1 5: 7: Keate A Poem to the Memory of the celebrated Mrs. Cibber THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES /Is ^ p o E M T O T H E MEMORY O F The Celebrated Mrs. C I B B E R. A P O E M TO THE MEMORY G V THE CELEBRATED Mrs. GIBBER, Siderate Jlaptus lugebat Alumna. Claud, de Rap. Prcf. Lib. iii. LONDON: Printed for J. Dodsle y, in Pail-Mall. JVJDCCLXVL A POEM *-m.' 3r^ TO THE KlS-o MEMORY O F The Celebrated Mrs. GIBBER. XTT7HAT Form is that, which on the mould'ring Heaps Of Earth, upturn'd from yonder new-made Grave, In this dim Cloifter painful Vigils keeps, And by diftra&ed Geftures feems to rave ? The Sexton's Lamp ftill glimmers on the Ground ; CLofe at her Side the Axe and Spade are thrown, And many a human Bone lies fcatter'd round, The namelefs Reliques of a Race unknown ! Long 959408 I ? 3 Long is her fable Robe, and veil'd iher Face ; Up to the vaulted Roof her Groan afcends ; Now fomething in the Duft fhe feems to trace. Now o'er the Sepulchre deje&ed bends. " Say, thou fequefter'd Mourner, whence thy Woe ? " Whence, I exclaim, thofe Signs of deep-felt Grief? " Why thus the chearful Haunts of Life forego? " Why in thefe lonely Mansions feek Relief? £c Afk you, fhe cries, the Caufe of my Defpair ? " Will not this Scene the fatal Story tell ?