}3H«4w^v^Mw' fl i B r B 1 1 ■ I BBMBmBBflH ? BaliBilll^ilBiiliiH HBHB^B BH B^^HBIH H B ■ B EH I ■c'< r-' HHm 1 r ■I BB ■ 1 R WA HBh ^B ■9HUEB0HH ■ i,\\ 9 K 9 rk ; ; i» BB f« 1-1 ■ B| rife ■H ■ilfc tff * 1 1 ■ *>■ * -*,Kfc\?4*V -30 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received .. K&ff , rSSJTT Accessions No. 2-7'J~& Shell . 30—38, whole of v. 39, part of v. 40. Fol. 34. Fr. of C. xiv. v. 41 — 18, whole of ft 49 and 50, part of v. 51. Fol. 34 6. Fr. of C. xiv. v. 53—62, whole of v. 63, part of v. 64. Fol. 35. Fr. of C. xiv. v. 65 — 72 (the last verse nearly whole) ; C. xv. e. 1, nearly whole. Fol. 35 b. Fr. of C. xv. v. 2—15. FoL 36. Fr. of 0. xv. v. 16—25 (verse 20 is nearly whole) ; v. 26—28 whole ; part of v. 29. Fol. 36 6. Fr. of C. xv. v. 30—32 ; whole of v. 33 ; fr. of v. 34 and 35 ; verses 36 — 39 nearly whole ; beginning of v. 40. Fol. 37. Fr. of C. xv. v. 40— xvi. 2. Fol. 37 6. Fr. of C. xvi. v. 2—11. Fol. 38. Fr. of C. xvi. ». 12—20. Fol. 26. Fragments of C. vii. ». 22—2' . . ssa . ofer . . . f;as yfelu . . . e man besmita(j ; . f>a endas tiri 1 sid6ni . . . he nolde f hit senig . hit benil)?an ; Sona . . rde . J>sere dohtor hsef o ineode 3 to his fotu e •£ wif wses hsef>en . . r. es J bsed hine -js he J>one er adrife . Da ssede . . FoL 26 6. Fr. of C. vii. v. 33—37. Fol. 27. Fr. of C. viii. v. 6—12. Fol. 27 b. Fr. C. viii. v. 19—24. Fol. 28. Fr. of C. ix. v. 32—37. Fol. 2S 6. Fr. of C. ix. v. 42^-47. Fol. 29. Fr. of C. x. v. 2—11. Fol. 29 6 Fr. of 0. x. v. 15—21. Fol. 30. Fr. of C. x. v. 25—30. Fol. 306. Fr. of C. x. v. 34 — 40. Fol. 31. Fr. of C. x. v. 44—51. Fol. 31 6. Fr. of C. xi. v. 2—9. Fol. 32. Fr. of C. xi. v. 33— C. xii. v. 7 1 Beda, Eccl. Hist. lib. v. cap. xviii. X Owing to the very fragmentary character of these passages, and its very close agreement with the text, the various readings recorded from it in the first column (where it is denoted by the letter C.) are very few. By an oversight, none were recorded before the beginning of Chapter XII. Before this point the various read- ings are only these, viz. P. 60. viii. 6 hig [for last hi]. — P. 62. viii. 20. seofan. 21. om. ge. 22. anne. — P. 72. ix. 33. smeada. — P. 76. x. 2. fandiende. 5. heardnysse. 6. wsepned 1 wimman.— P. 78. 18. hi [for hwi]. — P. 80. 27. hig. 29. us [for hus]. 30. ecce. — P. 86. xi. 6. hig (twice). Compare the table of Errata at the end of this volume. V. The Hatton MS. — This MS., formerly marked Hatton 65, is now marked Hatton 38; it is now in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford, and is described by Wan- ley, p. 76. It is a neat volume, the leaves of which measure 9^ by 6 inches, containing the four gospels, written in an exceeding uniform, upright, and clear hand, but of rather a late date, about the time of Henry II. The Gospels are arranged in the following order : — Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John. It is interesting as shewing how the language began to lose strength in its inflectional forms, as is at once apparent by comparing it with the older text here printed beside it. The rubrics occurring in it are printed in the right-hand margin. It formerly belonged to the Rev. John Parker, son to Archbishop Parker, whose name — Johes parker — is written on the back of a fly-leaf. One leaf having been lost, 5- the missing portion (Luke xvi.) was "restored" by Mr Parker. VI. The Royal MS. This MS. is now in the Royal Library at the British Museum, where its class-mark is Bibl. Reg. 1 A. xiv. It is described by Wanley, p. 181. It is somewhat older than the Hatton MS., and was probably written in the time of Stephen. It contains 175 leaves, each measuring about 8^ by 5f inches. Leaves 3 — 173 are occupied by the Gospels, and contain about 25 lines on a page. The leaves at the beginning and end seem to have formed part of a Latin missal. The handwriting is in singular contrast to that of the Hatton MS., being bold, hasty, and rough. It may seem fanciful, but it gives the impression of having been written in troublous times, when the object was rather to have a copy for ready use than to spend time in elaborating it. The general agreement of it with the Hatton MS. is very close, excepting that it preserves more archaic forms ; and it contains nearly the same rubrics in the same places. It appears by collation that the Hatton MS. was actually copied from it by a scribe who had plenty of leisure. All doubt on the subject is removed by observing that the last seven verses of St Mark's Gospel, omitted by the scribe of the Royal MS., are sup- plied in it by the scribe of the Hatton MS. in his usual neat hand and with his peculiar spelling. This interesting fact seems never to have been hitherto observed. It proves, moreover, that the scribe of the Hatton MS. had access to some other MS. besides the Royal. The Gospels are in the order — Mark, Matthew, Luke, and XI John. Wanley says that it formerly belonged to the Abbey of St Augustine's, Canterbury, and was afterwards in the possession of Archbishop Cranmer, whose name — Thomas Cantuarien: — is on the first page. This would seem to connect it with Canterbury as its locality. VII. The Lindisfarne MS. This MS. is also known as the Durham Book ; it is now one of the Cotton MSS. in the British Museum, its class-mark being Nero D. 4. This fine MS., one of the chief treasures in our national collection, has been frequently described at great length ; see Wanley' s Catalogue, p. 250, and especially the descriptions in Professor Westwood's " Palseographia Sacra Pictoria" and "Facsimiles of Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS.;" also the Prolegomena to Part IV. of the " Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels," edited for the Surtees Society by Stevenson and Waring. It consists of 258 leaves of thick vellum, each measuring 13^ inches by 9^, and contains the four Gospels in Latin, written ' in double columns, with an interlinear Northumbrian gloss ; together with St Jerome's Epistle to Pope Damasus, the Eusebian Canons, two prefaces, short notices of the four Evangelists, arguments of the sections into which the Gospels are divided, and tables of lessons to be read on Sundays, festivals, &C 1 The Latin text was written in the island of Lindisfarne by Eadfrith, who was bishop of Lindisfarne a.d. 698 — 721 ; so that if he wrote it before his election we must date it before 698. "We cannot be far wrong in dating it, in round numbers, about a.d. 700. The interlinear gloss is two and a half centuries later, having been made by Aldred, a priest, about a.d. 950, at a time when the MS. was probably kept at Chester-le-Street, near Durham, whither it had been removed for fear of the Danes. The stains made upon the edges of the leaves by sea-water, probably during its transit from Lindisfarne to the mainland, are still plainly visible. The Durham Ritual, edited for the Surtees Society by Mr Stevenson in 1840, is glossed by the same hand". An entry at the end of St John's Gospel gives the names of Eadfrith the writer, and Aldred the glossator, as well as of iEthilwald and Bilfrith, who were employed upon the cover of it. ^Ethilwald succeeded Eadfrith in the see of Lindisfarne, a.d. 721, and died about the year 737. Another and much shorter entry occurs at the bottom of leaf 88, at the back, and is printed in this volume, p. 1 ; see also the Critical Notes. Immediately above this note is written " Incipiunt capitulae (sic) secundum marcum," and on the next leaf is a short life of St Mark headed " Incipit argumentum." Next, on leaf 90, "Incipiunt capitula lec- tionum ; " and, at the bottom of leaf 92, a very imperfect list of days when the lessons are to be read. All this preliminary matter to St Mark's Gospel is here 1 See Kemble's edition of the Gospel of St Matthew, dum Mattheum, p. 21. The table of lessons from St Mat- which contains — Prologus decern Canonum, p. 1 ; Canones, thew is omitted by Kemble. p. 4 ; Praefatio ejusdem (i.e. Hieronymi), p. 7 ; Prsefatio a See Wright's Biographia Britannica (Anglo-Saxon Pe- Busebii, p. 10 ; Argumentum Matthei, p. 12 ; Capitula Lee- riod), p. 426. tionum secundum Mattheum, p. 13 ; and BTangelium Secun- &2 xn printed, pp. 1 — 5. The Latin text of the Gospel, with the Northern-English gloss, occupies the upper part of the right-hand pages, beginning at p. 9. VIII. The Rushworth MS. This MS. is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and is marked Auct. D. ii. 19 l . It now consists of 169 leaves of thick vellum, measuring 14 by 10| inches, but is incomplete. It is described by Wanley, p. 81; by Professor Westwood in his " Palseographia Sacra Pictoria," and his " Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manu- scripts ;" by Mr Waring, in his Prolegomena to St John's Gospel, p. xlvii ; and others. The Gospel of St Luke is incomplete, and there are no prefaces, argu- ments or tables, as in the Lindisfarne MS. In other points, however, it strongly resembles it, excepting that the Latin text is written all across the page, instead of in double columns. The Latin was written by a scribe who gives his name, at the end, as Macregol and Macreguil, but the date is uncertain. Wanley sup- poses it to have once belonged to Beda, who died a.d. 735 ; whilst, on the other hand, the Irish Annals of the year 820 record the death of a scribe named Mac Biagoil. We may, perhaps, refer it to the eighth century. The gloss is by two hands, those of Farman and Owun, whose names are given at the end of St John's Gospel ; and Farman is described as a priest of Harewood, which is in the West Riding of Yorkshire, on the river Wharfe. The portion written by the former ends at the word hleonadun in v. 15 of the second chapter of St Mark, as the reader may perceive by turning to p. 19, and observing that the thorn-letter (p) seldom again occurs after that verse, except when used with a stroke through it, to denote the word "fset*." In v. 13 it occurs in pa preat, in v. 14 in mi%\y, and cwep, and in v. 15 in mi'&py, for the last time. The gloss may be referred to the latter half of the tenth century. Nothing more is known of the history of the MS. till we find it in the hands of John Rushworth, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister, and deputy- clerk to the House of Commons during the Long Parliament ; by whom it was presented to the Bodleian Library. The Latin text of the Rushworth MS. differs but slightly from that of the Lindisfarne MS., and hence it is omitted here, as in Kemble's edition of St Mat- thew ; but I have thought it advisable to give, in the Appendix, every variation of spelling and of readings which it presents, as compared with the text of the Durham Book. The Northern-English (Yorkshire) gloss is given at the bottom of the right-hand pages, beginning at p. 9. Hitherto, it hardly seems to have been pointed out with sufficient distinctness that the Rushworth gloss is really derived from the Lindisfarne gloss in a very direct manner. I have no doubt that Farman and Owun actually consulted the identical Lindisfarne MS. which we now possess, to 1 The number 3946, assigned to it in note 3 on p. iv, is * A rude figure, apparently of a flying lion, is drawn its number in the Old General Catalogue of MSS., printed in the margin of the MS. to mark where the handwriting at Oxford in 1697. changes. Xlll assist them in glossing their own text, which occasionally differs, be it remembered, from the Latin Lindisfarne text. Hence it is that even the marginal notes of the one are reproduced in the other. In i. 6, we find a note on wudu hunig (wood- honey), viz. -p waxes on wudu binde; this is reproduced in the Rush worth gloss in the form — -f wcexep on wude bendum. In v. 9, legio (legion) is explained in the Lindisfarne MS. — \jSusend] 1 1 xii *&usend -p is legio [Sis] 1 wees diowla legio. This is exactly reproduced in the margin also of the Rushworth MS. One more example may suffice. It so happens that, in the Lindisfarne gloss, wherein capital letters are very rare indeed, the word Ne is written with a capital in xiii. 31. Precisely the same phenomenon occurs in the Rushworth gloss, only that the Ne is shifted into the preceding verse owing to confusion of transibit with transibunt. This is more than coincidence ; it is proof. It is clear that Farman and Owun had the pages of the Lindisfarne MS. open before them whilst engaged in writing their own glosses. At the same time they exercised an independent judgment. At times they took leave to alter, or to omit a gloss as doubtful. In the case of double glosses they generally took the first. Thus, at p. Ill, xiv. 4, the Lindisfarne gloss for est is woes vel is; the Rushworth gloss is wees simply. In xiv. 12, the gloss to immolant is ascegcas vel ageafa?8 in L., but ascegas only in R. Sometimes, both glosses are copied, in the order in which they occur. Thus, in xiv. 4, we find hia bulgon vel unwyr*&e scegdon in the former, and hia bulgun vel unwyr*Sne scegdun in the latter. The fact of the Rushworth gloss being, to a considerable extent, a mere copy of the older one, does not seem hitherto to have been fully perceived; but it is a great help towards the right understanding of the later gloss, and sometimes even throws light upon the earlier one. It is not going far enough to say, as Mr Waring rightly says, that " both glossists drew from a common original ; " we can go still further, because we know what this original was. In some cases, for example, the Rushworth gloss remains a mere riddle till the Latin of the Lindisfarne MS. has been consulted. I would particularly draw at- tention to such instances as the following. In iv. 36, the Rushworth MS. has ita ut erat, i. e. as he was ; but erat is actually glossed by hice werun, i. e. they were. This singular mistranslation is, however, at once accounted for when we observe that the Lindisfarne MS. has erant, with the gloss hia weron. Once more, in vi. 14, the Rushworth MS. has et propterea operantur virtutes [in] illo, where operantur is glossed by un-woene sint, i. e. are unexpected ; the simple clue to which is that the Lindisfarne MS. has not operantur at all, but inopinantur, by which the gloss there given, viz. un-woen sint, was evidently suggested. The result may be briefly ex- pressed by saying that, whereas the gloss in the Lindisfarne MS. depends upon the Latin text of that MS. only, the gloss in the Rushworth MS. depends upon the Latin texts in both. 1 The words %wend and Si* are supplied from conjecture ; they have been cut away by the binder of the volume. XIV Description of the Printed Editions. I. The earliest edition of the Saxon Gospels is that printed by John Day in 1571, at the suggestion of Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, with a dedi- cation to Queen Elizabeth by John Foxe, the martyrologist, who probably had a considerable share in the work. For the purpose of ascertaining the exact critical value of the various editions, it will be convenient to analyse Chapter xi. of St Mark's Gospel in them all, as it is a short one, and occurs in the middle of the text. Parker's edition is, no doubt, as Mr Thorpe says, closely copied from the Bodley MS. The chief variations from the MS. are these. (a) The editor ignores the accents. These occur, in the MS., in the words bethania, inc 1 , dledon, osannd, com, dne, ete, Idreow, see, ge, agen, us. (b) He prefers S as a final letter, printing cwce'S for eweep, ttvynaft for twynap, and the like ; also gewut'Se for gewurpe. (c) He prefers y to i, printing hym, hyne, sy, nys, &c, where the MS. has him, hine, si, nis. (d) He puts capital letters to proper names, according to the usual custom ; and expands all the contractions. (e) The following seem to be misprints, viz. Asson for assan, v. 2 ; Hcelend for hcelende, v. 7; twelfe for twelf, v. 11 ; pcere for pcera, v. 18; Fulluhte for fidluht, v. 30. (/) The following are corrections. He inserts ge after gelyfde in v. 31 ; he prints hcefdon for the incorrect MS. reading cefdon in v. 32 ; and in v. 33, alters pincg into ping. The final eg, however, occurs sufficiently often in the Bodley and Cotton MSS., and might have been retained. The corrections shew that some other MS. was occasionally consulted, and the fact that the rubrics are inserted throughout tells us which, viz. the Cambridge one. The edition may therefore be regarded as a tolerably correct print of MS. Bodley 441, with a few corrections from the Cambridge MS. The occasional mis- prints render it not quite trustworthy, but it often affords a probable clue to the peculiarities of the MS. which it follows. Thus, in the last word but one in the Gospel, we find in this edition the extraordinary form fyligendend in place of fyligen- dum. This is the actual reading, but the page on which it occurs is spurious ; by which I merely mean, that it is copied out in a modern hand. The edition is printed in the (so-called) Saxon characters. II. An edition of the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns was printed by Junius and Marshall in 1665. 1 In the first two words the stroke over the i is not, however, a true accent, but only used to distinguish ni or in from m. XV This edition deserves a good deal of attention, and is executed with more critical ability than Mr Thorpe, in the preface to his own edition, seems to imply. It would have been still better had it been founded upon one of the MSS. them-,, selves, but the real basis of it is Parker's edition. Marshall's Observations on the ! , : Anglo-Saxon version, pp. 487 — 565, contain, as Wanley remarks, many things worthy of note. At p. 490, we read that Junius, taking Parker's edition in hand, collated it with the Bodley, Cambridge, and Corpus MSS., and gave the collations to Marshall for him to make use of as he thought fit. The Hatton MS. and the Rushworth gloss were also consulted. By help of these materials, Marshall corrected a large number of readings in Parker's edition, retaining those that seemed to be sufficiently correct. Turning to Chapter xi, we find that he has eliminated all the misprints noticed above in section (e), and gives the correct readings assan, hcelende, twelf, pcera, sacerdas, and fulluht. In the following instances he adopts readings from the Cambridge MS. viz. in ongean for ongen, v. 2; hig for hi, v. 4; tempel for tempi, v. 11 ; mynetera for mynetra, v. 15 ; sacerdas for sacerdos, v. 27 ; and in the addition of the words jfe on heofonum 1 ys at the end of v. 26. In v. 33, he restores 'Sincg as the reading of the Bodley MS., though it is really written pincg. In v. 8, he corrects boceras to bogas, a correction suggested by the Hatton MS. Throughout he adopted the general rule of never giving any reading which may not be found in one or other of the MSS. ; the only drawback being that he does not always say which of the MSS. contains the reading given. It is clear, however, that the Cambridge MS. was the one first consulted ; then the Corpus, Hatton, and Rushworth MSS., in this order. In other respects he follows Parker's peculiarities, in (a) ignoring the accents ; (b) the frequent use of 8 as a final letter ; (c) the frequent use of y for i ; (d) the use of capital letters in proper names, and the expansion of contractions. He also introduces capitals frequently at the beginning of verses, but these occur in the MSS. The volume contains also the Mceso-Gothic version ; some notes on the differences between the readings of the Anglo-Saxon and Vulgate versions, p. 495 ; some notes on the rubrics, and the Anglo-Saxon words occurring in them, p. 508 ; some particular readings from the Bodley, Cambridge, Corpus, and Hatton MSS., which are denoted by the letters 0., C, B. and H. respectively 2 , p. 538 ; and notes upon passages in which the A. S. version seems to be corrupt or badly translated, p. 555 ; the whole displaying a good deal of care and painstaking. III. An edition of A. S. Gospels was printed in 12mo. at London by Mr Thorpe in 1842, with the title — "Da halgan godspel on Englisc." This edition is said to be based upon the Cambridge MS., with occasional read- ings from the Corpus MS. The Bodley and Cotton MSS. were also consulted. 1 MS. A. heofenum. 2 " O. denotat codiceiu Oxoniensem ; C. Cantdbrigiensem ; B. Benedictinum ; et H. Hattonianum," p. 538. XVI The short preface is very misleading; the estimates there given of the editions of Parker and Marshall cannot be allowed to be correct. Thus, of Parker's edition he says that " it may be regarded as a faithful impression of a late manuscript (appa- rently Bodley 441), showing the tongue in its decline, and when rapidly verging towards that state of barbarism into which it sank about the beginning of the twelfth century." To this it may be objected that the Bodley MS. is a duplicate of the Cotton MS., which has some pretensions to being considered the earliest in existence ; that some of the pages of the Bodley MS. are supplied incorrectly in a later hand ; and that Parker's edition is not free from several bad mis- prints. Next we read that " Marshall's edition exhibits an earlier, though, per- haps, not a purer text, which the singularly unfortunate idea of its editor, of supplying the omissions of the Saxon version, sometimes (and not always gram- matically) by his own words, and at others, from the old Northumbrian glosses, has, moreover, greatly contributed to vitiate." It may, however, be held that Marshall's text is not an earlier, but the same text, that it is very much purer owing to the careful way in which Junius made the collations, and that the words supplied where the MSS. are defective are enclosed within square brackets, and create no difficulty. But my chief reason for noticing these points is that Mr Thorpe's text is practically much the same as Marshall's which he condemns. It was clearly printed from a copy of Marshall's edition, in which two sets of alterations had been made. Firstly, the spellings of many unimportant words have been capriciously altered, so that, where Marshall prints his in Ch. xi. v. 1, Thorpe prints hys ; but where Marshall prints hys in v. 14, Thorpe prints his. In like manner, hine hyngrode in v. 12 is put for hyne hingrode, and many other changes of i for y and y for i are made, which it is needless to recount 1 : secondly, several readings are adopted from the Cambridge MS. which Marshall either overlooked or did not regard worthy of attention. Examples are ; getigedne for getiggedne, v. 4 ; heora for hyra, w. 7 and 8 ; heowon for heowun, v. 8 ; streowedon for streowodon, v. 8 ; \oer for the second par in v. 13 ; ongan for ongann, v. 15 ; cypton for ciptun, v. 15 ; ondredon, v. 18 ; mcenigeo, v. 18 ; wyrt-ruman, v. 20 ; wyrigdest, v. 21 ; sig, v. 23 ; tweona'S, v. 23 ; geweorfte, v. 23 ; gebiddanne, v. 25 ; heofenlica, v. 25 ; heofenum, v. 25 (though in v. 26 Marshall's spelling heqfonum is accidentally retained); acsige, v. 29. It is only in this sense that the edition can be considered as based upon the Cambridge MS.; for otherwise the reader who actually compares it with the MS. will find several unimportant differences'. The result of the examination is that Mr Thorpe's edition is really a revised edition of Marshall's, and should have been so described. It is a valuable and useful edition because it is free from mistakes, and because the 1 The MS. itself has hys in both places, w. 1 and 14; heofene twice; not having observed that jthe MS., in the in v. 12, it has hyne hyngrode; in v. 4, getygedne. second instance, has 'heofenum.' 2 Thus, in xi. 30, 31, Thorpe, following Marshall, prints xvn readings can always be defended ; but it is uncritical in the sense that the MS. authorities are not given. IV. Dr Bosworth printed an edition of "The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, in parallel columns with the versions of "Wicliffe and Tyndale" in 8vo. ; London, 1865. In this edition, the text was, for the first time, based upon a better autho- rity, viz. the Corpus MS., and is very valuable as giving the text of that MS. with great exactness. The only variations throughout Chapter xi. are that, in v. 26, the word heofonlica has been accidentally omitted ; that man is put for mann in v. 14 ; that ongann in v. 15 has been replaced by the more usual form ongan ; and that the evident misreading sacerdos in v. 27 has been corrected into sacer- das. The corrections ongen in v. 2 and bogas in v. 8 are supplied between square brackets. The only other differences are those purposely introduced by the editor, viz. the modern system of the use of capitals and of punctuation, a uniform system of accentuation, and a uniform use of the letters p and 8, which are used some- what confusedly in the MS. The system adopted for the use of these letters is carefully explained at p. xxxii. of the editor's preface, and is based upon the modern English sounds of the words employed, p being put for the sharp sound of th in thin, and 3 for the flat sound of th in thine. The practice of the scribe of the MS. is nearly the contrary of this ; yet we find instances in which the letters have these theoretical values in farap, v. 2; Da, vv. 7, 13, 18, 22; Be, v. 9; cwyp, v. 23; forgifap, v. 25 ; and ondrcedap, v. 32. This edition has proved of very great service to me ; indeed, it is the only one of the four which is of value from a critical point of view, as representing a defi- nite text. I have collated it with the MS. throughout the whole gospel, so that, wherever my text varies from it, the variation has the authority of the MS. itself. V. An edition of the Northumbrian glosses in the Lindisfarne MS. was printed in 1857 with the title : — " Die Vier Evangelien in Alt-Northumbrischer Sprache,...herausgegeben von Karl Wilhelm Bouterwek; Giitersloh, 1857." This is a a very useful book, but I believe it to be founded upon a mistake, viz. upon confusion between a gloss and a translation. A gloss, as may be seen by a glance at the right-hand pages of this volume, construes a text word for word, without much regard to the grammatical arrangement of the words of the vernacular tongue thus substituted. Its sole aim is to supply a clue to the meaning of the words of the original separately, that the original itself may be more easily understood. But a translation goes a great deal further ; it is conformed to the grammatical laws of the vernacular tongue, and is intended to replace the original so completely, that the reader may be rendered quite independent of it. Here, however, the editor has endeavoured to treat the gloss as a translation, by transposing the words so as to bring them into the Anglo-Saxon order, and supplying, within square brackets, the words which are wanting to complete the sense. The result c XV111 is not quite satisfactory, because the occasional mistranslations produce passages in which, the Latin text is indispensable, and consequently ought not to have been dispensed with. Besides which, to a reader who wishes to compare the gloss with the text, the transposition of the words is a source of great inconve- nience. It would have been far better to allow the words of the gloss to stand in the same order as in the MS. In other respects, the edition is worthy of high praise, and is, in general, exact and careful. Whenever the editor varies from the MS. (which his scheme sometimes compels him to do), he gives the MS. reading in a note, that it may not be lost. In general, the MS. is very closely followed, but the contractions are sometimes (not always) expanded, and capital letters are given to proper names. The following variations from the MS. occur in Chapter xi., and are, in fact, errors. The readings of the edition are marked B. 1. bethanise is glossed Bethania ; no gloss in MS. B. more ; MS. mor. 2. B. gie in; MS. omits. B. nsenig; MS. ne eenig. 3. B. huse ; MS. hua. 4. B. uta (twice); MS. uta (once). 6. B. hia (both in text and note); MS. Sa Be. 9. B. usig ; MS. wttsig (i. e. wsig, with small u above). 10. B. heahnissum ; MS. heanis- sum. 11. B. omits allum. 12. B. gehyncerde ; MS. gewyncerde (where it is the MS. which is wrong). 14. B. inserts an ] and -p. 15. B. bycendo ; MS. bycgendo. 17. B. awritten ; MS. auritten. B. gebeddes ; MS. gebedd 1 . 18. B. aldermon- num ; MS. aldermonum. 23. B. (note) gelefes ; MS. gelefe. 26. B. iuih ^te i gif; MS. ivkt-f gif. 27. B. seldisto ; MS. jeldesto. 28. B. doest ; MS. does. 29. B. ondeuarde ; MS. onduearde ; (a mere printer's error). B. frsegna; MS. fregna. B. onduerdes ; MS. ondueardas. B. doa ; MS. doam. 30. B. ondueardes ; MS. on- dueardas. 31. B. omits cuoeS him i. B. gesmeadun ; MS. ge-smeadon. 32. B. omits waes. 33. B. nutu; MS. neutu. It deserves to be particularly remarked, that these and similar errors generally occur in the case of small and unimportant words, and some are due to the difficulty of carrying out the system of forcing a gloss into the guise of a translation. Mistakes in the more important words are very rare. It must be added, that the volume contains an excellent glossary, with copious references ; also a preface and introduction, occupying 164 pages. An appendix contains the marginal notes, &c. written in the MS. ; the preface of St Jerome, both text and gloss ; the life of St Matthew, text and gloss ; the arguments of the sections of St Matthew, text and gloss ; the life of St John, text and gloss. All these are from the same MS., but do not exhaust its contents, as it also has lives of St Mark and St Luke, with arguments, and an argument of the sections of St John. See the account of the next edition. 1 This well illustrates the difference between a gloss and gebedd (a prayer), but B. gives the translation gebeddes (of a translation; the Latin orationis is rightly glossed by prayer). XIX VI. The same editor, Herr Bouterwek, printed a volume entitled " Screadunga," i.e. Fragments, at Elberfeld, in 1858. This contains the lives of St Mark and St Luke and the arguments to St Mark's, St Luke's, and St John's gospels, omitted in his former volume. But besides this, the volume contains both the Latin text and gloss, of St Mark's gospel only, from the Rushworth MS. The following is an analysis of Chapter xi. Latin text. 1. B. appropinquarent Ierosolymae et Bethaniae; MS. adpropinquarent hierusolimae & bithaniae. 2. B. illuc; MS. illud. B. soluite; MS. solute (wrongly). 6. B. eis ; MS. illis. 7. B. imponunt ; MS. inpossuerunt. 9. B. praeibant ; MS. praecedebant. B. Hosanna ; MS. ossanna. (So also in v. 10). 11. B. Ierosolymam; MS. hirusolyma. B. exiit ; MS. exiuit. 12. B. a ; MS. de. 15. B. Ierosolymam ; MS. hierusolymam. B. in templum ; MS. templum. B. eiicere ; MS. eicere. B. numulariorum ; MS. nummulariorum. 16. B. quisque ; MS. quisquam. 17. B. speluncam; MS. speloncam. 18. B. doctrina; MS. doctrinam. 20. B. transirent; MS. transierent. 21. B. recordatus; MS. recordatus est. 23. B. quia (twice); MS. quia (once). B. haesitauerit ; MS. essitauerit. B. net; MS. omits. 24. B. euenient; MS. ueniet. 26. B. dimiseritis ; MS. demiseritis. B. dimittet ; MS. dimittat. 27. B. Ierosolymam ; MS. hierusolimam. B. in templo accedunt ; MS. in templum accesserant. 28. B. ista ; MS. haec. 29. B. respondete ; MS. respondite. 30. B. Baptismus Ioannis ; MS. baptismum iohannis. B. respondete ; MS. respondite. 32. B. Ioannem ; MS. iohannem. 33. B. dicunt ; MS. dixerunt. B. et respon- dens ; MS. respondens. Northumbrian gloss. 8. B. legdon ; MS. legdun. 17. B. wutudlice ; MS. wutodlice. 25. B. hwoegn ; MS. hwoegu. 33. B. ne ic ic ; MS. ne ec ic. From this and further examination of the edition it readily appears that the Latin text and Northumbrian gloss are very differently represented in this edition ; the former is faulty, but the latter excellent. In fact, the Latin must really have been derived originally from some other source ; it is quite impossible that inpossuerunt could have been copied imponunt in . v. 7, and praecedebant read as praeibant. It will be found, in fact, that Bouterwek's text is much more free from blunders than the careless text in the MS., and represents the text of the Lindisfarne MS. much more closely than that of the Rushworth MS. In short, this edition of the Latin text is not to be trusted for fidelity. On the other hand, the Northumbrian gloss is represented with great exactitude ; the editor preserves the curls and marks of contraction of the MS., so as to produce almost a facsimile of it. "Whatever errors occur are but slight, and I have found it well worth while to collate my own text with Bouterwek's throughout the entire gospel. My own text is, in fact, the same as his, but with the few errors corrected, and the contractions expanded. VII. Among the publications of the Surtees Society, Nos. 28, 39, 43, and c 2 XX 48, a.d. 1854 — 1865, is an edition of the Lindisfarne and Kushworth Gospels, exhibiting both the Latin texts and English glosses. The first volume was edited by the Rev. J. Stevenson, the last three by Mr G. "Waring. This ela- borate edition, the work of some years, was intended to shew the exact contents of both MSS., with the exception of the short lives of the Evangelists, the prefaces of St Jerome, and the arguments of the sections of the Gospels. It will be sufficient to speak here of the second volume only, containing St Mark's Gospel. The only intentional variations of the edition from the MSS. are in the use of capitals for proper names and the first words in each verse, the use of v for u, of j for i before vowels, of ce for ae, and in the frequent expansions of contractions. Unfortunately, however, either on account of some faults in the original transcript, or of some oversights in comparing the proofsheets with the MSS. themselves, the result is hardly satisfactory. A list of the errors in chapter xi. will shew their nature. Latin text (Lindisfarne MS.). 1. adpropinquaret 1 ; Hierosolymse ; 2. ilium omitted. 4. inveniunt. 5. eis. 11. Hierosolyma. 12. exiret ea. 14. geternam. 24. omnia omitted. 33. et omitted. Northumbrian gloss (Lindisfarne MS). 1. more. 2. Se (gloss to quod) ; ongeaogn ; gie inserted before ineodon ; Sone fola (for f fola) ; naenig ; ftene omitted. 3. huse ; hia unbinde. 6. cuoedon. 7. Sone fola. 8. hiora ; woeg ; gebugon. 9. usig ; heah- nissum. 11. ymbsceawde ; efrntid wees; bethania omitted; 12. bethania omitted; gehyncerde. 13. Seem ilea (twice) ; leafa. 14: Rune for monn omitted (corrected in Addenda) ; jJ inserted after geherdon. 16. fset. 17. awritten ; gebeddes. 18. Seem omitted. 19. wses. 20. -p omitted. 21. wses eftmyndig ; peter omitted. 23. sende ; gelefeS. 24. gie omitted. 28. to inserted ; doest. 29. frsegna ; iuh ; doa. 30. fulwiht; monnum. 31. \ soS him i. 33. 3 omitted; neuto we. Latin text (Rushworth MS.). The Latin text is exhibited by a collation at the foot of the page, but the collation is vitiated by being compared with a faulty text above. Several of the peculiarities of the Rushworth text are passed over; this I denote by the word "missed." The following are misreadings. 1. adpropinquaret. 2. adhuc nemo missed; ilium omitted. 4. inueniunt. 5. eis. 6. illis for first eis missed; praeceperant given as a reading, where MS. has praeci- perat ; dimisierunt missed. 7. impossuerunt given as a reading, where MS. has inpossuerunt. 11. hirusolyma missed. 14. seternum ; ex te fructum missed. 24. omnia omitted. 26. dimittit given, where MS. has dimittat. 28. haec for ista missed. 31. omission of nobis missed. 33. et omitted. Northumbrian gloss (Rushworth MS.). The following are wrong. 2. onfindas. 4. Seem; i inserted. 8. gibedgun (printer's erratum). 9. ge (for se). 10. user; 1 I give only the forms in the Surtees Society's edition ; for the correct forms, see p. 87 in this volume. XXI Davides; hae-h 12. beth. 13. gimette ; ne fand. 14. nsenig. 17. J>te (printers erratum, corrected in Addenda ; so in vv. 23, 28) ; wutudlice. 21. cweSe. cweSo ; gibiddas. 30. \ inserted. 31. soSlice ; hise omitted. 33. wittan. A large number of these errors are of no great moment, and several '.of them appear to be corrections deliberately adopted. I draw attention to them because otherwise the numerous variations between my own text and that of the Surtees Society might appear remarkable. My own plan is to give the uncor- rected readings of the MSS. themselves, from a conviction that in many in- stances students not only prefer to correct them for themselves, but may be better able to correct them than I am. It is by no means my wish to depreciate the value and worth of the enormous labour involved in these publications of the Surtees Society ; and the reader must be cautioned against forming too unfavourable an estimate of them from the numerous printer's errors in the first two or three opening chapters of this Gospel, wherein the letters ]>, w, and p are confused, and n and u not always distinguished. In practice, I have found Mr Waring's volume extremely useful, and have collated it through- out with the Lindisfarne MS. For the Rushworth gloss I have preferred Bou- terwek's edition, as being more uniformly correct. In correcting proofsheets, I have consulted the MSS. themselves only. The present volume no doubt also contains a few errors, but they can hardly be numerous. VIII. The first volume of the present work, viz., the Gospel of St Matthew edited by Mr Kemble, has been already spoken of. It may be as well to add that it does not follow the capitals of the MSS., and that the punctua- tion accords with the modern method. The letters v and j are used before a vowel, where the MS. has u and i, the other usual editorial alterations of this "character are made throughout. The larger sections are not numbered, and the reference-numbers to the subsections in other gospels are omitted. These are, per- haps, but small matters. It is of more importance to note that in the Canons printed on pages 4 — 7, a few of the numbers are misprinted. Thus, in the second column of St Luke in Canon Secundus, lines 18 and 19, the numbers 35 and 36 have been reversed by the printer into 53 and 63. In col. 1, line 26 of St Mark in the same Canon, 141 is printed 41, by the dropping out of 1 ; and in col. 4, 1. 1 of St Mark, 146 is printed 149 by the reversal of the last figure. XX11 Plan of the Present Volume. The present volume begins with the heading " Incipiunt capitulae l secundum Marcum," as in the Lindisfarne MS. ; but this heading really refers to the sec- tions enumerated on p. 2. Next follows the note by the glossator Aldred already alluded to at p. xi. At fol. 89 is a short life of St Mark, headed "Ineipit Argumentum," concerning which see the note at p. 141. The Latin text being corrupt, it can hardly be expected that the gloss should make very good sense. The most curious circumstance here narrated is the tradition that St Mark cut his thumb off, concerning which see a note by Mr J. S. Wood, of St John's College, Cambridge, in the Journal of Philology, vol. ii. p. 87, and pp. vii — xi. of the preface to Tischendorf's edition of the Codex Amiatinus. It is noteworthy that Aldred seems entirely to have misunderstood this, as he glosses amputasse by to tellanne vel to clcensanne (to tell or to cleanse), and pollicem by gehatne (promised). In the latter instance, he was evidently thinking of the Latin pollicitus. The homily numbered XVI. by Wanley (Catalogue, p. 188) in MS. Cotton Julius E. 7, is on the Passion of St Mark, and it is followed by a second homily on the Four Evangelists 2 . In the latter, the notice of St Mark is so short that I here quote it entire, from the copy in MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Ii. 1. 33, p. 220. It is written in a rude sort of rhythm, with not very well-marked alliteration. Se o)?er godspellere Marcus, se wses mid J?am aposde petre ge-togen on lare. and to ge-leafan ge-biged. Petrus wses his god-fseder & hine gode ge-strynde. & he swa lange folgode his fulluht-fseder petre. o'S •$ he ge-sette mid sojmm ge-leafan J?a oSre cristes boc on italia lande. Ne ge-seah he crist on life, ac he leornode swa-J>eah of petres bodunge. hu he Sa boc ge-sette. & petrus hi sceawode. & sealde to rsedenne. « This may be translated as follows : — The second Evangelist Mark, who was by the apostle Peter Instructed in lore, and to belief turned; 1 So in the MS. At p. 2, it is rightly spelt capitula. (now 198), Camb. Univ. Lib. IL 1. 33, and Cotton Vitellius a The two homilies seem to form but one in reality. D. 17. Other copies are found in MSS. Corp. Chr. Coll. Cam. S. 8 XX111 Peter was his godfather, and begat him 4ft the Lord. And he so long followed his baptismal father Peter, Until he instituted with true belief The second Christ's book (gospel) in Italian land. He saw not Christ alive, but he learnt nevertheless From Peter's preaching, how he should make the book ; And Peter considered it, and delivered it for reading. At p. 2 are printed the " Capitula Lectionum," or short summaries of the contents of the various portions of the Gospel read at various times. The whole gospel is divided into 46 such portions, as indicated by the capital Roman numbers in the margins of the right-hand pages. Section XL, for example, is said to contain the parable of the sower. Compare the capital " XI." in the margin at the beginning of chapter iv. p. 27. This is, perhaps, the most convenient place in which to add that the Gospel is further divided into smaller sections, generally known as the "Ammonian sections 1 ," which correspond to sections in the other gospels, according to the tables printed in Mr Kemble's edition of St Matthew, already mentioned on p. xxi. Thus, at ch. iv. ver. 1, the 36th section of St Mark, as shown by Canon Secundus, corresponds to the 76th section of St Luke and the 131st of St Matthew. I have throughout taken the liberty of printing the number of each subsection in Arabic numerals, as in Mr Kemble's book, though the MS. has Roman numerals only. At the bottom of p. 5 is printed the imperfect table of lessons, which is to be read in five separate lines, as follows. I omit the gloss. Sabbato sancto mane. Post penticosten in ieiunium feria .iiii. cottidiana. Die dominica de indulgentia passio domini nostri iesu christi. feria .ui. de albas (sic) paschae. The lessons to which these refer are left obscure owing to the lack of pre- fixed numbers. Probably these were to have been inserted in red letters, but were omitted by the rubricator. The tables of lessons to the other gospels are similarly obscure. A note in Marshall's edition (p. 513) seems to indicate a con- nection between the first line and the rubric in Camb. MS. at Chap. vi. 45 — Dis sceal on sseternes daeg ser halgan dsege — which would suggest that section 1 Ammonius of Alexandria, in the third century, en- the sections of the Gospels are classed accordingly as the deavoured to form a harmony of the Gospels. Busebius fact is found in all four gospels, in three, in two, or in improved upon it by drawing up his ten Canons, in which one only. XXIV 19 (XVII II.) on p. 51 is the one referred to ; but this requires further in- vestigation. The entry '• cottidiana " occurs frequently, sometimes three or four times in succession, in the tables of lessons prefixed to the other gospels. All this preliminary matter occurs in the Lindisfarne MS. only, and has been printed by Bouterwek in his "Screadunga" or Fragments, printed at Elber- feld in quarto, 1858; pp. 1 — 4\ The manner in which the various texts and the results of collation of them with other MSS. are arranged has been already explained. In the method of printing the texts, &c, I have been entirely guided by the one sole object of presenting to the reader, as nearly as possible, the exact peculiarities of the MSS. The capital letters, accents, and points are closely fol- lowed ; and, in order to indicate the contractions clearly, I have adopted the very convenient method employed in works issued by the Early English Text Society, of representing their equivalents by the use of italic letters. Thus, in i. 3, col. 1, the word pam is written pa in the Corpus MS., and in the gloss to i. 7 in the Lindisfarne MS. the word sefter is written " seft," with an upward curl attached to the t. It will be convenient to mention here a few peculiarities of the MSS. Left-hand pages, first colafnn. The contractions used in the Corpus MS. are very few, the commonest being a stroke over a vowel to denote m, as in pam, halgum, him, written pa, halgu, hi. We also find poh for poune. The contrac- tions 1 for and 2 , ~p for pest, and cw. for cwceS have been left as in the MSS. Similar contractions occur in MSS. A., B., and C, quoted in the Various Read- ings. The scribe used three kinds of points or stops, but two of them are altogether equivalent and answer nearly to the modern comma. He* expresses this short pause either by a single dot, or by a stop resembling an inverted semicolon (!), but with a curl to the left instead of the right. These I here denote by an ordinary full stop. His longer pause is denoted by a kind of semicolon, as here printed, and the reader will soon observe that it is almost invariably followed by a capital letter. Another most curious result (one only to be discovered when a MS. is exactly followed) is the ornamental value which the scribe of the MS. assigns to the initials p and D. As these were, in his eyes, precisely equivalent, he adorns the MS. by writing them boldly, and, in many passages, alternately. Thus, in vi. 16, p. 44, we have initial D ; this is followed by p in verse 18, D in verse 19, p in verse 21, and so on alter- nately at the beginnings of verses 24, 26, 29, 37, and 38. So again at the begin- nings of verses 24, 27, 28, 29, 33 in chapter vii ; verses 5, 6, 12, in chapter 1 Bouterwek's edition is very correct, but has a few a few more such slips might be pointed out slight errors In 1. 4, p. 1, he has voce for uoce ; in the noxt 2 This contraction sometimes forms part of a word, as line, the MS. has praedistinatum, not praedistinctum, and "Oswarode" for " awrfswarode." XXV viii ; verses 1, 2, 4, 5 in chapter ix ; verses 27, 29, 30, 32, 33 in ch. ix ; vv. 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, 29, 36, 38, 39 in ch. x; &c. Of course there are numerous examples also of the contrary ; but, in the last case at least, the intention is obvious, and is far more striking in the MS. than in the print. The same alternation is sometimes found in the large capitals, which were painted in afterwards ; see x. 46 (p. 84), xi. 1 (p. 86), xi. 15 (p. 88), xi. 27 (p. 90) ; and especially note xiii. 1 and 3 (p. 102). The supposed necessity of alternation was regulated to some extent by the position of the letters on the page. That our ancestors really looked upon such an alternation as an embellishment is proved beyond a doubt by the colours of the painted letters in the MSS. Thus, in the Cambridge MS., the large capitals are painted alternately blue, red, green, red, blue, red, green, red, &c, throughout the whole of the gospels. In the Hatton MS., blue and red letters alternate; in the Bodley MS., they are red and green. When not employing capitals, the scribe has a decided preference for J? at the beginning, and $ at the end of a word, though we also find instances of a contrary usage. The accents in the Corpus MS. are used sparingly, but, in general, correctly. The following are the foreign words in which an accent is used, viz : — abiathar, bethania, corban, decapoleos, genesar, herode (dat.), hierasenorum, iairus, iordane, (dot.), isaaces, osanna, sidone, sidonis, tira, tirum. Of Anglo-Saxon words, we find the following cases of substantives : adlum (dat. pi), arfata, belaf, bocerum, bogas, dom, dune, ear, fyr, gast, gerynu, hiwum, hlaf, hlisa, hrof, hus, lafe, lar, lareow, lie, man (wickedness), mode, mysan, non-tide (xv. 34), rice, rices, sse, said, saedere, scyp, sicol, stan, strsete, tid, tima, tun, J?ecene, J?6rnas, wa, westene, wic, wif, win, wingeard, wite, yst ; also the dative bee, and the plurals seep, swyn. Also the adjectives: — an, ece, god, geunret, hal, laman, mare, manfullan, nan, niwne, niwan, stuntan, J>eeslic, unclaene, unrot, weste, wode ; the singular word ece in ix. 45 is written for ece. The numerals : — fif, tyne. The pronouns : me, min, we, us, }m, J>in, j?e, ge, he, hi, se (xii. 21). The parts of verbs: — adrifS, aris, aras, am, set, seton, bigdon, com, comon, cwiede, do (donne, ge-don, dej?), eode, faemende, foron, on-fo, ge-fon, ga, gan (agan, gegan, in-agan), geomrode, het, a-hof, hoh, a-hoh, eet-hrine, aat-hran, on-hran, let, for-let, for-laetan, lseran, lgesgende, nseron, namon, nat, saedon, asende, siwaf>, be-smitan, set-soc, stigan, forg-stop, ge-swac, swor, sy, syn (iv. 12), urnon, ge-wat, waere, ytt. The adverbs: — agen, aer, furf»on, gyt, hwi, hwon, gelomlice, ma, na, nu, J?a (iii. 4; generally f>a), up, ut, ute. The prepositions : — agen, agen (xiii. 8), ongen (xiii. 8). The prefixes: — a- in a-fserede (xvi. 8), a-hangen (xv. 15), asceacaS, awri- ten ; ut- in ut-gan, ut-gangende ; and (once only) tin- in un-Jjwogenum (vii. 2). The accents are, however, very frequently omitted, as the readers were supposed to be able to supply the pronunciation for themselves. In the Bodley MS., the d XXVI accents are written much in the same places; in the Cambridge MS., they are still scarcer. The component parts of a word are often written a little way apart. This I denote by a hyphen ; thus, the words be-foran, ge-fullod are be foran, ge fullod in the MS. The errors of the Corpus MS. are left uncorrected ; the various readings will in general point out where they occur. We should, however, particularly note the error boceras, i. e. scribes, for bogas, boughs, in xi. 8. The fact of its occurrence in MSS. A. B. C. as well as in the Corpus text shews quite clearly that all are really from the same source. In the Royal MSS. boceras was first written, but altered to bogas, and hence the scribe of the Hatton MS. was enabled to write boges, correctly. In quoting the various readings, I have strictly followed Mr Kemble's plan, of giving every variation of spelling, with the sole exception of S for J>, and y for i, which are used interchangeably in all the MSS. It follows that all the MSS. are, for all practical purposes, printed in extenso, and any passage in any of the MSS. (except the imperfect Cotton MS.) can be easily reproduced, with the exception of contractions, and the uncertainty about p or S, and y or i. Thus in i. 3, the Cambridge MS. should have (judging from the notes) the reading — clypigende stefn on J?am westene ge-earwiaS drihtnes weg. do$ rihte his srSas ; whilst the Royal MS. has — clepigende stefen on j?am westene. ge-garwiaS drihtnes weg. doS rihte his sy&s. Left-hand pages, column 2. The text and marginal notes (written as rubrics in the MS.) are from the Hatton MS.; the various readings from the earlier Royal MS. The chief peculiarities of the Hatton MS. are the introduction of k for c, as in kymd, bokeres, kydde, for the earlier cym^, boceras, cydde\ .and a frequent confusion between the letters d and S. These latter are written exactly alike, with the excep- tion of a slight stroke through the upper part of the latter, so that the omission of this stroke turns it into a d. I print it as in the MS.; and hence the form seed for sec^, i. 37. In i. 32, we find the reverse change, gewor'Sen being written for geivorden, and ftridfte for 'Sridde. "When the double letter SS occurs, the stroke is sometimes drawn through one letter only, generally the latter ; thus odfee is written for oftfSe in vii. 12. The letters p and S are used indiscriminately at the beginning of a word, but in the middle or at the end we have, almost always, S only. Only one sort of stop, a single point, is used ; it is here denoted by a full stop. The accents are very few, as they also are in the Royal MS. ; we may note them in 1 The letter k appears towards the end of some of the Tib. B. 4. The word karissimum occurs in the Latin text MSS. of the A.S. Chronicle, as, e.g., in the mysterious word of the Lindisfarne MS., in Mark xii. 6. kenepas, under the date 1056, in MSS. Cotton Tib. B. 1 and XXVU the foreign words iudeeisce, galilee, iudee, and in the native words ansiene, agan, ahof, apene, see, us, ascaceS, god, ga, pa. There are a few downright blunders, such as un for ut, iii. 23 ; witege for wite, v. 29 ; apfata and manslcege for drfata and mcestlinga, vii. 4 j brithmen for britsenum, viii. 8 ; hyfode for lufode, x. 21 ; &c. One change of spelling, viz. the substitution of c& for c, was probably due to Norman influence ; examples of it are ich for ic, and eches for eces. But the most interest- ing point about this text is the exact evidence it affords of the manner in which the older inflexions of the language were weakened, thus leading the way to their ultimate total or partial suppression. By comparing it with the older text beside it, we literally see the process of this change going on before our eyes. These weakenings were accomplished by the frequent substitution of the slight vowel e for the more distinct a, o, and u, not only when these vowels occur at the end of a word, but when they occur near the end. Hence we find -an, -as, -aft replaced by -en, -es, -e'S; -od, -oda, -on by -ed, -ede, -en; and -um weakened, not merely into -em, but into -en. Thus, the suna, lendenu of the earlier text become sune, lendene ; sprecan, dagos, fulMS, gecostnod, gelufoda, penedon, dagum become likewise sprecen, doges, fulled, gecostned, gelufode, peneden, dagen. We even find e for y, as in gelefe'8 for gelyfa'S. The adoption of en for an was but the prelude to dropping this final con- sonant altogether ; so that, whilst, in ii. 5, laman becomes lamen, two verses above it is written lame; whilst in ii. 4 we find asende for asendan in the plural. Nothing can be clearer than the gradual process of corruption of the infinitive moods of verbs. In earlier MSS. we find, e. g. singan, to sing ; shortly before a.d. 1200, it is singen ; soon after that date it became singe, a dissyllable. About a.d. 1400, the necessity of sounding the final -e was but slight; but the word continued to be often writ- ten singe for some time after the final -e ceased to be pronounced. In course of time, it was generally rejected as useless, and hence our modern sing. This change took place still earlier in the North, where the common ending of the infinitive, even in early times, was -a rather than -an. The text of the Hatton MS. shews us the first step towards many such changes very clearly. It may be compared with the latter part of the A. S. Chronicle, from about a.d. 1120 onwards. The rubrics in the Hatton MS. are nearly all found in the Royal MS. in exactly the same places without variation of spelling. The spelling of the Royal MS. is, in general, of an older character, though here also we sometimes find d for > 6, as in siwad for siwa?&, ii. 21. Right-hand pages. The distinguishing feature of the texts here printed (viz. the Lindisfarne text with its gloss above, and the Rushworth gloss without its text below), is that the glosses are in the Northumbrian dialect, and so present a strik- ing contrast to the West-Saxon texts opposite. The Latin text is written with but few contractions, which are denoted by italics wherever they occur, so that apiritus, mnctus, for example, are expansions of sps, scs. We have frequently the very d 2 xx vm common contraction ihs for ihesus or iesus\ and xps for christus, where the x is the Greek X (eh) and the p the Greek P (r). There are a few bad mistakes in the Latin, such as eum for cum in ii. 4, nubimus for nubibus in xiii. 26, terner for £e?ier in xiii. 28, and the like ; most of these are noticed in the Appendix, and are not to be regarded as misprints. The letter u (never v) is used through- out ; the diphthong ce is generally written ae. A few accents occur, the words has, die, and ne, for example, being written has, die, and ne; p. 103. There is no punctuation in the Lindisfarne MS. The full stops merely denote the end of a verse, and should, strictly speaking, have been omitted. The glossator generally denotes the contraction er by an upward curl, and m by a straight stroke ; but nearly all the contractions are alike represented by a short wavy stroke, evidently intended to have a vague meaning. Thus the italicised letters in the words capharncwm, mitedlice, beforan, hierusaZem, fulwihteres, are all denoted by much the same stroke, and the italic letters are intended to denote this. In the last case, for instance, the word is spelt fulwih, followed by a curl ; and if the reader wishes to expand such a word in any other manner, he is of course at liberty to do so\ Near the beginning of the book, I have left the word hse^ as written in the MS., but I have found it better to expand it into hselend, haalende, or hselendes, as required by grammar. This can cause no difficulty. Elsewhere I have left the contraction i, meaning vel, as written, because it conveniently separates the double glosses. Thus in i. 10, in ipso is interpreted to mean either in 'Seem (in them) or on him, the latter only being correct. Sometimes i is written without being followed by a second gloss (vii. 23). In some words, a small u is written above the line ; this is denoted by an italic u. The contraction ") for and is used throughout. The letter p never occurs, except when used with a stroke through k (j5) as a contraction for pcet. In a few cases, a d is converted into S by an unne- cessary stroke through it, as in zebe'&ies for zebsdies. Several accents occur over long vowels ; these are all printed as in the MS. Some of the foreign names and hard words are left unglossed; and many of the glosses are quite wrong, and exhibit some curious errors. For examples of omissions, see vii. 4. For an example of error, observe the word bifgedon (they trembled) as a translation of fremebant in xiv. 5 ; the worthy glossator was clearly thinking of tremebant 3 . In iii. 19, James the son of Alpheus is called 'Jacob the white' (albus). Where the Latin text is wrong, the glossator still carefully follows it; hence the misreading eum for cum in ii. 4 is translated by hine (him). It must be observed also that the gloss being intended to give the sense of each word separately, rather in order that the reader 1 The latter method of expansion is the better one, for • tice is given ; neither has he always observed the capitals, the h really stands for a Greek H («) ; I have sometimes &c. of the MS& inadvertently printed ih«*ws, but this can hardly mislead 3 See the Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels (Surtees a reader. Society), ed. G. Waring, part iv. pp. civ — cxviii, where the 2 In Mr. Kemble's edition of St. Matthew, no such no- characteristics of the MSS. are fully described. XXIX might understand the Latin than that he might substitute an English version for it, the inflexions are not always adapted to the laws of syntax'. The peculiarities of orthography and inflexion in these glosses have been described fully by Mr Waring 2 , who shews what are the West-Saxon forms corresponding to the Northumbrian ones. But it may, nevertheless, be convenient to shew here, conversely, what are the North- umbrian forms corresponding to the West-Saxon ones. I consider only the Gospel of St Mark, commencing with ii. 16, where Owun's gloss begins in the Kushworth MS. The chief variations are in the vowels and diphthongs ; I omit some of rare occurrence, and take the Lindisfarne MS. (L.) first. Orthography. 1. The West-Saxon (Corpus MS.) a becomes a, o, ea in L. Ex. butan, L. buta, viii. 23 ; man, L. mon, v. 2 ; gaful, L. geafel, xii. 14. W.S. d becomes L. a, ce. Ex. gaste, L. gast, v. 2 ; hwam, L. hwcem, iv. 30. 2. W.S. ce becomes L. ce, ae, a, e, oe, oce, ece. Ex. wees, L. wees ; reste-dceges, L. to rcest-daege, ii. 28 ; scew'S, L. saueS, iv. 14 ; gcers, L. gers, iv. 28 ; dcege, L. doeg, vi. 2 ; cwce'S, L. cuoce'S, x. 5 ; L. forgecef, x. 4. W.S. ce becomes L. ce, e, ae. Ex. cerest, L. cerist, iv. 28 ; seed, L. sed, iv. 27 ; see, L. scee, vi. 48. 3. W. S. e becomes L. e, a, ce, i. Ex. ofer, L. ofer ; welene, L. walana, iv. 19 ; heqfenes, L. heofnees, iv. 32 ; cerest, L. cerist, iv. 28. W.S. e becomes L. e, a, ea, oe. Ex. we; welene, L. walana (iv. 19); etan, L. eata, vii. 2 ; seca\>, L. soeca'S, iii. 32. 4. W.S. ea becomes L. ea, a, ce, e. Ex. geleafan, L. geleafa, iv. 40 ; sealde, L. salde, iv. 7, 8 ; jpeaAtecfo/i, L. 'Scehtung hia dedon, iii. 6 ; eagan, L. egro, viii. 23. 5. W. S. eo becomes L. eo, ea, e, io. Ex. eor'Se, L. eor'&o, iv. 28 ; L. eade (for eo^e) v. 2 ; leoht, L. Zefa, iv. 21 ; deqfol, L. diobles, i. 39. 6. W. S. i becomes L. i, io. Ex. in; L. genioma (for niman) iii. 27. W. S. « becomes L. % ce. Ex. ripes tid, iv. 29 ; nihtes, L. o» wafo, iv. 27. 7. W. S. o becomes L. o, u-. Ex. L. for'S-brohte, L. .scma, iv. 29 ; Li hlafurd (for hlaford) ii. 28. 8. W. S. u becomes L. ic, e, y, oe. Also W. S. w = L. u. Ex. L. tmcwS, iii. 10 ; gaful, L. geafel, xii. 14 ; ctsundron, L. syndrige, iv. 34 ; swustor, L. siuoester, iii. 35. L. smce = swa. 9. W. S. 2/ becomes L. ?/, i, eo, ea, u. Wi S. y becomes L. y, io, e. Ex. scyldig, iii. 29 ; mycel, L. miclo, iv. 39 ; *?/£/*, L. seolf, iii. 25 ; syllanne, L. seallane, xii. 14; sy^/j L. swZ/*, iii. 26. Also L. fyr, ix. 45; ansyne, \L. ansione, xii. 14 ; gehyrafc, L. hera*S, iv. 3. 1 See above, p. xvii. 2 Liiidisfunic and Rushworth Gospels (Surtees Society), part iv. pp. cxix — exxv. XXX We also frequently find in L. the double vowels aa, ee, ii, uu, &c. ; as in ingaa'S, iii. 27 ; feer-suigo, v. 42 ; gesiist, v. 31 ; huu, iv. 13. Observe also the curious forms innueeard, vii. 21 ; behceald, xii. 41 ; ongeaegn, xi. 2 ; necenig, xii. 34; scee, vi. 48. As regards the consonants, we find occasionally the following changes. 1. W. S. g sometimes becomes L. c, as in 'Srounc, L. viii. 34, for W. S. \rawung ; cf. onfence, vi. 41. Conversely, we sometimes (but rarely) find W. S. c becoming L. g, as in licceterum, L. legerum, vii. 6. At the end of a word, we find in L. both eg and gc, as in rowincg, vi. 48 ; gebrcegc, vi. 41. 2. W. S. c frequently becomes L. h, as in L. ah (passim) for oc. Sometimes also we find in L. ch, as in carchem, vi. 27 ; michel, iv. 5. 3. The letters d and S are frequently interchanged in L. ; possibly from their similarity of form, as in the Hatton MS. Ex. dcere for Seere, v. 41 ; mP6 for mid, v. 18. 4. The letters d and t are also frequently interchanged ; as in sexdig for sextig, iv. 8 ; gemoetat for gemoetad, iv. 19. Cf. gebloedsade, vi. 41. 5. Other peculiarities of MS. L. are the prefixing of an aspirate, as in hrceste, iv. 39 ; hlifige, v. 23 ; the frequent insertion of r, as in efern for efen, iv. 35 ; ondreardon for ondredon, v. 15 ; the insertion of w, as in cwom for com, iii. 20 ; the insertion of u between w and r, as in wuraf&ia, x. 41 ; the use of wu for u at the beginning of a word, as in wurnon, vi. 55. We also often find a consonant doubled at the end of a word, as in sibb, v, 34 ; sprmcc, iv. 34 ; blann, iv. 39 ; upp, iv. 6 ; gescett, iv. 1. But instead of gg we find eg or gc, as in rowincg, vi. 48 ; gebrcegc, vi. 41 (above noted) ; and instead of tt we find td, as in hwcetd for hwcett, iv. 40. Inflexions. The noun-endings in L. are rather anomalous and inconsistent. The most remarkable point is the frequent occurrence of final -o, especially in the nom. and ace. pi., as in suno, iii. 17 ; wu'Suuto, iii. 22 ; ilco, iii. 23 ; fato, iii. 27 ; it also occurs in the singular, as in torce'So, iii. 21 ; eoi^6o, iv. 1. But the fact is, that the terminating vowel must have been indistinct, so that we not only find synno, iii. 28, but synna, iv. 12 ; just as in v. 12 we find the pres. part. pi. ending in -endo in cwoe'Sendo, but in -ende in fcerende in the next verse. Another point worthy of remark is that the termination -an (of Bask's first declension) does not appear, but is replaced by -es or -ces, -e, -a, or -o l . Ex. tunga, tungces, earo, vii. 33 — 35. The pronouns present some remarkable forms, such as mines for min, x. 47 ; mec and meh for me, xiv. 6, 7 ; 'Sines for *6in, v. 19 ; Sec for 'Se, v. 34 ; woe 1 Lind. and Rush. Gospels (Surtees Soc.) ; pt. iv. p. exxii. XXXI for we, xi. 33 ; usra as gen. pi. of the first person, xii. 7 ; usio for us ; gie for ge; iuih, iuh for eow, ix. 19. In the third person, we find fern. nom. hiu, vi.//-' 24 ; fern. dat. hir, v. 33 ; fem. ace. hia, xiv. 6 ; hea, xiv. 5 ; pi. nom. and acci \J I hia, gen. Mora, vi. 6 ; dat. him. The dual form is avoided ; see x. 36 and\s»v xi. 2. Of possessive pronouns, we may specially note *&inra, x. 37 ; iwer, x. 43 ; iuer, xi. 25 ; iueres, x. 5 ; and, as an instance of irregularity, iuerra in xi. 25, as compared with mero in the following verse. Of demonstratives, we may note fem. nom. ftitt, v. 32 ; fem. gen. Coerce, vi. 22, and dative dare for fteere, v. 41 ; also fem. nom. ftws, xiii. 30 ; fem. ace. ftius, xii. 10 ; and, as an instance of irregularity, fem. nom. das (for Sets) and ftms in the same verse (viii. 12), and immediately afterwards the false concord of 'Sisum, dat. masc. with cneoreso, dat. fem. Such false concords are by no means uncommon. But it is in the verbs that the peculiarities of the dialect are most distinctly marked. Thus, the infinitive never ends in -an, but in -a, and less frequently in -e, as in wyrce, gedoa, iii. 4 ; cf. ofslaa, vi. 19 ; losiga, iii. 6 ; bodiga, hi. 14 ; gereqfage (miswritten gereofa ge) iii. 27. In the present tense, the first person commonly ends in -o or -a, as scego, v. 41 ; milsa, viii. 2 ; the second person in -es, -as, or ces, as styres, v. 35 ; gegiuas, vi. 23 ; doces, xi. 28 ; also in -is, as htefis, x. 21 ; the third in -es, -as, -eft or -aft, its irregularity being strikingly pointed out in such glosses as saues 1 vel saua%>, iv. 16; saue'S vel sauas, iv. 18; slepiafo vel slepe'S 2 , iv. 27 ; again, Juefe'S and hcefes occur in consecutive verses, iii. 29, 30. The plural is commonly in -as or -es, but also in -aft or -eft ; as in gecunnas, iv. 13 ; stondes, iii. 31 ; soecaft, iii. 32 ; aoeft, vii. 9. In the second person, the pronoun gie is often attached to the verb, as in oncneawesgie, vii. 18 ; this is commonest in the case of arogie (ye are). The termination -e gene- rally indicates the subjunctive mood, in all persons; as in ic see, xiv. 44; ftw hcebbe, x. 21; he gesege, viii. 24; we byege, vi. 37; gie geonge, vi. 10; hia were, iii. 14. In the past tense plural, the common ending is -on, sometimes -un (cwomun, iii. 13) ; but occasionally the striking form -es or -ces appears, as in cewades vel mersades, iii. 12 ; mcehtces, ii. 10. Sometimes the ending is cut down to -e, as in mcehte woe, ix. 28. In the imperative singular, verbs are reduced to their stem, as in arts, v. 41 ; in the plural, the ending is commonly -as or -es, as in sceacas, vi. 11 ; cymes, vi. 31 ; the irregularity being well shown in the gloss byeges vel ceapas, vi. 36 ; but observe ivunaft, vi. 10. The past part, of weak verbs ends in -ad or -ed, which are sometimes changed into -at or -et ; as in geboetad, iii. 5 ; gecerred, iii. 21 ; gesettet, iv. 21. "We must not omit to remark the occasional appearance of -m at the end of the 1st p. s. pres. in geseom, viii. 24 ; doam, xi. 33 ; beom, 1 Possibly saues may be meant for the passive voice here, just as -es is so used in Danish. 2 Miswritten sleped in v. 39. XXXU ix. 19 ; in xi. 29 we find the gloss ic doe vel doam. This is a relic of the old personal pronoun which appears in the Sanskrit dsmi, Greek ei/xi, Latin sum, and English am. Of the verb to be, the commonest forms are 1 p. s. beom, 3 p. s. bi% (ix. 35), pi. bflSon (xi. 25 ; x. 8). From the infin. wosa (ix. 35), we have 2 p. s. arft, iii. 11 ; 3 p. s. is; pi. sint or aron, both of which occur in vii. 4; in the 2 p. pi. the pronoun is almost invariably suffixed, thus forming arogie, v. 39. Pt. tense wees, pi. weron, woeron; subj. pres. se, sie, x. 38, 39; see, xiv. 44. Imp. s. wees, as in the famous phrase woes hal (v. 34), the original of our wassail. All these examples are from the Lindisfarne gloss only. It is hardly necessary to say more of the Rushworth gloss than that it represents the same dialect in a slightly later form, and presents similar terminations. Yet it has some peculiarities of its own, amongst which we must not omit to observe the very frequent substitution of u for o (especially -un for -on), and the use of gi- as a prefix instead of ge-. We often find -a and -o reduced to the less definite -e, as in siofune for seofana, viii. 20 ; twelfe for twelfo, iii. 14 ; diphthongs replaced by simple vowels, as in ge for gie; u replaced by w, as in cwafe for cuoe'S; and the general system of terminations simplified, so that the grammar of the Rush- worth gloss becomes much more regular than that of the other, the common endings of the present and past tenses plural being -as and -un respectively. In concluding the Preface, I wish to express my thanks to the Syndics of the Pitt Press for undertaking the publication of this volume. HEAFUD-WEARDO •r FOflE-CUIDO ON-GINNED -rFOflE-MERCUNGO AEFTER MARCVS INCIPIUNT CAPITULAE SECUNDUM MARCUM. Su lifgiende god gemyne Su eadfriS "i seSil-wald 3 billfriS 3 aldred peccatorwm Sas feowero miS gode ymb-woeson Sas b6c ONG1NNED [Fol. 89.] INCIPIT AEGUMENTUM* Marcus Se godspellere godes 3 petres in fulwiht sunu 3 in god-cund word Marcus euangelista dei et petri ia baptismate filius atqwe in diuino sermone discipul sacerda in israhel doend sifter lichoma leuita gecserred to geleafa cristes discipulus sacerdotium in israhel agens secundum camera leuita conuersus ad fidewi christi god-spell in italia awrSt aed-eawde in Son f ec cynn his rehtlic were 3 criste forSon euangelium in italia scribsit ostendens in eo quod et generi suo deberet et christo nam fruma Sees forueardes in stefne wit-geonges ceigendes-rclioppende settendes-rgesette ende brednise Sses leui initium principii in uoce prophetiae exclamationis instituens ordinem leuiticae lar-t redes aed-eaude -fte bodade fore-gessegd sunu zachariaps in stefne engles lectionis ostendit ut praedicans praedistinatum iohannem filium zacchariae in uoce angeli scecgende gesended ne f ane word lichoma geworden ah lichoma drihtes Serh word god-cundes enuntiantis emissum non solum uerbum caro factum sed corpus domini per uerbum diuinse stefn ge-saweled fruma Sa?s godspellesca bodes were aed-eawed -)5te se Se Sas redes witte he uocis animatum initio euangelicae praedicationis ostendens ut qui haec legens sciret to hu«m fruma lichomas in drihtne 3 hselendes to-cymende 4" hus reht were to on-cnauanne cui initium carnis in dowu'no et ih&su aduenientis habitaculum deberet agnoscere end in him word stefnes -fte in efnuwz s6num losad were onfunde aefter Son 3 endung-l'fylnise atque in s6 uerbum uocis quod in consonantibws perdiderat inueniret deniqwe et perfectio godspelles were in eode 3 miS fulwiht drihtnes bodiga god ongann-tonginnende ne wann euangelii opus intrans et baptismo domini praedicare deum incoans non laborauit accennise lichomais Son in serrum awoendat were cweoSa ah all in Seem forSmestum natiuitatem carnis quam in prioribws uicerat dicere sed totum inprimis S»t tal forletenes fsestern tales cunnung diables ^ somnung wildeora 3 expositionem deserti ieiunium numeri temtationem diaboli congregationem bestiarum et hernise brohte engla -)5te sette usih to on-cnawanne siundrio in lytlum-Hn sceortum ministerium protulit angelorum ut instituens nos ad intelligendum singula in breuia gemercade ne setnessa woerces alesde 3 Sees geendedad werces Sone fyllnisse compingens nee auctoritatem facti rei demeret et perficiendi operi plenitudinem ne on-s6ce -r nalde on-sacca soSSa to tellanne-rto clsensanne him after lufu-tgeleafo gehatne acueSen biS non negaret deniqwe amputasse sibi post fidem pollicem dicitur fte miS ssecerd-had for-cySed were haefd ah -J5 ane efne geSohte to lufo fore-wurdon sette ut sacerdotio reprobus haberetur sed tantum consentiens fidei pradistinata posuit gecoreniso ne sua in woerc wordes were 16sad -pte serest earnade in cynn forSon electio lit nee sic in opere uerbi perderet quod prius meruerat in genere nam alexandrinisca; biscob wses Saes-rhis Serh ana+syndrigo woerc wiste-tto uutanne godspelles in him alexandrije episcopus ftnt cuius per singula opus scire euangelii in s6 gecuoedna to-sceada 3 Sone Seodscip in him ses -pte on-cnewa-rwere oncnauen f> god-cund dicta disponere et disciplinam in ae" legis agnosceret et diuinam in carnem ■pte on-cnewe Sset gecynd 8a 5e in us aerist eft gesoeca setter Son 4" soSSa gesoht-tgefregna we wallaS intellegeret naturam quae in nos primum requiri dehinc inquisita uoluraus oncnawa habbas-Hiaebbende meard ftestnunges i trymnises forSon seSe plontaS "i seSe wyrSes agnosci habentes mercedem exortationis quoniam qui plantat et qui rigat an aron se Se Sonrae geSungennise fore-gearuas god is unum sunt qui autera incrementum prsestat dews est. ONGINNED FOi?E-CUIDO DARA REDA INCIPIUNT CAPITULA LECTIONUM cySnise engel f is erenwreca biS genemned 3 [Fol. 90.] I. Esaie testimonium iohannis angelus id est nuntius appellator et fore-bod his 5 fulwiht asaegd is crist bodade gefulwad biS Ser Sses Srinise praedicatio eius baptismusque refertur. II. Christus praedicans baptizatur ubi trinitatis aed-eawad biS of ceigeng petres Sara flscera panditur sacramenton. ill. De uocatione petri andras iacobi et iohannis piscatorum. in somnunga of menn gaast unclaene frohtende "i ondetenda for-drSf his IIII. In synagoga de homine s^iritum immundum metuentem et confitentem expellens sua from monnum mi* maeht hered biS from swoer petres of feber miS word 1 miS ded for-draf ab hominibws potestate laudatur. V. A socru petri febre uefbo factuqwe depulsa behrto alle in untrymnisse gegemde reof-tlicSrower miS word miSSy cuoeS ic willo geclaensad biS uaria cunctos infirmitate curauit. VI. Leprosus uerbo quo ait uolo mundatur 1 miS leicnung Saen eorS-cryple mis eft-forgefnise gesald is synna seSe 3 et curatio paralytico cum remissione tribuitur peccatorwwi. VII. Leui qui et mat- of geceigd wses 3 fore baer-synnigra gebear i fordrifnise tbeus de teloneo uocatur et pro publicanorum conuiuio quaerella uel obiectio pharisaeorum fihles *33s aide J wines * bytta miS ceping gessegd biS fore Sara ehera in sunnadaeg panni ueteris et uini uel utriuvre comparatione refellitur. VIII. Pro spicarum in sabbato miS numenne Ssem telendum geSreatnum gefylged setter Son honda dryge miS eft-boeteng f eft-boete uulsione reprehensoribws increpatis sequitur manus aridae restitutio. Ssentung wis hine hia doaS ge-herdo Ser scipp gehrinon him vim. Consilium contra eum faciunt pharisaei deseruientes ibi nauicula tangentes eum ungelicum-tmonigfaldum untrymnissum unhale gehaeled biSon tuoel _ Segnas to diuersis intirmitatibws aegroti sanantur. X. Duodecim discipulos ad bodanne miS word miS gebrohtum mashtum sendeS 6n beelzebub hine " msege cueSende on-s6c praedicandum uerbo conlatis uirtutibws mittet in belzebub eum posse dicentes redarguit werere cuoeS in gaast halig ebolsong 3 Sa moder 3 broSer hia inremissibilem esse dicens in aipiritum sanctum blasphemiam et matrem ac fratres eos ceigaS se Se Sees ftedores doe* willo leerde fore-sette bispell Sees sawendes 3 uocat qui patris fecerit uoluntatem. XI. Docens proponit parabolam seminantis et his 5a ilea syndrige gessette breht aed-eawnise Segnum leht under mitto-Vfset suis earn seorsum exponit clara manifestatione discipulis. xil. Lucernam sub modio ne is to settenna t slepende menn his gewaexe 3 of corn senepis cueS non ponendam uel dormiente homine sata eius crescere et de grano sinapis dicit. ■Jf un-smyltnise mi? word adrysnede 3 diowles fordraf gegeonga-rto geonganne lefde in bergum XIII. Tempestatem uerbo compescens et demones eiciens ire concessit in porcos. foerende $a deada gewaecca dohter iares Saet wif from blod-iorne X Modes gytt haelde Xllll. Uadens mortuam suscitare filiam iairi mulierem a profluuio sanguinis sanans wseccafc sona 3 ■£ maeden wundradon hia-thia wundrande f lar 3 maehto Saes wrihtes suscitat protinus et puellam. XV. Mirantes doctrinam et uirtutes fabri sunu-tsmiSes sunu cuoeSaS herdon from him ne were witge buta worSung nymSe in oeSel filium dicunt audientes ab eo non esse prophetam sine honore nisi in patria his sende twoelfe boderes mi$ bodum laereS gebroht gefea haelo i halra sua. xvi. Mittens duodecim praedicaturos praeceptis instruit conlata gratia sanitatuw. haldend Sone iohoranem daege his accennis ofslog 3 heafud his pteges XVII. Herodes tenens iohannem die sui natalis occidit caputque eius saltationis meard in disc Saer doehter salde of fif hlafum 3 tuaem flscum proemium in disco filiae tradit. XVIII. De quinqwe panibws et duobws piscibws fif waera Susend gefylde fciu feorSa naeht wacan cuom to Segnum quinqwe uirorum milia saturauit. xvilli. Quarta noctis uigilia uenit ad discipulos geongende ofer-tbufa see telaS i niSraS Segnas un-$uegnum hondum ambulans supra mare. xx. Accusant pharisaei discipulos non lotis manibws ettende 3 weron geSreaten from him of strionendra -T aeldra in forletnisse -f of oSrum manducantes et increpantur ab eo de parentum inspretione uel de ceteris mi« Sy gesette Sa Se magon gone monno widlega Sees wifes [Fol. 91.] exponente quae possint hominem ihquinare. xxi. Mulieris syrophoenissae docter from dioble friaS dumbe 3 deaf stefne eft-sette cuoeS untyn of filiam a" daemonio liberat xxn. Muto surdoque uocem restituens dicit effeta. xxiii. De seofa hlafum 3 hwon lytle fiscas feor monna Susend gefylde septem panibws et paucis pisciculis quatuor bominum milia saturauit. xxmi. Pharisaeis beeon-Hacon soecendum sealla on-soc 3 lar hiora geheht under Saerstes noma signum quaerentibws dari negat et doctrinam eorum praecepit sub fermenti nomine fore to-behaldenne Sone blindo heart-lice gemeS 3 f, naengum cuoeSa-rcuoede geheht-J-hast praecauendam. xxv. Caecum paulatim curat et ut nemini diceret imperat. A2 *Eem fraignendum buecl hine hia cuede godes on-deta* 3 sona for*on xxvi. Interrogantibws quem eum dicerent petrus christum dei confitetur et mox quia drihtne fcrowende him cuoe*ende wi*-cuoe* sie ge*read-rbi* geSreatad seSe losas domino passurum se" dicenti contradicit arguitur. xxvu. Qui perdit cuoe* sawel his fore mec be-gaet hia ne hia -p gebirigdon $ gesupedon weron sume o*er inquit animaw suam propter me inuenit * earn nee gustaturos quosdam Seme dea* wi*-to** hia gesea hine In ric his 3 sona ofer-hiwade waes in-laeded 3 iohannis mortem donee uideant eum in regno eius statimqwe transfiguratus inducitur et iohannem weron *rowende he gelicra Srowende cuoe* eghuselc folc gesaeh drihten heliae passuri ipse similia passum dicit. XXVIII. Omnis populus uidens dornmum geriordade 3 ge-arn haelo bead 3 sunu sume un-geleaffullnise his biddende from pauescens occurrensque salutat et filius cuiusdam incredulitatem suam iuuari praecantis a dioble gefria* bi* sellende hine fore-ssegde 3 *a *egnas huset on wseg daemonio liberatur. xxviiii. Tradendum s6 prsenuntians et discipulos quid in uia ge-trahtadon fraignende laere* foruost-raldordom ne sie to soecanne mseht in his tractassent interrogans docet primatum non esse quaerendum. xxx. Uirtutem in eius noma doende ne gelefes forbeades 3 of ymb-cyrf liomana ondspyrendra-rondspurnendra nomine facientes non sinit prohiberi et de abscisione membrorum scandalizantium gastlice -r megwlitlice lsere* of wife forgefnisa soecenda moises cy*nese figuraliter docet. xxxi. Pharisaeos de uxore dimittenda quaerentes mosi testimonio efne gecerde 3 Sa cild from him forbeodend bloedsa* of fin-ea*alice t un-maehtiglice conuincit et infantes & se uetari prohibens benedicit. xxxil. De difficultate wlonga inngeonges in ric godes wundrandum *egnum cuoe* ni*riendo godra diuitum intrandi in regnum dei mirantibws discipulis ait contemtores bonorum woruldra hund-teantigsi*a monigfallice mi* oehtnissum eft to onfoenne ec saecularium centuplum cum persecutionibus recepturus. xxxiii. Item fore-cue* hine slaende sedlo giuwende *one iacob *rea*4"*reata* 3 of aldor-dom praedicens s6 occidendum sedes petentes iacobum increpat et iohannem de prmcipatu haedno fore-headend gelicad -r gebis hersumnise mi* bisene sed-eawed blind gentiles prohibens imitandos humilitatis exemplo monstrato. xxxilll. Bartimaus caecus giude + bsed inlihte* wees 3 fylgede sende to Seem *egne to asalde to *aer sittende mendicans inluminatur et sequitur. xxxv. Mittit ad discipulum asinas cui sedens herde from *aem menigum la hsel usic gefoerde of temple to fic-beame yfle cue* audit a" turbis osanna. xxxvi. Egressus de templo ficulneae maledicit 3 foerde Ac-beam wundrandum cue* biddendum mi* geleafa to onfoanne *a giuendo of regressusque ficulnea mirantibws ait orantes credendo ' accipere postulata. xxxvil. De mseht Serh-fregnendum he of fulwuiht mi* fraignung ofercuom -r gecerde 3 potestate percontantibws iudaeos ipse de baptismo iohannis interrogando conuincit et of win-geard 3 *sem yrrestum buendum bispell sette cunnende of gyld de uinea colonisqwe pessimis parobolam ponit. xxxvin. Temtantes de reddendo 8bs ceeseres geselenne sefter-fylged of ofer-mercunc* t of onlicnese sceomiagaSf caesaris tributo consequenter ex suprascribtione uel imagine confutauit. xxxvilll. Sad- /^^ of wife seofa broSra lafe cunnendum fore un-gehleaffullnisse eristes ducaeis de muliere septem fratrum uxore temtantibws ob incredulitatem resurrectionis\\ - for-cueS t tela* Sa boecere of bod ses fregnende twufald lufes aed-eawde 3 exprobrat. XL. Scribaa de mandato legis interroganti geminum dilectionis ostendit et huses sie sunu crist fregnende lsereS of forueard Sbbs salmes nigoSa "i hunteantiges cuius sit films christua [Fol. 92.] interrogans docet ex principio psalmi centensimi noni groeteng ec hiora in spree Sone ymb-geong cySaS Sone-tSa Sorfend salutationum quoqwe eorum in foro ambitum notat. xli. In gazophilacium pauperem widwa tuege lytla senden allum geofa licendum fore-brohte getimbro temples uiduam duo minuta mittentem cunctis dona iactantibws prefert. xlii. Aedificationes templi eawendum fore-ssegde 8a gefaello 3 of ungelTcum-rbrehtuw-t'fagungum S»s hlsetmesto tides monstrantibzw prsenuntiat ruituras et de diuersis ultimi temporis miS cunnungum to-waerdnum on longsum to-sceade merrunga leereS fore tobehaldano Sone doege temtationibws futuris prolixius disputans seductiones ammonet praecauendas. xliii. Diem to cyme ane Sone faeder wiste cueSende un-witendo hia Sea wcecca heht 1 gebidda aduentus solum patrem scire dicens nescientes earn seruus uigilare praecipit et orare. of stsene fset smirinise •}- behleing iuSses Sees sellendes 3 miS-gearwing i foregearuung xliiii. De alabastro ungenti uel proditione iudae traditoris ac praeparatione eastres asaegd is ne Son tes 1 fserme his runlice i deoplice sed-eawed biS •thaligdom-1' paschae rei'ertur nee non et cense eius mistical panditur sacramentum. selenise 3 Srowunges his wundra asaegd biSon erest his Serh Sona XLV. Traditionis ac passionis eius gesta narrantur. XLVi. Eesurrectionis eius perinde sceortlice miS soSfsestnise biSon sed-eawed hiora suth un-ge-leaffullnise trumlice geSreaS biS 3 astignise breuiter ueritate monstrata quorum-dam incredulitas clementer arguitur et ascensio 3 to suiSrum godes ges»t 4" Segnna forebodung becnum seftfr fylgendum gessegd is adqwe ad dextris dei consessio uel discipulorum praedicatio signis sequentibws indicatur. ASAEGD IS JEFTER MARC EXPLICIT SECUNDUM MARCUM. Se setemes da?g halig arlig sefter flfteig-dseg feestern wodnes doege doeghwsemlice Sabbato sawefo mane. Post penticosten in ieiunium feria .iiii. cottidiana. doeg drihtenlica of forgefhise Sroung drihtnes user hEe-r eristes frige doeg of Ssem hwitum Die dominica de indulgentia passio dommi xiostri ihesu christi feria .ui. de albas eostres paschae \. * MS. ufa-mercunc, corrected to ofer-mercunc in the margin. t Looks like sceosniagaS. X On the reverse side of the leaf is a coloured picture of St. Mark writing, with the name — "0 agius marcus;" above him is a lion, with the words — "imago leonis." One side of leaf 93 (the next leaf) is blank; on the other is a beautifully coloured geometrical pattern, without any inscription. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO St. MAE K. EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM M A B C U M. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO St. MAR K. INCIPIT EUANGELIUif SECUNDUM MAECUM. CHAPTER I. mitiumeuan- 1 [H]er ys godspellys angyn Haelyndes SMSdd cristes godes suna. uiuisicm scrip- o g wa awriten is on baes witegan bee turn est in esaia * un ™ • ° propheta. Ecce • ^ nu j c a sende minne engel be-foran mitto angelum "aaam. *»•» v, . meumantefa. pj nre ansyne. Se ge-gearwaS pinne weg be foran 'Se. 3 clypiende stefn on paw? westene ge-gear- wiaS drihtnes weg. doS rihte his siSas ; 4 Iohannes waes on westene fulligende 1 bodiende daedbote fulwiht on synna for- gyfenesse. 5 3 to hi»? ferde eall iudeisc rice, 3 ealle hierosolima-ware. 3 waeron fram him ge- fullode. on iordanes flode hyra synna anddetenne ; 6 And iohannes waes gescryd mid oluen- des haeruw?. 3 fellen gyrdel waes ymbe his lendenu. 3 gserstapan 3 wudu hunig he aet. 7 3 he bodude 3 cwaeS. strengra cymS aefter me. paes ne eom ic wyrSe f ic his sceona pwanga bugende uncnytte. 8 Ic fullige eow on waetere. he eow ful- laft on halgum gaste. Various Readings. Title. So in A (Camb. Univ. Lib. Ii. 2. 11) and B (Bodley 441). Ch. i. v. 1. A omits the whole verse. 2. A. pyne. 3. A. clypigende; A. ge-earwia*. 4. A. bodigende dastbote ful- luht; A. forgifennysse. 5. A. Sdetende; B. anddsettenne. 6. A. gescrydd. 7. A. bodode. 8. B. wajstere (sic). INITIUM SANCTI EUANGELII SECUNDUM. MAECUM CHAPTER I. 1 " Ter ys godspelles angin haelendes Ecce mitto I I . , angelum meum J — L criSteS godes SUne. antefaciem . - , tuam. qui pre- 2 swa awritan ys on pas witegen baech parabit mam ysaiam. Nu ich asaende mirane aengel be- foran pinre ansiene. Se ge-gaerewed pinne weig be-foren pe. 3 clepiende stefne on pam westene. ge- gaerewied drihtnes weig. do^ rihte his sySas. 4 Iohannes waes on waestene fulgende 3 bodiende. deadbote fulluht on senne for- gyfenysse. 5 3 to hym ferde eal iudeeisce rice. 3 ealle ierosolima-ware. 3 waeren fram him ge-fullode on Iordanes flode. heore synna andettenne. 6 And Iohannes waes ge-scryd mid olfendes haere. 3 fellen gyrdel waes embe his lendene. 1 garstapen 3 wude hunig he aet. 7 1 he bodede 3 cwaeS. strengre kymS aefter me. pas ne aem ich wurSe ~p ic his scone pwange bugende un-cnette. 8 Ich fullige eow on waetere. he eow fulled on halgen gaste. Various Readings. Title. So in MS. Hatton 38 mid MS. Royal 1. A. 14. Ch. i. v. 1. halendes. 2. awriten; witeganbec; ic asende; mine; ansyne; ge-garewa5; weg beforan. 3. clepigende stefen; ge-garwia*; weg. 4. westene; dsedbote fulwyht; synna. 5. eall iudeisca; waeron; hyora. 6., was; oluendes; lscndenne. 7. strengra cymfc; pees; ic; scona pwanga; un-cnytte. 8. fulloS ; halgura. V 0NGINNE8 GODSPELL METER M.NRCUM INCIPIT EUANGELIUM SECUNDUM MARCUM. MAECUS LEO. CAP. I. frfima godspelles haelendes crist sunu godes suae awritten is in esaia Sone witgo 1 *Initium euangelii ihesu christi fili dei 2 sicut scriptum est in esaia propheta. * I> J.J-1 » lu. lxx. heonu engel min befora onsione Sin seSe foregearuas wege Sin ecce mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam qui praeparabit uiam tuam. stefn cliopendes 3 *Uox clamantis * 2. i. lu. vii. io. x. in woestern gearuas woeg drihtnes rehta doefc-twyrcas stiga-l'geongas his in deserto parate uiam domini rectas facite semitas eius. waes iohannes in *Fuit iohannes in * 3. vi. woestern gefulwade 3 bodade fulwiht hreownisses on forgefnisse synna deserto baptizans et praedicans baptismuin paenitentia? in remissionem peccatorum 3 et foerende waes-tfoerde to him all iudaea 16nd 3 Sa hierusolomisco waras alle 3 weoron gefulwad egrediebatur ad ilium omnis iudae regio et hierosolimitae uniuersi et baptizabantur from him in Iordanenes stream ondetende synno hiora ab illo in iordane flumine confitentes peccata sua. 3 waes iohannes gegerelad miS 6 *Et erat iohannes uestitus * *■ '• heruni camelles 3 gyrdils fellera ymb sido his 3 lopestro 3 wudu hunig -J5 waexes on wudu binde pilis cameli et zona pellicia circa lumbos eius et lucustas et mel siluestrae brGcende waas-rgebrec 3 bodade cuoefcende cymes-reword strongre mec a?fter mec his-r'Sses edebat. 7 et praedicabat dicens uenit fortior me post me cuius lu. x. io. vi. nit. xi. nam ic wyrSe fore-hlutende undoa Suongas sc6e his non sum dignus procumbens soluere corrigiam calciamentorum eius. mi? waetre he autedlice gefulwas iwih miS gaast halig aqua ille uero baptizabit uos spt'n'to sane to. ic fulwade iwih 8 ego baptizaui uos Cap. I. 1. on fruma godspelles haelendes cristes sunu godes 2. swa awriten is in esaia )>one witgu henu ic sende engel min beforan onseone )>ine &e\>e foregearwaS weg )jinre 3. stemn cliopande in westenne gearwigaS weig drihtnes rehte wyrcaJ>-tdoaS stige+gongas his 4. waes iohannes in westenne gefulwade 3 bodade fullwiht hreownisse in forgefnisse synna 5. 3 faarende wses-rfoerde to him alle Iudeas londe 3 8a hierosolimisca alle 3 gefullwade from him in iordanes streame ondetende synna heora 6. 3 waes iohannes gegerelad -tgewedad miS herum cameles 3 gyrdels fellenne ymb lendenu his 3 waldstapan i loppestra 3 wudu huniges f wa;xe|> on wude bendum 3 f> brucende waes 7. 3 bodade cwe]>ende cyme); dom strongre mec aefter me Sees -this nam ic wyrSe fore-hlutende undon-Hoesan );wongas gescoas his 8. ic fulwade eowic in waetre he wiotudlice gefulwaS eowic miS gaste halgum B 10 Et factum est in diebus illis uenit ihest/s a nazareth. A. Venit ihesua in galileam predicans euangeiium. Et preteriens sccus mare tallica'. A. 9 1 on *6&m dagum com se haelend fram nazareth galilee 1 waes ge-fullod on iordane frawa iohanne. 10 1 sona of 'Sam waetere he geseah opene heofonas. 1 haligne gast swa culfran astigende 1 on him wunigende. 11 3 fca waes stefn of heofenura geworden. pu eart min ge-lufoda sunu on pe ic ge- licode ; 12 And sona gast hiue on westen ge- nydde. 13 1 he on westene waes feowertig daga 1 feowertig nihta. ") he waes fraw? satane gecostnod. 1 he mid wilddeorum waes 3 him englas penodon ; 14 QJySSan iohannes geseald waes. com rO se haelend on galileam godes rices. god spell bodigende 15 1 pus cweSende. witodlice tid is ge- fylled 1 heofena rice genealaecS. doS daed- bote 1 gelyfap pam godspelle. 16 1 pa he ferde wrS pa galileiscan see. he geseah simone/rc 1 andreaw his broSor hyra nett on pa sae laetende. SoSlice hi waeron fisceras ; 17 And pa cwaeS se haelend cumaS asiter me 1 ic do inc ~p gyt beoS sawla onfonde. 18 1 hi pa hraedlice him fyligdon. 1 for- leton heora net. 19 3 San on hwon agan he geseah iacobura 1 zebedei 1 iohannes his broSor. 1 hi on heora scype heora nett logodon. 20 1 he hi sona clypode. 3 hi heora fseder zebedeo on scipe forleton. mid hyr- linguw. Various Readings. 9. A. has And (with illuminated initial). A. galilese. 10. A. heofenas. 11. A. gelufeda. 13. A. eostnod. A. bene- don. 14. A. godspel; B. 3 godspell. 16. A. geseh. A. broSer. A. heora. A. hyg [for hi]. 17. A. ge-do. 18. A. hig [for hi]. A. nett. 19. A. banen. (A. omits 1 before zebedei). A. hig. B. net. A. logedon. 20. A. hig (bis). 9 On bam dagen com se haelend fram Uenit ihesm ' .,. -.-.* nazareth nazareth galilee 1 W32S ffe-fullod galilCe •} bap- ° tizatus est a iohanne in iordane. waetere. he ge-seah on Iordane fram Iohanne 10 1 sone of bam opene heofenes 1 haligne gast swa culfran astigende. 1 on hym wunede. 11 1 pa waes stefen ofheofene puscweSende pu ert min ge-lufede sune. on Se ic ge- licode. 12 And sone gast hine on westen ge- nedde. 13 "i he on westene waes feortig dagen. } feortig nihte. !! he waes fram sathanas ge-costned. 1 he mid wilde deoren waes. 1 hym aengles beneden. 14 OlydSe iohannes ge-seald waes com Preteriens S> ihe hselend from nazareS Jisere byrig to galilea 3 gefulwad waes in iordanen from iohanne 10. 3 onstyde astag of wsetre geseh ontynde heofunas 3 gastes halga swilce culfra of dune stigende 3 wuniende in him -r in Stem 11. 3 stsefn geworden wees of heofune (>u eart sunu min leof on Se ic wel licade 12. 3 sona Se gast draf hine on westen 13. 3 wees on westen feowertig daga 3 feowertig ncehta 3 wees acunnad from \>mm wiSerwearda wses *miS wilde deorum 3 englas gejiegnedon 4" herdon him. 14. Defter J> on wutudlice gesald wees iohannes com se hse-1' in galilea bodade godspelles rice godes 15. 3 cwejjende for(>on gefylled is tide 3 to-genealacede rice godes hreowsia}> 3 gelefa^ in godspell 16. 3 fserende bi see galilea gesaeh simonem -)5 is petrus 3 andreas broSer his hia sendende nett on sse werun forjjon fisceres 17. 3 cwsejj heom to se hse-t cuma)? softer me 3 gedoa eowic f ge beo]?anl'ge seon fisceres monnum 18. 3 ricenlice miS)3y forleten nett fylgende werun him 19. 3 foerde )?onan lytel hwon geseeh iacobus zebedes sunu 3 Iohannes broSer his 3 )>a ilea J- hia in scip gesetton f> nett 20. 3 sona-tSariht geceigde hia 3 miS);y forlet fseder his zebedeus in scipe miS ^sem hyremonnum fylgende waerun him B2 12 Erat enint docens eos quasi potesta- temhabens. A. E\ p minus egredientes de sinagoga uene- runt in domum aymonis et an drese. A. 21 1 ferdon to cafarnau/w 3 sona reste- dagwn he laerde hi on gesamnunge. inganc- gende 22 1 hi wundredon be his lare ; Soblice he waes hi laerende swa se be anweald haefS. naes swa boceras. 23 1 on heora gesamnunge waes sum man. on unclaenu/w gaste 3 he hrymde 24 1 cwaeS eala nazarenisca haelend hwaet is us 1 be. com Su us to for-spillanne. ic wat bu eart godes halga; 25 Da cidde se haelend hivi 1 cwaeS a- dumba. 1 ga of bisiww men. 26 1 se unclaena gast hine slitende 1 my- celre stefne clypiende him of eode ; 27 pa wundredon hi ealle swa -p hi be- twux him cwaedon. hwaet ys bis. hwaet is beos niwe lar. -f he on anwealde unclaenujra gastum bebyt. 1 hi hyrsumiaB him. 28 7 sona ferde his hllsa to galilea rice ; 29 TTraedlice of hyra gesawmunge hi JL_L comon on simonis 1 andreas hus. mid iacobe 1 lohanne; 30 SoSlice ba saet simonis swegr hriSi- gende 3 hi him be hyre saedon. 313 ge-nealaecende he hi up ahof hyre handa ge-gripenre. 1 hraedlice se fefor hi forlet. 1 heo ben ode him ; 32 SoSlice ba hit wess sefen geworden ba sunne to setle eode. hi brohton to him ealle ba unhalan. 7 ba Se wode waeron. 33 1 eall seo burh-waru waes ge-gaderod to baere duran. gressus syna- gogam docebat eos. Various Readings. 21. A. capharnaum; B. Capernaum. A. hig. A. in- gangende. 22. A. hig (bis). 23. A. gesomnunge. 25. A. byssum. 26. A. clypigende. 27. A. hig (bis). A. he-tweox. A. hig. 29. A. ge-somnunge; B. gesamnuncge. A. hig. A. symones. 30. A. symones. A. sweger; B. swegr (altered to sweger). A. hriSiende. A. hig. 31. A. hig. A. fefer hig. 32. A. sefen wses. A. hig. 33. A. dura. 21 3 ferden to capharnaum. 1 sone reste- ingredieme 1 \neaui caphar dagen he laerde hyo on ge-samnunge ingan- °JJS£^" gende. 22 1 hyo wundreden be his lare. SoSlice he waes hyo laerende swa se be anweald haefS. naes swa bokeres. 23 1 on heore samnunge waes sum mann unclaenen gaste. 3 he rymde 24 1 cwseS. eala nazarenisca haelend hwaet is us 1 be. come bu us for-spillan. Ich wat bu ert godes halge. 25 Pa kydde se haelend hym 1 cwaeS. a- dumbe 1 ga of bisen menn. 26 1 se unclaene gast hine slytende 1 my- celere stefne cleopiende him of-eode. 27 Da wundreden hyo ealle. swa ~p hyo be-twexeo heom cwaeSen. hwaet is bis. hwaet is beos niewe lar. -f he on anwealde unclae- nen gasten be-beott. 7 hyo hersumieS hym. 28 1 sona ferde his hlysa to galilea-riche. 29 A nd raedlice of hyora samnunge he Egredieme l\ * _ ° lhesa de syna- XA. com en on symonis "i andreas hus g°s a uenit in • domum symo- mid iacobe 1 iohanne. ni» j andreas. 30 SoSlice ba saet symones swerger hresi- gende. 1 hyo hym be hyre saegden. 31 D ge-neahlacende he hyo up ahof hire handa ge-gripenre. "i hraedlice se feofer hi for-let. 1 hyo benode him. 32 SoSlice ba hit waes aefen ge-worSen ba sunne to settle eode. hy brohten to hym ealle ba un-haelen. 1 ba be wode waeren 33 "J eall syo burhware waes ge-gadered to bare dure Various Readings. 21. sona; dagum. 22. laare; lerende; anweld; boceras. 23. here; was; man on unctenum. 24. nazareniscea ; eart. 25. cedde; bisummen. 27. wundredon; be-twuxeom; nywe; anwalde uncloenum gastum be-beot ; hersumiafc. 28. rice. 29. End hrseddlice; hyra; hi comon. 30. simonis swegr hriSigende; soegdon. 31. ge-neahlsecende ; hyo [for hi]; heo [for hyo]. 32. afen geworden; hio [/or hy]; un-halan. 33. seo burhwara; gegaderod; dura. 13 3 infoerden capharnaww Sa burug 3 sona ineode-tfoerde to somnung laerde hia 21 *Et ingrediuntur capharnaum et statim sabbatis ingressus synagogawi docebat eos. " 12. yiii. 3 swigdon-tstyldon ofer lar his wees forSon laerende hia swaelce he maoht haebbende -thaefde 22 *Et stupebant super doctrina eius erat enim docens eos quasi potestatem habens * 13. ii. r r lu. ini. xxim. 3 ne suse uSuta 3 wees in somnung hiora monn in gast Unclsene 3 of-cliopade et non sicut scribae 23 *Et erat in synagoga eorura homo in spiritu inmundo et exclamauit * 1III. 14. viii. In. xxv. cuoeSjende- huaet us 3 Se Su haelend Se nazare cwome Su losige-Ho losane fisig ic wat hwaet Su arS 24 dicens quid nobis et tibi ihu nazarene uenisti perdere nos scio quis 6a haligwer godes 3 bebead him se haelend cwoeSende suiga Su 3 gaa of Seem menn 3 sanctus del 25 et comminatus est ei ihesws dicens obmutesce et exi de homine. 26 et bidtende-tbat bine se gast unclaenae 3 of-clioppende stefne micla-rTniS micle stefne of-eode from him discerpens eum spiritus inmundus et exclamans uoce magna exiuit ab eo. 3 wundrande weron alle Sus -pte hia gefregndon bituih him cuoeSende huaat Saet is Sis huaelc 27 et mirati sunt omnes ita ut conquirerent inter se dicentes quidnam est hoc quae lar Sius-tSas niua forSon-t-pte in mseht 3 gastum uncleenum hatas 3 eSmodigaS him doctrina hsec noua quia in potestate et spiritibws inmundis imperat et oboediunt ei. 3 foerde-tgesprang mersung-tmerSu his hraSe in all 16nd galileae 3 recone 28 et processit rumor eius statim in omnem regionem galilaeae. 29 *Et protinus • V. is. ii. r lu. xxvi. ta t . . mt. lxvi. [i.] foerdon of somnunge cuomon in hus symones 3 andresB miS lacob 3 egredientes de synagoga uenerunt in domum simonis et audreae cum iacobo et iohanne. gelegen wses 8a swer symones febrende wees 3 sona cuoeSaS-l'cuedon him of Saer^of Saem 30 decumbebat autem socrus simonis i'ebricitans et statim dicunt ei de ilia. 3 cwom-tgeneolecde ahof Sa ilea 3 miSSy ge-grippen waBS hond his 3 reconlice forleort hia 31 et accedens eleuauit earn et praehensa manu eius et continuo dimisit earn hSl from februm 3 ge-emb-ehtade him efern Sonne-tuuted/Jce-tSa gewarS miSSy to sett eade sunna febris et ministrabat eis. 32 uespere autem lacto cum occidisset sol geferedon-tgebrohton to him alle yfle haebbende 3 diowbla haebbende 3 waes afferebant ad eum omnes male habentes et demonia habentes. 33 et erat all ceastre-talle burgwaras gesomnad to duru-Ho gait omnis ciuitas congregata ad ianuam. 21. 3 infoerdun caphamaurfKbBere byrg 3 sona reste-dagas infoerde i ineode to somnu[n]gum gelaerde hia 22. 3 swigadun -r stylton ofer laere^iijs wees for(ion laerende hia swilce-tswa haemaehte haefde 3 no swa uSwutu 23. 3 waes in somnungum heora monn in gaste unclaenum 3 oft cleopade 24. cwaefiende hwaet us 3 Se \>v haelend Sob nazarenisca come )>u to losane -r lorene usic ic wat hwaet |>u \)U eart halig god 25. 3 bebeod-1' beboden is him se hsa-f cwaBSende swiga Jju 3 gaa of Seem menn gast unclaene 26. 3 bitende -r bat bine gast Se unclaene 3 of-cliopande staefne micelre i miccle 3 ofeode from him 27. 3 wundrende wserun alle )>us fte hie frugno-rascadun betwihe heom cwe}>ende hwaet f is J?is hwile lar t>ios-tSas niowa is for(>on in machte 3 gastum unclamum hata(> 3 edmodaS him 28. 3 sprang -t foerde mersung -r merSo his sona i instyde -r raefie in eallum hvem londe galilaeae 29. 3 recene foerde of somnunga comon in hus . . . f is petrus 3 andreas mis iacob 3 iohannes 30. gelegen waes wutudlice swaegre . . . $ is petrus fefer drifende 3 ied\>e cweduh to him of J^aem-tof f>8Bre 31. > com geneolacede ahof Sa ilea 3 miS^y gegripen waes hond his 3 ricenlice forlet hio hal from ridesolite+gedrif 3 ge()aBignade heom 32. aefen wutudlice )?a gewarS miS)>y to sete eode sunne gefoerdun i brohtun to him alle £a ytte haebbende 3 deoful hoebende 33. 3 waes alle caestre -r burg gesomnad to dore-tgeat. 14 34 "] he manega gehaelde pe missenlicum adlum gedrehte waeron. } manega deofol- seocnyssa he ut adraf. 3 hi sprecan ne let. forpara hi wiston -p he crist was; 35 And swiBe £er arisende he ferde. on weste stowe 1 hine par gebaed 36 3 him fyligde simon. 1 pa Be mid him waeron. 37 1 pa. hi hine gemetton hi saedon hi///, eall Jus folc Be secB ; 38 pa cwaeB he fare we on ge-hende tunas 1 ceastra. -p ic Bar bodige. witodlice to 'Sam ic corn. 39 1 he waas hodigende on heora ge-sam- nungum 1 ealre galilea. 1 deofol-seocnessa ut adrifende •, Dys sceai 40 A nd to hi/// com sum hreofla hine on wodnes-dfEg / » # on pare fifteo- xl biddende. !! gebigedww cneo- Sanwucanofer ••»• i. 1* pem*Mc<«n vfum him to cwaep ; Drihten. gil pu wylt ou Et uenit ad nriht ee-claensian me ; eum leprosus D i -» i i <• -it deprecans eum 41 SoBlice se haelend him ge-miltsode. J et genu flexo - , 5, , , , Mxii domine si his hand apenode 1 nine aet-hnnende J pus mundare. a. cwaeB; Ic wylle. beo Bu geclaensod. 42 1 pa he Bus cwaeB sona seo hreofnys him Warn ge-wat. 1 he wees geclaensod. 43 3 sona he bead him 44 1 cwaeB. warna -p Bu hit nanum men ne secge. ac ga 3 aet-yw Be para sacerda ealdre. } bring forBinre claensunga-p moyses bebead him on ge-witnesse. 45 1 he pa ut-gangende ongan bodian 1 widmaersian pa spraece; Swa -p he ne mihte openlice on pa ceastre gan. ac beon ute on westu/w stowu/w 1 hi aeghwanon to him com on. Various Readings. 34. A. mislicum. A. deofel-seocnyssa. A. hig (bis). 37. A. hig (bis). 38. B. witolice. 39. A. gesomnungum. A. ealle. A. deofel-seocnessa. 40. In the rubric, B has pentecosten. B. biddend. B. cweowum (altered to cneowum). 41. A. apenede. A. om. 1 before j>us. 42. A. hreofnes. 43. B. bend [for bead]. 44. A. ge-wytnysse. 45. A. agan [for ongan]. A. hig [for hi]. 34 1 he manega ge-haelde ; pe mistlicen adle ge-drehte waeren. 1 manege deofol- seocnysse he ut a-draf. 3 hyo sprecen ne leten for pan pe hyo wisten paet he crist wses. 35 And swiBe aer sunne arisende he ferde on weste stowe. 1 hine paer ge-baed. 36 1 hym fylgede symon 1 pa pe mid hym waeren. 37 7 pa pe hine ge-metten hyo saigden hym. eall pis folc pe seed. 38 pa cwaeB he fare we on gehende tunas "} ceastres -p ic paer bodige. Witodlice to pam ic com. 39 1 he waes bodiende on heore samnenge 1 ealre galileas. 1 deofel-seocnyssa ut-adri- fende. 40 |jlnd to hym com sum reofela hine Uenit ad iesum ,.,, , , , • i i leprosus depre- biddende J beigden cneowen hym cans eum -y Drihten gyf pu wilt pu miht ge- dixit, nomine si uis potes me E to cwaeB claensien me. 41 SoBIice se haelend hine ge-miltsede 1 his hand a-penode 1 hine aet-hrinede 1 pus cwaeB. Ic wille. byo pu ge-claensed. 42 1 pa he pus cwaeB ; sona syo reoflyss him fram ge-wat. 1 he waes ge-claensed. 43 1 sone he baed hym 44 7 cwaeB. warne paet pu hit nanen menn ne segge. ] ga ] atewe pe pare sacerda ealdre. 7 bring for pinre claensunge -p moyses be-bead on ge-witnysse. 45 1 he pa ut-gangende on-gan bodien 1 wiB-maersian pa spraece. swa -p he ne mihte openlice on pa ceastre gan. ac bye ute on westeu stowen. 3 hyo aighwanen to hym comen. Various Headings. 34. mislicura adlum; wajron; manega deofol-seocnyssa ; let; wiston. 35. sunne omitted. 36. fylygde; wseron. 37. 1 )ja hyo ; gemetton ; ssegden ; seefc. 38. ceastras. 39. hyra samnuwge 1 ealra; deofol-seocnyssa. 40. reofola; gebigdum cneowum. 41. him ge-miltsode; apenede; set- hrinende; ge-claensod. 42 reofnyss; ge-claensod. 43. sona; bead or beod. 44. warna pset pa [sic]; nanum men; secge; ac ga 3 setyw ; ealdra ; (jinra clsensunga. 45. bodian ; beon ute; westum stowuw; aeghwanon; comon. 15 3 lecnade -i gemde raonigo SaSe geswoenced woere-tweron gesuoencde missenlicum adlum 3 34 et curauit rnultos qui uexabantur uariis languoribus et dioblas menigo he fordraf ut-tafirde 3 nalde leta spreca biatne lefde hia to spreccanne forSon wiston hine demonia multa eiciebat *Et non sinebat loqui ea quoniam sciebant eum * 16. viii. lu. xxvii. 3 on sering suiSe aras foerde -tfaerend Sona eode on woestigum stouo-l'styd 3 Ser gebsed 3 35 *Et diluculo ualde surgens egressus abiit in desertum locum ibique orabat. 36 et * 17. viii. lu. xxviii. fylgend wses him simon 3 SaSe miS hine woeron 3 miSSy on-fundon hine cuedon him secutus est eum simon et qui cum illo erant. 37 et cum inuenissent eum dixerunt ei forSon-t fte alle soecaS See 3 cuoeS to him gse we-twutuwj geonga in Sa neesto 16nd 3 quia omnes quaerunt t& 38 et ait illis eamus in proximos uicos et 8a ceastre f ec 8er ic hodiga 3 to Sis forSon ic cwom 3 wees bodande in somnungum ciuitates ut et ibi praedicem et hoc enim ueni. 39 et erat prsedicans in sinagogys hiora 3 alle galilese 3 diobles fordraf-tworpend 3 cwom to him licSrower ] int. lxiii. eorum et omni galilaea et daemonia eiciens. 40 *Et uenit ad eum leprosus * VI - 18 - »• lu. xxxiii. baad hine-tgiornede hine 3 miS cnew-beging cuoeS gif Su wilt Su moeht meh geclsensiga se hse-t deprsecans eum et genu flexo dixit si uis potes me mundare. 41 ihesws 8a waas milsande his ge-rahte hond his 3 gehran-thrinande him cueS to him ie willo geclsensiga autem miseratus eiu3 extendit manum suam et taugens eum ait illi uolo mundare. 3 mi88y gecueS s6na foerde frowj him Siu riofol 3 geclaansad webs 3 behead 42 et cum dixisset statim discessit ab eo lepra et mundatus est. 43 et comminatus him sona draf hine 3 cuoeS him to gesih 8u f> naanigum menn 8u coe8e ah gaa sed-eaw ei statim eicit ilium. 44 et dicit ei uide nemini dixeris sed uade ostende Sec Ssem aldor sacerda 3 gef fore clsensunge Sin 8a Se heht moises in cySnisse him t6 principi sacerdotum et offer pro emundatione tua quae praecipit moses in .testimonium illis. soS he foerde ongann bodiga 3 mersiga -J5 word Sus fte uutedlice ne maehte ewunga 45 •Et ille egressus coepit praedicare et diffamare sermonem ita ut iam non posset manifeste * 19. x. in 8a ceastra iregeonga-tirccuma ah uta in woestiguw stowm wses -js were 3 gesomnadon-r'efne-gecwomon to in ciuitatem introire sed foris in desertis locis esse et conueniebant ad him eghuona-rfrom halfe gehuelc eum undique. 34. 3 lecnade monige }>a \pe werun geswsencte missenlicum adlum 3 deofles monige he fordraf i afirde 3 ne let him sprecan forjion he wisten hine 35. 3 on scringe swiSe aras 3 foerde Z faarende eode in westige stowe i steyde 3 Sser gebaed 36. 3 fylgende waas him simon 3 JjaSe miS him wserun 37. 3 mi)>Sy onfundun hine cwaedun to him forjion alle soecaji Be 38. 3 cwse)> to heom se hse-l" ga we-twutu gangan in \>a, nehsto lond 3 )>a csestre fte 3 ec Saar ic bodige 3 to Sisse for)>on ic com 39. 3 wses bodande in somnungum heora 3 alle galile 3 deoflas fordraf -t forwarp 40. 3 com to him licjjrowere bed i bidende him 3 mid cneu begende 4" beginge cwae)> gif Su wilt Jm maah me geclensige 41. se hselend witudlice (;a waas miltsende him gerahte honda his 3 hran him cwse)> to him ic wille geclaansie 42. 3 miSf>y cwsej? hrse[>e foerde from him ]?e hriofal 3 geclensad waas. 43. 3 beboden wses him hrsefie 3 draf hine 44. 3 cwaa); to him gesih Sn nsenegum menn ssecge -h cwe(ie ah gaa aateaw ]>e Ssom aldor sacerd 3 agef for clsensunge J;ine )>a)je heht moyses in cyjmisse Ssem 45. soS he foerde ongan bodige 3 msarsige word jius f wutudlice ne msehte eawunga in 8a ceastre ingangan-Hneode ah but an in westigum stowum wsere 3 gesomnadun -t efne-comon to him seghwonan from seghwilcu?ra halfe 16 CHAPTER II. 1 3 eft setter dagum he eode into cafar- nauwa. 3 hit waes ge-hyred -p he waes on huse 2 "i manega togaedere comon. "3 he to heom sprasc. 3 I hi comon anne laman to him herende. pone feower men baeron. 4 3 pa hi ne mihton hine inbringan for baere maenigu. hi openodon pone hrof bar se haelend waes. 3 hi pa in-asendan. ~p bed be se lama on laeg; 5 SoSlice Sa se haelend geseah heora geleafan. he cwaeS to bam laman; Sunu be synt pine synna for-gyfene. 6 par waeron sume of Sam bocerum sit- tende. 1 on heora heortum bencende 7 hwi spycS pes pus. he dysegaS. hwa maeg synna for-gyfan buton god ana ; 8 Da se haelend -p on his gaste oncneow. •p hi swa betwux him pohton. he cwaeS to him. hwi Sence ge pas Sing on eowrum heortan. 9 hwaeSer is eSre to secgenne to pam laman. pe synd Sine synna forgyfene. hwaeSer pe cweSan aris nim Sin bed 1 ga. 10 ~p ge soSlice witon -p mannes sunu haefS anweald on eorSan ; synna to for- gyfanne; He cwaeS to pam laman 11 pe ic secge aris. nim pin bed. 1 ga to pinum huse 12 1 he sona aras. 1 be-foran him eallum eode; Swa ~p ealle wundredon "i bus cwaedon. na?fre we aer byllic ne ge-sawon. Various Readings. Ch. ii. v. 1. A. capharnaum; B. Capernaum. 2. A.hym. 3. A. hig. A. serine. 4. A. hig ne; B. hine [for hi ne]. A. msenigeo; B. maenigum. A. hig [for hi; bis]. A. ope- nedon. B. }:are [for Jjar]. A. in-asendon. 5. A. synd. B. forgifen. 6. A. heortan. 7. A. hwig sprycfc. 8. A. hig. A. betweox. A. hwig. A. heortum. 9. A. ge8re [for efcre]. A. secganne. A. inserts before nim. A. bedd. 1 1. A. bedd. 12. A. heom [for him]. CHAPTER II. 1 1 eft aefter dagen he eode in-to caphar- naum ] hyt waes ge-hyred. ■p he waes on huse 2 1 manege to-gadere comen "i he to hem spraec. 3 1 hyo comen aenne lame man to him berende. f>ane feower men baeren. 4 1 pa hyo ne mihten hine in-bringen for J?are manige hyo openedon pane rof paer se haelend waes D hyo j?a in-asende f bed be se lame on laig. 5 SoSlice pa se haelend ge-seah heore ge-leafen he cwaeS. to pam lamen. Sune pe synde pine senne for-gefene. 6 baer waeren sume of bam bokeren sit- tende 3 on heore heortan bencende 7 hwi specS J>es pus. he desigeS. hwa maig senne for-gefen buton god ane. 8 Da se haelend paet on his gaste on-cneow. •p hyo swa be-tweoxe heom f>ohten. he cwaeS to heom hwi pence ge pas j?ing on eowre heorten. 9 hwaeSer is eSre to seggene to pam lamen. Se synde bine synne for-gefene. hwaeSer to cwaeSen aris nem bin bed 1 ga. 10 baet ge soSlice witen ■p mannes sune haefS anweald on eorban synnen to for- gefene. He cwaeS to pam lamen. 11 pe ic segge aris. nym pin bed 1 ga ; to pinen huse. 12 1 he sone aras. } be-foren heom eallen eode. swa ■p ealle wundreden 1 pus cwaeSen naefre we aer pellic bing ne ge-saegen. Various Readings. Ch. ii. v. 1. dagum. 2. manega; comon; heom. 3. comon ; )xinne ; bseron. 4. mihton ; meniga ; Jionne ; f>ar ; halend ; in-asenden ; lama ; lseg. 5. halend ; heora gelea- fan; laman; synt; sinne for-gyfene. 6. J>are waron; bo- ceran; heora heorta. 7. desygafc; mseg synna for-gyfen. 8. halend; betwux; Jjohton; eowran heortan. 9. hweger his; segganne; laman; sind; synna for-gyfene; hweSer Se cwefcen ; nim. 10. hafS ; synnan ; forgyfena ; laman. 11. fiinum. 12. sona; beforan; eallum; wundredon; cwse- Son; Jjillic ; ]>ing omitted; ge-sawen. 17 CAP. II. 3 efWsona infoerde capharraaum Sa burg aefter dagum 3 gehered wees fte in hu 1 *Et iterum intrauit capharnaum post dies et auditum est quod in domo efset. * 2, ^ vii 3 efne cuomon monigo Sus fte ne maehte foa-J-moma ne to _ duru 2 et conuenerunt multi ita ut non caperet neqwe ad ianuam et loquebatur , , . . • io. xxxvm. sprecend waes him-rsprCBC mt i XXi him word 3 cuomon feredon-tbrengende to him Sone eorS-crypel se Se from feowrum wees geboren eis uerbum. 3 et uenerunt ferentes ad eum paraliticum qui a quatuor portabatur. 3 hine ne msBhtun gebrenga hine him fore menigo ge-nacedon-runSehton f hus Ser wees 3 4 et eum non possent offerre' eum illi prae turba nudauerunt tectum ubi erat et ge-opnadon adune sendon f ber on «£em se eorS-cryppel laeg-tlicgende was miSSy gesaeh Sonne patefacientes summiserunt grauatum in quo paraliticus iacebat. 5 cum uidisset autem se hao-r geleafo hiora-rSara cuoeS Saem eorS-crypple suna forgefen bi«on *e synno weron xmiedlice Ser ihesua fidem illorum ait paralitico fill dimittuntur tibi peccata. 6 erant autem illic sume of uSuutum sittende 3 Sencendo-tsmeande in heartum hiora hwaet Ses swae -t «us spreces quidam de scribis sedentes et cogitantes in cordibus suis. 7 quid hie sic loquitur ofe byrig aefter dagum 3 gehered waes fte in huse waere 2. 3 efne comon monige [jus fte ne maehte foan-tnioman ne to dore-rto geaete 3 sprecende waes heoml' e him word 3. 3 comon toferende-rbringende to him )>one eorS-crypel seSe from feowrum waes geboren 4. 3 mi<5);y hi ne maehtun gebringan hine him for mengo genacadun-runwreogon f hus-f^a bere Jjaer he waes 3 openedon 4" opnende dydon adune sendun k settun \>a. bere in Saere )?e eorS-crypel laeg-Hicgende waes 5 miSl>v gesaeh (>onne se haelend geleafa heora cwae}> to j>aem eorS-crypele sunu forgefen beof>an Se synne f;ine 6. weron wutudlice (jser sume of u);wutum sittende 3 Sencende-rsmeande in heortum heortum 7. hwaat fies Sus-rswa spreca|> heo folsa)> hwa maeg forgeofanl'forletan synne nym[;e ane god 8. of )>on sona onget se haelend gast his fte swa fiohton-rsmeadon betwih heom cwaef; to heom hwaet (>as ge );enca}> in heortum eowrum 9. hwaet is ejare-r eaSur to cwe[>anne )>aem eorS-cryple forgefen beofmn \>e synne )>ine o})Se cwe[>an aris 3 nim -r ber bere )>ine 3 gaa 10. )>aet wutudfrce witajj ge fte he maehte haefe5 sunu monnes on eor(;a forgefnisse synne cwae); to (ssem eort5-cryple 11. $e ic saegce aris 3 nim bere (;ine 3 gaa to huse )>inum 12. 3 instyde he aras 3 under-leat bere eode beforan allum swa fte ofwundradun alle 3 ]>a. wor^adun god cwejiende fte hia naefre Jius-rswilc ne gesegun. 18 13 eft he ut eode to Saere see. 3 eall seo menigeo him to com 3 he hi laerde. 14 3 pa he forS eode he ge-seah leuin alphei. sittende aet his cep-setle. 3 he cwaeS to him folga me. pa aras he 3 folgode him. 15 3 hit gewearS pa he saet on his huse ■f manega manfulle. saeton mid pam haelende 3 his leorning-cnihtum; SoSlice manega pa 'Se him fyligdon wa?ron 16 boceras 3 farisei. 3 cwsedon. witodlice he ytt mid manfullu/w 3 synfullum. 3 hi cwaedon to his leorning-cnihtu/w. hwi ytt eower lareow 3 drincS. mid manfullum 3 synfullum ; 17 pa se haelend pis ge-hyrde he sasde him. ne bepurfon na Sa halan laeces. ac 8a pe untrume synt; Ne com ic na -p ic clypode riht-wise ac synfulle. 18 3 pa waeron lohannes leorning-cnihtas 3 pharisei faestende. 3 pa coraon hi 3 saedon him\ Hwi fsestaS iohannes leorning-cnihtas 3 phariseoruTra. 3 pine ne faestaS; 19 Da .cw. se haelend. cweSe ge sceolan paes brydguman cnihtas faestan swa lange swa se brydguma mid him is. ne magon hi faestan swa lange tide swa hi Sone brydgu- man mid him habbaS; 20 SoSlice fa dagas cumaS ponne se brydguma him biS fram acyrred. 3 ponne hi faestaS; On pam dagum 21 nan man ne siwap niwne scyp to ealdum reafe elles he afyrS pone niwan scyp. of pam ealdan reafe. 3 bip mare slite. Various Readings. 13. A. msenigeo ; B. minigeo. A. hig [for hi]. 14. A. ge-seh. A. lefin. 16. pharisei. A. hig. A. hwyg [for hwi]. 17. A. Uecas. A. synd. 18. A. hig. A. hwig. 19. A. sculon. A omits from swa se to lange before tide, r A. hig. 20. A. hig. 21. A. seep [for second scyp]. 13 And eft he ut-eode to bare sae. 3 eall , Vi 4 u \ h «™ .» • leum alpnej syo manege hym to com 3 he hyo laerde. sedentem ad J ° » » theloneum. 14 3 pa he forS-eode he ge-seah leuin alphei. sittende aet his cep-setle. 3 he cwaeS to hym folge me. pa aras he 3 felgede hym. 15 3 hit ge-warS pa he saet on his huse "p - manege manfulle saeten mid pam haelende 3 his leorning-cnihten. SoSlice manege pa pe him felgden waren 16 bokeres 3 pharisei. 3 cwaeften witod- lice he ett mid manfullen 3 synfullen. 3 hy cwaeSen to his leorning-cnihten. hwi aet eower lareow 3 drincd mid mannfullen 3 sen- fullen. 17 pa se haelend pis ge-hyrde he saede heom. Ne be-purfen na pa halen laeces. ac pa pe untrume synden. Ne com ic na paet ich cleopede riht-wise ac synfulle. 18 3 pa waeren iohannes leorningcnihtes 3 farisej faestende. 3 pa comen hyo 3 segden him. wi faested Iohannes leorning-cnihtes 3 Accessenmt ad • . , . i> ss ihesum disci - phanseorum 3 pine ne faesteo. p«i» iohannis dicsntcs 1 9 £>a cwaeS se haelend cweBe ge. sculen Quare nos p pas bredgumen cnihtes faesten swa lange swa namus , , -li . i frequenter. se bredgume mid heom is ; ne magen hyo faesten swa lange tide swa hyo pane bredgu- men mid heom haebbeS. 20 SoSlice pa dages cumeS pane se bred- gume heom beoft fram acyrred 3 pawne hyo faesteS. On pan dagen 2 1 nanman ne seweS ny we seep to ealden reafe. elles he afyrS pane neowan seep of pam ealden reafe 3 byS mare slite Various Readings. 13. End (with coloured initial); seo menga. 14. folga; folgede. 15. ge-wearts ; manega manful la saeton ; halende; cnihtum; manega; fyligdon. 16. hoceras 3 farisei; cwsb- $on; ytt; manfullum; synfullum; hyocwaeSon; cnihtum ; ytt ; drincS ; manfullum ; synfullum. 17. be-purfon ; halan; synt; ic. 18. waron; cnihtas; pharisei; comon; sajgden heom; Wwi (so, with coloured W for H) ; cnihtas. 19. halend; cwede; sculon; hridguman cnihtas fastan ; bridguma ; magon ; faston ; porane hridguman; him habbais. 20. dagas; ponne ; brydguma hem byS ; ponrfe; fsestaS. On (>am dagum. 21. siwad; ealdum; pone niwan scyp; ealdon. H 19 3 faerende wees efter sona 3 sae'tec t6 sae 3 all Sreat cymende wees to him 3 laerde hia 13 *Et egressus est rursus et mare omnis quae turba ueniebat ad eum et docebat eos. * VII. 21. ii. lu. xxxviii. mt. lxxi. 3 miSSy Sona foerde gesseh sittende to 3 cuoeS to him s6ec mec-rTylg me 14 et cum praeteriret uidit leuin alphei sedentem ad teloneuwi et ait illi sequere me 3 aras fylgende webs hine et surgens secutus est eum. 3 geworden waes miSSy gelionede in hus Saes monigo 15 *Et factum est cum accumberet in domo illius multi • 22. ii. lu. xxxviiii. clxxxvi. baersunigo 3 synnfullo aetgeadre geraeston-tlinigiendo weron mis Sone hae-r 3 Segnum his weron forSon mt. Ixxii. publicani et peccatores simul discumbebant cum ihesu et discipulis eius erant enim menigo SaSe 3 fylgdon+fylgendo weron him i hine 3 wuSuto 3 *a seldo gesegon forSon i '£te he set-tett multi qui et sequebantur eum. 16 et scribse et pharisaei uidentes quia manducaret miS synnfullum 3 bsersynnigum hia cuedon Segnum his forhuon miS baersynnigum 3 synfullum cum peccatoribws et publicanis dicebant discipulis eius quare cum puplicanis et peccatoribws ettes 3 drincaS laruu iuer manducat et bibit magister uester. miSSy geherde Sis se hae-l - cueS to him ne ned-Sarf habbaS 17 *Hoc audito iliesws ait illis non necesse habent • 23. ii. lu. xl. mt. lxxiii. halo to lece ah Sa Se yfle habbaS ne forSon cwom ic to ceigenne soSfaesto, ah synfullo 3 sani medicum sed qui male habent non enim ueni uocare iustos sed peccatores. 18 et weron Segnas iohanrai* 3 fsestendo 3 cwomon 3 cwedon him forhwon Segnas erant discipuli iohannes et pharisaei ieiunantes et ueniunt et dicunt illi quare discipuli iohannis 3 hia faestaS Sine uutedlice Segnas ne _ fsestaS iohannis et pharisaeorum ieiunant tui autem discipuli non ieiunant. 3 cuoeS to him 19 et ait illis se hse-r ah ne magon suno Sa huile Se brydguma miS him is fsesta sua longe tid-thuile iliesws num quid possunt filii nubtiarum quam diu sponsus cum illis est ieiunare quanto tempore habbaS miS brydgum ne magon fsesta habent secum sponsum non possunt ieiunare. cymeS Sonne dagas miSSy genumen biS from 20 uenient autem dies cum auferetur ab him Se brydguma 3 Sa hia faestas in Saem doege naenig niwes flyhtes siuieS eis sponsus et tunc ieiunabunt in ilia die. 21 nemo assumentum panni rudis assuit gegerelo aldum oSer Sing from nimmeS fyllnise niwe of aide 3 mara toslitnessa biS uestimento ueteri alio quin auferet supplementum nouum ai, ueteri et maior scissura fit. 13. 3 fserende wees sefter sona ec to saa eall );a {>reat cymende to him 3 laerde hia 14. 3 miS|>y [>onan foerde gesaeh . . . sittende to geafol-monunge 3 cwe^> to him folgam-tfylge me 3 aras fylgende waes him 15. 3 geworden waes mi5(iy gehlionade in huse Saes monige openlice synnige-thehsunne 3 synnfulle aetgaedre gereston-t hleonadun miS Sone hae^r 3 Segnum his weron forSon monigu SaSe 3 fyligdun-l - fylgende werun him 16. 3 uSwutu 3 Sa aldu gisegun forSon Sset he ett+etende waes miS Saem synfullum 3 baer-synnigum hiae cwedun Segnum his for hwon miS baer-sunnigum 3 synfullum etest (sic) 3 drinces larow iower 17. miSSy giherde Sis Se hae-t cwaaS to him ne ned-Sserfe habbas haelo to lece ah SaSe yfel habbas ne forSon com ic to ceganne soS- faeste ah synfylle 18. 3 werun Segnas iohannes 3 Sa aldu faestende 3 comun 3 cwedun him forhwon Segnas iohannes 3 Sa aldu faestende Sine wutudh'ce Segnas ne faestas 19. 3 cwaeS to him Se hae-r ahne ne magun sunu . . . Se hwile Se brydguma miS him is faestende swa longe tide habbas miS Sone brydguma ne magun fsesta 20. cumaS Sonne dagas miSSy ginumen biS from him Se brydguma 3 Sa hia faestas in Saem dagum 21. naenig forSon . . . niowes flyhtes siowes giwedo-tgigerelu aldu oSeru Sing from-nimeS fylnisse niowe from aldun 3 mara to-slitnesse biS C2 20 22 3 nan man ne deS niwe win on ealde bytta. elles f win tobrycS pa bytta. "1 j> win bi<5 agoten. 3 pa bytta forwurSap; Ac niwe win sceal beon gedon on niwe bytta. ponne beoS butu gehealden; 23 lilft waes geworden pa he reste-dagum -L^ purh aeceras eode. his leorning- cnihtas ongunnon pa ear pluccigean. 24 pa cwaedon pharisei to hi»i. loca nn hwaet tine leorning-cnihtas doS. ^ him alyfed naes. on reste-dagum; 25 pa saede he him ne raedde ge naefre. hwaet dyde dauid pa hine hingrode. 1 pa Se mid him wseron. 26 hu he in godes huse eode. under abia- thar para sacerda ealdre. 1 he set pa ofrung- hlafas. pe him ne alyfede nseron to etanne. buton sacerdon anum. ") he sealde pam Se mid him waeron. 27 3 he saede him. reste-daeg waes ge- worht for pa men. nass se man for 'Sam reste-daege; 28 Witodlice drihten is mannes sunu eac swylce reste-daeges ; CHAPTER III. 1 A nd eft he eode on ge-samnunge 1 par XA. waes an man for scruncene haud haebbende 2 1 hi gymdon hwseper he on reste-dagum gehaelde. -f hi hine gewregdon ; 3 Da cwaeS he to 'Sam men pe for-scrun- cene hand haefde. aris gemang him. Various Readings. 22. A. for-weorbaS. 23. A. pluccian ba ear. 25. A. hingrede ; B. hungrode. 26. A. into [for in]. A. of- frung-hlafas. A. naeron alyfede (omitting ne) ; B. ne alyfed nsoron. B. setanne. A. butan. A. sacerdujn. 27. A. bam. men ; B. ba men (as in the text). Ch. iii. v. 1. A. omits And ; with a large initial to Eft. A. ge somuunge. 2. A. tug. A. wregdon. 22 "i nawman ne doS nywe win on ealde betta. elles f win to-brecS pa bytte. "i paet win beoS agoten 1 pa bytta for-wurSeS. Ac neowe win scell beon ge-don on neowe bytta panne beoS ba twa ge-healden. 23 TT^ft waes ge-worSen ba he reste- Ib »' ihes " J dagen purh aeceres eode. sabbato per Jjjg sata. discipuli eius esurientes leorninff-cnihtes on-gunnen ba ear pluccin. ceperum euei- P OJ.ii lere spicas. 24 pa cwaeSen pa pharisej to him. Loce nu hwaet pine leorning-cnihtes doS. ~f heom alefeS naes on reste-dagen. 25 Da saide he heom. ne raedde ge naefre hwaet dyde dauid. pa hym hingrede. 1 pa pe mid hym waeren. 26 hu he inne godes huse eode under abiathar pare sacerde ealdre. 1 he aett of pa ofFrunge-hlafes. be hym ne alyfde neren to aetenne. buten sacerden ane. 1 he sealde bam pe mid hym waeren. 27 "i he saigde heom. reste-daig waes ge- worht for pam men. nes se man for pam reste-daige. 28 Witodlice drihten is mannes sune eac swilce reste-dages. 1 Tjlnd CHAPTER III. nd eft he eode on ge-samnunge. paer waes an man for-scruncen handde haebbende 2 "i hyo gem den h wader he on reste-dagen ge-haelde ~p hyo hine ge-wreiden. 3 pa cwaeS he to pam men pe for-scru[«]- ccne hand haefde. aris ge-mang heom. Various Readings. 22. nan man; deS; bytta (bis); by*; for-wurSaS; nywe; sceal; niwe; bonne; buto [for ba twa]. 23. Eft (with coloured initial) ; ge-worden ; dagum ; aceras ; cnihtas on- gunnon. 24. second ba omitted; Loca; cnihtas; alyfd; dagurn. 25. ssegde; eom [so; for heom]; nafre hwat; ba hine. 26. in ; bara sacerda ealdra ; set ; of omitted ; offrung- hlafas; naeron; ettanne butan sacerdum anuwi; wseron. 27. saegde. 28. deeges. Ch. iii. v. 1. hand. 2. gymden hwaSer; reste-dagum. 3. for-scruncene (for-scrucene in Hatton MS.). 21 3 nsenig monn sendeS win niwe in byttum aldum mara woen to-slitteS $ win Sa bytto 22 et nemo mittit uinum nouellum in utres ueteres alio quin disrumpet uinum utres 3 -p win biS agotten 3 Sa bytto losaS ah f win niwe in byttum niwum senda is rehtlic et uinum effunditur et utres peribunt sed uinum nouum in utres nouos mitti debet. 3 gewearS-rgeworden wees eft sona miSSy sunnedagum eode Serh 3 Segnas his ongunnun 23 *Et factum est iterum cum sabbatis ambularet per sata et discipuli eius coeperunt * VIII. 24. ii. lu. xli. mt. cxiiii. forS-geonga 3 Sonne cuoedon bim heonu hueet doaS gie praegredi et uellere spicas. 24 pharisaei autem dicebant ei ecce quid faciunt sabbatis •p nis alefed quod now licet. 3 cueS to him ne leornade ge huaet dyde Sa ned 25 et ait illis num quam legistis quid fecerit dauid quando necessitatem hsefde 3 hyngerde he 3 SaSe miS hinie weron habuit et esuriit ipse et qui cum eo erant. huu inn-eode hus godes under 26 quomodo introiit domum dei sub ahiathar aldor sacerda 3 hlafo fore-gegearwad4"temised gebrec Sa nere lefed to eattanna nymSe principe sacerdotuwi et panes propositionis manducauit quos non licet manducare nisi sacerdum 3 salde Ssem SaSe miS hine weron sacerdotibws et dedit eis qui cum eo erant. geworden waes 3 nses monn fore rsBstdsege factum est et non homo propter sabbatum. 3 cuseS to him rest-dsBg fore menn 27 *Et dicebat eis sabbatum p[r]opter hominem * 25. ii. forSon hlafurd is sunu monnes ec 28 itaque dominus est filius hominis etiam lu. xlii. mt. cxvi. to raestdaege sabbati. CAP. III. 3 ' ineode eft sona on 8a somnung 1 wses Ser monn hsefde hond drygi 3 1 et introiit iterum synagogam et erat ibi homo habens manum aridam. 2 et behealdon hine gif>rhueSer onhaligdagum gegemde -pte hia geteldon-rnifcria hine obseruabant eum si sabbatis curaret ut accusarent ilium. 3 cue$ Ssem menn 3 et ait homini hoebbende hond drygi aris in middum habenti manum aridam surge in medium. 22. 3 nsenig mon sendeS win niowe in byttum aldum mara woen tosliteS Sat winn 8a bytte 3 f win agoten bi« 3 Sio bytte losed ah Saet win niowe in byttum niowe sendes is rehtlie 23. 3 giworden weds efter sona miSSy sunna-dsege eode Se hae-r Serh . . . 3 Segnas his ongunnun forSgonga 3 . . . 24. Sa aldu wutudh'ce cwedun him heono hwast doaS ge on sunna-daege Saette nis alefed 25. 3 cwaeS to him naefre ne liornades-rne liornadun hwret dyde dauid Sa hned-bihoefe haefde 3 hyerende he 3 SaSe miS hine werun 26. hwa in-eode in hus godes under abiathar aldor sacerda 3 hlafas fore-gigeorwadse gibrec Sa neron alefed to eotanne nym|>e anum sacerdum 3 salde Ssem Se miS hine werun 27. 3 cwaeS to him dseg for monum giworden waes 3 nses mon fore rseste-dseg 28. forSon hlafard is sunu monnes ec to rseste-daege. Cap. III. 1. 3 in-eode efter sona in somnunga 3 wees Ser mon hsefde honda dryge. 2. 3 biheoldun hine gif he halges dseges gigemde f hi® teldun-hniSradun hine 3. 3 cwaeS to Seem menn haebbende honda dryge aris in middum. 22 4 pa cwaeS he alyfS reste-dagum wel to donne hweper Se yfele. sawla ge-haelan. hweper Se for-spillan. 1 hi suwodon. 5 1 hi besceawiende mid yrre ofer hyra heortan blindnesse ge-unret cwseS to \am men; Apene pine hand. 3 he apenede hi. pa wearS his hand ge-haeled sona; 6 pa pharisei mid herodianiscuzw utgan- gende peahtedon ongen hine. hu hi hine fordon mihton. 7 1 fa ferde se haelend to paere see. mid his leorning-cnihton. 3 mycel menigeo him fyligde fravw galilea. 1 iudea. 8 1 hierusalew. 1 fram iudea } be-geon- dan iordane 1 to hira com mycel menegeo ymbe tirum J sidone gehyrende pa Sing pe he worhte. 9 3 he cwaeS to his cnihtuw -p hi him on scipe penodon. for paere menigu -p hi hine ne ofprungon; 10 Soplice manega he ge-hselde; Swa ~p hi aet-hrinon his. 3 swa fela swa untrumnessa 11 "i unclaene gastas haefdon; pa hi hine gesawon. hi to-foran him astrehton. 1 pus cweSende clypedon. pu eart godes sunu. 12 1 he him swySe forbead. -p hi hine ne ge-swutelodon. 13 U on anne munt he ferde 3 to him ge-clypode pa Se he wolde 1 hi to him comon 14 1 he dyde ~p hi twelfe mid him waeron. 3 he hi asende godspell to bodigenne. Various Readings. 4. B. well. A. hwse)>er (bis). A. hig swigedon. 5. A. hig be-sceawigende. A. heora. A. blyndnysse. A. hig [for hi]. 6. A. erodianiscum. A. ongean. A. hig. 7. A. cnyhtum. A. mseniu [for menigeo]. 8. A. B. iudea (as in the text). A. be-eondan. A. msenigeo. 9. A. hig. A. Jienedon. A. maenigeo ; B. meniguw. A. hig. 10. A. hig. B. is (altered to his). 11. A. hig (bis). B. cwaefcende. 12. A. hig. A. ge-swuteledon. 13. A. senne. A. hig. 14. A. hig (bit). A. godspel. 4 Da cwaeS he alyfS reste-dagen wel to donne hwaeSer Se yfele sawle ge-haelen hwaSer to for-spillen. } hyo swigedon. 5 3 hyo be-sceawiende mid eorre ofer hire heorte blindnisse. he un-rot cwaeS to pam men. a-pene pine hand. 1 he a-penede hyo. pa warS his hand ge-haeled sone. 6 Da farisei mid herodianiscen ut-gan- gende peohtendon on-gean hine. hu hyo hine for-don mihton. 7 3 pa ferde se haelend to pare sae. mid his leorning-cnihten ") mycel menigeo him felgede fram galilea. 1 iudea. 8 1 ierusalem. 1 {ram idumea. 1 be-geonden iordane. "i to him com mycel menige ymbe tyrum 1 sydonem ge-herende pa ping pe he worhte. 9 3 he cwaeS to his cnihten j> hyo hym on scype penedon for pare manigeo paet hyo hine ne of-prungen. 10 SoSlice manege he haelde. swa -p hyo aet-rinen his. 1 swa fele swa untrumnysse 11 1 unclaene gastes hasfden. Dahyo hyne ge-seagen hyo to-foran hym astrehten. pus cweSende clepeden. pu ert godes sune. 12 1 he hym swiSe for-bead. -p hyo hine ne ge-swuteledon. 13 D on aenne munt he ferde 3 to hym ge- clypede pa pe he wolde "S hyo to hym co men 1 4 1 he dyde ■p hyo twelf mid him waeren 1 he hyo asende godspell to bodienne. Various Readings. 4. dagum ; done hwefcer ; hwefcer )je for-spillan ; swuwo- don. 5. hi ; yrre ; hyra heortan ; ge-unret ; wearS ; sona. 6 pharisei ; herodianiscum ; fieahtendon. 7. halend ; cnih- tnn • fvlitrrlo' omIiIi'Ti ft mAnpcrort • nrp.liv don i ijur «yuj; wi-uriuuu s; untruTnnyssa. 11. gastas haefdon; gesawum; astrehton; 3 Jius; clypedon; eart. 12. ge-swutelodon. 13. comon. 14. hy; bodiende. 23 3 cue« to him is alefed hraestdagum wel wyrce k yfle Sa sawele hal gedoa k 4 et dicit eis licet sabbatis bene facere an male animam saluam facere an losiga soS hia suigdon perdere at illi tacebant. 3 ymb-sceawde hia miS wraeSSo unr6tsade ofer ungleownise 5 et circum-spiciens eos cum ira contristatus super caecitatem heartaes hiora cue* to Saem menn aSen hond Sin 3 aSenede 3 eft geboetad waes hond him cordis eorum dicit he-mini extende manum tuam et extendit et restituta est manus illi. Sa eodon Sonne sona miS heroSes Segnum Saehtung hia dedon wis him 6 *£xeuntes autem statira pharisaei cum herodianis consilium faciebant aduersus eum * Villi. huu hine losiga maehton quomodo eum perderent. 26. ii[ii]. io. xciii. xcv. 3 Se haelend miS Segnum his foerde to see 3 menigo mt - cxvu - 7 et ihesws cum discipuli3 suis secessit ad mare. *Et multa*27. i. Bread of 3 fylgende waes hine from hierusaZem 3 from 3 ofer turba a galilaea et iudaea secuta est eum. 8 ab hierosolimis et ab idumaea et trans iorda- 3 Sa Se ymb tyre 3 sidone menigo miclo herdon-Hierend weron Sa Se he wyrcende waes nen et qui circa tyrum et sidonem multitudo magna audientes quae faciebat lu. xxxiiii. xlv. io. xlvi. mt. xxiii. cwomon to him uenerunt ad eum. 3 cueS Segnum his fte scip him gebrohton-t'geherdon fore 9 et dixit discipulis sui3 ut nauicula sibi deseruiret propter Ssem menigo -pte hia ne fortredon hine turbam ne compremerent eum. monigo forSon he gehaelde Sus fte hia raesdon on 10 multos enim sanabat ita ut inruerent in him -pte hine hie gehrindon-Hirina msehtaes sua feolo4"sua oft Sonne hia haefdon uncuS aSlo eum ut ilium tangerent quotquot autem habebant plagas. 11 et gasto unclseno miSSy hine gesegonJ'gesea maehton gefeollon-Hiluton him 3 hia weron clioppende-tcliopadon spiritus inmundi cum ilium uidebant procidebant ei *Et clamabant * 28. viii. cweSendo Su arS sunu godes dicentes tu ds fizYu3 dei. lu. xxvii. 3 swiSe bebead him -pte hia ne aewades-t'mersades 12 et uehementer cominabatur eis ne manifestarent hine 3 astag on mor ceigde to him Sailco walde he 3 cwomun to him ilium. 13 *Et ascendens in montewa uocauit ad s6 quos uoluit ipse et uenerunt ad eum. • X. 29. ii lu. lxxxvi. mt. Ixxviiii. 3 dyde fte hia were twelfo miS him 3 -tec -jHe sende hia bodiga godspell 14 et fecit ut essent duodecim cum illo et ut mitteret eos praedicare euangelium. 4. 3 cwaeS to him gif is alefed on raeste-dagum wel wyrca + yfle Sa sawle hale gidoa k loesiga soS hia swigadun 5. 3 ymbsceowadun hine miSSy unrotsade ofer ungleownisse heorta hiora cwteS to Seem menn aSene honda Sine 3 aSenede 3 eft gibasted waes honda him 6. 3 Sa eodun Sona wutudlt'ce sona Sa pharisei miS herodes Segnum Saehtunge hiae dedun wiS him hu hine loesiga maehtun 7. 3 Se haelenrf miS Segnum his foerde to sae 3 monige Sreatas of galilea 3 of iudeum fylgende waerun him 8. 3 from hierusalem 3 from idumeum 3 ofer iordanes 3 SaSe ymb tyri 3 sindone mengu micle herende werun k giherdun SaSe he wyrcende waes comun to him 9. 3 cwaeS to Segnum his -jSte scip him gibrohtun k herdun for Sacm mengum Saet hiae ne for-tredun hine 10. monige forSon he gihaelde Sus -fte hiae raesdun on hine -p hiae him gihrionun swa feolu Sonne haefde [un]cuS aiSulo 11. 3 gasta unclaenra miSSy hine gisegun gifeollun-rlutun to him 3 cliopadun cweSende Su arS sunu godes 12. 3 swiSe bibead him -Ji hiae ne eowde him 13. 3 astag on mor cegde to him Sa ileu walde he 3 comon to him 14. 3 dyde -fste hiae were twelfe miS him ec' 3 -pte sende hiae to bodanne. 24 15 3 he h\m an weald sealde untruwinessa to haelanne. 3 deofol-seocnessa tit to adrifanne. 16 3 he nemde simon petrwra 17 3 iacobu/ra zebedei. 3 iohannew his broBor 3 him naman ousette. boaneries ■p is Sunres beam. 18 3 andream. 3 philippu/w. 3 bartholo- meum 3 thomam. 3 iacobum alphei. 3 tad- deum. 3 simonem chananeuw. 19 7 iudaw scarioth. se hine sealde. 20 3 eft him to com. swa micel menigu. •p hi naefdon hlaf to etanne 21 3 pa hi hine gehyrdon hi ferdon -p hi hine namon 3 pus cwaedon; SoSlice he is on hat-heortnesse gewend. 22 3 pa boceras pe wendon fram hierusa- lem cwaedon; Soplice he haefS beelzebub 3 on deofla ealdre he deoful-seocnessa ut adrifS. 23 3 he hi togaedere geclypode. 3 on big- spellum him to cwaeS; Hu maeg satanas satanan ut adrifan. 24 3 gif his rice on hi»* sylfum biS to- daeled hu maeg hit standan 25 3 gif p hus ofer hit sylf ys to-daeled. hu maeg hit standan. 26 3 gif satanas winS ongen hine sylfne he biS to-daeled 3 he standan ne maeg ac haefS ende; 27 Ne mseg man pone strangan his aehta 3 his fatu be-reafian 3 on his hus gan, buton man pone strangan aerest gebinde. 3 povme his hus reafige; Various Readings. 15. A. beam. B. anwealde seald. A. ge-haelanne. A. deofel. 17. B. 3 zebedei. A. heom. A. boanerges. A. has 1 matheum after bartholomeum, but it is added above in a later hand. A. alfei. 19. A. iudas. 20. A. maenigeo. A. big. B. a;tanne. 21. A. big (three times), 22. A. belze- bub. A. deofolseocnyssa. 23. A. big. A. elypode. 25. A. omits this verse. B. sylfe. 26. For ongen A. has wy<5, glossed by \ ongean. A. omits sylfne. 27. A. fata. A. butan. 15 3 he heom anweald sealde untrumnysse to haelenne. 3 deofel-seocnysse ut to adrifenne. 1 6 3 he nemde symon petrum 17 3 jacobum zebedej. 3 iohannem his broder 3 him naman on-sette boaneries -p is punres beam. 18 3 andrea/w 3 philippum. 3 bartholomeum 3 thomaw?. 3 iacobum alphej. 3 taddeum 3 symonem chananeum. 19 3 iuda scarioth. se hine sealde. 20 3 eft him to com swa mycel manigeo -p hyo naefden hlaf to aetenne. 21 3 pa hyo hine ge-hyrden hyo ferden paet hyo hine namen 3 pus cwaeSen. SoSlice he is on hatheortnysse ge-wend. 22 3 pa bokeres pe wenden fram ierusalem cwaeSen. SoSlice he hafS belzebub 3 on deofle eal- dre he deofel-seocnisse ut-adrifS. 23 3 he hyo to-gadere ge-cleopede. 3 on bispellen heom to cwae<5. hu maig sathanas sathana un adrifen (sic) 24 3 gif his rice on him sylfen byoS to- daeled hu maig hit standen. 25 3 gyf -p hus ofer hit sylfen biS to- daeled hu maig hit standen. 26 iEnd gif sathanas winS an-gen hine sylfne he beoS to-daeled 3 he standen ne maig ac hafft ende. 27 Ne maig man pane strangen his ehte 3 his fate be-reafian 3 on his hus gan butan man panne strangen aerest ge-binde panne his hus reafige. Various Headings. 15. eom andweald; halenne. end deofol-seocnyssa. 17. brofcor. 20. menigeo ; etene. 21. ge-hyrdon ; ferdon ; hi [for third hyo] ; cwaadon. 22. boceras ; wendon ; hierusa- lem; cwaedon; deofla ealdrae; deoful-seocnyssa. 23. ge- clypode; bigspellujn; meeg satanas satanan ut adrifan. 24. sylfum biS ; mseg ; standan. 25. hit sylf y to-daeled (sic) ; mceg ; standan. 26. Z gif satanas ; byfc ; mag. 27. Jjone strangan ; ehta ; fatu ; )>one strangan ; 3 Jjo/me. 2& 3 salde him meant gemnisses to untrymnissum 3 to-wyrpnise diowla 3 15 et dedit illis potestatem curandi infirmitates et eiciendi daemonia. 16 *Et * 30 -,. ii .-. nit. lxxx. gesette to symone noma petre 3 iacob yebeSies sunu 3 iohrmnem broSer iacobes 3 iraposuit simoni nomen petrus. 17 et iacobum zebedaai et iohannem fratrem iacobi et ge-sette him f is suno Sunres 3 andreas 3 philippum 3 imposuit eis nom[i]na boanerges quod est filii tonitrui. 18 et andream et philipum et bar- 3 3 3 iacob Se hwita 3 3 simon Se channanesca tholomaeum et mattheum et thomawi et iacobum alphei et taddaeum et simonem cananaeww. 3 seSe ec salde hine 3 cumaS t cwomon to huse 3 efne cwom 19 et iudam scariot qui et tradidit ilium *Et ueniunt ad domu»i 20 et conuenit * 3I - x - efter sona Siu menigo Sus fte ne maehton ne hlaf brfica 3 miSSy geherdon his iteram turba ita ut non possent neqwe panem manducare. 21 et cum audissent sui eodon to haldanne hine cuoedon forSon fte on wraeSo geoerred wses 3 wuSuuto exierunt tenere eum dicebant enim quoniam in furorem uersus est. 22 *Et scribae * 32. ii. * lu. cxxvii. mt. cxxi. SaSe from hierusa/em of-stigon i Sona cuomon hia cuoedon fte-tforSon haefeS 3 forSon on qui ab hierosolymis descenderant dicebant quoniam beelzebub liabet et quia in aldor diowla drifeS diowlas 3 efne geceigdo Sa ilco-1'miSSy geceigd weron Sa ilco in bispellum principe demonum eicit demoni'a. 23 *Et conuocatis eis in parabolis • 33. it. lu. cxxviiii. nit. cxxii. cuoeS he So Saem-tto him huu maege Se wiSerword Bone wiSerwearda fordrifa -Hiuu maeg Se diowl Sone diowl dicebat illis quomodo potest satanas satanan fordrifa 3 gif -)5 ric in him to-daeled biS-tsie ne maege stonde rie Saes 3 eicere. 24 et si regnum in Be - diuidatur non potesi stare regnum illius. 25 et gif hus ofer hia seolfa sie tostrogden ne mteg hus Sa ilea stonde 3 gif-tSeah si domus super semet ipsam dispertiatur non poterit domus ilia stare. 26 et si se wiSerwearda efne ansa on hine sulfne toworpen wses-tbiS 3 ne maeg gestonde ah ende haefeS satanas consurrexit in semet ipsum dispertitus est et non poterit stare sed finem habet. naBnig monn maeg fato stronges ingaaS-Hngeonga in hus to niommanne k genioma -t gereofa ge (sic) 27 nemo potest uasa i'ortis ingressus in domum diripere nymSe aerist Sone stronga gebinde 3 Sonne hus his reafaS nisi prius fortem alliget et tunc domum eius diripiet. 15. 3 salde him moehte gemnisse to untrymnissum 3 to-worpnisse diowla 16. 3 gisette to simoni noma petres 1 7. 3 iacoAu* Zebedes svno 3 iohannes broker iacobes 3 gisette him noma . . . Saet is suno Svnres 18. 3 andreas 3 philippu* 3 bathalomcus 3 mathew* 3 thomas 3 iacobu? . . . 3 lhadeus 3 ...Bone cananisca 19. 3 iudam Sone scariothisca seSe salde hine 20. 3 cumaS to huse 3 efne-comvn eft sona Sio mengv Sus f> hia? ne maehtvn ne hlaf brucca 21. 3 miSSy giherde his eodun to haldanne hine cwedun forSon Saette on wraeSSo giweerred (sic) wees 22. 3 uS-wutu SaSe from hierusalem astigun + Sona comun hiae cwedun -pte i forSon be\zebub haefes 3 forSon on aldor diowla gidrifes diowlo 23. 3 efne gicegde Sa ilev in bispellum cwaeS to Saem-thim huv maeg he Se wiSerworda diowul Sone diowul fordrifa •J'afaella 24. 3 gif Saet rice in him todseled biS ne maag stonda rice Sset 25. 3 gif hus ofer hiae solfe to-strogden biS ne maeg hus SaBt ilee stonda 26. 3 gif Se wiSerworda efne arises in hine solfne to-worpen waes-tbiS 3 ne maeg gi-stonda ah ende haefeS 27. naenig mon maBg+maehte fato stronge inga-Hngonga in hus to niomanne k ginioma t gireofiga nymSe aorist gibinde Sone strongv 3 Sonne hus his reoflge 26 28 SoSlice ic eow secge ~p ealle synna synd manna bearnuw? forgyfene. 1 bysmo- runga paw Se hi bysmeriaS; 29 Soplice ic eow secge se be Sone halgan gast bysmeraS. se naefS on ecnysse forgy- fenesse; Ac biS eces gyltes scyldig. . 30 forpam be hi cwaedon he haefS un- claenne gast. 31 : f\a com to him his modor 1 his X gebroftra. 7 bar-ute stodon 3 to him sendon. 3 to h\m clypedon. 32 3 mycel menigu ymb hine sset and to him cwaedon. her is bin modor 3 bine ge- broSra ute 3 secab be ; 33 He ba him awrfswarode 3 cweeS. hwylc is min modor 3 mine gebrobru. 34 3 he cwaep Sa behealdende be him abuton saeton. her is min modor 3 mine gebroSru ; 35 SoSlice se "Se deb godes willan se is min modor 3 min broSor 3 swustor. CHAPTER IV. 1 3 eft he ongan hi aet paere s& laeran. 3 him waes mycel menegu togegaderod ; Swa ■p he on scip eode. 3 on baere see waes. 3 eall seo menegu ymbe ba [see] waeron on lande. 2 3 he hi fela on bigspellum laerde. 3 him to cwaeS on his lare. 3 gehyraS ; *Ut eode se saedere his ssed to saweune. 4 1 pa he sew sum feoll wiS bone weg. 3 Dis sceal on baere wucan after bam be man be-lycS alleluia. fugelas comon 3 hit iraeton ; Various Readings. 28. A. bysmerunga. A. hig. 29. B. om. be. 30. A. hig. B. unclsene. 31. A. moder. 32. A. msenigeo. A. ymbe. A. moder. 33. A. Jswarede; B. answarode. A. moder. A. gebroSra. 34. A. abutan. B. mine [for min, wrongly]. A. moder. A. gebroSra. 35. A. moder. A. broker. A. swuster. Cli. iv. 1. B. And {with large initial). A. hig. A. msenigeo. A. maenio, A. inserts see, which the text and B omit. A. waes [for waeron]. 2. A. hig fsBla. 3. Rubric in AB. 4. A. seow. 28 Soplice ic eow segge ealle synne sende manne bearne for-gefene 3 bismerunge pa/» be hye bysmeriged. 29 SoSlice ic eow segge se be panne hal- gan gast bysmerieS se naefS on ecnysse for- gyfenysse. ac beoS eches geltes sceldyg. 30 for bam be hyo cwaeSen. he hafS un- claene gast. 31 ^IVa comen to him his moder 3 his Jl ge-broSre 3 baer-ute stoden 3 to him senten. 3 to hym clepeden. 32 3 mycel maniga ymbe hine saet. 3 to him cwaeSen. Her is pin moSer 3 bine broSre ute 3 seceS pe. 33 He pa heom andswerede 3 cwaeS. hwilc is min moder 3 mine ge-broSre. 34 3 he cw. Da be-healdende pe him abuten saeten. her is min moder 3 mine ge- bro^re. 35 SoSlice se pe deS godes willen se is min moder 3 min broker 3 mine swustren. CHAPTER IV. 1 3 eft he on-gan hyo aet pare sae. laeren 3 hym waes micel manige to ge-gadered. Swa ~f he on scyp eode. 3 on pare sae waes. 3 sye manige embe pa sae. waes on lande 2 3 he hy on fele byspellen laerden. 3 he heom to cw. on his lare 3 ge-hereB. u t eode se saedere his saed to sawene. ExHtquise- p 1 •*> minat heminare 4 3 pa he seow sum feol wiS panne semen »uum. weig 3 fugelas comen 3 hit fraeten. Various Readings. 28. MS. Reg. inserts 3 before ealle; synna synd manna bearna f'or-gyfene 3 bysmerunga; hi bysmariaS. 29. bonne; bismeriafc ; eccnysse forfynysse (sic !) ; bi* eces gyltes scyldig. 30. ewafcen; un-claenne. 31. Da comon (with large initial) ; modor ; ge-broJ5ra ; stodon ; sendon ; cly- pedon. 32. meniga; cwaefcon; modor; brofcra; seca*. 33. him Jswarode; ge-broSra. 34. abutora. 35. modor; brofcor ; min swustor. Ch. iv. 1. maenega; ge-gaderud; eall seo manega (where the Hatton MS. omits eall). 2. fela byspellon laerdon; laere. 3. ge-hyraS. Rubric in both MSS. 4. feoll ; bonne; comon; fraaton. 27 sog ic cuego iowh -fte alle forgefen bigo 4" forleten bigon sunum monno synno 3 28 *Amen dico uobis qoniam omnia dimittentur filiis hominum peccata et J^JJ^ mt. cxxiii. sege gonrce k uutedlice ebolsas on haligne gast ne 29 qui autem blasphemauerit in sptWlum sanctum non ebolsungas of gaem hia ebolsadon blasphemia? quibws blasphemauerint. haefeg eft forgefnisse in ecnisse ah synnig-l-scyldig big habet remisionewi in aeternum sed reus erit gaes ece scyld aeterni delicti. forgon hia cuoedon 30 quoniam dicebant gone gast unclaene haefes spiritum inmunduwi habet. to bim ceigendo-tceigdon hine ad eum uocantes eum. 3 cuomon moder his 3 brogero 3 fita stondes sendon 31 *Et ueniunt mater eius et fratres et foris stantes miserunt * 3 ^"- . lu. lxxxii. mt. cxxx. 3 gesaett ymb hine great 3 cuoedon him heonu moder 32 et sedebat circa eum turba et dicunt ei ecce mater gin 3 brogro gin uta soecag gee tua et fratres tui foris quaerunt te\ 3 onsuarade him cwoeg huaet giu is -l" huaet ga sint 33 et respondens eis ait quae est moder min 3 brodro min mater mea et fratres mei. 3 ymb-locade4'sceaude hia-tga gage utan ymb his hia setton cueg 34 et circum-spiciens eos qui in circuitu eius sedebant ait heonu moder min 3 brogero min ecce mater mea et fratres mei. sege forgon doeg willo godes gis broger min 3 35 qui enim fecerit uoluntatem dei hie frater meus et swoester min 3 moder is soror mea et mater est CAP. IV. 3 eftersona ongann laera to sse 3 gesomnad wees to him great menigo sua f te in 1 *Et iterum coepit docere ad mare et congregata est ad eum turba multa ita ut in * XI. ^36. It scipp astag gesaett on sse 3 all great . ymb sae ofer eorgo wso[s] 3 laerde nauem ascendens sederet in mari et omnis turba circa mare super terram erat. 2 et docebat lu. lxxvi. mt. exxxi. ■£** hia in bispellum menigo 3 cuoeg to him on lar his herag heono eode ge sawende-rsedere illos in parabolis multa et dicebat illis in doctrina sua. 3 audite ecce exiit seminans to sawenne ad seminandum. 3 miggy geseaw oger-fsum feoll ymb ga stret 3 cwomon flegendo 3 4 et dum seminat aliud cecidit circa uiam et uenerunt uolucres et fretton -r eton gaet comederunt illud. 28. sog ic cwego iow gaette alle forgefen biogvn sunum monna -r forleten synne 3 hie eofolsadun of gaem hie eofulsadun 29. sege gonne eofolsas on halge gastes ne haafes forgefnisse in ecnisse ah synnig-rscyldig big gsere ecan scyld 30. forgon hiae cwedun gon gast unclaene hoefeg 31. 3 comun moder his 3 brogro 3 ute stondas sendun to him cegende i cegdun to him 32. 3 giseet -r setun ymb hine ge greatt 3 cwedun him heono moder gin 3 brogro ute soecas gee 33. 3 ond-sworade him cwseg hwaet is moder min 3 brogro mine 34. 3 ymb locade i sceowade hiaa-tga gage vtan ymb heop his setun cwaeg heono moder min 3 brogro mine 35. sege forgon doeg willu godes ges broger min 3 swester min 3 moder is Cap. IV. 1. 3 efter sona ongan laera 3 to sob 3 gisomnad waes to him mengu greatas swa -jHe in scip astag gisette on sae 3 all ge great ymb sao ofer eorgo waes 2. 3 laerde hiaB in bispellum monigum 3 laerde hiaB in lare his 3. giherde heonu eode ge sedere i sawend to sawend {sic) 4. 3 miggy giseow oger-tsum gifeol ymb ga strete 3 comun negende 3 fretun -r etun gaet D2 28 5 Sum feoll ofer stan-scyligean par hit nsefde mycele eorSan. 3 sona up eode. 3 for- pa»« hit naefde eorpan piccnesse. 6 pa hit up-eode. Seo sunne hit for- swselde. 3 hit forscranc. forpaw/ hit wyrt- ruman naefde. 7 3 sum feoll on pornas. pa stigon Sa pornas 1 forSrysmodon •$. 3 hit waestm ne bser. 8 3 sum feoll on god laud 3 hit sealde upp-stigende 3 wexende waestm; 3 an brohte pritig-fealdne ; Su»» syxtig-fealdne ; Sum hund-fealdne ; 9 And he cwaeS. gehyre se Se earan haebbe to gehyranne. 10 3 pa he ana waes hine axodon •p' big- spell pa twelfe pe mid hiw waeron. 11 1 he saede him. eow is geseald to witanne godes rices gerynu ; pam pe ute synt ealle ping on bigspelluiw gewurpaS. 12 ■$ higeseonde geseon 3 na ne ge-seon 3 gehyrende gehyren 3 ne ongyten pe laes hi hwasnne syn gescyrede. 3 him sin hyra synna forgyfene ; 13 Ea saede he hi»«. ge nyton pis big- spell. 3 hu mage ge ealle bigspell witan ; 14 Se pe saewS. wordhesaewS; 15 SoSlice pa synt wiS pone weg par ■p word is gesawen. 3 ponne hi hit gehyraS; Sona cymS satanas 3 afyrS •f word pe on heora heortan asawen ys. 16 3 pa synt gelice pe synt ofer pa stan- scylian gesawen ; Sona paenne hi ~p word gehyraS. 3 ~p mid blisse onfoS. Various Readings. 5. A. stan-scylian. B. mycel. A. Jjycnysse. 6. A. wyrt- ruma. 7. A. stigan. A. forjjrysmedon. 8. A. up-stygende: B. upstigende. A. Jjryttyg-fealdnc wa3stm. 9. A. gearan. 10. A. acsedon. 11. A. heom. A. synd. A. ge-weorSa<5. 12. A. hig. A. gehyron. A. ongiton. A. hig. A. ge- cyrrede. A. heora. 13. B. nihton. A. magon. 15. A. synd. A. hig. A. om. heora. 16. A. synd (bis). A. \>oane hig. 5 sum feoll ofer stanscylygean. paer hit naefde mycele eorSan. 3 sone up-eode. 3 for pan hit naefde eorSe picdnysse. 6 pa hit up-eode syo sunne hit for-swaelde. 3 hit for-scranc. for pam hit writtrume (sic) naefde. 7 sum feoll on ponies, pa stigen pa pomes 3 hy for-prismeden •f. 3 hit waestme ne baer. 8 3 sum feoll on god land. 3 hit sealde up-stigende 3 wexende waestme. 3 an brohte prittig-fealdne. sum sixtig-fealdne. sum hundredfealdne. 9 JEnd he cw. ge-here se pe earen haeb- be to ge-herenne. 10 3 pa he ane waes. hyo hine axoden. j5 by-spelle pa twelfe pe mid hym waeren. 11 3 he saide heom. eow is ge-seald to witene godes rices ge-rinen. pam pe ute synd ealle ping on byspellen ge-wur3aS. 12 -p hyo seoude ge-seon. 3 nane ge-seon 3 ge-hyred ge-heren 3 ne geoten pe laes hyo hwanne syo ge-cyrde. 3 heom seon heore synne for-gefeue. 13 Da saigde he heom. ge nyten pis byspell. 3 hu magen ge ealle byspell witen. 14 Se pe sawS. word he sawS. 15 SoSlice pa synde wiS panne weig. paer j> word is ge sawen. 3 panne hyo hit ge-hered. sone cymS sathanas. 3 aferreS paet word, pe on heora heortan a-sawen is. 1 6 ./End pa synd ge-lice pe synde ofer pa stan-scyligen ge-sawen. Sona pan hy -f word ge-hyraS. 3 -p mid blisse on-foS Various Readings. 5. stan-scylygean ; (>iscnysse (sic). 6. for fian; wyrt- trume. 7. )?ornas (bis); stigan; om. hy; for-^rusemedon. 8. (irittid-fealdne ; hund-fealdne. 9. ge-hyre; eara habbe to ge-hyrenne. 10. big-spella; wajron. 11. ssegde; wit- anne; gerynu; synt; [MS. Hatton has eall ealle, by mis- take; MS. Reg. has ealle only]; byg-spelluwj. 12. geonde [for seonde]; nsene [for nane = na ne]; ge-hyrend ge- hyren; ongeoton; hwaenne syn; heora; for-gyfene. 13. saegde; mage; byg-spel witan. 15. synd; weg; ponne; ge-heara<5; satanas; afyrrts. 16. 3 )>a synt; ^e synd; stan- scyligan ge-seewen; Sone. % I 29 sum ec feoll ofer stsenes Ser ne hsefde eorSu michel k menig 3 hrseSe 5 aliud uero cecidit super petrosa ubi non habuit terram multam et statim upp-iornendewses-t'ariseen wees forSon nsefde .heanisse eorSes 3 iSa arisen wses-tSa upp-eode exortum est quoniam non habebat altitudinem terrae. 6 et quando exortus est sunna ge-drugade 4" forbernde forSon neefde wyrtruma gedrugade 3 sum feoll in Sornum s61 exaestuauit eo quod non haberet radicem exaruit. 7 et aliud cecidit in spinis 3 astigon-l'upp-eodun Somas 3 under-dulfon f 3 wsBstm ne salde 3 oSer feoll on et ascenderunt spina? et suffocauerunt illud et fructum non dedit. 8 et aliud cecidit in eorSu goduw 3 salde waestm stigende 3 wa3xende 3 to-brohte enne-ran Srittig 3 terram bonam et dabat fructum ascendentem et crescentem et adferebat unum trigenta et ~fo rd an sexdig 3 an hundraS unum sexagenta et unum centum. 3 he cuoeS se Se haefeS earo to heranne geheraS 3 9 et dicebat qui habet aures audiendi audiat. 10 et miSSy wses syndrigon gefrsegndon hine Sa SaSe miS him weoron miS • tuelf bispell cum esset singularis interrogauerunt eum hi qui cum eo erant cum duodecim parabolas. 3 cue* to him iouh gesald is f ge wita hernise rices godes Seem uuiedlice SaSe uta sint 11 et dicebat eis uobis datum est scire misterium regni dei *lllis autem qui foris sunt • 37. 1 lu. lxxvii. in bispellum alle biSon -(He gesegon geseaS 3 ne geseaS 3 Sa herend geheraS 3 m i. cxxxiii. in parabolis omnia fiunt. 12 ut uidentes uideant et non uideant et audientes audiant et ne oncnaweS Sylaes biSon gehwerfed-rgecerred 3 biS forgefen him synna non intellegant nequando conuertantur et dimittantur eis peccata. 3 cueS to him 13 et ait illis ne cunnige bispell Sas 3 huu alle bispello_ gie ge-cunnas-rgie-cunna gie magon seSe nescitis parabolam hanc et quomodo omnes parabolas cognoscetis. . 14 *Qui • 38. a i u . ixxvin. nit. saueS word saueS seminat uerbum seminat. Sas mitedlice aron seSe ymb woeg Ser biS gesauen word 3 miSSy 15 hi autem sunt qui circa uiam ubi seminatur uerbum et cum geherdon sona cuom-rcymeS Se wiSerworda 3 geniomaS word -pte gesawen wees in hearta hiora audirent confestim uenit satanas et aufert uerbum quod seminatum est in corda eorum. 3 Sas sint gelic SaSe ofer staenero saues-tsauaS SaSe miSSy geherdon 4" geheraS word sona 16 et hi sunt similiter qui super petrosa semiuantur qui cum audierint uerbum statim miS glasdnise onfoeS -p cum gaudio accipiunt illud. 5. oSer k sum soSlice gifeol ofer staenere Ser ne harfde eorSo .... 3 hraeSe up-iornende waes forSon ne hsefde heonisse eorSo 6. 3 Sa aras k up-arnende waes sunne 3 drygde k forbernde 3 forSon ne hrefde wyrtruma adrugade 7. 3 oSer gifeol in Somas 3 astigun-rup-eadun Somas 3 under-dulfun Saet 3 western ne salde 8. 3 oSro gifeol on eorSo gode 3 salde w»stem stigende 3 wexende 3 to-brohte an-renne Sritig 3 an sextig 3 an hundreS 9. 3 he cwaeS seSe hsefeS earu to giheranne gihere 10. 3 miSSy waes syndrigum gifrugnun hine Saet SaSe miS hine werun miS twelf bispellum 11. 3 cwaeS to him iow gisald is Sa3t giwite . . . rice godes Saem Sonne SaSe ute werun in bispellum alle bioSon 12. f gisegun giscead 3 ne giseas 3 Sa giherend giheras 3 ne on-cnawaS Sy laes gihwerfed k gicerred bioSon 3 biS for-gefen him synne 13. 3 cwaeS to him.ne cunno ge bispell Sas 3 hvv alle bispell gicunniga k magvn gicunniga 14 seSe saweS word saweS 15. Sas wutudlf'ce arun seSe ymb woeg Ser gisawen biS word 3 miSSy giherdun sona com-tcymeS Se wiSer-worda 3 giniomaS word Saette gisawen waes in heorta iowrum 16. 3 Sa sint gilice SaSe ofer staenere sawen k sawende biS SaSe miSSy giherdon word sona miS glaednisse on-foas SaBt 30 17 T? hi nabbaS wyrtruman on him. ac beoB unstaSolfaeste. 1 sybban upcymS deofles costnung 3 his ehtnys for bam worde; 18 Hi synd on bornum gesawen. ■p synd ba Se -p word gehyraS. 19 7 of-yrmSe 1 swicdome worold-welene. 1 oSra gewilnunga ~p word of-brysmaS. 3 synt buton waestme gewordene. 20 3 ba Se gesawen e synt ofer •p gode land, ba synd be p word gehyraft !! onfoS. 1 waestm bringaS. Sum J?ritig-fealdne. sum syxtig-fealdne. 1 sum hund-fealdne; 21 TTe saede him cwyst bu cymS •p' -I~L leoht-faet -p hit beo under by- dene asett. oSSe under bedde. witegere ~p hit sy ofer candel-staef asett; 22 SoSlice nis nan Sing behydd pe ne sy geswutelod; ne nis digle geworden. ac ■p hit openlice cume; 23 Gehyre gif hwa earan haebbe to ge- hyranne. 24 1 he cwaeS to him warniaS hwaet ge gehyran. 1 on pam gemete. be ge metaS eow biS gemeten 3 eow biS ge-ict. 25 bam biS geseald be haefS 1 bam Se naefS. eac f he haefS him biS aet-broden. 26 1 he cw. godes rice ys swylce man wurpe god saed on his land 27 J sawe 1 arise daeges 3 nihtes. 3 ;J> saed. growe 1 wexe bonrae he nat ; 28 SoSlice sylf-willes seo eorSe waestm beraS aerest gaers sySSan ear. sybban Mine hwaete on bam eare; Various Readings. 17. A. hig. A. 7 k ac [for ac]. A. costung; B. cost- nunge. 18. A. hig. 19. A. world-welena ; B. worolde- welene. A. of(;rysmiaS. A. synd butan. 20. A. synd. 21. A. And he {with large initial A). A. aset. A. wite-geare. A. sig. 22. A. sig. 23. A. gearan. 24. A. cwyS. A. gehyron. A. yht [for ge-ict]. 26. A. worpe. 28. A. bereS. A. fulne. 17 1 hyo naebbe'S wertrumen on heom. ac beoS un-staSelfaeste. ") sedSan up kymd deofles costnunge ") his ehtnyss for bam worde. 18 Hyo synden on bornen ge-sawen. ■p synden ba be -p word ge-hereS. 1 9 3 of-erm^e 3 swicedome weorld-welene 1 oSre wilnunge f word of-bresmed 3 synden buten waestme ge-worSene. 20 J ba be ge-sawene sinde ofer baet gode land, ba sinde ba be -p word ge-hered D on- foS !! waestme bringeS. sum brittig-fealdne. sum sixti-fealdne. 1 sum hundfealdne. 21 TT^nd he saigde heom cwaeSst pu ■i— ' cem$ -p leoht-fet -p hit beo under bydene asett odSe under bedde. witegere "p hit syo ofer candel-stef asett. 22 SoSlice nis nan ping be-hyd be ne syo ge-swutelod. ne nis digle ge-worden ac ■p hit openlice cume. 23 Ge-hyre gyf hwa earen habbe to ge- heranne. 24 3 he cw. to heom. warniaS hwaet ge ge-heren 1 on bam ge-mette be ge meteS eow beoS ge-meten. 1 eow byS ge-eht. 25 bam beoS ge-seald be haefS. 1 ban be naefS. eac -p he haefS him beoS aet-broden. 26 T he cwaeS. Godes rice is swilce man be worpe god saed on his land. 27 3 sawe 1 arise daiges 1 nihtes. 1 p saed growe 1 wexe panne he nat. 28 SoSlice selfwilles syo eorSe waestme byreS. aerest gaers. 1 sedSan ear. sydSan Mine hwaete on bam eare. Various Readings. 17. wyrtruman; unstadelfeste ; sySSam up cymfc; cost- nung; ys ehtnys. 18. synd; fiorne; synt; om. \>e; ge- hyraS. 19. yrm8e; swicdome; of-SrysmaS; synt butan; ge-wordene. 20. synt (bis); om. jja; ge-hyraS; bringaiS ; sixtig. 21. ssegde; cweSst; cymS; faet; aset; oSSe; staef. 22. be-hydd. 23. Ge-hyora; earan hasbbe. 24, ge-hyren ; ge-meton ; ge-ect. 25. (>am ; bis sekbrogden. 26. weorpe. 27. weoxe \>orme. 28. sylf-willes; bera« arest; om. 3; sySSan (bis) ; waste. 31 3 nabbaS wyrtryma sofca-r'sefterSon 17 et non habent radicem in s6 sed temporale8 sunt deinde oehtnisse fore word sona k hraeSe ge-ondspurnad biS persecutione propter uerbum confestim scandalizantur. hia sauefc-rsauas Sas sint $a<$e word geherafc seminantur hi sunt qui uerbum audiunt. 3 oSero 18 et alii telnisse woruldes 3 sint $a«e on Sornum sunt qui in spinfft" 16swist walana-tweala 19 et aerumnas sseculi et deceptio diuitiarum 3 ymb oefterra-l'oSero-l'hlaf lust-giornisses in-eoden under-delfad word 3 buta wsestm bi$ gemoetat et circa reliqua concupiscentiae introeuntes suffocant uerbum et sine fructu efficitur. 3 fca sint SaSe ofer eortSo god gesauen sint 4a Se heraS word 3 onfoaS 3 20 et hi sunt qui super terram bonam seminati sunt qui audiunt uerbuwi et suscipiunt et wsestmia* an Srittig 3 an sextig 3 an hundraS fructificant unum triginta et unum sexaginta et unum centum. 3 he cuoeS to him 21 *Et dicebat illis ahne-HweSer cuom leht-fset-tSaeccilla fte under rnitta^faett gesetted bi$ k under bed ahne fte ofer numquid uenit lucerna ut sub modio ponatur aut sub lecto nonne ut super leht-isern k biS gesettet candelabrum ponatur. nis forSon sBnig King ge-degled fte ne biS sed-eauad ne 22 *Non euim est aliquid absconditum quod non manifestetur nee aworden waes degle ah £te in eauung cyme? gif hua hsefeS earo hernisses geheraS 3 tactum est occultum sed ut in palam ueniat. 23 siquis habet aures audiendi audiat. 24 *Et cuoeS he to him gesea? huset gie heras on sua huaelc gewsege gewoegen gie biSon eft gewoegen biS iowh dicebat illis uidete quid audiatis in qua mensura mensi iueritis remetietur uobis • XII. 39. ii. lu. exxxiii. lxxviiii. mt. xxxii. • 40. ii. lu. lxxx. mt. xcii. * 41. ii. lu. lvi.mt. 1. 3 gesald bi5-rgeeced biS iowh et adicietur uobis. haefefc genumen bifc from him habet auferetur ab illo. seSe forSon haefed gesald biS him 3 se8e nsofeS uutedlice fte 25 *Qui enim habet dabitur illi et qui non habet etiam quod • 42. ii. lu. cexxx. 3 he cuoeS ins is ric godes huu suae gif monn 26 *Et dicebat sic est regnum dei quemammodum si homo ■ 43. x. worpaS fcone sawende-rsedere on eorfco iaceat sementem in terram. 3 slepiafc-l'slepefc 3 arisaS on nseht 3 on daeg 3 sed 27 et dormiat et exsurgat nocte ac die et semen waexaS-l'wyrtrumiaS 3 inwsexaS fca huile ne wat Se germinet et increscat dum nescit ille. lustum forfcon eorSo woestmiaS aerist gers 28 ultro enim terra fructificat primum herbam sefferSon Sone fcorn soSSa full hwsete in eher deinde spinam deinde plenum frumentum in spica. 17. 3 ne habbaS wyrtruma in him ah tide wexende werun sona miSSy aras costung 3 oehtnisse fore worde sona-rhraeSe gi-ond-spurnad biS 18. 3 08 re sindun $a$e in fcornum sawas 8a sint Safce word giheraS 19. 3 telnisse weorlde 3 lose-west willana 3 ymb aefter k ofcero lust + giornisse in-eodun under-delfas word 3 buta wsestme gimoetid bl!5 20. 3 Sa sint Sa*e ofer eorSo gode gisawene sindun 8a sindun Sa$e giheras word 3 on-foaS 3 waestmas an Sritig 3 an sextig 3 an hundred 21. 3 he cwreS to him ahne-Hrwer cyme? lehtfaet-tSaecela fte under mitta k faete biS giseted Saette vnder bedde ahne fte ofer leht-iserne giseted biS 22. ne forSon is aenig gi-degled fcaette ne aet-eowed ne biS ne giworden waes degle ah fte in eowunga cymeS 23. gif hwelc haefeS eara hernisse giheras 24 3 cwaeS to him giseaS hwset ge giheras in swa hwelce giwege giwegen gi biofcon eft giweger. bi$ iow 3 gisald k gieced biS iow 25. seSe forSon haefeS gisald bi$ him 3 sefce ne haefe* wutudh'ce fcaBtte haefefc ginumen bifc from him 26. 3 he cwaefc Sus is rice godes huv swa gif mon worpes Sone sawende on eorSo 27. 3 slepiafc 3 arisas on naeht 3 on dsege 3 sed weceS-twyrtrymafc 3 wexeS Sa hwile ne watt *e 28. lustum forSon eorSo waestmas serest gers aefter Son Sone Sorn soSfca full hwsete in sehher 32 29 And ponwe se waestm hine forS- bringS. sona he sent his sicol forpaw ■p rip let is. 80 1 eft he cwaeS. for hwaw? geanlicie we heofena rice. oSSe hwylcu/n bigspelle wiS-mete we hit; 31 Swa swa senepes saed. ponwe hit biS on eorSan gesawen. hit is ealra saeda laest pe on eorSan synt. 32 3 ponne hit asawen biS hit astihp. 3 biS ealra wyrta maest 1 haefS swa mycele bogas ■p heofenes fugelas eardian magon under his sceade. 33 1 manegum swylcu/w bigspellum he spraec to him paet hi raihton gehyran ; 34 Ne spaec he na butan bigspelle. eall he his leorning-cnihtuw? asundron rehte. 35 1 saede hiw ponne aefen biS uton faran agen; 36 And pas menigu forlsetan; hi on- fengon hine swa he on scipe waes. 1 opre scipu waeron mid him. 37 1 pa waas mycel yst windes geworden. "} ypa he awearp on -p scyp -p hit gefylled waes 38 1 he waes on scipe ofer bolster sla- pende. ") hi awehton hine !! cwaedon. ne be-limpS to pe ~p we forwurpaS. 39 1 he aras !! para winde bebead. 3 cwaeS to Saere sae; Suwa 3 gestille. 1 se wind geswac pa. "J wearS mycel smyltnes. 40 "i he saede hi?» hwi synt ge forhte. gyt ge nabbaS geleafan. Various Readings. 29. A. forS-bryncS. 31. A. synd. 33. A.hig. 34. A. sprsec. 35. A. on-gean. 36. A. 3 f>a msenigeo for-lsetende hig. 37. A. B. wses gefylled. 38. A. hig. A. for-weorjjaS. 39. A. gestyl. 40. A. hwig synd. 29 3 panne se waestme hine forS-bringS. sone he sent his sicel for pan -p rip set is. 30 And eft he cw. for hwan an-lichie we heofene rice odSe hwilcan bispellen wiS- mete we hit. 31 Swa swa senepes saed panne hit beoS on eorSan ge-sawen. hit is aire saede laest pe on eorSan synt. 32 "i panne hit asawen byS hit astihS 1 byS aire wirte maest. 1 haefS swa micele boges. •p heofenes fugeles eardian magen under his scaede. 33 3 manigen swilcen byspellen he spaec to heom "p hyo mihten ge-heran. 34 Ne spaec he na buton byspellen ealle he his leorning-cnihten asundren rehte. 35 D saide heom panne aefen beoS uten faren agen 36 "1 pa manige for-laetende. hyo on- fengen hine swa he on scype waes 1 oSre scype waeren mid hym. 37 3 pa waes micel yst windes ge-worSen. send ypa he awarp on ■p scyp -p hit waes ge- felld 38 1 he waes on scype ofer bolster slae- pende. 1 hyo awehten hine 3 cwaeSen. ne be-lympS to pe -p we for-wurSeS. 39 3 he aras 1 paw? winde be-bead 3 cw. to pare sai. Swug 1 ge-stille. 3 se wind ge-swac pa. 7 warS mycel smoltnes. 40 1 he saigde heom hwi synde ge forhte. gyt ge naebbeS ge-leafen. Various Headings. 29. );onne ; brine* ; sicol. 30. hwam anlicie ; ofcfce hwill- cum bi-spellum. 31. }>onne ; biS ; ealre. 32. {>one; ealra wirta ; bogas ; fugelas ; scade. 33. manegum swylcum bigspellum ; mehton ge-hyran. 34. butan big-spelle ; cnihtan ; asundran. 35. ssegde ; ]>ojme afen by* ute faeren. 36. menega ; hy on-fengon ; wseron. 37. ge-Vorden 5 yf>a ; ge-fylled. 38. awyhten ; cwaSen ; for-wurto8. 39. Swuga; wears ; smyltnes. 40. seegde ; synt ; nsebbais ge-leafan. 33 3 miSSy hine forS-brohte weestm sona sende rip-isern forSon cwom ripes tld » # 29 et cum s£ produxerit fructus statim mittit falcem quoniam adest niessis. 30 *-Et lu . ^lxvi Vll. nit. cxxxvii. cuoeS to hweem we gelic-leta welle ric godes * to hueem Sa bispello mi«5y we gegearuagafc Seet dicebat cui adsimilabimus regnum dei aut cui parabolae cumparabimus illud. sua) corn sinapis f miSSy gesawen wees on earfcu leesest is allum seSum SaSe 31. sicut granum sinapis quod cum seminatum fuerit in terra minus est omnibus seminibws quae aron on eorfcu 3 mi«*y gesauen wees astag 3 biS mara allum wyrtum * greesum 3 sunt in terra. 32 et cum seminatum fuerit ascendit et fit maius omnibus holeribws et doae«-rwyrcaS telgo-rtwiggo miclo Sus-rsueB fte hia magon under scua his fuglas heofnees bya-rwunia facit ramos magnos ita ut possint sub umbra eius aues caeli habitare. 3 mi* fcullucum monigum bispellum he gespreec to him word suaa suifce hia maehton gehera buta 33 *Et talibws multis parabolis loquebatur eis uerbum prout poterant audire. 34 sine • 45. vi. mt.cxxxviii[i]. biseno-r bispello uutedlice ne wajs spreeccend * ne spreecc to him syndrige \xutedlice Segnum his tosceadade -r parabola autem non loquebatur eis *seorsum autem discipulis suis disse- »46. x. trahtade-Hie stegde alle 3 cwoopS] to him on Seem deege miSSy efern-tsmyltnis were awordsen rebat omnia. 35 *Et ait illis ilia die cum sero esset factum ^lJJim' "' mt. lxviiii. fsereweeofer togeegnas 3 forleorton Sone here i forletende Sreat togenomon hine suaB -)St[e] hia weron in transeamus contra. 36 et dimittentes turbam adsumunt eum ita ut erant in scip 3 oSero scipo weron mi* him 3 geworden waes wind-rees-ryrte michelo windes 3 y^S naui .et aliae naues erant cum illo. 37 et facta est procella magna uenti et fluctus sende-rwBBS feerende in f> scipp sua -)Ste gefylled waes Seet scip 3 wees Se+he in scipp on-roferufa mittebat in nauem ita ut impleretur nauis. 38 et erat ipse in puppi supra bolstare slepende 3 aweehton hine 3 cuoedon to him laruu ne to fce byreJS forSon-l - ^ we sie dead-tne ceruical dormiens et excitant eum et dicunt ei magister non ad te pertinet reces Su -)5 we de ado ai e 3 aras stiorend wees to winde 3 cue* to Seem sae swiga « «_<» _, quia perimws. 39 et exsurgens comminatus est uento et dixit mari tace wes dum 3 blann -r hreeste -p wind 3 geworden wsbs smyltnisse miclo -r michelo 3 cue* to him hweetd ommutesce et cessauit uentus et facta est tranquillitas magna." 40 et ait illis quid frohto -r forhto arogie-tgebiSon-tgesint ne get habba* ge *one geleafa timidi estis necdum habetis fidem. 29. 3 mi**y hine for*-brohte weestem sona sende rip-isern for*on com ripes tide 30. 3 cwee* to hwsem we gilic-letan welle rice godes i to hwsem 8a bispel mi«*y we gi-georwigas Sect 31. swa is -pte corn senepes Seet mifcfcy gisawen wees on eorSu lytel is allum sawendum SaSe sind on eoriSu 32. 3 mtfSSy gisawen . . . astige* 3 bifc mara allum grasum 3 wyrceS i doe* telgo i twigo micle 8us f hiee magun under scua his fuglas heofnes bya-l - wu[n]ige 33. 3 mi$ Suslicuw monigum bispellum hise spreocaS to him word swa swiSe hia3 meehtum (sic) gihera 34. buta bisine wutudlice ne wees sprecende to him syndrige wutudlice Seghum his he seegde alle 35. 3 cwaeS to him on 8eem deege miSSy efern wees giworden feere we ofer togsegnes 36. 3 forleortun Sone here to-ginomun ...swa fte hise werun in scipe 3 oSro sciopu werun mi8 him 37. 3 giworden wees wind-ryst micelo windes 3 yfc faerende -r sendende in Saet scip sende -pte gifylled was Seet scip 38. 3 waes he-tSe in scipe on -r ofer bolstre slepende 3 awehtun hine 3 cwedun to him larow ne to Se gibyreS forSon Sset we deade-rne reces Su Sah we deade sie 39. 3 arisende Se stiorend wees windes 3 cwseS to Seem see swiga wes dumba 3 blan-rreste Se wind 3 giworden wees smyltnisse micelo 40 3 cwaeS to him hweet forhte aron ge ne gett habbas ge gileofu. E 34 Dis sceal on frige-dag on (>sere seofegan wucan ofer pentecosten. Venit ihesMs in regionem gerasenorum & exeunte ei de naui statim occurrit ei de monumentis. 41 3 hi micclu/w ege hi»i ondredon. 3 cwaedon aelc to oSruwi hwaet wenst jm hwaet is $es •$ him [wyndas J] see hyrsumiaS ; CHAPTER V. 1 T^ a comon hi ofer paere sses muSan ■JLr on -p rice, hierasenorum 2 3 him of scipe gangendum him sona agen arn an man of pam byrgenuwz on un- claenuw gaste ; 3 Se haefde on byrgenum scraef 3 hine nan man mid racenteagum ne mihte gebindan. 4 forpaw he oft mid fot-coppsum 3 ra- centeagum gebunden. toslat pa raceteaga 3 pa fot-coppsas tobraec. 3 hine nan man ge- wyldan ne mihte. 5 3 symle daeges 3 nihtes he waes on byrgenum and on muntuw. hrymende 3 hine sylfne mid stanum ceorfende; 6 SoSlice Sa he pone haelend feorran geseah. he am 3 hine gebaed. 7 3 mycelre stemne hrymende 3 pus cw. eala maera haelend godes sunu hwaet is me 3 pe. Ic halsige pe Surh god ~f Su me ne preage ; 8 pa cwaeS se haelend. eala unclaena gast. ga of 'Sysum men ; 9 Da ahsode he hine hwaet is pin nama. pa cwaeS he min nama is legio. forpam we manega synt. 10 3 he hine swyfte baed •$ he hine of pam rice ne dyde. 11 par waes embe pone munt mycel swyna heord laesgende. Various Readings. 41. A. hig. A. mycelum; B. mycluw. A. B. insert wyndas 3, which the text omits. Cap. v. 1. Rubric from A; B. has the same, omitting the Latin, but the scribe has added probatio penne. A. hig. A. gerasenorum. 2. A. ongean. 3. A. raceteagum. 4. A. B. fot-copsum. A. raceteagujra. A. B. fot-copsas. 5. A. symble. 7. A. stefne. 8. B. has [>u inserted after eala, above the line. A. jiyssum. 9. A. acsode. A. leio. A. synd. 10. A. nydde [for dyde]; B. dydde. II. A. )>a. A. ynibe. A. laeswigende ; B. lseswende. 41 3 hyo mychelen eige heom on-draedden. 3 cwae^en aelc to oSren. hwaet wenst pu hwaet is pes pe him windes 3 sae hersumiaS. CHAPTER V. 1 T*a comen hyo ofer pare saes muSan X on ~p rice jerasenorum. 2 3 him of scipe gangenden him sona agen arn an man of pam byregenen on un- claenen gaste. 3 Se haefde on byregene scref 3 hine nan man mid racetegen ne mihte ge-binden. 4 for pan he oft mid fot-copsen 3 race- tegen ge-bunden to-slat pa raketegen. 3 pa fot-copses to-braec. 3 hine nan man ge- welden ne myhte. 5 3 symle daiges 3 nihtes he waes on byrigenne. 3 on munten remende. 3 hine sylfne mid stanen ceorfende. 6 SoSlice pa he pane haelend feorren ge- seah. he arn 3 hine ge-baed. 7 3 mycelere stefne remde. 3 pus cwaeS. Bale maere haelend godes sune. hwaet is me 3 pe. ic haelsige pe purh god -p pu me ne Sreage. 8 Da cwaeS se haelend. eala pu un-claene gast ga of pisen men. 9 Da axsede he hine hwaet is pin name. Da cwseS he min name is legio. for pan we manege synde. 10 3 he hine swrSe bae$ f he hine of pam riche ne dyde. 11 paer waes ymb panne munt mycel swin- heord. laesiende. Various Readings. 41. by myclujre ; on-drsedon; cwaedon; oSriwz; -}S [/or J>e]; windas; hyrsumiafc. Cap. v. 1. comon; hierasenorum. 2. gangendum; on [for an]; byregnum; uncleenum. 3. byrgenum scraef; raeetegan. 4. fot-copsum; racentegan; racetegan; fot- copsas ; ge-wylden. 5. byrigennum ; muntum hrymende ; stanum. 6. jiene. 7. mycele stemne hrymde ; eala; ha- lend. 8. Jiisura. 9. axsode ; nama ; ):am ; manega synt. 10. bced; rice. 11. (jonne ; lseswende. 35 3 ondreardon miS micelo fyrhto 3 hia cuedon him bitwien hua woenes Su is Ses forSon k -pte 41 et timuerunt magno timore et dicebant ad alterutrum quis putas est iste quia ^~ ec wind 3 sS heraS-tedmodaS him-HiersumiaS et uentus et mare oboediunt ei. CAP. V. 3 cuomon ofer swira-l'ofer luh Ssesses on lond gerasenorwm 1 et uenerunt trans fretum maris in regionem gerasenorum. 3 miSSy eade him 2 et exeunti ei of scip recone togsegnes am him of byrgennum t of bendum mon in gast uncloene seSe de naui statim occurrit ei de monumentis homo in spiritu inmundo. 3 qui hfis-Hytelo by hsofde in byrgennum 3 ne hraccentegum huil k vmtedlice senig monn hine meehte domicilium habebat in monumentis et neqwe catenis iam quisquam eura poterat gebinda forSon oftust-l'synile miS feotrwm 3 miS hracentegum gebunden woes toslat Sa hracengo ligare. 4 quoniam sepe compedibws et catenis uinctus disrupisset catenas 3 Sa ftittro forbraec -r toscesende 3 nsenig monn msehte hine temma-Hialda 3 symle nseht 3 et compedes comminuisset et nemo poterat eum domare. 5 et semper nocte ac dsege in byrgennum k in fsestnungum 3 morum wees 3 cliopende 3 falletande-tSserscende hine to stanum die in monumentis et in montibws erat et damans et concidens se^ lapidibus. gesaeh 8a gone hselend fearre to gearn 3 worSade hine 6 uidens autem iheswm a" longe cucurrit et adorauit eum. 3 clioppende stefne miclo 7 et clamans uoce magna cuoeS hwset me 3 Se Su hselend sunu godes Sses heista ic halsigo Sec Serh god ne mec f Su mec ne dicit quid mihi et tibi ihesu fili dei summi adiuro t^ per deum ne me wursecce cuoeS forSon to him gaa Su gaast unclsene from Seem menn 3 gefregn hine torqueas. 8 dicebat enim illi exi spirite inmunde ab liomine. 9 et interrogabat eum husetd Se to noma is 3 cuoeS to him here to noma me _ is forSon monig we sindon 3 quod tibi nomen est et dicit ei legiof nomen mihi est quia multi sumus. 10 et 1 4" xij. Suserad -JS is leffio fSisl biddende wscs-rbsed hine suiSe 16nga fte hine ne fordrife bnta Sset lond wses uutedlice Ser ymb Wffl s diowla depraecabatur eum multum ne* &6 expelleret extra regionem. 11 erat autem ibi circa legio. Sone mor worn berga+swina michil foedende montem grex porcorum magnus pascens. "^^ 41. 3 ontlreordun miS micelre fyrhto 3 cwedun bitwion him hwa woenestu is Ses forSon 3 wind 3 sa3 heraS •reSmodaS him. Cap. V. 1. 3 comun ofer swira-l'ofer luh sses in lond gerassenorum 2. 3 miSSy eode to him of scipe togseg- nes arn him of byrgennum i of bendum monn in gaste vnclsenum. 3. seSe hus-Tbyinge lytle hsefde in byrgennum 3 ne racantegum hwile senig mon hine msehte gibinda 4. forSon oftust miS feoturvm 3 miS racontegum gibun- den wses to-slat Sa racontege 3 Sa feoturo forbrsec k toscsende 3 nsenig msehte hine temma k gihalda 5. 3 symle on naeht 3 on dsege in byrgennum 3 on morum wses cliopende 3 falletende hine on stanum 6. gisseh wutudh'ce Sone hselend fearra to-giarn. 3 to worSanne hine 7. 3 cliopade stefne micelre cwseS hwse[t] me 3 Se Su hselend sunu godes Sses hesta ic halsigo Sec Serh god ne mec ne wrecce 8. cwseS forSon to him gaa gast uncloene from Ssem menn 9. 3 gifrsegn hine hwset Se noma is 3 cwaeS to him here noma me is forSon monige we sindun (£ is Susend + xii Susend f is legio Sis wses diowla legio. [margin]) 10. 3 biddende wses hine longe Ssete (sic) he hine fordrife butta Sset lond 11. wses wutudlice Ser ymb Sone mor worn berga k swina micelra foedende E2 36 12 1 pa uncleenan gastas hine baedon 1 cwaedon ; Send us on pas swyn -p we [on] hi gegan. 13 1 pa lyfde se haelend sona. 3 Sa eo- don pa unclaenan gastas on pa swyn. 1 on myclura hryre seo heord wearS on see besceo- fen. twa pusendo "\ wurdon adruncene. on Saere sae; 14 ' Soplice pa Se hi heoldon flugon 1 cyddon on paere ceastre 1 on lande 5 hi ut eodon -p hi ge-sawon hwaet par gedon waere. 15 1 hi comon to paws haelende 1 hi ge- sawon pone Se mid deofle gedreht waes. ge- scrydne sittan. p] hales modes. D hi hi/w ondredon. 16 3 hi rehton hiwi pa Se hit gesawon hu hit gedon waes. be \am Se deofol- seocnesse haefde 1 be \am swynuw. 17 "i hi baedon -p he of hyra ge-maerum fore; 18 pa he on scip eode hine ongan bid- dan se Se aes. B. wundrodon. 21. A. nm. And, and has Da with a large initial. A. maenio; B. menigeo. 12 1 pa unclaene gastes hine baeden 1 cwaeSen. Send us on pas swin -p we hyo on gan. 13 pa lefde se haelend sone. "i pa eoden pa un-claene gastes on pa swin. !! on mycelen rere se heord warS on sae be-scofen twa pusende. 7 wurSan adruncen on pare sae. 14 SoSlice pa pe hyo hielden flugen 3 cyddan on pare ceastre 1 on lande } hyo ut eoden -p hyo ge-seagen hwaet paer ge-worSan waere. 15 "i hyo comen to pam haelende 1 hyo ge-seagen pane pe mid deofle ge-dreht waes. ge-scridne sitten "3 hales modes, "i hyo him on-dretten. 16 1 hyo rehten heom pa pe hit ge-seagen. hu hit ge-don waes be pam pe pa deofel- seocnysse haefde. "i be pam swinen. 17 3 hyo baeden -p he of hire maeren fore. 18 pa he on scyp eode hine on-gan byd- dan se pe aer mid deofle ge-dreht waes. -p he mid him waere. 19 Him pa se haelend ne ge-teipede. ac he saigde him. ga on pinen huse to pinen heowen !) kyS heom hu mycel drihten ge- dyde 1 he ge-miltsede pe. 20 1 he pa ferde 1 on-gan bodigen on decapolim hu fele se haelend hym dyde. "i hyo ealle wundredon. 21 l/md pa se haelend eft on scype ferde J—^ ofer pane muSen him com to mycel menigeo. 1 waes embe pa sae. Various Readings. 12. cwaedon. Saend; om. on before gan. 13. halend sona ; mycelum ryre seo ; wears ; be-scofon ; wurSen adruncenne. 14. heoldon; cydden; ge-sawon; ge-don waere. 15. halende; ge-sawen (>onne; ge-drecht; sittan; on-dretton. 16. rehtum (sic); ge-sawon; deofol-secnysse ; swinum. 17. bsedon; hyora ge-mseron. 19. ge-ti);ode ; ssegde; |>inum (.bis); heowum ; cyS ; ge-miltsode 20. bodigan ; wundrodon. 21. (jone mu<5an ; menegea. 37 3 bedon hine Sa gaastas cwoeSendo send usic in Saem bergum -j5te in him-tin Seem 12 et depraecabantur eum spiritus dicente8 mitte nos in porcos ut in eos we ingeonga-t'gae 3 gelefde him -1" Saem recone se haelend 3 miSSy fserende weron 4a gastas unclaeno introeamus. 13 et concessit eis statim ihesws et exeuntes spiritus inmundi in-eodon in Saem bergum 3 mi* miclo hraes-t ongeong worn todrifen waes in seb to twsem Susendum introierunt in porcos et magno impetu grex praecipitatus est in mare ad duo milia 3 under-drencdo waeron in sae seSe-t'SaSe uuted/ice foeddon hia geflugon 3 saegdon in et suffocati sunt in mare. 14 qui autem pascebant eos fugerunt et nuntiauerunt in Sa ceastre 3 in londum 3 fserende woeron to geseanne huaet were Saes wercaes 3 cwomon to Saem ciuitatem et in agros et egressi sunt uidere quid esset facti. 15 et ueniunt ad haelend 3 gesegon hine-tSene seSe from diowle gebered waes sittende gecladed-tgegerelad 3 hales Sohtes ihesum et uident ilium qui a dasmonio uexabatur sedentem uestitum et sane mentis 1 ondreardon 3 ssegdon Saem SaSe gesegon hulic geworden were him seSe diowl et timuerunt. 16 et narrauerunt illis qui uiderant qualiter factum esset ei qui dsemonium haefde 3 of bergum 3 bidda hine ongunnun fte afirrade from gemserum hiora habuerat et de porcis. 17 et rogare eum coeperunt ut discederet & nnibus eorum. 3 miSSy astigon Sset scip ongann hine gebidda seSe from diowle auaeled-l' gebered wses -JSte 18 *Cumqwe ascenderunt nauem coepit ilium deprascari qui dasmonio uexatus fuerat ut [ u 48 1 ' x ^'i'i were miS him esset cum illo. 3 ne forleort hine ah cuaeS to him gaa in hus Sin to Sinum 3 19 et non admisit eum sed ait illi uade in domum tuam ad tuos et to-saeg him huu micla Se drihten dyde 3 milsande sie Sines 3 eode 3 ongann adannuutia illis quanta tibi &omimt3 fecerit et misertus sit tui. 20 et abiit et coepit bodiga in Saer byrig huu micla him dyde se haelend 3 alle gewundradon 3 miSSy prsedicare in decapoli quanta sibi fecisset ihesws et omnes mirabautur. 21 *Et cum JrlsjixJ*' int. lxxiiii. oferstag se haelend in scip eft ofer Saet luh efne-cwom Sread menigo to him 3 wa3s transcendisset ihesws in naui rursus trans fretum conuenit turba multa ad ilium et erat ymb sae circa mare. 12. 3 bedun hine gastas cweSende send usih in Sa bergas -pte we in hia ingonge-r ingaB 13. 3 gilefde him sona Se haelend 3 miSSy fserende werun gastas unclaene in-eodun in 8a bergas 3 micle raese t ongonge worn todrifen waes on sae to twsem Susendum 3 adrencte wseren on sse 14. seSe wutudhce foedde hiae giflugun 3 saegdun in Saer caestre 3 on londum 3 faerende werun to seanne hwset were Sees werches 15. 3 comun to Saem haelend 3 gisegun hine-tSene seSe from diowlum gibered wses sittende giclaensad 3 hales giSohtes 3 on-dreordun 16. 3 saegdun Ssem SaSe gisegvn hwelc giworden were 3 seSe diowol hsefde 3 of bergum 17. 3 bidda hine on-gunnan ■jSte he afirde from gimaBrum hiora 18. 3 miSSy astigun in -p scip ongan hine gibidda seSe from diowle awaeled waes -)5te were miS him 19. 3 ne for-leorte hine ah cwaeS to him gaa in hus Sin to Sinum 3 to saecganne him hu micel Se drihten dyde 3 milsende sie Sin 20. 3 eade 3 on-gan bodiga in Sser byrig hu micel him dyde Se haelend 3 alle giwundradun 21. 3 miSSy ofer-stag Se haelend in scip eft ofer f>a luh efhe-comun Sreatas monige to him 3 waes ymb Sone sae. 38 22 3 Sa com sum of heah-gesamnungum iairus hatte ; 1 ba he hine geseah he astrehte hine to his fotum 23 ] hine swySe baed. 3 he cwaeS; Min dohtor is on ytemestum si$e. cum 1 sete bine hand ofer hi -p heo hal sy } lybbe; 24 Da ferde he mid him 1 him fyligde mycel menigeo 1 brungon hine; 25 1 ba -p wif Se on blodryne twelf winter waes. 26 1 fram manegum laecum fela binga bolode. 1 dselde eall -p heo ahte. !) hit naht ne fremode. ac waes be wyrse ; 27 pa heo be Sam haelende gehyrde heo com wi'S-aeftan ba menigu 1 his reaf aet-hran ; 28 SoSlice heo cwaeS gif ic furbon his reafes aet-hrine ic beo hal; 29 And ba sona wearS hyre blodes ryne adruwod. 1 heo on hire gefredde "p heo of bam wite gehaeled waes; 30 And ba se haelend on-cneow on him sylfum -p him msegen of eode. he cwaeS be- wend to baere menigu; Hwa aethran mines reafes. 31 ba cwaedon his leorning-cnihtas bu ge-syxst bas menigu be Sringende. 3 bu cwyst hwa aet-hran me ; 32 And ba beseah he hine -p he ge-sawe baene Se ~p dyde; 33 Dat wif ba ondraedende 3 forhtigende com 1 astrehte hi be-foran him 3 saede him eall ■p riht; Various Readings. 22. B. gesamnuncguOT. 23. A. dohter. A. ytemestan. A. B. big [for hi]. A. sig. 24. A. msenio; B. menigu. 25. A. B. blodes ryne. 2fi. A. faela. B. );incga. A. fremede. 27. A. msenegeo. 28. A. forjjan. 30. A. msenigeo. A. myne reaf; B. mine reaf. 31. B. leornincg. A. gesyhst. A. mrenegeo. 32. A. beseh. A. B. om. he before hine. A. [>one. 33. A. B. big. 22 1 ba com sum of heah-ge-samnengen Iairus hatte. 1 ba he hine ge-seah he astrehte hine to his foten. 23 ] hine swiSe ge-baeS. ] he cwaeS. Min dohter is on ytemesten siSe. cum 1 sete bine hand ofer hyo -p hye hal sige !l libbe. 24 pa, ferde he mid hym 3 hym felgede micel menige 1 brungen hine. 25 iEnd ba -p wif be on blodes rine twelf wintre waes. 26 "i fram manigen kecen feole binge bolede. 1 daslde aeall ■p hyo ahte. 1 hit naht ne fremede ac waes be wyrse. 27 Da hi be bam haelende ge-hyrde hy com wiS efte ba menigeo. "i his reaf aet-ran. 28 SoSlice hyo cwaeS gyf ic furSer his reaf aet-rine ic by hal. 29 3 ba sone warS hire blodes rine a- druwede. 1 hyo on hire fredde psst hyo of bam witege ge-haeled waes. 30 And [ba] se haelend on-cneow on hym selfen baet hym magen of eode. he cwaeS be-wend to bare maenige. Hwa aet-ran mine reaf. 31 Da cwaeSen his leorning-cnihtes. J?u ge-seohst bas menigeo be brungen be. 1 bu cwedst hwa aet-ran me. 32 1 ba be-seah hine -p he ge-seahge bane be -p dyde. 33 -p wif ba on-draedende 3 forhtigende com U astrehte hyo be-foren him 1 saigde him eall -p riht. Various Readings. 22. gesatnnungum ; htette; fotum. 23. bead; dohtor; ytemestuw ; heo hal syo. 24. heom ; fyligde ; menigeo ; Jjruwgon. 25. And; winter. 26. manegum lcecun; };inga; eall; heo. 27. heo [for both hi and hy]; seften; menegeo. 28. heo; furSor; beo. 29. sona wearS ; adruwod; heo; ge-fredde ; wite [where MS. Hatton wrongly has witege]. 30. )>a is supplied from MS. Reg. ; sylfum ; msegen ; mene- geo; set-hran. 31. cwseSon ; cnihtas ; meniga 5 , J;ryngande [for )>rungen |>e] ; cwySst. 32. ge-sawe. 33. astrihte ; be- foran; stegde. 39 3 cuora sum monn of behsomnungum genemned waes Iarus 3 gesseh hine feoll k hleat to 22 et uenit quidam de arche-synagogis nomine iairua et uidens eum procidit ad fotum his 3 biBd hine longa cuoeSende forSon k #te dohter mm in utmestura is pedes eius. 23 et depraecabatur eum multura dicens quoniam filia mea in extrimis est cym on-sett hond ofer hia -)5te hia hSl sie 3 hia hlifige 3 eode miS him 3 fylgede ueni inpone manus super earn ut salua sit et uiuat. 24 et abiit cum illo et sequebatur hine Srealo menigo 3 geSringdon hine-rSene Ikec f wif Sy wees in utiorninsc Modes eum turba multa et comprimebant ilium. 25 et mulier quae erat in proflu[u]io sanguinis wintrum twoelfum 3 vises menigo k feolo Srowungo-rSrouenda-tgeSolade from swiSe monigum lecum annis duodecim 20 et fuerat multa perpesa a compluribus medicis 3 miSSy gesald webs alle hire Singo ne seniht (sic) gehalp ah swiSor wyrse hsefde miSSy et erogauerat omnia sua nee quicquam prof'ecerat sed magis deterius habebat 27 cum geherde from hselend cwom in Sreat bi-hianda 3 gehran woede his gecuoeS forSon audisset de ihasu uenit in turba retro et tetigit uestimentum eius. 28 dicebat enim forSon gif k gegerelo his ic hrino ic hal beom k gehaeled ic biom 3 hrecone k sona gedrugad quia si uel uestimentum eius tetigero salua ero. 29 et cont'estim siccatus waes espryngc blodes hire 3 gefoelde miS lichoma fte gehceled were from adle 3 sona est tons sanguinis eius et sensit corpore quod sanata esset a plaga. 30 et statim Se hoelend ongeat on hine seolfne -js mseht seSe eode from him efne-gecerde to Sarni folce he gecwoeS ihasits cognoscens in semetipso uirtutew quae exierat de eo conuersus ad turbain aiebat hwa gehran gewedo mino 3 cvvoedon to him Segnas his Su gesiist Sset Sreat Sringende quis tetigit uestimenta mea. 31 et dicebant ei discipuli swi uides turbam comprimentem See 3 Su cuoeSes hua me gehran 3 ymb-sceawade to geseanne hia-tSailco Siu Sis dyde te - et dicls quis me tetigit. 32 et circumspiciebat uidere earn quae hoc fecerat. -p wif uatedlice ondreard 3 forhtade wiste -pte geworden were on hir cuom 3 gefeall befora 33 mulier autem tirnens et tremens sciens quod factum esset in se uenit et procidit ante hine 3 cuoeS to him all f soSest eum et dixit ei omnem ueritatem. 22. 3 com sum mon of heh-somnunge ginemned webs iarus 3 giseeh hine gifeal-fieott to fotum his 23. 3 bsed hine longe cweSende forSon k Saatte dohter min in ytmestum is . . . sete on honda ofer hia3 fte hal sie 3 hio lifge 24. 3 eode miS him 3 fylgende him Sreotas monige 3 on-Srungvn hine 25. 3 wif seSe waes in utt-iornende blodes wintru twelfe 26. 3 wees monigu Srowunga from swiSe monigum lecum 3 miSSy gisald waes alle hire Sine ne aeniht gihalp ah swiSor wyrse haefde 27. miSSy giherde from Saem hxlend com in Sreott miS hond 3 gihran wedum his 28. gicwaeS forSon forSon gif k giwedum his ic gihrino ic biom hal 29. 3 recone k sona gidrugad wass esprynge blodes hire 3 gifoelde miS lichoma Seette giheeled were from adle 30. 3 stod Se haelewci ongaatt on hine solfne Sa maahte seSe eode from him efne-gicerde to Ssem folche he gicwaaS hwelc hran giwedum minum 31. cwedun him Segnas his k Sees Su gisis Sone Sreot Sringende on Sec 3 Su cweSes hwa mec gihran 32. 3 ymb-sceowade to giseane hia k 5a ilee Se Sis dyde 33. -js wif wutudhce ondreord 3 forhtade wiste fto giworden were in hir com 3 gifeol bifora him 3 cwoeS him allum Saette soSoste 40 34 pa cwaeS se haelend. dohtor pin ge- leafa p e hale gedyde. ga pe on sibbe 5 beo of Sisum hal; 35 TTim pa gyt sprecenduira hi comon J— L frawi pa?M heah-gesamnutigu»w 1 cwaedon ; Din dohtor is dead, hwi drecst pu leng pone lareow ; 36 pa he ge-hyrde f word pa cwaeS se haelend ne ondraed pu Se gelyf for an ; 37 And he ne let him aenigne fyligean. buton petrura. 3 iacobum. 3 iohannem. Ia- cobes broSor 38 3 hi comon on paes heah-ealdres hus. 3 he ge-seah mycel gehlyd wepende 3 geomri- ende; 39 And pa he ineode he cw. hwi synd ge gedrefede 3 wepaS. nis pis maeden na dead ac heo slaepS; 40 Da taeldon hi hine; He pa eallum ut adrifenuOT. nam petru>» 3 paes maedenes modor. 3 pa Se mid hi*» waeron. 3 inn-eodon suwiende par -f maeden waes. 41 3 hire hand nam 3 cwaeS. thalim-tha cumi. -p is on ure gepeode gereht. maeden pe ic secge aris; 42 3 heo sona aras 3 eode; SoSlice heo waes twelf wintre. 3 ealle hi wundredon my- celre wundrunge. 43 3 he hira pearle behead -p hi hyt nanu»» men ne sgedon 3 he het hire etan syllan ; Various Readings. 34. A. dohter. A. )>yssum. 35. A. B. hig. B. gesam- nuncgum. A. hwig. B. drectu, altered to drecst )>u. B. lencg. 37. A. nsenigne. B. fylgean. A. brofcer. 38. A. B. hig. A. om. heah. A. geseh. A. geomrigende. 39. A. hwig. A. B. om. na. 40. A. hig. A. moder. A. in-eodon swigende. 41. A. thalym. thacui (with thabi tha. cumi above); B. thalim thacumi. 42. A. B. hig. B. wundre- dun. 43. A. hig. . 34 Da cwaeS se haelend. dohter pin ge- leafe pe haele ge-dyde. ga pe on sibbe 3 beo of pisen hal. 35 XX ym pa gyt spraecenden hio comen J-J- fram pam heah-samnungen 3 cwaeSen. Din dohter ys dead hwi drecst pu leng pane lareow. 36 Da he ge-herde f word, pa cwaeS se haelend ne on-draed pu pe ge-lef for an. 37 iEnd he ne let hym anigene felgian. buton petrum 3 Iacobum 3 Iohannem Ia- cobes bro'Ser. 38 3 hyo comen on pas heah-ealdres hus 3 he ge-seah mycel ge-hled wepende 3 gemeri- ende. 39 3 pa he in-eode he cwaeS. Hwi sende ge gedrefede 3 wepeS nis pis maeden dead, ac hyo slepS. 40 Da tealden hyo hym. He pa ealle ut-adrifene. nam petruwa 3 pas maidenes moder 3 pa pe mid heom waeren 3 in-eode swigende paer paet maiden waes. 41 3 hire hand nam 3 cwaeS. thalim-tha- cumi. "f is on ure peode ge-reht. maide pe ic segge aris. 42 3 hyo sona aras 3 eode. SoSlice hyo waes twelf wintre 3 ealle hyo wundredon. mycelere wundrunge. 43 3 he heom pearle be-bead -f hyo hit nanen men ne saiden. 3 he het hire syllen aeten. Various Readings. 34. dohtor; hale; (pisum. 35. sprecendom; comon; sammmgvTO; cwsefcon; dohtor his; |>one. 36. ge-hyrde; gelyf. 37. aenigne fylgan; broSor. 38. comon; geseh; ge-hlyd wependre 3 geomriende. 39. synd; wepaS; slepts. 40. hine [for hym]; eallum ut-adrifenum ; modor; him weron 3 in-eoden swugiende; mffgden. 41. thalim thacumi in both MSS.; msden. 42. wundroden. 43. nanum; ssg- don ; syllan etan. 41 he uutedlice* Sonne cwoeS to hir la dohter geleafa Sin *ec hal dyde gaa in sibb 3 waes hal 34 ille autem dixit ei filia fides tua te* saluam fecit uade in pace et esto sana from adle Sine Sa geone hine-the sprecende cuomon from Saem folces aldormenn cuoSende forSon dohter £ plaga tua. 35 adhuc eo loquente ueniunt ab arclie-synagogo dicentes quia filia Sin dead is huaetd lengc k forSor styres Su Sone laruu se haelend vmtedlice word -)Ste tua mortua est quid ultra uexas magistrum. 36 ihesua autem uerbo quod gecuoeden wees geherde cuoeS to Saem aldormenn nelle Su ondrede ah Saet ana nu gelef 3 ne dicebatur audito ait arche-synagogo noli timere tantummodo crede. 37 et non leort aenigne monno to fylgenne hine buta petre 3 iacob 3 iohan broSer iacobes 3 admisit quemquam sequi s6 nisi petrum et iacobum et iohannem fratrem iacobi. 38 et cuomon in hus Saes aldormonnes gesaeh f wanung 3 woepende 3 maeniende suiSe ueniunt in domum arche-synagogi et uidet tumultum et flentes et heiulantes multum. 3 in-eode cuoeS to him huaetd -tforhuon arogie gestyred 3 gie hremas ■)> maeden ne is dead 39 et ingressus ait eis quid turbamini et ploratis puella non est mortua ah sleped 3 in-hlogan hine he hueSre miSSy fordrifenum allum-l'miSSy alle ute fordraf genom sed dormit. 40 et inridebant eum ipse uero eiectis omnibws adsumit Sone fader 3 moder Saera maedne 3 SaSe miS him weron 3 infoerde Ser waes Saet maeden licende patrem et matrem puellae et qui secum erant et ingreditur ubi erat puella iacens. 3 geheald hond daere msegdne cuoeS to hir Sis is ebrise word $ is getrahtad in latin 41 et tenens manum puellae ait ill! talitha cumi quod est interpraetatum la dohter -Ha maegden Se ic saego aris 3 sona aras f> maegden 3 ge-eode-l-geongeride waes puella tibi dico surge. 42 et confestim surrexit puella et ambulabat waBS uutedliee wintra tuoelfo 3 fore-styldton feer-suigo mis Saer maaste 3 bebead Saem erat autem annorum duo-decim et ob-stupuerunt stupore maximo. 43 et praecepit illis suiSe -)Ste naenig monn f> wiste 3 cuoeS sealla hir eatta uehementer ut nemo id sciret et dixit dari illi manducare. 34. he wutudltce cwaeS him dohter gileofa Sin Sec hale gidyde gong in sibbe 3 wes hal from adle Sinum 35. Sa geona he sprecende comon from Sees folches somnungum cweSende forSon dohter Sin deod is hwaet leng-tforSur styrestu Sone larow 36. Se haelewd wutudltce word Saette gicweden waes giherde cwaeS to Saem heh-aldurmenn nelle Su Se on-dreda ah Saet ana nu gilefes 37. 3 ne ge-leort aBnigne monno to fylganne -t fylge him buta petre 3 iacobe 3 iohanne broSer ia~cobes 38. 3 comun to husum Sbbs aldormonnes 3 gisaBh Sa wanunga 3 woepende 3 maanende swiSe 39 3 in-eode cwaeS to him hwaet arun ge onstyred 3 hremas Saet maegden ne is deod ah slepeS 40. 3 in-hlogun hine he hweSre miS fordrifnum allum ginom Sone feeder 3 moder Saes maegdnes 3 Sa Se miS him werun 3 in-foerde Ser waes Saet maagden licgende 41. 3 giheold honda Saes maegdnes cwaeS to hir Sis is ebrise word Saet is gitrahtad on lseden la dohter Se ic saege aris 42. 3 sona aras Saet maegden 3 eode k gongende waes. waes wutudltce wintra twelfe 3 for-styltun swigunge micelre 43. 3 hibeod Saem swiSe f> naenig mon wiste 3 cwaeS sellas hir eata 42 CHAPTER VI. 1 And pa he Sanon eode he ferde on his eSel. 3 him folgodon his leorning- cnihtas ; 2 3 gewordenum reste-daege he ongann on gesamnunge laeran 3 manege gehyrdon 3 wun- drodon on his lare 3 cwaedon; Hwanon synd pyssuw ealle pas Sincg and hwaet is se wisdom pe him ge-seald is. 3 svvylce raihta pe Surh his handa gewordene synd; 3 Hu nys [pys] se smiS marian sunu. iacobes broSor. 3 Iosepes. 3 iude [5] simonis. hu ne synt his swustra her mid us. 3 pa wurdon hi gedrefede. 4 pa cwaeft se haelend; SoSlice nis nan' witega buton wurSscipe. buton on his eSele 3 on his maegSe. 3 on his huse ; 5 And he ne mihte par aenig maegen wyrcan. buton feawa untrume on-asettuwz his handum he ge-haelde. 6 3 he wundrode for heora ungeleafan ; He Sa laer[en]de pa castel be-ferde. 7 3 him twelfe togeclypode. 3 agan hi send an twam 3 twa»f. 3 him an weald sealde unclsenra gasta. 8 3 him bebead ~p hi naht on wege ne namon. buton g>rde ane. ne codd ne hlaf. ne feoh on heora gyrdlum ; 9 Ac ge-sceode mid calcum 3 -f hi mid twam tunecuw gescrydde naeron ; 10 And he cwaeS to hi;»; Swa hwylc bus swa ge ingaS. wuniaft par oS ^ ge ut-gan. Various Readings. Cap. vi. 1. A. )>anen ; B. Jianun. A. folgedon. B. leornincg. 2. A. ongan; B. angann. A. ge-somnunge; B. ge-samnuncge. A. msenige; B. menege. A. wun- dredon. A. hwanen. A. |>yng. 3. A. inserts (jys, which the text and B. omit. A. broSer. A. B. insert 3 be- fore simonis. A. synd. A. B. hig. 4. A. B. butan. A. weorfc-scype. 6. A. laerende; B. leerde (as in Corpus MS.). 7. A. B. hig. B. anwald. 8. A. B. hig. A. naman; B. namun. B. hyra. 9. A. B. hig. B. naerun. 10. B. wunigaS. CHAPTER VI. 1 And pa he panen eode he ferde on his ae^el. 3 him folgeden his leorning- cnihtas. 2 3 ge-worSene reste-daige he ongan on samnunge laeren. 3 manege ge-hyrden 3 wundreden on his lare 3 cwaeSen. hwanen synden pisen ealle pas ping 3 hwaet is se wisdom pe him ge-seald is. 3 swilce mihte pe purh his handa ge-worSen synde. 3 hu nis pis se smiS maria sune. jacobes broker 3 iosepes. 3 iude 3 symones. hu ne synde his swustre her mid us. 3 pa wurSen hyo ge-drefede. 4 pa cwaeS se haelend. SoSlice nis nan witege buten wurdscipe. buton on his aeSele. 3 on his maegSe 3 on his huse. 5 3 he ne mihte paer anig maegen wercen. buton fewan untrume on-asetten his handan he ge-haelde. 6 3 he wundrede for heore un-ge-leafen. He pa laerende panne castell be-ferde. 7 3 him twelfe to ge-cleopede. 3 an- gan hyo saenden twam 3 twam. 3 heom an- weald sealde un-claenre gaste. 8 3 heom be-bead j> hyo naht on weige ne namen buton gyrdel ane. ne cod. ne hlaf. ne feoh. on eowre gyrdlen. 9 Ac ge-scode mid calken. 3 -p hyo twam tunecan ge-scridde nseren. 10 And he cw. to heom. Swa hwilc hus swa ge ingaS. wunieS paer o&Saet ge ut-gan. Various Readings. Cap. vi. 1. JEnd; (janon ; folgodon. 2. ge-wordenum; dsege ; angann ; menege ge-hyrdon 3 wundrodon ; cwasdon hwanon synd j>yssum ; mihta ; geworden synd. 3. hwu ; om. Jjis ; smid marian sunu; brofcor ; simonis; swustra; wurdon. 4. halend; witega buton wurSscipe. 5. aniig; wyrcan; fewa untruwma on-asettum handum. 6. heora un-geleafan; terde (sic); (ia castel. 7. ge-cleopode; agan (sic); ssendon; uncl»nra. 8. wege ne namon* gyrde (sic); codd; hyo (sic) gyrdlum. 9. ge-sceode; calcum; tune- cum ; nseron. 10. cw»8 ; wuniaS. 43 CAP. VI. /0^^- i IT" ' ' 3 foerde Sona eode in oeSel his 3 fylgedon hine Segnas his 3 1 *Et egressus inde abiit in patriam suam et sequebantur ilium discipuli sui. 2 V Sd^L*?" i: ^io.lyiiii. gewarS haligdoeg X sunnadoeg ongann in somnung -tin spree laere 3 monigo geherdon gewundrade woeror. mt - cxli - facto sabbato coepi< in synagoga docere et multi audientes admirabantur in lar his cuoeSende hwona fcisum 8as alle 3 hwsBlc is snytru fciu gesald is him in doctrina eius dicentes unde huic haec omnia et quae est sapientia quae data est illi 3 maehto Sullico SaSe Serh honda his biSon ge-doen ah-ne Sis is smi$ t wyrihte sunu et uirtutes tales quae per manus eius ernciuntur. 3 nonne iste est faber filius maries broSer iacobes 3 iosephes 3 3 ahne 3 suoestro his her miS usic sint-t'biSon mariae frater iacobi et Joseph et iudae et simonis nonne et sorores eius hie nobiscum sunt 3 ge-ondspyrned weron in him 3 cuoeS to him se heclend forSon ne is witge buta et scandalizabantur in illo. 4 *Et dicebat eis ihesws quia non est propheta sine * W. i. lu. xxi. io. xxxv. worSung t worSnis buta -tab. on oe<5el his 3 in cySSo his 3 in hus his 3 ne mt. cxlii. honore nisi in patria sua et in cognatione sua et in domo sua. 5 et non maehte 8er maeht cenige gewyrce buta hwon un-trymigo mi* on-setnum hondum ge-gemde-l'gehaBlde poterat ibi uirtutem ullam faceie nisi paucos infirmos inpositis manibws curauit. 3 gewundrad waes fore un-geleaffulnise hiora 3 ymb-eode $a portas utan-ymb gelaerde 6 et mirabatur propter incredulitatem illorum *Et circumibat castella in circuitu docens. f 52 -,"\.. . *■ * lu. clxvnn. mt. lxxvi. 3 efne-geceigde tuoelfo 3 ongann hia sende tuoge 3 gesalde him-tfcsem maeht gasta 7 *Et conuocauit duodeciw et coepit eos mittere binos et dabat illis potestatem spiritum • xvi. 53. ii. lu. lxxxvii. mt. lxxxii. un-claenra 3 behead him-HSsem ne ceniht hia gelaedde-tgenomo on woeg buta gerd an inmundorum. 8 et praecepit eis ne quid tollerent in uia nisi uirgam tantum ne poha-tposa ne hlaf ne on gyrdils maeslen ah gescoed mttS Suongum 3 ne ge-gearuad were non peram non panem neqw€ in zona aes. 9 sed calciatos sandalis et ne induerentur mi8 tuaem tunucum 4* tuaBm cyrtlum 3 ge-cuoeS to him sua hwider -r suahuaclc gie gaas in hus duabas tunicis. 10 *Et dicebat eis quocumqwe introieritis in domum ■ 54. ii. lv. lxxxviifi]. mt. lxxxiii. Ser wunafc wiS-?o<5* Saet gie geonge fcona illic manete donee exeatis inde. Cap. VI. 1. 3 foerde Sona eade in oefcel his 3 fyligdun him fcegnas his 2. 3 giwar* halig-dseg on-gan in somnunga-tin sprece laera 3 monige giherdun giwundrade werun in larum his cwefcende hwona ... fcas -r Sissum alle . . . fcas is snytru -t hwelc gisald waes him 3 maehte 8a ileu. fcafce $erh honda his gidoen biofcon 3. ah ne Sis is smiSes sunu 3 maria broSer iacobes 3 iosepe* 3 iudas 3 simonis ah ne swester her usih miS sindun 3 onspyrnade werun in him 4. 3 cwseS to him $e hsAetid fortSon ne is witga buta worSunge buta on oedle his 3 on cyfcfco his 3 in huse his 5. 3 ne maehte Ser oenig . . . giwyrcan buta hwon untrymige mi8 onsetnum honda gongende -f gihaelde 6. 3 giwundrad wbbs fore ungileoffulnisse hiora 3 ymb-eode 8a portas ntan ymb gilaerde 7. 3 efne gicegde twelfe 3 ongan hiaa senda twoege 3 gisalde him maehte gasta unclaenra 8. 3 bibeod him Saet nsoniht hiae gilsedde on woeg butan gerde ane ne pohha-tposa ne hlaf ne on gyrdelse maeslen 9. ah giscoed miS Swongum 3 ne gi-georwad were mifc twsem tunucum 10. 3 gi-cwaefc to him swa hwider swa ge gaas in hus Ser wunaS wiS-tfcaet ge gae 8ona F2 44 11 3 swa hwylce swa eow lie ge-hyraft. ponne ge banon ut gaS asceacaS jj dust of eowrum fotum. him on ge-witnesse ; 12 And ut-gangende hi bodedon -f hi daedbote dydon 13 ? hi manega deofol-seocnessa ut-adri- fon. 3 manega untrume mid ele smyredon 3 gehaeldon ; 14 And ba gehyrde herodes se cyng baet; Soblice his nama waes swutol geworden 3 he cwaeS; Witodlice Iohannes se fullnhtere of deaSe aras. 3 on hi»? synd forbaw maegenu geworht ; 15 Sume cwaedon he is elias. sume cwaedon he is witega swylce an of pam witegu?w ; 16 Da herodes -p ge-hyrde he cwaeS; Se iohannes be ic be-heafdode se aras of deaSe ; Dysgodspei 17 Olc-Slice herodes sende 3 het io- sceal innan i^^ hasrefeste to KJ hannew gebindan on cwerterne. see iohannes ° _, msssan. Misit for basre herodiadiscan his brocbar lafe phi- herodes & ten- ■ * ■ * uit iohannem. hppus. for bawi Se he nam hi ; 18 pa ssede Johannes herode. nys be aly- fed to haebbenne bines broker wif ; 19 Da syrwde herodias ymbe hine 3 wolde hine of-slean 3 heo ne mihte; 20 SoSlice herodes on-dred Iohannem 3 wiste "p he waes rihtwis. !1 halig. 3 he heold hine on cwerterne. 3 he ge-hyrde -f he fela wundra worhte 3 he luflice him hyrde ; 21 pa se daeg com herodes gebrydtide he ge-gearwode mycele feorme his ealdor-man- num. 3 pam fyrmestu/w on gal ilea. A. B. Various Readings. , 11. B. banun. 12. A. B. hig. B. bodedun. A. B. hig. 13. A. B. hig. A. deofel-seocnyssa. B. smyrydon. 14. A. cyning. A. nama swutel geworden wa?s. 15. B. cwaedun (2nd time). A. helias. 17. Rubric; B. adds — et uinxit eum in careerem propter herodiadem. A. cwearterne. A. herodianiscan. A. brofcer ; B. broSor. A. B. big. 18. A. habbenne. 20. A. cwearterne. A. lufelice. B. gehyrde. 21. A. gebyrd-tyde; B. gebyrdtide. B. mycle. B. ealdor-mannon. 11 3 swa hwilce swa eow ne hereS banne ge banen ut-ga& ascaceS -f dust of eowren foten hem on ge-witnysse. 12 3 ut-gangende hyo bodedan -p hyo deadbote dyden. 13 3 hyo manege deofel-seocnysse ut- adrifen. 3 manege untrume mid ele smere- den 3 ge-haelden. 14 iEnd ba ge-hyrde herodes se kyng j> . SoSlice his name waes swutel ge-wofSen. 3 he cwaeS. Witodlice Johannes se fulluhtere of deaSe aras. 3 on him synd for ban manege ge-worht 15 sume cwaeSen he is helias. sume cwaeSen he is witege. swile an of pam witegen. 16 )?a herodes -p ge-herde he cw. Se Johowwes pe ic be-heafdede se aras of deafte. 17 OJoSlice herodes sende 3 het 8 jo- Misit herodes et tenuit io- lianne ge-binden on cwarterne. hannem et dem. uinxit eum in for herodiadiscan his bro<5er lafe phihppus carcerem prop- ter herodia- for ban be he nam hyo. 18 Da saigde iohannes herode. nis be alyfeS to haebbe bines broker wif. 19 Da swerde herodias ymbe hine 3 wolde hine of-slean 3 hyo ne mihte. 20 SoSlice herodes on-draedde iohanne 3 wiste j5 he waes riht-wis. 3 halig. 3 he heold hine on cwarterne. 3 he ge-hyrde j> he fela wundre worhte 3 he lufeljce him ge- hyrde. 21 Da se daig com herodes ge-berde-tide. he ge-garwede micele feorme his ealdor- mannen. 3 bam fermestan on galilee. Various Readings. 11. hiraS bonne; panurc; a-scaca* ; eowrum fotuOT him. 12. bodedon; deedbote dydon. 13. manega deo- fol-seocnyssa ut adrifon ; manega ; smyredon ; ge-hsel- don. 14. cyning; swutol geworden; pam meenega. 15. cwaefcon he his; cwaedon; witega. swylce; wiiegum. 16. ge-hyrde; Iohannes; beheatdode. 17. Iohanne ge-bindam (sic); cweerternum; broSor ; for paw. 18. saegde ; alyfed to hsebbenne. 19. serwde (where MS. Hattori i» wrong). 20. on-dred iohanne; cwserterne; feola wundra; lufelice. 21. ge-byrd-tide ; gegarewode; mannon; fyrmestum; ga- lilea. 45 3 sua-huelc seSe ne onfoeS iuh ne ge-hereS iuh miSSy gie gaas Sona sceacas-tdrygas 11 *Et quicumqwe non receperit uos Dec audierint uos exeuntes inde excutite ■(5 asca of fotura iurum in cySnisse him puluerem de pedibas uestris in testimonium illis. miSSy geeado forebodadon J* fore-ssegdon $ 12 *Exeuntes praedicabant ut hreawnise dedon paenitentiam agerent. 3 diowlas menigo fordrifon 3 smiredon miS ole menigo untrymigo 13 et daemonia multa eiciebant et ungebaut oleo multos aegrotos • 55. ii. lv. cxiiii. lxxxviii. nit, lxxxv. * 58. ii. lv. xc. mt. cxiiii. 3 gehseldon 3 geherde herodes cynig eawunge forSon geworden waes noma his 3 et sanabant. 14 *Et audiuit herodes rex manii'estum enim factum est nomen eius et cuoeS forSon iohannes Se fullwihtere eft aras from deadum 3 forSon un-woen sint moeht dicebat quia iohan[n]es baptista resurrexit a mortuis et propterea inopinantur uirtutes •XVII. 57. ii. lv. xc. mt. cxiiii. in him-Hn Sami oSero untedlice cuoedon forSon helias is oSero ec cuoedon witgo is swelce in illo. 15 alii autem dicebant quia helias est alii uero dicebant propheta est quasi an from witgom unus ex prophetis. deadum eft aras mortuis resurrexit. miSSy ■£ geherde herodes cuoeS Sone ic gecearf iohannen Sis from 16 *Quo audito herodes ait quern ego decollaui iohannen hie a se forSon herodes sende 3 geheald iohannen 3 geband hine in carcern 17 *Ipse enim herodes misit &a tenuit iohannen et uinxit eum in carcere 58. x. fore herodiades hlaf philipes broSer his forSon laedde hine propter herodiadam uxorem philippi fratris sui quia duxerat eum (sic). cuoeS forSon 18 *Dicebat enim * 59. ii. lu. xii. mt. cxliiii. • 60. vi. mt. cxlv. iohannes herode ne is gelefed Se to habbanne hlaf broSres Sines iohannes herodi non licet tibi habere uxorem fratris tui. herodia uutedlice gesetnade 19 herodias autem insidiabatur him 3 walde ofslaa hine ne msehte illi et uolebat occidere eum nee poterat. herodes forSon ondreard iohannen wiste hine 20 herodes enim metuebat iohannen sciens eum wer soSfsest 3 halig 3 geheald hine 3 miSSy geherde hine menigo he gedyde 3 lustlice uirum iustum et sawctam et custodiebat eum et audito eo multa faciebat et libenter hine geherde 3 miSSy dag maccalic gecuom •r geneolecde herode* cennise his farma 4" symbel eum audiebat. 21 et cum dies oportunus accidisset herodes natalis sui cenam dyde -f worhte Saem aldormonnum 3 holdum 3 forwostum galileaes fecit principibws et tribunisf et prim is galilaeae. f ofer Srfm hundradum tribunus biS forwont. 11. 3 swa hwelc swa ne onfoeS iow ne gi-heres iow miS Sy gegas Sona scaecas-l'drygas 8a asca 4' Sat dvst of fotum iowrum in cySnisse him 12. 3 miSSy gieodun to him forbodadun fte hreonisse dedun 13. 3 diowlas monige fordrifen 3 smiredun miS oele menigo untrymige 3 gihsBlde 14. 3 giherde herodes cynig eowunga forSon giworden wks noma his 3 cwseS forSon iohannes <5e fulwihtere eft aras from deaSe 3 forSon hia un-woene sint msehte in him 15. oSro wutudh'ce oSro soSlice cwedun witga is swelce an from witgum 16. miSSy giherde herodes cwseS Sone ic ofceorf iohannen Ses from ... eft aras 17. seSe forSon herodes sende 3 giheold iohannen 3 giband hine in cere-erne fore herodiades lafe phil/ppes broSer his forSon laidde hine 18. cwseS forSon iohannes herodiade ne is gilefed Se to habbanne lafe broSer Sines 19. herodiade wutudh'ce gisoettnade him 3 walde of-sla hine ne maehte 20. herodes wutudlj'ce ondreord iohannes wiste hine wer soS-faest 3 Soet halig 3 giheold hine 3 giherde hine menigo he gidyde 3 lust-lice hine giherdun (sic) 21. 3 miSSy dsege macalice gicom -r gineolicade herodes cennisse his fearme dyde Seem aldur-monnum 3 holdum 3 for- westum galiles 46 22 1 pa Sa paere herodiadiscan dohtor inn- eode 1 tumbode. hit licode herode. 1 eal- lum pam Se h'wi mid saeton ; Se cing cwaeS pa to 'Sam msedene. bide me swa hwaet swa pu wylle ] ic pe sylle ; 23 And he swor hire. soSes ic pe sylle swa hwaet swa pu me bitst. peah pu wylle healf min rice ; 24 Da heo ut eode heo cwaeS to hyre meder ; Hwaes bidde ic ; pa cwaep heo. iohannes heafod j?aes fulluhteres ; 25 Sonata heo mid ofste inn toparacinincge eode. heo baed 1 pus cwaeS; Ic wylle ~f Su me hraedlice on anuw disce sylle iohannes heafod; 26 pa wearS se cinincg geunret for pam aSe. ] for pam Se hira mid saeton ; Nolde peah hi ge-unretan. 27 ac sende aenne cwellere ") bebead ~p man his heafod on anum disce brohte ; And he hine pa on cwerterne beheafdode. 28 3 his heafod on disce brohte "} hit sealde pam maedene. 3 ^ maeden hit sealde hire meder ; 29 Da his cnihtas •p ge-hyrdon hi comon 1 his lie namon. 1 hine on byrgene ledon ; 30 £n| oSlice pa Sa apostolas toga?dere JO comon. hi cyddon pam haelende eall -p hi dydon 1 hi laerdon. 31 3 he saede him; CumaS 1 uton gan onsundron on weste stowe. 1 us hwon restan ; SoSlice manega waeron pe comon 1 agen-hwyrfdon 1 fyrst naefdon -f hi aeton. 32 1 on scyp stigende. hi foron onsun- dran on weste stowe. Various Readings. 22. A. dohter in-eode 5 tumbade. A. cyning ; B. cincg. A. masdenne. 23. A. byddest. 25. A. ofeste. A. into. A. cyninge. A. sylle on anum disce. 26. A. cyning. A. £eh hig. ; B. }>eah hig. 27. A. asende [for ac sende]. B. anne. A. cwelere. A. cwearterne. B. beheafdude. 28. A. inserts anum before disce. B. medyr. 29. A. hig. A. lychaman ; B. lie (altered to lichamon). A. byrginne. 30. A. hig. A. B. hig. A. hig. 31. B. asundran. B. stowae. A. agean-hwyrfdon. A. B. hig. 32. A. B. hig. A. on-sundron. B. stowse. 22 3 pa pa pare herodiadiscen dohter in- eode "i tumbede. hit licode herode. 1 eallen pam pe him mid saeten. Se kyng cwaeS pa to pam meigdene. bide me swa hwaet swa pu wille. ") ich pe sylle. 23 iEnd he swor hire. SoSes ich pe sylle swa hwaet swa pu me bydst. pah pu wille half mine rice. 24 pa hye ut eode. hyo cwaeS to hire moder. Hwaes bidde ich. pa cwaeS hye. Iohannes heafed pas fulluhteres. 25 Sona pa hye mid efste in to pam kynge geode. hyo baed "3 pus cwaeS. Ic wille -f pu me raedlice on anen dissce selle Johannes heafed. 26 Da warS se kyng ge-unrot for pan aSe. 3 for patn pe mid him saeteu. Nolde pah hyo unrotan 27 ac sente aenne cwellere 3 be-bead -p man his heafed on anen dissce brohte. jEnd he hine pa on cwarterne be-heafdede. 28 3 his heafed on disce brohte. 3 hit sealde pam maigdene. 3 -p maigden hit sealde hire moder. 29 Da his cnihtes paet ge-herden. hyo comen 3 his lichame namen 3 hine on be- rigene leigdon. 30 QJoSlice pa pa apostles to-gaedere rO comen. hyo kydden pam haelende eall -p hyo dyden. 3 hyo laerden. 31 3 he saigde heom. CumeS 3 uten gan asundran on weste stowe. 3 us hwon resten. SoSlice manege waeren pe comen 3 agen hwaerfden 3 ferst naefden p hyo acten 32 3 on scyp stigende hyo foren onsun- dren on weste stowe. Various Readings. 22. hediadiscan (sic) dohtor ; ealle ; saeton ; cyning ; msegdene ; ic. 23. End ; ic ; bitst ; deaS [for )>ah] ; healf. 24. heo; ic; heo [for second hye]; heafod. 25. hyo; cynge eode heo ; anum disce sylle ; heafod. 26. wearS ; cyning; (jam [for )>an] ; saeton ; (jeah. 27. sende anne; heafod; anum disce; cwaerterne beheafdude. 28. heafod; maedene; maegden. 29. cnihtas; ge-hyrdon; lie namon; byrigene. 30. apostlas togadere comon; cydden ; halende; dydon ; laerdon. 31. saede ; CumaS ; uton ; restan; manega waeron ; comon ; hwaerfdon ; fyrst naefdon. 32. foron on- sundron. 47 3 miSSy in-eode dohter SaersB herodiades 3 plaegede 3 gelicade-H miSSy gelicade herode 22 cumqwe introisset filia ipsius herodiadis et salt asset et placuisset herodi ec miS-r3 aedgeadre Saem hlingendum cynig cuoeS Saem maegdne giuig-twilnig from me fte Su willt-twselle 3 simulque recumbentibws rex ait puellae pete a me quod ufs et ic sello Se . 3 swor hir forSon t -JSte suaB hwaet Su gegiuas ic sello Se Sah se a half rices dabo tibi. 23 et iurauit illi quia quidquid petieris dabo tibi licet demedium regni mines Siu miSSy from eode cuoeS moeder hire huaet ic giuge waelle 3 hiu cuoeS heafud iohannis mei. 24 quae cum exisset dixit matri suae quid petam et ilia dixit capud iohannis fulwihteres miSSy inn-eode sona mi$ oefeste to cynige wilnade cuoeS ic willo fte baptistae. 25 cumqwe introisset statim cum festinatione ad regem petiuit dicens nolo ut reconlice Su selle me in disc heofud iohannis fulwihteres 3 un-rodsade se cyning fore protinus des mini in disco capud iohannis baptistae. 26 et contristatus rex propter aS gesuoerenum 3 fore ec mis restende walde hia unrotsige ah sende ne walde iusiurandum et propter simul recumbentes uoluitf earn contristare. 27 sed misso f * noluit. sceware ge-heht to gebrenga heafud his in disc 3 gecearf hine in carchern 3 speculatore praecepit ad-ferri capud eius in disco et decollauit eum in carcere. 28 et to-brohte heafud his in disc 3 salde f> Soar maegdne 3 $ meegden cuoeS moder his miSSy attulit capud eius in disco et dedit illud puellae et puella dicit matri suae. 29 quo geherdon Segnas his cuomon 3 laedon lichoma his 3 gesetton -f in byrgenne audito discipuli eius uenerunt et tulerunt corpus eius et posuerunt illud in monumento. 3 efne-cwomon Sa apostolas to Seem haelende eft-gesaegdon him alle SaSe dydon 3 30 *Et con-uenientes apostoli ad iheswm renuntiauerunt illi omnia qua? egerant et •XVIII. lu. xci. laerdon 3 cuoeS to him cymes sundrig in woestig styd 3 restas huon docuerant. 31 *Et ait illis uenite seorsum in desertum locum et requiescite pusillum • 62. x. woeron forSon SaSe cuomon 3 eft-cuomon 4* menigo ne etes first haefdon 3 erant enim qui ueniebant et rediebant multi nee manducandi spatium habebant. 32 *Et ■ 63. vi. mt. lxxvii. astigedon in scip foerdon in woestig styd sundur ascendentes in naui abierunt in desertum locum seorsum. 22 miSSy in-eode dohter Saere herodiades 3 plaagede 3 gilicade herode sec miS Saem hlionendum cynig cwaaS Saem maegdne giowa from me Saette Su wylt 3 ic selo Se 23. 3 swor hir forSon forSon (sic) Saete swa hwaet swa Su giowas ic selo Se ah Se all half rice min. 24. Sio miSSy from eade. cwaeS to moeder hire hwaet giowigo ih welle 3 hio cwaeS heofud iohannes Saes fulwihteres 25. miS Sy in-eode sona miS oefeste to Saem cynige wilnade cwseS ic wyllo Saette recunlice Su selle me on disce heofvd iohannes Saes fulwihteres. 26. 3 unrotsade wbbs Se cynig fore aSum giswornum 3 for eo (sic) miS restendum nalde hia unrotsiga 27. ah sende sceawere-r sceawende waBS heht to gibrenga-tto-brolite heofud his on disce 3 giceorf hine in care-erne 28. 3 to-brohte heofud his on disce 3 salde Saet Saem maegdne 3 Saet maegden salde moeder hire 29. miS-Sy giherdun Segnas his comon 3 lseddun lic-homa his 3 settun Saet in byrgenne 30. 3 efne comun Sa apostolas to Saem haelenrfe eft saegdun him alle Sa Se dydon 3 lserdun 31. 3 cwaeS to him cumaS ge syndrige in woestige stowe 3 rasste him (sic) werun forSon Sa Se comun 3 eft comun monige 3 ne etes firste haefde 32. 3 astaBgdun on scip foerdun in woestig styd -r stowe sundrige 48 33 "i gesawon hi farende. 1 hi ge-cneowon manega; And gangende of paw burguwi pyder urnon. 1 him beforan comon ; 34 And pa se haelend ftanon eode. he geseah mycele menegu. 1 he ge-miltsode hi?w for pam pe hi weeron swa swa seep pe nanne hyrde nabbaS ; And he ongan hi fela lseran. 35 3 pa hit mycel ylding waes. his leorn- ing-cnihtas him to comon "i cwaedon. peos stow is weste 1 tima is forS agan. 36 forlaet pas menegu. ~f hi faran on ge hende tunas. 1 him mete bicgan. f hi eton; 37 pa cwaeS he sylle ge him etan; Da cwssdon hi uton gan. ") mid twaw hundred penegon hlafas bicgan. 1 we hi»? etan syllaS ; 38 Da cwseS he hu fela hlafa haebbe ge. ga?> "i lociaS. ") pa hi wiston hi cwaedon. fif hlafas 1 twegen fixas. 39 J pa be-bead se haelend -f Saet folc saete ofer j5 grene hig. 40 "} hi pa saeton hundredon 3 fiftigon. 41 1 fif hlahim. 1 twam fixum onfan- geniiJW he on heofon locode 3 hi bletsode. 1 pa hlafas braec. !l sealde his leorning-cnih- tuwi. •$ hi toforan Mm asetton. 1 twegen fixas him eallon daelde 42 1 hi seton pa ealle 1 gefyllede wurdon ; 43 And hi namon para hlafa. 1 fixa lafe. twelf wilian fulle ; 44 SoSlice fif pusend manna para etendra waeron ; Various Readings. 33. A. B. hig. (twice). B. gecneowun. B. burhgum. 34. A. );anen. A. maBnigeo. A. B. hig. A. sceap. A. A. naenne. A.B. hig. A. fa;la. 35. B. leornincg-cnihtas. 36. A. maenegeo. A. hig. A. faron ; B. farun. A. byegon. A.B. hig. 37. A.B. hig. A. penegum. 38. A. ftela. A. hyg. A.B. hig. 40. A.B. hig. A. hundredum. A. fyftegum; B. fiftigum. 41. A. heofen. A.B. hig. A. bletsade. A.B. hig. A. eallum. 42. A. hig. 43. A.B. hig. A. Jjsera. A. B. lafa. 44. A. f>sera. 33 D ge-seagen hyo farende 3 hyo ge- cneowen manege. iEnd gangende of pam burgen pider urnen. "i him be-foren comen. 34 1 pa se haelend pan en eode. he ge- seah mycele menigeo. ") he ge-miltsede heom. for pam pe hyo vvaeren swa swa seep pe naenne herde naebbed. 1 he on gan hyo feola laeren. 35 "i pa hit mycel ylding waes his leorn- ing-cnihtes him to comen 1 cwaeara etendre wseron. 49 3 gesegon hia geongende 3 on-geton monigo 3 foeSemenn 3 of allum ceastrum 33 et uiderunt eo3 abeuntes et cognouerunt multi et pedestre8 et de omnibus ciuitatibos efne-ge-uurnun 8ider 3 before gecuomon hia . 3 eode gesaeh micelo 8reat se hsslend 3 concurrerunt illuc et praeuenerunt eos. 34 et exiens uidit multara turbam ihenua et milsan8e waes ofer hia for8on weron suelce scip ne hsefdon hiorde 3 ongann laera hia misertus est super eos quia erant sicut oues non habentes pastorem et coepit docere illos feolo-rmonigo 3 mi88y soSlice stando t monigo wses geneolecdon 8egnas _ his cuoe8ende unbyed multa 35 et cum iam mora multa fieret accesserunt discipuli eius dicentes disertus is styd Sis ec so8 tid is fore-ge-ead k tid eade ferlet hia -t 8a fte hia geonga in 8a nesta est locus hie *Et iam hora praeteriuit 36 dimitte illos ut euntes in proximas * M- \ . r IV. XC111. io. xluiiii. gemsero 3 londo bycges-l'ceapas him metto 8a ettes 3 geonduaearde cue8 to 8aem selles '-nt- txluii. uillas et uicos emant sibi cibos quos manducent. 37 et respondens ait illis date him eatta 3 cuoedon him mi88y ge-eadon byege we miS penningum tusem hundum hlafo 3 selle we eis manducare et dixeru[n]t ei euntes emamus denariis ducentis panes et dabimus him to ettanne-rto brucanne 3 cuoe8 to him hu monig hlafo habba8 gie gaa8 3 gesea8 3 mi88y eis manducare. 38 et dicit eis quot panes habetis ite et uidete et cum oncneawn k ongeton cuoedon flf 3 tuoege fiscas 3 heht him fte gesni8a gedydon cognouissent dicunt quinque et duos pisces. 39 et praecipit illis ut accumbere iacerent alle aefter ofer groene gers 3 to-daeldon in dalum 8erh hundra8 omnes secundum contubernia super uiride faenum. 40 et discubuerunt in partes per centenos 3 8erh fiftigum 3 mi88y weron onfence flf hlafo 3 tue fiscas locade in et per quinquagenos. 41 et acceptis quinque panibws et duobws piscibws intuens in heofne gebloedsade 3 gebrasgc 8a hlafo 3 salde 8egnum his -fte hia gesetta before hia 3 tuoege caelum benedixit et fregit panes et dedit discipulis suis ut ponerent ante eos et duos fisces dajlde allum 3 eton alle 3 gefylled-l'gefylde weron 3 genomon pisces diuisit omnibws. 42 et manducauerunt omnes et saturati sunt. 43 et sustulerunt 8a hlafo 8ara screadunga tuoelf ceaulas fulle 3 of fiscum woeron uutedlice 8a 8e reliquias fragmentorum duodecim cophinos plenos et de piscibus. 44 erant autem qui brecon-reton fif 8usendo wsero-l'wa > rana manducauerunt quinqjte milia uirorww*. 33. 3 gisegun hia3 gongende 3 ongetun t comun monige 3 foe8e men of allum ccestrum efne-giurnun 8ider 3 bifora comon hise 34. 3 eode gisseh micle 8reatas 8e \r.n\end 3 milsende ■wasa ofer hite 8a 8e werun swelce scip ne heefdun hiorde 3 on-gan Itera hia? feolu-1' monige 35. 3 miS8y soSlice stondas monige werun to-gineoli- cadun 8egnas his cwe8end him unbyed -rwestig is stow 8is ec so8 tide is fore-giead 36. forlet hia 1 8a f hie gonge a in 8a nestu gimreru 3 lond byccas'-l'ceopias him mett Sa 8e eotas 37. 3 ondsworade cwseS to him 8e hte\end sellas 8sem iow mi8 to eotanne 3 cwedun him mi88y eadun goncge we-tga we mi8 peningum hmn hundreSum hlafa 3 selle we him to eotanne 38. 3 cw»8 to him hwoet hlafa habbas ge ga8 3 gisea8 3 miSSy oncneowun cwedun to him fife 3 twoege fiscas 39. 3 bibead him •£ hiffl gisnide . . . alle aefter . . . ofer groenum hegge k grese 40.3 gi-dseldun hisB in . . . hundreS 3 8erh fiftigum 41. 3 mi8-8y werun on efenne fif hlafum 3 . . . locade on heofnas gibletsade 3 brcec 8a hlafas 3 salde 8egnum his -fte hise gisette bifora hiee 3 twoege fiscas daelde allum 42. 3 etun 3 alle 3 gifylde werun 43. 3 ginomun 8a lafe 8ara scradunga twelf ceowlas fulle 3 of fisce 44. werun wutudlice 8a 8e etun fif 8usend weorona 50 Dis sceal on SEDternes-deeg an- halgan di£ge. A. B. 45 TP\a sona he nydde his leorning- -L' cnihtas on scyp stigan. "p hi him beforan foron ofer f asne muf an to beth- saida. of he j? folc for-lete ; 46 And fa he hi for-let he ferde on f one munt D hine ana far gebaed; 47 And fa aefen wses f scyp waes on middre sie. !1 he ana waes on lande 48 1 he ge-seah hi on rewette swincende. him waes wiSer-weard wind ; And on niht embe fa feorfan waeccan he com to him ofer pa. sa: gangende. "i wolde hi for-bu- gan; 49 pa hi hine gesawon ofer pa see gan- gende hi wendon -p hit unfaele gast wasre. 1 hi clypedon ; 50 Hi ealle hine gesawon. ^ wurdon gedrefede 3 sona he spraec to him 1 cwae'S ; Gelyfaf ic hit eom. ne furfon ge eow on- draedan. 51 1 he on scyp to him eode. 7 se wind geswac 1 hi faes pe ma betwux him wun- dredon. 52 ne ongeton hi be pam hlafon ; SoSlice heora heorte waes ablend ; 53 And fa hi ofer-segledon. hi comon to genesar. 1 far wicedon. 54 "i fa hi of scipe eodon. sona hi hine gecneowon ; 55 And eall •$ rice befarende hi on saeccinguw baeron fa untruman. far hi hine gehyrdon ; Various Readings. (Rubric — B. dseg). 45. B. leornincg. A. B. hig. B. forun. A. )>one. A. betsaida. 46. A. B. hig. 47. B. midre. 48. B. ge-seh. A. B. hig. A. ymbe. A. B. hig. 49. A. B. hig (twice). A. unctene [for unfsele]. A. B. hig. 50. A. B. Hig. A. hyne ealle. B. gesawun 3 wundor (sic). A. nellan; B. nellen [/or ne [jurfon]. B. adrsedan. 51. A B. hig. A. betweox. 52. A. on-geaton. A. B. hig. A. hlafu?ra ; B. hlafun. B. hyra. 53. A. B. hig. A. hig. 54. A. hig. A B. hig. B. gecneowun. 55. A. hig (twice). 45 T^ A sona he nydde his leorning- j cnihtes on scyp stigon ~p hyo him be-foren foran ofer fanne mu ! San to bethsaida. oS he ~f folc for-lete. 46 1 fa he hyo for-let. he ferde on p anne munt. "} hine ane p aer ge-baed. 47 And pa aefen waes f scyp waes on midre sae. 1 he ane waes on lande. 48 ] he ge-seah hyo on reowette swin- cende. heom waes wiSerward wind. iEnd on nyht ymbe pa feorfan weccan he com to heom ofer fa sae gangende. 1 wolde hyo for-bugen. 49 Da hyo hine ge-seagen ofer fa sae gangende. hyo wenden -p hyt un-fele gast waere. 1 hyo clypedon. 50 Hyo ealle hine ge-seagen 3 wurden ge-drefede. "i sone he spraec to heom. 1 cw. Ge-lefeS ich hit em. nellen ge eow andreden. 51 1 he on scyp to heom eode. "i se wind ge-swaec. 1 hyo fas f e ma be-tweoxe heom wundredon. 52 ne on-geaten hyo be f am hlafan. SoS- lice heore heorte waes ablend. 53 And fa hyo ofer-seigledon. hyo comen to genesar. "3 faer wicoden. 54 1 fa hyo of scype eoden. sone hyo hine ge-cneowen. 55 Mr\& eall ■f rice be-farende. hyo on saeccinge baeren fa untrumen faer hyo hine ge-hyrden. Various Headings. 45. cnihtas; stigan; be-foran; \>onne. 46. Jionne; ana; ge-bseS. 47. ^End ; efen. 48. ge-seh; rewette; for);an wseccan ; eom ; ]>a.m ; for-bugan. 49. ge-sawon ; sa ; un- fale; ware; clypodon. 50. ge-sawan; wurfcon; sona he sprecfc ; Ge-lyfaS ic hit eom; andrsedon. 51. him; geswac; )>ses; betweox. 52. on-geaton; heora. 53. hi ofer-sigledon; (>ar wicedon. 54. ge-cnewan. 55. eal ; saeccingum baron J>a untruman ; hin ge-hyrdon. 51 3 sona ge-Sreate Segnas his astige Saet scip -fte hia fore-eode hine ofer luh 45 *Et statim coegit discipulos suos ascendere nauem ut praecederent earn trans fretum * 65. ui. ° L mt. cxluiii. to Saer byrig Sa hwile he forleorte Saet folc 3 miSSy forleorte hia ge-eode on m6r ad bethsaidam dum ipse dimitteret populum. 46 *Et cum dimisisset eos abiit in montem * x .Y mi - lu. xliii. xxxu. gebidda 3 miSSy ef[e]rn-i*smolt woere waes scip in middum saees 3 he ana on eorSu orare. 47 *Et cum sero esset erat nauis in medio mari et ipse solus in terra. " 67. UH. io. li. mt. cl. 3 gesaeh hia wynnennde in rowincg waes forSon wind wiSer-word him 3 ymb Sa fearSa 48 et uidens eos laborantes in remigando erat enim uentus contrarius eis et circa quartam wacan nsehtes cuora to him geongende ofer ssee 3 walde hi-cerre hia soS hia -f uigiliam noctis uenit ad eos ambulans super mare et uolebat prasterire eos. 49 at illi ut gesegon hine geongende ofer sae hia woendon yfel wiht were 3 ceigdon k clioppadon uiderunt eum ambulantem super mare putauerunt phantasma esse et exclamauerunt. alle forSon hine gesegon 3 un-rodsad-rgestyred weron 3 sona gesprecend waes miS him 3 cwoeS 50 omnes enim eum uiderunt et conturbati sunt et statim locutus est cum eis et dixit to him gelefes ic am nallaS gie ondrede 3 astag to him in scip 3 geblann f wind illis contidite ego sum nolite timere. 51 *Et ascendit ad illos in nauem et cessauit uentus • 68. ui. mt. clii. 3 forSor suiSe bituih him stylton-tsuigdon ne forSon _ oncneaun of hlafum wees forSon et plus magis intra sd stupebant. 52 non enim intellexerant de panibws erat enim hearta hiora fore-geblind-f-fore-geSistrat 3 miSSy ofer-foerdon Serh cuomon on earSo c6r illorum obcecatum. 53 *Et cum trans-fretassent peruenerunt in terram • 69. ii. lv. xxxui. mt. cliii. Saes folces genatzear 3 3 miSSy faerende waeron of scip sona ongeton hine gennesaretb. et applicuerunt. 54 cumqwe egressi essent de naui continuo cognouerunt eum. 3 Serh wurnon all lond Sa ilea ongunnun in berum hia Sa Se yfle haefdon 55 et percurrentes uniuersam regionem illa?» coeperunt in grabatis eos qui se male habebant ymb beara Ser geherdon hine sed he were circumferre ubi audiebant eum esse. 45. 3 sona giSreatade Segnas his to stiganne in scip -JS hie fore-eode hine ofer luh to Saer byrig Sa while he forleorte Saet folc 46. 3 miS-Sy forleort hiaB eade on mor gibidda 47. 3 miS-Sy efern 3 smolt waes scip on middum sae 3 he ana on eorSo 48. 3 gisaeh hiae winnende in rowinge waes forSon wind wiSerword him J ymb Sa fearSa wacune nsehtes com to him Se haelenrf gongende ofer see 3 walde bicerra hiaa 49. soS hiaa f gisegun hine gongende ofer sae hiae woendun yfel wiht were 3 cliopadun k cegdun 50. alle Sage hine gisegun 3 gidroefde-l'unrotsade werun 3 sona he sprecende waes mi* him 3 cweeS to him gilefas ic hitt am nallon ge ondreda 51. 3 astag to him in scip 3 giblan k sette Se wind 3 forSor swiSe bitwih him styltun k swigadun 3 Sreadun 52. ne forSon oncneowun of hlafum waes forSon heorta hiora for-blindad 53. 3 miS-Sy foerdun Serh comun on eorSu Saes folches genesares 3 a to plica 54. 3 miS-Sy faerende werun of scipe sona on-getun hine 55. 3 Serh urnun all lond-tSeade Sa ileu on-gunnun on berum hiae Sa Se yfel haefduu ymb beara Ser hise giherdun hine f he were \ G2 52 56 And swa hwar swa he on wic oppe on tunas eode. on straeton hi J?a untruman ledon. 3 hine baedon ■p hi huru his refes fnaed aet-hrinon. 1 swa fela swa hine set- hrinon hi wurdon hale. CHAPTER VII. Dy»Kceaion j ~|^a comon to him pharisei 3 sume wodnes-diEgon if * jiare ^yddan y boceras cumende fra/w hierusalew. lencteu wucan. ■*• b. 2 3 ba hi se-sawon sume of his leorning- Accesseruntad T a o ihe*«m. a. cnihton besmitenura handu?» -p is un- Jnvogenum handuw etan. hi taeldon hi 1 cwaedon ; 3 Pharisei 1 ealle iudeas ne etaS buton hi hyra handa gelomlice j?wean. healdende hyra yldrena gesetnessa. 4 3 on strsete hi ne etaS buton hi ge- bwegene beon. 1 manega o]?re synd pe him gesette synt. ~p is calicea frymSa. 3 ceaca. 3 arfata. 3 maestlinga ; 5 And pa axodon hine pharisei 1 pa boceras. hwi ne gaS Jnne leorning-cnihtas sefter ure yldrena gesetnysse. ac besmitenum handujw hyra hlaf jricgaS ; 6 Da andswarode he hi;w ; Wei witegod isaias be eow licceteruw swa hit awriten is ; pis folc me mid welermw wur^aS. soSlice hyra heorte is feor frawz me. 7 on idel hi me wurSiaS. 1 manna bare 1 bebodu lteraS ; 8 Soflice ge forlsetaS godes bebod. 1 healdaS manna laga. j?weala ceaca 1 calica. 1 manega obre J>ylce Sing ge doS ; Various Readings. 56. A. hig (twice). A. reafes; B. riefes. A. fnsedes sethrynan moston. A. fsela. A. hig. Cap. vii. 1. A. farisei. 2. A. hig. A. cnyhtum. A. un-j>wagenum. A. B. hig {twice). 3. A. B. farisei. A. hig heora. A. heora. A. gesetnyssa. 4. A. B. hig. A. hyg. A. synd [for synt]. A. B. fyrniSa. 5. A. acsotlon. A. B. farisei. B. gesetednyssa. 6. A. B. witegode. A. lyceterum; B. liceterum. A. weor)>aS. A. heora. 7. A. B. hig. A. weorSiaS. B. lara. 8. A. [>wealu. A. fnllice. 56 Mt\& swa hwaer swa he on-wicnede on tunas eoden. on straeten hyo J>a untru- men leigdon. 1 hine baeden -p hyo hwore his reafes fined aet-rinen. 1 swa fele swa hine aet-rinen hyo wurSen hale. CHAPTER VII. 1 T^VA comen to hym farisej ") sume -L' bokeres cumende fram ierusalem. 2 1 fa hyo ge-seagen sume of his leorn- ing-cnihten be-smitene handen p is un- j?wogenen handen aeten. hyo telden hyo 1 cwaeSen. 3 Farisej 1 ealle iudeas ne aeteS buton hyo heore hande ge-lomlice Jwean healden- de heora yldre ge-setnysse. 4 1 on stiffite hi ne astaS. buton hyo ge- bwegen beon. 1 manege oSre synde pe heom ge-sette synde. -p is calice frymj?a 3 ceaca. 1 apfata 1 manslage. (sic). 5 Ac J?a axode hine farisej 1 pa boceres hwi ne gad )>ine leorning-cnihtes aefter ure yldrena ge-setnysse. ac be-smitenen handen heora hlaf JnggieS. 6 Da andswerede he heom. Wei wite- gede ysaias be eow liceteren swa hit awriten is. Dis folc me mid weleren wurSed. soS- lice heore heorten his feor fram me. 7 on ydel hyo me wurSiaS. 3 manna lare 1 bebode tared. 8 SoSlice ge for-laeteS godes bebod. 3 healded manna lage. Jweala ceaca J calica. "J manege oSre fellice j?ing ge doS. Various Readings. 56. on wic o$Se [for on-wicnede]; straaton hi \>a untru- man legdon; huru [for hwore]; refes fned set rinon ; wurdon. Cap. vii. 1. farisei; boceras. 2. ge-sawen; cnihtum be- smitenvm handum; un-Jjwogenura handura etan; tasldon; ewaefcon. 3. Farisei; etaS ; heora handa; hiora yldera ge-setnyssa. 4. etaa (sic); apfata (sic) 3 maasthnga. 5. ^End; axsodon ; boceras ; gaS ; cnihtas ; ge-settednysse ; be-smite- nwn handan; (;icga8. 6. andswarede; witegode; licete- rum ; weleruwj wurSa* ; heorte is [where Hatlon MS. has heortenhis indistinctly). 7. lara 3 bebodu laereS. 8. for- lcetafc ; healdaS ; laga ; manega ; |;yllice. 53 3 swa huider infoerde in londum i in marum k in ceastrura in phBcum geseton 56 et quocumqwe introibat in uicos uel in uilla8 aut in ciuitates in plateis ponebant 8a un-trymigo 3 ge-bedon hine fte 4" fasne gewoede _ his gehrinon 3 sua oftor gehri- infirmos et depraecabantur eum ut uel fimbriam uestimenti eius tangerent et quot-quot tange- non hine hale gewurdon bant eum salui fiebant. CAP. VII. -3 cwompn toi him 3 sume o8er of u8u«tum cymende from hierusolim 1 *Et conueniunt ad eum pharisaei et quidam de scribis uenientes ab hierusolimis. *xx. 70. x. 3 mi88y gesegon sume o8ero from 8egnum his gemeenelicum mi8 hondum f is un-8uegenuni 2 et cum uidissent quosdam ex discipulis eius communibws manibws id est non lotis eata hlafo forcuoedon fordon 3 alle iudei buta oftor geSuogon manducare panes uitu-perauerunt. 3 pharisaei enim et omnes iudaei nisi crebro lauerent hondo ne etton gehealdon setnesse-l'selenisse aeldra 3 from Sing-stow sie gefulwuad ne manus non manducant tenentes traditionem seniorum. 4 et a i'orp nisi baptizentur non etton hia 3 o8ero menigo sint 8a 8e gesald aron 8aBm-rhim to haldanne fuulwihta calica i disca 3 comedunt et alia rnulta sunt qua? tradita sunt illis seruare baptismata calicum et 3 3 3 gefrugnun hine 3 u8-uuto forhuon urceorum et eramentorum et lectorum. 5 *Et interrogant eum pharisaei et scribae quare • 71. u i. int. cliiii. Segnas 8ine ne geongas sefter gesetnisse-t'geselenise seldra ah un-clamum hondum eatas discipuli tui non ambulant iuxta traditionem seniorum sed conimunibtts manibws manducant hlaf soS he onduearde cuoeaS to him wel gewitgade of iuih legerum suae panem. 6 at ille respondens dixit eis bene prophetauit esaias de uobis hypocritis sicut awritten is folc 8is mi8 mu8um mec wor8ias hearta uutetfee hiora long is from me in scriptum est populus hie labiis me honorat cor autem eorum longe est £ me. 7 in idilnisse uutedlice mec wor8ia8 geloerende laruo boda monna eft forleorton forion uanuw autem me colunt docentes doctrinas praecepta hominum. 8 relinquentes enim beboda godes gie haldas setnesse monna fulwihta ombora 3 calica 3 o8ero gelico mandata dei tenetis traditionem hominum baptismata urceorum et calicum et alia similia 8isum wundrum monigo his facitis multa. 56. 3 swa hwider in-foerde in lond-rin gimasru-Hn c»stre in planum settun 8a untrymigu 3 gibedun hine ■pte -r fajse giwedum his gihrionon 3 swa oftor gihrionun him hale giwurdun Cap. VII. 1. 3 mi8-8y comon to him 8a aldu 3 sume oSre of u8-wutum cymende from hierusalem 2. 3 mi8-8y gisegun sume o8re of 8egnum his gimetelicum miS hon8um 8aat is un-8waagnum eotas hlafas for-cwedun hiaj 3. aldv 3 alle iudeas buta oftor gi8wogun honda ne etun giheoldon settnesse-tselnesse aeldra 4. 3 from 8ing-stowe se gi-fulwad ne etun 3 o8re monigu sindun 8a Se gisald arun him to haldanne ful-wiht calice 3 on-bora hiora 3 . . . 5. 3 gifraogn hine aldor-men 3 u8-wutu cweSende forhwon 8egnas 8ine ne gongas ajfter gisetnisse aeldra ah un-claenum hondum eotaS hlafas 6. soS he 3worde cw®8 him forSon wel gewitgade esaias of iow legerum swa awriten is folche 8is mi8 mu8e mec weor8as heorte wutudl/ce hiora long from me 7. in idelnisse wutudWce mec worSas gi-lserde larwas 3 bibodu monna 8. eft for-leortun hine bibodu godes gi-haldas setnisse monna fulwiht on-bora hiora 3 calicas 3 o8re gilice 8issum wundrum monig 54 9 Da saede he him. wel ge on idel dydon godes bebod ■p ge eower laga healdon ; 10 Moyses cwaeS. wurSa }?inne faeder 3 bine modor. 3 se Se wyrigb his faeder 3 his modor. sweke se deabe ; 11 SoSlice ge cwebaS. gif hwa segS his faeder 3 meder corban -p is on ure geSeode gyfu. gif hwylc is of me pe fremaS. 12 3 ofer p ge ne laetaS hine aenig ting don his faeder oSSe meder 13 tcslitende godes bebod. for eower stuntan lage be ge gesetton. 3 manega obre bing Sysura gelice ge doS ; 14 And eft pa menegu he him toclypode 3 cwaeS ; Ge-hyrab me ealle 3 ongytaS ; 15 Nis nan bing of pam men on hine gangende -p hine besmitan maege; Ac ]?a Sing pe of Saw men forS-gaS. J?a hine besmitaS. 16 gif hwa earan haebbe gehlyste me ; 17 ANd ba se baelend frafra baere menegu .Xjl eode his leorning-cnihtas hine an big-spell ahsodon; 18 pa cwaeS he. 3 synt ge bus un- gleawe ne on-gyte ge. ~p eall baet utan cymS on bone man gangende. ne maeg hine be- smitan. 19 forbara hit ne gaeS on his heortan. ac on hisinnoS. Ton forS-gang gewiteS ealle mettas claensigende ; 20 Da saede he hiw* ■p Sa bing Se of pam men gaS. ba hine besmitaS ; Various Readings. 9. A. B. lage. 10. A. weorSa. A. moder. A. B. wyrgS. A. moder. 13. A. (jvssuot. 14. A. maenegeo. 16. A. gearan. A. B. hsefg. 17. A. maenigeo. A. acsedon. 18. A. synd. 19. B. claensiende. 9 pa saede he heom. wel ge on ydel dyden godes be-bod. ■p ge eower lage healden. 10 Moyses cwaeS wurSe binne faeder 3 bine moder. 3 se be wergeS his fader 3 his moder swelte se deaSe. 1 1 SoSlice ge cweSad. gyf hwa saegd his fader 3 his moder corban. baet is on ure beode gyfu. gyf hwilc is of me be fremeS. 12 3 ofer baet ge ne laeteS hine anig bing. banne his faeder odSe his moder 13 to-slitende godes be-bod for eower stunten lage. be ge ge-saetten. 3 manege oSre bing bise gelice ge doS. 14 And eft ba manige he him to-clepede 3 cwaeS. Ge-heraS me ealle 3 ongetaS. 15 Nis nan bing of bam menn on hine gangende "p hine be-smiten mage. Ac ba bing be of bam men forS gaeS. ba hine be-smiteS. 16 gyf hwa earan haefS hleste me. 17 IjTnd ba se haelend fram bare mani- -L« geo eode his leorning-cnihtes hine on bispellen axoden. 18 Da cwaeS he. 3 sende ge swa un- gleawe ne on-geate ge. -p eall -p utan cymS on bane mann gangende. ne maig hine be-smiten. 19 for ban hit ne gaeS on his heorten. ac on his innoS. 3 on forSgang ge-witeS ealle metas claensiende. 20 Da saigde he heom. ■p ba bing be of bam men gaS. ba hine besmiteS. Various Readings. 9. him ; dydon ; healdon. 10. wurfca ; wyrgfc ; faeder. 11. cweaSaS; segS; fader. 12. aenig; don [for )>anne, but over an erasure]; o<58e. 13. ge-setton; manega. 14. iEnd; menega ; to-cleopode; ge-hyrafc ; ongytaS. 15. men; be-smitaS. 16. ge-hlyste. 17. halend ; menegu; cnihtas; an bigspel axsoden. 18. synt; f>tfs [/or swa]; unglaewe; );owne man; maeg; be-smitan. 19. heortan; for$-gan ge-witafc. 20. saegde; besmitaS. 55 3 cuoeS to him woel bismerlice gie doeS bebod godes f selenise iuer gie haldas 9 et dicebat illis bene irritum facitis praeceptum dei ut traditionem uestram seruetis. moses forSon cuoeS worSig fseder Sin 3 moder Sin 3 seSe mis-cuoeSas feder ■ir moder 10 moses enim dixit bonora patrem tuum et matrem tuam et qui maledixerit patri aut matri miS deaSe ge-deSed se gie nntedlice cuoeSas gif he cuoeSas monn feder k moeder geafa f morte moriatur. 11 uos autem dicitis si dixerit bomo patri aut matri corban quod is geafa f sua huaet from me Se gewsexe 3 lustume ne forgefes gie hine aenig est donum quod-cumqwe ex me tibi pro-fuerit. 12 et ultro non dimittitis eu»« quicquam gewyrca+gedoa feder his i moeder eft gie toslitas word godes Serh setnesa iuera facere patri suo aut matri. 13 rescindentes uerbum dei per traditionem uestraw Sone gie saldon 3 biseno Suslico monigo gie doas-l-wyrcas 3 to-ge-ceigde eft f folc quam tradidistis et similia huius-modi multa facitis. 14 et aduocans iterum turbam cuoeS to him heres gie mec alle 3 on-cnauasgie noht is buta monna iim-gaas in hine dicebat illis audite me omnes et intellegite. 15 nibil est extra hominum introiens in eum ■p maehge hine gewidlige ah Sa Se of menn fore-cymeS Sa sint SaSe gewidlas quod- possit eum coinquinare sed quae de homine precedunt ilia sunt quae communicant Sone gif hua haefe3 earo to heranne gehera 3 miSSy inge-eode in hus from bominem. 16 siquis babet aures audiendi audiat. 17 *Et cum introisset in domum & "72.ui. - 1 mt. eluii. Sreate gefrugnun hine Segnas his bissen 3 cuoeS to him sua ec gie un-hogo turba interrogabant eum discipuli eius parabolam. 18 et ait illis sic et uos inprudentes arogie ne on-cneawesgie forSon alle uta inn-eode-tinngaas in Sone monno ne msege hine estis non intellegitis quia omne extrinsecus introiens in hominem non potest eum gewidlige forSon ne inn-gaaS in hearta his ah in womb 3 in utgeong-Hn feltun ut-gaas communicare. 19 quia non introit in cor eius sed in uentrem et in secessum exit clsensas alle meto cuoeS mxtedlice forSon Sa Se of menn utgaaS Sa ge-widlegas purgans omnes escas. 20 dicebat autem quoniam quae de bomine exeunt ilia communicant Sone monno hominem. 9. 3 cwaeS to him wel bismerlice gidoas bibod godes -pte selenisse iower gihaldas 10. moyses forSon cwseS worSa feeder Sinne 3 moder Sine 3 seSe mis-cweSes feder -t moeder miS deaSe gideSed biS 11. ge wutudlice cweoSas gif hiae cweoSas mon feder his -r moeder his . . . gefe fte swa hwset is of me Se giwexe 12. 3 lustum ne for-geofas him senig gi-wyrce -r gidoe feder his -T moeder 13. eft ge toslitas word godes Serh setnisse iower Sone gisaldun 3 bisine Suslicu swiSe monigu gidoas 14. 3 to-gicegde eft Soet fole cwsjS to him giheras ge mec alle 3 on-geotas 15. noht is buta monnum in-gas in hine Scet msege hine gi-wid-liga ah Sa Se of menn for-cumas Sa sindun Sa Se gi-wid-ligas menn + Sone monn 16. gif hwelc4"hwa hasfeS earu to giheranne gihere 17. 3 miS-Sy ineode in hus from Sreote gifrugnun Segnas his bispellum 18. 3 cwseS to him swa ec 3 ge un-hogu aron ge ne miSSy oncnawas ge forSon alle ute in-eode in Sone monno ne ma;ge hine giwidliga 19. forSon ne ingaS in heorte his ah in womba 3 innun utgongum ut-gaas claensias alle metas 20. cwseS wutudlice forSon Sa Se of men utgas Sa gi-widligas So monno 56 f)is godspel sceal on pasre brytteofcan wucan cfer pentecosten. A. B. Exiens ihesus de tinibus tyri ucnit per sido nem ad mare galilex. A. 21 Innan of manna heortan. yfele ge- pancas cumaS. unriht-haemedu. 1 forligeru. manslihtas. 22 [stala.] gytsung. man. facnu. sceam- least. yfel gesihS. dysinessa. ofer-modignes'sa. stuntscipe. 23 J ealle f»as yfelu of pam innoSe cumaS 1 pone man besmitaS; 24 T"\a ferde he panon on pa endas tiri 1 -M-J sidonis. 1 he in-agan on -f hus. he nolde -p hit aenig wiste. 1 he ne mihte hit be-miSan ; 25 Sona pa an wif be hiff? ge-hyrde. paere dohtor haefde unclaene gast. heo ineode. 3 to his fotu/w hi astrehte ; 26 SoSlice ■f wif waes hae he Sone deofol of hyre dehter adrife ; 27 pa saede he hire ; Laet aerust pa beam beon gefylled. nis na god j) man nime para bearna hlaf. 1 hundu/w worpe ; 28 Da Iswarode heo 1 cp; Drihten f is soft ; Witodlice pa hwelpas etaS under paere mysan. of Sara cilda cruman ; 29 pa saede he hyre for peere spraece ; Ga nu. se deofol of Shire dehter gewit; 30 And pa heo on hyre hus eode heo gemette j> maeden on hyre bedde licgende. 3 J>one deofol ut-gan ; 31 And eft he eode of tira gemaeruw 3 com purh sidonew* to paere galileiscan sae betwux midde endas decapoleos. Various Readings. 22. A. B. stala (which Corp. MS. omits). A. dysignyssa. A B. ofer-modignes. 23. A. B. omit 3. B. pan. "24. A. panen. 25. A. dohter. A. unclsenne. A. B. hig. 26. A. deofel. 27. A. serest. A. psera. A. weorpe. 28. A. Jsworode ; B. andswarode. A. bam mysum. A. psera. 30. A. deofel ut-agan. 31. A. betweox. 21 in-nen of manne heorten yfele ge- pances cumaeS. unriht-hameSe. 3 forleigre. manslihte. 22 stale, gytsunge. man facnu. scamelest. yfel ge-sihSe. desynysse. ofer-modignessa. stunt-scipe. 23 ealle pas yfele of J>an innoSe cumeS. "} pane man be-smiteS. 24 T}A ferde he panen on pa sendes j tyri 1 sidonis. 1 he in-agan on past hus. he nolde f hit anig wiste. "i he ne mihte hit be-miSan. 25 Sona pa an wif be him ge-hirde. pare dohter haefde un-claene gast. hyo in eode 1 to his foten hyo astrehte. 26 SoSlice "f wif waes haeSene sye-rofe- niscas cynnes. 1 baed hine. paet he pane deofel of hire dohter adrife. 27 £>a saigde he hire. Laet aerest pa beam beo ge-fylled. Nis na god -f man neme bare bearne hlaf. 7 hunden weorpe. 28 pa andswerede hyo. 3 cw. Drihten •p is soS. Witodlice Sa hwelpes aeted un- der pare mysan ; of J>are cyldrene crumen. 29 pa saide he hire for J?are spaece. Ga. nu se deofel of pinre dohter ge-wit. 30 And pa hyo on hire us eode. hyo ge-mette •$ maigden on hire bedde liggende. 1 pane deofel ut-agan. 31 ..End eft he eode of tyrum ge-maeren 3 com |mrh sydonem to pare galileiscan sae. be-tweox mid aendes decapoleos. Various Headings. 21. Innan; manna heortan ; ge-bancas cuma* ; hjemede; forligere. manslihtas. 22. stala. gitsung; ge-sih8. dysi- nessa. ofer-modignes. 23. cuma8 ; bonne ; besmita*. 24. panon; endas; [MS. Hatton has in-agan gan, by mistake]; tenig. 25. dohtor hafde; fotum. 26. htefcen ; syro- feniscas; bonne deofol ; dohtor. 27. sagde; seresta; bsem beon; nyme para bearna; hundum. 28. welpes eta«; cyldra cruman. 29. ssede; deofol; dohtor/ 30. iEnd; heora; maiden; ponne deofol ut-gan. 31. gemserum; para; betwux; eendes. 57 from innueeard forSon of heorta monno smeaungas yfie of-cymeS un-rehtwisnise esuicnis 21 ab intus enim dc corde hominum cogitationes male procedunt nequitiae dolus un-sceomfulnise derne legero unreht-haemedo morSor-slago Siofunto gitsungas ego yfel efolsong inpudicitia adulteria fornicaliones homicidia. 22 i'urta auaritiae oculus malus blasphemia oferhygd unwisdom all Sas yfelo of innweard fore-cymeS 3 wiSlaS i Sone monno superbia stultitia. 23 omnia haec mala ab intus procedunt et communicant hominem. 3 Sona aras foerde in gemserum tyres 3 sidonis 3 in-eode hus naenig monn walde 24 *Et inde surgens abiit in fines tyri et sidonis et ingressus domum neminem uoluit'XXl. wutta 3 ne maehte gehsela -jS wif forSon sona 4>te geherde from him hire-l'Saere hsefde dohter scire et non potuit latere. 25 mulier enim statim ut audiuit de eo cuius habebat filia gaast unelsene in-foerde 3 fore-feoll to fotum his woes xraUdlice f wif haeSen Sees spiritum inmundum intrauit et procidit ad pedes eius. 26 erat autem mulier gentilis syro- cynnes is nemned syro-phoenisa 3 hedon hine -pte gone diowl he forwurpe-tfordrife of •? from dohter hire phoenissa genere *Et rogabat eum ut demoniuOT eiceret de filia eius. * 73. oL r ° mt. cluiiii. he cuoeS to Sawn let + blinn serist f> Su gefoeda 8a suno ne is forSon god to onfoanne hlaf 27 qui dixit illis sine prius saturari filios non est enim bonum sumere panem Sara suno 3 senda hundum soS hiu onduearde 3 cuoeS him uutedlice la drihten forSon ec filioruwi et mittere canibus. 28 at ilia respondit et dicit ei utiqwe do/nine nam et hwoelpes under bead hia eattas of screadungum Ssera ensehta 3 cuaeS to hir fore Sis catelli sub mensa commedunt de micis puerorum. 29 et ait illi propter hunc word gaa eode $e diowl of dohter Sinra 3 miSSy gefoerde-l'geeode to hus hire sermonewi uade exiit dsemonium de filia tua. 30 et cum abisset domum suam gemitte t infand f maegden liccende ofer-ron bedd 3 Se diowl ofeade 3 eftwsona Sona foerde inuenit puellam iaceutem supra lectum et daemonium exisse. 31 *Et iterum exiens •XXII. 74. x. of gemaerum tyres cuom Serh sidon to sae galilses bituih medo gemaero of decapolj* de finibws tyri uenit per sidonem ad mare galilaeae inter medios fines decapoleos. 21. from ionnawordum forSon of heorte monna sweaunga yfel oft cumaS derne giligero un-reht-haemed morSur- slagu 22. Siofento gitsunge un-rehtwisnisse eswicnisse unscomfulnisse esio yrle eofulsongas ofer-hygd un-wisdom 23. alle Sas yfel from ionawordum fore cumaS 3 wid-las Sone monno 24. 3 Sa aras foerde in gimaerum tyiis 3 sidonis 3 iu-eode hus naenig mon walde wuta 3 ne maehte gihaela 25. -J5 wif forSon sona f te giherde of him hire-l'Saere haefde dohter gast uncleonne infoerde 3 for-feol to fotum his 26. 3 wa;s wutudh'ee wif Sset haeSen Saes sirophinisca cynnes 3 gi-bedun hine -fte Sone diowul forwurpe of doehter his 27. he cwaeS to Saem lett-t blin serist Saet Su gifoede Sa suno ne is forSon good to on-ibanne hlaf Sara sununa 3 sende hundvm 23. soS hio ond-sworade 3 cwaeS him wutudWce la drihten forSon ec 3 hwelpas under beadum of screadungum hiaa eatas Sara cnsehta 29. cwaeS to hir fore Sissum word? gaa 3 eode Se diowul of doehter hire 30. 3 miS-Sy gifoerde i eade to huse . . . gimitte t fand 4> maBgden licgende ofer bedde-traeste 3 Saet diowul of eade 31 3 efter sona foerde of gimaeruni tyres com Serh sidon to sse galikes bitwih middum gimserum of decapolem H 58 Dis god-spel ge-byraS on peere ehtoSan wucan ofer pentecosten. A. B. 32 ") hi laeddon him aenne deafne 1 dumb- ne. 1 hine bsedon -p he his hand hi»« on sette ; 33 Da nam he hine onsundran of pasre menigu. 1 his fingras on his earan dyde 1 spaetende his tungan onhran ; 34 1 on pone heofon behealdende geom- rode 1 cwaeS; Effeta. j> is on ure gepeode sy pu ontyned ; 35 And sona wurdon his earan geopen- ode. 1 his tungan bend wearS unslyped 1 he rihte sprsec ; 36 And he bead hi»2 -p hi hit nanuw? men ne saedon ; Soplice swa he him swipor bebead. swa hi swiSor bodedon. 37 3 J>aes pe ma wundredon ") cwaedon ; Ealle ping he wel dyde. 3 he dyde p deafe gehyrdon. 1 dumbe spraecon; CHAPTER VIII. 1 Ijlft on paw? dagum him wass mid -L^ micel menigu 1 naefdon hwaet hi seton ; pa cwaep he to-somne geclypedww his leorning-cnihtura ; 2 Ic ge-miltsige pysse menegu. fbrpam hi pry dagas me ge-anbidiaS !l nabbaS hwast hi eton ; 3 Gif ic hi faestende to hyra husu?» laete. be wege hi ge-teorigeaS ; Sume hi comon feorran. 4 3 pa 3swarodan hi»» his leorning-cnih- tas; Hwanon maeg aenig man pas mid hlafuTra on pisuw? westene gefyllan ; Various Readings. 32. A. B. hig. A. inserts man offer dumbne. A. baedon hyne. A. B. asette. 33. A. on-sundron. A. msenigeo. A. gearan. 34. A. heofen. A. sig. 35. A. gearan. 36. A. hig. A. heom. A. hig. Cap. viii. 1. A. msenigeo. A. B. hig. 2. A. msenigeo ; B. menigu. A. B. hig (twice). A. etan. 3. A. B. hig (A. thrice; B. twice). A. heora. A. ge-teoriafc. 4. A. B. omit 3. A. Jswaredon ; B. Jswarode. B. bissum. 32 "J hyo laedden him aenne deafne !I dumbne. 1 hine baeden. p he his hand on him asette. • 33 Da nam he hine asundre of pare manige. 3 his fingre on his earen dyde. !! spaettende his tunge on-hran. 34 1 on panne heofen be-healdende. ge- morede. "i cwaaS. Effeta. ~p is on ure ge- peode syo pu untyned. 35 JEnd sone wurSan his earen ge-ope- nede. J his tunge bend war<5 un-slyped J he rihte spaec. 36 1 he be-bead heom ~p hyo hit nanen menn ne saigden. SoSlice swa he heom swidre be-bead. swa hyo swidere bodeden. 37 3 pas pe ma wundredon. 1 cwaeSen. ealle ping he wel dyde. "3 he dyde -p deafe ge-hyrden. 3 dumbe spraecan. ™ CHAPTER VIII. on bam dagen him waes mide C um < urba . rl . multa esset mycel manigeo. 3 naefden hwaet cum ieau. hyo aeten. Da cwaeS he to-somne ge-clepe- den his leorning-cnihten. 2 Ic ge-miltsie pisse manigeo. for pan hy pri dages me ambidiaS. 1 naebbed hwaet hyo aeten. 3 Gyf ich hyo faestende to hyre huse laete be weige hyo ge-teorieS. sume hyo com en feorran. 4 pa andswerede bim hys leorning-cnih- tes. Hwanen maig anig man pas mid hlafen on pissen westen ge-fellen. Various Readings. 32. laeddon; enne; dumbene; bsedon. 33. menega; fingra; earan; spatende. 34. tonne heofon be-heldende geomorede; sy. 35. sona wurfcon; earan; tungen; wearS; sproec. 36. vEnd; naman men (sic); ssegdon; swtfSor; swydor bodedon. 37. bses ; wundrodon; cwseSon; ge- hyrdon ; spraecon. Cap. viii. 1. dagum: menega; neefdon ; ge-clypedum ; cnihtum. 2. menega; bam hyo bry dagas ; ge-anbidiaS ; nsebbaS ; etan. 3. ic ; hyora husum ; wege hig ge-teori- ga8; comon. 4. andswarode; cnihtas. Hwanon maeg aenig ; hlafum ; bissum westum ge-fyllan. 59 3 to-laeddon him deaf 3 dumb 3 gebedon hine fte on-sette him hond 32 et adducunt ei surdum et mutum et deprsecantur eum ut inponat illi manum. 1 to-gegrap k gelahte hine of fcaem folce sundurlice sende fingeras his in earliprico 3 gebleuu 33 et adpraehendens eum de turba seorsum misit digitos suos in auriculas et expuens gehran tunga his tetigit linguam eius. 3 on-feng in heofnum , 3 cuoeS him f is 34 et suscipiens in caelum ingemuit et ait illi effetha quod est to un-tyn 3 sona untyndo woeron earo his 3 un-bunden waes gebend tungaes his 3 adaperire. 35 et statim apertae suut aures eius et solutum est uinculum linguae eius et spreccend waes rehtlice loqwebatur recte. 3 bebead Saem ilcowi fte ne aenigum men hia g[e]caoede k ne geseegde sua suiSe 36 et praecipit illis ne" cui dicerent *Quanto • 75. uiii. nutedlice him fore-bead swa swa suifcor mara forSor hi bodadon autem eis praecipiebat tanto magis plus praedicabant. lu. c 3 hine k of Son forSor to-gewun- 37 et eo amplius admi- dradun hia Bus cuoeSende wel alle dyde 3 deofo dyde -)5te hia geheras 3 dumbo -pte hia gesprecas rabantur dicentes *Bene omnia fecit et surdos fecit audire et mutos loqui. • 76. ui. mt. clx. CAP. VIII. in fcaem dagum eftersona miSSy Sreat monigo waes ne haefdon -pte hia eton k msBhton eata 1 *IN illis diebws iterum cum turba multa esset nee haberent quod manducarent ■ XXIII. efnegeceigdum Segnum cuoefc to him conuocatis discipulis ait illis. ic milsa ofer Xreat forfcon heno gee-tsoMice Brio dogor 2 misereor super turba quia ecce iam triduo ge-tabidas mec ne habbas hia fte hia geette sustinent me nee habent quod manducent. 3 gif ic forleto hia fastende in hus hiora 3 et si dimisero eos ieiunos in domum suam hia gelosaS on woeg suwime menn forSon of fcaem fearre cuomon deficient in uia quidam enim ex eis de longe uenerunt 3 geondueardon him fcegnas 4 et responderunt ei discipuli his huona fcas maege hua-thwelc her gefylle miS hlafum on woestern sui unde istos poterit quis bic saturare panibws in solitudine. 32. 3 to-laeddum {sic) him deofe 3 dumbe 3 gi-bedun hine -jSte he onsette hine honda 33. 3 to-gi-grap hine of Saem Sreate synderlice sende flngras his in ear-liprica his 3 gibleow gihran tunga 34. 3 onfeng on heofnum 3 ... 3 cwse* to him . . . iaet is to untyn 35. . . . sona ontynde werun earu his 3 un-bunden wses gibend tunga his 3 spreceude was rehtlice 36. 3 bibead Ssem ilea fceet he aenigum men gi-saegde swa swiS wutudh'ce him forbead swa swifcor mara foriSor hiae bodadun 37. 3 hine of Son forfcor to-gi-wundradun Sus cweSende wel alle dyde 3 deofe dyde Saette hia giheras 3 dumbee sprecun. Cap. VIII. 1. in Sara dagum efter sona mi8*y Sreote monigra werun ne hcefdun SaBt -f hia? etun 4" eotan maehtun efne gicedun 8a fcegnas cwaefc ... 2. ic milsa ofer Sreott forSon heonu ge fcrio dogor ge-biddas mec ne habbas hiae fcaette liioa ete 3. 3 gif ic forleto hiae faestende in hus hiora hie giloesigas on woege sume men forSon of fcaem feorra comun 4. 3 gi-ond-wordun him £egnas his hwona fcas maeg hwelc-thwa her gifylle mi8 hlafum on woesterne. II 2 60 5 pa axode he hi hu fela hlafa haebbe ge. hi cwaedon seofan ; 6 Da het he sittan ba menegu ofer ba eorban ; And nam ba seofon hlafas 1 gode bancode. 3 hi braec 3 sealde his leorning- cnihtuw? ■p hi toforan him asetton. 3 hi swa dydon ; 7 And hi naefdon bnton feawa fixa 3 he ba bletsode. 3 het beforan hiw? settan. 8 3 hi aeton 3 wurdon gefyllede 3 hi na- mon ■p of pam brytsenum belaf. seofon wilian fulle; 9 SoSlice ba Se bar seton. waeron fif busend 3 he hi ba for-let ; 10 f" A ~|nd sona he on scyp mid his L-^J^-J leorning-cnihtum astah. 3 com on ba daelas dalmanuSa ; 11 And ba ferdon $a pharisei. 3 ongun- non mid him smeagean 3 tacen of heofone sohton 3 his fandedon ; 12 pa cw. he geomriende on his gaste. hwi sec?) beos cneoris tacen ; Soblice ic eow secge ne br8 bisse cneorisse tacen geseald. 13 3 hi ba forlaatende eft on scyp astah. 3 ferde ofer bone muSan. 14 3 hi ofergeton ■p hi hlafas ne namon. 3 hi nsefdon on scype mid him buton aenne hlaf. 15 3 he him bead 3 cwaeS ; LociaS 3 war- ma?) fraw pharisea 3 herodes haefe ; Various Headings. 5. A. acsode. A. B. hig. A. faala. A. habbe. A. hig. A. seofen. 6. A. msenigeo. A. seofen ; B. seofan. A B. hig (thrice). 7. A. hig. 8. A. hig. A. B. hig. A. seofen; B. seofan. 9. A. big. 10. A. places astah after scyp. 11. A. farysei. A. heofene. 1 2. A. geomrigende. A. hwig. B. cneores. A. tacn (1st time). 13. A. hig. 14. A. hig (thrice); B. hig (twice). A. ofer-geaton. B. aune. 15. B. warnigeaS. A. B. farisea. 5 pa axode he hyo hu fele hlafe hzebbe ge. hyo cweeSen seofen. 6 Pa het he sitten ba manige ofer ba eorSan. 3 nam ba seofe hlafes 3 gode bancede. 3 hyo braec 3 sealde his leorning- cnihten. -p hyo to-foran heom asetten. 3 byo &wa dydon. 7 3 hyo naefden buten feawe fisxe. 3 he ba bletsede. 3 het be-foren heom asetten. 3 hyo swa dyden. 8 3 hyo aeten 3 wur^en fylde. 3 hy na- men past of bam brithmen (sic) be-laf seofen wilien fulle. 9 SoSlice ba be bser aeten. waeren feower busendae. 3 he hyo for-let. 10 Ijlnd sone he on scyp mid his leorn- J— * ing-cnihten astah. 3 com on ba daeles dalmanu-Sa. 11 3 ba ferden ba farisei 3 on-gunnen mid hym smeagen. 3 tacne of hefene sohten 3 his fandeden. 12 pa cwae?> he reowsiende on his gaste. hwi seed beos cneorys taken. SoSlice ic eow segge ne beoS bisse cneorisse tacen geseald. 13 3 hyo ba for-laetende eft on scyp astah. 3 ferde ofer banne muSan. 14 3 hyo ofer-geaten ■p hyo hlafes ne namen. 3 hyo naefden on scype mid heom buten aenne hlaf. 15 3 he heom. baed 3 cwaeS. LokiaS 3 warniaS fram farisea 3 herodes haefe. Various Readings. 5. axsode; fela; habbe; hy cwaedon seofon. 6. sittan f>a menga; eor<5am (sic); seofan; (>ancode; cnihtas ; a- setton. 7. naefdon buton feawa fixa; blettsode; beforan a-setton; dydon. 8. seton; wurdon ge-fyllede ; namon f: bretsunum ; seofarc wiligan. 9. waeron for (msend. 10. sona; cnihtan; dalas. 11. ^End; ferdon; pharisei; on- gunnon ; smeagean; heofone sohton ; fandedon. 12. ge- omriende [for reowsiende] ; seocS ; seegge ; by* ; cneresse. 13. Jjonne. 14. ofer-geaton; hlafas; neefdon; buton. 15. eom; Lociafc; warnigeafc. 61 3 gefraign-ta twelfe ; 20 And hwaenne seofon hlafas feower Jmsendujra. "i hu fela wyligena. brytsyna ge namon. hi saedon seofon; 21 Da saede he Yarn- hwi ne ongyte ge 22 And hi comon \a to bedzaida ^ hi brohton him pa aenne blindne 3 hine baedon •p he hine aethrine. 23 J J?a aethran he pass blindan hand 1 laedde hine butan pa wic. !l spaette on his eagan. 1 his hand onasette 1 hine axode hwaeper he aht gesawe ; 24 Da cwaeS he pa Sa he hine beseah. ic ge-seo men swylce treow gangende ; 25 Eft he asette his handa ofer his eagan 1 he geseah f>a. "i wearS ge-edniwod. swa ■p he beorhtlice eall geseah ; 26 Da sende he hine to his huse. 3 cwaeS ga to pinum huse. "i Seah pu on tun ga naenegum pu hit ne sege ; Various Readings. 16. A. hig betweox. 19. A. foela. A. B. wylegena. A. B. hig. A. \>a. cwrodon. 20. A. fcela wylegena, A. hig. A. seofen ; B. seofan. 21. A. hwig. A. B. omit ge. 22. A. hig {twice). 23. A. acsode. 16 pa pohten hyo be-tweoxe heom. 1 cwaeSen. naebbe we nane hlafes. 17 J?a se haelend -p wiste. he cwaeS. hwaet J>ence ge for pan ge hlaefes naebbeS. gyt ge ne on-cnaweS ne on-gyteS. gyet ge haebbeS eowre heorte ge-blende. 18 Eagen ge haebbeS 3 ne ge-seoS. 3 earen 1 ge ne hereS. ne ge ne )?enceS 19 hwanne ic braec fif hlafes 1 twegen fixas. 1 hu fela wiligenne ge naman fulle. Hy cwaeSon pa twelfe. 20 .End hwanne seofan hlafas feower Jm- sende. 1 hu fele wiligene britsena ge namen fulle. hy saiden seofen. 21 Da saigde he heom. hwi ne ongyte ge hyt. 22 3 hyo comen pa to bethsaida. "} hyo brohten hym pa. aenne blindne. 1 hine baeden -p he hine aet rine. 23 1 pa aet-ran he J>as blinden hand end laedde hine buton pa wic. 1 spaette on his eagen. 1 his hand on asette ") hine axode. hwaeder he aht ge-seage. 24 Da cw. he. pa J?ae he hine be-seag. ic ge-seo men swilce treow gangende. 25 Eft he asette his hand ofer his eagen. "i he ge-seah J?a. 1 warS ge-eodneowed. swa p he brihtlice eall ge-seah. 26 Da sende he hine to his huse. 1 cwaed. ga to Jrinen huse. 1 peah pu on tun ga nanen p\x hit ne segge. Various Readings. 16. f>ohton; betwux; cwsBfcon; hlafas. 17. for \wm; on-cnawaS ; on-gytaS ; gyt ; heortan. 18. Eagan ge habbaS; earan; ge-hyraS; JjencaS. 19. hwsenne; hlafas; wylegena ; Hyo. 20. hwcenne ; hwu ; wyligena brysena (sic) ge naman; om. fulle; ssegdon seofon. 21. sagde; eom ; hit. 22. comon ; blinde. 23. at-hran ; f>aes blin- dan ; 3 lsedde ; eagan ; hwefcer ; haht ge-ssewe. 24. Jia |>a; be-seah. 25. hande ; eagan; wearS ge-edniwod; brehtlice. 26. jnnum; nsenegum; sege. 63 3 hia geSohton him bituen Sus cuoeSende }Ste-r forSon hlafo ne habbas we ofSon ongaet 16 *Et cogitabant ad alterutrum dicentes quia panes non habemus. 17 quo cognito " 80 - ui - se haa\end cuoeS Saem-fhim huaetd smeas gie forSon hlafo nabbas gie ne get oncnauasgie 3 ne gie iesus ait illis quid cogitatis quia panes non habetis nondum cognoscitis neqwe intel- cunnon Sageon-tget Siostrig-r' blind is gie habbaS hearta iuer ego habbaS gie k hsebbende ne legitis athuc caecatum habetis c6r uestrum. 18 oculos habentes non geseaS gie 3 earo gie habbaS ne geheraS gie ne eft Sohtogie-1-Sencesgie huonne-rhuu fif hlafas uidetis et aures habentes non auditis nee recordamini. 19 quando quinque panes ic braecc on fif Susendo 3 huu monig mondo Sara screadunga fulle gie genomon-r'geberon cuoedon fregi in quinque milia et quot cophinos fragmentorum plenos sustulistis dicunt him tuoelfo huoenne-tSa 3 seofo hlafas on feuer Susendo huu monig ceolas Sasra screa- ei duodecim. 20 quando et septem panes in quattuor milia quot sportas fragmento- dunga gie nomon 3 cuoedon to him seofana 3 he gecuoeS to him huu ne Sageon-rget gie oncnauas rum tulistis et dicunt ei septem. 21 et dicebat eis quomodo nondum intellegitis. 3 cuomon to bethsaiSa Seer byrig 3 to-laeddon him blindne monno 3 gebedon hine -pte hine-l-Sone 22 *Et ueniunt bethsaida et adducunt ei caecum et rogabant eum ut ilium * xxv - 81. x. gehrinde 3 to-gelahte hond Sees blindaes ofgeleede Sene-thine buta Saem londe 3 speaft on tangeret. 23 et ad-praehendens manum caeci eduxit eum extra uicum et expuens in ego his onsetnum hondum his gefraegn hine-r'Sene gif-thuoeSer huoelc huoego gesege 3 oculos eius inpositis manibws suis interrogauit eum si aliquid uideret. 24 et upplocade i ymbsceuade cuoeS ic geseom menn suoelce tre?/o geongende aefterSon eftersona aspiciens ait uideo homines uelut arbores ambulantes. 25 deinde iterum onsette hondo ofer ego Sees -r his 3 ongann gesea 3 eft-niuad waas sua-tSus -)5te gesege gleoulice inposuit manus super oculos eius et coepit uidere et restitutus est ita ut uideret clare alle 3 sende Sene-Hiine in hus his Sus cuoeSende gaa in hus Sin 3 gif on omnia. 26 et misit ilium in domum suam dicens uade in domum tuam et si in lond Su gegaas k geongas naenigum menn Su gecuoeSe Sis + gessege nicum introieris nemini dixeris. 16. 3 hia giSohtun him bitwion Sus cweSende forSon hlafas ne habbas we 17. of Son ongset Se httAend cwaeS to Saem hwret smeogas ge forSon hlafas ne habbas ge ne gett on-cnawas ge ne cunnan Sa geona-tSiostur •tblinde habbas ge heorta iowre 18. ego habbas ge ne gi-seas ge earu habbas ge ne gi-heras ne eft Sohtun ge 19. hwenne-thu fif hlafas ic breec in fif Susend 3 hu monig monde Sara screadunga fulle ge ginomun cwedun him twelfe 20. hwenne 3 siofune hlafas in feower Susendo hu monig ceowul Sara screadunga genomun 3 cwedun him siofune 21. 3 he cwebS to him hu monige Sa geona ge on-cnawas 22. 3 comun to beza 3 to- gi-laaddun him blinde menn 3 bedun hine -JSte him gehrine 23. 3 to-lahte honda Sees blinda Isedde hine buta Saet lond 3 speoft in egu his on-setnum hondum his gifrsegn hine gif hwelc hwoegnu gisege 24. 3 up-loccade cweeS ic gisiom menn -r -)S treo gongende 25. eefter Son sette honda ofer egu his 3 on-gan gisea 3 eft-niowad wses swa f te gisege gleowlice alle 26. 3 sende hine in hus his Sus cweSende gaa in hus Sin 3 gif in lond Su ge-gonges nanum men Su cySe Sis. 64 Dys god-spel sceal on see petres majsse- dffge. A. B. 27 T"\a eode he 3 his leorning-ctiihtas -L' on •$ castel cesarese philippi. 3 he on wege his leorning-cnihtas ahsode. Hwaet secgaS men •$ ic sy ; 28 pa andswarodon hi. sume Iohannera pone fulluhtere. sume heliam sume sumne of paw witegura; 29 Da cwaeS he hwaet secge ge -p ic sy; pa andswarude petrus hiw 3 cv/arS ; Du eart crist. 30 3 Sa bead he hlra. "p" hi namegura be hi;w ne saedon ; 31 Da ongan he hi laeran "p mannes sunu gebyreS fela binga Jwlian 3 beon aworpen tram ealdormannu?«. 3 heahsacerdu/ra 3 bo- cerum 3 beoa ofslegen. 3 aefter Jmm dagum arisan. 32 3 spraec pa openlice. 3 J?a nam petrus hine 3 ongan hine preagean 33 pa be-wende he hine 3 cidde petre 3 cwaeS ; Ga on-baec satanas forparw pu nast pa Sing J?e synd godes. ac pa Sing pe synd manna ; 34 pa cwaeS he togaedere geclypedre menegu mid his leorning cnihtu/M ; Gif hwa wyle me fyligean wiS-sace hine sylfne 3 nime his cwylminge 3 folgige me ; 35 Se Se wyle his sawle hale gedon se hi for-spilS ; Se Se for-spilS his sawle for me. 3 for pam godspelle se hi ge-haslS ; 36 Hwaet fremaS men Seah he eallne middan-eard gestryne. 3 do his sawle for- wyrd. Various Readings. 27. A. hpylippi (sic). A. acsode. A. sig. 28. A. 3swaredon hig. 29. A. sig. A. Jswarede. 30. A. hig. 31. A. hig. A. fsela. B. ealdor-mannon. 32. B. spaec. B. }>reagan. 34. A. togaedre geclypodre msenigeo. B. cwylmincge. A. folgie. 35. A. B. hig (twice). 36. A. ealne middan-geard. 27 T^A eode he 3 his leorning-cnihtes j on -p castell ceastre philippi. 3 he on weige his leorning-cnihtes axode. hwaet seggeS men ■p ic syo. 28 Da andswereden hyo. sume Johan- nem panne fulluhtere. sume heliam. sume sumne of pam witegen. 29 Da cwasS he. hwaet segge ge ■p ic syo. pa andswerede petrus hym. 3 cw. pu ert crist. 30 3 pa bead he hym -p" hyo nanen be him ne saigden. 31 Da on-gan he hyo laeren ~p mannes sune ge-bered feole binge polien. 3 beo aworpen fram ealdor-mannen. 3 heah-sacer- den. 3 bokeren. 3 beon of-slagen. 3 aefter preom dagen arisan. 32 3 spaecen pa openlice. 3 pa nam petrus hine. 3 gan hine freatigen. 33 pa be-wende he hine 3 kydde petre. 3 cw. Ga on baecc sathanas for J?an pu nast )>a Jring pe synde godes. Ac p>a ping pe synde manne. 34 Da cwaeS he to-gsedere ge-clepede manega mid his leorning-cnihten. Gyf hwa wile me felgien wiS-sace hine sylfne. 3 nime his cwelmenge 3 folgie me. 35 Se pe wile his sawle haele ge-don. se hyo for-spilS. Se pe for-spild his sawle for me. 3 for pam godspelle se hyo ge-ha?lS. 36 Hwaet fremed men J?eah he ealne mid- den-eard ge-streonig. 3 do his sawle for- wurSe. Various Headings. 27. cnihtas ; castel ceastre ; weyge ; cnihtas axsode. 28. andswarodon ; ponne ; witejivm. 29. seo ; earl. 30. hi naeneguTre; sasgdurc. 3). lseron; ge-byreS feola; );olian; beon ; ealdor-mannon. heah-sacerdum 3 boceium ; of- slegan ; dagum. 32. speceii ; Jireatigan. 33. cydde ; ba;c; synt; synd manna. 34. to-gadere getlypedre me- nega ; cnihtum ; fyligean; cwilminge. 35. for-spylS; for-spilS. 36. fremeS; myddan-eard gestreny; for-wyrS. 65 3 gofoerde k fuerende wees se hes\end 3 Segnas his in ceastra philipes 3 on woeg 27 *Et egressus est iesua et discipuli eius in castello caesareae philipi et in uia • XXVI. lv. xciiii. gefraegn Segnas his cuoeS to him huoelcne mec cuoeSas £ ic sie Sas menn Sa Se io. lxxiiii. interrogabat discipulos suos dicens eis quem me dicunt esse homines. 28 qui mt - clxui - ondueardon him cuoeSende iohannes se fuluihtere oSero he-H oSero fee suoelce enne of witgum responderunt illi dicentes iohannes baptistam 41ii heliam alii uero quasi unum de prophetis. Sa cuoeS to him gie see huoelc mec gie cuoeSas $ ic sie ge-onduearde petrus cuoeS him Su arS 29 tunc dicit illis uos uero quern me dicitis esse. *E.espondens petrus ait ei tu ^s * 83 "• mt. clxuiii. crist 3 forbead-l' stiorde 4" stiorend webs him ne cenigum gecuedon hia of him 3 ckristus. 30 et comminatus est eis ne* cui dicerent de illo. 31 et ongann lsera hia forSon is reht-lic sunu monnes feolo geSoliga 3 forcuma from aeldum 3 coepit docere illos quoniam oportet filium hominis multa pati et reprobari A senioribws et from heh-sacerdum 3 from uuS-uutum 3 ofslaa 3 softer Sriim dagu eft ansa 3 eaunga a summis sacerdotibws et scribis et occidi et post tres dies resurgere. 32 et palam word he waes sprsBcend + he gespraecc 3 gelahte hine petrws ongann geSreadtaige hine uerbum loqwebatur *Et apprehendens eum petrus coepit increpare eum. 33. * 84. ui - ... seSe gecerde ymh 3 gesseh Segnas his stiorde 4- forbeadend webs petre cuoeSende geong on baBcc4"mec qui conuersus et uidens discipulos suos comminatus est petro dicens uade retro behianda Su wiSerworda forSon ne on-cnauas Su SaSe4"Sa Sing godes, sint ah Sa Se sint monno me satana quoniam non sapis quae dei sunt sed quae sunt hominum. 3 geceiged 4" gecliopad waes -J5 folc miS Segnum his cuoeS to him gif hua waellae softer mech fylga 34 *Et conuocata turba cum discipulis suis dixit eis si quis uult post me sequi * xxvil. 85. ii. lu. xcui. onssecce hine seolfne t him seolfum 3 lsedae Srounc his 3 fylge ♦ soece meh seSe forSon wselle mt. clxx. deneget s&psum et tollat crucem suam et sequatur me. 35 qui enim uoluerit saul his hal gedoe losiaS hia her on life seSe vutedlice losas saul his fore mec animam suam saluam tacere perdet earn qui autem perdiderit animam suam propter me r 3 godspell hal hia ge-doe huaet forSon fore-stondes menn gif4"Saeh gestriona middangeord et euangelium saluam earn faciet. 36 quid enim proderit homini si lucretur mundum aline 3 losuist gedoe saules his , totum et detrimentum faciat animae suae. 27. 3 fserende wses Se hselenoJ 3 Segnas his in caestre cessares philipes 3 on woege gifraegn Segna his cwaeS to him hwelc mec cweoSas were ic mon Ses 28. SaSe 3sworadun him cweSende iohannem Se fulwihtere oSer helias oSer sec swelce enne of witgum 29. Sa cwaeS to him ge sec soSlice hwelc me cweSes -(5 ic sie gi-3sworade petru* cwaeS him Su arS crist 30. 3 for-beod i stiorde him ne sengum gicwede of him 31. 3 on-gan lsera hise forSon is reht-lic sunu monnes feolu giSoelge 3 for-cuma from aeldum 3 from heh-sacerdum 3 uS-wutum 3 of-sla 3 aefter Srim dagum eft arisan 32. 3 eowunga word sprecende wses 3 to-gilahte hine petrus ongan giSreatiga hine 33. seSe gicerde ymb 3 gisoeh Segnas his stiorende 4" forbeodende wses petre cweSende gong on ba?clinc-rbihionda mec Su wiSerworda forSon ne on-cnawestu SaSe godes sindun ah SaSe sindun monna 34. 3 cegende waes Sset folc miS Segnum his cwaeS to him gif hwelc welle aefter me fylga onsaece hine solfne .... 3 fylge mec 35. seSe forSon welle sawle his hale gidoa loesigaS hiae seSe wutudlice losas sawla his fore mec 3 god-spell hale hia gidoeS 36. hwaet . . . forstondes menn Seh gistrione aline middengeard 3 lose-west gidoe sawle his I 66 Dis sceal on sastern-dseg on pEere form an fasten wucan. A. B. 37 oppe hwylc gewryxl sylS se man for his sawle ; 38 SoSlice se pe me for-syhS 1 mine word on pisre unriht-haemedan D synfulran cneo- risse. Sone mannes sunu for-syhp ; Donne he cym<5 on his fasder wuldre mid halgww englum ; CHAPTER IX. 1 pa saede he hi»» soSlice ic secge eow. ■p sume synt her wuniende. pe deaS ne onbyrigeaS. a3r hi ge-seon godes rice on maegne cuman ; 2 T*\a aefter syx dagiuw nam se haelend -L' petrum 1 iacobura 7 iohannewa 1 lsedde hi sylfe onsundran on sumne heahne munt 1 wearft beforan hi?» ofer-hiwud. 3 1 his reaf wurdon glitiniende swa hwite swa snaw. swa nan fullere ofer eorSan ne maeg swa hwite gedon ; 4 pa aet-ywde him helias mid moyse 1 to him spraecon ; 5 Da andswarode petrus him ") cwaeS. lareow god is •p we her beon 1 uton wyrcan her preo eardung-stowa. pe ane. 1 moyse ane. "} helie ane ; 6 SoSlice he nyste hwaet he cwae'S. he waes afaered mid ege ; 7 And seo lyft hi ofer-sceadewude. 3 stefn cowi of paere lyfte 3 cwaeS. pes is min leofesta sunu gehyraS hine ; Various Readings. 38. A. pyssere. A. ryce [for wuldre]. Cap. ix. 1. A. synd. A. wunigende. A. on-byrgaS. A. big. B. msegene. 2. B. (rubric) sasterne. A. hig. B. sylue. A. B. onsundron. A. ofer-hywod. 3. A. gliteni- gende. 4. A. elias. B. spaecon. 5. A. 3swa«ede. 7. A. B. hig. A. ofer-sceadewode. A. stefen. 37 odSe hwilc ge-wrixl syld se man for his sawle. 38 SoSlice se be me for-sih<5 1 mine word on pisre unriht-hameBen 3 synfullen cneo- rysse. pane mannes sune for-sihS. panne he cemS on his fader wulder mid his halgen am glen. CHAPTER IX. 1 Da saede he heom. soSlice ic segge eow •p sume synd her wuniende. pe deaS ne on-berie him soSlice ic cuoeSo iuh forSon sint sume of her Seem stondendum Sa Se ne mt. clxxii. 1 *Et dicebat illis amen dico uobis quia sunt quidam de hie stantibus qui non * 87. "■ lv. xcuiii. ge-birgeS Sone deaS oSSaet geseaS ric goddes eymende in mseghte-r'on maegne 3 aefter dagum gustabunt mortem donee uideant regnum dei ueniens in uirtute. 2 et post dies sex to genom se hselend petrwm 3 iacob 3 iohannem 3 laodde hia on mor heh sex adsumit iesus petrum et iacobum et iohannem et ducit illos in montem excelsum suindrige him ane 3 oferhiued wees fore Saeml'him 3 woedo his awordne sint seorsum solus et trans-figuratus est coram ipsis. 3 et uestimenta eius facta sunt scinendo huit^lixendo suiSe suelce snaua sua ofer eorSo ne mage huito gedoe splendentia Candida nimis uelut nix qualia fullo super terram non potest Candida facere. 3 sed-eauade Seem miS moise 3 woeron sprecende miS Sami htBlende 3 onduearde petrw* 4 et apparuit illis helias cum mose et erant loquentes cum iesu. 5 et respondens petrus cuoeS to Seem haslen la larua god is her us to wossanne 3 wyrca we Srea husa Se an 3 ait iesu rabbi bonum est hie nos esse et faciamus tria tabernacula tibi unum et mosi an 3 heliee an ne forSon wiste hua>t he gecuoeS woeron forSon mi? fyrhto mosi unum et heliae unum. 6 non enim sciebat quid diceret erant enim timore gefyrhtad 3 aworden wses wolcen -rofer fore-brsede hia 3 cuom stefn of Saem wolcne cuoeSende Sis exterriti. 7 et facta est nubis obumbrans eos et uenit uox de nube dicens hie is sunu min leaf-tleofuste geheraS hine4'5ene est filius meus carissimus audite ilium. 37. -r hwaet+huu seSleS (sic) mon hwerfes fore sawle his 38. se Se forSon mec ondettende bis 3 mine word in cneoreswum Sassum derne-giligru 3 arog-nisse 3 sunu monnes ondeteS hine miS 8y cymeS in wuldor fa;dur liis miS englum halgum Cap. IX. 1. 3 he cwseS to Ssem soS ic cweSo iow forSon sindun sume of her Saem stondendum SaSe ne gi-birgeS Sone deoS oSSaot hia? giseaS rice godes eymende in meohte 2. 3 softer dagum sexum to gi-nom Se haelenrf petram 3 iacobam 3 iohannem 3 lsedde hia on mor hehne syndrigne him ana 3 ofer-hiowad wees bifora Ssem-thim 3. 3 giwedo his giwordne werun scinende lixende swiSe swelce snaw swa afu-t (sic) ofer eorSu ne maog is hwitu gidoa %. 3 set-eowde Saem helias miS moysen 3 werun sprecende miS Sone hss\end 5. 3 ondsworade petru* cwaeS to Saem hsilende la larwti god is her us to wosanne 3 wyrce we Sria hus Se an 3 moyse an 3 heliae an 6. ne forSon wiste hwaet he cwaeS weron forSon mis fyrhto gifyrhted 7. 3 aworden wees wolcen ofer-brsedde hioe 3 com stefn of wolcne cweSende Sis is sunu min lcof'l'leofusta giheraS hine 12 68 8 And sona Sa hi besawon hi nanne hi mid hi»? ne gesawon buton pone haelend sylfne mid him ; 9 And pa hi of pam munte astigon he bead him -p hi nanum ne saedon pa Sing pe hi ge-sawon buton ponne mannes sunu of deaSe arise; 10 TTi pa Beet word geheoldon betwux -L_L hi/n 1 smeadon hwaet "p waere pomie he of deaSe arise ; 11 And hi hine ahsodon pa. hwaet secgaS pharisei 1 pa boceras. "p gebyraS aerest he- lias cume ; 12 Da saedehe hi»? andswariende; Helias ealle ping ge-edniwaft ponne he cymS. swa be mannes suna awriten is •p he fela Solige 1 si ofer-hogod ; 13 Ac ic secge eow "p helias com "J hi dydon him swa hwaet swa hi woldon swa be hi?w awriten is ; 14 And pa he com to his leorning-cnihtum he ge-seah mycele menegu abutan hi 1 bo- ceras mid hiw sprecende. 15 !) sona eall folc paene haelend geseonde wearS afaeryd 1 forht. 1 hine gretende him to urn on ; 16 pa ahsode he hi. hwaet smeage ge betwux eow ; Dissceaito 17 Him 3swarode an of paere menigu; bam ymbrene ^ t # J ^ innanhsre- Lareow. ic brohte minne sunu dumbne feste on wodnes ' • daeg. gast haebbende Kespondens unus de turba Aixit. magis- ter attuli filium raeum ad te. A. Various Readings. 8. A. B. insert ba after And. A. hig {thrice). A. naenne. B. paene. 9. A. hig (thrice); B. hig (last time). 10. A. Hig. A. betweox. 11. A. hig. A. acsedon. A. farysei; B. farisei. B. seryst. A. inserts •£ after aerest. 12. A. Jswarigende. A. faela bolie. A. sig. 13. A. hig (twice). 14 A. maenigeo; B. raenego. A. hig. 15. B. werS. A. afaered. 16. A. axode. A. hig. A. B. betweox. 17. First part of rubric scribbled in B. A. 3swarede. A. meenegu. A. gast. 8 And sone pa hyo ge-seagen hine. naen- ne hyo mid hym ne ge-seagen buten panne haelend selfne mid heom. 9 3 pa hyo of pam munte astigen he beed heom paet hyo nanen ne saigden pa ping pe hyo ge-seagen. buten panne mannes sune of deaSe arise. 10 TT yo pa ■p word ge-heolden be- ■ I twuxe heom. 1 smeagden hwaet ■p waere panne he of deaSe arise. 11 And hyo hine axoden pa; hwaet seg- ged farisei 3 pa bokeres paet ge-byraS aerest helias cume. 12 Da saigde he heom andsweriende. Helias ealle ping edniwieS panne he cym$. Swa beo mannes sune awriten is. ■p he feole polie ") sie ofer-huged. 13 Ac ic segge eow •p helias com 3 hyo dyden hym swa hwaet swa hyo wolden. swa by hym awriten is. 14 3 pa he com to his leorning-cnihten. he ge-seah mycele menigeo abuton hyo 1 boceres mid hem spraecende. 15 1 sone eall folc pane haelend seonde warS aferd 1 forht. 1 hine gretende him to urn en. 16 Da axode he hyo. hwaet smeage ge be-tweox eow. 17 Hym andswerede an of pare manigeo. Lareow ich brohte minne sune dumbne gast baebbende Various Readings. 8. sona; be-saewon; hyo [for hine]; ssawen buton bsene halend sylfne. 9. astigon ; bead ; naenon ; saegden ; ge- saewon buton ponne. 10. heoldon be-twux ; smeahdon ; ware ponne. 11. ^nd hi; seggeS pharisei; boceras; arest. 12. 88Bgde; fdniwaS ponne; be; bolige; ofer-hogod. 13. dydon; be. 14. leorning-cnihtum; menegeo; boceras; him sprecende. 15. bone halend; wear? ; urnon 16. betwux. 17. andswarede; menigu; ic; sunu; hab- bende. 69 3 sona ymb-locadon naenig monn leng-tforJior gesegon buta 8aem hsalende ana mi8 8 et statim circum-spicientes neminem ampliu8 uiderunt nisi iesum tantum secum. 3 of-stigendura Basm-thim of 8aem mor geheht.-t.bebead 8aem -fte ne senigum 8aSe gesegon. i. 8a sihSo 9 et descendentibws illis de monte praecepit illis ne cui quae uidissent gesaegdon buta mi88y sunu monnes from deadura eft arisa _ 3 f word gehealdon mi8 narrarent nisi cum iilius hominis a mortuis resurrexerit. 10 *Et uerbum continuerunt apud ■ 88. x. him efne-gcfrugnon huaed hit were mi8 Sy from deadum eft arise 3 gefnignon hine se conquirentes quid esset cum a mortuis resurrexerit. 11 *Et interrogabant eum • 89. ui. mt. clxxiii. Sus cuoefcende huaed for8on cuoe8a8 aelaruas 3 uu8uuto forfcon risnelic were ♦ geras -J5te he gecuome dicentes quid ergo dicunt pharisaei et scribae quia heliam oporteat uenire aerist se8e onduearde cuoe8 to him mi88y cymes eerest eftgeboetaS alle 3 huu primum. 12 qui respondens ait illis helias cum uenerit primo restituet omnia et quomodo auritten is on sunu monnes -fte feolo geSolas ♦ scile 8oliga 3 gehened-tgeniSrad-tgeteled ah scribtum est in filium hominis ut multa patiatur et contempnatur. 13 sed ic ssego iuh for8on 4" -fte sec helias cymeS 3 dydon him sua buret waldon sua auritten is dico uobis quia et helias uenit et fecerunt illi quaecumqwe uoluerunt sicut scribtum est of him 3 cuom to 8egnum his gesaeh 8reat micelo ymb hia 3 Sa uu8-uuto de eo. 14 *Et ueniens ad discipulos suos uidit turbam magnam circa eos et scribas • XXVIII. gefrugnon t gesohton miS him 3 sona eghuelc -t all folc gesaeh hine gestylte conquirentes cum illis. 15 et confestim omnis populus uidens eum stupe-factus est ondreardon 3 geuurnon groeton hine 3 gefraign hia buret bituih iuh gefruignasj - expauerunt et accurrentes salutabant eum. 16 et interrogauit eos quid inter uos conqui- frasias 3 onduearde an of Sewn 8reate la laruua to gebrohte sunu min to 8e ritis. 17 *Et respondens unus de turba dixit magister attulit filium meum ad te " 91. U. lv. xcuiiii. mt. clxxiiii. hsebbende gaast dumb habentem spiritum mutum. 8. 3 sona ymb-loccadun naenig mon leng 4* forSor gisegun butan 8aem h&Xende ana miS 9. 3 of-stigendum 8aem of <5a.'m more bibeod Seem-thini 8aette naenig 8a8e gisegun 8a gisih8e gisaegdun buta mi88y sunu monnes from dea8e eft arise8 10. 3 8aet word giheoldun miS him efne giffrugnun hwaet hit were miS8y from deoSe aras 11. 3 gifrugnun hine cwe8ende hwaet for8on cweo8as aelarwas 3 u8-wutu for8on helias risen-lic to cumanne aerist 12. se 8e ondsworade cwaeS to him helias miS 8y cyme8 83rest eft giboete« alle 3 huu + swa awriten is in sunu monnes -fte feolu giSolas 3 gihened t gini8rad bi8 13. ah ic saego iow for8on helias cyme8 3 dydon him swa hwaet swa hice waldun swa awriten is of him 14. 3 com to 8egnum his gisaeh 8reotas micle ymb hia? 3 u8-wutu gifrugnun mi8 him 15. 3 sona eghwelc t alle f folc gisaeh hine gi-sty!ted wees 3 ondreordun 3 ornun groetun hine 16. 3 gifrcegn hiae hwaet bitwih iow gi-fregnas 17. 3 ond-worde an of 8aem 8reote cwbbS la larwa to gi-brohte sunu min to 8e haebbende gast unclaenne 70 18 se swa hwaer swa he hine gelaecS for- gnit hine. 1 toftum gristbitaS 1 for-scrincp. 1 ic saede binum leorning-cnihtuwi ~p hi hine ut adrifon 3 hi ne mihton ; 19 Da !)swarode he him: eala unge- leafFulle cneorys swa lange swa ic mid eow beo. swa lange ic eow bolige ; BringaS hine to me. 20 ba brohton hi hine. 1 fa he hine geseah sona se gast hine gedrefde 3 on eorSau for-gnyden fsemende he tearflode ; 21 And ba ahsode he his faeder. hu lang tid is sySSan him bis gebyrede; pa cwaeS he of cildhade. 22 he hine gelowdice on fyr 1 on waeter sende -f he hine for-spilde ; Ac gif bu hwset miht gefylst us ure gemiltsud ; 23 Da cwaeS se haelend. gif bu gelyfan miht ealle bing synd gelyfeduw mihtlice ; 24 Da sona hrymde paes cildes faeder. 1 wepende cwaeB ; Drihten ic gelyfe. gefylst minre ungeleaftulnysse ; 25 And pa se haelend geseah pa to-yrnend- an menegu. he bebead pam unclaenan gaste pus cweSende ; Eala deafa D dumba gast. ic beode be ga of hi»» 1 ne ga pu leng on hine ; 26 He Sa hrymende } hine swybe slitende eode of him. 1 he waes swylce he dead waere ; Swa -p manega cwaedon soSlice he is dead; Various Readings. 18. A. hig (twice). 19. A. Jswarede. 20. A. hig. B. geseh. 21. A. acsode. 22. B. Aagif [for Ac gif]. A. ge-myltsod. 23. A. wyk, with 4' myht above [for miht]. A. myhtelice. 25. A. nisenigeo; B. raenigu. 18 se swa hwaer he hine laced forgnit hine. 1 toSen grist-byteS. !) for-scrincS. 1 ic segge binen leorning-cnihten -f hyo hine ut adri- fen. "i hyo ne mihten. 19 Da andswerede he him. eale un-ge- leaffulle cneorrysse swa lange swa ich mid eow beo. swa lange ich eow bolige. bringed hine to me. 20 Sa brohten hyo hine. 1 ba he hine ge-seah sone se gast hyne ge-drefde 7 on eorSen for-gniden faemende he terflede. 21 And ba axode he his faeder hu lange tide is sydSan hym bis ge-byrede. Da cwaeS he of child-hade 22 he hine ge-lomlice on fere 1 on waetere. sente -p he hine for-spilde. Aagyf -p hwa^t miht ge-fylst us ure ge-miltsed. 23 Da cwaVS se haelend. gyf bu ge-lyfen miht ealle bing sende ge-lyfenden mihtilice. 24 Da sone remde baes childes feder 3 wepende cwaeS. Drihten ich ge-lyfe ge- fylst minre ungeleaffulnysse. 25 And se haelend ge-seah pa to-eornend- en manigeo. He be-bead bam unclaenan gaste bus cwe^ende. Eale deafe and dumbe gast ic beode be ga of him 3 ne ga pu leng on hine. 26 He ba remende 1 hine swiSe slitende eode of him. !! he waes swilce he dead waere. Swa "p manege cwaeSen so^lice he is dead. ' Various Readings. 18. MS. Reg. inserts swa after hwser; lacS; tof>uw8 grist- bitaS ; saegde \>mi\m leoming-cnihtvm ; adrifon ; mihton. 19. eala; cneorrysse (sic); ic (twice); BringaS. 20. seah sona ; eoru; ge-miltsud. 23. halend; ge-lyfan ; synd gelyfendum. 24. sona hrymde ; cyldes faeder; ic; un-ge-leafullnysse. 25. MS. Reg. inserts );a after And ; to-yrnenden menigv ; Eala. 26. hrymende ; manega cwseSon. 71 seSe sua-huer hine gegripeg gebites X toslites hine 3 fsemeS 3 gristbitteS mi* toSum 3 18 qui ubicumqwe eum adpraehenderit adlidit eum et spumat et stridet dentibws et scrinceS 3 cuoeS Segnun Sinum f te hia fordrifen hine 3 ne msehton seSe onduearde arescit et dixit discipulis tuis ut eicerent ilium et non potuerunt. 19 qui respondens him cuoeS la cnewreso ungeleaffull 5a huile miS iuh ic beora Sa huile iuih ic Sola brencgas hine to eis dixit 6 generatio incredula quamdiu apud uos ero quamdiu uos patiar adferte ilium ad me 3 ge-brohten hine 3 miSSy gesseh hine recone 4" sona gaast gestyrede t gedroefde hine me. 20 et attullerunt eum et cum uidisset ilium statim spiritus conturbauit eum 3 miSSy wees gebered on eorSo he gefealde hine fsemende 3 gefrsegn feeder his huu miceles et elisus in terrain uolutabatur spumans. 21 et interrogauit patrem eius quan- -i'longes tides -r huu long firstes is of Son Sis him gelamp soS he cuoeS from cildhad 3 turn temporis est ex quo hoc ei accidit at ille ait ab infantia. 22 et symble hine 3 in _ fyr 3 on wsetro sende fte hine losade-rfordyde ah gif bused Su msege gehelp frequenter eum et in ignew et in aquas misit ut eum perderet sed siquid potes adiuua usic wses milsende user-rusra se ha$\end uutedlice cuoeS him gif Su msege gelefe alle msebtiga nos misertus nostri. 23 iesus autem ait illi si potes credere omnia possibilia Seem gelefes 3 sona gecliopade faeder Sees ensehtes miS teherum he gecuseS ic gelefo help credenti. 24 et continuo exclamans pater pueri cum lacrimis aiebat credo adiuua un-geleaffulnise minne 3 miS Sy gesseh se haslend }>one iornende Sreat gestiorande wses incredulitatem meam. 25 et cum uideret iesus concurrentem turbam comminatus est Ssem gaaste un-clsene cuoeSende Ssem Su la deafe 3 Su la dumbe gaast ic Se bebeade geong from him spiritui inmundo dicens illi surde et mute spiritus ego tibi praecipio exi ab eo 3 forSor fte Su ne inngae in hine 3 cliopade suiSe getearende hine ge-eode of hi»i et amplius ne introeas in eum. 26 et exclamans multum discerpens eum exiit ab eo 3 aworden is-l'wses suelce were dead suse fte monige cuoedon -pte dead were -t wses et factus est sicut mortuus ita ut multi dicerent quia mortuus est. -18. se Se swa hwer hine ge-gripes he bites 3 slites hine 3 fsemeS 3 grist-bites miS toSum 3 screpes 3 cwaeS Segnum Sinum f hise for-drife hine 3 ne msehtun 19. seSe ond-worde him cwseS la cneorisse ungi-leofful Sa hwyle miS iow ic biom Sa hwile iow ic Solo brengas hine to me 20. 3 gibrohtun hine 3 miS Sy gisegun hine sona Se gast gidroefde hine 3 miS Sy wses gibered on eorSu he gifeald hine fscmende 21. 3 gi-frse»n feeder his hu longe tide is of Son Sis him gilamp soS be cwabS from cildhada 22. 3 symle hine 3 in fyre 3 on wsettre sende f hine losade ah gif hwset Su msege gihelp user wes milsende user 23. Se haAend wutudh'cp cwaeS to him gif Su msege gilefa alle almsehtga Ssem gilefas 24. 3 sona gicliopade -t cegende wses feder Sses ensehtes miS teorum he gi-cwaeS ic gilefo to-helpe ungileoffulnisse mine 25 3 miSSy gisseh Se htelend Sone iornende Sreott gi-stiorende wses Ssem gaste unclaenum cweSende Su la deofa 3 dumba gast ic Se bibeodu gaa from him 3 forSor Saot Su ne in-gse in hine 26. 3 cliopade swiSe 3 monige teorende hine gieode from him 3 giworden wses swelce deod were swa -pte monige cwedun Ssette deod is 4' were 72 27 pa nam se haelend his hand 3 hine up ahof "} he aras pa ; 28 And pa he into pam huse eode his leorning-cnihtas hine digollice ahsodon. hwi ne mihton we hine ut adrifan ; 29 Da saede he pis cynn ne maeg of nanum men ut gan buton purh gebedu 1 on fasten e ; 30 pa hi panon ferdon hi forbugon gali- leaw?. he nolde j5 hit aenig man wiste ; 31 SoSlice he laerde his leorning-cnihtas 1 saede ; Soplice mannes sunu biS geseald on synfulra handa j5 hi hine ofslean. 3 ofslagen paw Sriddan daege he arist; 32 Da nyston hi -p word. 3 hi adredon hine ahsiende ; 33 pa comon hi to capharnaum "i pa hi aet ham waeron he ahsode hi hwaet smeade ge be wege. 34 "i hi suwodon ; Witodlice hi on wege smeadon hwylc hyra yldost waere ; 35 pa he saet he clypode hi twelfe "i saede him. gif eower hwylc wyle beon fyrmest. beo se eaSmodust 3 eower ealra pen; 36 T^a nam he anne cnapan} ge-sette on J hyra middele. pa he hine beclypte he saede hi»» ; 37 Swa hwylc swa anne of pus geraduw? cnapum on minuw? naman onfehS. se on- fehp me ; And se pe me onfehS he ne on- fehp me. ac pone pe me sende ; Various Readings. 28. A. dygelice acsedon ; B. diglice axodon. A. hwig. 29. A. B. cyn. 30. A. hig f>anen. A. B. hig. 31. A. hig. 32. A. hig (twice). A. ondredon. A. acsigende. 33. A. hig (thrice). A. acsode. B. smeada. 34. A. hig (twice). A. heora. 35. A. hig. A. heom. A. eadmodost. 36. A. heora mydlene. 37. onfehS me [/or me onfehfc]. 27 Da nam se haelend his hand 1 hine up ahof!! he aras pa. 28 3 pa he in-to pam huse eode. his leorning cnihtes hine digelice axoden. hwi ne mihte we hine ut adrifen. 29 Da saede he pis cyn ne maig of namen men ut-gan buton purh bede 1 on faestene. 30 Da hyo panen ferden hyo for-bngen galilee he nolde paet hit anig man wiste. 31 SoSlice he laerde his leorning-cnihtes 1 saide. SoSlice mannes sune be&S ge-seald on synfullre manne hande. "p hyo hine of- slean. 3 of-slagen pan pridden daige he arist. 32 Da nysten hyo -p word. 1 hyo an- dredden hine axiende. 33 Da comen hyo to capharnaum. 1 pa hyo aet ham waeren. he axode hyo. hwaet smaegde ge be weige. 34 "} hyo swigeden. Witodlice hyo on weige smaigden hwilc heore yldest were. 35 Da he saet he cleopede hyo twelfe 1 saide heom. gyf eower hwilc wile beon formest byo se eadmodest ") eower ealre peign. 36 T*a nam he aenne cnape ge-sette on J heora middele. pa he hine be- clypte he saigde heom. 37 Swa hwilc swa aenne of pus geraden cnapen on mine namen on-fehS. se on- feg$ me. 1 se pe me on-fehS. he ne on- fehd me ac pane pe me sende. Various Readings. 27. halend. 28. leorning-cnihtas; digellice. 29. maeg; naenum ; faestene. 30. (janon ferdon ; for-bugan galileam ; renig. 31. leorning-cnihtas; saede; sunu; synfullra manna handa ; hyno (sic) ; )>am Sriddan daege. 32. nyst- on ; adrendon (sic). 33. comon ; wairon ; axsode ; smeg- ade. 34. swuwodon ; smeagdon ; hyora ; wtere. 35. clypode; saede; fyrmest; admodest; eulra }>egn. 36. cnapa; ssegde. 37. ge-radum cnapum ; minum namvn; on-fehS [/'or on-fegS] ; on-fehJS [for on-fehd] ; )>one. 73 se hselend uutedlice geheald hond his ahof hine 3 aras 3 miSSy ineode in 27 iesws autem tenens manum eius eleuauit ilium et surrexit. 28 *Et cum introisset in " 92. x. hus Segnas his deglice gefrugnon hine forhuon uoe ne msehte woe fordrifa hine domum discipuli eius secreto interrogabant eum quare nos non potuimus eicere eum. 3 cuneS to him Sis cynn on naenig msehtig ol'geonga huta on gebeadum 3 ftestern -t 3 miS ftestern 29 et dixit illis hoc genus in nullo potens exire nisi in oratione et ieiunio. 3 Sona foerdon bi-eodon galileam ne walde aenig gewuta he gelaerde 30 *Et inde prof'ecti praetergrediebantur galileam nee uolebat quemquam scire. 31 docebat " X ? VI111 - lu. ci. uutedlice Segnas his 3 cua?S to him f te sunu monnes gesald biS on hond monna 3 mt * c xxul- autem discipulos suos et dicebat illis quoniam filius hominis tradetur in manus hominum et of-slaeS hine 3 miSSy of-slaegen biS Se Sirda daeg eft arisaS Occident eum et occisus tertia die resurget. soS hia ne cuSon f word 3 32 at illi ignorabant uerbum et ondreardon hine -J5 hia gefrugno 3 cuomon to Sser byrig SaSe miSSy set huse woeron gefrugnon timebant eum interrogare. 33 *Et uenerunt capharnauw qui cum domi essent interrogabant * Si. x. hia husetd on woeg gie getrahtade soS hia suigdon gif hua bituih him on woeg ge-teledon i eos quid in uia tractabatis. 34 *At illi tacebant siquidem inter se in uia disputa- " 95 -.!' ccxuin. mt. clxxuin. gefiioton-t hua-thuelc woere hiora mara -i" maast 3 eft saet geceigde tuoelfo 3 cuoa)S Seem gif uerant quis esset illorum maior. 35 et residens uocauit duodecim et ait illis si hua wadle forSmest wosa biS-J'sie allra hlsetmaist 3 allra embeht-monn 3 on-feng quis uult primus esse erit omnium nouissimus et omnium minister. 36 et accipiens f enseht gesette hine in middum hiora Sone -fte clioppende + friende waes cuoeS to him sua huselc puerum statuit eum in medio eoruwi quern ut complexus esset . ait illis. 37 quisquis an of Suslicum cnaehtum onfoaS on noma minum mec onfoaS 3 sua hua mec onfoaS unum ex huiusmodi pueris receperit in nomine meo me recipit *Et quicumqwe me susciperit * 96. i. lv. exui. ne mec onfoaS ah Sene seSe mec sende non me suscipit sed eum qui me misit. 10. cxx. mt. xcuiii. 27. Se haelenrf soSlice giheold honda his 7 ahof hine 3 aras 28. 3 miSSy ineode 3 in hus Segnas his degol-lice gifroegn hine forhwon we ne majhtun for-drifan hine 29. 3 cwseS to him Sis cynn naenige maehte ofgonga buta on gibeodum 3 on ftesterne 30. 3 Sona feordun bieodun galilea? nsenig walde swa swa giwuta 31. he gila?rde wuturthce Segnas his 3 cwseS to him fte sunu monnes gisald biS in hond monna 3 ofslas hine 3 miSSy ofslaegen big Se Sirda dsege eft arises 32. soS hia? ne cuSun .... hine -p hie gifrugnun 33. 3 comun to Sa?r byrig See Se miSSy set huse werun gifraegn hia? hwaet hia? on woege gitrachtade 34. soS hia 1 swigedun gif hwa bitwion him on woege giteldun gif hwelc were Sara mara i mast 35. 3 eft sset giceg twelfe 3 cwaeS to him gif hwa welle foermest bis alra lartemest 3 allra embihtmon 36. 3 on-feng Sone enseht gisetto hine in middum hiora Sonne f to cliopende were cwaaS to him 37. swa hwelc an of Suslicurci ensehtes onfoeS on noma minum mec onfoeS 3 swa hwa swa mec onfoeS ne mec onfoeS ah Sene seSe mec sende 74 Dis sceal on wodnes dinum naman; deofol- secnysse; fyligfc ; for-budon. 39. minum namon; wyrce; sprecan. 41. drync; calic; wateres; minvm naman; (jam; synt; for-lyst. 42. ge-drefS; \>isum lytlingum; ge-lyfen- dum; ware (2nd time); swuran; sa. 43. swica*; heo; wan-hal to lyfe ga ^onne; un-acwencedlic. 44. hyre; swylt; fyr; by*. 45. And; swicaS; ceorf; healt; ecce; jionne; habbe. 46. hyora; bis adwasced. 47. eaga; swicafc ; anum eagan ; rice f>onne ; eagan habbende. 75 geonduearde him iohannes cuoeSende la larua we gesegon sum oSer on Soma Sinum forworpen 38 *Respondit illi iohannes dicens magister uidimus quendam in nomine tuo eicientem ■ XXX. lu. ciii. miS dioblum seSe ne fylges us 3 forbudun him se hxAend uutedlice cuoeS nallas gie daemonia qui non sequitur no3 et prohibuimus euw. 39 iesua autem ait nolite forbeada hine naenig monn is forSon seSe wyrcas maeht on noma minum 3 maege recone yfle prohibere eum nemo est enim qui faciat uirtutem in nomine meo et possit cito male spreca of mec seSe forSon ne is wis iuih fore iuih is loqui de me. 40 qui enim non est aduerswra uos pro uobis est. sua hua forSon 41 *Quis-quis enim * 98. ui. drinca geseleS iuh calic + copp waetres on noma minum forSon cristes arogie soSlice ic saego iuh ne potum dederit uobis calicem aquae in nomine meo quia christi estis amen dico uobis non losaS mearde his perdet mercedem suam. 3 sua hua geondspurnas an of Sisum laesestum gelefendum 42 *Et quisquis scandalizauerit unum ex his pusillis credentibws • 99. ii. on mec god-rbetra is him suiSor gif-tSaeh sie ymbunden k ymbsald coern asales byrSen to suiro his 3 on in me bonum est ei magis si circumdaretur mola dsinaria collo eius et in lu. cxcuii. int. clxxuiiii. sae gesended woere mare mitteretur. 3 Saeh k gif ondspurnas Seh hond Sin ofcearf Sa ilea betra -t god is 43 *Et si scandalizauerit te manus tua abscide illaw bonum est * 100. ui. mt. clxxx. Son tuoege hondo _ haebbe gegeonge in tibi debilem introire Se un-hal ingaa in lif son tuoege nonuo iucuuc in uitam quam duas manus habentem tintergo fyres una-drys- ire in gehenne7/i ignem inextin- endlic «er wyrm hiora ne bis dead 3 f fyr ne bis gedrysned guibilem. 4>i *Ubi uermis eorum non moritur et ignis non extinguitur. 3 gif f6t 45 et si pes • 101. x. Sin Sec ondspurnaS cearf hine-tSene god is Se halt ingeonga in lif aece Son tuus td scandalizat amputa ilium bonum est tibi claudum introirae in uitam aeternam quam tuoege foet haebbe sende in tintergo fyres un-adrysnendlic duos pedes habentem mitti in gehennam ignis inextinguibilis. Ser wyrm hiora ne 46 ubi uermis eorum non biS dead 3 f fyr ne biS adrysned moritur et ignis non extinguitur. Saeh gif ego Sin geondspurnaS Sec geworp hine god 47 quod si oculus tuus scandalizat t^ eice eum bonum is Se anege ingeonga in ric godes Son tuoego ego haebbe gesende on tintergo fyres est tibi luscum introirae in regnum dei quam duos oculos habentem mitti in gehennem ignis. 38. gi3sworade him iohannes cweSende la larwa we gisegun sume oSre on noma Sinum forworpen miS diowlum seSe ne fylges us 3 for-budun him 39. Se haelenrf wutudlice cwaeS nallas ge for-beada him naengum is forSon seSe doeS maehte on noma minun 3 maege recone yfle spreoca of me 40. seSe forSon ne is wis iow fore iowih is 41. swa hwa forSon drinca giseleS iow of caelee-tcoppe waetres on noma minum forSon cristes arun soSlice ic saego iow forSon ne losaS mearde his 42 3 swa hwa giond-spyrnas anum of Sissum lsesestum gilefendum in mec god is him swiSor gif Se sie unbunden t unsaeled biS cwearne byrSenne to swira his 3 on s® gisended were 43. 3 gif on-spyrnas Sec honda Sin aceorf Sa ileu god is Se un-hal inga in lif Sonne twa honda haebbe gonge in tintergu fyres inunadrysendlic 44. Ser wyrmas hiora ne biaS deode 3 f> fyr ne biS gidrysnad 45. 3 gif foett Sine Sec onspurnaS ceorf hine-1'Sa god is Se halt to gonganne in lif ece Sonne twoge foet haebbe sende in tintergu fyres un-adrysendlic 46. Ser wyrmas hiora ne biaS deode 3 Saet fyr nfe biS drysned 47. •pte gif egu Kin gi-ond-spyrneS Sec giworp hiae god is Se blind to gonganne in rice godes Sonne tuu egu haebbe gisende in tintergu fyres K2 76 48 par hyra wyrm ne swylt. ne fyr ne biS acwenced ; 49 SoSlice aelc man biS mid fyre ge-sylt 3 aelc ofFrung biS mid sealte gesylt; 50 God is sealt gif f sealt utisealt bip on \>am pe ge hit syltaS; HabbaS sealt on eow. 3 habbaS sibbe betwux eow ; CHAPTER X. 1 And panon he com on iudeisce endas of iordane ; pa comon eft menigu to hi?w 3 swa swa he ge-wunode he hi laerde eft sona ; 2 Da ge-nealaehton him pharisei 3 hine axodon. h Waaler alyfS aenegum men his wif forlaetan. his bus fandigende; 3 pa 3swarode he hiw. hwaet bead moyses eow. 4 hi saedon ; Moyses lyfde ■f man write hiw-gedales hoc. 3 hi for-lete ; 5 Da cwse'S se haelend. for eower heortan heardnesse he eow wrat pis bebod ; 6 Fram fruman gesceafte god hi ge-worhte waepned-man 3 wimman 7 3 cwaeS. for pa.m se mann forleet his feder 3 modor 3 hine his wife gepeot. 8 3 beoS twegen on anum flaasce. witod- lice ne synt na twegen ac an flaesc; 9 paet god ge-saranode ne syndrige -p nan man ; 10 And eft innan huse his leorning- cnihtas hine be paw? ylcan ahsodon ; Various Readings. 48. A. heora. 49. A. ofrung. 50. A. beteox; B. betweox. Cap. x. v. 1. A. )janen. A. nuenigu. B. gewunude. A. hyg. 2. A. B. farisei. A. acsedon. B. fandiende. 3. A. Iswarede 4. A. hig. A. B. hig. 5. A. heardnysse. A. omits eow. G. A. B. hig. A. wsepman 3 wyfman; B. wsepned 3 wim- man. 7. A. man. A. moder. 8. A. synd. 9. A. ge- somnode. B. mann. 10. A. acsedon. 48 peer heora wyrm ne swelt. ne fer ne beoS acwenced. 49 SoSlice aelc man byS mid fyre ge- sylt. 3 aelc ofFrung beoS mid sealte ge- sylt. 50 God is salt 3 gyf paet salt un-selt byS on pam pe hit selteS. HaebbeS salt on eow 3 haebbed sibbe be-tweoxe eow. CHAPTER X. 1 3 panen he com on iudeisce endas of iordane. Da comen eft manegeo to him. 3 swa swa he ge-wunede he hyo laerde eft sona. 2 Da ge-neahlacten hym farisej. 3 him axsoden hwae^er alyfS anigen men his wif to laeten. his pus fandiende. 3 Da andswerede he heom. hwaet bead moyses eow. 4 hyo saigden. Moyses lyfde -f man write hiw-ge-daeles boc. 3 hyo for-leten. 5 Da cwaeS se haelend. for eower heort- en haerdnysse he eow wrat pis be-bod. 6 fram frumen ge-scefte god hyo ge- worhte waepmara 3 wimman. 7 3 cwaeS. for pan se man for-laet his faeder and his moder. 3 hine his wife ge-peot. 8 3 beoS twegen on anen flaesce. witodlice ne synden na twegen. ac an flaesc. 9 -p god ge-samnode ne syndrige f nan man. 10 And eft innen huse his leorning- cnihtes hine be pam ylcen acsoden. 'Various Readings. 48. swylt; bi$. 49. biS; biS. 50. un-salt ; sealtaS. HabbeS ; habbaS ; be-twux. Cap. x. v. 1. fianom; menegeo. 2. ge-neahlajhton ; hine axoden hwa;Se; aenegum ; for-laeton [for to laeten]. 4. sa3"don ; for-lete. 5. heorton heardnysse. 6. fruman gesceafte; waepned; wifman. 7. )>am ; orrl. his before moder; ge-fieoht. 8. beS ; anum synt. 10. innan; leorning-cnihtas ; ylcan acsodon. Ser wyrm hiora ne biS dead 3 fyr ne biS ge-drysned eghuelc forSon mis fyre 48 ubi uennis eorum non moritur et ignis non extinguitur. 49 omnis enim igtie sie gecostaS 4" gesaelt 3 eghuelc cuic almus ge-costad sie god is f salt Sah se salt gif unful sie sallietur et omnis uictima sallietur. 50 *Bonum est sal quodst sal insulsum fuerit * 10 7 "• - 1 lu. clxxxu. mt. xxxi. on Son f gie gehaldas habbaS in iuh salt 3 sibb habas bi-tuih iuh in quo illud condietis habete in uobis sal et pacem habete inter uos. CAP. X. 3 Sena aras cuom on gem»rum iudteaes bigienda iordane 3 gesornnadon efter sona menigo * XXX [. 1 *Et inde exsurgens uenit in lines iudaeae ultra iordanen et conueniunt iterum turbae 1(l3 - ui - mt - clxxxuiiii. to him 3 suae f te he gewuna wees eftersona laerde hia 3 togeneolecdon Sa ae-laruuas gefrug- ad eum et sicut consueuerat iterum docebat illos. 2 et accedentes pharisaei interroga- nun hine gif -t is gelefed were -f wif forleta cunnedon -? gecostadon hine soS he onduearde bant euin si iicet uiro uxorem demittere temtantes eum. 3 at ille respondens euoeS to hira huset iuh behead moses SaSe cuoedon moses forgeseF b6c dixit eis quid uobis praecepit moses. 4 qui dixerunt moses permisit libellum repudii f te were awritten 3 forleten Soem onduearde se haelend cuoseS to heardnisse heartes iueres scribere et dimittere. 5 quibws respondens iesus ait ad duritiam cordis uestri aurat iuh bebod Siosne from fruma uutedlice scaeftes woepen raon i hee 3 hittu 4* wifmon scripsit uobis praeceptum istud. 6 ab initio autem creaturse masculum et feminam worhte hia god fore Sis forleteS raonn faader his 3 moder 3 geneoleces to fecit eos dews. 7 propter hoc relinquet homo patrem suum et matrem et adhajrebit ad wife his 3 biSon tuoege in lichoma ana4"[an]um forSon untedlice ne sint tuoege ah an uxorem suam. 8 et erunt duo in came una itaqwe iam non sunt duo sed uno lichom -)*te forSon god gegeadrad monn ne to-sceada he 3 in hus eftersona Segnas caro. 9 quod ergo dews iunxit homo non separet. 10 *Et in domo iterum discipuli * 104. x. his of Ssem ilea ge-Frugnon hine eius de eodem interrogauerunt eum. 48. Ser wyrmas hiora ne bi wif for-leta cunnadun 4' costadun hine 3. soS he 3wyrde cwa;S him hwaet iow biboden wajs from moyse 4. Sa Se cwedun moyses for-gcef hoc fte were awriten 3 for-leten 5. Srem onwyrde Se haelercrf cwseS to heard-nisse heorta iowre awrat iow bibeod Sis 6. from fruma wutudU'ce gisca3fte wepned-menn 3 wif-menn worhte hia3 god 7. fore Sisse for-letaS mon freder his 3 moder 3 gineolicas to wife his 8. 3 bioSon twoege in lichoma ana forSon wutud[fee] ne sindun twoege ah ana lichoma 9. Seette forSon god efne-gigedraS Sonne monno ne to-sceadeS he 10. 3 in hus efter sona Segnas his gifrugnun hine of Saan ilea 78 Dys sceal on frige daeg on b*re syxtan wucan ofer pentecosten. Oft'erebant iesum paruulos ut tangeret eos. A. Dis sceal on wodnes da?g on paere seofeSan wucan ofer pentecosten. Cum egressus esset iesus in uia percurrens quidam genu fiexo ante eum rogabat eum. A. 1 1 Da cwaeS he swa hwylc mann swa his wif forlaet 3 ofer mmS unriht-haemed he wyrcS. f urh hi ; 12 And gif -p wif hire were forlaet 3 of erne nim lice he hit for-beod 3 saigde heom. LateS fa litlinges to me cumen 3 ne for-beode ge heom. soSlice swilcere is heofone rice. 15 SoSlice ic segge eow swa hwilc swa godes rice ne on-fehS swa swa litling ne maig he on "p. 16 Da be-clepte he hyo 3 his hande ofer hyo settende bletsede hyo. 17 And fa he on weige eode sum hym to arn 3 ge-begden cneowen to-foren hym cwaeS 3 bae$ hine. La gode lareow hwaet do ic f aet ic ece lyf age. 18 pa cwaeS se haelend hwi saigst fu me godne ; nis nan man god buton god ane. 19 Canst fu fa be-bode. ne unriht-haem fu. ne slyh fu. ne stel fu. ne sege fu lease ge-witnysse. faecen ne do f u. wurfte fine faeder 3 fine moder. 20 Da andswerede he gode. lareow eall f is ic heold of minre geogeSe. 21 Se haelend hine fa behealdende hyfode (sic) 3 saide hym. An fing f e is wane, syle eal f aet f u age. 3 syle hit f earfen f anne hafst f u p goldhord on heofene. 3 cum 3 folge me. Various Readings. 11. oSer; unriht-hamed ; hi. 12. un-riht-hsemS. 13. brohton; litlyngas; oet-hrine; leorning-cnihtas brohton. 14. balend; ssede; LseteS; litlingas; heone {sic). 15. msBg. 1 6. beclypte. 1 7. ^End ; wege ; gebegdum cneowum to-foran; ba?d ; hage. 18. secgst; mann. 19. Csenst; slygh ; wurSa; fader. 20. goda larew. 21. halend; beheldende lufode; stBgde; wana; eall; bearfum bonne hffifst ; om. f> ; heofonum. 79 3 cuoeS to him 11 *Et dicit Mis sua hwaelc for-letas k forleta welle wif his 3 oSer laede derneleger quicumqwe dimiserit uxorem suawi et aliara duxerit adulterium • 105. ii efnesende-l'geendade ofer hia-tbi hir committit super earn. 3 gif -JS wif forletas Sone wer hire 3 to oSrum onfoas 12 et si uxor dimiserit uirum suum et alii nubserit lu. cxcu. mt. cxe. hiu syngeS moechatur. Saem brengendum offerentibws. 3 brohton to him lytlo cild -pte he gehrine Saem 8a Segnas nxxtedlice stioredon 13 *Et offerebant illi paruulos ut tangeret illos discipuli autem comminabantur * 106. ii. lv. ccxui. mt. [c]xcii. 14 Sa miSSy quos cum gesaeh Se haelend unwyrSe brohte 3 cuseS to him letas Sa lytlo uideret iesws indigne tulit et ait Mis sinite paruulos gecuma to me 3 ne fore-letas gie hia-tSa Suslicra is forSon ric godes uenire ad me et ne prohibueritis eos talium est enim regnum dei. soSlice ic saego 15 amen dico iuh suae hua ne onfoas rlc godes swelc lyttel ne in-gaaS in Saet 3 nobis quisqwe non receperit regnum dei uelut paruulus non intrabit in Mud 16 et gefrigade hia 3 on-sette hond ofer k on Sa ilco gebledsade hia complexans eos et inponens manus super illos benedicebat eos. 3 miSSy faerende 17 *Et cum egresus • XXXII. 107. ii.. lu. cxxi. waes on woeg fore arn sum oSer cnewo beged fore hine baedd hine la larua god-tgoda huaed mt. cxciii. esset in uiam procurrens quidam genu flexo ante eum rogabat eum magister bone quid sceal ic doa -)5te facia/ra ut lif ece ic onfoe uitam aeternam percipiam. ane god naenigmonn god buta bonum nemo bonus nisi unus god dews. se hoslend xmtedlice cuoeS to him huat mec Su cuoSas 18 iesus autem dixit ei quid me dicis Sa bebodo wast Su f Su ne dernelice -p Su ne of-slaae $ Su 19 praecepta nosti n^ adulteris ne 1 occidas ne* ne forstele i ne forSiofe f> Su leas gecySnise-twitnise ne coeSa f Su facen ne gedoe ar-worSig faoder Sin fureris ne" falsum testimonium dixeris ne* fraudem feceris honora patrem tuum 3 moder et matrem. 3 he onduearde cuoeS la larua Sas all ic geheald from gigoSe minum 20 et Me respondens ait magister haec omnia obseruaui £ iuuentute mea. se haelend uutedlice miSSy behaldend hine lufade hine 3 cuoeS him Sn Se is forgeten geong sua huaet 21 *lems autem intuitus eum dilexit eum et dixit illi unum tibi deest uade cumqwe • ios. ii. lu.clii.ccxuiiii. SuhEebbe bebyg 3 sel Sorfendum 3 haefis-r'Su scealt habba ge-strion in heofne 3 cym soec-t'fylg mec m • x ' • habes uende et &£ pauperibwa et babebis thesaurum in caelo et ueni sequere me. 11. 3 cwaeS to him swa hwelc for-letes wif his 3 oSer laede to derne-giligrum eft-sende ofer hiae 12. 3 gif f> wif for-leteS wer hire 3 to oSrum foes hio syngaS 13. 3 brohtun to him lytle -pte gihrine Sam 8a Segnas wutudU'ce stiordun Saem brengendum 14. Sa miSSy gi-saeh Se haelend un-wyrSne brohte 3 cwaeS to him letas Sa lytlu cuma to me 3 ne for-letas hiae Sus-licra is forSon rice godes 15. soS ic cweSo iow swa hwelc ne foeS rice godes swelce lytelne ne gaeS in Saet 16. 3 gifragade hiae 3 on gisette honda ofer hia gibletsade hiaB 17. 3 miS Sy faerende waes on woeg fore arn sum oSer cneo gibe[ge]d bifora hine gibaBd hine la larow god hwaet sceal ic doa fte lif ece ic onfoe 18. Se haelend soSlice cwaeS to him hwaet mec Su cweSes goodne ne aengu good buta ana god 19. Sa bibodu wastu Saete derne-lice Saette Su ne ofslae Saetae Su ne stele Saetae Su leose witnessed cySnisse cweSe Saet Su facun ne doe ar-wyrSa feeder Sinne 3 moder Sine 20. 3 he 3wyrde cwaeS him la larwa alle Sas ic giheald from gigoS-hade minum 21. Se halend wutudlice miSSy biheold hine lufade hine 3 cwaeS to him an Se forgeten is gong swa hwaet swa Su haebbe bibyge 3 sel Sarfum 3 hsefes gistrion goldes in heofnum 3 cym soec-tfylig me 80 22 And for ]>&m worde he waes ge-unret !) ferde gnornigende for pa.m he haefde mycele aehta ; 23 pa cwaeS se haelend to his leorning- cnihton hine heseonde. swype earfoSlice on godes rice gaS pa pe feoh habbaS ; 24 Da forhtodon his leorning-cnihtas be his wordum ; Eft se haelend him Iswariende cwaeS. eala cild swySe earfoSlice pa Se on heora feo getruwigeaS ga$ on godes rice ; 25 Eapere ys olfende to farenne purh naedle pyrel ponne se rica 1 se welega on godes rice ga ; 26 Hi |?ses Se ma betwux hiw wundredon 1 cwaedcn 1 hwa maeg beon hal 27 pa beheold se haelend hi 3 cwaeS ; Mid raannuw hit is uneapelic ac na mid gode ; Ealle ping mid gode synt eaSelice ; 28 Pa ongan petrus cwepan ; Witodlice we ealle ping for-leton 3 folgodon pe ; 29 Da Iswarode hi??* se haelend. nis nan pe his hus for-laet. oSSe gebropru. oppe ge- swustra. oSSe faeder. oppe modor. oSSe beam, oppe aeceras for me 3 for pa?» god- spelle 30 pe hund-feald ne onfo. nu on pisse tide, hus 3 broSru 3 swustru. faeder 3 modor. 3 beam. 1 aeceras. mid ehtnessum 1 on toweardre worulde ece lif ; 31 Manega fyrmeste beoS ytemeste 3 ylemeste fyrmyste ; Various Readings. 22. A cross (■{•) is prefixed to this verse in A. A. om. And. B. gnoingende. B. mycle. 23. A. leoming-cnyhtuOT. 24. A. forhtedon. A. wurdon. A. 3swarigende. A. getru- wiaS. 25. A. EaSre. B. J>uruh. A. J>yrl. 26. A. hig. A. betweox. 27. A. B. hig. A. Jjyng synd eafcelice myd gode. 28. Space left for Rubric in A. B. angan. A. folgedon. 29. A. moder. 30. A. broSra. A. swustra. A. inserts J before feeder. A. moder. A. ehtnyssuw. 31. A. ytemyste (twice) ; B. ytemyste (2nd time). A. B. fyrmeste (2nd time). 22 3 for pan worde he wees unge-rot. 1 ferde gneorgende for pan he haefde mycele ehte. 23 Da cwarS se haelend to hys leorning- cnihten hine be-seonde. swiSe earfedlice on godes rice gaS pa pe feoh haebbeS. 24 Da forteden his leorning-cnihtes be his worden. Eft se haelend heom andswerede 3 cw. Eala chyld. swiSe earfodlice pa pe on hire feo ge-truwiad gad on godes rice. 25 eaSere is olfende to farene purh naedle pyrl. panne se rice 1 se welege on godes rice ga. 26 Hyo pas pe ma be-twexe heom wun- dreden 3 cwseSen. 1 hwa maeig beon hal. 27 pa be-heold se haelend hyo 1 cwaeS. Mid mannen hit is un-eaSelic. ac na mid gode. Ealle ping mid gode synde eaSelice. 28 pa on-gan petrus cweSen. Witodlice we ealle ping for-leten. 3 folgeden pe. 29 Da andswerede hym se haelend. Nis nan pe his hus for-laet. o#Se ge-broSre. oSSe swuster. ocSSe faeder oSSe moder. oSSe beam. otSSe aceres for me. 3 for pa?« godspelle. 30 pe himdfeald ne on-fo. nu on pisse tide, hus "i broSre 7 swustre. 3 faeder 1 moder 3 beam. 3 aeceres. mid ehtnyssen 1 on to- wearde wurlde ece lyf. 31 Manege fyrmeste byS ytemeste. 1 ytemeste fermeste. Various Readings. 22. (jam; gnorngende; \>am; mycel. 23. halend; leorning-cnihtan ; beo-seonde ; earfoSliee ; habbafc. 24. forhtedon; wordum; halend; cyld; earfoglice; heore; gaS, 2a. farenne (juruh ; )jyrel. ponne; welega. 26. )>a)s; be- twux; wundrodon; cwaSen; mseg. 27. halend; man- nun«; synd ea8alice. 28. cweSan; for-leton; folgodon. 29. halend; ge-swustra; modor; aceras. 30. broSra; swustra; fader; seceras; ehtnyssum ; toworde worulde. 31. Manega; fyrmyste [fir fermeste]. 81 se8e mi88y geunrodsad waes on word eade seofende waes forfcon haefde-rhasbbend aehto * 109. ii. 22 *Qui contristatus in uerbo abiit maerens erat enim habens possesiones lu - cxx - r mt. cxu. menig 3 ymb-locade se hselenrf cuoe8 8egnum his sui8e un-ea8a4" hefig 8a8e gestriono multas. 23 et circum-spiciens iesws ait discipulis suis quam difficile qui pecunias habbaS in ric godes inn-gaas-rimi-geongaS 8a 8egnas uutedlice forstyldton on wordum his soS habent in regnum dei introibunt. 24 discipuli autem obstupescebant in uerbis eius at sre hee\end eftersona ond[u]earde cuoe8 to him leafa suno la suiSe hefig is 8a8e gelefeS in strionum iesus rursus respondens ait illis filioli 6 quam difficile est confidentes in pecuniis in ric goddes f hia ingae ea*or is camelf 8erh 8yril4"ego nedles ofer-fara ionne fsemicladear. in regnum dei introire. 25 facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire quam se wtelig + Se wlonca i/pgeonga in goddes ric 8a8e suiSor gewundradon cuoe8ende to him diuitew intrare in regnum dei. 26 qui magis admirabantur dicentes ad semet seolfum 3 hua msege hal wt/osa 3 sceaude hia se hseilend cuoe8 mi? monnum un-mrehtig ipsos et quis potest saluus fieri. 27 et iutuens illos iesua ait apud homines inpossibile is ah ne is mi8 god alle for8on maehto-l'e8elico sint mi8 god ongann petrus him est sed non apud dewm omnia enim possibilia sunt apud ieum. 28 coepit petrus ei ge-cuoeSa heono we forleorton alle 3 fylgdon-tsohton Sec onduearde se hcelend cuoe8 • no. ii. dicere ecce nos dimisimus omnia et secuti sumus te. 29 *Respondens iesus ait '»■ ccxxi. mt. cxcuiii. sofclice ic cuoe8o iuh naenig monn is se8e forleta8 hus -r broSro k suoestro t moder k amen dico uobis nemo est qui reliquerit domum aut fratres aut sorores aut matrem aut faeder k suno & londo fore mec 3 fore godspell se8e ne onfoaS patrem aut filios aut agros propter me et propter euangelium 30 qui non accipiat hunteantig-si8o hunt 8a huile -fane nu in tide k life disum huso 3 bro8ro 3 suoestro 3 modero 3 centies tantum nunc in tempore hoc domos et fratres et sorores et matres et suno 3 londo mi8 oehtendum 3 in world 8aem to uearde llf ece monigo mxtedlice filios et agros cum persecutoribws et in steculo futuro uitam aeternam. *31 Multi autem • ill. B. lu. clxxiii. mt. cxcuiiii. biSon 8a for8mesto hlsetmesto 3 8a hlaetmesto forSmesto erunt prinii nouissimi et nouissimi primi. 22. se8e mi88y giwundrad waes in worde eode seofende waes fortSon haefSe micle sehte 23. 3 ymb-loccade Se hselcnrf cwaeS to 8egnum his swi8e urieaSe k heflge Sa8e gistrione habbas in rice godes in-ga8 24. 8a 8egnas wutudh'ce forstyltun on wordum his cwae8 8e haelenrf efter sona 3sworade cwaeS sunu leofa la swi8e hefig is 8a8e gilefaB on gistrion in rice godes -p hia? ingae 25. e8or is camele Serh Syrel + egu nedles Serh-fara 8onne 8e welge-tSe wlonca in-gonge in rice godes 26. 8aSe swi8ur giwundradun cwe8ende to him solfum ^ hwa maege hal wosa 27. 3 sceowende in hiae 8e h&lend cwaeS mi8 monnum unmsehtig is ah ne is mi8 god alle forSon meehte sindun mi8 god 28. ongan petrus him cweo8a heono we for-leortun alle 3 fyligdun + sohtun 8ec 29. ondworde 8e hse\end cwaeS so8 ic cwe8o iow naenig is se8e forletes hus k bro8er k swester -l" moder k faeder k sunu k lond fore mec 3 fore god-spelle 30. se8e ne on-foeS hunteantigum si8a 8a hwile nu in tide + in life Sissum huse 3 bro8er 3 swester 3 moder 3 sunu 3 lond mi8 oehtendum ire weorlde Saer toworde lif ece 31. monige wutudlice bio8un aerist 8a foerS-mestu 3 8a laetemestu foer8mest 82 32 s oj^lice hi ferdon on wege to hieru- salewz 1 se haelend him be- foran eode 3 hi adredon him hine ] him fyligdon. ") eft he nam hi twelfe 1 ongan him secgan pa Sing pe him to- wearde waeron 33 -p we nu astigaS to hierusalew "i mari- nes sunu bi$ ge-seald sacerda ealdruwj 1 bo- eeru?» 1 ealdrmw. 1 hi hine deaSe ge- nyperiaS. 1 hi hine peoduw? syllaft. 34 1 hi hine bysmriaS 3 hi him on spaetaS 3 hine swingaS 1 of-sleaS hine. 1 he arist on pam priddan daege ; 35 Him pa ge-nealaehton to. iacobus. 3 Iohannes Zebedeis suna 1 cwaedon ; La- reow. we wyllaS p" pu us do swa hwaet swa we biddaS ; 36 pa cwaeS he hwaet wylle gyt ■f ic inc do. 37 pa cwaedon hi ; Syle unc j? wyt sitton on pinon wuldre. an on pine swySran healfe 1 oper on pine wynstran ; 38 Da cwaeS se haelend. gyt nyton hwaet gyt biddaS; Mage gyt drincan pone calic. pe ic drince 3 beon gefullod on pam fulluhte pe ic beo gefullod ; 39 pa cwaedon hi wyt magon ; Da cwaeS se haelend gyt drincaS pone calic pe ic drince. gyt beoS gefullode pa/« fulluhte Se ic beo gefullod ; Various Readings. 32. A. B. hig (A. thrice; B. once). A. ondredon. A. fylgdon; B. fylidon. 33. A. hig {twice). 34. A. hig (twice). B. om. 1st hi. A. bysmeriaS. 37. A. B. hig. A. \>ynum. A. fiynre [/or };ine ; twice]. 39, A. omits this verse. 32 QJoSlice hyo ferden on weige to ieru- rO salem. 1 se haelend heom be- foren eode. 1 hyo adreddem heom hine. 1 him felgden. 1 eft he nam hyo twelfe "i on-gan heom seggen pa ping pe heom to- wearde waeren. 33 ~f we nu astigeS to ierusalem. 3 mannes sune beoS ge-seald sacerde ealdren 3 boceren. 1 ealdren 1 hyo hine deaSe ge- nyperieS. 1 hyo hine peoden sylleS. 34 "i hine bysemeriad. 1 hyo hym on spaeteS. 1 hine swingeS. U of-sleaS hine. !l he arist on pam pridSen daige. 35 Him pa ge-neahlahten to Iacobus 1 Ioharawes zebedeus sunu. 1 cwa^Sen. Lareow we willed "p pu us do swa hwaet swa we byddaS. 36 pa cwaeS he hwaet wille gyt ~p ic inc do. 37 pa cwaeSen hyo. Syle unc f wit sitten on pinen wuldre. an on pinen swrS- ren healfe. 1 oder on pinen winstren. 38 Da cwaeS se haelend. gyt nyten hwaet gyt byddaS. Mage gyt drincen panne calix pe ic drinke. "i beon ge-fulled on pa»» ful- luhte pe ic beo ge-fullod. 39 Da cwaeSen hyo wit magen. pa cwaeS se haelend. gyt drincaS panne calicx. pe ich drince. gyt beoS ge-fullod pa fulluhte pe ic beo ge-fullod. Various Headings. 32. heforan; adredon; fyligdon; heon seggan; eom; waron.' 33. sacerda ealdrum 3 bocerum 3 ealdrum; ge- nySeriaS; hi [for last hyo] ; feodum syllaS. 34. bysmriaS; swingaS ; SridSan. 35. ge-neahlcechton ; zebedeis sunan ; cwseSon. 37. }>a cweefcon; {jinum; J>ine swiSSran; oSer ; )?ine wynstran. 38. halend ; drincan ]>onne calic ; drince ; ge-fullod. 39. cwaSen ; halend ; )>onne calic ; ic ; ge biS. 83 woeron forSon on woeg astigon in hierusalem 3 fore-eode -1" onfora wass geongend hia se haelend • XXXIII. 32 *Erant autem in uia ascendentes in hierosolyma et praecedebat illos iesua U2.U. lu. ccxxii. int. ccii. 3 hia suigdon 3 fylgdon ondreardon 3 to-geuom eftersona tuoelfo ongann Stem -l" him cuoeSa da Singo et stupebant et sequentes timebant et adsumens iterum duodecim coepit illis dicere quae woeron him toweardo-tgelimpa scealde forSon heono woe stigeS in hierusalem 3 sunu monnes essent ei eueutura. 33 quia ecce ascendimus in hierosolima et filius hominis bi8 g[e]sald aldormonno sacerda 3 WuSuutum 3 geniSriaS hine to deaSe 3 selles hine htednum tradetur principibws sacerdotum et scribis et damnabunt eum morte et tradent eum gentibus. 3 bismerageS him 1 hia spittes hine 3 hia suingeS hine hia acuoellaS hine 3 Se Sirdda doeg 34 et inludent ei et conspuent eum et flagellabunt eum interficient eum et tertia die eft arisaS 3 geneolecdon to him iacob 3 iohannes suno zebeSies cuoeSende la larua m .... resurget. 35 *Et accedunt ad eum iacobws et iohannes filii zebedaei dicentes magister mt. ccii. woe walla? -(5 te suae hueet we willniaS Su doe us uolumus quodcumqwe petierimus facias nobis. soS he cuoeS him huretd willniaS ge -(Ste 36 at ille dixit eis quid uultis ut ic gedoe iuh 3 Cuoedon sel us -pte an to suiSre Sinra 3 oSer to wynstra faciam uobis. 37 et dixerunt da" nobis ut unus ad dexteram tuam et alius ad sinistram Sinra we sitta in wuldre Sine se hsiiend uutedlics cuoeS him ne uutogie husetd gie giwigeS hi magoge tuam sedeamus in gloria tua. 38 iesus autem ait eis nescitis quid petatis potestis drinca Sone calic Sone ic drinco 4" ■)> fuluiht ofSon ic se gefulwuad -p gie sie in-gefulwuade bibere calicem quem ego bibo aut baptismum quo ego baptizor baptizari. soS hia cuoedon him we magon se hse\end uutedlice cuoeS him -)5 calic ec Son Sone ic drinco gie drinca 39 at illi dixerunt ei possumus iesws autem ait eis calicem quidem quem ego bibo bibetis 3 f fulwiht of Stem ic beom gefulwuad se gie gefulwuad et babtismum quo ego baptizor baptiaabimini. 32. werun fbrSon on woege astigun in hierusalem 3 fore eode -r gongende webs him Se hte\end 3 swigdun 3 fyligdun ondreordun 3 to ginom efter sona twelfe ongan Stem cweoSa Sa Sing weron him toworde 33* forSon heono we stigas hierusalem 3 sunu monnes gisald biS aldurmonnum sacerda 3 uS-wutum 3 giniSrias hine to deoSu 3 sellas hine hroSnwn 34. 3 bismerigas hine 3 spittas ... 3 hite swingas hine 3 hite cwellaS hine 3 8y Sirdan dffige arises 35. 3 gineolicadun to him iaCobu* 3 iohannes sunu zebededes cweSende la larwa wallon we fte swa swa We wilnias Su doe us 36. soS he cwteS him hwtet wiluigas ge -pte ic doe iow 37. 3 cwedun sel us fte an to sWiSre Sinre 3 oSer to Sajr swiSra Sinre ge-sitte in wuldre Sinum 38. Se haAend soSlice cw»S him ne wutun ge hvvset ge giowigas hu magon ge Sone calic drinca Sone ic drinco i Stet ful-wiht of Son ic fulwade ■)$ ge sie in-gifulwade 39. soS hia cwedun him we magun Sonne hsAend wutndlice cwooS him Sone calic eCSon Sone ic drinco ge drinco 3 SaH fulwiht of Seem ic biom gifulwad Se ge gifulwiaS L2 84 Dys ge-byraS on sunnan daeg £er halgan daege. A. 40 SoSlice nis hit na min inc to syllene •p gyt sitton on mine swySran healfe oSSe on pa wynstran. ac p&ni pe hit ge-gearwod ys; 41 pa ge-hulgon pa tyne hi be Iacobe "i Iohanne ; 42 Da clypode se haelend hi 3 cw; Wite ge -p pa, Se on peodura ealdor-scype hab- baS •$ hyra ealdras anweald ofer hi hab- baS; 43 SoSlice on eow hit nis swa. ac swa hwylc swa wyle mid eow yldest beon se byS eower pen. 44 "3 se Se wyle on eow fyrmest beon. se by]? ealra J: eow; 45 SoSlice ne com mannes sunu. ~p him man penode. ac ■f he penode. 1 his sawle sealde for manegra alysednysse ; 46 T^a comon hi to gericho ") he ferde j ham gericho 1 hisleorning-cnihtas "i mycel menegu. timeus sunu bartimeus sa3t blind wiS pone weg waedla. 47 pa he ge-hyrde ~p hit waes se naza- reniscea haelend. he on-gan pa clypian 1 cweSan ; Haelend. dauides sunu gemiltsa me; 48 pa budon him manega j5 he suwode. he clypode pa paes Se ma miltsa me dauides sunu; 49 Da eet-stod se haelend D het hine cly- pian ; pa saedon hi para blindan. beo ge- heortra 1 aris. se haelend pe clypaS ; Various Readings. 40. A. omits na. A. syllanne ; B. sylle. A. ge-earwod. 41. A. hig. 42. A. B. hig. A. ealder-scipe. A. heora. A. hig. 44. A. yldest [/or fyrmest]. 46. A. B. hig. A. hiericho. A. ierieho. A. msenio ; B. menigeo. 47. A. nazarenisca. 48. A. swigode. 49. A. hig. 40 SoSlice nis hit na min inc to sylle paet gyt sitten on mine swiSren healfe. odSe on pa wynstren. ac pam pe hit ge-gearewod is. 41 pa ge-bulge pa teone hyo be Iacobe 1 johanne. 42 Da cleopede se haelend hyo 1 cwaeS. Wite ge -p pa pe on peoden ealderscype haebbeS paet heore ealdres anweald ofer hyo haebbeS. 43 SoSlice on eow hit nis swa. ac swa hwilc swa wile mid eow eldest beon. se beoS eower pen. 44 1 se on eow wile fermest beon. se beoS ealre peow. 45 SoSlice ne com mannes sune. paet him man penode. ac ■p he penode. 3 his sawle sealde for manegre alysendnysse. 46 ~ F\ A comen hyo to jerico. 1 he ferde -L' frara ierico ") his leorning-cnihtes 1 micel manege 1 timeus sunu bartimeus sunu saet blind wiS panne weig waedle. 47 pa he ge-herde ~p hit waes se naza- reisca haelend. he on-gan clepien. 1 cwaeS- en. Haelend dauiSes sune ge-miltse me. 48 pa buden him manege paet he swiged- en. he cleopede pa paes pe ma. miltse me dauiSes sune. 49 Da aet-stod se haelend 3 het hine cle- pian. Da saigden hyo pam blinden. beo ge-heortra 3 aris. se haelend pe clypaS. Various Readings. 40. sitton; swiSran; o£$e; winstran; ge-garewed. 41. ge-bulgon; tyne. 42. elypede; beodum ealdor-scype hab- befc; heora eldres; habbafc. 43. biS. 44. wille fyirmest : byfc ealra. 45. mann ; manegra alysednissa. 46. comon ; gericho ; gerico ; leorning-cnihtas ; menega ; om. second sunu; bonne; wsedla. 47. nazarenisca; on-gan ba cly- pian ; cweSan. Halend dauides sunu ge-miltsa. 48. ma- nega; swugode; clypode; bes; rniltsa; dauides. 49. et- stod; halend; hinclepyan; ssegden; blindan. 85 sitta uutedlice to swiSra minra J* to winstra ne is min to sellanne ah Saem 40 sedere autem ad dexterawi meain uel ad sinistram non est rneum dare sed quihus gegearuad is 3 ge-herdon Sa teno ongunnun wurtefcia of iacob 3 iohanne se hselewiii^JFfjca.IR.-A. J t. ccm. paratum est. 41 *Et audientes decern coeperunt indignari de iacobo et iohanne. 42 iesui autem uucans eos ait illis scitis quia hi qui uidentur principari gentibus dominant Seem-thim 3 aldor-menn hiora maeht habbas hiora -l" Seera ne suBe-tSus is-rse uuteaVi'ce-rhuoeSre in ■ eis et principes eorum potestatem ha bent ipsorum. 43 non ita est autem in iuih ah sua hua seSe weelle wosa maara + hera bieS+sie iwer hera i erabehtmonn 3 sua huae seSe uobis sed quicumqwe uoluerit fieri maior erit uester minister. 44 et quicumqwe waelle in iuh forSmest wosa hie-? se allra Srael-tesne fo?Son 3 sunu monnes ne cuom • 115. jjj;. uoluerit in uobis primus esse erit omnium seruus. 45 *Nam et films hominis non uenit i°- xci. cxxxu. mt. cciiii. •jite ge-erabehta him ah -(He he ge-embehtade o%rum 3 -fte he salde sawel his lesnise k to lesinc fore ut ministraretur ei sed ut ministrare< et daret animam suam redemtionem pro monigum 3 cuoraon to hiericho 3 miS Sy foerde he -thine feerende in Sa burug 3 Segnas his * XXXIII1. multis. 46 *Et ueniunt hierichum et proficiscente eo hiericho et discipuli eiusl 16 -"- lu. ccxxiiii, , mt. ecu. 3 miJS monig-fald here-1'3 menigo monigfald sunu timseies blind gesaet eet-rneh woeg giornade et plurima multitudine filius timaei bartimaeus caecus sedebat iuxta uiam mendicans, seSe miSSy geherde f te se heolenrf nazaresca wa?s ongann cliopia 3 euoeSa la sunu dauiSes hw\end 47 qui cum audisset quia \esus nazarenus est ooepit clamare et dicere fili dauid iesus tnilsa mines 3 stiordon him menigo fte he suigde soS he micla suiSor ge-cliopade miserere mei. 48 et comminabantur ei multi ut taceret at ille multo magis clamabat la sunu SauiSes miltsa mines 3 stod se hselend geheht hine ceiga _ 3 ceigdon gone blindo fili dauid miserere mei. 49 et stans iesus praecepit ilium uocari et uocant caecum hia cuoeSende him gla?dd-m6d wees Su aris ceigas Sec dicentes ei animaequior esto surge uocat te\ 40. sittas witudlice on 8a swiS min k on 8a wynstra ne is min to sellanne iow ah Sffim Se gigeorwad is 41. 3 giherdun Sa tenu ongunnun wraSiga of iacooe 3 iohanne 42. Se haslend wutudlice ceigde hire cwaeS to him wutas ge forSon Sas SaSe gisegene biaS •)) hite aldor-dom hmSnum gi-wsoldas Ssem-Hiiru 3 aldor-men hiora maehte habbaS hio-rSara 43. ne swa-rSus is wutudlice in iow ah swa hwa swa welle wosa mara-thera bis iower hera k embihtmon 44. 3 swa hwa swa welle in iow serist-r foerSmest wosa biS Se alra Srrel + esne 45. forSon 3 sunu monnes ne com fte gi-embihte him ah fte gi-embihtade oSrum 3 salde sawle his lesnisse fore monigum 46. 3 comun to hiericho 3 niiSSy foerde hise in Sa burug 3 Segnas his 3 miS monig-falde mengu sunu timees banirw-ws blind gissett neh4"ajt woege giornde 47. seSe miSSy giherde Saette Se bse\end naza- renisca wses on-gan cliopiga 3 cweoSa sunu dauiSes haslend gemilsa me 43. 3 miSSy stiordun him Sio mengu ^ste swigede soS he micle swiSor cliopade sunu dauiSes milsa me 49. 3 gistod Se heelenrf giheht hine cega 3 ceigdun Sone-tSa blindu cweSende him glaedmod wes Su aris ceiga Sec 86 Dys ge-byra8 f'eower wucon Cum introis?et waes he ferde to bethaniam mid his twelf \esu9, nierosoli- leorning-cnihtu/w ; 12 And obru?w daege pa hi ferdon frawi bethania hine hingrode ; 13 Da he feorran geseah an fic-treow be leaf haefde he com ") sohte hwaeper he par on aht funde ba he hiw to com ne funde he bar buton leaf ane; SoSlice hit waes baes fic- treowes tima ; 14 pa cw he. heonon forS on ecnesse ne ete aenig mann waestm of be. 1 his leorn- ing-cnihtas bait gehyrdon ; 15 T%a comon hi eft to hierusale/w 3 ba J he on ■p tempi eode he ongann drifan of pam temple syllende 1 bicgende. ] mynetera procu. 1 heah-setlu pe pa culfran cypton he to brae. 16 1 he ne gepafode ~p amig man aenig fast Surh ~p tempi baere 17 3 he pa laerende Sus cw to him; Nis hit awriten -p min hus fraw? eallum peodum biS ge-nemned gebed-hus. soSlice ge dydon "p to sceaftena scrasfe ; Various Readings. 8. A. heora. A. B. boceras [as in the text]. B. heowun. A. streowedon; B. strewodon. 9. A. folgedon. A. sig. 10. A. Sig. A. heannyssum. 11. A. tempel. 12. A. B. hig. 13. A. Saer (2nd time). 14. A. heonen. A. man. 15. Space for rubric in A. B. A. ANd pa. A. B. hig. A. tempel. A. ongan. B. mynetra. B. ciptun. 16. A. pur. A. tempel. 8 Manega heore reaf on pane weig streht- en. sume pa boges of pam trewen heowan. 1 streoweden on panne weig. 9 3 pa pe be-foren eoden 1 j?a pe sefier folgeden cwae^en pus. osanna; syo ge-bletsed se pe com on drihtenes name. 10 sy bletsed paet rice pe com ures fseder dauiSes osanna on hehnyssen. 11 "i he eode pa on ierosolima temple. ") ealle ping he be-sceawede. Da afen time wses he ferde to bethania mid his twelf leorning- cnihten. 12 And opren daige pa hyo ferden fram bethanie him hingrede. 13 Da he ferren ge-seah an fic-treow be leaf hsefde. he com 3 sohte hwaeSer he baer on aht funde. pa he him to com; ne funde he pasr buton leaf ane. Sodlice hit waes pas fic-treowes time. 14 Da cwseS he. heonen forS on ecnysse ne aete anig man waestme of pe. 3 his leorn- ing-cnihtes -p ge-hyrden. 15 T^a comen hyo eft to ierusalem 1 *-J pa he on -p tempel eode. he gan drifen of pam tempel syllende 3 byg- gende. 1 munetera procu. 1 heah-setle. pe pa culfran cheptan he to-braec. 16 ] he ne ge-pafode -p anig man anig fet purh pa tempel baere 17 "i he pa laerende pus cwseS to heom. Nis his awriten ■p min hus fram eallen peoden beoS ge-nemned bed hus. soSlice ge dyden -p to seapene scerefe. Various Readings. 8. heora ref ; pone ; strehton ; boceras (altered to bogas) : treowvm ; strewodon ; pone. 9. beforan ; folgodon ; ge- bletsod ; drihtnes naman. 10. Si ge-bletsod ; dauides. 11. tempi; be-sceawode; aefen tima; bethaniam; leorning- cnihtuwi. 12. ^End ofcrum daege; ferdon; bethania hine. 13. feorran; hweSer; tima. 14. heonon; ete esnig mann woestm ; leorning-cnihtas; gehyrdon. 15. coman ; tempi ; temple; bicgende; mynetra procu; heah-setlu; ceptan. 16. aenig (2nd time); paet tempel. 17. lerende; eallum peodum biS ; sofclic ; scapena senrfe. 89 menigo uutedlice woedo his legdon i brsedon on uoeg oSero xmtedlice Sa twiggo-r'Sa telgo gebugun-I' 8 multi autem uestimenta sua strauerunt in uia alii autem frondes caede- rendon of Ssem trewum 3 tredon on Seem woeg 3 .Sa Se fore eodon 3 Sa Se fylgdon bant de arboribws et sternebant in uia. 9* Et qui praeibant et qui sequebantur cliopadun cuoeSende la hsel WMsig se gebloedsad se Se cuom in noma drihtnes sie gebloedsad -)Ste clamabant dicentes osanna benedictus qui uenit in nomine domini. 10 benedictum quod * 119. i. lu. ccxxxiiii. io. c. mt. ccuiiii. cuom ric fadores uses dauides la hsel usic in heanissum uenit regnum patris nostri dauid 6sanna in excelsis. 3 inn-eode hierusalem in 11* Et introiuit hierosolima in temple 3 miSSy ymsceawde allum miSSy gee efrn wses tid gefoerde on bethara'a mi? templum et circumspectis omnibws cum iam uespere esset hora exiuit in bethaniam cum • XXXVI. 120. ui. mt. ccxiiii. tuoelfuw 3 oSer dseg miS Sy foerdon from bethama gewyncerde duodecim. 12 et alia die cum exirent a" bethania esuriit. 3 miS Sy gesseh 13 cumqtte uidisset fearra f fie-beam haebbende leafo cuom gif huaet eaSa-t woenunga gemitte in Seer-ron Ssem 3 miS Sy a longe ficum habentem folia uenit si quid forte inueniret in ea et cum gemitte i gecuome to Seer ilea noht infand buta leafo ne forSon wses tid Sara flc-beama 3 uenisset ad earn nihil inuenit praeter folia non enim erat tempus ficorum. 14 et onduearde cuoeS him xmXedlice ne i no leng in ecnise senig monn waestm from Se eteS respondens dixit ei iam non amplius in aeternum quisquam fructum ex t6 manducet 3 geherdon Segnas his 3 cuomon to hierusaton 3 miSSy infoerde -f tempel ongann et audiebant discipuli eius. 15* Et ueniunt hierosolima?w et cum introisset templum coepit fordrifa Sa bebycendof 3 Sa byegendo in temple 3 beado Sara mynetro 3 seatlas bebyegendra eicere uendentes et ementes in templo et mensas nummulariorum et cathedras uendentium Sa culfras of-cerde -f ut draf 3 ne gelefde -fte senig oferferede faet Serb, f tempel columbas euertit. 16 et non sinebat ut quisqua?ra trans-ferret u&s per templum. 3 lserde cuoeSende him ah ne auritten is fte hus min hus gebedd geceiged 17 et docebat dicens eis nonne scribtum est quia domus mea domus orationis uocabitur allum cynnum gie witedlice ge-worhton-tdydon hia X Sa ilea cofa Seafana omnibws gentibws uos autem fecistis earn speluncam latronum. • 121. i. lu. cexxxuiii. io. xxi. mt. ccxi. + i.ceapemenn. 8. Sio niengu wutudlice giwedo hiora braeddun t legdun on woeg oSre Sonne Sa twigu gibegdun k rendun Sa telge of Saem treum 3 stredun on Sone woeg 9. 3 Sa Se fore eodun 3 Sa Se fyligdun cliopadun cweSende la heel vsih 10. se gibletsad seSe com in noma drihtnes sie gibletsad ■)> com in rice fador uses dauiSes la hael usih in heonissum 11. 3 ineode hierusalem in temple 3 miSSy ymb-sceowade all miSSy ge efern wses . . gifoerde in bethania miS twelfum 12. 3 oSre daege miSSy foerdun from betha gihyncrede 13. 3 miSSy gi-saeh feorra Son fic-beom hoebbende leof com gif ge hwset eaSa gimitte in Saem 3 miSSy comun to Seem nowiht infand butun leofum ne forSon wses tid Sara fic-beoma 14. 3 ond-sworade cwseS him wutudh'ce no leng in ecnisse senig mon from Se wsestem eteS 3 gi-herdun Segnas his 15. 3 comon to hierusalem 3 mySSy in-foerdun Sone tempel ongan fordrifa Sa bibyecende 3 Sa bibycende (iic) in temple 3 beodo Sara mynetera 3 seotlas bibyc- cendra Sa culufra ofcerde -i fordraf 16. 3 ne gi-lefde -jste senig oferfaerende-rfserende were faet Serh Sset tempel 17. 3 lserde cweSende him ah ne awriten is -JSte hus min hus gibedes gi-ceged biS allum cynnum ge wutodlice giworhtun Sa i hiae cofa i hydels Seafana M 90 18 Da paera sacerda ealdras 3 pa boceras Sis ge-hyrdon. hi pohton hu hi hine for- spildon. peh hi him adredon hine. forSawa eall seo menigu wundrode be his lare ; 19 And pa hit aefen waes he eode of paere ceastre ; 20 On merigen pa hi ferdon. hi ge- sawon -p fic-treow for-scruncen of p am wyrt- ruman ; 21 pa cwaeS petrus. lareow. loca hu for- scranc -p fic-treow pe Su wyrigdest ; 22 Da cwaeS se haelend him and-swari- gende. habbaS godes truwan. 23 ic secge eow to soSe. swa hwylc swa cwyp to Sisuw munte. si pu afyrred 1 on see aworpen. 1 on his heortan ne twyuaS ac gelyfS swa hwaet swa he cwyS gewurSe pis. -p gewyrS; 24 Forpam ic eow secge swa hwaet swa ge gyrnende biddaS gelyfaS ~p ge hit onfoS. "} hit eow be-cymS ; 25 And ponne ge standaS eow to ge- biddenne. forgifap gif ge hwaet agen aenig- ne habbaS. ~p eow eower synna forgyfe eower heofonlica faeder se Se on heofonum ys; 26 Gif ge ne forgyfaS ne eow. eower synna ne forgyfS eower heofonlica faeder ; 27 "T^a com he eft to hierusalewa. J pa JL/ he on pam temple eode him to genealaehton pa heah-sacerdos D boceras 1 ealdras Various Readings. 18. A. B. hig. A. hig (ttvice). A. hyne hym ondredon. A. maenigeo. 20. A. B. mergen. A. B. hig. A. hig. B. wurtruman. 21. B. wyrgdyst. 23. A. )>ys. A. sig. A. tweonaS. A. ge-weorSe. 25. A. ge-hyddanne. A. heofen- lica. A. heofenum. 26. A. fsBder J>e on heofenum ys. 27. A. heah-sacerdas. 18 Da pare sacerde ealdres 1 pa boceres pis ge-hyrden. hyo pohten hu hyo hine for- spilden. peah hyo heom on-draedden hine. for pan eall syo manigeo wundrede be his laere. 19 3 pa hit aefen waes he eode of pare ceastre. 20 On morgen pa hyo ferden. hyo ge- seagen ■p fic-treow for-scruncen of pam wert- rumen. 21 Da cw. petrus. Lareow. loca hu for- scranc -p fic-treo pe pu wergedest. 22 pa cwaeS se haelend him andsweriende. haebbed godes truwan 23 ic segge eow to soSe. swa hwilc swa cwaeS to pise munte. syo pu aferred ] on sae aworpen. 1 on his heorte ne tweoneS ac ge-lyfS swa hwaet swa he cweS ge-wurSe pis. hit ge-wurS. 24 for pan ic eow segge swa hwaet swa ge gyrnende bydSed ge-lyfaS ■p ge hit on-foS D hit eow be-cymS. 25 And parane ge standed eow to ge- byddenne. for-gyfeS gyf ge hwaet agen anigene haebbeS. paet eow eower senne for- gieue. eower hefenlice faeder se pe on heofene ys. 26 Gyf ge panne ne for-gyfeS. ne eow eower senne ne for-gyfS ower heofenlice faeder. 27 "I^A com he eft to Ierusalem. 1 pa jr he on pam temple eode him to ge-neahlaeten pa heah-sacerdes. Z boceres "i ealdres. Various Readings. 18. sacerda ealdras; boceras; ge-hyrdun; Jiohton; for- spildon. J;eh; adreddon; )>am; menegeo wundrode; lare. 19. afen. 20. ferdon; gesawen ; wurt-trumaw. 21. for- scran(n'c); wyrgdyst. 22. halend; andswariende. hab- bad. 23. cwy* ; sy; afyrred; heortan; twineS; cwyfc. 24. \>om ; byddaJS. 25. ./End ]>onne ; standeB ; ge-byddane ; habbaS; synna forgyfe; heofonlice; heofonan. 26. )>onne; for-gyfaS; eowra synna; eower hefonlica. 27. ge-neah- tehton; heah-sacerdas; boceras; ealdras. 91 miSSy ofSon wses gehered fcaem aldormonuw sacerda 3 uSuuto sohton huu hine IS* Quo audito principes sacerdotum et scribaa quaerebant quoiuodo eum * 132- '• lu. ccxxxuiiii. io. Ixxxu. hia acuoella msehton ondreardon forSon hine fte all Sreat wses gewundrad k gewundrada ofer mt - ccxx - perderent timebant enim eum quoniam uniuersa turba admirabatur super lar his doctrina eius. 3 miSSy efrn aworden were from-foerde of ceastre 19* Et cum uespera facta esset egrediebatur de ciuitate. 3 miSSy 20. et cum " 123. x. arlice ofer foerdon gesegon f fic-beam druige aworden of wyrtrumum mane transirent uiderunt ficum aridam factam a radicibws. 3 eft-rayndig waes peter 21 et recordatus petrus euoeS him la laruu heono flc-beam Ssem Su vfle cuoede gedrugade dicit ei rabbi ecce ficus cui maledixisti aruit. 3 ge-onduearde se hselend cuoeS Ssem 22* Et respondens iesua ait illis * ,24 - ni - x mt. ccxu. habbaS gie gleafo godes habete tidem dei. soSlice ic cuoeS iuh -jste suaha seSe cuoeSas Sissum more genioma 23 amen dico uobis quia quicumqwe dixerit huic monti tollere 3 senda on sae 3 ne tuaes-tne getuiga in his hearte ah gif gelefe forSon sua hwset cuoeSas et mittere in mare et non haesitauerit in corde suo sed crediderit quia quodcumqwe dixerit sie biS him gesald forSon ic cuoeSo iuh alle sua huset gie gebiddas i biddende ge giuaS gelefes ge fiat fiet ei. 24* Propterea dico uobis omnia quaecumque orantes petitis credite * 125 - »"• io. el. mt. ccxui. 3 miSSy gie biSon stondende to gebiddanne forletas -r forgeafas 25* Et cum stabitis ad oranduwi dimittite " 12fi - ui - mt. xliiii. •)5te gie onfoe 3 becymeS iuh quia accipietis et ueniet uobis. gif huaet gie habbaS wis huelc huone oSer -J5te 3-taec faeder iuer seSe in heofnum is forgefasS iuh si quid habetis aduersus aliquem ut et pater uester qui in cselis est dimittat uobis synna iuerra Saeh se iuh-r-p gif gie nallaS forgeafa ne feeder iuer seSe in heofnum is peccata uestra. 26 quod si uos non dimiseritis nee pater uester qui in caelis est forgefes iuh synna iuero dimittet uobis peccata uestra. 3 cuomon eftersona to hierHsalem 3 miSSy ge-eode in 27* Et ueniunt rursus hierosolimam et cum ambularet in • XXXVII. 12/. ii. lu. ccxl. temple geneolecdon to him heh-sacerdas 3 uwSuuto 3 Sa seldesto mt. cexuii. tewiplo accedunt ad eum summi sacerdotes et scribae et seniores. 18. miSSy wses gihered Ssem aldormonnum sacerda 3 uS-wutum sohtun hu hise hine gicwellan majhtun ondreor- dun forSon hine forSon all Sreat wses giwundrad ofer lare his 19. 3 miSSy efern giworden wses from foerde of csestre 20. 3 miSSy arlice ofer-foerdun gisegun Sone flc-beom dryge aworden of wyrtrumum 21 3 eft gimyndig waes petrus cwseS him la larow heono Ses flcbeom Ssem Su cwede gidrugade 22. 3 giondworde Se hselerad cwseS Ssem habbas gileofa godes 23. soS ic cweSo iow f te swa hwa cweSes Sissum more ginioma 3 sende in sae 3 ne twias-rne twioge in heorte his ah gif gilefeS forSon swa hwaet swa he cweoSas sie said him 24. forSon ic cweoSo iow all swa hwaet swa gebiddas -t giowigas gilefas ge Saette ge onfoe 3 bicymeS iowih 25. 3 miSSy ge bioSun stondende to gibiddanne forletas -r forgeofas gif hwa haebbe wis hwelc hwoegu oSer Sing fte 3 faeder iower se on heofnum is for-gefeS iow synne iowre 26 SahSe gif iowih ne wallas forgeofa ne faeder iower se Se on heofnum is for-gefes iow synne iowre 27. 3 comun efter sona in hierosa- \em 3 miSSy gieode in tempel gineolicadun to him heh-sacerdas 3 uS-wutu 3 Sa aeldru M2 92 28 3 pus cwaedon ; On hwylcuwa anwealde dest pu Sas ping. 1 hwa sealde pe Sisne anweald f pu Sis do ; 29 pa cwaeS se haelend D ic ahsige eow anre spraece JswariaS me. 1 ic secge eow ponne on hwylcum anwealde ic pis do ; 30 HweSer waes iohannes fulluht pe of heofone. pe of mannu/w 3swariaS me; 31 Da pohton hi J cwaedon betweox him. gif we secgaone. 6. B. anne. A. leofestne. 7. A. B. betwynan. A. yrfe-weardnys ; B. yrfweardnes. 8. A. hig. A. wyn-eard. 9. A tylian. A. o%rum. 10. A. heafde. 11. A. urum. 12. A. B. hig (twice). A. hig. A. msenegu ; B. menegu. A. hig. A. big-spel. A. hig. 13. A. soedon [for sendon]. A. hig (twice). A. B. fariseum. 14. A. B. C. hig. A. men. A. gafol. 5 iEnd eft he heom sumne sende 1 hy fane of-slogen. 3 manege oSre. sume hyo beoten. sume hyo of-slogen. 6 pa haefde he fa gyt aenne leofestne sune. fa sende he aet fam nexten heom fane. 1 cwaeS. Witodlice mine sune hyo for-wandigeS. 7 Da cwaeSen fa tilien. heom be-tweon- en. Her is se earfednume uton of-slean hine. fanne beoS ure syo earfweardnys. 8 Hyo fa of-slogen hine. 1 wurpen wiS- ute fanne wingeard. 9 hwaet deft fas wingeardes hlaford. he cymS 1 for-deS fa tiligen. "i syY& ofren fanne wingeard. 10 Ne redde ge fis ge-writ. Se stan fe fa werhten awurpen fes is ge-wor'Sen on fare heme heafed. 11 fis is fram drihten ge-worSen. "i hyt is wunderlic on uren eagen. 12 pa smaegdon hyo ~p hy ge-fengen hine. 1 hyo on-draedden fa manige hyo on-cneo- wen pa •p he fis bispell be heom saigde. hyo ferden fa 3 hine for-leten. 13 TPVa saenden hyo to him sume of -L' fariseum 3 herodianum. -f hyo be-fengen hine on his worden. 14 Da comen hyo 3 f us mid facne cwse^- en. Lareow we witen -p f u ert sodfsest 1 f u ne recst be anigen men. ne be-sceawest fu manne ansiene. ac fu godes weig laerst. on sodfaestnesse. AlyfS gafol syllen fan caisere Various Headings. 5. eom; hyo ponne; manega; beoton. 6. nextan; )>arane; for-wandiaS. 7. cwaedon; tilian; be-tweonan; er- fenuma ; of-slan ; powne biS ; seo yrfweardnys. 8. wi8- uto (>onne. 9. deafc; tiligan; oirvm porane. 10. wirhtan awurpon; ge- worden; hyrne heafod. 11. ge-worden; wundorlic; urun eagan. 12. smeagdon; hyo [for hy] gefengon ; hy [for hyo] ; menega ; on-cneowan ; big-spell ; sregde; for-leton. 13. senden; befengon; worde. 14. comon; cwseSon; eart soSfsest; senegum; be-scewest; ansyne ; soS-fsestnysse ; syllan )>am. 95 3 eftersona oSerne sende sec Sene ofslogon 3 monigo oSero surae Surscun oSero sec 5 et rursum alium misit et ilium occiderunt et plures alios quosdam caedentes alios uero ofslogon Saget forSon -l - sec enne-tan haafde sunu leofust 3 Sene sende to hia-thim occidentes. 6 athuc ergo unum haben3 filium karissimum et ilium misit ad eos eet ende % htetmest cuoeSende forSon i -)5te hia gefreeppegedon sunu minne nouissimum dicens quia reuerebuntur filium meum. Sa buendo uutedlice 7 coloni autem cuoedon betuih Sis is erfewaerd cymes wutum we ofslae hine 3 usra biS Siu erfe-weardnise dixerunt adinuicem hie est heres uenite occidamus eum et nostra erit hereditas 3 gelahton hine ofslogon 3 gewurpon buta Seem wingeard 8 et apprehendentes eum occiderunt et eiecerunt extra uineam. hlaferd Seere wingearde cymeS 3 fordoeS Sa lond-buendo 3 seleS f> wingeard oSrum Aominus uineae ueniet et perdet colonos et dabit uineam aliis. huset ofSon doeS 9 quid ergo faciet ne writ 10 nee scripturam Sius leornadagie f> stan Sone for-cuomon getimbradon Sis geworden wees on heafud huommes banc legistis lapidem quern reprobauerunt aedificantes hie i'actus est in caput anguli. from drihtne aworden wks Sis 3 is uundorlic on usum egum 3 sohton hine 11 a domino factum est istud et est mirabile in oculis nostris. 12* Et quaerebant eum * 129. i. lu. ccxlii. io. lxxxuiii. to haldanne 3 ondreardon f Sreat ongeton hine forSon forSon to him bispell Sios he gecuoeS 3 mt. cexx. tenere et timuerunt turbam cognouerunt enim quoniam ad eos parabolam banc dixerit et miS-8y forleorton hine geeodon relicto eo abierunt. 3 sendon to him sume from aslaruas 3 herodes Segnum 13* Et mittuut ad eum quosdam ex pharisaeis et herodianis * XXXVlll. ■jste hine genomo t geteldon in word ut eum caperent in uerbo. SaSe cuomon cuoedon him laruu we uuton -pte 14 qui uenientes dicunt ei magister scimus quia 130. ii. lu. ccxliii. mt. cexxiii. soS-fest his 3 ne gemes Su senig ne forSon Su gesiis on onsione monnes ah in soSfaestnise uerax es et non curas quemquam nee enim uides in faciem hominis sed in ueritate woeg drihtnes Su teres is gelefed to seallane geafel Saam caseri oSSe no we selleS uiam domim doces licet dari tributum caesari an non dabimus. 5. 3 efter sona oSerne sende 3 ec Sene ofslogun 3 monige oSre sume giSurscun oSre ec of-slogun 6. Sa gett forSon an haefde sunu leofhe 3 hine sende to him set ende t tetemest cweSende forSo hte-tge-fraapegadun sunu minne 7. Sa byende wutudlice cwedun him bitwion Sis is erfeword cymas wutum we of-sla hine 3 usra biS Sio erfe-wordnis 8. 3 gilahtun hine 3 ofslogun 3 giwurpun butu Sone wingeord 9. hwsBt of Son dyde-rdoeS drihten wingeordes cymeS 3 fordoes Sa lond-buende 3 seleS Sone wingeard oSrum 10. ne giwriotu Sas liornadunge -jSte stan Sonne ofer-comen gitimbradun Sis giworden wees on heofud hwon 11. from drihtae aworden wans Sis 3 is wundur-lic on egum usum 12. 3 sohtun hine to haldanne 3 ondreordun Sone Sreot on-getun hine forSon to him bispel Sas he gicwceS 3 miSSy forleortun hine gieodun 13. 3 sendun to him sume from se-larwum 3 herodes Segnum fte hine ginomun ♦ giteldun on wordum 14. SaSe comun cwedun him larow we wutun Saette soSfaast is 3 ne gemesttu tenig of Son-tSaem ne forSon Su gisist on onsione monnes ah in soS-festnisse woegas godes teres is gilefed to seallanne gsefel Saem casere-tno we sellas 96 15 hwaeSer pe we ne syllaS; pa cwaeS he 3 heora lot-wrenc-ceaste wiste. hwi fan- dige mm bringaS me pone pening ■p ic hine geseo. 1 6 pa brohton hi him pa saede he him ; Hwaes is peos anlicnys 3 pis ge-writ. hi cwaedon. Saes caseres ; 17 Da cwaeS se haelend to him. agyfaS pam casere pa Sing pe pass caseres synd. 1 gode pa Se godes synd. pa wundrodon hi be pam ; 18 T%a comon him to sad[u]cei pasecgaS X j> aerist ne sy 1 hine ahsodon 3 pus cwsedon ; 19 Lareow. moyses us wrat. gif hwaes broSor dead biS 3 laefS his wif 3 naefS nan beam, -p his broSor nime his wif 3 his broSor seed wecce ; 20 Eornostlice seofon gebropru waeron. 3 se aeresta nam wif 3 wearS dead na laefedum saede; 2 1 And fa nam se oSer hi. 3 wearS dead, ne se sled ne laefde ; Gelice se pridda 22 3 ealle seofon hi haefdon 3 seed ne laefdon; Ealra aeftemest pa forS-ferde -p wif; 23 On pant seriste. hwylces para seofona biS ■p wif. hi ealle hi hssfdon ; 24 pa 3swarode him se haelend hu ne dweligaS ge. forpam pe ge nyton pa halgan gewritu ne godes maegen ; Various Headings. 15. B. hiora. A.lot-wrencas; B. lot-wrenc-ceas. A.hwig fandiafc ge. A. penig. 16. A. hig. A B. hig. 17. B. Sincg. B. synt (2nd time). A. B. wundredon. A. hyg. 18. A. to hym. A. syg. A. acsedon. 19. A. byS dead. A. broSer (twice). 20. A. seofen gebroSro. 21. A. hig. 22. A. seofen; B. seofan. A. hyg. 23. A. )>aera seofena. A. hig (twice). 24. A. dweliafc ; B, dwelegaS. B. ha- legan. 15 hwaeSer pe we ne syllaS. pa cwaeS he 3 heora lotwrences wyste. hwi fandige min. bringeS me panne panig -p ich hine ge-seo. 16 pa broh ten hyo him. pa saigde he heom. hwaet is peos anlycnyss. 3 pis ge- writ. Hy cwaeSen pas caiseres. 17 Da cwaeS se ha?lend to heom. AgyfeS pam caisere pa ping pe pas caiseres synde. 3 gode pe godes synde. pa wundredon hyo be pam. 18 T%a comen hym to saducej. pa saig- J goS ■p aariste ne syo. 3 hyo axo- den. 3 pus cwaeSen. 19 Lareow moyses us wrat. Gyf hwees broker dead byoS. 3 leafS his wif 3 naefS nan beam, ■p hys broker nyme his wif. 3 his broker saed wecce. 20 Ecrnestlice seofe broSre waeren 3 se areste pa nam wif 3 warS dead, ne laefden saede. 21 pa nam se oSer hyo 3 warS dead, ne se saed ne laefde. Ge-lice se SridSe. 22 3 ealle seofeue hyo hasfden 3 saed ne laefden. Ealre eftemesta pa forS-ferde -p wif. 23 On pam aeriste hwilces pare seofene biS ■p wif. hyo ealle hyo haefden. 24 pa andswerede heom se haslend hu ne dweleged ge. for pan pe ge nyten pa halgen ge-write ne godes maegen. Various Headings. 15. hyora lotwrencas; )>onne penig; ic. 16. brohton; saegde ; hwaes ; anlicnys ; hyo ; )>aes. 1 7. Agyfats ; synd ; Royal MS. inserts \>a before 2nd )>e ; sint; jian. 18. seggefc; hine [for hyo] axodon; cwaeSon. 19. broSror (sic); bifc; laffc; brofcor (twice). 20. seofo broSro waeron ; aeresta; weariS; laefdum. 21. JEnd [for J>a]; wer8; Gi- lioe ; dridde. 22. seofan; haefdon; laefdon.- Ealra. 23. ariste ; Jiara seofona ; haefdon. 24. halend ; dwelegeS ; (jam; nyton; halgan. 97 seSe wiste geswipernise hiora cuoeS Seem huaed mec gie costages brenges me _ pening £te 15 qui sciens uersutiam eorum ait illis quid me temtatis adterte mihi deuanum ut ic gesn uideam. him Sa?s c&seres illi caesaris. soS liia to-brohton 3 cuoeS him huses is gelicnes Sios 3 in A on-merca cuoedpfr '~ 16 at illi attullerunt et ait illis cuius est imago haec et inscribtio dicijintV ' geonduearde uutedlice se hsAend cuoeS him geldas forSon Sa Se sint caese^es -"* 17 respondens autem iesus dixit illis reddite igitur quae sunt caesaris 8aem casere 3 SaSe aron godes gode 3 wundradon oier hine caesari et. quae sunt dei deo et miiabautur super eu. 3 cuomon to him 18* Et uenerunt ad eum "XXXVlllI. 8a Se cuosefcas erest ne sie 3 frugnun hine Sus cuoSende la laruu sadducaei qui dicunt resurrectionem non esse et interrogabant eum dicentes. 19 magister moses us awrat f gef huaelc-r'Benig broSer dead sie -this 3 fo? letes ^5 wif -l - -(s hlaf 3 suno ne mose3 nobis scribsit ut si cuius irater mortuus i'uerit et dimiserit uxorem et filios non letes & ne laefes onfoe broSer his hlaf Sa?s ilce 3 eft-awsecce sed broeSre his seofo reliquerit accipiat Irater eius uxorem ipsius et resuscitet semen fratri suo. 20 septem forSon broSro woeron 3 se forSmest onfeng -p wif 3 dead wses un-forletne sed 3 ergo iratres erant et primus accipit uxorem et mortuus est non relicto semen. 21 et Se aefterra onfeng Sa ilea 3 dead wees 3 ne Ses foHeort sed J* team 3 se Sirdda gelic secundus accipit earn et mortuus est et nee iste reliquit semen et tertius similiter. 3 onfengon 8a ilea gelic Sa seofona 3 ne forleorton t ne laefdon sed -r team hiu hlaetmest alra 22 et acciperunt earn similiter septem et non reliquerunt semen nouissima omnium dead webs f> wif def'uncta est mulier. in erest forSon mi8-8y hea arisaS hwses of Ssem bi8 f wif 23 iu resurrectione ergo cum resurrexerint cuius de his erit uxor seofona forSon haefdon $ ilea wif septem eniin habuerunt earn uxorem. 3 geonduearde se hselewd cuoeS him ne forSon 24 et respondens iesus ait illis non ideo ge duolas ne uutogie-rne cunnoge ge-wuritto ne majht godes erratis non scientes scribturas neqwe uirtutem dei. \ IS. se8e wiste giswiopornisse hiora cwseS to him hwset mec gi-costigas brengas me pening f te ic gisie cwseS to him 16. so8 hiaa gibrohtun him 3 cwseS to him hwaet is 8is gilicnes 8as 3 in- i on-merca cwedun him Saes caseres 17. giondworde wutudh'ce 8e haelend cwseS to him geldas for8on SaSe sindun caseras 8a3m casere 3 8aSe arun godes godo 3 wundradun ofer hine 18. 3 comun to him . . . 8a8e cweaSas SBrist ne were 3 frugnun hine Sus cweSende 19. la larow moyses us awrat gif hwelc broSer deod sie 3 forletes Saet wif 3 suno ne letes -jste onfoe bro8er his lafe Sees ilea 3 eft aweccaS sed broSer his 20. siofune forSon broSer werun 3 8e foerS-mesta on-fer.g Saet wif 3 dead wses unforletne sed 21. 3 Se sefterra on-feng Sa ilea 3 deod wses ne forleort Saet sed 3 Se Sirda gilice 22. 3 onfeng Sa ilea gilice Sa siofune 3 ne forleortun -r ne lsefdun sed hio lsete-mest alra deod wees Saet wif 23. in eriste forSon miSSy arisaS hwses of Seem bis f wif siofune forSon heefdun S8Bt ilce wif 24. 3 gi-ond-worde Se hadlend cwseS to him ne forSon ge dwoligas ne wutun ge giwriotu ne maehte-r maegen godes N 98 25 Softlice bonwe hi of dea'Se arisab. ne wifiab hi. ne ne gyftigeaS. ac hi synt swylce godes englas on heofonu/w ; 26 Be bam deadum •$ hi arison. ne raedde ge on moyses bee hu god to him cwaeb. ofer bone gorst-beam ; Ic eom abrahames god. "J isaaces god. 1 iacobes god. 27 nis god deadra ac he hys lybbendra; SoSlice swybe ge dweligeaft : Dysgodspci 28 " \~\a genealaehte him an of ham sceal on frige- ~W~ w . , . d*g on }>tere JL^ bocerum be he gehyrde hi smea- twelftan wucan i 1 i oferpente- gende 3 geseah f he him wel andswarode. costcn. Inter- ° ° ' rogauitie^m •} ahsode hine hwaat waere ealra beboda units de scribis quid esset pri- niaeSt ; mum omnium , , mandatum. a. 29 pa 3swarode he him. y is y maeste bebod. ealra israhel gehyr urne drihten god. he is [an god] 30 and lufa binne drihten god. of ealre binre heortan. 3 of ealre binre sawle. eallum binum mode. 3 of eallum binum maegene. f is •J fyrmeste bebod ; 31 SoSlice is oSer bissum gelic; lufa jnnne nehstan swa he sylfne. nys oSer mare bebod ; 32 Da cwaeb se bocere. lareow. well bu. on sobe cwsede. f an god is. 1 nis oSer butan him 33 1 ftaet he si gelufod of ealre heortan. 1 of eallum andgyte. 1 of ealre sawle. 1 of ealre strengSe. 1 lufigean his nehstan swa hine sylfne. bast is mare eallum on- saegdnyssum 1 offrungum ; Various Readings. 25. A. hig. A. B. hig. A. giftiaS. A. hig. A. B. heofenum. 26. A. hig. A. om. god after isaaces. 27. A. ys. A. dweliaS. 28. A. B. om. he after be. A. hig. A. acsode. 29. A. ysrahela. A. B. insert an god, which the text omits. 30. A inserts 3 of after sawle. A. maegne. 31. A. bysum. A. nyhstan. 32. A. wel. A. buton. 33. A. sig. A. lufian. A. nyhstan. 25 SoSlice banne hyo of dea'Se arise'S ne wifieS hyo ne ne yftigeS ac hyo synde swilce godes aengles on heofenen. 26 Be bam deaSen bast hyo arised ne raede ge on moyseses hoc. hu god to heom cwa^S. ofer banne gorst-beam. Ic eom abrahames god. 1 ysaces god. 3 Iacobes god. 27 nis god deadre. ac he is libbendra soSlice swrSe ge dwelieS. 28 T*a ge-nehlahte him an of bam j bokeren be ge-herde hyo smeg- ende. 1 geseah j> he heom wel andswerede. 1 aexode hine hwaet waere ealre be bode maest. 29 pa andswerede he hym. -f is •$ maeste be-bod ealre israele ge-herie urne drihten god. he is an god. 30 1 lufe binne drihten god. of aelre binre heorten. 1 of ealre binre sawle. ") eallen binen mode. 1 of eallen binen maig- ne. •$ is j 1 fermeste be-bod. 3 1 SoSlice is oSer bisen ge-lic. lufe binne nexten swa be sylfne. nis oSer mare be- bod. 32 Da cwavS se bokere. lareow wel bu on soSe cwaeSe. baet an god is 1 nis oSer buten him. 33 D •J he si ge-lufod of eallen heorten. 1 of eallen andgytte. 1 of ealre sawle. 3 of ealre strencSe. 1 lufian his nextan swa hine sylfne. •$ is mare eallen on-saegdnyssen 1 offrungen. Various Readings. 25. bonne; arisa«; wyfiaS; giftigaS; sint; englas; heo- bnum. 26. deadum ; arisaS ; moyses ; eom ; bonne. 7. deadra; his [/or is]; dweligaS ; 28. ge-neahlahte . .nrerum: Ere-hvrde : eom: andswarede ; axode; war* fonum. 26. deadura ; arisa* ; moyses ; eom ; bonne. 27. deadra; his [for is]; dweligaS; 28. ge-neahlahte . bocerum; ge-hyrde; eom; andswarede; axode; ware. 29. andswarode ; heom ; ealra israehele ge-her. 30. bine ; aire; heortan; saule; eallum binum; eallum binum mseg- num; firmeste. 31. bissum; lufa; nextan. 32. bocere; well; cwaSe. 33. ge-lufaS; ealre heortan ; eallum [before andgytte]; lufigei ofrungum. 99 miS-Sy forSon from deadum arisaS hea ne hia maensumiaS ne hia biSon ge-maensumadf ah t '•. n e ceorl 25 cum enim ;i mortuis resurrexerint neque nubent neqwe uubentur sed ^a^^n wif hsefig biSoii swsb englas in heofnura of -t from deadum vxAedlice -fte arisaS ne leornadacgie on ceorles on erist sunt sicut angeli in caelis. 26 de mortuis autem quod resurgant non legistis in boc moses ofer + on Saem tree huu cuoeS him god coeS -t saBgde ic am god abrahames 3 libro mosi super rubum quomodo dixerit illi dews inquieus ego sum dews abraham et god isaaces 3 god iacobes ne is god deadra ah hlifiendra gie forSon suiSe dews isaac et dews iacob. 27 non est dews mortuorum sed uiuorum uos ergo multum gie duolages 3 geneolecde an from uuSuutum seSe geherde Sa ilco efne-gefrugnon-r'soecende 3 erratis. 28 *Et accessit unus de scribis qui audierat illos conquirentes et • XL. 131. ui. inf. ccxxiiii. gesaeh forSon 4" -)Ste woel {Seem geonduarde gefraign hine huaetd f were se forSmesta alraf -|- i. bodana. uidens quoniam bene illis responderit interrogauit eum quod esset primum omnium bod hse\end xmtedlice geonduearde him -J5te se forSmesta allra t bod is ge-her f bodana. mandatum. 29 iesus autem respondit ei quia primum omnium mandatum est audi israel drihten god user god an is 3 lufa Su drihtert god Sin of alra israhel domimis deua noster deua unus est. 30 et dileges iomtnum deum tuum ex toto heorta Sin 3 of alra sauel Sin 3 of alra Soht Sin 3 of alra maegne Sin Sis is corde tuo et ex tota anima tua et ex tota mente tua et ex tota uirtute tua hoc est se forSmesta bod Se aefterra uuterf/ice gelic is him lufa Sone neesta Sinne suae primum mandatum. 31 secundum autem simile est illi dileges proximum tuum tamquam Sec seolfne mara Sisra oSer bod ne is 3 cuoeS him se uuSwuta wel la laruu t^ ipsum maius horum aliud mandatum non est. 32* Et ait illi scriba bene magister • 132. x. in soSfaestnise Su cuoede forSon X -fte an is 3 ne is oSer buta him 4" hine 3 -JSte sie gelufad in ueritate dixisti quia unus est et non est alius praeter eum. 33 et ut diligatur of allra heorte 3 of allra ondget 3 of allra sawele 3 of alra strengo 3 lufa Son neesto ex toto corde et ex toto intellectu et ex tota anima et ex tota fortitudine et dilegere proximum sua hine seolfne mara is allum cuic-lacum 3 saegdnisum tamquam s^ ipsum maius est omnibus holocaustomatibus et sacrifices. 25. miSSy forSon from deaSe arisaS ne hiae meen-sumigaS ne hie bioSun gimaensumad ah bioSon swa englas • on heofnum 26. of deoSe wutudlice fte arisaS ne liornadun ge on bocum moyses ofer-ton Saem tree huu cwaeS him god cwaeS 4" saegde ic am god abrahames 3 god isaces 3 god iacobes 27. ne is god Sara deodra ah lifgendra gif ge forSon swiSe gidwoligas 28. 3 gineolicade an from uSwutum seSe giherde Sa ilco efne gifrugnun 3 gisaeh forSon -{Ste wel Saem giond-worde gifraegn hine hwaet were Se foerSmesta alra bibodona 29. Se haolenrf wutudlice gi-ond-worde him forSon Se foerSmesta alra bibodona is giher israhelum drih/era god user god ana is 30. 3 lufa Su drihtere god Sinne of alra heorte Sinre 3 of aire sawle Sinre 3 of alle giSohte Sinum 3 of alle maegne Sinum Sis is Saet foerS-meste bibod 31. Saet aefterra wutudlice gilice him lufa Sone nestu Sinne swa swa Sec solfne mara Sisra oSer bibod ne is 32. 3 cwaeS him Se uSwuta wel la larow in soS- faestnisse Su cweSe forSon an is god 3 ne is oSer butan him 33. 3 -fte sie gilufad of aire heorte 3 of aire ongetnisse 3 of aire sawle 3 of aire strengu Sine 3 lufa Sone nestu swa swa Sec solfne mara is allum cwicum lacum 3 ssegdnissum N2 100 34 Da se hselend geseah ~p he him wislice andwyrde he ssede him ne art pu feorr {ram godes rice, "i hine ne dorste nan maun ahsian ; . 35 Da cwaep se haelend on pam temple laerende ; Hu secgaS pa boceras ■p crist sy dauides sunu; 36 Dauid sylf cwaep to pam halgan gaste. drihten cwaep to minum drihtne. site on mine swy¥>ran healfe. 08 ic pine fynd asette to fot-sceamole pinra fota; 37 Dauid sylf nemde hine drihten. 1 hwanon is he his sunu ; And mycel menegu hine luflice gehyrde. 38 pa saede he him on his lare ; Warniaft ham boceru/M. pa wyllaS on ge-gyrluw gan "i beon on strastww grete. 39 1 on fyrm"stu7M lareow-setlu/w. sittan on ge-samnunguwj 1 pa fyrmestan setl on ge-beor-scipum 40 pa 'Se wudewena hus for-swelga npgu. A.lufelice. 38. A. grette; B. gegrette (over an erasure). 39. A. gesomnungum. 40. B. hyra. 41. A ongean. B. faerie. A. toll-sceamel. A. heora. A. tor- fode. A. toll-sceamel. A. torfedon ; B. torfudun. A. feala. 42. A. wudewe. 43. A. B. wudewe. A. eallunga. B. ina3st|>. A. l^Bera. A. toll-sceamele. 34 pa se haelend ge-seah ~p he hym wislice andswerede he saigde hym ne ert pu feor fram godes rice. D hine ne dorste nan man axian. 35 pa cwaeS se haelend on pam temple laerende. hu seggeS pa boceres -p crist sy daurSes sune. 36 Dauid self cwaeS to pam halgen gaste. Drihten cwaeS to minen drihtene site on minen swidren healfe. odSe ic pine feond asette to fot-^camele pinre fote. 37 Dauid self nemde hine drihten. 3 hwanen is he his sunu. 3 micel menige hine lufelice ge-herde. 38 Da saede he heom on his lare. Warn- ieS fram boceren. pa willed on ge-gyrtleu gan 1 beon on straete ge-grette. 39 1 on fermesten lareow-setlen sitten on ge-samnungen. 1 pa. fyrmesten setlen on beorscipen. 40 pa pe wudewena hus for-swelged mid heora langsumen ge-bcdan. pa on-foS laen- gestne dom. 41 Da saet se hselend on-gean pane tol- scamel. 1 ge-seah hu ~p folc hire feoh torfede on pane tol-scamel. 1 manige weliga torfe- den fela. 42 Sa com an earm wudewe and warp twege feorpinges. 43 Da cleopede he his leorning-cnihtes "} saide heom. SoSlice ic eow segge paet peos earme wudewe ealre mest brohte pare pe on panne toll-scamel brohte. Various Readings. 34. eom ; ssegde heom ; eart. 35. halend ; seggaS ; boceras; syo dauides sunu. 36. sylf; halgan; minum; minum swiSrum; oSSe; fot-scamole |>inra. 37. sylf; hwanon: sune; menigeo; luflice gehyrde. 38. WarniaS; bocerum ; willaS ; ge-gyrlum ; stratum. 39. fyrmestvm lareow-setlum ; ge-samnungum ; fyrmestan setlum; bir- scipum. 40. for-swilga? ; langsuman ge-bede; lengestne. 41. halend; {jorane tol-scamol: heora; torfode; ^onne tol- scamol; manega welige ; feola. 42. wearp; feorS-lingaS (sic). 43. clypede ; -cnihtas ; saade ; wudewa eallinga msest sealde ; om. )>anne ; toll-scamol sealden. 101 se \\te\end uutedlice gisaeh -)5te snotorlice-i - wislice geondsuaerde cuoeS him nearS Su fearr from rie 34 iesus autem uidens quod sapieutur respondisset dixit illi non es longe k regno godes 3 nesenig mon soS-lgee gedarste hine gefraigne 3 onduearde se haAend he geeoeS dei *Et nemo iam audebat eum interrogare. 35 fEt respondens iesua dicebat • 133. „. lu. ccxliiii. mt ccxxui. laerend ♦ tarde in tempel huu cuoeSas Sa wuSuuto bi crist sunu sie dauiSes se ilea forSon j. 134. ;;, docens in templo quomodo dicunt scribai christum filium esse dauid. 36 ipse enim lu- ccxlu. mt. cexxu. dauid cuoeS on gaast haligne cuoeS drihten drihtne minum sitt to suiSra minum oSSset ic setto dauid dicit in spiritu sancto dixit dominus domino meo sede & dextris meis donee ponam fiondas Sine fot-scoemel fota Sinra se ilea forSon dauiS cuoeS hine drihten 3 huona inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorttm. 37 ipse ergo dauid dicit euwi dominum et unde is sunu his 3 menigo Sreato hine lustlice geherde 3 tahte-Hserde SEcm-Hiim on laar est filius eius et multa turba eum lihenter audiuit. 38 *Et docebat eis in doctrina * 135. a lu. exxxuii. i_. v •_ ii 1 ... • .. .. .. • , - mt. cexxuiiii. his behaldas mih from uSuutum SaSe wallas in stolum geonga 3 wileymogie-rgegroeta on spree 3 sua cauete a scribis qui uolunt in stolis ambulare et saiutari in loro. 39 et on Saem forSmestum seatlum sitta in somnungum 3 8a forSmesto setla set farmum SaSe in primis cathedris sedere in sinajjogis et primos discubitos in cenis. 40 *Qui * 13»>. uii.. 1 to & f "• lu. ccxluili]. of-frealtas huso widwuana under sceawung longunga-} - longes gebeddes Sas onfoaS uneSlie -1 lengra deuorant domos uiduarum sub obtentu prolixae orationis hi accipient prolixius dom 3 sactt se hseUnd wis & ongsegn Sees dores Se is sua genemned gazophilac!«m on hierusalem iudicium. 41 *Et sedens iesus contra gazopliilacium * XLI. behaeald huu £ here gewarp ■£■ ma?slenu on gazophilac/wm 3 mouigo wealigo 4 wlonco gewurpon aspiciebat quomodo turba iactaret aes in gazopliilacium et multi diuites iactabant feola-rmeniga miS gecuome \m\edlice an widua Sorfend sende tuoge stycas f is multa. 42 cum uenisset autem una uidua pauper misit duo minuta quod est feorSung pennmges 3 ceigde Segnas his cuoeS Sosm-tillis soSlice ic cuoeSo iuh fte quadrans. 43 et conuocans discipulos suos ait illis amen dico uobis quoniam widua Sios-lSas Saerfen mara allum sen.'e SaSe sendon on gazophila««m uidua haec pauper plus omnibus misit qui miserunt in gazopliilacium. 34. Se hselevd wutudlice gisaeh Sect he sno'urlice gi-ond-worde cwbbS to him ne arS Su fear from rice godes 3 naenig mon soSSa gidarste hine gifregna 35. 3 giond-worde Se haAend cwaeS f cweSende lserende on temple huu ewedeu ... crist sie sunu 4" were dauiSes 36. Se ilea forSon dauid cwaeS in gaste halgum cwaeS (\nhcen drilitne minum site to Sasr swiSr. n min oSSset ih setto fiondas Sine foot-scomul fota Sinra 37. Se ilea forSon dauiS cwaeS him dvdUen 3 hwona is sunu his 3 monige Sreotos hine lustlice giherdun 38. 3 tahte-1 lacrde Saem 4 him in larum his bilialdas iowih from uSwutum Sa Se wallas on stolum gonga 3 wilcumiga •l'groeta on spiece 39. 3 on Seem foerSmesium seotlum sitta in somnungum 3 Sa foerSmestu gisedla set feormum 40. Sa Se freotas hus widwana under sceawunge longunga-tionges gibedes Sas onfoaS uneSelic 4 lengra dom 41. 3 saet Se hselenrf ongegn Sasm dore Se is swa nemned biheold huu Se here giwarp Saet maeslen on gazo-philac.am 3 monige weolye 4 wlonca giwurpun feolu 42. miS-Sy com wutudlice an widwe SDifende sende ma;slen twa styegee £ is feorSung peniiiges 43. ^ cegde Segnas his cwaeS to him soS-lice ic cweSo iow forSon widwe Sios Sorfende mara allum .sende SaSe sendun in gazo-philacwm. 102 44 Ealle sendon of pam pe hi genoh haefdon ; SoSlice peos of hyre yrmpe eall "f heo haefde sealde ealle hyre and-lyfene ; CHAPTER XIII. 1 nrVa he of pam temple eode pa cwaeS jL-r an of his leoruing-cnihtuw? to him. lareow loca hwylce stanas her synt 1 hwylce getimbrunga pisses temples; 2 pa cwaeS se haelend. lie ge-seoge ealle pas mycelan getimbrunga. ne biS her laefed stan ofer stan pe ne beo toworpen ; 3 T^a hi saeton on oliuetes dune ongen j "f tempel synderlice hine petrus ] iacobus. 1 iohannes. 3 andreas. ahso- don; 4 Sege us hwasnne pas ping ge-wurdon 1 hwylc tacen biS paenne ealle pas Sing on- ginnaS beon ge-endud ; 5 pa ongan se haelend him 3swarigende to cweSan ; WarniaS -f eow nan mann ne be-swice ; 6 Soplice manega cumaS on minum na- man. 1 cwepaS. ic eom crist 3 beswicaS manega 7 3 pomte ge gehyraS gefeohtu. 1 ge- feohta hlisan. ne ondraede ge eow. hit geby- raS -p hit gebelimpe. ac ponne gyt nis ende ; Various Readings. 44. A. B. hig. Cap. xiii. I, A. synd. A. )>yses. 3. A. B. hig. A. ongean. A. acsedon; B. achsodon. 4. A. ge-weorJSon. A. (jonne. A. ge-endod. 5. A. man. 7. A. ge-feoht [for gefeohtu]. A. be-lympe. 44 Ealle senden of pan pe hyo ge-noh haefden. SoSlice peos of hire ermSe eall paet hyo haefde sealde ealle hire and-lyfene. CHAPTER XIII. 1 T^a he of pam temple eode. pa cw. J an of his leorning-cnihten to him. Lareow loca hwilce stanes her synt. "i hwilce ge-tymbrenge. pisses temples. 2 pa cwaeS se haelend. ne ge-seo ge ealle pas mycelen ge-tymbrenge. ne beoS her laefd stan ofer stan pe ne wur$ to-worpen. 3 "IHVa hyo saeten on oliuetes dune. JL-' ongean paet tempel. synderlice hine petrus. ] Iacobus. "J Iohannes. 1 An- dreas acsoden. 4 Sege us hwaenne pas ping ge-wurSen. "} hwile taken beoS panne ealle pas ping ge- wurSe sculen. ") hwile tacen byS panne ealle pas ping on-ginneS. 1 beon sculen ge-ended. 5 pa on-gan se haelend heom andsweriende to cweften. warnieS j> eow nan man ne be-swice. 6 SoSlice manege cumeS on minen na- men. 1 cweSaS. ic eom crist. 3 be-swiced manege. 7 1 panne ge ge-hereS ge-fehte 1 ge-fyhte hlisan. ne on-draede ge eow. hit byred paet hit ge-limpe. ac panne gyt nys aende. Various Readings. 44. (>am; hafdon; yrmSe; hafde. Cap. xiii. 1. -cnihtum; stanas; ge-tymbruraga. 2. ha- lend; ge-timbrunga ; by 8; beo [/or wurJS]. 3. saeton; acsodon. 4. ge-wurdon ; tacen biS paenne ; ge-wurdon ; om. sculen; on-ginnaS beon ge-endud. 5. andswerigende; cwefcan. Wamiafc. 6. manega cumaS; milium naman; be-swycafc manega. 7. )>onne ; ge-hyraS ge-feohta; ge- fyhta; ge-byre* ; ge-be-limpe; Jjonnej ende. 103 alle forSon of Son -J5te gemonigfaldade k gewoxe him sendon Sios uutedlice of henSu k unspoed 44 omnes enim ex eo quod abundabat illis miserunt haec uero de paenuria hire alle 8a Se hsefde sende all gebrengnise hire sua omnia quae habuit misit totum uietum suum. CAP. XIII. 3 miSSy gefoerde t frerende of temple cuoeS him an of Segnum his la laruu sceawig k gesih 1 *Et cum egrederetur de templo ait illi unus ex discipulis suis magister aspice " XLII. lu. ccxxxuii. ccxluiii. hulco stanas 3 hualig timber 3 ondsuorade se hxlend cuoeS hi/ra k Saem gesih Sas mt. ccxlii. quales lapides et quales structurae. 2 et respondens iesus ait illi uide has alle miclo gehrino-tglencas ne bi* forleten Stan ofer stane seSe ne se tostrogden-tne biS toworpen omnes magnas aedificationes non relinquetur lapis super lapidem qui nou destruatur. 3 miS-Sy gesaett on more -Ton dune oele-beama ongeaegn temple geaseadon?frugnon hine suundorlice 3* Et cum sederet in montem oliuarum contra templum interrogabant eum separatim • 138. ii. lu. ccxluiiii. mt. ccxliii. petra* 3 iacobus 3 iohannes 3 andraw saege us huoenne Sas biSon 3 huelc becon petrus et iacobws et iohannes et andreas. 4 die nobis quando ista fient et quod signum bi« huoenne k Sonne Sas alle on-ginnaS to endanne -l - £te hia se geendado 3 onduearde se hselewd erit quando haec omnia incipient consummari. 5 et respondens iesua ongann cuoeSa him geseas gie -fte ne eenig iuih gesuica monigo forSon cymees on noma minuw cuepit dicere iliis uidete ne quis uos seducat. 6 multi enim uenient iu nomine meo hia cuoeSas -pte ic am 3 menigo hia gesuicas miS-Sy gie gehera uutedlice gefehto 3 dicentes quia ego sum et multos seducent. 7 cum audieritis autem bella et woeno t mersungo Sara gefehto ne ondredas gie is reht-thit sceal forSon wosa ah ne Saget ende biS opiniones bellorum ne timueritis oportet enim fieri sed nondum finis. 44. alle forSon of him fte gimonigfaldade him sendun Sas wutudh'ce of henSum £ unspoedum hire alle SaSe hio hoefde sende alle gibrengnisse hire Cap. XIII. 1. 3 miS-Sy fserende wses of temple cweeS him an of Segnum his la larow sceawa i gisih hulice stanas 3 hulic timber 2. 3 onworde Se haele/jrf cwseS him gi-sih Sas alle micle girino k glencas ne biS for-leten stan ofer stane seSe ne sie tostrogden 3. 3 miSSy gissett on more oele-beoma ongsegn temple 3 gi- frugnun hine synder-lice . . 3 . . 3 . . 3 . . 4. ssege us hwenne Sas bioSun 3 Sset becun biS hwenne Sas alle onginnaS to endanne k sie endade 5. 3 onworde Se haelenrf ongan cweoSa him giseas ge Saette naenig iow giswice 6. monige forSon cumaS on noma minum cweSende fte ic am 3 monige hise giswicas 7. miS-Sy wutudh'ce giheras gifeht 3 wona k mersunga Sara gifehta ne ondredas ge is relit k hit sceal forSon wosa ah ne Sa get is ende 104 8 SoSlice peod arist agen peode. 3 rice ongen rice 3 beoS eorpan styrunga geond stowa 3 hungor. J?is synd sara angin ; 9 Wanna^S eow sylfe. hi syllaS eow on gepeahte 3 swingaS on gesamnungu/w. 1 ge standaS beforan demuw 3 cyning- u* for milium naman him on ge-wit- nesse 10 3 on ealle peoda ; aErest ge-byraS beon •f godspel gebodud. 11* 1 ponne hi syllende eow laepaS ne fore-smeage ge hwaet ge specan. ac specaS •p eow on paere tide ge-seald biS ; Ne synd ge na specende ac se halga gast ; 12 SoSlice se broSor pone bropor to deaSe sylS. 3 se faeder his sunu. 3 pa beam arisaS agen hyra magas. 3 mid deaSe hi ge-waeceaS. 13 3 ge beoS ealluw on hatunge for mi- nwn naman; SoSlice se biS hal se pe oS ende purh-wunaS ; 14 ~|~\onne ge ge-seoS paere toworped- J— w nysse asceonunge standan par heo ne sceal. purine ongyte se pe rast. fleon ponwt' on muntas pa Se synt on iudea 15 3 se Se is ofer pecene ne stige he on his bus ne he in ne ga -p he aht on his huse nime. 16 ] se Se biS on aecere ne cyrre he on- gean -p he his reaf nime ; 17 Wa cenne[n]du/« on pa?w daguw. Various Readings. 8. B. arist);. A. ongean (twice). A. eond. A. hunger. 9. A. ge-wytnysse. 10. A. ge-byre8. A. gebodod. 11. A. big. A. lsedaS. A. speeon. B. halega. 12. A. on- gean heora. A. hig ge-wsecaS. 14. A. to-worpen nysse; B. to-worpednesse. A. ascununge. A. Jjser. A. synd. 15. A. ge-nyme on hys huse. 16. A. ongen. 17. A. B. cennendum (where the text has cennedum). 8 SoSlice peod arist on-gean peode. 3 rice on-gen rice. 3 byoS eorSen steriunge geond stowe 3 hunger, pis synde sare angin. 9 WarnieS eow sylfe. hyo sylleS eow on ge-peohte 3 swinged on ge-samnungen. 3 ge standeS be-foren demen 3 kyningen for minen naman heom on ge-witnysse 3 on ealle peode. 10 JErest ge-byreS beon pset godspell ge- boded. 1 1 3 panne hyo syllende eow laedeS ne for-smeage ge hwast ge spraecen. ac spreceS paet eow on pare tide ge-seald byS. Ne sende ge na sprecende ac se halge gast. 12 SoSlice se broSer panne broSer to deaSe sylS. 3 se faeder his sune. 3 pa beam ariseS agen heore maiges. 3 mid deaSe hyo ge-weccaeS. 13 3 ge beoS eallen on hatigunge for minen namen. SoSlice se beoS hal se pe oS ende purh-wunieS. 14 "l^anne ge ge-seoS pare to-wardnysse j asceonunge standen pasr hyo ne seel panne on-gyte se pe rast. fleon panne on muntes pa pe synde on iudee. 15 3 se pe is ofer pecene ne stige he on his hus. ne he in ne ga -p he aht on his huse nyme. 16 3 se Se byS on acere ne cherre he on- gean ■p he his reaf nime. 17 Wa kennenden on pam dagen Various Readings. 8. agen ; on-gean ; beoS eorfcan styriunga ; stowa ; hun- gor; synd sara. 9. WarniaS ; syllafc ; ge-(ieahte; swin- gaS; ge-samnungum ; be-foran demuOT; cyningum; mi- num. 10. ge-bodud. 11. \>on; tedaS ; fore-smeage; sprecan; specaS ; synde; specende; halga. 12. broSor |>onne broSor ; sunu ; arisaS ; hyora magas ; ge-waeeeaS. 13. eallum; hatuwge; minvwi namum ; {>urh-wuna*. 14. Donne; to-wardenysse ; heo; seal )>onne; {?on»e; muntas; synt; iudea. 15. haht. 16. cerre. 17. cennendum ; dagum. 105 arisaS uutedlicei Sonne cynn wis cynn 3 ric ofer ric 3 biSon eorS-hroernis 8 exsurget autem gens contra gentem et regnum super regnum et erunt terrae motus Serh stoua 3 hungro 6r-tfru?na wsercco Sas-tSas ilco taceno geseas-tbehalcfa* Sonne iuih seolfa per loca et fames initium doloruw haec. 9 *Uidete autem uosmetipsos • 139. i. mt. lxxxuii. geseallas forSon iuih to ge-moetingum 3 on somnungum gie biSon gesumnged 3 befora undercyniHgwi-thehgeroefaw tradent enim uos conciliis et in sinagogis uapulabitis et ante praesides 3 cyningum gie biSon stondende 4" gie stondes fore roec on cySnise him 3 on allum et reges stabitis propter me in testimonium illis. 10 *et in omnes • 140. ui. mt. ccxlui. cynnum-rhsednuw serist gerises to bodanne-tto fore-SBegcane-t-JSte he sie boden godspell 3 gentes primum oportet praedicari euangelium. 11 *Et " M- "'•„ ccli. miSSy hia gelsedas iuih sellende naelle gie fore-Sence huset gie spreca ah-HiwoeSre -J5 gesald iuh mt. lxxxuiii. cum duxerint uos tradentes nolite praecogitare quid loquamini sed quod datum uobis bi$ on Ssem tid f gie sprecca ne forSon biSon iuh spreccendo ah gaas halig fuerit in ilia bora id loquimiiii non enim estis uos loquentes sed BOtritua mnctus. selleS Sonne broker Sone broSer in deaSe 3 faeder Sone sunu 3 efne-arisaS Sa suno on Seem aldrum 12 tradet autem frater fratrem in mortem et pater filium et consurgent filii in parentes 3 miS-Mo deaSe fordoaS -r gecuoellas hia 3 gie biSon laS allum fore noma min seSe et morte adficient eos. 13 et eritis odio omnibws propter nomen meum qui uutedlice ge-Solias on ende Ses hal biS miSSy Sonne gie geseaS Sone wroht autem sustenuerit in finem hie saluus erit. 14 *Cum autem uideritis abominationem * 142. ui. mt. ccxluii. from-slittnise stondende Ser ne rises seSe redes oncnauaS Sonne SaSe in iudea sint flea* on desolationis stantem ubi non debet qui legit intellegat *Tunc qui in iudaea sunt fugiant in • 143. a. lu. ccuiiii. 1 • ecliii. muntum 3 seSe ofer hrof ne of-stiges adune in hus ne ingaes fte geniomme mt- ccxluiii. montes. 15 et qui super tec[t]um non desceudat in domum nee introeat ut tollat huselc-huoego of hus his 3 seSe on lond biS ne eft gecerres on baecg to niommanne woede quid de domo sua. 16 et qui in agro erit non reuertatur retro tollere uestimentum his wae uutedlice S*m berendum 3 foedendum in Saim daguwi suum. 17 *Uae autem pregnantibus et nutrientibws in illis diebus. • 144. ii. lu. ccliiii. mt. ccxluiiii. 8. arisaS forSon cynn ofer cynne 3 rice ofer rice 3 bioSon eorSu hroemisse Serh stowe 3 hungur 4* . . . fruma werc-sare Sas 9. giseas Sonne -r'bihaldas iowih solfa hise sellaS forSon iowih to gimoetinge 3 in somnunge ge bioSun giswenced 3 bifora under-cyniga {sic) 3 cynigum ge bioSun stondende fore mec on cySnisse him 10. 3 on allum cynnum serist girises to bodanne god-spell 11. 3 miS Sy gilasdes iowih to sellanne nallas ge bodiga-tSenca hwaet ge sprece ah Saotte said biS iow on Saer tide Saette gisprece ne forSon iow bioSon sprecende ah gas halga 12. seleS wutudli'ce broSer Sone broSer in deoS 3 faeder Sone suno 3 efne arisas Sa suno on Soem Eeldrum 3 to deaSe fordoas hia? 13. 3 ge bioSon laSe allum fora noma minum SeSe wutudhce giSoelgas on ende Ses hal biS. 14. miSSy Sonne ge giseaS Sone wroht from raonnum fromslitnisse stondende Ser ne riseS se Se redes oncnawes Sa Se Sonne in iudeam sindun fleas on muntas 15. 3 SaSe ofer hrof ne astigaS in hus ne ingoas fte nime hwelc hwoegnu of huse his 16. 3 seSe on londe biS ne eft gicerres to niomanne gi-wedo his 1 7. wae wutudlice Ssem berendum 3 foedendum in Soem dagum 106 18 biddaS -f Sis on wintra ne ge-wurSe; 19 Soplice on pam dagu»w beoS swylce gedrefednessa. swylce ne ge-wurdon. of frywzmSe paere gesceafte pe god gesceop. 0$ nu. ne na ne gewurpaS. 20 And gif drihten pas dagas ne ge- scyrte. nan flaesc ne wurde hal. ac for pam gecorenuws pe he ge-ceas he ge-scyrte pa dagas ; 21 And gif eow hwylc segS witodlice her is crist. witodlice paer he is. ne gelyfe ge; 22 SoSlice lease cristas. 1 lease witegan arisaS. 1 wyrcaS fore-beacnu. to beswi- canne eac gif hit beon mseg pa ge-corenan ; 23 WarniaS eow. nu ealle ping, pe ic eow fore-saede. 24 ac on pam dagum aefter paere geswen- cednysse. brS sunne apeostrod. 3 se mona his beorhtnesse ne sylS 25 3 heofones steorran beoS feallende. 1 beoS astyrode pa megenu pe on heofonu7W synt ; 26 Donne geseoS hi mannes sunu cum- endne on ge-nipum mid myceluwa ma?gene 1 wuldre; 27 ponne sent he his englas 1 hi gaderiaS his gecorenan of feower windmw of eorpan heanesse op heofones heahnesse ; 28 LeorniaS an bigspell be pam fic- treowe. ponne his twi biS mearu. "} leaf beoS acennede. ge witon -p sumor is ge- hende. Various Headings. 18. A. ge-weorSe. 19. A. ge-drefednyssa. A. wurdon. A. B. fryniSe. A. ge-weor)>eonne; englas; gaderiaS ; ge-corenan ; windum ; eorJSan. 28. bispel ; Jionne ; byS ; leof ; acennede ; witan ; sumor. 107 gebiddas forSon -fte wintro ne sie biSon forSon dagas 8a costungo 18 *Orate uero ut hieme non fiant. 19 *Erunt enim dies illi tribulationis * H5. ui. mt. ccl. Suslico ♦ suaelce suelco ne woeron from fruma Saes sceaeftes Sone gesceop god wis nu sec ne lu. cclu. tales quales non fuerunt ab initio creaturae quam condidit dews usque nunc neque mt - ""• biSon 3 buta ge-scyrte Se drihten Sa dagas ne were hal eghwelc lichoma-tsenig monn ah fient. 20 *Et nisi breuiasset dominus dies non fuisset salua omnis caro. sed * 14 7- ">• mt. cclii. fore Saom geeorenum 8a geceas-tSa gecure ge-scyrdte 8a dagas propter electos quos elegit breuiauit dies. heono 8is is crist heono 8er ne gelefes gie -JS ecce hie est christm ecce illic ne credideritis. 3 8onne gif hua iuh cuoe8as 21 *Et tunc si quis uobis dixerit " 148 :.V.- ' lu. CC1111. mt. ecliii. arisaS forSon wiSer-tleaso cristo 3 22 *Exsurgent enim pseudo-cArisii et ■ 149. ui. mt. ecliiii. lease witgo 3 sella? beceno 3 fertino hi to gesuicanne gif msege wosa gee 8a gecoreno pseudo-prophete et dabunt signa et portenta ad seducendos si potest fieri etiam electos. iuih forSon gesea8 heono fore ic cuoe8 iuh alle ah in Seem dagum aefter gecostung 23 uos ergo uidete ecce praedixi uobis omnia. 24 *Sed in illis diebus post tribulationem * 15 °- »'■ r lu. ecluii. mt. ecluiii. Saerac ilea sunna biS ge-8iostrod 3 8e mona ne sele8 scinisse-Hecht his 3 8a steorras illam s61 contenebrabitur et luna non dabit splendorem suum. 25 et stellae heofnes bi8on of-fallende 3 maegna-t'maehto 8a8e sint in beofnum gestyred bi8on caeli erunt decidentes et uirtutes quae sunt in caelis mouebuntur. geseas sunu monnes cymmende on wolcnum miS majgne miclo 3 wuldre uidebunt filium hominis uenientem in nubimus cum uirtute multa et gloria. 3 Sonne 1 8a 26 *Et tunc 3 8a 27 et tunc * 151. ii. lu. ecluiii. mt. ccluiiii. sendes englas his 3 gesomnia8 8a gecoreno his of feower windura from hrof-r'hewR eardes wis mittet angelos suos et congregabit electos suos a quattuor uentis i. summo terrae usque to brearde4'to heannise heofnes ad summum caeli. from fiebeame sec -r Sonne leornas gie bispell miS-Sy uutedlice 28 & ficu autem discite parabolam cum iam telge f twigge his -1" Sees nesc biS 3 acenda biSon wutas gie -fte on neh-rin neawung sie ramus eius terner fuerit et nata fuerint folia cognoscitis quia in proximo sit sumer. aestas. 18. gibiddas forSon £te wintro ne sie Sas... iowre 4\.. 19. bioSon forSon dagas 8a costunges Suslico swelce ne werun from fruma Sasse giscoefte Sone giscop god wis nu ne ec bioSon 20. 3 buta giscyrte drihten dagas Sas ne were hal eghwelc lichoma ah for Seem gicornum 8a giceos giscyrte 8a dagas 21. 3 Sonne gif hwa iow cweSes heono Sis is crist heono Ser ne gelefas ge Seet 22. arisaS forSon wiSer-worde criste 3 wiSer- worde witgu 3 sellaS becun 3 fortina to giswicanne gif biS msehtig soSlice 8a gicornu 23. iowih forSon giseaS heono fore ic cweSo iow alle 24. ah in Ssem dagum aefter costunge dagona Sara ilera sunne biS giSiostrad 3 mona ne seleS leht his 25. 3 steorru heofnes bioSun of-fallende 3 maegen^msehte SaSe sindun on heofnum gistyred bioSun 26. 3 Sonne giseaS suno monnes cymende of wolcnum miS msegne micle 3 wuldre 27. 3 Sonne sendes englas his 3 gisomnas Sa gicornu his from feower windum from hrofe eorSo wis to briorde -r to heonisse heofnes 28. from ficbeom Sonne liornige bispell mi8Sy wutudlice telgu his hnisca bioSon 3 acende bioSon leof wutas ge fte neh-l'on neoweste se sumor 02 108 Des passio ge- byrag on tiwes (lasg on pare palm-wucan. 29 1 wite ge ponne ge bas Sing geseoS •p he is dura gehende ; 30 SoSlice ic eow secge ■f J?eos cneores ne gewit eerpam ealle J?as Sing gewurSon. 31 heofon D eorSe gewitaS. witodlice mine word ne ge-witaS ; 32 Be pam daege 1 j?aere tide nan mann nat. ne englas on heofone ne mannes sunu buton faeder ana ; 33 WarniaS J waciaS 3 gebiddaj? eow. ge nyton hwaenne seo tid ys ; 34 Swa se man aelj?eodilice ferde forlet his hus 1 sealde his J?eowu»ra £>aene anwald gehwylces weorces. 3 beode pam dure-wearde •f he wacige ; 35 Eornostlice wacigeaS ge nyton hwaen- ne pass huses hlaford cymS ; fe on aefen pe on midre nihte. pe on hancrede. pe on mergen. 36 pe laes he eow slapende gemete J>on»e he faeringa cymS ; 37 SoSlice -p ic eow secge eallum ic hit secge waciaS. CHAPTER XIV. 1 Qlofdice J?a stsfter twaw? daguwi waeron rO eastron 1 )>a sohton pa heah-sac- erdas 1 pa boceras hu hi hine mid facne namon 1 of-slogon; 2 Da cwaedon hi naes na on freols-daege pe lass J?aes folces gehlyd wurde ; Various Readings. 30. A. cneorys. A. ge-weor$an. 31. A. heofen. B. witaS [for 2nd ge-wita«]. 32. A. man. A. heofenum. 34. A. B. insert be after man. A. anweald; after which A. inserts J. A. duru-wearde; B. dure-warde. A. wacie. 35. A. waciaS. A. rnyddre. A. be omergen. 36. A. slae- pende. Cap. xiv. 1. A. hig. 2. A. B. lug. A. weorSe. 29 1 wite ge Jeanne ge bas bing ge-seoS baet he ys dure ge-hende. 30 SoSlice ic eow segge -p beos cneores ne ge-wit aer ban ealle bas bing ge-wurSen. 31 heofene 1 eorSe ge-witoS. witodlice mine word ne ge-witeS. 32 Be pam daige 1 bare tide nan man nat. ne engles on heofene ne mannes sunu buton faeder ane. 33 Warnied 1 wacieS 1 ge-byddaS eow ge nyten hwaenne sye tid is. 34 Swa se man pe aelbeodilice ferde. for- let his hus. "} sealde his beoweu bane an- weald ge-hwilces weorces. "i beode fam dureworde •$ he wacie. 35 Eomestlice wacieS. ge nyten hwaen- ne bas huses hlaford cymd. pe on aefen pe on midre nihte. pe on hancrede. be on morgen. 36 pe laes pe he eow slaepende ge-finde banne he faerenge cymS. 37 SoSlice -p ic eow segge. eallen ic hit segge wakieS. CHAPTER XIV. 1 Q^oSlice ba aefter twam dagen waeren rO eastren. 1 ba sohten ba heah-sacer- des 1 f>a boceres hu hyo hine mid facne namen 3 of-slogen. 2 pa cwseSen hy naes na on freols-daige by laes bas folces ge-hlyd wurSe. Various Readings. 29. ponne; dura. 30. paw; ge-wurfcon. 31. heofon; ge-witaS ; witeS. 32. dage ; englas ; heofone. 33. "WarniaS 3 waciafc ; nyte ; seo. 34. selpeodelice ; hit [for his]; Jjeowvm psene anwald; worces; dure-warde. 35. waciaS ; nyton hwanne ; cymS. 36. slapende ge-mete [jonne; faringa. 37. eallum; wacyaS. Cap. xiv. 1. dagum waeron eastron ; heah-sacerdas ; boceras ; namon. 2. cwaeden hyo ; frels-dage f>e ; }>8es, 109 sua sec gie miSSy gie geseas Sas wosa wutaS fte un-fearr -r on neh sie on durum . soSlice 29 sic et uos cum uideritis hsec fieri scitote quod in proximo sit in ostfs. 30 amen ic cuoeSo iuh -)5te ne gelioreS cneoreso Sios oSSoet alle Sas hia geworSe -r hia see dico uobis quoniam non transibit generatio haec donee omnia ista fiant. heofon 3 eorSo ofer-hlioras wordo watedlice mino ne oferhlioraS t Ne biSon gehliored 31 caelum et terra transibunt uerba autem mea non transibunt. Sonne Seem -r tid-rhuil ne senig wat autem illo uel hora nemo scit ne Sa englas in heofne neqwe angeli in caelo ne So sunu neque Alius from dsege 32* De die * XLlii. 152. ui. int. eclx. buta Se feeder nisi pater. geseaS gie wseccas 3 gebiddas ne wuto gie forSon hwoenne Sio tid sie 33 *Uidete uigilate et orate nescitis enim quando tempus sit. sua? Se monn seSe 34 tSicut homo qui ' fearr t longwoege gefoerde 4" ellSiodade forleort hus his 3 peregre profectus reliquit domum suam et 153. ui. mt. eclxiii. •f-154. ii. salde Srsellum his mseht-ronweaeld lu : cc ^ xu "i; dedit seruis suis potestatem 1 mt. eclxniiii. eghwoelces woerces 3 Seem doruorde cuius-que operis et ianitori behead -pte gewsehte praecipiat ut uigilet. huoenne se hlaferd huse cymes on efrntid i on middumnaeht quando dominus domus ueniat sero an media nocte gewaccas forSon nuutogie forSon 35 * Uigilate ergo nescitis enim * 155 -. ii - ° ° lu. clui. mt. eclxiiii. •r on uhte tid -ton honcroed Jr on aering fin galli cautu an mane. 3 miS-Sy gecymmes feerlice gemitteS iuih slepende 36 et cum uenerit repente inueniat uos dormientes. ■p soSlice iuh ic cuoeSo allum 37 quod autem uobis dico omnibws ic cuoeSo waeccas dico uigilate. CAP. XIV. wees viutedlice eastro setter twsem dogrum 3 sohton Sa heh-sacerdas 3 Sa uSuuto 1 *Erat autem pascha et azyma post biduum tEt quaerebant summi sacerdotes et scribae huu hine miS facne gehealdon -t mrchton hia gehalda 3 of-slogon t hia meehton of-slaa quomodo eum dolo tenerent et occiderent. * 156. lu. eclx. io. xx. xluiii. c v mt - eclxxiiii. forSon . 157 ui 2 dicebant enim mt. cclxiu. cuoedon ne on dsege haligum-tbserlice ne £ woenunge^eaSe maege styrenise geworSe Seem folce non in die festo ne forte tumuitus fieret populi. 29. swa 3 iowih miSSy ge giseas Sas wosa wutaS ge fte un-feor 4" neh se in durum 30. soS ic cweSo iow forSon Ne gi-lioreS cneoreswo Sios oSSset alle Sas gi-worSe 31. heofun 3 eorSo of-liores word wuludlice min ne gi-lioreS 32. from dsege Sonne Wutudlf'ce S[am] 3 tid 3 hwyl ne senig watt ne englas on heofne ne Se sunu buta Se feeder 33. giseas ge-wseccas 3 gibiddas ne wutun ge forSon hwoenne Sio tid sie 34. swa monn seSe feor gifoerde for-leort hus his 3 salde Srselum his msehte eghwelces werches 3 Seem dor-worde bibeodes Ssb (sip) -J5 he wseece 35. waeccas forSon ne wutun ge forSon hwenne drih/nes huses cumaS on efern-tid -r on midder nseht-ron uhtu-tid -r on honored i on merne 36. 3 miSSy cymeS . . . gimittes iowih slepende 37. -JSte soSlice iow ic cweSo allum ic cweoSo weeccas . Cap. XIV. 1. wbbs wutudlice eostru ... softer tweem dagum sohtun Sa heh-sacerdas 3 uS-wutu hu hise hine . . . giheoldun 3 ofslogun-tof-sla msehtun 2. cwedun forSon ne on dsege halgum ne f ge^woene -js meegs styrnisse giworSa in Seem folce 110 3 And ba se haelend waes on bethania on simones huse anes hreoflan 3 bar saet; pa com an wif 3 haefde hyre sealf-box deorwyrpes nardes. 3 tobrocenum sealf-boxe. ofer his heafod aget ; 4 Sume hit unwurSlice forbaeron. 3 be- twux him sylfum cwaedon ; For hwi waes bisse sealfe forspillednes geworden. 5 beos sealf mihte beon geseald to prim hund penegura. 3 beon bearfuw/ geseald. 3 yrsydon agen hi ; 6 Da cwaeS se haelend. laetaS hi hwi synt ge hire grame. god weorc heo on me worhte; 7 SoSlice symble ge habbaS bearfan mid eow. 3 powne ge wyllaS ge magon him teala don. me ge symble nabbaS ; 8 peos sealde ■p heo haefde. heo com to smyrianne minne lic-haman on byrgene ; 9 SoSlice ic eow secge swa hwar swa bis godspell gebodad brS. on eallu/n mid- dan-earde biS gebodod -p heo bis on his gemynde dyde ; 10 Da iudas scarioth -p is wibersaca. an of pam twelfum. ferde to pam heah-sacerd- wn ~p he hine belaewde ; 11 pa hi bis gehyrdon hi fahnodon 3 beheton him feoh to syllanne. 3 he smea- de hu he hine digellice sealde ; 12 And pam forman daege azimoruw. ba hi eastron offrodon. his leorning-cnih- tas him saedon. hwyder wylt bu -p we faron 3 gegearwian be. ■p 8u eastron ete ; Various Readings. 3. A. ageat. 4. A. unweorSlice. B. forbserun. A. betweox. A. for hwig. A. for-spyllednys. 5. A. 3 big yrsodon; B. Z yrsydun. A. on-gean. A. B. hig. 6. A. big. hwig synd ge byre yrre. 7. A. symle. B. taela. A. B. symle. 8. A. byrigenne. 9. A. B. godspel gebodod. A. bodod; B. gebodud. A. dyde on bis ge- mynde. 10. A. hine heom; B. hine him. 11. A. B. hig (twice). A. fagenedon. A. dygollice. 12. A. On [for And]. A. adzimorura. A. hig. B. wyltu [for wylt J>u]. B. farun. A. gegearwion. 3 and ba se haelend waes on bethania on symones huse anes hreofelen 3 baer saet. pa co?» an wif 3 haefde hire sealfe-box deorewur- Be nardes. 3 to-brokene sealf-boxe ofer his heafed aget. 4 Sume hit unwurdlice for-baeren. 3 be- tweoxe heom sylfen cwaeSen. for hwi waes bises sealfe for-spillednyss ge- worsen. 5 beos sealfe mihte beon ge-seald to brem hund panegen. 3 beon bearfen ge-seald 3 yrseden agen hy. 6 pa cw. se haelend. Lasted hyo hwi synde ge hire grame. god were hyo on me worhte. 7 SoSlice symble ge haebbed pearfen mid eow. 3 banne ge willed ge magen heom tiele don. me ge symble neebbeS. 8 .beos sealde -p hyo haefde. hyo com to smeriene minne lichame on berigenne. 9 So^lice ich eow segge swa hwaer swa bis godspell ge-boded byo on eallen midden- earde byS ge-boded -p hyo bis on his ge- minde dyde. 10 Da iudas scarioth ■p is wiSersace an of pam twelfen ferde to pam heah-sacerden ~p he hine heom be-leawde. 11 Da hyo bis ge-herden hyo fageneden 3 be-heton him feoh to syllene. 3 he smaig- de hu he hine digelice sealde. 12 And bam formen daige azimoruwz. ba hyo eastren ofFredon. his leorning-cnihtes him saiden hwider wilt bu ■p we faren. 3 ge-gaerewian be ■p bu eastren aete. Various Readings. 3. hreofolan ; hafde ; to-brocenum ; heafod ageat. 4. unwurSlice for-baren ; be-twux him sylfum cwsedon; Jiisses; for-spillednes ge-worden. 5. sealf; )>reom; penegum; f>earfum; yrsydon; hyo. 6. lateS; synt; weorc heo. 7. habba<5 (jeavfan ; )>onne; willaS; magon; symle nabbaS. 8. heo hafde; heo; smyrianne mine lichaman; byrigenne. $. hwar; godspel; byS ; eallum middan-earde biS ge bodud. 10. wi$er-saca; twelfum'; heah-sacerdujw; be-leewde. 11. ge-hyrdon hig fahnedon ; sillanne; smeade; digellice. 12. forman; eastron offrodon; sajdon; faran; ge-garewian; eastron ete. Ill 3 miS-Sy waes fflt bethanie in huse symones hreafes 3 gehlionade cuom sum wif haefde 3 *Et cum esset bethaniae in domo simonis leprosi et recumberet uenit mulier habens'^LIIil. lu. lxxiiii. strenne fBet full Sees smirinises Saes stences diorwyrSes 3 miS-Sy gebrocen webs \>tet stan fait to-doBlde-tagaett >«• xcuiii. alabastrum ungenti nardi spicati praetiosi et fracto alab[a]stro effudit mt- cc xxul ' ofer heafud his woeron uutedlice sume hia bulgon t unwyrSe saegdon-rbituih him seolfuwi 3 super caput eius. 4 erant autem quidam indigne ferentes intra semet ipsos et cuoedon to huon losuist Sios smirinisse aworden wees 4" is maehte forSon smirinis Sios dicentes ut quid perditio ista ungenti facta est. 5 poterat enim unguentum istud begeatta forSor mara Sriim hundraSum scillingum 3 sealla Sorfendum 3 bifgedon k on hea se bsclereti ueniri plus quam trecentis denariis et dari pauperibws et fremebant in earn. 6 iesws cuoeS for-letas hia huaed hir hefigo gie sint god woerc wyrcenda waes on mec symble autem dixit sinite earn quid illi molesti estis bonum opus operata e3t in me. 7 semper forSon Sorfendo gie habbaS miS iuih 3 miS-Sy gie wellae gie raagon him woel doe meh uuterfftce ne enim pauperes habetis uobis-cum et cum uolueritis potestis illis bene facere me autem non syrale gie habbaS -pte haefde Sios dyde fore-cuom to smiriane lic-homa min on bebyrgennise semper habetis. 8 *Quod habuit haec fecit praeuenit ungere corpus meum in sepulturam. "J*^™ 1 ^ _ mt. eclxxuii. soSlice ic saego iuh sua-huer geboden sie k biS godspell Sis in alluw middangearrfe 9 amen dico uobis ubicumqwe praedicatum fuerit euangelium istud in uniuersuwi mundo 3 f dyde Sios asaegd biS on gemynd hire 3-taec iuSas scarioft's an frowz Saem tuoelfum et quod fecit haec narrabitur in memoriaw eius. 10 *Et iudas scariotis unus de duodecim * 160 ; '!:. » lu. cclxm. mt. eclxxuiii. foerde to Saem heh-sacerdum f te beleede hine Saem. SaSe geherdon gel'eando woeron 3 abiit ad summos sacerdotes ut proderet eum illis. 11 qui audientes gauisi sunt et fore-gehehton him feh f te hia sealla walldon 3 sohte huu hine teaslicor gesealla maehte 3 promiserunt ei pecuniam se daturos et querebat quomodo ilium oportune traderet. 12 et se forma daege Saere daerstana Sonne t huoeune eostro asaegcas t ageafaS cuoedon & cuoeSaS him Sa Segnas primo die azymorum quando pasclia immolant dicunt ei discipuli hwidder waelleSu f we gae 3 gegearwiga we Se -)5te Su gebrucca eastro quo uls eamus et paremus tibi ut mauduces pascha. 3. 3 miSSy waes in bethania in huse . . . groefa 3 gihlionade com wif haebbende stan-faet ful Saere smirnisse Saes stenches Siorwyrdes 3 miSSy gibroecen waes Saet steenna feet todaelde-tageott ofer heofud his 4. weron wutudu'ce sume hia bulgun -tunwyrSne seegdun bitwih him solfum 3 cwedun to whon losewiste Sios smirnisse aworden waes 5. maehte forSon smirnisse Sios wosa mara Sonne Srim hundredum peninga 3 sella Sorfendum 3 bigedon on hiae 6. Se \\ve\end soSlice cwaeS forletas hire hwaet hir hefge ge sint god were wyrcende waes on mec 7. symle forSon Sarfo ge habbas iowih mis 3 miSSy ge welle ge magun Saem wel doa mec wutudh'ce ne symle habbas 8. Saette habbe Sios dyde fore com to smiranne lichoma minne to bibyrgnisse 9. soSlice ic saego iow swa hwer giboden sie k biS god-spell Sis in allum middengeorde 3 fte Sios dyde asaegd biS on gimynd hire 10. 3 iudas scarioth an of twelfum feorde to Seem heh-sacerdom -pte bilede hine Saem 11. SaSe herdura gifeonde werun 3 fore gihehtun him feh Saette hieB waldun sella 3 sohtun hu hiae hine hu he hine {sic) gesella maehte 12. 3 se forma daege Saera eostruna Sonne k hwoenne eostru asaegas cwedun him Sa Segnas hwaet wyltu Saet we gse 3 georwige Se f Su gibrucce eostru 112 13 Da sende he twegen of his leorning- cnihtum 3 saede him ; Ga$ on ba ceastre 1 inc agen yrnft. sum man berende sume wseter-flaxan ; FolgiaS him ; 14 1 swa hwyder swa he inn-gaeS secgaS baes huses hlaforde; Vre lareow secgS. hwar is min gyst-hus. 1 min gereord. hwar ete ic eastron. mid minu/« leorning-cnih- tum ; 15 And he inc geswutelaS mycele healle gedaefte. 1 ge-ge-earwiaS us para ; 16 pa ferdon his leorning cnihtas ] comon on ba ceastre. 1 fundon hit eall swa he saede. 1 ge-gearwodon ba eastron ; 17 SoSlice ba aefen com. him twelfum mid him 18 sittenduw 1 etenduw saede se haelend; SoSlice ic eow secge ~p eower an be mid me yt gesylS me ; 19 Da ongunnon hi beon dreorige 3 be- twux him cweSan. cwyst bu eom ic hit ; 20 pa saede he him. an of eow twelfum me sylS. se Se his hand on disce mid me dypS; 21 And witodlice mannes sunu gaeS swa be him awriten is. wa pam menu Jmrh bone be mannes sunu geseald biS. betere him waere -p se mann acenned naere ; 22 Him ba etenduw? afeng se haelend hlaf 3 hine bletsiende braec. 1 sealde him 3 bus cwaeS. nimaS. Sis ys min lichama. Various Readings. 13. A. B. fjas [for J>a]. A. ongean. 14. A. in-gaeS. A. segS. 15. A. ge ge-gearwiafc. 16. A. fundon eall swa he hyt heom saede. 18. A. ytt. 19. A. hig. A. dreorie. A.be-tweox. 21. A. C. men. A. man. 22. A. onfeng. A. bletsigende. 13 pa sende he twegen of his leorning- cnihten ] saeden heom. GaS on bas cestre 3 ginc agen yrnS sim man berende sume waeter-flaxan. FolgieS him. 14 3 swa hwider swa he ingaS segged bas huses hlaferde. Ure lareow saegS hwaer is min gyst-hus "i min ge-reord. hwaer aete ic eastren mid minen leorning-cnih- ten. 15 And he inc ge-swutele<5 micele halle ge-befte. 1 ge-gerewiaS us bare. 16 ba ferden his leorning-cnihtes 1 comen on bare cestre 3 funden hit eall swa he saig- de. 3 ge-garewedon ba eastren. 17 SoSlice ba aefen com heo»? twelf mid him. 18 sittende. 1 etende saede se haelend. SoSlice ic eow segge. ~p eower an be mid me aet ge-syld me. 19 ba ongunnen hio beo dreorige. 1 be- twuxe heom cwaeSen. cwedst bu eom ic hit. 20 Da saede he heom. an of eow twelfen me sylS. Se be his hand on disce mid me dypd. 21 iEnd witodlice mannes sune gaS swa be hym awriten is. Wa ba/ra men burh bane be manues sune beoS ge seald. betere hym waere -p se man akenned naere. 22 Heom ba aetende afeng se haelend hlaf. 1 hine bletsiende braec. 1 sealde heom 1 pus cwaeS. nymed bis is min lichame. Various Readings. 13. leorning-cnihtas ; saede; ceastre; inc; Folgiafc. 14. secgefc (jaes; hlaforde; segS; ete; eastron; minum leorning- cnihtum. 15. gedaefte; ge-gearwiaS; f>ara. 16. ferdon; leorning-cnihtas ; comon ; >a ceastre ; fundon ; saegde ; ge- garewodon; eastron. 17. efen; twelfum. 18. sittendum 3 etendum; ett ge-sylfc. 19. on-gunnon ; beon ; be-twux; cwyfcst; eon [for eom]. 20. eom; twelfumj dypS. 21. And; Jx>ne; acenned. 22. etende; halend; nymad ; lichama. 113 3 sende tuoege from Segnum his 3 cuoeS him -Ho Stem gaaS in ccastre 3 togeaegn-iornaS iuh 13 et mittit duos ex discipulis suis et dicit eia ite in ciuitate et occurrit uobis monn ombor full waetres beres fylgeS him homo laguenaw aquae baiulans sequimini eum. 3 swa-huidder inn-geongee cuoeSas drihtne 14 et quocumqwe introierit dicite domino hus forSon Se laruu cuoeS Ser is riordung rnin Ser eastro miS Segnum milium ic waslle brucca t eatta domus quia magister dicit ubi est refectio mea ubi pascha cum discipulis meis manducem. 3 Se ilea iuh aad-eawas rcord-hus swiSe-lrnicel song + bedd 3 Ser gearuas us 3 15 et^ipse uobis . demonstrabit cenaculum grande stratum et illic parate nobis. 16 et eadon Segnas his 3 cuomon in ceastre 3 gemoetton suae cuseS to him 3 ge-gearwadon abierunt discipuli eius et uenerunt in ciuitate et inuenerunt sicut dixerat illis et parauerunt eastro efrn uutedlice warS cuom mi* tuoelfnm pascha 17 *Uespere autem facto uenit cum duodecim. 3 Sicgendum miS him 18 et discumbentibws cum eis * Ml. Hii. io. lxxii. exxi. int. eclxxuiiii. 3 etendum cuoeS se hailend soSlice iuh -pte an of iuh mee seleS seSe attics et manducantibus ait iesws amen dico uobis quia unus ex nobis me tradet qui manducat mec m[iS] mecum. cuoeS him an of Seem tuoelfum seSe onhran mec miS on disc ait illis unus ex duodecim qui intingit mecum in catino. soS Sa-thia ongunnon unrotsia 3 cuoeSa him swyndria hueSer ic see f seSe 19 *At illi coeperunt contristari et dicere ei singillatim numquid ego. 20 tQui * 162. i. lu. eclxuiiii. io. exxii. mt eclxxx. 3 sunu sec soS monnes j. J63. ii. 21 et iilius quidem hominis lu- cclxuiu. mt. eclxxxi. geongaS sua awritten is of him k from hine wee Sonne menn Saem Serh Sone sunu monnes gesald bis uadit sicut scribtum est de eo uae autem homini illi per quern nlius bominis traditur betra-rgod is him gif ne were geboren monn Se *Bonum est ei si non esset natus homo ille. ettendum him onfeng se hmXend 22 tEt manducantibws illis accepit iesus, hlaf 3 bloedsade gebraec 3 sealde him 3 coed onfoas Sis is lichoma min panem et benedicens fregit et dedit eis et ait sumite hoc est corpus meum. • 164. ui. mt. eclxxxii. f 165. i. lu. eclxui. io.lu.lxiii.lxu. mt. eclxxxiiii. 13. 3 sende twoege of Segnum his 3 cwaeS him gaas in caestre 3 on-gaegn iomeS iow mon ombor fulne wsetres beres fylgaS him 14. 3 swa hwider in-gonge cweoSas drihtne h\is forSon Se larow cwaeS hwer is riorde min hwer eostru miS Segnum minum his (sic) ic wyllo brucca 15. 3 Se ilea iow set-eoweS riord-hus swiSe micel ...3 Ser georwigas us 16. 3 eodun Segnas his 3 comun in caestre 3 gimoettun swa cwaeS him 3 georwaduu eostru 17. efern wutudlj'ce warS com miS twelfum 18. 3 miS-Siccendum him 3 etendum cwaeS Se hseltf/id soS ic cweSo iow forSon an of iow mec seleS seSe eteS mec miS 19. soS Sa -r hia ongunnun unrotsiga 3 cweoSa to him syndrige ah hit sie ic 20. seSe cwbbS him an of Saam twelfum seSe on-hran mec miS on disce 21. 3 sunu ec soSl/ce monnes gees swa awriten is of him wae Sonne menn Saem Serh Sone sunu monnes gi-sald biS god k betre is him gif ne were acenned mon Se 22. 3 etendum him onfeng Se hse\end hlaf 3 bletsade cwaaS braec 3 salde him 3 cwoaS onfoas Sis is lic-homa min 114 23 3 onfeng calice. 3 gode pancas dyde 1 sealde him. 1 ealle him ofdruncon ; 24 pa saede he him. Sis ys min blod paere niwan cySnesse •$ biS for manegu/ra agoten ; 25 SoSlice ic eow secge •$ ic heonon forS ne drince of pyses wingeardes cynne. oS pone daeg ponne ic hine niwne drince on godes rice ; 26 And gecwedenum lofe hi ferdon on ele-bergena munt ; 27 Da cwaeS se haelend. ealle ge beoS geuntreowsode on pisse nihte. forpaw? pe hit awriten is. ic slea paene hyrde "i beon pa seep to-dra?fede ; 28 Ac aefter para pe ic arise, ic cume beforan eow on galileam ; 29 pa saede petrus him. peah Se ealle swicion ne swicige ic pe na ; 30 Da cwebS se haelend ; Soplice ic pe secge. •$ Su on pisse nihte aer hana tuwa crawe. priwa wiS-saecst min. 31 } he paes Se mare sprsec. 1 peah me ge-byrige mid pe to sweltene. ne aet-sace ic pin. 3 swa hi cwaedon ealle ; 32 pa comon hi to anuw* tune pees nama waes gezemani. 1 he cwaeS to his leorning- cnihton ; SittaS her oS •$ ic me gebidde ; 33 And he nam pa mid him petruw J iacobuw? 7 iohanne/w. pa ongan he forhtian 1 sargian Various Readings. 24. A. om. he. C. om. niwan. A. cySnysse. 25. A. heonen. 26. A. B. C. hig. 27. A. J>one. B. C. beoS. B. C. sceap. 30. A. inserts se before hana. 31. A. B. C. sweltanne. A. hig. 32. A. hig. A. giedzemani. A. leorning-cnyhtum; B. C. leorning-cnihtum. 23 !I onfeng calice 3 gode pances dyde. 3 sealde heom. 3 ealle heon ofdruncen. 24 Da saide he heom pis is min blod pare nywe cySnissan. f beoS for manigen agoten. 25 SoSlice ic eow segge -p ic henen forS ne drince of pises win-geardes kynne. oSSe panne daig panne ic hine neowe drince on godes rice. 26 iEnd ge-cweSenen lofe hyo ferdon on ele-bergene munt. 27 pa cw se haelend ealle ge beoS ge- untreowsede on pisse nihte. for pam pe hit awriten is. ic slea panne heorde. 3 beoS pa seep to-draefde. 28 Ac aefter pan pe ic arise ic cume be-foren eow. on galilea. 29 pa saide petrus him. peah pe ealle swician. ne swicige ic pe na. 30 Da cwaeS se haelend. SoSlice ic pe segge. -p pu on pisen nihte aer coc twewe craewe preowe wiS-saecst min. 31 1 he paes pe mare spaec. 1 pah me ge-berige mid pe to sweltene. ne aet-sace ic pin. 1 swa hyo cwaeSen ealle. 32 Da comen hyo to anen tune pas nama waes getsemani. 7 he cwaeS to his leorning- cnihten. SitteS her oS ~p ic me ge-bidde. 33 "J he nam \>a. mid him petruw ") iaco- buw. 1 iohannem pa on-gan he forhtigen 1 sarigen. Various Readings. 23. >ancas ; of-druncan. 24. sasgde ; eom ; niwan ; bi« ; manegum. 25. henon ; cynne ; ofc \>onne ; fjomu- ; nywe. 2fi. ge-cweSenuwj ; bergena. 27. ge-untreow- sode ; j>onno ; sceap to-droefede. 28. |>am ; be-foran ; galileam. 29. ssegde. 30. (jissura ; hana twuwa crawe 31. sprtec; |ieah ; gebyrige; sweltane. 32. [jriwa. comon ; anum • 33. forhtian 5 sarigian price ; peau ; geuynge; sweuane. oz. ; gezemani; leorning-cnihton. SittaS. 115 3 miS-Sy onfeng Saem calic Soncungo dyde salde him 3 gedruncon of Saem alle 3 23 *Et accepto calice gratias agens dedit eis et biberunt ex illo omnes. 24 et • 166. ii. lu. cclxui[i]. cuoeS him Sis ic bl6d min niwes cySnises seSe fore monigum agotten biS i todaeled biS ait illis hie ' est sanguis meus noui testamenti qui pro multis effunditur soSlice ic cuoeSo iuh f-te soSlice ne driuco ic of cynn wingeardes wis •? oSS on daege Sone f Seem 25 amen dico uobis quod iam non bibam de genimine uitis usqwe in diem ilium miSSy _ ■£ ic drinco niwe in ric godes 3 miS sua cuoednum wordum Sona foerdon on mor cum illud bibam nouum in regno dei. 26 *Et hymno dicto exierunt in montem " XLV. J 167. ui. mt. eclxxxui. oelebeama 3 cuoeS him se haelewa alle gie biSon geondspyrnad-l'todrifeno in naeht Sas forSon oliuarum. 27 *Et ait eis iesus omnes scandalizabimini in nocte ista tQuia * 168. iiii. io. clii. mt. eclxxxuii. awritten is -r wses ic Serhslae •}" hrino tone hiorde 3 tostrogden biSon 8a scipo ah aefter-Son Se + 169. ui. scribtum est percutiam pastorem et dispargentur oues. 28 sed postea quam mt- cclxxxuiii ' ic ariso ♦ arisen beom befora ic cymo iuh on galilea i . geleornise petrw# Sonne cuoeS him surrexero praecedam uos in galilseam. 29 *Petrus autem ait ei * 170. i. y lu. eclxxu. io. exxui. 3 gif -t *£eh alle geondspyrnad see-tbiSon ah + hwoeSre ncefre ic-tne ic 3 cuoeS him se hai\end nit.cclxxxuiiii. etsi omnes scandalizati fuerint sed non ego. 30 et ait illi iesws soSlice ic cuoeSo Se fte Su todaeg on nseht Siser aer Son tuiga se hona stefne gesella Sria mec amen dico tibi quia tu hodie in nocte hac priusquam bis gallus uocem dederit ter me Su bist onsaecc soS he forSor t mara gespraec i sprecend waes 3 gif4*3 Saeh ic scile i becyme mec 6a negaturus. 31 *At ille amplius loqwebatur etsi oportuerit me*l7l.ui. mt. cexc. aedgeadre f ic efne-gesuelta Se ne Sec onsaecco ic gelic soSlice aec-t 3 alle hia gecuoedon 3 simul commori tibi non te negabo similiter autem et omnes dicebant 32 *Et * *7 2 - »• lu. eclxxuiiii. io. clui. cuomonl' on -p lond Se is genemned predium Seem is noma -p is on ebrisc 3 cuoeS Saegnum his sittas mt. cexci. ueniunt in praedium cui nomen gesemani et ait discipulis suis *Sedete * '73 «t mt. cexcii. her oSSaet-l'Sa huil ic gebidde 3 to-genom petrwn 3 iacob 3 iohannem mi* 3 ongann hie donee orem. 33 et adsumit petrum et iacobum et iohannen secum et coepit forhtiga 3 16ngiga pauere et taedere. 23. 3 on-feng Saem calice Soncunde dyde salde him 3 gidruncun of Saem alle 24. 3 cwaeS him Sis is blod min niowe cySnisse seSe fore monigum agoten biS 25. soS ic cweSo iow -JSte soSlice ne drinco ic of cynne wingeordes oS to daege Saem miS-Sy Saet ic drinco niowe in rice godes 26. 3 miS swa cwednum Sona foeordun on mor oele-beomes 27. 3 cwaeS him Se haelend alle ge bioSun onspyrned on naeht Sisser forSon awriten is ic Serh-slae * hrino Sone hiorde 3 to-stencud biS Saet ede 28. ah aefter Son Se ic arisu bifora ic cymo iowih in galileam 29. ... wutudh'ce cwaeS ... 3 gif[-t]Seh alle onspyrnisse sie ah ne ic aefre 30. 3 cwsbS him Se h&lend soS ic cweSo Se Saette Su to daBge in naeht Sisser aerSon Sonne hona stefne giselle Srige me Su bist onssecen 31. 3 soS he forSor mara gisprecun (sic) 3 gif-t'Seh ic scile bicuma mec aetgedre fte ic swelte miS Se ne Se onsaeco ic gilice soSlice 3 alle cwedun 32. 3 comon on Saet lonSe is nemned predium Saem noma is on ebrisc 3 cwaeS to Segnum his sittas her oSSa Sa hwile ic gibidde me 33. 3 to-ginom petrus 3 . . . 3 . . . miS 3 ongan forhtiga 3 longiga • P2 ne 34 1 saede him ; Unrot is min sawl o'S deaS. gebidaS her 3 waciaS ; 35 Da he lyt-hwon forS-stop he astrehte hine ofer pa eorSan. D he baed. gif hit beon mihte -p he on paere tide ham him gewite ; 36 And pa cwaeB he. abba. ~p is faeder on ure gepeode. ealle ping pe synt mihtig- lice. afyrr pysne calic fraw me ac na -p ic wylle ac -p pu ; 37 pa com he 1 funde hi slaepende. 3 cwaeS to petre; Simon, slaepst pu. ne mihtest Su ane tide wacian. 38 waciaS 1 gebiddaS -p ge on costnunge ne gan. witodlice se gast is gearu. ac "p flassc is untruw? ; 39 And eft he ge-baed pa ylcan sprEece. 40 3 pa he hine eft agen bewende. he funde hi slzepende. hyra eagan waeron ge- hefegode 3 hi nyston hwaet hi him 3sware- don; 41 Da com he priddan siSe 3 saede him. slapaS nu "i restaS genoh hit ys. tima ys cutnen nu is mannes sunu geseald on syn- fulra handa ; 42 Arisap. uton gan. nu is gehende se Se me sylft ; 43 Him pa Sa gyt sprecenduw? com ludas scarioth. -p ys wipersaca. an of pam twelf- um. 1 mid him mycel menegeo mid swurd- um 1 mid sahluw?. fra»? heah-sacerdu/w. bocerum 1 ealdruw? ; Various Headings. 34. A. sawel ; B. saul. C. gebiddaX. 36. A. B. C. mihtelice. A. afyr. 37. A. hig. A. tyd. 39. B. C. space. 40. A. on-gean. A. B. C. hig. A heora. A. hig (twice). 42. B. utun. 43. A. msonigeo. A. sweordum. A. B. C. insert 7 be/ore bocerum. 34 3 saede heom. Vnrot is min sawle odSe deaS ge-biddeS her 1 wakieS. 35 Da he lithwon forS-stop. he astrehte hine ofer pa eorSan 3 ge-bsed. gyf hit beon mihte. p he on pare tide fram him ge-wite. 36 3 pa cw. he, abba, ■p is fader on ure ge-peode alle ping pe sende mihtilice afyrre pisne calic fram me. ac na j> ic wille ac ■p pu. 37 Da com he 3 funde hyo slaepende. 3 cwaeS to petre. Simon slaepst pu. ne miht- est pu ane tide wacien. 38 wacieS 3 ge-biddaS p ge on costnunge ne gan. witodlice se gast is geare. ac p flaesc is untrum. 39 And eft he ge-baed pa ylcen spasce. 40 3 pa he hine eft agen be-wende. he funde hyo slaspende. heore eagen waeren ge-hefegede. 3 hyo nyston hwaet hyo him andswereden. 41 pa com he Sriddan siSe. 3 saede heom slaepeS nu 3 rested ge-noh hit is. time is cumen nu is mannes sune ge-seald on synfulre hande. 42 arised uten gan. nu is ge-hende se pe me syld. 43 him pa pe gyt spraecende com iudas scarioth ■p is wiSer-saca. an of pam twelf- en. 3 mid him mycel manige. mid sweord- en 3 mid sahlen. fram heah-sacerden 3 bokeren 3 ealdren. Various Readings. 34. sawul ; waciaS. 35. eoriSen. 36. synde. 37. wacian. 38. waciaS ; f>et [for f] ; gearu. 39. ylcan spaece. 40. hyra eagan wseron geheofogode ; andsware- don. 41. restaS ; tima; synfullra handa. 42. ArisaJS uton; sylS. 43. sprecendem (.sic); twelfuwi; menigeo; sweordum; sahlum; heah-sacerdum ; bocerum; ealdrum. 117 3 cuoe8 him-r'Saem un-r6dt is sawel min oSS-rwiS to deaSe ge-Soligas-l' her 3 waeocas 34 *Et ait illis tristi8 est anima mea usque ad mortem sustinete hie et uigilate. • 174. iiii. io. cuii. ml. cexciii. 3 miS8y waes faerende i foerde huon fore-feoll on-rofer eorSu 3 gebaedd -r waes biddend £te gif wosa 35 *Et cum processiset paululum proeidit super terram et orabat ut si fieri * 175. i. lu. eclxxxi. io. clxi. maehte ofer -J - bileorade from him -r hine Sio tid J cuoeS la heh faeder alle Se maehtiglii posset transiret ab eo hora. 36 et dixit abba pater omnia tibi sint-tsindon alle in Sinum maeht oferferig-rbi-leore calic Siosne from mec ah ne -p-te ic willo possibilia sunt transfer calicem hunc a me *Sed non quod ego uolo "* lu. eclxxxi i. io. luii. xlii. •p-te Su waellao 3 cuom 3 gemittae hea sleppende 3 cuoeS to petre la simon Su slepes ne mt ccxcu - quod tu 37 et uenit et inuenit eos dormientes et ait petro simon dormis non maehtes $11 an huil gewaeccaB potuisti una hora uigilare. wacccas 3 gebiddas -p-te ne ingae in costunge se gaast 38 *Uigilate et orate ut non intretis in temtationem tSpiWaete 8u welle 37. 3 com 3 infand hae slepende 3 cwaeS to petre la simon 8v slepes ne maehttes 8u ane tide giwaecca 38. waeccas 3 gi-biddas -pte ne in-gae in costunge Se gast wutud&'ce georo is Se lic-homa Sone un-trymig 39. 3 efter sona from eode 3 gi-baBd Saot ilee word cweSende 40. 3 eft gicerde niowunga in-uand hiae slepende werun forSon egu hiora pislico -r heflgo 3 ne wistun hwaet scealdun 3worda him 41. 3 com Sirdan siSe 3 cwaeS him slepas ge 3 restas wel magun cyomeS Sio tid heonu gisald biS sunu monnes in honda synn-fullum 42. arisas gaa we heono seSe mec seleS neh is 43. 3 Sa geona him sprecende com iudas Se scariothisca an of Saem twelfum 3 miS him Sreotas monige miS swordum 3 stencgum sendend (sic) from heh-sacerdum 3 from uSwutum 3 from aeldrum 118 44 SoSlice his laewa him tacen sealde ~i J7us cwaeS ; Swa hwylcne swa ic cysse he hit is. nimaS 1 lsedaS hine waerlice. 45 1 sona swa he com he ge-nealaehte him to "J cw. lareow. ] cyste hine. 46 1 hi hyra handa on hine wurpon. 1 namon hine ; 47 SoSlice an of pam pe Sar embe-uton stodon his swurde abraed 1 sloh paes sacerdes peow. 1 his eare of acearf ; 48 J>a cwaeS se haelend hi»i !!swariende; Swa swa to anum sceaSan ge ferdon mid swurdon 1 treowuwi me gefon. 49 ponwe ic daeghwamlice mid eow waes on temple laerende "i ge me ne namon. ac •p" pa gewritu syn gefyllede ; 50 Da forleton his leorning-cnihtas ealle hine 3 flugon ; 51 Sum iungling him fyligde mid anre scytan bewaefed nacod 1 hi namon hine; 52 Da aworpenre paere scytan nacod he him fram fleah ; 53 And hi laeddon paene heelend to pam heah-sacerde. 1 comon ealle sacerdas. 3 bo- ceras "i ealdras togaedere ; 54 Petrus him fyligde feorran op Saes heah-sacerdes cafertun 3 he saet mid paw Senum 1 wyrmde hine aet pam fyre ; 55 J>a heah-sacerdas sohton "i eall gepeaht. tale agen pone haelend. -p hi hine to deaSe sealdon "i hi ne fundon ; Various Readings. 46. A. hig heora. 47. A ymbe-utan ; B. C. embe-utan. C. stodan. A. sweorde. 48. A. 3swarigende. A. sweor- dum. 51. A. fylgde. A hig. 53. A. hig. A. {>one 54. A. fylgde. 55. B. C. sohtun. A. on-gean. A. hyg ; B.C. hig. A. deSe. A. B. C. hig. 44 SoSlice his laewa heom taken sealde 3 pus cwaeS. Swa hwilcne swa ic kysse. se hit ys nymeS "i laedeS hine waerlice. 45 1 sone swa he com he ge-nehlacte hine to 1 cwaeS. Lareow ; "i cyste hine. 46 1 hyo heore hande on hine wurpen 1 namen hine. 47 SoSlice an of pam pe paer embe-uten stoden his sweord abraed. 1 slog pas sacerd- es peow. 1 his eare of acarf. 48 Da cwaeS se haelend heom and-swer- iende. Swa swa to anen scaeSan ge ferden mid sweorden 1 treowen me ge-fon. 49 Jeanne ic daig-hwamlice mid eow waes on temple laerende 3 ge me namen. ac ~p pa ge-write syen ge-fellde. 50 Da for-leten his leorning cnihtes ealle hine 1 flugen. 51 Sum gungling him fylgde mid ane scytan be-waefed nacod. 1 hy name hine. 52 -p weerpendre pare scete nacod he heom fram fleah. 53 ^ hy laedden J?anne haelend to pam heah-sacerde send comen ealle pa sacerdes. aend bokeres. "i ealdres. to-gaedere. 54 Petrus heom felgede ferren 0*8 pas heah-sacerdes caefertun. and he set mid pam penum 3 wermden hine aet pam fyre. 55 Da heah-sacerdas sohten 1 eall ge- peaht. tale agen panne haelend. -p hyo hine to deaSe sealden ") hyo ne fundon. Various Readings. 44. tacen; cysse; he; nymafc. 45. sona; ge-neah- tehte. 46. hyore ; wurpon ; namon. 47. -uton stodon ; acearf. 48. anum sceaSan ; ferdon ; sweordon ; treowum. 49. Jjonne; da?g-hwamlice ; syn gefyllede. 50. for-leoton; flugon. 51. iungling; fyligde; be-wafed; hyo namon; 52. aworpenre ; scytan. 53. hyo ; }ionne ; comon ; MS. R. omits )>a before sacerdes ; boceras ; to-gadere. 54. fy- ligde feorran; sacerdas cafertun; sset; wyrmde. 55. sohton; |>onne; sealdon. 119 webs saldend t gesalde Sonne se sellend his becon & taco him cuoeSende Sone suahuoelc i 3 miSSy cyssennde 44 *Dederat autem traditor eiu8 signum eis dicens quem-cumque osculatus * ic beom \ ic see his is haldas hine -t Sone 3 wserlice geleedaS fuero ipse est tenete earn et caute ducite. geneolecde to him cuoeS la laruu 3 eyssende wses hine cedens ad eum ait rabbi et osculatus est eum. 3 miS-Sy gecuome recone to- 45 et cum uenisset statim ac- so? Sa ilco honda gewurpon on hine 46 at illi manus iniecerunt in eum hi. cclxxxui. mt. ccci. 7 gehealdon Sene-Hiine ah Sonne -tSa summ monn of Ssera ymbstondendum oflsede 4" ataeh -JS suord et tenuerunt eum. 47 *Unus autem quidam de circum-stantibus educens gladium * 183. i. la. cclxxxuii. io. clx. slog esne t SrsBl heh-sacerdas 3 gesnaS i tocearf him 4" Ssem Sa earelipprica 3 onsuserede mt. cccii. percussit seruum summi sacerdotis et amputauit illi auricula. 48 *Et respondens * 1*4.1 r * lv. cclxxxmni. io. clxx. se hselend cuoeS Ssem 4 1 him allsuse to Seafe gie foerdon miS suordum 3 stenguwi to gefoanne 4" to la3C- mt. ccciiii. iesws ait illis tamquam ad latronewi existis cum gladiis et lignis comprehen- canne mec Eeghuelc dsege ic wses miS iuh in tempel lserend 3 ne meh gehealdon ah -pte dere me. 49 cotidie eram apud uos in templo docens et non me teuuistis sed ut f hia woero gefylled writto adimpleantur scribturse. Sa Segnas his forleorton 4" forletendo alle geflugon 50 *Tunc discipuli eius relinquentes eum omnes fugerunt ■ 185. ui. ging esne Sonne Xuutedlice sum gefylgede him gegearuad -J - ymbgyrded miS ofer^on 51 *Adulescens autem quidam seqwebatur eum amictus sindone super • 186. x. nacod 3 gehealdon hine nudo et tenuerunt eum. soS he miSSy forwarp 4" nacod fore-flseh from Ssem 52 at ille reiecta sindone nudu8 profugit ab eis. 1 to-leeddon Sone hselenrf 53 *Et adduxerunt iesum to ad Ssem summum heh-sacerd sacerdotewi 3 efne-gecuomon alle et conueniunt omnes Sa sacerdas 3 sacerdotes et ■ 187. i. lu. ccxc. io. clxii. wiS on worSe clxiiii. usque in atrium m V<, c „ cc — * * 188. mi. io. clxiiii. Sses heh-sacerdas 3 gessett t sittende waes miS Ssem embiht-monnum 3 wsermde hine to Ssem fyre mt. cccuii summi sacerdotis et sedebat cum ministris et cale-faciebat S6" ad ignem. Sa wuSuuto 3 scribse et Sa seldesto seniores. petrus Sonne fearre 54 *Petrus autem & longe fylgende wses hine secutus est eum Sa heh Sonne sacerdas 3 all f> somnung sohton wis Sone hailcnd cySnisse fte hine 55 *Summi uero sacerdotes et omue concilium quaerebant aduersum iesum testimonium ut eum « 18 9. ii. lu. cccu. to deaSe msehte gesealla ne fundon mt " cccunl - morti traderent nee inueniebant. 44. gisalde Sonne Se sellend his tacun him cweSende swa hwelcne swa ic eyssende ic biom he it is haldas hine 3 gihlsedaS 45. 3 miS-Sy comun sona gineolicadun to him cwseS hal larwa 3 eyssende wses hine 46. soS Sa ilea honda giwurpun on hine 3 giheoldun hine 47. an Sonne sum mon of Ssem ymb- stondendum giteh Sset sword Serh-slog esne 4" Srsel heh-ssecerdas 3 tosnaS him Sone SBarliprica 48. 3 ond-sworade Se hselenrf cwseS Ssem all swa hweet [to] Seofe gifeordun miS swordum 3 stengum to foenne * gilseccan mec 49. eghwelce dsege Sis (sic) wses miS iowih in temple lserende 3 ne mec gihealdun ah -pte were gifylled giwriotu Sse 50. Sa Segnas his alle for-leortun t forletende hine tlugun 51. ging esne wutudlice sum gifylgende him gigeorwad i ymb-gyrded . . . ofer nacudne giheoldun hine 52. cwseS him miSSy forwarp . . . nacud from-tleh him 53. 3 to-gi-lseddun Sone haelenrf to hehsacerdum 3 efne-gicomun alle Sa sacerdas 3 uSwutu 3 Sa seldru 54. petrus Sonne feorra fylgende wses him oS to on worSe Sses heh-sacertles 3 sset miS Segnum 3 wermde hine to Ssem fyre 55. Sa heh Sonne sacerdas 3 all Sio somnung sohtun wis Sone hselend cySnisse -fte hine to deaSe gitalduu ne onfundun 120 56 Mauega saedon lease gecySnysse agen hine. 3 pa cySnessa naeron paeslice ; 57 Da arison sume 3 saedon lease cySnesse agen hine 3 pus saedon ; 58 SoSes we ge-hyrdon hine secgan. ic to-wurpe f»is hand-worhte tewpel 3 aefter pri»« dagu/w ic oSer unhand-worht ge-timbrie; 59 3 hyra cypnys naes paes-lic ; 60 pa aras sum heah-sacerd on hyra midlene 3 ahsode paene haelend. ne and- swarast pu nan Sing, agen ~p pas pe on- wurpaS ; 61 he suwode 3 naht ne 3swarode; Eft hine axode se heah-sacerd. eart pu crist paes gebletsodan godes sunu; 62 Da saede se haelend. ic eom. 3 ge geseoS mannes sunu on swySran healfe sittan his maegenes. 3 cumende mid heofones genipuw; 63 pa cw se heah-sacerd. his reaf slit- eude. hwi ge-wilnige we gyt cySera. 64 ge gehyrdon his bysmer. hwaet pincS eow ; Da hyrwdon hi ealle hine 3 cwaedon -p he waere deaSes scyldig ; 65 And sume aguunon him on spaetan 3 ofer-wreon his ansyne. 3 mid fystuw hine beoton. 3 him to cwaedon ; Araed. and pa Senas hine mid handuw/ beoton ; 66 And pa petrus waes on cafertune pa cow? to him an pinen paes heah-sacerdes. 67 3 pa heo geseah petrmra wyrmende pa cwaeS heo ; pu waere mid Sam nazareniscan haelende ; Various Readings. 56. A. gecyfcnesse ongean. A. cyfcnyssa. 57. A. cy$S- nysse ongean. A. B. C. cwaedon. 58. A. to-weorpe. A. ge-tymbrige. 59. A. heora. A. B. C. cySnes. 60. A. heora. A. acsode f>one. A. ongean. A. on-weorpa*. 61. A. swygode ; B. C. swugode. A. Jswarede. A. acsode. 62. A. B. heofenes. 63. A. hwig. B. C. gewilnege. 64. A. bismor. A. B. hig. 65. A. ongunnon; B. agunnun. B. fystun. 56 Manege saeden lease cySnyssen agen hine. 3 pa cySnisse naeren pas-lice. 57 Da arise sume 3 saigden lease cydnysse agen hine 3 pus cwaeSen. 58 Sodes we ge-hyrden hine seggen ic to- weorpe pis hand-worhte temple. 3 sefter prem dagen ic oSer un-hand-worht ge-timbrige. 59 3 heore cydnysse naes pas-gelic. 60 Da aras sum heah-sacerd on heora midlene 3 acxode panne haelend. Ne and- swerest pu nan ping agen •p' pas pe on- weorped. 61 he swegede 3 naht ne andswerede. Eft hine axode se heah-sacerd. Ert pu crist. pas ge-bletsedes godes sune. 62 pa saede se haelend ic eom. 3 ge ge- seoS mannes sune on swiSren healfe sitten. his maignes. 3 cumende mid heofenes ge- nipen. 63 Da cwaeS se heah-sacerd his reaf slyt- ende. hwi wilnige we gyt cySera. 64 ge ge-herden his bismer. hwaet pincS eow. Da hyrden hyo ealle hine 3 cwaeSen. ~p he waere deaSes scyldig. 65 /End sume agunnen hym on spaeten. 3 ofer-wreon his ansiene. 3 mid festen hine beaten, 3 him to cwaeSen. Ared. 3 pa penas hine mid handen beoten. 66 3 pa petrus waes on caefertune pa com to him an pinen pas heah-sacerdes. 67 3 pa hye ge-seah petrum wermende pa cwaeS hy. pu waere mid pam nazareiscen haslende. Various Readings. 56. Manega saedon; cySnysse; nseron )>aes-lice. 57. arison; saegdon ; cyfcnysse; cwaefcon. 58. SoSes; seggan; to-wyrpe; tempel; Jirym dagvm. 59. hyorecyfcnys; )>aes- lic. 60. acsode \>onne; on-weorpa8. 61. swugode; Eart; \>ces; sunu. 62. halend; swySran halfe sittan; roaegnes; heofones genipum. 63. ge-wilnige. 64. ge- hyrden; bismor; hyrdon hig; cwaefcon. 65. agunnan; spaeton ; ansyne ; fystum ; beotum (sic) ; cwaedon ; bandum beoton. 66. -sacerdas. 67. heo se seah (sic); heo; nazareniscan. 121 monigo forSon geeySnise leas hia gecuoedon wis hine 3 woenlica gecySniso ne 56 multi enim testimonium falsum dicebant aduersus eum et conuenientia testimonia non woeron 3 siumii tnonn aras leas geeySnise saegdon wis him cuoeSendo erant. 57 *Et quidam surgentes falsum testimonium ferebant aduersus eum dicentes. * 190. ui. * ° mt. cccuiiii. forSon ue geherdon hine cwoedne k cuoeSende ic undoe-tic toslito tempel Sis mi* honde aworht 58 quoniam rios audiuimus eum dicentem ego dissoluam templum hoc manu factum 3 Serh Sreo dogor oSer ne miS honde aworht ic getimhro willo 3 ne woes woenlic et per triduum aliud now manu factum aedificabo. 59 et non erat conueaiens geeySnise hiora + Sara 3 aras Soe hash sacerd in middum geascade Sone hixftend testimonium illorum. 60 et exsurgens summus sacerdos in medium interrogauit ieswm cuoSende ne ondueardestSu noht k aeniht to Saem 8a Se geteled aron from Sassum monnum he dicens non respondis quicquam ad ea quae tibi obiciuntur ab his. 61 ille xiutedlicek Sonne gesuigde 3 noht ge-onsuarede efter-sona se heh sacerd gefraegnende wees hine 3 cuoeS autem tacebat et nihil respondit rursum summus sacerdos interrogabat eum et dicit him Su arS crist sunn Sa3s gebloedsendes se hee\end cuoeS him ic am 3 gie geseaS+scilon ei tu 6s ckristus filius benedicti. 62 *lesus autem dixit illi ego sum et uide- * 191- 1 lu. ccxcuii. gesea.i.on dome* daege sunu monnes to suiSrom sittende Saes msehtes 3 cymmende miS wolcnum mt.cccx! bitis filium hominis a dextris sedentem uirtutist et uenientem cum nubibws S«s fa'dores -(■ i . patris. heofnes se heh Sa-t Sonne sacerd toslat t torende woedo-Hirseglo-rclaSas his cuoeS ymb bused cseli. 63 *Summus autem sacerdos scindens uestimenta sua ait tQuid • 192. ul. mt. cccxi. get-Heng-TSageone we willnias gewitnesa geherdon gee Saet ebolsung hured iuh Syncge-Hs gesene fti 'ccxciiiiii athuc desideramus testis. 64 audistis blasphemiam quid uobis uidetur mt. cccxii. ' SaSe alle geniSradon-tgehendon hine fte were scyldig + synnig deaSes 3 ongunnun summe qui oinnes comlemnauerunt eum esse reum mortis. 65 *Et coeperunt quidam • 194. i. lu. cexciiii. efne-gespitta k gehorogae hine 3 gehydse + wriga onsione his 3 mis fystum k dyntum hine geslaa k geSearsca J£' t c] c ™\ii. conspuere eum et uelare faciem eius et colaphis eum caedere 3 cuoeSa him gewitga . i . hua Sec oferslog 3 Sa embeht-menn miS fystum hine slogon 3 miS Sy et dicere ei prophetisa et ministri alapis eum casdebant. 66 *Et cum • 195. i. lu. cexci. waes petrn* in worS from geanSe k sunduria cuom an from Saem Siowum Sees heh sacerde* 3 '°' j u1 "' esset petrus in atrio deorsum uenit una ex ancillis summi sacerdotis. 67 et mt. cccxiiii. miS-Sy gesege Sone petrum weermigende hine beheald hine cuoeS 3 Su miS heelende Saem nazarenesco were cum uidiset petrum cale-facientem s6 aspiciens ilium ait et tu cum iesu. nazareno eras. 56. monige forSon cySnisse leose hiae gicwedun to sacanne wis him 3 weonlice gicydnisse ne werun 57. 3 sum mon arisende leose gicySnisse saegdun wis him cweSende 58. forSon we giherdun hine cweaSa ic toslito k undoe Sone tempel Sis miS [honda] giworht 3 aefter Sriin dagum oSerne...miS honda giwyrcan ic gitim- braw (sic) 59. 3 ne waes woenlic gicySnisse hiora 60. 3 aras Se heh-sacerd in middum giascade Sone haelenrf cweSende ne ondwordes tu noht + aeniht to Sa3tn SaSe gitelid arun from him 61. he wutudb'ee swigade 3 noht gi3worde sona Se heh-sacerd gifraegn hine 3 cwaeS him Su arS crist sunu godes Saes gibletsade 62. Se hselenrf wutudh'ce cwaeS him ic am 3 ge giseaS sunu monnes to Seer swiSra sittende Saes maohtga 3 cymende miS wolcnum heofnes 63. Se heh Sonne sacerd to-rende giwedu his cwaeS ymb hwaet gett wilnigas giwitnesse 64. giherdun ge Sa eofulsunge hwaet iow is gisene SaSe alle giniSradun k gihendun hine -)S he were synnig deaSes 65 3 ongunnun sume efnegispita-thyra on hine 3 hydde onsione his 3 miS fystum hine sla-tSarsca 3 cweoSa 3 saege hwaet Saet sloge 3 Sa embehtmen miS fystum hine slogun 66. 3 miSSy wbbs ... on worSe from syndrige com an from Saem Siowum Sees heh-sacerdes 67. 3 miS gisege Sone petre wermende hine biheald hine cwseS 3 Su miS haelende Sone nazarenisco were 122 68 Da aet soc he 3 cwaeS. ic nat. ne ne can hwcet ]?u segst ; And he eode pa of \>am cafertnne ") se hana creow ; 69 Eft j?a hine gecneow oSer pinen. heo ongan cweSan. to \>&m pe Sar abutan stodon; SoSlice pes ys of pam ; 70 3 he eft aetsoc ; 1 eft pa ymbe lytel f>a Se sst-stodon. cwsedon to petre. Sojdice Jm eart of 8a/w. galileisc bu eart ; 71 pa ongan he aet-sacan 1 swerian. so^es ne can ic paene man Jre ge secgaS. 72 1 ba eft sona creow se hana ; Da ge- munde petrus baes h«lendes worde be he him seede. aer se hana crawe tua. briwa Su me 82t-sa3cst. ba ongan he wepan ; CHAPTER XV. 1 T^a sona on mergen worhton ba heah- j sacerdas hyra gemot mid ealdruw. 3 bocerum ") eallura werodu?w. H lasddon ba^ne haelend gebundenne. 3 sealdon hine pilato ; 2 Da axode pilatus hine. eart bu iudea cynincg; pa 3swarode he him. bu hit segst ; 3 Da wregdon hine pa heah-sacerdas on maneguw? bingum; 4 Eft pilatus hine axode. ne Tswarast bu nan bing. loca hu mycelu/w hi be wregeaS ; 5 Da ne Jswarode se haelend him na mare, swa ~f pilatus wundrode ; Various Readings. 69. B. inserts 3 be/ore heo. A. onhutan. 70. B. C. embe. 71. A. cann. A. )>one. 72. A. word. B. crewe ; C. creowe. A. B. C. tuwa. Cap. xv. 1. A. morgen. A. heora. A. B. C. werede. A. (jone. A. pilate. 2. A. acsode. A. cynyng ; B. cyninc. B. }swarude. 4. A. acsode. B. C. 3swaras. A. B. hig. A. B. C. wregaS. 5. B. wundrude. 68 Da aetsoc he !! cwaeS. Ic nat ne ic kan hwaat bu saigst. 1 he eode jra of bam caefertune 1 se coc creow. 69 Eft ba hine cneow oSer binen. !! hyo on-gan cweSen to bam be baer abuten stod- en. SoSlice bes is of bam. 70 1 he eft aet-soc. iEnd eft pa embe litel ba be eft stoden cwaeSen to petre. SoS- lice bu ert of bam galileisc bu ert. 71 Da aet-gan he of-sacan. 1 swerien. soSes ne can ic panne man be ge seggeS. 72 1 pa eft sone creow se coc. Da ge- munde petrus bas haslendes word be he him saide. aer se coc creowe twige. brewe bu me aet-saecst. ba on-gan he wepeu. CHAPTER XV. 1 Da sone on morgen worhten pa heah- sacerdes heore ge-mot. mid ealdren 1 boc- eren. 1 eallen werede 7 laedden bane halend ge-bunden 1 sealden hine pilaten. 2 Da axode pilatus hine eart bu iudea kining. Da andswerede he hym. Du hit saegst. 3 pa wreiden hine pa heah-sacerdes. on manegen bingen. 4 Eft pilatus hine axode ne andswere&t bu nan bing. loca hu mycelen hyo be wreigeS. 5 Da ne andswerede se haelend him nam mare swa baat pilatus wundrede. Various Readings. 68. et-soc; necan; segst; hana [for coc]. 69. abuton stodon. 70. stodon cwsefcon ; eart (twice). 71. swerian; \>onne; seggafc. 72. ef (s/c) sona ; hana; wordo; ssede; hane; twuwa J>rivva; ret-sacst; wepan. Cap. xv 1. sona; -sacerdas hyra; ealdrum ; boeerum; eallum ; ge-burcdenne ; sealdon ; pilato. 2. cyning ; and- swarede ; eora [for hyra, which is over an erasure in Hat- ton MS.]; segst. 3. wregdon; -sacerdas; manegum )>in- gun. 4. andswarest ; hwu mycelura; wreigaS. 5. andswarede ; halend ; na ; wundrode. 123 soS he onsoc cuoeSende ne wat ic 3 ne cann ic hused cwoeSes Su 3 eode buta befora 68 at ille negauit dicens neqwe scio neqwe noui quid dicas *Et exiit foras ante * 196. 1. lu. ccxcii. io. clxxu. f wor$ 3 bona gesang eftersona Sonne miS-Sy gesege hine Sio Siwa ongann cuoseSa mt. cccxu. atrium et gallus cantauit. 69 rursus autem cum uidisset ilium ancilla coepit dicere Ssera ymb-stondendum fte Ses of Saem ilcom is so* he eftersona ons6c 3 fefter lytle huile-tymb lytle circnmstantibws quia liic ex illis est. 70 at ille iterum negauit et post pussillum eftersona SaSe to-stodon hia gecuoedon to petre soSlice of Ssom Su bist-FSu arS forSon src galileus-rgalilesc arS rursus qui adstabant dicebant petro uere ex illis e"s nam et galilaeus e*s. *e-rhe Sonne ongann gefremSiga 3 gesuoeria fte ic nat-tne conn ic monno Siosne gone gie 71 ille autem coepit anathematizare et iurare quia nescio hominem istum quem di- cuoeSas 3 sona efter se hona gesang 3 eft-gemyndig wa3s petrw* wordes fte cuoeSend waes citis. 72 et statim iterum gallus cantauit *Et recordatus est petrus uerbi quod dixerat * 19 ?- »• 1 lu. ccxciii. mt. cccxui. him se heelend aer Son se hona gesinga twiga Sria mec Su hist onsaec 3 ongann woepa ei i&sws prius-quam gallus cantet bis ter me negabis et coepit flere. CAP. XV. 3 sona on meme-ron morgen Ssehtung worhton heh-sacen/as miS aeldum 3 1 *Et confestim mane consilium facientes summi saceirdotes cum senioribits et * 198. ii. ccxcu. mt. cccxuii. wuS-uutum 3 miS all somnung " gebundon Sone hoelend geteddon 3 saldon Saem aldonnen 3 scribis et uniuarso concilio *Uincientes iesum duxerunt et tradiderunt pilato. 2 +Et * ly 9. i. x lu. cce. io. clxxui. gefrsegnade-tgeascade bine pylatas Su arS cynig iudeana soS he onduearde cuoeS to him Su cuoeSes f mt. cccxuiii. interrogauit eum pilatus tu 4s rex iudeaorum at ille respondens ait illi tu dicis. J, 2 *®'^ io. clxxuiii. 3 gehendon hine Sa heh-sacerdas on monigum.i.SinguOT-rwoerduw se geroefa Sonne eftersona mt - cccxx - 3 *Et accusabant eum summi sacerdotes in multis 4 pilatus autem rursum * 201. iiii. io. clxxx. cxcii. gefraegn hine cuoeS ne ondueardest Su seniht gesseb in sua miclum-rhu miclum Seh ahenas mt. cccxxi. interrogauit eum dicens non respondis quicquawi uide in quantis te accusant. se heelend Sonne forSor i leng seniht -tnoht geondsuaret/e suae fte f he woere awundrad se groefa 5 iesua autem amplius nihil respondit ita ut miraretur pilatus. 68. soS he onsoc cweSende ne wat ic ne con hwaBt Su sseges 3 eode buta Sonne 3 bifora Sone worS 3 hona gisang 69. efter-sona Sonne miS-Sy gisseh hine Si Siowe on-gan cweoSa to Ssem ymb-stondendum fte Ses of Ssem ileum is 70. 3 he eftersona onsoc 3 softer lytle hwyle eftersona SaSe stodun hia cwedun to petre soSlice Su af Stem arS forSon ec 3 galilesc Su ar5 71. he Sonne ongan fremSiga 3 sweriga f ic nat ne con monno Sone Sone gicweoSas 72. 3 sona eftersona Se hona gisang 3 myndig wees petru* wordes Seette cweden woes him Se heelercd serSon Se hona gisunge twiga Srige Su me onsseces 3 ongan woepa Cap. XV. 1. 3 sona on merne giSeehtunge worhtun Sa heh-ssecerdas miS 683m asldrum 3 uS-wutum 3 miS alle gisomnunge gibundun Sone hselenrf gilseddun 3 saldun Ssem aldor-menn 2. 3 gifrsegn hine pylate* Su arS cynig iudea soS be ond-worde him cwseS Su cweSes 3. 3 gibendun hine Sa heh-sacerdas in monigum Singum 4. Se groefa Sonne efter-sona gifrsegn hine cweSende ne ondwordes tu ceniht gisEeh in swa miclum Sec ahenas 5. Se hselenti Sonne forSor \ leng no wiht giondsworade swa fte ne (sic) were awundrad Se groefa Q2 124 6 On symmel-daege waes his gewuna ~p he him for-geafe aenne gebundenne. swa hwylc- ne swa hi baedon ; 7 pa baedon hi barraban. se waes gebun- den mid pam raeplingufw. se purh swic-craeft. man-slyht geworhte. 8 1 ba he ferde. pa ongan seo menegeo hine biddan swa heo symle dyde ; 9 Da cwaeS pilatus; Wylle ge j5 ic eow forgyfe iudea cyning. 10 he wiste -p Surh andan hine sealdon pa heahsacerdas; 1 1 pa astyredon pa bisceopas pa menegu ■p he hi;» barraban forgefe ; 12 Eft pilatus hi»* andswarode. hwaet do ic be iudea cininge ; 13 Hi eft hrymdon 1 cwaedon. hoh hine; 14 Da saede pilatus. hwaet yfeles dyde he; Hi pass be ma clypedon ahoh hine ; 15 Pilatus wolde ba Sam folce gecwem- an. "i for-gef him barraban 1 sealde him pone haelend beswungenne ~p he a-hangen waere ; 16 pa laeddon ba cempan hine on baas domernes cafertun ; 1 hi to-somne eall werod clypedon ; 17 3 scryddon hine mid purpuran. 1 him on setton pyrnenne helm awundenne. 18 1 ongunnon hine bus gretan. hal wes pu iudea cyning ; 19 1 beoton hine on -p heafod mid hreode. 1 spaetton him on. 1 heora cneow bigdon. 1 bine ge-eaSmeddon ; Various Readings. 6. A. symbel-drege. A. forgeaf ; B. C. forgefe. B. C. anne. A. hig. 7. A. hig. 8. A. msenigeo ; B. menigu 9. B. eyninc. 11. B. C. astyrydon. A. maenigeo. A. for-geafe. 13. A. hig. A. hoS. 14. A. dyde he yfeles. hig. C. clypodon. A. ahoS. 15. A. for-geaf. B.C. Jxene. 16. A. hig. B. wered. A. clypodon. 19. B. C. spseton. A, on hyne. B. C. hyra. A. ge-eadmeddon. 6 On sym-mel-daig waes his ge-wune. •p he heom for-gefe aenne bundenne swa hwilcne swa hyo baeden. 7 Da baeden hyo barraban. se waes ge- bunden mid bam replingen. se purh swice- craeft man-slyht worhten. 8 3 ba he ferde pa on-gan syo manigeo hine biddan swa hy symle dyden. 9 Da cwaeS pilatus. Wille ge ■p ic eow for-gefe iudea kyniwg. 10 he wiste p purh ande hine sealden pa heah-sacerdas. 11 Da astireden pa biscoppes pa manige •p he heom barraban for-gefe. 12 Eft pilatus him andswerede. hwaet do ic be iudea kyninge. 13 hyo eft graetten "} cwseSen. hoh hine. 14 pa saigde pilatus. hwaet yfeles dyde he. hyo pas pe ma cleopeden ahoh hine. 15 Pilatus wolde pa pam folce ge-cwem- en. 1 for-gef heom barraban. ] sealde heom panne haelend be-swungen •p he ahang- en waere. 16 pa laedden pa cempen hine on pas do- mernes caefertun 3 hyo to-gaedere ealle wered cleopeden. 17^ scridden hine mid purpren 1 hi»? on setten pernene helm awundene. 18 1 on-gunnen hine pus greten. hal beo pu iudea kyniwg. 19 1 beoton hine on ■p heafeS mid reode "} spetten him on "i hire cneow beigden 1 hine aedmetten. Various Readings. 6. -dsBge; gewuna; for-geafe; swilcne. 7. replin«-um swic-; worhte. 8. seo menigeo. 9. geo; for-oyfe cyning. 10. anda; sealdon. 11. astiredon; biscopas menegov ; for-geafe. 12. heom andswarede ; cininge 13. hrymden 3 cwadon. 14. saegde; clypedon. 15. ge cweman; for-gaf; halend; ware. 16. laeddon; cempan f>as; to-somne; eall; clypeden. 17. scruddon; purpu- ran; setton \>y men ne; awundenne. 18. on-gunnon; gre- ton; wes; iuda cyning. 19. heafod; spetton; hyoracneo bigdon; ge-eaSmeddon. 125 Serh Sone dasge Sonne syrnbel for-geafa gewuna waes him enne-tan of Seem gebundenuw Sone sua? 6 *Per diem autem festum dimittere solebat illis unum ex uinctis quem-cum- * 202. ii. huselcne hia gegiuudon que petissent. wses 7* Erat Sonne autem seSe gecuoeSen wees i genemned barabias seSe qui dicebatur barabbas qui miS setnerum wses gebunden seSe tiosis erat uinctus qui on in setnong seditione geworhte monncualmniss 4" morSor-sl«ga fecerat homicidium. lu. cccuiiii. mt. cccxxii. mis sceacerunj t cum sedi- * 203. iiii. io. clxxxiii. 3 miS-Sy mt. cccxxiii. 8 et cum astage # folc ongann gebidda sua symle gedyde him ascendisset turba coepit rogare sicut semper faciebat illis. Sonne geondsuarede him 9 pilatus autem respondit eii 3 cuoeS wallaS gie4"eif gie wselle ic forgefo + forleto iuh cynig iudeana et dixit uultis dimittam uobis regem iudaeorum. wiste forSon -pte f 10 sciebat enim quod Serh sefist gesaldon-rsealla waldon hine heh-sacerrfos per inuidiam tradidissent. eum summi sacerdotes ge-eggedon Sone Sreat -fte suiSor Sone morsceaSe forleorte him uerunt turbam ut magis barabban dimitteret eis. cuoeS him hused forSon wallige -p ic doe cynige iudeana ait illis quid ergo uultis faciam regi iudaeorum. Sa biscobas Sonne gewsehton [4"] 11 *Pontitices autem concita- "204. i. lu. cccx, io. clxxxiiii. uuterf/j'ce efter-sona geonduarde mt. cccxxu. 12 *Pilatus autem iterum respondens * 205. i. lu. cccxi. cccxiii. soS hia eftersona geceigdon ahoh io. clxxxuiii. 13 at illi iterum clamauerunt crucifi^e cxciii[ij. mt. cccxxui. hine eum. hine eum. sec cuseS him hused forSon yfles dyde soS hia suiSor geceigdon ahoh 14 pilatus uero dicebat eis quid enim malefecit at illi magis clamabant crucifige Sonne walde Ssem folce wel-doa 15 *Pilatus autem uolens populo satisfacere Sone hcelend miS suwippum to geSearscanne -fte were gehoen iesum flagellis caesum ut crucifigeretur. wworS Sses dom-ern 3 efue-ceigdon all atrium praetorii et conuocant totam coliortem. 3 on-setton him cursendo -r slsegendo Syrnenne beg et inponuut ei plectentes spineam coronam. forgeaf him Sone morsceaSo 3 salde dimittit illis barabban et tradidit • 206. i. lu. cccxiiii. io. cxcui. Sa cempo Sonne lseddon hine on mt. cccxxuiii. 16 *Milites autem duxerunt eum in • 207. iiii. io. clxxxu. clxxxui[i]. 3 gegearwadon hine miS felle reade hrsegle mt. cccxxuiiii. 17 et induunt eum purpura 3 ongunnon gegroetse hine hal cynig 18 et coeperunt salutare eum haue rex iudeana 3 slogon 4" heafod his miS gerd t miS hreade 3 speafton on him 3 seton iudaeorum. 19 et percutiebant caput eius harundine et conspuebant eum et ponentes cnewa geworSadon him genua adorabant eum. 6. Serh Sone dseg Sonne symbles forgeorwiga giwuna wees him enne-5'an of Ssem gibundennum swa hwelcne swa hia ge-giowadun 7. wses Sonne seSe gicweden waes . . . seSe miS sceacrum wses gibunden seSe on setnuncge giworhte mon-cwselmnisse 8. 3 miSSy gistag Sset folc on-gan bidda swa symle gidyde him 9. Se groefa Sonne ond-sworade him 3 cwsoS wallas ge ic forgefo 4" forleto iow cynig iudea 10. wiste forSon Sset Sserh sefeste gisaldun hine Ssem (»jc) heh-sacerdun 11. Sa biscopas Sonne giwehtun-tgicedun Sone Sreot -fte swiSor baraboum forleorte him 12. ... wutudh'ce seftersona giondworde cwseS him hwset forSon wallas ge f> ic doe cynige iudea 13. soS hise sefter-sona cliopadun ahoh hine 14. \>y\atus Sonne cwseS him hwset forSon to ylie dyde he soS hise swiSor giceigdun ahoh hine 15. ... Soonne walde Ssem folche well doa for-gsef him Sone morsceaSa 3 salde him Sone hselenrf miS swiopum giSorscenne -pte were ahongen 16. Sa cempu lseddun hine on worS Ssbs domernes 3 efne-gicegdun alle ... 17. 3 gigeorwadun hine miS felle reode 3 onsettun him slasnde-tcursende Syrnenne beg 18. 3 on-gunnun gigroeta hine hal cynig iudea 19. 3 slogun on heofud his miS hreade 4' gerdum 3 speoftun on hine 3 settun on cneom 3 giworSadun hine 126 20 And sySSan hi hine bysmrydon. un- scryddon hine pam purpuran. 1 scryddon hine mid his reafura 1 laeddon hine -p hi hine ahengon. 21 1 genyddon snmne weg-ferendne simo- riem cireneum cumende of paw? tune alexan- dres faeder 1 rufi. -p he his rode baere. 22 !) hi laeddon hine on ¥>a stowe gol- go'Sa ■p is on ure gepeode gereht heafod- pannena stow. 23 1 sealdon hi»« gebiterod win 3 he hit ne on-feng ; 24 And pa hi hine ahengon hi daeldon his reaf. 1 hlotu wurpon. hwaet gehwa name ; 25 pa waes undern-tid. 1 hi ahengon hine. 26 J ofer-gewrit his gyltes waes awriten iudea cyning. 27 1 hi ahengon mid him twegen scea^an anne on his swySran healfe. 1 operne on his wynstran. 28 pa waes -p ge-writ gefylled. -p cwy<5 ; 1 he waes mid unriht-wisum geteald ; 29 And pa Se forS-stopon hine gremed- on 1 hyra heafod cwehton. 1 Sus cwaedon ; Wala se to-wyrpS ■p tempel. 1 on prim dagon eft getimbraS. 30 gehael Se sylfne of paere rode stigende; 31 Eall-swa pa heah-sacerdas bysmriende betwux pam boceruwj cwaedon. oSre he hale gedyde. hine sylfne he ne ma?g halne ge- don ; Various Readings. 20. A. hig. A. bysmeredon. A. big. 21. A. weg- ferende. 22. A. B. C. big. 23. B. C. onfengc. 24. A. hig. A. B. C. hig. 25. A. B. C. hig. 27. A. B. C. hig. A. ceiine. 29. B. C. forjj-stopun. A. heora. A. dagum. A. ge-tirabreS. 30. A. inserts ny<5er before stigende. 31. A. be-tweox. 20 iE,nd sy^Sen hyo hine bismeredon. un-scriddan hine pam purpran. 1 scriddan hine mid his reafen. 1 laedden hine paet hyo hine ahengen. 21 1 ge-nedden sumne weig-ferende sy- monem cyreneum cumende of pam tune ali- sandres fader } ruffi. -p he his rode baere. 22 1 hyo laedden hine on pam stowe gol- gotha. ■p is on ure peode ge-relit heafed- panna stowa. 23 1 sealden him ge-bytered win 1 he hit ne on-feng. 24 And pa hyo hine ahengen hyo daeld- en his reaf 1 hlote wurpen. hwaet ge-hwa name. 25 Da waes under-tid. 1 hyo ahengen hine. 26 1 ofer-ge-writ his geltes waes awriten iudea kyng. 27 1 hyo ahengen mid him twegen seamen aenne on his swi^eren healfe. 1 ocSerne on his winstren. 28 pa waes ~p ge-writ gefylled ~p cwaeS. "} he waes mid unriht-wisan ge-teald. 29 And pa pe forS-stopen hine gremedon 1 hyra heafod cwehten. 3 pus cwae<5en. Wala se to-werpS -p tempel. 1 on Srim dagen eft ge-tymbred. 30 ge-hzel pe sylfne of pare rode stigende. 31 Eal swa pa heah-sacerdas bysmeriende be-twexe pam bokeren cwarSen. odre he haele ge-dyde. hine sylfne he ne maig halne don. Various Readings. 20. And sySSan hi ; un-scryddon ; purpuran ; scryddon ; reafum ; laeddon. 21. weig-fereradene ; alexandres. 22. hi laeddon ; )>a; heafod- pannena stow. 23. sealdon; ge- biterod. 24. ahengon ; deeldon ; lota wurpon. 26. gylt- es; cyng. 27. swiSran; wynstran. 29. -stopun; heora; cwehton; cwasSon ; to-wyrp<5 ; dagum; getimbred. 31. betwux ; bocerum cwaedon. oSre ; hale ; maeg ; ge-don. 127 3 aefter JSon bismeredon him gehreafadon hine Saes fellereades 3 gegearwadon hine miS gewoedum 20 *Et postquam inluserunt ei exuerunt ilium purpura et induerunt eum uestimentis • 208. ui. mt. cccxxx. his 3 Sona gelaeddon hine $te hia ge-hengon4"m8ehtora ahoa hine suis *Et educunt ilium ut crucifigerent eum. 3 geneddon bi-geongende 4" 21 et angariauerunt praeter- bi-feerende sumne siraon cyrenesce cumraende of lond faeder 3 -)5te ge-nome euntem quem-piam simonera cyreneum uenientem de uilla patrem alexandri et run ut tolleret lu. cccxu. io. cxcuii. mt. cccxxxi. hia his 3 fcerh-lsedon hine on stowe f is getrahted heafud-ponnes crucem eius. 22 *Et perducunt ilium in golgotha locum quod est interpretatu?« caluariae stowe 3 sellas him drinca aecced-win 3 ne onfeng 3 ahengon locus. 23 *Et dabant ei bibere murratum uinum et non accepit. 24 +Et crucifigentes hine to-daeldon woedo his sendon hlott on Ssem buses oht-Hiuodliuoge genome waes eum diuiserunt uestimenta eius mittentes sortem super eis quis quid tolleret. 25 *Erat •wutedlice tid Sirdda 3 ahengon hine .3 waes titul 4" tacon 4 merca intinges his on awritten autem hora tertia et crucifixerunt eum. 26 *Et erat titulus causae eius inscribtus cynig iudea rex iudaeorum. 3 mi« hine ahoas 4" ahengon tuoge morsceaSo an to swiSrum 3 oSerne to 27 *Et cum eo crucifi&unt duo latrones unum d, dextris et alium a wynstrum his 3 gefylled wees fcio gewrit Sio cuoeSes 3 miS unrelit-uisum4'wohfullu?« sinistris eius. 28 *Et adimpleta est scribtura quae dicit et cum iniquis * 210. i. Iu. ccc[x]uiii. io. cxcuii. mt. ccexxxii. * 211. iiii. io. cciii. mt. ccexxxiii. f 212. i. lu. cccxi. io. cci. mt. cccxxxiii[i]. * 213. x. * 214. i. lu. cccxxiii[i]. io- excuiii. mt. ccexxxu. * 215. i. lu. cccxui[i]. io. excuiii. * 216. uiii. lu. eclxxuii. getaled was 3 $a bi-faerendum geebolsadon 4* ebolsande hine coerrende heafda hiora 3 cuoefcende reputatus est. 29 *Et praetei-euntes blasphemabant eum mouentes capita sua et dicentes * 217. ui. mt. cccxxxuii. wse seSe toshttes JSaet tempel 3 on Sriim dagum getimbras ua, qui destruit templuw et in tribws diebws sedificat. hal doa Seh seolfne 30 saluum fac temet ipsum adunestigende of rode descendens " de mice. gelic 3 heh-sacercta telende4bi3merigende him bituih miS 31 *Similiter et summi sacerdotes ludentes ad alterutrum cum* 218 "-.. lu. ccexxn. mt. ccexxxuiii. wu<5uu/mot cuoedon oSero hale dyde hine seolfne ne mange hal doa seribis dicebant alios saluos fecit sdipsum non potest saluum facere. 20. 3 aefter Son bismeradun him giweordun hine Sees felle reades 3 giworgadun hine miS giwedum his 3 «a gilaeddun hine -}ste hia ahengun hine 21. 3 gineddon bigongende 4" bifaerende sumne simon cyrinescne cymende of londe fador ... 3 ... -fte ginome rode his 22. 3 Serh'-laeddun hine . . . stowe f is gitrahtad heofud-ponna stow 23. 3 saldun him drinca eced 3 winn 3 ne on-feng ' 24. 3 ahengon hine todoeldun giwedo his sendun hlett ofer him hwaes oht genome 25. waes wutudVee tid Sirda 1 a-hengun hine. 26. waes wutudlice tacun intinga his on awriten cynig iudea 27. 3 mi$ hine ahengun twoege sceoSo enne to fcscr swi<5ra 3 ofceme to Saer wynstra 28. 3 gi-fylled waes Saet giwritt se$e cwefces 3 mi<5 unrehtwisum giteled waes 29. 3 bifaerendum gieofulsaduri hine cerrende heofud hiora 3 cweSende was se<5e toslites Saot tempel 3 on Srim dagum gitimbres 30. halne doa Sec solfne adune stigende of rode. 31. gi-lice 3 hehsacerdas telende 3 bismerende hiin bitwih miS uStrutum cwedun oSre halne dyde hine solfne ne maege halne dca 128 32 Crist israhela cyning astige nu of rode •p we ge-seon D ge-lyfon ; And pa Be him mid hangodon waeron him mid gebundene; 33 And paere syxtan tide wurdo[n] pystru gewordene geond ealle eor'San. 08 non-tide 34 "} to non-tide se haelend clypode myc- elre stemne. heloi. heloi. lema sabbattani. ~p is on ure ge^eode nun god min god. hwi for-lete pu me ; 35 1 sume pe ^ar abuton stodon 1 J?is gehyrdon hi cwaedon. nu pes clypaS heliaw. 36 pa am hyra an 1 fylde ane spingan mid ecede. 1 on hreod sette 1 him drincan sealde. 1 cwseS ; LaetaS -p we ge-seon hwaeS- er helias cume hine nyper to settanne ; 37 Se haelend pa asende his stefne 1 forS- ferde. 38 1 paes temples wah-rift waes tosliten on twa of ufewerduw oS neopewerd ; 39 pa se hundred-man pe Sar stod agen geseah -p se haelend swa clypiende forS-ferde. he cw. so^lice pes man waes godes sunu ; 40 And pa wif waeron feorran be-heald- ende. 1 betwux paw waes seo magdale- nisce maria. 1 maria iacobes modor. "i sa- lomeae ; 41 1 pa he waes on galilea hi fylidon him. 1 him penedon 3 manega oftre pe him mid ferdon on hierusalew? ; 42 And pa aefen waes geworden -p waes parasceue. j5 is aer saeter-daege Various Readings. 32. A. hangedon. 33. A. On [for And]. A.B.C. wurdon; the Corpus MS. has wurdo. A. )>ystro. A. eond. 34. A. B. stefne. A. zabdani. $ ys ge-Jieod. A. hwig. 35. A. on-butan ; C. abutan. A.B.C.hig. 36. A.heora. A.asette. A. elias. 38. A. ufeweardum. A. neoSeweardu/n. 39. A. on-gean stod. A. clypigende. 40, A. be-tweox hyra. A. iacobes moder (jobs gingran. 3 iosepes moder. ") salomese. 41. A. hig. A. filigdon; B. C. fyligdon. B. ierusalem. 32 Crist israele kyng astig nu of rode -p we ge-seon !! ge-lefen. And pa pe mid him ahangeden waeren him mid ge-bundene. 33 And pare syxte tide wurSe peostre ge- worSene geond ealle eorSan. odSe non-tide. 34 And to non-tide se haelend clepede mycele stefne heloy heloy lama sabathani. ■p is on ure ge-peode. min god min god. hwi for-laedst pu me. 35 "} sume pe paer abuton stoden 3 pis ge- hyrdon hyo cwaeSen. nu pes clyped heliaw?. 36 pa arn hyre an. 3 fylde ane spunge mid eisile. 3 on reod sette 3 him drincen sealde. 1 cwae$. laeteS ■p we ge-seon hwaeS- er helias cume hine niSer to settewne. 37 Se haelend pa asende his stefne "J forS- ferde. 38 iEnd pas temples wah irift waes to- sliten on twa of ufewearden odSe niSeweard. 39 E>a pas hundredes man pe paer stod agen ge-seah ■$ se haelend swa clepiende forS-ferde. he cwaeS. SoSlice pes man waes godes sune. 40 And pa wif waeren feorren be-heald- ende. 3 betwux pam waes sie magdalenisce Marie. 1 Marie iacobes moSer "i salomee. 41 1 pa he waes on galilee hy felgden hym. 3 him penoden 1 manege oSre pe him mide ferden on ierusaletn. 42 iEnd pa aefen waes ge-worden -p waes parasceue. ~p is aer saeterdaige Various Readings. 32. cyning astige; ge-lefon; ahangodon wseron. 33. gewordene ; oSSe. 34. clypede ; om. is ; for-lsetst. 35. stodon ; cwaefcon ; clepeS. 36. hyora ; fulde ; eccede; driracan; leetaS ; hweSer; settonne. 37. halend. 38. 3; wahrift; to-sliton; ufewerdum oSSe. 39. halend; clepi- gende ; sunu. 40. waron feorran ; seo madalenisca maria; maria; moder. 41. galileam hyo fylgdon; (jenodon; manega. 42. And; afen. 129 crist cynig israJie\a adune-stigeS nti of rode -)5te we gesee 3 -pte we gelefe 3 SaS[e] mi* hine 32 christuB rex israhel descendat nunc de cruce ut uideamus et credamus *Et qui cum eo * 219. ii. lu. cccxxu. ... • mt.cccxxxuiiii. ahoen weron 3 nearm cuoedon him 3 miSSy awarS tid 810 seista Siostro awordne weron Serh all crucifixerant conuiciabantur ei. 33 *Et facta hora sexta tenebrae facte sunt per totam * 220. ii. lu. cccxxuii. mt. cccxl. eorSo wis on tid non 3 tid non of-cliopade se hselend stefne miS micle cuoeSende terram usque in horam nonam. 34 *Et hora nona exclamauit iesws uoce magna dicens ■ 221. ui. mt. cccxli. ■p is getrahted god min god min -pte-rto huon forleortes Su heloi heloi lama sabacthani quod est interpraetatum dews meus deus meus ut quid dereliquisti raeh 3 sume of Ssem ymstondendum geherdon cuoedon heono helias ceiges geharn me. 35 et quidam de circumstantibws audientes dicebant ecce heliam uocat. 36 *Currens * 222. ii. lu. cccxxiii. mt. cccxlii. Sonne an 3 gefylde copp miS secced ymb-sette 3 to rode f drinca salde him cuoeS autem unus et implens spongiam aceto circum-ponensque calamo potum dabat ei dicens bidas f we gesege gif cymeS helias to unsettanne -r to adoanne of hine se hselend Sonne miSSy gesende sinite uideamus si ueniat helias ad deponendum eum. 37 *lesus autem emissa * 223. i. lu. cccxxuiiii. stefne micla of gast agsef-^asuelte 3 waghrsegl temples to-reded wses in tuu from ufaweard wis to mt. cccxliii. uoce magna expirauit. 38 *Et uelum templi scissum est in duo a sursum usque • 2:4. ii. hi. cccxxuiii. nioSuord gesseh Sonne Se aldormora seSe fore ongaegn astod -pte sua clioppende gesuelte deorsum. 39 *Uidens autem centurio qui ex aduerso stabat quia sic clamans expirasset • 225. ii. lu. cccxxx. 111* cccxl Ul cuoeS soSlice monn Ses sunu godes wses woeron xmiedlice sec Sa wifo fearra behealdon ait uere homo hie filius dei erat. 40 *Erant autem et mulieres de longe aspicientes * 226. ui. mt. cccxluii. bituih Stem tec maria magdaJenfsce 3 Sees iacobes leasse 3 moder 3 inter quas et maria magdalenae et maria iacobi minoris et ioseph mater et salomae. 3 miS-Sy wses in gali/ea fylgdon him 3 ge-embehtadon him 3 oSero menigo SaSe 41 et cum esset in galilaea seqwebantur eum et ministrabant ei et aliae multae quae sed-geadre miS hine astigon hierusalem 3 miSSy gee efrn wses aworden forSon simul cum eo ascenderant hierosolima. 42 *Et cum iam sero esset factum quia • 227. i. lu. ccexxxii. io. ccui. wses-l'-fte wsere f is fore sunnandeeg mt. cccxluiii. erat parasceue quod est ante sabbatum. 32. crist cynig israhela adune stigeS nu of rode fte we gisie 3 gi-lefe 3 Sa Se miS hine ahoen werun harm-cwedun him 33. 3 giwarS tid Sio sesta Siostru awordne werun Serh alle eorSu oS on tide nones 34. 3 on tide nones gi-cliopade Se hmlend stefne micelre cweSende Sset is gitrahtad god min god min f te k to hwon mec Su forl[e]te 35. 3 sume of Ssem ymb-stondendum giherdun cwedun heono helias ceges 36. ginrn wutudh'ce an 3 gifylde copp miS secede ymbsette 3 to rode Sa drinca salde him cweSende biddas f te we gisie gif cymes helias to unsetanne \ to undoane hine 37. Se hselenrf wutudlice sende stefne micle of gaste agaef 38. 3 wag-hrsel temples to-rended wses in tuu from ufa-wordum wis to nioSawordum 39. gi-sseh Sonne Sa aldormen seSe foron ongsegn stodun Ssette swa cliopade giswelte cwseS soSlic mon Ses sunu godes wses 40. werun wutudh'ce sec 3 Sa wif fearra biheoldun bitwih Ssem wses 3 ... 3 ... Sees lsessa 3 . . . moder 3 . . . 41. 3 miSSy wses in galilse fyligdun him 3 Segnadun him 3 oSro monige SaSe someS miS hine astigun hieru- salem 42. 3 miSSy gi efern wses giworden forSon wses . . . -pte is fore sunna-dseg 130 Dys god-spel ge-byra£ on easter-dasg. Maria magda- lene. 43 pa com iosep se aeftela gerefa of aba- rimathia. se sylfa godes rices geanbidode. 3 he dyrstiglice into pilate eode. 3 baed paes hselendes lie-ham an ; 44 Da wundrpde pilatus gif he pa gyt forS-ferde ; pa clypode he psene hundred- man 3 hine ahsode hwae'Ser he dead waere ; 45 Da he wiste -p. pa agef he pone lic- haman iosepe ; 46 pa bohte iosep ane scytan. 3 hine par-on befeold. 3 on byrgene lede. seo waes of stane aheawen. 3 wylte anne stau to Saere byrgenrie dura ; 47 "T~\a com maria magdalene 3 iosepes led waere ; maria. 3 be-heoldon hwar he ge- CHAPTER XVI. 1 3 Sa saeternes daeg waes agan. seo mag- dalenisce maria 3 iacobes maria 3 salomeae bohton wyrt-gemang -p hi comon 3 hine smyredon ; 2 And swySe aer anum reste-daege comon to paere byrgene up-asprungenre sunnan. 3 3 cwaedon him betwynan ; Hwa awylt us ftysne stan of paere byrgene dura ; 4 pa hi hi besawon. hi gesawon paene stan aweg awyltne. soSlice he waes swy'Se my eel ; 5 And pa hi eodon on pa byrgene hi gesawon anne geongne on pa swy^ran healfe sittende hwitura gegyrlan ofer-wrohne; 3 hi pa forhtodon ; Various Readings. 43. A. B. C. arimathia. A. B. C. dyrstelice. 44. A ; bone. A. acsode. 45. C. baene. 46. A. bser-on. A. byrgenne. A. wylede eenne. A. byrgene. 47. A. aled. Cap. xvL 1. A. hig. 2. B. reste-daga. A. byrigenne. 3 A. awyleS. A. byrgenne. 4. A. hig hig. A. B. C. hig. A. bone. A. awyledne; C. awylt. 5. A. hig. A. byrgenne. A. hig. A. senne. A. myd hwytum ge-gyrlanofer-wrogenne. 7 hig forhtedon. 43 pa com iosep se ae<5ele refe of arimathia se sylfe godes rice ge-an-bidode. 3 he dyrsti- lice in to pilate eode 3 baed pas haelendes lichame. 44 pa wuudrede pilatus gyf he pa gyt forS-ferde. Da clypede he panne hundredes man. 3 hine axode hwaeSer he dead waere. 45 Da he wiste "p. pa agyf he pane lic- hame iosepe. 46 Da bohte iosep ane scytan 3 hine paer- on be-feold 3 on byrigenne leigde syo waes of stane aheawan. 3 wyltel aenne stan to pare berienne dure. 47 T^A com Marie magdalene 3 Iosepes J Marie. 3 be-heolden hwaer he ge- leigd waere. CHAPTER XVI. 1. 3 pa saternes daig waes agan sye mag- dalenisce Marie 3 Iacobes Marie 3 salomee bohten wert-ge-mang p hyo comen 3 hine smereden. 2 iEnd swiSe aer anen reste-daige comen to pare byregenne. up asprungenne sunna. 3 3 cwaeSen heom be-tweonen. hwa awylt us pysne stan of pare byregene dure. 4 pa hyo hy be-seagen. hyo ge-seagen pane stan aweig aweldne. soSlice he wees swifte mycel. 5 iEnd pa hyo eoden on pa byregenne hyo ge-seagen aenne geongne on pam swiSren healfe sittende hwiten gerlen ofer-wrogene. 3 hyo pa forhteden. Various Readings. 43. ioseph ; reafa ; sylfa ; dyrstilice ; halendes lichaman. 44. wundrode; Sone hundred-man; hweSer. 45. bone lichama Iosepe. 46. Ioseph ; bar-on ; legde seo ; ahewan ; [wyltel also in MS. R.] anne; byrigenne.. 47. maria {twice) ; beheoldon ; ge-legd ware. Cap. XVI. 1. seo; maria (twice); comon; smyredon. 2. And; on anum reste-dagon comon; byrigenne; sunnan. 3. cwseSon; betwenan ; byrigenne. 4. be-sawen ; ge-sawen borcne. 5. hy; byrigenne'; ge-sawon; ba swiSSran halfe; hwitum georlu»J ofer-wrohne; hy ; forhtodon. 131 cuom from arimal/tta wel-boren of seSe aec he waes bidend ric godes 3 43 uenit ioseph ab arimathia nobilis decurio qui et ipse erat expectans regnum dei et bal-lice inn-eode to ' 3 giuede lichoma h&lendes Sonne gewundrade gif audacter introiit ad pilatum et petit corpus iesu. 44 pilatus autem mirabatur si giee k huoeSer geliorade faest 3 miSSy gefotad webs Se centano J gefraegn _ hine gif aoAlice dead were iam obisset et accersito centurione interrogauit eum si iam mortuus esset. 3 miS ongaet from Seem aldormere salde f lichoma iosep Sonne bohte 45 et cum cognouisset & centurione donauit corpus ioseph. 46 *Ioseph autem mercatus * 228 i. lu. cccxxxiii. 10. ccum. lift J ofdyde hine bewand in lift 3 sette hine in byrgen ^ waes geheawen mt. cccxluiiii sindonem et deponens euwi inuoluit sindone et posuit eum in monumento quod erat excisum of carre k stane 3 towselte Saet stan to duru Sees byrgennes Sonne Sio magSalenesca de petra et aduoluit lapidem ad ostium monumenti. 47 *Maria autem magdalenae * 229. ui. r * , mt. cc|c]l. 3 behealdon huer woere gesettet et maria ioseph aspiciebant ubi poneretur. CAP. XVI. 3 miS-Sy geeode -J5 sunnedaeg Sio magdalene 3 3 bohton 1 *Et cum transisset sabbatum maria magdalene et maria iacobi et salomae emerunt • 230. uiU. lu. cc[c]xxxu aeSela wyrta ^5te miSSy gecuomo t cymmende gesmiredon hine 3 suiSe arlice an Sara sunneSagana aromata ut uenientes ungerent eum. 2 *Et ualde mane una sabbatorum * XLVI. 231. i. lu. cccxxxui. cuomon to byrgenne was arisen gee sunna 3 cuoedon him bituih hua eft k awaeltes us io. ccuiiii. ecxi. ueniunt ad monumentum orto iam sole. 3 et dicebant adinuicem quis reuoluit nobis mt - ccclii - Sone stan from duro Saes byrgennes 3 eft-locadon gesegon efet-awaelted Sone stan waes forSon lapidem ab ostio monumenti. 4 et respicientes uident reuolutum lapidem erat quippe rniccl suiSe 3 inn-eodon in byrgen gesegon ging esne sittende on swiSrum magnus ualde. 5 et introeuntes in monumento uiderunt iuuenem sedentem in dextris ufa ymbgearuad stol huit 3 fore-stylton coopertum stola Candida et ob-stupuerunt. 43. com . . from . . . wel-boren . . . forSon 3 he waes biddende rice godes 3 ballice in-eode to pylato 3 baed lichoma Sees hselendes 44. ... Sonne giwundrade gif he . . giliorde 3 miS gi-fotad waes Se centurion gifnegn hine gif soS deod were k se 45. 3 miSSy ongaet from Ssem aldre sselde Sonne lichoma . . 46. . . wutudftce brohtc lin 3 of-dyde hine biwand in line 3 sette hine in byrgenne Saet waes giheowen of stane 3 awselte Sone stan to Saer dura Seer byrgenne 47. ... Sione Sio maegSalenesca 3 . . . iosephes biheoldun hwer were giseted Cap. XVI. 1. 3 miSSy gieode sunna-daeg . . Sio magSalenesca 3 . . . . 3 . . . bohtun eeSele wyrte fte come k cymende gismiredun hine 2. 3 swiSe arlice an Sara dagona comun to Saer byrgenne waes arisend sunne 3. 3 cwedun him bitwih hwa awaelte us Sone stan from dura byrgenne 4. 3 eft loccadun gisegun eft awaelted Sone stan waes forSon micel swiSe 5. 3 ineodun in byrgenne gisegun gingne esne sittende in swiSrum ufu . . . stole hwitum 3 for-styltun. B2 132 By god-spel ge-byraS on wodnes d;pg on bare ogere e ster wucan. Surgens autewt wsus mane prima sabbati. Dis sceal on bunres da?g innan pare gang- wucan. Kecumbenti- bus undeci?» discipulis. 6 Da cwaeS he to him no forhtige ge na. ge secaS paene nazareniscan haelend ahan- genne ; He aras nis he her ; her is seo stow paer hi hine ledon. 7 ac faraS 7 secgaS his leorning-cnihtum. 1 petre -p he gaeS toforan eow on galileaTM. par ge hine geseoS swa he eow saede ; 8 And hi ut eodon. 1 flugon fram paere byrgene. 1 waeron afaerede for paere gesyh^e pe hi gesawon. "i hig nanon men naht ne saedon. soSlice hi him adredon; 9 T^a he aras on feme morgen on reste- j daege. aeryst he aet-ywde paere mag- daleniscan marian. of Saere he ut adraf seofon deofol-seocnyssa. 10 1 heo pa ut eode 1 hit pam cydde pe mid him wseron heofendura 1 wependum 11 pa hi gehyrdon •p he leofode 1 hi hine gesawon. pa ne ge-lyfdon hi hi?». 12 Mfter pam him twarn he waes aet-ywed on o'Srwn hiwe. him on pone tun farendum 13 1 hi pa foron "} -p o'Srwn cyddon. 7 hi him ne gelyfdon ; 1 4 Da aet nehstan he aetywde him twelfuw par hi aet-gaedere saeton. 1 taelde hyra unge- leafFulnesse. 1 hyra heortan heardnesse. forSam pe hi ne ge-lyfdon pam *&e hine gesa- won of deape arisan. 15 1 he saede him. FaraS into ealne middan-eard ] bodiaS god-spell, ealre ge- sceafte. Various Readings. 6. A. bone. A. hig. 8. A. hig. A. byrgenne. B. C. sihSe. A. hig. A. nanum. A. B. C. hig. A. ondredon. 9. A mergen. A. serest. B. C. deofol-seocnessa. 10. A. heofigendum. 11. A. hig {thrice.) 13. A. hig {twice). 14. A. heom [for him]. A. C. hig. A. heora ungeleaffulnysse. A. heora. A. C. heardnysse. A. C. hig. A. hig ne [for hine, by mistake]. 15. A. eallne. C. middan-geard. C. godspel. [N,B. From v. 14 to end in a different hand in B., being evidently transcribed from the Corpus MS.] 6 pa cw he to heom ne fortige ge na. ge seceS pane nazarenisca haelend ahangene. he aras. nis he her. her is syo stowe paer hy hine leigden. 7 ac fare?) 1 seggeS his leorning-cnihten. 1 petre. ■p he gaed to-foren eow on galilee. paer ge hine ge-seoS swa he eow saede. 8. 1 hyo ut eoden ") flugen fram pare byrigene. 1 waeren aferde. for pare sihSe pe hyo ge-seagew. 1 hyo nane men naht ne saigden. so^lice hyo heom an-dredden. 9 "InA he aras on aerne morgen on reste- j daige; aerest he atewde pare mag- dalenisca marie of pare pe he ut adraf seof en deofel-seocnysse. 10 1 hy pa ut eode 1 hit J?am cydde pe mid him waeren heofende 1 weopende. 11 )>a hyo ge-hyrden -p he leofede 3 hyo hine ge-seagen. pa ne lyfden hyo him. 12 iEfter pam heom twam he waes atewed on oSren heowe. heom on pane tun farende. 13 1 hyo pa foran. 1 ■p odren cydden. 1 hye heora ne ge-lyfden. 14 Da aet pan ytemesten hyo aend-lefene aet mete saeten. heora atewede se haelend 1 here unbelefen 1 heora heorten ge-tremede. for-pan -p hye hine ge-seagen arise hi hit ne ge-lyfden. 15 1 he saide heom. GaS swa wid swa midden-eard bodiende "p godspel ealle ge- scefte. Various Readings. 6. forhtige; secaS baene; halend ahawgenne; se stow; hyo; legdon. 7. faraS; -cnihtum; gseS ; galileam. 8. End hi ; byrigenne ; wseron ; ge-sawen ; sagden ; eom a- dreddon. 9. -daege; rotewede; madelenisce marian; seofan deofolseoenyse. 10. heo ; wseron heofendum 3 wependvm. 11. gehyrdon; leofode; ge-sagen ; lyfdon hy. 12. ofcrum ; bone; farenduw. 13. odrum ; hy ; hym {altered to he); ge- lifdon. 14. [N.B. From ban ytemesten in v. 14 to the end is omitted in MS. R. as at first written; but supplied by the scribe of the Hatton MS. with the same spelling, except as noted.] ateowede; helend. 133 seSe cuoeS Saem ne wsellas gefrohtiga Sone h-xlend gie soeces nazarenasca ahoen -1' ahongene aras 6 *Qui dicit illis nolite expauescere iesum quaeritis nazarenuwj crucifixum surrexit * 232. ii. lu.cccxxxui[i]. mt. cccliii. ne is hir heono stoue Ser gesetton hine sittas cuoaeSaS Segnum his 3 petro -pte non est hie ecce locus ubi posuerunt eu/ra. 7 sedite dicite discipulis eius et petro quia togeaegnes faeres iuh on geleornise Ser hine gie geseas sua cuoeS iuh praecedit uos in galilaeam ibi eum uidebitis sicut dixit uobis. 60S 8a ilco Bona foerdo 8 *At illae exeuntes * 233. ii. lu. cccxxxuiii mt. cccliiii. flugon of Saem byrgen forcuom forSon hia ondo-t 3 fyrhto-t 3 ne ccnigura menn gecuoedon fugerunt de monumento inuaserat enim eas tremor et pauor et nemini quicquam dixerunt ondreardon forSon timebant enim. aras uvAedlice arlice 4" on morgen Sio forrma daege . i . sunnadoeg aedeawde aerest 9 Surgens autem mane prima sabbati apparuit primo Saer magSalenesca of Saer gewarp seofa diowles mariae magdalene de qua eiecerat septem demonia. hio eade gesaegde Stem SaSe 10 ilia uadens nuntiauit his qui miS hine woeron maenendum 3 wopendum cum eo f'uerant lugentibws et flentibus. 3 Sa miSSy geherdon -(5 te gelifde 3 gesene waere 11 et illi audientes quia uiueret et uisus esset from hia ne gelefdon ab ea non credideruut. aefter Sas Sonne tuaem from him geongendum aedeawd wees 12 *post haec autem duobws ex eis ambulantibws ostensus est [* 234. uiii.] on oSero gelicnise faerende on lond in alia effigiae euntibus in uillam. 3 Sa foerdon saegdon Saem oSrum ne Seem 13 et illi euutes nuntiauerunt ceteris nee illis gelefdon crediderunt. 14 set nesta-Haetmest hlinigendum-rraestendum Saem tuoelfum set-eaude 3 for-cuom 4" for-draf "nouissime recumbentibMS illis undecim apparuit et exprobrauit [• 235.x.] ungeleaffulnise hiora 3 stiSnise heartes hiora forSon Saem SaSe gesegon hine arisse f aras ne incredulitatem eorum et duritiam cordis illorum quia his qui uiderant eum resurrexisse non gelefdon i naldon gelefa crediderant. 3 cuoeS him gaas on middangeard aline bodigas -p godspell 15 et dixit eis euntes in mundum uniuersum predicate euangelium alle-l'eghuelcufn sceafte omni creaturse. 6. seSe cwaeS Saem ne wallas ge forhtiga Sone hwlend gisoecas nazarenisca Se ahoen waes he aras ne is hit heonu stowe Ser gi-settun hine 7. sittas 3 cweSes Segnum his 3 . . Saette togsegnes faeres iow in . . . Ser ge hine giseaS swa cwaeS iow 8. soS Sa ileu Sona ttugun k foerdun from byrgenne for-comun forSon . . ondo 3 fyrhto 3 egsa 3 ne aengum menn gicwedun ondreordun forSon 9. aras wutudlice So haelenrf arlice Sy forma daege £ is sunnadaeg aeteowde aerist . . . Saer magSalenisca of Saer giwarp siofu diowlo 10. hio eode giseejrde Saem Se mis hine werun maenende 3 woepende 11 3 Sa miS-Sy giherdun Saet he lifde 3 gisene were from hia ne gi-lefdun 12. aefter Sissum Sonne twaem from him gongendum aet-eowed wees in oSre gelicnisse faerende on londe 13. 3 Sa foerdun saegdun Saem oSrum ne Saera gilefdun 14. set nesta ■t tetemest hlionigendum Saem twelfum aet-eowde 3 forcom -t fordraf ungileoffulnisse hiora 3 stiSnisse heorta forSon Saem SaSe gisegun hine arisa t aras ne gi-lefdun 15. 3 cwaeS him gas on middengeord alne bodigaS god-spel elce gescaefte 134 16 Se pe gelyfS 3 gefullod biS se bip hal ; Soplice se Se ne gelyfS. se biS geny- Serod ; 17 pas tacnii fyliaS pam Se ge-lyfaS. on minon naman hi deofol-seocnessa ut-drifaS ; hi sprecaj? niwum tungum. 18 naeddran hi afyrraS 3 him ne deraS peah hi hwaet dead-basrlices drincan ; Ofer seoce hi hyra lunula settaS 3 hi beoS hale ; 19 And witudlice drihten haslend sySSan he to hiw spraec. he waes on heofonu/w afangen. 3 he sitt on godes swiSran healfe ; 20 Soplice hi Sa farende aeghwar bode- don. drihtne mid-wyrcenduw 3 trymmendre spraece aefter-fyligendum tacnum. Various Readings. 16. A. byS ge-fullod. C. geny[>erud. 17. A. mynuw. A. C. hig. A. deofol-seocnyssa. A. C. hig. B. sprseca);. 18. C. needran. A. hig {four times); C. hig {twice). B. daerafc. A. drincon. A. heora. 19. A. wytodlice. A. C. heofenuw. A. syt ; C. sit. 20. A. hig. A. bodedun. A. getrymmendre; C. trymmende. B. sefter-fyligendend (sic). [See note to v. lion p. 132.] 16 f se pe ge-lyfd 3 is ge-funted he is hal. 3 ge se pe ne ge-lyfd he is for- demd. 17 pa tacnen pe haebbed pa pe ge-lyfeS pis folgeS. On mine name deofle gad ut. tungen spreced neowe. 18 3 naddren be-nemed. 3 gyf he dead- lice drenc drinced ne mag he heom derigen. 3 gyf hye uppen seocen here hande asetteS pe bet heo>« seel wurSe. 19. 3 ure hlaford haelend crist seSSen he wiS heom ge-sprecen haefde; he astah in to heofene 3 sitt on godes swiSre. 20 Hyo pa fulfelde bodeden swa wid swa al. pas hlafordes weorces 3 his bispelles ful- fellende mid felgenden tacnen. AMen. Various Headings. 16. See note on p. 132; om. 1st he; his [for is; twice], 18. derien. 20. fulfeld. 135 seSe gelefes 3 gefuluad biS i sie hal bis seSe vmtedlice ne gelefeS gehened biS J* 16 qui crediderit et babtizatus fuerit saluus erit qui uero non crediderit condem- geniSrad biS gemerca Sonne Sa SaSe gelefdon ♦ gelefaS Sa gefylgeS hia on noma minuwi diowlas nabitur. 17 signa autem eos qui crediderint haec sequentur in nomine meo demonia worpas miS sprecum hia sprecas niuum nedr6 hia niomas 3 gif deadlic huset gedrincas eicient Unguis loquentur nouis. 18 serpentes tollent et si mortiferum quid biberint ne hia i him sceSSaS ofer untrymigum honda onsettaS 3 wel hia habbaS-Hiim biS soel 3 se drihten non eos nocebit super aegrotos manus inponent et bene habebunt. 19 et dominua sec 4 soSlice tetter Son sprecend wees him genumen waes t onfenge wses in heofnum 3 gessedt to swiSrum godes quidem postquam locutus est eis adsumtus est in caelum et sedit & dextris dei. Sa ilco Sonne fa?rende i foerdon bodadon eghuser drihtne miS-wyrcende 3 -p word trymende 20 illi autem profecti praedicauerunt ubiqwe domino cooperante et sermonem confirmante miS fylgendum becenum t tacenum. sequentibws signis aseegd is boc marcus. Explicit liber Marcus. 16. seSe gilefaS 3 gifulwad biS hal biS seSe wutudh'ce ne gi-lefeS gihened biS 17: gimerco Sonne Sa seSe gilefaS Sas gifylgeS hi® on noma minum diowlas worpas mis sprecum hise spreocaS niowe 18. nedre hia3 niomas 3 gif deodlic hwoet hwaet gidrincas ne hia? sceSSas ofer un-trymigum honda on-settaS 3 wel hia habbent (sic) 19. 3 drihten soSlice sefte[r] Son sprecende waes him ginumen wses on heofnum siteS to Sser swiSra godes 20. Sa ilco Sonne fserende bodadun eg-hwer drihtene miS-wyrcende 3 word trymende mis fylgendum becnum FlNIT EUANGELIUM M.ARCI. APPENDIX. The following is a list of all the readings of the Latin text in the Rushworth MS. which differ from that in the Lindisfarne MS. as printed in this volume. Cap. I. 1. filii. 4. iohaimis; babtizans; bab- tismum; remisionem. 5. iudeae; hierusolimitae ; babtizabantur ; iordanis. 6. iohannis; pylis ca- melli; locustas; a?debat. 8. babtizaui; babtiza- bit ; R. inserts in after 2nd uos. 9. galileae ; babtizatus. 11. coiiplacui. 12. expulit (u over an erasure). 13. temptabatur; bestis; ei [for illij. 14. iohannis; galileam. 15. adpropin- quauit. 16. galileae; mittens (altered to mitten- tens). 18. secute. 19. pussillum; zebedei; iohannem; conponentes retia sua. 20. eos; ze- bedeo; mercinaris. 21. ingredietur; capharnau- um ; in sinagogam. 22. doctrinam. 23. sina- goga. 25. obmutuesce; exii; after homine R. inserts spiritus inmunde, with the gloss gast un- clsene. 26. discerpiens. 27. After noua R. inserts est, glossed is. 28. uniuersam; galileae. 29. sinagoga; symonis; iacob. 30. symonis. 31. leuauit; ad-prsechensa [for et praebensa]; minisbat. 32. adferebant; daemonia, 34. uaris langoribus; dsemonia; ea loqui. 35. R. inserts et after surgens. 36. symon; eo. 38. After illis R. inserts iesus, glossed se haelend ; ad hoc [for et hoc]. 39. sinagogis; galilea. 40. flexu. 41. misertus. 43. comminatus est ei statim et. 44. moyses. 45. At [for Et]; caepit; defamare. Cap. II. 1. capharnauum ; domu. 4. cum [for 1st eum]; offere; submisierunt; grabattum. 5. filii. 7. blasfemat. 8. intra. 9. dimit- tuntur; peccata tua; grabbatum. 11. surge et tolle grabattum. 12. et sublato grabatto; mi- rarentur. 13. rursus (altered to rursum) ad mare. 15. puplicani. 16. puplicanis. 17. medico. 18. iohannis [for iohannes] ; cur [for quare]. 19. nuptiarum. 20. in illis diebws. 21. nemo enim ad-sumentum ; adsuit. 22. effundetur ; after debet R adds et utraqwe seruantur (unglossed). 23. ambularet iesus. 25. esurit. 26. in domum; abithar; licebat; nisi solis sacerdotibus. Cap. III. 1. introiuit; in synagogam. 2. accussarent eum. 6. om. statim. 7. galilea et de iudea. 8. et ab hierusolimis; idumea. 9. ut in; conpraemerent. 11. inmundos; procede- bant. 12. comminabatur ; eum [for ilium]. 14. om. euangelium. 16. inpossuit; petrum. 17. zebedei; inpossuit; nomina boar-nergis; thon- itrai. 18. philippum ; bartholomeum et ma- theum; thaddaeum; symonem cannaneum. 19. scharioth qui tradidit. 20. possint. 22. hiru- solimls discenderant ; belzebub ; daemoniorum eiecit. 23. parabulis; eis [for illis]; eiecere. 24. poterit [for potest] ; illud. 26. disperditus ; potest [for poterit]. 27. uassa; ingresus; alli- gauerit fortem. 28. quoniam. 30. diciebant. 31. uocantes ad eum. 32. om. tui. Cap. IV. 1. docere et mare. 2. eos [for illos]; parabulis. 4. decidit [for cecidit]. 5. ci- cidit; om. multam. 6. et ex eo. 7. spinas. 10. hii ; parabulas. 11. nosse . mysterium ; om. dei; parabulis. 13. parabulam ; parabulas. 15. hii ; audierint. 16. hii; supra. 18. hii. 19. e- rumpnae; diuiarum; eficiuntur. 20. hii; supra; seminati sunt hii sunt qui. 21. supra candala- brum. 24. remitietur; uos [for 2nd uobis]. 26. Quem-admodum ; iacte£ [for iaceat]. 28. spicam [for spinam]. 30. parabulae conparabi- mus. 31. sfc est ut [for sicut]; terram mini- mum [for terra minus]. 32. om. fuerit. 33. parabulis; poterent. 34. parabula. 35. in ilia. 36. om. eum; erat 1 . 37. naue mitta (sic) ; inple- retur. 39. obmutesce; tranquilitas. Cap. V. 4. cumpedibus; catinas et conpedes 1 Glossed bite werun, which is clearly copied from the Lindisfarne MS. 138 conminuisetf. 5. om. et after erat. 7. dixit; filii. 8. exii spiritus. 9. dicebat. 12. di- praecabantur. 13. mari [for 2nd mare]. 14. egresi. 15. uenerunt ; sanae. 16. et [for ei]. 18. ascenderei in nauem; quia. 19. ad- nuntia. 20. decapuli. 22. archi-synagogis ; procedit. 23. om. eum. 24. om. eum ; con- praemebant. 25. profuio. 26. perpessa a con- plurimis; quiquam proficerat; om. magis. 28. saluauero. 31. illius [for sui]; conprimentem. 32. facerat. 33. procedit. 35. uenerunt ab archi-synagogo. 36. archi-synagogo. 38. archi- synagogi et uidit; eiulantes. 39. ingresus. 40. ingrediuntur. 41. thabitha Curnii. 42. magno [for maximo]. 43. praecipit. Cap. VI. 1. egresus; eius [for sui]. 2. om. huic; om. et after omnia; ei [for illi]. 3. fabri filius et; iudeae; nonne sorores hie; eo [for illo]. 4. om. eis; domu. 5. inpossitis. 6. eorum [for illorum]. 7. eis [for illis]; spirituum. 8. praecipit. 9. scandalis; tomcls. 11. recipe- rint uos neque. 12. Et exeuntes illi; peniten- tiam. 13. unguebant; egros. 14. herodis; quod iohannis; operantur 1 [for inopinantur] ; om. in. 15. om. dicebant quia helias est; profeta; profetis. 16. qua [for Quo]; herodis; om. ego; decolaui Iohannis. 17. herodis ; iphannem ; uincxit; carcerem ; herodiadem ; pilippi ; earn [for eum]. 18. iohannis. 19. herodis; insediebatur ilium. 20. herodis autem; iohannem; et quod sanctum. 21. herodis; galileae. 22. herodii; petite. 23. illi multa. 24. illam [for ilia]; babtistae. 25. quae-cumqwe; confestinatione. 26. contristatus est. 27. miso confestim ; praecipit; decolauit. 28. adtulit; dedit [for dicit]. 29. tullerunt ; possuerunt. 30. enuntiauerunt. 31. uenite uos; pussillum; multi et nee. 33. pestri [for ped- estres]; om. et; cucurrerunt; peruenerunt. 34. qui [for quia] ; caepit docerei eos (sic). 35. iam horae multae fierent; ei desertus. 37. illis iesus date illis uos; emeamus denaris. CC. 38. quod; dicunt ei .u. 39. fenum. 40. om. 1st et; eas [for in partes]. 41. om. duobus piscibus ; in ten- dens [for intuens]. 42. et omnes. 43. cofi- nos. 45. cogit; dimiserit. 46. dimisisetf; abit. 47. iam erat ; midio. 48. iesus ambulans. 49. fantasma. 50. qui [for enim] ; es [for eis]. 51. stupebant et mirabantur. 52. intellexerunt; ob- cicatum. 53. genesareth adplicauenmt. 55. grab- batis; om. s6. 56. uel et uillos aut ciuitates. Cap. VII. 1. et cum uenerunt; pharissei; hirusolimis. 2. cummunibus. 3. pharissei ; om. enim ; iudei ; lauent. 4. babtizentur ; babtismata calicem et urcaeorum et aeramen- torum. 5. interrogabant ; farissei ; scribae dicentes. 6. quia bene profetauit esseias ; hippochritis ; labls meis honorat. 7. et prae- cepta. 8. eum [for enim]; mandatum dei te- nentes; urcaeorum. 9. inritum; seruitis. 10. moises; uel [for aut]. 11. patri suo; matri suo; om. quod est donum; est ex; proderit. 12. ultra non dimittas earn. 13. rescendentes; tradistis. 15. hominem ; quoinquinare ; commonicant. 17. om. eum ; parabulam. 18. eis [for illis] ; nondum [for non]; om. eum; commonicare. 19. intromit. 20. dicebant. 21. nequitiae dolus inpudicitia comes after auaritiae in v. 22; adultera. 22. blasfemia. 24. finem tiri; late [for latere]. 25. huius [for cuius] ; procedit. 26. sirophinis agere (sic). 27. R. inserts iu before filios. 28. catuli in sub mensa de micis conwiederunt puerorum. 29. at illi; exiet demonium. 30. om. suam; super; demonium. 31. tiri; sidoniara; galileae; medio finis decapolis. 32. depraecabantur ; in- ponerei. 33. tegit [for tetigit]; eius follows auriculas. 34. et ingemuit; epheta; adperire. 35. om. 1st et; rectse. 37. facit [twice]. Cap. VIII. 1. om. 2nd illis. 2. turbam. 3. deficiaut. 6. super; adpossuerunt; om. turbae. 7. habebant discipulos; iussit. 8. sustullerunt ; .uii. [for septum] ; sportas plenas. 9. .uii. [(sic) for quattuor]. 11. farisaei et cseperunt; de [for dae] ; temptantes. 13. dimittiens. 14. discipuli eius sumere. 15. pharissaeorum ; hero- dis. 17. cognoscetis nee; adhuc. 18. om. et. 19. sustullistis. 20. tullistis. 22. eum [for ilium]. 23. inpossitis. 24. arbore. 25. om. iterum; inpossuit manum. 26. eum [for ilium]. 27. castella cessariae philippi; dicentes [for di- cens]. 28. iohannem. 29. simon petrus. 32. adpraehendens. 33. dicipulos; satanas. 34. om. et tollat crucem suam. 36. om. enim ; totum 1 Glossed un-woene Bint, which is copied from tlie Lindisfarne MS. 139 mundum. 37. commotationem. 38. confussus; confunde< [for confidetur]. Cap. IX. 2. adsumpsit. 3. ipsius [for eius]. 4. moisi. 9. discendentibus ; praecipit. 10. aput. 11. oportet. 12. scriptum; condemp- natur. 13. om. et after quia; scriptum. 15. est et expauerunt et adcurrentes saluabant. 17. atuli; inmundum [for mutum]. 18. allidit; stridit. 19. aput. 20. atullerunt; elissus in terra. 25. spirita; om. illi; exii. 26. et multum descerpens ; exiuit. 27. eum [for il- ium]. 28. om. in; eis [for eius] ; ilium [for 2nd eum]. 29. potest. 32. om. uerbum et time- bant. 33. capharnauum ; interrogabat. 34. dis- putauerunt. 35. residiens; om. esse. 36. om. ut; conplexus. 37. reciperit ; missit. 38. iohannis. 41. quia non perde£ mercidem. 42. hiis pussil- lis; illi [for ei]. 43. ingredi [for introire] ; iure [for ire]; gehennam. 44. morietur. 45. in- troire. 46. morietur. 47. occulus ; caecum [for luscum] ; introire ; gehennam. 48. morie- tur; ignis eorum. 49. ignis. 50. inter [for 2nd in] ; salem. Cap. X. 1. et exinde; iudeae; consuerat; eos [for illos]. 2. pharissaei ; dimittere ; temptantes. 3. praecipit. 4. permissit. 5. hoc [for istud]. 7. adherebit uxori sua?. 8. una [for uno]. 9. coniuncxit. 10. de eodem follows eum. 12. nup- serit. 14. prohibuertis (sic). 15. reciperit. 16. conplexans. 17. egressus. 19. adulteres; ma- trem tuam. 20. ait illi ; omnia haec. 21. quae- cumque ; unde, altered to uende. 22. merens ; multas possessiones. 23. dificile. 24. om. illis; om. o; dificile; confitentes; pecunis. 25. camellum. 26. mirabantur. 27- aput (thrice). 30. persecuti omnibus [for persecutoribus et]. 32. hieruso- lima. 33. om. in; hierusolima; dampnabunt. 34. om. 1st eum ; flagillabunt eum et. 35. iohannis ; zebedei. 37. unus [for alius]. 38. putatis [for petatis] ; calicem bibere ; baptismo. 39. baptiza- bemini. 40. dare uobis. 42. hii. 45. dare; red- tionem (sic). 46. in hiericho [for hierichum] ; eo de hericho et discipulis ; multitudne (sic) ; timei bartimeus. 47. iesu [for 2nd iesus]. 48. cum- minabantur ; filii ; miserere. 49. om. 1st et ; praecipit; animae equior. 51. illi iesus dixit. 52. dixit [for ait] ; tua [for tuo] ; uia. Cap. XI. 1. hierusolimae et bithaniae. 2. quod contra uos est ; adhuc nemo; solute. 6. illis [for 1st eis] ; praeciperat ; dimisierunt. 7. inpos- suerunt. 8. ramos de [for de]. 9. praecede- baDt; ossanna. 10. ossanna. 11. hirusolyma; uespera. 12. de [for &]. 14. ex te fructum. 15. hierusolymam. 17. scriptum; speloncam. 18. doctrinam. 20. transierent. 21. recordatus est. 23. om. quia ; essitauerit ; om. fiet. 26. de- miseritis ; dimittat. 27. hierusolimam ; in tem- plum accesserwnt. 28. haec [for ista]. 29. re- spondite ; dicam. 30. respondite. 31. at [for ait] ; om. nobis. 32. timemus. 33. dixerunt. Cap. XII. 1. parabulis ; uiniam plantauit ; agriculis. 2. agriculas; agriculis; uiniae. 3. di- misierunt. 4. contumelis adfecerunt. 6. adhuc ; carissimum ad ilium ; uerebuntur. 8. adprae- hendentes ; eicierunt. 11. factus; occulis. 12. cognuerunt; parabulam. 14. quoniam [for quia]; hominum ; dei [for dowiini] ; cessari. 15. temp- tatis. 16. ei et ait ; inscriptio ; caessaris. 17. caessaris csessari. 19. scripsit; om. ut; diserit [for dimiserit]; ut accipiat. 20. accepit; semine. 21. om. 3rd!et; ipse [for iste]. 22. accipierunt ; reliquierunt. 23. surrexerint ; hiis. 24. scriptu- ras. 25. nubunt. 26. resurgunt ; abracham. 31. om. 1st est ; diliges. 32. unus est dews. 33. sa- crificis. 34. sapienter ; audiebat ; om. eum. 35. om. scribae. 36. scabillum. 38. dicebat. 40. domus; prolexae ; hii accipiunt prolexius. 41. aes in gazium philacium. 42. aera duo minuta. 44. omnis; habundabat; penuria; uinctum. Cap. XIII. 1. egredietur. 2. uides; lapes. 3. sederent in monte ; iohannis. 4. hunt. 7. autem audieritis; nondum est finis. 8. super [for contra] ; loqua et famis. 9. in concills. 11. fuerit uobis ; loquemini ; uos estis. 14. uide- retis abhominationem ; iudea ; ad montes [for in montes]. 15. supra [for super] ; discendat ; ali- quid [for quid]. 17. praegnantibws. 18. non fiat fuga uestra uel sabbato. 19. tribulationes. 20. breuiassetf ; breuiabit. 21. om. est ; nee [for ne]. 22. — prophetae; fieri potest. 24. dierum illorum [for illam]. 26. nubibws. 27. quatuor. 28. fico ; parabulam ; tener [for terner] ; astas. 29. ostiis. 30. transiet; fient. 32. et [for uel]. 34. ianuatori. 36. ne [for et] ; om. repente. Cap. XIV. 1. om. 1st et ; azemorum ; dolo at end of verse. 2. in populo [for populi]. 3. 82 140 symonis; unguenti; capud. 4. unguenti. 5. de- naris. 8. unguere. 9. mundum. 10. scariothes. 11. promisierunt ; eum [for ilium]. 12. azemo- ram ; immolabant. 13. ciuitatem ; occurred ; la- gynam ; sequemini. 15. caenaculum. 16. ciui- tatem ; praeparauerunt. 18. om. cum. 20. in- tinguit. 21. scriptum ; tradetur ; om. 2nd est. 22. accipit. 24. effundetur. 25. generatione [for genimine]. 26. ymno. 27. illis [for eis] ; scriptum ; dispergentur. 28. resurrexero ; gali- leam. 29. om. ei. 32. gethsamani. 33. ad- sumpsit ; taedicere. 35. processissei ; procedit. 36. possibilia tibi ; tu uis. 38. temptationem ; promptus est 40. denouo ; eorum [for illorum], 41. reciescite ; suffecit. 42. trade*. 43. adhuc ; scarioth; cum eo [for cum illo]. 44. om. caute. 47. per unum [for senium] ; auriculam. 48. gladis ; conpraehendere. 49. aput ; impleantur scripturae. 50. omnes relinquentes. 51. Ado- liscens ; ilium [for eum] ; om. et. 54. usqwe intro in atrium. 55. aduersus. 58. aliut. 60. surgens ; interrogauit in medium ; respondes ; hiis. 61. rursus; dei benedicti. 63. ues[ti]menta ; adhuc; testes. 64. condempnauerunt. 65. pro- phetiza. 66. seorsum. 67. uidissetf. 68. exiuit. 69. ancella. 70. galileus. Cap. XV. 1. pontic- pylato. 2. pylatus ; iu- daeorum ; ei ait [for ait illi]. 4. pylatus; re- spondes; accussant. 5. pylatus. 6. unum uinc- tum quae-cum-que. 7. barrabbas. 9. pylatus. 12. Pylatus; ut faciam. 14. pylatus; mali fecit. 15. Pylatus uero; dimisit; barrabban ; flagillis caessum. 16. om. autem; intro in. 17. purpu- ram ; spiniam. 19. capud ; et adorabant. 20. eum [for 1st ilium]. 21. angarizauerunt praeter- euntes quen-dam symonem cyrineum. 23. ac- cipit. 24. sortes. 26. Erat autem; inscriptus. 27. duos. 28. inpleta ; scriptura ; deputatus. 29. distruebat. 30. discende. 31. inludentes. 32. discendat; uidiamus. 33. factae. 34. sabbac- thani ; me diriliquisti. 36. spongeam ; uenit. 37. emisa. 38. scisum. 39. centorio. 40. aspiciens ; magdalene. 41. galilea; ascenderunt hierusolima. 43. quia [for qua] ; audaciter introiuit ; pylatum. 44. pylatus ; arcessito centorione interrogabat. 45. cognuissetf. 46. mercatus est; possuit; hostium. CAP. XVI. 1. magdalenae ; unguerent. 4. uiderunt reuol[ut]um. 5. obstipuerunt. 6. pos- suerunt. 7. et dicite ; praecidit ; galileam. 8. inuasserat. 9. iesws mane; magdalenae; eicerat ; daemonia. 12. hiis [for eis]. 13. caeteris. 14. XII [for undecim] ; illorum [for eorum] ; om. illorum; hiis [for his]; crediderunt. 16. con- dempnabitur. 17. daemonia. 18. liberint [for biberint] ; egros. 19. adsumptus. 20. seque[n]t- ibus. CRITICAL NOTES. N.B. In the notes to the Chapters of the Gospel, the letter L. means the Lindisfarne MS.; H. the Hatton MS.; and R. the Rushworth MS. Page 1. In the title, MS. L. has capitulae, as printed ; an error for capitula. The gloss to the title ought not to have been printed in capital letters. The names of the four men employed upon the L. MS. are recorded (as Wanley says) at the end of the Gospel of St Matthew, but still after the title to St Mark (as here printed) which occurs at the end of St Matthew's Gospel, leaf 88, back. The sense of the phrase is — " Thou living God, remember thou Eadfrift and ^E^ilwald and BillfriB and Aldred, sinners ; these four, with God's help, were employed upon this book." The word lifgiende is misprinted lufigende by Wanley. The word peccatorum is indistinct, the end of it being denoted by a contraction ; but I read it so, and not peccatoris. The word ymbwoeson is mis- printed ymbweoson by Wanley and Waring, owing to the former o being above the line. See the Surtees' Society's edition of St John's Gospel, p. xliv, footnote. Cf. woerc in L 2, page 2 ; &c. Argumentum. This is printed in Bouterwek's Screadunga, p. 1, and an excellent facsimile of the first few words (from Marcus to discipulus) is prefixed to his tract. The MS. text is very cor- rupt, but is left as it stands. A few corrections are here noted. L. 1. MS. dei ; read dei electus. L. 3. MS. quod ; read quid. L. 4. MS. prophetiae ; read propheticae. L. 5. MS. lectionis; read electionis. MS. praedistinatum ; for praedestinatum. Bouterwek misprints it praedistinctum. L. 6. MS. enuntiantis ; read annuntiantis. MS. sed ; read sed et. L. 7. MS. initio ; read in initio. MS. osten- dens ; another reading is ostenderet. MS. qui ; read quiuis. L. 8. MS. omits caro before deberet. L. 9. MS. perfectio ; read perfecti. L. 10. MS. et baptismo ; read et a baptismo. L. 11. MS. uicerat ; read uiderat. MS. to- tum inprimis ; read totius exprimens. L. 12. MS. ieiunium numeri; read numerum ieiunii. L. 13. (Gloss to singula) MS. siundrio ; not suindrio, as in Bouterwek. L. 14. MS. facti ; read factse. MS. operi ; read operis. L. 16. MS. posuit ; read potuit. The gloss to the preceding word is written foreworden, but altered to forewurdon. Page 2, 1. 2. MS. opus scire ; read opus fuit scire et. L. 3. MS. agnosceret; read agnoscere. MS. carnem; read came domini. L. 4. MS. intellegeret; read intelligere. MS. in nos primum requiri; read et nos primum re- quiri oportet. L. 12. MS. factuqwe; read tactuque. Page 3, 1. 1. MS. mittet; read mittit. L. 3. MS. fecerit ; read fecerint. L. 18. (Gloss to milia) MS. "Susenda, cor- rected to Busend. Page 4, 1. 1. (Gloss to quem) MS. huecl ; for huelc. L. 13. MS. recepturus ; read recepturos. L. 15. MS. Bartimaus ; read Bartimaeus. L. 16. MS. inlihteft waes; read inlihted wjes. L. 18. MS. ficulnea; for ficulneam. MS. giuende, corr. to giuendo. L. 20. parobolam ; a misprint for parabolam. Page 5, 1. 2. MS. temtantibus. Bouterwek has tentantibus. 142 L. 3. MS. fregnendes, corr. to fregnende. L. 4. MS. centensimi ; read centesimi, which Bouterwek prints. L. 9. MS. seruus ; read seruos. L. 13. The gloss to clementer is indistinct, but I certainly read it trumlice ; Bout, prints frumlice. L. 14. MS. adqwe ad ; read atque a. L. 1 from bottom. MS. albas; read albis. Chap. I. The readings of MS. B. (col. 1) are of no authority from ch. I. v. 1 to ch. iv. v. 37; see pref. p. vii. 3. L. stiga, corrected to stigo, as printed. In other cases, I print only the corrected form, mentioning the uncorrected form in these Critical Notes. 10. L. untynde, altered to un- tyndo; cf note to v. 3. 13. L. wifterworde, alt. to wiBerwearde. 14. The rubric in col. 1 is from MS. A. Chap. II. 4. L. et eum (so) ; hence the wrong gloss hine ; for eum read cum. L. (gloss to in) in, altered to on. 5. L. synna, altered to synno. 8. L. hearta, alt. to hearto. 9. L. Hwaet (so, with a capital letter). 10. L. eorfto; Bout. misprints eorXu. 12. L. we gesegon ; Bout. wrongly omits we. 13. H. Rubric in Royal MS. the same. L. mare; read mane. The gloss fol- lows the mistake of the text. 14. L. The gloss to me may perhaps be read mec. 15. L. Section 22 is misnumbered " xxi " in the MS. 17. L. Altered from soBfaesta ah synfulla. 18. H. Same rubric in Royal MS. 18. L. iohannes first time, as printed. 19. L. brydguma ; altered from bryd- wuma. 23. H. Same rubric in Royal. 24. L. doaB gie ; Bout, misprints doaS hia. 25. L. huaetd, not huset, as printed. The d seems due to the initial sound of the next word; but cf. iv. 40 and v. 9. R. hycrende (so) ; perhaps for hyncerde. L. hinie ; Bout, has hine. 26. L. eattanna, as printed. Chap. III. 1. L. eft sona; Bout, misprints eftersona. 2. L. geteldon; Bout, getelden. 3. L. cue ; Bout. cuaeSS. L. drygi ; Bout. dry. 5. R. ungleownissise ; an obvious slip. 6. L. wrongly has — Villi, xxui. ii. lu. xciii. xxu. mt. cxuii. in the margin. 7. L. wrongly has mt. xxxiii in the margin. 9. L. deseruiret, with n above, as though deseruirent ; hence the gloss. 34. R. ymb heop ; may perhaps be read ymb heof. Chap. IV. 12. Corpus MS. nanege seon; A. na ne ge seon. R. on-cwnawaS ; an obvious error for on-cnawaft, as printed. 13. R. bispell i gi- cunniga magvn gicunniga ; where i is obviously misplaced. 19. L. aerumnas ; read aerumnae. 21. L. (margin) lu. cxxxui; read cxxxiii, as printed. 28. L. spinam; hence the gloss; but read spicam. 31. L. seSum ; perhaps for sedum. 33. L. Sul- lucum (so). 37. L. yrte; probably for yste. 39. R. Sestiorend (one word). Chap. V. 1. L. Saesaes (so). 3. L. bye, al- tered to by. 10. L. marginal note partly cut off ; cf. that in R. 13. L. altered from undei'-drencde waeron on. 18. L. auaeled; alt. from auaelled. 25. L. utiorninsc ; the first i is a capital, thus : utlorninsc. 33. L. forhtade; alt. from frohtade. 38. L. Gloss to second et omitted ; as printed. 41. L. daere; read Saere. 42. L. ftaermaaste (one word). Chap. VI. 3. L. wrihte ; with y above, be- tween w and r. L. ge-onspurned, alt. to ge- ondspyrned. 7. L. tuelfe, alt. to tuelfo. 8. L. (gloss to tantum) ane, alt. to an. 13. L. diwowlas, alt. to diowlas. 20. L. gedede, alt. to gedyde. 21. Corp. MS. has gebrydtide, as printed. 24. L. fulwiht, followed by a curling stroke. 25. L. fulwih, with a curl. 28. L. dicit, an obvious error for dedit. 29. L. geheredon, alt. to geherdon. 31. R. has pussillum, glossed by him. L. The insertion of \ after eft-cuomon is not a misprint ; cf. gloss to candelabrum ; iv. 21. 36. L. ettesS, alt. to ettes. 37. L. hlafa, alt. to hlafo. 40. L. hundra^, with a curl over the a. 41. L. hlafum } tusem fiscum, alt. to hlafo J tue fiscas. 47. L. efrn. Perhaps it should not be altered to efern, as the same spelling occurs again, xi. 11 ; but cf. R. 48. R. fearSa; no point under the a, as in Bouter- wek. 53. R. foerdun; indistinct; may be foyr- dun. The gloss a to plica, is unintelligible, and due to the Latin applicuerunt. 54. L. waeren, alt. to waeron. Chap. VII. 1. L. toi ; read to. L. o^ero, alt. to 143 ofter. 2. L. hlafa, alt. to hlafo. 3. R. etun ; Bout, eton. 4. L. R. omit gloss to nisi. 6. Bout, omits from heorte to worSas in verse 7, in his print of R. 7. L. laruas, alt. to laruo. 17. L. Sreade, alt. to Create. 18. R. has ec 1 as gloss to 2nd et. 19. R. in un nut gongum (so) ; which I have altered. 21. L. innuaeard, alt. to innueeard ; heorte, alt. to heorta ; esuicnise, alt. to esuicnis. 22. L. efolsongas, alt. to efolsong. 30. R. gimitte; Bout, gimast. 33. L. earlipricum, alt. to earlip- rico. 35. L. untynde, alt. to untyndo; gesprec- cend, alt. to spi-eccend. 36. L. gcoede, with small u between c and o. Chap. VIII. 2. L. ge $ abidas ; this means — gebidas \ abidas. 5. L. seofoDa, alt. to seofo. 7. L. geheht, alt. to heht. L. cewalas, alt. to cewlas. 9. L. Susende, alt. to Susendo. 10. Corp. MS. omits the initial letter. 11. L. seoec- ende, alt. to soecende ; L. dae caelo (so) ; L. costende, alt. to costendo. 14. L. forgetone, alt. to forgetne. 16. L. hlafas, alt. to hlafo. 19. L. tuoelfe, alt. to tuoelfo. 20. L. seofa, alt. to seofo. 23. H. laedden, corrected to lsedde. 26. R. ge- gonges ; no point under the first e, as in Bouter- wek. 29. L. pet, followed by a curl; but in v. 32, petr with a curl. 35. L. losias, alt. to losas. 36. L. middang, followed by a curl; cf. R. 38. L. confusus ; read confessus. L. Seme legere, alt. to Seme leger. Chap. IX. 2. H. and Royal have summe for sumne. 3. L. gewordne, alt. to awordne. 9, 10. L. ends v. 9 with arisa, but v. 10 with arise. 11. L. risnelic (so); for risenlic. 15. L. gestylde, alt. to gestylte. 17. L. attulit; for attuli. 22.11. Aagyf ~f (so). 28. R. introisset, glossed by ineode 1 31. R. ofslog, alt. to ofslas. 33. L. woere, alt. to woeron. 34. L. (margin) lv. ccii. ccxuii; read ccxuii (not ccxuiii, as misprinted). 39. L. denotes monn by the rune .p^. here, and in xi. 14. 45 and 47. L. introirae. 49. R. giscostad; an error for gicostad. Chap. X. 8. L. ana, with i um above latter a. 9. L. to sceadaS, alt. to to sceada. 10. L. ge frugnuon, alt. to ge frugnon. 17. L. gebeged, alt. to beged ; R. gibed, an error for gibeged. 19. L. beboda, alt. to bebodo; lease, alt. to leas. 22. L. hasbbende, alt. to hsebbend. 24. L. (gloss to in before strionum) on, alt. to in. 27. L. gode, alt. to god (first time). 30. L. disum; for Sisum. 32. L. da Singo ; for £a Singo. 35. R. zebe- dedes ; for zebedes. 38. L. hi (without a dot) ; evidently an error for hu. 41. H. gebulge, for gebulgen. 45. H. alysendnysse ; for alysednysse. 49. R. ceiga ; for ceigas. Chap. XI. 1. L. more, alt. to mor. 9. L. cliopadaun, alt. to cliopadun. 11. Cf. note to vi. 47. 14. Cf. note to ix. 39. 17. L. gebed- des, alt. to gebedd ; cf. pref. p. xviii, note. 23. H. ic seggeS, alt. to ic segge. L. gelefed, alt. to gelefe. 28. L. doest, alt. to does. Chap. XII. 4. L. gehornadon, where the h is written h; see note in Wanley's Catalogue, p. 156. 14. L. gesiist, alt. to gesiis. 15. L. geswiopernise, alt. to geswipernise. 19. L. hlaf, where h is writ- ten as above; cf. note to v. 4. L. awsecceS, alt. to awaecce. 22. L. acciperunt; for acceperunt. 23. L. chwses, alt. to hwses. 24. L. cunnige, alt. to cunnoge. 28. L. bobod, alt. to bod. 30. L. maegne Sinra, alt. to maegne Sin. 32. L. (margin) cxxxi. x ; read 132. x, as printed. 33. L. neesta, alt. to neesto. 41. The rubric in MS. A. has been inadvertently omitted. It is merely — Sedens iesus contra gazo-philacium. It marks the beginning of a section, corresponding to section xli of MS. L. Chap. XIII. 3. L. beamea, alt. to beama. 7. L. gefehta, alt. to gefehto (first time). 8. L. cynne, alt. to cynn. L. rice, alt. to ric. 9. For 139. i. in margin of L., the MS. wrongly has cxxxix. ui. 11. L. places hora, with its gloss, after loquimini, but there are fine lines, as marks of transposition, to shew that its proper place is after ilia. 14. L. woroht, alt. to wroht. 19. L. costunges, alt. to costungo. 22. L. cristes, alt. to cristo. L. fertinu, alt. to fertino. L. hia, alt. to hi. 25. L. feollende, alt. to fallende. 26. nubi- mus ; sic in L. 28. terner ; sic in L ; for tener. 31. ge-witoS (H) is clearly miswritten for ge- witeS. L. hliores, alt. to hlioras. L. hlioreS, alt. to hlioraS. 34. L. his, alt. to hus. 35. L. bebeades, alt. to bebead. The h in hlaferd (L) is written as in note above to xii. 4. 144 Chap. XIV. 1. Margin of L.; the MS. has " io. xxuiii," an error for " io. xx." 2. R. pofolce, alt. to folce ; the scribe began to write populi. 3. L. on, alt. to in ; in the gloss to in. L. gebre- cen, alt. to gebrocen. 4. L. ungenti ; but in v. 5, unguentum. 5. L. bifgedon (they trembled) translates tremebant, not fremebant. 11. L. ge- feande, alt. to gefeando. 22. R. wrongly has etendum onfeng him onfeng. 23. Royal MS. has heon for heom. L. gedruncun, alt. to gedruncon. 26. L. oelebeame, alt. to oelebeama. 47. L. ofslog, alt. to slog. 66. L. sunduria, for sundria. 72. L. weopa, alt. to woepa. Chap. XV. 1. L. alle, alt. to all. 10. L. aifista, alt. to sefist. 11. L. biscopas, alt. to bis- eobas. 17. There is a long curl over ce in hrcegle in L. The word cursendo is written like our- sendo; but see the Rushworth gloss. 21. There is a curl over er in faeder in L. 30. L. hrode, alt. to rode. 32. L. gelefeft, alt. to gelefe. 36. L. unsettenne, alt. to unsettanne. 41. R. galelse, alt. to galilae. 43. L. biddend, alt. to bidend ; R. biddende. Chap. XVI. 5. L. ufa h ymbgearuad; but the h has a stroke through it, as if to strike it out. It may be for hoc or hoc est, and may mean that ufa is as good a translation as ymb of the prefix co in coopertum. 9. L. Surgens, with a capital. This seems to suggest that a new subsection was intended to begin here, but subsections 234, 235 are left unmarked. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 4, last line; for parobolam read parabolam. ~ Page 5, last three lines ; see the remarks in the preface, p. xxiii. Page 15, verse 45; in the gloss to "esse," for wses -J5 were, read wses 4" were. j Page 21, verse 25; for huset read husetd. „ „ 26, in the lower text ; for nym{>e read nymSe. Page 26. The large capitals should be the same as in col. 2, p. 34. Page 27, line 2 ; for sanctum read sanctum. Page 60, col. 1, footnotes to verse 6 ; add " C. hig (last time)." Cf. pref. p. x. Page 62, col. 1, footnotes to verse 20; for B. seofan read B. C. seofan. In footnotes to verse 21, for A. B. omit ge read A. B. C. omit ge. In footnote to verse 22, add C. anne. Cf. pref. p. x. Page 72, col. 1, footnotes to verse 33 ; for B. smeada read B. C. smeada. Cf. pref. p. x. Page 76, col. 1, footnotes to ch. x., verse 2 ; add C. fandiende. In the footnotes to verse 5, for A. heardnysse, read A. C. heardnysse. In the footnotes to verse 6, for B. wsepned, &c. read B. C. waepned, &c. Cf. pref. p. x. Page 78, col. 1, footnote to verse 18 ; add C. hi [for hwi]. „ „ 2, footnotes, 1. 2. Insert ; after leorning-cnihtas. Page 80, col. 1, footnotes to verse 27 ; for A. B. hig read A. B. C. hig. To footnote to verse 29, add C. us [for hus]. To footnote to verse 30, add C. ecce. Page 86, col. 1, footnotes to verse 6; for A. B. hig read A. B. C. hig, twice over. Page 87, verse 3 ; in the gloss to " dimittet," for forlcetes read forletes. „ lower text, cap. xi. v. 2 ; for monn read mon. Page 89, lower text ; verse 9 should be continued down to the word " drihtnes." Page 96, col. 1, verse 18. Insert . after sy. Page 100, col. 1. The rubric to v. 41 has been accidentally omitted ; MS. A has — Sedeng iesus contra gazo- philaciuw. In the footnotes, v. 34, for A. eart read A. B. eart. Page 131, lower text; in v. 43, read hse\endes, and in v. 46, wutudh'ce. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY C i. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. University Press, Cambridge, July, 1 88 1. CATALOGUE OF WORKS PUBLISHED FOR THE SYNDICS OF THE Camforitrije Winitmxity $rm. Uon&on: CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, 17 PATERNOSTER ROW. Carobrilge: DEIGHTON, bell, AND CO. Ettpjifl: F. A. BROCKHAUS. 28/7/81 PUBLICATIONS OF Cfte Cambridge WLnibtt&ity $re**« THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, ftc. THE CAMBRIDGE PARAGRAPH BIBLE of the Authorized English Version, with the Text Revised by a Colla- tion of its Early and other Principal Editions, the Use of the Italic Type made uniform, the Marginal References remodelled, and a Criti- cal Introduction prefixed, by the Rev. F. H. Scrivener, M.A.,LL.D., Editor of the Greek Testament, Codex Augiensis, &c, and one of the Revisers of the Authorized Version. Crown 4to. cloth, gilt. 21s. From the Times. 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" It is impossible to quote this edition with- out an expression of admiration for the per- fection to which Arabic typography has been brought in England in this magnificent Ori- ental work, the production of which redounds to the imperishable credit of the University of Cambridge. It may be pronounced one of the most beautiful Oriental books that have ever been printed in Europe : and the learning of the Editor worthily rivals the technical get-up of the creations of the soul of one of the most tasteful poets of Isl&m, the study of which will contribute not a little to save honour of 'the poetry of the Arabs." — Mythology among the Hebrews (Engl. Transl.), p. 194. 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But this, of course, can only be fully appreciated by Orientalists. And this brings us to the trans- lation. It is excellently well done. Mr Palmer has tried to imitate the fall of the original in his selection of the English metre for the various pieces, and thus contrives to convey a faint idea of the graceful flow of the Arabic Altogether the inside of the book is worthy of the beautiful arabesque binding that rejoices the eye of the lover of Arab art." — Academy. London: Cambridge Warehouse^ 17 Paternoster Row. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. NALOPAKHYANAM, OR, THE TALE OF NALA ; containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman Characters, followed by a Vocabulary in which each word is placed under its root, with references to derived words in Cognate Languages, and a sketch of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. Thomas Jarrett, M.A. Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, late Professor of Arabic, and formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. \os. NOTES ON THE TALE OF NALA, for the use of Classical Students, by J. Peile, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College. Demy 8vo. \zs. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, &c. (See also pp. 20-23.) A SELECTION OF GREEK INSCRIPTIONS, With Introductions and Annotations by E. S. Roberts, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Caius College. {Preparing. THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. With a Translation in English Rhythm, and Notes Critical and Ex- planatory. By Benjamin Hai.i, Kennedy, D.D., Regius Professor of Greek. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. " One of the best editions of the master- tion of a great undertaking." — Stit. Rev. piece of Greek tragedy." — Athcturum. " Let me say that I think it a most adinira- 11 By numberless other like happy and blc piece of the highest criticism I like weighty helps to a coherent and consistent your Preface extremely; it is just to the text and interpretation, Dr Kennedy has point." — l'rofessor Paley. approved himself a guide to Aeschylus of " Professor Kennedy lias conferred a boon certainly peerless calibre." — Contemp. Rev. on all teachers of the Greek classics, bycaus- "Itis needless to multiply proofs of the ing the substance of his lectures at Cam- value of this volume alike to the poetical bridge on the Agamemnon of jEschylus to translator, the critical scholar, and the ethical be published. ..Thisedition of the Agamemnon student. We must be contented to thank is one which no classical master should be Professor Kennedy for his admirable exectl- without." — Examiner. THE THE/ETETUS OF PLATO by the same Author. [In the Press, ARISTOTLE.— II UPI AIKAIOSTNH2. THE FIFTH BOOK OF THE NICOMACHEAN ETHICS OF ARISTOTLE. Edited by Henry Jackson, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. cloth. 6s. "It is not too much to say that some of Scholars will hope that this is not the only the points he discusses have never had so portion of the Aristotelian writings which he much light thrown upon them before. . . . is likely to edit." — Atheturuui. PLATO'S PH^DO, literally translated, by the late E. M. Cope, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. $s. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. 1—5 io PUBLICATIONS OF PRIVATE ORATIONS OF DEMOSTHENES, with Introductions and English Notes, by F. A. Paley, M.A. Editor of Aeschylus, etc. and J. E. Sandys, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge. Part I. Contra Phormionem, Lacritum, Pantaenetum, Boeotum de Nomine, Boeotum de Dote, Dionysodorum. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. "Mr Paley's scholarship is sound and literature which bears upon his author, and accurate, his experience of editing wide, and the elucidation of matters of daily life, in the if he is content to devote his learning and delineation of which Demosthenes is so rich, abilities to the production of such manuals obtains full justice at his hands We as these, they will be received with gratitude hope this edition may lead the way to a moie throughout the higher schools of the country. general study of these speeches in schools Mr Sandys is deeply read in the German than has hitherto been possible." — Academy. Part II. Pro Phormione, Contra Stcphanum I. II. ; Nicostratum, Cononem, Calliclcm. ys. 6d. "To give even a brief sketch of these in the needful help which enables us to speeches [Pro Phorvtionc and Contra Ste- form a sound estimate of the rights of the fkamtm] would be incompatible with our case It is long since we have come limits, though we can hardly conceive a task upon a work evincing more pains, scholar- more useful to the classical or professional ship, and varied research and illustration than scholar than to make one for himself.. .. . Mr Sundys's contribution to the 'Private It is a great boon to those who set them- Orations of Demosthenes'."— Sat. Rev. selves to unravel the thread of arguments " the edition reflects credit on pro and con to have the aid of Mr Snndys's Cambridge scholarship, and ought to be ex- excellent running commentary .... and no tensively used." — Athenteum. one can say that he is ever deficient PINDAR. OLYMPIAN AND PYTHIAN ODES. With Notes Explanatory and Critical, Introductions and Introductory Essays. Edited by C. A. M. Fennell, M.A., late Fellow of Jesus College. Crown 8vo. cloth. 9-f. "Mr Fennell deserves the thanks of all velopment of Cambridge scholarship, and we classical students for his careful and scholarly are glad to see that it is to be continued."— edition of the Olympian and Pythian odes. Saturday Rez-ieiv. He brings to his task the necessary enthu- "There are many reasons why Mr C. A. siasm for his author, great industry, a sound M. Fennell's edition of 'Pindar's Olympian judgment, and, in particular, copious and and Pythian Odes;' should not go unnoticed, minute learning in comparative philology. even though our space forbids doing it full To his qualifications in this last respect every justice; as a helpful complement and often page bears witness." — Atheiurttm. corrective of preceding editions, botli in its "Considered simply as a contribution to insight into comparative philology, its critical the study and criticism of Pindar, Mr Fen- acumen, and its general sobriety of editing, nell's edition is a work of great merit. But In etymology especially the volume marks a it has a wider interest, as exemplifying the generation later than Donaldson's, though change which has come over the methods holding in respect his brilliant authority. . . and aims of Cambridge scholarship within Most helpful, too, is the introductory essay the last ten or twelve years. . . . The short on Pindar's style and dialect, while the introductions and arguments to the Odes, chronological sequence of the Odes (pp. which for so discursive an author as Pindar xxxi. — xxxii.), and the 'Metrical Schemes,' are all but a necessity, are both careful and which immediately precede the text and coin- acute. . . Altogether, this edition is a welcome inentary, leave nothing to be desiderated." — and wholesome sign of the vitality and de- Content fiorary Review. THE NEMEAN AND ISTHMIAN ODES. [In the Press. M. TULLI CICERONIS DE FINIBUS BONORUM ET MALORUM LIBRI QUINQUE. The text revised and ex- plained by James S. Reid, M.L., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Gon- ville and Caius College. [In the Press. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. II THE BACCHAE OF EURIPIDES. with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Archaeological Illustrations, by J. E. Sandys, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cam- bridge, and Public Orator. Crown 8vo cloth. 10s. 6d. " Of the present edition of the Bacchic by Mr Sandys we may safely say that never before has a Greek play, in England at least, had fuller justice done to its criti- cism, interpretation, and archaeological il- lustration, whether for the young student or the more advanced scholar. The Cambridge* Public Orator may be said to have taken the lead in issuing a complete edition of a Greek play, which is destined perhaps to gain re- doubled favour now that the study of ancient monuments has been applied to its illustra- tion." — Saturday Review. " Mr Sandys has done well by his poet and by his University. He has given a most welcome gift to scholars both at home and abroad. The illustrations are aptly chosen and delicately executed, and the apparatus criticus, in the way both of notes and indices is very complete." — Notes arid Queries. "The volume is interspersed with well- executed woodcuts, and its general attractive- ness of form reflects great credit on the University Press. In the notes Mr Sandys has more than sustained his well-earned reputation as a careful and learned editor, and shows considerable advance in freedom and lightness of style Under such cir- cumstances it is superfluous to say that for the purposes of teachers and advanced stu- dents this handsome edition far surpasses all its predecessors. The volume will add to the already wide popularity of a unique drama, and must be reckoned among the most im- ARISTOTLE. THE RHETORIC. With a Commentary by the late E. M. COPK, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, revised and edited by J. E. Sandys, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge, and Public Orator. With a biographical Memoir by H. A.J. Munro, M.A. Three Volumes, Demy 8vo. £i. i is. 6d. portant classical publications of the year." — Atheutcum. "This edition of a Greek play deserves more than the passing notice accorded to ordinary school editions of the classics. It has not, like so many such books, been hastily produced to meet the momentary need of some particular examination ; but it has employed for some years the labour and thought of a highly finished scholar, whose aim seems to have been that his book should go forth totns teres atque rotuudus, armed at all points with all that may throw light upon its subject. The result is a work which will not only assist the schoolboy or under- graduate in his tasks, but will adorn the library of the scholar." . . "The description of the woodcuts abounds in interesting and suggestive information upon various points of ancient art, and is a further instance of the very thorough as well as schoiar- like manner in which Mr Sandys deals with his subject at every point. The com- mentary (pp. 87-240) bears the same stamp of thoroughness and high finish as the rest of the work. While questions of technical grammar receive due attention : textual cri- ticism, philology, history, antiquities, and art are in turn laid under contribution for the elucidation of the poet's meaning. We must leave our readers to use and appreciate for themselves Mr Sandys' assistance."— The Guardian. "This work is in many ways creditable to the University of Cambridge. The solid and extensive erudition of Mr Cope himself bears none the less speaking evidence to the value of the tradition which he continued, if it is not equally accompanied by those qualities of speculative originality and independent judg- ment which belong more to the individual writer than to his school. And while it must ever be regretted that a work so laborious should not have received the last touches of its author, the warmest admiration is due to Mr Sandys, for the manly, unselfish, and un- flinching spirit in which he has performed Ins most difficultand delicate task. If an English student wishes to have a full conception of what is contained in the Rhetoric of Aris- totle, to Mr Cope's edition he must go."— Academy. "Mr Sandys has performed his arduous duties with marked ability and admirable tact When the original Com- mentary stops abruptly three chapters be- fore the end of the third book, Mr Sandys carefully supplies the deficiency, following Mr Cope's general plan and the slightest available indications of his intended treat- ment. In Appendices he has reprinted from classical journals several articles of Mr Cope's ; and, what is better, he has given the best of the late Mr Shilleto's 'Adversaria.' In every part of his work— revising, supple- menting, and completing— he has done ex- ceedingly well."— Examiner. ARISTOTLE'S PSYCHOLOGY, with a Translation, Critical and Explanatory Notes, by Edwin Wallace, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Worcester College, Oxford. ___^ [/* the Press. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. 12 PUBLICATIONS OF P. VERGILI MARONIS OPERA cum Prolegomenis et Commentario Critico pro Syndicis Preli Academici edidit Benjamin Hall Kennedy, S.T. P., Graecae Linguae Professor Regius. Extra Fcap. 8vo. cloth, ^s. M. TULLII CICERONIS DE NATURA DEORUM Libri Tres, with Introduction and Commentary by JOSEPH B. Mayor, M.A., Professor of Moral Philosophy at King's College, London, formerly Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge, together with a new collation of several of the English MSS. by J. H.Swainson, M. A., formerly Fellow of TrinityColl., Cambridge. Vol. I. Demy8vo. i or. 60?. "Such editions as that of which Prof. commentary, which is, as it should be, sup- Mayor has given us the first instalment will plemented and not replaced by references doubtless do much to remedy this undeserved to the usual authorities." — Academy. neglect. It is one on which great pains and " The critical part of Professor Mayor's much learning have evidently been expended, work appears to be exceedingly well done. In and is in every way admirably suited to meet forming the text he has strictly observed the the needs of the student The notes of methods of modern scholarship, which holds the editor are all that could be expected itself bound not only to supply a reading from his well-known learning and scholar- plausible in itself, but to show how the corrupt ship It is needless, therefore, to say reading that has to be emended came to take that all points of syntax or of Ciceronian its place. A few conjectures of the editor's usage which present themselves have been own are introduced Professor Mayor treated with full mastery The thanks seems to intend his edition to serve the pur- of many students will doubtless be given to pose of a general introduction to the history Prof. Mayor for the amount of historical and of Greek philosophy, and his commentary is biographical information afforded in the very copious and lucid." — Saturday Review. M. T. CICERONIS DE OFFICIIS LIBRI TRES, with Marginal Analysis, an English Commentary, and copious Indices, by H. A. Holden, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Classical Examiner to the University of London. Third Edition. Revised and considerably enlarged. Crown 8vo. 9^. "Dr Holden truly states that ' Text, "Dr Holden has issued an edition of what Analysis, and Commentary in this third edi- is perhaps the easiest and most popular of tion have been again subjected to a thorough Cicero's philosophical works, the de Offictis % revision.' It is now certainly the best edition which, especially in the form which it has now extant. . . . The Introduction (after Heine) assumed after two most thorough revisions, and notes leave nothing to be desired in point leaves little or nothing to be desired in the of fulness, accuracy, and neatness ; the typo- fullness and accuracy of its treatment alike graphical execution will satisfy the most fas- of the matter and the language." — Academy. tidious eye." — Notes and Queries. MATHEMATICS, PHYSICAL SCIENCE, &c. MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL PAPERS. By Sir W. Thomson, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, in the University of Glasgow. Collected from different Scientific Periodicals from May 1841, to the present time. [/* the Press. THE ELECTRICAL RESEARCHES OF THE HONOURABLE HENRY CAVENDISH, F.R.S. Written between 1771 and 1781, Edited from the original manuscripts in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, K. G., by J. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S. Demy 8vo. cloth. iZs. "This work, which derives a melancholy . . . Every department of editorial duty- interest from the lamented death of theeditor appears to have been most conscientiously following so closely upon its publication, is a performed ; and it must have been no small valuable addition to the history of electrical satisfaction to Prof. Maxwell to see this research. ... The papers themselves are most goodly volume completed before his life's carefully reproduced, with fac-similes of the work was done." — Atkentcum. author's sketches of experimental apparatus. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 13 A TREATISE ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By Sir W. Thomson, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and P. G. Tait, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Vol. I. Part I. Demy 8vo. i6j. "In this, the second edition, we notice a could form within the time at our disposal large amount of new matter, the importance would be utterly inadequate." — Nature. of which is such that any opinion which we Part II. In the Press. MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL PAPERS, By George Gabriel Stokes, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Pembroke College, and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. Reprinted from the Original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author. Vol. I. Demy 8vo. cloth. 15*. Vol. II. In the Press. ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By Professors Sir W. Thomson and P. G. Tait. Parti. Demy8vo. cloth. Second Edition, gs. "This work is designed especially for the trigonometry. Tiros in Natural Philosophy use of schools and junior classes in the Uni- cannot be better directed than by beinfc told versities, the mathematical methods being to give their diligent attention to an intel- limited almost without exception to those of ligcnt digestion of the contents of this excel- the most elementary geometry, algebra, and lent vade mecuw." — Iron. A TREATISE ON THE THEORY OF DETER- MINANTS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, by Robert Forsyth Scott, M.A., of St John's College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. 12s. "This able and comprehensive treatise ture of the subject than Mr Scott to express will be welcomed by the student as bringing an opinion as to the amount of his own re- within his reach the results of many impor- search contained in this work, but all will tant researches on this subject which have appreciate the skill with which the results hitherto been for the most part inaccessible of his industrious reading have been arranged to him It would be presumptuous on into this interesting treatise." — Athena-uin. the part of any one less learned in the litera- HYDRODYNAMICS, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids, by Horace Lamb, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of Mathematics in the University of Adelaide. DemySvo. \2s. THE ANALYTICAL THEORY OF HEAT, By Joseph Fourier. Translated, with Notes, by A. Freeman, M.A. Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. 16s. "It is time that Fourier's masterpiece, value and importance of the Tht-orie de la The Analytical Theory of //eat, trans- Chaleur. It has been called 'an exquisite lated by Mr Alex. Freeman, should be in- mathematical poem,' not once but many times, troduced to those English students of Mathe- independently, by mathematicians of different matics who do not follow with freedom a schools. Many of the very greatest of mo- treatise in any language but their own. It dern mathematicians regard it, justly, as the is a model of mathematical reasoning applied key which first opened to them the treasure- to physical phenomena, and is remarkable for house of mathematical physics. It is still t/ie the ingenuity of the analytical process em- text-book of Heat Conduction, and there ployed by the author."— r Contemporary seems little present prospect of its being Review, October, 1878. superseded, though it is already more than *' There cannot be two opinions as to the half a century old." — Nature. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. 1—7 i 4 PUBLICATIONS OF An ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON QUATERNIONS, By P. G. Tait, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. l$s. COUNTERPOINT. A Practical Course of Study, by Professor G. A. Macfarren, M.A., Mus. Doc. Third Edition, revised. Demy 4to. cloth, "js. 6d. A TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS, by S. H. Vines, M.A., Fellow of Christ's College. [In the Press. A CATALOGUE OF AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS (including Tasmania and the Island of Timor), Stratigraphically and Zoologically arranged, by Robert Etheridge, Jun., F.G.S., Acting Palaeontologist, H.M. Geol. Survey of Scotland, (formerly Assistant- Geologist, Geol. Survey of Victoria). Demy 8vo. cloth, ioj. 6d. 'The work is arranged with great clear- papers consulted by the author, and an index ness, and contains a full list of the books and to the genera."- — Saturday Review. ILLUSTRATIONS OF COMPARATIVE ANA- TOMY, VERTEBRATE AND INVERTEBRATE, for the Use of Students in the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. cloth, is. 6d. A SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE BRITISH PALAEOZOIC ROCKS, by the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, M.A., F.R.S., and Frederick M c Coy, F.G.S. One vol., Royal 4to. Plates, £t. I* A CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FOSSILS contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by J. W. Salter, F.G.S. With a Portrait of Professor Sedgwick. Royal 4to. cloth. ys. 6d. CATALOGUE OF OSTEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS contained in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Cam- bridge. Demy 8vo. 2s. 6d. THE MATHEMATICAL WORKS OF ISAAC BARROW, D.D. Edited by W. Whewell, D.D. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Observatory of Cambridge by the Rev. James Challis, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experi- mental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Trinity College. For various Years, from 1846 to i860. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS from 1861 to 1865. Vol. XXI. Royal 410. cloth. 15^. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 15 LAW. AN ANALYSIS OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY. By E. C. Clark, LL.D., Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Cambridge, also of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Crown 8vo. cloth, ys. 6d. A SELECTION OF THE STATE TRIALS. By J. W. Wilus-Bund, M.A., LL.B., Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Constitutional Law and History, University College, London. Vol. I. Trials for Treason (1327 — 1660). Crown 8vo. cloth, 18s. " A great and good service has been done treason, as it may be gathered from trials be- to all students of history, and especially to fore the ordinary courts. The author has those of them who look to it in a legal aspect, very wisely distinguished these cases from by Prof. J. W. Willis- Bund in the publica- those of impeachment for treason before Por- tion of a Selection of Cases from the State liament, which he proposes to treat in a future Trials. . . . Professor Willis- Bund has been volume under the general head 'Proceedings very careful to give such selections from the in Parliament"' — The Academy. State Trials as will best illustrate those "This is a work of such obvious utility points in what maybe called the growth of that the only wonder is that no one should the Law of Treason which he wishes to have undertaken it before. ... In many bring clearly under the notice of the student, respects therefore, although the trials are and the result is, that there is not a page in more or less abridged, this is for the ordinary the book which has not its own lesson student's purpose not only a more handy, In all respects, so far as we have been able but a more useful work than Howell's."— to test it, this book is admirably done."— Saturday Review. Scotsman. "Within the boards of this useful and "Mr Willis-Bund lias edited 'A Selection handy book the student will find everything of Cases from the State Trials' which is he can desire in the way of lists of cases likely to form a very valuable addition to given at length or referred to, and the the standard literature. . . There can statutes bearing on the text arranged chro- be no doubt, therefore, -of the interest that nologically. The work of selecting from can be found in the State trials. But they Howell's bulky series of volumes has been, are large and unwieldy, and it is impossible done with much judgment, merely curious for the general reader to come across them. cases being excluded, and all included so Mr Willis-Bund has therefore done good treated as to illustrate some important point service in making a selection that is in the of constitutional law." — Glasgow Herald. first volume reduced to a commodious form." " Mr Bund's object is not the romance, — The Examiner. but the constitutional and legal bearings of "Every one engaged, either in teaching that great series of causes ce'lc'bres which is or in historical inquiry, must have felt the unfortunately not within easy reach of want of such a book, taken from the unwieldy readers not happy enough to possess valua- volumes of the State Trials. "—Contemporary ble libraries. . . . Of the importance of this Revieiv. subject, orof the want of a book of this "This work is a very useful contribution kind, referring not vaguely but precisely to to that important branch of the constitutional the grounds of constitutional doctrines, both history of England which is concerned with of past and present times, no reader of his- the growth and development of the law of tory can feci any doubt." — Daily News. Vol. II. In the Press. THE FRAGMENTS OF THE PERPETUAL EDICT OF SALVIUS JULIANUS, collected, arranged, and annotated by Bryan Walker, M.A. LL.D., Law Lecturer of St John's College, and late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo., Cloth, Price 6s. "This is one of the latest, we believe mentaries and the Institutes . . . Hitherto quite the latest, of the contributions made to the Edict has been almost inaccessible to legal scholarship by that revived study of the ordinary English student, and such a the Roman Law at Cambridge which is now student will be interested as well as perhaps so marked a feature in the industrial life surprised to find how abundantly the extant of the University. ... In the present book fragments illustrate and clear up points which we have the fruits of the same kind of have attracted his attention in the Commen- thorough and well-ordered study which was taries, or the Institutes, or the Digest."— brought to bear upon the notes to the Com- Law Times. London; Cambridge Warehouse^ 17 Paternoster Row. 16 PUBLICATIONS OF THE COMMENTARIES OF GAIUS AND RULES OF ULPIAN. (New Edition, revised and enlarged.) With a Translation and Notes, by J. T. Abdy, LL.D., Judge of County- Courts, late Regius Professor of Laws in the University of Cambridge, and Bryan Walker, M.A., LL.D., Law Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge, formerly Law Student of Trinity Hall and Chancellor's Medallist for Legal Studies. Crown 8vo. \6s. " As scholars and as editors Messrs Abdy explanation. Thus the Roman jurist is and Walker have done their work well. allowed to speak for himself, and the reader ..... For one thing the editors deserve feels that he is really studying Roman law special commendation. They have presented in the original, and not a fanciful representa- Gaius to the reader with few notes and those tion of it." — Athenaum. merely by way of reference or necessary THE INSTITUTES OF JUSTINIAN, translated with Notes by J. T. Abdy, LL.D., Judge of County Courts, late Regius Professor of Laws in the University of Cambridge, and formerly Fellow of Trinity Hall ; and Bryan Walker, M.A., LL.D., Law Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge ; late Fellow and Lecturer of Corpus Christi College ; and formerly Law Student of Trinity Hall. Crown 8vo. i6j. "We welcome here a valuable contribution attention is distracted from the subject-matter to the study of jurisprudence. The text of by the difficulty of struggling through the the Institutes is occasionally perplexing, even language in which it is contained, it will be to practised scholars, whose knowledge of almost indispensable." — Spectator. classical models does not always avail them "The notes are learned and carefully com- in dealing with the technicalities of legal piled, and this edition will be found useful phraseology. Nor can the ordinary diction- to students." — Law Times. aries be expected to furnish all the help that "Dr Abdy and Dr Walker have produced is wanted. This translation will then be of a book which is both elegant and useful."— ' great use. To the ordinary student, whose Athenaum. SELECTED TITLES FROM THE DIGEST, annotated by B. Walker, M.A., LL.D. Part I. Mandati vel Contra. Digest XVII. I. Crown 8vo. Cloth. $s. "This small volume is published as an ex- say that Mr Walker deserves credit for the periment. The author proposes to publish an way in which he has performed the task un- annotated edition and translation of several dertaken. The translation, as might be ex- books of the Digest if this one is received pected, is scholarly." Law Times. with favour. We are pleased to be able to Part II. De Adquirendo rerum dominio and De Adquirenda vel amit- tenda possessione. Digest XLI. 1 and n. Crown 8 vo. Cloth. 6s. Part III. De Condictionibus. Digest XII. I and 4 — 7 and Digest xin. 1—3. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. GROTIUS DE JURE BELLI ET PACIS, with the Notes of Barbeyrac and others ; accompanied by an abridged Translation of the Text, by W. Whewell, D.D. late Master of Trinity College. 3 Vols. Demy 8vo. 12s. The translation separate, 6s. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster How. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 17 HISTORY. LIFE AND TIMES OF STEIN, OR GERMANY AND PRUSSIA IN THE NAPOLEONIC AGE, by J. R. Seelev, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge, with Portraits and Maps. 3 Vols. Demy 8vo. 48J. " If we could conceive anything similar to a protective system in the intellectual de- partment, we might perhaps look forward to a time when our historians would raise the cry of protection for native industry. Of the unquestionably greatest German men of modern history—I speak of Frederick the Great, Goethe and Stein — the first two found long since in Carlyle and Lewes biographers who have undoubtedly driven their German competitors out of the field. And now in the year just past Professor Seeley of Cambridge has presented us with a biography of Stein which, though it modestly declines competi- tion with German works and disowns the presumption of teaching us Germans our own history, yet casts into the shade by its bril- liant superiority all that we have ourselves hitherto written about Stein.... In five long chapters Seeley expounds the legislative and administrative reforms, the emancipation of the person and the soil, the beginnings of free administration and free trade, in, short the foundation of modern Prussia, with more exhaustive thoroughness, with more pene- trating insight, than any one had done be- fore." — Deutsche Rundschau. " Dr Busch's volume has made people think and talk even more than usual of Prince Bismarck, and Professor Seeley's very learned work on Stein will turn attention to an earlier and an almost equally eminent German states- man It is soothing to the national self-respect to find a few Englishmen, such as the late Mr Lewes and Professor Seeley, doing for German as well as English readers what many German scholars have done for us. " — Times. " In a notice of this kind scant justice can be done to a work like the one before us; no short risumi can give even the most meagre notion of the contents of these volumes, which contain no page that is superfluous, and none that is uninteresting - To under- stand the Germany of to-day one must study the Germany of many yesterdays, and now that study has been made easy by this work, to which no one can hesitate to assign a very high place among those recent histories which have aimed at original research." — Athe* tutum, "The hook before us fills an important gap in English — nay, European— historical literature, and bridges over the history of Prussia from the time of Frederick the Great to the days of Kaiser Wilhelm. It thus gives the reader standing ground whence he may regard contemporary events in Germany in their proper historic light We con- gratulate Cambridge and her Professor of History on the appearance of such a note- worthy production. And we may add that it is something upon which we may congratulate England that on the especial field of the Ger- mans, history, on the history of their own country, by the use of their own literary weapons, an Englishman has produced a his- tory of Germany in the Napoleonic age far superior to any that exists in German."— Examiner. THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE ROYAL INJUNCTIONS OF 1535, by James Bass Mullinger, M.A. Demy 8vo. cloth (734 pp.), 12J. "We trust Mr Mullinger will yet continue his history and bring it down to our own day. " — A cademy. "He has brought together a mass of in- structive details respecting the rise and pro- gress, not only of his own University, but of all the principal Universities of the Middle Ages We hope some day that he may continue his labours, and give us a history of the University during the troublous times of the Reformation and the Civil War."— Athe- fueum. "Mr Mullinger' s work is one of great learning and research, which can hardly fail to become a standard book of reference on the subject. . , . We can most strongly recom- mend this book to our readers." — Spectator. Vol. II. In the Press. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. i8 PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE OF ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST, by Thomas Baker, B.D., Ejected Fellow. Edited by John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Fellow of St John's. Two Vols. Demy 8vo. 24-f. and academical , who have hitherto had to be content with 'Dyer.'" — Academy. " It may be thought that the history of a "To antiquaries the book will be a source of almost inexhaustible amusement, by his- torians it will be found a work of considerable service on questions respecting our social progress in past times ; and the care and thoroughness with which Mr Mayor has dis- charged his editorial functions are creditable to his learning and industry." — Athenteum. "The work displays very wide reading, and it will be of great use to members of the college and of the university, and, perhaps, of still greater use to students of English history, ecclesiastical, political, social, literary college cannot beparticularlyattractive. The two volumes before us, however, have some- thing more than a mere special interest for those who have been in any way connected with St John's College, Cambridge; they contain much which will beread with pleasure by a farwider circle... The index with which Mr Mayor has furnished this useful work leaves nothing to be desired." — Spectator. HISTORY OF NEPAL, translated by Munshi Shew Shunker Singh and Pandit Shri Gunanand; edited with an Introductory Sketch of the Country and People by Dr D. Wright, late Residency Surgeon at Kathmandu, and with facsimiles of native drawings, and portraits of Sir Jung Bahadur, the King of Nepal, &c. Super-royal 8vo. Price 2U. " The Cambridge University Press have done well in publishing this work. Such translations are valuable not only to the his- torian but also to the ethnologist; Dr Wright's Introduction is based on personal inquiry and observation, is written intelli- gently and candidly, and adds much to the value of the volume. The coloured litho- graphic plates are interesting." — Nature. "The history has appeared at a very op- portune moment. ..The volume. ..is beautifully printed, and supplied with portraits of Sir Jung Bahadoor and others, and with excel- lent coloured sketches illustrating Nepaulese architecture and religion." — Examiner. SCHOLAE ACADEMICAE: Some Account of the Studies at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century. By Christopher Wordsworth, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse ; Author of " Social Life at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century." Demy 8vo. cloth. 15J. "The general object of Mr Wordsworth's book is sufficiently apparent from its title. He has collected a great quantity of minute and curious information about the working of Cambridge institutions in the last century, with an occasional comparison of the corre- sponding state of things at Oxford. It is of course impossible that a book of this kind should be altogether entertaining as litera- ture. To a great extent it is purely a book of reference, and as such it will be of per- manent value for the historical knowledge of English education and learning." — Saturday Review. "In the work before us, which is strictly what it professes to be, an account of university stu- dies, we obtain authentic information upon the course and changes of philosophical thought in this country, upon the general estimation of letters, upon the relations of doctrine and science, upon the range and thoroughness ot education, and we may add, upon the cat- like tenacity of life of ancient forms.... The particulars Mr Wordsworth gives us in his excellent arrangement are most varied, in- teresting, and instructive. Among the mat- ters touched upon are Libraries, Lectures, the Tripos, the Trivium, the Senate House, the Schools, text-books, subjects of study, foreign opinions, interior life. We learn even of the various University periodicals that have had their day. And last, but not least, we are given in an appendix a highly interesting series of private letters from a Cambridge student to John Strype, giving a vivid idea of life as an undergraduate and afterwards, as the writer became a graduate and a fellow." — University Magazine. "Only those who have engaged in like la- bours will be able fully to appreciate the sustained industry and conscientious accuracy discernible in every page. . . . Of the whole volume it may be said that it is a genuine service rendered to the study of University history, and that the habits of thought of any writer educated at either seat of learning in the last century will, in many cases, be far better understood after a consideration of the materials here collected." — Acaaemy. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row, THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 19 THE ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES OF CAMBRIDGE, By the late Professor WILLIS, M.A. With numerous Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. Continued to the present time, and edited by John Willis Clark, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. [In the Press. MISCELLANEOUS. LECTURES ON TEACHING, Delivered in the University of Cambridge in the Lent Term, 1880. By J. G. Fitch, M.A., Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools. Second Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. "All who are interested in the manage- ment of schools, and all who have made the profession of a teacher the work of their lives, will do well to study with care these results of a large experience and of wide observa- tion. It is not, we are told, a manual of method ; rather, we should say, it is that and much more. As a manual of method it is far superior to anything we have seen. Its suggestions of practical means and me- thods are very valuable; but it has an ele- ment which a mere text-book of rules for imparting knowledge does not contain. Its tone is lofty; its spirit religious; its ideal of the teacher's aim and life pure and good . . . The volume is one of great practical value. It should be in the hands of every teacher, and of every one preparing for the office of a teacher. There are many besides these who will find much in it to interest and instruct them, more especially parents who have chil- dren whom they can afford to keep at school till their eighteenth or nineteenth year."— The Nonconformist and Independent. "In the sixteen chapters of which this handsome volume is made up, teachers will find a world of good advice from one who has brought unusual fitness and unflagging enthusiasm to the task of helping and en- couraging them. The book contains the results of great experience, and the work itself is an admirable specimen of the art of teaching. To a thoughtful teacher the book will be invaluable . . . Mr Fitch has written a book which all, and not merely professional teachers interested in the train- ing of the young, would do well to read . . . The writer has a noble conception of the dignity and responsibility of the teacher and of his profession." — Sheffield and R othcrham Independent. "This book is the work of a man who is thoroughly acquainted with the subject of which he treats, and who brings together for its elucidation the results of wide reading, careful study, and practical experience. We can cordially recommend it to all who are engaged in the work of teaching, or who wish to understand the principles on which it should be conducted." — The Cambridge Independent Press. " As principal of a training college and as a Government inspectorof schools, Mr Fitch has got at his fingers' ends the working of primary education, while as assistant com- missioner to the late Endowed Schools Com- mission he has seen something of the ma- chinery of our higher schools. . . . Mr Fitch's book covers so wide a field and touches on so many burning questions that we must be content to recommend it as the best existing vade mecum for the teacher. . . . He is always sensible, always judicious, never wanting in tact. . . . Mr Fitch is a scholar ; he pretends to no knowledge that he does not possess; he brings to his work the ripe experience of a well-stored mind, and he possesses in a remarkable degree the art of exposition." — Pall Mall Gazette. " In his acquaintance with all descrip- tions of schools, their successes and their shortcomings, Mr Fitch has great advantages both in knowledge and experience; and if his work receives the attention it deserves, it will tend materially to improve and equalize the methods of teaching in our schools, to whatever class they may belong."— St jfames's Gazette. " No more convincing proof of the advance in the mind of scholars of the teacher's place and office could be offered than this noble volume, filled as it is with a reverent and ap- preciative recognition of the dignity and im- portance of his work who has to mould and develope the mind of youth. The art and method of teaching find here a treatment which is at once practical and suggestive." -■ The fo?va Churchman. STATUTA ACADEMIC CANTABRIGIENSIS. Demy 8vo. 2 s. sewed. ORDINATIONES ACADEMLE CANTABRIGIENSIS. Demy 8vo. cloth. 3^. 6d. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Roiv. PUBLICATIONS OF TRUSTS, STATUTES AND DIRECTIONS affecting (i) The Professorships of the University. (2) The Scholarships and Prizes. (3) Other Gifts and Endowments. Demy 8vo. $A COMPENDIUM OF UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS, for the use of persons in Statu Pupillari. Demy 8vo.. 6d. CATALOGUE OF THE HEBREW MANUSCRIPTS preserved in the University Library, Cambridge. By Dr S. M. Schiller-Szinessy. Volume I. containing Section I. The Holy Scriptures ; Section II. Commentaries on the Bible. Demy 8vo. gs. A CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Demy 8vo. s Vols. \os. each. INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE. Demy 8vo. ioj. A CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA and printed books containing MS. notes, preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. 3^. 6d. THE ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM, Catalogued with Descriptions, and an Introduction, by William George Searle, M.A., late Fellow of Queens' College, and Vicar of Hockington, Cambridgeshire. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE GRACES, Documents, and other Papers in the University Registry which con- cern the University Library. Demy 8vo. 2s. 6d. CATALOGUS BIBLIOTHEC^E BURCKHARD- TIAN^E. Demy 4to. 5^. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster How. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 21 Wi)t Camuri&ge Stole for £>rt)oote. General Editor : J. J. S. Perowne, D.D., Dean of Peterborough The want of an Annotated Edition of the Biule, in handy portions, suitable for School use, has long been felt. In order to provide Text-books for School and Examination pur- poses, the Cambridge University Press has arranged to publish the several books of the Bible in separate portions at a moderate price, with introductions and explanatory notes. The Very Reverend J. J. S. Perowne, D.D., Dean of Peter- borough, has undertaken the general editorial supervision of the work, and will be assisted by a staff of eminent coadjutors. Some of the books have already been undertaken by the following gentlemen : Rev. A. CARR, M.A., Assistant Master at Wellington College. Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. Rev. S. Cox, Nottingham. Rev. A. B. Davidson, D.D., Professor of Hebrew, Edinburgh. Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D., Canon of Westminster. Rev. A. E. Humphreys, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Rev. A. F. Kirkpatrick, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College. Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A., late Professor at St David's College, Lampeter. Rev. J. R. Lumby, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity. Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D., Warden of St Augustine 's Coll., Canterbury. Rev. II. C. G. Moule, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Rev. W. F. Moulton, D.D., Head Master of the Leys School, Cambridge. Rev. E. II. Perowne, D.D., Master of Corpus Christi College, Cam- bridge, Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of St Asaph. The Ven. T. T. Perowne, M.A., Archdeacon of Noi-wich. Rev. A. Pi.ummer, M.A., Master of University College, Durham. Rev. E. II. Plumptre, D.D., Professor of Biblical Exegesis, King's College, London. Rev. W. Sanday, M.A., Principal of Bishop Hatfield Hall, Durham. Rev. W. SlMCOX, M.A., Rector of Weyhill, Hants. Rev. Robertson Smith, M. A., Professor of Hebrew, Abei-deen. Rev. A. W. Streane, M.A., Fellcrw of Corpus Christi Coll.,Cambridge. The Ven. H. W. Watkins, M.A., Archdeacon of Northumberland. Rev. G. H. Whitaker, M. A., Fellcni) of St John's College, Cambridge. Rev. C. Wordsworth, M.A., Rector of Glaston, Rutland. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster How. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLE FOR SCHOOLS.— Continued. Now Ready. Cloth, Extra Fcap. 8vo. THE BOOK OF JOSHUA. Edited by Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D. With 2 Maps. is. 6d. THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL. By the Rev. A. F. Kirkpatrick, M.A. 3*. 6d. THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES. By the Rev. Professor Plumptre, D.D. $s. THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH. By the Rev. A. W. STREANE, M.A. 4-r. (id. THE BOOK OF JONAH. By Archdn. Perowne. is. 6d. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MATTHEW. Edited by the Rev. A. Carr, M.A. With 2 Maps. if. 6d. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK. Edited by the Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D. With 2 Maps. 2s. 6d. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE. By the Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D. With 4 Maps. 4*. 6d. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN. By the Rev. A. Plummer, M.A. With Four Maps. 4s. 6d. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. By the Rev. Professor Lumby, D.D. Part I. Chaps. I— XIV. With 2 Maps. 2s. 6d. Part II. Preparing. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. By the Rev. H. C. G. Moule, M.A. y. 6d. THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. By the Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. With a Map and Plan. 2s. THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. By the Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. 2s. THE GENERAL EPISTLE OF ST JAMES. By the Rev. Professor Plumptre, D.D. is. 6d. THE EPISTLES OF ST PETER AND ST JUDE. By the Rev. Professor Plumptre, D.D. is. 6d. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 23 THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLE FOR SCE00LS--Co»tm UC J. Preparing. THE BOOK OF JUDGES. By the Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL. By the Rev. A. F. KlRKPATRICK, M.A. THE BOOKS OF HAGGAI AND ZECHARIAH. By Archdeacon Perowne. THE BOOK OF MICAH. By the Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A. THE CAMBRIDGE GREEK TESTAMENT, FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, with a Revised Text, based on the most recent critical authorities, and English Notes, prepared under the direction of the General Editor, The Very Reverend J. J. S. PEROWNE, D.D., DEAN OF PETERBOROUGH. Now Ready. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MATTHEW. By the Rev. A. Carr, M.A. With Maps. 4*. 6tl. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN. By the Rev. A. PLUMMER, M.A. [In the Press. The books will be published separately, as in the "Cambridge Bible for Schools." London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Rmv. 24 PUBLICATIONS OF THE PITT PRESS SERIES. I. GREEK. THE ANABASIS OF XENOPHON, Book VII. With a Map and English Notes by Alfred Pretor, M.A., Fellow; of St Catharine's College, Cambridge ; Editor of Persius and Cicero ad Atticum Book I. Price 2s. 6d. ** In Mr Pretor's edition of the Anabasis the text of Kuhner has been followed in the main, while the exhaustive and admirable notes of the great German editor have been largely utilised. These notes deal with the minutest as well as the most important difficulties in construction, and all questions of history, antiquity, and geography are briefly but very effectually elucidated." — The Examiner. "We welcome this addition to the other books of the Anabasis so ably edited by Mr Pretor. Although originally intended for the use of candidates at the university local examinations, yet this edition will be found adapted not only to meet the wants of the junior student, but even advanced scholars will find much in this work that will repay its perusal." — The Schoolmaster. BOOKS I. III. IV. & V. By the same Editor. 2s. each. BOOKS II. and VI. By the same Editor. Price 2s. 6d. each. "Mr Pretor's 'Anabasis of Xenophon, Book IV.' displays a union of accurate Cambridge scholarship, with experience of what is required by learners gained in examining middle-class schools. The text is large and clearly printed, and the notes explain all difficulties. . . . Mr Pretor's notes seem to be all that could be wished as regards grammar, geography, and other matters." — The Academy. "Another Greek text, designed it would seem for students preparing for the local examinations, is 'Xcnophon's Anabasis,' Book If., with English Notes, by Alfred Pretor, M.A. The editor has exercised his usual discrimination in utilising the text and notes of Kuhner, with the occasional assistance of the best hints of Schneider, Vollbrecht and Macmichael on critical matters, and of Mr R. W. Taylor on points of history and geography. . . When Mr Pretor commits himself to Commentator's work, he is eminently helpful. . . Had we to introduce a young Greek scholar to Xenophon, we should esteem ourselves fortunate in having Pretor's text-book as our chart and guide." — Contemporary Review. AGESILAUS OF XENOPHON. The Text revised with Critical and Explanatory Notes, Introduction, Analysis, and Indices. By II. Hailstone, M.A., late Scholar of Peterhoucr ctftc ffrcujutg ( THE FI R ST CRUSADE), by Fried- RICH VON Raumer. Condensed from the Author's 'History of the Hohen- staufen', with a life of Raumer, two Plans and English Notes. By the same Editor. Price is. "Certainly no more interesting book could be made the subject of examinations. The story of the First Crusade has an undying interest. The notes are, on the whole, good."— Educational Times. A BOOK OF BALLADS ON GERMAN HISTORY. Arranged and Annotated by the same Editor. Price is. "It carries the reader rapidly through some of the most important incidents connected with the German race and name, from the invasion of Italy by the Visigoths under their King Alaric, down to the Franco-German War and the installation of the present Emperor. The notes supply very well the connecting links between the successive periods, and exhibit in its various phases of growth and progress, or the reverse, the vast unwieldy mass which constitutes modern Germany." — Times. DER STAAT FRIEDRICHS DES GROSSEN. By G. Ereytag. With Notes. By the same Editor. Price is. "Prussia under Frederick the Great, and France under the Directory, bring us face to face respectively with periods of history which it is right should be known thoroughly, and which are well treated in the Pitt Press volumes. "—Time!. " Freytag's historical sketches and essays are too well known in England to need any com- mendation, and the present essay is one of his best. Herr Wagner has made good use of Carlyle's great work in illustration of his author."— Journal of Education. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Roiv. THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 31 GOETHE'S HERMANN AND DOROTHEA. With an Introduction and Notes. By the same Editor. Price 3-f. "The notes are among the best that we know, with the reservation that they are often too abun d an t. " — A cademy. 3>a3 3a£)r 1813 (The Year 1813), by F. Kohlrausch. With English Notes. By the same Editor. Price is. V. ENGLISH. LOCKE ON EDUCATION. With Introduction and Notes by the Rev. R. H. Quick, M. A. Price 3s. 6d. " Mr Quick has made the study of educational matters and the lives of educational reformers a speciality. He has given us an edition of Locke which leaves little to be desired. In addition to an introduction, biographical and critical, and numerous notes, there are two appendices containing Locke's scheme of working schools, and Locke's other writings on education. The passages in Locke bearing upon the physical training of children are annotated in harmony with modern science by Dr J. F. Payne. The book forms one of the Pitt Press Series, and its general get up is worthy of the University Press." — The Schoolmaster, - "The work before us leaves nothing to be desired. It is of convenient form and reasonable price, accurately printed, and accompanied by notes which are admirable. There is no teacher too young to find this book interesting; there is no teacher too old to find it profitable." — The School Bulletin, New York. THE TWO NOBLE KINSMEN, edited with Intro- duction and Notes by the Rev. Professor Skeat, M.A., formerly Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. Price 3^. 6V. "This edition of a play that is well worth study, for more reasons than one, by so careful a scholar as Mr Skeat, deserves a hearty welcome." — Atkentsum. "Mr Skeat is a conscientious editor, and has left no difficulty unexplained."— Times. BACON'S HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF KING HENRY VII. With Notes by the Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, D.D., Nor- risian Professor of Divinity ; late Fellow of St Catharine's College. Price is. SIR THOMAS MORE'S UTOPIA. With Notes by the Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity; late Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Price 3J. 6d. " To enthusiasts in history matters, who are not content with mere facts, but like to pursue their investigations behind the scenes, as it were, Professor Rawson Lumby has in the work now before us produced a most acceptable contribution to the now constantly increasing store of illustrative reading." — The Cambridge Review. "To Dr Lumby we must give praise unqualified and unstinted. He has done his work admirably Every student of history, every politician, every social reformer, every one interested in literary curiosities, every lover of English should buy and carefully read Dr Lumby's edition of the 'Utopia.' We are afraid to say more lest we should be thought ex- travagant, and our recommendation accordingly lose part of its force." — The Teacher. ** It was originally written in Latin and does not find a place on ordinary bookshelves. A very great boon has therefore been conferred on the general English reader by the managers of the Pitt Press Series, in the issue of a convenient little volume of More's Utopia not in the original Latin, but in the quaint English Translation thereof made by Raphe Robyttson, which adds a linguistic interest to the intrinsic merit of the work. . . . All this has been edited in a most com- plete and scholarly fashion by Dr J. R. Lumby, the Norrisian Professor of Divinity, whose name alone is a sufficient warrant for its accuracy. It is a real addition to the modern stock of classical English literature." — Guardian. SIR THOMAS MORE'S LIFE OF RICHARD III. With Notes, &c., by Professor Lumby. [Nearly ready. A SKETCH OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY FROM THALES TO CICERO, by Joseph B. Mayor, M.A., Professor of Moral Philosophy at King's College, London. Price is. 6d. [Ot/ier Volumes are in preparation^ London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. aHnftu-ssi'tp of ©amurfoge. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. Examination Papers, for various years, with the Regulations for the Examination Demy 8vo. 2s. each, or by Post, 2s. 2d. The Regulations for the Examination in 1881 are now ready. Class Lists, for various years, 6d. each, by Post yd. After 1877, Boys is., Girls 6d. Annual Reports of the Syndicate, with Supplementary Tables showing the success and failure of the Candidates. 2s. each, by Post 2S. 2d. HIGHER LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. Examination Papers for 1881, to which are added the Regulations for 1882. Demy 8vo. 2s. each, by Post 2s. 2d. Reports of the Syndicate. Demy 8vo. is., by Post is. id. TEACHERS' TRAINING SYNDICATE. Examination Papers for 1880 and 1881, to which are added the Regu- lations for the Examination. Demy 8vo. 6d, by Post yd. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REPORTER. Published by Authority. Containing all the Official Notices of the University, Reports of Discussions in the Schools, and Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- sophical, Antiquarian, and Philological Societies. 3*/. weekly. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPERS. These Papers are published in occasional numbers every Term, and in volumes for the Academical year. Vol. VIII. Parts 87 to 104. Papers for the Year 1878—9, 12s. cloth. Vol. IX. „ 105 to 119. „ „ 1879— 80, 12s. cloth. Vol. X. „ 120 to 138. „ „ 1880—81, 15s. cloth. Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examinations. 1. PAPERS SET IN THE EXAMINATION FOR CER- tificates, July, 1879. Price is. 6d. 2. LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO OBTAINED CERTI- ficates at the Examinations held in December, 1879, and in June and July, 1880; and Supplementary Tables. P)ice6d. 3. REGULATIONS OF THE OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE Schools Examination Board for the year 1882. Price 6d. 4. REPORT OF THE OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE Schools Examination Board for the year ending Oct. 31, 1880. Price is. lon&on : CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, 17 PATERNOSTER ROW. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ToiUSk! 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