f85x IC-NR SB 275 Q/ x >"9f/ cfKtl>&?"wy sOr LJ&fa ^ / y </, Tyo rV So/ntal B PADRE "JfNIPEKO SERRA. STEPHCI JUIMIPERO SERRA THE PLANTING OF THE CROSS A SKETCH BY FRANCIS DE S^LtiS GLlfcBE, 0. F. M. >**> WRITTEN FOR THE BICENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF JUNIPERO SERRA, 0. F. M. Founder of the California Missions CELEBRATED AT SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA November 24th, 1913 THE PLANTING OF THE CROSS 864348 PADRE JUNIPERO SERRA, President of the California Missions. DON FELIPE NEVE, Governor of California. Officers and Soldiers who comprised Father Serra s bodyguard on the 2\st day of April, 1782, when first he raised the standard of the cross in Santa Barbara. JOSE FRANCISCO ORTEGA, Captain. PABLO COTA, First Lieutenant. DARIO ARGUELLO, Second Lieutenant. JOSE CARILLO, First Sergeant. JOSE MARIA ORTEGA, Second Sergeant. IGNACIO OLIVERA, Third Sergeant. PEDRO AMADOR, Fvrst Corporal. JOSE IGNACIO RODRIGUEZ, Second Corporal. PRIVATE SOLDIERS (Soldados de Cuera). Juan Franco Soto, Anastasio Felix, Rosaline Fernandez, Eugenio Valdez, Juan Jose Lobo, Guillermo Soto, Juan Dominguez, Luis Lugo, Vincente Villa, Juan Leyva, Francisco Garcia, Juan Romero, Felipe Gonzales, Salvador Cervantes, Juan Villa, Ignacio Rochin, Eugenio Ruiz, Tomas Gonzales, Jose Lugo, Isidro German, Joaquin Rodriguez, Jose Flores, Luis Pena, Manuel Machado, Manuel Valenzuela, Jose Ruiz, Juan Valencia, Tadeo Sanchez, Mariano Cota, Martin Reyes, Jose Ayala, Vincente Suijada, Jose Valenzuela, Jose Martinez, Juan Ballesteres, Jose Valdez. Jose Callixto, Hilario Carlon, Rafael Gerardo, INDIAN SOLDIERS. Jose Loreto, Marcos Varela, Manuel Orcha, Pedro Ramon, Jose Salazar, Luis Yaquis PLANTING THE CROSS The Planting of The Cross. SCENE 1. Procession; Stttlera, Soldiers, Officers, last, vested in alb and stole, Junipero Serra, who proceeds to bless the new land. V. ^UE help is in the name of the Lord. R. ^s Who made heaven and earth. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. & And let my cry come unto Thee. V. The Lord be with you. R* And with thy spirit. Let us pray. Bless ff4 O Lord, Almighty God, this place; that in it may be health, chastity, victory, strength, humility, goodness and meekness, the fulness of the law, and thanksgiving to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; and let Thy blessing remain upon this place, and upon them that dwell therein now and for ever. Amen. The settlers raise and firm set the new cross which Padre Junipero proceeds to bless. 11 THE CROSS V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. We beseech Thee, O holy Lord, Father Al mighty, Eternal God, that Thou wouldst vouch safe to bless ijl this sign of the cross; that it may be a remedy for the human race, a bulwark of faith, increase of good works and salvation of souls; be it a solace and a protection, and a shield against the cruel shafts of the enemy. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. Bless, dB O Lord Jesus Christ, this cross, by which Thou didst wrest the world from the power of the evil spirits and by Thy Passion didst overcome the author of sin who rejoiced in the prevarication and the fall of the first man through the eating of the forbidden tree; may this sign of the cross be sanctified in the name of the Father, >J and of the Son, ^ and of the Holy J< Ghost; that those who for God s sake pray and bow before it may enjoy health of body and soul. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. 12 * AT SANTA BARBARA !<# SERRA S SERMON. Ecce crucem Domini, Fugite, partes adversae; Vicit Leo de tribu Juda, Radix David. Alleluja, Behold the cross of Christ, flee, counter powers ; The Lion overcame of Juda s tribe, The Root of David. Praise the Lord. My honored countrymen and most dear children, Blessed are we today to witness here And celebrate the newest victory Of our great King and Leader, Christ the Lord. Behold the cross, the banner of God s might ! Tis lifted high in triumph to the skies, Unfolding glorious conquests made of souls Gained by that Blood which flowed from veins divine, And ruddied o er and o er the banner s furls. The saving wood is raised to extend its arms In blessing and in loving invitation : PLANTING THE CROSS Calling to rest poor aimless wanderers, Shedding sweet light upon a groping race, And giving life to famished souls who ne er Have tasted of the tree of life. Flee, adverse powers ! a stronger power has come. Be ye dispelled, dark shades of death ! a light Rises unto the nations. A budding morn Now blows to open day. Soon, soon shall shine The Sun of Justice, and reign above in heaven, The Brightness of Eternal Light. Hail, Life ! Now, death, where is thy victory ! O death, Where is thy sting ! Praise God who through His Son Gave us to fight and win, through Jesus Christ, Our Saviour God.- The Lion strong of Juda s tribe hath conquered : Depart then, hellish wolf, to thy grim lair, Thou shalt not snatch the lambs from out the fold. Good Shepherd, they are Thine. Oh let no more The enemy wrench from Thy grasp the prize Which Thou didst win in that great bitter fight. Thou art the Lion that hath overcome, The promised Great One of great Juda s tribe, Thou art the Root of David, David s son, 14 AT SANTA BARBARA Whilom foretold the Bringer of Salvation, The Holy One, the Anointed of the Lord, The Saviour of Thy people, the Light and Life Of all the world. Bend we our knees, O brethren, and adore This sign of faith, and anchor of our hope, And pledge of charity. Pray we our God To prosper this new land, and send His grace In fulness on our work. Combine we then To give our strength to what we ve here begun. Let s labor wholly for religion s cause : Seek we no glory but our God s, no gain But souls, immortal souls. And even so We ll work most honor to our gracious king, Do filial service to our country s name And stretch the sway of our illustrious Spain. In this sign shall we conquer : Then hold we fast The cross of Christ. In it alone is light, In it alone salvation. The cross alone Will keep us safe on th Highway of the King, Lift up the eternal mansion s golden gates, Escort us to the Lamb that is the light Thereof, and set us fore the throne of Him Who reigns the King of Ages and the Lord of all. 15 PLANTING THE CROSS Brave cavaliers, knights of the cross, brethren, Oft have I prayed to do what now is done : Long years my soul hath yearned here on this ground, In Santa Barbara s honor named, to plant The cross of Christ, and build a Mission burgh, To make men citizens with Saints, and God s Domestics, built on Apostolic base, Whose corner-stone is Jesus Christ, the Lord. Praise God with me, my children, my cry is heard, Fill full your hearts with jubilee, and raise Your hands in thankful prayer. Come, let s adore, And prostrate kneel, and hymn a song of praise. ALABADO Ala.ba.do, y ensa.lza.do, Yet Bendito San Joseph, Sea. el Divino Sacramento, Electo por Dlos inmenso En quien Dios octtlio asiste, Para. Padre Esiimativo De tag Almas el sastento. De sa Hijo el Divtno Verbo. Y la. limpla Conception, Esto es por todos los siglos, De la Reyna de los Cielos, Y de los siglos Amen. Oue quedando Virgen Para, Amen Jesus y Maria, Es Madre del Verbo Eterno. Je*us, Maria, y Joseph. 16 AT SANTA BARBARA J& J __ ! Adorote Santa Cruz, Puesta en el Monte Cakva.no, En ti mttrfo mi Jesus. Para darme eterna luz, Ylibrarme del Contrario. dulcisimo Jesusl Yo te doy mi corazon, Para que estampes en el Tu santisima Pasion. Madre llena de dolor, Hazed, que quando espiremos Nuestras Almas entreguemos, En las manos del Senor. Quien a Dios quiere seguir, Y en su gloria, quiere entrar, Una cosa ha de asentar, Y de corazon decir, Ante* morir, que pecar; Antes que pecar morir.. V. Ave Maria. R. En gracia concebida. IT I PLANTING THE CROSS SCENE 2. The Presidio site. Settlers and Soldiers lounging. 1 SOLDIER QLO W work, neighbors, slow work ! 2 SOLDIER And bad work too ! 3 SOLDIER Do look at it ! The Captain cannot praise Such bungling work. 1 SETTLER We look not for his praise, As you do, self appointed critic. 2 SOLDIER Call you This botching work? 3 SOLDIER So ill matched with the site ! 2 SOLDIER But well matched with their efforts : both mere spurts. 3 SOLDIER They need a sharp rebuke to prick them on. 18 AT SANTA BARBARA 3 SETTLER Spare your flings, stupid censor, they re aimed amiss. 2 SETTLER There were no need of reprimand did not The soldiers fear to soil their hands. 1 SETTLER Indeed, Twere better you fell to with pick and axe In place of flinging taunts and grinning sneers. 2 SETTLER Or fondling your dull swords and trimming fine Your gaudy uniforms. 2 SOLDIER Forbid your tongue, Churl, or I ll stop it with my fist. 2 SETTLER Away, You upstart, put your fist to useful work. 2 SOLDIER Insult more, I ll soil my hands with your blood. 2 SETTLER Go vent your threats on cowards, I fear you not. 19 PLANTING THE CROSS 2 SOLDIER You challenge so my wrath? Then stand and fight, You vulgar peasant. Serra enters. SERRA Forbear, my children, forbear ; what is between you? 2 SOLDIER This bumpkin has insulted our profession, And he must pay for it. 2 SETTLER And he must pay For rating and insulting me. SERRA Be calm. 2 SETTLER What right have these to give rebukes? 1 SETTLER Let them reproach themselves, who all the day Sit idly by whilst we must work. 2 SETTLER Who play And drink and sleep away the time. 20 AT SANTA BARBARA 2 SOLDIER Coward ! And liar ! Are we not his Majesty s men? And soldiers of his Excellency Felipe Neve? SERRA Allay your anger. I pray you, children, break not Sweet charity s law. Remember we left our home To bring the peace of God to those who still In darkness sit and shades of death, our poor Unfortunate brethren, no less than we redeemed By Christ s atoning death. How then shall we Make good our noble purpose if thus we break The peace among ourselves? Brother, forgive The insult. Forget the assault, brother, for love Of Him who dying prayed for deicides. Be reconciled for love of Him whose Gospel Of kind forgiveness we have come to announce By word and deed. Here comes our honorable Captain. Ortega enters. ORTEGA The trouble, Father Presidente? 21 I PLANTING THE CROSS SERRA AlFs well again ; a few ill tempered words Which cooled as fast as they grew hot. ORTEGA Tis well. SERRA The work progresses. How good ! The field is fair, Is t not, Senor, to start the Mission now? ORTEGA That, Padre, his Excellency will judge; No word from him has yet come to the men. SERRA I will remind the Governor ; there seems No cause for more delay. Heaven prospers well The present work ; may t bless as well what s yet To do. Fair Santa Barbara s soil will sprout The flower of all the fairest in the wreath Of Missions that with glory and honor crowns Our lovely California s sunny brow. Serra goes out ORTEGA Well, companions, how far is work advanced? 22 AT SANTA BARBARA 1 SETTLER See, Captain for yourself. ORTEGA Done well enough. 1 SOLDIER Enough to merit rest awhile ; yet now The further task doth press the Mission buildings. ORTEGA That urges not : the Governor s not inclined, Though nothing hinders him to set the task. 2 SOLDIER I thank the Governor. 3 SOLDIER So do we all. 2 SOLDIER The Padre is much too careful for the redskins. Look we to our comfort first, then to the needs Of th heathen savage. ORTEGA However it be, await His Excellency s command. Meanwhile to work ! Tis past the hour of rest. Complete your task, And earn the Governor s praise who ll soon be here To view and plaud your faithful service. 23 PLANTING THE CROSS SCENE 3. Serra enters. 3ERRA O much is done, thank God. The cross stands firm On new blest ground ; the garrison builds fast. It now remains the fortress strong to raise Where God His tabernacle rears with men, Where Angel spirits hold a sleepless guard, And weary souls find rest and strength and life. This little chapel serves a present need, But better room and larger space must soon Be had to gather souls into the Fold. What a favored site ! More charming yet Than San Buenaventura by the sea. May Santa Barbara s Mission rise to excel In size and beauty the first of Channel Missions, And grow to flowering health beyond the rest. The chain is strengthened by another link, The line will soon be full. O how great thanks Are due to God ! The harvest ripens more And more; if but the Lord send laborers now To reap and earner home the store. He kneilt. 24 AT SANTA BARBARA Indians enter; they come to Serra and show him beads; th Padre caresses them and dismisses them with his bless ing. The children cry for bread. Speed God our work That soon these babes may sate their hungering souls. Master, lover Thou of little ones, Hasten the time : give them the faith that makes them Thine and forms them heirs of endless life. My years on earth cannot be many more, Yet what is left to me, O God, of life 1 dedicate, each moment I devote To Thee, my Lord, to labor in Thy vineyard, Heavenly Husbandman, till th evening comes When Thou wilt call the laborer to his rest And mete to him a just reward. I must go press the Governor to start The Mission buildings and the church. He ll not Defer the task beyond the need, I trust. Yet, though I find rebuke, I shall not flag : Heaven s designs will not be foiled : no work Is born but in travail, none reared and wrought 25 PLANTING THE CROSS To end but in the crucible of pain. Tis true, O God, heavy may lie the cross Upon Thine own ; yet strong art Thou who first The cross didst bear and on its wood expire To give us might to bear the weight, yea die As Thou, if so it please Thy blessed Will. He kneel*. 26 AT SANTA BARBARA | SCENE 4. Ortega ait reading. Neve enters. ORTEGA T? ESPECTFUL greetings, Gobernador. NEVE And mine To you. What read you, Commandante? ORTEGA The first Record of our new colony. NEVE By whom? ORTEGA The Father Presidente. NEVE And tells? ORTEGA Of Santa Barbara s spiritual birth. NEVE You mean ORTEGA The planting of the cross. 27 PLANTING THE CROSS NEVE Bead it, Senor. ORTEGA So 7 t please your Excellency. Reads LIVE JESUS MARY JOSEPH. Book I of Baptisms, wherein are recorded the names of those who were Christianized in this new and royal Presidio of Santa Barbara, Virgin and Martyr. Under the administration of the Rev. Fathers Missionaries Apostolic of the Col lege of the Propagation of the Faith, of San Fernando, Mexico, of the Order of our Father Saint Francis of the Observance. FOUNDED By the request and command of the Catholic King of Spain and the Indies, His Majesty, Charles III, (whom may God ever prosper), Santa Barbara Channel, in the new and su perior California situate in the same mainland and coast, our actual Guardian being, for the second time, the Rev. Fr. Lector, Francis Pangua. 28 AT SANTA BARBARA AND COMMENCED on the third Sunday after Easter, the feast of the Patronage of St. Joseph, Patriarch, spouse of Holy Mary, April 21st, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1782 on which day, I, the undersigned Fr. Junipero Serra, President of these Missions among infi dels, of said and by said College Apostolic, having arranged all necessary preliminaries in a chapel made of brush and decorated as best the circumstances permitted, blessed water and with it dedicated the land to God our Lord. We then raised a large and high cross, which we venerated, and I thereupon celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the first time in these lands and preached a sermon appro priate to the occasion. Owing to the absence of an assistant, it was necessarily a low Mass, and, for the same reason, the service was con cluded with the Alabado instead of the Te Deum. May it be for the glory of God, the propaga tion of the faith, and the welfare of souls. GJTjU^C^ PLANTING THE CROSS NEVE Reads true enough. ORTEGA His first entry. NEVE Perhaps HIS laSt ORTEGA His last! why say you so, Senor? Will he not stay to found and launch the Mission? NEVE I think he 11 not abide my time and order. ORTEGA You mean then to put off the work? NEVE I do. ORTEGA But he 11 insist. NEVE Insist ! he 11 fret in vain. ORTEGA A heavy trial for his zealous soul. 30 AT SANTA BARBARA | ^ \ NEVE I ll teach him prudent zeal and patience. Tis time the Friars learned who s Governor Of California. I grow aweary Of pert demands and hence shall grudge to yield To boring mendicants. ORTEGA But, Governor, The Colorado Massacra NEVE I catch The shaft, but break its point. No, no, Captain, Think not that one defeat discomfits me. It takes far more to unnerve Felipe Neve. Srra enters. SERRA My greetings, Gobernador; Commandante. Your Excellency will guess my suit before I speak it. Is t not full time to break the ground? The rest is all in progress, what hinders then The most important work of all the Mission? 31 PLANTING THE CROSS NEVE That, Padre, belongs to me to know, and say. Know then, no Mission shall be founded here Till the Presidio is completed. 8ERRA Then am I needless here. There s much to do, And little time to do it. I will pass To Monterey, and spend what yet remains Of strength to me in tilling tenderer soil. To work the new less yielding ground requires New hands and vigorous strength, the which, I pray, may God in time provide. Myself Shall leave, but Father Dumet shall come to serve Your souls. The love of Christ doth press me on. He goes out, ORTEGA Teach that man patience? How calmly he bore the trial! NEVE Bear t as he may, t is good he s gone, the remnant, The last, I hope, of a decrepid system That has survived too long. 32 AT SANTA BARBARA ORTEGA Say what you will, God knows he is a tried and saintly soul ; And if a better system will supplant His own is doubtful yet, that, time must show. NEVE Right, and time will show it very soon. Captain, I will review the work tomorrow : Have all in readiness. Till then, adios! ORTEGA Adios, Gobernador, adios ! PLANTING THE CROSS SCENE 5. Serra kneeling at the Cross. 8ERRA WE adore Thee, O Christ, and praise Thee, Because by Thy Cross thou hast redeemed the world. Yes, faithful cross, by Thee the world is saved, By Thee too every soul is shaped unto Its Saviour a vessel of His grace And clean abode of His enduring love, O Master Crucified ! how shall I thank For this Thy newest token? I am not worthy To suffer so for Thee; yet do I beg Most humbly, Lord, accept my worthless gift In reparation for my sins, and turn My disappointment into joy for Thee By calling worthier workers to this field, Who ll slake Thy burning thirst, my dying Lord, For souls redeemed by Thy most Precious Blood. T is true, I merit not to see my hope And ardent wish fulfilled. Enough for me That I have sown the seed ; another hand 34 AT SANTA BARBARA Will water the plant when it shall please Sweet Providence to let it sprout, and God Will give Himself th increase and cull the fruit- Enough for me, indeed, more than enough. Yet toil I will, yet labor hard I must, For woe is me if I preach not the Gospel : To preach Christ Crucified is my one claim To live, if claim can be where all is grace And nothing is desert, To Carlos Mission, The loved of my heart, I will return, And there work on until the final call. Unworthy I to see, or say, what yet This Virgin Martyr s ground will grow in time. Why may not Santa Barbara s Mission be A nursery of godly men who ll bring To glorious spread and prosperous state the Church Of God and Kingdom of His Son? For me, My life s sun hastens to its setting; soon The still small voice will speak. O may I then Be alert to hear its faintest tones, and answer The summons of my Judge. And may I find Repose in my dear California s soil, 35 PLANTING THE CROSS And Rest Eternal in the arms of God. If I am needful for Thy people s good, Lord, I refuse not yet to work, albeit My soul thirsts for Thee, strong and living God, I long to be dissolved and live with Christ. 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