A STREAM FROM THE TREE OF LIFE: OR, THE THIRD RECORD VINDICATED. BEING THE COPIES OF SEVERAL LETTERS AND EPISTLES Wrote by the two last Witnesses of Jesus Christ. WHEREIN TRUTH RIDES TRIUMPHANT AND IMAGINATION IS CONFOUNDED- These were not included in the Volume of SPIRITUAL EPISTLES because of the great expence. Printed from the original Manuscript in the year of our Lord M.DCC.LVIII. i ; ?.f sL - Stack Stack Annex An fit- To all those that fear not the sudden appearing of JESUS CHRIST. w\ f 1 [ \ BRETHREN, JT is a great pleasure to the only true Church of Christ, i; to see so great a progress, in not only re-printing but also putting in print what never was before, things of the highest eternal consequences to the seed of faith, at a vast expence. It is surprising how it is so far accomplished, con- sidering what a handful we are, and how few of that handful have substance sufficient to support so great an undertaking. Notwithstanding all this, love hath carried on the work, inso- much, that within these seven years, we have printed, besides this, The Interpretation of the Eleventh Chapter of the Re- velations, The Divine Appendix, The Soul's Mortality, The Answer to William Penn, the volume of Spiritual Epistles, [never printed before], The Transcendent Spiritual Treatise, The Looking-Glass for George Fox, and The Neck of the Quakers Broken. So there is nothing now scarce, except The Acts, and The Divine Looking Glass. And if we are preserved in the same love and harmony we are in at present, their printing will soon be effected also. For no other way can we serve God, than by making The Third Record on Earth public to his friend, the captive seed of faith. For a candle is not lighted to be put under a bushel', and what is done to his seed, he accounts it as done to himself. So wishing love may increase in the Church, as without that no heavenly virtue can inhabit the soul, I subscribe my- self an unmoveable believer of these glorious truths, which will remain unshaken to eternity. JOHN FEAT. THE CONTENTS. PAGE A Copy of a Letter to W. Madgate, proving that God takes no immediate notice 4 To Walter Bohenan, on the same subject 9 To James Whitehead, answering six queries .... 17 To Colonel Phaire, concerning eating the flesh of devils ; as also explaining the mustard grain, Luke xiii. 19. 26 To Edward Fewterell, concerning witchcraft ... SO A discourse between John Reeve and Richard Leader, wherein philosophy is confounded 89 To Thomas Tomkinson, relating, in part, the Prophet's sufferings for declaring truth 48 An Epistle to a Quaker, showing the blindness of those people 49 An Epistle of the Prophet Muggleton's, proving his power to give sentences ; also explaining how the devil entered into the herd of swine 57 To Christopher Hill, containing his own, Thomas Mar- tin, William Young, and Elizabeth Wyles's blessings 63 To Alice Webb, containing the Six Principles, and her blessing 64 To a Friend, concerning true and false preachers . . 66 An Epistle concerning Spirits 69 To Isaac Pennington, Esq. concerning God's visible appearing in flesh 74 The death of Moses unfolded 80 An Epistle, proving Christ had inherent power to die and live again, without assistance from any in hea- ven or on earth 81 To Ann Adams, showing the peace of a pure life . . 87 Here folltw&tb the Copies of feveral LET- TERS and EPISTLES, taken from the original Manufcript, for the further Confolation of the EleEt. Tie Prophet MuggletonV EPISTLE /* the Believers of the Commijjion, touching the Rebellion occafioned by the nine Affer- tions. AN D now I fhall fpeak a few Words unto him* and the reft of Believers, as followeth : And becaufe one of the Confpirators in Rebel- lion hath repented of his Rebellion, and afked Forgivenefs before it was too late, and I forgave him his Trefpafs againft me, and againft God ; (namely, Thomas Burton.} He did well to agree with his Adverfary while he was in the Way, for the Prophet hf an Adverfary to all Rebels againft God. And this I would have you to know, though it be now too late, that Obedience is better than Sacrifice; that is, Obe- dience to the Prophet is better than all the legal Righteoufnefs you have performed between Man and Man all your Days ; yet this ought to be done, but not to leave the other undone. And this you may know, that Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft, for Rebellion againft the Prophet is Rebellion againft God -, for when King Saul rebelled againft the Prophet Samuel's Words, he rebelled againft God, lor it was die Pro- phet Samuel that gave the King a Command, and it was he that reproved the King for his Difobedience and Rebellion, B for for God never fpake to him, nor never gave Judgment upon him, it was the Prophet only. Now ought not King Saul to have minded the Prophet only ? But Saul minded God only, as you have done, and rejected the Prophet Samuel -, and be- caufe he minded God only, in that he thought to pleafe God better by offering up the beft of the Cattle in Sacrifice to God, he thought it was better to mind God than the Pro- phet's Words : But how did God reject him for difobeying the Prophet ? And his Sacrifice was rejected alfo. Now had not Saul better have minded the Prophet only ? then would it have been well with him; but he minded God only, and ciif- obeyed the Prophet, and rebelled againft his Command. What a woful Effect did fall upon him ! and fo it will upon all Rebels againft Prophets. Thus it is with Men that think themfelves wifer and more righteous than their Fathers ; for whofoever difobeys a true Prophet, difobeys God, and it is accounted fo of God ; therefore it is good for Men to mind the Prophet only, and pin their Faith upon the Prophet's Sleeve, elfe there can be no Peace nor Safety, becaufe no Man can come unto God to reafon or difpute with him but by his Prophet only. This hath been the Way God hath walked in all Ages -, and now I being the laft Prophet of all, God hath put me in his Place here upon Earth, and hath raifed me up as he did that good Man Jofepb, Genefis the Jaft, the igth Verfe, who faid unto his Brethren, Fear not) 1 am in the Place of God; and Verfe 21, Now therefore fear you not, I will nourijh you ; and he comforted them, and fpake kindly unto them. So God hath raifed me up to be his lafl Prophet, and hath fet me in the Place of God, to nourim his People, who have believed his Prophet's Report, with fpiritual and heavenly Knowledge : For true Prophets, true Apoftles, true Minifters, have made Saints in all Ages , fo that, without thefe, no Saints at all ; they may be elect Veffels, but not Saints ; for no Man or Woman can properly be faid to be a Saint, except they come actually to believe in a true Prophet, true Apoftle, or true Minifter of Cbrift. And further I fay, that whoever doth not act well, by that Law written in his Heart, and doth not ftand in Awe of that, and [3 ]' and fear to offend that Law of Confcience, as if God himfelf did ftand by, and take notice of all his Actions , therefore he doth well, becaufe God's Eye is over him, elfe not. I fay, all his well-doing is but Eye-fervice, and refpected of God no more than the cutting off a Dog's Neck. And that Man is in the Depth of Daiknefs, who will do nothing that is good, except God doth take notice of him, to reward him for every good Deed he doth , but if he doth Evil, then he defireth God to take no notice of it, but blot it out of his Remembrance, as if God were beholden to Man to do well, when there is a Blefling in the Deed doing, and a Curfe in evil-doing. But this I fay, if there were no God to reward the Good, nor to punim the Evil, yet could not I do any otherwife than I do , for I do well, not becaufe I expect any Reward from God, or refrain from Evil, becaufe God will punim me, or {hat he doth mind me in it ; but I do well to pleafe that Law written in my Heart, fo that I might not be accufed by that Law in my Confcience, as God hath placed for his Watch- man, to tell me when I do well : So am I juftified by Faith in God, in my own Confcience, and being not condemned by the Law written in my Heart, 1 have Boldnefs to the Throne of Grace. Neither do I refrain from Evil for fear of God's Perfon feeing me, and he feeing me will punifh me ; but I re- frain from Evil, becaufe the Law written in my Heart feeth all my Doings, and that Watchman God hath fet there to watch me, will tell God of all my Doings ; fo that God need not trouble himfelf to watch over every Man's Actions him- felf, for he hath placed his Law a Watchman in every Man and Woman, to give notice of all their Doings, whether good or evil. Thus, in the Original, God taketh notice by his Law, written in every Man's Heart, both of Saint and Devil ; and no otherwife doth God mind to take notice of his Saints in particular at all. Not that 1 do own this Law written in Man's Heart to be the very God, as the Quakers do 5 but God is a diftinct Perfon of himfelf, and diftinct from this Law written in Man's Heart. And in this Senfe, God may be faid to take no notice of his Saints, nor doth not mind them at B 2 True [4] True Believers are my Brethren and Sifters, and the Pro-.' phec hath fpoke-ri kindly unto them, and hath nou rimed their Souls with Bread of Life, as Mofes, he hath fed them with heavenly Manna; alfo the Prophet hath been like John Bap- tiftt a burning mining Light m this la ft Age, as John Baptijl was to his Time ; a fhimng Light that hath difcovered the Darknefs in all the Work*, for it is Light that difcovereth Darknefs ; and hath not the Prophet enlrgbtned the Under- ftandings of many, that in Light they fee Light ? Hath not the Prophet fed them with Bread of Life ? He hath given them the Flefh of God to eat, he hath given them Water of Life to drink, even the Blood of God to drink, to fatisfy their thirfty Souls ; alfo, he hath brought them to the Know- ledge of the true God, his Form and Nature ; he hath brought them to feed upon the Flefh of God, and to drink his Blood by Faith, whereby their Souls have never hungred nor thirfted more after the Forgivenefs of Sins or Satisfaction of Mind as to Things of Eternity ; for who hath fed the People with the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of the right Devil, the Knowledge of Scripture, and all other hea- venly Secrets which are hid from all the People in the World, befides ? Hath not the Prophet taken the People by the Hand, and pulled them out from the Spirit of Bondage, which kept them under Fear, and hath pulled them out from under the Talk-matters of Superftition in Egypt? The Prophet hath Jed them through the Wildernefs of their Minds, and hath brought them into the Paradife of Peace, and hath mewed them where the Tree of Life flood in the Mid ft of the heavenly Canaan above the Stars, and many of them have flretched forth the Hand of Faith, and have taken of the Tree of Life, and eat and live for ever, and fo are fet down at Reft there. And doth not all the People in the World elfe perilh for Want of Knowledge, but thofe few who are led and guided by the Prophet ? He hath bleffed many of them, and hath led them into the Way of Peace, a ftrait and narrow Way, that few can find ; and when they have wanted Comfort oi: Mind, he hath comforted them ; and when they have been weak in Kncwledg-ei he hath ftrengthned them ; and when any of their Brethrtn have been too ftrong one for another, he would not IT** not fuffer the Strong to trample upon the Weak and Feeble, but * uld lift him up, and uphold him with his own Know- r'-saE no People under the Sun live better for the .:uy than thofe People who are obedient unto the Pro- phet, or under him. Hath the Prophet been a Burthen, or oppreOive to any of the Faith, let them fpeak, and lie will reitore them two-fold , or hath he favoured the Rich, or oppreffed the Poor ; nay, hath he not forced the Rich to help the Poor ? Nay, the Yoke laid upon the Neck of thefe People by the Prophet is eafier and better, both fpiritual and temporal, than the Yoke of any other People whatibevcr. And now I mail fpeak unto you in particular, and afk the Reafon why you rebelled againft me. What Caufe did I give you to rebel ? Were you offended at my Words ? And becaufe I did bear with many WeakntiTes of fome of your Brethren in the Faith, and had Companion on them, and would not fuffer them to be fo much opprefled in Spirit for the Guilt of their own Sins, and judged and condemned by their own Brethren in the fame Faith, becaufe they were of corrupt Natures, fo doth God himfelf bear with corrupt Na- tures ; the Prophet mud bear with corrupt Natures, as well as with pure uncorrupt Natures, though you cannot, for Prophets are not fure that all uncorrupt Natures will believe them ; fo that if a Prophet hath not Power to uphold fome corrupt Natures that believe him, to what Purpofe then fhouid God fend him ? And will you find Fault with the Prophet for being merciful to corrupt-natured Men, whofe Nature is more corrupt than your's ? Yet the Prophet hath upheld you thefe many Years. You may remember when you came acquainted with me firft, that there was fome Difference between Claxton and you. Claxton was high in Knowledge ac that Time, and yourfclf weak and low in Knowledge at that Time, and his Knowledge and Faith was over you, and above you, and did keep you under him, though his wicked Life had been worfe than your's, yet your legal Righteoufnefs between Man and Man could not have delivered you from his Power, had not the Prophet kept him down ; and when you made your Comr plaint to me I ftrengthned you againft him, and upon your Rcqueft I "ble0ed you, and you became in my Favour -, and when [6] when any fpoke againft your wrathful Nature, Words and Actions, I pleaded for you, and upheld you againft them ; alfo I led you in a Way which you knew not, and in a Path which was not known to any but myfelf, even the Way and Path of Peace ; I brought you into the Afiembly of Saints, for there is no true Saints on Earth at this Day but thofe that are under the Prophet ; I brought you with the reft of the Saints from under Mount Sinai^ that is, from being under that fiery Law written in your Hearts , i led you by your Hands through the Wildernefs of your Minds ; I led you unto Mount Sion, the City of the living God ; I fhewed you the holy Hill of Sion ; the Habitation of the holy God is Mount Sion, the City of the Living, and the holy Hill of Sion fignify the holy God himfelf, from whence Prophets, Apoftles and Saints re- ceive their moft holy Faith, Revelation and Prophecies in the Original ; alfo I brought you to the Spirits of jutl Men made perfect, as Noab, a Preacher of Righteoufnefs by Faith, he built an Ark, and Lot by Faith received two Angels, there- fore called righteous Lot j Abraham by Faith would have offered up his Son, therefore called the Father of the Faith- ful ; Ifaac and Jacrt, Mofes, the Prophets, David, the Apoftles, thefc were all juft Men, made perfect by Faith, yet feveral of thefe juft Men, whofe Spirits were made per- fect by Faith, they committed Evil and Sin after the Blef- jfing was given of God ; as, Noab he was drunken with Wine, and difcovered his Nakednefs , Lot was drunken with Wine, and committed Inceft with his two Daughters ; Abraham told a Lie, becaufe of his Wife , Jacob lied to his Father, when he ftole the Blefling ; David, a Man ac- cording to God's own Heart, was guilty of Murder and Adul- tery , Peter, the Rock upon whom Cbrift built his Church, plaid the Hypocrite, and difiembled, when he circumcifed yimotly ; Paul diflembled, and plaid the Hypocrite, when he pretended a Vow, and fhaved the four Men's Heads. Thefe, and feveral other juft Men, whofe Spirits were made perfect by Faith, committed Evil, after the Blefling was given them of Gcd , but their Faith never failed, and fhould not he up- hold them that blefled them ? But this Prophet is blamed for upholding fmaller Sinners than fome of thofe that believe. Now [7] Now if thefe Men's Spirits were made perfect by Faith, and fo faid to be the Spirits of juft Men made perfect, fo are all true Believers of this Commiflion of the Spirit, whofe Faith holds out to the End, are counted of God the Spirits of juft Men made perfect by Faith, and fo may be laid to come unto the Spirits of juft Men made perfect. Alfo I led you into the Paradife of Peace, where the Thief went that Day he believed in Cbrijl : I brought you, with the Reft of Believers, to the Tree of Life, which ftood in the Midft of Paradife , you faid you faw it, and you liked it well ; and if you had ftretched forth the Hand of Faith as others did, and have taken and eat of the Tree of Life, and have lived for ever, then had you not rebelled. I mewed you the Tree of Know- ledge of Good and Evil, you faw it, and underftood what you faw , I mewed you the New Jerufalem, that came down from Heaven, and that is faid to be four-fquare, the Length and Breadth are equal. The New Jerufalem that came down from Heaven, it was when God became Flefli in the Virgin's Womb, and its being four-fquare, the Length and Breadth equal j it was when Chrift was nailed to the Crofs, his Arms being fpread abroad were equal with his Head and Feet, and fo may be faid to be four-fquare, and fo is every perfedt Man : And fo the New Jerufalem that came down from Heaven, the Perfon of Ckrifi, may be faid to be four-fquare, the Length and Breadth equal. Likewife I brought you to an innumerable Company of Angels, 1 mewed you their Forms and Natures. Thefe Things I did for you, in the fpiritual, and many more ; and the Prophet hath not been the leaft be- neficial to you, in the temporal ; I have not been your Hin- drance, but your Furtherance, in what lay in my Power ; I never was beholden to you in any temporal Matters, and did not fatisfy you for what you did. And when fevcral Believers did complain of your rude Speeches, your wrathful Words, your mercilefs Judgment, 1 have pleaded for you againft them, and have upheld your corrupt Nature, elfe you would have been forfaken of feveral Believers before now ; but thofe I have done moft for, and have been the leaft beholden unto, have lift up their Heel againft me, fo that you have been offended 8] offended againft me, and rebelled agairfft me without a Caufe, which hath caufed you to be caft out of my Sight, and out of God's Sight, as Cain 'was, and out of the Society of the Saints. And now, may all your own evil Words and deiperate Wilhes which you have uttered, come upon your own Head. You fay, if Claxton were faved, you would be damned i how do you limit God's Mercy to your Wrath ? Secondly, You fay, that if God did not take notice of you, then would you had been a Toad, a Dog, or a Serpent, or any Thing but a Man. Thefe are defperate Words, and it will be a Wonder if you have not Caufe indeed, to wifti yourfeJf a Toad, Dog, or Serpent, rather than a Man. Thirdly, You call the Prophet, Devil ; Peter might as well have called Cbrijt Devil, for calling him Sathan ; for Pettr's, Offence was out of Love and Pity to Cbrijt ^ but your Offence to me, was out of Pride and Rebellion ; for I was your Matter and Judge, as Cbrijt was Peter's. Fourtkty, You flighted 'the Blefiing from the Prophet, and in a rude and uncivil Language, faid, you cared not a Fart for ir. Fifthly, When Burton bid you burn the AfTertions, and humble yourfelf to the Prophet, as he did, you faid you would perim firft. Sixthly^ You defpifed the Government of the Com million of the Spirit, faying, it is poorly and weakly managed. Thefe are defperate Words againft God, and againft the Prophet, and high Rebellion , 1 do not think it could be pa- Talelled, not by all the Prophets and Apoftles, frnce the World began. And if this Rebellion be forgiven, then let it be faid, that this laft Prophet and Witnefs of the Spirit had Power Power to do more than any Prophet or Apoftle ever did in the Time of their Commiffions. Written by LODOWICK MUGCLETON, One of the two lajl Prophets and Witmjjes of tbe Spirit unto tie High and Mighty God, the Man Chrift Jefus in Glory. Amen. In tbe Tear 1671. A LETTER written by the Meffenger of God, Lodowick Muggleton, to Walter Bohenan, of Condemnation for Apoftacy, January 23, 1671. Walter Bohenan^ THIS is to let you know, that I have feen three of your rebellious Letters, for which Caufe I was not willing that any Rebel fhould fee the Anfwer to thofe Aflertions laid down by William Medgate, that grand Rebel. Your Letters are full of Nonfenfe, and not good Englifo j and you have laid down the Aflertions falfe Lies, and not true. Thofe nine wrote by Medgate were well laid down, and I own them all to be true as they are laid down , and I have given an Anfwer to them all, but no Rebel (hall fee them if I can help it. But it feems that you have undertaken, not only to anfwer the Aflertions, but to give Judgment upon them ; and noc only fo, but you vapour and threaten me, that you will force me to give Anfwer to them, as if fo be you were commif- fioned to judge me. I (hall not fpeak of many of your wicked, nonfenfical, rebellious Words ; it would be too tedi- ous, only thefe few : Firft, You fay you do believe that I, and all the Devils in the World, cannot hurt you j for my Power, you fay, you C arc [10] are not afraid of it, no more than of a Child of one Day old. Secondly, You fay, That if I do give Sentence upon you before I have anfwered the Affertions, you fay you will force me to it, if you and I do live in England ; and that you will bring me on the Stage. This is Judas like. Thirdly, You fay, You have more Ground to be offended with me than I have to be offended with you : For, fay you, I do affirm that you are fallen from the Truth, and have gone about to overthrow John Reeve, and have contradicted my- felf : This is Devil like, to judge his Lord and Mafter. Fourthly, You, fay you, will make me believe a Lie, and more than one, but many Lies, contrary to all the Prophets and John Reeve's Writings. Here is the Mark of a Reprobate, to charge his Teacher with Lies from dead Men's Writings ; thefe are but a few of the Fruits of your Rebellion, but there is enough to condemn one Rebel to Eternity, if there were no more ; but this I (hall fay unto you, that you have fhewed yourfelf a right Scotchman, a diflembling falfe-hearted Man, of theScottt/h Nature. And it would be a rare Thing to meet with a true-hearted Scotch-Man or Woman, that is upright in Heart, either to God or Man : For I have been in this Commifiion almoft twenty Years , and I never knew but two, one a Scotch- man, and a Scotch-Woman, that made a Profeffion of this Faith, and they proved both falfe-hcarted, both to God and Man ; for the Woman did fall from John Reeve in his Time, for which he branded her with a Title of falfe-hearted Scot, and you, the Man, is fallen from that Faith, you once had in me, to Rebellion, for which I mail brand you with the Mark of Reprobation, for you have fhewed yourfelf a Reprobate, a falfe- hearted Man, a Caft-away. Did you not fay, that you did believe that I had Power to give a BlefTmg unto you of eternal Happinefs, elfe you would not have afked it of me. And upon your Requeft, faying you did believe that I had fuch Power, I gave you a Blefiing, and you continued in my Favour, and in the Favour of many Believers, for a While .& but but now you have defpifed the Blefling as Efau did his Birth- right $ for the Blefling of a Prophet is a good Birthright, if it be not defpifed ; but you have defpifed and difowned it, and forfaken the Blefling of a living Prophet, and do cleave unto dead Men's Words, and to the Doctrine of thofe that are dead. John Reeve is dead, and thofe that wrote the Scriptures are dead, but he that God hath preferved alive, to be the Judge of John Reeve's Writings, and Judge of the Writings of the Prophets and Apoftles, which you never knew, neither did you ever receive any Light or Knowledge from them, but what you received from me ; yet have you lift up yourfelf in Rebellion againft me, and have defpifed the Blef- fmg, therefore you (hall have the Curfe of a Prophet in the room of it, and fee, if that will flick more clofe unto you ; for this I fay, you fhall never caft that off, as you have done the Blefling, but it fhall remain upon your Spirit to Eternity ; for your Condition is much like unto King Saul's : The food Spirit of the Lord departed from him, and an evil pirit was fent from the Lord to him ; that is, while he kept in Obedience to the Prophet Samuel, the good Spirit of Peace from the Lord in his Seed gave him Peace of Confcience ; but his Rebellion and Difobedience to the Prophet Samue! 9 caufed that Peace of Confcience to depart from him , and the evil Spirit in the Seed of Reafon, of Rebellion, and Dif- obedience, was fent unto him, and that became a Worm in his Confcience, that never dies, and a Fire in his Confcience, that will never be quenched. This will be your Condition for your Rebellion and Dif- obedience unto me; for while you were kept in Obedience unto me, the Prophet of the Lord, the good Spirit of the Lord in your Seed, that believed in his Prophet, it preferved you in Peace of Confcience, in that I gave you the Blefling ; but now, through your Difobedience to the Prophet of the Lord, and Rebellion againft God, for it is all one, if God himfelf were in my Place, you would fay as much to him as you do to me; but the good Spirit of the Lord is departed from you, and an evil Spirit, from the Lord, is fent unto you, even the Fruit of your Difobedience and Rebellion, which is the Curfe of God, you being rejected of God and of his Prophet, and C 2 caft [ M] caft out from the Society of the Faithful for ever ; fo that the Worm of Rebellion will never die in your Conference, nor the Fire of Hell will never be quenched in you , fo that you (hall know this Torment is for nothing but yoXir Diibbedience and Rebellion aga'mft the Prophet. And as for your vapouring that I, nor all the Devils in the World, cannot hurt you, and that my Power is no more feared by you than a Child of a Day old, thefe Words you have learned of Medgate^ that Dragon Devil, who hath roared out his Rebellion like a mad Bull , and you have learned of him to call the Prophet of the Lord Devil, who was his Lord and Mafter, and yours alfo. But for all your Vapour, you fhall find that my Power (hall reach you wherever you go ; if you afcend up to Heaven in your Imagination, my Faith and Authority (hall pull, you down from thence ; and if you go down into Hell, I mall find you out there, and your Act of Rebellion (hall be executed, and my Judgment (hall be executed upon you there. And if you go to theuttermoft Parts of the Earth, you (hall not flie from that Curfe that (hall follow you ; fo that you (hall know that the mod High hath chofen me, and rejected you. And as for your threatning me that you will force me to anfwer the Afiertions, if you and I live in England^ and that you will bring me upon the Stage, do you not (hew yourfelf a Cain and Judas Devil-, you would both betray your Lord and Mafter, as Judas did his, and kill, as Cain clid his Brother, bec.aufe he was accepted, and Cain rejected. So, becaufe God hath accepted of me, and hath fet me in his Place, and hath rejected you, therefore you would betray me, to bring me upon the Stage. Your evil Spirit, is willing, I perceive, but your Power is weak. And will you dare to talk of bringing a Man upon the Stage, that is free- born, and free by Service, by you, that are a Foreigner, a Stranger, and Alien, one that is by Act of Parliament counted a Vagabond, a Runagate, a Fugitive in a Nation which is not your own, who is not free-born, nor free by Redemption ; yec you will dare to bring me upon the Stage, becaufe I condemn you for your Rebellion. And this I fay, if I were treacherous in Heart, as you are, I would quickly caufe you to be removed from Ware* if not out of England 5 but I (hall let that pafs; and n .1 I woiikl fain know how you can force me to let you fee the Anfwer to the Affertions, or to bring me upon the Stags -, you may do what you can now, I provoke you to it, but here you may fee the Pnde and Prefumption againft your own Sou), in that you have lifted yourfelf up agjunlt your Lord amd Mailer. And whereas you fay and affirm that Tarn fallen from the Truth, is not this the Word of a Rebel, that learned and was taught the Way of Truth, and what Truth is -, neither had you any Light or Truth at all, but what you received from me, your Lord and Mafter ; and yet the Spiiit of Rebellion in you is grown fo wife to judge your Mafter that taught you, to be fallen from Truth, fo that you know how to teach your Mafter better than he can teach you. But how can I expect any better from the Spirit of Rebellion ? Alfo you fay, I would make you believe Lies : Who made you a Judge, what is a Lie, and what is Truth ? You fay, I go about to over- throw John Reeve, and that I would make you believe many Lies, contrary to all the Prophets and John Reeve's Writ- ings : To this I fay, What have you to do with John Reeve** Writ- ings, now he is dead ? Neither have you to do with the Pro- phets nor Apoftles Writings ; they are all given into my Hands, that is alive, and you ought all to be taught of me that am alive, or elfe you cannot be taught of God. And whereas you fay, I contradict John Reeve: T-o this I fay, I have Power fo to do, and I had Power fo to do when he was alive, and did contradict him in fome Things, when he was alive , and John Reeve wrote fome Things that was Error to m,e, and Error in itfclf, which I did oppofe him in to his Face, and he could not deny it. And yet notwithftanding John Reeve was infallible, and did write by an unerring Spirit. This will feem a Riddle, except it be unfolded thus : As to the doctrinal Part contained in our Writings, the fix Principles were written by an unerring and infallible Spirit in John Reeve, and the Interpretation of Scrip- ture written by him was infallible , but John Reeve's Ex- perience and Apprehenfion of God's taking immediate Notice of every Man was Error; and that God did fupply every Man and [ *+] and Woman immediately from his own Perfon, this was Error in John Reeve's Judgment and Experience, as 1 did prove to his Face ; but the Things being written before, and they were of no Confequence as to eternal Happinefs, they were let pafs. Befides none can judge of a Prophet's Writing or Judgment, but he that is equal in Power and Judgment with him. Being chofen of God, I had Power to contndict him in his Judg- ment ; and though it was Error, it would have been Rebellion in any Believer to do as I did. And now, I being the laft Liver, it is Rebellion in you to call any Thing Lies or Error that I do juftify to be true , for none is to call me to an Ac- count, or to refift my Judgment in fpiritual Things or Matters, but God only. And I am fure he hath and will juftify me in what I have done, and in what I do of this Nature. Befides, where Men are chofen equal in Power, they may contradict one the other in fome Things, and yet both infallible Men in Doc- trine, but not in Judgment and Practice. As for Example, Peter was an infallible Man, and did write by an infallible and unerring Spirit, as to the Doctrine of Cbrift, yet he erred in his Judgment and Practice, and cir- cumcifed Timothy, contrary to his Commifiion from Chrift -, and it was a great Error in Peter, and Paul being an Apoftle, and in equal Power, withftood him to his Face, and reproved him of Error and Diflimulation. Now mould any Believer of Peter's Doctrine have faid to Peter, thou art a Liar, and no true Apoftle, nor hath not an infallible Spirit, but art in Error, if this fliould have been fpoken by any private Believer, as it was by Paul, who was equal in Power, I would not have been in that Believer's Condition for all the World. Again : Did not Paul write by an infallible Spirit ? As to the Doctrine of Cbrift, Peter and he did agree in that , but Paul committed an Error in his Judgment and Practice, when he pretended a Vow ; this was a great Error in him, it had like to have coft him his Life. And fhould any dare to fay that he wrote his Epiftles by an erring lying Spirit ? So like- wife Paul and James do abfolutely contradict qne another: Paul faith, Rom. iii. 2S. Tou fee then by Works a Man is jujti- fied, and not by Faith only. Here is a quite Contradiction to Paul. And fhould any Believer, in their Time, dare to fay, that [15] that either of thefe did write Error and Lies, and that they were not infallible Men, in their Doctrine of Cbrijt, becaufe they differed in Judgment, in Point of Faith and Works ; this was much like John Reeve's believing God did take notice of every particular Man, and my Judgment that God did not. Now mail any dare to fay, that either of us are Liars, be- caufe we differ in Judgment in fome Things ? Befides, this is a common Thing in the Scripture, for Prophets and Apoftles to differ in Judgment and Practice, but not in Doctrine ; as the four Evangelifts, they contradict one another very oft, and the Words of Cbrift himfelf contradict one the other, in many Places, which would be too tedious to name now. Now be- caufe Cbri/l's Words do contradict one the other, mall any dare to fay he fpake Lies, and taught Error, and that which he fpake was contrary to all Truth, or that he was not a true Cbrift? None but Devils did fay fo, when he was upon the Earth. And mould any, in the Apoftles, Matthew* Mark, Luke, and John's Time, dare to fay that any of them wrote Lies and Errors, becauk they contradicted one another, in point of Judgment and Experience ? None but Devils did find Fault and cavil with them, when they were alive. And fo it is now, with John Reeve and me , none but Devils would have made a Fraction and Difturbance amongft the Believers, about John Reeve's writing of Error , for this I muft tell you, that no Man upon Earth is to judge what is infallible, and what is not, but the Prophet only that is alive ; and if Men will not take Things upon his Words and Judgment, whoever refufeth it upon his bare Word, will perifh to Eternity j therefore the Spirit of Rebellion hath deceived you, and made you forfake the Prophet that is alive, and to cleave unto John Reeve, that is dead, and to truft to the Scriptures, that were never fpoken to you, nor given unto you ; but thofe People they were fpoken unto, did receive Benefit by them, if they did be- lieve in Time, when that Faith was in Being. But John Reeve's Writings, nor the Scripture, will do you no good, now you have rebelled againft the Prophet that is alive ; neither will that Faith in them deliver you at all from thofe eternal Torments, neither will thofe dead Prophets deliver you from, from your Rebellion, nor help you to the Knowledge of Truth, now they are all dead ; but this live Prophet (hall tor- ment you, and thofe dead ones {hall not deliver you from my Power. And as you have walked in the Steps of Korah, Datbanznd AUram^ thofe notable Rebels, who rebelled againft Mofes and Aaron : And what was the Fruits of their Rebellion ? Did not Mofes^ the Prophet of the Lord, caufe the Ground to open and fwallow them up alive. And this you fhall know, though I 'cannot caufe the Earth to open its Mouth as Mofes did, yet this I can do, by my Commiffion of the Spirit, I can open Hell's Mouth, and that fhall fwallow you up alive, and keep you there eternally, where your Worm of Confcience fhall never die, and the Fire of Hell fhall never go our, that you may know to your endlefs Pain and Shame, that you rebelled and forfook the Bleffing of a true Prophet alive upon Earth at this Day. And for all your Pride, Preemption, and Va- pouring, lifting yourfelf up againft the Lord's anointed chofen Prophet. And it will be a Wonder, if God's Vengeance doth not make you exemplary in this World, to be a Fugitive and Vagabond upon the Face of the Earth before you die, befides your Damnation hereafter , for Sins of this Nature are punifh- ed with a greater Punifhment than any other Sin what- foever, but Murder j and it would have been good for you and Medgate, if you had never been born. Therefore, in Obedience to my Commifiion, for this your Wickednefs, in falling from the Faith you once had in the Prophet, now alive, to Rebel- lion againft him and againft God, and for many bafe, proud prefumptuous Speeches in your Letters, I do pronounce you ctiifed and damned, in Soul and Body, from the Prefence of God, Elect Men and Angels, to Eternity. And now do you fee whether God will take Notice of you, to deliver you, or whether he will own you or me , or whether your Faith be ftrong< j r than mine ; or whether you have declared Truth or I ; neither fliail any of this Faith eat or drink wish you, or trade any more with you, if I can h&lp it ; for you are cad out of God's Sight for ever, and caft out of the Prophet's Sight, and caft out of the Affembly, or the Society of the Believers, for ever ; and now you may feek new Acquaint- ance tmce in the World, and fee if you can find a better Sort of People than thofe you find Fault with. And you need not fear as Cain did, that every one that meets you will kill you - f but your own evil deceitful Heart to your Principles, and rejected Spirit, may meet your Confcience, and kill the Peace of it. Written by January 23, 1671. LODOWICK MUGGLETON. of a LETTER written by the Prophet Lodowick Muggleton, to Mr. James Whitehead of Brain tree in EflTex, bearing Date June 13, 1682. Loving Friend in tbe true Faith, James Whitehead, . I Received a Letter as from you, but I fuppofe not of your Hand- writing nor inditing ; but I perceive you do own it as your's by the Direction of it, and your Name being at the latter End of your Letter, being your own Hand-writing, wherein your Defire and Requeft is, That I would anfwer thofe fix Queries you have laid down, as followeth. Query i . Whether there be fuch an Eftate attainable in this Life, that a Man may be certainly afiured of eternal Life on the other Side of Death ? Anfwer. To this I fay, That the Scripture is full to prove, that the Fathers of Old, as Mofes and the Prophets do declare, and there was fuch an Eftate attainable of the full Afiurance of their eternal Happinefs in the Kingdom of Glory after Death, even while they were in this mortal Life 5 elfe how could D Abraham, * Ifaac^ and Jacob have bleffed their Children ? Shall any Man imagine, that their Bleffing did extend no further than the Things of this Life? Or fhall any Man think, that thofe they bleffed had not the Affurance of eternal Life jn themfelves ? As for Example, Chrift faid when on Earth, Whoever Re- lieve th in me Jhall not pert/b, but have everlafting Life abiding in him. So that, if Chrift, when on Earth, was affured of his own eternal Life and Glory after his Refurrection, when he had paffed through this firft Death, I fay the very fame Af- furance Was attained unto in this Life in every true Believer in that Commifiion, who continue ftedfaft to the End. For this you muft underftand, that thofe Men God hath chofen, and hath given Power to blefs and curfe, muft needs have Affurance of eternal Life in themfelves, elie they could not give a Bleffing of eternal Life to thofe that believe them : So that Perfon that doth truly believe hath the fame Affurance of eternal Life abiding in himfelf, as he hath that gave the Bleffing, elfe what -Peace and Satisfaction can any Perfon have in this Life; and if this Peace and Affurance be not attainable in this Life or in this World, it will never be attained to in the Life to come ; but I know that you and many others have attained the Bleffing and the Affurance of everlafting Life in yourfelves now in this prefent World, which will endure to Eternity. Query 2. If attainable, whether a Man having once attained it, can finally fall away, and be reduced to a State of Damnation ? Anfwer. That if a Man hath attained the Affurance of eter- nal Salvation, and that it doth abide in himfelf, he cannot fi- nally fall away, nor be reduced to a State of Damnation ; but if a Man do attain to the Affurance of eternal Salvation in hte Head and in his Tongue only,fuch a one may finally fall away, and be reduced to a State of Damnation. Why ? becaufc this Affurance of eternal Life did not abide in him, that is, it did not fink down into his Heart, it remained in his Head and Tongue only, fo that it taketh no Root in the Heart; fo that the Affurance of eternal Life in fuch Men it fpringeth [ '9] fpringeth up, and maketh a fair Shew quickly ; but a Jittlc Oppofition caufeth it to wither, and finally to fall away, and be reduced to a State of Damnation. This I have had Experience of, by fome Perfons you know, for he that hath attained the Afiurance of eternal Life after Death, abiding in his Heart, then it is in himfelf j for it is faid, 'Thou Jhali love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, with all tby Soul, -with all thy Strength ; fo that, whoever hath attained the Afiurance of eternal Life here in this World in his Heart, fhall hold out to the End of this natural Life, and fhall not fall away, nor be reduced to a State of Damnation. Query 3. Whether our J unification and Peace of Mind arifeth not purely from the Act of Faith from the true God ? Attfwer. That the Juftification and Peace of our Mind, it doth arife fir ft from the Act of Faith in the MefTenger of God ; for a Man muft firft believe he is a Man of God, or fent from God, elfe why mould any Man enquire of him after heavenly Things : Therefore it was the Prophet faid ; Wko bath believed our Report, or to whom is the Arm of the Lard revealed ? So that if People do not believe the Prophet's Report, that bringeth glad Tidings of Life and Salvation in the firft Place, he cannot have any Act of Faith in the true God, becaufe it is the Prophet that doth declare the true God ; which is the Prophet's Doctrine , fo that our Act of Faith doth firft arife in believing the true Prophet, and that leads us to the Act of Faith in the true God 5 for there muft be a receiving which is believing, which is an Act of Faith in him that God fent in the firft Place, and then you fliall re- ceive God that fent him. And fo Juftification and Peace of Mind arifeth purely from the Act of Faith in the true Prophet, who hath declared unto you the true God, which is the Rock to build your Faith upon, that will fay unto you in that Day Come, ye Blefied, becaufc you believed my poor defpifed Meflenger, when on Earth, enter into the Joys of Heaven, which is Life eternal, which my MefTenger J fent declared unto you ; and in as much as you believed him which I fent, you believed in me. D 2 Thus [*>] Thus do true Believers come to have Juftification and Peace of Mind in this Life, by the pure Act of Faith that arifeth in their Hearts while here on Earth. Query 4. Of what Ufe is the Moral-Law to us who have received the Commifiion of the Spirit in the Love of it, and have yielded Obedience thereunto, and have chofe rather to fuffer under the Odium that evil Men have laid upon it than to enjoy the good Report the Men of this World give to falfe Worfliippers. Anfwer. That the obferving and yielding Obedience to the Moral-Law is of great Ufe to all thofe who have received, and that have Faith in this Commifiion of the Spirit, and that have yielded Obedience unto it in the Love of it. Why ? Be- caufe the Moral- Law is the fecond Commandment ; for as Cbrift faid, when on Earth, There is but two Commandments ; that is, one Commandment on God's Part, and the other on Man's Part. The Commandment that is for God, is evangelical, fpirr- tual, and heavenly ; that is, Thou Jhalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, with all thy Soul, and with all thy Strength. This Commandment no Man, in the World, can keep, or per- form, but thofe that do truly believe in this CommifTion of the Spirit : Why ? Becaufe no Religion in the World, at this Day, doth know the true God in his Form and Nature, but thofe that believe in this Commifiion of the Spirit. ' Therefore no Man can love God with all his Heart, nor with all his Soul, nor with all his Strength, becaufe he doth not know God. For how can a Man love him with all his Heart, which he doth not know, but by Reading the Scriptures or the Hiftory of a God, a Man may know God in his Head by the Imagination of Reafon, and in his Tongue to talk of a God, and fo love that which he doth not know with all his Head, and all his Tongue, and all his Imagination. This is the State and Condition the whole World lieth in, as well Profeffors of the Scriptures, as others , For none can love God with all his Heart, but fuch as know God by Faith in this Com- Commifllon of the Spirit : This is a ftrait and narrow Gate, which few do enter in at. And the fecond Commandment is like unto it, 'Thou Jhalt love thy Neighbour as thyfelf - y becaufe the Moral-Law is writ- ten in every Man's Heart, which Law doth fpeak in every Man's Mind : Do as thou wouldft another fliould doe to thee. For this I know, that there is never a Man in the World, but would have every Man to do juftly and honeftly by him , but he will not do fo by others. For this Moral- Law, written in every Man's Heart, is on Man's Part to keep and perform; that is, whatfoever he would have another do unto him, let him do fo to another ; for if all Men did walk by this Moral- Law, written in every Man's Heart, then there would be no Wickednefs a<5ted upon this Earth , for obferve, there is no Man that hath his Senfes or in his Wits, and his Reafon in him, that would willingly have another Man to commit Adul- tery with his Wife, whom he loves, or to commit Fornication with his Daughters. The Nature of Man doth loath and abhor this in another Man, yet himfelf will commit Adul- tery with another Man's Wife, and commit Fornication with other Men's Daughters. This is not to do as he would be done unto; and fo of the Reft of the Particulars in the Moral Law, written in every Man's Heart ; and he that breaketh one of thefe fix Command- ments is guilty of the Breach of all the Moral-Law written in his Heart, which is contained in the fecond Commandment, which is on Man's Part, to do as he would be done untoj which is this Moral-Law, written in Man's Heart, which if this Moral- Law were kept, performed, and done by all Men, there would be no Difobedience to Parents, no Adultery nor For- nication committed, no Murder, no Stealing, no Covetting his Neighbour's Wife, his Ox or his Afs, or any Thing that is his ; fo that the Moral- Law is of great Ufe to the Believers of this Commifllon of the Spirit, and to all religious Men, as well as wicked, in all Ages. And efpecially fince Mofes pub- limed this Law written ; for where the Righteous doth break this Moral- Law, the Worm of Confcience will gnaw in the Righteous now in thefe Days, as it hath done in the Days of old. As David, for his Murder and Adulcery, who brake the Moral- I**] Moral-Law written in his Heart, in a high Degree ; he was loath that another fhould have done fo by him as he did to t/r/V*&and his Wife, in that he gave Judgment himfelf ; That another Man fhould die that did do as he had done, not thinking in the leaft, that he was the Man. It was a very bad Example of a Righteous Man, and to all Kings that mould come after him , for the Breach of this Moral-Law caufed him to make a great Outcry to the God of Heaven, and to his Prophet to take off this Burthen of his Soul. I have had the like Experience of fome that fhall be namelefs, fince I have been in this Commiflion. So that the Moral-Law is of great Ufe both to Saint and Devil. And I could wifh that all the Believers of this Commiflion of the Spirit might be obferved from the Breach of the Moral-Law in Aft, as I have been from my Childhood : For this I fay, Millions of People are damned to Eternity for nothing elfe, but for the Breach of the Moral-Law, written in their Hearts, and Mil- lions of Men and Women, who are legally righteous, and many of them never brak the Moral-Law in Act, yet being of the Reprobate Seed, have defpiftd the Truth, and others being Ihut up in Unbelief of the Truth, will perifh to Eternity. 5. What rs that which gives Trouble and Diftrac- tion, in the Hour of Death, to fome Believers in this Com- miflion, when as we know and believe, that being juftified by Faith, we have Peace with God, and Peace with Death ? "What then, I fay, is it that feems to feparate us from that Peace and Joy we had in the Time of Health, to the great Difhonour of Truth ? Anfwer. It is Sin, after they have believed the Truth ; I fay, it is the Breach of the moral Law, written in his Heartj in fome Kind or other, after he received the Truth, which gives the Trouble and Diffraction in the Hour of Death, to fome Believers of this Commiflion, as I have had Experience of, in my Time, of feveral ; and of fome I have taken off the Trouble of the Mind, and reftored them to their former Peace and Affurance they had in their Health (as the Prophet Na- than 03] than did to David and others) that have fought to me, in the Trouble of their Minds, to eafe them of their Burthen, but I would not, but left them to the moral Law written in their Hearts, and their Sin, after they received the Truth, to grapple together ; fo that which got the Maftery, the Soul muft be fubject unto. Their Perfons on both Sides fhall be namelefs. Likewife, I do know that every true-Believer in this Com- miflion is juftified by Faith 5 they have Peace with God, but have no Peace with Death, but fight with it. Neither is Death at Peace with any Man that hath Life in him ; for Death and Life is always at War, one with another ; and Death is never at Peace with Life, until Death hath conquered and overcome Life -, then is Death and Life at Peace one with the other; for Death is the King of Terrors ; fo that the God of Heaven, when he was on Earth, was made capable of the Fear of Death, which caufed him to cry out, if it be poffible, this Cup of Death might pafs away from him ; but he, knowing that be could not be Death's Death, no other Way but by fuf- fering of Death, to have the Conqueft of the Godhead Life for a Moment ; fo that Death and the Godhead Life was at Peace, one with the other, for a Moment \ but this Godhead Life, being the quickening Spirit, it quickened out of Death again, into a new and eternal Life ; and this new eternal Life is Death's Death, and hath conquered Death, Hell, and the Devil ; that is, by his quickening out of Death into an endlefs Life, he hath procured an eternal Death, that is, a living Death, and a dying Life ; fo that Death (hall always live in Hell, and Hell mall always live with Death, and the Devils, which are Men and Women in the Refurreftion, (hall live with Death and Hell, in utter Darknefs, to Eternity. This did Chrift purchafe, by his fuffering of Death, and his quickening again into Life eternal ; elfe there would have been no Death eternal to the Seed of the Serpent, nor no Life eter- nal to the Seed of the Woman, which is the Seed of God. Thefe Things are deep and fecret Myfteries, the Tongue of Men and Angels cannot exprefs. This is more largely treated of in my two Books of the Revelttions, and whac that is that feems to feparate us from that that Peace and Joy we had in the Time of Health, to the great Difhonour of Truth. To this I fay, it is the Guilt of fome Sin which is fecret and hid in a Man's Heart, which in his Health he would wil- lingly hide from his Brethren of the fame Faith, left he mould lole his good Reputation and Credit among his Friends, and of the World, that had a good Opinion of him, thinking in his Health that in Time he mail order his Matters fo as to fatisfy his own Confcience, and that none (hall know that he ever did any Evil at all to any Man. This was David's Cafe, he thought he hid his Sin of Adultery, by caufing her Huf- band to be killed , but Death appearing prefently after the Aft of Sin, Sin appeareth alfo; for Death and Sin always goeth Hand in Hand together, to accufe the Confcience, and Hell followeth at the Heels. As for Example, when Adam had finned his Sin, his Sin did not accufe him, but thought himfelf well enough, till the Voice of the Lord called, Adam, Where art thou? immediately after his Sin was committed, and faid, Haft thou eaten of the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which I forbad thee to eat of? So likewife when Cain had killed his Brother Abel, he thought all would be well with him ; but when God called unto Cain, and faid, by Brother's Blood crieth from the Ground unto we for Vengeance, then Sin and Death joined to- gether in Cain's Confcience, which cauled him to fay, his Punifhment was greater than he could bear. And fo it was with David, he thought himfelf well when \Jriah was (lain, till the Prophet Nathan in his Parable had convinced him of his two Sins in Aft of Adultery and Mur- der, fheji Sin and Death went Hand in Hand together againft his Confcience, which made him cry out, he had finned againft the Lord. And this is that, as 1 faid before, that doth feem to feparate a true Believer in .this Com million of the Spirit from that Peace and Joy they had in the Time of Health, which is to the great Difhonour of Truth, which no Prophet, nor God himfelf when on Earth, could prevent, the Fear of Death be- ing not at Peace with .Death in Health. gyery 6. 6. Whether a Perfon dying fo, may be accounted true in the Faith, and may notwithftanding obtain a Crown of Righteoufnefs from the God of our Hope at the laft Day ? Anfwer. That a Perfon fo dying in Trouble and Diftraclion in the Hour of Death, if his Trouble and Diftraclion of Mind doth arife through fome actual Sin, after the receiving of the Truth, then, except he can procure a Forgivenefs from him that is the Head of that Doctrine which he received the Truth from , I fay, fuch a Perfon that hath difhonoured the Truth, and hath committed Sin in Act, after he received the Knowledge of the Truth, he may not be accounted true in the Faith, neither can he obtain a Crown of Righteoufnefs from the God of our Hope at the laft Day, except he can procure Forgivenefs of that Perfon as aforefaid. Thus I have anfwered your fix Queries, according to your Requeft ; and having no other Matter, at this Time, to write unto you, I (hall take Leave, and remain, in that eternal Truth, which none knoweth, but thofe that truly believe in this Commiffion of the Spirit, Tour Friend^ London, June 13, 1682. Lo DO WICK. MUG OLE TOW. A COPY of a LETTER written by the Prophet Lodowick Muggleton, to Colonel Phaire, and the reft of the Believers of the Commiffion of the Spirit. Dated in London, February 16, 1680. Loving Friend in the true Faith, Robert Phaire, I Having the Opportunity to fend unto you by our Friend Mary Stone, the Daughter of Mrs. Penfon, who came on purpofe, as flic faith, to fee me and Saddington \ therefore ic E was was necefiary that I mould write a few Lines unto you, upon her Requeft, to fignify unto you that (he hath been with me j which Lines unto you are as followeth : I have had great Experience of your ftedfaft Faith in the true God, and in this CommifTion of the Spirit, ever fince you firft heard of it, even above twenty Years , you have been, as it were, the Corner- (lone, that was laid in that Kingdom of Ireland^ which many have (tumbled at, and have darned their Foot againft a Stone ; and others again have built their Houfe upon this Stone, as upon a Rock, fo that no Winds nor Storms of Perfecutions, Reproaches, Slanders, and Lies, could make it fall, or (hake this Doctrine of the true God, in his Form and Nature, and of the right Devil, in his Form and Nature, which Reeve and Mugglettn have declared in our Writings, which I perceive you and others are very well fatisfied in, do truly underftand and believe ; for there can be no true Faith in the Heart, except the Underftanding be en- lightened firft. And thefe two Forms and Natures are two Pillars ; the one Pillar bears up Heaven, and the other bears up Hell. Now, God's Form is fpiritual, heavenly, and glorious, yet in the Form of Man, and his Nature is all pure Faith, which is all Power : Therefore all true Believers do partake of the Divine Nature of God, even the Seed of Faith, which is but as a Grain of Muftard Seed , a very fmall Seecl ; yet is able to. remove that Mountain of Ignorance, Darknefs, and Unbelief, that lyeth before the Underftanding of every Man by Nature ; fo that by Faith we come to know the Worlds were framed' biy the Word of God ; that is, by the Power of Faith in God. And by Faith in thefe our mortal Bodies, we come to knpw God in his Form and Nature -, and by Faith we fee Gfett hete m Mortality, as in a Glafs, as the Apoftles faith ; and when this Faith is imfnorlaJized i-n the Refurrectiou, then (hall our vile Bodies be madtf like unto his glorious Body, then lhall Immortality appear, -and (hall fee the immortal God in the Form of Man , Face TO Face -/even as we are feen of him, according *o our Faith here in this Life, (hall it be unto us. Ftifift her-mofe, by Faith 'we 'do feed upon the Flefti of, God, and drink hjs Blood, >a& Gbrijl faid, when on Earth , j Except Except you eat my Flefh, and drink my Blood, you have no Life in you i for his Flefh is Meat indeed, and his Blood Prink indeed. And this I fay, None upon Earth, at this Day, doth eat his Flefh, and drink his Blood, but thofe that do truly believe the Dodlrine of this Commiffion of the Spirit : Why? Becaufe no Man hath Faith to believe that God became Flefh, and dwelt amongft Men here upon Earth, who doth not believe that the Flefh of Cbrift was the Flefh of God, and the Blood of Chrift to be the Blood of God ; and who hath not Faith to believe, That the Godhead Life died when Cbrift was offered up unto Death through the eternal Spirit ; no, not any but thofc that believe our Report. Therefore it is that all religious Men perifh for Want of Faith in the true God, they cannot eat the Flefh of God, that is Meat indeed, to fatisfy their hungry Souls -, neither can they drink the Blood of God, which is Drink indeed, to quench the thirfty Soul of Map. But bleffed are your Eyes that fee, and Ears that hear, and have Hearts that underftand the Things that belong to your Peace ; for God hath given you his own Flefh to eat, and his own Blood to drink, which hath aflured you that you fhall drink of thofe new Joys, and new Pleafures, and new Glories in the Kingdom of Eternal Glory. This is that Wine that Cbrijl, our God, our King, and Re- deemer, will drink a-new with his Apoftles, and us the WitnefTes of the Spirit, and you the Believers, in the Kingdom of eternal Glory. And this I fay, all thofe, or all us, that have eat of the Flefh of God, and drank his Blood by Faith here in the State of Mortality, we fhall be gathered together in the Refurreo tion (as the Fowls) to fly in the Midft of Heaven, being im- mortalized, fhall come to the Supper of the great God, that we may eat of the fame Flefh as he eateth of, which is the Flefh of perfecting Kings, and the Flefh of Captains, and the Flefh of mighty Men, even of Judges, and the Flefh of Horfes, and of them that fit on them, and the Flefh of ali Free- men and Bond- men, and of Small and Great ; that is, all wicked reprobate Men, both fmall and great, that have per- E 2 fecuted fecuted and hated the Lord's Prophets, Apoftles, and Mef- fengers, which he fent in this World. Oh ! how blefled are we thatlhall fup with the great God of Heaven, in the Deftruction of our Enemies; for as God was hated when he was on Earth, fo are we for his Sake , and as God is pleafed to make his Supper with the Deft ruction of the Souls and Bodies of the Seed of the Serpent, to Eternity, and he hath invited us, the Fowls of Heaven, to fup with the great God, why mould not we rejoice in this Supper which the great God hath made, even in the Deftru&ion of this wicked World ; for this Earth is a Habitation of Devils, while the World doth endure. And for my Part, I could willingly fup with the great God of Heaven, that hath redeemed my Soul, in the Deftruction of this World, that I might eat the FJefh of mighty Men; Mayors, Judges, Juries, fmall and great De- vils, that have hated me without a Caufe. Oh ! how happy are we that (hall fup with the great God, that is, in the Af- furance we have, that God hath ordained wicked perfecuting Kings, and high Captains, and Judges, and mighty Men, and all other inferior Devils, both fmall and great, more than the Sand of the Sea- more, which cannot be numbered, to be damned to Eternity, to fuffer thofe eternal Torments. Thefe I know mail be caft alive into a Lake of Fire, burn- ing with Brimftone, to all Eternity ; and we, the Fowls of Heaven, mail eat or feed upon the Miferies of thefe mighty Men, as in a Supper with the great God, praifing and mag- nifying him that redeemed us with his own Blood, from being Devils incarnate, or Devils in Flelh. And in this we (hall eat the Flefli of Kings, and the Flefti of high Captains, and the Flefli of mighty Men-Devils, and the Fleih of fmall and great Devils. And this Supper, I know, we mail have with the great God in the Refurreftion, when we (hall afcend in the Clouds of Heaven, and meet the Lord in the Air, and leave the Devils, the Serpent, and his Seed, here upon this Earth, where they (hall be tormented Day and Night for ever, and ever- more, even to Eternity. This is the true Interpretation of John's Words, in the xixth Chapter of his Revelation^ concerning the Supper of the great God, and the Fowls of Heaven ; for God hath fowed in this World the Seed of Faith, which is counted the the fmall Seed, even as one Grain of Muftard Seed, which indeed, as Chrift faith, Matt, xiii, and 32, is the leaft of all Seeds ; but, when it is grown, it is the greateft among Herbs. And it is a Tree, fo that the Birds of Heaven came and built in the Branches thereof : So in Mark the ivth, and 3 1 ft, the Kingdom of God is compared to a Grain of Muftard Seed, which, when it is fown in the Earth, is the leaft of all Seeds; but after it is fown, it groweth up, and is greateft of all Herbs, and beareth great Branches, fo that the Fowls of Heaven may build under the Shadow of it. So in Luke xiii, and 19, then faid he, What is the Kingdom of God like ? It is like a Grain of Muftard Seed, which a Man took and fowed in his Garden, and it grew and waxed a great Tree, and the Fowls of Heaven made Nefts in the Branches thereof. This fmall Grain is the Grain of Faith that was in God from Eternity, by which he created the Heaven and the Earth, and all Creatures elfe, in both Worlds, by this litle Grain of Faith, no bigger than a Muftard Seed, hath he done all his Winders. By this Grain of Faith did he fow himfelf in this Earth or Garden, which was in this World, which was in the Virgin's Womb, and brought forth himfelf a Man-Child, in pure Mortality. And this Grain of Faith, that was fown in. the Field of this World, it grew up to be a Tree, that is, a Man, whofe Branches fpread themfelves forth fo thick, that the Fowls of Heaven do make their Ncfts in the Branches thereof. This Tree of Faith, which is compared to a fmall Grain of Muftard Seed, was Chrift, the only God, become FJefli \ when he was in the Glory of the Father, he was that Man that fowed that Grain of Faith in the Field of this World, or in the Garden of Eden, when he breathed into Adam and Eve the Breath of Life, and they became living Souls : Then was this little Grain of Faith no bigger than a Grain of Muftard Seed, fowed in the Field of the elect World : So that, all that are Partakers of this little Grain of Faith, they build their Nefts in the Branches of this Tree, by having Peace, Salvation, and Life eternal abiding in them. Thefe are the Fowls of Heaven, that build their Salvation upon ChriJPs Death, Refurrection, and Afcenfion, which. none [30] none in this World doth at this Day, but thofe that truly believe this Doctrine declared by Reeve and Muggleton. We are the Fowls of Heaven in this laft Age, that have re- ceived a Meafure of this Grain of Faith, which doth caufe us to make our Nefts, and rtft quietly in the Branches of God's free electing Love, in his Redemption and Salvation. Thus I have given you the true Interpretation of the Ex- cellency of this little Grain of Faith, as fmall as a Grain of Multard Seed, which you, that have but a Meafure of it, can experience the Truth of it. Therefore I (hall fay no more at prefent, but remember my Love to yourfelf and good Wife, your Sons, and Daughters, that arc Partakers of this precious Faith, and to all th^ Reft of our Friends in the true Faith, in that Kingdom, I take Leave, and remain, Tour Friend in the eternal Truth, Feb. 1 6, 1680. LODOWICK MUGGLETON. A COPY of a LETTER written by the Prophet Lodowick Muggleton, to Mr. Edward Fewterell of Chefterfield., bearing Date from London, March 29, 1660. Friend* {Received your Letter, wherein I perceive you are a Man that hath been led through feveral Opinions, yet not fuf- ed to join with any, but have been made to wait upon Je- fusChriJi, the only God,forSatisfa6tion -,and now it hath been his great Love, which he hath loved you, to let you have a Sight of thofe infinite Truths written by the Hands of his two .Witnefles, and Lawrence Claxton, which Writings of ours, I perceive, perceive, by your Letter, have given you more Satisfaction than any that ever you read before. Only this I perceive, that you did, and do, ftill much ap- prove of Jacob Bemon's Works, and for this Caufe ; becaufe you were, as I perceive by his Writings, exhorted to refign your Will unto God's Will, and to come unto that happy State, neither to will or defire any Thing, but to abide in the Will of God, which is Jefus Chrift, into which Eftate the Lord did twice bring you in fome Meafure. Alfo you fay, that it is a hard Thing to caft out that Devil that is in us, nor can it be done, as we fay, or think, but by that Refignation and Faith in the true God. Likewife you fay, that you were a great Difputant againft all Forms and formal Worfhip, till the Lord filenced you, and did let you fee it was but a vain Thing to wrangle and jangle with the Devil more. But I fhall pafe by Part of your Letter, and I fhall anfwer you to thofe Things that are of mod Concernment. You fay, that there was that Portion of Scripture brought into your Remembrance, of his Promife, 1 will fend the Spirit of Truth, which Jhall guide you into all Truth ; and there have you had your Reft repofed. In the laft Place, I find that you would have fome Anfwer to fome Doubts, concerning that Devil that doth appear to Witches, and fuck of their Bodies and what that is that doth appear to Conjurers, and the Authors of lying Wonders ofjobn Robins, though you do believe there is no Devil but Man. You do believe alfo, that the Soul of Man is mortal, and mud needs die, and fo cannot appear, though you thought otherwife in your Reafon. You fay, Whether is there a Spirit in Man, that furviveth, and is allured by them, or do they ftir upon awaking the Power of the firft fallen Angel through their devilifh Faith ; or is thefe Things from their vain Imaginations ? If fo, how ? If not, v hat it is, is your Defire to know of me. To which I (hall give you fome Anfwer, both to the firft Part of your Letter, and alfo to the latter Part of ir. Firft, You fay, That you have been . made to- wait upon Jefus Chrift, the only God, for Satisfaction thereof. r 3*3 I would have you to confider, how could you wait and be {atisfied in the Belief of fuch a God, which you never knew ? For the Letter of the Scriptures did never declare to you, that Jefus Cbrift was the only God ; neither did God commiflionate no Prophet nor Apoftle for to declare it, though their Declarations was as neceffary to be believed, in their Time and Place, as this Commiflion of the Spirit ; which Commifiion of the Spirit hath deeper Myfteries held forth in it than the other two Comniiflions had : For God never did give to any Prophets or Apoftles the Knowledge of his own Form or Nature, before he became Flelh ; if they did know it, they did not re- veal it ; but he hath given it to his two laft fpiritual Witneffes and Prophets, John Reeve'and Lodowick Muggleton^ who were thofe chofen Witnefies of God, which fhould have more Un- derftanding of the Mind of God, in the Scriptures, than all the Men in the World. Which Knowledge of God's Mind in the Scriptures doth confift of thefe fix Heads : Fir/1, Of the Form and Nature of God, before he became Flefh. Secondly* Of the Form and Nature of the Devil, before he became Flefh. fbirdly, Of the Place and Nature of Heaven. Fourthly, Of the Place and Nature of Hell. Fifthly, Of the Nature and Perfons of Angels. Sixthly? Of the Mortality of the Soul. Upon the Knowledge of thefe fix Principles depends the eternal Happinefs of many. And the Knowledge of the two Seeds is thofe two Keys that doth open thofe two, namely, the ftrait and narrow Gate, that leadeth unto Life, and the broad and wide Gate, that leadeth to Deftru&ion. And thofe two [33] two Keys are given unto us two aforefaid, which hath the Cominiflion of the Spirit given unto us. So that there is no coming unto the Knowledge of the true God, nor the right Devil ; but where the Declaration of this fpiritual Commiflion doth open the Doors or Gates of Men's Hearts, and lets them fee what Seed they are of. And fo Men come to know the true God and the right Devil. And then a Man may truly fay, that he can refign his Will to God's Will, as you fay Jacob Bemon in his Writings doth declare. Yet this I would have you to know, that Jacob Bemon had no perfonal God at all, not to refign his Will unto ; but his God was an infinite, incomprehenfible formlefs Spirit, as all the World hath ; neither had his Devil a Perfon, nor Form ; neither had his Angels he fpeaketh fo much of any Body, or Form at all , but they were all Spirits without Bodies, which, in Conclufion was no more but fo many Letters, that is, three Letters, G. O. D. And fo of the Devil and Angels. And yet this Man would refign his Will unto God's Will, and yet his God had no Form nor Nature at all. Therefore there could be no Will in his God, whereby any Man mould refign his Will into God's Will ; whereas there can be no Will in God, except he hath both Form and Nature. And this is that Will of God, which you call Jefus Cbrift^ into which Eftate the Lord did twice bring you; which Eftate of yours in that Faith of Jacob Bemon's could not be a true Eftate, becaufe there was not the Knowledge of the true God. And where there is not the Knowledge of the true God, there cannot be the Knowledge of the right Devil. Without the Knowledge of thefe two, there can be no true lading Peace in Man. And as for your being a great Difputant amongft all formal Worlhip, I do not queftion the Thing, becaufe I know that the Wifdom of Reafon, which is the Devil, doth love to be up- permoft in Difputes. But, how can you fay, That the Lord did filence you, and made you to fee the Vanity of all Difputcs, whereas you did not know any other God, but what is generally believed F on [34] on in the World , that is, an infinite, incomprehenfible Spirit $, not minding whether God had any Nature or Form at all ? Therefore it could not be the true Lord that did filence you, but it was fomething that did arife out of your own Seed, which did mew you the Vanity of all Difputes. In the next Place you fay, That there was brought into your Remembrance that Portion of Scripture concerning his Promife, that he would fend his Spirit of Truth, which mould- guide you into all Truth, and there have you had your Reft repofed. Anfwer. That this Place of Scripture did not belong unto you, nor to any Man in the World, at this Day j for that Promife was given only unto his Difciples, which Difciples of his, to whom thofe Words were fpoken, were afterwards made Apoftles of Cbrift\ fo that the Promife which Cbrift did pro- mife to his Difciples, before his Death, was that of the Blood, which was given unto his Apoftles, which was called the Spirit of Truth ; becaufe it mould lead them into all Truth -, becaufe they fhould witnefs unto the Truth, that is, unto his Death, and RefurrecYion, and Afcenfion. Therefore take Notice of this, That that Promife was ful- filled upon his Apoftles after he was afcended up to Heaven, as you may read in the fecond of the Acts, and not to every Man, that doth read the Promifes, which God did make to his commiflionated Apoftles, it doth not belong to every Man that doth read them ; but every Man is to mind that Com- mifiion which he is under. Therefore, for you to repofe your Truth upon fuch Pro- mifes as were given to other Men in their Com million, that Peace will not endure to the End, but will vanifli like Smoak in the Fire. In the next Place, I mail give you fome Anfwer to thofe Doubts which you fpake of, concerning that Devil which doth appear to Witches and Conjurers, and how thofe lying Won- ders were acted by John Robins. Anfagr. There is a twofold Witchcraft, the one is natural, the other is fpiritual. Now [35] Now this natural Witchcraft is acted by fuch as are called Witches and Conjurers. Now as for thofe ignorant Women, which are Witches, their Witchcraft lies in their wicked Na- ture, by giving themfelves up to believe that there is no God at all, but Nature only, and fo by that ftrong Faith that they have in Nature, they have Power over thofe whofe Underftand- ings are of a lower Capacity than themfelves ; and fo People being ignorant and fearful of them, doth many Times difturb and fearch their Blood with the Extremity of Fear, which they have of one that is fufpected for a Witch, and fo by their own Fear and Imagination they come to be bewitched. As a Man being overcharged with extreme Grief, cr being prevented by one that he loves, he goes diffracted, or runneth mad, which is no other but his being bewitched. And fo it is with all thofe that are ignorant and overcharged with Fear; and as for thofe Children and Cattle that are bewitched, it is by fome other Sorcery, which they do ufe, with Herbs and Plants, and fome other Things of Nature, they having fome fmall Knowledge of that Sympathy and Influence the Stars have over thofe Bodies and Herbs , and fo mixeth their Faith and Experience together, pretending to do all Manner of Good, but intendeth nothing but Evil ; fo that there is no fuch Thing at People do vainly imagine, as for Spirits to fuck Witches ; but all the Devils that is, is their own dark Reafon, and that Spirit that doth bewitch any Creature, it doth arife out of their own Imagination. And as for Conjurers and Magicians, their Reafon is more enlightened than the others is, becaufe they do go altogether by the Figure, which is an Art by which the Reafon of Man hath produced Characters and Figures for the fevcral Stars and Planets ; and fo they came to imagine the Influences of thofe Stars and Planets upon the Bodies of Men ; and many Times they do affright, yet it is (till but Witchcraft, for it is nothing elfe but the Imagination of Reafon, that doth prye into the Secrets of Nature. And the firft Witch- craft that ever was, it was produced by learning of Numbers and Figures, I fay it was firft from the Egyptians Arts, and from thence came Conjuration, and the Knowledge of the In- fluence of the Stars and Planets, and the Knowledge of Phy- fick, which arc no other in the Original but Witches j only this F 2 their their Witchcraft is more tolerated by the Powers of the Nations ; but I am confident that there is more People in the World bewitched with them, than there is with the other Sort of Witches i that is, they are deceived both in Body and in Mind, and Eftate , for when a Man is deceived in hisExpecl- ations and Faith which he had in that Art, he may very well be faid to be bewitched. But as for the raifing of Spirits, without Bodies, there is no Witch, no Conjurer, or Magician, nor the greateft Artift in the World, can do ; neither can any Spirit aflfume any Body but its own. So much for natural Witches. And as for thofe lying Signs and Wonders which John Robins did aft, it was by a mere fpiritual Witchcraft } his was not by the Knowledge of the Stars, though he had fome Skill in that too ; but the Power of his Witchcraft did lie in the afluming and raking upon him the Title of the great God, as you may read in our Books ; and fo that his Reafon being more excercifed in the Scriptures, upon fpiritual Matters, be- caufe the whole Body of the Scriptures doth confill of fpiri- tual and heavenly Matter -, and he having more Knowledge in the Myftery of the Scriptures, at that Time, than all Men in the World, therefore he had many that did fall down and worfhip him, becaufe his Knowledge in the Scriptures did fur- pafs other Men, and fo produced Voices in himfelf, and could prefent lying Signs and Wonders unto all thofe that were de- ceived by him, or that were afraid of him. Yet he did not deal with Spirits that had not Bodies, but all that Wifdom and Witchcraft that he did (hew, it came or arofe out of his own Spirit of Reafon, which was inclofed in his own Body. And there is the Influence of the fame Spirit of Witchcraft doth now remain upon thofe People called Quakers, notwith- ftanding their feeming Holinefs , for they have many Times fuch flefhly Fits falling upon them, which doth feem as if they had the Falling- Sicknefs, and be as Men dumb, and will not fpeak a Word for three or four Hours together, and upon a fudden, they will break forth into a ftrong Language, as if the Spirit did immediately move them to fpeak. This, I fay, it is nothing elfe but an Influence of John Robins' 's fpiritual Witchcraft, which is produced out of their own Spirit within them, [37] them, and not from any Spirit which hath no Body, without them. And all this is becaufe they have no Knowledge of the true God, or the right Devil. Therefore it is that the greateft Part of the World doth lie underWitchcraft, either a natural Witchrafc or a fpiritual Witch- craft-, there is a very few, that is delivered from being under one or both of them. There is none delivered but thole that are come to have Faith in this fpiritual Commiffion, which is now extant in the World; for Faith in it doth lead Men to the Know- ledge of the true God and the right Devil, with all thofe deep Myfteries, which doth depend on them, the Knowledge of which doth free a Man from all Witchcrafts whatfoever. Therefore, I would advife you to read the Book of ours, called The Divine Locking- Glafs ; for that you may fee there, that there can be no Spirits without a Body ; neither can any W 7 itch or Conjurer raife any Spirit without a Body : Buc thefe Conjurers may do, through the Ignorance and Dark- nefs of Man's Reafon, and that Fear and Belief that is in the Ignorant, they may, by their ignorant Power, raife a Shadow of Things, as if they were real Bodies, or Spirits, in the Shape of Bodies,as the Egyptians did before Pharaoh, King of Egypt; they did feem to raife Frogs and Grafshoppers in the Sight of Pharaoh, King of Egypt $ but I fay they were not real Frogs and Grafshoppers, but Shadows of fuch Things, which as foon as ever thejr Witchcraft Power Art was over, their Frogs and Grafshoppers were gone alfo, elfe would the King and his People been as much troubled at thofe Frogs, which the Ma- gicians did bring up on their Land, as they were with thofe which Mofes brought up, which went into their Houfes. And now, if Mofes had not raifcd Bodies, as well as Spirits ; or if he had raifed Spirits without Bodies, they would have been as little troubled at thofe Things which Mofes did, as they were at thofe Shadows, or feeming Things, which the Magicians of Egypt did. There is fome more of the Letter -, but I have not Time to writ it. Vale y fo refteth your Friend, Linden, March 29, 1660, LODOWICK MUGGLETON. ^Discou RSE between John Reeve and Richard Leader, Merchant ; recited by Lodo- wick Muggleton, one of the two laft Wit- neffes and Prophets of the moft high God, the Man Chrift Jefus in Glory. THIS Richard Leader, notwithftanding he was well fa- tisfied in fpirituul Things, as to his eternal Happinefs, yet there was fome Things as to temporal Matters, which we had declared, that he could not as yet confent unto, becaufe it was contrary to the Rule and Art of Aftrology and Philo- fophy -, for I afked him what it was ; he faid, you declare the Sun is not much bigger than it feemeth to be, and our Art faith, it is threefcore Times bigger than the Earth : Alfo, faid he, you fay the Moon doth not borrow any Light of, nor from the Sun : Likewife you fay, that the Heavens is not much above fix Miles high from the Earth ; and we by our Art do fay, the Heavens areThoufands of Miles high from the Earth ; thefe Things, faith he, feemeth fomething ftrange. Then I anfwered, and faid unto him, You are a Man, that have travelled through many Parts of the World, and you have been in that Place, called the equinoctial Line, where the Sun is neareft to the Earth of any other Place, where the Heat is fo great, that no Creature can fcarce live, the Sun is fo hot ; did the Sun feem any bigger to your Sight, when it was near to the Earth, than at other Times, when you were at a Diftance ? You faw the full Proportion of it, did you not ? He anfwered, and faid, he did. Then faid I, did the Sun feem any bigger to your Eye-fight, where it was near to the Earth, than at other Times ? He anfwered, no, not any bigger, as he could difcern. Why then, faid I, will you believe your lying Figure, before you will believe your own Eye-fight ? You muft either fay, the Sight of your Eye is falfe, or the traditional Figure you depend upon is falfe ; now hath not God appointed the Sight of the Eye to be Judge of that it fees ? [39] /ees ? But Men hath chofe rather to believe their lying Ima- gination, which they never faw, nor never can fee, nor knows not what it is ; therefore it hath erected a Figure, that Man might be led into Darknefs, imagine Things that are not, and make People believe, that the natural Sight, that God hath given Men in their Creation, to be Judge of what it fees, to be a falfe Sight, and a falfe Judge , and your dark Imagination and Figure to be a true Light, and a true Judge of the Big- nefs of the Sun. Forconfider, That the Imagination of Reafon in Man, doth always judge God to be bigger than he is, or leffer than he is , likewife Imagination being blind, it judgeth God's Power to be greater than it is, or lefler than it is ; and fo it doth in the Works of Creation: As for Example; the Imagination of Man judgeth, that God made this vait Earth and Waters of Nothing; which is more than God could do, for he never made any Thing of Subftance of Nothing, for of Nothing comes No- thing , for what Thing or Creature, that God made of No- thing, God will turn it to Nothing again. Then would it be well for all wicked Men, if the Earth was made of Nothing, and Men made of the Duft of the Earth ; then, when this Earth is turned to Nothing, its Original alfo 5 but this Earth was an eternal dark Chaos, and (hall return at the lad Day into Darknefs again, and wicked reprobate Man mall live upon this Earth in eternal Torments, in utter Darknefs, for ever and ever. So that neither the Earth, nor wicked Man, the Seed of the Serpent, mall neither of them both be turned to No- thing, but mall be in utter Darknefs to Eternity. Again, the Imagination judgeth the Sun, Moon, and Stars, to be of vaft greater Bignefs, though they feem to be fmall Bo- dies to us ; fo that the Imagination of Man, being blind, judgeth every Thing bigger than it is, or lefs than it is ; though God hath made the Sun, Moon, and Stars, little Bodies, to give Light unto the Earth and Waters, and in their Light, the Creatures here on Earth do foe Light ; and God hath made thefe Lights, Bodies in Heaven, to anfwer to that Light that is in little Bodies here on Earth. And (hall a Man fay, the Light of his Eyes is no Ciue. Light, but the [40 ] the Imagination, that feeth not at all, is called true Light; thus it is with Aftrology, and Philofophy, that judgeth God to be bigger than he is, or lefler than he is, and his Power to be greater than it is, to create this vaft Earth and Waters of Nothing ; and the Sun, Moon, and Stars, of fuch a vaft Big- nefs, all out of Nothing : So that the lying Imagination hath created to itfelf a bigger God than the true God, and this God hath a greater Power, and hath created Things of a more bigger Magnitude, than the true God ever did, and could do, as to make this Earth of Nothing, and the Sun, Moon, and Stars, of fuch a vaft Bignefs, far bigger than ever the trueGodmade them. But to tell the Imagination of Man of the true God, tkat created Man in his own Image, he became Flefh, and became a little Child, and grew to a Man, and fuffered Death by his own Creatures. O ! no, faith the Reafon in Man, God could not die, it is impoffible for God to die ; here God's Power is looked upon, by the Imagination of Men's Hearts, to be lefs than it is. Objection i. Said he, The Sun may feem to be but a little Body, becaufe of the great Diftance from us : As for Example, fet a Man upon the Top of Paul's, and at a Diftance he will fhew as little as a Crow. To this he suffered and faid, Indeed a dark Body at a Diftance doth fhew Ids than it is. But, faid I, let a light Body, as a Torch, or Candle,^ be but a Mile above the Earth, if it were pofiible, and it fhall fhew bigger a hun- dred Miles Diftance from it. As for Example: "When a Beacon is fet on Fire, it feemeth a greater Blaze forty Miles Diftance, than it doth near at Hand, for it is but a little Thing of itfelf,; yet neverthelefs, it is the Nature of all light Bodies, to fhew rather bigger at a Diftance, than they are of themfelves ; and it is the Nature of all dark Bodies, to feem lefs at a Diftance, than they are in themfelves. When he heard this, he was convinced ; and did acknowledge, that it muft needs be fo in Nature, that light Bodies did fhow bigger at a Diftance, and dark Bodies lefs ; fo that the Sun being a bright Fire, light Bo- dy, and running fo fwift in its Courfe, it could not be much bigger than it feemeth to be, notwithftanding he had long imagined the contrary. ObjcGit* [ 4' ] Objection 2. Satth he, We by our Art doth judge, that the Moon doth borrow her Light of the Sun, becaufe, faith he, fo fur as the Sun is right againft the Moon, fo far the Moon is light, and when the Moon is at the Full, the Face of the Sun is right over it ; fo that fometimes the Moon feems to have a dark Body, only a Jittle Piece of it forked, why is it then, faid he ? Bccaufc the Sun is right againft no more of the Moon, and fo much of it as the Sun is againft it, it receiveth Light from the Sun, and the reft of the Body of the Moon feemeth dark : To this I anfwercd and faid, If this fbould be fo, then that Saying of Scripture, Gen. i. v. 1 6. mud be laid afide, where it is faid, God made two great Lights^ the greater JJght to rule the Day, and the lejj'er Light to rule tbeNight. Certainly the Moon hath Light in itfelf to rule the Night, elfe thofe Words cannot be true j for if God made the Moon a dark Body, and that it hath no Light in itfelf, but what it receiveth from the Sun, then God made but one great Light, and one dark Body, and not two great Lights ; for if the Moon hath not Light in herfelf, but doth borrow of the Sun, then the Moon had no Light in her Creation : A Man may as well lay, That a Man is a living Man, that hath ^10 Life in him ; for if a Man hath not Life in himfelf, he cannot move no farther, than a Man that hath Life doth carry him ; fo likewife if the Moon were a dark Body, and had no Light in itfelf, how could it move to rule the Night? The Sun, that hath always Light in itfelf, muft carry the Bo- dy of the dark Moon, and move it about the Firmament of Heaven, to rule the Night, which would be a great Trouble to the Sun to do two Bodies Works; for God hath fet every Thing in order, and every particular Thing (hall do it's own Work; the Sun mall rule the Day, and the Moon fhall rule the Night, and the Stars {hall give their Light ; fo that every Thing that God hath made, mail do their own Works, according to the Law God hath placed in their Natures. If the Moon muft rule the Night according to God's Command, certainly he gave the Moon a Light in itfelf to rule with, elfe it could not rule ; for borrowed Lights never ruleth well. A Man that is Stone-blind, may as well G fay [4*] fay to another Man that can fee, I would borrow your Eye- fight, that I may fee the Light of the Sun, as you do : This cannot be done, for in Light we fee Light , for there mil ft be two L ; ghts, elfe a Man cannot tell that there is any Light at all. For that Man that was born blind, could not tell that there was any Sun or Light at all in the Day-time, but as he heard others fay ; but when drift ^ opened his Eyes, then he faw Light, becaufe he faw Light in himfelf ; and when he received his Light, was not this Light of his Eyes in himfelf ? Was it any borrowed Light, or Light for Cbrift ? I trow not, for God hath made every Creature, that hath Light in irfelf, to fee another Light that is out of itfelf ; fo that in Light we fee Light ; there muft be two Lights, elfe Things cannot be dif- tinguifhed j for dark Bodies, that hath not Life and Light in itfelf, cannot borrow Life and Light of any other ; neither can the Moon borrow any Light of the Sun at all, for it hath an inherent Light in itfelf in it's Creation, as the Sim hath in it's Creation } ib that the Words of Mofes are true, that God made two great L'gbts, the Sun to rule the Day-, find the Moon to rule the Night-, only the Moon hath a leffer, but both hath a Light in themfclves, and doth not borrow one Light of the. other } elfe how could the Moon fight with the Sun in the Eclipfe fometimes j if the Moon were a dark Body, and had no Light in itfelf, could it oppofe the Sun as it doth, that the Moon even darkens the Sun in the Fight ? Can a dark Body light with the Light of the Sun ? You may as well fay, that a dark Body may fight with a living Man : But thefe Fictions of Men's Imaginations, hath deceived the whole World, and keepeth the People in Darknefs, and putteth out their own Light of their Eyes, and calleth Darknefs Light, and Light Darknefs, even in Things that are vifibly feen. Objection 3. Thenfaid he, How comes it to pafs, that there is fo many new Moons, and fometimes we fee but a Piece of the new Moon, and do difcern the reft of the Body to be dark, and fo the Moon doth intrace the dark Bodies filled up with Light ; ib that in a Matter of fifteen D.iys, tli3 Mooms full and L 43 and all Light, and in a little Time, it is quite gone^ and foen" no more in our Horizon. To this I anfwered, and faid, Were you ever up in the Firmament of Heaven ? Do you know by your Imagination how God hath framed it, and how many Chambers he hath made in it ? And how many Planets, Stars, and Lights, he hath put in every Chamber, in the Firmament of Heaven ? You Aftrologers yourfelves fay there is twelve Houfes and four Houfons, are you fure there is no more Houfes in the Firmament of Heaven, but twelve ? And do you know how many Lights there is in every Houfe, and when thefe Lights do remove out of one Houfe into another ? Or do you know whether one Star doth take its Light from another Star ? Or hath every Star Light in itfclf ? Or doth the Light of the Stars and Planets remain in their own Bodies, and neither increafe nor decreafe their Light, fince they were made and fit in the Firmament of Heaven ? Is there any of thofe Stars or Lights in the Firma- ment of Heaven miffing, that were made at firft ? Or hath any of them loft their Light God put in them at firft, when God created the Heavens and the Earth ? If you can tell this, then you can fay fomething, as the Moon borroweth Light of the Sun ; but to give you a little further Satisfaction j God hath placed the Sun, Moon, and Stars, in the Firmament of Heaven, and every one of thefe, Houfes of their own, that is, the Place where they firft began to give Light, and to mine upon the Earth, that is, the Houfe of the Sun, Moon, and Stars , now God that made them, knoweth the Houfe and the Place of the Firmament ofr Heaven, where they firft began to give Light , becaufe he had meafured out the Firmament of Heaven, becaufe he made it $ but Man doth not know, nor cannot know by h:s Imagination, Art, and Figure \ alfo God hath given the!!- Lights Power to go out of their own Houfe, into any of the Chambers of Heaven, even as a Man doth out of his own Dwelling-Houfe, into more remote Parts, yet the Man re- taineth his own Wifdom and Knowledge, when he is remote from his own Dwelling Houfe, as at Home ; fo it is with the Sun, Moon, and Stars, though they go out of their own Houfe, yet they retain the fame Light in themfelves, whererer they G 2 go. [44] go. And if God hath made the Sun fo fwift and bright, to run through all the Houfes of the Firmament of Heaven, in twenty-four Hours, yet that is the Sun's own Houfc, where it went firft from, and it is the Work God hath appointed the Sun to do every Day and Night ; and when the Sun is abfent, in its Place, the Moon fupplieth her Light, and the Moon not being fo fwift as the Sun, it cometh not fo foon in- to our Horizon as the Sun doth , befides, it paffeth xhrougjh- out the fame Region as the Sun doth, but in a Region or a lower Degree in the Firmament of Heaven, than the Sun doth ; and the Caufe why the Moon fheweth the Light, but a little Piece of her, when (lie is but a Quarter old, fo by Degrees (he increafeth, till fhe is at the Full, fo that the Full Face and Light of her, may be feen by the Light of the Eye. The Caufe why we fee her by a little and a little, is, fhe cometh out of one Chamber or Houfe of Heaven into an- other, and as the Houfes and the Firmament of Heaven be at fuch a Diftance one from another, fo we fee her Light the more, and we fee her fometimes half light and half dark -, now the Piece that feemeth dark, it is becaufe fhe is not come out of that Houfe or Region ; but when fhe is come to that Horizon, where ihe was at the Full, then fhe is all Light and noDarknefs at all; not but that fhe was all -Light in her- felf before at all Times, but fhe was in fome Chamber of Heaven, which fhadowed her fo, that we could not fee her whole Light of her whole Face. As for Example : Suppofe a Man ftand in a Bottom, and there be two high Hills before him, at a Diftance one from the other, the Man (landing in the Bottom, difcerneth a Man upon the Top of the farther Hill, fo feeing him come down the Hill a pretty Way, but a little lower he lofeth the Sight of the Man, until fuch Time as the Man cometh up that Hill nigh to him, and when he cometh to the Top of this Hill before me, I do difcern firft his Head, then after his Face, then after his Body, fo that I fee it is a perfect Man which I faw at firft, but this Hill be- fore me hindred the Sight of him till he came to the Top of it : So it is with the Moon, a Man cannot difcern the full Face f her, till fhe hath pafled in her Journey thro' all thofe Houfes of the Heavens, which lieth lower in that Region where fhe is, fo that [45] that the Hill and Mountain of the Earth doth hinder the Sight of her, until (he cometh to the Top of the Hill of our Horizon, then can we fee her whole Face ; for the Earth is as a Ball, (landing upon and in the Air ; that is, the Power of God's Word hath made the Air a Foundation for the Earth to ftand upon -, therefore it is, that the Earth (landeth upon Nothing as a Man can fee -, and this is the Foundation God hath laid this vaft Earth upon : And who could lay the Foundation of this Earth upon fuch a Foundation as the Air ? None but God only, whofe Power is infinite and unfpeakable. Likewife the Earth about with the Element, then the Earth muft needs interpofe and (hadow the Light of the Moon, fo that fhe can- not be feen in her perfect Light, untill fhe (lands upon the Top of the Ball , but thole that are on every Side and underneath the Ball cannot fee her, for (he is always at the Full in herfelf, tho* a Man cannot fee her fo perfectly, but when (he is at the Full ; yet the Moon is the fame Light in her(elf always, as when fhe is at the Full, tho' thofe on the Sides and underneath cannot fee her ; neither is there any Newnefs in her, but (he is the fame To day, Yefierday, and fame for ever, as long as the World laiKth , cvrr the great Light, which God created and appointed to ruL tlvj Nighein one Place or other of this World continually: 1 his is Truth, and Mofes's Words are Truth, whatever Man by their Imaginations do fay to the contrai y. Objection 4. Well, faid he, how will you make it appear, that the Heavens are not above fix Miles high from the Earth ? I anfwered and faid, that I will make it appear by Scripture andReafon. That will do well, (faid he.) Then faid I, fee that Scripture, Gen. xi. 4. And they faid, Goto, let usluild us a City, ar.d a 'Tower ', whofe Top may reach unto Heaven : And in the 5th Verfe, And the Lord came down to fee the City and the Tower which the Children of Men builded : And the 6th Verfe, And the Lord faid, behold the People is One, and they have all one Lan- guage, and this they begin to do, and now nothing will be reftrain- cd from them, which they have imagined to do. Here, faid I, ic is plain, that there was a Poflibility for the Sons of Men to build 1 46 j build a Tower up to Heaven , now if Heaven had been Thou- fands of Miles high, as the lying Arc of Aftrology faith, there could have been no Poffibility to build up to Heaven, and that ihele Men's Reafon know well enough, neither could they have laid a Foundation to build Thoufands of Miles high , now the Imagination of Reafon in thefe Men were more right, which Went by no Figure, nor Rule of Art, but by the Sight of the Eye, and their Reafon and Senfe ; and they did imagine by the Sight of the Eye, that it could not be above three-Miles to the Clouds, \vhich the Philoibphers grant by their Art, the Clouds 10 be but three Miles high from the Earth ; fo they imagined that the Firmament could not be above three Milts higher j and we do imagine, faid they, in themfelves, that they might Jay a Foundation to build fix Miles, and thought they, when \ve come up to the Clouds in Building, we fhall fee then ho\v far it is to the Firmament, and fo build up unto it. Now, the Leid himfelf faid, it was poflible for them to do what they had imagined, for (faith he,) Nothing wi/lreftrain them for what they have imagined to do. So that God knew there was a Pof- libility to build up to Heaven, elfe he would never come down from Heaven himfelf, to prevent them, in confounding their Language, if the Heavens had been Thoufands of Miles high : Befides, faid I, do you think, when Chrift afcended up to Heaven, after he was rifen from the Dead, that he afcended with that Body thoufands of Miles high, from where he af- cended up to Heaven ? It is faid, dffs i 9. While the Men beheld^ a Clcitd received him out of their Sight. That is, they faw him afcend up as far as the Clouds, which is half Way to the Fir- mament of Heaven ; for the Clouds opened for him to pafs through, and clofed together again, out of their Sight ; for they could not fee no farther than the Clouds r Likewife, when the Prophet Elijah went up to Heaven in a fiery Chariot with Horfes of Fire, Do you believe that he had thoufands of Miles to Heaven ? He faid, No : Befides, there is a Poffibiiity to build up to Heaven now, as there was then, only it is for- bidden of God : But this I fay, if it were lawful, and that a Man was fure to live 7 or 800 Years upon this Earth, as they did then, then a Man might as eafily build up to Heaven now, as then j were it lawful, as I faid before. So [47] So that God hath not made the Heavens fo high, as the lying Imagination of Reafon hath ; for Reafon imagineth the IltMvensto be higher than th?y arc-, and Reafon imagines Hell to be lower than it is i Ib that Heaven is fo high, that Reafon can never afcend up to it, and Hell fo deep, that Reafon can find no Bottom ; therefore called, A Bctionlefs Pif> when indeed Hell is but fix Miles Diftance from Heaven to this Earth, where Men afted all their Wickednefs, fhall be that Place of Hell for all the Damned, and the Place where the Devil and his Angels, which are wicked Men and Women, (hall be tor- mented to Eternity. But the Seed of Faith knoweth the Hcighth of the Heavens,. and but a few Miles high, and can eafily afcend up to it ; and Faith knoweth the Bottom of Hell, and knoweth it is upon this Earth, and no deeper than this Earth, and that the Bottomless Pit) fo much feared by Man, it is HI a Man, and not without a Man : Therefore, faid i unto him, your Figure, Rule and Art, mull be laid down , but Arithmetick and Numbers is neceflury only for Things on this Earth, to meafure Land, and other Accounts between Man and Man here on Earth j your Arichmetick and Figures is not to meafure the Heighth of the Heavens, nor the Depths of Hell, that bdongeth only to the Seed of Faith, being God's own Nature. Faith meafureth the Height of Heaven, and the Deepnefs of Hell : Therefore, in thefe Things, you are to Jay afide your Figure Art, and depend wholly upon Belief of what we have faid in thefe Things, becaufe your Reafon, Skill and Art, lee it be never fo great, cannot difprove a ftedfaft Faith. When he heard this Difcourfe, with much more than is here written, he was very well fatisfied in thefe Things, and many others, and he grew very mighty in Wifdom and Knowledge* both in natural Wifdom and heavenly j fo that every great Man of his Acquaintance did fubmit to his Wifdom, and loved him for his Knowledge ; fo he continued in it all his Life : But about a Year or two after John &eevt died, he died at A L E T- [ 48 ] A LETTER from the Prophet Muggleton. Lcving and kind Friend in the true Faith, Thomas Torn- kinfon, R. Delamaine would have written fooner, but being in great Trouble, had not Leifure to write i for the Shepherd being fmitten, the Sheep were all fcattered. Upon the 1 7th Day of January lad pad, Judgment was given upon me, to itand upon the Pillory in three feveral Places of the City of London, and the Books they took away from me were divided into three Parts, and were to be burnt before my Face, thofe three Days I ftood on the Pillory. So they offered up the Books as three Burnt-offerings, to the unknown God ; and they offered me up as a Sacrifice, to be (lain by the rude Multitude \ and it was a wonderful Pro- vidence I was not (lain outright. I was expoftd to the uttermoft Rigour of the Law, more than any ever did, that fuffered in that Time , however, they have fhed the Blood of the laft Prophet, although not to Death. Oh! what fhall be done to this bloody City, for fhed- ding innocent Blood ! The God of Heaven will fay unto this bloody City, You fhall be punifhed with Poverty, Beggary, and Imprifonment. But thofe that have had a Hand in the Perfecution and Blood of my Servant the Prophet, (hall be caft into that bot- tomlefs Pit, in utter Darknefs, where mall be wailing and gnafhing of Teeth for evermore, where they fhall never fee bright Day, to Eternity. This, I am fure, will be the Effect upon thofe that have had a Hand in thefe Sufferings of mine. I cannot enlarge in particular of thefe great Sufferings of mine, that hath hap- pened to me of late, it would be too large a Volume, to relate the Particulars of it ; but you may underftand by a little what a great deal means. So being in Hade, I lhall take Leave, and reft, only my Love to yourfelf, and my Wife's Love to yourfelf [49] yourfelf and your Wife, and all Friends elfe there with you, I reft your Friend in the true Faith, From the Prefs-yard^ Xe jpril z 3 , 1677. LODOWICK MuGGLETOtf. ^EPISTLE To a U A K E R. Dear and loving Friend, I Shall not falute thee about periihing Natures, or empty Obfervations, for the exalting of an Idol ; but the Defire of my Soul is, that we may be found real in the Things of the Spirir, that we may be impowered to perform ourChriftian Duties to each other, in the Things of Flefh -, which is that which girts the Spirit, or ftrengthens the Soul with lafting Peace. Is it not a real Comprehenfion of him that made us, by Virtue of his heavenly Light or Love abiding in us ? If this be true, as I am certain it is, how is it pofilble then, that we Ihould be one in Spirit, or in the Flefh either, until the true God be made manifeft to us, or in us ? Indeed Time was when I was ftrongly deceived with an Imagination of the eter- nal Salvation of all Mankind, though they lived and died under Power of all Manner of Unrighteoufnefs whatfoever. And this Error arofe in me through a lying Doctrine, founding in my Ears, of a pretended univerfal Love to the whole Creation, from thofe People called Ranters, which gilded Love I found at length to be nothing elfe but carnal H Luft, [50] Luft, in the Bottom of it ; why, becaufe it had no fpiritual Foundation to build his Faith and Hope upon, but within itfelf only. Peradventure, thon at this prefent mayft imagine, that thy Society, called Quakers, are endued with more excellent Light than all others whatfoever ; but if I fhould condefcend to fuch an Imagination, I muft belye the Light of all Things, which, through his eternal free Love, hath lately fhined into my dark Soul j but it hath not fo mined into it as to perfuade me to mind no other God or Chrift, prefent Light, or future Glory, but what is within me only, as formerly I did, when I was deluded to idolize my own lying Imagination with Titles of divine Glory, by worshipping of it with the holy Name of eternal Jehovah, or Jefus, and sailing of it the high and lofty One, or holy One of Ifrael, the only begotten Son of God, the everlafting Father, the Daughter of Sion, the Glory of all Perfections, with many other fuch like hea- venly Expreflions, which indeed belongs only to a glorious perfonal God, eternally living without me, and not to any fpiritual God or Chrift, Light or Glory, that is, or may be within me, in the leaft. Fot whilft I groped after Light and Life, only within my- felf, behold I met with nothing but thick Darknefs, and a fecret Fear of an everlafting Vengeance ; but fince I came really to undcrftand that all the fpiritual Godhead is wholly abiding, remaining, or dwelling in the glorified Body of the Man Chrift Jefus, and that by the Light or Virtue of his Spirit only, he lives by his redeemed Ones, I have enjoyed much fweet Peace, and pure Hopes of fpiritual Glories, in that Life to come, which are eternal. Moreover, though the Variety of fpiritual, or temporal Joy and Glory, be of none Effect to the Creature, without an inward Manifeftation of it, yet, when I feel a Want of new and heavenly Confolations, to fatisfy my hungry Soul, thro* the manifold Temptations of the FJefli, behold I feek not for it from any fpiritual Light or Life that is within me, or with- in Men or Angels, becaufe, by woful Experience, I certainly know it is not there to be found ; but the Light in me afcends wp on high without me, even into the glorious Body of the everlafting f everlafting God-Man Chrift Jcfus, the Lord both of Quick and Dead, whofe fpiritual Godhead wholly died with its Manhood, and lived again alone by kis own Power, and from thence, from whence alone all fpiritual Excellencies proceed, received I divine Satisfaction in this Life, accord- ing to my prefent Neceflity, with a full Aflurance of a tran- fcendent bodily Glory in that Life to come, at the Refur- reclion of all the Souls and Bodies of Mankind that arfc dead, afleep in the Duft of the Earth, when Time fhall be no more. I fay again, as aforefaid, that all the true Peace, Joy, or Gloty, which the Creature doth or fhall enjoy in this Life, or the Life that is to come, proceeds not from any fpiritual God or Chrift, Light, or Life, or Glory, that is within the Spirits of Men or Angels, in the lead ; but it flows only from an infinite Fountain of fpiritual Glorie?, which are wholly dwelling in the Man Chrift Jefus, that is without them, the perfonal Majefty, in the Sight of many true Witneffes, vifible afcended far above all imaginary bodilefs Gods, Heavens, Angels, or Men. Furthermore, notwithstanding all this, if thou fliouldft ftill imagine, that both our Lights may or will produce eternal Life in us at the laft, though we mould be at Va- riance about the Knowledge of the true God and his divine Worfhip, to our Lives End, I am not of thy Mind. Why t becaufe as there is but only one true God, fo likewife I cer- tainly know there is but only one true Light or Worfhip, appertaining to his glorious Perfon, which Worfhip of his is now only fpiritual and invifible, fuitable to an invifible Glory. Now thou may ft fuppofe thou art guided by an inward pure Light, yet certainly know, that inftead of fpiritual teaching, grounded upon a firm Foundation, thou art in Bondage to outward Forms and empty Declarations, pro- ceeding from Man's carnal Spirit, who, through flefhly Guilt and Loftinefs of Spirit, with a pretended pure Lan- guage and Practice above all other, Pope- like, arc violently hurried about, to profelyte the whole World to themfelves, which cunningly they endeavour to bring to pafs by the Sword Hz of [5*3 of the Tongue, for Want of a Sword of Steel in their Hand, 'deluding their own Souls, and many of their Hearers, vainly to imagine, that all Men and Women have fo much true Light in them, which will make them eternally happy, if they will. But the Light in me witnefies the contrary , for by it I am really informed, that there are felect Numbers of Mankind, Who, in the free Love of the Creator, were fet apart for the Enjoyment of the Light of Life eternal, even before the Foundation of the World was laid. So likewife, on the contrary, I am fully fatisfied againft all Gainfayers, that there is a Generality of Men and Women, who, in the Foreknowledge or Purpofe of the living God, were ordained to an Eftate of Unbelief in his glorious Per- fon, and the fpiritual Myfteries of his heavenly Kingdom, that they might everlaftingly perifh, even for Want of the Light of Life eternally mining in them : So that it is clear to a fpiritual Eye, that it is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth, but in God alone that fheweth Mercy unto eter- nal Salvation, or withholds his divine Light or Love to himfelf, unto everlafting Condemnation, as aforefaid. And who (hall be able, in the great Day of Accompt, to look on his Face, and to fay unto him, Why haft thou made one all glorious, and another altogether miferable ? Woe be unto them that contend with their Maker, by fpeaking Evil of him and his fecret Councils, which they know not, which he hath not revealed to the dark Multitude, nor never will, no, rior to any Speaker that hath handled a Sword of Steel to flay Mankind, or hath defiled his Marriage Bed, under what Pre- tence whatfoever. Again, I fay unto thee, that the Light in me difowns thofe Men to be fpiritual CommifTioners, or Witnefles unto the true God, that fay they are guided by an infallible Spirit, through which they fpeak againft all deceivable Preaching or Writings to the People, and yet do the very fame Thing. Moreover, the Light in me bears Witnefs againft all Kind of publick or private Meetings in the World, in a miniftcriai "Way of Worfhip, as not by a Commifiion from the Holy One of Ifrael. Why? Becaufe of the great Ignorance I find in them, [53] them of the one fpiritual God, and perfonal Glory, prepared for his Elet, and bodily Mifery ordained for the Reprobate, at the laft Day ; the rt fore, as before, I certainly know, that fuch Men have no Authoiity from the living God, to pro- phecy, preach, or fpeak of heavenly Things to the People, but only from their own lying Imaginations. Furthermore, 1 fay again, the Light in me bears Witnefs againft thofe Men that own no other fpiritual God or Chrift, but what is within the Creature, or within this Creation only, to be for the prefent in the deepeft Darknefs of all Mankind, con- cerning heavenly Things, or that worfhip the literal Word Light, inftead of Jefus Chrift, the eternal Word, who alone is both God and Man in one fingle Perfon, glorified as afore- faid, whofe ever-bkffed Body is a fiery glorious Subftance, di- ftinft from all Things and Places, that he alone is worthy, may have the Pre eminency over all, and in all, who above all is worthy, having purchafed it from himfclf, by Virtue of the pouring forth of his Godhead-Life, Blood unto Death, and quickening that divine Life again, in the very fame Body that died, into tranfcendent ravifhing Glories, even out of filent Death, or Darknefs itfelf. Now I am compell'd from undeceivable Experience, to let thee know, that thou haft never heard fuch a Language ot feeming glorious Enjoyment, from any imaginary God or Chrift abiding within the Creature only, as i have done ; therefore it is not the Words of Men or Angels that can now convince me in the leaft, that they are in the Truth, unlefs they are able plainly to declare who or what that God or Chrift is, both in his Nature, Form, and Eflence, from whence they fuppofe they enjoy fuch fpiritual Confolatioti above all others, that are not endued with the fame Light. For as Men's painted Words will not fill the Belly, nor cloath the Back, without Food and Raiment ; fo likewife an imaginary God of goodly Words, only living within the Creatures, will not fatisfy my hungry Soul, without the real Knowledge of a glorious Subftance to feed upon. But peradventnre, thou mayft reply and fay unto me, that' every rational Man and Woman, hath fo much true Light ia them, that will lead themjo the real Knowledge of the true fpiritual [54] fpiritual God, whereby they may attain everlafting Happinefs if they will, by hearkening unto it with a diligent and obedi- ent mind j Many are called, but few are cbofen, for all Men bave not Faiib: Wherefore to this I anfwer, if this thy fup- pofing of all Men poflefling fpiritual Light in them, were as true as it is falfe, indeed then there would be no need of any other fpiritual God to inftruct Mankind but what is with- in them only. Again, if every rational Soul were pofiell with never fo little of Salvation Light in it, how is it pofiible that it mould live and die in Wrath with God or Man, as commonly it doth ? What, is Man principally guided in fpiritual Things, is it the Light of his ownSpirit or another Spirit ? Now if you acknow- ledge ittobetheLightof Gods Spirit that bears Rule in the Crea- tures, what is it then that purifies the whole Man from all Filthinefs of Flefli and Spirit, and leads it into Righteoufnefs ? Js it the Light or Will of his own Spirit, or of the Spirit of God, as aforefaid ? Now if it be the Light of another Man's Spirit, that opens Man's dark Underftanding, enabling them, in fome Meafure, to comprehend the glorious and wonderful Things of Eternity, and not the Light of their own Spirit, as I am certain it is 5 it is not then in the Power of any Man's "Will, at his Pleafure to obey or difobey the Light that is in him, as many Men vainly imagine. But it is the Power of God's Will only by his moft blefled Spirit, to perfwade Man's Spirit to be willing to yeild Obedience to the Light that he hath freely given him, or fometimes it is his Pleafure to leave him to his own Strength, through which he rebels againft the Light that is in him, to the wounding of his own Soul, That he may learn to know, that the Power by the Virtue of which he is perfwaded from Eternal Ruin, is not in himfelf but in the living God that made him, who freely gives the Light of Life eternal, to whom it pleafeth him, but neither can nor will give his Glory to Men or Angels, or to the Light that is in them ; why, becaufe the Tree of eternal Life and Glory is not within them, but the Fruit of that heavenly Tree only, as abundantly aforefaid. Wherefore, wbitber Spiritual Obedience^ Pratfe or Ckry be- hngs to tbe fruit er to the Trtc, Judgtyt. Now [553 Now thou mayeft know there is a twofold Light in Man- kind, a natural and a fpiritual, the natural Light compre- hends natural Things or Notions only, buc the fpiritual Light comprehends heavenly Things that are pad, prelent, and to come, and is not ignorant of natural Things neither ; for the natural Light enthralls the Soul with flefhly Whimfics, literal Obfervations, cenforious Madnefs, and what not. But the fpiritual Light fets the Soul at perfect Liberty, from inward Wrath and outward Rage, carnal Whimfies, or invent- ted Formalities, leading the Soul into all fpiritual Lovelinefs and Peace, to the utmoft of its Power, with all Mankind even all its Days, not that it can have any heavenly Communi- on, with any but thofe which enjoy its own Light. What Communion hath Light with Darknefs, or Life with Death ; Now in that perfonal God and his Light declared in this Epiftle, I am thy loving Brother in the Flefh and in the Spirit for ever. I do fully expect thy Anfwer to this Writing, and fliall with Patience wait for it, that the true and faving Light may diftinguifh between the Spirits that fet Pen to Paper. JOHN REEVE, One of the Lord's two laftWilne/es unto tht Foun- dations of all Truth and Pen-Man to this Epiftle. An EPISTLE written ly the Prophtt LODOWICK MUGGLETON. TH E Occafion of this Writing, is in Anfwer to fomc Objections made againft me. The firft is, that there is no Power given of God unto Man, to give Sentence of Dam- nation upon Man for his Wickednefs and Blafphemies againft God and a true Prophet. In Anfwer to which, I fay, it is re- corded in the Old Teftament, That he that defpifed Mofef* Law died without Mercy 3 thefe are the Words of a mortal Man, and where there is no Mercy, there remains nothing but Condemnation Or Damnation, which is all one. Again, ii is it not faid, Jacob have I loved, and Efau have Ihated^before they lad done Good or Evil; but this is to be obferved, God had appointed them to live to be Men, and two Nations to come out of their Loins ; fo when they were come to be Men, the one had the Seal of God's everlafting Love in his Soul from his righteous Actions : The other had the Seal of God's everlafting Vengance from his wicked Actions. Is this any other than Blefling and Curfing, or Salvation and Dam- nation? And thefe are the Words of a Man, that had Power from God to fet Life and Death before all Men , and this I fay, Happy is that Man that hath the Seal of God's everlaft- ing Love in his Soul ; and miferable is he, that is fealed up, through the Evil of his own Heart unto eternal Condem- nation, which all Men are that have committed the unpardon- able Sin, by defpifing the Teachings of God's Holy Spirit, and blafpheming againft it. By this you may fee there is a prerogative Power in God, above all Law, to place his electing Love where and in whom he pleafes , and to fix his rejecting Power where and on whom he will, without any Motive to it, for the Advancement of his own Glory : For this I fay, God will have as much Glory by reprobate minded Men, as he hath by the Elect : For as the one fetteth forth his Love and his Mercy, fo the other fetteth forth his Juftice, Power, and Wrath, without which the Glory of God would be quite loft : For Mercy cannot be called Mercy, if there be no Juftice to punifh Wicked nefs , take away the one, and you deftroy both. He that pleads againft this Doctrine and Power oppofes an infinite Being-, and who art thou that con- tended againft it ? For Infinitenefs is above all Law. The Apoftle Paul hath fpoken pofitively and fully to this Point, which I refer to your Confideration. This Doctrine is owned, I fuppofe, by the Church of England, but is very coldly maintained ; for I don't remember I have heard it preached to any Purpofe in my Time. And now I mail re- turn to my firft Proportion, and prove, in the fecond Record, that Power was given unto Man to give Sentence of Dam- nation upon all fuch as refufe to believe, or rather defpife the Doctrine of the Apoftles. For it is faid : He that believes and U baptized Jhall be faved t and he that believes not Jh all be damned. Is [57] Is Hot this a pofitlve Sentence of Blefling and Curfing, or Salvation and Damnation? And thefe were Men who pro- nounced it ; and this Power was given to the Apoftles when the Keys of Heaven and Hell were given to Peter. Thefe Keys were the Gofpel of Jefus, by which they opened the Hearts of all fuch as had Faith in their Doctrine to Salvation ; and to fhut the Gates of Heaven upon all fuch as defpifed' and perfecuted it unto Condemnation. This was opening the Gates of Hell in the Hearts of all defpifing, blafpheming fpirited Men that villifye God's Prophets, Apoftles and Saints, when Salvation is offer'd to them, by calling them Blafphe- mers, Liars, Hereticks, and their Doctrine falfe Delufion, per- fecuting the Name of Chrift afreih, and yet expect to be faved by the fame Name which they perfecute, this is a Sin not to be repented of, and will never be forgiven. This I fpeak of Men that had their Commifllon from Heaven given of God by Voice of Words, as Paul, and Mofes, and fe- veral of the Prophets had ; and he that fpeaks Evil or per- fecutes a falfe Prophet, will do the fame by a true Prophet, for he knoweth not who is falfe and who is true, and all Perfecution is of the Devil, and will be punifhed with eternal Death ; as well he that perfecutes a falfe Chriftian, as he that perfecutes a true Chriftian. Note, The fame Power that was given to God's chofen Meflengers in the two paft Records, the fame Power was given to his two laft WitnefTes in this third and laft Record that God will bare to this World, and which will laft to the End of the World -, and that Miniftry that hath not Power to blefs Men for their Faith and Obedience to God, and to curfe Men that are difobedient to the Teachings of his Holy Spirit in his chofen Meflengers is not of God. The next Objection I fhall anfwer is, thefe Sayings in the Scriptures where the Devil was caft out of the Man that had an unclean Spirit, and fuffered to enter into the Herd of Swine : But firft I fhall endeavour to dilcover the right Devil from the imagined Devil, which Man hath created to affright himfelf with all, how fain would Man have a Devil diftinct from himfelf: But there is no fuch Thing, the right Devil is the Seed or Spiritof Reafon in Man, from whence the Ima- I gination [58] gination flows which was firft feated in Cain, and runs in the Line of his Seed to the End of the World, therefore Cain is branded with the Title of a Devil, and Judas was a Devil, and thofe Jews that pleaded they had Abraham to their Father. Chrift tells them, they were of their Father the Devil, which was a Murderer and a Liar from the Bcgin- ing and his Work they would do, and fo they did, for they crucified him, and put him to Death. Thefe were all Men Devils, and I can find no other Devils mentioned in Scrip- ture. Efau was a Devil, and would have murdered his Brother Jacob, had not his Mother by the Revelation of Faith fent him out of the Way. Now obferve, it is faid, all Evil is of the Devil, not only actual Evil, but all luch Evils as are Incident to the Nature of finful Man, for by Sin came Death ; and Difeafes being the Forerunner of Death, thefe are the evil Spirits or Devils that Chrift caft forth of Men, that were afflicted with them, and the Man out of whom the unclean Spirit was caft, was a lu- natick Perfon, and was diftracted in his Senfes, as may be feen by his Breaking of Chains, fo that by his rageing Mad- nefs, his Strength was doubled to him , and Chrift com- manded this unclean Spirit to come out of him, whereby his Senfes were reftored, and he became in his right Mind as before this unclean Spirit, Devil or Difeafe took Place in him, and went away praifing or giving Glory to God for his Mercy toward him, fo likewife Chrift caft out the Fever. Now I would not have Men think that Chrift caft out a Spirit, an Exiftence in itfelf diftinct from the Body of Man ; for there is no fuch Thing as Spirits without Bo- dies, for Spirit and Body is one infeparable Being, and can- not be parted from its own Body ; and as to the cafting out this unclean Spirit, Chrift by his commanding Power, caufed this Spirit or Difeafe to ceafe and have no longer Power in him ; for he became whole and in his right Mind : And as to the Devil or Difeafe entering into the Herd of Swine, I affirm the Devil did not enter into Hogs, for there were no Hogs in that Country, but Hogs the People, and they abhor Swine's Flefh, for the Swine the Devil entered into, were Men of abrutifh, fwinifh Nature, a ftubborn, un- governable. [59] governable, unruly People, that would neither be obedient to the Law ot God nor Man, but always refilling the Power of Chrift, when he was upon this Earth, as you may fee, where they accufed Chrift of catting out Devils by Beelzebub^ the Prince of Devils j and thefe unclean Spirits that entered into them, arofe out of their own Souls or Spirits j for Soul and Spirit is all one. And it is faid, they run down a fteep Hill into a Sea or Lake, and were drowned : Now this Sea or Lake was not a Sea or Lake of natural Waters, neither was that Hill a Hill of Earth ; but it was the Worfhip of the Law of Mofes was that Hill they are faid to run down ; for thefe Gadareans were a zealous People in the Worfhip of the Law ; and thofe high and lofty Imaginations they had of that Wormip, was that fteep Hill ; for that Wormip was efteemed as a Mountain, overtopping all other Worfhips , and this was that high Mountain the Devil tempted Chrift upon, where he mewed him all the Glories of the World ; and thefe Waters were fpiritual Waters, wherein they were choaked or drowned: For the Teftimony that Chrift did bear, in declaring the Gof- pel of Peace, and the Miracles he wrought, and with the lunatic Man's declaring him to be the Son of God, it took away or deftroyed their Peace they had in the Wormip of the Law ; fo that no true Hope of Salvation remained in them : Thus they may be faid to be drowned in the Fears of eter- nal Death ; thefe were thofe fpiritual Waters they were drowned in. Again, I never read, that Chrift deftroyed any Man in his temporal State, while he was upon this Earth : He came not to deftroy, but to fave Sinners. I wonder that Men mould be fo dark in their Imaginations, to think that the Devil entered into Hogs. Were not all Things made for the Ufe of Man, and to fupport him with Food whilft he is in a State of Mor- tality, and fo to end and be no more ? The Beafts cannot fin, nor be tempted of the Devil, nor fuffer erernal Torments : It is the Devil and his Angels, or his angelical Seed of wicked reprobate Men, that will be caft into Hell-Fire at the End of Time. And now obferve ; this lunatic Man is faid often to frequent, or have his Dwelling amongft the Tombs : Thefe Tombs fignify a Burying-Place or Church- Yard, near unto I 2 which [60 I which might be an Aflembly of People to be inftructed in the Worfhip of the Law of Mofes ; and for their Unbelief, and defpif- fing Chrift's Power and Miracles, they are called a Herd of SwTne ; for they were many in Number , and thofe Herdfmen weretheir Teachers, which went to the City and told what was done, which brought a Fear upon them ; fo they came humbly to Chrift, and befought him to depart their Coafts. Again, it is faid, Caft not your Pearl before Swine : It is not meant, caft not natural Pearl before Swine j but thofe Pearls they were forbid to caft before Swine, were thofe Salvation- Secrets that tend to Mens everlafting Happinefs ; thefe are thofe Pearls fuch fwinifh Men are not worthy of. Thus, if your Eyes are opened, you may fee fomething into the fpi- ritual Meaning of thofe Scripture Sayings. And now I fhall difcover the Devil Man hath created out of his lying Imagination of his own evil Heart. This Devil is a Spirit without a Body, and hath no Form of his own, but borrows fome other Form to reprefent himfelf in ; for he can affume what Shape he pleafes ; he can whip into a Man, and tempt him to all Manner of Evil, which once commit- ted, he can whip out of him again, and leave the Man to fuffer for his Sins j he is invifible, and yet vifible , he is in Hell -Fire, and yet out of the Fire ; he is chained, and can go no farther than God fuffers him -, and yet at Liberty, and can tempt Millions of Perfons at the fame Time : He is a Monfter of a Devil ; for he hath Horns and never a Head to place them upon ; he hath Wings, and never a Body to fix them to : I -have feen him reprefented with Claws to tear and torment People with, but ftill hath no Body of his own. This is the Devil Man hath made to affright himfelf withal. The next Thing I infift upon is to diftiguifh a true Minifter from a falfe, which I have in a Meafure explained before, as thus; a true Minifter is one that God hath chofen and fitted for his Purpofe, by infpiring him with the Revelation of his Holy Spirit, and then giveth him a Commiffion to go forth in this World, to propofe Terms of Salvation or Condemnation to his People. Thus he is made Chrift's Ambaflador, and is irttpowered to fet Life and Death before all Men, and this Power is bleffing all fuch as believe, and are obedient to his Doctrine Doctrine or Declaration to them, and a Curfe upon all fuch as refufe to believe or rather dcfpife it : For God doth not come now into this World himfelf to treat with his People, But giveth Power to a mortal Man to bea Prophet, an Apoftle, Mi- nifter, or Ambafiador of God, the King of Heaven; as thf the Kings of this Earth do to their Minifters. And thefe com- miffionated of God, Hand in God's Stead, and reprefent the Perfon of God the King of Heaven, as an earthly King's Mini- fter doth reprefent his Perfon and Power, and fuch Men are true Minifters of Jefus Cbrift, and happy are thofe Men that are made obedient to them, and miferable are all fuch as de- fpife their Declaration. A falfe Minifter is fuch a one as may be diftingulmed by the Contraries of the foregoing Difcourfe, that hath no Com- mifllon from Jefus ChrTft by Voice of Words, fpoken from Heaven to the hearing of the outward Ears, but counterfiteth a Commiffion from the Letter of the Scriptures, but have none of the Spirit that declared them, nor no Authority from God. Some of them juftify themfelves by the Authority of the national Power, and if this will ferve their Turn at the laft Day, it is well with them. Others think the Letter, which was other Mens Words, that had their Commiffion from Heaven, to be as good a Commifiion as that of the national Power ? And if this will bare chem out, it is well with them alfo ; others think themfelves as good Minifters as thofe befort mentioned from the Light within them, thefe are the People called Quakers ; but this Light I know to be only the Law written in their Plearts, which no Man can keep, therefore ferves only for Condemnation. So that when all thofe Mi- nifters comes to plead in their Hearts and fay, Lord we have preached in thy Name, prayed in thy Name, caft out Devils, and done wonderous Things; their Anfwer will be, Go ye Workers of Iniquity, 1 know you not, I fent you not. Thus you may fee God will not own them, becaufe he did not fend them ; there are fome of the Mi- nifters have got away of whining and toning in their preach- ing, as if their Words had not the fame Meaning, with- out toning as with it. Again, they mall repeat one Word or Ihort Sentence, three, four, or fix Times together. Thus [6z] Thus they go on, till they have filled their Noddles, topfui, and when they have tired themielves and their Congre- gations, then they depart, and in half an Hour or an Hour's Time, their Sculls are as empty as before they came to- .gether, and if they talk together as they go Home, they fhall admire their Teacher, he is a precious Man, a great Gift in Prayer, a found Preacher. Thefe are fuch as by their canting Language climb into the Hearer's Affections, empty their Pockets, and fill their Heads and Hearts with Nonfenfe. It was my Chance 'to hear a Clergyman fay, if he had a Horfe or any other Goods to expofe to Sale, and if this Horfe was all over Faults he was not obliged to difcover any Fault at all, except it was de- manded of him to difcover them, to which I agree ; by the Laws of the Land, he may conceal them ; but by the Law of Mofes, which is the Law of God, by which the Law of the Land is made, I can find no Juflification for Man to deceive his Neighbour by Concealment -, but becaufe Men can find no pofitive Words to forbid this Deceit, there- fore Men juflify themfelves in it; yet the Law is good, and doth not allow any Man to be deceived by his Neighbour, and he that lives by over-witting or any wordly Deceit, will be found to deceive himfelf ; if Man was not corrupt in his Nature by Sin or Evil, which is of the Devil, he would abhor fuch Deceit in himfelf, and not encourage it in others. There is a new Law givenj which is to do as ye would be done unto ; and I believe no Man is willing to be deceived or wronged in any Kind ; and if this Man had inftructed Men in the Chriftian Law, I mould have approved of it much better. This Law of Chrift faith, love your Enemies, do good to them that hate you, and evilly intreat you ; and fuch Men that feek to pervert the Law of Chrift, or Chriftian Law, are rather to be efteemed Minifters of Deceit, than true Chriftian Minifters: Men are apt enough to take this Li- berty to deceive their Brethren, although it difturb their Con- fciences ; therefore they need not be encouraged in it. He that perufes this Writing, and confiders it in his own Mind, may fee that God doth give Power unto Man, to judge, and give Sentence upon Men, of Salvation or Con- demnation, f .? ] demnation, according to their Obedience or Difobedience to God and a true Prophet. Likewife he may fee, thar the Evil that arifes out of a Man's Soul, is the Devil, and no Spirit without hath Power to tempt him to any Evil. AgVn, he may fee, that he that takes upon him to be a Mimfter of Jefus Cbrifti and hath not a Commiflion from Heaven, as Paul had from God's own Mouth, I fay, he commits fpiri- tual High Treafon againft God, and will be punimed with everlafting Death for fo doing, if he continues in it. LODOWICK. MUGGLETON; An PPISTLE 0/JoHN REEVE to his loving Friend Chriftopher Hill. Brother Hill, in tie Eternal Trutb, MY Love to you and the Reft of our Friends. This is a fpiritual Love Letter that I am moved to write unto you, wherefore by Virtue of my Cbmmifiion I pronounce thee Tho. Martin, William Toung, and Eliz. Wyles* the Blefied of the Lord to Eternity , the Remembrance of this the Lord's Blefling, will do you no harm when I am in my Grave ; in the mean Seafon, our good God caufe you to love one another more than your temporal Enjoyments, and that will become a Heaven upon Earth in your innocent Souls ; Faith fetcheth fpiritual Comfort, the Fountain to each particular Soul ; but Love fulfilleth all Righteoufnefs both to God and Man. Oh ! the tranfcendent Excellency of the Love of Chrift in his new born People, it is not to exprefs'd by the Tongues of Men or Angels. JOHN REEVE. ; A Copy A Copy of a LETTER wrote by the Pro- phet JOHN REEVE to Mrs. Alice Webb, containing her Blejfing y and the Six Prin- $iples) on Auguft 15, 1656. Loving Friend, DESIRING your Eternal Happinefs in that Place of Glory above the Stars, I am moved from the Spirit of the Lord to write thefe Lines unto your ferious Confi deration. This I know asfure as God knows himfelf, that Jefus Chrift from his Throne of Glory fpake to me by Voice of Words three Mornings together, which Speaking of his hath opened my dark Underftanding to declare fuch fpiritual Light to the Chofen, of God, as never was fo clearly manifefted be- fore, efpecially in thefe fix Foundations. Firft, What the Perfoa of the true God is, and his Di- vine Nature. Secondly i What the Perfons of the holy Angels are, and their Nature. thirdly, What the Perfons of the Devils are and their Natures, and what the Perfon of the Devil was before he because a Devil, and begot Millions of dark Angels or Devils, it being all one. Fovtrtbly, In what Condition the Man Adam was created in 1 , and by what Means he loft his firft Eftate and the Effects of it. Fifthly, What Heaven and Glory is, and the eternal Re* lidencc of it. Sixthly. What Hell and eternal Death is, and the Place it fhall be to Eternity. This This I know certainly, That before the Lord lent me to declare his Pleafure unto his People, no Man upon this Earth did clearly underftand any one of thefe fix fundamental Truths, which to underftand is Life eternal, and to be ignorant of them is Death eternal. Now the Lord hath fent his two Meflengers to declare them, I mean, to all thofe that may be informed in thefe fpiritual Things, and do reject us (that are the Lord's Mefiengers of thefe Things of Salvation) through the Love of carnal Things, they muft all perilh to Eternity. Again we know from the Lord by that infallible Spirit that he hath given us, of divers Perfons that (hall be eternally blefled with us : and all that we pronounce Curled to Eternity are eternally Curfed, as fure as Jefus Chrift the Lord of Life is Blefled, becaufe it is his Curie and not ours. Again, if the Lord Jefus do not bear Witnefs unto our Teftimony, and make it evident that he hath fent us in a few Months, than you may conclude, that there never was any true Prophets nor Chrift, nor Apoftles, nor Scripture fpoken from the Mouth of God to Men. But there is nothing but the Wifdom of Men and Nature their God. But this we know, that thofe that are joined with us, are Partakers of thofe Truths, and mail be blefled for evermore, and mall in the mean Time patiently wait for the fulfilling of our Prophecy, and (hall have Power over their Thoughts, Words, and Deeds, purifying their Hearts by Faith in the Perfon of God even as he is pure, trampling all the Riches and Honour of this World, under the Feet of their Souls as Dung, becaufe they have tafted of that Glory to come, that no Tongue of Men or Angels can expreis, and this makes them not only love one another in carnal Things, but for the Truth* s fake they are ready if (need require) to forfake all Relations, and Life itfelf for one another , and is that Power of that one only Faith and Truth, de- clared from the Spirit of God, the Man Jefus by us, which none enjoys but thofe of this Faith. K Much [66] Much more might I write, but fpeaking Face ta Face* (if it may be) is far more profitable : Farewell. JOHN REEVE, the trite Prophet , of the only true- Perfonal God, the Lord Jefus Cbrift upon the T'hrone of immortal Glory in the higheft Heavens. An EPISTLE of JOHN REEVE to a Friend, written in May, 1657. Shewing, THAT Elect Angels are diftinft from him who vifibly beheld him Face to Face , and what that reprobate Ser- pent-Angel was in his Creation, which by the fecret Council and unfearchable Wifdom of God, fell from his* created Glory like Lightning from the invifible Heaven above, to this vifible Earth beneath; and through his fuper- feeming God like Counfel, he overcame innocent Eve ; and fbe yielding unto him,Jie wholly entred into her Womb, and naturally changed himfelf into her Seed, and fo became the firfl>born Son of the Devil, and afterwards a curfed Cain, and the Father of all thofe Cananitijh Reprobate Angels, fpoken of in the vifible Records of the Scriptures ; Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and Jlew his Brother, the ift of John, the 3d Chapter, and i8th Verfe. And the 'Tares are the Children cf the wicked one, Math. i3th Chapter, and the i8th Verfe. Alfo in what Condition Adam was created in, and how he came to fall from his created Eftate, and what that Sin was that Eve and he were guilty of, and how Sin came firft in. their pure created Natures. Again, what that heavenly Glory is and where it is, that God's Elect Wheat, which are the Seed of Adam, and not of Cain mall poflefs when time mall be no more, and what that fhameful Eternal Death is, and where it is referved for the Seed of Cain, and not of Adam, who are cither a Spirit given up [67] tip to perfection of Men's Conferences," or elfe they are left in Darknefs to condemn the Things of Eternity, becaufe they cannot comprehend them for want of a true diftinguifh- ing Spirit, which is a Gift of the Holy Ghoft, unto him which is immediately fent by the Lord of Glory, that he may be diftinguiihed by the new born of God, from all thofe counterfeit or deceived Preachers or Speakers in the World, who are apt and ready to judge Men in Darknefs, if they fo- berly aik them needful Queftions concerning things of Eter- nity ; the underftanding of thofe glorious Excellencies, which is the Saints Inheritance, being utterly hid from them, be- caufe they went before they were fent. Friend and Brother in the Eternal Truth, By this infallible Demonftration, you may know a Man that hath not a Commiflion from the true God, to preach and fpeak unto the People. Ifafearching Speaker or Writer, deliver anything unto thofe People that joyn with him, then for fear of his Weak- nefs or Ignorance being difcovered, he will counfel the Hearers to flick clofe to the Ordinances in the Word of God, or to hearken to them,or to that in their Confciences, and to beware of falfe Chrift's and falfe Prophets, and fuch like borrowing Scriptures Languages, to prevent the People of ever hearing the Glorious and dreadful Things of Eternity from the ever- living God, revealed both by Voice of Words without, and Infpiration within, unto his two laft dcfpifed true Mef- fengers. Thus it is clear, they have not the true Spirit of Paul in them, who gave the true Saints Liberty to try all Things or Opinions of Men, (for that was his Meaning) but to hold faft to that which was good. Again, that Speaker or Preacher to People, whether pub- lick or private, that declares againfl all Appearances that are contrary to his Way, difcovers himfelf to a difcerning Spirit not to be of the Lord, unlefs he can demonftrate a Spiritual Commiflion received by Voice from Heaven, from the Mouth of the Lord Jefus Chrift, fo that no Man can difprove him> though few from a true Underftanding received him. K 2 Again, [ 53 ] Again, he that preaches or teaches only of a God or (Thrift in Men's Confciences, doth he not queflion the Scripture Re- cords concerning the Refurrection and Afcenfion of the glo- rious Body of the Lord Jefus Chrift, who through Faith in his invaluable Bloodfhedding, the Confciences of the Elect being fprinkled, are purified from the Power of all Unright- oufnefs of Flefh and Spirit, and fo doth he not queftion the Refurrection of Mankind after Death. Again, if after Death there be no bodily Refurrection for the Spirit to pofiefs an immortal God like Glory, or to fuffer an eternal Devil-like Shame, according to their Deeds done in their Bodies ; is it not one of the vaineft Babblings under Heaven, for Men to talk of a God or Chrift, or of Righteoufnefs, or Purity, or Mercy, or pure Love without Envy, or of any Spiritual Excellency whatfoever, unlefs it be for Gain or Glory amongft Men. The eternal Spirit and alone everlafting Father, which ef- fentially reigneth in the glorified body of our Lord Jefus Chrift his eternal Son, and fpiritually, and motionally, or virtually liveth or reigneth in elect Men and Angels, bear Record between me and you for Everlafting, or World without end, whether this Witneffing be not fent unto you, and all the Elect that mail view it principally for the re-efta- blifhing of your tender Spirit, upon that fpiritual Rock of all Ages, the Lord Jefus God and Man, in one dif- tinct Perfon Glorified and everlaftingly Honoured, with all Variety of Spiritual new Songs and Praifes, from his Redeemed or Elect Men or Angels, when all Time or Times is fwallowed up into Eternity or Eternities. JOHN REEVE. Another Another EPISTLE