1 = — 1 — — r7 "" b = — — j> M = / = ^2^ r- " 1 wir- mm THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^^^ :>'iiit , h^A PETER FORBES i^S .SV»i; 1»W^, Wk .^'Vkk '•/ >ky ww^;: V Vv, ;^, y; ^y^ M'':^ .H«^ '^.i^i k -^uV: Vi.- ^ ^ ^^^^: V, r ' " t%y/k,M ■Aj /• c THE ESSAYES OF A PRENTISE, IN THE DIVINE ART OF POESIE. WITH A PREFATORY MEMOIR, BY R. P. GILLIES, ESQ., F. S. A. E. And now whiles I consider what a Trompet of Honor Homer hath bene to sturre up many woorthy Princes ; I cannot forget the woorthy Prince that is a Homer to himselfe, a golden spurrc to Nobihty, a Scepter to Vertue, a Verdure to the Spring, a Sunne to the day ; and hath not only translated the two divine poems of Salustius du Bartas, his heavenly Urany, and his hellish Furies, but hath readd a most Va- lorous Martial Lecture unto himselfe in his own victorious Ccpanto, a short heroicall worke in meeter, but royal meeter fitt for a David's harpe. Gabriel Haiivey. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY JAMES BALLANTYNE AND CO. 1814. * ^ THE ESSAYES OF A PRENTISE, IN THE DIVINE ART OF POESIE. Imprinted at Edinbrugh, by Thomas Vautroullier. 1584. CVM PRIVILEGIO RECALL THE CATALOGVE OF THE workis heirin conteined. ^"JT^He tvvelf Sonnets oflnuocations to the Goddis* The Vranie or heauenly Mufe tranflated. The Metaphorical/ Inuention of a Tragedie, callU Vhosnix. A Varaphrajiicall tranjlatioun out of the Yoete Lucane^ A treatife of the airt of Scottis Foefie, X. The CIIII Vfalme of Dauid, tranflated out of Tremellius, A Voeme of Tyme, IF Martiall deeds, and praftife of the pen Haue wonne to auncient Grece a worthie fame : If Battels bold, and Bookes of learned men Haue magnified the mightie Ko?nai?i name : Then place this Prince, who well deferues the fame : Since he is one of Mars and Pallas race : For both the Godds in him haue fett in frame Their vertewes both, which both, he doth embrace, O Macedon, adornde with heauenly grace, O Ko?}iai?i ftout, decorde with learned fkill. The Monarks all to thee fhall quite their place : Thy endles fame Ihall all the world fulfill. And after thee, none worthier fhalbe feene. To fway the Sword, and gaine the Laurell greene. T.H. SONNET. THE glorious Grekis in ftately ftyle do blaife The lawde, the conqurour gaue their Homer olde : The verfes Q.cefar fong in Maroes praife The Rojnnnis in remembrance depe haue rolde. Ye Thefpian ^y?npbes, that fuppe the ^edar colde, That from VarnaJJls forked topp doth fall. What Alexander or Aiigujius bolde, May found his fame, whofe vertewes paffe them all ? O Vhabus, for thy help, heir might I call. And on Minerue, and Maias learned fonne : But fmce I know, none was, none is, nor fhall. Can rightly ring the fame that he hath wonne. Then flay your trauels, lay your pennis adowne. For Ca/ars works, fliall iuftly Ca/ar crowne. R. H. SONNET. The mightle Father of the Mufes nyne Who mounted thame vpon Yarnajfus hill. Where Phosbus faire amidd thefe Sijiers fyne With learned toung fatt teaching euer ftill. Of late yon God declared his woundrous will. That Vranie ftiould teach this Prince moft rare : Syne fhe informed her fcholler with fuch Ikill, None could with him in Poefie compaire. Lo, heir the frudis, tJympbe, of thy fofter faire, Lo heir (6 noble hue) thy will is done. Her charge compleit, as deid doth now declaire. This work will witneiTe, fhe obeyed the fone. O Pbosbus then reioyce with glauncing glore. Since that a King doth all thy court decora. "J SONNET. WHen as my minde exemed was from caire, Among the 'Nympbis my felf I did repofe : Where I gaue eare to one, who did prepaire Her fugred voice this fequell to difclofe. Conveine your felfs (6 fillers) doe not lofe This paffing tyme which hafteth faft away : And yow who wrytes in (lately verfe and profe. This glorious Kings immortall gloire difplay. Tell how he doeth in tender yearis effay Aboue his age with f kill our arts to blaife. Tell how he doeth with gratitude repay The crowne he wan for his deferued praife. Tell how of loue, of Mars, but more of God The gloire and grace he hath proclaimed abrod. M. W. F. SONNET. CAN goldin Titan fhyning bright at mome For light of Torchis, cafl ane greater fhaw ? Can Thunder reard the heicher for a home ? Craks Cannons louder, thoght ane Qok sould craw ? Can our weak breath help 'Boreas for to blaw ? Can Candill Iowa giue fyre a greater heit ? Can quhyteft Swans more quhyter mak the Snavv ? Can Virgins tears augment the Vinters weit ? Helps pyping Pan Apollos Mufique fweit ? Can Fountanis fmall the Ocean fea increffe ? No, they augment the greater nocht a quheit : Bot they them felues appears to grow the lefle. So (worthy Prince) thy works fall mak the knawin. Ours helps not thyne : we fteynzie bot our awin. * iiij A. M. De huius Libri Au^ore, Herculis Rolloci conie6:ura. QVi/quis es, entheus hie exit quo Audore libellus^ (Nam liber Au£lorem conticet ipfefuum) Dum quonam ingenio meditor, genioque fubadus, Maiora humanis viribus ijia cartas : Teque adeo quijis expendo : aut Diuus es, inquam, Aut a Diuum aliquis forte fecundus homo. Nil fed habetfimile aut Diuis, aut terra fecundum : Quanquam illis ^eges proximus ornat honos, Aut opus hoc igitur humano femine nati Nullius, aut hoc/ic Regis oportet opus, 10 PREFACE. It must be allowed, perhaps, that the poetry of King James possesses no great intrinsic merit. Amid the romantic scenery of his birth and edu- cation, he probably never looked on any object with the true eye of a poet. Feeble as was the lustre of a court in those days, and simple and un- refined its habits and manners compared with the luxurious artifices of modern times, yet there was enough to .enslave and controul the mind of the King. " My burden," he observes, " is great and continual." He had no eye for wild and unso- phisticated nature. There is no evidence that he ever looked with rapture on the castled cliffs and aerial towers of his native city ; or that he ever watched with a heart full of emotion the beams of the morning sun ascending out of the sea ; and the rocky cliffs of Arthur's Seat, that overhang a [ " ] Holy rood palace, half-seen, half-lost, amid the lin- gering vapours of night. There is no evidence that he ever loved, or hated, or rejoiced, or suffer- ed, like a poet. It must then he granted that his productions have no great intrinsic claims to no- tice ; for their author possessed not the true tem- perament of a bard ! But most justly has it been said by Hume, that " such a superiority do the pursuits of literature possess over every other occupation, that even he who obtains but a mediocrity in them, merits the pre-eminence over those who excel in other pro- fessions." And, after all the concessions that have been made, it must be allowed, on the other side, that the royal author of these " Essay es "yet pos- sesses high and unequivocal claims to the regard of the bibliographer. If James was not himself a great author, he was at least a venerator and encou- rager of authorship. While other monarchs have chosen to mark their earthly career in characters of blood and desolation, his prime ambition was to be enrolled among poets and philosophers ; and if this object could not be gained, he loved to trans- late from the works of others. " But sen, alas ! " [ "1 ] he exclaims, alluding to Du Bartas, " God by na- ture hath denied me the like lofty and quick in- gyne, and that my muse, age, and fortune have re- fused me the like skill and learning, I was forced to have refuge to the secound, w^hich v^as to do what lay in me to set forth his praise when I could not merit the like myself." From his earliest years he delighted to foster and cherish the genius and reputation of his literary contemporaries. In con- sequence of this alone, he becomes an object of re- spect and attention ; and his character is illumina- ted by a borrowed light. But this is not all. James, if not an original inventor, was a competent classical scholar. The editor has at this moment, through the kindness of a highly valued literary friend, a transcript of an authentic document, indorsed, " The Kingis Ma.'"" buikis Julii 1576." The books consist altogether of about ninety-two articles ; of which the titles, all except two, are in Latin ; and suggest chiefly well-known classical authors and books of divini- ty. There are also some treatises on the occult sciences, and old chronicles. It is apparent that this paper is not the catalogue of his Majesty's •[ iv ] whole library, but merely a list of books given out to the binder. It comprises two different records ; of which the second begins, " October 1580 John gibsonis buikbinder's precept 17 lb 4 s 4 d.'* To shew the exemplary care with which James transacted affairs relating to his library, I transcribe the following. " Thesaurar & zour deputtis ze sail ansuer thir buikis to ze kingis maiestie And the prices thairof salbe thankfullie allowit to zow in zour comptis kepand thir presentis for zour warrand subscrivit with ovr hand At Dalkeith the xxv day of Julij 1576 James Regent." " Rex. Thesaurare we greit zow weill. It is our will and we charge zou that ze Incontinent aftir the sycht heirof ansuer our louit John gipsoun buik- binder of the sowme of sevintene pundis iiij ss iiij d within mentionat To be thankfullie allowit to zow in zour comptis keping this our precept with the said Johnne his acquitance tharevpoun for zour warrand subscryvit with our hand at Halyrudhous the first day of October 1580 James R." t V ] But the researches of the bibliographer depend for their support on the pleasures which they af- ford to the imagination. It has been observed by Scott, that the mere attribute of antiquity is of itself sufficient to rouse and interest the fancy.* Bibliography has been censured by the dull and unthinking, and old poetry has been called " trash" by those, to whose dormant imaginations it calls up no delightful associations. But let not such persons dare to condemn what is worthless, only because their cold hearts and narrow intellects are incapable of appreciating its worth ! The interesting attributes of King James as a poet, however, are not confined to that of antiqui- ty alone. His verses are not wholly destitute of mind. His twelve sonnets to the gods evince learning at least ; and perhaps are not devoid of some original and poetical thoughts. The " Me- taphorical Inventioun of a Tragedy called Phoenix" has been considered to relate to the character and misfortunes of Queen Mary. " Under the sem- blance of that fabulous bird," observes Mr Sibbald, * See his admirable preface to Carey's Poems in Edinb. Ann. Register for 1810. [ yi ] " if I mistake not, the author attempts to exhibit the matchless beauty and sufferings of his unfortu- nate mother, whom he represents as dead, but per- forms his task with so much caution, and with such a timid and trembling hand, that one can scarcely recognize the resemblance." The " Revlis and Cautelis" have always been considered curious. To the " Schort Poem of Tyme," when compared with the production of contemporary poets, may justly be applied th^ expression of Pope's father, " These are good rhymes." As a monarch, James has been abundantly cen- sured by several historians. With this I have no- thing to do. My business is only with his literary character. Were I to offer any remark on his con- duct as a King, I should feel inclined to join with those judges who think, that after the union of the crowns, he was constrained to act as he did by dif- hculties, of which those who censure him are not sufficiently aware. While his court flourished at Holyrood, it seems to have been adorned by several individuals of emi- nence and elegant taste in literature, especially by [ vii ] Fouler, by Montgomery, Arbuthnot, and Alexan- der Hume. The works of Fouler in MS. were presented to the College Library of Edinburgh; where they have reposed undisturbed, save by the hand (now cold) of that admirable poet and antiquary Dr Ley- den : a gleam of whose genius fell on the neglect- ed pages of two unfortunate bards, and rescued a few sonnets of Fouler, and a beautiful poem, " The Day Estival," of Hume, from oblivion. A MS. of Hume's poetry, referred to by Leyden, is preser- ved in the Advocates' Library ; and a collection of his poems in quarto was printed at Edinburgh by Robert Waldegrave in 1599. This edition is now before me ; but is so very rare as to be almost quite unattainable. He has rescued, also, an ex- cellent sonnet of King James, addressed to Fouler, and prefixed to " The Triumph of Petrarke." As it exhibits rather a favourable specimen of the King's poetry, it is here subjoined : SONNET. cc We find by proof that into every age In Phcebus art some glistering stars did shine, [ viii ] Who worthy scholars to the Muses sage Fulfilled their countries with their workes divine. So Homer was a sounding trumpet fine Among the Greeks into his learned days ; So Virgil was among the Romans syne A sprite sublimed, a pillar of their praise. So lofty Petrarke his renown did blaze In tongue Italic in a sugred style. And to the circled skies his name did raise, For he by poems that he did compile Led in triumph Love, Chastness, Death, and Fame, But thou triumphs o*er Petrarke's proper name.** Of the " Revlis and Cautelis" the most remark- able chapter is the last, in which the author proba- bly indicates the favourite poets, to whom he ser- ved his apprenticeship, by resorting to them for il- lustrative quotations. Of the first of these quota- tions I am not prepared to say whence it is extract- ed. It seems to sound like the poetry of Gaw4n Douglas, but is not to be found in any of his pro- logues. The circumstance which constitutes what- ever poetical merit the verses possess, renders it the more difficult to ascertain its origin, for in the poe- try both of Scotland and England at this period, there are numberless " Auroras," of which all are more or less beautiful. " All differ, but all agree" in those leading expressions and phrases, by which the origin of a quotation is generally to be traced. Almost every poem of any length or consequence in the romantic ages begins with a description of a morning in spring. The remark applies to every old romancer ; to Douglas, Dunbar, Lyndesay, and other Scottish worthies, and is equally applicable to Chaucer. I never walk out to Blackford or Cor- storphine hill or Arthur's seat, in the fine mornings of April or May, when the west winds blow, and all nature smiles, without fancying that these very walks have given rise to many strains of inspired poetry, whose memory shall never die. I imagine that it was here where Leyden wrote his beautiful sonnet on Sabbath Morning ; where Dunbar con- ceived the preface to his " Goldin Terge ;" or where Dugald Stewart walked with the Ayrshire bard, whose never-dying strains yet swell upon the ear. There is extant a fine old song, entitled, " Blackford hill," which I have often recollected b [ ^ I when wandering near the romantic scenery to which it refers.* Of the next two quotations the editor is equally unprepared to assign the author. The stanza on Echo is from a poem of Montgomery's, to be found in volume third of Sibbald's Chronicle, where also a copious extract is given from the " Flyting of Polwart and Montgomery ;" from which extrava- gant production the ludicrous description of witches is taken by the royal critic. The last of the king's illustrations is a stanza of a well-known poem of Montgomery. Of the recommendatory versifiers T[homas] H[udson] was the author of a translation of Du Bartas's History of Judith, printed at Edinburgh by Thomas Vautrollier, and republished in the works of Du Bartas, by Joshua Sylvester, f * While correcting the fr oof sheet of this preface, I discovered that '■^ Blackford Hill" is not ancient, but is the composition of Mr Pinherton. The origin of the song in question, tvith that of many others, is determined by the confessions in page CXXXI of " List of the Scotish Poets, " 2^rejixed to volume jfirst of Maitland Poems. Lond. 1786. f A copy of the original eitlier is, or ought to be, in the College Library, as it occurs in Drummond's Catalogue, [ xi ] R. H[udson] probably a brother of the prece- ding, was also a writer of verses. See an address to him by Montgomery, in the second volume of Sibbald's Chronicle. M. W. F. is obviously Master William Fouler, author of " The Triumphs of Petrarke" and " The Tarantula of Love," extant in MS. in the College Library of Edinburgh, of which specimens have been published by Dr Leyden. Besides this, Fou- ler was the author of the following, also address- ed to the king. SONNET. Where shall the limits lie of all your fame ? Where shall the borders be of your renown ? In East, or where the sunne again gocth down ? Or shall the fixed Poles impale the same ? Where shall the pillars which your praise proclaime. Or trophies stand of that expected crowne ? The monarch first of that triumphant towne Revives in you, by you renews his name. For that which he performed in battels bold To us his books with wonders doth unfold. So we of you far more conceave in minde. As by your verse we plainlie. Sir, may see 6 [ xii ] You shall the writer and the worker be For to absolve that C^sar left behind.* Sibbald, S. 492. In addition to the ridiculous sonnet signed A. M. "which are no doubt the initials of Montgomery, the following of more fortunate execution by the same author may not be unacceptable. SONET TO HIS MAJESTIE. As bright Apollo staineth every star. With goldin rayis when he begins to rise, Quhais glorious glance yet stoutlie skailHs the skyis Quhen with a wink we wonder quhair they war, Befoir his face for feir they faid so far And vanishes away in such a wayis. That in their spheiris they dar not interpryse For to appeir lyk planeits as they ar ; Or as The Ph(enix, with hir fedrum fair. Excels all foulis in diverse hevinly hues Quhais nature contrair nature so renews As onlie but companion or compair. So quintessence of Kings ! quhen thou compyle Thou stainis my versis with thy staitlie style. Sibbald, 3. .493. * This is prefixed to " His Majesties Poetical Exercises.'* ' I xiii ] Comparisons have often been drawn between our author and his predecessor James I. with a view to depreciate the former. I confess I see no great merit in the buffooneries and ribaldry " of Chryst's Kirk on the Green," or " Peblis to the Play." But whatever praise I might be inclined to allow to these productions, infinitely rather would I read the worst composition of James VI. than join such facetious readers in their exclusive admiration of those two poems ; or even of their prime favour- ites, the " Jollie Beggar" and the " Wyfe of Auch- termuchty." To such persons the present publi- cation will no doubt appear dull and absurd. But I honour the spirit of the following address to his book, by John Bellenden, the translator of Hector Boyse's chronicle. Sen thou contelns mo vallzeand men and wyse Than evir was red in ony buke but dout Gif ony churle or velane the dispyse, Bid hence him harlot ! he is not of this ROUT ; For heir are kingis and mony nobillis stout. And nane of thame pertenand to his clan. Thou art sa full of nobylnes partout, I WALD NANE RED THE BOT ANE NOBYLL MAN ! [ xiv ] Before concluding this preface, I must not for- get to notice the second publication of James, print- ed by Robert Waldegrave in 159 1, entitled, " Poe- tical Exercises," to which the preface is so interest- ing and unassuming, that it cannot fail to impress the reader with an indulgent and favourable opi- nion of its author, " Receave here, beloved reader, a short poetique discovrs which I have selected and translated from amongst the rest of the works of Du Bartas as a vive mirror of this last and most decreeped age. .Heere shalt thou see clearlie, as in a glass, the mi- series of this wavering world," &c. &c. " And in case thou finde aswel in this work as in my Le- panto follov\ring, many incorect errors, both of the dytement and orthography, I must pray thee to ac- cept this reasonable excuse which is this. Thow considers, I doubt not, that upon the one part, I composed these things in my verie young and ten- der yeares, wherein Nature, except she were a mon- ster, can admit of no perfection. And now, on the other part, being of riper yeares, my burden is so great and continual), without any intermission, that quhen any ingyne and age could, my affairs and fasherie, will riot permit me to remark the Wrong orthography, committed by the copies of my un- legible and ragged hand, far les to amend my pro- per errours. Yea, scarslie, but at stolen moments, have I the lesure to blenk upon any paper, and yet not that with free and unvexed spirit. Alwaies rough and unpolished as they are, I offer them un- to thee : which being well accepted, will move me to haste the presenting unto thee of my Apocalyps, and also such nomber of the Psalms as I have per- fited, arid incourage me to the ending out of the rest. And thus, beloved Reader, recommending these labours to thy freindlie acceptation, I bid thee hartelie farewell." It is impossible to withhold a tribute of applause from this preface. And when due credit is grant- ed to the author's apology, that these verses were the production of his " verie young and tender yeares," and it is considered that the Essays now reprinted were published in the author's eighteenth year, they have surely, on this account alone, a xlaim to be reckoned among the "curiosities of literature." The " Exercises" consist of " The Furies," a [ XVI ] translation from a wild effusion of Du Bartas, de- picting under this title all the vices and miseries that assail human nature, and of " The Lepanto," a long original poem of King James, of which he says in the preface, that " it is an argument, a mi- nore ad majus, largely intreated by a poetique com- parison, being to the writing heerof moved by the stirring up of the league and cruel persecution of the protestants in all countries, at the very first rageing whereof I compiled this poeme.'* The poem, in short, is a narrative of the batde of Lepanto ; from which inferences are drawn, which the author considers applicable to circum- stances and events in his own age. This produc- tion afforded to Du Bartas, the contemporary and favourite author of James, an opportunity of com- plimenting his royal friend. He translated " The Lepanto" into French heroic verse, and his transla- tion was printed at Edinburgh in 1591, with a tru- ly interesting preface, consisting of enthusiastic en- comiums in prose, and a second preface of the same kind in verse, by the translator. And at the con- clusion of the translation appears the following son- [ xvii ] net of King James, which being very little known, I gladly take this opportunity of reviving. SONET. The azure vaulte, the crystall circles bright, The gleaming fyrie torches powdered there ; The changing round, the shining beamie light. The sad and bearded fyres, the monsters faire ; The prodiges appearing in the aire. The rearding thunders and the blustering winds, The foules in hue and shape and nature raire. The prettie notes that winged musicians finds ; In earth, the savrie flouris, the metalled minds. The wholsum herbes, the hautie pleasant trees. The silver streams, the beasts of sundrie kinds. The bounded roares and fishes of the seas ; All these for teaching man the Lord did frame To do his will whose glorie shines in thame. J. R, S. When I read this excellent sonnet, I almost fear that I have at the beginning of these desultory re- marks too much undervalued the pretensions of James to poetic merit. , Before quitting the subject of " His Majesties Poetical Exercises," I must not neglect to men- c [ xviii ] tion that the copy now before me of this rare quarto has been most carefully perused by Ben Jonson ; whose accurate pen has been employed to correct many of the errors in orthography, which are deprecated by jthe author in his pre- face already quoted. The title page has Jonson's name, with the motto which he was accustomed to inscribe on all his books. " Taiiquam Kxplorator, Ben : Jonson." It has been endeavoured to make the following reprint a perfect resemblance of the original. But as from its extreme rarity, it was necessary that the printer should depend entirely on a written copy of the volume (which was executed with unrivalled care and industry, by the editor's friend Mr Weber,) a few typographical inaccuracies may perhaps be foimd ; which as they are of little or no importance in themselves, and do not at all affect the general appearance of the work, it is hoped the candid reader will treat with indulgence. R. P. G. ^ ACROSTIGHON. I jyigne AuEloris 'vetiiit ■pr<2figere nomen A u6ioris cundia peSius vacuum ambitione. C ti'ms praclaras laudes, heroica fa^ia, 7ipiigenafq^ animi dotes ^ Iff pe6lora vers B elligera^ exornat cmlejiis gratia M.uf<^, V era ijia omniuQ eji. virtus, virtuteq^ 7naior S ublmis regnai generojo in pe6lbre Qhrijius* S cottia fortunata nimis, honafi tua nojfes EX imij vatis, ple6lru?n qui pollice dodo T emperat, i^ Mu/as regaletn inducit in aUlam.: V idurus poji fata diu .* '^amfamafuperjies S emper erityfemper jlorehit gloria vatis. Pa. Ad. Ep. Sand. A EIVSDEM AD LECTOREM EPIGRAMMA. SI quaras quisfit tarn co?npH car?ninis audor, Audorem audebis Mufa negare tuum ?j Ille qiddem 'uetuit, cm te parere necejfe eft : Quis tantum in Diuas obtinet i?npenw}i ? Ctii parent Mufa, Phodbus quo §f^^IRST hue, as greateflGod aboue the reft, Wfr^^n^* G^^unt thou to me a pairt of my defyre : $ JL 5 ^^^^^ when in verfe of thee I wryte my beft, '^bvs^cS^ This onely thing I earneftly requyre, • • That thou my veine Poetique fo infpyre, As they may fuirhe think, all that it reid. When I defcryue thy might and thundring fyre, That they do fee thy felf in verie deid From heauen thy greateft Thunders for to leid. And fyne vpon the Gyants heads to fall : Or cumming to thy Se?nele with fpeid In Thunders leaft, at her requeft and call : Or throwing Phaethon downe from heauen to eard. With threatning thunders, making moftrous reard. SONNET. 2. Avollo nixt, aflift me in a parte. Sen vnto loue thou fecound art in might. That when I do defcryue thy fhyning Carte, The Readers may efteme it in their fight. And graunt me als, thou worlds 6 onely light. That when I lyke for fubiedb to deuyfe To wryte, how as before thy countenaunce bright The yeares do ftand, with feafons dowble twyfe. That fo I may defcryue the verie guyfe Thus by thy help, of yeares wherein we Hue : As Readers fyne may fay, heir furely lyes. Of feafons fowre, the glaffe and pidure viue. Grant als, that fo I may my verfes warpe. As thou may play them fyne vpon thy Harpe. A. iiij. SONNET. 3. AND firfl, 6 Yhxhiis^ when I do defcriue The ^pringtyme fproutar of the herbes and flowris, Whomewith in rank none of the foure do flriue, But neareft thee do ftande all tymes and howris : Graunt Readers may efteme, they fie the fhowris, Whofe balmie dropps fo foftlie dois diftell, Which watrie cloudds in mefure fuche downe powris, As makis the herbis, and verie earth to fmell With fauours fweit, fra tyme that onis thy fell The vapouris foftlie fowkis with finyling cheare, VVhilks fyne in cloudds are keiped clofs and well, VVhill vehement 'Winter come in tyme of yeare. Graunt, when 1 lyke the Springtyme to difplaye. That Readers think they fie the Spring alwaye. SONNET. 4. AND graunt I may fo viuely put in verfe The Sommer, when I lyke theirof to treat : As when in writ I do theirof reherse. Let Readers think they fele the burning heat. And graithly fee the earth, for lacke of weit. With withering drouth and Sunne fo gaigged all. As for the graSe on feild, the duft in ftreit Doth ryfe and flee aloft, long or it fall. Yea, let them think, they heare the fong and call, Which Floras wingde muficians maks to found. And that to tafte, and fmell, beleue they fhall Delicious fruidis, whilks in that tyme abound. And fhortly, all their fenfes fo bereaued. As eyes and earis, and all may be deceaued. B SONNET y OR when I lyke my pea for to imploy Of fertile Harveji in the defcription trew : Let Readers think, they inflantly conuoy The bufie fhearers for to reap their dew. By cutting rypeft comes with hookes anew : Which cornes their heauy heads did dounward bow. Els feking earth againe, from whence they grew. And vnto Ceres do their feruice vow. Let Readers alfo furely think and trow, They fee the painfull Vigneron pull the grapes : Firft tramping them, and after prefling now The grenell cluflers gathered into heapes. Let then the Harvejl fo viue to them appeare. As if they faw both cornes and cluflersneare. SONNET. 6. BVT let them think, in verie deid theyfeill. When as I do the Winters ilormes vnfolde. The bitter frofts, which waters dois congeill In Winter feafon, by a pearfmg colde. And that they heare the whiddering Boreas bolde, With hiddeous hurling, rolling Rocks from hie. Or let them think, they fee god Saturne olde, Whofe hoarie haire owercouering earth, maks flie The lytle birds in flocks, fra tyme they see The earth and all with ftormes of snow owercled : Yea let them think, they heare the birds that die. Make piteous mone, that Saturnes hairis are fpred. Apollo, graunt thir foirfaid fuitis of myne. All fyue I fay, that thou may crowne me fyne. Bii. SONNET. 7. AND when I do defcriue the Oceans force, Graunt fyne, 6 'Neptune, god of feas profound, That readars think on leebord, and on dworce. And how the Seas owerflowed this mafliue round : Yea, let them think, they heare a ftormy found. Which threatnis wind, and darknes come at hand : And water in their fhipps fyne to abound, By weltring wanes, Uke hyell towres on land. Then let them think their fliipp now low on fand. Now climmes & Ikippes to top of rageing feas. Now downe to hell, when fhippmen may not fland, But lifts their hands to pray thee for fome eas. Syne let them think thy Trident doth it calme. Which makes it cleare and fmothe lyke glas or alme. SONNET. 8. AND graunt the lyke when as the fwimming fort Of all thy fubjeds Ikaled I Hfl declare : As Triton monfter with a manly port. Who drownd the Troyan trumpetour mofl raire : As Marmaids wyfe, who wepis in wether faire : And marvelous monkis, I meane M.onkis of the fee, Bot what of monfters, when I looke and flaire On wounderous heapes of fubieftis feruing the ? As whailes fo huge, and Sea eylis rare, that be Myle longs, in crawling cruikis of fixtie pace : And Daulphins, Seahorfe, Selchs with oxin ee. And Merfwynis, Pertrikis als of fifhes race. In fhort, no fowle doth flie, nor bead doth go, But thow haft fifhes lyke to them and mo. B iij SONNET. 9. ODreldfull Pluto^ brother thrid to loue. With Proferpin, thy wife, the quene of hell : My fute to you is, when I like to loaue The ioyes that do in Elife field excell : Or when I like great Tragedies to tell : Or flyte, or murne mj fate : or wryte with feare The plagues ye do fend furth with Dira fell. Let Readers think, that both they fee and heare Alecto, threatning Turnus filler deare : And heare Celcenos wings, with Harpyes all : And fee dog Cerberus rage with hiddeous beare. And all that did AEneas once befall. When as he paft throw all thofe dongeons dim, The forefaid feilds fyne vifited by him. SONNET. lo. O Furious Mars, thow warlyke fouldlour bold. And hardy Vallas, goddefs flout and graue : Let Reidars think, when combats manyfold I do defcriue, they fee two champions braue. With armies huge approaching to refaue Thy will, with cloudds of duft into the air. Syne Phifers, Drumes, and Trumpets cleir do craue The pelmell chok with larum loude alwhair. Then nothing hard but gunnis, and ratling fair Of fpeares, and clincking fwords with glaunce fo cleir. As if they foght in fkyes, then wrangles thair Men killd, vnkilld, whill Parcas breath reteir. There lyes the venquiiht wailing fore his chaunce : Here lyes the victor, rewing els the daunce. B iiij SONNET. II. ANd at your handis I earneftly do craue, O facound Mercure, with the Mtifes nyne, That for conducing guyde I may you haue, Afwell vnto my pen, as my Ingyne. Let Readars think, thy eloquence deuyne O Mercure, in my Poems doth appeare : And that ParnaJJts flowing fountaine fyne Into my works doth fhyne lyke criflall cleare. O Mufes, let them thinke that they do heare Your voyces all into my verfe refound. And that your vertewis fmguler and feir May wholly all in them be alfo found. Of all that may the perfyte Poems make, I pray you let my verfes haue no lake. SONNET. 12. IN fhort, you all forenamed gods I pray For to concur with one accord and will. That all my works may perfyte be alway : Which if ye doe, then fweare I for to fill My works immortall with your praifes ftill : I fhall your names eternall euer fing, I fhall tread downe the grafle on Parnafs hill By making with your names the world to ring : I Ihall your names from all obliuion bring. I lofty Virgin Ihall to life reftoir. My subieSs all Ihalbe of heauenly thing. How to delate the gods immortals gloir. Eflay me once, and if ye find me fwerue. Then thinke, I do not graces fuch deferue. FINIS. C. * THE VRANIE translateda # * * « * * To the fauor able Reader. Auing oft reuolued, and red ouer (fauorable Reader) the booke and Poems of the deuine and Illufter Poete, Sahiji du Cartas, I was moued by the oft reading & per- ,ufing of them, with a reftles and lofty defire, to preas to attaine to '^® the Hke vertue. But fen (alas) God, by nature hathe refufed me the like lofty and quick ingyne, and that my dull Mufe, age and Fortune, had refufed me the lyke fkill and learnings I was con- ftrained to haue refuge to the fecound, which was, to doe what lay in me, to fet forth his praife, fen I could not merite the lyke my felf. Which I thought, I could not do fo well, as by pubhfhing fome worke of his, to this yle of Brittain (fwarming full of quick ingynes,) afwell as they ar made manifefl already to France. But knowing my felf to vnfkilfuU and groffe, to traflate any of his heauenly & learned works, I almofl left it of, and was afhamed of that opinion alfo. Whill at the laft, preferring foolehardines and a good intention, to an vtter difpaire and fleuth, I refolued vnaduyfedly to af- fay the tranflating in my language of the eafieft and ,. iij. The Preface. fhorteft of all his difficile, and prolixed Poems : to wit, the Vranie or heauenlye Mufe, which, albeit it be not well tranflated, yet hope I, ye will excufe me (fauor- able Reader) fen I neither ordained it, nor auowes it for a iuft tranllation : but onely fet it forth, to the end, that, albeit the Prouerb faith, that foolehardines pro- ceeds of ignoraunce, yet fome quick fprited man of this yle, borne vnder the fame, or as happie a Planet, as Du Bartas was, might by the reading of it, bee moued to tranflate it well, and beft, where I haue bothe euill, and worft broyled it. For that caufe, I haue put in, the French on one fide of the leif, and my blocking on the other : noght there- by to giue proofe of my iuft tranflating, but by the con- trair, to let appeare more plainly to the forefaid reader, wherin I haue erred, to the effeft, that with leffe diffi- culty he may efcape thofe fnares wherin I haue fallen. I muft alfo defire you to bear with it, albeit it be re- plete with innumerable and intolerable faultes : fic as, Ryming in tearmes, and dyuers others, whilkis ar for- bidden in my owne treatife of the Art of Poefie in the hinder end of this booke, I muft, I fay, praye you to appardone mee, for three caufes. Firft, because that tranflatioris are limitat, and reftrained in fome things, more then free inuentions are. Therefore reafoun would, that it had more libertie in others. Secound- lie, becaufe I made noght my treatife of that inten- tion, that eyther I, or any others behoued aftricktly to follow The Preface. follow it : but that onely it Ihould fhew the perfection of PoeTie, wherevnto fewe or none can attaine. Third- lye, becaufe, that (as I fhewe alreadye) I auow it not for a iufl tranflation. Befydes that I haue but ten feete in my lyne, where he hath twelue, and yet tranf- lates him lyne by lyne. Thus not doubting, fauor- able Reader, but you will accept my inten- tion and trauellis in good parte, (fen I requyre no farder,) I bid you faire well. *** * * * -;^ * *** * €•••• nil L'VRANIE, OV MVSE CELESTE. IE n'ejioy point encor en VAurll de mon aage, Qu'vn defir d^ affranchir mon renom du ire/pas^ Chagrin me faifoit perdre Iff repos, £ff repas. Par le hraue proiet de maint fgauant ouurage, Mais comme vn pelerin, qui fur le tardy rencontre Vnfourchu carrefour, douteux, s^arrejie court : Et d^efprit, non des pieds, de ca de la difcourt. Par les diuers chemins, que la Lune luy jiionjlre. Parmi tant des fentiers qui^Jleuris,fe vont rendre Sur le mont, ou Vhabus guerdonne les beaux vers De Vhonneur immortel des lauriers tout-iour verds, Je demeuroy confus^ nefgachant lequel prendre. Tantoji i^entreprenoy d*orner la Grecque Scene D*vn vejlement Francois. Tantoji dvn vers plus haut Hardly i* enfanglantoy le Frangois efchafaut Des Tyrans d'llion^ de Thebes, de Mycenc. ie confacroy tantoji a I* Aonide bande UHiJloire des Francois : Isf ma fain6le fureur Defmentant a bon droit la trop commune erreur^ Faifoit le Mein Gaulois, non la Seine Alematide. Tantoji ie deJJ'eignoy dvne plume jlateufe he los non merite des Rwi ^ grands Seigneurs : 1 Et THE VRANIE, OR HEA- VENLY MVSE. Scarce was I yet in fpringtyme of my years, When greening great for fame aboue my pears Did make me lofe my wonted chere and reft, Eflaying learned works with curious breft. But as the Pilgrim^ who for lack of light, Cumd on the parting of two wayes at night, He ftayes aflbne, and in his mynde doeth caft. What way to take while Moonlight yet doth laft. So I amongft the paths vpon that hill. Where Phcsbus crownes all verfes euer ftill Of endles praife, with Laiirers euer grene. Did ftay confufde, in doubt what way to mene. I whyles effaide the Grece in Frenche to praife Whyles in that toung I gaue a lufty glaife For to defcryue the Troian Kings of olde. And them that Thebes and Mycens crowns did holde. And whiles I had the ftorye of Fraunce elected. Which to the Mufes I fhould have direded : My holy furie with confent of nane, Made frenche the iSHein, and nowyfe dutche the Sein, Whiles thought I to fet foorth with flattering pen : The praife vntrewe of Kings and noble men, D LVranie. Et pour me voir hlen toji riche d*or, ^ d^honneurs, D^vn cosur bas ie rendoy mercenaire ma ^uje. Et tandis ie vouloy chanter le fils volage De la molle Cypris^ iff le mal doux-a?ner. Que les plus beaux efprits fouffient pour trop aimer, Difcoiirs, ou me poujfoit ma nature, iff mon aage. Or tandis qu* inconjiant ie ne me puis refoudre, De ga, de la pouche d*vn vent a?nbitieux, V7ie fainte beautefe prefente a ?nes yeux, Fille, comme ie croy, du gratid Dieu lance-foudre. Saface eji angelique, angelique fon gejie. Son difcours tout diuin, tsf tout par fait fon corps : Et fa bouche a neif-voix imite enfes accords Le fon harmonieux de la dance celefie* Son chef eft honor e d^vne riche couronne Faite afept plis, gliffans d*v?i diuers mouuement, Sur chacim defes plis fe tourne obliquement Je nefgay quel rondeau, que fur nos chefs raionne. he premier eft de plomb, '& d' eftain le deuxiefme^ he troifiesme d acier, le quart d or iauniffant, "he quint eft compofe d eleSlre palliffant, 'Lefuyuant de Mercure, ^ d argent le feptiefme. Son corps eft affuble d vne mante azuree, Semee haut Iff bas dvn million de feux. Qui d v?i bel art fans art diftindement confus, Decorent de leurs rais ccfte beaute facree. Icy lent le grand Char, icy flambe la 'Lyre, ley la Vouffiniere, icy les clairs 'heffons, 5 Icy THE VRANIE. And that I might both golde and honours haue, With courage baffe I made my Mufe a flaue. And whyles I thought to fmg the fickle boy Of Cypris foft, and loues to-lwete anoy, To lofty fprits that are therewith made blynd, To which difcours my nature and age inclynd. But whill I was in doubt what way to go, With wind ambitious toffed to and fro : A holy beuty did to mee appeare, The TImndrers daughter feeming as fhe weare. Her porte was Angellike with Angels face. With comely (hape and toung of heauenly grace : Her nynevoced mouth refembled into found The daunce harmonious making heauen refound. Her head was honorde with a coflly crown, Seuinfolde and rounde, to dyuers motions boun : On euery folde I know not what doth glance, Aboue our heads into a circuler dance. The firft it is of Lead, of Tin the nixt. The third of Stele, the fourth of Golde vnmixt. The fyfth is made of pale Eleftre light. The fixt of Mercure, feuint of Siluer bright. Her corps is couured with an Afure gowne. Where thoufand fires ar fowne both vp and downe : Fixed Whilks with an arte, but arte, confufde in order, Dois with their beames decore thereof the border. Heir fhynes the Charlewain, there the Harp giues light. And heir the Seamans ftarres, and there Twinnis bright, Dij The feuiu Planets. Firmamet Starres. L'VRANIIi. Icy le Trebiifchet^ icy les deux Voiffom^ Et ?nille autres brandons que ie 7ie puis defcrire. Jefuis \_dit elk alors~\ cejle do£le vranie. Qui fur les gonds ajlrez tranfporte les humains^ Faifant voir a leiirs yeux, ^ toucher a leurs maitis, Ce que la Cour celejie Eff contemple ^ manic. Je quinte-effence I ame : ^ fay que le Poete ^e furmontant foy mesme, enfonce vn haut difcours. Qui, diuin, par loreille attire les plusfourds, Ani?ne les rochers Is' les feuues arrejie. Agr cable eft le fon de mes dories germaines : Mais leur go/icr, qui peut terre £ff del enchanter, N(? me cede pas mains en I art de bien chanter, Ou^au 'Roffgnol /' Oifon, les Vies aux Syrenes. Fren moy donques pour gidde : efleue au del ton aifle Salujie, chante moy du Tout-puiffant I honneur, Et remontant le luth du Jeffeanfonneur, Qoui'ageux, broffe apres la couronne eternelle. Je ne puis d v?i 4t^8 ^^^to griv*, I then will liv' in^4P^7 g^^lefler greif therebj. Kyth^>^y^6 5^^^heir and try your force^ 4! ^B^ ay bent and quick, 3 ^B^ Excell in 2^^^fik like ill, /and murne with fme. From Delphos fynel TApollo cum with fpeid : Whofc] jlhining light my cairs will dim in deid.j ic >k ^ ic ic ^ ic ^ i,-4cy>k i(. ^)f The expanfion of the former Colomne. E If Echo help, that both together w (S ince caufe there be) may now lamet with teari M y murnefuU yearis. Ye furies als with hi lien Pluto grim, who dwels in dark, that h ince cheif we fe him to you all that beari he ftyle men fearis of Dirae : I requef che greizlie gheft, that dwells beneth the S W ith all yon thre, whofe hairis ar fnaiks full ble A nd all your crew, aflift me in thir tw R epeit and flia my Tragedie full nei T he chance fell heir. Then fecoundlie is bef D euils void of reft, ye moue all that it rei W ith me, indeid, lyke dolour thame to gri then will liv', in lefTer greif therebi . ythe heir and trie, your force ay bent and quic xcell in fik lyke ill, and murne with m From Delphos fyne Apollo cum with fpeid, Whofe fhining light my cairs wil dim in deid. ^ X^ ^ )^ )^ *L >f. >(L > ^ J>f. Jf Phoenix. THE dyuers falls that Fortune geuis to men. By turning ouer her quheill to their annoy. When I do heare the grudge, ahhough they ken That olde blind Dame delytes to let the ioy Of all, fuche is her vfe, which dois conuoy Her quheill by gefs : not looking to the right, Bot ftill turnis vp that pairt quhilk is too Ught. Thus quhen I hard fo many did complaine. Some for the lofle of worldly wealth and geir. Some death of frends, quho can not come againe ; Some loffe of health, which vnto all is deir. Some lofle of fame, which ftill with it dois beir Ane greif to them, who mereits it indeid : Yet for all this appearis there fome remeid. For as to geir, lyke chance as made you want it, Reftore you may the fame againe or mair. For death of frends, although the fame (I grant it) Can noght returne, yet men are not fo rair, Bot ye may get the lyke. For feiknes fair Your health may come : or to ane better place Ye muft. For fame, good deids will mend difgrace. Giii Phoenix. Then, fra I faw (as I already told) j How men complaind for things whilk might amend. How Dauid l^yndsay did complaine of old His Papingo, her death, and fudden end, Ane common foule, whofe kinde be all is kend. All thefe hes moved me prefently to tell Ane Tragedie, in griefs thir to excelj. For I complaine not of fic common cace. Which diuerfly by diuers means dois fall : But I lament my Phcenix rare, whofe race, Whofe kynde, whofe kin, whofe offpring, they be all In her alone, whome I the Fhosnix call. That fowle which only one at onis did Hue, Not Hues, alas / though I her praife reviu^. In Arable cald Falix was flie bredd This fowle, excelling Iris farr in hew. Whofe body whole, with purpour was owercledd, Whofe taill of coulour was celeftiall blew. With Ikarlat pennis that through it mixed grew : Her craig was like the yallowe burnifht gold. And fhe herfelf thre hundreth yeare was old. Phoenix. She might haue liued as long agalne and mair. If fortune had not ftayde dame 'biaturs will : Six hundreth yeares and fourtie was her fcair. Which Nature ordained her for to fulfill. Her natiue foile Ihe hanted euer ftill. Except to Egypt whiles fhe tooke her courfe. Wherethrough great l^ylus downe runs fro his fourfe. Like as ane hors, when he is barded haile. An fethered pannach fet vpon his heid. Will make him feame more braue : Or to aflaile The enemie, he that the troups dois leid, Ane pannache on his healme will fet in deid : Euen fo, had 'Nature, to decore her face, Giuen her ane tap, for to augment her grace. In quantitie, (he dois refemble neare Vnto the foule of mightie Jove, by name The AEgle calld : oft in the time of yeare. She vfde to foir, and flie through diuers realme. Out through the Azure ikyes, whill Ihe did Ihame The Sunne himfelf, her coulour was fo bright. Till he abafhit beholding fuch a light. H Phoenix. Thus whill fhe vfde to fcUm the fkyes about. At laft Ihe chanced to fore out ower the fee Calld Mare Rubrum : yet her courfe held out Whill that flie pafl whole Afie. Syne to fiie To Europe fmall {he did refolue : To drie Her voyage out, at laft fhe came in end Into this land, ane ftranger heir vnkend. Ilk man did maruell at her forme ^f rare ^ The winter came, and ftorms cled all the feild ^ Which ftorms, the land of fruit and come made bare, Then did ftie flie into an houfe for beild, ^ VVhich from the ftorms might faue her as an fheild. There, in that houfe ftie firft began to tame, I came, fyne took her furth out of the fame. Fra I her gat, yet none could gefs what fort bffoule fhe wis, nor from what countrey cum '.m Nor I my felf : except that be her port, And cliftring hewes I knew that fhe was fum tare ftrangfr foule, which oft had vfde to cum Through diuers lands, delytmg m her flight , Which made us fee, fo ftrange and rare a fight. Whill Phoenix. Whill at the laft, I chanced to call to minde How that her nature, did refemble neir To that of Fh(Emx which I red. Her kinde. Her hewe, her Ihape, did mak it plaine appeir. She was the fame, which now was lighted heir. This made me to efteme of her the more, Her name and rarenes did her fo decore. Thus being tamed, and throughly weill acquent. She toke delyte (as fhe was wount before) What tyme that Titan with his beames vpfprent. To take her flight, amongs the fkyes to foir. Then came to her of fowlis, a woundrous ftore Of diuers kinds, fome fimple fowlis, fome ill And rauening fowlis, whilks fimple onis did kill. And euen as they do fwarme about their king The hunnie Bees, that works into the hyue : When he delyts furth of the {kepps to fpring. Then all the leaue will follow him belyue, Syne to be nixt him biffelie they ftriue : So, all thir fowlis did follow her with beir. For loue of her, fowlis rauening did no deir. Hij .Phoenix. Such was the loue, and reuerence they her bure. Ilk day whill euen, ay whill they (hedd at night. Fra time it darkned, I was euer fure Of her returne, remaining whill the light, And Phoebus ryfmg with his garland bright. Such was her trueth, fra time that (lie was tame, She, who in brightnes Titans felf did fhame. By vfe of this, and banting it, at lafl She made the foules, fra time that 1 went out, Aboue my head to flie, and follow fall Her, who was chief and leader of the rout. When it grew lait, fhe made them flie, but doubt. Or feare, euen in the cloiTe with her of will. Syne Ihe her felf, perkt in my chalmer ftill. When as the countreys round about did heare Of this her byding in this countrey cold. Which not but hills, and darknes ay dois beare, (And for this caufe was Scotia calld of old,) Her lyking here, when it was to them told, And how fhe greind not to go backe againe : The loue. they bure her, turnd into difdaine. Lo Phoenix. Lo, here the fruicts, whilks of Inu^ dois breid, To harme them all, who vertue dois imbrace. Lo, here the fruicts, from her whilks dois proceid, To harme them all, that be in better cace Then others be. So followed they the trace Of proud Inuj^ thir countreyis lying neir. That fuch a foule, fhould lyke to tary heir. Whill Fortoun at the lafl, not onely moued Inuy to this, which could her not content, Whill that Inuy^ did feafe fome foules that loued Her anis as femed : but yet their ill intent Kythed, when they faw all other foules ftill bent To follow her, milknowing them at all. This made them worke her'vndeferued fall. Thir were the rauening fowls, whome of I fpak Before, the whilks (as I already Ihew) Was wount into her prefence to hald bak Their crueltie, from fimple ones, that flew With her, ay whill Jnuy all feare withdrew. Thir ware, the Raui?i, the Staincbell, & the Gled, With other kynds, whome in this malice bred. H. iij. Fra Phoenix. Fra Malice thus was rooted be huy. In them as fone the awin etFects did fliaw. Which made them fyne, vpon ane day, to fpy And wait till that, as fhe was wount, fhe flaw Athort the fkyes, fyne did they neir her draw. Among the other fowlis of dyuers kynds, Although they were farr dilTonant in mynds. For where as they ware wount her to obey, Their mynde farr contrair then did plaine appeare For then they made her as a commoun prey To them, of whome fhe looked for no deare, • They flrake at her fo bitterly, whill feare Stayde other fowlis to preis to defend her From thir ingrate, whilks now had clene mifkend her. When fhe could find none other faue refuge From thefe their bitter flraiks, fhe fled at lafl To me (as if fhe wolde wifhe me to iudge The wrong they did her) yet they followed faft Till fhe betuix my leggs her felfe did caft. For fauing her from thefe, which her opprefl, Whofe hote purfute, her fuffred not to reft. Bot Phoenix. Bot yet at all that fervd not for remdd. For nogttheles, they fpaird her not a haire. In ftede of her, yea whyles they made to bleid My leggs : (fo grew their malice mair and mair) Which made her both to rage and to difpair, Firfl, that but caufe they did her fuch dilhort : Nixt, that Ihe laked help in any fort. Then hauing tane ane dry and wethered ftra. In deip difpair, and in ane lofty i*age She fprang vp heigh, outfleing euery fa : Syne to Fanchaia came, to change her age Vpon Apollos altar, to aflfwage With outward fyre her inward raging fyre : Which then was all her cheif and whole defyre. Then being careful, the event to know Of her, who homeward had retumde againe Where Ihe was bred, where ftorms dois neuer blow, Nor bitter blafts, nor winter fnows, nor raine, But fommer ftill : that countray doeth fo ftaine All realmes in fairnes. There in hafte I fent. Of her to know the yffew and event. ; H. iiij. Phoenix. The mefllnger went there into fic hafte. As could permit the farrnes of the way. By croffing ower fa mony countreys wafle Or he come there. Syne with a lytle flay Into that land, drew homeward euery day : In his returne, lyke diligence he fhew As in his going there, through realmes anew. Fra he returnd, then fone without delay I fpeared at him, (the certeantie to try) What word of Phosnix which was flowen away ? And if through all the lands he could her fpy. Where through he went, I bad him not deny, But tell the trueth, yea whither good or ill Was come of her, to wit it was my will. He tolde me then, how fhe flew bak againe. Where fra flie came and als he did receit. How in Fanchaia toun, fhe did remaine On Vhahus altar, there for to compleit With Thus and Myrrh, and other odours sweit Of flowers of dyuers kyndes, and of Incens Her neft With that he left me in fufpens. Till Phoenix. Till that I charged him no wayes for to fpair. But prefently to tell me out the reft. He tauld me then. How Titans garland thair Inflamde be heate, reflexing on her neft. The withered ftra, which when Ihe was oppreft Heir be yon fowlis, Ihe bure ay whill fhe came There, fyne aboue her neft fhe laid the fame. And fyne he tolde, how ftie had fuch defyre To burne herfelf, as fhe fat downe therein. Syne how the Sunne the withered ftra did fyre. Which brunt her neft, her fethers, bones and fkin All turnd in afh. Whois end dois now begin My woes : her death maks lyfe to greif in me. She, whome I rew my eyes did euer fee. O deuills of darknes, contraire vnto light. In Fhxhus fowk, how could ye get fuch place. Since ye are hated ay be Phcebus bright ? For ftill is fene his light dois darknes chace. But yet ye went into that fowle, whofe grace. As Phcebus fowle, yet ward the Sunne him fell. Her light his ftaind, whome in all light dois dwell. I. Phoenix. And thou (6 Phoenix) why was thow fo moued Thow foule of light, be enemies to thee. For to forget thy heauenly hewes, whilkis loued Were baith by men and fowlis that did them fee ? And fyne in hewe of afhe that they fould bee Conuerted all : and that thy goodly fhape In Chaos fould, and noght the fyre efcape ? And thow (6 reuthles Death) fould thow deuore Her ? who not only palfed by all mens mynde All other fowlis in hewe, and fhape, but more In rarenes (fen there was none of her kynde But fhe alone) whome with thy ftounds thow pynde : And at the laft, hath perced her through the hart. But reuth or pitie, with thy mortall dart. Yet worft of all, fhe liued not half her age. Why flayde thou Tyme at leafl, which all dois teare To worke with her ? O what a cruell rage. To cut her off, before her threid did weare / Wherein ?ill Planets keeps their courfe, that yeare It was not by the half yet worne away. Which fould with her haue ended on a day. Then Phoenix. Then fra ther newls, in forrows foped haill. Had made vs both a while to holde our peace, Then he began and faid, Pairt of my taill Is yet vntolde, Lo here one of her race, Ane worme bred of her afhe : Though fhe, alace, (Said he) be brunt, this lacks but plumes and breath To be lyke her, new gendred by her death. Veniioy, Apollo then, who brunt with thy reflex Thine onely fowle, through loue that thou her bure. Although thy fowle, (whose name doeth end in X) Thy burning heat on nowayes could indure But brunt thereby : Yet will I the procure. Late foe to Phoenix, now her freind to be : Reuiuing her by that which made her die. Draw farr from heir, mount heigh vp through the air To gar thy heat and beames be law and neir. That in this countrey, which is colde and bair. Thy gliftring beames als ardent may appeir As they were oft in Arable : fo heir Let them be now, to make ane 'Phoenix new Euen of this worme of 'Phoenix alhe which grew. Phoenix. This if thow dois, as fure I hope thou fhall. My tragedie a comike end will haue : Thy work thou hath begun, to end it all. Els made ane worme, to make her out the laue. This Epitaphe, then beis on Phcsnix graue. Here lyeth, 'vvhome too euen be her death and cud Apollo hath a longer lyfe her fend, FINIS. A PARAPHRASTICALL TRANSLATION OVT OF THE POETE LVCANE. LVCANVS LIB. QVINTO. CAEfaris an curfus njejira /entire putatis DamnufJi pojfefuga ? Velutijt cunda mineniur Flumina, quos mi/cent pelago,fubducerefontes : Now 7nagis ahlatis vnquam decreverit aquor, Quam nunc crefcit aquis* An vos momenta putaiis Vila dedijje mihi ? If all the floods amonfl them wold conclude To ftay their courfe from running in the fee : And by that means wold thinke for to delude The Ocean, who fould impaired be. As they fuppofde, beleuing if that he Did lack their floods, he fhould decreffe him fell : Yet if we like the veritie to wye. It pairs him nothing : as I Ihali you tell. For out of him they are augmented all. And mofl part creat, as ye fhall perfaue : For when the Sunne doth fouk the vapours fmall Forth of the feas, whilks them containe and haue, A part in winde, in wete and raine the laue He render dois : which doth augment their flrands. Of ^eptuns woll a coate fyne they him weaue, By hurling to him fait out ower the lands. Imj LVCANVS LIB. V. When all is done, do to him what they can None can perfaue that they do fwell him mair, I put the cafe then that they neuer ran : Yet not thelefs that could him nowife pair : What needs he then to count it, or to cair. Except their folies wold the more be fhawin ? Sen though they (lay, it harmes him not a hair, what gain they, thogh they had their courfe withdrawe ? So euen ficlike : Though fubieds do coniure For to rebell againft their Prince and King : By leaning him although they hope to fmure That grace, wherewith God maks him for to ring. Though by his gifts he fhaw him felf bening, TO help their neid, and make them thereby gaine : Yet lacke of them no harme to him doth bring. When they to rewe their folie Ihalbe faine. Uennoy* Then Floods runne on your wounted courfe of olde. Which God by Nature dewly hes prouyded : For though ye flay, as I before haue tolde. And cafl in doubt which God hath els decyded : To be conioynde, by you to be deuyded : TO kythe your fpite, & do the Depe no Ikaith : Farre better were in others ilk confyded. Ye Floods, thou Depe, whilks were your dewties baith. FINIS. ANE SCHORT TREATISE, CONTEINING SOME REVLIS and cautelis to be obferuit and efchewit in Scottis Poefie. ***** 7^ 7lf * A QVADRAIN OF ALEXANDRIN VERSE, DECLARING TO QVHOME THE Aiithour hes dire^lit his labour. To ignorants obdurde, quhair vvilfull erronr lyis. Nor zit to curious folks, quhilks carping dois deie^l thee. Nor zit to learned men, quha thinks thame onelie vvyis. But to the docile bairns of knavvledge 1 direct thee. THE PREFACE TO the deader. THE caufe why (^docile Reader) I haue not dedicat this fhort treatife to any particular perfonis, (as co- mounly worlds vfis to be) is, that I efteme all thais quha hes already fome beginning of knawledge, with ane earned defyre to atteyne to farther, alyke meit for the reading of this worke, or any vther, quhilk may help thame to the atteining to thair foirfaid defyre. Bot as to this work, quhilk is intitulit. The ReuUs and cau- tel'is to he obferuit Eff efchewit in Scottis Poefie, ze may maruell parauenture, quhairfore I fould haue written in that mater, fen fa mony learnit men, baith of auld and of late hes already written thairof in dyuers and fmdry languages : I anfwer. That nochtwithftanding, I haue lykewayis written of it, for twa cauflis : The ane is. As for the that wrait of auld, lyke as the tyme is changeit fenfyne, fa is the ordour of Poefie changeit. For then they obferuit not Flo-wing, nor efchewit not "Kytnmg in termes, befydes fmdrie vther thingis, quhilk now we obferue, & efchew, and dois weil in fa doing : becaufe that now, quhe the warld is waxit auld, we haue all their opinionis in writ, quhilk were learned before our tyme, befydes our awin ingynis, quhair as Kij THE PREFACE. they then did It onelie be thair awin ingynis, but help of any vther. Thairfore, quhat I fpeik of Poefie now, I fpeik of it, as being come to mannis age and perfec- tioun, quhair as then it was bot in the infancie and chyldheid. The vther caufe is. That as for thame that hes written in it of late, there hes neuer ane of thame written in our language. For albeit fmdrie hes writ- ten of it in Englifh, quhilk is lykefl to our language, zit we differ from thame in fmdrie reuHs of Poefie, as ze will find be experience. I haue lykewayis ommit- tit dyuers figures, quhilkis are neceffare to be vfit in verfe, for twa caufis. The ane is, becaufe they are vfit in all languages, and thairfore are fpokin of be Du ^ellay, and fmdrie vtheris, quha hes writte in this airt. Quhairfore gif I wrait of thame alfo, it fould feme that I did bot repete that, quhilk thay haue written, and zit not fa well, as thay haue done already. The vther caufe is, that they are figures of Rhetorique and Dia- ledique, quhilkis airtis I profeife nocht, and thairfore will apply to my felfe the counfale, quhilk Apelles gaue to the fhoomaker, quhe he faid to him, feing him find fait with the Ihankis of the Image of Vemis^ efter that he had found fait with the pantoun, N^ fntor 'ultra crepidanu I will alfo wifh zow (docile Readar) that or ze cii- mer zow with reading thir reulis, ze may find in zour felf fie a beginning of Nature, as ze may put in prac- tife in zour verfe many of thir foirfaidis preceptis, or euer ze fie them as they are heir fet doun. For gif Nature be nocht the chief worker in this airt, Reulis wilbe THE PREFACE. wilbe bot a band to Nature, and will mak zow within fhort fpace weary of the haill airt : quhair as, gif Na- ture be cheif, and bent to it, reulis will be ane help and ftafF to Nature. I will end heir, left my preface be langer nor my purpofe and haill mater following : wifhing zow, docile Reidar, als gude fucces and great profFeit by reiding this fhort treatife, as I tuke eamift and willing panis to blok it, as ze fie, for zour caufe. Fare weill. IHaue infert in the hinder end of this Treatife, maift kyndis of verfe quhilks are not cuttit or brokin, bot alyke many feit in euery lyne of the verfe, and how they are commounly namit, with my opinioun for quhat fubiedis ilk kynde of thir verfe is meiteft to be vfit. TO knaw the quantitie of zour lang or fhort fete in they lynes, quhilk I haue put in the reule, quhilk teachis zow to knaw quhat is Flowing, I haue markit the lang fute with this mark, — and abone the heid of the fhort fute, I haue put this mark v. Kiii SONNET OF THE AVTHOVR TO THE READER. S En for zourfaik I wryte njpon zoiir airt, Apollo, Pan, and ze 6 Mujis nyne. And thou, 6 Mercure, for to help thy pairt I do implore, fen thou be thy ingyne, "Nixt efter Fan had found the quhyjtl,fyne Thou did perfyte, that quhilk he hot efpyit : And efter that made Argus for to tyne (^quha kepit lo) all his windois by it, Concurre ze Gods, it can not be denyit : Sen in zour airt of Po'efie I wryte. Auld birds to learne by teiching it is tryit : Sic docens difcam gif ze help to dyte. Then Reidarfie of nature thou haue pairt, ^yne laikis thou nocht, bot heir to reid the airt. SONNET DECIFRING THE PERFYTE POETE. AN^ rype ingyne, ane quick and voalkned vvitf. With fommair reafons,fuddenlie applyit^ For euery purpofe vjing reafons jitt^ With Jkilf nines, where learning my befpyit, "With pit hie wordis^for to expres zovv by it His full intention in his proper leid. The puritie quhairof, vveill hes he try it : "With ?ne?norie to keip quhat he dois reidj 'Withjkilfidnes and figuring quhilks proceid From Rhetorique, with euerlajiing fame. With vthers woundring, preajjlng with allfpeid For to atteine to meritefic a name. All thir into the perfyte Poete be. Goddis, grant I may obteine the Laurell trie* klllj THE REVLIS AND CAV- TELIS TO BE OBSERVIT and efchewit in Scottis Poefie. CAR I. IRST, ze fall keip iuft cullouris, 'quhairof the cautelis are thir. That ze ryme nocht twyfe in ane fyllabe. As for exemple, that ^ze make not proue and reproue lyme together, nor houe for houeing on *^^ hors bak, and behoue. That ze ryme ay to the hinmeft lang fyllabe, (with accent) in the lyne, fuppofe it be not the hinmeft fyl- labe in the lyne, as bakbyte zovv, & out Jlyte zovv. It rymes in byte & Jlyte, becaufe of the lenth of the fyl- labe, & accent being there, and not in zovv, howbeit it be the hinmeft fyllabe of ather of the lynis. Or quejiion and digejiion. It rymes in ques & ges, albeit they be bot the antepenult fyllabis, and vther twa be- hind ilkane of thame. Ze aucht alwayis to note. That as in thir foirfaidis, or the lyke wordis, it rymes in the hinmeft lang fyllabe in the lyne, althoucht there be vther (hort fyllabis be- hind it, Sa is the hinmeft fyllabe the hinmeft fute, fup- pofe there be vther ftiort fyllabis behind it, quhilkis are eatin vp in the pronounceing, and na wayis comptit as fete. REVLIS AND CAVTELIS Ze man be war likewayis (except neceffitie compel! yow) with 'R.ym'mg i?i Tenjiis, quhilk is to fay, that your firft or hinmeft word in the lyne, exceid not twa or thre fyllabis at the maift, vfing thrie als feindill as ye can. The caufe quhairfore ze fall not place a lang word firft in the lyne, is, that all lang words hes ane fyllabe in them fa verie lang, as the lenth thairof eatis vp in the pronouncing euin the vther fyllabes, quhilks are placit lang in the fame word, and thairfore fpiliis the flowing of that lyne. As for excple, in this word, Arabia, the fecound fyllabe (r^) is fa lang, that it eatis vp in the pronouncing [^]] quhilk is the hinmeft fyllabe of the fame word. Quhilk [<^] althocht it be in a lang place, zit it kythis not fa, becaufe of the great lenth of the preceding fyllabe (r^?). As to the caufe quhy ze fall not put a lang word hinmeft in the lyne. It is, becaufe, that the lenth of the fecound fyllabe (r^) eating vp the lenth of the vther lang fyllabe, [^] makis it to ferue bot as a tayle to it, together with the (hort fyllabe pre- ceding. And becaufe this tayle nather feruis for cul- lour nor fute, as I fpak before, it man be thairfore re- petit in the nixt lyne ryming vnto it, as it is fet doune in the firft : quhilk makis, that ze will fcarcely get many wordis to ryme vnto it, zea, nane at all will ze finde to ryme to findrie vther langer wordis. Thair- fore cheifly be warre of in ferting fic lang wordis hin- meft in the lyne, for the caufe quhilk I laft allegit. Be- fydes that nather firft nor laft in the lyne, it keipis na Flowing. The reulis and cautelis quhairof are thir, as foUowis. CHAP. OF SCOTTIS POESIE. CHAP. II. FIRST, ze man vnderftad that all fyllabis are deuy- dit in thrie kindes ; That is, fome fchort, fome lang, and fome indifferent. Be indifferent I mcane, thay quhilk are ather lang or fhort, according as ze place thame. The forme of placeing fyllabes in verfe, is this. That zour firft fyllabe in the lyne be fhort, the fecond lang, the thrid fhort, the fourt lang, the fyft fhort, the fixt lang, and fa furth to the end of the lyne. Alwayis tak heid, that the nomber of zour fete in euery lyne be euin, & nocht odde : as four, fix, aucht, or ten : & nocht thrie, fyue, feuin, or nyne, except it be in bro- ken verfe, quhilkis are out of reul and dayhe inuentit be dyuers Poetis, But gif ze wald afk me the reulis, quhairby to knaw euery ane of thir thre foirfaidis kyndis of fyllabes, I anfwer, Zour eare man be the onely iudge and difcerner thairof. And to proue this, I re- mit to the iudgement of the fame, quhilk of thir twa lynis following flowis beft. V — V — V — V V Into the Sea then Lucifer vpfprang. V V V V V In the Sea then Lucifer to vpfprang. I doubt not bot zour eare makkis zou eafilie to per- faue, that the firfl lyne flowis well, & the vther nathing at all. The reafoun is, becaufe the firfl lyne keips the reule abone written, to wit, the firfl fute fhort, the fecound lang, and fa furth, as I fhewe before : quhair as the vther is dired contrair to the fame. Bot fpe^ L ij REVLIS AND CAVTELIS cially tak held, quhen zour lyne is of fourtene, that your SeSlioun in aucht be a lang monofyllabe, or eilis the hinmefl fyllabe of a word alwais being lang, as I faid before. The caufe quhy it ma be ane of thir twa, is, for the Mufique, becaufe that quhen zour lyne is ather of xiiij or xij fete, it wilbe drawin fa lang in the finging, as ze man reft in the middes of it, quhilk is the Sectioun : fa as, gif zour Sectioim be nocht ather a monofyllabe, or ellis the hinmeft fyllabe of a word, as I faid before, bot the firft fyllabe of a polyfyllabe, the Mufique fall make zow fa to reft in the middes of that word, as it fall cut the ane half of the word fra the vther, and fa fall mak it feme twa different wordis, that is bot ane. This aucht onely to be obferuit in thir foir- faid lang lynis : for the ftiortnes of all fliorter lynis, then thir before mentionat, is the caufe, that the Mu- fique makis na reft in the middes of thame, and thair- fore thir obferuationis feruis nocht for thame. Onely tak heid, that the Se^ioun in thame kythe fomething langer nor any vther feit in that lyne, except the fe- cound and the laft, as I haue faid before. Ze man tak heid lykewayis, that zour langeft lynis exceid nocht fourtene fete, and that zour fhorteft be nocht within foure. Remember alfo to mak a Sedioun in the middes of euery lyne, quhether the lyne be lang or ftiort. Be S^- dioun I meane, that gif zour lyne be of fourtene fete, zour aucht fute, mannot only be langer then the feuint, or vther fhort fete, bot alfo langer nor any vther lang fete OF SCOTTIS POESIE. fete in the fame lyne, except the fecound and the hin- meft. Or gif your lyne be of twelf fete, zour Sedioun to be in the fext. Or gif of ten, zour ^edioun to be in the fext alfo. The caufe quhy it is not in fyue, is, becaufe fyue is odde, and euerie odde fute is ihort. Or gif zour lyne be of aucht fete, your Sedioun to be in the fourt. Gif of fex, in the fourt alfo. Gif of four, zour Sedloun to be in twa. Ze aucht lykewife to be war with oft compofing zour haill lynis of monofyllabis onely, (albeit our lan- guage haue fa many, as we can nocht weill efchewe it) becaufe the maift pairt of thame are indifferent, and may be in fhort or lang place, as ze like. Some wordis of dyuers fyllabis are lykewayis indifferent, as Thairfore, rejiore. 1 ihairfore^ then. In the firft, thairfore, (jhair) is fhort, and (Jore) is lang In the vther, (tbair) is lang, & {fore) is fhort, and zit baith flowis alike weill. Bot thir indifferent wordis, compofit of dyuers fyllabes, are rare, fuppofe in monofyllabes, comoun. The caufe then, quhy ane haill lyne aucht nocht to be compofit of monofyllabes, is, that they being for the maill pairt indifferent, na- ther the fecound. hinmefl, nor Sectioun, will be langer nor the other lang fete in the fame lyne. Thairfore ze man place a word copofit of dyuers fyllabes, and not indifferent, ather in the fecound, hinmefl, or S^^ iioun, or in all thrie. L>.. "J RE.VL1S AND CAVTELIS. Ze man alfo tak heid, that quhen thare fallis any ihort fyllabis efter the lafh lang fyllabe in the lyne, that ze repeit thame in the lyne quhilk rymis to the vther, evin as ze fet them downe in the firft lyne : as for exempill, ze man not fay Bot Then feir nocht "Nor heir ocht* Then feir nocht Nor heir nocht. Repeting the fame, nocht, in baith the lynis : becaufe this fyllabe, nocht, nather feruing for cuUour nor fute, is bot a tayle to the lang fute preceding, and thairfore is repetit lykewayis in the nixt lyne, quhilk rymes vn- to it, euin as it fet doun in the firft. There is alfo a kynde of indifferent wordis, afweill as of fyllabis, albeit few in nomber. The nature quhairof is, that gif ze place them in the begynning of a lyne, they are fhorter be a fute, nor they are, gif ze place thame hinmeft in the lyne, as Sen patience I man haue perforce. I Hue in hope with patience. Ze fe there are but aucht fete in ather of baith thir lynis aboue written. The caufe quhairof is, that, pa- tience, in the firft lyne, in refpect it is in the beginning thairof, is bot of twa fete, and in the laft lyne, of thrie, in OF SCOTTIS POESIE. in refped it is the hinmeft word of that iyne. Toknaw & difcerne thir kynde of wordis fra vtheris, zour eare man be the onely iudge, as of all the vther parts of Flowing, the verie twicheflane quhairof is Mufique. I haue teachit zow now fhortlie the reulis of Ry??iing Fete, and Flowing. There reftis zet to teache zow the wordis, fentences, and phrafis neceffair for a Poete to vfe in his verfe, quhilk I haue fet doun in reulis, as efter folio wis. CHJP, III. Flrft that in quhatfumeuer ze put in verfe, ze put in na wordis, ather ?netri caufa, or zit, for filling furth the nomber of the fete, bot that they be all fa necef- fare, as ze fould be conftrained to vfe thame, in cace ze wer fpeiking the fame purpofe in profe. And thair- fore that zour wordis appeare to haue cum out willing- ly, and by nature, and not to haue bene thrawin out conftrainedly, by compulfioun. That ze efchew to infert in zour verfe, a lang rable of mennis names, or names of tounis, or fik vther names, Becaufe it is hard to mak many lang names all placit together, to flow weill, Thairfore quhen that fallis out in zour purpofe, ze fall ather put bot twa or thrie of thame in euerie Iyne, mixing vther wordis amang thame, or ellis fpecifie bot twa or thrie of thame at all, faying (VVith the laif of that race) or (VVith the rest in thay pairtis,) or fic vther lyke wordis : as for exemple. REVLIS AND CAVTELIS Out through his cairt^ quhair Eous was eik With other thre, quhilk Phaeton had dravvi?\^-^ Ze fie there is bot ane name there fpecifeit, tOff -^ for vther thrie of that forte. Ze man alfo take heid to frame zour wordis and fen- tencis according to the mater : As in Flyting and In- ue6tiues, zour wordis to be cuttit fhort, and hurland ouer heuch. For thais quhilkis are cuttit fhort, I meane be fic wordis are thir, //; neir cair for I fail neuer cair, gif zour fubiedl were of loue or tragedies. Becaufe in thame zour words man be drawin lang, quhilkis in Flyting man be fhort. Ze man lykewayis tak heid, that ze waill zour wor- dis according to the purpofe : As in ane heich and iearnit purpofe, to vfe heich, pithie, and learnit wordis. Gif zour purpofe be of loue. To vfe commoun lan- guage, with fome paffionate wordis. Gif zour purpofe be of tragicall materis, To ufe la- mentable wordisj with fome heich, as rauilhit in admi- ratioun, Gif zour purpofe be of landwart eifairis, To vfe cor- ruptit, and vplandis wordis. And finally, quhatfumeuer be zour fubied, to vfe vocabula artis, quhairby ze may the mair viuelie re- prefent that perfoun quhais pairt ze paint out. This is likewayis neidfull to be vfit in fentences, als Weill OF SCOTTIS POESIE. Weill as in wordis. As gif zour fubiect be heich and le "nit, to vfe learnit and infallible reafonis, prouin be rv^' Tities. Gif zour fubiecl be of loue, To vfe wilfuU reafonis, proceeding rather from paffioun, nor reafoun. Gif zour fubiecl be of landwart effaris. To vfe fklen- der reafonis, mixt with grolfe ignorance, nather keip- ing forme nor order. And fa furth, euer framing zour reafonis, according to the qualitie of zour fubieft. Let all zour verfe be hiterall, fa far as may be, quhatfumeuer kynde they be of, bot fpeciallie Tn?iibling verfe for flyting. By Literall I meane, that the maift pairt of zour lyne, fall rynne vpon a letter, as this tumbling lyne rynnis vpon F. Fetching fude for tofeid it faji furth of the Farie. Ze man obferue that this Tumbling verfe flowis not on that faflbun, as vtheris dois. For all vtheris keipis the reule quhilk I gaue before. To wit, the firfl fute Ihort the fecound lang, and fa furth. Quhair as thir has twa fhort, and and ane lang throuch all the lyne, quhen they keip ordour : albeit the maift pairt of thame be out of ordour, & keipis na kynde nor reule of Flowing, & for that caufe are callit Tu?n- bling verfe : except the fhort lynis of aucht in the hin- der end of the verfe, the quhilk flowis as vther verfes dois, as ze will find in the hinder end of this buke, quhair I giue exemple of fmdrie kyndis of verfis. M REVLIS AND CAVTELIS. CHAP. IIIL MARK alfo thrie fpeciall ornamentis to verfe, quhilkis are, Comparifons, Epithetis, and Vro- uerbis. As for Co?nparifons , take heid that they be fa proper for the fubieft, that nather they be ouer bas, gif zour fubieO: be heich, for then fould zour fubieft disgrace zour Q.o?npanfouu, nather zour Qo?nparifoim be heich quhen zour fubieft is baffe, for then fall zour Co?npa- rifoun difgrace zour fubieO:. Bot let fic a mutuall correfpondence and fimilitude be betwix the, as it may appeare to be a meit Qomparifoim for fic a fubied, and fa fall they ilkane decore vther. As for Epithetis, It is to defryue brieflie, en pajjant, the naturall of euerie thing ze fpeik of, by adding the proper adiediue vnto it, quhairof thair are twa fafions. The ane is, to defcryue it, be making a corruptit worde, compofit of twa dyuers fimple wordis, as Apollo gydeSunne The vther faflbn, is, be Circumlocution, as Apollo reular of the Sunne, I efteme this laft faflbun beft, becaufeit expreflis the authouris meaning als weill as the vther, and zit makis na corruptit wordis, as the vther dois, A OF SCOTTIS POESIE. As for the Pr oner bis, they man be proper for the fubieft, to beautifie it, chofen in the fame forme as the Qomparlfoun. CHAP. V. IT is alfo meit, for the better decoratioun of the verfe to vfe fumtyme the figure of Repetitioun, as Ouhylis toy rang, Ouhylis my rang, Is'c. ^ Ze fie the word quhylis is repetit heir. This forme of repetitioun fometyme vfit, decoris the verfe very mekle : zea quhen it cumis to purpofe, it will be cum- ly to repete fic a word aucht or nyne tymes in a verfe. CHAP. VI. ZE man alfo be warre with compofing ony thing in the fame maner, as hes bene ower oft vfit of be- fore. As in fpeciall, gif ze fpeik of loue, be warre ze defcryue zour 'Loues makdome, or her fairnes. And ficlyke that ze defcryue not the morning, and ryling of the Sunne, in the Preface of zour verfe : for thir thingis are fa oft and dyuerflie written vpon be Poetis already, that gif ze do the lyke, it will appeare, ze bot imitate, and that it cummis not of zour awin Inuen- tioun, quhilk is ane of the cheif properties of ane Poete. M. ij. REVLIS AND CAVTELIS Thairfore gif zour fubie^l be to prayfe zour Loue, ze fall rather prayfe her vther qualiteis, nor her fairnes, nor hir fhaip : or ellis ze fall fpeik fome lytill thing of it, and fyne fay, that zour wittis are fa fmal, and zour vtterace fo barren, that ze can not defcryue any part of hir worthilie: remitting alwayis to the Reider, to iudge of hir, in refped fho matches, or rather excellis Venus, or any woman quhome to it fall pleafe zow to compaire her. Bot gif zour fubieft be fic, as ze man speik fome thing of the morning, or Sunne ryfmg, tak heid, that quhat name ze giue to the Sunne, the Mone, or vther ftarris, the ane ane, gif ze happin to wryte thairof another tyme, to change thair names. As gif ze call the Sunne Titan, at a tyme, to call hiuiFbcebiis or Apollo the vther tyme, and ficlyke the Mone, and vther Planettis. CHAP. VII. OT fen Imiention, is ane of the cheif vertewis in a 'Poete, it is beft that ze inuent zour awin fubied, zour felf, and not to compofe of fene fubiedis. E- fpecially, translating any thing out of vther language, quhilk doing, ze not only elTay not zour awin ingyne of Inuentioun, bot be the fame meanes, ze are bound, as to a ftaik, to follow that buikis phrafis, quhilk ze tranflate. Ze man alfo be war of wryting any thing of materis of comoun weill, or vther fic graue fene fubiedis (ex- cept OF SCOTTIS POESIE. cept Metaphorically, of manifeft treuth opinly knawin, zit nochtvvithflanding vfmg it very feindit) becaufe nocht onely ze elTay nocht zour awin huentioun, as I fpak before, hot lykewayis they are to graue materis, for a Poet to mell in. Bot becaufe ze can not haue the Inuentioun except it come of Nature, I remit it thairvnto as the cheife caufe, not onely of Inuentioun bot alfo of all the vther pairtis of Poefie. For airt is one^.y bot ane help and a remembraunce to Nature, as I fhew zow in the Preface. 5 F CHAP. VIII. tuiching the kyndis of verfis, mentionat in the Preface. Irft there is ryme quhilk Jeruis onely for lang hif- tories, and zit are nocht verfe. As for exemple> In Mall when that the blijfefull Phabus bricht. The lampe of toy, the heauens gemme of lichty The goldin cairt, and the etheriall king. With piirpour face in Orient dois fpring, Maiji angel-lyke afcending in his fphere. And birds with all their heauenlie voces clears Dois mak afweit and heauinly harmony , And fragrant flours dois fpring vp lujiely : Into this feafon fweiteji of delyte. To walk I had a lujiy appetyte. And fa furth. Miij • REVLIS AND CAVTELIS 5r For the defcriptioun of Heroique aftis, Martlall and knichtly faittis of armes, vfe this kynde of verfe follow- ing, callit Heroicall, As Meik mundane mirrour^ mjrrie and modeji, Blyth, kynde, and courtes, comelie^ dene, and cheji^ To all exemple for thy honejiie. As richeji rofe, or ruble, by the reji. With gracis graiie, and gesture maijl dlgejl. Ay to thy honnour alwayis hauing eye, "V^ere fajfouns jleimde, they micht be found in the i Of blijjitigs all, be hlyth, thovv hes the beji, 'With euerie berna belouit for to be, ^ For any heich & graue fubieftis, fpecially drawin out of learnit authouris, vfe this kynde of verfe following, callit ^allat Royal, as That nicht he ceijl, and went to bed, bot greind Zit faji for day, and thocht the nicht to lang : At lajt Diana doun her head recleind. Into thefea. Then Lucifer vpfprang, Auroras pofi, vvhome fho did fend amang The Jeittie cludds,for to foretell ane hour, 'Before fho fiay her tears, quhilk Ouide fang Tell for her hue, quhilk turnit in a flour, If For tragical! materis, complaintis, or teftamentis vfe this OF SCOTTIS rOESIE, this kynde of verfe following, callit Troilus verfe, as To thee Echo, and thovv to me agane. In the defert, amangs the vvods and wells, Quhair dejiinie hes bound the to remane, ^ut companie, within the firths and fells. Let vs complain, with wofull zoutts and zells, A Jhaft, a jhotter, that our harts hesjlane : To thee Echo, and thow to me agane, ^ For fly ting, or Invectiues, vfe this kinde of verfe fol- lowing, callit R.ouncefallis or Tumbling verfe. In the hinder end of haruest vpon Ath allow ene, Quhen our gude nichtbors rydis (nou gif I reid richt) Some bucklit on a benwod, ^ fome on a bene. Ay troltand into troupes fra the twylicht : So?ne fadland a Jho ape, all grathed into grene : So?ne hotcheand on a hempfialk, hovand on a heicht* The king of Fary with the Court of the Elf quene. With 7nany elrage Incubus rydand that nicht : There ane elf on ane ape ane vnfell begat : ^efyde a pot baith auld and worne. This bratshard in ane bus was borne, ' They f and a monfier on the morne, VVarfacit nor a Cat, ^ For compendious prayfing of any bukes, or the au- thouris thairof, or ony argumentis of vther hifloreis, quhair findrie fentences, and change of purpofis are re- Miiij REVLIS AND CAVTELIS quyrit, vfe Sonet verfe, of fourtene lynis, and ten fete in euery lyne. The exemple quhairof, I neid nocht to fhaw zow, in refpeft I haue let doun twa in the be- ginning of this treatife. ^ In materis of loue, vfe this kynde of verfe, quhilk we call Co?nmoun verfe, as Quhais anfvver made thmne nocht fa glaid That they fould thus the vidors be. As euen the anfvver quhilk I haid Did greatly toy and comfort me : Quhen lo, this fpak Apollo myne. All that thoufeikis, it fall he thyne, ^- Lyke verfe of ten fete, as this foirfaid is of aucht, ze may vfe lykewayis in loue materis : as alfo all kyndis of cuttit and brokin verfe, quhairof nev/ formes are daylie inuentit according to the Poetis pleafour, as Quha vvald haue tyrde to heir that tone, Quhilk birds corroborat ay abone Throuch fhouting of the Larkis ? They fprangfa heich into thefhyes Quhill Cupide vvalknis with the cryis Of Naturis chapell Clarkis. Then leauing all the Heauins aboue He lichted on the eard, Lo\ OF SCOTTIS POESIE, Lo ! how that lytill God of hue "before me then oppeard, AZ%id.lyke ^^'^^ ^''''^ ^^''' quarters Jkant A ^ J ,. He luckit lyke a Sanf, And coy he ■' And fa furth. ^ This onely kynde of brokin verfe abone written, man of neceflitie, in thir lafl fhort fete, as fo moylie and coylie^ haue bot twa fete and a tayle to ilkane of thame, as ze fie, to gar the cullour and ryme be in the penult fyllabe. ^ Any of thir foirfaidis kyndes of ballat is of haill verfe, and not cuttit or brokin as this laft is, gif ze lyke to put ane owerword to ony of thame, as making the laft lyne of the firft verfe, to be the laft lyne of euerie vther verfe in that ballat, will fet weill for loue materis. Botbefydis thir kyndes of brokin or cuttit verfe, quhilks are inuentit daylie be Poetis, as I ftiewe before, there are fmdrie kyndes of haill verfe, with all thair lynis alyke lang, quhilk I haue heir omittit, and tane bot onelie thir few kyndes abone fpecifeit as the beft, quhilk may be ap- plyit to ony kynde of fubied, bot rather to thir, quhairof I haue fpokin before. •Jff <^ 7^ * N THE CIIII. PSALME, TRANSLATED OVT OF TREMELLIVS. PSALME CIIII. OLord infpyre my fpreit and pen, to praife Thy Name, whofe greatnes far furpaffis all : That fyne, I may thy gloir and honour blaife. Which cleithis the ouer : about the lyke a wall The light remainis. O thow, whofe charge and call. Made Heauens lyke courtenis for to fpred abreid. Who bowed the waters fo, as ferve they fhall For criftall fyilring ouer thy houfe to gleid. Who walks vpon the wings of reftles winde, Who of the clouds his chariot made, euen he. Who in his prefent ftill the fpreits doeth find. Ay ready to fulfill ilk iufl decrie Of his, whofe feruants fyre and flammis they be. Who fet the earth on her foundations fure. So as her brangling none Ihall euer fee : Who at thy charge the deip vpon her bure. So, as the very tops of mountains hie Be fluidis were onis ouerflowed at thy command, Ay whill thy thundring voice fone made them flie Ower hiddeous hills and howes, till noght but fand Was left behind, fyne with thy mightie hand Thow limits made vnto the roring deip. So Ihall Ihe neuer droun againe the land. But brek her wawes on rockis, her mairch to keip. N. iij. PSALME CIIII. Thir are thy workis, who maid the ftrands to breid, Syne rinn among the hills from fountains cleir, Whairto wyld Afles oft dois rinn with fpeid, With vther beads to drinke. Hard by we heir The chirping birds among the leaues, with beir To fmg, whii all the rocks about rebounde. A woundrous worke, that thow, 6 Father deir, Maks throtts fo fmall yeild furth fo great a found ! O thow who from thy palace oft letts fall TFor to refrefh the hiiis) thy blelTed raine : Who with thy works mainteins the earth and all : Who maks to grow the herbs and grafs to gaine. The herbs for foode to man, grafs dois remaine For food to horfe, and cattell of all kynde. Thow caufeft them not pull at it in vaine. But be thair foode. fuch is thy will and mynde. Who dois reioyfe the harts of man with wyne. And who with oyle his face maks cleir and bright. And who with foode his ftomack flrengthnes fyne' who nurilhes the very treis aright. The Cedars evin of hiban tale and wight He planted hath, where birds do bigg their neft. He made the Firr trees of a woundrous hight. Where Storks dois mak thair dwelling place, & reft. Thow PSALME CIIII. Thow made the barren hills, wylde goats refuge. Thow maid the rocks, a refidence and rejfl For Alpin ratts, where they doe line and ludge. Thow maid the Moone, her courfe, as thou thoght beft, Thow maid the Sun7ie in tyme go to, that left He ftill fould fhyne, then night fould neuer come. But thow in ordour all things hes fo dreft, Some beafts for day, for night are alfo fome. For Lyons young at night beginnis to raire, And from their denns to craue of God fome pray : Then in the morning, gone is all their caire. And homeward to their caues rinnis faft, fra day Beginne to kythe, the Sunne dois fo them fray. Then man gois furth, fra tyme the Sunne dois ryfe,- And whill the euening he remanis away At lefume labour, where his liuing lyes. How large and mightie are thy workis, 6 Lord / And with what wifedome are they wrought, but faile=, The earths great fulnes, of thy gifts recorde Dois beare : Heir of the Seas (which dyuers Ikaile Of fifh contenis) dois witnes beare : Ilk faile Of dyuers fhips vpon the fwolling wawes Dois teftifie, as dois the monftrous whalle. Who fray is all fifties with his ravening Jawes, N iiij PSALME CIIII. All thir (6 Lord) yea all this woundrous heape Of liuing things, in feafon craues their fill Of foode from thee. Thow giuing, Lord, they reape : Thy open hand with gude things fills them ftill When fo thow lift : but contrar, when thow will Withdraw thy face, then are they troubled fair, Their breath by thee receavd, fone dois them kill : Syne they returne into their alhes bair. But notwithftanding, Father deare, in cace Thow breath on them againe, then they reviue. In Ihort, thow dois, 6 Lord, renewe the face Of all the earth, and all that in it hue. Therefore immortall praife to him we giue : Let him reioyfe into his works he maid, Whofe looke and touche, fo hills and earth dois greiue. As earth dois tremble, mountainis reikis, afraid. To Jehoua I all my lyfe fhall fmg. To found his Name I euer ftill iliall cair : It fhall be fweit my thinking on that King : In him I fliall be glaid for euer mair : O let the wicked be into no whair In earth. O let the finfull be deftroyde. Blefle him my foule who name \ehoua bair : O bleife him now with notts that are enioyde. Hallelu-iab, ANE SCHORT POEME OF TYME. * * * AS I was panfing in a morning, aire. And could not lleip, nor nawayis take me reft, Furth for to walk, the morning was fa faire, Athort the feilds, it femed to me the beft. The Eaji was cleare, whereby belyue I geft That fyrie Titan camming was in fight, Obfcuring chaft Diana by his light. Who by his ryfing in the Azure Ikyes, Did dewlie helfe all thame on earth do dwell. The balmie dew through birning drouth he dryis. Which made the foile to fauour fweit and fmell. By dewe that on the night before downe fell, Which then was foukit vp by the Delphienm heit Vp in the aire : it was fo light and weit. Whofe hie afcending in his purpour Sphere Prouokit all from Morpheus to flee : As beafts to feid, and birds to fmg with beir. Men to their labour, biflie as the Bee : Yet ydle men deuyfmg did I fee. How for to dryue the tyme that did them irk. By findrie paftymes, quhill that it grew mirk, O.ii. TYME. Then woundred I to fee them felk a wyle, So willinglie the precious tyme to tyne : And how they did them felfis fo farr begyle, To fafhe of tyme, which of it felfe is fyne. Fra tyme be paft, to call it backwart fyne Is bot in vaine : therefore men fould be warr. To lleuth the tyme that flees fra them fo farr. For what hath man bot tyme into this lyfe. Which giues him dayis his God aright to knaw : Wherefore then fould we be at fic a ftryfe. So fpedelie our felfis for to withdraw Euin from the tyme, which is on nowayes flaw To flie from vs, fuppofe we fled it noght ? More wyfe we were, if we the tyme had foght. Bot fen that tyme is fic a precious thing, I wald we fould befliow it into that Which were mofl; pleafour to our heauenly King. Flee ydilteth, which is the greatefl lat. Bot fen that death to all is defliinat. Let vs imploy that tyme that God hath fend vs. In doing weill, that good men may commend vs. Hisc qiioq ; per/iciat, quod perficH omnia) Tetnpus, FINIS. A TABLE OF SOME OBSCVRE WORDIS WITH THEIR SIG- nijications ^ efter the ordour of the Alphabet. VVordis Significations Amnion luplter Amnion. Aiide A village befyde Mantua where Virgill was borne. Alexandria A famous citie in Egypt where was the notable librarie gathered by Ptolo'- ?neus Philadelphits, B Bethaniens fecound lining Lazarus of Betbania, who was reuiued be Chrifl, reid John ii Chap. Castalia A well at the fute of the hill Farnajfus* Celano The cheif of the Harpyes, a kynde of monllers with wingis and womens faces, whom the Poets feynzies to reprefent theuis. O iiij THE TABLE. Cerberus The thrie headed porter of hell. Clmmcrien night Drevin from a kynd of peo- ple in the Eaft, called Chnmerij, who are great theuis, and dwellis in dark caues, and therefore, fleeping in fmne, is called Qhnmcrien night. Qirculer daunce The round motionis of the Planets, and of their heauens, applyed to feuin fin- drie metallis. C//(? One of the Mufes, Cypris The dwelling place of Ve* nus, tearming continens pro contento. Cyprian torche Lovis darte. D Delphien Songs Poemes, and verfes. draw- en from the Oracle of Apollo at Belphos, Dim Thre furies of hell, Ale6lo^ Megera, and Tefiphone, Dodon A citie of the kingdome of Epirus, befydes the which, there was a wood and a Temple therein, confecrated to Jupiter. EleBre A metall, fowre parts gold and fift part filuer. Elife field In Latin Campi Elifij^ a loy full place in hell, whereas the Poets feinzeis all the THE TABLE. happle fpreits do remaine. Efcidape A mediciner, after made a god. G Greateji thunders Jupiter (as the Poets fein- zeis) had two thunders, whereof he fent the great- eft vpon the Gyants, who contemned him. H Hermes An AEgiptIa Philofopher foone after the tyme of Moyfes, confeffed in his Dia- logues one onely God to be Creator of all things, and graunted the errours of his forefathers, who brought in the fuperftitious worfhipping of Idoles. Hippolyte After his mebers were drawin in funder by fowre horfes, Efculapius at ^eptuns requeft, glewed them together, and reviued him. M Maufole tomhe One of the feauin miracles which Artemife caufed to be builded for her huf- band by Timotheus^ Briace, Scope, and fmdrie other workmen, Mein A riuer in Almanle. Sein A riuer in Fraunce. P THE TABLE. The Authors meaning by thefe two riuers is, that the originall of the Almanis came firfl out of FrauncCy cotrarie to the vulgar opinion. N 'Nyncvoiced mouth The nyne Miifes, whereof Vranie was one. Panchaia A towne in the Eaft, wherein it is written, the VJmiiix hxxrm^ her felfe v- pon Apollos altar. Finde or P'mdus A hill confecrate to Apollo, and the Mu/es. Phxmonos A woman who pronounced the Oracles of Apollo* Sea?nans Jiarres The feauin ftarres. Semek Mother of 'Bacchus, who being deceiued by Iiino, made Jupiter come to her in his leafl thunder, which neuerthelefsconfumdeher. Gyrenes Taken heir for littill gray birdes of Qanaria. Thais A common harlot of Alex- andria. Triton The table. Triton A monller In the fea, fhapin like a man. Tiirnus fifter. Named Tuturna, a goddefle of the water, who in the fliape of her brothers wag- goner led his chariot through the fields, ay till Ale6lo appeared vnto them in the fhape of an How- let. V Vranie The heauenly Mufe. FINIS. Sonnet of the Authour, THE facound Greke, Demojihcnes by name, His toung was ones into his youth fo flow. As evin that airt, which floorifli made his fame, Rheto- He fcarce could name it for a tyme, ze know. '''^"^* So of fmall feidis the Liban Cedres grow : So of an Egg the Egle doeth proceid : From fountains fmall great N/7//X flood doeth flow : Evin fo of rawnis do mightie liflies breid. Therefore, good Reader, when as thow dois reid Thefe my firfl: fruidis, difpyfe them not at all. Who watts, bot thefe may able be indcid Of fyner Poemis the beginning fmall. Then, rather loaue my meaning and my panis. Then lak my dull ingyne and blunted branis. FINIS. I HAVE INSERT FOR THE FILLING OVT OF THIR VACAND PAGEIS THE VERIE wordis of PUnius vpon the Phcenixf as foUowis. C. PLINII N^/. H'l/i, luib, Ded?ni, Cap. 2. De Phoenice, * AEthlopes atq j Indi, difcolores maxime & inenar- rabiles ferunt aues, & ante omnes nobilem Arabia Phoenice : baud fcio an fabulose, vnum in toto orbe, nee vifum mag nopere. Aquilas narratur magnitudine, auri fulgore circa colla, csetera purpureus, Cceruleam rofeis caudam pennis diftinguentibus, criftis faciem, ca- putque plumeo apice cohoneltante. Primus atque di- ligentiflimus togatorum de eo prodidit Manilius, Sena- tor ille, maximis nobilis dodrinis dodlore nullo : ne- minem extitilTe qui viderit vefcente : facrum in Arabia Soli effe, viuere annis DCLX. fenefcentem, cafia thu- rifque furculis conflruere nidu, replere odoribus, & fuperemori. Ex oflibus deinde h memeduUis eius na- fci prlmo ceuvermlculum : inde fieri pullum : princl- pioque iufta funeri priori reddere, & totum deferre ni- dum prope Panchaiam in Solis vrbem, & in ara ibi de- ponere. Cum huius alitis vita magni conuerfionem anni fieri prodit idem Manilius, iterumque fignifica- tiones tempeftatum & fiderum eafdem reuerti. Hoc autem circa meridiem incipere, quo die fignum Arietis Sol intrauerit. Et fuifle eius conuerfionis annum pro- dete fe P. Licinio, M. Cornelio Confulibus. Corne- lius Valerianus Phoenicem deuolafle in AEgyptum tra- dit, Q. Plautio, Sex. Papinio Coss. Allatus eft & in vr- bem Claudij Principis Cenfura, anno vrbis DCCC, & in comitio propofitus, quod actis teftatum eft, fed quern falfum effe nemo dubitaret. FINIS. I helped my felf alfo in my T rage die thairof with the Fhcenix of Lactantius Finniajius^ with Gefnerus de Auibus, ^ dyuers vthers^ hot I haue onely infert thirfore- faid words of Plinius^ ^ecaufe I follow him malft in my Tra- gedie. Fareweill, (*•*) ■> LOS J^GEim-^''''^ 1'K nwi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book isTiUFdn the last date stamped below. _ . ...UaN DiiSK g, APR 141©^^ URl-lD ^. 01 OCT 1 8 IW " FEB 2 ^ ^9'^ P.M. t Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 j;v-«--j,M ,^tw