CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY AT ABBOTSFORD O^ Q O Offf o o o o □ no O O o DDO o o o o ^o *^S TU-VO^ EDINBURGH: M.DCCC.XXXVIII. 5^ T. CONSTABLE, PRINTEK, EDINBURGH. ADVERTISEMENT. " A Catalogue of any eminent author's Library is likely to be prized by persons familiar -with his writings. In the present case, undoubtedly, the nature and extent of the Collection throAv light, in a remarkable manner, on the history of its founder. The reader has before him a faith- ful inventory of the materials with which the National Poet and Novelist had stored his mind before he began his public career; and also very striking indications, both of the zeal with which ho watched the progress of literary enterprise down to the close of his life, and of the homage paid to liis genius and celebrity by his contemporaries." To these pertinent and well-expressed remarks of Mr. Lockhart's, on the peculiar species of interest attached to the Abbotsford Library, the person to whom the charge of preparing this Catalogue was entrusted, takes the liberty of adding a few words as to its execution. The Collection not being formed upon a general plan, embracing all departments of human knowledge, but mainly confined to the two great heads of History and Belles-Lettres, it seemed unnecessary to exhibit its contents in the rigid form of a Catalogue raisonne, drawn up on any of the approved systems of bibliographical classification. The arrangement originally made under Sir Walter Scott's eye, has, therefore, remained unaltered ; and the time thereby saved has been employed, it is hoped to greater advantage, in enlarging and perfecting the Index, which it has been the object of the compiler to render as full and comprehensive as possible. 324887 The idea of making Sir Walter Scott himself the annotator on the books of his Library, recommended itself the more readily to the compiler, as it seemed to him to form something like a substitute for the projected but abandoned Reliquiae Trottcosietises. (See Mr. Lockhart's Memoirs, Vol. vii. p. 218.) The references introduced with that view include the notices of every kind, whether reviewals, incidental criticisms and opinions, anecdotes, extracts, &c., which are to be found scattered through- out the voluminous series of his collected Works, as well as in the Memoirs op his Life. Of his own notes the compiler has been sparing, from a desire not to swell the size of the Volume unnecessarily. All the volumes in which Sir Walter had written manuscript notes have been carefully particularized. But of these notes very few have been extracted, as most of them possessing any literary or personal in- terest were found to be either already apjiropriated, (in substance at least) by himself, or inserted, verhatitn, in the interesting pages of his biographer. In conclusion, the coiupiler hopes to receive that indulgence for what- ever errors he may have committed, which those best acquainted with the nature of such undertakings are always the readiest to bestow. J. G. COCHRANE. Edinburgh, "iUh November, 1838. CATALOGUE ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PRINCIPAL LIBRARY. Press A. ) „ . , ^r- J- Scottish History. B. J ■ I English H istor}'. 23 — American History and Literature. 30 E. English and Foreign Miscellanies. 32 F. ■» French, German, and Italian Lite- G. j rature 35 — English Poetry, Drama, and Fiction. 41 H. English and French Works of Fiction. 43 I Foreign Literature, — French, Ita- ( lian, Spanish, German, Danish. 46 — English and Scotch Miscellanies. 57 M. Northern History. . . C3 — Tracts on the Covenanters, &c. — Revolution of 1688. — Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. N. Chivalry and Romance. . . 101 — Old English Poetry. — Magic, Alchemy, Heraldry, &c. 0. Witchcraft, Demonology, &c. 122 P. English and Scottish Poetry. . 154 Q. Miscellaneous. . . . 177 R. English Polygraphers. . . 1 83 — Old English and Scottish Poetry. — Historical and Antiquarian Tracts. S. Modern Poetry and Belles Lettres. 195 T. English Works on General History. 204 V. English Drama, Theatrical History. 207 W. Greek and Latin Classics. . 223 X. Classical and Historical Miscellanies. 228 Y. Sir Walter Scott's Works. . 230 Z. "I English and Foreign History, Voy- &• > ages and Travels, Dictionaries, /E.j &c 231 Atlasses, Prints, and Embellished Works. 330 Maps and Plans. . . . 260 STUDY. Pkess a. The Moniteur. B. Books of Prints. — History, Poetry. — Scots Law. (also in D. & H.) C. Dictionaries. Bibliography. Irish History. Italian History. Foreign Novels, &c. D. Irish and Scottish History. Sir W. Scott's Poems. Italian Literature. Cabinet. Roxburgh Club Books. . Bannatyne Club Books. . Maitland Club Books. . G. Theological and Political Tracts. H. Theology, Philosophy, Law. I. Arts and Sciences; Scottish History. 298 K. Irish and English History. . 302 — Collections of Tracts. L. Miscellanies 31 C — Modem History ; Voyages & Travels. M. Sir W. Scott's Works. . . 320 N. Modern Poetry. . . . 322 R. Modem French History and IMcmoirs. 323 S. French Works on Napoleon. 325 PAGE 261 /6. 264 209 274 276 280 283 291 U. W. X. Y. Z. - Periodical Literature. BREAKFAST PARLOUR. Novels, and Light Literature. Additions and Omissions. Index. .... 328 331 337 347 N.B. — The Manuscripts are distir^uiihed throughout by Italics. CATALOGUE LIBRARY AT ABBOTSFORD. PRESS A. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES, POETRY, AND MISCELLANIES. SHELF I. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Printed by command of H. M. King George III. &c. Edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Deputy Register, Vol. II. to XI. (1424-1707) 10 vols. fol. ........ . Edin. 1814-24 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum, (1306-1424.) Edited by the same. fol. ib. 1814 Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarumj &c. Abbreviatio. Edited by the same. 3 vols. /o/. ........ z5. 1811-16 Registri Magni Sigilli Dom'- Jacobi I. Regis Scotorum Abbreviatio, ratione temporis ordine disposita, (1424-32) Specimen sheets of a projected work hy R. Pitcairn, Esq. fol. ib. 1826 Gordon's (Sir Robert) Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland, to 1630, vv'ith con- tinuation to 1651, by Gordon of Stralloch. L. P. imp. fol. . . ib. 1813 Survey of Selkirkshire, or Etterick Forest ; containing the Political, Ecclesiastical, and Agri- cultural State of tliis county. Lithographed on iO pacfes, with map, fol. ib. 1829 SHELF IL Chalmers's (George) Caledonia ; or, an Account, Historical and Topographical, of North Britain. 3 vols. 4to. i. P. ...... LowoT. 1807-24 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 19, 23, 26 ; vol. xx.p. 326, &c. Torffaei (Thorm.) OrcadeSj seu Rerum Orcadensium Historia. sm.fol. . Haun. 1715 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 257 ; vol. iii. pp. 246, 274, &c. Notes to T!ie Pirate. Life, vol. i. p. 334. Stevenson's (Robert) Account of the Bell Rock Light House, imp. \to. Edin. 1824 See Life, vol. iii. p. 137. 1 A Press A. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 1, 3. Knox's (John) Histoi-ie of tlie Reformatioun of Religioun in Scotland. (Edited, witla Life of the Author, by David Buchanan.) sni. fol. . . . Lond. 1644 The same, with his Life prefixed, and Tracts. (Edited by the Rev. Matthew Crawfurd of Eastwood.) fol. ...... . Edin. 1732 Johnstoni (Rob.) Historia Rerum Britannicarum, &c. (1572-1628.) fol. Amst. 1655 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. pastim. Mackenzie's (Dr. Geo.) Lives and Characters of eminent Scots Writers. 3 xols./bl. Edin. 1708 Burnet's (Dr. Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum,) History of his own Time. 2 \oh. Jhl. Lond. 17?4 Memoirs of James and Wilham, Dukes of Hamilton, &c. /ol. . ib. 1677 Crawfurd's (George) Lives of the Officers of the Crown and State in Scotland, fol. Edin. 1726 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p, 195-6. Maitland's (Wm.) History of Edinburgh, fol. .... ib. 17. '>3 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 243, 245, 285-6. Abercromby's (Dr. Patrick) Martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation, &c., from 1329 to 1514. 2 vols. /o/. ...... 26.*1711-15 Miscellaneous Papers relating to Scotland, &c. ; printed and 3IS. many of them singidarly curious and scarce, fol. relating to the Rebellion of 1 745, printed and MS. with portraits, caricatures, 8j-c. fol. Murray's (Sir Alex, of Stanhope) True Interest of Great Britain, Ireland, and our Plantations, &c. ; Letter and Remonstrance to Philip Lord Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor, &c. ; An Apology to the Reader, &c. fol. ..... Lond. 1740-1 SHELF III. Miscellanea Curiosa MS. chiefly relative to Scotland. Extracted from various MSS. 6 vols. ito. {Lists of Contents are prefixed to each Volume.') FountainhaW s (Sir John Lauder, Lord) Excerpts from the Criminal Registers of Scotland, from 1584 to 1655, MS. (Copy of an anonymous abridgment, made in 1728, of the original MS. in the handioriting of Lord Fountainhall.J ito. Mackenzie's (Sir George) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, (from 1660 to 1677.) Edited from the original MS. by Thomas Thomson, Esq. 4to. . Edin. See Prose Works, vol. yW. p. 161. Eleven Letters from Ludowick, second Duke of Lennox, to Sir William Livingstone. MS. transcript from the originals in the possession of Arch. Constable, Esq. 4/o. 1822 Wood's (J. P.) Sketch of the Life and Projects of John Law of Lauriston. (Poem to Mr. Law by Allan Ramsay, Edi)i. 1720, fol.) With MS. Note hy Sir W. S. 4to.'' Edin. 1791 Clerk (Baron) Dissertatio de Monumentis qiiibusdam Romanis in Boreali Mag. Brit, parte detectis, 1731. 4fo. . . . . . . ib. 1750 Macpherson's (David) Geograph. Illustrations of Scottish History, with Map. 4to. Loiid. 1796 Spalding's {John) History of the Troubles and Memorable Transactions in Scotland and England, from 1624 to 1645. MS. transcrijA from the original, sm.fol. Stewart's (Duncan) Historical and Genealogical Account of the Royal Family of Scotland, from Kenneth II., and of the surname of Stewart. 4to. . . . Edin. 1789 Stuart's (Andrew) Genealogical History of the Stewarts. 4. SHELF IV. Hailes's (Sir David Dalrjinple, Lord) Annals of Scotland, from Malcolm IIL to Robert I. 2 vols. 4:to. ....... . Edin. 1776 See Prose Works, vol. xx. pp. 314-318, and xxi. 18S-196. Pinkerton's (John) History of Scotland, from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary. 2 vols. 4:to. ....... Lond. 1797 See Poetical and Prose Works, passim. Robertson's (Rev. Principal William) History of Scotland during the reigns of Mary and James VL 3d edit. 2 vols. 4Co. ..... j*. 1760 Dalyell's (Sir John Graham) Fragments of Scottish History ; Robert Birrel's Diary 1532-1605 ; Patten's Account of Hertford's Expedition into Scotland, 1544 ; Somerset's Expedition into Scotland, 1547. «m. 4e Antiquary. Hibbert's (Dr. Samuel) Description of the Shetland Islands. Uo. . Edin. 1822 See Introduction to The Pirate. Monro's (Col. Rob.) Expedition with the worthy Scots Regiment (called MacKeyis Regiment) levied in 1626, &c. fol. ..... . Lond. 1637 See Introduction to Legend of Mo?iirose. SHELF V. Hailes's (Lord) Annals, and Tracts relative to the History and Antiquities of Scotland. Sd edit. 3 vols. 8oo. . . . . . • . Edin. 1819 Elibank's (Lord) Letter to Lord Hailes on the History of Scotland. 12mo. ib. 1773 See Prose Works, toI. xx. p. 317. Wishart's (Rev. Dr. Geo.) Memoirs of the most renowned James Graham, Marquis of Mon- trose, with original Letters, &c. new edit. 8vo. . ■ ■ ib. 1819 Dalrymple's (Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the last Pari, of Charles II. till the Capture of the Fr. and Sp. Fleets at Vigo. 3(/ edit. 3 vols. 8i-o. Lond. 17-90 Pinkerton's (John) Enquiry into the History of Scotland, preceding Malcolm III. (105G.) Dissertation on the Scythians and Goths. 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1787-94( See Prose Works, vol. xx. pp. 319-327. Baillie's (Rev. Principal Robert) Letters and Journals, &c. from 1637 to 1662; with Life and Glossary, 2 vols. 8vo. . . • . . Edin. 1775 Stuart's (Dr. Gilbert) History of Scotland, from the Establishment of the Reformation till the Death of Mary. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8«o. .... Lotid. 1783 Laing's (Malcolm) Historical Dissertation on the participation of Mary in the Murder^ of Darnley. 2c;? edit. 2 vols. — History of Scotland, from the Union of the Cromis to the Union of the Kingdoms, &e. 2 vols. 4 vols. 8co. . . . Loh(/. 1800-1804 Irving's (Dr.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of George Buchanan. 2dedit.8vo. Edin. 1817 Pinkerton (Jo.) Vitae Antiquae Sanctorum Scotiae, &c. 8vo. . . Lond. 1789 Certayne Matters concerning the Realme of Scotland, composed together, &c. as they were anno Domini 1597. sm. ito. . . . . . . ib. 1603 See Poetical Works, vol. riii. p. 56. Somkrs Tracts, vol. ii. Martin's (M.) Description of the Western Isles, 2d. edit, with MS. notes by Toland, Dr. Lttrt, Sfc. 8vo. ......... ib. 1716 Hay's (Richard) Vindication of Elizabeth More, (wife of Robert II.) from the charge of being a Concubine, &c. with MS. notes, sm. ito. . . . Edin. 1723 Webster's (David) Short Account of Scottish Money and Coins, &c. 8vo. ib. 1817 Femie's (Rev. John) History of Dunfermline. 8vo. with MS. note by Sir W. S. Dunf. 1815 Small's (Rev. Dr. R.) Statistical Account of Dundee. 8vo. . . Dund. 1792 King James VI. Essayes of a Prentise in the divine Arte of Poesie ; with prefatory Memoir by R. P. Gillies, sm. ^to. ...... Edin. 181 i 5 Press A. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland, Select Remains of the. Edited by David Laing, wilk Letters from the Editor and Robert Pitcairn to Sir IV. S. sm. Ho. . Edin. 1821-2 Fugitive Scottish Poetry (Various Pieces of) collected by David Laing. 8vo. ib. 1825 See Note to Heart of Mid-Lothian. Heroick Poem upon the late Rebellion, &c. &c. sm. Mo. . . Land. 1683 Milne's (Rev. Ad.) Description of the Parish of Melrose, sm. 8vo. . Edin. 1 743 See Letters on Demcmolog)/, p. 99, note. Another Copy, interleaved, with an original letter of the author, . . ib. 1743 Bower's (John) Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose. 8»o. Kelso, 1813 The Same, 2d edit, improved. 8vo. ..... Edin. 1822 Companion to Armstrong's Map of Peebles or Tweeddale. 8vo. . ib. 1775 Pennecuik's (Alexander) Poems; containing ' Entertainments for the Curious,' ' Corydon and Cochrania, a Pastoral,' &c. with prefatory MS. note. sm. ito. . ib. 1723, &c. Copland's (Jobu) Saint Andrews, &c., a Poem in 3 parts, sm. ito. . ib. 1776 Buchanan's (Rev. J. Lane) Travels in the Western Hebrides, 1782 to 1790. 8vo. Lond. 1793 Oswald (James, of Dunnikier,) Memoir of the Public Life and Character of. 8vo. Edin. 1825 Johnstone's (J. & J.) Historical and Descriptive Account of George Heriot's Hospital. 8vo. ib. 1827 See Note to TTie Fortunes of Niget. SHELF VI. Lithgow's (Wm.) Gushing Tears of Godly Sorrow, &c. a Poem, 1640. Present Surveigh of London and England's State, &c. 1643. Experimentale, &c. Relation upon that famous Siege of Newcastle, &c. 1645. sm. ito. . . Edin. ^ Lond. 1640-3-5 See SoMERS Tracts, vols. iv. & v. Nineteen Years' Travels, &c. in Europe, Asia, and Affrica, wants title, sm. 4-to. The Same, Eleventh Edition, with Plates and Notes from later Travellers. \2mo, Edin. 1770 Pennecuik's (Alex.) Geographical, &c. Description of Tweeddale, &c. sm. Mo. ib. 1715 Collection of Scots Poems. 'l2mo. .... ib. 17 Gd AVelwood's (Dr. James) Memoirs, &c. for the last hundred years preceding the Revolution of 1688. 4th edit. sm. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1702 Crawfurd's (David) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland. Sd edit. 12mo. Edin. 1767 Leslacus (Jo. Episc. Rossensis) de Orig., Moribus, et Rebus gestis Scotorum. sm. Mo. Eo7n. 1675 See Poetical and Prose Works, jxissim. Scot's (Captain Walter, of Satchells,) True History of several honourable Families of the right honourable name of Scot, &c. fVith MS. Verses by Sir W. S. sm. Mo. Edin. 1688 See Life, vol. i. pp. 63-4. Poetical Works, possi'm. Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 65. Beague's History of the Campaignes 1548 and 1549, &c., translated from the French (by Dr. Patrick Abercromby) — {wants title) — Enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien. sm. 8vo. ..... Edin. 1707, &c. See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 439. 6 Shelf e. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Press A. Lockhart's (George) Memoirs of Scotland from Q. Anne's Accession to the union of the Kingdoms, Land. 1707- 2J. edit. icithKey. Balcarras's (Earl of) Account of the Affairs of Scotland, relating to the Revolution of 1688. Lowrf. 1714. sm. %vo. Guthrie's (Henry, Bishop of Dunkeld,) Memoirs, &c. of the Conspiracies and Rehellion against K. Charles I. mn. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1702 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 1 85. Gordon's (Wm.) History of the Family of Gordon, from their first arrival, &c. to 1G90, 2 vols. am. 8vo. ....... Edin. 1720 (C. A.) Concise History of the House of Gordon, &c. \8mo. . Aberd. 1754 Ker's (John, of Kersland,) Memoirs, relating to Politics, Trade, and History, &c. 3d. edit. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1727 Oldmixon's (John) Memoirs of North Britain, taken from authentick Writings, &c. containing Trials of Argyle and BaOlie, Dundee's Rehellion, Glenco's Death, &c. sm. 8vo. ib. 1715 Supplement to New State of England, containing an accurate Description of North Britain, &c. sm. 8vo. ....... ib. 1709 Rohertson's (Alex, of Strowan,) Poems on several suhjects. Svo. . Edin. Miscellanea Scotica; A Collection of Tracts relating to the History, Antiquities, Topography, and Literature of Scotland. 4 vols. sm. 8vo. L. P. . Glasgow, 1818-20 Vol. 3. — continued. Letter from Scotts Nobility, &c. to Pope Vol. 1 History of the Picts. Monipennie's Scots Chronicles, 1633. See Prose Wokks, vol. \ii. p. 151. History of the Clans. Vol. 2. — Life of Archbishop Sharpe. Monro's Description of Western Isles. Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda. Notices respecting Royal Library of Scot- land. George Buchanan's Chamaleon. Cronycle of Death of K. James I. Buchan's Description of St. Kilda. Vol. 3 Memoirs of Viscount Dundee, Glencoe Mas sacre, &c. Stevenson's (And.) History of the Church and State of Scotland, from the accession of Charles I. to the Restoration of Charles II. &c. 3 vols. sm. 8m. . . Edin. 1753-7 Nicholson's (Bishop) Leges Marckiarum, or Border Laws, from Henry III. to the Union of the Crowns. s?«. 8»o. ...... Lond. 1705 Spalding's (John) History of the Troubles, &c. in Scotland. 2 vols. l2mo. Aberd. 1792 See PoETic.\L Works, vol. ii. p. 175, 190, 238. Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 171. Freebaim's (Robert) History of the Life and Reign of Mary, Queen of Scots, (from the French of Bois Robert), sm. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1725 Buchanan's (Wm.) Inquiry, &c. into ancient Scottish Surnames, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1775 7 John in 1320. Frazer's (Rev. John) Treatise on the Second Sight &c. by Tlieophilus Insitlanus. See Not£ to Legend of Montrose. Vol. 4 — MoncreifF's Mem. on alliance of French and Scots. Graham's Account of Glencaim's Expedition in 1653-4. Life and Death of K. James V. Navigation of James V. round Scotland. Buchanan on Ancient Scottish Surnames. Press A. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 6, 7 Drake's (Dr. James) Historia A/iglo-Scotica ; or Impartial Hist, of all that happened between England and Scotlandj &c. from Wm. the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth. 8»o. hond. 1703 Ferguson's (Robert, the Plotter,) The late Proceedings and Votes of the Parliament of Scot- land, &c. stated and vindicated, sm. 4:to. .... Glasgow, 1689 SHELF ril. Henry the Minstrel's Acts and Deeds of the most "famous and valiant Champion Sir William Wallace. B. L. wants title, sm. 4-to. ... . Edin. Barbour's (John) Life and Acts, &c. of King Robert Bruce. B. L. sm. ito. ib. 1758 Wyntoun's (Androw, Prior of Lochleven,) Oryginale Cronykd of Scotland, with Notes, Glossary, &c. by David Macpherson. 2 vols, roya/ 8»o. . . Land. 1795 See Pre/ace to Fuir Maid of Perih. Poeticai. and Prose Works, posst'm. Scott's (Rev. James) Hist, of Life and Death of John Earl of Go^vrie, &c. royal 8co. Edin.\ii\% Letters to Sir Walter Scott on the King's Visit to Scotland in 1822. royal 8vo. ib. 1822 Peterkin's (Alex.) Rentals of the ancient Earldom and Bishopric of Orkney. 8vo. ib. 1820 Pinkerton's (John) Iconograpkia Scotica, Portraits of illustrious Persons of Scotland, with Biographical Notices. 2 \oh. royal Svo. .... Lon Kennedy's (James) Glenochil, a descriptive Poem. 2 vols. l2mo. . Glasgow, 1810 Macdonald's (J.) Travels in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 2 v. 8i:o. Lond. 1790 Description (Exact and Circumstantial) of Battle of Floddcn, in verse, written about time of Queen Elizabeth, with Notes by Rev. R. Lambe, Vicar of Norham. 12mo. Berwick, 1774 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. pp. 233, 239, &c. Macaulay's (Rev. Kenneth) History of St. Kilda. Sea. . . Lond. 17Gi Buchanan's (G.) History' of Scotland, translated from the Latin. 5t// ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1672 Appendix to the same ; containing Detection of the actions of Mary, De Jure Regni, 8^c. ; Genealogy of Kings, &c. 8™. .... Lond. 1721 Craig's (Sir Thomas, oT Riccarton,) Scotland's Sovereignty asserted ; being a Dispute con- cerning Homage, &c. Translated from the Latin MS. by G. Ridpath. Si'o. ib. 1695 Topham's (Captain Ed.) Letters from Edinburgh in 1774 and 1775. 8m. ib. 1776 Mackenzie's (Simon) Vis unitafortior, or the Union of Great Britain, &c. S«o. ib. 1704 Ferguson's (Robert) Poems, with his Life, by Dr. David Irving. \2>no. Glasg. 1800 Ramsay's (Allan) Poems, with his Life, by William Teunant. \2mo. . Edin. 1819 Carey's (David) Craig Phadric, and other Poems. 8bo. . . Inverness, 1811 Thomson's (David, the Gala Swain) The Forest Fray ; a Poem in 2 Cantos. 1 8mo. Kelso, 1810 See Life, vol. vi. p. 159. Hades's (Lord) Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the Reig is of James I. and Charles I. 2 vols. «»?. 8i'0. .... Glasg. 17 Gil 9 B Press A. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 8. Macpherson's (James) Fragments of Ancient Poetry, collected in the Higlilands of Scotland, and translated from the Gaelic or Erse Language. sm. 8»o. . Land. 1760 Douglas (the Tragedy of,) and Pamphlets in the Controversy to which its Performance gave rise, &c. 8«o. ....... Edin. 1757, &c. 1. Home's (John) Douglaa, a Tragedy, as acted at Covent Garden, . . . Edin. \7 57 Sec Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 378. 2. (Satirical) Epilogue to Douglas, spoke by the Author. 3. Admonition, &c. by the Presbytery of Edinburgh to all within their bounds, 1757. 4. New Song, for Thursday, 17th May 1750. 5. 6. The Player's Scourge, by J — n H ne, 1768. 7. Dr. Adam Ferguson, Morality of Stage Plays seriously considered, . , Edin. 1757 8. Letter to David Hume on Tragedy of Douglas, Lmid. 1757 9. Argument to prove that the Tragedy of Douglas ought to be publicly burnt by the common Hangman, .... Edin. 1757 10. The Philosopher's Opera, by J. MacLaurin, Lord Dreghorn, 1756. See Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 312. ]\Iacleay's (Dr. K.) Description of the Spar Cave in the Isle of Skye ; with The Mermaid, a Poem. 8vo. ....... Edin. 1811 Outlines of Edinburgh, and other Poems. 8vo. . . . Land. 1822 Irvini (Christ, abs Bon. Bosco) Historiae Scoticae Nomenclatura Latino Vernacula, &c. sm. 8vo. (^Attributed also to Prof. T. Crawford, Aut/ior of Notes on Buchanan's History.) Edin. 1C82 The Battle of Flodden Field, B. L. Reprint, sm. 8vo. . . Netccastle, 1822 Moncriefs (John) Poor Man's Ph)'sician, &c. Collection of Simple and Easy Remedies for most Distempers, &c. 3d edit. 12mo. .... Edin. 1731 Baillie's (Wm.) Impiety and Superstition Exposed, a Poetical Essay, &c. syn. ito. ib. 1710 Impartial Account of Transactions in Scotland, concerning the Earl of Broadalban, Viscount and Master of Stair, Glenco-men, &c. sm. 4to. . ■ . Lond. 1695 Innes' (Tho.) Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern Parts of Britain, Ike. 2 vols. 8i'o. ....... ib. 1729. See Phosk Works, vol. xx. p. 307, &c. Heron's (Rob.) Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland in 1 792. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8vo. ....... . Perth, 1799 Kerr's (Rob.) History of Scotland during the Reign of Robert I. surnamed the Bruce. 2 vols. 8vo. ........ Edin. 1811 PRESS B. SHELF J. Buchanani (Geo.) Opera Omnia, curante Ruddimanuo. 2 vols, in l,fol. Edin. 17 lo See Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 304. Slezer's (Captain John) Theatrum Scotiae, containing Prospects of their Majesties' Castles and Palaces, &c. fol. ...... . Lond. 1693 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 3 U. Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 441. 10 Shelves 1, 2, 3. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Press B. Roll of the Claims entered in tlie Court of Session in Scotland, &c. in pursuance of the Act for aholishing Heritable Jurisdictions, fol. .... Ed in. 11 Vi Records of the Parliament of Scotland. Printed under the direction of Messrs. IV. Sj- A. Robertson, Keepers of the Register Office; but suppressed, fol. . ib. 1805 SHELF II. Laws and Acts of the Scottish ParUaments from the 1st Pari'- of James I. (14'24) to 1st Pari' of Queen Anne (1 TOG). By Murray of Glendock. Svols. 12»w. Edin. \QS2-l~3\ Jonstoni (Arturi) Poemata Omnia, &c. 32»?o. . . . Middel. 1G42 La Mort de la Royne d'Escosse, Douariere de France, &c. 32ino, . 1589 Henderson's (And.) Life of John Earl of Stair, &c. 2d edit. \2mn. . Land. 17 'i:'-) Holland's (Tho. Agar.) Drybiu-gh Abbey, a Poem. 12mo. . . Oxf 1821 Tour to Strathspey, by Col. H. G. tcith MS. note. sm. 8vo. Wants title, but 1782 Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum hujus aevi illustrium, edente Art. Jonstono. 2 vols. 24»20. Amst. Blaeu, 1G37 SHELF III. Legenda Aurea Sanctorum ; cum indice ad initium, MS. in pergam. fol. Mackenzie's (Sir Geo.) Workes. 2 vols. /o/. . . . Edin. 1716-22 See Prose Works, vol xx. p. 30G, &c. Wodrow's (Rev. Robt.) History of the SuiFerings of the Church of Scotland, from the Res- tauration to the Revolution. 2 xoh. fol. .... ib. 1721-2 See PoKTiCiL Works, vol. ii. p. 234 ; vol. iii. p. 191. Keith's (Bishop Robt.) History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the Re- formation to 1568, &c. fol. ..... ib. 173-1. See Note to The Abbot, ^c. Douglas's (Sir Robt.) Peerage of Scotland, revised and corrected ; with continuation by J. P. Wood, Esq. 2 vols./o/. . . . . . . ib. 1813 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 175. Baronage of Scotland, &c. fol. ..... ib. 1798 Drummond's (Wm. of Hawthomden) Works, \vith Life by Bishop Sage. fol. ib. 1711 Gordon's (Alex.) Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey through most of the counties of Scotland and those in North of England, fol. . . . Lond. 1726 See Note to The Monastery, vol. i. Nisbct's (Alex.) System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical, with tlie True Art of Blazon, &c. 2d edit. 2 vols. fol. ..... Edin. 1804- See Note to hanhoe. Prose Works, vol. vii. pp. 199, 214, &c. Sihbaldi (Rob.) Scotia lUustrata, sive Prodromus Historiae Naturalis Scotiae, &c. fol. ib. 1684 Scott's (David) History of Scotland, &-c. from the year of the world 361 9 to the year of Christ 1726. fol. . . . . . . . Westminster, 1727 11 Tress B. ABBOTSFORD IJBRARY. Shelces 3, 4. Fac Simile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of tlie Mount, King of Armes. 1542. fol. .... Edin. 1822 Lizars's (W. H.) hacunar Strevelinense, or Engravings of Heads from tbe carved vt'ork in the roof of tlie King's Room in Stirling Castle, fol. . . ib. 1817 See Life, vol. iv. p. 100, note. Jebb, (Sam.) De Vita et Rebus Gestis Mariae Scotorum Reginae, &c. Autores Sedecim. 2 vols. fol. ........ Land. 1725 Vol. 1. — Cliambre (David) Traite de la Succession des Femmes aux Gouvernemens, &c. Leslaeus (Joannes) de Tit. ct Jure Mariae Scot. Reg. Rebus Gestis Scotiae Regnante Maria. Buchanani (Geo.) Detectio Mariae Scot. Reg. Hist. Tragique de Marie, Royne d'Escoase. Bamestapolii (Ob.) Maria Stuarta, Regina Sco- tiae, iniiocens a caede Darieiana. Vol. 2 Conaei (Geo.) Vita Mariae. Causin, (Nic.) Histoire de 1' incomparable Reine, Marie Stuart. Strada (Fani.) de Mariae, &c. Vita et Morte. K. James VI., Works of. fol. 2 contimted. Scoti (Rom.) Summarium Rationum, quibus CanceUarius Ang. &c. persuaserunt occiden- dam esse Sereniss. Mariam, &c. Blackwood, (Adam) Martyre de la Royne d' Escosse. Herrera (Ant. de) Hist, de lo Sucedido en Escocia y Inglaterra, &c. Castelnau (Mich, de) Ext. des SIcmoircs de, et des Additions, par Ljiboureur. Brantome. (Extraitsde) Mort de la Royne d' Escosse. Monsieur de Bourges, Oraison Funebre de la Royne d' Escosse. ib. 161G SHELF IV. Boetliii (Hectoris) Historiae Scotorum a prima gentis origine, &c. Libri xix. fol. Laiisannae, exciul. F. Le Preux, 1574 See Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 302. Fordun (Joannis de) Scotichronicon, cum Supplementis et contin. Walt. Boweri. E Cod. MSS., &c. edidit W. Goodall. 2 vols./o/. .... Edin. 1759 See Poetical Works, /lossim. Notes to Fair Maid of Perth, &c. PuosE Works, vol. vii.p. Gl-2. Foulis's (Henry) History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations, &e. fol. Lond. 1671 Hist, of the Wicked Plots and Conspiracies of our pretended Saints, 2d edit. fol. O.if. 1674 FountainhaU's (Lord) Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from 1678 to 1712, &c. 2 vols./o/. ....... Edin. 1759 See Poetical Works, passim. Virgil's iEneis, translated into Scottish verse by Gav^in Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, with Glossary and Life by Ruddiman. fol. . . . . ib. 1710 Ciawfurd's (Geo.) Peerage of Scotland, fol. . . . . ib. 17} 6 Cragii (Tho. de Riccarton) Jus Feudale. edit. 3". curante Jac. Baillie. fol. ib. 1732 Calderwood's (Rev. Dav.) History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the end of James VL fol. ....... 1704 12 Sfieh-es i, 5. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Press B. Spotswood's (Abp.) History of the Church of Scotland, from A.D. 203 to the deatli of James VI. ■it/i edit, fldth Appendix, /ol. ..... Lond. 1C77 See Poetical Works, vol. i.-iv. passim. Argyle, Case of Earl of, containing his trial, escape, and sentence, &c. (^wanting last leaf) 1683. Grand Indictment for High Treason, against the Marquess of Argyle, &c., 1661. His Defences to the Indictment, Speeches in Parliament, and Speech on the Scaffold, &c. withMS.noteby Sir W. S.,U6l. fol. .... frfw. 1661-83 See Poetical Wgrk.s, vol. iv. p. 268. Sibbald's (Sir Robt.) Histor}' of Fife and Kinross, the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the Islands in them. fol. . ■ . ■ ■ . . /4. 1710 See Poetical Wokks, vol. iv. p. 268. Standsiield, (Philip) Tryal of, for the Murder of his father. Sir James Standsfield, with MS. note by Sir W. S. a7id Letter from C. K. Sharpe, Esq. fol. . . j'A. 1688 See Life, vol. i. p. 261 ; vol. v. p. 295. Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 191-2. Ramsay's (AUan) Gentle Shepherd, with illustrations ly David Allan. Glasgow, Faults, 1788 — Gambado's Annals of Horsemanship, Lond. 1791. ito. Crawford's (Geo.) Description of Renfrewshire, continued to the present period, by G. Robert- son. 4fo. ........ Paisley, 1818 Papers relating to the administration of Justice in Scotland in Civil Cases, fol. Edin. 180.9-10 Laws and Acts of the First Parliament of Charles II. holden at Edinburgh, 1st January 1661, &c. Extracted, &c., by Sir Archibald Primerose of Chester, fol. . ib. ]GQ\ Turner's (Sir James) Pallas Arniata : MUitary Essayes, &c. fol. . Lond. 1683 See Note to Old Mortality. Information for Her Majesties Advocate against Mr. James Dundas, advocate. — Information for Mr. Dundas against Sir James Stewart, Her Majesties Advocate, (respecting the Medal of the Pretender.) fol. ..... . Edin. 17 \2 Albania, a Poem, addressed to the Genius of Scotland, with MS. note by Sir IV. S. fol. Lond. 1737 See Poetical Works, vol. \i. p. 108. Prose Works, vol. iv. p. 164; vol. vii. p. 344. Letters on DEMoN0L0(iV, pp. 42-3. Life, vol. ii. p. 364. Proceedings at law by Francis Stuart, Son of Francis Earl of Bothtcell, against the Earl of Bucdeuch, MS. fol. Genealogy of the Family of Haliburton, MS. sm.fol. Campbell's (Alex.) Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland, from the 13th century to the present time; to which are subjoined, Saugs of the Lowlands, &c. ito. Edin. 1798 See Life, vol. i. pp. 48-9, note. SHELF V. Memorial for Major General Walter Ker of Littledean, Defender, in Action of Reduction brought at the instance of Sir James Innes Ker, Pursuer, ^to. . Edin. 1811 13 PiiEss B. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 5. Actis aiitl Constitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland, B. L., commonly called the Black Acts, (from James I. to Mary), title page supplied in MS. sm./bl. Edin. by R. hekpreuik, 1566 Fordun (Joannis de) Scotichronicon Gcnuinum, cum Supplemento ac Continuatione Boweri. E Cod. MSS. edidit Th. Hearnius. 5 vols. 8;-o. Ch. Max. . Oxon. 1723 Keith's (Bp. Roht.) Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops to 1688, &c. 'New erf?/(o», continued to the present time, with Author's Life, by the Rev. Dr. M. Russel. royal 8vo. Edin. 1824 Campbell's (Alex.) Journevs from Edin. through parts of No. Brit. &c. 2 vols. 4-to. Lond. 1802 See Life, vol. i. pp. 48-9, note. Poetical Works, vol. viii. p. 57. Memorial-, the Haliburtons. Edited bv Sir Walter Scott, with ]\IS. additions by him. 4to. Edin. 1820 Complaynt of Scotlaml, \\Titten in 1.548 ; with preliminary Dissertation and Glossary by Dr. John Leydcn. ito. ...... ib. 1801 See Poetical Works, passim. Hailes's (Lord) G Tracts relative to the History and Antiquities of Scotland. 4fc. ib. 1800 Ossian's Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem, in six Books ; together with several other Poems. Translated from the Gaelic by James Macpherson. 2 vols. 4to. . Lond. 1 762 Phingaleis, sive Hibernia Liberata, Epicum Ossianis Poema, e Celtico Sermone conversum, &c. ab Alex. MacDotiald, with Letter from Mr. Lockhart respecting the Author. 8vo. Edin. ] 820 Acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1640 to 1649, [part of the Collection commonly called Rescinded Acts.) sm.fol. ...... iJ. lb'40-1649 Arnot's (Hugo) History of Edinburgh. Uo. .... ib. 1788 Ridpath's (Rev. Geo.) Border History of England and Scotland, fi-om the earliest times to tlie Union of the Crowns, &c. published by his son Philip Ridpath. 4yG.G.o/S. . . . Edin. 1700. 3. Outlines of Historical Skdcli o/tlie name of Scott. i. GeneaXogij of the Saiuteclaires. {By Father Hay ?) See Poetical Works, vol. vi. Notes 3 R and 3 U. 5. Declaration cf James III. ^c. 1722. fa*. Letters between Pope and th^ ttco Tonsons. 7. Letter from Dr. John Lcyden to William Erskiiie, Esq., dated Nungengod, \5th September 1804. Memoirs regarding 1 745. MS. -ito. (beginning with the landing of Prince Charles at Arri- sack, and ending with the entrance of the Highland Army into Derhy, Sth December 1745.) Copies of Original Letters and Orders addressed to Lieut. Col. (afterwards Lieut. Gen.) Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, Bart., S(c. commanding a detachment of the King's forces at Blair in Atholl, 1745-G. MS. See Prose Wuuks, vol. .vxvi. p. 302, &c. SHELF I'l. Belhaven's (Lord) Two Speeches in the Parliament, Nov. 1706, on the Union. — The Vision, a Poem, in ridicule of Lord Belhaven's Speech, (by Lord Haddington), sm. 4tto. Edin. 1 706 Speech for Mr. Dundasse, younger of Arnistoun, if he should he impeached of High Treason for what he said and did about the Pretender's Medal, &c. 1711. The Scotch Medal deci- phered, &e. 8i)o. . . . . . . . Loud. 1711 Keith's (Bishop Rob.) Vindication, &c. from the unfriendly representation of Mr. Alex. Keith, jun. of Ravelston, &c. (with original letter from William Douglas, Bishop Keith' s grand - son, to Sir W. S.) 8vo. The Catherine of lona, a Ballad, with notes ; printed for pi-ivate circulation, sm. ito. Glasg. 1824 Campbell's (Robert) Life of John Duke of Argyle, &c. 8oo. . . Lond.l'iiS Poetic Remains of some of the Scottish Kings, (James I., V., and VI., Queen Mary, Darnley, and Charles I.) now first collected' by George Chalmers, cr. 8vo. . ib. 1824 Eunson's (George) Ancient and Present State of Orkney, particularly the capital borough of Kirkwall, &c. 12»;o. ...... Neiccastle, 1788 Wallace's (Dr. James) Account of the Islands of Orkney, &c. 1700. Earl of Balcarras' Ac- count of the Revolution in Scotland in 1688. sm. 8vo. . . Loud. 1704 See Notes to The Pirate. Prose AVorks, vol. vii. p. 2."2. Neill's (Dr. Pat.) Tour through some of the Islands of Orkney and Shetland, &c. 8bo. Edin. 1806 Another Tale of a Tub. — Real cause of taking down the Luekenbooths, 1803. — Balack, king of Moab, and Balaam, the son of Beor, a Poem, 1 775. — Chronicles of the day of the Nati- vity of the King of the Isles, &c. in two parts, 1822. 8vo. . . ib. 1775-1822 Lucta Jacobi ; or, a Bonefire for his Majestie's double delivery from the Deluge in Perth, 5th August 1600, and the Doomesday of Britaine the 5th Nov. 1605. sm. i'to. Loud. 1607 Declaration of the Nobility against the Duke of Lennox and the Earl of Arran, on occasion of the Raid of Ruthven, 1582. Reprinted from unique copy in Advocates' Library, with notes by Maidmcnt. 12wo. .... Edin. 1822 15 Press B. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. \ Shelf 6. Williams's (Jolin, Bishop of Lincoln) Great Britain's Salomon. Funeral Sermon on King James L &c. sm. 410. ...... Land. 1625 See SoMEBS Tracts, vol. ii. Buchan's (Peter) Historical Account of the Noblo Family of Keith, Earls Marisclial of Scot- land, &c. \2mo. ....... Peterhead, 1820 Proceedings of the Directors and CouncU of the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, with relation to the treaty of Union, &c. sm. ito. . . . 170G Campbell's (John) Full and Particular Description of the Highlands of Scotland, Sec, \^ith a scheme for bringing in the most disaffected, &c. 1752. Account of the Greatest White Herring Fi-shery in Scotland, &c. 1750. 8vo. . . . LoMf/. 1750-52 Brief Explanation of the Life, or a Prophecy of the Death of the Marquis of Argyle, &c. com- posed ill Scottish Rhyme, by C. C. IGSfi, Sec. S7n. ito. rejmnt. Pitcairu's (Robert) Collections relative to the Funeral of Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo. Edin. 1822 Gillan's (John) Remarks on Sir James Dalrymple's Historical Collections, &c. 8*'0. ih. 1714 Fletcher's (Andrew, of Saltoun) Political Works. 8fO. . . . Loiid. 1737 Stark's (William) Report to the Lord Provost, &c., on the Plans for Building between Edin- burgh and Leith, 1814. Duncan's (Dr. Andrew) Letter on the Establishment of Criminal and Pauper Lunatic Asylums, 1818. Charter of St. Patrick's Hospital at Dublin, &c. Dub. 1798. Crichton's (Col.) Directions for constructing a Cheap Bed, and Elastic Frames for Conveyance of the Sick and Wounded, &c. 1807. 8vo. Dub. ^ Edin. 1798-181 4 Harry (G. Owen, parson of Whitchurch) Genealogy of the High and Mighty Monarch, James, &c., with his liiieall descent from Noah, &c. s?)i. 4to. . . Lond. 1604 Anderson (Dr. P.) Picture of a Scottish Baron Court, a Dramatic Poem, \\'ith Notes. 8vo. L. P. Edin. reprinted 1821 Skinner's (Rev. John) Poetical Amusements of leisure hours, with his Life. 1 2mo. ib. 1 809 Life aud Death of Capt. John Porteous, &c., with MS. Note by Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. ib. 1737 Tracts on the Porteous Mob Affair. 1 vol. sm. 8oo. ib. 1737. Containing, 6. Observations upon Answers to the Queries, &c. 1 737. 7. Le Repos. Epistle to the Publick, a Poem, 1737. 8. Memorial for the People of Scotland, or Animad- versions on the infamous Act of the British Par- liament, &c. 1737. 9. Two Letters from the Old Whig on the Act for dis- abling Provost Wilson, 1737. 1. Act of Pari, for disabling Provost Wilson, 1737. ■2. Ditto for bringing to Justice the Murderer of Capt. Porteous, 1737. 3. Reasons why several Ministers, &c. did not read the Act, &c. 1737. 4. Queries offered to the Public by a Well-wisher of the present Constitution, &c. 1737. .5. Answers to the Queries, &c. 1737. See Woiiks, vol. xxvi. pp. 28-30. Notes to Tlu- Heart nf Mid-Loiliian. J\Ienioirs of the Times, &c. ; containing an Account of and Reflections on some late Remarkable Occurrences, such as the Tumult at Edinburgh, &:c. 8co. . Lvrtd. \ 7 37 True Account, &c. of the Solemnization of the Baptism of H. R. H. Henry, son of King Jame.^ VI. Iiej>ri?itcd from Lond. Edit, of 16 03. 12mo. . . Edin. I'M 16 Shelf e. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Press B. Synison's (Rev. And.) Large Description of Galloway, 168't; with an Appendix of original papers, &c. Edited by Thomas Maitland, Esq. cr. 8vo. . ■ Edin. 1823 See Introduction to Bride of LammermooT. Grahame's (Rev. Dr. Pat.) Sketches of Perthshire, illustrative of the Lady of the Lake. 2d edit. 8uo. . . . . . . . ?4. 1812 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 307 ; vol. viii. passim. — Also Notes to Rob Roy. Riddell's (John) Saltfoot Controversy, as it appeared in Blackwood's Magazine, &c. (relative to the Stewarts of Allanton.) 8«o. ..... ib. Knox's (John) Tour through the Highlands and Hehride Isles in 1786. 8«o. Land. 1787 Selkirk's (Thomas, Earl of) Observations on the present State of the Highlands of Scotland, &c. 8»o. . . . . . . . . «i. 1805 The same. 2d edit. 8vo. . . . . . ib. i 806 Craigi (Thorn.) Henrici Ducis Albaniae, &c. et Mariae Serenissimae Scotorum Reginae Epi- thalamium. Edinb. per R. Lekpreuik. sm. 8vo. . . Reprint Edin. Laing. Cunningham's (J.) Essay upon the Inscription of MacduiF's Cross in Fyfe ; with MS. note by Sir W. S. sm.ito. . . . . . . . 2*. 1678 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 268. Scott's (Sir John, of Scotstarvet) Staggering State of Scots Statesmen for 100 years, (1550 to 1650.) 12mo. ...... ib. 1754 See Note 2 to Old Mortality, vol. i. Boswell's (Sir Alex.) Spirit of Tintoc, a Ballad, &c. 8»o. . . ib. 1803 Edinburgh, or the Ancient Royalty, a Sketch of former Manners, &c. 12?wo. ib. 1810 Clao Alpin's Vow, a Fragment. Svo. .... ib. 1811 See Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 49. — Introduction to Legend of Montrose. Comic Poems of 1685 and 1793, on Rustic Scenes in Scotland, with notes by Brown of New- hall. \2mo. ....... ib. 1817 Williamson, (Peter) French and Indian Cruelty exemplified in the Life and various vicissitudes of fortune of, &c. ith edit, \2nio. ..... ib. 1759 Monro's (Donald, Dean of the Isles) Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, (in 1549,) with Genealogies of the Clans, &c. \8mo. .... «i. 1805 See Poetical Works, vol. x. Notes. Campbell's (Miss, of Zetland) Poems. Svo. .... Lond. 18^ 6 Creech's (William) Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces. Svo. . . . Edin. 1791 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 231, Note. Adamson's (H.) Muses Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Grail, &c., with Notes relative to the History and Antiquities of Perth, &c. ; by James Cant. Svo. Perth, 1774 See Notes to Fair Maid of Perth. Morer's (Rev. T.) Short Account of Scotland, &c., with MS. noteby Sir IV. S. Svo. Land. 1715 Nimmo's (Rev. William) History of Stirlingshire. 2d edit, corrected and continued by the Rev. W. Macgregor Stirling. 2 vols. Svo. . . . . Stirling, 1817 17 C Pkess B. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves C, 7. Crawfurd's(G.) History of Renfrewshire, &c. ; continuedby W. Semple. sm. ito. Paisley, 1782 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 295. Rac's (Peter) History of the late Rebellion raised against His Majesty by the Friends of the Popish Pretender, &c. sm.ito. ..... Dumfries, Ml?' See Introdtidion to Rob Roy, notes ; Tales nf a Grandfather, ^c. Boyse's (Sam.) Historical Review of the Transactions of Europe, &c. from 1739 to 1745; vvith an impartial History of the late Rebellion, &c. 2 vols. 8fo. . Lond. 1747 James VI. Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance, sm.ito. . . ib. 1609 Peterkin's (Alexander) Notes on Orkney and Zetland, &c. Svo. . Edin. 1822 Malcolm's (Rev. David) Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, and various other Letters and Papers on the usefulness of the Celtick, &c. 8vo. . ib. 1738-9 SHELF VII. Don, a Poem, with historical notes, 1742, with Letter from the Printer and editor to Sir W. S. 8vo. ....... Edin. John Moir, 1814 Irving's (Dr. David) Lives of the Scottish Poets, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1804 Raeburn (Sir Henry) Memoir of. 8vo. .... Lond. 1823 Melville, (Henry, Lord Viscount) Biographical Sketch of, Edin. 1811. Syllabus of first Com- memoration of Carolan, the Irish Harper, Dub. 1809. Rules and Regulations of Irish Harp Society, Dm*. 1810. 8bo. ..... 1809-11 Stair, (John Earl of) Memoirs of the Life, &c. of, by an impartial hand. 8m. Lond. (1747) See Introduction to Bride of Lammermoor. Dundas's (President) Present State of Scotland considered, and its declining condition charged upon the conduct of the landed gentlemen, &c. 8vo. . . Edin. 1745 Ridpath's (Geo.) Proceedings of Parlia. of Scot, begun at Edin. 6 May 1703. s?n. 4:to. 1704 M'Crie's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Life of John Knox. M edit. 2 vols. 8 to. Edin. 1818 Napier's (Archibald, first Lord) Memoirs, written by himself, sm. 4^to. ib. 1793 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 54. Johnstoni (Joannis) Heroes, ex omni Historia Seotica lectissimi. sm. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1603 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. Note E. Inscriptioncs Historicae Regum Scotorum. sm. 4tto. wants title. . [_Amst. 1 602] Political and Poetical Scottish Tracts, p-inted and MS. sm. ilo. . 1 680-1705 1 . Satyre against FreitdraugJit, MS. See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 171. "2. Caledon's Complaint against infamous libels. 3. Panegyric on a noble peer and worthy patriot. 4. on their Royal Highnesses. 1682. 5. Albion's Farewell, by the same author. 1680. 6. Mysteries of Iniquity, or the Revolution deduced to the time of Kiny James being forced, ^c, to retire from England. MS. 7. Directions to a Painter. MS. 1705. 8. Brussii Oratio ad Mackaium. 1689. 9. Donaldson's (James) Pill for the Pork-eaters. 1705. 10. Ferguson's (Robert) Late proceedings of Parlia- ment of Scotland, &c., vindicated. 1689. 11. Reasons why the Parliament of Scotland cannot comply with King James's proclamation. By J. W. 1689. Shelf 1. SCOTTISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Press B. Letters to the Inverness Journal, 1817, 1818, (on the Glengarry controversy.) 8w. Perth, 1818 Vindication of the Clanranald of Glengarry, against the Inverness Journal. 8i'o. Edin. 1821 Scottish Tracts. 1 vol. 8i'o. containing. 1. Clark's (John) Letter to C. Jenkinson, on the late mutinies in the Highland regiments. 2d edit Edin. 1780. 2. Douglas's (Rev. Robert, of Galashiels) Observa- . tions on the nature of Oaths. ih. 1 783. 3. Liberty of the press — Proceedings in process. Dug. Bannatyne against MoUeson, Glasgow, 1811. 4. Observations, &c., on the mathematical pretensions of the Scottish Clergy. . . Cupar, \Wh. 5. Baron Dalrymple's Considerations on the polity of Entails. 2d edit. . . Edin. \763. Bannatyne's (Richard, Secretary to John Knox) Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, &c. from 1570 to 1573 ; with four other tracts. Edited by Sir J. G. Dalyell. 8vo. ib. 1806 See Note to Ivanhoe, vol. i. Prose Work.s, vol. vii. p. 71, 248, &c. Macculloch's (Dr. John) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man, &c. 2 vols. Bvo., with quarto atlas of plates, . . . Lond. 1819 Lumsden's (M.) Genealogy of the family of Forbes. 1580. 8w. . Inverness, \8\d Franck's (Richard) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland; with The Contemplative Angler. 1658. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. Edin. repr. 1821 Edmonstone's (Dr. Arthur) An. and Pres. State of the Zetland Islands. 2 vols. 800. ib. 1809 See Notes to Tlie Pirate. Hogg's (James) Jacobite Relics of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the adhe- rents of the House of Stuart. 2 vols. 8i'o. .... 2^.1819-21 See Life, vol. iv. p. 234. James I. of Scotland, The King's Quair, a Poem ; with notes by Eb. Thomson. 800. Ayr, 1815 Poetical Remains ; with two dissertations, &c., by Lord Woodhouselee. 8vo. Edin. 1783 Martin's (M.) Vo3age to St. Kilda, the remotest of the Hebrides, &c. ithedit. 8vo. Lond. 1753 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. notes A. G. and J. ; vol. x. passim. Buchan's ( ) Description of St. Kilda, &c. 12mo. . . Ed iti. 17 -il Burt's (Capt.) Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1754 The same, new edition, with large appendix, introduction, and notes, by R. Jamieson, Esq., &c. 2vols. 8i)o. ....... Editi. 181 S See Poetical Works, vol. wiii. passim ; — Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 21, note, &c. Stewart's (General David of Garth) Sketches of the character, manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland. 2 vols. 800. .... ib. 1822 See Azotes to Cfironides of the Canongate. Report of Committee of Highland Society on Ossian's Poems, drawn up by Henry Mackenzie, Esq. 800. ........ ib. 1805 Sinclair's (Sir John) Dissertation on the authenticity of Ossian's Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Poems of Ossian, &c., containing the Poetical Works of James Macpherson, \rith notes and illustrations by Malcolm Laing. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Edin. 1 805 Pkess B. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 7, 8. Graliam's (Rev. Dr. Patrick) Essav on the authenticity of Ossian's Poems, in answer to Mal- colm Laing. 8ro. ....... ib. 1807 See Review of the Oasian ContiOTeisT br Sir W. S. in Edtn. Rerieic, toL ri. p. 429. Lifb, vol. iL p. 53-39. Enquiry into the cause* tchichfacUitate, SfC, rebellions and insurrections in the Highlands of Scodand, ^-c. MS. ito. SHELF Fill. History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans, &c., (1031-1619), from a MS. of the time of James VI. 12mo. ...... Glasgotc, 1764 Balfour's (Sir Andrew) Letters of advice and directions for travelling through France and Italv, &c. \2mo. ....... Edin. 1700 Moyse's (David) Mem. of the afiairs of Scotland, &c., from 1577 to 1603, &c. \2mo. ib. 1755 Moodie's (A.) Scotiae Indieulum, or Present State of Scotland, &c. llmo. Lond. 1682 L'rquhart's (Sir Thomas) Tracts, &c., containing, 1. A Promptnary of Time ; 2. Pedigree of the Urquharts; 3. Dissertation on the Universal Language; 4. Characters of Scotsmen, his contemporaries, including the Admirable Crichton, &c., reprinted. 12mo. Edin. 1782 See Lite, toL v. p. 120. Prose Works, toL vii. pp. 182, 183. Crawford's (Prof. Thos.) Notes and Obs. on Buchanan's Hist, of Scotland, &c. 12mo. ib. 1708 Monteith's (Robert) Theater of Mortality ; or, the Illustrious Inscriptions upon the Monuments in the Gravfriars', and other churches in Edinburgh, and in various towns in Scotland, &c. 2 parts, sm. 8co. ....... ib. 1704-13 Compleat History of the Warrs in Scotland, under the conduct of the Marquis of Montrose ; newly corrected and enlarged by an eye-witnesse, &c. 12»«o. ib. 168.3 Delights for the Ingenious, in Fifty Select Emblems. 12mo. . z6. 1684 Memorable Accidents and unheard of Transactions. 12nio. . zi. 1693 • • History of the Kingdom of Ireland. 12??io. . . . 25.1693 History of Oliver Cromwell. 12mo. .... /5. 1693 — — ■ Triumphs of Divine Justice over Murderers and Adulterers, &c. 12mo. ib. 1697 Female Excellency; History of nine Famous Women, \2ino. . ib. 1704: Unfortunate Court Favourites of England. 12mo. . . ib. 1706 Extraordinary Adventures, Revolutions and Events, &c. 12mo. . ib. 1728 Unhappy Princesses, in two parts. l2mo. . . . ib. 1733 Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 12mo. . . . ib. 1737 — — ■ Triumphs of Love, &c. from the French of P. Camus. 12/wo. . Glasg. 1753 History of the Nine AVortliics of the World. 12mci. . . ib. 1769 Osborne's (Francis) Traditional Memoires on the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. With MS. notes by Sir W. S. 12mo. ...... Lond. 1658 25 D Press C. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 2. Norton's (Thomas) Warning against the Dangerous Practises of Papistes, &c. 2d edit. B. L. sm. 8«o. ....... Land. Grebner's (Ezekiel) Visions and Prophecies concerning England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. \2mo. (The original of Cowley's celebrated Vision.) . . z'A. 1661 Relation of the French King's late Expedition into the Spanish Netherlands in 1667 and 1668. Englished by G. H. 12mo. ..... ib. 1669 Manchester (Earl of) AlMondo. A Contemplation of Death and Immortality. \2mo. ib. 1676 Life of the Dutch Admiral, M. A. de Ruyter. \2mo. . . . ib. 1677 Tragicum Theatrum Actorum et Casuum tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum, &c. io. . ib. 1683 Downing's (Clement) Compendious History of the Indian Wars, with an Account of the Rise, Progress, &c. of Angria the Pyrate, &c. 12oto. . . ib. 1737 26 S/iel/3. ENGLISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Press C. SHELF III. Carte's (Thomas) History of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde, &c. with a Collection of Letters, &c. serving to verify the facts, &c. in the History. 3 vols. /ol. Land. 1785 Oldmixon's (John) History of England, during the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and George I. &c. Jol. ...... ib. 1735 Barnes's (Joshua) History of Edward III. &c., together with that of his son Edward tlie Black Prince, &c. fol. ..... . Camb. 1688 Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores Vetustiores. Edente Hier. Commelino. fol. Lugd. 1587 Galfridus Moncmutensis. I Beda, cum Contin. anonym. Ponticus Virunnius. Gulielmus Neobricensis. Gildae Epistola. I Joan. Froissardi Histor. Epitome. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam praecipui, cura Henrici Savile. fol. Land. 1596 Willielmus Men. Malmesburiensis. See Poetical Works, toI. v. p. 414 ; vol. Ti Henr. Archidiac. Himtingdoniensis. Rogerus Hoveden. Chronicon Ethelwardi. Ingulphus Abbas Croylandensis. Historiae Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, &c. ah a. d. 838, usque ad annum 1220, &c. curis Andr. Duchesnii. fol. ..... Lzit. Paris. 1619 Eadmeri, Men. Cantuar., Historia Novorum (1066-1122,) in lucem emisit J. Seldenus, &c. ful. Land. 1623 Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Diecem. Edente Rogero Twysden. 2 torn. fol. ib. 1652 Simeon, Monachus Dunelm. See Poetical Works, vol. vii. i Joannes, Prior Hagustaldensis. Ailredus, Abbas RievaUensis. Ead. de Diceto, London. Johannes Brompton, Jornall. See Poetical Works, vol. t. p. 402; vol. Gervasius, Jlonachus Dorobom. Thom. Stubbs, Dominicanus. Gulielmus Thorn, Cantuariensis. Henr. Knighton, Leicestrensia. Ricardus, Prior Hagiistaldensis. Historiae Britaimicae, Saxonicae et Anglo Danicae Scriptores Veteres, ex vetust. Cod. MSS. ediderunt Thom. Gale et Joann. Fell. 3 torn. fol. . . O.ron. 1684-7-91 Vol. 1 Ingulfus Croylandenais. Petrus Blesensis. Chronica de Mailros. Annales Burtonenses. Hist. Croylandensis Continuatio. Vol. 2 Annales Marganenses. Chron. Thomae Wykes. Annales Waverleienses. Hist. Galfridi Vinesahi. Hist. Walt, de Hemingford. Vol. 3 Gildas. Eddius. Neiinius. Ran. Higden. Will. Malmesburiensis. Anonymus Malmesbur. Anonymus Rames. Anonymus Elyens. Thomas Elyens. Joan. Wallingford. Rad. de Diceto. Anonymus. Joannes Fordun. Alcuinus Flaccus. Appendix Antiquitatum Britannorum. Strj'pe's (John) Life and Acts of Dr. John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, &c. ; in four books, ful. . . . . . . . . Lond. 1718 27 Press C. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 4, 5. Whitelocke's (Sir Bulslrode) Memorials of the English Affairs, &c. ; from the beginning of King Charles I. to the Restoration of Charles II. Jbl. . . Lond. 1682 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 331. Cabala : S^c. — Mysteries of State and Government ; in Letters of illustrious persons, and great Ministers of State, &c., in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Q. Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., &c. 3d edit. fol. . . . . . . . i*. 1G91 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 160; — Prose Works, vol. vii. pp. 75-6, 88. Reyneri (dementis) Disceptatio Historica de Antiquitate Ordinis Congreg. Monachorum Nigrorum S. Benedicti in Regno Angliae, &c. fol. . . . Duaci, 1626 SHELF IV. Hakluyt's (Richard) Collection of Early English Voyages and Travels, from a. d. 337 to a.d. 159.5. Edited by R. H. Evans, vols. 1 and 2. 4,to. . . Lond. 1809 Froissart's (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. Newly translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. 4 vols. 4to. . . . . . . Hafod, 1803-5 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 112. Joinville's (John, Lord de) Memoirs of the Life of St. Louis, and of his Expedition to Egypt in 1248, &c. with notes. Translated by Thomas Johnes^ Esq. 2 vols. ito. ib. 1807 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 95. Grafton's (R.) Chronicle or Hist, of England, &c., from 11 89 to 1588. 2 vols. Mo. Lond. 1809 Hall's (John) Chronicle ; containing the History of England, from Henry IV. to Henry VIII. inclusive, &c. Carefully collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550. 4fe. ib. 1809 Fabyan's (Robert) New Chronicles of England and France, to the year 1559, in 2 parts. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 4to. . . . . . 84.1811 Rastell's (John) Pastime of People ; or the Chronicles of Divers Realms, and most especially of the Realm of England, &c. Arranged by Rev. Dr. Dibdin. 4-to. . iJ. 1811 Arnold's Chronicle ; or Customs of London, &c. With Introduction by F. Douce, ito. ib. 1811 HardjTig's (John) Chronicle in metre, &c. to the Reign of Edward IV.; with R. Grafton's Continuation in prose to 1543. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 4,to. . 24.1812 See Poetical Works, vol. x. p. 312. Fenn's (Sir John) Collection of Original Letters, written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., &c. ; with Supplement by Mr. Serjeant Frere. 5 vols. Mo. ib. 1787-1823 SHELF V. Hume's (David) History of England, to the Revolution in 1688. 8 vols. — Smollett's (Dr. Tobias) Continua. of Hist, of Eng. to death of Geo. II. 5 vols. — 1 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1 796-1800 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 152. Henry's (Rev. Dr. R.) History of Great Britain, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of Henry VIII. Mhedit. 12 vols. 8™. .... jj. 1805-6 28 Shehes 6, 7, 8. ENGLISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &e. Press C. St. Palaye's (De la Cume de) Memoirs of the Life of Froissart, &c. Translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. sm. 8»o. ...... Lond. 1801 Beatson's (Dr. Robert) Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. 3d edit. 3 vols. 8bo. ....... lb. 1806 Chronological Register of both Houses of the British Parliament, from 1708 to 1807, Svols. 8»o. . . . . . • . j4. 1807 SHELF VI. Somers's Tracts ; Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, &c. chiefly relating to the History and Constitution of these Kingdoms. 2d. edit, revised, augmented, and arranged by Sir Walter Scott. 13 vols. ..... !*. 1809-1815 Holinshed's (Ralph) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to 1587 inclusive. Neva edit. 6 vols. 4?o. . . . . . . «4. 1807-8 SHELF Vn. The Harleian Miscellany; Collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, &c. Id edit, with additional Notes, and two Supplemental Volumes, by Thomas Park. 10 vols. 4to. ...... 24.1808-13 Sadler's (Sir Ralph) State Papers and Letters. Edited by Arthur Clifford, Esq. With Me- moir of Sadler, and Historical Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. L. P. 3 vols. 4^0. with plates separate infol. ...... . Edin. 1809 Proissart's Chronicles of England, France, &c. Translated by .John Bourchier, Lord Berners. With Memoir of the Translator, and Index by E. V. Utterson, Esq. 2 vols. 4^o. Lo?id. 1812 See Poetical Works, passim. Prosk Works, vol. xix. p. 114. Fuller's (Dr. Thomas) History of the Worthies of England. New edit, with notes by John Nichols. 2 vols. 4to. . . . . . . ib. 18l\ SHELF VIH. Tracts concerning the Popish Plot, 1679-1683. 2 vols. /o/. . . *. 1679-83 See Notes to Peveril of the Peak. another vol. containing. Trials consequent on the pretended Popish Plot ; Pamphlets on Lord Shaftesbury, &c. fol. ..... ib. State Tracts, being a collection of several Treatises relating to the Government. Privately printed in the reign of Charles II., &c. fol. .... 26.1693 Reliquiae Baxterianae, or Mr. Richard Baxter's NaiTative of the most memorable passages of his Life and Times, published from his MS. by M. Sylvester, fol. . ib. 1696 Burnet's (Bp.) Hist, of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 \'o\s. fol. ib. 1679-1715 Johnson's (Rev. Samuel) Works, Political and Religious, fol. . . 24.1710 Collection of State Tracts published on occasion of the late Revolution in 1688, and during the reign of King William III., &c. With Table and Indexes. 3 vols./o/. ib. 1705-7 29 Press D. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 1, 2, 3. State Trials, &c. Volume mfol. containing. 1. Confession and Narrative of James Holloway, executed for High Treason, April, 1G84. 0. Proceedings on Bill of Indictment for High Treason against the Earl of Shaftesbury, No- vember, 1C81. 3. Letters, &c., concerning the offered alliance of the Kings of England and France to the Netherland States, 1680. 4. Oates's (Titus) Narrative of the horrid plot, &c.. of the Popish party against the life of His Sacred Majesty, &c., 1679. 5. Tiyall of Richard Langhom, Esq., for conspiring the death of the King, June, 1679. 6. State of the Case of the Earl of Danby, 1679. 7. Trials of Ireland, Pickering, and Grove, for con- spiring to murder the King, December, 1678. 8. Act of Parliament, 12th Charles II., 1660, en- titled, " Act of free and general indemnity and oblivion." Volume of Miscellaneous Tracts, (47) beginning with Andrew Marvell's Miscellaneous Poems, and relating to the Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Argyle, Popish Plot, Trial of Hampden, &c. &c. fol. ...... Lond. 1644-1688 Sanderson's (William) Life and Raigne of King Charles, from his cradle to his grave, fol. ib. 1658 Howes's (Edmund) History of England from the invasion of the Romans to King James L, 1614. With an Appendix, &c,, relating to the three Universities of England, &c., 1615. B. L. Wants title page. fol. Press D., SHELVES II. and III. Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and other crimes and misdemeanours, from the earliest period to the present time (1163-1817)- With notes and other illustrations. Compiled by T. B. Howell, Esq., F. R. S., &c., 32 yo\s. royal Svo. E(rnd. PRESS D. AMERICAN HISTORY AND LITERATURE, AND WORKS ON AMERICA AND THE COLONIES, &c. SHELVES I. and II. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. First series, 10 vols., second Serief, 9 vols. 19vols. 8«o. ..... Boston, U. S. 1806-^ 822 Holmes's (Rev. Dr. Abel) American Annals ; a Chronological History of Americaj from its discovery in 1492 to 1806. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . reprinted, Lond. 1808 Freneau's (Philip) Poems written and published during the American Revolutionary War, &c. 3d edit. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. ..... Philadelphia, \8(>d Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pensylvania during the last sixty years (1811). Reprinted, with dedication by John Gait to Richard Rush. 8vo. . . Edin. i 822 Halkett's (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1 825 M'Kenney's (T. L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes ; of the character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, &c. ; also a vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway language. 8m. Baltimore, 1827 30 Shelves 1, 2. AMERICAN HISTORY, LITERATURE, &c. Pkess D. Ellis's (William) Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii or Owliyhee ; with ohservations on the Sandwich Islands, &c. Mh edit. 8i'o. . . . . Lond. 1828 Murray's (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. ......... ib. 182y Selkirk's (Thomas Earl of) Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America, &c. 2d edil. Lond. 1816. — 2. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement of Kildonan, on the Red River, &c. ib. 1817. — 3. Narrative of occurrences in the Indian countries of North America, since the Earl of Selkirk's connection with the Hudson's Bay Company,&c. ib.\ 817. 8»o. ........ 1816-18)7 Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, and correspondence with the Colonial Department on the subject of the Red River settlement. 8ro. . . . . «i. 1819 Tribute to the memory of De Witt Clinton, late Governor of New York, &c., by a Citizen of Albany. l2mo. ....... Albans/, 1828 Colden's (Cadwallader) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, &c. 2d edit. 8vo. Lond. 1750 Neilson's (Peter) Recollections of a Six Years' Residence in the United States of North America. 8vo. ....... Glasgow, 1830 Macquarie's (General Lachlan) Letter to Lord Sidmouth, in refutation of Mr. Rennet's State- ments (respecting New South Wales). 8vo. . . . Lond. 1821 M'Robert's (Patrick) Tour through part of the North Provinces of America, in 1774 and 1775, &c. 8vo. ....... Edin.lllG Bulkely (John) and Cumming's (John) Voyage to the South Seas in 1740-1, and Narrative of the loss of the Wager, &c. 8vo. ..... Lond. 17 '13 Oxholm (P. L.) De Danske Vestindiske Oers Tilstand, &c., (On the Danish West India Islands). 8vo. ........ Kiobenh. 1797 Halleck's ( ) Alnwick Castle, with other poems. New York, 1827- Fanny, 2d edit. New York, 1821. 8vo. ...... 1821-27 Tudor's (William) Letters on the Eastern States 2d edit. 8vo. . Boston, 1821 Life of James Otis of Massachusetts, and Notices of Contemporary Characters and Events, from 1760 to 1775. 8vo. ...... ib. 1823 Miscellanies. 12mo. ...... 25.1821 Kent's (James) Commentaries on American Law. 2 vols, roi/al 8ro. . New York, 1826 Pickering's (John) Vocabulary, &c., of words and phrases supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America, &c. roi/al Svo. .... Boston, 1816 Thatcher's (Dr. James) Mditary Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, &:c. royal 8 vo. . . . . - . . zi. 1827 American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of Eminent Physicians who iiave flourished in America, &c. roi/al 8vo. ...... ib. 1828 M'Culloh's (Dr. J. H., jun.) Researches, &c. concerning the Aboriginal History of America. royal 8vo. ....... Baltimore, 1829 31 PkessE. ABBOTSFORD library. Shelf I. Bryan's (Daniel) Appeal for Suffering Genius ; a Poetical Address for the benefit of the Boston Bard, &c. royal 8vo. ..... Washington, 1826 Temple's (Sir Edmund) Travels in various parts of Peru, &c. 2 vols. 800. Loncl. 1830 Raynal's (Abbe) Historj' of the European Settlements in the East and West Indies. Translated by Justamond. 4 vols. 8co. ..... ib. 1786 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 58. Southey's (Capt. Thomas) Chronological History of the West Indies. 3 vols. Svo. ib. 1827 Miller's (John) Memoirs of General Miller, in the Service of the Republic of Peru. 2d edit. 2 vols. 800. ........ ib. 1827 Auldjo's (John) Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, in August 1827. Id edit. 8vo. ....... ib. 1830 Paterson's (Rev. J. B.) Essay on the National Character of the Athenians, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1828 PRESS E. MISCELLANIES.— ENGLISH AND F0REIC4N. SHELF I. Collection of English and Scottish Popular Songs, Penny Ballads, &c. &c. made up by John Bell, bookseller, Newcastle. 3 yols.fol. Sketches from Nature, &c. Portraits ; or, Characters of the most Conspicuous Persons in the kingdom, &c. By an M.P. \5th edit. 4,to. . . . Land. 1779 Mathias (T.J.) Canzoni Toscane. fVith MS. Letter from the Author to Sir fV. S. ito. 24.1806 Stewart's (Miss J.) Ode to Dr. Thomas Percy, &e. on reading the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, fol. ....... Edin. 1804 Deed of Settlement and Bye Laws of the Equitable Assurance Society. Svo. Land. 1811 Remarks, &c. on Barometrical Scales, Improvement proposed in the Rain-Gauge, &c. by Philotechnus. 8»o. ...... Edin. 1814 Stevenson's (Robt.) Report on the Union Canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow. 4:o. Kehl. 1785-1789 Tom. 29-30. Politique et Legislation. 31-35. Philosophic. 36. Dialogues. 37-43. Dictionnaire Philosophique. 44-46. Romans et Face'ties. 47-49. Melanges Litteraires. 50, 51. Commentaire sur Comeille. 52-69. Correspondance, 1715-1778. 70. Vie, par Condorcet. Mtooires. Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 325. SHELF VIL Grimm (Baron) et Diderot, (Denis) Memoires Historiques, &c. ou Correspondence Philoso- pliique et Critique, addressee au Due de Saxe Gotlia, depuis 1753, jusqu' en 1790. 2de edit. 7 torn. 8»o. ...... Lond. \?,\i See Introduction to The Abbot. Thiebault, (D.) Mes Souvenirs de 20 ans de Sejour a Berlin, ou Frederic le Grand, sa faraille, &c. 2de edit. 5 torn. 8ro. . . . . . Paris, 1805 See Letters on DtDionoloriy. Bareith, (Fred. Sopliie W. Margrave de, Soeur de Frederic le Grand) Memoires de ; ecrits de sa main. 2 torn. 8i'o. ...... Land. 1812 Herbin, (P. E.) Statistique Generale et Particuliere de la France et de ses Colonies, &c. 7 torn. 8»o. ........ Paris, 1803 Commines, (Philippe de) Memoires de, sur les faicts et gestes de Loys XI. et Charles VI [I. &c. Bvo. ........ ib. 15(56 See Introduction and Notes to Quentin Duruard ; and Notes to Anne of Geierstein. Aubigne, (Theodore Agrippe d') Life of, containing the most remarkable occurrences during the Ci^ol Wars of France, &c. Translated by Mrs. Ch. Lennox. 8fo. Lond. 1772 Les Cronicques et excellentz faitz des Dues, Princes, Barons, et Seigneurs de la noble Duche de Normandie, &c. lettres gothiques. sm. 4 '*'°1- "■ P- 131. Life, vol. i. p. 137, 201. \\ Ibid, 42 IG. Vol. 15. Chatterton. Cooper. Smollett. Hamilton. Smart. Wilkie. P. Whitehead. Fawkes. Lovibond. Harte. Langhome.§ Goldsmith. Armstrong. S. Johnson. Glover. W. Whitehead. 17. Brooke. G. Scott. Mickle. Jenyns. 18. Cotton. Logan. T. Warton. .T. Warton. Blacklock. Cambridge. Mason. || Jones. Beattie. Cowper. 1 9. Pope's Homer. Dryden's Virgil. Juvenal. Pitt's Virgil. Vida. Francis's Horace. 20. Rowe's Lucan. Grainger's TibuUus. Fawkes's Theocritus, &c. Garth's Ovid. Lewis's StatiuB. Cooke's Hesiod. 2 1 . Hoole's Ariosto and Tasso. Mickle 's Camoens. J Ibid, vol. vii. p. 159. § Ibid, vol. ii. p. 154. vol. vii. p. 229. Shelf \. ENGLISH POETRY, DRAMA, &c. Press H. The Ancient British Drama. A Collection of 57 plays by various Authors, from IS'iT to 1678. (Reprint of Dodsley's Old Plays, with 9 exceptions). 3 rols. rot/al 8co. Land. 1810 See Poetical Works, vol. v. p. 413. The Modern British Drama. A Collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from 1598 to 1783. 5 vols, roya/ 8»o. . . . . . «A. 1811 Shakspeare's Dramatic Works. 2 vols, royal Sfo. ... ib. 1806 See Prosb Works, vol. vi. pp. 336-8. Tales of the East ; comprising the most popular Romances of Oriental Origin, and the best imitations by European Authors, &c. With Introductory Dissertation by Henry Weber. 3 vols. ;-o^a^ 8ro. ....... Edin. \S\2 Vol. 1. Arabian Nights. New Arabian Nights. 2. continued. Persian Tales. of Inatulla. Oriental Tales. Nourjahad, by Mrs. Sheridan. Vol. 2. Additional Arabian Tales. 3. Mogul Tales. Turkish Tales. Tartarian Tales. Chinese Tales. Tales of the Genii, by Ridley. History of Abdallah. Popular Romances. With Introductory Dissertation by H. Weber, royal &vo. ib. 1812 Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Holberg's Journey under ground. Adventures of Peter Wilkins. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. History of Automathes. PRESS H. ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORKS OF FICTION. SHELF I. Arabian Nights' Entertainments, carefully revised and occasionally corrected from the Arabic. To which is added a Selection of New Tales, &c., with an Introduction and Notes, &c. bv Dr. Jonathan Scott. 6 vols. «»2. 8»o. .... iowrf. 1811 Hole's (Richard) Remarks on the Arabian Nights, sm. 8vo. . . ib. 1797 Peruvian Tales, related in one thousand and one hours. Translated from the French by Humphreys. 2vols. 12mo. ...... ib.l73i Cardonne's Miscellany of Eastern Learning. Translated from Turkish, Arabic, and Persian MSS. in the French Royal Library. 2 vols. l2mo. . . . ib. 1771 Life and Surprising Adventures of Don Antonio de Trezzanio, &c. Translated from the Portuguese. ISmo. ....... ib. 1766 Adventures and Surprising Deliverances of James Dubourdieu and his Wife, &c. ; also, the Adventures of Alexander Vendchurch, &c. 8vo. . . . ib. 17 M) 43 Press H. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelces 2, 3. Travels and Surprising Adventures of William Blngfield, Esq. &c. ; with MS. note by Sir W. S. 2vols. 12?/w. ...... Lond. 17 5S See Life, vol. iii. p. 313. Voyages, Dangerous Adventures, and Imminent Escapes of Captain Richard Falconer, &c. ; with MS. note hi/ Sir W. S. ith edit, litno. . . . (A. 17.34 See Life, vol. iii. p. 312. Life and Astonishing Adventures of John Daniel, a smith, at Royston, in Hertfordshire, &c. ; with MS. note b>) Sir W. S. 12mo. . . . . ib. 1751 Capacity and Extent of the Human Understanding, exemplified in the Extraordinary Case of Automathes, a young Nobleman, &c. ^2mo. . . . zi. 1745 See Life, vol. i. p. 18. Holberg's (Baron) Journey to the World under Ground, by Nicolas Klimius. 12mo. ib. 1742 Berkley's (Bp.) Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca, &c. 2d edit. 8vo. ib. 174:8 Beckford's (Wm.) History of the Caliph Vathek ; with MS. note by Sir W. S. 8bo. ib. 1786 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note V. Richardson's (Sam.) Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded. 3d edit. 4 vols. 8vo. ib. 1742 Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, ith edit. 7 vols. 8 »o. /i. 1751 SHELVES II. and III. Cabinet des Fees ; or Collection choisie des Contes par Mayer. 41 tom. 8vo. Tom. 1. Contes des F&s. Perrault. Tom. Mad. Murat. 2, 3, 4. Mad. D'Aulnoy. 5. Les Illustres F^es. Tyrannie des FfJes. Mad. D' Auneuil. Contes moins Contes, &c. Preschac. 6. Les Fees. Mademoiselle de la Force. Les Chevaliers Errans,&c. Mad. D'Aulnoy. 7-11. Milleet Une Nuits. Galland. 12. LeTourT(Jnebreux,&c. Madlle. L'Heritier. Aventm'es d' Abdallah. i 13. ; 14, 15. Mille et Un Jours. Contes Persans. Petit de la Croix. 16. Contes Turcs. Galland. Voyage de Zulma dans le pays des F&s. 1 7. Contes et Fables Indiennes. i Bidpai et 18. Lokman. Contes et Fables. F&don. Boca, per Mad. le Maichand. 1 9. Contes Chinoises. Gueiilette. Florine, ou la Belle Italienne. des Fees, (!t autres Contes Merveilleux. A7nst. 1785-6 20. Le Belier. v Fleur d' Epine. V Hamilton. Les Quatre Facardins. ' 21, 22, 23. Contes Tartares, et Contes Mogols. Gueiilette. 24. Le Prince des Aigues-Marines. i Mad. Le Prince Invisible. I L'Eveque. Les Fe'eries Nouvelles. \ 25. Nouveaux Contes Orientaux. \ Caylus. Cadicliou et Jeannette. ) Contes, par M. de Moncrif. 26. La Reine Fantasque. .T. J. Rousseau. La Belle et la Bete. Mad. Villeneuve. Veill&sde Thessalie. I ,, ,„ , . Y Madlle. de Lussan. 28. Prince Titi. St. Hyacinthe. 29, 30. Contes des Genies. Trad, de 1' Ang 31. Funestine. Beauchamps. Nouveaux Contes des F^es. Le Loup Galleux et Bellinette. 32. Soir&s Bretonnes. Gueiilette. Contes de Mad. de Lintot. Shelves 2, 3. ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORKS OF FICTION. Press H. Tom. 32. Aventuies de Zeloide. Moncrif. 33. Trois Contes par Madlle. de Lubert. Nourjahad. Mad. Sheridan. 34. Contes de Pajon. Bibl. des Fe'es. Laporte. 35. Minet-Bleu et Louvette. Mad. Fagnan. Acajou et Zirphile. Duclos. Agla^. Coypel. Voyages Imaginaires, Romanesques, Merveilleux, Allegoriques, Amusans, Comiques et Cri- tiques, suivis des Songes et Visions, et des Romans Cabalistiques reeueillis, par Gronier. Tom. 35. Contes des Fees. Mad. de Beaumont. Le Prince Desir^. Selis. Contes choisis des diverses auteurs. 36. Don Sihio de Rosalva. Wieland. 37. Notice des Auteurs. Liste des Ouvrages. 38-41. Suite des Mille et une Nuits. Dom Cliav et Cazotte. 36 torn. 8vo. Tom. 1, 2, 3. Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. 4. Le Solitaire Anglois,-PhiUppe Quarll. 5. Histoire des S^varambes. Alletz. See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 305. 6. Gaudence de Luques. Berkley. 7. 8, 9. L'lle Inconnue. Grivel. 10. Voyage d' Alcimedon. Les Isles Fortunfes. Clairfons. Hist, des Troglodytes. Montesquieu. Aventures d' un jeune Anglois. Ledyard. d' un Corsaire Portugais. Mendez Pinto. Voyages du Cap. Robert Boyle. > (A. 1787-9 Les Hommes Volans. Pierre Wilkins. 11. Nau&age de Rich. Castelman. 1 2. Aventures d' un Espagnol. Naufrage d' un A^aisseau Hollandais, de Piene Viaud. de Mad. Godin. 13. Histoire Ve'ritable. Lucien. trad, et contin. par d' Ablancourt. Voyages de Cyrano de Bergerac. 14. Voyages de Gulliver. Swift. 15. Nouveau Gulliver. Desfontaines. See Prosb Works, vol. ii. p. 3. i 7 92 Pratzel, (G. G.) Feldrosen. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1819 Gleicb, (Fried.) Der Zauberbrunnen. Rittergeschichte. 8vo. ■ . ib. 18\6 Hesperidenhain der Romantik, Auswabl Romanzen, Balladen, Sagen, und Legenden ; ges. von G. Kuffiier. 5 vols. 12?ko. ..... JF/ew. 1818-19 Werner's (F. L. Z.) Cunegunde, die Heiligc, Rom. Deutscbe Kaiserin. Ein romant. Scbau- spicl. 8vo. ........ Leipz. 1815 Taschenbucb fiir die vaterlandiscbe Geschichte, &c. Erster Jahrgang. 12mo. Wien. 1820 Herder, (J. G. von) Der Cid, nach Spanischen Romanzen besungen, &c. 12;«o. Ttib. 1806' Hoffmann, (E. T. A.) Klein Zacbes genannt Zinnober. Ein Mahrchen. 8i-o. Berlin, 1819 See Sir W. Scoffs estimate of this Novelist in Pbosb Works, vol. xviii. p. 270. Geister, Zauber, Heren und Kobolds-Geschichten. 4 vols. 8vo. Eisenach, 1794-99 Faustin, oder das philosopbische Jahrbundert. 3e. Ausg. 8vo. . 1785 Beresford's (Rev. J.) Translations of German Poets, &c. Germ, and Engl. l2mo. Berlin, 1801 Von der Hagen, (Fr. Hein.) Narrenbuch. Die Schuldbiirger ; Salomon und Markolf, &c. 8vo. Halle, 1801 52 Shehes 5, 6. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Press K. Tieck's (Ludwig) Volksmarchen. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1797 Romantische Dichtungen. 2 vols. 8vo. .... Jena, 1799 See Introduction to Tales of the Crusaders. Kaiser Octavianus. Lustspiel, &c. 8»o. . . . ib. 1804 Der Geheimnissvolle, Novelle. \2mo. .... Dresd. 182Z Eine lesenwiirdige Historic vom Herzog Ernst in Bayern und Oesterreiclij &c. 8ao. Gottschalck (Fried.) Die Sagen und Volksmalirchen der Deutschen. 8vo. Halle, 1814 Wuiiderbare Geschichte von der edlen und schonen Melusina, &c. 8»o. Gedr. in c/iesem Jahre. Walladmor. Frei nacli dem Englischen der Walter Scott von W — s. With MS. letter from the Author to Sir W. S. 3 vols. 8vo. .... Berlin, 1824 See Note to Tales o/tJie Crusaders, vol. i. Der Geist Ericha von Sickingen, &c. Gesch. der 12te Jahrh. \2mo. Konigs. 1795 Almeida Garrett, (J. B. de) Camoens. Poema. \2mo. With MS. letter from the Author to Sir W.S.. . . . . . . . Paris, 1825 SHELF VI. Motte Fouque (Baron de la) Karls des Grossen Geburt, &c. Ritterliedj sm. 8vo. Niirn. 1816 Alboin, der Langobardenkonig. Heldenspiel. 8»o. . . Leipz. 1813 Die Zwei Briider, Trauorspiel. 8oo. .... Stutt. \8M Hieronymus von Stauf, Trauersp. sm. 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1819 Liebesrache, Trauersp. sm. 8m. ..... Leipz. 1817 Heldenspiel e ; Baldur der Gutc ; Helgi, &c. 8vo. . . Stutt. 1818 Die Pilgerfahrtj Trauersp. 8vo. ..... Niirn. \816 Corona. Rittergedicbt. 8vo. ..... Stutt. 1814 Altsachsiscber Bildersaal : Hermann. Willeda und Ganna. Schon Irsa, und ihre weisse Kuh. Die vier Briider von der Wesenburg, &'c. 4 vols. 8»o. . Niirn. \ 81 1 Sangerliebe. Pro venzaliscbe Sage. 8vo. . . . Stutt. 1816 Sigurd, der Sclilangentddter, Heldenspiel. 4^0. . . . Berlin, 1 808 (Carolina, Baronin de la) Die Beiden Freunde, Roman. 3 vols. 8(o. ib. 1824 Schnurr (Baltb. von Lendsidel) Der Ameisen und Miickenkrieg, &c. 8vo. Leipz. 1806 Des Regulaments, &c. fur die gesammtes Kaiserl. Konigl. Fuss- Volk, &c. zweiter Theil. 4:to. 1 750 Bertuch, (F. J.) Proben aus des alten teutschen Meister-Sangers Hans Sachsens Werken, in Bebuf einer neuen Ausgabe derselben, &c. Mo. . . . Weim. 1778 Hans Sachsens Gedicbt, Fabeln, und gute Schwenck, &c. von J. H. H. 8fo. Niirn. 1781 Horst's (G. C.) Zauber Bibliotbek, oder von Zauberei, Theurgie und Mantik, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Mainz. 1821-23 Storck's (Dr. Ad.) Darstellungen aus dem Preussischen Rhein und Mosellande. 2 vols, 8vo. Essin. 1818 Koch's (Dr. E. J.) Compendium der Deutschen Litteratur-Geschichte von den altesten Zeiten bis auf Lessings Tod. 2vols.ini. 8to. .... Berlin, 1795-98 53 Press K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. S/ielves G, 7. Motte Fouque, (Baron de la) und Laun, (Fried.) Aus der Geistcrwelt Gesclilchten, Sagen, und Diclitungen. 2 yols. sm. 8vo. ..... Erfurt. 1 SI 8 Maier's (Herrn Hofgericlitrath) Fust von Stromberg, Schauspiel, &c. Sao. Mantih. 1787 See Sir W. S.'s MS. translation of this in Press N. Shelf 3. Dersctau, (C. F. von) Betrachtung eines Greises liber die Religion. 2'''' Aujl. i'io. Aurich, 179fi MarinOj (Cavalier) L'Adone, Pocma, &c. 4?o. .... Fenet. 1627 Casti, (Giambatista) Novelle. 3 torn. 8vo. . . _ . . Parigi, 1804 Gli Animali Parlanti, Poema Epico. 3 torn. 8i'o. . . 2^.1802 SHELF VII. Des Knaben Wiinderhorn. Alte Deutsche Lieder, ges. von L. A. von Arnim und Clemens Brentano. 3 vols. 8«o. ...... Heidelb. 1806-8 Der Helden Buch, herausg. von Fr. Hern, von der Hagen. Vol. 1, 8bo. Berlin, 1811 Der Nibelungen Lied, in der Urspraebe, &c.j herausg. d. von der Hagen, &c. 8vo. ib. 1810 The same, vdth the orthography modernized, and a copious appendix. With MS. note by Sir W.S Eschenburg (J. J.) Denkmaler Altdeutscher Dichtkunst. 8vo. Grimm, (Briider) Altdeutsche Walder. 3 vols. 8»o. Deutsche Sagen. 2 vols. 8vo. (W. C.) Drei Altschottische Lieder, &c. 8vo. Korner's (Theod.) Dramatische Beytrage. 2 vols, in 1. 8bo. Poetische Nachlass. 2 vols. 8vo. . Leyer und Scln^'ert, ¥'■ Ausgabe. 8vo. . Bartholdy, (J. S. L.) Der Krieg der Tyroler Landleute, 1809. 8vo. Geschichte Andreas Hofer's Sandwirths aus Passeyr, Oberanf. der Tyroler &c. 8vo. ....... See Prose Works, vol. xiii. p. 220. Braun's (G. C.) Hermann der Cherusker. Heldengedicht. 8vo. Flogel's (K. F.) Geschichte der Komischen Litteratur. 4 vols. 8vo. des Groteskekomischen. 8vo. der Hofnarren. 8vo. .... • des Burlesken. 8vo. .... Lohengrin, ein altdeutsches Gedicht, &c., herausg. von Gdrres. 8vo. Tieck, (Lud.) Minnelioder aus dem Schwabischen Zeitalter, neu bearbeitet, Motte Fouque, (Baron de la) Vaterlandische Schauspiele. 8bo. Goeckingh, Lieder zweyer Liebenden. 8vo. Schiller's (F.) Trauerspiele : Die Rauber, Die Verschworung des Fiesko, Kabale und Liebe. 8vo. Mann. 1786 Lettres et Notices sur les etabhssemens de Fellenherg a Hofwyl. Par MM. le General Vial, Ch. Pictet, Gauteron,' Fellenherg, Crud, Comte Capo d' Istrias, Comte de Vieilleville. 8vo. Geneve, 1808-21 54 ib. 1801 Bremen, 1799 Cassel, 1813-16 Berlin, 181C-18 Heidelb. 1813 Wien, 1815 Leips. 1815-16 Berlin, 1817 ib. 1814 in Kriege von 1809, Leips. 1817 Mains:. 1819 Liegn. 1 784-7 ib. 1788 ib. 1789 Leip.z. 1794 Heidelb. 1813 8i-o. Berl.1808 ib. 1811 IVien, 1804 &c. Shelves 8, 9, 10, 11. FOREIGN LITERATURE. Press. K. Tasso, (Torquato) La Gerusalemme Liberata. 2 toni. 8oo reale. SHELF VIII. Wieland's (C. M.) Sammtliche Werke. Herausg. von Gniber. 6 vols. — 42 vols. \2mo. .... Parigi, 1771 36 vols., and Supplement Leipz. 1794-1801 SHELF IX. Schiller's (F.) Sammtliche Werke. 12 vols. Si-o. . . . Stuttg. 1S12-15 Grimm, (Bruder) Kinder und Haus-Marchen. 8bo. . . . Berlin, 1812 See PoETicAi Works, vol. ii. p. 254. Gravenberch, (W. Von) Wigalois der Ritter, &c. herausg. von G. F. Benecke. 8oo. ib. 1819 Schlcgel's (Fried.) Geschiclite der alten und neuen Litteratur. 2 vols. 8^0. Wien. 1815 Goldoni, (Carlo) Comedie Scelte. 12 torn. leg. in 6. 8»o. . . Padova, 1811-17 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 292. SHELF X. Cervantes, (Miguel) Novelas Exemplares. 2 vols. sm. 8t'0. . . Ha?/a, 1739 Guevara, (L. Velez de) EI Diablo Coiuelo. Novela de la otra vida. sm. 8vo. Barcel. 1646 Depping, (C. B.) Sammlung der besten alter Spanischen Historischen-Ritter-und-Maurischen Romanzen. &c. \2mo. ...... Leipz. 1817 Ubeda, (Francisco de) Vita della Picara Guistina Diez, &c. trasport. nella fav. Ital. da Bar. Barczzi. 2 torn, in 1. sm. 8so. ..... Venet. 1624-5 Musaus, (J. A.) Die Deutschen Volksmahrchen, herausg. von Wieland, &c. 6 torn. \2mo. Gotha, und Halle, 1789-1805 Nordische Helden-romane : Wilkina und Niflunga-Saga, &c. Uebers. d. F. H. von der Hagen. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. . . . . . . Bresl. 1814 Romantische Geschicliten der Vorzeit. 8 vols. sm. 8vo. . . Leipz. 1794-6 Cornazano de Re MiUtaria. sm. 8vo. . . . Orthona, per H. Soncino 15i8 SHELF XL Parnaso Italiano, ovvero Raccolta de Poeti Classici Italiani, &c. 56 torn. 1 2mo. Venezie 1 748-9 1 1, 2. Petrarca. 23. Didascalici del Sec. xvi. 3-5. Dante. 24. Favole Teatrali del Sec. xvi. 6. Lirici Antichi. 25. Maritimi e Pedanteschi del Sec. x 7-9. Pulci. 26. Canzonieri del Sec. xvi. 10. Poemetti del Sec. xv. xri. 27. Satiric! e Burleschi del Sec. xvi. U-I5. Boiardo, da Bern 28, 29. Tasso, Gerusalemme. 16. Egloghe del Sec. xv. xvi. 30. Costanzo. T. e B. Tasso, &c. 17. Teatro Antico. 31. Lirici Misti. See Prose Work^ , vol. vi. pp. 284, 291. 32. Veneziani del Sec. xvi. 18-22. Ariosto. 33. Rusticali dei 3 prime Secoli. 55 PUESS L. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. SUrc's), 4. .'!4. Tassoni. 35. Guarini, Rinuccini. .'iti. Teatro Pastorale del Sec. xvii. 37. Lor. Lippi. 38, 39. G. Graziani. 40. Ditirambici e Satirici. •11. Lirici Misti. 42. Al. Guidi, e due Zappi. 43-45. Forteguerri. 46, 47. Apost. Zeno e Metastasio, Drammi Scelti. del Sec. xvii. 48. Poenii Georgiei. 49. Poemetti e Sciolti. 50. Tcatriali Serj e Giocosi. 51. Lirica del Frugoni, e Je' Bolognesi. 5"2- Aiiacreontici e Burlesdii. 53. Lirici, Filosofici, &c. 54. Draramatici Sacri. J 55. 56. Bcrtolo, Bertoldino, e Cacaaenno. Indice Universale. PRESS L. SHELF I. Guicciardini (Francesco) Delia Isloria d' Italia Libri XX. con varii Annotazione. 2 torn. /bl. Cart. Mass. ...... Fenezia, Pasquali, 1738 Davila (E. C.) Historia delle Guerre Civili de Francia, &c. 2 torn. fol. Parigi, Stamp. Real. 1644 Solis (Don Antonio de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, &c. Nueva edic. Con Vida del Autor per Don J. de Go_yeneclie. fol. .... Bruss. 1741 Knytlinga Saga. Historia Cnutidarum Regum Daniae. With MS. note hy Sir W. S. fol. Hafn. SHELF IV. Miinter, (Dr. Fred. Bp. of Zealand) Leire i Sielland i begyndelsen af det nittende Aarliundrede. \2rno. ........ Kiobenh. 1806 Velia in Lucanien. Eine Beilage zu Hegewisch iiber die Colonien der Grieclier, Sro. Altona, 1818 Recherches sur 1' origine des ordres de Chevalerie du Roy. de Dannemarc. 8i'o. Copenh. 1822 Narratio de Lucio primo Episcopo Romano. 4to. . . Hafn. 1822 De Rebus Ituraeorum, ad Lucae, Cap. III. 1. ito. . . ib. 1824 Formodninger em bemoerkelsen af det Hebraiske ord Kesita, &c. 4,to. ib. 1824 Der Tempel der Himmliscben Gbttin zu Papbos, &c. Ato. . ib. 1824 Boyd, (Arcbib.) Disputatio Juridica, &c de Obligationibus et Actionibus, &c. ito. Edin,1825 Mackenzie, (Gul. Forbes) Disputatio Juridica, &c. Si, pendente lite, mors intervenerit? &e. 4to. ........ ib. 1829 Jonae (Runolph.) Recentissima Antiq. Ling. Septent. Incunabula, i.e. Grammaticae Islandicae Rudimenta, &c. 4, ib. 1783-7 Tom. 1. Sgruttendio. •2, 3, 4, 5. G. C. Cortese. 6, 7. B. Valentino. 8-11. P. N. Stigliola. 12. Dom. Basile. 13, 14. Gab. Fasano. 15. Nic. Capasso. 16. Andr. Peruccio. Santo Villano. 17, 18. Nunz. Pagano. 19. G. B. Valentino. 20,21. G. B. Basile. 22. J. A. Palmieri. 23. G. d'Antonio. 24, 25. Opere inedite. 26, 27. Galiani, Vocabolario Napol. 28. Del Dialetto Napol. The only English account of these Neapolitan Poets will be found in an early No. of Foreign Quarterly Revietc. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH MISCELLANIES ; TRACTS RELATIVE TO THE GREAT CIVIL WAR ; BRITISH NOVELISTS, &c. Pbess L, shelf II. Collection of Scraps from Newspapers, &c.. Songs, Ballads, &c., formed by John Bell of New- castle, sm.fol. Another Collection of similar Scraps, with a few Caricatures, sm.fol. Collection of Ballads, Letters, Copy of Rev. Robert Lava's Memorials, Mr. Row's Pockmanty Sermon, Sfc. MS. sm.fol. SHELF III. V}'ner's (Rev. Dr. Robert) Very long, curious, and extraordinary Sermon, preached 14th March 1732, at a noted chapel in Westminster, &c. 4to. . . . Lo«rf. 1733 Satyr against Hypocrites, sm. ito. ..... ib. 167 4i Wild's (Rev. Dr. Robert) Iter Boreale, &c., on the successful and matchless march of the Lord General Monck, from Scotland to London, &c. sm. ito. . . ib. 1660 See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 35. 57 H Tress L. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 3. and foil discovery that the Earl of Essex did not murther himself, &c. . ib. 1 689 See SoMEBS Tracts, vol. x, 4. Elegie on the Earl of Essex, who cut his own throat, &c. fol. . . Edin. 1683 Tracts, sm. ito. containing, 1 . Account of the pretended Prince of Wales, and other grievances, &c., and a short account of the murther of the Earl of Essex, &c. Land. 1688 '3. Account how the Earl of Essex killed himself in the Tower of London, &c. . ii. 1683 3. Danvers's (Colonel) Murther will out ; or a clear lunocency and Truth Vindicated. An account of what hath been and is ready to be deposed to prove the most treacherous and cruel murder of Arthur late Earl of Essex, &c. Wit/i MS. Note. 4,to. ...... . Land. 1689 See SoMERS Tracts, vol. x. Ormonde (Duke of) Conduct of, in the Campaign of 1812. ito. . /A. 173 5 Heywood's (Thomas) Reader, here you '11 plainly see. Judgment perverted by these three, A Priest, a Judge, a Patentee, &c. 1641. sm. 4:to. Reprint. Middleton's (General Sir Thomas) Declaration, &c. setting forth the illegality, &c., of a per- nicious Oath, &c. sm. ito. ...... ib. ^ 644 Cruden's (Alexander) Account of the Trial, &c., July 1739, on an action brought by Mr. Cruden against Dr. Monro, &c., for false imprisonment, &c. 8yo. . i'i. 1740 Tracts. 8»o. 1. True and Faithful Narrative of Oliver Cromwell's I 2. Letter _from Mr. Maccartney, Dec. 1712, on the compact with the Devil for seven years, &c. Duel between the Duke of Hamilton and Lord ■2d edit. .... Land. 1720 \ Mohun. .... 16. 1713 See Prose Works, vol. xxv. p. 209. Prince Eugene not the man you took him for, &c. sm. 800. . . ih. 1712 Particular Declaration and Testimony of the undutifull and traitorous affection borne against her Majestic, by Edmond Campion, Jesuite, and other condemned priests, &c. B. L. 4:10. With MS. notes. ...... Lond. C. Barker, 1582 Aminadab, or the Quaker's Vision, (relative to Dr. Sachvcrel.) Svo. . /6. 1710 WagstafFs (Dr. Will.) Letter from the facetious Dr. And. Tripe to the Venerable Nestor Ironside, &c. %vo. . . ■ . . • . ib. 1714 BiUiotheca Parliamenti, Libri Theologici, Politici, Historici, &c., done into English for the Assembly of Divines, &c. With MS. additions. 4to. . . ib. 1653 See Su.\iERS Tracts, vol. vii. Hammil ton's (Col. Sir Frederick) Humble Remonstrance to the Committee of both Kingdoms, &c., and three other Tracts relating to the same. 4?2o. containing, 1. True and Faithful Narrative of the whole complete Visions, Discoveries, and Warnings, cScc. revealed to John Porter of Crossibeg, in the Isle of Kintyre, &c. .... 1746 2. Shiels, (Rev. Alex.) The Scots Inquisition, containing a brief Description of the Persecution of the Pres- byterians in Scotland, during the Government of King Charles II. and tlie Duke of York, reprinted, Edin. 1 745 3. Ker's (Robert) Short Discourse of Peace and War, ..... 1718 Bowdler's (William) Devil's Cloven Foot in part discovered ; or, a Discourse upon Inject- ments, &c. and other operations of Demons, &c. 12»20. . . Bristol, \7 28 68 Shelf li:. THEOLOGICAL WORKS. Press M. SHELF IV. Shiels, (Rev. Alex.) The Hind let loose : or, a Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ, &c. — Informatory Vindication of a poor, wasted, misrepresented remnant of the Suffering Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland, &c. Written in 1687, conjunctly with Mr. James Renwick, &c. \2ino. Edin. 1744 Notes of Sermons preached in the Hall of Sir Thomas Burnet, Bart, of Let/s, in Aberdeenshire, by various Presbyterian Ministers, between July 1645, and August 1646, S)-c. With Index. MS. imperfect. Newton's (Rev. John) Authentic Narrative of some Remarkable Particulars in his Life, in letters to Haweis, &c. Sd edit. \2mo. .... Lond. 17^5 Hamilton's (Sir Robert) Christian's conduct, or, a Witness for Truth against Error, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. . . . . . . Edin. 1762 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 219 ; Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 49. Durham's (Rev. James) Blessedness of the death of those that die in the Lord, &c. In seven Sermons. With a Vindication of Mr. Wilham Guthry, &'c. ]2mo. . 1681 Copy of several Conferences and Meetings that past between the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie, late minister of Innerwick, and the Ghost of Mr. Maxwell, the late laird of Cool, &c. \2mo. Edin. 1769 Cargill's (Rev. D.) Letter to his Paroch of the Barrony Kirk in Glasgow, March 27. 1 2mo. 1681 Loud Cry for Help to the Struggling Church of Scotland, being a Letter from an Elder in Glasgow, &c. (about Mr. Gillespie's case). ]2»io. . . . Glasy. 1753 Apologeticall Relation of the particular Sufferings of the faithfull Ministers and Professours of the Church of Scotland, since August 1660, &c. &c. By a well-wisher to the good old cause. 12mo. ....... 1665 Clarkson's (Rev. Andrew) Plain Reasons for Presbyterians dissenting from the Revolution Church in Scotland, &c. With MS. note. \2mo. . . . 1731 Xaphtali, or, the Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the Kingdom of Christ, &c. from the beginning of the Reformation until the year 1 667, &c. &c. (Said to be written by Sir James Stewart of Goodtrces, and the Rev. James Stirling of Paisley). \2mo. reprint. 1693 Rectius Instruendum, or, a Review, &c. of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane Informer, &c. &c. 12»2o. ..... 1684 Tymme's (T.) Silver Watch-Bell, &c. &c. \Qth itnpression, B. L. \2mo. Land. 1659 Fourteen Sermons by Scotch Presbyterian Ministers, principally on Sacramental Occasions. (5 by Ebenezer Erskine, 2 by John Brown, 1 by James Brisbane, 1 by Thomas Howy, 1 by James Webster, and 4 anonymous.) 1 vol. sm. 8vo. . Edin. <^c. 1700-27 Ross's (Mrs.) Memoirs, or. Spiritual Exercises, &c. wi-itten by herself. 12mo. Edin. 1735 Webster's (David) Calvinistic Purge for the Conscience ; together with a few relics of Pres- byterian Love, &c. With MS. Key. \2mo. . . . (4. 1811 Caryl's (Rev. Jos.) God's Mercy and Free Grace to North Britain, &c. a Sermon at Lincoln's Inn, 6th October. \2mo. ..... reprinted, Glasg. 1734 W. (R — ) England's Summons ; or, London's Alarum from Heaven, &c. \2mo. Lond.l65i 69 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shdf ^. Relation of the fearfull Estate of Francis Spira, after he liad turned Apostate from the Pro- testant Churcli to Poperj, &c. \2mo. .... Glasg. n6\ Apology for, or Vindication of, the oppressed persecuted Ministers and Professors of the Presbyterian Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, &c. 12/wo. 1677 Bruce's (Rev. Robert, of Kinnaird,) Sermons. (Dedicated to the Lord Provost, Baillies, &c. of Edinburgh, 1591). With MS. notice. 12mo. . . . wants title Miscellaneous Tracts, in 1 vol. 12mo. containing, 1. Statutes of George Heriofs Hospital, ...... Edin. \693 2. Laws and Ordinances toucliing Military Discipline, translated from the Dutch. . ' i/>. \ G89 3. Acts of the new Parliament of Women. ....... 1695 4. Sett and Decreet Arbitral of K. James VI. for the Government of the City of Edinburgh, >i. 1 C83 5. Acts of Town Council of Edinburgh, determining how long the Provost, &c. should continue in Office, &c. .......... i'j. 1683 6. Treaty Marine between Charles II. and Louis XIV. 1676-7. .... 1677 7. Heads of Agreement assented to by the united Ministers in and about London, formerly called Presby- terian and Congregational. ....... EJin. \691 8. Character of a good Wife. ......... 1695 9. [Tyler's (Alexander) ] Signal Dangers and Deliverances, both by land and sea, &c. ; comprehending the raising the Siege of Vienna by the Turks, with a Violent Tempest in the Forth, November 1681, &c. Two Poems. ......... 1684 10. Warning to England, &c. Relation of the flaming Sword, &c. seen in the air near Stretham in Surrey, October 1698, ........ Edin.repr.i69S 11. Abstract of the Bloody Massacre in Ireland. &c. in 1642; with an Epistle to all haters of Poperj-. and Advice to a Painter, both in verse. ...... Loud. \6S8 12. Life and Death of the unfortunate Sir John .lohnstone of Caskaban, Bart, executed at Tyburn, December 1690, for stealing Mrs. Mary Wharton, &c. .... JEdin. repr, 1694 13. Sinclair's (Prof. Geo.) Doctrine of the Sphere. ..... wants title 14. Proteus bound with Chains, or, Discovery of the Secrets of Nature, fic. found in the Mercurial Weather-Glass. ......... Editi. 1683 1.5. Paterson's (James) Geographical Description of Scotland. 3d edit. . . . j'i. 1687 16. Nationall Covenant, or. Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, &c. . . . 1678 17. Acts of the General Assembly 1646-9. 18. Renwick, (James) and Shiels, (Alex.) Informatory Vindication of a poor, wasted, misrepresented Remnant of the true suffering Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland, &c. \st edit. 1687 19. Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) De Humanae Ratiocinationis Imbecilitate, &c. . . Tr. ad R/i. 1690 Religious Tracts. 1 vol. 12w«o. containing, 1. Rutherfurd's (Rev. Samuel) Power and Prevalency of Faith and Prayer, &c. . repr. 1713 2. Usher's ( Arbp.) Sermon preached before the House of Commons, 1 8th February 1 620, (against Popery,) repr. 1681 3. Barry's (Rev. James) Reviving Cordial for a Sin-sick despairing Soul, &c. &c. 2d edit. Edin. 1722 4. Erskine's (Rev. Eben.) Sermon on the Necessity and Profitableness of good Works. . ib. 1726 Sion in Distress, or, the Groans of the Protestant Church ; a poem. 2d edit. \2mo. Lond. 1681 70 Shelves 4>, 5. THEOLOGICAL WORKS, &c. Press M. Remarkable Instance of Free Grace at the eleventh Lour, Src. in Nicholas Mooney, executed at Bristol for Robbery, April 24, 1752, &c. 12mo. . . . 1752 The Poor Man's Lamentation for the present State of Religion in this land ; a poem. l2mo. Glasg. 1702 Scotland's Glory and her Shame ; &"c., (a Poem.) By a Well-Wisher to the good old cause. l2mo. ......... 1773 Abererombie, (Mrs. Margaret) True Account of the last words of, before and at her death, January 23, 1720. 12mo. ...... Edin. 1729 Earlston, (Lady) Ace. of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements of. 1 (ymo. ib.\15\ Shiels's (Rev. Alex.) Life and Death of that eminently pious, free, and faithful minister and martyT of Christ Jesus, Mr. James Renwick. \2mo. . . id. 1724 SHELF V. Edwards's (Rev. Jonathan) Life of the late Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, &c. chiefly taken from his own Diary. Svo. .... Edin. 1765 Spelman's (Sir Henry) History and Fate of Sacrilege, &c. Sbo. . Lond. 1698 Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ, or, the Last Speeches and Testimonies of those who have suffered for the Truth in Scotland since the year 1680. 8eo. Edin. 1810 See PoBTicAL Works, vol. ii. p. 215. Quakerism Canvassed. Robin Barclay baffled in the defending of his Theses against young Students at Aberdeen, (A. Shirreff, J. Leslie, and P. Gellie.) sm. Ho. Aberd. 1675 Latimer's (Master Hugh, Bishop of Worcester^) Fruitfull Sermons, &c. 4-to. Lond. 1635 See Note to The. Abbot. Anglorum Specidum ; or, the Worthies of England in Church and State, alphabetically digested into the several Shires and Counties, &c. by G. S. (abiidgment of Fuller's Worthies.) stn. 8vo. Land. 1684 Howie's (John, of Lochgoin,) Biographia Scoticana, a Brief Historical Account, &c. of the most eminent Scots Worthies, &c. from Mr. P. Hamilton, who suffered Martyrdom at St. Andrews, 1527, to Mr. James Renwick, executed in the Grassmarket of Edinburgh, 1688, &c. 3d Glasgow edit. 8ro. ...... Glasg. 1797 The Same. 8»o. ....... Leith, 1816 See PoETic.iL Works, vol. ii. pp. 211, 234 ; Notes to Old Mortality., and to Rrdyaunllet. Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 140, vol. xix p. 49, &c. Howie's (John) Faithful Contendings displayed ; being an Historical Relation of the state and actings of the suffering remnant of the Church of Scotland. &c., from 1 681 to 1691, by Mr. Michael Shields ; with Mr. James Guthrie's Ten Considerations on the danger of Apostacy from the Covenant, and Sermons by Messrs. J. Kid, J. King, &c. 8vc. Glasg. 1780 See Notes to Old Mortatiti/ and Heart of Mid-Lothian. Boston's (Rev. Thomas) Memoirs of his Life, Times, and Writings, &c. Son. Edi?i. 1T7G 71 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. Relation of several hundreds of Children, &c. that prophesie and preach in their sleep, &c. sm. 4:to. ....... . Land. 1689 Hutchinson's (Rev. Dr. Francis) Short View of the pretended Spirit of Prophecy, &c. from its first Rise in 1G88 to its Present State, &c. 8vo. . . . ib. 1708 Shiells, (Rev. Alexander) The Scottish Inquisition, or. Short Account of the Proceedings of the Scottish Privy Council, &c. sm. ito. ..... 1689 A Hind let Loose, &c. 8vo. ..... Glasf/. 1770 Barclay's (Robert) Apology for the True Christian Divinity, vindicated from John Browne's Examination, &c. 4to. ...... Lond. 1679 See A'&fe to Hmrt of Mid-Lolhiun. Pitcairn, (Dr. Arch.) The Assembly, or, Scotch Reformation, a Comedy, &c. from the original MS. written in 1692. — Sermon preached by Mr. James Row, &c. commonly called Pock- manty Preaching. 12 wo. ...... Edin. 1817 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 265. Sterry's (Rev. Peter) England's Deliverance from the Northern Presbytery, &c., a Thanks- giving Sermon, preached 5th November 1651, before the Supreme Authority of this nation, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. ito. .... Lond. 1652 Punch turn'd Critick, in a Letter, &c., to the Rector of Covent Garden (Rev. Robert Lumlev Lloyd) on his Sermon, 30th Januar)-, 1711. 8»o. . . . «6. 1712 The Fierie Tryall of God's Saints ; &c. a Counter-poyze to J. W. Priest his English Martyro- logie. And the Detestable Ends of Popish Traytors, &c. sm. Ato. . ib. \Q\2 Wenlock's (John, of Langham, Essex,) Humble Declaration to the most Olustrious, high and mighty majesty of Charles II., &c., showing the great and dangerous troubles and intollerable oppressions of himself and his family, &c., in the wofull times of these late unhappy dis- tractions, &c. &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 4-to. . . Lotid. i 662 Gordon's (John, of Glencat) Memoirs, &c. who was 13 years in the Scotch College at Paris, &c. With a second part not printed before. 1 2mo. . . . ib. 1 734 Harding's (Elizabeth) Masterpiece of Imposture, &c. &c., being an Answer to the late Me- moirs of John Gordon of Glencat. 8bo. . . . . ib. i 734 Rutherford's (Rev. Sam.) Le.x Bex, the Law and the Prince. A Dispute for the just prerogative of King and People, &c. sm. 4to. ..... j5. 1644 Simpson, (Arch. Eccles. Dalketh. Pastor) Hieroglyphica Animahum Terrestrium, &c., quae in Scripturis Sacris inveniuntur. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 4,10. Edin. Manes Presbyteriani ; or. Monuments of the Kirk, the Covenant's Confession, Argyle's Re- liques, Guthrey and Giffan's Passions, and Gillespy's Recantation, &c. sm.4to. Lond. 1661 SHELF VL Stewart's (Sir James, of Goodtrees,) Jus Popidi Vindicatum, or, the People's right to defend themselves, and their covenanted religion vindicated, &c., being a full Reply to the first part of the " Survey of Naphtaly," &c. Sao. . . . . .1669 72 Shelf Q. TRACTS ON THE COVENANTERS, &c. Press M. Vilant's ( ) Review and Examination of a Book bearing the title of the " History of the Indulgence." 8vo. ....... Lond. 1681 Collection of Letters. (93) of which 61 were wrote by the Rev. James Renwick, the remainder by Messrs. Livingston, &c., from 1663 to 1689 inclusive, &c. Published by John M'Millan. \2mo. ........ Edin. 1764. Barry's (Margaret) Sweet Experiences and Godly Exercises. \2mo. . Falkirk, IT^ 8 Joshua Redivitncs ; or, Mr. (Samuel) Rutherfoord's Letters, in two parts: the first, &c. written from Aberdeen, &c. the second from Anworth, &c. \2mo. . . 1664 Walker's (Patrick) Lives of Alexander Peden, John Semple, John Welwood, and Richard Cameron. 12 wo. wants title. See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 219 ; notes to Heart of Mid-LotUan ; Prose Works, vol. \-ii. pp. 442-3. Remarkable Passages in the Life and Death, &c. of Mr. Daniel Cargill, &c. ; and with him Mr. Walter Smith, Mr. James Boig, &c. who bung all upon one gibbet, July 27, 1681, &c. \2mo. ....... Edin. 1732 Gastrell's (Francis, Bishop of Chester,) Christian Institutes, &c. 5th edit. \2mo. Lond. 1727 Shiels's (Rev. Alexander) Hind let Loose, &c. \st edit. With MS. fiote by Sir W. S. sm. 8»o. ........ Edin. 1687 Whitefield's (Rev. George) Letter to the Rev. Laurence Sterne, on his Tristram Shandy. 8wo. Lond. 1760 Acts (the whole j»»-«»fet/,) of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, from 1638 to 1649 ; diligently compared and exactly reprinted, &c. 1682. — To which are now added, the Index of the unprinted Acts, &c. and the Acts of the G. A. 1690. Sco. Ediii. 1682-91 Prophetical Tracts, 1 vol. 8fo. containing, 1. Warnings of the Eternal Spirit to the City of Edinburgh and the City of Glasgow, pronounced, &c. by Margaret Mackenzie and James Cunningham, in 2 parts, . . . iontZ. 1710-11 2. Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, pronounced in and about London, 171 1 ; at Birmingham in 1709-10, &c. by John Taylor and Hannah AVharton ; to the City of Edinburgh, by Button, Nutt, and Glover, in 1709, 8(0. 1709-n Wharton's (Hannah) Divine Inspiration, or Collection of Manifestations to make known the Visitation of the Lord, and the coming of his Kingdom, &c. at Birmingham and Worcester. With MS. notes and remarks. 12mo. .... Lond. 1732 Eraser's (Rev. James of Brea, Minister at Culross) Memoirs of his Life, written by himself. 8t'o. ........ Edin. 1738 M'Ward's (Rev. Rob.) E^ra/wv/ff/^o;, or Earnest Contendings for the Faith. Answers to Mr. Rob. Fleming's first and second Paper, &c. \2mo. . . . Reprinted 1723 Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. 1 2mo. containing, 1. Travels of John Megee, pedlar and flying stationer in N. and S. Britain in 1806 and 1808, Glasg. 1809 2. Fletcher's (Rev. John) Dreadful Phenomenon of the Stoppage of the Eiver Severn, described and improved, ....... Shreu'sL 1773 3. Benson's (Joseph) Battle of Flodden Field, an Heroic Poem, collected from ancient MSS. reprinted, Lancaster 1805 73 K Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 6, 7. Collection of several remarkable and valuable Sermons, &c. at renewing and subscribing the Covenant, &c. With recommendatory Preface by Ebenezer Erskine. 1 2mo. Glasg. 1 74 1 Theological Tracts. 1 vol. 1 2mo. containing, 1. Bisset's (Rev. J.) Letter, &c. on a late Apology for the Presbyterians in Scotland keeping communion with Mr. George Whitefield. 2d edit. .... Olasg.MiZ 2. Supplement to the Testimony deserted, &c. ; Character and Conduct of Mr. Thomas Nairn, Minister at Abbotshall, from 1710 to 1743, &c. .... 1743 3. Hamilton's (Rev. Alexander) Testimony and Contendings against the violent Settlement of Mr. James Mackie in St. Ninians, with prefatory letter by Ebenezer Erskine, &c. . Ediii. 1 730 4. Doctrine of the Trinity stated, &c. ; Dangerous opinions vented by Professor Simpson of Glasgow, ib. 1728 5. Queries agreed to by the Commission of the General Assembly, and put to those Ministers who gave in a Representation and Petition against the 5th and 8th Acts of Assembly, 1720 ; — together with the Answers given by those Ministers, &c. . . . . 1 722 6. Letter concerning the Defections, Sins, &c. of the Church of Scotland, &c. . . 1720 7. Summary View of Professor Simson's Errors proved against him, &c. . . Edin. 1729 8. A Warlick Captain attacked by a single soldier, or, a Letter from Andrew Stevenson, writer in Edin- burgh, to the Rev. Thomas Nairn of Abbotshall, (relative to his separation from the Associate Presbytery.) . . . . . . . ». 1743 (See No. 2, aboi-e.) Marvell, (Andrew) The Rehearsal Transpros'd, or. Animadversions on a late Book, &c. shewing what grounds there are of Fears and Jealousies of Popery. 2af imp. sm. 800. hond. 1672 SHELF VII. Cameronian Tracts. 1 vol. \2ino. containing, 1. Shields's (Rev. Alexander) Life of Mr. James Renwick, &c. . . . Edin. 17 U 2. Renwick 's (James) Testimony of some persecuted Presbyterian Ministers, &c. given in 17th Jan. 1688. — Shields's Elegy on Renwick, .... reprinted Edin. 1723 3. Confutation of a Scandalous Pamphlet, entitled a Manifesto, or the Standard of the Church of Scot- land. By the United Societies, &c. ...... 1724 Religious Tracts. 1 vol. 24»zo. containing, 1. Deans's (Rev. Archibald) Last words of Christian Kerr, (aged 11,) who died at Edinburgh, Feb. 1702, Edin. 1702 2. Wonder of Wonders, &c. Relation of Francis Mason of Mile End Green, near London, who hath lived in the reign of nine Kings and Queens, lieing 172 years of age, &c. . . Land, 1C!I8 3. Smith's (S.) David's Repentance, or the true Penitent bewailing his sins, &c. . Edi?i. 1 706 4. Sufferings and Dying Words of several French Protestants, &c. . . Land. 1706 5. Two Sermons preached by Mr. William Guthry atFinnick, 17th Aug. 1661, imperfect, 1694 6. Smithson, (S.) Christ on the Cross, suffering for sinners. W. lett. . . Glasg. 1696 7. The Way to Heaven made plain, &c. ..... Edin. 1705 8. The same, another edition, ...... ib. 1703 9. Sermon explaining the Life of Faith, &c. . . . . ib.\ 705 10. Verses written by a worthie Christian &iend in the time of his solitude, &c. . ib. 1706 1 1 . Account of the dreadful Earthquake at Port Royal in Jamaica, in two Letters from the Minister, &c. ib. 1692 74 Shelf 1. TRACTS ON THE COVENANTERS, &c. Press. M. Guthrie's (Rev. Wm.) Heads of some Sermons preaclietl at Finiiick, Aug. 16G2. With MS. note bi/ Sir W. S. 12mo. ....... 1680 Durham's (Rev. James) Dying Man's Testament to the Church of Scotland, or, a Treatise concerning Scandal, &c. 12mo. ..... Edin. 1680 Cairns' (Elizaheth) Memoirs, \\Titten by herself some years before her death, &c. Glasff. 1762 — Greig's Letter to the Rev. William Robe, on the falsehood of his charges against the Pubhsher of the Life of Elizabeth Cairns, /i. 1743. . . . Gfo«y. 1743-62 Smith's (R. Schoolmaster at Glenshee,) Poems of Controversy bet\yixt Episcopacy and Pres- bytery, &c. l2mo. ........ 1714 God and the King, or, a Dialogue, &c. on the Oath of Allegiance. 3d edit. 8vo. Edin. 1725 Howie's (John, of Lochgoin,) Memoirs, containing Religious Exercises, Soul Soliloquies, &c. fVitk MS. note by Sir W. S. 8vo. ..... Glas^. 1796 Re-Examination of two of the Articles abridged, viz. the Communicant's Gesture, &c. and the observation of Festivall dayes. 12mo. ..... 1636 Stevenson's (J., laud-labourer of Daily) Rare Soul-strengthening Cordial for Old and Young Christians, &c. 12mo. ....... 1729 Peden's (Rev. Alexander) Lord's Trumpet sounding an Alarm against Scotland, &c. substance of two Prophetical Sermons, preached 1682. — Cameron's (Rev. Richard) Prediction, July, 1680, &c. 12mo. ....... repr. ib. 1739 Predictions or Prophecies of severals of the Reverend and worthy servants of the Lord, viz. Mr. Thomas Lundie, Mr. Samuel Rutherford, Mr. Richard Cameron, &c. 12mo. ib. 1739 Rutherford's (Sam.) Communion Exhortation to a Scots Congregation in London. 1 2mo. ib. 1 735 Lindsay's (Rev. H.) Synod Sermon on the Present State of the Cli. of Scotland. 12»io. ib. 1733 Sin punished and Virtue rewarded, or, a Monitor for Old and Young, &c. 12mo. Land. 1721 Dickson's (Rev. David) True Christian Love, &c. to which is added, Hony Drops, &c. 12mo. Glasg. 1745 The Planters of the Vineyard, or, a Kirk Session confounded, a Comedy of three acts, &c. 12mo. ........ Edin. 1771 Dunton's (John) Preaching Weathercock, a Paradox, proving that Mr. W. Richardson (lately a Dissenting Minister, and now a Presbiter of the Church of England) will cant, recant, and re-recant, &c. &c. 8vo. ..... Land, no date. Pious Tracts. 1 vol. l2mo. containing, 1. The Christian's Best Garment, &c. ..... ioW. 167 2. The Christian's Blessed Choice, &c. . . . . ib. 1674 3. Hart's (Rev. Dr. John) Warning Piece to the Slothful, Drunken, and Secure ones, &c. B.L. ib. 1671 Dowriche's (Rev. Hugh) The Jaylor's Conversion, &c. the true Image of a Soule rightly touched and converted by the Spirit of God, &c. 12mo. . . . ib. 159b' Seasonable Warning, &c. from the danger of Trafficking Priests and Jesuites, &-c. 8vo. 1734 Welch's (Rev. John) Fifty and Two Directions, &.c. to his parish of Irongray, in Galloway. — Mary's Choice, a Sermon. \2mo. .... Glasg. 1739, &c. 75 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. fihelfl. Scotland's Warning, or a Treatise of Fasting, &c. &c. 1 Imo. Wants title, \hut about 1 G23 or 4] Shield's (Rev. Alexander) Letter concerning the true boundaries of Christian Fellowship, &'c. written to the prisoners for conscience in Dunottar Castle, 1685, &c. ISmo. EJin. 1726 Cleland's (Colonel William, of Lord Angus's Regiment) Poems and Verses composed upon various occasions. With MS. note hi/ Sir W. S. 12mo. . . . 1697 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 191, vol. ii. pp. 207, 217, vol. viii. p. 'u ; Works, vol. vii. p. 141. Ranwick's (Rev. J.) Prophecy concerning the Lord's return to Scotland, &c. in three Prophetical Sermons, &c. never before printed. With preface by W. Gray, the publisher. 12mo. 2^. 1746 Keach's (Benjamin) War with the Devil, or Young Man's conflict with the powers of darkness. (In verse.) lOi/i imp. \2mo. ..... Lond. 1728 Mitchel, (William) The Tinklarian Doctor's Catechism, where he examines all the ministers of the General Assembly, &c. ; and Second Catechism, where he examines all the Bishops in England^ &c. with his Funeral Sermon for kings and rulers. l2mo. . Ed in. 11 SI Pringle's (Walter, of Greenknow) Memoirs, or, some few of the free mercies of God to him, &c. Written over by James Pringle, 1684, &c. \2mo. . . ih. 1723 Shiels's (Rev. Alexander) Scots Inquisition, &c. &c. \2mo. . . ih. 1745 Mackaile's (Rev. Hugh) Last Public Sermon, preached in the Old Church at Edinburgh, 8tli September, 1662, &e. &c. and his last speech on the Scafi'old, 22d December, 1666, &c. 12»jo. ........ Edin. 1749 Scott's (Rev. Dr. Robert) Sermon on occasion of the late dreadful fire at Edinburgh, 3d Feb- ruar}', 1700. \2mo. ...... ih. 1701 Anti-Popish Tracts. 1 vol. 4/o. containing, Robinson's (Tho.) Anatomie of the Eng. Nunnery at Lisbon in Portugall. Pub. by authority. Lond. 1630 Chassauion's (John) Merchandizes of Popish Priests, or, a Discovery of the Jesuites Trumpery, newly packed in England, translated from the French. .... ih. 1629 Protestation against Toleration, containing, 1. Proclamation of Toleration in Scotland, Feb- ruary 12, 1686-7. 2. Proclamation prohibiting Field Meetings, 28th June, 1687. 3,4. Two Addresses to the King, from the Presbyterians. 5. Ren wick's Testimony of some persecuted Presbyterian Ministers, &c. 1688. With preface by John M'Millan, Sandhills. 12wo. ........ Edin. 1770 Cry from the Dead, or, the Ghost of the famous Mr. James Guthrie appearing, being the last Sermon he preached in the Pulpit of Stirling before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June, 1661, &c. Edited by Ehenezer Erskine. lima. . . G/asff. \738 Cant's (Rev. Andrew) Discourse at the renewing of the Covenant at Inverness, April 25, 1 638. 1 2mo. Wants title. Visions, Discoveries, and Warnings, &c. levealed to John Porter of Crossibeig, &c. 12mo. Edin. 1799 Dickson's (Rev. John, of Rugland) Two Letters, a\ ritten while he was prisoner in the Bass, &c. a little before his death in 1700. 12mo. . . . wants title. Kerr's (Robert) Short Abstract of his Writings, &c. under six heads. \2mo. 1716 76 fihehes 1, 8. TRACTS ON THE COVENANTERS, &c. Press M. Russell's (Rev. Hugh) Journey from Time to Eternity. Vlmo. Rae's (Patrick, of Kirkconnell) Scotisli Dove with an Olive Branch, or, Peace and Unity between Jurant and Non-jiirant, &c. Swo. .... Edin. 1732 Calderwood's (John) Collection of Djdng Testimonies of some holy and pious christians in Scotland, before and since the Revolution, &c. with preface. With MS. note by Sir W. S. ] 2wo. ....... Kilmarnock, 1 806" Park, (Robert, Town Clerk of Glasgow) The Rights and Liberties of the Church asserted and vindicated against Patronage, &c. IVitk MS. note by Sir W. S. 8vo. Edin. 1689 Livingston's (Rev. John) Brief Historical Relation of his Life, &c. and Memorable Charac- teristics, &c. sm. 8to. ...... Glasg. 1T54 M'Rae, (Rev. James) The Bereans defended and vindicated, &c. from the reflections &c. of Mr. Robert Foote, Minister of Fettercairn, &c. l2»io. . . Edin. Ml G Keith's (George) Way cast up and Stumbling Blocks removed, &c. Answer to a P.S. at the end of Samuel Rutherford's Letters, &c. Sao. . . . Aberd. 1617 Pagitt's (Rev. Ephraim) Heresiography, or, a Description and History of the Hereticks and Sectaries sprang up in these latter times, &c. 6t// edit. Edited by J. Heath. 8 bo. Lond. 16'62 Apocalypsis, or, the Revelation of certain notorious advancers of Heresie, &c. Translated out of Latin by J. D. 3d edit. sm. 8vo. . . . . ib. 167 1 Cry from the Desert : or. Testimonials of the Miraculous Things lately come to pass in the Cevennes, &c. With Preface by John Lacy. 2d edit. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 8t'o. ib. 1707 See Prose Works, vol. xix. pp. 75-6. Pious Tracts. 1 vol. Vimo. coutaininj;, 1. Key's (Rev. Dr.) New Catechism, &c. 2. Thackery's (T.) Choice Drop of Honey, &c. 3. Golden Chain of Four Links, &c. 22rf edit. 4. Boston's (Rev. T.) Sermon on the Lord's Supper. Axford's (John) Hidden Truths brought to Light. Ba.tter's (Richard) God's Call to unconverted Sinners, all printed at Ncu'castln. Reid, (Alex, a Scotish Covenanter,) Life of; written by himself. (Edited by his great grand- son, Archibald Prentice, Editor of the M««c/(es??r G«arf//««.) XQmo. Manchester, 1822 Wilson's (Wm. Schoolmaster in Douglas,) Select Meditations in Spiritual Songs. l2mo. 1759 SHELF VIII. Speeches, &c. of the Regicides, sm. Uo. containing, 1. Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King's Judges, &c. . . . ionrf. 1(J60 2. Vane's (Sir Henry) Two Treatises. 1. Epistle General, &c. 2. The face of the Times, &c. ». 1662 3. Speeches, &c. of Barkstead, Oliey, and Corbet, &c. .... «. 1662 4. Tryal of Sir Henry Vane, &c. with his Speech and Prayer on the Scaffold, &c. . t6. 1662 5. Life and Death of Sir Henry Vane, . . . . . ib. 1662 6. Narrative of Apprehension, Condemnation, and Execution of John James, &c. . ib. 1662 Swift's (Dean) Tale of a Tub, and Battle of the Books. 3d edit. Soo. . ib. 1704. 77 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 8. The Western Martyrology, or. Bloody Assizes ; containing the Lives, Tryal, and Dying Speeches, &c. of those that suffer'd in the West of England, &c. from 1 678 to this time. With the Life and Death of George Lord Jeffereys. 5th. edit. 8«o. Land. 1705 Person's (David, of Loghlands in Scotland,) Varieties, or, a Survey of Rare and Excellent Matters, &c. 4?o. ....... ib. 1635 Dictionary of all Religions, Ancient and Modern. {Ascribed to Defoe.) 8»o. «i. 1704 M (T M. A.) Cloud of Witnesses, or. The SuiTerer's Mirrour ; made up of the Swan- like Songs, and other choice passages of Martyrs and Confessors to the Sixteenth Century, &c. Collected out of the Ecclesiastical Histories of Fox, Fuller, Petrie, &c. In 3 parts. Appendix to the Sufferer's Mirrour, &c. %vo. . . ib. 1665, 70, 77 Remarkable Life and Death of the Rev. Mr. Alexander Peden, late Minister of the Gospel at Glenluce, &c. Edited by J. Duncan, Lavenham, Suffolk. 8vo. . Lond.llli Vindication of the fundamental Charter of Presbytery from the exceptions of the Country-man in his Letter to a Curate, &c. Svo. . . . . . zS. 1713 Kirtown, ^Kirkton] (Rev. Jas.) History of Mr. John Welsh, Minister of the Gospel at Aire. Uo. ........ ib. 1703 Babel, or, The Assemblie, a Poem, originalie in the Irish Tongue, and now translated into Scotchfor the benefit of the Lieges. By J. P., ^c. MS. ito. . . 1692 The author's initials in this MS. would seem to negative the assumption of Mr. Kinloeh, (in his edition, printed for the Maitland Club,) of its being the production of Dr. Archibald Pitcaim. True and Impartial Account of the Most Rev. Father in God, Dr. James Sharpe, Archbishop of St. Andrews. With a Narrative of his Murder, sm. 8vo. . . 1728 Whitefield's (Rev. Geo.) Short Account of God's dealings with him, from his Infancy to his entering into Holy Orders ; written by himself, &c. — The Expounder Expounded, or. An- notations upon that incomparable piece, entitled, A Short Account, &c. By R — ph J — ps-n, Esq. 8oo. ........ Lond. 1740 See Prosb Works, vol. iii. pp. 435-437. Bugg's (Rev. Francis) Tracts against the Quakers, &c. Svo. Lowrf. 1699-1702. containing, 1. Narrative ofa Conference at Sluford, August 25, 1701, .... 1702 2. News from New Rome, occasioned by the Quakers chaflenging Fr. Bugg, &c. . 1701 3. Modest Defence of my Book, entitled, Qualcerism Exposed, &c. . . . 1700 4. Quakerism Exposed to Publick Censure, &c. ..... 1699 Tracts against the Quakers. 1 vol. 12oto. containing, 1. The Spirit of the Hat, &c. By G. J. . . . . . Lond. 1673 2. Hickes's (Thomas) Diaiogue between a Christian and a Quatier, &c. 2d edit. . ib. 1 673 3. The Quaker's Appeal answered, &c. . . . . . ib. 1674 4. The Danger of Enthusiasm discovered, in an Epistle to the Quakers. . . 1674 Journal, &c. of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love, &c. of that ancient, eminent, and faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1709 78 Shelf i. TRACTS ON THE COVENANTERS, &c. Press M. Alton's (Wm.) History of the Rencounter at Dmmclog, and Battle of Bothwell Bridge, 1679, with an Account of what is correct and what is fictitious in the " Tales of my Landlord," respecting these Engagements, &c. Sao. .... Hamilton, ^ 821 Brownlee's (Thomas, Laird of Torfoot,) Narrative of the Battles of Dmmclog and Bothwell Bridge, &e. 8ro. ....... Edin. 1823 •' A very poor forgery." — Sir W. S.'s MS. note. Tracts relating to the Disturbances connected with the Scottish Service-Book in 1638, in 1 vol syn. 4:to. containing, 1. Short Relation of the State of the Kirk of Scotland, &c. . . . Edin.l^ZH 2. Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, ..... ti. lt)38 3. Reasons for a General Assemblie. . . . . . . i6. 1638 4. Proclamation from the King at Greenwich, (broadside fol.) June 3, 1 638. 5. Protestation of the Noblemen, &c. Subscribers to the Confession of Faith and Covenant, lately renewed, &c. made at the Mercate Cross of Edinburgh, July 4, 1638. 6. General Demands concerning the late Covenant, propounded by the Ministers, &c. at Aberdene, to some reverend Brethren who came thither, &c. together with the Answers of those reverend Brethren, &e. aa also the Replyes of the foresaid Ministers, &c. .... 1638 7. Marquis of Hamilton's Vindication, &c. in Answer to the Ministers, &c. . . 1638 8. Answers of some Brethren of the Ministrie (Alex. Henderson and David Dickson,) to the Replyes of the Ministers, &c. of Aberdeen, &c. ..... 1638 9. The Beast is wounded, or. Information from Scotland, concerning their Reformation, &c. Pi-inted in the year that the Bi^ho/is had their dmcnfal in Scothtnd. 1 0. Proclamation of the King from Oatlands, (9th Sept.) and Confession of Faith, &e. subscribed by James Marquis of Hammilton, &c. at Haly-rude House the iSd of September, . . 1638 11. Protestation of the Noblemen, Barons, &c. made at the Mercate Crosse, cSlc. 22d Sept. immediately after reading the Proclamation of Sept. 9, ..... 1638 12. Ramsay's (Andrew) Warning to come out of Babylon, in a Sermon at the receiving of Mr. Thomas Abemethie, sometime Jesuite, &c. ...... 1638 13. Abemethie's (Thomas) Abjuration of Poperie, &c. in the Grayfreir Church, 24th August, 1638 14. Answere to M. J. Forbes of Corse, his Peaceable Warning, .... 1638 1 5. Profession and Declaration of James, Marquis of Hamilton, &c. December, . . 1 638 16. Answer of General Assemblie to Marquis of Hamilton's Profession, &c. 14th February, 1639 17. Protestation of General Assemblie, made in the High Kirk and at the Mercate Crosse of Glasgow, 28th and 29th November, ....... 1638 18. Proclamation from the King from Whitehall, 8th December, . . 1638 1 9. Protestation of General Assemblie, &c. made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh, 18th Dec. 1638 20. Information to all good Christiana within the Kingdom of England, from the Noblemen, Barons, &c. of Scotland, . ~- . . . . . . 1639 Passionate Remonstrance made by His Holinesse, &c. upon the late procoedino-s and "reat Covenant of Scotland, &c. 4?o. ..... Edin. 1 646 Collection of Loyal Poems, all of them written upon the two late Plots, viz. the Salamanca Plot of 1678, and the present fanatical Conspiracy in 1683, &c. collected bv Nathaniel Thompson. 8»o. ....... Lond. 1683 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 8, 9. Political Poems (Jacohite) relative to the Rebellion in 1745-6. thin 4:to. MS. History of the Rebellion 17-15 and 1746. (a portion of a work.) 96 pages, 8vo. wants title Bernardi's (Major John) History of bis Life, written by himself in Newgate, where he has been a Prisoner of State for 33 years, &c. 8»o. . . . Lo>uL 1729 Highland Tracts. 1 vol 8vo. containing, 1. Short History of the Highland Regiments, &c. .... Loud. 1743 2. Memoirs, of the old Highlander, Serj. Donald Macleod, now in the 103d year of his Age. iO, 1791 3. Copy of a Letter from a Gentleman in London, to a Friend in Bath, (on the Cruelties towards the Highland Officers after the Battle of CuUoden.) .... Batf,, 1 750 Religious Poems. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. The Kirkiad, or. Golden Age of the Church of Scotland. . . ' . Ediii. 177 i 2. The Reformers, a Satirical Poem. 3. Jamieson's, (Rev. Dr. John) Eternity. 4. Monro's (.John) Celestial Excursion. 5. Young's (W.) Airdrie Fair. a. 1793 ib. 1798 Icitli, 1814 Glasg. 1792 Vol. of Miscellaneous Scotch Tracts. 8vo. containing, 1. Drummond's (Hon. and Rev. Rob. Hay) Town Eclogue, a Satirical Poem. With MS. Key and notis. Edin. 1804 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note to Canto IV. 2. Jeffrey's (Francis) Observations on Thelwall's Letter to the Editor of Edinburgh Review. ib. 1 804 3. Brown's (Rev. Dr. And.) Love of Country, &c. a Sermon. .... *. 1801 4. Bell's (John) Memorial, &c. on Military and Naval Surgery. . . . ib. 1 800 5. Minto's (Lord) Speech at Roxburgh County Meeting. . . . Kelso, 1803 6. Mackenzie's (Colin) Observations on the introduction of Roads into the Highlands. Edin. 1801 7. Bell's (Rob.) Observations on the Danger, &c. of double-holding, &c. in Dispositions to Lands in Scotland. ....... ib. SHELF IX. The Presbyterie's Trial), or, the Occasion and Motives of Conversion to the Catholique Faith of a Person of quality in Scotland, &c. By F. W. S. sm. 8vo. Paris, per missu superiorum, 1657 Eixuv BadiXixri Siuri^a. The Pourtraiture of his sacred Majesty King Charles IL, with his reasons for turning Roman Catholicli. Published by King James. 8vo. Land. 1694 Crichton's (Rev. Dr. Andrew) Memoirs of the Rev. John Blackader, compiled chiefly from unpublished MSS. &c. iVTitten by himself while prisoner on the Bass, &c. 1 2mo. Edin. 1823 See Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 54. Life and Diary of Lieut.-Col. J. Blackader, of the Cameronian Regiment, &c. 8eo. ib. 1 824 Wodrow's (Rev. Robert) Life of James Wodrow, Professor of Divinity at Glasgow, from 1 692 to 1707. Edited by Rev, Dr. John Campbell. 12?mo. . . j*. 1828 Collection of Twenty-four Sermons and Tracts on King Charles's Martyrdom, the Restoration, King's Accession, the Rebellion of 1715, &c. &c. ; by Bishops Kennett, Hoadley, and Burnet, Drs. J. Turner, E. Sydall, Edm. Calamy, Pooley, Waugh, Synge, John Hoadley, Messrs. Ibbot, Skerret, Lambe, Peploe, Acres, &c. 8»o. . . Lond. 1706-16 Shelf ^. THEOLOGICAL WORKS, &c. Press M. Duncan's (Rev. Dr. Alexander, Minister of Sraallliolm,) Preservative against the Principles of Infidelity. \2mo. ....... Edin. \lli Crawfurd's (Rev. W., Minister of Wiltoun,) Short Manual against the Infidelity of this age, &c. ; and Synod Sermon, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. \2mo. ib. 1748 Zion's Traveller, or, the Soul's Progress to Heaven. 2d edit. l2mo. ib. 1743 Religious Tracts, &c. 1 vol. 1 2mo. containing, 1. The Power of Grace illustrated, in six Letters from a Minister of the Reformed Church to the Rev. John Newton ; translated from the Latin by William Cowper, Esq. (the poet.) Edin. 1792 2. Erskine's (Rev. Dr. John) Letters, &c. to comfort those bereaved of parents or friends, &c. id edit. ib. 1803 3. Young, (James) Faith promoted and Tears prevented, &c. in a Letter to his spouse from London, 1697. *. 1792 4. Goldsmith's (Dr. Oliver) Traveller, or, Prospect of Society. 6th edit. . Lond, m.i Orpen's (Dr. C. E. H.) Contrast between Atheism, Paganism, and Christianity, illustrated ; or, the uneducated Deaf and Dumb, or Heathens, compared with those instructed in language and revelation, &c. 12mo. ...... Diih. 1828 Boston's (Rev. Thomas) Select Discourses on Practical Subjects, sm. Sto. Glasg. 1768 Godwin's (Thomas) English Exposition of the Roman Antiquities. Lond. 1C61. — 2. Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites of the Ancient Hebrews. %th edit. Lond. 1662. — 3. Rous's (Fr.) and Bogan's (Zach.) Seven Books of the Attick Antiquities. 5th edit. Oxford, 1658. sm. 4:to. ...... 1()58-61 Featley's (Dr. Daniel) Dippers Dipt, or, the Anabaptists Duck'd and Plung'd over head and ears, &c. 5lh edit. 4to. ...... Lond. 1 64? Minute Book of the General Meeting of the Correspondent Meeting of Nitl/sdale, (Cameronians,) from August 1693 to October 1760. MS. sm. 4to. Records of the Meetings of the Reformed Preshi/tert/ {Cameronians) at Q,uarreltoun, from 1693 to 1729. MS. sm. 8vo. Tracts. 1 vol. sm. 4to. containing, 1. General Demands of the Rev. D. D.'s and Ministers, &c. in Aberdeen, concerning the late Covenant in Scotland. Together with the Answeres, Replyes, and Diiplyes, that followed thereupon in 1638. Reprinted in one book by order of Parliament, . . . Aberd. 1663 (See A'os. 6 ,$• 8 0/ ful. r,/ Tracts In p. 33.) 2. Declaration of the Brethren who are for the Established Government and Judicatures of this Church, &c. Edin. 1658 3. Usher's (Archbishop) Original of Bishops and Metropolitans Chillingworth's (AViUiam) Apostolical Institution of Episcopacy, &c. ..... reprinted, ib. \1Q3 4. Information for the Earl of Sutherland against the Earl of Crawfurd, &c. . . i6. 1706 Answer to the Declaration of the Pretended Assembly at Dundee, &c. — Reply to the late printed Answer to the Letter directed by the Protesters to their Brethren, &-c. sm. ito. 1653 Hale's (Sir Matthew) Contemplations, Moral and Divine. %vo. . . Lond. 1679 Rabbi Nathan, Tractatus de Partibus : in Ling. Latin, translatus cum notis, &c. Francisci Taileri, &c. sm, Mo. ...... {/>, 1654 81 L Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. S'/ielves 9, 10. Suinton (John, of Swinton,) Case of, in relation to his Father's pretended forfeiture, upon pretext whereof tlie estate of Swinton hath been unjustly possessed by the late Duke and this Earl of Lauderdale, &c. — 2. Information for the Earl of Lauderdale, &c. against John Swinton's Process. — 3. An addition to Sv\-inton's Case, &c. on occasion of the Earl of Lauderdale's Answer, &c. sm. 4to. See Note to Heart of Mid-Lotldan. SHELF X. Scotch Tracts and Sermons. 1 vol. ito. containing, 1. Shiekls'B (Rev. Alex.) Impartied Account of all passages relating to my Sufferings, Trials, and Exami- nations, &c. ....... wants title. 2. Webster's (Rev. Jas.) Sermon, &c. at the Election of the City Magistrates, 2d Oct. 1694. Edin. 1694 3. Hart's (Rev. Dr. James) Sermon on same occasion, 5th Oct. 1703. . . itj. 1703 4. Meldrum's (Rev. George) Sermon, &c. before Lord Ross, her Majesty's Commissioner to General Assembly, I6th March 1704. ...... ib. 1704 5. Sermon, &c. before Duke of Queensberry, her Majesty's Commissioner to General Assemblj', 16th May, 1703. ....... ib. 1703 6. Vindication and Defence of the preceding Sermon. . . ;4. 1703 7. Lord Haversham'fl Speech in House of Peers, 12th Jan. 1709, on the late intended invasion of Scotland. ib. 1709 8. Letter from a Friend in the City, &c. anent Patronages. . . . *. 1703 9. Letter from Commission of General Assemijiy at Glasgow, &c. to the Council, &c. of the Scots Colony of Caledonia. . . . ... . ' . A 1699 10. Webster's (Rev. James) Essay upon Toleration. .... ft. 1703 11. Scotland's Interest, or, the great Benefit and Necessity of Communication of Trade with England, &c. 1704 12. Fletcher's (Andrew, of Saltoun,) Speech in Parliament concerning Limitation. . 1704 13. Reasons why the Succession ought not to be declared by this Parliament. . . 1704 14. Letter to an M. P. on the true interest of Scotland with respect to the Succession. . wants title. Scottish Tracts, chiefly Religious, (1701.) 1 vol. ifo. containing, 1 . Presbyterial Government, as now established, &c. methodically described. . . Edin. 1701 2. Dialogue between Mr. Smith, Mens. Ragouse, &c. in a Walk to Newington. . Land. 1701 3. Perswasive to Prayer, &c. ...... Edin. 1701 4. Lady Halket's Meditations and Prayers. . . . . . *. 1701 5. Instructions for Youth. ...... ib. 1701 6. Collection of Pindarick Odes, Funeral Elegies, &c. on Lord Basil Hamilton, 6th son of William Duke of Hamilton. ....... *. 1701 7. Essay upon (Drummond's) Polemo-Medinia, or, the Midden-Fight. Translated by J. C. prisoner in the Canongate. . . • . • ■ . *. 1701 8. Certain and Infal. Measures, &c. whereby the whole Begging Poorof theKingd. maybe alimented. «6.1701 9. Lord Belhaven's Speech in Parliament on the Indian and African Company, 1 0th Jan. 1701. ib. 1701 10. Argument proving that the imposition of the Sacrament, &c. as a qualification for secular office is con- trary to the laws of God, &c. &c. ..... Lond. 1701 11. Keith's (George) Plain Discovery of gross falsehoods, cheats, .and impostures, &c. in three late pamphlets published by Quakers, &c. . . . . • . i4. 1701 12. Letter from a Magistrate, &:c. containing an Historical Account of designs for reforming manners, &c. 82 Shelf \0. THEOLOGICAL WORKS, &c. Press M. Patrick's (Dr. Symon, Bp. of Ely,) Parable of the Pilgrim, &c. 6tk edit. sm. Ho. Land. 1687 See Prose Works, vol. xviii. pp. 95-99. Goodwill's (John) Twelve considerable, &c. Cautions to be used in and about a Reformation, &c. — Theomaxia, the Imprudence, &c. of running the hazard of fighting against God, &c. 2d edit, — Innocencie's Triumph, or, an Answer to PrjTine's Animadversions, &c. 2d edit. — Calumny arraigned and cast, or, a briefe answer to some passages, &c. of Mr. Prynne. — Cretensis, or, a briefe answer to an ulcerous Treatise by Thomas Edwards, entitled Ga)i- graena, &c. sm. Ho. ...... Loud. 1644-G' Edwards's (Rev. Thomas) Gangraena, or, a Catalogue and Discovery of many of the Errors, Heresies, &c. of the Sectaries of this time, &c. Parts first and second, 3c/ edit. Part third, \st edit. 2 vols. sm. 4to. ...... ib. 1646 Prynne's (William) Histrio-Mastix. The Player's Scourge, or the Actor's Tragoedie, &c. &c. ito. ......... ib. 1633 Arnot, (Samuel) Scotland's Present Circumstances, and the Duty of Private Christians with reference thereunto, &c. «?re. 4to. ..... Edin. 1718 Laick's (William) Scots Episcopal Innocence, or, the Juggling of that party with the late King, his present Majesty, &c. demonstrated, sm. 4to. . . Lond. 1694 The Spy, (a Poetical Satire on Popery.) sm. ito. . . . wants title. Tracts relative to the Scottish Episcopalians, (1690.) sm. ito. containing, 1. Account of the present Persecution of the Church in Scotland. . . . Loud. 1690 2. Garden's (Rev. Dr. George) Case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland. . ib. 1690 3. Four Collections of Papers relating to the practice of the rabble, before the Convention met, &c. ib. 1690 4. Account of the Sufferingsof the Church of Scotland, occasioned by thcEpiscopalianssinee 1660. ib. 1690 5. Some Questions resolved respecting Episcopal and Presbyterian Government in Scotland. ib. 1690 Brown, (Rev. John, of AVamphray,) The History of Indulgence, shewing its Rise, Conveyance, Progress, and Acceptance, &c. 4?o. ...... 1 678 Overall's (Bishop) Convocation Book, concerning the Government of God's Catholic Church, &c. Published by Archbishop Sancroft. ito. . . . Lond. 1690 Hickes's (Rev. Dr. Geo.) Ravillac Rediviviis, being a Narrative of the late Tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a Conventicle preacher, &c. for an attempt on the sacred person of the Archbishop of St. Andrews; with an Account of the Tryal of that most wicked Pharisee, &c. Major Weir. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. ito. . . ib. 1678 See Letters on Demonology, p. 301 ; Somers Tracts, vol. viii. Sliaftoe's (Mrs. Francis) Narrative, &c. of her being in Sir Theopilus Oglethorps's family, when hearing, &c. that the pretended Prince of Wales was Sir Theophilus's son, she was trick'd into France, &c. in order to prevent a discover)', &c. ito. . ib. 1707 Reynoldes's (Rev. Edw.) Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul of Man, &c. ito. ib. 1640 Broughton'« (Hugh) Translations from the Bible. 1. Job, &c. metricall translation, &c. 1610. — 2. Comment upon Coheleth or Ecclesiastes, &c. 1605. — 3. The Latnentations of JeTemy. &c, — 4. Daniel, his Chaldic visions, &c. 1597. . . Lond. 1597-1610 83 PuEssM. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. S/iehes 10, 11, 12. Papisnms Lucifiigus, &c. Papers exchanged between Mr. John Menzies, Professor of Divinity in the Marischal College of Aberdeen, and Mr. Francis Dempster, Jesuit, otherwise surnamed Rin or Logan, &c. S7)i. 4-to. ...... AberJ. 1648 Religious Pamphlets. 1 vol. sni. ito. conlaining, 1. Reflections on H. M.'s Proclamation, 12th Feb. 1686-7, for a Toleration in Scotland. 1687 2. Answer to Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, in 3 parts. .... Lond. lS9i 3. Laick'a (William) Continuation of the Answer to Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, &c. ib. 1693 4. Queries and Protestation of the Scots Episcopal Clergy, &c. . . . 24.1696 5. Representation of the Committee of the Assembly for the Nortli of Scotland, &e. 6. Reasons in defence of the Standing Laws, about the right of presentation, &c. . Edin. 1703 Meston's (Professor William, the Jacobite Poet,) Tale of a Man and his Mare. (Poetical satire on the accession of the House of Hanover.) 2d edit. ito. . . . 1721 Mob contra Mob, or, the Rabblers Rabbled. Wrote by a Buchan Poet in the style of Hudibras. 8vo. {rep-.) Printed h)/ Peter Williamson in one of his newjMrtable p-inlingj>resses. Edin. 1769 Potter's (Rev. Francis) Interpretation of the Number 666, &c. ito. . Oxford, 1 642 Luther's (Martin) Commentary upon the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, &c. faithfully tran- slated, &c. B.L. Uo. ..... . Land. 158S Mitchel, (William) The Whole Works of that eminent dinne and historian, — Professor of Tinklarianism in the University of the Bowhead. Being Essays of Divinity, Humanity, History, and Philosophy, &e. sm. 'Ito. ... . Edin. 1712 SHELF XI. Kerr's (Robert) General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic order, &c. 16vols. Swo. . . . • • • /A. 1811-15 Hamilton's (Count Antony) Memoirs of Count Grammont. new edit, with Biographical Sketch of Hamilton, &c. a?td 64 portraits. 2 vols, royal 8vo. . Loud. 1811 Sinclair's (Sir John) Statistical Account of Scotland, drawn up from the communications of the Ministers of the different parishes. 21 vols. 8«)0. ... . £(/w«. 1791-99 SHELF XIL Charles's (George) History of the Transactions in Scotland in 1715-16 and 1745-6. 2 vols. 8vo. .....-•■ Stirling, 1817 Compleat and Authentick History of the Rise, Progress, and Extinction of the late Rebellion. 8vo. .....■■■ Lond. 1747 Henderson's (Andrew) Edinburgh History of the late Rebellion, 1745 and 1746, &c. 4,th edit. 8vo. '■*■ 1752 Memorial and Admonition of the Reverend Syniod of Glasgow and Ayr, met at Glasgow, 1 st October, 1745. Lond. 1745. — Account of the late Proceedings in Parliament, relating to the money granted for the relief of the City of Glasgow, ib. 1749. 8vo. 1745-9 Shelves 12, 13. TRACTS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 174.5, &c. Press M. Yorke's (Hon. Charles) Considerations on the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason. 3to. ..... 1674 Rantum Scantum, or. Town Topics, (the Rebellion in Scotland ; the Playhouses and Players ; the Poet's Association ; the Opera, &c.) 8»o. . . . ib. Hope's (Sir Wm. Bart.) Vindication of the ti-ue Art of Self-Defence, &c. 8vo. ib. 1729 M'Kintosh's (Rev. Donald) Gaelic Proverbs and familiar Phrases, Englished anew by Alex. Campbell. With Franklin's Way to Wealth, Gael, and Eng. 12»io. Edin. 1819 Ray's (John) Scottish Proverbs, interleaved, with the variations of the edition o/'1659, written in opposite lines, sm. 8vo. ...... Camb. 1670 Wogan's (Charles) Female Fortitude exemplified, in an impartial Narrative of the Seizure, Escape, and Marriage of the Princess Clementina Sobiesky, &c. — Remarks upon a Jacobite Pamphlet, entit. Female Fortitude, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1722 Scottish Tracts. 1 vol. 12too. containing, 1. Kerr's (Robert) Account of the Nobility and Representatives of Scotland, drawn up in 1705, at the time of Lord Belhaven's Speech (or Prophesie), &c. . . . Edin. 1712 2. Catalogue of several excellent and curious Books, &c. whereof there is an Auction to be, &c. on the 10th of March. ....... il. 1686 3. Causes of the Decay of Presbytery in Scotland. .... tvants title. 4. Copy of Letter from the Duke of Berwick to the Duke of Fitz- James, August 7, 1734. Short Account of the Faroe Islands, drawn up for Edin. Encyclopaedia. 12mo. Edin. 1815 Debes, (Lucas Jacobson) Foroae et Foroa Reserata, that is, a Description of the Islands and Inhabitants of Foeroe ; being 17 Islands subject to the King of Denmark, &c. Written in Danish, Englished by John Sterpin. 12mo. .... Lond. 1^7 Q See Poetical Wokks, vol. ii. p. 293 ; Letters on Demonoloyy, p. 119. 86 Shelf \5. TRACTS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 1745, &c. Press M. 1 vol. 8»o. containing, Edin. 1719 Estates. Svo. ib. 1720 ib. 1721 ib. 174G ib. ib. 174(j- ih. 1747 ib. ib. 1753 containing, Edin. 1746 Acts of Parliament relative to Scotland, consequent on the Rebellions 1. Act 5. Geo. I. Oaths to be taken by Ministers and Preachers. 2. Act 6. Geo. I. Conveyances to be made to the purchasers of the forfeited 3. Act 7. Geo. I. The King's most gracious, general, and free pardon. 4. Act 19. Geo. II. For disarming the Highlands. 5. Act 20. Geo. II. The King's general and free pardon. 6. For vesting in H. M. the Estates of certain Traitors, &c. 7. Bill for annexing certain forfeited Estates to the Croivn. 8. Act 21. Geo. II. For punishing of High Treason in the Highlands, 9. To amend the former (No. 4) for disarming the Highlands. 1 0. To explain and amend the two former Acts. . Another Collection of Acts of Parliament relative to Scotland. 1 vol, 1. Act 20. Geo. II. For taking away the Tenure of Ward-holding, &c. 2. To prevent the return of such Rebels and Traitors as have been, or shall be, pardoned, &c. ib. 3. For relief of Loyal Subjects, whose Title Deeds were carried off or destroj'ed by Rebels, ib. 4. Act 1 9. Geo. II. For more easy Trial of Rebels. . . . . ib. 5. Act 20. Geo. II. For taking away and abolishing the Heritable Jurisdictions. . ili. 6. Act 19. Geo. II. For disarming the Highlands. .... ili. 7. Act 20. Geo. II. For King's general and free pardon. . . . ib.\ 741) Historical Tracts. 1 vol. 8ro. containing, 1. Compleat History of the French Invasions, from the Revolution to the present time, &c. Lond. 1744 2. Copies of Letters from the French Ambassador and English Resident to the Canton of Friburg, relative to the Pretender's son's intention of taking refuge there, &c. . . t4. 1748 3. Letter to a noble Lord, containing Remarks on the two Acts, &c. for vesting the Estates of certain Traitors in the Crown, and for abolishing the heritable Jurisdictions, &c. . . i%. 1 748 4. Letter to H. M.'s principal Secretaries of State, from the Ministers of several Roman Catholic Princes and States, complaining of a Clause, &c. in H. M.'s Proclamation of 6th Dec. 1745, ilj. 1746 Ferguson's (Rev. Adam, afterwards Professor,) Sermon preached in the Ersli Language to H. M.'s First Highland Regiment of Foot, commanded by Lord John Murray, 1 8th Dec. 1745. With MS. note by Sir IV. S. .... Lond. \7\G See Life, vol. v. p. 201, note. Chambers's (Robert) Picture of Scotland. 2d edit. 2 vols. «w. 8to. . Edi7i. 1S2S See Life, vol. vii. p. 179. (William) Boolv of Scotland, sm. 8vo. .... 25.1830 Fair Play, or. Give every Man his due ; being an Address to the Congregation of the Gaelic Chapel in Edinburgh, &c. by one of the Deacons, (relative to the Conduct of the Rev. W. M'Caig.) 127HO. ...... /*. 1828 Letter from a Gentleman in the North, to a Minister who has not intimated the Act of Par- liament for bringing to Justice the Murderers of Captain Porteous. sm. 8vo. . J 737 Letters from Thomas Percy, D.D. (Bishop of Dromore,) John Callander of Craigforth, David Herd, and others, to George Paton. sm. 8 wo. . . , Edin. 183(1 See Prose Works, vol. xxi. p. 221. 87 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf ^5. Grimm's (Jlessrs.) German Popiilar Stories, collected from Oral Tradition. Translated from \\ie Kinder und Haus-Mdrcken. sm. 8vo. .... Land. 1823 The most pleasant Song of Lady Bessy, the eldest Daughter of King Edward IV. &c. with Notes hy Thomas Heyvvood. sm. 8vo. . . . . si. 1 S29 Rodger's (Alex.) Peter Cornclips, a Tale of real Life, with other Poems and Songs. \2mo. Glasg. 1827 Brunnmark's (Rev. Dr. G.) Introduction to Swedish Grammar, for Englishmen ; with Exercises. So? erfzV. with Additions by Wahlin. \2mo. .... Loud. ] 825 Dialogue between a Whig and a Jacobite, upon the subject of the late Rebellion, &c. 3d edit. corrected. 8eo. ....... ib. 1716 True Account of the Proceedings at Perth ; the Debates in the Secret Council there, &c. Written by a Rebel. 2d edit. 8vo. . . . . . ib. M^G Henderson's (Andrew) Memoirs, &c. of James Keith, Field-Marshal in the Prussian Armies. 2d edit. 8vo. . . . . • ■ • ?i. 1759 View of the Scots Rebellion ; with some Enquiry what we have to fear from them ? &c. 8m. ib. 1715 Hannibal not at our Gates, or, an Enquiry into the Grounds of our present fears of Popery and the Pretender, in a Dialogue, &c. sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1714 Answer to a Pamphlet entituled, an Argument to prove the Affections of the People of England to be the best Security of this Government, &c. sm. 8vo. . . ib. 171 C^ Vol. of " Curious Pamphlets." sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Pitcarnii, (Archib. M.D.) Gualteri Dannistoni adGeorgium Buehananum Epistola, &c. Edin. 1700 2. Defoe's (Dan.) Short View of present State of Protestant Religion in Britain, &c. . ib. 1700 3. Discourse concerning the Execution of the Laws against Prophaneness, &c. . . i4. 1700 4. Waring's(H.) Thoughts and Maxims, in prose and verse, (dedicated to the Rev. Mr. Shaw.) wants tilk. 5. Burnet's (Bishop) Speech in the House of Lords on 1st Art. of Dr. Sacheverel's Impeachment, repr. Edin. 1710 6. Thoughts of an Honest Tory. ..... Lond.MVi 7. The Conference, or, Gregg's Ghost, &c. . . . . .1711 8. Character of Don Sacheverellio, Knight of the Firebrand, &c. . . rcpr. Edin.\7\0 9. Fuller's (Wm.) Plain Proof of the true Father and Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales. Lojid. 1700 10. Some new Proofs that the Pretender is really James the Third, ith edit. . . *. 1713 1 1. Seasonal)le Warning, &c. against Insinuations, &c. in favour of the Pretender. . ib. 1712 12. The White Crow ; or, an Enquiry into some more new doctrines broached by the Bishop of Salisbury, in his two Sermons, Nov. 5th and 7th. 1710, &c. .... *. 1710 13. Short View of Dr. Beveridge's Writings, &c. ..... ift. 1711 Rav's (James, of Whitehaven, Volunteer under H. R. N. the Duke of Cumberland,) Acts of the Rebels. 2d edit. \2mo. ..... Newcastle, HiG Crookshank's (Wm.) Popish Cruelty represented. Sermon preached, 22d September 1745, to the Scots Church in Swallow Street. — 2. Fleetwood's (Bishop) Papists not excluded from the Throne on account of Religion, sm. 8vo. . . . LoW. 1745 Shelees U, 16. TRACTS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 1745, &c. Press M. Life of the late Right Hon. George Lord Carpenter. 8fo. . . Land. 1736 Mar's (Earl of) Letter to the King, before H. M.'s Arrival in England, &c. l2mo. 1715 Secret History of the Rebels in Newgate, &c. 8bo. . . . Z,o«. ib. 1746 ib. 1746 wants title. Land. 1746. f. . ib. 1747 . ih. 1747 JPressM. ABBOTSFORD library. Shelf 17. Tail's (Ales., Clerk of Session,) Right of the House of Stewart to the Crown of Scotland con- sidered. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1746 Cowper's (Lord Chancellor) Two Speeches on pronouncing Sentence on the Rebel Lords in 1715, &c. ; and Lord Chancellor Hardwicke's Speech on pronouncing sentence on the Three Rebel Lords in 1746. &vo. . . . . . . ib. 1746 Collection of Declarations, Proclamations, &c. Published by Authority (the Pretender's) in 1745-6. 8»o. ....... rejJr. Edin. 1748 The Female Rebels ; Remarkable incidents of the Lives, &c. of the titular Duke and Duchess of Perth, Lord and Lady Ogilvie, and Miss Florence Macdonald, &c. Svo. Lond. 1747 Extract from Sir R. Steele's " Crisis," adapted to the present more dangerous Crisis. 8»o. ib. 1746 Formey's (M.) Discourse on the Death of Marshal Keith. From the French. 8»o. Edin. 1764 King Henry VIL, or, the Popish Impostor, a Tragedy. 8uo. . . Lond. 1746 Dying Speeches and Papers. 8oo. containing, 1 . Copies of the Papers wrote by Lord Balmeiino, Syddall, Morgan, &c. delivered to the Sheriffs at the Places of Execution. 2. (Part II.) Dying Speeches of the Rev. Mr. Lyon, David Hume, Nicolson, &c. Lond. 1746 Genuine Trial of Francis Townley, who was appointed Colonel of the Manchester Regiment by the Young Pretender, &c. executed for High Treason, July 10. 8«o. ib. 1746 The remarkable affecting Case, and dying Words of Mr. Arch. Oswald, Ensign in the Young Pretender's Service, who received three musquet-shots in the Battle of Prestonpans. 8fo. ib. 1745 Some farther Proofs, &c. that the Pretender is truly James the Third. With Additions, Notes, and Observations. 8t)o. . . . . . . . ib. 1745 Compleat History of the Trials of the Rebel Lords at Westminster, and the Rebel Officers at South wark, 1746. 8vo. .... imperfect, and wanting title, \T4:(i Tracts on Provost Stewart. 8»o. containing, 1, 2. First and Second Trial of Archibald Stewart, Esq. late Lord Provost of Edinburgh, before the High Court of Justiciarj', &e. ...... Edin. 1747 3. Poem composed the 2d Nov. 1747, the day the Hon. Archibald Stewart, Esq. was assoilzied from his second trial. ....... ib. 1747 4. True Account of the Behaviour and Conduct of Archibald Stewart, Esq. &c. Written by David Hume the Historian. ....... Lond. 1745 See Pbose Works, vol. xix. p. 292, note. Copy of a Letter from a French Lady at Paris, giving a particular Account of the manner in which Prince Edward was arrested. From the French. 8vo. . ib. 1749 Sherlock's (Dr.) Letter to a certain Foreign Minister, in which the grounds of the present War are truly stated, &c. (in answer to the King of Prussia's Manifesto.) 8vo. ib. 1745 Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, &c. being an Enquiry into the Genuine Sources of Disaffec- tion in both parts of Great Britain, and the most rational measures for extinguishing the remains of the present RebeUion. — Remarks upon a Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, &c. 8vo. ........ ib. 1746 92 Shelf M. WORKS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 1745, &c. Phess M. Genuine Dying Speech of the Rev. Parson Coppock, pretended Bishop of Carlisle, &c. executed there for High Treason and Rebellion, October 18th. Svo. . . Carlisle, 1746 Advice of a Friend to the Army and People of Scotland, (in favour of the Pretender.) 8»o. wants title, 1745 Sixth Letter to the People of England, on the Progress of National Ruin, &c. Sao. Land. 1757 The State of the Nation for 1747, and respecting 1748. 800. . . 26.1747 Dundas's (President) Present State of Scotland considered, &c. 800. . Edin. 1743 The Wisdom of our Forefathers recommended to the present times, shewing, &c. their care to provide against a Popish Succession. 8»o. . . . Lond. 1745 Hughes's (Michael, a London Volunteer,) Plain Narrative or Journal of the late Rebellion, &c. 82)0. ........ ib. 1746 The North Briton Extraordinary. (Answer to Wilks.) Published at Edinburgh. 800. ii. 1765 Adnce and Addresses ; Tracts on the Rebellion. 8vo. containing, 1. Seasonable Advice to the Inhabitants of Yorkshire. By a Yorkshireman, (said to be Archbishop Herring.) ........ York, 1745 2. Serious Address to the people of Great Britain, in which the certain consequences of the present Rebellion are fully demonstrated. 3d edit. .... Lond. 1745 3. Deliverance from Public Dangers, a Solemn Call for a National Reformation ; a serioiis and compas- sionate Address, &c. ....... v4, 1747 4. Address by a Minister of tlie Church of Scotland to his Congregation, on the morning of a Fast on account of the late Rebellion. . . . . . . 1747 Authentic Account of the Conduct of the Young Chevalier, from his arrival in Paris, &c. to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. wherein the motives of his late behaviour are fully laid open and explained. 3d edit. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1749 Memoirs of the Rebel Lords, 1 745. 8vo. containing, 1. Memoirs of the Lives, &c. of Lords Kilmarnock, Cromarty, and Balmerino. . ih. 1746 2. Speech of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, before pronouncing Sentence on tlie tliree Lords. ib. 1746 3. Observations and Remarks on the two Accounts of Lords Kilmarnock and Balmerino, &c. St. 1746 Discourse upon Genesis iii. 10 and 21, on the use and abuse of Apparel, &c. delivered in the Chapel of Dunrobin Castle, by Sa\\'ney Macdonald, formerly domestic to the renowned Knight, Rob Roy, &c. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 175C Popery always the same ; exemplified, J. 1747 3. M'Donald's (Andrew, King's Advocate,) Discussion of the False Reasonings, &c. of two late pieces, (the Thistle and the Rose,) . . . . . . ib.\ 747 4. The Umpire ; being a serio-comic critical Dissertation on.Three learned and important Dissertations on Englishmen and Scots. . . . . . . ib. 1747 5. Letter from the General Evening Post, relating to the present Rebellion, &c. . ib. 174,5 94 S/ielves 17, 18. TRACTS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 1745, &c. Press M. Military Tracts. 1 vol. 8»o. containing, 1 . Letter from an Officer in the Army of the Allies, containing an account of the most remarkable events that have lately happened there, &c. ..... Land. 1 743 2. Operations of the British and Allied arms during the Campaigns of 1743 and 1744. By an Eye-witness. ib. 1745 The Highland Rogue, or, the Memorable Actions of the celebrated Robert Macgregor, com- monly called Rob Roy, &c. 8vo. ..... id. 172.S See Introduction to Sol Roy. History of the Rise, Progress, and Extinction of the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745-6, &c. 2d edit. Svo. ....... ib. A Curious Collection of Genuine and Authentic Letters (relative to the Chevalier), sm. %vo Printed for the author, Edin. 1750 Nithsdale's (Lady) Account of the Escape of Lord Nithsdale. Printed from the original in the possession of C. Maxwell, Esq. sm. 8vo. .... Durham, 1816 See Prose Works, vol. rxv. pp. 389-90. Letter from H. Goring, Esq. one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to the Young Chevalier, and the only person of his own retinue that attended him from Avignon in his late journey through Germany and elsewhere, &c. 8vo. . . . . Lend. 1750 Dialogue between Thomas Jones, a Life-Guards-man, and John Smith, late a Serjeant in the 1st regiment of Foot-Guards, just returned from Flanders. 8vo. . ib. 1740 SHELF XVIII. Rae's (Rev. Peter) History of the Rebellion raised against his Majesty King George L by the friends of the Popish Pretender, &c. 2d edit. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 8vo. ib. 1 74C Faithful Register of the late Rebellion, or, an Impartial Account of the impeachments, trials, attainders, &c. of all who have suffered for the cause of the Pretender. 8vo. ib. 1718 Compleat History of the late Rebellion. 8vo. . . . . ib. ^^lfi Tracts relative to the Old Pretender. 2 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Memorials on both sides, from the year 1687 to the death of K. James II. &c. (20 documents.) ib. 1711 2. State Amusements, serious and hypocritical, fully exemplified in the abdication of K. James II. &c. with the names of the Princes of Europe that congratulated him on the birth of the pretended Prince of Wales. . . . . . . . . a. 1711 3. The several Declarations and Depositions made in Council, 22d October, 1688, concerning the birth of the Prince of Wales. . . . . . . . i6. 1 7 1 1 4. Observations on the Depositions, &c. written just after these depositions were taken, for which the Author was then forced to fly, and reprinted in opposition to the Depositions, which are now revived. . . . . . . . . ii. 1711 Some Private Passages relating to W. Paul, a Clerg}-man, and John Hall, Esq. before and after their Condemnation. 8vo. ..... . teants title. See Prcse Works, vol. xxt. p. 391, note. Letter from a Gentleman at St. Germains, &c. containing a Memorial about Methods for setting the Pretender on the throne of Gr. Britain, &c. Transl. from the French 8vo. Land. 1710 95 PkessM. ABBOTSFORD library. Shelf \8. Lovat's (Simon Lord) Memoirs of his Life, (from 1676 to 1715.) Written by himself in French, and now translated from the original MS. 8co. . . . Land. 1797 Henderson's (Andrew) Life of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. 8vo. ib. 1766 Historical Memoirs of Lis late R. H. William Augustus Duke of Cumberland, &c. 8vo. ib. 1767 Lewis's (Jenkin) Memoirs of Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, from his birth, July 24, 1689, to October 1697. Continued to his death in July 1700 by the Editor, (Dr. Philip Hayes of Oxford.) Suo. ...... ?4. 1789 See Note to Old Morialiti/. Hooke's (Colonel) Secret History of his Negotiations in Scotland in 1707, &c. in favour of the Pretender, &c. 8vo. ...... «7.i. 1760 Ferguson's (Captain Andrew, of M'Donald's Regiment,) Genuine Account of all the persons of note in Scotland in the Service of the Chevalier, &c. (Apparently ironical, and the Author's name fictitious.) 8vo. . . • printed, Edin. — reprinted, Lond. 1745 Tracts relative to the Pretender, 1745. 1 vol. 8»o. containing, 1. The Manifesto of a certain Power. (Ironical.) .... Lotid.lHi 2. Grant's (William, afterwards Lord Prestongrange,) Occasional Writer, containing an Answer to the Second Manifesto of the Pretender's eldest Son, &c. .... 3. Remarks on the Pretender's Declaration and Commission. . . . ii. 174.5 4. Remarks on the Pretender's Son's Second Declaration, &c. . . . «6. 1745 Tracts relative to Lord Kilmarnock. 1 vol. 8fo. contauiing, 1. Foster's (Rev. Jas.) Account of the behaviour of Lord Kilmarnock, after his Sentence, and on the day of Execution. ........ ib. 1746 2. Finch's (Richard) Vindication of Foster's Account, &c. from the Misrepresentations of some Dissenting Teachers, &c. ....... il>. 1746 3. Defence of the Vindication, &c. ..... ii. 1746 4. Review of Mr. James Foster's Account, &c. of Kilmarnock. By a Westminster Scholar. ili. 174C Macpherson's (James) History of the present Rebellion in Scotland, &c. 8vo. ib. 1745 Expostulatory Address to the Nobility and Freeholders of Scotland, showing the folly, &c. of the present unnatural Rebellion. 8vo. .... zA. 1745 Genuine and True Journal of the most Miraculous Escape of the Young Chevalier, &c. taken from the mouths and journals of those who assisted him therein. By an Englishman. 8vo. ib. 1749 Wilding's (Sir Arthur, Bart.) Brief History of the Kings of England, particularly of the Royal House of Stuart, of blessed memory. 8vo. .... ib. 1755 Webster's (Dr. W.) Vindication of H. M.'s Title to the Crown, &c. 8vo. ib. 1747 Britain's Remembrancer, being some Tlioughts on the proper Improvement of the present Juncture, &c. 3d edit. 8vo. ..... ib. 1747 Tracts on the Slavish Dependencies and Heritable Jiuisdictions of Scotland. Sm. containing, 1. Letter to an English M.P. from a Gentleman in Scotland, concerning the Slavish Dependencies, &c. (first printed in 1721.) . . . ii. 1746 2. Disquisition on the nature of Regalities and other Heritable Jurisdictions in Scotland, &c. ii. 1747 3. Observations on a Bill for taking away and abolishing the Heritable Jurisdictions, &c. Edin. 1747 96 Shelf n. WORKS ON THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 & 1745, &c. Press M. Ritson's (Joseph) Letters to George Paton ; to wliich is added a Critique by John Piiikerton, on Ritson's Scottish Songs. 8»o. ..... £sal. 1 6S0 Kirchmanni (Job.) Comment. Historici duo : de Regibus vetustis Norvagicis ; et de Profec- tione Danorum in Terram Sanctam circa 1 1 85, &c. 1 2mo. . . Amst. 1 684 Miiller, (Pet. Erasm.) Sagabibliothek, med Anmijrk. og ind. Afliandlinger. 3 vols. sm. Svo. Kiob. 1817-20 98 Shelves 19, 20. NORTHERN HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. Press M. Magni (Joannis) Gothorum Sueouumque Historia, &c. sm. 8vo. . . 1617 Krisini-Saga : sive Historia Relig. Christ, in Islandiam introductae, &c. &c. cum interp. Latin. notisque Luxdorpliii, Suhmii, et aliorum. 9vo. . . . Hafn. 1 773 See PoETic.u. Works, toI. iii. p. 245 ; vol. iv. p. 277. Hungureaka : Pals Biskups Saga, &c. Sive Historia primorum 5 Skalholtensium in Islandia Episcoporum, cum interp. Lat. et notis a Luxdorph, Siihm. &c. Hafn. 1778. — Thorlacii (Sc. Tlieod.) Antiquitatum Borealium Observ. Miscell. Specimen I. &c. ib. 1778. 8ro. ib. 1778 Pontoppidani (Erici) Gesta et Vestigia Danorum extra Daniam, praecipue in Oriente, Italia, Hispania, Gallia, Anglia, &c. 3 torn in 1. 8eo. . . . Lips. 1740-1 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. pp. 227-8 ; vol. ix. p. 166. Thorlacii (S. T.) Fragmenta Hostlangae et Thorsdrapae, Ethnicorum Saec. ix. et x'- Carmi- num, ex Eddae Snorr. Codd. Reg. &c. sm. 8vo. . . . Hafn. 1801 Chytraei (Dav.) Chronicon Saxoniae, &c. Pars I. 1500-1524. 12mo. Rostock. 1590 Idman, (Nils) Recherches sur 1' ancien peuple Finois, &c. trad, du Suedois par M. Genet fils. 12OT0. ........ Strasb. 1778 Jomsoikinga Saga : oversat af C. C. Rafn. 8i'o. . . . Kioben. 182i Magnusen, (Finn) Udsigt over den Kaukasiscke Menneskestammes, &c. sm. 8vo. ib. 1818 Fersog til Forklaring over en Rune-Indskrjft paa en i Engelland i Aaret 1818 funden Guldring, &c. sm. Sao. ...... ib. 1820 Krakumal: Sive Epicedium Ragnaris Lodbroci, &c. cum interp. Lat. Dan. Gall., et notis a C. C. Rafn. 8vo. ....... ib. 1826 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. Lingbye, (H.C.)Faeroiske Quaeder om SigurdsFofnersbane,& PiE.Miiller. 8vo. Rand.1822 Phillips, (Geo.) Versuch einer Darstellung der Geschichte des Angelsachsischen Reehts. 8vo. Gdtf. 1825 SHELF XX. Finni Johannaei Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiae, &c. 4 vols, 4to. . Haun. 1772-8 See Prose Works, vol. v. pp. 389-90. Bartholini (Thorn.) Antiquitates Danicae, de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus Mortis, &c. 4«o. . . . . . . . . ib. 1689 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. pp. 341, 4, 5, vol. vi. note 3 T. vol. vu. note H. voL viii. note D ; Notes to The Pirate ; Letters on Demonolotjt/, &c. Arii, Thorgilsis filii, &c. primi in Septentrione Historici, Schedae seu Libellus de Islandia, Islendinga-Bok dictus. &c. 4^o. ..... ib. 1733 Snorronis (Sturl. Island. Nomophyl.) Edda Islandorum, A. C. 1215, Islandice conscripta. Isl. Dan. Lat. nunc primum ex autiq. Codd. MSS. edita a P. J. Resenio. 4 parts in 1 vol. ^lo. ib. 1665-73 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 169. 99 Press M. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves Id, 2\. .lus Auliciim Antiquum Norvagicum, &c. et Jus Aulicum Antiquum Danicum, &c. Dan. et Lat. a Resenio. Mo. ...... Haitn. 1673 Cliriemliilden Raclie, und die Klage ; zwey Heldengedichte, &c. 4to. . Zurich, 1757 Hungurvaka, &.C. Si.c. {see preceding page.) Large paper, leaves uncut, ito. Hqfn. 1778 TorfFaei (Thorm.) Universi Septentrionis Antiquitates, seriem Dynastarum et Regum Daniae, &c. exhibentes. Hafn. 3 705. — Ejusdem Trifolium Historicum, seu Dissertatio, &c. de tribus potentissimis Daniae regibus, Gormo Grandaevo, Haraldo Coeruleo, et Sveno Furc. Barb. &c. ib. 1707- Mo. Biomonis de Skaardsa Annales, Island, et Lat. Ex MSS. inter se collatis, cum notis, &c. 2 torn, in 1, Mo. ..... Hrapseyae in Islandia 1774 Miiller, (P. E.) Critisk Undersogelse af Danmarks og Norges Sagnhistorie eller om Trovaer- diglieden af Saxos og Snorros Kilder. Fine paper, Mo. . . Kioben. 1823 Collection of Original Papers about the Scots Plot, containing the following, never before printed, 1. Duke of Atjiol's Memorial to her Majesty about Captain Simon Frazer, &c. 2. Letter in ciphers to Colin Campbell of Glenderoul. 3. Examination of Messrs. G. Bruce and G. Graham about Lord Belhaven, &c. in 2 parts. Mo. . . . Land. 1704 Caledonian Mercury, from 23d September, 1745, to 30th April, 1747- Mo. 1745-7 SHELF XXI. Fasciculus Temporum, a Dutch Translation of the Chronicle so called. JVith illuminations, fol. M.CCCC.LXXX. Egils-Saga: sive Egylli Skallagrimii Vita. Ex MSS. Leg. Arna-Magnaeani, cum interp. Lat. notis, &c. a Cold, Schlcgel, Thorlacio, &c. Mo. . . Haun. 1809 See Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 43. WUkina-Saga : &c. sive Historia Wilkincnsium, Theodorici Veronensis, ac Niflungorum, &c. Ex MSS. Cod. ling. vet. Scand. in hod. Suecicam et Lat. translat. a J. Peringskib'ld. fVitk MS. note by Sir W. S. fol. . . . . . . Stockholm. 1715 Sehweizerische Volkslieder, mit Melodien. Mo. . . . Zurich, 1788 Miiller, (P. E.) Antik. Undersogelse over de ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn. Mo. Kioben. 1806 Hinrichs van Alkmar, Reynke de Voss. sm.fol. . . . Leipz. 1752 Eschenbach, (Wolfran von) Das Heldenbuch. Welchs aufFsnen corrigiert und gebessert ist. mit schonen Figuren geziert. fol. ..... Frankf. See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 193. Nordiska Kampa Dater: &c. Volumen Historicum, continens variorum in orb. antiq. hyperb. Refum, Heroum et Pugilum Res praecl. et mirab. gestas, edente E. J. Biorner. fol. Stockholm. 1737 See Prose AVorks, vol. vi. p. 191. Weber, (Henry) Jamieson, (Rob.) and Scott, (Sir Walter) Illustrations of Northern Antiqui- ties, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances, &c. with notes and Dissertations. Mo. L.P. . . . . • • • • Edin. 1814 100 Shelf \. BOOKS OF CHIVALRY AND ROMANCE, &c. Press M. Heims-Kringla ; &c. sive Snorronis Sturloiiidis Historiae Regum Septentrionalium, &c. quas ex MSS. cod. edidit vers. gem. notisque illust. J. Peringsliicild. 2 vols.yi/. Holm. 1697 Laxdaela-Saga; sive Historia de rebus gestis Laxdolonsium, ex MSS. Arna-Mag. cum interp. Lat. tribus Dissert, et indicibus, &c. instruxit G. J. Thorkelin. ito. . i/o/re. 1826 Skinner, (Steph. MD.) Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, seu Esplicationes vocum Anglica- rum Etymolog. ex propriis fontibus, &c. fol. . . . Lond. 1G71 Somner, (Gul.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum. Accesserunt yElfrici abbatis Gram- matica Latino-Saxonica, cum glossario. /ol. . . . Oxon. 1659 PRESS N. BOOKS OF CHIVALRY AND ROMANCE IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES; MODERN FICTIONS; FACETIAE ; EARLY POETRY ; MAGIC ; ALCHEMY ; HERALDRY ; HORSEMANSHIP; HUNTING; AND MISCELLANIES OF ALL SORTS. SHELF I. Scudery's (M.) Clelia, an exceDent new Romance, in five parts, &c. ; the first three translated by John Davies, the two last by G. H. /hi. .... Land. Id" 8 See Prosb Works, vol. vi. pp. 214, 215. Tarsis and Zelie, a famous Romance, digested into 10 books. Translated by Charles Williams, fol. ....... . if,. 1685 Menestrier, (CI. Franc.) Traite des Toumois, Joustes, Carrousels, et autres Spectacles publics. *to. ........ Lyon, 1669 See Life, vol. ii. p. 285. Brant, (Sebastian) Navis Stultifera, &c. the Ship of Fooles, wherein is showed the folly of all States ; with divers other works, &c. Translated, &c. by Alex. Barclay, Priest, &c. B, L. Lond. Cawood, 1570 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 3 K. Aleman, (Matheo) The Rogue, or Life of Guzman de Alfaraehe, &c. With the Tragi-Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, &c. 3d edit. fol. . . . Lond. ISSl-i^ Ariana ; in 2 parts. Translated out of French, &c. 2d edit. fol. . 25.1641 Barry's (Capt. Gerat) Discourse of Military Discipline, divided into 3 Boockes, &c. fVit// MS. note by Sir JV. S. ...... Bruzells, I63i See Life, vol. i. p. 264. Cervantes, (Miguel) Delightful History of the most ingenious Knight Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated by Ed. Blount, (imperfect.) fol. . . Lond. 167Z Lidgate's (John, Monke of Berry,) Life of Hector, &c. B. L. fol. ib. Purfoot, 1614 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Qth edit, with Additions by Sir W. Alexander, R. B. &c. and the Sonnets, Defence of Poesie, and Astrophel and Stella, fol. ib. 1G27-8 101 PkessN. ABBOTSFORD library. Shelves \,%. Arnim, (L. Acliim Von) TrostEiiisamkeit, alte und neue Sagen und Wahrsagungen,Geschichten, und Gedichte. 4^0. . . . . . . . Heidelb. 1808 Thorlacii (Berg.) Commentarius de Egillo, Bornholmiae Praefecto sub Canute Daniae Rege, cum vers. Lat. et praefat. fol. ..... Hafn. 1822 Busching, (Dr. J. G.) Das Scliloss der Deutschen Ritter zu Marienburg. ito. Berlin, 1823 Witlier's (G.) Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Modern, &c. ; in 4 books, fol. Lond. l634!-5 Montaigne's (Sieur de) Essayes ; or Morall, Politicke, and Millitarie Discourses, &c. done into English by John Florio. fol. ..... ib. 1603 The Extravagant Shepherd, or, the History of the Shepherd Lysis, an Anti-Romance, &c. made English by John Davies. fol. ...... zi. 1654 Allan's (Richard) Journal during Service on board the Centurion, (1691-2.) MS. fol. Tristan, von Meister Gotfrit von Straszburg, mit der Fortsetzung des Meisters Ulrich von Turlieim. Von C. von Groote. ito. .... Berlin, 1821 See Poetical Works, vol. v. Introduction, p. 47, &c. Scudery's (M.) Artamenes, or, the Grand Cyrus, that excellent new Romance. Third Volume, being the 5 th and 6th Parts, and Fifth and last Volume, being the 9 th and 10th Parts. 1 vol. fol. imperfect. ...... Lond. iSSi-d SHELF II. Reynard the Fox, the most delectable History of, newly corrected and purged, &c. ; as also, the Shifts of Reynardine, the Son of Reynard the Fox, (2 parts.) B. L. ito. ib. 1684 & 1701 The Destruction of Troy, in Three Books, &c. 13th edit. ito. . . ib. 1708 Amadis de Gaide, the famous and renowned History of, &c. The sixt part, never before published. (Perion, Son of Amadis, and Lisvart of Greece.) Translated out of French by F. Kirkman. ito. ....... ib. no date. See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 212. Lily's (John) Euphues and Lis England &c. B. L. Lond. 1 609. Euphues. The Anatomy Wit. B. L. ib. 1613. ito. ..... ib. 1609-13 See Introduction to Monasteri/ ; Prose Works, vol. i. p. 5. Peacham's (Henry) Compleat Gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning Mind or Body, &c. &c. 3d edit. ito. ib. 1661 Barclay's (John) Argenis. Translated by Sir Robert le Grys. The Verses by Thomas May, &c. ito. . . . ■ . . . . . ib. 1628 , or the Loves of Polyarchus and Argenis, faithfully translated by Kingsmill Long, Esq. 2d edit. v,nth Key. ito. ..... . ib. 1636 Gottfried's von Strassburg Werke, &c. mit Einleitung und Worterbuch, herausg. durch F. H. Von der Hagen. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. .... Breslau, 1823 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 192. 102 Shelves 2, 3. WORKS OF CHIVALRY AND ROMANCE, &c. Press N. Alxinger, (Joli. von) Doolin von Maynz. Ein Rittergedichte in zehen Gesangen. 2te Axiflage. 8»o. ........ Leipz. 1797 Miinter, (Fred. Episc. Selandiae,) Fragmenta Versionis Antiquae Latinae Prophetarum Jere- miae, Ezechielis, Danielis, et Hoseae, e codice rescripto, &c. 4to. . Hafn. 1819 Svmbola Veteris Ecclesiae, artis operibus expressa, &c. ito. . . j4. 1819 Die Odinische Religion. 8fo. . . . . . . ib. 1821 Forklaring af en Inscription paa en gammel Etruscisk Ara i Cortona. 4to. ib. 1821 Epistola ad Ouvaroff, &c. de Monumentis aliquis veteribuSj scriptis et figuratis, penes se extantibus. ito. . . . . . . . . ib. 1822 (and eight other Bishops,) Antistitum Ecclesiae Danicae, &c. Epistola Encyclica ad Clerum, &c. -ito. ........ ib. 1817 Werlauff, (Er. Christ.) Summa Geographiae Mediii JE\i, ad mentem Islandorum ; cui accedit Itinerarium ad Romam et Terram Sanctam, &c. 4to. . . Haun. 1821 Repp, (Th. Gudm.) de Sermone Tentamen. With Letter and Poem from the Author to Sir W. S. 8vo. ....... ib. 1826 Franchieres, (F. Jan des. Grand Prieur d' Aqiiitaine,) La Fauconnerie de, recueillie des livres de M. Martino, &e. Avec un autre Fauconnerie de Guill. Tardif, &c. 4?o. Poictiers, 1567 Camus, (John Peter) Admirable Events, &c. Translated into English by S. du Verger. 8vo. Land. 1639 Thoms's (W. J.) Collection of Old English Prose Romances. Reprinted from the Originals. 3 vols. cr. Svo. containing, ...... ib. 1827 Vol. I 1. Helyas, Knight of the Swan. ^ Vol. II 7. Thomas of Reading. 2. Fryer Bacon. 3. Second Report of Dr. John Faustus. 4. Frier Rush. II 5. Robert the Dev7U. 6. Life of Virgilius. 8. Robin Hood. Ill — 9. George-a-Green, the Pindar of Wake- field. 10. Life and Death of Dr. John Faustus. 11. Tom-a-Lincoln. 1st part. Warton's (Thomas) History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Com- mencement of the Eighteenth Century, new edit, carefully revised, &c. by William Price, Esq. 4 vols. Svo. ....... Lond. 1824 See Poetical Works, vol. v. Introduction, &c. SHELF in. HistoTi/ of Sir Eger, Sir Graham, and Sir Gray-Steel. MS. Copy of the Edition of nil. ito. CoUeclion of English and French Metrical Romances. Transcribed by George Ellis, Esq. MS. 4 vols. ito. containing. Vol. I. — 1. Richard Coer de Lyon. From MS. in Caius Coll. Camb. {English.) II 2. Sir Bevis of Hamptoru {English.) 3. Tristran 1' Amoureux. From MS. of Mr. Deuce's. {French.) With notes. 4. Fables de Marie, From M. de la Rue's copies. {French.) 111.^-5. Sir D^gord. From Copland's Edition in Garrick Collection. {English.) 6. Robert of Cysyle. From Harleian MS. {English.) 303 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 3. (Engliah.) Vol. Ill 7. Fenimbras. (English.) 8. Amys anil Amylion. {English.) 9. Ysumbras. (English.) 10. Merlyn. From MS. in Lincoln's Inn Library. {English.) IV. — 11. Continuation of Blerlyn. From MS. in Advocates' Library. 12. Sir Eger, Sir Graham, and Sir Gray-Steel. {English.) 13. Roswal and Lilian. From a printed Edition belonging to Mr. Douce. (English.) 14. Sir Otuel. From Auchinleck MS. in Advocates' Library. (English.) 15. Continuation of Sir Otuel. From Mr. Fillingham's MS. (English.) Tristran, Fragment of a French Metrical Romance. Transcribed, with notes, by George Ellis. MS. 4/0. See PoiTic.iL Works, vol. v. p. 319, &c. Pleasant History of Roswall and Lillian, &c. Printed by J. H. anno 1663. — Reprinted by David Laing. (Included also in the " Early Metrical Tales" by the same Editor, 1826.) sm. ito. ....... . Edin. 1822 See Poetical Works, vol. v. p. 407. ^cOT-i's (Qi-s.^ki,T^v.) Legendary Fragments, (1192.') MS. 4'to. . . 1792 Scottish Songs, (1795.) MS. 4>to. . . . . . 1795 Translation of IJfland's Wards, a Drama, in 5 Acts. Ditto of Steinberg's Otho of Wittelsbach, a Tragedy, (1796-7.) MS. 4to. .... 1797 Translation of Meier's Wolf red of Stromberg, a Drama of Chivalry, (^7 97.) MS. 4^to. 1797 See Life, vol. i. p. 261. Deloney's (Thomas) Thomas of Reading, or, the Sixe Wortliie Yeomen of the West. 6th edit. Corrected and enlarged, &e. B. L. sm. Mo. . . . Land. J 632 Valentine and Orson, the two Sons of the Emperor of Greece.> Newly corrected, &c. B. L. sm. 4:10. ....... Land. Tracy, 1632 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. pp. 1 08-9. The Essex Champion, or, the Famous History of Sir Billy of Billericay and his Squire Ricardo, &c. sm. 410. ....... ib. Blare, Spence's (William) Diary, kept during the years 1750, 1751, and 1752, at Sea, in England and in Scotland. With Memoranda relative to the Author, by Archibald Constable, Esq. and Sir W. S. MS. 4to. Watson's (John, alias John the Wanderer,) Introduction to the Observations and Remarks in the Writer's Journal and Papers, particularly those which are mysterious or spiritual. With a Drawing of the Author by John Lockhart, 1820. MS. thin Mo. Weber's {Henry) Gedichte. (Collection of German Poems, Translations from English into German, ^-c. inchiding the Ballad of Saint John's Eve.) MS. thin 8vo. ^—~ Metrical Rotnances of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, aud Fifteenth Centuries. Transcribed from various sources. MS. 2 vols, one 4>to. the other 8vo. Burns's (Robert) Tarn 0' Shanter. The original MS. in the Poet's hand-writing, thin ito. 104 Shelves 3, 4. WORKS OF CHIVALRY AND ROMANCE, &c. Press N. Dutens, (Louis) Tables Genealogiques des Heros ties Romans. Avec un Catalogue des prin- cipaux Ouvrages en ce genre, oblong 4to. .... Land. Argenson, (^Marquis d') Celeste, ou la Double Princesse, Conte des Fees. MS. ito. ecrit en 1761 Selden, (John) The Duello, or. Single Combat, from Antiquitie derived into this Kingdom of England, &c. &c. sm. Uo. . . . . . . tb. 16^0 Old English Metrical Romances, transcribed from MSB. in the Royal Library at Naples, by Sticchini. MS. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. containing. Vol. I. Bevys of Hampton. \ Vol. II. St. Alexander of Rome. — Libius Dismnius. See Life, vol. vii. pp. 351-2. Hartshorne's (Rev. C. H.) Ancient Metrical Tales, printed from original sources. sm,8B0. ib. 1S29 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 89-90 ; Introduction to Ivanhoe. The Ant, a Periodical Paper, pub. in 1826 and 1827- Original department. sm.Sivo. Glasg. 1827 Nicolas's (Sir Harris) History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry V. into France ; with the Roll of the Men-at-Arms in the English Army. 8vo. Lond. 1827 SHELF IF. Ellis's (G.) Specimens of the Early English Poets; with an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language. 3d edit. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. ib. 1803 Specimens of Eaily English Metrical Romances, chiefly written during the early part of the 14th Century, &c. 3 vols. cr. Sao. .... ib. 1805 See Review of the two preceding works in Phosk Works, vol. xvii. pp. 1-54, and constant references to them both in Poetical and Prose Works. Weber's (Henry) Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries. Published from ancient MSS. with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. — The Romance of Octavian, from a MS. in the Bodleian, by Conybeare. Oxford, 1809. — 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Edin. 1810 See Poetical Works, vol. v. pp. 429-431 ; vol. x. p. 299 ; Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 99, 104, &c. Life, vol. vi. p. 259. Lyndsay's (Sir David, of the Mount,) Poetical Works, new edit. With Life of the Author. By George Chalmers. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. .... Lond. ] 806 See Poetical Works, vol. vii. p. 384 ; Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 272-3. The Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting, wherein is handled and set out the Vertues, &c. of fifteene sundry Chaces, &c. Translated and collected for the pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen, &c. sm. ito. B. L. . . . Lond. Purfoot, 1611 See Poetical Works, vol. v. pp. 377, 389, &c. vol. viii. pp. 31, 33 ; vol. ix. pp. 152, 160. Histoire de Isaye le Triste, Filz de Tristan de Leonnoys, &c. Lett. Goth. 8vo. Paris, J. Bonfons, See Poetical Works, vol. v. La Fleur des Batailles, Doolin de Mayence, &c. Lett. Goth. (Roxburghe Cojjy.) sm. Ho. Paris, Lotrain, See Poetical Works, vol. iv. pp. 290; vol v. p. 392, 445_C. &c. 105 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 4, 5. Leyland's (John) Learned and True Assertion of the Original, Life, Actes, and Death of the most noble, valiant, and renoumed Prince, Arthure, King of Great Brittaine, &c. Newly translated by Richard Robinson, Citizen of London. B. L. sm. 4lo. Land. Wolfe, 1582 See Poetical Works, vol. v. p. 398 ; vol. xi. p. 64. The most Ancient and Famous History of the renowned Prince Arthur, King of Britaine, &c. as also, all the Noble Acts and Heroicke Deeds of his valiant Knights of the Round Table, &c. B. L. Lond. 1634. — The Famous History of the Seven Champions of Christendom, &c. By Richard Johnson. 2 parts. Lond. 1670. — 2 vols. 4tto. See PoETicAl Works, vol. ii. p. 20 ; vol. vii. notes A and B. Todten-Tantz, wie derselbe in der loblichen und weitberiihmten Stadt Basel, &c. nach dem Original in Kitpffer gebracht, &c. durch Matt. Merians. 4?o. . Frank/. 1696 Freeke's (William) Lingua Tersancia, or, a most sure and compleat Allegorick Dictionary to the Holy Language of the Spirit, &c. — The Divine Grammar, or Select Riiles leading to the more nice Syntax and Articulate Construction of Dreams, Visions, and Apparitions. With MS. note by Sir W. S: 2vols.ini. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1703 Rose's (William St.) Amadis de Gaul, a Poem in 3 books. Freely translated from the French version of Herberay, &c. cr. 8vo. ..... il>. 1803 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xviii. pp. 40-43. Harrington's (Sir John) Metamorphosis of Ajax, a Cloacinian Satire. With the Anatomy and Apology. To which is added, Ulysses upon Ajax. Edited by S. W. Singer. 8vo. {Reprint of the four following articles.) .... Chiswick, \8\i SHELF V. Harrington's (Sir John) New Discourse of a State Subject called the Metamorphosis of Ajax, &c. 12mo. ...... Lond. R. Field, 1506 Apologie, 1 . or rather a Retractation, 2. or rather a Recapitulation, &c. &c. 1 2. or rather none of them. 12mo. ...... ib. 1596 Anatomie of the Metamorpho-sed Ajax, &c. &c. Published, &c. by T. C. Traveller, &c. 12mo. . . . ■ • ■ ■ . ib. R. FieU. Ulysses upon Ajax. Written by Misodiaboles to his friend Philaretes. 12nio. ib. T. Gubbins, 1596 Corsini, (Bartol.) II Torrachione Desolate, &c. 2 vols. 18/;i<). . . Lotidra, 1768 Capello, (Dottor Pietro) II Corriero Infidele. \8mo. . . . Fenet. 1671 LaJli, (Dott. Gio. Batt.) La Franceide, ovvero del Mai Francese, Poema Giocoso. 18mo. Parig. 1765 Bertoldo con Bertoldiuo e Cacaseuno, in ottava rima, &c. 3 torn. ISnw. Bolog. 1822 Cortese, (Giulio Cesare) Opere di, in Linguo Napolitana. 15"- impres. 18w2o. Napol. 1666 (Included i7i the Collection of Neapolitan Poets, p. 57.) (Folengi, Teofilo) Histoire Maccaronique, de Merlin Coccaie, Prototype de Rablais, ou est traicte les Ruses de Cingar, &c. &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 2 tom. 18mo. Far. 1606 106 Shelf 5. KOMANCES, OLD ENGLISH POETRY, &c. Press N. L' Histoire et Plaisante Cronique du Petit Jehan de Saintre, de la jeune Dame des Belles Cousines, &c. Ouvrage enrichi de Notes Critiques, &c. d'une Preface, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 3 torn. 18»io. ..... Paris, 1724 See Pkose Works, vol. n. pp. 29-32, vol. xviii. p. 24. David Hamilton of Bothwelbaugh, attainted by the name of James, and pardoned by the name of David Hamilton of Monktonmains. By E. T. 2d edit. 16mo. Jj/r, ISlf) Grant's (James) Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 2d edit. ISmo. . -E^/«, 1829 Examination of the Way of Teaching the Latin Tongue to little Children. Englished out of French. 12mo. ....... Lond. 1669 Norton, (Thomas) To the Quene's Majestie's poor deceyved Suhjeetes of the North Countrey, drawen into Rebellion, &c. B. L. 18mo. . . . ib. Bpmeman, 1569 Warning against the Dangerous Practises of Papistes, and specially the Parteners of the late RebelKon. B. L. 18mo. .... ib. Jno. Daye, The First Anniversarie ; An Anatomy of the World, &c. on the untimely death of Mrs. Eliz. Drurj'. The Second Anniversarie; The Progres of the Soule, &c. \2mo, ib. 1612 Coverdale, (Myles) The Christen State of Matrymonye, &c. B. L. ib. N. Hyll, 1552 A Christen Exliortacion to Customable Swearers, &c. Item, The Maner of saying Grace, &c. B. L. 1 2mo. . . . . . . . ib.N. Hyll, Tyndall, (Wilham) The Christen Rule, or State of all the World, from the hyghest to the lowest, &c. \2mo. ....... no place or date. Walter's (Wm.) Certaine Wortliie Manuscript Poems of Great Antiquitie, reserved long in the Studie of a Northfolke Gentleman, and now first published by J. S. Lond. 1597- sm. Svo. reprinted, Edin. Ballantyne, 1812 Deloney's (Thomas) Strange Histories, or Songs and Sonets of Kinges, Princes, Dukes, &c. and of certaine Ladyes that were Shepheards on Salisburie Plain. B. L. sm. 8ko. Lo?id. W. Barley, 1608 Ronso^^us, (Henr.) The Englishman's Doctor, or the School of Saleme, &c. Translated by Sir John Harrington. — De Valetudine Conservanda, or the Preservation of Health, &c. Collected, &c. by S. H. S7n. Sw. ..... LoW. 1624 Hall's (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich,) Virgidemiaruin. The three last Bookes of byting Sat}Tes. sm. 8vo. ........ ib. 1598 Rowland's (Samuel) The Letting of Humors Blood in the Head-Vaine, &c. (Epigrams and Satyrs.) sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1611 Overbury's (Sir Thomas) First and Second Part of the Remedy of Love. sm. 8vo. ib. 1620 Marlow's (Christopher) Certaine of Ovid's Elegies. — Epigrammes and Elegies by Sir J. Davis and Christopher Marlow. sm. 8vo. printed, Middleburgh. — reprinted, Edin. 1824 Carey's {Patrick) Triviall Ballades, tcritt here in obedience to Mrs. Tomkins's commands, 1651. — Triolets. Werneford, 1651. MS. sm. 8vo. (Afterwards printed, Jirst in 1771, and suhseqicently in 1819.) See Note to Woodstock. 107 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. Micliault, (Pierre) La Dance aux Aveugles, et autres Poesies du XV'=. Siecle, extraitcs de la Bibliotheque des Dues de Bourgogne. sm. Svo. . . . Lille, 1748 Giovio, (Paolo) La Vita di Consalvo Ferrando di Cordova, detto il Gran Capitano. Trad, per Lod. Domenichi. sm. Sco. ...... Venet. 1550 Aubani (Jo., Boemi,) Mores, Leges, et Ritus omnium Gentium. — Goes, (Damiani a) Fides, Religio, et Mores .^thiopum, et Deploratio Lappianae Gentis. B^ith MS. note hy Sir W. S. ■ 16»jo. ....... apud Torncesium, 1551 SHELF VL Frith, (John) A Boke, &c. answeringe unto M. Here's Letter, &c. concerning the Sacrament, &c. Unto which are added the Articles of his Examination before the Bishoppes of London, &c. for which J. Frith was condempned, and after burnt in SmithfFeld, without Newgate, the 4 of Juli 1553, &c. B. L. ISmo. . . . Monster, by C. IVilliams, 1533 Cottesford's (Samuel, Preacher,) Treatise against Traitors, taken out of Jeremye's Prophecie, chap. xl. &c. V2mo. title wanting. ..... \_Lon(l. 1591] Stocke's (Richard, Preacher,) Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, 2d November 1C06. 24,mo. ib. 1609 Le Moyne, (P. Pierre) Galerie des Femmes Fortes. 24ffzo. . . Leide, 1660 Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, His Divine PjTnander, in 1 7 books ; with his second book called Asclepius, &c. Translated by that learned Divine, Dr. Everard. 24»;o. Lond. 1G57 Tracts, in 1 vol. l2mo. containing, 1. The Naked Truth, or Plain Discovery of the Intrigues of amorous Fops. . . ii. 1672 2. Magical Vision, or Perfect Discovery of the Fallacies of Witchcraft. . . zJ. 1673 3. Agrippa's (Cornelius) Female Pre-eminence, or the Dignity and Excellency of that Sex above the Male, &c. Done into English by H. Care, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. . il,. 1670 Portae (Baptistae) Magiae Naturalis Libri xx. &c. 2imo. . . Ltcg. Bat. 1644 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 2 A. Gamier, (Dr. Pierre) Dissertation physique, &c. dans laquelle il est prouve que les talens ex- traordinaires qu' a Jacques Aymar de suivre avec une Baguette les Meutriers et les Voleurs, • &c. de trouver de 1' eau, 1' argent cache, &c. dependent d' une cause tres naturelle, &c. Lyon, 1692. — La Baguette justifiee, etses effets demontrez naturels, par 1' Aveugle Comiers, Prcstre, &c. Doctcur en Theologie, avec une lettre sur le meme sujct par M. Geoffroy, fils, do Montpellier. wants tille. 12mo. ...... 1692 Vallemont, (L. L. de) La Physique Occulte, on Traite de la Baguette Divinatoire, &c. 24,7no. Amst. 1696 Lettres qui decouvrent 1' illusion des Philosophes sur la Baguette, &c. \2mo. Paris, 1696 Mohnaei (Petri) Vates, seu de Precognitione futurorum, &c. \2mo. . Lug. Bat. 1640 Franck's (R.) Rabbi Moses ; a Philosophical Treatise of the Original and Production of Things, sm. Svo. ....... Lond. 1G87 108 Shelves 6, 7. MISCELLANIES. Press N. Witchcraft Detected and Prevented, or the School of Black Art newly opened. By a Mem- ber of the School. l2mo. ..... Peterhead, Buc/ian, 1823 Pselli (Mich.) De Operatione Daemonum Dialogus. Gr. et Lat. Cum notis G. Gaulmini, &c. 12mo. ........ Kiloni, 1688 Alciati (And.) Emblemata. Cum facili et compend. explicatione. S2mo. Ant. 1610 Hollar, (Wences.) Theatnim Mulierum, sive Varietas et Differentia Hahituum Foeminei Sexus divers. Europae Nationum, &c. delineatae et aquaforte aere sculptae. {id plates.) 12mo. Land. 1643 Straparola, (Gio. Fran.) Le Tredici Piacevoli Notte, divise in due Libri. Novamente ristam- pate, &c. With MS. notes by H. Weber, sm. 8vo. . . . Venet.\58(i Le Tredici Piacevolissime Notti, &c. Nuovamente di bellissime figure adornate, &c. With MS. collation by Henry Weber between this and the preceding edition, and MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. ...... *. 1601 Les Facecieuses Nuicts. Avec les Fables et Enigmes. Nouv. trad, en Fran9ois par Jean Louve. Par. 1615. — Le Second et Dernier Livre, &e. Trad, en Fran9ois par PieiTe De- larivey, Champenois. sans date. \2mo. .... Par. 1615, &c. Granucci, (N. di Lucca,) La Piacevol Notte et Lieto Giorno, Opera Morale, sm. 8oo. Venet. 1574 Weldon's (Sir Antony) Court and Character of King James, &c. and Court of King Charles. l2mo. Reprinted in Secret History of James I. . . . Land. \C>51 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 288. Secret History of the most renowned Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex. By a Person of Quality, &c. 1767. — Secret History of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. J 690. 1 2mo. Albertus Magnus de Secretis Mulierum, &c. — Michaelis Scoti Philosophi de Secretis Naturae Opusculum. 32mo. ....... Argent. 1607 Zeilleri (Mart.) Regnorum Daniae et Norwegiae, ut et Ducat. Slesvici et Holsdiae, &c. De- scriptio nova. 24mo. ...... Amst. 1 655 Swaningi, (Joan., Dani,) Christiernus II. Daniae Rex. Speculum Regis nuigni, crudelis, infelicis, exulis, exemplum caeteris. 24mo. ..... Franc. 1658 SHELF VII. Le Cabinet SatjTique, ou, Recued des Vers Piquans et Gaillaids de ce temps. Tires des Ca- binets des Sieurs de Sigognes, Regnier, Motin, Berthelot, Maynard, et autres des plus signalez Poetes de ce Siecle. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. . Imp. ait Mont Parnasse. 1697 Ovid's Metamorphoses. Englished by George Sandys. With MS. epigram by Sir W. S. 3d edit. 2imo. . . . . . . . Land. 1638 Lucan's Pharsalia, &c. The whole Tenne Books, Englished by Thomas May. 2d edit. Loru/. 1631. — Continuation of the Subject of Lucan's Historicall Poem till the Death of J. Caesar. In 7 books, 24?7!0. . . . . . . . .1631 Rowland's (Samuel) The famous History of Guy Earl of Warwick. \2mo.- Title wanting. Land. Bottesteorth. 109 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shehes 7, 8. Treasury of Health, containing many profitable Medicines, gathered out of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicen, by one Petrus Hyspanius, and translated into English by Humfrie Lloyd, &c. B. L. \2mo. ....... Loncl. 1585 Le Soldat Fran9ois, 1605. — Le Pacifique, ou, 1' Anti-Soldat Francois, 1604. — Response du Roy au Soldat Fran9ois, &c. — Le Capitaine an Soldat Frangois, 1 604. — Response de Maitre Guillaume au Soldat Francois, &c. (and several other Responses.) Umo, 1 604-5 Arcandam, (the learned and expert Astrologians.) A Brief Declaration, &'c. to find out, &c. Man's Fate, and Constellation indicative touching the natural inclination of Man, &c. 1 2wo. title icanting. Les Armoiries des Nobles Fran9ais. Engraved on a set of 53 cards. In blue morocco case. Phylarcharum Scotorum Gentilicia Insignia Illustria, a Gualtero Scot, aui-ifice, chartis lusoriis (54) expressa sculpsit. With MS. notes, on a card, hy Sir W. S., relative to his namesakes, the Publisher, and another of the same name. In yellow morocco case. Edin. 1691 Wither's (George) Satyre dedicated to His Most Excellent Majesty, sm. 8»o. Land. 1 615 Javenilia, 1633. — Fidelia, 1632. — Wither's Motto, 1633. — Faire- Virtue the Mistresse of Philarete, 1633. — Epigrams, Sonnets, Epitaphs, &c. Imperfect, but having the defi- ciencies sicpplied by H. Weber from a perfect copy. 12wo. . . ei. 1632-3 Castillo Sovorzano, (Don Alonzo de) Histoire et Avantures de Dona Rufine, fameuse Courti- sanne de Se-viUe. Trad, de 1' Espagnol. 2 vols. 24-mo. . . La Haye, 1743 Silva de Romances viejos. Pubhcada por Jacobo Grimm, sm. ivo. . Vienna, ^S'l 5 Fitzherbert's (Antony) Boke of Husbandry. Imperfect. — Boke of Surveying. Lond. Berthelet, 1546. — Xenophon's Treatise of Housholde; translated by G. Hervet, 1534. B. L. sm. 8vo. Sibbes's (Rev. Dr. R.) Bruised Reede and Snioaking Flax ; some Sermons contracted out of Matthew xii. 20. -ith edit. 2'imo. ..... Lond. 1632 Dingley's (Robert) Deputation of Angels, or the Angell-Guardian : proved by the dim light of Nature, clear beames of Scriptures, &c. l2mo. . . . ib. 1654^ Mamtscript Copy of Poems by Dean Swifi, S^c. supposed {but erroneously) to be in the hand- writing of Stella. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 12mo. Churchill's (Charles) Poems; \vith his Life prefixed. 3 vols, in 1. 18mo. Copy ichich be- longed to Mr. Canning, with his Autograph. .... Lond. 1776 See Introduction to The Abbot. Appiano Alessandrino, Delle Guerre Civili de' Romani. Tradott. da Aless. Braccio, Secret. Fiorent. sm. 8vo. ....... Vineg. 1575 SHELF VIIL Petrie's (Adam) Rules of Good Deportment, or of Good Breeding, for the use of Youth. 1 'Imo. Edin. 1720 Figures in Rhymes, or Metrical Computations, addressed to Northumbrians. By H. B. 1 2mo. Fine paper. :_ ....... Newcastle, J. Bell, 1814: Right Merry Garland of Northumberland Heroes. (8 Songs.) \2mo. Fine paper. ?i. 1814 110 Shel/8. ROMANCES, FACETIAE, &c. Pbess N. Du Fare's (Sieur) Comical History of Francion ; satyrically exposing Folly and Vice in variety of Humours and Adventures. Translated by several hands, and adapted, &c. (by W. A.) 2d edit. 2 vols. 12oto. ...... Land. 1727 Brown's (Tom) Compleat Works in Prose and Verse, &c. 4 vols. 8co. ib. 1708-11 Bancks's (John) B'liscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose. 2d edit. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 2 vols. 8ro. . . . . . . ib. 1739 Frere's (Wm.) Prospectus and Specimen of an intended National Work, by Wm. and Rob. Whistlecraft of Stowmarket in Suffolk, Harness and Collar-makers, &c. 8oo. ib. 1817 Parismus and Parismenus, the most famous, delectable, and pleasant History of, &c. In two parts. Wth impression. B. L. 'ito. . . . . . ib. 1681 Chafin's (Rev. W.) Anecdotes and History of Cranbourn Chase. 2d edit. With Additions, and a Continuation to some extent. To which are added, some Scenes in, and Anecdotes of Windsor Forest. 8ro. . . . . . . . ib. 1818 See Life, vol. v. p. 187. The Turkish Secretary, containing the Art of expressing one's Thoughts, without seeing, speaking, or ^vriting to one another, &c. 4/o. .... ib. 1688 Ancient History of the Destruction of Troy. In three books. 7tk edit. B. L. 4to. ib. 1663 Vernon's (John) Young Horseman, or, the Honest, plain-dealing Cavalier, ito. ib. The Golden Spy, or a Political Joiu-nal of the British Nights Entertainments of War and Peace, and Love and Politics, Sec. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1 709 Wit's Inteqjreter : the English Parnassus. Or, a Sure Guide to those admirable Accomplish- ments that compleat our English Gentry in the most acceptable qualifications of Discourse or Writing, &c. 3(/ edit. With many new Additions by J. C. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 8bo. ......... ib. 1671 Floyd's (Wm.) Observations on Dog-breaking. 8»o. .... ib. 1821 Brathwait's (Richard) English Gentleman : containing sundry excellent Rules, &c. how to dcmeane or accommodate himself in the manage of publike or private affaires, sm. ito. ib. 1 630 Ward's (Edward) Northern Cuckold, or, Garden-House Intrigue, a Poem. With an Addition to the Delights of the Bottle, or Complete Vintener. &c. 8vo. . ib. 1721 Stewart's (W. Grant) Popular Superstitions and Festive Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland. 12mo. ....... Edin. 1823 Hibbert Ware's (Dr. Samuel) Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitions, or an Attempt to trace such Illusions to their Physical Causes. l2mo. . . . ib. 1824 The Same, second edition, enlarged, (dedicated to Sir Walter Scott.) sm. 8vo. ib. 1 825 See Zctterson DemoTiologi/, pussim. — Notes to Waverley, ^c, Cramond's (Dr. Hercules) Outlines of Human Life, exemplified by some genuine and well attested Memoirs of the Author and his Family. 8oo. . . Land. 1786 Weber, (Veit) Sagen der Vorzeit. 6 vols. sm. 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1790-95 111 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shehes 8, 10. Tressan, (Comte de) Corps d' Extraits de Romans de Chevalerie. 4 torn. 12mo. Par. 1782 See PoBTiCAl Works, vol. v. p. 74, &e. ; Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 63 ; and vol. xviii. p. 27. La Bibliotheque Bleue ; entieremcnt refondue et considerablement augmentee. 3 torn. 12mo. Liege, 1787 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 265 ; Life, vol. i. p. 46. The Heroick Princes, or, the Conscious Lovers, &e. Surprising Adventures of the Magnani- mous Prince Formidaur, and Prince Florian, &c. &c. 4M edit. 12mo. Land. 1759 Marivaux, (P. C. de) Le Paysan Parvenu, ou les Memoires de M* * *. 2 torn. 12mo. Par. 1782 Prevost's (Abbe de) Life and entertaining Adventures of Mr. Cleveland, natural Son of Oliver Cromwell, &c. 3d edit. 4 vols. 12?no. .... Lond. 17<)0 Bembi (Cardinalis Petri) Epistolarum Familiarium Libri vi. sm. Svo. Ve)iet. ex officina Gualteei Scotti^ 1552 Another literary namesake of the founder of Abbotgford, at a period, and in a quarter, least to be looked for ! Paris de Puteo, Duello : Libro de Re, Imperatori, Principi, Signori, Gentil' homini e de tutti Armigeri, &c. sm. Svo. ...... Venet. 1525 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 81. SHELF X. Edwin and Anna, a Northumbrian Tale, founded on Facts. 3vols.ini. sm.Svo. Lond.l7&5 Cervantes, (Miguel de) Instructive and Entertaining Novels, &c. Translated by Thomas Shelton. 12mo. ........ ib. See Life, vol. vii. p. 370. Persiles and Sigismunda, &c. Translated from the Original. 2 vols. 12mo. Dub. 1742 and others. The Spanish Decameron, or Ten Novels, made Enghsh by R. L. 8vo. Lond. 1G87 Cespedes and Mene^es, (Don Gon9alo de) Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard, or a Pattern for Lascivious Lovers, &c. made English by Leonard Digges. 8vo. . . ib. 1 653 Amadis of Gaul. By Vasco Lobeyra. Translated from the Spanish Version of Garciordonez de Mental vo, by Robert Southey. 4 vols. 12?mo. .... 2^.1803 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xviii. p. 1. Palmerin of England. By Francisco de Moraes. Corrected from the original Portugueze, by Robert Southey. 4 vols. 12 mo. . . . . . . z5. 1807 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 198 ; Life, vol. ii. pp. 127 & 132. Fletcher, (R.) Ex Otto Negotium : or Martiall his Epigrams translated. With sundry Poems and Fancies, sm. 8vo. . • . . ■ . . ib. 1656 Les Amans Heureux, Trompez, Malheureux. In three Parts. cr.Sco. Paris, (ib.) 1685 The Oxford Sausage, or Select Poetical Pieces, written by the most celebrated Wits of the University of Oxford. — New Pocket Companion for Oxford, or Guide through the Univer- sity, &c. sm. 8vo. ....... Oxford, 1803 112 Shdves 10, n. NOVELS, FACETIAE, MISCELLANIES. Press N. Companion to the Guide, and Guide to the Companion ; being a complete Supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford hitherto published, (ascribed to Tom Warton.) SrferfeV. 12mo. Lone/. PhUosophicall Epitaph in Hierogl}i)liicall Figures, with explanation, &c. Published by W. C. Esq. with a Catalogue of Chymicall Bookes. 8vo. . . . i'i. 1673 Pellegrin, Historic von Edlen Ritter Galmy und einer schb'nen Herzogin aus Bretagnc. 2 vols, in 1. sm. 8oo. ..."... Berlin, 1806 Rymer's (T.) Curious Amusements for the entertainment of the ingenious of both sexes, &c. Rendered into English from the 15th edition, printed at Paris. — Translations from Greek, Latin, and Italian Poets, with other Verses and Songs. l2mo. . Lond. 1714 Valtrini (J. A.) De Re Militari Veterum Romanorum Libri vii. sm. 8vu. Col, Agripp. 1597 Bonamici, (Castruccio) Memoria di, sulla Giornata presso Velletri nel 1744. Trad, del Latino da D. Nicola Zehender. sm. 8vo. ..... iVop. 1802 SHELF XI. Coley's (Henry) Clavis Astrohgiae, or Key to the whole Art of Astrologie. In 2 parts, &c. 12njo. ........ Lond. 1609 Le Solitaire Espagnol, ou Memoires de Don Varasque de Figueroas. 2de edit. 2 torn. 1 2mo. Leyde, 1753 Gavin's (Rev. Mr.) Master-Key to Popery. With MS. note by Sir JV. S. 3 vols. l2mo. Lond. 1726-29 Schotti (Gasp.) Physica Curiosa, sive Mirabilia Naturae et Artis. Libris xii. With MS. note by Sir W- S. 2 tom. 4Aj. ...... Herbip. -[662 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 268. Melanges. 1 tom. stn. 8vo. 1776-84. containing, 1. La Veaux, (M. de) Les Nuits Champetres. .... Berl. 178i 2. Vass^, (Baronne de) Les Aveux d' une Femme Galante, ou Lettres de Mad. la Marquise de * * * a. Myladi Fanny Stapelton. ...... LotuI. 1783 3. Anecdotes sur Madame la Comtesse du Barri. . . . . . ib. ] 776 4. Niiel, (C. H.) Le Voyage Force', &c. tir^ des Mtmoires d' im Homme de Lettres, qui a fait un long sejour en Angleterre, &c. ....... i6. 1778 Maillet's Telliamed ; or. Discourses between an Indian Philosopher and a Frencli Missionary, &c. Translated from the French. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1750 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 289. Giraldi, (Giraldo) Novelle di, per la prima volta date in luce. 8vo. Amsf. 1796 Prevost's (Abbe de) Memoirs, &c. of the Marquis de Bretagne and Due d' Harcourt. To which is added the History of the Chevalier de Grieu and Moll 1' Escaut, an extravagant Love Adventure. Translated by Mr. Erskine. 3 vols. 1 2mo. . Lond. 1 743 See Prose Works, vol. iv. p. 45. The Mock-Clelia, being a Comical History of French Gallantries and Novels, in imitation of Don Quixote, sm. Svo. . . . . . . . ib. 1678 113 P Pkess N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 1\, 12. Brown's (C. Brockden) Edgar Huntly, or, the Sleep Walker. 3 vols. 12»io. Land. 1803 Jane Talbot. 2vols. 12»io. ...... e6. 1804 Philip Stanley, or, the Enthusiasm of Love. 2 vols. l2mo. ■ . . ib. 1807 Arthur Mervyn, a Tale. 3 vols. l2mo. . . . . . ib. 1821 Wieland, an American Tale. 3 vols. 12»»o. .... ib. 1822 Ormond, or, the Secret Witness. 3 vols. I2nw. .... ib. 1822 Carwin the Biloquist, and other American Tales. 3 vols. \2mo. . . ib. 1822 Dunlap's (William) Memoirs of C. B. Brown, the American Novelist. 8vo. . /i. 1822 Edge-HUl, or, the Family of the Fitzroyals, a Novel. By a Virginian. 2 vols, in 1. 12wo. Richmond, Virginia, 1828 Barnes's (Rev. Joshua) New Discover}' of a little sort of people anciently discoursed of, called Pygmies ; wth a particular Description of their Religion and Government, Language, Habit, Stature, Food, &c. With MS. note. 8vo. Land, reprinted for R. Griffiths, 1750 Lacombe, (M.) Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Frangois, &c. 8»o. . Par. 176C Le Roux, (P. J.) Dictionnaire Comique, Satyxique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre, ct Proverbial, &c. nouvelle edit. Sfc. 2 torn. 8 co. .... Pampelune, 17S6 Boccacio, (Giovanni) II Decameron. Di nuovo ristampato, &c. et alia sua vera lettione ridotto dal Cav. Lionardo Salviati. Venet. Angelieri, 1594. — La Nobilta dell' Asino di Attabalippa del Peru. Riformata da Griffagno delli Impacci, &c. Venet. 1599. ito. Antar, a Bedoueen Romance. Translated from the Arabic by Terrick Hamilton, Esq. &c. 4 vols. sm. 8ro. ....... Land. 1817 See Prcse Works, vol. vi. p. 147. Tooke's (Andrew) Pantheon, representing the Fabulous History of the Heathen Gods, and most illustrious Heroes, &c. 19th edit. sm. 8vo. .... ib. 1757 SHELF XIL Bussy Rabutin, (Comte de) Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules. 2imo. . Col. 1722 Amours des Dames illustres de notre Siecle. (^includes the preceditig.) 24^tno. ib. 1703 Lavateri (Ludov.) Do Spectris, Lemuribus, variisque Praesagitionibus, Tractatus vere aureus. 4 partibus. edit. ita. 24??io. ..... Litgd. Bat. 1 687 Pomponatii Mantuani Tractatus de Immortalitate Animae. 12wo. . . 1594 Volume of French Tracts, sm. 12mo. containing, 1. Histoire ties Insignes Faussetez et Suppositions de F. Fava, M^decin Italien, &c. Pur. 1608 2. Lettres sur r Antiquite' de la Veritable Religion. .... Lausanne, \6&\ 3. Sentences Dore'es, tir&s des Lettres, &c. d' Anthonio Perez. Trad, en Fran^ais par J. G. Rouen, 1603 4. Nouveau Recueil de Letties ct Billets Galands, &c. . . . Par.lGiS 5. Me'moires de la Reine Marguerite. . . . . . ili. 1658 (!. Hauterive, (Sieur de) Ambassade E-xtraordinaire de Mylord Fauconberg, &c. vers quelques Princes et Estats d' Italie. ....... Amst. 1671 La Fausse Clelie, Histoire Fran^oise, Galuiitc et Comique. 247«o . Amst. 1672 114 Skehes 12, 13. ROMANCES, FACETIAE, PHILOSOPHY, &c. Press N. Sidney, (Sir Philip) D' Engelschc Arcadia, &c. Inde Nederduytsche tale overgheset door F- V. S. de Jonghe. 2-imo. ...... Delft, 164.1 Tesserant, (Claude de) Quatorze Histoires Prodigieuses, de nouveau adjoustees aux precedentes. (de Boaistuau.) ^2mo. ...... Par. 1567 Bremond, (Sieur de) L' Heureux Esclave, nouvelle. 12mo. . . Col. 1677 Mendoza, (Don Juan Hiirtado de) Lazarillo, or the Excellent History of Lazarillo de Tonnes, the witty Spaniard. Both parts, &c. translated by D. Rowland ; and improved by James Blakiston. S7n. 8i'o. ...... Lond. 1653 Horae de Sancta Cruce. — Cursus B. Marie Virginis. — Daventriae, Alb. Passiadus, 1545. — Incipit Prologus in Septem Psalmos Penitentiales, S^x. MS. 32mo. Small Dutch Prai/er-Book, Bules of St. Benedict, Sfc. MS. 32mo. . . 1626 Missale Romanum, with illuminations. MS. Qimo. Scott, (George) The Psalms of David, in Metre, \2rho. . . Ed in. 1768 Parker, (George) Life's Painter of varied Characters in public and private Life, &c. ; to which is added a Dictionary of Modem Flash, or Cant Language. 1 2mo. . Lond. Albertus Magnus de Secretis Mulierum ; de Virtutibus Herbarum, Lapidum, &c. ; de Mirabiji- bus Mundi, &c. 32mo. ...... Lugd. 1596 Georgiwicz, (Barthol.) De Turcaruni Moribus Epitome. 1 2/«o. . . ib. 1578 Kornmanni (Henr.) De Virginitatis Jure, Tractatus novus et jucundus, ex jure civili, canonico, patribus, &c. confectus. 32mo. ..... Virginopoli, 1^31 Tabourot, (Est.) Les Bigarrures et Touches du Sieur des Accords, avec ses Escraignes Dijonnoises, &c. ; et les Contes Facecieux du Sieur Gaulard. 3 torn. \2mo. Rouen, 1628 Deslauriers, ( ) Les Fantasies de Bruscambille, contenant plusieurs Discours, Para- doxes, Harangues, &c. edit, reveue et corrigee. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 2imo. Paris, 1668 lamblichus de Mysteriis Egypt. Chald. Assyr. — Proclus in Alcibiadem Platonicum, &c. — Porphyrias de Divinis atque Daemonibus ; Psellus de Daemonibus ; Mercurii Trismegisti Pvmander et Asclepius. \2mo. ..... Lngd. 1570 The Female Rambler, being the Adventures of Madlle. Janeton de * * * *. From the French. \2mo. ........ Lond. 1754 The Spanish and French History, or Love out of Season, a Novel. 12mo. ib. 1689 Banquet of Dainties for Strong Stomachs. (Collection of Scotch Satirical, &c. Poems, about beginning of the 18th Century. From Mylne's MSS., edited by J. Maidment.) 32mo. Privately printed. . . . . . . . . ib. SHELF XIII. Amadis de Gaule, mis en Fran9ois par le Seigneur des Essars, Nicolas de Herberay, Jacques Chariot, &c. &c. 2 tom. \Gmo. et 3 torn sm. 8do. . Lyon, 1577-1581, . Troyes, 1718 L' Eclipse, ou 1' Effet dea Astres. . . j . 3. Eloge funebre de Michel Morin. 4. Le bon vin r^jouit le coeur de V homme. 5. Catdchisme des Normands. Vol. H. — 6. Dubois, Le Jaloux tromp^, Come'die. .... Paris, 7. Complimens de la Langue Franyoise. .... Troyes, 1715 8. Cabinet de 1' Eloquence Franjoise. . . . . . ib. 9. Le Batiment des Receptes. Traduit d' Italien. . . . ib. L' Art d' assassiner les Rois, &c. Secret de la derniere Conspiration, &c. 3e Sept. 1695, centre la vie de Guillaume III. &c. decouverte a Withall le 2d Mars 1696. 12mo. Lond. 1696 Memoria Espiritual de Devotas Contemplativas Oraciones, Sfc. 1 2mo. MS. Escrito por G. H. Wibnan. ...... en Brusselas, 1685 Robbe de Beauveset, CEuvres Badines. 2 torn. 12mo. . . . Lond. 1801 SHELF XVL Quarles's (Francis) Argalus and Parthenia. The last edition, corrected, S,-c. and illustrated with thirti/ figures, 'ito. ...... 24.1656 Rowland's (S.) The Letting of Humour's Blood in the Head-Vaine, &c. 1611. Reprinted, with prefatory notice by Sir Walter Scott. ito. . . . Edin. Ballantyne, ISM Stevenson's (Hall) Crazy Tales and Fables for grown Gentlemen, new edit. 8vo. Lond. 1780 See Life, vol. iv. p. 137. Thibault, (G. D. T.) Vie de Pedrille del Campo. Roman comique, &c. sm. 6vo. Par. 1718 Aubigne, (Theod. Agrippa d') Les Avantures du Baron de Foeneste. nouv. edit, augmentee, &c. 2tom. 8»o. ....... Cologne, 1729 Les Tours de Maitre Gonin. 2 torn, in 1. si7i. 8vo. . . . Anvers, 1714 Cretin, (Guillaiune) Les Poesies de. sm.8vo. .... Paris, 1723 Recueil de Faceties. sm. 8so. containing, 1. Les Etrennes de la Saint Jean. 3me edit. ..... Troyes, 1741 2. Mortier, (Pierre) Panegyrique du Sieur J. M. Reinhart, Maitre Cordonnier, &c. . 1759 .3. Eemy, ( ) Les Jours. Correctif et Supplement aux Nuits d' Young. Par un Mousquetaire. Amst, 1770 4. Le Pain B&it de M. 1' Abbe de Marigny. ..... 1673 Bourdigne, (Charles) Legende de Maistre Pierre Faifeu. s)7i. 8vo. . Paris, 1723 Caylus, (Comte de) Les Manteaux, Recueil. sm. 8»o. . . La Haye, 1746 Virgilius. This Boke treateth of the Lyfe of Virgilius, and of his Deth, and many marvayles that he dyd, &c. Edited by E. V. Utterson, Esq., with letter from him to Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . reprinted, Lond. 1812 See Poetical Works, vol. v. pp. 432-3 ; vol. vi. note 3 1. 117 Press N. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. SM«e« 16, 17. Guerino detto il Meschino, nel quale si tratta come trovo suo Padre e sua ]\Iadre nella citta di Durazzo in prigione, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 8vo. Bassano, sem' anno. See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 195. Hotmandii, ( ) Anti-Choppinus, imo potius Epistola Congratulatoria M. Nic. Turlupini deTurlupinisad M. R.ChoppinumdeChoppinis, &c. WithMS.note. sm. 8vo. Carnuti,l592 J. N. P. du C. dit V . Les Tetons ; Poesies diverses du Sieur du Commun ; Les Yeux ; Le Nez. ouvrage curieux, &c. sm. Svo. .... Amsi. 1760 Wither's (Geo.) Fidelia, a Love Epistle. Reprinted from the edition of 1619, collated icith ^Aa?o/"1633, by Sir E. Brydges. 12 wo. .... Lowrf. 1815 Le Sage (A. R et D' Orneval, ( ) Theatre de la Foire, ou 1' Opera Comique. 2 toni. 12»zo. ........ Amst. 1723 Tasso, (Torquato) II Rinaldo. Alia sua vera lezione ridotto da L. Nardini. 12»20. ionrf. 1801 Apuleio, L' Asino d' Oro. »m. 8vo. wants title. . . . [_Vinegia, 1537] Poetry of the Anti Jacobin. 5th edit. Lord Byron's Copy, with his Autograph, foolsc. 8vo. Land. 1807 Beresford's (Rev. James) Miseries of Human Life, or the Groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy. 3d edit. 2 yoh. foolsc. 8vo. . . . ib. 1807 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 139. Gordon's (Thomas) Cordial for Low Spirits, being a Collection of curious Tracts. 3d edit. 3 vols. \2mo. ....... ib. 1763 SHELF XVIL Mendoza, (Don J. H. de, Marquis de Mondejar,) Lazarillo de Tormes castigado. sm. 8vo. Zaraffoga, 1660 Innamoramento di Rinaldo, nel quale si contiene il suo Nascimento, e tutte le Battaglie que lui fece, &c. sm. 8vo. ....... Fenet. 1616 Kleiner Schau-Platz Dcnckwiirdiger Begebenheiten, \vie auch mehrentheils trauriger Ges- chichten und Ungliicksfalle ; &c. 8vo. .... A tysburg, 17 4-9 Rottenhagen, ( ) Froschmauseler vorstellend Frbsche und Mause wunderbahre Hoff- haltung, &c. 8po. . . . . . ■ ■ Franck. 1730 Record of Ancient Histories, entituled in Latin, Gesta Romanorum, &c. 1 2mo. Lond. Basset, 1689 Bruns, (P. J.) Romantische und andere Gedichte in Altplattdeutscher Sprache, aus einer Hands, der Akad. Bibl. zu Helmstadt. 8vo. .... Berlin, 1798 Legrand d' Aussy, Fabliaux ou Contes du XIP. et du XIIP. Siecle, Fables et Romans du XIII". Traduits ou extraits d' apres plusieurs MSS. du terns, &c. nouv. edit. (2'''^) aug- mentee. 5 torn. 18wo. ...... Paris, 1781 See Prose Work.s, vol. vi. p. 42. CoUcccion de Historias Interesantes y Divertidas (por D. F. de Quintana y otros). 8 vols. sm. 8vo. ....... Madrid, 1806-7 118 Shelves 17, 18. FACETIAE, ROMANCES, MISCELLANIES. Press N. Moilini Opus, complectens Novellas, Fabulas, et Comoediam, Edit, nova, curaet impensis P. J. Caron, &c. 8»o. ....... Paris, ^1QQ Recueil deplusieurs Farces, tant anciennes que modernes. 2 torn. sm. 8vo. ib. 1612 Faceties. 1 torn. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Le Plat de Carnaval, ou lea Beignets appretfe par Guillaume Bonnepate, &c. A Bonne Huile, &c. 2. Les Chansons Folastres des Com^diens, &c. .... Paris, 1 637 3. Noels Bourguignons. Trad, par M. de la Monnoye. . . • 173.^ Histoire de Vaillant Chevalier Tiran le Blanc. Trad, de 1' Espagnol (par le Comte de Caylus). 2 torn, en 1. sm. 8vo. ..... Land. (Paris,) 1737 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 41. Clark's (Hugh) Introduction to Heraldry, llth edit, improved. 12?«o. Land. 1829 The Heraldry of Crests, containing upwards of 3500 different crests, &c. 127«o. ib. 1829 SHELF XVIII. Audiguier, (Le Sieur d') Le Vray et Ancien Usage des Duels, &c. Svo. Paris, 1617 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 81. Saviolo, ( Vincentio) His Practise. In 2 bookes : the first intreating of the use of the Rapier and Dagger, the second of Honor and Honorable Quarrels. 4to. Lond. Wolfe, 1595 Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, suivcnt les Cent Nouvelles ; &c. qui sont moult plaisans a raconter. 7iouv. edit, avec IQQ fff. 4 torn. Svo. . . . Cologne, 1786 See Note to QiieiUin DurKurd, Martiniere, (De la) Tombeau de la I'olie, dans lequel sc void, i&c. la realite et la possibilite de la Pierre Philosophale, &c. 1 2mo. ..... Paris, Cabinet Sat^T-ique, ou Recueil parfaict des Vers picquans, &c. dern. edit. ib. 1632 Du Fail, (Noel, Seigneur de la Herissaye,) Les Contes et Discours d' Eutrapel. sm. 8»o. Rennes, 1597 Du Breiiil-Pomee, (Le Sieur de) Traite de 1' Instruction du Cavalier, pour le rendre capable de dresser et d' emboucher toutes sortes de Chevaux, &'c. 2 parties, \2mo. Arnk. 1669 Archer's (John) Every Man his own Doctor, compleated with an Herbal, &c. JVitk MS. note bt/ Sir IV. S. \2mo. ...... Lond. \ 57 3 Venner's (T.) Via Recta ad Vitam Longam, or, a Demonstration, &c. of the Nature, Faculties, and Effects of all such things as make for the Preservation of Health, &c. Whereunto is annexed, a Treatise of the Famous Batlis of Bathe, &c. 4 MacFarlane's (Rob.) New Alphabetical Vocabulary, GaOic and Enghsh, &c. 8vo. Edin. 179,5 Moor's (Edward) Suffolk Words and Phrases ; or an Attempt to collect the Lingual Localisms of that County. 12mo. ...... Woodb. 1823 SHELF XXIL Les Prouesses et Faictz Merveilleux du noble Huon de Bordeaulx, Per de France, Due de Guyenne. lett. gotk. 4to. {Roxburgke copi/.) . . . Paris, 15M: See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note Y ; Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 182. 121 Q Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. » Shelf i. Lancelot du Lac. lett. goth. 3 torn. /o/. . noucdlement imp-ime a Paris, \a33 See Poetical Works, vol. v. pp. 370, 425, &c. La tres elegante, delicieuse, melliflue, et tresplaisante Hystoire du tres noble, victorieux, et excellentissime Roy Perceforest, Roy de la grant Bretaigne, &c. lett. goth. 3 tom.yb/. Paris, Galiot Dupre, ] 531-2 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. p. 200 ; Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 179, 184, 186. Le Premier Li\Te de la Cronicque du tres vaillant et redoute Dom Flores de Grece, surnomnie le Chevalier des Cignes, &c. Mise en Fran9ais par le Seigneur des Essars, Nicolas de Herberay, &c. fol. ....... ih. 1552 The Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of Kyng Arthur ; of his noble Knyglitis of the Rounde Table, &c. and in the end, Le Morte d' Arthur, &c. With an Introduction and Notes by Robert Southey. Printed from Caxton's edition, 1485. 2 vols. 4/0. . . Lund. 1817 See Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 174-5, 187, 212 ; Life, vol. ii. p. 135. History of the valiant Knight Arthur of Little Britain, a Romance of Chivalry. Translated from the French by Lord Berners. new edit. Edited by Edvi'. V. Utterson, Esq. ito. ?'i. 1814 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 212. Boetius De Consolatione Philosophie, necnon de Disciplina Scholarum, cum Commeiito Sancti Thome, lit. goth. fol. ..... Lugduni, \i9\ Opus Aureum, &c. Super Evangeliis totius annij secundum usus Romane curie et ordinis Fratrum predicatorum. Editum a Fratre Antonio de Gislandis de Laveno. lit. goth. 2 partes in 1 tom./o/. ........ ib. 1508 Rabelais, (Fran9ois) QiuvTes de. Avec les Remarques historiques et critiques de M. Duchat. 3 torn. 4to. ........ Amst. 1741 See Poetical Works, vol. vii. p. 68 ; Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 72, 344 ; vol. iii. p. 292. .Tacobus de Voragine, Legenda Sanctorum que Lombardica Hystoria dicitur. Cura Lamb. Campestri, &c. lit. goth. With MS. note bi/ Sir W. S. fol. . Lvgdufii, \5\7 PRESS 0. MISCELLANIES, INCLUDING BOOKS ON AVITCHCRAFT, DEJIONOLOGY, APPARITIONS, ASTROLOGY, AND THE OCCULT SCIENCES; BOOKS OF DROLLERY AND HUMOUR; LIVES OF MALEFACTORS, IMPOSTORS, &c. REAL AND FICTITIOUS; WITH A FEW WORKS ON HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. SHELF I. Topsell's (Edward) History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents, describing at large their true and lively figure, &c. ; collected from the Writings of Conradus Gesner, and other Authors. Whereunto is now added the Theatre of Insects, &c. by T. Muffet, Doctor of Physic. The whole revised, corrected, and enlarged, &c. by John Rowland, M.D. 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. ....... Land. 1658 122 SheI/\. MISCELLANIES, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Burton's (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholy, &c. Mi edit. fol. . l.ond. 1670 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 292. De Foe's (Daniel) Jure Divino, a SatxT. In 12 books, fol. . . ib. 1706 History of the Union of Great Britain, fol. . . . Edin. 1709 Pinto's (Ferd. Mendez) Voyages and Adventures during his Travels, for the space of 21 years, in the Kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchiu-China, &c. &c. Written originally by himself in the Portugal Tongue. Done into English by H. Cogan. fol. Loud. 1663 Du Bartas's (W. S. Lord) Divine Weekes and Workes, &c. Translated and written by that famous Philomusus, Josuah Sylvester, fol. . . . . ib. 1G21 Heywood's (Thomas) Tvvaixuov, or Nine Books of various History concerning Women ; in- scribed by the names of the Nine Muses, fol. .... ib. 1624- Hierarchie of the blessed Angells, their Names, Orders, and Offices ; the Fall of Lucifer with his Angells. fol. ...... ib. 1 63.5 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. pp. 268, 275, 281, 343 ; vol. iii. p. 169 ; vol. vi. notes I & 2 B. Nostradamus's (Michael) True Prophecies and Prognostications. Translated and commented by Theoph. de Garenciers, Doctor in Pbysick. fol. . . . ib. 1685 See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 144. Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Renmi. Translated into English by John Trevisa. B. L. fol. Lond. Berthclet, 153-5 Scot's (Reginald) Discovery of Witchcraft ; proving that the Compacts and Contracts of Witches with Devils, &c. are but erroneous novelties, and imaginary conceptions, &c. In 1 6 books. Whereunto is added an excellent DiscoMse of the Nature and Substance of Devils and Spirits. In 2 books. Sd edit. fol. . . . Lond. 1665 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. nott 2 H. ; vol. vii. p. 161 ; vol. ix. p. 132 ; Note to The Antiquary, vol i. ; and Litters on Dcmonology, p. 134, &c. Treatise of Spectres, or an History of Apparitions, Oracles, Prophecies, and Predictions, &c. Collected out of sundry Authors of great credit, &c. by Thomas Bromhall. (Translation of Latin work, ' Magica, seu Mirabilium Historiarum de Spectris,' &c.^ Whereunto is annexed a learned Treatise, confuting the opinions of the Sadducees and Epicures, denying the appear- ing of Angels and Devils to Men, &c. Written in French, fol. . ib. 1658 Stephen's (Henrie) World of Wonders, or, an Introduction to a Treatise touching the confor- matie of ancient and modern Wonders : or a Preparative Treatise to the Apologia for He- rodotus. Translated by R. C. im.fol. ..... ib. 16(i7 Beard's (Rev. Thomas, B.D.) Theatre of God's Judgements. Wherein is represented the ad- mirable Justice of God against all notorious Sinners, both great and small, &e. Collected out of Sacred, Ecclesiastical, and Profane Histories. Now secondly printed and augmented, &c. smfol. ... . . . . ib. 1612 123 Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 2. SHELF II. Wieri (Joannis) Opera Omnia, (de Praestigiis Daemonum, &c.) edit. nova. 4to. Amst. 1 6G0 See Letters on Demonolopt/, Lett. 6. Magica, seu Mirabilium Historiarum Je Spectris et Apparitionibus Spirituum : Itenij de Magicis et Diabolicis Incantationibus : De Miraculis, Vaticiniis, &c. Libri li. 8vo. Islebiae, 1597 Haen, (Antonii de) De Magia Liber. 8«o. .... Lipsiae,\775 Traite des Atheistes, Deistes, Illuminez d' Espagne, et nouveaux pretendus Invisibles, dits de la Confrairie de Croix-Rosaire, &c. 4to. ..... 1624 Sharp's (Granville) Case of Saul, shewing that his Disorder was a real Spiritual Possession, &c. with a short Tract on the influence of Demons, sm. 8vo. . Lond. 1807 Digges's (Leonard) Prognostication everlasting, &c. conta3Tiing plaine, briefe, &c. Rides to judge the Weather by the Sunne, Moone, Starres, &c. Corrected and augmented b}' T. Digges, his Son. B. L. 4fto. . . . ib. by Widow Oncin, 1596 Schefferi (Joannis) Lapponia, id est, Regionis Lapponum et Gentis nova et veriss. Descriptio, &c. 4^0. ........ Franco/. 1673 Floerckti (Jo. Ern.) Conimcntatio de Criraine Conjurationis Spirituum, &c. 4to. Jenae, 1721 Jlichaelis, (Father Seb.) Admirable Historic of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman, seduced by a Jlagician that made her to become a Witch, &c. in the country of Provence, &c. Whereunto is annexed a Pneumology, or Discourse of Spirits. Translated by W. B. 8w. ....... Lond. 1713 Strozzi Cicogna, Palagio de gl' Incanti, e dolle gran meraviglie de gli Spiriti, &c. 4to. I'icema, con licenza della Santa Inquisitione, 1 605 Helmont, (J. Bapt. Van) Qiuvres. Traittant des Principes de Medicine et Physique^ pour la guerison assuree des Maladies. Trad par M. Jean le Conte, D.M. 4^0. Lyon, 1670 See Poetical Works, vol. v. p. 417. MacTaggart's (John) Scottish Gallovideau Encyclopaedia, or the Original, Antiquated, and Natural Curiosities of the South of Scotland, &c. Svo. ■ . Lond. \82't Journal of the Proceedings of the Fortunate Youth, &c. 8vo. . North Shields, 1828 Sharp's (Rev. J.) Life, Opinions, Character, and Tragic Death of Count R* * * * * "au, com- monly called F. G. Meyer, condemned to the Gallows, May 26, 1796, at Rotterdam. 8oo. Lond. 1797 Collection of Odes, Songs, &c. agt. the Whigs, including Mr. He vverdine'sPoht. Songs. 8vo. ib. 1790 Thomson's (Richard) Chronicles of London Bridge. By an Antiquary, royal 8vo. ib. 1 827 Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, the Charters of Liberties and Confirmations granted by Henry III. and Edward I., the Original Charters of the Forests, &c. 8ro. ........ ib. 1829 See Introdiu-tioji to Ininhoe. Nortliumberland Household Book. The Regulations and Establishment of Henry Algernon Percv, fifth Earl of Northumberland, at his Castles of Wresill and Lekinfield, in Yorkshire. Begun A. D. 1512. (First printed, 1170.) 8t>o. . . reprinted, ib. 1827 124 Shelves 2, 3, 4. DEFOE'S WORKS, &c. Press 0. Goodhugli's (William) English Gentleman's Library Manual, or Guide to the fonnation of a Library of Select Literature, &c. 8oo. .... ion;/. 1827 More's (Cresacre) Life of Sir Thomas More. With Biographical Preface, Notes, &c. by Rev. Joseph Hunter. &vo. ...... ib. 1828 Nicholas's (Sir Harris) Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry VIIL from November 1529, to December 1532. With Introductory Remarks and Illustrative Notes. 8»o. ib. 1827 Journal of one of the Suite of Bishop Beckington during an Embassy to negociate a Man-iage between Henry VI. and a daughter of the Count of Armagnac, 1442. With Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1828 SHELVES HI. IV. Defoe's (Daniel) Minor Works, Collection of, in 2 vols. 4to. and 33 vols. 8bo. &c. containing, 1. The True Bom Englishman, a Satyr. lOthedit. ito. .... i6. 1701 See Prose Works, vol. iv. pp. 233-4. 2. Voyage to the World of Cartesius. Written originally in French. Translated into English by T. Taylor, M.A. id edit. Svo. ...... ('6.1694 3. Collection of the Writings of the True Bom Englishman. (Satirical and Political Tracts.) Svo. J4. 170.'! 4. Collection of Tracts in sm. Svo. containing, 1. Hymn to the PiUory. . . Lond. 1708 | 3. The Dyet of Poland, a Satyr, &c. 211 edit. Land. I/IG •2. Hymn to Peace, occasioned by the 2 Houses joining 4. True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal, Ac. 8th in an Address to the Queen. . Oi. \^m I September I'm, &c. Ififft edit. . . . ib. See Prose Works, vol. iv. pp. 203-274, & 288-236. 5. Memoirs of tlie Life and Adventures of Signer Rozelli at the Hague, &c. Svo. Lond. 170.'* 6. The Same, tfitVii c(/iVwH, with an Appendix. Svo. .... ib.X'il'.', 7. Continuation of the Life and Adventures of Signer Rozelli, &c. to the day of his Death. Sm. ili. 17"24 8. History of Addresses. By one very near akin to the Author of the Tale of a Tub. Svo. ib. 170.9 9. Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, in 4 periods, &c. With an Appendix relating to the Union. Svo. ih. 1717 See Prose Works, vol. xLx. p. 41. 10. Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; being the 2d and last part of his Life. '2d edit. Svo. ;4. 1719 1 1 . Serious Reflexions during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, &c. too. ih. 1 7-0 12. Slesnager's (M.) Negotiations at the Court of England, &c. written by himself. Done out of French. Svo. ......... ih. 1717 13. Life, Adventures, and Pyracies of the famous Captain Singleton, &c. Svo. . . ib. 1720 14. Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, &c. 3 vols. Svo. . . ib. 1724-5-7 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 445. 15. New Voyage round the World. (2 parts in 1 vol.) Svo. . . . i/i. 172.) 16. Life and Entertaining Adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies, commonly called Mother Ross. (2 parts in 1 vol.) 8to. . . . . . . . ilj. 17. Political History of the Devil. (2 parts in 1 vol.) 8™. .... *. 172(i 1 8. concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marri.ige-Bed, &c. 8™. . . i4. 1737 1 9. Compleat English Tradesman, in familiar Letters, &c. 2 vols. 8ro. . . i6. 1729 20. Plan of the English Commerce, &c. In 3 parts. 8fo. • . . t6. 1728 21. Religious Courtship, &c. Discourses on the necessity of marrying Religious Husbands and Wive.« only, &c. id edit. Svo. ...... ,6.1729 125 Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf i. SHELF IV. 22. Poetical and other Tracts. 1 vol. 4r. ib. 16i\ Dov\-nefall of Temporizing Poets, unlicenst Printers, upstart Booksellers, &c. 4?o. repr. ib. 1 641 Treatise upon the Modes, or a Farewell to French Kicks. 8fo. . ib. 1715 See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 119-20, note. Country Tom's Complete Jester, or, the Laugher's Delight, &c. l2mo. ib. Breton's (Nicholas) Poste with a Packet of Mad Letters. 2 parts in 1 vol. B. L. 4:to. ib. 128 Shelf 5. LIVES OF CRIMINALS, BOOKS OF DROLLERY, &c. Press 0. True Life of Betty Ireland. (A political squib.) ^■oo. . . . Land. 1753 Avery, (Captain John, the famous English Pirate,) Life and Bold Adventures of, raised from a Cabin-boy to a King, now in possession of Madagascar, sm. 4(> Piadcliffe's (Alexander) Ovid Travestie, a Burlesque upon Ovid's Epistles. 2d edit. — The Ramble, an antl-heroick Poem, and other Poems. 8vo. . . ib. 1681-2 Celebrated Murders. 1 vol. 12mo. containing, 1. Fairburn's Account of tbe dreadful Murder of the Marr Family, Dec. 7, 1811. . ib. 1812 2. Account of the Murder of the Williamsons, Dec. 19, 1811. . . . ti. 1812 3. Life, Death, and Interment of John Williams, the supposed Murderer of the Marrs and Williamsons, &c. ib. 1812 4. Account of the Assassination of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, &c. ii. 1812 Adventures of the Extravagant Wit, or, the English Swindler, &c. 12mo. Stirling, 1803 Surprising Life and Adventures of the celebrated Dr. Sartorius Sinegradibus, &c. 8vo. Edin. History of Miss Katty N , &c. her Amours, Adventures, &c. in Scotland, Ireland, Jamaica, and England, &c. Written by herself. 12)no. . . Land. Trial of a cause for Crim. Con. between Theophilus Cibber, plaintiff, and William Sloper, Esq., defendant. s»?. 8vo. . . . . . . Duh. 1749 130 Shelves e,7. COMIC ROMANCES, CRIMINAL TRIALS, «:c. Press 0. New Dictionary of the Terms, Ancient and Modern, of the Canting Crew, &c. By B. E. Gent. 12??(o. ....... L.ond. Valentine's (Basil) Last WillandTcstament. To which isadded two Treatises, &c. \1mo. 26.1671 History of George-a-Green, Pindar of the town of Wakefield, &c. \1mo. ih. 1706 'Y.\\(i %wn.\7l<< See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 223. Town and Country Nut-Cracker, or, Jack Sharp's Jests, &c. 8vo. . ib. Criminal Trials. 1 vol. 12»io. containing, 1. Life of James M'Kean, Shoemaker in Glasgow, executed 20th Jan. 1797, for the Murder of James Buchanan, &c. With MS. note hi/ Sir W. S. 3rf edit. . . . Glasg. 1757 See Life, vol. i. pp. ■2i6-7. 2. His last Letter to his Wife and Children. . . . . . ib. 3. Account of his Execution. ...... ib. 4. Trial of William Brodie andGeorgeSmith,&c. for breaking into the Excise Office, Edin. March 5,1788. Edin. 1788 Head (R.) and Kirkman, (F.) The English Rogue Described, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a Witty Extravagant, &c. 4 parts in 2 vols. sm. 8oo. . . Lond. 1671-4 Proteus Rcdivinus, or the Art of Wheedling, &c. sm. 8so. . ib. 1675 Kirkman's (F.) Unlucky Citizen, full of entertainment and mirth, sm. 8vo. ib. 1673 The Scotch Rogue ; or the Life and Actions of Donald Macdonald, a Highland Scot, &c. Part I. 12mo. ....... ib. 1722 Parts I. and II. 18OT0. ...... Glas^. 1800 The Irish Rogue ; or the Comical History of the Life and Actions of Darby O'Brolaghan, &c. With the Cheats of Turlough and his man Patrick. 12mo. . . Dub. 1740 TheMuseinGoodHumour; aCollectionof ComicTales,&c. 8th edit. 2vols. 12?wo. Lond. 1785 Fuller's (William) Plain Proof of the true Father and Mother of the Pretended Prince of Wales, &c. With MS. note bif Sir JV. S. sm. 8vo. . . zi. 1700 See Life, vol. i. p. 264. Life, &c. Written by his own hand. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. ib. 1701 Ward's (Thomas) England's Reformation, (from Henry VIII. to Oates's Plot,) a Poem. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. ...... ib. 1747 Huttenii (Ulrici) Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum ad Dom. Ortuinum Gratium, &c. 2 tom. in 1. 12»iO. ....... Franco/. 1599 Lives, Behaviour, and Dying Words, of the most remarkable Convicts, from the year 1 700 to the present time. 2d edit. 3 vols. 1 2mo. .... Lond. 1 745 SHELF VII. Smith's (Capt. Alexander) Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highwaymen, &c. To which is prefixed the Thieves' New Canting Dictionary, and added the Thieves' Grammar, &-c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 3 vols. 12»io. (vols. 1 and 2, bth edit.) ........ ib. 1719-20 131 Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf-. Maierus, (Count Michael) Themis Aurea. The Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Crosse. Written in Latin, &c. \2mo. ..... Land. 16.56 Delightful, Princely, and Entertaining History of the Gentle Craft, shewing what famous men have been Shooemakers in old time, &c. l2mo. . . ib. 1760 Beroalde de Verville, Le iloyen de Parvenir. CEuvre contenant la raison de tout ce qui a este, est, et sera. &c. 1 2mo. ..... imp. cette annie. See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 292. Les Quatre Livres des Avantures de Floride. limo. icants tide. Help to Discourse, or More Merriment mixt with Serious Matters. 1 oth edit. 2imo. Land. 1 663 Wliitlock's (Dr. Richard) Zootomia, or Observations on the present Manners of the English, &c. With MS. note bi/ Sir W. S. 12mo. . . . . i*. 1654 Aubery, (Jean, M.D.) L' Antidote d' Amour, &c. Ensemble les Remedes, &c. pour se pre- server et guerir des Passions Amoureuses. \2mo. . . . Delft, 1663 Blount's (Thos.) Academy of Eloquence : containing, English Rhetorique, Formulae Majores, Formulae Minores, Letters. 12mo. ..... wants title. Amorous Gallant's Tongue tipp'd with golden Expressions, or Art of Courtship refined, &c. \2mo. (B. 2.) . . . ... Glasg. 1784 Emblematical Plates, oblong 8eo. containing, 1 , ^on moritur moriendo. Curfletis ? 5 plates hy J. Meysens. 2. The Ages of Sin : or Sinne's Birth and Groweth ; with the Stepps and Degrees of Sinne, from Thought to final Impenitencie. 9 plates hy Jacob van Lochem. See Collier's Brkl^etrati-r Calalugtie. 4(0. 1837. p. 3. Scotish Poems, in Manuscript, oblong 8fO. containing, 1. Collection of Epiiaplia. 2. Tlie Layman^s Lamentation, S[C. by tray of Dialogue between a proud Prelal and a poor Professour. 3. Poem, commencing " CAryst Head and Keeper of ttie Holy Ones^^ The Legend of Captain Jones: relating his Adventure to Sea: his first landing, and strange Combat with a mighty Bear, &c. Inverse. \2mo. . . . Lond.\B~\ History and Lives of the most notorious Pirates and their Crews ; from Captain Averv, &c. to Captain John Gow and his Lieutenant, who were hanged at Execution Dock, June 1725, &c. ^th edit. \2mo. ....... ib. 1732 See Notes to T/te PiraU. ilemoires of the Life and Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey. s«i. 8ro. . 24.1682 See Note to Pereril oftlie Peak. Fleckno's (Richard) Enigmaticall Characters. (In prose, all but the last.) With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. ...... icants tiile. Don Tomazo : or the Juvenile Rambles of Thomas Dangerfield. sm. 8co. Lond. 1680 M'Bane's (Donald) Expert Sword-Man's Companion, or, the true Art of Sclf-Defence ; Avith an Account of the Author's Life, &c. l2mo. . . . Gh-sg. 1728 Account of the Sufferings of William Houlbrook, Blacksmith of Marlbro, in the Reign of Kin" Charles I. &c. 1 2mn. ..... . rpr. Lond. 1 744 132 Shdves 7, 8. MISCELLANIES. Press 0. The Law of Drinking. — Corollaries. — Cornelius Vandunk his Character ; his Satpe. — The Smoaking Age, or, the Life and Death of Tohacco. sm. 8vo. icants title. {Lond. 1617] Lilly's (William) Book of Knowledge ; treating of the Wisdom of the Ancients. 1. Of Signs and Planets ; 2. Prognostications; 3. Plivsiognomy and Palmestry, &c. \2mo. ib. 1750 Travels of an English Gentleman from London to Rome, on foot, &c. itk edit. 12mo. ib. 1718 The Complete Gamester, or Full and Easy Instructions for playing at above 20 several Games upon the Cards, &c. 6tk edit. 1 vol. — Lucas's (Theophilus) Memoirs of celebi'ated Game- sters, &c. leants title. 1 vol. — 2 vols. ) 2mo. .... ib. The Penitent Murderer ; being an exact Narrative of the Life and Death of Nathaniel Butler, who (through grace) became a Convert after he had most cruelly murdered John Knight. &c. sm. 8vo. ........ ib. 1657 The Sad Effects of Sin. True Relation of the Murder committed by David Wallis on his companion Benjamin Stolwood, 1st August 1713, &c. 2imo. Boston, Xew Eng. 1713 Rules of CivUity, or Certain Ways of Deportment observed amongst all Persons of Quality. &c. Translated from the French. l2mo. .... Land. 1678 Dubois, (James) Tentamen, or an Essay towards the History of Whittington, sometime Lord Mayor of London, &c. (Satire on Alderman Wood, twice Lord Mat/or.) foohc. %vo. ib. 1 82(1 Gumey's (J. J.) Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons of Scotland and the North of England. Zd edit. \2mo. ...... Edin. ISli) The Lower Canada Watchman. }8mo. . . Kingston, Uj}per Canada, i82'J The Northern John Bull : or Newcastle Pocket Magazine. 18mo. Newcastle, 1829 SHELF Fin. Vaughan's ( ) Magia Adamica, or, the Antiquitie of Magick, and the Descent thereof from Adam, &c. By Eugenius Philalethes. — The Man-Mouse taken in a Trap, and tortured to death for gnawing the margins of Eugenius Philalethes. sm. 8vo. . Land. 1650 The Fame and Confession of the Fratemitie of R. C. commonly of the Rosie Cross, &c. By Eugenius Philalethes. sm. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1652 Magica. De Spectris. — De Vaticiniis, Diraationibus, &c. 24wo. . Lugd. Bat. IfSSG The Prince's Cabala, or Mysteries of State. Written by King James the First, and some Noblemen in his Reign and in Queen Elizabeth's, &c. 18 wo. . Lond. 1715 Endter, (J. A.) Theatrum STOipatheticum, in quo SjTnpathiae Actiones variae, &c. tam macro- quam micro-cosmicae exhibentur, &c. l2mo. . . . Norimb. 1660 Faustini Diestensis (V. P. F.) Alter Alexius, natione Scotus, nobUi familia oriundus, nuper in Belgium, &c. delatus, et in famQiam Ser. Patris S. Francisi Capuccinorum adscriptus sub nomine F. Archangeli, &c. \2mo. ..... Col. Agr. \ii20 La Couronne Usurpee, et le Prince Suppose ; ou Traite dans lequel on prouve, &c. 1. Que le Due d' York, &c. n' avoit aucun droit a la Couronne. 2. Que le Prince d' Orange etoit le vrai et legitime Successeur, &c. 3. Que le Parlement, &c. a viole son Serment. 4. Que le pretendu Prince de Galles est un enfant suppose. 1 2mo. . . Lond. 1 689 133 Phess O. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf S. The Life and unaccountable Actions of William Fuller, tlie notorious English Cheat, &c. 2d edit. 1 2mo. ....... Land. Accolti (Bened., Aretino) La Guerra fatta da Chiistiani contra Barbari per la recuperatione del Sepolcro di Christo. Trad, par F. Baldelli. sm. 8vo. . . I'enet. 1549 Pichard (Dr. Med.) Admirable Vertu des Saincts Exorcismes sur les Princes d' Enfer, &c. avec ses justifications contre les ignorances, &c. de F. Claude Pitho3's, Minime. 24»2o. Nanct/, 1622 Quevedo's (Don, de Alcala,) Lucky Idiot, or Fools have Fortime. Verified in the Life of D. Pedro de Cenudo, &c. Rendered into modern Enghsh by a Person of Quality. Mmo. Land. 1762 Marsh's (A.) Confession of the New Manied Couple ; second part of Ten Pleasures of Mar- riage. . . . . . . . . ib. 1683 Amours and Adventures of two English Gentlemen in Italy, &c. 12//?o. . tb. 1761 Giraifi's (Lord Alexander) Exact History of the late Revolutions in Naples, &c. Rendered into English by James Howell, Esq. 2 parts, sm. 12mo. . . ib. 1650-52 Indagine, (John) The Book of Palmistry and Physiognomy, Artificial and Natural Astrologie, &c. Translated into English by Fabian Withers. B. L. \2mo. . . ib.l65l Hoyle's Games of Whist, Quadrille, Piquet, Chess, and Backgammon, &c. 1 3th edit. ( JVilh Hoyle's Aittograph.') \2mo. . . . . . . ib. Vanderheyden's(H.,Physician of Gaunt,) Speedy Help for Rich andPoor,or Physicall Discom'ses, touching the vertue of Whey, Cold Water, and Vinegar. Transl. from Latin. 12mo. eJ. 1653 Powel's (Thomas) Art of Thriving, or, the Plaine Pathway to Preferment. Together with the Mysterie and Misery of Lending and Borrowing, &c. S2nio. . . zi. 1636 See SoMERs Tracts, vol. vii. New Art of Thriving, or the Way to get and keep Mono}', &c. 18mo. Glasg. 1797 History of the Irish Rogues and Rapparees. \2mo. . . • wants title. History of the Lives and actions of Jonathan Wild, Thief-taker ; Joseph Blake, alias Blueskin, Footpad ; and John Sheppard, Housebreaker. 3d edit. 1 2mo. . Lond. Nocturnal Revels, or a General History of Dreams. In 2 parts. \2mo. ib. 1706-7 Eccentric Biography, or Sketches of Remarkable Characters, &c. 18wo. ib. 1801 Eccentric Biography, or Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters. \%mo. ib. 1803 The Canting Academy, or, the Devil's Cabinet opened, &c. To which is added, a Compleat Canting Dictionary, &c. and several new Catches and Songs. «»?. 8«o. . ib. 1673 Settle's (E.) Notorious Impostor, or the History of the Life of William Morrell, alias Bowyer, &c. 1 2mo. ....... wants title. Home's (Dr. Nathaniel) Daemonologie and Theologie. The first, the Malady, &c. the second, the Remedy, &c. sm. 8»o. ...... Lond. 1650 Histoire des Tragiques Amours d' Hypolite et d'Isabelle, Neapolitains. sm. 12mo. Paris. History of Duelling. In 2 parts, &c. (Part 1. from the French of Coustard de Masse, part 2. a Compilation from several Authors.) sm. 8vo . . . Lond. 1770 134 ShdvM 9, 10. SPORTING, WORKS OF HUMOUR. Press 0. SHELF IX. Goodlake's (Thomas) Courser's Manual, or Stud-Book. royal 9>vo. . Liverjjool, 1828 See Life, vol. vii. p. 156. Scott's ( W. H.) British Field Sports ; embracing Practical Instructions in Shooting, Hunting, Racing, Cocking, Fishing, Sec. 2 vols, royal 8vo. . ■ . Land. 1818 Egan's (Pierce) Boxiana : or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism, &c. 2 vols, inter- leaved, and bound in 4:. 8vo. . . . . . . «i. 1818 Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected, &c. 12mo. . . . ib. 1820 Scarron's Whole Comical Works. Translated by Mr. Thomas Brown, Mr. Savage, and others. Containing, 1. The Comic Romance. 2. Five Novels, &c. 3. Select Letters. 2d edit. 8vo. ......... ib. 1703 Cotton's (Charles) Wonders of the Peake. 2d edit. cr. 8vo. . . . ib. 1(>83 Genuine Works, containing, 1. Scarronides, or Virgil Travestie. 2. Lucian Burlesqued, &c. 3. The Wonders of the Peake. 4. The Planter's Manual. 8vo. . ib. 1715 Stehlin's (Peter) Traditions of the Jews, with the E.xpcsitions and Doctrines of the Rabbins contained in the Talmud, &c. abridged from the Latin of Buxtorff. 2 vols. 8i-o, ib. 1732 See PoETKAL Works, vol. iii. pp. 259-60. Biographical Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Keir's (James) Life and Writings of Thomas Day, Esq. . . . Loud. 1791 2. Life of the late John Howard, Esq Palmer's (S.) Sermon on his Death, &c. ; with Memoirs, &e Anecdotes of his Life and Character, &c. . . . . . li. 1 790 3. Topham's (Captain Edw.) Life of the late John Elwes, Esq. 7rt edit. . . ih. 1790 Goole's (John) Contract Violated: or the Hasty Marriage. 8bo. . . ib. 1733 Parker's (Geo.) Life's Painter of Variegated Characters in Public and Private Life. 800. ib. 1789 Williams's (John, alias Antony Pasquin,) Life of the late Earl of Barrymore, including a History of the Wargrave Theatricals, &c. a-. 8vo. .... j J. 1793 Collection respecting the Trial and Execution of Mary Mackiunon, for the Murder of William Howat. With Uraieing by C. K. Sharpe, Esq. ito. . . Ed in. 1823 SHELF X. Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Hamilton's (Wm. of Bangour,) Contemplation, or the Triumph of Love, a Poem. . Edin. \7i7 2. The Unfortunate Duchess, (of Kingston,) a Novel. 2d edit. . . . Land. 1744 3. The Laureat. &c. (Examination of Colley Gibber's Life.) . . ih. wants title. Poetical and Satirical Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, --" 'T. Xewcome'8(Rev. John) Sermon before the University of Cambridge, June 24, 1724. C'amb. 1724 2. Difficulties and Discouragements which attend the Study of the Scriptures, &c. 8M edit. Cottd. 1721 3. Pope's ;Dr. \>1ilter) Wish, a Poem. 3d edit. . . . . . ii. 1710 4. Tom of Bedlam's Short Letter to his Cousin Tom Woolaton. . . . i4. 172U 5. Life and Character of Harvey, the famous Conjuror of Dublin, &c. . ZJuA. 1 728 135 PkessO. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 10. Exaltation of Christmas Pye, as it was delivered in a Preachment in Lime Street, &c. by P. B. Doctor in Divinity and Midwifry. 4to. .... Land. 1728 Curtis, (Martin), and Eden, (Richard), Arte of Navigation ; contajiiing a breife Description of the Spheare, &c. As also the making and use of certainc Listruments, &c. First vvritten in Spanish. B. L. 4to. . . . . . . ib. 1596 Hodge's (Dr. Nathaniel) Aoi/j,o'koyia : or an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665, &c. To which is added, an Essay on the different Causes of Pestilential Diseases, by Dr. John Quincy. 2d edit. Svo. ...... 24.1720 Burton's (R.) Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy, discovered in above 300 Memorable Histories, &c. 12mo. ...... Edin. 1762 Harvey's (John) Miscellany Poems and Letters. Sao. .... ib. 1726 Paterson's (Rev. J.) Belief in Witchcraft unsupported by Scripture, an Essay. \2mo. Aberd. 181.5 Miscellanea : or Choice Collection of Wise and Ingenious Sayings, &c. of Princes, Philosophers, &c. by G. M. 12?wo. . . . . . . Lond. 1694, The Mock-Monarchs, or Benefits of High Blood, a Novel. 2 vols. 1 2wo. ib. 1 770 John Buncle, Junior, Gentleman. (Essays and Letters on various Subjects of Life and Manners.) «4. 1776 Peacock's (Thos. Love) Headlong Hall, a Novel. 12mo. . . ib. 1816 Mackenzie's (Sir George) Religious Stoic, or. Short Discourse on these several Subjects, viz. Atheism, Superstition, &c. With a friendly Address to the Phanaticks. 12;?io. zi. 1685 The Pleasant Art of Money-catching : treating, 1. the original and invention, 2. the misery of u'anting it, 3. how persons in straits may supply themselves. To which is added, the Way how to turn a Penny. 5th edit. 1 2mo. . . . Glasg. Humorous Tracts. 1 vol. 8fo. containing, 1. Did you ever see such damned Stuff? or, So much the Better, a Story without Head or Tail, Wit or Humor. ......... Land. 1760 2. Life and Opinions of Miss Sukey Shandy, &c. in Letters to her dear Brother Tristram. 12tbo. ib. 1760 French Novels: containing, 1. History of Marquis de Criton ; 2. History of Col. and Madlle. de Valence; 3. History of Madlle. de Roi. Translated by a young Lady. 8vo. ib. 11 S8 The Forced Marriage, or Miseries, &c. of Miss Betsey Ward. — History of John Cleveland, Esq. and Miss Charlotte Haywood. — Unfortunate Twin-Sisters, or History of Lucy and Fanny Bently. — Maid of the Farm, or Memoirs of Susanna James. — Narrative of the two Unfortunate Lovers, Polly Hawkins and William Jones. — Distressed Orphan, or Love in a Mad-house. — Unfortunate Happy Lady, &c. History of Harriet Wilding. 7 vols. sm. Svo. ib. J. Sabine Life and Surprising Adventures of Friga Reveep of Morlaix, who was si.xtcen years in an uninhabited part of Africa, &c. 12 wo. ..... 175.5 Bodini (Joannis) De Magorum Daemonomania, seu detestando Lamiarum ac Magorum cum Satana commercio. Accedit Joan. Wieri opin. Confutatio, Svo. . Fra?ic. 1603 136 S/ieh-es 10, \l. NOVELS, OCCULT SCIENCES, &c. Press 0. Boaistuau, (P.) Histoires Prodigieuses, cxtraictcs de j)lusieurs famcux Autlieurs, Grecs et Latins, sacrez et profanes. S7)i. 8vo. ..... Paris, 1566 Memoires pour servir a 1' Histoire du Marquis de Fresne. \2mo. . ib. 1702 Cervantes, (Miguel de) Diverting Works of, now first translated from the Spanish. With an Introduction, by Edward Ward. 8i-o. .... ib. 1709 Wight's (J.) Mornings at Bow Street; a Selection of the most humorous and entertaining Reports which have appeared in the Morning Herald. Sco. . . Land. 1824 CExmelin, (A. Olivier) Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sent signalez dans Ics Indes, &c. depuis vingt annees, &c. 2 torn, en 1. l2mo. . . . Paris, 1688 Singular Life, Adventures, and Depredations of David Haggart, the Murderer, &c. related bv himself while under Sentence of Death. 12oto. . . . Land. 182\ SHELF XI. Torquemade, (Antoine de) Hexameron, ou Six Journees, contenans plusieurs doctes Discours &c. avec maintes Histoires notables, &c. Fait en Espagnol, et mis en Fran9ois par Gab. Chappuys. 12??;o. ....... Rouen, 1610 Bayle, (F.) ct Grangeron, (H. Docteurs en Medecine,) Relation de 1' etat de quelques personnes pretendues possedees ; faite d' autorite du Parlement de Toulouse, expliq. par les ver. prin. de la physique des efets regardes comme prodigieux. 12mo. . . Toulouse, 1682 Dresseri (M.) De Festis Diebus Christianorura, Judaeorum, et Ethnicorum Liber. Lubecae, 1601. — Hieronimi de Sancta Fide, De Juduicis Erroribus, ex Talmuth, Libellus, &c. Prima impressus Tiguri, a. d. 15.52, denuo excusus Hamburgi. i2mo. Rantzovii (Henrici) Catalogus Imperatorum, Regum, ac Principum qui Astrologicam Artem amarunt, &c. Additae sunt Astrologicae quaedam Predictiones, &c. Adjectus est Tractatus de annis Climactericis, &c. 12mo. ..... Anticerp,15S0 Lcs Sorceleries de Henry de Valois, et les Oblations qu' il faisoit au Diable dans le Bois de Vincennes. 12mo. ........ 1589 Boguet, (Henry) Discours Execrable des Sorciers ; ensemble leur Procez, faits depuis deux ans, &c. en France. Avec un Instruction pour un Jugc. 2de edit. sm. 8oo. Par. 1603 Discours des Sorciers ; avec Six Advis en faict de Sorcclerie, &c. 3me edit. sm. 8vo. Lyon, 1610 Dictionnaire Hermetique ; contenant 1' Explication des Tci-mes, Fables, Enigmes, &c. des \Tais Philosophes, &c. Par un Amateur de la Science. \2mo. . . Pa;-. 1695 L' Astrologo Grottesco, Lunario Nuovo per 1' anno Bissestilc 1712. sm. 8eo. Fenez. 1712 Geberis philos. perspic. Summa Perfectionis Magisterii in sua iiatura, &c. Librique Investiga- tionis Magisterii, ct Testamenti ejusdem, &c. sm. 8vo. . ib. P. Schcpffer, 1542 Indagine, (Jean) La Chiromancee et Physionomie par le regard des membres de 1' Homme. Mises en Fran9ois par A. du Moulin. l2mo. . . . Par. 1G62 Goodall's (William) Adventures of Capt. Greenland. 4 vols. \2/ho. . Land. 1752 History of Jack Connor, a Novel. 2 vols. 12 wo. . . . 2^.1752 137 S Pkess 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf U. Ward's (Edward) Vulyns Britannicus, or the British Hudibras; in 15 Cantos, &c. ; being a Continuation of the late ingenious Mr. Butler's Hudibras. 2d edit. 8vo. Land. 1710 The Hermit; or the Unparallel'd Sufferings and Surprising Adventures of Mr. Philip Quarll, an Englishman, lately discovered upon an uninhabited island in the South Sea, &c. first edition. 8vo. ...... Westminster, 1727 Dunton's (John) Ladies' Dictionary ; a General Entertainment for the Fair Sex. 8vo. Land. 1 694 Life and EiTors ; written by himself in solitude. With an Idea of a New Life. sm. 8vo. See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 26. H), 1705 Athenian Oracle ; being an entire Collection of all the valuable Questions and Answers in the old Athenian Mercuries, &c. Sd edit. 4 voh. Svo. . . 2^.1706-10 Athenian Sport ; or, 2000 Paradoxes merrily argued, to amuse and divert the age, &e. 8vo. ......... ?i. 1707 Athenianism ; or New Projects of Mr. J. D. ,• being 600 distinct Treatises in prose and verse, &c. To which is added Dunton's Farewell to Printing, &c. Sfo. . /A. 1710 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 317. The British Apollo ; containing about 2000 Answers to curious Questions in most Arts and Sciences, serious and comical. (By Marshal Smith.) 3d edit. 8vo. . . ib.lTlS Belin's (Mrs. Aphra) Poems upon several occasions, with a Voyage to and from the Island of Love. And a Miscellany of new Poems. 2d edit. 8vo. . . . ib. 1697 Histories and Novels, entire in 1 vol. With her Life and Memoirs, &c. Edited by Charles Gildon. 3d edit. 8vo. . . .... ji. 1698 See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 343, >iolc ; Life, vol. v. p. 136. Alcman's (Matteo) Life of Guzman d' Alfarache ; with the Tragi-Comedy of Celestina. Done into English from the new French version, by several hands. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1708 Graves's (Rev. Richard) Spiritual Quixote : or Summer's Ramble of Gcoffry Wildgoose, a Comic Romance. With MS. kei/. 2d edit. Svols. 12?«o. . . . /i. 1774 Pilkington's (Mrs. Loetitia) Memoirs. Written by herself. 2 vols. l2mo. . ib. 1748 (J. C, son of the Rev. Matthew and Mrs. Loetitia P.) Memoirs. Written by himself, &c. 2 vols. 12?wo. ........ /4. 1761 Phillips's (Mrs. T. Constantia) Apology for her Conduct, more particularly that part of it which relates to an eminent Dutch Merchant, (Mr. Muilman.) 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1748-9 Memoirs of a Social Monster ; or the History of Charles Price, &'c. commonly called Old Patch. Containing an Account of liis fraud and forgeries on the bank of England. l2mo. ib. 1786 Adventures of an Actor, in the Characters of a Merr3'-Andrew, a Methodist Preacher, and a Fortune-Teller. 12»)0. . . ■ . . . . ib. Hermetis Trismegisti Tractatus, &c. de Lapidis philosopliici Secrete, &c. opera et studio Dom. Gnosii, Belgac. 12w20. ...... Lips. 1710 Free-Masonry the Highway to Hell i a Sennon. 8fo. . . . LoW. 1768 Heaton's (James) Extraordinary Affliction and gracious Relief of a little Boy, &c. With ob- servations on Demoniac possession and Superstition. 2d edit. \2mo. Plymouth, 1822 138 S/ielves 12, \3. NOVELS AND ROMANCES, MISCELLANIES. Press 0. SHELF XII. Hau-Kiou-Ckoaan, or the Pleasing History j a translation from the Chinese, &c. With notes by Bishop Percy, i vols. \2mo. ..... Land. 1761 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 1'2. Smollett's (Dr. Tobias) Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. Jirst edit. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. printed for the Author, IT.Ol See Prose Works, vol. iii. pp. 130-134. Haywood's (Mrs.) Select Collection of Novels and Histories. \Vritten by the most celebrated Authors, in several languages. All new translated from the originals, by several hands. 6 vols. 12»io. . . . . . . . . ib. 1729 Corrozet, (F. D., Lyonnois,) Histoire Generale des Larrons. sm. 8oo. . Rouen, 1657 Salkeld's (John) Treatise of Angels. Of the nature, essence, &c. &c. and all other properties of Angels. Collected out of the Holy Scriptures, Fathers, &'c. 8»6>. . Lond. 1 G 1 3 Fuller's (Thomas) Comment on Ruth. With two Sermons, &c. sm. 8fo. . ib. l(io4 Centellas, (Don Diego de) Deceptio Visus, or Seeing and Believing are two things. From the Spanish, sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. lC7i Berkeley's (Bishop) Adventures of Signer Gaudentio di Lucca. 12;ko. . . 26.1803 Erasmus's (Desiderius) Colloquies, or Familiar Discourses. Rendered into English by H. M. 8bo. ......... ib. 1G71 Burnet's (Bp.) Passages of the Life and Death of John Earl of Rochester. 1 27no. Dub. 1 727 Gemmae (Cornel.) De Naturae divinis Charactismis, seu raris et admirandis Spectaculis, &c. in partibus singulis universi, Libri II. 8vo. .... Antwerp. 15~ 5 Duuton's (John) England's Vanity, or, the Voice of God against the monstrous sin of Pride in Dress and Apparel, &c. Lond. 1G83. — Five Sermons preached to the Societies for Reforma- tion of Manners in London and Westminster. By Shower, How, Chadwick, Alsop, and Oldfield. ib. 1687, 1688, 1689. sm. 8vo. SHELF XIII. John Bon and Mast Person, (a Satire, temp. Henry VIII.) B. L. with MS. note. itv. reprinted, Lond. Kirk's (Rev. Robert, of Aberfoyle,) Essay of the Nature and Actions of the Subterranean (and for the most part) Invisible People, heretofoir going under the name of Elves, Fauncs, and Fairies, or the lyke, among the Low Country Scots, &c. first printed 1691. With MS. note by Sir W. S. ito. . . . . reprint. Edin. BoUanti/ne, \8Va See Notes to Rob Roy ; Letters on Demuiiohvjy. Reprinted Tracts. Lond. Tripkooh, 1815, c^r. 1 vol. 4?o. containin", 1. Old Meg of Herefordshire for a Mayd Marian, &c. .... ian;/. l(j'0.9 2. The Cold Yeare, 1614, &c. Written Dialogue-wise. . . . . t4. 161.5 3. Life of Long Meg of Westminster. ...... ih. 4. Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon. AVith Lives, &c. of the Conjurors, Bungye and Vandermast. ii. 5. Hall's ( Arthur, M.P.) Account of a Quarrel between him and Melchisedeck Mallerie, Gent. &c. ilt. 139 PiiEss 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shehes 13, 14. Harman's (Thomas) Caveat, or, AYarning for Common Cursitors, vulgarly called Vagabonds, &c. 1573. 4,to. ..... repr. Loncl. Triphook, 1814 Caraboo. Narrative of the Singular Imposition practised on the Benevolence of a Lady, &c. by Blary Willcocks, alias Baker, &c. alias Caraboo, Princess of Javasu. royaliio. ih. 1817 Esquemeling's (John) Bucaniers of America, or, a True Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late 3'ears ujion tlie Coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French, &c. Written originally in Dutch. 3 parts in 1 vol. 4/0. ....... ih. 1684 Maimbourg, (Louis) Histoire de 1' Heresie des Iconoclastes, et dc la Translation de 1' Empire aux Fran(;ois. 4/o. ...... Par. 1674 Delrii (Martini) Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri vi. 4to. . . Mogunt, 1617 See Poetical AVorks, vol. ii.pp. 276-278 ; vol. iii. p. 245 ; vol. vi. note 2 A. ; Leilers on Demonology, Lett. 6. Torreblanca (Francisci) Epitome Delictorum, sive de Magia : in qua aperta vel occulta Invocatio Daemonis intervenit, &c. iv. Libris. 4to. . . . Lugd. 1 678 Remigii (Nicol.) Daemonolatreiae Libri in. : ex Judiciis capitalibus 90 plus minus hominum qui Sortilegii crimen intra annos 15 in Lotharingia capite luerunt. sm.fol. ih. 1595 See Letters on Demonologi/, p. 2U0. Loyer, (Pierre de) Discours et Histoires des Spectres, Visions, et Apparitions des Esprits, Anges, Demons, et Ames, se monstrans visibles aux hommes, &c. 4?o. Par. 1605 Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum, profzindissimam Rerum Secreiissimantm con- tetnplationem totiusque Philosophiae cognitionem complectens. MS. oblong 4/o. Edmundes's (Clement) Observations upon Ceesar's Commentaries, sm.fol. Lond. 1609 Fuller's (Thomas) Holy State, and Profane State. 2d edit. Camb. 1648. — Historie of the HolieWarre. z6. 1639. fd. Harington's (James) Commonwealth of Oceana, sm.fol. . . . ih. 1656 Ascham's (Roger) English Works ; containing, 1. Affairs of Germany ; 2. Toxophilus; 3. The Schoolmaster ; 4. Letters. With Notes and Observations, and the Author's Life, (by Dr. Samuel Johnson.) Edited by James Bennet. 4-to. .... ih. 17 G7 See PoETic.iL Works, vol. v. p. 436 ; vol. x. 252 ; vol. xi. p. 68 ; Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 187. SHELF XIV. Lenglet Dufresnoy, Histoire de la Philosophic Hermetique, acconipagne d' uii Catalogue raisonne des Ecrivaius de cette Science, &c. 3 torn. 12mo. . . Paris, 1742 Boissier, ( ) Recueil de Lettres au sujet des Malefices et du Sortilege, &c. avec la Re- monstrance du Pari, de Rouen au Roy Louis XIV. sm. 8vo. . . ih. 1731 Le Normant, (J.) Histoire Veritable et Memorable de ce qui c' est passe sous 1' exorcisme des trois filles possedees es pais de Flandres, &c. Extr. des Memoires de Comte Destarre, Fr. Sebast. Michaelis, et Fr. Donsieux, &c. S9n. 8vo. . . . ih. 1623 Falconer's (John) Crypiomengsis Patefacta : or, the Art of Secret Information disclosed with- out a Key ; cont. Rules for decyphoring all manner of secret writing, &c. Svo. Lond. 1685 140 Shelf \i. DIVINATION, ASTROLOGY, PREDICTIONS, &c. Press 0. Ciceron, (M. T.) Traite de la Divination, trad, par Regnier Desmarais. nouv edit, augmentee d' un Discours d' Isocrate. ^2mo. ..... Amst.\'!\\ Eynatten, (Maxim, ab) Manuale Exorcismonim ; continens Instnictiones et Exorcismos ad cjiciendos e corporibus obsessis spiritus malignos, &c. sm. Svo. . Antv. 1635 Neuhous, (Henry, de Dantzic,) Advertissement pieux et tres utile des Freres de la Rosef Croix. \2mo. ....... Par. 1623 Naude, (Gabriel) Instruction a la France sur la verite de 1' Histoire des Freres de la Rose- Croix. sm. Svo. ....... ib. 1623 Joubert, (Laur.) Les Erreurs Populaires et Propos Vulgaires touchant la Medicine et le regime de Sante, refutes ou cxpliques, &c. 2d edit. sm. 8vo. . ib. 1580 Nostradamus, (M. Michel) Les Vrayes Centuries de, ou se void represente tout ce qui s' est passe, tant en France, Espagne, Italie, Alemagne, Angleterre, qu' autres parties du Monde. Reveues et corrigees suyvant les premieres editions de 1556 et 1558. 8co. Rouen, 16-t9 Pavilion, (Seigneur de) Contredicts du, aux faulses et abusifves Proplieties de Nostradamus, &c. Adjouste quelques Qiuvres de Michel Marot, fils de Clement Marot. sm. 8ro. ib. 15G0 Guynaud, ( ) La Concordance des Propheties de Nostradamus avec 1' histoire, depuis Henry II. jusqu' a Louis le Grand. \2mo. ...... ib. 1603 Colombiere, (Wulson de la) Les Oracles Divertissans, oii 1' on trouve la decision des Question.'; les plus curieuses, pour se rejouir dans les compagnies. 12»io. . Goude, 16-J-9 Traite des Songes et Visions nocturnes, avec leur signification, &c. — Le Palais de la For- tune, ouvert aux Amateurs de la Loterie Royale de France, &c'. 12mo. Paris, Wither's (Geo.) Fragmenta Prophetica, &c. a Collection of the several Predictions dispersed throughout his works, &c. 12»;o. ..... Lond. 166.0 Boaistuau, (P.) Histoires Prodigieuses, &c. augmentees de Six Histoires advenues de nostre temps, adjoustees par F. de Belle Forest, Comingeois. sm. Svo. . Paris, 1575 Villanova, (Amoldi de) Tractatus Chemicus. Germanice, 1611. — Philosophi Anonvmi Tractatus de Seoretissimo Antiquorum Philosophonim Arcane. — Lasniori (Joannis) Trac- tatus II. de Lapide PhUosophico. — Trithemii (Joannis) Tractatulus iii. Chemicus, &c. sm. Svo. . . . . . . . . .1611 Ranzovii (Henrici) Tractatus Astrologicus dc Genethliacorum Thematum Judiciis, pro singulis nati accidentibus. Svo. ...... Franco/. 1602 Elich, (Phil. Ludw.) Daemonomagia, sive Libellus 'B.^'jirrijj.aTr/.og, dc Daemonis Cacuri;ia, Cacomagorum et Lamiarum energia. Franco/. 1607. — Pici Jlirandulae (J. F.) Strix ; sive de Ludificatione Daemonum, Dialogi Tres. Itemque Epistola de quaestione, Utrum in non maritatis et castis mola possit gigni? op. et stud. C. Weinrichii. Argent. 1612. Svo. WendeUni (M. F.) Contemplationum Physicarum Sectio III. de Corporibus Coelestibus, conti- nens Uranologiam et Astrologiam, &c. Svo. .... Hanov. 1G52 Calmet, (Dom Augustin) Traite sur les Apparitions des Esprits, &c. nouv. edit, augmentee 2 torn. 12mo. ....... Para, 1751 Ul Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \5. Bleudec, (D. Charles, Relig. de 1' Abbaye de Marchiennes,) Cinq Histoires Admirables esquelles est monstre comme miraculeusement par la vertu et puissance du S. Sacrament de 1' Autel, a este cliasse Beelzebub, Prince des Diables, &c. hors des corps de diverses personnes, (&c. en cette presente aiinee 1582, en la ville, &c. de Soissons. 8i)o. . Paris, 1582 SHELF XV. Malleus Maleficarum : de Lamiis et Strigibus, et Sagis aliisque Slagis et Daemoniacis, &c. Tractatus aliquot tarn vet. quam recent, auctorura. Tom. I. Jac. Sprengcri et Henrici Institoris Inquisitorum Malleus Maleficarum. Joann. Nideri Formicarius de Maleficis, &c. \2mo. ........ Franco/. 1600 See Letters on Demonology, p. 200. La Faussete des Miracles des Dcnx Testamens, prouvee par le parallele avec de semblablcs prodiges operes dans diverses sectes. Ouvrage trad, du MS. Latin, intitule, Theophrastus Redicivus. sm. 8vo. Daneau, (Lambert) Deux Traitcz Nouveaux, &c. le premier touchant les Sorcicrs, &c. k- second, &c. Remonstrance sur les jeux de Cartes et de Dez. 2de.edit. Xlmo. Gian.1579 Dialogue of Witches, in foretime named Lot-tellers, and now commonly called Sorcerers, &c. Written in Latin, and now translated into English. B. L. \2mo. Lond. 1575 Prophetia Anglicana et Romana ; hoc est, Merlini Ambrosii Britanni, &c. Vaticinia, &c. j cum VII libris Explanationum in eandem Prophetiam, &c. Alani de Insulis. Addita sunt Vaticinia et Praedictiones Joachimi Abbatis Calabri, &c. 1 2mo. . Franco/. 1 608 Sfe Poetical Works, vol. v. and vol. ix. p. 367. Prieur, (F. Claude) Dialogue de la Lycantbropie, ou Transformation d' hommes en loups, vul- gairement dits Loups-garous, et si telle se peut faire, &c. 12mo. . Louvain, 159(> See Letters on Demojiolotji/, p. 205. Birette, (Frere Sanson) Refutation de 1' erreur du vulgaire, touchant les responces des diables exorcisez. 12?wo. ....... Rouen, 1618 Ars Magica; sivc Magia Naturalis et Artificiosa, &c. cui praeit Magia Superstitiosa, de Dsemonum variis generibus, &c. 24mo. .... Franco/. 1631 Perei'ii (Bened.) De Magia, de Observatione Somnioruni, et de Divinatione Astrologica, Librilll. &c. 12mo. ........ Col. Agr. 1612 Sinclair's (Professor George) Satan's Invisible World Discover' d, or, a Choice Collection of Modern Relations, proving evidently against the Atheists of this present age, that there are Devils, Spirits, Witches, &c. To all which is added that marvellous history of Major Weir and his Sister, the Witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem, and Calder, &c. first edit. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. Svo. . . . Edin. John Reid, 1685 See Letters on Demonology, pp. 265, 2i)6, &c. "Ylie i,a.vL\Q, a subsequent edition, sm. \2mo. .... Edin. 114:6 Placet, (Fran9.) La Superstition du Temps reconnue au.^ Talismans, figures Astrales, et Statues fatales ; contra un livre anonyma, intitule, Les Talismans justifiez, &c. 1 2mo. Paris, 1 668 142 Sfielf 15. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Arbatel, ( ) de Magia Veterum, — Summum Sapieiitiac Studium. 12mo. Basil. 1575 Artemidonis, Les Jugemeiis Astronomiques des Songcs. Augmente par Aug. Niplie sur les Augures. Et un Traicte sur les Dhnnatioiis, par Ant. du Moulin. 12mo. Rouen, Ramesay's (Wm.) Fox Stcllarum, or the Voice of the Starres, &c. (Dedicated to his father, D. Ramesay, clock-maker to K. Charles I.) With MS. note by Sir W. S. \2mo. Lond. 1652 See A'ofc to Fortunes ofNiyd. Tryon's (Thomas) Treatise of Dreams and Visions, &c. 2d edit. \2mo. . 26.1695 The same, \st edit, imder the pseudonj-me of Pliilotheos Physiologus. \2mo. ih. no date. See Life, vol. iii. p. 7. Viret, (Peter) The AVorlde possessed with Deuils, &c. In 2 parts, translated out of French by Thomas Stocker. B. L. . . . ■ • • ?*. 1583 Villars, (Abbe de) The Count of Gabalis, or the Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists exposed, in five pleasant Discourses on the Secret Sciences. Done into English, vi^ith short animadversions by the translator, P. A., Gent. sm. 8vo. . . . ih. 1 680 See Introduction to The Monastery. Andrei, (Pere) Les Genies Assistans et Gnomes Irreconciliables, ou Suite au Comte de Gabalis. sm. 8»o. . . . . • . • .La Haye, 1718 W , (J ) the Question of Witchcraft Debated, or, a Discourse against their opinion that affirm Witches, &c. sm. 8i'0. ..... Lond. 1669 Mather's (Rev. Cotton) Wonders of the Invisible World. Observations, as well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils, &c. sm. ivo. Boston, N. E.1603 Memorable Providences relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions : a faithful account of many wonderful and surprising things that have befallen several bewitched and possessed persons in New England, &c. \2mo. Boston, printed, Edin. repr. by A. Anderson, 1697 See Letters on Demonoloyi/, pp. 265-27"2. Taillepied, (F. N.) Traite de 1' Apparition des Esprits, &c. \2mo. . Rouen, 1602 Histoire Prodigieuse et Lamentable du Docteur Fauste, avec sa mort epouvantable, &c. 2de edit. \2mo. ........ Paris, 1603 Histoire Prodigieuse d' un Gentilhomme, auquel le Diable s' est apparu, et avec lequel il a converse, sous le corps d' une femme morte. 25.1613. \2mo. (re-impression.) Bovet's (Richard) Pandcemonium, or, the Devil's Cloyster ; being a farther blow to Modern Sadduceism, proving the existence of Witches and Spirits, &c. \2mo. Lond. 1684 See Note to The Heart of Mid-Lothian, where the Author's name is erroneously given Burton ; Poetical Works, vol. ii. pp. 278-9, and 312-15. The Drummer of Tedworth, containing the whole Story of that Daemon, on which is founded the new Comedy of the Drummer, &c. With a large relation of the Marlborough Ghost, seen frequently in the day time, by Mr. J. Sacheverell. 8vo. . . ib. 1716 HaU's (Dr. John, Bishop of Nor^\ich,) Fiery Darts quenched, or Temptations Repelled. In 3 Decades. 12»;o. . . . . . . . . ii. 1647 143 PiiEssO. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. S/ielves \5, 16. Tandleri (Tob.) Disscrtationes Pliysicae Medicac. 1. De Spectris, &c. 2. De Fasciiio et In- cantationc. 3. De Melancholia, &c. 4. De Melancholieoium Vaticiniis, &c. 5. De Noc- tisurgio, &c. &c. sm. 8vo. ...... I.euc. At/i.lGl3 (P. A. D. M.) Le Texte d' Alchemic, et Ic Soiige-Verd. sm. 8vo. Paris, 169.5 Rosencreutz's (Christian) Hermetick Romance : or the Chymical Wedding. AVritten in High Dutch. Translated by E. Foxcroft. sm. 8vo. . . . Land. 1690 Salter's (James) Calliope's Cabinet open ; wherein Gentlemen may be informed how to adorn themselves for Funerals, Feastings, and other Heroick Meetings, &c. \2mo. ib. 1665 Full and Impartial Account of the late tragical Duel between H. G. the Duke of Hamilton, and Lord Mohun, \2mo. . . . . . . .1713 English Topographical Tracts. 1 vol. 1 2mo. containing, 1. Rogers's (N.) Memoirs of Monmouthshire, anciently called Gwent. . . iont/. 1708 •2. Bently's (William) Hallifax and its Gibbet-Law placed in a true light, &c. To which are added, the UnparaUel'd Tragedies committed by Sir John Eland, &c. . . . li. 1708 3. Davis's (J.) Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Monastical and Cathedral Church of Durham. wants title. ........ [A. 1C71] SHELF XVI. Almanacks for the year 1680, by various Astrologers, beginning with Lilly's Merlini Anglici Ephemeris. l2mo. . . . . . . . ih. 1680 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 10. Fifteen Almanacks for the year 1720 ; beginning with the Ladies' Diary. \2mo. ib. 1720 jVIengi, (F. Hieron.) Flayelhcm Daemonum ; Exorcismos terribiles, potentissimos, et efficaces, &c. &c. complcctens. Accessit Pars sccunda, quae Fustis Daemonum inscribitur, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm.Svo. .... Fenet. \ 599 See Letters on Demonohiiy, p. 200. Aubin, ( ) Histoire des Diables de Loudun, ou de la Possession des Religieuses Ursulines, et de la condamnation et du suphce d' Urbain Grandier, &c. 24wio. . Amst.\(}99 Menardaye, (M. de la) Examen et Discussion Critique de 1' Histoire des Diables de Loudun, &c. sm. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1747 Glanvill's (Jos.) Blow at Modem Sadducism ; in some Philosophical Considerations about Witchcraft, &c. sm. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1668 Vaughan's ( ) Euphrates, or the Waters of the East ; being a Short Discourse of that Secret Fountain whose Water flows from Fire, and carries in it the beams of the Sun and Moon. 'Qy Eugeniits Philalethes. \2mo. ..... ib.\G5o Secrets Revealed ; or an Open Entrance to the Shut Palace of the King ; containing the greatest Treasure in Chymistry, never yet so plainly discovered. By Irenaeus Philalethes. Translated by W. C. \2mo. ...... ib. 166d Accredited Ghost Stories. Collected by T. M. Jarvis, Esq. 12»w. . 24.1823 Eclaircissement des Veritables Quatrains de Maistre Michel Nostradamus, &c. &c. l2»io. 1656 144 Shelves 16, 17. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Bekker, (Balthasar) Le Monde Enchante, ou, Examen des communs Sentimens toucliant les Esprits, leur nature, leur pouvoir, leur administration, et leurs operations, &c. Trad, du Hollandois. 4 torn. Amst. 1694. — Idee Generale de la Theologie Payenne, servant de Refutation au Systeme de Mr. Bekker, &c. Par Mr. B *** 1 torn. Amstl^QQ. 5 torn. \2mo. The World Bewitched ; or an Examination of the common opinions concerning Spirits : &c. Transl. from a French copy. vol. 1. only. \2mo. . . Land. 1605 See PoeticjVI, Works, vol. ii. p. 249. Lemnii (Levini) de Miraculis Occultis Naturae Libri iv. &c. 12mo. Francnf. 1598 Ortulus Anrme. lit. ffoth. fig. depict, fol. Imp. per Gul. Schaffener, ji.cccc.xcviii. With MS. notice prefixed. Trinum Magicum, sive Secretorum Magicorum Opus : continens, 1 . De Magia Naturali, Ar- tificiosa, et Superstitiosa Disquisitiones, &c. 2. Theatrum Naturae, &c. &c. 3. Oracula Zoroastris, et Mysteria Mysticse Philosophiae Hebraeorum, Chaldaeorum, &c. Edit, a Caesare Longino, Philos. ]2»io. ..... Franc. 1616 Coras, (Jean de, Conseiller,) Arrest Memorable du Parlement de Tholose ; contenant une Histoire prodigieuse d' un suppose Mary, (Martin Guerre) &c. — Paraphrase sur 1' Edict des Manages clandestinement contractez, &c. Sao. . . . Paris, 1572 Codes, (Berthelemy) Le Compendion et brief Enseignement de Physiognomic et Chiromancie, &c. &c. With MS. note by Sir JF. S. \2mo. . . ib. P.Bnntart, 1546 Prediction de la Vision prodigieuse d' un Aigle epouvantable, apparu le 25 Juillet, 1622, entre la Normandie et la Bretagne, &c. \2m.o. ..... ii. 1C22 Hailes's (Lord) Little Freeholder, a Dramatic Entertainment, sm. 8io. Lond. 1790 Last Speech, Confession, and Dying Words of Nicol Muschat of Boghall, Esq. who was ex- ecuted at Edinburgh, 1721, for the horrid and bloody murder of his own wife, &c. — Letter sent by the Lady Boghall to her Son, Nicol Muschat, &c. 12 wo. reprint. Edin. 1721 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 100 ; Nute to Heart of Mid- Lothian. Life of Alexander Alexander; written by himself, edited by John Howell. 2 vols./c. 8ro. ib. 1830 SHELF XVII. Psellus, (Mich.) De Operatione Daemonum Dialogus. Gr. et Lat. Cum notis Gaidmini, &c. Paris. 1615. — Idem. Trad, en Fran903's par Pierre Moreau, Touranio, &c. ib. 1577. sm.Bvo. Gaffarel, (M. J.) Curiositez Inouyes sur la Sculpture Talismanique des Persans. Horoscope des Patriarches. Et Lecture des Estoilles. sm. 8»o. . . Rotten, 1631 Casaubon's (Dr. Meric) Treatise proving Spirits, Witches, and Supernatural Operations, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. &vo. ..... Lond. 1672 History of the Witches of Renfrewshire, burnt on the Gallow-grecn of Paisley. 12oto. Pom. 1809 Naudaeus's (Gab.) History of Magick, by way of Apology for all the wise men who have been unjustly reputed Magicians. Englished by J. Davies. sm. Svo. Lond. 1657 See Letters on Demonology, Lett. fj. 145 T Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \1. Rosset, (Fr. de) Histoires Tragiques de notre temps, &c. Morts funestes de plusieurs personnes, arrivees par leurs ambitions, amours dereglees, sortileges, &c. dern. edit. sm.Svo. Lyon,\C6S Pomponatii (Pet.) De Naturalium Effectuum Causis, sive de Incantationibus, &c. adjutis Scholiis a Gul. Grataro. sm. 8»o. ..... Basil. 1556 Demons, (J. Conseiller d' Amiens) La Sextesscnce Diallactique et Potentielle, tiree par une nouvelle fa9on d' alambiquer, suivant les precepts de la saincte Magie. Par. 1595 — La Demonstration de la Quatriesme partie de Rien, et Quelque Chose, et Tout, avec la Quint- essence du Quart de Rien, &c. Dediee a la VUle d' Amiens, wants title. 8vo. Perkins's (Rev. William) Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft, so farre forth as it is revealed in the Scriptures, &c. Pubhshed by T. Pickering, B.D. sm. 8vo. Camb. 1608 Baxter's (Richard) Certainty of the World of Spirits, fully evinced by the unquestionable Histories of Apparitions, &c. 12»«o. .... Lowrf. 1691 See Letters on Demonology, p. 246. Hallywell's (Henry) Metampronoem, or Discourse of the Polity and Kingdom of Darkness, &c. sm. 8vo. ........ ib. 1681 Perreaud, (F.) Demonologie, ou Traitte des Demons et Sorciers, &c. Ensemble 1' Antidemon de Mascon, &c. 12mo. ...... Geneve, 1653 Julii Obsequentis Liber de Prodigiis, cum Lycosthenis Supplemento, et annot. J. Schefferi. sm. 8vo. ........ Amst. 1679 Acontii (Jac.) Satanae Stratagematum Libri VIII. l2mo. wants title. . [Lo«rf. 1552] Nynauld, (Dr. J. de) De la Lycanthropie, Transformation, et Extasc des Sorciers, &c. avec la Refutation des argumens contraires de Bodin, dans sa Demonomanie. l2mo. Par. 1615 See Letters on Demonology-^ p. 205. Boulton's (Richard) Compleat History of Magick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, &c. With MS. xoteby Sir W. S. 2vols. 12oto. .... Land. E. Curll, 1715-16 Vindication of the same, inanswertoDr.Hutchinson'sHistorical Essay. 12mo. ib.wantstitle. CuUen's (Fr. Grant, afterwards Lord,) True Narrative of the Sufferings and Relief of a young Girle (Christian Shaw) strangely molested by Evil Spirits, and their Instruments. With the Trial of the Seven Witches, who were condemned to be execute in the West. (The materials collected by J. MacGilchrist, Town Clerk of Glasgow.) sm. 8vo. Edin. 1698 See Letters on Demonology, p. 26 1 . Tracts. In 1 vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1 . Lavateri (Lud.) De Spectris, Lemuribus, &c. variisque Praesagitionibus quae plerumque obitum Homi- num, &c. praecedunt, Liber unus. edilio jrrimu. .... Genev. 1575 2. Paracelsus, (Phil. Theophrastus) The Nature of Things. Nine Books. . . Land. 1674 3. Casaubon's (Dr. Meric) Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, as it is an eiTect of nature ; but is mistaken by many for either Divine Inspiration or Diabolicall Possession. 2d edit. With MS. notes by Dr. Farmer. ........ ib. 1656 P , (S ) Mundorum Explicatio, or Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure, wherein are couched the Mysteries of the External, Internal, and Eternal Worlds, &c. a Sacred Poem. 8vo. ........ ib. 1661 146 Shelves 17,18. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Masse, (Pierre) De 1' Imposture et Tromperie des Diables, Devins, Enchanteurs, Sorciers, &c. qui, par Invocation Diabolique, &c. abusent le peuple. sm. 8vo. . Par. 1579 Benoist, (M. R.) Traicte enseignant en bref les causes des Malefices, Sortileges, et Enchan- teries, &c. pour empecber 1' action et exercice du mariage, &c. sm. 8vo. ib, 1579 Discours Admirable, &c. des choses advenues en la Ville de Mons en Hainaut, a 1' endroit d' une Religieuse possessee, et depuis delivree, &c. 8vo. . . Douay, 1586 Heretical Tracts. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1. Fowler's (Rev. Christ.) Daemonium Meridianum. Satan at Noon, &c. &c. Relation of the Proceed- ings of the Commissioners of the County of Berks, authorized by the Ordinance for Ejection against John Pordage, late Minister of Bradfield, &c. 2 parts. . . . Lmid. \6B6 See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 220. 2. Claxton's (Laur.) A Single Eye, All Light, No Darkness ; or Light and Darkness One, &c. ib. no datf. 3. Lost Sheep Found ; or the Prodigal returned to his Father's house, &c. &c. With MS. note hy SirW.S.. . . . . . ih. 16fi0 See Prose Works, vol. xviii. pp. 85-89. Memoires Autbentiques, &c. du Comte de Cagliostro. \2mo. . . Par. \ 7 86 Salmasii (CI.) De Annis Climactericis, et Antiqua Astrologia, Diatribae. sm. 8vo. Lug. Bat.lGiS SHELF XFin. Le Normant, (Joann.) Vera ac Mcmorabilis Historia de tribus Energumenis in partibus Belgii, &c. et Tractatus de Vocatione Magorum, &c. sm. 8vo. . Par. 1623 Tracts on Witchcraft, &c. 1 vol. 800. containing, 1. Michaelis's (Sebast.) Admirable History of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman, seduced by a Magician, that made her to become a Witch, &c. . . . Lotid. 1613 2. GlanviU's (Jos.) Philosophical Endeavour towards the Defence of the Being of Witches and Appari- tions, &c. ........ ib. 1666 Discourse on Witcbcraft ; occasioned by a Bill, now depending in Parliament to repeal the Statute of K. James I. &c. In seven Chapters. 8vo. . . . ib. 1736 See Letters on Deinonology^ p. 264. Gilford'.'. (Rev. Geo.) Dialogue concerning Witches and Witchcrafts, &c. B. L. ito. zi. 1603 Beaumont's (John) Historical, Physiological, and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, &c. With a Refutation of Bekkcr's World Bewitch'd, &c. (Attributed to Daniel Defoe.) 8vo. . . . ■ ■ . ib. 170.5 See Prose Works, vol. iv. pp. 258-9. Hutchinson's (Rev. Dr. Francis) Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft. With Observations upon Matters of Fact, &c. Also, Two Sermons. 2d edit. 8m. . . ib. 1720 See Letters on Demonology. Du Lude's (Comte) Aa.if/^omXoyia. : or a Treatise of Spirits, &:c. With an Appendix containing Reflections on Boulton's Answer to Dr. Hutchinson's Historical Essay, &c. Lond. 1723. The Ax laid to the Root of Popery, &c. by the same. ib. 1721. 8vo. 147 Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \B. Trial of Richard Hathaway, at Surrey Assizes, 24th March 1702, on an information for being a, Cheat and Impostor, and endeavouring to take away tlie life of Sarah Murduck, on a false accusation of Witchcraft, &c. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1754: Authentic, &c. Narrative of the astonishing Transactions at Stockwell in Surrey, on the 6th and 7th of January 1772, &c. 8vo. ...... ib. 1772 See Lttters on Demonology, p. 3G5. Exact Narrative of many surprising IMatters of Fact, uncontestably wrought by an Evil Spirit, in the House of Master Jan Smagge, Farmer, &c. in Essex, on the 10th, IStli, 14th, 15th, and 16th September last, &c. 8yo. . . . . . . ib. 1709 Witches apprehended, examined, and executed, &c. The severall and damnable practices of Mother Sutton, and Mary Sutton, her daughter, of Milton Milles, &c. B. L. Uo. ib. no date. Taylor's (Jos.) Apparitions : or, the Mystery of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, and Haunted Houses de- veloped, &c. 2d edit. 8vo. ...... ?6. 1815 History of the damnable Life and deserved Death of Dr. John Faustus, &c. Lond. 1690. — Second Report of Dr. John Faustus, declaring how he was amongst the Infernal Spirits, &c. ib. 1680. B. L. 4,to. Maieri (Michaelis) Symbola Aurea Duodecim Nationum, &c. Franco/. 1617. — Ejusdem Jocus Severus, &c. ib. 1617. — Ejusdem Lusus Serius, &c. Oppenh. 16]9.^Ejusdem Tractatus de Circulo physico, quadrate, hoc est Auro, &c. ib. 1616. — 4^0. Tripus Aureus, hoc est, Tres Tractatus Chimici, &c. 1. Basil Valentini Practica, &c. 2. Thomae Nortoni Crede Mihi, &c. 3. Cremeri Testamentum. 4to. Franc. 1618 Scoti (Michaelis) Liber Phvsionomiae. edifio princeps. ito. wants title. [[m.ccc.lxxvii.]] Lilly's (William) Christian Astrology, modestly treated in 3 books, &c. ito. Lond. 1647 Starry Messenger, or Interpretation of that strange Apjparition of three Suns, seen in London IGth November 1G44, being the Birth Day of King Charles. 4o. .... Edin. 1820 Glanvil's (Joseph) Saducismus Triumphatus ; or Full and Plain Evidence respecting Witches and Apparitions. In 2 parts, &c. 3d edit. 8vu. . . . hond. 1700 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 2 E ; Letters on Demtmology p. 123, &c. Philosophical ConsiderationstouchingtheBeingofWitchesandWitchcraft,&c. ^to. ib.l667 Defoe's (Daniel) System of Magick, or History of the Black Art. Being an Historical Ac- count of Mankind's most early dealing ^vith the Devil, and how the acquaintance on both sides first began. 8vo. . . . ... . . ib. 1727 Complete Wizzard. Collection of Authentic Narratives, &c. of Ghosts,&c. Instancesof the effects of Witchcraft ; Account of Haunted Houses ; and a Treatise on Magic. 8co. ib. 1770 Saddueismiis Debellatus, or True Narrative of the Sorceries and Witchcrafts exercised, &c. upon Mrs. Christian, daughter of Mr. John Shaw of Bargarran, &c. &c. With Reflections upon Witchcraft in general, &c. 4to. . . . . . ib. 1698 See Letters on Demonoloyy., p. 261. J , (Rev. T ) Vindication of the Surey Demoniack as no Impostor; &c. a Reply to Mr. Zachariah Taylor's Pamphlet, called the Surey Impostor, &c. — The Lancashire Levite rebuked ; or a Farther Vindication of the Dissenters from Popery, Superstition, &c. unjustly charged upon them by Mr. Z. Taylor, &c. 4to. .... ib. 1698 See Letters on Demonologt/, p. 228. True and Impartial Relation of the information against three Witches, &c. convicted at the Assizes, &c. at Exon, 14th August 1682. With their Confessions and Speeches, &c. 4to. ib. 1682 See Letters on Demonology, p. 261. 150 Shdf 19. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Witch-Tracts. 1 vol. sm. ito. containing, 1 . Hopkins's (Matthew, witchfinder,) Discovery of Witches : in answer to sevemll Queries, &c. now pub- lished for the benefit of the whole Kingdom. .... Land. 1647 2. Fairclough's (Rev. H.) True and Exact Relation of the several Informations, Examinations, and Con- fessions of the late Witches, &c. in the county of Essex, July 1645. . . ib. 1645 3. Magazine of Scandal!, or a Heape of Wickednesse of two infamous Ministers, consorts, Thomas Fowkes, &c. and John Lowes, &c. With MS. notes by Dr. Lort and Mr. Bindley. . ti. 1 642 Ste Letters on Demonotog!/, pp. 247, note, 251, and 252. lu C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae cap. 1 and 2, Libri xxx. Commentarius, Natiiralis Magiae compend. rationem, &c. complectens. Cui adjecta est de Fascinationibus Disputatio, &c. Item, De Incantatione et Adjurations, &c. Epistola ; una cum Joann. Tritemii, &c. in Libros sues Stegonographia, Epistola, sive Praefatio Apologetica. ito. Wirezb. 1548 Bragge's (Rev. Francis) Witcli of Walkerne. Being, 1 . A Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft practis'd by Jane Wenham of Walkerne, in Hertford- shire, &c. With her Trial and Conviction, &c. March 4, 1711-12. 2. Witchcraft farther displayed, &c. 3. Defence of the Proceedings against Jane Wenham, &c. 4. General Preface to the whole. With MS. notice prefixed. 5th edit. Svo. . Lond. 1712 See Letters on Demonoloyy, p. 234. Full and Impartial Account, &c. (duplicate of No. 1, in the preceding). 2d ediVum. Lond- 1712. — The Case of the Hertfordshire Witchcraft considered, being an Examina- tion of a Book entitled a Full and Impartial Account, &c. 8co. . . j6. 1712 The 30th of August. A Discourse of Newes from Prague in Bohemia, of a Husband, who, by Witchcraft, had murthered 18 Wives, and of a Wife, who had likewise murthered 19 Hus- bands, &c. Translated out of the Dutch and French coppies. ito. . . ji. 1622 Telfair's (Rev. Alexander) New Confutation of Sadducism, &c. Narrative of the wonderful expressions and actions of a Spirit which infested the house of Andrew Mackie of Ringcroft in Galloway, from February to May, 1695. ito. . . . ib. 1696 Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of John Lambe, otherwise called Doctor Lambe, &c. ito. Amst. 1628. ....... ib. repr. See Letters on Demonology.^ p. 337. Life and Death of the Merry Devill of Edmonton. With the pleasant pranks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and Mine Host of the George. Lond. 1631. 8po. repr. ib. Nickok, 1819 Tales and Jests of Mr. Hugh Peters. Collected into one volume. Lond. 1660. 800. repr. ib. Caulfield, 1807 Bordelon's (Abbe) History of the Ridiculous Extravagancies of Mons. Oufle ; occasioned by his reading Books treating of Magick, &c. Translated from the French. Sro. ib. \7\l Jackson's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Treatise containing the Originall of Unbeliefe, Misbeliefe, or Misperswasions concerning the Veritie, Uuitie, and Attributes of the Deitie, &e. ito. ib. 1625 See Letters on Demonology. p. 175, &c. 151 Press 0. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 19, 20. Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. ?,vo. containing, 1. True and Surprising Account of a Natural Sleep- Walker. Read before the Philosophical Society of Lausanne. From the French. ...... Edin. 1792 2. Bell's (M. le Docteur) Principles of Animal Electricity and Magnetism, &c, . 1792 3. Villars's (Abbd de) Count de Gabalis ; being a diverting History of the Rosicrucian doctrine of Spirits, &c. With Bay le'8 Account of the Work, and of the Sect of Rosicrucians. . . Lond.nii Foot's (Jesse) Lives of A. Robinson Bowes, Esq. and the Countess of Strathmore. &vo. ib. Substance of the Trials of Skelton, Sutherland, M'Donald, Macintosh, Napier, Grotto, &c. for Murder and Robbing on the Streets of Edinburgh, 31st December, 1811 and 1st January 1812. 12mo. ....... Leitk, 1812 See Life, vol. ii. p. 391. Life of Dick England and Captain England, of Turf memory, 'id edit. 8vo. Land. 1792 Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, &c. Containing a variety of matter, ludicrous, theatrical, musical, &c. 8vo. ....... ib. 1792 Account of the Life, Trial, and Execution of James Bolland, executed March 1772, for Forgery. 8oo. . ....... ib. 1772 Life of John Metcalf, commonly called Blind Jack of Knaresborough, &c. With particulars relating to the expedition against the Rebels in 1745. 5t/i edit. l2mo. ib. See Note to Redgauntlet. Webster's (David) Scotch Haggis ; consisting of Anecdotes, Jests, curious and rare Articles of Literature, Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 8bo. . . . Edin. 1822 Melton's (John) Astrologaster, or, the Figure-Caster ; rather the Arraignment of Artlesse Astrologers and Fortune-tellers, once again brought to the Barre, &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. sm. -ito. ...... Lond. 1620 Life and Character of Mrs. Mary Moders, alias Stedman, alias Carleton, alias Mary , the famous German Princess. Being an Historical Relation of her Birth and Fortunes, &c. Together with her Tragical Fall at Tyburn, January 22, 1678, 2d edit. 8ro. ib. SHELF XX. Lancre, (Pierre de) Tableau de 1' Inconstance des Mauvais Anges et Demons. Ou il est am- plement traicte des Sorciers et de la Sorcellerie. Avec la Procedure a 53 Magiciens, &c. a Logrognc, le 9 Nov. 1610. With MS. note by Sir W. S. ito. . Paris, 1613 L' Incredulite et Mescreance du Sortilege plainement convaincue ; ou il est traicte, &c. du Sortilege, de la Fascination, de 1' Attouchement, du Scopelisme, de la Divination, de la Ligature Magique, des Apparitions, &c. ito. .... ib. 1622 See Letters un Demonology, p. 201. Frommann, (J. C.) Tractatus de Fascinatione, &c. in que Fascinatio Vulgaris profiigatur, Na- turalis confirmatur, Magica examinatur, &c. ito. . . . Norimb.lQIS Thyraei (Pat. Petri) de Apparitionibus Spirituum Tractatns duo. &c. ito. Col. Agripp. 1605 152 Shelves 20, 21. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. Press 0. Thyraei (Pat. Petri) Daemoniaci, h. e. De Obscssis a Spiritibus Dsemoniorum Hominibus, Liber unus. &c. edit. 2da. — Loca Infesta, k. e. De Infestis, ob molestantes Daemonioruin et (lefunctorum Hominum Spiritus, Locis, Liber unus. &c. Accessit ejusdem Libellus de Terriculamentis nocturnis, &c. ito. .... Col. Agripp. 1598 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 245. Auctores de Stigmatibus. 1 torn. Mo. containing, 1. CEstermanni (Petri) Comment. Jurid. ad S. Stigmata. C. de Fabricensibus, 12 sectionibua dist. et plu- rimis jucundis historiia, &c. illustratua. .... f W. ^yr. 1629 2. Jordanaei (Joan.) Disputatio, itc. de Proba Stigmatica, utrum sc. ea licitasit, necne. &c. ib. 1630. 3. Lajmann, (Paul.) Processus Jiiridicus contra Saga3 et Veneficos. {in German). . ili. 1629 4. Defensio Probae Stigmaticae et Magistratuum. .... wants title. Gode'manui (J. G.) Tractatus dc Magis, Veneficis, et Lamiis, deque his recte cognoscendis et puniendis. Libris ni. Mo. . . ... Franco/. 1601 Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, vatum Sj'billarum, Phoebadum, apud priscos illustrium : cum eorum Iconibus. Praep. est Dissert, de Divinatione et Oraculis. Mo. . ib. 1 680 Torreblanca, (Franc.) Daemonologia : sive de Magia Naturali, Dasmoniaca, licita et illicita, deque aperta et occulta intcrventione et invocatione Deemonis. Mo. . Mogunt. 1 623 Bodin, (Jean) De la Demonomanie des Sorciers, (avec Refutation des Opinions de Jean Vvier.) Mo. ....... Paris, 1580 See Letters on Demonnlogy. Museum Hermeticum, (Sec. Continens Tractatus Cliymicos novem praestantissimos, &c. de Beucdicto Lapide Sapientum. Mo. ..... Franco/. 1625 Billy, (Jacques de) Le Tombeau de 1' Astrologie Judiciaire. Mo. . Paris, ] 657 Mitchell's (W. A.) Essay on Capacity and Genius, to prove that there is no original mental superiority between the most illiterate and learned of Mankind ; and that no geui\i^, whether individual or national, is innate, but solely produced by, and dependent on circum- stances. Also, an Enquiry into the nature of Ghosts, &c. ro7/al 8»o. Newcastle, Hamilton's (Mrs. Eliz.) Series of Popidar Essays, &c. on the Improvement of the Understand- ing, the Imagination, and the Heart. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Ediii. 181.3 Knight's (Richard Payne) Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. Mh edit. 8vo. Land. 1818 Leslie's (Prof. John) Philosophy of Arithmetic, exhibiting a Progressive View of the Theory and Practice of Calculation. 8vo. ..... Edin. \8\': SHELF XXI. Webster's (John) Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft ; wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of Deceivers and Impostors, &c. But that there is a Corporeal League made betwixt the Devil and the Witch, &c. &c. is utterly denied and disproved, &c. /ol. Lond. 1677 See Poetical Works, vol. iu pp. 303-5 ; Notes to Fortunes of Nigel; Letters on Demonlogy, ^e. 153 U Press p. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. fihelfX. Gadbury's (John) TinUKtaXtjyia., or, the Doctrine of Nativities ; containing the whole Art, &c. whereby any Man, &c. may be enabled to discover the most remarkable and occult Acci- dents of his Life, &c. fol. ...... Lond.\66l See Letters on Demonology^ p. 336. Reynolds's (John) Triumphs of God's Revenge against the crying and execrable Sinne of (wilfull and premeditated) Murther. With his miraculous Discoveries and severe Punishments thereof In 30 severall Tragicall Histories, &c. 2d edit. fol. . . ib. 1 640 Johnson's (Capt. Charles) History of the Lives and Actions of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, Pirates, &c. fol. .... ib. 1742 Clavell's (R.) General Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful Fire of Lon- don, 16C6, to the end of Trinity Terra, 1680 ; and 2 Supplements to Hilary Term, 1681. — Catalogus Librorum Latinorum in diversis Europae partibus irapressorum, ab anno 1670 usque ad annum 1680. fol. ...... ?i. 1680-1 Strutt's (Joseph) Horda-Angel-Cynnan, or Complete View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of England, from the Arrival of the Saxons till the Reign of Henry VIII. 3 vols. 4/o. ...... ib. 1775-6 Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England ; containing the Representations of all the English Jlonarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII. nevs edit. With Sup- plement. Mo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1793 — — ■ Chronicle of England, (from Arrival of Csesar to the Conquest.) 2 vols. ito. ib. 1777-8 Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, from the Establish- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1796 Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, including the Rural and Domestic Recre- ations, May-Games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time. Asto. . . . . ib. 1801 The same. 2d edit. With the Plates coloured. 4:10. . . . ib. 1810 See Introduction to WaverJey Novels, vol. i. Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, from the earliest period of the Art of Engr&ving to the present time, and a List of their most esteemed works. 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1785-6 Test of Guilt, or Traits of Ancient Superstition, a Dramatic Tale. sm. ito. ib. 1 808 PRESS P. POETICAL WORKS, ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ; WITH A FEW WORKS ON BRITISH ANTIQUITIES. SHELF I. Chaucer's (Gcfliey) Works, fol. B. L. wants title, ^c. \_Lond. Jhon Wight, XbQV^ Works. Newly printed. (With six pieces, not in the former impression.) Edited bj' Thomas Speght. B. L. fol. .... ib. Ad. Islij). 1602 See Poetical Works, passim. 154 Shelf I. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Chaucer's (Geffrey) Canterbury Talcs. To which are added, an Essay on his Language and Versification, and an Introductory Discourse ; together with Notes and a Glossary. By the late Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. 2d edit. 2 vols. ito. . . . Oxford, 1798 Dravton's (Michael) Polyolbion. A Chorographical Description, &c. of this renowned Isle of Great Britain. Digested into a Poem. fol. .... Lont/. 1622 Garrick's Copy, with his autograph memorandum. The same, the first Eighteen Books. 1st edit. fol. . . . . ji. 1613 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 2 G. Boswell's (Sir Alex.) Woo-Creel, or the Bill o' Bashan, a Tale. ito. Auchinleck, 181 G Songs of the Justiciary Opera. Composed fifty years ago by C M and B J. C. C. ito. ......... /4. 1810 Frondes Caducae. Dialogi Duo, &c. quorum prior continet Colloquium inter Deum et Euam (ut ferunt) eiusque liberos ; posterior Salomonis et Marcolphi jucundiss. Decerta- tionem propomt. Argent. Ho. . . . . . . zi. 1816 The Buke of ye Chess. Script per manu Jkois Shane, ito. . . ii. 1818 Dolarny's Primerose, or the First Part of the Passionate Hermit, &c. Written by a Prac- titioner in Poesie, &c. Lond. 1G06. Reprinted by Bidmer for Sir Francis Freeliny. {Roxburgh Club-Book.) ito. ..... Lowrf. 181 G Tusser's (Thomas) Hundreth good Points of Husbandrie. Reprinted from first edition of 1557. ito. ...... ib. Triphook, 1810 See Note to TVk Pirate. Ttie Five Hundred Points of Husbandrie, eiytitk edition, 1599, are reprinted in Soiners^ Tracts, vol. iii. Kokesby's (Geo. of Newcastle,) Lay of the Reed- Water Minstrel. IDustrated with notes, &c. 4/0. With MS. note by Sir W. S., and the Ballad of Farcy Reed at the end. Ne7e:c. 1809 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 55. First Fruits of Australian Poetry. Printed for private distribution, ito. Sydney, New South Wales, 1819 Carey's (Patrick, brother of Lord Falkland,) Poems, from a Manuscript written in the time of Oliver Cromwell, ito. ..... Lond. Murray, 1771 Trivial Poems and Triolets, &c. With Introduction and Notes by Sir Walter Scott. With MS. note by Sir W. S. in reference to the preceding edition, the existence of which teas not known to him at the time of this second publication, ito. . . . ib. \&M) See Note to Woodstocti ; Life, vol. iii. pp. 30-33. Ttie Original MS., Hie gift of Mr. Murray/, is at p. 107. Breton's (Nicolas) Longing of a Blessed Heart, which, loathing the World, doth long to be with Christ. With Preface by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. ito. repr. Lee Priori^, 1814 Melancholike Humours. With a Critical Preface by Sir E. Brydges. ito. ib. 1«I5 Quillinan's (Edward, Son-in-law of Sir E. Brydges,) Stanzas WTitten on the Baptismal Day of Jane Grey Brydges. ito. Hughes's (John, Esq.) Pompeii, a Descriptive Ode. ito. Bell's (Henry Glassford) Poems. Prii>atcly printed, ito. . . Edin. 1824 155 Press P. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves \, 2. Berguer's (L. Thomas) Stanzas, inscribed to Sir Walter Scott, Esq. With Letter from the Author, ito. ....... £(/in. 1817 See Life, vol. v. pp. 368-370. Seventy-one Penny Ballads. Collected by John Bell, Neiccastle. oblong. 8vo. Erskinc's (Hon. Andrew) Town Eclogues. 4to. . . . Land. [^1797] White's (Thomas, Schoolmaster, Dumfries,) Saint Guerdun's Well, a Poem. 2d edit. ito. Dumfries, 1797 Macneill's (Hector) Pastoral, or Lyric Muse of Scotland. In three Cantos. With Letter from the Author. 4,lo. ...... . Edin. 1808 See Life, vol. ii. p. 229. Gillies's (Robert Pierce) Childe Alarique, a Poet's Reverie. 4to. . . ?A. 1813 See Life, vol. iii. p. 52. Bochas Tragedies. Translated into English Verse by John Lydgate. B. L. fol. Ceremonies to be observed at the Royal Coronation of His Most Excellent Majesty King George IV. on the 19th July 1821. fol. With the Pass-Tickets given on the occasion to Sir W. Scott. See Life, vol. v. p. 85. Gayton's (Edmund) Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixote, sm.fol. . Land. 1654 D , (N ) Choice Songs and Ayres for one Voyce, to sing to a Theorbo Lute or Bass Violin, sm.fol. . . . ■ ■ . . ih. 1673 The Charms of Melody, or Siren Medley, a Collection of English and Scottish Songs, in 100 Nos. With Index, fol. ...... DMin, SHELF IL Grose's (Francis) Provincial Glossary. Boo. .... Lond. 1787 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. pp. 320-21. Olio, a Collection of Essays, Dialogues, &c. 2d edit. 8co. . . ib. 1796 Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Sd edit. With MS. notes and a curious haiidbill. Svo. . . . . . . . ib.M^G Guide to Health, Beauty, Riches, and Honour, (Collection of puffing Advertisements from Newspapers.) Interleaved, with MS. notes by Sir W. S. 8uo. . . ib. 1785 See Life, vol. i. pp. 123-24. Advice to Officers of the British Army. 12mo. .... ib. 1782 Dyer's (George, Bookseller of Exeter,) Restoration of the Ancient Modes of bestowing names on the rivers, hills, valleys, plains, and settlements of Britain, &c. Seo. Exeter, 1805 Owen's (William) Heroic Elegies, and other Pieces of Llywarc Hen, Prince of the Cumbrian Britons; with a literal translation. 8vo. .... Lo)id. 1792 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. pp. 342-44 ; Introduction to Anne of Geierstein. note. Herrick's (Robert) Works ; consisting of Hesperides, &c. 1648. — Noble Numbers, &c. 1647. With biographical notice by Thomas Maitland, Esq. 2 vols. 4?o. . Edin. 1823 156 Shelf i. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Scott's (Sir W.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, first edit. 2 vols. 8»o. red mor. Kelso, 1802 " From His Afajesti/'s Liliran/," Relations of diverse famous Battles and Sieges. 1 vol. i-to. containing, 1. Battle of Lutzen in 1633. 2. Siege of Luxemburg, by the French, 1684. 3. Siege of Vienna, by the Turks, in 1684. By John Peter, a Valcaren. 4. Siege of Buda, by the Imperialists, 1684. 5. Venetian Campaign in the Morea, 1688. From the Italian. 6. Siege and Battle of Belgrade in 1688. 7. Walker's (Rev. Dr. George) Siege of London Deiry, 1689. 8. Mackenzie's (Rev. J.) Siege of London Derry, (in answer to Walker) 1690. Roberts's (H.) CUo and Euterpe, or British Harmony: a Collection of celebrated Songs and Cantatas, by the most approved masters, curiously engraved, &ic. 3 vols. 8»o. Lond. 1762 Old Poems. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1. Poems on Affairs of State, by A. Marvel, and others. 3 parts. 2. The Double Descent, a Poem. .... 3. Satire upon the Town. .... 4. The Great Birth of Man. By M. S. (? Matthew Smith.) 2d edU. 5. Corinna, or Human Frailty, &c. 6. Sylvia's Revenge, or a Satyr against Man. Zd edit. 7. Motteux's Europe's Revels for the Peace, &c. a Musical Interlude. 8. The Wheel of Fortune, or. Nothing for a Penny. 9. Toland's (John) Clito, a Poem on the Force of Eloquence. 10. Caledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant, a Tragi-Comedy. (Satire on 11. Miseries of England, &c. from domestick Enemies. 12. Essay on Piince Eugene's Success in Italy, &c. 13. Ward's (Edward) All Men Mad, &c. . 14. Helter-Skelter, or, the Devil upon Two Sticks, a Comedy. 15. The Monster, or. World turn'd Topsy-Turvy, a SatjT. 16. Arwaker'a (Edm. jun.) Embassy from Heaven, or Ghost of Queen Mary. 17. Stote's ( ) Faction Displayed. Attributed also to Shippen. See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 333. 18. Moderation Displayed. . . . ■. 19. The Leaden Age. ..... 20. The M(itre) and C(Iu)b, or, the L(ambe)th Consultation. 21. Swift's (Dean) John Dennis, &c. ; Invitation to Richard Steele, &c. 22. The Weesel Trap'd, a Reflection on the late SatjTical Fable. . 23. The Feu de Joye, or a Brief Description of two Victories, &c. at Schellenbergh and Blainheim. ib. 1 70.5 24. Fatal Friendship, or tlie Drunkard's Misery. 25. Mande%'ille, (Bernard) The Grumbling Hive, or Knaves turned honest. 26. Cowley's (Abraham) Poem on the late CivU War. 27. Dennis's (John) Monument, sacred to the memorj' of King William III. 28. Defoe's (Daniel) Reformation of IManners, a Satyr. 29. The Managers, a Ballad. .... 30. The Nuptials of the Lamb, a Puidarique Poem. By J. S. 31. lUust. Prin. Dacis Comubiae et Comitis Palatini Genethliacon. 157 le Darien ih. 1689 ill. John Dunton, 1692 a. 1693 ib. 1689 ib. 1699 ib. 1699 ib. 1697 ib. 1698 ib. 1700 Scheme.) 1700 ib. 1707 ib. 1702 ib. 1704 ib. 1704 ib. 170.5 ib. 1704 ib. 1704 a. 1704 ib. 1705 *. 1704 ib. 1714 ib. 1691 ih. 1693 tb. 1705 ib. 1679 ib. 1702 *. 1702 no title, Lond. 1708 Carilai. 1687 PuEss P. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 2, 3. Jamiesoii's (Robert) Po])ular Ballads and Songs, from tradition, manuscripts, and scarce edi- tions ; with translations of similar pieces from the ancient Danish language, &c. 2 vols. 8ao. Edin. 1806 See PcJETicAL Works, vol. i. p. 81 ; vol. viiL note K. ; Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. US. Stuart's (George) Joco-Serious Discourse in two Dialogues, between a Nortlmmberland Gent. and his Tenant, a Scotchman, both old Cavaliers, &c. ito. . . Land. 1686 Y (N ) Pieces of Ancient Poetry, from unpublished MSS. and scarce books ; with preface and notes. 4/o. ...... Bristol, 18 1* Wine's (John) Welcome to Victory, a Congratulatory Poem on the success of Her Majesty's Forces in Germany, &c. 4^0. ..... Land. 1704 Campbell's (James) Treatise of Modern Faulconry : to which is prefixed, &c. an Introduction, (ascribed to the Rev. Alexander Gillies of Kilmaurs) shewing the practice of Faulconry in remote times and countries. With MS. notes at the end. 8vo. . Edin. 1773 Pegge's (Rev. Samuel) Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery, compiled about 1390, &c. With notes and glossary, &c. 8vo. . . . Land. 1780 SHELF III. Greene's (Robert) Dramatic Works and Poems. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2 vols. S7n. 8vo. ....... Land. 1831 Webster's (John) Works ; now first collected, &c. by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 4 vols. sm. 8vo. ib. 1830 Collyer's (J. P.) History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakspeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols. w. 8«o. . . . . eJ. 1831 Ritson's (Joseph) Life of King Arthur; from ancient Historians and authentic documents. cr. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . ib. 1825 See Life, vol. i. p. 400. Ancient Songs and Ballads, from the Reign of Henry II. to the Revolution. 2d edit. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. ........ ib. 1829 AVatts's (A. A.) Literary Souvenir, or Cabinet of Poetry and Romance, (vol. 1.) 8vo. ib. 1825 Bowring's (John) Poetry of the Magyars. Preceded by a Sketch of the Language and Lite- rature of Hungary and Transylvania, cr. 8vo. .... ib. 1830 Bedding's (Cpus) Gabrielle, a Swiss Tale. sm. 8vo. .... ib. 1829 Barnard's (Rev. E. W.) Fifty Select Poems, imitated from the Latin of Marc Antonio Fla- minio. With Memoir of the Author, by Archdeacon Wrangham. 8vo. Chester, 1829 Maude's (Thomas) Traveller's Lay, a Poem. sm. 8vo. . . . Land. 18 SO Woman's Love, or, the Triumph of Patience, a Drama, &c. 8vo. . . ib. 1 829 Mullen's (Samuel) De Grey, a Tale of Codnor Castle, a Poem. (With Letter/rom the Author.) sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . ib.1832 Deakiu's (H. C.) Deliverance of Switzerland, a Dramatic Poem. (With Letter/rom the Author.) sm.Svo. ........ ib. 1S30 158 Shelves 3, 4, 5, 6. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Lamb's (Charles) Album Verses ; with a few others, sm. %vo. . . Lend. 1 830 Kinloch's (6. R.) Ancient Scottish Ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before pub- lished ; with notes, &c. and airs, &c. %vo. ..... «i. 1827 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 83 ; vols, ii.-iv. passim. Maidmcnt's (James) Excerpta Scotica. (29 Short Pieces.) 8»o. . Edin. 182.5 Nugae Scoticae. Miscellaneous Papers (22) illustrative of Scottish Affairs, 1535-1781. 8»o. ......... ib. 1820 SHELF IV. Gibber's (Colley) Dramatic Works. 5 vols. l2mo. . . . Land. 1726 D' Urfey's (Tom) Wit and Mirth, or Pills to purge Melancholy ; being a Collection of tlje best merry Ballads and Songs, old and new, &c. 4th edit. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 5 vols. 12wo. ........ ib. 1719 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 12, Popular Histories. Collected ly John Bell, Newcastle.^ 6 vols. 1 2nio. Right Merry Book of Garlands. Collected by ditto. 1 vol. llmo. SHELF V. Right Merry Book of Garlands. 2 vols. I'lrno. — Seventy-one Ballads. 1 vol. I 2»-177. S , (J — L — ) Juvenile Effusions in Verse and Prose, composed at the High School, Edin- burgh. 12mo. ....... Camb. 1822 Sepulchral Mottos ; consisting of Original Verses composed for public adoption as Epitaphs on Tombs and Gravestones, &c. 2d edit. \2mo. . . . Land, i 820 Morehead's (Rev. Robert) Poetical Epistles and Specimens of Translation. 12mo. ib. 1813 Gibson's (John) Odes, and other Poems. \2mo. . . . Edin. \8\8 The Craniad, or Spurzheim Illustrated, a Poem. \2mo. . . . «6. 1817 The Lay of Agincourt, with other Poems. \2mo. .... j'J. 1819 Mechanical Tales, or Poetical Eifusions on various subjects. 1 2mo. . Lond. 1817 Gilmour's (Robert) Lothaire, a Romance. In 6 Cantos. 1 2mo. . . ii. 1 8 1 ."> See Life, vol. iv. p. 75. Walker's (John, Farmer at Luss,) Poems in English, Scotch, and Gaelic. \2mo. Glasg. 1817 Douglas's (R. K.) Poems and Songs, chiefly Scottish. 12?«o. . . Ediji. 1814- Alves's (James) Banks of Esk, or a Saunter from Roslin to Smeaton, a Poem ; and Drum- mond Castle, a Poem, &c. 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1800 Knox's (William) Lonely Hearth, and other Poems. 12»io. . North Shields, 1818 Songs of Israel, consisting of L}Tics, &c. \2mo. . . . Edin. 1824- See Life, vol. vi. p. 152. Poetical Pieces. 1 vol. l2mo. containing, 1. Anster's (Dr. J. M.) Ode to Fancy, with other Poems. . . . Dublin, 181.5 2. Elegy on Trottin' Nanny, (Agnes Bertholet). . . . C'upnr, 1814 3. M'Laurin'a (Colin, Lord Dreghora,) Parody on Gray's Elegy. . . Edin.\S\i 4. Galloway's (George) Loyal Albany Museum, &c. Zd edit. . . . iJ. 1817 163 Press p. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 10, U. Drummond's (Rev. Dr. William Hamilton) First Book of Lucretius, of the Nature of Things. Translated into English Verse. 12mo. .... Edin. 1808 Edwards's (Miss) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. \2mo. . . . ib. 1776 Drennan's (Dr. William) Fugitive Pieces, in Verse and Prose. 12mo. . Belfast, 1815 Gillies's (R. P.) Wallace, a Fragment, with other Poems. 127wo. . Edin. 1813 Brettell's (Rev. J.) Country Minister, a Poem. With MS. Letter from the Author. \2mo. Lond. 1821 Hoiu-s of Solitude, or Poems on Various Subjects. V2mo. . Bath dif Lond. 1817 Musomania, or, the Poet's Purgatory. 12mo. .... Lond. 1817 Bryant's (W. C.) Poems, stn. 8vo. .... Cambridge, V. S. 1821 Britain Triumphant, with other Poems. By an East Lothian Ploughman, sm. 8vo. Haddington, 1816 Mackay's (A.) Original Songs and Poems, in English and Gaelic. l2mo. Inverness, 1821 Walker's (J.) Rhyming Dictionary. 2d edit. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Lond. 1800 Hartstonge's (Matthew Weld) Minstrelsy of Erin ; or Poems, LjTical, Pastoral, and Descrip- tive, cr. 8i-o. ....... Edin. 1812 Mayne's (John) Siller Gun, a Poem. In 4 Cantos, cr. 8i'0. . . Gloucester, 1808 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. note O. Hunt's (Leigh) Story of Rimini, a Poem. sm. Svo. . . . Lond. 18\6 Courtier's (P. L.) Pleasures of Solitude, with other Poems. 2d edit. 12;«o. ib. 1802 Cartwright's (Dr. Edm.) Arniine and Elvira, a Legendary Tale, &c. 9th edit. 12mo. iA. 1803 See Life, vol. i. p. 139. Clarke's (Bernard) Collection of Poems on several occasions, &c. 12mo. Dublin, 1751 Davidson's (Lucr. Maria) Amir Khan, and other Poems. (With a Biographical Sketch by Samuel T. B. Morse. {With MS. Letter from the Editor.) 12mo. New York, 1829 Davidson's (Rev. John) Poetical Remains, &c. With a Biographical Account of the Author, and various illustrative papers, by James Maidment. «;«. 8co. . Edin. 1829 SHELF XL Oldham's (John) Works, together with his Remains, sm. 8vo. . . Lond. 1684 Curtis's (William) Unknown of the Pyrenees, a Tale. (With MS. Letter from the Author.) 12mo. . . . . . . . . . ib. 1817 Walker's (J. S.) South American, a Metrical Tale, &c. 8vo. . . Edin. 181Q Cromwell's (Thomas) School-Boy, with other Poems. 8vo. . . Lond. 1816 The Rival Chiefs, or Battle of the Boyne, a Poem. 12mo. . . . zi. 1813 Robertson's (John) Waddin' Day, &c. with other Poems and Songs in the Scottish dialect. 1 2mo. Glasg. 1822 Peacock's (Tliomas L.) Genius of the Thames, a Lyrical Poem. 8i'o. . Lond. 1810 Maxwell's (S.) Battle of the Bridge, or Pisa Defended, a Poem, in 10 Cantos. 2d edit. 8vo. Edin. 1823 Shelf n. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY, Press P. Fitzpatrick's (P. V.) Demosthenes contemplating the Ruins of Atliens, &c. sm. 8»o. Dub. 1 8 1 K Earthani, (Seat of Mr. Hayley,) an Epistle to a Lad)'. 8co. . . Chichester, l^Xi Walk from the Town of Lanark to the Falls of tlie Clyde, &c. Si-o. . Glasg. 181 (i Poetical Pastimes, or Gambols round the Base of Parnassus. 8»o. . Edin. 1814 Rattenbury's (J. F.) Edgar and Ella, a Legendary Tale. 8»o. . . Lond. 1822 Taaffe's (J.) Padilla, a Tale of Palestine. 8w. .... ai. 181« Allan's (John Hay) Bridal of Caolchairn, and other Poems. 8vo. . . ib. 1822 Cabanel's (Daniel) Poems and Imitations. 8bo. . . . . «i. 181-i Cockle's (Mrs.) National Triumphs, a Poem. Lond. 1814. — Trotter's (J. B.) Leipsick ; or Germany Restored, a Poem. 8 to. Duh. 1813. Malcolm's (Sir John) Persia, a Poem. Sw. .... Lond. 1814 Todd's (J. G.) Strila; or the Palace of Strife, a Poem, &-c. 8m. . Edin. 1823 Train's (Joseph) Strains of the Mountain Muse. Poems, with notes illustrative of Ancient Traditions in Galloway and A3Tshire. Hvo. . . . . . /i. 1814- See Poetical Works, vol. x. p. 19G ; Life, vol. iii. p. 306. Miller's (James) Luckless Drave, and other Poems. %vo. . . . ib. 1820 St. Baldred of the Bass, a Pictish Legend. — The Siege of Berwick, a Tragcdv, &c. 8»o. . . . . . . . . . . ?i;. 1824 Polwhele's (Rev, R.) Fair Isabel of Cotehele, a Cornish Romance. l2mo. Lond. \H\'y Mitchell's (W. A.) Thoughts of One that Wandereth, a Poem in 4 Books or Reveries, &c. 8co. Newcastle, 1820 Purney's (Mr.) Pastorals after the Simple Manner of Theocritus, sm. 8ro. Lond. 1717 Wharton's (R.) Cheviot, a Poetical Fragment, with notes, &c. by John Adamson. With MS. note b// Sir W. S. cr. 8vo. Poetical Collection. 1 vol. 8 to. containing, 1. Smedlev's (Edward, jun.) Jonah. 2. Scott's (John) House of Mourning, &c. 3. First Attempts at Rhj-me, and Blank Verse. 4. Knight's (H. G.) llderim, a Syrian Tale. Alfred, or the Magic of Nature, a Tragedy. 8vo. Costello's (Louisa Stuart) Songs of a Stranger. 8to. M'Vitie's (William) Battle of the Dryfe Sands, a Poem. 1 2/«o. Macpherson's (Donald) Melodies from the Gaelic, and original Poems. 1 Watts's (Alaric) Poetical Sketches ; the Profession, the Broken -Heart, & ^ 3d edit. 12mo. ..... Hervey's (T. K.) Australia, and other Poems. 2d edit. 1 2»io. Cunningham's (Allan) Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern. 4 vols. 8 Gillespie's (G. W.) Poems and Songs. 12mo. Holland's (Thomas A.) Dryburgh Abbey, and other Poems. 12»io Moxon's (Edward) Christmas, a Poem. sm. 8vo. 165 Nevrcastle, 1817 . Lond. IHl.i ib. 1817 . Edin. 1817 . Lond. 1820 Edin. 1820 Lond. 182 J Dumf. 1818 2///0. Lond. 1824 c. and other Poems. . ib. 1824 . «i. 1824 . ib. 182.5 Edin. 1827 Lond. 182G . ib. 1829 riiEssP. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. .9^/11. Wilson's (Alexander, afterwards the famous American Ornitliologist,) Poems, (cliiefly Scottish.) 8vo. ....... 1700 Paiski/, Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect ; with an Account of Jiis Life and Writings. WM MS. note bi/ Sir JV. S. \2mo. . . . . . ?5. 1816 The Foresters, a Poem, Descriptive of a Pedestrian Journey to the Falls of Niagara. 1 2mo. Paisley, 1825 Sillars's (David) Poems. Svo. ..... Kilmarnock, 1789 Room's (Charles) Herculaneum, and other Poems. With MS. Epic/ram hy Sir W. S. sm. 8vo. Loud. 1828 Browne's (Mary Anne) Mont Blanc, and other Poems. {With MS. Letter from the Authoress, a girl of \5.) 8vo. ...... ib. 1827 Ada, and other Poems, sm. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1828 Repentance, and other Poems. {With MS. Letter from the Authoress.) sm.8vo. ib.\82d Scot's (Elizabeth) Alonzo and Cora, with other original Poems. 8vo. . . ib. 1801 Moore's (Thomas) Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress, &c. 2d edit. \2mo. . ib. 1819 Pryce's (John) Julia of Pallinshurn, a Border Tale. \2mo. . . Manchester, 189^ P , (A. E., a young Quakeress of Bristol,) The Shipivreck, a Tale of Arabia, and other Poems, \2rno. ....... Lond. 1827 The Poetical Melange. Edited by G. A. Douglas. 3 vols. \2mo. . Edin. 1828 Scott's (W.) Kail Wife ; or a New Supply to His Majesty. Leith, 1826. — Address of the Guardian Spirit of the Port to the Lihabitants of Leitli, &c. 2 parts. Edin. 1826-7. 12?no. Hatfield's (Sibilla Eliz.) Moments of Loneliness, or Prose and Poetic Efforts, &c. 12;«o. Falmouth, 1829 Laurence's (Sir James) Etonian out of Bounds, or Poetry and Prose. 2 vols. 12wo. Lond. 1828 Erskine's (Capt. D.) Mary Queen of Scot.s, or Melrose in Ancient Times, &c. an Historical Melo-drama, &c. 12»jo. ...... Edin. 1820 Archie Allan, a Tale, in Scottish Verse. Brechin, 1827. — Sketches in Scottish Verse and Songs. Dundee, 1828. l2mo. Kotzebue'.s (Aug. von) Patriot Father, an Historical Play. Adapted from the German, by Fred. Shoberl. 12»io. ...... Lo7id. 1830 Satan in Search of a Wife ; v^ith the wliole Process of the Courtship and Marriage, &c. By an Eye-witness. 12»io. . . . . . . . ib. 183] Clarkson's (Edward) Robert Montgomery and his Reviewers, &c. sm. 8vo. . ib. 1830 Utterson's (Edward Vernon) Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry. Republished principally from early printed Copies, &c. With Preface and Glossarj-. 2 vols. «»f. 8»o. 24.1817 Davison's (Francis) Poetical Rhapsody, &c. With Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicholas. 2 yoh. sm. 8vo. ........ ib. 182C, Peele's (George) Works. Collected and edited, with some Account of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2 vols. S7n. 8eo. .... ib. 1829 166 Edin. 18iy Lond.lUa acant Lauroatsliip. Collected and . 27-. 181.3 Shelves \\,\2. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Scott's (Sir Walter) Songs in the I.adi/ «/" the Lake. Edin. R. Chambers scripsit 1821. ,/ most exquisite Specimen of Calliyruphi/, with Mr. Chambers's Letter to Mr. Constable, ur- companying its presentation, litk December 1^21. 8vo. Churchyard's (Thomas) Chips concerning Scotland, &c. With Historical Notices, and Lite of the Author, by George Chalmers, cr. 8bo. .... Lond. \8l'! SHELF XIL Drummond's (Rev. Dr. W. H.) Giant's Causeway, a Poem. 8«o. . Belfast, 181 1 Wallace's (Geo.) Prospects from Hills in Fife. 2d edit. 8»o. . . Edin. 1800 Lawson's (Edward) Relics of Melodino. Translated from an unpublished MS. of 1645. 8cu. Lond. 1815 Sellon's (Martha Ann) Caledonian Comet elucidated. 8fo. . . . ib. 1811 The Crusade, a Poem in 3 Cantos. 8vo. Bunn's (Alfred) Poems. 8vo. . Leaves of Laurel, or New Probationary Odes ibr the Edited by Q. Q. and W. W. 8vo. Gower's (Samuel) Napoleon, and other Poems. 2d edit. Sw. . . ib. 1821 Webb's (William) Lakelands, a Poem, &c. With MS. notes by the Author. Dublin, 1805.^ Legend of Cathleen and Kevin, a Poem. By the same. Dublin, I8i 2. 8eo. Woodcock's (Mrs. Henry) Lam-a, a Tale. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1820 Terrot's (Rev. C. H.) Hezekiah and Sennacherib, a Poem. {With Letter from Mr. Hay Donaldson respecting it.) 8vo. . . . . . Cambridge, \81G Gilmour's (Robert) Tales in Verse, «ith a Version of Morduth, a Poem by Douthal, an an- cient Highland Bard. 2d edit. Si'o. .... Lond. 1805 See Life, vol. iv. p. 7S. GUlies's (R. P.) Lines to QLady Byron] occasioned by Lord Byron's " Fare thee well ! " iVc. Edin. 1816. — Albert, a Tale. — Egbert, a Tale. — Farther Illustrations of the same Character, a Tale. Privately printed. 8vo. Berguer's (L. T.) Trifles in Verse : including some experiments in Latin Rhyme. 8oo. Edin. 1817 Hartstonge's (M. W.) Ode to Desolation, &c. Lond. 1815. — Marion of Drymnagb, a Tale of Erin, in 2 Cantos, ib. 1814. 8oo. Cunningham's (Rev. J. W.) Rothley Temple, a Poem in .3 Cantos. — De Ranee, a Poem. 8ro. Lond. 1815 Willyams's (J. B.) Influence of Genius, a Poem. 8co. .... ?J. 181C Stobert's (H.) Chinzica; or the Battle of the Bridge, a Poem, in 10 Cantos. 8vo. ib. 1822 Campbell's (Alex.) Grampians Desolate, a Poem. 8bo. . . Edin. ISOi See Life, vol. i. pp. 48-9, note. Chalmers's (Margaret, of Lerwick) Poems. (With MS. Address of the Authoress to Sir Walter Scott.) 8vo. ....... Newcastle, 181.3 167 I'kessP. ABBOTSFORD library. S/wkes\2, 13. Military Poeras. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. The Battle of Albuera. 'id edU. ....... Land. IBU 2. Croker's (J. W.) Battle of Talavera, a Poem. Slh edit. With AfS. Letter from the Author. ih. 1820 See Revieio of this in Prose Works, vol. x™. p. 291. The Peasant of Auburn, or the Old Man's Tale. Sua. . . . 7.o«(/. 1819 Buchanan's Geo.) Franciscan Friar, a Satire ; and Marriage Ode of Francis and Mary, Sover- eigns of France and Scotland. Translated into English Verse by George Provand. Svo. Glasg. 1809 Hall's (W. H.) Empire of Philanthropy, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. . I. on d. 1 822 Poems written chiefly in France, &c. 1802, by a young Gentleman lately deceased, 8vo. Edin. 1804 Burton's (Charles) Bardiad, a Poem in 2 Cantos. 2d edit. ( With MS. Letter from the Author.) 8vo. ....... Land. 1823 Grant's (Mrs. of Laggan) Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen, a Poem in 2 Parts. 8vo. Edin. 1814 Benson's (Richard) Morni, an Irish Bardic Story, in 3 Cantos ; The Pilgrim of Carmel, an Eastern Tale. 8vo. ...... Netcry, 1815 Patriotic Poems. 1 vol. 8eo. containing. 1. Hunt's (Sir A. de Vere, Bart.) Ode to Duchess of Angouleme. 2. Swift's (Edmund L.) Waterloo, and other Poems. 3. Hemans's (Mrs.) Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy. 2d 4. Bombardment of Algiers, and other Poems. 5. Scott's (Sir Walter) Field of Waterloo. 6. Shee's (John) Lines on the Battle of Waterloo. . Lond. 1815 . ib. 1815 0.tford, 1816 Edia. 1816 . ib. 1815 Dub. 1816 Roby's (J.) Lorenzo, a Tale of Redemption. 3d edit. 8vo. . . Lond. 1821 Graham's (William) Poetical Pieces, &c. chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 8vo. Carlisle, 1820 Hemans's (Mrs.) Forest Sanctuary, and other Poems. 8vo. . . Lond. 1825 Poeras, (containing, League of the Alps, Siege of Valencia, Vespers of Palermo, &c. Forest Sanctuary, Lays of many Lands, Miscellaneous Pieces, Records of Woman, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. ....... Boston, U. S. 182C-8 Boiiima'sFooms, in Russian. Gift o/ the Author. 8i>o. . . , 1812 SHELF XIII. Dodsley's (Robert) Collection of Poems. By several hands. 6 vols. cr. 8d'o. Lond. 1770 Pearch's Collection of Poems. Continuation of Dodsley's. 4 vols. cr. 8vo. . ib. 1770 Works of Celebrated Authors, of whose Writings there are but small Remains. (Roscommon, Dorset, Hallifax, Garth, Stepne}', Walsh, Tickell, and Sprat.) 2 vols. 12mo. ib. Tonson, 1750 Flatman's (Thomas) Poems and Songs. 4?/; edit. 8vo. . . . ib. 1686 Smcdley's (Rev. Jonathan, Dean of Clogher,) Poems on several occasions. 8co. ib. 1730 See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 153, & 333. 168 Shelves 13, U. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Oxford Prize Poems, a Collection of such English Poems as have at various periods obtained Prizes in the University of Oxford. (Eight Poems by Howard, Butson, Lipscomb, Richards, Reginald Heber, John Wilson, and Rolleston.) 3d edit. cr. &co. . Oxford, 1 80S See LiPK, vol. i. p. 374. Guarini's (Bapt.) Jl Pastor Fido, the Faithfiill Shepherd, a Pastoral!, &c. Translated by Richard Fansha^-. 4fo. . ... . . . Land. 1 64? Tyler's (Alex.) Memoirs of the Life and Actions, of the most invincible and triumphant Prince, Jhon the Great, third of that name, present King of Poland, &c. Done in Verse, by a Lover of the peace and glory of Christendom. With two other Poems, — The Siege of Vienna, and The Tempest in the Forth, &c. sm. ito. . . Edin. IGS.j Copie of a Letter sent from the Roaring Boyes in Elysium to the two arrant Knights of the Grape in Limbo, &c. 1641. ito. . . . reprint. Land. Start. Gay's (John) Trivia : or the Art of Walking the Streets of London. Jirst edition. 8vo. ib. B. Lintott, Toiy Pill to purge Whig Melancholy, a Collection of above 100 new Loyal Ballads, Poems, &c. written in defence of Church and State. &eo. . . . . ib. 171 5 Waller's (^Edmund) Poems. MS. ito. Tribe of Issachar, or the Ass Couchant, a Poem (against Passive Obedience and Non-Resist- ance.) W. H. Ireland's copy ; icith his autograph. 4to. . . Lond. 1G91 Ramsay's (Allan) Collection of Scots Proverbs. 12mo. . . . Edin. 1737 Pringle's (Thomas) Autumnal Excursion, or Sketches in Te^iotdalc. With other Poems. 12mo. ......... ib. 18in See Life, vol. vi. p. 383. Ray's (John) Collection of English Words not generally used. 3d edit. Land. 1 737. — Col- ' lection of Proverbs, English, Scottish, &c. Sd edit, wants title. 8vo. Kelly's (James) Complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs, &c. 8vo. . Lond. 172 [ Collection of Scots Prouerbs ; containing 2864. MS. 4to. Letter from Jliss Ford, (afterwards Mrs. Thicknesse) addressed to a person of distinction, (Lord Jersey) with a new Ballad to an old tune, &c. 8vo. . . . Lorid. 1761 The Three Brothers : or the Travels and Adventures of Sir Anthony, Sir Robert, and Sir Thomas Shirlc}-, in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, &c. sm, 8vo. . . ib. 1825 SHELF XIF. Campbell's (Dimcan) New Gaelic Song Book, &c. \2mo. . . Cork, \798 Reach's (Benjamin) Glorious Lover, a divine Poem upon the adorable mystery of Sinners' Redemption. 4M edit. ] 2mo. ..... Land. 1 696 Gordon's (Pat.) Famous History of the renowned and valiant Prince, Robert, simamed the Bruce, King of Scotland, &c. Dort, 1615. 12mo. . . reprint. Edin. 1718 The Syren ; containing a Collection of 432 of the most celebrated English Songs, &c. 3d edit. 2imo. . . ^ . . . . . • Land. 173!) 16.9 Y Press P. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 14, 15. Drolleries, &c. 1 vol. \2mo. containing, 1. Westminster Drollery. Second part, imperfect. 2. Westminster Quibbles, in verse, imperfect. .... Land. 3. Covent Garden Drollery, imperfect. . . . . . . ib. ]G7i Orpheus; a Collection of 1974 of the most celchrated Englisli and Scotch Songs. With a Glossary of Scotch Words. 3 vols. 24nio. ..... ii. 1749 (Vol. i. entitled the Linnet ; Vol. ii. the Thrush ; Vol. iii. the Robin.) Randolph's (Thos.) Poems. With the Muses' Looking-Glasse, &c. 'ith edit. 12mo. ib. 1652 Phillips's (Edward) Theatntm Poetarum, or Compleat Collection of the Poets, especially the most eminent, of all ages, &c. With ohservations and reflections upon man}' of them, par- ticularly those of our own nation. 12mo. ..... 8^.1674' Wither's (George) Shepherd's Hunting; being Certaine Eglogs \\Tittcn during the Author's Imprisonment in the Marshalsey. l2mo. . . . . . ib. 1G15 Poetry, Original and Selected. 4 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, Brash and Reid, (about 1800) Ainslie's (Robert) Father's Second Present to his Family, &c. 24?wo. . Edin. 1820 Political Merriment: or Truths told to some tune. (Collection of Whig Poems.) \2mo. Land. 17 1 •'> See PuosE Works, vol. ii. p. 183, note. Ramsay's (Allan) Evergreen ; being a Collection of Scots Poems wrote by the ingenious before 1600. 2 vols. 12mo. ...... Edin. 1724 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 41-43. Ray's (John) Collection of English Words not generally used, &c. in two Catalogues, the one of the Northern, the other of the Southern Counties. 2d edit. \2mo. Land. 1691 Scott's (Andrew) Poems ; chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 12mo. . Jedburgh, 1^21 Telfer's (James, a Shepherd,) Border Ballads, and other Miscellaneous Pieces. With MS. note htj Sir JV. S. 12 mo. . . . . . . . ib. 182i The IMerry Companion, or, a Collection of Songs, sm. 12mo. imperfect. The Ingrate's Gift, a Dramatic Poem. 18?«o. .... Edin. 1830 Macqueen's (Thos.) My Gloaming Amusements, a variety of Poems, &e. ISrno. Eeith, 1831 Anderson's (William) Poetical Aspirations. 18w«J. . . . Edin. 18S0 Caw's (George) Poetical IMuseum ; containing Songs and Poems on almost every subject, &c. l2mo. ....... Hawick, Caw, 1784 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 61. The Rump, or a Collection of Songs and Ballads, made upon those who \\ould be a Parliament, and were but the Rump of an House of Commons, &c. 1 2mo. . Lond. 1 660 SHELF XV. Rump : or an Exact Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs relating to the late Times, &:c. from 1639 to 1661. sm. 8vo. ...... ib. 1662 ]\I , (G ) The Praise of Yorkshire Ale, ^vhcrein is enumerated several sorts of Drink, with a Description of the Humors of most sorts of Drunckards, &c. 12mo. Sd edit. ib. 16.97 170 Skel/15. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Puess P. Raleigli's (Sir Walter) Poems, now first collected. With Biograpliical and Critical Introduc- tion, by Sir E. Brydges. 2d edit. cr. Sao. .... Land. 18\i Wither's (George) Shepherd's Hunting. Reprinted from the edition of 1633, collated witli the editions of 1615 and 1G20. With preface by Sir E. Brydges. 12mo. ib. iSli Clieveland's (J.) Rustick Rampant, or Rural Anarchy affronting Monarchy, in the Insurrec- tion of Wat Tiler. 12mo. . . . . . . . ib.lCSH See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 34. Clievelandi Viiuliciae ; or Clieveland's Genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, &c. purged from the many false and spurious ones which had usurped his name, &c. sm. 8vo. ib. 1677 Hogan-Moganides : or the Dutch Hudibras. Svo. .... 2^.167+ Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant. With In- troductions, &c. By Ambrose Philips. 2d edit. 3vols. ]2mo. . «6. 1723-.3 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 38 ; Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 122. Rodd's (Thomas) Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada, and the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne, cr. 8»o. . . . . . . . ib. 180." Ramsay's (Allan) Tea-Table Miscellany; a Collection of choice Songs, Scots and English. In 4 vols, (bound in 1.) I3th edit. \2mo. With MS. note by Sir IV. S. Edin. 1762 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 43-46, et passim ; Life, vol. i. pp. 18 and 83. Hailes's (Lord) Ancient Scottish Poems, published from the MS. of George Baniiat^Tie, 15 63. 8vo. ......... ib. 177(1 Wilson's (C.) Musical Miscellanj-. St. Cecilia : or the Lady's and Gentleman's Harmonious Companion ; Select Scots and English Songs. 12;«o. . . . ib. 177-'' (Gavin) Collection of Masonic Songs and Entertaining Anecdotes, for the use of all the Lodges. With MS. note by Sir W. S. \2mo. .... 26.1788 Herd's (David) Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c. Collected from memory, tradition, and ancient authors. 2d edit. 2 vols. s?w. Sco. . . eJ. 177'i See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 71-2 ; vol. iii. p. 199. Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c. Sd edit, with additions. 2 vols. 12 wo. . . . . . . . . ib.Mdl See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 72 ; vol. iii. pp. 199, 263. Craignethan's Dochter, a Fairy Tale. (Newspaper article.) \2mo. Maidment's (James) North Countrie Garland. (Collection of ancient Ballads, with one ex- ception never before printed.) ^2mo. ..... 2 i. 1824 Ross's (Alexander) Helenore, or the Fortunate Shepherdess, a Poem in the broad Scotch Dialect, with Songs and a Glossary. 2d edit. \2mo. . . Aberdeen, Ml: ?• Stevens's (George Alexander) Songs, Comic and SatjTical. l2mo. . Land. 1801 Poems on Atfairs of State, from the time of Oliver Cromwell to the Abdication of James II. Written by the greatest wits of the age, &c. 8i'o. .... ib. ]6!I7 Pill to purge State Melancholy ; or a Collection of excellent new Ballads, &c. Sd edit, with additions. 1 2mo. . . . . . . . . 2'4. 1 7 1 6 171 PbessP. ABBOTSFORD library. SMves 15, 16, 17 Collection of State Songs, Poems, &c. jmlilisUcd since the Rebellion, &c. 12mo. Lond. 171t> Benson's (Joseph) Battle of Flodden Field, &c. an Heroic Poem, in nine fits or parts, collect- ed from ancient MSS. With David Herd's autogi-apk. 12mo. . . ? J. 1774 A copy of the first printed edition of tliis Poem, (Lond. ]664. 12mo.) sapposed to be unique, was presented by Sir W. S. to the Marquis ofStafford. SeeBridrjewntcrCataloijiK,h!/J.P.CoUier. Loud. 1651 . ito. p. 123. Lettische Gedichte. 1'^ u. 2'^ Samralung, von Gnstav von Bergman, Pastor von Ruien in Livonia. 2 vols. 12^/(0. Printed by the Editor. Ruien, 1807- — Palzmareeschu Dseesmu Krahjums, von. T. D. Wahr von Palzmarien in Livonia. 1 vol. 12mo. (1807.) JVitk MS. English translations of many of the Poems, hy Dr. John Bomring, whose Account of the Collection {ilerioed from this copy) teas gicen in the Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. viii. p. 61. SHELF XVI. Percy's (Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Dromore,) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ; consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets, &'c. ith edit. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. .....?.. J^07id. 1794 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 44-48, et passim ; Prose Workp, vol. xvii. pp. 119-22 ; Lifk, vol. i. pp. 38-9. Evans's (Thomas) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with some of modern date ; now first collected and reprinted from rare copies and MSS. with notes. 4 vols. cr. 8»o. ib. 1784 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 68 ; Introduction to Kadhiortk. new edit. Revised and considerably enlarged by the Editor's sou, R. H. Evans. 4 vols. cr. 8fo. ......... ib. 1810 See Rcvieiu of this Culledion in Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 119. Cunningham's (Allan) Songs, chiefly in the rural language of Scotland. Svo. . ib. 1S13 Blacklock, (Rev. Thomas) Collection of Original Poems by, and other Scotch Gentlemen. 2vols. 12/«o. ....... Edin. 17 CO See Introduction to Rob Riy. Note. Collier's (J. P.) Poetical Decameron : or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, par- ticularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols. S7n. 8vo. . Lond. 1820 Hatfield's (Sib. Eliz.) Wanderer of Scandinavia, or Sweden Delivered, in five Cantos, &c. 2 vols. cr. 8bo. . . . . . . . Truro, 182G ]\Iennis (Sir John) and Smith's (Dr. James) Facetiae. Musarum Deliciae : or the Muses Re- creation, &c. 1656, and Wit Restor'd, &c. 1658. — Also Wit's Recreations, &c. 1640, &c. To which are now added. Memoirs of Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith. With Pre- face. 2 vols. sm. 8co. ...... Lond. 1817 Herder's (J. G. von) Volkslieder. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. . . . Leipz. 1778-9 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 65. SHELF XVIJ. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, modernized by several hands, published by Mr. Ogle. (With Life byUrry.) 3 vols. Si'O. ...... Lond. 1741 172 S/iehes 17, 18. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Pinkerton's (John) Select Scotish Ballads. 2 vols, a: Si-o. . . Land. 1783 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. T2-"j. Ancient Scottish Poems, never before in print, but now published from the MS. Collec- tions of Maitland and Bannatyne, &c. 1 420-1 58G. With large notes and glossary, &c. (by Gawin Douglas, Dunbar, and others.) 2 vols. cr. 8co. . ■ Ediii. 178(i See PoETic.iL Works, vol. L-iv. passim ; Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 85. The Bruce, or History of King Robert I. by John Barbour. First genuine edition, from a MS. of 1489. With notes and glossary. 3 vols. cr. 8 wo. . . - . /5. 1700 See Poetical Works, vol. x. p. 350 ; Life, vol. ii. p. 47. Scotish Poems, reprinted from scarce editions, (by Gawin Douglas, Sir D. Lindsay, &c. 3 vols. cr. S»o. . . . . . . . . ib.\li)2 Lindesay's (Sir David) Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estatis, in commendation of virtue, and vituperation of vice, a play. Edited by J. Sibbald. 8vo. . . . t4. 1802 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 272. Dalyell's (Sir John G.) Scotish Poems of the ICtli Century. (With historical and biographical sketches, and a glossary.) 2 vols. 1 2?«o. ..... iA, 1801 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 80, et passim ; Nole to T/te Abltol, Sec. Sibbald's (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetrj', fi'om the 13th Century to the Union of the Crowns. With Glossary. 4 vols. 8vo. ..... ib. 1802 See Review of this by Sir W. S. in Edinburgh Review, 1803 ; Poetjcal Works, vol. vii. p. 251. Higgins, (John) and Buckhurst, (Lord) Mirour for Magistrates, wherein may bee scene, by examples passed in this realme, with how greevous plagues Vices are punished in great Princes and Magistrates, and how fraile and unstable worldly prosperity is found, where Fortune seemeth most highly to favour. Newly imprinted, &c. with the addition of divers Tragedies, enlarged. Lond. Henri/ Marsh, 1587. — Blcnerhasset, (Thomas) The Second Part of the Mirrour for Magistrates, &c. ib. R. Webster, 1578. B. L. Ho. See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 2 R. The Vision of Pierce PloM'man, nowe the seconde tyme imprinted by Roberte Crowlye, &c. B. L. ito. ....... Lond. 1550 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. H7. Richardson's (G. F.) Poetic Hours ; consisting of Poems, original and translated, &:c. sm. 8eo. Lond. 1825 Thomson's ( W.) Orjjheus Caledonius ; or Collection of Scots Songs set to Musick. 2 vols. 8vu. Lond. 1733 SHELF XVIII. Stanle3''s (Sir William) Garland ; containing his Twenty-one years' Travels through most parts of the world, &c. 8m. ..... repr. Leeds, \8\l Jolly Huntsman's Garland. (Written about 1670-80.) Reprinted by Sir Cuthbcrt Sharp. With MS letter from the editor. 8vo. ..... 1823 173 Phess p. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 18, 19. Bee's (Jacob) Diary, 1G82-170C. IVith wood-cuts. — Chronicon Mirabile, &c. (Extracts from the Parochial Registers of Durham, &c.) With poetical Prologue. " Cudbcrte Sharpe, his Boke." 8vo. Ritson's (Joseph) Select Collection of English Songs. 3 vols. cr. Svo. . Land. 1783 See PoETiC/\L Works, vol. i. p. 75-G. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the text and notes of the last Edition of Shak- spearc. (With the cancelled leaves.) 8»o. . . . . . ib. 1783 See Poetical Works, vol. vii. p. 285. Ancient Songs, from Henry III. to the Revolution, cr. 8co. . . ib. 1792 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 357 ; vol. iii. p. 181 ; vol. vii. p. 269. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, from authentic MSS. and old printed Copies, a: 8vn. ib. 1791 See Poetical Works, vol. i. pp. 75-9 ; Prose Works, vol. vi. ])p. 143, 155, &c. English Anthology. 3 vols. cr. Sw. ..... ib. 1793 Scotish Songs. (With the Airs, an Historical Essay on Scotish Song, and Notes.) 2 vols. 12mo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1794 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 318 ; vol. x. pp. 240, 304-7. Robin Hood : a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads now extant, relative to that celebrated outlaw, &c. (With Notes and Glossary.) 2 vols. cr. 8vo. ib. 1795 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. pp. 341, 244. Minot's (Laurence) Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of King Edward III. Written in 1352. With Preface, Dissertations, Notes, and Glossary, cr. 8vo. ib. 1795 Ancient Engleish Metrical Romances. 3 vols. cr. Svo. . . . ib. 1802 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. -xvii. pp. 17-30 ; Life, vol. vi. p. 259. Bibliographia Poeiica: a Catalogue of Engleish Poets of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th Centurys, with a short account of their works, cr. Svo. . . ib. 1 80i Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food as a Moral Duty. 8ro. . . ib. 1802 Practical Points, or Maxims in Conveyancing, &c. Svo. . . . ib. 1804 Northern Garlands, 4 parts. — Select Scotish Poems, part 1. containing Susan by Huch- bwn of the Awle Ryale, and Pcblis to the Play. cr. Svo. . . . ib. 1S10 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 101. Office of Bailiff of a Liberty. Published by his nephew Josej)!! Frank. Svo. ib. 1811 SHELF XIX. Ritson's (Jos.) Select Collection of English Songs, &c. 2d edit. With additional Songs and occasional Notes by Thomas Park. 3 vols. cr. Svo. . . . . ib. 18\3 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 76. Aikin's (John, and Anna Laetitia) Miscellanous Pieces in Prose. Lond. 1773.— Poems by Anna Laetitia Aikin, (afterwards Mrs. Barbauld,) 1772. Svo. . ib. 1772-3 174 Shelf \9. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press P. Aikin's (Dr JoLn) Vocal Poetr_v, a Select Collection of English Songs. — Prefixed, an Essay on Song- Writing, entirely re-written by the Author, a: Svo. . Lond. 1810 Essays on Song- Writing, (reprinted from the Edition of 1774,) with a Collection of English Songs, &c. New edition, with additions, corrections, and Supplement, by R. H. Evans, a: 8vo. . . . . . . . . «i. 18UI See Review of these two Editions in Prose Works., vol. xvii. pp. 133-13G. Scott's (Alexander) Poems. From a MS. written in 15GS. (With Introductory Notice and Notes by David Laing.) 8co. ..... Edin. 1821 Watson's (James) Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems, both ancient and modern. In 3 parts cr. 8vo. ..... t'i. 1706-9-11 See PoETiCAi. AVoBKS, vol. i. p. 4 1 ; vol. ii. p. 32C. Choice Collection of Scots Poems, ancient and modern, &c. l2mo. . . ib. 17 G6 Finlay's (John) Scottish Historical and Romantic Ballads, chietly ancient ; with Explanator\- Notes and Glossary, &c. 2 vols. cr. 8oo. . . . . . ib. 1808 See Poetic iL Work.s, vol. i. pp. 82-3 ; vol. viii. p. ■24'2. Wallace, or the Vale of Ellershe, and other Poems. 2d edit. cr. Suo. Glasg. 1804 Bell's (John, jun.) Rhymes of Northern Bards; being a Curious Collection of old and new Songs and Poems, peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle-upon-Tpie, Northumberland, and Durham. 8co. . . . . . . Newcastle, J. Bell, 1812 Vocal Miscellany ; a Collection of above 400 celebrated Songs, &c. With the names of the Tunes prefixed to each. 3d edit. 2 vols. 12 wo. . . . Lond.\lS8 Stanley's (Thomas) Anacreon, Bion, and Moschus, witli other Translations, 1651. new edit. With Preface, &c. by Sir E. Brydges. cr. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1815 Chapman's (George) Hymns of Homer, the Batrachoniyomachia, and two original Poetical HjTnns. With Preface by S. W. Singer. 12»(o. . . . Cliistcick, 1818 The Gabcrlunzieman, an old Scotch Ballad. With Explanatory Note s. 12/no. Gotting. 1775 Symson's (Rev. Andrew) Tripatriarchicon, or, the Lives of the three Patriarchs, Abiaham, Isaac, and Jacob, &c. digested into English Verse. (With the Author's Elegies on Arch- 1 bishop Sharp, Sir George Mackenzie, &c. bound up at the end.) With MS. ?iote by Sir JV. S. Sco. ..... Edin. 2»'inted bi/ the Author, 1705 See Introduction to Bride of Lammermoor. Bobbin's (Tim) Miscellaneous W^orks, containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect : Poem of the Flying Dragon, &c. and Amusements, prose and verse. 12?«o. Manchester, jninted for the Author, 1775 Ray's (John) Collection of English Provcrb.s, digested into a convenient Method, &-c. Where- unto are added. Local Proverbs, &c. &c. and Scottish Proverbs. 2d edit. \2mo. Camb. 1678 Mackintosh's (Donald) Collection of Gaelic Proverbs, and Familiar Phrases, with an English Translation, &c. 12mo. ...... Edin. 178.') Montgomery's (Alex.) Poems, with Biographical Notices by Dr. David Irving. Sco. ib. 1821 Pilgrim of the Hebrides, a Lay of the North Countrie. By the Author of Three Days at Killamey. sm. 8vo. ...... Lond. 18-30 175 Press r. - ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 20. SHELF XX. Saiigs of the Lowlands of Scotland, carefully compared with the original editions. With cha- racteristic Designs l>/ the late David AUan. 4/0. . . Edin. A. Foulis, 1798 Motherwell, (William) Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. With an Historical Introduction and Notes, i-to. ....... Glasg. 1827 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 5-8. & 88. Maidmcnt, (James) Three Books of Scottish Pasquils. With Prefator_y Notices to each. s)/i. ito. ....... . Edin. 1827-8 See Introduction to Bride of Lammermoor. Templaria. Papers relating to the History &c. of the Scotish Knights Templar, and Knights of St. John. (3 parts.) sm. A:to. ..... ««. 1828 • Abstract of the Charters and other Papers recorded in the Chartulary of Torphichen, 1581-159G. SOT. 4/'o. . . . . . . . ib. 1830 Gillies's (R. P.) Oswald, a Metrical Tale, in 4 Cantos. 4to. . . . ib.\8\7 Fragment suggested hy a bright gleam of Sunshine, Nov. 17, 1817, two days before the Funeral of the Princess Charlotte of Wales; and Poetical Fragments. 4?o. ib. 181? Atkinson's (Thomas) Sextuple Alliance, and the Dying Wish, Poems. {With MS. Letter from the Author.) Mo. ...... Glasg. 1823 Colvill's (Rev. Rob.) Occasional Poems. 2d^ edit. (Containing the Caledonian Heroine, the Albion Princess, the Field of Flowdon, the Feast of Holyrood, the Cyrnean Hero, the Fate of Julia ; all published separately.) 4-to. .... Land. 1771 Philanthes, a Monody. Inscribed to Miss D — y H — y, &c. ito. . . 1752 Edmar and Elwinna, or the Waer Warlock, an old Ballad, &c. 4/o. . Edin. 1793 Lockhart's (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic. Translated by • 4to. . . . . . . . . . . ib. 1823 Wilson's (Charles) Tales translated from the Irish. 4to. . . vsants title. Huband's (W.) Notices on the Art of Etching on Copper. With an Introductory Discourse on Judgment in the Fine Arts. With Etchings and MS. Letter from the Author, ito. jirivately jirinted. ....... Dublin, 1823 Miscellanea Antiqua Atiglicana ; or a Select Collection of Curious Tracts illustrative of the Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation. 4?o. Land. Triphooh-, 1816-21 containing reprints of the following pieces : 1 . Particulars of Life of David Eiccio, with portrait. 2. Quarrel between Arthur Hall and Melchisedeck Mallorie, &:c. (Duplicate. See Tracts, p. 139.) l'>. Account of the Christmas Prince, as exhibited, &c. at Oxford in 1607. 4. Old Meg of Herefordshire, &c. (DiipHcafe. See Tracts, p. 139.) 5. The Cold Yeare, 1614, &c. {Do. do.) (i. Long Mig of Westminster, &c. (Do. do.) 7. Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon. (Do. do.) 8. Brathwaite's (Robert) Rules and Orders for the Government of the House of an Earle. tvith portrait. 17G Shelf \. OLD ENGLISH POETRY, ANTIQUITIES. Press Q. Miscellanea Poetica Anglicana Antigua. Edited by Joseph Haslewood and Sir Egerton Brydges. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. Triplwok, ^ 811. Contains Reprints of the following Tracts : Vol. I. 1. George Puttenham's Art of English Poesie. II. 2-11. Ten Tracts on the Arte of English Poesie, by Gascoigne, Harvey, Spenser, King James, Webb, Harrington, Meres, Campion, Daniel, and Bolton. III. 12. England's Helicon, a Collection of Pastoral and Lyric Poems, &c. Sd edit. With Biogra- phical and Critical Introduction by Brydges and Haslewood. IV. 13. Paradyse of Daynty Devises, from the 1st Edition of 1576 ; with Additions from the Editions of 1580 and 1608, and Introductory Remarks by Sir E. Brydges. 14. Ludus Scaccliiae, or Chesse Play. Written by G. B. 1597. Sej-ia Mixta Jocis : Answer for Margaret Yates and the Procurator Fiscal, to the Defences of Robert Cleland, present Kirk-Treasurer of Edinburgh. 4fo. . . Edin. 1737 Gilbert, a Poem. Book I. Cantos 1 and 2. Book II. Canto 3. {Unpublished?) 4:to. wants title. Hammond's (William) Occasional Poems, first printed in 1655. With Preface by Sir E. Brydges. sm. ito. ....... Land. 1 8 1 fi The British Bibliographer. Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges and Joseph Haslewood. 4 vols. 8ro. ib. 1810-12. Vols. III. and IV. of this publication include reprints of, 1. Tusser's (Thomas) Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandry, from the first edition of 1557. 2. Paradyse of Dayntie Devises, &c. ) _ _ , ,,,,,• c r Same aa in the Mise. Poet. Ant. Anglie.onlii in dvo. instead of 4lo. i. England s Helicon, &c. ) i> ^ j 4. HiggiBs's (John) Mirror for Magistrates, part 1. From the edition of 1587, collated with those of 1575 and 1610. See Introduction to Ivanftoe; Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 210-12. SHELF XXI. Grose's (Francis) Antiquities of England and Wales ; being Vietcs of the most remarkable Ruins and Ancient Buildings, drawn on the Spot, with Historical Accounts. With Supple- ment. 6 vols. 4to. . . . . . . . Lond. 1783-7 Antiquities of Scotland. 2 vols 4to. .... ib. 1789-Sl Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vols. 4to. .... 25. 1791 -.5 Military Antiquities, &c. and Treatise on Ancient Armour, new edit. 2 vols. 4to. See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 311. j^_ 1801 PRESS Q. MISCELLANIES; THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, AND FICTITIOUS. SHELF I. Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Fran^aise, avec Soixante Portraits des Hommesles plus marquans de la Revolution, &c. Siom.fol. grand jMjner. . Paris, Auber, 1802 The Holy Bible, &c. 2 vols. /o^. The gift of his mother to Sir f Falter Scott, 1819. With MS. note by him relative to his family, baronetage, &c. Cambridge, Baskerville, 1763 See Life, vol. iv. pp. 339, 340. 177 Z Press Q. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shdnet 2, 3. SHELF II. The Holy Bible, &c. Translated out of Greeke by Theodore Beza. With brief Sum- maries and Expositions, &c. Englished by L. Tomson, &c. ito. {wants title and preli- minaries to Old Testament.) . . . Land. Dep. of C. Barker, 1599 The Holy Bible, &c. With the Apocrypha. Newly translated, &'c. B. L. Mo. With MS. Latin notes hy Sir W. S. . . . ih. Barker and Bill, 1G30 See Life, vol. i. pp. 284, 289 ; vol. ii. p. 188. The same. Without the Apocrypha. Camb. Roger Daniel. IGIS. — The CL. Psalmes of David in Meeter, according as they are sung in the Church of Scotland. Edin. James Brt/son, 1640. 4?o. Bound iyi crimson velvet, with silver embroidered ornaments and silver clasps. — This Bible had belonged to Mrs. Haliburtoii of Neicmains, Sir Walter Scott's great-great-grand-mother, who died in 1747, aged 97. The New Testament of Jesus Christ. Translated faithfully into English out of the Authen- tical Latm, &c. in the English College of Rhemes. 4/o. . . R/iemes,i 582 Herrey's (Robert F.) Two Right Profitable and Fruitful] Concordances, or Large and Ample Tables, Alphabeticall, &c. to the whole Bible. 4-fo. Land. Deputies of C. Barker, (1578) Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, &c. together mth the Psalter, &c. (The Apocrypha bound at the end.) 4to. . Oxford University Press, 1712 The Moors Baffled ; being a Discourse concerning Tangier, especially while under the govern- ment of that renowned General, Andrew, Earl of Teviot, Lord Rutherfurd, &c. With an Abbreviate of the Genealogy of the family of Rutherfurd thereto annexed. With some MS. Additions. 4,to. ...... Edin. 1738 Van Mildert's (William, D.D. Bishop of Durham,) Sermons preached before the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, from 1812 to 1819. 2 vols. 8co. . . Oiford, \S31 SHELF in. Familiar and Courtly Letters, WTitten hy Mons. Voiture, to persons of the greatest honour, &c. With Epistles of Aristaenetus, Pliny jun. and Fontenelle, &c. To which is added a Col- lection of Letters by Dryden, Wycherly, Congreve, &c. 8vo. . Lond. 1700 Thompson's (H. F.) Intrigues of a Nabob, (R. Barwell, Esq.) &c. cr. 8vo. . ib. 1780 Adventures of a Black Coat, &c. related by itself. \2mo. . . . ?'i. 1760 Polite Amusements ; containing Select Histories, &c. viz. the Platonic Lovers, the Fair Pil- grim, the Generous Lovers. From the French. 12««o. . . . «i. 1745 Life and Adventures of James Wyatt. Written by himself. 6th edit. \2mo. . ib.l755 Croft's (Rev. Sir Herbert) Love and Madness, a Story too true ; in a Series of Letters, &c. (supposed to have passed between the Rev. Mr. Hackman and Miss Ray.) 4th edit. sm. 8vo. ib. 1780 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. pp. 13, 14. History of Mademoiselle de St. Phale, &c. Conversion of a noble French Lady and her Daughter to the Reformed Religion, &c. 8th edit. \2mo. . . . ib. 1761 178 Shelves 3, 4, 5. POETRY, BELLES-LETTRES. Press Q. Fortune's Favourite ; containing Memoirs, &c. of Jacobo Anglicano, a young nobleman, &c. {The Annesley Case, introduced into Peregrine Pickle.) cr. 8oo. . hond. 1744 The Nun of Arouca, a Tale. 127«o. ...... z6. 1822 Strutt's (Joseph) Literary Reliques ; being Queen-hoo Hall, a Romance ; and Ancient Times, a Drama. (Edited by Sir Walter Scott.) 4 vols. 12»2o. . . . 25.1808 See Life, vol. ii. p. 171 ; and Preface to WaverUy Novels. Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, (a Satire.) With MS. note by Sir W. S. cr. Svo. ........ .id. 1780 Dudley's (Rev. Sir H. Bate) Passages selected by distinguished personages, on the great lite- rary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena, &c. 3 vols, in 1. \2mo. . . ib. 1795 SHELF IV. Bunyan's (John) Pilgrim's Progi-ess, &c. 23d edit, plates by Sturt. 8vo. . ib. 1741 Holy War, made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus, &c. new edit. With notes by Rev. George Burder. 12mo. . . . . . , . ib. 1824 Lockhart's (J. G.) Valerius, a Roman Story. 3 vols, post 8vo. . . Edin. 1821 Wilson's (Professor John) Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, &c. post 8vo. ib. 1822 Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. post 8vo. ..... 24.1823 HoAvison's (WilUam) Fragments and Fictions. Translated from tlie French of Jean Pococm-ante de Peudemots, &c. 12»!o. . . . . . . . z'i. 1817 Essay on the Sentiments of Adaptation, Attraction, and Vanit}', &c. 127no. ib. 1821 See Life, vol. iii. pp. 29, 30 ; vol. v. pp. 288-90. Grammar of Infinite Forms, &c. \2mo. ..... 25.1823 Dinan, a Romance. 12mo. ...... hond. 1821 Campbell's, (Lady Charlotte) now Bury, Poems on several occasions, cr. 8vo. Edin. 1797 Taylor, (Misses, of Ongar,) and Condor's (Josiah) Associate Minstrels. (Collection of Poems, with MS. address to Sir W. S. by Mr. Conder.) 8vo. . . Lond. 1810 Gray's (Lieut. Charles) Poems and Songs. 2d edit. cr. 8vo. . . Edin. 181 i Mitford's (Mary Russell) Watlington Hill, a Poem. ( With MS. letter from the Authoress.) cr. 8vo. ........ Lond. 1812 Bell's (Rev. Dr. Andrew) Mutual Tuition, &c. Instructions for conducting Schools through the agency of the Scholars, &c. 7th edit. i2mo. .... ib. 1823 Richardson's (D. L.) Sonnets, and other Poems, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1825 SHELF V. Bird's (James) Vale of Slaughden, a Poem. 2d edit. Lond. 1819. — Machin, or the Dis- covery of Madeira, a Poem. ib. 1821. 8vo. Cosmo, Duke of Tuscany, a Tragedy. Lond. 1822. — Poetical Memoirs. — The Exile, a Tale. ib. 1823. 8m. Streatfield's (Rev. Thomas) Bridal of Armagnac, a Tragedy. 8vo. . Lond. 1823 179 PuRss Q. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. Douglas's (David) Fall of Constantinople, a Poem. 1823. (siipp-essed.) — Visions of Taste, a Satire. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1823 Hillhouse's (James M.) Judgment, a Vision. 8oo. . . . New York, \82l Read's (William) Hill of Caves, and other Poems. 8»o. . . Lond. IBIS Huddesford's (Rev. George) Salmagundi ; a Miscellaneous Collection of original Poetry, &e. 8»o. ......... ib. 1793 Coleridge's (Samuel Taylor) Poetical W^orks, including the Dramas of Wallenstein, Remorse, and Zapolya. 3 vols. j»os< 8mo. ...... e'A. 1828 Carey's (William) Critical Description, &c. of Benjamin West's Picture of " Death on the Pale Horse." Svo. ........ ;A. 1817 Walker's (Geo.) Descriptive Catalogue of a choice Assemblage of original Pictures, &c. selected during a period of 30 years. 8oo. .... JE(/zV«. 1807 See Life, vol. i. pp. 126-7. Brockett's (J. T.) Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the private Press of Geo. Allan, Esq. of Darlington. 8t'o. ...... A'e(rca«//e, 1818 Catalogue of Ancient Arms and Aimour, exhibited at the Gothic Hall, Pall Mall. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Johnstone's (J. & J.) Description of Rosslyn Chapel and Castle. 8i'o. . Edin. 1825 Leslie's (Sir John) Short Account of Experiments and Instruments, depending on the Relations of Air to Heat and Moisture. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. } 813 The Gold-headed Cane. 2d edit. Svo. .... LoW. 1828 SHELF VL Williams's (Sir Charles Hanbury) Works, (in Prose and Verse) from the originals in the pos- session of his Grandson, the Earl of Essex, &c. (Edited by Edward Jeffery, the Publisher.) 3 vols. cr. Svo. . . . ■ ■ ■ . . ib. 1822 Woodworth's (Samuel) Poems, Odes, Songs, &c. cr. 8vo. . . New York, 1818 Eastburn's (Rev J. W. & Jas.) Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars of K. Philip, cr. Svo. ib. 1 820 Sigourney's (Lydia Huntley) Traits of the Aborigines of America, a Poem. cr. Svo. Cambridge University Press, {U. S.) 1822 Malcolm's (Lieut. John) Buccaneer, and other Poems. 12/«o. . . Edin. 182^ Smith's (T. C.) Bay Leaves. 12 wo. .... Pringle's (Thomas) Epkemerides, or Occasional Poems written in Scotlan \2mo. ....... Hemans's (Mrs.) Records of Woman, with other Poems. 12mo. Sharpo's (Richard) Epistles in Verse. \2mo. See Life, vol. vi. p. 341. Keightley's (Thomas) Fairy Mythology. 2 vols. 12 wo. . . . ib. 1828 See Note to Peveril of the Peat. Wilbiahani's(R.) Attempt at a Gloss, of somewords used in Cheshire. 2dedit. sm.Svo. ib. 1826 180 . ib. 1824 and South Africa. Lond. 1828 Edin. 1828 Lond. 1828 Shelees 6, 7. MISCELLANIES, POETICAL, &c. Pkess Q. LawTence, (Sir James) On the Nobility of the British Gentry.— Of the political Ranks and Dignities of the British Empire, compared with those of the Continent, 3d edit. \2mv. Paris, 1828 Kirkwood's ( ) History of the Twenty-seven Gods of Linlithgow ; and Account of a famous Plea betwixt the Town Council of the said Burgh, and Mr. Kirkwood, Schoolmaster there, ito. ........ Edin. 17 il SHELF FIT. Amory's (Thomas) Life of John Buncle, Esq. containing various Observations and Reflections made in several parts of the World, &c. 2 vols. 8 m. . . Lo7id. 17 56-Gf! Laurence's (Dr. French) Probationary Odes for the Laureatship. With a Preliminary Discourse by Sir John Hawkins. 8vo. ...... iLlTSj Howell's (James) Epistolae Ho-Elianac. Familiar Letters, Domestick and Foreign, divided into four books, &c. Qih edit. Svo. . . . . . ib. 172fi Oldys's (Thomas) Britisli Librarian : exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract of our most scarce, useful and valuable Books, &c. with Index. Svo. . . . ib. 1 748 Toland's (John) Collection of several Pieces, now first published from his JISS., &c. With an Account of his Life and Writings. 2 vols. 8i;o. .... ib. 17 2(i Miscellany Poems, chiefly Satirical. 1 vol. 8i'o. containing the following. The Man of Taste, ocuisioned by an Epistle of Pope's. Pope's (Alex.) Use of Riches, Epistle to Lord Bathurst. Horace's 1st Satire of 2d Book imitated in a Dialogue, &c. Verses addressed to the Author of preceding. By a Lady. Chiron to Achilles, a Poem ; with the Answer. Verbal Criticism, Epistle to Pope. Pope's (Alex.) Essay on Man. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. View of the Town, Epistle to a Friend in the Country. Sober Advice from Horace, &c. imitated in Pope's manner. Pope's (Alex.) Knowledge of Men, &c. Epistle to Lord Colham. Universal Prayer. .... Fordyce's (Rev. Dr. ) Art of Preaching, in imitation of Horace. New Dunciad, as it was found in 1741. Whitehead's ( ) Manners, a Satire. Essay on Human Life. .... Glover's (Richard) London, a Poem. 2d edit. Touch of the Times, a new Ballad. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) London, a Poem, in imitation of Juvenal. Id edit. See Life, vol. ii. p. ar?. Horace's Instructions to the Roman Senate, &c. Mathison's (Rev. Thomas) Goff, an Heroi-Comical Poem, in 3 Cantos, &c. Godly Sarah, or the Sighing Sister, a Pastoral Dialogue, &c. Armstrong's (Dr. John) Oiconomy of Love. 181 ih. 1733 ih. 1732 ib. 1733 ib. 1733 a. 1733 ib. 1733 ib. 1 733 ib. 1734 ib. 1735 ib. 1735 ib. 1734 a. 1738 ib. 1738 ib. 1742 ib. 1733 ib. 1735 ib. 1729 wants title. Lond. 1738 ii. 1740 Edin. 1743 ti. 1737 Lond. 1739 Press Q. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 7, 8, 9. Pope's (Alex.) Dunciad ; with notes variorum, and Prolegomena of Scriblerus. 2d edit. Sco. Lond. 1729 Nicolson's (Wm. Bishop of Carlisle,) Irish Historical Library, &c. Sro. DidiUn, 1724 Granii (Gulielmi) Manifesto Juridica, &c. Dedicated to James Graham of Airth, Dean of Faculty, &e. (In English, although the Dedication is m Latin.) 8po. no place or date. " Very rare. By Cogle, father of the Artist."_.'l/5. note of Sir W. S. SHELF nil. Atherston's (Edwin) Last Days of Hercnlancum, and Ahradates and Panthea, Poems. 12mo. Lond. 1824 Midsummer Day's Dream. \2mo. ..... s'A. 1824 Gillies's (R. P.) Illustrations of a Poetical Character, in four Tales ; with other Poems. \2mo. Edin. 181G Tlie Maze, a Poem. (With notes.) 12»iO. .... Lond. 1815 Clare's (John) Poems, descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery. 2d edit. l2mo. ib. 1820 Amistrong's (Dr John) Art of preserving Health. 12»20. . . . ;i. 1757 Colman's (Geo. the younger,) Broad Grins, Tales in Verse. \2mo. . . e6. 1802 Eccentricities for Edinburgh. 12»io. .... Edin. Carey's (William) Critical Description of Stothard's Picture of Chaucer's Pilgrims to Canter- bury. 2d edit. l2mo. ...... LoJirf. 1818 The Whole Book of Psalmes, with the prose in the margin, &c. Collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, cr. Bvo. . . 2^.1649 Derrick's (S.) Letters from Liverpool, Chester, Corke, &-c. 2 vols. \2mo. . ib. 17G7 Dubois's (Edward) My Pocket Book, or. Hints for a Ryghte Merrie and Conceited Tour, in quarto, &c. \2mo. . . . . . . . ib. 19,0% Satire on Sir Joha Carr. See Prose Works, vol. xix. p. 160. Butler's (Sam.) Hudibras. \2mo. ..... Glasg. 1763 Hood's (Thomas) Odes and Addresses to Great People. \2mo. . Lond. 1825 Chateaubriand's (Vicomte de) Aben Hamet, the last of the Abencerrages, a Romance. \2mo. ib. 1826 Brougham and Vans, (Henry, Lord) Discourse on the Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science, neio edit. fc. ivo. . . . • . . ib. 1828 Belhavcn's (Lord) Countrey-man's Rudiments : or an Advice to the Farmers in East Lothian how to labour and improve their gi'ound. l2)no. . . . Edin. I69i) SHELF IX. AValton, (Isaac) and Cotton's (Charles) Complete Angler. With the Lives of the Authors, and Notes, &c. by Sir John Hawkins. 8»o. . . . Lond. Baffstet; \808 The same; with Notes by the same. 6th edit. \2mo. . . . ib. 1797 Barker's (Thomas) Art of Angling, &c. 1651. 12»?o. . . repr. ib. 1820 Delight, or Art of Angling, &c. 1658. 12mo. . . . repr. ib. 1820 182 Shelf -i. MISCELLANIES. Press R. Whitney's (John) Genteel Recreation, or the Pleasures of Angling, a Poem. 1700. \2mo. repr. Land. 1820 Lunardi's (Vincent) Account of the first Aerial Voyage in England. 8m. . ih. 178i Account of five Aerial Voj'ages in Scotland, &c. 9ivo. . . . 2i. 1786 Loyal Pamphlets. 1 vol. 8t'o. Land. 1820. containing, 1. The New Christmas Budget. 2. Solomon Logwood, a Radical Tale, ith edit. 3. The Radical Haimonist. 4. Slop's Shave at a Broken Hone. .5. Types of the Tj'mes. Memoirs of Mr. and Mrs. Coutts. 1 vol. 8co. containing, 1. Secret Memoirs of Harriott Pumpkin, &c. ..... Loud. 2. Life of the late Thomas Coutts, Esq. with Anecdotes of his first wife, Betty Starky, &c, ib. 3. Biograph. and Historical Addenda to the Life, &c. also the Letter of the Earl of Dundonald, &c. ib. 4. Dundonald's (Archibald, Earl of) Answer to the Mis-Statements contained in the Life of the late T. Coutts, Esq. . . . . . . .Hi. 1822 Julia, or the Pilgrim. In two cantos, &c. l2mo. .... ib. 1825 Loekhart's (J. G.) Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, id edit. 3 vols. 8«o. Edin. \8\d See Life, vol. iv. p. 282. MoncreifF-Wehvood's (Rev. Sir Henry) Sennons. 2d edit. 8oo. , . « J. 1807 The Scottish Pulpit ; a Collection of Sermons, by eminent Clergymen of the Church of Scot- land. Edited by the Rev. R. Gillan. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1823 SHELF X. Marana's (J. P.) Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, who lived 45 years imdiscovered at Paris, &c. Wthedit. 8 vols. 12mo. ...... LoW. 1741 Scott's (Sir Walter) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart, Esq. 18»- erf^V/o^, very much enlarged. 4?o. . . zA. 1817 Glassford's (James) Miscellanea. Translations (Latin and English), not printed for sale. 4ito. Edin. 1818 184 Shelves \, 2, POETRY, AND BELLES-LETTRES. Press R. Rose's (William Stewart) Partenopex de Blois, a Romance, in 4 Cantos, Freely translated from the French of M. Le Grand. 4to. .... Lond. \8Q~ See Poetical AVorks, vol. vii. p. 40 ; vol. ix. p. 383 ; Phose Works, vol. vi. p. 89. Scott's (Sir Walter) Lord of the Isles. Illustrated with proof plates from Westall's designs, a7id23 original drawings if scenery, c^-c. by Lord and Lady Compton. 4!to. L. P. Edin. 1 8 1 .5 Moore's (Thomas) Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance. 4?o. . . Lond. i8\7 Sportsman's Cabinet, or a Correct Delineation of the various Dogs used in the Sports of the Field, &c. 2 vols. ito. ...... . ib. 1803 SHELF II. Godwin's (Will.) Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English Poet, &c. 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1 803 See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 55. Forbes's (Sir William) Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. James Beattie, &c. 2 vols. Mo. ........ . Edin. 180G Alison's (Rev. Archibald) Sermon preached, &c. November 16, 1806, the day after the Funeral of Sir William Forbes, Bart. Uo. ..... j5. 1807 Fleurs, a Poem, in 4 books. 4to. ..... Newcastle, 1821 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, in English Heroical Verse. By Sir John Harrington, &c. Srf edit. fol. . . . . . . . . . Loud. 1634 r See Note to Kenilworth. Scott's (Sir W.) Apology for Tales of Terror. (Containing 9 Poetical Translations from the German, by Sir W. S., M. G. Lewis, Robert Southey, &c.) Mo. Kelso, printed at the Mail Office, 1799. {The first specimen of James Ballantyne's press, of which only 12 copies were thrown off.) — The Rape of the Lock, Canto the First. Respectfully offered as a specimen of the typography of the Kelso Press. ii7)perial 8vo. . . 1801 See Life, vol. i. pp. 316-17. Lewis's (M. G.) Tales of Wonder. 2 vols, ro^a/ 8»o. . . . Lonrf. 1801 See Poetical Work.s, vol. i. p. 237 ; vol. iv. pp. 71-76 ; Life, vol. i. p. 290. Addison's (Joseph) Works. Published by Tickell. 4 vols. 4?o. . . ji. 1721 History of the Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity, applied to the Contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies. 4io. .... ib. 1777 Borde's (Dr. Andrew) Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, &c. 1542. B. L. 4to. repr. ib. 1814 Cutwode's (Thomas) Caltha Poetaru7?i, or the Bumble Bee. Land. 1599. Edited bv Richard Heber, Esq. for the Roxburghe Club. With MS. note by Sir JV. S. 4,to. ib. 1815 Hassell's (J.) Memoirs of the Life of the late George Morland. 4to. . . iA. 1806 VardUl's (Anna Jane) Pleasures of Human Life, a Poem. ito. . . 24.1812 Meason, (Gilbert Laing) On the Landscape Architecture of the Great Painters of Italy. 4to. ib. 1828 Olai Magni Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, &c. fol. . . Romae, 1553 185 2 A Press R. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 2. containing. Land. 1787 a. 1788 wafits title. Edin. 1788 Lmd. 1787 wants tilU. Ijond. \'in Land. 1796 Norwich, 1790" . Lond. 1790 ii. 1799 ib. 1799 no date. Collection of Miscellaneous Poems ; \ritli some Prose Tracts. 5 vols. 4/0. Vol. I. 1. Slerry's (R.) Paulina, or, the Russian Daughter, a Poem. 2. The Country Book Club. . 3. Peter Pindar's Brother Peter to Brother Tom. . 4. The Choice. .... 5. Knipe's (Eliza) Six Narrative Poems, fi. Thelwall's (.John) Orlando and Almeyda. II. 7. Mickle's (William Julius) Sir Martyn, an imitation of Spenser. See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 69, noti. 8. The Progress of Envy, in imitation of Spenser, occasioned by Lauder's attack on Milton, ih. 1751 9. Person's (Professor Richard) Eloisa in Dishabille, &c. . . . ih. 1780 10. Cartwright's (Dr. Edm.) .\rmine and Elvira, hth edit. . . Oxford, Ml'i See Life, vol. i. p. IS). 11. Burger's LenoriJ. Translated by H. J. Pye. 12. Translated by William Taylor. . See Poetical Wokks. vol. iv. p. 57 ; Life, vol. i. pp. 235, 243, aw. 13. The Bedesman of Nidsyde, a Legendary Fragment. III. 14. Lewis's (M. G.) Love of Gain. Imitated from Juvenal. . 15. Seward's (Anna) Original Sonnets and Odes. 16. Memorial respecting the Rights, &c. of Clerks to the Signet. 17. Philosophical and Religious Dialogue in the Shades, between Mr. Hume and Dr. Dodd. Lond. 1 77!! IB. Blair's (Rev. Dr. Hugh) Dissertation on Ossian '3 Poems. . . t6. 1763 IV. 19-23. Smart's (Rev. Christ.) Hymn to, and 4 Poems on the Goodness, the Power, the Immensity, and the Omniscience of the Supreme Being. . Lond, and Camb. IIH-Z 24. Thomson's (Alexander) British Parnassus at the close of the 18th Century. . Edin. 1801 25. Tytler's (A. F. Lord Woodhouselee,) Examination of the Abb^de Sade's hypothesis respecting Petrarch. 26. Sotheby's (William) Battle of the Nile, a Poem. . . . ionrf. 1799 V. 27. Chinnery's (G. H.) Statue of the Dying Gladiator, a Prize Poem. . Oxford, 1810 28. Canning's (Right Honourable George) Letter to Earl Camden, respecting his affair with Lord Castlereagh. ....... Lond. 1809 See Life, vol. ii. pp. 257-04. 29. Ossian, Translations of, by M'Farlan and Macphcrson, contrasted. 30. General Account of the family of Vaux, Vans, or de Vallibres, &c. represented by Vans Agnew ofBambarrow. ..... Pimirofe, 1800 31. Ferriar's (Dr. R.) Bibliomania, an Epistle to R. Heber. . . . Lond.\m'J 32. Mathias's (T. J.) Heroic Epistle to Mr. Winsor, Patentee of the Hydro-Carbonic Gas Lights. ib. 1808 33. Mundy's( ) Fall of Needwood. .... Z)e%, 1808 See PftoSE Works, vol. iv. p. 2(itt. 34. Rose's (W. Stewart) Crusade of St. Lewis and King Edward the Martyr, Ballads. Lond. 1810 See PoETicALWonKS, vol. ix. p. 3il3. 35. Croker's (J. W.) BattIesofTalaver.i, aPoem. fith edit. . . . *. 1810 36. Spenser's (W.R.) Year of Sorrow. Written in Spring, 1803. . . t6. 1804 Wilson's (Professor J.) Magic Mirror, a Poem. Addressed to W. Scott, Esq. 4to. Edin. 1812 See Life, vol. iii. p. 30. 186 Shelves 1, 3. POETRY, AND BELLES-LETTRES. ' Press R. Poems. 1 vol. \to. containing, 1. Stanzas of an English Friend to the Patriots of Spain. .... iojirf. 1808 2. Roche's (Hamilton) Salamanca, a Heroic Poem. \Ol/tedit. . . . Edin. 1816 .3. CobboUrs (Eliz.) Ode on the Victory of Waterloo. . . . /;)otio7i, 1815 4. Hughes's (John) Ode on the Visit of the Prince Regent and the Foreign Potentates to Oxford, 1814. O.^ford, 1814 An Author to be Lett; being a Proposal humbly addressed to the Consideration, &c. of the Solid and Ancient Society of the Bathos, by their Associate and Well-wisher, Iscariot Hackney, ito. ...... . Land. 1729 The Scrubs of Parnassus, &c. a Comi-Tragical Heroic Poem, in Hudibrastic Verse, &c. ad- dressed to the authors of the Rosciad. By Whackum Smackum. 4to. . ib. 1 76 1 SHELF III. Spenser's (Edmund) Faerie Queen, Shepherd's Calendar, and other Works. Collected into 1 vol. and carefully corrected, ful. ..... ih. Lownes, 1617 Works ; \vitli the principal Illicstrations of various Commentators. To which are added. Notes, a Life of Spenser, and a Glossarial and other Indexes. By the Rev. H. J. Todd. ^ \'o\i. imperial &C0. . . . . . . . ib. 180.5 See Review of this edition in Prcse Works, vol. xvii. p. 80. Vere's (Sir Francis) Commentaries ; being diverse pieces of Service, wherein he had Com- mand ; written by himself, &:c. Published by W. Dillingham, D.D. With MS. note by Sir W. S. fol. . . . . . . Camb. 1657 Sterne's (Laurence) Works, &c. With Life of the Author, written by himself. 4 vols. 8vo. L. P. . ■ . . . . . . Lo7id. 1803 See Pkose Works, vol. iii. p. 273. Weber's (Henry) Battle of Floddcn Field, a Poem of the 1 Gth Century. With the various Readings, Historical Notes, Glossary, &c. 8ro. . . . Edin. 1805 See Poetical Works, vol. rii. pp. 45, 200, 339 ; Prose Works, vol. vii. pp. 176-7. Le Grand's Fabliaux, or Tales, abridged from French Manuscripts of the 1 2th and 13th Centuries. Selected and translated into English Verse by G. L. Way, Esq. With Preface, Notes, and an Appendix, by George Ellis, Esq. 2 vols. ro!/al Si-o. Land. 1796-1800 See PoETic.iL AVoKKS, passim ; Prose Works, vol. i. p. 90. Tasso's (Torquato) Godfrey of Boulogne, or the Recoverie of Jerusalem. Done into English Heroicall Verse by Edward Fairefax. 2d edit. fol. . . . ?5. 1624 See Letters on Demonology^ p. 240. Bayley's (John) History and Antiquities of the Tower of London. (With the Engravings to the first edition sefoxale. in Jol.) 2d edit, rot/al 8vo. . . . ib. 1830 See Notes to Peveril of the Peak. Greswell's (Rev. W. Parr) Memoirs of Angelus Politianus, J. Picus of Mirandula, A. S. San- nazarius, P. Bembus, H. Fracastorius, M. A. Flaminius, and the Amalthei, &c. 2d edit. 8vo. ..*.... Manchester, 1805 187 Press R. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 3, i, 5. Greswell's (Rev. W. Parr) Annals of Parisian Typography, &c. Jritk MS. Letter from the Author. 8vo. ....... Land. 1818 Asliburnham's (John) Narrative of his Attendance on King Charles I. from Oxford to the Scotch Army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight ; never before printed. With a Vindication of his Character, &c. by Lord Ashburnham. 2 vols, royal Bco. ib. 1830 Bunyan's (John) Pilgrim's Progress. With Life of the Author, by Robert Southey, &c. ro7/al 8vo. Proof jirints. . . . . . . . ib. ^ 830 See Sir W. Scott's Review of this edition in Prose Worla, vol. xviii. p. 74. Conybearc's (Rev. John Josias) Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Edited, with additional notes, &c. by his brother, W. D. Conybeare. rot/al 8»o. . . . ib. 1826 See Poetical Wokks, vol. i. p. 61 ; vol. v. p. 357. Ba3'ly's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Herba Parietis : or the Wall-Flower, as it grew out of the Stone Chamber belonging to the Metropolitan Prison of London, called Newgate. Being a History which is partly True, partly Romantick, &c. Jol. .... ib. 1650 Phrases. Specimen of an arrangement of English Phrases, faithfully collected from the works of our principal poets, &c. — Opus Epithetobum. Specimen of a Garland of Epithets out of the English Poets, a Sheet of each, roi/al 8vo. . . . no place or date. SHELF IV. Pope's (Alexander) Works, in Verse and Prose, &c. With Memoirs of his Life, &c. by the Rev. W. L. Bowles. 10 vols. 8 »o. ..... LoW. 1806 Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Lessons in Criticism to William Roscoe, Esq. in answer to his Letter on the Character and Poetry of Pope, &c. Svo. .... /4. 1826 Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. new edition hy K. Chshaets. 12 vols. Si-o. ..... j'i. 1806 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 260. Translation of Father Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, (S;c. With various other Tracts of Dr. J. &c. Edited by Bishop Gleig. 8«o. ..... «i. 1789 Boswell's (James) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, new edition, with numerous additions and notes by J. W. Croker, LL.D. &c. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 5 vols. 8i'o. ...... ji. 1831 See Life, vol. ii. pp. 310, 315-320 ; Prose Works, passim. SHELF V. Temple's (Sir William) Works. 4 vols. 8 ro. ..... ib. 1770 Gibbon's (Edward) Miscellaneous Works; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, composed by himself, &c. Edited by Lord Sheffield, new edit. 5 vols. 8i'o. . . /i. 1814 See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 271-2, note. Fielding's (Henry) Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphv. New Edition, by A. Chalmers. 1 vol. 8t'o, ..... i'J. 1806 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 77. 188 Shelves 5, 6. BELLES-LETTRES. Press K. Fielding's (Henry) True State of the Case of Bos. Penlez, wlio suffered on account of the late Riot in the Strand. 8vo. ..... Z,oW. 1749 Rowlandson's Thirteen Etchings illustrative of Tom Jones and Joseph Andrews, &c. ohlong Sw. Edin. 1808 Goldsmith's (Oliver) Miscellaneous Works. (With Life hy Rev. Thos. Percy, Nephe\\- of BishoD of Dromore.) 4 vols. St'o. ..... hand. 1801 See Pbose Works, vol. iii. p. 231. Boswell's (James) Account of Corsica, Journal of a Tour to that Island, and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. M edit. Svo. . . . . . . ib. \7CS Johnson's {Bt. Samuel) Marmor NmfolcieJise, an 'Essay, Sec. Svo. . re/)r. ?i. 182(t M'Nicol's (Rev. D.) Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Journey to the Hebrides, &c. 8ro. ib. 1779 Wakefield's (Rev. Gilbert) Works of Alex. Pope ; with Remarks and Illustrations. Vol. I. (Containing the Early Poems, an edition commenced, but never proceeded with.) 8vo. Warrington, 1704 Tracts on the Controversy respecting Pope. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Invariable Principles of Poetry, &c. . . . io»d. lill!( •2, 3. Gilchrist's (0. G.) Two Letters to the Rev. W. L. Bowles. . . . ib. 18-20 4. Byron's (Lord) Letter to Jolin Murray on the Rev. Mr. Bowles's Strictures on Pope. . il. 18-21 5. Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Two Letters to Lord Byron. .... a. 1821 6. Vindication, &c. from some charges brought against him in the Quarterly Review. 2d edit. ib. 1821 Spence's (Rev. Joseph) Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men, collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other eminent Persons, &c. Published, with a Life of the Author, by S. W. Singer. Svo. ..... /i. 1820 See Prose Works, vol. ii. passim. Hervey's (Mary Lepel, Lady) Letters; with Memoir and illustrative Notes, bv J. W. Crokcr. Svo. . . . . . . . . . ib. t82l SHELF VI. Dryden's (John) Poems. First or earlg editions. In 1 vol. sm. ito. containing, 1. On the Death of Cromwell, 1 659 ; 2, 3, 4. Astraea Redux ; to my Lord Chancellor on New Year'.s Day; Annus Mirabilis ; 1688; 5. Mac¥\ec\noo, tcants title ; 6. Absalom and Achitophel, Itk edit. 1691 ; 7. The Medal, 3(/e(AV. 1692 ; 8. Religio Laid, 1693 ; 9. Threnodia Avi/- ustalis, 2d edit. 1G85 ; 10. Hind and Panther, 3d edit. 1687 ; 11. Brittania Rediviva, 1688. Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders, 1666, an Historical Poem. sm. Svo. Land. 1667 Poems. Earli/ editions. 1 vol. thin ito. containing, 1. Threnodia Augustalis, 1685; 2. Absalon et Achitophel, Carmine Latino Heroico, Oxon. 1682; 3. Alexander's Feast 1736 ; 4. Absalom and Achitophel. 2d edit. 1681. Wagstaffe's (Dr. William) Miscellaneous Works ; with an Account of his Life and Writings. 2d edit. Svo. . . . . . . . I.ond. 17 2C> 189 Press R. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf ^. Welsted's (Leonard) Works, in Verse and Prose. Now first collected, with Notes and Memoirs of the Author, Ly John Nicliols. 8i-o. . . . Lond.\~&1 Berkeley's (Geo. Monck) Literary Relics ; containing Original Letters, &c. and an Enquiry into the Life of Dean Swift. 2d edit. 8vo. ..... «i. 1792 See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. B7-9, &c. Leyden's (Dr. John) Poetical Remains ; with Memoirs of his Life. By the Rev. James Morton. 8ff;. ........ ib. 1819 See Prose Works, vol. iv. p. 137. Harington's Nugae Antiquae ; being a Miscellaneous Collection of Original Pai)ers in Prose and Verse, &c. By Sir John Harington, and others, &c. Selected from authentic Remains, by the late Henry Harington ; and newly arranged, with Illustrative Notes, by Thomas Park. 2 vols. 8ro. . . . . . . . ib. 1804 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note '2 Y ; vol. ix. p. 177 ; Introduction to Tlie Fortunes of Nigel. Todd's (Rev. H. J.) Illustrations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer. 8vo. ib. 1 8 J Steele's (Sir Richard) Epistolary Correspondence, &c. with Fragments of three Plays, &c. and Literary and Historical Anecdotes. By John Nichols. 2 vols. Svo. . . j3. 1809 Tracts, &c. 1 vol. ito. containing, 1. .Steele's Letter to a M.P. on the Bill for preventing the growth of Schism, "d edit. ■J. Apology for himself and his writings, on account of his expulsion from the H. of C. ;j. Crisis, or a Discourse, &c. on the Just Causes of the late happy Revolution. 4. Swift's (Dean) Public Spirit of the Whigs, &c. Zd edit. Cellini's (Benvenuto) Life, m ritten by himself, &c. Translated by Dr. Thomas Nugent. 8vo. ......... See Prose Works, vol. ™. pp. 307-8 ; Life, vol. vii. p. 363. Tracts. 1 vol. Siw. containing, 1. Elgin's (Earl of) Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, &c. on the Review of the Remains of JohnTweddell. ....... £din. Ilil5 2. Southey's (Robert) Letter to William Smith, Esq. M.P. . . . Lond. 1 SIT See Life, vol. iv. p. 71- 3. Observations on the Present State of Affairs, and Conduct of the Whigs. . . i4. ]!il9 Duncan, (Dr. And. sen.) Carminum Rariorum Macaronicorum Delectus, &c. Editio altera, with MS. epigram at the end. Edin. 1813. — Discourse delivered by the same to the Horti- cultural Society, December 4, 1823. Svo. Logan's (Rev. John) Poems. Sd edit. 8do. . . . . Lotid. 17 8i) See Introduction to hanltoe ; Prose Works, vol. vii. p. '2511 ; Lifk, vol. vi. p. 138. Bedingfield's (Thomas) and Pickering's (Geo.) Poetry, Fugitive and Original. With Notes and additional Pieces by the Editor. Newcastle, 1815. — Unpublished Remains of Mr. Geo. Pickering, and a brief Notice of the late Mr. Luke Long. By John Sykes. ei. 1828. 8vo. Campbell's (Thomas) Specimens of the British Poets ; with biograpliical and critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry. 7 vols. cr. 8ro. . . . Z,o«rf. 1819 See Life, vol. ii. p. 45 ; Prose Wobk-s vol. iii. p. 127, &.c. 190 ih. 1714 ib. 1714 il. 1714 ib. 1714 2 vols. b. 1 1771 Shelves G, 7. BELLES-LETTRES. Puess R. Jacob's (Giles) Poetical Register, or Lives and Characters of all tlic English Poets, Sec. 2 vols. 8bo. . . . . . . . . Lond. 1719-23 Whateley's (Dr. Richard, Archbishop of Dublin,) Elements of Rhetoric. 8vo. Oxford, 1828 Huddesford's (Rev. George) Poems, now first collected ; including Salmagundi, Topsy-Turvy, &c. 2 vols. Wi. 8»o. ...... Lond. 1801 Phillips's (Edvfard) Theatrum Poetarum AngUcanorum ; containing the names and characters of all the English Poets, &c. to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Enlarged bv Additions from subsequent Biographers and Critics. By Sir E. Brydges. Sw. Canterb. 1800 Smyth's (Prof AVilliam, of Cambridge,) English Lyricks. Parti. 8vo. Liverpool, 11 '.)! (See Shelf 9.) Suffolk, (Henrietta, Countess of) Letters to and from, and her second husband, the Hon. George Berkeley. With historical, biographical, and explanatory Notes, by John Wilson Croker, Esq. 2 vols. 8 w. ...... Lond. 1824: Coventry's (Geo.) Critical Enquiry regarding the real Author of the Letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville. 8vo. . . ib. 1825 The Mirrour ; or Letters, Satyrical, Panegyrical, Serious, and Humorous, on the present times, &c. Sao. . . . . . . . . . ib. 173o Neck or Nothing ; a consolatory Letter from Mr. Dunton to Mr. Curll, upon his being tost in a blanket, &c. 8vo. . . . . . . . ?6. 1714 SHELF VIL Blount's (Sir Thomas Pope) De Re Poetica : or Remarks upon Poetry ; ^vith Characters and Censures of the most considerable Poets, &c. 4/o. .... ib. 1694 Buckingham's (John Sheffield, Duke of) Works. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1729 Terrasson's (Abbe) Life of Sethos. Taken from private Memoirs of the Ancient Egyptians. Translated by Lodiard. With MS, note by Sir W. S. 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1732 Prior's (Matthew) Miscellaneous Works. Now first published from his original MSS, &c. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8to. . . . . . . . ib. 17 M Dunlop's (John) History of Fiction ; being a Critical Account of the most celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, &c. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. .... Edin. 1810 Hurd's (Bishop) Moral and Political Dialogues. With Letters on Chivalry and Romance. 6th edit. 3 vols. «-. 8™. ...... Lond. 178S D' Israeli's (L) Calamities of Authors, &c. JVith MS. notesby Sir W. S. 2 vols, a: 8vo. ib. 1812 See Prose AVorks, vol. iii. Quarrels of Authors, &c. 3 vols. «•. 8yo. .... eJ. 1814 See Prose Works, vol. iii. Literary Character illustrated by the History of Men of Genius, &c. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8vo. ......... ib. 1822 See Prose Works, vol. iii. Mason's (Rev. William) Works. 5th edit. cr. 8vo. , . . York, 1779 191 Phess R. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 7, 8. Coxe's (E.) Miscellaneous Poetry. {With MS. Letter from the Author.) cr.8vo. Bath,i805 Epics of the Ton, or. Glories of the Great World, a Poem. cr. 8vo. . Lond. 1807 Lysaght's (Edward) Poems, cr. 8»o. ..... Dub. 1811 Gifford's (William) Baviad and Maeviad. 8th edit. cr. 8vo. . . Lo?id. 1811 Anstey's (Cristopher) New Bath Guide. \3th edit. cr. 8vo. . . . ib. 1788 Dunlop's (John) Poems, on several occasions. 2 vols. 8i"o. . . Greenock, 1817 Ferriar's (Dr. John) Illustrations of Sterne ; with other Essays and Verses. 2d edit. 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. ........ Land. 1812 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 292, &c. ^\'oodllouselee's (A. F. Tytler, Lord) Essay on the Life and Character of Petrarch, cr. 8fo. Ed in. 1810 Blacklock's (Dr. Thomas) Poems. With an Account of his Life, Character, and Writings, by the Rev. Mr. Spence. 3d edit. Lond. 1756. — Paraclesis, or. Consolations deduced from Natural and Revealed Religion, &c. Edin. 1767. 2 vols. 8vo. Drunken Barnahy's Four Journeys to the North of England, new edit. cr. 8vo. Lond. 1805 SHELF VIIL Drayton's (Michael) Works. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . . ' . ib. 1753 Roscoe's (William) Life of Lorenzo de' Medici. Stk edit. 3 vols. 8t'o. . . j'i. 1806 Life and Pontificate of Leo X. Id edit. 6 vols. 8 yo. . . . 84.1806 Collection of Poems and Pamphlets. 2 vols. 8^0. containing. Vol. I. 1. Whalley's (Rev. Dr. T. S.) Kenneth and Fenella, a Legendary Tale, . ib. 1809 See Phosk Works, vol. iv. p. 2(18. 2. Eden's (Sir Frederick) Brontes, a Cento to the memory of Viscount Nelson. 3. Hints to the Bearers of Walking Sticks. 3d edit. 4. Mathias's (T. J.) Letter, &c. occasioned by the death of the Rev. Norton NichoUs. 5. Sellon's (Martha Ann) Caledonian Comet elucidated, a Poem. 6. Heber's (Bishop) Europe, Lines on the present War. 7. Report of Case of Libel, Sir John Carr against Hood and Sharpe. (Sec Dubois's My Pocket Book, p. 182.) 8. Gregorj's (Dr. James) Lucubrations on a Greek Epigram. . 9. Duncan's (Dr. Andrew, sen. f ) The Viper and File, imitated from Phaedrus. 10. Pursuits of Agriculture, a Satirical Poem. Canto II. 11. Exposition of Ironical Attack on Lord Erskine's Speeches, &c. in No. 31 of Ed. Rev. 12. Clifford's (Arthur) Epistle to Henry Clifford, Esq. 13. Knight's (R. Payne) Monody on Death of C. J. Fox. 14. All the Talents, a Satirical Poem. Dialogue Fourth. 15. Heber's (Bishop) Sense of Honour, a Prize Poem. 16. M'Kean's (Rev. J.) Death of the Princess Amelia, a Poem. 17. Galloway's (George) Elegy on Henry Duke of Buccleugh. 18. Coxe's (Edward) The Valentine, a Poem. 19. Vaughan's (Right Hon. C. R.) Narrative of Siege of Zaragoza. ilh edit. See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 435. 192 ib. Lond. . Edin. ib. Lond. ib. Oxford, Lond. Edin, Lond. ib. 1806 1809 1809 1811 1809 1808 1808 1810 1808 1810 1810 1807 1807 1806 1810 1812 1810 1809 Shelves 8, 9. MISCELLANIES ; MODERN ENGLISH POETRY. Peess R. Burke's (Right Hon. Edmund) Works. 14 vols. 8»o. . . . Lond. 1801-22 Junius's Letters, new edit. 8vo. ..... Edin. 1807 Hamilton's (William Gerard) Parliamentary Logick ; to «'liich are added. Two Speeches, &c. andother Pieces, including Dr. Johnson's ConsiderationsontheCorn Laws. «-.8«o. Lowrf. 1808 See PoETic.ii, Works, vol. xi. p. 83. Dillon's(Rcv. R.C.) Lord Mayor's (Venables) Visit to Oxford, in July 1 820. sm.Svo. ib. 1826 SHELF IX. Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, &c. With an Introductory Essay, &c. and illustrative notes. With engravings on co])per and wood. 12mo. . . ib. Majoi; 1823 The Engrarings are in Press E, Shelf 4. (Izaak) Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. 2 vols. 12?«o. ..... Oxford, 1805 Burnet's (Bishop) Life of Sir Matthew Hale ; and Bishop Fell's Life of the Rev. Dr. H. Hammond. 12mo. ........ ib. 1806 Gibber's (Sliiels's) Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, to the time of Swift. 5 vols. 12?wo. ....... Lond. 1753 See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 301, note. Shenstone's (William) Works in Verse and Prose. 3 vols. cr. 8co. . ib. 1768-9 Pope's (Alexander) Literary Correspondence for 30 years, from 1704 to 1734. 3d edit. 3 vols. 12»?o. . . . . . . . ib. Curll, 1735-6 Arbuthnot's (Dr. John) Miscellaneous Works. With an Account of his Life. 2 vols. 12mo. ib. 1770 Richardson's (Professor William) Poems and Pla3's. new edit. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Edin. 1605 Macneill's (Hector) Poetical Works, new edit. 2 vols. l2»2o. . . ib.lSOG Dorset's (Mrs.) Peacock at Home, and other Poems. Jc. 8vo. . . Lond. 1809 Beattie's (Dr. James) Minstrel, and other Poems, fc. 8vo. . . Edin. 1807 Lloyd's (Charles) Duke d' Ormond, a Tragedy; Beritola, a Tale. fc. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Hogg's (James) Poetic Mirror, or. Living Bards of Britain. 2d edit. fc. 8ro. . z'^. 1817 See PoETiC/U, Works, vol. x. p. 9 ; Life, vol. iii. pp. 391, 392. Luttrel's ( ) Advice to Julia, a Letter in Rhyme, /c. 8vo. . . ib. 1820 Scott, (Sir W.) The Poetry contained in the Novels, Tales, and Romances of the Author of Waverley. fc. 8vo. . . . . . . Edin. 1822 Home, a Poem. 12???o. . . . . . . . ib. 1806 Leyden's (Dr. John) Scenes of Infancy, descriptive of Teviotdalo. 12mo. . ib. 1803 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. note 2 T ; vol. ix. p. 318. Grabame's (James) Poems; (containing the Sabbath, Birds of Scotland, Mary Stewart, &c.) 2 vols./c. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1807 See Life, vol. ii. p. 369. Conder's (Josiah) Star in the East, and other Poems, fc. 8vo. . . . ib. 1824 193 2 B Press R. A BBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 9, 10. Poetical Pieces. 1 vol. 1 2mo. containing, 1. Mayne's (.lohn) Glasgow, a Poem. ..... Land. 1803 2. Smyth's (Professor William) English Lyrics, part 2. . . . . ili. 1805 (Seep. 191 for part I.) 3. Elliot's (Rev. R., brother of Lord INIinto,) Detached Pieces in Verse ; with Glossary and Notes. Doncaster^ 1807 Smith, (Horace and James) Horace in London : Imitation of tlie first two Books of the Odes of Horace, /c. 8vo. ...... Loud. 1813 Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Missionary, a Poem. 6ik edit. fc. 8yo. . . ib. 1815 Gifford's (William) Baviad and Maeviad. Gth edit. fc. 8uo. . . . ib. 1800 Montgomery's (James) Wanderer of Switzerland, and otbei- Poems. \2mo. . ib.\806 — Chimney-Sweeper's Friend, and Climbing Boy's Album, &c. 12mo. . ib. 1824 Stultifera Navis, or the Modern Ship of Fools. \2mo. . . . ib. 1807 Rogers's (Samuel) Pleasures of Memory, with other Poems, new edit. 12mo. . ib. 1810 Smith's (M.) Vision, or, a Prospect of Death, Heaven, and Hell, &c. Lond. 1702. — Gould's (Robert) Poems, chiefly Sat\TS and Satyrical Epistles, ib. 1689. 1 vol. rr. 8vo. See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 320, note. SHELF X. Nichols's (John) Select Collection of Poems. With Notes, biographical and liistorical, and a complete Poetical Index. 8 vols. 12mo. .... Lond. 1780-2 Collection of Poems, viz. the Temple of Death, by the Marquis of Normanby, &c. Lord Halifax, Sir R. Howard, Lords Ro.scommon, Rochester, &c. 8vo. . . ib. 1701 Drake's (Dr. Nathan) Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. 3 vols./c. Suo. ..... ib. 180B Essays, &c. illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler, &c. 2 vols. fc. 8vo. ib. 1809 Gay's (John) Plays, viz. the Captives, Beggar's Opera, Polly, Achilles, Distress'd Wife, and Rehearsal at Gotham. With an Account of his Life. 12mo. . . ib. 1772 Poems, on several occasions, (exclusive of the Fables.) 2 vols. l2mo. . ib. 1775 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 183. Works of Celebrated Authors, of whose Writings there are but small remains. (Roscommon, Dorset, &c.) 3 vols. cr. Svo. ..... ib. 1719-50 Savage's (Richard) Works; with his Life by Dr. Johnson. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. . ib. 1777 Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry, (for 1801 and 1802.) Edited by R. A. Davenport. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. ..... ib. 1802-3 Armstrong's (Dr. John) Miscellanies. 2 vols. cr. Svo. .... ib. 1770 King's (Dr. William) Original Works. Now first collected, with historical Notes and Memoirs ',,, of the Author. 3 vols. Sijo. ....... ?i. 177C Parnell's (Rev. Archdeacon) Poems on several occasions. 12/wo. . Glasg. 1752 Young's (Rev. Dr. Edward) Works, revised and corrected by himself 4 vols. 1 2mo. Lond. 1 767 The Reigning Vice, a Satirical Essay. 12mo. . . . . . ib. 1827 194 Shelves 1, 2. MODERN ENGLISH POETRY. Press S. PRESS S. MODERN POETRY; BELLES-LETTRES; BIBLIOGRAPHY. SHELF I. MOton's (John) Poetical Works. With the Notes of various Authors. Edited by Bishop Newton. 3 vols. 4:to. Land. 1749-52. — Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works, &c. With an Account of his Life, by Dr. Thos. Birch. 2 vols. 4ito. ib. 1753. — 5 vols. 4^0. Waller's (Edmund) Works in Prose and Verse. Published by Mr. Fenton. 4?o. Lond. 1729 Thomson's (James) Works; with his last Corrections and Improvements. With^an Account of his Life and Writings. 2 vols. 4^o. ..... {b.\'G2 Camoens, (Luis de) The Lusiad, or, the Discovery of India, an Epic Poem. Translated from the Portuguese, by W. J. Mickle. 4-to. .... Oxford, 1776 Campbell's (Thomas) Pleasures of Hope ; with other Poems. Seventh edition, published by subscription, i-to. ....... Lond. 1803 Gertrude of Wyoming, a Pensylvanian Tale, and other Poems, ito. . ib. 1809 See Review of this jb;"Prose Works, vol. xrii. p. 267. Southey's (Robert) Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. 4to. . . . Bristol, 1796 Madoc. 4to. ...... . Lond. 1805 See Life, vol. ii. pp. 58 and 124. Curse of Kehama. Ho. . . . . ■ . . ib. 1810 See Review of this in Pkose Works, vol. xvii. p. 301 ; Life, vol. ii. pp. 299, .302. Roderick, the Last of the Goths. 4Co. . . . . .26.1814 Vision of Judgment, ido. . . . . . . a'J. 1821 Chronicle of the Cid. From the Spanish, ito. .... ?A. 1808 Reviewed in Prose Works, vol. xviii. p. 44. History of Brazil. 3 vols. 4('o. ..... ?'A. 1810-17-19 See Life, vol. ii. p. 300 ; vol. iv. pp. 72 and 241. Wordsworth's (William) Excursion; a Portion of the Recluse, a Poem. 4?o. ib. 1814 White Doe of Rylstone, &c. a Poem. ito. . . , ib. 1815 SHELF II. BjTon's (Lord) Don Juan. Cantos I. and II. 4i the Quarterly Review, only 150 copAes printed. Mo. ..... Dublin, 1816 Silva Lisboa, (Jose da) Memoria da Vida Publica do Lord Wellington, &c. &c. 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. Mo. ....... Rio de Janeiro, 1815 Paris's (Dr. J. A.) Life of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart. &c. Mo. . Lond. 18.S1 See Life, vol. vii. p. 336. Kidd's (William) Illustrations of the Poems of Robert Burns. Parts I. and II. With 2 plates in each, engraved by Shury. Mo. . . . . . . ib. Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis ; a Collection of scarce and curious Tracts relative to the County and City of Gloucester, &c. during the Civil War. With an Historical Introduction by the Rev. John Webb, &c. Mo. . . . . . . Gloucester, 1825 Colden's (Cadwallader C.) Memoir, &c. on the Completion of the New York Canals. Mo. New York, 182.5 196 Shelf 3. ENGLISH POETRY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, &c. Press S. .SHELF III. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, an Epic Poem, in 20 Cantos. Translated into English Spenserian Verse; with a Life of the Author, &c. &c. by J. H. Wiffen. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lotid. 1824 Coxe's (Peter) Social Day, a Poem, in 5 Cantos, imperial 8»o. . . ih. 1823 Carlisle's (Frederick, Earl of) Tragedies and Poems, rot/al 8vo. . . ih. 1801 Combe's (William) Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, a Poem. 6th edit. Svv. ih. Dallas's (Robert C. youngest son of Sir George Dallas, Bart.) Ode to the Duke of Wellingtou, and other Poems. Written between the ages of 11 and 13. royal 8ko. . ih. 181.9 Malkin's (Dr. B. H.) Father's Memoirs of his Child, royal 8m. . . ti. 1800 Catalogue of the Library of a distinguished Collector, (Rev. Dr. Heath, fomierly Master of Harrow School,) sold by Mr. Jeffery, with their prices and purchasers' names, royal Sro. ih. 1810 Dibdin's (Rev. Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book-Madness, a Bibliographical Romance, in (J parts. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . ib. 1811 Specimen of a digested Catalogue of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books in English, &c. Lmd. 1808, {Only 40 printed.) — Specimen of an English De Bure. ib. 1810. {Only 50 printed.) 8vo. Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in Fiance and Germany. 3 vols. royal 8vo. With jn'oofs of the plates on India paper. . . . 24.1821 The same. Id edition. 3 vols. 8 oo. ..... ib. 1829 Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a Library. 8vo. . . . . . . . . ih. 1824 Clarke's (William) Repertorium Bibliographicum : or Some Aicount of the most celebrated British Libraries, royal 8 vo. . . . . . . ib. \8VJ Catalogue of Miniatme Portraits in Enamel, by H. Bone, Esq. R.A. ; in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford. {Unpublished.) royal 8vo. .... ib. 182;'> The Keepsake for 1828. L. P. IVith proofs of the plates on India paper, royal 8 co. ii. 1827 Britton's (John) Brief Memoir of his Life and Writings. JVith MS. Letter from the Author. imperial 8co. Not printed for sale. ...... ib. 1825 Falconer's (William) Shipwreck, a Poem. With Life of the Author, additional Notes, &c. hy the Rey. Di. J. S. C\a,rke, and fine enyravi?icfs. imperial 8vo. . . fi. 1804 Watt. (Jas.) — Proceedings of the Meeting at Freemason's Hall, June 18, 1824, for erecting a Monument to him. royal 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1824 Sandys's (George) Relation of a Journey begun a.d. 1610. Foure Bookes. Containing u Description of the Turkish Empire, of JEgy^t, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and Islands adjoining. 3d edit. fol. ..... ib. 1G27 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 182. Roby's (John) Traditions of Lancashire. 2 yo\s. imperial 8vo. . . . ih. 1820 See Introduction to Tales of tlie Crusaders. 197 Press S. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 3, -i, 5. Brockett's (J. Trotter) Glossary of North Country Words in use, from an original MS. in the Earl of Durham's Library, with additions, royal 8m. . . Neie:castle, i 825 SHELF IF. BjTon's (Lord) Works, earl// editions. 13 vols. Svo. containing. Vol. 1. Hours of Idleness. Newark, 1807 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 4th edit. Land. 1810. See Life, vol. ii. pp. 250-1. 2. Imitations and Translations from Ancient and Modern Classics, &c. Collected by J. C. Hobhouse, (part by Lord Byron.) ib. 1800. 3. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos 1, 2, 3. 11 (A edit. ib. 1819. 4. Canto 4. 1818 The Giaour. 1813 Bride of Abydos. 3rf cofiY. 1813. .5. The Corsair. 1814 Lara. 4th edit. 1814 Siege of Corinth. Parisina. 1816 Prisoner of ChiUon. 1816 Beppo. 1818. 6. Mazeppa. 1819 Manfred. 1817 Hebrew Melodies. 1815 Ode to Napoleon. \Oihedit. 1815. Monody on Sheridan, new edit. 1815 Lament of Tasso. 1817 Poems. 1816 With the original " Fare thee well," and " Sketch from private life." 7. Marino Faliero The Prophecy of Dante. 1821 Letter to John Murray on Bowles's Strictures on Pope. 3d edit. 1821. 8. Sardanapalus The Two Foscari Cain. 1821. See LrPE, vol. v. pp. 15ft-l. .9. The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. 1822. 10. Don Juan, Cantos 1, 2. new edit. 1822 — Cantos 3, 4, 5. 1821. IJ. Cantos6, 7, 8. 1822 Cantos 9, 10, 11. 1823. 12. Cantos 12, 13, 14. 1823 Cantos IS, 16. 1824. 13. Age of Bronze. 1823 The Island. 1823 Werner. 1823 — The Deformed Transformed. 2d edit. 1824 Parliamentary Speeches. 1824 Letter to Lord Byron, by John Bull. 1821. See Peoss Works, vol. iv. pp. 343, 361, 387, 399 ; and vol. xvii. p. 337. Medwin's (Thomas) Conversations of Lord Byron, noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in 1821 and 1822. 2d edit. Svo. .... Lowrf. 1824 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. pp. 79-87 ; Pre/ace to Waverley Novels. Loddio-es's (Conrad, and Son,) Botanical Cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of Plants, &c. with a short Account of each. vols. 1. and 2. 4*. . . id. 1818, &c. Binglcy's (Rev. W.) Animal Biography, or Popular Zoology, ith edit. 3 vols. Se^o. «4. 1813 Sotheby's (William) Poems. 8vo. ...... ib. 1825 Warton's (Rev. Thomas) Poetical Works. 5t/t edition, corrected, with Memoirs of his Life by Bishop Mant. 2 vols. Svo. . ..... Oxford, 1802 Chatterton's (Thomas) Works. With his Life by Dr. Gregory, new edition, edited by Robert Southey and Joseph Cottle. 3 vols. Svo. .... See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 215. Crabbe's (Rev. George) Poems. 1th edit. Svo. .... Borough, a Poem. 5th edit. Svo. .... Tales. Svo. ....... Tales of the Hall. 2 vols. Svo. ..... See Life, vol. ii. p. 352 ; vol. iii. pp. 23-29 ; vol. vii. pp. 387, 388. 198 Lond. 1803 . ib. 1812 . ib. 1813 Lond. 1812 . ib. 1819 Shelves 4, 5. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POETRY. Press S. ClmrchiU's (Charles) Poetical Works. With explanatory Notes and an authentic Account of his Life. 2 vols. 8oo. . . . . . . . ib. ISO-i SHELF V. Boyd's (Piev. Henry) Woodman's Tale, after the manner of Spenser, &c. Narrative and Lyric Poems, and a Drama, Seo. ...... ?i. 1805 Wordsworth's (William) Poems ; including L^Tical Ballads, &c. with additional Poems, a new Preface, and a Supplementary Essay. 3 vols. 8 oo. . . . 25.1815-20 Coleridge's (Samuel Taylor) Christahel ; KubiaKhan; The Pains of Sleep. S«o. z5. 1816 See Life, vol. iv. p. 193. Sibylline Leaves, a Collection of Poems. 8vo. . . . . z'i. 1817 Biographia Literaria, or Anecdotes of my Literary Life and Opinions. 2 vols. Svo. ib. 1817 Croly's (Piev. Dr. George) Paris in 1815, a Poem. 8bo. . . . ib. 1817 Angel of the World, an Arabian Tale ; Sebastian, a Spanish Tale. With other Poems. 8vo. ......... 25. 1820 Poetical Monodies, &c. 1 vol. Svo. containing, 1. Croly's (Rev. Dr. George) Lines on the death of the Princess Charlotte. Land. 1821! 2. Lord Byron's Monody on the Death of Sheridan 3. Henry's (Dr. William) Tribute to the Memory of Thomas Henry, &c. and Robberds's (Rev. J. G.) Funeral Sermon on the same. Manchester, 1819. Egerton's (Lord Francis) Translation of Goethe's Faust, and Schiller's Song of the Bell. 8vo. ib. 1823 See Life, vol. v. p. 288. Translations from the German, and Original Poems. 8vo. . . t5. 1824 Hernani, or the Honour of a Castilian, a Tragedy. From the French of Victor Hugo. 8vo. ......... ib. 1830 Burns's (Robert) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. First edition, illustrated with plates ; with additional Poems from neicspapers, <5'C. and one of Burns's autograph E.xcise Reports. Svo. ....... Kilmarnock, 1786 The Same, second edition. Svo. . . . . Ed in. 1787 Works. With Account of his Life, &c. by Dr. Currie. 4 vols. 8vo. Lirerp. 1800 See Pr.osE Works, vol. vii. pp. 25o-G. • Reliques; collected andpublishedbyR.H.Cromek, (vol. 5of the Works.) Svo. Lond.lSOS See Review of these in Prose Works, vol. xvii. p. 242. Lockhart's (J. G.) Life of Burns. Svo. .... Edin. \8^8 See Life, vol. i. pp. 13G-138 ; vol vii. pp. 147, 148. Storer and Greig's Views in North Britain, illustrative of Burns's Works. Svo. hand. 1805 Cromek's (R. H.) Select Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern ; with Critical Observations and Biographical Notices, by Robert Bums. 2 vols. cr. St'o. . . . ib.\S\0 Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, &c. Svo. . . . ib.lSlO 199 Pkess S. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. Graliam's (Mrs. Maria, now Lady Callcott,) Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin. 8vo. ib. 1820 TaniiahiU's (Robert) Poems and Songs, chiefly in tlie Scottish Dialect. With Notice of the Author's Life, &c. Scl edit. 8co. ...... 26.1815 Hogg's (James, the Ettrick Shepherd,) Scottish Pastorals, Poems, Songs, &c. mostly \^Titten in the Dialect of the South. Svo. ...... ?i. 1801 Mountain Bard, consisting of Ballads and Songs, &c. Svo. . . il/. 1807 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 11 ; vol. vi. note 2 T, p. 259 ; vol. vii. pp. 87, 153. Queen's Wake, a Legendary Poem. 5th edit, royal 8vo. . . tA. 1819 See Life, vol. iii. p. 99. Pilgrims of the Sun, a Poem. 8m. . ■ . . .26.1815 Mador of the Moor, a Poem. 8oo. ..... ib. 18lCy RoyalJuhilee, a Scottish Mask. ro//cd Svo. .... «6. 1822 Mountain Bard, &c. Sd edition, greatly enlarged. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author's Life, written by himself. 12mo. .... 26.1821 Cunningham's (Allan) Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry. 2 vols. sm. Svo. ib. 1822 Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, a Dramatic Poem ; the Mermaid of Galloway, &c. &c. 2d edit. Svo. ........ »6. 1822 See Life, vol. v. p. 59. Milman's (Rev. Henry Hart) Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem. Svo. . ib. 1820 Martyr of Antioch, a Dramatic Poem. Svo. .... 26.1822 Belshazzar, a Dramatic Poem. Svo. . ■ ■ . . ib. 1822 SHELF VI. Laurence's (Dr. French) Rolliad, in two parts. Probationary Odes for the Laureatship, and Political Miscellanies, &c. Revised, corrected, and enlarged, by the original authors. 8bo. ib. 1795 Westall's (Richard, R.A.) Day in Spring, and other Poems. {With MS. Letter from the Author to Sir W. S.) Svo. . . ■ ■ . ■ ib. 1808 Bowles's (Rev. W. Lisle) Grave of the Last Saxon, &c. a Poem. Svo. . ib. 1822 Sharpe's (Charles Kirkpatrick) Metrical Legends, and other Poems. Svo. Oxford, 1807 See Life, vol. ii. p. 137 ; vol. vi. p. 126. Schlegel's (Fred.) Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. From the German. 2 vols. 8»o. ...... Edin. 1818 (Auf. William) Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. From the German. By John Black. 2 vols. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1815 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 243, &c. White's (Henry Kirke) Remains. With an Account of his Life, by Robert Southey. 5th edit. 2 vols. 8w. ....... 26. 1811 200 SMves G, 7. POETRY, AND BELLES-LETTRES. Press S. . ib. 1820 . ib. 1822 . ib. 1824 r. Esq , and . ib. 1824 . ib. 1823 . ib. 1811 . ib. 1812 . ib. 1819 . ib. 1819 Dana's (R. H.) Idle Man. Vol. 1. 8ro. . . . New York, 1821-2 Irving's (Washington) History of New York, &c. By Dicdrick Knickerbocker, new edit. 8vo. See Life, vol. iv. p. 88. Lond. 1820 Sketch Book, by Geoffrey Crayon, (vol. 1. Sd edit.) 2 vols. Svo. Bracebridgo Hall, or the Humourists, by Geoffrey Crayon. 2 vols. 8oo. Tales of a Traveller. 2 vols. Svo. .... Salmagundi ; or the Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, others, &c. new edit. cr. Svo. ..... Peers's (Charles) Siege of Jerusalem, a Poem. Svo. Spencer's (W. R.) Poems. Svo. See Life, vol. vi. p. 373. Wilson's (Professor John) Isle of Palms, and other Poems. Svo. Busk's (Hans) Banquet, in 3 Cantos. The Dessert and the Tea. Svo. Vestriad, a Poem. Svo. ..... Scott's (Eliz.) Specimens of British Poetry, from Authors of high celebrity, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1823 Duncan, (Dr. Andrew, senr.) Elogiorum Sepulchralium Edinensimn Delectus. Monumental Inscriptions selected from Burial-Groimds at Edinburgh. Svo. . . ib. 1815 Browne (Isaaci Hawkins) De Animi Immortalitate, Poema. edit. 4ta. Svo. Lond. 1811 Bland's (Rev. Robert) Four Slaves of Cythera, a Romance, in 10 Cantos. Svo. ib. 1809 Religio Clerici, a Churchman's Epistle. 2d edit. Svo. . . . ei. 1818 Young's (Professor John) Criticism on the Elegy written in a Country Church- Yard. Being a Continuation of Dr. Johnson's Criticism on the Poems of Gray. 2d edit. Svo. Edin. 1810 Hemans's (Felicia) Modem Greece, a Poem. Svo. . . . Lond. 1817 Sceptic, a Poem. Svo. . . . . . . . ib. 1820 D'Israeli's (I.) Curiosities of Literature. 6tk edit. 3 vols. 8«>o. . . 25.1817 Second Series. 3 vols. Svo. . . . . . . ib. 1823 SHELF VIL Seward's (William) Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, chiefly of the last and two preceding Centuries. 5th edit. 4 vols. 8 bo. ...... 2^.1804 Goldsmith's (Dr. 0.) Life of Richard Nash, Esq. late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath, &c. 8m. . . . . . . . . . ?■*. 1762 Herbert's (Lord Edward, of Cherbury,) Life ; written by himself. With prefatory Memoir. 8»o. ........ Edin. 1809 See Introduction to Fortunes of Nigel ; Poetical Works, vol. iii. pp. 77, 81 ; vol. vii. p. 241 ; Pbcse Works, vol. vi. pp. 117, 122, &c. Anderson's (Dr. Robert) Life of Dr. Smollett, &c. Uh edit. Svo. . . ib. 1803 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 117, &c. Hill's (Rev. Dr. John) Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Hugh Blair. Svo. ib. 1807 Footc'? (Samuel) Dramatic Works. 2 vols. Svo. .... ib. 201 2C Press S. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 7, 8. Price's (Sir Uvedale) Essays on the Picturesque, as compared with the Sublime and Beautiful, &c. 3 vols. 8co. ....... Edin. 1810 Seward's (Anna) Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin. 8vo. . . . «6. 1804 Edgeworth's (Richard Lovell) Memoirs; begun by himself, and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edgeworth. 3 vols. 8vo. ...... ib. 1820 Stothard's (Mrs.) Memoirs of Charles Alfred Stothard ; including Original Journals, &c. With corrected Notices of his Life, &c. Svo. ..... ib. 1S2S M'Donald's (Rev. And.) Miscellaneous Works ; including the Tragedy of Vimonda, and his productions signed Matthew Bramble. Svo. ..... ib. 1820 See Life, vol. i. pp. 46, 205. Hoyland's (John) Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and present State of the Gypsies, designed to trace their origin, and improve their condition. Svo. . York, 1816 See Notes to O'ltt/ Mannering. Sayers's (Dr. Frank) Poems ; containing Dramatic Sketches of Northern Mythology, &c. Svo. Norfolk Press, 1792 1h.e 9axae, fourth edition. With MS. Letter from the Author. Svo. Norwich, 1807 Disquisitions, Metaphysical, Literary, Antiquarian, and Historical. 2d edit. Svo. ib. 1807 Colton's (Rev. C. C.) Lacon, or. Many Things in Few Words. 4//; edit. Svo. Lond. 1810 Fovargue's (Stephen) New Catalogue of Vulgar Errors. Svo. . . Camb. 1 767 Jloore's (Thomas) Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan. 2d edit. 2 vols. Svo. ........ Lond. 1825 See Life, vol. vi. pp. 189-90. Porchester's (Lord, now Ear! of Carnarvon,) The Moor, a Poem. Svo. . . ib. 1825 Plans for the Government and liberal Instruction of Boys in large numbers, drawn from ex- perience. Svo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1822 vDun lap's (William) Memoirs of the Life of George Frederick Cooke. 2 vols. Svo. ib. 1813 Boaden's (Jas.) Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esq. &c. 2 vols. Svo. ib. 1825 Reynolds's (Frederick) Life and Times; written by himself. 2 vols. Svo. . ib. 1826 SHELF VIII. Seward's (Anna) Poetical Works ; with Extracts from her literary Correspondence. With a biographical Preface by Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols, juo^^ Swo. . . Edin. 1810 Letters, written between the years 1781 and 1807, bequeathed to, and published by Mr. A. Constable. 6 vols. j»os« 8»o. . . . . . . ib. 1811 See Life, vol. ii. pp. 328-9. Wortley Montagu's (Lady Mary) Works, &c. Published from her genuine papers, by" the Rev. James Dallaway. 6th edit. 5 yols,. cr. Svo. . . . . ib.lS17 Original Letters to Sir James and Lady Frances Stewart, &c. Svo. Greenock, 1818 Mackenzie's (Henry) Works. 8 vols. j»os« 8 uo. . . . Edin. 1808 See Prose Works, vol. iv. pp. 1-19 ; Life, vol. vi. pp. 147-8 ; vol. vii. p. 257. 202 Shelves 8, 9, 10. LETTERS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, &c. Phess S. Montagu's (Mrs. Elizabeth) Letters ; with some of the Letters of her Correspontlents. Pub- hshed by her nephew, Matthew Montagu. Parti. 2 vols. cr. 8»o. . Xowrf. 1800 Montgomery's (James) Prison Amusements, and other Trifles, &c. by Paul Positive, sm. 8»w. Land, and Sheffield, 1797 Richardson's (Sam.) Correspondence ; selected from tlie original MSS. &c. With a Biogra- phical Memoir, and Obs. on his Writings, by Mrs. Barbaidd. G vols. sm. 8co. Lond. 1804 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 3. Granger's (Rev. James) Correspondence, &c. with the most eminent Literary Men of his time, &c. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1805 SHELF IX. Brydges's (Sir Egcrton) Censura Literaria ; containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of OJd Englisli Books ; with Original Disquisitions, Articles of Biography, and other Literary An- tiquities. 10 vols. 8w. ...... ih. 1805-9 Lyttelton's (Geo. Lord) Works ; formerly printed separately, and now first collected together, &c. Published by G. E. Ayscough, Esq. 3d edit. 3 vols. 8 «o. . . ib. 1776 Coryat's (Tom) Crudities; reprinted from the edition of 1611. To which are added, his Letters from India, &c. 3 vols. 8fo. ..... ib. 1776 Dryden's (John) Miscellany Poems ; containing variety of new Translations of the Ancient Poets. Together with several original Poems, by the most eminent liands. 5 parts, bound in 4 vols. Svo. . . . . . . . ib. 1693-1704 Chesterfield's (Philip, Earl of) Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Published by Mrs. Eug. Stanhope. 5th edit. 4 vols. 8 »o. . . . . .25.1774 Beloe's (Rev. William) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, vols. 1-4, Svo. ib. 1807-10 SHELF X. Milboiune's (Rev. Luke) Notes on Dryden's Virgil, in a Letter to a Friend, or. Svo. ib. 1698 See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 337-340. Lucian's Works. Translated from the Greek by several eminent hands, (W"alter Moyle, Sir H. Shere, &c.) With the Life of Lucian, &c. by John Dryden. 4 vols. Sm. ib. 171 1 See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 343. by Dr. Thomas Francklin, &c. 4 vols. Soo. , . . . ib. 1781 Quevedo's (Don Francisco de) Works. Translated from the Spanish. (With his Life.) 3 vols. Svo. ....... Edin. 1798 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 72. Wharton's (Richard, M.P.) Fables ; consisting of Select Parts of Dante, Berni, Chaucer, and Ariosto. 2 vols. Sm. . . . . . . Lond. 1804 Burke's (Edmund) Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Subhme and Beautifid. -neto edit. Svo. . . . . . . . ib. 1787 Asylum for Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, &c. new edit. 4: vols. sm. Svo. 8^.1785-1793 203 Press T. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \. Pohvhele's (Rev. Richard) Historical Views of Devonshire, sm. Uo, . Exeier, 1793 Idyllia ; Epigrams and Fragments of Theocritus, Bion and Mosclms, and Elegies of Tyrtacus, translated from the Greek, &c. new edit. 2 vols. 800. . Bat/i, 1792 — — Influence of Local Attachment with respect to Home, a Poem. Sd edit. Truro, 1810. — The same, first edit. Lond. \796. — The Old English Gentleman, a Poem. 25.1797. Suo. Grecian Prospects, a Poem. Lond. 1799. — The Unsex'd Females, a Poem. 25.1798. — Sketches in Verse, with Prose Illustrations, ib. 1796. cr. 8vo. Essays on Marriage, Adulter)', and Divorce, &c. &c. 12>wo. . Lond. 'i 823 Poems. 3vols. 12mo. . . . . . . .26.1806 Sermons. 2 vols, in 1. 8»o. ...... 26.1813 Fugitive Pieces on various Subjects, by several Authors. (Containing 15 pieces.) 3d edit. 2 vols. c>-. 8w. ...... ib. Dodskt/, 1771 Davis's (W.) Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anecdotes, &c. new edit. 12mo. 26.1817 See Prose Works, vol. iii, p. 284, &c. and p. 489. Bibliosojihia; or Book Wisdom, &c. by an Aspirant. — The Twelve Labours of an Editor, &c. fc. 8»o. ......... 26. 1810 Brydges's (Sir Egerton) Ruminator : a Series of Moral, Critical, and Sentimental Essays. 2vols. 12?«o. ........ 26.1813 Bertram, a Poetical Tale. 2d edit. \2mo. . . . .26.1816 PRESS T. r HISTORICAL WOEKS IN ENGLISH. SHELF L Gibbon's (Edward) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, new edit. 12 vols. 8vo. . . . ■ . . . Lond. 1802 Robertson's (Rev. Dr. William) History of the Emperor Charles V. 8t/t edit. 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1796 History of America. 3d edit. 3 vols. 8»o. . . . .26.1786 Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) History of France under the Kings of the Race of Valois, &c. (1861-1574.) 3d edit. 2 vols. 800. ..... 26.1807 See Notes to Quentin Durward. History of France, from the Accession of Henry III. in 15 74, to the Death of Henry IV. in 1610. 2d edit. 6 vols. 8»o. ...... 26. 1814 Beckmann's (John) History of Inventions and Discoveries. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1797 Jamieson's (Rev. Dr. John) Hermes Scythicus : or the Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic, &e. 8vo. .... Edin. \8\'i 204 Shelves 1, 2, 3. HISTORICAL WORKS. Press T. Murray's (Hugh) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, &c. Including the Substance of Dr. Leyden's Work, &c. 2d edit. 2 vols. 8bo. . Edin. 18\H Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, &c. 2 vols. Sno. . ib. 1820 SHELVES II. Sf III. Woodhouselee's (A. F. Tytler, Lord) Plan and Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Universal History, &c. Sco. .... . . . . ib. 1782 Whiston's (William) Vindication of the Sibylline Oracles. To which arc added, the Oracles themselves, Greek and English, with notes, sm. Sao. . . Land. 1715 An Universal History, from the Earliest Accounts to the present time. Compiled from origi- nal Authors. Illustrated with Charts, Maps, Notes, &c. new edit. The Ancient Part in 18 vols, the Modern Part in 42 vols. CO vols. 9vo. . . . ib. 1779, et seq. Ancient. (Vol. 1-18.) Vol. 6'. Greece. Argives. 1. From Creation to the Flood. G. Sale. Thessalians. From Deluge to Birth of Abram. Eleans, and inferior States. Egypt to Alexander the Great. Sicily. Moabites. Crete. Ammonites. 7. Samos. Slidianites. Captain Rhodes, &c. Edomites. Shelvocke Macedonians. | 8 i Amalekites. Canaanites. Egypt, from Ptolemy Soter to Romai Philistines. Subjugation. Ancient Syrians. J Syrian Seleucidae. 2. Phenicians. Armenia. Jews to Destniction of Jerusalem. Pontus. 3. Assyrians. BabyloniEms. Geo. Psal- manazaar. 9. Cappadocians. Pergamus. Thrace. Phrygians. Epirus. Trojans. Bithynians. 4. Modes. \ Colchis. Persians. Iberia. Scythians. Albania. Gomerians. Mysians. Dr. John Campbell. Bosphorus. !Medea. Lycians. Bactria. Lydians. Edessa. Ancient Silicia. ^ Emesa. S. Greece. Fab. and Heroic Times. Adioliene. . Athenians. Characenc. Spartans. El.\-mais. 6 Thebans. Comagene. Arcadians. Chalcidene. Corinthians. - Parthian.s. 20i Pkess T. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 2, 3. Vol. 9. Peraiaas. Ancient Italy. Romans, from Romulus to removal \ „ I Arch. to Byzantium. > I Bower 10,11,1-2,13,14. ' U, 1.5. Eastern and Western Empire, to taking of Constantinople. Dr. J. Campbell. Carthaginians. 16. Rev. John Swinton. ; G. Psalmanazaar. Numidians. Mauiitanians. Gaetulians. Melano-Gaetnlians. lAbjans. Ethiopians. Arabs to Mohammed. Nice and Trapezond. Ancient Spain, Ancient Gaul. 1 7. Ancient Germany. Ancient Britain. Ancient Northern Nations. Ancient Italy. Ostrogoths. Exarchs of Ravenna. Lombards. 18. Turks. Tartars. Moguls. ^1 Rev. J. Swinton, Indians, i Chinese, j Ancient Cosmogony. Etruscans. General Index. ALjdern. (Edited by Dr. Smollett.) Vol. 19 to 60. Vol. 1. Life of Mohammed. Arabs. Vol. 5. Karazm. Hindustan. 6. India, Hither Peninsula. India, Farther Peninsula. 7. Eastern Tartars. China. Turks. Seljukians. Arabs. I , „ „ . , j- to taking of Constantmople. ( Moguls, and > From Jenghis Khan to Tartars. 1 Sultan Babr. Persia, to Nadir Shah. Ormuz. Turkmans and Usbecks. 8, 9. European Commerce, and Settlements in East Indies. Othman Empire, to the i 10. Peace of Carlowitz. S Jewish Dispersion, y 11 i Africa. Modem Egypt. African Islands. I 1-2. Abyssinia. Zanguebai. Southern Africa. 13. Western Africa. Congo. Angola. Loango. Ansiko, &c. Benin. Gold Coast. I U I Ivory Coast. Grain Coast. Sierra Leone. Interior of Africa. Barbary. Morocco. Algiers. 1 IS i Tunis. TripoU. Barca. Malta. Knights of Rhodes. Knights of Malta. 16-18. Spain. Portugal. ) 1 19 / Navarre. I 20, 21. France, to Louis XIV. 206 Shelves 1, 2. ENGLISH DRAMA, &c. Phess V. Vol. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Italj', to end of IGth Centuiv. Venice, to Peace of Carlowitz. Naples, to Charles VI. Genoa. German Empire, to Peace of Rastadt. United Provinces, to Peace of Eysivick. Denmark, to Frederic IV. Sweden, to Charles XII. Poland, to 1715. Prussia. Russia, to Peter the Great. Modern German Empire. Switzerland. Austria. Hungary. Bohemia. See Prose WoRt Vol. 32. German Electorates. 33. Mecklenburgh. Tuscany. Milan. \ 34 / Savoy. America, — Mexico. Peru. Chili. 35, 36. European Settlements. West India Islands. 37, 38. Conclusions of different Histories, • Africa, Europe, America. 39, 40. England, to Peace of Paris, 1762. 41. Scotland, to the Union, 1707. 42. Ireland, to 1691. s, vol. iii. p. 152. PRESS V. ENGLISH DRAMA; THEATRICAL HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. SHELF I. Killigrew's (Thomas) Plays, /ol. imperfect. .... Lond. 1663-4 Newcastle's (Duchess of) Plays never before printed, fol. . . . «A. 1668 Philosophical Letters : or Modest Reflections upon some opinions in^Natural Philosophy, &c. /o/. . . . . . . . . . ih. 1664. Gibber's (CoUey) Apology for his Life ; written by himself. With an historical View of the Stage during his own time. 4. 1625 Chapman's (George) Conspiracie and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshall of France. In two playes, &c. 4-to. first edit. . . . . . . ik 1 COS Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his Measure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming the Shrew, King John, Henry IV. and V., and King Lear. Edited by J. Nichols. 2 vols. cr. 8»o. ... ..... ib. i7~d Hawkins's (Thomas) Origin of the English Drama, illustrated in its various species, viz. Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy, by specimens from our earliest writers, with ex- planatory notes. 3 vols, en 8 »o. ..... Oxford, 1773 Langbaine's (Gerard) Account of the English Dramatic Poets, &c. a: 8vo. . ib. lGi)l Carlell's (Ludowick) Two New Playes, viz. The Fool would bo a Favourite, &c. and Osmond, the Great Turk, &c. s?ii. 8vo. ..... Land. 1G57 Plays. 1 vol. 12mo. containing, 1. Baron's (Robert) IMirza, a Tragedy. • • . . . «'6. '3. Howard (Sir Robert) and Dr)'den's (John) Indian Queen, a Tragedy. . . ti. 173.5 3. Otway's (Thomas) Don Carlos, a Tragedy. .... t6. 1734 4. Owen's (Robert) Hypennnestra, a Tragedy. . . . . t6. 1 722 Howard's (Sir Robert) Poems, sjn. 8vo. . . . . . ib. ICGO Daniel's (Samuel) Dramatic Works ; (bein^i that portion of the collected edition of his Works ; for the other portion, see jy. 160.) sm. Mo. ..... ib. \623 Old Plays. 1 vol. sm. ito. containing, 1. Tomkis's ( ) Albumazar, a Comedy. . . . . »4. 1615 2. Marston's (John) Dutch Courtezan. ■ . . . . ib. 3. Jones (John) Adrasta, a Tragi-Comedy. ■ . . . . ib. 1635 4. Webster's (John) White Devil, &c. {Duplicate. See p. 214.) wants title. . [ti. 1631] 5. Heywood's (Thomas) Royall King, &c. {Duplicate. ib.) . . ib, 1637 6. Chettle's (Henry) Tragedy of Hotl'man. (Duplicate. ib.) , . iJ. 1631 Old Plays. 1 vol. sm. ito. containing, 1. Machin's (Lewis) Dumb Knight, a Comedy. ■ ■ ■ . ib, 1633 2. Shirley's (James) Humourous Courtier, a Comedy. (D«;j&«fc, p. 213.) . t6. 1640 215 Press V. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 1. Old Plays. I vol. sm. 4to. coutaining, 1. Rawlins's (Thomas) The Rebellion, &c. (Duplicate. See p. 214.) . . Lonil. 1640 2. Randolph's (Thomas) Aristippus, or the Jovial Philosopher; and the Conceited Pedlar. i/>. 1631 a. Cough's (J.) Strange Discoveries, a Tragi-Comedy. u-ants title. . . [ib. 1640] 4. Nabbes's (Thomas) Microcosmus. wants title. .... [ii. 1637] Plays and Pamphlets. 1 vol. 8»o. containing, 1. Gay's (John) Beggars' Opera ; with the Music. .... it. 1728 See Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 374-5. 2. Momus tum'd Fabulist, &c. an Opera. . . . . . ih. 1729 3. Art of Politicks, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. . . . *. 1729 4. Jack the Gyant- Killer, a Comi-Tragical Farce. .... ih. 1730 5. Copy of a Letter, &c. by one of the Quakers, chosen Over.seers and Elders, &c. . Hk 1730 Plays. I vol. 8bo. containing, 1. Banks's (John) Earl of Essex, a Tragedy. . . . .■ a. 1709 2. Gibber's (CoUey) Non-Juror, a Comedy. . . . . ih. 1718 3. Mitchell's ( ) Highland Fair, or Union of the Clans, an Opera. . . ib. 1731 Banks's (John) Virtue Betrayed, or Anna Bullen. bth edit. — Unfortunate Favourite, or Earl of Essex. — Tragedies. 1 Imo. . . . . . . ih.\ 735 Sedley's (Sir Charles) Works in Prose and Verse, &c. With Memoirs of his Life. Edited by Samuel Briscoe. 2 vols. cr. 8m. . . . . . . ib. 1776 Sheridan's (R. B.) Four Plays ; the School for Scandal ; the Rivals ; the Duenna ; the Critic. cr. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . ib. See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 379. Old Plays, bound singly. Kyd's (Thomas) Spanish Tragedie. sm. Uo. {u'unts title.) . . . ib. 1603 Tragedy of Solimon and Perseda. 1599. sm. 4to. reprint. Chapman's (George) May Day, a Witty Comedie, &c. sm. ito. . . ?'i. 1611 Heywood's (Thomas) Downfall of Robert Earle of Huntlington, afterwards called Robin Hood. B. L. 4:to. . . . . ■ . . ib. 1601 Love's Mistresse, or the Queene's Masque. 2d impression, sm. 4to. . ib. 1 640 Dekker's (Thomas) If this be not a Good Play, the Divel is in it. ito. . . ji. 1612 Holyday's (Barten) 'Viyyoyafiia, or the Marriages of the Arts, a Comedy. 4to. ib. 1618 Smitli's (W.) Hector of Germany, or the Palsgrave^ Prime Elector, a New Pla}', &c. sm. 4to. ib. 1615 Lodge (Thos.) and Green's (Robt.) Looking-Glasse for London and England, sm. 4•«/ or early editions, in ito. bound in boards. 2 vols. Dryden (John) Sixteen Plays by, (out of the 27 ^vritten by him) with the following Plays, &c. in addition. 2 vols. 1. Of Dramatic Poesie, an Essay. ...... [1668] 2. Vindication of the Duke of Guise, &e. ..... 1683 3. The Slistaken Husband, a Comedie, (of which D. is said to have written one Scene.) . 1675 4. Fletcher's Pilgrim, with alterations and additions b}' Dryden, rt« /ns< q/'iw !corfs. . 1700 5. Dryden, jun.'s (John) Husband his own Cuckold, a Comedy ; with Preface by Dryden. 1696 6. Duifett's (T.) The Mock Tempest, or the Enchanted Castle. . . . 1675 Shadwell, (Thomas) Sixteen Tragedies and Comedies by. See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 222-37. Lee, (Nathaniel) Ten Tragedies by, Etherege, (Sir George) Three Comedies by, Buckingham, (George Villiers, Duke of) Two Plays by, aiotteux, (P.) Three Plays by, Ravenscroft, (Edward) Fii;e Comedies and One Tragedy b)'. See Prcsb Works, vol. i. pp. 136-39. Howard's (Hon. Edward, James, and Sir Robert) Six Plays by, Hopkins, (Charles) Three Tragedies by. Banks, (John) Fotir Tragedies by, Tate, (Nahum) Fire Tragedies by. Settle, (Elkanah) Six Plays by. See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 159-65, and 230-37. Southerne (Thomas) Seven Plays by, .... 218 ib. 1668-1704 ib. 1675-1708 ib. 1676-97 ib. 1672-92 (•*. 1696-1705 ib. 1672-98 ib. 1668-1710 ib. 1695-1700 ib. 1677-94 ib. 1678-1707 ib. 1673-94 ib. 1682-1700 Shelves 9, 10. ENGLISH DRAMA, Press V. CroTvnc, (Jolin) Nine Plays by, ... See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 165-0'. Rowe, (Nicholas) Six Plays by, ... See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. D' Urfey, (Thomas) Fourteen Plays by^ Behn, (Mrs. Aphra) Ten Plays by, Dennis, (John) Six Plays by, Johnson, (Charles) Six Plays by. Trotter, (Mrs.) Four Plays by, Taverner, (William) Two Comedies by, Sedley, (Sir Charles) Three Plaj's by, Powell, (George) Four Plaj's by, Burnab}', (Charles) Four Plays by, Gildon, (Charles) Four Plays by, Shad\^•ell, (Charles) Ttco Comedies by, Theobald, (Lewis) Two Tragedies by. Twenty Old Plays, by anonymous Authors. In 2 vols, containing, Vol. I. 1 . The Muse of Newmarket, &c. ; being 3 Farces, viz. : 2. The Merry IMilkmaid of Islington. 3. Love Lost in the Dark, &c. 4. The Politick Whore, &c. . .5. Tlie Rampant Alderman, a Farce. (3. Piso's Conspiracy, a Tragedy. 7. Romulus and Hersilia, a Tragedy. 8. The Tragedy of King Saul. 9. Siege and Surrender of Mons, a Tragi-Comedy. 10. Triumphs of Virtue, a Tragi-Comedy. 1 1. Win Her and take Her, a Comedy. II. 12. Wits led by the Nose, &c. a Tragi-Comedy. 13. The Apparition, a Comedy, (by W. Chamberlaine.). 14. Cinna's Conspiracy, a Tragedy. 15. The Different Widows, &c. a Comedy. 16. The Faithful General, a Tragedy. 1 7. The Fashionable Lover, &c. a Comedy. 18. The Fatal Divorce, a Tragedy. 19. Feign'd Friendship, a Comedy. 20. Injur'd Love, or the Lady's Satisfaction, a Comedy. ( ? by N. Tate.) Lond. 1679-94 lb. 1702-15 ib. 1676-96 ib. 1671-98 ib. 1699-1704. ib. 1702-13 ib. 1698-1706 ib. 1713, &e ib. 1688-87 ib. 1691-96 ih. 1700-3 ib. 1698-1700 ib. 1710-13 ib. 1715-17 ii;80 1C85 1676 1683 1703 1691 1697 1691 1678 1714 1713 no date. 1706 1706 wants title. no date. no date. SHELF X. Otway's (Thomas) Ten Plays, original editions, including both first and second of " Don Carlos," and the Play of " Heroick Friendship," 1719, attributed, but falsely, to him. 1 vol. ito. ........ . 1673-1719 Vanbrugh's (Sir John) J'? oe Plays, far/ye(//ft'ow«. 1 vol. 4to. . . . 1702-9 219 Press V. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. .S7,e^l0. Collection of Old Plays, (78,) many of tbcm publislied anonjTnously according to the Autbors' names. 7 vols. 4?o. Vol. I. (A. B.) 1. Addison's (.Joseph) Cato, Tragedy. 2. Arrowsmith's ( ) Eeformation, Comedy. 3. BaUey's (Ab.) Spightful .Sister, Comedy. 4. Baker's (Thomas) Fine Lady's Airs, Comedy. 5. Bancroft's (John) Henry II. King of England, Tragedy. 6. Bladen's (Captain M.) Solon, Tragi-Comedy. 7. Brady's (Dr.) Rape, Tragedy. 8. Breval's ( ) Play is the Plot, Comedy. 9. Bullock's (Christ.) Woman is a Riddle, Comedy. II. (C. D.) 10. Carj-l's (J.) English Princess, Tragedy. 11. Sir Salomon, Comedy. (Moliere's Ecole des Femmes.) 1 2. Corey's (John) Cure for Jealousy, Comedy. 13. Metamorphosis, Comedy. 1 4. Cotton's (Charles) Horace, (from Corneille,) Tragedy. 15. Craufurd's (David) Courtship a la Mode, Comedy. 16. Dancer's (J.) Nicomede, Tragi-Comedy, (from Corneille.) With to this date, at tlie end. 17. Agrippa, Tragedy, (from Quinault.) 1 8. Davenant's (Charles) Circe, a Tragedy. 19. Dilke's (Thomas) Lover's Luck, Comedy. . 20. Dogget's (Thomas) Country Wake, Comedy. III. (E-G.) 21. Estcoui-t's (Richard) Fair Example, Comedy. 22. Fane's (Sir F.) Love in the Dark, Comedy. 23. Sacrifice, Tragedy. '2d edit. 24. Filmer's (Dr. E.) Unnatural Brother, Tragedy. 25. Gay's (John) Wife of Bath, Comedy. 26. Goring's (Charles) Irene, Tragedy. 27. Gould's (Robert) Rival Sisters, Tragedy. 28. Granville's (George Lord Lansdoune) She-Gallants, Comedy. 29. Heroick Love, Tragedy. IV. (H. J.) 30. Harris's (Joseph) City Bride, Comedy. 31. Hemming's (W.) Eunuch, Tragedy. 32. Hill's (Aaron) Elfrid, Tragedy, and Walking Statue, a Farce, 33. Fatal Vision, Tragedy. 34. Higden's (Henry) Wary Widow, Comedy. 35. Higgons's (Bevill) Generous Conqueror, Tragedy. 36. Horden's (H.) Neglected Virtue, Play. 37. Jevon's (Thomas) Devil of a Wife, Farce. 38. Johnson's (Samuel) Hiurlothrumbo, Farce. 39. Joyner's (William) Roman Empress, Tragedy. V. (L-N.) 40. Lacy's (John) Sauny the Scot, Comedy. 4 1 . Old Troop, or Mons. Raggou, Comedy. See Poetical Works, vol. ix. pp. 135, 18G ; Note to FFoodstock. 42. Leanard's (John) Counterfeits, Comedy. 43. Manley's (Mrs.) Lucius, Tragedy. 220 Arranged alphabetically List of 1713 1673 1667 [1709] 1693 1705 1692 1718 1717 1667 1671 1701 1704 1G71 1700 Ejifflish Plays, 1671 1675 1677 1696 [1696] 1706 1675 1687 1697 1713 1708 1696 1696 1698 1696 1687 [1710] 1716 1693 1702 1696 1695 1729 1671 1708 1672 [1679] 1717 Shelf \Q. ENGLISH DRAMA. Press V. Vol. v. (L-N.) 44. Manning's (Fr.) Generous Choice, Comedy. . .1700 45. Medbourne's (M.) TartufFe, &c. Comedy (from JMoliere.) . 1707 46. Moore's (Sir T.) Maugora, Tragedy. .... 17ia 47. Mountfort's (AV.) Injured Lovers, Tragedy. . . . 1G88 48. Female Wits, Comedy. . . . . . 1704 49. Newcastle's (Duke of) Triumphant Widow, Comedy. . . 1677 .50. Humorous Lovers, Comedy. .... 1677 51. Norton's ( ) Pausanias, Tragedy. .... 1696 VI. (0-R.) 52. Oldmixon's (J.) Governor of Cyprus, Tragedy. . . . 1703 53. Orrery's (Earl of) As you find it, Comedy. . . . 1703 54. Payne's (Nevil) Fatal Jealousie, Tragedy. . . . 1673 55. Siege of Constantinople, Tragedy. .... 1675 56. Pordage's (Samuel) Siege of Babylon, Tragedy. . . . 1678 57. Porter's (T.) Villain, Tragedy. . . . . . 1694 58. Rawlins's (T.) Tom Essence, Comedy. .... 1677 59. Rhodes's (R.) Flora's Vagaries, Comedy. . . . 1670 60. Rivers's ( ) Traytor, Tragedy. .... 1692 61. Rochester's (Earl of) Valentinian, Tragedy. . . . 1685 62. Rymer's (T.) Edgar, Tragedy. ..... 1687 VII. (S-W.) 63. St. Serfe's (Thomas) Tarugo's Wiles, Comedy. . . . 1668 64. Scott's (Thomas) Mock Marriage, Comedy. . . . 1696 65. Unhappy Kindness, Comedy. .... 1697 66. Smith's (Edward) Phaedra and Hippolitus, Tragedy. . . 1709 67. Steele's (Sir Richard) Lying Lover, Comedy. . . . 1704 63. Tender Husband, Comedy. . . . . 1705 69. Swiney's (Owen) Camilla, Opera. .... 1706 70. Trapp's (J.) Abljra-Muli, Tragedy. . . . . 1704 71. Tuke's (Sir Samuel) Adventures of Five Hours, Tragi-Comedy. . 1671 72. Walker's (T.) Wit of a Woman, Comedy. . . . 1705 73. West's (Richard) Hecuba, Tragedy. .... 1726 74. Weston's (Jo.) Amazon Queen, Tragi-Comedy, . . . 1667 75. Wilkinson's (Richard) Vice Reclaimed, Comedy. . . . 1703 76. Wilson's (J.) Cheats, Comedy. Written in 1662. Mh edit. . . 1693 77. Wright's (Thomas) Female Virtuosos, Comedy. . . . 1693 78. The same. (Differing only in the title from preceding.) . 1721 Coiigreve's (William) Five Plays, original ediiioits, including two of the Double Dealer. 1 vol. ito. ......... 1693-1706 See Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 3G0-1. Wycherley's (William) Four Plays, earli/ editions, including two of the Plain Dealer. 1 vol. 4to. ........ 1683-1709 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 362. Ya.T(\vi}aax's (Geovgo) Seven V\a.ys, early editions. 1 vol. 4. 1 698 Tracts. 1 vol. Svo. contaming, 1 . Conduct of the Stage consider'd ; being a Short Historical Account of its original, progress, &c. ilt. 1721 2. The Revolution and the present Estaljlishment vindicated, &c. . . ib. 1721 3. History of Menuthia, &c. Done out of French. . . . Xottinglmm, \1\& 4. King George's Right asserted, and the Church of England vindicated, &c. 2d edit. Lond. 1717 5. Popish Cruelty displayed, &c. Designed as a caveat against the Designs of the Pretender, zj. 1718 6. Validity of Baptism by Dissenting Ministers. .... *. 171.3 7. Shaw's (Rev. Ferdinando) Judgment of the Church of England in the Point of Ordination. Hi. 171.i a Defence of Ditto. . . . . . . *. 1716 9. Apology for the Foreign Protestant Churches, having no Episcopacy, &c. With an account of the Ancient Churches of the Waldenses and Albigenses. . . . JJ. 1717 Tracts for and against the Stage. 8vo. containing, 1. Anderson's (Rev. George) Use and Abuse of Diversions, ^d edit. . . Editi. \7SS 2. Remarks upon Mr. Anderson's positions, concerning the unlawfulness of Stage Plays. ii. 1733 3. Anderson's (Rev. George) Re-inforcement of the Reasons, proving that the Stage is an Unchristian Diversion. . . • • • • • i6. 1733 Pamphlets on Foote's Minor, &c. 8bo. containing, 1. Whitefield's (Rev. George) Christian and Critical Remarks on the Minor, &c. 2rf edit. Lond. 1760 2. Letter to Mr. Foote, occasioned by the preceding. . . . . ib. 1760 3. Foote's (Samuel) Letter to the Author of Christian, &c. Remarks. . . *. 1760 4. Whitefield's (Rev. George) Letter in reply to the foregoing. . . . ib. 1760 5. Observations, good or bad, &c. on the Minor. .... i//. 1760 6. City Latin, or Critical, &c. Remarks on the Latin Inscription in laying the first stone of Blackfryars' Bridge, by the Rev. Busby Birch, LL.D. 2d edit. . . . 26.1761 Gildon's (Charles) Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent Tragedian, &c. To which is added, the Amorous Widow, &c. a Comedy, by Mr. B. 8i-o. . . ib. 1710 Egerton's (William) Memoirs of Mr.s. Aimc Oldficld, &c. 8«o. . . z'i. 1731 SHELVES III.— IX. AucTOREs Classici,Graeci et Latini. Editionesoptimae,cumnotis varioriim. 140 tom.8co. viz. Auetores Graeci. 1. iEIiani Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. Pevizonii. 2 torn. . . . L.Bat.\lf)\ 2. Appianus, Gr. et Lat. Tollii et Stephani. 2 torn. 3. Appollonius Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. Hoelzlini. 4. Arrianus de Expeditione Alexandri Magni, Gr. et Lat. Blancardi. .5. Arriani Ars Tactica, &c. Epicteti Enchiridion, &c. Gr. et Lat. Blancardi. 6. Callimachi Opera, Gr. et Lat. Spanhemii. 2 torn. St'o. 224 Amst. 1670 L. Bid. 1641 Amst. 166!! . ib. 1683 Ultraj. 1697 Shelves 3-9. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. Press W. 7. Dictys et Darea de Bello Trojano, &c. Gr. et Lat. Daceriae, &c. 8. Epicteti Enchiridium, cum Cebetis Tabula, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii. 9. Geoponica, sive de Re Rustica, Gr. et Lat. Needhami. 10. Hesiodi Opera, Gr. et Lat. Clerici. 11. Hippocratis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Vander Lindeni. 2 torn. Amst. 1702 Ddph. 1723 CantaJj. 1704 Amst. 1701 Lugd.Bat. 1C65 12. Historiae Poeticae Scriptores Antiqui ; Apollodorus ; Conon ; Ptolemaeus Hephestion ; Parthenius Nicaeensis ; Antoninus Liberalis ; Gr. et Lat. Galei. . . . Par. 1675 13. Luciani Opera, Gr. et Lat. Benedict! et Graovii. 2 torn. . . . Amst. 1687 14. Orpheus, Gr. et Lat. Gesneri. . • . . . . . iips. 1764 15. Polyaeni Stratagemata, Gr. et Lat. Maesvicii. . . . Lugd. Bat. 1690 16. Polybii Historia, Gr. et Lat. Casauboni et Gronovii. 3 torn. . . . Amst.\610 17. Quinti Calabri Praetennissa ab Homero, Gr. et Lat. De Pauw. . Lugd. Bat. 1734 i._p. 168 ; Life, vol. i. pp. i62-4. Auctores Latini. 1. Apuleius, Pricaei. See Poetical Works, vol. 2. Aulus Gellius, Gronovii. 3. Aurelius Victor, Pitisci. 4. Ausonius, Tollii. .... 5. Avianus, Cannegieteri. 6. Alexandri ab Alexandro Geniales Dies, Tiraquelli, &c. 2 torn. 7. Barclaii (Joannis) Argenis, nunc primum illustrata. 2 torn. 8. _^_ Satyricon, cum notis et clave. 9. Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae, Bertii. 10. Caesaris Commentarii, Graevii. 11. Catullus, TibuUus, et Propertius, Giaevii. 2 tom. 12. Catonis Disticha et Moribus, Amtzenii. 13. Censorinus de Die Natali ; Sulpicii Satirae, Havercampi. 14. Ciceronis Opera. 25 tom. viz. Orationes, Graevii. 3 tom. in 7. . Epistolae ad Quintum fratrem et Brutum. ad Familiares, Graevii. 2 tom. ad Atticum, GraeviL 2 tom. De Officiis, Graevii. 2 tom. , Pearcei. De Legibus, Davisii. De Divinatione et Fato, Davisii. De Finibus, Davisii. De Natura Deorum, Davisii. Academica, Davisii. Tusculanae Disputationes, Davisii. De Oratore, Pearcei. De Clavis Oratoribus, Prousti. Emesti, (J. A.) Clavis Ciceroniana. Wopkins, (Th.) Lectiones Tullianae in 1 5. ClaudianuB, Heinsii et Schrevelii. 16. Cornelius Nepos, Van Staveren. opera philosophica 225 Govdae, 1650 Lugd. Bat. 1687 Traj. ad Rh. 1696 Amst.\67\ lb. 1731 Lugd. Bat. 1673 a. 1664 *. 1674 ib. 1671 a. 1713 UltraJ. 1680 Amst. 1754 Lugd. Bat. 1767 Anist. 1699 Hag. 1725 ATTist. 1676-7 lb. 1684-7 Lugd. Bat. 1710 Land. 1745 CatUab. 1745 iS. 1730 ib. 1741 a. 1744 ib. 1736 ib. 1738 Land. 1745 Oxon. 1716 Halae, 1777 Amst. 1730 a. 1665 Lugd. Bui. 1734 2 F Press W. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. !Skelves 3-9. 1 7. Erasmi Colloquisi, Schrevelii. 18. Eutropii Hist. Romanae Breviarium, Havercampi. 19. Florus, Dukeri. 2 torn. 20. Frontini Stratagematica, Oudendorpii. 21. Historiae Augustae Scriptores Sex, Gruteri. 2 torn. 22. Horatius, Bond. 23. Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis, Oudendorpii. 24. Justinus, Gronovii. 25. Juvcnalia et Persii Satirae, Casauboni. 26. Lactantius, Gallaei. de Mortibus Persecutorum, Bauldri. 2 torn. 27. Livii Ilistoria Bomana, Gronovii. 3 torn. 28. Lucanus, Sclirevelii. 29. Lucretius de Rerum Natura, Wakefield. 4 torn. 30. Macrobius, Gronovii. 31. JIartialis Epigrammata, Schrevelii. 32. Minucius Felix, C. Cyprianus, et Julius Firmicus, Gr 33. Mythographi Latini Veteres, Munckeri. 2 torn. See Poetical Works, vol. 34. Opuscula Mythologica, Physica, et Ethica, Galei. 35. Ovidius, Cnippingii. 3 vols. 36. Pervigilium Veneris, Clerici. 37. Petronius Arbiter, Hadrianidis. 38. Phaedri Fabulae, Burmanni, 39. Plauti Comoediae, Gronovii. 2 torn. 40. Plinii Historia NaturaUs, Gronovii. 3 torn. See Poetical WoKKf , vol 41. Junioris Epistolae, Veenhusii; et Panegyricus, Baudii. 2 torn, 42. Pomponius Mela, Abr. Gronovii. 2 torn. 43. Prudentius, Weitzii. 2 torn. 44. Quintilianus, Schrevelii, et Gronovii. 2 torn. 45. Quintus Curtius, Pitisci. 2 torn. 46. Sallustius, Popmae. 47. Senecae Opera, Gronovii. 3 torn. 48. Tragoediae, Gronovii. 49. et Syri Sententiae, Gruteri. ."lO. Statius, Veenhusenii. 51. Suetonius, Pitisci. 2 torn. 52. Sulpicius Severus, Hornii. 53. Tacitus, Gronovii. 2 torn. 54. Terentii Comoediae, Casauboni. 2 torn. 55. Terentius Varro, Scaligeri, &c. 2 torn. 56. Valerius Maximus, Thysii. 57. Vegetius ; Frontinus ; ^lianus ; Modestus ; Polybius, 58. VeUeius Paterculus, Burmanni. 59. Virgilii Opera, Emmenessii. 3 torn. c. de Re Militari, Stewechi, Amst. 1693 Lugd. Bat. 1729 ih. \Ti.2 ib. 1731 ih. 1671 ib. 1720 *. 1 720 ib. 1660 Amst. 1684 Lugd. Bai. 1660 Tr.adRh. 1692 . Amst. 1678-9 Lugd. But. 1669 Glasg. 1813 Lugd. Bat. 1670 ib. 1670 *. 1709 Amst. 1681 ih. 1688 ib. 1670 Hagae, 1712 Amst. 1669 Lugd Bat. 1778 Amst. 1684 Lugd. Bat. 1669 . ib. 1669, ib. . Hanover, Lugd. Bat. Hag. Com. A msl. ib. ib. Lugd. Bat. ib. Tr. ad Rh. Amst. ib. ib. Dord. Lugd. Bat. '■ torn. Vesal. Lugd. Bat. ffj. 1675 1748 1613 1665 1708 1690 1672 1682 1727 1671 1690 1665 1685 1686 1619 1670 1670 1719 1680 The gift of Archibald Constable, Esq. ; See Life, vol. 226 . p. 328. Shelves 10, 11. TRANSLATIONS OF THE CLASSICS, &c. Press W. Brockett, (J. Trotter) Selecta NumisniaUa A urea Imperatorum Ronianorum ex Museo suo. 2tom. Sm. ........ AW. Cas?. 1822 SHELF X. Cicero's Letters to his Friends. Translated by W. Melmoth. 4 vols. 12»jo. Edin. 1808 Pliny's Letters. Translated by Melmoth. 2 vols. 12mo. . . . j6. 1807 Virgil's Works. Translated by Dryden. 6tk edit. 3 vols. 12 mo. . Land. 1730 Lucau's Pharsalia. Translated by Rowe. 2d edit. 2 vols. 12)?iO. . . zi. 1722 Suetonius's Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Translated into English. 12mci. . tJ. 1672 Terence's Comedies. Made English by L. Echard. 9th edit. llmo. . . 1741 Audria and Eunuchus. Translated by Dr. W. Gardiner. \2mo. . Ediii. 1821 Procopius's Secret History of the Court of the Emperor Justinian. 12»J0. Lond. 1674 Cicero's Familiar Epistles. Englished, and compared with the French, Italian, and other Translations, by Dr. J. Webbe. 12?no. .... ib. no date. Bourne's (Vincent) Poetical Works, &c. and Letters. 2 vols. 12mo. . Oxford, 1808 Langston's (John) Lnsus Poeticus Latino-Anglicanus : or the more Eminent Sayings of the Latin Poets, alphabetically digested, &c. Sd edit. 18mo. . . Z.o^o'. 1688 Hoppner's (John) Oriental Tales. Translated into English Verse. With double frontispiece. a: Svo. ......... ib. 1806 The Actor, a Treatise on the Art of Plapng, &c. 12wo. . . . z'i. 1750 Stevens's (G. A.) Dramatic History of Master Edward, Miss Ann, and others. With Memoirs of the Author. 12mo. ....... z5. 1786 Original Letters of Sir John FalstafF, &c. 2d edit. Dedicated to Master Samuel Irelaunde. \2mo. ......... ib. 1797 Thomson's (James) Poetical Works. With Life by Rev. John Mitford. Aldine edition. 2 vols./c. 8i-o. . . . . . . . . «i. 1830 The Elgin Literary Magazine, &c. 12mo. .... Elgin, 1H3Q Alexandri ab Alexandro Geniales Dies. 12mo. . . . Franc. 1591 Junii (Had.) Emblemata. sm. 8co. ..... Antv. 1565 Libri de Re Rustica : Catonis, Varronis, Columellae et Palladii. Ex recens. Jucundi Vero- nensis, curante Aldo Manutio. sm. 8oo. .... Venet. 1528 Balduini Calceus Antiquus et Mysticus ; Julius Nigronius de Caliga Veterum ; Excerpta ex notis Salmasii, &c. de Pallio, et Rubenii libris de Re Vestiaria, &c. observ. illust. J. F. Ni- lant. 12mo. . . . . . ■ . ■ Luc/d. Bat. 1711 Gulielmi Neubrigensis Historia Anglica, e tenebris eruta a G. Sylvio. sm. Svo. Antv. 1567 SHELF XL Juvenalis et Persii Satyrae. 2-imo. .... Edin. Freebairn, 1732 Historia Britannica, k. e. De Rebus gestis Britanniae seu Angliae, Commentarioli Tres, nunc denuo excusi, &c. 24oto. ..... Oxon. 1640 227 Press X. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 1, 3. PedantiuSj Comoedia, olim acta in Coll. Trin. Cantab. 2imo. . ■ Lond. I G31 Wishart, (Georg. Episc. Edinb.) J. G. De Rebus Caroli Regis sub imperio Jacobi Montis-ro- sarum Marchionis, &c. anno 1644, ct duobus sequentibus, gestis, Commcntarius, A.S. intorprete. edit. Ida. 2-imo. ..... A?nst. 1648 Stradae (Famiani) Eloquentia Bipartita. Pars I. : Prolusiones Academicac. Pars II. : Para- digmata Eloquentiae brevioris, &c. 2'imo. .... Goudae, IPS? De Bello Belgico Decades II. 2 torn. 24»jo. . Jtexta exemplar Romae, 1 653-8 Petronius Arbiter. Cum notis var. editio nova. 24'mo. . . Lut. Par. \601 Suetonius. Cum not. divers. 32?no. ..... Amst. 1630 Erasmi Colloquia. 24?wo. . . . . . - . ib. 1650 See Note to St. Ronan's Well. Polydori Vergilii De Inventoribus Rerum, et do Prodigiis. 24:mo. . . «i. 1671 Oweni (Joan.) Epigrammata. 24»20. . . . . - . ib. 1644 Masenii Exercitationes Oratoriae Joco-Seriae. 24mo. . . . Col. Agir. 1680 Hildebrandi, (M. F.) Compendium Geographiae Cluverianae, &c. Franc. 1 674. — Hartnacii (Dan.) Deductio contra periculosa molimina Jesuitarum. ib. 1675. 24oto. PRESS X. MISCELLANIES. PRINCIPALLY CLASSICAL AND HISTORICAL. SHELF I. P. Virgilii Maronis Georgica Hexaglotta, QText. Latin, cum v. Versionibus : Hispanica, a J. de Guzman ; Germanica, a J. H. Voss ; Anglica, a Gul. Sotheby ; Italica. a Fran. Soave ; Gallica, a Jac. Delille ; a Gulielmo Sotheby edita. fol. max. Lond. typ. Gvl. Nicol, 1827 See Life, vol. vi. p. 364. Asbburton's (Richard Barre, Lord) Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France, &c. fol. ib. 1825 Koliades (Constantin) Ulysse Homere : on Du Veritable Auteur de 1' Iliade et de 1' Odyssee. /o/. ........ . Paris, 1820 Soane's (Sir John) Designs for Public Improvements in London and Westminster. 2d im,- pression. fol. ....... Lond. 1828 SHELF III. Dionysii Halicamassensis Antiquitates, sive Origines Romanae, Sigism. Gelenio interprete. fol. Basil, 1549 Scheffer's (John) History of Lapland, wherein are shewn the Original, Manners, Habits, &c. of that People, fol. ...... Oxford, \ 61 i 228 Shelves 3, i, 5, 6, 7. CLASSICAL AND HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES. Press X. Evangelinm secundum Matthaeum, ex codice rescripto Bib. ColL Trin. Dublin. Opera et studio Jo. Barrett, S.T. P., &c. 4to. .... Dub. 1801 Bacon's (Francis, Lord) Si/lva Sylvarum : or a Natural! Historic in Ten Centuries, Curran's (W. H.) Life of the Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, Master of the Rolls in Ireland. 2 vols. 8»o. ......... ib. 1819 Historical Sketches of Politics and Public Men for 1813. 8vo. . , . ib. 181 i Granger's (Rev. James) Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revo- lution, &c. Mh edit. 4 vols. Lond. 1 804. — Noble's (Rev. Mark) Continuation of the Biographical History, &c. to the end of George I. 3 vols. ib. 1806. — 7 vols. 8vo. 1804-C See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 93. Turner's (Sharon) History of the Anglo-Saxons; comprising the History of England, from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 3d edit. 3 vols. 8 »o. . . 2^.1821 See Prose Works, vol. vii. pp. 28, 31, &c. ; Life, vol. i. p. 358. Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs of his own Time. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1815 The same, third edition, revised and corrected. 3 vols. 8™. . . j'i. 1818 Southey's (R.) Life of Wesley ; and the Rise and Progress of Methodism. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1820 Salame's (Abraham) Narrative of the Expedition to Algiers in 1816, under Lord Exmouth, &c. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . ib. 181i) Szyrma's (C. L.) Letters, literary and political, on Poland, &c. 8co. . Edin. 1823 Scoresby's (Rev. William) Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, &c. in 1822. 8vo. ......... ib. 1823 235 Press Z. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 6, 7, 8. Simond's (Louis) Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during 1810 and 1811. By a Frencli Traveller. 2 vols. 8oo. . . . . Edin. 1813 Stacl-Holstein's (Alexander de) Letters on England. 8i'o. . . Lond. 1825 Game's (Jolni) Letters from the East. ivo. . . . . . ib. 1825 Cavendish's (George) Life of Cardinal Wolsey. With Notes and other Illustrations, by S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 182.5 SHELF VII. Cayley's (Arthur) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2d edit. 2 vols. Sto. . . /i. 180G Coxe's (Rev. William) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1 800 See Life, vol, iv. p. 178. Park's (Mungo) Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa in 1795-6-7. With his subsequent Mission in 1805. 2 vols. 8 »o. ...... 24.1805 CoUins's Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical ; greatly augmented, and continued to the present time. By Sir Egerton Brydges. 9 vols. 8 »o. ei. 1812 Lyttelton's (George, Lord) History of the Life of King Henry II. and of the Age in which he lived, &c. 3d edit. 6 vols. 8fo. ...... ?i. 1769 Falle's (Philip) Caesarea : or an Account of Jersey, &c. With Morant's (Philip) Remarks on Selden's Mare Clausum. 2d edit. Svo. . . . . . ib. 1734 Ellis's (Sir Henry) Original Letters, illustrative of English History ; including numerous Roval Letters, &c. With Notes and Illustrations. 3 vols. Svo. . . . ib. 182'1- Drury, (Robert) Pleasant and Surprising Adventures of, during his 15 years' captivity in the island of Madagascar. 8eo. . . . . . . . ib. 1743 See Prose Works, vol. xxv. p. G4, note. SHELF Fill. Strype's (John) Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, new edit. 3 vols. royal Svo. ...... Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1812 Life and Acts of Matt. Parker, Abp. of Canterbury, new edit. 3 roh. royal Svo. ibid.1821 . Life and Acts of John Aylmer, Bishop of London — of Sir Thomas Smith — and Sir Jolm Cheke. new edit. 3 parts in 1 vol. royal Svo. . . . z'4. 1820-1 Life and Acts of Edmund Grindal, &c. Abp. of Canterbury, new edit, royal Svo. ib.182l Life and Acts of John Whitgift, Abp. of Canterbury, new edit. 3 vols, royal Svo. ib. 18^2 Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of it, &c. under Henry VIII. Edward VI. and Mary, new edit. 6 vols, royal Svo. . . ib. 1822 Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, &c. during Queen Elizabeth's reign, new edit. 7 \oh. royal Svo. . . . . . j'i. 1824 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 49. Wrangham's (Rev. Francis, Archdeacon) Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Dr. Thos. Zouch. Svo. 236 Shelees %, 9. ENGLISH HISTORY. Press. Z. Sharp's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Life of Dr. John Sharp, Archbishop of York, &c. Edited by tlic Rev. Thomas Newcome. 2 vols. Sro. . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 182o Bowles's (Rcv.W. L.) Life of Dr. Thos. Ken, deprived Bp. of Bath and Wells, &c. Svo. ib. 1830 Parochial History of Bremhill in the County of Wilts, &c. Svo. . . ib. 1828 Southey's (Robert) Findiciae Eccksiae Anglicanae. Letters to Charles Butler, Esq. on tlie Romish Religion, &c. Bvo. . . . . . . ib. i 820 SHELF IX. Tracts by L' Estrange and Heath. 1 vol. l2mo. containing, 1. Heath's (R.) Discourse of the National Excellencies of England. . . iS. 1C58 2. L' Estrange'9 (Sir Roger) Interest Mistaken ; or the Holy Cheat, &c. 3d impression. ib. 1B62 3. Caveat to the Cavaliers. 360-1 Skinner's (Dr. Thomas) Life of General Monk, late Duke of Albemarle. With a Preface, &:c. by W. Webster. Seo. ....... ib. \72S Dawson's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Memoirs of St. George, the English Patron ; and of the most noble Order of the Garter. 800. . . . . . . ;i. 1714 Caradoc's History of Wales, &c. formerly published in Englitih by Dr. Powell, now newlv improved and augmented by W. Wynne. 8»o. .... ib. 1607 Moyle's (Walter) Works, none of which were ever before published. 2 vols. Sro. ib. 172C Johnstone's (Walter) Letters, descriptive of Prince Edward Island, &c. 12mo. Dumfo: 1822 Life of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, &c. With a copious Appendix, &e. IVit/t MS. note. \2mo. ........ Dull 1810 Stewart's (C. S.) Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands in 182.3, 1824, and 1825, &c. ; with Introduction and Notes, by W. Ellis. 8m. . . Land. 1828 237 lb. 1727 ih. 1727 16. 1727 :4. 1727 a. 1727 iditions, and issue, &c. PHESS&. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf l- Knolls and Rycaut's Turkish Histor}', Sec. to the Peace of Carlowitz, 1699 ; abridged by Mr. Savage, and brought down to 1704. 2 vols. 800. .... ib. 1704 Ockley's (Rev. Simon) Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Egypt by the Saracens, &c. Collected from the most authentick Arabick Authors, &c. 2 vols, Svo. , . . ib. 1708 Memoirs, &c. of M. du Gue-Trouin, Chief of a Squadron in the Royal Navy of France. Written by himself, &c. Translated by George Shelvocke. 2d edit. 12mo. . Land. 174:3 Scurry, (James) Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape of, while a prisoner during 10 years in the Dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Saib. 12mo. . . . Lo7id. 1824 Loveday's (Robert) Letters, Domestick and Foreign, &c. on subjects philosophical, historical, and moral. Published by his brother, Anthony Loveday. Itk edit. ivo. . z'A. 1C84 Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. 12 wo. containing, 1. Essay on Gibing. ..... 2. Bellegarde's (Abbd) Praise of Women. Translated by S. Macky. 3. Essay on the Mischief of giving Fortunes with Women in Marriage. 4. Stviftiana ; containing Poems by Dean Swift, &c. 5. The Praise of Owls. (Translated from the Latin.) Miller's (Rev. James) Progress of the Human Mind, its objects, co 127710. ........ Edin. 182.3 Characters and Opinions ; or the Blue Book. With MS. Letter f)-om the Authoress. 8vo. ib. 1 825 Wright's (Rev. Thomas) Farewell to Time : or Last Views of Life and Prospects of Immor- tality ; including Devotional Exercises for the Sick, &c. 12mo. . Edin. 1821 See Life, vol. vii. p. 112. Story's (Rev. Robert) Peace in Believing. Memoir of Isabella Campbell of Fernicarry, Ros- neath, Dumbartonshire. 12mo. . , . . . Greenock, 1829 PRESS &. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN HISTORY, AND MISCELLANIES. SHELF I. Chronicon Nurembergense. Buch der Croniken und Geschichten. mit Figuren, &c. fol. Niirnberg, 1C93 Hickesii (Georgii) Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Criticus et Archaeologicus. 3 iom.fol. Ch. Max. ...... Oxon. 1703-5 See Poetical Works, vol. ii. p. 266. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Varii. E. Codd. MSS. nunc primum editi a Josepho Sparke. torn 1. fol. Ch. Max. ...... Lond. 1723 1. Joannis Abbat. S. Petri de Buigo Chronicon. 2. Boston, (Rob. de) Chronicon Angliae. 3. Stephanidia (W.) Vita S. Thomae Cantuar. 4. S, 6, 7, 8. Hist. C'oenobii Burgensis Script. Var. 238 Shelves 1, 2, 3. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN HISTORY, &c. Press &. Anderson, (Jacobi) Diplomata ct Niimismata Scotiae, de Mandate Parliamenti in lucem edita, &c. Cum Pracfatione, Tabb. Explicatione, aliisque Appendicibus Tbomae Ruddimanni. fol. Edin. 1739 P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Gcorgica, et vEneis ; ex Cod. Medieeo-Laurentiano deseripta : ab Antonio Ambrogi Florentine Italico versu reddita ; adnot. et var. lect., et Cod. Vaticani picturis, &c. illustrata. With MS. Letter from G. Home, Esq. S torn. fol. Romae, 1763-5 Rapin de Tlioyras's History of England. Translated into Englisb, with additional notes, by Nicholas Tindal. 2 vols. Land. 1732-3. — Tindal's (Nicholas) Continuation of Rapin from the Revolution to the Accession of George II. &c. 3 vols. ib. 1744-7. — 5 vols. fol. Chaucer's Works ; with Life and Glossary. Edited by John Urry. fol. L. P. Lond, 1721 Prior's (Matthew) Poems on several occasions, fol. L. P. Subscription edition. ib.\l 18 See Life, vol. vii. pp. 291-2. Genealogy of the Family of Heron, fol. .... wants title- See Poetical Works, vol. vii. pp. 55, 252. Playfair's (Rev. Dr. James) System of Chronology, fol. . . Edin. 1784: SHELF II. Astle's (Thomas) Account of the Seals of the Kings, Royal Boroughs, and Magnates of Scot- land, fol. ....... . Lond. 1792 Mackenzie's (Murdoch) Orcades : or, a Geographic and Hydrographic Survey of the Orkney and Lewis Islands, e'w ei^ht maps, &c. fol. . . . . . ib. 1750 Chauchard's (Captain) Map of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicil}', Corsica, and Sardinia. English edition, published by Stockdale. (With De- scription, &c. in 4?o.) fol. . . . . . . . ib. 1800 SHELF in. Dodwell's (Edward) Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece in 1801, 1805, and 180G. 2vols. 4to. ........ ib. \81i) Bright's (Dr. Richard) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, &c. 4to. Edin. 1818 Mackenzie's (Sir George, of Coul, Bart.) Travels in Iceland during the summer of 1810. 4«o. ■■■■...... ib. 1811 See Prose AVobks, vol. v. pp. 359-60. Parry's (Captain Sir W. E.) Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage &c. in 1819-20. 4to. ...... Z.o^o'. 1821 Burckhardt's (J. L.) Travels in Nubia. 4/o. . . . . . 24. 1819 Ellis's (Sir Henry) Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China (under Lord Amherst,) &c. 4/o. . . . . . . . . ib. 1817 Elphinstone's (Hon. Mountstuart) Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Taitary, and India, &c. ito. . . . . . ib. 1815 See Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 10, &c. 239 Pkess &. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. SMves S, 4. Hall's (Captain Basil) Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Cores, aud the great Loo- Choo Island, &c. 4lo. ...... Lond. 181S Evel)^l's (John) Siha: or, a Discourse of Forest Trees, &c. ; with notes by Dr. A. Hunter. :i(/ er/it. 2 vols. 4?o. ...... York, 1801 Memoirs, illustrative of the Life and Writings of: comprising his Diary from 1 641-1706, and a selection of his familiar Letters, &:c. &c. Edited by W. Bray, Esq. assisted by W. Upcott. 2 vols. ito. ...... Lond. 1818 See Prose Works, vol. vi. pp. 352, 354, 358-60 ; vol. xx. pp. 107-13. Macpherson's (James) History of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. 2d edit. 2 vols. — Original Papers, containing the Secret History of Great Britain, from the Restoration, &c. To which are prefixed. Extracts from the Life of James II. as written by himself. 2d edit. 2 vols. — 4 vols. ito. . . ib. 1776 James II., Life of, collected- out of Memoirs writ of his ovra hand. Published from the origi- nal Stuart MSS. in Carlton House, by the Rev. Dr. J. S. Clarke. 2 vols. Uo. ib. 1816 Watson's (Rev. John) Memoirs of the ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, and their de- scendants, &c. 2 vols. ito. ..... Warrington, 1782 Wilson's (Sir Robert) Remarks on the Character and Composition of the Russian Army, and a Sketch of the Campaigns in Poland in 1806 and 1807. 4to. . Loyid. 1810 Francklin's (Col. William) Researches on the Tenets and Doctrines of the Jeynes and Bood- hists, &c. of Ancient India, ito. ...... ib. 1827 O'Reilly's (Edward) Essay on the Nature and Influence of the Ancient Irish Brehon Laws, &c. Uo. ....... . Dnb. 1824 SHELF IF. Clark's (Samuel) Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, divided into 2 parts : the first containing the Life of our blessed Lord and Saviour, &c. ; the second, the Lives of Christian Emperors, Kings, &c. &c. 3d edit. fol. ..... Lond. 1 675 Lives of sundry Eminent Persons in this later Age, in 2 parts; part 1. of Divines; jiart 2. of Nobility and Gentry of both Sexes, &c. fol. . . . ib. 1683 Mather's (Rev. Cotton) Magnolia Ckriati Americana : or Ecclesiastical History of New Eng- land, from its first planting in 1620 unto the year 1698. In 7 books. With MS. note by SirW. S. fol. . . . . . . . . ib. 1702 See Letters on Deiitonotoi/i/, Lett. 2. Lodo-e's (Edmund) Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. &c. 3 vols. 4/o. . ib. 1791 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 87 ; Prose Works, vol. iv. p. 119, note. Peck's (Rev. Francis) Desiderata Curiosa : or a Collection of Scarce and Curious Pieces, relating chiefly to matters of English History, &c. New edition, with Life of Mr. Peck. 4'to. .......... ib. 1779 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. p. 33 ; Introduction to Pcrtril of the I'cak. 240 Shelves 4, 5. ENGLISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Press cS:. Nalson's (Dr. Jolm) Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the beginning of the Scotch Rebellion in 1 639 to the Mnrthcr of King Charles I. &c. 2 voh.fol. Lond. 1 G82 Sprigge's (Joshua) Anglia Redivim, &c. being the History of the Motions, Actions, and Suc- cesses of the Army under the conduct of H. E. Sir Thomas Fairfax, Captain-General of the Parliament's Forces, &c. fol. . . . . ■ . ih. 1G47 Grey's (W.) C/ioro^;'rt/)///« ; or a Survey of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, &c. as a'so a Relation of the County of Northumberland, &c. Newcastk, Idi^. fol. reprinted for the Neiecastli' Antiquarian Society. ...... Newc. 1813 See Pkijse Works, vol. vii. pp. 76, 84. Brand's (Rev. John) History and Antiquities, &c. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including an Account of the Coal Trade of that place, &c. 2 vols. 4to. . . Lo»z(/. 1789 Harris's (Walter) Hibemica : or Some Ancient Pieces relating to Ireland, never hitherto made publick. (By Sir George Carew, Sir R. Edgcumbj Sir Thomas Phdlips, Maurice Regan, Patrick Finglass, and Pynnar.) IVithMS. note. fol. . . Bub. Mil Papers presented to the H. of C. relating to H. M.'s Prison in Cold Bath Fields, fol. Lond. Bee. 1800 Malcolm's (General Sir John) History of Persia, from the most early period to the present time, &c. 2 vols, royal ^to. . . . . . . . ei. 1815 Leyden's (Dr. John) Dissertation on the Languages and Literature of the Indo-Chinese Nations, fol. ....... Calcutta, 1808 Duppa's (Richard) Life of Michael Angclo Buonarroti, ^lith his Poetry and Letters. 2rf edit. Uo. L.P. . . . . . . . . Lond. 1807 Hakewill's (James) Picturesque Tour of Italy, from drawings made in 1816-17. ito. ib. 1820 Swiss Scenery, from drawings by Major Cockburn. 4,to. . . . ib. 1820 Siege of Carlaverock in the 28tb Edward I. a.d. 1300, &c. With a Translation, History of the Castle, and Memoirs, &c. By Sir Harris Nicolas, ito. , . ib. 1828 See Poetical Works, vol. xi. p. 139; Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 67. Moryson's (Fynes) Itinerary, &c. Containing his Ten Yeeres Travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. In 3 parts, fol. . . ib. 1617 " Bought at Penrith for Ss. and gave my former copy to Robert Southey." — MS. note of Sir W. S. See Poetical Works, vol. ix. pp. 173-G, 320 ; Note^ to Wanrley, vol. i. Berry's ( W.) Genealogia Antiqua ; or Mythological and Classical Tables, &c. fol. ib. 1816 Genealogia Sacra ; or Scripture Tables, &c. fol. . . . . ib. I8\i> SHELF r. Lingard's (Rev. Dr. John) History of England, (from the invasion of the Romans to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.) 5 vols. 4?o. . . . • ?*. 1819-23 Lonsdale's (John, Lord Viscount) Memoir of the reign of James II. With a Biographical Notice of the Writer, by the Earl of Lonsdale, royal 4'to. . . York, 1 808 241 2H Press &. A BBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, Q. Pepys's (Samuel) Memoirs, &c. comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1G69, &c. Edited by Richard Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. Mo. .... Loncl. 1825 See Rerkw n/this in Prose Works, vol. xx. pp. 94-252 ; Life, vol. vi. pp. 122-3. Bowdich's (T. E.) Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, &c. 4?o. . ih. 1819 Adams's (Robert) Narrative of his Shipwreck on the Western Coast of Africa in 1810, his three years' Slavery among the Arabs, &c. 4to. . . . . «4. 1816 Riley's (James) Loss of the American brig, Commerce, wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa in August 1825, &c. 4to. ...... 26.1817 Butler's (Samuel) Hudibras. With variorum Notes. Edited by the Rev. Dr. T. Russell Nash. With Hogarih's plates. 3 vols. 4^. . . . . . ib. 1793 Cervantes, (Miguel) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Dou Quixote de la Mancha. nueva cdic. cor- regida por la Real Academia Espafiola. 4 torn. ito. . . . Madrid, 1780 Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambriae, cum annotationibus Davidis Powal. Edilio nova, curante R. C. Hoare, Baronetto. 4?o. .... Lond. 1806 Giraldus de Barri's Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, a.d. 1188. Translated into English, and illustrated with Views, Annotations, and a Life of Giraldus. By Sir R. Colt Hoare, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. ..... . ib. 1 806 Kenilworth Illustrated ; or the History of the Castle, Priory, and Church of Kenil«'ortli, &c. royal 4io. ........ Chiswick, 1821 Monck Mason's (William) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, near Dublin, from 1190 to 1819. 4fo. .... Dub. lH2^) See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 131. Slc. passim. Hibbert Ware's (Dr. S.) Illustrations of the Customs of a Manor in the North of England during the 15th Century, &c. ito. ..... Edin. 1S22 Castles of Alnwick and Warkworth, &c. from Sketches by C. F. Duchess of Northumberland. Privately printed. 4?o. ...... Lond. 1823 " The gift of her Grace to Sir W. S. at Alnwick, 8th Oct. 1827." — MS. note See Life, vol. vii. p. 79. Sylvester's (Charles) Philosophy of Domestic Economj', as exemplified, &c. in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, &c. 4?o. .... Nottingham, 1819 The Jamaica Royal Gazette, from April 12 to June 17, 1823. fol. . Kingston, 1823 SHELF VI. Coxa's (Rev. William) Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough, with his Original Correspon- dence, collected from the family records at Blenheim, &c. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818 Howell's (James) Dodona's Grove ; or the Vocall Forest, With MS. key. sm.fol. ib. 1640 See Poetical Works, vol. vi. 7iote 2 H. Harrington's (James) Commonwealth of Oceana, sm.fol. . . . ib. H)5G Gait's (John) Voyages and Travels in the years 1809, 10, and 11 ; containing Observations, &c. on Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Serigo, and Turkey. With MS. Letter from the Author to Sir W. S. A^to. . . . . . ib. i 812 242 Shelf e. ENGLISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Press &. Gait's (John) Tragedies of Maddalen, Agamemnon, Lady Macbeth, Antonia, and Cl3i;emnestra. With Letter from the Author, ito. . . . . . Lond. 1812 See Life, vol. v. p. 82. Smith's (Capt. John) England's Improvement Reviv'd ; digested into six books. (1. Trade. 2, 3, 4, 5. Planting. 6. Wishing.) sm. Ho. . . . . ■ ib. 1670 Hodgson's (jCapt. John, of Coalley Hall, near HaUifax,) Memoirs touching his conduct in the Civil Wars, and his Troubles after the Restoration, Sfc. Written by himself, (^r. With a Preface by Joseph Ritson. MS. Prepared for publication, and afterwards pn-inted by Sir W. Scott, along with Sir H. Slingshy's Memoirs, in 1806. See p. 231. 4no. . Lond. ISHi Irving's (Wasliington) Salmagundi ; or the Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcclot Lang- staff, Esq., &c. Reprinted, Sic. with preface and explanatory notes by John Lambert. 2 Tols. \2mo. ........ ib. 1811 SHELF IX. VUlars's (Marshal, Duke of) Memoirs, &c. Translated from the French. \2mo. ib. 1735 Warrington's (Henry, Earl of) Works, &c. containing his Advice to his Children, Speeches in Parliament, &c. 12too. . . . . . . . ib. 1C94 Ray's (John) Select Remains. (Itineraries through England and Scotland in 1G58.) With his Life by Dr. William Derham. Published by George Scott. 8co. . ib. 17C0 Swedish Intelligencer ; wherein, out of the truest and cho3'cest informations, are the famous Actions of that warlike Prince, Gustavus Adolphus, historically led along, in 9 parts. 2 vols. sm. 4/0. ....... Tracts on Husbandry and Trade, sm. 4to. containing, 1. Levett's (J.) Ordering of Bees, or the True History of managing them, &c. 2. Hartlip's (Samuel) Discours of Husbandrie used in Brabant, Flandres, &c. 3. Designe for Plentie, by an universal Planting of Fruit Trees. 4. Refonned Husbandman, &c. Errors, Defects, &e. of English Husbandrie. 5. Mascal's (Leonard) Government of Cattel, &c. B. L. 6. B "s (J — ) Merchant's Avizo, or Instructions, &c. for their Sonnes and Servants, when they first send them beyond the Sea, &c. ..... i6. 10411 7. Treatise of Wool and Cattel, &;c. ..... jJ. 1677 8. proving that the abatement of Interest is the effect, and not the cause of the Riches of the Nation. &c. ....... . ib. 1668 9. Trevers's (Jos.) Essay to the restoring of our decayed Trade, &c. . . ii. 1677 10. Desperate and Dangerous Designe discovered concerning the Fen Countries, &c. ib. 1642 11. Finnin's (Thomas) Proposals for the employment of the Poor, &c. . . ib. 12. Treatise of Taxes and Contributions, &c. .... i4. 1667 13. A 's (J ) Younger Brother his Apologie, or a Father's Free Power Disputed for the Disposi- tion of his Lands, &c. ...... Oj/brrf, 1671 14. Coke's (Roger) Treatise I. wherein is demonstrated that the Church and State of England are in equal Danger with the Trade of it, &c. II. Reasons of the increase of the Dutch Trade. Lond. 1671 Miscellaneous Tracts. I vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Dibdin's (Rev. T. F.) Bibliomania, or. Book Madness, &c. first edit. . . ib. ]3Q'J 2. Haslam's (John) Illustrations of Madness, lie. .... A. 1810 3. The Times, a Poem. ...... i4, 1810 Cook's (Dr. John) Voyages and Travels through Russia, Tartary, and Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1770 Pitts's (Jos.) Account of the Religion and Manners of the Mahometans, &c. Bco. Lond. 1709 RoUin's Ancient History, &c. 10 vols. 12»io. .... Edi7i. 1758 Cavallier's (Col. James) Memoirs of the Wars of the Ccvennes, &c. 2d edit. 8ro. Lond. 1 727 Cowley's (Abr.) Works ; with his Life by Bishop Sprat. 12//i edit. 3 vols. \2mo. ib. 1721 247 Press /!•:. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \. Ward's (Rev. R.) Matlock, Buxton, and Castlcton Guide. \2mo. . Derby, 'iSli Lane's (Thomas) Student's Guide tbroujili Lincoln's Inn, &c. 8wo. . Land. 1823 Smith's (M.) Memoirs of Secret Ser\'ices, (by Charles, Ear] of Peterborougli.) sm. Sao. ib. 1G99 Mascall's (Leonard) Three Bookes of Cattel, &c. B. L. Land. ICOO, &c. ; 2. New Art of Planting and Grafting, &c. ib. 1652. sm. 4:to. Markbam's (Gervasc) Maister-Peece ; containing all Knowledge belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse-Leech, &c. 5th edit. sm. 4'to. .... ib. Tl 636 Brerewood's (Edward) Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions, &c. Lond. 1635; 2. Austen's (Ra.) Treatise on the Planting of Fruit Trees, together with the Spirituall Use of an Orchard, icants title, sm. Mo. Manley's (Mrs.) Court of Atalantis ; containing a Four Years' History of that famous Island, &c. Bvo. ........ Lond. 1714 Corbet's (Richard, Bishop of Norwich) Poems, 'ith edit, with Notes and Life of the Autbor, by 0. G. Gilchrist, Esq. cr. 8m. . . . . . . ib. 1807 See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 26 ; Letters on Demonology-^ &c. Laugh upon Laugh : or Laughter Ridiculed, a Poem,&c. (Dedicated to Mr. Pope.) 8vo. ib. 1740 Sandel's (Samuel) Account of Emanuel Swedenborg, in an Eulogium to his Memory, &c. Translated from the Swedish. 8wo. . . . . . . ih. 1826 The Angler's Progress, a Poem, by H. B. 1820. — Tyne Fisher's Farewell to bis favourite Stream, by W. S. T. 1824.— The Fisher's Garland, (by R. R., W. S. T., and W. G.) 1821-27 — in all, 9 pieces of 8 pages each, with wood-cuts. sm. &vo. Newcastle, Charnley, 1820-27 PRESS .E. BRITISH HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND TOPOGRAPHY; DICTIONARIES; VOYAGES AND TRAVELS; MISCELLANIES; WITH A FEW WORKS ON FOREIGN HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. SHELF L Biographia Britannica : or Lives of the most eminent Persons, &c. 2d edit, with Correc- tions, Enlargements, and New Lives, by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Kippis, and others, vol. 1-5. (from A to FAS.) fol. ...... Lond. 1778-93 Lye (Edvardi) Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico Latinum, &c. Edidit, &c. Owen Manning, S..T. B. &c. 2 vols. /o/. ....... ib.l'Tl'i. Ralph's (James) History of England, during the Reigns of King WOham, Queen Anne, and King George I. &c. 2 vols./c. . . . . . ib. 1744-46 Stow's (John) Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster ; written at first in 1598, &c. brought down from 1 633 to the present time, by John Strype. With the Life of the Author, &c. 2 vols./o/. . . . . . . . 2*. 1720 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. pp. 221-22 ; Introdtiction to Fortunes of Nipel. 248 Shelves 1, 2. BRITISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Press M. Complete History of England ; with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof, from the earliest Account of Time to the Death of King William III. &c. (Edited by Bishop Kennett.) 3 vols./o/. ...... Lond. 1707 Vol. I. Milton's History of Britain to the Conquest. Daniel's (S.) History of England, from Conquest to Edward III. Anon. History of England, from Richard II. to Henry VI. Habington's History of Edward IV. More's (Sir T.) Historj' of Edward V. and Richard III. Buck's (Sir Geo.) History of Richard III. Bacon's (Lord) History of Henry VII. II. Herbert's (Lord) History of Henry VIII. Hayward's (Sir John) History of Edward VI. Godwin's (Bishop) History of Queen Mary. Camden's (William) History of Queen Elizabeth and James I. Wilson's (Arthur) History of King James I. III. Anon. (Bishop Kennett's) History of Charles I. and II., James II., and William III. See Prose Wobks, vol. vii. pp. 130-31. Hammer, (Josephus de) Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum, seu Fratres Militiae Templi, &c. Apostasiae, Idoloduhao et Impuritatis convicti per ipsa eorum monumenta. fol. Vindoh. 1818 Taylor's (Richard) Index Monasticus : or the Abbeys and other Monasteries, &c. in the Diocese of Norwich, and the ancient kingdom of East Anglia, systematically arranged and described, &c. /bl. ....... Lond. 1821 Mentet, (Robert, de Salmonet) Histoire des Troubles de la Grande Bretagne, &c. depuis 1' an 1633, jusqu a 1' annee 1649. 2 vols in 1. fol. . . . Par. 1661 Sharp's (Thomas, of Coventry) Dissertation on the Pageants, or Dramatic Mysteries, annually performed at Coventry, by the trading companies of that city, &c. To which are added, the Pageant of the Shearmen, and the Taylor's Company, &c. &c. imperial 4:10. Cocentri/, 1825 See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 271. SHELF II. Tunbridge Wells Guide, &c. \2mo. ..... Tuitb. 1808 Southampton Guide, &c. \2mo. ..... South. 1775 Gillingwater's (Edmund) History and Descriptive Account of St. Edmund's Bury, &c. ) 2mo. Bury, 1804 Hargrove's (E.) History of the Castle, Town, and Forest of Knaresborough, with Harrogate, &c. ith edit. 12mo. ...... York, 178S White's (Rev. Henry) Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral, &c. 12mo. Lichfield, 181 1 Churchyard's (Thomas) Worthines of Wales, a Poem, &c. cr. 8eo. . rep: Lond. 1776 Collection of Welsh Travels and Memoirs of Wales, by J. T., a mighty lover of Welsh Tra- vels. (Includes Holdsworth's Muscijnda, or Welsh Mouse Trap. Translated by Samuel Cobb.) I2»zo. ....... ib. no date. Thumb's (Tom) Travels over England and Wales, &c. 12 wo. . . . jj. 1746 249 2 I Press .E. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 1. Phillips's (H.) Grandeur of the Law ; or an Exact Collection of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. whose Honours and Estates have been acquired, &e. by the Practice of the Law. ] 2mo. Lond. 1684 Morgan's (Major General) Memoirs ; containing a Relation, &c. of his Progress in France and Flanders in 1657 and 1658, at the taking of Dunkirk, &c. under the command of Lock- hart of Lee. \2rno. ...... Glasg. 1752 Pembroke's (Henry, Earl of) Method of Breaking Horses, &c. 2d edit. \2mo. Lond. 17^2 Pamphlets. 1 vol. \2mo. containing, 1 . Substance of Speech intended to be spoken at a County Meeting for assessing the Heritors of Lands and Houses in Scotland. ...... Editi. \796 2. OldBeld's (H. G.) Anecdotes of Archery. .... Lond. 1191 3. Cobbett's (William) History of the American Jacobins, by Peter Porcupine. repr. Edin. 1797 A 's (J ) Princely Excellency, &c. being an Exact Account, &c. of the Actions of the most serene, &c. Prince, William HL &c. 12?«o. . . Lond. 1702 Opinions of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Published from the original MSS. by Lord Hailes. \2mo. ....... Edin. 1788 Ecclesiastical Tracts. 1 vol. 12oto. containing, 1. Burnet's (Dr. afterwards Bishop) Reflections on M. Varillas's History, &c. . Amst. 1686 2. Hieragonisticon : or Corah's Doom ; being an Answer, &c. to the Enquiry into the Groimds and occa- sions of the Contempt of the Clergy, &c. .... i4. 1672 Lives of the Rev. Father Angel of Joyeuse, Capucin Preacher, &c. ; Lives of the Rev. Fathers, Bennett, Englishman, and Archangell, Scotchman, of the same order, &c. Translated from the Frenebe, by R. R. Catbolique Priest. i2mo. . . . Douai/, 1623 Wilkes, (John) Home's (Rev. John) &c. Controversial Letters. \2mo. Lond. 1771 Young's (Robert) Breviary of the later Persecutions of the Professors of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, &c. \2mo. ....... Glasg. 1674 Clifford's (Arthur) Tixall Letters ; or the Correspondence of the Aston Family, &c. during the 1 7th Century. 2 vols, in 1 . 1 2ino. .... Lond. 1815 Marriott's (Rev. John) Hints to a Traveller into Foreign Countries. 18»io. . ib. 1816 Rose's (William Stewart) Thoughts and Recollections. By one of the last Century. \2mo. ......... ib. 1825 Apology, addressed to the Traveller's Club ; or Anecdotes of Monkeys. 1 2mo. ib. 1 825 See Life, vol. v. p. 296. Court of Beasts. Translated from the Auimali Parlanti of Giamb. Casti. sm. 8fo. ib. 1816 Orlando Innamorato of Fr. Berni. Translated into prose from the Italian, sm. 8vo. ib. 1823 Orlando Furioso of Ariosto. Translated into English Verse. Vols. 1, 2. sin.Svo. ib.l823 See Life, vol. vi. p. 359. Orthodox Communicant, by way of Meditation on the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper. 12mo. .... ib. engraved by J. Slurt, 1721 Ebcercise of the Foot, &c. likewise the Exercise of the Dragoons, &c. Ordered by Sir Thomas Livingston, Corauiander-in-Chief, &c. l2mo. . . . Edin. 1693 250 Shelves 2, 3, 4. DICTIONARIES, ANTIQUITIES, &c. Pbess JE. Planta's (Edward) New Picture of Paris, &c. 18?wo. . . . Land. \%2S Coxe's (Heiir}-) Gentleman's Guide in his Tour through France. ISmo. . ib. 1827 Debrett's (John) Baronetage of England. 2 vols. 18?wo. . . . ib. 1819 Cromwell's (Thomas) Excursions through Ireland. Vols. 1 and 2, Province of Leinster. 2 vols. l2mo. ........ ib. 1820 Captain Rock Detected ; or the Origin and Character of the recent Disturbances, &c. By a Munster farmer. Vlmo. . . . . . . . ib. 1824 Croker's (T. Crofton) Legends of the Lakes, or Sayings and Doings at Killarney. 2 vols. \2mo. ......... ib. 1829 The Montgomery Manuscripts ; containing an Account of the Colonization of the Ardes, in the county of Down, &e. Printed from original MSS. of W. Montgomery, Esq. 12mo. Belfast, 1830 Angouleme's (Duchess of) Private Memoirs, &c. on the Captivity of the Royal Familv of France in the Temple. 12mo. ..... Land. 18\7 Account of the Battle of Waterloo, &c. ith edit. 12mo. . . Glasff. 1816 Goldsmith's (Dr. Oliver) History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. Continued to 1802. 2 vols. 12mo. .... Lond. 1807 Lockhart's (J. G.) Life of Robert Burns. 3d edit. 18 wo. . . Edin. 1830 Levris's (M. G.) Poems. {JVit/i a MS. Ballad, "the Hag in a Red Cloak," parodying his style.) 12mo. ....... Lond. 1812 See PoETTCAL Works, vol. iv. p. 76. SHELF in. Dufresne (Caroli, Domini Du Cange,) Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Iniimae Latinitatis. Editio nova, op. et stud. Monachorum Ordinis S. Benedicti e congreg. S. Mauri. 6 torn. fol. ......... Paris, 1733-6 See Notes to Count Robert of Patis. Carpentier (D. P.) Glossarium Novum ad Scriptores Medii iEvi, &c. Sen Supplementum ad auctiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionem. 4 iovn. fol. . . . ib. 1766 Dufresne (Caroli, Domini Du Cange,) Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Graecitatis, &c. 2 tom./o/. ....... Lwgd. 1688 Canciani (F. Pauli) Barbaroiimi Leges Antiquae, cum Notis et Glossariis, &c. 5 torn. fol. Venet. 1781-92 MejTick's (Sir Samuel Rush) Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Charles II. &c. 3 vols./o/. ........ Lond. 1824 Morison's (David, jun.) Catalogue of the Gray Library, Kinfauns Castle. Privately printed. fol. ........ Kinfauns Castle, 1828 SHELF IV. Gait's (John) Life and Administration of Cardinal Wolsey. 4^0. L. P. . ib. 1822 251 Press xE. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 4, 5. Rushwortb's (John) Historical Collections^ beginning the 16th j'ear of King James (1618), and ending with the death of King Charles, Anno 1648. 7 vols. — Trial of the Earl of Strafford. 1 vol.— 8 vols. /o/. ..... Land. ) 659, <<^c. Heath's (James) Chronicle of the late Intestine War in England, Scotland, and Ireland. In 4 parts. 2d edit. With a Continuation to 1675 by J- Philips. Lond. 1676. — Montluc's (Blaize de, Mareschal of France,) Commentaries, translated by Charles Cotton, ib. 1674. — -fol. See Prose Works, vol. vi. p. 110. Dugdalc's (Sir William) Short View of the late Troubles in England, from 1638 to 1659. With Narrative of the Treaty at Uxbridge, 1644. fol. . . O.iford, 1681 Lloyd's (David) Memoirs of the Lives, Actions, Sufferings, and Deaths, &c. of those that suf- fered, &c. in our late Intestine Wars, from 1637 to 1660, &c. fol. . Lond. 1668 Matthaei Paris, Monaclii Albanensis Angli, Historia Major, a Gulielmo Conquestore ad ult. ann. Henrici III. irfe^zo^-ma, curis M. Parker, Archiepisc. Cantuar. fol. . ib. 1571 See Life, vol. i. p. 42 ; Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 78. Ware's (Sir James) Antiquities and History of Ireland. With his Life. fol. Dub. 1705 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 308. Cronycke van Hollandt, Zeelandt, en Vrieslandt. B. L. fol. . . Antv. 153i) Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis Anglicae Histoiiae Libri xxvi. &c. fol. . Basil. 1546 Miller's (William) Biographical Sketches of British Characters recently deceased, commencing with the accession of George IV. &c. 2 vols, imperial Mo. . . Lond. 1826 SHELF V. Fuller's (Thomas B. D.) Holy State. 2d edit. Camb. 1648. — History of the Holy Warre. ib. 1639.-1 vol./o/. Pote's (Joseph) History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, &e. 4^0. . Eton, 1749 Halford's (Sir Henry) Account of what appeared on opening the Coffin of King Charles I. in St. George's Chapel at Windsor, 1st April, 1813. Uo. . . Lond. 1813 See Life, vol. iii. p. 106. Segar's (Sir William) Original Institutions of the Princely Orders of Collars. With emblazoned plates. 4to. ....... Edin. 1823 Chariton's (Lionel) History of Whitby, and of Whitby Abbey. 4?o. . York, 1779 See Poetical Works, vol. \'ii. pp. 104, 111-12. Nicolson (Joseph) and Burn's (Dr. Richard) History and Antiquities of Westmoreland and Cumberland. 2 vols. 4o. . . Hj. 1819-21 Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Journal of a Tour in Ireland in 1806. Svo. . . ib. 1807 Wright's (Rev. G. N.) Historical Guide to Ancient and Modern Dublin. 8ro. L. P. ib. 1821 Guide to the Lakes of Killarney. — Guide to the County of Wicklovv. — Guide to the Giant's Causeway. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. L. P. . . . ib. 1822-3 Aikin's (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of King James I. 2 vols. 8™. . . 26.1822 See Note to Tlif Fortunes of Nigel. Marchmont Papers. Selection from the Papers of Patrick, first Earl, Alexander, second Earl, and Hugh, third Earl of Marchmont ; in the possession of, and edited, with a Preface, by Sir George H. Rose. 3 vols. 8>?o. . . . . . . ib. 1831 Hone's (William) Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, founded on Apocrj'phal New Testament Story, &c. large 8vo. . . . ?'i. 1823 Every-Day Book and Table Book : or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, incident to each of the 365 days, &c. 3 vols, large 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1830 See Introduction to Woodstock. SHELF VII. Cimiberland's (Richard) Memoirs. Written by himself. 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1807 See Life, vol. vi. pp. 188-9 ; Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 191. Stockdale's (Rev. Percival) Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1809 Beloe's (Rev. Wm.) Sexagenarian, or Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1819 Butler's (Charles) Reminiscences. 3d edit. 8vo. .... ib. 1822 Bowdler's (Thomas) Life and Character of Lieutenant General Villettes. With Letters from France in 1814, &c. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1815 Duppa's (Richard) Memoirs of a celebrated Literary and Political Character, (Richard Glover, author of Leonidas,) from 1742 to 1757, &c. (with a view to prove him the author of Junius's Letters.) 8vo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1813 Murray's (Lady, of Stanhope,) Memoirs of the Right Hon. George Baillie of Jerviswood, and of Lady Grisell Baillie. Edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq. 8vo. . Edi?i. 1822 See Note to Woodstock, vol. ii. 254 Shelf 1. HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES. Pbess ^E. Melcombe's (George Bubb Doddington, Lord) Diary, from 1749 to 1761, &e. Published by H. P. Wyndham. 3d edit. 8vo. ..... Land. 1785 Gillespie, (Major General Sir R. R.) Memoirs of, 8vo. . . . /6. 181(.■ Skinner's (Major) Recollections of the Peninsula. 8ro. . . . ib. 1823 Hanson's (Capt.) Route of Lieut. Gen. Sir Miles Nightingall overland from India. 8vo. ib. 1 820 Hughes's (John) Itinerarj- of Provence and the Rhone in 1819. 8oo. . . ib. 1822 Dryden's (John, jun.) Voyage to Sicily and Malta in 1700-1. 8vo. . . ib. 177 ii See Poetical Works, vol. vii. p. G5 ; Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 394-S. Mariner's (William) Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific, &c. Compiled, &e. by Dr. John Martin. 2 vols. 8270. . . . . /6. 1817 See Prose Works, vol. vii. p. 146, note. Macleod's (Dr. John) Narrative of a Voyage in H. M.'s late Ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea. along the Coast of Corea, &e. 8vo. . . . . . . ib, 1817 Campbell's (Archibald) Voyage round the World, from 1806 to 1812, &c. Edited by James Smith, Esq. of Jordanhill. 8vo. ..... Edin. 1816 Murray's (Hugh) Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea: or Historical Nan-ations of the most noted Calamities and Providential Deliverances, &c. 3 vols. 8ro. . . . ib. 1822 Rambles Abroad : or Observations on the Continent, made in 1816, 17, 18, &c. 8vo. Land. 1 8 23 Kendall's (E. A.) Argument for construing largely the right of an Appellee of Murder to in- sist on Trial by Battle, &c. 3d edit. 8i'0. . . . . . ib. ISlTt Rickman's (Thomas) Attempt to discriminate the styles of English Architecture, from the Conquest to the Reformation. 2d edit. 8vo. . . . . ib. ISlil History of Thirsk ; including an Account of its Castle, Topcliffe, Byland, and Rievaulx Abbeys, &c. Svo. ........ TAirsk, 1821 Young's (Rev. Geo.) History of Whitby and Streoneshall Abbey, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. IVhitby, 1817 Brand's (Rev. John) Observations on Popular Antiquities ; including Mr. Bourne's Antiquitaten Vulgares ; with Additions, and an Appendix, &c. 8vo. . . Land. 1810 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. ■334 ; vol. iv. p. 274. Forster's (T.) Perennial Calendar, and Companion to the Almanack, illustrating the Events of every day in the year, &c. Svo. . . . . . . 2^.1824 Present State of the British Empire in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. Sro. ib. 1768 Williams, (C. V.) The Book, complete ; being the ^vholc of the Depositions on the Investiga- tion of the Conduct of the Princess of Wales, &c. -with an Historical Preface. Sfo. ib. 1813 Tracts on the Poor, &c. 1 vol. Svo. containing, 1. Essay on the State of the Labouring Poor. .... 67d See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 385. Piiillips's (Edward) New World of English Words ; or Universal English Dictionary. 6th edition, revised, &c. by J. Kersey, fol. . . . ■ . ib. 1706 Owen's (Rev. Dr. John) Works, fol. . . . ■ ■ • ib- 1721 Russell (P.) and Price's (Owen) England Displayed ; being a New, &c. Description of England and Wales. 2 vols. /o/. . . . . • • . VA. 1769 262 Shelves Z, 4. HISTORY; POETRY; SCOTS LAW. Study. B. Fiddes's (Rev. Dr. Edw.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 2(1 edit. fol. . Lond. 111^ Capriata's (Dr. P. G.) History of the Wars of Italy, from 1613 to 1644. Translated from the Italian by Henry, Earl of Monmouth, sm.fol. .... i4. 1663 Collection of Poetical Pieces. 1 yol.fol. containing, 1. OdetoMira. Single leaf. . . . . . . 1730 ■2. Perkins's (H.) Blind Man's Complaint. 3. Orrery's (John, Earl of) Poem to the Memory of E. Sheffield, Duke of Buckisgham. 1736 4. Horace's Ode to Venus. Imitated by Mr. Pope. .... 1737 5. First Epistle of Second Book. Imitated. .... 1737 6. Second Epistle of Second Book. Imitated by Mr. Pope. . . . 1737 7. Epistle to Alexander Pope, Esq. from South Carolina. .... 1737 8. The Cur and the Lap-dog, a Poem. ..... 1737 9. Jacob's (Hildebrand) Progress of Religion, a Poem. .... 1737 10. The Year of Wonders. Poetical translation of an old Prophecy, by S. D. . 1737 11. Session of the Critics, or Contention of the Nettle, a Poem. . . . 1737 12. The Unequal Match, a Tale. . . . . . . I737 13. The True Great Man. Poem to the memory of Lord Chancellor Talbot. . . 1737 14. Essay on Conversation. ....... 173 1 -5. Folly, a Poem. By the author of the Female Rake. . . . . 1 737 16. Jacob's (Hild.) Epistle from Donna Clara to her daughter Teresa. . . 1737 17. Riddle. Paiad. Char, of a Hairy Monster often found under Holland, &c. 3d edit. . 1737 18. The Diseases of Bath, a Satire. . . , . ... 1737 19. Boccace's Fra Cipolla, a Tale. Translated from the original MS. . . 1737 20. Ode to the Earl of ChesterHeld, imploring his Majesty's Return. . . . 1737 21. Modem Matrimony, a Satire. ...... 1737 22. Essay on the vicious bent and taste of the Times. .... 1737 23. Mother Gin, a Tragi-Comical Eclogue. . . . . . 1737 24. Order, a Poem. ■•..... 1737 25. False Patriot's Confession, or Bolingbroke's Address to Ambition. . . 1737 26. Eugenio : or Virtuous and Happy Life, a Poem. .... 1737 27. Essays, — 1. On Nobility ; 2. Ancient and Modern State of Britain. . . 1737 28. Epistle on the Use and Improvement of the Stage. .... 1737 29. Savage's (Richard) Epistle to Frederic Prince of Wales. . . . 1737 30. Of Legacy-Hunting, Imitation of Horace's 5th Satire, &c. . . . 1737 British Theatrical Gallery. Portraits of celebrated Actors and Actresses, with Biographical Sketches, by Daniel Terry. 3 Nos. in 1 vol. vitli duplicate impressions, plain and coloured, and Q additional portraits, fol. ..... Lowrf. 1822, &c. SHELF IV. Acts of Sederunt of the Lords of Council and Session, &c. from May 1532 to January 1553. Published by the authority of the Court, under the direction of Sir Ilav Campbell, fol. Edin. 1811 The same, from January 1553 to July 1790, &c. fd. .... H, 1790 Stair's (James, Viscount of,) Institutions of the Law of Scotland, deduced from its orioinals &c. Zd edit, with Notes by John Gordon and Wm. Johnstone, Esq. Adv. fol. ib. 1759 263 Study. B. 4. C. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \. More's (John Shank) Notes and Illustrations to Lord Stair's Institutions of the Law of Scot- land ; with Biog. Preface, Lord Stair's Apologie, &c. 1690. 2vols. inl. ro!/al ito. ?i. 1832 Halkerston's (Dr. Peter) Compendium, &c. of the Faculty Collection of Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from 1752 to 1817, &c. fol. . . . ib. \ 81 9 Erskine's (John, of Carnock,) Institute of the Law of Scotland. 3d edit, enlarged, /ol. ib. 1793 Dictionarium Scoto Celticum : Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, &c. Compiled and published under the Direction of the Highland Society of Scotland, (by the Rev. Dr. John Macleod, E. Maclachlan, Dr. Alexander Irvine, Alexander Macdonald, and Dr. Macintosh Mackay.) 2 vols, roya/ 4fo. ...... ii. 1828 See Life, vol. vii. p. 283. Livingston's (Dr. Edward) System of Penal Law, proposed for the State of Louisiana ; com- prising Codes of Offences and Punishments, of Procedure, of Prison Discipline, and of Evi- dence, &c. (In seven parts.) fol. .... Nno Orleans, 1824-27 Ancient Laws of the Isle of Man. E.xtracted from the MS. Statute Book of the Island, ^-c. bi/ Joseph Train. MS. fol. ...... 1829 Francisci Petrarcho Trostbiicher von Rath That und Artzeney in Gliick und Ungliick, &c. Auss dem Lateinischen, &c. und tnit schonen Figuren. Franckf. 1584. — Officia Ciceronis, Teutsch. Auss den Latein. &c. niit schon. Fig. fol. . . . ib. 1565 Case of John Lindsay Crawfurd, Claimant of the Titles, Honours, and Dignities of Earl of Crawfurd and Lindsay, &c. fol. ..... Land. 1824 Dobie's (James) Examination of the Claim of John Lindsay Crawfurd, &c. ; containing an Exposure of the Forgeries on which that Claim is founded, &c. imp. ito. Edin. 1831 Lothian's (John) County Atlas of Scotland, with 33 Maps and Frontispiece ; Historical Atlas of Scotland, 6 Maps, &c. 7 0i/al Uo. .... zA. 182G-29 Abela, (Fra G. F.) Malta Illustrata. Descrittione di Malta, Isola nel Mare Sieiliano, Con le sue Antichita, &c. fol. ...... Malta, 1647 Sallust, The Works of. To which are prefixed two Essays on the Life, Sec. of the Historian. With Notes, &c. by Dr. Henry Steuart. 2 vols, rot/al 41o. . . Lond. 1 806 Rud (Thomae) Codicum Manuscriptorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelmensis Catalogus Classicus. fol. ....... Ditnelm. 1825 Manuscript Scots Legal Tracts. Containiyig 19 Treatises, separately paged, fol. Notes of Lectures on Scots Law. Actions, Lect. 96-lOG. fol. Press C. Shelf 1. Miscellaneous Collection of Manuscript and Printed Relics of all descriptions. Prose and Poetical, Ancient and Modern. Formed by Sir Walter Scott, fol. Notes of Professor {afterwards Baron) Hiime's Lectures on the Law of Scotland, taken by Sir Walter Scott, when a Student of the Class of Scots Law. 3 yois.fol. 1791. See Life, vol. i. pp. S8 and 184. ulney's (Sir Philip) Arcadia, moderniz'd by Mrs. Stanley, fol. . Lond. 1725 264 Skelvet \, 2. HISTORY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, &c. Study. C. Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium illustiationi inservientes, Antiqui omnes, et Rcligionis Re- formatione priores, &c. cura God. Guil. Leibnitii. 3 tom.fol. Hanoverae, 1707-11 See Poetical Works, vol. i. p. 202 ; vol. ii. pp. 265, 270, 273 ; vol. iii. p. 245. Catalogue of the Library of tlie Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, (by T. Ruddiman, Walter Goodal, Alexander Brown, and Alexander Manners.) 3 vols._/b^. Edin. 1742-1807 Pontoppidan's (Erich, Bishop of Bergen,) Natural History of Norway, &c. In two parts. Translated from the Danish, fol. ...... «4. 175.5 See Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 290 ; Notes to The Pirate. Cotgrave (Randle) and Sherwood's (Robert) French and English, and English and French Dictionary; with Animadversions and Supplements, &c. by James Howell, fol. ib. 167'J Fabri (BasUii) Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae, Latin, et German, per Aug. Buchneruni auetus : per Christ. Cellarium correct, et locuplet. /bl. . . Le/ps. 1696 Thomson's (Thomas, Deputy Clerk-Register,) Annual Reports, (on the State of the Records of Scotland,) from 1807 to 1821. 14 parts, fol. . . . Editi. 1807-21 Lhuyd's (Edward) Archaeologia ; giving some Account, &c. of the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the original Inhabitants of Great Britain, &c. fol. . Oxford, 1 707 Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser, Nov. 1821 to Feb. 1822. fol. Sydney. SHELF II. Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica ; with Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sciences, (by Professors Dugald Stewart, John Playfair, and William Thomas Brando.) Edited by Professor Macvey Napier. 6 vols. 4to. Fine Paper. ...... Edin. 1815-2'i This Work contains Sir Walter Scott's Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama ; after- wards incorporated into his Miscellaneotis Prose Works, {vol. 6. last edition.) Hutcheson's (Gilbert) Treatise on the Offices of Justice of Peace, Constable, Commissioner of Supply, &c. in Scotland. 2 vols. roj/«/ 8i"o. ..... 25.1800 Ames (Joseph) and Herbert's (William) Typogiapliical Antiquities : or the History of Print- ing in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. greatly enlarged, with copious Notes, &c. By the Rev. Dr. T. F. Dibdin. vols. 1, 2, 3. Mo. . . . Lond. ISlQ-lfi Robson's (Thomas) British Herald ; or Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. 3 vols. 4. Bollifant, 1559 21. True Discourse, &c. of Q. Mary de Medicis's Voyage, from Florence to Marseilles. Translated from French. ...... ib. Staffurd, 1601 22. Petowe's (H.) Eliza's Funerall. Aprill Drops showered on the Hearse of Dead Eliza, ib. Allde. 1603 See Poetical Works, vol. ix. p. 227 ; Note to Kenilu-orth. SHELF III. Jamieson's (Rev. Dr. John) Et3Tnological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, &c. IVitli numerous MS. notes by Sir W. S. 2 vols. Editi. 1808. — Supplement to the Etymolo- gical Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 2 vols. ib. 1825. — 4 vols. 4ito. Edin. 1808-25 See Prose Works, vol. xx. pp. 345-6. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Dictionary of the English Language, ^th edit. 2 vols. to. Land. 17S5 Nares's (Rev. Rohert, Archdeacon of Stafford,) Glossary ; or a Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, &c. requiring illustration, in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shaks- peare, &c. 4 Porzio, (Camillo) Delia Congiura de' Baroni del Regno di Napoli contra il Re Ferdinando I. 187WO. ........ Napoli, 1831 L' Incendio di Tordiuona. Poema Eroicomico, &c. \2mo. . . Fine^. 1781 Genoino, (Giulio) Opere Liriche. Viaggio Poetieo de' Campi Flegrei. vol.3. Szaediz. \2mo. Nap. 1825 Barbauld, (Signora) Inni Giovenili. Trad, da un Toscano. (Sm. Bugni.) 18 wo. Lowt/. 1810 Comte de Clarac, &c. Description des Antiques du Musee Royal, sm. 8co. Par. 1820 Hugo, (Victor) Han d' Islande. 4 torn. i2nw. .... ib. 1823 Walsh, (Vicomte) Le Fratricide, ou Gilles de Bretagne. Chronique du XV°. Siecle. 2 torn. l2mo. ......... ib. 1827 Offroy de Baraney, (Mdlle. M. C.) Conscils del' Aniitie; ou Lettres a Claire. 12mo. ib. )822 Histoire de Dom Ranucio d' Aletes, Histoire veritable. 2 torn. 12mo. . Venise, 178C Philpin, (Chevalier) Veillees Poetiques, ou Etrennes de 1' Amitie. 12»2o. Par. 1823 Loeve-Veimars, (A.) Precis de 1' Histoire des Tribunaux Secrets, dans le Nord de 1' Allemagne, &c. \8mo. . . . . . , . ib. 1824 Histoire du celebre Proces relatif a 1' assassinat du Sieur Fualdes, &c. 18;«o. Lille, 1817 Goethe, (C. W. von) Wilhelni Meisters Wanderjahre, oder Die Entsagenden. Ein Roman. vol. 1. \2mo. ....... Stuttgard, 1821 Hei-mann und Dorothea. ArmhiiiM et Theodora. Latine oertit B. G. Fischer. Teutsch und Lat. sq. \2mo. . . . . . . . ib. 1822 Korners (Theodor) LjTa og Svaerd, Gjenkland af, ved Christian Thaarup. \2rno. Slag. 1817 Hoffmann's (C. T. A.) Prinzessin BrambiUa. Ein Capriccio nach Jakob Callot. 12;«o. Breslau, 1821 Vander Velde, (C. F.) Der Bohmische Magdekrieg. 2^. aufiage. 2 vols. 12 wo. Dresd. 1824 Motte Fouque, (Fr. Baron de la) Die Fahrt in die neue Welt. Das Grab der Mutter, von Alexis dem Wanderer. 12mo. ..... Quedlitig. 1824 Sederholm's (Dr. Karl) Ueber die Mbghchkeit und die Bedingungen eiiier Religiouspliiloso- phic. i2mo. ....... Moskau, 182u Naubert, (Benedicta) Turmalin und Laserta, eine Reliquie der XVII. Jahrhunderts (1680-1682.) 2 vols, in 1, 12wo. ..... Leipz.\82{i PbessD. Shelf \. Irish Population Returns, Census of 1821, Abstract of. (Parliamentary Paper.) fol. ib. 1823 269 Study. D. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf \. Irish Statwtical Returns, County of Carlow, Barony of Ratlivilly. (Pari. Paper.) fol Loud. 1825 O'Plielan, (Jolin) E])itaplis on the Tombs in the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny ; with a Preface and Notes, &c. by Peter Shee. /ol. . . . Duh. 1813 27«W Report from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom, 1827; with the Minutes of Evidence. (Parliamentary Paper.) fol. . . Lond. ^ 827 First Report of the Commissioners of Education in Ireland, 30th May 1825. (Parliamentary Paper.) fol. ........ ib. 1825 Praestantium ac Eruditorum Virorum Epistolae Ecclesiasticae et Theologicae, &c. ab Arminio, Vorstio, Vossio, Grotio, &c. &c. fol. .... Amst. 1684 .^neae Sylvii Piccolorainei (postea Pii Secundi Papae) Opera quae extant omnia, &c. &c. fol. Basil. Henricopetr. 1551 See Prose Works, vol. vii. pp. 79-80. Favine's (Andrew) Theater of Honor and Knighthood ; or a Compendious Chronicle and His- torie of the whole Christian World, &c. fol. . . . Land. 1623 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 79. Vertot's (Abbe de) History of the Knights of Malta. 2 vols. .M . . 24.1728 See Life, vol. i. p. 48. Navarro, (Gioach.) Marmo Greco -Melitese, ossia Interpretazione d' un inedita Greca Iscri- zione, &c. (da Atene.) imj). 4to. ..... Malta, 1789 Barbaro, (Marchese D. Carl' Anton,) Degli Avanzi d" alcuni antichissimi edifizi, scoperti in Malta r anno 1768, &c. fol. ..... Malta, 1794: Britten's (John) Essay towards an History and Description of Roslyn Chapel, Scotland. imp. 4:to. ........ Lond. lSlO-11 Smirke's (Robert) Pictures from Dr. Johnson's Rasselas, engraved by Raiynbach, with descrip- tions. Proof impressions, imp. ito. . . . . . ib. 1805 Letters from his late Majesty (King George III.) to the late Lord Kenyon, on the Coronation Oath, with his Lordship's Answers ; Letters of the Right Hon. WUIiam Pitt, to his late Majest}', with his Majesty's Answers, (1801.) Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Dr. Henry Phillpotts, (now Bishop of Exeter.) royal 4tv. . . . ib. 1827 Edinburgh Oil Gas Company's Act of Parliament, fol. 28th May. . . 1824 See Life, vol. v. p. 264. Prideaux's (Dr. Humphrey, Dean of Norwich,) Old and New Testament Connected, in the History of the Jews and neighbouring nations, &c. ^th edit. 2 \o\s. fol. . ii. 1719 GeocT-aphical, Historical, and Political Description of the Empire of Germany, &c. (Com- panion to Capt. Chauchard's Map, p. 239.) . . . ib. Stockdale, 1800 Clifford, (Arthur) Tixall Poetry; with Notes and Illustrations, ito. . Edin. 1813 See Life, vol. ii. p. 332. Sharpe, (Charles K.) Memorial of the Conversion of Jean Livingston, Lady Waristoun, &c. 1600; with a Preface, ito. L. P. . . . . ib. 1827 See Prose Works, vol. xx. p. 260. 270 Shdms \, 2. ANTIQUARIAN TRACTS ; SCOTT'S POEMS, &c. Study. D. Sharpe, (C. K.) A Pairt of the Life of Lady Margaret Cuninghame, Daughter of the Earl of Glencairn, that she had with her first hushand, the Master of Evandale ; witli a Preface. 4to. Z,. P. . . . . . . . . Edin. 1827 Mitchell's (Dr. John) Statement of Facts, in Answer to Mr. James Gibson's Address to the Puhlic. 8»o. — Dr. Mitchell's Reply to Mr. Gibson's Answers, &c. 4/o. . ih. J 808 O'Reilh', (Edward) Chronological Account of nearly 400 Irish Writers, &c. ; with a descrip- tive Catalogue of their Works, &c. Mo. .... D«6. 1820 Archaeologia iEliana : or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Publislied by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. vol. 1, part 1. ito. . Neipc. 1810 Transactions of the Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth, vol. 1. 4?o. Perth, 1827 Collection o/'Old Seals, {between GO and 70,) attached to parchment instnunents. 1 vol. sm.fol. Collection of printed Broadsides, about the time of the Revolution, (1688,) some of them curious, sm. fol. Scraps of various sorts. Manuscript axxi. printed. Ancient and Modern, Poetry and Prose, sm.fol. Military and Maritime Discipline. In 3 Books. — Book 1. Tacticks, &c. for Horse and Foot, by Capt. Thomas Venn. — Book 2. Taequet's (Andrew) Military Architecture, &c. Translated from the French, by John Lacey. — Book 3. The Compleat Gunner, &c. Translated out of Casimir, Diego, &c. by W. T. fol. imperfoct. . . . Land. 1672 SHELF II. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinhurgh. vol. 4/o. . . Edin. 1788, Sic. Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. vol. 4to. . ib. 1 752, &c. Scott's (Sir Walter) Chase, and William and Helen, Two Ballads, from the German of G. A. Biirger. 4fo. ........ ib. 1796' Lay of the Last Minstrel. Copy presented to his Mother, ito. . . £4. 1805 Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field. Ditto, ito. . . . 26,1808 Lady of the Lake, a Poem, Ditto. Mo. . . . ib. \8\0 Vision of Don Roderick, a Poem. ito. Ditto. . . . .26.1811 Rokehy, a Poem. Ditto, ito. . . . . . ib. \8\3 Lord of the Isles, a Poem. Ditto, ito. . . . . . ib. \8\5 Ogilvie's (Rev. Dr. John) Britannia, a National Epic Poem. In 20 books, ito. Aberdeen, 1801 Lays of the Lindsays ; being Poems by the Ladies of the House of Balcarras. Edited by Sir Walter Scott, ito. . . . . . . . Edin. 182i Woodward's (G. M.) Eccentric Excursions : or Literary and Pictorial Sketches of Counte- nance, Character, and Country, &c. in England and South Wales, &c. fVith coloured prints, ito. . . . . . . . . . Land. 1798 Dallaway's (Rev. James) Constantinople, Ancient and Modern ; with Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago, &c. ito. ..... j'i. 1797 Buckland's (Rev. William) Reliquiae Diluvianae ; or Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, &c. attesting an Universal Deluge, ito. . ib. 1823 271 Study. D. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 2, 3. Milne's (David) Essaj' on Comets, which gained the first of Dr. Fellowes's Prizes, &c, in the University of Edinhurgh. 4fo. ..... Edin. 1828 Wesenbecii (Mat.) Paratitla : Commentarii in Pandectas Juris Civihs et Codicem Justinianeum ; auct. a Vinnio et Echtio. 4^0. ..... Amsl. 1665 SHELF III. Wight's (Alexander) Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of Parliament, cliiefly in Scotland ; and a Complete System of the Law respecting the Elections of the Representatives, &c. Mo. ......... Edin. 1784 Ross's (Walter) Lectm-es on the Practice of the Law of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1792 Juridical Society of Edinburgh's Complete System of Conveyancing, adapted to the present practice of Scotland, &c. 2d edit. Vols. 1 and 2. Mo. . . ?4. 1811-21 Maclaurin's (Colin, Lord Dreghoru,) Arguments and Decisions in Remarkable Cases, before the High Court of Justiciary, &c. Mo. ..... 26.1774 Arnot's (Hugo) Collection and Abridgment of celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, from 1536 to 1784, &c. With MS. notes by Mr. John Donaldson and Sir W. S. Mo. ib. 1785 Hume's (David, afterwards Baron) Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting the Description and Punishment of, and Trial for Crimes. 4 vols. Mo. . ib. 1797-1800 See Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 191. Burnett's (John) Treatise on the various branches of the Criminal Law of Scotland, (completed by Lord Craigic.) Mo. . . . ■ . . .26.1811 Sandy's (George) Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to H. M.'s Signet. Mo. ib. 1 805 Shiells's (Thomas) Catalogue of the same Library, in four parts. (Including the Additions to 1833 inclusive.) With a General Index. \ yo\. Mo. ib. 1837 Stirling's (Rev. William Macgregor) Notes, Historical and Descriptive, on the Priory of Inch- mahome ; with Introductory Verses, and Original Papers. Mo. . . ib. 1815 Mackay's (Robert) History of the House and Clan of Mackay, &c. With a Genealogical Table of the Clan. Mo. . . . . . . . ib. 1829 See Preface to Fair Maid of Perth. Maitland's (Su- Richard, of Ledington,) Genealogy of the House and Surname of Sotoun. With the Chronicle of the House of Setoun, &c. Edited by Chas. K. Sharpe, Esq. Mo. ii. 1830 Anderson's (John) Historical Account of the Family of Frisel or Fraser, particularly Fraser ofLovat, &c. Mo. . . . . ■ ■ ■ . ib. 1825 Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton. Mo. . ib. 1825 Supplement to the Hamilton Memoirs. 1827. — 2. Hamilton's (Dr. of Bardowie,) Me- moirs of the House of Hamilton corrected. 1828. — 3. (Anderson's) Reply to the Mis-State- ments of Dr. H. of Bardowie, &c. 1828. Mo. . . . ib. 1827-8 Pittilloch's (Robert) Tracts, Legal and Historical. I. The Hammer of Iniquity. — II. The Settling of Scottish Judicatories. — III. Oppression under colour of law. 1659-89. Mo. E. P. ........ rejir. ib. 1828 272 Shelves 3, 4, 5, fi. ITALIAN BOOKS; CIVIL LAW, &c. Study. D. Memorials of the Family of Row. (With Introductory Notice.) — The Rcd-Shankes Sermon, preached in St. Giles's Church in Edinburgh, &c. {Land. 1642.) — A Cup of Bon- Accord, or Preaching by Mr. James Row, &c. From an Original MS. 4to. L. P. Edin. 1828 Gregory's (Donald) Historical Notices of the Clan Gregor, from authentic sources. Part I. (^from the Arckaeologia Scotica, yo\. i.) 410. .... ?i. 18.31 Laing's (David) Extracts from the Hawthornden MSS. and Drummond's Notes of Conversa- tions with Ben Jonson, 1619. (From Archaeologia Scotica, vol. 4.) ito. ib. 1831-2 See Notes to Kenilu-ortli. SHELF JV. Muratori, (L. A.) Annali d' Italia, dal principio dell' Era Volgare sino al anno 1749. 12 torn. ito. ......... Napoli, 1751-5 MabUlon, (D. Job.) et Germain, (D. Mich.) Museum Italicum, seu Collectio Veterum Serip- torum ex Bibliothecis Italicis. 2 tom. ito. .... Lut. Par. 1724 Rogadei, (Gio. Don.) Dell' Antico State de' Popoli dell' Italia Cistiberina, &c. 4to. Nap. 1780 Romanelli, (Domen.) Antica Topografia Istorica del Regno di Napoli. 3 tom. ito. ib. 1815-1 8-1 9 SHELF V. Tiraboschi, (Ab. Girol.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana. 10 tom. in 13. 4. 1697 *. 1698 ith edit, ib. 170o ii. 1705 ib. 1705 *. 1704 ib. 1 704 ib. 1704 ib. 1712 ib. 170C 6. Part II. 2d edit. ...... 7. 8. Cassandra telling what will come of it. No. I. 3d edit. No. II. 2d edit. 9. Wolf Stript of his Shepherd's Clothing. Answer to Moderation a Virtue, itii edit. 1 0. Bishop of Salisbury's Proper Defence, &.c. 1 1. The Good old Cause, &c. a Second Defence of the Bishop of Sarum, &u. 12. Salt for the Leach, in Reflections on Reflections. 2;/ edit. 1 3. Warning for the Church of England. ..... Religious Controversial Tracts. 1 vol. 4?o. containing, 1. Mr. Kirkwood's Plea before the Kirk, &c. ..... ii. 1698 2. Keith's (George) Third Narrative of Proceedings at Quaker's Meeting. . . ii. i 698 3. Fourth Narrative of Ditto. ...... ib. 1700 4. Quakers' Arguments against Baptism and Supper refuted. . . . ib. 1 698 5. Account of the Quakers' Politicks, &c. ..... wants title. Religious and Political Tracts. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1 . Narrative of Sir G. Rooke's Voyage to the Mediterranean, and Description of Gibraltar, &c. Lond. 1 704 2. Papers against the Scots Toleration, and Patronages. (8to.) . . . t'i. 1712 3. Ballantyne's ( ) Comical History of Marriage betwixt Fergiosia and Heptarchue. . ib. 1 706 4 . Great Britain's Union, and the Security of the Hanover Succession, &c. by a Person of Quality, ib. 1 705 28.3 Study. G. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelces 1, 2. ■J. Dick'8 (John) Testimonv to the Doctrine, &c. of the Church of Scotland, &c. ; with his last Speech on the Scaffold, I G04. ..... Printed in the j/ear See Nnic to Ohl Mortallly; I'rose Works, vol. vu. p. 25(i. fi. Defoe's (D.) Letter, <.S;c. Account hoiv the Treaty of Union has been received here. 7. Webster's (Rev. J.) Covenants of Redemption and Grace Displayed. 8. Lord Beilhavcn's Speech, 2d November. .... 9. Williamson's (Rev. David) Sermon before Duke of Queensberry, High Commissioner 10. Letter to a M. P. &c. True Interest of Scotland respecting the Succession. 1 1 . Oath of Abjuration displayed in its sinful nature, &c. VI. Letter to a Gent. &c. respecting Mr. Adam Glass. (8to.) 1 3. Just Reproof, &c. of two late pamphlets on the Witches of Pittenweem. See Letters on Di^monologi], pp. 324-5. 1 1. Declaration of the Estates of Scotland ; containing the Claim of Right, &c. 1.5. Curat CalderWhipt. By T. T. .... 16. The Oath of Abjuration enquired into. .... Tracts. 1 vol. thin ^io. containing, 1. Hart's (Rev. Dr. John) Warning Piece to all Dnmkards and Health-drinkers. 2. The Lawyer Outlawed ; or a Brief Answer to Mr. Hunt's Defence of the Charter, &c. See Prose Works, vol. i. p. 247 3. The Present Interest of England, &c. .... 4. Narrative of the Demon of Spraiton, (Devon) &c. 5. Behold Two Letters ; the one written by the Pope to the (then) Prince of Wales ; the other an An- awere to the said Letter by the s;iid Prince, now his Majesty of England, &c. Printed in tJif year of discoveries, 1642. 01(1 Tracts, thin Mn. containing, 1. Penn's (William) Letter containing Reflections on " Good Advice to the Church of England," &c. no date, [1687] I. Conviction, cScc. that it is the true interest of the City of Edinljurgh, that Mr. F r be chosen, &c. in the ensuing Parliament, ..... Edin. 1761 .■5. Linfs on the Indulgence, leitk a Reply. MS. 4. Paterson's (Ninian) Moristonus Martyr ; a Funeral Elogie on Andrew Ker of Moristoun, slain at Buda, July 19, 1686. ........ 1687 .5. To Hir Grace Hir Majesties High Commissioner, &c. Te Address far te fishers in te Highland Coasta,&Lc. no title or date. 6. New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty, (with allowance.) . . Lond.ldKl (See SoMERi! TR.iCTS. vol. ix. ji. 19.5.) 7. Advice to Protestants. ..... no title, but about 1637 8. Sherlock's (Rev. Dr.) Letter to a Member of Convention, with answer. repr. 168.'l (Sec So.MEBS Tracts, vol. x. p. 185.1 Ti. Humble Representation of House of Commons to the Queen, with Her Majesty's most gracious Answer. Edin. 1712 Edin. 1706 ih. 1707 1706 er, &c. Edin. 1700 wants title. Edin. 1712 ib. 1712 ih. 1705 ib. 1689 ib 1712 1712 Lond 1632 fee. ilj. 1683 il, 1683 ih SHELF II. Tracts by Dean Swift and others. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1 . Memorial of the State of England, &c. by Earl of Nottingham. {See SoMERs Tracts, vol. xii. p. 586.) 2. Swift's (Dean) Tripe Club, a Satyr, &c. . . . . 3. The New Idol, a Poem, &c. inscrib'd to the unchristian Author of the Tripe Club. 284 Lond. 1706 ib. 1706 Shplfl. THEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL TRACTS. Study. G. 4. Great Britain's Union, &c. by a Person of Quality. . . . ionii. 1705 5. Humble Representation, &c. of the Lords, &c. to Her Majesty, 14th March 1704, and Iler Majestie's Answer. ........ Dvh. 1705 6. Defoe's (Daniel) Advice to all Parties. .... Lmd. 1705 7. Burnet's (Bishop) Speech on the Bill against occasional Conformity. . . ii. 1704 y. Defoe's (Daniel) Shortest Way to Peace and Union. .... ib^ 1704 9. Reflections upon some Scandalous and Malicious Pamphlets, The Shortest Way, &c. . ih. 1703 10. Dangers of Europe from the Growing Power of France. 3d edit. . . . ii. \702 11. Tn-o Letters, &c. respecting the Partition Treaty, vindicating King William. . . Dub. 1702 12. Defoe's (Daniel) Jlock Mourner, a Satyr, by way of Elegy on King William. 2d edit. Land. 1702 ■ 13. Somers's (Lord) Jura Populi Anglicani : or the Subject's Right of Petitioning set forth. ib. 1701 14. The Memorial, alias Legion, answered paragraph by paragraph, &c. . . no tit k. 15. True Character of a Churchman. ...... idem. (SecSoMERs ThACTs. vol. ix. p. 477.) i IS. Defoe's (Daniel) New Test of Church of England's Loyalty; or Whiggish Loyalty and Church Loyalty compared. . . . . . . . ih. 1700 (See SoMBRS Tracts, vol. ix. p. 689.) 1 7. The Rector's Case, concerning the Power of Suspension from Sacrament. . Lond. 1695 18. Answer to the Rector's Libel; or the Bishop's Case truly stated. . . . X)b4. 1694 19. Case of the Suspended Bishops considered. .... Zoarf. 1691 20. Johnson's (Samuel) Argument proving the Abrogation of King James to be constitutional. ib. 1692 2 1 . Short History of the Kings of England, proving no direct Succession, &c. . . a. 1 692 22. Hickeringil's (Rev. Ed.) Lay Clergy ; or the Lay Elder, &c. . . ih. J. Dunton, 1695 23. Locke's (John) Letter concerning Toleration. ... . ib. 1689 24. Defence of True Protestants, abused for the Service of Popery. . . . ii. 1680 25. Eaton (Samuel) and Taylor's (Tim.) Defence of the Congregational Way, &c. . ii. 1646 26. The People's Ancient and Just Liberties asserted. Tryal of W. Penn and W. Mead, 1670. ib. 1682 27. Death and Burial of John Asgill, Esq. ..... Dub.\702 Tracts relative to the Union, &c. 1 vol. 4/o. containing, 1. Vindication of Informers of breaches of Act against Prophaneness, &c. . tiotitk. 2. Draught for a National Church Accommodation. .... Loiid. 1705 3. Lord Beilhaven's Speech in Parliament, 2 November. .... 1706 4. Letter from Mr. Scruplous to Trialogtis concerning the Union. . . . 1706 5. Ballantyne's Comical History of Marriage of Fergusia and Heptarchus. . . 1706 6. Speech without doors concerning Toleration. . \ 7. in season against the Union. . ... . . no titles- 8. Word to the Unioners and their Confederates. . ) .9. Memorial concerning the disorders of the Highlands, &c. . . . Edin. 1T03 10. Webster's (Rev. J.) Lawful Prejudices against an incorporating Union with England. ifi. 1707 11. Author of Lawful Prejudices Vindicated. .... ii. 1707 12. Oath of Abjuration displayed in its sinful nature, &c . . . 1712 13. Oath of Abjuration enquired into. ...... 1712 14. Oath of Abjuration, some Thoughts and Questions upon. .... 1712 15. Proper Project for Scotland, to startle fools, &c. Wit.'i MS. note hi/ Sir W. S. . 1699 16. Mystery of Magistracy Unveiled, &c. ..... 1708 285 Stuijy. G. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf -2. 17. Samson's Riddle, or a Branch of Bitter Wormwood bringing forth a Bundle of sweet-smelUng Myrrh. (Account of Judicial Proceedings against the Covenanters in ICGG and 1667, their last Speeches, &c. {wants last la//.) .... Printed in t/te year 18. Modest Reply to a Letter from a Friend to Mr. John M'Millan. . . Eiin. 1705 19. Calamy's (Rev. Ed.) Sermon, &c. 1645, on the Danger of Covenant-Breaking. . rcjir. 1707 20. Smectt/mniius Hcdiviviis : Answer to a Book entitled An Humble Remonstrance, &c. Gthedit. Edin.l70S Religious and other Tracts. 1 vol. 4to. containing, I . Propositions concerning Optic Glasses, &c. .... 0,r/urd,lG79 "3. Stillingfleet's (Dean) Letter to Mr. Godwin, giving a true Account of a late Conference. Land. 1687 3. Letter, &c. desiring Information of the Conference. 4. Stillingfleet's Letter to a Friend, reflecting on some Passages, in a Letter, &c. . 5. Second Letter to Mr. G. in answer to Two Letters. 6. Doctrine of the Trinity and Transubstantiation compared, &c. 2 parts. 7. Parish Cliurches no Conventicles, &c. by 0. U. ... 8. Burnet's (Bishop) Answer to a Letter occasioned by his Letter to Dr. Lowth. 9. Lowth's (Rev. Dr.) Second Letter to Dr. Burnet. 10. Bishop Burnet's Letter, occasioned by the Second Letter (of Dr. Lowth.) 11. Stillingfleet's (Dean) Answer to Dr. Lowth's Letter. 12. Smythies's (Rev. William) Three Replies to the Observator. ithedit. 13. Sicurus's Origin of Atheism, &c. translated by E. Bohun. 14. Saywell's (Rev. Dr. William) Inquiry into the Means of a happy Union. 15. Decree made at Rome, condemning some Opinions of the Jesuits. 16. Dryden (John) Absalon et Achitophel, Poema, Latino Carmine donatum. 17. Houghton's (John) Letters on Husbandry and Trade. 1 8. Wray's (Rev. W.) Anniversary Sermon on Fire of London. Tracts, chiefly controversial between Protestants and Papists. 4to. containing, 1. Dellon's History of the Inquisition at Goa. Translated from French. '2. Canaries's (Rev. Dr. James) Rome's Additions to Christianity. 3. Sherlock's (Rev. Dr. W.) Preservative against Popery. 2 Parts. With Vindication. 4. Gordon's ( Bishop of Aberdeen) Request to Roman Catholicks, to answer certain Queries, &c. AtU edU. ib. 1687 5. Clagett's (Rev. Dr. W.) Prerogative of St. Ann, Mother of the Mother of God. With Preface, il. 1688 6. Coventry's (Sir William) Character of a Trimmer, &c. .... iJ. 1689 7. Burnet's (Bishop) Sermon at the Coronation of William and Mary. . . jj. 1689 tl. Vox Rfjis ct Rctjni ; or a Protest against Vo,v Clcri. . . . . ib. i 690 9. Sherlock's (Rev. Dr. W.) Case of Allegiance due to Sovereign Princes. Id edit. . ti. 1691 10. Remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's Book. 2d edit. . , . . . i/i. 1691 II. Wagstafie 'a (Rev. T.) Answer to Dr. Sherlock's Vindication, &c. . . . ti. 1692 Tracts hy the Duke of Buckingham, &c. sm. ito. containing, 1 . Buckingham's (George, Duke of) Short Discourse upon the Reasonableness of Men's having a Religion. See So.MERs Tracts, vol. ix. p. 13. jj 1683 2. Answer to the Duke of Buckingham's Paper. ..... & 1685 3. Duke of Buckingham's Letter to the Author of Answer, &c. . . . i/i. 1685 See SoMEHs Tracts, vol. is. p. 18. 4. Reply to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham's Letter. .... i6. 1685 5. Reply to the Answer of the Man of no Name. By G. C. . . . «S. 1685 6. Consideration3movingtoaToleration,&c. occasioned by the Duke of Buckingham's Discourse, ii. 1685 286 wants title. Loud. 1687 ilj.l687 ib. 1687 ib. 1683 it. 1685 ib. 1684 ib. 1685 ib. 1687 ib. 1684 ib. 1684 a. 1631 ib. 1679 Oxon. 1682 Land. 1681 ib. 1682 ib. 1688 ib. 1685 ib. 1688 Shelft. THEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL TRACTS. Study. G. 7. Defence of the Duke of Buckingham. By the Author of Considerations, &c. /,&nd. 1685 8. The Anti Thelemite. Answers to the Dulce of Buckingham's Quaeres. . . id. 16R.5 9. Payne's (Henry) Persecutor Exposed, &c. Reply to an ill-bred Answer to the Duke of Bucking- ham's Paper. . . . . . . . . ilj. 168.S Controversial Tracts, sm, ito. containing, 1. Crofton's (Zech.) Anakpsis : &c. Consideration of Dr. John Gauden's Sense and Solution of Solemn League and Covenant, ith edit. . . . . . . . 1661 0. News from France. Present State of Difference between the French King and Court of Rome, &c. ib. 168-2 .3. Lane's (Col. Edward) Image of our Reforming Times, &.c. . . . ib. 1654 4. Du Moulin's (Dr. ) Account of Advances the Church of England hath made toward Rome, &c. a,. 1G8U 3. Disputation proving it not convenient to grant unto Ministers Secular Jurisdiction, &c. ib. 167!) 6. Passionate Remonstrance made by his Holinesse, &c. upon the late Proceedings and Covenant in Scotland, &c. ....... £(/;«. 1641 7. Relation of the True Funerals of the Marquisse of Montrose, &c. and Sir William Hay of Dalgity, &c. wants title. ........ [tJ. 1661.] Reprinted in Harleian MisccUani/, vol. vii. ; See POKTrcAL Works, vol. ii. p. IDO. n. Pacquet of Advice from Rome, No. 1. 3d December 1678. . . repr.{h.\G19 9. Letter from a Catholick Gentleman to his Popish Friends. . . repr. Hi. 1678 1 0. L' Estrange's (Sir Roger) Seasonable Memorial, &c. Notes on the Liberties of Press and Pulpit, ib. 1 680 11. Declaration of the Faith and Order, &c. in the Congregational Churches in England. . wants title Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1. CUfford's (Martin) Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems. . . . Zonrf. 1687 See Prose Works, vol. i. pp. 121-2. 2. Short and Impartial View of the Manner and Occasion of the Scots Colony's coming awa\' from Darien, &c. ........ 169!» .3. Scotland's Present Duty, or a Call to the Nobility, &c. for our common Concern in Caledonia, &c. 1700 4. Last Will and Codicil of Charles II. King of Spain, 2d October 1700 . Load. 1701 ■5. State of the Controversy betwixt united and separate Parliaments. . . li. 1706 6. The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable Speeches in November 1706. With Preface. . t6. 1733 7. Convention between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain, 1739 . . . ii. 1739 8. Some Reflections on His Majesty's Proclamation, published 1636-7, for a Toleration in Scotland, &c. xmnts title. 9. Letter writ by Myn Heir Fagel, &c. with the Prince and Princess of Orange's-Thoughts concerning the Repeal of the Test, &c. ...... ioKrf. 1688 10. Answer to a Paper entitled, A New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty. . no titlr. Controversial Tracts. 1 vol. sm. 4^0. containing, 1. Pacquet of Advice from Rome ; or History of Popery. No. 1 to 31, (December 1678, to July 1679) or Vol. I. Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome. No. 1 to 44, (July 1679 to May 1680,) or Vol. II. Land. 1678-80 2. Pacquet of Advices and Animadversions sent from London to the Men of Shaftesbury, (occasioned by Lord Shaftesbury's Letter.) ...... ib. 167 G 3. Second Pacquet of Advices and Animadversions. .... i4. 1677 4. L' Estrange's (Sir Roger) Account of the Growth of Knaveiy, &c. . . . ti. 1681 i. Citt and Bumpkin: in a Dialogue, &c. on matters of Religion and Government. . Ui. 1680 287 Study. G. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 2, 3. 6. L'E8trange's(SirR.) CittandBumpkin. Partll. DiscourseuponSwearingamlLying. 2(ie(i!V. £o»(/.1680 7. Truth and Honesty in Plain English. ..... ib. 1679 8. Principles on which the Abjuration Oath may be grounded. . . . ib. 1702 9. Separation and Sedition Inseparable, whilst Dissenters are permitted to control!, &c. . ti. 1703 Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. 4to. containing, 1. Humble Desires and Propositions for a Safe Peace. .... ti. 1644 2. Declaration of the Commons of England. ..... ti. 1648 3. Fourth Paper presented by Major Butler, &c. . . • . tJ. 1652 4. Jenkins's (David) £ej Terrae yl»<7'raf, &c. vants title. . . . [ii. 1647] See SoMEns Tracts, vol. v. 5. Eawley's (Sir Walter) Prince, or Maxims of State. .... tJ. 1642 6. Billa Kera, or the Arraignment of /(^noramas, &c. .... ti. 1682 7. Bury's (Jacob) Advice to the Commons, &c. . . . . ib, ] 685 8. The True Cess, by the exact intrinsick value of all Real Estates rightly stated. . i/i. 1691 9. Discourse upon Usury, &c. proving the lawfulness thereof . . . t'i. 1692 10. Temple's (Sir Richard) Essay upon Taxes, calculated for the present juncture. . ii. 1693 11. Briscoe's (J.) Discourse on the late Funds of the Million Act, &c. . . ib. 1694 12. Saunders's (Tib.) Fortunatus's Looking Glass ; or Essay on Lotteries. . . ib. 1699 13. Tindal's (Dr. Matthew) Essay concerning the Law of Nations, i5cc. • . sA. 1694 14. Johnson's (Samuel) Essay on Parliaments at a certainty. . . . ib. 1C94 15. Asgill's (John) Treatise, showing how usefull, &c. the inroUing and registering of all conveyances of lands may be to the Inhabitants of this Kingdom. .... ib. 1694 16. Anyliae Tutamen, &c. being an Account of the Banks, Lotteries, Mines, &c. and many pernicious pro- jects now on foot ; tending to the destruction of trade and commerce. . . ib. 1695 17. Solon Secundus ; or Some Defects in the English Laws, with their proper remedies. ib. 1695 1 8. Defoe's(D.)Poor Man'sPIea,inrelation to the Proclamations, &c. for Reformation of Manners, &c. ji.l C98 19. Considerations on the Choice of a Speaker in the ensuing Session, lie. . . tJ. 1698 20. The Occasional Paper, No. x. on Self Murder, and Verdicts oi Xon Compos. ib. 1698 2 1 . Reply to the Hertford Letter, wherein the case of Mrs. Stout's deatli is more particularly considered, and Mr. Cowper vindicated. . . . . . . . ib. 1699 22. The Julian and Gregorian Year: or Difference betwixt the Old and New Styles. • ib. 170O 23. The Free State of the People of England maintained, &c. . . . t4. 1702 24. Johnson's (Samuel) Vindication of Magna Charta, &c. 2d edit. . . ib. Former Ages never heard of, and After Ages will admire. A Brief Review of the most ma- terial Parliamentary Transactions, beginning Nov. 1640, and continued to this present year. 4?o. . . . . ' . . . . . 2*. 1654 Collection of Stall Ballads, Christmas Carols, &c. (bct« een 30 and 40 in number.) 4?o. SHELF III. Rollock's (Rev. Robert) Treatise of God's Eifectual Calling. Translated out of Latin by H. Holland, iio. ....... Land. 1603 Brown's (Rev. John) Quakerisme the Path-Way to Paganism, Sec. Examination of tlie Theses and Apologia of Robert Barclay, ito. .... Edin. 1 678 Mornay's (Philip of, Lord of Plessie Marlie) Trewnesse of Christian Religion. Translated by Sir Ph. Sidney and Arthur Golding. B. L. ito. . . . Land. 1592 288 Shelf ^. RELIGIOUS AND CONTROVERSIAL TRACTS. Study. G. Collection of Sermons prcaclied before the Two Houses of Parliament, on various public occa- sions, by Presbyterian Divines. (35 in number, with a MS. List prefixed.) 4to. Land. 1645-46 Tracts relative to the Revolution, 1688, and the Settlement of the Church of Scotland. 1 vol. ito. containing, 1. Livingstone's (Rev. John) Letter to his Parishioners of Anerum. Imperfect. Rotterdam, 7 Oct. 1671 2. The Scotch Mist cleared up, &c. Account of the Proceedings against Archibald, Earl of Argyle, for High Treason, &c. Wants title. ..... [1682] 3. Letter, containing Reflections on H. M.'s Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, 4th April, 1687. 4. Collection of Papers (15,) relating to the present juncture of affairs in England. . 1G8R 5. Popery Banished, with an Account of their Base Cheats. . . . 1688-9 6. Essay upon the Original and Designe of Magistracie. Vindication of the late Proceedings. 1 C89 7. Four Questions Debated, &c. With an Answer to the Objection, that the Convention will not have the power of a Parliament. . . . . . . 1689 a. Salus Populi Suprema Lex ; Free Thoughts of a Well-wisher for a good Settlement. . 1689 9. Reflections upon our Late and Present Proceedings in England. . . 1689 10. Necessity of settling the Crown of England. .... 1689 1 1 . Obedience due to the present King, notwithstanding our oaths to the former. By a Divine of C. of E. See SoMEBS Tracts, vol. x. p. 2J)6. 12. Proceedings of present Parliament justified by the opinion, &c. of Hugo Grotius. . 1G89 13. Usher's (Archbishop) Reduction of Episcopacy into the form of Synodical Government, &c. proposed in 1641, &c. ....... 1689 14. Letter to a Reverend Minister of the Gospel, of the Presbyterian persuasion. Edin. 4 March, 1689 1.5. Sober Conformist's Answer to a Rigid Conformist's Reasons why no alteration should be made in the Government of the Church of Scotland. ..... 1689 16. Weighty Considerations humbly proposed to the ensuing Assembly of the States of Scotland. 1689 17. Letter to a Member of the Convention of States in Scotland. . . . 1689 15. from the West to a Member of the Meeting of Estates of Scotland. . . 1689 1 9. Address of the Presliyterian Ministers and Professors of the Church of Scotland to the High Commis- sioner and Estates of Parliament. ..... 1689 20. Address signed by the greatest part of the Members of Parliament of Scotland, delivered to H. M. at HamptonCourt, 15th Oct. ...... 1689 21. Account of the Affairs of Scotland, &c. on occasion of the Address lately presented to H. M. Lond. 1 Dec. 1689 22. Sherlock's (Rev. Dr. W.) Letter to a Friend, respecting a French Invasion to restore the late King James, &c. ...... repr. Edin. 1 689 Political and Religious Tracts, at and after the Revolution in 1688. 4to. containing, 1. Memorial from the English Protestants to the Prince and Princess of Orange. . . 1689 Sec SoJiEns Tracts, vol. x. p. 22. 2. Political Conference between Aulicus, Demas, and Civicus, concerning Civil Government. Lond. 1689 3. Discourse concerning the present Convention in both Kingdoms. . . j'i. 1689 4. Articles of Religion agreed upon, &c. in the Convocation at Dublin, 1615. . . 1681 5. Heads of Agreement assented to by the United Ministers in and about London, &c. Lond. 1691 6. Defoe's (Daniel) New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty, &c. . . ib. 1703 7. New Test of the Church of England's Honesty. Wants title. . . [1703] 3. Answer to a New Test, ice. ...... no title. 289 2 Study. G. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf S. '.). Owen's (Kev. Jas.) Moderation Btill a Virtue ; in answer to several bitter pamplilets, &c. Land. 1704 111. Burnet, (Gilb.) Disput. Juridica de Belli Causis, &c. . . . Luy. Bat. 1701 {S07i 0/Siy Thomas Biti'm't, and Nephew of Bishop BitrncU to whomyjoinUij, ii U dedicated.) 11. The Seaman's Opinion of a Standing Army in England. . . . Lond.lG^i) 12. Letter from a Lawyer, &c. to his Friend in the Country, (on the purchase of New East India Stock.) wants talc. Controversial Tracts between the Presbyterians and Episcopalians in Scotland, after the Revo- lution. 1 vol. 4?o. containing, 1. Representation of the Presbyterian Ministers to the Parliament, 30th May 1G95 ; with some Remarks. wants title. 2. Speech in tJie Parliament of Scotland on tlie Presbt/terian Government. Bi/ Sir Alejcander Brtice, MS. At the end, " This person was expelled the Houseby the remaining part of the Parliament." no date [1702] 3. Speech of one of the Barons of the Shire of B , at a Meeting for choosing Representatives to the ensuing Parliament, summoned for 12th November. .... 1702 4. Premonitor AVarning ; or Advice by a true Lover of his Country, &c. (Project for a National Bank in Scotland, signed J. A.) ...... 1702 .5. Letter from Mr. Hodges at Loudon to a Member of the Parliament of Scotland. . Edin. 1703 (>. Great and Popular Objection against the Repeal of the Penal Laws and Tests, considered. no dale. 7. Reasons for maintaining the antiquity and necessity of Episcopacie. . . 1703 II. Counter Essay ; or Vindication of Calvin and Beza's Presbyterian Judgment and Principles, &c. in answer to an Essay concerning Church Government. . . . . »io title. .'). Second Edition of the Debate in the Shop about Imparity among Pastors. . . Edin. 1703 10. Calder's (Rev. Robert) Reasons for a Toleration to the Episcopal Clergy. (12»jo.) . & 1703 11. Case of the Episcopal Clergy, &c. as to granting them Toleration and Indulgence. . 1703 12. Webster's (Rev. James) Letter from a Gent, to a M. P. concerning Toleration. 2d edit. 1703 1 3. Remarks upon the " Case of the Episcopal Clergy," in a Letter, &c. . . Edin. 1703 14. Plain Dealing with the Presbyterians, by way of answer to (Webster's) Letter. . i6. 1703 15. Vindication of Plain Dealing, &c. ...... 1703 16. Short Character of the Presbyterian Spirit, &c. as it can be gathered from the" Letter" and" Remarks." 1703 17. Sage's (Bishop J.) Remarks on the late " Letter," &c. and Mr. Williamson's Sermon. 1703 18. Thoughts concerning Toleration vindicated and enforced, &c. in answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, " Toleration's Fence removed." ...... 1703 19. Short Answer to a Short Paper, &c. persuading indulgence to the Episcopal Clergy. . 1703 20. Essay for Peace by union in judgment ; about Church Government in Scotland. . 1703 21. Letter from a Country Gent. &c. Reasons for thinking Mr. Webster tiut the author of the Answer to the Essay for Peace. ....... «o title. 22. Letter to a Friend, &c. Reflections on the Essay for Peace, the Answer, and Reply. no title. 23. Sound and Solid Reasons against the Presbyterian Prints anent Patronages. . 1 703 24. Letter from a Country Presbyterian Minister, &c. concerning Toleration and Patronages. 1703 25. Manifesto asserting, &c. the legal right of the Princess Sophia and her issue to the Succession of Scot- land, ........ repr. 1704 26. Short History of the Sabbath. ...... Edin. 1705 27. Letter from the Master of a Private School to a Reverend Member of General Assembly, .Sec. (respec- ting the inaccuracy of the King's Printer's Bibles, and giving 3 pages of Errata in Mrs. Anderson's New Testament, edit. 1703.) ..... A. 1705 290 fihdf^. THEOLOGY; PHILOSOPHY, &c. Study. H. •28. Answers to Mr. John Mackmillan's Paper of Grievances, &c. by the Presbytery of Kircudbright. 1 705 29. The Pamphlet, &e. " True Karrative of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Kircudbright," examined and found false. By a Member of that Presbyterj-. .... 170.'; Catalogue of Dean Swift's Books, taken dtk October 1742, and compared June 2, 1744. With an Account of the Expences, c'j-c. and Produce of the Sale. MS. 4to. Adversaria: a thick sm. 4!to vol. entitled, " Common Places, \^th May, 1792." Containing Poetical Pieces, principallg selected ; Translations from the German; Original MS. Frag- ments ; Scraps from Newspapers, Sfc. by Sir Walter Scott. With a few Odds and Ends of later date, such as, Vocahdary of Shetland Phrases ; Tarn Delap ; Description of Douglas Castle and Vicinity, and Traditional Notes, relative to the Scenery and History of Castle Dangerous, by Mr. Haddow. (See Notes to the latter Novel ; and Life, vol. vii. p. 295.) Variorum Protractionum, (Wgo Compartimenta vocant,) cum pictoribus omnibus, &c. turn et studiosis, &c. Libellus apprlme utilis, &c. 4to. . . . Antwerp, 1555 PRESS H. THEOLOGY ; PHILOSOPHY ; LAAV AND JURISPRUDENCE. SHELF I. Delany's (Rev. Dr. ) Fifteen Sermons on Social Duties. 8»o. . Lond. 1744 Kempis's (Thomas a) Christian's Pattern ; or a Treatise of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated by Dean Stanhope. Qth edit. 8vo. .... ib. 1708 The Ladies' Calling. In two parts. Qth impression. Svo. . . Oxford, 1693 Sprague's (Rev. Dr. W. B.) Lectures to Young People. With Introductory Address by Dr. Samuel Miller. 12nw. ..... New York, i 830 Mason's (Rev. John) Treatise on Self Knowledge. 12?wo. . Edin. BaJlantyne, 1806 Tracts. 1 vol. 12mo. containing, 1. Collection of the Laws in favours of the Reformation in Scotland. With Index. . Edin. 1749 ■2. Memoirs of Mr. Robert Blair. In two parts. The first by himself, the second by Mr. William Row. (1593-1666.) ....... id. 1754 .3. True State of Difference between the Reformed Presbytery and some brethren who latelv deserted them. ........ ih. 1753 Hervey's (Rev. James) Theron and Aspasio ; or a series of Dialogues and Letters, &c. 2 vols. l2mo. ........ Dub. 1758 Deism Refuted ; or the Truth of Christianity Demonstrated, &c. 12mo. Lond. 1753 Book of Common Prayer, &c. of Church of England. With Tate and Brady's Psalms. 12mo. Edin. 1772 Psalms of David in Metre, version of Church of Scotland. 12?no. . . tj. 1770 Brady's (Dr. N.) and Tate's (N.) New Version of the Psalms. 12mo. . ib. 1740 Watts's (Rev. Dr. Isaac) Psalms of David, &c. 12ff;o. . . Lond. 1750 Translations and Paraphrases in Verse, &c. 18?no. . . . Edin. 1781 291 Study. H. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 2. Duncan's (Rev. Dr. Alexander) Devout Communicant's Assistant. 18»!0. Berwick, 1792 Gessner's (C.) Deatli of Abel. Translated from the German by Mrs. Collyer. 5t/i edit. \2mo. ........ Lond. 1763 See Life, vol. i. p. 26 ; Poetical Works, vol. iv. p. 42. Klopstock's (F. T.) Messiah, attempted from tlie German. (By Mrs. Collyer^ and lier husband Joseph Collyer.) 2 vols. \2mo. ...... ib. 1703 SHELF II. Jamieson's (Rev. Dr. John) Use of Sacred History, especially as illustrating and confirming the great Doctrines of Revelation. 2 vols. 8 co. . . . £. 1826 Summons of Wakening ; or the Evil Tendency and Danger of Speculative Philosophy, exem- plified in Mr. Leslie's Inquiry into the Nature of Heat, &c. Svo. . Hawick, 1 807 Report of Proceedings, &c. in General Assembly, respecting the Election of Mr. Leslie to the Mathematical Chair, &c. 8»o. ..... Edin. 1805 Tracts on Professor Leslie's Election. Svo. containing, 1. Stewart's (Prof. Dugald) Short Statement of some important Facts, relative to the late Election, &c. ib. 1805 2. Examination of the Letter addressed to Principal Hill on the Case of Blr. Leslie, &c. . ih, 1806 3. Playfair's (Prof. John) Letter to the Author of the Examination of Prof. Stewart's Short Statement, &c. ib. 1806 Bannister's (Samuel, late Attorney-General in New South Wales,) Humane Policy ; or. Justice to the Aborigines of the New Settlements, &c. Svo. . . . Lo?id. 1830 Abercrombie's (Dr. John) Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Po^^ers, and the Investigation of Truth. Svo. ....... Edin. 1830 Phillips's (Sir Richard) Golden Rules of Social Philosophy. ( Wif/i MS. hetterfrom the Author.) Svo. ......... Lond. 1826 Berry's (Miss) Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France, &c. Svo. ib. 1828 SHELF IF. Irving's (Dr. David) Observations on the Study of the Civil Law. — Memorial of Anne Mar- garet Anderson, his Wife. Svo. ..... Edin. 1815 The Code Napoleon, verbally translated from the French ; to which is prefixed an Introductory Discourse, &c. By Bryant Barrett, Esq. 2 vols. Svo. . . Lond. 1811 Erskine's (John) Principles of the Law of Scotland, &c. new edit. Svo. Edin. 1802 Halkerston's (Dr. Peter) Translation and Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases used in Mr. Erskine's Institute of the Law of Scotland, &c. Svo. . . /J. 1820 294 4,5. SCOTS LAW ; CRIMINAL TRIALS, &c. Study. H. Beveridge's (Thomas) Practical Treatise on tlie Forms of Process, &c. before the Court of Session, &c. 2 vols. Sao. . . . . . ■ Edin. 182G Clark's (Robert) View of the Office of Sheriff in Scotland, &c. 8»o. . . «i. 1824 Tail's (George) Summary of the Powers and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in Scotland, &c. 8vo. . . . . . . . . ■ ib. 1806 Bell's (Robert) Treatise on Leases, &c. 8™. ..... «4. 1803 (Professor George Joseph) Commentaries on the Municipal and Mercantile Law ot Scotland in relation to Bankruptcy. 2 vols, roya/ 8»o. . . . ib. 1804 Macmillan's (Anthony) Supplement to the Forms of Writings used in Scotland, &c. in relation to Moveables, &c. \2mo. . . . . . . . ib. 178f; Notes of Procedure in the Elections of the Representative Peers of Scotland. 8co. ib. 1818 SHELF V. Tracts on Juries, &e. 8oo. containing, 1. Warrant under H. M."s Sign Manual, appointing Commissioners to enquire into the Administration of Justice in Scotland, November 1 808. ■2. Statement explaining Rules and Regulations for Jury Court. . . . Edin. \Z\9 3. Observations respecting the further Extension of Jury Trial in Civil Cases. . /A. 1 8 1 U 4. Meadowbank's (Lord) Considerations on Jury Trial in Civil Cases. . . ib. 1814 5. Report by the Commissaries of Edinburgh to the Commissioners, &c. . . ib.\V,WJ C. Report of R. H. Cay, Judge of Admiralty Court, to the Commissioners, &c. . ih. 18(111 7. W 's (J ) Salus Populi Suprema Lex : &c. Rights of the People to assemble and prepare Petitions to the King, &c. ...... Z>«6. 181!i Bruce's (Alexander) Institutions of Military Law, Ancient and Modern, &c. 800. Edin. 1717 Creech's (William) Account of the Trial of William Brodie and George Smith, for breaking into and robbing the Excise Office, on 5th March last, &c. 8vo. . . ib. 1788 See Note to Heart of Mid-Lothian. Trial of Sir Archibald Gordon Kinloch, of Gilmerton, Bart., for the Murder of Sir Fr. Kinlocli, Bart., his brother-german. With MS. note by Sir W. S. 8vo. . . ib. 1795 Trial of James Stuart, Esq. &c. June 10, 1822, (for killing Sir Alexander Boswell in a duel.) 2d edit. 8vo. . . . . . - . . tb. 1822 See Life, vol. v. pp. 153-54. Trial of William Burke and Helen M'Dougal, &c. 24th Dec. 1828, for the Murder of Mar- gery Campbell, &c. ; with a Preface. — Supplement to the Trial of Burke and SPDougal, containing the whole legal proceedings against William Hare, in order to bring him to Trial for the Murder of Daft Jamie ; with an Appendix. — Second Report of the same Trial ; various Reports and Comments of the Newspapers, especially the Caledonian Mercury ; several pamphlets, ballads, verses, articles from Phrenological Journal, and controversy be- tween Mr. Combe and Dr. Stone, &c. bound tip in 5 vols. 8vo. and a large Mo. Atlas of coloured portraits, views, ^r. 8;c. ..... Edin. 182.9 See LirE, vol. vii. pp. 169-75. 295 Study. H. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 5, 6. MaekcouH's (John) Abuses of Justice, illustrated by my own case. 2d edit. 8eo. Lowf/. 1812 Memoir of the Life and Trial of James Mackcoull, or Bloffat, who died in County Jail of Edinburgh, 22d Dec. 1 820, &c. With MS. notes by Sir W. S. 8»o. Edin. \%22 See Prosb Works, vol. iii. p. 1 09, note. Trials. 1 . Report of Case, Paterson against Shaw, for a Libel, by imputing to the Pursuer false play at cards, tried at Edin. 7th June 1830. — 2. Report of the Trial by Jury, Thomas Mackenzie, Esq. against Robert Roy, Esq. May 11, 1830. 8ro. . . 24.1830 Medland (W. M.) and Weobly's (Charles) Collection of Remarkable and Interesting Criminal Trials, Actions at Law, &c. 2 vols. ^m. .... Lond. 1 803 Trials, Tracts, &c. 1 vol. 8?.'o. containing, 1. Perreau"s (D.) Narrative of hi3 unhappy Case, and his Transactions with Mrs. Rudd, &c. Lond. 1775 Sec PnosE Works, vol. iii. p. 2(1-2. 2. Rudd's (Mrs.) Facts: or Plain and Explicit Narrative of her Case, &c. . . ih. 1775 3. Proceedings, &c. on Trial of John Donellan, Esq. for the wilful Murder (by poison) of Sir Theod. E. A. Boughton, Bart., tried at Warn-ick, 30th March 1781. . . ih. 1781 4. Palmer's (T. F.) Narrative of the Sufferings of T. F. Palmer and W. Skirving, during a Voyage to New South Wales 1 794. 2d edit. ..... Camb. \7 97 5. Knox's (Rev. Dr. Vic.) Narrative of Transactions relative to his Sermon at Brighton, Aug. 18, 1793. ■2d edit. ........ Lnid. 1 793 SHELF VL Blackstone's (Sir William) Commentaries on the Laws of England. \5tk edit. \n\h. Notes and Additions, by Edward Christian, Esq. 4 vols. 8»o. . . . 2^.1809 Bin'u's (Dr. Richard) Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer. 14rt edit. 4 vols. 8ro. ib. 1780 Kyd's (Stewart) Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange. Qd edit. Svo. . /4. 1795 Cooper, (C. P.) Lettres sur la Cour de la ChancoUerie, &c. nouv. edit. 8co. . ib. 1828 Wilkinson's (G. T.) Authentic History of the Cato-Street Conspiracy ; with the Trials of the Conspirators for High Treason and Murder, &c. — Fac-Similes of the Hand-writing of the different Conspirators, collected by Mr. Adolphus. — With MS. notes by Sir W. S. who teas jyresent at the trial. 8ro. . . . . . . . ib. 1820 Pamphlets relative to Mr. Weare's Blurder. 8vo. containing, 1. Complete History and Developement of all the circumstances and events connected with the Murder of Mr. Weare, with the Trial at large, &c. .... Lond. 1824 2. Observer Newspaper, Jan. 12, 1824, and Supplement, containing the Trial. 3. Account of the Murder of Mr. Thomas Weare, &c. .... £klin. 4. Egan's (Pierce) Account of the Trial of John Thurtel! and Joseph Hunt, and Recollections of John Thurtell. ........ Lond. ■1. Trial of .Tohn Thurtell and .Joseph Hunt ; ttilh 6 views. . . , it. See Life, vol. vi. p. 330 ; vol. vii. p. 14(1. Trial of Colonel Quentin, of the 10th Hussars, by Court Martial, at Whitehall, 17th-31st Oct. 1814. 2d edit. 8vo. ....... ib. ISli 296 Shelf 1. CRIMINAL TRIALS, &c. Study. H. SHELF VII. Pamphlets. 1 vol. 8co. contain in j:, 1. Carrick's (James) Account of all the Robberies committed by him, John Mallioni, and their accom- plices, &c. ....... LcmJ. 1722 2. Trial of John Holloivay and Owen Haggeity, for the Murder of Mr. Steele. Wi edit. ih. 1807 3. Present Conduct of the Highland Chieftains and Proprietors towards their Clans and People, by a Highlander. Id edit. ...... ib. 1773 Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. Trial of Archibald Stewart, Esq. late Lord Provost of Edinburgh, for neglect of duty, &c. (2 parts.) Ellin. 1747 2. Trialof James Carnegie of Findhaven for the Murder of the Earl of Strathmore in 1728. Zdedit. ib. 17 6'2 See Prose Works, vol. xxi. p. 237-239. Trial of Lord George Gordon for High Treason, February 5, 1781, &c. 8oo. ib. 1781 Lives of Malefactors. 8vo. containing, 1. Account of the Life and Actions of James Maclean, Highwayman, &c. . . wants title. 2. Allen's (Rev. Dr.) Account of the behaviour of Mr. James Maclaine, &c. 3d edit. Land, 1750 3. Life and Memoirs of Mr. William Smith, executed, 3d October, 1750, for Forgery. . U>. 1750 Report of Proceedings under Commission for Oyer and Terminer, &c. Iield at York, January 2-12,1813. (Trials of the Luddites.) 8«o. . . . Lond. 1813 Report of Trial of an Action, Hon. Frederick Cavendish, v. the London Hope Insurance Com- pany, before Lord Norbury and a Special Jury, February 18-23, 1813. 82)0. Dub. 1813 Authentic Memoir of the Remarkable Life and Surprising Exploits of Mandrin, Captain-Gene- ral of the French Smugglers, &c. 8«rt. . . . . Lond. 1753 See Life, vol. vi. p. 207. Report of Trial of Roger O'Connor, Esq. on a charge of conspiring, &c. to rob the Mail from Dublin to Galway, 2d Oct. 1812, tried at Trim Assizes, 5th Aug. 1817. Soo. Dub. 1817 Report of Proceedings upon an Information in the nature of a Qtio Warranto, at the Suit of the King, against Walter O'Grady, Esq. respecting the riglit of appointment to the office of Clerk of the Pleas in the Irish Court of Exchequer, &c. 800. . . ib. 1816 Trial of Mmigo Campbell for the Murder of the Earl of Eglintoun, before the Court of Justi- ciary, &c. (With MS. note of 4: pages by Sir W. S.) 3d edit. 8m. Lond. 1770 Tracts relative to Rhjaiwick Williams. Sao. containing, 1. Angresteen's (J.) Circumstantial Account of all the Barbarities practised by the Monsters, &c. including the Four Trials of R. Williams. Zdedit. .... Lund. 1790 2. Swift's (TheophUua) Monster at Large : or the Innocence of Rh)-nwick Williams Vindicated, ib. 3. Williams's (Rhynmck) Appeal to the Public, containing Observations and Reflections on Facts relative to his very extraordinary and melancholy Case. . . . . ii. 1792 Scotch Trials. 8vo. containing, 1. Trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. &c. for Sedition, August 1793. . . . EJiu. 1793 2. Life and Transactions of William Gadesby, from the age of 1 7 to 28, &c. Written by himself, &c. *. 1791 3. Declaration and Confession of Robert Watt, the evening before his execution, 15 Oct. 1794. i4. 1794 297 2 P Study. I. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 2. Foster's (Sir Michael) Report of some Proceedings, &c. for the Trial of the Rebels in MW, and of other Crown Cases, &c. 8mo. .... Dub. \1!(iS PRESS I. ARTS AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, PLANTING, &c. ; HISTORY OF SCOTLAND ; AND HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES. SHELF II. Howell's (John) Essay on tlie War Galleys of the Ancients, roi/al 8vo. Edin. 1826 Principles of War exhibited in the practice of the Camp, and as developed in a series of General Orders of Field Marshal the Puke of Wellington, &c. 8vo. . Land. 1 8i 5 General Orders of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809 to 1814, and the Low Countries and France, 1815. Compiled by Lieutenant-Colonel John Gurwood. 8bo. ......... ib. 1832 Carruthers's (Adjutant) Instructions and RegiJations, recommended, &c. to the Junior Officers, &c. of the Roxburghshire Yeomanry Cavalry. 8vo. . . . Jedhirc/k, 1825 Malcolm's (Major-General Sir John) Instructions to Officers acting under his orders in Central India, 1821. 8vo. ....... Land. 1824 Dalkeith's (Charles, Lord, afterwards Duke of Buccleuch) General Rules and Regulations for forming advanced guards, &c. 8»o. ..... Edin. 1803 Bismark's (Count Von) Lectures on Cavalry Tactics. Translated from the German, with notes by Major Beamish. 8oo. ...... Land. 1827 Douglas's (Major-General Sir Howard) Treatise on Naval Gunnery. 2d edit. 8vo. ih. 1829 Edinburgh Review of Sir Howard Douglas's two Pamphlets, claiming the invention of Breaking the Line for his father. Sir Charles Douglas. (Printed separately.) 8»o. Edin. 1830 Ferguson's (James) Astronomy explained upon Sir I. Newton's principles, &c. 1 2th edition, improved by Dr. A. Mackay. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1809 Jameson's (Professor Robert) Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. . . Edin. 1821 Lewis's (J. H.) Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Short Hand, &c. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1816 Molleson's (Alexander) Melody the Soul of Music, an Essay towards the improvement of the Musical Art. 8vo. ....... Glasg. 1798 Hay's (D. R.) Laws of Harmonious Colouring applied to House Painting, sm. 8eo. Edin. 1828 See Life, vol. v. p. 325. Jacob's (William) Tracts relative to the Corn Trade and Corn Laws. 8co. Lond. 1828 Buchan's (Di-. William) Domestic Medicine ; or the Family Physician, &c. 1st edit. 8vo. Edin. 1769 Cleland's (Eliz.) New and Easy Method of Cookery. 8vo. . . ib. 1755 298 Shelves 2, 3. AGRICULTURE AND PLANTING, &e. Study. I. Appert's (M.) Art of preserving all kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for several years. From the French. 2d edit. \2mo. .... Land. 1812 Karnes's (Henry Home, Lord) Gentleman Farmer, itk edit. Seo. . Edin. 1788 Taplin's (William) Gentleman's Stable Directory, or. Modem System of Farriery, &c. With Supplement. I3th edit. 2 vols. 8 »o. .... Lond. 1796 SHELF in. Somerville's (John, Lord) Tracts and Observations relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen, &c. 3d edit. 8oo. . . . . . ■ ■ . ib. 1809 Harley's (William) Harleian Dairy System ; and an Account of the various methods of Dairy Husbandry pursued by the Dutch, &c. 8vo. .... ib. 1829 Napier's (William John, Lord) Treatise on Practical Store Farming, as applicable to the mountainous region of Etterick Forest, &c. 8»o. . . . Edin. 1822 Buchan Farmers' True Method of treating light hazely ground, &c. 8vo. . {4.1733 Steele's (Andrew) Natural and Agricultural History of Peat Moss or Turf Bog, &c. ( fVit/i MS. Letter from the Author.) 8vo. ...... ib. 1826 Anderson's (Dr. James) Miscellaneous Observations on Planting and training Timber Trees, &c. 8vo. ......... ib. Ill': Nicol's (Walter) Practical Planter ; or Treatise on Forest planting. 2d edit. 8ao. Lond. 180S ■ Planter's Kalendar ; or Nurseryman and Forester's Guide, &c. Edited and completed by Edward Sang. 8vo. ...... Edin. 1812 Pontey's (William) Profitable Planter : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of planting Forest Trees. 3d edit. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1829 Forest Pruner, &c. Treatise on the training or management of British Timber Trees. 3d edit. 8m. . . . . . . . . ib. 1810 Monteath's (Robert) Forester's Guide ; or Practical Treatise on the training and pruning of Forest Trees. 12mo. ...... Stirling, 1820 Forester's Guide and Profitable Planter, &c. 2d edit. 8vo. . Edin. 1824 See Review of this in Prose AVorks, vol. xxi. p. 1. Miscellaneous Reports on Woods and Plantations, &c. 8vo. . Dundee, 1827 New and Easy Way of draining and reclaiming the Bogs and Marshes of Ireland. 8»o. Edin. 1829 Weld's (I.) Essay on Evergreen Oaks, presented to the Royal Dublin Society. 8«o. Dub. 1829 Billington's (William) Facts, Hints, Observations, and Experiments on the different modes of raising young Plantations of Oak, &c. 8eo. . . . . Newcastle, 1825 Tracts on Planting. 8vo. containing, 1. Withers's (Wm. jun.) Memoir on the planting and rearing of Forest Trees. ^J. edit. Holt {Nur/ult) 1827 2. Letter to Sir Walter Scott, Bart, exposing certain fundamental errors in his late Essay on Plant- ing, &c. ........ *. 1828 3. Henderson's (Andrew) Practical Hints on the principles of surveying and valuing Estiites. Eilin, 1829 299 Study. I. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 3, 4. Mitchell's (J.) Dendrologia ; or Treatise on Forest Trees ; with Evelyn's Silva revised, cor- rected, and abridged, &c. Sfo. ..... Keighlei/, 1827 Steuart's (Sir Hcnr}', Bart, of Allanton,) Planter's Guide ; or Practical Essay on the best method of giving effect to Wood by the removal of large Trees and Underwood, &c. 8»o. Edin. 1828 The same, second edition, greatly improved and enlarged. &vo. . . ib. 1828 See Heview of this in Prose Works, vol. xxi. p. 77. SHELF IV. Speechly's (William) Treatise on the Culture of the Pinc-Applc, and the management of the Hot-House. 8»o. ....... York, 1779 Agricultural Tracts, &c. 1 vol. Svo. containing, 1. De Salis's (Count) Considerations on the propriety of a general Draining Bill, &c. and for a Commu- tation of Tithes for Ireland. . . . . . . .1813 "2. Coventry's (Professor Andrew) Notes on the Culture and Cropping of Arable Land. Edin. 1812 3. Report of Committee of Lanarkshire Commissioners of Supply, on the procedure for striking the Fiars ofGrain for 1816. ...... «. 1817 4. Account of the Improvements on the Sutherland Estate. . . . Land. \R\5 5. Ainslie's (Robert) Practical Observations on Com and Money, &c. . . Edin. 1826 Badnall's (Richard) Letter on the present Commercial and Agricultural Condition of Great Britain. 8i'o. ....... Liverpool, 1830 White's (Rev. Gilbert) Natural History of Selborne, &c. With additions by Sir WUhani Jardine. 12 wo. ....... Edin. 1830 Gelieu's (Jonas de) Bee Preserver; or Practical Directions for the management and preserva- tion of Hives. From the French, sm. 8vo. .... ib. 1829 Morison's (Dr. John) Medicine no Mystery : a brief Outline of the Principles of Medical Sci- ence, &c. cr. 8vo. ....... Land. 1829 Kitchiner's (Dr. W.) Art of invigorating and prolonging Life, &c. and Peptic Precepts. 4:tli edit. \2mo. . . . . . . . . . ib. ] 822 ■ Paul's (Sir Geo. Bart.) Considerations on the defects of Prisons, and their present system of regulation, &c. . . . . . . . . ib. 1784 See Life, vol. ii. pp. 315-16, 319-20. Fifth Report of Committee of Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline. 8do. ib. 1823 Rules of the Thistle Golf-Club. With some Historical Notices of the progress of the game of Golf in Scotland. 8vo. ....... ib. 1824 The Library of Useful Knowledge. Natural Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. containing the following Treatises : 1 . Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science, (by H. Brougham.) 2. Me- chanics. 3. Hydrostatics. 4. Hydraulics. 5. Pneumatics. C. Heat. 7. Optics. 8. Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light. 9. Glossary and Index. . . ii. 1829 Historv of Greece, from the earliest times to its final Subjugation to Rome. 8vo. ib. 1829 300 Shelves 5, 6. SCOTTISH MISCELLANIES, HISTORICAL, &c. Study. I. SHELF r. Scottish Tourist and Itinerary ; or a Guide to the Scenery and Antiquities of Scotland and tlie Western Islands. 12mo. ...... Edin. 1825 The same. 2d edit. . . . . . . . . ib. 1827 The same. 3d edit. . . . ■ ■ . . . e^. 1830 Fyers's (Col. P., Royal Artillery) Loch Lomond, Loch Katrine, tlie Trosachs, &c. Illustrated hy a Series of Lithographic Sketches, obi. 8bo. Craig's (John) Poems. (Dedicated to the Countess of Wemyss.) \2mo. Edin. 1827 Hogg, (James) Songs by the Ettrick Shepherd. Now first collected. \2mo. . ib. 1831 Edinburgh, Improvements in, in the year 1823. 18mo. . . . 25.1824 Scott's (Sir Walter) History of Scotland, (to the Union of the Crowns.) (For Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) 2 vols. l2mo. ..... Land. 1830 Ferguson's (Dr. Adam) Institutes of Moral Philosophy. 3d edit. \2mo. Edin. 1785 Buchan's (David, Earl of) Anon}Tiiovis and Fugitive Essays. Collected from various perio- dical works. \2mo. . ■ . . . . . ib. 1812 Currie's (Archibald) Principles of Gaehc Grammar. 12mo. . . . 2^.1828 Wilkie's (Rev. David) Epigoniad, a Poem, in nine Books. 12mo. . . ib. 1757 Fergus's (Rev. John) History of the Western World, United States, vol. l2)no. Lond. 1830 James's (G. P. R.) History of Chivalry. 12mo. .... ib. 1829 See Introduction and Notes to T7te Talisman ; [Tales of the Crusaderi.) IMarkham's (Mrs.) Hist, of France; with Conversations, &c. new edit. 2vols. 12ffjo. ib. 1830 Wheare's (Degery) Method and Order of reading Histories, &c. sm. 8vo. . ib. 1 709 SHELF VL Lauder's (Sir Thomas Dick) Account of the Great Floods of August 1829, in the Province of Moray, &c. 8»o. ....... Edin. 1830 The Pabley Magazine, 1828. (Edited by W. Motherwell.) 8vo. . Paisley, 1828 Singer's (Rev. Dr.) General View of the Agriculture, &c. of Dumfries-shire. 8vo. Edin. 1812 Richmond's (Alex. B.) Narrative of the Condition of the Manufacturing Population, &c. in Scotland in 1817, &c. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1824, Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie, for upwards of seven hundred years, &c. Published by H. Mill. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1812 Brovni's (Capt. J., Superintendant of Edinburgh Police) Letter to the Lord Provost, &c. 1820. — Letter to Messrs. Geo. Miller, Thomas Allan, and Peter Brown. 8vo. Edin. 1820-1 Hawkins's (Susannah) Poetical Works. 8vo. .... Durnfries, 182ii Mackay's (Robert, or Rob Don, the Sutherlandshirc Bard) Songs and Poems in the Gaelic Language; with Memoir of the Author. 8vo. . . . Inverness, 1829 See Note to T!if Two Drovers; {Talcs of the Canongate.) Tytler's (Pat. Fraser) History of Scotland. vol. 8vo. . . Edin. 1828, &c. See Review of the two first vols, of this in Pkose Works, vol. xxi. p. 152 ; and Life, vol. v. pp. 273-74. 301 Study. I. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 6,7 Complete History of Europe, &c. from the Treat}' of Nimeguen 167C, to the Conclusion of the Peace with the Turks, 1G99. 2d edit. Svo. . . . Land. 1699 Biggs's (Lieut. William) Military History of Europe, from 1739, &c. to 17-i8, including His- tory of the Rebellion in Scotland. 2d edit. 8vo. .... 2^.1756 Contest of the Twelve Nations ; or View of the Different Bases of Human Character and Talent. Svo. ....... Edin. ) 826 SHELF VII. M'Ure's (John) History of Glasgow, new edit, royal 8vo. . . Glasff. 1830 Struthers's (John) History of Scotland, from the Union to the Abolition of the Heritable Juris- dictions in 1748. 2 vols, royal 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1827 Wilson's (John, of Thornly,) Political State of Scotland, &c. royal Hvo. Land. 1831 Balfour's (Sir James) Historical Works. Published from the original MSS. in the Advocates' Library, by James Haig. 4 vols. 8 oo. .... Edin. 182'i M'Crie's (Rev.^Dr. Thomas) Life of Andrew Melville ; containing Illustrations of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland during the 16th and 17th centuries. 2d edit. 2 vols. Svo. ......... ib. 1824 Memoirs of Mr. William Veitch, and George Brysson, &c. with other narratives illustra- tive of Scottish History, from the Restoration to the Revolution. 2d edit. 8co. ib. 1825 Bower's (Alexander) History of the University of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8ro. . «A. 1817 Faden's Maj? of Scotland, on canvass, in case. PRESS K. IRISH HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTIQUITIES; SWIFTIANA; ENGLISH HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES; COLLECTIONS OF POLITICAL TRACTS, &c. SHELF II. The Medleys for 1811, and the Five Whig Examiners, royal Svo. . Land. 1812 Anthohyia Hibernica : or Monthly Collections of Science, Bclles-Lettres, and History. 4 vols. royal Svo. ........ Dub. 1793-i See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 67. Montmorency Morres's (Colonel de) Historical and Critical Inquiry into the Origin, &c. of the Irish Pillar Tower, royal 8vo. ..... Lond. 1821 Jocelyn's (Monk of Fumes) Life and Acts of St. Patrick, the Archbishop, Primate, and Apostle of Ireland. Translated from the Latin, &c. by Edmund L. Swift, Esq. royal Svo. Dub. 1 809 Pamphlets respecting G. R. Fitz-Gerald. Svo. containing, 1. Fitz-Gerald's (George Robert) Appeal to the Jocky Club, &c. . . Lmid.\Tlb 2. Walker's (Thomas) Answer to Mr. Fitz-Gerald's Appeal, &c. . . ib. 1775 3. Case of G. R. Fitz-Gerald, Esq. impartiaDy considered, &c. With Letter from T. Brecknock, Esq. written a few weeks before his own and Fitz-Gerald's execution. 2d edit. . ih. 178C 302 Shelves 2, 3. ENGLISH HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES; SWIFTIANA, &c. Study. K. .Northern John Bull ; orEnglishman'sMagazine, July 1829 to June 1830. royalSvo. Newcastle. Paterson's Roads, &c. of England and Wales, and part of Scotland. 17 th edit. With Topo- graphical Sketches, &c. by Mogg. roj/al 8vo. . . . Land. I82i Norton's (George) Commentaries on the History, Constitution, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, royal Soo. ...... ib. 182U Lee's (William) Ancient and Modern History of Lewes and Brighthelmston, &c. JVitk MS. notes. 8vo. ....... Lewes, 179.5 Rawle's (Dr. William) View of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2d edit, rot/al 8vo. ....... Philadelphia, ^ 829 Edinburgh Gazeteer; or Geographical Dictionary. 6 vols, large 8vo. . Edin. 1822 SHELF III. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Ambassador from Charles II. to the Courts of Portugal and Madrid. Written by herself, new edit. 8vo. Lend. 1830 See Poetical Works, vol. viii. note H ; Note to Tlie Betrothed. Tighe's (H. U.) Historical Account of Cumner ; with some particulars of the traditions respecting the death of the Countess of Leicester, &c. illustrative of the Romance of Kenil- worth. 2d edit. sm. 8vo. ...... Oxford, 1821 The Coventry Guide, &c. cr. 8m. ..... Coventry, 1824 Brief Description and Historical Notices of the Island of Jersey, &c. sm. 8vo. Jersey, 182G Roberts's (George) History of Lyme- Regis, Dorset. 12mo. . . Sherborne, 1823 Slight's (Henry and Julian) Chronicles of Portsmouth. 8vo. . . Lond. 1828 Orrery's (John, Earl of) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dean Swift, sm. 8vo. ib. 1752 Sieifliana. 2 vols./c. 8vo. ...... ib. ISO-l See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 55-6. Catalogue of Books, the Library of the late Rev. Dr. Swift, &c. to be sold by auction, &c. Duh. 1745. — Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, written by himself, November 1731. Lond. 1739. 8vn. See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 234, note. Defence of Dean Swift, in answer, &c. to the Edinburgh Review. 8vo. ib. Nichols, 1819 Swift's (Dean) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 8t-o. . . ib. Morpheir, nil Letters (to and from) from 1714 to 1738. 8vo. . . . DwA. 1741 R 's (J. ) Observations on Lord Orrery's Remarks on Dean Swift. 8vo. Lond. 1754 Plauti Comoediae, cum notis var. et Gronovii. (Dean Sici/l's Copy, with his autograph ; pre- sentedto Sir W. Scott by Dr. Turner, Bishop of Calcutta , 1829.) 2 tom. 8vo. L. Bat. 1669 Gulliver's Travels, &c. Vol III. Second Vo3'age to Brobdingnag. Voyage to Sporunda. Voyage to Sevarambia, &c. 8i-o. ..... Lond. 1727 See Prose Works, vol. ii. p. 304. Gulliver's Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput, &c. Published by Lucas Bennet, with a Preface. 8»o. ......... ib. 1727 303 Stcdv. K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 3. Smedley's (Dean) GuUiveriana ; or a Fourth Volume of Miscellanies, being a Sequel of the three Volumes puhlished by Pope and Swift ; to which is added Alexander iana, &c. %vo. ......... ib. 1828 See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 332-3. Tale of a Tub Reversed, &c. With a Character of the Author. 8»o. . . ib. 1705 Second Tale of a Tub ; or History of Robert Powel, the Puppet-Show-Man. Svo ib. 1715 Arbuthnot's (Dr. John) History of John Bull. 6 Parts, first edition. (Part 1. Law is a Bottomless Pit. — Part 2. John Bull in his Senses. — Part 3. John Bull still in his Senses. — Part 4. Lewis Baboon turned honest. — Part 5. Postscript, containing History of the Crown Inn. — Part 6. Complete Key, and St. Alban's Ghost. Irish Miscellanies. 1 vol. \2mo. containing. 12mo. 1. Pope's Horace's Second Epistle of Book II. imitated. 2. Modest Inqiiiry, addressed to the Bishop of Cloyne. 3. Letter of Serious Advice to a young Poet. 4. Fordyce's (Dr.) Art of Preaching, in imitation of Horace. 5. Epithalamium on Marriage of R. Rochfort, Esq. By U. G. 6. Sober Advice from Horace to the young Gentlemen about town, &c. 7. Devil upon Two Sticks Hue and Cry after Drapier's Club. 8. Wilkes's Pindaric Ode on the Birth of a Princess. 9. Libel upon the Dublin Dunces. Epistle to Mr. W. Dunkin. 10. Case truly stated between Swift and Bettesworth. 11. The Satirist, in imitation of Horace's 4th Satire, Book 1. 12. Pope's Epistle on the Characters of AVoman. 13. Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, with Explanatory Key. 1 4. Proposals for raising a Standing Army of Wax. 15. Art of AVenching, a Poem. . . . . . 16. Flowers of Parnassus, or Lady's Miscellany. ib. 1712 Duh. 1737 ib. 1736 a. 1735 ib. 1738 ib. 1737 ib. 1737 ib. 1736 ib. 1737 ib. 1734 a,. 1736 ib. 1733 ii. 1735 ib. 1735 no title. ib. 1737 ib. 1737 Gordon, (Thomas) and Trenchard's (Jolm) Cato's Political Letters. With Preface. 3d edit. 8vo. ........ Land. 1722 Collection of Choice, Scarce, and Valuable Tracts, taken from MSS. and Printed Books. (16 Pieces, with a List of Contents facing the Title-page. — A republication of "The Phenix, &c." 1707) wth the addition of King James's Book of Sports.) 8vo. ib. 1721 Young's (Richard, of Roxwel, Essex,) Prevention of Poverty, together with the Cure of Melancholy, &c. and Ten other Tracts, by him, with quaint Titles. s?n. 8vo. ib. 1653-8 Poetical Pieces. 1 vol. 8vo. containing. 1 . Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel. . 2. Lucretius, a Poem against the Fear of Death. 3. Yalden's (Dr.) Temple of Fame, a Poem. 4. Cobb's (Samuel) Female Reign, an Ode. 5. Mulgrave's (Earl of) Essay on Poetry. C. Stote's ( ,) (or Shippen's) Faction Displayed, a Poem. 7. -^— . Moderation Displayed, a Poem. 304. Load. 170 S ib. 1709 ib. 1709 a. 1709 ib. 1709 *. 1709 ib. 1709 Shelf 3. MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS. Study. K. 8. Dryden's Eleonora, Panegyric on Countess of Abingdon. . . . Lund. 1709 9. Waller's Panegyrick on Cromwell, c&c. . . . . . ib. 1709 10. Sprat's (Bishop) Plague of Athens, versified from Thucydides. . . . J4. 1709 11. Roscomon's (Earl of) Essay on Translated Verse. .... ti. 1709 12. Horace's Art of Poetry. . . . . . . ih. 1709 13. Denham's (Sir John) Cooper's Hill. ...... a. 1709 14. Normanby's (Marquis of) Temple of Death, from the French. . . . ;4. 170.') 15. XOIPOXnPOrPA*IA, sive Hoglandiae Descriptio. .... (4.1709 (Seep. 61.1 1 6. Love given over. Satyr against Woman Sylvia's Revenge, Satyr against Man. . lA. 1710 17. Hill, (T.) Nundinae Sturbrigienses. ...... j4. 1709 18. Swift's Baucis and Philemon, &c. . . . . . . ib. 170;i 19. Philips's (Ambrose) Pastorals. . . . . . . i4. 1710 "20. Addison's (Joseph) Campaign, a Poem. . . . . . ai. 1710 Burnet's (Bishop) Account of the Behaviour of the Bishops, &c. in April 1688. (Extracted from his History.) 8vo. ...... . ih. I'JSI Like to Like, &c. in the History of Will Squelsh and Harry Halter, sm. 8«o. . ib. 1728 Miscellanies. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Crispin the Cobler's Confutation of Ben Hoadly. 2d edit. . . , li. 1712 2. Wagstaife's(W.) Representation, and Second Representation of the Loyal Subjects of Albinia. ih. 1712 3. Testimonies of Citizens of Fickleborough, concerning the Life and Character of R. Hush, &c. iS. 1 7 1 3 4. Punch turn'd Critick : Letter to the Hon. Rector of Covent Garden, (Rev. R. Lumlev 5. On the Death of Mr. Edm. Smith, in Miltonic Verse. 6. Oliver's Pocket Looking-Glass, &c. 3d edit. 7. Parliament of Birds, a Poem. .... Pamphlets. 1 vol. \2mo. 1. Poem upon the Tragedy of Thorn. ... "2. Wonderful Prophecy of one call'd Nixon, &c. 3. Pope's Universal Passion, Satires 1 , 2, 3. 4. Rules and Regulations for Merchants' Maiden Hospital, 1 695, &c. 5. Queen's Pious Proclamation, for Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, &c. 6. Propertiesof a Good Horse, (by W. G.) 7. Account of Ginglicutt's Treatise on the Scolding of the Ancients. 8. Difference between English Liturgy and Scottish Liturgy of 1637. 9. Belhaven's Vision, &c. .... 10. Pomfret's (Rev. Mr.) Choice, a Poem. 1 1 . Monro's (Rev. Dr. Alexander) Short Account of the Reformation. 12. Jonstoni (Arth.) Cantici Salomonis Paraphrasis Poetica. ed. alt. 1 3. Daedalus His Advice to the Lemnian Ministry, a Novel. 14. Jortini (Joannis) Lusus Poetici. edit. Ida. 1 5. Phaethon : or First Fable of 2d Book of Ovid's Metamorphoses Burlesqued d.) ib 1712 ib 1712 ib 1712 ib 1712 Edin. 1725 ib. 1730 1725 ib. 1708 ib. 1709 ih. 1729 ih. 1721 ib. 1725 ib. 1729 ib. 1727 ib. 1719 ih. 1717 ih. 1718 Land. 1724 ih. 1720 SHELF IF. State Tracts. vols. 8vo. containin Vol. I. 1 . Thoughts of an Honest Tory. See SoMBRS Tracts, vol. 303 2Q Study. K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 4:. ■J, 3, 4, 5. Faults on Both Sides, &c. 2 parts, with Supplement and Vindication. See SOMERS Tracts, vol. xii. p. 678, 708 ; and vol xiii. p. 5. 6. Most Faults on One Side, (answer to the preceding.) 7. Faults in the Fault-Finder : or Specimen of Errors, &c. o. Answer to F. on B. S. relating to the English Army in Spain. 9, 10. Defoe's (Daniel) Secret History of the White Staff. 2 parts. (Part 1, ithedit.) 11. Considerations on Secret History of White Staff. 6th edit. 12. History of the Mitre and Purse. 3d edit. 13. Considerations on History of Mitre and Purse. 14, 15. Detection of Sophistries and Falsities of History of White Staff. 2 parts. Vol. II. 16. Impartial Secret History of Arlus, Fortunatus, and Odolphus. 17. Secret History of Arlus and Odolphus. 18. Defoe's (Dan.) Eleven Opinions about Mr. Harley, &c. 19. Account of Conduct of Robert, Earl of Oxford. 20. Method of Proceedings, &c. in Impeachments. 21. Burnett's (Thomas) Necessity of Impeaching the late Ministry. 22. Letter to a Merry Young Gentleman, entitled Thomas Burnett, Esq. 23. Dennis's (John) Julius Csesar acquitted, &c. 24. Brutus and Cassius ; or Some Observations, &c. 25. Vindication of the Honour, &c. of his Majesty's Government. 26. Letter to a Friend at the Hague on the danger of Europe, &c. 27. King of France's Declaration of War against Spain. 2d edit. III. 28. Letters 1 and 2 to a Tory Member, on the Management of the War. 2d edit. 29. 3 and 4 to a Tory Member on the Negociations for Peace, 1709. 30. Swift's Conduct of the Allies and of the late Ministry, &c. Rth edit. 31. The Allies and the late Ministry Defended. In 4 parts. 32. Full Answer to the Conduct of the Allies. See SoMERS Tracts, vol. xiii. p. 245. 33. Swift's Remarks on the Barrier Treaty. 34. Remarks upon Remarks ; or Barrier Treaty Vindicated. 3.5. Treaty between her Majesty and the States General. 36. The Dutch Barrier ours, or, Interests of England and Holland inseparable. 37. Remarks on the Letters between Lord Townsend and Secretary Boyle. IV. 38. Kecessity of Peace and Union among Members of Church of England. 39. Memoirs of her late Majesty and her last Ministry. 40. Natural Reflections on the Debates about Peace or War. 41. Short State of the War and the Peace. 42. Case of the Catalans Considered. .... 43. Observations on the State of the Nation, January, 1712-1.3. 44. Vindication of the Earl of Nottingham. 45. Remarks upon Observations, &c. (No. 43.) . 46. Short History of the Parliament. .... 47. Neck or Nothing ; Supplement to the Short History, &c. 48. Collection of all her Majesty's Speeches, &c. to June 21, 1712. V. 49. Swift's (or Dr. Wagstaffe's) Character of Richard Steele, Esq. By Toby. 50. Letter to Richard Steele, Esq. .... 51. Case of the Present Convocation. Answer to Examiner. 306 Shelf ^. POLITICAL AND POETICAL TRACTS. Study. K. Vol. V. 52. Steele's Letter to Lord O.^ord on the Peerage Bill. 53. Les Tours, &c. Travels of the Enchanted Snuft' Box. 54. Character of Don Sacheverellio, Knight of the Fire-brand. 55. Bouchain ; a Dialogue between the late Medley and Examiner. 56. Letter to I. Bickerstaff, occasioned by his Letter to the E.xaminer. 57. Letter to the Seven Lords, &c. appointed to examine Gregg. 58. Swift's Remarks on Letter to the Seven Lords, &c. 59. Two Letters respecting the Author of the Examiner. 60. High Church Aphorisms, by Author of Examiner. 61. Information against the Duke of Marlborough, and his Answer. 62. Narrative of Life and Actions of John, Duke of Marlborough. 63. True Character of an Honest Man, &c. (Dedicated to Duke of Marlborough.) 64. Case of his Grace the Duke of Slarlborough, &c. 65. The Grand Parade, or Triumphant Criminal, &c. 66. Letter from a Suffolk Curate respecting Marlborough and Walpole. 67. Account of Life and Writings of John Locke. Id edit. 68. Elys's (Edmund) Observations on several Books, &c. 69. Lock's (John) Treatise of raising our Coin, &c. VI. 70. Hibeniiae Notitia : List of the present Officers in Church and State, &c. 7 1 . Complete History of the late Septennial Parliament. 72. Poplicola's Supplement to Cato's Letter on Popularity. 73. Brief Journal of Occurrences at Marseilles during the Plague. Choice Collection of Papers relating to State Affairs (luring the late Revolution, (containing 26 papers, the 1 st and 2d relative to the Scots Colony at Darien.) 8vo. Collection of Pamphlets. ] vol. 8vo. containing, 1 . Pall Mall Miscellany. Poems in Prose and Verse, &c. ith edit. 2. Pasquin and Marforio on the Peace, wants title. 15. Historical View, &c. of the Political Writers in Great Britain. 4. The False Accusers Accused, &c. 3d edit. 5. Titus, (Col.) Killing no Murder, &c. By William Allen. . . repr. 6. Whitehead's ( ) Manners, a Satire. . 7. Armstrong's (Dr. John) CEconomy of Love, 'id edit. 8. Saul's (Rev. Edward) Historical Account of the Barometer. '2d edit. 9. The Nightingale, a Tale. .... Pamphlets. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Steele's (Sir R.) Crisis; Discourse, &c. on the late Happy Revolution. 2, 3. Remarks, and Second Remarks on Mr. Steele's Crisis. 4. Steele's Letter, &c. on the Bill for preventing Schism. 5. Swift's Modest Enquiry into the Reasons of the Joy, &c. 6. Defoe's Secret History of the AVhite Staff. Parti. . 7. History of the Mitre and Purse, &c. Zd edit. 8. Neck or Nothing ; Supplement to Short History, &c. 9. Characters of the Court of Hanover, &c. 10. The Tory Catechism, &c. Conduct, &c. of the Scots Tories. 1 1. Letter to the Examiner, suggesting proper heads, &c. 307 Land. 1712 ih. 1710 Dub. Land. 1711 ih. 1710 ;/,. 1711 ib. 1711 ib. 1713 ilj. 1711 ib. 1714 d,. 1722 ib. 1712 ib. 1712 ib. 1712 ib. 1712 ih. 1713 ib. 1700 ib. 1718 ih. 1723 ib. 1722 ib. 1722 ih. 1721 Vol. I. ib. 1703 Lond. [ih. 1748] ib. 1740 *. 1741 Edin. 1741 Lond. 1739 *. 1739 ih. 1735 ib. Edin. 1714 ib. 1714 ib. 1714 ih. 1714 Lond. 1714 ib. 1714 ib. 1713 ib. 1714 Edin. 1715 Lo7,d. 1714 Study. K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf '^. \2. Good News from the North, &c. ; Sermon at Inverness, October 1714. . . Edin. 1715 13. Robinson's (Benj.) Sermon on Christmas Day. .... Lond. 1707 14. Gooch's (Rev. Ur. Thomas) Sermon on Anniversary of King Charles's Martyrdom. i/i. 1712 15. Parliament of Birds, (a Poem.) ..... Edin. [\7 12] Pamplilets. 1 vol. 8vo. containing, 1. The Nation Vindicated from the Aspersions of a late Pamphlet. 2 parts. . /.crnrf. 1711-12 2. Norwich's (Charles, Bishop of) Sermon on Anniversary of King Charles's Martyrdom. ili. 1712 3. Speech for Mr. Dundasse, Younger of Amiston, &c. . . . Edin. 1711 4. The Re-representation ; or a Modest Searcli after the Great Plunderers, &c. . Lond. 1711 5. The Duke of Marlborough's Vindication. ..... i4. 1712 fi. The Taxes not grievous, &c. . . . . . t4. 1711 7. Report of the Commissioners for examining Public Accounts, &c. . . ti. 1711 8. Debate between the Lords and Commons, in 1688, on the word Alulicated. 2d edit. ih. 1710 9. Reasons for putting a speedy end to this expensive War. . . . ih.\7\\ 10. Swift's New Journey to Paris, by the Sieur de Baudrier, &c. . . . ii. 171 1 Political Tracts, t vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Proceedings of the Lords on the Bill for preventing occasional Conformity. . ib. 1702 2. Dr. Pateridge's Answer to Squire Bickerstaffe's Strange Predictions, &c. . ib. 1708 3. Swift's Squire Bickerstaffe's Reply to Dr. Patridge's pretended Answer. . . B. 1708 See Prose Works, vol. ii. pp. 93-6. 4. Universal Loyalty; or Exposition of Principles and Practices of the English Clergy. ib. 1710 5. Examination of Third and Fourth Letters to a Tory Member. . . z4. 1711 (See No. 29, Tracts, vol. iii. p. 306.) 6. Swift's Bickerstaffe's Predictions for the year 1712, &c. . . . i4. 1712 7. Secret History of the Geertruydenbergh Negociation. . . . t6. 1712 8. Articles of Peace concluded at Utrecht, 31st March, 1713. . . . t6. 1713 !). Treaty of Peace, &c. with King of Spain, July 12-13, 1713. . . . t6. 1714 10. Short History of the Parliament. . . . . . :4. I7l3 1 1 . Swift's Importance of the Guardian consider'd. By a Friend of Mr. Steele. . ii. 1713 12. Hannibal not at our Gates, &e. . . . . . . ti. 1714 13. Short State of the War and the Peace. . . . . i4. 1715 14. Reasons offer'd by the late Ministry in defence of their Administration. . . ib. 1715 Political Tracts. 1 vol. stn. 8po. containing, 1. Toland's (John) Art of Restoring; or Piety and Probity of General Monk, &e. . iA. 1714 2. Defoe's (Daniel) Secret History of the White Staff. .... ii. 1714 3. Hannibal not at our Gates, &c. ...... ti. 1714 4. Swift's Short Character of Thomas, Earl of Wharton, &c. . . . ii. 1711 .5. Justice done to the late Ministry, &c. . . . . . I'i. 1715 G. Answer to a Pamphlet entitled An Argument, &c. .... ii. 171C 7. An Argument to prove the Affections of the people of England the best security, &c. ii. 1716 8. Reasons for dissolving the Union between England and Scotland. . . ib. 1'716 n. Mar's (Earl of) Letter to the King ; with Remarks by Steele. . . . Edin. 1715 10. Defoe's Account of the Two Nights' Court at Greenwich. . . . ii. 171G Political Tracts. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. The Muse's Fountain Clear: a dutiful Oxonian's Defence of his Mother's Loyalty, &c. Lond. 1717 2. Snape's (Rev. Dr. A.) Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. 6th edit. . . ii. 1717 308 Shelf i. TRACTS, POLITICAL, POETICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, &:c. Study. K. 3. Letter to Dr. Snape on his Letter to tlie Bishop of Bangor. 3rf edit. 4. on his Sermon before the House of Commons. 5. Lems's (Thomas) Danger of the Church Establishment from the Dissenters. 6. Turner's (Bishop) Vindication of Archbishop Bancroft, &c. 7. Joseph and Benjamin ; or Little Demetrius toss'd in a blanket. S. Presbyterian getting on Horseback ; or Dissenters run Mad, &c. 9. Eome or Geneva ; the True Church of England without either. Lmd. 1717 ib. 1717 ib. 1718 a. 1717 *. 1717 ib. 1717 *. 1717 10. British Wonders ; Poetical Description of the several prodigies, &c. since the death of Q. Anne. ib. 1717 11. The Gottenburgh Frolick ; or Swedish Invasion burlesqu'd. . . . i4. 1717 1 "2. AlUbond's (Rev. Dr. John) Seasonable Sketch of an 0.xford Reformation. Written originally in Latin, and now reprinted with an English Version, &c. (by Ed. Ward.) . . Vi. 1717 See SoMERS Tracts, vol. v. Poetical and other Tracts. 1 vol. sm. 8ro. containing, 1. Letter, &c. containing Proposal for bringing in Bill to revise, &c. the Ten Commandments. 2. Swift's Cadenus and Vanessa, a Poem. 3. Horace's First Satire of '2d Book imitated, &c. 4. Verses address'd to the Imitator of the First Satire, &c. ■5. Men and Manners characterized from Horace, &c. 6. Horace's Instructions to the Roman Senate, &c. Two Odes. 7. Glover's (Richard) London, a Poem. 2d edit. 8. State of Rome under Nero and Domitian, a Satire. 9. Toasts of the Patriots' Club at London. 10. The Man of Taste, &c. By the author of Art of Politicks. 11. Dialogue, &c. between the Knight and his man John. 12. Somerville's (William) Hobbinol ; or the Rural Games. 3d edit. 13. Croxall's (Rev. Dr. S.) Royal Sin ; or Adultery rebuk'd in a Great King. Martin's. ..... 14. The Ass-Race ; or Secret History of Archy Armstrong. 15. Mock Campaign ; or Englisli Bravery, a Poem. 16. Fielding's (H.) Epistle to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole. See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 89, 17. On Verbal Criticism : Epistle to Mr. Pope. Biographical Tracts. 1 thick vol. 8co. containing, 1. Comwallis's (Sir C.) Account of Baptism, Life, &c. of Fred. Henry, Prince of Wales. ib. 1738 *. 1726 ib. 1733 *. 1733 *. 1739 ib. 1740 ib. 1739 a. 1739 ib. 1734 ib. 1733 ib. 1733 ilj. 1740 a Discourse deliver'd in St- ib. 1738 ib. 1740 ib. 1740 ib. 1739 ib. 1733 See So.MERS Tracts, vol. 2. Memoirs of Public Transactions, &c. in Ministry of Duke of Shrewsbury. 3. Brief Character, &c. of Dr. Ed. Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury. 4. Account of Life and Writings of Dr. T. Sprat, Bishop of Rochester. 5. Voltaire's History of Frederick, King of Sweden. Translated by Andrew 6. Adventures of Captain De la Fontaine, &c. prisoner in Newgate. 7. Toland's (John) Funeral Elegy, &c. of Princess Sophia. 8. Spence's (Rev. Mr.) Life, Character, &c. of Mr. Blacklock. 9. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox. 10. Authentic and Faithful History of that arch Pyrate, Tulagee Angria. 11. Trial of J. P. Zenger of New York for a Libel. 12. History of the Marchioness of Brinvilliers, (the poisoner.) 13. Memoirs of William Parsons, Esq. (executed for robbery, 1756.) 309 repr. ib. 1751 ib. 1718 i4. 1710 a. 1715 ib. 175 ib. 1751 ib. 1714 ib. 1754 wants title, ib. 1756 ib. 1752 ib. 1752 uants title. iJTUDy. K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 4, 5. 14. Remarkable Tryal of Thomas Chandler, &c. for perjury, &c. . . . Reading, \T 5\ 15. Stroud's (William) Genuine Memoirs of his Life and Transactions. . . iond. 1750 16. PhiIips's(Ter. Const.) Letter to the Earl of Chesterfield. . . . i6. 1756 17. The Fair Wanderer ; or Adventures of Ethelinda. .... I'J. 1751 Tracts relative to the Duchess of Marlhorough. 8«o. containing, 1. Hooke's (N.) Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlhorougli, &c. 2. Review of a late Treatise entitled an Account, &c. 3. Continuation of the Review of a late Treatise, &c. 4. Last Will and Testament of Duchess Dowager of Marlborough. Remarks upon the Account of the Conduct of a certain Duchess, &c. 8yo. Modern Whig, True Picture of, set forth in a Dialogue, &c. Tth edit. Land. 170.'5. — Tom Double rcturn'd out of the Country, a True Picture, &c. set forth in a 2d Dialogue. 2d edit. sm. 8m. . . . . . . . . . ih. 1702 Swift's (Dean) Fraud Detected ; or the Hibernian Patriot ; containing all tlie Drapier's Letters, &c. ]2»!o. ........ Dub. 1725 See Prose Wobk.s, vol. ii. pp. 268-9. Collection of Political Tracts, (against Sir R. Walpole.) \2mo. . . ib.M^H ih. 1742 ih. 1742 ih. 1742 ih. 1744 ih. 1742 SHELF V. Scottish Tracts, &c. 1 vol. \2mo. containing, 1. Memoirs relating to the Restoration of King James I. of Scotland, {imperfect.) 2. The Recon {tille und first leaf torn.) .■J. Letter from a Scots Gentleman in London, to his Friend in Edinburgh. 4. The Resigners vindicated. Part II. and last. 5. Advantages, &c. to England from Hanover Succession. Part II. 6. Preservation against Slavery ; or Conversation on ensuing Election. 7. Watson's Collection of Scots Poems. Part I. u-aiiis title, S^c. Political and other Tracts. 4 vols. 8vo. containing. Vol. I. 1. Political Dialogue between Pasquin and Marforio, &c. "2. Second Political Dialogue, &c. .... 3. Pasquin and Marforio on the Peace, &c. 4. Address to the Electors, &c. on the late Secession. (By Wyndliam.) 5. Observations on the Condition of Great Britain in Foreign Affairs. 6. Ferguson's (Robert) History of the Revolution. 7. Belloni's (J. A.) Letters, &c. on the Charitable Corporation. 8. To Mr. Secretary Murray on his turning Evidence, &c. II. 9. L'Eloge d' Ecosse, et des Dames Ecossoises. Par M. Freebairn. 1 0. Wisdom and Reason ; or Human Understanding considered, &c. 1 1. Mylius's (Christ.) Account of a new Zoophyte, from Groenland. 12. Holt's (Richard) Treatise of Artificial Stone. 13. Montague's (E. Wortley) Memoir against Ab. Payba. III. 14. Impartial Inquiry into Places and Pensions. 1 5. State of the Nation considered. Sd edit. 16. Key to the Business of the present Session. 310 Lond. 1716 Edin. 1711 Lond. 1718 . *. 1721 . ib. 1722 Lond. 1736 ib. 1737 ib. 1748 ih. 1739 ib. 1742 no title, ib. 1732 ib. 1741 Edin. nil Lund. 1714 ih. 1754 ib. 1730 ib. 1752 ib. 1740 ib. 1747 ih. 1742 fihelfi. POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS TRACTS. Study. K. 17. The Rose ; a Detection of the pernicious Tendency of Two Libels. . . ih. 18. Steele's Crisis, &c. ...... Edin. repr. n\4 19. Macdonald (And.) Description of the False Reasonings, &c. of two late Pieces. . 84.1747 20. Memorial of M. Bestuchef, His Czarish Majesty's Resident, &c. . . ii. 1728 . 21. Abridgment of Statutes and Rules of Society for propagating Christian Knowledge. . iO. 1732 22. Articles and Regulations of Edinburgh Friendly Insurance against Fire. . . *. 1728 23. Dalrymple's (Sir Hugh) Reasons of Dissent as Assessor for North Berwick. . ib. 1734 24. Proposals for restraining the Abuse of Paper Credit in Scotland. . . ti. 1765 2.5. Considerations on the present State of Scotland. 3d edit. . . . ib. lUi 26. Enquiry into some things that concern Scotland. .... ib. 1734 27. Present State of Scotland considered. ..... ii. 174S 28. Consideration.^ on Scarcity of Gold and Silver Coin in Scotland. . . ib. 1762 29. Protests taken in the Town Council, &c. With Memorial on the Rights of the Trades, ih. 1741 30. Private Conference between two Hanoverian Ministers. . . Lond. 1744 31. Excerpts, &c. on the Office and Duty of Grand Juror. . . . iJ. 1750 32. Considerations respecting the Public Funds, &c. .... ib. 1735 33. Letter to the Citizens of Edinburgh concerning a New Turnpike Act. . Edin. 1763 34. Reasons for encouraging the Linen Manufacture of Scotland. . . . j6. 1735 35. Acts of the General Assembly concerning some of the Ministers of the Presbytery of Dunferm- line, Mr. Eb. Erskine, &c. ..... . ib. 1 733 36. Anderson's (Rev. George) Complaint to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, (about Hume's Essays.) *. 1756 37. Remarks on the Rules and Regulations of Town Council respecting Gazzette Criers, Rose Sellers, and Link Carriers, &c. . . . . . . ib. 1734 38. Reasons of Dissent from Sentence and Resolution of General Assembly's Commission 1 752, con- cerning the Presbytery of Dunfermline, &c. .... ii. 17.52 Tracts relative to the Rebellion, \li5. 8«o. containing, i. Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the present Rebellion. Edited by Thomas Gibbons. Lond. 1745 2. Letter to the Duke of Newcastle on the Sources of Disaffection, &c. and the most rational Measures for extinguishing the Remains of the present Rebellion. .... ti 1740 3. Remarks upon Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, &c. . . . . ib. 1746 4. Brief Representation of the Posture of our Affairs, &c. .... i6. 1745 5. Memorial and Admonition of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. . . . ib. 1745 6. Fleetwood's (Bishop) Papists not excluded from the Throne on Account of Religion. . ib. 1745 7. Hughes's (John) Complicated Guilt of the late Rebellion. Now first printed. With a Preface. ib. 1745 8. The Question, Whether England can be otherwise than Miserable under a Popish King, &c. Hi. 1747 9. Address to the Electors of G. B. on the present Elections, &c. 10. Seeker's (Abp. of York) Sermon on the present Rebellion. 11. Oxford's (Thomas, Bishop of) Sermon on ditto. 12. Roberts's (Samuel) Sermon on Love to our C'ountrj-, 6th October. 'iJ edit. 13. Smyth's (Geo.) Sermon, The Protestant Cause a good one. . 14. Chandler's (Samuel) Sermon at the Old Jury, 29th September 1745. . 15. Thanksgiving ditto, on Suppression of the Rebellion, 9th October 1746. 311 ib. Hit 1745 ib. 1745 ib. 1745 ib. 1745 ib. 1745 ib. 1746 Study. K. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelf 5. Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. 8»o. containing, 1, 2. Key's (Dr. Richard) Prize Dissertations on Duelling and Suicide. . . Camb. 1784-5 3. Clark's (John) Letter, &c. on the late Mutinies in the Highland Regiments. . Edin. 1779 4. Burke's (E.) Speech, Sept. 1 780, on plan for better securing the Independence of Parliament Land. 1 780 5. Eden's (William, afterwards Lord Auckland,) Four Letters to Lord Carlisle. . Edin. 1119 6. Several Seats in Parliament to be had Gratis. (Religious Tract.) . . . ih. 1774 7. Young's (Professor John) Criticism on Gray's Elegy, &c. (With MS. note.) . Lond. 1784 Political Tracts. 1 thick vol. 12mo. containing, 1. Magna Charta, &c. from the Invasion of Julius Ceesar, to the present time. Wrote by Dr. Samuel Johnson. ...... repr. Edin. 1794 2. Thoughts on the Impiety and Anarchy of the French Nation, &c. . . . ib. 1794 3. Proceedings of Public Meeting at Sheffield, 7th April 1794, &c. . . Shef. 1794 4, 5. Paine's (Thomas) Rights of Man. 2 Parts. .... Lond. 1192 6. Age of Reason. . . . . . . . ib. i 794 7. Rotherham's (Rev. John) Essay on Human Liberty. . . . Newcastle, 1782 8. Barclay's (James) Patriot displayed. An Oration, &c. for Anti. Galileans. . Lond. 17S0 Poetical Pieces. 1 vol. 8vo. containing. 1. Benson's (William) Letters on Poetical Translations. . . . t&. 1739 2, 3. Pope's First and Second Epistles of 2d Book of Horace imitated. . . «i. 1737 4. Fordyce's (Dr.) Art of Preaching, in imitation of Horace. . . . t6. 1738 5. Whitehead's ( ) Manners, a Satire. . . . . ib. 1739 Ij. Pope's Essay on Man. Epistles 1, 2, 3, 4. .... ii. 1733-4 7. Man of Honour, a Poem. . . . . . . ib. \ 737 8. Essay on Design and Beauty. ...... Edin. 1739 9. Leslie's (Charles) Fall of Virtue, or the Iron Age, a Poem . . . «. 1738 10. Hamilton's (W.) Three Odes, with the Miss and the Butterfly, a Fable, in imitation of Gay. ib. 1739 1 1 . Tears of the Muses. To the Memory of Viscountess Stormont. . . i4. 1736 12. The Beast's Confession to his Priest, by J. S. D. S. P. '2d edit. . repr. Lond. 1738 13. Dialogue, &.C. between the Knight and his Man John. . . . ih. 14. Mendico-Hpnen ; or the Beggar's Match. From the Latin. . . . ib. 1724 15. Ode to His Royal Highness on his Birth-Day. . . . .no title or date. Poetical and other Pieces. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. containing, 1. Narrative Sketches of Conquest of Mysore. 2d edit. . . . . Lond. 1800 (Companion to Ker Porter's Picture.) 2. Miss Kitty ; a Parody on Lenora, with Mr. Taylor's version opposite. . . Edin. 1797 3. Burger's (G. A.) Hussar of Magdeburg. Ballad, translated by J. F. Denovan. . ib. 1800 4. Goethe's (J. W. von) White Rose of Vilna. Translated by do. . . »4. 1800 5. Short Account of Ancient Chivalry, and Description of Armour, by T. H. T. . LoTid. 6. Heron's (Robert) St. Kilda in Edinburgh, &c. a Comic Drama. . . Edin. \79S Political Tracts. 1 vol. 800. containing, 1 . DUlon's (J. G.) Considerations on Royal Marriage Act. 2d edit. . . Lond. 1811 2. Question as to Renewal of E. I. Company's Monopoly. . . . Edin. 1812 3. Prentice's (David) Thoughts on Repeal of Bank Restriction Law. . . Lond. 1811 4. Argument of the Foxiad, an Historical Poem. . . . . «4. 1803 5. Sketch of the Politicks of the Edinburgh Reviewers in 1807. . . . ti. 1807 6. Key to the Orders in Council. ...... S>. 1812 312 Shelf 5. POLITICAL AND IRISH TRACTS. Study. K. Political Pamphlets. 1 vol. Svo. containing, 1. Ballantyne'8 (James) Retrospect of Public Events of 1813. 2. Canning's (George) Speech on the Address, 29th Jan. 1817. 3. Address to Inhabitants of Scotland on threatened Invasion. Edin. 1814 Land. 1817 Edin. 1803 4. Causes and Character of late War with Great Britain, by the American Government. \2th edit. Land. 1815 a. 1817 ih. 181.'; Dvb. 1813 ionJ. 1815 5. Santini's Appeal, &c. on the Treatment of Napoleon. Id edit. 6. Letter to a Noble Lord on the present Situation of France and Europe. 7. Trotter's (J. B.) Five Letters to Smyth, on Catholic Relief, &c. 3o. contenant, 1 . Relation Circonstanciee, (same as preceding.) S"". edil. . . . . j4. 1815 2. Giraud, Pre'cis des Journ&s des 15-18 Juin, &c. . . . . jJ. 1815 3. Portefeuille de Buonaparte, &c. No. I. .... Lattage,\&\5 A. Desaugiers, Le Terme d' un Regne, &c. Pot-pourri. 2«o. .... ib. 1805 See Prose Works, vol. iii. p. 246, &c. Nugent 's French and English Pocket Dictionary. 13th edit. 18mo. . . li. 1810 Post Roads in France, Translation of Etat des Postes. 18mo. . . . li. 1814 Scott's (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Minstrel. 327no. . . . Zwickau, 181d Common Prayer Book of Church of England, with Tate and Brady's Psalms. 24»jo. Edin. 1802 Murray's Family Library, ^8mo. containing, Southey's Life of Nelson, new edit. ..... Lond. 1830 Brewster's (Sir D.) Letters on Natural Magic. .... iJ. 1832 Cunningham's (Allan) Lives of British Painters, &c. 5 vols. . . . /6. 1829-30 Tytler's (P. F.) Lives of Scottish Worthies. Vol.1. .... ii. 1831 See NoUlo Chronicks 0/ the Canongate. Gleig's (Rev. G. R.) History of British India. Vol.1. . . . i4. 1830 Ferguson's (Dr. Rohert) History of Insects. Vol.1. . . . t6. 1829 Ford's Dramatic Works. Vol. 1. . . . . . . t6. 1831 Annuals: Forget me not, for 1823, (vol. 1.) and 1831, (vol. 9.) Edited by F. Shoberl. 2 vols. 18mo. ...... ib. 1823-31 Friendship's OfTering. for 1828 and 1830. Edited by Thomas Pringle. 2 vols. 18mo. ib. 1828-30 Blossoms at Christmas, for 1825. ISwo. .... ti. 1824 The Lotus. 18mo. ...... Edin. 1830 SHELF VL Cooper's (J, Fenimore) Spy, a Tale of the Neutral Ground. 3 vols. 12mu. Lond. 1823 See Life, vol. \i. p. 376. 332 Shelves 6, 7, S. NOVELS AND ROMANCES. Cooper's (J. Fenimore) Pilot, a Tale of the Sea. 3 vols. 1 2mo. See Life, vol. v. pp. 341, 3C1-2. Pioneers, a Descriptive Tale. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Lionel Lincoln. 3 vols. l2mo. See Note to Pereril of the Peak. Gait's (John) Earthquake. 3 vols. 12mo. AjTsliire Legatees. \2mo. See LiFK, vol. v. p. 82. Annals of the Parish. \2mo. See Prose Works, vol. iv. p. 266. Provost. 12mo. ..... Sir Andrew Wylie. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Entail. 3vols. 12/mo. .... Spaewife. 3 vols. 1 2mo. SHELF VII. Smith's (Charlotte) Celestina. 2d edit. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Desmond. 3d edit. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Old Manor House, -i vols. 1 2mo. Banished Man. -i vols \2mo. Montalbert. 3 vols, \2ino. Marchmont. 4 vols. \2mo. See Prose Works, vol. iv. pp, Bage's (Robert) Hermsprong. 3 vols. \2mo. See Prose Works, vol. iii. p SHELF VIII. Hook's (Theodore) Sayings and Doings. 3 yo\s. post 8 wo. Second Series. 3 vols, post 8oo. See Life, vol. vii. p. 116, Hook's (Rev. Dr.) Pen Ovi^en. 3 vo\i. post 8»o. Percy Mallory. 3 vols, post Svo. Banim's (John) Tales by the O'Hara Family. 3 vols, post 8vo. Lockhart's (J. G.) Reginald Dalton. 3 vols, post 8i'o. Matthew Wald. post %vo. Hamilton's (Captain Thos.) Youth and Manhood of Cyril Thoiutoii. 3 voh. post See Life, vol. vi. p. 327. Jouy's Paris Spectator, or, L' Hermite de la Chaussee d' Antin. Translated by 3 vols. \2mo. ....... Breakfast Parlour. G. Lond. 1824 . ib. 1823 . ib. 1825 Edin. 1820 . ib. 1821 ib. 1821 ib. 1822 ib. 1822 ib. 1823 ib. 1823 Lond. 1791 ib. 1792 ib. 1793 ib. 1794 ib. 1795 ib. 1796 ib. 1796 . ib. 1824 . ib. 1825 Edin. 1822 . ib. 1824 Lond. 1825 Edin. 1823 . ib. 1824 8»o. ib. 1827 Wm. Jerdan. Lond. 1815 333 Brkakfast Parlour. G. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY, Shelves I, 2, 3. The British Essayists ; ^^ ith Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, by Alexander Chalmers. 45 vols. ^Smo. Lond. 1808. containin", Vol. 1-5. Tatler. 6-l."». Spectator. 16-18. Guardian. 19-22. Rambler. 23-25. Adventurer. 2C-29. World. 30-32. Connoisseur. Vol. 33. Idler. 34, 35. Mirror. 36, 37. Lounger. 38-40. Observer. 41-44. Looker-on. 45. General Index. PRESS H. SHELF I. Scott's (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels, witli notes. vol. 1. Waverley. sm. 8co. Boston, Parker, 1829 Genlis's (Countes de) Memoirs, &c. 6 vols. sm. 8vo. The Cabinet, or Selected Beauties of Literature. (Edited by John Aitken.) Cunningham's (Allan) Paul Jones, a Romance. 3 vols, post 8vo. Gait's (John) Last of the Lairds, post 8vo. .... Bedingfield's (Mrs. B.) Longhollovi', a Country Tale. 3 vols, post 8vo. . Smith's (Charlotte) Ethelinda. 2d ed/t. 5 \ols. 'l2mo. . Lond. 1825 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Edin. 1824-5 . ib. 1826 . ib. 1826 Lond. 1829 . ib. 1790 SHELF II. Pope's (Alexander) Works. C vols. sm. 8vo. Hamilton's (Mrs. Ehzabeth) Cottagers of Glenburnie. post 8v Brunton's (Mrs. Self Control. 2 \o\s, post 8vo. Discipline. 3 vols, post 8vo. Tales of the Moors, post 8vo. Dunlop's (John) History of Fiction. 3 \ols. post 8vo Bennet's (Mrs.) Anna, it/i edit. 4 vols. 12»io. SHELF IN. Dennistou's (James) Legends of Galloway, &c. post Svu. See Life, vol. iii. p. 307. Sams's (W.) Court Anecdotes, post 8vo. Edgeworth's (Maria) Popular Tales. 2d edit. 2 vols. 12 mo. Moral Tales. 2d edit. 3 vols. I2»20i Tales of Fashionable Life. 6 vols. 1 2)ho. Patronage. 4 vols. 12»J0. Harrington, and Ormond, two Tales. 3 vols. 1 2?no. Comic Dramas. In 3 Acts. 12mo. 334 Edi?i. Balfour, 1764 ib. 1808 ib. 1811 ib. 1814 ib. 1828 ib. 1814 Lond. 1796 Edin. 1825 Lond. 1825 . ib. 1805 . ib. 1806 ib. 1809-12 . ji. 1814 . ib. 1817 . ib. 1817 Shelves 4, 5, 6. NOVELS AND ROMANCES. Breakfast Parlour. H. Maginn's (Dr. W.) Whitehall, or, Days of George IV. ]}ost Svo. SHELF IV. Balfour's (Alexander) Weeds and Wild Flowers, post 8vo. The Gem, a Literary Annual. Edited by Thomas Hood, post 8vo. Starke's (Mariana) Information for Travellers on the Continent. 6th edit. Gary's New Itinerary. 8ih edit. cr. 8vo. .... Scottish Tourist and Itinerary, i^th edit. \2mo. Cunningham's (Allan) Sir Michael Scott. 3 vols, post Sbo. College Recollections, post 8vo. ..... Frazer's (J. B.) Kuzzilbash. 3 vols,, post 8vo. .... See Prose Works, vol. xviii. pp. 393-6. The English in Italy. 3 vols, jjost 8»o. .... See Life, vol. vi. p. 212. Ogle's (N.) Annaline. 3 vols, post 8vo. .... Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations. (Translated Browning, De Quincey, and Mrs. Hodgskin.) 3 vols, post 8vo. Moir's (D. M.) Legend of Genevieve, and other Poems, post Svo. SHELF V. Godwin's (William) Mandcville, a Tale. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Shelley's (Mrs.) Frankenstein. 3 vols. \2mo. .... See Review of this in Prose Works, vol. xviii. p. 250. Hogg's (James) Three Perils of Man, a Border Romance. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Gillies's (R. P.) Old Tapestry. 2 vols. 12wo. .... Tournay, or Alastcr of Kempencairn. 1 2nio. Hoffmann's (E. T. A.) Devil's Elixir. Translated by Gillies. 2 vols. l2mo. Porter's (Miss Jane) Scottish Chiefs. 5 vols. ]2;«o. Douglas, or the Field of Otterbum. i vols. Xlmo. Vargas, a Tale of Spain. 3 vols. 1 Imo. .... Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. With Notes by Rev. George Burder. 1 2mo. SHELF VL Geraldino, or Modes of Faith and Practice. 3 vols. 12?«&. Johnston's (Mrs.) Clan Albin, a National Tale. 2f/ edit. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Forman, a Tale. 3 vols. 1 2mo. ..... The Witch-Finder. 3 vols. 1 2mo. ..... Maturin's (Rev. Ch. R.) Fatal Revenge. 3 vols. l2mo. Women, or Pour et Centre. 3 vols. 1 2mo. See Review o/iliese two Romances in Pbose Works, vol. xviii. pp. 157-203. 335 Land. 182T Edin. 183U Lond. 1829 sm. 8vo. ib. 1828 . ib. 1829 Edin. 1831 Lond. 1828 . ib. 1825 . ib. 1828 . ib. 1828 . ih. 1824 by Messrs. Leeds, . ib. 1823 Edin. 1 825 Lond. 1817 . ib. 1819 . ib. 1822 Edin. 1819 . ib. 1824 . ib. 1824 Lond. 1810 . ib. 1826 . ib. 1822 . ib. 1808 ib. 1820 ib. 1815 ib. 1819 ib. 1824 ib. 1807 Edin. 1818 Breakfast Parlour. H. ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Shelves 6, 1, 8. Maturin's (Rev. Ch, R.) Melmoth, the Wanderer. Albigenses. 4 vols. \2mo. 4 vols. 12»»o. SHELF VII. The Lady of Martendyke. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Mudie's (Robert) Glenfergus. 3 vols. \2mo. Marian. 3 vols. \2mo. ..... Mariamnc, an Historical Novel. 3 vols. \2mo. Motte-Fouque's (Baroness de la) Outcasts. Translated by Geo. Soane Ballantyne's (John) Widow's Lodgings, a Novel. 2 vols. \2mo. Radcliffe's (Mrs. Anne) Romance of the Forest. Sth edit. 3 vols. \2mo. Mysteries of Udolpho. 2rf edit. 4 vols. 1 Imo. Italian. 2d edit. 3 vols. \2mo. See Pkose Works, vol. iii. pp. 337-89. Edin. 1820 Land. 1824 . ib. 1813 Edin. 1820 . ib. 1812 Lond. 1825 ols. l2mo. ib. 1824 Edin. 1813 Lond. 181 C . ib. 1794 . ib. 1811 SHELF Fin. D' Arblay's (Mad.) Evelina, new edit. 2 vols. 12 wo. . . . iJ. 1805 See Life, vol. vi. p. 388. Cecilia, new edit. 3 vols. 18?wo. ..... ii. 1820 De Foe's (Daniel) Novels ; with his Life, by John Ballantyne. 12 vols. \2mo. Edin. 1810 containing. Vol. 1,2, 3. Robinson Crusoe. 9. Adventures of Captain Singleton. 4, 5. Memoirs of a Cavalier. 10, 11. New Voyage round the World. 6, 7. Life of Colonel Jack. 12. History of the Plague. Grant's (M. A.) Tales founded on Facts. l2mo. . - . LoW. 1820 Scott's (Sir Walter) Tales of a Grandfather. History of Scotland. 1 st, 2d, and 3d Series, each in 3 vols. 9 vols. 18»?o. ..... Edin. 1830 Tales of a Grandfather. History of France. 3 vols. 18?no. . . zi. 1831 336 ADDITIONAL BOOKS AND TRACTS, AT THE BINDERS', &c., NOT YET PLACED. Baden unJ seine Umgebungen, in maleriscken Ansichten von Prof. Frommel, mit hist.-topog. Beschreibung, von Hofr. Schreiber. fol. .... Carhruhe, 1827 Lithographic Views of the Great Fires in Edinburgh in 1824. fol. Grindlay's (Captain R. M.) Scenery, Costumes, and Arcliitecture, chiefly on the Western side of India. 3Ci coloured Views, fol. ..... Lond. 1828-9 Turnier-Buch Herzogs Wilhelm IV. von Bayt-rn, von 1510 bis 1545. Nach e. g. MS. der Kon. Bibl. zu Jliinclien, in Steindruck nackgab. von T. u. C. Senefelder, mit Evklarungeu begl. von F. Scldichtegroll. {illuminated jilates.) oblong fol. . Munch. 1817 Hullmandel's (C.) Picturesque Views of Ancient Castellated Mansions in Scotland, drawn on ■ stone. — Various Drawings of Scottish Castles and Subjects of Antiquity. — 1 \o\.fol. Raine's (Rev. J.) History of South Durham, fol. . . . Lond. Swan's (Joseph) Picturesque Scenes on the River Clyde, from Drawi?tgs by Fleming, with historical and descriptive Illustrations by J. M. Leighton. fol. . Glasg. 182ii Skelton's (Joseph) Engraced Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of L. Meyrick, Esq. after the Drawings and with the Descriptions of Dr. Meyrick. fol. Oxford, 18.30 Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, from Drawi?igs by various British Artiste, ere^racerf by W. and E. Finden. India proof impressions, sm.fol. . Lond. 1830 -i Illustrations of Guy Mannering, Drawings by Richard Westall, engraved by Heath. India jyroofs. Lond. 1821. — Heath's (C.) Illustrations of Guy Mannering and Rob Roy, from Drawings by different Artists. India proofs, ib. 1830. — Original Portraits of Rob Roy. — 1 vol. sm.fol. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Commissioners of Inquir}' into the State of the Univer- sities in Scotland ; Returns made by the Oflicial Bodies to their Requisition ; and Report of the Commissioners. 3 vols./o/. ..... Edin. 1826-7 Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, &c. With a Description of the Country, and a particular Account of the Scots Colony, ito. .... 1699 Scott's (Sir Walter) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland ; together with Illustrations of Remarkable incidents in Border History, and Original Poetry. 2 vols. 4?o. L. P. Lond. 1817 ■ Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, with descriptive Illustrations. 2 vols. 4fo. L. P. . . . . . . . . ib. } 820 2 U 337 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Scott's (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Minstrel. 8th edit. — Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Inter- leaved, in 2 vols. With Illustrations from Drawings by Westall and Scheiky,from the " Bor- der Antiquities," and other sources, collected by John BaUantyne. royal 4:to. Edin. 1810 Lady of the Lake. Illustrated by Engravings from Designs by R. Cook, and the Songs set to the Musical Compositions of Mazzinghi, Sir John Stevensor}, Dr. John Clarke, Schetky, and Grahame, and interleaved, in 2 vols, royal 4:10. (John BaUantyne' s copy.) ib. 1810 Rokehy. 1st edit. With the Songs set to Music by Whitaker and Grahame. demy 4to. interleaved, in 2 vols, royal ito. {John BaUantyne' s copy.) . . . «4. 1813 Lord of the Isles. lUtistrated by Engravings from WestaU's designs, Portrait of the Author engraved by Heath from Saxon's picture, and a Drawing of a Lord of the Isles from a picture by Zuccaro, 1575, in Lord Frederick Campbell's collection, demy ito. interleaved, in 2 \o\s. royal Uo. {John BaUantyne' s copy.) . . . ?'i. 1815 Tarbat's (George Mackenzie, Viscount of, afterwards Earl of Cromarty,) Vindication of Robert the Third, King of Scotland, from the imputation of Bastardy, by the clear proof of Elizabeth Mure, daughter of Sir A. Mure of Rowallan, being the first lawful wife of Robert the Second, &c. wants title. ...... [£(/(«. 1695] L'Amour de Cupido et de Psiche, mere de Volupte, prise de la Metamorphose de Lucius Apuleius, nouvellement historiee et exposee en vers Fran9ois. Leonar, Gaiter, fee. et excud. (32 planches.) — Cinq Planches des Sujets Mythologiques, avec I' anagramme de f;. — 1 torn. pet. in 4>to. Southey's (Robert) History of the Peninsular War. 3 vols. Uo. Lond. 1823-27-32 Lebensbeschreibung der Koniginu Luise von Preussen. 4fo. . . GoMa, 1826 Tracts, Antiquarian, Historical, and Scientific. 1 vol. 4urgh, Catalogue of. 265 jElfridi Regis Res gestae, Asserii. . 253 .lEliani Varia Historia. (V. C. 1.) . . 224 de instruendis aciebus. (S. R. M.) . 223 jEmilius, (P.) de Rebus gestis Francorum. 262 Mneas, Description of Shield of. (M. T. 3.) 341 ^rodius, (P.) de Patrio Jure, ad filium. (M. 5.) 116 Africa, History of. (A. U. H. 15. 16. M. 1 1-15.) 206 Age of the AVorld. See Spruel. The Leaden, a Poem. (O. P. 19.) . 158 Ages of Sin, Plati^s by Van Lochem. (E. P. 2.) 1 32 Agincourt, Battle of. History of. See Nicolas. Lay of, a Poem. . . . 163 Agneu', (5/r Andrew') Letters addressed to, 1745. 15 's (Miss) Geraldine. ... 335 (Vans) Ace. of Family of Vau.x. (M. P. 30.) 186 Agriculture, New System of. . . 259 Pursiuts of. Satirical Poem. (P. and P. 10.) 192 Agrippa, (H. C.) Female Pre-eminence, &c. (T. 3.) 108 Occult Philosophy. . . . 148 Vanitie of Arts and Sciences. . . 148 Ahab's E\-il. Secret History of Stuarts. 1720. (Ser.) 80 Aigle epouvantable. Predict, de la Vision d' un. 145 Aikin, (Anna Laet.) See Barbauld. (Dr. John) Prose Miscellanies. . 174 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Aikin's(Dr. John) Vocal Poetry. . . 175 Essays on Song-writing, &c. . 175 (Lucy) Memoirs of James I. . . 254 Ailredus, Abbas Rievallensis. (Twysd.) . 27 Aim^'s History of Revolution of 1 8th FructiJor. 318 Ainslie's Maps of Scotland. . . 2b'0 (Rob.) Obs. on Corn and Money. (A. T. 5.) 300 Father's Second Present. . . 170 Reasons for the Hope that is in us. . 341 (Dr. W.) Clemenza, Tragic Drama. . 222 Ainsworth's (R.) Latin and Eng. Dictionary, &c. 267 Airdrie Fair. See Young. Aitken, (John) The Cabinet. . . 334 (Robert) Principal Baillie's Letters. . 5 (Rev. W.) Ten Sermons. (S. 1.) . 293 Alton's (W.) Battles of Drumclog and Bothwell. 79 Ajax, Metamorphosis of. See Harington. Akenside's (Dr. Mark) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Alamanni, (L.) La Coltivazione. (P. 1. 23.) 55 Girone il Cortese. . . . 1 1 C Alani (de Insulis) Comment, in Merlini Vaticinia. 142 Albania, a Poem. . . 13. (S. D. P.) 162 Albertus Magnus de Secretis Mulierum. 109.115 -ilbert le Grand, Secrets les plus curieu,\. (F. F. G.) 117 Albert Henry, (Prince, of Brunswick,) Life of. 91 Albigenses and Waldenses, Account of. (T. 9.) 224 Albion Princess. See Colvill. Albion's FareweU. (P. T. 5.) . . 18 Albuera, Battle of, a Poem. See Croker. Alchemie, Le Texte d', et Songe Verd. . 144 Alciati (And.) Emblemata. . . 109 Alcimedon, Voyage d'. (V. I.) . . 45 Alcuinus Flaccus, (G. et F.) . . 27 Alderson's (Dr. J.) Essay on Rhus Tox. &c. T. 5. 345 (Dr. Jas.) Lecture at Hull Infirmary. (T. 6.) 345 Aldi Institutiones Grammaticae. . . 274 Aleman's Guzman d' Alfarache. . . 101. 138 Alexander ab Alex. Geniales Dies. (V. C. 6.) '225. 227 Alexander's (Alex.) Life, by himself. . 145 Alexander the Great, Bulk of. . . 279 Life of, by Williams. . . . 315 St. of Rome. (O. E. Af. R.) . . 105 Alfiibeto del Villano. (I. C. L 14.) . 339 Alfieri, (Vittorio) Tragedie, da Montueci. . 38 Vita, da esso. ... 38 Alfred, or Magic of Nature, Tragedy. . 165 Algarotti, F.) Poemetti. (P. L 49.) . 56 Algiers, Bombardment of,aud other Poems. (P.P.4.) 168 Alison's (Rev. A.) Memoir of Lord Woodhouselee. 33 Funeral Sermon on Sir William Forbes. 185 Discourse on Nat. Thanksgiving. 1 814. (S. 4.) 293 All the Talents, Satirical Poem. (P. P. 14.) 192 Allan, (Geo.) Cat. of Books printed at private press of. 1 80 (Jas., the Northumberland Piper,) Life of. 127 's (J. H.) Bridal of Caolchairn. . 165 (David) Illust. to Gentle Shepherd. . 13 ^^— (Wm.) Circassian Captives, Narr. descr. of. .32 Illustrations of Waverley Novels. . 232 Allen's (Rev. Dr.) Account of Maclaine. (L. M. 2.) 297 (J.) Younger Brother's Apology. (T. H. 13.) 247 AUetz, Histoire des Sevarambes. (V. I.) . 45 Allibond's Sketch of Oxford Reformation. (P. T. 12.) 309 AUott's (R.) England's Parnassus. (H. II.) 184 AUyn^s (ft.) Journal in tlie. Centurion, 1691-2. 102 Alpenrosen, Schweizer Almanach. . . 47 Alps, Passes of the. See Brockedon. » Almack's," Key to. (M. E. P. 10.) . 343 Almanacks for IG 80 and 1720. . . 144 Almeida Garrett, Camoens. Poema. . 53 Alnwick Castle, Description and Views of. . 242 Althoq), (Lord) World and Child, Interlude. 275 Alves's (James) Banks of Esk, a Poem. . 1 S3 Al.xinger, Doolin von Mainz. . . J 03 Amadis de Gaule, par d' Herberay, &c. . 115 Part 6, translated by Kirkman. . 102 Amadis of Gaul, Poem, by Rose. . . 106 , translated by Southey. . . 112 Amalthei, Memoirs of the. (G. M.) . 187 Amans Heureux, Trompez, Malheureux. . 112 Amant (L') rendu Cordelier, &c. (M. 3.) . 1 IG Amari, (Mich.) Marmion, trad, di W. Scott. 321 Ambrogi, (A.) Virgilio Italiano. . . 239 Ames's (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities. . 207 enlarged by Dibdin. . . . 265 Aminadab, or Quaker's Vision. . . 58 Amorous Gallant's Tongue tipp'd with golden exp. 132 Americaand W.Indie3,Hist.of.(M.U.H. 34-36. 38.)207 , Spanish Settlements in. Account of. . 258 , United States, Constitution of. . 303 , History of. See Fergus. American Govt, on War with Gr. Britain. (P. P. 4.) 313 Law. See Kent. Amory's (T.) Life of John Buncle. . 181 Amos's (W.) Theory and Pract. of Drill Husbandry 243 350 INDEX. Amours des Dames UluBtres. . 114 d' Hvpolite et d' Isabelle. . . 134 , &c. of two English Gentlemen in Italy. 134 Amusements, Curious, for the Ingenious. . 113 Polite, Novels, from the French. . 180 Amyot's (T.) Rem. on Death of Richard II. (T. 9.) 338 Amys and Amylion.{E. M.B.%.) . 104 Anacreon, by Fawkes. (E. P.) . 42 by Stanley. . . . . 175 Anacreonte, Ode, da RoUi. . . 274 Andersen-Feldbei'g's Denmark delineated. . G3 Anderson's (Rev. A.) Marrow Chicaning. (T. 5.) 66 (Rev. G.) Use and Ab. of Diversions. (T. o. S.) 224 Stage an Unchristian Diversion. (T. o. S. 3.) 224 Complaint against Hume's Essays. (P. T. 36.) 311 (Jac.) Diplomata et Numismata Scotiae. 239 — — (Dr. Jas.) Observations on Planting. . 299 (John) Essay on State of Highlands, 1745. 97 — — Histor)' of Fraser Family. . . 272 History of House of Hamilton. . 272 Supplement and Vindication of do. . 272 Origin of Mercheta Mulierum. (T. 3.) 338 — ■ — (Jn.) Chronicles of Duke of Cumberland. 90 (Dr. Pat.) Picture of Scottish Baron Court. 16 (Dr. Robert) Life of Dr. Smollett. . 201 Dr. Smollett's Jliscellaneous Works. 317 (^\'illiam) Answer to Pinkerton. . 23 (AVm.) Poetical Aspirations. . . 170 (Rev. Mr.) Letts, on G. A. Overt. (T. 2. 3.) 67 Andreini, (F.) Bravure del Cap. Spavento. 120 Androl, (Pere) Suite an Comte de Gabalis. 143 Angel, (Father) Life of. (Lives of Cap.) ." 250 Angler's Progress, a Poem, and other Tracts. 248 Anglesey's (Earl of,) Letter on Lord Castlehaven. 256 Slemoirs. .... 259 Angliae Tutamen, Pernic. proj. on foot. (M. T. 1 6.) 288 Anglicanae Historiae Scriptores X. . 27 Hist. Scriptores Varii. . . 238 Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores post Bedam. 27 Anglorum Speculum. Worthies of England, by G.S. 71 Angouleme, (Due d') Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 (Duchesse d') Memoires. . . 323 Duchess of. Private Memoirs. . . 251 Angresteen's (J.) Acoount of the Monsters. (T. 1.) 297 Angria the Pirate, Rise, &c. of. See Downing. Authentic History of. (B. T. 10.) . 309 Anichini'9 (P.) View of Catholic Relig. (T. C. 2. 4.) 346 Annates Burtonenses, (G. et F.) . . 27 Marganenses, (G. et F.) . . 27 Waverleienses,) G. et F.) . . 27 Hiberniei BuelUani. (R. H. S.) . 267 IV. Magistrorum. (R, II. S.) 267 Inisfalenses. (R. H. S.) . . 267 Tigernachi. (R. H. S.) . 267 Ultonienses. (R. H. S.) . . 267 Anne, (Queen) Annals of Reign of, by Boycr. 244 Pamphlets on the Reign of. • 88, 305, 308 Procl. for encouragement of Piety. (P. 5.) 305 Memoirs of, and her last Ministry. (S. T. 39.) 306 Representation of Commons to. (T. 9.) 284 Representation of Lords to. (T. 5.) . 285 Speeches of, to June 1712. (S. T. 48.) 306 Treaty of, with States General. (S. T. 35.) 306 Treaty of Utrecht. (P. T. 89.) . 308 See Hamilton, Sivift, &c. Anniversarie, The First and Second. See Donne. Anonymi Phil. Tract, de Sec. Ant. Phil. Arc. (T. 2.) 141 AnonjTni Tres, Hist. Angl. (G. et F.) . 27 Annual Register, (Dodsley's.) . . 329 (Edinburgh.) .... 329 Annuals. ..... 332,335 Anson's (Geo. Lord) Voyage round the World. 244 Anster's (Dr. J. M.) Ode to Fancy. (P. P. 1.) 163 Lines on Princess Charlotte. (I. P. 1.) 341 Anstey's (Chr.) New Bath Guide. . . 192 Ant, The, a Periodical Paper. . . 105 Antar, a Bedoueen Romance. . . 114 Anthologia Hibernica, 1793-4. . . 301 Antidote against Popery and Tyranny. . 89 Anti-Jacobin, Beauties of the. . . 259 Poetry of the. . . . 113 Anti-Jacobinism, Spirit of, for 1802. . 259 Antommarchi's Last Days of Napoleon. . 319 Antonio, (G. d') Opere. (P. N.) . . 57 Apocalypsis ; or. Revelation of Heresie, &c. 77 Apollonius Tyaneus, Life of. See Pliilostratus. Apolog. Relation of Suffering Min. of Ch. of Sc. 1665. 69 Apology for persecuted Ministers of Ch. of Sc. 1677. 70 Apparitions, Sketches of Philosophy of. See Hibbert. Oracles, &c. History of. . . 123 Essay on History of. See Defoe. General Histon,- of. . . . 129 or Mystery of Ghosts, &c. . . 148 Apparition, The, a Comedy, (nol by Chamberlaine.) 219 351 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Appert's Art of preserving an. and veg. substances. 299 Appianus, ToUii et Stephani. (V. C. 2.) . 224 Appiano Alessandrino, Guerre de Romani. . 110 Appian of Alexandria's History, by Dryden. 2G2 Appollonius Rhodius, by Fawkes. (E. P.) . 42 , Hoelzlini. (V. C. 3.) . . 224 Apuleius, Pricaei. (V. C. 1.) . . 225 in usum Delphini. . . . 229 Cupido et Psiche, en vers. . . 338 Apule'e, Metamorphoses. (V. I.) . . 46 Apuleio, L' Asino d' Ore. . . . 118 Arabes, Auteurs, sur Saint Louis. (P. C. 3.) 49 Arabian Nights and Tales. (T. o. E.) . 43 translated by Dr. Jon. Scott. . . 43 See Galland. Remarks on, by Hole. . . 43 Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac, Gate to, unlock 'd. 316 Arabs,Hist.of the. (A. U. H. 16, &M. U. H. 1.2.3.) 206 Aragon, Ord. de Armadas Navales de. . 48 Arbatel de Magia Veterum. . . 143 Arbuthnot's (Rev. A.) Life of Lord Lovat. . 89 (Dr. J.) Bliscellaneous Works. . 193 History of John Bull. . .304 (Sir W.) Melvill'8 Diary. . . 279 Arcandam, Declaration to find out JIan's Fate. 110 Archaeologia .lEliana, Newcastle Tracts. . 271 Archaica. Old English Prose Tracts. . 184 Archangell, (Father) Life of, (Lives of Cap.) 250 Archangelus (F.) Scotus Capuccinus. . 133 Archdall's (M.) Monasticon Hibernicum. . 267 Archer's (J.) Every Man his own Doctor. 1673. 119 Archie Allan, a Scottish Tale. . . 166 Aretine's (Leonard) Guiscard. See Walter. (W.) Aretino, (P.) Rotta di Francciosi e Scoecesi. 276 Argenson, (Marquis d') Me'moires. . . 323 Celeste. Conte des Fees. . . 1 05 Argument for burning the Trag. of Douglas. (T. 9.) 10 Argyle, (Arch., Marquis of,) Lidict. and Defences. 13 Brief E.xplanation of Life of, &c. by C. C. 16 (Archibald, Earl of,) Case of, . 13 Account of Proceedings against. (R. T. 9.) 289 Tracts relative to. (M. T.) . . 30 Letters of, to Duke of Lauderdale. . 278 Depredations on Campbells, on rising of, 3 (John, Duke of,) Life of. . . 15 Argyllshire, Langlands's Map of. . . 260 Ariana, a Romance, from the French. . 101 Arii (Thorgilsis fil.) Libellus de Islandia. 99 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso. (P. I.) . . 55 Poesie. (P. I. 26, 27.) . . 55 Orlando F. by Sir J. Harrington. 185 by John Hoole. (E. P.) . . 42 by Stewart Rose. ... 250 Aristobule, Reves A\ (V. I.) . . 46 Aristophanes, Comedies, by Mitchell. . 210 Arlus and Odolphus, Secret History of. (S. T. 17.) 306 , Fortunatus, & Odolphus, S. Hist. of. (S. T. 16.) 306 Armeno, (Crist.) Trois Princes de Sarendip. (V. I.) 45 Armin's (R.) Italian Tailor and his Boy. (R. T. 4.) 127 Armoiries des Nobles Fran(;ais. . . 110 Arms and Armour, Ancient, Catalogue of. . 1 8(1 Armour, Description of. (P. P. 5.) . . 312 See Grose, Meyrick, Skelton. Armstrong's Map of Peebles, Companion to. C Maps of Three Lothians and Ayrshire. 260 (Archie) Secret History of. (P. T. 14.) 309 (Dr. John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Art of Preserving Health. . . 182 CEconomyof Love.(M. P. 23. 1 81.)(C.& P. 7.) 307 Miscellanies. . . . . 194 Army Displayed in its True Colours. See Defoe. Standing, Seaman's Opinion of, (R. P. T. 1 1.) 290 Arnauld, (Abbe,) Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 d' Andilly, Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 Arnim, (L. A. von) Gesch. der Grafinn Dolores. 52 und Brcntano, Des Knaben WUnderhorn. 54 Trost Einsamkeit. ... 1 02 Arnold's Chronicle, by Douce. . . 28 Arnot's (Hugo) History of Edinburgh. . 14 Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland. 272 (Sam.) Scotland's Present Circumstances. 1718. 83 Arnott's (Dr. A.) Last Illness of Napoleon. 319 Arriani Exped. Alex. Magni. (V. C. 4.) . 224 Ars Tactica. (V. C. 5.) . 224 Arrowsmith's Reformation, Comedy. 214. (O. P. 2.) 220 Ars Magica. . . . . 142 Art d' assassiner les Rois, iic. . . 117 Art of Beauty. .... 332 Courtship. See Amorous Gallant. Governing. (R. T. 7.) . 24 Money-Catcliing. . . 136 Playing. See Actor. Hill. . 227 Politicks. (P. and P. 3.) . . 216 Preaching. See Fordyce. INDEX. Art of Thriving, and New Art. . 134 -1 — Venerie, or Hunting. . . 105 Wenching, a Poem. (,T. M. 15.) . 304 Artaud, Genie Poe'tique au XIX«. Sieclo. (P. D. 7.) 345 Artemidorus, Jugemens des Songes. . 143 Arthur, King, Famous History of. . . 100" Life, Actes and Death of. . 106 Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of . . 1 ■22 Life of See Ritson. of Little Britain, History of. . . 122 Articles of Relig.&c. Dublin Conv. 161S.(R.P.T.4.)289 Re-E.\amination of two of the, 1G30. 75 Arwaker's (Ed.) Embassy from Heaven. (O. P. 16.) 157 Ascham'3 (Roger) English Works. . 140 AsgUl, (John) Death and Burial of. (T. 27.) 285 "s Treatise on Gen. InroUment. (M. T. 15 J 288 Ashburnham's (John) Narrative of att. on Chas. I. 188 Ashburton's (Lord) Genealogy of the Bourbons. 228 Ashmole, (Elias) Life of '. . . 149 's Antiquities of Berkshire. . . 245 Asia, Ancient History of (A. U. H. 1-4. 8. 9. 1 8.) 20.5-6 Aske's (J.) Elizabetha Triumphans. (Ci. E. P. 13.) 2GC Asplin's Sermon on Ext. of Rebellion, 1715. (T. 6.) 66 Assassins of the Paradise, a Poem. . . 160 Asserii Res Gestae jElfridi Regis. (G. et F.) 27. 253 Assigne, Chevelere. . . . 274 Assises et Bons Usages de Jerusalem. . 262 Associate Synod, Act of, Nov. 1753. (S. and T. 1.) 292 Ad. of, on Fam. Wor. (S. P. O. 5.) . 293 See Brown. Erskine. Secession, &c. Astle's (Thomas) Account of Scottish Seals. 239 Astriel, a Poem. (V. P. P. 6.) . . 342 Astrologo Grottesco, Lunario per 1' a. b. 1712. 137 Asylum for Fugitive Pieces, 1785-93. . 203 Atheistes, Deistes, &e. Traitd des. . 1 24 Athenian Oracle, Sports, &c. See Dunton. Atherston's (Edward) Last Days of Herculaneum. 182 Midsummer Day's Dream. . . 1 82 Atherton, (Bishop) Case of, fairly represented. 127 Life and Death of, in Verse. . 127 Penitent Death of. See Barnard.' Athol's (Duke of) Jlem.ab. Simon Frazer. (C. O. P.) 100 Atkinson's (S.) Gold jNIines in Scotland. . 277 (Thomas) Sextuple Alliance. . 176 Atwood's (William) Scotch Patriot Unmasked. 8 — — Argumentum Anti Normannicum. . 259 Aubani (Joan.) Mores, Leges, &c. omn. Gentium. 109 Aubcry, (Dr. J.) L' Antidote d' Amour. . 132 Aubignac, (M. d') Royaume de Coquetterio. (V.I.) 45 Aubigne', f Theod. Agr. d') Av. du Baron de Foeneste. 117 Histoire Universelle. . . 262 Life of. .... 37 Aubin, Hist, des Diables de Loudun. . 144 Aubrey's (John) Miscellanies. . . 149 Letters and Lives of Eminent Men. . 149 Audiguier, L' Us.nge des Duels. . . lly Audley, (Lady Elinor.) See Douglas. Augustae Historiae Scriptores. (V. L. C. 21.) 226 Auldjo's Ascent of Mont Blanc. . . 32 Aulnoy, (Jlad. d') Contes des Fees. (C. F.) 44 Les Chevaliers Errans. (C. F.) . 44 L' Isle de la F(5licit(5. (V. I.) . . 45 Aulus Gellius, Gronovli. (V. C. 2.) . 225 Auneuil, (Mad. d') Tyrannie des Fees. (C. F.) 44 Aunillon, Azor. (V. I.) . . . 45 Aurelius Victor, Pitisci. (V. L. C. 3.) . 225 Ausonius, Tollii. (V. L. C. 4.) . . 225 Austen's (R.) Planting of Fruit Trees (T. 2.) 248 Austin's (Miss Jane) Emma. . . 332 Northanger Abbey, &c. . . 332 Australia, and other Poems. See Hervey. Australian Poetry, First Fruits of . 155 Austria, History of, (M. U. H. 32.) . 207 Author to be Lett, by Iscariot Hackney. . 1 87 Authors, Sale of See Campbell. Project of Hospital for decayed. See Cooper. Automathes. See Kirkby. . . .43. 44 Avellaneda, Suite de Don Quichotte. . 41 's Continuation of Don Quixote. (H. N.) 341 Aventures du Voyageur Aerien. (V. I.) 45 d' un Espagnol. (V. I.) . . 45 Averj', (John) the English Pirate, Lives of, 129 Aveux d' une Femme Galante. (M. 2.) . 113 Avianus, Cannegieteri. (V. C. 5.) . 225 Avossa, (Agostino) Istoria di. (S. N. I. 12.) 340 Axford's (J.) Hidden Trutlis brought to Light. (T. 5.) 77 Aylesbury, (William) Davila's Wars of France. 262 Aylmer, (Bishop) Life of. See Strype. Aymon, Faits et G. des Quatre Fils d'. 119 Ayrshire, Armstrong's Map of. . . 260 Families, History of See Robertson. Ayscough's (Rev. Dr.) Index to Shakspeare. 52 Index to Gentleman's Magazine. . 328 Index to Monthly Review. . . 329 353 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. 15. (J.) Merchant's Avizo. (T. H. 6.) . 247 B. (J M. C.) Lyric Poems. . . 196 B. (T.) Rebellion of Naples, &c. . . 217 B (Serjeant) Life and Travels of. . 246 Bfibrl, or tlie Assemblic, a Poem, by J. P. . 78 See Pitcaim. Bacon, (Fryer) History of. (Thorns, 2.) . 103 and Fryers Bungye,&c. (R.T.4.) 139. (R.T.7.) 176 and Frier Bongay, Hon. Hist. of. See Greene. Bacon's (Lord) Advancement of Learning. 62 History of Henry VII. (C. H.) . 249 . Natural History of, by Rawley. . C2 Philosophical Writings, Essay on. See Napier. Bacco Tracannante. (I. C. I. IS.) . . 339 Baddeley's (R.) Boy of Bilson. (pret. exorcism.) 149 Badnall's Comm. and Agr. Condit. of Great Britain. 300 Bage's (R.) Barham Downs. (B. N. L.) . 63 James Wallace. (B. N. L.) . 63 IVIount Kenneth. (B. N. L.) . . 63 — — Hermsprong. .... 333 Baguette Divinatoire, Traitds sur la. . 108 _— Enchant^e, La. (F. F. 2.) . . 117 Bailey's (Ab.) Spightful Sister, Com. (0. P. 3.) 220 (Jac.) Poema, numism. Cantab, dignata. 33 Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura. . 57 Baillie, (George and Lady Grisell) Memoirs of. 254 (Col. Hugh) Letter to Dean of Christ Church. 33 (Jac.) Cragii Jus Feudale. . . 12 (Joanna) Collection of Poems. . 163 Plays on the Passions. . . 212 Miscellaneous Plays. . . . 212 Martyr, a Drama. (D. P. 1.) . 344 Bride, a Drama. . . . 163 Family Legend. Tragedi/. . . 208 (Principal R.) Letters and Journals, by Aitken. 5 (William) Impiety and Superstition exposed. 10 Bailly, (Maire de Paris) Mdmoires. . 323 Bain, (Jos.) Maitland Poems. . . 280 Bainbridge's (G. C.) Fly-Fisher's Guide. . 196 Baincs's (Bp.) Serm. at Ded. of Cath. Chap. (C.T.2.) 294 Baker's (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica. . 212 (Sir Richard) Chronicle of Kings of England. 25 (Thomas) Fine Lady's Airs, Com. (0. P. 4.) 220 BalackandBalaam, aPoem. 1775. (T.) . 15 Balcanquhal, (Dean) The King's Large Declaration. 3 Balcarras, (Earl of) Ace. of Revolution 1688. (T.) 7. 15 Baldi, ( ) Poesie. (P. L 23. 25.) . 55 227 335 302 Baldi, (B.) Vita di Guidubaldo, D. d' Urbino. 274 Baldovini, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. 33.) . S6 Balduini Calceus Antiquus et Mysticus. Balei (Joan.) Scriptorum Maj. Britann. Catal. Balfour's (Alexander) Weeds and Wild Flowers. (Sir A.) Letters on France and Italy. (Sir James) Historical Works. Balivemeries. See Du Fail. Ball's (William,) Nigtd Wutchs, a Pvcm. . 34 Ballad on Lord Doneraile. (P. P. 2.) . 230 Book. See Maidment. Sharpe. Ballads and Songs, Collection of. 32. 57. 156. 288 and Stories, Various Collections of. . 159 Ballantyne'sMar. of Fergusia,&c. (R.T.3.)283. (T.5.) 285 (James) Kelso Press, First Specimens of, 185 Mrs. Siddons's Characters. . . 209 Retrospect of Public Affairs, 1813. (P. P. 1.) 313 (John) AVidow's Lodgings. . . 33G Defoe's Novels and Life. . . 336 Novelist's Library. ... 63 Balmerino, (Lord) Memoirsof. (T. 1.) . 93 Bampfylde Moore Carew, Life of. . . 130 Bancroft's(John)HenryII.ofEng.Trag. (O.P.5.) 220 (Thomas) Glutton's Feaver. . . 275 Bandello, (Matt.) Novelle. . . 121 Banim's (John) Tales by the O'Hara Family. 33:; Bank, National, in Scotland, Project for. (C. T. 4.) 290 Banking, Scotch. See Scott's Malagrowther. Baidtrupt Law of Scotland. See Bell. Banks's (John) Miscellaneous AVorks. Ill Earl of Essex. Tragedy. (P. 1.) . 216 Anna Bullen, and Earl of Esse.':. Tragedies. 216 Four Tragedies. . . . 218 Bannatyne against Molleson, Process. (S. T. 3.) 19 BANNATYNE CLUB BOOKS. Alexander the Great, Bulk of. . . 279 Atkinson's (S.) Gold Mines in Scotland. 277 Argyle's (Arch., Earl of) Letters to Lauderdale. 278 Bannatyne, (George) Slemorials of . 278 Miscellany. . . . 277 — - Club, Treasurer's Accounts. . 279 Barnard's (Lady A. Lindsay) Robin Gray. 277 Berteville, Expedition en Ecosse, 1546. 277 Boduel, Les Affaires du Conte de. . 278 Boethii Murthlac. et Aberd. Episc. Vitae. 277 Buchanamis (Dav.) de Scriptoribus Scotis. 279 354 INDEX. Courcelles's (M. de) Dispatches, 1588-87. Chronicon Coenobii S. Crucis, Edinb. Clerk of Eldin's Etchings, 1773-79. Dalrymple's (President) Apologie. Dempster! Hist. Ecclesiast. Scotorum. Douglas's (Bishop) Palice of Honour. Dundee's (Viscount) Letters. Diurnal of Occurrents, 1513-75. Edinburgh Castle, Siege of, 1C89. Gray, (Patrick, Master of,) Papers relating to. Grahame's (S.) Anatomic of Humors. Holland's (Sir J.) Buke of the Howlat. . Henryson's (R.) Robeue and MackjTie, &c. Hume's (Alexander) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. (Sir D.) Diary of Scots Parliament, 1 700-07. Jacobi V. Liber Domicilii, 15'2o-33. James VL, Historie and Life of, — — Papers relative to Marriage of. Kennedy's (Lady BI.) Letters to Lauderdale. Lesley's (Bishop) History of Scotland, 1436-I5C1. Lyoun's (John) Teares for Earl of Dunfermling. Mackay's (Gen. Hugh) Wars in Scot. & Ireland. Life, by John Mackay. Makgill et Bellenden, Discours d' Escosse. 3Ielville's (Sir James) Memoirs, 1549-93. (Rev. James) Diary, 1556-1601. . Melrose, Chartulary of. . Moysie's (D.) Memoirs of Scotland, 1577-1C03. Murray's (Sir David) Poems. Myln, (Al.) Vitae Episc. Dunkeldensis. Compotum Pontis Dunkeldensis. Nicoll's (John) Diary, 1650-67. Philotus, a Comedy, 1003. Pitcaim's (R.) Scots Criminal Trials. History of House of Kennedy. Prophecies, Ancient Scottish. Ragman's Rolls, 1291-96. Regalia of Scotland, Papers relative to. . Registrum Episcop. Moraviensis, 1400-1673. Rolland's (John) Seven Sages, 1578. Rollok, (Roberti) Narrationes de Vita. . Rothes's (Earl of) Affairs of Scotland, 1637-38. Spalding's (John) Troubles of Scotland. Trial of Dun. Terig and A. B. Macdonald. Tucker's (T.) Excise and Custom Revenue, 1656. Tumer'.s (Sir James) Life and Times, 1632-70. Ubaldini, Regno di Scotia. Bannatyne's (Rich., Knox's Secretary,) Journal. 19 Bannister's (S.) Humane Policy. . . 294 Bannow, Report on Agricultural School of. (L T. 9.) 344 Banquet, The, a Poem. See Busk. of Dainties for Strong Stomachs. . 115 Baptism of Prince Henry, 1603. See Cornwallis. 16 Baptism by Dissent. Ministers, Validity of. (T. 6.) 224 Barbaro, (Marchese) Avanzi d' Edifizi in Malta. 270 Barbarorum Leges Antiquae. . . 251 Barbaroux (Ch.) Me'moires. . . 323 Barbary and the Levant, Shaw's Travels in. 262 , History of. See Africa. Barbauld's (Mrs.) Poems. ... 174 Eighteen hundred and Eleven. (P. 3.) 196 Richardson's Correspondence. . 203 Inni Giovenili, da Bugni. . . 269 Barbazan, Fabliaux des .\i.-xv. Siecles. . 120 Barber's (Mrs. M.) Poems, edited by Dean Swift. 1 95 Barbieri, (G.) Scott, Racconti su i Crociati. 322 Barbour's (John) History of Robert Bruce. 8 by Jamieson. . . • 4 by Pinkerton. . . . 173 Barclay's (Al.) Brant's Ship of Fooles. . 101 Barclay's (James) Patriot displayed, &c. (P. T. 8.) 312 Barclaii (Joan.) Argenis. (V. L. C. 7.) . 225 Barclay (John) Argenis, tr. by Le Grys. . 102 translated by Long. . . . 1 02 Satyricon. (V. L. C. 8.) . . 225 Tableau des Esprits, trad, du Latin. . 38 (Dr. J.) Rem. on Animal at Stronsa. 33 (Robt.) Vindication of Apology. . 72 baffled by Aberdeen Students. . 71 Barclays of Urie, Genealogical Account of. 301 Bardes Armoricains du Moyen Age. See Delarue. Bareith, Me'moires du Margrave de. . 37 Baretti's Italian and English Dictionary. . 316 Spanish and English Dictionary. . 316 Barezzi, (Bar.) Picara Giustina. See Ubeda. Bargarran, Witches of. See CuUen. Shaw. &c. Barker's (J. N.) Marmion, a Drama. . 218 (Thos.) Bloody Banquet, Tragedy. . 213 Art of Angling. . . . 182 Delight, or Art of Angling. . . 182 Bamaby's (Drunken) Four Journeys. See Brathwaite. Barnard's (Rev. E. W.) Fifty Poems of Flaminio. 158 (Lady Anne Lindsay) Auld Robin Gray. 277 See Lays of the Lindsays. 355 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Barnard's (Rev. Dr. N.) P. Deatli of Bp. Athcrton. 1-27 Barnes, (Amb. Mayor of Newcastle.) Life of. 25G (Barn.) Spiritual Sonnets. (II. 7.) . 184 (Geo.) Statistical Account of Ireland. (J. T. 2.) 313 (Dr. Jos.) New Discovery, &e. of Pygmies. 114 History of Edward III. . . 27 Barnestapolii (Ob.) Maria Innocens. (J ebb Coll.) 12 Barometer, Historical Account of the. (C. P. 8.) 307 Barometrical Scales, Remarks on. . . 32 Baron's (Rob.) Mii-za, Tragedy. (P. 1.) . 215 Barretier, (J. P.) Life of, (e.vtraord. linguist.) 130 Barrett's (B.) Code Napoleon, verbally translated. 294 (Job.) Evangelium Matthaei. . 229 Barrey's (Lod.) Ram Alley, Comedy. . 216 Barri, (Comtesse du) Anecdotes sur la. (M. 3.) 113 Barrington, (Hon. Daines) Hist, of Gwedir Family. 245 Barruel Beauvert, L' Interregne des Bourbons. 32 G Barry's (Capt. G.) Discourse of Military Discipline. 101 (Rev. J.) Reviv.Cordial for sin-sick Soul. (T. 3.) 70 (Margaret) E.Kperiences and Exercises. 73 Barry more, (Earl of) Life of, by Pasquin. 135 Bartas's (W. Lord du) Divine Weeks and Works. 123 Bartassii (G. S.) Hebdomas, a G. Lermeo. (M. 1.) IIG Barthelemy, Voyage d" Anacharsis. . -41 Bartholdy's Krieg d. Tyroler Landleute. . 54 BarthoUni Antiquitates Danicae. . . 99 Bartliolomeus de Proprietatibus, by Trevisa. 123 Bartholomew Fair, or Variety of Fancies. . 128 Bartlet's (B.) Coins of Durham and Reading. 256 Bartolomeo Romano, Istoriadi. (S. N. I. 7.) 340 Baruffaldi, ( ' ) Poesie. (P. I. 48.) . 5G Barwell, (Rich.) Intrigues of. See Thompson. Basile, (Dom.) Pastor Fido Napol. (P. N.) 57 (G. B.) Cunto de li Cunte. . . 57 (Marzia) Istoria di (I. C. I. 7.) . 339 Basing House, Cromwell's Let. on taking of. (T. 26.) 61 Bassompierre, Anibassades de, en Esp. et Ang. 25 Meraoires de (P. C.) . . 50 Bastwick, (Dr. John.) See Prynne. Bate Dudcy's (Rev. Sir H.) Lett, of Sir J. Falstaff. 227 Passages from Vortigem and Rowena. 1 79 Songs in the Opera of the Woodman. (P. 1.) 222 Bateman, (JIary) the Yorkshire Witch, Life of. 127 Bates's (Dr. G.) Troubles in England. . 245 Bathe, Treatise of the Baths of. See Venner. Anstey. Bathgate, News from, a Poem. (T. 7.) 67 Letter resp. Parish of. (T. «.) . 67 3 Batimens des Receptes. (F. F. 9.) Battle of Agincourt. See Nicolas. Albuera, Poem. See Croker. Bosworth. See Hutton. Falkirk. See Rebellion 1745. Flodden. See Benson. Flodden. Lambe. Stoke. See Brooke. Talavera. See Croker. Waterloo. See Waterloo. Battles, Famous, Relations of. Baumer's Essay on Man's Orig. State. (S. & T. 6.) Ba.xter's (And.) Nature of the Human Soul. (Richard) Life and Times. Call to Unconverted Sinners. (T. 6.) . Certainty of World of Spirits. Bayard, (Chevalier) Me'moires. (P. C.) Bayle, ( Dr. F.) Relation des Possede'es de Toulouse (P.) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. See Villars, C. de Gabalis. Bayley 's (HajTies) Songs on Butterflies. (P. P. 1 0.) (John) Hist, of Tower of London. Bayly's (Rev. Dr. T.) Wall Flower of Newgate. Beacli's (Rev. Dr. P.) Letters on Bp. Burnet's Hist. Beague's Campaignes. See Beaugu^. Beamish, (Major) Bismark's Cavalry Tactics. Beard's (Dr. Thos.) Theatre of God's Judgments. 4th edition, improved by Taylor. Beast, The, is wounded. 1638. (T. 9.) . Beasts, Four-footed, History of. See Topsell. Congress of the, a Farce. Beatson's (R.) Political Inde.x. Parliamentary Register. Beattie's (Dr. J.) Poems. (E. P.) . Minstrel, and other Poems. Life and Writings, by Forbes. (Dr. W.) Residence in Germany, 1822-26. Beatty's (T. E.) Lines on King's Arrival. (I. P. 4.) Beauchamp, (A. de) Campagne de 1814. Campagnes de 1814 et 1815. . Beauchamps, Funestine. (C. F.) Beauclerc's (Lady Di.) Designs for Leonora. Beaugu(5, Guerre d' Ecosse, 1548-9. 's Campmgnes. See Abercromby. Beaumont's (Fr.) Poems. (E. P.) and Fletcher's Works, by Weber. Monck Mason's Comments on. Island Princess, altered. (O. P. 1.) G 193 185 318 341 325 326 44 232 280 INDEX. Beaumont's (John) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 (J.) Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions. &c. 147 Beauty, .4Tt of. .... 332 Beauvais's Essay on Coins and Medals, by Brockett. 256 Bcbelii (Henr.) Facetiae. (F.) IIG Beccari. (A.) IlSacrificio. (P. I. 17.) 55 Beckford's (Wm.) Caliph Vathek. . 44 Beckington's (Bp.) Embassy to France, by K icolas. 125 Beckmann's (J.) Hist, of Inventions, by Johnston. 204 Bedae Hist. Ecclesiastica Anglorum. 25. (Com.) 27 BedesmanofXidsyde. (M. P. 13.) . 186 Bedford (Francis, Earl of,) Lifeand Death o£ (H. 5.) 184 (Jn. D. of.) Cat. of Bone's Enamel Portraits. 197 Bedingfield's (T.) Poetry, Fugitive and Original. 190 (Sirs.) LonghoUow. ... 334 Bee's (Jacob) Diary, &c. by Sir C. Sharp. 174 B^gaiB, King of the. See Bampfylde. Begging Poor, Measures for alimenting the. (T. 8.) 81 Behn's (Mrs. A.) Poems. ... 137 Histories and Xovels. . 137 Plays. 213. Ten Plays. . . 219 Love-letts.ofaNoblemanandhisSister. See Grey. Bekker, (B.) Le Monde Enchant(5. . 145 The Worid Bewitched. . . 145 Refutation of. See Beaumont's T. of Spirits. Belgick Souldier. See Scott. (Thos.) Belgrade, Siege and Battle of. (B. & S. 6.) 157 Belhaven, (Lord) Speeches in Pari. 15. 284. 285. 287 Exam, of Bruce and Graham abt. (C. O. P. 3.) 100 Vision, by Ld. Haddington. 15. (P. 9.) Countrj-man's Rudiments. Bell, (Alex.) Jacobitism Triumphant. (Rev. Dr. And.) Mutual Tuition. (Sir Charles) On Motions of the Eye. On the Xerves, &c. of breathing, &c. (T. 12.) (G. J.) Bankrupt Law of Scotland. . (H. 6.) Poems. (John, of Newcastle,) Collections by. English and Scots Songs and Ballads. Scraps from Newspapers, Songs, Ballads, &c. Seventy-one Penny BaUads. Popular Histories. Books of Garlands. Ballads. History of Robin Hood. Pious Tracts. (John, jun.) Rhymes of Northern Bards. 32 Bell, (John) On Military and Naval Surgery. (T. 4.) 80 (Ro.) on Danger of Double-holding, &c. (T. 7.) 80 Treatise on Leases. . . 295 Courcelles's Dispatches. . 277 Siege of Edinburgh Castle. . 273 (Miss) Two Actions against Rev. T. Hill. 294 (Dr.) Prin. of Animal Elect, and Magn. (T. 2.) 152 (Wm.) Papers rel. to Scottish Regalia. 278 Bellamie's (J.) Justif. of City Remonstrance. (T. 44.) 61 Bellamy's (G. A.) Apology for her Life. 209 BeUay, (Martin du) M^moires. (P. C.) . 49 Belle Assembl^e,or Tinmouth Bathers. (P. P. 14.) 343 BeUeforest, (F. de) Sis Histoires. (Boaist.) 141 . See Bourges. Bellegarde's (Abb^) Praise of Women. (M. T. 2.) 238 Bellenden's (J.) Boece's Hist, of ScotL by Maitland. 4 Bellenden et 3Iakgill, Discours d' Escosse. 277 Belloni's Letters on the Charitable Corp. (P. T. 7.) 310 Beloe's (Rev. W.) Anecdotes of Literature. 203 Sexagenarian. RecoU. of a Literary Life. 254 Beltcher's (W.) New Arcadia. Poem. (M.) 209 Bembi (Cardinalis) Epistolae Familiares. . 112 Bembus, (Cardinal) Memoirs of. (G. M.) . 187 Bena, Lyra de la Libertad. . 38 Benecke, (G. F.) Wigalois der Ritter. . 55 Bermei's {Priaure) Bute of the Law of Army$. 232 (G. J.) Albanians, a Dram. Sketch. . 322 (Mrs.) Anna. . . . 334 Agnes de Courci. . . 332 Beggar Girl. .... 331 Bennett, (Father) Life of (Lives of Cap.) 250 Benoist, (M. R.) Traict^ des Malefices. &c. 147 Benson's (Jos.) Hodden Field, a Poem. (M.T.3.) 73. 172 (Rich. )Momi, an Irish Story. . 168 (R.) Sketches of Corsica. . 319 295 ! (Wm.) Letters on Poet. Transl. (P. P. 1.) 312 153 Bentham, (W.) Mar. of Q. Mary with Dauphin. 275 Bentley's (Rev. Dr. R.) Dissertation on Phalaris. 223 Life and Conversation. . 223 Bently's ( W.) Hallifax and its Gib. Law. See Midgley. 156 Beranger, (P.) Chansons. ... 47 159 Bereans, The, defended. See M'Rae. 159 ; Berens's(Rev.E.)Christm.isStories.(R.&M.T.l.)342 159 I Beresford's (Rev. Jas.) Transl. of German Poems. 54 159 Jliseries of Human Life. . 118 159 Bibliosophia. . . . 204 175 Bei^erac, (Cyrano de) Voyages. (V. I.) . 45 357 2 Z ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Bergman's (G. von) Lettische Gedichte. . 172 Berguer's (L. T.) Stanzas to Sir Walter Scott. 156 Trifles in Verse. . . . 167 Berkeley'.' (Bishop) Gaudentio di Lucca. . 44 Gauilence de Lucques. (V. I.) . 45 (G. M.) Literary Relics. . . 190 Berkenhout's (Dr.) Campbell's British Admirals. 253 Berkshire, Ashmole's Antiquities of. Bernadotte, Proclam, et Bulletins de, 1814. Histoire de, par Chateauneuf. Bevnardi's (Major John) Life. Berners's (Lord) Froissart'.s Chrons. by Utterson. Arthur of Little Britain, by ditto. 245 325 327 80 29 122 .(Dame Jul.) Boke of St. Albans. Haslewood. 208 55 250 55 Bcrni, Orlando Inamorato. (P. I.) translated by Rose. Poesie. (P. I. 27.) See Boiardo. Bcroalde de Verville, Moyeu de Parvenir. 132 Avantures de Floride. . . 132 Berquin, Voyage de D. de Loimeult. (V. I.) 45 Berry, (T.) Life and Robberies of. . 126 (Miss) Comp. of Social Life of Eng. & France. 294 Letters of Mad. Deffand to H. Walpole. 41 (W.) Mythological and Classical Tables. 241 Scripture Tables. . . . 241 Berteville, Expedition d' Ecosse, 1546. . 277 Berthier, (Prince Alexandre) Bataille de Marengo. 324 Berthod, (PSre) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Bertin, Voyage de Bourgogne. (V. I.) . 45 Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. (P. I.) 56. 106 Bertram! (C.) Britann. Gentium Script. Tres. 257 Bertrand du Guesclin, Me'moires de. (P. C.) 49 Bertuch, Proben aus Hans Sachsens Werke. 53 Berville et Barriere, M(Jmoires sur la Revolution. 323-4 Berwick, ( Due de) Memoires. (P. C.) 50 (James, Duke of,) Life of. . . 245 Letter from to Duke Fitz-James. (T. 4.) 86 Berwickshire, Jlap of, by Blackadder. . 260 Besenval, (Baron de) M^mcires. . . 323 Bestuchefi; (M.) Memorial of, 1728. (P. T. 20.) 311 Betham's (Sir W.) Irish Antiquarian Researches. 315 Betterton's (Tlios.) History of the English Stage. 210 AmorousWidow, Com. ; and Life by Gildon. 224 Bettesworth,(Serg.) Case betw. Swift and. (P.M. 10.)304 Betti, ( ) Poemetti. (P. I. 49.) . 56 Betty Ireland, Life of. . . . 129 Beveridge's (T.) Forms of Proc. b. C. of S. 295. (Bp.) Writings, Short View of. (T. 13.) Bcvis of Hampton, {E. M.R.I.) . (O. E. M. R. 1.) . . . from the Auchinleck MS. Beyer's (Dr.) Doct. of Swedcnborg. (R. & M. T. 4.) Beyle, (JI.) Hist, de la Pcinture en Italic. De 1' Amour. Bibbiena, (Card.) La Calandra. (P. I. 17.) Bible, Baskerville's. Barker and Bill's. Barker's. .... Daniel's. .... Beza's, with Summaries. 178. D.Sui/Cscopy. New Testament, Rhemes translation. Bibles, Let. on inac. of King's Printers'. (C. T. 27.) Biblia Sacra Vulgata. N. T. Evang. sec. Matthaeura. See Barrett. Bibliographic Instructive. See De Bure. Bibliographical Tour in France, &c. See Dibdin. Bibliomania, or, Book-Madneas. See Dibdin. an Epistle to R. Heber. See Ferriar. Bibliosophia, or. Book- Wisdom. See Beresford. Bibliotheca Britannica. See Watt. Gloucestrensis. See Webb. Hibernicana. See Mason. Parliament!, 1653. Bibliothek, Zauber. Sec Horst. Bibliotheque Bleue, (des Romans.) Orientale. See Herbelot. Bidpai, Contes et Fables Indiennes. (C. F.) Bigelow's (And.) Leaves from a Journal, &c. Biggs's (W.)Military History of Europe,1739_1748. Bignon, Histoire de France, 1799-1807. Billa Vera, Arraignment of Ignoramus. (M. T. 6.) Billingsley's (N.) Martyrologie, a Poem. Billington, (J.) Facts, &c. on Plantations. (Mrs.) Memoirs of. . Bills of Exchange, Treatise on Law of. See Kyd. Billy, (J. de) Tombeau de 1' Astrologie Judiciaire. Bilson, Boy of. See Baddeley. Bingfield, (William) Travels and Adventures of. Bingley's (Rev. W.) Animal Biography. Biographia Britannica. by Kippis. .... Presbyteriana. See Walker. Biography, Eccentric. 103 105 282 342 37 41 .i5 177 178 283 178 283 178 290 1-20 302 324 288 68 299 152 358 INDEX. Bion, Poems of, translated by Fawkes. (E. P.) 42 by Stanley. . . . . 175 Biondi, (G. F.) Opere. ... 39 Biomer, Vol. Histor. Regum, &c. Hyperbor. 100 Biomonis de Skardsa, Annales Islandici. . 100 Birch's (Rev. Dr. T.) Lives of Illustrious Britons. 232 Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth. . 243 Thurloe's State Papers. . . 25 Bird's (James) Vale of Slaughden. . 179 I Machin, or, Discovery of Madeira. . 179 Cosmo, Duke of Tuscany. . . 179 Poetical Memoirs. . . . 179 Birettc, Refutation, &c. des Diables exorcis^z. 142 Birmingham, History of, by Hutton. . 235 Birrel's (Rob.) Diary, 1S32-1G05. (D. F. S. H.) 4 Birth of Man, the Great. (0. P. 4.) . 157 Bisaccioni, (C. M.) Guerre Civili di nostri tempi. 268 Bishops, Suspended, Case of, considered. (T. 19.) 285 Case, Answer to Rector's Libel. (T. 18.) 2G5 Bismark's Cavalry Tactics, by Beamish. . 298 Bisset's ( Rev. J.) L. on Sc. Presb. & G. Whitefield. 74 (Rev. W.) Modem Phanatick. (Sachevcrel.) 293 Black, (John) Schlegel's Lectures on Drama. 200 Coat, Adventures of a. . . 178 Blackader's, (Rev. J.) Jlemoirs, by Crichton. 80 (Col. J.) Life and Diary, by Crichton. 80 Blackbird, The, Collection of Songs. . 160 Blacklock's (Rev.Dr.T.) Poems, &c. (E. P.) 42.172. 192 Paraclesis, Consol. of Religion. . 192 Life and Character, by Spence. (B. T. 8.) 309 Blackmore's (Sir Richard) Poems. (E. P.) 42 Prince Arthur. ... 207 Blackstone's (Sir W.) Comment, on Laws of Eng. 296 Blackwood,(A.)MartyredelaReyned'Escosse.(Jebb.)12 History of Mary, Q,ueeu of Scots. . 281 "s Edinburgh Magazine. . . 328 Bladen's (Capt.) Solon, T.-C. (O. P. 4.) 2 1 4, (O. P. 6.) 220 Blair, (Rev. Dr. H.) Dissert, on Ossian. (M. P. 18.) 186 Sermon on Rebellion, 1745. (S. 2.) Life of, by Principal Hill. (Rev. Robert) Poems. (E. P.) Memoirs of. (T. 4.) 67, (T. 2.) (Rob. Lord President) Monody on. (P. 4.) (William) President Dabymple's Apologie. Blake, (Jos. alias Blueskin,) History of. Blanchard's Aerial Voyages in 1784-5. (T. 1.) Bland's (Rev. R.) Fair Slaves of Cythera. Blandy's (Miss) Ace. of affair with Mr. Cranston. 292 Bleeding Hand of Kelbum, Ballad. (P. P. 16.) 343 Blenerliasset'e (T.) Mirour for Magistrates. 173 Bleudec, Cinq Hist. Admirables, (des Exorcismcs.) 142 Blewett, (William) Life and Robberies of. 126 Blind Jack of Knaresborough. See Metcall'. Bliss's (Rev. Dr.) Letters of Eminent Persons. Bloody Massacre in Ireland in 1642. (M. T. 1 1.) Prince. See Rupert. Blore's(Edw.) Monumental Remains. Blossoms at Christmas. Blount's (Charles) Life of Apollonius Tyaneus. (Edward) Union of Portugal and Castile, Translation of Don Quixote. (Thomas) Academy of Eloquence. (Sir T. Pope) Remarks on Poetry. Blucher, (FUrst von Wahlstadt) Leben des. Blue Book, The. Characters and Opinions, Doahdil, a Poem, written in 1319. {P. T. 9.) Boaden's (James) Memoirs of John Kemble. Boaistuau, Histoires Prodigieuses. . See Tesserant. Boalside, Sermons on accident at, 1 723. See Davidson, Bobbin's (Tim) Works. See ColHer. Boccacio. II Decameron, Salviati. La Fiammetta. Boccace, Songes de. (V. I.) 's Fra CipoUa, a Tale. (P. P. 19.) Bochas' Tragedies, by Lydgate. Renoumyd Ladyes, by Lord Morley. ( W. L. M.) 200 Bodinus, (Jo.) De Magoimm Djemonomania. 136 Bodin, (J.) D&ionomanie des Sorciers. . 1S3 Refutation de. See Nynauld. Boduel, (Bothwell) Les Affaires du Conte de, 1568.278 Boece's (H.) History of Scotland, by Bellenden. 4 Boethii Historia Scotonim. . . 12 Episcop. Murthlac. et Aberd. Vitae. . Boetius de Consolatione Philosophic. c. n. Bertii. (V. L. C. 9.) Bogan's (Z.) Attick Antiquities. (T. 3.) Bogle, ( ) G. Grami Manifesto, &c. Boguet, Discours des Sorciers. Bohemia, History of. (M. LT. H. 32.) Bohl de Faber, Rimas Antiguas Castellanas. Bohun's (Edni.) Origin of Atheism. (T. 13.) Boiardo, Orlando Inamorato. (P. J.) Orlando, co i 3 Libri de N. d. Agostini. 149 70 339 332 229 229 101 132 191 274 238 339 202 137.141 114. 120 48 46 263 156 277 122 225 81 137 207 340 286 55 274 359 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Boiardo. See Benii. Boig's (Rev. James) Life, by P. Walker. . 73 Boileau Despr&ux, CEuvres, St. Marc. . 40 Boisrobert's (Abbe) Hist, of M.^ry Queen of Scots. 7 Boissier, Lettres sur Blalefices et Sortilege. 140 BoUaiid, (James) Life, Trial, &c. of . 152 (Baron) Surrey's Virgil. . . 274 Bolron's(R.) Papists' Bloody (3ath of Secrecy. (T. 1.) 93 Bolton's (EJ.?) Art of English Poesie. (M. P. A.) 177 Bonaniici, (C.) Giornata presso Veletri, 1744. 113 Bonai)arte,(Louis)ReponseaSirW. Scott. (M.F.4.) 328 (Liicien) Charlemagne, Poeme Epique. 48 See Buonai)arte. Bonchamps, ( Me'm. sur la Vendee. 324 Bond, (W.) Buchanan's History of Scotland. 9 Bonneval, Voyage de Mantes. (V. I.) . 45 Bontemps, (Roger) en belle humeur. . 114 Bonucci, (Ch.) Pompe'i decrite. . . 274 Booth, (Barton) Memoirs of, and Poems by. 210 BooMi/s (Sir B.)Sor.toMcm. of Penelope. (P.T. 10.) 339 (Mrs. F.) Marcelia, Tragi-Comedy. (O. P. 6.) 214 Book, The. See Caroline, (Queen). Williams. of Common Prayer of Church of England. 1 78. 291 of St. Albans. See Berners. of Husbandry. See Fitzherbert. Books, General Catalogue of. See Clavell. Borde's (Dr. A.) Fyrst Boke of Knowledge. 185 Bordeaux Wines, Classification of See Paguierre. Bordelon, (Abbe) Hist, de M. Oufle. (V. I.) 46 E.xtravagances of M. Outle. . . 151 Border Feuds, a Musical Drama. (D. 3.) . 211 History. See Ridpath Laws. See Nicolson. Borthwick, (Joliu) Melvill's Diary. . 279 (William) on Scottish Feudal Dignities. 9 Borzacchini's Tuscan Master. . . 317 Boston's (Rev. Thomas) Memoirs. . 71 Sermon on Lord's Supper. (P. T. 4.) 77 Select Discourses. ... 81 Boswell's (Sir A.) Spirit of Tintoc. . 17 Edinburgh, or Ancient Royalty. 17 Clan-Alpin's Vow. ... 17 Woo-Creel. .... 155 Songs of Justiciary Opera. . . 155 Frondes Caducae. . . . 155 Buke of the Chess. . . . 155 (Jas.) Life of Dr. Johnson ; Tour to Hebrides. 188 Account of Coisica. . . . 189 Boswell, (James, jun.) Roxburghe Garland. I(i2 Memoir of Edm. Malone. . . 211 Bosworth Field, Battle of. See Hutton. Boterus's Relations of Famous Kingdoms, by R. J. 258 Botanical Cabinet. See Loddiges. Bothwell, (J. Hepburn, Earl of) See Boduel. (Fran. Stuart, Earlof,) Proceed.o/afft.Bucclcuch. 13 Bouchain. Dial. betw. Medley and E.xaminer. (S. T. 5) Bouchet, Me'moires de La Tremoille. (P. C.) 49 Boucicaut, (J. de) Me'moires de. (P. C.) . 49 Bougeant, Prince Fan Fe'r^din. (V. 1.) . 45 Boughton, (Sir T.) Trial of Donellan for Murd. of (T.3.) Bouilk=, (Marq. de) Memoires. . 323 (Louis de) Me'moires. . . 323 Bouillon, (Henri Due de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 49 Boulton's(R.) History of Magick,&c. . 146 Vindication of do. against Hutchinson. 146 Reflections on do. See Du Lude. Bounina's Poems, in liussian. , . 16H Bourbons, Genealogical Memoirs of the. . 228 Bourdigne', Legende de P. Faifeu. . . 117 Bourges,(Mons. de) Oraison funebre surJIarie.( Jebb.) 12 Bourgogne, Chroniques des Dues de. (B. C.) 51 Bourne's (William) Art of Shooting in gr. ordnance 3.5 ( ) Antiquitatcs Vulgares, by Brand. 255 (Vincent) Poems and Letters, , 227 Bourrienne, Me'moires sur Napoleon, &c. . 327 Bouterwek's History of Spanish and Portug. Liter. 31(1 Boutigny's (Levayer de) Tarsis and Zelie. 101 Boutourlin, (Col.) Campagne de Russie, 1812. 325 Campagne d' AUemagne, 1813. . 325 Bovet's (R.) Pandemonium. . . 143 Bowdler's (Thomas) Letter to British Critic. 210 Life and Character of General Villettes. 254 (W.) Devil's Cloven Foot. . . 68 Bowdich's (T. E.) Mission to Ashantee. . 242 Bower's ( Ar.) Hist, of the Romans. (A. U. H. 9-14.) 206 (Alexander) History of Edinburgh University. 302 , (John) Description of Melrose Abbeys. C (Walter.) See Fordun. Bowes, (And. R.) Life of. See Foote. Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Pope's Works. . 188 Invariable Principles of Poetry. (T. 1.) 189 Two Letters to Lord Byron. (T. 5.) 189 Vindication against Quarterly Review. (T. 6.) 189 Lessons in Criticism to W. Roscoe. 188 Missionary, a Poem. . . 194 360 INDEX. Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Gra\e of the Last Saxon. 200 Life of Bishop Ken. . . 237 Parochial History of Bremhill. 237 Bowring's (Dr. J.) Poetry of the Magyars. 158 Servian Popular Poetry. . . 1 62 Boxiana. See Egan. Boyce's (EJ.) Campaigns of 1814-15. Second Usurpation of Buonaparte. Boyd, (Arch.) Disputatio Juridica. (Rev. H.) Woodman's Tale, &c. Boyer's (Abel) AchUles. Tragedy. (0. P. 1.) Annals of Queen Anne. French and English Dictionary. Boyle, (Hon. Chas.) Exam, of Dr. Bentley (Capitaine Robert) Voyages. (V. I.) BojTnans, (Baron) Le Garde d' Honneur. . Boyses ( ) Poems. (E. P.) . (Samuel) History of Europe, 1739-45. Bracciolini, (F.) Schemo degli Dei. Brady's (John) Claris Calendaria. (Dr. N.) Rape. Tragedy. (O. P. 7.) . and Tate's Psalms. Bi-agge's (Rev. F.) Tracts on Witch of Walkern, Defences of Proc. against W. of W. . Brainerd's (Rev. D.) Life, by Edwards. Brand's (Rev. J.) History of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bourne's Observations on Popular Antiquities. 255 Brande's (Prof. W. T.) Disser. on Ciiemical Science. 265 Brant's (Seb.) Ship of Fooles, &c. by Barclay. 101 Brantome, M^moires de, sur Marie. (Jebb.) 12 CEuvresde. . . . 121 Brathwait's (Richard) Drunken Barnaby's Journies. 192 English Gentleman. . . Ill Essays on the Five Senses. (Arc. C.) . 184 Law of Drinking, &c. . 133 Rules, &c. for anEarle's House. (M. A. A. 8.) 176 Braun's Hermann der Cherusker. . . 54 Bray, (W.) Evelyn's Memoirs. . 240 Braybrooke's (Richard, Lord) Pepys's Memoiis. 242 Brecknock's (T.) Letter resp. G. R. Fitzgerald. ( P. 3. ) 302 Bremner's (Cha.'i.) Letters to Sedgwick. (S. T. 3.) 344 Bremond, L' Heureux Esclave. . . 113 Brentano, (Clem.) Der Goldfaden. . . 33 Des Knaben WUnderhom. . . 54 Brereton's (Hum.) Song of Lady Bessy. See Heywood. (Sir W.) Let. on Surrender of Chester. (T. 1 2.) 60 Brerewood's (E.) Divers, of Languages and Religion. 248 361 319 310 5C 1.09 212 244 267 Diss. 223 325 42 18 39 254 220 291 151 128 71 241 Bret, (M.) CEuvres de Moliere. . 40 Breton's (N.) Poste with a Packet of Mad Letters. 128 Longing of a Blessed Heart. . . 155 Melancholike Humours. . . 155 Characters, Good and Bad. (A. 5.) . 184 Handful of Fragrant Flowers. (Hel. 2.) 1 84 Flourish upon Fancie. (Hel. 3.) . 184 Brettell's (Rev. J.) Country Minister. . 164 Breuhowse's (J.) Highland Spectator. Cham of Fate. 9 Breval's ( ) Play is the Plot. Com. (O. P. 8.) 220 Brewer's (Anthony) Lingua. Comedy. (0. P. 1.) 214 Countrie Girl. Comedy. . . 217 Brewster's (Sir D.) Edinburgh Philosoph. Journal, 329 Edinburgh Journal of Science. 329 Life of Sir Isaac Newton. . . 315 Letters on Natural Magic. . . 183. 332 Bridgewater, (F.H.E. of) Life of Ld. Chan. Egerton 230 Brienne, (Comte de) Memoires. (P. C.) . 5(" Bright's (Dr. R.) Travels in Hungary. . 239 Brighthelmston, History of, 1795. . . 303 Brinvilliers, (Marchioness of) History of. (B. T. 12.) 309 Brisbane, (Rev. James) Sermon by. (F. S.) 69 Briscoe's (J.) Discoiu-se on MiUion Act. (M. T. 1 1 .) 288 Bristed's (John) Tour through Scottish Highlands. 22 Bristol, Relation of Storming of. 1 646. (T. 20.) 61 Letter of Cromwell on taking of. (T. 25.) 61 Britain, Ancient History of. (U. H. 17.) 206 History of, to the Conquest. See Milton. Triumphant, by an East-Lothian Ploughman'. 1 64 's Remembrancer, 1747. . . 96 Britann. Saxon et Anglo-Dan. Hist. Scriptores. 27 Britannica Historia, Comment. Tres de. 227 British Apollo. Answers to Curious Questions. Drama, Ancient and Modern. Empire, Present State of, 1768. Essayists, by Chalmers. Herald. See Robson. Librarian. See Oldys. Libraries, celebrated. See Clarke. JMilitary Trans, in Indostan. See Orme. Nights Entertainments, &c. Physicians, Lives of. (M. F. L.) Political Writers, 1740, Hist. Ac. of. (C. o. P.3.) 307 Seamen, Advent, of in Southern Oc. (C. M. 4.) 315 Theatrical Gallery, by Terry. . 263 Wonders. See Ward, (Edw.) (P. T. 19.) 309 Britton's (John) Hist, of Redcliffe Church, Bristol. 32 137 43 255 334 111 315 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Bvitton's (John) Hist, of Eoslyn Chapel. . 270 Rights of Literature ... 33 Memoir of his oivn Life. . . 137 Remarks on Shakspearc. . . 200 Broadsides, Collection of Printed, ab. 1689. 271 Brockedon's (W.) Passes of the Alps. . 261 Brockett'a (J.T.) Bartlet's Coins of Durham and R. 256 Beauvais on Coins and Medals. . 256 Catalogue of Books printed by G. Allan. 180 Glossary of North Country Words. . 198 Lithgow's Siege of Newcastle. . 256 Numismata Aurea Imp. Rom. . 227 Brodie,(W.) and Smith, (G.) Trial of. (C.T. 4.) 131.295 Brodie'a (Geo.) History of British Empire. 254 Brome's (Alex.) Cunning Lovers, Comedy. (O.P. 4.) 214 . Covent Garden Drollery. (D. 3.) . 170 Antipodes, Comedy. (O. P. 2.) . 215 (Rich.) Jovial Crew, or Merry Beggars. 212 Sparagus Garden, Comedy. (0. P. 4.) 214 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Bromhall's(T.) Treatise of Spectres. . 122 See Magica, de Spectris. Brompton, (Joann.) Hist. Ang. (Twysd.) . 27 Brooke (Lord) Worthy Speech of, 1643. (T. 1.) 60 's (Henry) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 (Miss) Reliques of Irish Poetry. . 196 (R. jun.) Obs. on Battle of Stoke Field. 243 Broome's (Dr. W.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Brougham's (Lord) Objects, &c. of Science. 182. 300 Broughton's (Hugh) Translations from the Bible. 83 Brown, (Rev. Dr. A.) Serm. on Love of Country. 80.293 Life of Prof. Christison. (S. T. 8.) 344 (C. Brockden) Life, by Dunlap. 114 Arthur Mervyn. 114 Carwin, the Biloquist. 114 Edgar Huntly. 114 Jane Talbot 114 Philip Stanley. 114 Ormond. .... 114 Wieland .... 114 (Jas.) Poems on Mil. Battles, &c. (V. P. P. 3.) 342 (John) Geneal. Tree of Royal Family. 260 (Rev. John) History of Indulgence. . 83 Review of, by Vilant. 73 (Rev. Jn.) Rod of God shaken, &c. (T. 7.) 66 Two Sermons. (F. S.) 69 (Rev. Jn.) Hist. Ac. of Seceders. (S. & T. 2. )292 Brown, (Jn.) Sufferings of, &c. 1680.(R. & M. T. 3.) 342 (Capt. J.) Letters on Edinb. Police. . 301 ( of Newhall) Comic Scots Poems. 17 (Tho.) INIiscellanea Aulica. . . 8 Compleat Works, Prose and Verse. . Ill Life of Jo. Hayns. . . . 34 1 (Rev. Dr. W. L.) Fast Sermon, 1794. (S. 3.) 293 Browne, (Jac.) Disputatio Juridica. . 33 Crit. Exam, of Dr. MaccuUoch's Highlands. 22 (I. H.) De Animi Immortalitate, Poema. 201 (Miss M. A.) Mont Blanc. . . 166 Ada, and other Poems. . 166 Repentance, and other Poems. . 166 (Sir Thomas) Works. . . 233 Browning (J.) Northern Popular Tales. . 335 Brownlee's (Thos.) Bat. of Drumclog and Bothwell. 79 Bruce^s (Sir Alei.) Speech in Pari. 1702. (C. T. 2.) 290 (Alex.) Institutions of Military Law. 295 (Jas.) Travels in Abyssinia, by Murray. 233 Life, by Head. (M.F. L.) . . 315 (King Robert). See Barbour. Gordon. Kerr. (Brussii) Oratio ad Mackaium. (S. T. 8.) 18 (Rev. Robert) Sermons. . . 70 Brunnmark's (Rev. G.) Swedish Grammar. . 38 Bruns, (P. J.) Abulpharagii R. G. Richardi I. 253 Romantische, &c. Gedichte. . 118 Brunsvicensium Rerum Scriptores, a Leibnitz, 265 Brunswick, The, a Poem. . . . 162 Theatre, Account of Destruction of (D. P 3.) 344 Brunton's (Jlrs.) Self Control. Discipline. .... Character of (M. T. 7.) Bniscambille, Fantasies de. Brutus and Cassius. (S. T. 24.) Bryan's (Dan.) Appeal for suffering Genius. Bryant's (W. C.) Poems. Brydges's (Sir E.) Archaica. Bertram. .... Breton's Longing. ^__— — . Melanch. Humours. - British Bibliographer. - Censura Literaria. - CoUins's Peerage of England. . Hagthorpe's Poems. '. - Hammond's Occasional Poems. - Laelii Oratio in Obitum T. Tassi. - Misc. Poetica Anglicana. 334 334 342 115 306 32 164 184 204 155 155 177 203 236 275 177 276 177 362 INDEX. Brydges'B (Sir E.) PhUips's Theat. Poet. Anglic. 191 Raleigh's Poems. . . . 171 Restituta. . . . . 231 Euminator. .... 204 Stanley's Anacreon, Bion, Moschus. . 1 7.5 Wither 's Shepherds Hunting. . 171 Brydone'a (P.) Tour through Sicily and Jlalta. 318 Brydson's (The.) Observations cone. Precedence. 14 Summary View of Heraldry. . 234 Brysson, (Geo.) Memoirs of, by Dr. M'Crie. 302 Buccaneers of America. See Esquemeling. Buccleuch, (Chas. D. of,) Rules for adv. Guards. (Henr}-, D. of,) Elegy on. See Galloway. (Walter, Duke of,) Chartulary of Melrose. Buchan Farmer's True Jlethod. (Darid, Earl of,) Essays. Gleanings of Old Ballads. Ballads of North of Scotland. (P.) History of Keith Family. Witchcraft detected, &c. (Dr. W.) Domestic Jledicine. ( ) Descr. of St. KUda. (M.S.) Buchanan's (Dav.) Truths Manifest, Answer to. 'Knox's History of the Reformation. De Scriptoribus Scotis. Buchanani (Geo.) Opera, a Ruddimanu. , Detectio Mariae Reg. (Jebb. Coll.) 's History of Scotland, by Bond. Appendix to, cont. Detection, &c. Notes on, by Crawford. Chamaeleon. . Franciscan Friar, by Provand. Life, by Dr. Irving. (Rev. J. L.) Travels in Hebrides. (Tho9.) Illust. of Organ of Hearing. i (Wm.) Scottish Surnames. Buchon, Chroniques Nationales Franjaises. Buck's (Sir Geo.) Hist, of Richard III. (C. H. E.) 249 Buckhurst's(Lord)MirourforMag:is. 173. (B. B.4.) 177 Buckingham, (D. of,) Poisoner of Jas. I. See Eglisham. 298 280 299 301 160 160 16 109 298 7. 19 59 279 10 12 9 9 20 7 168 6 34 7 50-1 (Geo. VilUers, 2d D. of,) Two Plays. Discourse, &c. on Religion. (T. 1-8.) (J. Sheffield, Duke of,) Works. Temple of Death. (C. P.) 194. (P. P. 14.) Poems. (E. P.) ... Buckland's (Rev. W.) Reliquiae Dilurianae. Buda, Siege of. Relation of. (B. and S. 4.) 218 286-7 191 305 42 271 157 Budworth's (Rev. W.) Sermon, 1745. (T. 3.) 98 Buffon, (Comte de) Histoire Naturelle. . 51 Bugg's (Rev. F.) Four Tracts against Quakers. 78 Quaker Principle exposed. (T. 11.) . 293 Bugni, (Sm.) Inni di Sig. Barbauld. . 269 Bukelingi Genio, Poema. See Camberlyn. Bulkely and Cumming's Voyage to South Seas. 31 Bulletin de Paris en 1814 et 1815. . 326 Bulletins Officiels de la Grande Armee. . 327 Bullinger's Christen Matr)Tnonye. See Coverdale. Bullock's (C.) Woman is a Riddle, Com. (O. P. 9.) 220 (W.) Desc. of Napoleon's Carriage. (M. T. 5.) 342 Bulwer's (E. L.) Ismael, and other Poems. 163 Bunbury's (H.) Annalsof Horsemanship,(Gamba(lo.) 13 Buncle, (John) Life of. See Amory. (John, junior,) Essays and Letters. . 131 Bunn's (Alfred) Poems. Bunyan's (John) Pilgrim's Progress. with Notes by Burder. with Life by Southey. Holy AVar, by Burder. Buonaparte, (Napoleon.) Amours Secrettes de. . Cabinet des TuHeries dep. Mars 1815. (P. H. 2.) Galerie Militaire de. . Histoire des Conspirations centre. Itineraire de, depuis son depart. (P. H. 5.) Itineraire de, de 1' He d' Elbe a Ste. Helene. Portefeuille de. No. 1. (R. M. 3.) Trois Mois de, 1 8 1 5. ( P. H. 4. ) . See Bourrienne. Gallois. Napoleon. &c. Buonarroti, (M. A.) La Tancia. (P. I. 33.) Life of, by Duppa. Burckhardt's (J. L.) Travels in Nubia. Burder,(Rev.G.) Bunyan's Holy War.179.PiIg.Prog. Burger's (G. A.) Sammtliche Schriften. Hussar of Magdeburg, by Denovan. (P. P. 3.) Lenore, by H. J. Pye. (M. P. 1 1.) by Sir W. Scott. (Chase. William and Ellen.) by W. R. Spencer. by William Taylor. (M. P. 12.) Parody on. (P. P. 2.) Burghley's (Lord) State Papers. Haynes Murdin. Burke's (G.) Ode on K.'s Visit to Ireland. (P. T. 8.) (Edmund) Works. Origin of Sublime and Beautiful. Vindication of Natural Society. (D. F. P.) 241 239 335 47 312 186 271 242 186 312 283 339 193 203 204 363 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Burke's (Ed.) Maxims, Opinions, anil Characters. 24G Sjiecch on Independence of Pari. (M. T. 4.) 312 (T. T.) Royal Visit. (I. P. 3.) . 341 (William, &c.) Trial of, for Murder. . 295 Barman's (Charles) Letters. See Ashmole. 149 Burn's (Dr. R.) Justice of Peace. . . 296 History of Westmoreland and Cumberland. 252 Burnaby's (Charles) Four Plays. . . 219 Barnes's (James) Visit to Court of Sinde. 317 Burnet's (Bishop) History of Reformation. 29 History of his oivn Time. . . 2 See Beach. Higgons. Salmon. Life of Sir Blatthew Hale. . . 193 Life of John, Earl of Rochester. . 139 Jlemoirs of Dukes of Hamilton. . 2 Preface, &c. to Pastoral Care. (C. of S.) 80 Behaviour of Bishops in 1C88. . 304 Controversy with Dr. Lowth. (T. 8. 9. 10.) 286 Refl. on King's Proclam. 1687. (R. P. 1.) 84. 289 Reflections on Varillas's History. (E. T. 1.) 250 Sermon concerning Popery. (S. 1.) . 98 Ser. on Coronation of Will, and Mary. (T. 7.) 286 Speech on Billagainst Occ. Conformity. (T. 7.) 285 Speech on Sacheverell's Impeachment. (T. 5.) 88 The White Crow. New Doctrines of. (T. 22.) 88 (Gilb.) Disput. de Belli Causis. (R. P. T.IO.) 290 (John) Criminal Law of Scotland. . 272 (T.)Neces3.ofimpeach.Ministry,and Answer. 306 (Sir Thomas) SentJons preached at Leijs. 69 Burney, (Bliss.) See D'Arblay. (Dr. W.) Falconer's Marine Dictionary. 266 Burnomania, Celebrity of Burns consid. religiously. 160 Bums, (Robert) Poems. ... 199 Works, by Dr. Currie. . . 199 Reliques of, by C»omek. . . 199 Life of, by Lockhart. . . .199,251 — — Fornicator's Court. . . . 160 Letters to Clarinda. . . . 160 Poems, Kidd's Illustrations of. . 196 Views Illustrative of . . 199 Tarn 0^Sha7iler, the original MS. . 104 " Saw ye 7ni/ Maggie" Song. . . 160 (R. of Hamilton,) Cadzow Castle. (S. P. 2.) 341 Bumworth, (E.) Life and Robberies of. . 126 Burrow's (Sir Jas.) Anecdotes rel. to Cromwell, &c. 62 Burrowes's (Dean) Sermons on the Lessons. 292 Burt's (Capt.) Letters from North of Scotland. 19 Burton's (Charles) Bardiad, a Poem. . 168 (H.) Narr. of shutting out of Church. (T. 34.) 61 Grand Impostor Unmasked, (Abp. Laud.) 62 (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholy. . 123 (R.) Delights for the Ingenious. . 25 E.Ktraordinary Adventures. . . 25 Female Excellency. ... 25 History of Oliver Cromwell. . . 25 History of Ireland. ... 25 History of London and Westminster. 25 History of Nine Worthies. . . 25 History of Wars in England, &c. . 25 Memorable Accidents. . . 25 Triumphs of Divine Justice. . . 25 Triumphs of Love. ... 25 Unfortunate Court Favourites . 25 Unhappy Princesses. ... 25 Unparallel'd Varieties. . . 25 Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment, &c. 1 3 ~ Bury St. Edmunds, History of. . . 249 Bury's (Lady Charlotte) Poems. . . 179 (Jacob) Advice to the Commons. (M. T. 7.) 2S8 Busching,(Dr.J.G.)Deut8cheGedichted.Mittelalter8.63 Sammlung Deutscher Volkslieder. . 47 Ritterzeit u. Ritterwesen. . . 48 Schloss zu Marienburg. . . 102 Busk's (Hans) Banquet. &c. Poems. . 201 Vestriad, a Poem. . . . 201 Bussy Rabutin, Hist. Amoureuse des Gaules. 114 Butler, (Charles) Hist. Mem. resp. Br. Catholics. 251 Reminiscences of. . . . 254 (Major) Fourth Paper. (M. T. 3.) . 2SK (Nathan) the Penitent Murderer. . 133 (Samuel) Poems. (E. P.) 42. Hudibras. 182,242 Butson's (C.) Love rf our Country. (0. P. P.) 169 Buxtorff 's Traditions of the Jews. . . 135 Buzot, Memoires. .... 324 Byiom's (Samuel) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Byron's (Lord) Poetical Works, &c. . 198 Don Juan, Cantos 1.2. . . 195 Private Correspondence, by Dallas. . 195 Letters and Journals, by Moore. . 195 Letter to Murray on Bowles's Pope. (T. 1.) 189 Conversations, by Medwin. . . 198 Monody on Sheridan. (P. M. 2.) . 199 Stanzas to Memory of. (P. P. 18.) . 343 (Lady)Rera.onMoor'8eLife,&c.(M,E.P. 12.)343 364 INDEX. 1G5 334 185 44.45 103.119 115 C. (C.) Life and Death of Marquis of Argylc. IC C. (J.) Two Merrj' Milkmaids. Com. (O. P. 1.) 21C Cabala, Mysteries of State, &c. . . 27 Cabaners (Dan.) Poems and Imitations. Cabinet, The. Selected by J. Aitken. Sportsman's. Cabinet des Fees. Satyrique. de 1' Eloquence Franfoisc. (F. F. 8.) Caesar, (Julius) Acquitted. See Dennis. Caesaris Commentarii, Graevii. (V. L. C. 10.) 225 Caesar's Commentaries, Edmundes'sObserv. on. 140 Cagliostro, (Comte de) Me'moires du. . 147 demasqu^ a Varso^^e. . . 341 Cairns, (Elizabeth) Memoirs of. . . 75 See Greig. Calabri (Quint.) Praetermissa Ilomeri. ( A'.G.C. 1 7.) 225 Calamy's (Rev. E.) Ser. on Cov. Breaking. (T. 19.) 286 (Rev. Dr. E.) Sermon, May 6, 1713. (Ser.) 80 Calcutta Cathedra], Monument to .Tohn Adam in, 34 Calder, (Rev. R.) Case of Episcopal Clergy. (C.T. 1 0.) 289 (?) Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence. . C5 _ Curat, Whipt, by T. T. (T. 15.) . 284 See Ridpath. Calderon, (Don Rod.) Relation of Death of. (T.) 127 Calderwood's (Rev. D.) Church History of Scotland. 12 (J.) Dying Testimony of Christ, in Scotland. 77 Caledon's Complaint. See Mure. Caledonia. See Chalmers. Darien. Caledonian Heroine, a Poem. See Colvill. Mercury. 1745-47. Calef's (R.) More Wonders of Iiivis. World. Calendar. See Brady. Hone. Forster. Cale7idy Blount. . . 101 , bv Motteux and Ozell. . . 317 , by Motteux and Lockhart. . . 85 , by Smollett. (B. N. L.) . . 63 by Edw. Ward. . . . 126 See Avellaneda. Gayton. Sanclio Panza. Instr. and Entert. Novels, by Slielton. 112 Spanish Decameron, &c. . . 112 Persiles and Sigismunda. . . 112 Cespedes, (Don G. de) Gerardo, tlie Unfort. Spand. 112 Cess, The True. (M. T. 8.) ■ . 288 Cevennes, Wars of the. See Cavallier. Ceylon,Nar.ofEventsin.(WarmthCandy.)(P.P.8.)313 Chafin's (Rev. W.) Anecdotes of Cranbourn Chase. Ill Chalmers, (Alex.) British Essayists. . 334 English Poets. . . .41. 42 Fielding's Works. . . . 188 Johnson's Works. . . . 188 (George) Caledonia. ... 1 Life of Thomas Ruddiman. . . 9 Life of Mary Queen of Scots. . 2 Rem. on Spurious doc. in Selden's Tit. of Hon. 32 Poetic Remains of Scottish Kings . . 15 Sir David Lindsay's Works. . . 105 — . — Allan Ramsay's Poems. . . 9 Churchyard's Chips concerning Scotland. 169 Ilenryson's Robene and Mackyne. . 277 (Rev. Jas.) Answ. to Letter on Sett, of (T. 15.) 66 (Jlargaret) Poems. . . . 167 (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Math. Pretens. of Sc. Clergy. 19 Sermon for Destitute Sick, 1813. (S. 4,) 293 Chamberlain's (W.) Love's Victory, Tragi Com. 217 Wits led by the Nose. (T. O. P. 12.) 219 Cliambcrs's (Robt.) Picture of Scotland. . 87 Scottish Ballads. . . . 160 Scottish Song.s. ... 160 Notices of Fires in Edinburgh. . 183 Hist, of Rebellions 1689 and 171.5. (C. M.) 315 H. of Rebellion 1745. (C. M.) . 315 Traditions of Edinljurgh. . . 332 Songs and Poems on King's Visit, 1822. 07 Songs in ScoWs Lady of the Late. . 107 (Wm.) Book of Scotland. . . 87 Chambre,(Dav.)SuccessiondesFenimes.(Jebb.Coll.)12 Chronicles of Kings of Scotland, 161 1. 280 368 Chambry, (Marq. de) Hist, de 1' Exped. de Russie. 325 Chandler's (Rev. Dr. S.) Sermons on Rebel. 1745. 311 Thanksgiving Sermon, 1740. (T. 0.) . 98 _ (T.) Trial for Perjury. (B. T. 14.) . 310 Chansonniers Franjais, Quatorze. . . 47 Chansons Folastres des Comediens. (F. 2.) 119 Chapelic et Bachaumont, Voyage de. (V. L) 45 Chaplet, The, Musical Entertainment. (M. T. 4.) 130 Chapman's (Geo. and Shirley's) Tlie Ball, Comedy. 213 Tragedy of Chabot. ... 213 Caesar and Pompcy, Tragedy. , 214 , Conspiracy and Tragedy of Byron. (0. P.O. 7.) 215 May Day, Comedy. . . . 216 — _ Hymns of Homer, &c. . . 1 75 Chappuys, (Gab.) Torquemade, Hexameron. 137 Character of a Good Wife. (T. 8.) . 70 , Paradoxical, of a Hairy Monster. (P. P. 17.) 263 Characters and Opinions, &c. . . 238 of the most conspicuous Persons, &c. 32 of a Prison and Prisoners. See Mynshul. Charles I. Declaration resp. Tumults in Scotland. H Procl. resp. Scottish Service Book. (T. 4. 10. 18.) 79 Letter from the Pope to, and Answer. (T. 3.) 284 Letter to, from Mem. of H. of C. (T. 7.) 60 Remonstrance of Gen. Assembly to. (T. 18.) 00 Propositions of, to Irish Rebels. (T. 29.) 61 Propositions of Irish Rebels to. (T. 61.) 61 Declaration to Foreign Prot. Churches. (T. 60.) 61 Poetic Remains. See Chalmers. Reliquiae Sacrae Cartdinae. inc. Eik. Bas. 258 Entertain, at Richmond. Masque 1030. 213 proved the Author of Eikon B. See Wordsworth. Ace. of opening of Coffin of, 1813. See Halford. Sermons on Martyrdom of. . 06. 80. 308 See Brodie. Hcylin. Kennett. Blentet. Sanderson. . See Civil Wars. Charles II. Acts of 1st Scots Park, of . 11 Act of General Indemnity. (T. T. 11.) . 30 Royal Oak, or Progress of. (T. 7.) . 59 Boscobel Tracts rel. to Escape of. See Hughes. Answ. of Pari, to his Declar. of 1650. (T. 6.) 62 . History of, to 1000, by Davies, 1060. 25 . Personal History of, to Restoration. . 234 - Secret History of . . , 109 ■ Memoirs of Court of, by Dunois. . 244 - Declaration to, by Wenlock. . 72 - Trials of Conspirators against. 1 602. . 62 INDEX. Charles II. Treaty bet. and K. of France. (T. 6.) 70 Tracts on Restoration of. Toland and Price. 258 Portraiture of, pub. by James II. . 80 Sermons on Restoration of. . . 80 Ace. of Statues of, at Newcastle. (N. T. 5. 6. 7.) 257 .See Brodie. Kennett. North. OUlmixon. Charles Edward, (Prince, or Pretender) Ascanius. 89 Young Juba, by Mitchell. . . 90 , Chronicle of Charles, the Young Man. (T. 3 ) flO Dialogue in the Luxembourg concerning, 90 Description of Chart of his Routes. 91. Chart. 260 . Alexis, or Young Adventurer. . 91 Letter from French Lady resp. Arrest of. 9'J Authentic Accomit of Conduct of. . 93 Young Chevalier, Narrative of Escape of 9-1 Letter of H. Goring respecting. . So Collection of Letters relative to. . 95 Englishman's Narrative resp. Escape of. 96 Proclamation and Orders, published by. 97 The Wanderer, or Surprising Escape of 97 Account of Persons of note in Service of 96 Remarks on Manif. and Declar. of. . 96 Songs and Poems on. . . . 97 Campaign rf Ari/!/leskirc Levies, 1746. . 85 Journal of Pretender's Son, 174C. . 85 . — _ Ascanius, le jeune Avanturicr. . 89 Ascanius Modenie. ... 89 Histoire lUi Pretendant. . . 89 Spanish and French Tracts relative to. 273 Cliarles V. Sleidane's Comm. on Reign of . 229 Ch.irles II. of Spain, Will and Codicil of (M. T. 4.) 287 Charles John XIV. See Bernadotte. Charles's (Geo.) Trans, in Scotland, 1715 and 1745. 84 Ch.arlot, (Jacques) Amadis de Gaule. . 115 Charlotte, Princess, Sermon on Death of (S. 3.) 293 , Lines on Death of See Anster. Croly. Charlton's (L.) Hist, of Whitby. . . 252 Charmion, a Tale, in Two Cantos. (P. T. 12.) 339 Channs of Jlelody, Collection of Songs. . 156 Charteris, (II.) Narr. de Vita Rob. RoUok. 277 Chartulary of Jlelrose. . . . 280 Chassanion's Merch. of Popish Priests. . 76 Cliastellain, (G.) Vie de Jac. de Lalain. (B. C. 51 Chronique de Bourgogne. (B. C.) . 51 Chastre, (M. de la) iMe'moires. (P. C.) . 49 Chateaubriand's( Vi5c.)Aben by Cochrane. 182 Monarchy according to the Charter. . 326 Chateaubriand, Reflexions Politiques, 1815. 326 Chateauneuf, Histoire de Bernadotte. . 327 Chatre, (M. de la) INKmoires. P. C.) . ■ 5.(1 Chatterton, (Tho.) Works, by Southey and Cottle. 198 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Life of, by Britton. ... 32 Chaucer, (Geoffrey) Works by Speght, &c. (B. L.) 154 Works, by L'rry. . . . 239 ■ Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Canterlniry Tales, by Tyrwhitt. . 1 55 Modernized. . . . . 1 72 Life of, by Godwin. . . . 185 Illustrations of, by Todd. . . 190 Chauchard's JLap of Germany, &c. and Dose. 239. 270 Chavis, (Dom.) Suite des 1001 Nuits. (C. F.) 45 Cheke, (Sir John) Life of, by Strype. . 236 Chess, The Buke of the. See Boswell. Chesse Play, &c. 1 597. (R. T. 6.) 1 27. (M. A. P. 1 4.) 1 77 Chester Miscellany, 1745-1750. . . 85 . • Mysteries, by Markland. . . 275 Letter resp. Surrender of. See Brereton. Chesterfield, (P. E. of,) Speech of, agt. Licensing Act. 58 Letters to his Son. . . . 203 Letter to, from Mrs. T. C. Philips. (T. 16.) 310 Chettle's (H.)Trag.of Hoffman. (O.P. 3.) 214. (C.) 215 Chevalerie, Dissertations sur la. See Sainte Marie. Chevalier, The Young. See Charles Edward. Chevalier's Discourse of Duelling, by Heigham. 39 Chevelere Assigne. . . . 276 Cheverny, (Hurault, Comte de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 49 Chichele, (Abp. of Canterbury.) Life of, by Duck. 257 Chicken's (E.) Soldier's Wedding, a Poem. (M. 2.) 161 Chierici, Potere de', Discorso del. . . 274 ChiUingworth's Apost. lustit. of Episcopacy. (T. 3.) 81 Chimney Sweeper's Friend. See Montgomery. China, Ancient Hist. of. (M. U. H. 7.) . 206 . Modern History of (M. U. II. 7.) . 206 Chinese Drama. See Davis. Language, Dissertation on. See Marshman. . — . — Novels, Proverbs, &c. See Davis. Pleasing History, by Bp. Percy. . 138 Romance and Tragedy. . . 317 Talcs, by Gueiilette. (T. of E.) . 43 Chinnery's(G.H.) Statue of Dying Gladiator, Poem. 186 Chiron to Achilles, and the Answer, Poems. (M. P. 5.) 181 Chivalry and Armour, Short Account of (P. P. 6.) 312 Chiverton, Sir John, a Romance, (•'by Ainsworth.) 331 3C9 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Choice, The, a Poem. (JM. P. -1.) . . 1 86 , by Pomfret. (M. 13.) . . 305 Chorle and Birile. See Ljdgate. Choiseul, (Due dc) M^m. sur 1' Aff. dc Varennes. 323 Choisy, (Abbe) Mc'moires. (P. C.) . . SO Choisnin, (Jean) Mc'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Chricmliilden Rache, u. die Klage. . 100 Christen Exhortation. See Coverdale. State of Matrymonye, by H. BuUinger. See do. Rule. See Tindall. Christian's Best Garment. (T. 1.) . . 75 Blessed Choice. (T. 2.) . . 75 Christian, (Edw.) Blackstone's Commentaries. 2flG (.T.) Notices of E. & AV. Christian. . 329 Christiernus II. Daniae Rex. See Swaningi. Christine de Pisan, Memoires. (P. C.) . 49 Christison, (Prof.) Life and Character of. (S. T. (i.) 344 (Prof. R.) Syllabus of Lectures. (T. S. 4.) 345 Christmas, a Poem. See Jloxon. Day, Sennon on. See Robinson. Prince, exhib. at Oxford, 1G07. (M. A. 3.) 176 Pye, Exaltation of, a Fragment. . 1 36 Chronica de Mailros. (G. et F.) . . 27 Chronicle of the Kings of England. See Dodsley. Fife. See Lamont. Perth, from 1210 to 1688. . . 281 the year 1744. (T. 2.) . . 90 Chronicles of D. of N. of King of the Isles. (T.) 1 5 Kings of Scotland. 1611. . . 280 London Bridge. See Thomson, (R.) Scottis. See Thomson, (Thomas.) Chronicon Ethelwardi. (Sav.) . . 27 Coenobii Sanctae Crueis Edinbm-g. . 278 Nuremb. Buch d. Croniken, &e. . 238 Blirabile, &c. (Bee's Diary.) . 174 Chronique des Francais en More'e. (B. C.) 51 Chroniques Byzantins, Fragmens des. (B. C.) 50 Nationales Fran9aises. See Buchon. Church History of Britain. See Fuller. . 262 of England, AVaniing for the. (T. 13.) 283 's Loyalty, New Test of. (T. 6.) . 284 by Defoe. (T. 6.) . . . 290 Answer to. (M. T. 10.) 287. (T. 8.) 290 's Honesty, N. Test of. (T. 7.) . 290 Advances towards Rome. (C. T. 4.) . 287 Differ.betw.LiturgyofandScott.l637.(P.8.) 305 Neces. of Peace and Union am. Jlembers of. 306 Church of England, Common Prayer Book of. 178. 291 —— Churchman, True Character of a. (T. 15.) 285 Church of Scotland, Tracts relative to: Register of Ministers, Exhorters, 6cc. . 2;i0 Reports of the State of certain Parishes. 1527. 282 Apol. Relation of Sufferings of Jlinisters, &c. 1 665. 69 Apology for Persecuted Ministers of. 1677. 70 Cloud of Witnesses, Last Speeches and Test. &c. 71 Naphtali, or AVrestlinggof, tilllGC7. . 69 Tracts relative to the Service Book, 1G38. 79 Declar. of Breth. for the Estab. Govert. &c. 1658. 81 Sufferings of, &c. since 1660. (T. S. E. 4.) 83 Samson's Riddle, or. Bunch of Wormwood, &c. 286 Protestation against Toleration, &c. (T. U. 17.) 76 . — — See Howie. Shields. Stewart. Walker. &e. Confut. of Manifesto, &c. of Ch. of Scot. (C. T. 4.) 74 Coll. of Pamphlets. . . 89.90.91 Churchill's (Rev C.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. 110. 199 Churchyard's (T.) Chippes, 12th Labour.(Q.E. P.3.) 265 . (i.'s Entertainment in Suffolk,&c.(Q.E.P.9.) 266 Sparke of Friendship. (Q. E. P. 14.) 266 Pleasant Conceite, 1593. (Q. E. P. 18.) 266 Farewell to Eari of Essex. (Q. E. P. 20.) 266 Grid de Tristibus. Chips concerning Scotland. Funeral of Sir F. Knowles. (H. 9.) Verses on Archbishop Whitgift. (H. 1 Worthines of Wales. . Chytraei (Dav.) Chronicon Saxoniae. Cibber's (C'olley) Dramatic Works. Nine Plays, early editions. Non- Juror, Comedy. (P. 2.) . Apology for his Life. . The Laureat, Explanation, &c. of Apologj'. Letter to Mr. Pope. . (Th.) Action against Mr. Sloper for Cri Lives of the Poets. (Shiels.) . Lives of Actors and Actresses. Ciceronis Opera, c. n. v. (V. L. C. 14.) Epistolas Familiares, Annot. in. Officia, Teutsch. Ciceron, Traite' de Divination. Cicero's Familiar Epistles, by AVebbe. Letters to his Friends, by Melmoth. Cicognini, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. 33.) Cid, The. See Herder. Southey. Cinnas Conspiracy, Tragedy. (0. P. 14.) •2-) 275 167 184 184 249 9a 1,59.207 222 216 207 211 21! 130 193 210 225 263 264 141 .Con. 370 INDEX. 121 237 GO. GI Cinq Mars. See Vigny. Cinthio, (G. B. G.) Hecatommithi. ( ) Egle. (P. I. 24.) Civil War, Battles and Sieges during the, &c. Tracts relative to, 1643-6. Tracts relative to, 1644-59. . . G2 See Charles I. Cromwell. Fairfax, &c. Clagett's (Rev. Dr.) Prerogative of St. Ann. (T. 5.) 286 Clairfons, Les Isles Fortune'es. (V. I.) • 45 Clan Alpin's Vow. See Boswell. Clans, History of the. (M. S.) See Highland Clans. Clanronald. See Macdonald. Clapperton's (W.) Guarini's Pastor Fido. . 340 (Capt.) Travels in Africa. . . 231. 253 Clarac, (Comte de) Antiques du Muse'e Royal. 269 Clare's (John) Poems on Rural Life, i!ic. . 102 Clarendon's (Ed. Earl of) Hist, of the Gr. Rebellion. 24 . Life, and Continuation of History. . 24 State Papers. ... 24 — _ Collection of Tracts. ... 24 Clariodus, a Metrical Romance. . . 280 Clark, (Capit. E.) Ascen. du Mont Blanc. (M. F. 3.) 328 's (Hugh) Introduction to Heraldry. . 119 (John) Letter on Highland Mutinies. (T.) 19 (Rob.) Office of Sheriff in Scotland. . (Sam.) Marrow of Ecclesiastical History. Lives of Eminent Persons. Lives of Ten Eminent Di\'ines, ihcc. (William) Poetical E.^ercitations on Job. Clarice's (Bernard) Collection of Poems. (Rev. Dr. J. S.) Falconer's Shipwreck. Life of James II. See James II. (James) Survey of the Lakes. (Stephen) Kiss, a Comedy. (M. P. 1.) (Rev. W.) Sermon, 1745. (T. 5.) (William) Repertorium Bibliographicum. Clarkson's (Rev.) Reasons for Dissent fromRevol. Ch. 69 (E.) Robert Montgomery and his Reviewers. 166 Clarksone's (B.) Confl. in Conscience. (R. M. T. 2.) 342 Claudero. See Wilson (James). Claudianus, Heinsii. (V. L. C. 15.) . . 225 Clavell's (J.) Discovery of the Highway Law. 127 Recantation of an ill-led Life. . 127 (R.) Cat. of Books pr. in England, IG6G-81 154 Claverhouse. See Dundee. Clavigo, (R. G. de) Hist, de Gran Tamorlan. (T.) 48 Claxton's (L.) Single Eye, All Light, Ace. (II. T. 2.) 147 Claxton's Lost Sheep Found. (H. T. 3.) . 147 Clay, (Marcy, alkis Jenny Fox,) Life and D. of. 59.127 Clear's Address to Cork Literary Society. (I. P. 6.) 343 Cleland's (El.) Method of Cookery. . 298 (William) Poems. ... 76 Clelia, The Mock 113 Clelie, La Fausse. . . . . 114 Clercq, (J. de) Me'moires. (P. C.) . . 49 Clergy, People's Cry against the, 1G4G. (T. 53. 54.) 61 Ans. to Grounds of Contempt of the. ( E. T. 2. ) 250 Clerk, (Baron) Dissert, de Jlonumentis Romanis. 3 (John, of Eldin) Etchings of Views in Scotland. 26 1 Clery, Captivite de Louis XVI. . . 323 Cleveland, Mr. Life and Adventures of. See Prevost. Clieveland's (J.) Genuine Poems, &c. . 171 Rustick Rampant. . . 171 Clifford, (Arthur) Sadler State Papers. . 29 Tixall Letters. . . . 250 Epistle to H. Clifford. (P. and V. 12.) 192 Tixall Poetry. . . . 270 (Martin) Notes on Dryden's Poems. (M.T. 1.) 287 Clinton, (Governor De Witt) Tribute to. . 31 Memoir of, by Hosack. . 34 Cloud of AVitnesses. (English.) 78. (Scotch.) 71 Clowes'a (Rev. J.) Add. on Swedenborg's Writings. 342 Clyde,aPoem,byJ.Wilson.(S.D.P.) 162. (P. 2.) 222 Walk from Lanark to Falls of. Poem. 165 Falls of, Scottish Pastoral. . . 212 Falls of, Melo-drama, by Soane, 1 8 M .{omitUd.) 2 1 6 Cobb's (Sam.) Female Reign. (P. P. 4.) . 304 Holdsworth's Muscipula. . . 249 Cobbett's (W.) Hist, of American Jacobins. (P. 3.) 250 Cobbold's (EUz.) Ode on Waterloo. (P. 3.) 187 Cobler of Aggavvam. See Guard. Coccaie, (Merlin.) See Folengi, (Theoph.) Cochran, Sir Robert, Life of. . . SI Cochrane Correspondence rel. to Glasgow, 1 745-6. 282 (J. G.) See Chateaubriand. Segur. Cockbum, (H. Lord) Les Affaires du Boduel. 278 Boethii Murth. et Aberd. Episcop. Vitae. 277 Dalgarno's Works. . . . 281 (Major) Pompeii. . . 330 Views of Swiss Scenery. . . 241 (Rev.AV.)Ser.onK.Chas'sMart. 17I8.(T.11.)66 Cockle's (Mrs.) National Triumphs. . 165 Cock Lorell's Boat. . . . 275 Codes, Physionomie et Chiromancee. . 1 45 871 ADBOTSFORn LIBRARY. Coile Civil, Conference du, &c. . . 328 Civil, Commentaire sur le. . . 328 Napoleon, verbally translated. See Barrett. Codes Franrais, Les Cinq, (Pailliut.) . 273 Cogan, (H.) Mendez Pinto's Travels. . 128 Cohausen's (J. H.) Hermippus Redirivus. 150 Coin, Treatise of raising. See Locke. Scarcity of in Scotland. (P. T. 28.) . 311 Cointreau. L" Amant Salamandre. (V. I.) . 48 Coisy, (F. dej Chas. Stuart, Melodrame. (P. D. C.) 345 Coke's (Roger) Detection of Court and State. 237 Two Treatises of Church and State,&c. (T. M.) 247 Cold Bath Fields Prison, Papers relative to. 241 Cold Year, The, 1614. (R. T.2.) 139. (M. A. 5.) 17G Colden's (C.) History of Five Indian Nations. 31 (C.) Blenioir on New York Canals. . 196 Coleridge's (S. T.) Poetical AVorks. . 180 Christabel, Kubla Khan, &c. . 199 Piccolomini and AV'allenstein of Schiller. 212 SibyUine Leaves. . . . 199 Biographia Literaria. . . 199 Friend. .... 340 Coley's (Henry) Key to Astrology. . 113 Coligny, (Gasp, de) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 49 Collana Historica. See Ditte Candiotto. College Album, (Glasgow,) for 1830. . 162 Recollections. . . . 335 Collier's (Jn.) Tim Bobbin's Works, in Lane. dial. 175 (Rev. Jer.) View of the English Stage. 223 Defence of View. . . . 223 (J. P.) Hist, of English Dramatic Poetry. 158 Poetical Decameron. . , 172 CoUingwood's (Lord) Life and CoiTespondence. 317 CoUins's (A.) Sydney Letters and Blemorials. 232 Peerage of England, by Brydges. . 236 Baronetage of England. . . 244 (William) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Colloquium inter Deum et Euam. (F. C.) 155 Collyer, (Mrs.) Gesner's Death of Abel. . 292 (and Mr.) Klopstock's Messiah. . 292 Colman, (George) The Connoisseur. (B. E.) 234 (George, jun.) Specimen of New Jest Book. 161 Broad Grins. . . . . 182 Eccentricities for Edinburgh. . 1 82 Posthumous Letters of celebrated men. 196 Random Records. . . . 341 Colmena, La, Coleccion de Ensayos, &;c. . 49 3 Colombiere, (W. de la) Les Oracles Divertissans. 141 Traite' des Songes et Visions Nocturjies. 141 Palais de la Fortune. . . 141 Colonial Advocate, (U. Canada.) 1824-26. 261 Colonization of Ancient Free States, History of. 1 85 Colours, Three Primitive, Treatise on. See Hayter. Colton's (Rev. C. C.) Lacon. . . 202 Columella de Re Rustica. (L. R. R.) . 227 Coluthus, by Fawkes. (E. P.) . . 42 Colvill's (Rev. R.) Six Occasional Poems. 176 Colville's (Sam.) Mock Poem, or Whigg's Supplica. 86 Mode Poem, Part 2. . . 86 Combe's (W.) Dr. Syntax's Tour. . 197 Comic Poems, (Scotch.) See Brown of Ncwhall. Comical Dialogue between Maggy and ,Tanet. 160 Comiers, (1' Aveugle) La Baguette justifi^e. (T.) 108 Commelini (Hier.) Britann. Rerum Scriptores. 27 Commines, (Ph. de) Me'moires. . 37. (P. C.) 49 Commissary Com-t of Scotland. Report from. (T. 5.) 295 Common Prayer Book of Church of England. 1 78. 332 Complaint of a Lover's Life. . . 275 Complaynt of Scotland, by Leyden. . 141 Compleat Mendicant. See Defoe. Complimens de la Langue Fran9oi6e. (F. F. 7.) 115 Componimenti Lirici, &c. d' Italia. Mathias. 38 Conaei (Geo). Vita Mariae. (.1 ebb Coll.) . 12 Conde-, The Prince of. Tragedy. (M. P. 1.) 209 C'onder's(Jos.and Misses Taylor) AssociateMinstrel3.1 79 Star in the East. . . . 1,93 Conduct of Gr. Brit, in Foreign Affairs. (P. T. 5.) 310 Confession of Faith. See Covenant. Confucius's Works, transl. by Marshman. . 34 CongregationalChurches, Faith & Order of.(C.T. 1 1 .) 287 Way, Defence of the. (T. 25.) . 285 Congress of the Beasts, a Farce. . . 98 Congreve's (W.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Five Plays. . . . . 22! AVilson's Memoirs of Life of, by Oldmixon. 222 Connoisseur, The. See Colman. Thornton. Connor, (Jack) History of, a Novel. . 137 Conrart, JI(;moires. (P. C.) . . 50 Consalvo Ferrando,il gran Capitano. SeeCantalicio. 268 Constable, Powersand Dutiesof a, in Scot. ( S.L.T. 1 2.)34 6 Constable, (Arch.) Memoirs of George Heriot. 22 Miscellany. : . . . 315 Miss Seward's Letters. . . 202 (David) Berteville, Exped. en Ecosse. 277 INDEX. Constable, (Dav.) Catalogues of Library of. 340 (H.) Diana. Conceptful Sonnets. . 275 Spiritual Sonnets. (H. 8.) . . 104 Consult-ition de 1' Oracle, sur le Pretendant. 1688. 89 Contarini, (Luigi) Storia di Napoli. (V. L.) 208 Contenance de la Talile. . . . 275 Contes Choisis des divers Auteurs. (C. F.) 45 Conti, ( ) Poemetti. (P. I. 49.) . 56 Contract Violated. See Goole. Contrasto che fa la Moglie, &e. (I. C. I. 1 3.) 339 Controversy between a Lover and a Jay. . 275 Convention Nationale, Debats de la. . 324 Conveyancing in Scotl. System of. Jur. Soc. Styles. 272 Convicts, Lives of remarkable. 1700-1745. 131 Convocation, Case of the, 1711. (S. T. 51.) . 306 Conybeare's(Rev.J.J.)Illust. of Anglo-Sax. Poetry. 188 Octavian, Metrical Romance. (Web. M. R.) 105 Cook's {Jn.) Mem. of Stoiie, Coffin at Cldllinghim . (Dr. J.) Travels through Russia, &c. Cooke, (Geo. Fr.) Life of, by Dunlap. 32 247 202 ■ (Josh.)PIeas. conc.Comedie, HowaMan, &c. 214 209 218 42 (W.) Memoirs of Chas. Macklin. Memoirs of Samuel Foote. (Mrs.) Hesiod. (E. P.) , (G.&W.) Views in S. of France. See Hughes. 339 Cookery. See Cleland. Cury. Cooper, (C. P.) Lettres sur la Cour de Chancellerie. 296 (J. G.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Proj. of Hospital for decayed Authors. (F. P.) 204 (J. F.)Spy 332 Pilot. .... 333 Pioneers. .... 333 Lionel Lincoln. . . . 333 (Wm.) PhUosophicall Epitaph. . 113 —— Secrets Revealed. . . . 144 Cope, (Gen. Sir Jn.) Report of Board of Officers on. 65 Copland's (John) St. Andrews, a Poem. . 6 Coplestone's (Bp.) Refut. of C'al. against Oxford. 340 Coppock,(Parson)DyingSpeech of at Carlisle. 1746. 93 Coras, Arrest du Pari, de Tholose. Hist, de M. Guerre. 145 Corbet's (Bp.) Poems. (E. P.) , with Life by Gilchrist. (J.) Military Government of Gloucester. See Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis. Corbett's (Miss) Busy Bodies. Cordiner's Antiq. of North of Scotland. Corinna, or, Human Frailty, a Poem. (0. P. 5.) 42 248 257 Cork, County and City, History of. See Smith. Lit. Society, Clear's Address to. (I. P. 6.) 343 Society, Casts presented to. (I. P. 12.) 344 Cormon, (B.) Dictionnaire Espagnol Franc. 316 Cornazano de Re Militaria. . . 55 Corncille, (P. etT.) CEuvres, Palissot. . 40 (P.) Horace, by Cotton. (0. P. 14.) . 220 Nicomede, by Dancer. (O. P. 16.) . 220 Cornelia, a Tragedy. ... 34 Corneliu3Nepos,Delphini.223. VanStaveren.(15.) 225 Cornish Hugg-Wrestler. See Parkyn. . 158 Comubiae (Ducis) Genethliacon, 1688. (O. P. 31.) 153 Cornwall. See Carew. Polwhele. , Ordnance Map of. . . . 234 (Barry). See Procter. Comwallis's (SirC.) Baptism, &c. of Prince Henry. 309 Coronation of K. George IV. Ceremonial of. 156 The, a Poem. 1821. (P. P. 5.) . 343 Corpus Juris Civilis. . . . 273 Corrozet, Hist, g^ndrale des Larrons. . 139 Corsini, (Bart.) Torrachione Desolato. . 106 Cortese, (6. C.) Opcre. (P. N.) . . 57. 106 Coryafs (Tom) Crudities. ... 203 Corey's (John) Generous Enemies, Corned. (O.P.4.) 213 Cure for Jealousy, Comedy. (O. P. 12.) 220 Metamorphosis, Comedy. (O. P. 13.) . 220 Costanzo, ( ) Poesie Liriche. (P. I. 30.) 55 Costello's (L. S.) Songs of a Stranger. . 165 Costlie Whore, The, a Play. . . 223 Cotgrave's (John) Wits Interpreter. . 110 (R. and Sherwood's,) French Dictionary. 265 Cotta's (Dr. J.) Triall of Witchcraft. . 149 Cotterell, (Chas.) Davila's Wars of France. 262 Cottesford's (Sam.) Treatise against Traitors. 108 Cottle's (Jos.) iMalvern Hills. . . 162 (and Southey) Chatterton's Works. . 198 Cotton's (N.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 (C.) Wonders of the Peak. . . 135 Genuine Works. . . . 135 Complete Angler. Hawkins. 182. Major. 193 Horace, Tragedy, from Comeille. (0. P. 14.) 220 Montluc's Commentaries. . . 252 Country Book Club, a Poem. (M. P. 2.) . 186 Tom's Complete Jester. . . 128 Coupar's(Rev. P.) Ser. on Mr. Anderson'3adm.(R.T.I .)66 Couronne Usurpe'e, et le Prince Suppose, 1689. 133 Courser's Manual, by Goodlake. . . 135 373 3B ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. 345 211 164 Court of Session, Acts of Sederunt, 1532-1553. 2G3 Acts of Sederunt, 1553-1790. . 263 , Decisions of, 1G78-1712, by Fountainhall. 12 , Comp. of Fac. Dec.l752-1817,by Halkerston. 2G4 , Forms of Process before. See Beveridge. 295 , Tracts relative to. (S. L. T. 2. 8. 11.) Court of Tuscany. Heir of Innes, Tr.Tgedies. Court Secret. See Lyttelton. Courtier's (P. L.) Pleasures of Solitude. Courtship, Art of, refined. See Amorous Gallant. Religious. See Defoe. Coutts, (Thos. & Harriet) Memoirs of, (4 Tracts.) 1R3 Covenant, (National!) or Conf. of Faith. (T. IC.) 70 Covenanters. See Church of Scotland. Covent Garden Drollery. See Brome. Coventry Guide. .... 303 Mysteries. See Sharp. Coventry's (Prof. A. ) Notes on Arable Land. ( A .T.2.) 298 (And.) Ubaldini, Desc. di Scotia. . 278 (Rev. F.) Lucinasine Concubitu. (D. F. P.) 204 (G.) Enquiry resp. Author of Junius. 191 (Sir Wm.) Character of a Trimmer. (T. G.) 286 Coverdale, (M.) Christen State of Jlatrimony. Exhortation to Cust. Swearers. Cowley's (Abr.) Poems. (E. P.) Poem on late Civil War. (O.P.26.) Works. 207. With Life by Sprat. Guardian, a Comedy. Poems. &c. (P. 5.) . See Grebner's Prophecy. Cowper'3(L.Chan.)Sph.onsent.EebelLords. 1715. 92 (Thos.) Contin. of Lanquette's Chronicle. 237 (Wm.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Power of Grace illustrated. (T. 1.) . 81 Cox's (Jos.) Bloody-minded Gallows Thief-takers. 129 Coxe's (Edw.) Valentine, a Poem. (P. & P. 18.) 192 Craig, (Sii' Thomas) Observations on Homage. Jus Feudale, cura Baillie. Epithalamium Henrici et Mariae. Life of, by P. F. Tytler. 107 107 42 157 297 217 220 Miscellaneous Poetry. 92 (Henry) Tour through France. 251 (Peter) Social Day, a Poem. 197 (Rev. W.) Memoirs of Sir R. W alpole. 23G Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough. 242 Coypel, Aglad. (C. F.) 45 Crabbe's (Rev. Geo.) Poems. 198 Borough. 198 Tales. 198 Tales of the Hall. 198 Craig's (John) Poems. 301 9 12 17 21 . (J. T. Gibson) Papers resp. Mar. of Jas. VI. 278 171 47 111 Craignethan's Dochter, a Fairy Tale. Cramer, (C. G.) Leben, &c. Erasm. Schleichers. Cramond's (Dr. H.) Outlines of Human Life. Cranbourn Chase, Anecdotes of. See Chafir. Craniad, The, a Poem. . . . 163 Cranmer, (Archbishop) Memorials of. Strype. 236 Crasso, (L.) Elogii di Capitani lUustri. . 268 Cra^vfo^d'3 Map of Dumfries-shire. , 260 Crawfurd'a (David) Memoirs of Affairs of Scotland. 6 Courtship a la Mode, Com. (O. P. 15.) 220 (George) Lives of Scots Officers of Cr. and St. 2 Peerage of Scotland. , . 12 Renfrewshire, by Robertsor. . 13 Renfrewshire, by Semple. . . 17 (Rev. M.) Knox's Hist, of Reformation. 2 (Thomas) Notes on Buchanan's History. 20 (Rev. W.) Manual against Infidelity. 81 Zion's Traveller. . . . 81 (J. Lindsay) Case of, (Claim, of Cr. Peerage.) 264 Exposure of Forgeries in. See Dobie. 264 Crawshaw's (Richard) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Crebillon Perc, Qiuvres. ... 35 Fils, CEuvres. ... 39 Creech's (W.) Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces. 17 Trial of Brodie and Smith. . . 295 Crescimbeni, Storia degli Arcadi. . . 38 Cretin, (Guill.) Poesies. . . . 117 Crichton's (Rev. Dr. A.) Mem. of Rev. J. Blackader. 80 Life and Diary of Colonel Blackader. 80 (Col.) Direct, for const, cheap Sick-Beds. (T.) 16 Crim. Justice, Rem. on adm. of, in Scot. (S. T. 9.) 345 Trials, illustrative of Heart of Mid-Lothian. 320 Trials in Scotland. See Amot. Pitcaii'n. Crispin the Cobler's Confut. of Ben Hoadley. (M. 1.) 305 Crito, Dialogue on Beauty. (D. F. P.) . 204 Croft's (Rev. Sir Herbert) Love and Madness. 178 Crofton's (Z.) Analepsis. Consid. on Gauden. (T. 1.) 287 Croker's (J. W.) Battle of Albuera. (M. P. 1.) 168 Battles of Talavera. (M. P. 2.) . 168 Boswell's Life of John3on,&Tourto Hebrides. 188 Lady Hervey's Letters. . . 189 Suffolk Correspondence. . . 191 374 INDEX. Croker's (J. W.) Teonge's Diary. . . 1'21 Familiar Epistles to Frederick Jones. 208 Life of Duke of Wellington. . 196 Sketch of Ireland. (P. P. 7.) and (I. T. 3.) 313 Speech in favour of Duke of York. (P. P. 1.) 313 (T. Crofton) Legends of the Lakes. . 2Jl Fairy Legends of South of Ireland. . 34 1 Croly's (Rev. Dr. G.) Paris in 1815. . 199 Angel of the World. . . 199 Lines on Princess Charlotte. (P. M. 1.) 199 Pride shall have a Fall, Play. . 212 Cromarty, (Earl of) Memoirs of. 1746. (T. 1.) 93 Cromek's (R. H.) Reliques of Burns. . 199 Select Scottish Songs. . . 199 Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song. 199 CromweU,(0.)Lett.of,ont.ofBristol&Ba3ing.(T.2J.)61 Letter on taking of Winchester. (T. 36.) 61 Letter from Dunbar. 1650. (T. ) . 62 Campaigns of, in Scotland. 1650. . 231 Original Letters and Papers addressed to. 233 Sieges and Battles,"and Life of. . 237 Declaration against Spain. (T. 9.) 62 Cromwelliana. Events in which he was engaged. 233 Panegyric! C. script!. 1654. (M. F. P.) 33 Anecdotes and Observations on. See Burrow. Compact of, with the Devil. (T. 1.) . 58 Cromwelian Ghost conjured. (T. 11.) 67 Oliver's Pocket Looking-Glass. (M. 6.) 305 ( School-Boy and other Poems. 1 64 Druid, a Tragciij. ... 33 Excursions through Leinster. . 251 Cronica de Don Alvaro de Luna. . . 48 de Don Pedro Nino. (T.) . .* 48 Croniques de Nomiandie. . . 37 Cronycke van HoUandte, &c. . . 252 Crookshank'3(W.) Sermon on Popish Cruelty. (T. 1.) 88 Crossthwaite's Map of Cumb. and Westmoreland. 33 Crownes (John) Nine Plays. . . 219 Destruction of Jerusalem, Trag. (O. P. 8.) 222 Croxall's (Rev. Dr.) Royal Sin of Adult.&c.(P.T.13.)309 Croyland Inscription, Conjecture on. See Hamper. 33 Cruden's (A.) Account of Action against Dr. Monro. 58 Concordance to Bible. . . 266 Crusade, The, a Poem. . . , 1C7 of St. Lewis, Ballad by Rose. (M. P. 34.) 186 Crusaders, The, or Minstrels of Acre, Poem. 196 Cryptomenysia Patefacta. See Falconer. Cullen's (Lord) Narrative of Christian Shaw. 140 Culloden Papers, by Duff. . . 3 Cumberland and Westmoreland, Hist, of See Nicolson. (W. H. Duke of.) Historical Blemoirs of. 96 Letter of Lord Lovat to. (T. 2.) . 94 (Richard) Arundel. . . . 332 Henry. (B. N. L.) . . . 03 Observer. (B. E.) . . . 334 Memoirs of his own Life. . . 254 Cuming's (Rev. P.) Fast Sermon, Dec. 1745. 98 Synod Sermon, April 1726. (S. b. S. D. 4.) 293 Cumner, Historical Account of (Imp. Cum.) 303 Cunningham's (Allan) Songs of Scotland. . 165 Songs in Rural Language of Scotland. 172 Trad. Tales of Scottish Peasantry. . 200 Sir Marmaduke Maxwell. . . 200. 218 Lives of British Painters, &c. (M. F. L.) 332 Paul Jones. .... 334 Sir Michael Scott. ... 335 Magic Bridle. (V. P. P. 2.) . . . 342 (Jas.) Essay on Macdulf's Cross. . 17 (Jas.)Wamings of Eternal Spirit. 68. & (T.l.) 73 (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 (Rev. J. W.) De Ranee. . . 167 Rothley Temple. . . . 167 (Lady JIargt.) Life of. . . 271 Cur and Lapdog, a Poem. (P. P. 8.) . 263 Curll, (Ed.) Dunton's Consolatory Epistle to. 191 Curran's (W. H.) Life of J. P. Curran. . 234 Currency, Plan for safe and secure. (P. C. 1.) 342 Treatise on. (P. C. 2.) . . 342 Local, Consequence of Alteration of. (P.C.6.) 342 Malagrowther's Letters on. See Scott. Currie's (A.) Principles of Gaelic Grammar. 301 (Dr. .James) Bums'3 Works. . . 199 Curry's (Dr. J.) Review of Irish Civil Wars. 244 Citttis, (M.) and Eden's Art of Navigation. 136 (Wm.) Unknown of the Pyrenees. . 164 (J.) Hist, of the Polstead Murder. . 340 Curtius, (Quint.) Pitiosi. (V. L.'C. 45.) . 226 Cury, Forme of See Pegge. Cuspinianus de Turcarum Origine, &c. . 116 Cutwode's (T.) Caltha Poetarum. . . 185. 274 Cuthbert, (Rev. James) Elegy on. See Erskinc. , St. Discovery of the Body of. Sea liaine. Cyril Thornton. See Hamilton. Cyrnean Hero, The, Poem. Sec Colvill. '5 abbotsford library. D. (N.) Choice Songs. See Playford. D. (S.) Year of Wonders. Poet. Prophecy. (P.P. iO.) 2()3 D. (T. F.) Hist, des Deu.x Chambres de Bonaparte. 326 Daemonologia, &c. See Delrius. Elich. Malleus. Mcngi. Daemonologie. See Home. Lude. Witchcraft, &c. Daedalus's Advice to Lemnian Ministry. (P. 13.) 303 Daipliantus. See Scoloker. Dalgarno's (George, of Aberdeen,) Works. . 281 Diilkeith. (Charles, Earl of). See Buccleuch. Dallas's (R. C.) Ode to the Duke of Wellington. 197 (R. C.) Correspondence of Lord Byron. 195 Dallaway, (Rev. J.) Constantinople, An. and Mod, 271 Lady M. W. Montagu's Works. . 202 Halrymple, (Sir David. See Hailes. (Sir Hugh) Reasons of Dissent, &c. (P.T.23.) 311 (Sir James) Apologie, 1690. See Stair. 277 (Sir Jas.) CoUec. concerning Scottish Hist. 9 Remarks on, by Gillan. . , 16 (Sir John) Jlemoirs of Great Britain. 3 (Baron) Observations on Entails. (T.) 19 D' Alton's (John) Dermid, a Poem. . 253 Essay on the History, &c. of Ireland. . 253 Dalyell, (Sir John G.) R. Bannatyne's Journal. 19 Chartularies of See of Aberdeen. . 23 Chartularies of Cambuskenneth, &c. , 340 Fragments of Scottish History. . 4 Lindsay's Cronycles of Scotland. . 8 G. Marioreybank's Annals. , . 23 Records of Bpric. of Moray. . . 340 Scotish Poems of 16th Century. . 173 Dana, (R. H.) The Idle Man. . . 201 Danby, (Eail of) Case of. (T.) . . 30 Dance aux Aveugles. See Michault. Dancer's (J.) Nicomede, Tragi Com. (0. P. 16.) 220 Agrippa, Tragedy. (0. P. 17.) , 220 Daneau, (L.) Trait^s sur les Sorciers, &c. , 142 Dialogue of Witches. . . 142 Dangerfield, (C'apt. T.) Memoirs of. . 59 Juvenile Rambles of. . , 132 Daniae et Norvcgiae Descriptio. See Zeiller. Daniel, John, Life and Adventures of. . 44 (Sam.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Whole Works in Poetrie. . . 150.215 Art of English Poesie. (M. P. A.) . 177 History of England to Edw. III. (C. H.) 249 Daniell's (Wm. R. A.) Voyage round Scotland. 232 Danistoni (G.) Epist. ad 6. Buchananum. See Pitcairn. 3 Danorum Rebus gestis, Poema de. See Thorkelin. Gesta ct Vestigia extra Daniam. . 99 Danske Folkesage, Thiele. . . 52 Viser, Udvalgte, fra Middelalderen. . 48 See Kaempe Viser. Dante, Divina Commedia. (P. I.) . . 53 , con Comment, di Gabr. Rossetti. . 274 Comment on. See Taafe. . . 162 D' Anvers, (Caleb) Arg. agt. E.xcises. (P. & P. 7.) 222 Danvers's (Col.) Murther will out. (T.) . 58 (John) Royal Cake. (T.) . , 59 D' Arblay's (Mad.) Evelina. . . 338 Cecilia. .... 338 Darcian^ a Tragedy. . . . 209 Darien, Scots Colony at, Tracts on : Defence of, &c. . . . . 338 Enquiry into Causes of Miscarriage of. . 6 Proceedings of Company of, resp. Union. 16 Collection of Addresses, Memorials, &c. . 22 Letter from Gen. Ass. Comm. to Council of. (T. 8.) 82 Lord Belhaven's Speech on. (T. 9.) . 82 Caledonia, or Pedlar turned Merchant. (0. P. 10.) 157 Short Account of coming away from. (BI. T. 2.) 287 Scotland's Present Duty, &c. (M. T. 3.) 287 Two Pamphlets relative to. (C. o. P. 1. 2.) 307 Darnley, (Henrici), et JIariae Reg. Epithalamium. 17 Darrell's (Rev. J.) Narrative of Lancashire possess. 149 Relation of Will. Sommers. . . 149 Detection of S. Harshnet's Discov. . 149 Darwin, (Dr. Erasmus) Botanic Garden. . 196 Life of, by Miss Seward. . . 202 Daubome's (Rob.) Poor Man's Comfort. (0. P. 4.) 215 Davenant's (Chas.) Circe, Tragedy. (O. P. 18.) 220 (Dr. C.) Modem Whig, and Tom Double. 310 (Sir W.) Works. ... 207 Unfortunate Lovers, Tragedy. 213 The Man's the Master, Comedy. . 213 Davenport, (R.) New Trick to cheat the Devil. 213 (R. A.) Poetical Register. . 194 Davczne,{J.) Ep'itrc a Walter Scott. (P. T. 13.) 339 David, Psalms of. See Psalms. Davidson's (Rev. H.) Two Sermons at Galashiels. 68 (Rev. J.) Poetical Remains. . 164 (L. Maria) Amir Khan, &c. , 1 64 ( W.) Journal of a Levant Pirate. . 130 Davila, (E. C.) Guerre Civili di Francia. . 56 Civil Warres of France, by Cotterell. 262 76 INDEX. Davies'a (Sir John) Poems. (E. P.) . ^2 Epigrams and Elegies. . . 1U7 (J.) Rites and Monum. of Durham. (E. T. 3.) 1 44 (James) History of Charles II. 1660. 2.5 Perefixe's Life of Henry IV. . 30 (John) Extravagant Shepherd. . 102 Naudaeus's History of Magick. . 145 (Thos.) Additions to Doivnes's Roscius. 209 Narrative of John Henderson's Transactions. 210 Dramatic Miscellanies. . , 213 Dans, (John) Sleidane's Commentaries. . 229 (J. F.) laou-Sing-Urh, Chinese Drama. 218 Chinese Novels, &c. . . . 317 ( W.) Olio of Bib. and Lit. Anecdotes. 204 Davison's (F.) Poetical Rhapsody, by Nicolas. 166 Davy, (Sir Humphrey) Life of, by Dr. Paris. 196 Dawson's (Dr. T.) Mem. of St. Geo. and the Garter. 237 Day, (Thomas) Life and Wiltings of. (B. T. 1.) 135 Dave's (John) Isle of Gulls. (0, P. 3.) . 214 Deakin's (H. C.) Deliverance of Switzerland, (D.P.) 158 Deans, (Rev. A.) Last Words of Chr. Kerr. (T. 1.) 74 Death, Uncertainty of Signs of. . . 130 Debes's (L. J.) Description of Foeroe Islands. SG Debrett's (John) Baronetage of England. . 251 De Bure, (G. F.) Bibliographic Instructive. 39 Decker's (Jn.) Image of Ireland. (Somera Tr. vol. i.) 29 Declaration of Brethren for Estab. Govt. (T. 2.) 81 of all the Civil Warres in England, 1643.(T.12.) 60 of the Nobility agt. Lenno.^c and Arran, 1582. 15 cone, the late Tumults, 1639. See Balcanquhal. Dee's ( Dr. Jn.)Rela. of what passed with some Spirits. 208 Detfand, (Mad. du) Letlrcs a Hor. AValpole. 41 De Foe's (Daniel) Works : Advice to aU Parties. (T. 6.) . . 285 Apparitionof Mrs. Veal. (W. T. 4.) . 125 Apparitions, History and Reality of. (T. N. 28.) 126 Beaumont's (Dr. J.) Treatise of Spirits. . 147 Casualties of Great Storm, 1703. (W. 23.) 126 Collection of his Writings. (W. 3.) . 125 Compleat Mendicant. . . . 128 Consolidator. (W. 24.) ... 126 Delaune's Plea for Non-Conformists. (W. T. 7.) 126 Dictionary of all Religions. . . 78 Diet of Poland. (W. T. 3.) 125. (W. T. 6.) 126 Eleven Opinions about Mr. Harley. (S. T. 18.) 306 EngUsh Tradesman. (W. 19.). Every Body's Business, and Answer. (W. 32.) 125 126 377 History of Addresses. (W. 8.) . . 125 of the Plague. (N.) . . 336 of the Union. . . . 123 H)-nmto Peace. (W. T. 2.) . . 125 to the Pillory. (W. T. 2.) . 123 Jure Divino, a Satyr. . . . 123 Letter on Treaty of Union. (R. P. T. 6.) 284 Life of Duncan Campbell. (W. 26.) . 12(; Spy on the Conjuror. (W.27.).^Mrs.Haywood.l2( Colonel Jack. (W. 29.) 126. (N.) . 336 Moll Flanders. (W. 30.) . . 12b Ro-vana. (W. 31.) . . 126 Signer Rozelli, and Cont. (W. 5. 6. 7.) 125 Mother Ross. (W. 16.) . . 125 Captain Singleton. (W. 13.) 125. (N.) 336 Jlars stript of his Armour. (W. 25.) . 126 Memoirs of a Cavalier. (N.) . . 336 of Captain Carleton, . . 224 of Church of Scotland. (W. 9.) . 123 Memorial, alias Legion, answered. (T. 14.) 235 Mesnager's Negotiations. (W. 12.) . . 125 Mock Mourners, Elegy on K. William. (W. T.) 126 New Test of Ch. of Eng. Loyalty. (T. 16.) 285. (T. 6.) Test of Ch. of Eng. Honesty. (T. 7.) . 289 Voyage round the World. (W. 15.) 125 Novels, and Life. . . . 336 Plan of English Commerce. (W. 20.) . 125 Poor Man's Plea. (M. T. 18.) . . 288 Political History of the Devil. (W. 17.) 125 Reforma. of Manners. (W. T. 3.) 126. (O. P. 28.) 157 , More. (W. T. 4.) . . 126 Religious Courtship. (W. 21.) . 125 Robinson Crusoe. (P. R.) 48. (N.) 336 trad, en Franfois. (V. I.) . 43 Parts 2 & 3. (W. 10. 11.) . . 125 Seer. Hist, of White Staff. (T. 9. 10.) 306. (P. 6.) 307 Answer to. (S. T. 11. 14. 15.) . 306 Shortest Way to Peace and Union. (T. 8.) 285 Reflections on ditto. (T. 9.) 285 Spanish Descent. (W. T. 2.) . . 126 State of Prot. Relig. in Great Britain. (T. 2.) 88 System of Magick. . . . 150 Tom- through Great Britain. (\V. 14.) . 125 Treatise on the Marriage Bed. (W. 18.) 125 True-Born Englishman. (W. 1.) . 125 Two Nights' Court at Greenwich. (P. T. 10.) 308 Voyage to World of Cartesius. (W. 2.) . 125 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY, Dcr/orc, Sir. {E. M. R. 5.) . . 103 Deism Refuted ; or Truth of Xtianity demonst. 291 Dekker's (T.) Wonder of a Kingdom. (O. P. 3.) 214 If this be not a Good Play, the Devil's in't. C. 21G Delamer, (Lord). See Warrington, (Earl of.) Delany's (Rev. Dr. P.) Sermons on Social Duties. 291 Delarue, (Abbd) Rech. sur les Bardes Armoricains. 41 Delaune's (T.) Pea for Non-conformists. See Defoe. Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum. A. Jonston. 1 1 Dellon's History of the Inquisition at Goa. (T. 1.) 286 Dcloney -s (Th.) Thomas of Reading. (Thorns. 7.) 1 03. 1 04 Strange Histories, Songs, and Sonets. 107 Delrii (M.) Disquisitiones Magicae. . 140 Delta. See Jloir, (D. M.) Demon de Socrate. (V. I.) . . . 46 Demon of Spraiton, Devon, Narrative of. (T. 4.) 46 Demonologie. See Bodin. Lancre. Loyer, &c. Demons, (J.) Sextessence Diallactique. . 146 Demonstration de la 4mf. Partie du Rien. 146 Dempsteri (T.) Hist. Eccl. Gentis Scotorum. 278 Montgomrii Cerasum et S. P. &c. vers. Latin. 21 Dempster, (F., Jesuite). See Menzies. Denbigh (Earl of) Rel. of Victory gained by, 1644. 60 Denham's (Sir John) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Cooper's Hill. (P. P. 13.) . . 305 (JIajor) Travels in Africa. . . 231. 253 Denmark, History of. (M. U. H. 29.) . 207 Tours in. See Andersen. Smith, (R.) Dennis's (John) Usefulness of the Stage. . 210.224 Select Works, Poems, Plays, &c. . 224 Six Plays 219 Rinaldo and Armida. (Ten. O. P.) . 222 Julius Caesar acquitted. (S. T. 23.) . 306 Monument to Mem. of WilUam III. (O.P. 17.) 157 Invitation to Steele. See Swift. Demiiston's (James) Legends of Galloway. 334 Dennistoun, (Jas.) Moysie's Memoirs, . 278. 280 Donovan's (J. F.) Hussar of Magdebury. (P. P. 3.) 312 White Rose of Vilna. (P. P. 4.) . 312 Dent, (John) Spousals, &c. of Ladye Marye. 275 Deorum Fatidicoruni, &c. Historia. . 153 Depping, (C. B.) Sammlung Spanischen Romanzen. 55 De Quincey, ( ) Popular Northern Tales. 335 Derby, The Earls of, &c. by Heywood. . 230 Biographical Sketch of Countess of. 1797. 239 Derham's (Dr. W.) Life and Remains of John Ray. 247 Dering, (Sir C.) Tr. of Thomhill forMurd. of. (T.IO.) 293 Derrick's (S.) Letters from Liverpool, Chester, &c. 182 Derschau, Betrachtung, &c. ub. d. Religion. 54 Desaugiers, (M. A.) Chansons. . . 47 Le Terme d' un Regno. (R. M. 4.) . 326 Commencement de la Fin. (R. M. 5.) 326 Description de 1' lie de Portraiture. (V. I.) 45 du Sabbat. (V. I.) . . . 46 Deseze's Eloge of Duels, translated. (P. D. 10.) 345 Desfontaines, Le Nouveau Gulliver. (V. I.) 45 Deslauriers, Fantasies de Bruscambille. . 115 Desmarais, (R.) Ciceronet Isocrate, de Divination. 141 Desmoulins, (Cam.) Me'moires. . . 324 Destruction of Troy, Ancient History of the. 102. Ill Deutsche Gedicht. m. Eng. Ubersetz. See Beresford. 52 Sagen u. Volksm'ahrchen. . . S3 Kinder u. Haus-Mahrchen. . . 55 Volksm'ahrchen. ... 55 Deutscher Gedichte, Sammlung. . . 63 des Mittelalters. ... 63 Deutschen Dichter, Stiicke der. . . 116 Litteratur, Gesch. der. See Koch. Devil, Political History of the. See De Foe. The Mowing, in Hertfordshire. (T. 4.) 59 The Merry, of Edmonton. . . 151 on Two Sticks. See Drapier's Club. Lesage. Ward. Cromwell's Compact ivith the. (T.) . 58 's Cloven Foot discovered. . . 68 Cloyster, proving the Existence of AVitches. 143 Devils, The World possessed with. See Viret. Devonshire, History of, &c. See Polwhele. Ordnance Map of. . . . 234 (Duke of) St. Ursula. Guiscard and Sigismund. 275 Diables de Loudun, Histoire des. See Aubin. 144 Dialogue betw. the Knight and his Man. (P.T. 11.) 309 betw. T. Jones and J. Smith, ret. from Flanders. 95 between Smith and Ragouse, &c. (T. 2.) 82 between David HumeandDr.Dodd.(M.P.17.) 186 , Comical, between Maggy and Janet. 1 60 Dialogues, Two, betw. a Northumb.Gent.and his Tcn.157 Diaz's (Bemal) Conquest of Mexico, by Keatinge, Dibdin, (Rev. Dr. T. F.) Rastell's Chronicles. 28 's Bibliomania, 197. first edit. (M. T. 1.) 247 Specimen of digested English Catalogue. 197 Specimen of an English De Bure. . 197 Bibliographical Tour in France and Germany. 197 Library Companion. . . . 197 T\'pographical Antiquities. . . 265 378 INDEX. Diceto, (Rad. de) Hist, Ang. (Tvvysd.) et(G. et F.) 27 Dick's (Rev. Jn.) Test. toDoct. ofCh. of Scot. (T.5.)284 Dickson's (Rev. D.) Ans. to Aberd. Dem. (T. (J. 8.) 79 True Christian Love. . . 75 (Rev. James) Letters from the Bass. 76 (Dr. W.) Hints on present Crisis. 1803. (T.T.2.) 31 3 Dictionary of all Religions. See Defoe. . 78 (New) of Canting Terms. . . 131 Dictionnaire Argot-Franjais. . . 129 AIlemand-Fran9ois D. N. , . 267 Hermetique. .... 137 des Girouettes, et Censeur du D. . 326 Dictys et Dares de Bello Trojano. (V. G. C. 7.) 225 See Ditto et Darete. Diderot, (D.) Correspondance AUemande. (Grimm.) 37 Dies, Picara Giustina. See Ubeda. Diet of Poland. See De Foe. Diez, (J. M. the Empecinado,) Military Exploits of. 36 Dilferent Widows, The, Comedy. (0. P. 15.) 219 Difficulties, &c. of stud, the Scriptures. (P.S.T.2.) 135 Digby, (Lord G.) Defeat of, by the Scots. 1C45.(T.35.)61 Digges's (Sir D.) Compleat Amljassador. . 23 (Leonard) Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard. Ill Prognostication Everlasting. . 124 Dilke'3(C.W.)01dPlays ; contin. of Dodsley'8Coll.209 (Thomas) Lover's Luck, Comedy. (O. P.19.) 220 Dillingham's (Rev. Dr. \V.) Sir F. Vere'3 Comment. 187 Dillon, (John) Hamilton's Lanarkshire and Renfr. 280 '3 ( J. G.) Consid. on Royal Marriage Act.(P.T. 1 .)3 12 (Rev. R. C.) Lord Mayor's Visit to Oxford. 193 Dima, (San, II Buon Ladrone) Vita di. . 268 Dinan, a Romance. . . • 179 Dingley's (Robert) Deputation of Angels. . 110 Dionysii Halic. Hist. Romana, Gelenii. . 228 Diplomatarium Ama-Magnaeanum. . 64 Directions to a Painter. (T. 7.) . . 18 Directoire Executif. See Thibaudeau. Diseases of Bath, a Satire. (P. P. 18.) . 263 D' Israeli's (I.) Character of James I. . 9 Calamities of Authors. . . 191 Literary Character illustrated. . 191 Curiosities of Literature. . . 201 Quarrels of Authors. . . 191 Diurnal of Remarkable Occiurents. 1513-75. 279 Ditte et Darete, Guerra Trojana, da Porcacchi. 268 Diversarum Gent. Hist. Antiq. Script. Tres. 223 Divorce, The Fatal, a Tragedy. (T. 0. P. 18.) 219 .3 Dixi,(W.Ld.May.)Pag.bornebefore.l585.(Q.E.r.)-'6i; Dixmerie, Voyage d' Espagne. (V, I.) . 4.^ L' Isle Tacitume. (V. I.) . . 45 L' Isle Enjoue'e. (V. I.) . . 45 Dobie's (James) Examination of Crawfurd's Claim. 264 Dobson,( Edward) Articles of Treason against. (T. 1 1.) 60 Dodd, (Rev. Dr.) See Dialogue. (Rev. W.) Funerals of Edward VI. . 275 Doddington's (Bubb, Lord Jlelcombe) Diary. 255 Doddridge's (Rev. Dr. P.) Life of Colonel Gardiner. 97 Two Sermons at Northampton, Feb. 1746. 98 Dodsley's (Rob.)iChron. of Kings of Eng. (J. T. 3.) 129 Travels of Tom Thumb. . . 249 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Annual Register. . . . 329 Fugitive Pieces, by several Authors. 204 Collection of Poems. . . 168 Collection of Old Plays. . . 208 See Ancient British Drama. Dodwell's (Edward) Tour through Greece. 239 Dog- Breaking, Observations on. Floyd.. Ill Dogs, Sporting. See Sportsman's Cabinet. Dogget's (Thomas) Country Wake, Com. (O. P. 20.) 220 Dolamy's Primerose. See Raynold. Domestic Economy, Philosophy of. See Sylvester. Dom Ranucio d' Aletes, Historic de. . 209 Don, a Poem. . . . . 1 " Quixote. Sec Cervantes. Avellaneda. Rodrigo, Historia verdadera del Rey. 121 Donaldson's (H.) Sketch of Lord Kinedder. (P.T. 4.) 389 (J.) Pill for Pork-Eaters. (T.) 18 Doncaster, History of Deanery of. See Hunter. Donean Tourist, by Laing. . . . 23 Donellmi, (Capt. J.) Trial of, for Murder. (T. 3.) 296 Donne's (Dr. John) Poems. (E. P.) 42 First and Second Anniversarie, &c. 107 Life, by Walton. (W. L.) . . 193. 257 Dons des Enfans de Latone. See Serri= de Rieux. Doolin de Mayence. . . . 105 von Mainz, Rittergedichte. . . 103 Doppet, (General) Memoires. . . 324 Dorset's(SackviIle,E.of,)Poem3.(E.P.)42.(W.C.A)lfiH (Mrs.) Peacock at Home. . 193 (St. John) Montezuma, Tragedy. 209 Double Descent, a Poem. (0. P. 2.) 157 Douce, (Francis) Arnold's Chronicle. 28 Illustrations of Shakspeare. . . 210 '9 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Douglas, or the Field of Otterburn. . 335 Douglas. See Home. Wilson. and Angus Houses, History of. See Hume. (David) Fall of Constantinople. . 179 Visions of Taste. . . . 179 (Lady Elinor) Appeal of. . . C2 (Bishop Gawin) Virgil's .^Eneia. . 12 Palice of Honour. . . . 277 (Sir George) Life and Death of, by Fowler. 229 (Sir Howard) Naval Gunnery. . 298 Statement,&c. on Breaking the Line.(T.S.P. 2.) 345 Review of, (from Edin. Review.) . 298 (Sir Robert) Peerage of Scotland. . 11 Baronage of Scotland. . . 11 (Rev. Robert) Observations on Oaths. (S. T. 2.) 19 (R. K.) Scottish Poems and Songs. . 163 Down, Count}', History of. See Smith. Domiefal of Temporising Poets, &c. (T. 1.) 59. 123 Downes's (J.) Roscius Anglicanus. . 209 Doivning's (CI.) History of Indian Wars, &c. 2C Dowriche's (Rev. H.) Jaylor's Conversion. 75 Drake's (Dr. Jas.) Anc. and Mod. Stages Surveyed. 224 Historia Anglo-Scotica. . . 8 Memoirs of Earl of Leicester. . 258 Memorial of Church of England. (T. 6.) 293 (Dr. N.) Essays on Tatler, Spectator, Guardian. 194 Rambler, Idler, &c. . . . 194 Shakspeare and his Times. . . 207 Drama, Ancient and Modern, British. . 43 English, purified, by Plumptre. . 85 Letter on Present State of the, (D. P. 4.) 344 Drapier's Club, Hue and Cry after. (I. M. 7.) 304 Drayton's (Michael) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Polyolbion. .... 155 Works 192 Dreams, General History of. . . 134 and Visions, Treatise of. See Tryon. 143 Dreghom's (Maclaurin, Lord) Philos. Opera. (T.) 10 Parody on Gray's Elegy. (P. P. 3.) . 163 Drennan's (Dr. W.) Fugitive Pieces. . 164 Dresserus, (M.) De Festis Diebus Chr. Jud, et Ethn. 137 Drinking, Law of. See Brathwait. (R.) Driver's (H. A.) Arabs, a Tale. . . 162 Marcello, and other Poems. . . 34 Drolleries. See Brome, (Al.) Westminster. Drummer of Tedworth, Story of, Comedy. &c. 143 Drummond's (Rev. John) Case of Ensign Oswald. 92 Drummond's (Rev. R. H.) Town Eclogue. (T. 1.) 79 (Abp. of York) Sermons on Public Occasions. 292 (William, of Hawthornden) Works, by Sage. 11 Polemo-Middinia,Essayon, trans. byJ.C.(T.7.) 82 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Poems. (M. C.) . . . 281 (Rev. Dr. W. H.) First Book of Lucretius. 164 Giant's Causeway. Poem. . . 167 Drunkards, Warning to. See Hart. Dnmken Barnaby's Journies. See Brathwaite. (R.) Drury's (Robert) Captivity in Madagascar. 236 (Rev. H.) Cocke Lorell's Boat. . 275 Life of St. Robert of Knaresborough. 276 Dryden's (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Poems, (12.) early editions. . . 189 Poems by. (C. P.) . . . 194 Absalom and Achitophel. (I. M. 13. & P. P. 1.) 304 Eleonora. (P. P. 8.) . . . 305 Miscellany Poems, 203. (and Nichols.) 194 Life of Lucian. (W.) . . 203 Conquest of Granada, Three Tracts against. 2 1 1 Sixteen Plays, Tracts, &c. . . 218 (and Howard's) Indian Queen. (P. 2.) 215 Virgil, (E. P. 42.) ... 227 Milbourne's Notes on. . . 203 Juvenal and Persius. (E. P.) . 42 Alexander's Feast. (P. P. 12.) . 230 Absalonet Achitophel. (P. 2.) 189. (R.T. 16.) 286 Works, and L^^, by Sir Walter Scott. 231 (Jn. jun.) Husband his own Cuckold. (D. P.5.) 218 Voyage to Sicily and Malta. 1700. . 255 (J.) Appian's History. . . 262 Dublin Hist. SocandFellows of T.C.Trans.(D.T.2.)21S Dunces, Libel on. Epistle to Dunkin. (I. M. 9.) 304 Conjuror. See Harvey. St. Patrick's Hospital, Charter of. (T.) 16 Stove Tenter House, &c. (D. P. 1. 2.) 313 City, Plan of. ... 314 Gaelic Society, Transactions of. . 315 Weekly Gazette, 28th Sept. 1816. (D. P. 2.) 313 See Mason. Wright. Dubois, Le Jaloux TrompiS, Comddie. (F. F. 6.) 1 17 (Edward) Essay on History of Whittington. 133 My Pocket Book. ... 182 Mennis and Smith's Poems. . . 172 Dubourdieu, James, Adventures and Deliverances of. 43 Du Breilil Pom^e, Traite du Cavalier. . 119 380 INDEX. Duca, (Angelo del) Prodezzeed Imprese. (S.N.I.4.) 340 Ducange, Glossarium nied. et inf. Latinitatis. 251 Glossarium med. et inf. Graecitatis. . 251 Hist, de Constantinople, sous les Frani;. (B. C.)50 Ducerceau, Contes et Nouv. en vers. . 1 IG Duchcsnii (And.) Hist. Xonnannorum Scriptores. 27 Duchess, The Unfortunate. (T. 2.) . 135 Duchcsse de Medo, Nouvelle. . . 47 Ducis, Deseze's Eloge of, translated. (P. D. 10.) 345 Duck's (Dr. A.) Life of Archbishop Chichele. 257 Duclos, (Mc'moires.) (P. C.) . . 50 Acajou et Zirphile. (C. F.) . . 45 Duelling, Dissertation on, by Hey. (M. T. 1.) 312 Duels, Hist, of See Selden. Paris de Puteo. Mass^. Du Fail, (Noel) Contes et Disc, d' Eutrapel. 119 Baliverneries. Contes nouveaux d* Eutrapel. 1 66 Dufi', (of Sluirtown) Culloden Papers. . 3 Duflett's (T.) Jlock Tempest. (Dryd. G.) . 218 Dufresne, (A.) Samuel Harcourt. . 41 Dufresnoy (L.) Hist, de la Philosophie Hermetique. 140 Dugdale's (Sir W.) View of the Troubles in Eng. 252 Duguay Trouin, Jlemoires. (P. C.) . 50 Du Gue' Trouin's Memoirs. . . 238 Duke of Mantua, Tragedy. . . 211 Didve's (Richard) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Dumas, (GiJn.) Precis des Evenemens Militaires. 324 Dumfries Iicmo7^rance,^c. 1650. (T. 7.) . 62 Dumfries- shire, Agric. Rep. of 3 1 .Crawford's Map of 2 60 Du Moulin's Advan.of Ch. of Eng. tow. Rome.(T.4.)287 (Dr. P.) Problemes cone. Religion. (T. 5.) 62 Dumouriez, (Gen.) Me'moires. . . 324 Duncan's (Rev. Alex.) History of Revolution, 1688. 8 Preservative against Infidelity. . 81 Devout Communicant. . . 292 (Dr. A.) Carminum Macaronicorum Delectus. 190 .Viperand File, im. from Phaedrus.(P. & P. 9.) 192 — — Edinburgh Slonumental Inscriptions. 201 Letter on Lunatic Asylums. ^T.) . 14 (Richard) Literary History of Glasgow. 280 Dunciad, The New, 1741. . . 182 Dundas, (Ja.) Inform, ag. 13. Inform, for. (T.) 13 Speech for, in case of Imp. (T.) 15. (P. 3.) 308 (John) Acts of General Assembly abridged. 68 Process against Alexander Bell of Linlithgow. 97 (President) Present State of Scotland. 18. 93 (Robert) Melvill's Diary. . . 279 Dundee, Statistical Account of See Small. 38 Dundee, (J. G. Viscount) Memoirs of. (Mis. Scot.)". 20 Letters of . . . . 277 Dundonald's( A., E. of) Ans. to mist. ab.Coutt3.(M.4.)l 83 Dunfermline, History of See Fernie. Mercer. Dunkeldensium Episcoporum Vitae. See Myln. 277 Diinkeldiensis Pontis, Comp. Mag. Fabrice. 277 Dunkirk, Relation of taking of (Mor. Mem.) 250 Dunlap's (W.) Jlemoirs of C. B. Brown. . 114 Memoirs of G. F. Cooke. . . 202 Dunlop's (.Tames) Papers rel. to Scottish Archers. 281 (John) History of Fiction. . . 191.334 Poems on several occasions. . 1 92 Dunn's Map of Celest. and Terrest. Hemisphere. 260 Dunois's (Countess) Court of Charles II. . 244 Dunstan, (Sir Jeffrey) Fugitive Pieces of 161 Dunton's (Jn.) Athenian Oracle. 138. Ath. Sports. 138 191 Athenianism. England's Vanity. Frank Scammony. Ladies' Dictionary. Life and Errors. Merciful Assizes. Neck or Nothing, Letter to C'urll. Preaching Weathercock. . . 7- Dupin, (Bar. C.) Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne. 26 Mt?m. sur la Marine, &c. d'Angleterre. Lettre sur Racine et Shakspeare. Duppa's (R.) Life of Michael Afigelo. Memoirs of Richard Glover. Durand de Maillane, JIdmoires. D'Urfey's (Tom) Pills to Purge Jlelancholy. Fourteen Plays. Durham, Hist. of. See Raine. Rud. Surteee. Bartlet. (Rev. James) Blessedness of Death, &c. 69 Testament to Church of Scotland. . "5 Dusaulx, Mtooires sur la Bastille. . 323 Dutch Pmyer Book. . ■ ■ 1'^ Dutens, (Rev. L.) Tables gen. des Heros de Romans. 105 Duval. (A.) Edouard en Ecosse. (P. D. 5.) Duvillars, (Baron) Memoires. (P. C.) Dyce's (Rev. A.) Greene's Dramatic Work; Webster's Works. Fletcher's Humorous Lieutenant. Pcele's Works. Dyche and Pardon's English Dictionary Dyer's,(Geo.of Exeter) Ancient Jlodes of Xames,&c. 1 5 fi . (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 1 3C 345 49 158 158 163 166 317 ABBOTSFOIU) LIBRARY. E. (T.) Christ only Exalted. (S. & T. 10.) 292 Eachaid's(Dr.)Co.ntempt of Clergy.Ans. to. (E.T.2.)250 Eadmeri Historia Novoram, Seldeni. . 27 Earlston'3 (Lady) Soliloquies, &c. . 71 Eartham, an Epistle to a Lady. . . 165 Earthquake in Jamaica, 1692, Letters on. (T. 11.) 74 Easthurn's Yamoyden, Tale of Wars of K. Philip. 180 East India Co.'s Monopoly, Q. as to ren. of. (P.T.2.) 312 Eaton and Taylor-s Def. of Congrega. Way. (T. 25.) 285 (Mrs.) Rome in the 19th Century. Eccentric Biography. Female Biography. Magazine. See Laing. Echard's (L.) Terence's Comedies. Eclipse, (L') ou V Effet des Astres. (F. F. 2.) Echo des Salons de Paris, 1814-15. Edda, Den ^Idre, ved. F. Magnilssen. . Snorronis, Isl. Dan. Lat. Resenii. Eddius. (G. et F.) ... Eden's (Sir F.)Brontes. Canto to Nelson. (P.&P.2.) 192 (R.) Arte of Navigation. See Curtis. ( W.) Letters to Lord Carlisle, 1 779. (M. T. 5.) 312 Edgcumb's (Sir R.)Voy. to Ireland inl488.(H.Hib.)241 Edge Hill, or Family of Fitz Royals. . 114 Edgworth's (Maria) Popular Talcs. . 334 Moral Tales. .... 334 Tales of Fashionable Life. . . 334 Patronage. .... 334 Harrington and Ormond. . . 334 Comic Dramas. . • ■ 334 (R. L.) Memoirs. . . . 202 Etlinburgh Annual Register. . . 329 Law Journal. (S. L. T. 13.) . . 346 JIagazines. . . . 328. 329 — _ Philosophical Journal. . 329 Journal of Science. . . • 329 Review of Sir H. Douglas's Pamphlet. 298 Calumnies of, agt. Oxford refut. See Coplestone. — — Calumnies of, on Pitt refuted. (P. P. 3.) 313 Lord Elgin's Letter to Editor of. (T. 1.) 190 Att. on Erskine's Speeches, Exp. of. (P.ll.)192 Politicksof, in 1807. (P.5.) . 312 JeSrey' Thelwall's Letter to.(S.T.2.) 80 Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary. 303 Miscellany, Poems, &c. . . 21.161 Plans of, by Kirkwood, Gordon, &c. . 260 Twelve Etchings of See Paterson. Edinburgh, Craftsman's Banner of. . Dancing Assembly, Letter on. Fire in 1700, Sermon on. See Scott. Fires in 1824, Views of. . , Report on Sufferers by. (S. T. 1.) , Letter to Haldane on. (S. T. 2.) 344 344 Friendly Insurance, Articles of. (P. T. 22.) 311 Fugitive Pieces. See Creech. Int. of, to elect Jlr. F. Member of P. (O. T. 2.) 284 Improvements in 1823, Account of. . 299 Luckenbooths, Cause of taking down. (T.) 15 Merchant's Maiden Hospital, Rules of (P. 4.) 305 Oil Gas Company's Act of Parliament. 270 Outlines of, and other Poems. . 10 Presbytery, Admon. agt. Douglas. (D. T. 10.) 10 Prophetical "Warnings to. . . 73 Three Pamphlets respecting, in 1745-40". 97 Society for Irish Education, Report. (D.P. 1 1 .) 31 3 Sett of James VI. for Government of. (T, 4.) 70 Town Council, Acts for ditto, 1G83. (T. 5.) 70 Town C. Regul., 1734, Rem. on. (P. T. 37.) 311 Town Council, Protests in, 1741. (P. T. 29.) 311 Turnpike Act, Letter respecting. (P. T. 33.) 31 1 Trials for Murder, &c. in Streets of. . 152 University, History of. See Bower. University, Gratulatory Address to. See Robb. See Aruot. Heriot. Holyrood. Maitland. Chambers. Edmar and Elwinna. . . . 1 76 Edmonstone's (Dr. A.) State of Zetland Isles. 1 9 Edmundes's (CI.) Observ. on Cajsar's Commentaries. 140 Edward the Martyr, King, Ballad. See Rose. III., History of. See Barnes. by Daniel. (C. H.) . . . 249 IV., Habington's History of. (C. H.) 249 v., Sir T. More's History of. (C. H.) 249 VI., Sir J. Hayward's History of. (C. H.) 249 Funeralles of. 1560. . . 275 Edwards, (Rev. Jon.) Life of David Brainerd. 71 (Miss) Miscellanies. . . 164 (Rev. Th.) Gangraena, Catalogue of Heresies. 83 Answer to, by Goodwin. . . 83 Edwin and Anna, a Northimibrian tale. 1 12 (John) Eccentricities of . . 209 's Last Legacy, Oddities, Songs, &c. . 161 Egan's (Pierce) Boxiana. . . . 135 Sporting Anecdotes. . . . 135 Trial of Thurtell and Hunt. (P. W. M. 4.) 296 382 INDEX. Egcr,Sir,Sir Gralmm,^Sir Gray-Sieel^E.M.P.XI.) 104 Transcript from Edition 0/ 1 7 1 1 . . 103 Egerton, (Lord Chanc.) Life of, by Ltl. Bridgewater. 230 (Lord Fr.) Goethe's Faust, &c. . 1B9 Translations from the German. . 199 Hemani, translated from V. Hugo. . 199 (John) Theatrical Remembrancer. . 208 ( W.) Memoirs of Mrs. Oldfield. (M. T. 7.) 224. 1 30 Eglintoun, (Earl of) Trial of Campbell for Murd. of. 297 Eglisham's (Dr. George) Forerunner of Revenge. G2 Egloghe Boscherecce Ital. (P. I. 1 6.) . 55 EsylU Skallagi'imii Vita. . . . 100 Egypt, History of (A. U. H. 1. 8. M. U. H. 11.) 205-6 See Miot. Passalacqua. Salt. Sherer. Wilson. E;x«» BxinXixn- See Charles I. Wordswortli. Ssi^T'ja. See Charles II. Einersen, (H.) Kongs-Skugg-sio. Speculum Regale. 63 Elcho's {Lord) Aec. of Affairs in &o«iiH(i, 1744-46. (T.)23 Eldin, (John Clerk, Lord) Clerk's Etchings. 261 Election Procedure of Scots Representative Peers. 33 Elegy on Trottin' Nanny. (P. P. 2.) . 163 Elgin Literary Blagazine. . . . 227 's (Earl of) Letter to Edit, of Edin. Rev. (T. 1.) 190 Elibank's (Lord) Letter to Lord Hailes. . 5 Elich, (P. L.) Daemonomagia. . . 141 Elizabeth, Royne d' Angleterre, Vie de. . 24 (Q.) Declaration of Campion's Treason against. 58 Progresses and Processions of. See Nichols. and Earl of Essex, Secret History of. 109 See Birch. Digges. Forbes. Naunton. Osborne. &c. Elliot's (Rev. R.) Detached Verses. (P. P. 3.) 194 Ellis's (George) Spec, of Early English Poets. 105 Spec, of Early English Metrical Romances. 105 Collcctimi of Metrical Romances. . 105-6 (and Way's) Faliliaux, from Legrand. 18 (Sir H.) Journal of Embassy to China. 239 (Sir H. of Brit. Mus.) Fabyan's Chronicle. 27 Hardyng's Chronicle. . . 27 Letters illustrative of English History. 236 Tract on Border Topognphy. (T. A. &c. ".) 338 (W.) Tour through Hawaii. . . 31 Stewart's Residence in Sandwieli Islands. 233 Elphinstone's (Hon. M.) Account of Caubul. 239 Elwes, (John) Life of, by Topham. . 135 Elys's (Edm.) Observations on Books. (S. T. 68.) 307 Emblems. See Alciat. Burton. AVither. Emigration from Unit. Kingdom, Third Report on. 270 Empecinado, The. See Diez. Empires, East, and West., Hist. of. (A. U. H. 14. 15.)20C Encyclopa;dia Britannica : Supplement, by Napier. 265 Endtcr, (J. A.) Theatrum Synipatheticum. 133 England, (Dick and Captain) Life of . 152 England, Chronicle of Kings of Sec Dodsley. , Affection of People of, best Secur. etc. (P.T.7) 308 , Answer to. . . (P. T. 6.) 88. 308 , Giand Concernment of, 1659. (T. 12.) 62 — _, Declar. of Commons of, 1 C48. (M. T. 2.) 288 , Declar. of Civil Wars in. (T. 12.) . 60 , Deliverance of, from Northern Presbytery. 72 and France, Social Life of. See Berry. , Free State of People of (M. T. 23.) . 280 , Hist. (Short) of Kings of (T. 21.) . 285 , History of, to Peace of Paris. (M.U.H.3!).4().) 207 , Present Interest of, 1683. (T. 3.) . 284 , Interest of maintained. (T. 57.) . 61 , Sixth Letter to People of, 1757. . 93 , Miseries of, from domestic Enem. (O. P. 11.) 157 , National Excellencies of See Heath. , State of, in 1588. ... 97 , State of Nation. 1747-1748. . . 93 , Three Treaties betwixt, and Scotland. (T. 30.) 61 , Warning to, 1698. (T. 10.) . . 70 , Worthies of See Anglonim. Fuller. Winstanley. 's Parnassus. See Allott. Pressures. See Smith. Remembrancer. Pari. Vict. (T. 4. 19.) 60 Reformation, a Poem. . . 131 Summons, 1654. ... 70 Vanity, Pride in Dress and Apparel. . 139 Helicon. (M. A. P. 12.) (B. B. 3.) . 177 English Adventures, by a Person of Honour. 116 Clergy, Principles and Pract. of,1710. (P.T.4.) 308 Gentleman's Travels to Rome. . 133 Friend's Stanzas to Spanish Patriots. (P. 1.) 187 Phrases and Epithets, Specimen of . 188 Rogue, Meriton Latroa. See Head. Swindler, Adventures of the. . 130 The, in Italy. ... 335 Englishman, The. Sequel to the Guardian. 316 Engraved Portraits, Prints & Drawings,Portfolios of 330 Enthusiasm, Danger of Epistle to Quakers. (T. 4.) 78 Entretiens des Voyageurs. ... 35 Epaphroditus and Epaphras, Conf. betw. (T. 11. 12.) 67 Epics of the Ton, a Poem. . . 192 383 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Epicteti Enchiridion, Blancardi. (V.G.C. S. 8.) 2-24. 225 Episcopacy, Antiq. and Necessity of. (C. T. 7.) 290 Episcopal Clergy of Scotland, Tracts rel. to, (1090.) 83 Queries and Protestation of, (1703.) 200. (T. 4.) 84 Case of. and Remarks upon. (C. T. 11. 13.) 290 Epistle to A. Pope from South Carolina (P. P. 7.) 2G3 to the Public, a Poem. (T. P. BI. 7.) . 16 on Useand Improvement of the Stage. (P.P.23.) 263 Epistolae Ecclesiasticae et Theologicae. . 270 Obscurorum Virorum. See Hutten. Epithalamium on Marriage of Rochfort. (I. 31. 5.) 304 Equitable Assurance Society, D. of Sett. & Bye Laws. 32 Erasmi (Des.) CoUoquia. Schrev. (V. L. C. 17.) 226. 228 Erasmus's Colloquies. . . . 139 Erizzo, (Seb.) Le Sei Giornate. . . 121 Ernst, (Herzog) Historic vom. . . S3 Erskine's (Hon. A.) Town Eclogue. (F. S.) 69 (Sir D.) Mary Q. of Scots. . . 166 Airyformia. (V. P. P. 4.) . . 342 (Rev. Eben.) Three Sei-mons. (T. 2. 3. 4.) 66 Viper shaken off. (T. 6.) . . 66 Five Sermons. (F. S.) . . 69 Sermon on Good Works. (T. 4.) . 70 Cry from the Dead. Ghost of Mr. Guthrie. 76 Coll. of Sermons at renewing Covenant. 74 Actsof General Assembly resp. 1733. (P.T.3,5.) 311 (John) Institute of Law of Scotland. 264 Principles of Law of Scotland. . 294 (Rev. Dr. John) Letters of Comfort, &c. (T. 2.) 81 (Rev. Ralph) Elegy on Mr. Cuthljert. 65 Elegy on Mr. Hamilton. . . 65 (T. Lord) Speeches, Exp. of Att.on.(P.& P. U.) 192 , (Wm. Lord Kinedder) Sketch of. (P. T. 4.) 339 , (Wm.) Memoirs of Muhammed Baber. 34 , Zetter/rom Dr. Lei/den to {M. C. 7.) . 15 (Sir ) History of Innes Family. . 3 Eschenbach, (Wolf, von) Das Heldenbuch. 100 Eschenburg, (J. J.) Denkm. Altd. Dichtkunst. 54 Espana, Sumario de los Reyes de, por Llaguno. 48 Esquemeling's Hist, of Bucaneers of America. 127. 140 Essay on Capacity and Genius. See Jlitchell. on Conversation. (P. P. 14.) . . 263 on the vicious Bent,&c. of the Times.(P.P.22.)263 on Design and Beauty. (P. P. 8.) . 312 on Gibing. (M. T. 1.) . . 238 on Misc. of giving Fortunes wt.Wonien.(M.T.3.)238 Essavs on Nobility, State of Britain, &c. (P. P. 27.) 263 Essays upon Modern Gallantry. . . 33 Essex, (Robert, Earl of) Proceedings on Divorce of. 58 (Ro. E. of) Letter from, to Essex Gentry. (T.6.) 60 Paper on resigning his Commission. (T. 31.) 61 (Arthur, Eari of) Tracts (5) on Murder of. 58 Champion, Sir Billy of Billericay. . 104 Witches, Ex.Conf and Arr. of. (T.ll.) 148. (2.)151 Evil Spirit, Narrative of. . . 148 Estcourfs (Rich.) Fair Example, Com. (O. P. 21.) 220 Estoile, (Pierre do 1') M^moires. (P. C.) . 50 Etherege, (Sir Geo.) Poems. (C. P.) . 194 Three Comedies. . . . 218 Etrennes de la Saint Jean. (R. F. 1.) . 117 Eugene, (Prince) not the Man you took him for. 58 's Success in Italy. Essay on. (O. P. 12.) 157 Eugenio, orVirtuous and Hap.Life,aPoem.(PP.26.)263 Eugenius Philalethes. See Vaughan, (Thos.) Eunson's (Geo.) Ancient and Pres. State of Orkney. 15 Europe, Ancient, History of. (A. U. H. 16. 17.) 206 Complete History of, 1676-1699. . 302 Blditary History of, 1739-1748. Biggs. 302 Letter on the Danger of, 1718. (S. T. 26.) 302 Dangers of, from Power of France. (T. 10.) 285 Eutrapel. See Du Fail. Eutropii Historia Romana. (V. L. C. 18.) . 226 Evans's (T.) Old Ballads. . . . 1 72 (R. H.) Old Ballads. . . 172 Aikin on Song-writing, . . 173 Hakluyt's Early Voyages. . . 28 Evehii's (John) Silva ; Discourse of Forest Trees. 240 Memoirs, by Bray and Upcott. . 240 Eveque, (Mad. 1') Prince des Aigues-Marines. (V. I.) 45 Prince Invisible. (V. I.) . . 45 Everard's (Dr.) Hermes Trismcgistus, &c. . lO.'l (E. C.) Memoirs. . . . 209 Ewart's (Rev. John) Lectures on the Psalms. 292 E.xamination of Way of teaching Latin to children. 102 Excerpta Scotica. See Maidment. Exercise of Foot and Dragoons, 1 693. . 250 Ilorse, Foot and Dragoons, 1715. . 26 Exeter, Surrender of, 1643. (T. 8. 9.) . 60 Exmouth's (Lord) Expedition to Algiers. See Salame'. Extravagant Shepherd, an Anti Romance. 1 02 Wit, or English Swindler. . . 130 Eynatteu, Manuale Exorcismorum. . . 141 Eyrbiggia Saga. .... 64 EjTe's(E. J.) Lady of the Lake. . . 121 3 SI INDEX. Faber's Sketch of Internal State of France, 1811. 30 Fabliaux. See Barliazan. Legrand. Way. Fabre d' Olivet, Lc Troubadour. . . 1-0 Fabri (Bas.)Tliesaurus Erudit. Scliolasticae. 265 Fabyan's Chronicle, by Ellis. . . '2S Facetiae: Frischlini, Bebelii, et Poggii. . IIG Faceties Franyoises. . . . 117.119 Faction Displayed, by Stole. (0. P. 1 7.) 1 57. ( P. P.6.) 304 Faden's General Atlas. . . 330 Map of Scotland. . . . 302 Planof London, 1797. . . 315 Map of 20 miles round London, lliOO. 315 Map of Albany Dist., Cape of Good Hope. 318 Fail, Noel du. See Du Fail. Fagnan, Minet-BIeu et Louvette. (C. F.) . 45 Fain, (Baron) Manuscrit de 1812. . 325 MS. del 81 3. . . . 225 — _ MS. de 1814. . . . 325 Manuscript of 181 J. ... 319 Fairfax, (Thos. Lord) Blemoriala of. . 26. 246 Proceedings of Army of. (T. 9. 20-23.) 60. 61 Relation of Victory at Wakefield. (T. 13.) CO Letter of, on K.'s Hcmoval fr. Holmby. (T. 15) 60 See Sprigge. (Edward) Tasso's Godfrey of Boulogne. 1 87 Fairclough's(Eev. H.) Relation of Essex Witches. 148 Fair Play, Case of Rev. Mr. M'Caig. See M'Caig. 87 Fair Wanderer : Adventures of Ethelinda.(B.T.17.)310 Fairies, Account of the. See Kirke. Fairy Jlythology. See Keightley. Faith's Telescope. Views of Time and Eternity. 162 Faithful General, Tragedy. (0. P. 16.) . 217 Falco, (B. di) Storia d' Napoli. (V. L.) . 268 Falconer, (John) Art of Secret Information. 140 , Capt. Rich., Voyages, Adventures, &c. of. 44 's (W.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Shipwreck, by Rev. Dr. J. S. Clarke. 197 Marine Dictionary, by Dr. Burncy. . 266 Falkirk, Battle of. Address to News-Writers on the. 97 Falle's (P.) Account of Jersey. . . 236 Falls of Clyde. See Clyde. False Accusers Accused, 1741. (C. O. P. 4.) 307 Brother, The. New Map of Scotland. 59 Patriots' Confession. (P. P. 25.) . 263 Falstaff, (Sir John) Letters of. See Bate Dudley. Family Worship, Address of Assoc. Synod on. (S. 5.) 293 Fane's(Sir F.) Love in the Dark,Comedy. (O.P.22.)220 38 Fane's, (Sir F.) Sacrifice, Tragedy. (0. P. 23.) 220 Fanshawe's (Lady) Memoirs, by Nicholas. 303 Fanshaw's (R.) Guarini's Pastor Fido. . 169 Farces, Anciennes et Modernes. . . 119 British. See British Drama. Fare, (Marq. de la) Mcmoires, (P. C.) . 50 Farewell to Time. See Wright. Faroe Islands, Short Account of. . . 86 See Debes. Farquliar's (Geo.) Seven Plays. . , 221 . Love and Business, &c. . . 222 Fasano, (Gab.) Gerusalemme del Tasso. (P. N.) 57 Fasciculus Temporum. Dutch Translation. 100 Fashionable Lover, Comedy. (0. P. 17.) . 217 Fatal Divorce, Tragedy. (O. P. 18.) . 217 Friendship, orDrunkard'sMisery. (O. P. 24.) 157 Vesper, The, 2Gth Oct. 1623. . .^9. 12i: Faublas, Chevalier de. See Louvet. Fauche Borel, Mcmoires. . . . 324 Fauconbcrg, (Lord) Ambassadeen Italic. (F. T. 6.) 114 Fauconnerie, La, par Franchieres et Tardif. 103 Faulcon, Livre de. ... 275 Faulconry, Modern, Treatise of. See Campbell. Faulkland's (Visct.) Marriage Night, Trag.(0.P.3.) 214 Faults on both Sides, and Answers. (S. T. 2-8.) 306 Fauste, (Docteur) Hist. Lamentable du. . 143 r Enchanteur, Conte par Hamilton. . 46 Faustus, (Dr. John) Life, &c. of.(Thom9. 3. 10.) 103. 148 Faustin, oder d. philosoph. Jahrhundert. . 52 Faustini Alter Alexius, Scotus, &c. . 133 Fava,(Fr.)lnsignes Faussetez et Impost. de.(F.T. I.) 1 1 4 Favine's (A.) Theatre of Honor and Knighthood. 270 Fawkes's (F.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Theocritus, &c.(E. P.) . . 42 Fayette, (Mad. de la) Mcmoires. (P. C.) . 50 Featherstonehaugh's (G. W.) Death of Ugolino. 322 Featley's (Dr. D.) Dippers Dipt, &e. . HI Fees, Lcs lUustres. (C. F.) . . 44 Feign'd Friendship, Comedy. (0. P. 19.) . 217 Fell, (Jo.) et Gale, (T.) Hist. Britann. Script. 27 's, (Bp.) Life of Dr. Hammond. . 193 Fellenberg, Lettres sur 1' Institut de, a Ilofwyl. 54 Female Rambler, Adventures of Mdlle. Janeton. 1 IS Sex, Essays in Defence of. See Symson. Fencing, Treatises on. See Hope. M'Bane. Fen Countries, Desperate Design cone. (T. II. 10.) 247 Fe'nelon, Contes et Fables. (C. F.) . 44 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Fenin, (Pierre de) Mdmoires. (P. C.) . 4S Fenn's (Sir John) Fasten Letters. . 2fi Fenton's (E.) Secret Wonders of Natiu-c. . 149 (Elijah) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Waller's Poems. . . . 195 Fergus's (Rev. J.) History of United States. 299 Ferguson's (Dr. Ad.) Morality of Stage Plays. (T.) 10 Biographical Sketch of Col. P. Ferguson. 14 History of Margaret, commonly called Peg. 21 Ersh Sermon. ... 87 Institutes of Moral Philosophy. . 301 (Capt. A.) Ace. of Persons in serv. of Chevalier. 9G ( Jas.) Astronomy Explained, by Dr. Mackay. 298 (Rob. the Plotter,) 'V^ind. of Pari, of Scot. 8. 1 8 History of the Revolution. (P. T. C.) 310 (Robert) Poems, by Dr. Ir^'ing. . 9 (Dr. Rob.) History of Insects. (M. F. L.) 332 Feme's (John) Blazon of Gentrie. . . 24 Fernie's, (Rev. John) History of Dunfermline. 5 Ferrario, (G.) Romanzi di Cavalleria, &c. 57 Ferriar's (Dr. R.) Bibliomania. (M. O. 31.) 186 _— Illustrations of Sterne. . , 192 Ferronius et Freigius de R. G. Gallorum. . 2C2 Ferumbras.{E, M.R.I.) . . • 104 Feu de Joye on Vict, of Schellenb. & Bl. (O. P. 23.) 157 Fian, (Dr.) Damnable Life of. (Web. T.) ISO. 275 Fiddes's (Dr. E.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 203 Fidentio, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. 25.) . 55 Fielding's (Henry) Joseph Andrews Tom Jones. — Amelia Jonathan WUd. (B. N. L.) . C3 —— Works, by Murphy and Chalmers. . 188 Case of Bosavem Penlez. . . 1 89 Tom Thumb, a Tragedy. (P. and P. 4.) 222 Epistle to Sir R. Walpole. (P. T. IC.) 309 Voyage dans 1' autre Monde. (V. I.) . 45 Fievfe, Correspondance Politique. 1815. , 326 Fife and Kinross, Ainslie's Map of . 2G0 History of. See Sibbald. Chronicle of. See Lament, Figures in Rhyme, &c.addressed to Northumbrians. 110 Filmer's (Dr. E.) Unnatural Brother, Tragedy. 220. 222 Finch's Vind. of Foster's Ace. of Lord Kilmarnock. 96 Finett's Finctii PhUoxcnis, by Howell. . 25 Finglass's (Pat.) Breviateofgettingof Irel.(H.Hib.) 241 Finlay's (John) Scottish Ballads. . . 175 Wallace, or. Vale of Ellerslie. . 1 75 (K.) Selections from unpublished MSS. 283 Finlayson's (John) Marches Day, Dram. Ent. 217 Finnaei (Jo.) Liber Originum Islandiae. . 63 Fion's Choice, or Minstrel of the Sea. (I. P. 6.) 341 Firmin's (T.) Propos. for employing the Poor. (T. 1 1 .) 24 First Attempts at Rhyme. . . . 1 65 Fruits of Australian Poetry. See Australian. Fishes in the Ganges, Description of See Hamilton. Fisher's (Rev. Jas.) Assembly's Sh. Catechism expl. 65 Fisher's Garland. 1821-1027. (A. P.) . 248 Fitzgerald's(W.T.)Nelson'sTomb,aPoem.(P. T. 3.)339 Tribute to W. Pitt. (P. P. 2.) . 343 Battle of AVaterloo. (P. P. 17.) . 343 (G. R.) Pamphlets respecting. . 302 Fitzherbert's (A.) Boke of Husbandry. Surveying. 110 Fitzpatrick's (P. V.) Demosthenes at Athens. 165 Thaumaturgus. . . . 314 Fitz Raymond, or. Rambler of the Rhine. 322 Flagellum. Life and Death of Cromwell. See Heath. et Fustis Daemonum. . . 144 Flatman's (Thomas) Poems and Songs. . 168 Flaminio, (M. A.) Fifty Select Poems of Barnard. 158 Memoirs of. (G. M.) ... 187 Flanders, (Moll) Life of. See Defoe. Flandres, Croniques de. See Ougdegherst. Fleckno's (R.) Enigmatical Characters. . 132 Fleetwood's (Bp.) Papists not exc. from Throne. 88. 345 Fleming, (Rev. J.) Rem. on distrib. of Animals. 345 (Rev. R.) Ans. to 1st and 2d paper of. See M'Waid. Flemming, (Paul) Gedichte. . . 116 Fletcher's (And.) Speech on Limitations. (T. 12.) 82 Political Works. . . . 16 (Arch.) Memorial respecting Clerks to Signet. 1 86 (Giles) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 (John) Dramatic Works, by Weber. 211 Demetrius and Enanthe, by Dyce. . 163 Faithful Shepherd. (O. P. 4.) . 212 Pilgrim, altered by Dryden. (D. P. 4.) 218 (Rev. J.) Stoppage of River Severn. (T. 2.) 73 (Phin.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 (R.) Martial's Epigrams. . . 112 Fleur de Batailles. See Doolin. Fleurange, (Chev. de) M^moires. (P. C.) . 49 Fleurs, a Poem. . . . . 183 Flodden, Battle of, by Lambe. 9. U. Ictt. rep. 10 by Benson. (T. 3.) 73. 17-2. by Weber. 187 Field. See Colvill. Floerckius, (J. E.) De Ciimine Conjurationis Spir. 124 386 INDEX. Flogel's (K. F.) Gescli. der Komisclien Litt. 54 Groteskekomischen. . . 54 der Hofnarren. ... 54 des BiU'lesken. ... 54 Florent d' Illiers, SKmoires. (P. C.) . 49 Flores de Grece, Chevalier des Cignes. . 122 Floresta de Rimas Castellanas. See Biihl. Florine, ou la belle Italienne. (C. F.) . 44 Florio, (John) Jlontaigne's Essays. . 102 Florus, Dukeri. (V. L. C. 1.0.) . . 226 Flowers of Parnassus. (I. M. lii.) . . 304 Floyd's (W.) Observations on Dog-breaking. 1 1 1 Folengi, (Th.) Orlandino, per Lim. Pitocco. 52. 116 Histoire Maccaronique de Jlerlin Coccaie. 106 Folly, a Poem. (P. P. 15.) . . 263 Fontaine's (Capt. de la) Adventures. (B. T. 6.) 309 Fontenay-Mareuil, Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Fontrailles, Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Foote,(J.) Lives ofA.R. BowesandLadyStrathmore.152 (Sam.) Dramatic Works. . . 201 Minor, 5 Tracts on, by Whitefield, &c. (P. 1-5.) 224 Eoman and English Comedy considered. 21 1 Memoirs of. See Cooke. Forbes Family, Genealogy of. See Lumsden. 1 9 (Duncan, Lord President.) See CuUoden Papers. Lett, from to Ld. Lovat, and L.'s Ans. (T. 1.3.) 94 (J. H.) Observ. on Savings Banks. (T. 3. 4.) 255 (Dr. P.) Reign of Queen Elizabeth. . 24 (Sir WiUiam) Life of Dr. Beattie. . 1 85 Funeral Sermon ou, by Alison. . 185 (of Corse,)Ans. to Peaceable Warning of.(T.14.)79 Forbin, (Comte de) Memoires. . 38. (P. C.) 50 Force, (Mdlle. de la) Les Fees. (C. F.) . 44 Ford's (John) Dramatic Works, by Weber. 209 Dramatic AVorks. (M. F. L.) 332 Fancies Chaste and Noble. . . 217 (Miss) Letter from, to Lord Jersey. . 169 Forduni (Joan.) Scotichronicon. (G. et F.) 27 cum Supp. et Cont. Boweri, a Goodall. 12 cum Supp. &c. a Hearne. . . 14 Fordyce's (Rev. Dr.) Art of Preaching. 181. 304. 312 Foreign Quarterly Review. . 329 Forest Fray. See Thomson. Trees. See Evelj-n. Mitchell. Monteath. &c. Forfarshire, Ainslie's Map of. . . 260 Forfeited Estates in Scotland, Case of the, Ans. to. 98 Forget me not, by Shoberl. . 332 Forman, a Tale. .... 335 Forme of Cury. See Pegge. Formey's Discourse on Death of Marshal Keith. 92 Forms of Prayer, for Rebellion 1745. . 65 Fornmanna Sogur. Olafs K. Tryggvasonar Sago. 80 Forrest's Maps of Haddingtonshire and Lanarkshire. 260 Forrestei's (Col.) Polite Philosopher. (D. F. P.) 204 Forster's (T.) Perennial Calendar. . 255 Forsyth's (Jos.) Remarks on Italy. . 31fi Forteguerri, Ricciardetto. (P. I.) . . 56 See Mancini. Nivernois. Fortia, (Marq. de) Lettres sur la femme de Moliere. 36 Journ^e de Guinegate, Poeme. . 274 Forth, Tempest in the. See Tyler. Fortunate Transport, Polly Haycock. (M. T. 2.) 130 Union, a Chinese Romance. . . 317 Youth, Journal of Proceedings of the. 124 Fortune-Teller, Universal. . . 128 , Wheel of, or. Nothing for a Penny. (0. P. 8.) 1 57 's Favourite, Mem. of Jacobo Anglicano. 1 79 Fosbrooke's (Rev. T. D.) British Monachism. I84 Foscolo, (Ugo) Lettere di Jac. Ortis. . 38 Foster's (Rev. J.) Ace. of Ld. Kilmarnock. (T. 1-4.) 96 (Sir Mich.) Reports of Crown Cases. 298 Fouche, (Due d'Otrante,) Memoire Historique sur. 327 Me'moires de. ... 327 Public Life of. ... 327 Foulis's (H.) History of Romish Treasons. 12 Conspiracies of pretended Saints. . 12 Fountainhall's (Lord) Decisions of Court of Session. 1 2 Notes on Scottish Affairs. . . 14 Excerpts from Criminal Registers. . 2 Fovargue's (Stephen) New Catal. of Vulgar Errors. 202 Fowkes, (T.) and Lowes, (J.) Two infam. Minist. 151 Fowler's (Rev. C.) Daemon. Meridianum. (II. T. 1.) 147 (J.) History of Suethland and Poland. 229 (William) Poems. (S. D. P.) . 162 Fox, (C. J.) History of Reign of James II. 253 Observations on. See Rose. Monody on the Death of. See Knight. (George) Life and Travels of. . 71! (John) Acts and Monuments of the Church. 'J34 (Sir Stephen) Jlemoirs of. (B. T. 9.) 309 Fox, (T.) Lett, on Courts of Q. Session. (M. E. P. 7.) 342 Foxcroft, (E.)Rosenkreutz'sHennetick Romance. 144 Foxes and Firebrands. See Ware. Foxiad, Historical Poem, .Argument of the. (P.T. 4.) 312 387 ABBOTSFORn LIBRARY. 19 loa 203 34.244 240 55 Foy, (General) Guene de la Peninsulc. . 325 Fracastorius, (II.) Memoirs of. (G. M.) . 187 Fracastoro, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. '20.) . 55 Fragments of Scottish History. See Dalyell. France, Hist.of to Loui8XIV.(M.U.H.20.21. 38.) 206 and Europe, Lett, on Situa. of. Iiil5. (P.P.C.) 313 — ^ Collection deMtooiressurl' Petitot.49.50 Coll. de Mcnioires sur la Revolution de. 313-14 Post Roads in. ... 332 Romance of History of. See Ritchie. Franchieres (Jan des) La Fauconnerie. . 103 Francion, Comical History of. See Pare. Francis's (Rev. Dr.) Horace. (E. P.) . 42 (Sir Phil.) Plan of Pari. Reform. (P. P. R. 1.) 344 Francisci (Sti.) Seraphicae in Vitam,a Maripetro. 2G8 Franck's (R.) Northern Memoirs. . Rabbi Jloses, a Philosophical Treatise. Franckhn's (Dr. T.) Lucian's AVorks. . . (Col. W.) Memoirs of General Thomas. Researches on the JejTies and Boodhists. Franco, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. 25.) . Francorum Historiae Scriptores IV. . 202 Franklin's(Dr.B.) Way to Weal.Gael.andEng.(M'K.)86 Frankenstein, by Mrs. Shelley. . . 335 Fraser's (Jas.) Life of Simon, Lord Lovat. (T. 6.) 94 (George) Life and Military Travels. . 246 _ (Rev. J.) Treatise on Second Sight. (M. L.) 7. 150 (Rev. Jas. of Brea,) Lawful. &c. of Separation. 68 Memoirs of. . . . • ' •' (J. B.) Kuzzilbash. . . . 335 Persian Adventurer. . . ■ 331 (William) Poems. (V. P. P. 8.) . 342 Freebairn, (J.) Eloge d' Ecosse, &c. (P. T. 9.) 310 's (Robert) History of Queen Mary. . 7 Frederick III. King of Prussia, Ans. to Manifesto of. 92 M^moires de Brandebourg. . . 46 Souvenirs de, par Thidbault. . 37 Frederick, King of Sweden, History of. See Voltaire. Freeke's (W.) Lingua Tersancta, &c. . 106 Divine Grammar, &c. . . 106 Freeling, (Sir F.) Dolarny's Primerose. . 155. 275 (H.) News from Scot. 1591. Life of Dr. Fian. 275 Informacon for Pylgrymes to Holy Londe. 276 Contenance de la Table. . . 275 Freeman's (Ralph) Imperiale, Tragedy. . 213 Free Masonry the Highway to Hell. . 138 Freind's (Rev. J.) Lord Peterborow's Cond. in Spain. 259 French, Thoughts on the Impiety, &c. of the.(T. 2.) 302 Novels, (Three) translated by a young Lady. 136 Invasions, Complete History of. (T. 1.) !'.7 Protestants, Suffer, and Dying Words of. (T. 4.) 74 Persecution against, 1745. . 93 Memorial concerning pres. State of. (T. 3.) 93 and Scots Alliance, Mem. of. See Moncreifl". Freiidruitffht, Satire (u/tiiiist. (S.T.^.) . 18 Freneau's (P.) Poems. ... 30 Frere's (W.) Prospectus of National \\'ork. 1 1 1 Supplement to Fenn's Letters. . 28 Freron, Me'moires sur la Re-action du Jlidi. 324 Fresne, (Maiqui.s de) Mc'moires du. . 137 Friburg, Lett, to Canton of, abt. Pretender, &c. (T.2.) 87 Friendship's Offering, by Pringle. . 332 Friga Reveep of IMorlaix, Life of. . 136 Frischlini (Nic.) Facetiae Selectiores. . 116 Frith's (John) Answer to Sir Thomas More. 108 Froissardi (Joan.) Historiarum Epitome (Com.) 27 Froissart, (J.) Chroniques de. (B. C.) . 51 's Chronicles, translated by Lord Berners. 29 translated by T. Johnes. . . 28 Life, &c. by St. Palaye. . . 29 Frommann, (J. C.) Tractatus de Fascinatione. 152 Frontini Stratagemata. (S. K. M.) 223.(L. C.20. S7.)22G Frugoni, (C. J.) Lirica. (P. I. 51.) . 56 Poemetti. (P. I. 49.) . . 56 Fry's (John) Pieces of Ancient Poetry. . 157 Fualdes, Proces rel. a 1' assassinat de. . 269 Fugitive Pieces. See Asylum. Creech. Dodsley. Statesman. See Shaftesbury. Fuller's (Thomas) Holy State. . . 252 History of tlie Holie Warre. Comment on Ruth. Cluirch History of Britain. History of Cambridge University. History of Waltham Abbey. Worthies of England. . . 29 (W.) Real Fath. and Moth, of Pr. of Wales. 88. 131 Life, by himself. . . . 131 Life and Unaccountable Actions of. . 134 FuUarton, (John) Hamilton's Lanarkshire. 280 Records of the Burgh of Prestwick. . 281 Funds, Publick, Considerations on the. (P. T. 33.) 311 Funeral Solemnities, Account of. . . 130 Fuss-Volk fUr d. Regulaments, &c. K. K. . 53 Fyers's (Col. P.) Views of Loch Lomond, &c. 299 252 1.39 2G2 262 262 388 INDEX. 305 175 154 148 G.{G. of S.) Facetious Poem in im. ofCh. c^She. (M.C.2.) 15 G. (Col. H.) Tour to Strathspey. . . 11 G. (Rev. J.) Remarks on G. A. Overtures. (4.) C7 G. (W.) Properties of a Good Horse. (P. 6.) Gabalis, The Count of. See Villars. Androl. Gaberlunzie Man. See James V. . Gadljury's (John) Doctrine of Nativities. Sir Geo. AVharton's Works. . Gadesbr, (Wm.) Life and Trans, of. 130. (S. T. 2.) 237 Gaelic Dictionary. See Highland Society. Grammar. See Currie. — Melodies. See Macpherson. Proverbs and Phrases. See JIackintosh. Song Book. See Campbell. Songs and Poems. See Mackay. (A. & R.) Walker. . Vocabulary. See Macfarlane. Gaete, (Gaudin. Due de) Mu'raoires. . 328 Gaftarel, (M. .1.) Sculpt. Talismaraque des Persans. 145 Gale, (T.) et Fell, (Jo.) Hist. Brit. Scriptores. 27 Galerie des Femmes fortes. See Le Moyne. Galfridus Slonumetensis. (Com.) . . 27 See Jeffrey of Monmouth. Galfridi Vinesalvi Hist. (G. et F.) . . 27 G.aliani, (Abb.) Vocabolario Napolctano. (P. N.) 57 Galic Antiquities. See Smith. Gallais, Hist, de la Rev. du 20 Mars, 1815. Galland, Mille et Une Nuits. (C. F.) Contes Tures. (C. F.) . Arabian Nights. (T. of E.) Turkish Talcs. (T. of E.) See Arabian Nights. Herbelot. Gallerie der neuen Propheten. Gallicarum Rcrum Scriptores. Gallois, (L.) Histoire de Napole'on. Gallovidean Encyclopaedia. See M'Taggart. GalloAvay, Description of. See SjTnson. Narrative of actions of a Spirit in. Telfair, (Geo.) Loyal Albany Museum. (P. P. 4.) 32G 35 327 . Elegy on Hen. D. of Buccleugh. (P. & P. 17.) 192 (Rob.) Poems, Epistles and Songs. Galmace, (A.) Llave p. a. la Ling. Francesa. Galmy, Ritter. See Pellegrin. Gait's, (John) Voyages and Travels. Tragedies. Earthquake. Ayrshire Legatees. Annals of the Parish. . 90 317 243 333 333 333 Gait's (John) Provost. . . . .333 Sir Andrew Wylie. ... 333 Entail. .... 333 Spaewifo. .... 333 Last of the Lairds. . . . 334 Memoirs of a Life in Pensylvania. . 30 Gaiter, (L.) Amour de Cupido et Psiche. Apideius. 338 Galway, History of. See Hardiman. Gambado's Ann. of Horsemanship. See Bunbury. Games (Hoyle's) of Whist, Quadrille, &c. 134 See Chess. Gamester, Compleat. (above 20 games.) . 133 Gamesters, Celebrated, Lives of, by Lucas. 133 Gaming, Modest Defence of. D. F. P.) . 204 Gamon, (Achille) Mdmoires. (P. C.) . . 4H Ganges Fishes. See Hamilton. Gano, TracUmento di, contra Rinaldo. (I. C. I. 1.) 333 Garces, Particulas de la Leng. Castellana. . 316 Garded'honneur,La.Episodeduregne deNapol&n. 325 Garden's( Rev.Dr.G. )Case of Affl. Clergy inScot. (T.2.) 83 Gardiner, (Col. James) Lives of. . . 90 (R.) England's Grievance in Coal Trade. 1 60 (Dr. W.) Hugo's Notes on Gibbon. . 85 Terence's Andria and Eunuchus. . 227 Garenciers, (Dr. T.) Nostradamus's Prophecies. 123 Garland, The Black. (N.T.I 0.) . . 257 of Northumberland Heroes. . . 110 Garlands, Various Collections of. . . 159 Seven. (P. M. 3-9.) ... 161 Gamier, (Dr. P.) Dissertation sur la Baguette. 108 Garter,(Ber.)ReceptionofQ,.Eliz.atNorw.(Q.E.P.)266 Memoirs of Order of. See Dawson. Garth's (Dr. Sam.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. (W.C. A.) 16ii Ovid's Metamorphosis. (E. P.) . 42 Gascoigne's (Geo.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Art of EngUsIi Poesie. (M. P. A.) . 177 Pleasures of Kcnelworth. (Q. E. P. 5.) 266 Diet for Droonkardes. (W. L. M.) . 209 Gastrell's (Bp.) Christian Institutes. . 73 Gate to Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac. . 316 Gauden (Bp.) Answ. to, on Sol. League. See Crofton. Gaudentio di Lucca. See Berkeley. Gaul, Ancient History of. (A. U.H. 16.) . 206 Gaulard, Contes Facecieux du Sieur. SeeTabourot. 115 Gaule Belgique, Mercure de la. . . 39 Gaule. See Lemaire. Gallic. Rer. Script. Gaule, (John) Mag-astromancers posed, &c. 149 389 3D ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Gaulminus, (G.) Psellus de Daemonibus. Gavin's (Ant.) Master-kev to Popery. . U3 Gav-s (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42.194 Trivia. .... 169 Plays and Life. . . . 194 Beggar's Opera. (P. & P.) . 216 Wife of Bath, Comedy. (O. P. -23.) . '220 Gayot de Pita\-al, Causes Celebres. . 35 Gayton'S (Edm.) Xotes on Don Quixote. . 156 Geberis Summa perfeetionis Magisterii. . 137 Gee's (John) Foot out of the Snare. . 5.0 Geist Erichs von Sickingen. . . 53 Geister, Zauber, &c. Geschichten. . 52 Gelieu's (J. de) Bee-Preserrer. . . 300 Gfirs {Sir W.) Xof(S on tie Isliad of Riolcs. 341 GelUus. See Aulus GeUius. Gem, The, by Hood. . . . 325 Gejnma, (Com.) De XatuTK Divin. Charact 179 General Assembly of Ch. of Scot. Acts of,1638-49,&c. 73 Acts of. l';46-1649. (T. 17.) . 70 Actsof, abridged, 1638-1720. . 68 Acts of. abridged, 1638-182S. . 294 Reasons for a, 163S. (T. 3.) 79 Protestations of, 1638-9. (T. 16. 17. 19.) 79 Remonstrance of, to King. (T. 18.) . CO Committ. Repr. for Xorth of Scotland. (T. 5.) 84 (Pretended) at Dundee (1653) Ans. to Decl. of. 81 BabeU, a Satirical Poem on, 1 6 92. See Pitcaim. Queries to Seceding Jlinisters, 1720. (T. 5.) 74 Acts o£ cone. Seceders, 1 733. (P. T. 35.) 31 1 ReasonsofDissentfromSent.of,1752.(P.T.38.)311 Overtures respecting Kirk-Sessions. (T. 1.) 67 Proceedings of, in Professor Leslie's Case. 294 Shorter Catechism. See Fisher. Genet. Idman. sur le Finois. Generous Usurer. The, >Ir. Xevell. (T. ".) .■9 Genlis's (Countess de) Jlemoirs, . 334 Gennaro, (San) Vita, Mrtu, e SDracoIi di. 268 Genoino, (G.) Viag. Poet de' Campi Flegrei. 269 Gent's (T.) Hist, of East Wind, of York CathedraL 257 GenUe Craft, History of the. Gentleman Farmer. See Karnes. , The Pretty. (D. F. P.) Gentleman's Magazine. Compleat Recreations. Gentz, Maria, Koniginn von Schottland. Geographia Islandica Med. .iEvi. See Werlauff. Geoponica, sive de Re Rustics. (V. G. C. 9.1 225 George I., Sermons on the Accession of . 80 Vindication of his Majesty's Govt. (S.T. 25.) 306 George II., Ode for Birth-day of. (T.) . 3 Ode, imploring the Return of, 1737. (P.P.20.) 263 Pamphlets on the Reign of. 89-95 309-311 Mem. of Last Ten Years of See OrfonL George III., Celeb, of Cor. o£ at Xewc. (N.T.2.) '257 Letters from, on Coronation Oath. Phillpotts. 370 George IV., Ceremonies at Coronation of. . 156 Celeb, of Coronation at Xewcastle. (X.T. 2.) "257 Letters on Visit o^ to Scotland. See Simpson. Effusions occasioned by io. . . 23 Somgs and Poems cm do. See Ciuimlers. 97 Poems on Visit ot; to Ireland. 264. 339. 34 1 Letter from, to his People. (3L E. P. 3.) 342 List Moments of (H. P. T. 5.) . 343 George-a-Green, the Pindar of Wakefield. (T.9.)103.131 Georgiwicz, (B.) de Turcarum Moribus. . 1 15 Geialdine, by Miss Agnew. . . 335 Gericault's Lithographic Subjects. . 232 German Empire, Hist, of (M. U. H. 26, "27, S'l) 207 Electorates, Hist of. ( JL U. H. 32, 33.) 207 Xovelists, See Roscoe. Poetry, History of. See Taylor. German Princess. See Carleton (Mary.) Germany, Ancient History o£ (U. H. 9.) . 206 Map of. See Chauchard. Gerolimi 11 Xano di una Principessa. . 269 Gertruydenbetg X^egociation, Sec. Hist. of. (P.T. 7.) 308 Gervasius Dorobomensis, (Twysd.) . 27 Tilberiensis, de Imperio Romano. . 234 . See Brunsvicensium Rer. Script. GerviUe, Anciens Chateaux de la Manche. 3o Gesner's (C.) Hist, of Four-footed Beasts. SeeTopaell. (SoL) Death of Abel, by CoUyer. . '292 Gesta Grayorum. HisL of Pr. Purpoole. 127. 2t>6 Romanorum, -Ancient Histories. . IIS Gesvres, (Marq. de) Case of Impotency. . I'20 Ghost Stories, Accredited. . . 144 132 of Laird of Cool's Conf with Ogilvie. 69 Giannone, (P.) Storia di Xapoli . . 'i67 "204 Giant'sCauseway, Guide ta See Drummond. Wright. .'^28 f Gibing, Essay on (M. T. !.) . . 238 •232 I Gibbon's (Ed.) DecL and Fall of Roman Empire. "204 47 I Survey of Roman Laiv, ivith Hugo's Xotes, 85 Miscellaneous Works and Life. . 1«8 •590 INDEX. Gibbon, (J.) Day Fatality. (Aub. Misc.) . 149 Gibson's (John) Odes and other Poems. . 1G3 Giljson, (Jas. now Sir J. G. Craig.) See Mitchell, Dr. Gilford's (Rev. G.) Dialogue concerning Witches. 147 (William) Baviad and Maeviad. . 132. 194 Juvenal and Persius. . . 223 Massinger's Works. . . 209 Ben Jonson's Works. . . 209 Gilbert, a Poem. .... 177 Gilbert's (E.) Prelatical Cavalier. (T. 28.) Gl (Davics) .Jordan's Creation, &c. in Cornish. 121 Gil Bias. See Le Sage. Gilchrist's (O. G.) Two Letters to Bowles. (T. 2. 3.) 1S9 Bishop Corbet's Poems. . . 248 Gildas. (G. et F.) (Com.) 27. (Bert.) . 257 Gildon's (Charles) Life of i\Irs. Behn. . 138 Life of Thomas Bettertoii. . . 224 Four Plays. . . . . 219 Gilkie's (James) Speak evil of no Man. . 128 Duty of a Sheriff. . . . 128 Gill's (Rev. J.) Thanksg. Sorm. for CuUoden V. (T.8.) 98 Gillan's (Bp. J.) Rem. on DalrjTnple's Hist. Coll. 16 (Rev. R.) Scottish Pulpit. . . 183 Abridged Acts of General Assembly. 294 Gillespie, (Rev. Mr. of Glasgow) Letter abt. case of. G9 (Officer of Excise) JMemorial of. (S. T. 1.) 344 (Major-General) Memoir of. . 255 (G. W.) Poems and Songs. . . 165 Gillies, (Rev. Al.) on Modem Faulconry. . 158 (R. P.) Childe Alarique. . . 156 Wallace, a Fragment. . . 164 Lines to Lady Byron. . . 167 Albert and Egbert. Tales and Illustrations. 167 Oswald, a Metrical Tale. . . 176 Fragment, &c. and Poetical Fragment. 176 Essays, in Brydges's Ruminator. . 204 Illustrations of a Poetical Character. 182 Old Tapestry. ... 335 Tournay. .... 335 Hoffmann's Devil's Elixir. . 335 James VI., Essayesof a Prentise. . S Gillingwater'3 (Ed.) Hist, of St. Edmund's Bury, 249 Gillot, (J.) Me'moires. (P. C.) . . 59 Gilly's (Rev. W. S.) E-xcursion toPiemont in 1823. 293 Gilmour's (Rob.) Lothaire, a Romance. . 163 Tales in Verse. . . . 167 Gilpin, (Bernard) Life of by Rev. W. Gilpin. 258 39 Ginglicutt's Treat, on Scolding of the Ancient9.(P.7.)305 Giovanfiore e Filomena, Istoria di. (I. C. I. 2.) 339 Giovanni Fioientino. II Pecorone. . 120 Giovio, (P.) Vita di Cons.-ilvo di Cordova. . 108 Giraffis's Hist, of Revolution in Naples. 41. 134 Giraldi Cambrensis ItinerariumCambriae,a Powell. 242 Giraldus de Barri's Itin. of Wales, by Iloaie. 242 Giraldi, (Gir.) Novelle. . . . 113 Giraud, Precis des Journ. 15-1!; Juin 1 815. (A.M.2) 32G Campaign of Paris, 1814-15. . . 319 Girolamo, Istoria di San Geunaro. . . 268 Girouettes, Dictionnaire des. . . 326 Gisborne's (Thos.) Let. to Dr. Phillpotts (T.C.Q.G)34G Gislandis de Laveno, Super Evangelia. . 122 Glanville's (Rev. J.) Consid. on Witchcraft. 144. 150 Defence of Witches and Apparitions. (W.T.2) 147 Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions. 150 Glapthome's (H.) Hollander, Comedy. . 214 Wit in a Constable, Comedy. . . 214 Ladies' Privilege. . . . 214 Glas's (Geo.) Hist, of Canary Islands. . 253 Glasgow, Burgh Records of, 1573-1581. . 281 Cochrane Corresp. resp. 1745-6. . 281 Notices of Literary History of, by Duncan. 280 and Ayr Synod, Mem. and Admon. of, 1745. 84 Account of Money granted to, 1749. . 84 Prophetical Warnings to. (T. 1.) . 73 History of, by M'Ure. . . 302 (Earl of) Regist. Monasterii de Passelet. 281 Glass, (Rev. Ad.) Let. to a Gent, respecting. (T.12.) 284 (Willison) Caledonian Parnassus. . IGO Glassford's (Ja.) English and Latin Translations. 184 Gleich, F. Der Zauberbrunnen. . . 52 Gleig's, (Rev. G.R.) Hist, of British India, (M.F.L.)332 Life of Sir Thomas Monro. . . 317 Glencaim, (Earl of) Expedition of 1G53-4 (M.S.) 7. 243 Glencoe Massacre, Impartial Account of, &c. 10 Glockle, (Ferd.) Lohengrin. See Goerres. Gloucester, (W. H. Duke of) Lewis's Life of. 96 Tracts rel. to city and county of, in Civil War. 196 History of Col. Massey's Government of. 257 Glover, (Rich.) Memoirs of. Duppa. . 254 '8 London, a Poem. (M. P. 17.) 181 (P. T. 7.) 309 Poems, (E. P.) ... 42 Gnosii (Dom.) Hermes Trismegistus. . 138 God and the King, Dialogue on Oath of -\llegiance. 75 Godefroy de Paris, Chronique. (B. C.) . 51 1 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Godelmanni (J. G.) Tract, de Magis, &c. . 153 Godfrey, (Sir Edm.) Life and Death of. . 132 Godly Sarah, &c. a Pastoral Dialogue. (M. P. 22.) 181 Godwin's (Bp.) History of Queen Mary. (C. H.) 249 (Thos.) Roman Antiquities. (T. 1.) . 81 Hebrew Antiquities. (T. 2.) . 81 (W.) Life of Chaucer. . . 185 Mandeville, Novel. . . . 335 Goecking, Lieder zweyer Liebenden . 54 Goes, (D. a) Fides, Mores, &c. Aethiopum. 101! Deploratio Lappianae Gentis. . 10!i Goerres, Lohengrin, altdeutsch. Gedicht. . 54 Goethe's (C. W. von) Schriften. . . 51 Faust, Umrisse zu. von Retzsch. . 232 Wilh. Meister's Wanderjahre. . 2C9 Hermann und Dorothea. . . 2C9 Arminius et Theodora, Fischer. . 269 Poesies de, trad, par Panckoucke. . 47 Faust, transl. by Lord F. Egerton. . 199 Goetz of Berlichingen, by Sir W. S. 212 Stella. (M. P. 3.) ... 213 . Clavidgo. (M. P. 4.) . . 213 White Rose of Vilna. (P. P. 4.) . 312 1 Goff, (or Golf) Heroi-Comical Poem. See Matthcson. Historical Notices of Game of . 300 Goguelat, (Baron) M^m. sur 1' affaire de Varennes. 323 Golagrus and Gawane. Laing. . . 1 84 Golden Chain of Four Links. (T. 3.) . 77 Spy, a Political Journal, &c. . ill Goldfinch, The, Collection of Scot, and Eng. Songs. 161 Goldheaded Cane, The. Goldie, (Geo.) Letter from, on Hogg's Memoir. (John) Poems and Songs. Golding, (A.) Momay's Tre\vness of Christianity. Goldingham's (H.) Garden Plot, Alleg. Poem. Goldoni, (Carlo) Commedie Scelte. Memoires de. .... Goldsmith, (Dr. 0.) History of England, in Letters. 251 Miscellaneous Works, by Dr. Percy. 1 89 Poems. (E. P.) 42. Traveller. (T. 4.) 01 Vicar of Wakefield. (B. N. L.) . 63 Life of Beau Nash. . . . 201 Song for Birth Day of See Graham. Goldwel's (H.) Declar. of the Shews, &c. (Q. E. P.) 2G6 Gomersall's (Robt.) Poems. . . 1'>1 Gompertz's (J.) Modern Antique . 162 Devon, a Poem. ... 62 Gompertz's Time, or Light and Shade, Poem. 253 Gonin, (Maitre) Les Tours de. . . 117 Gonsalvo de Cordova. See Cantalicio. Giovio. Gooch's, (Rev. Dr.) Sermon on K. Ch.Mart. (P. 14.) 308 Good-Breeding, Rules of. See Petrie. Goodall, (Walt.) Forduni Scotichronicon. . 12 Catalogue of Advocates' Library. . 265 Goodall's (Wm.) Adventures of Capt. Greenland. 137 Goodhugh's(Wm.) English Gcnt.'s Library Manual. 125 Goodlake's (Th.) Courser's Manual. . 135 Goodwin's, (John) Theological Treatises, . 83 Goole's (John) The Contract Violated. . 135 Goosecappe, Sir Giles, Comedie, . . 214 Gordon, (Alex.) Itinerarium Scptentrionale. 11 (C. A.) Concise History of House of Gordon. 7 (G. H.) Layman's Relig. Discourses. See Scott. (Lord George) Trial of, for High Treason. 297 (Rev. Ja.) History of Ireland, to 1801. 315 . . {John) Collection of Prophecies. (T. 1.) 26 (John, Adv.) Notes on Stair's Institutes. 263 (John, of Glencat) Memoirs of (See Harding.) 72 (Bp.) Queries to Roman Catholics. (T. 4.) 286 (Lady Mary.) See Faustini. (Patrick) History of Robert Bruce. . 169 (Sir Rol)t.) of Earldom of Sutherland. 1 (Tho. & Trenchard,) Cato's Political Letters, Cordial for Low Spirits. 180 196 163 288 279 55 36 304 118 (Wm.) History of Gordon Family. . 7 ( ) Review of Y orke's Considerations. 1 2 1 Gormg's, (Chas.) Irene, Tragedy. (O. P. 26.) 220 (H.) Letter respecting the Y. Chevalier. 95 Gottenburgh Frolic. Swedish Invasion burlesqued. .^09 Gottfried V. Strassburg's Tristan, &c. . 102 Werke, &c. vender Hagen. . . 1 02 Gottschalck, Sagen u. Volksmahrchen Deutschen. 53 Gouget, Supplement au Diet, de Moreri. . 39 Gough's(J.)StrangeDiscoveries,Tragi-Com.(O.P.3.)216 (Rich.) Camden's Britannia. . , 232 Goujon, Bulletins de la Gr. Arm&. . 327 Goulart, (Sim.) Thresor des Histoires. . 346 Gould's (Robt.) Rival Sisters, Tragedy. (O. P. 27.) 220 _ Poems, SatjTs, &c. . . . 194 Gourgaud. (Gen.) Examen de 1' ouvr. de Segur. 325 Me'moires de Napoleon. . . 327 Gourville, ( ) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Governing, Art of (T.) ... 24 Government, Origin and Ends of (T.) . 24 392 INDEX. 167 81 Gow, (Capt. John.) See Pirates. Gower, (Lord Francis) See Egerton. (John) Poems. (E. P.) Balades and other Poems. Illustrations of. See Todd. (Sam.) Napoleon and other Poems. Gowrie, (John Earl of) Life of. See Scott. Grace, Power of, illustrated. See Coivper. Giacie, (J. B.) Winzet's Tractates for Ecf of Doct. 282 Grafton's Chronicle. . . . 28 Graham's, (Dougal) Hist, of Rebellion, 1745. 89 (Dr. Jas.) Travels and Voyages. 22. Tracts, &c. 230 (Rev. Jas.) Poems. . . 193 British Georgics. . . . 196 Wallace, a Tragedy. . . 212 Mary Q. of Scots, Hist. Drama. . 212 (John, of Claverhouse.) See Dundee. (Rev. Jolm) Stat. Account of Kilrush, &c. Statistical Account of Shruel. (I. T. 8.) Tracts on Hist, of Ireland. King's Welcome to Ireland. (P. T. 7.) Ottava Rima on King's risit to Dublin. . — — Song for Goldsmith's Birth Day. Miscellaneous Poems. (I. P. 5.) Specimens of Ulster Minstrehr/. (Maria.) See Callcott. (Rev. Dr. P.) Sketches of Perthshire. Essay on Ossian's Poems. (Robt.) Liber Domicilii Jacobi V. ( ) Account of Glencairn's Expedition. (M.S.) 7 's (W.) Poetical Pieces in Scottish Dialogue. 168 Grainger's (Dr. Jas.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 TibuUus. (E. P.) . . 42 Grami (G.) Manifesto. See Bogle. Grammaticae Institutiones, Aldi. . . 274 Grammatices Rudimenta. . . . 22 Grammont, (Count,) Memoirs of. See Hamilton. Gramond, (Mar. Due. de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 50 Grana, (Marq. de) Conquestes du dans les Pays Bas. 47 Granada, Guerras Civiles de. Peres de Hita. 49 Grandier, (Urb.) Condamnation et Supplice de. Grand Juror, Office and Duty of. (P. T. 31.) Grandval, ( ) Cartouche, Poeme. Grand Vizier Unmasked. See Canning. Granger's (Rev. J.) Correspondence. Malcolm Biograph. History of England. Grangeron, (Dr. H.) Relat. des Possed^es. Grant's (Jas.) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 107 (Jos.) Kincardineshire Traditions.(V. P. P. 7.) 342 (M. A.) Tales founded on facts. . 336 (Mrs. of Laggan.) Poems. . . 23 Essay on Highland Superstitions. . 23 Eighteen hundred and thirteen. . 168 (W. Lord Prestongrange) Occasional Writer. 96 (Francis.) See Cullen, (Lord.) Grantham, Hist. Description of. See Marrat. Granucci, (N.) La Piacevole Notte, &e. . 10.'» Grattan, (Henry) Speeches of. . . 31.5 (T. C.) Heiress of Bruges. . . 331 Jacqueline of Holland. . . 331 Giavenberch, Wigalois der Ritter. . o5 Graves's (Rev. R.) Spiritual Quixote. . 138 Gravina, Delia Ragion Poetica. !Mathias. . 38 Gray, Auld Robin. See Lindsay. 's (Lieut. Charles) Poems and Songs. . 1 79 (Lord) Library at Kinfauns, Catalogue of. 2.50 (Patrick, Master of) Letters and Papers rel. to. 280 . (Sam.) Happiness of States. . . 196 (Sir Thos.) Scala Chronica, by Stevenson. 282 (Thos.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Elegy written ina Country Ch. Yard. (P. P. 8.) 230 Parody on. See Dreghorn. Criticism on, by Prof. Young, 201. (M. T. 7.) 312 Graziani, (G.) Conquista di Granata. (P. I.) 56 Grazzini, (A. F.) Prima e SecondaCena. . 120 Grebner's (Ez.) Visions and Prophecies. . 2.5 Greece, Ancient, History of. (A.U.H. 5. 6.) 20.5 See Grote. Greene's (G. S.) Oliver Cromwell, a Play. 217 (Mat.) Poems. (E.P.) . . .42 (Robt.) Dramatic Works, by Dyce. 158 Philomela (Arch. 1.) . . . 184 Arcadia (Arch. 2.) . . . 184 Harvey's Letters and Sonnets touching.(A.4.) 184 Historie of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay. 214 (and Lodge's) Looking Glass for London. 216 Greendrake's (G.) Angling Excursions inWicklow. 259 Greig's Letter to Robe on Life of E. Cairns. 75 Gregg's Ghost, The Conference, or. (T. 7.) 88 Gregorii Decretalcs. . . ■ 283 Gregorys (Don.) Causes of Proscrijitiuii o/ClanO'regor. 26 1 Hist. Notices of Clan Gregor. . 273 (Dr. Geo.) Life of Chatterton. . 198 (Dr. Jas.) Lucub. on Greek Epig.(P. & P. 6.) 192 3.93 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Gresiveirs (Rev. W. P.) Memoirs of Politiati, &c. 187 Annals of Parisian Typography. . 188 Monastery of St. Werburg, Chester, a Poem. 234 Grey's (Ford, Lord) History of Rye House Plot. 2.57 Let. l)etween, and Countess of Bcrkely. See Behn. (\V.) Survey of Newcastle and Northumbd. 241 Oriego, (Titta) Istoria di (S.N.I. 3.) . 340 Grierson"s (Geo.) Ireland and Poor Laws.(I.P. 5.) 343 Grieu, (Chevalier de,) and JIoU Escaut. See Prevost. Griffagno, Nobilta del Asino. . . 114 Griffith's (R.)Rep. on Moving Bog of Kilm.(I.T.10.)344 Grille, (Bruno) Istoria di. (S.N.I. 2.) . 340 Opera di un Villano nom. (S.N.I. 10.) 340 Grimston's (E.) Memorable Siege of Ostend. 37 Matthieu's Life and Death of Henry IV. 39 Grimm et Diderot,Corresp()ndance avec un Pr. All. 37 , (Dr. J.) Silva de Romances Viejos. Irmenstrasse u. Irmensaule. (W. C.) Drei Altschottische Leider. (Brilder) Altdeutsche Wfdder. Deutsche Sagen. Die beiden iiltest. Deutschen Gedichte. Kinder u. Haus-Mahrchen. German Popular Stories. Grindal, (Abp.) Life of. See Strype. Brief Character of. (B.T. 3.) Grindlay's (Capt.) Scenery, &c. of Western India. 337 Grivel, L'Isle Inconnue. (V. I.) . . 45 Groote, (C. von) Gotfrit's Tristan. See Gottfried. Grose's (Fr.) Antiq. of England, Scotland, & Ireland. 177 Jlilitary Antiquities. . . 177 Treatise of Ancient Armour. . . 177 Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue. Guide to Health, Beauty, &c. OUo Provincial Glossary. Advice to Officers of the Army. Crete's (Geo.) History of Greece. (L.U.K.) Grotesqidad, Tlie, a Mock Heroic Poem. Groulard, (Claude) M^moires. (P.C.) Grumbling Hive. See Mandeville. Gualteruzzi da Fano, Libro de Novelle. Guard's (Th. de la) Simple Cobler of Aggavvani Guardian, The. (B.E.) Guai-ini, (G. B.) Pastor Fido. (P. I. 35.) in Ling. Napol. da Basile. (P.N.) translated. See Clapperton. Fanshaw. 110 48 54 54 54 C3 55 38 309 Guelf, History of House of. See Halliday. Guerin de Montglave. . . . 119 Guerino il Meschino. 118. (S.N.S. 11.) . 840 Guerre, (Martin) Hist. de. See Coras. Guesclin, (Bertrand du) M^moires. (P.O.) . 49 Gueiilette, Contes Chinoises. (C.V.) . 44 Tartares. (C.F.) ... 44 Mogols. (C. F.) . . . 44 Soirees Bretonnes. (C. F.) . . 44 Chinese, Mogul, & Tartarian Tales. (T. of E.) 43 Guevara, (L. V. de) Diablo Cojuelo. . 39. 55 Guicciardini (F.) Istoria d'ltalia. . . 56 Guidi, (Aless.) Endimione. (P. I. 36.) . SG Canzone. (P.I. 42.) ... 56 GuidubaUlo, Duca d'L'rbino. See Baldi. Guillon, (Abbe) Memoires sur Lyon. . 324 Guinegate, Poenie sur la Journfe de. Fortia. 274 Guiscard and Sigismund. See Walter. Guise, (Henri, Due de) Mdmoires. (P.C.) . 50 (Duke of) Memoirs of Rev. in Naples. 41 Gulielraus Neubr. (Com.) 27. 227. Heanie. 245 GuUiveriana and Alexanderiana. . . 304 Gulliver's Travels, Vol. III. . . 303 Court of Lilliput. . . .303 . See Sw-ift. Gunner, The Compleat. (M.M.D. 3.) . 271 Gunnlaugi et Rafnis Vitae. . . 64 Gunpowder Plot, History of. See Caulfield. Proceedings against Garnet, &c. . 237 Sermon on Anniv. of. (S. & T. 8.) . 66 Giirney's (J. J.) Notes on Prisons of Scotland, &c. 133 Gurwood's (Col. J.) Orders of Duke of Wellington. 298 Gustavus Adolphus, Actions of. (S. I.) . 247 Ericson, Life of, liy Clark. . . 258 Guthrie's (Bp.) Memoirs of Charles I. . 7. 21 (Rev. Jas.) Causes of Lord's AVrath. (T. 8.) 62 Ten Considerations on Apostacy. (Howie) 71 Last Sennon at Stirling, rep. by Eb. Erskine. 76 . See Slanes Presbyteriani. (Rev.W.) Heads ofSermons at Finnick(T.4.) 74.75 Guy, Earl of Warwick, Hist. of. See Rowland. Tragedy of, by J. B. . . 217 Guynand, Concordance de Nostradamus. 38. 141 Guzman d'Alfarache. See Aleman. I Gwedir Family, Hist. of. See Barrington. Gwynne's (John) Military Memoirs of G. Civil War. 243 I Gypsies, History of. See Hoyland. 394 INDEX. H. (P. F.) Hist, de Napoleon. . .327 Habington's(W.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 History of Edward IV. (C. H.) . 24.9 Haddington, (E. of ) Belhaven's Vision, a Poem. 15. 305 Treatise on Forest Trees. . . 24G Hadfield's (Rev. Dr.) Ordination Sermon. (S.&P.5.) 292 Haen, (Ant. de) De Magia. . . . 124 Hag in a Red Cloak, Ttie. Parody on M. G. Lewis. 251 Hagen, (F. H. Von der) Deutsches Volkslieder. 47 Narrenbuch. .... 52 Nordische Heldenromane. . . 55 Heldenbuch. .... 54 Nibelungen Lied. ... 54 Deutsche Gedichte d. Mittelalters. . 63 Gottfried von Strassbiirg's Werke. . 102 Haggart, (David) Life of. . . . 137 Hagthorpe's (John) Poems. Brydgcs. . 275 Haig, (Ja.) Sir J. Balfour's Historical Works. 302 History of Kelso and Ro.'cburgh. . 22 Hailes, (Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord) Annals of Scot. 4. 5 Cecil's Correspondence with James VL 21 Little Freeholder. ... 145 Mem. and Letters, James I. and Chas. I. 9 Opinions of Duchess of Marlborough. 250 Scottish Poems from Bannatyne MS. 171 Tracts relative to History of Scotland. 14 Letter to, from Lord Elibank. . 5 Hains's (Bp.) Treatise on the Modes. . 128 Hake's (Ed.) Oration and Expostulation (Q.E.P.12.)266 Haken, (.T. C. L.) Lcbensbesch. Ferd. von Schill. 274 Hakewill's (J.) Picturesque Tour of Italj'. . 241 Hakluyt's (R.) Early English Voyages, by Evans. 28 Haldane's (J.) Active Test, of True Blue Presbytery. 90 Hale, (Lord Ch.-Justice) Contemplations, M. & D. 81 Life of, by Bishop Burnet. . . 193 Halford's (Sir Henry) Opening of Chas. l.'i CofSn. 252 ITalibitrton Famib/, Genealogy of tlic. . . 13 Memorials of. See Scott. Halkerston's (Dr. P.) Compend. of Fac. Decisions. 2C4 Transl. of Erskine's Technical Terms. 294 Halket's (Lady) Meditations and Prayers. (T. 4.) 82 Instructions for Youth. (T. 5.) . 82 Halkett's (J.) Notes on N. American Indians. 30 Hall's (Arth.) Quarrel with Mallorie. (R.T.5.) 139 (Rev. A.) Discourses on Grace and Holiness. 293 (Capt. Bas.) Voyage to Corea and Loo Choo. 240 Extr. from .Journals in Chili, &c. 1820-22. 256.315 395 Hall's (Capt. B.) Fragments of Voyages and Travels. 34 1 Account of Tay Ferry at Dundee. (S.T.P. 3.) 345 (Sir .Tas.) on Consolidation of Strata. (T. 13.) 338 (John) Chronicles of England. . 28 Stevenson, (John) Crazy Tales. 117. 230 (Bp. Jos.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Virgidemiarum. 3 last Bookes. . 107 Caracteres des Vertus et des Vices. (M. 4.) lib' (Bp. J.) Fiery Darts Quenched. . 143 (S.) Map of County of Wicklow. . 314 (Rev. T.) Funebria Florae. Downf. of May-g. 128 ( W. H.) Empire of Philanthropy. . 168 Halleck's ( ) Alnwick Castle, &c. . 31 Halliday's (Sir A.) Annals of House of Hanover. 64 History of House of Guelf. . . 243 Ilallifax and its Gibbet Law. See Midgley. (Chas. Montagu, E. of) Poems. (E.P.)42. 168. 194 Halyburton's (Professor T.) Memoirs. . 68 (Rev. W.) Sermon, Jan. 174G. (S.) . 98 Hallywell's (H.) Polity and Kingdom of Darkness. 146 Hammer, (J. de) Jlysterium Baphometis. . 249 Contes Arabes, trad. p. Trebutien. . 36 Hamilton, Memoirs of House of. See Anderson. (Rev. Al.) Testimony agt. Mackie's Settlement. 74 Elegy on. See Erskine. (Rev. And.) Actions of Inniskilling Men. 244 (Comte Ant.) CEuvres. . . 4] L'Enchanteur Fauste. (V. I.) . . 46 Trois Contes. (C. F.) . . 44 Memoirs of Count Grammont. . . 84 (Lord Basil) Odes and Elegies on. (T. 6.) 82 (Chas.) Hist, of Transactions of Q. Anne. 8 (David, of Bothwellhaugh) attainted, &c. 107 (Dr. of Bardowie) Correc. of Anderson's Mem. 272 (Mrs. Elizabeth) Cottagers of Glenburnie. 334 PopularEssaysonimpr. of Understanding, &c. 153 . (Dr. Francis) Ace. of Fishes in the Ganges. 34 (Sir Fred.) Humble Remonstrance, 1644. .j8 Information resp. Sir W. Cole, 1645. (T. 37.) 61 (Jas. M. of) Tractson Ati'airsof 1 638. (T.7.1 0. 1 5.)79 (Jas. & Wm. Dukes of) Lives of. See Burnet. (Jos.) Royal Code of Honor. (R. M. T. 1.) 342 School for Patriots. (R. M. T. U.) . 342 (Wm. Duke of) Last Speech of. (Cap. Con.) 26 (Sir Rob.) Christian's Conduct, &c. . US (Capt. Thos.) Cyril Thornton. . 333 (Terrick) Antar, a Bedoucen Romiince. 114 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY, Hamilton(\Vm.Dukeof)Duel<)f«itliL.Mohun.S8. 144 (Win.ofWishaw)Des.of Lanark &RenfTewsh. 280 (Wm. of Bangour) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Contemplation, or Triumph of Love. (T. 1.) 135 Three Odes, and Fables (P. P. 10.) 312 (Wm. G.) Parliamentary Logic, by Malone. 193 Hammoml, (Rev. Dr. 11.) Life of, by Fell. 193 (James) Poems. (E.P.) . . 42 (Wm.) Occasional Poems, l(Jo5. . 177 Hampden, (John) Trial of, &c. (T.) . 30 Hamper's (W.) Observ. on Hoar Stones, &c. 33 Obs. on Runic Inscriptions. (T.A. &c. 4.5.6.) 338 See Magnusen, Fersog, &c. 99 Sarcastic Verses in 1399 (T. 7.) . 338 Handel's (G. F.) Messiah, Oratorio. (P. P. 10.) 230 Esther, Oratorio. (P.P. II.) . . '230 Hannibal notat our Gates,l 7 1 4.88.(P.T.12. & P.T.8.)308 Hanover, Annals of House of. See Halliday. Characters of the Court of, 1714. (P. 9.) 307 Priv. Conf. betw. 2 Ministers at,1744.(P.T.30) 311 Hanoverian Succession, Tracts on : Advantages to England by. (T.2.) 89. (S.T.o.) 310 K. George's Right Asserted. (T. 4.) 224 Title Asserted. . . 97 Great Britain's Union,&c. (R.T.4.) 283. (T.4.) 285 Manifestoon Right of Princess Sophia.(C.T.25)290 Pari. Right maint. & H. S. justified. (R. T. 1.) 24 Political Magnet, or Essay in defence of, &c. 85 Popular Prejudice resp. &c. (T. 1.) 89 The Wisdom of our Forefathers recom. &c. 93 Vindication of H. M.'s Tit. &c. See Webster. 96 See Revolution. Hans Sachsen's Gedicht. ... 53 Werken, Proben aus, &c. . . 53 Hanson's (Capt.) Route Overland from India. 255 Hardenberg, (Prince) Mem. tire's des Papiers du. 324 Hardiman's (Jas.) History of Galway. . 207 Irish Minstrelsy. . . . 315 Harding's(EIiz.)Answ. toMem.ofGordon of Glencat.72 Hardiricke, (Ld. Ch.) Speech on Scot. Rebel Lords. 92 (Earl of) Sir D. Carleton's Letters. 244 Hardyng's Chronicle, by Ellis. . . 28 Hargrove's (E.) History of Knaresljorough. 249 Harleian Miscellany, mth Supplement, by Park. 29 Harley's (Wm.) Harleian Dairy System. . 299 Harrington's (.lames) Oceana. . . 242 Harrington's (Sir John) Metamorph. of Ajax. 106 Harrington's (Sir J.) Apologie of Ajax. . 106 Anatomic of Aja.K. . . 106 . . Ulysses upon Ajax. . . 106 See Singer. Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. . 185 Arte of English Poesie. (M.P.A. 177.) 177 . Englishman's Doctor. . . 107 Nugae Ainiquae, by Park. . . 190 (John)Wond. Preserv. of, from Cavaliers. (T. 3.) 60 Harman's (T.) Caveat for Common Cursitors. 140 Harris, (B.) Parival's History of this Iron Age. 229 (Jas.) Philological Inquiries. . . 31C (John) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 231 (Jos.) City Bride. Comedy. (0. P. 20.) 220 _ — . (Walter) A. & P. State of County Down. 314 Hibemica. Tracts on Ireland. . 24! (Wm., of Air) Life of, executed 1770. 129 Harry's (Rev. Geo. Owen) Genealogy of James I. 16 Harsnet, (Sam.) See Darrell. Hart, (And.) Ancient Scottish Prophecies. 21 (Rev. Dr. J.) AVarning to Drunkards. (T. 1.) 284 Warning to Sluggards, Drunkards, &c. (T. 3.) 75 Sermon on Edinb. City Elections, 1703. (T. 4.) 82 (John) Descr. ofFossil Deer. (I. P. 11.) 344 Harte's (Walter) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Hartlip's(Sam.) Weston's FlandersHusb. (T.H.2.) 247 Planting of Fruit Tiees. (T. H. 3.) . 247 Defects of English Husbandry. (T. H. 4.) 247 Hartnacii (Dan.) Deductio contra Jesuitas. 228 Hartsliorne's (Rev. C. H.) Ancient Metrical Tales. 105 Hartstonge's (M. W.) Minstrelsy of Erin. 1C4 Ode to Desolation. . . . 167 Marion of Drymnagh . . 1C7 Hartuelli (Abr.) Regina Literata. (Q. E. P. 2.) 265 Harvey ,(Gab.)GratulationesValdinenses.(Q.E.P.7.)266 Four Letters, &c. on R. Greene. (A. 4.) 184 Pierce's Supererogation. (A. 8.) . 184 New Letter of notable contents. (A. 9.) 184 Art of English Poesie. (M. P. A.) . 177 (John) Miscellany Poems and Letters. 136 the Dublin Conjuror, Life of. (P. T. 5.) 135 Haslam Ghcray. Narrative illust. of W. Allan's Pict. 32 Haslam's (John) Illustrations of Madness. (M.T.2.) 247 Haslewood, (.Joseph) Miscell. Poet. Anglicana. 177 British Bibliographer. . . 177 Book of St. Albans. ... 208 Jack .Juggler and Thersytes. . 275 396 INDEX. Hassell's (J.) Memoirs of George Morland. 185 Hastings, (Marq. of) Indian Administrat. 1813-1823. 317 Hatfield's (S. E.) Moments of Loneliness. 166 Wanderer of Switzerland. . . 1 7"3 Hathaway's (R.) Trial for a clieat and impostor. 147 Hausset, (Mad. de) Jlc'moires. . . 323 Hauterive, Ambass. de Lord Fauconberg. (T. T. C.) 114 Hautpoul, (Comtcsse d") Poesies (P. D. 1.) 344 Havelok theDane, Anc. Eng. Romance, by Madden. 276 Haversham's (Lord)Specch on Scottish Invas. (T. 7.) 82 Hawick, History of. See Wilson. Hawke, (Wm. the eel. Highwayman) Life of. 130 Hawker's ( ) Wedding, Mus. Opera. ( P. & P.2.) 222 Hawkins's, (Miss) Anecdotes, &c. . . 340 — - (Sus.) Poetical Works. . . 301 (Thos.) Origin of EngUsh Drama. . 215 (Wm.) Thimble, Her. Com. Poem. (P. P. 1.) 23U Hay, (D. E.) Laws of Harmonious Colouring. 298 (Edw.) History of Wexford Insurrection. 314 {Father) Genealogy of the Suintclaires. (M. C. 4.) 15 (Rich.) Vindication of Elizabeth More. 5 (Sir Wm. of Dalgity) Funeral of. (C. T. 7.) 287 (Wm.) Deformity, an Essay. (D. F. P.) 204 Haycock, (Polly) Secret History of. (M. T. 2.) 130 Haydon's (B. R.) Mock Election, Descr. (M.T.4.) 342 Hayes,(Rev. Dr. P.) Lewis's Life of D. of Glo'stcr. 96 Hayley (Wm.) See Eartham. . . IGS Haynes and Murdin, Burghley State Papers. 233 Hayes's (Jas.) Durazzo, a Tragedy. . 212 Conscience, a Tragedy. . . 222 Hayns, (Jo. the Comedian) Life of, by T. Brown. 341 Hayter's (C.) Treatise on Three Primitive Colours. 34 Hayward's (Sir J.) History of Edward VI. (C. H.) 249 Haywood's (Mrs.) Novels and Histories. . 139 Head, (Sir F. B.) Journeys across the Pampas. 244 's Life of Bruce tlie TraveUer. (M. F. L.) 315 (Rich.) Canting Academy. . 134 Proteus Red., or Art of AVheedling. . 131 (and Kirkman) English Rogue. . 131 Heard's (James) Russian Grammar. . 317 Hearne, (Thomas) Life of. . . 233 "s Leland's Itinerary. . . 233 Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle. . 233 Peter Langtoft's Clironicle. . . 233 Gul. Neubrigensis Historia. . . 245 Joan. Rossi Historia. . . 245 Journeys to Reading and Whaddon. (L.) 149 39 Heath, (Rev. Dr. Benj.) Catalogue of Library of. 197 (James) Flagellum. Life, &c. of Cromwell. 2(5 Chronicle of the Civil War. . 252 (R.) Nat. Excellencies of England. (T. 1.) 237 Heaton's (J.) E.xtr. Affliction, &c. of ii little Boy. 138 Heber's (Bp.) Palestine. (0.\. P. P.) . 169 Sense of Honour. Prize Poem. (1'. &P. 15.) 192 Europe. Lines on the War. (P. &. P. 6.) 192 Journey through India, 1824-5. . 317 (Richard) Cutwods's Bumble Bee. . 185.274 Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac, Gate to the. . 316 Melodies. See Byron. Hebrews, Civil and Eccl. Rites of Ancient. Godw. 81 Hebrides. See Buchanan. Knox. Pennant. &.c. Ilederici (B.) Graecum Lexicon Maimale. 267 Heer von Innerdstreich, Das, in Kr. v. 1809. 274 Heigham, (T.) Chevalier's Discourse of Duels. 39 Heineccii (J. G.) Elementa Juris Civilis ord. Inst. 273 Recitationes in Elem. J. C. . . 273 Elem. Juris Civilis, ord. Pandect. . 273 Heir in his Old Age, Chinese Diama. See Davis. Heldenbuch, Das. See Eschenbach. Co2>>/ of the Edition 1590. (T.) . 46 Heliconia. Poetry of the Elizabethan Age. Park. 184 Helmont, (J. B. Van) CEu\Tes. . . 124 Help to Discourse. Merriment and Serious Matter. 132 (Speedy) for Rich and Poor. See Vanderheyden. Hely, (Rev. James) O'Flaherty's Oxygia. 314 Helyas, Knight of the Swan. (Thoms. 1.) 103 Helyot, (Pere) Histoire des Ordres Monastiques. 48 Hemans's (Felicia) Poems. . . 162. 168 Forest Sanctuary. . . . 163 Modem Greece. . . . 201 Records of Woman. . . 180 Restor. of Works of Art to Italy. (P. P. 3.) 168 Sceptic. . . . 201 Vespers of Palermo. . . 212 Hemingford, (Walt, de) Hist. (G. ct F.) 27 Hemming's (W.) Eunuch, Tragedy. (0. P. 31.) '220 Henderson,(Rev. A.) Speech, on ren. Covenant.(T.l 3.) 67 Ans. to Dem. of Aberdeen Ministers. (T. 6. 8.) 79 (And.) Life of John Earl of Stair. 1 1 Edinb. History of Rebellion 1745. . 84 Memoirs of Marslial Keith. . 88 Life of Duke of Cumberland. . 96 Voltaire's Frederick of Sweden. (B. T. 5.) 309 (A.) Principles of Land-Survcying,&c.(T.P.3.) 299 3 E ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. lleiulerson's (John) Theat. Transactions. Ireland. 210 Letters anil Poems. . . 210 (J.)Trial of, forMurder of Mr. MilIie.(M.T.l 0.) 342 Henderwell's (T.) History of Scarborough. 234 Henricus, Arcliidiac. Huntingdon. (Sav.) . 27 Henry, (Blind) Life of Sir W. Wallace. (Jam.) 4. 8 (Rev. Dr. R.) History of Great Britain. 28 (Dr. Wm.) Tribute to Thos. Henry. (P.M. 3.) 199 (F. A.) Les Souvenirs. (P. D. 3.) . 343 (in.) de Valois, Sorceleries de. . 137 IV. of France, Life of. . . 39 VII., Reign of, by Lord Bacon. (C. H.) 240 VII., King, or Popish Impostor, Tragedy. 92 VIII., Reign of, by Lord Herbert. (C. II.) 249 Privy Purse Expenses of. See Nicholas. (Frince)Bap. of. 16.Acc. of byC'ornw.(B.T.l.) 309 Letters of. . . . 282 Prince of Purpoole. See Gesta Grayorum. Henryson, (Rob.) Robene and Mackyne. 277 Testament of Cresseid. . . 277 Moral Fables. ... 281 Hentznei's (P.) Journey in Engl., 1598. (D.F.P.) 204 Heptameron Francois, Nouvelles de R. Marguerite. 120 Hcptarchus and Fergusia. See Ballantyne. Heraldic Anomalies. See Nares. Heraldry. See Brydson. Carter. Clark. Nisbet. Robson. of Crests. . . . . 119 Heraud's (J. A.) Tottenham, a Poem. . 1G2 Legend of St. Loy . . . . 162 Herbelot, (B. d') Bibliotheque Orientale. . 2S7 Herberay, (N. de) Amadis de Gaule. . 115 . Cronicque de Dom Flores de Grece. 1 22 Herbert, (Lord Ed. of Cherbury) Life of . 20 History of Henry VIII. (C. H.) . 249 (George) Life of, by Walton ( W. L.) 1 93. 257 (J.) Robert the Devyll. . . 120 {W.) Topographical Antiquities. See Ames. (Hon. W.) Poems, tr. from North. Lang., &c. 98 Herbin, Statistique de la France. . . 37 Herd, (David) Ancient Scottish Songs and Ballads. 171 Letters to George Paton. . 87 _ Sir T. Urquhart's Tracts. . . 20 Herder, (J. G. von) Der Cid. . . 52 — — Volkslieder. . . . 172 Heresie, History of Sin and, (R. T.) 283 Heresies. See Apocalypsis. Edwards. Pagitt. Heriot's Hospital, Statutes of. 22. (T. I .) 70 Ileriot' Hospital. See Constable. Johnstone. Heritable Jurisdictions, Roll of Claims for. 1 1 Disquisition on. (T. 2.) 96. Letter on. '(T. 3.) 87 Act of Pari, for Abolishing. . 87 Observ. on Act for Abolishing. (T. 3.) 96 Heritier, (Mile, de 1') Le Tour Tenebreiix. (C. F.) 44 Hermaphrodites, Isle des. See Thomas. Hermes Trismegistus de Lapide Philos., &c. 138 Pymander et Asclepias. (Jamb.) . 115 Pymander and Asc. trans, by Everard. 1 08 Hermeticlv Romance. See Rosenkreutz. Hemiippus Redivivus. See Cohausen. Hermit, The. Suff. and Adv. of Philip Quarll. 138 Herodotus, Apologie for. See Stephen. . 123 Heroick Friendship, Play ascr. to Otway. . 219 Poem on late Rebellion. (1683.) . 6 — — Princes, or Conscious Lovers. . 112 Heron's (Robt.) Tour through West of Scotland. in St. Kilda in Edinb. Com. Dram. (P. P. 6.) 312 Heron, (Sir R.) Genealogy of Heron Family. 239 Herrera, Historia. &c. en Escocia. (Jel)b.) 12 Herrey's (Robt.) Concordances to the Bible. 178 Herrick's (Robt.) Poetical Works, by Maitland. ISii Herring Fishery. See Campbell. Herring's (Abp.)Advice to Inhab. of Yorkshire, 1745.93 Hertfordshire Witchcraft, Case of. See Bragge. Hervarar Saga. Hist. Hervorae et Heidreki. 64 Hervet, (G.) Xenophon's Treat, of Household. 120 Hervey's, (Rev. Jas.) Theron and Aspasio. 291 (Mary, Lady) Letters, by Croker. . 189 (T. K.) Australia, and other Poems. 165 Hesiodus, Clerici. (V. G. L. 10.) . 225 Hesiod, translated by Cooke. (E. P.) . 42 Hetherington's (Rev. W. M.) Dramatic Sketches. 160 Hewerdine's (W.) Political Songs. . 124 Key's (Dr. R.) Dissert, on Duelling and Suicide. 312 Heylin's ( ) Aulicus Coquinariae. (S. H.) 231 (Dr. P. ) Reign of King Charles T. . 258 Heywood's (Thos.) History of Women. . 123 Hierarchie of Angels. . . 123 Reader, here you'll plainly see, &c. . 98 King in the Country, Drama. (Wald. L. M.) 209 _ English Traveller, Play. . . 213 . Challenge for Beauty. . . 214 Golden Age. . . . 214 Iron Age. .... 214 Royall King and Loyall Subject. 214. 215 398 INDEX. Hejwood's (T.) Downfall of Robin Hood. 216 Love's Mistress, or (i."3 Marque. . 216 Rape of Lucrece, Tragedy. . . 223 — _(& Rowley 's)Fortune by Land and Sea.(O.P.l.) 214 (Thos. F.A.S.)Brereton's Song of Lady Bessey. 88 Earls of Derby and Poets, &c. of ICth cent. 230 Hexameron. See Chappuys. Torquemade. Hibbert, (Geo.) Caxton's OWd's Metam. . 275 Ware's (Dr. S.) Descr. of Shetland Isles. 5 Customs of a Manor in North of England. 242 Philosophy of Apparitions. . Ill Hibernicarum Rerum Scriptores Vet. O'Conor. 267 Hickeringill's (Rev. E.) Lay Clergy. (T. 22.) 285 _ (Rev. J.) Works. ... 24 Hickes, (Rev. Dr. G.) Ravillac Redivivus. 83 Linguarum Septentrionalium Thesaurus. 238 (Thos.) Tracts against Quakers. (T. 2. 3.) 78 Hielmstiemes Bogsamling, a Suhm. . 64 Hieragonisticon. Answer to Eachard. (E. L. 2.) 250 Hieronymi de S. F. De Judaicis Erroribus. 137 Higden, (Ran.) (G. et F.) . . 27 (H.) Wary Widow, Comedy. (O. P. 34.) 220 Higgins, (J.) Miroui for Magistrates. 173. (B. B.4.) 177 Higgons, (B.) Remarks on Bp. Burnet's History. 24 Generous Conqueror, Tragedy. (0. P. 35.)220. 222 High Blood, Benefits of, a Novel. . . 136 High Church Aphorisms. (S. T. 60.) . 307 Highland Chieftains Vindicated, against Ridpath. 85 Conduct of, to their people. (P. 3.) . 297 Coast-fishers, Address of, to HighCom.(O.T.S.)284 _ Officers, Letter on Cruelties to. (T.3.)80.(T.ll.) 94 Regiments, Short History of the. (H. T. 1.) 80 Mutinies in. See Clark. ■ Rogue, or Actions of Rob Roy. . 95 Society Committee, Report on Ossian. 1 9 . Gaelic Dictionary. . . 264 Highlands^ Enquiry into Causes of Rebellion in. 20 Acts of Parlieunent for disarming. . 87 . Observ. on Roads into the. See Mackenzie. Memorial respecting disorders of. (T. 9.) 285 North, Summer Rambles in the. . 22 Highlander, The, delineated. . . 85 Highway Law. See Clavell. Highway Woman. See Clay. Hildebrandi Compend. Geographiae Cluverianee. 228 Hill, (Aar.) The Actor, Treatise on Art of Playing. 227 Elfrid, and Walking Statue. (O. P. 32.) 220 (A.) Fatal Vision, Tragedy. (0. P. 33.) 220 Hill, (Dr. John) Letter to, from Woodward. 21 1 (Rev. Dr. J.) Life of Dr. Hugh Blair. 201 (T.) Nundinae Sturbrigienses. (P. P. 17.) 305 (Rev. T.) Two Trials of, for Defamation. 294 Hillary's (Sir W.) Nat. Instit. against Shipwreck. 342 Hillhouse's (J. M.) Judgment, a Vision. . 180 Percy's Masque. . . . 218 Hind Let Loose. See Shiels. Hind's (Capt. James) Declaration. (T. 3.) 59 Hinrichs van Alkmar, Reynke de Voss. . 1 (Ml Hints to bearers of Walking Sticks. (P. & P. 3.) 1 92 Hippisley's (J.) Joum. to Bristol, Farce. (P.&P.) 1. 222 Hippocratis Opera, Vander Linden. (V. G. C. II.) 225 Histoire prodig. d'un Gentilhomme et la Diahle. 143 Histoires Facecieuses et Morales. . 116 Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, &c. . 153 Historical Collections, &c. of 2 last Parlts. 1682. 258 Miscellany. .... 316 Sketches of Politics, and Public Men. 1813. 234 Histories, Popular, Various Collections of. 159 Hoadley's (Bp.) Two Sermons, 1715-16. (Ser.) 80 (Rev. Dr. J.) Two Sermons, 1707. 1708. (Ser.) 80 Hoar Stones, Observations on. See Hamper. Hoare, (Sir R. C.) Giraldus, Itin. of Wales. 242 Giraldi Itinerarium Cambriae, Powell. 242 Monastic Remains of Religious Houses. 253 Tour in Ireland, 1806. . . 254 Hobhouse,(Sir J. C.)Imit. and Transl. from Cljissics. 198 Letters from Paris, 1815. . . 319 Hodge, (Dr. N.) Hist, of Plague in London, 1665. 136 Hodges, (J.) Letter from, to a Scots M.P. 1703. 290 Hodgskin's (Th.) Travels in Germany. . 318 (Mrs. T.) Northern Popular Tales. . 335 Hodgson^s {Capt. J.^ Memoirs during the Civil War. 243 Memoirs, &c. by Sir W. Scott. . 231 Hofer's (And.) Geschichte. . . 54 Hofiand's (Mrs.) Self Denial, a Tale. . 259 Hoffmann, (E. J. A.) Klein Zaches g. Zinnober. 52 Prinzessin Brambilla. . . 269 Devil's Elixir, translated by Gillies. . 335 Hofstater, (F. F.) Altdeutsche Gedichte. . 52 Hog's (Rev. J.) Three Missives. (T. 6.) . 67 Proposals for Peace and Harmony. (T. 10.) 67 Answer to Campbell on Lord's Prayer. 68 Hog, (J. M.) Memoirs of Gen. Hugh Mackay. 279 (Rev. Th.) Memoirs of. (T. 3.) 67 Hogan-Moganides, or Dutch Hudibras. . 171 39.9 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Hogg, (James) Jacobite Relics of Scotland. JIader of the Moor. Mountain Banl. (See Goldie.) . Poetic Jlirror. Pilgrims of the Sun. Queen's Wake. Remarks on Psalms of David. (S. T. 10.) Royal Jubilee. Scottish Pastorals. Shepherd's Calender. Songs, by the Ettiick Shepherd. — — Spy, a Weekly Periodical. ■ Three Perils of Jlan. Hogland, Description of. (T.) Hoglandiae Descriptio. (P. P. 15.) Holberg,( Baron) Journey of N. K. under Ground. 43.44 Voy, de Nic. Idimius. (V. I.) . 45 Holcroft, (Thos.) Anna St. Ives. Hugh Trevor. Memoirs of. ...'s (Ed.) Muscipula, by Cobb. . Hole's (Rev. Rich.) Remaiks on Arabian Nights. Holford's (Miss) Wallace, or Fight of Falkirk. Holinshed's (R.) Chronicles of England, Sc. & Irel. 29 Holland, (Earl of) Last Speech of, (Cap. Cont.) 26 . (Henry, Lord) Life of Lope de Vega. (Sir John) Buke of the Howlat. Laing. (T. A.) Dryburgh Abbey, a Poem. 1 1 HoUandc, Histoire de la. See Neuville. Hollar, (Wences.) Theatrum Mulierum Europae. 109 Holloway and Haggerty, Trial of, for Murder. (P. '2.) 297 Holmes, (Rev. Dr. A.) American Annals. 30 — — Rymer, Foedera, &c. . . 23. 24 Holt's (R.) Treatise on Artificial Stone. (P. T. 12.) 310 HolweU Can, (Rev. W.) Porto, Due Nobili Amanti. 275 Holyday's (Barton) Technogamia, Comedy. 216 Holyrood House, Account of. See Johnstone. See Chron. Coenob. S. Crucis. Home, a Poem. .... (John) Douglas, and Tracts relating to. History of the Rebellion, 1745. AVorks, by H. Mackenzie. (Dr. N.) Daemonologie and Theologie. Homer's Iliad, and Odyssey, by Pope. (E. P.) Iliad, by Sotheby. — — Hymns, Batram. &c. by Chapman. See Koliades. 19 Hone's (W.) Ancient Mysteries descr. 200 200 193 200 200 344 200 200 331 301 34 335 59 305 332 332 247 249 43 196 37 276 165 254 254 335 182 333 333 333 Every Day Book and Table Book. Hood, (Thos.) The Gem. Odes and Addresses to Great People. Hook's (Theodore) Sayings and Doings. (Rev. Dr.) Pen Owen. Percy Mallory. Hooke's (Col.) Negociations in Scotland, 1707. 96 (N.) Ace. of Due. of Marlborough 'sCond.(T.l.) 310 Hooker, (Rich.) Life of, by Walton (W. L.) 193. 257 Hoole's (John) Ariosto's Orlando. (E. P.) 42 Tasso's Jerusalem. (E. P.) . . 42 Hope's (C. Ld.Pres.) Notes on hear. Council. (T.3.) 345 (John) Hume's Diary of Pari. 1700-1707. 278 (J. D.) Arch of Titus, Prize Poem. (P. P. 9.) 343 (Sir W.) Vindication of Art of Self- Defence. 86 Hopkins's (Chas.) Three Tragedies. . 2U'> (M.) Discovery of Witches. (T. 1.) 151 Hoppner'a (John) Oriental Tales. . 227 Horae de Sancta Cruce, &c. . . 115 Horatius, Aldi. 268. Bond. (V. L. C. 22.) 226 Horace, Works of, translated by Francis. (E. P.) 42 Art of Poetry, by Ld. Roscommon. (P.P.I 1.) 305 Instructions to Roman Senate. (M. P. 20.) 181 in London. Imitation of Odes. See Smith. Men and Manners Characterized. (P. T. 5.) 309 Odes, Epist. and Sat. imit. (P. P. 4. 5. 6. 30.) 263 Ist Satire of B. 2. imit. (M. P. 3. & 4.) 181 4thSatireofB. l.imit.(S.M. 11.) . 304 Sober Advice from, imit. (M. P. 10.) 181 Hordern's (H.) Neglected Virtue, Play (O. P. 36.) 220 Hors, Shepe and Ghoos. See Lydgate. Horst'8(G. C.)ZauberBibliothek. . 53 Hosack's (Dr. D.) Memoir of De Witt Clinton. 34 Hotmandii ( ) Anti-Choppinus. . 118 Houbraken and A'ertue's Heads. See Birch. 232 Houghton's (Jn.) Let. on Husb. & Trade. (T. 17.) 286 Houlbrook, ( Wm., Blacksmith,) Sutferings of 1 32 Hours of Sohtude. Poems. . . 164 Hoveden (Roger) (Sav.) . 27 How's (Rev. J.) Sermon,ded. to Jacobites. 1 746. (S. 1.) 90 Howard, (Hon. Edward.) Plays. . 218 (Lady F.) Proceedings in Divorce of. 58 (Lord H.) Defensative agt. Suppos. Prophecie3.149 (H.) Erron. Opin. respecting the Cath. Relig. '294 (Hon. James) Plays by. . . 281 (John) Life & Anecdotes of. (B. T. 2.) 135 400 INDEX. Howard, (M.) Conquest of Quebec. (0. P. P.) 169 (Hon. Sir R.) Duel of the Stags. (C. P.) 194 Five new Plays. . . . 208 (& Dryden's) Indian Queen. (0. P. 2.) 215 Plays. 218. Poems. . . . 21,5 (Lord Wm.) See Sharp. Howe, (Michael) Last of the Bush Rangers. 127 Howell, (Jas.) Cotgrave's Fr. & Eng. Diet. 265 Dodona's Grove, or Vocal Forest. . 242 Epistolae Ho-elianae. . . 181.245 Finetti Philoxenis. . . 25 Giraffi's Revolution of Naples. . 41. 134 Mazella's History of Naples. . 229 (John) Life of Alex. Alexander. . 1 45 Essay on War Galleys of the Ancients. (J. 1.) 342 (T. B.) Collection of State Trials, . 30 Howes's(Edm.) Hist, of England. . 30 English Chronicles. ... 258 Howie, (John, of Lochgoin) Scots Worthies. 71 Faithful Contendings Displayed. . 71 Memoirs of. ... 75 Howison's (John) Fragments and Fictions. 179 Essay on Adaptation, &c. . . 179 Grammar of Infinite Forms. . 179 Howy, (Rev. Thos.) Sermon by. (F. S.) 69 Hoyland's (J.) Hist. Survey of the Gypsies. 202 Hoyle's Games. . . . . 134 Huband's (W.) Notices on Etching on Copper 176 Huddesford's (Rev. G.) Salmagundi. 180. Poems. 191 Hudibras. See Butler. Colville. Hogan. Ward. Hughes, (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Guilt of late Rebellion. (T. R. 7.) 311 (John, B. A.) Pompeii, an Ode. 155 Ode on Royal Visit to Oxford. (P. 4.) 189 Itinerary of Provence. 255. Illustrations. 332 Boscobel Tracts. . . . 234 (Mich.) Narrative of late Rebellion. 174G. 93 Hugo, (Victor) Han d'Islande. . . 269 Hernani, trans, by Lord F. Egerton. 199 (Prof) Notes on Gibbon's Rom. Law, by Gard. 85 llullmandel's Views of Scotch Cast. Mansions. 337 Human Life, Ess;iy on. Poem. (M. P. 16.) 18 Humboldt, (Baron Alex.) Essai sur la N. Espagne. 323 Hume's (Alex.) Day Estival (S. D. P.) . 162 Hymns and Sacred Songs. . . 278 Hume, (David of Godscroft) Hist, of Douglas. 3. 20 (Sir David) Diary of Scots Pari. 1700-1707. 278 Hume's, (David) History of England. . 28 Life by himself,&c. Apology for. See Hur(l.(T.)20 — — Ace. of Behaviour of Prov. Stewart. (T. 4.) 92 Letter to, on Trag. of Douglas. (D. .1. 8.) 10 Dialogue betw. and Dr. Dodd in the Shades. 1(16 Essays, Compt. by Edin. Presb. agt. ( P.T.S'J.) 31 1 (Dav. Prof. aft. Baron) Criminal Law of Scot. 272 Lectures o?i Scots Law, Azotes oJ\ by Sir W. S. 264 (Sir Pat.) See Marchmont. Rose, (Geo.) Humfredi(L.)Oratio ad Reg. Elizabetham.(Q.E.P.6)26(; Humphreys's ( ) Peruvian Tales, tr. from French. 43 Hungary, History of, (M. U. H. 32.) . 207 Literature of. See Bowring. Hungerford's (Sir E.) Vind. of Surr. of Malmsbury. 60 Hungurvaka. Hist. Episc. Island. . Od. 100 Hunt's (Sir A.) Ode to Duch. of Angouleme. (P.P.I.) 168 .Tulian the Apostate. . . . 210 Duke of Mcrcia, &c. . . . 210 (Leigh) Story of Rimini, a Poem. . ]()4 Hunter's (Rev. Jos.) Hist, of Hallamsliire. 24 Deanery of Doncaster. . . 24 Here's Life of Sir Thomas More. . 125 Who wrote Cavendish's Wolsey ? (Cav. W.) 236 (Sam.) Prophecy of the World. (P. P. 6.) 343 Hunting, Noble Art of Venerie, or. . 1 06 Huon de Bordeaux. . . . 121 Hurault, (Eveque de Chartres) M^moires. (P. C.) 49 Kurd's (Bp.) Apology for David Hirnie. 20 Moral and Political Dialogues. . 191 Husband who murth. 18 Wives, News of a. See Wife. 151 Husbandry and Siu-veying, Book of. See Fitzherbert. and Trade. Tracts on. . , 247 Huskisson, (W.) on Depreciation of the Currency. 313 Hutcheson's (Gilb.) Offices of Justice of Peace, &c. 265 Hutchinson, (Bp.) Pretended Spirit of Prophecy. 72 Histor. Essay on Witchcraft. . (Col. John) Life of, by Mrs. H. (W.) View of Northiunberland. Huttonii (U.) Epistolae Obscurorum Vironm Hutton's (W.) Battle of Bosworth Field. . History of Birmingham. Journey from Birmingham to London. • Remarks on North Wales. Life and Family History. H\-mnto Tyburn. Parody on Defoe's H. to Pillory. 126 Hymns and Poems for the October Club. . 59 Hyspanius, (Pet.) Treasury of Health. Lloyd. 1 111 147 401 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Ibbot's (Rev. B.) Sermon on King's Accession, 1715. 80 Ibcmo Celtic (or Gaelic) Society of Dublin, Trans. 315 Idman,(Nils) Recli. sur I'ancien peuple Finois. Genet. 99 Iffland's (W.A.) Bewustseyn, Schausp. (T.) 48 Die Munilel, Schausp. (T.) . 48 Wards, tram. !>!/ Sir W. Scott. . 104 Imparity among Pastors, Debate upon. (C. T. 9.) 290 Impeacliments, Metliod of, (S. T. 20.) . 306 Impcy's (E. B.) Cumnor, Tragedy. . 218 Impotency, Case of, debated. See Gesvres. InatuUa's Persian Tales, by Dow. (T. of E.) 43 Incendio di Tordinona. Poema Eroicomico. 269 Inchbald's (Mrs.) Simple Story. . . 332 Inchiquin's (Lord) Manifestation to Pari. (T. 7.) CO Inchmahome Priory, Notes on. See Stirling. 272 Indagine, (J.) Chiromancie et Physionomie. 137 (J.) Palmistry and Physiognomy, by Withers. 134 India, Ancient, Hist, of (A. U.H.I 8.) . 206 , Hindustan, Hist. of. (M. U. H. 5. 6.) 206 Peninsulas of, Hist. of. (M. U. H. 5. 6.) 206 European Setttlements, Hist. of. (ib. 8. 9.) 206 Stoclt, Letter fr. a Lawyer on the purch. of. 290 See Gleig. Hanson. Leyden. Orme. Indians, No. American. See Adair. Halkett. M'Kenney. IngUs,(SirR.)Speeches onCath.Emanc.(T.C.2.51.) 346 Speech on Parliamentary Reform. (P.P.R.5.) 344 Ingemann, (B. S.) Masaniello, Sorgespil. . 49 Ingram's (Rev. J.) Saxon Chronicle. . 259 Ingrate's Gift, Dramatic Poem. . . 170 Ingulphus Croylandensis. (Sav.) et (G. et F.) 27 Injured Love, a Comedy. (O. P. 20.) . 219 Innes Family, History of. See Erskine. (Thomas) Ancient Inhabitants of No. Britain. 10 Inquisitionum ad Cap. Reg. retorn. Abbreviatio. I Insects, History of. See Ferguson. Muffet. Interest, Treatise on Abatement of. (T. H. 8.) 247 Invisible Constancy, a Novel, in Russian. . 35 Invisible World, View of the. . . 129 See Calef. Mather. Sinclair. Ireland, Ancient Pieces rel. to. See Harris. Hibernia Notitiae. 1723. (S. T. 70.) 307 History of, to 1691. (M. U. H. 42.) . 207 Map (Travelling) of. . . 304 — — Memorial of Established Church of. 294 Education Commissioners' First Report. 270 Edinb. Education Society's First Report. 313 Pari. Evidence on State of, 1824. . 315 314 210 IH 244 Ireland, Post-Chaise Companion through. Wilson. 314 Refl. and Rcsol. proper for Gentlemen of. 355 Population, Census of 1821. . 269 Sketches of Unnoticed Districts in. Ireland, Betty. See Betty Ireland. (John) Anecdotes of J. Henderson (W. H.) Shakspeare Forgeries. See Dudley. Memoirs of Joan of Arc, from tlie French. 258 Irenaeus Philalethes. See Cooper. MoUnaei. Irish Antiquarian Researches. See Betham. Family, History of an. . . 159 Harp Society, Rules of. (T.) Historical Library. See Nicolson History, Sketch of. Q,. and A. - — — Language. See Lynch. Vallancey. Massacre, 1642, Abstract of. (T. 11.) 70 Minstrelsy. See Hardiman. Rebellion in 1641, Hist. Mem. of, by M. R. 245 Rebels, Propos. of, to the King, 1646. (T. 61.) 61 Add. Prop, of the King to, 1 645. (T. 29.) 61 Relat. of Miseries of Munster. (T. 17.) 60 Regiments in Fr. and Spa. Service, Letter on. 25 Rogue, The, Com. Hist, of D. O' Brolaghan. 131 Rogues and Rapparees, Hist. of. . 134 Presb. Minister's Apol. to B. of Derry (T. 9.) 66 Poems and Stories. . . . 206 Poems. Borg an Tsulatliar. (omitted.) 206 Poetry, Reliques of. See Brooke. Statistical Returns. RathviUy. See Mason. Irvini (Christ.) Hist. Scoticae Nomenclatura. Irving, (Dr. Dav.) Life of G. Buchanan. Lives of Scottish Poets. Ferguson's Poems. Montgomery's Poems. Observ. on Study of Civil Law. . Memorial of his AVife. D. Buchananus de Scriptoribus Scotis. Dempsteri Hist. Eccles. Scotorum. (Washington) Salmagtmdi. 201. Lambert History of New York. Sketch Book. . Bracebridge Hall. Tales of a Traveller. . Life of Columbus. (M. F. L.) Companions of Columbus. (M. F. L.) Isaye le Tristc, his de Tristan. Isidorus Hispalensis, Hist. Gothorum. (D. G. H.) 229 10 5 18 !) 175 294. 346 294 279 278 267 201 201 201 201 315 31.5 105 402 INDEX. 100 64 80 99 100 64 86 64 101 64 99. 100 64 99 101 Islandia, Auctores Je : Arii Libellus cog. Islendinga-Bok. Biomonis Annales Islandici. Diplomatarium Arna-Magaaeanum Edda, Den jEldre, Magnusen. Islandorum, Snorronis. Egils-Saga. Eyrbiggia Saga. Fommanna Sogur. Olaf Tryggvason's Saga, Gunnlaugi Saga. Heimskringla. . Hervarar-Saga. Hungurvaka. Islands Landnamabok. Johannaei Hist. Eccles. Islandica, Jomsvikinga Saga. Kristni-Saga. Laxdaela-Saga. Olavius, Enarrationes de Islandia. Rymbegla. Stephensens Vasa-Quer. Viga-Glums Saga. Jonae Rudimenta Ling. Islandicae Isocrate, Discours sur la Divination. Issachar, Tribe of, or Ass Couchant. Istorie e Canzonette Italian!. Isted, (Geo.) New Notborune Maid. Italy, Ancient, History of. (A. V. H. 9. 17.) Modem, History of. (M. U. H. 22-25. .33. 34.) Ivory, (Jas.) RoUand's Seven Sages. 1578. .lack, (Colonel) Life of. See Defoe. .Tack the Gyant-killer, Comi-Trag. Farce. (P.&P.4)216 .lack Juggler and Thersytes. Two Interludes. 275 .lackson's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Treatise on Unbelief. .lacob's (Giles) Lives of English Poets. , (Sir Hild.) Progress of Religion. (P. P. 9.) Epistle from Clara to Teresa. (P. P. 16.) (Wm.) Tracts on Com Trade and Laws. Jacobite Journub of 1 745. (Ekho and MuTwell.) Poetrj', Collection of. 97. Relics. See Hogg. Poems, BallaJs, and Songs. 1745-6. 80. 90 .Tago's (Rich.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 .Takob'8(Dr.K..I.)Biog. lit.Versuch von Sir W.Scott.322 .Tal, (Alph.) Napoleon et la Censure. (P. D. 6.) 345 .lamaica Royal Gazette, 1823. Jamblichus de Mysteriis Egypt. &c. .Iames'3 (G. P. R.) De I'Orme. 242 115 331 James's (G. P. R.) Philip Augustus. . 331 History of Chivalry. . . . 30l History of Charlemagne. . . 318 James I. Cronycle of Death of. (M.S.) 7 Life and Death of. . . 282 Memoirs on Restoration of. (S. T. 1.) 310 Poems of. See Chalmers. Thomson. Tytler. II. Short Chronicle of. . . 3 IV. See Flodden. V. Life and Death of, (M. S.) . 7 Excerpta e Libris Domicilii, 1525-1533. 279 Navigation of, round Scotland. (M. S.) 7 Poems. See Chalmers. Gaberlunzie Man. . . . 175 VI. (I. of G.B.) Hist. & Life of, cd. by M. Laing. K ed. by T. Thomson. . . 277 Lucta Jacobi. Double Delivery of. 15 Workes of. ... 12 Essayes of a Prentise. Gillies . 5 Poetical Exercises. 9. Poet.Remains. See Chalmers. Arte of English Poesie. (M. P. A.) 1 77 Extr. from Daemonologie. (Web. T. 3.) 150 Book of Sports. (Phenix.) . . 304 Apology for Oath of Allegiance. . 1 8 The Prince's Cabala, &c. . . 1 33 Sett & Dec. for gov. of Edinburgh. (T. 4.) 70 Papers rel. to Marriage of. . 278 Letters of, and his Queen and Family. 282 Miscellaneous Papers rel. to. . 281 Geneal. of. See Harry. Fun.Serm.on. SeeWilliams. VII. (II. of G. B.) Life of, by Himself. 240 EjKuvBMiXixn iuuTt^x. Pourt.ofK. Charles II. 80 Royal Tracts. . . . 26 Discoveries of Conspiracies against, 1685. 3 Procl. for Toleration in Scotl. (T.) 84. 287. 289 Secret History of . . . 109 Four Tracts relative to. . . 95 Ace. of Statues of, at Newcastle. (N. T. 6. 7.) 257 IIL {Old Pretender) Declaration of . (M.C.J.) 11 Jameson's (Prof. Rob.) Manual of Blineialogy. 298 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. . 329 (Mrs.) Diary of an Ennuye'e. . 318 Jamieson'8 (Rev. Dr. John) Wallace and Bruce. 4 Hist, of Culdeesof lona. . . 14 — — Eternity, a Poem. (R. P. 3.) . 80 Hermes Scythicus. . 204 Dictionary of Scottish Language. . 266 403 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. .Tamieson's (Rev. Dr. J.) Use of Sacred History. 292 j Johnson (Charles) Six Plays 219 (Rob.) Popular Balladsand Songs. . 158 ('apt. Burt's Letters. . . 19 lUust. of Northern Antiquities. . 100 (Robt.) Graham's Anatomie of Humors. 278 Japan. History of. (JI. U. 11. 7.) . 206 Jardine, (Sir Henry) Jlclvill's Diary. . 279 (Sir Wm.) White's Nat. Hist, of Selborne. 300 Jarvis's (T. M.) Accredited Ghost Stories 144 .Jean de Troyes, Memoires. (P. C.) . 49 de Saintrd, (Petit) Histoire et Cronique de. 107 Jeanne d'Ai-c, Memoires sur. (P. C.) . 49 — — Slemoirs of. See Ireland. Jeannin, (President) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Jebb, (Sam.) Autorcs XVI. de Maria Scot. Reg. 12 Life of Robert, Earl of Leicester. . 258 Jeffery, (Edward) Sir C. H. Williams's Works. 180 Catalogue of Dr. Heath's Library. . 197 Jefferey.s (Geo. Lord) Life and Death of. (W.M.) 78 Dunton's Panegyric on. (M. A.) . 257 .leffrey of Monmouth's Brit. Hist, liy Thompson. 244 _ 's(Fr.)Observ.onThehvall'sLett.toEd.Rev.(T.2.)80 Jefrries's(Dr. J.) Aerial Voyages. (T. A. &c. 1.) 338 Jenkins's (D.) Lex Terrae Angliae. (M. T. 4.) 288 (Elijah) Joe Miller's Jests (J. T. 1.) 129 and Lowellin's Travels in Africa. . 318 Jenyns's (Soame) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Jerdan's (Wm.) Jouy's Paris Spectator. 333 Jersey, Account of. See Falle. .Jesuits, Decree at Rome against, 1C79. (T. 15.) 286 Proceedings of French King & Pari. agt. 1 66 1 . 292 Jeux de Cartes et de Dez, Rem. sur. See Daneau. Jevon's (Thos.) Devil of a Wife, Farce. (O. P. 37.) 220 Jews, History of. (A.U.H.2.3.M.U.H.10.11.) 205-6 Traditions of the. See Stehlin. . 135 .Toachimi (Abb. Calabri) Vaticiniaet Praedictiones. 142 Joannes, Prior Hagustaldensis. (Twysd.) 27 Job, Poetical Exercitations on. See Clark. 229 Jocelyn's Life and Acts of St. Patrick Swift. 302 Johannaei (F.) Hist. Eccl. Islandiae. . 99 John Bon and Mast Person. . . 139 .fohn Bull, History of. See Arbuthnot. .Tohnes's (Thomas) Froissart's Chronicles. 28 Joinville's Memoirs. . . 28 Life of Froissart, by St. Palaye. . 29 Johnson's (Capt. C.) Lives of Highwaym. JIurd. &c. 154 History of the Pyratcs. . . 127 (Rd.) Seven Champions of Xendom. 106 Boterus's Relations of Famous Kingdoms. 258 (Rev. Sam. or Julian) Works. . 29 Argument on Abrogation of K. James. (T. 20.) 285 Essay on Parliaments. (M. T. 14.) . 288 Vindication of Magna Charta. (T. N. T. 24.) 288 (Sam. of Cheshire) Hurlothrumbo. (O.P. 38.) 220 (Dr. Sam.) Lives of English Poets. 41. 42 Shakspeare's Plays. . . 210 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Rasselas. (B. N. L.) 63. 196. 270 Rambler and Idler. (B. E.) . 33 London, a Poem. (M. P. 19.) . 181 Prol. at Op. of Drury Lane Th. (P. P. 5.) 230 Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia. . 183 LifeofAscham. (A. E.AV.) . . 140 Lifeof Savage. (S.W.) . . 194 Marmor Norfolciense. . . 189 Works, by Murphy and Chalmers. 180 Life, &c. by Boswell and Croker. . 188 Consid. on the Corn Laws. (H. P. L.) 193 Dictionary of the English Language. 26G Johnstone's (Chas.) Chrysal. (B. N. L.) . 63 (Chevalier) Memoirs of Rebellion 1745. 2 (Rev. Jas.) Antiq. Celto-Scandicae. 64 Celto-Normannicae. . . 64 (J. F. W.) Meet, of Naturalists at Hamburgh. 345 (J. & J.) Hist, of Heriot's Hospital. 6 Hist, of Holyrood House. . . 9 Descr. of Roslyn Chapel and Castle. (Sir John, of Caskaben) Life and Death of. (Walter) Descr. of Prince Edward Island. (Wm.) Stair's Institutes. (Wm.) Beckmann's Hist, of Inventions. Joinville, (Sieur de) Memoires. (P. C.) Memoirs of, trans, by Johnes. Jolande, a Tale, and other Poems. ■Tolly Huntsman's Garland. See Sharp. Jolly's (Rev. T.) Vindication of Surrey Demoniack. 150 Joly, (Claude) Memoire-s. (P. C.) . . 50 (Guy) Memoires. (P. C.) . . 50 Jomsvikinga Saga, .... Jonae (Run.) Rudim. Gramm. Islandicae. . Jones, (Captain) Legend of. See Lloyd. . (John) Adrasta, Tragi-Com. (O. P. 3.) (Stephen) Baker's Biograpliia Dramatica. ISO 70 237 263 204 49 28 322 174 99 56 132 215 212 404 INDEX. Jones, (Sir Wm.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Jonson's (Ben) Poems.(E.P.) 42. Works byGifford. 209 _- Every Man in his Humour. (Wald. L. M.) 209 Sad Shepherd, a Tale of Robin Hood. 213 ^ Convers. wt. Drummond. (Ext. Haw. MSS.) 273 Jonss)-ni (A.) Orkt af Foreetamkeint. . 93 Jonstoni (Art.) Poemata. . . . 11 Delitiae Poetarum Seotorum. . 1 1 ^ — Cantici Salomonis Paraph.(P.12.)See Octupla.SOS (Joann.) Heroes Scotici. . . 13 Inscript. Histor. Regum Seotorum. , 18 (Rob.) Hist. Rerum Britannicarum. . 2 Polyhistor Continuatus. . . 23 .Jonstonus's (J.) Wonderful Things of Nature. 229 Jordanaei Disput. de Proba Stigmatica. (A. S. 3.) Jordan's (T.) Walks of Islington, &c. (0. P. 4.) 215 ( W.) Creation of the World, (in Cornish.) 121 Jornandcs, (Episc.) Historia Gothorum, (D. G. H.) 223 .Jortini (.Toannis) Lusus Poetici. (P. 14.) . 305 Joseph and Benjamin, &c. 1717. (P. T. 1.) 309 Josephus's Works, by L'Estrange. . . 259 Joubert, Erreurs Pop. sur la Medecine. . 141 Journ^es de Sept. 1792, M^moires sur les. 323 Jours, Les ; Correct, aux Nuits de Young. See Reniy. Jouy, ( ) Hemiite de la Chaussee d' Antiii, &c. 41 Paris Spectator, translated by Jordan. 333 J oyner's ( Wm. ) Roman Empress, Tragedy.(O.P.39. ) 220 Judges, Triumphs of Justice over Unjust. . 245 Judicium, a Pageant, from Towneley Jlysteries. 276 .Julia, or the Pilgrim. . . . 133 Julian and Gregorian Year. 0.&N.Styles(M.T.22.) 288 Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis. 146. (V. L. C. 23.) 226 Junii (Hail.) Emblemata. . . 227 Junius's Letters. . . . 193 Enquiry respecting the Author of. Coventry. 191 Juridical Society's Styles of Conveyancing. 272 Juris Civilis Corpus. 273. Elementa. Heineccii. 273 Jury Court in Scotland, Tracts on the. . 295. 345 Jus Aulicum Ant. Norvag. et Danicum. . 100 Justamond, (J.) Raynal's Europ. Settlements. 32 Justice to the late Ministrj', 1715. (P. T. 5.) 308 Justini Hist. Romana, Gronovii. (V. E. C. 23.) 226 Justinian, Seer. Hist, of Court of. See Procopius. 227 Juvenalis et Persius, Cas.auboni. (V. L. C. 25.) 22G. 227 Juvenal,'Satires of, tr. by Dryd.(E.P.)42. by Giiford. 223 Satires de, trad, par Mechin. . 41 K. (J.) Mag-Astromancers posed. See Gaule. Kaempe Viser. . . . 161 ICames's, (H. Home, Lord) Gentleman Farmer. 299 History of Man. . . . 196 Katty N , (Miss) History of. . . 130 Reach's (Benj.) War with the DeviL . 76 Glorious Lover. . . . 169 Kearney's (R.) Plan for payt. of National Debt. 313 Heating's (Rev. Dr. J.) History of Ireland. 262 (M.) Bemal Dias's Conquest of Mexico. 243 Keepe,(Henry)Gesta Grayorum. 127. (Q. E. P. 1 1 .) 266 Keepsake, The, for 1828. ... 197 Keightley's(Tho3.) Fairy Mythology. . 180 Keir's (Jas.) Life of Thomas Day. (B. T. 1.) 135 Keith Family, History of. See Buchan. (Bp.) Catal. of Scottish Bishops, con. by Russel. 14 Hist, of Church and State in Scotland. 1 1 Vindication, &c. against Keith of Ravelston. 15 ___ (Rev. Geo.) Disc, on Water Baptism. (R.T.3.) 283 Discovery of Quaker Falsehoods, &c. (T. 11.) 82 _^ Primitive Heresie Revived. (R. T. 4.) 283 Quaker's Last Shift, &c. (R. T. 2.) . 283 Keith's (Rev. Geo.) Th. and Fo. Narr. of Quaker's. 283 Quaker's Arg. agt. Bapt. & L. S. refuted. 283 , Way Cast up. . . . 77 (Marshal) Memoirs of, by Henderson. 88 Discourse on Death of, by Formey. . 92 Kelly's (James) Scottish Proverbs. . 169 (Mich.) Reminiscences. . . 341 Kelso, Hist. Account of, by Haig. . 22 Kemble, (John P.) Life of, by Boaden. . 202 Kempis'8(Th. a) Imitation of JesusChrist. Stanhope. 291 Ken, (Bp.) Life of, by Bowles. . . 237 Kendall's (E. A.) Argument on Trial by Battle. 255 Kenilworth Illustrated. (See Laneham.) . 242 Kennedy Families, Hist. of. Pitcaim. . 278 Kennedy's (Jas.) Glenochil, a Poem. . 9 (Lady Marg.) Letters to Lauderdale. 278 Kennett's (Bp.) Sermon on Rebellion, 1715, (Ser.) 80 Complete History of England. See North. 249 Kent, Perambulation of. See Lambarde. (Chanc. Jas.) Commentaries on American Law. 31 Kenyon,(Lloyd,Lord)Letter8from,iSc to George III. 270 Ker,(And. of Moristoun)Funeral Elegie on.(O.T. 4 )234 405 3 F ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. 310 312 343 77 322 65 71 196 Ker, (John, of Kersland) Memoirs of. . 7 (Maj.Gen. Wal.)Memorialfor,agt. Sir J. I. Ker. 3 (Rob.) Discourse of Peace and War. (T. 3.) 68 Abstract of Writings of. . . 77 Account of Nobility, &c. of Scotland. (T. 1.) 86 Kerr, (Christian) Last Words of. (T. 1.) . 74 (Capt. .las.) Account of Marhattah States. 258 (Rob.) History, &c. of King Robert Bruce. 10 Collection of Voyages and Travels. . 84 Georgeade, a Poem. . . . 322 Kerry, Stone Amphitheatre disc. in. See Vallancey. Key to business of Session, 1742. (P. T. 16.) to Orders in Council, 1812. (P.-T. 6.) to "Almack's." (M. E. P. 10.) Key's (Rev. Dr.) New Catechism. (T. 1.) Khasiprasad Ghosh's Shair, &c. Poeras. Kid, (John) and King (John) Last Speeches of. Sermons. (Howie.) Kidd's (Wm.) Illustrations of Burns. Kilkenny Cathedral, Epitaphs in. See Shee. Killarney, Lakes of. See Smith. Wright. Killigrew's (Henry) Conspiracy, Tragedy. -217 (Thomas) Plays. ... 207 Kilmarnock, (Lord) Memoirs of. (T. 1.) . 93 Foster and Finch's Account of, &c. (T. 1-4.) 96 Kilsyth, Extr. Work of Spirit of God at. See Robe. King's (T. R.) Modern Pilgrimage, Ballad. (S.P.I.) 341 (Dr. W.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Original Works, with Life. Nichols. . 194 Political and Literary Anecdotes. . 256 Kingston, (Vise.) Hist, of House of Seytoun. 280 Kinloch,(Sir A. G.) Trial of, for murd. of his brother. 295 (G. R.) Ancient Scottish Ballads. . 159 Babell, by Dr. A. Pitcairn. . . 280 Lament's Diary. . . . 280 Kippis's (Rev. Dr. A.) Biographia Britannica. 248 KLrcheri (Ath.) Mundus Subterraneus. . 232 Kirchmanni (J.) Comment. Hist, de Reg. Norvag. 98 Kirk's (Rev. R.) Essays on the Scots Fairies, &c. 139 Kirke's (J.) Seven Champions of Xdom. (O.P. 2.) 214 (T.) Modem Account of Scotland. . 21 Kirkby's (John) History of Automathes, (P. R.) 43. 44 Kirkcudbright, Ainslie's Map of Stew. of. 260 Presby.agt.Mackinillan,(T.17.)67.(C.T.28.29.)291 Kirkiad, The, a Poem. (R. P. 1.) . . 80 Kirkman's (F.) Amadis de Gaule, part C. . 102 Unlucky Citizen. . . . 131 Kirkman's Catalogue of Plays, 1671. (0. P. 16.) 220 (and Head) English Rogue. . . 131 Kirkton's (Rev. J.) Hist, of Church of Scot, by Sharpe. 3 History of Mr. John Welsh. . . 78 Kirkwood's Plans of Edinburgh. . . 260 (Rev. Mr.) Plea before the Kirk. (R.C. T. 1.) 283 (Schoolm.) Hist, of the 27 Gods of Linlithgow. 181 Kitchen Novels, Collection of. Kitchiner's (Dr. W.) Art of Invigorating Life. Kitty, Miss, Parody on Lenora. (P. P. 2.) . Klopstock's Messiah, by CoUyers. Knaresborough, of. See Hargrove. Bletcalf. Knight, (H. Gaily) Eastern Sketches. Ilderim, a Syrian Tale. (P. C. 4.) (R. Payne) Principles of Taste. Monody on Charles Fox. (P. cV P. 13.) Knighton, (Henricus) (Twysd.) Knipe's (Eliza) Si.t Narrative Poems. (M. P. 5.) Knolls's (R.) and Rycaut's Turkish History. abridged by Savage. 130 300 312 293 162 165 153 192 27 186 262 238 Knowles, (Sir F.) Churchyard's Funeral of. (H.9.) 184 Knox, (John) History of the Reformation. 2 Life of, by Dr. M'Crie. . . 4.18 See Bannatyne, (Rich.) (John) Tour through Highlands and Hebrides. 17 (Rev. Dr.V.) Narr. of Trans, at Brighton, 1 793. 296 (Wm.) Lonely Hearth. 1G3. Songs of Israel. 163 Knytlinga Saga. .... 56 Koch, (Dr. E. J.) Deutschen Litt.-Geschichte. 53 (F.) Campagne de 1814. . . 325 Koliades, (Const.) Ulysse-Homere. . 228 Kong's Skugg-sio. .... 63 Kopp, (C. P.) Verfassung d. heiml. Gericht. 48 Kdrner's (Th.) Leyer and Schwert. . 54 Lyra og Svaerd, ved Thaarup. . 269 Dramatische Beytrage. 54. Poetische Nachlass. 54 Kommannus, (H.) De Virginitatis Jure. . 115 Kotzebue, (Aug. von.) Bruder Moritz, Lustsp. (T.) 48 's Patriot Father, by Shoberl. . . 166 Krakumal, Epic. Rag. Lodbroci. . . 99 Kristni-Saga. .... 99 Krug's Wesen u. Wirken d. Tugenbundes. 274 Kuffiier, (Ch.) Hesperidenhain d. Romantik. 52 Kurt von der Wetterburg. ... 47 Kyd's (Stewart) Law of Bills of Exchange. 296 (Tho.) Spanish Tragedy. . 216 . Soliman and Perseda, Trag. . . 216 40« INDEX. Labaume, (Eug.) Campagne de Russie en 1812. 325 Chute de I'Empire de Napole'on. . 325 Labedoyere, (Colonel) Proces de. . . 326 Labouderie, (Abbe') Paneg. de St. Louis. (M. H. 1.) 328 Labouring Classes, Address to the. (T. 2.) . 255 Poor, Essay on State of the. (T. 1.) 255 Lac^pede, (Comte de) Histoire Naturelle, &c. 51 Lacomhe, ( ) Dictionn. du Vieux Lang. Franc. 114 Lacretelle,(Ch.) Hist, de France 18e. Sie' Rev. 323 Lactantius, Gallaei. et de Mort. Persec. (V.L.C.26.) 22G Lacy"s (John) Dumb Lady,from Moliere. (O. P. 3.) 213 Sanny ihe Scott, Comedy. 214. (0. P. 40.) 220 Old Troop, Comedy. (0. P. 41.) . 220 (John) Prophetical Warnings. . 67 Cry from the Desert. ... 77 Ladies' Calling. . . . . 291 Dictionary. See Dunton. New Catechism for Fine. . . 128 Parliument, Orders o/ilie. 1647. . 129 Lady of the Lake, grand Dramatic Romance. (D. 4.)211 of Martendyke, The. ... 336 Laelii Pereg. Oratio in obit. Torq. Tassi. . 276 Lafontaino, (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en vers. 116 — — Voyage en Limosin. (V. I.) . . 45 Laick's (Will.) Scots Episcopal Innocence. Ridpath. 83 Contin. of Ans. to Scots Presb. Eloq. (T.3.) id. 84 La , (Alex.) Donean Tourist. Eccentric Magazine, (David) Anc. Popular Poetry of Scotland. Early Scottish Metrical Tales. Fugitive Scottish Poetry. Golagrus and Gawane. History of Roswall and Lillian. Holland's Buke of the Howlat. Extracts from the Hawthomden MSS. Rothes's Relation of Proc. 1637-1638. — — — Alexander Scot's Poems. Jn. Nicol's Diary, 1650-1607. (Malcolm) History of Scotland, . 5 Dissertation on Murder of Darnley. . 5 History and Life of King James Sext. 8 Macpherson's Poetical Works. . 19 — ^Meason,(Gilb.) On Italian Landsc. Architect. 185 Atkinson's Disc, of Gold Mynes in Scotland. 277 Lalain, (Jacques de) Vie de. (B. C.) . 51 Lalli, (Dr. G. B.) La Franceide. . . 106 Lalor,(Mis3)and Mrs. Stuart, Att. to expl. tlie Curesof 346 Lamarteliere, Conspiration de Bonaparte. (P. H.) 326 Lambarde's (Wm.) Perambulation of Kent. 245 Lamb's (Charles) Album Verses. . . 159 Lambe, (Rev. C.) Three Sermons, 1715-16. (Ser.) 80 (Dr. John) Notorious Life of. . 151 Lambert (John) Irving's Salmagundi. . 247 Lament's (John of Newton) Chron. of Fife. Constable. 4 : Diary, 1649-1671. Kinloch. . 280 Lampon, Tlie, a Bdllatl. . . . 129 Lanark, Walk from, to the Falls of Clyde, Poem. 165 Lanarkshire Comni. Report on Fiars for 1816. 300 and Renfrewshire, Desc. of See Hamilton. Map of, by Forrest. . . . 260 Lancashire Gentlemen, Petition of 1646. (T. 51.) 61 Levite Rebuked, Reply to Z. Taylor. 150 Narrative of Somers's Possession in. See Darrell. Lancaster's ( Dr. N.) Essay upon Delicacy. ( D.F.P.) 204 Lancelot du Lac. . . . . 122 Launcelot du Lake, Adventures of. . . 275 Lancre, (P. de) Inconstance des Demons, &e. 152 L'Incredulitd du Sortilege convaincue. 152 Landscape Illustrations of Waverley Novels. 337 Lane, (Col. E.) Image of our Reforming Times. 281 (T.) Student's Guide through Lincoln's Inn. 248 Laneliam's (Robt.) Let. on Entert. at Killingworth. 266 Lang, (Robt.) Livre de Faulcon. . . 275 Langallerie's (Marq. of) Memoirs. . . 259 Langbaine's (Ger.) Ace. of English Dramatists. 216 Langhorne's (Dr. Jo.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Langhornii (Dan.) Elenchus Antiq. Albionensium. 259 Langlands's (R.) Pierce Plowman's Vision. 173 Map of Argyllshire. . . . 260 Lanjuinais, (Comte) Mem. sur la Convention. 324 Lanquette's (Thomas) Epitome of Chronicles. 237 Lansdowne's (Geo. Lord) Poems. (E. P.) 42. 194 Works, Prose and Verse. . . 218 She-Gallants, Comedy. (0. P. 28.) . 220 Heroick Love, Tragedy. (O. P. 29.) 220 Langston's (J.) Lusus Poeticus Latino- Anglicanus. 227 Lar.gtoft's (Peter) Chronicle, by Heame. . 233 Laphaleque, Notice sur Paganini. (P. D. 9.) 345 Lapide Philosophorum, Tract, de. 141. IBS Lapland, History of See Scheffer. Laporte, (Pierre de) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Cibliotheque des FtJe.s. (C. F.) . 45 Larrey, (Baron) Mem. de Chirurgie Militaire. 325 Larrons, Histoire g^n^rale des, par Corrozet. 139 407 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Las Cases, (Count) Lesage's Histor. Atlas. Letters of, to Sir Hudson Lowe, . 319 I Memorial de Ste. H^lene. . . 327 Lasniori (J.) Tract, de Lapide Philos. (T. 3.) 141 Latimer's (Bp. Hugh) Fruitful Sermons. . 71 Latocnaye, Promenade de la 6r. Bretagne. 38 Laud, (A)jp.) The Grand Impostor. See Burton. Lauder, (Sir John.) See Fountainliall, (Lord.) (Sir T. Dick) Ace. of Floods in Jlorayshire. 301 Lauderdale, (Earl of) Inform, for, agt. John Swinton. 82 (Duke of) Letters to. See Argyle. Kennedy. Laugh upon Laugh, &c. a Poem. . . 248 Laun, (F. u. Latrobe F.) Geisterwelt Geschichten. 54 Laureat, The, or Right Side of Colley Cibber. 21 1 Laurence's (Abp. of Casliel) Ch. to Clergy. (I.P.2.) 343 (Dr. F.) Probationary Odes. Rolliad, Probationary Odes, &c. (Sir James) Etonian out of Bounds. Nobility of the British Gentry. (Jliss H.) London in Olden Time. Tales of an Antiquary. Lauretta Pisana, Leb. e. Ital. Buhlerinn. Laurie's Map of Mid-Lothian. 330 La ys of the Minnesingers. See Taylor, (Ed.) 181 200 16C 181 331 331 47 260 Lavaterus,(L.) De Spectris, Lemuribus,&c.(T. 1 .) 1 1 4. 1 46 Laveau, Guide du Voyageur a Moscou. . 323 Laveaux, ( ) Nuits Champetres. (M. i.) 113 Law, Grandeur of the. See Philips. Law, (John) Life of. See Wood. Poem to. See Ramsay. (A.) {Rev. Robert) Memorials. (T.) . 67 , edited by C. K. Sharpe. . . 3 Laws against Prophaneness, Disc, concerning. (T. 3.) 88 Vind. of inform, of breaches of. (T. A. 1 .) 285 and Judicatures of Scotland Vindicated. 97 in favour of the Reformation inScotland(T.l.)291 Lawson's (Edw.) Academic Sportsman. (D. T. 1.)] 217 Relics of Melodino. . . 167 Report on Irish Inland Navigation. (I.T.2.) 313 Report on Records of Ireland. (I. T. 1.) 313 Lawyer Outlawed ; Answer to Hunt, 1683. (T. 2.) 284 Letterfroma,onEastIndiaStock.(P.R.T.12.) 290 Laxdaela Saga. Thorkelin. . . 101 Lay of Agincourt, a Poem. . . 163 of the Reed-Water Minstrel. See Rokesby. Laymann, (P.) Proc. Jur. contra Sagas,&c. (A.d.S.) 153 Layman's Lamentation, The, Poem. (S. P. 2.) 132 __ Sermon on RebelUon, 1745. (T. 10.) 98 of the Lindsays. See Scott. Lazarillo de Tormes. See Mendoza. Leaden Age, The. (O. P. 19.) . . 157 Leanard'a (John) Counterfeits, Comedy. (O.P.42.) 220 Leases, Treatise on. See Bell (R.) . 295 Leaves of Laurel. By Q. Q.. and W. W. 1 67 Leclerc's (Th.) Course of the French Language. 316 Lcdwich's (Rev. E.) Antiquities of Ireland. 267 Ledyard, Avcntures d'un jeune Anglois. (V. I.) 45 Lee, (Harriet) Mysterious Marriage, Play. (P. 2.) 213 (Rev. Dr. J.) Narr. de M. Rob. RoUok. 277 - — (Nath.) Dramatic Works. . . 217 Ten Tragedies. . . . 218 . — _ Theodosius. Junius Brutus. (O. P. 2. S.) 222 — — (Wm.) History of Lewes and Brighton. 303 Lewes (Charles) Memoirs of . 322 Leeds, (W. H.) Popular Northern Tales. 335 Lefanu's (Mrs.) Sons of Erin. (M. P. 2.) . 209 Lefehre de Villebrune, Nouvelles de Cervantes. 36 Lefranc de Pompignan, Voy. de Languedoc. (V. I.) 45 Legend of Captain Jones. See Lloyd, (D.) of Cathleen and Kevin. See Webb. Ler/emla Aurea Sanctorum. See Voragine. 11 Leges Gula^Thingenses. Jus Comm. Norvegicum. 64 Legrand d'Aussy, Fabliaiuc,&c. 12. et 13. Siecles. 40.118 Fabliaux, transl. by Way and Ellis. 1 87 Partenopex de Blois, by Rose. . 185 Le Grys, (Sir R.) Barclay's Aigenis. . 102 Leibnitii (G. G.) Scriptores R. Brunsvicensium. 265 Leicester, Exact Relat. of Siege of, 1645. (T. 10.) 60 (R. Earl of) Ent. at Killingworth. (Q. E. P. 4.) 266 Life of. See Drake. Jebb. Traditions respecting Countess of (T. C.) 303 's Commonwealth. See Parsons. Leigh's (R.) Cens. of the Rota on Conq. of Granada. 21 1 Leinster, Excursions through. See Cromwell. Leipzig, Narrative, &c. of Battle of. (R. M. 6.) 326 Leipsick, or Gemiany Restored, Poem. See Trotter. 165 Leland's (John) Itinerary and Life. . 233 Assertion of King Arthur, by Robinson. 1 06 (Rev. Dr. T.) Hist, of Ireland. . 315 Le Maire, (J.) Illustrations de Gaule. . 35 Lemaire, (M. H.)Hist. de la Revol. Francaise. 327 Lemene, (F. de) Narcise. (P. I. 36.) . 56 Lemnius, (L.) De Miraculis occult. Naturae. 145 Lemoyne, (Pierre) Galerie des Femmes Fortes. 108 408 INDEX. Lenet, (Pierre) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Lennard's (Samson) Mazella's Hist, of Naples. 229 Lennig, (Fr.) Scott's Lied d. letz. MinnesSngers. 321 Lennox, (Mrs. C.) Life of Th. A. d'Aubign^. 37 Shakspeare Illustrated, . . 218 Lennox^ (Ludou-ick, Duke of) Eleven Letters of. 3 Lenoble, ( ) Voyage de Falaise. (V, L) 45 Lenoir, (A.) Musee des Monumens. Franc. 36 Lenormant, (J.) Hist, des 3 Filles posse'd&s. 140 Hist, de Tribus Energumenis Belgii. 147 Lenthall, (Sir J.) Hum. Petition and Case of. (T.IO.) G2 (Speaker) Lett, to, on Vict, of Newbury. (T. 14.) GO Leo X., Life and Pontificate of. Roscoe. 192 Leopold, (JL) Paris pendant la Revolution, &c. 327 Leprinee de Beaumont, (Mad.)Contes des Fees. (C.F.) 43 Lermei (G.) Bartassii Hebdomas, Lat. Carm. (M.l.) 116 Leroux, (P. J.) Dictionhaire Comique, &c. 114 Le Sage, (A. R.) Qiuvres Choisies. . 40 et d'Omeval, Theatre de la Foire. 118 'B Gil Bias. Devil on Two Sticks. (B. N. L.) 63 ( ) Historical Atlas, by Las Cases. 330 Leslaci (Joann.) De Titulo Mariae. (Jebb.) 12 De Rebus Gestis Mariae. (Jebb.) . 12 De Origine, &c. Scotorum. . . G Lesley's Hist, of Scotland, in Scots, 1436-1561. 278 (Dr. Chas.) Letter from Rome to an M.P. 91 New Assoc, of Mod. Ch.andWhigs.(R.T.5.6.) 283 Cassandra Telling what will Come. (ib. 78.) 283 Wolf Stript of his Sheep's Clothing, (ib. 9.) 283 Bp. of Salisbury's Proper Defence, (ib. 10.) 283 Good Old Cause, &c. (ib. 11.) . 283 Lesley, (Gen. David) Victory of, over Montrose, 1645. 60 Leslie, (Prof. af. Sir J.) Tracts on Election of. — ^ E.'cperiments on Heat and Moisture. Philosophy of Arithmetic. 's Speculations on Heat, Evil Tendency of. Lessons for Lovers. L'Estrange's (Sir R.) Interest Mistaken. (T. 2.) Caveat to the Cavaliers (T. 3.) Modest Plea for Caveat. (T. 4.) Seasonable Memorial. (C. T. 10.) _- Growth of Knavery.;(C. T. 4.) cut and Bumpkin, 2 parts. (C. T. 5. G.) Joseph us's AVorks. Letter of Advice to'a Young Poet. (J. ]\I. 3.) from a Catholic Gentleman, 1678. (C. T. 9.) 287 tothe E.\aminer.'(P. 11.) . . 307 294 180 153 294 162 237 237 237 287 287 287-8 259 304 Letter toI.Bickerstaff on Let. to Examiner.(S.T.5G.)307 to 7 Lords appoint, to e.\am. Gregg. (S.T.o7.) ."lO? from Scots Gent. inLond. to his friend.(S.T.3.)3Ul from Min. of Cath. Pow. 1746. (T.4.) 87. (T.2.) 93 Letters of King James VI. and his Family. 282 Familiar and Courtly, by Voiturc, &c. 178 intercepted by Col. Mitton, 1645. (T. 16.) 60 on Alliance, &:c. with Netherlands, 1G80. 30 (Four) to a Tory Member, 1711. (S.T. 28.-?9) 306 Examination of 3d and 4th. (P. T. 5.) 301! betw.Ld.Townsend&Boyle,Rem.on.(S.T.37.)307 respecting Author of Examiner. (S. T. 59.) 307 between Count Gyllenborg, &c. 1717. 94 from a Husband to a Gent. & Wife. (M.T. 3.) 130 (Intercepted) of Napoleon's Ministers,&c. 319 to Sir W. Scott on the King's Visit. See Simpson. Lettische Gedichte, von Bergman. . 1 72 Lettres et Billets Galands (F. T. 4.) . 114 sur I'Antiq. de la Verit. Religion (F. T. 2.) 114 sur rillusion de la Baguette. . 108 Historiques,&c. sur les Ecossois en France. 90 Levant Pirate, Journal of a. See Davidson. Levati, (A.) Racconti sui Giudizj di Dio. 274 Leven's( E.of) Ace. of Pr.of Scottish Army,l 645.(T.32.)G I Levenax, Cartularium Comitatus de. . 28 1 Levett's (J.) Ordering of Bees. (T. H. 1.) 247 Lewis's (Jenkin) Life of Duke of Gloucester. 9G (John) History of Great Britain. . 232 (J. H.) Historical Account of Short Hand. 298 Orations on Battle of Waterloo, &c. 320 (M. G. or Monk) Tales of Wonder 185 Love of Gain, a Satire. (M. P. 14.) I8G Adelgitha, Tragedy. (P. 2.) . 213 Rugantino. Melodrama. (P. 3.) . 213 Castle Spectre. Drama. (P. I.) . 213 Poems. With MS. Parody. . 251 (Thos.) Dang. of Ch.Est.-ib.from Diss. (P.T.5.) 309 (W. L.) Statius's Thebaid. (E. P.) 42 Leyden,(Dr.John) African Discoveries.259.Murray '3.205 Complaynt of Scotland. . . 14 Scottish Descriptive Poems. . 162 Scenes of Infancy. . . . ] 93 Dissertation on Indo Chinese Languages. 24 1 ■ Memoirs of Muhammed Baber. . 34 Letter from, to W. Erskine, Esrj. (M. C. 7.) 15 Poetical Remains and Life. Morton. 1 90 Lhuyd's (Edw.) Archaeologia Britannica. 265 409 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Lhuyd'6 (Humfry) Breviary of Britayne. SeeLewis (Jn.) Lihius Dismnius. [O.E.M.R.i.) . 105 Libriiry of Useful Knowledge, Natural Philosophy. 300 Licensing Act, Ld. Chesterfield's Speech on the. 58 Lichfield Cathedral, Account of. White. 249 Lidgate,(John.) See Lydgate. Life of Faith, Sermon explaining the. (T. 8.) 74 LiketoLike. Hist. of\VillSquelsh& Harry Halter. 305 Lilbume, (Col. J.) Trial of. . . r,-2 Lillo's (Geo.) Silvia, or Country Burial, Opera 212 Works, with Life. . . . 217 Lilly's (W.) Book of Knowledge. . 133 Christian Astrologer. . . . 1 48 Starry Messenger. . . . 148 — -_ Ancient and Modem Predictions. . 148 Astrological Predictions. . . 148 Life, by himself. . . . 149 Lily's (John) Euphues. Anatomy of Wit. 102 Euphues and his England. . . 1 02 Si.x Court Comedies. . . 217 Lincoln's Inn, Students' Guide to. See Lane. Lindsay's (Sir David) Heraldic Manuscript. 12 Works. 21. Poetical Works, by Chalmers. 105 Satyre of theThrie Estatis, by Sibbald. 1 73 (Rev. H.) State of Ch. of Scotland, 1733. 75 (SirR. of Pitscottie) Cronycles of Scotland. 8.259 Lindsays, Lays of the. See Scott. Linen Manuf. of Scot. Reasonsforencour. (P.T.34.) 311 Lines on the Indulgence, and liejAi/. (O. P. 3.) 284 Lingard's (Rev. Dr. J.) History of England. 241 Vind. of Hist, of England. (H.P.T. 1.) 343 Lingbye, Faeroiske Quaeder, &c. . 99 Lingua, a Comedy. See Brewer. Linguet, Mem. sur la Bastille. . . 323 Lintot, (Mad. de) Contes. (C. F.) . 43 Lippi, (Lor.) Malmantile Racquistato. (P. J.) 5G Lipscomb's (W.) Benef Etf. of Inoculation(O.P.P.) 1G9 Lirici Antichi Italiani.(P. 1. 6.) . . 55 Lisbon, Anat. of English Nunnery at. Robinson. 7G Lisvart of Greece. (Am. de G. p. 6.) . 102 Lithgow-s(Wm.)Gushing Tears of Godly Sorrow. (T.) C Survey of London. (T.) . . (i Siege of Newcastle. (T.) 6. (T. 8.) GO. 25fi —— Nineteen Years' Travels. . . 6 Littledale,(Edw.) Constable's Diana. . 275 (Justice) Skelton's Magnyfycencc. Interlude. 276 Liturgy, Dift'. betw. the Eng. and Scott. 1 G37. (P. 8.) 305 410 Livii (T.) HistoriaRomana,Gronovii. (V.L.C.27.) 226 Livingston's (Dr. E.) Penal Code for Louisiana. 264 (Rev. John) Life & Characteristics. (T. 1.2.) 67. 77 Letters. .... 76 Letter to his Parishioners, 1671. (R. T. 1.) 289 . (Sir Thos.) Exercise of the Foot, &c. 1G93. 250 Lizars's(W. H.) Lacunar Strevelinense. 12 Llaguno, ( Sum. de los Reyes de Espana. 48 Lloyd's (Cha.) Duke of Ormond, Tragedy. 193 (David) State Worthies of England. 245 Memoirs of Sufferers during the Civil War. 252 (Rev. D.) Legend of Capt. Jones. . 132 (H.) Treasury of Health of P. Hyspanius. 110 (J. A.) Percy's Cuck Quean, &c. 276 (Rev. R. Lumley.) See Punch turned Critick. (Robert) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Lly ware Hen, Heroic Elegies of. Owen. 156 Lobo's (Father) Voyage to Abyssinia. See Johnson. Lobeyra, (Vasco) Amadis of Gaul. Southey. 112 Loch's (.1.) Ace. of Imp. on Sutherland Est. (A.T.4.) 300 Locke, (John) Lett. cone. Toleration. (T. 23.) 285 Treatise of raising our Coin. (S. T. 69.) 307 Life and Writings of. Account of. (S. T. G7.) 307 Lockhart, ( of Lee) Campaign of, 1657-8.(Mor.M.)250 (Geo.) Memoirs of Scotland. (T.) . 7 Papers, by Aufrere. . . 3 (J. G.) Don Qui.xote, by Motteux. 85 Ancient Spanish Ballads. . . 176 Valerius, a Roman Story. . . 179 Reginald Dalton. . . . 333 Matthew Wald. ... 333 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 183 Life of Burns. . . 199. 251 Life of Napoleon. (M. F. L.) . 315 Court & Camp of Buonaparte. (M. F. L.) 315 Memoirsof Sir Walter Scott. . 322 Locr^, (Baron) Code Civil, avec Commentaire. 328 Lodbroci (Rag.) Epicedium. See Krakumal. Loddiges, (Messrs.) Botanical Cabinet. . 198 Lodge's (Edm.) Illustrations of British History. 240 Illustrious Personages of Gr. Britain. 261 ( ) Peerage of Ireland. . 244 (Thos. & Greene's) Looking Glass for London. 216 Loeve-Veimars, Hist, des Trib. Secrets d'AlIem. 269 Logan's (Rev. John) Poems. (E. P.) 42. 190 Lohengrin, Altdeutsches Gedicht. See Goerres. Lokman, Fables Indiennes (C. F.) . 44 INDEX. London, a Poem. See Glover. Johnson, (Dr. S.) Bridge, Chronicles of. See Thomson. Rem. on Lafin Inscr. on Blackfriars Bridge. "224 Tower of, Hist. of. See Bayley. Petition of City of, to H. of C. (T. 33.) (i 1 Remonstr. and Petition of, to H. of C. (T. 40) 61 Tract3;>ro. and COT. (T. 41-47. 57.) . 61 Last Warning to, and Answer. (T. 48. 49.) 61 Speeches at a Common HaU, 1645. (T. 24.) ' 61 _ City Alarum. 1645. (T. 55.) . . 61 's Alarum from Heaven. 1654. . 70 Trip through, 4th edit. 1728. (J. T. 3.) 129 Low Life, Descr. of Sunday as spent in. 129 Tricks of, laid open. . . . 130 Plague in, 1665, History of. See Lodge. AVray's Sermon on Fire of. (T. 18.) 286 's Great Jul)ilee, 1 689. See Taubmann. & Westminster, Designs for Improving. Soane. 228 Maps and Plans of. See Faden. Mogg. See Burton. Malcolm. Norton. Stow. Londonderry, Rel. of Siege of. See Walker. Graham. Long History of a Short Session. (T.) . 25 Livers, History of. See Vaughan. Meg of Westminster. (R.T..3.) 139. (M.A.A.6.) 176 Parliament. See Parliament. Long, (K.) Barclay's Argenis. . . 102 , (Luke) Notice of, by Sykes. . . 190 Longini (Cacs.) Trinum Magicum. . 145 Longmore's (G.) War of the Isles, a Poem. 322 Lonsdale's (Vise.) Memoir of Reign of .Tames II. 241 Looker-on, The, by Roberts. (B. L.) . 334 Lope de Vega, Doze Comedias. . . 48 Life of, by Lord Holland. . . 37 Lorenzo de' Medici, Poesie. (P. I. 33.) . 56 Life of, by Roscoe. . 192 Lorraine, (Charles, Prince of) Life of. . 245 Lothian, (East) Ploughman, Britannia Triumphant. 161 Lothian, (Mid) Scenery of. See Paterson. Lothians, Maps of the, by Armstrong, Forrest, &c. 260 Lotteries, Essay on. 1699. (M.T. 12.) . 288 Lotus, The, (Annual for 1830.) . . 332 Loudon's (Eari of) Speech, 1645. (T. 5.) . 60 Louis, Saint, Ballad on Crusade of. See Rose. Louis XIV. Exped. of, into Spanish Netherlands. 26 Mi'moires sur la Cour de. See Orleans. St. Simon. Treaty between Charles II. and (T. 6.) 70 Difference of with Court of Rome. (T. 2.) 287 41 Louis XV. Deck of Waragt. Spain, 1719. (S. T. 27. 306 Louis XVI. Me'moires sur la Captivite de. 323 Louis XVIII. Voyage a Bruxelles et Coblentz. 324 Louise de Savoye, (Mad.) Me'moires. (P. C.) 49 Lounger, The, by Mackenzie. (B. E) . 334 Loup Galleux et Bellinette. (C. F.) . 44 Louve, (.1. et Delarivey) Straparola, Fac. Nuicts. 109 Louvet de Couvray, Vie de Faublas. . 116 Emilie de Varmont. . . . 116 Me'moires de. ... 324 Lovat, (Simon, Lord) Lives and Memoirs of 89. 94. 96 Answer to Account of Behaviour of. . 90 Life of Simon, Lord Frascr of. . 94 Duke of AthorsMemor.about,1704. (O.P.I.) 100 Love and Madness. See Croft. given over. Satyr against Woman. (P. P. IC.) 305 lost in the Dark, Farce. (0. P. 3.) . 219 's Invention, Ballad on Masquerades. . 128 Lover's Life, Compl. of. Lover and Jay. Dibdin. 275 Loveday's (Rob.) Letters, Domestic and Foreign. 238 Lovelace's (R.) Lucasta. Singer. (V. P. P. 1.) 342 Lovibond's (Edw.) Poems. (E.P.) . 42 Low Life, Description of Sunday within B. of Mort. 129 Low's (Alex.) History of Scotland. . 23 Lowe's (And.) Vind. of Ch. of Scot. Ans. to Dugud. 66 Lowe, (Sir Hudson) Letters to, by Las Cases. 36 Lower's ( W.) Phoenix in her Flames, Trag. (O.P.5.) 214 Louth,(Rev.Dr.)Cont.Tr.\vithBp.Burnet.(T.8.9.10.)286 Loyal Martyr, Life of Abp. Scroop. . 161 Pamphlets, (5.) 1820. . . 183 Poems, Collection of, by N. Thompson. 1683. 79 Loyalist, True, or Chevalier's Favourite. Songs, &c. 91 Loyer, (P. de) Disc, et Hist, des Spectres, &c. 140 Lubert, (Mile, de) TroisCoutes. (C. F.) . 43 Lucani Pharsalia, Schrevelii. (V.L.C. 28.) 226 's Pharsalia, tr. and cont. by May. . 109 translated by Rowe. (E. P.) ; 42. 227 Lucas's (T.) Memoirs of Celebrated Gamesters. 133 Luciani Opera, Benedict!. (V. G. C. 13.) 223 's Works, tr. by Moyle. 203. by Dr. Francklin. 203 Lucian Burlesqued, by C. Cotton. . 135 Lucien, Histoire Veritable. (V. I.) . 45 Lucina sine Concubitu. See Coventry. (M. T. 5.) 130 Lucilii Satyrae. See Censorinus. Lucretius de Rerum Natura, Wakefield. . 226 Book I. translated by Drummond. . 164 , a Poem against Fear of Death, (P. P. 2.) 304 1 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY, Luddites, Trials of the, at York, Jan. 1813. 297 Lude's (Comtedu) Treatise of Spirits. . 147 Ax laid to the root of Popery. . 147 Ludlow's (Gen. Edmund) Memoirs. . 24C Ludus Scacchiae. Chesse Play. 1597. 1'37. 177 Ludwig's German and English Dictionary. 267 Luise, KOniginn von Preussen, Lebensbesch. 338 Lumsden's (M.) Genealog)' of Forbes Family. 19 Luna, (Don Alvaro de) Cronica. (Mig. de) Hist, del Rey Don Rodrigo. 121 Lunardi's (V.) First Aerial Voyage in England. 183 Five Aerial Voyages in Scotland. . 183 Lunatic Asylums. See Duncan. Stark. Lundie's (Rev. A.) Synod Sermon, 1726. (S. 3.) 293 (Rev. Thos.) Predictions. . . 75 Luscombe's (M. H.) Pleasures of Society. (P.P. 8.) 343 Lussan, (Mad. M. de) Revolution de Naples. 1647-8.39 Veillees deThessaUe. (C. F.) . 44 Luther's (Mart.) Commentary on Galatians. 84 Luttrel's ( ) Advice to Julia. . 193 Lutzen, Battle of. Relation of. (B. and S. 1.) 157 Luxemburg, Siege of. (B. and S. 2.) . 157 Lycanthropie. See Priour, (Claude). Nynauld. Lycosthenis Sup. Jul. Obseq. de Prodigiis. . 146 Lydgate, (John) Bochas' Tragedies. . 1 56 Life of Hector. . . . 101 Chorle & Birde. Hors Shepe & Ghoos. 275 Lye, (Edw. et Manning) Diet. Saxon, et Goth. Lat.248 Lylc, (Thos.) Ancient Ballads and Songs. 161 Lyme Regis, Dorset, History of. Roberts. . 303 Garrison, Rel. of relieving of, 1644. (T. 17.) 60 Lj'nch's (P.) Introd. to Irish Language. . 33 Lyndsay's (Dav.) Dramas of the Ancient World. 2 1 1 Lyoun's (J no.) Teares for Earl of Dunfermling. 277 Lyric Poems, by J. 31. C. B. . . 1 96 Lysaght's (Edw.) Poems. . . 193 Lysis, or Extravagant Shepherd, Romance. 102 Lyttelton's (Geo. Lord) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 History of King Henry II. . 236 Court Secret. ... 59 Monody to Memory of a Lady. (P. P. 6.) 230 Miscellaneous Works, by Ayscough. 203 M. (G.) Miscellanea. Wise and Ingenious Sayings. 135 Praise of Yorkshire Ale. . . 170 M. (T.) Cloud of Witnesses, or Sufferer's Mirrour. 78 M. (T.) Walker's Hist, of Independency, pt. 4. 237 M** (Marq. de) Les Solitaires en belle humeur. 38 Mabillon et Germain, Museum Italicum. 273 Mabrian,Royde Hierusalem, Chroniquede.(Q.F.A.)l 19 M'Alpine's (J.) Memoirs. . . 21 Macaulay's (Rev. K.) History of St. Kilda. 9 (Miss) Histrionic Delin. of Mary Q. ofScots. 213 M'Bane's (D.) Expert Sword-man. . 132 M'Caig, (Rev. W.) Address, &c. on Conduct of. 87 Maccartney's Lett, on Duel b. Ham. & Mohun. (T.) 58 Mackcoull, (or Moftat, John) Abuses of Justice. 296 Life and Trial of, by Denovan. . 296 M'Crie's (Rev. Dr. Th.) Life of John Knox. 418 Life of Andrew Melville. . . 302 Lives of William Veitch and George Brysson. 302 MaccuUoch's (Dr. Jn.) Descript. of Western Islands. 19 Lett, on Highlands and West. Isl. See Browne. 22 M'CuUoh's (Dr. J. H.) Res. on Amer. Abor. Hist. 31 M'Diarmid's (John) Sketches from Nature. 85 .Macdonald Family, Hist, and Geneal. of. 23 Letters to Inverness Journal, ag. CI. Ronald. 19 41 Macdonald, Vindication of CI. Ron. ag. In v. Jour. 19 (Alex.) Ossiani Phingaleis. . . 14 Register of Ministers, &c. . , 280 (Rev. Alex.) Gaelic Dictionary. . 264 (And.) Discus. iScc. of Thistle and Rose. 94. 31 1 (Rev. A.) The Independent, Novel. . 85 Laura, a Novel. . . . 85 Miscellaneous Works, incl. Vimonda, Trag. 202 (Arch, of Barisdale) Life. . . 91 (Flora) Life of. (Fem. Reb.) . 92 (.1.) Travels in Europe, Asia, &c. . 9 (J. P.) Keppoch Song, a Poem. . 8 (Sawney) Disc, on Use and Abuse of Apparel. 93 Macduff's Cross, Cunningham's Essay on. 1 7 Macedonians, Anc. Hist, of (U. H. 7. 8.) . 205 MacFarlane's (R.) Gaelic and Eng. Vocabulary. 121 M'George, (And.) Miscell. Papers, Mary& Jas.VI.281 Macgregor,(Al.)Reports of certain Parishes in Scot. 282 (,Ias. Dun. & Rob.) Trials of. . 91 Macgregor,(Rob Roy) Memorable Actions of. (H.R.) 95 See Gregory. and Lament, a Traditionary Tale. . 341 M'Intosh's(of Borlam) Essay on inclosing, &c. Scot. 259 Macintosh, (Geo.) Life & Death of Jas. I. of Scot. 282 2 INDEX. Machin's (Lewis) Dumb Knight, Com. (0. P. 1.) 215 Macirone's (F.) Fall and Death of Murat. 328 Mackaile's (Rev. Hugh) Last Sennon and Speech. 76 Mackay, (Dr. A.) Ferguson's Astronomy exp. 298 (A.) Songs and Poems, Eng. and Gaelic. 164 (Gen. Hugh) Memoirs, 1689-1C91. 279. 281 (John) Life of Gen. Hugh Mackay. . 279 _ (Rev. Dr. M.) Gaelic Dictionary. . 264 (Rob.) History of Clan Mackay. . 272 (Rob. or Rob Don) Gaelic Songs and Poems. 301 M'Kean, (Jas.) Life and Trial of. (C. T.) 131 "s (Rev. J.) Death of Princess Amelia. (P.16.) 192 M'Kenney's (T. L.) Tour to the Lakes, &c. 30 Mackenzie, (Colin) Melville's Diary. . 279 Observ. on Roads into the Highlands.(M.S.T.6.)79 (Dr. Geo.) Lives of Scots Writers. . 2 (Sir Geo.) De Hum. Rat. Imbecill. (T.19.) 70 Religious Stoic. . . . 136 Workes. . . . . 11 Memoirs of Scotland, by Thomson. . 2 (Sir Geo.) Travels in Iceland. . 239 (Henry) Man of Feeling. (B. N. L.) 63 Man of the World. (iO.) . . 63 Julia de Roubigne. (ii.) , . 63 Loimger. Mirror. (B. E.) . . 334 Report of H. S. on Ossian '3 Poems. . 19 Gowk Club, a Poem. (P. P. 7.) . 343 Works. .... 202 John Home's Works. . . 211 ( Henrv, Lord) i „ ,^ ■' M- Liber Domicilii J ac. V. 279 (James) ( (Rev. J.) Siege of Londonderry. . 157 (J.Whiteford) Philotus, a Comedy. . 279 Chronicles of Kings of Scotland. . 280 (Margt.) Proph. Warnings to Edin. & Glasg. 74 (JIurdoch) Survey of Orkney and Lewis. 239 (Simon) Vis Unita fortior, &c. . 9 (Thos.) agt. Roy, Report of Trial of. 296 (Gul. Forbes) Disputatio Juridica. . 56 Mackie's (Rev. C.) Spirit and Const, of the Church. 292 Mackinnon, (Mary) Trial of, for murder. . 135 Mackintosh's (Sawney) Travels through Ireland. 126 M'Kintosh's(Rev. D.)Gaelic Proverbs & Phra8es.86.175 Macklin, (Charles) Memoirs of, by Cooke. 209 Macky's (John) Memoirs of Secret Services. 245 Maclachlan, (Rev. E.) Gaelic Dictionary. 264 Maclagan's (Rev. ) Refutation of charges agt. him. 129 41 Maclaurin's (C.) Arg. & Dec. in Rem. Crim. Case3.272 See Dregliorn (Lord). Maclean, (Jas. Highwayman) Life and Actions of. 297 (Don.) on Steam Navigation. (T. S. 9.) 345 Macleay's (Dr. K.) Descr. of Spar Cave in Skye. 10 Macleod, (Serj. Don.) Memoirs of (H. T. 2.) 80 's (Dr. John) Voyage to Africa. . 246 Voyage of the Alceste to Corea. . 255 , (Rev. Dr. J.) Gaelic Dictionary. . 264 Macmillan's (A.) Forms of Writings in Scotland. 295 M'Millan, (J.) Collection of Letters. . 73 Protestation against Toleration. . 76 (Rev. J.) Proc. of Kirkcud. Presb. agt. (T. 17.) 67 Reply to Letter from a friend to. (T. 18.) 286 Answers to, by Presb. of Kirkcud. (T. 28. 29.) 291 Macneill's (Hector) Lyric Muse of Scotland. 156 Poetical WorTcs. . . . 1 93 Macpherson, (Dav.) Geog. lUust. of Scot. Hist. 3 Wyntoun's Cronikil. ... 8 (Don.) Melodies from the Gaelic. . 165 (Jas.) Frag, of Anc. Gaelic Poetry. 10.(D.F.P)204 Fingal, by Ossian. . . . 14 See Ossian. History of Great Britain. . . 240 Original Papers relative to. . . 240 (Jas.) Hist, of Rebellion, 1745. . OS Macquarie's (Gov.) Letter on New South Wales. 31 Macqueen's (Thos.) Gloaming Amusements. 170 MacRa's {Rn: Jn.) Geneahg. Account of the AfacRas. 3 M'Rae's (Rev. J.) Bereans defended. . 77 M'Robert's (P.) Tour through North America. 31 Macrobius, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 30.) . 226 MacTaggart's (John) Galloridean Encyclopa^dia. 124 M'Ure's (John) History of Glasgow. . 302 M'Vitie's (W.) Battle of Dryfe Sands. . 165 M'Ward's (Rev. R.) Answers to Robert Fleming. 73 Madden 's (Sir F.) Havelok, the Dane. . 276 Exam, of Singer's Rem. on Glossary to Havelok. 276 Maderi (J. J.) Gervasius Tilberiensis. . 234 Madgelt, ( ) Hist, du Due de Marlborough. 38 Maffei, (Sc.) Merope. (P. L 50.) . . 5S Scienza Cavalcresca. . . 49 Mag-astro-mancers Posed and Puzzled. See Gaule. 149 Magazine of Scandall, agt-Fowkes «Sc Lowes. (T. 3.) 151 Magee v. O'Gorman, Trial of, 1815. (D. P. 7. 8.) 313 Magee's (Abp. of Dublin) Evidence before H. of L. 343 Magia Naturalis, Artificiosa, Superstitiosa. 1 42 3 3G ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Magiea, Hisloriffl Mirab. de Spectris, Slc. V24. 133 I Chronicle of Perth, 1210-16G8 Magical Vision, or Fallacies of Witchcraft. (T. 2.) 108 Maginn's (Dr. W.) Whitehall. . . 335 jNIagistracy, Mystery of, unvailed. (T. 16.) . 285 Original and Design of. (T. 6.) . 289 .Alagna Charta, History of, by Thomson. . 124 :Magni (Joann.) Gothorum, Sueon. &c. Hist. DO (Olai) Hist, de Gent. Septent. . 185 (Regis) Leges Gula Thingenses, &c. 64 Jlagnns's (01.) Hist, of Goths, Swedes, & Vandals. 64 Magnusen, (Prof. F.) Uds. o. d. Kaukas. Mennckest. 99 , Forklaring o. e. Rune-Indskrift. . 99 , Forklaring &c. af Ossian's Digte. . 51 , Oplysninger om Kildeme, &c. . C4 , Om Pictames, &c. . . . 98 Mahon's (Vise.) Speech on Reform Bill. (P. P. 6.) 345 Maidment, (Jas.) The Ballad Book. . 161 Banquet of Dainties for str. stom. . J 15 Chronicle of Perth. . . ' . 281 J. Davidson'.s Poetical Remains. . 164 Declar. of Nob. andGent. on Raid of Ruth ven. 15 E.xcerpta Scotica. , . . . 159 Lyoun's Teares for Lord Dunfermling. 275 North Countrie Garland. . . 171 Nugae Derelictae. . . . 14 Nugae Scoticae. . . . 159 Scottish Pasquils. . . . 176 Teniplaria. . . . . 176 Torphichen Charters. . . 176 Maier's (H. H.) Fust von Stromberg. . 54 Wol/red of Stromberg, trans, by Sir W.S. 104 Maieri (Mich.) Symbola Aurea XII. Nationuni 148 Jocus Severus. . . 148 LusuB Serius. . . . 148 Tractatus de Auro. . . . 148 Tripus Aureus. . . . 148 Maierus' Themis Aurea. Laws of Fr. of Ros. Cr. 1 33 Maillet's Telliamed. . . . 113 Maimbourg, (Louis) Histoire des Iconoclastes. 140 Hist, du Calvinisme, Rem. sur. See Rou. Maine's (Rev. Dr. J.) Amorous Warre, Trag. 214 MAITLAND CLUB BOOKS. Beaugue, Guerre d'Ecosse, 1548-9. 280 Blackwood's (Ad.) History of Q. Mary 281 Beves of Hamtoun, a Jletrical Romance. 282 Cartularium Comitatus de Levenax. . 281 281 Chronicles of Kings of Scotland to 1 6 1 1 . 280 Clariodus, a Metrical Romance. . 280 Cochrane Correspondence reg. Glasgow, 1745-6. 282 Dalgamo's (Geo. of Aberdeen) Works. 281 Drummond's (Wm. of Hawthomden) Poems. 281 Duncan's (R.) Literary History of Glasgow. 230 Glasgow, Burgh Records of, 1573-1581. 281 Gray's (Sir Thos.) Scala Chronica, 1006-1362. 282 Hamilton's Desc. of Lanark and Renfrewshires. 280 Henryson's (Robert) Moral Fables, . 281 James I. of Scotland, Life and Death of. 282 Illustrationsof Scottish History, 12thtol6thcent. 281 Lament's (John) Diary, 1649-1671. . 280 Letters of K. James VI. and his Family. 282 Mackay's (Gen.) Wars in Scotland and Ireland. 281 Maitland Club. Registrum Metellanum, p. 1. 281 Catalogue of Works printed for. 282 Miscellany, pts. 1 & 2. . 281 Maitland's (Sir R.) Hist, of House of Seytoun. 280 Poems. .... 280 Miscellaneous Papers on Reigns of Mary and Jas. 281 Moysie's (D.) Memoirs of Scotland, 1577-1608. 280 Papers rel. toRoy. Gd.of Scot. Archers in France. 211 Pitcairn's (Dr. A.) Babell, a Poem. . 280 Records of Burgh of Prestwick in AjTshire. 281 Register of Ministei-s, Exhorters, and Readers. 280 Registnim Monasterii de Passelet. . 281 Reports of Certain Parishes in Scotland. 282 Rob Stene's Dream, a Poem. . . 282 Selections from unpub. MSS. in reign of Q,. Mary. 282 Urquhart's (Sir Thos.) Works. . . 281 Winzet's Tractatis for Reform, of Doctryne. 282 Wodrow's Lives of Reformers and Ministers. 281 Maitland's (Thos.) Boece's Hist, of Scotland. 2 Boethii Episc. Murth. et Aberd. Vitae. 277 Affaires du Conte de Boduel, 1568. 278 Geo. Dalgamo's Works. . . 281 — _ Herrick's Poetical Works. . . 156 Symson's Description of Galloway. . 17 (Capt. F. L.) Nar. of Buonaparte's Surrender. 319 Majoris (Jo.) Hist. Majoris Britanniae. 4 Malcolm's (Rev. D.) Celtick Antiquities. 18 (Jas. P.) Granger's Correspondence. 203 Anecdotes of London. . . 254 (Sir John) History of Persia. . 241 4I4 INDEX, Malcolm's (Sir J.) Persia, a Poem. . 165 Inbtruotions to Officers. . 298 (Lieut. John) Buccanierand other Poems, 180 Malespini, (C.) Ducento Novelle. , . 121 Malkin's (Dr. B. H.) Father's Memoirs of his Child. 197 Mallet's (David) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Malleus Maleficarum, Sprengeri. , . 1 42 Mallorie, (Melchiseilek.) See Hall. Malmsbury, Vind. of Surrender of, 1C43. (T. 10.) 60 Malta, History of,andthe Knights. (M. U, H. 15.) 206 Siege of, by the Turks. Prints of. . 330 See Abela. Brydone. Dryden, Vertot. Maltby's (Bp.) Illustrations of Truth of Xtianity, 292 Sermons, . , . . 292 Man, Ancient Laws of the Isle of, by Train. . 264 See Johnstone. Sacheverell. Waldron. Man of Honour, a Poem. (?. P. 7. P. T. 10.) 309. 312 Man of Taste, occas. by Pope's Epistle, (M. P.) 181 Managers, The, a Ballad. (O, P. 29.) . 157 Manchester, (Earl of) Al Mondo . . 26 Mancini Niveniois. Richardet. . . 116 Mancino, (Pietro) Istoria di. (I. C, I. 5.) . 339 Maudeville'a (Bern.) Defence of Public Stews. 128 Grumbling Hive. (0. P. 25.) 1 57 Mandrin, Life and Surprising Exploits of 297 Manes Presbyteriani. Monuments of the Kirk. 72 Mangone, (Bened.) Lamento, &c. &c. (S. N, S. 1,) 340 Manifest Truths, or Inversion of Truths Manifest. 59 Manley's (Mrs.) Lucius, Tragedy. (O, P, 43.) 220 (Mrs.) Court of Atalantis. , . 248 Manning's, (F.) Generous Choice, Com. (O, P. 44.) 221 (Rev. Owen) Lye's Saxon Dictionary. 248 Maiit, (Bp.) Thos. Warton's Poetical Works. 198 Manton's (Rev. T.) SmectymnuusRediv:vus.(T,20.) 286 Manuscrit vcnu de Ste. Helene. . . 327 Manzoni, (A.) I Promessi Sposi, . . 274 Maquay's (G. P.) Royal Progress. (I. P. 2.) 341 Marana's (J. P.) Letters of a Turkish Spy. 1 83 Mar's (J. Earl of) Letter to the King, 1715, 88 with Remarks, by Steele. (P. T. 9.) 308 Marchand, (Mad. le) Boca. (C. F.) . 44 Merchant's (J.) Hist, of Rebellion, 1745. . 89 Marche, (Olivier de la) Me'moires. (P. C) 49 Marchmont Papers, by Sir G. Rose. . 254 See Rose, (Geo.) Baillie, (Geo.) Marengo, Relations de la Bataille de, &.c. . 324 Marguerite de Valois, (Reine) Me'moires. (P. C.) SO. 114 Marguerite, (Reine) Nouvelles. . 1 20 Maria, Scot. Regina, Autores XVI. de, Jeljb. 12 See Marie. Mary. Craig. Gentz. Mariamne, a Novel. . . 336 Marian, a Novel, .... 336 Mariana's History of Spain, by Stevens. . 262 Marie, Fables de {E. M. R. 4.) . . 133 Marie de Medicis, &c. Hist, de, par Richelieu. 4 1 (R, d'Escosse) Hist. Tragique de. ( Jebb. Coll.) 12 Mort de. 11. (Jebb. Coll.) . . 12 Menu de la Maison de, &c. See Pinguillon. Marie Antoinette, (Reine) Me'moires sur. 323-4 Marietta Cortigiana, Istoria di. (S. N. S. 13.) 340 Marillac, (Mich, de) M^moires. (P. C.) . 50 Mariner's (John) Account of Tonga Isles. 255 Marino, (Cav.) L'Adone. 54. Rime. 39 Maripetri (H.) Seraphicae in D. Francisci Vitam. 268 Marivaux, ( ) Le Paysan Parvenu. . 112 Voiture embourbe'e. (V. I.) . . 45 Marivaux's Life of Marianne. (H. N.) . 341 Marioreybanks' (G.) Annals of Scotland. Dalyell. 23 Marjoribanks' (Capt. J.) Trifles in Verse, &c. 22 Markham's (Gerv.) Maister Peece. . 248 's (Mrs.) History of France. . . 301 Markland, (J. H.) on Use of Carriages in England. 32 Chester Mysteries, . . . 275 Letter on Museum forSoc. of Ant. (H.P,T,3.) 343 Marlborough Ghost, seen by Mr. Sacheverell, 143 (John, Duke of) Tracts respecting : No Queen, No General, (T, 7.) . 293 Information against, and Answer, (S. T. 61.) 307 Narr. of Life and Actions of (B. T. 1.) 130. 307 True Character of an Honest Man. (S. T. 63.) 307 Case of (S. T. 64.) , , 307 Grand Parade, or Triumphant Criminal. (S.T.65.) 307 Letter from Suffolk Curate respecting. (S. T, 66.) 307 The D. of M's. Vindication. (P. 5.) , 308 Report of Comrs. of Public Accounts resp. (P. 7.) 308 Poem on Vict, at Schellenburg, &c. (O. P, 23.) 157 Memoirs of. See Coxe, Madgett. (Sarah, Duchess of) Tracts respecting : Account of the Conduct of, by Hooke. (T, 1 .) 310 Review of Account of, &c. (T. 2. 3.) . 310 Remarks on Account of. . . 310 Last Will and Testament of. (T. 4.) . 310 Opinions of, pub. by Lord Hailes. . 250 (Geo. D. of) Raveuscroft's Mus. Works. 276 5 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. iMarlow's (Chr.) Ovid's Elegies, &c. . 107 Works. . . . . 34C Marmion, or Flodden Field, a Drama. (D. 2.) 211 — — — a Drama, by Barker. . . 218 Marmion's (Sh.) Holland's Leaguer, Com. 216 Fine Companion, &c. . . 21 G j^Iarmontel, ( )CEuvre8de. . . 40 Mariit, (Michel) Quelques QSuvres de (Pav.) 141 Marrat's (W.) History of Grantham. . 20 Marriage Bed, Treatise on U. and A. of. See De Foe. Marriott's (Rev. J.) Hints to a Traveller. . 250 Marrsand Williamsons, Murders of. 1811. (C. M.) 130 Marsh's (A.) Confession of New Married Couple. 134 Marshman's (J.) Confucius's Works. . 34 Dissertation on Chinese Language. . 34 Marsolier, Histoire du Card. Ximenes. . 41 Marston's (J.) Dutch Courtezan, Com. (0. P. 2.) 215 (R.) Eleg. Poem on Th. Lord Grey de Wilton. 276 Slartialis Epigrammata, Schrevelii. (V. L. C. 31.) 226 Martial's Epigrams, trans, by R. Fletcher. 112 JIartial d'Auvergne, L'Amant rend. Cord. &c.(M.3.) 116 Martin's (■B.)Panegyrick on Newt. PhiIos.(M.T.6.) 130 (M.) Descr. of Western Isles. . 5 Voyage to St. Kilda. (M. S.) (Dr. John) Mariner's Tonga Islands. (W.) Northumberland Bard. (P. P. 13.) Marline's (Geo.) State of See of St. Andrews. 4 Martiniere, (De la) Tombeau de la Folie. 119 Marvell's (And.) Miscellaneous Poems. (T.) 30 Rehearsal Transprosed. . . 74 Poems on Affairs of State. (O. P. 1.) 157 Mary I. (Queen of Eng.) Godwin's Hist. of. (C. H.)24fl Spousals and Marriage to Prince of Castille. 275 (Q. of Scots)Cerem. of Marriage with Dauphin. 275 Miscellaneous Papers relative to reign of. 281 Lives of. See Chalmers. Freebaim. Grant. LoveLett.and Sonnets, and Case of. See Campbell. Poetic Remains of. See Chalmers. Collections rel. to Funeral of. See Pitcairn. Historical Drama. See Grahame. Histrionical Delineation of. See Macauley. See also Buchanan, (G.) Laing. (M.) Mary de Medicis, (a) Voy. of, to Mars. (Q.E.P.21 .) 266 Masaniello, History of, by Midon. . 121 See B. (T.) Giraffi. Tontoli. &c. Mascal's (L.) Government of Cattel. . 247 Three Books of Cattel, and Art of Planting. 248 7.19 343 Masenii E.\ercitationcs Oratoriae. . 228 Mason, (Francis) Relation of, J 72 yeais old. (T. 2.) 74 Mason's (Rev. J.) Treatise on Self-Knowledge. 291 (Rev. W.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Works. .... 191 Saffo, Trad. Ital. da Mathias. . 38 __— (J. M.) Com. on Beaum., Fletcher, and Shaks. 210 (W. Monck) Hist, of St. Patrick's Cathedral. 242 (W. S.) Fragni. of Irish Statistics. (J. P. 7.) 343 Catalogue of Sir R. Peel's Irish Library. 315 Masque, presented by Prince Charles at Richmond. 313 Masquerades, Ballad on the. . . 128 Massachusetts Hist. Society Collections. . 30 Mass^,(P.) Impostures, &c. desDiables,Devins,&c. 146 (C.) History of Duelling. . . 134 Massinger's (Phil.) Plays, by Gifford. . 209 Maid of Honour, Tragi-Com. (O. P. 2.) 214 Jlastrillo, (Gius.) Istoria di. (S. N. S. 5.) 340 Masuccio Salernitano, II Novellino. . 120 Mather's (Rev. C.) Won. of Inv. Wor. (W.T.1.2.3.) 50 Memorable Providences, &c. . 143 Sufferings of Marg. Rule. (Cal. 1.) . 150 Eccl. History of New-England. . 240 Mathias, (T. J.) English and Latin Odes. . 311 Heroic Epistle to Winsor. (M. P. 32.) 186 Lett, on Death of Norton NichoUs. (P.cSlP.4.) 192 Canzoni Toscane. . . . .32 Trad. Ital. di Saffo di Mason. . 38 Canzoni e Prose Toscane. . . 38 Poesie Liriche. ... 38 Viro Celeb. Walt. Scott. . . 38 Aggiunta ai Componim. Lirici. . 38 Crescimbeni, Storia degli Arcadi. . 38 Gravina, della Ragion Poetica. . 38 _ Monzini, Arte Poetica Italiana. . 38 Monti, La Rivoluzione Francese. . 38 Redi, Bacco in Toscana. . . 38 Mathieu's Life of Henry IV. of France. . 39» Mathison,(Rev.T.)Goff,anHer.Com.Poem.(M.P.21)181 Matlock, Buxton, &c. Guide, by Ward. 248 Matthaei Evangelium, e cod. rescr. a Barrett. 229 Paris Historia Major, Parker. . 252 JNIaturin's (Rev. C. R.) Fatal Revenge. . 335 Women, or Pour et Contre. . 335 Melmoth. .... 336 Albigenses. .... 336 Sermons on R. C. Errors. (T. C. Q. 2.) 346 416 INDEX. MaiurinTs (Rev. C. R.) Bertram, a Tragedii. 200 Fredolfo, a Tragedy. . . 322 Manuel, a Tragedy. . . 212 Maude's (T.) Traveller's Lay, a Poem. . 158 Memorial. (P. P. 12.) . . 343 Jlaul's (of Melgum) History of the Picts. (S. JI.) 7 Maximes des Princes. ... 40 MaruielVs (Ja.) Narrat. of Pr. autrles's Ei-ped. (T.) 23 (S.) Battle of the Bridge, Poem. . 164 w_of Cool's Ghost, Conf. with Mr. Ogilvie. C9 May-Games, Downfall of. See Hall. . 128 May's (T.) Lucan's Pharsalia, and continuation. 109 Mayans i Siscar, Vida de Cervantes. . 1 R3 Mayne's (John) Siller Gun, a Poem. . 1 G4 Glasgow, a Poem. (P. P. 1.) . 194 Maze, The, a Poem. . . . 1 82 Mazella's History of Naples, by Howell. 229 Mead's (Rob.) Comb, of Love and Friendship, Con. 217 Bleadowbank's (Lord) Consid.on Jury Trial. (T.4.) 295 Meason, (Gilb. Laing.) See Laing Meason. Meath Hospital, Report for 1812. (D. P. 5.) 3J3 Mechanical Tales. Poetical Effusions. . 16'3 Sredbourne's( )Moliere'sTartuffe.(O.P.2.)21 3.(45. )221 Jledland and Weobly's Criminal Trials. . 296 Medleys and Whig Examiners for 1711. . 302 Medwin's (T.) Conversations of Lord Byron. 198 Meg (Long) of Westm. (R. T. 3.) 139. (M.A. 6.) 176 Megee, (John, Pedlar) Tracts of. (T. 1.) . 73 ileidinger, (H.) Reisen d. Grossbritannien. 48 Meillan, Me'moires sur la Convention. . 324 Mela, (Pomponius) Gronovii. (V. L. C. 42.) 22G Melcombe's (G. B. Lord) Diary. . 255 Meldrum's (Rev. G.) Two Serm. and Vind. (T.4.5.G.) 82 Melmoth's (W.) Cicero's Letters. . 227 Pliny's Letters. . . . 227 Melrose Abbey and Parish, Hist. of. See Bower. Milne. Chartulary of. ... 280 (Mailros) Chronica de. (G. et F.) . 27 Excursion to. See Hutchinson's Northumb. Melton's (J.) Astrologaster, or Figure Caster. 1 52 Melusina, Wunderbare Geschichte von. . 53 Jfeh-ille (Rev. Andrew) Life of, by M'Crie. 302 (Rev. Jas.) Diary of. 1558-1 601. . 279 (Sir James) Memoirs of, by G. Scott. 8 Memoirs, by T. Thomson. . . 277 (Henry, Lord Vise.) Biog. Sketch of. (T.) 18 Monody on. (P. 4.) . . 196 15.23 138 339 Melville, (Robert Lord Viscount) Melvill's Diary. 279 Jle'moires, Collection de. See France. Petitot. Memoirs regarding 1745. of the Rebel Lords. 1746. of a Life in Pennsylvania. See Gait of a Social Monster. (C. Price.) of the Times, &c. 1737. McTiwrui di 190 Tesori. (P. T. 15.) Memorial, alias Legion. See De Foe, &c. of Church of England. See Drake. of State of England, See Nottingham. of the Established Church of Ireland. 294 Menagiana. .... 47 Menardaye, E.\. de I'Hist. des Diables de Loudun. 1 44 Mendez Pinto, (F.) Voyages and Travels, by Cogan. 12!i Corsajre Portiiguais. (V. I.) . 45 Mendicant, Compleat, or Unhappy Beggar. See DeFoe. Mendico Hymen, or Begg. Match, a Poem. (P.P.4.) 312 Mendoza, (Don Juan de) Lazarillo de Tormes. 1 1 8 Lazarillo, translated by Rowland. . 115 Menestrier, (CI.) Traite des Toumois. . 101 Mengi Flagellum et Fustis Daemonum. 144 Mennis, (Sir J.) Muses Recreation, &c. 172 Menschlichen Natrheit, Geschichte der. 52 Mentet, (Robert) Hist, des Troub. de la Gr. Bret. 249 Menuthia, History of. (T. 3.) . . 224 Menzies,(Pro. Jn.) Papism. Lucifug. Cont. wt. Demp. 84 Menzini, (Ber.) Poesie. (P. I. 40.) . SG Arte Poetica Italiana. Mathias. Mercer's (A.) Dunfermline Abbey, Poem. Mercier, ( ) Songes et Visions. (V. I.) Mercure, Relation du Monde de. (V. I.) de la Gaule Belgique. Mercurius Aulicus, 1 G42. Belgicus, &c. Bellicus. Intell. from Reading. (T. 5.) Caledonius. Diurnal of Scots Pari. 1648. Rusticus, or Countrie's Complaint. Trismegistus. See Hermes. Meres's Art of English Poesie. (M. P. A.) Mergey, (Jean de) Mc-moires. (P. C.) Merian, (M.) Todten-Tantz, in Basel. Merle, (Math.) Me'moires. (P. C.) Merlini Ambrosii Vaticinia. Merlin Coccaie,Histoire Maecaronique. SeeFolengi. IOC Merli/u,(E.M.Ji. 10.11.) . . 104 Merry's (R.) Paulina, a Poem. (M. P. 1.) 18C 38 39 237 259 60 60 259 177 49 lOG 50 142 417 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Merry Companion. Collection of Songs. . 170 1 Devil of Edmonton. . . 151 Milkmaid of Islington. (0. P. 2.) . 21K .. Thought, The, or Doghouse Miscellany. 128 Merry land, New Description of. . 129 Mesnager's Negotiations at C. of England. (D. 12.) 125 Mcstcher9ky,Disc. sur la Litterature Russe. (P.D.I 1 )34S Meston's (\Vm.) Poetical Works. . . 20 Tale of a Man and his Mare. . . 84 Mob contra Mob. ... 84 Metastasio, (P.) Drammi Scelti. (P. I. 47.) 56 Drammi Sacri. (P. 1. 54.) . . 56 Metcalf, (.lohn, of Knaresborough) Life of. 152 Metrical Romances. See Ellis. Ritson, Weber. Enylishand French, ir. hy George Ellis. 103 Emjlish, transc.from MSS. at Naples. 105 Tales, Ancient. See Hartshome. Early Scottish. See Laing. Me.\ico, History of Conquest of, B. Diaz. . 243 See Solis. Meyer, (F. G. alius Count R.) Life of, by Sharp. Meyrick, (SirS. R.) on the Lorica Catena. 32 Crit. Inquiry into Ancient Armour. . 251 Descr. & Drawings of L. Meyrick 's Armour. 337 Meyssens, (J.) Non Moritur Moriendo, &c. Plates. 132 Mczeray, (E.) Histoire de France. . 46 Michael Angelo Buonarrotti, Life of. See Duppa. Michaelis's (Seb.) History of Penitent Witch. 124. 147 Michaud, (J.) Quinze Semaines de Bonaparte. 326 de Villette, Prem. Guerres de Napoldon. 324 Michault, (P.) La Dance aux Aveugles. . 108 Michell's (Secretary) Young Juba. . 91 Mickle's (Wm. J.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Camoens's Lusiad. (E. P.) 42. . 195 Sir Martyn. (M. P. 7.) . 186 Midgley, (Dr. S.) Halifax and its Gibbet Law. 144 Middleton's (T.) & Rowley's Fair Quarrell.(O.P.l.)214 Michaelmas Term. . . . 216 (Sir Thos.) Declaration, &c. 1644. 5S. (T. 5.) 59 Midon's History of Masaniello. ■ . 121 Miege, ( ) Ambassades du C. de Carlisle. 40 Mielle, ( ) Mc'moires du Comte de Modene. 36 Mignet's ( ) History of French Revolution. 318 Milbourne's (Rev. L.) Notes on Dryden's Virgil. Militnry Discipline, &c. in Scotland. 21. Laws of. 1689. (T. 2.) . . Barry's Treatise of. Military Operations of Allies in 1 743-4, Tracts on. 95 and Maritime Discipline, Treatise on. 27 1 Miller's (J.) Humours of Oxford, Com. (P. &. P. 3.) 222 f Jas.) Luckless Drave, and other Poems. 165 St. Baldred, and Siege of Berwick. 165 (Rev. Jas.) Progress of Human Mind. 2311 (J.) Memoirs of General Miller in Peru. 32 'a (Joe) Jests. (J. T. 1.) See Jenkins. 129 (P.) Nar. of Facts on Steam Navig. (T.S.8.) 345 (W.) Biographical Sketches. . 252 (W. H.) Bulk of Alexander the Great. 279 Mills's (Chas.) History of the Crusades. 231 History of Chivalry and Knighthood. 231 Milmnn's (Rev. H. H.) Anne Boleyn. . 163 Fall of Jerusalem. . . 200 Martyr of Antioch. . 200 Belshazzar. ... 200 History of the Jews. (M.F.L.) 200. 315 Miln, (Nicol) Disputatio Juridica. . 33 Milne's (Dav.) Essay on Comets. . 272 (Rev. A.) Descrip. of Melrose. . 16 Milton's (John) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Poetical Works, by Bishop Newton. 195 Prose Works, by Dr. Birch. . 195 Hist, of Britain. (C. H.) . 249 Collections, Original Papers from. See NickoUs. Minnesingers, Lays of the, by Edgar Taylor. 160 Minto's (Lord) Speech at Roxburgh Co. Meet. 1803. 80 Minucius Felix, Cyprianus,et Firmicus,Gronovii. 226 324 142 334 177 317 317 Miot,Mdm. sur I'Exped. d'Egypte. Miracles des DeuxTestamens, Faussete des. Mirror, The, by Mackenzie. (B. E.) for Magistrates. 173. (B. B. 4.) Mirza Abu Taleb's Travels. Itcza Modeen's Travels in Great Britain. Miscellanea. Coll. of Wise and Ingenious Sayings. 135 Miscellanea Aulica, &c. by T. Brown, . 8 Antiqua Anglicana. 176. Poetica. 177 Curiosa MS. rcl. to Scotland. . 2. IS Scotica, .... 7 Miscellaneous Collection of MS. and Printed Belies. 264 French Poems and Tracts. 33 Papers relating to Scotland. . 2 Papers, &c. Queen Mary and James VI. 281 Papers relating to Rebellion of 1 745 2 Miseries of Human Life. See Beresford. Missale Romanum. . . 115 INDEX. Mistaken Husband, a Comedie. (0. P. 3.) 218 Mitchell's (James, of Dj'kes) Memoirs. . C8 (Rev. Jas.) Tryal for att. on Archbishop Sharp. 83 (Dr. J.) Vertot's Revol. of Sweden. 259 (J.) Treatise on Forest Trees. . 300 (Dr. J.) Statement and Reply to Mr. Gibson. 271 210 216 76 84 153 165 (Rev. T.) Comedies of Aristophanes. ( ) Highland Fair, Opera. (P. 3.) (W.) Tinkl. Doctor's Catechism. Whole Works. (W. A.) Essay on Capacity and Genius. Thoughts of one that Wandereth. Mitre & Club, or Lambeth Consultation. (O.P.20.) 157 & Purse, Seer. Hist, of, & Ans. (S. T. 1 2. 1 3.) 306 Mitford's (Rev. John) Thomson's Poems. 227 (Mary R.) Waltington Hill, a Poem. 179 Mitton, (Col.) Victory gained by, 1644. (T. 18.) 60 Letters intercepted by, 1645. (T. 16.) 60 MockCampaign,orEngli3hBravery,aPoem.(P.T.15.)309 Clelia, Comical History, &c. . 113 Monarchs, or Benefits of High Blood. 136 Mocquet's (John) Travels and Voyages. 246 Modene, (Comte de) Memoires du. . 36 Moderation Displayed. Stote. (O.P.18.)157.(P.P.7.)304 still a Virtue. See Owen. Modern Ace. of Scotland by an Eng. Gent. Kirk. 21 Gallantry, Essays on. . . 33 Matrimony, a Satire. (P. P. 21.) . 263 Whig, and Tom Double. See Davenant. Modes, Treatise upon the, &c. Hains. 128 Modest Inquiry, add. to Bp. of Cloyne. (I. M. 2.) 304 Modestus de Vocab. Rei Militaris. (S. R. M.) 223 Mogg's Paterson's Roads. . . 303 Planof London, 1825. . . 315 Map of Countr}' 24 miles round London, 1821. 315 Mogul Tales, by Gueulette. (T. of E.) . 43 Jloguls, History of the (A. U. H. 18 and M. 4.) 206 Mohun,(Lord) Duel of,mthD.of Hamilton (T.2.) 58.144 Moine Secularise', Le. . . . 116 Moir's (D. M.) Legend of Genevieve. 335 (Prof Geo.) Schiller's Wallenstein. 160 Schiller's Thirty Years' War. (C. M.) 315 . Moliere, (J.B.P. de) CEuvTes. Bret. . 40 Histoire de, par Taschereau. . 36 Lettres sur la femme de, par Portia (T.) 36 's Tartuffe, trans, by Medboume. 213. 221 213 Dumb Lady, trans, by J. Lacy. (O. P. 3.) Moliere's School for Wives, by Caryl. (0. P. 1 1 .) 220 Molinaei (Lud.) Rerum in Scotia gest. Hist. 20 Theatrum Tragicum Londini celeb. 26 (Petr.) Vates, seu de precog. futur. 108 Molinet, (Jean) Chronique. (B.C.) . 51 MoUeson's (Al.) Melody the Soul of Music. 298 Process, D. Bannatyne against. (S. T. 3.) li> Prosp. of Hist, of Alex, the Great.(H.P.7.12.) 343 Momus tum'd Fabulist, Opera. (P. & P. 2.) 216 Mona, Dissertation on. See Sacheverell. Monachism, British, Hist. of. See Fosbrooke. Monachorum Nigr. Angliae Hist. See Reyneri. Monarchy Revived. Personal Hist, of Charles IL 234 Monck, (Gen.) Dr. Wild's Poem on the March of. 57 Three Letters from, 1659. (T. 11.) 62 Piety and Probity of, in Restoration. Toland. 258 Life of, by Skinner. . . 237 Moncrief 's (J. of Tippermalloch) Poor Man's Phys. 1 6 Moncriefr,(T.) Alliance of French & Scot3.(M.S.) 7. 22 Welwood's (Rev. Sir H.) Sermons. 183 (James, now Lord) Letter to. (M. E. P. 1.) 342 Moncrif, (M. de) Contes. (C. F.) . 44 Aventures de Zeloide (C. F.) . 45 Contes et Nouvelles en Vers. . 116 Mone, (D. F. J.) Gesch. d. Heidenthums im N. Eur. 48 Money-Catching, Art of . . 1 36 Money, Remarks on the Nature of. (P. C. 5.) 342 Monipennie's Scots Chronicles. (Mis. Scot.) 7 . See Certayne Matters. Monkies, Apology for. See Rose. Moniteur Universel, 1789-1823. . . 261 Monmouth, (Sir R. C, Earl of) Memoirs. See Scott. 231 (Henry, Earl of) Wars of Italy. . 263 (James, Duke of) Heroick Life of 26 The Perplexed Prince. . . 26 's Rebellion, Tracts relating to. (T.) . 30 See Grey. Pitman. Monmouthshire, Memoirs of (E. T. T. 1.) 144 Monnoye, (M. de la) Noels Bourguignons. (F. 3.) 1 lli Monodies, Poetical. (P. 4.) . . 19() Moaro,(Dean) Descr. of West. Isles. (M. S.) 7. 17 (Dr.) Cruden's Ace. of Action against. 58 (John) Celestial Excursion. (R. P. 4.) 80 (Sir Thomas) Life of, by Glcig. . 317 Mons, Religieuse Posscss^e en la villo de. 147 Monster, The, a Satyr. (O. P. 1.5.) . 157 Memoirs of a Social (C. Price.) . 138 419 ABBOTSF(?RD LIBRARY. Monsters, The, Trials and Tracts on, . 297 Monstrelet, (Enguerrand de) Chroniques. (B. C.) 51 Chroniques. . . . 233 Montague's (Ed.Wortley) Memoirs against Pajba. 310 (Lady M. Wortley) Works. . . 202 Letters to Sir J. & Lady F. Stewart. 202 (Mrs. Eliz.) Letters. . . 203 (H. W.) Montmorency, a Tragedy. (D. P. 4.) 344 Montaigne's Essayes, tr. by Florio. . 102 Montalvan, (Dr.J.P.) Successes yProdigios de Amor.120 Monteath's(Robt.)Forester'sGuide. . 29U Reports on Woods and Plantations. 299 New Way of Draining Bogs, &c. 299 Monteith's (Rob.) Theatre of Mortality. 20 Montesquieu, (President) CEuvres. . 48 Histoire des Troglodytes. (V. I.) . 45 Jlontfaucon, (Dom. B. de) Antiquite Expliqude. 223 Montgaillard, (Abbe) Histoire de France. 323 Montglat, (Marq. de) Mtmoires. (P.C.) SO Montgomery's (Alex.) Poems, by Irving. 175 Cerasmn et Silv. Prunum, a Dempster. 21 Facclious Poem in iniit. o/, by G. G. (A/, C '2.) 15 Manuscripts. Colonisation of the Ardes. 25 1 (James) Wanderer of Switzerland. 194 Chimney Sweeper's Friend. . . 194 Prison Amusements. . . 203 (Rev. Robert) and his Reviewers. See Clarkson. Monthly Review. ... 329 Montholon, (Gfoifral) Me'moires de Napole'on. 327 Monti, (V.) Rivoluzione Francese, Viaione. 30 Montluc, (Blaise de) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 4U Commentaries of, by Cotton. (H. C.) 252 Montmorency Morres on Irish Pillar Towers. 302 Hontpensier, (Due de) Memoires. . 324 (Mile, de) Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 Montresor, (Comte de) Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 Montis-rosarum, (Jac. March.) De rebus Gestis. 22a Montrose, (J. Marq. of) Memoirs of, by AVishart. 5.20 Hist, of Warrs in Scotland under. . 20 Letters and papers concerning. , 2 1 Victory at Kilsyth, Rel. of. (T. 2.) . GO Defeat by Lesley, Rel. of. (T. 3.) . CO Relation of Funeral of (T. 7.) . 287 Montrose, a National IMelo-drama. . 21 1 Moodie's (A.) Present State of Scotland. . 20 Mooney, (Nic.) Remarkable Instance of Free Grace. 71 Moor's (Edward) Suffolk Words and Phrases. 121 Moore's (Edward) Poems. (E. P.) 42 (Sir T.) JIaugora, Trag. (O. P. 4C.) 221 (Th.) Letter to Catholics of Dublin. (P.P.C.) 313 Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress. 168 Lalla Rookh. ... 185 Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan. . 202 Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. 195 Moors Baffled. Disc, on Tangier. See Rutherfurd. 178 Moraes, (Fr. de) Palmerin of England, by Southey. 1 12 Moral Miscellany. . . . 316 Morant's ( Ph.) Rem. on Selden's Mare Claus. (F.l.) 236 Morat, (Sultan) Letter to King of Poland. (T. 58.) r,\ Moray, Hist, of Province of. See Shaw. More's (Rev. Dr. H.) Works. . . 208 (Cr.) Life of Sir Thomas Jlore, by Hunter. 1 25 More, (Eliz. wife of Robert II.) Vindication of. 5 (J. S.) Notes and lUust. of Stair's Inst. 264 (SirT.) See Frith. More, (Cr.) Morehead's (Rev. R.) Poetical Epistles. Sermon on Battle of Waterloo. (S. 2.) Morell's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Ainsworth's Lat. Diet. Morellet, (Abb^) Memoires. IMorer's (Rev. T.) Short Account of Scotland. Jloreri, (L.) Dictionnaire Historiquc. Jloreton, (And.) Every Body's Business. See DeFoe. Morgan's (Maj.-Gen.) Mem. ofCampaign 1657-8. 250 Mori da Ceno. Novelle. . . . 120 Morier's (J.) Adventures of Hajji Baba. . 259 Hajji Baba in England. . . 259 Morin, (Michel) Eloge funebre de. (F. F. 3.) 117 Morison's (D. jun.) Catalogue of the Grey Library.251 (Dr. J.) Medicine no Mystery. . 30 Morland, (Geo., Painter) Memoir of, by Hassell. 185 Morley, (Henry Lord) Boeasse's Famous Women. 209 Morlini Opus. Novellac, &c. a Caron. . 119 Mornay's (Du Plessis) Trewness of Christian Relig. 28!) Mornings at Bow Street, by Wight. . 137 Morpeth,(Lord)Marston's Elegy on Lord Grey deW.276 Morrell, (Wra. alias Bowyer, Life of, by Settle. 134 Morse, (S. T. B.) Poems by L. M. Davidson. 164 Morte Arthur, Adventures of Launcelot du Lake. 275 Mortier, (P.) Pane'gyrique de Reinhart. (F. F.2.) 117 Mortimer's (T.) Student's Dictionary. . 316 Morton's (Rev. J.) Dr. Leyden's Poetical Remain8.190 Moryson's (Fynes) Itinerary of Ten Years' Travel. 241 Moschus, by Fawkes. (E. P.) . . 42 163 293 267 324 17.21 39 420 INDEX. / V Mott( Moschus, tr. by Stanley. 175. by Polwhele. 204 Motte-Fouque, (Fr. Baron de la) Alboin, Heldensp. 53 Altsachsischer Bildersaal. . 53 Bertrand du Guesclin. . . 52 Corona. .... 53 Dramatische Dichtungen. . . 49 Die Fahrten Thiodolfs, &c. . . 51 Gedichte. .... 51 Gefuhle, Bilder und Ansichten. . 52 . Geisterwelt Geschichte . . 54 Heldenspiele. ... S3 Hieronymus von Stauf, Trauersp. . 53 Die Jahreszeiten. , . . 51 Karls d. Grossen Geburt. . . 53 Kleine Romane. ... 51 Liebesrache, Trauersp. . . 53 Die Pilgerfahrt, Trauersp. . . 53 Der Refugie. ... 52 Reise-Erinnerungen. . . 52 Ritter Elidones. ... 52 Sangerliebe. ... 53 Sigurd, Heldensp. ... 53 Wilde Liebe. ... 52 Der Verfolgte. . . . -52 Vaterlandische Schauspiele. . . 54 Die Zauberring. ... 52 Die Zwei Briider. ... 53 (Caroline, Baronin) Reise-Erinnerungen. 52 ErzUhlungen. ... 52 Die Beiden Freunde. • . 53 Die Fahrt in die neue Welt. . 269 Outcasts, trans, by Soane. . . 33G Jlother Gin, Tragi-comical Eclogue. (P. P. 23.) 2G3 Mothern-eU's (W.) Minstrelsy, Anc. and Mod. 34. 17G Paisley Magazine, 1828. . . 301 Motteux"s (P.) Don Quixote. . . 85. 317 Em-ope's Revels for the Pc.-ee. (O. P. 7.) 157 Three Plays. . . . 218 Motteville,(Mad. de)Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Mouhy, (M. de) Lamekis. (V. I.) . 45 Moulin, (Ant. du) Traicte' sur les Divinations. (Art.) 143 Mountague's (W.) Shepherd's Paradise, Comedy. 217 Mountcney's (B.) Inquiry into Napoleon. 320 Mountfort's (W.) Injured Lovers, Trag. (0. P. 47.) 221 Female Wits, Com. (O. P. 48.) . 221 Mouskes, (Phil.) Chronique de (B. C.) . 51 Moxon's (Edw.) Christmas, a Poem. . 165 Moyen de Parvenir, par Beroalde de Verville. 1 32 Moyle, (Walter) Lucian's Works. . 203 Works, never before published. . 237 Moyse'3 or Moysie(D.) Memoirs ofScotl. 20. 278.280. Mudie's (R.) Glenfergus, a Novel. . 336 MufFet's (Dr. T.) Theatre of Insects. (Top.) 122 Muhammed Baber, (Sultan) Memoirs, by Leyden,&c. 34 Muir, (Thos.) Trial of,for Sedition, 1793. (S. T. 1.) 297 Mulgrave's (Earl of) Essay on Poetry. (P. P. 5.) 304 Mullen's (S.) De Grey, a Poem. . . ISS MuUer's (P. E.) Saga-bibliothek. . . 98 Lingbye's Faeroiske Quaeder. . 9ft Crit. Und. ice. af Saxos og Snorros Kilder. 100 Ant. Und. o. d. v. Gallehuus Guldliorn. 100 MuDner, (Adolph.) Die Schuld. Trauersp. 48 Mundell, (Al.) on Scotch Elect. Franch. (P.P.R.4.) 344 Mundy's (Ant.) Chronicle of Successe of Time. 26 PaUadine of England. . . 120 ( ) Fall of Needwood. (M. P. 33.) 186 Munro, (Rev. Dr. A.) Ace. of Refom3ation.(T.5.) 66. 305 's (Col.) Expedition with MacKeyes Regt. 5 Munster, Miseries of Province of, 1 645. (T. 1 7.) 60 Farmer, Captain Rock Detected. . 251 Muntaner, (Ramon) Chronique. (B. C.) . 51 Miinter, (Episc. F.) Narr. de Lucio, pr. Episc. Rom. 56 De Rebus Ituraeorum. . . 56 Frag. vers. Lat. Prophetarum. . 103 Symbola veteris Ecclesiae, &c. . 103 Epistola de Monum. vet. apud se. . 1 03 (&c.) Epistola EnclycUca ad Clerum. 103 Formed. &c. af det Hebraiske ord Kesita. 56 Leire i Sielland, &c. ... 56 Forklar. a. e. Inscription p. e. g. Arai Cortona. 103 Rech. sur la Chevalerie Danoise. . 56 Velia in Lucanien. ... 56 Der Tempel d. Himml. Gottin zu Paphos. 56 Die Odinische Religion. . . 103 Murat, (Mad. de.) Contes des Fees. (C. F.) 44 Voyage de Campagne. (V. I.) . 45 Les Lutins. (V. I.) . . . 46 Murat, (Joachim) Vie de. . . 32(i Interesting Facts rel. to Fall of. See Macirone. et Buonaparte Ravisseurs, &c. . 327 Muratori, (L. A.) Annali d'ltalia. . . 273 Murder will out. Sermon on 5th Nov. (T. 8.) 66 JIure's (Sir W.) Hist, of Mures of Rowallan. 23 Caledon's Complaint ag. inf. libells. (S. T. 2.) IS :i 3H ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Murena, (JI.) Vita di Roberto Re di Napoli. Murpliy's (Arthur) Dr. Johnson's Works. Fielding's Works. Murray, (Prof. Alex.) Bruce's Travels. (Sir Alex.) True Int. of Great Britain, &c. (Lady) Mem. of Geo. and Lady G. Baillie. (Sir David of Gorthy) Poems. (Lord Geo.) Account of Battle of CuUoden. (/?cti. Geo.) Diary of, (Seceding Minister.) (Hugh) Discoveries in North America. Discoveries and Travels in Africa. Discoveries and Travels in Asia. Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. (John, of Broughton) Memoirs of. Poem to, on turning Evidence. 91. (P. T. 8.) (J. A.) Tucker's Report on Scots Revenue. (SirThos.) Scots Acts of Parliament. (John) Family Library. Musaeus, by Fawkes. (E.P.) JtusSus, (J. A.) Deutschen Volksniahrchen. Muschat, (Nicol, of Boghall) Last Speech, &c. of Muse in Good Humour, Comic Tales. of Newmarket, 3 Farces. (O. P. 1.4.) JIusee Royal. Galerie des Tableaux. Catalogue des Antiques. Museum Hermeticum. Italicum, Mabillon. JIusgrave's (John) Word to the Wise. (T. 56.) (Sir R.) History of Irish Rebellions. Musomania, or Poet's Purgatory. Mylius's (C.) Ace. of a new Zoophyte. (P.T. 11.) Myln, (A.) Vitae Episcop. Dunkeldensium. Jlynors's (Rev. W.) Serm. on Restoration Ann. (T.i Mynshul's (G.) Essays and Char, of a Prison. aiysore, Conquest of. (P. P. 1.) See Porter. Jlysteries, Chester. See Markland. Coventry. See Sharp. Townley, Pageant from. Ancient, described by Hone. Four Ancient. (Hawk. O. E. D.) Mysteries of Iniquity.^ [on RevoUttioJi 1688.) (S. T. G. Mythographi Latine Veteres, viz C. J. Hyginus. (V. L. C. 33.) F. Planciades Fulgentius. (V. L. C. 33.) Lactantius Placidus. (V. L. C. 33.) Albricus Philosophicus. (V. L. C. 33.) Jly virian Archaiology of Wales. 268 188 188 233 254 277 94 65 31 205 205 255 91 310 277 11 332 42 55 145 131 219 46 269 153 273 61 314 164 310 277 r.)66 127 312 275 249 276 254 215 ) 18 226 226 226 226 162 Nabbes's (Thos.) Unfortunate Mother, Tragedy. 213 Totenham Court, Comedy. . . 213 Bride, Comedy. (0. P.) . . 213 Microcosmus. (O. P. 4.) . . 216 Nairn, (Rev. Th.) Char, and Conduct of. (T. 2. 8.) 74 Nairne, (Jas.) Rothes's Affairs of Scotknd 1637-8. 278 Naked Truth, Intrigues of Amorous Fops. (T. 1.) 108 Nalson's,(Dr.J.)Hist. Coll.ofAff. of State, 1639-48. 241 Naphtali. See Stewart. Napier, (Arch, first Lord) Memoirs of. . 18 (Prof. M.) Rem. on Lord Bacon's Writings. 32 Supplement to Encyclopedia Britannica. 265 (W. J. Lord) Practical Store Farming. 299 Naples, History of, to Charles VI. (M. U. H. 25.) 207 See Giraffi. Guise. Howell. Mazella. Hist, de la Revol. de, 1047-8. See Lussan. M^moires Historiques, &c. sur. See Orloff. Napoleon, Correspondance Inedite. CEuvres. Me'm. sur I'Hist. de France. et la Grande Arme'e. Histoire de, par P. F. H. Campagnes de, Ouvrages sur les. ■ Coronation Ceremony of. (T. T. 3.) English Works on Hist, and Campgns of 31 8-320 Napoletano Dialetto, Del. (P. N. 28.) See Galiani. 57 Napoli, Descr. della Citta di. See Sigismondo. 57 Teatro de' Governi, Vicere, &c. See Pan-ino. Opere varie suUa Storia del Regno di. 267-8 Nares's (Rev. Dr. Ed.) Heraldic Anomalies. 256 (Rev. Dr. Robt.) Glossary of Old Eng. Words. 266 Nash, (T.) Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. (A. 7.) 184 (Rev. Dr. T. R.) Butler's Hudibras. 242 (Beau) Life of. See Goldsmith. Nathan, (Rabl)i) Tractatus de Partibus. 81 Natural Philosophy, Treatises on. (L. U. K.) 3*0 Nature, a Poem. (P. P. 4.) . 230 National Church Acconi., Draught for. (T. 2.) 285 Naubert, (B.) Turmalin und Laserta. . 269 Naudaeus' (G.) History of Magick, by Davies. 145 Naude, (G.) Hist, des Freres de Rose-Croix. 141 Naufrage de R. Castelman. (V. I.) . 45 de Pierre Viaud. (V. I.) . . 45 de Mad. Godin. (V. I.) . . 45 d' im Vaisseau Hollandois. (V. I.) 4."< Naufrages, Histoire de, par de Perthes. 46 Naunton's (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia. 231. 258 .S24 327 327 .S27 327 24-327 313 422 INDEX. Navarre, History of. (M. U. H. 19.) 20G Navarro, (G.) Marmo Greco-Melitese. . 270 Navis Stultifera, or Ship of Fooles, by Brant. 101 or Modern Ship of Fools. . ! 94 Neck or Nothing. Sup. to Hist, of Pari. (S. T. 47.) 306 See Dunton. (P. 8.) . . . 307 Necker de Saussure,(Mad.)Notice sur Mnie.deStael. 320 Schlegel, Cours de Litterature Dramatique. 40 Needham's Directions for Brewing. (T. S. 12.) 345 Ne'el, Voyage k St. Cloud. (V. I.) . 46 Neill's (Dr. P.) Tour to Orkney and Shetland. 15 Neilson's (P.) Six Years' Resid. in United States. 31 Nemours, (Duchesse de) M^moires. (P. C.) 50 Nennius Banchorensis, (G. et F.) 27. (Bert.) 257 Nepaul War, Letter on the. (H. P. T. 9.) 343 Nepos, (Cornel.) Van Staveren. (V. L. C. Ifi.) 225 Netherlands Ambassadors, Propos. of, 1644. (T. 62.) 61 Second Decl. of Parliam. resp. 1645. (T. 27.) 61 Neuhous, (H.) Adv. des Freres de la Rosfe Croi.x. 141 Neumann's (H.) Spanish and English Dictionary. 316 Neuville, Hist, de Hollande. . . 39 Nevilli (Ale.x.) Kettus. Poema. . 26 New Brunsvrick, Charter of King's College. (M.T.8.) 342 Newbury, Letter on Victory of. 1 643. (T. 13.) 60 Newcastle's (Duchess of) Plays. . 207 Philosophical Letters. . . 207 (Duke of)Triumphant Widow, Com.(O.P.49.) 221 Humorous Lovers, Com. (O. P. 50.) 221 (Duke of) L. to, on Sources of Disaff. 92. (T.R.) 3 1 1 Antiquarian Society, First Report of. 32 Transactions of. vol. 1. . . 271 — — General Magazine, 1747. . . 65 Magazines. See Northern John Bull. Relation of Siege of, 1645. See Lithgow. Tracts, published by John Sykes. 190. 257. 343 History of All-Saints' Church. See Sopwith. See Brand. Brockett. Grey. Sharp. Newcome's(Rev. J.) Ser.b. Un. of Cam. 1724, (T.l.) 135 — - (Rev. T.) Life of Abp. John Sharp. New England Witches, Tracts on the. Ecclesiastical History of. See Mather. Idol, a Poem. (T. 3.) Testament. See Bible. Newes from Prague in Bohemia. Scotland. Damnable Life of Dr. Fian. News from France, &c. 1682. (T. 2.) Newspaper Scraps, Collections of. 237 143. 150 151 275 287 57 Newton's (Bp.) Milton's Poetical Works. 195 (Rev. John) Narrative of his Life. 69 Newtonian Philosophy, Panegyric on, by Slartin. 130 Ney, (Marechal) Vie de. . . . 326 Nibelungen Lied in der Ursprache, &c. . 54 Nicoll,(JoJm) Diar;/of,/m7)il()5(l-\6G7. . 282 Diary, edited by David Laing. . 279 (John, Mariner) Life and Adventures of. 24(i (Rev. J.) Poems in Scottish Dialect. 160 (W.) Practical Planter. . . 299 Planter's Kalendar. . . 299 Nicolson's (J. & Burn's) History of Westmoreland. 252 (Bp.) Border Laws. . . H Irish Historical Library. . . 182 Eng. Scotch and Irish Hist. Library. 25;i Nicholas's (Sir H.) Hist, of Battle of Agincourt. 1 «."> Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. 125 Embassy of Bp. Beckington. . 125 Davison's Poetical Rhapsody. . 166 Siege of Carlaverock. . . 24 1 Lady Fanshaw's Memoirs. . . 303 Nichols, (John) Fuller's Worthies, 29 Queen Elizabeth's Progresses. . 265-6 Dr. W. King's Works. . 194 Index to Gentleman's Magazine. . 328 Six Old Plays, &c. . . 215 Collection of Poems. . . 194 Sir R. Steele's Correspondence. . 190 The Tatler, with Notes. . . 316 Welsted's Works. , . . 190 Nicholson's (W.) Port, of Scottish Living Charac. 232 Nickolls's (J.) Cromwell Letters and Papers. 233 Nideri (Jo.) Formicarius, de Maleficis. . 142 Nightingale, The, a Tale. (C. o. P. 9.) , 307 Nightingall's (Sir Miles) Route Overl. from India. 255 Nimmo's(Rev.W.)Hist. of Stirlingsh. by M. Stirling. 17 Nine Books of Hist. cone. Women. See Heywood. Famous Women. See Burton. Worthies of this World. See Burton. Niphe, (Aug.) Sur les Augures. (Art.) . 143 Nirel, Voyage force, &c. en Augleterre. (M. 4.) 1 13 Nisbet's (Alex.) Essay on Armories. . 8 System of Heraldry. . . II (John) Life and Sufilrings. . 68 NithsJale and Galloway Song. See Cromek. Nithsdale's (Lady) Ace. of Lord Nithsdale's E^cajjc. 95 Nixon's Wonderful Prophecy. (P. 2,) 305 423 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Xo.uUes, (Due de) Memoires. (P. C.) . SO Noble's (Rev. M.) Contin. of Granger's History. 235 Noci, (Carlo) La Cinthia. . . 274 Nocturnal Revels. Gen. Hist, of Dreams. 134 Nodier's (Clias.) Promenade to Mount, of Scotland. 21 Noehden's (Dr.) Lett, on Ger. Sec. Soc. (H.P.T.7.) 343 Noels Bourguignons. See Monnoyc. . 119 Nordiska Kampa Dater. See Biomer. . 100 Normandie, Croniques de. ... 37 Normannorum Hist. Script. Antiq. Duchesne. 27 Normant, (J. le.) See Lenormant. North's (R.) Examen of (Kennett's) Comp. Hist. 243 _— Lives of Sir Dudley and Dr. John North. North of England and Scotland in 1704. . Briton Extraordinary. (Ans. to Wilkes.) Northcote's (J.) Fables, Original and Selected. North Country BaUuds. (M. C. 1.) . North Country Garland. See Maidment. North Country Words, Glossary of. See Brockett. Northern Antiquities, Illustrations of. See Scott. 100 John Bull. Newcastle Magazines. 133. 303 Election, or Nests of Beasts, a Drama. 98 Mythology, Dnimat. Sketches of. See Sayers. 202 Nations, Tales and Romances of the. 335 — — Poetry, Translated by Hon. W. Herbert. 98 Star, (Bright) disc, the fate of G. B. 1 48 Northumberland County, Relation of. See Grey. View of. See Hutchinson. (C. F. Duchess of) Views of Alnwick, &c. 242 Household Book, by Bp. Percy. . 124 Gent., Dial. betw. and his Tenant. See Stuart. Heroes, Garland of. . . 110 Piper, (.lames Allan) Life of the. . 127 Songs and Poems peculiar to, &c. . 175 See Newcastle. Norton's (G.) Comment, on Hist. &c. of London. 303 (Robert) Gunner's Dialogue. (T.) . 35 (Thomas) Warning against Papistes. 26.107 To the Q. Northern Subjects in Rebellion. 107 (Tho.) Crede mihi. (Tr. Au. 2.) . 148 ( ) Pausanias, Tragedy. . . 221 Norway, Natural History of, by Pontoppidan. 264 Norwich 's(Ch. Bp.) Sermon on K. Ch.Mart. (P. 2.) 308 Nostradamus, (M.)Prophecies of, Garenciers. 123 Les Vraies Centuries de. . . 141 Clef des Propheties de. (T.) . 39 Concordance des Pr. de. . . 38.141 Nostradamus, Contredicts aux Proph. de. ' 141 Eclaircissemens des Quatrains de. . 144 Notborune Mayd. Blayd Emlyn. . 276 No Trust, no Trade. (P. C. 5.) . . 342 Nott's (Rev. G. F.) Bampton Lectures. . 292 Nottingham's (Earl of) Slern. of State of Eng. (T.l.) 284 Vindication of. (S. T. 44.) . 306 Novelle di Autori Fiorentini. . . 120 di Autori Senesi. . . . 120 Novelist's Library (Ballantyne's.) . 63 Novels for the Kitchen. . . 136 Noue,(Fr. dela) M€moires. (P. C.) . 49 (Lord de la) Polit. and Milit. Discourses, &c. 36 Nourjahad, by Sirs. Sheridan. (T. of E.) 43 trad, en Franyais. (C. F.) . . 45 Nouvelles Nouvelles, Les Cent. . 119 Nugae Derelictae. Nugae Scoticae. See Maidment. Nugent's (Dr. T.) French and English Dictionary. 332 Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. . 190 Nummariae Rei Scriptores. Rechenbergii. 273 NunofArouca. . . . . 179 Nuremberg Chronicle. See Chronicon. 238 Nye, (Rev. P.) Speech, on ren. Covenant. (T. 13.) 67 Nyerup, (&c.) Udv. Danske Viser. . 4b Nynauld, (Dr. J. de) de la Lycanthropie. . 146 Gates, (Titus) Nan-ative of Popish Plot. (T.) 30 Oath, Religion of an, Sermon on. (Ser.) . 80 Oath of Abjuration. Quest, bet. Ministers. (T. 14.) 67 Set in its true Light. . . 8b Princip. on wh. grounded. (T. 5.) 93. (C.T.8.) 288 Sinful nature of. (R. P. T. 1 1.) 284. (T. 12.) 285 . enquired into. (R. P. T. 16.) 284. (T. 13.) 285 Thoughts and Questions upon. (T. 14.) 285 of Allegiance, Dialogue on. . . 75 Obedience due, &c. notwithstanding. (T.R.I 1.) 289 See James VI. Sherlock. O'Brolaghan, (Darby.) See Irish Rogue. O'Conor, (Rev. Dr. C.) Rerum Hibern. Scriptores. 267 (Roger) Trial of, for consp. to rob the Mail. 297 O'Flaherty, (R.) Ogygia. Chron. of Irish Events. 314 Ogygia Vindicated, &c. by C. O'Conor. 314 O'Grady, (W.) Rep. of Trial of Q. W. agt. 297 0'KeUy's( ) Aonian Kaleidoscope. (J. P. 7.) 341 O'Meara's (Dr. Barry) Napoleon in Exile. 319 O'Phelan, (John) Epitaphs in Kilkenny Cathed. 270 O'Reilly's (Edw.) Essay on Irish Brehon Laws. 240 Chronolog. Account of Irish Writers. 271 424 INDEX. O'SuUivan, (Rev. M.) Digest of Pari. Ev. on Irel. 315 Occasional Conformity, Pr.of L. on Bill agt. (P.T.I .) 308 Paper, No. X. on Self-Murder. See Willis. Ocean's Omi, ^c. Poems ly u Ludy. . 33 Ockley'3 (Rev. S.) Hist, of Saracen Conquests. 238 Oclandi (C.) Anglorum Proelia. (N. K.) 2G October Club, Hymns and Poems for the. (D. o. H.) 59 Octupla. Octo Para])hrases Psalmi civ. . 21 Ode to Earl of Chesterfield, &c. (P. P. 20.) 263 to H. R. H. on his Birth-Day. (P. P. IS.) 312 to Mira. (P. P. 1.) . . . 263 Odeleben's (Bar.) Camp, of Allies in Sa.xony 1813. 319 Oehlenschlager's (Adam) Aladdin. . 51 Digtninger. . . 51 Fiskeren. .... 51 Fostbrbderne. Freias .\lter. . 5 1 Frederiksberg. . . . 51 Helge et Digt. ... 51 Hroars Saga. . . . . SI Kanarifuglen. jErlighed. . . 51 Norden's Guder. . . . 51 Robinson. Tordenskiold. . . 51 Correggio. Der Hirtenknabe. . 51 Gedichte. . . . . SI Mahrchen u. Erzrdilungen. . 51 Reisen. .... 51 Drei Trauerspiele. . . 51 Oestei-manni (P.) Com. ad Sac. Stigmata. (A.S.I.) 153 Oexmelin,(0.)Hist. des Avantur. See Esquemeling. 137 Office de la Semaine Sainte. . 22. 137 OfFroy, (Madllc.) Conseils de I'Amitie'. . 269 Ogilvie's (Rev. Dr. J.) Britannia. 271. Rona. 196 (Rev. Mr.) Conferences with Cool's Ghost. 69 Ogle's (N.) Annaline, or Motive Hunting. 335 Olavii (E.) Enarrationes de Islandia. . 86 Oldfield's (H. G.) Anecdotes of Archery. (P. 2.) 250 Oldham's (John) Works and Remains. . 164 Old Meg of Herefordshire. (R.T.1.)139. (M.A.T.4.) 176 OldmLxon's(John) Memoirs of North Britain. 7 Hist, of England, Wm. III. to Geo. I. 27 Governor of Cyprus, Tragedy. (0. P. 52.) 221 Wilson's Memoirs of Congreve. 228 Oldnord. Sagaer. Olaf Tryggveson's Saga. 86 01dys's(Thos.) British Librarian. 181 Oliver's Pocket Looking-Glass (M. 6.) . 305 Ongaro,( ) Alceo. (P. J. 24.) 55 Optic Glasses, Propositions concerning. (T. 1.) 286 Opus Aureum sup. Evang. totius Anni. . 22 Opuscula Mythologica, &c. Galei. (V.L.C. 34.) 226 Oracles Divertissans. See Colombiere. Orange,(P.&P.cessof)Thoughtsof,on Repeal of Test. 91 Memorial of English Protestants to.(P.R.T.l.) 289 See William III. Revolution of 1 688. Orcades, or Orkneys. See Eunson. Neill. Mackenzie. Order, a Poem. (P. P. 24.) . . 263 Orders in Council, 1 812, Key to the. (P. T. 6.) 312 Ordinatio sup. 13 punctis Stili Parlamenti. 257 Ordination, Judgment of Ch. of Eng. on. See Shaw. Ordnance Survey of England. Maps. . 234 Ordre, (Baron d') Epitre a M.Viennet. (P. D. 4.) 345 Ordres Militaires, Histoire des. . . 41 Monastiques, Hist, des, par Helyot 48 Orford's (Horace Earl of ) Works, Letters, &c. Castle of Otranto. (B. N. L.) Royal & Noble Authors, enlarged by Park Oriental Tales. (T. of E.) . . 43 Orilia, (P.) Rifles, su la Vita di San Dima. 268 Orlandino, per Lim. Pitocco. See Folengi. Orleans, (Chas. Duke of) Poems in English by. 276 (Gaston, Due de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 50 ( Duchesse d') M^moires sur Louis XIV. 36 Orlofl", (Comte G.) M^moires Hist. &c. sur Naples. 37 Orme's (E.) Military History of Indostan. 253 Ormonde, (Jas. Duke of) Life of, by Carte. 27 Conduct of, in Campaign 1712. 58 Ormuz, History of. (M. U. H. S.) . 20H Orpen's(Dr.C.)Contr.ofHeath.&Christ.Deaf&I)umb.81 Orpheus, Gesneri. ( V. G. C. 1 4.) 225 Collection of English & Scotch Songs. 170 Orrery ( Earl of ) Poems. (C. P.) . 194 __ Mr. Anthony, Comedy. (O. P. 3.) 212 As You Find It, Comedy. (O. P. 53.) 221 PoemtoMem.ofDukeofBuckingham.(P.P.3.)263 (Earl of) Remarks on Swift's Life &AVritings.303 Observations on, by J. R. . , 303 Ortelii (Ab.) Theatrum Orbis. . . 46 Orthodox Communicant. . . 250 Ortulus Anime. . . . 145 Osborne's (F.) Works. 258. Tradit. Mem. 26.(S.H.) 231 Ossian, Fingal, by Macpherson. . 14 Poems of, edited by Male. Laing. . 1 9 Dissertations on. See Blair. Sinclair. Smith. Essay on, in answ. to Laing. See Graham. Report of Com. of HighlandSoc. on. See Mackenzie. 234-5 340 425 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Ossuin, Comp.of Macfarlane'sandMacpherson's tr. 186 Phingaleis, in veisibus Latin, a Macdonald. 14 Ostend, Memorable Siege of. See Grimeston. 37 Oswald,(EnsignArch.)Affect.Caseof, by Drummond. 92 (Jas. of Dunnikier) Memoir of. . 6 Othman Empire, Hist. of. (M. U. II. 0. 10.) 20G Otis, (.Tames) Life of, by Tudor. . . 31 Otranto, Duke of. See Fouchd. Ottley's (Lieut. T. H.) Rustum Khan. . 331 Otuel,(Sir){J-:.M.R.\4.l5.) . . 10-1 Otway's(Th.)Poems.(E.P.)42. Works,by Thornton. 210 Poet's Complaint and Epistles. . 210 Ten Plays, &c. 219. Don Carlos. (P. 3.) 215 Oudney's (Dr.) Travels in Africa. . 231. 253 Oufte, (Mens.) Extravagancies of. See Bordelon. Ougdegherst (P. d') Chronique de Flandres. 35 Overall's (Bp.) Convocation Book, by Abp. Bancroft. 83 Overbury's (Sir T.) Remedy of Love. . 107 Ovidii Opera, Cnippingii. (V. L. C. 35.) . 226 Ovid Travestie, by Radcliffe. . . 130 Ovid's Metamorphoseos, by Caxton. . 275 Metamorphoses, by Sandys. . 109 Metamorphoses, by Garth. (E. P.) . 42 Elegies, by Chr. Marlowe. . : 107 Remedy of Love, by Sir T. Overbury 107 De Tristilnis, by Church\'ard. . 275 Fable of Phaethon burlesqued. (P. 15.) 305 Oweni (Joannis) Epigrammata. . . 228 Owen's (Rev. Dr. John) Works. . . 262 (Rev.Ja3.)Moderation still aVirtue.(P.R.T.9.) 289 (Robt.) Hypermnestia. Tragedy. (P. 4.) 215 (W.) Heroic Elegies, &c. of Llywarc Hen. 156 Owls, Praise of. (M. T. 5.) . . 238 O.iford Loyalty, Dutiful Defence of, by an Oxonian. 308 Sausage. Poetical Pieces. . . 112 Pocket Companion to. . . 112 Supplement to all Accounts of . 113 Prize Poems. . . . 169 Writers and Bishops, History of. See Wood. 232 Calumnies of Edin.Rev. agt. conf. See Coplestone. (Robt.Earl of) Account of Conduct of.(S.T. 19.)306 Obs. on State of Nation. (S. T. 43.) 306 Reasons in defence of his Admin. (P. T. 14.) 308 (T. Bp. of) Serm. on Rebell. 1745. (T. R. 1 1.) 31 1 Oxholm, (P. L.) Danske Vestind. Oers. 31 Ozell, ( ) Don Quixote. 317 Rabelais's Works. . . 121 P. (A. E.) The Shipwreck, a Tale of Arabia. 166 Paganini, (N.) Notice sur, par Laphaleque. (P.D. 9.) 345 Pagano, (N.) Poesie Napol. (P. N.) . 57 Page, (Wm.) Account of the Robberies of. 126 Pagitt's (Rev. E.) Heresiography, by Heath. 77 Paguierre's Classification of Bordeaux Wines. 35 Pailliet, Manuel du Droit Francais. . 273 Pain Benit de M. de Marigny. (F. F. 4.) . 117 Paine's (Thos.) Rights of Man. (P. T. 4. 5.) 312 Age of Reason. (P. T. fi.) . . 312 Painters, Biog. Memoirs of Extraordinary. 179 Paisley Magazine, 1 f!28, edited by Motherwell. 301 Pajon, Contes. (C. F.) . . . 45 Hist, du Prince Soly. (V. I.) . 45 Palgi-avc's (Sir F.)Let. to Spring Rice on Pari. Ref. 344 Palladine of England. See JIundy. Palladius de Re Rustica. (L. R. R.) . 227 Pall Mall Miscellany. (C. o. P. 1.) . 307 Palmer's (Rev. S. ) Serni. on Death of Jn. Howard. 135 (T. F.) Narr. of Sufferings on N.S.W. 296 Palmerin of England, by Southey. . 112 Palmieri, (J. A.) La Violeide. (P. N.) . 57 Palzmareeschu Dseesmu Krahjums. Wahr. 172 Panegyric on a Noble Peer. (S. T. 3.) . 13 their Royal Highnesses, 1682. (S.T. 4.) IS Panegyric! Cromwello Scripti, &c. (M. F. P.) 33 Panteri (P.) Vallias, Poema. . . 20 Papismus Lucifugus. See Menzies. Papists' Bloody Oath of Secrecy. See Bolron. Papists, how far to be treated as good subjects. (T.6.) 93 Papists not excl. from the Tlirone. See Fleetwood. Paper Credit, Prop, for rest. Abuse of in Scot. 1765. 311 Papers relating to admin, of Justice in Scotland. 1 3 Parable of the Prodigal, Poem on the. (T. 4.) 60 Parabosco, (G.) I Diporti. . . 120 Paracelsus, (P. T.) The Nature of Things. (T. 2.) 146 Paradisi, ( ) Poemetti. (P. 1. 49.) . 56 Paradyse of Daynty Devises. (M.A.P.13.) (B.B.2.) 177 Fare's (Sieur De) Comical Hist, of Francion. Ill Paris, Ancien et Nouveau, Voyage de. . 46 pendant la Revolution. See Leopold. Echo des Salons de, dep. la Restauration. 327 Bulletin de. Evenemens en France, 1814-15 326 Picture of, by Planta. . . 251 in 1815. See Croly. Scott. (J.) Scott (Sir W.) (Matthaeus.) SeeMatthaei. de Puteo. (Dr.) Duello. . . 112.121 42C INDEX. Paris's (Dr. J. A.) Life of Sir Hamphrey Davy. 196 Parish Churches no Conventicles. (T. 7.) . 286 Parisian Typography, Annals of. See Greswell. Parismus and Parismenus. . . . Ill Parival's (J.) Historie of this Iron Age. Harris. 229 Park's (Mungo) Travels in Africa. . 236 (Rolrt.) Rights and Liberties of the Church. 77 (Thos.) Harleian Miscellany. . 29 Harington's Nugae Antiquae. . 1 90 Heliconia. . . . . 184 Ritson's Songs. . . . 174 Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors. .340 Parker, (Abp.) Life of, by Strype. . . 236 Asserius Menevensis. . . . 253 Matth. Paris Historia. . . 252 Th. AValsingham, Hist. Brevis. . 253 Ypodignia Neustria. . . 253 (Geo.) Life's Painter of var. characters. 115. 135 (Henry) Scotland's Holy War. . 59 (H. M.) Draught of Immortality. . 1 62 Parkyn's (Sir T.) Cornish Hugg-Wrestler. 128 Parliament of Birds, a Poem. (M. 7.) 305 (P. 15.) 308 (Long) Vind. of, agt. Scots. 1646. (Man. Tr.) 59 Second Dec. of reg. Netherl. Ambas. (T. 27.) 61 Ans. of to Scots Commiss. 1645. (T. 2. 3.) 62 Answer of to K. Chas. II.'s Declar. 1650. (T.6.) 62 Review of, 1640-1654. 288. See Rump. | Transactions of the Two Last. 1682. . 258 1698, Cons, on Choice of a Speaker. (M.T.19.) 288 Sh. Hist, of, 1713. & Sup. (T.4G-7.) 306. (T.IO.) 308 Comp. Hist, of late Septennial 1722. (S.T.71.) 307 See Acts. of Ladies, Orders of the. . . 129 __ of Women, Acts of New. (T. 3.) . 70 Parliamentary Reform, Letter on. (P. 3.) 344 . Letter to Sir Robert Peel on. (P. 9.) 344 Bill, Modification of. (P. 7.) . 344 See Inglis. Mahon. Palgrave, Peel. Right maintained. (R.T. 1.) 24 Parnaso Italiano. .... 55. 56 Parnell's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. 194 Parrino, (Ant.) Teatro Eroico e Polit di Napoli. 116 Parry's (Sir W. E.) Voyage to the North Pole. 239 Parsons's (Sir L.) Obs. on Flood's Bequest. 314 (Robt.) Leicester's Commonwealth. 258 (Wm.) Memoirs of, ex. for Robbery. (B.T.I 3.) 309 Parthenopoeia. Hist, of Naples, by MazeUa&Howell.229 Partition Treaty, Two Letters resp. (T. 11.) 285 Passalacqua, (.1.) Catalogue des Antiq. Egypt. 36 Pastoret, (Ch. de) Le Due de Guise a Naples. 36 Pasquin, (Antony.) See Williams. andMarforio. (P. T. 1.2.) . . 310 on the Peace. (C. o. P. 2.) 307. (P. T. 3.) 310 Passelet, Registrum Monasterii de, 1 163-1529. 281 Paterculus, (Velleius) Burmanni. (V. L. C. 58.) 226 Pateridge's (Dr.) Ans. to Bickerstaff's Prod. (P.T.2.) 308 Patersen, (G.) Viga-Glums Saga. . . 64 Paterson's (Jas.) Geog. Descr. of Scotland. (T. 15.) 70 (Rev. J.) Belief in Witchcraft unsup. byScript. 136 (Rev. J. B.) Character of Athenians. 32 (Nin.) Elegieon Ker of Moristoun. (0. T. 4.) 284 ( ) Roads of England and Wales, by Jlogg. 303 14 14 296 35 87 97 83 82 283 ( ) Etchings of Edinburgh Scenery and Antiq. of Mid-Lothian Paterson agt. Shaw, Report of Trial of. Pathelin, (Pierre) Farce de. Paton, (Geo.) Letters of Bishop Percy, &c. to. Letters of Joseph Ritson to Patrick's (Bp.) Parable of the Pilgrim. Patronages, Letters, &c. anent. (T. 8.) Papers agt. Scots Toleration and. (R. P. 2.) Reasons in Defence of. (T. 6.) . 84 Reasons agt. Presb. Prints anent. (C. T. 23.) 290 Let. from Country Minister resp. (G.T. 24.) 290 Patten's ( ) Ace. of Her. E.xp. to Scot. 1544. (F.S.H.) 4 (Rev. R.) Hist, of the RebelUon 1715. 97 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. See Scott. (Sir George) Considerations on Prisons., 300 (Rev. W.) Life and Execution of. . 89 Private Passages relative to. . 95 Pavilion, Contredicts aux Pr. de Nostradamus. 141 Payne's (H.) Anti-Thelemite, Persec. Exp. (T. 8.) 287 (Nevil) Fatal Jealousy, Trag. (O. P. 54.) 221 Siege of Constantinople, Trag. (O. P. 55.) 221 Peace, Desires and Propos. for, 1644. (M. T. 1.) 288 and War, Short Discourse of. See Kerr. or War, Refl. on Deb. about, 1712. (S.T.40.) 306 and Union, Shortest Way to. See Defoe. of Utrecht 1713. Articles of (P. T. 8.) 308 with K. of Spain 1713. Treaty of. (P. T. 9.) 308 to Britain, or No Popish Pretender. 97 Peacham's (H.) Compleat Gentleman. . 102 Period of Mourning. (W. L. M.) 209 Peacock's (T. L.) Headlong Hall. . 136 427 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Peacock's (T. L.) Genius of the Thames. . 1C4 Pearch's Collection of Poems. . . 163 Peasant of Auburn. . . . 168 Peck's (Rev. F.) Desiderata Curiosa, by Evans. 402 Pedantius, Comoedia, a T. Beard. . 228 Peden's (Rev. A.) Life, by P. Walker. 65. (T.5.) 67. 73 Lord's Trumpet Sounding. . . 67. 75 Life and Death, by Duncan. . 78 Pedrillo del Campo, Vie de, par Thibault. 117 Peebles, Companion to Slap of. . . 6 Peel, (Sir R.) Letter to, on Parliam. Ref. (P.P.R.) 344 's Irish Library, Catalogue of. See Mason. Peele's (G.) Menie Conceited Jests. (R. T. 1.) 127 Works, by Dyce. . . . 1G6 (Edm.) Phantom City. . . 162 Peers's (Charles) Siege of .1 erusalem, a Poem. 201 Pegge's (Rev. Samuel) Forme of Cury. . 158 Pelet, (General) Guerre de 1809 en AUemagne. 325 Pellegrin, Historie von Ritter Galmy. . 113 Pellicer, (Don J. A.) Don Quixote. . 39 Pembroke, Ordnance Map of. . . 234 Pembroke's (H. Earl of) Military Equitation. 250 Penal Code for Louisiana. See Livingston. 264 Penn's (W.) Lett, on Church of Eng. &c. (D.T.I.) 284 and Mead's Trial, 1670. (T. 26.) . 285 (Governor) Life of Sir B. Whitlocke. 235 Pennant, (T.) Tours in Scotland and Hebrides. 4 Tour in Wales. . . . 243 Journey to Snowdon. . . 243 Hist, of Whiteford and Holywell. . 243 Pennecuick's (Ale.xander) Poems. . 6 Description of Tweeddale. . . 6 Collection of Scots Poems. . . 6 Streams from Helicon. . . 21 Historical Account of the Blue Blanket. 21 Pennington's (Rev. M.) Essays, in Ruminator. 204 Penny Histories, Stories and Tracts, Collects, of. 159 Penrice's (G.) Life of Charles Ratcliffe. (T. 2.) 90 People's Anc. and Just Liberties Asser. See Penn, (W.) Peploe's (Rev. S.) Sermon on Rebellion 1715. (Ser.) 80 Pepys's (Sanmel) Memoirs, by Bray and Upcott. 242 Perceforest, Histoire du Roy. . . 122 Perceval, (Rt. Hon. S.) Ace. of Assass. of. (C.M.4.) 130 Percy, (Bp.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 172 Northumberland Household Book. 124 Pleasing History, from the Chinese. 139 Letters to George Paton. . . 87 Percy, (Bp.) Ode to. See Stewart, (Jliss.) (Rev. Dr. T.) Goldsmith's Miscell. Works. (W".) Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants. Faery Pastorall. Perefixe's (Bp. of Rodez) Life of Henry IV. Pererius (B.) de Magia, Obs. Somniorum, &c. Peres de Hita, (Gin.) Guerras Civ. de Granada. Perez, (Ant.) Sentences Dorees de. (F. T. 3.) Peringskiold, (J.) Heims-Kringla. Snorronis Hist. Wilkina Saga. Hist. Wilkinensium. Perion, Son of Amadis. (Am. p. 6.) Perkins's (H.) Blind Man's Complaint. (P. P. 2.) Perkins's (Rev. W.) Discourse of Witchcraft. Perplexed Prince. See Monmouth. Perrault. (Ch.) Contes des Fees. (C. F.) Contes et Nouv. en Vers. Perreau's, (D.) Narrative of his Case, (T. 1.) Perreaud, (F.) Demonologie. Perroniana ct Thuana. Perry, (Wm. the Boy of Bilson) Exorcism of. Persecutions, Breviary of the later. See Young. Persia, Ancient, Hist. of. (A. U. H. 9.) History of, to Nadir Shah. (M. U. H. 5.) a Poem. See Malcolm. See Frazer. Malcolm. Blorier. ii.c. Persian Tales. See Inatulhi. Petit. Persii Satirae, Casanboni. (V. L. C. 24.) Persius, Translated. See Dryden. Gifford. Person's (David) Varieties. Perth Lit. and Antiq. Society, Transactions of. Notes on History of. See Cant. and Clackmannanshires, Map of. Perthshire, Three Nights in. Sketches of. See Graham. Perthes, (M. de) Histoire des Naufrages. Peruccio, (And.) L'Agnano Zeffonato. (P. N.) Peruvian Tales, tr. by Humphries. Pervigilium Veneris, C'lerici. (V. L. C.) 36.) Peschiolangiano, (Duca di) Selva Poetica. Peter [Ritfcr) von Staujffenherfi. Peter's Letters. See Lockhart. Peterkin's (Alex.) Rentals, &c. of Orkney. Notes on Orkney and Zetland. Peters, (Hugh) Tales and Jests of. Petition of Wives and Matrons, 1643. (T. 15.) Petit de la Croix, Contes Persans. (C. F.) Persian Tales, translated by Philips (T. of E. 189 276 276 39 142 49 114 101 100 102 263 146 116 296 14 47 149 250 206 206 271 260 44 )43 428 INDEX. Petit, (Jos.) Maringo, ou Campagne d'ltalie. 324 Petitot, Collect, des Mt'moires Franfais. 49.50 Repertoire du Theatre Fran^ais. . 40 Petowe's (H.) Eliza's Funerall. (Q. E. P. 22.) 206 Petrarca, Rime. (P. I.) ... 55 Petrarch, Life and Character of. See Woodhouselee. Exam, of De Sade's Theorv on. See idem. Two Sonnets of, trans. See Wilmot. Petrarche, Trostbiichcr von Rath, &c. . 2G4 Petrie's (Adam) Rules of Good Deportment. 110 Petroburgensis Coenobii Hist. Scr. Var. (Sp. 4-8.) 238 Joannis Abbatis Chronica, {ib.) . 238 Petroni, (S. E.) La Xapoleonide. . 39 Petronlus .\rbiter, Hadrianidis. (V.C.37.)226.c.n.v. 228 Burmanni. . . . 229 Petrus, (C.) Sa.xo Grammaticus, Hist. Danica. fl4 Blesensis. (G. et F.) . . 27 Hyspanius, Treasury of Health, by Lloyd. 110 Pett, (Sir P.) Lord Anglesey's Memoirs. 259 Peyton's (Sir Ed) Catastrophe of H. of Stuart.(S.H.)231 Pfintzing, (Melch.) Tewrdanncths. . . 46 Phaedri Fabulae, Burmanni (V. L. C. 38.) 226 Didot. .... 330 Phalaris, Epistles of See Bentley. Boyle. Phelan, (Rev.W.&0'Sul.M.)St. of Ireland 1824-5. 315 Phelps, (J. D.) Bancroft's Glutton's Feaver. 275 Phenix, The : Scarce and Valuable Tracts. 304 Philanax >Iisopappus,RawleyRediriv. See Shaftesbury. Philanthes, a Monody. . . . 176 Philip TI. and III. of Spain. See Watson. Thomson. Philippi, (Jean) Jle'moires. (P. C.) . 49 Philips's (Ambrose) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Collection of Old Ballads. . . 171 Pastorals(P. P. 19.) . . 305 Persian Tales, transl. from French. (T. of E.) 43 (Ch.) Speech of, on Crim. Con. Trial. (D.P.3.) 313 Vindication of, agt. Quart. Rev. (D. P. 8.) 313 (Edw.) Thcatrum Poetarum. . 170 Theat. Poet. Anglicanorum, by Brydges. 191 Contin. of Baker's Chronicle. . 25 (Ed.) Universal English Dictionary. 262 (Dr. G.) De Anglo Saxonum Re Judiciaria. 65 Versuch &c. des Angelsachsischer Rechts. 99 (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Satyr against Hypocrites. . 57 Contin. of Heath's Chronicle. . 252 (M.) Grandeur of the Law. . . 250 Philips, (M.) The Pretender's Flight, &e. 1716. 90 (Mrs. T. C.) Apology. . . 133 Letter to Lord Chesterfield. (B. T. 16.) 310 (Sir R.) Golden Rules of Social Philosophy. 294 (SirT.) Plan.of Londoners in Ireland.(H.Hib.)24 ! Phillpotts,(Bp.)Let.of Geo. III. on CoronationOath.27" Letters to. on Catholic Question. Gisbome. 34i W. T. Fitzgerald. (P. P. 2.) 343 PittiUoch's (Rob.) Tracts, Legal and Historical. 272 Pitts's (Jos.) Religion, &c. of Mahometans. 247 (Mr.) Model of Shield of .^neas descr. (M.3.) 341 Fix's (Mrs. Mary) Six Plays. . . 221 Conquest of Spain, Tragedy. (O. P. 9.) 222 Places and Pensions, Inquiry into, 1740. (P.T.I 4.) 310 Placet, (F.) Superstition, &c. des Talismans. 142 Plague of London in 1G65. See Defoe. Hodge. Marseilles in 1720, Journal of. (S. T. 73.) PkmeJies, Cinq., des Sujets Mythologiques. . Plans for the government of Boys. . Planta's (Edw.) Picture of Paris. Planter's Manuel, by Cotton. Planters of the Vineyard, or K. Sess. conf. Comedy Planting, Treatises on. . . 299. 300 PlatdeCarnaval. (F. 1.) . . . 119 Plauti ComcediEe, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 39.) . 226 Dean Swift's Copy. . 303 Player's Scourge, The, by J. H— ne (D. T. 5. 6.) 1 Playfair's (Rev. Dr. J.) System of Chronology. 239 (Prof. Jn.) Let. on Leslie's Election. (T.3.) 294 Dissertation on Physical Science. (S. E. B.) 2G5 Playford's (John) Choice Songs and Ayres. 156 Plays, Ancient and Modem, Collections of. 207-223 licensing Act, Ld. Chesterfield's Speech agt. 58 Stage, Overthrow of. See Rainoldes. Plessis, (Marechal du) Me'moires. (P. C.) PlinU Hist. Naturalis, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 40.) — de Magia Naturali, &c. 16S 50 226 151 Secundi Epistolae et Panegyricu9.(V.L.C.41.)226 Pliny's Letters, by Melmoth. . . 227 Plowden's (Francis) History of Ireland. . 314 Plowman, (Pierce) Vision of, by Langlands. 173 Plumer, (C. J.) Oratio de Auguriis, cScc. (T. S. 15.) 345 Plumtre's (Rev. Ja.) Original Dramas. . 162 English Dmma Purified. . . 35 Poemetti Italiani del Sec. XV. XVI. (P. I. 10.) 53 Poemi Napoletani. ... 57 Poems, Certain Wortbie JIS. See Walter. written in France 1802, by a Young Gent. Collections of. See Dodsley. Dryden. Nichols. &c Poesie Franyaise, Etat de, au 1 2''. et 13'^. Siec. Potsies Francoises Anciennes. Franyoises Anciennes. (Norman-French.) et Melanges. .... Occitaniques du 13""=. Siecle. See Fabre. Poetesse Ital. del Sec. XVI. (P. I. 30.) Poetic IMirror. See Hogg. Poeticae Historiae Script. Antiq. a Gale. (G.C.12.) 22 Antoninus Liberalis. Apollodorus. Conon. « Partheniua Nicaeensis. Ptolemaeus Hephestion. Poetical Melange. Edited by G. A. Douglas. Museum. See Caw. . — — Pastimes'. Gambols round Parnassus. Register. Lives of the Poets. See Jacob. Register, 1801 and 2, by Davenport. . Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. Original and Selected. (B. and R.) Poggii Florentini Sales, seu Facetiae. (F.) . Poland, History of. (M. U.H. 31.) . Diet of, a Satyr. (D. T. 3.) 125. (D. T. G.) Lit. and Polit. Letters on. See Szymia. Polemo-Middinia. See Drummond. Polite Amusements. See Rymer. Philosopher. See Forrester. Politianus, (Ang ) Memoirs of. (G. M.) 187 430 INDEX. I Poliziano, (Aug.) L'Orfeo. (P. I. 17.) . 55 Politick Whore, The, Play. (O. P. 4.) . 219 Political Magnet, Essay in def. of Revol. !)5 Merriment. Whig Poems. 171.5. . 170 Polstead Murder, History of. See Curtis. Polwliele's (Rev. R.) Fair Isabel of Cotehele. ICo Idyllia : Epigrams, Fragments, and Elegies. 204 Influence of Local Attachment. . 204 — _ Old English Gentleman. . . 204 . Grecian Prospects. . . . 204 Unsex'd Females. . . . 204 Sketches in Verse. . . . 204 Essays on Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce. 204 Poems. .... 204 Sermons. .... 204 Hist. Views of Devonshire. . . 204 History of Devonshire. . . 223 History of Cornwall. ... 253 Sermon on Death of Pr. Charlotte. (S. 3.) 293 Polyaeni Stratagemata. (V. G. C. 15.) . 225 Polybii Historia, Casauljoni. (V. G.C. IG.) . 225 Castrametatio Rom. (S.R.M.)223.(V.L.C.57.) 22G Polydorus Vergilius. See Vergilius. Pomfret's (Rev. John) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Choice, a Poem. (P. 10.) . . 305 Pomponatius de Immortalitate Aniraae. . 114 de Incantationibus, Gratari. . . 14G Poncet la Grave, Storia della Discese. . 274 Ponnet's (Dr. J.) Treatise of Politique Power. 258 Pontchartrain, Me'moires de. (P. C.) . SO i Pontey's (Wm.) Profitable Planter. . 299 Forest Pruner. . . . 299 Ponticus Virunnius. (Com.) . . 27 Pontis, (Sieur de) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Ponton, (Thos.) Advent, of Sir Launcelot du Lake. 275 Pontoppidani (Er.) Gesta Danorum extra Daniam. 99 's Natural History of Norway. . 2b'5 Poole's (John) Country Astrology. . 148 Pooley's (Rev. Dr. G.) Sermon on Rebellion 1715. 80 Poor, Begging, Certain Measures for alim. the.(S.T.8.) 82 Labouring, Essay on State of tlie. (T. P. 1 .) 255 in Ireland, State of the. ( I. P. 1.) . 343 Proposals for employing the. See Firmin. — — Man's Lamentation, &c. Poem. . 71 Man's Physician. See Moncrief. Man's Plea. See Defoe. Pope's (Alex.) Epistle on Use of Riches. (M. P. 2.) 181 43 Pope, (Al.) Essay on Man. (M. P. 7.). , 181 Essay on Man : Epi.stles 1.2. 3. 4. (P. P. 6.) 312 Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. (M. P. 8.) 181 __— Epistle to Lord Cobham. (M. P. 11.) 181 Epistle on Character of Women. (I.M. 12.) 304 Universal Prayer. (M. P. 12.) . 181 Universal Passion, Satires 1 . 2. 3. . 305 Dunciad. . . . . 182 Poems. (E. P.) ... 42 Works, with Life by Bowles. . 1 88 Works. Edinb. edit. . . 334 Early Poems, by Gilb. Wakefield. . 189 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. (E. P.) . 42 Literary Correspondence . . i 93 Letters bettveen, and the Tonsons. (71/. C.) 15 Bowles's Letter to Roscoe on Character of. 188 Tracts (6) on the Controversy resp. . 189 Rape of the Lock, Canto 1. Sjiccimaio/Kcl. Pr. 1 85 Horace's Ode to Venus. (P. P. 4.) . 263 Epistles 1 & 2 of Book 2. (P.P.2.3.) 312 Epistle 2 of Book 2. (P. P. G.) 2G3. 304 Saggio suirUomo. trad, da Castiglioni. 268 Pope, (Dr. W.) Wish, a Poem. (P. T. 3.) . 135 Pope(LTrban VIII.), Passionate Remonstr. of the. 217 Letter from, to Prince Charles and Ans. (T. 5.) 285 Popery always the same. ... 93 Banished ; with an ace. of their base cheats. 289 Danger of, discovered. (T. 13.) . G6 Epistle to all Haters of, Poem. (T. 1 1.) 70 Master Key to. See Gavin. Poetical Satire on. ... 83 Spirit of, speaking from mouths of Phan. Prot. 65 and Pretender. Address to Lower Sort on. 91 and Tyranny. Antid. ag. Contagion of. 8.9 Tracts against. ... 93 Popish Cruelly displayed. Caveat agt. Pretender. 224 King. Can Engl, be oth. than miserable und.? 31 1 Plot, Tracts and Trials concerning the. 29. 30 Popple's Map of British America. . . 330 Popular Histories, Ballads, and Tales, Collect, of. 159 Romances, by Weber. . . 43 Tales of Northern Nations. . . 335 Porcacchi, (Tom.) Collana Historica. . 268 Porchester's (Lord, now Earl of Carnarvon) Moor. 202 Pordage, (John) Relation of Ejection of. (H. T. 1.) 147 (Sam.) Siege of Babylon, Trag. (0. P. 56. 221 Mundorum Explicatio. . . 146 1 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Porphyrins lie Divinis atque Daemonibus. 1 1 5 Porson, (Prof. Rich.) Eloisa in Dishabille. (M.P.!).) 1 IK Adversaria. Notae in Poetas Graecos. 229 Portae (Baptist.) Magia Naturalis. . 108 Porteous, (Capt. John) Life and Death of. 10 Letter to a Minister, on Act of Parliament resp. 87 Mob, Tracts relative to the. . 16 Porter's (Miss Jane) Scottish Chiefs. . 335 Sir E. Seaward 's Narrative. . . 317 (John) Visions, Disc, and WarningB.(T.l.) 68. 76 (Sir.R.K.)Taking of Seringapatam, Compn. to.312 (T.) Villain, a Tragedy. (O. P. 57.) . 221 Porto, (Luigi) Istorie di Due Nobili Anianti. 275 Portraits, or Characters of conspicuous persons. 32 Portsmouth, Chronicles of, by Slight. . 303 Hist. Sec. de la Duchesse de. . 24 Portugal, History of. (M. U.H. 18. 19.) . 206 • and Castile, Hist, of Union of. See Blount. Revolutions de. Sve Vertot. (V. O. C.) 323 Portuguese affairs, Speeches on. See Canning. Porzio, (Cam.) Congiura de' Baroni Napol. 269 Postlethwayt's(iM.) Diet, of Trade and Commerce. 232 Pete's (Jos.) History of Windsor Castle. 252 Potter's (Rev. F.) Interp. of Numb. 666. . 84 (Rev. J. P.) Lett, on Education. (M.E.P.l 1 .) 343 Poulter's (Louisa) Imagination, a Poem. . 162 Poussin, (Nicolas) Life cif, by Lady Callcott. 99 Powel, (D:iv.) Giraldi Carab. Itinerarium. 242 (Geo.) Four Plays. . . . 219 (Robt. the Puppet Showman) History of. 304 (Thos.) Art of Thriving. . . 134 (Dr.) Caradoc's History of Wales, by Wynne. 237 Pradt, (M. de) Revolution d'Espagne. . 325 Anibassade de Varsovie, en 1812. . 325 — Congrcs de Vienne. . . . 326 Pratzell, (G. G.) Feldrosen. . . 52 Prayer, Perswasion to. (T. 3.) . . 82 Essay on the Lord's. See Campbell. Hog. Forms of, for Rebellion, 1745. . 65 Prediction de la Vision d' un Aigle, &c. . 1 45 Predictions or Prophecies of Servants of the Lord. 75 Prelate's Tyranny. See Prynne. PremonitorWarning,Proj.forNat.Bank,See A.(J.)290 Prentice's (Arch.) Life of A. Reid, a Covenanter. 77 (Dav.) Thoughts on Bank Restriction.(P.T.3.)312 Presbyterial Government asnowestab. 1701. (T. 1.) 82 Presbyterian on Horseback. Dissent. run Mad.(P.8.) 309 Presbyterian Min. (Scots) Add. to Pari. 1689. 289 Represent, of, to Pari. 1695. (C. T. 1.) 290 Spirit, Sh. Character of, and Ans. (C.T.I 6.1 9.) 290 Judgment and Princ. of Calvin & Beza Vindic. 290 Presbyterians, Plain Dealing with, and Vindic. 290 of Scotland, Queries to. (R. T. S. 7.) 66 Presbyterie'a Triall, The, &c. by F. W. S. tlO Presbytery, Causes of Decay of, in Scotland. (T. 3.) 86 Vind. of Charter of, from Countryman's Lett. 78 Preschac, Contes moins Contes, &c. (C. F..) 44 Preservative against Slavery, 1722. (S. T. 5.) 316 Prestwick, Ayrshire, Burgh Records of, 1420-1782.281 Pretender, the Old, or James III., Tracts rel. to : Curnubiae Duels Genethliacon, 1688. (O.P. 31.) 158 Declar. and Depos. resp. Birth of. (T.O.P.3.4.) 93 Ace. of Pretended Prince of Wales, 1088. (T. 1.) 58 Consult, del Oracle,sile P. est suppose ou le'git. 1688. 89 La Couronne Usurpde, et le Prince suppose. 1689,133 Lett. fr. St. Germains, Mem. ab. set. P. on Throne. 95 Season. Warning ag. insin. in favour of the. 1712. 88 New Proofs of P. being really Jas. III. 1713. (T.3.) 88 P.'s Flight, or Mock Coronation, 1716. . 90 Declaration of James III. ^c. 1722. {M. C. 5.) 15 Non Existence of a Popish P. . . 97 G. Britain's Memorial ag. P. and Popery, 1743. fl9 Peace to Britain, or no Popish P. . ,17 Advice to the Lower Sort on Popery and the P. 91 Pretender's Medal. See Dundas. Stewart. See Fuller. Hooke. Rebellion 1715. Shaftoe. Pretender, The Young. SeeChasEd. Rebell. 1745. Provost's (Abb^) Life and Adv. of Mr. Cleveland. 112 Memoirs of Marquis de Bretagne. . 113 Moll r Esciut. . . . 113 (Avig. le) Not. sur la Chasse, &c. d' Evieux. 338 Price, (Chas.) aliis Old Patch, Memoirs of. (Rev. Dr. J.) Mystery of the Restauration (Thos.) Life of Bamp. Moore Carew. (Sir Uvedale) Essays on the Picturesque. (Wm.) Warton's Hist, of English Poetry. Prideaux's(Dean) O. and N. Testament connected. 270 Prieur, (F. C.) Dialogue de la Lycanthropie, 142 Priestcraft, History of. (P. & P. 5.) . 222 Priests and Jesuites, Warning against. . 75 Merchandize of. (T. 2.) . 76 138 258 130 208 103 Primerose, (Sir A.) Acts of 1st Scots Pari. Chas. II. 13 Prince, The, or Maxims of State. Raleigh. (T. 5.) 288 of Cond^, Tragedy. (M. P. 1 .) . 209 432 INDEX. Prince's Cabala, The, or Mysteries of State. 133 Prince'9 (Rev. T.) Two Sermons, I745-C. (T. 11. 12.) 98 Pringle, (Thos.) Autumnal Excursion. . 169 Ephemerides, Poems. . . 180 State of Settlers in Albany, South .ifrica. 256 Friendship's Offering. . . 332 (Walter) Memoirs of. . . 76 Prior's (JIatthcw) Poems. (E. P.) . 42. 239 Miscellaneous Works. . . 191 Prison of Cold Bath Fiflds, Papers relating to. 241 Discip. Improvement Society, oth Report of. 300 See Gumey. Mynshul. Paul (Sir G.) Privateer, The, a Tale. . . 331 Proba Stigmatica. Auctores de. (A. S.) . 153 Procliu in Alcibiadem Platonicum. . 115 Procopius's Secret History of Justinian. . 227 Proctor's (LC. I74G. 93 Lady Nithsdale's Ace. of Lord Nithsdale's escape. 95 Foster and Finch's Ace. of Lord Kilmarnock. 1746. 96 Dying Speech of Parson Coppock. 1746. . 93 Memoirs of Charles Ratclitfe, ex. Dec. 1746. 90 Memoirs, &c. of Lord Lovat. . Memoirs ofi and Poem, to Secretiiry Murray. 91 Hist. Ace. of Dr. Arch. Cameron, &c. 1753. 91 Life of A. Macdonald of Barisdale. 1754. 91 Letter to Duke of Newcastle, and Rem. 1746. 92.311 The Female Rebels, Duch. of Perth, &c. 1747. 92 Acts of Parliament consequent on. . 87 Caledonian Mercury, Sept. 1715. to Ap. 1747. 100 Provost Stewart's Trial bef. C. of Just. 1747. 92. 297 Coll. of Political Tracts relating to. 1747. 91 Chester Miscellany, 174.i-!750. . . 85 Henderson's Edinburgh History of. 1752. 84 Comp. and Authentic History of. 1747. . 84 Vohmteer's Journey wt. Army under D. of C. 1747. 90 Britain's Remembrancer. Imp. of pr. juncture. 1747.96 Ace. of Par. Proc. on grant of money to Glasg. 1 749.84 Tracts on Slavish Depend, and Her. Juiisd. 96 Roll of Claims of Hcrit. Jurisd. . . 1 1 Vision of Royal Ghost. Poen. aft. B. of Falkirk. 3 Jacobite and Whig Poetry. . 8(1. 90. 97 True Loyalist or Chevalier's Favourite. . 91 Hogg's Jacoljite Relics. . . . 19 Ray's Compleat Hist, of the Rebellion. 1749. 89 Dougal Graham's Imp. Hist, of do. in Verse, 1 774. 89 Short and True Narr. of Reb. 1779. . 90 See Charles Edward. Pretender. Reljeilicn, 1745, MS. Works relative to : Afemoirs reijarding 1745, . . . 15 Lord Elclio^s Journal. ... 23 Munccll of Kirkconnel'a Journal. . 23 Cam2iaiyn of Argyllshire Li vies. . . 85 ■Journal of Pretender's Son. \HG. . 85 Letters to Sir Andrew Agnexv. . . 15 Miscellaneous Poems and Prose. . , 80 Receipts (300) iu Cookery, Physic, and Surgery. 259 Records of Scots Parliaments. See R obertson. Rectius Instruendum. Rev. of an Informer. 69 Rector'sCase, cone. Power of Suspension. (T. 17.) 285 Recueil Historique (do 6 pieces) . . 40 des Historiens des Gaules et de France. 35 Redi, (F.) Bacco in Toscana. (P. I.)40. Mathias. 38 Redclifl'e Church, Bristol. Essay on. Britton. 32 435 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Rcildie's (Dr. J.) Let. on Eng.Civ.Code.{S.L.T.15.) 34(1 isn RedJing's (C.) Gabrielle, a Swiss Talc. Reed, (Isaac)podsley's 01(1 Plays. Slmkspeare, by Johnson iind Stcevens. Baker's Biographica Dramatica. Reeve's (Clara) Old English Baron. (B. N. L.) Re-Examination of two of the Articles. 1636. Reform Deformed, a Tragedy. (P. P. R. 13.) Refoi-mado. (The) precisely charactered. Reformation, Hist, of the. See Burnet. Knox. Munro. Laws in favour of, in Scotland. (T. 1.) 291 of Manners. See Defoe. Hist. Ace. of Designs for. (T. 12.) . 82 Sermons pr. before Societies for. . 139 Reformed Presbytery, Dif. betw. & Dissent. Breth. 291 Reformer, The, a Satirical Poem. (R. P. 2.) 80. R9 Reformers, Collections on Lives of the. See Wodrow. Regan's (Maurice) Hist, of Ireland,1167-73.(H.H.)241 Regalia of Scotland, Plates of. 282. Papers rel. to. 218 Regiam Majestatem Scotiae. Skene. . 4 Regicides, Speeches and Tracts on the. Register of Ministers, Exhorters and Readers. Registrum Jlagini Sigilli Reg. Scot. Thomson. Jacobi I. Pitcairn. Episcopatus Moraviensis, Monasterii de Passelet. Regnault Warin, Cinq Mois de I'Hist. de France Reid, (Alex.) Life of, by Prentice. . (W.) Leith and London Smack Directory. Reigning Vice, The, Satirical Essay. Relation (Apolog.) of Sufferings of faithful Ministers. 69 of Children prophesying in Sleep. . 72 Religio Clerici, Churchman's Epistle, . 201 Religion, Repr. of Present State of. (T. D. S. 8.) 293 Lett, sur 1' Antiquite de laVeritable. (F.T.2.) 114 Religious Courtship. (D. 21.) See Defoe. 125 Remigii (Nic.) Diemonolatreia. . . 140 Remy, ( ) Les Jours. (R. F. 3.) . . 117 Renfrewshire, Descr. of. See C'rawfurd. Hamilton. Witches, History of. . • _ 145. 146 Ainslie's Map of . . ■ 260 Rents and Prices, Jlodern Theories resp. (P. C. 4.) 342 Renwick, (Rev. Jas.) Life of, by Shiels. 67. 71 Hind let loose. (T. 1.) 69. 72. 73. (T.) 174 Inf. Vind. of Ch. of Scotland. (T. 18.) Letters. . . • . Testimony of persecuted Ministers. (T. 2.) 70 73 4. 76 Renwick. (Rev. Jas.) Shiels's Elegy on. (T. 2.) 75 Three Prophetical Sermons. . 76 Reply to Hertford Letter, on Mrs. Stout's Death. 288 Reports of State of certain Parishes in Scotland. 282 Repos, (Le) Epistle to the Public. (T.) . 16 Repp, (T.G.) De Sermone Tentamen. . 103 Re-Representation. Search after Great Plunderers. 308 Reresby's (Sir John) Memoirs, from Rest, to Revol. 257 Resenu (P. I.) Jus. Aul. Ant. Norvag. et Dan. 100 Snorronis Edda Islandorum. . 99 Resigners, The, Vindicated. 1718. (S. T. 4.) 310 Restituta. Titles, &c. of O. E. Books. See Brydge8.231 Return from Parnassus, Comedy. (O. P. 3.) 215 Retz, (Cardinal de) Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 Retzsch's (M.) Umrisse zu Gothe's Faust. 232 Revel, ( ) Buonaparte et Murat'Ravisseurs, &c. 327 Review of Evidence before Irish Comm. (I. P. 3.) 343 Revolution of 1688, Tracts, &c. relative to : Collection of State Tracts, pub. on occasion of 29 Collection of Papers relating to. (R. T. 4.) 289 Collection of Broadsides relating to. 271 Four Questions debated, &c. (R. T. 7.) 289 Reflections on late and pr. Proceedings. 289 Necessity of Settling the Crown of England. 289 ]Mystericsof {uiquitii^orRei'ohitiund. 174 Remarks on Shakspeare. . . 174 Ancient Popular Poetry. . . 174 Ancient English Jletrical Romances. 174 Bibliographia Poetica. . . 174 English Songs. . . . 174 with add. and notes by Park. . 174 English Anthology. . . 174 Minot's Poems. . . . 174 Northern Garlands. . . 174 Select Scotish Poems. . . 174 Scotish Songs. See Pinkerton. . 1 74 Robin Hood. . . . 174 Essay on Abst. from Animal Food. . 174 Maxims in Conveyancing. . . 174 Baililf of a Liberty. . . . 174 ATevioirsof Captain John Hodfjsoii. . 143 Rival Chiefs, or Battle of the Boyne. 1 64 Rivarol, Me'moires de. . . . 323 Rivers's( ) Trayter, Trag. (O. P. 60.) 221 (A.) Philo's Sad Cond. of a Distrac. Kingdom. 59 Roaring Boyesin Elysium, Let. from to K. of G. &c. 169 Robb's (Rev.) Gratui. Add. to Alma Mater, Edinb. 1 62 Robb^ de Beauveset, Q2u\Tes. . . 117 Robberds's(Rev.J.G.) Sermon onT.Henry.(P.M.3.)199 Rob Don, the Sutherland Bard. See Mackay. Rob Roy. See Macgregnr. Rob Stene's Dream, a Poem. . . 282 Robe,( Rev. J.)Nar. of God'sWork at KUsy th. (T. 6.) 67 (Rev. W.) Grey's Let. to, on Life of Cairns. 75 3 K ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Robert I. See Barbour. Gordon. Kerr. II. See Hay. III. See Tarbat. of Gloucester's Chronicle. Hearne. 233 o/Ci/si!e.{E.M.R.6.) . . 103 St. of Knaresborough, Metrical Life of. 276 the Devyll. (Thorns. S.) . . 103 Metrical Romance, by Herbert. 1 20 (Mad.) Voyages dans !e Sept Pianettes. (V.) 45 Les Ondins. (V. J.) . . 46 Roberti, (G.) Poemetti. (P. I. 49) . 56 Roberto, Re di Napoli, Vita di, da JIurena. 268 Roberts's(Rev.S.)Serm.onLoveofCountry.(T.R.12.)311 (G.) History of Lyme Regis. . 303 ( ) Clio and Euterpe. Coll. of Songs. 157 Robertson's (Alex, of Strowan) Poems. . 7 (Rev. Geo.) Nar. &c. de Vita Rob. RoUok. 277 (Geo.) Cran-furd's Descr. of Renfrewshire. 1 3 History of Ayrshire Families. . 341 (.John) Waddin' Day, &c. Poems. 1G4 (Rev. Dr. Wra.) History of Scotland. 4 History of Charles V. . . 204 History of America. . . 204 ( W. and A.) Records of Pari, of Scotland. 1 1 (W. P. C.) Unc. Infl. agt. pr. Scots Brigade. 23 Robertas de Boston, Chronicon Angliae. (Sp. 2.) 238 Robespierre, (Max.) Papiers trouve's chez. 324 Robin Hood, Ballads and Histories of. . 159 History of. (Thorns. 8.) . . 103 See Heywood. Jonson. Ritson. Robinson Crusoe. See Defoe. Robinson's (B.) Sermon on Christmas Day. (P. 13.) 303 (CI.) HandefuU of P. Delites. ( H. 4.) 1 84 .^— (Rich.) Ley land's Assertion of K. Arthur. 106 (T.) Anatomy of Eng. Nunnery at Lisbon. 76 Robison's (Prof. J.) Proofs of Conspiracy ag. Gov. 318 Robson's (Thos.) British Herald. . 265 Roby's (,T.) Lorenzo, a Tale of Redemption. 168 Traditions of Lancashire. . . 197 Rocca, (M. de) Me'm. sur la Guerre d'Espagne. 324 Roche's (Ham.) Salamanca, Heroic Poem. (P. 2.) 187 Rochechouart, (G. de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 49 Rochefoucault, (Due de la) Mtooires. (P. C.) 50 Rochejaquelein, (Mad. de la) Mdmoires. 38. 324 Memoirs of, by Scott. (C. M.) . 315 Rochester's (John Earl of) Poems. (E. P.) 42. 194 Valentinian, Tragedy. (0. P. 61.) . 221 Rochester, ( J. E. of) Life & Death of, by Bp. Burnet. 1 39 Rock (Capt.) Detected, by Munster Farmer. 251 Rocoles, (J. B.) Ziska, le redoutable Aveugle. 39. 47 Rodd's (Th.) Ballads of Wars of Granada. 171 Rodger's (Alex.) Peter Cornclips. . 88 Rodrigo, (Rey Don.) Historia del. . 121 Rogadei, (G. 0.) Pop. Ant. d'ltalia Cistiberina 273 Roger Bontemps en belle humeur. . 116 Rogers'8(N.)Memoirs of Monmouthshire.(E.T.T. 1 .) 1 44 (Sam.) Pleasures of Memory. . 194 Rohan, (Due de) Memoires. (P. C.) . 50 Rokesby's (J.) Lay of the Reed-Water Minstrel. 155 Roland, (Mad.) Memoires. . . 323 Holland's (John, of Dalkeith) Seven Sages, 1578. 280 Seven Sages, 1631. . . . 341 Rolleston's (M.) Moses and the Israelites. (O.P.P.) 169 Mahomet. (0. P. P.) . . 169 Rolli, ( ) L'Eroe Pastore. . . 56 Rollin's (Abbe') Ancient History. . , 247 Rollock, (Rev. R.) Treat, of God's Eff. Calling. 288 Narrationes de Vita. Robertson et Charteris. 277 Roman Antiquities. See Godwin. . 81 Story, A. (T. o. D. S. 9.) . . 293 Romances, Metrical. See Metrical. Viejos, Silva de. See Grimm. Depping. Romanelli, (D.) Ant. Topogr. di Napoli. 273 Romans, 13th Chap, of. Vindicated. (T. 10.) 66 Romans, History of the. See Bower. Romans de Chevalerie, Extraits des. Tressan 112 Tables Geneal. des Heros des. See Dutens. Romantische Geschichte der Vorzeit. . 55 Romanzi di Cavalleria, Stor. ed Analisi di. See Ferrario. Rome, Pacquet of Ad vice from. See Care. 287 or Geneva. True Church of England. (P.T.9.) 309 State of, under Nero, a Satire. (P. T. 8.) 309 Church of England's Advanceslo. See Dumoulin. in the^ineteenth Century, Eaton. 256 Hist, des Revolutions de. See Vertot. (O. C.) 's Additions to Christianity. See Canaries. See Chas. I. Jesuits. Louis XIV. Pope. Romito di S. Donato. Romanzo Stor. . 269 Romulus and Hersilia, Tragedy. (O. P. 7.) 219 Ronsovius,(H.)Englishman'3Doctor,by Harrington. 107 On Preservation of Health, by S. H. 107 See Ranzovius. Rooke's (Sir Geo.) Voyage to Mediterranean. (T.l.) 283 Room's (Ch.) Herculaneum, a Poem. 166 438 INDEX. Roquefort, (J. B.) Etat de la Po^sie Francaise. 41 Glossaire de la Langue Eomaine. . 120 Rosa, (Salvator) Satire. (P. I. 40.) . 56 Ro8ciu3 Anglicanus. See Downes. Roscoe, (Wm.) Life of Lorenzo de Medici- 192 Life of Pope Leo X. . . 152 Bowles's Lessons in Criticism to, on Pope. 188 — (Thos.) Sismondi's Literature of South. 316 German Novelists. . . . 317 Roscommon's (Earl of) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Essay on Translated Verse. (P. P. 11.) 305 Horace's Art of Poetry. (P. P. 12.) 305 Rose,The.Reply to the Thistle. (T.2.)94. (R.T.17.) 311 (Geo.) Observations on Fox's History. 253 (Sir G. H.) Marchmont Papers. . 254 Letter on Slave Conversion. (M. E. P. 4.) 342 (W. Stewart) Amadis of Gaul. . 106 Anecdotes of Monkeys. . . 250 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. . . 250 — Bemi's Orlando Innamorato. . 250 Court of Beasts, from CastL . . 250 Crusade of St. Lewis and K. Ed. (BI. P. 34.) 1 »6 Letters from .Italy, 1817. . 318 Partenope.\ de Blois. . 185 Thoughts and Recollections. . . 250 Rose-Croix, Adv. des Freres de la. Neuhous. 1 4 1 Histoire des. Naudd . . 141 Rosie Crosse, Laws of Fraternity of. Maierus. 1 32 Rosencreutz's (C.) Hermetick Romance. . 144 Rosini, (Gio.) La Monaca di Monza. . 269 RosljTiChap. and Cast. Desc. of. See Britton. Johnstone. Ross, (Alex.) Helenore, or Fort. Sheperdess. 171 (Bp. Alex.) Funeral Ser. on. 1720. (T. 9.) 66 (Mrs.) Memoirs, or Spiritual Exercises. 69 -^— (Mother) Life and Adventures of. See Defoe. ^— (Walter) Lectures on Law of Scotland. 272 Rossi (Joan.) Historia Regum Angliae. . 245 Rosset, Histoires Tragiques. . . 145 Rossetti,(Gab.) Div. Commedia di Dante, con Com. 274 Roswall and Lillian, History of. . 1 04 MS. TraiiBcript. {E. M. R. 13.) 104 Rota, ( ) Poesie. (P. I. 25.) . . 55 Rotta di Francciosi e Scoccesi. See Aretino. Rotherham's(Rev.J.)Ess.onHumanLiberty.(P.T.8.)312 Rothes's (Earl of) Acct. of Affairs in Scotl. 1637-8. 276 Rottenhagen, ( ) Froschmauseler. 118 Rou, ( ) Rem. sur I'Hist d'Calvinisme. 93 Rous's (F.) Attick Antiquities. (T. 3.) Rousseau, (J. J.) La Reine Fantasque. (C F.) CEuvres complettes. Rovere, (G. B. della) Filli di Scire. (P. I. 36) Row, Memorials of Family of, &c. (Rev. Jo.) Pockmanty Preaching. (T.) Pockmanty Sermon. (T.) (Rev. Mr.) Memoirs of Robert Blair. (T. 2.) Rowallan, Hist, of Mures of. See Mure. Rowe's (Mrs. E.) Letters from Dead to Living. (Nicholas) Poems. (E. P.) Lucan'sPharsalia. (E. P.) . . 42. Six Plays. .... Lady Jane Grey. (O. P. 1.) . Rowland's (Dav.) LazariUo de Tonnes. (Dr. John) Topsell's History of Beasts (S.) Letting of Humors Blood. 107. History of Guy Earl of Warwick. Rowlandson's Etchings to T. Jones & Jos. Andrews. Rowley's (S.) Noble Soldier, Tragedy. (Wm.) Shoemaker a Gentleman, Com. (&Heywood) Fortune byLand & Sea.(O.P.l.) (&Webster)Cure for a Cuckold,Com.(O.P.l.) (& Middleton) Fair QuarrelL (0. P. 1.) Roxana, the Fortunate Mistress. See Defoe. ROXBURGH CLUB BOOKS. Aretino, Rotta di Francciosi e Scoccesi. Bancroft's Glutton's Feaver. Caxton's Ovid's Metamorphoseos. Chester Mysteries. Chevelere Assigne. Churchyard's Ovid de Tristibus. Cock Lorell's Boat. Complaint of a Lover's Life. Lover and Jay. Constable's (H.) Diana, Conceptfiil Sonnets. Contenance de la Table. Court-Mai tial on John Master of Sinclair.'s (T.) Caltha Poetarum. 1. Edward the Sixt, Funeralles of. Faulcon, Livre de. . . . Goldingham's Garden Plot. Gower's Balades and other Poems. Hagthorpe's Poems. . . , Havelok the Dane, a Romance. JIadden's Def. of Glossjiry to Havelok. Informacon for Pylgrymes to Holy Londe. 276 275 275 275 276 .274 276 275 275 276 276 439 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Jack Juggler and Thersytes, Two Interludes. 275 .Tudicium, a Pageant, from Toimeley MS. 276 Laelii Oratio in T. Tassi Obituni. . 276 Launcelot du Lake, Sir, Adventures of. 275 Life of St. Robert of Knaresborough. . 276 Lydgate's (J.) Chorle and Birde. . 275 Hors, Shcpe, and Ghoos. . 275 Marston's Elegy on Lord Grey of Wilton. 276 Mary, Princess, Spousals to Prince of Castyle. 275 Q. of Scots, Marriage to Dauphin of France. 275 Newes from Scotland. D. Life of Dr. Fian. 275 Notborune Mayd. Mayd Emlyn. . 276 Orleans's (Clias. Duke of) English Poems. 276 Percy's Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants. 276 Porto, Istoria di due nobili Amanti. . 275 Poeme sur la Journee de Guiiiegate. 276 Poesies Anciennes Franfaises . 276 Raynold's Dolarny's Primerose. 155. 275 Ravenscroft's Select Musical Works. 276 Ro,\burgh Garland. . . . 162 Scoloker's Daiphantus, or Passion of Love. 275 Skelton's Magnyfycence, an Interlude. . 276 Surrey's Virgil's ./Eneis. . . 274 World and Child. Proper new Interlude. 275 Walter's Life of St. Ursula. . 275 Guiscard and Sigismund. . 275 Roxburgh, Town and Castle, Hist, of, by Haig. 22 Roxburghshire, Stobie's Map of. . 260 and Selkirk Railway, Report on. Stevenson. 230 Yeomanry Cavalry, Instr. to. See Cariuthers. Royal Family of G. B., Geneal. Tree of 260 and Noble Authors of G. B. Cat. of. See Orford. Guard of Scot. Archers in France, Papers on. 281 House of France, Gen. Mem. of See Ashburton. Marriage Act, Consid. on. (P. T. 1.) 312 Oak. See Danvers. Boscobel. Library of Scotland, Notices of (M. S.) 7 Wardrobe and Jewel House, (Sc.) Invent, of 2 Oidlaxo. Scottish Poetical Talc. . 282 Scottish Minstrelsy. . . 23 Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of 271 Society of Literature, Charter, &c. of (T. A. 11 . ) 338 Tracts. See James II. Royaux Lignages, Branches des. (B. C.) 51 Rozelli, (Signer) Memoirs of See Defoe. Rucellai, ( ) Gli Api. (P. I. 23.) . 55 Rud, (T.) Catalogus Codd. MSS. Dmielm. 264 Rudd's (Mrs.) Narrative of her Case. (T. 2.) 296 Ruddiman, (T.) Anderson, Diplomata Scotiae. 239 G. Buchanani Opera. . . 10 Catalogue of Advocates Libran.'. . 265 Grammat. Latinae Instit. 22 Life of, by Chalmers. . . 9 Rufine, (Donna, Court, de Seville) Hist. de. 110 Ruggle, (G.) Ignoramus, Comoedia. . 218 Rules to get Children by, with Handsome Faces. 128 of Speaking and Action. (T. 8.) . 24 Civility, from the French. . . 133 Good Deportment. Petrie. . 110 Social Philosophy. Philips. . 294 of Thistle Golf Club. . . 302 Ruminator, a Series of Essays, by Brydges, &c. 204 Rump, The, Coll. of Songs and Ballads. 1660. 170 Poems and Songs on the late Times. 1 662. 1 70 Rupert, (Prince) Historical Memoirs of 26 Tracts relative to. . . . 59 Relation of the Fleet, ix.c. under. 1673. 59 Message and Letter from Charles I. to. (T. 2.) 60 Rush, (Fryer) History of, (Thoms. 4.) 103. (R.T.5.) 127 Rushworth's (John) Historical Collections. 252 Russel's (Bp.) Keith's Cat. of Scottish Bishops. 14 Russell's (Col.) Relation of proc. at Lichfield. (T.2.) 59 (Rev. H.) Journey from Time to Eternity. 77 (John) Tour in Germany. . 257 (P. and Owen's) England Displayed. 262 Russia, History of, to Peter the Great. (M.U.H.32.) 207 Sket. of Mil. & Pol. Power of, in 1 8 1 7. See Wilson. Fr.Campaign in. SeeBoutourlin. Chambry. Segur. Rusticae Rei Scriptores, Cato, Vatro, &c. 227 Rutherford, (A. Eail of Teviot.) Moors Baffled, &c. 178 (Rev. S.) Fast Sermon, 1644. (T. 1.) 62 Power and Prev. of Faith. (T. 1.) 70 Lex. Rex. The Law and the Prince. 72 Letters. Joslnm Jiedirii'us. . 73 Predictions. ... 75 Communion Exhortations. 75 Ruyter, (Admiral de) Life of . . 26 Rycaut's (Sir Paul) Turkish History. . 238. 262 Rye-House Plot. See Grey. Rymbegla. Comp. Eccles. Islandorum. Biornonis. 64 Rymer, (Thomas) Foedera, &c. a Holmes. 23. 24 _ Curious Amusements, and Poems. 113 Edgar, Tragedy. (O. P. 62.) . 221 INDEX. S. (F. W.) The Presbyteries Triall. 80 S. (G.) Anglorum Speculum. Worthies of England. 71 S. (J.) Age of the World. Sue. of Scot. Mon. SeeSpreuI. S. (J.) Olaus Magnus's Hist, of Goths, &c. C4 S. (.J.) Nupt. of the Lamb. Find. Poem. (O.P.30.) 1 57 S. (J. L.) Juvenile Effusions, comp. at Edin. H. S. 1 63 157 184 21 S. (M.) Great Birth of Man. (O. P. 4.) S. (R.) The Phoenix Nest. (H. G.) S. (T.) Hist, of Affairs in Scotland, 1660-1690. Sabbath, Short History of the. (C. T. 26.) 290 Sacchetto, (Fr.) Novelle. . . 121 Sacclii, (D.) I Lambertacci ei Geremei. . 274 Sacheverel, (Rev. J.) Ace. of Marl. Ghost. (D.o.T.) 143 (Rev. Dr.) Life and Actions of. See Bisset. Vindication of, against Bisset. (T. 2.) 293 Apology for Lies against. See Withers. Sp. of Bishops on Imp. of. (T. 5.) 88. (4. 5.) 293 Character of Don S. (T. 0.) 88. (S. T. 54.) 307 's (Wm.) Account of Isle of Man. . 22 SackviUe,(Ld. G.)thesup. Auth. of Junius. SeeCoventry. Sacramental Test, &c. contr. to Law of God. (T. 10.) 8 Sadducism, New Confutation of Sec Telfair. Sadducismus Debellatus. See Shaw. . Triumphatus. See Glanville. Sade's(Abbe'de)Theoryon Petrarch. See Woodhouselee. Sadeur, Jacques, Voyages de. (V. I.) . 45 Sadler (Sir R.) State Papers and Letters. Scott. 29 (W. Sen. and Jun.) Aerial Voyages of. 33 Sage's ( Bp. ) Re. on Webster & Williamson.(C.T. 1 7. )290 Drummond of Hawtliomden's Works. 1 1 Saintre, (Petit Jean de.) See Jean. Saints, Lives, &c. of: — Sanctorum Legenda Aurea. See Voragine. Lryeiida. Scotiae Vitae Antiquae. See Pinkerton. St. Ann, the Mother of God. See Clagett. San Dima, II Buon Ladrone. Orilia. . 268 S. Francisci, Seraphicae in Vitam. Maripetri. 268 San Gennaro, Padrone di Napoli, Istoria di. 268 St. George, the English Patron. See Dawson. Sant' Honofrio, Vita di. Raoli. St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, Life of. Life and Acts of, by Jocelyn. St. Robert of Knaresborough, Metr. Life of. S. Thomae Cantuariensis Vita, &c. (Sp. 3.) St. Ursula, Life of. Walter. St. Andrews. See Martin. Copland. St. Auban, (Seigneur de) M^moires. (P. C.) St. Canice, Cath. of, Kilkenny, Epitaphs in. 072 St. Cecilia Coll. of Scotch and English Songs. 161.171 St. Guerdun's Well, a Poem. See White. St. Jean, Los Etrennes de la. (R. F. 1.) . 117 St. Kilda. See Buchan. Martin. Macauley. Sainte Marie, (P. H. de) Dissert, sur la Chevalerie. 48 St. Morys, (Comte de) Politique de I'Europe. 326 St. Palaye's (La Cume de) Life of Froissart. 229 St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, Hist, of See Mason. St. Phale, (Jladlle. de) History of . 178 St. Serfe's (Sir T.) Tarugo's Wiles, Com. (O.P.83.) 221 St. Severin, (J. de) Sejour en Sardaigne. . 36 St. Simon, (Due de) CEuvres, par Soulavie. 38 SakvoU (Ein) Witz, Spass, u. Ernst. . 47 Salami's (A.) Narr. of E.xpedition to Algiers. 235 Sale Room, Weekly Periodical. . 34 Salignac, (B. de) M^moires. (P. C.) . 49 Salis (Ct. de) Cons, on Draining Bill. &c. (A.T.I.) 300 Salkeld's (J.) Treatise of Angels. . 139 Sallustius, Popmae. (V. L. C. 46.) . 226 Sallust, Works of, trans, by Dr. H. Steuart. 264 Salmasius, (A.) de Annis Climactericis. . 147 Salmon Fishery of Scotland, Obs. on. (T. S. 16.) 345 Salmon's (Th.) Exam, of Bp. Burnet's Hist. 24 Salomon und IMarkolf See Hagen. Narrenbuch. Salomonis et Marcolphi Decertatio. (F. C.) 155 Salt's (H.) Essay on Phonetic Hieroglyphics. 36 Salter's (J.) Calliope's Cabinet Open. . 144 Saltfoot Controversy. See Riddell. Steuarts. Salus Populi Suprema Lex, &c. (R. T. 8.) 289 Sams's (W.) Court Anecdotes. . . 334 Samson's Riddle. Proc. agt. Covenanters. (T. 1 7.) 286 Sampson's (W.) Vow Breaker, Play. 217 Sancho Panza, Histoire de. . 41 Sancroft, (Abp.) Overall's Convocation Book. 83 Vindication of, by Turner. (P. T. 6.) 309 Sandel's (Sam.) Ace. of Eman. Swedenborg. 248 Sanderson, (Dr. R.) AValton's Life of (W. L.) 193 (W.) Life and Reign of King Charle.s. 30 Sandrin, Le, ou Verd Galant, &c. (M. 2.) 116 Sandy,(Geo.) and Shiells,(T.) Catal. of Signet Libr. 272 Sandys, (Geo.) Ovid's Metamoqihoses. . 109 Travels in Turkey, Egypt, &c. . 1 97 Sangs of the Lowlands of Scotland. 176 Sannazarius, (A.'S.) Memoirs of (G. M.) 187 Sannazaro, Arcadia, (P. I. 16.) . . 55 Poesie. (P. 1. 26.) ... 65 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Sansovino, (F.) Famiglie lUustri d'ltalia. Santis, (T. de) Tumulto di Napoli. 1648. Santo, (Antonio di) Istoria di. (I. C. I. C.) Sapinaud, (Mad.) Mdmoires sur la Vendue. Sartorius Sinegradibus, (Dr.) Life and Adv. of. Sarragossa, Siege of. See Vaughan. Sarrazin, (Gen.) Guerre de Russie et d'Allemagne. 325 Satan in Search of a Wife. . . 166 's Fiery Darts Quenched. See Hall. Invisible World Displayed. See Sinclair. Satyr against Hypocrites. See Philips. against Man. Sylria's Revenge. (O.P.6.16.)157.305 againstWoman. (P. P. 1«.) . . 305 upon the Town. (O. P. 3.) . . 157 Satyre Menippfe du C'atholicon d'Espagne. 38 Saul, King, Tragedy of. (0. P. 8.) . . 219 Saul's (Rev. E.) Hist. Ace. of Barometer. (C.o.P.8.) 307 Saunders's (Tib.) Essay on Lotteries. (M. T. 12.) 288 Savage's (Rich.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. Works & Life. 194 Epistle to Fred. Prince of Wales. (P.P.29.) 283 Author to be Lett. By Iscariot Hackney. 187 See Scarron. Knolls. Savary, ( ) Guerres des Vende'ens, &c. 324 (Due de Rovigo) Mdmoires. . . 327 Vindication of, by himself. (H. P. T. 8.) 343 Saville, (Hen.) Scriptores post Bedam. . 27 Saviolo, (Vine.) His Practise of Rapier & Dagger. 119 Sawyer, (Edm.) Winwood's Memorials of State. 233 Saxo Grammaticus, Historia Danica, a Petro. CO Critisk Undersogelse, &e. See Muller. Saxon Chronicle. See Ingram. Saxoniae Chronicon. See Chytraei. Sayers's (Dr. F.) Poems, & North. Dram. Sketches. 202 Disquisitions, Metaphysical, &c. . 202 Sayings, Wise and Ingenious. &c. . . 136 Saywell's(Rev.Dr.)Inq. into means of Union.(T.14.)286 Scarborough, History of. See Henderwell. Castle, a Poem. See Wrangham. Tales. See Watkins. Scarron's Comical Works. . Scarronides, or Virgil Travestie. See Cotton. Schau-Platz denckw. Begebenheiten. Schefferi (Jo.) Lapponia. Scheffer's History of Lapland. Schetky, (J. A.) Biographical Sketch of. (S.T.9.) Schiller's (Fr.) Trauerspiele. Sanmitliche Werke. .,• 135 Schiller's Musen-Almanach. Wallenstein, by Coleridge. by Moir. Song of the Bell, by Page. by Lord F. Egerton. 337 340 113 320 100 47 212 160 161 199 Robbers, by Lord Woodhouselee. . 212 Thirty Years' War, by Moir. (C. M.) 315 Schilteri (Jo.) Thesaurus Antiq. Teutonicarum. 262 Schlegel, (A. W.) Litterature Dramatique. Necker. 40 Lectures on Dramatic Art. Black. . 200 (Fr.) Geschichte der alten u. neuen Litteratur. 55 Lectures on Hist, of Literature. . 200 Schleichers, (Er.) Leben und Jleinungen. Cramer. 47 SchlichtegroU, (F.) Tumier-Buch H. Wilhelm IV. 337 Schnurr, (B.) Ameisen und MUckenkrieg. 53 Schreiber, (Hofr.)Baden u. seine Umgebungen. Schrevelii Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Schotti (Gasp.) Physica Curiosa. Schubart's (H.) Scott's Lieder u. Balladen. Schultens, (Prof) See Herbelot. Schweizerische Volkslieder. Scoloker's (Ant.) Diaphantus, or Passion of Love. 275 Scoresby'8 (Rev. W.) Voyage to N. Whale Fishery. 235 Scotch Haggis. See Webster, (D.) Medal deciphered. 1711. . . 15 Mist cleared up. Proc. ag. Argyle. (T. R. 2.) 289 Presbyterian Eloquence. See Calder. Answer to. See Laick. Ridpath. Rogue. Life of Donald Macdonald. . 131 Scoti (Gualt.) Phylarcharum Scotorum Gent. Insig. 110 (Michaelis) Secreta Naturae. . 109 Liber Physionomiae. . . ■ 148 Physionomia Natural di Michel Scotto. 47 (Rom.) Summ. Rat. ad occ. Mar. Reg. (Jebb.) 12 Scotiae Indiculum. See Moodie. Scotish Dove with an Olive Branch. See Rae. 77 Scotish Poems, Epitaphs, Laym. Lament, ^c. Scotland, Miscellaneous Papers rel. to. Miscellanea Curiosa AfS, relative to. Miscellanea Scotica. Tracts relative to. Certayne Matters concerning the Realme of. Chronicles of the Kings of. ConsicL on present State of. 1744. (P. T. 25.) 311 Descr. of all the Kings of. (T. & S. 1 1.) 66 Declar. of Estates of, cone. elm. of Right.(T. 1 4.)284 Discov. made in, of Consp. ag. Govt. 1685. 3 Enquiry into things concern. 1734. (P.T.26.) 311 132 2 2 7 5 280 INDEX. Scotland, Essay for Peace, &c. ab.Ch. Gov. in.(T.39)-290 Counter Essay in answ. to Essay for P.(C.T.8.)290 Letters on Essay for P. and Answ.(C.T.21.22.)290 History of, to Union, 1707. (M. U. H. 41.) 207 History of Affairs of, 1660 to 1690, by T. S. 21 Diurnal of Rem. Occurrents. in, 1513-1575. 279 Imp. Ace. of Trans, in. Glencoe Massacre. 10 Laws and Judicatures of. Vindicated. 97 Loud Cry for Help to Struggling Ch. of. 1753. 69 Lett, on Defections and Sins of Ch. of. (T.6.) 74 Lett, on Quest, betw. Nonjurant & Jurant M. 67 Map of, by Ainslie. . . . 260 New Map of, by an English Pencil. . 59 Modem Account of. See Kirke. Notes of Elec. Proc. of Represent. Peers of. 295 Nationall Coven, or Conf. of Faith of Kirk of. 70 Papers rel. to Adm. of Civ. Justice in. 13 Warrant app. Commissioners for do. (T. 1.) 295 Pailiaments of. See Acts. Records. Diurnal of Debates, &c. in, 1648. (M.C.) 61 Proper Project for, to startle fools, &c. 1699. 285 Regalia of. Plates. 232. Papers relative to the. 278 Remarks on Adm. of Crim. Justice in.(S.L.T.9.)345 Remonst. from Estates of, to Pari, of Eng.1640. 21 Reas.for enc. the Linen Manufac. of. (P.T.34.)31 1 Speech at C. M. for assessing Lands, &c.(P.l.)250 Scarcity of Gold and Silver Coin in, Consid. on.31 1 Three Treaties bet. England and. (T. 30.) 61 True Inter, of, vrt. reg. to the Sucoession.(T.14.) 82 Universities of, Evid. and Report of Com. of. 337 Scotland's Glory and her Shame, Poem. . 71 Interest. Benefit of Trade wt. Eng..l704. (T.l 1 .) 82 Present Circumstances. See Arnot. Warning, or Treatise of Fasting. . 76 Scotorum Poetarum Delitiae. Jonston. . 11 Tom. 1. Adamson, (P.) Anderson, (H.) Ayton, (R.) Barclay, (J.) Barclay, (W.) Boyd, (M. A.) Boyd, (R.) Craig, (T.) Crichton, (J.) Crichton, (G.) Danskin, (H.) Dempster, (T.) Echlin, (D.) Gold- man, (P.) Hackerston, (J.) Hume, (D.) Johnston, (A.) Johnston, (J.) Tom. 2. King, (A.) Kinloch, (D.) Melvin, (A.) Ma- cuUoch, (J.) Maitland, (T.) Murray, (T.) Reid, (T.) Rose, (J.) Ramsay, (A.) RoUock, (H.) Ross, (A.) Scot, (J.) Scot of Scotstarvet, (J.) Seghet, (T.) Strachan, (G.) Thomson, (G.) Wilson, (F.) Wed- derburn, (D.) 443 Scots Brigade, Tract on. See Robertson, ( VV.P.C.) 23 Commissioners' Manifesto. 1645. (T. 6.) 60 Army, Secretary of, Relat. to Commiss. 1646. 62 Comm. Answ. to the New Prop, of Pari. 1647. 62 Episcopal Innocence. See Laick. Figgaries, Comedy. See Tateham. Inquisition. See Shiels. Law, Azotes of Lectures on. . . 264 Le<;ul Tracts. . . . . 264 Magazine. .... 329 Plot, 1704, Coll. of Original Papers about. 100 Poems, Ancient and Mod. Choice Collect, of. 175 .- Proverbs, Cullection of. Scott, Hist. Sketch of Name of. (M. C. 3.) Scott's (Alex.) Poems, from MS. 1568. Laing (And.) Poems, in Scottish Dialect. Poems on various subjects. (David) History of Scotland. . (Eliz.) Alonza and Cora Specimens of British Poetry. . (Geo.) Psalms of David, in Metre. Sir Jas. Melvil's Memoirs. Ray's Remains, by Derham. . (Geo.) Heath Flowers. (Henry) Poems. (Rev. Jas.) Life of John, Earl of Gowrie. 169 15 175 170 160 11 166 201 115 8 247 160 161 8 (Sir John, of Scotstarvet) Stag. St. of Scots Stat. 17 (John, of Amwell) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 (John) House of Mourning. (P. C. 2.) 165 -Visit to Paris, in 1814. . . 319 Paris Revisited, in 1815. . . 319 (Dr. Jonathan) The Arabian Niglits. 43 (Reginald) Discovery of Witchcraft. 123 (Rev. Dr. R.) Sermon on Edin. Fire. 17(10. 76 (Rev. Thos.) The Belgick Souldier. 62 (Thos.) Mock Marriage, Com. (O. P. 64.) 221 Unhappy Kindness, Com. (0. P. 65.) 221 (Capt.W. of Satchells) Hist, of Scot Families. G ScoTT, Sir Walter, Works written or edited by : Adversaria, 1792, ^c. . . . 291 Lericndary Fragments. 1792. . 104 Scottish Songs. 1795. . . . 104 Trans, of Inland's Wards. 1796. 104 of Steinberg's Ot/io. 1797. . 104 of Meier's Wolf red. 1797. . 104 Notes of Professor Hume's Lectures on Scots Law. 264 Apology for Tales of Terror. . . 185 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Scott, (Sir W.) Chase, ami William and Helen. 157. 230. •230.271.332. 230. 230.271. Minstrelsy of Scottish Border. Sir Tristrem. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Marmion. Lady of the Lake. ^'jnffs in Lady of the Lahe^ travscr. hy R. Chambers. Lord of the Isles. . 185.230.271. Rokeby. . 271. Vision of Don Roderic. . Field of Waterloo. (P. P. 5.) Poetical Works, with Introd. and Notes. Der Letzte Minstrel, von Storck. Das Lied d. letzten Jlinnesangers. Lennig. Schottische Lieder u. Balladen, Schubart. Mamiion, Nov. di Flodden Field. Amari. La Donna del Lago, da D. G. Indelicato. Das Fraulein vom See, von Storck. Lady of Lake. Polish Transl. by Celakowski. Halidon Hill, Dram. Skild. ov. af Rahbek. Romans Po^tiques, en Prose Franc. Pichot. 320. Poetry of the Waverley Novels. Woodstock. .... Waverley Novels, with Introd. and Notes. Waverley, Boston repr. Den Astrolog, (Guy Mannering) van Lindau. Heait of Slid Lothian, bk Russian. Nnriia'sBeschicoruKg,(Pii3.te)ionKlii)pe.[l' Ivanhoe. Dutch transl. v. Koster Henke. Racconti su i Crociati, da Barbieri. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Border Antiquities. Lives of Novelists. (B. N. L.) Provincial Antiquities. Lett, of Malachi Malagrowther. (P. C. 3.) Life of Napoleon. Vita di Napoleone, da Pecchioli. Essays on Chivalr}", &c. (Supp. to E. B.) Religious Discourses, by a La>Tnan. Letters on Demonology Tales of a Grandfather. History of Scotland, Hist, of France. History of Scotland. (Lard. Cyc. ) Original Memoirs of Civil War. Memoirs of Cary and Naunton. Capt. Carleton"s Memoirs of War in Spain. Scott, (Sir W.) Dryden's Works, and Life. 231 Sir R. Sadler's State Papers, and Life. 29 Somers Collection of Tracts. . . 23 Strutt's Literary Reliques. . . 179 Miss Seward's Poetical Works. Secret History of James I. Dean Swift's Works, and Life. Rowland's Letting of Humour's Blood. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. Memorie of the Somervilles. Carey's Trivial Poems. Memorials of the Haliburtons. Franck's Northern Memoirs. Lord Fountainhall's Notes on Scots Affairs. Gwynne's Memoirs of Civil War. Lays of the Lindsays. Lady A. L. Barnard's Auld Robin Gray. Court Martial on Master of Sinclair. Memorials of George Bannatyne. Trial of Terig and Macdonald. Rochejacquelein's Memoirs. (C. M.) Miscellaneous Prose Works. MS. and Printed Relics, rel. to. . Landscape Illustrations of Waverley Novels. Illustrations of Guy Manneringand Rob Roy. Biog. Litt. V ersuch von, v. Jacob. Memoirs of the Life of, by J. G. Lockhart. Dramas founded on the Poems of. . 211 Dramas founded on the Novels of. Chap Books made from the Novels of Scott, (Wm. of Harden) View of Repr. of Scotland (W. H.) British Field Sports. _ (W.) Kail Wife. Address of Guardian Spirit to Port of Leith. Scottis Corniklis, Schort Memorial of the. 3 Scottish Clergy, Obs. on Math. Prets. of. See Chalmers. Pasquils, Three Books of. See Maidment. Prophecies, Ancient, 1 COS. Wuldegrave. . 1C15. Hurt. Pulpit. Collection of Sermons. See GiUan. Reform Bill, Dissection of. (P. P. R. 12.) 344 Service Book, AVinding Sheet of the. (R.T.12.) G(i Tourist and Itinerary, . . 306.335 Union Insurance Co. Contract. (F. T. 1 1.) 344 Scoundrel's Dictionary. (Cant Words.) . 130 Scraps of all Sorts. . . . 271 Scriblcriad, Heroic Poem. (P. P. 9.) . 230 231 231 117 lUd 231 135 14 271 279 21 183 U INDEX. Scriptores Historiae Augustae. (V. L. C. '21.) 226 ^lius Lampridius. ^liiis Spartianua. Flavins Vopiscus. Julius Capitolinus. Trebellius PoUio. Vulc. Gallicanus. Scriptures, Difficulties attending study of. (P. T. 2.) 135 Scroop, (R. Abp. of York) Life of. . 161 Scrubs of Parnassus. Hudibrastic Poem. 187 Scudery's Clelia, a Romance. . . 101 Artamenes, a Romance. . 102 Scultetus, (And.) Gedichte. . . 116 Scurry's (Jas.) Captivity and Sufferings in India. 238 Seals, Old, Collection of. . . 271 Seaman 'sOpin.ofStandingArmy in Eng.(P.R.T. 1 1.)290 Seats in Parliament ^(/ni/ts. (M.T. 6.) . 312 SecedingMinister3,Queries to,& 74 Pilulae Spleneticac, Laugh at, 1726. 68 Secession,Rise,Progres3, & Grounds of the. (S. T. 1 .) 292 Seeker's (Abp.) Sermon onRebellion. 1 745.(T.R. 1 0.)3 1 1 S.'^crets Revealed. See Cooper. Secret Hist, of Q.. Eliz. and Earl of Essex. of James I. See Scott. of Charles II. and James II. of the Stuarts. 1720. See Ahab's Evil. of the White Staff. Sec Defoe. Services, Memoirs of. See Macky. Smith, (M.) Secular Jurisdiction, Inconv. of granting toMinisters.287 Sederholm, (Dr. K.) Ueber Religionsphilosophie. 269 Sedley's (Sir Chas.) Poems. (C. P.) 194 Works in Prose & Verse. . . 216 Three Plays. . . . 219 Segar's (Sir W.) Institutions of Orders of Collars. 252 Segrais, Rel. de I'lle Imaginaire. (V. I.) 45 Princesse de Paphlagonie. (V. I.) . 45 Segur, (Ge'n. Phil, de) Histoire de Napoleon. 325 's Hist, of Russ. E.\ped., trans, by Cochrane. 319 Selden's (John) Titles of Honor, Obs. on sp. doe. in. 32 Duello, or Single Combat. . 105 Mare Clausum, Obs. on. See Morant. Selections from Unp. MSS. ill. R. of Mary.1543-68. 282 Self-Knowledge, Treatise on, by Mason. . 291 Self-Murder, and Verdicts of Non Compos. See Willis. SeHs, ( ) Le Prince Desire. (C. F.) . 45 Seljukians, History of the. (M. U. H. 3, 4.) 206 Selkirk, (Thos. Earl of) Observations on Highlands. 1 7 Selkirk, (T. El. of) Sketch of Brit. Fur Trade. (T.i.) 31 Letter to Lord Liverpool. . . 31 Red River Settlement, St. and Narr. of (T.2.3.) 31 Narr. of Aggressions against. (H. P. T. 1 0.) 343 Selkirkshire, Survey of. 1. Ainslie's Map of. 260 Sellon,( 33!) '3 (M. A.) Caledonian Comet. 166. (P. & P. 5.) 1 92 Semple's (Rob.) Journey through Spain. 256 Second Journey in Spain. . . 256 (W.) Crawfurd's Hist, of Renfrewshire. 17 Senatore, (G.) Giornale Stor. ne' Napoli. 1734. 268 Senecae Opera, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 47.) 226 Tragoediae, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 48.) 226 et Syri Sententiae. (V. L. C. 49.) . 226 Se'n^ce', Contes et Nouvelles en Vers. . 116 Separations Sedition insep.fromDissenters.(C.T.9.)288 Sepulchral Mottos. . . . 163 Seria Mixta jocis, Ans. for Marg. V'ates to K. Treas. 177 Sermons. Serpents, History of. (Top.) . , 122 Serre' de Rieux, Dons de Enfans de Latone. 38 Servants, Pride, Insolence, &c. of. See Defoe. Session of the Critics, a Poem. (P. P. 1 1.) 263 Settle's (Elk.) Six Plays. . . 218 Notorious Impostor, Morrell, alias Bowyer. 134 Seton's(Wm.) Interest of Scotland. . 85 Setoun, Geneal. & Chron. of House of Maitland. 272 Hist, of House of. Maitland. . 280 Sevarambes, Histoire des, par AUetz. (V. I.) 45 Seven Champs, of Xtendom. Johnson. 106. Kirke. 214 Severn, River, Phenom, of Stoppage of. See Fletcher. Seward's (Anna) Sonnets & Odes. (M. P. 15.) 186 Memoirs of Dr. Darwin. . . 202 . Letters between 1781 and 1307. Constable. 202 Poetical Works. Scott. . . 202 (W".) Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. 201 Sextessence Diallactique. See Demons. Sgruttendio, (F.) La Tiorba. (P. N.) . 57 Shadwell's (Chas.) Two Comedies. . 219 (Thos.) Works. . . . 217 Sixteen Plays. . . . 218 Libertine. (0. P. 5.) . . 222 Shaftesbury, (A. Earl of) The Fugitive Statesman. 26 Life and Death of, by Philanax Misop. 245 Proc. agt. on Indict, for High Treason. (S.T.2.)30 Shaftoe's (Mrs. F.) Narr. of pret. Prince of Wales. 83 445 3 L 109 109 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Sliakspeare, Poemsof. (E. P.) . . 42 Dramatic Works. . . . 43.62 Pkiys, by Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. 210 Glossary of Words in. See Nares. 26C Index to, by Ayscough. 63 and his Times. See Drake. Life of. See Britton. Skottowe. Illustrated. See Lenno.x. Illustrations of. See Douce. Six Old Plays, on which Plays founded. 215 Observations on. See Mason. Remarks on. See Ritson. Jest Book. Tales and Quick Answers. Singer. 128 Catalogue of Books rel. to. See Wilson. Shandy, (Sukey) Life and Opinions of. (H.T.2.) Sharpe, (C. K.) Ballad Book. Life of Lady Marg. Cunningham. Kirkton's Church Hist, of Scotland. . Law's Memorials. Maitland's Geneal. and Chr. of H. of Setoun. 272 Metrical Legends. . . . 200 Lady Wanistoun's Conversion. . 270 Sharp's (Sir Cuth.) Summary of Ld. Howard's MS. 234 Life of Ambrose Barnes, Mayor of Newcast. 256 Jolly Huntsman's Garland. . , 173 Jacob Bee's Diary. . . . 174 (Granville) Case of Saul. . . 124 (Abp. James) Life of, by Symson. (M.S.) 7. 73. 78 History of the murder of. (Sp. of P.) 65 Trial of Mitchel for att. to assass. (H.) 83 (Rev. J.) Life of F. G. Meyer. . 174 (Lewis) Noble Stranger. (O. P. 2.) . 214 (Rich.) Epistles in Verse. . . 180 (Th.) Dissert, on the Coventry Mysteries. 249 (Rev. Dr. T.) Life of Abp. John Sharp. 237 Sharpham's (Edw.) Fleire, Comedy. (0. P. 5.) 215 Shaw, (Christian) Narrative of Sufferings of. 146. 150 (Rev. F.) Judg. of Ch. of E. on Ordin. (T.7.8.) 224 (Rev. L.) History of Province of Moray. 4 (Sam.) Index of Reg. Entails in Scotland. 14 (Rev. Dr. T.) Trav. in Barbary & the Levant. 262 Shee's (John) Lines on Battle of Waterloo.(P.P.6.)168 (P.) Epitaphs in Kilkenny Cathedral. 270 Sheffield, History of. See Hunter. Ace. of Public Meet, at, April 1794. (P.T.3.) 312 (Jn.D. of Buckingham's) Works. See Buckingham. Shell's (R.) Adelaide, Tragedy. (M. P. 3.) 212. 209 Shell's (R.) Apostate, Tragedy. (M. P. 4.) 209 Shelley's (Mrs.) Frankenstein. . . 335 Slielvocke's (Geo.) Mem. of Du Gud Trouin. 238 Portions of Ancient Universal History. 205 Shenstone's (W.) Works in Verse and Prose. 192 Shepherd, (Sir Sam.) The Ragman's Rolls. 279 Sheppard, (John, Housebreaker) Life of . 134 Sherburne's (Sir E.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Sherer's (Major) Scenes and Imp. in Egypt & Italy. 317 (not Skinner) Recollections of the Peninsula. 255 Sheridan, (Mrs.) Nourjahad. (T. of E.) . 43 Nourjahad, trad. Franc. (C. F.) . 45 (R. B.) Four Plays. . . 216 Memoirs of Life of, by Bloore. . 202 (Thos.) Lectures on Elocution. . 229 Sheriff, Treatise on Office of, in Scotland. Clark. 295 Courts. Act of Sederunt. (S. L. T. 1.) . 345 Report on Tables of Fees in. (S. L. T. 6.) 345 Sheringhani, (R.) Dc Anglorum Gentis Origine. 237 Sherlock's (Rev.Dr.) Let. to a Mem. of Convention. 284 Preservative against Popery. (T. 3.) 28S Case of Allegiance. (T. 9.) . . 286 Remarks on, and Answer to. (T. 10. 1 1.) 286 Letter resp. French Invasion. (R. T. 22.) 289 Sherlock's (Rev. Dr.) Letter to a Foreign Minister. 92 Shetland Islands. See Campbell. Hibbert. Neill. Shiels's (Rev. Alex.) Scots Inquisition. (T.2.) 68. 72. 76 Hind let loose. (T. 1.) . 69. 72. 73 Inf Vind. of Ch. of Scotland. (T. 2.) 09. )T.4.) 70 (and Walker) Biographia Presbyteriana. C5 Life of Rev. James Renwick. . 65. 71. 74 Letter on Christian Fellowship. . 76 Sufferings, Trials, and Examinations. (T. 1.) 82 (Mich.) Hist. Rel. of Ch. of Scotl. (Howie.) 71 (Rev.W. of Earlston) Sermons. . 292 Shiels's ( ) Lives of the Poets. . 193 Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. See Murray. Perthes. Shirley, (Sirs A. R. &T.) Travels, &c. of. 169 (Henry) Martyr'd Soldier. . . 213 (Jas.) Hide Park, Comedy. . . 213 Maid's Revenge, Tragedy. . . 213 Humorous Courtier, Comedy. 213. (O. P. 2.) 215 (and Chapman's) Ball, Comedy. . 213 Tragedy of Chabot. 213 Shoberl's (F.) Kotzebue's Patriot Father. . 166 Nanative, &c. of Battle of Leipzig. (R.M.6.) 326 Forget me not. . . . 332 416 INDEX. Shoemaker a Gentleman, Com. See Heywood. Shoemakers, Hist, of Famous. See Gentle Craft. Shrewsbm-y,(Duke of) Mem. of Ministry of. (D.T.-2.)309 Shuttleworth,(Mrs.) Trial of.formurd.her husband.129 Sibbald's (Jas.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry. 173 Sir D. Lindsay's Thrie Estates. . 173 (Sir R.) History of Fife and Kinross, &c. 13 Scotia lUustrata. . . . 11 Sibbes's (Rev. R.) Bruised Reed and Smoaking Flax. 110 Sibilla Odaleta. Ronianzo Storico. . . "269 Siborne'8 (Capt ) Jlilit. Exploits of Don J. BI. Diez. 31 Sibylline Oracles. Vind. of, by Whiston. . 205 Sicily, Ancient History of (U. H. 6.) 205 See Brydone. Dryden. Sicuras, (D.) Origin of Atheism. Bohun. 286 Sidney's (Sir P.) Arcadia, &c. and Poems. 101 .\rcadia modernized by Mrs. Stanley. 264 Engelscho Arcadia, ov. d. de Jonghe. . 115 See Sydney. Siege and Surrender of Mons, Tragi-Com. (O.P.9.) 219 Sieges, Famous, Relations of. . . 157 Sigismondo,(Dr. G.) Descriz. di Napoli. . 57 Signet, Rights, &c. of Clerks to the. See Fletcher. Library, of. Sandy & Shiells. 272 Signoielli, (P.) Storiade' Teatri. . 57 , Vicende della Coltura nolle Due Sicilie. 57 Sigognc, Regnier, &c. Cabinet Satirique. 109. 119 Sigourney's (L. IL) Traits of American Aborigines. 180 Sillars's (David) Poems. ... 166 Sillery's (C. D.) Vallery, a Poem. 162 Silva Lisboa, (J.) Vida de Lord Wellington. 196 Silvii (jEneae, post. Papae Pii II.) Opera. 270 Simeon, Mon. Dunelm. (Twysd.) . 27 Simond's (L.) Residence in Great Britain. 236 Simpson, (.Arcb.) Hierogl)T)hica .\nimalium. 72 (Jas.) Visit to Flanders in July 1815. 246 Letters to Sir AV. S. on King's Visit. 1 822. 8 Simson, (And.) Disputatio Jledica. . 33 (Prof. John) Answer to.Ch. of Heresy. (T.9.) 67 Dangerous Opinions of, on the Trinity. (T. 4.) 74 Errors of. Summary View of. (T. 7.) . 74 Sin Punished and Virtue Rewarded. . 75 Sinne, Ages of Plates ly J. Van Loc^icm. . 132 Sinclair, (Prof Geo.) Doctrine of the Sphere. (T.13.)70 Proteus bound with Chains. (T. 14.) 70 Hydrostatics. . . . . 121 Satan's Invisible World. 142 Sinclair, (Sir John) Dissertation on Ossian's Poems. 1 9 Statistical Account of Scotland. . 84 Singer's (Rev. Dr.) Agricult. Report of Dumfries. 301 (S. W.) Cavendish's Life of Wolsey. 236 Chapman's Hymns of Homer. . 175 Hiirrington's Ajax, &c. . . 106 Lovelace's Lucasta. Post. Poems. . 342 Geo. Peel's Jests. (R.P.I.) . . 127 Remarks on Glossary to Havelok. See Madden.27 6 Researches on Playing Cards. . 1 84 Shakspeare's Jest Book. . . 128 Spence's Anecdotes, &c. and Life. 1 Ui Singleton, (Capt.) Life of. See Defoe. (D. 1 3.) 125 Sion in Distress, &c. a Poem. 1C81. . 71 Sismondi's ( Litera. of the South. Roscoe.31U Sixpenny Miscellany, Dissert, on Pissing. . 128 Skelton's (John) Poems. (E. P.) . . 41 Magnyfycence, Interlude. . . 275 (Jos.) lUust. of Anc. Armour. See Meyrick. 337 Skelton, Sutherland, &c. Trials of, for robbing. 1811. 152 Skenaei (Jo.) Regiam Majestatem Scotiae. 4 Skene's (Jas.) Ace. of Structures in Suabia. (T.A.2.)338 Sketches of Localities of Waverley Novels. 339 Spalding's Hist, of theTroublesinSc. 1624-45.278 Sketches from Nature. Portraits and Characters. 32 Sketches in Scottish Verse, and Songs. . 166 Skerret's (Rev. R.) Two Sermons, on Reb. I715.(Ser.)80 Skinner's (Rev. J.) Annals of Scottish Episcopacy. 1 4 Poetical Amusements. . . 16 (Dr. S.) Etymologicon Ling. Anglicanae. lul (Rev. Dr. T.) Life of General Monck. 237 History of the Restoration. . . 245 Skottowe's (Aug.) Life of Shakspeare. . 211 Skye, Desc. of Spar Cave in Isle of See Macleay. Sleep- Walker, Account of a Natural. (T. 1.) 152 Sleidane's Commentaries on R. of Charles V. 229 Slezer's (John) Theatrum Scotiae. . 10 Sliglifs (H. & J.) Chronicles of Portsmouth. 303 Slingsby, (Sir II.) Memoirs of, &c. by Sir W. Scott. 231 Smagge, (Master J.) Narr. of Evil Spirit in house of. 1 42 Small's (Dr. R.) Statist. Account of Dundee. 5 Smart's (Rev. Christ.) Poems. (E. P.) . 42 Hymn to, and Poems on the Supreme Being. 186 Smcctvmnuus Redivivus. See Manton. . 286 Smedley's (Dean) Poems on several Occasions. 168 Gulliveriana and Alexanderiana. 304 (Rev. Ed.) Prescience, a Poem. 163. Jonah. 165 447 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Smellie, (Dr.) Answer to Letter to. (JI. T. 1.) 130 Smirke's (R.) Pictures from Rasselas. . 270 Smith's (Dr. Adam) Wealth of Nations. . 2SC Letter to Strahan on Hume's Dcatli. 20 ■ (Capt. A.) History of Highwaymen, &c. 131 (Charlotte) Banished Man. . . 333 ■ Celestina. . . . 333 Desmond. . . . . 333 Ethelinda. ... 334 Marehmont. . . . 333 Montalbert. ... 333 Old Manor House. . . 333 (Dr.C.) A. & P. St. of Coun. and City of Cork. 314 County of Kerry. . . 314 County and City of Waterford. 314 (Edmund) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Phaedra and Hippolytus. Tr. (O. P. 66.) 221 Poem on the Death of. (M. 5.) . 305 (Geo.) England's Pressures. 1645. (T. 38.) 61 (G. N.) Killarney and Surrounding Scenery. 314 (Horace and Jas.) Horace in London. 194 (Rev. Jas.) Sermon on Nat. Thanksg. TS14. 293 (Dr. Jas.) Facetiae. Musarum Deliciae, &c. 172 (Jas.) A. Campljell's Voyage round the World. 253 The Cochrane Correspondence, 1745-6. 282 (Captain John) England's Improvt. Revived. 243 (Rev. Dr. John) Galic Antiquities. 64 (John) Records of Burgh of Prestwick. 281 (John,ygst.) Glasgow Burgh Records. 1573-11. 282 (M.) British ApoUo. . . 138 (M.) Vision, or Prospect of Death, &c. 1 9i (M.) Memoirs of Secret Services. . 2 18 (Mrs. 51.) Miscellanies in Prose and Veise. 162 (R., Schoolm.) Poems of Controversy. 75 (R.) Tour in Denmark, &c. 1826. . 318 (S.) David's Repentance. (T. 3.) . 74 (Sir Thomas) Life of, by Strype. . 236 (Thomas) Art of Gunnery. . 35 (T. C.) Bay Leaves. . . . 180 (W.) Hector of Germany, a Play. . 216 (Wm. exec, for forgery) Life of. (L. M. 3.) 297 (Wm.) Beaugue', Guerre d'Ecosse. 1548-9 280 Smithson, (S.) Christ on the Cross. (T. G.) 74 Smoaking Age. See Brathwait. Smoaking Flax L^nquenchable. Tract on Union. 65 Smollett's (Dr. T.) Poems. (E.P. . 42 R. Random. P. Pickle, H. Clinker. (B.N.L.) 63 i Smollett's (Dr.) Count Fathom, Sir L. Greaves. 63 Contin. of Hume's Hist, of England. 42 Jlodern L^niversal History. . 206 Miscellaneous Works, and Life. Anderson. 317 Life, by Anderson. . . . 201 Peregrine Pickle. . . . 139 Smyth's (Rev. Geo.) Sermon on Rebellion 1745. 311 (Sir J. C.) Epit. of Low Country Wars. 36 (Prof. W.) English Lyrics. 191. & (P.P. 2.) 194 Smythe, (Geo.) Viscount Dundee's Letters. 277 Smythics, (Rev. W.) Replies to Observator. (T.12.)286 Snape's (Rev. Dr. A.) Letter to Bp. of Bangor. 308 Letters to. (P. T. 3. 4.) . . 309 Snorronis Edda Islandorum. Resenii. . 99 Heims-Kringla. Hist. Reg. Septent. Peringsk. 101 Soane's (Geo.) Bohemian, Tragedy. (M. P. 5.) 209 Peasant of Lucerne, Melo-drama. . 212 Falls of Clyde, Melo-drama. 1817. 346 (Sir .Jolm) Designs for Pub. Improvements. 228 Soave, (Fr.) Georgiea de Virgilia. (V. G. H.) 228 Sobieski, (John, K. of Poland) Poem on. See Tyler. (Princess CI.) Narrative of. Wogan. 86 Socie'tes Secretes d'AUemagne, La Verite' sur les. 325 Societies for Reformation of Manners, Sermons to. 139 See Reformation. Society forProp.Xtian Knowl. Statutes of. (P.T.21.)311 Soldani, ( ) Poesie. (P. L 40.) . . 5G Soldat Franfois, Le, avec Responses: . 110 Solemn League and Cov. &c. (T. 30.) Gl. (T. 16.) 70 C'onsid. on Dr. Gauden's Sense of. See Croftoa. Solis, (Don Ant. de) Conquista de Mexico. 56 Solitaire Anglois. See Quarll. Solitaires en belle humeur. See M * * . 38 Solon Secundus. Defects of Eng. Laws. (M. T. 17.) 288 Somers's (Lord) Jura Populi Anglicani. (T. 13.) , 285 Judgment, &c. on Kings and People. (T.24.) 288 Collection of Tracts, by Scott. . 29 Somerville's (Ld. ) Mem. of Somervilles, by Scott. 231 Tracts on Sheep, Wool, &c. . 299 (Wm.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Hobbinol, or Rural Games. (P. T. 12.) 309 Sommers,( W. of Nottingham) Possession of. See Dairell. Somner, (Gul.) Diet. Saxon. Latino- AngUcum. 101 Song, New, for 17th May, 1750. (D. T. 1.) 10 Songs and Ayres for One Voice. See Playford. and Ballads, Collection of. See Bell. 32 Balluds, Letters, ^c. ^c. . . 57 48 INDEX. Songs, Collections of: Blackbird. Charms of Melody. Convivial Songster. Goldfinch. Merry Companion. Orpheus : Linnet, Thrush, and Robin, Sangs of the Lowlands of Scotland. Syren. Vocal Magazine. Vocal Jliscellany. Songes d'un Hermite. (V. I.) et Visions Nocturnes, Traite de. See Colombiere. Jugemens Astronomiques des. See Artemidorus. Sophia, (Princess) Right of to Crown of England. 290 Funeral Elegy on, by Toland. (B. T. 7.) 309 Sopwith's (T.) Hist, of All Saints Ch. Newcastle. Sorceleries de Henry de Valois. Sotheby's (Wm.) Saul, a Poem. Battle of the Nile, a Poem. (M. P. 26 — — Poems. Homer's Iliad. Virgil's Georgics. Virgilii Georgica Hexaglotta. Soulavie, ( ) OSuvres de Due de St. Simon Southampton Guide. Southern's (Thos.) Plays. 217. Seven Southey's (Robt.) Poems. . Thalaba. Metrical Tales. Joan of Arc. Madoc. Curse of Kehama. Roderick, Last of the Goths. Vision of Judgment. Pilgrimage to Waterloo. Lay of the Laureate. Ode to Prince Regent, &c. (P. 1.) Carmen Triumphale. Letters from Spain and Portugal. Omniana. Life of Nelson. 246. (M — — Chronicle of the Cid. History of Brazil. Expedition of Orsua, &c. Letter on Life of Wesley. (M. E. P. 6 Life of Wesley. 234 137 196 186 198 162 223 228 38 249 Plays. 218 246 246 246 195 195 195 195 195 246 246 196 196 246 246 F. L.) 332 195 195 246 342 235 Southey's (R.) Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 237 Letter to W. Smith. (T. 2.) . . 190 History of the Peninsular War. . 338 _ Amadis of Gaul. . . . 112 Palmerin of England. . . 112 INIorte Arthur. . . . 122 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. . 1 88 Chatterton's Works. . . 198 Kirke White's Remains. . . 200 (Captain T.) History of West Indies. 32 Southwell's (Rob.) Triumphs over Death. (A. 3.) 184 Sowernam's (E.) Ans. to Arraignment of Women. 127 Spain, Ancient History of. (U. H. 17.) . 206 Modern History of. (U. H. 16-18.) . 206 Declar. of Cromwell against, 1655. (T. 9.) 62 Treaty with, at Utrecht, 1713. (P. T. 9.) 308 Convention betw. and Gr.Brit. 1739. (M.T.7.)287 Stanzas to the Patriots of. (P. 1.) . 187 Spalding's {John) Hist, of Troubles in Scotland, &c. 3 History of Troubles, &c. \st edit. . 7 collated with MSS. edited by Skene. 278 Spanheim, (F.) Hist, de la Papesse Jeanne. 35 Spanish Armada, Account of. . . 97 and French History, a Novel. . 115 Ballads & Rom. See Grimm. Depping. Lockhart. Bawd. See Aleman. Decameron. See Cervantes. — — Settlements in America, Account of. 258 Tragedy, a Play. See Kyd. Sparke, (Jos.) Hist. Anglic. Scriptores Var. 238 Spavento, (Capit.) Bravure del. See Andreini. Spectator, The. 316. (B.E.) . . 334 Spectres, Treatise of, by Bromhall. . 12." Speech on Election of a Scots M.P. 1 702. (C.T. 3.) 290 Speechly's (Wm.) Treatise on the Pine Apple. 300 Speed's (.Tohn) Historie of Great Britaine. 232 Spelman's (Sir H.) History of Sacrilege. 71 English Works. . . . 235 Spence's (Rev. J.) Auecdotes,&c. wt.Life, by Singer. 1 89 Anecdotes, with notes by Malone. . 256 Life of Dr. Thomas Blacklock. . 192 Crito. Dialogue concerning Beauty. (B.T. 8.) 309 Parallel betw. Magliabechi & R. Hill. (F.P.) 204 Ace. of Emp. of China's Gardens. (F. P.) 204 (in».)/>4 Reg. and Eccl. Antiq. of England. 154 Chronicle of England. . . 154 Dress and Habits of People of England. 154 Sports and Pastinaes of Peop. of Engl. 154 Dictionary of Engravers. . . 154 Test of Guilt. . . . 154 Literary Reliques, by Scott. . 1 79 Strype's (John) Annals of Reformation. . 236 Ecclesiastical Memorials. . 236 Life of Bishop Aylmer. . . 236 Life of Sir John Cheke. . . 236 Life of Archbishop Cranmer. . 236 Life of Archbishop Grindal. . 236 Life of Archbishop Parker. . . 236 Life of Sir Thomas Smith. . • 236 Life of Archliishop Whitgift. . 27. 236 Stow's London and Westminster. . 248 Stuards,Reflexions,&c.surlesdroits deiaM.Roy. des. 65 Stuart's (And.) Genealogical Hist of Stewarts. 3 (Geo.) Joco-Serious Discourse, in Two Dial. 158 (Dr. Gilbert) Hist, of Scotland. . 5 (James) Trial for Killing Sir A. Boswell. 295 Stubbs, (Tho.) Dominicanus. (Twysd.) . '27 Stuff, Did you ever see such damned ? (H. T. }.) 13S Succession, Reasons for not declaring the. (T. 13.) i!2 Let. on Int. of Scotl. in. (T.14.) 82. (R.T.IO.) 284 See Hanoverian Succession. Revolution. Suckling's (Sir J.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. Works. 217 Suetonius, Pitisci. (V. L. C. 51.) . 226. 228 "s Lives of the Twelve Caesars. . 227 Suffolk Words and Phrases, by Moor. . 121 and Essex JMinisters, Petition of, 1646. (T.52.) 61 "s (Henr. Countess of) Correspondence. Croker. 191 Suhm, (J. F.) Hielmstiernes Bogsamling. 64 (et Bionionis) Hervarar Saga. . 64 (Luxdorphii, &c.) Kristni-Saga. . 99 Sully, (Due de) CEconomies Royales. . 46 Jlemoires. (P. C.) . . 50 Sulpicii Satirae, Havercampi. (V. L. C. 13.) Sulpicius Severus, Hornii. (V. L. C. 52.) Sumbel's (Mrs.) Memoirs. 265 316 234 343 234 225 226 209 4 Summer Rambles in the North Highlands. 22 Summers, (Will) Life and Death of. . 161 Summons of Wakening, &c. agt. Leslie on Heat. 294 Summonte, (G. A.) Historia de Napoli. . 267 Sunday as spent within Bs. of I\Iort. See Low Life. Supp. to N. State of England. ( Descr. of N. Britain.) 7 Supplement to Encyclopaedia Britannica. Surenne's Grammar of French Rhetoric. Surrey, Ordnance Map of. Demoniack. See Jolly. (Henry H. Earl of) Poems. (E. P.) Virgil's iEneis. Surtees's (Robt.) Hist, of County of Durham. Reever's Penance, a Ballad. (P. P. 15.) Surveying, Boke of. See Fitzherbert. Sussex, Ordnance Map of. Sutherland, Geneal. Hist, of EarUlom of. See Gordon. (Earl of) Information for, agt. E. of Crawford. 81 (Dukes of) Regist. Episc. Moraviensis. 280 (Duke of) Gower's Ballads and Poems. 275 Estate, Improvements on. See Loch. Sutton, (Sir Robt.) Letter to, on Irish Rcgts. (P. 2.) 25 (Mother, and Mary) Damnable Practices of. 148 Swan's (Jos.) Picturesque Scenes on River Clyde. 337 Swaningi (Jo.) Christiemus II. Daniae Rex. 109 Sweden, History of. (M. U. H. 30.) . 207 k_ See Fowler. Gustavus. Vertot. Voltaire. Swedenborg, (Em.) Doctrines of. See Clowes. Sandel. Swedish Intelligencer. . . . 247 Swetnam's (.1.) Arraignment of Lewd, &c. Women. 127 Swift's (Dean) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Works, with Life, by Sir W. Scott. Tale of a Tub, and Battle of Books. Gulliver's Travels. (P. R.) 43. (B. N. L.) Baucis and Philemon. (P. P. 18.) Cadenus and Vanessa. (P. T. 2.) Dennis's Invitation to Steele. (O. P. 21.) Beast's Confession to his Priest. (P. P. 12.) Tripe Club, a Satire. (T. 2.) See New Idol. Swiftiana. Poems. (M. T. 4.) Conduct of the Allies. (S. T. 30.) Answer to. (S. T. 31, 32.) 306. (P. 1.) Remarks on Barrier Treaty. (S.- T. 33.) Answer to. (S. T. 34. 36.) . Character of Richard Steele. (S. T. 49.) Importance of the Guardian. (P. T. 11.) 231 25. 78 63 306 309 157 312 284 238 306 308 .306 308 306 .308 INDEX. S«ift's(Dean)Mod.Eiiq intoJoy,&c.(P.4.) 2S. (P..3.) 307 Public Spirit of the Whigs. (T. 4.) 190 Remarks on Letter to Seven Lords. (S. T. 58.) 307 Drapier's Letters. 310. Fourth Letter. (P. 1.) 25 BickerstafTs Reply to Pateridge. (P. T. 3.) 308 Predictions for 1712. (P. T. 6.) 308 Baudrier's New Journey to Paris. (P. 10.) 308 Character of Earl of Wharton. (P. T. 4.) 308 — _ Preface to Bp. of Sarum's Introd. (P. 6.) 25 Scheme for an Hospital for Incurables. (P. 3.) 23 Letters. 303. Miscellanies. . . 303 Case between, and Betteswoith. (I. M. 10.) 304 Library, Catalogue of. 303. Auclion Catalogue. 291 — — Notes on Ctarendon''s History. . 35 Poems. 1 1 0. Journal. . , 1 62 Remarks on Life of. See Orrery. R. (J.) Defence of, against Edinburgh Review. 303 Swiftiana. ..... 303 Swift, (E. L.) Jocelyn's Life of St. Patrick. 302 Waterloo, and other Poems. (P. P. 1.) 168 (Theoph.) Vind. of Rhyn. Williams. (T. 2.) 297 Correspondence wth Dr. Dobbin. (I. T. 7. 313 Swiney's (Owen) Camilla, Opera. (0. P. 69.) 221 Swinton, (A.) Consid. on Court of Sess. (S.L.T.IO.) 345 (John, of Swinton) Case of. . 82 (Rev. John) Portions of Universal Hist. 206 Swiss Landscapes,Gen.Outl.257. Scenery.Cockbum.241 SwitzerIand,Hist.of,(M.U.H.32.)207.toabd.ofBuon.259 Sydall's (Rev. Dr. E.) Two Sermons. 1715. (Ser.) 80 Sydney Family, Letters and Memorials of. See Collins. Sydney Gazette, 1821-2. . . . 265 Sykes's (John) Newcastle Tracts. . 257 Ace. of Rebellions 1715 and 1745. (H.P.T.4.) 343 Last Moments of George III. (H. P. T. 5.) 343 ^ (Sir M. M.) Lydgate's Chorle and Bird, &c. 275 Sylvester, (Chas.) Philos. of Domestic Economy. 242 (Josh.) Du Bartas, Weeks and Works. 123 (M.) Reliquiae Baxterianae. . 92 Symeoni, (Gab.) Comment, sopra alia Tetrarchia. 268 Symmons's (J.) Reform without innov. (P.P.R. 2.) 344 Symson, (Rev. And.) De Gestibus Gul. Vallae. 20 's Description of Galloway. Maitland. 1 7 Lives of Patriarchs, and Elegies. . 175 Account of Archbishop Sharp. . 78 (Ezech.) Essays on Female Sex. . 246 Synge's (Kev. R.) Sermon on Rebellion. 1715. (Ser.) 80 Szyrma's (C. R.) Letters on Poland. . 325 T. (J.) Collection of Welsh Travels. . 249 Taafe's (J.) Comment on Dante. . . 162 Padilla, Tale of Palestine. . . 165 Tableaux Hist, de la Revolution Fran9aise. 177 Tabourot, Bigarrures, du Sieur des Accords, &c. 1 15 Taciti Opera, Gronovii. (V. L. C. 53.) . 226 Tacite, La Germanie, par Panckoucke. . 39 Taileri (Fr.) Rabbi Nathan, Tr. de Partibus. 81 Taillepied, (F. N.)Tr. de I'Apparition des Esprits. 143 Tait's (A.) Riglit of H. of Stewart to Scot. Crown. 92 (Geo.) Office of Justice of Peace in Scotland. 295 Talbot, (Ld. Chanc.) Poem to Memory of. (P.P.13.) 263 Tale of a Modern Genius. of a Tub Reversed. Second. Tales of the East, edited by Weber. , Popular, of Northern Nations. and Quick Answers. See Shakspeare. Talismans, Superstition du Temps. See Placet. 142 Tallemant, (Abbe') Voyage de I'lled'Amour. (V.I.) 45 Voy. to and from Island of Love. (Behn.H.N.) 138 Talmuth, De Judaicis erroribus, ex. SeeHieron. 137 Talon, (Omer) Me'moires. (P. C.) . 50 Tandleri, (T.) Dissertationes Physico-Medicae. 144 Tannahill's (R.) Poems and Songs. . 200 Tansillo, (L.) Poesie. (P. I. 23.) . 55 Tuntallon C'ustle, Poetical Romance. . 34 Taplin's (Wm.) Gentleman's Stable Directory. 299 Tarbat's (Vise.) Vindication of Robert III. 333 Tardif, (Guill.) La Fauconnerie de. . 103 Tarsis and Zelie, a Romance, tr. by C. Williams. 101 Tartarian Tales, by Gueulette. (T. of E.) 43 Tartars, History of the. (A.U.H. 18. and M. 5. 7.) 206 Taschenbuch f. d. Vaterland. Geschichte. 52 Taschereau, (Jules) Histoire de Moliere. 3'i Tasso, (Bern.) L'Amadigi. . . 116 Poesie Liriche. (P. I. 30.) , . 55 (Torq.) Genisalemme Liberata. 55. (P. I.) 55 .— in Ling. Napol. da Fasano. (P. N.) 57 in Ling. Calabrese, da Cosentino. . 273 II Rinaldo, da Nardini. . . 1)8 Aminta. (P. 1. 24.) . . 55 — — Jerusalem Delivered, tr. by Fairefax. 187 by Hoole. (E. P.) . . . 42 by Wiffen. (P. P. 4.) . 343.197 Tassoni, (Al.) Secchia Rapita. (P. I.) . .55 Tate's (Nahum) Five Tragedies. . 21S 453 .3 M ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Tate'3 Injur'd Love, Com. (O.P.20.) 219. (O.P. 4.) 222 Tennant, (Prof. W.) John Baliol. (D. P. 2.) and Brady's Version of Psalms. 291 Tateham's (J.) Scots Figgaries, Com. (O.P.I.) 215. 217 Tatler, The. (B.E.) 334. with Notes,&c. by Nichols. 317 Taubman's (M.) London's Great Jubilee. 1689. 59 Tavannes, (Gasp, de) Me'moires. (P. C.) 49 (Guill. de) JKmoires. (P. C.) . 49 Taverner's (W.) Female Advocates, Com. (O.P.2.) 212 Artfid Wife, Comedy. (P. 3.) . 222 Two Comedies. . . . 219 Tavernier, (J. B.) Voyages en Turquie, Perse, &c. 35 Taxa Camerae, Price of Sin, &c. at Rome. (T. 4.) 93 Taxes, Essay upon. 1G93. See Temple (Sir Richard.) and Contributions, Treatise of. (T. H. 12.) 247 . not Grievous. Arg. agt. Peace. 1711. (P. 6.) 308 Taylor's (Edgar) Lays of the Minnesingers. (George Watson) Profligate, a Comedy. Duke of Orleans's Poems, in English. (John, the Water-Poet) Works. (John) Warnings of Eternal Spirit. (T. 2.) (Jolm) Poems on various Subjects. (Jos.) Apparitions. Danger of Premature Interment. (Misses, and Conder,) Associate Minstrels. — _ (Richard)Ind. Monast.ofDiocese of Norwich. 249 — — (Richard) Hederici Lexicon Graecum. 267 Home Tooke's Diversions of Purley. 31fi (Tim.) Def. of Congregational Way. (T. 25.) 285 (W.) Burger's Lenore. (M. P. 12.) 186 with Parody. (P. P. 2.) . . 312 Historic Survey of German Poetry. 322 (Zach.) Surrey Impostor, Rep. to. See Jolly. 150 Tears of theMuses. ToMem.of Vs.Stormont.(P.P. 1 1 .)3 12 Teatri Antichi e Modemi, Storia de. See Signorelli. Technogamia, a Comedy. See Holyday. Telfair's (Rev. A.) Narr. of Spirit in Galloway. Telfer's (James) Border Ballads. Templaria. Papers rel. to Scotish Kn. Temp. Abstr. of Papers in Torphichen Chart. Temple, (Sir Ed.) Travels in Peru. (Sir William) Works. Me'moires. (P. C.) (Sir Rich.) Essay on Taxes (M. T. 10.) Ten Commandments, Prop, for Revising, 'i Swift. Tench's (Major) Letters from France, 1794. Tennant 's (Charles) Tour through Netherlands. (Prof. W.) A. Ramsay's Poems. 344 Remarks on Scot. Vers, of Psalms. (S.T.I 0.) 344 Tentamen. Essay on Life of Whittington. See Dubois. 121 227 227 226 191 Teonge, (Henry) Diary of, ed. by Croker. Terence's Comedies, by Echard. Andria and Eunuchus, by Gardiner. Terentii Comoediae, Casauboni. (V. L. C. 54.) Terrasson's (Abbe') Life of Sethos. Terrot's (Rev. G. H.) Hezekiah and Sennacherib. 167 Terry's (Dan.) Guy Mannering. . . 211 Heart of Mid-Lothian. . . 211 Antiquary. . . . 211 British Theatrical Gallery. Port, and Mem. 263 Tesserant, (C. de) (iuatorze Hist. Prodigieuses. 115 Test and Pen. Laws Repeal, Obj. to Cons. (C.T.6.) 290 Tetons, Les ; Les Yeux ; Le Nez, &c. Poesies. 1 1 8 Tewrdanncths. See Pfintzing. Texeda, Diana de Montemayor. 3za parte. 38 Thaaurp ( ) Komer's Lyra og Svaerd. 269 Thackery's (T.) Choice Drops of Honey. (T. 2.) 77 Thatcher's(Dr.J.)MilitaryJoumaI during Amer.Rev. 31 American Medical Biography. . 31 Thaumas de la Th., Assises de Jerusalem, &c. 262 Theatre Franyais, Repertoire du. Petitot. 40 de la Foire. See Le Sage. Theatrum Mulierum, &c. Europac. See Hollar. Crudelitatis Ilaereticorum. Verstegan. 126 Thelwall, (John) Orlando and Almeyda. (M.P.6.) 186 Rem. on Letter of, to E. of Ed. Rev. See Jeffrey. Theobald's (Lewis) Two Tragedies. . 219 Theocritus, tr. by Fawkes. (E.P.) 42. by Polwhele. 204 Pastorals after the manner of. See Pumey. Theophilus Insulanus. See Frazer. Theophrastus Redivivus, trad, en Francois. 142 Thibaudeau, (Comte) Me'm. surlaConv. et Direct. 32i Me'moires sur le Consulat. . . 324 Thibault, ( ) Vie de Pedrillo del Campo. 117 Thiebault, (P.) Souvenirs de Frederic-le-Grand. 37 (L.)Reponse,&c.surleDroitd'Aine8se.(M.F.2.)328 lnfluenced'uneNoblesseH(fre'ditaire.(P.D.12.) 345 Thiebaut de Berneaud's Voyage to Elba, by Jerdan. 319 Thief-Taking, Hints and Instructions on. 129 Takers, Thief-Makers, &c. See Cox. Thiele, (J.) Danske Folkesagn. . 52 Thieves' Canting Diet, and Grammar. See Smith (A.) Thirsk, History of. . . . 255 Thistle, The, Ex. of Eng. Prejud. ag. Scots. (T. 1.) 94 454 INDEX. Tliom's (Rev. J.) Sermon on D. of York. (M.E.P.2.) 342 Thomae(S. Arch. Cant.)Vita, Stephanidis. (Sp. 3.) 238 Thomas Elyensis. (G. et F.) . . 27 Thomas, (Art.) Isle des Hermaphrodites. 120 of Reading. See Delonye. (Gen. Geo.) Francklin's Memoirs of. 34. 244 Thorns, (W. J.) Old English Prose Romances. 103 Thomson's (Aaron) Jeffrey of Monmouth's History. 244 (Ale.tander) British Parnassus. (M. P. 24.) 186 (David) Forest Fray, a Poem. . 9 (Eben.) James I.'s King's Quair. 10 (James) Poems. (E. P.) 42. Works. 195 Castle of Indolence. (P. P. 7.) . 230 Poem to Mem. of Ld. Ch. Talbot. (P. P. 1 3.) 263 Poems, with Life by Mitford. . 227 (Jas.) An Uncle too many. (D. P. 4.) 344 (John) Traveller's Guide through Scotland. 85 • Travelling Map of Ireland. . 314 Jn. Thomson's Man — Difficulties of Mar. Life. 161 (Rich.) Chronicles of London Bridge. 124 History of the Charters. . . 124 British Manners and Customs. (C. M.) 315 (Thomas) Acts of Pari, of Scotland. 1424-1707. 1 Regist.MagniSigiUi. 1306-1424. . 1 Inquisitionum ad C. D. R. retomat. Abbrev. 1 Sch. Mem. of Scottis Chr. & of Jas. IL 1436-60. 3 Makgill et Bellenden, Discours d'Ecosse. 1 559. 277 Lesley's Hist, of Scotland. 1436-1561. 278 Pinguillon, Menu de la Mais, da la R. 1562. 14 Invent, of Roy. Ward, and Jewel H. 1488-1606. 2 _ — Diurnal of Rem. Oce. in Scotland. 1513-1575. 279 Myln, Vitae Dunkeld. Episcop. ad a. 1515. 277 " Comp. Magist. fab. Pontis Dunkeld. 1513-16. 277 . Sir James Melville's Memoirs. 1549-1593. 277 Hist.andLifeof K.James the Sext. 1566-1 617. 277 E.Tyler's Invent. of WorkeforState. 1642-1647. 4 Sir James Turner's Memoirs. 1632-1C70. 278 Sir George Mackenzie's Memoirs. 1660-1677. 2 Lady Murray's Mem. of G.and Lady G. Baillie. 254 — ■ — Reports on State of Records in Scotland. 265 (Dr. W.) Contin. of Watson's Philip II. 36 ^ (W.) Orpheus Caledonius. Songs set to Music. 173 Thompson's (H.F.) Intrigues of a Nabob,(Barwell.) 178 (John) Observ. on English Etymology. 266 (Nath.) Coll. of Loyal Poems. 1633. 79 (Wm.) Poems. (E. P.) . . 42 Thorkelin, (G. J.) De Danorum Reb. gest. Poema. 64 Thorkelin, (G. J.) Leges Gula-Thingenses. 64 Diplomatarium Arna-Magnacanum. 64 Eyrbiggia-Saga. ... 64 Laxdaela Saga. . . . 101 Thorlacii (S. T.) Fragm. Hostlangae et Horsdrapae. 99 Antiquitatum Borealium Specimen. . 99 (Cold, Schlegel, &c.) Egils-Saga. . 100 (B.) Comment, de Egillo, Bomholm. Praef. 102 Thomhill,(R.) Trial of, for Murd. of Sir C.Dering. 293 Thornton, (Thos.) Otway's Works. . 210 (Col. Thos.) Sporting Tour through France. 253 ThorstensViikings-sons Saga. Thou, (J. A. de) Memoires. (P. C.) Thuaiia. See Perroniana. Thuani Historia sui Temporis. Three Brotheis,(Shirley)Travels and Adventures of.l69 Nights in Perthshire. . . 22 Thriving, Art of, and New Art of. Thucydides and Plato, Notes on. (P. 4.) Thurlow, (John) State Papers, by Birch. Thurtell, (J.) Trial of, for murder of Weare. Thyraei (Pet.) Tract, de Apparitionibus. Daemoniaci. De obsessis. Loca Infesta. Tibullus, GraevU. (V. L. C. 1 1.) , translated by Grainger. (E. P.) TickeU's (Thos.) Poems. (E. P.) 42. (W.C. A.) Addison's Works. Tidsskrift for Nord. Oldkynd. Hermod, &c. Tieck's (L.) Volksmahrchen, von P. Leberecht. Romantische Dichtungen. Kaiser Octavianus. GeheimnissvoUe. Minnelieder Schwab. Tighe'8(H. U.) Hist. Ace. of Cumner. Tilii (J.) Chroniconde RegibusFrancorum. Tilsley's (Rev. J.) Def. of Lancashire Pet. (T. 51.) Times, The, a Poem. (M. T. 3.) Essay on Vicious Bent & Taste of the.( P.P.22.) 263 Memoirof the. 1737. . . 16 Touch of the, new ballad. (M. P. 18.) 181 Tincklarian Doctor. See Mitchell, (W.) Tindars(Dr.M.)E58ayonLawofNations.(M.T.13.)288 (Margt.) Trial of. See Shuttleworth. (N.) Rapin's Hist, of Eng. and Contin. 239 Tiraboschi, (Girol.) Stt)ria della Lett. Italiana. 273 Tiran le Blanc, trad, par Caylus. . 119 98 46 134 222 25 296 152 153 153 225 42 168 185 S3 303 61 247 455 ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Titus, (Col.«/. W. Allen) Killing no Mulder. (P.5.) 307 Tixall Letters. Tixall Poetry. See Clifford. Toasts of the Patriots' Club. (P. T. 9.) . 309 Tobin's (Jolin) Faro Table. Comedy. . 212 Todd's (Geo.) Ace. of Sheriff-Hutton Castle. 234 _— (Rev. H. J.) Spenser's Works. . 187 Illustrations of Gower & Chaucer, 190 (J. G.) Stiila, Palace of Strife. . 165 Todten-Tanz, &c. in Stadt Basel,v. Merian. 106 Toland,(John)Art of Restoring.(T.l.)258. (P.T.1.)308 Clito, Poem on Force of Eloquence. (O.P.9.) 157 Collection of Piepes by, with Life. . 181 Funeral Elegy on Princess Sophia. (B.T.7.) 309 Toleration, Sp. without doors concerning. (T. 6.) 283 Protest