W^^: & 'Wick'd TH, IN Newry town I was bred and bom, In Stephen's Green I died with scorn ; I served my time to the saddling trade, And always was a roving blaile. At seventeen, I took a wife, I loved her as dear as I loved my life, And to maintain her fine and gay, . A robbing I went, on the highway. But my money it did grow low, Qp the highwaay I was forced to go ; When I robbed both lords and ladies bright. And brought the gold to my hearts's delights 1 robbed Lord Golding, I do declare. Lady Mansfield, in Grovesnor square ; I shut the shutters, and bid them good night. And went away to my heart's delight To Covent Garden I took ray way. With my blooming maid to see the play. Till Fielding's gang did me pursue. And taken 1 was by that cursed crew. My' father cries, " I am undone," My mother cries for her darling son. My wife she tears her golden hair, What shall I do, for I'm in despair. But when I'm dead, and in my grave, A decent funeral let me have ; Sis highwaymen to carry me, Give them broadswords and liberty. Sis blooming girls to bear my pall. Give them gloves and ribbons all ; "When I'm dead, they'll tell the truth; Ho was a wild and wicked youth. THE NIGHTINGALE US' THE EAST. ON a dark lonely night, on the Crimea's dread store; There had been bloodshed and strife on the morning before, ■": The dead and tlie dying lay bleeding around. Some crying for help — thtre's none to be found, And God in his mercy, he pity'd their cries. And the soldier so cheerful in the morning doth idse. , So forward, my lads, may your heart never fail, You are cheer'd by the presence of a sweet Nightingale , Now God sent this woman to succour the brave, ^■ Some thousands she saved, from an untimely grave ; Iler eyes beam with pleasure, she's bounteous and good( ' The wants of the wounded, are by her understood. With fever some brought iu, with life almost gone. Some with dismantled limbs, some to fragments are torn. But they keep up their spirits, their hearts never fail. Now they're cheer'd by the presence of a sweet Nightin* gale. Her heart it means good — for no bounty she'll take,. She'd lay down her life, for the poor soldier's sake. She prays for the dying, she gives peace to the brave. She feels that a soldier has a soul to be saved. The wounded they love her, as it has been seen, She's the solclier's preserver, they call her their queenr May God give her strength, and her heart never fail, One of Heaven's best gifts, is Miss Nightingale, The wives of the wounded, how thankful are they. Their lius1)ands are cared for, how happy are they • "VVhate'er her country, this gift God has given. The soldier's they say she's an angel from Heaven. Sing praises to tliis woman, deny it who can! And all women was pent for the comfort of man, Let's hope no more ;ir;ainst them you'll rail. Treat them well, and they'll prove like Miss Nightingale' London : Printed at the " Catnach PresB," by W. S. FORTEY, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The '■ Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Eal'ads C4_,000 sovtn), Song Books, Children's Books &C-' UCLA BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY HISTORY & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DIVISION Wild & wick'd youth. The nightingale in the east. London : Printed at the "Catnach Press," by W.S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, [between 1854 and 1856?] Elmer Belt Florence Nightingale Collection 6191782 CIRC = N BlOMED ** AC 8 N5 G no. 5 RARE