 (in which number are comprehended the Curisolites, Rhedones, Ambibari, Caltes, Osismii, Lemovices, Veneti, and Unelli). Of these the Bellovaci did not contribute their number, as they said that they would wage war against the Romans on their own account, and at their own discretion, and would not obey the order of any one : however, at the request of Commius, they sent two thousand, in consideration of a tie of hospitality which subsisted between him and them. CHAP. LXXVI. Csesar had, as we have previously narrated, availed himself of the faithful and valuable services of this Commius, in Britain, in former years : in consideration of which merits he had exempted from taxes his [Commius's] state, and had conferred on Commius himself the country of the Morini. Yet such was the unanimity of the Gauls in asserting their freedom, and recovering their ancient renown in war, that they were influenced neither by favors, nor by the rec- ollection of private friendship ; and all earnestly directed their energies and resources to that war, and collected eight thousand cavalry, and about two hundred and forty thou- sand infantry. These were reviewed in the country of the ^Edui, and a calculation was made of their numbers: com- manders were appointed : the supreme command is intrusted to Commius the Atrebatian, Viridomarus and Eporedorix the and Vergasillaunus the Arvernan, the cousin-german 1 Armorica, or Aremorica, a Celtic term applied in strictness to all parts of Gaul lying along the ocean. Caesar, however, confines the ap- pellation merely to the tract of country which corresponds to Normandy and Brittany. The name is derived from the Celtic Ar Moer, that is, Am Mur, " on the sea." A. 208 CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES. BOOK VIL of Vercingetorix. To them are assigned men selected from each state, by whose advice the war should be conducted. All march to Alesia, sanguine and full of confidence : nor was there a single individual who imagined that the Romans could withstand the sight of such an immense host : especially in an action carried on both in front and rear, when [on the inside] the besieged would sally from the town and attack the enemy, and on the outside so great forces of cavalry and infantry would be seen. CHAP. LXXVII. But those who were blockaded at Alesia, the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was going on among the _