E 3 At. UC-NRLF 37 AN AMERICAN RESPONSE TO EXPRESSIONS OF ENGLISH SYMPATHY AN AMERICAN RESPONSE TO EXPRESSIONS OF ENGLISH SYMPATHY NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE ANGLO-AMERICAN COMMITTEE 1899 .,-3? THE STAFFORD HOUSE RESOLUTION. STAFFORD HOUSE, July 13, 1898. The following resolution was offered by Lord Brassey. It was supported by Earl Grey, the Earl of Jersey, Baron Farrer, Baron Brassey, Baron Tennyson, Baron Monkswall, Sir John Lubbock, Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, and James Bryce. The resolution was put to vote by the Duke of Suther land and declared to be unanimously adopted : " Considering that the peoples of the British Empire and the United States are closely allied by blood, inherit the same liter ature and laws, hold the same principles of self-government, recognize the same ideas of freedom and humanity in the guidance of their National policy and are drawn together by strong common interests in many parts of the world, this meeting is of opinion that every effort should be made in the interests of civilization and peace to secure the most cordial and constant cooperation on the part of the two nations." OFFICERS OF THE ANGLO-AMERICAN COMMITTEE IN LONDON. Chairman, Rt. Hon. JAMES BBYCE, M. P. Honorary Treasurer, The DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. Honorary Secretaries, T. LEE ROBERT, Esq. R. C. MAXWELL, Esq., LL. D. Sir FRED. POLLOCK, Bart. 6, King s Bench Walk, Temple, London, E. C. ANGLO-AMERICAN COMMITTEE IN NEW YORK. Chairman, WHITELAW REID. Secretary, FRANK D. PAVEY. LYMAN ABBOTT, 110 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. JAMES W. ALEXANDER, 32 East 26th Street. CHARLES C. BEAMAN, 11 East 44th Street. JOHN L. CADWALADER, 13 East 35th Street. JOHN G. CARLISLE, 4 Washington Square, N. JOHN CLAFLIN, 55 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn. M. A. CORRIGAN, 452 Madison Avenue. FREDERIC R. COUDERT, 158 West 58th Street. WILLIAM E. DODGE, 262 Madison Avenue. ELBRIDGE T. GERRY, 2 East 61st Street. RICHARD WATSON GILDER, 55 Clinton Place. ABRAM S. HEWITT, 9 Lexington Avenue. THOMAS L. JAMES, 32 East 42d Street. DANIEL S. LAMONT, 26 West 53d Street. SETH Low, 30 East 64th Street. FRANK D. PAVEY, 32 Nassau Street. HENRY C. POTTER, 10 Washington Square, N. WHITELAW REID, 451 Madison Avenue. GEORGE L. RIVES, 14 West 38th Street. CARL SCHURZ, 16 East 64th Street. EDMUND C. STEDMAN, 16 Broad Street. WAGER SWAYNE, 8 West 43d Street. J. KENNEDY TOD, 12 West 10th Street. BENJAMIN F. TRACY, 14 West 20th Street. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, 2 West 58th Street. WILLIAM C. WHITNEY, 871 Fifth Avenue. PREFATORY NOTE. THE formation of an Anglo-American Committee in Great Britain, during the war with Spain, was first brought con spicuously to American attention by the meeting of representa tive men at Stafford House, in July, 1898, under the presidency of the Duke of Sutherland. It was felt that so spontaneous and important a manifestation of the general British sympathy with the United States at that moment called for recognition and an adequate response. Various movements to that end finally cul minated in the organization of an Anglo-American Committee in New York. This Committee prepared a brief address, in reply to the resolutions of the Stafford House meeting, and ar ranged to solicit signatures to it from representative men in every State in the Union. The proposed address was sent out to about fifteen hundred men, carefully selected from promi nent citizens in public life, in the professions, educators, men of letters, and men of business, without distinction of politics, with the following letter : " NEW YORK, July 27, 1898. " DEAR SIR : It has seemed desirable that some public recog nition should be made by our citizens of the many demonstra tions of good-will toward America which have recently occurred throughout the British Empire. Especially has it seemed proper that we should respond to the cordial expressions of the Anglo- American Committee, which includes in its membership a large proportion of the leaders of public opinion in Great Britain. " The immediate object, it is believed, can be best obtained by a brief address, signed by citizens in all sections of the country, representing by descent the various races and nationalities of the Old World. As a result of several conferences a committee has been appointed to prepare and circulate such an address. This committee respectfully requests your signature to the in closed document, and begs that you will return the paper imme diately to the address of the secretary. " May we ask that you will kindly regard this communication as confidential I w The character and significance of this first direct movement in the United States for a response to the friendly advances on the part of distinguished Englishmen may be gathered in part from the personnel of the Committee who signed the above letter. Its Chairman was the personal representative of the President, sent as special Ambassador to Great Britain for the Queen s Ju bilee. Three Democratic members, Messrs. Lamont, Carlisle, and Whitney, had served in the Cabinet of Mr. Cleveland ; while on the Republican side were members, also now resident in New York, who had held places in the Cabinets of four Republican Administrations : Mr. Schurz in that of Mr. Hayes ; Mr. James in those of both Mr. Garfield and Mr. Arthur ; and Mr. Tracy in that of Mr. Harrison. The Committee thus included a Cabinet member representing every President and every Administration since General Grant s. It also contained the First Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Cadwalader, under Hamilton Fish in General Grant s Administration, and the First Assistant Secre tary of State, Mr. Rives, under Thomas F. Bayard in Mr. Cleve land s Administration. The authoritative representation of both parties in the country thus went from the present time straight back to Abraham Lincoln. This friendly movement for peace and good-will also crossed lines of race and religion, as well as of party : securing the co operation of the Frenchman, Frederic R. Coudert ; the German, Carl Schurz ; the chief Catholic prelate of New York, Archbishop Corrigan ; and the chief Episcopal dignitary, Bishop Potter. It included likewise all factions within the ranks of the party now in power, ranging from Benjamin F. Tracy and John Claf- lin to Seth Low and Wager Swayne, while it also embraced In dependents like Mr. Schurz and Mr. Gilder. It seemed fairly representative, too, of diverse important elements of citizenship, including business men and capitalists like Messrs. Vanderbilt, Gerry, Claflin, and Dodge ; literary men like Messrs. Stedman and Gilder; such a former Mayor of New York as Abram S. Hewitt ; among the clergymen the successor to Henry Ward Beecher s pulpit in Plymouth Church ; a College President, various former members of Congress, a State Senator, and lead ing lawyers. The address which this Committee prepared expressed in the simplest words the warm appreciation felt by Americans for the sympathy and fellowship shown by citizens of Great Britain toward this country in time of war ; and was intended to indi cate their desire for the continuance of a good understanding between the two countries, without any hostility to any other. When the movement came to be known to the public it was received with general favor. Almost no objection to it was heard from any quarter ; while it was obvious that the signatures might easily have been increased a hundredfold. Practically none of those to whom the address was sent refused to sign it ; and eveiy name undoubtedly stands for a general sentiment in the community it represents. The entire list therefore presents weighty evidence of the substantially universal good feeling aroused in the United States by the attitude of Great Britain during the late war, and of the earnest hope that the present good understanding and friendship between the two countries may be perpetual. ADDRESS. E, citizens of the United States of America, desire to express our most hearty appreciation of the recent demonstrations of sympathy and fellowship with this country on the part of citizens of the various coun tries comprised in the British Empire. We earnestly reciprocate these sentiments, rec ognizing as we do that the same language and the same principles of ordered liberty should form the basis of an intimate and enduring friendship between these kindred peoples,- -a friendship destined to hasten the day of peace and good- will among all the nations of the earth. ALABAMA. John W. Bishop, City Court Judge, Talladega. William LeRoy Broun, President of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. John Bruce, United States District Court Judge, Middle Dis trict of Alabama, Birmingham. James B. Head, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Montgomery. 11 Oscar E. Hundley, State Senator and World s Fair Commis sioner, Huntsville. Eufus N. Rhodes, Editor of "The Birmingham Daily News," Birmingham. Henry T. Toulmin, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of Alabama, Mobile. ARKANSAS. J. Gr. Ashinhurst, Paris. Henry C. Caldwell, United States Circuit Court Judge, Little Rock. James E. Riddick, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Little Rock. John H. Rogers, United States District Court Judge, Fort Smith. U. M. Rose, Little Rock. William Gr. Whipple, ex-Mayor, Little Rock. John A. Williams, United States District Court Judge, Eastern District of Arkansas, Little Rock. Carroll D. Wood, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Little Rock. CALIFORNIA. William Alvord, The Bank of California, San Francisco. W. B. Berry, Editor of " The Pacific Christian," San Francisco. Thomas B. Bishop, Lawyer, San Francisco. Levi Chase, San Diego. Horace Davis, Manufacturer ; author of " Shakespeare s Son nets : an Essay," San Francisco. D. M. Delmas, Lawyer, San Francisco. Rt. Rev. Joseph H. Johnson, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Martin Kellogg, LL. D., ex-President of the University of California, Berkeley. Joseph Le Conte, LL. D., Professor of Greology and Natural History, University of California; Writer on Evolution, Berkeley. W. H. McDougal, Editor of " The Pacific," San Francisco. E. William McKinstry, Lawyer, San Francisco. W. S. Matthew, D. D., Editor of "The California Christian Advocate," San Francisco. Rt. Rev. William F. Nichols, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of California; Dean of the Church Divinity School, San Mateo. 12 Evans S. Pillsbury, Lawyer, San Francisco. Erskine M. Ross, United States Circuit Court Judge, Los Angeles. Rev. Horatio Stebbins, D. D., Successor of Thomas Starr King as Pastor of the First Unitarian Church, San Francisco. CONNECTICUT. Walter Allen, Author, New Haven. John W. Ailing, Lawyer, New Haven. Henry Barnard, LL. D., Founder of the Public School Systems of Connecticut and Rhode Island ; First United States Com missioner of Education ; ex-President of the University of Wisconsin ; Author of Educational Works, Hartford. Clark S. Beardslee, D. D., Professor of Biblical Dogmatics and Ethics, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford. Edward G. Buckland, Professor of Evidence, Yale Law School, New Haven. Morgan G. Bulkeley, ex-Governor of Connecticut, Hartford. A. E. Burr, Editor of " The Hartford Times," Hartford. Rev. Frank Samuel Child, Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Fairfield. Charles Hopkins Clark, Editor of "The Hartford Courant," Hartford. William Z. Clark, Hartford. Francis B. Cooley, Hartford. Edward S. Dana, Professor of Physics, Yale University ; Writer on Mineralogy, New Haven. Timothy Dwight, D. D., LL. D., President of Yale University ; Member of the New Testament Revision Company, New Haven. George P. Fisher, D. D., LL. D., Dean of the University School and Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Yale University; author of a "History of the Christian Church," etc., New Haven. William B. Franklin, Manufacturer ; Major-General of United States Volunteers in the Civil War, Hartford. Arthur L. Gillett, A. M., Professor of Apologetics, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford. Rev. Francis Goodwin, Protestant Episcopal Clergyman (retired), Hartford. William Hamersley, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court of Errors ; Lecturer on Law, Trinity College, Hartford. Samuel Hart, D. D., Librarian of Trinity College ; Secretary of the Protestant Episcopal House of Bishops, Hartford. 13 Chester T. Hartranft, D. D., President of the Hartford The ological Seminary, Hartford. William Waldo Hyde, Lawyer ; ex-Mayor of Hartford, Hartford. Melancthon W. Jacobus, D. D., Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford. Charles M. Lamson, D. D., Hartford. Thomas E. Lounsbury, LL. D., L. H. D., Professor of English, Yale University; author of "Life of James Fenimore Cooper," etc., New Haven. Charles M. Mead, Professor in the Hartford Theological Semi nary, Hartford. Alexander E,. Merriam, A. M., Professor of Practical Theology, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford. Donald Gr. Mitchell, Man of Letters ; author of " English Lands, Letters and Kings," New Haven. Edward Know Mitchell, D. D., Professor of Eastern Church History, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford. Theodore T. Munger, D. D., author of " On the Threshold," "The Freedom of Faith," etc.; Congregational Clergyman, New Haven. Edwin Pond Parker, LL. D., Pastor of the South Church ; author of " The Ministry of Natural Beauty," Hartford. Charles E. Perkins, Lawyer, Hartford. Alfred T. Perry, Librarian of the Hartford Theological Semi nary, Hartford. Waldo S. Pratt, Mus. D., Professor of Music, Hartford Theologi cal Seminary, Hartford. Edward V. Preston, Major, United States Army in the Civil War ; Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford. Henry C. Robinson, LL. D., Lawyer and ex-Mayor of Hartford, Hartford. George Williamson Smith, D. D., LL. D., President of Trinity College, Hartford. William Gr. Sumner, LL. D., Professor of Political and Social Science, Yale University; author of a "History of American Currency," Lives of " Andrew Jackson," " Alexander Hamil ton," " Eobert Morris," etc., New Haven. Henry Stoddard, Lawyer, New Haven. William K. Townsend, Professor of Contracts, Yale Law School ; United States District Court Judge, New Haven. David Torrance, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court of Errors, Derby. Joseph H. Twitchell, D. D., author of a " Life of John Win- throp " ; Congregational Clergyman, Hartford. Morris Franklin Tyler, Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale Law School, New Haven. 14 Williston Walker, Ph. D., Professor of Modern Church History, Hartford Theological Seminary ; Writer on the History of the Congregational Church in the United States, Hartford. Charles Dudley Warner, Editor, Novelist, and Essayist ; author of a " Life of Washington Irving," etc., Hartford. Francis Waylaud, LL. D., Dean of the Yale Law School, Now Haven. David A. Wells, LL. D., Writer on Economics; author of " The Principles of Taxation," etc., Norwich. Rt. Rev. John Williams, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Connecticut and Presiding Bishop in the United States; author of "Ancient Hymns of Holy Church," Mid- dletowu. Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, LL. D., Professor of Interna tional Law, Yale University, New Haven. Thomas Cook Wordin, Bridgeport. John Wurts, Professor of Elementary Law, Yale Law School New Haven. COLORADO. William Fraser McDowell, S. T. D., Chancellor of the Univer sity of Denver, Denver. William F. Slocum, LL. D., President of Colorado College, Colorado Springs. Rt. Rev. John Franklin Spalding, D. D., S. T. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Colorado ; author of " Jesus Christ the Proof of Christianity," etc., Denver. Willard Teller, Lawyer, Denver. Henry W. Warren, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church; author of "Recreations in Astronomy," and of Religious Works, Denver. DELAWARE. Samuel Bancroft, Jr., Wilmington. Ignatius C. Grubb, Associate Justice, State Court of Errors and Appeals, Wilmington. George A. Harter, Ph. D., President of Delaware College, Newark. Anthony Higgins, ex-United States Senator; Lawyer, Wil mington. William T. Porter, The J. Morton Poole Company, Wilmington. William H. Purnell, Professor of Mental and Moral Science, Delaware College, Newark. William H. Swift, Wilmington. Ebe W. Tunnell, Governor of Delaware, Dover. 15 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Cleveland Abbe, Professor of Meteorology, Columbian Univer sity, Washington. Richard H. Alvey, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals of the Dis trict of Columbia ; formerly Member of the Venezuelan Com mission, Washington. Henry F. Blount, Publicist, Washington. W. J. Boardman, Lawyer, Washington. Amos C. Bradley, Professor of Criminal Law, Columbian Uni versity, Washington. Henry B. Brown, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, Washington. Samuel C. Busey, LL. D., M. D., Emeritus Professor in George town University, Washington. Charles C. Cole, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, Washington. Walter S. Cox, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, Washington. J. L. M. Curry, D. D., LL. D., ex-Minister to Spain ; General Agent of the Peabody and of the John F. Slater Education Funds ; Soldier, Statesman and Educator, Washington. J. C. Bancroft Davis, Reporter of the United States Supreme Court, Washington. George F. Edmunds, ex-United States Senator from Vermont ; Constitutional Lawyer, Washington. John Jay Edson, Banker, Washington. John W. Foster, ex-Secretary of State of the United States ; ex-Minister to Russia, Spain and Mexico ; International Law yer, Washington. Melville W. Fuller, LL. D., Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Washington. Samuel H. Greene, D. D., Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Washington. Alexander B. Hagner, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, Washington. Teunis S. Hamlin, D. D., Pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Washington. Col. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States ; ex- Am bassador to Great Britain ; Lincoln s Private Secretary and his Biographer (with J. G. Nicolay) ; Man of Letters, Washington. W. A. Henderson, Law Department, Southern Railway Com pany, Washington. John F. Hurst, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; Chancellor of the American University ; author of " A History of Rationalism," etc., Washington. 16 Alexander Mackay-Smith, D. D., Rector of St. John s Episcopal Church, Washington. Martin F. Morris, Associate Justice, Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, Washington. Simon Newcomb, LL. D., formerly Editor of " The Nautical Al manac"; author of "Popular Astronomy"; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Johns Hopkins University, Washington. Charles C. Nott, Chief Justice of the United States Court of Claims, Washington. Rufus W. Peckham, Associate Justice of the United States Su preme Court, Washington. Stanton J. Peelle, Associate Judge, United States Court of Claims ; ex-Congressman from Indiana, Washington. Henry E. Pellew, Lawyer, Washington. H. Price, Washington. John R. Procter, President of the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington. Rt. Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Washington ; author of " A Creedless Gospel and the Gospel Creed," Washington. W. S. Shallenberger, Second Assistant Postmaster-General ; ex- Congressman from Pennsylvania, Washington. Seth Shepard, Associate Justice, Court of Appeals of the Dis trict of Columbia, Washington. John Sherman, ex-Secretary of State ; ex-Secretary of the Treas ury ; ex-United States Senator from Ohio ; author of " Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet," Washington. George Truesdell, Commissioner of the District of Columbia, Washington. B. L. Whitman, D. D., President of Columbian University, Washington. John D. Whitney, President of Georgetown University, Wash ington. FLORIDA. J. J. Finley, Lake City. John F. Forbes, Ph. D., President of the John B. Stetson Uni versity, Deland. Rt. Rev. William Crane Gray, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Southern Florida, Orlando. John A. Henderson, Vice-President and General Counsel, Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company, Tallahassee. James W. Locke, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of Florida, Jacksonville. John G. Reardon, Lawyer, Ocala. J 17 Rt. Rev. Edwin G. Eeed, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Florida, Jacksonville. George W. "Wilson, Editor of " The Florida Times-Union and Citizen," Jacksonville. GEORGIA. M. W. Adams, Ph.D., Dean and Professor of Greek, Atlanta University, Atlanta. Samuel B. Adams, Lawyer, Savannah. William E. Boggs, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor of the University of Georgia, Athens. W. A. Candler, D. D., President of Emory College, and Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Oxford. F. G. DuBignon, Lawyer, Savannah. Rev. Isaac S. Hopkins, D. D., Pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta. Rt. Rev. C. Kinloch Nelson, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Georgia, Atlanta. William T. Newman, United States District Court Judge, North ern District of Georgia, Atlanta. Emory Speer, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of Georgia, Macon. IDAHO. James H. Beatty, United States District Court Judge, District of Idaho, Boise. James M. Wells, Payette. ILLINOIS. George E. Adams, Chicago. William J. Allen, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of Illinois, Springfield. E. Benjamin Andrews, LL. D., City Superintendent of Schools ; ex-President of Brown University ; author of a " History of the United States During the Last Quarter Century," etc., Chicago. B. W. Baker, Ph. D., President of Chaddock College, Quincy. William T. Baker, President of the Board of Trade, Chicago. Frank Billings, M. D., Chicago. Henry W. Bishop, Chicago. Lloyd W. Bowers, Lawyer, Chicago. John E. Bradley, LL. D., President of Illinois College, Jackson ville. Walter H. Bradley, Acting President of Blackburn University, Carlinville. lit. KVv. Alexander Rurgoss, S. T. D., LL. I)., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of Quincy, Peoria. M. H. Chamberlain, LL. D., President of McKendree College, Lebanon. Chauncey S- Conger, Lawyer, Carmi. I. N. Dauforth, M. D., Dean of the Woman s Medical School, Northwestern University, Chicago. George L. Douglass, Lawyer, Chicago. D. D. Evans, Danville. John V. Farwell, Merchant, Chicago. James M. Flower, Lawyer, Chicago. G. A. Follansby, Lawyer, Chicago. William A. Fuller, Chicago. Eev. M. A. Gault, Editor of " The Christian Cynosure," Chicago. George W. Gere, Champaign. Peter Stonger Grosscup, United States Circuit Court Judge, Chicago. Frank W. Gunsaulus, D. D., President of Armour Institute, Chicago. John H. Hamliue, Lawyer, Chicago. William R. Harper, D. D., President of the University of Chi cago; Writer on Greek, Hebrew, and Educational Subjects, Chicago. Harlow N. Higiiibotharn, of Marshall Field & Co., Chicago. Wilson T. Hogg, President of Greenville College, Greenville, and Editor of " The Free Methodist," Chicago. James L. Houghteling, ex-President of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Chicago. George Irviu, M. D., Aledo. Professor R. A. Jernberg, Editor of "Die Evangelisten," Chicago. William C. Jones, Lawyer, Robinson. Thomas Kane, Manufacturer, Chicago. Elbridge G. Keith, Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. Lyman Lacey, Judge of the State Appellate Court, Second Dis trict, Havana. J. A. Leavitt, D. D., President of Ewing College, Ewing. Charles W. Leffingwell, D. D., Editor of " The Living Church," Chicago. Robert T. Lincoln, Lawyer; ex-Minister to Great Britain, Chicago. Henry M. Lyman, M. D., Chicago. James G. J. McClure, D. D., President of Lake Forest Univer sity, Lake Forest. Alexander C. McClurg, Publisher and Writer ; Brevet Brigadier- General, United States Volunteers, Chicago. 19 Cyrus H. McCormick, Manufacturer, Chicago. Franklin MacVeagh, Lawyer, Chicago. Edward Q-. Mason, Lawyer and Historical Writer, Chicago. Hardin W. Masters, Lewistown. John J. Mitchell, President of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. Mortensen and Crook, Publishers of " Volke-Yennen," Chicago. Rev. William I. Phillips, General Secretary, National Christian Association, Chicago. Rev. Samuel F. Porter, Chicago. Henry Wade Rogers, LL. D., President of Northwestern Uni versity, Evanston. J. M. Ruthrauff, A. M., President of Carthage College, Carthage. J. D. Severinghaus, D. D., Editor of the " Lutherischer Kirchen- freund," Chicago. Rt. Rev. George F. Seymour, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episco pal Bishop of Springfield, Springfield. Byron L. Smith, President of the Northern Trust Company, Chicago. William R. Stirling, Chicago. Graham Taylor, D. D., Professor in the Chicago Theological Sem inary, Chicago. Anthony Thornton, Lawyer, Shelby ville. Archelaus E. Turner, A. M., President of Lincoln University, Lincoln. Ezra J. Warner, Chicago. Silvanus Wilcox, Elgin. Norman Williams, Lawyer, Chicago. E. S. Winbigler, M. D., Alexis. Frederick S. Winston, Lawyer, Chicago. William Wright, Vice-President of the First National Bank, Freeport. Levi W. Yaggy, Lake Forest. INDIANA. John H. Baker, United States District Court Judge, Indianapolis. Charles H. Browriell, President of the Citizens National Bank, Peru. Rt. Rev. Francis Silas Chatard, D. D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Vincennes, Indianapolis. John B. Conner, Editor of " The Indiana Farmer," Indianapolis. William Cumback, ex-Lieutenant-Governor of Indiana, Greens- burg. D. W. Fisher, D. D., LL. D., President of Hanover College, Hanover. 20 Frank E. Gavin, Lawyer, Indianapolis. Hillary A. Gobin, D. D., President of DePauw University, Greencastle. Otto Gresbam, Lawyer, Indianapolis. Hugb H. Hanna, Manufacturer; Cbairraan of the Executive Committee of tbe Indianapolis Monetary Commission, In dianapolis. Addison C. Harris, Lawyer; recently appointed Minister to Austria, Indianapolis. Rev. George Hindi} 7 , B. D., President of Ridgevillo College, Ridgeville. F. A. Z. Kumler, Ph. D., President of tbe Eastern Indiana Nor mal University, Muucie. John H. Martin, I). D., President of Moores Hill College, Moores Hill. W. H. H. Miller, LL. D., ex-Attoruey-General of the United States; Law Partner of ex-President Harrison, Indianapolis. Joseph J. Mills, LL. D., President of Earlham College, Rich mond. T. C. Reade, D. D., President of Taylor University, Upland. George L. Reinhard, Lawyer, Bloomington. George E. Ross, ex-Chief Justice, State Supreme Court, Logans- port. James Henry Smart, LL. D., President of Purdue University, Lafayette. William T. Stott, D. D., President of Franklin College, Franklin. Clem Studebaker, Manufacturer, South Bend. Joseph Swain, LL. D., President of Indiana University, Bloom ington. Maurice Thompson, Author; ex-State Geologist of Indiana, Crawfordsville. Lew Wallace, author of "Ben Hur," "The Fair God," "The Prince of India"; Major-General of United States Volunteers in the Civil War; ex-United States Minister to Turkey, Craw fordsville. William A. Woods, United States Circuit Court Judge, India napolis. IOWA. George W. Bah 1 , Vice-President of the First National Bank, Iowa City. William M. Brooks, D. D., ex-President of Tabor College, Tabor. Arthur Billings Chaffee, D. D., President of the Central Univer sity of Iowa, Pella. Lorenzo S. Coffin, President of the Railroad Temperance Asso ciation, Fort Dodge. 21 A. B. Cummings, Lawyer, Des Moines. Amos Noyes Currier, Director of the First National Bank, Iowa City. Rev. Marc W. Darling, D. D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Sioux City. James G. Day, Lawyer, Des Moines. Peter A. Dey, President of the First National Bank, Iowa City. Hamline H. Freer, Professor of Political Economy, Cornell Col lege, Mount Vernon. Thomas Gait, Ha warden. George A. Gates, D. D., President of Iowa College, Grinnell. Robert M. Haines, Lawyer, Grinnell. Richard C. Hughes, A. M., President of Tabor College, Tabor. William F. King, D. D., LL. D., President of Cornell College, Mount Vernon. Rev. Laur. Larsen, President of the Norwegian Luther College, Decorah. Alvin J. McCrary, Lawyer, Keokuk. Jesse Macy, Professor of Constitutional History, Iowa College ; author of a work on the English Constitution, Grinnell. Charles A. Schaeffer, LL. D., President of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City. 0. P. Shivas, Dubuque. Herbert L. Stetson, D. D., President of Des Moines College, Des Moines. Samuel Swisher, Cashier, First National Bank, Iowa City. J. T. Turner, Director of the First National Bank, Iowa City. J. L. Waite, Editor of " The Hawk-Eye," Burlington. C. S. Welch, Director of the First National Bank, Iowa City. KANSAS. Jacob A. Clutz, D. D., President of Midland College, Atchison. Cassius G. Foster, United States District Court Judge, Topeka. Chester A. Place, A. M., B. D., President of the Southwest Kan sas College, Winfield. J. L. S. Riggs, Ph. D., President of Ottawa University, Ottawa. Carl A. Swensson, Ph. D., President of Bethany College, Linds- borg. KENTUCKY. James Lane Allen, author of " The Choir Invisible," etc., Frank fort. John W. Barr, United States District Court Judge, District of Kentucky, Louisville. John T. Brown, Editor of "The Christian Guide," Louisville. 22 Thomas W. Bullitt, Lawyer, Louisville. W. D. Caudee, Instructor in Berea College, Berea. F. B. Converse, Publisher of " The Christian Observer," Louis ville. Ernest Green Dodge, A. M., Professor of Greek, Berea College, Berea. Rev. L. V. Dodge, A. M., Professor of Political Science, Borea College, Berea. Rt. Rev. Thomas U. Dudley, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Kentucky, Louisville. T. T. Eaton, Editor of " The Western Recorder," Louisville. E. P. Fairchild, Berea. Rev. John G. Fee, Emeritus Professor in Berea College, Berea. John Fox, Jr., Author (Big Stone Gap, Virginia). John F. Hager, Lawyer, Ashland. James P. Helm, Lawyer, Louisville. Charles Hodge, Louisville. Alexander P. Humphrey, Lawyer, Louisville. Richard W. Knott, Editor of " The Evening Post," Louisville. H. C. McDowell, President of the Lexington and Easton Rail way Company, Lexington. William A. Obenchain, A.M., President of Ogden College, Bow ling Green. Rev. Henry M. Peuniman, Professor of Christian Evidences, Berea College, Berea. William H. Whitsitt, D. D., LL. D., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Writer on Denominational Subjects, Louisville. Arthur Yager, Ph. D., President of Georgetown College, George town. John W. Yerkes, Lawyer, Danville. LOUISIANA. Dudley Avery, New Iberia. Henry H. Hall, Lawyer, New Orleans. Rev. Max Heller, Rabbi of Temple Sinai, New Orleans. James D. Hill, Lawyer, New Orleans. William Wirt Howe, Lawyer ; President in 1898 of the Ameri can Bar Association ; Historical Writer, New Orleans. B. F. Jones, Lawyer, New Orleans. Ernest B. Kruittschuitt, Lawyer, New Orleans. Henry J. Leovy, Lawyer, New Orleans. Andrew P. McCorinick, United States District Court Judge, New Orleans. Branch K. Miller, Lawyer, New Orleans. 23 Edward C. Mitchell, D. D., President of Leland University, New Orleans. J. C. Morris, New Orleans. Don A. Pardee, United States Circuit Court Judge, New Orleans. David Pierson, late Judge Xlth District, Natchitoches. D. W. Pipes, Clinton. Frank L. Richardson, Lawyer, New Orleans. J. G. White, Alexandria. MAINE. Henry S. Burrage, D. D., Editor of " Zion s Advocate " ; Writer on the History of the Baptist Church, Portland. Nathaniel Butler, D. D., President of Colby University, Water- ville. George C. Chase, D. D., LL. D., President of Bates College, Lewiston. Josiah Crosby, Lawyer, Dexter. Lucilius A. Emery, Ellsworth. Abram W. Harris, Sc. D., President of the University of Maine, Orono. William DeWitt Hyde, President of Bowdoin College ; author of " Outlines of Social Theology," Brunswick. J. G. Merrill, Editor of " The Christian Mirror," Portland. Rt. Rev. Henry A. Neely, S. T. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Maine, Portland. John A. Peters, Chief Justice, State Supreme Judicial Court, Bangor. Sewell C. Strout, Associate Justice, State Supreme Judicial Court, Bangor. Joseph W. Symonds, Lawyer, Portland. Andrew P. Wiswell, Associate Justice, State Supreme Judicial Court, Ellsworth. MARYLAND. Peter Ainslee, Editor of " The Christian Tribune," Baltimore. Bernard Carter, Lawyer, Baltimore. John K. Cowen, Lawyer, Baltimore. The William J. C. Dulany Company, Publishers of " The Metho dist Protestant," Baltimore. Thomas Fell, LL. D., President of St. John s College, An napolis. Daniel C. Gilman, LL. D., President of Johns Hopkins Univer sity ; author of Historical and Educational Works ; Member of President Cleveland s Venezuelan Commission, Baltimore. John Hinkley, Lawyer, Baltimore. William Keyser, Baltimore. 24 Eugene Levering, Baltimore. Charles Marshall, Lawyer, Baltimore. Thomas J. Morris, United States District Court Judge, Baltimore. John Prontiss Poe, Lawyer, Baltimore. Ira Remsen, M. I)., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. F. T. Tagg, Editor of " The Methodist Protestant," Baltimore. Francis J. Wagner, D. D., President of Morgan College, Bal timore. William Pinkuey White, Lawyer, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS. Alexander Agassiz, LL. D., Director of the Museum of Com parative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Poet, Boston. Charles Allen, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court (retired), Boston. Joseph A. Allen, Principal of English and Classical School, Medfield. Nathaniel F. Allen, English Classical School, West Newton. Edward Atkinson, Statistician and Writer on Political Econ omy, etc., Boston. Rev. Erastus Blakeslee, Brookline. Samuel Bowles, Editor of " The Republican," Springfield. Louis D. Brandois, Lawyer, Boston. George W. Cable, author of "Old Creole Days," etc., North ampton. Edward Capen, Librarian of the Haverhill Public Library; formerly Librarian of the Boston Public Library, Haverhill. Samuel B. Capen, Boston. Franklin Carter, LL. D., President of Williams College ; author of a " Life of Mark Hopkins," Williamstown. Charles R. Codman, Boston. Robert Codman, Boston. Alfred C. Cox, Boston. James M. Crafts, LL. D., President of the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, Boston. Rev. Cephas B. Crane, D. D., Baptist Clergyman and Writer, Cambridge. Charles W. Eliot, LL. D., President of Harvard University; Writer on Educational and other subjects, Cambridge. William Endicott, jr., of C. F. Hovey & Company, Boston. Dana Estes, Publisher, Boston. Reginald H. Fitz, M. D., Boston. 4 25 Ginn & Company, Publishers, Boston. Asaph Hall, Professor of Celestial Mechanics, Harvard Univer sity; Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences, Cambridge. Edward Everett Hale, D. D., Unitarian Clergyman ; Editor and Author, Boston. George Harris, D. D., President of Andover Theological Semi nary ; author of " Moral Evolution," Andover. Alfred Hemenway, Lawyer, Boston. Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Author ; Colonel of a Negro Regiment in the Civil War, Cambridge. George Hodges, D. D., Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge. Alvah Hovey, D. D., LL. D., President of Newton Theological Institution ; Baptist Clergyman ; author of Theological Works, Newton Centre. Archibald Murray Howe, Cambridge. Osborne Howes, Boston Board of Fire Underwriters, Boston. Cyrus Jordan, Editor of " The Morning Star," Boston. Et. Eev. William Lawrence, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts, Boston. William H. Lincoln, Boston. Little, Brown & Company, Publishers, Boston. Arthur T. Lyman, Boston. Willard F. Mallalieu, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Auburndale. Edwin D. Mead, Editor of "The New England Magazine"; Writer and Lecturer on Social and Historical Topics, Boston. George F. Mifflin, of Houghton, Mifflin & Company, Publishers, Boston. Morgan Miller, Boston. Philip W. Moen, Manufacturer, Worcester. Philip S. Moxom, D. D., Pastor of the South Congregational Church, Springfield. Eobert Treat Paine, President of the Associated Charities of Boston and of the Robert Treat Paine Association, Boston. Charles Parkhurst, Editor of " Zion s Herald," Boston. George Putnam, Lawyer, Boston. Milton Eeed, Fall Eiver. William J. Eolfe, Ph. D., Shakespearean Scholar, Cambridge. John E. Eussell, ex-Congressman, Leicester. Barthold Schlesinger, Brookline. Horace E. Scudder, Editor until recently of " The Atlantic Monthly " ; Author, Boston. Francis B. Sears, Vice-President of the Third National Bank, Boston. 26 Frederick C. Shattuck, Boston. Judson Smith, D. D., Secretary, American Board of Commis sioners for Foreign Missions, Boston. James Bradley Thayer, LL. D., Professor in Harvard Law School, Cambridge. Joseph G. Thorp, Cambridge. Charles H. Trask, Concord. John Trowbridge, D. Sc., Professor of the Application of Science to the Useful Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge. Benjamin F. Trueblood, LL. D., Boston. Herbert D. Ward, Novelist, Newton Centre. William Fairfield Warren, S. T. D., LL. D., President of Boston University; Writer on Religious Subjects, Boston. Winslow Warren, Lawyer, Boston. Amos B. Wells, Managing Editor of " The Christian Endeavor World," Boston. George M. Whitaker, President and Manager of "The New England Farmer," Boston. Francis H. Williams, M. D., Boston. Albert E. Winship, Editor of "The Journal of Education"; author of a " Life of Horace Mann," Boston. MICHIGAN. August F. Bruske, D. D., President of Alma College, Alma. John W. Champlin, Lawyer, Grand Rapids. Byron M. Cutcheou, Lawyer, Grand Rapids. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Michigan, Detroit. L. R. Fiske, D. D., LL. D., ex-President of Albion College, Albion. Rt. Rev. George DeN. Gillespie, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Western Michigan, Grand Rapids. Claudius B. Grant, Chief Justice, State Supreme Court, Lansing. H. B. Hut-chins, Dean of the Law School, University of Michi gan, Ann Arbor. C. A. Kent, Lawyer, Detroit. Otto Kirchner, Lawyer, Detroit. Joseph B. Moore, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Lansing. George F. Mosher, LL. D., President of Hillsdale College, Hills- dale. William X. Ninde, D. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Detroit. John Pattou, ex-United States Senator, Grand Rapids. Ashley Pond, Lawyer, Detroit. 27 Rev. James G. Rodger, Ph. D., President of Benzonia College, Benzonia. Henry H. Swan, United States District Court Judge, Eastern District of Michigan, Detroit. MINNESOTA. George H. Bridgman, D. D., President of Hamline University, St. Paul. W. P. Clough, Vice-President of the Great Northern Railroad, St. Paul. S. G. Comstock, Moorehead. Judson N. Cross, Lawyer, Minneapolis. William B. Dean, ex-State Senator, St. Paul. Rt. Rev. Mahlon Norris Gilbert, S. T. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of Minnesota, St. Paul. Arthur M. Keith, Lawyer, Minneapolis. Col. William Lochren, ex-Commissioner of Pensions, Minne apolis. Rev. Thorbjorn N. Mohn, President of St. Olaf College, North- field. Daniel Rogers Noyes, St. Paul. Emerson W. Peet, President of the Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul. John S. Pillsbury, Manufacturer; ex-Governor of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Walter H. Sanborn, United States Circuit Court Judge, St. Paul. John S. Sherrill, Editor of " The North and West," Minneapolis. James W. Strong, D. D., President of Carleton College, Northfield. George Sverdrup, President of Augsberg Seminary, Minneapolis. James Wallace, Ph. D., President of Macalester College, St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI. S. S. Calhoon, Lawyer, Jackson. Robert B. Fulton, LL. D., Chancellor of the University of Mis sissippi, University. Charles B. Galloway, D. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Jackson. Robert A. Hill, ex-United States District Court Judge, Oxford. Edward Mayers, Jackson. MISSOURI. Elmer B. Adams, United States District Court Judge, Eastern District of Missouri, St. Louis. J. M. Atwater, President of the Central Christian College, Albany. 28 Rt. Rev. Edward R. Atwill, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of West Missouri, Amazonia. William Barton, President of the Commercial Club, Kansas City. William Henry Black, D. D., President of the Missouri Valley College, Marshall. James L. Blair, Lawyer, St. Louis. Thomas Bowman, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of the Methodist Epis copal Church, St. Louis. Wilbur F. Boyle, Lawyer, St. Louis. Theodore Brace, Chief Justice, State Supreme Court, Jefferson City. Col. J. C. Cravens, Lawyer, Springfield. Col. John Doniphan, Lawyer, St. Joseph. Rev. Homer T. Fuller, Ph. D., President of Drury College, Springfield. J. H. Garrison, A. M., Editor of " The Christian Evangelist," St. Louis. William Potts George, D. D., LL. D., Pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Kansas City. Frank Hagerman, Lawyer, Kansas City. D. M. Harris, Editor of " The Observer," St. Louis. Homy Hitchcock, Lawyer, St. Louis. Richard II. Jesse, LL. D., President of the University of Mis souri, Columbia. J. V. C. Karnes, Kansas City. Fred W. Lehman, Lawyer, St. Louis. George E. Leighton, St. Louis. Gardiner Lathrop, Merchant, Kansas City. Lowell M. McAfee, Chairman of the Faculty, Park College, Park- ville. T. S. McPheeters, President of The McPheeters Warehouse Com pany, St. Louis. John T. Mitchell, M. D., Kansas City. Thomas Shackelford, Glasgow. William S. Shirk, Lawyer, St. Louis. Amos M. Thayer, United States Circuit Court Judge, St. Louis. J. A. Thompson, D. D., President of Tarkio College, Tarkio. Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, S. T. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis. Stephen P. Twiss, Kansas City. MONTANA. Rt. Rev. Leigh R. Brewer, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Mon tana, Helena. John B. Claybrug, Lawyer, Helena. William H. DeWitt, Lawyer, Butte. Cornelius Hedges, Helena. J. W. Strevell, Lawyer, Miles City. Lester S. Willson, Merchant, Bozeman. NEBRASKA. William P. Aylsworth, LL. D., President of Cotner University, Lincoln. Eev. Oscar F. Davies, President of Gates College, Neligh. Eobert W. Furnas, ex-Governor of Nebraska, Brownville. G. W. Lamberton, Lawyer, Lincoln. Eev. Luther P. Ludden, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Lin coln. George E. MacLean, LL. D., Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. William H. Munger, United States District Court Judge, District of Nebraska, Omaha. James M. Woolworth, Lawyer and ex-Judge, Omaha. Et. Eev. George Worthington, S. T. D., LL. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of Nebraska, Omaha. NEVADA. E. L. Fulton, Eeno. NEW HAMPSHIEE. Edgar Aid rich, United States District Court Judge, Littleton. Isaac N. Blodgett, Franklin. Ira Colby, Claremont. Eev. Walter Dole, Enfield. Eev. George E. Hall, D. D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Dover. Benjamin E. Kimball, Concord and Montreal Eailroad, Concord. Et. Eev. William Woodruff Niles, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, Concord. Charles H. Eichardson, Ph. D., Professor of English Literature, Dartmouth College ; author of " American Literature, 1607- 1885," Hanover. William J. Tucker, D. D., LL. D., President of Dartmouth Col lege ; author of " The New Movement in Humanity," Hanover. NEW JEESEY. Henry A. Buttz, D. D., LL. D., President of Drew Theological Seminary, Madison. Grover Cleveland, ex-President of the United States, Princeton. Frederic N. Dodge, Pater son. 30 Frederick Frelinghuysen, Lawyer, Newark. William Henry Green, D. D., LL. D., Acting President of Prince ton Theological Seminary ; author of " The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch," Princeton. John Kean, United States Senator-elect, Elizabeth. Andrew Kirkpatrick, United States District Court Judge, Dis trict of New Jersey, Newark. R. V. Lindabury, Lawyer, Newark. Henry Morton, D. Sc., LL. D., President of the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken. Cortlandt Parker, Lawyer, Newark. Francis L. Patton, D. D., LL. D., President of Princeton Uni versity; author of "The Inspiration of the Scriptures," etc., Princeton. Rt. Rev. John Scarborough, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New Jersey, Trenton. Robert Seton, D. D., Rector of St. Joseph s Roman Catholic Church, Jersey City. Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Starkey, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Newark, Newark. Frank R, Stockton, author of " The Lady, or the Tiger," etc., Convent Station. B. Van Syckel, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Trenton. Charles A. Young, LL. D., Professor of Astronomy in Princeton University, Princeton. NEW YORK. Lymau Abbott, D. D., LL. D., Editor of "The Outlook"; late Pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. John L. Adams, M. D., New York. Henry M. Alden, LL. D., Editor of " Harper s Monthly " ; author of " God in His World," etc., New York. James W. Alexander, President of the University Club ; Vice- President of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York. H. T. Ambrose, President of the American Book Company, Publishers, New York. Paul K. Ames, Lawyer, New York. Charles Andrews, Lawyer; ex-Chief Justice of the State Court of Appeals, Syracuse. William W. Appleton, Publisher, President of D. Appleton and Company ; a Director of the American Book Company, New York. Bartlett Arkell, Publisher of " Leslie s Weekly," New York. W. W. Atterbury, D. D., Secretary of the New York Sabbath Committee, New York. Samuel P. A very, Art Connoisseur, New York. 31 Jared S. Babcock, President of the Harlem Club, New York. Theodore Bacon, Lawyer, Rochester. Otto T. Bannard, Banker; ex-Commissioner of Schools, New York. Philip G. Bartlett, Lawyer, New York. Joshua L. Barton, M. D., New York. Thomas F. Bayard, Lawyer (son of ex- Ambassador Bayard), New York. Charles C. Beaman, Lawyer; member of the firm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman, New York. Clarence E. Beebe, M. D., New York. Gabriel I. Behrisch, Lawyer, Brooklyn. Henry S. Bennett, Lawyer, New York. Prank Sherman Benson, Lawyer, Brooklyn. Samuel R. Betts, Patent Lawyer, New York. John S. Billings, M. D., D. C. L., LL. D., Director of the New York Public Library; formerly Librarian of the United States Surgeon-General s Office and Curator of the Army Medical Museum ; was in charge of Vital Statistics, 10th and llth Censuses; author of "The National Medical Dictionary," etc., New York. Wilson S. Bissell, Lawyer; ex-Postmaster-General, Buffalo. Cephas Brainerd, Lawyer ; Lecturer on International Law ; Chairman, International Committee, Young Men s Christian Association ; Member of World s Committee, Y. M. C. A., New York. Maj. Marshall H. Bright, Editor of " The Christian at Work," New York. Addison Brown, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of New York, New York. Charles F. Brown, ex-Justice of the Marine Court, New York. James M. Buckley, D. D., Author ; Editor of " The Christian Advocate," New York. L. Dunton Bulkley, M. D., New York. Edward L. Burlingarne, Author; Editor of " Scribner s Maga zine," New York. William Allen Butler, Lawyer ; Political Satirist ; author of " Nothing to Wear," etc. ; Member of the Council of New York University; ex-President of the American Bar Association, New York. John L. Cadwalader, Lawyer ; ex-Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, New York. Alexander Cameron, Lawyer; Director of the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company and other Corporations, New York. Charles W. Canfield, New York. 32 LeGrand B. Cannon, Lawyer; ox-President of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company ; Colonel of Volunteers, Civil War, New York. John G. Carlisle, Lawyer ; ex-Secretary of the Treasury ; for merly Speaker of the House of Representatives and later a United States Senator, New York. Andrew Carnegie, Manufacturer ; author of " Triumphant Democracy," etc., New York. Samuel T. Carter, Editor of " The Church Union," New York. Walter S. Carter, Lawyer ; during Civil War was a Member of the Christian Commission ; President of the Department of Music, Brooklyn Institute, Now York. E. A. Caswell, Metal Merchant, New York. Charles T. Catliu, Author, Brooklyn. Daniel H. Chamberlain, LL. D., Lawyer ; ex-Governor of South Carolina, New York. Charles F. Chandler, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York. William M. Chase, Artist, ex-President of the Society of Amer ican Artists, New York. Charles F. Chichester, Treasurer of The Century Co., Publishers, New York. Joseph H. Choate, Lawyer ; Ambassador to Great Britain ; President of the New York State Constitutional Convention of 1894, New York. William G. Choate, Lawyer; ex-United States District Court Judge, New York. John Clafliu, Dry-goods Merchant, New York. Charles M. Clark, Engineer, New York. William Z. Clark, Orlean. Henry Clark Coe, M. D., New York. John C. Coleman, Lawyer, New York. William B. Coley, M. D., New York. Douglas John Connah, Artist, New York. Ebenezer Buckingham Convers, Lawyer, New York. John H. Cook, President of the Harlem Republican Club, New York. Most Rev. M. A. Corrigan, D. D., Roman Catholic Archbishop, Metropolitan of New York, New York. Hiram Corson, LL. D., Professor of English Literature, Cornell University ; Chaucerian and Early English Scholar, Ithaca. Bernard F. Cotton, Brooklyn. Frederic R. Coudert, LL. D., J. U. D., Lawyer, New York. Edward B. Cox, New York. Alfred C. Coxe, United States District Court Judge, Utica. H. Holbrook Curtis, M. D., New York. 5 33 Julian Wheeler Curtiss, Manager of A. G. Spalding & Com pany, New York. R. Fulton Cutting, Banker; President of the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, New York. William B. Davenport, Lawyer, Brooklyn. Julien T. Davies, Lawyer, New York. Boothe Colwell Davis, Ph. D., President of Alfred University, Alfred. George H. Day, Director of the National Board of Trade of Cycle Manufacturers, New York. James E. Day, S. T. D., LL. D., Chancellor of Syracuse Univer sity, Syracuse. Robert W. De Forest, President of the Charity Organization Society, New York. Charles De Garmo, Ph. D., Professor of Pedagogy, Cornell Uni versity ; ex-President of Swarthmore College, Ithaca. E. Ritzema De Grove, Lawyer, New York. Charles C. Deming, Lawyer, President of the Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West R. R. Company, New York. ChauDcey M. Depew, United States Senator; Chairman of the Directors of the Vanderbilt System of Railways, New York. Theodore L. De Vinne, Printer, New York. James B. Dill, Lawyer, and Director in Banking and other Cor porations, New York. John F. Dillon, Lawyer; ex-Justice, State Court of Appeals, New York. E. L. Dillingham, with Charles Scribner s Sons, Publishers, New York. William P. Dixon, Lawyer and Director in Banking and Insur ance Corporations, New York. Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Albany ; Founder of St. Agnes School, etc., Albany. Frank H. Dodd, of Dodd, Mead & Company, Publishers, New York. William E. Dodge, Merchant ; Chairman, National Arbitration Committee; President, Evangelical Alliance of the United States, New York. John B. Drury, Editor of " The Christian Intelligencer," New York. John Duncan, Secretary of the New York Scottish Society, New York. Robert Dunlap, Manufacturer ; Proprietor of " Truth " ; Presi dent of the New York Scottish Society, New York. John S. Durand, Lawyer, New York. Robert Earl, ex-Chief Justice, State Court of Appeals, Herkimer. 34 Dorman B. Eaton, LL. D., Publicist; author of the United States Civil Service Law ; formerly Member of the National Civil Service Commission, New York. Wilfred E. Eaton, New York. Edward Egglestou, LL. D., author of " The Beginnings of a Nation," " The Hoosier Schoolmaster," etc., New York. Rev. Joachim Elmendorf, D. D., Pastor of the Harlem Collegiate Church, New York. Arthur II. Ely, Lawyer, New York. William Phelps Eno, New York. Allen W. Evarts, Lawyer (son of ex-Secretary of State William M. Evarts), New York. John H. Farrell, Editor of " The Times-Union," Albany. Paul Fenn, New York. Henry M. Field, D. D., Editor of "The Evangelist," New York. Arthur Lymau Fiske, M. D., New York. Charles N. Flint, Lawyer, New York. Henry T. Folsom, New York. Paul Leicester Ford, Historian, Bibliographer and Novelist; author of " The Honorable Peter Sterling," etc., New York. Roger Foster, Lawyer, New York. Daniel C. French, Sculptor, New York. Robert M. Gallaway, Financier, New York. John A. Garver, Lawyer, New York. Lewis B. Gawtry, Electrician, New York. Rev. Franklin Gaylord, Congregational Clergyman, New York. F. Frederick Georger, Real Estate, New York. Elbridge T. Gerry, President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ; Lawyer, New York. John Gibb, Importer, New York. William T. Gilbert, Lawyer, New York. Richard Watson Gilder, Editor of "The Century"; New York. Parke Godwin, Journalist and Historian, New York. Paul Goepel, Patent Lawyer ; President of the German Leider- kranz, New York. Nicholas M. Goodlett, Jr., Lawyer, New York. William B. Goodwin, Lawyer, New York. Charles W. Gould, Lawyer, New York. Hugh J. Grant, ex-Mayor of New York, New York. Clay M. Greene, Dramatic Author ; Shepherd of the Lambs Club, New York. Richard Henry Greene, Lawyer; Secretary of the New York Genealogical Society, New York. William Elliot Griffis, D. D., an authority on Japanese Topics ; author of " Brave Little Holland and What She Has Taught Us," etc. ; Dutch Reformed Clergyman, Ithaca. 35 Daniel J. Griffith, New York. William Milne Grinnell, Architect, New York. William C. Gulliver, Lawyer, New York. Frank L. Hall, Lawyer, New York. William C. Hall, New York. Frank H. Hamlin, Lawyer, Canandaigua. J. Henry Harper, of Harper & Bros., Publishers, New York. Orlando M. Harper, Commission Merchant, New York. John A. Hartwell, M. D., New York. Thomas S. Hastings, D. D., LL. D., ex-President of Union Theological Seminary, New York. Edward W. Hatch, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Brooklyn. Henry Hentz, Merchant ; ex-President of the New York Cotton Exchange, New York. Abram S. Hewitt, LL. D., ex-Mayor of New York ; ex-Congress man ; Manufacturer, New York. Joseph C. Hoagland, Merchant, Brooklyn. Noble Foster Hoggson, Decorator and Contractor, New York. John Holden, Lawyer, New York. George C. Holt, Lawyer, New York. Henry Holt, Publisher, New York. Isaac A. Hopper, President of the Twelfth Ward Savings Bank, New York. William B. Hornblower, Lawyer; nominated by President Cleveland an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, New York. Henry E. Howland, LL. D., Lawyer and ex-Judge, New York. William B. Howland, Publisher of " The Outlook," New York. Thomas Hunt, Lawyer, New York. Dwight W. Hunter, M. D., New York. Daniel Huntington, Artist ; ex-President of the National Acad emy ; ex-President of the Century Club, New York. Et. Rev. Frederic Dan Huntington, S. T. D., D. C. L., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Central New York, Syracuse. Richard M. Kurd, New York. George Edward Ide, Larchmont Manor. Charles R. Ingalls, Lawyer ; ex-Justice of the State Supreme Court, Troy. Darwin R. James, President of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation, New York. Thomas L. James, ex-Postmaster-General; President of the Lincoln National Bank, New York. E. G. Janeway, M. D., New York. Theodore C. Janeway, M. D., New York. Joseph Jefferson, Actor; President of the Players Club, New York. 36 Eastman Johnson, Artist, New York. Robert Underwood Johnson, Author ; Associate Editor of " The Century," New York. D wight Arven Jones, Lawyer, New York. Rev. Robert Ellis Jones, D. D., President of Hobart College, Geneva. Cyrus Field Judsou, Real Estate, New York. William A. Keener, LL. D., Dean of the Columbia Law School, New York. Clarence H. Kelsey, Lawyer, New York. John S. Kennedy, Banker, New York. George Edward Kent, Lawyer, New York. J. Frederic Keruochan, Lawyer, New York. James M. King, D. D., LL. D., Clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church (retired) ; Secretary of the Society for the Protection of American Institutions, New York. Sherman W. Kuevals, Lawyer, New York. E. Henry Lacombe, United States Circuit Court Judge, New York. Daniel S. Lamont, ex-Secretary of War, New York. Edward Lauterbach, Lawyer, New York. William H. Law, Lawyer, New York. William H. L. Lee, Lawyer, New York. Thomas H. Leggett, Mining Engineer, Batavia. Charles H. Levermore, Ph. D., President of Adelphi College, Brooklyn. Johnson Livingston, President of the National Express Com pany, New York. Francis Lobdell, D. D., LL. D., Rector of Tiinity Episcopal Church, Buffalo. Franklin D. Locke, Lawyer, Buffalo. Ernest St. George Lough, Exporter, New York. Seth Low, LL. D., President of Columbia University; Publicist; ex-Mayor of Brooklyn, New York. Robert L. Luce, Lawyer, New York. Lea Luguer, Bedford. Chester W. Lymau, Manufacturer, New York. Hamilton W. Mabie, LL. D., Associate Editor of "The Outlook " ; Essayist, New York. George L. McAlpiu, Tobacco Manufacturer, New York. Charles McBurney, M. D., New York. Robert R. McBurney, General Secretary of the Young Men s Christian Association, New York. S. S. McClure, Editor and Publisher of " McClure s Magazine," New York. James M. McCormick, Real Estate, New York. 37 Henry MacCracken, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor of New York University, New York. S. S. J. McCutcheon, Merchant, New York. Edward A. MacDowell, Mus. D., Professor of Music, Columbia University, New York. Joseph T. McDowell, New York. Jacob W. Mack, ex-Commissioner of Public Schools, New York. James W. McLane, M. D., President of the College of Physi cians and Surgeons, New York. Valentine Marsh, Lawyer, New York. John A. Marshall, New York. Newell Martin, Lawyer, New York. Alfred Bishop Mason, Lawyer, New York. Robert Maxwell, Manufacturer, Batavia. George W. Mead, Lawyer, Brooklyn. John Gr. Milburn, Lawyer, Buffalo. R. Gr. Miner, Artist ; President of the Salmagundi Club, New York. Rev. Francis J. Clay Moran, D. D., Episcopal Clergyman (re tired), New York. Adelbert Moot, Lawyer, Buffalo. Richard D. Morse, Lawyer, New York. William F. Morse, President of the Manhattan Chess Club, New York. Levi P. Morton, ex- Vice-President of the United States ; ex- Grovernor of New York ; Banker, New York. T. Halsted Myers, M. D., New York. R. Heber Newton, D. D., Rector of All Souls Episcopal Church, New York. DeLancey Nicoll, ex-District Attorney of New York County, New York. Franklin Noble, D. D., Editor of " The Treasury Magazine," New York. Denis O Brien, Associate Justice, State Court of Appeals, Albany. Robert C. Ogden, with John Wanamaker, New York. Col. Stephen H. Olin, Lawyer, New York. Alexander E. Orr, President of the Chamber of Commerce; President of the Rapid Transit Commission, New York. Henry E. Owen, M. D., New York. Paul Palton, New York. LeRoy Parker, Buffalo. William Parkin, Lawyer, New York. Herbert Parsons, Lawyer, New York. W. H. Parsons, Jr., Importer, New York. Charles E. Patterson, Lawyer, Troy. 38 Frank D. Pavey, Lawyer ; ex-State Senator, New York. George Foster Peabody, Banker, of Spencer, Trask & Co., Brooklyn. Wheeler H. Poekham, Lawyer ; ex-President of the New York Bar Association, New York. Dudley R. Phelps, Lawyer; head of Law Division, United States Custom House, New York. Charles W. Pierson, Lawyer, New York. Gifford Pinchot, Director of the United States Bureau of For estry, New York. Frank H. Platt, Lawyer, New York. George B. Post, ex-President of the American Institute of Ar chitects, New York. Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New York, New York. Aaron M. Powell, Editor of " The Philanthropist," New York. Edward P. Powell, author of " Our Heredity from God," etc., Clinton. Charles M. Pratt, President of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Pascal P. Pratt, President of the Manufacturers and Traders Bank, Buffalo. George Haven Putnam, head of firm of G. P. Putnam s Sons, Publishers ; author of Works on Copyright and Literary His tory, New York. Andrew V. V. Raymond, D. D., President of Union College, Schenectady. Whitelaw Reid, Editor of " The Tribune " ; Special Ambassador of the United States to Great Britain at the Queen s Jubilee ; ex-Minister to France; Member of the Peace Commission, New York. William H. Rideing, author of " Thackeray s London," " In the Land of Lorna Doone," etc., New York. George L. Rives, LL. D., Lawyer; ex-Assistant Secretary of State ; Trustee of Columbia University and of the New York Public Library ; Rapid Transit Commissioner, New York. James Robb, Chief of the New York Caledonian Club, New York. John Rogers, Jr., M. D., New York. Sherman S. Rogers, Lawyer; Member of the Executive Com mittee of the National Civil Service Reform League, Buffalo. John L. Romer, Lawyer, Buffalo. D. B. St. John Roosa, M. D., New York. Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York ; ex- Assistant Sec retary of the Navy; ex-United States Civil Service Commis sioner; ex-Police Commissioner of New York; Colonel of Volunteers in Spanish War, Albany. 39 Elihu Root, Lawyer ; President of the Union League Club ; Member of the New York State Constitutional Convention of 1894, New York. Simon W. Rosendale, Lawyer; ex- Attorney-General of New York, Albany. Charles Howland Russell, Lawyer, New York. Frederick S. Salisbury, Treasurer of the Whiting Company, New York. William T. Sampson, Rear- Admiral, United States Navy, New York. Jacob H. Schiff, Banker, of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, New York. Emile Schultz, Jr., Lawyer, New York. J. G. Schurman, D. Sc., LL. D., President of Cornell University ; American Commissioner to the Philippines ; author of " The Ethical Import of Darwinism," etc., Ithaca. Carl Schurz, ex-Secretary of the Interior ; ex-United States Sen ator ; President of the National Civil Service Reform League ; Major-General of Volunteers, Civil War; Author, New York. Frank H. Scott, President of The Century Co., Publishers, New York. Charles Scribner, head of the firm of Charles Scribner s Sons, Publishers, New York. Frederick Seymour, Lawyer, New York. Albert Shaw, Ph. D., Editor of " The American Monthly Review of Reviews " ; author of " Municipal Government in Great Britain," etc., New York. James R. Sheffield, ex-President of the New York Fire Depart ment, New York. Henry K. Sheldon, Jr., Lawyer, New York. Edward M. Shepard, Lawyer ; author of " Life of Martin Van Buren," New York. Thomas G. Shearman, Lawyer ; author of Legal and Economic Works, New York. Thomas T. Sherman, Lawyer, New York. Charles H. Shevill, Lawyer, New York. Nelson Shipman, Lawyer, New York. Rev. Samuel Simkin, Pastor of the Friends Church, West Branch. W. W. Skiddy, Merchant, New York. Charles R. Skinner, LL. D., State Superintendent of Public In struction, Albany. Rev. Thomas R. Slicer, Pastor of All Souls Unitarian Church ; author of " The Great Affirmations of Religion," New York. William M. Sloa-ne, L. H. D., Professor of History, Columbia University ; author of a Life of Napoleon, etc., New York. 40 George W. Smalley, New York Correspondent for " The Lon don Times"; formerly London Correspondent for " The New York Tribune " ; author of " Studies of Men," etc., New York. Albert K. Smiley, Hotel Proprietor, Lake Mohonk. Daniel Smiley, Lake Mohonk. Andrew H. Smith, M. D., New York. Charles Robinson Smith, Lawyer, New York. Rev. J. Lindley Spicor, Minister of the Society of Friends, New York. Thomas S. Southwick, M. D., New York. Edward Wells Southworth, New York. Henry B. B. Stapler, Lawyer, New York. Edmund C. Stedman, Poet and Critic ; author of " The Victorian Poets," etc. ; Banker, New York. Ernest G. Stedmau, Lawyer, New York. John W. Sterling, Lawyer, New York. William E. Stiger, Lawyer, New York. Rev. Henry A. Stimson, D. D., Pastor of the Manhattan Con gregational Church, New York. Henry L. Stimsou, Lawyer, New York. Charles Augustus Stoddard, D. D., Editor of " The New York Observer," New York. Horace S. Stokes, M. D., New York. James Stokes, of the International Committee of the Young Men s Christian Association, New York. William S. Stone, M. D., New York. Richard S. Storrs, D. D., LL. D., Pastor of the Church of Pil grims; Author, Brooklyn. Charles Howard Strong, Lawyer, New York. Josiah Strong, D. D., President of the League for Social Service ; author of " Our Country," etc., New York. William L. Strong, ex-Mayor of New York; Wholesale Dry- goods Merchant, New York. M. Woolsey Stryker, D. D., LL. D., President of Hamilton Col lege; author of "Hamilton, Lincoln, and other Addresses," Clinton. Russell Sturgis, Architect ; authority on Art, Architecture and Archaeology, New York. Francis B. Swayne, Lawyer, New York. Noah H. Swayne, Lawyer, New York. Wager Swayne, Lawyer ; Brigadier-General, United States Army (retired) ; served in Civil War ; Assistant Commissioner of the Freedman s Bureau, New York. Henry W. Taft, Lawyer; ex-Commissioner of Schools, New York. J. B. Coles Tappau, Lawyer, New York. 6 41 James M. Taylor, D. D., LL. D., President of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Nikola Tesla, Electrical Inventor, New York. John S. Thacher, M. D., New York. Thomas Thacher, Lawyer, New York. Allen M. Thomas, M. D., New York. George Ogden Thomas, Lawyer, New York. Hector W. Thomas, Lawyer, New York. Anthony Thompson, New York. Henry D. Tiffany, Real Estate, New York. J. Kennedy Tod, Banker ; ex-President of the St. Andrew s Society, New York. William H. Tolman, Ph. D., Secretary of the League for Social Service, New York. James M. Townsend, Jr., Lawyer, New York. Benjamin F. Tracy, Lawyer; ex-Secretary of the Navy; ex- Associate Justice of the State Court of Appeals ; Colonel of Volunteers, Civil War, New York. Roger S. Tracy, M. D., Register of Vital Statistics, New York. Spencer Trask, Banker, New York. Moses Coit Tyler, L. H. D., Professor of History, Cornell Uni versity; author of Histories of American Literature, Ithaca. John B. Uhle, Lawyer, New York. Thomas B. Van Buren, Importer, New York. Augustus Van Cortlandt, Tuxedo Park. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Railway Financier and Capitalist, New York. Rev. Henry van Dyke, D. D., Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church ; author of " The Poetry of Tennyson," etc., New York. J. Leonard Varick, Manufacturer, New York. T. Alfred Vernon, Manufacturer, Brooklyn. Howard T. Walden, Lawyer, New York. William J. Wallace, United States Circuit Court Judge, Albany. William Hayes Ward, D. D., Editor of "The Independent," New York. Col. George E. Waring, Jr., ex-Commissioner of Street Cleaning ; author of Works on Agriculture, Sanitary Engineering, etc.; Colonel of Volunteers, Civil War, New York. Lucien C. Warner, M. D., Manufacturer, New York. John DeWitt Warner, Lawyer and ex-Congressman, New York. James W. Warren, Insurance, New York. Edwin H. Weatherbee, Merchant, New York. Alexander S. Webb, LL. D., President of the College of the City of New York; ex-Postmaster-General of the United States, New York. Samuel W. Weiss, Lawyer, New York. 42 William T. G. Weymouth, New York. Truman C. White, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Buffalo. James Whitely, Broker, New York. William C. Whitney, ex-Secretary of the Navy, New York. Charles Wilhelms, New York. David Willcox, Lawyer, New York. Walter F. Willcox, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Social Science and Statistics, Cornell University; Secretary of the Ameri can Economic Association, Ithaca. Philip J. Wilson, Chemist, New York. William Winter, Dramatic Critic of " The New York Tribune " ; author of "Shakespeare s England," Lives of Edwin Booth and Joseph Jefferson, etc., New York. Frank S. Witherbee, Merchant, New York. John D. Wood, Broker, New York. Thomas W. Wood, President of the National Academy of Design, New York. George Edward Woodberry, Professor of Literature, Columbia University ; author of " The North Shore Watch," " Life of Edgar Allan Poe," etc., New York. John S. Woodruff, Lawyer, New York. Timothy L. Woodruff, Lieutenant-Go vernor ; Director in many banking and other corporations, Brooklyn. Edwin D. Worcester, Jr., Lawyer, New York. John A. Collier Wright, Lawyer, Rochester. William Henry Yale, Dry-goods Merchant, New York. Ephraim M. Youmaus, Merchant, New York. NORTH CAROLINA. J. W. Bailey, Editor of " The Biblical Review," Raleigh. Richard H. Battle, Lawyer, Raleigh. Rt. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr., D. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of North Carolina, Raleigh. J. C. Clapp, D. D., President of Catawba College, Newton. Theodore F. Davidson, Lawyer, Asheville. L. L. Hobbs, A. M., President of Guilford College, Guilford College. Thomas 0. Hogg, M. D., Raleigh. Charles McNamee, Attorney and General Manager of Biltmore, Biltmore. Thomas R. Purnell, United States District Court Judge, Raleigh. D. J. Sanders, D. D., President of Biddle University, Charlotte. Rev. David J. Satterfield, D. D., President of Scotia Seminary, Concord. James E. Shepard, ex-Chief Justice of North Carolina, Raleigh. 43 NORTH DAKOTA. Guy C. H. Corliss, Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, Grand Forks. Seth Newman, Lawyer, Fargo. OHIO. James W. Bashford, D. D., President of the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware. E. J. Blandin, Cleveland. W. J. Brice, Cincinnati. Gen. Roeliff Brinkerhoff, President of the American Prison Association ; ex-President of the National Conference of Char ities and Corrections, Mansfield. R. G. Campbell, Vice-President of Franklin College, New Athens. James H. Canfield, LL. D., President of the Ohio State Univer sity, Columbus. George P. Clarke, A. M., President of Hillsboro College, Hillsboro. Jacob D. Cox, ex-Secretary of the Interior; ex-Governor of Ohio; Military Historian; Major-General of Volunteers, Civil War, commanding 23d Army Corps at its close, Oberlin. John Merrill Davis, Ph. D., D. D., President of Rio Grande College, Rio Grande. John H. Doyle, Lawyer, Toledo. Dan P. Eells, President of the Commercial National Bank, Cleveland. F. Forchheimer, M. D., Cincinnati. Rev. Washington Gladden, D. D., LL. D., Congregational Clergy man; author of "Who Wrote the Bible," "Applied Chris tianity," etc., Columbus. Judson Harmon, ex-Attorney-General of the United States, Cincinnati. Rev. Hiram Collins Haydn, D. D., Pastor of the First Presby terian Church, Columbus. Clay Herrick, Principal (with Mr. Hickok) of the Western Re serve Academy, Hudson. Charles T. Hickok, Principal (with Mr. Herrick) of the Western Reserve Academy, Hudson. P. W. Huntington, Columbus. E. W. Hyde, C. E., Dean and Professor of Mathematics, Univer sity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. E. W. Kittredge, Lawyer, Cincinnati. Virgil P. Kline, Attorney for the Standard Oil Company, Cleve land. 44 George W. Knight, Ph. D., Professor of History and Political Science, Ohio State University, Columbus. Rt. Rev. William Andrew Leonard, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Ohio, Cleveland. William T. McCliutock, Chillicothe. Walter A. Mahony, Columbus. Charles Manchester, B. D., Acting President of Findlay College, Findlay. David Mead Massie, Chillicothe. Lawrence Maxwell, Jr., Lawyer, Cincinnati. Samuel T. Mitchell, LL. D., President of Wilberforce University, Wilberforce. G. P. Osborne, editor of "The Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati. David Philipson, Rabbi of the Mound Street Temple, Cincinnati. J. D. Pratt, Vice-President of The Barney and Smith Car Com pany, Dayton. D. B. Puriiiton, LL. D., President of Denison University, Gran- ville. B. K. Rachford, M. D., Cincinnati. Augustus J. Ricks, United States District Court Judge, Cincin nati. Melville Ritchie, Editor of " The Christian Press," Cincinnati. Fred L. Rowe, Publisher of " The Christian Leader," Cincinnati. George R. Sage, United States District Court Judge, Southern District of Ohio, Cincinnati. J. G. Schmindlapp, President of the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, Cincinnati. Rev. H. F. Shupe, Editor of " The Young People s Christian Union " and " The Young People s Watchword," Dayton. William T. Spear, Chief Justice, State Supreme Court, Columbus. Rev. Samuel P. Spreng, Editor of " The Evangelical Messenger," Cleveland. Andrew Squire, Lawyer, Cleveland. Carlos M. Stone, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Cleve land. William H. Taft, Judge, United States Circuit Court of Ap peals, Cincinnati. William 0. Thompson, D. D., President of Miami University, Oxford. Charles F. Thwing, D. D., LL. D., President of the Western Re serve University, Cleveland. Rt. Rev. Boyd Vincent, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop Co adjutor of Southern Ohio, Cincinnati. John M. Walden, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episco pal Church, Cincinnati. Faye Walker, D. D., President of Oxford College, Oxford. 45 Millard F. Warner, B. D., M. D., President of Baldwin Univer sity, Berea. John W. Warrington, Lawyer, Cincinnati. Dr. Emerson E. White, City Superintendent of Schools, Colum bus. Dr. James T. Whittaker, Cincinnati. W. A. Williams, D. D., President of Franklin College, New Athens. Samuel E. Williamson, Lawyer, Cleveland. Albert A. Wright, A. M., Chairman of the Faculty and Professor of Geology, Oberlin College, Oberlin. OREGON. Edward Bender, Special Agent, United States Land Office, Myrtle Point. D. R. N. Blackburn, Lawyer, Albany. D. S. K. Buick, Real Estate and Investments, Roseburg. W. W. Cotton, Lawyer, Portland. A. M. Crawford, Roseburg. Rev. P. Placidus Fuerst, O. S. B., President of Mount Angel Col lege, Mount Angel. William B. Gilbert, Judge, Portland. Thomas McClelland, D. D., President of Pacific University, For est Grove. J. M. C. Miller, M. S., President of Philomath College, Philo math. George H. Williams, Lawyer ; ex-Attorney-General of the United States ; ex-United States Senator, Portland. PENNSYLVANIA. James Allison, D. D., Editor of " The Presbyterian Banner," Pittsburg. George H. Anderson, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburg. William N. Ashman, Judge of the Orphans Court, Philadelphia. Joshua L. Bailey, Philadelphia. Rev. George D. Baker, D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. E. W. Biddle, Lawyer, Carlisle. E. Benjamin Bierman, Ph. D., President of Lebanon Valley Col lege, Annville. George Tucker Bispham, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Rudolph Blankenburg, Manufacturer and Importer, Philadelphia. II. M. Boies, President of The Boies Steel Wheel Company, Scranton. 46 Rev. David R. Breed, D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg. Peter E. Buck, of The Shamokin Hardware Company, Ashland. Joseph Buffington, Pittsburg. John C. Bnllitt, Lawyer ; Publicist, Philadelphia. George Burnham, Jr., of The Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila delphia, William Butler, United States District Court Judge, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg. Henry T. Coates, Publisher, Philadelphia. John H. Converse, of The Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadel phia. Rev. Russell H. Conwell, D. D., LL. D., Pastor of The Temple ; Baptist Clergyman ; Author, Philadelphia. Charles Corss, Lawyer, Lock Haven. Allen Craig, Lawyer and ex-State Senator, Mauch Chunk. William H. Crawford, D. D., President of Alleghany College, Meadville. W. C. Davies, ex-Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania, To- wan da. L. Clarke Davis, Editor of " The Public Ledger," Philadelphia, Robert S. Davis, Proprietor of " The Call," Philadelphia. Samuel Dickson, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Thomas Messinger Drown, LL. D., President of Lehigh Univer sity; an authority on Chemical, Sanitary, and Metallurgical Subjects, South Bethlehem. G. A. Endlich, Reading. . Theodore M. Etting, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Adam H. Fetterolf, LL. D., President of Girard College, Phila delphia. W. N. Frew, Lawyer, Pittsburg. Greville E. Fryer, Philadelphia. G. A. Fuller, Scranton. Horace Howard Furness, LL. D., L. H. D., Shakespearean Scholar, Wallingford. John B. Garrett, Rosemont. Philip C. Garrett, Philadelphia. J. T. Gibson, Editor of " The Presbyterian Banner," Pittsburg. Nicholas P. Gilman, Professor of Sociology and Ethics in the Meadville Theological Seminary (Unitarian); Managing Editor of " The New World " ; author of " Socialism and the American Spirit" and other Works on Economics and Ethics, Meadville. Aaron E. Gobble, D. D., President of Central Pennsylvania Col lege, New Berlin. 47 George S. Graham, LL. D., Lawyer ; District Attorney of Phila delphia ; Professor of Criminal Law, University of Pennsyl vania, Philadelphia. Edward J. Gray, D. D., President of Dickinson Seminary, Wil- liamsport. Alfred Hand, Lawyer ; ex-Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Scranton. John H. Harris, LL. D., President of Bucknell University, Lewisburg. Charles C. Harrison, LL. D., Provost of the University of Penn sylvania, Philadelphia. H. B. Hartzler, Editor of " The Evangelical," Harrisburg. J. Bayard Henry, Lawyer, Philadelphia. W. A. Herron, Real Estate, Pittsburg. W. J. Holland, D. D., Chancellor of the Western University of Pennsylvania, Alleghany. Samuel B. Huey, Lawyer ; counsel for Insurance and Electrical Corporations, Philadelphia. J. Pemberton Hutchinson, Newton. Charles C. Hyatt, C. E., President of the Pennsylvania Military College, Chester. William P. Johnston, D. D., President of Geneva College, Beaver Falls. Joseph Kraushopf, D. D., Rabbi of the Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia. Henry A. Laughlin, Manufacturer, Pittsburg. Henry Charles Lea, LL. D., Publisher and Historian ; author of " The History of the Inquisition," etc., Philadelphia. Enoch Lewis, Philadelphia. Alfred H. Love, President of the American Peace Society, Philadelphia. David McAllister, D. D., LL. D., Editor of "The Christian Statesman," Alleghany. J. H. McClelland, M. D., State Board of Health, Pittsburg. Col. A. K. McClure, Editor of " The Philadelphia Times," Phila delphia. Col. Henry C. McCormick, Lawyer, Williamsport. Gen. D. B. McCreary, Erie. Harvey W. McKnight, D. D., LL. D., President of Pennsylvania College ; Presiding Judge of the XXXVth State Judicial Dis trict, Gettysburg. John Meigs, Ph. D., Principal of the Hill School, Pottstown. Thomas P. Merritt, ex-Mayor of Reading, Reading. Leslie W. Miller, Principal of the School of Industrial Art, Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. 48 Rev. R. J. Miller, Editor of "The Christian Union Herald," Pittsburg. Samuel H. Miller, Mener. S. Weir Mitchell, M. D., LL. D., Physician, and Man of Letters ; author of " Hugh Wynne," etc., Philadelphia. James D. Moffat, D. D., President of Washington and Jefferson College, Washington. J. H. Osmer, Lawyer, Franklin. C. Stuart Patterson, Lawyer, Philadelphia. J. E. Patterson, Pittston Planing Mills, Pittston. J. Rodman Paul, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Clement B. Penrose, Judge, Philadelphia. Robert Pitcairn, General Agent and Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburg. Charles Platt, Philadelphia. R. K. Porter, Manufacturer of Locomotives, Pittsburg. Francis Rawle, Lawyer ; Librarian of the Law Association and a Legal Writer, Philadelphia. George Edward Reed, D. D., LL. D., President of Dickinson College, Carlisle. Horace Disbrow Reeve, Editor of " Association News," Phila delphia. Francis B. Reeves, Girard National Bank, Philadelphia. Rev. William J. Reid, Editor of " The United Presbyterian," Pittsburg. Isaac N. Rendall, D. D., President of Lincoln University, Ox ford. J. W. Reynolds, Superintendent of the Philadelphia and Erie Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Erie. John H. Rickitson, President of The A. Garrison Foundry Com pany, Pittsburg. Joseph G. Rosengarten, Philadelphia. Rev. Charles E. St. John, Pastor of the First Unitarian Church, Pittsburg. Theodore L. Seip, D. D., President of Muhlenburg College, Allen town. Isaac Sharpless, Sc. D., LL. D., President of Haverford College, Haverford. J. W. Simonton, Judge of the Xllth State Judicial District, Harrisburg. John S. Stahr, D. D., President of Franklin and Marshall Col lege, Lancaster. William R. Thompson, Banker, Pittsburg. Rev. Kerr Boyce Tupper, D. D., LL. D., Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Philadelphia. 49 Ethelbert D. Warfield, LL. D., President of Lafayette College Easton. Charles F. Warwick, Mayor of Philadelphia, Philadelphia. D. S. Watson, Lawyer, Pittsburg. Et. Rev. Ozi W. Whitaker, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. John McGill White, Editor of "The Presbyterian Journal," Philadelphia. Eichard P. White, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Et. Eev. Cortlandt Whitehead, D. D., S. T. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of Pittsburg, Pittsburg. Henry W. Williams, Justice of the State Supreme Court, Phila delphia. Oliver Williams, Catasauqua. Stuart Wood, Manufacturer, Philadelphia. Clinton Eogers Woodruff, Lawyer, Philadelphia. Stanley Woodward, Wilkesbarre. EHODE ISLAND. Et. Eev. Thomas March Clark, D. D., S. T. D., LL. D., Protes tant Episcopal Bishop of Ehode Island ; Writer on Eeligious Subjects, Newport. Wolcott Gibbs, LL. D., President of the National Academy of Sciences, Newport. Abraham Goddard, Providence. John N. Hazard, Manufacturer, Peacedale. Eowland Gibson Hazard, Manufacturer, Peacedale. Augustin Jones, Principal of the Friends School ; Delegate from the Peace Society of Boston and from the Friends of New England to the Universal Peace Congress, London, 1890, Providence. Et. Eev. W. N. McVicker, S. T. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of Ehode Island, Providence. Eaphael Pumpelly, LL. D., Geologist and Author, Newport. John H. Stiness, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Ehode Island, Providence. Eoyal C. Taft, ex-Governor of Ehode Island, Providence. Pardon E. Tillinghast, Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, Providence. Eev. James G. Vose, D. D., Pastor of the Beneficent Congrega tional Church, Providence. William B. Weeden, Woolen Manufacturer; author of "The Economic and Social History of New England, 1620-1789," Providence. 50 SOUTH CAROLINA. Rev. Gilbert R. Brackett, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston. William H. Brawley, United States District Court Judge, Char leston. J. P. K. Bryan, Charleston. George L. Buist, Lawyer, Charleston. Henry Buist, Charleston. J. Souiers Buist, M. D., Charleston. W. H. Campbell, D. D., Rector of St. Paul s Episcopal Church, Charleston. George B. Cromer, A. M., President of Newberry College, New- berry. Col. John J. Dargan, Lawyer, Charleston. J. B. Drake, Merchant, Charleston. W. W. Duncan, D. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Spartanburg. L. M. Dunton, D. D., President of Claflin University, Orange- burg. F. C. Fishburne, Clerk of Charleston County Court, Charleston. John Forrest, M. D., Physician ; President of the Anglo-Israel Society, Charleston. Narciso G. Gonzales, Editor of " The State," Columbia. W. M. Grier, D. D., LL. D., President of Erskine College, Due West. James C. Hemphill, Editor of " The News and Courier," Char leston. Henry S. Hertzog, B. S., President of Clemson Agricultural College, Clemson College. John Johnson, D. D., LL. D., Rector of St. Philip s Episcopal Church ; Historian, Charleston. A. C. Kaufman, President of the Vanderbilt Benevolent Asso ciation, Charleston. Rev. John Kershaw, Rector of St. Michael s Episcopal Church, Charleston. Samuel Lapham, Alderman, Charleston. A. M. Lee, Lawyer, Charleston. Samuel Lord, Lawyer, Charleston. Edward McCrady, Charleston. W. A. Merchant, Charleston. Julian Mitchell, Lawyer, Charleston. E. H. Pringle, President of the Bank of Charleston, Charleston. Walter Pringle, Charleston. R. G. Rhett, Charleston. G. H. Sass, Charleston. 51 John S. Simond, First National Bank, Charleston. Col. Charles H. Simonton, United States Circuit Court Judge, Charleston. Henry A. M. Smith, Charleston. Augustine T. Smythe, Lawyer, Charleston. P. F. Stevens, Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Orangeburg. Francis Eugene Taylor, Charleston. A. J. S. Thomas, D. D., Editor of " The Baptist Courier," Char leston. Rev. W. T. Thompson, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Charleston. Otto Tiedeman, Merchant, Charleston. Rev. Charles S. Vedder, Pastor of the Huguenot Church, Char leston. George A. Wagener, Merchant, Charleston. W. Gibbes Whaley, Master in Equity, Charleston. A. B. Williams, Editor of " The Daily News," Greenville. George W. Williams, Jr., Charleston. Henry P. Williams, Charleston. John 0. Williams, of " The Southern Christian Advocate," Greenville. Amos H. Wilson, Charleston. Rev. Robert Wilson, D. D., Rector of St. Luke s Episcopal Church, Charleston. H. E. Young, Charleston. SOUTH DAKOTA. William M. Blackburn, D. D., LL. D., President of Emeritus College, Huron. John E. Garland, United States District Court Judge, District of South Dakota, Sioux Falls. Rev. C. B. Clark, Pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Huron. Rt. Rev. William H. Hare, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of South Dakota; an authority on Indian Questions and a champion of Indian Rights, Sioux Falls. Rev. W. Herbert Thrall, Superintendent of Home Missions, Huron. TENNESSEE. Rev. J. W. Bachman, D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga. Samuel Ward Boardman, D. D., LL. D., President of Maryville College, Maryville. 52 John Bradden, D. D., President of the Central Tennessee Col lege, Nashville. Charles D. Clark, United States District Court Judge, Eastern and Middle Districts of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Charles W. Dabuey, Ph. D., LL. D., President of the University of Tennessee; ex- Assistant Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, Knoxville. Oscar Penu Fitzgerald, D. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Nashville. Edgar E. Folk, D. D., Editor of " The Baptist and Reflector," Nashville. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. G-ailor, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of Tennessee; formerly Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of the South, Memphis. Rev. E. E. Hoss, Editor of " The Nashville Christian Advocate," Nashville. Henry H. Ingersoll, LL. D., Dean and Professor, Department of Law, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Owen James, D. D., President of the Roger Williams Univer sity, Nashville. Col. D. M. Key, United States District Court Judge (retired) ; ex-Postmaster-General of the United States, Chattanooga. James H. Kirkland, LL. D., Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, Nashville. J. C. McQuiddy, Manager of " The Gospel Advocate," Nashville. Jere Moore, D. D., President of Greenville and Tusculum Col lege, Tusculum. R. J. Morgan, Lawyer, Memphis. William H. Payne, LL. D., Chancellor of the University of Nashville and President of the Peabody Normal School ; Writer on Pedagogical Subjects, Nashville. TEXAS. James A. Baker, Jr., Lawyer, Houston. J. B. Cranfill, Editor of " The Texas Baptist Standard," Dallas. M. L. Crawford, Lawyer, Dallas. W. L. Crawford, Lawyer, Dallas. Oscar L. Fisher, D. D., President of Fort Worth University, Fort Worth. Rt. Rev. Alexander C. Garrett, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of Dallas, Dallas. Rufus Hardy, Lawyer, Corsicana. Rev. Joseph S. Key, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Sherman. E. G. Kingsbury, Hamilton. TA 53 Charles C. McCabe, D. D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; Pulpit Orator, Fort Worth. Charles W. Ogden, Lawyer, San Antonio. Lee Eiddle, Lawyer, Granbury. T. R. Sampson, D. D., President of Austin College, Sherman. UTAH. Charles W. Bennett, Lawyer, Salt Lake City. Rev. T. C. Iliff, Salt Lake City. VERMONT. John L. Barstow, ex-Governor of Vermont, Shelburne. Ezra Brainerd, LL. D., President of Middlebury College, Mid- dlebury. Henry Fairbanks, Ph. D., Manufacturer, St. Johnsbury. Frank F. Lewis, Editor of " The Vermont Chronicle," Hardwick. James M. Tyler, Assistant Justice of the State Supreme Court, Montpelier. VIRGINIA. W. R. Abbot, President of the Bellevue High School, Bellevue. Edwin W. Bowen, Ph. D., Professor of Latin, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland. James V. Brooke, Lawyer, Warrenton. George L. Christian, Lawyer, Richmond. Julius D. Dreher, Ph. D., President of Roanoke College, Salem. D. B. Easter, Professor in Randolph-Macon College, Ashland. Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D. D., Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond. James Keith, Presiding Judge, Supreme Court of Appeals, Rich mond. John A. Kern, D. D., President of Randolph-Macon College, Ashland. William J. Leake, Lawyer, Richmond. Richard Mcllwaine, D. D., President of Hampden-Sidney Col lege, Farmville. Thomas Nelson Page, author of " Marse Chan," etc., Richmond. John Paul, United States District Court Judge, Western Dis trict of Virginia, Harrisonburg. Rt. Rev. Charles Clifton Penick, D.D., Rector of St. Mark s Episcopal Church ; formerly Missionary Bishop of Cape Pal- mas, Africa, Richmond. Thomas D. Ransom, Staunton. James Power Smith, D. D., Editor of " The Central Presby terian," Richmond. 54 D. F. Sprigg, D.D., Editor of "The Southern Churchman," Richmond. Col. Walter H. Taylor, President of the Marine Bank ; Biog rapher, Norfolk. William M. Thornton, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Uni versity of Virginia, Charlottesville. Charles J. Venable, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Univer sity of Virginia, Charlottesville. Edward C. Veuable, of The S. W. Venable Tobacco Company, Petersburg. Arthur Clarence W T ightman, Ph. D., Professor of Biology and Physics, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland. Rt. Rev. Francis McN. Whittle, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of Virginia, Richmond. Charles U. Williams, Lawyer, Richmond. William L. Wilson, LL. D., President of Washington and Lee University ; ex-Postmaster-General of the United States ; ex- Congressmaii, Lexington. WASHINGTON. Andrew Faulke Burleigh, Lawyer, Seattle. Frank Pierrepont Graves, LL. D., President of the University of Washington, Seattle. C. H. Hanford, United States District Court Judge, Seattle. John P. Hoyt, ex-Chief Justice, State Supreme Court, Seattle. Crawford R, Thoburn, S. T. D., Chancellor of the Puget Sound University, Tacoma. George Turner, Lawyer, Spokane. Rt. Rev. Lemuel H. Wells, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Spokane, Spokane. WEST VIRGINIA. B. M. Ambler, Lawyer, Parkersburg. G. W. Atkinson, Governor of West Virginia, Wheeling. Henry Brannon, Judge of the State Supreme Court, Weston. Col. R. P. Chew, Charleston. Nathan Goff , Judge of the United States Court of Appeals ; ex- Secretary of the Navy; ex-Congressman; Brevet Brigadier- General, Clarksburg. Rt. Rev. George W. Peterkin, D. D., LL. D., Protestant Epis copal Bishop of West Virginia, Parkersburg. Jerome H. Raymond, Ph. D., President of the West Virginia University, Morgantown. 55 WISCONSIN. Stephen Bull, President of the Manufacturers National Bank, Racine. Romanzo Bunn, United States District Court Judge, Western District of Wisconsin, Madison. Orsamus Cole, Milwaukee. Edward D. Eaton, D. D., LL. D., President of Beloit College, Beloit. James G. Flanders, Milwaukee. Hamlin Garland, author of " Main Travelled Roads," etc., West Salem. Et. Rev. Charles C. Grafton, D. D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Fond du Lac ; one of the founders of the " Cowley Fathers " ; founder of the Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity, Fond du Lac. Samuel D. Hastings, Green Bay. John M. Holley, Cashier of the State Bank, La Crosse. W. D. Hoard, Editor of " The Dairyman," Fort Atkinson. James S. Jenkins, United States Circuit Court Judge, Mil waukee. D. C. John, D. D., Presiding Elder, Methodist Episcopal Church, Milwaukee. John Johnston, President of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Bank ; Publicist, Milwaukee. Benjamin K. Miller, Lawyer, Milwaukee. George A. Noyes, Judge, Milwaukee. Rev. Arthur Piper, S. T. D., Warden of Racine College, Racine. Samuel Plantz, Ph. D., D. D., President of Lawrence University, Appleton. William H. Seamon, United States District Court Judge, East ern District of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. James H. Stout, Regent of the University of Wisconsin, Meno- monie. Rev. Judson Titsworth, D. D., Pastor of Plymouth Congrega tional Church, Milwaukee. Rev. E. G. Updike, D. D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Madison. A. G. Vinje, Judge of the XHth Judicial Circuit of Wisconsin, Superior. TERRITORIES. William H. H. Clayton, United States District Court Judge, Central District of Indian Territory, South McAllester, Indian Territory. Frank Dale, United States District Judge, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory. 56 Hiram Hadley, A. M., ex-Acting President of the University of New Mexico ; ex- Acting President of the New Mexico Col lege of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, Albuquerque, N. M. John J. Hawkins, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Arizona, Prescott, Arizona Territory. John L. McAtee, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Angelo C. Scott, Department of English and Literature, Agri cultural and Mechanical College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory. William M. Springer, Chief Justice of the United States Court of Appeals ; formerly Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Muscogee, Indian Territory. ADDITIONAL NAMES. Charles M. Barnurn, Charles B. Bellings, A. G. Curtin Bierer, James Isaac Birchman, Amos L. Brown, George L. Chase, Addison Clark, G. I. Cunningham, H. F. David, Jr., J. M. Deviue, Horace T. Grannis, Daniel II. Hutchings, E. Henry Hyde, L. H. Lemons, Garret W. McEnerney, George T. Midt, M. D., E. A. Patted, Charles A. Prantys, James S. Pritte, Galere B. Royer, George R. Shepherd, Henry P. Stearns, Charles Edwin Street, Hosea Townsend, Charles S. Ware, Hempstead Washburne, Albert Welsly, Theodore Wright. 57 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD6, 60m UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 1/78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY