UC-NRLF B 3 12M 735 /^ r' PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE U H < O OS Id Q < I Z u 0- o H c« ft b H Z u < OS o < to PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS • *. * * By LAVINIA HENDEY KAULL Director of Physical Education, Elementary Schools. Sacramento. California 1910-1913 Director Physical Education, State Normal School Chico, California ^ \ '''V COPYRIGHT 1915 LAVINIA HENDEY KAULL \K\\S I'LI'.I.ISHINO COMPANY, Sacranuiitu, California. Ml] irar f arntts, 3Hl)nsr brlicf Itas alumiis brru tu uibnlrsamr ^laii au^ the yrrat. ivxht nut-uf-^0l1ni. for all rhil^rru. tilts bnuk is InuinnliT ftrbirntrii 343936 in D H < q:: <; Oh < o 2 D O o >• < -1 z < o ai Ui Q Z 11 1 it PREFACE This book contains material for a complete conrse of study ia Physical Ed- ucation adapted to the needs of the Elementary Schools. It offers nothing theoretical or fancifid. but is a practical, reliable guide and help to teachers, one based on experience in the schoolroom and demon- strated on the playground. Its purpose is to give to Normal School Students and Teachers a PRAC- TICAL knowledge of Physical Education of the present time, one that will enable them to introduce and carry on the work in both rural and city schools. The principal claims for consideration are : 1. It covers the needs of all Elementary Schools, both Rural and City. 2. It suggests and advocates only plain, practical and durable equip- ment, which the local carpenter can design and erect. 3. Its methods are all w^orkable. 4. It seeks the health, happiness and well being of the children. AND 5. It tells the teacher hoAv to secure these ends. 6. It combines all tilings needful in ONE BOOK which furnishes to the busy instructor the help of most worth. It includes : 1. A Brief History of the Playground ^lovement in Germany, Eng- land and the United States. 2. Instruction in the Organization and Supervision of School Play- grounds, with suuiit^stions for building and cost of simple appa- ratus. 3. Instruction in Gynuiastics, with lessons for every grade. ■4. Games and Folk Dances. 5. Suggestions to the Story Teller and a List of Stories for Elemen- tary Schools. 6. Definite instructions in First Aid to the Injured and the Physical Care of Children in the Schoolroom and on the Playground. In all cases care has been exercised to select the Games and Folk Dances that have been found to be of use in all schools and only those that have proved the most popular with the children. The descriptions, classifications and ar- rangements have been made with the idea of simplicity constantly in mind, thus hoping to interest the novice as well as to assist those who have enjoyed some special training in this happy work and to secure for the children the greatest playing \-alui^ and physical usefulness. LAVIXIA 11. KAULL " '■ -CONTENTS CHAPTER I— SCHOOL PLAV( iKorXDS 11-2S A Brief History oi' thi' Phiyiii-diind .Mdvciii/nt. Organization of School JMavLirouiKls : I)i\'i.sioii of (iiduiids: ( 'hissif ic;i1 ioii of Children: Fuiictioii jiiid I'lii-jiosc of I'hiy and Athletics; .Stdiool Athh'tic Associations; Keccss and Xoon J'eriods; Length of Time foi- a (lanie: Decora- tion of School I*layijrounds; Rural School ( 'oiiditions. Ecjuijimcnt for School l^iayurounds : Estimates for Biiildiiii;' Sand Pin^. Teeters. Horizontal Pars, Swino's, Volley Ball Courts, Basket Ball Conrts and Slides; Rainy Day Apparatus; J^ockers, Surface for Athletic Fields. Supervision of School Playgrounds: The Teacher as a IMay Leader; Why Supervision is Necessary; A Teacher's Personal .Mi^hods; General and Social Ends to he Secui-ed : Conijiet it ion ; Conti'ol of Apparatus. CHAPTER H— SWEDLSH GYMNASTICS 29-42 Why We Give Gymnastics; Rules for Teaching (iymnastics; The Day's Order; Analysis of the Day's Order; Rhythm 'J'raining; Cor- rect Sitting. Standing and Walking. Descriptions and Illustrations of Some of the Simple Gymnastic Positions. CHAPTER III— (lYMNASTIC LESSONS FOR PRHIARY GRADES. . . .48-84 Imagination Plays. Gymnastic Stories and Lessons for (ii-adi' 1; Gymnastic Lessons for (Jrades TIT. TV and V. CHAPTER 1\'— (;Y.AINAST1C LESSONS FOR (iKAALMAR (iRADES. .85-118 Twenty Lessons in Gymnastics for Grades VI, VII and VIII. (■IL\i'TEK> V— GA:\IES FOR THE SCLIOOL ROOM AND PLAYiiHOUND FOK' .\LL CKWDES 119-172 Indooi- and ( )ut(loor Games for All Crades, Includinu Rides for Volley P.all. Captain Ball. Ccrmaii Pal P.a!l. Playground Base Pall. Soccer h'oot Pall and 'i'ennis. CllAPTEK' \'l S E L E C T E 1) F () L K D A N C E S FOR ELE.M ENTAHY SCHOOLS 17;C202 .Music and Descriplions for the Following Dances: Chimes of Dun- kirk. Da nisi I I )aniM' (d' ( ireet Iiil;-. Slioemakei-s ' Dance, 'i'aidoli, Al|)im' Snow-l-'lake Dance. PlekiiiL;. Finidsh Reel, Norwegian .Munntain .Mandi. Swedish ScdnUI is(dH'. Kmnaruo. IliLildand Sidiol ixdie, ('I'csled lien and Pxiundinu liearl. CONTENTS (Continued) CIIAl'TEK VII— «TORY TELLING AND UTORY LISTS FOR ELEMEN- TARY SCHOOLS 203-214 ( HAITEK VJII— FIRST AID TO THE LXJURED 215-244 General Rnlts to l)e Observed in Gase of Sickness or Accident; Some Thinus to l)e Remembered; Precautions; First Aid Outfit for Schools; l>anda^es and How to Apply; Fractnrcs and Their Treat- ment; Girculation ; Control of Hemorrhage; Pressure Points; lleal- ino- of Wounds; Different Kinds of Wounds; Shock'; Heat and Cold; Respiration; (Jas Poisonini;- ; Hescue and Resuscitation of Drowning I'ei'sons; How to Locate Bodies Lost in the Water; To Rescue From Fire; To Extinguish Fires; To Extinguish Purning Clothing; Electricity; Emergencies; ^Methods of Transporting the Sick and Lijui'ed ; Outline of First Aid Course for Granimai' Schools. CHAPTER IX— THE PHYSICAL CARE OF CIHLDREX IX THE SCHOOL ROOM AND OX THE PLAYGROUND 245-272 Health Records and Suggestions for Filling Out; Defective Feet; Correct Shoes; Defects of the Nose, Thi'oat and Ear; Di^fective Eyes ; Defective Teeth. ( 'ontagious Diseases : Chicken Pox Diphtheria Erysipelas German iMeasles La Grippe ^Measles Mumps Small Pox Whoojiing Cough Contagious Eye and Skin Diseases: Pink Eye Diphtheria of the Eyes Trachoma Pediculosis Scabies Impetigo Pulse, Temperature and Respiration; Helpful Hints for Teachers: Health of the Teacher. CHAPTER I School Playgrounds A Brief History of the Playground Movement, with Suggestions for the Organization, Equipment and Supervision of School Playgrounds A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PLAYGROUND MOVEMENT Germany. 'I'lit' play niovciut'iil in (im-inany is primarily one of education. Among the great leaders in that country we find mentioned (iuts ^Ninths, Jahn, Von Schenkendorf and Froebel. There is a play curriculum provided for the schools and often institutes in play and play congresses for the teachers are held in the different (n'l'iiiaii cities and much is done everywhere for the encouragement of jilay fi^stivals. School playgrounds are equipjied with simple apj^aratus and school gar- dens and swimming pools are provided in sonu^ h)calities. Frequently the after- noon is given over eutircdy to play, at which time the atti'tidance is obligatory. The (Germans are great believers in shortening the school hours and lengthen- ing the play, or recess periods, at which time the direction of the sports is in charge of the reuulai' teacher. When the weather permits, their gymnastic ex- ercises are taught in the open air and many school journeys into the country are arranged for the children by the teachers. In the uymnasinm loni;- hours of work are required, esjiecially of the boys, producing a corresponding' lack of athh tic games and school spirit and loyalty. There is no time for the development of such. As late as 1892, or thereabouts, the English games of Cricket and Foot Ball were introduced into Germany, though in the life of the University student very little attention is ))aid to ath- letics of any sort, while a great interest is disjilayed in dueling by the great majority of these young men. In Germany we find private jilaygrounds connected with beer uardens, concert halls, turnvereins and athletic associations and many nuuiicipal play- grounds are located in the j^arks and vacant spaces. Here the mothers and nurses play the part of supervisors, the favorite play spaces in many cases be- ing the sand gardens. In the city of Berlin, the law requires that playgrounds be suiq)lied in the interior courts of all tenenumt houses. England. With the English, the play movement is chiefly one of recrea- tion and this nation is fortunate in possessing a climate that is well adapted to sport all the year round. There are schools for the people, schools for the sons of "gentienu^n," Preparatory and Public Schools and Universities for boys and men and High Schools and Universities for the girls. The English people are a leisured class, chiefly people who give time and enthusiasm to play, and the ability to islay is counted as one of the essential parts of the training of the English gentleman. 12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION' COMPLETE The l)i);ii'(l Scluiols pi'dviclc ,i:r()iiii(ls that arr llay during school hours, tliei'e was no organized jilax' (U- athletics in the public eleiiieiitary sclio(»ls. Iiiehly specialized and \i'yy objec- tionable athletics l"or the few existed in the High Schools and athletics at some of the ('o||e<_!(.s and I'lii versit ies were the disgrace of those institutions, 'j'he whole country was lixinu at a tr-emendous w(U'king pace. 'I'liere was practically no I ro\ision for >port. park facilities were possible in but a I'i'W instances and Inuirs id" labor were shortened, thus encoui'aging loafing and crime. These FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 13 were the sources wliidi .uave rise to the movement in our own land. Our beiiinuiuL;' was made with the fSand Gardens of l^oston in 1886, since which time the extension of tlie nu)vement throug-hout the United States has been most rapid and successful. In California the first ^lunicipal Playground was esta])lished in Los Angeles in 1905, Oakland followed in 1907, San Fran- cisco in 1908 and Sacramento in 1911. The ideals of the nu)vement have been primarily social, with the purpose also of keeping the child away from the physical and moral dangers of the street, until now, with its growth, it has come to take up a series of positive and educational aims. (Hi>torical Outline from A Xoriiial Course in Play, by The Xational Playground ;ind Recreative Asso- ciation of America.) (By Permission.) PLAYGROUND HOCKEY ON THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MODEL PLAYGROUND. ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS Division of School Playgrounds. The ideal playgrouud allows one acre of land to each 100 children and thirty square feet of space for each additional chihl. AVe know that in most school yards, particularly those connected with city schools, this is not possible, nor is it an absolute necessity, however, there are many communities, especially in this great Northern California, where there should be no difficulty in obtaining all the play space for the children that is needed. In cases where the school grounds are not sufficientlv large to accommodate the children, it should be made possible to secure additional ter- ritory close at hand. All school grounds should be divided into four sections, one each for large and small boys and girls. Further than this, it should bo made possible to provide a separate play space for the very tiny tots, whero both the little boys and girls may play together if so desired. Classification of Children. Boys and girls, in their play, should be classi- fied according to weight or height. In some communities, age, height and weight are combined according to the following rule : The age in years, plus one-half the height expressed in inches, plus one- quarter the weight expressed in pounds, should not exceed the numbr sixty- ]4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE two fdi- classifieat ioii as a .lunior. .\iiytliiiig- above that niim))er would place the boy or girl in llie Senior class. Example: Age 12 Height 4', 6"=54" : 2=27 EXAMPLE: height 70 ms. : 4=175^-18 57 Junior Classification In schools wlici'c Ihcre is little or no eonipetition, it is not necessary to figure the classification so closely and cither a certain height or weight may be used as the dividing line. The standard of classification used Ihrouuhout the counti-y is as follows: Members of the 80 lb. Class weigh SO lbs. and under " " 95 " " " between 80 and 95 lbs. " " 115 " " " '' 95 " 115 " " " Unlimited Class weigh over 115 li)s. The main idea lo be kept in the teacher's mind is, that under no circum- stances, should she ask or expect an overgrown or backward boy or girl to descend to the level of little folks in their i)lay. even it must be so in the life within the school room. One quite often hears teachers of limited experience in sncli matters, express surprise at the fact that certain large and backward pu- pils do not like to play on the school grounds with children of their own grades, bill sliovr a marked ])reference for association with the childi'cn of the liigher grades and games for children of their own size. Certainly the child in such cases is following a natural path and one that should be respectiMl on every playground. Function and Purpose of Play and Athletics. The function of play and athbtics in the grade schools is to develoi) boys and girls ph\sic.illy. mentally and morally. Organize for the i)urpose of giving play, athletics atul folk danc- ing a place in the school life, for after all, the schoo's are the places whire the most efficient and satisfactory plaxuroiind work is ln'ing done to-day. Every boy aii in.x6 ft. S4S— Cap .99 Shaping- ends of Teeter Boards 1.00 4 iron Safety Guides at 80c 3.20 Nails 05 16 Bolts for Safety (luides 30 Labor 2.60 Total $11.89 Section of a Teeter Board showing the blocks which keep it from slipping past the balance point. (Drawn by Hazel Reid, Chico Xormal, 1913.) TEETER BOARD SHOWING HANDLES, OR "SAFETY GUIDES." Horizontal Bar: 1 Hickory Bar, 6 ft $3.75 Lumber — 2 pes. 6 in.x6 in.xlO ft. SIS 1.47 Labor — Cutting holes in posts and setting 3.50 Total $8.72 Horizontal Bar: Lumber— 3 Posts, 4 in.x4 in.x8 ft. S4S $3.10 12 ft. Iron Pipe, l'/4 in. diameter, outside measurement 1.60 Labor, setting _ -. 3.75 Total $8.45 FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 19 OUTDOOR CLASS ON HORIZONTAL BARS, THIRD GRADE. &^v*i"^-r;»;^ SET DOUBLE SWINGS. Set Double Swings: Lumber— 2 pes. 6 iu.x6 iii.xlG ft. S4S— Posts $5.28 1 pc. 6 in.x6 in.xlO ft. S4S— Cap 1.65 8 pes. 4 in.x4 in.xl4 ft. S4S— Braces 2.80 2 pes. 2 in.x5 in.xl 1-6 ft.— Boards 30 Fencing — 5VL' pes. 4 iii.xl in.xl4ft. Com 2.16 8 pes. 1 m.x4 in.x20 ft. Com 1.20 80 ft Wire Netting 3.25 1 pr. 6 in. Strap Hinges 20 Carri(Ml Forward .$16.84 20 PHYSICAL EDL' CATION COAIPLETE Broug-Iit Fofwjii-d $16.84 1 Ilonk ;iii(l 2 Staples foi' gate 05 '^Vii !•'«• -U ill. Manila Rope 1.00 Staples and Nails 30 4 Iron Rings and Bolts 1.40 4 Rope Thimbles 60 Labor 8.75 oT; tal ;i^28.94 Volley Ball Court: LuinlxM-— 2 pes. 5 in.x") in.xlO ft. S4S— Posts .$1.70 1 Net 1.00 1 Canvas Volley Hall 2.50 Labor — setting posts 50 Total $ 5.70 Basket Ball Court: Lumber — 2 pes. 6 in.x 6 in.xl6 ft. S4S — Posts .$ 4.65 S pes. 1 in.xl2 in.x 6 ft. SIS— Backs 2.00 1 pr. Goals 4.00 4 8-in. Bolts 15 1 Basket H ill 6.00 Labor 3.50 Total $20.30 * Croquet : 1 Croquet Set $2.50 Total $2.50 Tennis : Lumber— 2 pes. 6 in.xO in.x6 ft. S4S $1.98 Tennis Rackets from $1.50 to $8.00 each Nets " 1.00 " 9.00 " Balls, per do/ " 3.00 " 5.00 " (See Wright & Ditson and A. G. Spaulding & Bros. catalogues for prices on complete sets.) Ping-pong: Lumber— 5 pes. 1 iii.xl2 iii.xlO ft. Com. SIS $1.18 1 pc. 2 in.x4 in.xl2 ft. Com. SIS 30 8 pes. -5^ iii.x6 in.x3i/^ ft. No. 1 S4S 80 Labor 1.60 T Ping-pong set 2.00 Total ..$5.88 FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 21 Slide. Slides may hv made up for a o-reat many different prices, ranging from $ir).()() to .^25. 00. (Jood ready made slides may be bought at a cost of from $20.00 to $:)0.00. BASKET BALL BACKSTOP AND GOALS. Rainy Day Apparatus and Games. Nothing helps out in a school for rainy days like a little portable apparatus and a few games, particularly where the pupils have to carry their lunches. The following list offers to teachers a slight suggestion for rainy day equipment : 5 Bean Bag Boards, 21/2 ft. long by 2 ft. wide $1.45 24 Bean Bags, average size 4 in. by 4 in 1.80 Total : $2.75 2 Games of Jack Straws at 25e $ .50 3 Packs of Flinch at 50c 1.50 2 Sets Parchesi at 75c 1.50 4 Sets Dominoes at 50c 2.00 2 I614 ill- by 16 in. Checker Boards at 65c 1.30 2 Sets Checkers at 10c 20 1 Set Meccano 3.00 Total $10.00 a o u a, z o o z >• < z < I o o I u V) < O Bi FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 23 Lockers. A]!(i{iaratus of the portable variety, balls, bats, etc., should have some sort of a home provided for its conservation. If something np-to-date cannot be supplied, it is an easy matter to secure dry goods boxes which may be converted into lockers that will answer the purpose very nicely. For those wishing to construct something better the following figures are given : Luiiibir t'oi- Lockers 20 in.x21 in.xl6 ft., which may l)e divided into five compartments $ 8.70 5 Hinges and 5 Hasps 50 5 Padlocks 80 5 Aluminum Figures for marking compartments 40 Staining 65 Butts 65 Oil 25 Labor 3.50 Total $15.45 Nets Strung on Wires. AYeather proof nets are expensive and few schools can afford to purchase them. Cheap nets stretch and sag to a great degree. This can be easily overcome by stringing the nets on wires and drawing them up tightly before fastening for use. Surface for Athletic Fields, Tennis Courts, etc. The ^Municipal Engineer- ing Journal of Cincinnati, Ohio, issued January, 1913, gives the following idea for surfacing Athletic Fields, Tennis Courts, etc. : "Three or four inches of COARSE cinders well packed and rolled, covered with one or two inches of SCREENED cinders mixed with equal })arts of damp- ened cla,v and well rolled will make an ideal play surface for athletic fields. Such a mixture packs well, is springy, does not get dusty in dry weather and can be played on in the rain." SUPERVISION OF SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS The one most important problem that faces any city, large or small, is the boys and girls of that city and the making of each one of those lives an effici- ent one. "We act as we feel." Without health we can do nothing and in order that we may have Health, Growth and Development we must have nutrition, exercise and rest. Nutrition and rest are matters for the consideration of the parents, wliile the jjlaygrounds provide most of the development for the child, which means chiefly play, as the greatest share of his development is secured in play. Character is a matter of choosing to do the right thing when the wrong one is presented. Nowhere as in play is the child given such an opportunity for the training of character and good citizenship and there is nothing in all our school curriculum as educational to him. Nowhere as in play is he given 24 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE such an opportunity to receive from the outside world the most serious and greatest variety of imjiressions and it is right here, in play, that he learns to express himself clearly and intelligently. In play, children find their objects of deepest and most enduring interests and as habits of thought and action for good or ill are most easily set up in connection Avith those things that interest one the most it is but natural that in their play children form habits that cling to them all thi-ongh life, and play is just as necessary to the life of a little child as air and sunshine ai-e needed 1o make tbe little plant a fruitful vine. Playgrounds, to l)e successful, must be supervised and, furthermore, MUST BE CONTROLLED. Jacob Riis has well said "It is the very parody upon common sense to appropriate money for playgrounds and refuse to do so for supervision. That is indeed saving at the spigot and wasting at the bunghole. " The Teacher as a "Play Leader," The teacher as a "Play Leader" has a field for influence fertile beyond that of any other human being, for it is in play that children begin their personal relations with each other and it is right here they should be taught the meaning of courtesy, manliness and womanli- ness and that of the greatest word in the true boy's and girl's vocabulary — HONOR. In play they learn to control their muscles, to correlate hand and eye and to establish their right to exist. Here is where they first learn to rec- ognize the rights of each other and that those rights slundd be respected. Here also they learn the rules of the game — fair play, "take your turn" and the square deal. In play children soon begin to express the impressions they re- ceive from those with whom they come mostly in contact, namely, parents and teachers. In ])lay it is posisble for them to learn to nurse their troubles and pains without a murmur, to l)e kind to opponents in defeat and thoughtful of them in victory. Only in play is the real child nature displayed. Observe for a (Short while the children on a playground as they play their various games. One has not long to wait before selecting the "follower," the selfish individ- ual, always elbowing to the front to "play to the grandstand," aiul the natural leader, with his latent power for good or evil, as environnu^it and influence may determine. Nowhere are life habits so easily formed as on a playground or in |;lay anywhere, for that matter, and a tc^aeher has a score of chances eacli day to direct liabit. In general, children learn their methods of play and their attitnde towai'd it and op]ionents from those in charge of the jilay time, there- fore it is of vital im]iortance that the type set before them should be of the highest and l)est. Why Supervision is Necessary. When playgrounds and jilay times are not supervised we are very apt to fiiul that results obtained are anything luit those we desire. A teacher should permit none but the best conduct at all tinu's and undei' Jill eircMinslances, language only that is respectable and respectful iwid she should see to it thai all children, large and small, weak' and strong, are given a fair chance in names and on ajiparatus and that the play space is ])i'e- vented l'f(Mii l)e<'oming a public nuisance tlirtuigh its iu)ise and disordei'. Not all uanies are safe ones. ni;in\' of tlieiu heinu' extremeh' dangei'ous to life ,ind FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 25 liiiil). ami it is very important that such games be eliminated by the teachin- from all use on the playiiround. A Teacher's Personal Methods. It is very necessary, indeed, that a teach- er should know how t(» l)e friendly with children, to be a good comrade, to sym- pathize Avitli them, to take an interest in all their plans and experiences and make a success of helping them in all their right endeavors. A teacher should possess a good working knowledge of all games and the rules that control them if she would hold the interest of the children in her care and be a strong influ- ence in their midst. There is nothing that so quickly diminishes a teacher's influence and standing with children on a playground as ignorance of rules of games, or lack of interest in i)layground activities. General Ends to be Secured. The general ends to be secured by play. Iiroj'.erly supervised, ai'c: 1. Health. 2. Physical strength. 3. Organic strength. 4. The development of a maximum of energy. 5. The happiness of the children. Social Ends to be Secured. : 1. Cleanliness. 2. Politeness. 4. Obedience to law. 3. Formation of friendships. 5. Loyalty. 6. Justice. 7. Honest}'. 8. Determination. Cleanliness. ■'Cleanliness is an instinct, any deviation from which is an abnormality." There is a great difference between chronic dirt and that which is ac- quired during a r(nising good game. Dirt acc^uired undcu- the latter conditions is highly respectable, provided it is not allowed to form a permanent crust. Do not ask or expect clean children to take hold of hands that are dirty. Children, should be taught to care for their bodies properly. Unclean children, those who give only the minimum amount of attention to their personal appearance, should not be tohu-ated on a playground any more than in a school room, but where play spaces are connected with schools there is very little, if any trouble of this sort, as it is controlled through the school. Politeness. It dtx^s not require much effort on the part of those in charge to t(^M('li ])o]iteness, for if a teacher herself is polite, children will, in most cases, imitale hei' in this resjiect as in many others. A teacher should emphasize this point in her contact with childi-en, for then it is that we are apt to secure a good average result from them. She should insist on po]it(Miess to everyone, 26 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE herself included. Children will need instruction in this respect, for they are very rarely natufally polite and do not know what politeness requires. Formation of Friendships. A friendly spirit is very essential to the suc- cess of play and it is one of the most valuable kinds of training that any play- ground can give. Teachers should repress the forward, selfish, obstinate ones, at the same time give all the encouragement possible to the shy and backAvard children and teach all to be good comrades, good friends everywhere. Obedience to Law. Children should be taught to live up to the rules of all games, because they are the rules and that it is the proper thing to do. Do not attempt to make children law-abiding from the fear of penalties. That does not instill in them the lessons we would make life habits. We should teach that right is might. Loyalty. Strive to secure loyalty in all games, to nW teams, to the school and its playground. The attitude of teachers determines the attitude of chil- dren under their control. The idea of games and athletics is defeated when children are taught loyalty that is of the blind sort, when they have it instilled in them that there is no courtesy due opponents and that there is no such thing as the rights of others. We see a great deal of this variety of loyalty in our present day schools and in nearly every case the fault may be traced to the atti- tude of the instructors in charge. Teach children to be courteous winners and graceful losers, qualities that are fundanuMital to good citizenship. Justice, (a) The teacher should permit no conduct on the ])layground that does not belong to the "square deal" family. Talk and preach square deal every time the opportunity presents itself and see to it that the oppor- tunity presents itself so often that square deal becomes a natural thing with children. (b) The older children should not be allowed to take things away from the younger ones. (c) "Take your turn!" is a rule that should apply to all. (d) Do not allow children to remain on coveted ap])aratus too long. Give all a fair chance. (e) Do not allow children to tantalize and annoy opiionents on the play- ground at any time. Honesty. Many are the opportunities for dishonesty in games and a teacher should deal very severely with cluniting. Strive to .secure honest\- above everything' else. Determination. It is not uncommon to find ehildri'u who will try a "stunt" once (ir twii-r and give it up if not successful. Some are very easily discour- aged if tlieir opponents make a larger score or dis])lay more ability in games than they and such children fret the chest. ]!alms facing the floor, fingers extended. thuml)s against the chest and elliows on a line with the shoulders, shoulders drawn well hack- ward. "ARMS FORWARD— BEND!" Command : ' ' Arms Sideways — FLING!" The arms are extended forcibly from the Arms Forward. BEND I po- sition to the sideways position on a line with the shoulders, palms facing downward. "ARMS SIDEWAYS— FLING!" 38 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Command : 'Arms Half Sideways- BEND!" From Arms Sideways, FLIXG ! position, the elbows are bent to right angles, fore- arms and hands raised to the perpendien- lar, palms facing head. 'ARMS HALF SIDEW AYS-BEND !" Command: "Feet Astride — Trunk Forward— BEND ! ' ' From the fundamental position the hands are placed on the hips, tlie astride position is taken, the l)0(ly is bent for- ward at the hips as fai- as ])(>ssible, tlie hack is kept straiglit, the head up and the eyes looking straight ahead. 'FEET ASTRIDE— TRUNK FORWARD- BEND!" FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAVGROIXDS 39 ■ ^^^^^■^i^l M A.-^ j^jj ifT*"'' Inn j[^5t^ ^^'- ■■»y. Irak}; Command: "Trunk to the Left — (Right)— BEND!" From the fuudamental position the hands are placed on the hips, chest is raised and tlie trunk is lowered to the left. 'TRUNK TO THE LEFT— (RIGHT)- BEND!" Command: "Hips Firm— Heels RAISE!" From the fundamental position the handn are placed on the hips, the body is lifted up on the toes as far as possible by stretching the insteps, heels kept tog-eth- er, the body well balanced. 'HIPS FIRM— HEELS RAISE!" 40 PHYSICAL EDUCATIOX COMPLETE Command: "Knees BEND!" Following position "Hips Finn, Heels, KAISE !" the knees are bent in a lino with the feet, body well balanced. "Deep Knee. BEND!" follows the above, when the knees are bent still fnr- ther — as far as possible — not to the ex- tent, however, of resting the body on the calves of the legs. 'KNEES BEND!' Command: "Right Knee Upward — BEND!" From the funchmiental position the hands are changed to "Hips. FIRM!" the weight of the body is shifted to the left leg and the right knee is bent qnickly and raised on a line with the left hip. The leg hangs in a perpendicular ])()sition, toes point itig downward and ontward. 'RIGHT KNEE UPWARD— BEND r FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 41 'LEFT FORWARD— FALL OUT!" Command: "Left Forward— FALLOUT ! " With "Hips— FIRM!" the left foot is placed in a direct line forward from the fnndamental foot position, the left knee is bent as far as ]iossible, while the right foot remains in its original position with the heels and sole of foot in contact with the floor. Left, Right and Front Dress. When the command "Left— DRESS!" is given — tlie one at the extreme left end of the line looks straight ahead. The rest tnrn heads (only) toward the left, place the left hand on the left hip, elbow barely touching the neighbor's right arm, then straighten the line. The command "Right — DRESS!" shonld be followed by movements in exactly the opposite direction. At tlie eonnnand "Front — DRESS!" the fundamental standing position is taken, all eyes to the front, hands raised in front of the body. The distance between children should be sufficient to prevent finger tips touching the child in front. Left Face. When the command "Left — FACE!" is given, the toes of the left foot and heel of the right are raised off the floor, a ciuarter turn to the left is made, at the same time pushing against the floor with the toes of the right foot, which helps materially in getting the body around into the correct 42 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COAIPLETE position, the toes of the left foot are then placed upon the floor and tlie weight of the body placed upon tlie left foot, the toes of the right foot still tonehing the floor. Tlie coiniiiand "FACE!" takes the place of Connt 1. Count 2. As soon as the above movements have been executed, the count two is given and the right foot is placed alongside the left for the correct standing position. Very soon this count may be omitted, as children will exe- cute without the order. Right Face. For "Right — -FACE!" the movements are exactly the oppo- site direction. Left or Right About— FACE ! The movements for ' ' Left About— FACE ! ' ' are the same as for "Left — FACE!" except a half circle turn to the left is made instead of a quarter turn. "Right About — FACE!" is the opposite in every particular. CHAPTER III Gymnastic Lessons for Primary G-rades Imagination Plays; Gymnastic Stories and Lessons for Grade I; Gymnastic Lessons for Grades II, III, IV and V During the month of September make use of the Physical Training Periods hy giving Deep IJreathing Exercises for a Five ^Minute Period in the morning. For the Ten ]\iinute Periods, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, use quiet games in the school room and allow a few moments of general relaxation, (iive the ehildren the opportunity to stretch their arms and legs and to take a few deep breathing exercises in unison before taking up their class work along other lines. FIVE MINUTE PERIODS Children sitting, backs pressed against the seats, hands with palms together are resting on the desks. Exercise With a deep, slow breath hands are turned so that palms face the ceiling, arms are stretched sideAvard, backward and upward, heads tilted back (do not permit heads to rest on the desks behind), eyes looking at the ceiling and all the while INHALING SLOAVLY. (Count 1.) Return arms quickly to the original position. (Count 2.) Repeat about five times. Give the first part of the exercise slowly. As the children become more and more accustomed to it, increase the count to ten and fifteen during the period. IMPORTANT: Encourage the children to push hard against the backs of the seats, to stretch the arras to the rear as far as possible and to maintain good position of the head. Children standing in aisles, heels together, heads erect, chins in, chests raised and hands placed on hips. Exercise 1. Deep, slow rhythmical breathing to the teacher's count. 2. Children place one hantl ou the chest and try by deep breathing to see how high they can raise the hand. Change hands and repeat. 3. Arms circle overhead to the teacher's count, the children all the while inhaling slowly. Exhale slowly and quietly or quickly and with force. The teacher's count should govern the manner in which the exhaling is done. 4. Arms sideward raising, height of shoulders while the children inhale. Slowly or quickly sink while they exhale. Select any one of these exercises and repeat several times during the period. 44 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE IMAGINATION PLAYS FOR GRADE I (As far as possible use at the proper season of the year.) UNDERHAND BALL PITCHING The child stands witli the left foot forward, knee straiglit, right knee well bent, left hand resting on the left leg near the knee, right hand extended to the rear. Extend right hand full length of arm to the front of the body, left knee bent and right knee straight. (Repeat in slow succession.) OVERHAND BALL THROWING The child stands with the left foot forward, knee straight, right knee well bent, left hand at left side, right hand raised at back of head. Extend the right hand full length of arm in an OVERHAND throwing movement, bend the left knee and keep the right knee straight. The right foot should now be raised to the "tip-toe" position. (Repeat in slow succession.) "BATTER UP" The child stands with the feet apart, both hands clasped as if grasping a bat, the right on top of the left, both arms bent and drawn back over the right shoulder. Extend both arms to the front and left of the body, left knee bent and the right foot raised to the "tip-toe" position. (Repeat in slow succession.) VOLLEY BALL TOSSING The child stands with feet apart, left knee straight, right knee bent, both arms drawn back OVER THE RIGHT SHOULDER, liands open as if holding a large ball. Both hands are now extended in front of the chest and as far as possible to the left of the body, as if tossing a heavy ball through the air, the left knee is bent, the right held straight and the feet kept firml}' on the floor in the original position. (Repeat in slow succession.) DRIVING AWAY JACK FROST 1. Warming the Hands. Rub the hands, palms together, i)assing the fin- gers of one hand into the palm of the other, alternating in quick succession, then work the hands as if washing with soap. Clap the hands in rhythm Avith music, by the teacher's count or tap of bell: first, palms together, tips of fin- gers pointing forward; then with the right hand uppermost, tips of right fingers falling on left thumb, and, lastly, clap with the left hand uppermost, tips of left fingers falling on the right thumb. 2. Warming the Feet. Hands are placed on the hips, then the feet go "Stamj), Stamp, Stamp," first left, right, left, etc., the feet being well raisc^I to the rear. Change by lifting the feet in front of the body, knees raised high as the hips. (Music should not be fast for this jjortion of tln^ exercise, though it iiijiy he iinicli more so for the backward raising of the feet.) 3. Warming the Body. Feet close together, arms raised the height of shoulders jiikI extended to the sides, then brought with force across the chest, the right luind fjilliug on the left shoulder and the left hand on the right shoulder. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 45 WOOD CHOPPERS 1. Chopping" Down the Tree. The left foot is placed forward, the right slightly to the rear, left knee straight, right knee bent, both hands clasped as if grasping an ax handle, right hand over the left, and l)()tli hands drawn BACK OVER THE RIGHT SHOULDER, eyes looking down as if watching the spot on tlie tree whore the ax is about to fall. The hands are now lowered with force in front of the liod\- and somewhat toward the left, the left knee is bent and the right straiglit. 2. Sawing the Tree in Small Pieces. The child faces his chair, the left foot is placed upon it as if supporting the body on the tree he is about to saw into pieces, while the left hand grasps the upper or left hand end of the saw, the right the lower, or right hand end of the saw (hands about two feet apart), when to rhythmical counting or music he pushes down on "the saw" and raises it just as if saAving a log. The KNEES should bend, and not the back, as the child pushes down on his saw. 3. Splitting" the Pieces. The child stands A\ith feet apart, both hands clasped and close together as if grasping an ax handle and raised directly OVERHEAD. Bend the body backward and then lower the hands quickly and with force, as if splitting a piece of wood on the ground in front of the body. GARDENERS 1. Clearing the Garden. The left foot is placed forward, knee bent, right foot to the rear and knee straight, hands clasped and extended forward as if grasping a rake handle. Now pull back to the right side of the body while the left knee is in the straight position and the right bent. Change after a few counts to the right foot forward, etc. (Repeat in slow succession.) 2. Hoeing the Garden. The left foot is placed slightly in advance of the right, both knees straight, the hands are clasped as if grasping a hoe handle, right in advance of the left. Raise and lower in cpiick succession to represent chopping movements of the hoe. Reverse by placing the right foot forward and the left hand in advance of the right, etc. AT THE SEASHORE 1. Swimming. Bend the arms in front of the chest, palms of the hands pressed together, fingers pointing forward. Stretch the arms forward as far as possible, turn the hands so that the backs of the thumbs and TWO FIRST FTNGERS ONLY are touching. Now jjush the arms to the sides, height of shoulders and to the rear as far as possible, then return the arms to the first position in front of the chest and repeat. 2. Climbing Ropes. The right hand is clasped as if grasping the rope and raised high aliove the head, the left foot raised, head well l)ent backward and eyes looking to the ceiling. Pull down with the right hand, lower the left foot then raise the left hand and right foot. (Repeat in slow succession.) 46 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE GATHERING ORANGES 1. Picking Oranges. Raise on the tip-toes as liigli as possible, stretch the right hand high overhead, tlic h(vid tipped back, and piclc the orange. Repeat several times, then change to the left. 2. Shaking the Orange Tree. The child stands Avith feet ai)art, hands are clasped in front of the body, the right above the left. Ti'unlv is bent alter- nately to the right and left. GYMNASTIC STORIES FOR GRADE I NUTTING TRIP A VISIT TO THE FARM ( " A VISIT FROM SANTA GLAUS ( " FIRE DRILL ( " PLAYING SOLDIER ( " SPRING-TIME ( " (use in October) " November) " December) " January) " February) " March) The stories used in First Grades should be short, -witli but few changes, however, the breathing exercises should be given plenty of drill. If used for Second Grades much more active work should be done by providing several different changes. By the use of simple gymnastic stories, which the children «'n.ioy acting, we are enabled to start them on their Avay toward the more formal lessons which follow. A Nutting Trip, as given below, is but a suggestion for teachers who are interested in the work of these grades. The length of the story must, of course, depend upon the time allowed and should be easily completed in one jieriod. (Note: As soon as the children have the idea, it is well to drop as nnieh of the story-telling as possible, thus gradually having them accomplish more and more along the line of the various exercises.) A NUTTING TRIP ''ATTENTION! To-day we are going to tlie woods to gather nuts. We will have to run some for we liavc (juite fai' to go. We must run faster, faster, faster, now» slower, slower-, slower and HALT! (The children assume the position of ATTENTION, heels together, hands at their sides, chests raised and heads erect.) (Children place hands on hips and to the count "1, 2, :5. Run!" they nui in place, to the teacher's I'hytliiiiieal counting.) (See tlial they raise theii- feet Avell (luring all the I'uuning.) FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 47 I think we ought to rest a little l)it for that was a long' run. Let us all take a deep breath, another one, an- other and still another. ('reach the children to take plenty of air ill Ihr'w lungs during all breath- uig exercises. Here we are at the brook ! We must make a big jump or some one is going to get wet. Keady ! One ! Two! Three! and over we go! Now, come with me, for we have such a big hill to climb and every one of us make high steps or we are not going to reach the top. I can see the trees ahead, not very far. Let us have a race to see "who will reach them first. That was certainly a long race and I think we will have to rest a little and take soine deep breaths before we can gather an}- nuts. Now, we are rested and all readv, I am sure, to gather some of these splendid nuts. Let us pick the ones off the grouiul first. (Before jumping the brook the chil- dren stand with heels together, hands on hips, bodies erect and at the count 1, raise their heels. 2, bend their knees and at 3, jump a distance of from fourteen to sixteen inches. Care should be used to in- struct them to land on their toes and spring to position instead of landing on their feet squarely.) (The children raise, first, the left kiiee, then the right, continuing as manv times as seems wise, encourag- ing them all the Avhile to raise their knees as high as possible.) (The starting command is given and the imaginarv race is on, of course all the whil(^ the children are run- ning in their own places. Here you will find ample opportunity to cor- rect poor postures, for in their ex- citement they are apt to bend over.) (All take several deep breaths.) (At the count 1, they bend knees, while a count from 1-8 is given for them as they gather nuts with tlie left hand. Same for the right. Here, they should be taught to keep their backs as straight as possible, the bod}' well balanced, the heels being off the floor. The movement for picking up the nuts should be made toward the side rather than the front of the body.) 48 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE All u}), and see if we cannot get some off the trees, but we must reach for them. ir we stand on tip-toe we can get tlios(» large ones u]) there. I think it is time for some deep l)reaths aftei- all tiiat work. Bi fore we start for home let us jilay we are big, black crows, the same as those we saw sitting so quietly on the fence when we were clind)ing the hill. And let us all be little rabbits, too. And — away, go all the little rab- bits over the hill. Tt is growing late and we must liiirry home. I believe we can run all the wa\- if we lake the short palli. All I'eady .' Then away we go ! Well, here we are at the gate and now Tor a few deep br'eaths before we say '(jood-bve. ' " (They begin picking from the trees by raising the hand well up over the head, while the teacher counts eight as they ])ick with the left hand and the same for the right.) (The children raise thrir heels well off the floor and continue to pick to the count, first for the left and then the right hand.) (All take deep bi'eaths.) (All place hands on hips and at the command, raise the left foot, the weight of the body being placed on the right foot.. This position is held for several seconds, when the left is placed on the floor and the right one raised, while the left bears the weight of the body. They soon learn to maintain a balance for quite a little time.) (Hands are iilaced on hips, heels to- gethei' and at the count 1, the heels are raised, count 2. the knees are bent, the backs to be kept as straight as possible, and heads erect. While in this position, the comnmnd is given for all the little rabbits to look first to the left, and then to the right, re- peating as often as desired.) (The children nudve one or two hop- ping movements, jumping twelve or fourteen inches in imitation of the rabbits hopping over the hill — after which, bring them to the standing l)osition again.) (Children place hands on hi])s antl at the command, run in place according to the count given.) (All take si>vei-al deej) bi'ealhs. ac- (MU'iling to the teacher's conniiaiids.) FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 49 Tilt' i'ollowiiiu outlines of jiyninastic stories arc uiven for the purpose of assisting teachers to ftu'in ihcir stories for the children of the First Grade. A \'1S1T TO THE FARM "We are going to visit in the country for a week. Must run to catch the train. Climb up the steps. Deep breaths to rest. Imitate the bell at starting, the sound of the train in motion and whistle. Arrive at the station. Jump from the train. Climb into the carriage. Imitate the prancing, proud steps and slow trots of the horses on the way from the station to the house. The farm is reached. Jump from the carriage. Run into the house. Deep breaths to rest. A VISIT FROM SANTA CLALS Santa Clans has a long ways to come, so his reindeer must travel fast. Climb up and get on the house-top. Deep breaths. Santa Claus is so big he has to "s!iuirni ami s(iuirm" to get down the chimney. (Let the children suggest the toys that go in the stocking and then imitate them. ) Climb and climb out of the chimney. Deep breaths. Reindeer run. and more - - - Deep breaths. FIRE DRILL Sound of the I'il'e hell. Arrange in groups of six or eight, plenty of distance, for the horses. Run to the fire. Climb the ladder. Draw up the hose. Deep breaths, exhale, making swishing noise as they bend at the waist and turn the water on the fire. Down the ladder. (Bend alternately to the right and left side as though going down the ladder.) Horses slow trot back to tlie hose house, legs raised high. Deep breaths. so PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE PLAYING SOLDIER Patriotic suggestions of soldier movements. Formal drill. ^larcliing- Flag waving. Salute, etc. SPRING-TIME All represent little seeds. Seeds are planted. (Deep knee bending- for this.) The seeds are going to grow to be great trees, taller and taller, then - - - Tlie branches and little leaves appear. (In this exercise the children come from the low, deep knee-bending exercise, gradually to the tallest they can make themselves by standing on tip-toe and the up- ward stretching of their hands to imitate the leaves.) Wind shakes the trees and leaves. A great storm. Grows calmer and - - - All is still. Deep breaths. GYMNASTIC LESSONS (Note: The order " Class— ATTENTION ! " is to be given at the begin- ning of each exercise and the order "In Place — REST!" at the close of each as it is completed.) The class, should be called to "ATTENTION!" within a period of from five to ten seconds after the order "In Place — REST!" has been given, other- wise the work becomes a drag and no benefit is derived therefrom. Each set of exercises should be given a sufficient number of times to allow a pupil to become familiar with it in a little while and to permit of each set ac- complishing the results we are after, however, it should be borne in mind that it )is harmful to overdo the lesson. These things must be left to the good .pidg- ment of the leader, the teacher. Plenty of deep breathing exercises should be introduced throughout the lesson, whether the lesson, as planned, calls for them or not. Especially are these exercises necessary after the more strenuous portion of the work, such as. all jumping exercises or folk dancing. ANALY^SIS OP AN EXERCISE Hips— FIRM! Feet sideward— PLACE ! 1,2. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. POSITION ! Hips — FIRM! Feet sideward — PLACE! 1, 2, are commands used to place the body in the accurate position for the exercise which follows: FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 51 Exercise. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SLXK ! The exercise may be given to the count 1, 2, 3, 4 and repeated as often as the teacher thinks best. POSITION ! is the command which completes or closes this particular exercise, and so it is with all the others. Lesson I. Lesson II. TEN LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE I (Repeat All Exercises Several Times) For April, May and June 10 Minutes Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST ! Breathe, closing nostrils alternately by pressing forefinger ON the side of the nose. Smelling flowers — both nostrils open. (Note: Be sure mouths are closed.) GAME— SQUIRREL AND NUT Twice Daily — 1st Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! In Place— REST ! Breathe looking at the leaves on the trees GAME— HIDE THE THIMBLE Twice Daily— 2nd Week. Lesson III. Lesson IV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION I Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Hips— FIR:\I ! Breathe to the slow count 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. GAME— BEAN BAGS LEFT AND RIGHT Twice Daily — 3rd Week. Twice Daily— 4th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Neck— FIR:\I ! ATTENTION or POSITION ! Breathe — Arms sideward raise height of shoulders. Arms sink as children exhale. GAME— BASKET BEAN BAG TOSS 52 Lesson V. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson VI. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Hips— FIRM ! In Place— REST ! Head backward— PULL ! Head return to— POSITION ! Arms forward raise and INHALE ! Arms sideAvard lower and EXHALE ! GAME— FOX AND DUCKS 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM— INHALE ! EXHALE ! MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM Twice Daily— 6th Week. Lesson VII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Arms sideward — RAISE ! Arms upward — RAISE! (Palms facing). Arms lower. Breathe, smelling- flowers. GAME— PLAY TROTTING HORSES ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLxVCE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE! Hips firm and— INHALE! EXHALE ! POSITION! GAME— THE LOST CHILD Twice Daily— 8th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 53 Lesson IX. Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Left foot sideward— PLACE! Left foot— REPLACE ! Repeat — right foot. Breathe to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Exhale to the count of 1. 2. 3, -4, 5. GAME— THE JOLLY :\riLLER Twice Daily— 9th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms sideward — raise and INHALE! Arms lower and EXHALE ! GAME— "ON MY WAY TO SCHOOL" Twice Daily— 10th Week. TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE II (Repeat All Exercises Several Times) Lesson I. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and INHALE! Arms lower and EXHALE ! GA:^IE— BLACKBOARD RELAY RACE NO. 1 Lesson II. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! In Place— REST! Twice Daily — 2nd Week. 54 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE POSITION ! Arms overhead circle and INHALE ! Arms lower and EXHALE! GAME— WASTE BASKET TOSS Lesson III. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms downward— STRETCH ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward raise and INHALE ! Arms lower and EXHALE ! GAME— HUCKLE, BUCKLE, BEANSTALK Twice Daily— 3rd Week. Lesson IV. Lesson V. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2.) Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1. 2.) POSITION ! Hips firm and INHALE! (Count 1). EXHALE! (Count 2). POSITION ! GAME— RING TOSS Twice Daily— 4th Week. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — RAISE ! Arms downward — SINK ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Arms overhead and circle AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE! GAME— TOUCH FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 55 Lesson VI. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms sideward — RAISE ! Arms downward — SINK ! Hips firm AND INHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. HOLD to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. EXHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— SIMON SAYS Lesson VII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward— BEND ! POSITION ! Arms sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE to the count 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. Arms lower AND EXHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— THE LOST CHILD Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND ! POSITION ! Hips— fir:\i ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Shoulders backward move AND INHALE! Shoulders to position AND EXHALE! GAME— BEAN BAG SIX Twice Daily— 8th Week. Lesson IX. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward and upward — RAISE ! Arms forward hikI downward — SINK! Hips— fir:\i ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2) Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with left foot and count 1, 2). POSITION ! Twice Daily— 9th Week. 56 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Inhale slowly to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Exhale slowly to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— BEAN BAG— PASS Lesson X. 10 Minutes Tv/ice Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Arms upward — BEND ! POSITION ! Arms forward and upward raise AND INHALE ! Arms forward and downward sink AND EXHALE ! GA^IE- CHANGING SEATS Lesosn XI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — BEND ! POSITION ! Arms overhead— CIRCLE (Count 1). Arms lower (Count 2). Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Shoulders baekw^ard move AND INHALE ! Shoulders to position AND EXHALE ! GAME— CIRCLE BEAN BAG TOSS NO. 1 Twice Daily— 11th Week. Lesson XII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Feet sideward— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1. 2.). Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2). Arms overliead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! GA:\IE— TICK. TACK. TOW Twice Daily— 12th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 57 Lesson XIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! INHALE slowly to the count 1, 2. 3. -t, 5, 6, 7, 8. EXHALE slowly to the count 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM Twice Daily— 13th Week, Lesson XIV. Lesson XV. Lesson XVI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Sideward— DRESS! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms downward— STRETCH ! Arms sideward raise AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GAME— ''ON MY WAY TO SCHOOL" Twice Daily— 14th Week. Twice Daily— 15th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! In Place— REST! POSITION! Arms forward— BEND ! POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward raise AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GA:\IE— BEAN BAGS LEFT AND RIGHT 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — BEND ! Arms sideward — FLING POSITION ! In place— REST! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE! Twice Daily— 16th Week. 58 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Heels— SINK ! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE! MARCH ABOUT THE ROO:\I Lesson XVII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIR:\I ! POSITION ! Neck— FIRM ! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! INHALE to the count 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. EXHALE to the count 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. GAME— HIDE THE THIMBLE Lesson XVIII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! Sideward— DRESS ! Arms upAvard — BEND ! Arms sideward— STREIX'H ! POSITION ! Hip^-FIR:\I ! Head backward— PULL ! Head return to POSITION ! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson XIX. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Feet change (Count 1, 2). POSITION ! In Phice— REST! Hips— Flini 1 Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! Arms fofwafd and upv/ard raise AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! RUNNlXn IX PLACE (Count 20. sections of 5). FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 59 Lesson XX. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms backward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! In Place— REST! Hips— FIR^^I ! Neck— FIRM ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2). Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, Inhale to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Exhale to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. GAME— SQUIRREL AND NUT. Twice Daily— 20th Week. 2). TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE III (Repeat all exercises several times.) Lesson I. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN I ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Deep breathing. POSITION ! GAME— BLACK BOARD RELAY RACE. Daily— 1st Week. Lesson II. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! In place— REST! ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Neck— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION Deep l)reathing. GA:\rE— OCCUPATION. DaHy— 2nd Week. 60 Lesson III. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! POSITION ! Deep breathing. SLOW :\rARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM. Daily— 3rd Week. Lesson IV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! fIips_FIRM ! POSITION ! In place— REST ! POSITION ! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Arms— LOWER! Left foot sideward— PLACE ! REPLACE! Same with the right. Arms overhead circle AND INHALE ! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GAME— SBION SAYS. Daily — 4th Week. Lesson V. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! Neck— FIR]\I ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Arms sideward raise AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM. Daily— 5th Week. Lesson VI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In i)laee— REST! POSITION ! Head— FIRI\1 ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels- SINK ! POSITION ! GAME— FOLLOW THE LEADER. Daily— 6th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 61 Lesson VII. Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! In place- REST ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRi\I ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Arms— SINK ! Deep breathing. (Inhale as arms are raised slowly sideways and exhale as arms sink.) 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Head— FIRM ! POSITION ! Hips— FIR :\I ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM. DEEP BREATHING. Daily— 7th Week. Daily— 8th Week. Lesson IX. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Head firm and heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Head backward— PCLL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. GAME— PUSSY WANTS A CORNER. Daily— 9th Week. Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Class- ATTENTION! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! Head firm and feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! POSITION! Hips— FIR:\I! Feet sideways— JUMP I Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! (Hands are brought quickly to sides as the pupil jumps to the original position.) Deep breathing. GA:\IE— HOPPING RELAY RACE. Daily— 10th Week. Lssson XI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Daily— 11th Week. 62 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Arms — SINK ! Deep breathing. MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson XII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! In place— REST ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot sideways— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION! Head firm and left foot sideways — PLACE ! Foot replace and hands— POSITION ! Repeat with right. BEAN BAG OVERHEAD— PASS. V. Daily— 12th Week. Lesson XIII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot backward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot backward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Deep breathing. FOLK DANCE— DANISH DANCE OF GREETING. Lesson XIV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Head backward— PCLL ! Head to— POSITION ! Re])eat, counting 1, 2. etc. Arms upward— BEND ! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND! (Coinit 1.) Arms sideways— STRETCH! (Count 2.) Daily— 14th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 63 Lesson XV. BEND! 1— STRETCH! 2— etc. POSITION ! Deep breathing. MARCHING ABOUT THE R00i\l. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIR:\I ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUINIP ! Hands and feet qnicldy- POSITION ! Arms forward— BPjND ! Arms sideways— BEND! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION ! Deep breathing. GAME— CIRCLE BEAN BAG TOSS. Daily— 15th Week. FLING ! Lesson XVI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Mark time— MARK! 1, 2, 1. 2, etc. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. Hips firm and heels — RAISE ! Quick mark time— MARK! 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Deep breath and head backward — PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Slow, deep breathing. GAME— CAT AND MICE. Daily— 16th Week. Lesson XVII. Lesson XVIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIR:M ! Head— FIRM ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE I Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! In place— REST! POSITION ! MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Daily— 17th Week. Daily— 18th Week. 64 PHYSICAL EDUCATIOX COMPLETE Left foot backward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Ri^lit foot baekward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Left foot l)ackward— PLACE : Feet— CHANGE ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLINC POSITION ! Hips firm and Avitli a deep breath chest — RAISE ! Chest— SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! GAME— CROSSING THE BROOK. Lesson XIX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Head to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Fingers— CLOSE ! OPEN! CLOSE! OPEN! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Count 1. 2. etc. POSITION ! Deep breathing. GAME— SQUIRREL AND NUT. Lesson XX. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Repeat with the right. Arms upward- BEND! (Count 1.) Arms upward— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! 1— STRETCH! 2— etc. POSITION ! Hips firm and heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! and POSITION ! Deep breathing. GAME— BEAN BAG OVERHEAD PASS. Daily— 20th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 65 TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE IV (Repeat all exercises several times.) Lesson I. 10 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST ! ATTENTION! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! A.rms upward — REND! (Count 1.) Arms downward— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) POSITION ! Anns forward— BEND! FLING! (Count 1. 2, etc.) 1\)SITI0N ! Willi a deeji breath, head backward — PULL! Head to iiosition and — EXHALE! GAME— HORNS. Lesson II. 10 Minutes. Daily — 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In i)lace— REST ! ATTENTION! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Hands and feet quieldy— POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! (Count 1.) BEND! (Count 2.) Etc. POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Arms sideways— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND! (Count 1.) Arms downward— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) Etc. POSITION! Hips- FIRM! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL! Head to position and EXHALE ! FOLK DANCE— SHOEMAKERS' DANCE. Lesson III. 10 Minutes. Daily— 3rd Week, Class— ATTENTION! Left— FACE! (Count 1! 2!) Ilips— FIR:\I ! Feet sideways — Jl'MP! Heels— RAISE! Spi-inL;. jnmp, ready— GO! 1, 2. 1. 2. etc. (Children .jnin]) from the astride to the fundamental, then to astride position, etc.) Class— HALT! 1. 2. :]. I'OSITIOX! 66 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE With a deep brcat]]. arms sideways — RAISE! SINK! 1. 2. etc. (As the arms sink, children exhale.) GAME BEAN BAG ACROSS THE AISLE— TOSS ! Lesson IV. 10 Minutes. Daily— 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— FACE ! (Count 1, 2.) Left— FACE! 1, 2. Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! Etc. POSITION! Hips— FIR:\1 ! Loft foot— RAISE ! Foot downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE ! (Left, count 1,, R-2.) Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH] POSITION! Mark time— MARK ! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc. 'Class— HALT ! 1, 2. With a deep breath, arms forward, upward — RAISE ! Slowly exhale and downward — SINK! Lesson V. 10 Minutes. Daily— 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! 1.2, etc. Right— FACE ! 1. 2. 1, 2. Etc. In place— REST ! Class— ATTENTION ! Beginning with the left foot, alternate. Heels— RAISE! SINK! (Count 1. 2. 1.2. Etc.) Class— HALT! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE ! Arms upward— BEND ! Arms upward— STRETCH! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION! Hips firm and deep breathing. Lesson VI. 10 Minutes. Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left about— FACE ! 1, 2. Etc. Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! I'OSITIOX! Arms sideways raise and heels — RAISE i Arms and heels — SINK ! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep hrcalli. head backward— PCLL ! Head to ixisitioii and KXHALE ! GAME— SCHOOL ROOM TAG. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 67 Lesson VII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right about— FACE ! 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc. Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! In place— REST ! Arms f orw^ard — BEND ! Arms sideways fling and heels — RAISE ! BEND! FLING! Etc. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips firm and slow, deep breathing. GAME—' ' I SAY STOOP ! ' ' Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Left about— FACE ! 1.2. Right about— FACE ! 1, 2. Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Left hip and right neck— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! Etc. POSITION! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Hands— TURN! xVrms upw^ard— RAISE ! Arms sideways — SINK ! Hands— TURN ! POSITION ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROO:\I. DEEP BREATHING. Daily— 8th Week. Lesson IX. Class— ATTENTION ! 10 Minutes. One step forward— MARCH ! (Left, right.) Left— FACE ! 1, 2. One step to the left— MARCH ! Left— FACE! 1, 2. Left— FACE! 1, 2. Left— FACE! 1, 2. In place— REST ! POSITION ! Alternate toe-raising— RAISE! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT ! POSITION ! Daily— 9th Week. 68 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Arms forward, upward— RAISE ! SINK ! (Inhale as raise and exhale as lower.) Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Four steps forward, beginning with the left foot — ]\IARCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Right about— FACE ! 1, 2. Four steps forward— MARCH ! 1. 2,-8, 4. Right— FACE ! 1, 2. Right— FACE ! 1, 2. Hips_FIRI\I ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, coiniting 1, 2. etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways and downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Deep breathing. Run about the room in single file. SLOW MARCHING. Lesson XI. 10 Minutes. Daily— 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— DRESS ! Eyes— FRONT ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Etc. POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND ! Sideways— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! Etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1,2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND! FLTX(; ! Kt<-. POSITION! Mark time— MARK! About the I'oom, forward— IMARCII! March to position. Arms overlicad lo circU^ — RAISE! Inhale as raise. Arms— SINK! Exhale as sink. Repeat ver}^ slowly. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 69 Lesson XII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! OPEN! Head— FIRM ! Hips— FIR]\I ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK! Hips— FIKM! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! In place— REST ! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! POSITION! Arms sideways AND heels— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Left arm forward and upward — FLING ! Arms— CHANGE ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Trunk to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Hips firm and heels— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Hips firm and with a deep breath, chest — RAISE! Slowly— SINK! Lesson XIII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Left— DRESS! Right— DRESS! POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! 1. 2. Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Arms forward— BEND ! Sideways— FLING ! POSITION! In place— REST ! Hips- FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND! Downward— PLACE ! 1, 2. 1, 2. Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms upw^ard — BEND! (Count 1.) Left arm npward and right arm sideways — STRETCH! (2) BEND! (3) STRETCH! (4) POSITION! Repeat, using right arm for ui)\vard — STRETCH! Hips firm and heels— RAISE ! Mark time— MARK! 1, 2. 1. 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1, 2. Heels— SINK! POSITION! With a deep breath, arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK! 70 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XIV. 10 Minutes. Daily— 14th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Repeat with the right foot. Hips— FIRM! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! Hips— FIRM ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right— POSITION ! Head— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Repeat with the right foot. POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Etc. POSITION ! Hips firm and heels— RAISE ! Astride— JUMP ! 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1, 2. Heels— SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Deep, slow breathing. GAME— BALL TOSSING. LessonXV. 10 Minutes. Daily— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! 1, 2. Right— FACE ! 1, 2. Hips— FIRM! Alternate toe-raising— GO ! 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION ! IIil)s— FIRI\I ! Left knee upward— BEND! Downward— STRETCH ! CHANGE! (Count 1, 2, 3, 4.) POSITION! Arms forward, upward— FLING ! LOWER! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Right hip and left head— FIRM ! With a deep breath, trunk lift and to the left — BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right— POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 71 Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! With a deep breath, arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK! MARCHING. Lesson XVI. 10 Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Chiss— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JU]\IP ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! Etc. Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideways— RAISE ! Hop on the right, twice. Change to the left and hop, twice. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND! (Count 1.) Arms sideways— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) Arms— BEND! (Count 3.) Arms downward— STRETCH ! (Count 4.) POSITION ! Head— FIR:M ! Trunk lift and to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Heels— RAISE ! Astride— JUMP ! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Etc. Lesson XVII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Quick running in place— GO ! Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! With a deep breath, head backward- PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! 11 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! POSITION! Wood Play. (Imitate sawing wood.) Arms circle overhead and INHALE. Arms lower and EXHALE. MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson XVIII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! One step forward— MARCH ! (Left, right.) One step backward— MARCH ! Left— FACE ! Ri ght— FACE ! piips_FIR:\I ! Left foot ontward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION ! Repeat with the right foot and— POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION 1 , Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways and downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right foot— POSITION ! Feet sideways jump and head — FIRM ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! count 1, 2. etc. Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Repeat. Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION ! DEEP BREATHING. Lesson XIX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Slowly run al)()ut tlie room and return to i)lace. ATTENTION! Head— FIRM ! lli])s— F1R.M! Left hip and right head— FIR:M! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION ! Arms r...w;ird— BEND! FLING! BEND! FLTXC ! POSITION I Arms upward fling and feet— CLOSE ! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 11 Arms sideways stretch and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels — LOWER! 1,2,3,4. 1,2,3,4. 1, 2, Class Halt ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRdM ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! LOWER! RAISE! LOWER! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet astride— JUMP ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Arm raising sideways, hand turning and deep breathing. Lesson XX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! Left— FACE ! Arms sideways raise and trunk to the left — BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips- FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips firm, trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND RAISE ! POSITION ! Arms sideways— FLING! SINK! FLING! SINK! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! Hands— TURN ! Arms upward— RAISE ! POSITION ! Head— FIR]\I ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! ^ Arms forward Ix'iid and INHALE! Sideways fling and EXHALE! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1. 2. POSITION ! 74 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE V. Lesson I. 15 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. (Repeat all exercises several times.) Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Eight— FACE ! Left— DRESS! FRONT! Riglit— DRESS ! FRONT! Hips— FIR.M! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Alternate heels then toes— RAISE ! 12. 1, 2. POSITION I Arms sideways— STRETCH ! Count 2—1, 2—1. 2. etc. Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Head— FIRM ! Hips— FIRM ! Left head and right hip— FIRM ! CHANGE ! CHANGE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! Alternating. POSITION ! Hips — ^FIRM ! Prepare to jump — at the count 1 Heels— RAISE ! 2— Knees— BEND ! 3— Knees— STRETCH ! 4— Heels— SINK ! Arms sideways raise and slowly INHALE ! Arms sink and EXHALE ! Lesson II. 15 Minutes. Daily — 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE! Right foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Hips_FIRM! Head backward— PUtrL ! Head to— POSITION! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! BEND ! FLING ! Hands and feet quickly- POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms half forward— BEND ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1. 2—1, 2, etc. POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAVCKOUNDS 75 Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Heels— RAISE! Quick mark tiiue— MARK! Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips— FIRJ\[! With a deep breath, heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! and EXHALE ! Lesson III. 15 Minutes. Daily — 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— DRESS ! FRONT! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRM! POSITION! piip.s_FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! (Quick time.) POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Forward— STRETCH! BEND! Downward— STRETCH! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms half forward — BEND ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1, 2. 1, 2. POSITION! Feet close and hips — FIR^I ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Left foot forward and right foot backward — JUMP ! CHANGE !— to the count 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Arms sideways raise and — INHALE ! Arms sink and — EXHALE ! SLOW MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson IV. 15 Minutes. Daily — 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Left about— FACE! Right about— FACE ! Hips— FIRM ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! etc. Repeat to the right. POSITION! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION! 76 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Left arm sideways and riylit ami upward — STRETCH! CHANGE! (To "count 1, 2.) Class— HALT I POSITION! Left hip and right head— FIRM ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Hands change and trunk to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Astride— JUMP ! 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! SLOW MARCHING ABOUT THE ROO^I. Lesson V. 15 Minutes. Daily — 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Right— FACE ! Hip.s— FIRM ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Head backward— PULL ! POSITION! \ (Is done by pulling the head back in the direction of the opposite shoulder.) Repeat to the right. POSITION^ ! Arms upward and backward— STRETCH ! 1, 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left leg height of hip— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE! SINK! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways— JUJMP ! Heels— RAISE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! BEND ! FLING ! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! and head— FIRM! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TAVIST ! Feet— CHANGE! Trunk to the right— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! DEEP BREATHING. Lesson VI. 15 Minutes. Daily — 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left a))()ut— FACE! Right about— FACE! Hips—FIR.M! Left foot forward— PLACE! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! 1,2. 1,2. Feet— CHANGE! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT ! 1,2. POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLA^'CROrXDS 11 Hips— FIR:\I ! Feet sideways— JU:\[P ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. Hands and feet, qnickly— POSITION! Hips— FIR:\[ ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! 1,2,3.4. 1,2,3,4. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! 1, 2. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION ! In place— JUMP ! (Count 1, Heels— RAISE ! Count 2, Knees— BEND ! Count 3. JUMP! Count 4. Laud on toes and bend knees. Count 5, Knees— STRETCH ! Count 6, Heels— SINK!) Arms sideways raise and — INHALE ! Sink and— EXHALE! MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson VII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Left— DRESS ! FRONT! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Left about— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! POSITION! Arms sideward, upward raise and heels — RAISE ! Arms and heels — SINK ! Hips— FIRM! L[ead backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting' 1. 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms upward, sideward and downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. POSITION ! Hips— FIRJ\I! Feet sideward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward — RAISE ! Trunk forward — BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Hips— FIR:^I! Toes— RAISE! 1,2. 1,2. POSITION! Arms overhead, circle and — INHALE ! Arms sink and — EXHALE ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROO:\I. Lesson VIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot l)ackward— PLACE! REPLACE! 78 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— JUMP! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, coimting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet quickly- POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! Sideways— FLING ! BEND! FLING! POSITION! Head— FIRM! Left foot sideways— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Arms forward and upward— FLING! LOWER! FLING! LOWER! POSITION ! Arms forward bend and feet — CLOSE ! Sideways fling and feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Feet astride— JUMP ! 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left leg backward— RAISE ! SINK! Repeat with the right leg. POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson IX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward— BEND ! POSITION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! ATTENTION! Feet sideways place and arms sideways — STRETCH! 1, 2. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms sideward and downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms half sideward — BEND ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1.2. 1.2. Class— HALT! 1.2. POSITION! Arms forward bend feet sideward — JUMP! Arms sideward fling and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels — SINK! 1, 2. 1, 2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! High knee upward bending, bogitniing with the left foot — GO! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Arms sideward overhead, circle and — INHALE ! ] Lower and— EXHALE ! I FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 79 Lesson X. 15 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideward— EAISE ! SINK! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Eight about- FACE ! Left about— FACE ! Head— FIRM! With a dc'ep breath, trunk lift and to thr left— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms upward and sideward— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND! Forward— STRETCH! BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! Repeat with the right, alternately. POSITION! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk forward — BEND! Arms forward and upward — FLING! RETURN ! FLING ! RETURN ! Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideways— RAISE ! Hop twice on the rigiit and— CHANGE ! Hop twice on the left and— CHANGE ! Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms forward bend and — INHALE ! Arms sideways fling and — EXHALE ! Lesson XI. 15 Minutes. Daily— 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! Heels — RAISE ! Knees bend and arms sideward, upw^ard — RAISE ! Knees stretch, arms and heels — SINK! POSITION ! Head— FIRM! With deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Heels raise, arms forward and upward — FLING! LOWER! etc. POSITION ! Left arm upward and right arm backward — STRETCH! CHANGE ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Hop on right foot and left foot sideward — RAISE ! (Quick change, alternating— count 1. 2; 1. 2; 1, 2. Cla.ss— HALT ! 1, 2.) POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE! 80 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! :\lark time— MARK! 1,2.1,2. Class— HALT I 1, 2. Left— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Right— FACE ! Arms sideward raise and feet — CLOSE ! Head backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, conntiiiij' 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms sideward — downward and backward — STRETCH ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND ! Left arm sideward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE ! 1, 2, 3, -1. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Left leg backward— RAISE ! Left leg downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! QUICK CHANGE ! (Jumping exercise.) Hips -FIRM ! Slowly INHALE ! and EXHALE ! POSniON ! Lesson XIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! LOWER ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right— FACE ! Left— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Head to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms sideward stretch and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels — SINK ! Hips— FIRM ! Deep breath and chest— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRI\I ! Left foot sideward— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms upward, sidewai-d — RAISE! (Inhale) Arms— SINK! (Exhale) SKIP ABOUT THE RO():\I. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 81 Lesson XIV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 14th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— DREHS ! FKONT! Kiglit— DRESS ! FRONT! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Hips— FIRJM ! Head to left— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I 1 Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk forward— P,END ! Head— ROTATION ! 1. 2, ;i, 4. Ti-iiiik- RAISE! Hands and feet quiekl\ —POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Head backward— PPLL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2. etc. POSITION! Left hip, right head— FIRM ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Arms— CHANGE! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION ! Lesson XV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Count off by twos— START! 1, 2. 1, 2. Head— FIRM! Hips— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Head l)ackward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Arms sideward and downward — STRETCH! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Arras downward— SINK ! Trunk— RAISE ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Feet— CHANGE! Count 1, 2—1, 2,, etc. POSITION! Head— FIRM ! Trunk to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Count 1, 2, 3, 4. Head— FIRM! Feet sidewa.ys— PLACE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION I Arras sideward, upward — RAISE ! Arras downward— SINK! POSITION! 82 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XVI. 15 Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Ki-ht— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! Left about— FACE ! Left— FACE ! Arms sideAvard— RAISE ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Head baekward— PULL ! Forward and to the riglit— TWIST ! Head backward— PULL ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Arms downward, sideward and upward — STRETCH! Left knee upward— BEND ! Forward— STRETCH ! Knee— BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! Repeat with the right. In place— JUMP! 1, 2; 1, 2, etc. Heels— RAISE ! Quick time— in place— MARCH ! With a deep breath, arms sideward— RAISE ! SINK! Lesson XVII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels— RAISE ! Hips— FIR]\I ! Heels— SINK! Head— FIRIM ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Alternate toe-raising— START ! 1, 2; 1, 2, etc. Class— HALT ! POSITION ! Head— FIRM! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Foot downward — PLACE ! Repeat with the right— POSITION ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk forward — BEND! Arm rotation — 1. 2 — 1. 2. etc. Trunk— RAISE ! Hips- FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— l^OSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Head— FIRM! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH! Knees— BEND! STRETCH! POSITION! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Arm circling and deep breathing — 1, 2 — 1, 2, etc. Arms— SINK ! Lesson XVIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Head— FIRM ! Hips— FIRM! CHANGE! CHANGE! Right— FACE! Left— FACE ! POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE! Head back ward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 83 Hands and iV-et quic-kly— POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! Arms sideways— FLING ! BEND ! FLING ! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Forward— STRETCH ! BEND ! CHANGE ! etc. POSITION ! Arms half forward — BEND ! Arm rotation — 1. 2 — 1. 2. etc. POSITION ! Head firm and feet sideways— PLACE ! 1, 2. Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms circle overhead and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson XIX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! In place— REST ! ATTENTION ! One step forward— MARCH ! Right about— FACE ! One step forward— MARCH ! Left about— FACE ! Hips— FIR:^I ! Left forward— FALLOUT ! CHANGE ! POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION! Arms forward and upward — RAISE ! SINK ! Arms forward— RAISE ! Upward— FLING ! Forward— SINK! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Arms upward and sideward— STRETCH ! 1, 2. 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips — FIRM ! Jump in place — 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. Hips — FIRM ! Deep breathing. POSITION ! Lesson XX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Clas.s— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! OPEN! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Head— firm: Hips— FIRM! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Alternate heels and toes— RAISE! POSITION! Head— FIRM! POSITION! Right head and left hip— FIRM ! CHANGE ! POSITION ! 84 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward — BEND! Foot downward— PLACE POSITION ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arm rotation— 1, 2—1, 2, etc. Trunk upward— RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Head— FIRM ! Feet sidew^ays— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TAVIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH I POSITION! Arms sideways— STRETCH 1 Arm circling and deep breathing — 1, 2 — 1, 2 — 1, 2, etc. Arms downward — SINK ! CHAPTER IV Gymnastic Lessons for G-rammar Grades TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE VI Lesson I. 15 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! Left— FACE! Head— FIR^I ! Hips— FIRM! CHANGE! POSITION! Hips^ — FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms sideward, upward — FLING! Arms — SINK! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! Alternate left and right. POSITION ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Arms upward— FLING ! Arms— SINK ! Head— FIRM ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Head— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk lift and'to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Feet change— 1 ! 2 ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Arms forward bend and INHALE ! Arms sideward fling and EXHALE ! Lesson II. 15 Minutes. Daily — 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Feet— OPEN ! Hips firm and feet sideward— JUI\IP ! POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms sideward— FLING ! Upward— RAISE ! SINK! Head firm and feet sideways— PLACE ! Toe.s— RAISE ! SINK! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Feet astride— JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Head firm and feet sideways — JU]MP! Trunk lift and to tlic left— BEND! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! Hands and feet— POSITION ! 86 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— F1R:\I ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! \ Cut step sideways, to the count— 1, 2—1, 2— GO ! Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3. ' POSITION! Arm raising sideways and deep breathing. 1,2^ — 1, 2. I Lesson III. 15 Minutes. Daily— 3rd Week. | Class— ATTENTION! Hips— FIRM ! Arms forward— BEND ! Arms upward— BEND! Hips— FIR:\1 ! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot sideways— PLACE ! REPLACE ! I POSITION! i Hips firm and left foot forward PLACE! (In series — 1, 2, 3, 4.) I Feet — CHANGE ! Alternating throughout the exercise. '• Hips— FIRM! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE! ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! \ Arms sideways fling and heels — RAISE ! Arms and heels — SINK ! Arms upward and sideward — STRETCH ! i Left leg backwards— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Arms sideways fling and feet sideways — PLACE! 1, 2. Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! j Head fii-m and left foot forward — PLACE! i Head to the left— BEND ! ! Feet change find repeat to the right. 1,2. POSITION! Hips firm and heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! AVith a deep l)reath, chest raise! SINK! , Lesson IV. 15 Minutes. Daily — 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Hips— FTR:\1 ! Right hip and left head- FIRM! POSITION! , Arms sideways raise and head to tlie left — TWIST! \ Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to tlu' riglit. POSITION! Arms half forward— BEND ! Arm rotalioii— 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward- BEND ! Forward— STRETCH ! l^END! Downward— STRETCH ! Repeat with the right foot. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEXD! RAISE! Hands and feet (iiiickly— POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 87 Hips firm and feet astride — JU^NIP ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION : Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Cut step sideways, to the count 1. 2 — 1. 2 — GO! Class— HALT ! L 2, 3. POSITION ! Arms sideways raise and slowly — INHALE! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson V. 15 Minutes. Daily— 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE! REPLACE! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways— PLACE ! Head l)ackward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1. 2, etc. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Left arm upward— STRETCH ! 1. 2. 3. 4. Repeat with the right. Alternate throughout the exercise. Arms upward — BEND! 1. Arms upward stretch jiiid left leg backward — RAISE! 2. Arms bend and leg— SINK! 3. POSITION! L Repeat with the right foot. Arms ujiward stretcli and feet sideways — PLACE! 1, 2. Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot forward — PLACE ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Feet— CHANGE! 1, 2. Hca.l to the right— TWIST 1 Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Arms and heels— SINK! Arms circle overhead and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — P]XIIALE ! (Slowly) Lesson VI. 15 Minutes. Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot backward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot l)a.k\vafd— PLACE! REPLACE! Arms upward— BEND ! Arms half sideways— RAISE ! Arms half forward— BEND ! POSITION ! 88 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms upward, sideward, downward and backward — STRETCH! Alternate toe-raising — 1, 2 — 1, 2. Arms half sideways— BEND ! Arms rotate— 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Feet astride jump and head — FIRM ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot forward — PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! Feet— CHANGE! (Quickly.) 1. 2. 1. 2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels slowly raise and— I-N-H-A-L-E. Heels slowly sink and — E-X-H-A-L-E. Lesson VII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Trunk forward bend and hips— FIRM ! Trunk raise and hands— POSITION ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Toes— RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways stretch and feet astride — JUMP ! Hands — TURN ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly- POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Feet— CHANGE !—l, 2— and repeat. POSITION! Head firm and feet— CLOSE ! Trunk lift and to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Tnuik lift and to the riglit— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Arms downward— STRETCH ! Knees— BEND ! Arms bend and knees— STRETCH ! 1.2. 1,2. Class— HALT ! 1.2. POSITION ! Arms sideways raise, heels raise and, slowly — INHALE! Arms and heels lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson VIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Head— FIRI\I ! Hips— FI I^M ! POSITION ! Right— FACE! Left— FACE ! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Right about— FACE! Left about— FACE ! POSITION! Head— FIRM! With ;i dcci) ])rea1h. diest— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 89 Arms backward, downward, sideward and upward — STRETCH! Left— FACE ! Hips— FIRJM ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Legs— CHANGE— 2 ! etc. Right- FACE ! POSITION ! Left arm upward and right arm sideways — STRETCH! CHANGE ! 1, 2. Class— HALT ! 1. 2. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1. 2. etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Left leg forward— RAISE ! Forward cut step— GO ! Class— HALT ! 1 2, 3. POSITION! Arms sideward raise and slowly — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson IX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward- FLING ! POSITION! Right— FACE! Left— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! I\Iark time— :\IARK! 1, 2. 1. 2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sidewaj^s — PLACE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Arms sideward, upward— FLING! SINK! FLING! SINK! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Lleels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— FALLOUT ! Feet— CHANGE! 1, 2. POSITION! Arms half sideward— RAISE ! Arm rotation— 1 ! 2! etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE ! ^fniidv lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE! Feet change — 1 ! 2 ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Arms sideward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK ! Lesson X. 15 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! :\ [ark time— MARK! I, 2—1, 2. Class— HALT ! 1.2. Left— FACE! Right— FACE ! Left— DRESS ! FRONT! Head— FIR:\I ! I'OSITION ! 90 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms forward and upward— FLING! SINK! FLING! SINK! Head— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms slowly upward— BEND! Arms slowly upward— STRETCH ! Count 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Left arm sideward, upward raise and feet — CLOSE ! Trunk to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! Arms— CHANGE ! Trunk to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Cut step sideward— JUMP ! 1, 2-1, 2, etc. Arms sideward, upward raise and — INHALE ! Arms sink and— EXHALE ! Lesson XI. 15 Minutes. Daily— 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels- RAISE ! SINK! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Hips— FIRM ! Right hip and left head— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2. etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND! Alternate arms downward— STRETCH ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms sideward stretch and feet sideward — PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hands on desks and heels — RAISE! Count 1! Vaulting over seats — GO ! Count 2 ! 3 ! Land on toes with knees hent. Count 4 ! Knees— STRETCH ! Count 5 ! Heels— SINK! Count 6! Deep breathing with arm sideward rjiisiiig. Lesson XII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 91 Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE ! Headto the left— BEND ! RAISE! Hciid to the right— BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Head firm and feet astride— JUMP ! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, eonnting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left leg forward— RAISE ! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Anns lialf forward— BEND ! Arm rotation—! ! 2! etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Feet— CLOSE! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! Foot— REPLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — JL^MP! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! Spring jump, ready— GO ! 1, 2—1, 2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. 3. POSITION ! With a. deep breath, arms sideward— RAISE ! SINK! Lesson XIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Hips— FIRM! Head— P^IR:\I ! Feet— CLOSE ! Arms forward, upward— FLING ! SINK! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Head finn and feet sideways— PLACE ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST! Head to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION ! Arms u])waf(l. sideward, downward and liaekwai'd — STRETCH! Head— FIRM! Left leg backward- RAISE ! Foot downward— PLACE ! RAISE! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right leg. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— PL ACE ! Trnnk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! Sideward— FLING ! BEND! FLING! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Head— FIRI\I ! Left forward— FALLOUT ! Feet— CHANGE ! 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Right— FACE! Hands on desk.s— PLACE ! Vaulting over seats— Count 1 ! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! POSITION! 92 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE ] I Arms forward, upward raise and — INHALE! ! Arms loAver and — EXHALE ! Lesson XIV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 14th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left face and one step to the left— MARCH! Right face and one step to the right — ]MARCII ! Left ahout— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! Hips— FIRM ! ] POSITION ! { Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Left foot sideward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! SINK! Foot— REPLACE ! Repeat with the right foot. POSITION ! Arms half sideward — BEND ! Arm rotation — 1 ! 2 ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet astride— JUMP ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the riglit— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! etc. Feet— CHANGE ! 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRJ\I ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! Spring jump, ready— GO ! 1, 2—1. 2. Class— HALT ! 1. 2, 3. POSITION ! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! Lesson XV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION! One step backward— MARCH! 1. 2. Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! One step forward— MARCH ! 1. 2. Hips— FIRM! POSITION! j Hips- FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! ■ Repeat, counting 1, 2. etc. POSITION! ! Arms downward, upward and sideward — STRETCH! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Forward— STRETCH! Knee— BEND! Foot downward— PLACE ! | Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms forward— STRETCH ! Trunk foi-ward- BEND ! Arms upward— FLING! Aims forward- SINK! etc. POSITION! ; Arms sideward sti'dch and feet sideways — PIjACE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! 1, 2, etc. Hands and i'cct (iiiicklv— POSITION ! i FOR SCHOOLS AND PLA^•GROUNDS 93 Hips— FIRM ! Left foot outward— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— T W 1 ST I POSITION ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIR:M ! Prepare to jump— 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! I ! 5 ! 6 ! Arms overhead and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson XVI. 1.^ Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— FACE ! Left— FACE ! Right abont—FACE ! Left abont— FACE ! POSITION! Plips— FIR:\I ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot outw^ard — PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Arms half forward— BEND ! Arm rotation— 1! 2! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Spring jump, ready— GO ! 1, 2—1, 2, etc. Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3. POSITION. Hips— FIR:M ! AA^ith a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Lesson XVII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward— BEND ! Arms sideways— FLING ! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Left foot backward— RAISE ! Downward— PLACE ! Right foot forward— RAISE ! Downward— PLACE ! POSITION ! Arms half sideward — BEND ! Arm rotation — 1 ! 2 ! Left arm sideward and right arm downward — STRETCH! Both arms upward and sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRAI ! High knee upward bending, beginning with the left foot, ready — GO! 1, 2—1, 2. Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! 94 PHYSICAL EDL CATIOX COMPLETE Arms forward— STRETCH ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms upward— FLING! Arms forward— SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms forward, upward raise and slowly — INHALE I Arms lower slowly and — EXHALE ! Lesson XVIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 18th Week. \ Class— ATTENTION ! Left face and one step to the left— :\IARCII ! Right face and one step to the right — MARCH ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! 1 Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! I Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE I j Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. POSITION ! ' Arms sideward and backward— STRETCH! Head— FIRi\I ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Backward— STRETCH ! Upward— BEND ! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms sideward stretch and left forward — FALLOUT ! Arms upward bend and sideward— STRETCH ! Feet— CHANGE ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left foot outward— PLACE! ' Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! i Head— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! I Feet— CHANGE! POSITION! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK ! Lesson XIX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right about— FACE ! Left— FACE ! ' Left— FACE! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Left— DRESS ! FRONT! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIR.M ! Arms forward— BEND ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels- SINK! i Feet— CHANGE ! 1 ! 2 ! Class— HALT ! 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! | Hips— FIRM! Feet— CLOSE! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION! i Repeat, counting 1. 2, etc. RAISE! ' Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! i FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAV(;R0UXDS 95 Left arm upward and right arm sideward — STRETCH! Arms— CHANGE ! 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Arms sideward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! Left foot backward— PLACE 1 Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE 1 Arms and foot— POSITION ! Repeat wath the right. POSITION ! Left hip firm and right arm upward — STRETCH! Trunk to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Arms— CHANGE ! etc. POSITION ! Hips— FIR:^! ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Cut step sideways to the count 1, 2—1, 2— GO ! Class— HALT ! 1, 2. 3. POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and deep breathing. Lesson XX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips firm and left foot sideways— PLACE ! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Hips firm and right foot sideways— PLACE ! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot sideways— PLACE ! Hips firm and feet— CHANGE ! 1, 2. Hips firm and feet— CHANGE ! 1, 2. Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Quick running in place— GO ! Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward, sideward, downAvard and backward — STRETCH! With palms up, arms sideways— STRETCH ! Arm raising upwvird. heels— RAISE ! 1. 2—1. 2. POSITION ! Arms sideways tiing and feet — CLOSE ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! REPLACE ! Repeat to the right. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Head firm and feet— CLOSE ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Head firm and feet— CHANGE ! 1, 2. Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! High knee upward bending, beginning with the left foot — GO ! 1 ! 2 ! 1! 2! etc. Class— HALT! 1! 2! POSITION! 96 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms sideways i'iiiiy and left loot sideways — PLACE! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Cut step sideways— GO ! 1! 2! 1 ! 2 ! etc. Class— HALT ! 1. 2, 3. POSITION ! Arm raising and deep l)i'eatliing — 1, 2 — 1, 2. TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE VII Lesson I. 20 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideways and heels— RAISE ! SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM ! Right hip and left head— FIRM ! CHANGE ! CHANGE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Left arm forward and upward— FLING ! CHANGE ! CHANGE ! 1, 2—1, 2. Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Head— FIR.AI ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Feet astride— JUMP ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Head— FIR:\I ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH I Heels— SINK! POSITION! nips_FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE! LOWER! Lesson II. 20 Minutes. Daily— 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Left— DRESS ! FRONT! Arms upward— BEND! Arms forward— BEND ! IIi])s— FIRM ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms upward, sideward and downward— STRETCH ! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AXD PLANGROUNDS 07 Tlilis— FIK.Al ! Left kmc ii|i\v;ii-(I— BEND : Kiici' hacUwjird— STKKTCIl ! K'licc ii|i\vart! — UKXDI Voot (lownwai-d — l^LACM! lu'lM'.-il Willi the ri-lit foot. i'OSI'IMOX ! Feet— CLOSE! Left foot forward— I'LACE ! Tniid< I'orward — HEXD! Afiu tlitiuitii;' forward, iijiwai'd (1) forward, downward (2) 1, 2 — 1, 2. Tiunk— RALSE ! Foot— REPLACE ! K'epeat with tile i-iuiit foot. I'OSrTTOX ! Hips— FIR:\r ! Ilioh knee upward bending— GO ! 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. Class— HALT ! 1 ! 2 ! POSITIOX ! Head tit 111 and feet sideways — JUMP! Trunk lifl and to the left— BEXD! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the ri-lit— BEXD ! RAISE! Hands and feet quickly, POSITIOX! Hips— FIRM! Astride— Jl'MP 1. 2—1. 2. Class— HALT 1, 2. POSITIOX! Arms sideways raise and — IXHALE ! Lower and — EXIIALP] ! Lesson III. 20 Minutes. Daily— 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE! POSITIOX! Ilip.s— FIR.AI ! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITIOX ! Arms forward— FLIXG! Arms upward— BEND! Sideward— STRETCH ! Anns u]iward— RAISE! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms sideward. upAvard— RAISE ! Left leg forward— RAISE ! Hands and foot POSITIOX! Repeat using right foot. POSITIOX! Arms half sideward— RAISE ! Arm rotation— L 2. etc. POSITIOX! Left foot foi-ward place and neck— FIRM! Trunk lift and to the left— BEXD ! RAISE! Arms and feet— CHANGE! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Astride— jr:\IP! 1.2—1.2. Class— HALT ! 1. 2. .1 POSITIOX. Ai-iiis sidewai'd. upward and heels I'aise as — INHALE! Arms lower as — EXHALE! Lesson IV. 20 Minutes. Daily— 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! One step to the left— MARCH! Right— FACE! One step forward— MARCH ! Feet— CLOSE ! OPEN! Head— firm: .\rms upward— BEXD ! Forward— BEND ! POSITION! 98 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms sideward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat counting 1. 2, etc. POSITION! Arms upward— STRETCH! Left knee upward— BEND! Knee backward— STRETCH! Knee npward— BEND ! Foot downward— PLACE. Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms npward— STRETCH ! Left forward— FALL OUT! i'OSITION! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! POSITION! Head— FIRM! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION! Repeat with the' right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left leg sideward— RAISE ! Cut-step sideways— GO ! 1! 2! 1 ! 2 ! etc. Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3. POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson V. 20 Minutes. Daily— 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Mark time— MARK! Class— HALT ! Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRM! POSITION! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Arms sideways and heels— RAISE ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND! RAISE! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Left arm forward and right arm sideward— STRETCH! Arms— CHANGE ! POSITION ! Hips— Fnni! Left leg sideward— RAISE ! Legs— CHANGE! etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — PLACE! Trunk foi-ward — BEND I Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forw^ard— TWIST! Trunk to the right— TWIST! Forward TWIST! POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Left leg forward RAISE! Forward cut step— GO ! Class- HALT! 1, 2. 3. I>OSITIOX! Arms overhead circle and LXHALE. Lower and EXHALE. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 99 Lesson VI. 20 Minutes. Daily — 6tn Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Ri^lit ;ih.)u1^P\VCE ! Fofwjird W^uv steps— MAR.Cli ! Left about— FACE! Eoi'ward four steps— ]\1AHC II ! Arms upward— BEND ! Arms sideward— STRKT( 'II ! Head— Fimi! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms lialf forward— BEND ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Anns upward— BEND! Left arm sideward— STRETCH ! Count 2. Left arm bend and right arm sideward— STRETCH ! Count 1. Alternating 1. 2—1. 2, etc. Class— HALT ! 1. 2. POSITION. Head— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Knee backward— STRETCH! Knee upward — BEND ! Foot downward — PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION. Arms upward— STRETCH ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Arms- parting 1. 2—1, 2. Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arm tlinging forward, upward — 1 Forward, downward. 2. 1. 2. Trunk— RAISE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Forward cut step as in Lesson V. Hips lirm and Avith a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! Sink and— EXHALE! Lesson VII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! Feet— OPEN ! Arms upward— BEND ! Arms half sideways— BEND ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! AVith a deep breath, head backward — PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward bend and heels — RAISE! Arms upward stretch and knees — BEND! 1. 2 — 1. 2. Class— HALT! 1. 2. POSITION! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms upward— FLING! Arms forward— SINK! FLING! SINK! Trunk— RAISE ! Hips firm and left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Feet— CPIANGE ! To the right— TWIST ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! 100 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Eight— FACE! liands on desks— PLACE ! Jump over seat— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Repeat. Left— FACE ! l^OSITION ! With a deep In-eath, chest— RAI8E ! 8L\K! RAISE! SINK! Lesson VIII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! One stei) t.) the right— MARCH! Left— FACE! One step to the left— :\IARCII ! Right about— FACE I POSITION ! Head firm and left foot sideways — PLACE ! Arms sideways fling and heels— RAISE! Arms bend and heels— SINK! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet — CLOSE! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward, (hiwiiward. and sideward — STRETCH! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! REPLACE! Right leg sideways— RAISE ! REPLACE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Arms parting— 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Feet— CLOSE! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arm flinging forward, upward — 1. Forward, downward — 2. 1, 2 — 1. 2. Trunk— RAISE! P\)()t— REPLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Hip.s— FIRM! High knee ujiward bending— GO! Class— HALT ! 1, 2. POSITION. Cut step sideways. Arm raising sideways and deep I)i'eatliing. 1. 2 — 1, 2 — 1, 2. Lessen IX. 20 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! CHANGE! Hips— FUni ! Right hip and left head— FIRM! CHANGE! CHANGE! Trunk forwar(U P.END! RAISE! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE! Hips— FIRM! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Head to tlu^ left— BEND! RAISE! Head 1o llic ri-ht— JiEND! RAISE! POSITION! Arms upward — BEND! Heels — RAISE! Arms upward stretch nnd knees — BEND! Arms b.nd aud knees— STRETCH ! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYtiROUNDS' 101 Arms sideward — STRETC'TT ! SwiiniiiitiL;' iiiovcincnt Avitli 1hc arms — 1. 2, 'A. POSITION. Trunk forward — BEND! Repeat swimming movement wilh the ai-iiis — 1. 2. 3. Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION ! Arms forward bend and feet— CLOSE ! Trunk ]ift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Astride— JU:\IP ! 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward raise and — INHALE ! Arms Iow(n" and — EXHALE ! Lesson X. 20 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left leg forward— RAISE ! Downward— PLACE ! Arms npward— BEND ! POSITION ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knre upward— BEND! Knee sideways— MOVE ! Knee forward — ]\IOVE ! Foot downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION. Arms forward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE! Trun]\: forward — BEND! Arms sideways— FLING ! (1) Arms forward— (2) 1, 2—1, 2. Class— HALT L 2. Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION! Left arm upward and with palm up, right arm sideways — STRETCH! Arms— CHANGE! 1, 2. Arms— CHANGE ! 1, 2. Both arms sideways— STRETCH ! POSITION! Hips — FIRM! Pleels — RAISE! High knee u]nvard bending, beginning with the left foot— GO ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. Class— HALT ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! POSITION ! Cut step sideways. Arms sideways raising, hand turning and deep breathing. 1, 2 — 1, 2 — 1,2. Lesson XI. 20 Minutes. Daily— 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet astride— JUMP! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! POSITION! Left— DRESS! Right— DRESS ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Left arm sideways and right arm forward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE ! 1. 2. POSITION ! 102 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — Pi^ACE ! Trunk forward — BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Head backward — PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting- 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Head firm and left foot outward— PLACE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST! Trunk to the right— TAVIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Cut step sideways. Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! Lesson XII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right about— FACE ! Two steps forward— :\IARCH ! Left about— FACE ! Two steps forward— MARCH ! Feet— CLOSE ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Heels-SINK! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION! Left foot forward place and hips — FIR]\I ! Head backward — PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Feet— CHANGE! Repeat. POSITION! Heels — RAISE ! Knees — deep — BEND ! Arms upward and sideward — STRETCH! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels-SINK! POSITION! Arms upward— STRETCH ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Foot downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms half forward — BEND ! Arm rotation — 1, 2 — 1, 2. Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Head firm and feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Hands and feet— POSITION ! ITips — FIRM! Left leg sideways — RAISE! Hop four times on the right foot. Feet— change and hop four times on the left foot. Alternate. POSITION ! Arm sideward raising and deep breathing. Lesson XIII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— FACE ! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Left— FACE! Arms forward— BEND ! Arms upward— BEND ! Hips— FIRM! POSITION! Arms sideways raise aiul left foot forward — PLACE! Head to llic left — BEND! RAISE! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE! Han. Is and foot- POSITION! Repeat 1o the right. POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AXU I'L-WOKOINDS 103 Anns forwjii'd hcinl .iiid heels RAISE! Arms sideways llini;' and knees — ]^KXI)! Ai'ins heiid and knees— S'IMvM\^r( 'I I 1 K*e|ieat! Left — FACE! Ili|)s linn and hd't nnl wai'd — EALE Ol'T! Left heel— "RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITIOxX ! Repeal Ic ti-lit. Arms sideways streteli and feet sideways — PLACE! Ti-nnk forward — BP]ND ! RAISE! Trunk forward and arms forward— R.EX I) ! RAISE! IH)SITI()N! Hips— FIRM! Feet astride— J UMP ! Trunk lift and to the left— P.EXD! RAISE ! Repeat to the right. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Hips — FIRM ! Left leg forward — RAISE ! Hop fonr times on the right foot. Feet change, right leg backward raise and hop fonr times on the left. Alternate. POSITION! Arms forward slowly raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson XIV. 20 Minutes. Daily— 14th V/eek. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— RAISE ! SINK! Right foot for- ward— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! Feet— CLOSE ! OPEN! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! 1, 2—1, 2. Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Left arm upward and right arm sideward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE ! Arms downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2—1, 2. POSITION ! Hips — FIR^I ! Alternate knee upward bending, beginning with the left foot — 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! etc. POSITION ! Head- FIRM! Left forward— FALL OUT! Foot— REPLACE ! Right forward— FALL OUT ! Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION ! Arms half sideways— RAISE ! Arm rotation— 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left leg sideward — RAISE ! Hop on the right eight times; feet change and hop eight times on the left. POSITION ! Hips — FIRM! Deep breathing, slow count, 1, 2 — 1. 2. Lesson XV. 20 Minutes. Daily— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK ! Left— FACE ! Rioht— FACE! Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRiM ! Arms sideward, upward- RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot outward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! To the left and right alternately ! POSITION ! Head firm and feet sideways — JUMP! With a deep breath, In^ad backward — PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, eouiding L 2, etc. Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! 1U4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Left anil upward and right arm sideward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE I CHANGE! CHANGE! Arms upward— STRETCH ! etc. POSITION! Arms sideward — STRETCH! Left knee upward — BEND! Knee backward — STRETCH! BEND! STRETCH! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left forward— FALL 01 ^T! POSITION! 1,2—1,2. Right forward— FALL OUT ! 1, 2—1, 2. POSITION ! Cut step forward. Head— FIRM! AVith a deep l)reath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION I Lesson XVI. 20 Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Head firm and feet sideways— JUMP ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! POSITION! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Toes— RAISE! SINK! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot outward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! 1. 2—1. 2. POSITION ! Arms forward, backward, sideward and upward — STRETCH! Left arm upward and right arm forward— STRETCH ! 2. 1, 2. Arms sideward— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! 1. 2— 1, 2—1, 2. POSITION ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Cut step foFAvard. Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! Lesson XVII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK! Feet— CLOSE! Arms forAvard and upward— FLING ! LOWER! Feet— OPEN! Head— FIR.AI ! Right head and left hip— FIR:\I ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Head— FIRI\I ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Trunk to the riglit— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION! Arms sideward, upward, downward and Inu'kward — STRETCH! Hips— FiRxM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Hips_FIRM! Left backward— FALL OUT! POSITION! Right backward— FALL OUT! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 105 Arms sideways strdcli and fVct sideways— I'LACE ! Head to ilic lift— BEND! KAISE! Head t.. the ri-ht— BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Hips— FIR:\I! Left leo- sideward— RAISK ! Hop I.mi times on the right foot. Feet chanoe and liop ten times on the left foot. Altei'iiate twice. POSITION ! Deep breathing and arms sideward raising. Lesson XVIII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideways and heels— RAISE! SINK! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE ! OPEN! Left knee upward— BEND ! SINK! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Hips firm and left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND I Knees— STRETCH ! H:eels— SINK! Foot— REPLACE ! Hips— FIRJ\I ! Head backward- PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting- 1, 2, etc. Head— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting- 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Left arm sideways and right arm downward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE ! CHANGE! Arms upward— STRETCH! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Alternate high knee upward bending— 1, 2—1, 2. POSITION I Class— HALT ! 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Left backward— FALL OUT! POSITION! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Hips— FIR:\I ! Cut step forward. Arms upward hend and — INHALE! Slow arm extension — sideways 1, 2. EXHALE ! Lesson XIX. 20 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot sideward— RAISE ! POSITION! Arms forward, upward— FLING ! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN! Toes— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION! Arms sideways raise and left foot outward— PLACE ! REPLACE! POSITION! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Heels — RAISE! Arms upward, sideward. downwai-d and backward — STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms and left leg sideward— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! Feet— CHANGE! RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK' POSITION! 106 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Arms sidi'wai'd— STRETCH! Feet sideward— PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND! Arms forward— BENU ! FEIXG! BEND! FLINC ! Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! 1 1 eels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND! Kuees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Jump in place— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Arms sideward raising and deep breathing. Lesson XX. 20 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Toes— RAISE! SINK! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE! Head to the right— BEND ! RAISE! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! D^ep- BEND ! Alternate head — rotation 1, 2, 8, 4, etc. Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRM! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Left arm upward right arm sideward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE ! Arms downward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideward— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! Feet— CHANGE! 1.2. RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! POSITION ! 1, 2— 1, 2—1, 2—1, 2, etc. Right forward— FALL OUT ! POSITION ! etc. Cut step sideward. Hips firm and with a deep breatli, clu^st- RAISE ! SINK! TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE VIII. Lesson I. 20 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST ! ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Head firm and feet astride— JUIMP ! I^OSITION ! Arms sideways stretch and i'oei astride — JUMP! 'i'runk forward — -BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Arms forward l^END! Sideward— FLING ! BEND! FL1.\(;! POSITION! Head— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND! Forward— STRET(TI ! BEND! STRETCH! Foot— REPLACE ! Repeat willi the right I'oot. POSITION! Arms half sideways — BEND! 'I'runk forward — BP]ND ! Ai-m rotation — 1! 2! 1 ! 2! etc. Tnndv- RAISE! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 107 Hips— FTR:\r: Tvuuk to the left— TWTST! Forward— TWIST ! Tniiik to tlh' ri-lil— TWIST! Forward— TWIST 1 I'OSITTON! Hips— FIR:\r ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Cut step sideward, in this rhythm, 1, 2, 1, 2 — GO ! Class- HALT ! 1, 2, 3. POSITION ! Hips firm and with a deep breath, chest — RAISE! SINK! Lesson II. 20 Minutes. Daily — 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PL ACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Arms— RAISE ! SINK ! Heels— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Head— FIR:\I ! Trunk to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Trunk to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION! Arms sideward, u})ward, backward and downward — STRETCH! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward- BEND ! Knee sideways— :M0VE ! Forward— :\IOVE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Head— FIRM! Left foot baekward—FALL OUT! Foot— REPLACE ! Right backward— FALL OUT I POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Left leg forward— RAISE ! Forward cut step— GO ! 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. Class— HALT ! 1,2,3. POSITION! Arms sideward raise and — INHALE ! Arms sink and — EXHALE ! Lesson III. 20 Minutes. Daily— 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right hip and left neck— FIRM ! CHANGE! POSI- TION! Right— FACE! Left— FACE ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! POSITION ! Right backward— FALL OUT ! POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot forward— FALL OUT ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND! Knee.s— STRETCH ! Heels- SINK! POSITION! Repeat to the right. POSITION I Left arm upward and right arm downward— STRETCH! Arms— CHANGE ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms half sideward— BEND ! Left leg sideward— RAISE ! Foot doAvnward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot outward— FALL OUT ! Feet change— 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Arms upAvard stretch and feet sideward — PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Truidc lift and to the right— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! 108 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIR:\r ! Left leg sideways— RAISE ! Hop on the right foot— 1 ! 2 ! Change and liop on the left— 1 ! 2 ! Alternating. POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and a deep breath- 1 1 Arms lower and exhale — 2! Lesson IV. 20 Minutes. Daily— 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Right about- FACE ! Left about— FACE ! Toes— RAISE ! SINK ! Hips— FIR:\I ! Trunk forAvard— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Arms upAvard streteh and feet sideways — PLACE! Trunk forward — REND I RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Left arm sideward and right arm upward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE I 1 ! 2 ! Both arms upward and sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms and left leg sideward — RAISE ! Arms and legs lower and — CHANGE I POSITION ! Trunk forward — BEND I Arms forward — RAISE ! Turning palms up — arms sideways— FLING ! Forward— FLING ! 1,2—1.2—1.2. Trunk— RAISE ! Palms— FACE ! POSITION ! Arms sideward streteh and left foot outward — PLACE ! Trunk to the left — BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Feet— CHANGE ! Trunk to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet astride— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE ! Spring jump, ready— GO ! 1, 2. 1. 2, etc. Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3. POSITION ! Arms circle overhead and inhale^l ! Lower and exhale — 2! Lesson V. 20 Minutes. Daily — 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms— RAISE ! SINK! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Feet close and arms upward — FLING ! Feet open and arms— SINK! Left leg backward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE I Right leg sideward— RAISE ! SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideways raise and feet astride — JU^IP ! Heels — RAISE ! Knees— deep— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Left arm upward and right arm backward— STRETCH! Arms— CHANGE! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! etc. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Knee sideward— MOVE ! Forward— MOVE ! 1.2—1,2—1,2-1,2. POSITION. Repeat witli the right. IM^STTION! Head firm and feet- CLOSE ! Left backward— FALL OUT! Foot— REPLACE ! 1, 2—1, 2. etc. Repeat with the right. POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 109 Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath head backward— Pl'LL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, eouutin- 1. 2. etc. POSITION! Cut step sid(>ward. (See Lesson 1.) Hips— FIR:\[ ! Deep breathing slowly— 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Lesson VI. 20 Minutes. Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— RAISE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— RAISE! Foot— REPLACE ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Left— FACE! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Right— FACE! Hips— FIRM ! Head to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! To the right— BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Hands on desks — PLACE ! Feet backward, toes touching floor — PLACE ! Arms— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Arms sideward and left leg forward— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Repeat right. POSITION! Arms forward and upward — FLING! Sh)wly, half sideways — BEND! Arm rotation— 1 ! 2 ! POSITION ! Hips firm and left foot outward— PLACE ! Triudc lift and to tlie left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! POSITION ! Spring jump. (See Lesson IV.) Arms sideways raise, lieeln raise, inhale — slowly — 1 ! Arms and heels sink as slowly exhale — 2 ! Lesson VII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! Arms forward— BEND ! Sideward— FLING ! Toes— RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE ! Anus forward and ui)ward raise as trunk to the left— TWIST I Arms sideward and downward sinic as trunk fcu'ward — TWIST! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Heels — RAISE! Knees deep — BP^ND ! Ai'ms upward and sideward — STRETCH! 1, 2. :i -t— 1, 2. :J, 4. Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK! IIip.s_FIRM! Left leg backward— RAISE ! Foot— REPLACE ! 1, 2—1, 2—1, 2—1, 2. Repeat with the right. POSITION! Ilips—FIRM ! Left forward— FALL OUT ! POSITION ! 1, 2—1, 2—1. 2—1, 2. Right forward— FALL OUT! POSITION! 1, 2—1, 2—1, 2—1, 2. POSITION ! 110 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIR]\I ! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Trnnk lift and to the right— BEND ! RAISE ! Hands and feet, quickly- POSITION ! Spring- jump. (See Lesson IV.) Arms sideways raise and— INHALE ! Arms sink and — EXHALE ! Lesson VIII. 20 Minutes. Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Head— FIRM ! Hips— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! Feet— CLOSE ! Heels— RAISE ! Left foot forward— RAISE ! Sink ! Right foot backward— RAISE ! POSITION ! Arms upward bend and left foot sideways — PLACE ! AVith palms up, arms sideward stretch and heels — RAISE ! Arms upward raise and knees — BEND ! Arms sink and knees— STRETCH ! Arms bend and heels— SINK ! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms forward — BEND ! Deep breathing and slow arm flinging sideways — FLING! BEND ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Hands— TURN ! Arms half sideAvays— BEND ! Sideways— FLING ! BEND ! POSITION ! Arms half sideways— BEND ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND ! Deep— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Trunk slightly forward— BEND ! Arms forward upward — FLING ! Arms forward downward — FLING ! 1, 2—1, 2. Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and foot— POSITION ! Repeat to right. Forward cut step. (See Lesson II.) Arms sideward to overhead circle raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson IX. 20 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE! Right about— FACE ! Left about— FACE ! Toes raise and hips— FIRM! POSITION! Arms quickly, half sideways— BEND ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet astride— JUMP ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE ! Trunk and arms foi-ward— BEND ! Arms sideward— FLING ! BEND! FLING! Trunk raise and hips— FIRM! Trunk lift and to tlie right, etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Half forward— BEND ! Arm rotation— 1! 2! 1! 2! etc. Head— FIR]\r ! POSITION ! — FOR SCHOOLS AXD PLAYGROUNDS 111 Arms forward upward- FLLXi; 1 Lc-l'l Ic- I'orwai-d- Ix' A ISK ! Ivnee— l^ENDI Knee— STKETCin Foot— REPLACE ! Repeal with llic ri-ht. POSTTTON ! Anns forwai'd and upward Hiiio,- and left foot haekward — FALLOUT! POSITION! L 2— L 2. Repeat ri-lit. POSITION! Left hip tirni. riuht arm forward, upward fling and left foot forward — JMjACE ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE! POSITION! Repeat all right. POSITION! Cut step sideward. (See Lesson I.) Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK! POSITION! Lesson X. 20 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Arms sideways raise and left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING ! POSITION ! Hips firm and heeLs — RAISE ! Quick running in place — GO ! Class— HALT! 1.2,3,4. POSITION! Arms forward — BEND ! Deep breathing and slow arm flinging sideways — FLING! BEND! 1,2—1,2. POSITION! Arms sideways and upward, twice in each direction — STRETCH ! 1, 2—1, 2—1, 2—1. 2. POSITION ! Arms upward— STRETCH! Feet— CLOSE ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Knee forward— STRETCH ! Upward— BEND ! Backward- S TRETCII ! Upward— BEND ! POSITION ! Repeat with right foot. Arms half sideways — BEND ! Arm rotation — 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! etc. POSITION ! Forward cut step. (See Lesson II.) Hips firm and feet close, wnth a deep breath, chest— RAISE ! SINK ! RAISE ! SINK ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Lesson XI. 20 Minutes. Daily— 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Feet— CLOSE ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! Ti-unk- RAISE ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! Hips firm and heels — RAISE! Quick' running in place — GO! Class— HALT! 1. 2. 3. 4. POSITION! Arms half sideways — BEND! Slow arm extension H])wai-d and with a deep breath, head backAvard— PULL ! 1, 2, etc. POSITION! 112 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Anus iii)\vai-d l.ciul ;iih1 fVet— CLOSE ! Anns iii)\vard— STRETCH ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Rjuht heel— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Quickly— POSITION! Repeat to llie I'iulit. Hips tinii and lieels — RAISE! High Icnee upward bciidiiiy, l)e