I uu i JAM (,i OKI. i s suss i.r ,MI I'AKK STKI.I i, Ilkl^lr.I S^iSfc- s^jgisps PLATE I. ^v ~ gassr""' ' ~~t-frA FRONTISPIECE TO CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA, 1607. A DESCEIPTIVE LIST OF THE FEINTED MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE 15751914 BY T. CHUBB OF THE MAP ROOM, BRITISH MUSEUM. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. PUBLISHED BY THE SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 1914. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE I. FRONTISPIECE TO "CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA," 1607 facing title II. SAXTON'S MAP, 1575 ,, page 1 III. KEER'S MAP, 1599 . 2 IV. SPEED'S MAP, 1610 ... 4 V. MAP FROM " THE ABRIDGMENT OF CAM- DEN'S BRITANNIA," BY JOHN BILL, 1626 ,, ,, 7 VI. THE TITLE-PAGE, AND TABLE OF DISTANCES WITH " THUMB-NAIL "MAP FROM "A DI- RECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVILLER," 1635 8 VII. BLAEU'S MAP, 1648 . . . 13 VIII. BLOME'S MAP, 1673 . . . . . ,,21 IX. THE 1677 EDITION OF THE TABLE OF DIS- TANCES, AND " THUMB-NAIL " MAP OF 1635 . . . . . . 23 X. SELLER'S MAP, 1695 ..... 27 XI. MOLL'S MAP, 1724 . . . . ,,33 XII. KITCHIN AND JEFFERYS' MAP, 1749 . . ,, ,,41 XIII. BOWEN'S MAP FROM " THE ROYAL ENGLISH ATLAS," 1762 48 XIV. DAY AND MASTERS' MAP, 1782 : SHOWING COUNTRY AROUND BATH . . . ,,56 XV. GARY'S MAP FROM GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS, 1787 . >. ,, ,,59 XVI. MURRAY'S MAP, 1830 ... 100 true knotoleotye of our #>atibe Country concerns us muct) more tljan to be ncqtintnrco toitlj tljc trabcls into j^oreiiyn $art0." R. MORDEN. New Description and State of Enyland, 1704. ERRATA. Page 35 : Strachy read Strachey. Page 54, 55, and 56 : Carman read Car nan INTRODUCTION. BEFORE dealing with the plan and arrangement adopted in this List of Somersetshire Maps, it may be useful to review the history of English cartography, although as a matter of fact I am able to add but little to what has already appeared in the introduction to my " Descriptive Catalogue of the Printed Maps of Gloucester- shire." Glancing backward one can but feel that the subject has not received that attention from bibliographers which its importance demands. In 1780 Richard Gough published his British Topo- graphy, or an Historical Account of what has been done for Illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1818 William Upcott issued A Bibliographical Account of the Prin- cipal Works relating to English Topography, in 3 vols., and in 1881 appeared The Book of British Topography, by J. P. Anderson. These are valuable works, but they cover the ground of topography rather than cartography. There were no bibliographies devoted entirely to English cartography until Sir H. G. Fordham issued his valuable works : " Hertfordshire Maps : A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Maps of the County, 1579-1900," published in the Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, 1901-7, and re-issued as a complete publication in 1907 ; and "Cambridgeshire Maps : A Descriptive Catalogue of the Maps of the County . . . 1579-1900," published in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1905-8. This also was re-issued as a complete work in 1908. In the meantime, 1907, Mr. William Harrison contributed to the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, vi INTRODUCTION. Vol. xxv, his useful " Early Maps of Lancashire and their Makers " ; and in 1908 he communicated to the same society (Vol. xxvi) his " Early Maps of Cheshire." In 1911 the present writer placed before the public, through the medium of the Wiltshire Archceo- logical and Natural History Society, Vol. xxxvn, " A Descriptive Catalogue of the Printed Maps of Wiltshire " ; and in 1913, " A Descriptive Catalogue of the Printed Maps of Gloucestershire, 1577- 1911," issued by the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archceological Society. In 1912 Mr. T. Sheppard, Curator of the Municipal Museums, Hull, issued, through the Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, Vol. xxix, his '' East Yorkshire History in Plan and Chart." Very good progress has now been made in this direction ; but many counties still remain to be dealt with by the bibliographer. With regard to the birth and growth of cartography, there is evidence that the Babylonians, Greeks, and others, practised it at an early date. In our National Institution are some maps drawn on clay and afterwards baked. They consist of a map of the world as known to the Babylonians (B.C. 500) ; a plan of the city of Tuba ; a plan of the city of Babylon, showing the position of the temple of the God of Bel ; and, on some fragments, portions of a plan of a large building in Babylon, probably a Royal Palace, with measurements of the buildings and open courts. These are reproduced in Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum. Part xxn. London, 1906. Fol. A. E. Nordenskiold, in the notes to his Facsimile Atlas tells us that : " Herodotus begins the 49th chapter of his fifth book Terp- sichore with the following words : ' When Cleomenes was king in Sparta, Aristagoras, the ruler of Miletus, arrived there. And when the latter went to speak with Cleomenes, he brought with him so the Lacedemonians say a copper-plate, on which the circle of the whole earth was engraved, and the ocean and all the rivers.' This happened in about the year 500 B.C. We have no further information about this map, and the conjectures that it was constructed by Hecatseus . . . and who, according to a quotation by Strabo (lib. I, cap. I) from Eratosthenes, made the first map of the world, are without any foundation But it is in this passage of Herodotus that a map is mentioned in literature INTRODUCTION. vii for the first time, and that not merely as a valuable curiosity, but as the means of explaining the relative position and extension of the dominions of the King of Persia." Rules are given in Strabo's Geography (B.C. 54 A.D. 24), for the drawing of maps, and it is said that he possessed a map of the British Isles. At best it must have been of a very crude character, and could have had but little resemblance to maps of to-day. Claudius Ptolemaeus, the famous geographer of Alexandria who lived in the first half of the second century A.D., made the earliest known map of the British Isles ; it was printed in his Geography dated 1462 [or rather 1472 J. The Itinerary of Castorius, a MS. generally known as the Peutinger Table, which was probably made in the twelfth century, includes a portion of the south-east coast of England. This portion was reproduced in Gough's British Topography, 1780. The Gough Collection in the Bodleian Library contains a very fine map of Great Britain, drawn on two skins of vellum in about 1300. A reduced facsimile by Basire is given in Gough's British Topography, and it was again reproduced in 1875 at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. Matthew of Paris in his manuscript history, written about the middle of the thirteenth century, gives a map of Great Britain entitled : " Britannia, nunc dicta Anglia, quae complectitur Sco- ciam, Galeweiam & Walliam." This also was included by Gough in his British Topography. Coming down to modern times, we find the earliest engraved map of the British Isles is by George Lilly, son of the grammarian, published in 1546 at Rome, where Lilly had lived some years with Cardinal Pole. The first engraved map of England and Wales is that of Humphrey Lhuyd, published in Abraham Ortelius' Additamentum Theatri Orbis Terrarum, 1573. No survey of the English counties was, however, produced until 1579, when Christopher Saxton, who had been granted special facilities by the Privy Council to enable him to carry on the work with as little delay as possible, published his atlas of the counties of England and Wales. From this work Peter Keer, or to be exact, Pieter van den Keere, engraved a set of small maps of the viii INTRODUCTION. counties, many of which bear the signature " Petrus Kaerius Coelavit," and a few the date " 1599." John Norden, who was born in 1548 and died about 1625, was the first to project a complete series of county histories, but un- fortunately he was never able to finish the work. A Privy Council Order, dated at Hampton Court, 27th January, 1593, addressed to Lieutenants and others of counties, gave Norden authority to : " Travil through England and Wales to make more perfect de- scriptions, charts, and maps," and that year saw the production of his Speculum Britannice. The first parte. Middlesex. J. Norden . . . descripsit, 1593. An expedition undertaken by Norden in 1595 resulted in A Chorographicall Discription of the severall Shires and Islands of Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex, Hamshire [sic], Weighte, Garnsey, & Jarsey. Performed by the traveyle and view of John Norden, 1595. This is now in the MS. department of the British Museum (Ad. 31,853). He also surveyed Cornwall, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent and Northamptonshire, the last being finished in 1610. Norden, however, only published two descriptions : Middlesex, 1593, and Hertfordshire. 1598. The following counties were published after his death : Speculi Britannice pars altera : or, a delineation of Northamptonshire . . . By the Travayle of John Norden in the year 1610. London . . . 1720. 8. The map and plan referred to in this work were never engraved. Speculi Britannice pars. A topographical & historical description of Cornwall . . . By John Norden . . . London . . . sold by Christopher Bateman, 1728. 4to. Speculi Britannice pars : an historical and chorographical description of the county of Essex, by John Norden, 1594 . . . Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. London . . . 1840. 4to. In passing, attention may be drawn to the very interesting and artistic maps of Robert Adams, engraved by Augustinus Ryther, showing the engagements of the English and Spanish fleets in the English Channel, and the course of the Spanish Armada around the British Isles. They were published under the title of Expe- ditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera descriptio, Anno Do : MD.LXXXVm. The sixth edition of Camden's Britannia, issued hi 1607, contains INTRODUCTION. ix maps of the counties of England and Wales, copied and engraved by William Kip and William Hole, from Saxton and Norden's maps. In like manner John Speed also used Saxton and Korden's maps for his Theatre of the Empire, of Great Britaine, many of them being engraved by Jodocus Hondius. The first edition of this work was published in 1611, and many editions, as well as various abridgments, were from time to time issued. The middle of the seventeenth century saw the keen rivalry between the establishments of Blaeu and Jansson at Amsterdam. Each endeavoured to surpass the other in producing the various volumes of their general atlas of the world. In 1646 Jan Jansson issued the fourth volume of his atlas, consisting of maps of Great Britain and Ireland. But alas ! originality was not a strong point of the work, the maps of England being compiled from Saxton and Speed, and the text taken bodily from Camden's Britannia. Two years later Jan Blaeu followed with the fourth volume of his atlas. But here again maps and text were derived from the same sources. Contemporaneously with the development of cartography in England and the Netherlands, a school of geographers was growing up in France, of which Nicolas Sanson, of Abbeville (royal geo- grapher from 1627 to the time of his death in 1667), and his sons Adrian, Nicolas, and Guillaume Sanson, were the earlier and more important members. Other able workers followed, but, as far as is known, no atlas of English county maps was produced by French cartographers. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, when the Dutch school of cartographers was fast dying out, English engravers and map-makers became more numerous, and their works more prolific. In 1675 John Ogilby issued his Britannia, which, however, only consists of long strips showing the roads, with notes and geographical features of the adjacent country. During the following century a number of collections of English maps were issued by Richard Blome, John Seller, Philip Lea, Robert Morden, Hermann Moll, John Overton, Thomas Kitchin, Emanuel Bowen, Thomas Jefferys, John Ellis, John Bowles, Thomas Bowles and Carington Bowles. In the latter half of the eighteenth century considerable impetus x INTRODUCTION. was given to the production of large scale county maps by the Society of Arts who, in 1759, announced that: "The Society proposes to give a Sum not exceeding 100Z. as a Gratuity to any Person or Persons, who shall make an accurate actual Survey of any County . . . and if any Person or Persons do propose to make such Survey, they are desired to signify their particular Intentions, on or before the second Tuesday in November next, that the Society may not engage in greater Expences than shall be found con- venient." This offer, in slightly varying terms, was repeated in the Society's publication of Premiums for 1762, 63, 64, and 65. The first offer accepted was for a map of Dorsetshire by Isaac Taylor. This was published in 1765, but for some reason or other Taylor did not receive the award. It probably did not give com- plete satisfaction, as Gough, in his British Topography, Vol. I, p. 328, says : u A capital survey of this county . . . was pub- lished by I. Taylor 1765, in six sheets . . . This, though the most particular, is very faulty in the place names." In the same year appeared : A Map of the County of Devon . . . on twelve sheets . . . the scale an inch to a mile. By Benjamin Donn . . . Engraved by Thomas Jefferys. 1765. Under the heading " Premiums adjudged in Polite Arts," in " Appendix. Containing an Account of the Premiums and Bounties given Anno 1765-6," is " For Survey of the County of Devon. lOOiL to Mr. Benjamin Donn," this being the first award by the Society. Other counties for which premiums or medals were given com- prise the following : Derby by P. P. Burdett, 1767, who received the award of 100. Northumberland by Capt. Andrew Armstrong, 1769, who received 50 guineas in 1773. Leicestershire by John Prior, 1779, who received 20 guineas and a silver medal. Somer- setshire by Day and Masters, 1782. Suffolk by Joseph Hodskinson, 1783. Lancashire by P. P. Burdett, 1787. Hampshire surveyed by Thomas Milne 1791, for which William Faden received 50 in 1793. Sussex by W. Gardner and T. Yeakell, for which Faden received a gold medal in 1796. Oxfordshire by Richard Davis, 1797. North Wales by John Evans, 1795. Cardiganshire by Joseph Singer, for which John Gary received a gold medal in 1804. Shropshire by Robert Baugh, 1808. INTRODUCTION. xi Large scale maps of other counties were produced, which do not appear to have received recognition, notably : Wiltshire by An- drews & Dury in 1773, and Yorkshire by Thomas Jefferys, 1771. In 1802 the Society of Arts offered three gold medals for geo- logical maps of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Each map to be on a scale of not less than 10 miles to the inch. There is no record that these medals were awarded ; but as an outcome of the offer, William Smith, known as the father of British Geology, made a large Geological Map of England and Wales, on the scale of 5 miles to the inch, and, being a poor man, he was awarded 50 by the same Society to assist him in publishing it. In 1805, Smith received a medal from the Society of Arts for draining Priesley Bog. In 1803 Richard Horwood was awarded 50 guineas for his Plan of London on the scale of about 25 inches to one mile, in 32 sheets, published in 1799. Little is known of Horwood, except that he was surveyor to the Phoenix Fire Office, and it is said he produced his map for the use of that office. Down to 1782 cartographers compiled their maps of Somerset- shire mainly from those of Saxton and Speed, but in that year W. Day issued the map mentioned above, and this in turn formed the basis of all new maps of the county until the publication of the Ordnance Survey in 1809-17. The works of John Gary, produced during the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, attained a high standard of excellence. In 1787 Gary issued his first atlas of England and Wales, and, two years later, this was followed by a splendid little road atlas of the English counties. In 1809 he published his New English Atlas in folio. His large map of England, on the scale of two miles to the inch, which compares favourably with the Ordnance Survey on the same scale, was produced in 1832. The surveying and triangulation of the Board of Ordnance commenced in 1784, but their first publication (a map of Kent) did not appear until 1801. The regular issue of the Ordnance Survey maps practically put an end to all private enterprise in surveying. But there were two notable exceptions : a magni- xii INTRODUCTION. ficent series of county maps by C. and J. Greenwood, and another, though very incomplete, by A. Bryant, both produced in the second decade of the nineteenth century. Having briefly reviewed the birth and growth of cartography, we may be allowed to explain the plan of the present work. The arrangement is chronological, that is, according to the date on the map, or if the map is undated the date of the work from which it is taken. Reprints and new editions are given under the year in which they were issued, and take precedence of the new maps of that year. Except where otherwise indicated each map has been examined and systematically described ; the title and the names of the author and engraver are given precisely as on the plate, together with the actual size of the map in inches. The full title of the work in which it appeared is also noted, thus incidentally furnishing a complete list of the atlases and books containing county maps of England and Wales. A detailed description of the map follows, giving all particulars appearing on the plate, and the text on the back. Biographical notes of some of the more distinguished cartographers have also been added. With few exceptions the maps are in the British Museum ; but to those that are not, indications are given where they are to be found, or the source from which information has been obtained about them. The tabular index, in which the maps are arranged under the names of authors, engravers and publishers, shows at a glance the whole of the work for which each individual is responsible, and more especially the life of each particular map, its various editions, its different forms, and the works in which it has appeared. In conclusion, the compiler, who owes much to the facilities he enjoys by reason of his long connection with the Map Room of the British Museum, desires to express his sincere thanks to Sir H. G. Fordham, and also to Mr. George Goode of the Cambridge University Library, without whose help this work would have been far less complete. THOMAS CHUBB. June, 1914. SAXTON'S PLATE II. , 1575. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1575. Somersetensem Comitat' (agri fertilitate Celebrem) hec ob oculos ponit Tabula. Anno. 1575. et D. Elizabethe Regine A. 17. Christophorus Saxton descripsit. Scala miliarium, 10 [ = 3| inches]. Leonardus Terwoort Antverpianus sculpsit. 20] X 15|in. [Plate n.] In [ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES BY CHRISTOPHER SAXTON. LONDON.] 1579. fol. A highly coloured map showing towns, villages, churches, hills (shown pictorially), parks, forests, woods, moors, rivers, bridges, and the Meare pool. Top left-hand corner, under a canopy of drapery held up by tw r o cherubs, an elaborate rectangular cartouche containing the title, surmounted by the Royal Arms and supported by the arms of Scotland and Ireland. On the left, vessels sailing on the ocean and the figure of a whale. On the right, a vessel in full sail. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale of 10 miles, along the bottom of which is the engraver's name, and above, measuring off 7 miles, an open pair of compasses. Across the compasses, a band with the author's name. Bottom right- hand corner, the arms of Thomas Seckford, with motto on a scroll below. The border is formed by tw r o double lines between which is an ornamental design. In oblong panels, in the border, printed in large letters : " Septentrio," " Oriens," " Meridies," and " Occidens." Christopher Saxton, a topographical draughtsman, was born of an old Yorkshire family at Tingley, near Leeds. He was educated at Cambridge, but at what college is not known. Afterwards he came to London and was attached to the house- hold of Thomas Seckford, at whose instigation and expense, 2 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. and with the authority of Queen Elizabeth, he surveyed and drew maps of every county in England and Wales. This was the first survey of the Counties of England and Wales and all subsequent county maps, for over a century, were based upon it. The dates of the maps range from 1574-79, in which year they were published as a complete collection. The maps were drawn by Saxton and engraved by Augustine Ryther, Remigius Hogenberg, Cornelius Hogius (or Hogins), Nicolas Reynolds, Leonard Terwoort and F. Scatter. There is no evidence, but it is thought that Saxton himself engraved the maps of the Welsh Counties. Thomas Seckford obtained from the Privy Council special facilities for Saxton "to be assisted in all places where he shall come for the view of such places to describe certain counties in cartes, being thereunto appointed by her Majestie's . bill under her signet." Special injunctions were sent in 1576 to all justices of peace, mayors, and others in Wales : ''to see him conducted unto any towre, castle, high place or hill, to view that country, and that he may be accompanied with ij or iij honest men, such as do best know the country, for the better accomplish- ment of that service and that his departure from any town or place that he hath taken the view of, the said towne do set forth a horseman that can speak both Welsh and Englishe to safe-conduct him to the market towne." Saxton surveyed the town of Manchester in 1596, but the date of his death is not known. Copies of the atlas are now very rare ; one sold at Christie's in 1901 realised 90. 1599. Somersetia. Miliaria Anglicana, 10 [=1 inch]. Petrus Koerius Ccelavit. 4| x 3|in. [PM? *] In [A COLLECTION OF MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. ENGRAVED BY PETER KEER.] 1599. obi. 8vo. A small coloured map, clearly engraved, showing towns, villages, churches, two groups of hills north of Wells, and a line of hills on the Devonshire border, rivers and bridges. Top left-hand corner, small cartouche with the title, and, depending, an irregularly shaped cartouche with the scale and engraver's name. The border is formed by a plain double line. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 3 1607. Somersettensis Comitatus. Vulgo Somersett Shyre Qui olim pars fuit Belgarum. Christophorus Saxton descripsitt. William Kip sculp. [Scale of miles,] 10 [= 2| inches]. 15f x llin. In BRITANNIA, SIVE FLORENTISSIMORUM REGNORUM ANGLI^B, SCOTIA, HIBERNI^: . . . CHOROGRAPHICA DESCRIPTIO : NUNC POSTREMO RECOGNITA, PLURIMIS LOCIS MAGNA ACCESSIONE ADAUCTA, & CHARTIS CHOROGRAPHICIS ILLUSTRATA. GUILIELMO CAMDENO AUTHORE. LONDINI, IMPENSIS GEORGII BISHOP & JOANNES NORTON. MDCVH. fol. Shows towns, villages, churches, hills (shown pictorially), parks, moors, rivers, bridges, and the Meare pool. The relative importance of the towns and villages is indicated by the towers and spires of the churches. Top left-hand corner, an elaborate cartouche with the title ; dependent are bunches of fruit. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale of 10 miles, beneath which are the names of the author and engraver. In the middle, at the top, a large ship in full sail. The border is formed by a fine line. At the back, page 159, in Latin, the end of the description of Dorsetshire. Page 160, an ornamental panel at the head and Latin text of " Belgae." 1610. A reprint of the 1607 map. ji>f ' andcitic of thr **& jSSs&SS' '' Ui-k-n / ~ iMtfT . , ^^%^^Cfesl ^ ,', -""",: ff/l'RiT JMcnA-B-Ntcigov-iiB,. V- s -- *** ir, -.,,,.vJ 1 -sl sl^ ,,.,, /"-I..-, '^\H^,' 1 ^V'>* JH --- " ^ ^ss&w^aoKnjS. ' - - ill/ -**-^ii\Nn . * <-: ^*^vP" n ^~*r~- 1610. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 5 in making maps of the counties of England and Wales. These, however, he compiled chiefly from the surveys of John Norden and Christopher Sax ton. Between 1605 and 1610 Speed published maps of the coun- ties of England and Wales many of which were issued before the plates were finished, as evidenced by the blank cartouches on many of them, while on others the engraver's name and date are wanting. These omissions were rectified in later issues. A Collection of these early impressions is in the British Museum. The first complete atlas published by Speed was The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, 1611-12. fol. The first two books are dated 1611 ; books in, Scotland, and iv, Ireland, are dated 1612. This was issued as the chorographical part of Speed's History of Great Britain. Editions of the atlas were issued in 1611-12, 1614, 1627, 1650, 1657, 1676, and a reprint, with many corrections by Henry Overton, in 1713 and again in 1743. It was again reprinted by C. Dicey & Co. in 1777. A Latin translation, by Philemon Holland was issued in 1616, and also in 1646. 1612. Somerset Shere. 13 x 9|in. In POLY-OLBION. By MICHAELL DRAYTON. LONDON, PRINTED FOR M. LOWNES, J. BROWNE, J. HELME, J. BuSBIE. INGRAUE BY W. HOLE. [1612.] fol. An allegorical representation of Somersetshire and parts of the adjoining counties, without any reference to county boundaries. The map is engraved to the border of the plate, and is enclosed by a single line. Shows towns (represented by allegorical figures), hills (shown in enormous proportions), forests, and rivers. Bottom left-hand corner, Blackdown hills with figure sit- ting on the top. To the right, " Nergch fo " is represented by four trees growing from the head of a woman. Top right- hand corner, Badbury hill. The Cities of Bath, Bristol, and Salisbury, are each represented, pictorially, on the head of a woman. The map accompanies the third song of Drayton's Poly- Olbion. 6 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1613. A reprint of M. Drayton's map of 1612. In POLY-OLBION . . . BY M. DRAYTON . . . LONDON . . . 1613. fol. An unaltered impression of the 1612 issue. 1614. A reprint of Speed's map of 1610. In THE THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE . . . BY JOHN SPEED . . . LONDON . . . 1614. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, quotes an edition of Speed's atlas for 1614. I have not seen a copy of this edition, but in the Bodleian Library copy of P. Holland's Latin translation of Speed's atlas is a title-page of Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, dated 1614. In the same volume is a plate with the Royal Arms, engraved by J. Hondius, also dated 1614. 1616. A reprint of Speed's map of 1610. In THEATRUM IMPERII MAGN^E BRITANNIA . . *-. A JOANNE SPEDO ANGLICE, CONSCRIPTUM ET A PHILEMONE HOL- LANDO LATINITATE DONATUM, ETC. LONDON. [1616.] fol. An unaltered impression of the 1610 map. Distinguishable by the Latin text on the back. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, mentions a copy of this edition as being in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 1617. Another edition of P. Keer's map of 1599. In GUILJELMI CAMDENI, VIRI CLARISSIMI BRITANNIA, SIVE FLORENTISSIMORUM REGNORUM ANGLJUE, SCOTI/E, HIBERNIJE, & INSULARUM ADJACENTIUM EX INTIMA ANTIQUTTATE DE- SCRIPTIO. In EPITOMEN CONTRACTA A REGNERO VITELLIO ZIRIZ^O, & TABULIS CHOROGRAPHICIS ILLUSTRATA. AMSTEL- REDAMT, Ex OFFICINA GUILIELMI JANSSONIJ. M.DC.XVII. 8vo. On the right-hand side " 134 " is added. On the back, page " 133 " and Latin text. Uncoloured. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 7 1620. Another edition of P. Keer's map of 1599. In ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND DESCRIBED AND ABRIDGED WITH YE HlSTORIE RELATION OF THINGS WORTHY MEMORY FROM A FARR LARGER VOULUME. DONE BY JOHN SPEED. AND ARE TO BE SOULD BY GEORG HUMBLE AT YE WHITHORSE IN POPESHEAD ALLEY. ANNO CUM PRIVILEGIO, [1620]. obi. 12mo. In the bottom right-hand corner, within the border, number "' 11 " is added, and " 134 " is erased. On the back : "Sum- merset-Shire. Chapter xi," and text in English, abridged from The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. The title-page of the British Museum copy of the atlas has been cropped, and the date sacrificed, but it is believed to have been 1620. 1622. A reprint of M. Drayton's map of 1612. In A CHOROGRAPHICALL DESCRIPTION OF GREAT BRITAIN . . . . BY MICHAEL DRAYTON . . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR JOHN MARRIOTT, JOHN GRISMAND, AND THOMAS DEWE, 1622. fol. 1626. Somerset Shire. A scale of miles, 10 [= inch]. 4| x 3 T V in. [Plate v.] In THE ABRIDGMENT OF CAMDEN'S BRITANIA WITH THE MAPS OF THE SEUVRALL SHIRES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. PRINTED BY JOHN BILL, PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EX- CELLENT MAIESTIE, 1626. obi. 8vo. A small map, very similar to P. Keer's map of 1599, and, probably, compiled from it. Shows towns, principal villages, some hills, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, a small cartouche, with title, merged into the left-hand border. Below, the scale of 10 miles. The border is formed by a double line marked off on the east, into degrees and minutes of latitude, and on the south, into degrees and minutes of longitude ; the figures being marked outside the border. On the back : "5 Wilt Shire " and its text. The text for Somerset is printed on the back of the preceding map of Dorset. 8 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1627. A reprint of J. Speed's map of 1610. In THE THEATRE or THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE . . . BY JOHN SPEED . . . 1627. ARE TO BE SOLD BY GEORGE HUMBLE AT THE WHIT HORSE IN POPE'S-HEAD ALLEY, fol. The map is precisely the same as the 1610 edition but the text on the back is reset. The ornamental head line is omitted. " Book I " is added to the left-hand corner, with a line across the border, and " Chap. 12 " removed to the right-hand side, with a line between it and " 23." The register is Q instead of E2 as in the 1610 edition. The list of hundreds, on page 24, is also reset, the title now reading " Sommerset- Shire." A reprint of P. Keer's map of 1620. In ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND . "Jp . DONE BY JOHN SPEED. AND ARE TO BE SOLD BY GEORG HUMBLE . . . 1627. obi. 12mo. Precisely the same as the 1620 issue, including the text on the back. 1635. Somerset. [Scale,] 10 [miles -=^ inch]. [Jacob van Langeren sculp.] 1| X I in. [Plate vi.] In A DIRECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVILLER BY WHICH HE SHAL BE INABLED TO COAST ABOUT ALL ENGLAND AND WALES. AND ALSO TO KNOW HOW FARRE ANY MARKET OR NOTEABLE TOWNE IN ANY SHIRE LYETH ONE FROM AN OTHER, AND WHETHER THE SAME BE EAST, WEST, NORTH, OR SOUTH FROM YE SHIRE TOWNE As ALSO THE DISTANCE BETWEENE LONDON AND ANY OTHER SHIRE OR GREAT TOWNE : WITH THE SITUATION THEREOF EAST, WEST, NORTH, OR SOUTH FROM LONDON. BY THE HELP ALSO OF THIS WORKE ONE MAY KNOW (IN WHAT PARISH, VILLAGE, OR MANSION HOUSE, SOEVER HE BE IN), WHAT SHIRES HE IS TO PASS THROUGH & WHICH WAY HE IS TO TRAVELL, TILL HE COME TO HIS JOURNIES END. INF^ELIX cuius NULLI SAPIENTIA PRODEST. ARE TO BE SOLD BY MATHEW SIMONS AT THE GOLDEN LION IN DUCKE LAINE A. 1635. JACOB VAN LANGEREN SCULP. 4to. A " Thumb-nail " map, engraved on the bottom right- hand corner of a plate measuring 4x4 inches. a. PLATE VI. ^A sll'l* the Jilhntc Kviiv.-iil'S Lo acl Oil .jrj JIM .'til.; iShiri- .'i .?iv.if t;n-nc n-i'ffc thi j.-i/n .in ,TII ,/, r' j/f.\Vi-/I..V l rtk ,ir .'in i ii.-m London . By the /K-/|' jlt'j .-/" f/n'i ;;vi-t.- SI 4' ui.ir /; n.-ir, / n .V/i.il Parish. V,ll,,ye.jr Manfion hoi u- (>.-i/.-i- /u- lv 111 j T ''/Ut iSlliivi lit II t 4 /.,-..- i / U .Ml ^ - n-hi.-h ./ /,.- ,',! m, ,//. S'i a'. j jnrceltx CUIHS null S.tri cuf i .1 prjiefl . jM.Tt to 1 1 S'pla tj- JWifci*vl S 1 7/1 ell s a t~ the JjlJcn Lien in Dud.' la ins , S 16) 5- ) "'" ''":' Jin / i b. Somerfet 1 i ^ a D ii S a a e 3 CO a a 5 'j f*. ^?. Glailonbui^ 1 ' Bfide-ewAtrr Q 2 c '-J t 3 8 j a kl S : - : .t _0 1, ic JJ ^ '?- q 'o . W ^ i " t> . o - a - i o j: ., 3 - K ' c i g a o J; If IsJi 0; iij? C J *, 1 ^ 1\ fc fl ,0 0> 3 2 ~ " ^ 3 5 * 8 Q ^"Se. = AjLj 51 " *dyf -S 3 ^ ,, J * - a ' i #; ^iJJT^l.l.-i , aj tiilpS M ..i Jr J 1 if /| ,,^fi?i,y rn FrnsfprdV . 5 5 2 > i i i 1 i t ji U j.j. 24 H- 1 -;. ; :4ffT7ff . S [J |f i JJ ,"' 4 .' h M ii i . .' :? 1 II j^ '? J V "I fl 1 J j " ar *4\6j\ If If II HI g M *j n i3 *}i~"i i *'' Aiilurr K> M *> [r t7Atnpor I e.5"- jf *~ M JS 1 4 sz i > ', u 1 7 M J 1 i i ^j 1 1 * .' - ( ' ^' i )ii^'f') i ^ ^1^11 j**3E?j|* a 4 '_) 1^ ^' M i7 il 9. 1 1 ^i ' T 1 f 1 i? jo i*^< FraTome -5-Z w I ,, ? J J ,? ,/ i; 1 pi ;n '." .* t 17 Croolf hornr !.' ij l 1 M o 1 U 1 ij J i f rij i .' J WJlffombir.n /; ," J.' |1 |g . ; B ") j_< l i T '.<.' ''' i . i 5 Scaur' r (j> G/. 1 /!,r..Y., 1C ' i ? WellinyttTn 17 }f ^ n 10 jj y J u. t ~r sL. / Bu*Il . 4 . in y_ '.* ' 4 1 .- t i j IT .^ ft ^ \ -,/ ^ CfUr'de. 5.W- J.< M -J J J v '.' '} 1,5 J 2 s \ C*^S '* "Tuntoo -Tf ,," ?i SC -I OH J 4 y 1 S il \ ^ tx ~~- Qj ? BrijycwjiltrS y ':' jv 77 ^ ) 1 7 l< J 1 4 r i_i k ^, T&- s^^S J i j jjl* j; ./ ^ itii 3~ * **% -*~, B t -TSc ^,.. ; 's Brutn~"S ,; ift if *!> 3 /T ._ *C X A TrjTT,/. c r .. Tl "> D 'L*?-*...fiP5^ TITLE-PAGE, AND DISTANCE TABLE, WITH "THUMB-NAIL" MAP OF SOMERSETSHIRE: from "A Direction for the English Traviller," 1635. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 9 Shows the rivers, and the towns which are indicated by capital letters. Lines, showing the points of the compass, radiate from the border of the map. Around the map ! " Seauere & Glocester. N." " Wiltshire East." " Dor : & Dev: South." " Dev: & Seauern West." Below the map, in the right-hand corner, an open pair of compasses stands upon a scale of 10 miles. The other portion of the plate is occupied by a triangular table of distances, with the title in the top left-hand corner. Along the top of the plate is a list of 26 towns beginning with " Bristoll " and ending with " Ilmister." Down the left- hand side, a column beginning with " Ax-bridge and ending with "Bathe." The border is formed by a single line, across the bottom of which is " 31." 1636. A reprint of J. van Langeren's map of 1635. Ill A DIRECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVELLER . . . M. SIMONS . . . 1636. 1637. A reprint of W. Kip's map of 1607. In BRITAIN, OR A CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND . . . BY W. CAMDEN . . . TRANSLATED ... BY PHILEMON HOLLAND . . . LONDON, PRINTED BY F. K. R. Y. AND J. L. FOR ANDREW HEB. 1637. fol. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, quotes an edition of this work with imprint : " London, Printed for Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker. 1637." The map is plain at the back, and is distinguishable by the plate number " 3 " in the bottom left-hand corner of the plate. 1642. Another edition of C. Saxton's map of 1575. In THE MAPS OF ALL THE SHIRES IN ENGLAND, AND WALES. EXACTLY TAKEN AND TRULY DESCRIBED BY CHRISTOPHER SAXTON. AND GRAVEN AT THE CHARGES OF A PRIVATE GEN- TLEMAN FOR THE PUBLICKE GOOD. NOW NEWLY REVISED, , AMENDED, AND REPRINTED. PRINTED FOR WILLIAM WEB AT THE GLOBE IN CORNHILL, 1645. fol. 10 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The Royal Arms have been changed to those of Charles I, and the date, 1575, to that of 1642. 1643. Another edition of J. van Langeren's map of 1635. In A DIRECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVILLER . . . ARE TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS JENNER AT THE SOUTH ENTRANCE OF THE EXCHANGE. 1643. An enlarged edition of the " Thumb-nail " map of 1635. The corner of the plate containing the map has been hammered out, and the map re-engraved on twice the original scale : i.e. 10 miles=! inch. It now covers the whole space in the bottom right-hand angle of the plate. Towns in the adjoining Counties are shown, and a line of figures added to the table of distances. The compasses and scale are removed to the left- hand corner of the map. The additional detail obliterates the border line. Shows towns, hills, rivers, and the county boundary'. 1645. A reprint of the 1643 edition of J. van Langeren's map of 1635. In A DIRECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVTLLER BY 1 WHICH HE SHAL BE INABLED TO COAST ABOUT ALL ENGLAND AND WALES . . . PRINTED AND ARE TO BE SOLD BY JOHN GARRETT, AT THE SOUTH ENTRANCE OF THE ROYALL EX- CHANGE IN CORNHILL, WHERE YOU MAY HAVE A MOST EXACT MAPP OF ENGLAND WITH THE SMALL TOWNS DESCRIBED IN six LARGE SHEETS, ALSO ALL OTHER LARGE MAPPS OF THE WORLD OR ANY OTHER PART THEREOF. [1645.] An impression of T. Jenner's edition of 1643. The im- print on the title-page is corrected as above, van Langeren's name, and the date being imperfectly erased. The only copies of this edition known to me are in the possession of Sir H. G. Fordham, Mr. E. Almack, of 99, Gresham Street, City, and the Bodleian Library. 1646. A reprint of P. Keer's map of 1620. In A PROSPECT OF THE MOST FAMOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD . LONDON, PRINTED BY M. F. FOR WILLIAM HUMBLE, AND ARE TO BE SOLD AT HIS SHOP IN POPES-HEAD PALACE, 1646. obi. 12mo. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 11 This appears to be an unaltered reprint of the 1627 edition of the atlas. The British Museum copy is bound with Keer's general atlas of the world with the above title. Another edition o! Speed's map of 1610. In THEATRUM IMPERII MAGN.E BRITANNIA ... A JOANNE SPEDO ANGLICE, CONSCRIPTUM ET A PHILEMON HOL- LANDO LATINITATE DONATUM. AMSTERDAMI APITD JOANNEM BLAEU, 1646. fol. An unaltered impression of the 1610 map. Distinguishable by the Latin text on the back. The only copy of this issue of the atlas known to me is in the Bodleian Library. It is, probably, a copy of the Latin edition of Speed's atlas of 1616. The title is printed on a piece of paper and pasted in the space left for the title on the illuminated title-page of vol. 4 of Blaeu's Novus Atlas. The imprint and date is a part of the title-page and may not ac- tually refer to Speed's atlas. Somersettensis Comitatus. Somerset Shire. Amstelodami Apud Joannem Janssonium. Milliaria Anglica, 5 [=1 T 5 F inch]. 19| x 14fin. In JOANNIS JANSSONH NOVTJS ATLAS, SIVE THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM : IN QUO MAGNA BRITANNIA, SEU ANGLL-E & SCOTIA NEC NON HlBERNIJE, REGNA EXHIBENTUR. TOMUS QUARTUS. AMSTELODAMI, APUD JOANNEN JANSSONIUM. ANNO doIocxLvi. [1646.] fol. A clearly engraved coloured map. Shows towns, villages, churches, hundreds, hills, parks, forests, woods, moors, rivers, bridges, and the Meare pool. Top left-hand corner, seven shields held up by four cherubs, bearing the arms of : Renold de Mohun, Lord of Dunster & E. of Somerset ; John Beaufort, Henry fitz Roy, & Edward Semer Dukes of Somerset ; Philip Chandew, Earle of Bath (this shield is blank) ; John Bouchier Lord fitz warren E. of Bath, and Henry Daubney. Below, in the Bristol Channel, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner, cartouche with title surrounded by figures symbolical of the industry of the county. Bottom right-hand corner, a small cartouche with the scale, upon which is sitting a cherub with armillary sphere and compasses, and, on the left, another cherub. On the left again, the imprint. 12 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The border is formed by three lines, with a double inner line. Between the border lines : " Septentrio," " Oriens," " Meridies," and " Occidens." The map occupies two pages of the atlas and is numbered on the back 119 and 120, with text in Latin. The register on page 119 is Nn. Jan Jansson, contemporary and rival of Jan Blaeu, was born at Arnheim c. 1596, and died at Amsterdam in 1664. He was admitted to the Printers' Guild in 1618. In his early days Jansson was associated with Henry Hon- dius, in the completion of the Mercator-Hondius atlas, many of the maps bearing his name. Jansson married the daughter of Jodocus Hondius, and on the death of his brother-in- law Henry, about 1657, acquired entire control of the busi- ness. The earliest publications of Jansson known to me are : " Novus Tabularum Geographicarum Belgicae Liber . . . per A. Goos. Amstelodami, excudebat Joannes Jansonius, Anno 1619." 4to., and a small metal globe 41 inches in diameter supported by the figure " Atlas," upon which is mounted a map of the world, bearing the imprint : " Am- stelodami excudebat Joannes Janssonius, 1620." In 1633 Jansson, together with Henry Hondius, issued the second volume of the Mercator-Hondius atlas with the fol- lowing title: " L' Appendice de 1' Atlas de G. Mercator et J. Hondius," and in 1642 the third volume appeared. In 1646 Vol. 4 was issued, containing a description of England in Latin, by William Camden, accompanied by maps of the Counties of England and Wales compiled from those of Saxton and Speed. These works completed Jansson's atlas in four volumes, dated 1646-47. Subsequently enlarged editions were issued in Dutch, French, German and Latin. A reprint of Jansson's map of 1646. In LE NOUVEL ATLAS ou THEATRE DU MONDE, AUQUEL EST REPRESENTED LA GRANDE BfiETAGNE, CONTENANT LES ROYAUMES D' ANQLETERRE, D' ESCOSSE ET D' IRELANDE. PAR JEAN JANSSON. TOME QUATRIEME. 1646. fol. The British Museum copy of this work has the Latin title, and imprint dated 1647. The preface however is dated 1646. The above title is taken from Sir H. G. Fordham's Hert- fordshire Maps. > ji.MriSL f\J* 4, ..ir \~ A A i- H /." 'i -,;-" A. A ^ ^ i ..... Hv MIR i-ii > ; ^**+ 4,3 ^ * > | A i W H 1 T E L K I .: H 1648. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 13 The map is an uncoloured reprint of the former issue. On the back it bears the pages 135 and 136, with French text. The register on page 135 is Tt. 1647. A reprint of Jansson's map o! 1646. In Novus ATLAS, ODER WELT-BESCHREIBUNG IN WELOHER AUSSFUHRLJCH ABGEBILDET DIE KoNIGREICHE ENGELAND, SCHOTLAND UND IRLAND. DAS FUNFFTE THEIL. AMSTELO- DAMI APUD JOANNEM JANSSONIUM. ANNO cIoIOCXLVII. fol. An unaltered impression of the 1646 issue. Coloured. On the back it bears pages 157 and 158, with German text. The register on page 157 is Zz. 1648. Somersettensis Comitatus. Somerset shire. Milliar. Anglica ... 6 [=2i inches]. 19| X 15in. [Plate vn.] In VIERDE STUCK DER AERDRYCKS-BESCHRYVING, WELCK VERVAT ENGLANDT. AMSTERDAMI, APUD JOANNEM BLAEU cloIocxLvni. fol. Volume 1 of this atlas bears the title : " Toonneel des Aerdriicx ofte Nieuwe Atlas, Dat is Beschryving van alle Lan- den ; Nu nieulycx uytgegeven Door Wilheim : en Joannem Blaeu. Amsterdami. Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu." 1649. The preface of vol. 4 is dated 1647. A beautifully engraved coloured map. Shows towns, vil- lages, churches, hundreds, hills, parks, forests, woods, moors, rivers, bridges, and the Meare pool. Top left-hand corner, an oval cartouche with the title. Seated, a little below, on the left, a figure of a woman, holding in her right arm a sheaf of corn, and in her left hand a sickle. Bottom left-hand corner, seven shields bearing the arms of : Renolt d. Mohun Lord of Dunster et E. of Somer. John Beauford, Henry Fitz Roy, Edward Semer, Dukes of Somer- set ; Philip Chandew Earle of Bath, John Bouchier Lord Fitzwaren of Bath, and Henri Daubney. At the end a blank shield. Top right-hand corner, Arms of England. Bottom right-hand corner, small panel with scale of 6 miles. Three sheep are feeding behind the panel, and to the left, are lying three boats. 14 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. The border is formed by three lines with a double inner line. Between the border lines : " Septentrio," " Oriens," " Meridies," and " Occidens." On the back, pages 101 and 102, with Dutch text. The register on page 101 is Gg. A reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In GUIL. ET JOANNIS BLAEU THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM, SIVE ATLAS Novus. PARS QUARTA. AMSTERDAMI, APUD JOHANNEM BLAEU. doIocxLvm. fol. An uncoloured impression of Blaeu's map without alteration. This is an edition of Blaeu's atlas without text. All the maps are plain at the back. Another reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In LE THEATRE DU MONDE on NOUVEL ATLAS CONTENANT LES CHARTES ET DESCRIPTIONS DE TOUS LES PAIS DE LA TERRE MlS EN LUMIERE, PAR GlJILLAUME ET J'EAN BLAEU. 1648. fol. An unaltered impression of the map with French text on the back. Vol. 4 of the atlas, which is dated 1648, with an address to the Reader dated 1645, contains the maps of Great Britain. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, refers to a copy in the Inner Temple Library. Willem Blaeu, surveyor, globe-maker, and publisher, was born at Alkmaar, in 1571, and died at Amsterdam 21st October, 1638. In 1599 he was employed in making globes. In 1628 he surveyed the entire coast between the Texel and the Meuse. Sometime prior to 1606 Blaeu established the famous printing and publishing business at Amsterdam, from which was issued the finest series of atlases ever produced, beginning with a maritime atlas in 1608, and culminating in 1667 with that splendid work the French edition of the Atlas Major, in 12 vols. The business was carried on under the name of Guiliel- mus Janssonius, with the result that he was confounded with his rival Johann Janssonius, another famous publisher in the same city. Among the early publications of Willem Blaeu was a pair of small globes, 5\ inches in diameter, issued in 1606. Then followed the maritime atlas : Het Licht der Zeevaert MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 15 door Willem Jans Zoon. tot Amsterdam, 1608. 4to. This was re-issued with title and text in English in 1612. In 1630 appeared his first terrestrial atlay : Atlantis Appendix, sive pars altera, continens tab. geographicas diversarum Orbis regio- num nunc, primum editas. Amsterdam. Apud Guiljelmum Blaeuw, Anno 1630. fol. A second edition of this work was published in the following year under a new title : Theatri A. Ortelii et Atlantis G. Mercatoris . . . Amsterdam. Apud Guiljelmum Blaeuw, anno 1631. The copy of the first edition in the British Museum is believed to be unique. F. Muller and Co. of Amsterdam had, however, a similar copy, with some variations, which is also unique. Johann Blaeu, son of Willem Blaeu, was born at Amsterdam 23rd September, 1596, and died there 28th December, 1673. He studied law while continuing the business of his father. After travelling in Italy, he returned to Amsterdam, and on the death of his father in 1638 succeeded to his business. He soon made a great reputation, and is thought to have taken precedence of the rival establishment of Johann Janssonius. His first publication was the first and second volumes of his father's atlas : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus . . . Amstelodami. Apud Guilielmum Blaeu, 1638. fol. In conjunction with his brother Cornelius, whom he had taken into partnership in 1640, he brought out the third volume of the atlas, the remainder of the work being issued after the death of Cornelius in 1642. A French edition of the volumes already issued was published in 1 640-43 ; and a German edition in 1641-42. In 1648 Vol. 4, containing the Counties of England and Wales, was issued. Blaeu's most finished and complete work was : Atlas Major, Sive Cosmographia Blaviana, Qua Solum,Salum, Coelum, Accura- tissime Describuntur. It consists of eleven large folio volumes, each of which has its own distinctive title-page, in addition to the general title, and dated 1662 throughout. A French edition in 12 volumes was published in 1663 and re-issued in 1667, all the volumes being so dated. A Spanish edition was prepared and issued in 10 volumes in 1672. Vol. 11, containing America, was never published in this edition. The maps, or most of them, are those of the French edition of 1667, and still have the French text at the back, with the Spanish text pasted over it. This is accounted for by the fact of the plates having been destroyed in the fire which took place in Blaeu's 16 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. establishment February 22nd, 1672, at the time this edition was in preparation. The Spanish edition is now extremely rare. About 1647 Jan Blaeu published a pair of globes, each 24 inches in diameter. These are now very rare. There is a pair at Trinity House, London, and a copy in eighteen seg- ments to each globe in the British Museum. Under the heading " Globes " in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it says: "We learn that a pair of fine globes by Blaeu is preserved in the Bibliotheque de Bourges." Probably these are the same as those in Trinity House. Blaeu had an extensive foreign business, and in 1663 is known to have possessed an establishment in Vienna. On the night of February 22nd, 1672, his printing house at Amsterdam was destroyed by fire, and with it perished most of the plates belonging to his geographical works. Those plates which were saved passed into the hands of Frederick de Wit, who engraved his name upon them and issued them as his own. De Wit's business eventually came into the pos- session of Covens and Mortier, when the inscriptions on the plates were again altered accordingly. 1649. A reprint of Jansson's map of 1646. In Novus ATLAS DAS IST WELT-BESCHREIBUNG MIT SCHONEN NEUEN GEOGRAPHISCHEN FIGUREN. INHALTENDE GROSS- BRITANNIEN UND IRELAND K. VIERTER THEIL. AMSTELO- DAMI, APUD JOANNEM JANSSONIUM, ANNO 1649. fol. On the back of the map, the pagination, text and register are the same as the German edition of 1647. 1650. Another edition of Speed's map of 1610. In THE THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE . . . BY JOHN SPEED. IMPRINTED AT LONDON ANNO . . . 1650. ARE TO BE SOLD BY ROGER REA THE ELDER AND YOUNGER AT THE GOLDEN CROSSE IN CORNHILL AGAT. YE EXCHANGE, fol. Except the alteration in the imprint, which is now " Per- formed by John Speede and are to be sold by Roger Rea the Elder and Younger at the Golden Crosse in Cornhill against the Exchange," the plate is the same as the 1610 issue. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 17 On the back, page 23, the text is reset. The initial S is smaller, the decoration is less elaborate and not enclosed in a double line as in the former editions. The date of the title-page of the atlas is corrected to 1650 ; but some of the maps are dated 1662. The title-pages of b< oks 2, 3, and 4 are also dated 1662. A reprint of van Langeren's map of 1635 as re-issued by J. Garrett. In A DIRECTION FOR THE ENGLISH TRAVILLER BY WHICH HE SHAL BE INABLED TO COAST ABOUT ALL ENGLAND AND W VLES . . . PRINTED AND ARE TO BE SOLD BY JOHN GAR- RETT, AT THE SOUTH ENTRANCE OF YE ROYALL EXCHANGE IF CORN-HILL, WHERE YOU MAY HAVE A MOST EXACT MAPP OF ENGLAND WITH THE SMALL TOWNES DESCRIBED IN six LARGE SHEETS, ALSO ALL OTHER LARGE MAPPS OF YE WORLD OR ANY PART THEREOF. WHERE is ALSO SOLD A BOOK OF YE NAMES OF ALL PARISHES, MARKET TOWNS, VILLAGES, HAMLETTS, & SMALLEST PLACES IN ENGLAND ALPHABETICALLY SETT DOWN, AS THEY BEE IN EVERY SHIRE. [1650.] 16mo. An unaltered impression of the 1643 issue. The second paragraph of the imprint on the title-page is added, com- pletely obliterating all traces of van Langeren's name and the date 1643. 1652. A reprint of Jansson's map of 1646. In NOUVEL ATLAS, ou THEATRE DU MONDE, COMPRENANT LES TABLES ET DESCRIPTIONS DE TOUTES LES REGIONS DU MONDE UNIVERSEL . . . 1656. fol. Vol. 4, which contains the maps of England, has a Latin title-page dated 1652. The maps are without text. A copy of the atlas is in the University Library, Cambridge. Another edition of Jansson's map of 1646. In Novus ATLAS . . . AMSTERDAM, 1652. fol. This edition, with Dutch text, is mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps. 18 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1657. Another edition of Speed's map of 1610. In THE THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE . . . BY JOHN SPEED. LONDON, 1657. fol. A page of a bookseller's catalogue, in the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library, gives the English editions of Speed's atlas as 1611, 1614, 1627, and 1657, but I do not know of the existence of an edition of the latter date. A reprint of J. van Langeren's map of 1643. In A BOOK OF THE NAMES OF ALL PARISHES, MARKET TOWNS, VILLAGES, HAMLETS, AND SMALLEST PLACES, IN ENGLAND AND WALES. ALPHABETICALLY SET DOWN, AS THEY BE IN EVERY SHIRE ... A WORK VERY NECESSARY FOR TRAVELLERS, QUARTERMASTERS, GATHERERS OF BREEFS, STRANGERS, CARRIERS, AND MESSENGERS WITH LETTERS . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY M. S. FOR THO. JENNER, AT THE SOUTH-ENTRANCE OF THE ROYALL EXCHANGE. 1657. 8vo. The same plate as the 1643 edition printed on the upper part of an octavo page, with three columns of names below, the name at the top of each column being printed within the plate mark of the map. At the top : " Sommerset -shire." and page " 140." On the back, the continuation of the columns of names. At the top : " Sommerset-shire." and page " 141." 1659. A reprint of Jansson's map of 1646. In JOANNIS JANSSONII Novus ATLAS SIVE THEATRTTM ORBIS TERRARUM . . . TOMUS QUARTUS. AMSTELODAMI, APUD JOANNEM JANSSONIUM. ANNO cloIocLix. fol. An uncoloured impression of the 1646 issue. On the back is Latin text, and pages 119 and 120. The register, on page 119, is Nn. 1662. A reprint of P. Keer's map of 1620. In ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND DESCRIBED AND ABRIDGED ... BY JOHN SPEED. AND ARE TO BE SOULD BY ROGER REA THE ELDER & YOUNGER, AT YE GOLDEN CROSS IN CORNHILL AGAINST YE EXCHANGE, 1662. obi. 12mO. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 19 I have not seen this edition. It is noted by Sir H. G. Ford- ham, in his Supplement to Hertfordshire Maps. A reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In GEOGRAPHIC BLAVIAN.S;. VOLUMEN QUINTUM QUO AN- GLIA, QU.-E EST EUROPJE LIBER UNDECIMUS, CONTINETUR. AMSTEL^EDAMI, LABORE & SUMPTIBTJS JOANNIS BLAEU, MDCLXII. fol. An unaltered impression of the 1648 issue with Latin text on the back, and pagination 107 and 108. The register on page 107 is Hh. A reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In DESCRIPTION GENERALE D' ANGLETERRE. AMSTELO- DAMI. APUD JOHANNEM BLAEU. cloIOCLXII. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, refers to a French edition of the English volume of Blaeu's atlas of this date as being in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. A reprint of J. van Langeren's map of 1657. In A BOOK OF THE NAMES OF ALL PARISHES ... IN ENGLAND AND WALES . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY M. S. FOR THO. JENNER . . . 1662. 4to. The three columns of names, below the map, are the same as the 1657 issue, but are printed clear of the map plate. The names and pagination at the back are also the same. 1663. A further reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In CINQUIEME VOLUME DE LA GEOGRAPHIE BLAVIANE . . . AMSTERDAM, CHEZ JEAN BLAEU, M.DC.LXIII. fol. An unaltered impression with French text on the back, and pagination 91 and 92. The register on page 91 is Dd. A copy of this work has recently been acquired by the British Museum. In the King's Library, British Museum, is a reprint of Blaeu's map of Somersetshire with French text on the back and pagination 111, 112. The register on page 111 is Hh. This is possibly from some later edition unknown to me. 20 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE 1664. Another reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In J. BLAEU'S GROOTEN ATLAS OFTE WERELT-BESCHRY VINO . . . UYTGEGEVEN T' AMSTERDAM, Bu JOAN BLAEU M.DC.LXIIII. fol. Vol. 4 has the original title of 1648 and still bears that date. An unaltered impression of the map, with Dutch text on the back and pagination 101 and 102. The register, on page 101, is Gg. 1666. Another edition of Speed's map of 1610. In [A COLLECTION OF MAPS OF THE ENGLISH COUNTIES.] Issued probably about 1666. There is no text on the back, and the imprint is altered to : " Are to be sold by Thomas Bassett in Fleetstreet, and Richard Chiswell in St. Paul's Churchyard." Added, at the end of the title : " by J. S." It still bears the date of 1610. A reprint of P. Keer's map of 1620. In ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND DESCRIBED . . . BY JOHN SPEED. ANNO . . . 1666. obi. 8vo. Uncoloured. 1667. A reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In ClNQUIEME VOLUME DE LA GfiOGRAPHIE BLAVIANE CONTENANT L'ANGLETERRE ... A AMSTERDAM, CHEZ JEAN BLAEU, M.DC.LXVTI. fol. A coloured impression of the 1648-63 map with French text on the back, and pagination 91 and 92. The register, on page 91, is Dd. 1668. A reprint of J. van Langeren's map of 1657. In A BOOK OF THE NAMES OF ALL PARISHES ... IN ENGLAND AND WALES . . . LONDON, PRINTED BY M. S. FOR THO. JENNER . . . 1668. 4to. Precisely the same as the 1662 issue. S^s^* 8 BLOME S PLATE VIII. VP, 1673. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 21 1671. A Map of the County of Somerset with its Hundreds, by Bic. Blome. 9| x 7|in. In ENGLAND EXACTLY DESCRIBED OR A GUIDE TO TRAVEL- LERS IN A COMPLEAT SETT OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTYS [sic] OF ENGLAND ; BEING A MAP FOR EACH COUNTY WHERE EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE IN EACH COUNTY is PERTICULERLY [sic] EXPRESSED WITH THE NAMES AND LIMITS OF EVERY HUN- DRED, etc. VERY USEFULL FOR ATT. GENTLEMEN AND TRA- VELLERS BEING MADE FITT FOR THE POCKETT ; PRINTED COLOURED AND SOLD BY THO : TAYLOR AT YE GOLDEN LYON IN FLEET-STREET WHERE ARE SOLD ALL SORTS OF MAPPS AND FINE FRENCH, DUTCH AND ITALIAN PRINTS. One of a set of forty-one county maps engraved by W. Hollar and R. Palmer for R. Blome (about 1667-1671), and, according to Sir H. G. Fordham, published in the above work in 1671. For description see the second edition in Speed's Maps Epitomiz'd . . . London, 1681. 1672. A reprint of Blaeu's map of 1648. In NUEVO ATLAS DEL REYNO DE INGLATERRA. EN AM- STERDAM, EN LA OFFICINA BLAVIANA. [1672.] fol. Vol. 5 of the Spanish edition of Blaeu's atlas with the title- page of the Latin edition of 1662, the imprint and date still remaining. The map is the Frerich edition of 1667 still bearing the French text on the back, but with the Spanish text pasted over it. The pagination is 117 and 118. The register on page 117 is LI. 1673. A Mapp of the County of Somerset with its Hundreds, by Bic. Blome by his Ma tys Especiall Command. 13| x 9|in. [Plate vm.] In BRITANNIA : OR, A GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE KINGDOMS OF ENGLAND. SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND, WITH THE ISLES AND TERRITORIES THERETO BELONGING. AND FOR THE BETTER PERFECTING OF THE SAID WORK, THERE IS ADDED AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF THE NAMES, TITLES, AND SEATS OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY THAT EACH COUNTY 22 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. OF ENGLAND AND WALES is, OR LATELY WAS, ENOBLED WITH. ILLUSTRATED WITH A MAP OF EACH COUNTY OF ENGLAND, BESIDES SEVERAL GENERAL ONES. THE LIKE NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. LONDON, PRINTED BY THO. ROYCROFT FOR THE UNDERTAKER, RICHARD BLOME. M.DC.LXXIII. fol. A poorly drawn, and sketchy map copied probably from Speed's map of 1610. Shows towns, villages, parks, hills, hundreds with reference numbers, rivers and bridges. The rivers are the prominent feature of the map. Top left-hand corner, cartouche with arms of Maurice Berkeley, Baron Berkeley of Rathdown in Ireland, and dedi- cation : " To y e Rt Hon l)le Maurice Berkeley, Baron Berkeley of Rathdown in Ireland, & Viscount Fitz Harding of Beare haven in y e s d Kingdome, &c. This mapp is Humbly dedi- cated by Ric. Blome." Bottom left-hand corner, in four columns : "A Table of the Hundreds in Somerset Shire." Bottom right-hand comer, in a small cartouche, the title. The border is formed by a single line. The back is plain. Richard Blome, a publisher and compiler of some celebrity, aided by subscriptions, issued many splendid works. Ori- ginally he was a ruler of paper, and afterwards a heraldic painter. His Britannia is described by Bishop Nicholson as " a most entire piece of theft out of Camden and Speed." He died in 1705. 1676. A reprint of Speed's map of 1610, as corrected in 1666. In THE THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE. PRE- SENTING AN EXACT GEOGRAPHY OF THE KINGDOMES OF ENG- LAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND AND THE ISLES ADJOYNING WITH THE SHIRES, HUNDREDS, CTTYS AND SHYRE TOWNES . BY JOHN SPEED. WITH MANY ADDITIONS NEVER BEFORE EXTANT. LONDON, PRINTED FOR THOMAS BASSETT AND RICHARD Cms WELL. 1676. fol. An impression of Bassett and Chiswell's edition of 1666 still bearing the original date, 1610. The pagination, on the back, is the same as the 1627 edition, but the text is reset ; the first column ending in " managed " instead of " with " as in the 1627 edition. The register is " Q," the same as the previous edition. - 2. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 23 A reprint of P. Keer's map of 1599, as corrected in 1666. In AN EPITOME OF MR. JOHN SPEED'S THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAIN. AND OF His PROSPECT OF THE MOST FAMOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD. LONDON, PRINTED FOR THOMAS BASSET AT THE GEORGE IN FLEET STREET, AND RlC. CmSWEL AT THE ROSE AND CROWN IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD. 1676. obi. 12mo. The text on the back is reset, the fifth line ends in " that is " instead of " Sommertum " as in the 1666 edition. Somerset Sh. [Scale of miles,] 10 [=$ inch]. 2J x 3|in. One of " The 52 Counties of England and Wales Geographi- cally described in a pack of Cards," etc. [London, 1676.] The card is divided into three parts by double lines. In the top division is the title ; and in the top left-hand corner, the suit-mark, or, " Pip " (a diamond painted in by hand), and the figure 8. Right-hand corner, the Roman numeral vin. The middle division contains the map, which shows the towns, roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner of the map, a circular compass indicator. Bottom right-hand corner, a pair of open compasses standing upon a scale of 10 miles. In the bottom space is the length, breadth, and circumference of the county ; also the distance from London and latitude of the City of Bristol. The whole is surrounded by a double line. 1677. A reprint of J. van Langeren's map of 1657. [Plate ix.] In A BOOK OF THE NAMES OF ALL PARISHES ... IN ENGLAND AND WALES . . . LONDON, PRINTED BY S. S. FOR JOHN GARRET/, AT HIS SHOP AS YOU GO UP THE STAIRS OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE IN CORNHIL : WHERE is ALSO SOLD ALL SORTS OF LARGE AND SMALL MAPS OF THE WORLD, OR ANY PARTICULAR PART THEREOF, WITH VARIETY OF PROSPECT CITIES. 1677. 8vo. Precisely the same as the 1668 edition. 1680. A coloured reprint of Speed's map of 1610 as corrected by R. Rea in 1650. In A COLLECTION OF THE COUNTY MAPPS OF THE KING- DOME OF ENGLAND AND PRINCIPALITY OF WALES. BY JOHN SELLER. [LONDON, 1680. J fol. 24 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The same as Roger Rea's edition of 1650, but without text on the back. John Seller, Hydrographer to Charles II, was a publisher and compiler of maps and charts. For many years he lived at the Hermitage, Wapping, and also had a shop in Exchange Alley, Cornhill. His principal publications consisted of maritime atlases and charts. In 1671, he published the English Pilot, and in 1675, the Atlas Maritimus. The charts in these works were taken mainly from Dutch publications, and some were ac- tually printed from the original plates, with the Dutch title imperfectly erased, and an English title, with Seller's name, substituted. On March 16th, 1671, privilege was granted by the King, for the protection of Seller's atlases and charts, for thirty years. Another edition of the Playing Card map of 1676. A second issue of the pack of cards with additions to the maps. Added at the top : " Part of Gloc.," " Part of Wilt," At the bottom : " Dorset." Another copy of the above Playing Card. In A POCKET BOOK OF ALL THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES : WHEREIN ARE DESCRIB'D, THE CHIEF CITIES, MARKET-TOWNS AND OTHERS ; WITH THE RIVERS AND ROADS FROM LONDON . . . SOLD BY ROBERT MORDEN AT THE ATLAS IN CORNHIL, AND' JOSEPH PASK, STATIONER, AT THE THREE INK-BOTTLES IN CASTLE-ALLY, UNDER THE WEST-END OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE. [LONDON, 1680.] 8vo. An unaltered impression of the 1680 edition, but without suit mark. The British Museum copy is so closely cropped that the Roman numeral vni is missing. 1681. A reprint of Blome's map of 1671. In SPEED'S MAPS EPITOMIZ'D : OR THE MAPS OF THE COUN- TIES OF ENGLAND, ALPHABETICALLY PLACED. LONDON, PRINTED ANN. DOM. 1681. 8vo. A rather sketchy map showing towns, villages, hills, hun- dreds with names indicated by figures, forests, rivers and bridges. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 25 Top left-hand corner, in three columns : "A Table of the Hundreds in Somerset Shire." To the right, suspended from two nails, and tied together at the bottom, a piece of drapery bearing the title. Bottom left-hand corner, in a small car- touche, the arms of Sir Halswell Tynte, with dedication : " To the Rt- Worshipfull S r - Halswell Tynte of Halswell in the parish of Goat hurst Bart. This mapp is DD by R. B." The border is formed by a single line. The back is plain. 1683. Another edition of Jansson's map of 1646. A reprint of Jansson's map with the imprint altered to : " Amstelodami Apud G. Valk, et P. Schenk." At every 10 degrees, lines of latitude and longitude are engraved across the map. Plain at the back. Strutt, in his Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, London, 1785, Vol. 2, p. 373, under the heading Gerard Valk, says : " He worked some time for David Loggan ; and also assisted Peter Schenk in publishing the large Dutch Atlas, in two volumes folio, 1683." I have not seen a copy of this atlas, but there are, in the British Museum, separate maps of the English Counties with the imprint of Schenk and Valk. These appear to be earlier impressions than those in Atlas Anglois, 1724, and are, probably, from the above mentioned atlas of 1683. 1685. A reprint of Blome's map of 1671. In SPEED'S MAPS EPITOMIZ'D . . . LONDON. PRINTED & SOLD BY SAM. LOWNES OVER AGAINST EXETER EXCHANGE IN THE STRAND, 1685. The only copy of this edition known to me is in the pos- session of Sir H. G. Fordham, of Odsey, Herts. The County of Somerset exactly plotted. Published An 1685. In ALL THE SHIRES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. DESCRIBED BY CHRISTOPHER SAXTON ... & CORRECTED BY PHILIP LEA. [1690.] fol. The only copy of this known to me is in the Douce Collection, Bodleian Library. This is, apparently, a map inserted into Lea's edition of Saxton's atlas, and does not properly belong to it. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. It will be noticed that the title of the atlas differs slightly from the copy in the British Museum, placed under the date of 1690. 1690. Sommersetshire Described by C. Saxton. Corrected and Amended with many Additions as Roads, &c., by P. Lea. 20. 1 , x 15'in. In THE SHIRES or ENGLAND AND WALES DESCRIBED BY CHRISTOPHER SAXTON BEING THE BEST AND ORIGINAL MAPPS WITH MANY ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS . BY P LEA [LONDON, 1690.] fol. A reprint of Saxton's map of 1575 as re-issued by W. Web in 1642, with considerable corrections and additions by P. Lea Important additions to the map are the names and divisions of the hundreds and the principal roads, which, except for Morden's very small map of 1680, constitutes this the first map of the county showing the roads. Top left-hand corner, the elaborate canopy, Royal Arms and cartouche with title, are superseded by a plan of " Bathe " with its arms, and five coats of arms of " The Earles of Bathe." On the right, in the middle, enclosed by a double line, the new title; and below, the Royal Arms." Bottom right-hand corner, the arms of T. Seckford are superseded by five coats of arms of " Families bearing ye title of Dukes and Earles of To the left, in an oblong panel, a note referring to William Seymour. The border is the same as the 1642 edition, and the map is plain at the back. ^Philip Lea was a bookseller and publisher, from about 1680- 1700, at the Atlas and Hercules in the Poultry, and at West- minster Hall. He issued a large number of maps mostly copies or reprints. On some of his maps he calls himself k ' Globe maker at the Atlas and Hercules in Cheapside." In 1703 his widow published : A New Map of the French Lines in the Province of Brabant. 1695. Somerset Shire by Robert Morden. Scale of miles, 10 [ = 3 inches]- 16f : 14in. In CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA, NEWLY TRANSLATED INTO EN- GLISH : WITH LARGE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. PuB- LISH'D BY EDMUND GIBSON, OF QUEENS-COLLEGE IN OXFORD MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 27 . . . LONDON, PRINTED BY F. COLLINS, FOR A. SWALLE, AT THE UNICORN AT THE WEST-END OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD ; AND A. & J. CHURCHIL. AT THE BLACK SWAN IN PATER-NOSTER-ROW. 1695. fol. A delicately engraved map showing towns, villages, hills, hundreds, forests, parks, rivers and bridges, the roads from Bristol, through Axbridge, to the estuary of the river Brue, and from Milborne Port to Crewkerne. Top left-hand corner, cartouche, supported by two columns, with the title. Below, the scale of 10 miles. The border is formed by a fine line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longi- tude. In the top border minutes of time are shown by Roman numerals x, xn, xnn. The back is plain. Gibson, in his preface, states that : " The maps are all newly engrav'd, either according to Surveys never before publish'd, or according to such as have been made and printed since Saxton and Speed. Where actual Surveys could be had, they were purchas'd at any rate ; and for the rest, one of the best copies extant was sent to some of the most knowing Gen- tlemen in each County, with a request to supply the defects, rectifie the positions, and correct the false spellings. And that nothing might be wanting to render them as complete and accurate as might be, this whole business was committed to Mr. Robert Morden, a person of known abilities in these matters, who took care to revise them, to see the slips of the Engraver mended, and the corrections, return'd out of the several Counties, duly inserted. Upon the whole, we need not scruple to affirm, that they are by much the fairest and most correct of any that have yet appear 'd." Robert Morden, geographer, began business in London, as a map and globe maker, in 1668. In 1688 he was in part- nership with Thomas Cockerill, at the Atlas, in Cornhill. He published a considerable number of maps and geographical works, including Geography Rectified, 1688, Geography Anato- mized, or, a Complete Geographical Grammar, 1693, and The New Description and State of England, etc. Morden died in the parish of St. Christopher-le-Stock, London, 1703. Somerset Shire. English miles, 8 [=| inch]. 5| x 4fin. [Plate x.] In ANGLIA CONTRACTA, OR A DESCRIPTION OF THE KINGDOM OF ENGLAND & PRINCIPALITY OF WALES, IN SEVERAL NEW 28 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. OF AT,T. THE COUNTYES [sic] THEREIN CONTAINED BY JOHN SELLER HYDROGRAPHER TO THE KING. [LONDON, 1695.] 8vo. A small, clearly engraved, coloured map, showing towns, principal villages, hills, rivers and bridges. Top left-hand corner, the title. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a fine line with an inner double line. Between the border lines : " North," " East," " South," " West." The back is plain. The map is accom- panied with a sheet containing a list of the hundreds and market towns. 1701. An uncoloured reprint of Seller's map of 1695. In CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA ABRIDG'D ; WITH IMPROVEMENTS, AND CONTINUATIONS, TO THIS PRESENT TIME . . . THE WHOLE CAREFULLY PERFORM*!), AND ILLUSTRATED WITH ABOVE SIXTY MAPS EXACTLY ENGRAVEN . . . LONDON, PRINTED BY J. B. FOR JOSEPH WILD, AT THE ELEPHANT AT CHARING- CROSS. 1701. 8vo. In the preface it is stated that : " The maps are taken from the Plates of the late Ingenious Mr. Seller, Hydrographer to King Charles II. King James II. and His present Majesty. What his Skill and Abilities were in these matters, is very well known to the present Age : King Charles and King James II. chose him to Survey the several Counties, being perfectly assured of his Fitness for such a Province, and his Integrity to perform it ; after which Survey, these Plates were done by him with the greatest Care and Exactness." Somerset Shire by Rob* Morden. A Scale of 10 Miles [=!TF inch]. 8i :: 6|in. In THE NEW DESCRIPTION & STATE OF ENGLAND, CON- TAINING THE MAPPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND & WALES, IN FIFTY THREE COPPER-PLATES, NEWLY DESIGNED, EXACTLY DRAWN & ENGRAVEN BY THE BEST ARTISTS . . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR ROBERT MORDEN, IN CORNHILL, THOMAS COCKERILL, AT THE THREE LEGGS & BlBLE AGAINST GROCERS- HALL IN THE POULTRY ; & RALPH SMITH, AT THE BIBLE UNDER THE PlAZZA OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE, 1701. 8vO. A copy of this issue has recently been acquired by Sir H. G. Fordham, of Odsey, Herts. For description see the second edition, 1704. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 29 1703. Another reprint, uncoloured, of Seller's map of 1695. In THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND . . . BY JOHN SELLER, HYDROGRAPHER TO His MAJESTY. THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. MARSHALL, AT THE BIBLE IN GRACE-CHURCH-STREET, 1703. 8vo. 1704. Somerset Shire by Rob'- Morden. A Scale of 10 Miles [=liV inch]. 8| x 6fin. In THE NEW DESCRIPTION AND STATE OF ENGLAND, CON- TAINING THE MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, IN FIFTY THREE COPPER-PLATES, NEWLY DESIGN'D BY MR. ROBERT MORDEN, EXACTLY DRAWN AND ENGRAVEN BY THE BEST ARTISTS . . . THE SECOND EDITION . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR S. AND J. SPRINT. J. NICHOLSON, AND S. BUR- ROUGHS IN LITTLE BRITAIN, A. BELL, AND R. SMITH IN CORN- HILL, 1704. 8vo. The first edition is assumed to have been published in 1701. A small map very similar in design and detail to Morden's large map of 1695. Shows towns, villages, hundreds, with names indicated by figures, hills, roads, rivers and bridges. Top left-hand corner, in three columns, a list of " The Hundreds in Somerset Sh." Top right-hand corner, enclosed by a double line joined to the border, the title. Bottom right- hand corner, the scales. The border is formed by two single lines with cross lines showing the degrees and minutes (at intervals of 10) of lati- tude and longitude. In the top border : " Minutes of Time " shown by Roman numerals ix-xin. In the bottom border : " Deg. from London." The back is plain. 1708. Another edition, coloured, of Morden's map of 1701. In FIFTY Six NEW AND ACURATE MAPS OF GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND AND WALES . . . BEGUN BY MR. MORDEN : PERFECTED, CORRECTED AND ENLARG'D BY MR. MOLL . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR JOHN NICHOLSON AT THE KING'S- 30 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. ARMS, AND JOHN SPRINT AT THE BELL IN LITTLE-BRITAIN ; ANDREW BELL AT THE CROSS-KEYS AND BIBLE IN CORNHILL, AND RALPH SMITH UNDER THE PIAZZA OF THE ROYAL-EX- CHANGE. 1708. obi. 8vo. The plate has been re-touched, and the roads carried across the county boundary with their destinations indicated. The road is continued from Sherborne to Templecombe. Asterisks are added to the chief towns probably to indicate the return of Members of Parliament. Top left-hand corner, a small compass indicator is added. 1710. A coloured reprint of Jansson's map of 1646. In ATLAS MAJOR . . . Ex COLLECTIONS CAROLI ALLARD AMSTELODAMI. PROSTAT APUD CAROLUM ALLARD, CUM PRIVILEGIO ORDINUM HOLLANDIE & WESTFRISI.*:. [1710.] fol. The map still bears Jansson's imprint. The back is plain. 1713. Another edition of Speed's map of 1610 as re-issued by Bassett and Chiswell in 1676. In ENGLAND FULLY DESCRIBED IN A COMPLEAT SETT OF MAPS OF YE COUNTY'S OF ENGLAND. AND WALES, WITH THEIR ISLANDS, CONTAINING IN ALL 58 MAPS. PRINTED AND SOLD BY HENRY OVERTON AT YE WHITE HORSE WITHOUT NEW- GATE, LONDON. [1713.] fol. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, states that, in 1906, a copy of the above atlas was in the possession of Mr. Charles P. Ay res, of Watford. For description see the edition of 1743. 1715. An uncoloured edition of Blome's map of 1671. In ENGLAND EXACTLY DESCRIBED OR A GUIDE TO TRAVEL- LERS IN A COMPLEAT SETT OF MAPPS OF ALL THE COUNTY'S [sic] OF ENGLAND BEING A MAP ; FOR EACH COUNTY WHERE EVERY TOWN & VILLAGE IN EACH COUNTY is PERTICULERLY [sic] EXPRESSED WITH THE NAMES AND LIMITS OF EVERY HUNDRED, &c. VERY USEFULL FOR ALL GENTLEMEN & MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 31 TRAVELLERS BEING MADE FITT FOR THE POCKETT ; PRINTED, COLOURED AND SOLD BY THO. TAYLOR AT YE GOLDEN LYON IN FLEETSTREET WHERE ARE SOLD ALL SORTS OF MAPPS AND FINE FRENCH, DUTCH AND ITALIAN PRINTS. [LONDON, 1715.] 4to. The map is precisely the same as the 1681 issue. The arms of Henry Portman are substituted for those of Sir Halswell Tynte, with dedication : "To the Worshipfull Henry Portman of Orchard, Esqr. This Mapp is humbly Dedicated by Rich : Blome." Top left-hand corner number " 33 " is added. A re-issue of Morden's large map of 1695. In [A COLLECTION OF MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, BY R. MORDEN. LONDON, 1715.] fol. Each map is accompanied by a sheet of text, in manuscript, giving the Knights elected for each County in 1714-15. The atlas is without title or date, but was probably issued in 1715. 1720. Another edition of Blome's map of 1671 as re-issued in 1715. In ENGLAND EXACTLY DESCRIBED . . . IN A COMPLEAT SETT OF MAPS . . . WHEREIN EVERY TOWNE AND VILLAGE is PARTICULARLY EXPRESS 'D . . . AND THE ROADS AND DISTANCES IN MEASURED MILES ACCORDING TO MR. OGILBY'S SURVEY. VERY USEFULL FOR GENTLEMEN . . . SOLD BY THO. TAYLOR, etc. [LONDON, 1720.] 4to. Roads added : Bristol to Highbridge ; Bristol via Wells and Glastonbury to Crewkerne ; Bath to Wells ; from the County border, near Frome, to Wells ; Selwood Forest via Bridgwater to Dulverton ; Bridge Street via Taunton to Wellington ; and Sherborne to Crewkerne. A Map of Somerset Shire. English miles, 10 [= inch]. 4J x 4|in. In BRITANNIA DEPICTA OR OGILBY IMPROV'D ; BEING A CORRECT COPPY OF MR. OGILBY'S ACTUAL SURVEY OF ALL YE DIRECT & PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN ENGLAND AND WALES : WHEREIN ARE EXACTLY DELINEATED & ENGRAVEN ALL YE CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES ... BY IN. OWEN OF THE MIDD : TEMPLE GENT LASTLY PARTICULAR & CORRECT MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. MAPS OF ALL YE COUNTIES OF SOUTH BRITAIN ... BY EMAN : BOWEN ENGRAVER. LONDON, PRINTED FOR & SOLD BY THO : BOWLES PRINT & MAP SELLER NEXT YE CHAPTER HOUSE IN ST. PAULS CHURCH- YARD & E. BOWEN ENGRAVER & PRINT SELLER NEAR YE STAIRS IN ST. KATHERINES 1720 8vo. A small, overcrowded, sketchy, map occupying about two- thirds of the lower portion of a plate 5 x 1\ inches. The upper part of the plate has, within an ornamental design : ' The Road from Dartmouth in Devon Shire to Minehead in Somerset S." Shows towns, some villages, hills, hundreds with names indicated by figures, trees, main roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, a small panel with the title. To the right, the scale, and below, the arms of Charles Seymour, Duke of Gloucester, with a note giving his chief Seats. In six columns, along the bottom : " The Hundreds." At the bottom, divided by a single line, a panel containing a short account of ' l The County of Somerset." The border is formed by two lines with ornamentation be- tween. Top left-hand corner. " 168." On the back, " 166 " and three " strip " maps of the road from Brecknock to Cardiff. 1722. A coloured reprint of Morden's large map of 1695. In BRITANNIA : OR A CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . . . BY W. CAMDEN TRANSLATED ... BY EDMUND GIBSON . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY MARY MATTHEWS, FOR AWNSHAM CHURCHILL, AND SOLD BY WILLIAM TAYLOR, IN PATER-NOSTER-ROW 1722. fol. 1723. Somersetshire. By H. Moll, Geographer. In A SETT OF FIFTY NEW AND CORRECT MAPS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ... BY HERMAN MOLL, 1723. This was advertised, December, 1910, in T. Thorpe's Cata- logue. For description see the 1724 edition. Hundred t in. Somertet 1 Ch*rt>*tnpnn 21 Jtont Cstk.tr 2j. Somertun MOLL S PLATE XI. Crcunl of y Jtingt Balk at huh XM ttr hjlj.1 j+jTunl J hey. 2.0 BY J. CLARKE, BOOKSELLER, AT YE GOLDEN BALL IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. C. HITCH . . . IN PATERNOSTER Row, & W. H. TOMS ... IN UNION COURT, HOLBOURN. [1744.] Another unaltered impression of the third issue, probably published in 1744. An Improved Map of Somerset-Shire containing the Cities, Borough & Market Towns, with those adjoyning ; also, its Principal Roads & Rivers by J. Cowley, Geographer to his Majesty. English miles, 10 [=1 inch]. 71 x Sin. In THE GEOGRAPHY OF ENGLAND . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR R. DODSLEY, AT TULLE Y'S HEAD IN PALL MALL, M.DCC.XLIV. 8VO. A very clearly engraved map, but somewhat bare of in- formation. Shows towns, principal villages, Meare pool, a few hills and trees, rivers, and roads. Top left-hand corner, on a piece of hanging drapery, the title ; on the right, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " Explanation." Top right-hand corner : "P. of Gloucester Sh." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a fine line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Deg. W. from London." The only copy of this work known to me is in the possession of Mr. R. P. L. Booker, of Eton College. 1745. A further reprint of the 1742 issue of T. Badeslade's map of 1741. In CHOROGRAPHIA BRITANNIA . . . BY THOS. BADES LADE . . . THE SECOND EDITION . . . PRINTED FOR C. HITCH . . . AND W. H. TOMS ... IN UNION COURT, HOLBOURN, 1745. 8vo. Still another unaltered impression of the third issue, bearing the same date. 1746. Somerset Shire. 8 English miles [=1 inch]. 7f x Gin. In THE AGREEABLE HISTORIAN, OR THE COMPLEAT ENGLISH TRAVELLER. VOL. 3. COMPILED BY SAMUEL 40 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. SIMPSON, GENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY R. WALKER, IN FLEET LANE ; AND SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY, 1746. 8vo. A clearly engraved map with shading around the County boundary. Shows towns, principal villages, boundaries of the hundreds, roads and rivers. Asterisks are shown above the towns to indicate the number of members returned to parliament. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, a small compass indicator. The border is formed by a single line. The title is outside the border at the top. The back is plain. Somerset Shire. 8 English miles [=1 inch]. 7-jj x 6in. In THE ENGLISH TRAVELLER : GIVING A DESCRIPTION OF THOSE PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN CALLED ENGLAND AND WALES. LONDON, 1746. Svo. 3 vols. Mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham in his Hertfordshire Maps. Re-issued in The timall British Atlas, 1753, under which date see the description of the map. 1747. A reprint of Moll's map of 1724. In A SET OF FIFTY NEW AND CORRECT MAPS OF ENGLAND . . . BY H. MOLL . . . T. BOWLES, LONDON, 1747. 4to. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, states that in 1747 Thomas Bowles re-issued Moll's set of county maps. 1748. A Correct Map of Somerset Shire. Miles, 10 L=l'- inch]. 6f x 5fm. In GEOGRAPHIA MAGNUS BRITANNIA. OR, CORRECT MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES ; WITH GENERAL ONES OF BOTH KINGDOMS, AND OF THE SEVERAL ADJACENT ISLANDS : EACH MAP EXPRESSING THE CITIES, BOROUGHS, MARKET AND PRESBYTERY TOWNS, VILLAGES, ROADS AND RIVERS . . . PRINTED FOR T. OSBORNE, D. BROWNE, J. HODGES, A. MILLER, J. ROBINSON, W. JOHNSTON, P. DAVEY & B. LAW. PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO ACT OP PARLIAMENT, OCTOBER 12ra, 1748. Svo. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 41 A somewhat bare-looking map showing towns, principal villages, hills, roads and rivers. Top left-hand corner, enclosed in a rectangular panel, the title. Bottom left-hand corner, star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longi- tude. Outside the border, top right-hand corner : " 32." Between the border lines, at the bottom : " West from London." Plain at the back. 1749. Another edition of Bowen's map of 1720. In BRITANNIA DEPICTA ... BY INO. OWEN . . . LONDON. 1749. 8vo. The only copy of this edition of the atlas known to me is in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. A Map of Somerset Shire. 10 English miles [= if inch]. 5 x 4|in. [Plate xn.] In THE SMALL ENGLISH ATLAS BEING A NEW AND ACCURATE SETT OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. LONDON, PUBLISH'D ACCORDING TO ACT OF PARLIAMT. BY MESSRS KITCHIN & JEFFERYS, 1749, AND SOLD BY M. PAYNE AT THE WHITE HART AND M. COOPER AT THE GLOBE IN PATER- NOSTER Row. 4to. A small map occupying the upper portion of a small quarto page, the lower part being taken up with a list, in three columns, of towns, showing their market days and fairs. Shows towns, some villages, hills, enclosed parks, rivers, and main roads. Asterisks are placed over the towns showing the number of members returned to parliament. Top left-hand corner, a list of seven towns, showing their market days and fairs. A little below, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line, marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the upper border lines, minutes of time are indicated by Roman numerals ix-xn. xiv-xvi. Plain at the back. 42 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. Somersetshire Drawn from an Accurate Survey. By T. Kitchin. English miles, 9 [=1 inchj. 9| x 7iin. In THE LONDON MAGAZINE . . . VOL. xvin. FOR THE YEAR, 1749. PRINTED FOR R. BALDWIN, AT THE ROSE IN PATER NOSTER Row. A clearly engraved map. Shows towns, villages, hills, parks, roads, rivers and bridges. The number of members returned to Parliament is shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner : explanation of signs. Below, and to the right, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner, in a small cartouche, the title, with mining implements in the foreground and, behind, a view of the coast. Bottom right- hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. At the bottom, between the border lines : " Longit. W. from Lond." Outside the border : " For the London Magazine." Plain at the back. 1750. A reprint of the 1680 edition of the Playing Card map of 1676. In A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND AND WALES ; CON- TAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF EACH COUNTY . . EMBELLISHED WITH MAPS OF EACH COUNTY. VERY USEFUL FOR TRAVELLERS AND OTHERS, AND VERY PROPER FOR SCHOOLS, TO GIVE YOUTH AN IDEA OF GEOGRAPHY, AND THE NATURE OF HIS OWN COUNTRY, AND EACH COUNTY. LONDON : PRINTED FOR H. TURPIN, No. 104, ST. JOHN'S STREET, WEST SMITH- FIELD. [1750.] 12mo. An unaltered impression of the little map published in A Pocket Book of all the Counties of England and Wales . . . Sold by R. Morden. [1680.] An Improved Map of the County of Somerset Divided into it's Hun- dreds Laid down & Collected from the best materials and Illus- trated with various additional Improvements ; with Historical Extracts relative to its Natural Produce, Trade, Manufactures, &c. By Eman : Bowen, Geographer to His Majesty. British statute miles, 12 [=4j inches]. Sold by J. Hinton at the Kings Anns in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, 1750. 27 i > 20pn. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 43 In [THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS BY E. BOWEN AND T. KITCHTN. PUBLISHED BY JOHN HINTON & JOHN TINNEY, 1755.] fol. A good map full of detail. Shows towns, villages, hundreds, hill ranges (which are named), parks, castles, moors, mines, rivers, bridges, religious houses, and charity schools. Churches are marked R. and V. to indicate whether the living is a Rectory or Vicarage. Top left-hand corner: "The Ichnography of Bath" with a descriptive note below. On the right, a list of seats of the nobility in Somersetshire. Bottom left-hand corner, resting on a plinth, a cartouche with the title ; on the right of which is the figure of a woman emerging from a sedan chair. Top right-hand corner, a list of the divisions of the county ; on the left, an accoimt of Okey Hole and the Mendip Hills. Bottom right-hand corner, in a floral cartouche surmounted by the arms of Earl Pawlet : "To the Most Noble and Right Hon.ble John Pawlet Earl Pawlet, Lord Lieutenant and Gustos Rotulorum for the County of Somerset . . . This Map is dedicated by ... Eman. Bo wen." To the left a note of the " Earls & Dukes of Somerset " ; and still further to the left, the scale, and notes on Hinton St. George, Glastonbury, and Ilchester. Above the dedication are notes referring to Alford, Burton, Cheddar, and Pen. The Bristol Channel is occupied by the " Explanation " and notes referring to Bridge- water, Bishop's Chew, Caiiesham, Minehead, and Taunton. The number of members returned to Parliament by each borough is indicated by asterisks. A Map o! Somerset Shire West from London. Humbly inscrib'd to Geo. Doddington, Esq r Lord Lieutenant, &c., of the County . . . According to Act of Parliament by G. Bickham, 1750. 5| x 7|in. In THE BRITISH MONARCHY : OR A NEW CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE DOMINIONS SUBJECT TO THE KING OF GREAT BRITAIN ... BY GEORGE BICKHAM . . . PUBLISH'D ACCORDING TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT, OCTOBER, 1743. AND SOLD BY G. BlCKHAM IN JAMES STREET, BuNHILL FIELDS & BY THE BOOKSELLERS & PRINTSELLERS IN TOWN & COUNTRY. 8vo. An idealized view of the County of Somerset looking west, taken from an eminence between Bath and Bristol. In the 44 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. foreground, by the roadside, are four figures, three of which are seated on the ground. Shows towns, hills, rivers, and the Bristol Channel. Within the plate mark, above the picture, is the title and dedication. Top right-hand corner : " After Page 49." Below the picture, distances from Bristol to the various towns in Somerset, and the imprint. Accompanying the view are four plates, numbered 49-52, containing descriptive and historical notes of Somersetshire. At the top of plate 49 are the arms of the cities of Bath and Wells, surmounted by an eagle. At top of plate 51 is a view in which are the arms of the City of Bristol. The colophone of this work is dated 1749. Probably the work was first issued at that time. The bird's eye views, however, are variously dated 1750-54. Therefore the work with the views could not have been published before the latter date. A reprint was issued in an edition of the same work with imprint : " Published . . . Decem r 2 d 1749, by G. Bickham jun r - in May's Building Covent Garden" etc. Whether this was issued before or after the above edition is difficult to determine. 1751. A reprint of Bowen's map of 1720. In BRITANNIA DEPICTA . . . BY INO. OWEN ... & CORRECT MAPS . . . BY EMAN. BOWEN. THE FOURTH EDITION. PRINTED & SOLD BY THO. BOWLES . . . 1751. 8vo. This appears to be the fourth issue of the fourth edition. A reprint of Kitchin and Jefferys' map of 1749. In THE SMALL ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON, 1751. There is a copy in the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. 1753. An uncoloured reprint of Morden's map of 1695. In BRITANNIA . . . BY EDMUND GIBSON. THE THIRD EDITION . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR R. WARE, J. AND P. KNAPTON, T. LONGMAN, C. HITCH, D. BROWNE, H. LINTOT, C. DAVIS, J. HODGES, A. MILLAR, W. BOWYER, J. WHISTON, J. AND J. RlVINGTON, AND J. WARD, 1753. fol. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 45 Another edition of Bowen's map o! 1720. In BRITANNIA DEPICTA ... BY INO. OWEN . LONDON, 1753. 8vo. Mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in the Supplement to his Hertfordshire Maps. A reprint of Moll's map of 1724. In MOLL'S BRITISH ATLAS, OR POCKET MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. LONDON, 1753. Sm. fol. Mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham in his Cambridgeshire Maps. A reprint of the map issued in The English Traveller, 1746. In THE SMALL BRITISH ATLAS : BEING A NEW SET OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . LONDON : PUBLISHED . . . 1753. BY JOHN ROCQUE, CHOROGRAPHER TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, NEAR OLD ROUND COURT IN THE STRAND, AND ROBERT SAYER, MAP AND PRINTSELLER, AT THE GOLDEN BUCK OPPO- SITE FETTER-LANE, FLEET-STREET, obi. 8vo. LE PETIT ATLAS BRITANNIQUE Ou RECUEIL DBS PROVINCES D'ANGLETERRE, etc. This map bears a very strong resemblance to the one in The Agreeable Historian, 1746. Shows towns, principal villages, hills, hundreds, trees, main roads, and rivers. The number of members returned to Parliament is shown by asterisks. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, compass indicator. The border is formed by a single line. Outside the border at the top, the title. 1758. Somerset Shire Drawn from the best Authorities. By E. Bowen, Geog r - to His Majesty. British statute miles, 12 [=lnr inch]. Printed for J. Hinton at the Kings Arms in Newgate Street. London, 1758. 6| x 6|in. In THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE OF KNOWLEDGE AND PLEASURE . . . PUBLISHED . . . BY JOHN HINTON AT THE KINGS ARMS IN NEWGATE STREET, LONDON. VOL. 22. FEB. 1758. 46 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. A small map showing towns, villages, rivers, isolated hills, and roads. The roads are divided into main roads, principal cross roads and cross roads. The number of members re- turned to Parliament by the boroughs is indicated by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, a small foliated cartouche containing the title. Below, the arms of Bath. Bottom left-hand corner : " Explanation." Top right-hand corner, the scale, and, a little to the left, a circular compass indicator. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " W. Longitude from London." At the top, above the border : " Engraved for the Universal Magazine." At the bottom, below the border, the imprint and date. 1759. A reprint of Bowen's map of 1720. Tn BRITANNIA DEPKTA OR OGILBY IMPROV'D ... BY INO. OWEN ... & CORRECT MAPS . . . BY E. BOWEN . . . THE FOURTH EDITION. PRINTED & SOLD BY T. BOWLES . . . 175!). 8vo. This appears to be the fifth and last issue of the fourth edition. Somerset Shire Divided into its Hundreds Containing the Cities, Buroughs and Market Towns, with the Roads & Distances. By Eman. Bowen, Geograph 1 "- to His Majesty. British statute miles, 12 [=1] inch]. Design'd & Engrav'd for the General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, for W. Owen at Temple Bar. 71 x 7in. In THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND OR, A DESCRIP- TION OF EACH PARTICULAR COUNTY, IN REGARD TO THE CURIOUS PRODUCTIONS OF NATURE AND ART ... BY BENJAMIN MARTIN, LONDON : PRINTED AND SOLD BY W. OWEN, TEMPLE- BAR, AND BY THE AUTHOR, AT HIS HOUSE IN FLEET-STREET. 1759. 8vo. Shows towns, a few villages, hundreds (indicated by letters), parks, forests, hills (both isolated and ranges), rivers, and main roads. The Roman road from Ilchester to Bath is especially indicated. The Borough towns are indicated by asterisks. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 47 Top left-hand corner, in two columns, list of hundreds. Bottom left-hand corner : " Explanation." Top right-hand corner, a small ornamented cartouche containing the title. On the left of the cartouche, a small circular indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a fine line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the bottom border lines : " West Longitude from London." Below the border, the imprint. [Map of the County of Somerset by John Gibson.] In NEW AND ACCURATE MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. DRAWN FROM THE LATEST SURVEYS. BY J. GIBSON, LONDON. PRINTED FOR J. NEWBERY AT THE BIBLE AND SUN IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, [1759]. 24mo. A copy of the atlas is in the Gough Collection in the Bod- leian Library. It is advertised in Lloyd's Evening Post for May 22-24, 1759 : " This day were publish'd . . . New and Accurate Maps of the Counties of England . . . Printed by J. Newbery," etc. 1760. Another edition of E. Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS : OR, A NEW SET OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES, DRAWN FROM THE SEVERAL SURVEYS WHICH HAVE BEEN HITHERTO PUB- LISHED . . . LAID DOWN ON A LARGE SCALE . . . EACH MAP IS ILLUSTRATED WITH A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY . . . AND HISTORICAL EXTRACTS . . . BY EMANUEL BOWEN, GEOGRAPHER TO His MAJESTY, THOMAS KITCHEN [sic], AND OTHERS. LONDON : PRINTED AND SOLD BY T. BOWLES, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD ; JOHN BOWLES AND SON, AT THE BLACK HORSE, IN CORNHILL ; JOHN TlNNEY, AT THE GOLDEN LION. AND ROBERT SAYER, AT THE BUCK, BOTH IN FLEET STREET. [1760.J fol. The map is precisely the same as the 1750 issue ; but J. Hinton's imprint is erased and " Printed for T. Bowles in St. Paul's Church Yard, John Bowles and Son, in Cornhill, John Tinney, & Rob* Sayer in Fleet Street " added. 48 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1762. A reprint of Rocque's map of 1753. In THE SMALL, BRITISH ATLAS . . . LONDON. PUB- LISHED ACCORDING TO ACT OF PARLIAMT. BY JOHN ROCQUE. CHOROGRAFHER TO HIS MAJESTY, NEAR OLD ROUND COURT IN THE STRAND, 1762. 8vo. It has also a duplicate title in French. Sir H. G. Fordham possesses a copy of this edition. An Accurate Map of Somerset Shire, Divided into its Hundreds, Drawn from the best Materials & Illustrated with Historical Extracts . . . Describing also the Church-Livings, Charity- Schools & Religious Houses ... By Eman. Bowen, Geog r> to His Majesty. British Statute miles, 15 [=3| inches]. Printed for J. Ryall & R. Sayer in Fleetstreet, T. Kitchin on Holborn Hill, H. Overton without Newgate, T. Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, J. Bowles & Son and Mess. Bakewell & Parker in Cornhill. 19^ :: 15|in. [Plate xm.J In THE ROYAL ENGLISH ATLAS : BEING A NEW AND ACCU- RATE SET OF MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES OF SOUTH BRITAIN. DRAWN FROM SURVEYS . . . AND EXHIBITING ALL THE CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, CHURCHES, CHAPELS, &c. PAR- TICULARLY DISTINGUISHING MORE FULLY AND ACCURATELY THE CHURCH LIVINGS THAN ANY OTHER MAPS HITHERTO PUB- LISHED . . . BY EMANUEL BOWEN, GEOGRAPHER TO His LATE MAJESTY, THOMAS KITCHIN. GEOGRAPHER, AND OTHERS . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR THOMAS KITCHIN, ON HOLBORN HILL ; ROBERT SAYER, IN FLEET-STREET ; CARINGTON BOWLES, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD ; HENRY OVERTON, WITHOUT NEWGATE ; HENRY PARKER, AND JOHN BOWLES, IN CORN- HILL ; AND JOHN RYALL IN FLEET-STREET. [1762.] fol. Similar in design and execution to Bowen's map of 1750 published in The Large English Atlas. Shows towns (giving market days), villages, churches (with indications to show whether rectory, vicarage or curacy), ancient religious houses, charity schools, gentlemen's seats, hills, beacons, parks, hundreds, coal mines, lead mines, ancient remains, roads with distances, rivers and bridges. The number of members returned to Parliament is shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, in an ornamental cartouche, the title. On the right, six historical notes, and a list of the " Seats of I* A H T >..:^.^J^ A JLJLJ > I M J It ^ * V, *"'-*'r--'''-"*"7^ _. r- - . .__ 7 ^'*S^ j^""-' ' K.T.m.Vn!;'', i^F ' ^* f ~ < 'L f "? ''' *""' t ' iM "s i> '' \ :, ' />'! K.IU.JI., _, \' i , ^B^Sb ,4 fi^2^t^'5^^c^S'S^*^^~'*'"'*^''^"S ~ ,-"" "' ''.'" ' ,. ,,1^^ -" *' - ?f ~-.-T * T. - ^r 5 BOWEN S MAP, FROM THE PLATE XIII. ^^^fVT^BK^^ /'< n'v *"('.''., '.7.''', " > Xf ! -4^ ..... '--^~; ^. V^~~* ~ ENGLISH ATLAS, 1762. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 49 the Nobility." Bottom left-hand corner, view of " The Cathedral Church of Bath." Below, note on the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Above, four notes. To the right, three notes. Top right-hand corner, the scale. Below, and to the left, notes on Bridgwater, Canesham, and Okey Hole. Bottom right-hand corner, a compass indicator. Above, two notes. To the left, list of " Earls & Dukes of Somerset." To the left of this : " Explanation " of signs. The border is formed by a thick line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines at the bottom : " West Longitude from London." Below the border, the imprint. 1763. Another edition of E. Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS . . . BY E. Bo WEN . . . LONDON : PRINTED AND SOLD BY JOHN BOWLES, AT THE BLACK HORSE, IN CORN HILL ; CARINGTON BOWLES, NEXT THE CHAPTER HOUSE, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD ; AND ROBERT SAYER, AT THE BUCK, IN FLEET-STREET. [1763.] fol. There is no alteration in the map, but the imprint has again been altered by the erasure of John Tinney's namea blank space being left. The engraved number nTthe top and bottom right-hand corners is 29, but it is inked over and made 31. 1764. A reprint of E. Bowen's map of 1720. In BRITANNIA DEPICTA OR, OGILBY IMPROVED BEING AN ACTUAL SURVEY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ; SHEWING ALL THE CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES . . . ENGRAVED BY EMANUEL BOWEN, GEOGRAPHER. To WHICH is ADDED, AN ACCURATE HISTORI- CAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION . . . COMPILED BY JOHN OWEN, GENT. THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS OF ALL THE COUNTIES OF SOUTH BRITAIN . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR CARINGTON BOWLES, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. MDCCLXIV. 4to. According to Gough's Anecdotes this is the last edition of John Owen's Britannia Depicta. 50 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. A reprint of Rocque's map of 1753. In THE SMALL BRITISH ATLAS . . . BY JOHN ROCQUK . . . 1764. 8vo. This edition is referred to by Gough in his British Topo- graphy, where he sets out the title in full. A copy has recently been acquired by the Cambridge University Library. A New Map of Somerset Shire Drawn from the best Authorities : By Tho 8 - Kitchin, Geog r Engraver to H.R.H. the Duke of York. British Statute miles ... 12 [=1| inch]. 10* x 7in. IN ENGLAND ILLUSTRATED, OR, A COMPENDIUM or THE NATURAL HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTI- QUITIES ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVIL, OF ENGLAND AND WALES, WITH MAPS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES . . . VOL. 2. LONDON : PRINTED FOR R. AND J. DODSLEY, IN PALL-MALL. MDCCLXIV. 4to. Shows borough towns, market towns, villages, rectories and vicarages, forests, hills, moors, places where fairs are held, roads, rivers and bridges ; the number of members re- turned to Parliament is shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, in a foliated cartouche, the title. To the right, and a little below, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " Remarks." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, near the bottom left- hand corner : " Longitude West from London." 1766. A Modern Map of Somerset Shire Drawn from the latest Surveys corrected and improved by the best Authorities. British Statute miles ... 12 [=1| inch]. Printed for Carington Bowles in St. Paul's Church Yard, & Rob'- Sayer in Fleet Street. 10 > 7|in. In ELLIS 's ENGLISH ATLAS . . . 1766. obi. 8vo. For description see the edition of 1768. I have not seen this edition, but it is mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, where he states that a copy is in the possession of Mr. Joseph Wilson, of Wakely, Buntingford, Herts. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 51 1767. A reprint of E. Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS . . . 1767. fol. The only copy known to me is in the possession of Mr. William Harrison, of Hale, Cheshire. Somerset Shire Divided into Hundreds. Describing Boroughs, Market Towns, &c. . . . with Improvements not inserted in any other Set of Half Sheet County Maps Extant. By Email. Bowen, Geographer to His late Majesty. British Statute miles, 12 [=2 inches]. Printed for Tho. Kitchin at No. 59, Holborn Hill, London. 13J x 8in. In ATLAS ANGLICANUS, OR, A COMPLETE SETT OF MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF SOUTH BRITAIN ; DIVIDED INTO THEIR RE- SPECTIVE HUNDREDS, WAPENTAKES, WARDS, RAPES, LATHES, &C. . . . BY THE LATE EMANUEL BOWEN, GEOGRAPHER TO His MAJESTY GEORGE HD. AND THOMAS BOWEN. PRINTED FOR T. KITCHIN, No. 59, HOLBORN HILL, [1767]. fol. Similar to Kit chin's map in The Royal English Atlas, 1762. It is full of detail and has the appearance of being somewhat crowded. Shows borough and market towns, villages, churches and chapels in ruins, religious houses, charity schools, rectories, vicarages, curacies, hills, hundreds, sites of battles, coal mines, lead mines, parks, roads with distances, post stages, rivers and bridges. The number of members returned to Parlia- ment is shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, in an ornamented cartouche, the title. To the right, a compass indicator. In the Bristol Channel, notes on Keynsham, Somerset, Minehead, Glaston- bury, Dunster, Taunton, Bishops Chew, and Cheddar. Bottom left-hand corner, notes on Bath, Dulverton, and Okey Hole. On the right, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, the " Ex- planation." On the left, notes on Bridgwater, and the river Thone. Above, a note on Frome. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " West Longit. from London." Below the border, the imprint. 52 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1768. A reprint of Ellis's map of 1766. In ELLIS'S ENGLISH ATLAS : OR, A COMPLEAT CHOROGRAPHY OF ENGLAND AND WALES : IN FIFTY MAPS, CONTAINING MORE PARTICULARS THAN ANY OTHER COLLECTION OF THE SAME KIND. THE WHOLE CALCULATED FOR THE USE OF TRAVEL- LERS, ACADEMIES, AND OF ALL THOSE WHO DESIRE TO IM- PROVE IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR COUNTRY . . EN- GRAVED BY, AND UNDER THE DIRECTION OF, J. ELLIS. LONDON : PRINTED FOR ROBERT SAYER, MAP AND PRINTSELLER, No. 53, IN FLEET-STREET ; THOMAS JEFFERY'S, GEOGRAPHER TO HIS MAJESTY THE CORNER OF ST, MARTIN'S-LANE, CHARING CROSS ; A DURY IN DUKE'S-COURT, ST. MARTIN'S -LANE, AND AT THE MAP AND PRINT SHOP No. 92, UNDER THE ROYAL- EXCHANGE, CORNHILL, 1768. obi. 8vO. This map bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Kit- chin's issued in England Illustrated . . . London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1764. Close examination, however, shows that it is not the same. Shows cities, borough and market towns, rectories and vicarages, coal pits, fairs, forests, hills, parks, moors, roads, rivers and bridges. The number of members returned to Parliament is shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, on a pedestal, the title. Below, and to the right, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " Remarks." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line, with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longi- tude. Below the border, the imprint. Top right-hand corner : " 38." A reprint of Kitchin's map of 1764. In KITCHEN'S ENGLISH ATLAS OR, A COMPLETE SET OF MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES ... BY THOMAS KITCHEN, GEOGRAPHER TO His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK. LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. DODSLEY IN PALL MALL. No date. Mr. William Harrison, of Hale, Cheshire, possesses an atlas which contains the maps issued in England Illustrated, 1764, MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 5.3 with a folded title-page, apparently cut down from folio size, as above. The date is problematical, the work rnay have been issued any time after 1764, the date of Robert Dodsley's death. 1769. A reprint of Kitchin's map issued in the London Magazine, 1749. In ENGLAND DISPLAYED BEING A NEW. COMPLETE, AND ACCURATE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE KINGDOM OF ENGLAND AND PRINCIPALITY OF WALES . . . BY A SOCIETY OF GENTLEMEN . . . THE PARTICULARS RESPECTING ENG- LAND ... BY P. RUSSELL, ESQR. ; AND THOSE RELATING TO WALES, BY MR. OWEN PRICE . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHORS, BY ADLARD AND BROWNE, FLEET-STREET : AND SOLD BY S. BLADON, No. 28, T. EVANS, No. 54, AND J. COOTE, No. 16, IN PATER-NOSTER Row : W. DOMVILLE, AND F. BLYTHE, AT THE ROYAL EXCHANGE. MDCCLXIX. fol. An unaltered impression of T. Kitchin's map of 1749. Somersetshire. British statute miles, 12 [=1U inch]. 9 x 7|in. In KITCHIN'S POCKET ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, DRAWN TO ONE SCALE . . . 1769. Pub- LISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, T. KlTCHIN ... 59, HOLBORN HILL ; & J. GAPPER ; MAP & PRINTSELLER, No. 56, NEW BOND STREET, obi. 8vo. A clearly engraved map without title or imprint ; but with " Somersetshire " printed across the map in large type. The same detail as the map in England Illustrated, 1764. Shows towns (with distances from London), principal vil- lages, castles, parks, hills, moors, woods, roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner : " Remarks," and on the right, a circular compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner : " Longitude West from London." The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. A copy of this atlas has recently been found by Mr. G. Goode, and is now in the Cambridge University Library. 64 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1770. Another edition of Speed's map of 1610 as re-issued by H. Overton in 1743. In THE ENGLISH ATLAS, OR A COMPLETE SET or MAPS or ALL THE COUNTIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. [C. DICEY & Co. : LONDON, 1770.J fol. An impression of Speed's map still bearing H. Overton's imprint under the title despite an unsuccessful attempt to erase it. In the small panel, in the bottom right-hand corner, Overton's imprint is replaced by " London, Printed & Sold by Dicey & Co. in Aldermary Church Yard." This correction is rather clumsily carried out. The only copy of this edition known to me is in the Cam- bridge University Library. Another edition of J. Gibson's map of 1759. In NEW AND ACCURATE MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND . . . BY J. GIBSON. PRINTED FOR T. CARMAN. [1770.] I have not seen this issue, but Mr. William Harrison of Hale, Cheshire, possesses a copy. 1772. An uncoloured reprint of Morden's large map of 1695. In BRITANNIA : OR, A CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND ... BY W. CAMDEN . . . TRANSLATED BY EDMUND GIBSON . . . FOURTH EDITION LONDON : PRINTED FOR W. BOWYER, W. WHISTON, T. DAVIES, W. STRAHAN, J. & F. RIVINGTON . . . MDCCLXXH fol. 1773. A reprint of Effls's map of 1766. In ELLIS'S ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR ROBERT SAYER, MAP AND PRINTSELLER, No. 53, IN FLEET- STREET ; AND AT THE MAP AND PRINT SHOP, No. 92, UNDER THE ROYAL EXCHANGE, CORNHXLL. 1773. 8vo. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 55 1777. Another edition of Seller's map issued in Anglia Contracta, 1695. In SUPPLEMENT TO THE ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. BY FRANCIS GROSE, ESQR., F.S.A. LONDON. PRINTED FOR S. HOOPER, No. 25, LUDGATE HlLL. MDCCLXXVII. 4to. Top left-hand corner, the title and panel have been erased, and re-engraved. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale and panel have been erased and re-engraved in bolder style. These corrections give the plate a more modern appearance ; al- though, in other respects, it is precisely the same as the original. The plate occupies the upper half of a quarto page, the lower portion being taken up by a description of " Somer- setshire," which is continued on the back. A re-issue of Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS . ... LONDON : PRINTED AND SOLD BY ROBERT SAYER, MAP AND PRINTSELLER, AT No. 53, IN FLEET STREET. [1777.] fol. A reprint of Ellis's map of 1766. In ELLIS'S ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR R. SAYER AND J. BENNETT, MAP, CHART, AND PRINT SELLERS, No. 53, FLEET STREET, 1777. 8vo. A reprint of Bowen's map in Atlas Anglicanus, 1767. In ATLAS ANGLICANUS . . . BY E. Bo WEN . . . AND T. BOWEN. 1777. PRINTED FOR T. KITCHIN, No. 59, HOL- BORN HILL, & ANDREW DURY, DUKE'S COURT, ST. MARTINS LANE. 4to. 1779. A further edition of J. Gibson's map of 1759. In NEW AND ACCURATE MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENG- LAND . . . BY J. GIBSON. LONDON. PRINTED FOR T. CARMAN & F. NEWBERY JR., 1779. I have not seen this edition, it is mentioned by Mr. W. 66 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. Harrison in his Early Maps of Cheshire, 1909, where he states that T. Carman arid F. Newbery, jun., were in partnership as early as 1775. There is a copy in the Douce Collection, Bodleian Library. 1782. County of Somerset, Surveyed By Day and Masters MDCCLXXXII. Begbie, Sculp 4 * Scales, Statute miles . . . 7 [=6| inches]. Geographical, or Sea miles, 6 [=6| inches!. Blagdon. Pub- lish'd according to Act of Parliament by W. Day, March 1st, 1782. 71 x 55in. [Plate xiv.] The first map of the county on a large scale, beautifully engraved, giving minute details. Hitherto the maps of the county have been compiled, chiefly, from Saxton's surveys, but this is an entirely new survey from which all succeeding maps, down to the publication of the Ordnance Survey of 1811-17, were compiled. Shows borough and market towns, villages, churches, gen- tlemen's seats, notable houses, encampments, sites of battles, hills, moors, downs, hundreds, farms, mines, woods, turnpike roads, enclosed roads, open roads, rivers, and bridges. Towns sending representatives to Parliament are indicated by the letter B. Top left-hand corner, star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner, resting on a plinth, a piece of masonry surmounted by an urn ; on the face of the masonry, a rectangular panel containing the title. Beneath the title, the arms of Bath and a figure-head with water flowing from its mouth. Around the base are representations of trees, ships, and a figure of Neptune. In the foreground, two figures, one an invalid receiving water from the fountain. At the bottom of the picture : " Design'd & Drawn by C. W. Bampfylde, Esq re publish 'd according to Act of parliament by W. Day of Blagdon, March 1st, 1782: Engraved by T. Bonnor." On the right, list of the " Hundreds " hi double columns. Still further to the right, the " Explanation." Bottom right-hand corner, the scales. The border is formed by a double line with an inner double line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. The degrees are given in Roman numerals, and every five minutes are marked in figures, and lines engraved across the map. PLATE XIV. DAY AND MASTERS MAP, 1782. Section showing country around Bath. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 57 1784. A New & Correct Map of Somerset Shire, Drawn from the Best Authorities By Tho s< Bowen, Geog r - British Statute miles, 10 [=1-J- inch]. Published by Alex r - Hogg at the King's Arms, No. 16, Paternoster Row. 8 x 6|in. In THE NEW BRITISH TRAVELLER ; OR, A COMPLETE MODERN UNIVERSAL DISPLAY OF GREAT-BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND . . . PUBLISHED UNDER THE IMMEDIATE INSPECTION OF GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALPOOLE, ESQR. . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR ALEX. HOGG, AT THE KING'S-ARMS. No. 16, PATERNOSTER-ROW, [1784]. fol. A small map occupying the lower half of a plate 12J x Sins ; the upper half being taken up by a map of Berkshire. Shows borough and market towns, villages, hills, castles, parks, trees, roads and rivers. Top left-hand corner, in an ornamental design, the title. To the right and a little below, a small compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " Remarks." Above, the arms of Taunton. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees of latitude and longitude. Out- side the border, at the top : " Engrav'd for Walpoole's New and Complete British Traveller " ; and at the bottom, the imprint. 1785. A reprint of Kitchin and Jefferys' map of 1749. In THE SMALL ENGLISH ATLAS ... BY MESSRS. KITCHIN & JEFFERYS, etc. R. SAYER : LONDON, [1785]. 8vo. Sir H. G. Fordham possesses an edition of The Small English Atlas bearing the imprint of R. Sayer, but without date. A reprint of Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS . . . BY E. BOWEN . . . LONDON : PRINTED AND SOLD BY ROBERT WILKIN- SON, AT NO. 58, IN CORNHILL, SUCCESSOR TO MR. JOHN BOWLES, DECEASED. [1785]. fol. The map is precisely the same as the former issues, but the imprint is again corrected to : " Printed for Carington Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard & Rob*- Sayer in Fleet Street." Between the two imprints is a space of 2| inches. 58 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. Another edition of Bowen's map published in Atlas Anglicanus, 1767, with the following title : Bowles's New Medium Map [of] Somerset Shire, Divided into its Hundreds. Exhibiting the Roads, Towns and Villages ; Church Livings, Seats of the Nobility, and Historical Remarks. London : Printed for the Proprietor, Carington Bowles, No. 69, in Saint Paul's Church Yard. In BOWLES'S NEW MEDIUM ENGLISH ATLAS ; OR, COMPLETE SET OF MAPS or THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR CARINGTON BOWLES, AT HIS MAP AND PRINT WAREHOUSE, No. 69, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. MDCCLXXXV. 4to. Top left-hand corner, the cartouche and title have been erased and the above title, enclosed in an oval placque, sub- stituted. Distances from London are added to the towns, Below the border, Kitchin's imprint is replaced by : " Pub- lished as the Act directs 3, Jan. 1785." Top right-hand corner, " 31 " is added. Coloured in hundreds. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, thinks it is probable that a smaller edition of the New Medium English Atlas was issued by Carington Bowles in 1785. He also thinks that the New Medium English Atlas was re-issued by Bowles and Carver as he has seen an impression of the map of Hertfordshire with their imprint. [Somersetshire.] In BOWLES'S POCKET ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF SOUTH BRITAIN OR ENGLAND & WALES . . . PRINTED FOR & SOLD BY THE PROPRIETOR, CARINGTON BOWLES, No. 69 IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LONDON. [1785.] 8vo. The only copy of this atlas known to me is in the possession of Sir H. G. Fordham of Odsey, Herts. 1786. A reprint of Kitchin's map of 1749. In HISTORICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW AND ELEGANT PIC- TURESQUE VIEWS OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . PUBLISHED UNDER THE INSPECTION OF HENRY BOSWELL, ESQ., F.A.R.S. . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR ALEX. HOGG, AT THE KING'S-ARMS, No. 16, PATERNOSTER- !-^*4i"**\ -ww>&ci* . 'a^P?'v>V f>*.L v I ^-*-4"' , ^-vJ^^E^-^^sjic \ ' U 4 i * )1 ^/ < 1 S3^^^IyM^t^^ GARY'S MAP, FROM GARY'S NEW A PLATE XV. CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS, 1787. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 59 Row, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, PRINTSELLERS, AND NEWS-CARRIERS, IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. [1786.] fol. A very faint impression of Kitchin's map issued in the London Magazine in 1749. "For the London Magazine" has been erased. 1787. Another edition of Kitchin and Jefferys' map of 1749. In AN ENGLISH ATLAS OR A CONCISE VIEW OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . PUBLISHED AS THE ACT DIRECTS 1 AUGT. 1787. LONDON. PRINTED FOR ROBT. SAYER, No. 53, FLEET STREET. 4to. Engraved boundary lines of the hundreds are added, and the list of towns, below the map, reset in alphabetical order. Top right-hand corner, " 35." Accompanied by two pages of letterpress. A further reprint of Bowen's large map of 1750. In THE LARGE ENGLISH ATLAS, etc. The only copy of this edition known to me is the one=men- tioned by Sir H. G. Fordham in the Supplement to his Cam- bridgeshire Maps. Somersetshire. By John Gary, Engraver. Statute miles . . 10 [=1 r V inch]. London : Published as the Act directs* September 1st, 1787, by J. Gary, Engraver, Map & Print-seller, the corner of Arundel Street, Strand. 10 J x 8|in. [Plate xv.] In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS : BEING A NEW SET OF COUNTY MAPS FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS . . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR JOHN GARY, ENGRAVER, MAP AND PRINT-SELLER, THE CORNER OF ARUNDEL STREET, STRAND. PUBLISHED AS THE ACT DIRECTS SEPTR. 1st, 1787. 4to. A beautifully engraved map showing towns, villages, houses, parks, forests, moors, hills, distances of the towns from London, roads and rivers. Boroughs returning members to Parlia- ment are indicated by asterisks. The roads are carried across the County boundary and their destinations given. Bottom left-hand corner a finely engraved star indicator of the points of the compass, with an elongated northern point 60 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. and Gary's name at the southern point. Across the middle of the star is an oblong shaded panel bearing the title. Below, near the border, the scale. On the right, a note referring to distances. The border is formed by a thick and thin line with a. double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longitude West from London." Below the border, the imprint. The map is accompanied by a page of text ; both map and text are plain at the back. John Gary, an engraver and map and print-seller, com- menced business, in about 1783, at 188, Strand, at the corner of Arundel Street. He had, however, been engraving maps some few years before this. There is in the British Museum : " A Plan of the Navigable Canals made and now making in England. J. Gary sculp 1 London, Published . . . by T. Lowndes . . . May 29, 1779." In the volume containing this plan are other undated plans of canals bearing Gary's signature which may be of a still earlier date. "in 1791, Gary removed to 181, Strand, where he remained till January 17th, 1820, when his premises were destroyed by fire. An account of this event is given in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1820, p. 81 : ' ; A dreadful fire broke out this morning, at five o'clock in the house of Mr. Kerr ... at the corner of Norfolk-street in the Strand . . . The flames soon caught the dwelling of Mr. Gary, the chart-seller, and in a short time that building added to the melancholy grandeur of the spectacle . . . The flames in Mr. Gary's premises soon advanced to the adjoining house of his brother, Mr. Gary the optician. At half -past ten the fronts of these houses were precipitated into the Strand ... In the back of these buildings still greater mischief is sustained ... A rumour prevails that the accident is attributable to the gas." Al- though Gary's premises were apparently, entirely destroyed, he does not appear to have lost any of the plates of his maps. After the fire Gary removed to 86, Saint James's Street, where very soon afterwards George Gary appears on the scene for the first time, and the firm name of G. & J. Gary is introduced. The firm continued to publish at St. James's Street until at least 1844. Gary was succeeded by George Frederick Cruchley of 81, Fleet Street, who took over the cartographic department and stock-in-trade of the Carys. The whole of the plates of Gary's MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 61 three atlases passed from Cruchley, in 1876, into the hands of Messrs. Gall & Inglis of Edinburgh who are still using them. It is uncertain when John Gary died, but Sir H. G. Ford- ham thinks that possibly he was alive as late as 1836. Gary's maps show a marked improvement on all previous productions, the engraving being beautifully clear and dis- tinct. Sir H. G. Fordham, in John Cary, Engraver, & Map- Seller . . . Cambridge . . . 1910, says : " It is not too much to say that Cary introduced a character and method of delineation which has dominated our cartographers from the end of the eighteenth century to the present time . . . Gary's map drawing is marked by a particular delicacy and clearness, and has always the brilliancy which can be de- veloped by the skilful hand upon copper-plate." The same authority also states in a footnote on page 24 of his Notes on British and Irish Itineraries and Road- Books, Hertford, 1912 : " I have since completed a bibliography of this geographical publisher [John Cary], whose out-put of maps and topographi- cal and other works was very considerable, including at least 500 separate maps, and whose work marks an epoch in the cartographical art as developed in England." In this short account of Cary mention must be made of Aaron Arrowsmith, afterwards a famous geographer, who came to London from his native place in the county of Dur- ham in the year 1770, and, according to the Dictionary of National Biography (Vol. n, p. 123), first found emploj'inent with John Cary, for whose county maps he made all the pedo- meter measurements and drawings. To him in some measure must be attributed the excellency of Gary's maps. In 1804 John Cary Avas awarded a gold medal by the Royal Society of Arts for the production of Joseph Singer's Survey of Cardiganshire. The first atlas published by Cary was : Gary's New and Correct English Atlas, 1787. This was followed by a beautiful little road atlas entitled : Gary's Traveller's Companion . . . London, 1790, the plates of which are dated Sep r - 1st, 1789. A second edition was issued with the title-page dated 1791, and the plates 1792 ; other editions followed down to 1828. The maps appeared in some of the later editions of Gary's New Itinerary. In 1798 Gary's New Itinerary was published, and ten sub- sequent editions appeared between 1798 and 1828. 62 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Gary, in 1808, published the New Universal Atlas containing sixty maps in large folk*. It was first issued in twenty parts of three maps each ; the plates being dated from 1799 to 1807. A second edition appeared in 1811, and a third in 1819. The following year, 1809, Gary brought out the New English Atlas containing forty-six maps in imperial folio, some of which had been separately published as early as 1801. The work ran through several editions. Accompanying this atlas is : An Index containing the Cities, Market and Borough Towns, Parishes, and such other places as are chargeable with Poor Rates, throughout England and Wales ; shelving the Amount paid agreeably to Re- turns made to Parliament, for the Year ending Easter, 1803 ; also the Number of Houses in, and the Population of each Place, etc. Among the numerous maps issued by Gary may be mentioned A New and Accurate Topographical Survey of the Environs of London, 1783. -4 Survey of the Country fifteen miles round Lon- don, 1786. A New and Accurate Plan of London, 1787. Gary's New Map of England, on the scale of 5 miles to 1 inch, 1794. A New Map of France Divided into departments as decreed by the National Assembly, January 1st, 1790. 1799 ? A New Map of Ireland. 1790. A New Map of Chinese Tartary. 1806. A New Map of Spain and Portugal, 1807. A New Map of Scotland, 1808. .4 New Map of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, 1821. Cary's Improved Map of England and Wales . . . planned upon a scale of two statute miles to one inch, 1832. A New and Accurate Map of the Country hceli:e miles round London, 1833 ; and an edition of the New Plan of London dated 1836, this being the latest map on which Gary's name appears. 1789. Somersetshire. By J. Gary, Engraver. Scale of Statute miles, 10 f = g inch]. London. Published Sep r - 1789, by J. Gary, En- graver, No. 188, Strand. 3ii X 5f\in. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION, OR, A DELINEATION OF THE TURNPIKE ROADS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ; SHEWING THE IMMEDIATE ROUTE TO EVERY MARKET AND BOROUGH TOWN THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. LAID DOWN FROM THE BEST AUTHORITIES, ON A NEW SET OF COUNTY MAPS. To WHICH IS ADDED, AN ALPHABETICAL LlST OF ALL THE MARKET TOWNS, WITH THE DAYS ON WHICH THEY ARE HELD. LONDON. PRINTED FOR JOHN GARY, ENGRAVER, MAP & PRINTSELLER, STRAND. IST JANY, 1790. 8vo. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 63 A small clearly engraved road map, drawn with the West at the top, showing towns, principal villages, parks, roads and rivers. Boroughs returning members to Parliament are indicated by asterisks. The roads are carried across the county boundary and their destinations given. The map is printed on thin paper, and the back is plain. At the top, in the middle, the outside border-line is carried up and forms a narrow oblong panel, vertically shaded, con- taining the title. Resting on the panel, half of a star indi- cator of the points of the compass, with indications W., N., and S. On the left of the panel : " By J. Gary " ; on the right : " Engraver." Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. A line across the bottom of the plate forms a panel which con- tains the distances from London to the principal towns. The border is formed by a double line. Below the border, the imprint. Sir H. G. Forclham. in his Supplement to Hertfordshire Maps, mentions the following editions of this atlas : 1790, 1791, 1806, 1810, 1812, 1814, 1817 ?, 1819, 1821, 1822, 1824, and 1828. A Map of Somersetshire from the best Authorities. Engraved by J. Gary. Statute miles ... 10 [-=2f inches]. 19| x 15in. In BRITANNIA : OR, A CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE FLOURISHING KINGDOM OF ENGLAND . . . BY WILLIAM CAMDEN. TRANSLATED . . . BY RICHARD GOUGH . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY JOHN NICHOLS, FOR T. PAYNE AND SON, CASTLE -STREET, ST. MARTIN'S ; AND G. G. J. AND J. ROBINSON, PATER-NOSTER-ROW. M.DCCLXXXIX. fol. A very full map, engraved in the same style as the maps in Gary's New and Correct English Atlas. Shows towns, vil- lages, churches, hundreds (with names indicated by numbers), hills, forests, downs, moors, roads (with distances from town to town), rivers and bridges. Bottom left-hand corner, in three columns : " References to the Hundreds." Top right-hand corner, the title and en- graver's name. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. In the middle of the Bristol Channel, a large star indicator of the points of the compass. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines in bottom left-hand corner : "III Longitude West from London." Plain at the back. 64 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. [A Map of the County of Somerset by William Tunnicliff, 1789.] In A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTIES OF SOMER- SET, GLOUCESTER, WORCESTER, STAFFORD. CHESTER, AND LANCASTER. CONTAINING A NEW ENGRAVED MAP OF EACH COUNTY . . . BY WILLIAM TUNNICLIFF, LAND SURVEYOR, BATH. 1789. 8vo. I have not seen this work, but it is referred to in The Biblio- grapher's Manual of Gloucestershire Literature ... by Francis Adams Hyett . . . and the Rev. William Bazeley . . . Gloucester, 1895. 8vo. 1790. A Map of Somersetshire, Engraved from an actual Survey with improvements. , English Statute miles ... 10 [=^2J inches]. Haywood Del. Ludlow Sculp. Engraved for J. Harrison, No. 115, Newgate Street, as the Act directs, 8 Mar. 1790. 18i x 12iin. In MAPS OF THE ENGLISH COUNTIES, WITH THE SUBDIVISIONS OF HUNDREDS, WAPONTAKES, LATHES, WARDS, DIVISIONS, &C. TO WHICH ARE ADDED TWO FOLIO PAGES OF LETTER- PRESS, TO FACE EACH MAP . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY AND FOR JOHN HARRISON, No. 115, NEWGATE - STREET. M,DCC,XCI. obi. fol. A somewhat bare and plain looking map, showing towns, principal villages, hills (by name, except Ham hill which is shown pictorially), hundreds (with names indicated by num- bers), meres, moors, downs, parks, roads and rivers. Top left-hand corner, enclosed by a double line, the title. On the right, a star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner : " Reference to the Hundreds." Bottom right-hand comer, the scale. The border is formed by a double line with an inner double line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Below the border, the names of the draughtsman and engraver, and the imprint. The back of the map is plain. A sheet of text accompanies the map, on the back of which is the text of Dorsetshire. A New Map of Somersetshire from the Latest Authorities. British Statute miles ... 12 [=2 inches]. Jn- Lodge, Sc., London. Published as the Act directs, Feb*- 28 th - 1790, by R. Butters. No. 79, Fleet Street. 12f x MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 65 In THE POLITICAL MAGAZINE . . . FOR THE YEAR 1790. VOLUME 18. LONDON : PRINTED FOR R. BUTTERS, No. 79 FLEET-STREET, ETC. 8vo. A well covered and boldly engraved map, showing borough and market towns, villages, rectories, vicarages, fairs, forests, hills, mines, moors, parks, trees, the shire stones, roads, rivers and bridges. The number of members returned to Parliament is indicated by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, the title. A little below, and to the right, a compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " Re- marks." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines at the bottom : " Longi- tude West from London." Outside the border, top right- hand corner: "Political Mag. Feb. 90." Bottom right- hand corner, the engraver's name. In the middle, the imprint. Somersetshire. Size of page 4J x 7Hn. In ENGLAND DELINEATED ; OR, A GEOGRAPHICAL DE- SCRIPTION OF EVERY COUNTY IN ENGLAND AND WALES (BY JOHN AIKIN) . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD. M.DCC.XC. 8vo. ? A bare looking outline map, without a border or any orna- ment whatever. Shows towns, Mendip and Quantock hills moors and rivers. The names of the adjoining counties are given around the county boundary. Top left-hand corner, the title. * The back is plain. 1791. A New Map of Somersetshire, by WOT- Tunnicliff, Land Surveyor 1791. Scale of miles, 10 [=3| inches]. 22J x 16|in. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTIES OF HANTS WILTS, DORSET, SOMERSET, DEVON, AND CORNWALL COMMONLY CALLED THE WESTERN CIRCUIT ... BY WlLLIAM TuNNI- CLIFF, LAND-SURVEYOR. SALISBURY : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY B. C. COLLINS, AND SOLD BY HIM; ALSO BY S CROWDER, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON ; MESSRS. TRUMAN AND SON, EXETER . . . M.DCC,XCI. 8vo. A clearly engraved, but somewhat bare looking map on a fairly large scale. Coloured in hundreds. The names of the 66 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. larger hundreds are printed in large letters. The names of the smaller ones and detached parts are indicated by numbers. The main roads cross the county boundary and their des- tinations are indicated. Shows towns (with their churches), principal villages, hills, hundreds, downs, moors ; gentlemen's seats, parks, roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner : " Explanation." In the Bristol Channel, just above Watchet, a plain cross with ornamented northern point and E., S., W., at the other points. Bottom left- hand corner, in two columns, references to the hundreds. To the right, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, the title. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. 1792. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON . . . IST. JANY. 1791. 8vo. The maps in this edition are dated Sept. 1, 1792. They are printed on thick paper and on both sides. '' To Glocester " is added to the road leaving Bath. The date in the imprint is corrected to 1792. On the back, is the map of Staffordshire. A reprint of the map engraved for J. Harrison, 1790. In MAPS OF THE ENGLISH COUNTIES BY JOHN HARRISON. LONDON, 1792. obi. fol. I have not seen this edition, but it is mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps. A Map of the County of Somerset. A scale of miles, 10 [=3 inches]. A. Crocker delin 1 * Frome. London, Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry, as the Act directs, March 3 d - 1792. 24J x ISJin. In THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY or SOMERSET . . . BY THE REVEREND JOHN COLLINSON . BATH : PRINTED BY R. CRUTTWELL ; AND SOLD BY C. DILLY, POULTRY ; G. G. J. AND J. ROBINSON, AND T. LONGMAN, PATER-NOSTER-ROW ; AND T. PAYNE, MEWS-GATE, LONDON ; J. FLETCHER, OXFORD . . . MDCCXCI. 4to. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 67 A clearly engraved map very similar to that of Tunnicliff and probably compiled from his survey of 1791. The names of the hundreds are printed in large type and the rivers are somewhat exaggerated which causes them to be the prominent feature of the map. The main roads are carried across the county boundary and their destination given. Shows towns (with their churches), villages, camps, castles, hills, hundreds, forests, moors, Alfred's tower, roads, rivers and bridges. Top left-hand corner, in the middle of the Bristol Channel, a peculiar floriated indicator of the cardinal points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner, set in a landscape, a cartouche containing the title. On the right, the scale. The border is formed by a thick and thin line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Below the border, the imprint. Plain at the back. 1793. Another edition of Gary's map of 1787. In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR JOHN GARY, ENGRAVER & MAP- SELLER, No. 181, NEAR NORFOLK-STREET, STRAND. PUB- LISHED AS THE ACT DIRECTS, JANY. 1ST. 1793. 4to. An impression of Gary's map of 1787 still bearing the original date and imprint, but with some additions to the plate. To the road across the detached portion has been added : " from Sherborne " and " to Blandford." Also along the southern border : " from Weymouth," " from Beaminster " and " from Lyme Regis " are added. The roads, parks and county boun- dary are coloured. The maps in the British Museum copy of this atlas, with the exception of Durham which is dated 1793, all bear the original date of 1787. In the following counties Gary's address is corrected to " 181 Strand " or, simply, Strand : Berks, Bucks, Essex, Hants, Hertford, Leicester, Middlesex, Northampton, Oxford, Stafford, and Surrey. Sir H. G. Fordham has evidently seen a copy of this edition with the maps dated 1793, as he quotes the Hertfordshire map as being re-engraved and dated 1793 ; and states that : " The maps in this series are all of the same date, except that of Dorset, which is dated (in error) 1795." 68 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1794. A reprint of the map in the New British Traveller. By G. A. Wal- poole. 1784. In THE NEW AND COMPLETE ENGLISH TRAVELLER . . . BY WILLIAM HUGH DALTON, ESQR. . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR ALEX. HOGG, No. 16, PATERNOSTER Row, etc. [1794. J fol. Precisely the same as the original issue. Another edition of Gary's map of 1787. In GENERAL VIEW OF THE AGRICULTURE IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . BY JOHN BILLINGSLEY . . . LONDON : PRINTED BY W. SMITH. M.DCC.XCIV. 4to. The map is coloured to show the agriculture of the county. Gary's name is erased from below the title, and, " Engraved for Mr. Billingsley's Agricultural Report " substituted. In the bottom right-hand corner the " Explanation " of the colours is added. The imprint and date are erased. Gary probably prepared the map especially for this work. Somersetshire. Engraved by B. Baker, Islington. Scale of miles, 10 [=11 inch]. 9 x 7}in. In THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE OF KNOWLEDGE AND PLEA- SURE . . . VOL. xciv. LONDON : PUBLISHED . . . BY W. BENT, AT THE KING'S ARMS, PATERNOSTER Row, 1794. 8vo. The principal feature of the map is the roads. The main roads are continued across the county boundary to the towns in the adjoining counties. Shows towns, principal villages, parks, hills, and rivers. The distances of the towns from London are given in miles. In the bottom left-hand corner, a long, slightly oval panel containing the title ; immediately below is the engraver's name, and the scale. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line with a double line inside marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longi- tude West from Greenwich." MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 69 1795. Another edition of the map engraved by J. Lodge. 1790. In [A COLLECTION or MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND 1795.] 8vo. The map is the same as the 1790 issue ; but the imprint, engraver's name, and " Political Mag. Feb. 90," are erased. A reprint of the map in England Delineated by J. Aikin. 1790. In ENGLAND DELINEATED . . . THIRD EDITION . LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD. M.DCC.XCV. 8vo. 1796. A reprint of the Bird's-Eye view by G. Bickham, 1750. In A CURIOUS COLLECTION or BIRD'S-EYE VIEWS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES IN ENGLAND & WALES ; EXHIBITING A PLEASING LANDSCAPE OF EACH COUNTY . . . FINELY ENGRAVED ON FORTY Six PLATES. BY GEORGE BICKHAM, JUNIOR. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY ROBERT LAURIE AND JAMES WHITTLE, MAP, CHART, AND PRINT SELLERS, No. 53, FLEET STREET, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE MR. ROBERT SAYER ) 1796. 4to. The view is precisely the same as the earlier issue ; but the plate is reduced by about fin. at top and bottom, thus cutting oft' the title and dedication at the top, and the note and imprint at the bottom. Re-engraved at the top is " Somersetshire " and number "31." 1797. Somerset for the Agricultural Survey taken by Jn- Billingsley. Sketched by W m - White, 1797. Statute miles, 20 [ =3 inches]. 10| x 8fin. In GENERAL VIEW OF THE AGRICULTURE OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . BY JOHN BILLINGSLEY, ESQ. BATH, PRINTED BY R. CRUTTWELL, FOR THE AUTHOR ; AND SOLD BY C. DlLLY, POULTRY, LONDON. MDCCXCVH. 8vo. An outline map prepared to show the nature of the surface of the ground for agricultural purposes. Shows principal towns, hills, downs, roads and rivers. 70 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Bottom left-hand corner, explanation of the signs used. On the right, the title. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a fine line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " West Longitude from London." 1798. A reprint of Billingsley's map of 1797. In GENERAL VIEW OF THE AGRICULTURE ... OF SOMER- SET . . . SECOND EDITION . . . BATH . . . MDCCXCVIH. 8vo. 1800. Second edition of Day and Masters' map of 1782. An unaltered impression of the 1782 issue, coloured in hundreds, still bearing the original imprint and date, both in the title and below the border. Each of the nine sheets have on their margins : " Published by W. Faden, Charing Cross, July 1st. 1800. Second Edition." And below the original imprint on the title plate : " Second Edition. Published by W. Faden, Charing Cross, July 1st. 1800." A reprint of the map issued in England Delineated by J. Aikin, 1790. In ENGLAND DELINEATED . . . FOURTH EDITION . . . 1800. 1801. A New Map of the County of Somerset Divided into Hundreds. London : Printed for C. Smith, No. 172, Strand. January 6th. 1801. Jones & Smith, Sc., Pentonville. Scale, 14 miles [=3f inches]. 19f x 17iin. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS. BEING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, DIVIDED INTO HUNDREDS. ON WHICH ARE DELINEATED ALL THE DIRECT AND CROSS ROADS . . . CITIES, TOWNS, AND MOST CONSIDERABLE VILLAGES, PARKS, GENTLEMEN'S SEATS, RIVERS AND NAVIGABLE CANALS . . . ACCOMPANIED BY AN INDEX VlLLARIS . . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR C. SMITH, MAPSELLER, No. 172 (CORNER OF SURREY STREET,) STRAND. 1804. fol. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 71 A well engraved map, with a somewhat overcrowded ap- pearance and coloured in hundreds. Very similar to Gary's map of 1805. Shows towns (with their distances from London in miles), villages, churches and chapels, gentlemen's seats, parks, forests, woods, hills, hundreds (with names indicated by numbers), canals, moors, roads (with distances in miles from town to town), rivers and bridges. The main roads are carried across the county boundary, and their destinations given. Top left-hand corner, the title and imprint. Bottom left- hand corner, in three columns : " Reference to the Hundreds." On the right, a star indicator of the points of the compass, and, just below, the engraver's name. Top right-hand corner, note giving the distance from London to Bath. Bottom right-hand corner : " Explanation." On the left, the scale. The border is formed by two fine lines with an intermediate thick one, and a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longitude West from Greenwich." The map of England and those of the counties are dated, January 6th. 1801, and were separately published at that time. They were brought together, with a map of Wales, in two sheets and issued collectively in 1804. These maps bear a considerable resemblance to those in Gary's New English Atlas . . . LONDON . . . 1809, so much so that one would imagine they were taken from the same source. Sir H. G. Fordham states that editions were issued in 1808, 1818, 1821, 1827, 1843, and 1846 ; but the only copies I have seen are those in the British Museum, 1804 and 1808. 1803. A further reprint o the map issued in England Delineated by J. Aikin. 1790. In ENGLAND DELINEATED . . . FIFTH EDITION . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON ... BY T. BENSLEY . . . 1803. 8vo. Somersetshire. Scale of 20 miles [=4 inch]. Sold by J. Lufhnan, 28, Little Bell Alley, Coleman Street, London. 2 inches in diameter. In A NEW POCKET ATLAS AND GEOGRAPHY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, ILLUSTRATED WITH FIFTY-FIVE COPPER-PLATES 72 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. . . . BY JOHN LUFFMAN, GEOGR., LONDON, ENGRAVED, PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY J. LUFFMAN, No. 28, LITTLE BELL ALLEY, COLEMAN STREET, 1803. 12mo. A small circular map showing parts of the adjoining counties, its chief feature being the roads. It occupies the upper half of a 12mo. page with descriptive letterpress, in fifteen lines, printed below. The first line of the text is printed within the mark of the copper-plate. Coloured in counties. Shows the main roads and towns only. In the Bristol Channel, an arrow with cross line indicating the cardinal points. The circular border is formed by two fine lines with an in- termediate thick one and a similar inner border with a space of i inch between the two. In the space between the border lines, at the top : " Somersetshire " ; on the right : " Ilchester Co. Town 123 miles from London " ; at the bottom, the scale ; on the left : " Sends 18 Members to Par!* " Below the border, the imprint. At the top of the page: "31." Plain at the back. A Topographical Map of the County of Somerset Reduced from the Large Survey in Nine Sheets by W. Day & Thos. Masters. London. Published by W. Faden, Geographer to His Majesty & to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Charing Cross, Jan. 1. 1803. [Scale, about 3 miles to the inch.] 16 x 20|in. A finely engraved map, coloured in hundreds, showing towns (with distances from London), villages, gentlemen's seats, hills, boundaries of hundreds (but no names), moors, canals, windmills, roads (with distances from town to town), rivers and bridges. Top left-hand corner : " Plan of the City of Bath, 1803." Bottom left-hand corner, title and imprint. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines at the bottom : " Longitude West from Greenwich Observatory." Somersetshire. Scale of miles, 10 [=f inch], 3J x 4|in. In AN ATLAS OF ENGLAND . . . LONDON, PRINTED AND SOLD BY R. BUTTERS, No. 22, FETTER LANE, FLEET STREET. [1803.1 8vo. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 73 The only copy known to me is in the University Library, Cambridge. For description of the map see the second issue in The Picture of England, 1804. 1804. Another edition of C. Smith's map of 1801. I have not seen a copy of this edition, but the maps in the second edition of Smith's New English Atlas, 1808, are all dated January 6th. 1804, and, added below : " 2nd Edition Corrected to 1808." Presumably these maps were again issued separately, with the above date, directly after the publication of the first edition of the atlas in 1804, being again corrected and issued in the second edition of the atlas in 1808. A reprint of the map issued in An Atlas of England, 1803. In THE PICTURE OF ENGLAND ILLUSTRATED WITH CORRECT COLOUR'D MAPS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES . . . BY WIL- LIAM GREEN . . . VOL. n. . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. HATCHARD, BOOKSELLER TO HIS MAJESTY, PICCADILLY. 1804. 8vo. A small outline map, the roads being the chief feature. It is drawn with the north on the left. A peculiarity of this work is that some of the maps are drawn upside down, some with the north on the left, and others with the north on the right. Shows towns, main roads (which are coloured), and rivers. Top right-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, an arrow, with short cross line, pointing to the left. The border is formed by two plain lines. Below the border, the title. Plain at the back. Accompanied by seventeen pages of descriptive text. 1805. Another edition of Gary's map of 1789. In NEW BRITISH ATLAS, BEING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, ON WHICH ARE DELINEATED ALL THE ROADS, ClTIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, RIVERS & CANALS ; TOGETHER WITH CORRECT GENERAL MAPS OF ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND & IRELAND. LONDON : PRINTED FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY, 1805. fol. 74 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. A coloured impression of Cary's map issued in Cough's edition of Camden's Britannia, 1789, with : " Published by John' Stockdale, Piccadilly, 26th March, 1805 " added imme- diately above Cary's name. A New Map of Somersetshire, Divided into Hundreds, exhibiting Its Roads, Rivers, Parks, &c. By John Cary. 1805. Scale, 10 miles [=3 inches]. London : Published by J. Gary, En- graver & Mapseller, No. 181, Strand, Nov r - 1st. 1805. 21 x 19in. In CARY'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS ; BEING A COMPLETE SET or COUNTY MAPS, FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS ... ON WHICH ARE PARTICULARLY DELINEATED THOSE ROADS WHICH WERE MEASURED BY ORDER OF THE RlGHT HONOURABLE THE POST- MASTER-GENERAL. BY JOHN CARY ... TO WHICH is ADDED A COPIOUS INDEX . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. CARY, ENGRAVER AND MAP-SELLER, No. 181, NEAR NORFOK STREET, STRAND, 1809. fol. A beautifully engraved map coloured in hundreds. It is prepared in the same style, and bears a great resemblance to C. Smith's map of 1801. It would hardly be expected that a master of his profession, such as Cary, would imitate another man's work ; yet there is such a remarkable resemblance between the maps in Cary's New English Atlas and those in Smith's New English Atlas that one is inclined to think that Cary followed Smith's design. Shows towns (with distances from London), villages, forests, hills, moors, canals, gentlemen's seats, parks, hundreds (with names), roads (with distances from town to town), rivers and bridges. The main roads are carried just across the county boundary with their destination and distance given. Top right-hand corner, a star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner, an oval plaque, shaded round the bottom edge, containing the title. Bottom right- hand corner, an oblong panel vertically shaded, with the scale. Above, a note of five lines referring to the Dorset and Somerset canal. The border is formed by two fine lines with an intermediate thick one, and an inner double line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longitude West from London." Below the border, the imprint. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 75 Somersetshire. By John Luffman, Geog r - Published June 1. 1805, by Luffman, Little Bell Alley, Coleman Street, London. 91 x 7|in. I have not seen this map ; but I have seen a map of Essex with a similar imprint. Essex bears the number " 12 " and is, 110 doubt, from an atlas of the English Counties published by Luffman in or about 1805. 1806. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR JOHN GARY, ENGRAVER AND MAP-SELLER. STRAND, 1806. 8vo. The date on the map is corrected to " July 1, 1806." I have not seen this edition, but Mr. G. Goode, of the Cam- bridge University Library, has supplied me with information from a copy in his charge. A reprint of Gary's map, issued in Camden's Britannia, 1789, as re- issued in the New British Atlas, 1805. In BRITANNIA : OR, A CHOROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION ... OF ENGLAND ... BY W. CAMDEN. TRANSLATED . . . BY RICHARD GOUGH. THE SECOND EDITION LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY ; BY J. NICHOLS AND SON, RED LION PASSAGE, FLEET STREET 1806. fol. An uncoloured impression stil] bearing the date 1805. Another edition of the map engraved by B. Baker in the Universal Magazine, 1794. In LAURIE AND WHITTLE'S NEW AND IMPROVED ENGLISH ATLAS, DIVIDED INTO COUNTIES . . . LONDON : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ROBERT LAURIE AND JAMES WHITTLE, No. 53, FLEET-STREET. 1807. obi. 8vo. A coloured impression, with a star indicator of the compass, added as a background to the panel bearing the title, the points coming below the panel and partly obliterating the engraver's name. Distances of the principal towns from London have been corrected : Taunton, 145 in place of 141 ; Ilchester, 76 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 127 in place of 128, and so on. Below the border is added : " Published October 13th. 1806, by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, London." Plain at the back. Accompanied by a sheet of text giving antiquities, seats, fairs, markets, etc. A reprint of Luffman's small circular map of 1803. In A NEW POCKET ATLAS AND GEOGRAPHY ... BY JOHN LUFFMAN . . . LONDON. PRINTED FOR LACKINGTON, ALLEN AND Co., TEMPLE OF THE MUSES, FINSBTJRY SQUARE, 1806. 8vo. An unaltered impression of the 1803 issue. The plate number " 31 " is printed close to the border of the map in this edition. A copy of the atlas is in the University Library, Cambridge. Somersetshire. Scale of Statute miles, 10 [=| of an inch]. 4f > 4|in. In TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET ... BY GEORGE ALEXANDER COOKE LONDON : PRINTED FOR C. COOKE, No. 17, PATER- NOSTER Row BY BRIMMER AND Co., UPPER MARY-LE-BONE STREET, ETC. [1806.] 12mo. A small map coloured in hundreds, on the same scale and very similar in style and detail to Gary's road map of 1789. It is drawn with the west at the top. Shows towns (with distances from London), principal vil- lages, hundreds (with names indicated by numbers), roads and rivers. Top left-hand corner, list of the hundreds 1-23. Bottom left-hand corner, small compass indicator pointing to the right. Below, the scale. Top right-hand corner, continuation of the hundreds 24-43. The outside border lines at the top are carried up J of an inch which forms a vertically shaded panel containing the title. The border is formed by two lines with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Plain at the back. Accompanying the map is : " Index of Distances from Town to Town," and, " An Itinerary of The Direct and Principal Cross Roads, in Somersetshire. In which is included the Stages, Inns, and Gentlemen's Seats." MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 77 1807. Somersetshire. 10 miles [=1A inch]. Drawn and Engraved under the direction of E. W. Brayley. Engraved by J. Roper, from a Drawing by G. Cole, to accompany the Beauties of England & Wales. London ; Published for the Proprietors, by Vernor, Hood, & Sharpe, Poultry, Sept r - 1st. 1807. 9| x 7in. In THE BRITISH ATLAS : COMPRISING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS. OF ENGLAND AND WALES ; WITH A GENERAL MAP OF NAVIGABLE RIVERS AND CANALS ; AND PLANS OF CITIES AND PRINCIPAL TOWNS. LONDON : PRINTED FOR VERNOR, HOOD, AND SHARPE ; LONGMAN, HURST, REES AND ORME ; J. HARRIS ; J. CUTHELL ; J. CUNDEE ; W. FADEN ; J. AND A. ARCH ; CROSBY & Co. ; J. RICHARDSON ; AND J. M. RICHARDSON. 1810. 4to. A coloured map full of detail, and, in appearance, somewhat over crowded. Shows towns (with distances from London), villages, castles, seats, parks, abbeys and priories, encamp- ments, Roman roads and stations, Exmoor forest, moors, hills, hundreds (with names indicated by numbers), roads (with distances from town to town given in Roman numerals), and rivers. The roads are carried just over the county boundary with destinations and distances. Top left-hand corner, list of " Hundreds." To the right and slightly below, a star compass indicator. Bottom left- hand corner : " Explanation." Top right-hand corner, note giving distances from London to Bath by three routes. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by two fine lines with an intermediate thick one and a double inner line marked off into degrees of latitude and longitude. In the middle, at the top, the outer border lines are carried up slightly in order to form a panel for the title. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " 3 W. from Greenwich " and " Drawn and Engraved under the direction of E. W. Brayley." Below the border, the imprint. Left-hand corner, engraver and draughtsman's names. Right- hand corner : "to accompany the Beauties of England & Wales." TOUT through the County of Somerset. A Geographical Game. Scale of miles, 10 [=3f inches]. Published May 1. 1807, by John Wallis, sen., No. 13, Warwick Square and John Wallis Jun. No. 188, Strand, London. 23* x 17iin. 78 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. An outline map coloured in hundreds. This map was pre- pared for some geographical game. Attached to the towns and large villages are numbers 1 to 77, enclosed in circular panels, Yeovil being number 1 and Bath 77. Shows towns, principal villages, hundreds, hills, roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, compass indicator. Bottom left- hand corner, the title on a piece of masonry with a background of trees ; on the right : '" Distances from London." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a thick line with a fine inner line. Between the border lines, at the bottom, the imprint. 1808. Another edition of C. Smith's map of 1801. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON . . . 1804. 2ND. EDITION CORRECTED, 1808. fol. The date is corrected to January 6th. 1804, and below is added -i 2nd. Edition Corrected to 1808." On the north, the road from Bath is continued, outside the county boundary, to Bristol. On the south, the Dulverton road is extended to Bampton. At the southern end of the Frome canal: "to Shillingstone Okeford " is added. South-east of Yeovil : " Bradford Abbas " and " Yetminster " are added. Somerset in which is laid down every Parish & Place containing upwards of 40 houses.* British miles, 10 [=1 inch]. Cooper del 1 - et sculp 1 - Published Jan y - 1st. 1808, by R. Phillips, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London. 7 x 4in. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM . . . ACCOMPANIED BY FORTY-SIX MAPS, DRAWN PURPOSELY FOR THIS WORK ON AN ORIGINAL PLAN. BY BENJAMIN PlTTS CAPPER, ESQR. LONDON : PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, BRIDGE-STREET, BLACKFRIARS . . . 1808. J. G. BARNARD, PRINTER, SNOW-HILL. 8vo. A small clearly engraved map. Shows borough and market towns, principal villages, hills, hundreds (with names indi- cated by numbers), roads, and rivers. Top left-hand side, in an oblong panel, the title. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Above, in three columns, a list of the hundreds. Top right-hand corner, an indicator of the MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 79 cardinal points of the compass. Bottom right-hand corner, note giving number of parishes, inhabited houses, inhabitants, acres of land, etc. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line. Outside the border, top right-hand corner : " Plate xxxi." At the bottom, the imprint and engraver's name. The bottom border cuts through the detached part of the hundred of Horethorne. Plain at the back. 1809. Another edition of Gary's map of 1787. In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS, JULY IST. 1809. 4to. There is a copy in the Cambridge University Library. A further reprint of the map issued in England Delineated by J. Aikin. 1790. In ENGLAND DELINEATED . . . SIXTH EDITION . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD. 1809. 8vo. This is the last reprint of the 1790 map. 1809-17. Ordnance Survey of England and Wales. Scale, 1 inch = 1 mile. 1805-1844. Strictly speaking this is not a county map, but one of England and Wales ; sheets 18, 19, 20, and 21 representing Somer- setshire. There is no general title to this map. Between the border lines in the left-hand bottom corner of sheets 20 and 21 is the imprint: "Published llth. Ocf 1809, by Lt. Col. Mudge, Tower." Bottom right-hand corner, between the border lines : " Engraved at the Drawing Room in the Tower by Benj n - Baker & Assistants The writing by Eben r - Bourne." Below the border, the scale. This is the first map prepared from a scientific Survey. From 1782 down to this time the new maps of Somersetshire were based upon Day and Masters' survey, but after the pub- lication of the Ordnance maps there was very little, if any, independent surveying. 80 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The Ordnance Survey is too well known to require any de- scription, beyond a passing remark that it is hill-shaded and all the surface features given. 1810. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON. 1810. 8vo. This edition is mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Notes on British and Irish Itineraries and Road-Books, Hertford, 1912. Somersetsh. Scale of miles, 12 [=| inch]. London. Publish'd by J. Wallis, Engraver, 77, Berwick Str., Soho. 3| x 5^in. In WALLIS 's NEW POCKET EDITION OF THE ENGLISH COUN- TIES OR TRAVELLERS COMPANION IN WHICH ARE CAREFULLY LAID DOW T N ALL THE DIRECT & CROSS ROADS, ClTIES, TOWNES, VILLAGES, PARKS, SEATS, AND RIVERS WITH A GENERAL MAP OF ENGLAND i [sic] WALES. LONDON. PUBLISHED BY J. WALLIS, ENGRAVER, BERWICK ST., SOHO, AND SOLD BY DAVIES & ELDRIDGE, EXETER. [1810.] 12mo. A small coloured map drawn with the West at the top. Shows towns (with distances from London), principal villages, parks, seats, hills, roads and rivers. The number of members returned to Parliament is indicated by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, a small star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. The roads are carried slightly over the county boundary with destina- tions given. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line, with a double inner line marked off into degrees of latitude and longitude- The outer lines at the top are carried up about of an inch in order to accommodate an oblong panel, vertically shaded, containing the title. At the bottom the same lines are f of an inch below the inner border thus forming a panel for the " Explanation." Outside the border, top right-hand corner, " 35." At the bottom, the imprint. Plain at the back. Somersetshire. Scale of miles, 12 [=TV inch]. London, Pub- lished by R. Miller, 24, Old Fish Street. 4J x 2f in. ^ In MILLER'S NEW MINIATURE ATLAS CONTAINING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS IN WHICH ARE CAREFULLY DELINEATED MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 81 ALL THE PRINCIPAL DIRECT & CROSS ROADS . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY R. MILLER, 24, OLD FISH STREET, ST. PAUL'S [1810.1 8vo. A small map. the roads being, its principal feature. Shows towns, roads, and rivers. Bottom left-hand corner, in a long panel, the title. Top right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones, with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Out- side the border, bottom right-hand corner : " 39 " ; in the middle, the imprint : " London, Published by R. Miller, 24, Old Fish Street." Dioc.' Bathon' et Wellen'. A. Arrowsmith delint. A.D. MDCCCX. 19| x 15|in. In VALOR ECCLESIASTICUS TEMP. HENR. VIII VOL. i. PRINTED BY COMMAND OF His MAJESTY KING GEORGE III ... 1810. fol. A clearly printed map, combined with the diocese of Bristol, divided into deaneries, showing rectories, vicarages, abbeys, monasteries, rivers, etc. Top left-hand corner, the title. Left-hand side : " Note Explans." Top right-hand corner : " Dioc'. Bristol!' antea Sarum." Right-hand side, list of references. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones with a double inner line marked off into degrees of latitude and longitude. Below the border, the engraver's name and date. 1811. A reprint of Gary's large map of 1805. In GARY'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . BY J. CARY LONDON . . . 1811. fol. The date in the cartouche is corrected to 1811, and that in the imprint to April 28th, 1811. 1812. A reprint of Gary's quarto map of 1787. In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS LONDON, 1812. 4to. 82 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. The only copy of this edition known to me is one mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham, in the Supplement to his Hertfordshire Maps, where he states that the maps are re-dated 1812. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In CARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION. LONDON, 1812. 8vo. A copy of this issue is in the Cambridge University Library. Somersetshire. Engrav'd by J. Wallis. Scale of miles, 12 [=& inch]. London. Publish'd by S. A. Oddy, 1812. 10| X 7in. In A NEW AND IMPROVED COUNTY ATLAS. WALLIS 's NEW BRITISH ATLAS . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY J. WALLIS. 1812. fol. Coloured in hundreds, showing towns (with distances from London), villages, parks, hills, moors, roads, canals, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, list of the " Hundreds." Bottom left-hand corner, the title, in a vertically hatched panel which crosses a star compass indicator. Below the points of the star, the engraver's name. Top right-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner : '' Explanation." The border is formed by two fine lines with an intermediate thick one, and a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Lon. W. of Greenwich." Below the border, the imprint. From a copy of the atlas in the University Library, Cam- bridge. 1813. A reprint of Cooper's map of 1808. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY or THE UNITED KINGDOM ... BY BENJAMIN PITTS CAPPER, ESQ. . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER Row. 1813. 8vo. An uncoloured impression still bearing the original imprint and date. 1814. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON. 1814. 8vo. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 83 The imprints on the maps are corrected to " May 1st, 1814." A copy of this edition of the atlas is in the University Library, Cambridge. 1816. A reprint of the map engraved by J. Roper for the Beauties of Eng- land & Wales. 1807. In ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY : OR. A SERIES OF HISTORICAL, AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. ACCOMPANIED BY A MAP OF EACH COUNTY . . . [BY J. NIGHTINGALE.] LONDON : PRINTED FOR BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY, PATERNOSTER Row, 1816. 4to. An unaltered impression still bearing the original imprint and date. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, mentions another issue of this work ; the maps having the imprints erased, but the preface still retaining the original date " London, October, 1816." The imprint of the atlas is corrected to : " James Goodwin & Thomas Me Lean." 1817. A reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In CARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON:. 1817. 8vo. Sir H. G. Fordham, in the Supplement to his Hertfordshire Maps, says : " No doubt an edition of the Traveller's Com- panion was reprinted in 1817, as two maps (Cheshire and Derbyshire) retain the date, 'Jan. 1, 1817,' in the imprint in the subsequent issue." Langley's New map of Somersetshire. Scale of miles, 10 [=1 inch]. Printed and Published by Langley & Belch, No. 173, High Street, Borough, London, April 1st. 1817. 10J x 6|in. In LANGLEY'S NEW COUNTY ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, EMBELLISHED WITH A BEAUTIFUL VIGNETTE TO EACH MAP . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY LANGLEY & BELCH, 173, HIGH STREET, BOROUGH. [1818.] 4to. A small map coloured in hundreds. It bears a great re- semblance to the map engraved by J. Roper for The Beauties of England & Wales, 1807. Shows borough and market towns 84 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. (with distances from London), villages, seats, parks, canals, hills, moors, hundreds (with names indicated by numbers), roads, and rivers. The number of members returned to Parliament is indicated by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, list of the hundreds. On the right, a small compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner, view of " Vincents Rock and Hotwells, Bristol." Bottom right- hand corner : " Explanation." On the left the scale. The border is formed by a thick line with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " West of Green- wich." Outside the border, at the top, the title ; at the bottom, the imprint. Sir H. G. Fordham possesses a copy of this atlas, and also an edition with the date omitted from the imprint of some of the maps. 1818. A reprint of the map issued in Gary's New and Correct English Atlas, 1787. In CARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON . . . 1818. 4to. Sir H. G. Fordham, in Hertfordshire Maps, says this edition " retains the original title page of 1787 and 1793, with, at the foot, Corrected to 1818." There is a copy in the Cambridge University Library. A reprint of C. Smith's map of 1801. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON. 1818. fol. The maps bear the earlier date of 1804 with the addition of " 3rd Edition. Corrected to 1818." A copy of this edition of the atlas is in the University Library, Cambridge. A reprint of Gary's large map of 1805. Iu CARY'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON . . . 1818. fol. This is apparently the third edition of Gary's large atlas. I have not seen it, but it is noted by Sir H. G. Fordham in Hertfordshire Maps, and there is a copy in the Cambridge University Library. MAPS OP SOMERSETSHIRE. 85 Somerset S. British Statute miles, 10 [=lf inch]. Neele, Sculp 1 - Strand. Published by J. Robins & Co., Albion Press. London, January 1, 1818. 9| x 7|in. In THE NEW BRITISH TRAVELLER, OR, MODERN PANORAMA OF ENGLAND AND WALES ... BY JAMES DUG DALE . . . VOL. 4. LONDON : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. ROBINS AND Co., ALBION PRESS, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER Row 1819. 4to. A well filled map showing towns (with distances from London), villages, parks, forests, canals, hills, moors, roads, and rivers. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Above, in a horizon- tally shaded panel, the title. Bottom right-hand corner, star indicator of the points of the compass. The main roads are carried just over the county boundary with their destina- tions given. The border is formed by a thick line between two thin ones, with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longitude West from London." Below the border, the imprint and engraver's name. I 1819. A further reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . LONDON 1819. 8vo. Mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham in his Hertfordshire Maps. Another edition of Wallis's map of 1810. In LEWIS'S NEW TRAVELLER'S GUIDE, OR A POCKET EDI- TION OF THE ENGLISH COUNTIES, CONTAINING ALL THE DIRECT & CROSS ROADS IN ENGLAND & WALES. WITH THE DIS- TANCES OF EACH PRINCIPAL PLACE FROM LONDON. LONDON. PUBLISH'D BY W. LEWIS, No. 21, FINCH LANE, CORNHILL [1819.] 12mo. The title-page is undated, but the preface is dated " Oct 16, 1819." An unaltered impression of the earlier issue, but with the original imprint erased and " London Publish 'd by W. Lewis, Finch Lane " substituted. 86 MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE The map is accompanied by a sheet of descriptive text in- cluding a list of towns, with their distances from London and from each other, the principal inns, rivers, remarkable views, and the dates of fairs held in the county. A coloured reprint of the map engraved by Neele, and issued by J. Robins, 1818. In ROBINS 's ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ACCURATELY ENGRAVED BY NEELE, FROM THE LATEST SURVEYS. LONDON. PUBLISHED BY J. ROBINS AND Co., ALBION PRESS, IVY LANE. PATERNOSTER Row, 1819. 4to. Another edition of the map issued in Wallis's New British Atlas. 1812. In ELLIS 's NEW AND CORRECT ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, BEING AN ENTIRE NEW SET OF COUNTY MAPS . . . LONDON. [1819.] 4to. The original imprints are erased from the Maps. The pre- face is dated July 1st. 1819, and the maps of Berks, Cornwall, and Lancashire have at the top, outside the border : " Second Edition with Considerable Improvements and Additions, by G. Herbert, Geographer.'' I have not seen this work, but Sir H. G. Fordham mentions it in his Hertfordshire Maps. 1820. A further reprint of the map engraved by J. Roper for the Beauties of England & Wales, 1807. In ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY . . . [BY J. NIGHTINGALE.] LONDON : PUBLISHED BY JAMES GOODWIN AND THOMAS MCLEAN. [1820.] 4to. Except for the omission of the imprint, this is probably an unaltered impression of the original. I have not examined this edition, but it is noted by Sir H. G. Fordham in his Hert- fordshire Maps, where he states that the date is problematic, but not earlier than 1818. A reprint of the map issued in Wallis's New British Atlas, 1812. Sir H. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps, says this set of maps was re-issued in 1820 by J. Phelps, No. 27, Pater- noster Row, but in what publication he does not know. MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 87 A reprint of R. Miller's map of 1810. In BARTON'S NEW MINIATURE ATLAS CONTAINING A COM- PLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM DARTON, 58, HOLBORN HILL. [1820.] 12mo. A coloured impression of the small map in Miller's New Miniature Atlas, with the imprint corrected to : ' ; London : William Darton, 58, Holborn Hill." It is accompanied by a sheet of letterpress in which the population is given from the census returns of 1811. The only copy of this atlas known to me is in the possession of Mr. Herbert E. Norris, of Cirencester. Somersetshire. Scale of miles, 10 [=| inch]. 2| x 3 T yn. In THE POCKET TOURIST & ENGLISH ATLAS, BEING A NEW AND COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, EXHIBITING THE WHOLE OF THE TURNPIKE ROADS . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR 0. HODGSON, MAIDEN LANE, WOOD ST. [1820.] 12mo. A small road map, drawn with the west at the top, very similar to the map in Miller's New Miniature Atlas. Shows towns (with distances from London), roads, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, an arrow, with transverse line, indi- cating the north. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a thick line, and two fine inner lines, with horizontal hatching inside, decorated by ornaments somewhat like spear-heads linked together. The border is broken at the top by a long panel containing the title, and at the bottom by a panel containing " This County contains 991,360 Acres, 480 Parishes, 2 Cities, 28 Market T., 303,181 Inhabitants & sends 18 Mem. to Parli." The population is taken from the Census returns of 1811. Somersetshire. English miles, 20 [=l T Vin.]. Sid y - Hall, sculp 4 - Pub. by S. Leigh, 18, Strand. 4| x 2fin. In LEIGH'S NEW ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL LEIGH, 18, STRAND. [1820.] 12mo. I have riot seen this edition but in the introduction of Leigh's New Picture of England and Wales, 1820, it says : " The proprietor has availed himself of the talents of Mr. Sidney Hall to project a series of correct County Maps, the same 88 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. size as this work, which may be had in a separate volume, with a complete Index of the Towns, Villages, &c." For description, see Leigh's New Pocket Eoad-Book, 1825. 1821. Another edition of Gary's quarto map of 1787. In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS . . . COR- RECTED TO 1821. 4to. The text interleaved in the earlier issues is omitted. The only copy known to me is in the possession of Sir H. G. Ford- ham, of Odsey, Herts. A further reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON . . . 1821. 8vo. This edition is mentioned in Notes on British and Irish Itineraries and Road Maps . . . by Sir H. G. Fordham . . . Hertford . . . 1912. 8vo. \ reprint of Smith's map engraved by Smith and Jones, 1801. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . PRINTED FOR C. SMITH, MAPSKLLER EXTRAORDINARY TO His MAJESTY, No. 172, STRAND. 1821. fol. Mentioned by Sir PI. G. Fordham, in his Hertfordshire Maps. There is a copy of this edition in the Union Club, Trafalgar Square, London. A New Map of the County of Somerset Divided into Hundreds. By Thomas Dix. Scale of miles, 10 [=2f inches]. London : William Barton, 56, Holborn Hill ; Jan. 26th, 1821. 17 x 13fin. In A COMPLETE ATLAS OF THE ENGLISH COUNTIES, DIVIDED INTO THEIR RESPECTIVE HUNDREDS . . . COMMENCED BY THE LATE THOMAS DlX OF NORTH WALSHAM ; CARRIED ON AND COMPLETED BY WlLLIAM DARTON . . . LONDON : WILLIAM DARTON, 58, HOLBORN HILL. 1822. Large fol. A beautifully engraved map, coloured in hundreds, very similar to C. Smith's large map of 1801 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 89 Shows towns (with distances from London), villages, churches, chapels, parks, hills, moors, forests, roads, canals, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, list of " Market Towns & Market Days." On the right, in a circular panel, the title. Bottom left-hand corner : " Reference to the Hundreds." On the right, a small star compass indicator, and a descriptive note of the county in fourteen lines. Top right-hand corner : " Explanation " in eleven lines. On the left, the distances from London to Bath. Bottom right-hand corner : "A view of Clare Street, with the Draw Bridge, Bristol." On the left, the scale. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones, with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " Longitude West from Greenwich." Below the border, the imprint. The only copy known to me is in the Cambridge University Library. Somersetsh. Scale of Statute miles, 10 [=| inch]. Neele & Son, Sc., Strand. Published by G. & W. B. Whittaker, Ave-Maria Lane, 1821. 6| x 5in. In THE TRAVELLERS POCKET ATLAS CONSISTING OF A COM- PLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, FOR ENGLAND & WALES . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY G. & W. B. WHITTAKER. [1821.] 8vo. A small clearly engraved map coloured blue, showing towns, principal villages, parks, roads, canals, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, in a long vertically shaded panel, the title, and below, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, the " Explanation," and, above, a small star compass indicator. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones. Below the border, the imprint and engraver's name. Reproduced, in 1825, in Pinnock's County Histories. I have not seen this edition, but Sir H. G. Fordham pos- sesses a copy. 1822. A further reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON . . . 1822. 8vo. 90 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The imprint is corrected to : " London : Published by G. & J. Gary, No. 86, St. James's Street, 1822." I have not seen this edition. There is a copy in the Uni- versity Library, Cambridge. Map of the County of Somerset, from Actual Survey made in the Years 1820 & 1821 By C. & I. Greenwood. London. Pub- lished for the Proprietors By George Pringle, jun r - 70, Queen Street, Cheapside. Oct r - 1. 1822. Engraved by Neele & Son 352 Strand. Scale of Statute miles, 9 [=9 inches]. To the Nobility, Clergy and Gentry of Somersetshire, This map of the County Is most respectfully Dedicated By The Proprietors. Six sheets, each 24 x 25 Jin. A very fine map, coloured in hundreds, on about the same scale as Day & Masters' map of 1782. The one inch Ordnance Survey had already been published, and was probably of some assistance in the preparation of Greenwood's map. Shows towns, villages, parishes, hamlets, hundreds, churches, chapels, castles, priories, houses, parks, woods, plantations, heaths, commons, water mills, wind mills, coal pits, toll bars, canals, rivers, brooks, main & cross roads, and the three shire stones. Places returning members to Parliament are indi- cated by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, the title and imprint. On the right a very fine star indicator of the points of the compass. Bottom left-hand corner : " View of Wells Cathedral." Top right- hand corner, the dedication. Bottom right-hand corner, the " Explanation," and, on the left, the scale. Most of the main roads are carried just over the county boundary and their destinations given. The distances, from town to town, are indicated in miles along the main roads. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones, with an inner double line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between these two sets of lines the space of f of an inch is hatched with double lines at the outer edge. The degrees are indicated by Roman numerals, and every five minutes, expressed by small figures. Between the border lines, at the bottom : " West longitude from Greenwich." C. and J. Greenwood, surveyors and publishers, projected a complete series of county maps on the scale of one inch to the mile. The survey began in 1815 with Yorkshire and MAPS or SOMERSETSHIRE. 91 continued till 1834. An advertisement of these maps, dated 1824, shows that fifteen counties (Berks, Cheshire, Cumber- land, Durham, Kent, Lancashire, Middlesex, Somerset, Staf- ford, Surrey, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester and York) had already been issued. It is stated that the work " Has now been proceeded in with unremitting application during a period of nearly Ten Years," and " They trust they can with propriety assert, that within the further period of about Six Years they will be enabled to accomplish the highest object of their ambition, in the completion of the first uniform Series of Maps of the English and Welch [sic] Counties ever made from actual survey." The whole of this set (with the exception of the maps of Bucks, Cambs, Hereford, Herts, Norfolk, and Oxfordshire, which were never published), with South East Wales, and a very fine map of London, make a series of thirty-four splendid maps, completed about 1830. In 1829 the Greenwoods began the publication of a series of small maps, including the Welsh Counties, compiled from the original surveys. They were issued as an atlas in 1834 with the title : " Atlas of the Counties of England from Actual Surveys made from the years 1817 to 1833 by C. & J. Green- wood . . . Published April 1st. 1834." fol. A. Bryant, contemporary and rival of the Greenwoods surveyed, and published maps of the counties of Bedford, 1826 ; Bucks, 1825 ; Chester, 1831 ; Gloucester, 1824 ; Here- ford, 1835 ; Hertford, 1822 ; Lincoln, 1828 ; Norfolk, 1826 ; Northampton, 1827 ; Oxford, 1824 ; Suffolk, 1826 ; Surrey, 1823, and East Riding of Yorkshire, 1829. In the case of the counties of Bucks, Hereford, Hertford, Norfolk and Oxford, Bryant filled the gaps left by Greenwood, but Cambridgeshire does not appear to have been issued by either of them. Apparently Greenwood and Bryant were surveying some of the counties at the same time, which seems somewhat remarkable, especially when it is remembered that many of the counties had already been surveyed by the Board of Ordnance. Bryant published his maps from his private residence, 27, Great Ormond Street, London. Nothing is known of him except what can be gathered from his publications. Somerset Sh. Scale of miles, 10 [=lf inch]. Pickett Sc. Printed for C. Smith, No. 172, Strand, 1822. 91 x 7|in. 92 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS, BEING A REDUCTION OF HIS LARGE FOLIO ATLAS CONTAINING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, ON WHICH ARE DELINEATED ALL THE DIRECT & PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS, CITIES, TOWNS, & MOST CON- SIDERABLE VILLAGES . . . PRECEDED BY A GENERAL MAP OF ENGLAND & WALES. THE WHOLE CAREFULLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE STATIONS & INTERSECTIONS OF THE TRI- GONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND. LONDON : PRINTED FOR C. SMITH, MAPSELLER EXTRAORDINARY To His MAJESTY. No. 172, STRAND, 1822. 4to. A nicely engraved map, the coloured roads being the chief feature. Shows towns (with distances from London), vil- lages, forests, hills, moors, parks, roads, and rivers. Bottom left-hand corner, note of distances from London to Taunton. Bottom right-hand corner, note of distances from London to Bath. The map breaks into the border on the east and west, and the roads are carried to the border of the plate. The border is formed by a thick line between two thin ones and a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. The outside lines of the top border are broken by a vertically hatched panel containing the title, from the centre of which rises half of a star compass indicator with the letters " N., E., W." The bottom border is broken in a similar way by the scale. Outside the border, bottom right- hand corner, the engraver's name. In the middle, the imprint. The only copy of this atlas known to me is in the University Library, Cambridge. 1823. A further reprint o! Cary's map of 1787. In CARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS . . . COR- RECTED TO 1823. 4to. The maps in this edition are not dated. There is a copy in the Cambridge University Library. A reprint of the small map engraved by Neele & Son in 1821. In THE TRAVELLER'S POCKET ATLAS ... OF COUNTY MAPS, FOR ENGLAND & WALES . . . LONDON. PUBLISHED BY G. &. W. B. WHITTAKER. 1823. 8vo. There is a copy of this edition in the Cambridge University Library. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 93 1824. A further reprint of Gary's small road map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION. LONDON 1824. 8vo. The imprint on the maps is corrected to : " London. Published by G. & J. Gary, No. 86, St. James's Street." I have not seen this edition. It is mentioned in Hertfordshire Maps ... by Sir H. G. Fordham . . . Hertford, 1907. A reprint of Gary's large map of 1805. An impression coloured in hundreds, issued separately in a cover bearing the title : Gary's New Map of the County of Somerset, divided into hundreds ; exhibiting the whole of the Turnpike and Cross Roads, the course of the Rivers, Market and Borough Towns, Parishes, Hamlets, Parks, &c. London : Published by G. and J. Gary, 86, St. James's Street. The date in the panel below the title is corrected to 1824, and the address and date in the imprint is now " No. 86 St. James's Street, March 1st, 1824." A reprint of Cooke's map of 1806. In GRAY'S NEW BOOK OF ROADS. THE TOURISTS AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE TO THE ROADS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, AND PART OF SCOTLAND . . . BY GEORGE CARRINGTON GRAY. LONDON, 1824. 12mo. An uncoloured impression with the number "43" added in the top right-hand corner, and below the border, at the bot- tom : " The Cities are denoted by red and the respective Hundreds of the County by different colours, which dis- tinctions are peculiar to the Superior Edition." A copy has recently been procured by the British Museum. A further reprint of the map engraved by Cooper in 1808. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE UNITED KING- DOM . . . BY B. P. CAPPER . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR GEO. B. WHITTAKER, AVE-MARIA-LANE. 1825. 8vo. The table of statistics in the top right-hand corner has been corrected. The number of parishes is 482 in place of 480 ; houses 61,852 in place of 48,040 ; inhabitants 355,314 in place 94 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. of 273,750 ; acres of land 1,050,880 in place of 991,360 ; arable 400,000 in place of 330,000. The engraver's name is erased, and the original imprint replaced by : '' Published by G. & W. B. Whittaker, 13, Ave Maria Lane, 1824." A reprint of the map issued in the Traveller's Pocket Atlas, 1821. In PINNOCK'S HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . VOL. 5 ... LONDON : PRINTED FOR GEO. B. WHITTAKER, AVE -MARIA LANE. 1825. PINNOCK'S COUNTY HISTORIES. THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF SOMERSETSHIRE, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, &c., &c., &C., AND A CORRECT MAP. LONDON . . . 1824. This work, apparently, was issued in counties. The general title is dated 1825 ; the parts for Stafford and Warwick 1823, and Somerset 1824. A small clearly printed map, with the imprint of G. & W. B. Whittaker erased. Shows towns (with distances from London), principal villages, parks, roads (with distances from town to town), and rivers. Top left-hand corner, the title and scale. Bottom right- hand corner, star indicator of the points of the compass. The bonier is formed by a thick line between two thin ones. Below the border, bottom right-hand corner, the engraver's name. Hodgson's New Map of the County of Somerset ; divided into Hundreds . . . By W. Ebden. London : Published June 25th, 1824, by Hodgson & Co., 10, Newgate Street. (Title on the cover : "A new & correct Map of Somersetshire ; divided into hundreds, &c. Published by William Cole, 10, Newgate Street.") I have not seen this map, but there is a copy in the Cam- bridge University Library. 1825. A reprint of S. Hall's small map of 1820. In LEIGH'S NEW POCKET ROAD-BOOK OF ENGLAND, WALES, AND PART OF SCOTLAND . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR SAMUEL LEIGH, 18, STRAND, 1825. 12mo. (LEIGH'S NEW ATLAS OF ENGLAND & WALES, ETC.) MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 95 A small clearly engraved map first issued in Leigh's New Atlas of England which accompanied Leigh's New Picture of England and Wales. London. 1820. Shows towns (with distances from London), villages, parks, main roads, and rivers. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, a finely engraved star compass indicator. The outer border line is slightly raised, at the top,, to form a panel * for the title. The border is formed by a thick and a thin line. Outside the border, top right-hand corner. : "32." Bottom left-hand corner : " Pub. by S. Leigh." Right-hand corner : " Sidy Hall, sculp* " There was also an edition of this atlas issued in 1826. 1826. A reprint of the 1824 issue of the map engraved by Cooper in 1808. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY or THE UNITED KING- DOM . . . BY BENJAMIN PITTS CAPPER . . . LONDON . . . G. B. WHITTAKER . . . 1826. 8vo. An unaltered impression of the edition dated 1824, and issued in the 1825 edition of the Dictionary. 1827. A further reprint of Gary's quarto map of 1787. In GARY'S NEW AND CORRECT ENGLISH ATLAS . . . COR- RECTED TO 1827. Mentioned by Sir H. G. Fordham in the Supplement to his Hertfordshire Maps. A further reprint of Smith's map of 1801. In SMITH'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON, 1827. fol. I have not seen this edition. Sir H. G. Fordham thinks it probable that an edition of the atlas was issued at this date. A further reprint of Gary's large map of 1805. An unaltered impression of the 1824 issue, except for the date, which is made 1827 below the title, and erased from the imprint altogether. This was apparently issued folded in a cover. 96 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Somersetshire . . . 1827. J. Pass, sc. British statute miles, 10 [=H inchesl. 9f X 7in. In ENCYCLOPAEDIA LONDINENSIS ; OR, UNIVERSAL DIC- TIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND LITERATURE ... BY JOHN WILKES OF MILLAND HOUSE . . . SUSSEX . . . VOL. 23. LONDON : PRINTED FOR G. JONES ... 17, AVE-MARIA-LANE, ST. PAUL'S . . . 1828. 4to. This map bears a remarkable resemblance to the map en- graved by Neele in 1818, and published in The New British Traveller. Vol. 4. 1819. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, star compass indicator. Below the border, in the middle, the title, and, immediately below : " Engraved for the Encyclopaedia Londinensis 1827." Right-hand corner, the engraver's name. 1828. A reprint of Gary's small map of 1789. In GARY'S TRAVELLER'S COMPANION . . . LONDON. 1828. Except for the date, this issue is another impression of the 1824 edition. The copy in the Cambridge University Library is bound up with Cary's New Itinerary, llth edition. 1828. It is not in the British Museum. A further reprint of Cary's large map of 1805. In GARY'S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS . . . LONDON . . . 1828. fol. Sir H. G. Fordham. in his Hertfordshire Maps, states : " I have notes of large maps of Devon, Gloucestershire, and Salop, by Gary, of this date, and there was, no doubt, an issue of his New English Atlas of 1828, but I have not seen a copy." 1829. A further reprint of the 1824 edition of the map engraved by Cooper in 1808. In A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE UNITED KING- DOM . . . BY B. P. CAPPER . . . LONDON : PRINTED FOR SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS ANI> Co., 1829. 8vo. An unaltered impression of the 1824 issue still bearing the same date and imprint. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 97 Map of the County of Somerset, from an Actual Survey made in the Years 1820 & 1821. By C. & I. Greenwood, Published by the Proprietors C. Greenwood & Co., 13, Regent Street, Pall-Mall* London. Corrected to the present period and Published July 4th. 1829. Scale of miles, 10 f=3J inches]. Engraved by James & Josiah Neele, 352, Strand. 2? x 22|in. In ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND, FEOM ACTUAL SURVEYS MADE FROM THE YEARS, 1817 TO 1833, BY C. & J. GREENWOOD, PUBLISHED BY THE PROPRIETORS GREENWOOD & Co., BURLEIGH STREET, STRAND, LONDON. PUBLISHED APRIL IST. 1834. fol. A beautifully engraved map, full of information, prepared from the same survey as the larger map published in 1822. The first map to show a railway, and that only being for coal. Shows towns, villages, hamlets, parishes, hundreds (indi- cated by roman numerals), churches, chapels, castles, priories, houses, heaths, commons, parks, woods, moors, hills, wind and water mills, toll bars, main and cross roads, railway from Radstock to Milford, rivers and brooks. Places returning members to Parliament are shown by asterisks. Top left-hand corner, an elaborately engraved star indi- cator of the points of the compass. On the right, the title and imprint. Bottom left-hand corner, a view of " Wells Cathedral. R. Creighton, Del*-" Top right-hand corner, the " Explanation." Bottom right-hand corner : " References to the Hundreds & Liberties." On the left, near the middle, the scale ; below : " Somersetshire contains 1632 square statute miles," and still lower: "West Longitude from Green- wich." The main roads are carried across the county boundary and their destinations given. The border is formed by two thick lines with a double inner line marked off, by dots, into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Between these two sets of lines is a space of f of an inch horizontally hatched by thick and thin lines alternately, broken at every five minutes by panels con- taining Roman numerals for the degrees and plain figures for the minutes. Below the border, bottom right-hand corner, the engraver's name. 98 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Somersetshire. Scale, 12 miles j 2.1 inches]. London. Pub- lished by Henry Teesdale & Co., 302, Holborn. 16J x 13 Jin. In NEW BRITISH ATLAS, CONTAINING A COMPLETE SET OF COUNTY MAPS, ON WHICH ARE DELINEATED ALL THE PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS, ClTIES, TOWNS & MOST CONSIDERABLE VlL- LAGES, PARKS, RIVERS, NAVIGABLE CANALS & RAILWAYS, PRECEDED BY GENERAL MAPS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOT- LAND, NORTH & SOUTH WALES. THE WHOLE CAREFULLY REVISED & CORRECTED TO THE YEAR, 1829. LONDON, PUB- LISHED BY HENRY TEESDALE ^jbj^s* 1 *? y.-""vx/ c^r '^^kA^-^^crv - KXPl. AXATIOX *.-r. ^.^^.a^^^rt. i .- Btrro* rv .ft, /-winrf^ it, r~,x k- ~>. , J* ( >, .v^mV \4kA--*! r - t i "*r' v "' *" W '/^^>> 't I/ ^^ "'~ " > j W.itr ,H r"/''-'^* : ^X~ Ufa.//" >C->. JL ' ^^^ J ^ i^S/cjrr '"^X'^ ^" 11 '' n '- :v "' *^^'X^^fl^^"^M',. ; " /C^>{o'v, n u%4o^ H '" a '* < ^-' x v;-r.^,, . t^ff.:. >^ii,iiv- ^prcT^T>^W7<^"'"*-^A :T ~iSvi >l -" v "^ ^^^Sr^?^^^^^^^ 5 , / The same plate as the Orographical and Botanical maps, with indications showing pre-historic remains. Top left-hand corner, the list of botanical districts is re- placed by a list of signs used on the map. At the top : " Bo- tanical Districts " is superseded by : " Pre-Historic Remains." The scale is again engraved in the bottom left-hand corner, below the border. Another edition of the above Pre-Historic map. In THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . VOLUME ONE . . . 1906. An impression of the same plate with signs indicating Roman remains. The list of signs for Pre-historic remains is replaced by signs indicating Roman remains. Above the border : ' k Roman Remains " takes the place of " Pre-Historic Re- mains." Another edition of the above map of Roman Remains. In THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . VOLUME ONE . . . 1906. Same plate with signs to show Anglo-Saxon Remains. At the top is " Anglo-Saxon Remains " in place of " Roman Remains." Domesday Map [of Somersetshire.] Scale of English miles, 8 I ly inch]. 14J x 10in. In THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . VOLUME ONE . . . 1906. An outline map showing villages, the King's property, ecclesiastical property, Count of Mertain's property, and rivers. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 169 Bottom left-hand corner : " Reference to colouring." Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line with a double inner line. Above the border, left-hand corner : " History of Somerset." In the middle, the title. Bottom left-hand corner : " The Edinburgh Geo- graphical Institute." In the middle : " The Victoria History of the Counties of England." Right-hand corner : " J. G. Bartholomew." A Map of the Railways of Somerset [by] B. C. B[ pulter |. A scale of 20 miles [=2J inches]. Two sheets, each 3 x 5in. In A SCHOOL HISTORY OF SOMERSET BY WALTER RAYMOND . . . METHUEN & Co., 36, ESSEX STREET, W.C., LONDON, 1906. 8vo. A somewhat coarsely printed map showing towns, some villages, hills (with names), site of battle of Sedgemoor, and railways. Top left-hand corner, the title. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a single line. Geological Map of Somerset, [by] B. C. Bl oulter |. Scale, 16 miles [=lj inch]. 5re x 3 fin. In A SCHOOL HISTORY OF SOMERSET BY WALTER RAYMOND . . . METHUEN & Co., 36, ESSEX STREET, W.C., LONDON, 1906. 8vo. A small coarsely printed map stippled to show geological features. Top left-hand corner, list of references. Bottom left-hand corner, the references continued. Top right-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner, the title. The border is formed by a single line. An Historical Map of Somerset. A scale of miles, 30 [=2f inches. By] B. C. B[oulter]. 5| x 3|in. In A SCHOOL HISTORY OF SOMERSET BY WALTER RAYMOND . . . METHUEN & Co., 36, ESSEX STREET, W.C., LONDON, 1906. 8vo. A small, coarsely printed map, showing camps, hills, moors, forests, the fosse way, and rivers. Top left-hand corner, the title. Bottom left-hand corner, the scale. Bottom right-hand corner : " B. C. B." The border is formed by a single line. 170 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. Somersetshire. English miles, 10 [=1 inch]. Bartholomew, Edin r 5& x 4fin. In THE HARMSWORTH ENCYCLOPEDIA . . . VOL. 8 . . . LONDON : THE AMALGAMATED PRESS . . . AND THOMAS NELSON AND SONS. [1906]. 8vo. A rather confused looking map printed in the middle of page 5613, with three columns of text above and below, and continued on the back. Shows towns, villages, hills, roads, rivers, and railways. 1906-7. A reduced reproduction of Blome's map of 1673. 6 x 4 /in. In SOMERSET MEN IN LONDON. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1906-7. At the bottom of the map: ''Reproduction, in facsimile, of an old map of about 1698." 1906-8. Ordnance Survey of England and Wales. Scale of two miles to the inch-1 : 126,720. Published at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1906-08. 27 x 18in. Sheets 31, 32, and 37 of the large sheet series of the two miles to the inch map reduced from the one inch map. Printed in colours similar to the coloured edition of the one inch map, and precisely the same as the small sheet series. 1907. A reprint of J. Emslie's map of 1848 as re-issued by Stanford in 1904. In STANFORD'S GEOLOGICAL ATLAS OF GREAT BRITAIN . . . BY H. B. WOODWARD . . . LONDON : E. STANFORD . . . 1907. A reprint of Stanford's small map of 1881. In THE AMBLESIDE GEOGRAPHY BOOKS. BY CHARLOTTE M. MASON . . . NEW EDITION . . . KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & Co. . . . 1907. 8vo. An unaltered impression of the first issue. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 171 A reprint of the railway map by B. C. B[oulter]. 1906. In SOMERSET BY G. W. WADE, D.D., AND J. H. WADE, M.A. . . . LONDON. METHUEN & Co., 36, ESSEX STREET, [1907]. 8vo. An unaltered impression of the former issue. Somerset. Scale, 4 miles to an inch. John Bartholomew & Co., Edin r - 18| x ISfin. In SOMERSET BY G. W. WADE, D.D., AND J. H. WADE, M.A. . . . LONDON : METHUEN & Co. [1907]. 8vo. A very clearly printed map, very similar to the one issued in A Handbook for Travellers, 1899, showing towns, villages, churches, parks, forests, woods, hills, moors, heights, roads, canals, rivers, and railways. Bottom left-hand corner, the title, scale, and signs used for roads and railways. The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones. Below the border, left-hand corner : " Copyright " ; right- hand corner, Bartholomew's name. 1907-10. Another edition of the one inch Ordnance Survey. Sheets 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 131, 132, and 133 of the large sheet series of the one inch Ordnance Survey. Revised 1903 to 1907 and published 1907 to 1910. This map was partly published in the " Small sheet Series," but the sheets for Somerset were not issued, Printed in colours, with water, blue ; hills, brown ; roads, sienna ; contours, red ; and woods, green. This map takes the place of those issued with hills shaded in black and brown which are now discontinued. 1908. Another edition of Philips' map of 1871. In PHILIPS' HANDY ADMINISTRATIVE ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . GEORGE PHILIP & SON, LTD., LONDON. [1908.] 8vo. Coloured to show county and municipal boroughs, urban and rural districts, and parliamentary boroughs. 172 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. The note below the scale referring to colouring for par- liamentary divisions is replaced by signs for railways, roads, and canals. Added below the title is the " Reference." Bottom left-hand corner, a list of the rural districts is substituted for the railways, roads, etc. Below the border, left-hand corner : " George Philip & Son, Ltd.," and right-hand corner : " The London Geographical Institute," are added. The original imprint, in the middle, is erased. The plate number is now " 38." On the back is printed parts of Shropshire and Stafford- shire. Another edition of the large sheet series of the two miles to the inch map of 1906-08. The same impression as the former issue, but the different altitudes of the ground are indicated by colours of varying shades, known as the " Layer " system. Bacon's New Survey map of the Counties of Somerset, Dorset, and parts of Wiltshire. Showing railways, roads, elevations, & distances ; also Local Government divisions & parishes. John Bartholomew & Co., Eclin. Scale, 2 miles to an inch. G. W. Bacon & Co. . . . Manchester. [1908.] 44 x 34in. Part of Bartholomew's two miles to the inch map of Eng- land, prepared and coloured by Bacon to show boroughs, urban and rural districts, etc. Top left-hand corner : " Geological map of Somerset, Dorset, and parts of Wilts," with references to colours. In the middle, at the top, the title, and explanation. Bottom left-hand corner : " Index-Gazetteer," and " Table of Dis- tances." In the middle, at the bottom, an inset of the " Isle of Portland." The border is formed by a thick line between two fine ones, with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. Outside the border, at the top : " Revised according to the latest Ordnance Survey." At the bottom, the scale, imprint, and Bartholomew's name. 1909. Another edition of Philips' small map of 1871, as re-issued in 1895. In CAMBRIDGE COUNTY GEOGRAPHIES. SOMERSET BY MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 173 FRANCIS A. KNIGHT . . . CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1909. 8vo. Printed in colours to show physical features. The title is corrected to " Physical Map of Somerset." The notes re- ferring to parliamentary divisions and railways have been erased. Bottom left-hand corner, a coloured diagram showing elevations takes the place of the signs for railways and roads. Below the border, left-hand corner : " The Cambridge Uni- versity Press " ; right-hand corner : " Copyright, George Philip & Son, Ltd." are added. A reprint of Philips' small map of 1871 as re-issued in 1908. In PHILIPS' HANDY ATLAS & GAZETTEER or THE BRITISH ISLES . . . GEORGE PHILIP & SON, LTD., LONDON, ETC. [1909.] 8vo. An unaltered impression of the 1908 issue. Another edition of Philips' small map of 1871 as re-issued in the Cambridge County Geographies, 1909. In CAMBRIDGE COUNTY GEOGRAPHIES. SOMERSET, BY F. A. KNIGHT . . . CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1909. 8vo. Printed in colours to show geological features. Top left-hand corner, the title is replaced by two columns of colours indicating the geological strata. Bottom left-hand corner, the title : " Geological Map of Somerset," takes the place of the diagram of colours. ATreprint of Bartholomew's map issued in the Harmsworth Ency- clopaedia, 1906. In THE HARMSWORTH ENCYCLOPAEDIA. VOL. 9 ... LONDON. [1909.] 8vo. 1910. A coloured reprint of Kelly's map of 1883, as re-issued in 1902. In KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTIES OF SOMERSET AND GLOUCESTER LONDON. 1910. 8vo. 174 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. England and Wales. Diagram of Somerset showing Unions, Rural and Urban Districts, Municipal and County Boroughs, and Civil Parishes. Surveyed in 1882-1888, revised in 1900-1903. Scale of two miles to one inch. Prepared and Printed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1910. 34 x 24 ! in. A delicately engraved map, printed in light blue with the boundaries of parishes indicated by a thin red line. Rural districts are shown in blue and Unions in red. County boroughs are hatched in purple, Municipal boroughs in blue, and Urban districts in brown. 1911. Map showing Earthworks of Somerset. Scale of miles, 12 f=l| inch]. 10 x 6fin. In THE VICTORIA HISTORY or THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET . . . VOLUME Two. LONDON . . . 1911. fol. An outline map showing roads and rivers with earthworks indicated by red letters. Top left-hand corner : " Reference." Bottom left-hand corner, the title and scale. The border is formed by a double line. Sketch Map to illustrate Saxon Somerset. Scale of miles, 15 [=2 T V inches]. 7| x 4|in. In THE ANTIQUARY . . . VOL. 47 ... LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER Row. 1911. 4to. A rather poor map, showing the principal places, camps, hills, marshes, forests, ancient divisions, rivers, and ancient roads. Top left-hand corner, compass indicator. Bottom left-hand corner : " C. W. W. 1910." The border is formed by a single line. Outside the border at the bottom are the title, scale, and signs used on the map. On the right-hand side is " The Saxon Conquest of Somerset," and page " 379." On the back is page " 380 " and continua- tion of the text. 1912. A reproduction of the map, by B. C. Boulter, 1906. In RAMBLES IN SOMERSET BY G. W. WADE . . . & J. H. WADE . . . METHUEN & Co. . . . LONDON. [1912.] 8vo. MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 175 An enlarged reproduction of the first issue. The scale is now 20 miles to 3 inches, and the size of the map, 9 X 10 inches. Somerset. Scale, 1 : 237,000. English miles, 5 [=li% inch]* Emery Walker, sc. 8| x 6|in. In HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN SOMERSET. BY EDWARD HUTTON . . . MACMILLAN AND Co. . . . ST. MARTIN'S LANE, LONDON, 1912. 8vo. A clearly printed map, but has the appearance of being overcrowded. Shows towns, villages, hills, roads, rivers, and railways. Top left-hand corner, an inset map of " The Neighbourhood of Bath." Bottom left-hand corner, title, scale, and signs for railways and roads. The border is formed by a single line. Below the border, right-hand corner, Walker's name. 1913. Map showing the boundaries and principal earthworks, etc., of Dorset, Somerset and adjoining portions of Hants, Wilts and Devon. Scale of miles, 40 [=8J inches]. 21 i x 15 Jin. In EARLY WARS OF WESSEX . . . BY ALBANY F. MAJOR . . . EDITED BY THE LATE C. W. WHISTLER . . . CAM- BRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1913. 8vo. Compiled from the map accompanying Excavations in Bokerly and Wansdyke ... by Lieut. -General Pitt-Rivers, 1892. Shows towns, earthworks, forests, hills, Roman remains, Roman roads and dykes, trackways and ancient roads. Top right-hand corner, an inset of " North West Somerset." Bottom left-hand corner, the title and scale. Bottom right- hand corner : " References." The border is formed by a double line. Outside the border, bottom right-hand corner : " Camb. Univ. Press." Mid-Somerset, illustrating the Saxon Conquest, probable Danish Settlement and King Alfred's Campaign from Athelney. Scale of miles, 10 [=4J inches]. 20 x 15fin. In EARLY WARS OF WESSEX . . . BY A. F. MAJOR . . . EDITED BY THE LATE C. W. WHISTLER . . . CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1913. 8vo. 176 MAPS OF SOMERSETSHIRE. This is an enlargement of the map issued in The Antiquary Vol. 47. 1911. Shows the principal places, forests, hills, camps, ancient divisions, rivers, and ancient roads. . Top left-hand corner, compass indicator. In the middle, at the top, the title and references. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by a thick line, outside of which in the bottom right-hand corner is " Camb. Univ. Press." 1914. Somersetshire. Scale, 10 miles [=lf inch]. 12 x 9in. In THE PLACE-NAMES OF SOMERSET. BY JAMES S. HILL . . . BRISTOL, 1914. A very clearly engraved map, compiled, apparently, from the map engraved by J. Roper for The Beauties of England and Wales, 1813. Shows towns, villages, hills, moors, the Foss Way, via Julia, encampments, Roman stations, canals, rivers, roads, and railways. Top left-hand corner, star compass indicator. Bottom left- hand corner : " Explanation." Top right-hand corner, a note showing distances from London to Bath by three routes. Bottom right-hand corner, the scale. The border is formed by three lines with a double inner line marked off into degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. At the top the outside border lines are raised to form a panel for the title. DEX I A, ^ I 5 & fe i ^ i W >O CO 1O Oi O > S tt> *a!i Pv cfi 'C c O S rg ^M 03 i? The London Magazine English Topography orj n J5 ^ O '- X C5-* CC X X X nht :t> *^ X X 10 X O GO O o 'o . . .& ' '1 ' o O fl? "? o ' ' o ' i o 2 " 5 ~ o a: cc c: -H u; c oc ct s: oc x ac oc cc ' oc i Si C O "* oc Ci c: t- 02 <; 00 GO t> 0) o OQ ^ = S Ci O GO I> OO 00 - - - s = S 3 PQ 3 '3 -i-i S pq pqpqpq m 05 O 02 5 GO C^l CO GO O ^H CO lO C^l CO ^H rM IO C** C** t*" 00 00 00 GO ^^ ^H ' g " 1 1 WORK IN WHICH MAP \\ roceedings of the Somerse logical . . . Society he Forests and Deer Pa Somerset o|-s||S|l| : JllfSJUIfc. ^^^ B c3q302 t ^02C ^0 o tie Harmsworth Encycloj ^^^1^3^ o go.1 - - >>o >>g $ t^^^ ^ffi ijlHtl-glS ^ ^3 =* - "o es '3 5 '9 *6 w<:ffi| ^ao^o| _ _ il "as "OD ~oo O fl S3 ^ " ' & PH P-,02 H ^jj jai S3 ^ > br3^5o02PH2*^ 05 " 03 *s -(J n-! 0) O> IBB 1 . . UH ^ " Slsi-a !-! 1-1111 t, ^ DC S t3 ffl . . D -GOOiOiOiOOOOOOC GOGCGOGOGOGOGOGOGOOiOiOiOiOiOii; 888 Oi Oi - . ' V M fi .M 1 1 X a I 1 1 oc c , cc ^^ C*^ CO ^^ 00 ^O ^^ ^H O^ ^^ CO O5 ^^ C^ ' ~ ^ H CO MM MM HHN "5iOO M fc T*H - ^ ^ W5 6 00 s ~J> a H O HH 00 fc X X XXX X g jjjj O " O " t> CO -H S "-H - Q t~" Ci X 00 oo oo t* r- i> 00 X t> t^- t- oo x ft 1 3 rt 3 tW 63* 1 a = ^ ^ ~* 5 ^ : 1$ 1 S 1 JS fe V -a s s ,?H = : ^ ^ ^*- II 9 t ?* ^ ^ fe <3 Hs ~S c> | s 2 " " ""S " " ""Ss^ - l> Tf rH OO Oi O CO CD CD I> lO O CO CO O IV, si> S~H oo s o s s " s gO- <-* ... rH I I X X X X X rri W g g . ecjao coloo . . . H Hoi gSOSOSCO O" OiSSSS 5 Q i-H r- 1 F I f 1 | O g O fc .5 S 8 8 8 '11 I I i>i>t>i>oo oocoi> i>i>cocOQOoooooit-cocococococo ^ fe SR o .2 ... ....j 'S ' % 03 S3 2 .52- .S- .B O 03 rt S S S be &c 5 t-i n a z z & & O S O S O bC H . O . ..h^ s-i fl ._ C5 O {> o ~ S ^_j ^3S.3So w^g O r ,4^^^ r ,OS^^^^^ 53 SH 2 r 1 ^ "sf "3 S .23^ cocs PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ PQ W CJ O O ** CO CO O ^H C . co 53 co a i i -JH ft ' * ' W) W OMERSETSHIRE. DIMENSIONS. WORK IN WHICH MAP WAS 3 19 x 15 Geographia Blaviane . ,, ,, Dutch edition French edition . ,, Spanish edition . Guilielmi Camdeni, Viri Clai tfl.nnin. Atlas Novus. Dutch edition ,, Without text ,, French edition Dugdale's England and Wales S "8 -Q T5 -2 C 'S : I 'i III J "1 ~" 2C - ^ >^ '&H > C ips w i .'5- s >>l s g ". H'Jd H S i | T3 ' d S. 50 q g J5 S 1? - * . rc 1 S s a w ^ w !> C5 C- - " * XXX X . . .*8 C 1 , 8 -'i >, -c ^ g PH 00 Q ; ^^ r-H i *^ 1 3^ o S ' O ' 1 .1' 5q . -W .10". X 2 0> QJ ^ "^3 ee fit* *H > E b ^1 -S . 5 0| OC " . O2 s 8 - -1J5- J3 " ~ o -2 * il < ODPH X X X X JIB CO O O CO " GQ 3 o o 1 o ' 6 S 03 o 2 o S s . 02 *O GH CL, s 1 s ^ ^ ^ g | ' 1 . *s o ' OD ." >s.2 O >s cS &D'E ^ a 1 O *^ O oo "2 eg o .-H co o CC <: O tfOWM EJ ^O ^t^ t^* C^ IT** j CC O O l> <-H 2 co co o co co oo cc oo oo CO CD CO 00 PH CO fH XO M5 O CO l> t- 00 OO I-H W O CO CO CO CO t~* t* Oi ~. ~ ] ' co oo o oo t> I> 00 I> CC O S l> C<1 l-H i-H l-H i-H i H f-H i 1 i-H l-H l-H i-H w ^ 10 O CO y2 t- 00 Ci ^t U5 W5 O O IQ O CO o pS O -J=5 o f-4 < , ~ be r c '& 1 H ^, 'W C 3 'ft w & ft "3 ^ 4) eg W\ c6 ^ c3 3 bD .'5 1 3H jp (H H^ C. c3 S C J3 1 c .~s (H O pq H M HPQ HH Hoc HOC H O CD o 6 X X " t X X (N CD ^s bC G w b a W t~f*> H O O X X >-.'-- 05 PPH HOO o X HN ^1 9 00 X CO bC s o> -o X o o o s O M . O ^ ce PH % p. g PH ce PH S 1 s i V . . c 4) S - ^ S s 1 o O tB f-H J3 CO 49 . . o Ir CO Hp . (11 1- 1 o 1 p V^ 49 E 1- >* (D 2 1 -B > a -^ s E j= X H)S *P Jl fl ' d 1 PH s a 1 1 O 1 s I8J9UIC PH t> X t- t H ^ ^ ^ ^ !^ H 5^ $H c** t~* i- f- ^H ^ ^ 3 g "* < AH O5 O U5 00 Oi O5 00 00 CO CO r^ T* 1C CO CO CO CO 1 ^ I a 1 bo ^ C > H | H 5 I HOC 00 X X . "Hog c W ^02 2 PC g S < I 1 03 J& Ha O bC eo CO X -C P ; 12 a ^ **3 a <3 Jw I bp j ~ 3 "o . O . 4A 0) o 02 o 1 J3 P- a ~. rrt i 0) PH 1 i '^= -i. 4^> "S PH S OJ M HH S :>rove( +3 0) E 0) -S 00 o ?* > 2 P( (]) c ce O o C > e 'IS 0) O In ^ FH CC OQ H O E M 5 o X 1C s KH O r- 02 o ^ g S "^ 1' 00 ij *M aj i i 02 ^ ; If ce S <, 3D <1 QC 1> l> t- (M CO Tf CD CO CO CO CC t- 00 CO CO l> t> O Tj< Tt -^ 00 00 r> i> i> i> 3 'J o H I 3 00 o .& "bb-2 60 C bO o 2-s H *0 I 1 O _t-J OS * 03 HO . a i3 is) 1 3 1 Hi K S O oS O a K , ._ , -i rw . -i e3 - 'g ^ pq 4> TO eg Q ^*l3 ^"^ i 8 ' ^S ' H M f & |ft ~ ^ w ^1 *J 2fe{ <3j *3j 5 CQ Britannia Dep j a 5 r w w X ">< 05 X O5 ft . " Kelly's Directory of Somerse Curiosities of Great Britain , )> < > > The New Description and Sta Poly-Olbion 2 The Political Magazine . A Collection of Maps of Engi An Atlas of England . Cambridge County Geograph Early Wars of Wessex , H CO P3 fc Q c- s ^ ^ "* o* - i HH CO (z; X X X s w 1 . '!-<< - 2 r 8" - C5 s O CO O ^ OB ^ O 0) PH O O j GO GO "g w | c6 ^ . . O |S| 1^ ^ ~ R* j ffi O v O fcj * s s ^ m O O 00 , CO w M CQ J^ jj mm X o CO H o CCTW CO i> cs co *O 'i i S.^ . ^1 ' C-Q - O 'iH f - o o -S* " * CC "/. O cd npanion << s M 1 wp s^l 1 - si *-P *v ^ ^ ^ S } ft N X ^ ^ .3 -2 " O IS = P ^v Q^ ^ T3 1^1 = ! "3 .2 s _3 1 r ll a Britannia Britain . . Guilielmi Ca nia The Abridg Britain . . Camden's B )i Britannia . a 5> Britannia . P^ r j^ a ^ ^ ^ w So n~i bb^ S PnC 5 i^ G^l C^l C^ C^* t^ C^ C^l ^>cocoi>i>i>i>i>xx xxxxt>r-xx * X X XXX 00 00 ooooco s K 00 K W S O GO fr C 00 oi < P A H 11 2 S '1 ' +-> O ^S o^ 02 X (H 2 00 E g 1* O O o 4) O> . ^ o GO ^ 02 " Si Q f-c O .H O .^ o^ & I'i ^5 02^ *,_, 00 ***' =o a oo |1 ^ $ .11 . " ^ fe S 5 S " > f-i * -^- ^^ C , O ^1 fei GO I l>OOOOO5' IP l(NCO i ii < i ( i ((NfNC^IC^ OOOOXQOQOOOOOX Ci oc w co co u; uo O ~- O5 O5 O2 r-H --H CO CO 1C c^COOt-OOCSO-^fNCOOrJ ^^ ^^ co co co co "^ ^) O 1 I-H I-H 14 r-H c^i c^ c^i c^i co co Q -J w 3 ISSUE ^ s-s :i Jl>, .i , w 00 5j fc 3 2 o M g fe 1 1 g O 00 ) T \ Gary's Traveller's Companior ) H o T*^ \^J OQ ^5 1 g 1 " OQ W 00 |5Vb _3 (8 000 spl 31i =? si bi s w S^Sw -gS-43 . . ^3 ;; s 5 53 g "O^S^sSO x S^ 8 *-**) S *S ^3 .a i * *" -2 -^ '43 O S >i<3 QK nS S 8 ~ - -^ S "23 w -+^ ^ ^i co ^^ P ** ** ^ ^C 3 'O-^fl^jiyg^o O O 'So f W 5 -"i S ^ S 1 "J > 5P S SP ' **>A ^tcosM 1 ^ 1 ^* 'C^S 3fi s * 5zV>-8W f.gPQ j o^ SU BPJS a jp. g^^ fe > s ^ s > > . > - -5 "s ^ ^^ *c J - 2 J S g w s &llljsf^5 H ^ H ^^ OOOOHW<3 n ' H Q (N i-H i 1 i-H ^H S Tt< CD CO (N . . He* C O O ~I> t> S C5 t- SCO Q S S 3 .1 .1 1 .|*<8 . . CO OQ J>Q OQ **< 02 pqC: COCO CO COCOCC(5t>ClCOl>COt>OOOCOOtQOQO tCOOOOOGO s &: S < >? > H 4t] fc d H - J 1 . - ' 2 *c -*-< o ^-, o '9 -s. x . c 1 % 3 c &f Collins' Pocket Oi Collins' Railway . The Travelling Al Collins' Geograph Atlas of England The South Westei The History . . . set Topographical . Somerset , Topographical . . o S -^ ^ O aj 03 ^ I*R 02 g O =P S Somerset A Topographical ] Kingdom in .aia: ntxnrx w H O CD Tt* CD ^ M CO X X X X X sS s t^ 00 Ol 'oo * * * tJ - ** GO C5 C5 Oi CO The Small English England Displayed bO X -4* O O p GO K +S -*J fli O 02 QC 0^ O s s o o coco CO aq 00 ^ y: CD C X Tt< O S I o HB Jit O O O C33CO ;O t~ U5 l> CO , o OQ o ...I. (U < H O a Magna Britannia - t c -/. - -^ r p 6 -= HP *- C ~ A Topographical Dictionary g, "3 eS & 1 o O '3 -.2 The History ... of Somer The British Atlas A Topographical Survey of Cruchley's Railroad Compan s 2 3 *.s 8 I s ! as as V> ">> O Q? O O 2 2 3 < C JB _C' 'o bo >a .S & as O "6 s< "3 I .S.I O O ' PH JIIII " "-*2 3 be &i l6l C *s ^ !> X l-H i-H i-H -^ CO CO CO X X l-H l-H J2i22S53 "5 C5 i-Hr-Hi-Hi-Hf-H i-H O OS O X l> X l-H i-H i-H C WHO a rH O O S ^H O ?O JO X X X X t~ t~ 1 1 t t CO < 2 i i> 43 1 ^O p o S QJ & C) o CO o g a 3 oo a ^ CO O^ tr*^ 00 OS Ci X l> t- rH t~ H > H ^ Cruttwell, R. 55 5> . .33 a d^ l* f SI 1111 flS^^ 2j"jCQCo OoQQ -W QQQ QQQ QQQ a s Pi S O CC PAGE cc O t- ^^ CO C^ t -^ 00 CO (?Q Ci <^^ CO ^3 ^^ l^ ^C C"* l*> ^ P^ f- QQ ^H l^ ^ l^J \ FH ^ QC O pH Q ee o o ce 43 g g . 8 ISSUE NH o c | o - -g S -> -r .2 a S 1 h < M e E M I ^ E g o p s . P- !.: fe 'o O * ^ 'E W f IB) "Sb ' '2 ' ~ S< c 15 ^^^ P- g w 3 *fi 5 c 'S. *H S cx = >>32 "I | S^ -S|3w~ -2 cr ^S ^2_<4H^3^cl . -* O KcSXc-^^S 73 ^ cec: c a3>%5-- g ^S S b^^cSO"" .< j 4lh}| . 4 si ri : U-sKH 2 =&.. 3c - 5 "3 OC - = 7 X X XX X (S _ ~ T}* t> 'S O - ^ S t C-. c -1- . _^ 5 *K x oxThTj*c:cot^xet^t^l>XXXCOCOCO x o ^H CO x x " 2 * S to ~ * 6 J "S'2 J -1 a^ NAME J "S S 2 " ^ a - - c8 V c> - ~J 9!lSiS* S -, f-i Q} rtj fl^ - ^-< i^ O &t " **| ""^ *""' "^ ^ OJ "** .25 ".H oooooo fS 11 S * bXJ bC S S p p pp p pppppp p pp 1C W OS qj GO K *o OS -5 C3 02 J ^ C3 ^2 ^ -*-* -^ ^3 ^C C IN WHICH M pq s HP o3 *X5 o ', " 1 05 1- >i c3 "S *3 J5 ;licanus bC o3 "'^JD g ^3 P .S -2 fl .2 I S c3 ^^ tdO [j^ 6JD * t+if\ 'O^ 5 2 5-5 ' -2 ' ^ri ^ O O O ^7-5 ^ eg co CQ *"*tj ^ as I 03 "& -n WORK j3 JB CO 0* o ** n3 'C &D g '&H S 02 61 d "S O .'S i "5b a o p CO H 2 eowi CO X X |00 cs ^ O CO PH S s HP . . . o 8 <0 s . . , . . . ... . . . PH 'x " O) C 4i "o ^00 o ffl ^ c gj H-> . . & o = O X ' * o 05 tUD O 1 ' i>t> t^T^ t-oo os ID -I S EH t? c? : v > S o * t 5 . : 1 S P P -3 c J W I . J EH o a: X O Tt< O O C ;; co >o o i 1 1> t^ t^ (N CO ^^ 1 <* >^t i-H "H A g . 'S . o 1 g ^S ^ & cS u Si S H C 1 M S o -r 5 a o B 2 SS | c * ^ -l i ^ f s "11 K 32 ** 2 2 2 PH ^ ,^ e- = S3 W 02 2 3 *H oo I ~ H -^3 3 8^ 2 W <3 O S3 PH J3 . . js; c3 fl ^ ^ .H W ^-^ i-H O CO OS P^ n t" ^H i-H C o M *^ co CO O eo j. CO LI C5 C5 o o sj CO Ji X X ^ O X X O X O O "* X XX t* O X X X CO CO X X 5 X X C5 X X os co So o g .1 -J 1 g 55 a 'a a 5 - 3 r NAME. I WJ 1 I i 7 B S Fletcher, J. Francis, Willij Freeman, Ecto Fullarton, Arc M * a be S3 hH eg =3 C5 = s " p. ** j: Ci ^ < h CO CD Tt* Ci >o o oo O CJ oc . o M l cc fn H ( 3 35 K 5 ii S "S * _^ o o 1 C3 o -d M ' 1 -"SI I 1.1 O O o "f S I ' I'S c c c3H fe e$ a I .0 S - o p ^ o> OP l-^ 8 I e3 _o 13 - S fe O O .2 - a.p o o S 0) x -c HH O GO X X (N '"" OO(MCOCI>IO t P. i-ie^ ec COOl>t^I>|> l>t^OOOOOO CO OC 00 00 00000000 si c M'f -- | s o eSe8e8 oo C5 w S o CO a r- o o Q W 12 03 2 I I CO 02 "S) < S ^ W S~ S J W '-3 - 3 a o O x j i? en eort. O (M X >O >3 00 (M t^ C5 *N t^ oo 1 "bb . a H ou w <0 fi J cS gS g "S niiu S 2 8^'G3 M Iliiegif: o X S S . t-l o J) ionar eg t g ** ^5 " &, . h &^ ~FH s- 1 -tr* m Tt(? 3 ' s- ' 3J 'a ^ IN WHICH MAP ^ 3 s s -3 < cS < t t^^ 1 -^| 5 l>-6 bD fl fl bO S C i-c S o >i-i J> >5 ing Atlas of the ish Counties . lowing . . . * . g o ^s 4) CJ ,S S S fl < -rt o W 2 r^ ^ _e! 'rf ^^ Cw p* e $ 00 00 j .J$ s^^ * *s 3 ' t & I S| =1 02 Jyo^ c3 a be i ??! ^ 2 -S^ \ s New British i jhire Archseolojj Proceedings . he English Cou 3 W NS. WORK 13 "S ^ "S > 8 > > g 2Pn| g H ^H <5 H<5<5 " ATravell 5| TheEngl Return s ^ +H C >J o ^ ^ rf 'g a cP^ 1 W ^ is^^ S HH c ^ ".i W S P fe |H C K! ^ S fe OD ^ i o a> . M H ^- * >i O i JS S -g w i CO g -g PH -^ o ^ + c 'S CO c ce o e3 cc GC H- ^1 _o -4 c < K S ' c 5 ei a.S '! C^^ WORK IN WHICH MAP Poly-Olbion * *o O . C CO tc "11 p ~ Ts o o ~~ JS -C The Large English Atlas The Universal Magazine Chorographia Britanniae 'Ox "" >l . . *- o 'c J " " > " " >> A Complete County Atla Somersetshire Archaeolog Proceedings The Somerset of To-day Fox-Hunting Atlas Geographia Magnae Brita Britannia . . . by E. Gi The Pocket Tourist & Er C "bO *- 1 CO 'i cc fc Hactroc O CO ^f s =SW cc fc H s X X X X X fi GC X Oci(N OCQCOO OCXI>t^OOOO 1 (I If 1 ,-H^Hl (^H^-,,-^ O5 i-H 13 i K S 5 O 2 C . ' ' CO 1 CP ^ c 1 1 : ^FQ S K B o B a S ^ t-a ' 'S S ^ - - -' oT cT ^O og be S I waS o -*J " ID H - I CO W . " r? CS - * * MM 2 5 C w o o O o co w 5 ^-g J3 co W) br. 'o ^Q ft ja 13 -a TJ O O O O O PH HH IM &3 Sfl &d Hogenbei o 02 K 1> GC 00 CO O CO CO Ol IH I-H ^ l^ ^^ I-H JO t^* GS CO ^^ co co i~- o o O CO I-H CO CO CO CO CO IO CO CO < i-H p-H (H -0:3 c ^3 1 s c M C H t3 00 CO c3 > 8 ^b O 43 . 8 , a d a c^ *s d -- *^ ^, .H ^ 2 * .2 c . 02 .^ . c5 *5 . Britain . . . by P. Holland ) Theatrum Imperii Magnac B: England Exactly Described Speed's Maps Epitomiz'd " )> England Exactly Described " )> Supplement to the Antiquitie The National Gazetteer The Geography of Somersets The Theatre of the Empi] Britaine . A Collection of Maps of Engl The Theatre of the Empire c tame Theatrum Imperii Magnae Br England, Wales, Scotland, et Qfi ^^ -H* ^m, H< 1^ co CD O> rfi S S ~ 1 x M X X X S 00 C oc CO O i i ^ 1 ^J | | ^ S - ^c ^'o I 1 < <^ O2 02 H * CC TH 0 C D I> 00 ^H O O ^ CO O t4 GC OO O5 l> i-H H C "^ C"* 00 00 I-H G o r^* co t^ I-H i-H i-H ^H CO -< ^ i> i> o co c D CO Ci 3 CO CO CO CO t- t - i> oo x o CO CO o ^^ & O9 B B 9 MH g S o> T3 M 4) rH " " flj *>! S b ~ ^ - ^ ^ i B ^^ ~ O [3 "5 ? o 3 : PH ^ ca^ tt ^ < rf^ ft . ^ ^ . * .3 - &i jc "2 s ^ | > o o i [ - o 5 2 a s 2 ^^ ^ M " O OC " C 13 !3 S WW B B W W B N H X 00 O g (M W 1 5 t- Scotland r* 1*4 +S 00 O S o ocese . yways in Soi Somersetshir W "8^ -^ b O eg fS| ? I ich edition . man edition . s-S 5 *i S ^ o * ^ 49 c _, o g -a J 11 Ji'-S '^ '^J s " ~ H-l -- ^ < z< * ^ r. ' . >> rj -S ^s O g-S ^ = as ^ 55 o 1 CD* - r. <*H 2? - a S E M^ ^ 2 J -i O " tf b ^ 1 s O f-i fc O ^O g j* c3 **^i ~*i "HH " .^-alj "3 , o -2 t, _ &o " WORK 1 H - S "0 5,> S fi 05 f*' O _ce o 02 W>PL, a *H ^0 S < "^ * ^ "3 ^ .r! =3 . bf; |1 -| S &" = ' a S eS t-* II CO c o CO o IT- OS O X OS 1Q 1C i 1 i 1 i-H O'lO OS O ^H C c t> t >-H X O X OS X CD <* O O CO -* O C5 IS 3 CO 00 i jy ** S ^ t o V . fl "*5 a d h as __^ .--, . _ ^ t o 3 _o o ^ 2 OS 'S 35 03 23 *> OS g 'S 1 g .2 "1 X '^3 .2 .2 i^J fl 05 - ' '6 ' PH 1 ' ^ ftl r- C3 GO &C**-* s s s fl) HP 2 " .2 o OB r* 5 ^ rt PH ^ f-i' . WHICH MA J3 c o ~ *2 H os S _ < fl^ H^^ "S c o " " s o pq o 1 " 3 .S^'2 to S "** (S | O o X -3 fc M tf ? 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Topographical Dicti ewis's New Traveller w 1 s " g 'S 'I n ie Political Magazint Collection of Maps c ritannia . . . by E. ie History . . of S ritish Atlas Topographical Dictic Kingdom elineations of ... S ic Geography of the M < < t^ 5jTt t fc u 3 Q ."bb . . O^> 4a 0) . S .'S . 2 bO S 49 w a t> H GO 2 *- i *o I "8 2 s S 72 S o> "3 Q ' ' ' ' _g ' ^ *s 30 OJ * : 30 2.2 . 2 So ^ !=! CJ as ao 05 BO _re ce ^ a -3 II* M c8 ffl P-I >> S -S &H w . Sr CO o S o " " " w, ^0-3 -s^ O2 JB H 2 o ' *H -^ WORK IN WHIC British Atlas A Pocket Topogr British Atlas )> i) m 11 = Sj -f3 *-* eg 'S > 02^ o o s ; SH ' s< H [ -IJIl-g 1- ~ o ^ 5 1? "--^ S " " 05 s a> i2 2 _ < a g 2 PH o) g i T3 s al* -T't (M X H . X X X X X X X X g Wi H . c,^ . . . . _ N ,HH,rHco~Mi i i C3 C^l ^ EH 0) . 33 -S ja . O2 ^ .. . 02 ^ -g "S S * 5 {__, i, P ~ z T P 03 Q3 O ce " S S g g H 52 fl O O .... o o O2 02 02 < c 02 02 ^ X OC OC 00 x oo oo t> l> t> XI-HI iQOOOlOOOCi XX X XCOOCOI>I>XXXX JO (N CO X -H .-H X OS O ft " d eg 5 . "3 s fl 9 I .> =l *. ".s" fe 1 "I as 3 I s J ?1 I v r. S : -' S s 3 g j 8t5 - - t i ^ S 5 < 1 : I s e? | ...& 8 N! 3 &l S -^ r~ as Oi 00 I-H (N o UJ K p o Ti CS ? c i i n PH c Jz; raphicall Description ry of England ral History of Englam he Cities ... of Engl on Geographical Series eside Geography Book ipular County Atlas . ~. & ling of Somersetshire bpography . History of Somerset G "i *1 *I O o 1^ .S ia Magnse Britanniae . . . by E. Gibson ew Miniature Atlas New Miniature Atlas w ' "c3 EH ft O (^ 3 ! WORK ] IP.S S J ^ 'E S rt fl * "13 "*"* fVl -M C |~i C CH S 'S 3 O VI rvi [V] [v^ o ti ^ O 02 ^ tn ~ 1 ^3 '"S o " Q fi T3 JH -1- O =*-i S 'o C o o -u CH O o . .-5 CO O S 8 (D ** c3 ^ ^J c3 ^J ? tf. 2 OQ - s - O ^ tJO g . .HO . . j WORK IN WHICH M. . . fi . d k^; dj CH 4H ^ j --" ?H |^ <4_! Q O > > Moll's British Atlas Black's Guide to Som A Pocket Book of i England . Camden's Britannia The New Description 33 Fifty-six . . . Maps ( A Collection of Maps England . Britannia ... by W }} i) Magna Britannia 33 33 A Brief Description o] Britannia ... by W Commercial Directory shire The English Counties 1 GO' MHl HH 'H ^HH. Hoc >HH i 1 O *" ^ r-H " " . ^ . . g B ' 53 fe pa X X X X X X p^ g HOI 10| liH|X IAIOO 1-43! kO|00 S S rl! 1 1 r-H -X *** * *+S 1 1 O O 5 a 1 K S * J S 02 -c M 1 -4-> 48 ^ H > j_i S 1 1 o O . o , 02 02 02 W CO T -* 00 t- CO OS O 1O r-H T^ X 1C O SI l> GO O - CO ^ i> r^ i> i> i> C^ C^ GO CO CO l> I> I> l> I> t -- t^ l> I> t> 00 GO Q 1 . s . 1 u "o - iR *H d S 9 w CO 1 < go O O 3 1 <3 W -T _ a *E s p oT 73 O " * 1 " ** O O o i s s S s o GO H a C O O X CO X t^ Ci w^ 3C Sc? - S3 * ' c o E 93 Q -t-i p 6 e ^ - <9 55 1 So 1 1 o S OQ 5j =- Delinea 13 >> o H s Q> g OQ - - . "8 OS a - - bfi .S <8 * ejp ^ ^^ -* ^ O *H (-5 11 ll s g "H 1 '-5 c PQ ^ ^ ^ 5 ~H X X X X X Ci Ci fl) "18 a 'w 5 O l-H -5 - < s W h- 1 K |&l ' W. _, O +3 +2 ci + 3 C* QJ O *; C t^H-s ^^ g & ^^p H O S > &|J3 03 O. s F T5 C O a^w 55 r- |PH ^6 >,| > 4J .-SP . JH C3 Q ^^ O P fc M M g 2 s ^00 K eg '" P"2"S : :^P . . > ..|a| - S hjr :! rv SH^ cS.d - i> - S ->> K "^ ^ >5 G .2^2 -pa eg o *^-s 1 oo' 1? ffi =5 ^ o ^ -s S _r; O O i H g ;= 3 <5 S S fe ** *-* o o T 'S -C X P;?PHH CO "&o p rl a ^c rH t4_i ^- SH 3 .S .9 2 - oj ce e fl -- +^ ^< -^ bC - S 'fi 'C * papqpqg 111 oo oo o 00 fc & X X 1 5 u- r i fe O 02 ["ITLE. C 1 1 -*3 O s K EH ^ X O CO O C ^ O I> O l> t> ( e 1 02 Q II ' I 1 K 3 c oa c M 2 -^ O r^ ?5 02 H^ a 3 * T3 S s < !z; ^ E? S? fl C5 0> s-s-s ^^ ^^ ^^ . .. o M M IQ CC F o3'o o <-!(-!(-<<"! a J ^ O O * CO 1 42 O Q^ O ^ >^ t7 5*. f-t f-t f ft W) O "OS !zj S5 "t3 'OD " 00 u O w S . 2 ^p H . .9 " g OO O -. ** 3 ~ | o * i i i S2 ** . ^3 i i fl S i CO S o3 _ O < O -*^ tJO ^05 pj^ o J73 .s 5 J'S s W ^^ -*^ fcfi a) S =o H S ^ H o I .s fi .s s =t s ^H ^J -4-S <1 'C -Q ?q-a si oP J 3 ! O "o 3 " b^ fc *H 3 8 b 1* fc M ; CO o o JH .< ^ ^ W) " * " fl a e d w O rv* , ^ .-^ _ri SH H !!' H> >. 71 fc B X X X ' Q ^ ** Ci *"" "8 ce S.I -a 0! B' S Id ' n | 03 E ** ' cs a o H r- < o -5 l> X O C 11 _ S > ' ,g ^! ,5 i = -S > 00 | ^ rt OA co K r-< r* 1C '-' X l> C O CO X X XXX XXX - -CO CO CD XXX Ci C5 O CD 00 i i i i r i "CD X CD :, -X CD X rH i 1 I 1 -t-i 1 cc o 02 _irj ,J5 02 03 O W 1 0- ODODH CO C i-t 1C O t- X GC -^ (M O X ffi -&S Irf CO - =18 040* J3 A I rt PH - & a 'O 02 O s (2 CS ^H (M CO co x ep'-iwcflcii'4otoo co x u; THH cc C^ O 1 -! '^ CS C^ ^J <; p H i ( i ( F ( PH _fl "1 i . . .2 *tn rS f-> . W) b 1: '"c a c o W T3 i ~ & P> ; -*i P o * a S ' m g tJD t> a 2 J . o o -S *H CUD $ H = "5 O ^ b ^ 5 X HH * r^ ^% * * * * S? PH b 02 "o a rj "8 '.' 1 b ^ -J^ a "?j *O - ' < j n3 o +3-2 ^3 *> EH "^ O . 4) O ^ '02 ^ t-> O ft) O O S fc g ^ o o .00 o o 02 02 02 02 g02 02 E O 00 CS CS CS H CS O O O O ^ X CS CS CS CS X CS (S O !s O LC H^ T* ^ t- XXX X co 1 C " o D i 5 d ^o CO 'S o 3 w o> 03, . w *o . s 1 oT S | g S s C "S 3 M 0^ g* , ,CQCO [^ | ^j 0> " ** " " PH co H S S a . ^ . * A .& .1 S -'.I -+a -u O .S - x v ! v 3 i=j ^^o oo g S, 3 * * * * ja a &>* ".Sf.Sf .S r2 PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH 00 P-H K O PH "f N < 5> PH ryi * fi W J>j C y J>> "tn S * '"B-g -^ '^"o ^ C HH s'Sols c 5 (S 1 2 *; p n Historical . . Stone Crosses of ngland Displayed .euben Ramble's Counties of Engli School History o he Theatre of t Britaine . ngland, Wales . . Collection of the 43 M O ^| ' -S "S O bC i C c r 5 '3 w -c "c^pc ngland, Wales . . Collection of the ' Eygland . *|<3 w 05* MfeB ^* HN Hi coki i n^t wh* PN fc CO " " C5 lO ^ q ^ ^^ S O 1 o Q s^ IS O (B -OXJ ,Q 8 1 O ^ S 1 1 ^ fl j O-s w JS o c f 'S " s 1 II g i S 0, P^ PH W K cr. O aq cq H H O H X cd OS " X HI os O 02 o 02 O 02 | gi OC^OO OS O51OQCX 30 i = 8-si-9 J sl-i .eg "o M ^3 'S Q bcJtff5PiS W H C 3"S 1 H *tH M rs < c3 c; S " '" "B 5 ft g = ^2 c !'". PH ^0 * i-l . ' 2* r- c3 c .5 5j ce c3 ^* S O cc X r-'OO C5 XX ** Ho Hc X X X X X Ho H^ce*o _-, I> ^ O 1C "o i i (N I> O5 OS OS Q 02 $& 2 ISSUE >> 1 4-l "C fl ^pqH II & X K <3 GO GO r^ QJ QJ QJ XXX HHH <**! fVI "T* F ^*. i wnT^, fl 1 bJD ^^ -^ c r^i _ffS d - "He d H H *b b 2| *2 O bfi W) 35 35 -j 2= ^ 2 3 a :(. "'-' - < 5P HH O CO X -w O iCJOO os o o A ^H -^ GO ' &H ' O JOUIO< O &. *s *o 08 p TITLE. nersetshire accurate in rset Shire o? el o X ^1 '1 '1 1 p c < ~7. -i 9 ^H s B S 02 ff^ SB . o GO **3 ^J "^ " i ,y> (M l Hi Cl JH X CO GO i 3 MW OS - a CO O OXXC (Nj tj -a 2 ^ IS -2-3.1; -Ic ^ P < i -s -S ^ w r ^- c3 "bb< _0 ^^ o w c . -a c c jj . r.3 ^s II g52>.2|l^l|-2e I5|l|liapa O3<3 A Pocket Topography . . Reynolds's Travelling Ath Slater's New British Atlas The Post Office Directory Handy Directory of Bridg 2() The Agreeable Historian +* < ~ 6 "n tt 1 X 00 J - X < Slater's Roval National D **^ <: .2 - 'S PC V & JB %! O) *i 02 < 7 <3 ,J3 .2 "5c W 1 ^K -^ 1 02 - x x x W c CC 1 S o CO I S oo CQ 09 * I " 03 . O5 O3 O3 CO 1 w o t- p-l OO-^OO'-^ i5t>OOSCXS:O5C OC C QC 00 O2 O^ O * 1 O f-H i-H i 1 I 1 to cc -^ o 1 1 CD l> cJ cj e3 Q "bC .g O . j rvi -4^> .,_, u,. 'S 3 M s 2 1 ^ 2 2 i .-S o ^ "eg o 3 w ^ *S (H -g S H a 13" (^ ^ -^oo O.So. H .^W . c S ^ "^ =O ''o ^ o bo ^ w J C me 41 .2 V~ -^ , rS Sn-* 3 *" ij -*-" . H w I S "o 1*3 o M bo ~- > K P- r f s |^ OQ oc ^ ^ o - - - - t 5 -'S Q * ^ s- St s 4H l| M c is x S _ 1 1 1 1 15 p; 02 ii CQ S fl |"bb g M M M M * ** ^"^3 r^ **2 .^ Q^ <-{ ^3 ja a H GO t ^ ^ G o -* i i .... . -H ^H 1 1 1 X XX X X X 1 i s* ^ " ^C: cs ~ C5 i i r-X O O - - (M (M - ' o GO fe . ^ ^ . ~ >- - 3 , ! rt "S O O cc o ^^ ^ f- fs C- - | ; 2 "^ rr( <3 -^ Fy~, f- k ^ "S; 0^ ^-^ C " 5 ^5 oc ^i ^ 02 [> <5 ^ .... 21 . ^ s ^^^S^g-~ ^ O ^ " " - 2 c ~ 2 S o ^3 Qj ^" ** GO C GO " eS ? < Gi<< ' SGO K 5 < 3c OCGC^H(Mt^ OfMCO'^'^H^GC-^'* ^^ ^<| ^^ ^^ ^H Oi ooxoooooc oooooot^t^t-t-i> 11 Is CD O CD CD O " A P V d . ja> aJ3 . J2* S a- "flO s * ~ "t?PS " ^H^ Co ^^ ** ~ - - d * ^ 43J9 -*? -*j -i-i -t-j ^ * ^H "^ ~** a V i "11 ! "11 COCQ XX-^ COXXOO sc CO c3 cS eg . v , 2 2 2 ~*8 Q o s O ^ O o C 3 p 4H q <4H 4H H 33 ^ - /"- z O ""3 X ^ q 'C 02 o s^ SH c3 2 &4 2 . 2 ft *"O Co "5r> . . '_3 * ^ (U 3 ^ H O n '& S w . ' ^-5 S S eg O o C *1 X M of O J 73" eg bC ~ C Collection of M he Theatre of '*? * "* o S^.o J J" ^ '2 .~t^ CJ * 'Q co S w _*a to (H +S i-H H fVl ~ . 2 'C &^ * 'o ^^ "^ 22 O *o 8 - kC p, " fl 0^ ^ o ^3 J3 +3 BC *4^ ^ * o ^c 3Sl 02 '? o -> 1 ^ 43 a '3 cO c - .3 5 tc.2 ^1 H H P ^ w X X X X X 5 o C - - = ' - - ^ O* Q ^ - M S 5 3 ^o . o . O O . * 02 v: 02 O2 GO w t^ t^ CO l> .fa 'S 3 !*1 TSI . ^s I &P o 3s g'd'ss IPi ;2 o> H o :;" *'i s o o O fc 'gH.T 2 5-^-^ "i CO OB .-X ^ c co 4* g o ' 4 ^^ Q^ >> s ?s|^ 43 ^ 5 c *=> o 5 (D , o o ^3 02 -2 J 4> ^3 S^ o r^ '"' O "co'-ti CC .2 t* 'S cs obOaoiSSDo JSCo^JJoX HHHEHcocoHH S^ |1 '3 O , 05 O Cta o| Hco gXXXXXXXXX m I O CO "** D C s o HP X X O g 4) 0) ill o ^ H !> ^ ^ S j=! bfi c . 05 o Is ' "5 g c w i " "~ -- ^ fl ^ Co .. PPHH ? X CO X O (M ' 03 pq^ H fi g CO 02 g o CO g o 02 SooOOGOGCOOOOOOOiCi ^aoscooGCooGCGCGCGc oco co 1 03 a o o B Q fi S&& oa oa oa COGOCQCO H B 00 W5 i^- O5 C^l O5 OJ C^ C*l C^ O* 1 1 F CO ocooso-^ ^ Oi CO t - CO t- f CO CO -' | C S "S s 73 g I "Si r. B g 8 p . . w Y .52 6 T3 g WORK IN WHICH MAP WA JF 9 "3 9 - +9 g o X F Britaine . The Farming of Somersetsh Camden's Britannia Curiosities of Great Britain Curiosities of Great Britain o3 ^ -T5 8 a T3 C ce "Tb d H CO ~ ^3 05 g- CO ee '-+3 '43 r ^ s 5 -c H -c . flW ^W "* ^^ ^ fj 5 " 5 W^ CO ^ ^ ^ i-H ^H C r " | . 02 " ** >H . S - y 2 o o H CO XI ^ ^ 02 -43 ja o 1 g s s S - tJ ^ OH .. 5 o s S . S g 02 - g 11 il 5 ^i2^ 02 X CO !> 1 ^ 1 ( F 1 P , 'fi NAME. 1 a 1 L 8 8 rt S I s M i s 1 -4-T | "| , Wiiiiam jj ^ ? 3 .0 o .22 .2 *\ ** co i O *T3 ^ ^ " r* c T3 "3 =5 1315 3 ^ ^ CS ^ ^) ^> c5 QJ & - S - C HH H H HEH H H H a o GO GO CO CO GO OS >O Tf co co o o 1C O C* t^ -H CO i-H CO i-H rH ss 10 c^i oo l> O O i-H i-H PH CD CD CD ^ " 1 e i 1 1 Q CD CD CD PH . . a a a j eP " o o * &3 03 0202 02 T*. g 03 r*l a 13 05 S CD 03 . . c . . . . "S 03 . . . . a 'o 'o g*!) 03 CD d a eS I s WORK IN WHICH MAP Chorographia Britannise )> A Topographical Survey < A Topographical Survey i A Topographical Survey ' A Brief Description of Ei The Family Topographer Atlas Anglois Slater's New British Atla The British Atlas The English Counties Del The National Gazetteer Guilielmi Camdeni, Viri Q nia Somerset Rambles in Somerset . Somerset Rambles in Somerset . Highways and Byways in A Topographical Diction }} H 03 C HOO W I rtH i Hr4* OH fe 1C ~ ~ CO ^ ^ i> os CO OS i 3 O l-H . . i I 03 H H O3 fc X X X X X X X 2 a Wi . . 1-400 H HOC . . . . . HW OH ^ M lO " ^ c o3 i-H R 03 43 . . 2 ... a PH / o o 1 CD a - 02 O 03 CD *CD w o S 03 03 03 03 ~ fH fH ~ eg - rv CN o .a CD CD CD CD i s a a a a a , , . . c t o o . , o o CO 00 ^ l> O O CO QO oo oo QC 00 r- t- '- 00 O bD - & o3 W ^3^ W OS PH OS a O ' G be g w c S o o S3 O P 03 i- H fc IS t-^ ctf ( w^gq2 5" 3 ^^ OK I ll PH O PH c pq I a a IS * p .sot* s i c . 4> 4> %, ce ij| u D rn ,~ti X! X ^ S HHQPQ a _ .,.. 3 g "" *" ' rt P-, . E^lxxx xxxxxx.x H g fi C4>O4>C^^t!j QQnxonnxnnn 02 O302O2^O3'3 XI ^xr^^cxrxr,^. t^r ^ f^MM M "^^ ** 4) O 4) O 4) 4* tj C* r, i^ Sfl flflfl flS4)S4) n ncc 5o2'- 5 o2 o .oocoooo. O2 OJOQJ^OQCOHH ^GOQOXOCGOGOOCXOOOCt-'OO OOQOGOGOQOQC OO I Q 3 CQ o p us ' 3 '3 I I g d I *>:. >dl i' . i . ; l ; I. i * ^^ ^^ >^ Ha H^ Jlj 1^^ rirvCx^rv^rxrvBN ^^ ^^ . . . . - ^_^ ^ ^ r H ^ ^H OS Cw CCS CO CO CO CO CO ^ > ^ t> t^ 1 t^ t^ b^ [> S S J> J> I> ^ P* o 02 NAME. DATE. TITLE. DIMENSIONS. WORK IN WHICH MAP WAS ISSUED. PAGE Tt< O r-H 72 O CO ^ CO CO CO O CO CO i3 ~l -r 5 i oo _0 -/. ! ^ '/. ' B - M c J: e c 5 -r- HH CO 5 x e >> ^ *- h> Nk OS X &c 1 W Bacon's New Quarto County Atlas Handy Directory of Bridgewater . New Large Scale Ordnance Atlas . New Large Scale Atlas of the British Isle " n Commercial and Library Atlas of th< . ."8 -/ d c O o r X Ti r = :rrx ;o X | 00 t g 03 a '. 3 2 KH * 2 o (=3 n < 1| Weekly Dispatch ,, The Dispatch Atlas . . 1 Cassell's British Atlas . -2 d . rvT Bridgewater L| Weekly Dispatch O3 _5 - < Q 42 d r. '- O fi 02 -5 . *s CD <;s IP ^H PH r/l '- c^J * ^ w^ ~ ~ ~ ^ O CO H ^~ i-H CO ( O5 O CO Q W5 00 i 8O >O M* \{* (*^ ^ 1'2 ^ ^ a : CD ^5 ^J o J( . . oo 0) . IM _0) -G O o " "o3 t i -4^> > i H H - t_ 00 . -S OD '-3 <4H ^ o . rr> 5 o fi "a 'H . . . > f-i 3 S s o ^ WORK IN WHICH MAP WAS ISS " The Pictorial World " Handy Directory of Bridgewate New Large Scale Ordnance Atla Philips' Atlas of ... England T3 'C 1 W -5 o bC-C S -t-> M V|-l . w o . OS ee -*-> . < 4H IS 03 O _ co ~ OJ < bO " J &^ s ^ J5 O) &H " >> Commercial and Library Atlai British Isles :T ft >> e8 w jn O CQ < K> ^ -c -: *- isnclgewater The Way about Somersetshire The Comprehensive Gazetteer of The Farming of Somersetshire The Antiquary Early Wars of Wessex Britannia . . . by E. Gibson Britannia . . . by E. Gibson Britain . . bv P. Holland . Handy Directory of Bridgewa "s o 4- 3 0) -C -*-< -4H " O ' " < a: II c o ED -4* HOC HrC HOC -HH"H?i Hoc i- -r eojoc CO l-H ^ ^' i-H " CO 00 ** l-H . . . . . p-H PH -00 JJ 1 X X X X XX X X X - CO co "co - -S* , r*-> _. r^ . . . . * H i-H p-H 11 N*^ P^ PH i-H O so i-H !l 02 c 1 rt*i " o JD C w * ? -g co 'w 12 :_ PH C "S -^ -4-i -2 ^J) 02 ~ -> 3J . . . . . i> o Q) ^~ " JH . tS ~~ 2n t/ tt> o> u H r^ S S S S s ^ w o . o .... o o " CO CO CO CO CO H oc COCOXO l r? t-o - H 10 1 t. i t-OP-H P-*. :oco 00 E-i < 22 X 00 OC G 00 00 G b x _. X i i x oc oo S 1 rs ^ t^ CD OO < on c r ^ s i- O fl O E 09 ' H i -^ 3 -S .1 " ^ rv* S . ^H 1 fc i i s^ s| s^ , .. (4 s ** ** rt 1 >. 42 ** ^J 5 *F -2 ~ ^ " " " s " " s " ^S -*^ C/3 ^^3 w ** r -S2 .3 rS * . I III ill s "13 E CC C5 C5 00 C5 PH O B _ M O W "^ S p^ " ? H T3 d t U) "S g .2 ' '43 . o *J s * , o *8 b fl 02 al - ^ __ , -^ * C -g 0) - b -S T3 S a ^ Geo 5 ord' ritai S o 02 "2 '3 -O Touri o W P4 t>> ~ c3 "tl pq GO O CO ^ CO (M (M QO 00 t- ^ 10 oc -^ Oi OO 00 00 00 Donations TOWARDS THE ILLUSTRATION FUND. Berry man, F. H. Black, W. N. Blake, W. F. Boodle, R. W. Boord, Percy Broadmead, W. B. Bulleid, Arthur Buniell, C. E. Cowan, T. W. Dobson, Mrs. Donne, T. S. Dyson, John Farwell, Sir George . . Fry, Sir Edward Fry, F. J. Geographical Soc., Royal Goode, G. Graham, A. R. Hobhouse, Ht. Hon. H. Houghton, Rev. W. Kidner, Mrs. J. Langman, A. L. Lloyd, W. H. s. d. s. d. 10 6 Murray, J. T. 10 10 Pay liter, J. B. 10 10 Radford, Miss E. J. . . 050 036 Reeder, Rev. W. T. . . 050 10 Savory, J. H. 040 10 Scratton, A. 050 10 Sibbald, J. G. E. 026 050 Simey, G. I. 10 5 o Somerville, A. F. 1 1 10 Soulsby, Basil H. 10 026 Thompson, Miss Archer 050 10 Tillard, Admiral 10 6 10 Vaughan, Rev. Preb. H. 050 10 6 Waldegrave, Earl 10 10 Wason, Mrs. 050 050 Were, Francis 10 10 Wilson, A. M. 10 050 Withers, A. H. 10 1 Woodhouse, A. E. C. 050 050 Woodhouse, Col. S. H. 10 026 n in n Wright, H. E. 10 10 18 7 6 I i :-;._,. ...,.;. ;-. " ''. "''-.' ."--': '-'''':::--:'