UC-NRLF $B 23 7ET THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Mrs, Vernon De Mars !ATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS IN The Corcoran Gallery of Art Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from li IVIicrosoft Corporation WASHINGTON, D. C. 1917 http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofpaintOOcorcrich The Corcoran Gallery of Art {^7-^^^^ CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS IN HE Corcoran Gallery of Art 09 WASHINGTON, D, C. 1917 CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS IN The Corcoran Gallery of Art »f WASHINGTON, D. C. 1917 68th Edition 5,000 of the New Revised Edition In all 265,000 GIFT Press of W. F. Roberts Company Washington, D. C. 1917 /9/7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Charles C. Glover William A. Clark William Corcoran Eustis Henry White Thomas Hyde C. Powell Minnigerode John M. Wilson George E. Hamilton James Parmelee OFFICERS President and Treasurer Charles C. Glover Vice-President William Corcoran Eustis Secretary and Director C. Powell Minnigerode Secretary to the Director Emily P. Millard Janitor Benjamin V. Darrell 433 COMMITTEES ON FINANCE Thomas Hyde John M. Wilson George E. Hamilton ON THE BUILDING John M. Wilson Henry White William C. Eustis ON WORKS OF ART Charles C. Glover Henry White William C. Eustis C. Powell Minnigerode James Parmelee ON LEGISLATION George E. Hamilton William C. Eustis William A. Clark ON ACCOUNTS Thomas Hyde John M. Wilson 'I^S^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^!2^^^^^^^3^S5j MAIN ENTRANCE ON SEVENTEENTH STREET HISTORY OF THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART, originally located at the corner of Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, including ground, building, its contents, and en- dowment fund, was the gift of the late Mr. William Wilson Corcoran to the public by deed, dated May 10, 1869, "to be used solely for the purposes of encouraging American genius in the production and preservation of works pertaining to the Fine Arts, and kindred objects," with the condition that it should be open to visitors without any pecuniary charge what- ever at least two days in each week, with authority to charge for admission at other times such moderate and reasonable fee 8 History of The Corcoran Gallery of Art as might be prescribed, the proceeds arising therefrom to be applied to the current expenses of the Institution. The Institution was chartered by Act of Congress May 24, 1870. By that act the building and its contents were declared exempt from all taxation. The original building was designed by Mr. James Renwick, architect, and begun in 1859, but before completion, early in 1861, it was occupied by the United States Quartermaster- General's Department until 1869. On the 10th of May, 1869, its owner placed it in the hands of a Board of nine Trustees for the purposes already named. After the Institution was incorporated by Congress, in 1870, the general work of reconstruction and adaptation of the building to its original purpose was begun, and finished in 1871. In 1873 a Trustee went to Europe empowered to purchase works of art for the Gallery, and Mr. Corcoran's private col- lection of pictures and statuary was then placed in it. On November 6, 1873, the Board of Trustees completed the organ- ization of the Institution. On the 19th of January, 1874, the Picture Galleries, Octagon Room, and the Hall of Bronzes were thrown open for private exhibition by day and night, Mr. Corcoran receiving the congratulations of his friends upon the fulfilment thus far of his munificent plans. On April 29, 1874, the Halls of Sculpture and of Bronzes were opened to the public, and in December, 1874, the two side galleries of sculpture adjoining the Main Hall ; so that all the rooms of the Institution for exhibition purposes were then opened to the public. ^ THE PRESENT GALLERY The building on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventeenth Street was used for the purposes for which it was intended until it became apparent that, as planned, it would, in a comparatively short time, be wholly inadequate for the proper display of the works of art belonging to the Gallery, while larger and better facilities were already required for the rapidly growing Free School of Art, for which thoughtful provision had been previously made by Mr. Corcoran. At the same time it was found that, through inability to acquire land adjoining its site, it would be impossible to enlarge the then existing building so as to meet the future wants of the two establish- ments. These conditions impressed upon the minds of the Trustees the necessity of providing, without d^elay, fojr the erection of a larger, more conveniently arranged, and better lighted building, upon a plot of ground large enough to not only furnish space for the projected structure, but also to provide for such enlargements of the Gallery as might be re- quired from time to time to suitably house future acquisitions of paintings, sculptures, etc. With these ends in view, steps were taken to find and secure a proper location, and on the 3d of April, 1891, the purchase of a portion of Square 171, fronting on Seventeenth and E Streets, respectively, on the east and south, and on New York Avenue on the north, was ordered, and subsequently purchased. On the 9th of January, 1892, it was determined to erect a new Gallery building on the eastern portion of the ground thus secured, and designs and plans for the proposed structure were invited from a number of prominent architects. Those submitted by Mr. Ernest Flagg, of New York, were deemed best, and, after some alterations, and modifications, they were accepted, and he was employed to carry them out, under the 10 The Present Gallery supervision of a special committee, created and empowered for that purpose, and contracts were authorized and entered into accordingly, as follows: On June 26, 1893, the ground for the foundation of the new building was broken. On October 9, 1893, the contract was made for the stone foundations. On January 31, 1894, the contract for the basement walls was let. On May 10, 1894, the corner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. On June 23, 1894, the contract for the erection of the building was accepted; and on January 8, 1897, the keys of the building were delivered to the Trustees and the work of transferring the works of art from the old to the new building was com- menced. On the evening of the 22d of February, of the same year, the new building was first formally opened, for a a private view, to which more than three thousand invitations were issued. The invitations were largely accepted, and, not- withstanding the inclement weather of the evening, the several rooms were at times filled to their utmost capacity. The attend- ance included the President of the United States and Mrs. Cleve- land; the members of his Cabinet and their wives; Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers, and members of their respective legations; Senators and Representatives in Congress; the Judi- ciary; Artists and Connoisseurs of the Arts; officers of the Army and Navy, and hundreds of other ladies and gentlemen prominent in private and public life. The whole building was brilliantly illuminated by over three thousand electric lights, presenting a scene of rare beauty; and music by the Marine Band, which was present by courtesy of the Secretary of the Navy, added to the charm of the occasion. The Present Gallery 11 The Reception Committee consisted of the members of the Board of Trustees, as then constituted, as follows: Edward Clark, Samuel H. Kauffmann, Frederick B. McGuire, Walter S. Cox, Charles C. Glover, Calderon Carlisle, Matthew W. Galt, William Corcoran Eustis, Thomas Hyde. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING T HE building stands with its main front on Seventeenth Street, extending from New York Avenue on the north to E Street on the south, a distance of 259 feet, extending back 133 feet, and occupies about half of the lot. The style of architecture is Neo-Grecian, the material being white Georgia marble, on a basement of Mil ford pink granite. The first story is pierced by windows; the second story rises in a solid white wall broken only by a row of open-work marble panels along the upper edge, which serve as ventilators to the Galleries. Between these panels and the cornice, which is rich in orna- ~~^ '~'' mental carving, extends a narrow frieze bearing in Roman letters the names of some of the most famous painters and sculptors of ancient and modern times. The roof of glass slants sharply upward to the ridge, which is finished by a cresting of bronze, terminating at each end of the building in a winged grifiin. The severity of the elevation is broken by the curve at the north end, in which is located the Art School. It also contains a semi-circular auditorium on the first or main floor, used for lectures, etc., and on the floor above, a gallery for various special or temporary exhibitions, which connects with the main picture galleries on the second floor. 16 Description of the Building The main entrance to the building is on Seventeenth Street. On either side of the steps, upon white marble pedestals, rests a colossal bronze lion, cast from moulds made over the famous lions by Canova, which guard the tomb of Clement XIII, in St. Peter's, Rome. Passing through this entrance, a broad and easy flight of stairs leads directly to the main corridor or atrium. This is the largest hall in the building, being 170 feet long and 50 feet wide, running north and south of the main entrance on the first floor. Its light comes through openings or light-wells in the ceiling above, which is supported by forty fluted monolith columns of Indiana limestone. This spacious hall is devoted to the exhibition of casts from sculptures of the antique and Renaissance periods. The rooms surrounding it — except those required for the library, administration purposes, etc. — are also given up to original marbles, casts, bronzes, etc., including the large and valuable collection of the works of the late Antoine Louis Barye, the eminent French sculptor of animals. Directly in front, upon entering, and upon the further or western side of the hall or atrium, rises the grand white marble staircase, fifteen feet in width, and of easy tread, which leads to the second-story atrium, of the same dimensions as the one below. This has an immense skylight supported by thirty-eight fluted monolith columns, also of Indiana limestone. Ten large doorways, with sliding doors, lead from the atrium to the galleries for paintings — four fine large rooms on Seven- teenth Street, two small and one large one on E Street, and two still larger on the west, on either side of the main staircase, all admirably adapted for their purpose and perfectly lighted, whether for day or night exhibitions. The entrance on the north or New York Avenue side of the building leads to the auditorium, a spacious room, of beautiful proportions, and also to several of the rooms set apart for the School of Art. Description of the Building 17 The dimensions of all the rooms and galleries are given on the accompanying floor plans. The Gallery is open to the public as follows: On Sundays J from November 1st to July 1st, from 1.30 to 4.30 P.M. On Mondays, from 12.00 M. to 4.00 P.M. 11 On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Satur- days from 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. On Christmas Day and July 4th it is closed to the public, but on other public holidays it is open from 10.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. On public holidays and Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays the admission is free. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays an admittance fee of 25 cents is charged. For information concerning Copying, Art Education, etc., see Prospectus of the Art School, separately printed, to be had by application to the Principal of the Art School. Photographs of the principal paintings and other works of art in the Gallery are for sale at the door. I PAINTINGS Note. — The dimensions of paintings in thi~s Catalogue are given in inches, the figures named first indicating the height, the others the width of the canvas. ACHENBACH, Oswald DUsseldorf School Born, Diisseldorf, February 2, 1827 ; died February 1, 1905. Land- scape painter. Brother and pupil of Andreas Achenbach. Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1859; Second Class, 1861, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1863. 1 FESTIVAL OF SANTA LUCIA, NAPLES Painted 1886 Size: 55x77 ALEXANDER, John W. American School Born, Alleghany, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1856; died, New York, June 1, 1915. Figure, portrait, and mural painter. Studied in Munich, Venice, and Florence. Bronze Medal, Munich Academy, 1880; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1897; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1899; Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Carnegie Prize, Society American Artists, 1901 ; First Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1903; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1901 ; First-class Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pitts- burgh, 1911. Associate National Academy of Design, 1901; Na- tional Academy, 1902 (President 1909-1915) ; Mural Painters (Vice- President) ; National Institute of Arts and Letters ; Societe de Pientres et Sculpteurs, Paris; Societe Nationale des Beaux-^Arts, Paris; International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers, London ; Royal Society of British Artists ; Munich Secession ; Vienna Secession; Trustee Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, etc. 2 A MEADOW FLOWER Painted 1912 Size: 50x40 20 Paintings ANDREWS, Eliphalet F. American School Born, Steubenville, Ohio, June 11, 1835; died, Washington, District of Columbia, March 19, 1915. Portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy and of Knaus and Bonnat. For twenty-five years was Director of the Corcoran School of Art. 3 JAMES M. CARLISLE (First President of the Board of Trustees of The Corcoran Gallery of Art) Painted 1897 Size: 30x25 ANSHUTZ, Thomas Pollock American School Bom Newport, Kentucky, October 5, 1851 ; died, Fort Washing- ton, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1912. Painter and teacher. Pupil of National Academy of Design, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and of Doucet and Bouguereau, Paris. Honorable Mention, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1901 ; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1909. Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1909. Member of Fellowship, and also of Faculty, of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Philadelphia Water- Color Club; New York Water-Color Club. A DUTCHMAN Gift of Mrs. Louis Bennett Size: 80x40 BACON, Henry American School Born, Hav-erhill, Massachusetts, 1839; died, Cairo, Egypt, March 13, 1912. Painted in oils and water colors. Made a specialty of Egyptian subjects. Visited Paris in 1864, where he became a pupil of the ficole des Beaux Arts and of Cabanel; and in 1866-67 studied under Edouard Frere at Ecouen. 6~ THE NILE — EVENING (Water color) Size: 19x36^^ JOHN W. ALEXANDER A Meadow Flower No. 2 of the Catalogue Paintings 21 BAIL, J. A. French School 6 SUNDAY MORNING IN AUVERGNE Painted 1874 Size: 35x46 BAKER, George A. American School Born, New York, 1821 ; died there April 2, 1880. Portrait painter. Pupil of the National Academy, and studied two years (1844-46) in Europe. Noted for his portraits of women and children. Elected National Academy in 1851. 7 IDEAL HEAD Painted 1865 Size: 27x22 BARCLAY, J. Edward American School At one time occupied a studio in this city, during which time this portrait of Mr. S. H. Kauffmann was painted from life. No bio- graphical data at hand concerning this painter. 8 SAMUEL HAY KAUFFMANN [Elected Trustee of The Corcoran Gallery of Art, February 26, 1881; President, Board of Trustees, from October 15, 1894, until his death, on March 15, 1906.] Size: 30x25 Gift of Mr. Kauffmann's heirs. BECKER, Carl Ludwig Friederick German School Born, Berlin, December 18, 1820; died, December 20, 1900. History and genre painter. Pupil of Berlin Academy. Professor and Sena- tor of the Royal Academy of Berlin; President, 1888. 9 POPE JULIUS II, WITH RAPHAEL, M, AN- GELO, VITTORIA COLONNA, AND BRA- MAN TE, VIEWING THE NEWLY EX- HUMED STATUE OF THE APOLLO BELVEDERE Painted 1887 Size: 60x81 22 Paintings BENSON, Frank W. American School Born, Salem, Massachusetts, March 24, 1862. Painter and etcher of portraits, interiors, birds and landscapes with figures ; also teacher. Pupil of Boston Museum School; Boulanger and Lefebvre, in Paris. Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1889; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1891 ; Ellsworth Prize, Art Institute of Chicago; Jordan Prize, Boston, $500 in 1894, and $300 in 1895; Boston Art Club Prize, $1,000 in 1895, and $100 in 1896; Shaw Purchase, Society American Artists, 1896; Chrono- logical Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1896; Second-class Medal, $1,000, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1899; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1903 ; Gold Medal, $1,500, Carnegie Institute, 1903 ; two Gold Medals, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 ; Proctor Prize, National Academy of Design, 1906; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1906; Second Prize, $500, donated by Charles C. Glover, Corcoran Gallery, 1907; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1908; Harris Silver Medal, Art Institute of Chicago, 1909; Palmer Medal and Prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1910. Associate National Academy, 1897; National Academy, 1905; Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 10 MY DAUGHTER Size: 30x26 BIERSTADT, Albert American School Born, Diisseldorf, Germany, January 7, 1830; died New York, February 18, 1902. Landscape painter. Brought by his parents in 1831 to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where his youth was spent. Began painting in oils in 1851 ; returned to Diisseldorf in 1853, and studied four years there and in Rome. On his return to the United States in 1857 he made a sketching tour in the Rocky Moun- tains, and from this and other visits to the West gathered materials for his most important pictures. He again visited Europe in 1867, 1878 and 1883. Elected National Academy, 1860; Legion of Honor, 1867. Medals: Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium, and various orders. 11 MOUNT CORCORAN (Southern Sierra, Nevada) Painted 1875 Size: 60x96 The peak rises 14,094 feet, and was named in compliment to Mr. Corcoran. FRANK W. BENSON My Daughter No. 10 of the Catalogue Paintings 23 12 ., THE LAST OF THE BUFFALO Size: 69x117. Gift of Mrs. Albert Bierstadt. BJORCK, Oscar Swedish School Born, Stockholm, Sweden, 1860. Studied in Munich and in Rome. "The Nailmakers" is regarded as the leading work of his Roman period. 13 THE NAILMAKERS Size: 53x59. Gift to the Gallery by a number of its friends, May 1, 1896. BLAKELOCK, Ralph Albert American School Born, New York, October 15, 1847. Landscape painter. Self- taught. Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1900. Elected As- sociate National National Academy, 1913. 14 COLORADO PLAINS Size: 16x24 BOGERT, George H. American School Born, New York, 1864. Landscape painter. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, and of Puvis de Chavannes, Aime Morot and E. Boudin in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1892; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1898; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1899; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1902 and 1907; Silver Medal, St. Louis Ex- position, 1904. Elected Associate National Academy, 1899; Society of American Artists, 1899. 15 SUNSET Size : 28 x 36 Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, of New York. 24 Paintings BONHAM, Horace American School Born, West Manchester, Pennsylvania, 1835; died, 1892. Genre painter. Pupil of Bonnat, in Paris. 16 HEARING THE ISSUE AT THE COCKPIT Size: 20x27 BONHEUR, Marie Rosa French School Born, Bordeaux, France, March 22, 1822; died, Paris, May 25, 1899. Animal painter. Pupil of her father, Raymond B. Bonheur. Began copying in the Louvre ; afterwards made sketches and studies near Paris. She was the founder and director of the Paris Free School of Design for Young Girls. Elected member of the Antwerp Institute in 1868. Medals: Third Class, 1845; First Class, 1848; 1855; Second Class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1865; Leopold Cross, 1880; Commander's Cross of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880; Officer of the Most Noble Order of Santo Jacobo, 1894. 17 BULL Size: 15x18^/^ Gift of the heirs of the Estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. BOUGHTON, George Henry English School Born, near Norwich, England, 1834; died, London, January 19, 1905. Genre painter. Self-taught. His family went to Albany, New York, in 1837. First exhibited at the National Academy of Design, New York, in 1858. Elected National Academy, 1871 ; Associate Member of the Royal Academy, 1870, and of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water-Colors, London, 1887, whene he was resident R. A., 1896. 18 THE HEIR PRESUMPTIVE Painted 1873 Size: 42x73 Paintings 25 \ 19 EDICT OF WILLIAM THE TESTY (Illustrates a passage from Irving's "Knickerbocker's History of New York," Chapter 8) Painted 1877 Size : 42 x 66 BOUQUET, Michel French School Born, L'Orient (Morbihan), October 17, 1807; died, 18—. Land- scape and marine painter. Pupil of Gudin. Famous as a painter on porcelain. Medals: Third Class, 1839; Second Class, 1847, 1848; Legion of Honor, 1881. 20 HALT OF HUNTERS AT FONTAINEBLEAU Size: 17x23 BRlfeTON, Ifemile Adelard French School Born, Courrieres (Pas-de-Calais), 1831; died, November, 1902. Landscape painter. Brother and pupil of Jules Breton. Medals: 1866, 1867, 1868; First Class, 1878; Philadelphia (1876); Vienna (1873); Legion of Honor, 1878; Order of Leopold. 21 SUNSET Painted 1869 Size: 43x66 22 SNOW SCENE— MOON RISE Painted 1873 Size: 22x34 'BRlSTON, Jules Adolphe French School Born, Courrieres (Pas-de-Calais), May 1, 1827; died, Paris, July 5, 1906. Landscape and figure painter. Pupil of Drolling and of Felix de Vigne, whose daughter he married in 1858. M-edals: Third Class, 1855; Second Class, 1857; First Class, 1859, 1861, 1867 ; Medal of Honor, 1872 ; Legion of Honor, 1861 ; Officer, 1867 ; Commander, 1889 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold, of Belgium ; Member of the Institute, 1886; also of the Academies of Milan, Vienna, Madrid, Stockholm, Antwerp and Brussels. Author of several books. 26 Paintings 23 BRITTANY WIDOW Painted 1886 Size: 37x31 (Represents a sailor's widow, who carries to the altar of St. Ann, the virgin patroness of Brittany sailors, a taper to the memory of her husband.) BRIDGMAN, Frederick Arthur American School Born, Tuskegee, Alabama, November 10, 1847. Genre painter. Pupil of Brooklyn Art Association, and of J. L. Gerome in Paris. In 1870-72 he sketched in the Pyrenees, and in 1873-74 in Algiers, Egypt and Nubia. Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1877; Second Class and Legion of Honor, 1878. Elected National Academy, 1881. Studio in Paris. 24 PROCESSION OF THE SACRED BULL, APIS'OSIRIS (When the ancient Egyptians found a black and white bull marked with a triangular spot in the forehead and a cross on his back they believed that the animal contained the spirit of their god Osiris, and he was held sacred. The picture represents a pro- cession in his honor.) Painted 1879 Size: 39x69 BROOKE, Richard Norris American School Born, Warrenton, Virginia, October 20, 1847. Landscape and figure painter; also teacher. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and of Bonnat and Benjamin Constant in Paris. Elected Vice-Principal of the Corcoran School of Art, June 20, 1902. 25 A PASTORAL VISIT Painted 1881 Size: 46x65 26 INCOMING TIDE Painted 1912 Size: 24x371/^ GEORGE de FOREST BRUSH Mother and Child No. 30 of the Catalogue Paintings 27 II BROWN, John G. American School Born, Durham, England, November 11, 1831; died, New York City, February 8, 1913. Genre painter. Studied first at New- castle-on-Tyne, then at Edinburgh Academy, and in 1853 at the schools of the National Academy of Design, New York. Elected Associate National Academy, 1862, and to the National Academy in 1863. 27 ALLEGRO AND PENSEROSO Painted 1864-1865 Size: 8x14 28 THE LONGSHOREMAN'S NOON Painted 1879 \ Size: 33x50 BROWNE, W. English School 29 RETURN FROM MARKET Size: 25x32 BRUSH, George de Forest American School Born, Shelbyville, Tennessee, September 28, 1855. Figure painter and painter of Indian subjects. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, and of Gerome in Paris. Awards: First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1888; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1897; Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Saltus Medal, National Academy of Design, 1909. Elected, Society of American Artists, 1880; Asso- ciate National Academy, 1888; National Academy, 1901. 30 MOTHER AND CHILD Painted 1902 Size: 38x28 28 Paintings BURNIER, Richard Dutch School Born, The Hague, 1826; died, Diisseldorf, March 17, 1884. Land- scape and animal painter. Studied from nature and after the Ehitch Masters, then in Diisseldorf under A. Achenbach and Schirmer. and later in Paris after Troyon. Member of the Am- sterdam Academy. 31 CATTLE ON THE SEASHORE NBAR SCHEVENINGEN Painted 1881 Size: 41x63 Awarded a Gold Medal at the Brussels Exposition of 1881. CARLSEN, Dines American School Born, March 28, 1901. Still life painter. Pupil of his father, Emil Carlsen. 32 THE BRASS KETTLE Painted 1916 Size: 20x24 CARLSEN, Emil American School Born, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 19, 1853. Still life, land- scape and figure painter. Studied architecture at Danish Royal Academy. Came to United States in 1872. Awards: Second Inness Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1904; Shaw Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1904; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Wiebb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1905; Inness Medal, National Academy of Design, 1907; Third Medal, Carnegie Institute, 1908; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1912; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1913; Silver Medal, National Arts Club, New York, 1915; Medal of Honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Society of American Artists, 1902; Associate National Academy, 1904; National Academy, 1906; National Institute of Arts and Letters, etc. 33 MOONLIGHT ON A CALM SEA Size: 58x47 Paintings 29 CARLSON, John F. American School Born in Sweden, 1875. Landscape painter; also teacher. Studied under American masters. Awards: First Prize, Swedish-American Exhibition, Chicago, 1911; First Isidor Prize, Water Color Exhibi- tion, Salmagundi Club, 1912; First Vezin Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1912; Silver Medal, Society of Washington Artists, 1913; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected, Associate National Academy, 1911; New York Water Color Club; American Water Color Society; Salmagundi Club. Instructor Woodstock School of Landscape Painting. 34 WOODS IN WINTER Size : 46 X 56 CASILEAR, John W. American School Born, New York, June 25, 1811; died Saratoga Springs, New York, 1893. Landscape painter. Studied in Europe in 1840 and 1857. Elected Associate National Academy, 1835; National Academy, 1851. 35 LAKE GEORGE Size : 25 X 45 Gift of Miss Josephine E. Harrison. CASSATT, Maiy American School Born, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Figure painter and etcher. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; was asso- ciated with the modern French School of Monet, Renoir, Pissario and Degas. Awards: Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1904; Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1914. Elected Associate National Academy of Design, 1909; Legion of Honor, 1904. 36 LA FEMME AU CHIEN Size: 39x26 30 Paintings CAZIN, Jean Charles French School Born, Samer (Pas-de-Calais), May, 1840; died, Lavandon, May 27, 1901. Landscape painter. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Medals: First Class, 1880; Legion of Honor, 1882; Officer, 1889. 37 MOONLIGHT IN HOLLAND Size : 25 X 32 38 LANDSCAPE Size: 18x22 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Was'hington. CHASE, Harry American School Born, Woodstock, Vermont, 1853; died, 1889. Landscape and marine painter. Studied in Munich, also at The Hague; and in Paris under Soyer. Awarded First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1885. Elected Associate National Academy, 1883. 39 THE HARBOR OF NEW YORK Painted 1885 Size: 40x72 CHASE, William M. American School Born, Franklin, Indiana, November 1, 1849; died, New York, October 25, 1916. Portrait, still life, and landscape painter; also teacher. Pupil of B. F. Hayes in Indianapolis; J. O. Eaton, in New York; A. Wagner and Piloty in Munich. Awards: Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1881 ; Honors, Munich, 1883 ; Silver Medal, Paris Salon, 1889; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894; Shaw Prize. Society of American Artists, 1895; Gold Medal of Honor, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1895; Gold Medal, Paris Ex- position, 1900; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1901 ; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 ; First Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1904; Proctor Prize, National Academy of Design, 1912. Member: Associate National Academy, WILLIAM M. CHASE Portrait of Hon. William A. Clark No. 40 of the Catalogue Paintings 31 1888; National Academy, 1890; Society of American Artists, 1879; American Water-Color Society; Munich Secession; Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters, etc. 40 PORTRAIT OF HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK Size: 50x40 Size: 36x40 Size: 19x16 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire, of Washington. CHIALIVA, Luigi French School Born, Caslano, Switzerland, 1842; died, Paris, April, 1914. Studied first in Milan and afterwards in Paris and Berlin. Decorated by the King of Italy in 1885. Painted 1914 Gift of Senator Clark. 41 AN ENGLISH COD 42 THE MODEL (Pastel) 43 A SHOWER Painted 1880 Size: 22x31 44 FINE WEATHER Painted 1880 Size: 22x31 45 THE OLD SHEPHERD Size: 26x41 Gift of the heirs of the Estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. CHIERICI, Gaetano Italian School Born, Reggio, Italy, 1838. Genre painter. Noted for humorous interior scenes with children. Professor at Academy, Rome, and Florence. Medals: Rome, Lisbon, and Florence. 32 Paintings 46 THE MASK (or 'TUN AND FRIGHT') Painted 1874 Size: 29x41 CHURCH, Frederick Edwin American School Born, Hartford, Connecticut, May 4, 1826; died. New York, April 2, 1900. Landscape and marine painter. Pupil of Thomas Cole, at Catskill, New York, where his first pictures were painted. Medal : Second Class, Paris, 1867. Elected National Academy, 1849. 47 NIAGARA FALLS Painted 1857 Size: 42x90 48 SCENERY ON THE MAGDALENA RIVER, GRANADA, SOUTH AMERICA Painted 1854 Size: 27x36 COLE, Thomas American School Born, Bolton le Moore, England, February 1, 1801; died near Catskill, New York, February 11, 1848. Landscape painter. In 1819 his father emigrated to America and settled in Ohio, where Thomas first learned the rudiments of his art from a portrait painter named Stein. Two of his allegorical series, "The Course of Empire" and "Voyage of Life," were very popular. 49 . THE DEPARTURE Painted 1837 Size: 39x63 50 THE RETURN Painted 1837 Size: 39x63 COMTE, Pierre Charles French School Born, Lyons, April 23, 1823; died, December, 1895. Genre and history painter. Pupil of Paul Delaroche, H. Vernet and Robert Fleury. Medals: Third Class, 1852; Second Class, 1853, 1855, 1857; Third Class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1857. Paintings 33 51 SCENE AT FONTAINEBLEAU— COSTUME OF LOUIS XI Painted 1874 Size: 31x21 COROT, Jean Baptiste Camille P^'^^'^ ^^^^ol {Barhizon) Born, Paris, July 20, 1796; died there, February 23, 1875. Land- scape painter. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals : Sec- ond Class, 1833; First Class, 1848 and 1855; Second Class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer, 1867; Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 52 WOOD-GATHERERS Dated 1875 • Size: 45x65 [Corot was inspired to use for the motive of this picture an old study by Morvan representing a landscape with St. Jerome at prayer. Alfred Robaut owned the sketch for this picture, and also another one in which the composition was changed from "St. Jerome" to "The Wood-Gatherers." Corot made several sketches for this picture and, in the last transformation of the motive, he changed the principal figure and added other figures. The studies show the transition to an enlargement of the final painting. The painting was destined to become the property of a Mr. Breysse. Corot signed it in his bed 'a few days before his death. It was exhibited at the Salon in 1875 (No. 519 of the catalogue), and was sold at the Faure sale April 29, 1878. It appeared at The Cor- coran Gallery of Art in 1886. See "The Works of Corot," by Alfred Robaut, published, Paris, F. Floury, 1905, Vol. Ill, page 322, No. 2196.] COUDER, ^mile Gustave French School Born, Paris. Pupil of M. Vasselon. Salon Exhibitor up to 1893. 53 FLOWER PIECE {WITH CAT) Bought at Paris Exposition of 1873 Size: 45x58 54 FLOWER PIECE Painted 1872 Size: 14x16 34 Paintings COURBET, Gustave French School Born, Ornans (Doubs), June 10, 1819; died at Tour de Peil, near Vevay, January 1, 1878. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter. Studied chiefly with David d' Angers. He exhibited in 1844, though it was not until 1849 that he first attracted attention. As chief in- stigator of the overthrow of the Vendome Column, May 16, 1871, he was sentenced to six months' imprisonment and to bear the cost of restoration. After his release he retired to Switzerland. 55 LANDSCAPE Size: 19^x23^ COUTURE, Thomas French School Born, Senlis (Oise), December 21, 1815; died, Villiers le Bel (Seine et Oise), March 31, 1879. History and genre painter. Pupil of Gros and Paul Delaroche. Won the Grand Prix in 1837; Medals: 1844, 1847. 1855; Legion of Honor, 1848. 56 FEMALE HEAD Size: 21x19 CRANE, Bruce American School Born, New York City, October 17, 1857. Landscape painter. Pupil of A. H. Wyant. Awards: Webb Prize, Society American Artists, 1897; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Inness Medal, National Academy of Design, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Third Prize, Carnegie Institute, Pitts- ^ burgh, 1909; Saltus Medal, National Academy of Design, 1912. Member: Associate National Academy of Design, 1897; National Academy of Design, 1901 ; Society of American Artists, 1881 ; Amer- ican Water-Color Society; New York Water-Color Club; Artists' Fund Society; Salmagundi Club, 1888; Lotos Club; Union Inter- nationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. -57 NOVEMBER HILLSIDES Size : 32 x 40 u^ < < . Paintings 35 DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois French School Born, Paris, February 15, 1817; died there, February 20, 1878. Landscape painter. Son and pupil of the distinguished miniature painter of the French Restoration, Edme Francois D'aubigny, 1789- 1843. Studied under Paul Delaroche. Medals: 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874; Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Ex- position Universelle, 1878. 58 A HAMLET ON THE SEINE, NEAR VERNON Painted 1872 Size: 34x58 DAVEY, Randall American School Painter. Awards: Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1915 ; Honorable Mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 1915. 59 OLD SEA CAPTAIN Size : 40 x 32 Gift of Mrs. Robert E. Westcott. DAVIS, Charles H. American School Born, Amesbury, Massachusetts, January 7, 1856. Landscape painter. Pupil of Otto Grundmann and Boston Museum School; Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Awards: Gold Medal, American Art Association, New York, 1886; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1887; $2,000 Prize, American Art Association, New York, 1887; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Hor Goncours, Paris Salon; Palmer Prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1890; Medal, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, Boston, 1890; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Grand Gold Medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Second Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1902; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Harris Bronze Miedal Art Institute of Chicago, 1914; Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Member: Society of American Artists, New York, 1886; Associate National Academy, 1901 ; National Academy, 1906 ; Copley Society. 36 Paintings 60 THE DEEPENING SHADOWS Painted 1884 Size: 28x45 DE BOCK, Theophile Dutch School Born, The Hague, 1851; died 1904. Landscape painter. Pupil of Jakob Maris, J. W. Van Borselen and J. Weissenbruch. Awards : Medals at Amsterdam; Munich; Berlin; Paris (Exposition Uni- verselle, 1889); Chicago World's Fair, 1893; and Barcelona, 1894; Diploma of Honor at Ghent; Silver Medal at the Exposition Uni- verselle, Paris, 1900; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. 61 THE POUDON COMMONS Size : 32 x 56 DE BRAEKELEER, Ferdinandus Dutch School Born, Antwerp, February 19, 1792; died there, May 16, 1883. History and genre painter. Pupil of Antwerp Academy, and of M. I. Van Bree. Obtained the Great Prize, 1819; Order of Leopold. Director of Antwerp Museum. 62 THE UNHAPPY FAMILY Painted 1853 Size: 28x23 63 THE HAPPY FAMILY Painted 1853 Size: 28x23 DE CAMP, Joseph American School Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 5, 1858. Portrait and figure painter. Pupil of Frank Duveneck at Cincinnati Academy; Royal Academy in Munich. Awards: First Prize, City Hall Decorative Competition, Philadelphia; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; 1899; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Second Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Corcoran Galley of Art, 1909; Beck Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1912; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1915. Member: Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Philadelphia Art Club. Paintings 37 64 THE SEAMSTRESS Painted 1916 Size: 36x28 DE MARNE, Jean Louis French School Born, Brussels, 1754; died, Batignolles, near Paris, March 24, 1829. Called "Demarnette." Genre and landscape painter. Pupil in Paris of Gabriel Briand. Studied the works of the Dutch Masters. Medal, First Class, 1806, 1819; Legion of Honor, 1828. 65 INTERIOR 66 INTERIOR Size: 8»/2xl01/2 Size: 8I/2XIOK2 DE NEUVILLE, Alphonse Marie French School Born, St. Omar (Pas-de-Calais), France, May 31, 1836; died, Paris, May 20, 1885. Genre and military painter. Studied three years in ficole de Droit, Paris, but gave up law for Art, becoming a pupil of Picot and Pils, and soon won a place among the foremost French military painters. Awards : Third Class Medal, 1859 ; Second Class Medal, 1861; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer, 1881. 67 CHAMPIGNY (Water Color) Painted 1882 Size: 55x79 DESGOFFE, Blaise Alexandre French School Born, Paris, January 17, 1830 ; died May 1, 1901. Still life painter. Pupil of Flandrin. Studied the works of the old Dutch and Flemish masters. Awards : Third Class Medal, 1861 ; Second Class Medal, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1878. 68 SOUVENIRS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES Painted 1874 Size: 40x36 38 Paintings DETAILLE, Jean Baptiste Edouard French School Born, Paris, October 5, 1848; died, Paris, December 24, 1912. Genre and military painter. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Ex- hibited at Salon, 1868, his "Halt of Infantry," which received much praise, and in 1869 the "Rest During Drill at Camp St. Maur," which established his reputation as one of the most popular military painters of the day. President of the Society of French Artists, 1895. Medals: Paris, 1869, 1870, 1872; Medal of Honor, 1888; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer, 1881; Commander, 1897; Grand Medal of Honor, 1897; Grand Cordon of the Order of St. Stanislas of Russia, 1897; Military Medal of England (Queen's Jubilee), 1897. 69 THE PASSING REGIMENT Painted 1875 Size: 50x50 This picture first appeared in the Paris Exposition of 1875. and was afterwards exhibited in Brussels, when it was purchased for this Gallery. Loaned for Exhibition at the Exhibition Universelle, Paris, 1889, by request of the artist. 70 GENERAL OF THE FIRST EMPIRE Painted 1892 Size: 32x26 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. 71 FRENCH CUIRASSIERS BRINGING IN BAVARIAN PRISONERS (Water Color) Painted 1875 Size: 17x22 DEWEY, Charles Melville American School Born, Lowville, New York, July 16, 1849. Landscape paintei. Pupil of Carolus-Duran in Paris. Awards : Silver Medal. Fan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904. Elected Associate National Academy, 1903 ; National Academy, 1907; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 72 EDGE OF THE FOREST Painted 1888 Size: 36x50 Paintings 39 DEWING, Thomas Wilmer American School Born, Boston, Massachusetts, May 4, 1851. Figure painter. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, in Paris. Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1887; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1906; First Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1908. Elected Associate National Academy, 1887; Na- tional Academy, 1888; Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters 73 LADY WITH A MASK Size: 22x24 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Virgilio P^^^^^^ ^^^^oi Born, Bordeaux, of Spanish parents, August 21, 1808; died, Mentone, from the bite of a viper, November 18, 1876. Landscape painter. Self-taught; began as a porcelain painter. Medals: Third Class, 1844; Second Class, 1846; First Class, 1848; Legion of Honor, 1851. 74 THE APPROACHING STORM Painted 1870 Size: 33x42 DICKINSON, Sidney Edward American School Born, Wallingford, Connecticut, November 28, 1890. Portrait and figure painter. Pupil of George Bridgman and William M. Chase, at Art Students' League, and Douglas Volk, at National Academy of Design, New York City. Won Third Julius Hallgarten Prize, Spring Academy Exhibition, New York, 1917. 75 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Painted 1916 Size: 33x24 40 Paintings DODSON, Sarah Paxton Ball American School Born, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, February 22, 1847; died, Brighton, England, January 8, 1906. Landscape and figure painter. Pupil of M. Schussele, in Philadelphia; later, in Paris, of Evariste Vital Luminais and Jules Lefebvre ; also criticisms by Boutet de Monvel. Was an exhibitor at the Paris Salon. 76 DEBORAH Painted 1879 Size: 59x48 DOUGHERTY, Paul American School Born, Brooklyn, New York, September 6, 1877. Marine painter. Studied alone in Paris, London, Florence, Venice and Munich. Awards: Osborne Prize ($500), 1905; Second Prize, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1912; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1913 ; Gold Medal, Panama- Pacific International Ex- position, San Francisco, 1915. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy, 1906; National Academy, 1907; National Institute of Arts and Letters; American Water Color Society, New York. 77 THE LAND AND THE SEA Painted 1906 Size: 36x48 DOUGHTY, Thomas American School Born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1793; died, New York, July 24, 1856. Landscape painter. Self-taught. Size: 7x15 Size : 29 x 36 78 LANDSCAPE 79 TINTERN ABBEY Gift of William Church Osborn, Esquire. 80 WELSH SCENERY Size : 29 X 36 Gift of William Church Osborn, Esquire. Paintings 41 81 AUTUMN SCENE ON THE HUDSON Painted 1850 Size: 34x4« DUPRE, Jules French School Born, Nantes, 1811; died, L'Isle-Adam, October 6, 1889. Land- scape painter. Self-taught. One of the most original and powerful painters of the modern French School. Medals: Second Class, 1833 and 1867; Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer, 1870. 82 THE POND OF THE GREAT OAK Size: 37x30 DURAND, Asher Brown American School Born, South Orange, New Jersey, August 21, 1796; died there, 1886. He studied engraving with his father and with Peter Mav- erick, whose partner he became in 1817. His "Declaration of Inde- pendence," after Trumbull, brought him into prominent notice as an engraver One of the original members of the National Academy, and its President from 1845 to 1861. 83 EDGE OF THE FOREST Painted 1871 Size: 78x63 DYER, H. Anthony American School Born, Providence, Rhode Island, October 28, 1872. Landscape painter, chiefly in water-colors. Lecturer. Studied in Holland and France. Member Providence Art Club (President) ; Provi- dence Water-Color Club (President) ; Boston Society Water-Color Painters. 84 THE ROAD THAT LEADS THEM HOME (Water-Color) Size : 30 x 22 EASTMAN, Seth American School Born, Brunswick, Maine, 1808; died, 1875. (Colonel U. S. A.) 42 Paintings 85 LA CROSSE PLAYING AMONG THE SIOUX INDIANS Painted 1857 Size: 28x40'/2 ELDER, John A. American School Born, Fredericksburg, Virginia, February 3, 1833; died there, February 3, 1895. Painter of portraits and battle subjects. In his early youth he was a cameo carver. Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy and of Emanuel Leutze. Won prize at Diisseldorf Acad-emy. 86 GENERAL ROBERT EDWARD LEE Size: 54x40 87 GENERAL T. /. JACKSON Size : 55 x 40 ELLIOTT, Charles Loring American School Born, Scipio, New York, 1812; died, Albany, New York. 1868. Portrait painter. Pupil of John Trumbull and Quidor. Elected As- sociate National Academy, 1845; National Academy, 1849. 88 PORTRAIT OF MR. CORCORAN [The Founder of The Corcoran Gallery of Art. Bom, December 27, 1798. Died, February 24, 1888.] Painted 1867 Size: 98x68 89 COLONEL THOMAS L. McKENNEY Size: 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. 80 JAMES C. McGUIRE Size: 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. Paintings 43 91 WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT Painted 1854 Size: 24x20 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. 92 HORATIO STONE Size: 24x20 Gift of Samuel P. Avery, Esquire. 93 ASHER BROWN DURAND Painted 1864 Size: 22x27 FAED, John English School Born, Burley Mill, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, 1820; died, Batehouse, 1902. History and genre painter. Self-taught. Elected Associate Royal Scottish Academy, 1847; Royal Scottish Academy, 1851. 94 SHAKESPEARE AND HIS CONTEM- PORARIES Size : 53 X 67 FARLEY, Richard Blossom American School Born, Poultney, Vermont, October 24, 1875. Portrait and land- scape painter. Pupil of Whistler, Chase and Cecilia Beaux. Awards : Fellowship Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadel- phia, 1912; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1912; Fourth Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1914; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Mem- ber of Philadelphia Sketch Club; Allied Artists of America. 95 FOG Painted 1914 ♦ Size : 40 x 58 Awarded the Fourth Wm. A. Clark Prize, of $500, accompanied by the Corcoran Honorable Mention Certificate, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1914. 44 Paintings FOSTER, Ben American School Born, North Anson, Maine, July 31, 1852. Landscape painter and art writer. Student of Abbott H. Thayer in New York; Morot and Merson in Paris. Awards: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Second Prize, Cleveland, 1895 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, New York, 1901 ; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Carnegie Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1906; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1909. Elected Society of American Artists, 1897; As- sociate National Academy, 1901 ; National Academy, 1904 ; New York Water Color Club ; American Water Color Society, New York ; Century Association; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 96 SUNSET IN THE LITCHFIELD HILLS Size: 30x36 97 LATE AUTUMN MOON RISE Size: 42x48 FRERE, Pierre Edouard French School Born, Paris, January 10, 1819; died, Ecouen, May 23, 1886- Genre painter. Brother of Theodore Frere. Pupil of Paul Dela- roche and of 6cole des Beaux-Arts. Medals: Third Class, 1850, 1855; Second Class, 1852; Legion of Honor, 1855. 98 PREPARING FOR CHURCH Painted 1853 Size: 22x19 FULLER, George American School Born, Deerfield, Massachusetts, January 17, 1822, died Boston, March 21, 1884. Figure and portrait painter. Studied in Boston, New York, London and on the Continent of Europe. Elected Associate National Academy, 1857; Society of American Artists, New York. Paintings 45 99 LORETTE Painted 1882 Size: 50x30 GARBER, Daniel American School Born, North Manchester, Indiana, April 11, 1880. Landscape painter and teacher. Pupil of Nowottny at Cincinnati Art Academy and Thomas P. Anshutz at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Awards: Cresson Scholarship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903 ; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1909; Honorable Mention, Philadelphia Art Club, 1909; Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1910; Third Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1910; Bronze Medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1911 ; Palmer Prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1911; Second Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Cor- coran Gallery of Art, 1912; Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected, Associate, Na- tional Academy, 1910 ; National Academy, 1913 ; Fellowship, and Instructor since 1909, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 100 APRIL LANDSCAPE Size : 42 X 46 Awarded the Fourth Wm. A. Clark Prize of $500, accompanied by the Corcoran Honorable Mention Certificate, The Corcoran Gal- lery of Art, 1911. G6RICAULT, Jean Louis Andre Theodore French School Born, Rouen, September 26, 1791; died, Paris, January 18, 1824. History and animal painter; also modelled for sculpture. Pupil of Carle Vernet and Guerin, in France; also studied in Rome and Florence. Won Gold Medal on painting, entitled "Raft of the Medusa," at the Louvre, Paris, 1819. 101 STUDY OF A TORSO Size: 20x15 Gift of Julius Oehme, Esquire. 46 Paintings GEROME, Jean Leon French School Born, Vesoul, France, May 11, 1824; died, Paris, January 10, 1904. 'History and genre painter ; also sculptor and teacher. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre. Awards: Third Class Medal, 1847; Second Class, 1848, 1855; of Honor, 1867, 1874, 1878; for Sculpture, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1855; Officer, 1867; Commander, 1878. Member of the Institute, 1865. Professor, £cole des Beaux Arts, 1863. 102 C^SAR DEAD Size: 86x124 GIFFORD, Robert Swain American School Born, Island of Naushon, Gosnold, Massachusetts, December 23, 1840; died, New York, January 15, 1905. Landscape painter and etcher. Pupil of Albert van Beest. Awards : Gold Medal, Centen- nial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876; Prize of $2,500 in New York, 1885; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, Charleston Ex- position, 1902. Elected, Associate National Academy, 1870; National Academy, 1878; Society of American Artists, New York, 1877; American Water Color Society; Society of London Painters; Na- tional Arts Club ; Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, London. 103 OCTOBER ON MASSACHUSETTS COAST Painted 1873 Size: 11x21 Gift of the late A. J. Parsons. GIFFORD, Sanford R. American School Born, Greenfield, Saratoga County, New York, 1823 ; died. New York, 1880. Landscape painter. Graduate of Brown University in 1842. Pupil of J. R. Smith and National Academy. Elected Associate National Academy, 1851 ; National Academy, 1854. 104 RUINS OF THE PARTHENON Painted 1880 Size: 27x53 W en _o O X > o ^ O CO u o O 00 Paintings 47 GRAY, Henry Peters American School Born, New York, June 23, 1819; died, New York, November 12, 1877. Portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Daniel Huntington; afterwards studied in Rome and Venice. Elected, National Academy, 1842; President, National Academy, from 1869 to 1871. 105 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS Painted 1861 Size: 50x40 jRAYSON, Clifford Prevost American School Born, Philadelphia, July 14, 1859. Genre painter. Pupil of Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; and of Gerome and Bonnat, Paris. Awards: $2,000 Prize, American Art Galleries, New York, 1886; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1887. Member of Philadelphia Art Club; Society of Western Artists; Century Association. 106 MID-DAY DREAMS Painted 1886 Size: 49x35 Awarded to The Corcoran Gallery of Art in the Competitive Exhibition by the American Art Association, New York, 1886. GROLL, Albert L. American School Born, New York, December 8, 1868. Landscape painter. Pupil of Gysis and Loefftz in Munich. Awards : Morgan Prize, Salma- gundi Club, 1903; Honorable Mention, Munich; Shaw Prize, Salma- gundi Club, 1904; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Sesnan Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1906; Medals, Buenos Aires and Santiago Expositions, 1910; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1912 ; Silver Medal, Panama- Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected, As- sociate National Academy, 1906; National Academy, 1910; New York Water Color Club; American Water Color Society; Artists* Fund Society, New York. 107 NO MAN'S LAND, ARIZONA Size: 40x51 48 Paintings GUTHERZ, Carl American School Born, Schoeftland, Switzerland, January 28, 1844; died, Washing- ton, D. C, February 7, 1907. Painter of portraits, genre, ideal subjects and mural decorations. Pupil of Cabasson, Pils and ficole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Awards: Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876; Third Class, Paris, 1889. Resided in Washing- ton during the latter years of his life. 108 SUSAN B. ANTHONY Size: 24x20 Gift of Mrs. John B. Henderson. HALE, Philip L. American School Born, Boston, May 21, 1865. Son of Rev. Edward Everett Hale. Painter, teacher and writer. Pupil of J. Alden Weir in New York. Awards: Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Bronze Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Gold Medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Harris Silver Medal ($500) Art Institute of Chicago, 1914. Member: Philadelphia Art Club; Guild of Boston Artists. Instructor at Boston Museum School and Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 109 PORTRAIT (GIRL WITH MUFF) Size : 30 X 25 HARDING, Chester American School Born, Conway, Massachusetts, September 1, 1792; died, Boston, April 1, 1866. Portrait painter. Self-taught. 110 JOHN RANDOLPH, OF ROANOKE Painted 1830 Size: 30x25 HARRISON, Lovell Birge American School Born, Philadelphia, October 28, 1854. Landscape painter, teacher and writer. Pupil of Cabanel in Paris. Awards : Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889 ; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; , Paintings 49 Second Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1904; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Gold Medal, American Art So- ciety, Philadelphia, 1907; First Medal, Dallas, Texas, 1912; Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1902; National Academy, 1910; Society of American Artists, 1882; Na- tional Institute of Arts and Letters ; Fellowship, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Century Association; Life Member, National Arts Club ; MacDowell Club, New York ; New York Water Color Club; Allied Artists of America. 111 ROSE AND SILVER— MOONRISE Size: 30x40 HARRISON, Thomas Alexander American School Born, Philadelphia, January 17, 1853. Landscape and marine painter. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, ficole des Beaux-Arts, Bastien-Lepage and Gerome in Paris. Awards : Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1885 ; Temple Silver Medal, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1887; Gold Medal, Paris Ex- position, 1889 ; Second Medal, Munich Salon, 1891 ; Medal of Honor, Brussels and Ghent, 1892; Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1894 ; Medals of Honor at Vienna and Berlin. Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1889, Officer, 1901; Officer of Public Instruction, by French Government. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy, 1898; National Academy, 1901 ; Paris Society of American Painters ; Philadelphia Water Color Club (honorary); Cercle d'Union Artistique; Societe National des Beaux-Arts ; Royal Institute of Painters in Oil Colors, London ; Society of Secessionists, Berlin and Munich ; National In- stitute of Arts and Letters. 112 TWILIGHT Painted 1885 Size: 34x71 HART, James McDougal American School Born, Kilmarnock, Scotland, May 10, 1828; died, New York, 1901. Taken to America in 1831. Pupil of his brother, William Hart, and in 1851 of Schirmer, in Diisseldorf. Elected Associate National Academy, 1857; National Academy, 1859. 50 Paintings 113 THE DROVE AT THE FORD Painted 1874 Size: 54x38 HASSAM, Childe American School Born, Boston, October 17, 1859. Painter and etcher. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Awards: Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Gold Medal, Munich, 1892; Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1892; Bronze Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1893; Webb Prize, Society American Artists, 1895; Prize, Boston Art Club, 1896; Second Class Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1898; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1899; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 ; Clarke Prize, Na- tional Academy of Design, 1905 ; Third Class Medal, Carnegie In- stitute, Pittsburgh, 1905 ; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1906; Carnegie Prize, Society of American Artists, 1906; Third Prize, Worcester, 1906; Sesnan Gold Medal, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1910; Third Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1910; Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1912; First Wm. A. Clark Prize, The Cor- coran Gallery of Art, 1912. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1902; National Academy, 1906; American Water Color Society; Ten American Painters ; Munich Secession ; Association Societe Na- tional des Beaux-Arts; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 114 NORTHEAST HEADLANDS— NEW ENG- LAND COAST Painted 190— Size: 25x30 115 THE NEW YORK WINDOW Painted 1912 Size: 45/2x35 Awarded the First Wm. A. Clark Prize, of $2,000, accompanied by the Corcoran Gold M^edal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1912. Paintings 51 HAWTHORNE, Charles Webster American School Born, in Maine, 1872. Painter and teacher. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Students' League, New York; Wm. M. Chase at Shinnecock, Long Island. Awards: Obrig Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1902; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1904; Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1904; Shaw Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1904 ; Second Prize, Worcester, 1904 ; Second Hall- garten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1906; Honorable Men- tion, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1908; Silver M-edal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Qarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1911; Isidor Medal, National Academy of Design, 1914; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1915; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1908; National Academy, 1911; Societe National des Beaux Arts, Paris. 116 A FISHERMAN'S WIFE Size: 50x40 HAYDEN, Charles H. American School Born, Plymouth, Massachusetts, August 4, 1856; died, Belmont, Massachusetts, August 4, 1901. Landscape painter. Pupil of the Boston Museum School; and of Boulanger, Lefebvre and R. Collin, in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1889; Jordan Prize, Boston, 1895 ; Silver Medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Member of Boston Water Color Society. 117 THE POPLARS, CHATHAM, MASSA- CHUSETTS Size: 36x46 Gift of the Heirs of the Artist. HAYS, William Jacob American School Born, New York, August 8, 1830; died there, 1875. Animal painter. Pupil of J. R. Smith, New York. 118 HEAD OF A BULI^DOG Painted 1856 Size: 13x15 i A Paintings 53 123 BERTHA Size: 24x20 Gift of the artist. HENNER, Jean Jacques French School Born, Bernwiller, Alsace, March 5, 1829; died, Paris, July 23, 1905. Genre painter, chiefly nude figures. Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Awards: Grand Prix de Rome, 1858; Third Class, 1863, 1865 and 1878; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer, 1878; Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878; Member of the Institute, 1889. 124 JOAN OF ARC, IN INFANCY Size: 21xl7!/i HENRY, Edward Lamson American School Born, Charleston, South Carolina, January 12, 1841. Genre painter and illustrator. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and of F. Weber, in Philadelphia; and of Suisse, Gleyre and Courbet in Paris. Awards : Honorable Mention, Paris Ex- position, 1889; Medal, New Orleans Exposition, 1885; Medal, Co- lumbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Bronze Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1902; Bronze Medal St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Elected Associate National Academy, 1867 ; National Academy, 1869 ; American Water Color Society. 125 THE OLD WESTOVER MANSION Size: 11x14 Gift of a friend. HILDEBRANDT, Eduard German School Born, Dantzic, September 9, 1817; died, Berlin, October 25, 1868. Landscape and marine painter. Pupil in Berlin of Krause, and in Paris of Isabey. Professor Berlin Academy, 1853; Member, 1855. 126 MOONRISE IN MADEIRA Painted 1856 Size: 36x48 54 Paintings HOLMES, William H. American School Born, Harrison County, Ohio, 1846. Painter in water colors and oils. Self-taught. Awards : First Corcoran Prize, Washing- ton Water Color Club, 1900; Parson's Prize, Washington Water Color Club, 1902. Member of Washington V/ater Color Club; So- ciety of Washington Artists. Curator, National Gallery of Art, and Geologist and Archaeologist, Smithsonian Institution. 127 MIDSUMMER (Water Color) Painted 1907 Size: 18|/2x25 HOMER, WinsloW American School Born, Boston, February 24, 1836; died, Scarboro, Maine, Sep- tember 29, 1910. Genre, landscape and marine painter, in both oils and water colors. Pupil of National Academy of Design, and of F. Rondel, but mainly self-taught. First Prize, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1896; Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1896; Gold Medal, Paris Exposition. 1900; Gold Medal for Water Color, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1902; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Member of National Academy, 1865 ; American Water Color Society; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 128 A LIGHT ON THE SEA Painted 1897 Size: 28x48 129 THE HUDSON RIVER— LOGGING (Water Color) Size: 14x21 HUBARD, William J. American School Born, Warwick, England, 1807; died, Richmond, Virginia, 1862. Portrait painter. Had assistance and advice of Robert W. Weir and Thomas Sully. Exhibited at the National Academy of Design, 1834. At one time painted portraits in Baltimore. Paintings 55 130 JOHN C. CALHOUN Size: l9xUy2 HUNTINGTON, Daniel American School Born, New York, October 14, 1816; died, New York, April 18, 1906. Portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Professor Samuel F. B. Morse, 1835, and later of Inman; also of G. P. Ferrero in Rome. Elected Associate National Academy, 1839; National Acad- emy, 1840; President of National Academy, 1862-1869, and 1877- 1891 ; Vice-President, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1870-1903. 131 MERCY'S DREAM Painted 1850 Size: 89x69 (The scene which this picture illustrates is from Bunyan's "Pil- grim's Progress," and is as follows : "A sweet dream it was." . . . "Methought I looked up and saw one coming with wings towards me. So he came to me directly and said, 'Mercy, what aileth thee ;' He also wiped my eyes with his handkerchief, and clad me in silver and gold. Hie put a chain about my neck, and earrings in my ears, and a beautiful crown upon my head.") 132 JOSEPH HENRY Painted 1857 Size: 30x25 Bequeathed to the Gallery by the late James C. McGuire. INMAN, Henry American School Born, Utica, New York, October 20, 1801; died, New York, January 17, 1846. Portrait, landscape, and genre painter. Pupil of John W. Jarvis, New York. 133 HENRY CLAY Size : 27 x 22 56 Paintings INNESS, George American School Born, Newburgh, New York, May 1, 1825; died, Scotland, 1894. Landscape painter. Pupil of Gignoux, for one month, 1868. Visited Europe three times for study, the last time in 1871-1876. Elect-ed Associate National Academy, 1853; National Academy, 1868. 134 SUNSET IN THE WOODS Painted 1891 Size: 48x72 [Mr. Inness, under date of July 23, 1891, writes the following note about the painting: "The material for my picture was taken from a sketch made near Hastings, Westchester County, New York, twenty years ago. This picture was commenced seven years ago, but until last winter I had not obtained any idea commensurate with the impression re- ceived on the spot. The idea is to represent an effect of ligtit in the woods toward sundown, but to allow the imagination to pre- dominate."] 135 LANDSCAPE Size: 18x26 ISABEY, Eugene Louis Gabriel French School Born. Paris, July 22, 1804; died Paris, April 26, 1886. Land- scape and marine painter. Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey. Awards: First Class, 1824, 1827, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1832; Officer, 1852. 136 THE WEDDING FESTIVAL Painted 1874 Size: 25x21 ISHAM, Samuel American School Born, New York, May 12, 1855; died, East Hampton, Long Island, June 12, 1914. Painter and writer. Pupil of Julian Academy in Paris, under Jacquesson de la Chevreuse, Boulanger and Lefebvre. Awarded: Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Member of Society of American Artists, 1891 ; Associate National Academy, 1900; National Academy, 1906; New York Water Color Club; New York Architectual League, 1891; National Institute of Arts and Letters. Paintings 57 137 BUTTERFLIES Painted 1896 Size: 23x29 Presented by the estate of the artist in accordance with his wish. ISRAELS, Jozef Dutch School Born, Groeningen, North Holland, January 27, 1824; died, The Hague, Holland, August 12, 1911. Genre painter. Pupil of Cornelius Kruseman in Amsterdam, and of Picot in Paris. Awards: Third Class, Paris, 1867 ; First Class, 1878 ; Legion of Honor, 1867 ; Officer, 1878; Order of Leopold; Commander of the Orders of Orange Nassau of Holland, of the Crown of Italy, of St. Michael of Bavaria, and of Frederich of Wiirtemburg. Corresponding member of the French Institute ; honorary member of the Academies at The Hague, Antwerp, Edinburgh and Munich. Knight of the Orders of the Dutch Lion, Francis Joseph of Austria, and Leopold of Belgium. 138 INTERIOR OF A COTTAGE Size : 44 x 66. JACKSON, John English School Born, Lastingham, Yorkshire, May 31, 1778; died, London, June 1, 1831. Portrait painter, both in oils and water colors. Pupil of Schools of Royal Academy. Member of the Academy of St. Luke, Rome; Associate Royal Academy, 1815; Royal Academy, 1817. 139 PORTRAIT Gift of the late Samuel H. Kauffman. Size : 30 x 25 JAPY, Louis Aime French School Born, Berne (Doubs), 1830; died, Paris, February, 1916. Land- scape painter. Pupil of Frangois and Corot. Awards: 1870; Third Class, 1873; Silver Medal, Societe des Artistes Frangais, 1900; Chevalier, Legion of Honor, 1906. 140 SPRING LANDSCAPE Painted 1873 Size: 40x63 58 Paintings 141 TWILIGHT Painted 1873 Size: 40x63 JEANNIN, Georges French School Born, Paris. Contemporary. Flower and fruit painter. Pupil of Vincelet. Medal, Third Class, 1878. 142 VASE OF FLOWERS Painted 1873 Size : 33 x 25 JOHNSON, Eastman American School Born, Lovell, Maine, July 29, 1824; died, New York, April 5, 1906. Genre painter. Studied in Diisseldorf, 1849-1851 ; later studied and painted in Italy, Paris, Holland and four years at The Hague. Awards: Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Elected National Academy, 1860; Society of American Artists, 1881. 143 GIRL AND PETS Painted 1856 Size: 24x28 JONES, Hugh Bolton American School Born, Baltimore, Maryland, October 20, 1848. Landscape painter. Studied in Paris, 1876-1880. Awards: Bronze Medal, Paris Exposi- tion, 1889 ; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists. 1902; Shaw Fund Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902: Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Silver Medal, Panama- Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Associate Na- tional Academy, 1881 ; National Academy, 1883 ; Society American Artists, 1881; American Water Color Society; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 144 SPRINGTIME Size : 36 x 64 Paintings 59 KAEMMERER, Frederick Hendrik French School i Born, Ghent, 1839; died, Paris, April, 1892. Landscape and genre painter. Pupil of Gerome. Most of his pictures represent scenes from social life under the Directorate of the First Empire. Medal: Third Class, Paris, Salon, 1874; Legion of Honor, 1889. 145 BEACH AT SCHEVENINGEN, HOLLAND Painted 1874 Size: 28x55 KEITH, William American School Born, Old Meldrum, Aberdeen, Scotland, November, 1839; died Berkeley, California, April 13, 1911. Landscape and portrait painter. Pupil of Achenbach and Carl Marr. Awarded Bronze Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 146 BY THE CREEK, SONOMA Size: 40x50 147 IRVING M. SCOTT Builder of the "Oregon," the "San Francisco," the "Charleston," and other ships for the United States Navy. Size: 30x25 Gift of the family of Irving M. Scott. KENDALL, William Sergeant American School Born, Spuyten Duyvil, New York, January 20, 1869. Painter, # sculptor and teacher. Pupil of Art Students' League of New York; Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia; ficole d-es Beaux-Arts and Merson, Paris. Awards : Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1891 ; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Lippincott Prize, Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1894 ; Honorable Mention, Ten- nessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897; Second Prize, Wor- cester Museum, 1900; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Bronze Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1900; Second Prize, Worcest-er Museum, 1901 ; Silver Medal for painting, Bronze Medal for draw- ing and Honorable Mention for Sculpture, Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo, 1901 ; Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, 1901 ; Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1903 ; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 ; Isidor Medal, National Academy of 60 Paintings Design, 1908; Harris Prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1908; Palmer Gold Medal, Art Institute of Chicago, 1910; Gold Medal for painting and Silver Medal for sculpture, Panama-Pacific International Ex- position, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Society of American Artists, 1898 ; Associate National Academy, 1901 ; National Academy, 1905 ; National Institute of Arts and Letters ; New York Water Color Club; Director, School of Fine Arts, Yale University, since 1913. 148 NARCISSA Size : 51 x 31 KENSETT, John Frederick American School Born, Cheshire, Connecticut, March 22, 1818; died, New York, December 16, 1872. Landscape painter. Studied engraving under Daggett. Elected National Academy in 1849. In 1859 was appointed member of commission to superintend the decoration of the Capitol at Washington. 149 SKETCH OF MOUNT WASHINGTON Painted 1851 Size: ll|/2x20 150 AUTUMN AFTERNOON ON LAKE GEORGE Paint€d 1864 Size: 48x72 151 HIGH BANK, GENESEE RIVER Painted 1857 Size: 31x48 KING, Charles B. American School Born, Newport, Rhode Island, 1785; died, Washington, D. C, 1862. Portrait painter. Pupil of Edward Savage, in New York, and Benjamin West, in London, from 1805 to 1812. 152 JOHN C. CALHOUN When Secretary of War Fauatad 1822 Size: 30x24 EDWARD G. MALBONE Portrait of the Artist No. 172 of the Catalogue Paintings 61 KNAUS, Ludwig German School Born, Wiesbaden, October 10, 1829; died, Berlin, Germany, De- cember 7, 1910. Genre painter. Pupil of E>usseldorf Academy under Sohn and Schadow in 1846-1852; then studied in Paris until 1860. Professor at the Berlin Academy from 1874 to 1884. Medals: Paris, Second Class, 1853; First Class, 1855, 1857, 1859; Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer, 1867; Grand Medal of Honor, 1867; Knight of Prussian Order of Merit, etc., and many medals. Member of the Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiania Academies. 153 THE FORESTER AT HOME Painted 1886 Size: 40x56 LAWSON, Ernest American School Born in California, 1873. Landscape painter. Spent several years in France. Awards: Silver Medal, St. Louis, Exposition, 1904; Sesnan Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1907; Gold Medal, American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1907; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, 1908; Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific In- ternational Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Associate Na- tional Academy, 1908; American Painters and Sculptors, New York. 154 BOAT-HOUSE, WINTER, HARLEM RIVER Size: 40x50 Le CLEAR, Thomas American School Born, Owego, New York, March 11. 1818; died, 1882. Portrait painter. Self-taught. Elected. National Academy, 1863. 155 WILLIAM PAGE Painted 1876 Size: 24x20 62 Paintings LENBACH, Franz German School Born, Schrobenhauscn, Bavaria, December 13, 1836; died, Munich, May 6, 1904. Portrait painter of rare excellence. Painted at first genre scenes. Pupil of Munich Academy and of Grafle, then of Piloty, whom, in 1858, he accompanied to Rome. In 1860 he became Professor at the Weimar Art School, but resigned in 1862 and went to Italy and Spain. After his return to Munich he devoted himself exclusively to portrait painting, and had many orders, especially from Vienna, where he worked in 1872-1874. He was an intimate friend of Bismarck, of whom he painted many portraits. Medals: Third Class, Paris, 1867; Munich, 1879; Vienna, 1882; Spanish Order of Charles, 1869. Member of Berlin Academy, 1883. 156 OTTO FUERST VON BISMARCK Painted, Friedriechruh, 1892 Size: 48x40 LEROUX, Hector French School i Born, Verdun (Meuse), December 27, 1829; died, Angers, No- vember, 1900. Genre painter. Pupil of Picot and of ficole des Beaux Arts. Awards: Second Grand Prize, 1857; Third Class, 1863, 1864; Second Class, 1874; Third Class, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1877; Silver Medal, Universal Exposition, 1889; of Vienna, 1873; of Amsterdam, 1883; of the Argentine Republic, 1889; Office of the Academy (France), 1889; Officer of Public Instruction, Paris, 1896; Chevalier of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1893. 157 THE VESTAL TUCCIA Painted 1874 Size: 53x99 This picture was awarded a Second-class Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition of 1874. LEUTZE, Emanuel American School Born, Gmiind, Wiirtemburg, May 24, 1816 ; died, Washington, D. C, July 18, 1868. History painter. Pupil of John A. Smith in Philadelphia; Lessing in Diisseldorf (1841) ; also studied in Munich, Vinice and Rome. Elected National Academy, 1860. Was brought as a child to America by his parents, settling first in Philadelphia. Went to Diisseldorf in 1841 ; returned to America in 1851, and settled there permanently in 1859, living alternately in New York and Washington. Paintings 63 158 THE AMAZON AND HER CHILDREN Painted 1851 Size: 41x62 159 CROMWELL AND MILTON Painted 1854 Size: 60x84 LEVER, Hayley American School Born, Adelaide, South Australia, September 28, 1876. Painter, etcher and teacher. Studied in Paris, London and New York. Awards: Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1913; Silver Medal, National Arts Club, 1914; Carnegie Prize, National Academy of Design, 1914; Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific Interna- tional Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Member: Royal British Artists, London; Royal Institute of Oil Painters, London; Royal West of England Academy; National Academy of Design, New York (life). 160 DAWN Size: 50x60 L'HERMITTE, Leon Augustin French School Born, Mont-Saint-Pere (Aisne), January 31, 1844. Genre and landscape painter. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Awards: Third Class, 1874; Second Class, 1880; Legion of Honor, 1884; Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1889; Officer, 1894; Chevalier of St. Michael of Bavaria. 161 LA FAMILLE Painted 1908 Size: 101x137 LINDER (or LINDEREN), Franz German School Born, Klagenfurt, 1738; died, about 1809. Painter and engraver. Pupil of Laybach and later at Vienna Academy. In 1776 the Em- press sent him to Rome, whence, after four years, he returned to Vienna. He painted portraits in the style of Palko. 64 Paintings 162 WOMAN IN BLACK Size: 81/^x6 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. 163 THE BUTTERFLY Size: 20x131/2 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. LOCKWOOD, Wilton American School Born, Wilton, Connecticut; died, Brookline, Massachusetts, March 20, 1914. Portrait and still life painter; especially noted for his pictures of flowers. Pupil of John LaFarge ; also studied in Paris. Awards : Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1897 ; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1898; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Elected Associate National Academy, 1906; National Academy, 1912; Society American Artists, 1898; Copley Society, 1898. 164 PEONIES Size: 30x29 LOIR, Luigi French School Born. Goritz, Austria. Contemporary. Landscape painter. Pupil at Parma Academy and of Pastolet. Awarded Third Qass Medal, 1879. Naturalized in France. 165 EFFECT OF SNOW Size : 22 x 30 LOISEAU, Gustave French School Born, Paris, 1865. Landscape painter. 166 THE INUNDATION Painted 1909 Size: 20x24 Gift of Messrs. Durand-Ruel and Sons. GARI MELCHERS Penelope No. 174 of the Catalogue Paintings 65 jLOUSTAUNAU, Louis Auguste Georges French School Born, Paris, September 12, 1846; died, July 3, 1898. Genre painter. Pupil of Vibert, F. Barrais and Gerome. His spirited and humorous pictures are painted in a strong, broad style and carefully finished. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. 167 Painted 1874 MONK FISHING Size: 36x29 [cENTEE, Jervis American School Born, Rondout, New York, July 14, 1828; died, 1890. Landscape painter. Studied with F. E. Church. Elected Associate National Academy, 1860; National Academy, 1861. 168 EASTERN SKY AT SUNSET Size: 24x2014 |acCAMERON, Robert Lee American School Born, Chicago, January 14, 1866; died. New York, December 29, 1912. Figure and portrait painter. Pupil of Gerome and Collin in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1904; Third Class iMedal, Paris Salon, 1908; Legion of Honor, 1912. Elected Associate [National Academy, 1910 ; Paris Society of American Painters ; In- jrnational Society of Painters, Sculptors and Gravers, London; fational Society of Portrait Painters, New York. 169 GROUPE D'AMIS Painted 1907 Size : 51 X 65 .CCARI, Cesare Italian School Born, Sienna, Italy, 1840. History painter. Pupil of Sienna Academy, then of Luigi Mussini in Florence. Gold Medals: Sienna and Parmam 1869; Great Prize, Turin, 1880; Order of Italian Crown. 170 THE FORTUNE-TELLER Size: 12x16 I 66 Paintings MacEWEN, Walter American Schoi Born, Chicago, February 13, 1860. Genre painter. Pupil of Cormon and Robert-Fleury in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1886; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; First Class J Gold Medal, Berlin, 1891; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1894; Hors 1 Concours, Paris Salon, 1890 ; Legion of Honor, 1896 ; Second Class Medal, Munich, 1897; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; First Gold Medal, Munich, 1901 ; First Class Medal, Vienna, 1902 ; Lippin- cott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1902; Harris Prize, Chicago, 1902; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; First Medal, Liege Exposition, 1905. Elected : Associate National Academy, 1903; Paris Society of American Painters (first Vice- President) ; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 171 AN ANCESTOR Size : 75 x 33 MALBONE, Edward G. American Schoi Born, Newport, Rhode Island, August, 1777; died, Savannah, Georgia, May 7, 1807. Self-taught. An eminent miniature painter, but was little known as a painter in oils. Visited London in 1801, and the West Indies in 1806. 172 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Size : 27 x 22 MAYER, Frank Blackwell American Schoi Born, Baltimore, Maryland, 1827; died, July 28, 1899. Portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Alfred Miller in Baltimore, and of Gleyre and Brion in Paris. Painted in Paris, 1864-1869. Medal and Diploma, Philadelphia, 1876; Medal of Maryland Institute. 173 LEISURE AND LABOR Painted 1853 Size : 151/2 x 23^2 Paintings 67 MELCHERS, Gari American School Born, Detroit, Michigan, August 11, 1860. Portrait and figure painter. Pupil of Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1886; First Class Medal, Amsterdam, 1887; Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1888; First Class Medal, Munich, 1888 ; Grand Prize, Paris Exposition, 1889 ; First Prize, Art Institute, Chicago, 1891 ; Medal of Honor, Berlin, 1891 ; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1892; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1894; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1896; First Class Medal, Vienna, 1898; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Knight of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria ; Chevalier of Legion of Honor, France; Officer, 1904; Gold Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Second, Wm. A. Clark Prize, $1,500 and Corcoran Silver Medal, Corcoran Gallery, 1910. Member of Paris Society American Painters; Society National des Beaux-Arts Paris; Inter- national Society of Artists, London; Munich Secession; Associate National Academy, 1904; National Academy, 1906; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 174 PENELOPE (Awarded Second William A. Clark Prize of $1,500 and Corcoran Silver Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1910) Painted 1910 Size: 53x50. MENGS, Anton Raphael German School Born, Aussig, Bohemia, May 12, 1728; died, Rome, June 29, 1779. History and portrait painter. Pupil of his father, Ismael ' Mengs. Was made Court Painter to the King of Poland, Augustus III. Cardinal Albani and Pope Clement XIV employed him to paint for them at Rome. Charles III of Spain called him to Madrid in 1761 as Court Painter. 175 ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS Size: 104x60 MENPES, Mortimer English School Painter, etcher and author. Friend and pupil of Whistler. Author of "Whistler as I Knew Him." Exhibitor ait Royal Academy. Member. Royal Society of British Artists. 68 Paintings 176 A VENETIAN BALCONY Size: 9x11 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. 177 THE VISTA Size: 41/2x3^2 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon of Washington. MESSER, Edmund Clarence American Schoi Born, Skowhegan, Maine, 1842. Studied at National Academy of Design, New York, and at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and with Collin, Courtois and Aime Morot in Paris. Elected Prin- cipal Corcoran School of Art, June 20, 1902. 178 JANUARY Painted 1911 Size: 30x38 METCALF, Willard L. American School Born, Lowell, Massachusetts, July 1, 1858. Landscape painter. Pupil of Museum of Fine Arts and of George L. Brown in Boston ; Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1888; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1896; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1907; William A. Clark Prize and Corcoran Gold Medal, Corcoran Gallery, 1907; Harris Medal, Art Institute of Chicago, 1910; Gold Medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1911 ; Sesnan Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1912. Elected, American Water Color Society; Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 179 MAY NIGHT Size : 39 x 36 (Awarded William A. Clark Prize and Corcoran Gold Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1907) WILLARD L. METCALF May Night No. 179 of the Catalogue Paintings 69 I METTLING, Louis French School Born, 1847; died, 1894. Portrait and figure painter. Pupil of the Lyons Fine Arts School. Resided in Paris. 180 STUDY HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN Size: 30x21 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. MILLER, Eleazer Hutchinson American School Born, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, February 28, 1831. Painter in oils and water colors ; also etcher and illustrator. Visited Europe in 1875. Lived and worked in Washington since 1848. He was one of the organizers of the old Washington Art Club, and also aided in the organization of the Society of Washington Artists, of which he was three times the president. 181 . MOONRISE AND TWILIGHT (Water Color) Painted 1907 Size: 16x20 MILLER, Richard E. American School Born, St. Louis, Missouri, March 22, 1875. Figure painter. Pupil of St. Louis School of Fine Arts ; also Constant and Laurens, in Paris. Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1904; Second Medal, Liege Exposition, 1905; Knight of the Legion of Honor, France, 1908; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1911. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild; International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers; American Art Association of Paris; Paris Society of American Painters. 182 THE BOUDOIR Size: 36x29 70 Paintings MINOR, Robert C. American School Born, New York, 1840; died, Waterford, Connecticut, August 3, 1904. Landscape painter. Pupil of Van Luppen in Antwerp; and of Diaz and Boulanger in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Elected, National Academy, 1897; Society of Land- scape Painters. 183 EVENTIDE Size: 22x30 MOELLER, Louis Charles American School Born, New York, August 5, 1855. Genre painter. Pupil of Na- tional Academy of Design, New York; and of Dietz and Duve- neck in Munich. Award: First Hallgarten Priz-e, National Academy of Design, 1884. Elected, Associate, National Academy, 1894; Na- tional Academy, 1895. 184 DISAGREEMENT Size : 24 x 34 MONTICELLI, Adolphe ^^^«^^^ -^^^^^^ Born, Marseilles, France, October 14, 1824; died there, June 29, 1886. Landscape and figure painter. Student of the Art School at Marseilles. 185 LANDSCAPE Size: 18x25 MORETTI, Antonio ^^a^*«» ^^^ool 186 PIAZZA OF ST. PETER'S, ROME Painted 1853 Size: 22x64 187 ROME FROM THE FORUM Painted 1853 Size: 22x64 Paintings 71 MORLAND, George English School Born, London, June 26, 1763 ; died there, October 29, 1804. Figure and animal painter. Son and pupil of Henry Robert Morland; also studied at Royal Academy. Painted chiefly country scenes with domestic animals and enjoyed a high reputation. Exhibited at Royal Academy from 1779 to 1804. 188 THE WARRENER (Formerly entitled "The Farm House") Size : 35 X 44 MOROT, Aime Nicholas French School Born, Nancy, France, June 16, 1850. History painter. Pupil of Cabanel and ficole des Beaux Arts. Won the Grand Prix de Rome. Medals: Third Class, 1876; Second Class, 1877; First Class, 1879; Medal of Honor, 1880; Grand Prix, 1889; Officer of the Legion of Honor. 189 EL BRAVO TORO Painted 1884 Size: 58x32 MORSE, Samuel Finley Breese Born, Charlestown, Massachusetts, April 27, 1791 ; died. New York, April 2, 1872. Figure and portrait painter. Pupil of Washington Allston whom he accompanied to London where he also studied under Benjamin West. Awarded a Gold Medal by the Adelphi Society of Arts in 1813. One of the original founders of the National Academy of Design, of which he was president from 1827 to 1845, and again from 1861 to 1862. Became better known as the inventor of the system of magneto-electric telegraphy, which bears his name, than as a painter. 190 THE OLD HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Painted 1822 Size : 85 x 130 72 Paintings MOSER, James Henry American School Born, Whitby, Ontario, Canada, January 1, 1854; died, Wash- ington, District of Columbia, November 10, 1913. Landscape painter in oils and water-colors. Pupil of John H. Witt and Charles H. Davis. Medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; First Corcoran Prize, Washington Water Color Club, 1900; Bronze Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902, etc 191 WINTER SUNSHINE (Water Color) Painted 1895 Size: 12x20 192 THE MOUNTAIN ROAD (Watef Color) Painted 1904 Size: 15x21 193 IN THE CORNWALL HILLS Painted 1909 Size: 30x40 MOSLER, Henry American School Born, New York, June 6, 1841. Figure and genre painter. Pupil of James H. Beard in Cincinnati ; Mucke and Kindler in Dussel- dorf ; Hebert in Paris ; Wagner in Munich. Awards : Medal, Royal Academy, Munich, 1874; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1879; Gold Medal, International Exhibition, Nice, France, 1884; prize ($2,500) Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1885; Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1888; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Legion of Honor, 1892; Officer d' Academic, 1892; Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria gold medal, 1893 ; Gold Medal, Atlanta Exposi- tion, 1895; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1896; Gold Ikledal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. Member: National Arts Club. 194 SAYING GRACE Painted 1897 Size: 39x51 Gift of Victor G. Fischer, Esquire. 5 <^ < fe i5 <5 Paintings 73 MOTTE, Henri Paul French School Born, Paris. Contemporary. History painter. Pupil of Gerome. Medal, Third Class, Paris, 1880. 195 THE TROJAN HORSE Painted 1874 Size: 38x58 MOUNT, William Sidney American School Born, Setauloet, Long Island, November 26, 1807; died, New- York, November 19, 1868. Genre painter. Pupil of National Academy of Design. Practiced his profession in New York 1829-68. Elected National Academy, 1832. 196 THE LONG STORY Painted 1837 Size: 17x22 MtJLLER, Charles Louis French School Born, Paris, December 22, 1815; died there, 1892. History and portrait painter. Pupil of Cogniet, Gros, and the ficole des Beaux Arts. Medals: Third Class, 1838; Second Class, 1846; First Class, 1848, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer, 1859; Member, Institute, 1864. 197 CHARLOTTE CORDAY IN PRISON Painted 1875 Size : 41 x 33 MURPHY, J. Francis American School Born, Oswego, New York, December 11, 1853. Landscape painter. Self-taught. Awards: Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1885; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1887; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Evans Prize, American Water-Color Society, 1894; Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1899; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Carnegie Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Inness Gold Medal, Na- 74 Paintings tional Academy of Design, 1910; Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1911 ; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Member: Associate, National Academy, 1885; Na- tional Academy, 1887 ; Society American Artists, 1901 ; American Water-Color Society, etc. 198 OCTOBER Painted 1888-1893 Size: 32x50 NEAGLE, John American School Born, Boston, Massachusetts, November 4, 1799; died, Philadel- phia, September 17, 1865. Portrait painter. Pupil of Thomas Sully, whose daughter he married in 1820; but chiefly self-taught. Was apprenticed to a coach-builder in Philadelphia in his youth. Settled in New Orleans, and later in Philadelphia where he remained until his death. 199 COL. RICHARD M, JOHNSON [Vice-President of the United States from 1837 to 1841.] Size : 30 X 25 The following inscription appears on the back of the canvas: "Col. Richard M. Johnson, painted from the life by John Neagle, Frankfort, Kentucky, March 9th, 1843. "Col. R. M, Johnson, Vice-President of the United States, under the administration of Martin Van Buren, Died November 19th, 1850." Gift of Mrs. Benjamin Ogle Tayloe. NEUBERT, Louis German School Born, Leipsic, February 28, 1846; died, Sonnenschein-bei-Pirna, March 25, 1892, Landscape painter. Pupil of the Weimar Art School under Max Schmidt and Kalckreuth. 200 AN OLD CASTLE IN BAVARIA Size: 30x54 Gift of Ralph Cross Johnson, Esquire. Paintings 75 NICOL, Erskine Scotch School Born, Leith, Scotland, July, 1825; died 1904. Genre painter. Pupil of Trustee's Academy, Edinburgh. Awarded Second Qass Medal, Paris, 1867. Member of Royal Scottish Academy; Elected Associate, Royal Academy, 1866. Removed to London in 1863. Many of his works have been engraved. 201 PADDY'S MARK Painted 1868 Size: 24x33 OCHTMAN, Leonard American School Born, Zonnemaire, Holland, October 21, 1854. Settled at Albany, New York, 1866. Landscape painter. Self-taught. Awards: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1894; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Shaw Fund Prize, So- ciety of American Artists, 1902; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1903 ; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1904; Two Gold Medals (oil and water color), St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904; Second Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1905; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915, etc. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate, National Academy, 1898; National Academy, 1904; American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; National Institute of Arts and Letters. » 202 NO V EMBER MORNING Size: 30x40 PARIS, Walter American School Born, London, February 28, 1842; died, Washington, D. C, No- vember 26, 1906. Water color painter; also architect and violinist. Pupil of Royal Academy and of T. L. Rowbotham, Paul Naftel and Joseph Nash in London. Became an American citizen in 1894, making his home in Washington. From 1886 to 1890 he held the post of Architect to the British Government in India. 76 Paintings 203 THE GREAT BLIZZARD OF 1899 (Water Color) Painted 1899 Size: 18x29 Bequeathed by the Artist. PAUWELS., Feiidinsand Dutch School Born, Eckeren, near Antwerp, April 13, 1830; died, Brussels, 1898. History painter. Pupil of the Antwerp Academy, 1842-1850, under Dujardin, then of Wappers. Won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1852; Gold Medals: 1857, 1864, 1868; Order of Leopold, 1861. In 1862-1872 he was Professor at the Art School in Weimar; and in 1876 became Professor at the Dresden Academy. 204 JUSTICE TO LEVIN PYN Painted 1862 Size: 45x72 [Levin Pyn, First Magistrate of Ghent (1541), was wrongly ac- cused by his ambitious colleagues, and beheaded by order of Charles V. Afterwards, the emperor, convinced of his innocence, ordered solemn mass, and a proclamation to be read by the priest declaring Pyn's innocence, in the presence of his mourning family and four of his accusers.] PAXTON, William McGregor American School Born, Baltimore, Maryland, June 22, 1869. Painter and teacher. Pupil of ficole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, under Gerome ; and Dennis M. Bunker, Boston. Awards : Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Bronze Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1915. Member of Copley Society. Guild of Boston Artists, and St. Bo- tolph Club. 205 THE HO USE MAID Painted 1910. Size: 30x25 PEALE, James American School Born, Annapolis, Maryland, 1749; died, Philadelphia, 1831. He devoted himself almost exclusively to painting miniatures, in which field he became highly distinguished. He was the youngest brother of Charles Wilson Peale, from whom he received instruction in painting. Paintings 77 206 MINIATURE OF MRS. GENERAL JOHN P. VAN NESS (Nee Marcia Burns) Painted 1797 Miniature Gift of Mrs. Philip Hinckle, of Cincinnati. The water-color painting of the Burns Cottage, framed with this miniature, was painted by Walter Paris, in 1892. PEALE, Rembrandt American School Born, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1778; died, Philadelphia, October 3, 1860. Portrait painter. Pupil of his father, Charles Wilson Peale, and of Benjamin West. Exhibited at Royal Academy, London, 1833. 207 WASHINGTON BEFORE YORKTOWN Size: 139x121 Lent by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 208 JACQUES HENRI BARNARDIN DE SAINT PIERRE Painted from Life Size: 28x23 Gift of George W. Riggs, Esquire. 209 M. LASTEYRIE Size: 29x24 [This picture, according to an inscription on the back, is a por- trait of a "distinguished French economist and author — ^the first to establish a museum of natural history," and was painted in Paris (no date), by Peale, for the Philadelphia Museum.] PERETTI, B. (Rome) ^^«^*«« ^^^^^^ 210 AUTUMNAL CORN AND GRAPES Painted 1875 Size: 21x17 78 Paintings PHILLIPS, J. Campbell American School Born, New York, February 27, 1873. Portrait painter. Pupil of Art Students' League, New York, under Chase, Clinedinst and Mowbray. Awarded Isidor Portrait Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1914. 211 THE FIRST BORN Size: 35x29 PIAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista Venetian School Born, Venice, 1682 ; died, Venice, April 28, 1754. Pupil of Antonio Molinari ; afterward studied the works of Guercino, and adopted his system of chiaroscuro and bold relief. 212 TWO HEADS Size: 23x18 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. PICKNELL, William Lamb American School Born, Boston, Massachusetts, 1853 ; died, Marblehead, Massachu- setts, August 8, 1897. Landscape painter. Pupil of George Inness in Rome, and of Gerome in Paris; painted in Brittany for several years under Robert Wylie. Awarded Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1880. Member Society of American Artists; Associate, Na- tional Academy of Design ; Society of British Artists. 213 THE ROAD TO CONCARNEAU Painted 1880 Size: 40x80 214 EN PROVENCE Dated 1893 Size: 56x79 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Gertrude Picknell Flagg. PORTAELS, Jean Francois Belgian School Born, Vilvorde, near Brussels, May 1, 1818; died, Brussels, Feb- ruary 8, 1895. History, genre and portrait painter. Pupil of Navez, and in Paris of Delaroche. Awards : Grand Prix de Rome, 1841 ; Order of Leopold, 1851 ; Medal of Second Class, Paris, 1855 ; Special Gold Medal, Exhibition of Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Member of, and, from 1878 to 1895, Director of Brussels Academy. 33 I ^ — 1 Q O <- K (M d H ^ Paintings 79 215 THE DROUGHT IN EGYPT Painted 1848 Size: 88x110 [To this picture was awarded the Special Gold Medal at the Exhibition of the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, for the best picture, without regard to school, style, or subject, by a living artist] PORTER, Benjamin Curtis American School Born, Melrose, Massachusetts, August 29, 1845; died, New York, April 2, 1908. Portrait painter. Pupil of Dr. Rimmer and of A. H. Bicknell, in Boston ; also studied in Europe. Awards : Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Elxposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1878; National Academy, 1880; Society of American Artists; National Sculpture Society; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 216 LADY AND DOG Painted 1876 Size: 50x30 POWELL, Lucien Whiting American School Born, in Virginia, December 13, 1846. Landscape painter, in both oils and water colors. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; of West London School of Art, under Fitz ; also studied in National Gallery, London, and under Leon Bonnat, in Paris. Awarded Parson's Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1903. Member of Society of Washington Artists and Washington Water Color Club. 217 THE AFTERGLOW, GRAND CANYON, ARIZONA (Water Color) Painted 1905 Size: 20x30 PREYER, Johann Wilhelm DUsseldorf School Born. Rheydt, near Dtisseldorf, July 19, 1803; died, EKisseldorf, February 19, 1889. Still life painter. Pupil of Dtisseldorf Academy, 1822-27. After visiting various European cities, he settled in Diissel- dorf. Most of his pictures are in America. 80 Paintings 218 FRUIT Painted 1842 Size: 22x20 PRIOU, Louis French School Born, Toulouse, 1845. Genre painter. Pupil of Gibert and Ca- banel. Awards: Medal, 1869; First Class Medal, 1874. 219 A FAMILY OF SATYRS Painted 1874 Size: 78x86 This picture was awarded the Gold Medal of the First Class at the Paris Exposition, 1874. RANGER, Henry Ward American School Born, Syracuse, New York, January 1858; died, New York City, November 7, 1916. Landscape painter. Self-taught. Awards: Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, BuflFalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 ; Gold Medal, American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1907. Member of American Water Color Society ; Associate, National Academy, 1901 ; National Academy, 1906. 220 THE TOP OF THE HILL Size: 28x37 RANNEY, William American School Born, Middletown, Connecticut, May 9, 1813 ; died, West Hoboken, New Jersey, November 18, 1857. 221 DUCK-SHOOTING Painted 1850 Size: 30x40 Paintings 81 RAVIER, Francois AugUSte French School Born, Lyons, France, May 4, 1814; died, Morestel, 1895. Land- scape painter. Self-taught, being a profound student of nature. First studied law in Paris, but later abandoned it, and followed his natural inclination to paint. His work, originally, was but little known and appreciated. Is now represented in the Louvre, Petit Palais, and other museums in Europe. Ravier was a friend and great admirer of Corot. He was a man of unusual modesty who never sought honors or recognition. He lost his eyesight about 1885. 222 ENVIRONS DE MORESTEL (Water Color) Size: 10x13 Gift of Frank S. Lahm, Esquire. REBOUET, Alboy French School Born, Paris, November 30, 1841; died, April, 1875. Portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Gleyre and of Gerome. 223 NIGHT Painted 1867 Size: 82x52 Exhibited in the Vienna Exposition of 1873. REDFIELD, Edward Willis American School Born, Bridgeville, Dielawaire, December 19, 1868, Landscape painter. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Bou- guereau and Robert-Fkury in Paris. Awards: Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1896; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903; Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1904; Shaw Fund Prize, Society of American Artists, 1904; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Sesnan Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1905; Second Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1905; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1906; Gold Medal of Honor, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1907; Fischer Prize and Bronze Medal, 1907, and First Wm. A. Clark Prize and Corcoran Gold Medal, 1908, The Corcoran Gallery of Art; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1908; Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1909; Second 82 Paintings Harris Medal, Chicago Art Institute, 1909 ; Gold Medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1912; Gold Medal, Society of Washington Artists, 1913; Palmer Gold Medal, Chicago Art Institute, 1913; Gold Medal, Car- negie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1914. Member of Society of American Artists; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Philadelphia Art Club. 224 THE DELAWARE RIVER Size : 36 x 50 This painting was awarded the Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1906. 225 SLEIGHING Painted 1914 Size: 31x40 REHN, Frank Knox Morton American School Born, Philadelphia, April 12, 1848; died, Magnolia, Massachusetts, July 16, 1914. Marine painter. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Awards : First Prize, St. Louis, 1882; Prize, Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885; Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Ex- position, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 ; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Inness Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1905 ; Shaw Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1906 ; Gold Medal, Amer- ican Artists' Society, 1907. Member, Associate, National Academy, 1899; National Academy, 1908; Society of American Artists, 1903; American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club. 226 IN THE GLITTERING MOONLIGHT Size: 30x50 Gift of Charles E. Foster, Esquire. Paintings 83 REID, Robert American School Born, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, July 29, 1862. Painter and teacher. Pupil of Boston Museum School; Art Students' League, New York; Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Awards: Medal, Co- lumbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1897; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of De- sign, 1898; Silver Medal for painting and Gold Medal for mural decoration, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Third Wm. A. Clark Prize and Corcoran Bronze Medal, Corcoran Gallery, 1909; Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Elected Associate National Academy, 1902; National Academy, 1906; Ten American Painters; National Institute of Arts and Letters. 227 THE OPEN FIRE Painted 1908 Size: 44x43 This painting was awarded the Third William A. Clarke Prize and the Corcoran Bronze Medal, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1908. 228 THE JAPANESE SCREEN Size: 37x30 REIFFEL, Charles American School Born, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1862. Landscape painter. Self- taught. Fellowship Prize, Society of Artists, Buffalo, 1908. 229 RAILWAY YARDS— WINTER EVENING Size: 19x24 REINHART, Charles Stanley American School Born, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1844 ; died, 1896. Genre painter and illustrator. Studied in Paris, and at the Royal Academy, Munich, under Professors Streyhiiber and Otto. Awards: Second Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1888. Member of Art Clubs in Munich, Pittsburgh and New York. 84 Paintings 230 WASHED ASHORE Painted 1887 Size: 77x117 Gift of the heirs of the artist. RENOUF, fimile French School Born, Paris, June 23, 1845; died, Havre, May, 1894. Landscape, marine, and genre painter. Pupil of Boulanger, Jules Lefebvre, and of Carolus Duran. Medals : Second Glass, 1880 ; Munich, First Glass, 1883; Gold Medal and Legion of Honor, 1889. 231 THE HELPING HAND Painted 1881 Size: 60x86 Loaned for exhibition in the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889, by request of the artist. RICHARDS, William Trost American School Born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 14, 1833; died, New- port, Rhode Island, November 8, 1905. Landscape and marine painter. Pupil of Paul Weber; later studied in Florence, Rome and Paris. Awards : Medal, Gentennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876 ; Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1885; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889. Member of American Water Golor Society; Honorary Member, National Academy. 232 ON THE COAST OF NEW JERSEY Painted to order for this Gallery, 1883 Size: 39x72 233 ON THE COAST OF NEW ENGLAND Painted 1894 Size: 27x47 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. Paintings 85 234 BALD ART CASTLE, KILKEE, COUNTY CLARE, IRELAND (Water Color) Size: 15x24 Gift of the heirs of the estate of the late George E. Lemon, of Washington. RICO, Martin Spanish School Born, Madrid, Spain, 1850; died, Venioe, Italy, 1908. Pupil of Fed- •erico de Madrazo ; studied with Zamagois in Paris, and with Fortuny in Rome. Awards: Prix de Rome, 1862; Third Class Medal, Paris, 1878; Second Class Medal, Paris, 1889; Exposition Universelle; Legion of Honor, 1878. 235 THE BANKS OF THE ADIGE Size: 18x31 RIX, Julian American School Born, Peacham, Vermont, December 30, 1850; died. New York, November, 1903^ Landscape painter, Self-taught. Commenced painting at the age of twenty-two, as a sign and decorative painter in San Francisco; afterward came East and settled in New York. 236 POMPTON PLAINS, NEW JERSEY Painted 1898 Size: 30x50 ROBBE, Louis Belgian School Born, Courtray, Belgium, November 17, 1806; died, Brussels, 1887. Animal and landscape painter. Self-taught. Awards: Medals at Brussels, 1839-42; Third Class Medal, 1844, and Second Class Medal, 1855, Paris; Legion of Honor, 1845; Order of Leopold, 1843; Officer, 1863; Spanish Order of Charles HI, 1844. Member of Amsterdam Academy, 1855. 237 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Size: 341/2x49 86 Paintings ROBINSON, Theodore American School Born, Irasburg, Vermont, 1852; died. New York, April 1, 1896. Pupil of Carolus-Duran and of Gerome. Awarded the Webb Prize, 1890; Shaw Prize, 1892. 238 VALLEY OF THE SEINE FROM GIVERNY HEIGHTS Size : 26 x 32 ROLFE, Henry Leonidas English School A painter who devoted his attention almost exclusively to fish, in which department he was eminently skilful. He exhibited at the Royal Academy, the British Institution, and elsewhere, from 1847 to 1881. 239 FISH Size: 27x43 Gift of George P. Rowell, Esquire. ROSSITER, Thomas P. American School Born, New Haven, Connecticut, September 29, 1818 ; died. Cold Spring, New York, May 17, 1871. History painter. Pupil of Na- thaniel Jocelyn; went to Europe in 1840 and studied in London and Paris. Awarded Gold Medal, Paris, 1855. Elected Associate, Na- tional Academy, in 1840; National Academy, 1849. 240 REBECCA AT THE WELL Painted 1852 Size: 39x32 ROUSSEAU, Pierre ^tienne Theodore French School (Barbison) Born, Paris, April IS, 1812; died Barbizon, December 22, 1867. Landscape painter. Pupil of Remond (1826), and of Lethiere. Awards: Third Class Medal, 1834; Fiist Class Medal, 1849, 1855; Medal of Honor, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1852. 241 LANDSCAPE Size: 13x20 Bequeathed by the late Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus. Paintings 87 RYDER, Chauncey Foster American School Born, Danbury, Connecticut, February 29, 1868. Landscape painter. Pupil of Art Institute of Chicago, and Julien Academy, Collin, and Laurens, in Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1907. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fran- cisco, 1915. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1914; American Water Color Society. 242 CAPE PORPOISE Size: 32x40 SAINT-JEAN, Simon French School Born, Lyons, October 13, 1808; died, :ecully, July 3, 1860. Fruit and flower painter. Pupil of the School at Lyons and of Augustin Thierriat. Medals: Third Class, 1834; Second Class, 1841, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1843. 243 FRUIT Painted 1855 Size: 20x26 SAINT-PIERRE, Gaston Casimir ^^^"^^^ ^'^^^^ Born, Nimes, May 12, 1833. Genre painter. Pupil of Jalabert and Cogniet. Medals: 1868, 1879; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1881. 244 NEDJMA— ODALISQUE Painted 1874 Size: 43x61 SALMSON, Hugo Frederick ^"^'dish School Born, Stockholm, 1843; died, Lund, Sweden, August 1, 1894. History, genre, and portrait painter. Pupil of Stockholm Academy, under Boklund ; then in Paris of Charles Comte. Medal, Paris, 1879; Legion of Honor, 1879. Member of the Stockholm Academy, 1871. 245 THE FETE OF ST. JOHN IN DALECARLIA, SWEDEN Painted 1874 Size: 52x79 88 Paintings SARGENT, John Singer American School Born, Florence, Italy, of American parents, January 12, 1856. Portrait, landscape and mural painter. Pupil of Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, and of Carolus Duran in Paris. Awards: Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1878; Second Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1881; Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1889; Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1890 ; Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1894; Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Ex- position, Buffalo, 1901 ; Converse Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903; Large Gold Medal, Berlin, 1903; Grand Prize, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Gold Medal of Honor, Liege Exposition, 1905; Gold Medal, Venice, 1907; Beck Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1909; Gold Medal of Honor, National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1914; Chevalier, Legion of Honor, 1889; Officer, Legion of Honor, 1897; Order of Merit, Germany, 1909. Elected Associate, National Academy, 1891 ; National Academy 1897; National Society of Mural Painters, New York; National Society of Portrait Painters, New York; Honorary, Copley Society; Honorary, American Institute of Architects; Paris Society of American Painters, Societe National des Beaux-Arts ; Associate, Royal Academy, London, 1894; Royal Academy, 1897; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Philadelphia Water Color Club (Honorary) ; Berlin Academy ; Institute de France, 1905. 246 THE OYSTER GATHERERS OF CANCALE Painted 1878 Size: 31x48 SARTAIN, William American School Born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 21, 1843. Landscape painter and teacher. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Bonnat and ficole d^es Beaux-Arts, in Paris; studied also in Italy and Spain. Awards : Silver Medal, Boston, 1881 ; Honorable Mention, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1887; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Silver Medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. Elected Society of American Artists, 1877 ; Associate, National Academy, 1880. Paintings 89 247 STREET IN DIN AN, BRITTANY Size: 18x13^ Gift of John Elderkin, Esquire. SCHAEFFER, August Austrian School Born, Vienna, Austria, April 30, 1833. Landscape painter. Studied at Vienna Academy under Steinfeld. Medals: Strasburg, 1859; Nassau. Member of Vienna Academy. 248 SUNSET IN HUNGARIAN FOREST Painted 1866 Size: 42x61 Gift of Edward lind Morse, Esquire. SCHEFFER, Ary French School Born, Dordrecht, February 10, 1797; died, Argenteuil, June 15, 1858. History and portrait painter. Pupil of Guerin. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1825. Produced his greatest works between 1835 and 1848. 249 COUNT EBERHARD OF WURTEMBERG (THE WEEPER) Size : 65 X 88 [The subject of this picture is as follows: Ulrich, son of Count Eberhard, had lost the battle of Reutlingen, and was dangerously wounded. Many of the nobility were slain. On his recovery he leisurely sought his father, at Stuttgart, and found him over his solitary meal. He was coldly received. Not a word was spoken. With downcast eyes he placed himself opposite his father. Fish and wine were served to him. The old count seized a knife, and cut the table-cloth between them. Frenzied by this insult, Ulrich rushed into the middle of the next fight, gained the battle of Dof- fingen, and was slain. — Ballad of Uhland. "And while we were celebrating the victory in our camp, what was the old count doing? Alone in his tent, weeping over the dead body of his only son."] — Ballad of Schiller. 90 Paintings 250 PORTRAIT OF COMMODORE CHARLES MORRIS Size: 26x22 Gift of the heirs of Mrs. Morris. [This donation also includes the autograph letter addressed by- General Lafayette to Mrs. Morris, under date of Paris, January 26, 1826.] SCHOFIELD, Walter Elmer American School Born, Philadelphia, September 9, 1867. Landscape painter. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Bouguereau, Ferrier, Doucet and Aman-Jean, in Paris. Awards : Honorable Mention, Philadelphia Art Club, 1898; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1900; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1900; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Pan-American Ex- position, Buffalo, 1901 ; Sesnan Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903; Gold Medal of Honor, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1904; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1911 ; Gold Medal, Na- tional Arts Club, 1913; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1914. Member of Society of American Artists, 1904; Associate, National Academy, 1902; National Academy, 1907; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Royal Society of British Artists; Chelsea Arts Club, London. 251 MORNING AFTER SNOW Painted 1908 Size: 38x48 SCHREYER, Adolphe German School Born, Frankfort-on-the-Main, May 9, 1828; died, Cronberg, July 29, 1899. Animal painter. Pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Studied the horse in the riding-school and anatomically, then in Stuttgart, Munich and Diisseldorf. Awards : Brussels, 1863 ; Paris 1864, 1865, 1867; Munich, 1876; Order of Leopold, 1866; Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift; Court Painter to Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862; Officer of the Star of Roumania, 1888. 252 THE watering-place Size: 41x68 GILBERT STUART George Washington No. 264 of the Catalogue Paintings 91 SHANNON, James Jebusa American School Born, Auburn, New York, February 3, 1862. Has resided many years in England. Studied at South Kensington Schools, London, under Edward Poynter. Awards: Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; First Class Medal, Berlin; First Class Medal, Vienna; Second Class Medal, Munich; First Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1897; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1899; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold Medal, St. Louis Ex- position, 1904; Gold Medal, International Exposition, Venice, 1906; First Prize and Medal of Honor, Barcelona, 1911. Elected, As- sociate, Royal Academy, 1897; Royal Academy, 1909; Associate, National Academy, 1908. 253 GIRL IN BROWN Painted 1907 Size: 42x33 SHURTLEFF, Roswell Morse American School Born, Ringe, New Hampshire, June 14, 1838; y^ hnnlff irr "'hiffft ^o immediate recall. KIE imB 1 4 196B. a 6 m R EC ' D LD hbB 5 •68 -3PM RPt^?2l970 5(\ I^CDU5 APR yi970 J UL 2 8 1 972 3 1 > 7 2 -9 AM 3 6 BEC'DLD AUG 9 mmr^ LD 21A-60w-2,'67 (H241s10)476P. 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