'fjn .,; ['0 vr.\\. r:i>,u): "*.:' lAtrjB J^i.Biruj.&u S.;-w "- THE LIFE OP THE LATE ^intt^^ &^utlottt; DETAILING Her Birth, Education, and Sweet Disposition, while an Infant her Progress in Learning and Polite Accomplishments with many interest- ing Stones of her Royal Highness during that Period. Her Attachment to Religious Duties, and her charitable Demeanour to relieve the Dis- tresses of the Indigent The Addresses of the Hereditary Prince of Orange The Reluctance of the Princess to quit England, or to give her Hand without the most cordial Approbation of her Heart The filial Re- verence which she always manifested towards both her Royal Parents Prince Leopold's first Introduction to her His amiable Demeanour at- tracts her Notice, and impresses her !Mind with favourable Sentiments towards him The honourable and manly Conduct of Prince Leopold as soon as he perceived the Indications of her Esteem His frank Declaration to the Prince Regeut The Regent's free Consent The Genealogy of Prince Leopold, with some Account of his Life The Nuptial Ceremony Their Abode at Claremont The afl'tictioiiate, exemplary and domestic Way in which their Time was pas3(?d, and the Charitable Actions of Ixnh Symptoms of Her Royal HighncHs's Pregnancy Her Axouclienieut, and her ever lamentable End Tlie Fiuicril. iSc. &c. LOiVnON: PRINTED FOR, AND PUBLISHED BYT. ItlNNniSLEY, 3, ACTON rLACL, kiNi t;:.AM; p.cjj:'. 1818. Btertotvpf' : lid Primeil by J. A:'Gon;i:i, i, Grant vV:uOKiiU iiKcW, H^ymtxktU PREFACE. The Life of Princess Charlotte may be naturally supposed by many to have passed away in too much retirement and disconnection from the bustle of the world to furnish an abundance of such strik- ing incidents as deserve a place in history. But the circumstances, however trifling in their own nature, in which she had any concern, derive an important character from her agency; and indeed she seems to have bestowed animation upon the flattest occur- rence, such was the sprightliness, such was the ac- tivity of her disposition. Added to that interest which every thing she did must excite, the amiable, the sweet, the good natured Princess has had a full dominancy over our hearts, and we insensibly feel our thoughts as much taken up in perusing her story, as if the dearest friend on earth were the sub- ject of our contemplations : this consideration will therefore render an apology from me altogether needless for introducing now and again very simple and obvious anecdotes. But if to any these anecdotes appear to be overdrawn, it should be remembered that her Royal Highness was no IV PREFACE common individual, and tint her cast of mind and manner would have proclaimed her worthy of a throne, had she been the daughter of humble parents, and born to the inheritance of poverty and virtue; for while in one respect she was gentle as a lamb, in cases that called for strength and, determination, the lion did not surpass her Royal Highness in courageous adherence to the dictates of her feelings, and kind and charitable were those feelings of hers : She was firm but not obstinate, she was religious and wise, but devoid of austerity or ostentation, a model for Princes and a boast to human nature. D. M'L DIRECTIONS FOR THE BINDER. Page Frontispiece and Title to face each other Princcfis Charlotte 1 PrtJice jRegcnt 5 Princess of Wales- 59 First Intervieii 157 Prince Leopold .., (>5 Solemnization of the Marriage 1277 Claremont 8?6 Fu neral Processio n 534. The King ^rS ,,f ^-.A-;,-.,^ ^ j^y''^ '^cf- Uj.C'^?. ^7 /^rr>l^^ LIFE ^intt^f^ iiuvlottt. JL HE Princess Charlotte was the only child of his Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, and Caroline, the second daughter of the Duke of Brunswick, by his consort Augusta, eldest sister of his Britannic Majesty. The nuptials of her illustrious parents were solemnized in the Chapel Kcyal of St. James's, on the eighth of April, 1795. On the seventh of January, 1796, between nine and ten o'clock in the morning, in Carlton House, the infant first drew the vital air. The Duke of Gloucester, brother to the King, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Pre- sident of the Council, the Lord Chamberlain, and the Ladies of the Princess of Wales's Bedchamber, were present. Her baptism took place at the usual time, and she was christened Charlotte Augusta, While in the prime of earliest infancy, she is B 2 LIFE OF THE said, among her first perceptions, to have expressed in smiles the pleasure afforded to her by the assi- duities and caresses of those who were in attend- ance upon her. The Laureate, therefore, stood not in so much need of imagination as is commonly- employed in congratulating a Monarch upon the virtues of his progeny, when adverting to the fair pledges of a sweet and noble temper in the royal child, the regal songster complimented in his poesy. The opening of every year is celebrated by the Laureate with an ode, according to ancient custom. In the ode which hailed the entrance of 1796, were the following stanzas very prettily put together : " Now strike a livelier chord ! this happy day. Selected from the circling year. To celebrate a name to Britain dear. From Britain's sons demands a festive lay. Mild sovereign of our Monarch's soul. Whose eye's naeek radiance can controul The powers of care, and grace a throne With each calm joy to life domestic known; Propitious heav'n has o'er thy head Blossoms of richer fragrance shed. Than all the assiduous muse can bring, CuU'd from the honied stores of spring. For see, amidst wild winter's houri, A Bud its silken folds display ; ' Sweeter than all the chalic'd flowerj, That crown thy own ambrosial May> PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 3 ! may thy smiles, blest infant, prove Omens of concord and of love ! Bid the loud strain of martial triumph raiw. And tune to softer mood the warbling reed of prai^." But scarcely had the bright morning of her days arose, when a hapless misunderstanding took place betwixt her illustrious parents, originating in a di- versity of taste. Few rulers of kingdoms have had the happiness in connubial life which has fallen to the lot of George III. the gracious head of the British empire, since the day he was united to his consort. They have had a numerous offspring of boys and girls, all of them excelling in the make of their persons, and none of them defieient in the powers of the mind. But whatever felicity provi- dence has vouchsafed him, it could not have been enough to secure domestic happiness, had not his disposition been fitted for the reception of it. Peo- ple very grossly deceive themselves to imagine that any accidental and foreign causes of comfort what- ever can inspire with fulness of joy a heart that is compelled to look out of itself for the pleasure, which cannot be found within. His Majesty's na- tural affections and acquired habits, rendered him peculiarly accommodated to the matrimonial state. He Avas open, liberal, and sanguine ; and had the good fortune, in the very dawn of his youth, when LIFE OF THE the best qualities of the soul are most susceptible of direction and improvement, to obtain the hand of a virtuous and accomplished Princess, whose hold being early, was the more likely to be lasting upon that account. She was amiable and prudent ; and neither did she want personal grace, although not charged with the winning charms which go to the composition of an absolute beauty. The neat- ness of her foot was greatly talked of; and from this it was concluded that her shape must be of the finest order ; for the judges of female excellence were disposed, in those days, to make the foot the criterion : perhaps they had then no better oppor- tunities of judging. A small foot was accordingly for a long time in vogue. Her Majesty, however, did not depend upon her attractions in that way ; such indeed was the modest opinion she held of her- self, that when at sea, and before she had an in- terview with the sovereign, observing the English ladies in her escort with some attention, she is reported to have said " I fear but little admira- tion will attend upon me in a country which can furnish so much loveliness as I see before me." Certain it is that the royal pair, whatever may have stood in the way of it, have passed as agree- able a life as any couple under their government. Such was the example set to those of the royal V J. ^^ /^/ / ^ >//'/// PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 5 family who might enter into the married state, which, that his eldest son, the Prince of Wales, would enter into, was not only the wish of the King in his pater- nal character, but an object besides of his majesty's solicitude as a monarch, at once to establish his child in virtue, and to provide for the succession to the crown. He felt the more forward to see his Royal Highness happily wedded ; because he knew him to be exposed to temptations, with power to indulge, and a temperament to enjoy them.\ His Royal Highness's countenance was dignified- and free, and his whole aspect commanding. No English gentle- man surpassed him in any polite accomplishment of body or mind ; he spoke his native language with great elegance and propriety, and was conversant in the antient and modern tongues ; his attainments in science were very considerable, and the whole of these acquired advantages received lustre from the brilliancy of his wit, which came to him without study, and therefore the more striking. How at- tracting must a prince be, so adorned with fine pro- perties ; but as the favours of nature, often grudged by her companions to a sweet rustic, do not guard her from harm, neither do the lighter merits of a prince always promote his ultimate happiness. In England the attractions of beauty are made more powerful by the modesty that seems to forbid them b LIFE OF THE to be exercised. Is it astonishing then that a young man, and a prince, could not long continue master of his inclinations ? A complying disposition is not the characteristic of the British fair ; but what avail the precepts of virtue or the dictates of conscience with many females, as well as men, if ambition and love unite to overthrow them ? Can pride in all its force, or the strength of iimocence, refuse to submit at the magic touch of the grandeur and importance with which a prince comes to see, to be seen, and to conquer ? They can ; but let it be remembered that although most beautiful women are virtuous, virtue has at times been found wanting where there was a profusion of beauty. Under these circumstances the greatest anxiety was evinced by the whole nation that his Royal Highness would devote his agreeable manners and qualifications to embellish and make happy a family circle at his own fire-side. Thus the example set by his Majesty to his subjects would be still more enforced, while the great pur- poses of the mar^-iage would be going on. As the Prince of Wales was the presumptive heir to the throne, he could not leave the country, and court the hand of a Princess selected by himself. Whilst the prmce's affairs were in this posture, the graceful and obliging manners, the luxuriant charms and im- jjroved understandiiig of Caroline of Brunswick, PEINCESS CHAHLOT^E. 7 had gained the respect and admiration of all that beheld her ; and his Majesty fixed upon the Prince of Wales to become the possessor of the precious object. The business was debated for a long time privately before any communication was formally made ; it is even said that the first knowledge the cabinet ministers gained of the matter was from the royal order for preparing the ceremonies which are customary upon those occasions, and for arrang- ing the legation and other necessary things, amongst them of course was to determine the provision which should be allowed to his Royal Highness for the maintenance of the additional state, required to be kept up in his new capacity. When this projected alliance had made this pro* gress to its completion. Parliament was consulted, and they made a very liberal grant for an outfit, exceeding 180,000/. ; of this sum 27,000/. was to be at the discretional use of the Prince, in making pre- parations for his nuptials ; plate was to be pur- chased, and jewels for the bride, with 28,000/. ; the remainder was intended to be laid out in repairing and in furnishing Carlton House, which the Prince designed to be the magnificent residence of liis consort and himself What was yet more liberal, the Parliament raised the Prince's income from 60,000/. to 125,000/. per annum, and tlie Prince, 8 LIFE OF THE being in debt, appropriated 25,O00Z. a-year for the payment of his creditors, and this at his own mo- tion. The fairest auspices were unfolded by all that occurred, to enable the people to anticipate the public joy and happiness which approaching events of the kind are always supposed to have in store. A vessel of fifty guns, called the Juno, two sloops of war, and four frigates, were sent to bring the Princess to Great Britain. Maids of honour were appointed ; and the Prince commissioned a few of his friends, attached to his establishment, to attend her Serene Highness to her adopted country. The Princess had some land to pass before she could reach the fort where the British vessels were in readiness for her reception ; and on account of the war which was going forward in Germany at that time in its full force and fury, she took, for security's sake, an indirect course. Superstitious persons will no doubt perceive that this necessity of going about, was very ominous, and betokened the future aberrations from happiness which followed her in the condition of life into which she made the journey for entering. As her Serene Highness drew near to the shores of England, a thick and dis- mal fog is said to have encircled the white cliffs. Upon this also the visionary might feed his ima- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 11 gination, but it is now certain knowledge, that in England many fogs and mists did obscure from one another, the charms and the graces actually possessed both by Husband and Wife. The weather indeed at that time was truly tempestuous, but that it did not prove more favourable to the conveyance of her Serene Highness, is not to be attributed to any want of zeal in the supplication of our poets; on the contrary, they were most earnest in their suit to the different powers of the air, to render themselves agreeable to the fair visitor on her voyage. Dr. Hurdis who was Poet. Prof, of Oxford University presented without effect a most beautiful petition to the elements, imploring them to treat her Royal Highness with respect and observance. We had some thoughts of printing the Doctor's poem, but our intention is changed, it might not satisfy the readers since it failed to propitiate the king of . storms. The people were touched with a lively interest upon the occasion, and awaited with anxiety the arrival of a Princess who was in all probability to fill the exalted station of their Queen. Her reception, when she landed, was extremely gratifying, every demonstration of hilarity was sliown tliat it was pos- sible for joyous minds to express. Addresses of con- gratulation were presented from every corner of the c 10 LIFE OF THE empire. The whole country was overspread with merriment and festivity, and not an individual was found who did not enter into the general feelings, and exult in the prospect that the crown would be retained for the inheritance of the house of Bruns- wick. The personal attractions and graceful deportment of the Princess had been much extolled before they were witnessed by the British people, and tlie fame of them had long arrived before their owner. But the embellishments fancy always bestows upon royal comeliness, received by the hearers with amplifying credulity, did not exceed the display of fascination which her Royal Highness exhibited at her first ap- pearance in the draw4ng-room, when all eyes were occupied in admiring her. The Prince and she, to indulge the fond curiosity of the people, frequently came hand in hand to the palace windows in the evening, and received the cheers of the honest gazers. The transient wonder excited by her love- liness was happily softened into the tenderest re- gard by the affability, condescension, and sweetness of her manners, which enchained those whom her first sight had captivated. The beholder of her Iloyal Highness was ever loth to quit his object; and when she glanced a look at him, an eye was there encountered, beaming with intelligence and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. ll mellowed by modesty an eye like a white cloud trembling in a sky of purest blue. Her auburn locks were simply done up, but disposed with ele- gance ; they set forward and relieved her counte- nance formed in the exactest mold of nature, and ani- mated by great liveliness of expression ; and when the stilness of thought was released by a smile, a row of teeth appeared, as a flock of sheep, having washed, lie before the sun along the margin of a brook. The simplicity and neatness visible in every part of her dress, presaged her Royal Highness an arbitress and pattern of costume to an island of beauties. It is commonly accounted frivolous to dwell upon the descriptions of form, but of such a being may not the looks philosophize the mind and impart instruction, whilst the imagination, stricken by the contemplated graces, vibrates in respondent harmony. The wedding of the Prince of Wales was, we have noticed, solemnized at the Chapel Royal of St. James's, on the eighth of April 1795. May be it were tedious and irksome to detail the formalities, but since our business is with royalty, and the taste for splendour and parade heightens and grows cra\v ing in proportion to our indulgence of it, the follow- ing account of the procession is accurately presented: 12 LIFE OF THE The PROCESSION of the Bride. Drums and Trumpets. Kettle Drums. Serjeant Trumpeter. Master of the Ceremonies. Bride's Geutleman Usher between the two Senior Heralds. His Majesty's Vice Chamberlain. His Majesty's Lord Chamberlain. THE BRIDE, in her nuptial Habit, with a Coronet, led by his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. Her train borne by four unsiarried Daughters of Dukes and Earls, viz. Lady Mary Osborne, Lady Caroline Villiers, Lady Charlotte Spencer, Lady Charlotte Legge. The ladies appointed to the household of her Royal Highness were likewise attending. A seat had been prepared for her close to her Majesty's chair of state, with magnificent decora- tions, to which her Royal Highness was conducted as soon as she entered into the Chapel. Where- upon the Master of the Ceremonies and the Gentle- man Usher repaired in due form to their respective places. The Herald Major continued in the Chapel, ar- rangins: the stands of the several members of the Procession, for that was his department ; but one of the Heralds accompanied the Lord Chamberlain and the Vice Chamberlain out of the Chapel, who now went to fill up the Procession of the Bride- groom, which advanced PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 18 Drums and Trumpets. Kettle Drums. His Majesty's Vice Chamberlain. JHis Majesty's Lord Chamberlain. His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES, In his Collar of the Order of the Garter, supported by Two unmarried Cukes, the Duke of Bedford and the Duke of Roxburgh. His Royal Highness being conducted to his seat in the Chapel Royal ; the Lord Chamberlain, the Vice Chamberlain, and Two Heralds, returned to attend his Majesty. THEIR MAJESTIES' Procession. Drums and Trumpets (as before.) Knight Marshal. Pursuivants. Herald. Treasurer of the Household. Master of the Horse. Two nr.arried Dukei. Duke of Leeds. Duke of Beaufort. Lord Stewart of the Household. Provincial King of Arms. Lord Privy Seal. Archbishop of York. Lord President of the Council. Lord High Chancellor. (^ Archbishop of Canterbury. Gentleman f Garter Principal King of Arms, 1 Grentleman Usher. I with his Sceptre. } Uher. The Earl Marshal with his StafE Princes of the Blood Royal. Prince WliiJam. Serjeant at Arms. ^ Serjeant at Arms. 14 LIFE OF THE His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. His Royal Highness the Duke of York. Vice Chamberlain of the Household. Sword of State, borne by the Duke of Portland. Lord Chamberlain of the Household. HIS MAJESTY, In the Collar of the Order of the Garter. Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard. Colonel of the Life Guard in waiting. , Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners. The Lord of the Bed Chamber in waiting. Master of the Robes. Groom of the Bed Chamber, Vice Chamberlain to the Queen. The Queen's Lord Chamberlain. HER MAJESTY. The Queen's Master of the Horse. Their Royal Highnesses Princess Augusta Sophia, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Mary, Princess Sophia, Princess Amelia. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York. Princess Sophia of Gloucester, Supported sererally by their Grentlemen Ushers, The Ladies of her Majesty's Bed Chamber, Maids of Honour. Women of her Majesty's Bed Chamber. When the ritual was ended, their Majesties with- drew to their chairs of state under the great ca- nopy, and a solemn anthem was raised, enforcing the awfulness of the sacred compact which their PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 15 eldest son and heir had just entered into with a protestant Princess, a fine woman, adorned with the external powers of attracting the regard of her consort, and a mind properly cultivated to manage prudently the gentle dominion, enjoyed by the ob- ject of a husband's fond affections. It is needless to remark, that an occasion of such importance was celebrated suitably throughout the capital of the British empire. The windows blazed in all directions, and the reins were thrown upon the necks of Jollity and Merriment, the plentiful feast gave a glaze to the cheeks, the circulating cup diffused joy, and dilated every heart, and prayers for happiness to the illustrious pair, filled eacli pause of vociferating congratulation. The more sober indications of pleasure were resorted to by the Aldermen and Board of Common Council, drawing up addresses and presenting them ; and every corporation in the kingdom hastened to pay their duty in a similar way. But, alas ! the genial couch of Princes is, no more than other men's, exempt from intrusions of cares, disappointments, and sorrow. In their case, a match is generally made before any previous in- tercourse can enable the parties to judge whether they are fitted or not for mutual esteem. Two persons may be very worthy and amiable in their 16 LIFE OF THE separate characters, and yet live uncomfortably with one another when joined in wedlock. And where Princes are concerned, the unseen is generally re- ^ presented in such glowing colours, that most ex- traordinary merit only can justify the description, and therefore dissatisfaction is apt to take place. Since England need not fear to stand in her own strength, there is no political motive that can rea- sonably be held paramount to the bliss of an heir to this throne, with the partner of his life ; for the conjugal repose and mutual love of those at the head of our government, is a thing of prime cons- deration : it may really be doubted whether any other requisite than good conduct is wanted in a British sovereign, confined as he must always be, if he were ill disposed, through ambitious views, by the limits of our glorious constitution ; but that of morality, taking it in the light of example, is a very serious article in the number of monarchcial qualifications, and if this morality was not to be promoted by an alliance with one court, then let another be tried. To be sure, upon the continent two royal houses find their interests often by uniting their members in marriage, and thereby knitting their connexion more close. The union of both imparts consequence to each, and aggres- sion is better kept from either ; because the two PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 17 powers are indentified and ready to make a com- mon cause of it. But here no extension of domi- nion is wanted, nor is there the same motive for consolidating power, upon which account greater latitude might be allowed to the next in succession of our royal family in selecting fit consorts ; they might be permitted to study similitude of manners and temper, and not have to receive, at the recom- mendation of a third person, what an humbler in- dividual accepts or rejects, courts or declines, ac- cording to judgment and conceit, In private life there are numerous instances that disgust is not avoided by the previous deliberation ; and when the hurried spirits of true lovers have a little sub- sided, they are sometimes at a loss to perceive at last, what they thought they had seen before in each other. The same issue is not impossible to heirs presumptive to a sceptre ; but then the ex- cuse would be taken away, and a regard to public opinion would have claims upon them. The pregnancy of the Princess of Wales was grateful to the feelings of the people, who looked forward with pleasure to the consummation of the national wishes. The whispers that began to spread of dislike existing between the Prince and her, were not much heeded, because scandal is well known to be active in the affairs of the exalted, . D 18 LIFE OF THE Every liberal and candid mind was shocked at the idea of attempts to foment jealousies between two personages equally endeared to the public, and qualified to contribute to their mutual happiness. Some who had been held in high favour, were observed to be falling away from the consequence they had made themselves mastersof; and it was strongly suspected that if there were any grounds for the rumour, these would be busy to extend and lay a good foundation to rebuild their own advantage upon it. All the arrangements necessary to be made and becoming the greatness of the expected occurrence, went on with the usual bustle and air of import- ance. No member of the entire community felt disinterested at the crisis which held forth the de lightful prospects of a child from the family of Brunswick to adorn the throne and perpetuate the succession of that illustrious house. But they who admire the virtue of a king and to whom piety af- fords matter of sweet contemplation, will long dwell with pleasing remembrance upon the conduct of the expectant grandsire. He rejoiced with his subjects in the hope that a line of sovereigns was to come, and prevent the bloodshed and destruction which bestrew the countries where a doubtful claim to the crown is to be decided by force and slaughter. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 19 To these sentiments were added the paternal solici- tude on his daughter's account, which, in a nature so good and affectionate as his own, awakened many- anxious emotions. When he got up in the morning and lay down at night his inquiries were always di- rected to the state of her Royal Highness's health, and at the close of every day and the beginning of it, he made his whole family join with him in prayer, and supplicate before the throne of grace where the addresses of the highest and the most humble, are received without other distinction than godliness confers. It was there that the amiable monarch re- posed his affiance; thence comes the influence which can mitigate the pains of the mother, and cherish the tender and precarious condition of beginning life, when troubles and uneasinesses (they set in early) first assail a weak mortal, when the conscious infant struggling seems unwilling to live. Congratulatory offerings were made upon occa- sion of the royal birth. The city of London is of course always the first corporate body that presents its address. But when the usual inquiries were sent in to know at what time his Royal Highness would receive it, the city remembrancer was ac- quainted by Lord Cholmondeley, on the 29th of January, that his Royal Highness could not indulge his ])rivatc gratifications, nor accept in form the 20 hlWB OF THE compliments of the City of London to himself and the Princess of Wales, for that being under the ne- cessity of dismissing a great part of his establisliment, it was not in his power to manifest the respect due to the City of London, and suitable to his own dig- nity and rank. The disposal of the Princess Charlotte, and the manner of her education were so intimately joined with the unhappy differences betwixt her royal parents, and dependent on them, that it appears in some measure necessary to enlarge a little upon the deplorable circumstance. In the month of April, 1796, it was fixed, that separate habitations were to be occupied by the Prince and Princess of Wales. This was the earliest symptom of disagreement that had annexed to it any thing of a positive nature, and it was too fully confirmed by a letter written fi-om Windsor Castle, on the 30th of April. The intimation given in this letter had been previously communicated to the Princess of Whales through the agency of the Countess Cholmondeley, but the Princess considered the affair too serious and im- portant to be managed in the loose way of a common message by word of mouth, and accordingly requir- ed the matter to be clearly and explicitly laid down in writing. Agreeably to this desire of her Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales drew up and for- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 21 warded a letter to the Princess. This is a faithful copy of it : " Windsor Castle, April 3oi 1796. "Madam, "As Lord CholmoPideley informs me, that you wish I would define in writing the terms upon which we are to live, I shall endeavour to explain myself upon that head with as much clearness, and with as much propriety, as the nature of the subject will admit. Our inclinations are not in our power, nor should either of us be held answerable to the other, because nature has not made us suitable to each other. Tranquil and comfortable society is, however, in our power ; let our intercourse, there- fore, be restricted to that, and I will distinctly sub- scribe to the condition which you required through Lady Cholmondeley, that, even in the event of any accident happening to my daughter, which, I trust, Providence in his mercy will avert, I shall not in- fringe the terms of the restriction, by proposing at any period a connexion of a more particular nature. 1 shall now finally close this disagreeable correspon- dence, trusting, that as we have completely ex- plained ourselves to each other, the rest of our lives will be passed in uninterrupted tranquillity, I am, Madam, With great truth, very sincerely yours, (Signed) Georgk P." 22 LIFE OF THE The Princess, in her answer, maintained both her own consequence, and the respect and deference fit to be shown to her husband. She called upon the Sovereign, as her regal protector, and the guar- dian of his daughter's fortunes, to interpose his beneficent offices in her behalf. All things put to- gether and considered, people generally think that it was in consequence of the weight exerted by her august and venerated Sire, that she was enabled to possess the person of her child, without restriction, for the eight years after she had become its mother ; but it is fair to put the reader in mind, that of this there is no certain evidence, and for aught to the contrary that has yet come to light, if it were not the Prince's suggestion, it might at least have met with a ready concurrence in his Royal Highness, whom to make an ungenerous man, would be to form in this case an over-hasty opinion. Thus the little Princess was delivered to the care of her mother. She was taken to reside at Shrewsbury House, near Shooter's Hill. There she advanced in stature, and won the hearts of all that saw her ; innocent and playful, and in this early period of existence giving signs of those gracious virtues which distinguished her riper years, years, alas ! no more than ripe ! PRINCESS CHABLOTTE. 28 The young scholar owed to the maternal instruc- tion the first elements of literature, the letters of the alphabet; those she was taught to cast into syllables by a clergyman who happened to be resid- ing in the neighbourhood, the reverend Dr. Wat- son, an ecclesiastic of eminent learning, dignified in person and distinguished for piety. The improve- ment she made was wonderful ; the quickness of her natural parts was always kept on the alert by the desire she had to excel in the attempts to attain every sort of knowledge and art, and she appeared to receive, with great satisfaction and cordiality, the encomiums bestowed upon her, when she felt herself at all conscious of meriting them. Those who have had the cultivation of the human mind for their business, and seen how the direction of it, when it is soft and plastic, operates upon future life, will give their full approbation to the attentions which the Princess of Wales paid to the nurture of her daughter. " Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depai't from it." More important than the aecomplislv. ments of the understanding, her mother impressed an awe of the Supreme Being, a sense of his great goodness, the propitiation for our sins, and the doctrines of Christianity. Religious information was agreeable to the turn of the child's thinking, 24 LIFE OF THE and she imbibed the most serioos notions, without contracting moroseness or aflfectation of gravity. Her devotion was ardent and sincere, but cheerful and unmixed with sadness and gloom. She formed the highest ideas of the reverence which should attach itself to the ministers of the Gospel, and was ready to honour and respect them. The learned and pious Dr. Porteus, who was then Bishop of Lrondon, has left in his Journal the entry here printed, which it will be agreeable to read : " Yesterday, the sixth August, 1801, I passed a very pleasant day at Shrewsbury House, near Shooter's Hill, the residence of the Princess Char- lotte of Wales, The day was fine, the prospect extensive and beautiful, taking in a large reach of the Thames, which was covered with vessels of various sizes and descriptions. We saw a good deal of the young Princess ; she is a most captivat- ing and engaging child, and considering the high station she may hereafter fill, a most interesting and important one. She repeated to me several hymns with great correctness and propriety, and on being told when she went to South End in Essex, (as she afterwards did for the benefit of sea-bathing,) she would then be in my diocese, she fell down on her knees and begged my blessing. I gave it to her with all my heart, and with my earnest secret PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 25 prayers to God that she might adorn her illustrious station with every Christian grace; and if ever she became the queen of this truly great and glorious country, she might be the means of diffusing vir- tue, piety, and happiness, through every part of her dominions." The biographer feels a pleasure in tracing the various stages o^ life, when he has it in his power to speak favourably of the character which employs his pen, but the task is more delightful still, when the excellent qualities are possessed by one placed above the ordinary level, whether by birth or un- common merit, or by both, because he may enter- tain the hope that the records of the virtues which adorned the deceased will come the better recom- mended to the reader's imitation. It is by no means designed to propose the various traits in the character of the Princess Charlotte to the servile copying of the young women in tiiis country in their full extent. We shall diligently set dov;n all the anecdotes that can be gathered with the stamp of truth and nature ii])on them, regardless of the prevailing inclination to give her the carriage of a perfect angel, wliich is not merely evinced in several statements respecting her Royal Highness, but unreservedly professed. No one acquainted witii tlic numerous felicities of disposition v.iiich seemed to be born with her, and the tendency to virtue and to goodness which eveu E 26 LIFE OF THE her little foibles showed, can withhold his admira- tion, and what is better again, his personal love and esteem. But is it not a very impious thing to take upon ourselves the duties of Omnipotence in hold- ing forth those eternal honours assigned to her, which let us all endeavour to witness ! but at the same time forbear to measure the kindness of Hea- ven. The stories which are charged with overliveli- ness, are not omitted, when deemed to be true ; for although in females of humbler birth and preten- sions such sprightly and gay sallies are not to pass unreproved, yet are they readily inserted here, be- cause they will be found in her Royal Highness intimately associated with demonstrations of bene- volence, candour, spirit, principle, and liberality ; the reader cannot help loving her for her very faults, and one is disposed to esteem them altogether need- ful to constitute, what she has been, the universal delight of a high-minded and generous people. Let her aggregate qualities be aspired after, the charit- able, humane, and open affections in her nature ; we should however observe, that munificence in the great is extravagant and foolish, very often in the lowly and poor ; but how admirable must the Princess be, who could compassionate the miseries of mankind, which herself had never endured but in the feelings of her gentle bosom She was only in the seventh year of her age, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. SIT skipping aiid gamboling about, in the innocence of her heart, when she displayed the most liberal and generous humanity, but it seemed to have been di- rected with more discretion and good sense, than is found in so young a person ever almost. Who could think it, she made a little bag for herself which she intended to contain money for the relief of the indigent creatures that might fall in her way, and this bag she intitled "The Purse of the af- flicted." To give a laboured account of the benig- nity and satisfaction she expressed in her counte- nance and manner, when she distributed her bounty, to do that would be needless with the intent to ap- plaud her, for it appears from the actions alone, and the occasions of them, that the relieved must have felt an addition to the joy and pleasure done them, when cases which the rest of the world would re- puke through pride or imagined delicacy, met with ready attention from her Royal Highness : it may therefore be questioned whether more true comfort was conveyed to the benefited than played round the soul of the donor, and with hei- it might have been a more blessed thing to give than for others to receive. The ])itying temper of the child was not dis- couraged but improved under the instructions and monition of her royal mother, who added in her mind the fervour of devotion to the impulse of hu- 28 LIFE OF THE manity. The Princess of Wales has been never known to check the charitable hand of her daugliter; she on the contrary inspired the early glow of re- ligion, which raised the little Princess above the vulgar ideas of propriety and state, when an object of wretchedness craved assistance. While she was strolling, over the road one day she eyed a poor boy in a ditch by the way side, moaning piteously ; she approached him, and anxiously inquired into the cause of his uneasiness. Alas ! cried the other, I am hungry and distressed, and my hand pains me, hold- ing it forward at the same tune. Poor fellow! then I see it is all one sore; but let nie bind it up for you, said the Princess, and it will be better. With that one of her attendants hastening to her, advised her to desist, lest some hurt should accrue to herself Nay, I pray you suffer me: the universal Prince, the Prince of the whole world, v/as not ashamed to heal the leper in the Bible, and shall I turn away from this boy in his misery ? Thus was she trained up by her parent in the commencement of her virtuous career, a time the most fit for imbibing the senti- ments of meekness, charity and condescension. Perhaps her frame of mind might have been less determined and bold, had not the unfortunate va- riance subsisting between her august parents im- parted a steadiness to her own principles and opi- nions. In an account which has lately appeared PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 29 of her Royal Highness, drawn up with more tlian usual pains, the person who gave her lessons in music, is reported to have highly commended her execution, when she knew herself that it was faulty, and deserved no commendation at all. A large assembly happened to be at the time witness- ing her performance, and the whole room were unanimous in extolling her manner of playing : but she seemed to have a conviction that she had not gone through the tune with musical accurac}^ and appealed to the judgment of her master. He declared that not the least mistake in the world was made by her Royal Highness, but that she had displayed her powers with credit and the happiest effect possible. She let the matter rest at tlie moment ; but the next morning when the flatter- ing teacher called to instruct her, he found him- self obliged to stop. Orders had been given that lie should be instantly paid and discharged when he came, and this lesson offered for nothing to himself: that he should never indulge error in a pupil, where he was employed to perfect the unskilful. This gentleman might have thought he had secured for himself much gratitude and friendship, and it was, generally speaking, good judgment of him to think so, but in her Royal Highness, the music master mis- took his woman. Although the teacher has some claims upon our pity, for there are few situated as 80 LIFE OP THE he was, that could resist the temptation of render- ing themselves acceptable to so distmguisnea a per- son, and flattery has prevailed so often that it begins to be excused its criminality, notwithstanding we must take pleasure and pride to ourselves to find the presumed heiress of our realm, animated by a spirit so laudable and meritorious. The lamented separation which parted now for so long a time the illustrious Father and Mother of the Princess, must have pressed very heavily upon her tender feelings, but so much ardour and sensi- bility accompanied her tenderness, that she never, or very seldom, was observed to sit down under the load of grave melancholy, but to give a free passage to her thoughts as far as comported with filial piety and respect to both her parents. Her intelligence was beyond what usually is arrived to by children of the same age, and, exposed as she was to the per- petual fluctuations of attachment, when two strong affections drew different ways, and the uneasiness consequent upon it ; his Majesty judiciously deter- mined that she should be entered into a regular course of study, and engage her mind in the pursuit of useful knowledge, which might not only relieve the troubled spirits of her Royal Highness, but make heran ornament and boast to her country. The choice of a tutor fell upon the Right Rev. Doctor Fisher, then Bishop of Exeter, in whose learning and mild- PRINCESS CHAR3LOTTE. M. ness of temper every confidence was deservedly re- posed. As an assistant to him, the Rev. Dr. Nott was appointed to prepaa-e and direct her in the several steps preparatory to the acquisition of sound learning. Science and litecatiure do not constitute virtue, but they lead to it no doubt ; handmaids^ they may be held, to the excellencies of an elevated character. Look at all our able statesmen, and such of the nobility as ai'e distinguished for mental at- tainments, they are amiable in private life, humane and obliging. A man of sense may be unkind, but he cannot be brutal ; to be sure he may only be specious, and oh he may be deeply wicked, but what influence other than the celestial can make straight the obliquities or antidote the virus of humim na- ture in some minds ? The cultivation of her intd- lecls was attended to with all the Ciire which its im- portance required, and she was initiated in those dif- ferent-parts of letters which could administer to the pleasure of her imagination, and thereby raise a spring of happiness within herself, and likewise her powers were exercised in the investigations of pro- found knowledge ; the former pursuits refined her understanding-, and by the latter its vigour was con- firmed. Too much care indeed could not be de- voted to the improvement of her Royal Highness, not in the lighter' and flippant parts of education, but in a souwd and substantial system it was verv tt LIFE OF THE necessary that slie should be nurtured, for there is more nice discrimination required than is commonly though tv to select wise and discreet ministers; and the utility of such persons in the public service has been sufficiently proved by all the experience of past ages : now the tinsel finery of the sciolist is apt to dazzle, but deep knowledge enables the possessor of it to distinguish true lustre from fictitious bril- liancy. Indeed the happy selection wliich Eliza- beth made of her servants wa^ the grand cause of that elevation to ^vhich she raised her kingdom. From the profession of her instructors a sincere and ardent fondness for the established religion was naturally sown in her Royal Highness, but no nar- row zeal was ever noticed to the prejudice of those who held different tenets, for she always regarded the Christian graces abstractedly, the pledge o^ every man's honesty and merit. Nevertheless her own principles were firmly established in a convic- tion which her reason approved. But towards people of differing notions the greatest charity was exem- plified, I think, said she one day to her tutor, I can extend my allowances for other religions far enough to think that if any one should alter the professions of his faith in complaisance to me, when his conscience was tied to it as fast as my conscience h to my creed, I would hardly esteem him to be wort!) the convoi'.sion ; I could most cordially love PRINCESS CHA11L6tTE. ^ liim in his old way, and yet be satisfied that my own Was the best, and therefore wish him to adopt it, if his conscience led him, but not otherwise. These genetbtis and upright emotions were encouraged, and it was very propet to give them encouragement. By this means piety was not to her an odious or disagreeable matter, but it foimd its way in the midst of all her ebullitions of temper, for she was not continually sedate, sometimes her lire got up, but she never was sullen. The learned and devout and amiable Dr. Porteus, the Diocesan of London at that time, used very often to go to see his favour- ite, and give her instructions upon command of the passions. She listened attentively to all he said But some how or other one of her attendants dis- obliged her mortally, soon after the Bishop had de- livered a long lecture upon self-govei-nment and self-denial, and was little more than just gone. At first she only expostulated strongly; but when a hasty and sharp retort was given to something she herself had said, instantly she turned the cock of the urn (they were at tea) and filling a cup with the boiling water, she dashed it full at the criminal! The deuce was to pay now. The Bishop was sent for. O my beloved, is it come to this! Well, well, I see I must discontinue my advice, tliat I see clearly, indeed I must. No, no, pray doii'l, my Lord, (her eyes swimming in tears) indeed, indeed, F #f LIFE OF THE your lessons did me good, for them I am much ob- liged, and (trying'for a smile,) somebody else ought to feel obliged too, for were it not (said the sweet acknowledger) for the impressions of your goodness, Somebody perhaps might not havecome off so easily! JVemo me impune lacesset ; the dignity of the sove- reign is identified with the glory of the nation; the nation's glory was not very likely to be tarnished in the keeping of her Royal Highness. She was then but a mere child. To maintain^the regular concatenation of events, let us now see the little Princess toiling in the garden of literature, where her paths were rough indeed, but strewed with flowers, and she culled their sweets with critical attention. Her studies were forwarded witli great pains and assiduity by her own endeavours and the care of her under preceptors, for every morn- ing at six o'clock the Royal Student entered upon business, and continued her labours through the day without relaxation, except at meal times, and during her attentions to the acquirement of the more fe- minile qualifications, such as drawing, dancing, music. This intense application might have been rather an overmatch for the health of her Royal Highness, but her constitution had been, like her country's, extremely sound. It was, however, with the intention of qualifying her to figure on the great stage, where she was promised to act, tiiat PRINCESS CHARLOTTE/ S6 the rigorous prosecution of her books in <:hildhood was permitted, and probably to iix in her Royal Highness a habit of reading and meditation which might prove very serviceable to her in after years, when the rounds of company might dissipate her thoughts, if not made close by early custom. Her attainments were quite above what fall within the sphere of common females, for her belle-lettre knowledge was not, as we shall presently see, limited to her native tongue, but extended to the ancient learning of Greece and Rome, the Italian and other recent languages. A venerable prelate con- firms by his testimony the great progress she had made; he was perfectly astonished at her adroit and sagacious observations upon her reading, and pronounces her acquaintance with biblical affairs beyond what he had expected far. While these lasting and material parts of her education were pursued with zealous industr}', the little Princess was touched with her sex's pride to excel in music, and on many instruments she performed with ad- mirable skill and power. With regard to her voice, it was sweet and mellifluous, but did not take in a very great compass either , by directing the inton- ations according to the rules of the harmonic science, and her own very critical ear, it notwithstanding sounded in a most engaging manner. But her longest sittings were always for tlie perusal of the great || LIFE OF THE authors of antiquity, men who wrote as the painters drew, in ccternitutem, an^ whose works will remain the standards of propriety and the models of taste, till an age of barbarism shall have come and sunk the soaring energies of the mind. Nothing can be more truly disgusting to a well informed person than to bear the labours of those ancients sneered at now by empty scribblers, fellows whose names will not survive the ephemeral uotice which they have brought upon them by the dint of their im- pudence. Considering the dryness of the I^atin Grammar, the delight she took in committing it to her me- mory can no otherwise be accounted for than as she felt proud of preparing her entrance into a language, always spoken of with reverence, and which narrated the affairs of the greatest empire, in point of exten- sion and the spuit of its people, that ever flourished. On Saturdays, by way of repetition, she had all the business of the foregoing week to say by heart, as it might happen to be, which it v/as not a difficult matter with her to accomplish, because the back lessons had been so diligently and a,cciu:ately pre- pared. " Don't tell me now," was a frequent prayer with her to whomever she repeated to at this early period; and the desire of answering rightly the questions that were put, grevy upon her Royal HigJ^ness with her years,and stimulated her industry PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. tl^ to qualify herself for maintaining this intellectual independency, as it may be called. Had another pupil been educated in her company, she might have had her daring mind humbled too much by suffering in the competition (for a clever young lady should have been chosen,) or by superiority she might have imbibed haughtiness and tyranny even unknown to herself; so it was best perhaps in this particular to promote no rivalry. She made her remarks with great presence of mind, although often apparently confused lest she might say something absurd : but when she had got to the conjugation of the verbs, and was among other words of this class declining corrigo, a supine of which is correc- tum ; Is not the word correct or right, in English, derived from the verb corrigo. It is, replied the Tutor. Then since corrigo means to set right, and no one can be set right that does not go wrong, I suppose the most correct sometimes trip ; I shall not therefore any longer feel too much ashamed, nor take trouble to myself for my mistakes, but occupy my whole thoughts in fixing on my memory your kind corrections, and if I always say what 1 think, your corrections, I suppose, must be very numerous, (smiling). From a mind so discreetly bent and aided by natuml powers and the instruction of learned men, what was too mudi to be expected ? She got forsvard very speedily indeed; for notwith- 38 LIEE OF THE standing the interruptions occasioned by other pur- suits, she was able, in eighteen months from her initiation, to translate the Latin Testament with accuracy and neatness. Her Royal Highness was often tired of Cornelius Nepos ; at first she liked the book very well, but there is in that author so much difficulty and same- ness, that she was frequently sick of him. It was upon occasion of going through a very long lesson . in Datames, that she found it desirable to get away. She fancied her task would never be done, and grew quite exhausted. At length (for all things have an end) the Latin Master pronounced the three joyful words, that 'ill do. Up bounced her Royal Highness. (An Indian monarch once, it is said, who of all Indians was the most luxurious, had re- ceived from a distant country the present of a small cask of choicest wine, he had emptied the last of it, and anticipating his delight, held it sparkling for a while before his eyes in pleasurable stay, but as he was moving the goblet to his lips, his dog leapt upon him and struck it from his hands.) The Doctor had placed his foot upon the train of her Royal Highness's favourite gown, which by her own jerk was torn obliquely from the bottom to the very top : Silence prevailed. Finally the Doctor declared for apology and consolation, that the rent had been a small one, if it had not fallen in with PRINCESS CHAULOTTE. 39 the direction of the thread, whereby, said he, it ran. Then (returned her Rx)yal Highness) I am sure, Sir, it was none of your fault that it ran, for certainly you held it. And away flew the good humoured Princess. Her Royal Highness's exercise was continued, not to the same extent as before, but although it was shorter, yet there was more activity in it. Some- times she drove in her carriage, generally an open one, sometimes she walked, or rather took her air- ings afoot, for walk she hardly could do, so sweet a creature, so very happy in herself, and so very happy in every body's love. It was in these recreations of herself, that the op- portunities most offered for the employment of her charity, which was not frozen up by her learning, only directed with greater prudence. Her mind inured to reflection was beginning to conceive thiir propriety of withholding from hardened impostors the gifts which ought to be assigned to the deserv- ing poor : but every one with her Royal Highness was what they seemed to be until they betrayed themselves, and even then she could impart comfort and relief, as the following occurrence will very strikingly shew. Her coach was going on rather rapidly, when her Royal Highness descried a poor woman with a flock of little ones at her tail, and immediately directed her coachman to stop. Ad- 40 LIFE OF THE dressing the woman, two and two, and four and oni&, nine, why you have a large family, an uncommon large family, and all of them young and helpless ; but they seem to be of nearly the same age ; are they all of them your own children, my good wo- man ? O yes, my sweet young Lady, they are all of them my own, and by my wedded husband too (this was in the honest woman supererogation, or something very like it). What, all of them your own children ! they are so much of a size I hardly could believe it ; now tell me the naked truth, 1 shall be glad to know, are they all your own children really, do not be afraid to tell the truth, I always ' desire to hear the truth. Indeed they are. No, no, said the attendant, they cannot be, and putting on a determined air, looked at her, Mistress, come, you shall have a shilling, now tell the truth. The woman cast her eyes upon the ground, as if her sincerity lay there, and hesitating, thus went on ; sweet Young Lady, turning to the Princess, for I will own it to you, two of these young things only are mine, one is by my husband, one is not ; the rest are, Madam-, borrowed. The Princess un- locked her hand, and in its palm there was a guinea; this guinea, said lier Royal Highness, I intended to have presented to you, in consideration of your candour, had you answered my question at the first with plaiiHiess and truth, but, John, give the wo- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 41 man two shillings ; your honesty seems to have its price, nor is it worth much at best, so the cheaper' had the better; drive on. Poor woman, I pity you, but it were a pity to insult you, drive on. But presently desiring the carriage to be stopt, her Royal Highness beckoned the woman, and gave the guinea to her. Such was her love of truth, that she could not bear even concealment with patience, unless there was an absolute need of secresy ; and to the latter sort of transactions she evermore referred her private charitable doings ; for with her Royal Highness it might be truly said that the right hand was unconscious of what the left had given. A most beautiful team of white poneys was pre^ sentcd to her Royal Highness for the draught of lier carriage, and she delighted very much in exer- cising the nimble animals, and thereby promoted her health, which, however, was thought by the physicians to be capable of great benefit from a re- sidence at the sea side, and a house was rented at Bognor from a Mr. Wilson for this purpose. An institution had been formed in the neighbourhood lor the care of soldiers who might be afflicted with an ophthalmia, a complaint in the eyes which many of them had contracted while employed upon the Egyptian expedition. No sooner had the royal visiter seated herself there, than loud murmurs were raised against the impropriety of selecting that part G 42 LIFE OF THE of the country for the habitation of the Princess. But after the most minute investigation had taken place, it was reported to be completely safe for her Royal Highness to live at Bognor, for although the distem|)er is really infectious, still absolute contact only can make it so. Search was made into all the cases that had ever come under the practice of the medical persons connected ^vith the establishment, and the doctors of the village, and no instance had been of any one catching the complaint through mere vicinity.' Bognor was thus made the summer abode of her Royal Highness. In this retirement, unconfined by the stiff restraints of ceremony, the Princess indulged the natural bent of her mind to playfulness and humour. Lady de Clifford, who was at this time the guard- ian and care-taker of the young Princess, attended her of course in the different rides she took. Her Ladyship was rather nervous and her mirthful ward loved to sport with her fears, which used to l)e ex- pressed in the most piteous and woeful visage, if ever her Royal Highness in her chariot drove at full speed along the uneven roads, as often she did, but especially when wheeling off into a field of Sir Thomas Troubridge all over heights and hollows, the Princess would dash forward with precipitancy, her Ladyship uttered themost urgent remonstrances and entreaties, accompanied with looks of terror and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 43 dismay ; but all was in vain, her Royal Highness either pressing her lips together was silent, or only replied. It is exercise, my Lady, exercise, there is nothing like exercise. The course of events having led to the particular notice of Lady de Clifford, it were ungrateful to pretermit the mention of another noble person who was employed previously to Lady de Clifford in directing the pursuits of the Princess Charlotte, and discharged her duties to the perfect satisfaction of ever}' body who had an opportunity of witnessing her conduct ; we mean Lady Elgin, the first gover- ness. To an improved imderstanding was added in this Lady the polite attainments and manners of the fine woman, discretion, a secondary, though per- haps the most useful qualification, distinguished the whole course of her tutelage. She had the skill of repressing the native warmth of temper which glowed in the royal child, without quenching the flame altogether, or else directed the fire, when al- lowed to show itself, in a way most becoming and dignified, and never failed to conjoin the sentiments of a virtuous heart when she inculcated or rather encouraged, (for her lloyal Highnesshad it naturally) the noble emulation of her illustrious pupil. As she was sitting once in the drawing room with a book in her hand, the door suddenly opened with amazing violence, her Royal Highness^, then u liUle 44 LIFE OF THE thing, came rushing in quite out of breath, exclaim- ing, O I^ady Elgin, O Lady Elgin, Lady Elgin, and clasping her Ladyship's knees fell, down upon her with extraordinary emotion. Her Ladyship Was struck with stupor, and knew not what to ap- prehend ; she begged of her Royal Highness to tell what might have agitated her so much, but the Princess remained speechless, still clinging by her revered guardian ; the sub-governess and the other attendants came round about, and implored her Royal Highness to unfold the cause of her sudden surprise. Lady Elgin besought her with earnest- ness to put them out of suspense, and tell the whole. The Princess sobbed, but was unable to articulate, then burst into a flood of tears. No one could con- jecture what had befallen her, and all united in urging her to reveal, for their sakes, what the affair was. At last rearing up her face and turning it half aside, O, she faintly cried, I have heat the turkey cock. The little Princess, it seems, had often been put to flight in her rencounters with the turkey cock in the court-yard; but upon this occasion she mustered up all her courage, wliicii was not incon- siderable, (for slie had her full share of the family spirit,) and set to with so much determination and bravery, that her antagonist v.as forced to yield and retreat with precipitation. But the turkey cock Jong contiiuiedto live the happiest of the vanquish- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 45 ed, for he experienced (I suppose it is superfluous to say it), a generous friend in his magnanimous victor. The rising virtues of her Royal Highness were nourished by the Lady Elgin with incessant care and delight, and perhaps it is owing in no small de- gree to her that many of the Princess's qualities were associated with so much decision and firmness, that they remained immutable when assailed, as they were, by persuasion (if public rumour be cor- rect), or a thwarting influence of a less gentle descrip- tion, (if such an influence was ever resorted to). But by the time that her Royal Highness had made herself mistress of the sampler, her Ladyship was seized with a podagral affection, which con- tinuing without any hopes of amendment, she was obliged to resign her precious charge, and she did 50 with regret, and deeply regretted. A long interval passed before any other was ap- pointed to fill her })kice ; and although the under- governess was retained, yet heavy censure lighted upon the minister of that day for not immediately providing a fit person to take the office relinquished by Lady Elgin. The gentlewoman who assisted might have possessed very great merit ; that is not the question ; but it could not be supposed that an inferior in the establishment should be able to ascend forthwith into the consequence attached to the 46 LIFE OF THE superior : the pupil was the Princess Charlotte ; and taking the matter in its most favourable light, I see not wherefore the minister indulged the negligence he did. He might not have instantly pleased him- self in the successor, and used time to make the beet selection, that is true certainly, but then who can suppose that amongst all our accomplished and amiable women of quality it could be a difficult affair to procure one, and the more easy might it have been, because the very appointment in itself was an object that merited the aspirations of a lady's ambition. When Lady de Clifford, therefore, entered upon her duties, she needed the utmost address tointroduce the ideas of obedience and unqualified respect to her opinions, into a mind now long disused to any required submission; and to effect this without losing the tender fondness of her young companion, which all guardians ought to cultivate in their pupils, so far as can be consistently done. Lady de Clifford had the happiness to enjoy an easy and a mild temper,and by using a little dexterity, soon gained the intire confidence and love, as well as respect of the Princess, whose attachment to her will appear mani- fest, in the following letter addressed to Lady Albemarle, Lady de Clifford's daughter, written in the usual style of the engaging epistolary: PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 47 " My ever Dear Lady A ; " I most heartily thank you for your very kind letter, which I hasten to answer. But I must not forget that this letter must be a letter of congratu- lation, yes, of congratulations the most sincere : I love you, and therefore there is no wish that I do not form for your happiness in this world. May you have as few cares and vexations as may fall to the lot of a woman, and may you long be spared, and may you long enjoy the blessings of all others the most precious, your dear, dear mother, who is not more precious to you than she is to me. But there is a trifle which accompanies this, which I hope you will like ; and if it sometimes reminds you of me, it will be a great source of pleasure to me. I shall be most happy to see you, for it is long since I have liad that pleasure. " Adieu, my dear Lady A. and believe me ever, " Your affectionate and sincere friend, "CHARLOTTE." With Lady de Clifford and two assistant gover- nesses she lived at Bognor, eujoymg the free exercise of her sprightly turn ; and spent some part of every day in rambling about the coast, looking with in- quisitive eagerness into whatever was curious, parti- cularly she examined the veins of the pebbles, and the cavities of the rocks. But she did not grow so 48 LIFE OF THE tipsey with her innocent diversions as to neglect her books and her prayers. The Tutor of her Royal Highness had provided for her elegant editions of the most approved English writers both in prose and verse, and of the latter she appeared greatly enamoured, and yet was not so undistinguishing either, as to be equally pleased with the poems she read. Goldsmith's Deserted Village she used to peruse again and again, and often spoke in rap- tures of that beautiful simile of his, in which a parish curate, surrounded by his flock, lends a sympathis- ing ear to the tales of their distress, and feels their griefs, but directs all his great anxieties to heaven ; the good man is here compared to a lofty cliff in the ocean, which, although buffeted by waves, and assailed by the wind and rain rising beyond the tempest's reach, has eternal sunshine settled on its head. Her Royal Highness often spoke of the simile, and declared thatit was f^?'^ beautiful indeed. Some portion of her time was devoted to the study of the British Constitution and Laws. A fine edition of Blackstone's Commentaries was de- dicated to her, by permission of the Prince of Wales, illustrated with copious annotations, and she is said to have bestowed most extraordinary pains in read- ing this and other works relating to the government and ordinances of England. In order to fix her attention the more closely to such, in order to make PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 49 these dry pursuits the more palatable, many most excellent means presented themselves, in the first place, to give the learner a due sense of their im- portance, it was only needful to call them the bul- warks of English liberty, and other the like rever- ential terms; he who supposes such a plan to be ludicrous and futile knows little of the ways in which vounff understandings are aroused to attention and zeal. To reward any progress made, with praise commensurate to the degree of improvement, and not beyond the deserts of the scholar, is anotlier ad- visable method. When too great commendation is bestowed, tl)e study invariably falls into contempt, as a thing in which excellence is so easily attained ; on the other hand, if the proficiency is unnoticed, the spirits are jaded, and simple consciousness alone of deserving vvell is inadequate to animate them with renovated vigour. No opportunities for tlie practice of these measures were stiffercd to pass un heeded. Her Royal Highness always shewed a desire to be spoken of highly, but no mortal could be more averse than she, to unmerited approbation. When any of her friends or attendants would say. Sweet creature, it was the way with her Royal Highness to ask, How, why do you call me sweet '^ I hope you have no thoughts of eating me. If any body declared that she was a good girl, she always inq\iired, For what am I good^ tell me first what I H 50 LIFE OF THE have done to make me good. And no sooner could she be satisfied of the justice of the compUment, than a flush over-spread her cheeks ; so that she never allowed praise to play round her head, until her understanding approved the fairness with which it was given, but then indeed she rejoiced in it most heartily.. Now this cast of thinking made her Ro3'^al Highness the fittest subject possible for the plan of education adopted. With respect to the consequence with which it was proper that she should look upon the serious pursuits of legal science, the time was advancing apace when no adscititious methods would be needed to quicken her attentions, for a sense of the great responsibility of the station to which by birth she was entitled to look up, made a suitable impression upon her mind as soon as she framed the first notions of human affairs, or, as it is commonly expressed, a knowledge of the world. Her wisdom and parts were always discovered to reach beyond what persons of equal standing in life are generally possessed of, and that no doubt may be entertained upon this point, it will be sufficient to state that strangers after holding a conversation with her Royal Highness, could never bring them- selves to suppose that she was so young by several years. The process of lier instruction was carried on agreeably to tlie early ripeness of her judgment. Poring over De Lolme, her Royal Higlmess was miXCESS CHARLOTTE. 51 interrupted by two petitions, one of them from an officer who had promoted himself, by his own ad- dress and ingenuity, to a much higher rank with different shopkeepers than he really held, for he re- presented himself to be a major, a man of military skill and experience, and greatly sought after by the highest characters in his profession. He had, (for his story became notorious,) entered into the ser- vice when a very young lad, in the capacity of a private soldier. His adroitness, and being able to write, had so far recommended him to certain officers in his regiment, that he was advanced to the degree of corporal; but to go through all the striking particulars of this man's life would require a larger space than the entire work is intended to occupy. He arrived in the course of time to a lieutenancy, which he was obliged to resij^n or hold as a half pay officer, for he had committed such low impro- prieties that all the gentlemen of his regiment kept a sharp observation upon his behaviour, expecting to find him involved in such a manner as would set them free from his societv. An occasion offered ; but in pity of the culprit's condition, he was suffi^rcd to make an exchange with a man on the half-pay list. When this was done, he left the genteel habits which lie had been contracting from the company of his betters, and adopted a grovelling mean way of life, one indeed better fitted very pos- 52 LIFE OF THE sibly to I)is taste ; and coming up to I^ondon, he formed acquaintance with people of the meanest character and description, spending all his time in public houses, or in sliding from one into another. But relying much on his personal appearance, and confident of pleasing by his polite address he now and then, upon digested plans, left London, and go- ing into the country found his advantage in duping credulous tradesmen, and returning with his spoils, used to indulge himself in the sorry gratifications, which he felt a renewed relish in pursmng, and were really congenial to his temper, for he had been acquainted with them best in his youth. Frequent petitions iiad been laid before her Royal Highness from this man, worded in so affecting a style, that although at last the Princess grew weary of him, and suspected that the representations he made were groundless, yet he was never suffered to go away before he had received the alleviation of his misfortunes (as he called them). The other petition came from a man who had been a reputable shop-keeper in the town of Bognor, and had long been a resident in it : lie was in the habit of selling groceries and snuff to the poorer class of people. Havinu' been exceedingly un- fortunate in his children, especially his eldest son. who was a very wasteful young fellow, and lie having found means to come privately at his father's drawer. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 5S the substance of the honest dealer was every day diminishing, and at last, being unable to pay a debt he had contracted, he was torn away from his wife and children and sent to gaol. The Princess having read over both petitions, desired her servant to take sums respectively to each, not so much to the major as to the other petitioner. But calling back the messenger again, she injoined him to see the tradesman's wife himself, and, said she, give this to her. When the gover- ness entered, she looked in silence at a particular part of the room, and not speaking, but rapt in her own thoughts, she did not change her position nor the direction of her eye for a long time, and then went on : I greatly admire the achievements of heroic men in the field of battle when fighting in defence of their country's rights, but it is strange withal, that in the whole course of my historical reading, I have not observed any state that fell to the ground through lack of soldiers, at least enough of them seem to have always been in it, I never heard it complained of tliat men were impossible to be found in sufficient numbers ready to expose their persons for the public good ; people iii some parts of the world have even gone so far as to volunteer their lives for the sake of small returns in money, and that in support of a doubtful cause. xVs to Greece, unhappy Greece was devoured alive bv its 54 LIFE OF THE swarm of politicians, and as to the Roman Empire;-^ the Princess stopped there and made a lengthy- pause ; resuming again, Commend me to the honest tradesman who rears up his family in religion, and to habits of industry and thrift, and makes early risers of them. Her father was very proud of course that he could call the child his. Solomon says that a wise son makesthe joy of his parent. That his Royal Highness entertained the most flattering hopes of the consti- tutional behaviour of this beloved Princess when ex- alted to the throne, the Prince's speech at a public dumer in Brighton will bear sufficient testimony. The Princess Charlotte's health being proposed, his Royal Highness spoke to this affect : I have made it my first care to instil into the mind and heart of my daughter, the knowledge and love of the true principles of the British Constitution ; and I have pointed out to her young understanding as a model for study, the political conduct of my most revered and lamented friend, Mr. Fox, who had asserted and maintained with such transcendent 'force, the just princi})les upon which the government under this excellent constitution ought to be ad- ministered for the true and solid dignity of the Crown, and the real security, freedom, and happiness of the ])eople. I have the most heartfelt enjoyment in knowing, that, even in her present early years. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 55 my daughter has a just conception of the vaUie of the precepts which have been implanted in her breast ; and that I can say with confidence, that she will fulfil all the duties which she may be called upon to discharge, when my bones are laid in the grave. Certain persons whom the Princess of Wales had honoured with special tokens of her favour and re- gard, going to some every day and discoursing to them in the most intimate and familiar manner, Avith too little attention to punctilio and her own superior rank, had learned different private trans- actions of her Royal Highness, which were capable of showy misconstruction, and of these they took methods to make an use most likely to promote their own welfare. Assured of the misunderstanding which had continued for so long a time between the Prince and her, and which did not promise to be of short duration, they very naturally deemed an ill report of her Royal Highness a ready, however dirty, path to the good graces of her consort; but the minds that were so actuated must have been of the basest mould. That indeed the mother of the heiress to the sovereignty of a great and powerful nation should condescend to visit, like an ordinary acquaintance, a family neither opulent nor noble, ought to have inspired the profound est love and re- verence on the part of tlie complimented ; but wliat 56 LIFE OF THE do not the selfish resort to, if it only seems instru- mental to forward their views. The Princess of Wales retreated to Blackheath, when the metropolis no longer courted her company, and there slie culti- vated the intimacy of several respectable neighbours, but did not proportion the degree of her familiarity to the rank of her friends. Of all the acquaintances which her Royal Highness had made, Sir John and Lady Douglas were most distinguished with royal favour. Montague house was the residence of the Princess of Wales, and in its neighbourhood lived Sir John and Lady Douglas. They gradually increased in her esteem, and at last the Princess, as if she were a member of their family, was in thehabitof going un- ceremoniously, and paying such visits as the great- est cronies make to chat with one another. The disposition of the Princess was of that open, lively, and unreserved cast which too often leaves one at the mercy of the low and cunning friends, if friends they can be called, in whom we confide the secrets of the inmost bosom. Supposing that her Royal Highness had actually perpetrated a high and e- normous crime, public good might call strongly for its exposure, but has private amity no tie upon the will, nor confidence any hold upon the honour; not, it will be readily owned, that love for a person whom natiu*e or family connection has not united PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 57 to those who are privy to the guilt ought to stand in the way of common justice ; but even so, rehic- tanoe should be always visible. Bmtus, the Ro- man consul, ordered the nearest relatives he had on earth to be executed for a conspiracy to rob his countrymen of their independence, and for that he has gained the admiration of the ages which came after him till this day; but the applause is rather extorted than lavished spontaneously, since he witnessed the punishment with an uncon- cerned countenance, whereas if he had turned his face away, the same benefit would have been confer- red upon the commonwealth, and then his conduct would have escaped the un amiable character with which it is impressed. If Lady Douglas's proceed- ings were guided by a sense of public duty, let credit be given to her motives ; but since she was e\ident\y forward to make herself active in the im- peachment of her Royal Highness, they who be- stow their applause must deal it with a palsied hand. Her knight was a daring man in battle, and had often risked his life for his country, and why was he timid to vindicate its honour when he sup- posed it invaded in the tenderest point, the purity of the succession to the throne? The natural reply is no other than that he was not assured of the reality of the criminal behaviour attributed to the Princess of Wales. Personal bravery is justly distinguished 1 58 LIFE OF THE from political hardihood, and perhaps he had the former unmixed with the latter sort of courage ; and what will be an excuse for him, if he felt con- viclion,quite as well grounded, his wife was unwil- ling to be led, and fortune has evermore favoured such wives with power enough to gratify their lead- ing inclinations. Sir John himself acted a mere secondary part, his lady supported the chief cha- racter. She was bold, fearless, and prompt. The trite observation that women are cyphers, if it hold good at all in the person of Lady Douglas, must be understood as placing the cypher on the right side, for the husband owed to his helpmate a tenfold significance at least. Suggestions begot suspicions in higher quarters, and finally a commission was appointed to investi- gate th^ grounds of the charges brought against the Princess of Wales, who, while the affair was pending, had of course the mortification to be regarded as undeserving the paternal attentions of his Majesty, and altogether unfit to communicate with the young Princess. When her Royal Highness received the com- missioners' report upon the evidences delivered be- fore them, she immediately expressed to liis Ma- jesty the sense she liad of his kindness towards her, and, asserting her integrity in the most solemn term.-, declared her ability to prove her accusers de- ,r "O/-^^ r y/'y^.^ v//>_^^ ;v///// /^ /,y PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 50 void of candour and truth, and under the sway of hase and selfish principles. The insertion of the report, made by the commissioners, supersedes the painful necessity of minutely stating the depositions of the several persons examined, because the sub- stance of the asseverations made by those persons Is deducibie from the report itself, which was as follows: May it please your Majesty ; Your 'Majesty having been graciously pleased by an Instrument under you Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, a Copy of which is annexed to this Report, to authorize, empower, and direct, us to enquire into the truth of certain written Declarations touch- ing the conduct of her Royal Highness the Princess of Whales, an abstract of which had been laid before your Majesty, and to examirje upon oath, such persons as we should see fit touching and concern- ing the same, and to report to your Majesty the re- sult of such Examinations : we have in dutiful obedience to your Majesty's commands, proceeded to examine the several witnesses, the copies of whose depositions we liave hereunto ainiexcd ; and in further execution of tiie said commands, we now most respectfully subnut to your ^^lajesty tiic Report of the Examinations as it has appeared to us But, we beg leave at th.c same time, humbly to refer your Majesty for more complete information to the Ex- 60 LIFE OF THE aminations themselves, in order to correct any error of judgment in whicli we may have unintentionally fallen, with respect to any part of this business. On a reference to the above mentioned declarations as the necessar)^ foundation of all our proceedings, we found that they consisted in certain statements which had been laid before his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, respecting the conduct of her Royal High- ness the Princess of Wales ; that these statements, not only imputed to her Royal Highness great impro- priety and indecency of behaviour, but expressly as- serted, partly on the ground of certain alleged decla- rations from the Princess's own mouth, and partly on the personal observations of the informants, the fol- lowing most important facts, viz. That her Royal Highness had been pregnant in the year 1802, in consequence of an illicit intercourse, and that she had in the same year been secretly delivered of a male child, which child had ever since that period been brought up by her Royal Highness in her own house, and under her immediate inspection. These allegations thus made, had, as we found, been followed by declarations from other persons, who had not indeed spoken to the important facts of the pregnancy or delivery of her Royal Higliness, but had stated other particulars in themselves ex- tremely suspicious, and still more so when connected with the assertions already mentioned. In the very PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 61 painful situation in whicli his Royal Highness was placed by the communications, we learnt that his Royal Highness had adopted the only course which could, in our judgment, with propriety be followed, when informations such asthese had been confidently alleged, and particularly detailed, and had been in some degree supported by collateral evidence, apply- ing to other points of the same nature, (tlio'igh going to far less extent), one line could only be pursued. Every sentiment of duty to your Majesty, and of concern for the public welfare, required that these particulars should not be withheld from your I\Ia- jesty, to whom more particularly belonged the ccg- nizanceof a matter of state, so nearly touchingthe ho- nour of your Majesty's Royal Famih, and by j)ossi- bility affecting th e sn ccession of you r Majesty's cro zt- n. Your Majesty had been pleased on your part to view the subject in the same light. Considering it as a matter which in every respect demanded the most im- mediate investigation, your Majesty had thought fit to commit into our hands the duty of ascertaining, in the first instance, what degree of credit was due to the informations, and thereby enabling your ^Ma- jesty to decide what further conduct toadopt concern- ing them. On this review, therefore, of the matters thus alleged, and of the course hitherto })ursued upon them, we deemed it proper, in the first place, to examine those persons in whose declarations the 62 LIFE OF THE occasion for this inquiry had originated; because if they, on being examined on oath, had retracted or varied tlieir assertions, all necessity of further in- vestigation might possibly have been precluded. We accordingly first examined on oath the prin- cipal informants. Sir John Douglas and Charlotte his wife, who both positively swore, the former to his having observed the fact of the pregnancy of her Royal Highness, and the latter to all tlie im- portant particulars contained in her former decla- ration, and above referred to. Their examinations are annexed to this Report, and are circumstan- tial and positive. The most material of those allegations, into the truth of which we have been directed to enquire, being thus far support- ed by the oath of the parties from whom they had proceeded, we then felt it to be our duty to follow up the inquiry, by the examination of such other persons as we judged the best able to afford us information as to the facts in question. We thought it beyond all doubt, that in the course of inquiry many particulars must be learnt wliich would be necessarily conclusive on the truth or false- hood of these declarations, so many persons must have been witnesses to the appearance of an actual existing pregnancy, also many circumstances must have been attendant upon a real delivery, and diffi- culties so numerous and insurmountable must iiave PUINCESS CHAULOTTE. 63 been involved in any attempt to account for the in- fant in question, as the child of another woman, if it had been in fact the child of the Princess, that we entertained a full and confident expectation of arriving at complete proof, either hi the afiirmative or negative, on this part of the subject. This expectation was not disappointed. We are happy to declare our perfect conviction that there is no foundation whatever for believing that the child now with the l^rincess of Wales is the child of her Royal Highness, or that she was delivered of any child in the year 1802; nor has any thing ap- peared to us Vv'hich would warrant the belief that she was pregnant in that year, or at any period within the compass of our inquiries. The identity of the child now with the Princess, its parents, age, the place of its birth, the time and circumstances of its being taken under her lloyal Highness's protec- tion, are all established by such a concurrence both of positive and circumstantial evidence as can in our judgment leave no question on this part of the sub- ject. That child was beyond all doubt born in ]5rownlow-street Hospital, on the 11th day of July, 1!CESS CHAllLOTTK. 83 the next week, which will make more than a month from the time of your Majesty's informing me that you would receive me, should pass without my being received into your presence, and without having the assurance that these other requests of mine shall be complied with ; I shall be under the painful necessity of considering them as refused. In which case I shall feel myself compelled, however re- luctantly, to give the whole of these proceedings to the world; unless your Majesty can suggest other adequate means of securing my honour and mv life, from the effect of the continuance or re- newal of these proceedings, for the future, as well as the present. For I entreat your Majesty to be- lieve, that it is only in the absence of all other ade- quate means, that I can have resort to that measure. That I consider it with deep regret ; that I regard it with serious apprehension, by no means so much on account of the effect it may have upon myself, as on account of the pain which it may give to your ^lajesty, your august family, and your loyal sub- jests. "On the letter of his Royal Highness I offer no comment.* I only intreat your Majesty not to understand me to consider it, as affording any supposed justification, or excuse, for the least de- * AiindJiig- to the letter in the 21st p"iTt'. 84 LIFE OF THE parture from the strictest line of virtue, or the slightest deviation from the most refined delicacy. The crime, which has been insinuated against mc, would be equally criminal and detestable ; the in- delicacy inputed to me would be equally odious and abominable, whatever renunciation of conjugal authority and affection the above letter of iiis Royal Highness might, in any construction of it, be supposed to have conveyed. Such crimes and faults derive not their guilt from the consideration of the conjugal virtues of the individual, who may be the most injured by them, however much such virtues may aggravate their enormity. No such letter, therefore, in any construction of it, no re- nunciation of conjugal affection or duties, could ever palliate them. But whether conduct, free from all crime, free from allindelicacy, (which I main- tain to be the character of the conduct to which Mrs. Jjisle's observations apply,) yet possibly not so measured, as a cautious wife, careful to avoid the slightest appearance, of not preferring her husband to all the world, might be studious to observe. Whether conduct of such description, and possibly, in such sense, not becoming a married woman, could be justly deemed, in my situation, an offence in me, I must leave to your Majesty to determine. " In making that determination, however, it will not escape your T>iajesty to consider, that the con- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 85 duct which does or does not become a married wo- man materially depends upon what is or is not known by her to be agreeable to her husband. His pleasure and happiness ought unquestionably to be her law; and his approbation the most favourite object of her pursuit. Different characters of men, require different modes of conduct in their wives ; but when a wife can no longer be capable of per- ceiving, from time to time, what is agreeable or of- fensive to her husband : when her conduct can no longer contribute to his happiness, no longer hope to be rewarded by his approbation, surely to examine that conduct by the standard of what ought, in general, to be the conduct of a married woman, is altogether unreasonable and unjust. " What then is my case ? Your INIajesty will do me the justice to remark, that, in the above letter of the Prince of Wales, there is not tlie most dis- tant surmise, that crime, that vice, that indelicacy of any description, gave occasion to his determin- ation ; and all the tales of infamy and discredit, which the inventive malice of my enemies has brought forward on these charges, have their date, years and years after the period to which I am now- alluding. What then, let nie repeat the question, is my case? After the receipt of the above letter, and in about two years from my arrival in this coiiu- ti-v, 1 I'.ad the misfortune entirely to lo^e the sup- 86 LIFE OF THE port, the countenance, the protection of my hus- band I was banished, as it were, into a sort of humble retirement, at a distance from him, and ahnost estranged fromthe wholeof thelloyal Family. 1 had no means of having recourse, either for society or advice, to those, from whom my inexperience could have best received the advantages of tlie one, and with whom I could, most becomingly, have enjoyed the comforts of the other ; and if in this re- tired, unassisted, unprotected state, without the check of a husband's authority, without the benefit of his advice, v/ithout the comfort and support of the society of his family, a stranger to the habits and fashions of this country, I should, in any instance, under the influence of foreign habits, and foreign education, have observed a conduct, in any degree deviating from the reserve and severity of British manners, and partaking of a condescension and familiarity which that reserve and severity would, perhaps, deem beneath the dignity of my exalted rank, I feel confident, (since such deviation will be seen to have been ever consistent with perfect in- nocence), tliat not only your Majesty's candour and indulgence, but the candour and indulgence which, notwithstanding the reserve and severity of British manners, always belongtothe British Public, vvill never visit it with severity or censure. *' It remains t'ov me now to make some remarks PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 87 upon the further contents of the paper, which was transmitted to me by the Lord Chancellor on the 28th ult. And I cannot, in passing, omit to remark, that that paper has neither title, date, signature, nor attestation ; and unless the Lord Chancellor had accompanied it with a note, stating that it was copied in his own hand from the original, which his Lordship had received from your Majesty, I should have been at a loss to have perceived any siflgle mark of authenticity belonging to 7t : and, as it is, I am wholly imable to discover what is the true character which does belong to it. It contains, indeed, the advice which your Majesty's servants have offered to your Majesty, and the message which, according to that advice, your Majesty di- rected to be delivered to me. Considering it, therefore, wholly as their act, your Majesty will excuse and pardon me, if, deeply injured as I feel myself to have been by them, I express myself with freedom upon their conduct. I may speak perhaps with warmth, because I am provoked by a sense of gross injustice, I shall speak certainly with firmness and with courage, because I am emboldened by a sense of conscious innocence. " Your x^iajesty's confidential servants say they agree in the opinions of the four Lords; and they say this, after the fullest consideration of my ob- servations, iind of the ai'hdavits which were annexed 88 LIFE bV THE to them. Some of these opinions, your Majesty will recollect, are, that William Cole, Fanny Lloyd, Robert Bidgood, and Mrs. Lisle, are witnesses who cannot, in the judgment of the four Lords, be sus- pected of any unfavourable bias ; and whose vera- city, in this respect, they had seen no ground to question; and that the circumstances to which they speak, particularly as relating to Captain Manby, must be credited until they are decisively contradicted. Am I then to understand your Majesty's confidential servants to mean that they agree with the four noble Lords in these opinions ? Am I to understand, that, after having read, with the fullest consideration, the observations which t have offered to your Majesty; afler having seen Williaw Cole there proved to have submitted him- self, five times at least, to private, unauthorised, voluntary examination by Sir John Douglas's sbli- citor, for the express purpose of confirming the statement of Lady Douglas, (of that Lady Douglas whose statement and deposition they are convinced to be so malicious and false, that they propose to institute such prosecution against her as your Majesty's law officers may advise, upon a reference now at length, after six months from the detection of that malice and falsehood, intended to be made) after having seen this William Cole submitting to such repeated voluntary examinations for such PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, 80 a purpose, and although he was all that time a servant in my establishment, "and eating my bread, yet never once communicating to me that such examinations were going on am I to understand that your Majesty's confidential servants agree with the four Lords in thinking that he cannot, under such circumstances, be suspected of uiija- vourahle bias ? That after having had pointed out to them the direct, flat contradiction between the same William Cole and Fanny Lloyd, they never- theless agree to think them both (though in direct contradiction to each other, yet both) witnesses, wJiose veracity they see no g7w*.nd to question ? After having seen Fanny Lloyd directly and posi- tively contradicted, in an assertion most injurious to my honour, by Mr. Mills and Mr. Edmeades, do they agree in opinion with the four noble Lords, that they see nogwunds to question their veracity"^ After having read the observations on Mr.Bidgood's evidence after having seen that he had the hardi- hood to swear that he believed Captain Manby slept in my house at Southend, and to insinuate that he slept in my bed-room ; after having seen that he founded himself on this most false fact, and most foul and wicked insinuation, upon the cir- cumstance of observing a basin and some towels where he thought they ought not to be placed ; after having seen tint tliis fact, and this insinua- 90. LIFE OF THE tion, were disproved before the four noble Lords themselves, by two maid-servants, who at that time lived with me at Southend, and whose duties about my person and my apartments, must have made them acquainted with this fact, as asserted, or as insinuated, if it had happened ; after having ob- served too, in confirmation of their testimony, that one of them mentioned the name of another female servant (who was not examined), who had, from her situation, equal means of knowledge with them- selves I ask whether, after all this decisive weight of contradiction to Robert Bidgood's testimony, I am to understand your INIajesty's confidential ser- vants to agree with the four Lords in thinking, that Mr. Bidgood is a witness wlio cannot be sus- pected of unfavourable bias, and that there is no ground to question his vei'acity f If^ Sire, I were to go through all the remarks of this description, which occur to me to make, 1 should be obliged to repeat nearly all my former observations, and to make this letter as long as my original answer ; but to that answer I confidently appeal, and I will venture to challenge your Majesty's confidential servants to find a single impartial and honourable man, unconnected in feeling and interest with the parties, and unconnected in council with those who have already pledged themselves to an opinion upon this subject, who will lay his hand upon his TRTNCESS CHARLOTTE. 91 heart, and say that these three witnesses, on whom that Report so mainly relies, are not to be sus- pected of the grossest partiality, and that their veracity is not most fundamentally impeached. Was it then noble, was it generous, was it manly, was it just, in your Majesty's confidential servants, instead of fairly admitting the injustice which had been inadvertently and unintentionally, no doubt, done to me, by the four Lords in their report upon the evidence of these "witnesses, to state to your Majesty that they agree with these noble Lords in their opinion, though they cannot, it seems, go the length of agreeing any longer to withhold the ad- vice which restores me to your Majesty's presence ? And with respect to the particulars to my preju- dice, remarked upon in the report as those which justly deserve the most serious consideration, and which must be credited till decisively contradicted, instead of fairly avowing either that there was originally no pretence for such a remark, or that if there had been originally, yet that my answer had given that decisive contradiction which was sufficient to discredit them ; instead, I say, of act- ing this just, honest, and open part, to take no notice whatsoever of those contradictions, and con- tent themselves with saying, that none of the facts or allegations stated in preliminary examinations, carried on in the absence of the parties interested^. ^ LIFE OF THE Gould be considered as legally or conclitsively esta- blished, '^ ' ** They agree in the opinion that the facts or alle- gations, though stated in preliminary examination, c&rried on in the absence of the parties interested, must he credited till decisively contradicted, and deserve the most serioii^ consideration. They read^ i^ith the fullest consideration, the contradiction Which I have tendered to them ; they must have known, that no other sort of contradiction could, by possibility, from the nature of things, have been offered upon such subjects : they do not question the trutli, they;io not point out the insufficiency, of the contradiction, but in loose, general, indefinite terms, referring to my answer, consisting as it docs of above two hundred written pages, and coupling it with those examinations (which they admit esta- blish nothing against an absent party), they advise your Majesty, that there appear many circumstances of conduct, which could not be regarded by your Majesty without serious concern ; and that as to all the other facts and allegations, except those relative to rhy pregnancy and delivery, they are not to be considered as legally and conclusively estahlishcd because spoken to in preliminary examinations, not carried on in the presence of the parties concerned. " They do not indeed expressly assert that ray contradiction was not decisive or satisfactory; they PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 93 do not expressly state that they think the facts and allegations want nothing towards their legal and conclusive establishment, but a re- examination in the presence of the parties interested, but they go far to imply such opinions. That those opinions are utterly untenable, against the observations I have made, upon the credit and character of those wit- nesses, I shall ever most confidently maintain ; but that those observations leave their credit wholly unaffected, and did not deserve the least notice from your Majesty's servants, it is impossible that any honourable man can assert, or any fair and un prejudiced mind believe. " I now proceed. Sire, to observe, very shortly, upon the advice further given to your Majesty as contained in the remaining part of the paper ; which has represented that, both in the examinations and even in my answer, there have appeared many cir- cumstances of conduct which could not be regarded but with serious concern, and whic^ have suggest- ed the expression of a desire and ex])ectation, that such a conduct may in future be observed by me, as may fully justify these marks of paternal regard and affection, which your ^lajesty wishes to shew to all your Royal Family. '* And here. Sire, your Majesty will graciously permit me to notice the hardship of the advice, which has suggested to your Majesty, to convey to 94 LIFE OF THE me this reproof. I complain not so much for what it does, as for what it does not contain ; T mean the absence of all particular mention of what it is, that is the object of their blame. The circum- stances of conduct which appear in these exami- nations, and in my answer to which they allude as those, which may be supposed to justify the advice, which has led to this reproof, since your Majesty's servants have not particularly mentioned them, I cannot be certain that I know. But I will venture confidently to repeat the assertion, which I have already made, that there are no cir- cumstances of conduct spoken to by any witness, (whose infamy and discredit are not unanswerably exposed and established,) nor any where apparent in my answer which have the remotest approach, either to crime or to indelicacy. " For my future conduct, Sire, impressed with every sense of gratitude for all former kindness, I shall be boun(i unquestionably, by sentiment as well as duty, to study your Majesty's pleasure. Any advice which your Majesty may wish to give to me in respect of any particulars, in my conduct, I shall be bound, and be anxious to obey as my law. But I must trust that your Majesty will point out to me tlie particulars, wliich may happen to displease you, and which you may wish to have altered. I shall be as happy, in thus feeling myself PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 95 safe from blame under the benefit of your Majesty's advice, as I am now in finding myself secured from danger, under the protection of your justice. Your Majesty will permit me to add one word more. Your Majesty has seen what detriment my character has, for a time, sustained, by the false and malicious statement of Lady Douglas, and by the depositions of the witnesses who were examined in support of her statement. Your Majesty has seen how many enemies I have, and how little their malice has been restrained by any regard to truth in the pursuit of my ruin. Pew, as it may be hoped, may be the instances of such determined and unprovoked malignity ; yet, I cannot flatter myself that the world does not produce other per- sons who may be swayed by similar motives to similar wickedness. Whether the statement to be prepared by the Prince of Wales is to be confined to the old charges, or is intended to bring forward new circumstances, I cannot tell ; but if any fresh attempts of the same nature shall be made by my accusers, instructed, as they will have been, by their miscarriage in this instauce, I can hardly hope that they will not renew their charge, with an improved artifice, more skilfully directed, and with a malice, inflamed rather than abated, by their previous dis- appointment. I therefore can only api>eal to your 96 LIFE OF THE Majesty^s justice, in which I confidently trust, that whether these charges are to be renewed against me either on the old or on fresh evidence; or whetli^r new accusations, as well as new witnesses, are to be brought forward, your Majesty, after the experience of these proceedings, will not suffer your royal mind to be prejudiced by ex parte, secret ex- aminations, nor my character to be whispered away by insinuations, or suggestions, which I have no opportunity of meeting. If any charge, which the law will recognize, should be brought against me in an open and legal manner, I should have no right to complain, nor any apprehension to meet it. But till I may have a full opportunity of so meet^ ing it, I trust your Majesty will not suffer it to ex- cite even a suspicion to my prejudice. I must claim the benefit of the presumption of inno- cence till I am' proved to be guilty ; for, with- out that presumption, against the effects of secret insinuation and ex paiie examinations, the purest ifmocence can make no defence, and can have no security. " In the foregoing extracts from the letter of the Princess of Wales, certain phrases have been omitted in the very body of a sentence occasionally, because the expressions had no immediate connec- tion with the business, and might have a tendency to prejudice her caucc, since they conveyed the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 97 tokens of a mind ill at ease with itself; but the omission is justifiable by that tenderness which ought always to be shown to human weakness, and especially where the circumstances are calculated to excite irritated feelings, and however pitiable and worthy of excuse the symptoms of such feelings are in the party concerned, the cold weigher of the case is apt to be offended and biassed without ne- cessity. It will strike a considerate mind that silent grief and seclusion had been the wisest course for her Royal Highness to pursue. She was no doubt ad- vised to appeal to the public tribunal ; but lawyers are not always the best counsellors in matters which rest the opinion of their justice with the world not in the legal proof only, but also in the human heart. A barrister may dress up his cause in such a manner as to satisfy the mind of a judge of the land, and extort a favourable verdict from the jury, yet may the merits of it remain very questionable in the opinions of those who take tlieir private feelings for the direction of their belief; especially in an affair of so delicate a kind as that in which the Princess of Wales was unhappily involved. Her advisers may have been men of great honesty, and talents too, but long used to methods of inge- nuity, they could not un.shackle themselves of all ;vrt, and make an open declaration. The greatest o 98 LIFE OF THE members of every profession (but particularly of tlie law,) not unfrequently exhibit a wretched por- traiture of vanity resembling the nimble dancer who satisfied with his own consciousness of deserv- ing well, and eager to display his agility, cares not to kick the shins of his nearest friends. Had the Princess modestly retired and wept in silent anguish, yet would her moans have reached the ears of the people, and Britons, alive to the ge- nerous sentiments which attend upon female sorrow, would have reverenced and pitied the sufferer. The plan that was followed was best adapted, to be sure, for impressing the common herd with compassion and sympatliy, but the rabble does not constitute the people of England. The machinations of Sir John and Lady Douglas were fully exposed^ and set at nought, as they justly merited.] It is easy to conjecture that her Ladyship expected a rich har- vest of honours from the course she pursued with such merciless severity and ingratitude, but, to the credit of all her former friends, they left her to ru- minate in solitude the atrocities which, if all be true that has been advanced, she was willing to ex- ecute, and was well known to feel little remorse for the designs she had formed ; so little indeed was she touched by sensibility and shame, that after scouring the country for a time, she returned to her residence at Blacklieath, and grew outrageously PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 99 angry with ber early friends for not treatini^ bcr with their accustomed famiUarity and politeness. The poor man, (he is dead now,) who enjoyed the rights of the husband over her, was always towed along by his consort, and when she plunged into the abyss of public odium, he sunk in her company. But whatever might have been the motives and character of those who impeached the Princess of Wales, she did not receive at court the customary marks of favour and regard for a king's daughter, even when she was introduced into royal society, which did not take place till the ministry then in office were succeeded by her Royal Highness's de- clared friends. They acquainted his Majesty that it was not only fit and proper, and consistent with his kingly dignity, to admit the Princess into his presence, but an act of common justice actually due to her innocence and late affliction. Her Royal Highness was accordingly acknowledged, but still kept at a mortifying distance. Whilst the object of her maternal solicitude and affection was not permitted to be in her society, unless at certain stated periods, and very probably before the eyes of appointed guardians. The Princess Charlotte, although so very young, w^as sensibly affected by the sufferings of her royal mother, and would have been disposed to follow her directions and embrace her principles from 100 LIFE OF THE filial piety, which she possessed in an eminent de- gree. And her parent made it known that such sentiments would tally with the spirit of the British constitution. When the citizens of J-.ondon con- gratulated her Royal Highness upon her liberation from the weighty charges brought forward, affecting both her reputation and her life, the Princess of Wales expressed herself in these terms : " I thank you for your loyal and affectionate ad- dress : it is to me the greatest consolation to learn, that during so many years of unmerited persecution, notwithstanding the active and persevering disse- mination of the most deliberate calumnies against me, the kind and favourable sentiments, with which they did me the honor to approach me on my arrival in this country, have undergone neither di- minution nor change in the hearts of the citizens of JLondon. The sense of indignation and abhor- rence you express against the foul and detestable conspiracy which, by perjured and suborned tra- duccrs, has been carried on against my life and ho- nour, is worthy of you, and most gratifying to me. It must be duly appreciated by every branch of that illustrious house, with which I am so closely connected by blood and marriage, the personal wel- fare of every one of whom must have been affected by the success ot" such atrocious machinations. The consciousness of niy innocence has supported me TRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 101 through my long, severe, and unmerited trials; your approbation of my conduct under them is a reward for all my sufferings. I shall not lose any oppor- tunity I may be permitted to enjoy of encouraging the talents and virtues of my dear daughter, the Princess Charlotte ; and I shall impress upon her mind my full sense of the obligation conferred upon me by the spontaneous act of your justice and ge- nerosity. She will therein clearly perceive the value of that constitution, which, in the natural course of events, it will be her high destiny to pre- side over, and her sacred duty to maintain, which allows no one to sink under oppression ; and she will ever be bound to the City of London, in ties proportioned to the strength of that filial attach- ment I have had the happiness uniformly to ex- perience from her. Be assured, that the cordial and convincing proof you have thus given of your solicitude for my prosperity and happiness will be cherished in grateful remembrance by me to the latest moment of my life ; and the distinguished proceeding, adopted by the first city in this great empire, will be considered by posterity as a proud memorial of my vindicated honour." The character of the Princess being fully excul- pated from all legal blame, the separation notwith- standing between her Royal Highness and the Prince, occasioned the continuance of the restraints 102 LIFE OF THE imposed upon her Royal Highness's visits to the Princess Charlotte, who was kept at Windsor ; and there it is said she pursued her studies with un- common diligence and ardour. The young Prin- cess stdl followed the practices of charity which she had entered upon at her earliest time of life, and vrere now grown habitual to her. About this period lier notions of religion assumed a more thoughtful and serious cast. She frequently de- sired strange clergymen to acquaint her which was the way most likely to render a death-bed com- fortable; and this was a question which she per- sisted to ask till the lamented close of her earthly course. The change from vivacity to occasional thought- fulness must in a great measure be attributed to her mother's condition, for although no child could possess greater reverence and respect for her fa- ther thaji her Royal Highness showed upon aU op- portunities towards tlie Prince, her regret at tlie imhappy circumstances in whicli the Princess of Wales was involved made a deep impression upon her tender mind, and her vexation Avas increased by tl)e absence of any prospect of reconciliation be- tween her royal parents. Every year passed away without any thing occurring to promise the re- establishment of the Princess of Wales to her proper footing Avith the Royal Family. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 103 To decide upon the fairness or injustice of part- ing the Princess from her mother, unless at stated times, and under certain restraints, were, perhaps, too forward; since, although by law the father possesses the right of controul over the management of his daughter, and in the present instance, the Prince, who represented the Monarch, had an espe- cial power to direct the heiress of the throne, still the natural feelings of people impelled them to, de- plore the necessity of subjecting so amiable a creature to a limited indulgence of her filial dutiei. Although the Princess Charlotte remained at AVindsor, she was suffered to receive the visits of the Princess of Wales, and accordingly she was seen there by her royal mother. But in the be- ginning of 1812, when this intercourse was slip- posed more frequent or longer than it v/as deemed fit, a notice was given one day to the Princess of W ales, that the Princess Charlotte was not at home. An interview was thereupon requested with the Queen ; but no happy result occurring, things re- mained in an unpleasant state, till at last the fol- lowing letter was addressed to the Prince Regent by the Princess of Wales : " SlE, " It is with great reluctance tliat I preume to obtrude myself upon your Rojal Highness, and to 104 LIFE OF THE solicit your attention to matters which may, at first, appear rather of a personal than a public nature. If I could think them so if they related merely to myself, I should abstain from a proceeding which might give uneasiness, or interrupt the more weighty occupations of your Royal liighncss's time ; I should continue, in silence and retirement, to lead the life which has been prescribed to me, and console myself for the loss of that society, and those domestic comforts, to which I have so long been a stranger, by the reflection that it has been deemed proper I should be afflicted without any fault of my own and that your Royal Highness knows it. " But, Sir, there are considerations of a higlier nature than any regard to my own l>appiness, which render this address a duty both to myself and my daughter. May I venture to say a duty also to my husband and the people committed to his care ? There is a point beyond which guiltless woman cannot with safety carry her forbearance. If her honour is invaded, the defence of her repu- tation is no longer a matter of choice ; and it sig- nifies not whether the attack be made openlv, manfully, and directly or by secret insinuation, and by holding such conduct towards her as counte- nances all the suspicions that malice can suggest. If these ought to be the feelings of every woman PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 105 in Englai>d, who is conscious that she deserves no reproach, your Royal Highness has too sound a judgment, and too nice a sense of lionour, not to perceive how much more justly they belong to the mother of your daughter the mother of her who is destined, I trust, at a very distant period, to reign over the British empire. "It may be kflown to your Royal Highness, that, during the continuance of the restrictions upon your royal authority, 1 purposely refrained from making any representations which might then augment the painful difficulties of your exalted station. At the expiration of the restrictions I still was inclined to delay taking this step, in the hope that I might owe the redress I sought to your gracious and unsolicited condescension. I have waited in the fond induljrence of this expec- tation until, to my inexpressible mortification, I find that my unwillingness to complain lias only produced fresh grounds of complaint ; and I am at length compelled either to abandon all regard for the two dearest objects which 1 possess on earth mine own honour, and my beloved child- or to throw myself at the feet of your Royal Highness, the natural protector of both. " I presume, Sir, to represent to your Royal Highness, that the separution, which every suc- ceedingjnonth is making wider, of the mother and 106 LIFE OF THE daughter, is equally injurious to my character and to her education ; I say nothing of the deep wounds which so cruel an arrangement inflicts upon my feelings, although I would fain hope that few per- sons will be found of a disposition to think lightly of these. To see myself cut off from one of the very few domestic enjoyments left me, certainly the only one upon which I set any value the society of my child, involves me in such misery, as I well know your Royal Highness could never inflict upon me, if you were aware of its bitterness. Our inter- course has been gradually diminished. A single interview weekly seemed sufficiently hard allow- ance for a mother's affection ; that, however, was reduced to our meeting once a fortnight ; and I now learn that even this most rigorous interdiction is to be still more rigidly enforced. ** But while 1 do not venture to intrude my feelings as a mother upon your Royal Highness's notice, I must be allowed to say, that in the eyes of an observing and jealous world, this separation of a daughter from her mother will only admit of one construction a construction fatal to the mo- ther's reputation. Your Royal Highness will also pardon me for adding, that there is no less incon- sistency than injustice in this treatment. He who dares advise your Royal Highness to overlook the evidence of mv innocence, and disregard liie sen- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 107 tence of complete acquittal which it produced or is wicked and false enough still to whisper suspi- cions in your ear, betrays his duty to you, Sir, to your daughter, and to your people, if he counsels you to permit a day to pass without a farther in- vestigation of my conduct. I know that no such calumniator will venture to recommend a measure which must speedily end in his utter confusion. Then let me implore you to reflect on the situa- tion in which I am placed ; without the shadow of a charge against me without even an accuser after an inquiry that led to my ample vindication yet treated as if I were still more culpable than the perjuries of my suborned traducers repre- sented me, and held up to the world as a mother who may not enjoy the society of her only child. " The feelings. Sir, which are natural to my un- exampled situation, might justify me in the gracious judgment of your Royal Highness, had I no other motives for addressing you but such as relate to myself. But I will not disgui;se from your Royal Highness what 1 cannot for a moment conceal from myself, that the serious, and it soon may be, the irreparable injury which my daughter sustains from the plan at present pursued, has done more in over- coming ray reluctance to intrude upon your Royal Highness than any sufferings of my own could accomplish ; and if, for her sake, I presume to call lOfe Litt OF THE fttray your Tloyal Highness's attention from the Other cares of your exalted station, I feel confident I am not claiming it for a matter of inferior im- portance either to yourself or your people. " The powers with which the constitution of these realms vests your Royal Highness, in the regulation of the Koyal Family, I know, because I am so ad- vised, are ample and unquestionable. My appeal, Sir, is made to your excellent sense and liberality of mind in the exercise of those powers ; and I willingly hope that your own paternal feelings will lead you to excuse the anxiety of mine, for impel- ling me to represent the unhappy consequences which the present system must entail upon our be- loved child. " Is it possible, Sir, that any one can have at- tempted to persuade your Royal Highness, that her character will not be injured by the perpetual violence offered to her strongest affections the studied care taken to estrange her from my society, and even to interrupt all communication between us? That her love for me, with whom, by his Ma- jesty's wise and gracious arrangements, she passed the years of her childhood, never can be extinguish- ed, I well know ; and the knowledge of it forms the greatest blessing of my existence. But let me implore your Royal Highness to reflect how in- evitably ail attempts to abate this attachment, by PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 109 forcibly separating us, if they succeed, must injure my child's principles if they fail, must destroy her happiness. ** The plan of excluding my daughter from all intercourse with the world, appears to my humble judgment peculiarly unfortunate. She, who is destined to be the sovereign of this great country, enjoys none of those advantages of society which are deemed necessary for imparting a knowledge of mankind to persons who have infinitely less oc- casion to learn that important lesson ; and it may so happen, by a chance, which I trust, is very re- mote, that she should be called upon to exercise the powers of the crown, with an experience of the world more confined than that of the most private individual. To the extraordinary talents with which she is blessed, and which accompany a disposition as singularly amiable, frank, and decided, 1 willing- ly trust much ; but beyond a certain point the greatest natural endowments cannot struggle against the disadvantages of circumstances and situation. It is my earnest prayer, for her own sake as well as her country's, that your Royal Highness may be in- duced to pause before thi point be reached. " Those who have advised you. Sir, to delay so long the period of my daughter's commencino- her intercourse with the world, and for that purpose to mako- Windsor her residence, appear not to have 110 LIF2 OF THE regarded the interruptions to her education which this arrangement occasions ; both by the impossi- bility of obtaining the attendance of proper teachers, and the time unavoidably consumed in the frequent journeys to town, which she must make, unless she is to be secluded from all intercourse, even with your Royal Highness and the rest of the Royal Family. To the same unfortunate counsels 1 as- cribe a circumstance, in every way so distressing both to my parental and religious feelings, that my daughter has never yet enjoyed the benefit of con- firmation, although above a year older than the age at which all the other branches of the Royal Family have partaken of that solemnity. May I earnestly conjure you. Sir, to hear my entreaties upon this serious matter, even if you should listen to other advisers on things of less near concernment to the welfare of our child ? " The pain with which I have at length formed the resolution of addressing myself to your Royal Highness is such as I should in vain attempt to ex- press. If I could adequately describe it, yovi might be enabled. Sir, to estimate the strength of the motives which have made me to submit to it. They are the most powerful feelings of affection, and the deepest impressions of duty towards your Royal Highness, my beloved child, and the country, which I devoutly hope she may be jneserved to govern. PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE 111 and to shew by a new example the liberal affection of a free and generous people to a virtuous and constitutional monarch. " I am, Sir, with profound respect, and an attach- ment which nothing can alter, " Your Royal Highness's " Most devoted and most affectionate "Consort, cousin, and subject, "CAROLINE LOUISA." " Montague- House, 1 4,1 h Jan. 1813." This letter was forwarded the very day upon which it was written to the Earl of Liverpool and Lord Eldon (the Lord Chancellor), under a wrap- per from the Lady Charlotte Campbell. Her Ladyship requested that the enclosure might be presented to the Prince, according to the desire of the Princess of Wales, and that no objection should rest with their Lordships, a copy of the letter accompanied the original. But on the day following, the letter of her Royal Highness was sent back unopened through her Ladyship. Three days after it was again inclosed to their Lordships, and again it was returned to her Ladyship. But the Princess of Wales was induced by her advisers to give notoriety to her application. The issue of resorting to the public journals cvnild not be wanting in effect. The Secretaiy of State for 11)2 LITE OT THE Home Affairs was directed to take the sese of tlw council upon it forthwith. He accordingly sum- moned a meeting, which agreed upon the following report : Having been summoned by command of your Royal Highness, on the 1 9th of February, to meet at the office of Viscount Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home Department, a communication was made by his Lordship to the Lords then pre- sent, in the following terms : "My Lords, " I have it in command, from his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to actpaint your Lordships, that a copy of a letter from the Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent having appeared in a public paper, which letter refers to the proceedings that took place in an inquiry instituted by command of his Majesty, in the year 1806, and contains, among other matters, certain animadversions upon the manner in which the Prince Regent has exercised his undoubted right of regulating the conduct and education of his daughter the Princess Charlotte ; and his Royal Higlmess having taken into his con- sideration the said letter so published, and advert- ing to the directions heretofore given by his Ma- jesty, that the documents relating to the said in- quiry" should be sealed up, and deposited in the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 113 office of his Majesty's principal secretary of state, in order that his Majesty's government should pos- sess the means of resorting to tliem if necessary ; his Royal Highness has been pleased to direct, that the said letter of the Princess of Wal6s, and the whole of the said documents, together with tlie copies of other letters and papers, of which a schedule is annexed, should be referred to your Lordships, being members of his Majesty's most honorable Privy Council, for your consideration ; and that you should report to his Koyal Highness your opinion, whether, under all the circumstances of the case, it be fit and proper that the intercourse between the Princess of Wales, and her daughter the Princess Charlotte, should continue to be subject to regula- tions and restrictions." Their Lordships adjourned their meetings to Tuesday the 23d of February ; and the intermediate days having been employed in perusing the docu- ments referred to them, by command of your Royal Highness, they proceeded on that and the following day to the further consideration of the said docu- ments, and have agreed to report to your Royal Highness as follows : In obedience to the commands of your Royal Highness, we have taken into our most serious consideration the letter from her Royal Highness the Princess of Wajes to your Royal Highness, 114 LIFE OF THE which has appeared in the public papers, and has been referred to us by your Royal Highness; in which letter the Princess of Wales, amongst other matters, complains that the intercourse between her Royal Highness and her Royal Highness the Prin- cess Charlotte, has been subjected to certain re- strictions. We have also taken into our most serious con- sideration, together with the other papers referred to us by your Royal Highness, all the documents relative to the inquiry instituted in 1806, by com- mand of his Majesty, into the truth of certain re- presentations, respecting the conduct of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, which appear to have been pressed upon the attention of your Royal Highness, in consequence of the advice of I-,ord Thurlow, and upon grounds of public duty ; by whom they were transmitted to his IMajesty's con- sideration ; and your Royal Highness having been graciously pleased to command us to report our opinions to your Royal Plighness, whether, under aU the circumstances of the case, it be fit and proper, that the intercourse between the Princess of Wales and her daughter, the Princess Charlotte, should continue to be subject to regulation and restraint : We beg leave humbly to report to your Royal Highness, that, after a full examination of all the documents before us, we are of opinion that, under PRINCESS CHAR1.OTTE. 115 all the circumstances of the case, it is highly fit and proper, with a view to the welfare of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, in which are equally involved the liappiness of your Royal Highness, in your parental and royal character, and the most important interests of the state, that the intercourse between her Royal Highness the Prin- cess of Wales, and her Royal Higlmess the Prin- cess Charlotte, should continue to be subject to re- gulation and restraint. We humbly trust that we may be permitted, without being thought to exceed the limits of the duty imposed on us, respectfully to express the just sense we entertain of the motives by which your Royal Highness has been actuated in the post])one- ment of the confirmation of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte ; as it appears, by a state- ment under the hand of her Majesty the Queen, that your Royal Highness has conformed in this respect to the declared will of his Majesty ; who had been pleased to direct, that such ceremony should not take place till her Royal Highness should have completed her eighteenth year. We also humbly trust that we may be further permitted to notice some expl-essious in the letter of her Royal Highness the Princess of AV^aJes, which may possibly be construed as implying a charge of too serious a nature to be passed over 116 LIFE OF THE without observation. We refer to the words * suborned traducers.' As this expression, from the manner it is introduced, may, perhaps, be liable to misconstruction (however impossible it may be to suppose that it can have been so intended) to have reference to some part of the conduct of your Royal Highness ; we feel it our bounden duty not to omit this opportunity of declaring, that the documents laid before us, afford the most ample proof, that there is not the slightest foundation for such an aspersion. C. Cantuak, Sidmouth, Eldon, J. London, E. Ebor, Ellenboroltgh, W. Armagh, Chas. Abbot, Harrowby, p. C. N. Vansittart, Westmoreland, C.P.S. C. Bathurst, BrrcKiNGHAMSHiRE, E. W. Grant, Bathurst, A. Macdonald, Liverpool, W. Scott, MULGRAVE, J. NiCHOLL, Melville, SIDMOUTH. Thus was the unhappy mother no farther ad- vanced in her progress towards a free and unlimit- ed intercourse with her daughter. Upon a busi- ness fraught with so much nicety, and so closely PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. . 117 affecting the subject of our story, it were most prudent, no doubt, to give a copious supply of documents, and abstain from an expression of feel- ings which that supply will render useless to be stated or improper, since different turns of thinking will produce a bias inconsistent with the imparti- ality of the biographer. When the report was made known to her Royal Highness, wliich resulted from the publication of her letter, she sent a message to the Speaker of the House of Commons. This was it : ** Montague-House^ March 1. " The Princess of Wales informs Mr. Speaker, that she has received from Lord Viscount Sidmouth a copy of a report, made to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent by certain members of his Majesty's Privy Council, to whom it appears that his Royal Highness was advised to refer certain documents, and evidence, regarding the character and conduct of the Princess of Wales. This report is of such a nature that her Royal Highness is persuaded, that no person can read it without considering it to contain aspersions on her character, though its vagueness renders it impossible to be precisely understood, or to know exactly with what she is charged. " The Princess of AVales feels conscious of her 118 I-IFE i)V THE innocence ; and considers it due to herself, to the two illustrious housres with which she is connected by blood and marriage, and to the people of this countrv, in which she holds such a distino[uished rank, not to acquiesce for a moment in the reflec- tions which have been cast upon her honour. The Princess of Wales has not been permitted to know on what evidence this report has been founded, nor has she had any opportunity of being heard in her own defence. What she knew on the subject was oidy from common rumour, until slie received the report ; nor does she know whether it proceed- ed from persons acting together as h body, to whom she could make her appeal, or only as individuals. Her Royal Highness throws herself upon the wis- dom and justice of parliament, and desires the fullest investigation of her conduct during the time that she has resided in this country. She fears no scrutiny, provided she be tried by impartial judges, in a fair and open manner, consistent with the laws of the land. Her Royal Highness wishes to be treated as innoceent, or to be proved guilty. She desires IMr. Speaker to communicate? this letter to the honourable the House of Commons." On the 2d of March, the Speaker informed the house that the preceding day, a letter was put into his hands purporting to come from tlie Princess of Wales, and which she desired to have read to the PRINCESS CHARf.OTTE. 119 house, but that conceiving its authenticity' not sufficiently established by the manner it was de- livered to him in, he had awaited an inquiry of the Princess of Wales herself, and having now received her acknowledgment of the paper, he wished to read it. When he liad done, a long conversation ensued, in which Mr. Whitbread bore the chief part ; and the consideration of the affair being post- poned for several days, he, after a most energetic speech, moved for an address to the Prince, praying that a copy of the report should be laid before them. He vehemently condemned the recourse that was had to the proceedings of 1806, and show- ed very powerfully how unreasonable it was, to bring the evidences of that year into operation against the Princess to prevent her holding a corre- spondence with her child, after the witnesses had been pronounced unworthy of credit, and their testi- monies insufficient to strip her Royal Highness of her honours, or debar her access to his Majesty and his daughters. He read minutes drawn up by the Lord Chancellor and Lord CasUereagh, acquitting her of all tlie criminal charges, and even of the le- vity which was attributed to her by the commis- sioners of 1806, whose legality these two Lords had even questioned. The reply of Lord Castlereagh was guarded, he declined to enter into the details, but said that it was unjust to infer from the restric- 120 LIFE OF THE tions, under which her Royal Highness was placed with respect to the Princess Charlotte, any impu- tation of actual guilt,for that the separation of itself justified the restraints, and ought to be esteemed as a mere regulation arising from that unfortunate circumstance. No one can censure the zeal of Mr. Whitbread upon this occasion, nor be dissatisfied with the soft and discreet answer of the minister. Thus for the present ended the business. In pity to the wounded sensibility of the young Princess, attempts were made to reconcile her to the modifications of her mother's visiting, that her mind might be gradually subdued to the necessity of the arrangements, and so reconciled to them in the course of time. What we know to be una-- voidable we for a while regret and are vexed at it, but the troubled soul, like agitated water, has a tendency to settle, and the similitude will farther hold with her Royal Highness the Princess Char- lotte, if it be added, not till the storm blows pasty for such was the strength and stoutness of her affec- tion, that as long as the object of it laboured under persecution, she could not sit down easy in tame submission. Some things may be bended though they cannot be broken, and very possibly upon these principles it was that the Lord Chancellor endeavoured to soothe the harassed thoughts of the young Princess, and effect a melancholy acquies- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 121 cence in the dispensations of fate. The remon- strances of his Lordship were followed up by those of other exalted characters, amongst whom Lord Liv^erpool did not deserve the lowest place as a persuasive orator, who, gentle in manners, sweet in countenance, and soft in words, has always been a mild, and consequently a powerful master of the heart: Nee abest facundis gratia diet is. It does not, however, appear from any accounts we have, that the Princess Charlotte was ever thoroughly reconciled to the measure, nor indeed at all pleased with it. Her health, which had been rather delicate for several months, was now still more doubtful. Health hangs so much upon the animal spirits, that it is not improbable but the unhappy disagreement be- twixt her royal parents contributed in a great de- gree to her indisposition. Many conjecture that she never, even at the very first, relished the proposals of the Prince of Orange, who might have been about tiiis period recommended to her good opinion, though not yet introduced in the formal way of suitor. The young Prince was nearly of equal years, and his religion coinciding with the doctrines of the established church, as well as the political considerations de- sirable on both sides, marked him out to be an eligible match for the heiress of the British throne. R 122 tUTE OF THE (}ur Majesty's Most obedient daughter-in-law and servant, Caroijxe p." Cojm aught-House, Maij 24, 1814. 186 LIFE OF THE The Queen, in return : "Windsor Castle, May 25, 1814. "Tlie Queen has received, this afternoon, tlie Princess of Wales's letter of yesterday, in reply to the communication which she was desired by the Prince Regent to make to her ; and she is sensible of the disposition expressed by her Royal Highness, not to discuss with her topics which must be pain- ful to both. "Tlie Queen considers it incumbent upon her to send a copy of the Princess of Wales's letter to the Prince Regent ; and her Majesty could have felt no hesitation in communicating to the illustrious strangers, who may possibly be present at her court, the circumstances which will prevent the Princess of Wales from appearing there, if her Royal Highness had not rendered a compliance with her wish, to this effect, unnecessary, by intim- ating her intention of making public the cause of her absence. Chaklotte R." The Princess of Wales returned : "The Princess of Wales has the honor to ac- knowledge the receipt of a note from the Queen, dated yesterday ; and begs pen^ission to return her best thanks to her INIajcsty, for her gracious condescension, in the willingness expressed by her PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 137 Majesty, to have communicated to the illustrious strangers, who will, in all probability, be present at her M^esty's court, the reasons which have in- duced her Royal Highness not to be present. " Such communication, as it appears to her Royal Highness, cannot be Jess necessary, on account of any publicity which it may be in the power of her Royal Highness to give to her motives ; and the Princess of Wales, therefore, entreats the active good offices of her Majesty, upon an occasion which the Princess of Wales feels it so essential to her, that she should not be misunderstood. Caroline P." Connaught-Place, May 26, 1814. The Queen's answer : "Windsor Castle, May 27, 1814. *' The Queen cannot omit to acknowledge the receipt of the Princess of Wales's note of yesterday, although it does not appear to her Majesty to re- quire any other reply tlian that conveyed to her Royal Highness's (d receding letter. Charlotte R." Tliis correspondence led to the following letter to tlie Prince: " Sir, " I am once more reluctantly compelled to address T 138 LIFE OF THE your Royal Highness ; and I enclose, for your in- spection, copies of a note which I have had the honor to receive from the Queen, and of the answer which I have thought it my duty to return to her Majesty. It would be in vain for me to inquire into the reasons of the alarming declaration made by your Royal Highness, that you have taken the fixed and unalterable determination '.never to meet me upon any occasion, either in public or private. Of these your Royal Highness is pleased to state yourself to be the only judge. You will perceive, by my answer to her Majesty, that I have only been restrained, by motives of personal consideration towards her Majesty, from exercising my right of appearing before her Majesty at the public draw- ing-rooms, to be held in the ensuing month. *' But, Sir, lest it should be, by possibility, suppos- ed that the words of your Royal Highness can con- vey any insinuation from which 1 shrink, I am bound to demand of your Royal Highness, what circumstances can justify the proceedings you have thus thought fit to adopt, " I owe it to myself, to my daughter, and to the nation, to which I anti deeply indebted for the vin- dication of my honor, to remind your RoyaJ Higli- ness, of what you know, tliat, after open persecu- tion, and mysterious inquii'ies upon undefined charges, the malice of my enemies fell entirely upon PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 189 themselves ; and that I was restored by the King, with the advice of his ministers, to the full enjoy- ment of my rank in his court, upon my complete acquittal. Since his Majesty's lamented illness, I have demanded, in the face of Parliament and the country, to be proved guilty, or to be treated as innocent. I have been declared innocent. T will not submit to be treated as guilty. ** Sir, your Royal Highness may possibly refuse to read this letter ; but the world must know that I have written it, and they will see my real motives for foregoing, in this instance, the rights of my rank. Occasions, however, may arise, (one, I trust, is far distant) when I must appear in public, and your Royal Highness must be present also. Can your Royal Highness, have contemplated the full extent of your declaration ? Has your Royal Highness forgotten the approaching marriage of our daughter, and the possibility of our coronation ? I wave my rights in a case where I am not aKsolutcly bound to assert them ; in order to relieve the Queen, as far as I can, from the painful situation in which she is placed by your Royal Highness, not from any t'onscioiisneas of blame, not from any doubt of the existence of those rights, or of my own worthiness to enjoy them. " Sir, the time you have selected for this proceed- ing is calculated to nuikc it peculiarly galling. 140 LIFE OF THE Many illustrious strangers are already arrived in England ; amongst whom, as I am informed, the i-llustrious heir of the house of Orange, who has an- nounced himself to me as my future son-in-law ; from their society I am unjustly excluded. Others are expected, of equal rank to your own, to rejoice with your Royal Highness on the peace of Europe. My daughter will, for the first time, appear in the splendour and publicity becoming the approaching nuptials of the presumptive heiress of this empire. This season your Royal Highness has chosen for treating me with fresh and unprovoked indignity ; and, of all his Majesty's subjects, I alone am pre- vented by your Royal Highness from appearing in my place, to partake of the general joy ; and am deprived of the indulgence in those feelings of pride and affection, permitted to every mother but me. I am. Sir, Your Royal Highness's faithful wife, Caroline P." CQ^nnaught'Housc, May 26, 1814. On the 3d of June, the Speaker stated to the House of Commons that he had received a letter from the Princess of \V ales, containing the correspondence that had passed between her Majesty and her Royal Highness, and a copy of the address whieli JRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 141 she had sent to the Regent; desiring that the Speaker should communicate them to the parlia- ment, and alo those sentiments of indio-nation ex- pressed in her letter to the chalnnari, which im- pelled her to lay the whole affair before the as- sembly of the nation. After the letters were read, one of the opposition members entered into the grievances of her Royal Highness, and referring to her justification, declar- ed the treatment of the Princess far different from what she deserved. He thought her appeal to the public sufficiently excused by the want she labour- ed under of any other means of redress for hardships which bore so heavily upon her, particularly at a time when her connections, and those in the eyes of whom she naturally wished to appear respectable, were to witness her degrading circumstances. Was she to be excluded from the common privilege of all British subjects, and to be regarded as guilty before her innocence was disproved? The concki- sion of the speech was a proposal, " That an humble address be presented to his Royal Highnes?; tlie Prince Regent, to pray his Royal Highness that he will be graciously pleased to acquaint the House, by whose advice his Royal Highness was induced to form the fixed and unalterable determination never to meet her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales upon any occasion, either in private or 142 ^ I-IFE OF THE public, as communicated by his Royal Highness to her Majesty ; together with the reasons submit- ted to his Royal Highness, upon vvhicli such ad- vice was founded." It was denied, on the other side, that any neces- sity called tor parliamentary interference, since no actual prohibition was offered to the Princess, nor other hindrance, except that the Prince signified his intention of not meeting her there. The mo- tion was at length Avithdrawn ; but the member who made it, notified his design of resifttring the subject at a future period; and, agreeably to his in- timation, he rose on the 23d of June, and in defer- ence to tiie judgment of the House, avoided a dis- cussion of the tender points whicli he had broached on the former occasion. The object of his application merely related to the Princess's revenue ; and the mover expressed his determination to confine himself wholly to that topic. He could not, however, forbear to express his rejj-ret and astonishment that no measures had been adopted to alleviate the distressing circum- stances in which he before introduced her Royal Highness to their notice. He reported the income of the Princess, as it was, independent of the plea- sure of her Royal consort, at five thousand a year, a sum inade(piale to enable her Royal Highness to held the spleiidour of such an exalted station, and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 143 although the Prince's graot might be both liberal and ready, the obligation was itself a grievance, when coming with all its relative circumstances ; and he therefore proposed, that the House should take into consideration the correspondence com- municated to the Speaker. It was hereupon observed by Lord Castlerengh, that the friends of her Royal Highness had now for the first time explained their wishes to have an addition made to her income, and that conceiving the purport ot the n.otion to go no farther, and that it was not contemplated to ground the cause upon matters of a secret description iuid unpleasant in their nature, he felt rejoiced ; but that taking occasion from the present introduction of the Prin- cess, he would leave the dry and bare consideration of the case, and touch upon those subjects, whicli, roughly handled already, bad been productive of imeasiness and distraction in the mind of tJie peo- ple. His Lordship, in a very long discourse, ex- patiated upon the letter of tlie Princess to lier Ma- jesty, and denied any right being inherent in her Royal Highness to demand admission into drawing- rooms held by the Queen. Tlie cause of her Royal Highness, he said, liad been turned into aai engine for aspersing the character of the Prince Regent; but let any man come forwLudand testify 144 LIFE OP THE to those actions of his Royal Highness which oould be construed into vindictive malice. His Lordship then entered into the pecuniary settlements which had been made betwixt the parties, and showed the stipend granted by the Princess as fully commensurate to the income of the Prince. He strongly deprecated that spirit of keen hostility witli wliich some persons were actu- ated, and sought to bring into contempt the mem- bers of a family whose accession to the British throne produced freedom to the British people. "V^'ith respect to tlie desire of encreasing the Prin- cess's allowance, be had no difficulty in declaring the forwardness of ministers to meet the inclinations of the mover; but his Ivordship nevertheless looked upon liis methods of procedure as ill calculated to effect tlie object which he seemed to liave in view. His Lordship noticed a fact w^orthy of consideration, and that was an instrument, dated in 1809, signed by the Prince and Princess, and ai>proved by his Majesty (to whom it was submitted,) whose signature it bore, and also the signatures of the men at that time in office. This paper provides for a distinct pension to her Royal Highness, and sets forth the irreconcilable state of mind wherein the ])arents of the Princess Charlotte were affected to-. warcLs each other. Then Mr. Whitbread began. (The intelligent PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 145 reader will perceive the drift for giving parliamen- tary disquisitions at all to be an observance of the most strict impartiality, nor will he think it any deviation from that principle, when he is told that the person now going to speak, was an honest man.) Mr. Whitbread disclaimed on his own part and for his friends, any objects which they would not venture to avow, and particularly the intention of merely getting money ; nor, as far as he had oppor- tunities of collecting the sentiments of her Royal Highness, was it the scope of herself. He compli- mented Lord Castlereagh upon the honourable and manly interposition which he used the foregoing year to rescue the Princess from the dangers which threatened both her honor and her life ; that his Lordship did not discover a vindictive disposition to impel those who urged the charges against royal fidelity, was a source of pleasurable reflection to every individual of worth in the empire. But with respect to himself, a sense of the indignities and marks of indifference, or something worse, which were shown to the Princess, alone induced him to become an active agent in her concernments. If, he continued, the House will think proper to make to her Roya' Highness a grant of money, I shall rejoice in it as a testimony of its approbation, but the grant shall not silence me, if upon any future occasion I shall think the Princess aggrieved. u 146 LIFE OF THU It appeared to be the wish of the House that the proposal of an augmented income to her Royal Highness should come from the crown, and when the minister hinted as much as that such a step was contemplated, the motion was withdrawn. And on the 4th of July, the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer moved the order of the day for gomg into a committee to deliberate upon the documents laid before the House respecting the Princess of Wales; and in a disputation upon a matter of form, it was asserted by Mr. Whitbread that the motion did not originate with her Royal Highness, who had made her arrangements with such economy, that she was not indebted a single shilling, and that no application for an increase of fortune was necessary to her, or authorized by her Royal Highness. When the committee was formed, and the business of it entered into. Lord Castlereagh expressed himself anxious to clear up some doubts and misapprehen- sions which had arisen respecting the revenue of the Princess of Wales, and in the course of his speech proved the liberality of the Prince, who was solicitous to provide for her Royal Highness's com- fort ; and moreover well pleased that her pension was about to be made adequate to the maintenance of rank accordant to the elevated station which she held in the country. He thought the most eligi- ble measure would be to raise it to that point to PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 147 Av^hich it must reach upon the demise of the Prince. Mis Lordship suggested therefore a net annual al- lowance of 50,000 and that the 5,000 and the 17,000 then enjoyed by the Princess should be deducted from the income of the Regent. When the report of the committee was brought tip. Lord Castlereagh called the attention of the House to a letter which he had received from her Hoyal Highness, stating her inclination to accept a smaller sum from the country than had been so liberally offered, and that the vote would be more satisfactory if, instead of fifty thousand pounds, it were reduced to thirty-five thousand. The honour- able views expressed by her Royal Highness were accomplished, and the diminution accordingly made; but the minister hoped that no occasion would be thenceforward taken to revive the discus- sion of her Royal Highness's affairs ; to this Mr. Whitbread replied, that the enlargement of her income did not place her above the reach of injury, and that if she ever felt aggrieved again, the House, he expected, would not decline to give her protec- tion. Now since we have settled tlie condition of the Princess of Wales in as agreeable a way as it could be in, by leave of unhappy circumstances incapable of removal or mitigation, let the attention be turned to the employments of her interesting daughter. 14-8 LIFE OF THE Her years were attended with proportional pro- gress in the several things to which her mind was directed, and the closeness of her application to books excluded, in a great measure, the harassing rcHsctions which might have otherwise preyed upon her feelings, and by consequence upon her health, althougli her Royal Highness, as we have noticed her, was not dead to the afflicting regret with which the separation between her beloved parents v/ns calculated to inspire her. The beauties of classic authors grew more entertaining and striking to her as she advanced in age; and that sort of relish for them, and nicety in finding them out, called taste, was in her Royal Highness uncommonly early, though not premature. The first productions of Greece and Italy were the chief objects which engaged her care, nor was any continental tongue neglected, but pursued with ardour and precision, especially the German, which was communicated to her Royal Highness by the Rev. Mr. Kuper, a Lutheran clergyman from one of the Hanseatic towns, whose only recommendation was the repute in which his talents and learning were held ; nor is this an ordinary occurrence, for although it may seem a thing to be expected, a mere matter of course that the masters selected for an exalted pu- pil should possess a perfect knowledge of the art or science over which he was to preside, yet little PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 149 examination that way is minded in general, but a good address, and the looks of gentility, furnish the best means of coming into notice and favour. It had been the desire of his Majesty that tlie Princess was not to be confirmed until she had entered into her eighteenth year, and on this ac- count she did not partake of that sacrament at the time when all the other members of the Royal Family took upon themselves the awful responsi- bility of directing their own wills and actions. But on the 24th of October, 1813, she was con- firmed at Windsor, in the chapel there, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and before the Quee.n, the Prince Regent ; and it is supposed the Prin- cess of Wales being present by the invincible wish of the Princess Charlotte was the reason why the confirmation was not made a subject of public solemnity. The Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Salisbury (her tutor), and two or three more dignitaries, witnessed the ceremonial. From the time of her Royal Highness's confir- mation, she was regarded more than formerly mis- tress of her own place, in all respects, except the uncontrouled intercourse with her mother. War- wick House was fitted up in a style of moderate elegance, and a regular establishment was attached to her person. She had often met the Prince of Orange, but he liad not been before this time in- 150 LIKE OF THE trod need to her Royal Highness formally. On the 14th of December, the Regent saw the young Prince to Warwick House, and presented his Se- rene Highness to the accomplished young female intended for his bride. The conversation is of course unknown, and probably did not embrace any thing beyond the common place subjects of talk, but this may easily be imagined that the Prince expressed little of the fervid lover. Had he attended less to prudent preliminaries, he might have stood a better chance for ultimate success the utmost wisdom in these cases often proves to be consummate folly. The day before, her Royal Highness was permitted to pay a visit to her mo- ther at Connaught House, a journey not very fa- vourable to the suitor, who had never treated the Princess of Wales with that degree of respect and reverence fitted to make her a party in his cause, but the slights he manifested towards her, the fear shown lest she should retain her maternal authority over the Princess Cliarlotte, added considerably to the alienation of her motlier from the match, which, as already hinted, was likely to bereave her of her daughter's comp?aiy and consequent protec- tion in this country. The Prince of Orange having now received tlic countenance of the Regent, was at liberty to go frequently to see the Princess Charlotte. But the PRINCESS CHARLOTTJE Jj5I repetition of his overtures, containing no mark of indulgence towards the Princess of Wales, nor rendered captivating by those sweetnesses and litUe attentions which imperceptibly gain over tbe afr fections, did not promote the great point h aimed at. When the Duchess of Brunswick paid the debt of nature, the Princess was allowed to spend some part of a day in solacing the afflictions of her mother, who seemed to be stripped of all re- sources to maintain her rights and honors, and was therefore a claimant for her daughter's care and support in a greater measure than before, and is said, by the expression of her sorrows upon that oc- casion, to have made the deepest impression on the sensible mind of her beloved and dutiful child. It is not extraordinary, therefore, that when his Serene Highness went to work artfully, his only plan was a sympathy declared for the condition of the Prin- cess of Wales, but in place of doing so, he seldom hesitated to insinuate his contempt for her character, and tlie reluctance with which he would suffer his consort to hold correspondence with the unhappy Princess. Besides the want of judgment exhibited in this instance, he laboured under the misfortune and disadvantage of all supplicants for favour, who make a too early declaration of their wishes. Tbe very helps that are used upon such occasions have the contrary effect fro-M tlie one intended. There IfHt LIFE OF THE was indeed a personage who had great interest with the Princess Charlotte ; this was the Duchess of Oldenburgh ; she had come into this country merely for the sake of seeing whatever curious it contained, and becoming acquainted with the inha- bitants, whose character she was prepared to ad- mire. Her personal graces, embellished by a re- fined understanding, gained her admission into the hearts of all who had the happiness of her acquaint- ance, and in a special degree won the confidence and attachment of her Royal Highness. How far she urged the claims of the Prince of Orange is uncer- tain, but it does not comport with our ideas of her moral principles, to suppose that she interfered further than discretion suggested. The exalted opinion entertained of her brother, the Emperor of Russia, gave much interest to every thing the Duchess did, and established the reputation for wisdom and accomplishments which she herself most fully deserved. While the Duchess of Oldenburgh lodged at the Pultney Hotel in Piccadilly, it was resorted to by all of great rank and eminence in the kingdom, who vied with one another in courting her esteem and intimacy, and the Princess Charlotte went often there to see her respected friend. Upon one of these occasions she found Prince Leopold at the tavern, and was apparently much gratified by the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 153 openness of his manners, and the unassuming dig- nity of his deportment. In the meantime she delighted to unbend her mind by drawing and sculpture, arts which her Royal Highness showed early indications of being a proficient in. Upon the confirmation of her Royal Highness more attention w^a^ paid to the state and splendour of her household than before it ; and suitable ar- rangements were made to correspond with the step towards womanly independence which the ceremony was destined to form. And when her birthday arrived, the 7th of January 1814, great marks of regard and general estimation were ex- hibited. The principal nobility and gentry called at \^^arwick House, and offered their respectful felicitations. All the persons ever concerned in her education attended, and were introduced to her, while she, standing beside the Rev. Doctor Short, her classical instructor, received them with looks of kindness and love, and presented a proud fulfilment of their hopes in her person, and each, very probably, pleased himself by the contemplation of some attainment which she owed to his assiduity and pains. The drawing-rooms canie on ; and her Royal Highness made her appearance. The Duchess of Leeds arrived at her Majesty's house first, to put X 154 LIFE OF THE all things in readiness for dressing the Princess. Her shoes were beautifully studded with sparkling Crescents, or half moons, (the decoration worn upon the short boots of the Roman Senators), her petti- coat M^as of white sattin, of the finest texture and richest quality, it was bordered with laurel leaves inter<:perscd with roses done in silver; the body Was in a like degree tasteful and elegant. Bracelets and armlets, necklace and fancy earrings were pro- perly disposed. Ostrich feathers were of course the chief part of the Princess's head-dress, and dia- monds shed their brilliant powers between them, illustrating the ornament which had the royal hero seen disposed as now it was, he scarcely could have grudged the toils he won it with, upon the field of Cressy. The whole company were struck with admiration of the dignity and ease appearing in her lioyal Highness. She passed through the croud saluting her friends with the most engaging afFabilily and condescension. AVheii she was going to her car- riage the Prince of Orange followed, and attending her to the carriage door gave hi^ hand as the Prin- cess Vv'as entering it. The Prince had been paying his compliments to her Royal Highness, and upon his departure looked with more than usual complacency, more than usual, for his Serene Highness was always steady and col- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. \55 lected, and seldom overcome by the momentary eb- ullitions of feelinj^ which young men in such cir- cumstances frequently disclose; but one of the under governesses, better acquainted perhaps, than himself, with the real posture of his affairs, cast a very serious eye upon him as he was taking leave. This Lady was naturally sedate, but her Royal Highness thought her countenance more grave than at other times, and determined not to let it pass unnoticed ; Why, said she, do you appear so pensive, I hope you are not in love, indeed I don't think you ever were God help you ! come now, tell me were you ever teazed with suitors dangling after you ; but you are too modest to say you were, and I suppose you are too proud to say you were not, so Til not press the subject, though it does not seem to be a very disagreeable one neither. Matters, however, were advanced so far that the measures consequent to the nuptials began to be determined, and among otlier things it was fixed that the married couple should take up their resi- dence at the Hague. The fondness of the royal native for the place of her birth furnished a decent excuse for refraining to enter into so serious a com- pact of intimacy and devotion with a mati not en- tirely approved of in her heart. That an absence from Britain must have injured the Princess of Wales, was an aggravation of the objection the Prin- 156 LIFE OF THE cess liad against leaving home. Her aversion was certainly real; every act and expression of her Royal Highness relative to the country, incontrovertibly established it, and surely there was no sin in using for a pretext what was a real cover, one that had an actual existence, for her conduct; and if any im- propriety there was, the occasion for its use fully justified the adoption of the assignment of such a reason. She might have esteemed the man very highly, but that was not sufficient to authorise the gift of her hand. Yet it does not follow, that be- cause her Royal Highness did not love the Prince, he should be devoid of merit in her eyes ; for al- though esteem leads often to love, still when an af- fair of this kind is too importunately urged, scruples may arise in the mind which cannot consistently with true deUcacy, (and with all her sprightliness the Princess Charlotte was truly delicate,) which scruples cannot be categorically defined. Non amo te, Sabidi, nee possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum possum dicere ; non amo te. They who understand not the tongue in which this distich is written, will not be excluded from the conception of its force, by the following para- phrase which very closely renders it English : I cannot like thee. Doctor Fell, The reason why I may not tell ; PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 157 But this indeed I know full well, I do not like thee. Doctor Fell. But over and above this indiscribable something which wrought upon .the feelings of the Princess, besides the objection of forsaking her native land, besides the magnet which attracted her, formed by the condition of her parent ; she had now gained, unknown, may be to herself, a cause more positive to withhold her from consenting to the proposed connection. The allied sovereigns of the continent, whose exertions in freehig Europe, indeed all the world, from the intrusions of the French Emperor, had been so powerfully aided and forwarded by the liberality of the British government, accepted an invitation sent them to come and live awhile ipiong their benefactors. The foremost in public opi- nion, the Emperor of Russia, put up at the same hotel with his sister, whom the Princess Charlotte we have seen, used often to visit, and had the hap- piness to meet at her apartments the Prince Leo- pold, who was united by marriage with the house of Russia, for his sister was espoused to the Arch- duke Constantine. This Archduke Constantine, unlike the Emperor, was a perfect boor, insensible to all the softer emotions of the human kind, a beast that long used to revel in sensuality and gross voluptuousness, knew not to appreciate the worth 158 LIFE OF THE of a virtuous wife, or to cherish the delicacies of a refined woman. The result of his brutality was an appeal for other protection by his consort, and she was accordingly received again into the bosom of her kindred. But the misunderstanding did not affect the rest of the two families, who still con- tinued their mutual attachment for each othr, and the promising virtues of the amiable young Prince Leopold acquired for him tlie friendly regard of the Russian Monarch, and of his accomplished sister. Since every body, from her residence here, took an interest in the concerns of the Duchess, as creditable to their own feelings as it was honourable to the person distinguished, for to approve merit is almost akin to having it ; and because some may not have heard of her exaltation, the reader is informed that a short time after she left England, she became the Queen of the sovereign of Wirtcmburg. The Prince was so much esteemed by the Duchess of Olden- burgh that his character did not sustain any loss from her conversation respecting him, and the liking of the Princess Charlotte towards his Serene High- ness was countenanced by the high notion formed of him by a judge so competent to do it wisely. But this was not the only way in which tlic Prince Leopold came recomn .ended to the notice t)f her Royal Highness. The Duke of Brunswick 'vras well acquainted with him, aj.d entert-iined PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 150 such respect for his character, that understanding the i'rince's purpose to repair to England, he com- missioned him to carry a letter to his niece the Princess Charlotte. This furnished the Prince with an occasion of doing what was an actof civilit)^ and modestly called for a genteel return, and nothing of this kind could be more handsome than an in- vitation to drink tea. His Serene Highness was therefore requested to attend the small evening parties at Warwick House; and his company was pleasing to all the ladies of the establishment, and so met with their unqualified approbation. In broad day-light, the spirits are supposed to be the most clear and lively, and under this idea we are advised to transact our business while the sun keeps up ; now although in the ordinary pursuits of life, the advice is judicious and proper, because much consideration ought to be intermixed with the briskness of dispatch, nevertheless the heart is oftener opened when evening has come on, wha the day's bustle is over, when the tea things are laid, and the person is attired with a view to neat- ness as well as comfort, the dress fitted rather to adorn and grace the wearer, than put on to ex- clude the cold ; such moments uiust be the pliant ones of the female mind, especially when music im- proves the soft disposition of the bosom, and attunes all the soul to melodv and social love. Tiius tl>e 160 LIFE OF THE very time of his lisits appears to have been a lucky adjunct to the many propitious circumstances which attended the Prince in his progress to engage the favour of her Royal Highness. "With regard to dominion and family greatness, the Prince of Orange had far the advantage of Prince Leopold, not but that the Coburg race can run their genealogical tablet very distant, but the house of Nassau has been esteemed much more considerable, because the people under its guidance were numerous and powerful, and exalted by com- mercial industry and spirit beyond any common state of Germany ; and this difference in the respec- tability of families, more than the power of tracing back till the view is sunk in the gulf of antiquity, ought to decide the question. A knowledge of ancestry is good presumption in favour of the illus- trious line that has it, but it only tends to raise their consequence, so far as it implies that the pro- genitors were worth remembering, but no farther ; for as to the fact of ancestors having existed, that might be claimed for himself, by the meanest wretch of human s-hapc, wliose assurance of descent from Noah may be equal to his who holds the highest station in the world : the grandeur of the immediate precursors is the criterion. The Nassau house have, many of them, figured with great reputation and eclat, upon the page of PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 161 history ; neither did the Coburg house pass on to the present generation undistinguished. Tbr Prince of Coburg, who was eminent in the revolu- tionary wars, was the great-uncle of our Leopold. Amongst his forefathers was Charles Duke of Lor- raine, the last claimant of the Carlovingian line to the throne of France, at the time it was mounted by Hugh Capet, the founder of the Bourbons. From Charles of Lorraine descended the Count of Thuringuen, a celebrated warrior and politician, and whose fame was maintained by his sons. Ca- tharine, a daughter of Henry Duke of Brunswick, was married into the Thuringuen family in the beginning of the thirteenth century, but the Prin- cess Charlotte and Prince Leopold did not unite their lineage in the house of Brunswick from this connection, for Leopold is sprung from a brother of him who married Catharine of Brunswick. When the heroes fired with religious ardour had entered into the combination to expatriate the settlers of the Holy Land, the Saxon Princes eagerly embraced that opportunity to display their prowess, and attest their faith, and joining the league performed prodigies of valour that made all the ballads of the times ring witli their reiiowm. But after they had bled and exhausted themselves in the fruitless expedition, and had returned to their native land, they ft)uiid tbcir possessions Y 162 LIFE OF THE seized by the neighbouring grandees, and their swords were drawn again. Various were the bat- tles fought on these occasions, victory inclining sometimes to one side then to another, till by the individual exertions of Frederic the Swarthy, (so called from the tanned complexion he had contract- ed in Palestine,) the invaders were finally expelled and the family restored to their original dominions, which decreasing more or less, have been reduced to their present limits. The territory of Coburg, as it stands at this day, may be thus described ; it extends on either side the river Saal, in Franconia, forming an irregular figure in the very heart of Germany. The capital is rendered famous by the residence of Martin Luther in it during all the troubles of the incipient reformation, and while the diet of Augsburg sat, he kept a close resident in the town. The Duke of Coburg was one of tlie most strenuous supporters of the protestant cause, and on his account, I sup- pose, the chief town in his territory was selected for the protection of the reformist. Before the last arrangements made at Vienna, the Coburg estate contained eight towns, and two hundred and eighty hamlets, and was peopled by about sixty thousand souls, the whole yielding an annual re- venue not exceeding 50,000. Not long before the families of Coburg and Bruns- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 163 wick intermarried, the Coburg family was elevated to the electoral rank. Two princes of conspicuous merit, both dying without heirs, the electorate was passed over to Harbec, a stripling, belonging to a younger branch ; he had given early prognostics of future greatness, but the sudden transition from precarious dependence to grandeur and dignity, overcame his virtuous disposition, and he gave a loose to licentiousness and dissipation, smothering the rising talents, which promised to cut a name for himself on the records of German story. He, however, left a son, that in a great measure atoned for the father's delinquency, and being a man of excellent principles, was regarded as a mediator, when two potentates disagreed; and upon these oc- casions he acted with so much decision, that the party dissatisfied was afraid to murmur, knowing the determination and firmness of the umpire's spirit, and obedience was the more readily yielded, far the common opinion held of his strict justice and sagacity to discover the merits of a disputed case, and of this a very interesting example has been related. A certain family under the Coburg jurisdiction, had by great industry and tlirift, for two or three generations, acquired considerable wealtli. Their substance was universally known to be great, and they who in imitation of their example, had en- 164 I.IFE OF THE deavoured to collect a store, thought their property always secure, when intrusted to the care of such a responsible house. Now, two men, who had vast possessions in the beginning of life, squandered away the principal part, and, as too often happens with men in their condition, freed themselves from all moral sanctions. They agreed together, to leave all they had between both in the hands of the worthy people, with the mischievous intent which the sequel will disclose. A bond for the repayment of the treasure was given, according to the laws of the country, stipulating, that since neither had a right to what belonged to them conjointly, the amount should be given to the depositers together. Not long after, one of them, representing the other to be dead, claimed the liquidation of his bond. But the Prince, pleased with the prosperity of his dependents, and delighting in their honest exer- tions to get forward in the world, used among others to visit this family, and while he was with them, the business now alluded to was going on. It reached the Prince's ears, who suspecting what was intended to be done, ordered things to rest as they were for a little, till further inquiry took place, and thereupon, he dispatched one of his foDowers to the man's lodgings to learn the truth of the re- port, where the person represented as dead, was found, expecting his friend's coming. The Prince, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. l65 uncertain whether the claimant intended to play hi fellow false, or that it was only a concerted scheme, by means of which the other might exact his sum too in his turn ; although uncertain of this, he knew at least, that some villany was contemplated, and that neither was unconcerned ; ordering, therefore, the bond to be immediately discharged in conform- ity with the stipulations of it, he banished both the persons who left the money, for ever from his ter- ritories. T^vo sons, Ernest and Albert, equally enjoying the paternal love, were left in possession of the divided estate, and lived in the greatest harmony with each other. Their descendants were distin- guished respectively by these two patriarchs' names, the issue of the one was called the Ernestine, that of the other, the Albertine. In the former, the protestants found cordial and resolute supporters, and their religion was rendered the more engaging by the amiable qualities of many of them, for they did not adopt it through motives of mere vanity, or for the sake of singularizing themselves, but under the conviction of its tendency to make men pass through things temporal, so as to stand a good chance for gaining tlie things that are eternal. Luther is copious in his acknowledgments of patronage and sup])ort from the family of Ernest, with respect to their own benevolent intentions ; 166 LIFE OF THE but even that is no deduction from their praise, if it be considered, that it came not from a parasite, from a man fond of his ease, and eager to obtain the comforts of this life, but from Martin Luther ; it was Martin Luther, who paid the encomium, a man who had the courage to defy the Pope in all his power, and was the most regardless being in the world of whatever administered to terrestrial enjoyments alone, and consequently, he could iiever be in such circumstances as to oblige himself to receive the good offices of others beyond what the furtherance of the cause he undertook seemed to require. When Martin Luther, therefore, used the word intentions, he must be understood to say, that he owed a favour to the Ernest family, which he did not seek, nor cared much whether he obtain- ed or no. Guellum, one of the members of the house of Ernest, is said to have gone into the woods, and associating with men cf great hardihood, and law- less mind, to liave long carried on a predatory war- fare upon all whom necessity compelled to pass that way. Strange stories are told of this wonder- ful man, but they are so far removed from the course of human actions and events, that the most credulous reader in modern times would only be disgusted by their absurdit}-. Indeed, the whole Ernestine family have suffered PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. l67 very much in the records of historians, who belong- ing in general to the Roman Catholic Church, Je- suits or other orders, have treated with little re- gard a house which proved so bold in its efforts to counteract the promulgation of their doctrines. But the Albertine branch is better known, either because the faith was changed from the protestant, or because in the year 1697, Frederic Augustus, one of the members of it, having succeeded to the throne of Poland, attached greater interest to his genealogy. It was for the purpose of becoming eligible to the PoUsli crown that Frederic Augus- tus renounced the religion of his fathers, and ad- hered to the doctrines of Catholicism. His mind, however, was occupied in the affairs of this world rather than concerned about futurity ; and it must be owned that nature had quahfied him to shine as a conqueror. In all his engagements with tlie Turks, he performed prodigies of courage and dar- ing, and was always victorious, and seldom sustained any serious loss, for the soldiers who fought under his standard were roused to energy and vigour by the example before their eyes of him whom they served, and were of themselves persevering and used to toil, while the Turks long accustomed to the gratification of luxury and ease, wanted the firmness and resolution that fit men to undergo the hardships of warfare. The powers of his mind 1^ LIFE OV THE only corresponded with the strength of his body, which he often exhibited to the surprise of every beholder. A sheet of copper he could twist round his finger, and the largest oak stick he could snap across his knee ; and he has frequently pulled up a tree by the root which a beast of burthen was un- able to move. When a soldier was disorderly, his punishment, and a very severe one it was, did not require any infliction more terrible than to be taken by the hand and squeezed by the offended king. But notwithstanding his successes against the Turks, he found a dreadful opponent in Charles XI f, by whom he was finally subdued, but his throne was not taken away from him ; the defeat, however, made such a deep impression upon his haughty spirit, that he grew melancholy and despondent, which brought on, or precipitated at least, his dis- solution. Whatever may have been his barbarities to other people, his own was most probably used with liberality and kindness, for his death seems to have been very sincei'ely deplored by his subjects, who elected his son, Frederic Augustus II. to suc- ceed him in the government of Poland. The cha- racter of Frederic Augustus was rather pacific, but intestine broils made his situation very uncomfort- able, and being either prevented by domeslic troubles, which required all his time and force to quell them, or natiiraily a lover of case, and slow PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 169 to make reprisals, he suffered his territories to dwindle considerably, and his authority to sink, till after a yawning reign of thirty years, he was taken off from all his earthly cares, and succeeded by his son Frederic Christian. Frederic Christian did not live many months, and his son, Frederic Augustus III. came into his room. This Frederic Augustus, the Bonapartean king of Saxony, enter- tained either an uncommon fear of the French Emperor, or the most exalted admiration of him, for he cleaved to his fortunes with such desperate pertinacity that it was accounted unsafe for the repose of Europe to leave him undisputed master of his entire dominions. As to this suggestion, it is only a conjecture, but it is by no means impro- bable, since some cause of that kind must account for the treatment he met with from the other po- tentates of Europe assembled at the congress of Vienna, or there represented by their delegated ministers. Of those who boast their foundation in Ernest, there are now several distinct branches, but the most eminent appears to be the house of Saalfeld, to which Prince Leopold pertains. The Coburg territory was nearly forty years a bone of contention to several brothers' children ; and each was furnished with strong pretensions to z 170 LIFE OF THE gain its possession. The house of Saalfeld succeed- ed, and the others quietly withdrew their claims. The grandfather of Prince Leopold was anxious to aggrandize his family by high matrimonial con- nections, and was much averse to the growing at- tachment of his son towards the accomplished daughter of the Reuss d'Ebersdorf, Count Henry. Her name was Augusta Carolina Sophia, and that of her lover, Francis. Their regard advanced apace, and consent was at length given to the match. They lived together in mutual happiness and com- fort, and had a numerous offspring ; these are their names and their state in society : Ernest Frederic Anthony, now Duke of Saxe- Coburg Saalfeld, who was born on the 2d of Janu- ary 1784. Sophia Frederica Carolina Louisa, married to Emanuel, Count de Mansdorf and PouUy, a colonel in the service of Austria ; she was born on the 10th of August 1778. Antoinetta Ernestina Emelia, mamed to Duke Charles Alexander Frederic, brother to the king of Wirtemburg, a general in tlie Russian service, Governor of Livonia, Esthonia and Courland ; she was born on the 28th of August 1779. Juliana Henrietta Ulrica, married in 1796, and soon after obliged to leave, the Grand Duke Con- stantine of Kussia, and upon occasion of her mar- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 171 riage, (conformably to the rules of the imperial family, and the ordinances of the Greek church, becoming now a member of it,) she took the name of Anne Feodoroffna in place of her own ; she was born on the 23d of September, 1781. Ferdinand George Augustus ; he was born on the 28th of March, 1785. Maria Louisa Victoria, married to Ernest Charles Louis, Prince of Leinengen, and has been left by him a widow ; she was born on the 1 7th of August, 1786. Leopold George Christian Frederic, married to Charlotte Augusta of Britain, on the 2d of May, 1816, who was snatched away from him by the grasp of mortality on the 6th of November, 1817; he was born on the 16th of December, 1790. All the individuals of this family are endowed with the best dispositions, and distinguished for urbanity of manners, steadiness of principles, and decision of character. The attracting graces of Carolina, which won the affections of Duke Francis, were accompanied by a sound understanding that directed the management of her consort discreetly, and she was highly accomplished, moreover, in the different parts of female education, which could render her an agreeable companion and an useful parent. To her Serene Highness therefore is to be attributed some portion of applause for the I7t LIFE or THB finished and admirable qualities that adorn her sons and daughters. Duke Francis, being of a mild and gentle cast, and his mind unfit to bear calamity, had a sweet comforter in his amiable wife, and when his own spirits failed him, and a sense of disappointments threw a gloom over his soul, he was often relieved by the endearments of conjugal love, and taught by the example of his cheerful and pious consort to fix his attention upon the hap- piness in store, and look with humble resignation and thankfulness on whatever Heaven was pleased to bring about. The kings of France were mightily fond of gain- ing not merely a preponderating influence over the affairs of the continent, but also an arbitrary power of dictating to the councils of the different states which composed it, and of making such divisions and arrangements among the German Princes as forwarded their national interests ; nay the grati- fication of their fancies and pride was often deemed a sufficient motive for bringing the firebrand of war upon the humble habitation of the continental peasant, witness the open avowal of Lewis XIV, by whom a singular reason was found for the inva- sion of Holland, and indeed the only one assigned, to wit. The King's glory. It was hereditary in the Coburg race to meet with indignation, this grasping and intemperate PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 173 ambition of the French kings. The historical student has often had his attention engaged by the splendid services which the Duke of Saxe- Coburg rendered to the German endeavours to re- sist encroachment and subdue the tyrannical pride and national arrogance of the French. He in the most straitened circumstances held his mind un- bridled and never gave way to the influence of ca- lamitous attempts, but nobly persevered in the cause which he had undertaken, and gained at once the love of his men, and the perfect approbation of those who entrusted him with command. The same spirit which animated the French cabinets in former times, was in the more recent, equally active to blow down the continental greatness, or ingulf it in its own vortex. The government of the Germanic territories was subdivided amongst a number of petty rulers, each possessing an extensive power and authority over the tract which owed him obedience, but they were all subject to the jurisdiction of the empire. So that in order to crush the imperial power, it was needful first to annihilate all the little states which depended upon it, or were ready to take up arms in its defence. To accomplish the overthrow of these, the annexation of one to another seemed to be the most likely means, because the jealousy of several would be apt to rise at the aggrandize- 174 LIFE OF THE ment of any in particular, and discord being intro- duced, reciprocal injuries would expose all of them to the grasp of a powerful invader. The augmen- tation besides, by lessening the numbers, tended to make the machinery of the thing less complicated. When therefore the emperor of France expanded his views, and embraced in idea the subjugation of Europe, he proceeded by apparent acts of kindness and friendship to a few, to bring upon them the hatred and antipathy of their neighbours, who were themselves either despoiled or apprehended that they should. The overtures of amity and re- gard which Bonaparte made, were always worded with exceeding pathos and seeming sincerity. His style was brief and pithy, and by its hurried cha- racter conveyed a sort of assurance; for every period of his was not only full of meaning, but much was apparently left to be understood, as if it were need- less to employ parade, and therefore his honesty was seldom doubted by whomever he addressed himself to, such showy benevolence was well suited to entrap the implicit belief and engage the friend- ship of the German grandees, and with that ingre- dient he fitted his coi'dial to their palate, an opiate administered with the appearance of a soothing and sweet beverage, but it turned out a mortal poison, when their faculties of caution destroyed, he found himself at liberty to execute his purposes. Bonaparte PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 1 75 was a subtle and captivating politician as well as a very fine general, and had the art to make the per- sons whom he duped, prove themselves more in- fatuated than he was crafty. Now against men of his stamp it is always dangerous to struggle, as to hold connection and commerce is calculated to make victims of those who do, or at all events leaves them at the mercy of the wily friend ; for if the designs of such an one prosper, then there is an end of it, and mercy and favour are dealt out in place of gratitude and requital to them who assist ; but if success attend the designs, they who made the opposition have good cause to be alarmed, since nothing can more provoke an adept in any art, than to be crossed in it, when doing so was but an act of Virtue. Consequently the house of Co- burg, which never yielded to the allurements of tliis intriguing and wonderful mun, except v.hen dire necessity compelled them to submission, had no forbearance to expect on the part of the victor. The Princes of Germany in general were afraid to express their private sentiments, and approved of the measures for diminishing the number of the duchies, and increasing the power of those that re- mained ; but the members of the Coburg race, true to the temper of their forefathers, cried out against the innovations, declaring, that whereas now the different principalities being too small for warlike 176 LIFE OP THE operations to infest eadi other with, could, by unit- ing their strength, give security to the great body, but if the contemplated system were carried into effect, the consequence must be, that insoknce on the one part, and independence on the other, would involve the states in reciprocal hostilities, or if a foreign power should introduce itself among them, one of the governments might be reduced, while the remai-nder kept an alliance with the in- truder, sacrificing safety for the bauble of a nomi- nal relationsbip to greatness. That these opinions boldly advanced, had weight with the contiguous sovereigns, is not to be doubted ; nor can any question be made that indignation and resentment were foster- ed towards the Coburgs for this cause in the bosom of him, whom such conduct did injury to. Their possessions were of course then treated unceremoni- ously, and even upon one occasion overrun with de- predators, and all opportunities were eagerly caught up to do them individual disservice or in- dignity. According to the plans of partition devised by the Emperor of France, the duchy of Brunswick was made over to Prussia, and every petty state began to tremble for its integrity, warned by so striking a specimen of wliat they might expect to happen to themselves. The whole therefore of the north of Germany was thrown into the greatest PRINCESS CHAELOTTE. 177 consternation and alarm at the ^k)se of 1 806 ; and among the other objects of arbitrary despoliation, it was with good reason that the house of Coburg considered itself to make a part. The sentiments of the whole line had been always in opposition to the projects of altering the mode of government tbroughoot the empire, and this aversion was at- tended now with gloomy apprehensicms of what was about to be done when the changes were made. Little hopes of indulgence could be entertained, when the triumphant arms of Bonaparte reached the confines of their district. As the French drew nearer and nearer, Duke Francis, for greater safety, quited Coburg, and repaired to Saalfeld, with those of his family that were not engaged ih active service. Krnest, the heir of his domain, was busily employ- ed under the Prussian government, which, through fear, resentment and pride, knew not how to direct itself, and so following no steady course of conduct, but vacillating and fickle, was unable by its exer- tions to do much harm to the invaders, but rather indeed hurt the cause of the neighbouring circles, since an instance of tergiversation, after the solemn promises entered into, set a bad example, and it was accordingly natural to expect that Bona- parte would use his best endeavours to see that no need would be for placing confidence in any, but to save that necessity by clipping their power, A A 178 LIFE OF THE preventing the breach of their word, by not requir- ing it to be given such was his thoughtfulness for a tender conscience. The man has cost this country so much happiness and money, to reduce him, that a Briton is loth to admire any of his qualities, o he might find room to think highly of his skill and penetration, the art of his arrangements, the vastness of his propositions, and the consummate fortitude, with which he strode forward to their execution. Thus the eldest son was occupied ; the second Ferdinand bore arms in the service of Aus- tria, a general of respectable abilities, and unsullied honour. Meantime the Pnnce Leopold, who was scarcely fifteen years old, was kept by his father's side, an4 there endeavoured by all the means which filial piety suggested, to soothe his sorrowing parents. Sitting at the hearth stone of his beloved sire, he performed every little office of kindness, which is so very acceptable to the feeling bosom of a distres- sed father. The horrors of war spread in all direc- tions, and the French, irritated by the oppug- nation of some, from whom tame submission and good service were expected, and enraged at the perfidious desertion of friends, vented their full rage against their professed enemies, confounded all things in general ruin, and indiscriminate slaughter. At length reaching Saalfeld, a battle PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 179 was fought, terminating in favour of the French, but they did not gain an easy or bloodless victory ; the success was for a time wavering, each party contending with fierceness and ardour, the one was fired with native fury, and prompted by the hope of plunder, the other side animated with indignation, sustained themselves with firm resolution, as men do when they know their cause to be good, and that it is for their wives, their children, and their properties they fight. When the action was over, possession was taken of the Duke's territories ; he was himself and his family unmolested in person, but the ailings which attack us in the happiest conditions of life, gathering poignancy and force from outward disorders, brought Duke Francis to his end, and he expired in the ensuing winter, lamented by his kindred, subjects, and acquaintance. When Ernest succeeded to the title and rights of his father, he was engaged in forwarding the cause of opposition, and could not therefore expect to have his dominions restored; nor was he in this mistaken. All the possessions of the late Duke were seized on, and an oppressive contribution laid upon the country. Under the load of evils which bore down upon that distinguished house, it were only vain to struggle with the character and quality of an ally to any of the otlier powers resisting Bonaparte. Ernest was obliged to xe- 180 LIFE OF THE main in the employment of Prussia, Ferdinand, who had been in the employment of Austria, still lield his rank in it, after the peace, and Leopold, who was connected, by his sister's marriage, with the imperial house of Russia, was received into the Russian army, where he had an opportunity of making himself well known to the emperor, and the good fortune and merit to win his favour and esteem. To Alexander's friendship and interfer- ence, the Coburgs were indebted for the restoration of their territory. As soon as the quarrel broke out between France and Russia, the magnanimous autocrat very consi- derately advised the Prince Leopold to withdraw himself from his service, and remain inactive, lest the French Emperor, provoked by his bearing a ccwnmand, would punish him in the possessions of his brother, who was then permitted to enjoy them undisturbed, and recognized by Napoleon as right- ful owner of them. According to this very discreet counsel, and in consideration of his family's good, the young Prince put up his sword ; but that he might not remain a peaceful spectator of troubles which he was fain to do his best to suppress, hap- pily, he determined to travel southward, and im- prove his mind by an acquaintance with the cus- toms and modes of life that existed among a foreign people. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 181 Full of this laudable scheme, he cast his eyts about him for a suitable companion, and rtieeting with an intelligent and enlivening friend in the person of Baron Hardenbrock, he began his journey. By the experience and information of his attendant, he was enabled to familiarize himself with the nations he visited, entering at once into their pas- times and pursuits, and thereby he acquired a greater insight into their manners and dispositions than otherwise he could have slttained. Indeed the chief means of improvement are commonly sacrificed by travellers to the indulgence of pride and vain glory, eager as they are to be thought great ones, they miss the opportunities of unfolding the plaits of the human heart, which, although in the main universal and alike, are diversified accor- ding to the country, no less than the apparel, and the tongue that is used; how much then must the despicable ambition of shining for a time to the extent of the sojourner's rank and wealth, prevent the knowledge which might be gained by minute attention to the various occupations of the people visited ? Besides this hindrance, a notice of strange habits is impeded by the rapidity of passing the country through, not suffering the mind to dwell a suflScient length of time for fixing the impres- sions in the memory, if some observations will obtrude themselves upon us, which is seldom the 182 LIFE OF THE case where men are in a hurry, and seem afraid of catching the wisdom which they profess to pursue, no otherwise than dexterous persons move their pahns over a red hot bar without being at all sensi- ble of the heat it is adapted to convey, because of the quickness with which the motion is performed. But it was not so with Prince Leopold and his fellow traveller. Every other consideration was however postpon- ed to the calls of his country ; and in 1813 he re- sumed his usual place in the Russian army, when no motives of his relative's welfare interposed be- tween his inclinations and the indulgence of them. The Emperor received him now with open arms. He continued in that service until the termination of the contest, and discharged his duties with the promptness and sagacity which might be looked for in a Prince of his accomplishments, spirit, and good parts. The leisure hours of his military career were devoted to the conversation of the Baron Hardenbrock, who was well qualified to im- part at once entertainment and instruction; he knew the world well, he had been for a consider- able period of his life a general merchant, and his character for integrity iand discretion was never cr.lled into doubt, but his exertions were not crowned with the success of his speculations ; or all Ills acquisitions were sunk in the common de- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 183 struclion, and in these forlorn circumstances he be- came a soldier ; but his superior merit and respecta- bility of carriage did not escape recognition in the quarters where rested the power of requiting them, and he was promoted accordingly. From his first intimacy with the Prince, the greatest cordiality and most unbounded confidence took place. To him therefore much commendation must always be im- plied in tiie Prince's praises, since he had so effec- tual a hand in directing his conduct, and forming him to the practices of virtue and honour, at a time of existence when the passions are warm, and the affections lie exposed to mischievous contortion from natural appetite, and a foul dye from the tincture of bad company, for who sits over the fire all day and measles not his shins ? He very early discovered talents for negjotiation and the manajje- mcnt of state affairs; for when in the year 1808, his brother Ernest had occasion to go to Russia to con- cert with Alexander, the likeliest means of estab- lishing himself in the full possession of his duchy which was by this time restored but partially, he held so high an opinion of his brother's good sense and prudence, that he committed to his hands the management of things in his absence. Nor had the Duke Ernest any reason to repent him of his choice, for at his return he found his concerns at- tended to with assiduity, and the interests of his 1^ LIFE OF THE subjects furthered with astonishing discernment for so ypung ^ statesman. The situation of the people was then truly deplorable; war had raged with violence, and ruined all the little con- veniences of the tenements they held, whilst the pinching contributions laid upon them, had swal- lowed up the only wherewithal mortals have now pf repairing any thing, that is to say, their mpn^y. Under this severe pressure, both public and private^ the considerate care of the Prince went far to re- lieve ; and they who were not substantially bene- fited, had their sufferings in a great measure light- ened by the kind inquiries and sympathetic expres- sions of him who was set over them, and was him- self injured as well as they. And afterwards at the congress of Vienna he devoted himself to the service of his brother, and was perhaps instrumental to the generous treatment which Duke Ernest experienced at the hands of the distributive con- vention assembled there. Not but that the claims of Duke Ernest were strong enough intrinsically to merit attention, but his principality was a small one, and he might be considered in the light of a petitioner rather than an independent ruler; and it was very wisely don6 to send his brother, whose personal acquaintance with the Russian Emperor quickened those friendly dispositions of that sove- reign towards the Duke, which affinity had already PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 185 produced, and he advanced by his own ^^reneral in- fluence the cause of his brother most materially. His circumstances were now exceedingly happy. He had enjoyed during his stay in England all the pleasures which a mortal being can propose to himself; he stood high in the good graces of the Emperor Alexander; he was gaining the full esteem and favour of the Regent, and all whom he associ- ated with found happiness in his company, but more to him than all, an amiable, polite and mighty Princess. When the Prince perceived the progress he had made in the regards of her Royal Highness, he did not attempt to take any unfair advantage of his good fortune, but considering that the attachment was only in its beginning, and the flame blazed not yet so high but it might be got under ; he in the most noble and spirited manner, sought an interview with the august parent, and disclosed to him the foundation he had for building his hopes upon of engaging his ilkistrious daughter to encourage his pretensions to iier favour, and trusting to merit by hig future conduct, the distinction he aspired to, humbly craved the permission of the Regent to carry on his suit ; or that, however distressing the alternative, he would forego his fond expectations, and take himself out of the country. The Prince Regent was surprized at the extraordinary candour B 185 LIFE OF THE and liberality of his Serene Highness ; he admired him for it, and confirmed in the opinion which he had at the first formed of his principles, did not hesitate to assure him, that although he would not interfere in his behalf, nor press the measure upon his child, notwithstanding he could have no objec- tion to the proposal of a man who was so very- deserving. But this did not occur till the definitive answer of her Royal Highness to the overtures made to her by William of Orange. The Prince of Orange, although frequently baffled in his efforts to draw matters to a complete decision, did not think the many rejections he had encountered a sufficient warrant for despairing al- together. The great point of difference was at first the delicate case of her mother, whose happiness she could not think to give up, in composition for a husband. The Prince had several estimable quali- ties, and his bravery and spirit shown upon thq peninsula, had given him an exalted place in the esteem of the Kegent, who therefore endeavoured to promote his interests with all his weight and power; the more readily no doubt, because the Prince of Orange did not seem boru to make love, but from the integrity of his life, tlic steadiness oi' his conduct, bid fair, whatever he might be in courtship, to discharge his married duties with PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 1S7 constancy and a willing mind. It was not there- fore a strange thing that his Royal Highness should interest himself in the matter with anxious inrtpor- tunity, his daughter too young as she was to form a discreet judgment for herself, her suitor unfit to inspire tenderness though deserving of it ; and to these private motives as a father, were superadded his Royal Highness's concern to bind by a com- munion of interests the presiding family of Britain with the house of Nassau, a connection that pro- mised most confidently reciprocal benefit to both. His wish on these accounts to forward the addresses of William of Orange was not very possibly so strong an incentive to the exercise of paternal authority that he would have persevered against the mani- fest inclination of her Royal Highness, had he not thought the influence of the Princess of Wales would be employed to the utmost for the retarda- tion of the affair, and the final disappointment of it; and for this conjecture he had strong inducements, the apparent interest of the Princess of Wales her- self, and her declared wishes. Although the intended marriaire had been ru- moured about in general conversation and the Public Papers, yet no authentic character was sup- posed to have been given to the report, and thei-e- fore on the 21st of April 1814, a member of the House of Common?, aske]i mere courtesy before their Lordships, in conse- quence of his motion, which lie was not nov/ dis- posed to forward ; as he had learned from tiie news- papers that her Royal Highness had been in tovv);, after lier removal to Cranbourn House, and v.a.s in all respects unconfined in the exercise of her personal will, and he trusted the most lenient and kind means would be used in the treatment of her Royal Highness for the time to come. Severity and exact discipline ill co'.iiported with the natural temper of the Princess ; and it ^va^ probably owing to agitations of mind that her indis})osition had advanced upon her: but since there was every likelihood that benefit would be derived from a re- sidence by the sea coast, and that was now pre- scribed by persons eminent in the faculty, he did 216 LIFE OF THE not doubt but the earliest opportunity would be taken to provide a suitable place, and that her re- tirement would be free from the interruptions of trouble and anxieties, her mind now requiring to be soothed. He was quite convinced that nothing could induce her Royal Highness to change the resolution she had come to upon a certain matteF, andhepleased himself with the hope that no attempts would be made to renew the primary cause of her late mental sufferings. i- o - But before the illustrious Duke sat down, he could not abstain from furnishing some useful hints to the noble and learned Lord upon the woolsack. " Lord Bacon (he said) judged of reading that it rendered men erudite, that writing made correct men, and that conversation tended to make men ready ;" thus concluded the Duke's interference. Lord Liverpool highly approved of the deter- mination of the Duke, and he was very happy to find that the subject was not to go through any tedious debate, nor be submitted to an unnecessary investigation. In justification of himself and his colleagues he must be permitted to observe, that no design was ever entertained, or has been, of treating her Royal Highness in a manner unsuited to her rank, improper for lier age, or hurtful to her feel- ings. There are indeed no grounds for supposing any PllINCESS CHARLOTTE. 217 design to be held for renewing the overtures of the Prince of Orange ; and very probably the condition of the Princess of Wales, slighted by the several great families of the kingdom, gave the only source of uneasiness to her affectionate daughter. But the time was now arrived for the Princess of W ales to engage her mind in travelling through the coun- tries of Europe ; and this was apparently a measure best fitted to restore her tranquillity and brighten up her spirits. As soon as the project was rumoured, parliamentary notice was taken of it in the House of Commons, where on the 30th of July, Mr. Tierney observed that a report having prevailed of the Princess of Wales being on the eve of depar- ture for the continent, he would embrace that his earliest opportunity to express his regret. If her Royal Highness intended only to make an absence of a year or two, even so, he must feel vexed at her quitting England under her present circum- stances, unrestored to the full dignity of her exalted station, and because, in a national regard, it was also subject to the greatest inconveniences, the contin- gency of her succession to the rank of majesty made it a x-ery solemn and lamertable resolution ; but if the residence was to be perpetual abroad, then he contemplated the matter vith the most serious con- cern. He expected to learn tliat no understanding subsisted between the ministers and the Princess F F 218 LIFE OF THE that she should receive an addition to her pension, and upon that account look to her journey as a necessary consequence ; what would that be but to have paid for the going off, to liave sent her Royal Highness into mercenary exile. The honourable member was not then in his place, who, in conjunc- tion with him, had been so active in procuring an encreased allowance, but he would boldly answel* for him and all his other friends, that no idea Avas ever entertained by them that she was to leave the country, when the augmentation of her income might enable her to travel. He begged to assure the house that it was quite foreign to their views to make such arrangements wdth that end, and he trusted no stipulations of the kind had been agreed upon by the servants of the crown and the Princess of Wales. Lord Castlereagh, in answer to what had been spoken by Mr. Tierney, said, that all he could acquaint the honourable member wdth was only this her Royal Highness had signified her intention to quit the country ; and requested per- mission to do so, which was of course most readily acceded to, convinced that, when the encrease was made to her Royal Highness's fortune, it was not at the same time designed to incarcerate her person, but that her Royal Highness might consider lieiself at perfect liberty to take up her residence v.hcre her pleasure or conveniency soever might suggest^ PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 219 Mr. Tierney then declared that such a step was positively counter to the advice which Mr. Whit- bread, and all the sincere wellwishers of that person- age had submitted to her consideration and accept- ance. To talk of regret and sorrow, as applicable to the private enjoyments and peace of her Royal Fligh- ness, when she took the visit to foreign parts into her mind, and enrolled it among her wishes, were surely to combat with ordinary reason, for it was the best expedient she could possibly hit upon, according to the experience of every body who lias been placed in the like circumstances. The political consideration of it is another affair. But she most truly desired to go abroad, and wrote to Lord Liverpool respecting that longing to see her brother, and the land of her birth, which she hoped to be permitted to accomphsh. This is the published copy of her Royal Highness's letter to his Lord- ship: "The Princess of Wales requests Lord Liverpool to lay before the Prince Regent the contents of this letter. "Actuated by the most urgent motive, that of restorinc; tranquiliity to the Prince Regent, as well as to secure tiie peace of mind of v.hich she has been for so many years deprived, the Princess of Wales, after mature reflection, has resolved to re* 220 LIFE OF THE turn to the continent. This resolution ought not to surprize the ministers of the Prince Regent, con- sidering the trouble and disagreeable experience of the Princess for so long a time; and still more, after the indignity and mortification to which she has been exposed, by being withheld from receiving her nearest relations, and the most intimate friends of the late Duke of Brunswick her illustrious father. " The Princess is extremely anxious that the Prince Regent should be informed of the motives, and clearly comprehend the tenor of her past conduct as politically exhibited. In exacting a justification from this noble nation, her sole pro- tection since the unfortunate indisposition of the King, she is to be understood as solicitous only to maintain her rights and her honour, which are dearer to her than life itself " The Princess of Wales would have undertaken her projected tour long before, if she had not been prevented by the breaking off in the projected marriage of the Princess Charlotte with the Prince of Oranore. She could not resolve to leave her daughter without protection, at a period so critical. The Prince Regent having planned to settle the new married couple at the Hague, the Princess Charlotte on that account principally declined the match. Unwilling to prove any obstacle to future arrangements favourable to the happiness of her PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 221 daughter, the Princess of Wales has at length re- solved to return to Brunswick, her native country. She may afterwards travel into Italy and Greece, where she may probably be able to select an agree- able abode, and live in it for some years. The Princess flatters herself that the Prince Regent will have no objection to this design. " The Princess of Wales requests Lord Liver- pool to represent to the Prince Regent, that she resigns Montague House, and the title of Ranger of Greenwich Pafk, in favour of her daughter, as also the house bequeathed to the Princess of Wales by her mother. The Princess of Wales hopes the Prince Regent will comply with these requests, the last that her Royal Highness intends to offer. " The Princess embraces this opportunity to ex- plain the motives which have induced her to decline the grant of 50,000 a year, voted to her by the nation in Parliament. She expresses her lively ac- knowledgment to this great people for their readi- ness to make to her so liberal a pension during her life ; but she has only taken 35,000, because as the gift was intended to support her in her proper rank, and to enable her to hold a court as became the vdfe of the Prince Regent, the receipt of it would interfere with her views of travelling, and her pur- pose to quit Enc^lajid for a season. Such is the substance of her present communication to Lord 222 LIFE OF THE Liverpool, which the Princess would have made before, but for the fear of producing new debates in parliament. She has therefore awaited the rising of that august body, and is now about to depart for Worthing to embark, not intending to return pre- viously to London. "The Princess of Wales is happy to assure Lord Liverpool, that she will ever be ardently solicitous for the prosperity and glory of this generous nation." " Connaught- House July 25thf 1814." Lord Liverpool's answer to the communication of the Princess of Wales : " Lord Liverpool has had the honour to receive the letter of her Royal Highness. Having acquaint- ed the Prince Regent with its contents, he is desired to state that her Royal Highness can meet with no hindrance to the design she has intimated, of returning to her native country, to visit her brother the Duke of Brunswick, assuring her that the Prince Regent will never throw any obstacle in the way of the present or future intentions of her Royal Highness as to the place where she may wish to reside. "The Prince Regent leaves it entirely to the liberty of her Royal Highness to exercise her own PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 29S discretion as to her abode in t^is country or on the continent, as it may be convenient to her. " Lord Liverpool is also commanded, on the part of the Prince Regent, to inform her Royal High- ness, that he will not throw any obstacles in the way of the arrangements of her Royal Highness, whatever they may be, respecting the rest of the private property of her Royal Highness. But tiiat, for reasons rather too long to explain, the Prince Regent will not permit the Princess Charlotte to be Ranger of Greenwich Park, nor to occupy any of the houses at Blackheath, which the Princess of Wales has hitherto occupied. " Lord I^iverpool has also been enjoined, on the part of the Prince Regent, before he closes the letter which he has the honour to send to her Royal Highness, to inform her, in relation to the two ardcles which her Royal Highness has inserted in her letter concerning the rupture of the mar- riage of the Princess Charlotte, with the Hereditary Prince of Orange, as well as to tlie reasons for which the Allied Sovereigns did not, previously to tlieir departure from England, pay their visits to her Royal Highness, that, as to the first article, Lord Liverpool is commanded by tlie Prince Regent to inform her Royal Highness, that the Prince Regent is not persuaded that the private considerations of the circumstances in which the 224 LIFE OF THE Princess of Wales is placed, can have been an ob- struction to the marriage of the Princess Charlotte. As to the second article, Lord Liverpool is also enjoined, on the part of the Prince Regent, to in- form her Royal Highness that the Prince Regent never opposed himself to the allied Sovereigns making a visit to the Princess of Wales during their stay in England. "Lord Liverpool has the honour to be, with profound esteem and consideration, respondent to her Royal Highness. *' P. S. The Prince Regent can make no difficul- ties on the subject of the directions which the Prin- cess has the intention of giving as to the house at Blackheath; neither will the Prince Regent oppose her Royal Highness retaining the rooms in Kensington Palace, in the same manner as she possessed them while in London, for the conveni- ence of herself and her suite." "July ^th, 1814." Her Royal Highness wrote likewise to Mr. Whitbread, about the same time, explaining to him the reasons for which she did not intend to remain longer in this country. The letter is what follows : " The Princess of Wales has the pleasure to in- form, and frankly to avow to Mr. Whitbread, that PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. Ms she is about to take the most important step iii her life. She has embraced the resolution of quit- ting this country for a time ; and has written to Lord Liverpool to inform the Prince Regent irii- mediately with her intention. The Princess in- closes a copy of this letter to Mr. Whithread, to make him and his friends understand the plan of conduct which she has adopted. " The Princess is so fully persuaded of the well known integrity of IMr. Whi thread and Mr. Brougham, that she cannot doubt but they would have proposed such a step, if motives of delicacy had not prevented them. The Princess is deeply penetrated with gratitude for the attentions which they have shown her, at all times and on all occa- sions. This kindness on their part has withheld her from asking their advice on the present occa- sion ; in every other instance she assures them, she has always followed the suggestions of her advisers and friends, and conformed to their superior intel- ligence. *' Her conscience tells her, that her conduct is worthy of her character and of her sentiments, and will always remain so. She has had sufficient leisure to reflect maturely before she adopted her present resolution. People who know not the character of the Princess may be disposed to believe, that she has been induced to adopt this measure in Q G 226 LIFE OF THE a moment of ill humour; but she takes the Almighty to witness, that she has been intending to travel ever since 1806, although reasons too long for ex- planation have prevented her. No person possess- ed of pride and feeling, could endure to be degrad- ed below her rank in this kingdom, as Princess of Wales, or even as a simple individual, bear to be so hated by its ruler, as to be debarred from his presence both public and private. The Princess of Wales knows not how to support so much debase- ment and mortification. She cannot allow herself to be treated as a culprit by the Prince and his family, while her innocence has been acknowledged by ministers and by Parliament, after an investi- gation which has done away the accusations of traitors and enemies. " The Princess having obtained this public satis- faction, cannot in conscience remain a burden to her friends any longer. Events are continually occurring, which oblige her zealous and generous advocates to step forward in her defence. " The Princess of Wales is deeply paietrated with the generosity of this brave nr.tion, which, after having taken so lively an interest in her misfortunes, and in her afflicting condition, so willingly affords to her the means of living peaceably in future. She hopes that her gratitude, which will only cease with her existence, will be one day renewed in the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 227 Princess Charlotte, and that her daughter will give proofs of it by her zeal for the glory and happiness of this kingdom ; by defending the rights of her people; and proving by her conduct, that great and powerful as she may be, she will not tyrannise over any one, merely because they have not the good fortune to please her. "The Princess of Wales would probably not have departed so soon, had not the marriage of the Princess Charlotte with the Prince of Orange been broken off at her own instance. Dear as her daughter is to her, she could not resolve to leave her without protection in a situation so critical. The Princess aware that the match was ardently desired by the people, wished neither to impede the happiness of the nation, nor that of her daughter. On this account she is solicitous to depart at once, for it is pitiable to see a child rendered on all occa- sions a source of dispute between her parents. " The Princess of Wales is assured that in future the Princess Charlotte will be more happy and tranquil, and she is led to make this sacrifice, that if she remains some time longer unmarried, there may be fewer obstacles to her appearance in public. Her father the Prince Regent may thus choose the most suitable of her nearest relations to introduce her into society, that she may enjoy the pleasures congenial to her age, and become acquainted with 228 LIFE OF THE the character of the most distiiiguislicd persons in the nation, of which knowledge slie has hitherto been deprived. " The Princess Charlotte will the less feel the privation of her mother's society, as she has not had it for the two last years. During that time five or six months in succession have passed away without the mother being allowed to see her daughter. She has even been refused the consolation of receiving any of her letters, and thus her regret at leaving her is lessened ; for although living in the same capita), they were not allowed to speak, even when they met in their airings. Her daughter's coachman was forbidden to stop, and directed to act as if he knew not the carriage of the Princess of Wales. Thus to quit her will but be the grief of a day, whilst to remain were only to continue the sorrows of both mother and child. The Princess cannot rest in a" situation so unfortunate for herself, and so uneasy to others, and is sure that Mr. AVhitbread and his friends will be affected by these consider- ations ; that their sentiments will accord with her own, and that they will approve of her resolution. " The Princess, before slie ends this long letter, is solicitous to explain to her advisers the most urgent reason for her quitting England, and to show them that delicacy has obliged lier to put her- self under the protection of this great and generous PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 229 nation, having no other refuge since the indisposi- tion of the King. How much has it cost her to make public this declaration that is to say, that his Royal Highness has been strangely biassed and imposed upon by false accusers and enemies to ' lier honour. " That which renders her situation still more em- barrassing is, that this generous nation has shown more devotion towards herself than to its ruler, who ought to be the blessing and glory of his people. The Princess hopes, that when she quitted England, the Prince Regent will make public his conviction, that her conduct and character have not merited reproach ; and thereby regain that po- pularity which is due to him, and to which his many excellent qualities entitle him in other re- spects. " The Princess of Wales most devoutly assures Mr. Whitbread and his friends of the immutable sentiments of lively gratitude and perfect esteem towards them, which shall have the same ending with her existence only." The Princess of Wales might have known that her comfort and happiness woiiM always be ardent- ly wished for by the upright individual whom she honoured with her coiificlencc and friendship ; but it does not appear a certain thing that her Royal Hijrhness's intention to leave the coiiiitry was ac- 230 LirE OF THE ceptable to him and his political associates, although, when proposed, it would not have been proper or becoming in them to thwart her inclinations. Feel- ings of regret for the measures entered into^ were not suffered to transpire, yet they almost discovered themselves. And even the following reply of Mr. Whitbread to her Royal Highness's letter has a little of the hinted uneasiness in it ; it does not evi- dence itself, but still there is a certain shade of dis- appointment that notwithstanding runs over it. ** August 1st, lS14i. "Mr Whitbread assures her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, that he has not been at all sur- prised at the resolution with which she has been pleased to acquaint him : it cannot but give hira much pain to think that he vvill not be able to enjoy the amiable society of the Princess for some time. Even in her absence, his zeal for her future happiness will be at all times, and in every place, his only object : he will prove it by his cares and his activity, and by his unalterable attachment ; in contributing to tlie happiness of the Princess Char- lotte, whose integrity of character should suffice to form his motive. " In concluding, Mr. Whitbread must beg per- mission to reiterate his sentiments of devotion, and PEINCESS CHARLOTTE. 231 of zeal for her re-establishment in all the rights of the empire over which she is one day to reign." " Samuel Whitbread." All the needful preparations being made for her journey, the Princess of Wales turned her thoughts to the parting embrace of her dutiful and beloved child. She wrote to the Earl of Liverpool, stating her intention to go to see the Princess Charlotte at Cranbourn House, and expressed her hopes that no objection would be made to her doing so. The answer to this application was not however such as could gratify the feelings of the Princess of Wales, but it was not altogether repulsive ; she was informed that the Princess Charlotte would be per- mitted to make her Royal Highness a visit on the Saturday following. Upon that day, the young Princess, attended by her usual retinue, drove to Connaught House in a carriage of the Prince Regent, and was received with rapturous fondness by the expecting mother. Tliey retired for nearly one hour by themselves; and in that secret interview many affecting, deeply affecting expressions were no doubt used ; and they who witnessed the last look which each cast the other at separation, could hardly refrain from tears. It was indeed a very solemn and a toucliing sight. They who have been to see dear relatives or 232 LIFE OF THE friends, will call to their recollection how, after staying much beyond the time at first designed to limit their journey, and all has been said that seemed possible for them to say, notwithstanding, just as they are taking leave, there is occasion for them to stop, some last, some important commission is to be delivered ; so after the Princess of Wales had received her daughter's farewell, Miss Mercer was sent to Cranbourn Lodge, and remained in it the whole of the subsequent day in close conference with the Princess Charlotte. On the 2d of August the Princess of Wales reaching Worthing^ where Captain King, of the Jason, was directed to be in readiness for her ; but not expecting her Royal Highness on the 2d, he was not in attendance, and therefore she remained longer. ^leantime a great concourse of men, women, and children, of coaches and horses, had crowded along the beach at Worthing, which (privateness best suiting her state) induced the Princess to go to South Lancing, about a couple of miles distant, where she embarked. But when the people understood that her Royal Highness had gone to South Lancing, they all hastened away thither, and they who were not in time to behold her countenance, had only the satisfaction of seeing a white liandkcrcbief v.'hich her Royal Highness waved till she gained the sliip in answer to similnr PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 233 tokens of attachment, made her by the ladies; the men were for the most part lost in silent meditation, or loth to be obstreperous, lest their regrets should be misconstrued into unbecoming exultation. The greater portion of her female attendants went on board at Worthing. But the Princess herself, atten- ded by Lady Charlotte Lindsay, and young Mr. Austin, (who was taken fromhiscradle under the pro- tection of her Royal Highness,) arrived at the Jason in the barge of Captain King. Her Royal Highness wore a dark cloth pelisse with large gold clasps, her cap was of velvet and green satin, after the Prussian fashion, with a green feather in it. Among her articles was a large tin case, with these words painted in white letters: " Her Royal Highness tlie Princess of Wales, to be always with her." On leaving the English shore she was gi'eatly affected ; she looked upon the land in silent earnest- ness for a time, then bursting into tears was much relieved, but still her sorrow continued visible for a few days. On the 12th of August, as the vessel was passing the Texel, she desired that a royal salute should be given in compliment to the day ; (it was the anniversary of the Regent's birth,) and after dinner she drank a glass oi' wine to the health, prosperity, and glory of his Royal Higlmess. The Princess of Wales, determined to adopt her sphere of life in some measure to the distresses of n H 234 LIFE or THE her mind, did not assume the rank of Princess, but travelled under the name of the Countess of Wolfen- butel, receiving, however, all the tokens of respect and attention which are commonly paid to illustrious characters. In her journey through the continent, an interview is reported to have taken place be- tween her Royal Highness and the Prince Leopold; and it has been confidently said, that the motive for Miss Mercer's visit to Cranbourn Lodge was to give the Princess Charlotte an opportunity of writ- ing to his Serene Highness a letter, of which the Princess of Wales was to be the bearer, and this letter was delivered to the Prince at the meeting on the continent. The Princess Charlotte remained at Cranbourn Lodge till the 9th of September, and then she set out for Weymouth, and arriving at it on the day following, a great multitude went to meet her Royal Highness, and celebrated her coming with loud and reiterated shouts. The mayor of Weymouth, Mr. Henry Hayes Tozard, directed that the 12th should be passed by the inhabitants with every demonstration of joy, and such exhibitions as might best evince the grate- ful sense of the people for the honour done them by the promising and exalted young female. Ac- cordingly the flags were displayetl in the several ships that lay in harbour, the Custom House was PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 235 adorned with suitable embellishments, and in the evening a general illumination took place, fire- works, and all the other circumstances of public gladness. On the 14th, a congratulatory address was pre- sented to her Royal Highness by the mayor and corporation of Weymouth, running in tlie following words : ^' " We, the mayor, aldermen, bailiffs, and principal burgesses of the borough of Weymouth and Mel- combe Regis, entreat permission to address to your Royal Highness our humble congratulations on your safe arrival here, and to express our earnest wishes for the re-establishment of your health. " We regard the auspicious appearance of your Royal Highness amongst us, not only as a happy omen of the future prosperity of the town, but as a revival of the joyful sensations we formerly ex- perienced on the visits of your august grand-father, the paternal sovereign of a grateful people. "May the many public and private virtues which adorn with peculiar lustre the character of our re- vered monarch,, shine with undiminished splendour in the persons of his illustrious descendants. " Madam, we beg leave to assure your Royal Highness of our strenuous- exertions to preserve peace and good order, and by every means in our power to anticipate your wishes." 236 LIFE OF THE hThe answer of her Royal Highness was in these words : *^ Gentlemen, the Royal Family have so repeatedly experienced the loyalty and good will of the in- habitants of Weymouth, that they need no addi- tional assurance of their affection and duty. ** It will, however, I am sure, afford them very sincere satisfaction to find, that time and absence have produced no alteration whatever in their senti- ments. " To you, gentlemen, who have shown me this particular mark of attention, and have so kindly expressed your wishes for the restoration of my health, I feel more especially indebted; nor can I, on this occasion, omit my very sincere acknowledg- ments to all the inhabitants of this town, for the very flattering tokens of regard which they have universally shown me, and which I consider as a proof of their undiminished attachment to my father, and the rest of the royal family. "And as to myself, believe me, gentlemen, it will ever be my anxious wish to merit your good opinion," Taking the aggregate of the young Princess's affairs into our consideration, we must suppose that she was now far from being unhappy. Her royal mother had left England with an ample provision for her travels, scarcely any indulgences of kingly PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 3^ persons lay beyond the reach of her fortune, and moreover her Royal Highness was pretty well as- sured of the fixed and unalterable attachment of her beloved Prince Leopold; she held a regular correspondence with him, and had by this means the opportunities of interchanging sentiments of mutual regard and esteem. She found her name highly considered by all ranks and descriptions of people ; the great and affluent were pleased with her condescension ; the poor were supplied by her with the necessaries of life; the fasting were made full; the naked were clad; the religious were kept in countenance by her pious demeanour and punc- tual attendance upon divine service every sabbath day, whilst she illustrated the integrity of her faith by the zealous and steady performance of the christ- ian duties ; showing, in her example, that a tree was to be known by the fruit of it. The happy propensities of her natural disposition were intermixed with the liveliest and most cheer- ful spirits imaginable; religion and virtue were not with her matters of gloom and austerity, but virtue and religion were with her the basis and helps of her self-complacency and delightful merri- ment. The Countess of Ros^lyn, the Countess of II- chester, Mrs. Campbell, the two Miss Coteses, General Garth, and the Rev. Doctor Sliort, were 238 LIFE OF THE her attendants at W eymouth, and happy partakers of her pleasant society. Although so far advanced in years, she did not think herself beyond instruction, or that she had outgrown the cares of a tutor. Every day she read with Doctor Short, sometimes Latin, sometimes Greek, and her progress was at once rapid and sweet, probably no one has at any time had a more agree- able pupil than had Doctor Short, for her lessons were not only accurately prepared, but it was her singular felicity to put her preceptor in constant good humour, whereas most learners put their teachers out of it. But few lessons passed away with- out some pleasantries, some happy effusions of her Royal Highness's smartness and drollery ; but it was not that vulgar sort of facetiousness neither, which at the time makes the hearer laugh, and for- get it after, it was a deep, a sentimental species of acute observation and genuine wit, that left a de- lightful impression of it behind : the following is a little anecdote of her Royal Highness to exemplify these observations, that seems not unworthy inser- tion. Having now got into the 4th book of tlie iEneid, she appeared greatly interested in Dido s story, and now and then declared she pitied her; as tliey were finishing one of the lessons, the Doctor, in his engaging manner, half by way of criticism, and half as if he felt for the unhappy Queen, said PRINCESS CHAELOTTE. 239 with great solemnity and archness, Poor Dido! Pool- Dido, say I too, Doctor ; but ah ! Sir, the man was ^neas. Not satisfied with blunting the edge of the satire by compassion for the Queen's sufferings, she went, it may be seen, further, and excused as much as she might the folly itself which brought it on. The neighbourhood of Weymouth is highly pic- turesque, abounding in all the formations of nature, which can enchain the fancy, or enlarge the narrow conceptions of man, expanding them from the confines of the little world we live in, till the soar- ing mind loses itself in the immensity of creation. There were consequently strong inducements fur- nished in this place to her Royal Highness for making excursions into the surrounding parts, and of these some are of great and ancient celebrity, the isle of Portland, too well known, the winding sheet of many noble fellows, hardy and sincere sailors, who there have met destruction ; and divers castles, hills, and so forth; but above all the village of Abbotsbury, the famous residence of the mon- astic order of St. Benedict. A fine day offering, the Princess with her re- tinue sailed for Portland Island, but the wind not being sufficiently brisk, the passage was long ; it was not tedious, for it afforded to her Royal High- ness leisure for contemplating the fnie scenery of 1840 LIFK or THE the parts along the coast; and she appeared to con- template all she saw with extreme earnestness and pleasure. Having reached the island, the party all debarked, and spent two or three hours in ramb- ling over it, and surveying the ships, which in vast numbers were seen from it floating along the im- mense sea. She viewed the ships Avith great satis- faction, and watched their motions for a long time in silence; but perceiving her attendants to be growing fatigued with the sight, she left the spot and along with them entered the barge again. It was late in the evening before they got home, but they were all greatly pleased with the trip. The Countess of Ilchester happened to have her country residence in the vicinity of Weymouth, and it was often the resort of her Royal Highness. The name of the seat is Abbotsbury Castle, and her Royal Highness listened with exceeding delight to the stories which are told of the persons who used to live there, and she had the means of grati- fying fully her inquisitive turn, for of course the different traditions were kept in remembrance by the present inhabitants, so prone are we to take merit to ourselves for the antiquity of the place whefe we live, and this vanity is often just as high, as ancestorial pride, nor is it perhaps of a much more ridiculous nature. But proud as the Countess may- have been to have the tales listened to, the royal PIIINCESS CHARLOTTE. 24l auditor was equally affected with pleasure to hear them told. When a person is in a country far distant, he may look at the moon, and rejoice in beliolding it, considering that the same object en- gages the notice of the people at home. So like- wise we might receive satisfaction from hearing the same stories which the Princess used to hear, but her short life is now drawing to a period, and too much remains to be related, for indulging in matters not immediately connected with the personal inci- dents of her Royal Highness. Yet the tale of the Abbot's cook being but a short one, may be given. AVhen England was inhabited by people univer- sally devoted to the drudgery of life, excepting the great lords and the ecclesiastics, little attention was paid to the cultivation of knowledge, the calls of appetite demanded the cares of m^n, and excluded the political speculations and watchfulness which in later times secured the privileges of the subject from the inroads of royal usurpation. In those days the kings issued their edicts and expected obedi- ence to their orders without scruple or examination into the justice they rested upon, for few indeed were capable of weighing the measures of the court with intelligence ; not even the learned men \\eio unchained from ignoble views and paltry opinions, and the historiographers themselves record for fact >, detail'^ of what it were now absurd to sup- I I 242 LIFE OF THE pose had any existence. Of this class is the anec- dote of the abbot's cook, but it has certainly a greater air of truth in it, notwithstanding, than the early legends commonly exhibit. The king, having run his coffers very low, and his barons being reluctant to afford liim any aid, he was at a loss for an expedient to retrieve his affairs : it struck him at length, that a monastery would be a very likely place to find plenty of specie, and once the source was discovered no difficulty ap- peared to him of drawing copiously from it. Ac- cordingly a blustering message was sent to the Provost of the monastery, instantly requiring his attendance on the King. When the abbot arrived. What, said his Majesty, What, Mr. Abbot do you and your fellow students advance human know- ledge in, I desire to be informed, could you not make as great a progress at a less expence ? No, may it please you, ray Liege, No; it were impossible, retirement is absolutely wanted to give the ease :jnd freedom to the mind necessaiy for making profound researches, our labours have already been crowned with the utmost success, and we have deeply penetrated into the secrets of nature, and possibly your Grace may Ik^ reckoned of glorious memory with our far distant posterity, if it were only for the refined speculations wc have made in Metaphysics and Kntology. As to liiese same PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 243 matters, replied his Majesty, more may be talked about them than is understood of them ; but this 1 can tell you, and be sure that I will have it ac- complished ; Go to your closet, and return in ten days and have a full and perfect solution drawn up of these three questions, first, I want to know of what compass the world is of, second, how deep the sea, third, what are my thoughts ; have these clearly and entirely resolved for me against your next ap- pearance before me ; or the alternative must be sub- mitted to, namely the dissolution of your society, for if you have got any knowledge at all among you, I think you will have no difficulty in making out my questions. As to Metaphysics and En- tology, I know little about such affairs, but your resolution of what I put, will enable me to judge of your merits ; be sure to return at the time ap- pointed. The poor Abbot went away in extreme perplex- ity, and on his arrival grew every hour more thoughtful and disconsolate. His faithful friend, John the cook, observing his master's low spirits, and, the greatest proof of all proofs that he was deep in the meagrims, he was growing quite in- different to whatever was laid before him on the table. John begged most sincerely to be made ac- quainted with his grief, and gave back to the Abbot divers of his own wise and philosophical 344 LIFE OF THE unasiiras, to render the mind contented. Troubles make people loving and humane ; the Abbot, le- gardless of the distance between them, when the day of his departure approached, and no prospect of help was afforded by the cloister, unbosomed to his trusty servant the cause of his secret sorrowing. God bless you, cried John, if that be all, I'll myself put all to right; do you be but easy in your mind, leave all the rest to me. The difference of condi- tion between the Abbot and the cook was not mo^'e wide than the inequality of their persons. John resolved to personate his master, and by the aid of some pillows effected a similitude. On tlje required day John set out to the King's Palace, followed by the hearty prayers of the whole bro- therhood. Being now introduced to the King, his Majesty asked with great rapidity, and with pleasant hope beaming in his eye, for the answers to his queries. Have you got them ? he cried. O yes, my Liege, indeed I have. Your first question was of what compass the world is about ; 1 take it then to be but the journey of a day, and if any man sliould travel as quick as the sun, I think, my Liege, he might accomplish it in that space. AVell, well, exclaimed the King hastily, well, what say you to my second question ? Your second was, my I^ord, How deep is the sea ? I account the depth of the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 245 sea to be only the measure of a stone's cast ; fling a stone into the deepest part of it, and I fancy it will find the bottom : and now as to your Grace's third question, which belike you reckon to be the most abstruse ; it is really the mob*t easy, as to what your Grace thinks, you suppose me, no doubt, to be the very Abbot himself, whereas in earnest I am only John, the Abbot's cook. The King was com- pletely overborne by the smartness of the fellow, and thrown into a fit of good humour, established and sanctioned the foundiition. John returned with the joyful news to the anxious collej^e. An eulogy was pronounced upon John's services and skill, and the cook ever after was reckoned the usefullest man in all the mon- astery. Tlie Sunday after she arrived in Weymouth, her lloyal Highness went to church, accompanied by the Countess of llosslyn, the Countess of Ilchester, tlie two Miss Coteses, General (iarth, and the Rev. Doctor Short. Melcon)be was tlie name of the church ; and the nihiister, Mr. Gordon, drew a full attendance, encreased by the expected presence of iier Royal Higluiess of v^-ourse. Tlie text was taken from the 13tli chapter of St. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians, the words of it were, " Cliarity never faileth." The churchnien have been time immemorial disposed to accommodate as much as 246 LIFE OF THE possible the severity of virtue and godliness to the earthly satisfaction of an illustrious hearer ; instead of softening down in reconciliation with human felicity, the practice of the moral duties required by the beneficent framer of the universe, and set to our example by his adorable Son, it is not unfre- quently declared to us, when a great person hap- pens to be attending worship, that we need not trouble ourselves, nor put ourselves out of our way, as it were, about strict conformity with tlie divine precepts, that there is no necessity for our being very good. Short sighted man, whose views, while they reach but a scanty distance, seem to regard with more important concern the objects that are near, weak as he is, and subject to prevalency of his passions, often seeks and gropes in imagination for happiness where it is not to be had, and is fain to recommend himself to the powerful, by incul- cating the veniality of error, and the toleration of moderate failings When trivial offences have become fashionable, they ought to be sure to have a gentle hand applied to their cure. But, for the honour of human nature, we sometimes find that the sharper the cut, the less the pain is. To the considerate and well tempered mind of her Royal Highness, the reverend gentleman needed no re- course to disingenuous arts, and his character ypeaks him a mart wlio, if tliey might be used agreeably. PIIINXESS CHARLOTTE. 247 would not use them. He took for his subject the admirable doctrine of Christian charity, the noblest of the sentiments which inspire the breasts of created beings. There abideth for us in this our pilgrimage the exercise of faith, hope, and charity ; these three ; " but the greatest of these is charity." Every succeeding Sabbath, her Royal Highness, accompanied by her establishment, attended divine service at Melcombe church, where many were edified by her attention to the worship, and the cheerful piety that shone in her delighted counte- nance. The Princess being completely re-established in health, a longer stay at the sea-side became unne- cessary, and the different branches of the royal house longing for her company, she hastened to re- turn to the embrace of her friends ; and about the middle of November she left Weymouth. As soon as the departure was fixed upon, her Royal High^ ness lost not a moment to avail herself of all oppor- tunities to promote the great object of her visit to the place, and at the same time gratify the inquisi- tive desire she felt for seeing all that was rare and curious. The Griper, a sloop of war, and the Greyhound, a revenue cutter, lying off A\'eymouth, they paid their honours to her Royal Highness when she made her little voyages, which she did with ex- 248 I.IFE OF THE tremc delight and satisfaction, and mueli to tlie benefit and exhiliration of her spirits. The people upon these occasions assembled on the beach, re- ceiving the illustrious navigator with loud cheers, whilst the Princess, highly pleased with the rough indications of genuine love, duty, and respect, saluted the crowd with courtsies, smiling as she courtsied. Her peregrinations were often repeated. A day was fixed for visiting the antique residence of Mr. Henry Bankes, Corfe Castle ; but it proved so very unfavourable, that the ladies advised her Royal Highness to put off going to another more pleasant time- the Pruicess Charlotte appeared ex- ceedingly vexed to give u}) what her mind was bent to in previous expectation, and this observed by one of the attendants, it was suggested that they might go after all. No sooner was the acceptable intim- ation given than a heavy shower came beating furiously against the windows : The Princess Charlotte. Why, it rains, it rains like the very deviL One in the company. Your Royal Highness, I trust, will never I'cii^n so. Tiie lovely culprit bridled instantrn^r^vsly ; she saw the unbecoming levity which had riv f ".yi from her tongue, and was alive to the rebuke. S""i -'ood riveted, motionless. Down dropped her con. ions eve PRINCES^ CHARLOTTE. 249 Contemplate the figure ; who would not wish to grasp the little charmer in his arms, and to fold her to his bosom ? If, for such is the frailty of the best of us, she ever were led into measures unpro- pitious to the state, coming to the management of its vital concerns, was she likely to turn deaf when the remonstrances of her people urged her to desist? On her departure from Weymouth, the same feel- ings were shown by the inhabitants, an equal gloom overspread the countenance of all, as when of any a near an(*( dear relative had left the world. The good wishes of the gentry and their love pursued her, nor was she unattended with the solemn bless- ings of the widow, and the hspiiig gratitude of the orphan. She made Salisbury her course, and stop- ped foi- a night at the palace of the bishop ; for the bishop's daughters she entertained the most ani- mated fondness, and for the bishop himself she had reverence, attachment, and esteem ; his pontifical appointment excited her veneration, he was her tutor, and therefore she loved him; she esteemed him because of his goodness. Reaching Cranbourn Lodge, she only rested a single day, and then repaired to pay her dutv to the Queen. The Regent, who had been impatient to see the darling of his heart, she whom he loved in his soul, the fond hope and expectancy of his posthumous honours, arrived at Cranbourn Lodge K K 250 LIFE OF THE four days after her Royal Highness had come to it, he would have been there sooner, but was detained by the important affairs of the nation, and as quickly as these were dispatched, he hastened to embrace her. On Christmas day, her Royal Highness received the sacrament, in communion with her Majesty and the Princesses, from the hands of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, assisted by the bishop of Salisbury, and the Dean of Windsor. The mutual affection between the Prfhcess and the deserving object of her choice still continued ; and the circumstance was suffered to transpire. But the unsuccessful endeavours used in behalf of the Prince of Orange, gave the people a good found- ation for their belief that the report of a new matri- monial negociation ought to be received with cir- cumspect and careful scrupulosity, and the business was regarded by the majority of the speculative as the mere offspring of conjecture. In general true it is, that in this country the falsification of one intelligence does not take away credibility which another is intended to gain, and like unto wave succeeding wave, story after story dupes the facile supposition of an honest Britannian. In this matter they were all deceived, but yet the deviation from the general run of our ideas had an adequate cause to produce the eccentricity ; and the cause was no PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 251 other than this ; the people had formed generally the highest opinion of the discretion and judgment of the Princess Charlotte, and it seemed to them incompatible with such notions that she should ac- cept the addresses of a man in humbler circum- stances than his were whom she had refused. The hints, however, which were thrown out, at- tracted to her Royal Highness more than ordinary attention, and made her own wishes combine with the direction of her medical advisers, to go to see Weymoutii again. At the battle of Waterloo, the Duke of Brunswick fell; and his death greatly af- fected her Royal Highness, adding to the pertur- bation of mind which her condition naturally pro- duced otherwise. Upon the same occasion, the Prince of Orange was wounded ; her Royal High- ness manifested for him the strongest feelings of friendship and concern. She owned with readiness the sorrow she felt at his misfortune; she called him by names of all names the most tender, saving the one of husband ; she called him her friend. And afterwards heard, with the highest pleasure, the ac- count of his Serene Highness's convalescence. She was attended to Weymouth by her usual retinue. The inhabitants seemed delighted by the visit. Her spirits were relieved and brought back to their customary play. The Bishop of Salisbury came to the town to stay and converse with his 252 LIFE OF THE illustrious scholar, who, desirous of doing all that she could to make him happy, insisted upon his taking with her a short trip to sea, in her beautiful yacht. They were out fo? some time, and seeing a ship of 74 guns at a distance, her Royal High- ness was eager to come along-side. The ship was the Leviathan, commanded by IMr. Nixon. Wlien they had drawn near. Captain Nixon went on board of the yacht to pay his obedience to the Princess. She expressed much admiration of the appearance his ship made on the water, and said she must go and narrowly inspect her. Accordingly she entered Captain Nixon's barge, attended by the Bishop and two ladies. About to ascend into the Leviathan, a chair was lowered for her Royal Highness to sit upon, while she was drawn up by ropes. O no, said she, seeing the chair descend, that would never do, I shall go up as a sailor does, yes, 1 must ; pray Captain Nixon excuse my liberties with your ship; let the chair be used by the ladies and the Bishop ; and saying no more, she actually took hold of a rope, and climbed the ship's sides in the very man- ner, to use her own words, that a sailor does. Ar- riving on deck she exerted the greatest condescen- sion and affability to all that paid duty to her, and there was not one that did not ; she was desirous of seeing the various parts of the vessel, and so Captain Nixon conducted her Royal Highness to- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. ^3 gether with the Bishop and ladies over the chief apartments. Leaving a present for the men, she left the Leviathan, amidst the loud and hearty huz- zas of the admiring and delighted crew. It was about New Year's Day that her Royal Highness returned to Cranbourn Lodge, where, as soon as she had arrived, her Majesty and the Princesses visited her. They were urgent with her to accompany them to Brighton, to which they were going in a few days. Her Royal Highness complied with the invitation. The evening before they set out for Brighton, her Royal Highness went to Windsor : having to start so very early in the morning after, it was thought best that she should have a bed in the Queen's house, so that the less delay mi;s;ht be taken up in preparation, and the days were very short, requiring a departure betimes, to reach Brighton in proper hours. The Prince was uncommonly rejoiced to see his daughter; the meeting was most ardent and tender. A great draw-back upon her Royal Highness's gratifications was, that she was under a necessity of eating no animal food, she had a cold. Xot that the privation was itself a grievance, the Princess never was de- voted to the pleasures of the palate by any means, she never was singular either way ; but being ob- hged to liye differently from our messmates has an unsociableness about it, that was not just to the 254 LIl^E OF THE liking of the Princess, wlio, all life and spirits no w was fond of entering into the convivialities of her company. After passing a few days at the Pavilion" as agreeably as people might, the Queen and the Princesses returned. The report was still in circulation that the Prince Leopold had a very exalted place in the opinion of the Princess Charlotte, still it was believed very slowly. But no doubt could remain after the 20th of February 1816, for his Serene Highness on that day landed at Dover. His Serene Highness had been for some time at Paris, adjusting some matters for his brother, the reigning Duke; or he might only have stopped there, because if he went farther off, he could not have been so near the fond object of liis affections, his respect, and his ambition. It was most likely on business that he left Paris, and proceeded to Berlin, where the joyous news reached him of the ilcffent's wish that he should return and claim the hand of his beloved Princess. The message was hardly delivered u hen he posted away, and got to London on tlie 21st of February, putting up at the Clarendon Hotel Lord Castle- eagli, apprized of his Serene Highness being come, hastened to the (^larendon to pay his compli- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 255 ments, and hear from him what the measures were he might wish to adopt. The Regent was then at Brighton, therefore he could not immediately see his son elect ; but the instant the noble visiter had fixed with Lord Castlereagh what course he ought to pursue, a messenger was sent to the Pavilion to acquaint his Royal Highness with the result. His Royal Highness forthwith dispatched Sir Benjamin Bloomfield to congratulate Prince Leopold upon his safe arrival, and to invite him to the Palace at Brighton. Sir Benjamin proceeded with so much haste, that he reached London the very day the intelligence came to the Prince of his Serene High- ness's arrival ; and this celerity must have been (it showed no lukewarmness) exceedingly gratifying to the young stranger, who was, at Sir Benjamin's coming, engaged at Lord Castlereagh's hospitable board, where he had now eat a hearty dinner, which his I^ordship had, as his manner is, copiously and elegantly provided for his guest. Every place, moment, and person, and thing, was all hurry, bustle, perplexity, joy and confusion, nobody was so incurious or phlegmatic but he longed to see the Prince ; the nobles sought the honour of his acquaintance, the common people were anxious above all things to have the pleasure of cheering and huzzaing him, and thereby making themselves almost as happy (|uite, as the Prince could be him- 266 LIFE OF THE self. Tlie hotel was crowded with grandees, and besieged with the less exalted ; compliments passed within, while merriment was going forward on the outside, obstreperous mirth, and giggling faces made up a scene unbeclouded witli the ';';loom or careful aspect of a single character; a spectator would suppose that no one of the throng had any- thing at all to do for himself, so general was the interest and concern taken in the affairs of Prince Leopold, directed, as his affairs seemed to be, by the lauirhter lovinfj Goddess Venus. On the 22d, his Serene Highness set off with Lord Car^tlereagh for Brighton ; and was straight- way ushered into the presence of the llegent, who gave him a reception most kind, affectionate and cordial. The llegent is well known to be one of the most agreeable men of the day, and determined in the prosecution of the matter, showed his pater- nal regard in the most open and undisguised man- ner; treating him as his relative and friend, the way indeed he was considered by all the nation. The Princess Charlotte arrived on IMonday, the 27th of February, accompanied by the Queen and the Princesses. On the 10th of March, a cabinet council was held at Brighton, for tlje purpose of determining the settlements and stipulations to be observed in the advancing marriage. The consent of tlie Kegent PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 257 was formally given, and to it was appended the Great Seal of the realm. Three days after, a council was convened in Lon- don, consisting of members of the cabinet, and the Baron Just, who was the Saxon minister at the court of St. James's, and they drew up the following articles : Art. I. It is concluded and agreed that the mar- riage between her Royal Highness Princess Char- lotte Augusta, and his Serene Highness Leopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landjirave of Thuringuen, Prinee of Co- bourg of Saalfeld, &c. 6zc. shall be solemnized in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, called Great Britain, both being present, according to the due tenor of the laws of England, and the rites and ceremonies of the church of the United Kingdom, as soon as the same may conveni- ently be done. Art. II. His Koyal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty tlie King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, promises to secure to her Royal High- ness Princess Charlotte Augusta, and to his Serene Highness I^eopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen, l^rince of Cobourg of Saalfeld, ike. 6cc. tScc. during L r. 258 LIFE OF THE their joint lives, and to the survivor of them, the annual sums herein-after mentioned; that is to say, during their joint lives, the annual sum of sixty thousand pounds, to be paid quarterly; ten thousand pounds of which annual sum, also to be paid quar- terly, shall be granted unto commissioners, named for that purpose by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting as aforesaid, to be by them received for the sole and separate use of the said Princess, notwithstanding lier marriage state, and without his Serene Highness Leopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen, Prince of Coburg of Saalfeld, &c. (kc. &c. having any power over the same, and which annual sum of ten thousand pounds, so payable quarterly, the said Princess shall not have power, either separately or conjointly with his Serene Highness Leopold (ieorge Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen, Princeof Cobourg of Saalfeld, &;c. kc. Sec, to alienate, mortgage, or receive, or direct to be paid by way of anticipation ; but the same shall, from time to time, as the same shall become due, be paid and payable into the proper hands of the said Princess alone, upon her own sole receipt, or to such person or persons to whom she shall, by writing, signed by herself alone, from time to time, as the same sliall become due, direct and order the f-ame to be paid, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 259 or otherwise to receive the same on her sole behalf. Art. III. His Royal Higlmess the Prince Regent, acting as aforesaid, engages to secure to her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta, the annual sum of sixty thousand pounds, to be paid to her during her life, in case her Royal Highness shall survive liis Serene Highness Leopold George Fre- derick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Land- grave of Thuringuen, Prince of Cobonrg of Saalfeld, &:c. &c. &:c., such annual sum to commence in pay- ment from the death of his Serene Highness Leopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, jSIargrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen, Prince of Co- bourg of Saalfeld, &c. &;c. kc, hi the lifetime of her Roval Hio-hness Princess Charlotte An frusta, and to be paid quarterly ; aud the first quarterly payment is to be made at the end of three calendar months, after such his decease, when the said annuity, pay- able during tlieir joint lives, is to determine. And his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, so acting as aforesaid, further engages to secure to his Serene Highness liCopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thu- ringuen, Prince of Coboin*g of Saalfeld, SiC. kc. &c., the annual sun) of fifty thousand pounds, to be paid to him during his life, in case he shall survive h;jr Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta ; such 260 LIFE OF THE annual sum to commence m payment from the death of her Royal Highness, in the lifetime of his Serene Highness, and to be paid quarterly ; and the first quarterly payment to be made at the end of three calendar months after such her decease, when the said annuity, payable during their joint lives, is to determine. Art. IV. The son or daughter, or descendant of the said marriage for the time being, next in succes- sion to the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, after the Princess Charlotte Augusta, shall be brought up in such manner as his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or his successors may be pleased to direct ; and no children of this marriage shall be allowed to marry without the consent of his Ma- jesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or his successors for the time beino;. AiiT. y. It is understood and agreed that her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta sliall not, at any time, leave the United Kingdom with- out the permission, in writing, of his Majesty, or of the Prince Regent, acting in the nauie and on the behalf of his Majesty, and without iier Royal Highnesses own consent. And in the event of her Royal Higlmess being absent from this country, in consequence of the per- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 26l mission of his Majesty, or of the Prince Regent, and of her own consent, such residence abroad shall, in no case, be protracted beyond the term approved by his ]\Iajesty, or the Prince Regent, and consent- ed to by her Royal Highness. And it shall be competent for her Royal Highness to return to this country before the expiration of such term, either in consequence of directions for that purpose, in writing, from his Majesty, or from the Prince Regent, or at her own pleasure. Art. VI. This treaty shall be ratified by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, on the behalf of his IVIajesty, and by his said Serene Highness, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in ten days, or sooner, if possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipoten- tiaries have signed it, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms. Done at London the thirteenth day of INIarch, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (L. S.) C. Cantuar. (L. S.) Baron de Just. (L. S.) Eldon, C. (L. S.) Harrowby, p. (L. S.) Batiiurst. (Ij. S.) LivEiirooL. (L. S.) Castlerkagii. (L. S.) Sidmouth. (L. S.) N. \'AXsrr tart. 262 life of the Additional Article. It is hereby expressly declared, that no article or provision, contained in tlie treaty of marriage signed this day, shall, in any manner, be taken, or deemed to affect, or prejudice any right or prerogative of his Majesty, his heirs or successors, touching or concerning the education or marriages of any of the children or descendants of her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta, or the education or marriages of any of the Royal Family or their de- scendants. The present additional Article shall have the same force and effect, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the treaty of marriage signed this day. It shall be included in the ratification of the said treaty. In witness whereof the respective plenipoten- tiaries have signed the same, and have affixed there- to the seals of their arms. Done at London, the 13th day of ^Nlarch, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (L. S.) C. Cantuar. (L. S.) Eaiiox de Just. (L. S.) Eldon, C. (I.. S.) Harrow BY, P. (h. S.) Rathurst. (I.. S.) Liverpool. (Ti. S.) Castlereagii. (fi. S.) Si J) MOUTH. (L. S.) N. Vansittart. PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 263 On the same day that the marriage articles were settled, I^ord Liverpool, with the usual politeness on matters of this sort taking place, apprized the House that he should very soon be commissioned to bring down a message to their Lordships on the coming event. He redeemed his promise the next day, and submitted the paper to their Lordships? consideration. The Clerk of the House, reading, spoke as follows : " George, Princcps Regens. " His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, hav- ing given the royal consent to the marriage of Prin- cess Charlotte Augusta, his Royal Highness's daughter, to Prince Leopold George Frederick, of the House of Cobourg, has deemed it fit to com- municate the same to the Peers of this realm. His Royal Highness has at all times received from them such proofs and indications of regard for the King's family that he doubts not but their Lordships will grant that provision for the })arties, which may en- able them to live with the splendour and appearance of their high rank, and worthy the greatness of the British nation." The message having been read, his Lordship went on. He luul examined the ac- counts of a nature corresponding to the present af- fair, and found it the invariable rule that an address 264 LIFE OF THE was moved on the very day the message Was de- livered. Feeling convinced that the alliance now before their Lordships was deserving of perfect satisfaction as much as any that had preceded it, and assured that their Lordships were disposed to equal their respect with former practice, he would move an answer to the address of his Royal Highness. This was what he proposed it to be. That the House thanked his Royal Highness for the gracious communication his Royal Highness had honoured it with, and begged to express their full satisfaction with the marriage of Princess Char- lotte to a protestant Prince of the illustrious House of Cobourg. That the event could not fail of being acceptable to all the members of the community, and tended to secure the main interests of the British people. That their Lordships would most readily, as far as in them lay, contribute to the hap- piness of the distinguished persons about to be united ; to evince the dutiful attachment and affec- tionate respect for the Royal Family in their zeal to uphold the dignity of the crown, and sovereign juris- diction of the country. The minister's proposal being referred to the sense of the House, it was agreed to without a dis- puting voice. Independent of the character displayed by Prince Leopold during his visit in England, the strictness J. r ^ y ^ ^ V^- V / ^ V^' "/>/ / t ,' / PRINCESS CHAR LOTTE. 265 of his morals, and the excellency of his private life, were inquired into by the government, and the statements of all the courts of the continent agreed in representing his Serene Highness a young man of irreproachable morals and undeviating honour. The inquiry was not confined, it was sought not merely from those connected with his family, but in every quarter where Prince Leopold was per- sonally known, and the result was most favourable to his Serene Highnisss, confirming the good cha- racter which had been before given of him. When the thanks were returned by the Peers for the in- formation imparted to them by the Prince Regent, no particular arrangement was mentioned for a pecuniary evidence of their Lordships' approbation. That would not have been a proper or becoming line of conduct ; for it would have presented an ap- pearance of dry formality and deliberate acquies- cence with the circumstance announced, inconsis- tent with the due hastiness of applause, and cordial consent called for by the nature itself of the matter: besides, such things fell more fitly within the pro- vince of the lower House, where a like royal inti- mation was given officially, and a similar expression of thanks voted with equal promptitude and un- animity. But the following day, the House of Commons having entered into a committee, the Chancellor of M M 266 LIFE OF THE the Exchequer addressed them. He could not (he said) anticipate that the slightest objection or demur would be made to the execution of the measures he was about to propose, judging from the alacrity and zeal, manifested tlie day before by the House in agreeing to thank the Prince Regent for the communication he had been graciously pleased to make them. In defining the sum to be granted for the esta- "blishment of the illustrious couple, he hoped to satisfy all who heard him, since he was entirely in- fluenced by the junction of two considerations only; the comfort and easy independence of their Royal and Serene Highnesses, and an economical attention to the national outlay ings. 60,000 he conceived to be a very proper and ade- quate allowance every year ; of this 50,000 a year was to go to the united maintenance of both, and the residue of 10,000 was to form an annual re- venue for the private use and disposal of Princess Charlotte. Upon this grant being made the present revenue of 30,000 a year which went to the Prin- cess's establishment would expire; so that the 60,000 would be only the addition of 30,000. But as money must be wanted previous to the day of payment for carriages and furniture and other matters, the Chancellor of the Exchequer moved that 60,000 should be given out of hand to enable PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 26T tlie illustrious pair to provide what they might stand in immediate need of, 10,000 being set apart of this sum for the purchase of clothes, and for jewels 10,000 more, and so of the remainder as their wants or their inclinations might dictate. And all was assented to readily. But wlien on the 9th of April, the Chancellor of the Exchequer being absent, Mr. Lushington renewed the business for its final settlement, an unexpected opposition was made, arising from the wish of several members to be informed whether her Royal Highness was to hold Drawing Rooms or not. No explanation of her future way of life either could not be given by the ministers,, or they were not disposed to commit themselves by any pledge of theirs which the after conduct of her Royal Highness might depart from When some very animated sallies had been used by both parties, the bill for settling upon their Royal and Serene Highness the annuity of 60,000 was passed ; going through the House of Lords likewise^ and meeting there with the same delay that had oc- curred among the Commons, on account of similar interrogatories about the intentions of Princesa Charlotte to hold a court and Drawing Rooms. The next in order of consanguinity to the sove- reign of Britain will in all likelihood be constantly opposed to administration, and a protection agair.st arbitrary and dangerous ])lans of the servants of 268 LIFE OF THE the crown will be by this means greatly envigorat- ed and advanced. However well meaning and worthy the men may be in whose hands shall be re- posed the management of our affairs, yet to keep a watch over them can never be useless or improper. Indeed such vigilance, although not needed in other respects than as precautionary, will be serviceable, and tend to the security and confirmation of the political greatness of the British empire; for all beings are swayed by self-love and interestedness from the time of boyhood to the latest period of existence, the fondness of having shows itself in our cries for the coral when another has it, and in place of additional days> wearing out the sordid cravings of our nature, duration of time hardens infantile curiosity into fondness, and as we grow up desire takes hold of us, which is again improved and becomes avarice, and of this there is a species, di- recting its views to political power, called ambition. Added to the eagerness of aggrandizement there is in our constitutional affections the proneness to keep whatever we get that makes men act as con- trarily to the dictates of their conscience as at first they might have done for the sake of acquisition. Under these circumstances a sharp and observant eye is needed for our public men ; and since by our most admirable ciiarter and national laws certain classes are made to feel an interest in resisting the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 269 powerful, it falls to the lot of Britons to have this vigilance duly exerted upon those that are placed in authority over them. Now since the opposing party must ever be the weakest, they are the most likely to engage our pity, and since the inhabitants of this island are open to those soft impressions, for there is no way of gaining our love more ready than to be in want of help, it follows therefore that the opposition members will stand the best venture for popular esteem and admiration ; and because of the natural wish of Princes about to reign to win the affections of their destined subjects, it may be laid down for a general expectation that the pre- sumptive heirs to the British throne v/ill attach themselves steadily (till they come at the inhe- ritance) to those that are unfriendly to the men in power. This is the road to the favour of the peo- ple, who, over and above the generous sympathy for the more feeble in society which has been noticed as incentive to their regard, are sometimes impelled to bestow their favour upon opposition through motives of a less glorious character. For every one that is not happy in himself, or contented with his condition, is prone to assign or imagine an external cause for his infelicity, every body does not suppose that lie wants money because he wants it, some think the misconduct of their rulers is the privative, and by an easy exertion of national feeling, indenti- 270 LIFE or THE f\ing themselves with the state, they look upon the managers of public affairs with very jealous and misgiving eyes ; and the great bulk of man- kind in all countries being liable to misery and dis- tress, the pliirality of course belongs most common- ly to the opposition interest. Let these things be duly weighed, and the reason is apparent for Mr. Tierney and his friends wishing the heir apparent to keep the ceremonial of a court. In short he and they (and why should they not?) would like to have an opportunity of going to a court themselves, if it were only for the honour of the thing, and indeed, to say the truth, little substantial benefit, beyond the consciousness of virtue (that is much certainly), can be rationally proposed to himself by any man who places his exertions in the way to resist the authority and projects of the leading men. No wonder then, that dear as her Royal Highness was to the whole na- tion, some little stoppage should take effect when this consideration stood against the privacy of life whic'l) there was strong foundation for believing that Piincess Charlotte would adopt. A part of the time that intervened between his Sorene Highnesses arrival in England, and his mar- riage, was spent at Brigliton, the latter part of it was chiefly beguiled in Windsor Castle, where he dinod "vory day, and met at table, with the Queen, Piiiitcijs Charlotte. mmCESS CHARLOTTE. 271 On the 25th of March Lord Liverpool intro- duced a proposition for naturalizing Prince F^eo- pold, which was finally passed into a hill on the following day, and to prevent its retard.ition the usual practice of the House was dispensed with, either for proving the eager fondness of their Lord- ships to have as soon as possible the exalted and wortliy stranger one of themselves ; or the 25th day of March, being the 14ih of March according to the old style, it was intended to go as near as could be, to make an Irislnnan of his Serene Ilijih- ness, conducting his civil nativity under the au- spices of St. Patrick. His time was made agreeable to him by all the means of gratification winch splendour and state can afford, but without them he had happiness enough for he enjoyed the frequent company of Princess Charlotte. The Lord in waiting, and the master of the cere- monies, Lord James Murray, and Mr. Robert Chester, left town on the 29th of April for Small- berry. Green, the mansion of Sir Joseph Banks, there to remain for the purpose of escorting ])iiblicly and in form his Serene Highness to London from thence. The same day the Prince started from Windsor soon after breakfast in one of the Regent's travelling coaches, and arriving at Smallberry Green Sir Joseph was there to receive him, and demon- 272 LIFE OF THE strated his hearty welcome, by a plentiful repast prepared with the sumptuoiisness the occasion sug- gested. Leaving Smallberry Green the same day at two o'clock, his Serene Highness proceeded in state to London ; his suite were in a carriage that closelyfollowedagrand coach of the Prince Regent's, in which was the illustrious Prince. About a quarter to four, the whole arrived at St. James's Palace, and Prince Leopold entered the apartments of the Duke of Clarence. The Regent being ap- prized by I^ord James IVIurray of his Serene High- ness's arrival, sent the Marquis of Winchester to compliment his Serene Highness, and felicitate him in the name of the Regent. Similar congratulations were made him by the other brandies of the Royal Familv ; IMr. Desbrow, the Queen's Vice Chamber- lain, delivered the kind wishes of her Majesty, and Sir Edward Stopford made the remembrance of the Princesses. The great officers of the empire went on the SOtli to Clarence House and paid tiieir homage to the Prince; the Lord Chancellor with his mace and judicial ensigns, the Master of the Rolls called the same day, so did the Bishop of Salisbury, and other characters of distinction. The day appointed for the solemnization of tlic wedding was the 2d of May. Tlie sky in tlic morning was clear and brightened with the dazzling PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 273 sun, and nature wore the same aspect throughout the whole day, imparting additional chearfulness and gaiety to the grandeur exhibited upon it. Princess Charlotte dined with her Majesty at Buckingham House, in company with her Royal aunts. Prince Leopold had a few of his private friends with him at his table in Clarence House. The Regent had the Duke of Clarence to partake of his dinner, also the Lord Chancellor, the Bishop of Exeter, the late Mr. MacMahon, the Reverend ]\Ir. Blomberg, and the lawyer Mr. Leach, besides two or three other gentlemen of wit and polite ac- complishments, who have been honoured with re- peated invitations to his Royal Highness's hospi- table and easy board. About eight o'clock her Royal Highness de- scended the grand staircase, attended by the Prin- cess Augusta on her right, and on her left Colonel Stephenson, and was met by the Queen in the hall, where, after an affectionate salutation had passed, tlieycame down to the carriage in which her Majesty and most engaging grand-daughter, having entered it, sat together; and opposite to them Princess Augusta and Princess Elizabeth, Princess Mary and Princess Sophia of Gloucester going after them in another coach, and soon reached Carlton House. Prince Leopold left Clarence House at half past eight, in a coach with Baron Just, the Saxon pleni- 274 LIFE OF THE potentiary, and Mr. Chester, the assistant master of the ceremonies, and proceeded to the Prince Regent's, followed by Lord James Murray, Colonel Adenbroke and Sir Robert Gardner. The shouts and cheering acclamations of the throng he had to pass, rent the great canopy as he went, and had it not been for the interference of one or two that accompanied him, the people would have unyoked the horses and drawn him to his journey's end with their own hands. INIeantime a body of the Horse Guards were placed at Carlton House, with Sir Nathaniel Conant and Mr. Birnie for preserving order ; civil officers were likewise distributed, here and there to the same purpose. The Prince Regent was in his pri\'ate closet ready to meet the illustrious visiters, the Queen was formally inlroduced, all the Princesses and his Serene Highness. The domestics in their superb liveries formed tv/o paj-allel lines between the closet ar,(l the crimson room where the ceremonial war< to bo performed. An altar was fitted up i'ov the oc- casion Vvith great elegance and magnificent decor- ations. Tlie Prayer Books of the Chapel Royal Avcrc brouglit for the present use, and the church plate was taken fi'om Whitehall. iior JNIajcsty end her royal davighters ci;tei-c'd an r.dji'liili':^- api^rtment;. soon after Ihcy, and tlie PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 275' cabinet ministers also with their ladies, attended in a room close to the one destined for the ceremonial. The Ladies specially waiting on the Queen were Lady J. and Lady E. Murray. But the ^Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte remained in the closet after the Queen withdrew to the chamber near the marriage saloon, and before them also moved the Procession, containing these persons ac- cording to their order of location : The Primate. The Lord Chancellor and Lady Eldon. The President of the Council and Countess Harrowby. The Countess of Liverpool, (his Lordship was indisposed.) The Secretary of State for the War Department and Countess Bathurst. The Secretary of State for Foreign AfTairs and Viscountess CasUereagU. The Secretary of State for the Home Department. The Chancellor of the Excliequer. The Master General of Ordnance and Couiilets of Mulgrave. The Lord Privy Seal. First Lord of the Admiralty and Viscountess IMelville. The Master of the Mint and Mrs. Wcllesjey Pole. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Lord Chamberlain and the Marchioness of Hertford. The Vice Chamberlain. The Lord Steward and the ^Marchioness of Cho'moiideley. The Groom of the Stole and the Marciiione:ord l^hnley. Lord Clive, Sir Thomas Aclrincl, ViY. .Iciikinson, INIr. Law, and Mr. Hill. TIic ad- dress was read by the Marquis of Worcester. " Agreed to, nemine contradicente. that a congra- tulatory message be sent to her Royal Highness p 1* 290 LIFE OF THE Princess Charlotte Augusta, and his Serene High- ness Prince Leopold George Frederick, in attest- ation of the friendly sense of the House respecting that auspicious event, of the concern they take in the welfare of the Royal Famil)% and their wishes that felicity may always attend their Royal and Serene Highnesses." The Princess in reply. " We recdve with great satisfaction this proof of the attention and regard of the House of Commons, and return them many thanks for their congratu- lations." And his Serene Highness answered thus : " I rejoice, Gentlemen, at the share the House of Commons take in my happiness, and am sensible of their attention in making the congratulations. I am very much obliged to them for their good "wishes, and thank them for the assurance of their friendship, w^hich I shall constantly endeavour to deserve." The inhabitants of the whole kingdom had re- course to the same means for the declaration of their joy and pleasure at the marriage, whicli being- formed upon the pure principles of mutual attach- ment, and eacli of tlic parties endued with tlie virtues that secure the happiness and lasting com- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE- 291 fort of the connubial state, a reasonable expectation was indulged, that in the conduct of Princess Char- lotte and his Serene Highness, an example would be given to the members of the empire, restraining the levity and giddiness which were by degrees growing into use between husband and wife ; the judicious observer of the ways of the world, perceiv- ed the readiness that was likely to exist among the inferior classes to practise themselves to a course of obliging behaviour and attention to one another shown in the carriage of the exalted individuals. The moral character of a court does more to esta- blish the people in virtue than can be achieved by wisdom and address of legislators, for to borrow a rule of action from those who are lifted up far above us, is at once gratifying to our vanity and conducive to our interest, the shame of a virtuous life is often a great disheartner of persons with lionest views, but when they observe in superiors a specimen of the goodness they would follow, a sort of sanction is gained, and the scoffs of the vvortliless lose their effect. In order to meet the wishes of several exalted persons to see tlie Princess and Prince, her Majesty issued notice of holding a Drawing-room on tlic 10th. This assembly was attended bv tlie major part of our nobility and jLTCiitrv, niakinj^ a collection of distiiiuuishcl cln- racUrs to upwards of thiec thousand, so thi? .1 292 LIFE OF THE who had not space to be introduced at the begin- ning of the ceremonies, and those who retiring after their introduction could not get at their vehicles, formed a most enchanting sight for the many liundreds gathered before the Queen's palace, as they either appeared at the windows, or walked upon the grass plat. The festivity of the day, not- withstanding the great bustle and numbers of coaches, and people on foot, passed off without any damage. The Queen made her entrance a little after two, and was followed by the menibers of the Royal Family. Her Majesty received tlie congra- tulations of the company given in the warmest terms, having the Princes and Princesses on lier right, and the Chamberlain and other officers at- taclicd to her person standing by her left, according to the practice that is always observed. When the numerous visitants had made their duty and joyous respects to the Queen, they proceeded to salute iii a similar way Princess Charlotte and her distin- guished consort. A particular address was pres-cnt- ed to lier ^lajesty from the borough of Guilforci by Lord Grantley, High Steward of the place, accom- panied by the llecorder. INIany addresses of a like nature were delivered upon this occasion. Tlic illustrious couple left the Drawing-room in the same equipage they came in, and were noticed by the usual military honours ; the Bishops also, the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 293 Judges, and the eminent official individuals w^io had been to make their compliments, ranging into rows, formed a lane for the royal pair to pass, and bowed most profoundly to them as they proceeded, which their Highnesses returned with engaging and graceful courtsey : and upon entering into the park were noticed by the crowd with general ap- plause. Her Royal Highness's attire was exceed- ingly magnificent. Her petticoat was of silver tissue of the richest quality, silver lama embroider- ed the splendid net work which made the Roman garments thrown over the shoulders of her Royal Higlmess, the borders of the same were widely sparkled with shining drops of silver, they were made fast by a silver cord fringed with glossy tassels. Her mantua was of rich tissue, bordered with lama, and edged with the finest Brussels' point. Her head was garnished with numerous refulgent diamonds, cast into florets of roses, and tliistles and shamrocks, and set off with three most beautifiil ostrich feathers. And notwithstanding the bril- liancy and elegance of her attire, tlio I'riiicess had all she wore, fashioned entirely by British factors ; save in the laces, native industry alone had bc'cn employed in the adorning and s}>^endourof her ap- pearance. It is wortliy of remark that our beloved Princess Charlotte made a more showy figure at this Drawing-room than at the preceding ones, and 29^ I^llE OF THE that slie never attended with greater pains to the. neatness of her apparel before her marriage than she did after it ; a hint, which presented by an ex- ample so admirable, may reasonably be looked upon to prove full of good results to the ladies of this kingdom, who influenced by the best principles, and confident of their deserts, think to retain the affections of their husbands without any regard to those little trivial elegances which they used suc- cessfully in making captives of them. Doubtless they imagine with much propriety and reason that having spent a great deal of their time aforehand in such matters, they have a good right to enjoy a relaxation, and are justified in asserting it on the ground of familiarity, and by the visible falling off in the ardours the husbands abounded in before they made them ones. But they ought to be in- formed that little attentions added all together make a great favour, and inspire a sense of consider- able obligation, though separately taken they may be very trifling and foolish : and even in this case they should not be wholly neglected, for man him- self in his utmost elevations is trifling and foolish in his own nature, and perhaps through all creation no vanity in animals out-does the vanity of him wlio boasts himself to be the lord of it. An argu- ment, and it is a verv strong one, arises also from the pride and good sense of letting the world see PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 295 that the man of tlieir clioice was worth the choos- ing ; but after all it must be owned that arguments are not of much avail to counteract the estrange- ment of affection, and there are no examples, I be- lieve, of people that fell in love, and remained in it according to the rules of logic. The borough of Guilford, which had made their address to her JVIajesty the day of the Drawing- room, had settled a joint epithalamium for the Princess and Prince, which their Highnesses signi- fied their intention of receiving on the 18th, two days after, at which time the High Steward, one of the members, and the usual officers repaired to Camelford House, when the following was de- livered : " We your Iloyal and Serene Highnesses' most affectionate and devoted servants, the Mayor, High Steward, Recorder, Magistrates, and approved men, together with the other inhabitaiits of the town and borough of Guilford, in the county cf Surrey, beg leave to offer to your Royal and Serene Highnesses our warmest and most sincere congratulations on your auspicious union ; and to assure you, that ri union, so calculated to ensure the domestic felicity of your Royal and Serene Highnesses, is, in every view, a source of satisfactory reflection to the in habitants of the Rritisli empire. ''We rejoice in the opportunity afforded us e 296 LIFE OF THE addressing a Prince for whom we entertain the highest and most profound respect and esteem; to assure your Serene Highness how fully we parti- cipate in every happiness you can experience and particularly in your union with so illustrious a British Princess. " jNlay these nuptials, so pleasing to the nation, be productive of permanent felicity to your Royal and Serene Highnesses, and may you both live long in the esteem and affection of a free people." A joint answer was made in these words : "Gentlemen, we return you our best thanks for your loyal address, and the expressions of attach ment and regard towards us which are contained in it after a way so liighly gratifying." The expected appearance of the Princess and her- cons'Tt at the opera, gatliered of course a very nume- rous audience. Indeed no vacancies at all were left. The i'it.st act of the re])resentation being ended, and tlieir lioyal Kighnesses not arrived, great dis- quiciudo was beginning to appear in several persons vlio had gone to the ()]:!ora for tlic sole ])urpose only of seeing the Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte. But at last entering tlie llegent's box, thcv were greeted with tlie loudest acclamations, and " God s?ve the King" was immediately struck, sung by the full band of performers. ^Vhilc her TRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 297 Hoyal Highness remained, she had frequent oppor- tunities of recognizing some of her private friends, and these she greeted with her usual condescension and cordial affability. She had all eyes fixed upon her wiiile she stopped, and imparted to the house a due sense of the kind attentions which should accom])any private friendship, in her manner of accosting her acquaintances; and upon withdrawing courtsitd to the whole crowded theatre with much visible satisfaction at tlie joy which was shown by the audience at her entrance, and tlie well meant stare with wliich she was gized upon the time she remained. The day after, her Royal Highness attended divine service at the chapel of Wliitehall, and was accompanied lliitiier by the Prince and the Duchess of York. Such attractions did the illus- trious ])air liold fortli for the gathering of immense crowds, tl)at a police magistrate, in precaution, went to Whitehall, followed up by a party of the peace officers, that order might be maintained amongst the expocte:! multitude. No riot, however, was made. On Monday, the 20th of May, their Iligl.- ncsscs and the Duchess of York went to see the British (iallery, before the room was opened for public exhibition. The Manpiis of Stafford, a nobleman who has encouraged the art of ])ainting Avith peculiar activiiv, the Earl of Aberdeen, Earl Brownlow, Lord Dundas, the Right Honorable 298 LIFE OF THE INIr. Charles Long, Sir George Beaumont, Sir Thomas* Bernard, Sir Abraham Spencer, and the Reverend Mr. Carr, who are all directors of the institute of painting, were present, and attended the Prince and Princess, explaining the several pictures that were to form the approaching display of British art and taste. The royal party were highly grati- fied, and continued to examine the paintings with critical minuteness a long time ; then driving to York House, they alighted for a few minutes, and thence proceeded direct to Cameltord House, whither the Duchess of York very soon followed to partake of their Highnesse,, dinner. The managers of Drurv Lane theatre havinjr been apprized that the Princess Charlotte and Prince T^eopold intended to honour the representa- tion of Bertran? with their presence this day, mat- ting was laid from the flag stone before the entrance door, all along to the Regent's box, where they Avcre to sit. The expectation of their company had brought that evening a crowded attendance, and on the outside such a vast concourse of peo- ple liad assembled, that it was almost impracti- cable to make way through them. A little before nine, the Prince and Princess arrived, liaving in their retiiuie r>aron Hardenbrock and General Ta^-- lor. ]\Ir. Dibdin and Mr. Rae waited to escort tljcni tit their seat, dressed in the court mouriiinti^. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 29^ At the moment they entered, Mr. Kean was just finishing the catastrophe of the play; but the audience interrupted the progress, and called for * God save the King," which was chaunted by the whole dramatic corps, decorated with white knots> in compliment to the visit^s. When the tune was ended her Royal Highness bowed in acknow- ledgment of the attention shown her and his Serene Highness ; and the box she sat in being ill con- trived to exhibit those that occupy it at any time, the Princess in the most considerate and indulgent manner leant forward that she might be seen. On the 23d of May, their Highnesses entertained the Prince Regent and a party of his friends- Prince Leopold awaited his Royal Highness at the door of Camelford House, and thence led him into the dravving room where he was affectionately re- ceived by his beloved daughter. In the preceding part of tliis day a chapter was held of the Bath Knighthood, at which his Serene Highness was en- rolled among its members ; a chapter of the Garter was also convened to confer its honour upon the same exalted personage. A laudable curiosity in- duced Princess Charlotte to witness the ceremonies; she was attended by Colonel Addcnbroke, Lady J. Tliynne, and Lady E. IMurray. The first busi- ness gone through was swearing in the Dean of Windsor to be the Registrarius of tlie order, '''hf^ 300 LITE or THE Bishop of Salisbury, in liis capacity of Chan- cellor, read an act dispensing with that already fra- med, \vhich by its provisions excluded one in Prince Leopold's circumstances from the enjoyment of the dignity ; and after settling the eligibility of his Serene Highness, he was introduced formally by the Earl of Liverpool and Lord Castlereagh. His Royal Highness thereu})on, assisted by the Duke of York, confirm.ed the enrolment of the Prince, v/hilst the Chancellor pronounced a solemn admonition respecting the course of living and honourable conduct which were to be expected from the wearer of a badge put on in commemor- ation of the patron Saint of England, St. George. His Serene Highness, after his election was com- pleted, advanced to the Prince Regent, and kissed his hand ; then paying his compliments to all the members present, he withdrew, and was followed by Princess Cliarlotte. In the evening of the 24th, their Highnesses went to Covent Garden Theatre to see tlie play of tlie Jealous Wife. They reached the house before seven o'clock ; Mr. Harris, and two gentlemen of tlie theatre, conducted them to the Prince Regent's box, and presented them with the plays of tlie Jealous Wife, and lists of the persons who were to su.stain tlie characters. Their reception was very animated and hearty, the house rung with the ac- PRINCESS charlotte! 301 clamations of the spectators ; and all the ladies, in honour of their Highnesses' happy nuptials, were dressed in white ; her Royal Highness was still in mourning, but her attire was most splendid notwith- standing, and her hair was ornamented with wreaths and a cliaplet of ostrich feathers. The city of Bath having framed a congratulatory offering totheir Highnesses, the Marquis of Camden, Lord John Thynne, and Colonel Palmer waited upon them on the 25th and delivered it, containing similar sentiments and professions of regard with those that had been already presented, and both Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold returned their acknowledgments with equal warmth and kindness, which it is unnecessary therefore to put to press, for the general expression of gratitude was all that could be employed upon such occasions, and a specimen has been given sufficient to convey the tenour of all the rest. Indeed few places of any note or consideration neglected to make their best wishes to her Royal Highness at this the most interesting juncture of her life of any from the time she first received it. Politeness and fine breedinir are really needed among us, impelled as we all are by nature to behave with narrowness and surly manners to those we expect to get nothing from : but their employment is mucli deplored when an instance offers in which the common place phrases so? LIfE OF THE of agreeable and pleasing things are made use of without in the least violating truth, or doing wrong to the rigour of good sense, because in this case it is a very great pity that the commended person should havetheencomiums bestowed uponhim liable to the vast drawbacks which are evermore supposed admissible from the universal application of the bland words, that are more than usually strained to impart a high opinion of himself to one exalted beyond the attacks of an ordinary providence. But Princess Charlotte had so endeared herself to the whole nation by the virtues that began in her childhood, and acquired growth with the encrease of her stature ; the frankness of her disposition, the sensibility of her soul, the fearlessness she used upon every crisis that called for steady re- solution, her chanty, and for whatever else she had of goodness, the public had made their judg- ment, and were prepared to admit with a ready ear the grateful and elevated compliments that were paid her upon the auspicious nuptials of her lluyal Highness with a man whom she had selected witli a discernment and propriety becoming and suit- able to the possessor of those very qualities which she noticed with special favour in Prince Leopold. Their Royal Highnesses, in order to gratify the affectionate fondness of the people for looking at tlicm, went occasionally to places of public resort_. PRIVCESS CHARLOTTE. 303 the opera p.nrl the tlieatres. Mrs. Siddons Was an- nounce I to perforin on the 31st, the part of Queen Catharine in Shakespear's play of King Henry VIII, and they repaired to Co vent Garden in the evening of that day with the additional enduce- mont of wittiessing the exhibition of that accom- plished and n<:)ble actress. Tlie very reappearance of Mrs. Siddons itself was an attraction hard to be withstood, and must have brought to the house an overflow of spectators, but the intimation of Prin- cess Charlotte and Prince Leopold's attendance made the collection countless. More came to the dt)or than obtained admission. (Here let us pause for a while, and as the sweet object of our curiosity was always known to be chearful amidst her piety, so we shall indulge the awful a little, in the centre of our gay contemplations ; and reflect how a view of her may be obtained when the farce of this world is ended, and we have quitted the busy stage of it : tiien that very modesty and diffidence in ourselves which hindej-ed sevrral from getting into Covent Garden may, it is trusted, if directed to christian concerns, form a passport to her presence for ever.) There are in the play of Henry VIII. many passages that pointedly touch tlie lamentable sepa- ration betweet^ the distinguished parents of her Iloyal llighnc-s. Tiic>c passages of course were eagerly embraced by the auditory, to testify to tlie 304 LIFE OF THE illustrious child the true regard they bore her af- flicted mother, and the sincerity with which they entered into her sufferings, or, to say the least of it, her disappointments. It happens to lie altogether without the province of the biographer to make any comments on this matter, or to offer an opinion about its propriety and judiciousness, and he is glad of it ; if indeed he were assured within himself that it is his duty to express his sentiments, that the reader will expect, since, from the papers he must needs have perused for the pui'poses of his work, he ought, as being well qualified to do it, to say something : he could only declare that lie be- lieves the Princess of Wales did not deserve to be ' t'*eated, nor on the other hand does he think she Irs bf^( r' so badly used as the bulk of the kingdom ase fond 'i '"11 i^inin":, so tliat we should make our- St']-. -^^ r.;sirr tiian most of us do upon this head. Tlip' c^ is -p-ost but a most - nopre blnnt'^.e ^ in a Lritisb nair. ' it 'lurries h"' > -d -v from ^hc re- gard of minor tlr ::% atic' I'c .; is! ^" c;lhor on oiie bide or tlic other <. ^-^Yciy, and he becomes hiiii;..';f a ]):'.rty ) i -l:'^ business that is agitated. In the aiihii indeed now alluded to, tlicre is no room for r: half judgment, for the natirrc of it does not iiJmit c^ lli...t ; yet one may find a viev\' of tlic ease ^v!;ieh represents tlic disapproveti eondiiet in no U)ii!ii Jable li>'iil ; wheji for instance tiie li;;ndsome PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 305 provision made for the Princess of Wales is taken into consideration, it is highly unjust to give way to that ^'^hemence of declamation which is excited in many by the generous concern taken in her mis- fortunes, and again, who is not indignant and dis- gusted when he runs over the gross and unmanly insinuations which are applied to the prejudice of an unbefriended Princess. But to return to the play. Henry VIII contains in it many Knes in reference to Catharine, which, without a great deal of violence, might be turned to use in the present times. In the second act Catharine pleads for herself in these words : " Sir I desire you to do me right and justice ; And to bestow your pity on me : For I am a most poor woman, and a stranger. Born out of your dominions; having here No judge indifferent, iiorno more assurance Of equal friendship and proceeding. Alas, Sir, in what have I offended you ? What cause Ilath my behaviour given to your displeasure, That thus you should proceed to put me off, And take your good grace from me ? If iti the course and process of this time. You can report and prove it too. Against mine honour aught, my bond to wedLji k, Oi my love and duty toward your sacred person. In (lod's name turn me away ; and let the foui'nt contempt Shut door upon nie, vnd so give me up To the siiarpe-^t kind of jublice." R R 806 I^IFE OF THE In the fourth act, Catherine and a person attached to the court, hold this dialogue : Cath. How does his Highness ? Capucivs. Madatn, in good health. Cath. So may he ever do, and ever flourish, When I shall dwell with worms, and my poor name Banished the kingdom. Sir, I most humbly pray you to deliver This to my Lord the King. Cqpucius. Most willingly. Madam. Cath. In the which I have commended to his goodness The model of our chaste loves, his young daughter ; (The dews of Heaven fall thick in blessings on her !) Beseeching him to give him virtuous breeding; And let him a little love her for her mother's sake, That loved him. Heaven knows how dearly. Again, " She little thought, when first she touched this isle. She should have bought her dignities so dear." The auditors demonstrated in the most open and undisguised way the deep impression on their minds that the Princess of Wales was foully sland- ered. Of this, I fancy, no upright charitable person will hesitate to allow the truth ; nor is there any question but her situation was worthy the compass- ion of a feeling people, for however comfortable her pecuniary circumstances might be, other causes were certainly adequate to produce deep vexation in the breast of the poor Princess of Wales, accus- tomed as she had ever been to abundance, she could not be alive to tlie miseries of actual want, or to PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 807 the troubled thoughts of the head of a family who apprehends ruin to be at hand, and whose grand pursuit is therefore the acquisition of a maintenance for himself and those that are dear to him, and hav- ing thus provided, he commonly regards liimself as happily conditioned. In all the gradations of society the same accidents do not produce the same effects indiscriminately, the pleasure that some men take in retirement, is death to others ; nor do the causes that invariably lead to results of the like stamp operate without their different degrees of influence. To remove uneasiness affords us a sense of pleasure, and brings on a train of delightful ideas, and in general this is the chief instrument to our gratification and comfort : a source that we can hardly ever expect to fail us, for there will always exist some secret cause, at least, of anguish that will put us upon struggling to get rid of it, there will be misery enough to keep up the Parthian system of seeking happiness ; such being our lot, in the most prosperous fortune, the sighing heart will ac- knowledge its imperfection, nor if all the happiness that is scattered through the earth were to be col- lected and tied up in the possession of a single man, is it by any means clear that the sum total would make a very happy being, though it is quite true on the contrary that if the woes of every sort that pervade the species were to be gathered and heaped 308. LIFE OF THE upon some particular creature, they would make a very miserable one. We are aptly counselled then to try for ease and content here, and prepare our- selves for happiness hereafter, and, (as the great moralist and penetrating metaphysician Mr. Locke has it,) finding imperfection and want of complete enjoyment in whatever the creatures can afford, we should betake ourselves to the Creator, and look to him, " with whom there is fulness of joy, and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore." The reader must not take offence at the seriousness I have fallen into, nor be ready to construe it into impertinence ; for it is hard to resist the intrusion of grave thoughts into one's mind, when he sees the instability of that greatness all the world contend for : elevated rank is open to secret sorrowings, and they perhaps are just as acute and painful to the af- flicted person as are the grosser and more vulgar troubles which perplex and infest beings of the lowest condition. An affront to a man of honour is no less mortifying and severe than the visitation of a real calamity, and yet nobody would fain de- scend beneath himself, and take up the meaner cha- racter in human action that might strip him of all imaginary distress ; but every man strives to push forward and overleap the heads of such as stand before; and indeed so ill suited would the first option prove to our nature and ways of thinking. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 309 that he should be reckoned a mad wrong headed reason er who adopted it with philosophic deter- mination ; and certainly if an insane person desig- nates him that strays from the common paths, it is very rational to lay him down for such. Neither does any cause appear for deeming a practice of this sort proper to advance the business of the world happily. People of this high set imagination raise their views too far to partake in the affairs of others or turn serviceable to the rest of the species by the self-denial shown in themselves, for it is odds but the fortune of these comes into hands not so well trained or prompt as their own to acts of goodness, since whatever mistake or distorted judg- ment may influence them, they are not the worst description of mankind that have recourse to methods of this nature ; they evince indeed a native excellency of temper and disposition which might be improved to the very great advantage of those within their reach, and much to their o\vn internal satisfaction. In short, good men behave most un- advisedly in running away from the world in order to do it service : even self-interest might be more eligible, self-interest to be sure is the groundwork of crime and iniquity, but nevertheless its influence for meritorious purposes might now and again be connived at, it is at least an active principle, and keeps a man from growing indolent and heedless of 810 LIFE OF THE necessary concerns, and it may be looked upon per- haps in the light of a thing combining the unin- tended cause and actual consequence in one ; a mo- mentum in some manner akin to what actuates a person that is going to be maiTied, he is purely led by the personal regard he bears the fair one, and upon this account longs very much to make her his wife ; then, as a matter of course, her fortune falls in along with the lady. And yet it is wrong to do evil that good may come of it. We have seen Princess Charlotte quite happy in her beloved husband, and letting other people see that she was not discontented with the man she had favoured at the beginning ; for she declined no share of genteel and discreet entertainment which could manifest the pleased habitude of her mind. In the early part of June, however, the charming spirits she had maintained so long, began to fail, and morbid gravity at last overspread her chearful countenance. She was gradually growing more sickly, and on Saturday the 9th of that month was in an alarming state of fever and general indisposi- tion. Doctor Baillie was called in, Surgeon Keate and Mr. Walker attended her Royal Highness like- wise ; and on the Sunday morning a bulletin was issued to inform the numerous inquirers that "the Princess had a good night's rest. The fever was some- what abated. But notwithstanding the refreshment PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 311 her Royal Highness had gained by sleep, she still lay under a very irritating cough." For two or three days after this, Princess Charlotte wag at one time worse, then better again, but to- wards the 15th her ailing assumed a most serious aspect, and on the 15th itself, the affliction was at its utmost height, from that day her Royal Highness made rapid strides to be well and on the 23d was in a state to go to the theatre. On account of tlie expected visiters, and the intention of Mrs. Siddons to appear in her chief character. Lady Macbeth, a crowded audience was gathered there. Lady Macbeth may not constitute Mrs. Siddons' most admirable personification, it may only be on a level with other parts in which Mrs. Siddons is always seen with rapture ; but it is gen- erally esteemed the best fitted for the development of her powers, especially because it gives a full scope to the exercise of that dignified and noble energy which is the leading stroke of her gifted mind, and furnishes the actress with an opportunity of displaying her exceeding fine person and com- manding countenance ; other heroines may contri- bute a great deal in this way too as well as Lady Macbeth, but at any rate it may be safely advan- ced that Mrs. Siddons' representation of the aspiring woman, and the daring sallies of her thoughts, gives a sort of reality to the delusion, and is a perfect 312 liFE or THE masterpiece in its kind. Some days previous, al- though the Princess did not venture outside the precincts of Camelford House, yet she was suf- ficently recovered to receive visits, and on the 18th addresses were read to her Royal Highness which had been postponed on account of her sickness. While she was confined, the Royal Family did not go into her chamber, but satisfied themselves with making inquiries, because of the recommendation the doctors gave that her Royal Highness should be kept as quiet as possible, and not discomposed by the exertions required for speaking to her friends. It was particularly noticed of her Majesty that she did not go into the apartments of her grand- daughter, nor show any of those symptoms of over anxiety which in common life are usually seen in the manner of a relative advanced in years, when- ever the safety or health of a descendant is concern- ed. Universal positions ought not to be laid down as the certain foundation for individual conduct, the chequered inclinations and tempers of the hu- man species, do not comport with such forcible and straining maxims, but notwithstanding there are few exceptions to the rule of moral philosophers who hold that the affection runs downwards, and seldom ascends with a power equal to what it de- scends with. Yet in the matter of the grandmo- ther and her grandchild no very great difference PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. SlS was obviously noticed in this respect, for Princess Charlotte always showed a deference and submis- sion to the Queen, proportioned to the fondness expressed by her Majesty towards her. The pub- lic opinion is much divided upon this' head, some feeling with severe sensibility the prudent adhe- rence to the advice of the doctors, and others re- garding the considerate behaviour of the Queen as in perfect unison with discretion and propriety. This affair being left undecided, for who indeed shall determine a point that can only be settled ac- cording to prejudice and supposition ? no liberal, nor honest man can take pride in the aspersions or low whispers that tend to bring down the good name of a personage set far above the rest of the world by the station she holds in the country, and whose sphere of action does not so properly lie in the execution of the duties attendant upon consan- guinity as in the discharge of national obligation, and if a cool dispassionate mind will weigh the decorum that has marked the domestic behaviour of her Majesty, and place it against the little inattention to private occurrences in her own family, consider- ing also the importance of a good example in a nation, permitted by affluence to indulge folly and giddiness, of noxious results to the repose of the fu'e-side, no room will be found for the entrance of dislike, or it will be swallowed up in the contem^ s s 314 LIFE OF THE plation of qualities that are truly useful. The con- stitutional excellencies which imparted lustre to Princess Charlotte, promised to make her a sove- reign that could conciliate the affections of her people, without deteriorating their moral principles, a certain happy mixture of right instinct with sound reason distingiiished her actions and demea- nour, nor did the latter seem to operate so much as the first, she appeared to be led into what was at once noble, philanthropic, and virtuous ; she loved as it were to be kind and good, and often gave way to the rising impulse of her humane propensities before she inquired into their cause : why she knew not, nor did she care much wherefore. But such persons are very sparingly sent into the world, and only that it is an impious thing to yield to the no- tion, one might look upon providence as repenting itself of the favour intended to a worthless race of creatures, and therefore it often occurs that they are of very short existence. I believe there are not many parents from whom a child has been cut off in the dawn of infancy or the bloom of youth, but dehglits to dwell upon the captivating graces and praiseworthy properties that showed themselves in that child in particular, whether the reminis- cence starts up in the recesses of the solitary mind, or an occasion offers to make any mention of the deceased. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 315 The nature of her Royal Highness's complaint is understood to have been a blight to the country's expectation. This was the received opinion of the best informed persons at the time, and delicacy does not suffer a more curious examination into all the circumstances of the case, but there appear, upon a broad survey, and by congregating one thing with another, strong grounds for assenting to the truth of the suggestion. The establishment of the Princess's health was thought to be most readily efiected by a residence in the country, that there engaged in the innocent pursuits of rural affairs, employed upon the further- ance of the earth's productions, her spirits would improve by the progress of the soil's cultivation, till at last smiling nature only kept in countenance the complacency of her mind. A sequestered way of spending one's time, is pro- bably the most congenial to a virtuous turn of thinking, which docs not require to go abroad in the search of contentment, but can find it always within itself, and be happy at home. This disposal of he;- K'oyal Highness was adopted in the early pat of lier existence, and was row perhaps grown into a pleasing habit w ith lier. Her comforts were no doubt very much heightened by the recent chanire of her state, but thev were not refined so exceedingly eitlicr as to exclude the perception of 316 LIFE OF THE natural enjoyments, like what happens to many persons of rank and figure, who cannot live but in a crowd. True happiness has always been fond of solitude and the sliade, and that sort of it in parti- cular which fell to the share of the Princess Char- lotte, whom providence had allotted an amiable and accomplished partner, and his society would have been to her .) good, indeed a very preferable sub- stitute to large parties : with him she had company enoup:h ; " we two make up a multitude," is a pro- verbial saying which her Royal Highness's conduct and inclinations gave complete illustration to. That artificial pleasure which is hung upon foreign cir- cumstances was altogether uncongenial to her turn of mind, she was incapable of narrowing the extent of her felicity to such strait and fleeting hmits; and long after it ceased to be gazed at, her happiness continued to exist, for pomp and splendour did not form its chief ingredients, although doubtless they must have gratified her a good deal, and she could not but feel delightful reflections in regarding the approbation of the world to the alliance slie had made. Independent of the recess meditated by tlicir Highnesses from the bustle of the town, Ca- melford House would have been given up at all events, for it was found ill adapted for them, aflfbrd- ing too little room for the accommodation of the persons that were annexed to their household. Tiie following is a list of their Highnesses' servants. TRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 317 Ladies of the Bed Chamber, The Lady Emily Murray and Lady John Thynne. Bed Chamber women, Mrs. Campbell and Miss C. Cotes. Keeper of the Privy Purse, Mrs. Campbell. Equerries and Aid-de-camps to his Serene High- ness, Baron Hardenbrock and Sir Robert Gardiner. Equerries to the Princess, Colonel Addenbroke, and Colonel Percy. Treasurer, Mr. H. N. Willis. Chaplains, Rev. Doctor Short, Rev. Doctor Moorhead, Rev. Mr. Short, and the Rev. ISIr. Ric- ketts. Physicians: in ordinary, Doctor Stockman, Doctor Baillie, and Doctor Rodham ; extraordinary. Doctor Morrison; Accoucheur, Doctor Sir Richard Crofts, Bart. Surgeons : in ordinary, Mr, Robert Keate ; ex- traordinary, Mr. Thomas Harding. Apothecaries, Mr. W. H. Nevile, Mr. Walker and Mr. Brande. Household Secretary, Mr. Ammerschaber. Pages, Mr. James Sims, Mr. Thomas Poole, Mr Henry Florshutz, and Mr. Pan Mechin. A^alet-de-chambre, Mr. M. Florshutz. Dresser, Mrs. Prior. House Steward, Mr. Philipps, and House Keeper, Mrs. Philipps. SI 8 LIFE OF THE Clerk of the Wine Cellar, Mr. Lyons. Cooks, jNIr. F. Grillon, Mr. E. Morel and Mr. J. Schellburn, and Mrs. Elizabeth Hands. The con- fectioner, Mr. C. Hoeek; and for the Coffee Room Mrs. Hannah Parsons. Gardener, Mr. T. Fairbaim. Silk JNIercer, JSIr. W. King. Linen Maker, Mrs. Mary Hillhouse. &:c. kc. kc Now for all these, and the menial attendants, Ca- melford House could not furnish apartments to hold more than one half, even though t/icy should not live in the place, whose office did not require them to attend constantly. Camelford House was at the first thouglit to be a very commodious and proper seat in town for their Highnesses to live in. Previ- ous indeed to the negotiation for this residence, the mansion in Cavendish Square, which belongs to the Earl of Harcourt, was treated for by the President of the Board of Works, but upon a more intimate survey of that mansion, it was found to be in so bad a state, and so far from the comforts and magni- ficence of a royal abode, that to render it suitable a vast sum of money must have been expended upon it, not less, according to the usual charges of an architect, than 100,000, which might be enough to purchase a house altogether in complete rcadi- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 319 ness for tlieir Highnesses' reception. It was then that Lord Grenville was applied to for Camelford House, of which his Lordship was owner. He consented to let it for a certain period, with the option of renewing the lease ad libitum, and like- wise to give the furniture upon a moderate and fair valuation. But added to the smallness of the house, there arose many inconveniences to be undergone by the distinguished inmates ; it had only one stair case, and that was close ; there did not appear any way of enlarging the entrance from Oxford street, which was narrow and disagreeable; it was not besides furnished with other apartments than those on tlie first floor and under it, for there As not a second story worthy of the name; externally its appearance was striking, and it looked like a princely mansion, but its court-yard was not spacious, and sucii as it was the people in Herewd street could look into it at pleasure, and see all tlial was going forward : now although it might not be tlie wish of the in- habitants to shrink from the prying eye of the pub- lic, still it could not be very ])leasant to the domes- tics to be watched by every curious body who would be so bold as to indulge his inquisitive ])ro- pcnsities ; we do net live in an age that admits of few attendants, or a forbearance of sumptuous iare and splendour in our p^randees, and therefore numy house servants are actually wanteJ, and justlv and 320 LIFE OF THE discreetly kept by them, and so long as they are re- tained, it is honourable and demonstrative of hu- manity to treat them with consideration and indul- gence. In the early times of Roman greatness, much simplicity prevailed, and we are tol,d of Drusus one of the most eminent persons of his day, that he had his house formed of so many windows that the people in the streets could see the family at their meals, and that instead of this in- spection giving offence to Drusus, it was quite agreeable to him. Now there is nobody of a good and upright mind, who can delight to show the in- firmity of honest men and the weakness of virtue, but yet the present case admits of a doubt whether some vanity was not at the bottom of the conduct pursued by Drusus. However this observation ap- plying itself to every good practice that lies out of the road of other persons, does not merit mucli serious regard ; if Drusus were now upon the earth, and in his old circumstances, he might keep up liis splendour without impairing the greatness of his reputation, and if he did, hardly any doubt can be made, at least not rationally, but that he would have consulted the wishes of his servants, and ])er- mitted them to conceal what they did not think fit that all the world should see. Sober people can receive no pleasure, and the considerate do not re- quire, to trace any action of Princess Charlotte and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, ^ 321 Prince Leopold to the bottom, and try whether it rest upon a good and virtuous foundation or no ; for there are several transactions through which men must pass without any claim to either censure or applause, those that are in themselves altogether in- different, and to fail in which is not always attend- ed with any crimination, but on the other hand sometimes imparts a sort of malignant gratification, inasmuch as we get a better opinion of ourselves by finding out imperfection in others, and are the more easily reconciled to bear the recollections of folly that start up in the memory by discovering something to keep ourselves in countenance. The only matter of course connected with giving up Camelford House that had any thing to do with the nation was the additional expenses the public would have to defray by procuring another resi- dence. But as their Highnesses were now bent upon going into the country no great anxiety was shown by them to suit themselves better in town. The object that engrossed their care was the pos- session of a proper and agreeable place out of town. Claremont House was selected ; and on the 20th of June, Mr. Huskisson in the House of Commons apprized tlie members tliat lie was going to bring before them the consideration of making for Prin- cess Charlotte and lier illustrious consort the pur- cliafcc of a country residence. The business itself TT 322 LIFE OF THE did not present any difficulties, nor was likely to meet with much resistance, the point in Mr. Hus- kisson's opinion alone worthy debate, was the way in which a habitation in the country was to be pro- vided, and whether for that purpose one of the houses forming Kensington Palace might not be used. It was, however, apparent to him that the needful dignity and show to be maintained by the distinguished individuals, could not be so well con- suited as by procuring a country seat of large di- mensions, and with a corresponding quantity of lands annexed to it. Claremont offered strong claims to attention, not only by the superbness of the house, but the uncommon grandeur of the cir- cumjacent grounds, A regard to the prudent ex- penditure of the public revenue induced the mini- sters to send down an experienced surveyor to val- uate the house and lands of Claremont, as soon as it was determined that Claremont should become the future residing place of their Highnesses in the country ; to him there was an assistant ; and the owner made the most full and candid disclosure of all things that could affect the bargain. 19,000 was the sum reckoned to be a fair allowance for the property of the house alone, but others had already estimated it at a rate much higher, and if it were nov/ to be built, four times that would scarce cover tlie expenses. Tiu's while fevv' modern edifices, if PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 32S any, were to be compared to it, the outlaying would be a great deal under what any of the royal palaces must cost for repaid ngs to be put in a fit state for the reception of the illustrious couple. The furni- ture was estimated at 6,000, and the whole con- cern, farm, plantation grounds, house, and furni- ture would come to .56,000. Mr. Huskisson then proceeded to inform the members of the mode in which this sum was to be raised. There was in the three per cents a sum of nearly 300,000, deposited for the crown by the commissioners for selling the land tax redemption, and also the sale of crown lands had left a balance of 66,000 ; now he con- ceived it very proper to avail themselves of this fund upon the present occasion. All that was taken from the redemption of the land tax would be returned by the sale of lands appended to the crown; and this would be in fact only giving to them the enjoyment of what belonged to the royal possession. The observations of this member ended with a motion for bringing a bill in to settle the purchase of the Claremont estate, and obtain it for the use of Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold. Mr. Bar- ing remarked upon what Mr. Huskisson had men- tioned as to tlie saving to be gained for the public by the mode of meeting the expense, that the fallacy was hardly specious of supposing it, for if such sales of crown manors otherwise unjiroductive could be 524 LIFE or THE turned to good account, the matter should be looked to carefully, and it amounted to the same with public money unused. He likewise said that, al- tliough he conceived the bargain was no bad one, yet fifty years ago he knew that the place was sold for 10,000. The other in explanation stated, that lately a greater sum was paid for the estate, than what was now agreed upon. It is indeed true that Mr. Ellis purchased it for 53,000, but then Mr. Ellis had some very excellent farms annexed to it that went into the Claremont property, and , he still retains them, as landlord ; Prince I^eopold has rented from him two or three which are copi- ously stocked with game, and one of them was got for a residence to accommodate his Aid-de-camp, Sir Robert Gardiner. We are informed that not long before, an offer of 30,000 would not have been refused for the estate, and notwithstanding its abundance of timber, and a most delightful park of three hundred acres, still the contract made with Mr. Ellis does not evince that the ministers impos- ed upon him. Claremont received its name from the Earl Clare above a century ago, in exchange for Esher Park or Esher House, by which it was previously known. The antiquities of Claremont are very curious; there exist proofs that aboriginally ' it was a place of considerable note, and probably a religious conventicle. To favour the last opinion PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 325 might be mentioned the hillocks and circular piles that time has not yet entirely levelled. The misle- toe grows abundantly along with nearly every species of the arboreal kind. Among the natural wonders may be reckoned a very loud and clear echo in a part of the demesne, that seemed to be a spot so well calculated for making love, that an entire composition of lovers' poetry has been written, which makes it the seat of the sweet hearts ; now with due deference to the poet's genius, a little sa- gacity will find the ill judgment of taking a place that had so great an echo in it for the recess of a loving pair to pour out their hearts in, since no place in the world was so likely to tell upon them. Esher common lies off in bleak perspective, but it in a measure gives the nosce te ipsum to the be- holder, long enchanted with a survey of the better cultivated grounds, and of the house itself, which is a truly noble mansion, although posited in a situ- ation that is not the fittest for showing itself at a distance, and much higher and more conspicuous is a tower ; this may have originated in times of tu- mult and disturbance in an observatory for viewing an enemy's motions, for which it is well adapted by its great elevation. We shall now to the end, to which we are going apace, beguile our time almost entirely here, and we liave for the present consider- ed Claremont premises enough. IJut the place 326 LIFE OP THE comes associated with such a press o importance upon the mind, that the reader will be glad to learn all about it. This disposition is not very philosophi- cal, but it has something in it quite consentaneous to the soul of man. As Uttle good has been done by it, so are besides the generous sentiments of our nature thwarted by the frigid philosophy which would conduct us unconcerned over regions cele- brated for wisdom, bravery, or virtue ; the person indeed is but little to be envied, whose patriotism would not grow warm in treading the plain of Marathon, or whose resignation to the will of Heaven does not gather strength as he meditates among the bushes of Claremont. Her Royal Highness being now' sufficiently re- covered to undergo a little fatigue, the departure to the country was fixed for the 24th of August. But the worthy corporation of London did not feel happy that the Prince should leave town before he became a citizen, and accordingly it was determined in council that he should be enrolled among them,, and become one of themselves. A deputation was sent to Camelford House to inquire the time his Serene Highness might wish for the inauguration to take place; he appointed the 11th of July, upon which day like wise their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Sussex, and the Duke of Gloucester were to receive the honours of the city. - PRIN^CESS CHARLOTTE. 327 The Lord Mayor, and all his retinue were adorned in the highest style of civic magnificence, and the horses too were caparisoned in the most splendid gorgeous manner. Upon reaching the hall, his Lordship and the leading men of the corporation escorted his Serene Highness and the Dukes to the election stand ; and thereupon their places being taken, the Chamberlain addressed them in suitable terms, first the Duke of Kent, and so on according to their rank. In complimenting his Serene High- ness, the chamberlain concluded to this effect: " Allow us, Sir, to express our true and cordial wishes that you may long enjoy the comforts of your wedded life. That your royal bride may crown our hopes with a circle of sons and daughters inheriting those amiable traits of character by which their parents arc distinguished. That they may be willing and able to guard the City of London from infringement of the privileges tliey have the happiness now to hold, privileges which their an- cestors have procured them, and that are at once needful to the preservation of the state, and dear to the hearts of those whom your Serene Highness has been pleased to consort with and graciously to make them your fellow citizens." Tiiis address, which was at least an honest one, the Prince re- ceived with marks of high satisfaction and pleasure, and returned in these words : " My Lord Mayor, 328 LIFE OF THE and .Gentlemen, I cannot adequately describe my sense and grateful idea of this additional mark of regard shown me by the city of London. I hope it is altogether needless for me to tell the happiness I see in myself at becoming one of its members. With the privilege to make your prosperity my own, rest assured that it will always be an object of my anxious wish to find the commerce of this great city go forward successfully and with safety." The august personages having taken the customary oaths, were presented with boxes for keeping the testimonials of their freedom in, these were written in the first manner of ornamental writing, adorned with beautiful devices, and all the show that pen- , manship could give was given to them ; the boxes were formed of the wood that had borne the great bulwarks of our country's integrity and honour, the victorious seamen of Britain, Prince Leopold did not put his up immediately, but held it in his hand, and closely examined it, as well on account of the neatness of the workmanship, as for a compliment to the great service which the wood of it had passed through. The box was truly uncommon, the figures on it were done with exquisite taste and difficulty, the roses, thistles, and shamrocks were the figures easiest to be made that appeared upon it, for the emblematical productions were not only designed in a bold and engaging manner, but exe- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 329 cuted with necessary delicacy on account of the grain of the wood. The distinction of citizenship being duly gone through, and all the ceremonials over, the illustrious fishmongers partook of a dinner prepared at the Mansion House with the customary savouriness and plenty which have ever been to be found at that hospitable board. When the ban- quet was over and they had done feasting, the healths of the most distinguished persons of the nation were proposed and drunk with great enthu- siasm and eagerness, nor were the toasts confined to individual healths, collective toasts were given and warmly noticed, such as the Parliament and the like, not omitting of course the Citizens of London. Some time also before their Highnesses left town, a grand entertainment was made at Carlton House, to which the whole circle of fashion had been invited, and most all of them came, so that the party was exceeding brilliant and numer- ously attended, but it was not in the power of Princess Charlotte to go, as her health was not yet capable of sustaining much fatigue, although greatly amended. But what indeed was still a more pro- voking thing to her Royal Highness, she could not pay her personal respects and love to her Royal Aunt, Princess Mary, upon her auspicious marriage with the Duke of Gloucester, an event which every body was delighted at, for both were u u ^5ft LIFE OF THE of the most mild and worthy temper, and gave every assurance that they would prove an amiable ex- ample of conjugal happiness and proper carriage, and their high and conspicuous rank in the country must dra\V in many of the great to follow the pat- tern ; and these being copied by the next in degree, and so down the links of society, a general good effect is produced by a circumstance of this kind, yielding far greater benefits and advantage than those trophies of glory which make a louder noise. The calm but slow effects of morality and good conduct in the better sort of people is beyond question of more durable and solid use than whole campaigns of victory and honour from beginning to end; for the glory and fame gained by these to a nation may be tarnished by a single age, and all its former grandeur make up a show in the triumphal train of some foreign conqueror, and give insolence only to the murderers of our children's children, not but that such lhini]js are deservedlv matters of nationa) joy and gratulation, and so far as they tend to keep foes at a distance, or to animate the people by a remembrance of them, whenever they are at- tacked, in so much the glory of tlie realm identi- fies itself with the security of it ; but of domestic influence the usefulness is not so exposed to chance, nor is it indeed in its quality so mutable, and such is the spread of morals in a nation, that enemies and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 331 friends are profited by them when they come re- commended by genteel or celebrated names. The sacred compact was entered into by Princess Mary and the Duke of Gloucester on the 22d of July, although it might have taken place at an earlier period, had there not been a wish to see Princess Charlotte in a happier condition of health ; and an- other cause was said to be the great desire Princess Mary had to be given away by the Duke of Cam- bridge who had not sooner arrived. The Queen's palace was tl)e place the royal pair were married in, due preparations having been made for the purpose by altar pieces, &;c. the Archbishop of Canterbury performed the service, aided by the Bishop of Lon- don, as in the case of Princess Charlotte's marriage. The first risit paid by the Duke and Duchess to Camelforc House was on the 7th of August ; their time was previously passed away at Bagshot, the Duke of Gloucester's country seat. Meantime the furnitun that was intended to be added to the furnituR already at Claremont was taken away daily in waggons; and on the 24th, a stage coach left Canelford House in the morning with the do- mesticsand their baggage. The personal attendant* of their Highnesses set out soon after in their car- riages, md were followed at three o'clock by the Prince and Princess, who reached Claremont time enoughfor making; different plans and regulations before he day was spent, and dined there. 3^2- LIFE OF THE '*Caraelford House was now left altogether by the illustrious couple, and upon returmng to town, it was determined to select another residence. Cum- berland House was talked of, and thought to be a very suitable place, affording ample accommodation, but finally Marlborough House was chosen. Being now in the country, and freed from the troubles and perplexity of company, the fond pair enjoyed themselves in a way of life innocent and virtuous and agreeable. Minds that are undisturb- ed by guilt, and fond of ruminating ihe ideas that rise up in them, whether those ideas bg retrospec- tive or directed to future ends, are alone known to seek a retirement from the world, when the world is within the reach of their enjoyment. To repair into the groves for the purpose of esciping the pleasures of sense, denotes a* voluntary gcodness of principle which can bear to be reflected oi. Indeed it is very improper to call the retreat (f persons conditioned as their Highnesses were by my term that implied an abandonment of worldly concerns, for in truth it was only to enjoy the wold with more reHsh and less aberration from true purity, and the term world ihereibre stands here for the turmoils, the bustle, and the madness of t. An absolute and total dereliction of all the afairs and employments of life is just as reprehensible to the full as that senseless avidity with which re run PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. SSS after the gaieties of it, and spend all our time in preparing for them. To mix in society with com- fort to ourselves, and benefit to others, should con- stitute the scope of our endeavours, but the way to do this is by no means obvious ; he is much de- ceived whose idea of society can only reach to a crowd, and who thinks that it may not exist in a village, or in the companionship of a friend or two. Neither is it consistent with the general observation which a man may form of himself to suppose that in the wide range which the eye may cover the thoughts are scattered and hard to be called home, and that so the natural feelings of the heart become indolent and cold. Experience shows the contrary. The affections tied down to few objects are kept in proper exercise, and neither dissipated by variety, nor distracted by the guilty indulgences that creep unawares upon the diversions of revelry. The mind of Princess Charlotte was elevated beyond the anxieties for trifles which young persons in her sphere of life commonly feel in the pursuits of gay and light entertainment. To take away the little relaxations which company affords to persons en- gaged in the active affairs of the world is very cruel, and militates perhaps against the public good ; for nothing so much opens the heart of a man of busi- ness, weakens the influence of selfish passions that are improved by his toiling for gain, or tends to 884 LIFE OF THE make him more actively useful in the concerns of other people, than the little nocturnal assemblies of different characters, where the transactions of the day and the direction of tlie state fall under cogni- zance, and are duly weighed and examined. In this way the cares are banished from the tortured brain, and if a song be added upon occasion, neither is that amiss. The danger is lest from innocent playfulness we fall into criminal indulgence, and instead of unbending the mind, the spirits are sunk in drunkenness, and the fortune squandered away in useless gratifications, which it may have cost us some conscientious remorses to raise. Common in- stinct will act sufficiently as a monitor to promote thi? virtuous disposition to society, which all men unsoured by heavy disasters must be sensible of in a greater or a less degree ; the province of the ab- stract moralist is to provide against the excess of it, and keep an excellence innate in our constitutions from running into viciousness. But however ad- visable such recreations are when there is discretion enough to guide them, the splendour and the cap- tivating charms which fashionable parties employ to become pleasing to tlieir votaries, ought to be guarded against witji all the care and pains which philosophy can exert. Therefore in review- ing the course of life which lier lioyal Highness led, there is no trait in her character more earnestly PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 335 sought to be proposed as worthy the reader's ad- miration and applause than the fondness she showed to withdraw from giddy routs and luxurious con- ventions, and to indulge her senses in the sweets of rural sport, and in the still calm duties of the country house. As a person of cultivated taste is disgusted with some books, and declines to peruse them, yet it were not proper thence to infer uni- versally that he dislikes reading, and is a hater of books ; neitlier ought the Princess Charlotte to be held as one that had any aversion to society. The common mode of a numerous assembly's waste of the time tliat they are together, and the circumstances of the meeting was what gave rise to her Royal High- ness's objections to launch out into extravagancies. From the delicacy of texture, and the neatness of the mould which the British ladies exhibit in their persons, a stranger, if asked his mind, how a great number of them passed their time away wlien as- sembled together, would certainly think of their eating meat to be the last way of all others, and yet dinner parties or parties to supper have place on all occasions, any thing else cijn hardly be reck- oned polite or genteel, unless it be a musical party, which is also not just the desideratum. In those districts of the empire where the Goddess of sim- plicity has not been expelled by foreign refinements but arrayed in her genuine attractions, continues to 9S6 LIFE OF THE rule it over the conduct of the people, that class in the community which lies equally remote from sordid poverty and superfluous affluence, are known to have a great relish for evening parties to tea. At these little congregations the young ladies are permitted to talk freely to the other sex and with each other, they imbibe a consciousness of shame, the acquaintance that is hereby contracted with their equals and admirers naturally stirs up this principle within them, aware that their friends take note of their actions, and that their friends are nu- merous, they are not very likely to err from the paths of rectitude, or do any thing unworthy the dignity of their characters. With respect to the salutary and strong influence which such a system enables virtue to spread far and near in those happy spots of the world, it were improper to spin it out too great a length here, but I cannot forbear to say, that from all the accounts we have of Princess Charlotte and from what her character ever dis- closed in any part of it to those who had the oppor- tunities of examining it closely, it seems to me to be very plain, that if her Royal Highness had been born in the middle order of life, and her birth place cast into one of the regions such as we have been speaking of, she would, it is my opinion, have been exceedingly fond of these little evening tea parties. Prince Leopold was vain of the country schemes" PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 3^7 which her Royal Highness was dispased to, as much perhaps as she could b6 herself. The Prin- cess had given him a hand, the like in point of re- versionary power all the potentates in the world whetlier emperors or kings could not come up to in a marriage dowry to a daughter of theirs ; we bpar a name of national importance that seems to have been only rivalled, and never outdone by any country, whose exploits have been supposed to de- serve historic preservation. Besides the conviction of its fitness, Prince Leopold was led to the desire of living retired by the very nature of what consti- tuted his happy condition. To enjoy unmolested by the constant intrusion of visiters, the charming and instructive society of Princess Charlotte must have formed a strong inducement with I-is Serene Highness to embrace with avidity the projected re- cess. It is said that when they came down, the house not being completed in all its parts, the workmen did a little on Sunday ; and that as they were busy her Royal Highness inquired wiiat noise was mak- ing; being told that the carpenters v/ere under the necessity of going forward with their work on Sunday because of the several things that yet re- mained to be done, the Princess appeared mucli hurt at the circumstance, and instantly directed that they should desist, nor upon any future oc- X X 838 LITE OF THE 1 casion that the Sabbath day should be occupied in a way unbecoming the respect which ought to be shown it. She said nothing could excuse the pur- suits of business upon that day, except there was an urgent cause, a very urgent cause indeed; but in the case before us, I am sure, said she, no one reason of importance exists for transgressing the decorum that is due to a season set apart for God's service more especially than the rest of the week. Whetlier there be guilt in doing certain offices that appear necessary on the Sabbath, some have doubted; but the matter resolves itself into the need that there is for having the business done, and the urgency of it. Our blessed Redeemer did him- self perform an office of humanity on the seventh day, and this has been often perverted to serve the purposes of careless persons, who dwell too much on the literal reproof he gave the people of Jerusalem without regarding the spirit and general drift of what he said, which did not go farther than expostulation, for although he made the comparison between what gave employment to them and the object of their condemnation, at the same time he by no means justified the practice of doing things more suitable to another day ; for he expressly and actively op- posed such conduct as the pious reader must have observed ; but this little remark may perhaps be of service in taking away the excuse that is set up by PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 339 Sunday workers ; hovverer the usefulness of the re- mark is circumscribed, it must be acknowledged, since people of that stamp, whatever they may pre- tend, are at bottom very unsolicitous about having scripture on their side, but either through vivacity or a vain ambition they merely show their skill in argument, and for this end care not to scoff at de- cency and order. The regard borne by her Royal Higlmess to the day more particularly claimed by the Creator for praise and adoration to be paid him by his creatures, did not lie only in the punctilio of observance, but she showed the personal interest that ought to be taken by all directors of families, in seeing a due attention to religious reading and prayer amongst the domestics. The pew which her Royal Highness sat in along with her illustrious consort, was a good while oc- cupied in part by a respectable family in the neigh- bourhood. But this joint tenement was so mana- ged that no forwardness appeared in the family who had used it before her Royal Highness's arrival, nor any restraints imposed upon the exalted couple from the company of persons beneath them, for her Royal Highness did not go in the forenoons, and the others never came in the afternoons, though both the family alluded to, and the princely pair attended service every Sunday with uninter- rupted regularity, except in case of indisposition. 340 1 IFE OF THE The elevated piety of Princess Charlotte rose be- yond the common distinctions of degree ; the union of several hearts, whether they who offer their prayers up be well dressed or not, has been ordain- ed as a mean of obtaining heavenly grace, and is consonant with our common sense notions of the way to give pleasure to the Supreme Mind. At the same time, many inferior creatures entirely de- void of christian principles are fond of taking such occasions for associating with those who in the lan- guage of the world, are better people than them- selves, and much pliilosophy is needed to bear with them, yet it becomes a duty to refrain from con- tempt, although they may deserve it, as well as to deprive them of the familiarity elsewhere which they so improperly seek, but even this should be done with great caution, for we cannot read the secret thoughts, and may be therefore grossly de- ceived, the wisest as it is the surest way then is to abstain from haughtiness altogether. In the present matter there can be little doubt that the respectable family who possessed a claim to a part of the Claremont pew, were more earnest to avoid any apparent advances than her Royal Highness could be to decline them. The pew was much im- proved in the Duke of Newcastle's time, and an entrance was made to it altogether private. Opposite the pew stands the pulpit, and consequently there PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 341 is every facility of hearing well. The latter con- veniency was much valued by her Royal Highness, who marked always with extreme heedfulness the doctrines of the ministers that officiated before her, and being, in a high acceptation of the phrase, an excellent biblical scholar, was in a good measure competent to judge the propriety of what she heard. Her common practice was to meditate upon the illustrations of the preacher, to sift and examine them, and make her comparisons with some ap- proved commentary on the same part which printed books afforded, or to lay up his thoughts by way of food for her to ruminate, for there are numerous passages too plain for elucidation in holy writ, and yet so very comprehensive as to give rise to delight- ful speculations in a mind that is seriously turned. When Prince Ijcopold and Princess Charlotte en- tered the yard of the church, all the poor people, and they who admired unaffected religion in the great, collected and surveyed them as they passed along, pouring blessings upon their heads, and had their kindly salutations noticed with the marks of goodness and free condescension which distinguish- ed this happy couple. In most authors who give up their thoughts to the consideration of the human affections, by which we are bound to one another in different degrees, whether of the fondness that is shared by equals. 342 LIFE OF THE or mingled with respect where there is a disparity of fortune, it is generally observed that the attach- ment will commence with the earliest knowledge the parties may have of each other, almost at the first sight, and so continue throughout : such is the ordinary ways wherein the working of the soul dis- plays itself; but this is not a rule without its excep- dons; for it very often happens that two people who bore a grudge or enmity at least have sunk the bitterness of their reciprocal humours and grown into friends of great firmness and sincerity. None therefore who appear at the beginning of our ac- quaintance with them to be undeserving our love, ought to be excluded from our tender regard sa far as to make us shun them altogether, unless a positive and substantial cause arise to prove their criminality. The observation in general made re- specting first impressions is not gainsayed by the- case of the neighbouring people with Princess Charlotte and his Serene Highness, for they were hardly arrived at Claremont when the inhabitants of the place began to conceive a high opinion of them, and heartily to rejoice at their living amongst them ; a disposition of good will and respectful esteem was maintained afterwards. ]Jer Royal Highness, immediately after herarrival,rode through the entire demesne, and surveyed the little cottages, of which there arc many scattered about, and seem- miNCESS CHARLOTTE. 343 ed to look at them with the interest of a true friend. By degrees the little children grew so familiar that they would accost the Princess with uncommon boldness and unconcern, and she took their innocent freedoms, as one might expect from her estimable character, in a way that encouraged them to per- severe in their familiarities. When on these oc- casions the mothers would strive to prevent them being so troublesome, the Princess would cast a smile of benignant pleasure upon them, as much as if she spoke, Let them do as they will. She continued to ride oi perambulate about every day in company with the Prince, sometimes slie stopped to examine a particular shrub or other object with nice attention, sometimes she went forward with rapidity, while few days escaped her that she did not finish by happy nights, laying up as she did for herself by the deeds of the day a source of com- fortable reflections when sable night came on, en- robing all things in darkness and silent awe, and preparing the mind for the exercise of sober back- ward contemplation. The results of virtue are found to be of so much advantage to all men, that the right idea of what virtue is has remained since the beginning pretty well established in the opin- ions of mankind of what sect soever, on account of this general tendency it has to make all happy. As it gives expulsion to the short sighted views 344 LIFE OF THE that are often engendered in the breast under the influence of a selfish spirit, and therefore most frequently recommends itself to the respect of others ; so that indeed every body finding it for his benefit to employ and deal with virtuous peo- ple, it is an ordinary consequence of a virtuous life, provided it be at the same time an active one, to receive a temporary reward in the affluence which follows in the train of it ; but even should this re- quital to honest industry and beneficence be want- ing, he that has an unsullied honour and uninjured conscience will be free from the agonizing vexations which harrow up the breast of the guilty as soon as reflection overtakes them. The delightful converse of an honest heart with itself is certainly not tlie lowest of the sublunary blessings that are attendant upon the due discharge of our duties in life. No one can judge properly the conduct of another, unless it be a case that regards the shade of crimination or applause that ought to be assigned any palpable and open action, for to measure the proper merit of a man's exploit there is a necessity to liave be- fore us the intention with which it was formed, and this lies beyond the inspection of a mortal eye, the great Author of being and animation, who trieth the reins of men, can alone pry into their j^ecret thoughts, and finding their intentions at onre, he is aWe to judge ariglit the thing that is done. We PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 345 who are aware of the propriety of taking into the account the end proposed to himself by a person whose behaviour we examine, the most that can be achieved by us is to guess at the principles of action by the deeds only. But in our calculations we must be frequently in error, and of this there can be no proof stronger than the great diversity, of opinion which exists relative to the same matter. That which renders a man a hero or a saint in the mind of some, will seem to others a designing or hypocritical scheme, artfully wrought up to meet the sinister views of the contriver himself It remains therefore that we should act as if solicitous to obtain the approbation of our ov/n hearts rr;ore than the applause of all the world, and directing our whole course of proceedings to the ministry of the duties approved by our Maker, seek the favour of Him, whose best spokesman is our own conscience, and then look up with patient hope and humble zeal to the coronation of all our efforts, when he shall utter the glad words : " Well done, thou good and faitliful servant, enter now into the joy of thy Lord." From these considerations it were impious to decide upon the actual and proper merits of the beloved young Princess, but if any clue can be af- forded by a chearful countenance and a beneficent hand, to trace out the private emotions of the heart, we may justly reverence the memory and deplore Y Y S4$ LIF OF THE the loss of so admirable a person, and treasure up her name in the depository of our most sacred re- collections, a theme alike of pleasure and of pain. Her time was occupied in that agreeable manner that it could not sit heavy on her hands, or require to be softened by the compliments and civilities of courtly friends. Yet her elevated situation, the great powers that seemed to be in store for her Royal Highness, added to the personal charms of her company and conversation, drew of course a list of the distinguished to pursue her with noise and bustle. The retirement into the country could not exclude the salutations of those who, from disinter- ested motives, sought her friendship, or were at- tached to her by the ties of consanguinity. Neither perhaps was it the wish of her Royal Highness to lead the life of a perfect secluse. Open in her af- fections, and naturally warm in the constitution of her mind, she loved her relatives with great ardour and sincerity, and was always happy to see them. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester drove to Claremont to make a visit to the Prince and Princess on the 24tli of Septem- ber, and passed a few days with them. Other mem- bers also of the Royal Family came to Claremont among them were the Duke of Cambridge and the Duchess of York. The day was filled up in the most agreeable manner by rational conversation PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 347 and such observations as must naturally be raised in the familiar discourse of persons nearly allied to each other. The weather being at this time in- tensely heated by the long continuance of a clouds less sky, through which the sun permitted to dart his beams with the entire force of the commanding 8ituati(i he now moved in, and seconded by the warmth the earth herself retained, made a retreat beneath the shade highly pleasant and refreshing. All opportunities were therefore taken to enjoy the green canopy and the little gusts of wind that oc- casionally played among the trees. They frequent- ly took luncheon in the bower, and her Eoyal High- ness delighted in drawing them to distant parts of the demesne, so that the guests had no reason to make complaints for want of exercise. After spend- ing some time with the Princess, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester made their Highnesses pro- mise to go to Bagshot for a few days, and would not depart until Ihey were assured of the visit. Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte accord- ingly went to the country residence of the Duke and Duchess, and received much gratification in the amiable and engaging society of their beloved relatives. The morning was generally devoted to riding and walking, and in the close of the day music was resorted to, and free talk was inter- mingled, a sort of music no less pleasing than the 348 LIFE OF THE instrumental. But the stay was of short continu- ance, and her Royal Highness hastened back to enjoy the pleasures which she had made for herself in the plans of improvement that she had struck out, and in looking over the condition of the labour- ing tenantry. There are some people who have the knack of gaining upon us all in an instant, and growing at once into a familiarity that never is increased, but frequently diminished by coldness and reserve. A selfish turn is to be served at the time, and the per- son that can administer to the satisfaction that is pursued, finds himself in a moment happy with his new acquaintance, and builds divers fallacious and weak hopes upon the continued friendship. Artizans, and such as live principally by the exertion of their talents, have frequently had to do with fine ladies of quality, whose overpowering sweetnesses have enraptured them so far that they seemed for some days elevated above the common occupations and affairs of the world ; the captivating graces of the ladies delighted them to think upon by day, and their visions teemed with phantoms of rank and beauty all the night through. But let the needed business be but executed, or the operator prove unfit, and then, alas I how altered, how woefully changed appears the countenance to which the joy was altogether owing, at firet so kind, so free, so al- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 345 luring, it was quite absurd to think to withstand it : but when the poor dupe becomes useless, he feels his blood run cold, such dismal icy looks are cast and hardly cast upon him. Sufferers of this class deserve a little pity, for inexperience is the groundwork of the error that leads them on, but they notwithstanding merit the punishment ; it is due to their folly, and the artifice itself should not be entirely banished the commonwealth, for it may do society the same sort of service that tinsel does an Indian Queen upon a London stage, it may support good appearances, yet no honest nature can view it without abhorrence and disgust, and it can only at best be allowed the toleration of a necessary evil, which, if there were no benefit to be found from it, ought to be hooted and marked with a stigma the more disgraceful as it eludes the grasp of any legal redress. The vice now spoken of is by no means confined nor particularly fixed to the fair, the other sex act similarly too, but to make the case more pointed beauty has been employed to give additional fascination to the powers of arti- ficial dealing ; and in passing along it may not be amiss to draw this moral, that if nature has qualifi- ed the female world to shine without integrity, how studious ought they to be for adhering to right principles, then would they captivate substantially and creditably, then would they indeed be all over 850 LIFE OF THE chamis. Princess Charlotte possessed not cfnly that openness and freedom of manner which let a stranger without diflficulty into her disposition, but the purity and goodness of lier Royal Highness's heart seemed to grow upon her friends more and more, the more they saw of her. The liille chil- dren of the poor people who lived scattered over the face of Claremont, began to take great liberties, and hearing their parents dwell with constant pleasure upon the name of her Royal Highness, they conceived it an object of their puerile ambition to be noticed by the Princess's encoun;p*rig smiles, with which we have seen her already gratifying the young admirers. By means like these she added to her other enjoyments, and thence no doubt arose the steady complacency that always beanied in her good natured countenance. The father and the mother were not the worse for her regard to their offspring, she attended to thei?' com- forts and spread ease and content in all directions. The projected alterations and improving designs for the garden, the house and other parts of the Claremont residence, were carried on beneath her own eye with much vigour and assiduity, and she had the satisfaction to find the results generally correspondent with the good appearance they pre- sented to her fancy before tlieir execution was begun. Her taste was deservedly held in high re- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 851 pute, she had made a considerable progress in drawing landscapes, in likenesses and perspective, and the neatness with which she worked them up appeared to be lost in the grandeur and nriajesty that she infused into her works generally. Her imagination soared above the petty niceties of art, and she seemed better calculated to the production of pieces that had meaning and effect in them, than to the little beautiful sketches a lady is supposed to excel in. Not that her soul was insusceptive of the soft emotions which things fair and excellent arouse in the mind, but she regarded such matters in a light comparatively trivial to the attention she paid to what caught the notice and the thoughti of an observer. The Princess acknowledged beauty, but considered it a secondary affair, she preferred whatever yielded food to the imagination to that which lulled the eye into a sweet but nerveless apathy. Even living objects did not reach in this respect farther than a bare, innocent, and some would term it, a childish, gratification. Of this I heard a very curious corroboration from a re- spectable woman of discreet and thoughtful habits, which confirms me in the opinion I give. I shall 8et down the story in the precise words that the lady used herself in telling it, as \vell as I can re- collect them. The circumstance took j.lace before her Royal Highness was married, and so a littl S52 LIFE OF THE anachronism may be discovered in my introduction of the anecdote here, but as it tends to illustrate her idea of what is called the Beautiful, the gram- matical impropriety will be excused. The story was told by the gentlewoman thus: "A certain young officer," we need not mention the corps, " who was employed on his duty at Windsor, struck the eye of the Princess by his very delicate features and well turned person. The Princess in a manner perfectly free and unconcerned, went up to the youthful soldier and catching him by the forelock, asked him where he came from ; then still holding his hair in her hand, she wheeled him about from right to left, and declared that he was a very pretty fellow, and let him go. The lad, for he was nothing more, told his mother when he came home, that he thought Princess Charlotte a very odd young wo- man." If this narrative be viewed with fit regard to all the circumstances of it, the admiration her Royal Highness evinced of beauty, the unimport- ant consideration that she at the same time bestowed upon it, her freedom, and the impression it made with the young gentleman, the whole being col- lected into one single idea, we shall get a true notion of what is understood by tlie word " trait ;' as when we say of any body that is a good trait or a bad trait in his character. From a taste so highly refined, and an imagination raised beyond the level PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 353 SO far, one may easily suppose that the improve- ments set on foot by the Princess at Claremont were such as to impart a novel appearance to a spot that was already favoured with the lavish gifts of nature, and embellished with art in a superior degree. Whilst the attention of her Royal Highness was thus innocently and nobly employed in turning into the grandest forms the plantation and flower grounds of her country abode, and the Prince was occupied in a similar way, the fall of the year came on apace, and was gradually undermining the rural pleasures of the illustrious cultivators. Their thoughts were now called off by the visit of her Majesty and Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, who came to Claremont on the 24th of October. This was the first time that her Majesty had been to see the Prince and Princess. The royal party were attended from Windsor by a guard of honor ; and reached Claremont at two o'clock. Their stay liowever was but a short one; swir? after dumer the Queen and Princesses left Clardittfiont aTid returned to \^'jndsor Palace. What may have been the cause that prevented a longer continuance is only to be conjectured, but this, however, is certain, that the Queen was not expected to remain over night, since the Prince had promised to dine the day fol- lowing wi'Ji the FisiiDiOngcrs' Company, and Prin- X 7. 354 LIFE OF THE cess Charlotte left their country seat for London along with him ; and as Camelford House was in their possession still, although not frequented by the royal pair, they made it their place of rest upon coming to town. For six weeks following they passed their time at Claremont, enjoying all the comforts that a re- fined state of private life is capable to afford. Their rank and grandeur seemed to be swallowed up in the copiousness of those endearing joys which Heaven has permitted to fall to the share of the lowest as well as most exalted people. A poet whose imagination roved across human nature un- controulcd by the critical rules of his art, but di- rected merely by his own observations upon hu- man life, has declared the happiest of conditions to be that of a couple connected together m wedlock, when the sentiments of each beat in harmony, and both are innocent. It is not surprising that such should be the mind of a person educated as he had been, and it will be strange if an experienced and unprejudiced man will not give into the justice of his remark. No wonder then their Highnesses were anxious to shut the world out and withdraw into themselves. Had it been their wish to main- Uiin great show and splendour, they could have had the gratification of taking the lead over all the nobility. Prince Leopold was enrolled among the PPjyCESS CHARLOTTE. 355 Peers of the ipalm, and bis rank was settled next after the Diikes of ioyal blood ; so that in all assem- blies of subjects, he could have had no man except these, superior to himself It had been very confident- ly stated tliat his Serene Highness was to bear the title of Duke of Kendal, and that the Princess was to descend from her principissal station to the level of ordinary individuals. Whether this was ever seriously intended or not some have doubted, but certain it is the method finally pursued was better calculated to jiive respectability and importance to the illustrious person who was promised to hold the sceptre of the kingdom. The Duke and Duchess of Kendal sounds well enough, but Prince I^copold and Princess Charlotte has more of the national love and acquaintance in it ; when Prin- cess Charlotte is mentioned, one is apt to think upon the san:e familiarity as he runs over the name of his sister or his daughter with, but Duchess of Kendal, although a title of inferior consequence, is much more distant and dry, and while it does not surpass the oilier in the dignity of it, that other is much less forbidding. Had the form of address been changed, a short time no doubt would have reconciled us, and made the name of Kendal fa- miliar aTid dear to us by the conduct and character of those who bore it. Kendal is a town of West- moreland, distinguished for its anliquily, but in $50 LIFE OF THE other respects of no great account. The title of Duchess of Kendal was bestowed in 1715 upon a German Lady, the Duchess of ISIunster, her who is said to have stood so high in the favour and es- teem of George I. But the reputation of this wo- man was more creditable to her comeliness than her principles of honour, and however failings of this nature are regarded in exalted life as unde- serving of serious notice, yet such shght account of impropriety by no means lessens the utter contempt which a woman truly virtuous, like the Princess Charlotte, must have conceived for whatever be- longed to her. Prince Leopold not only ranked next in order to the Princes of the blood, but had been created a Marshal, a dignity conferred upon his Serene Highness two days after his happy mar- riage. But what ought these fantastic pleasures to weigh against the true enjoyment which it was in his power to obtain, conversing with a lovely young v.oman, whose mind was highly cultivated and al- together worthy the admiration and esteem of a sensible and accomplished husband. The person of her Koyal Highness was rather belo\v the middle size than above it, inclining to be fat, (as good hu- moured people are often said to be,) and yet was her figure thoroughly qualified to make no cou- lemptible appearance upon occasion of state, in a PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 357 drawing-room assembly, or at a ball. In the lineaments of her face might be read the extreme goodness of her heart and the openness of her entire soul ; the general expression of it was highly agree- able, and betokened a chearful and contented mind, every vein seemed to possess intelligence to the spectator who suffered himself to be influenced not only by the personal charms of her Royal Highness, but looked at her wdth all the awe and respect that her eminent condition on earth was fitted to inspire. Those indeed who never saw the Princess mifi-ht suppose that this portrait of her was overdrawn, but whoever has had the opportunity of witnessing the truth of the image, will feel disposed to ac- knowledge its justice, and perhaps go so far as to think that the author might have spent a little niore time upon this subject. But the contem- plation of tlie human figure is an affair so trivial and unimportant compared to the excellencies of the soul that gives animation to it, we cannot en- gross any needless attention in that way, without paying a poor compliment to nobler qualities. Prince Leopold had the freedom in the hcau ideal of his figure which was consj)icuous in his consort's; and his features indicated deep thought, simplicity, and what is more valuable still, his countenance beamed with good nature. His carriage and man- ners impressed the persons in his company not only Gi/8 LIFE or THE with an admiration of the Prince himself, but every body Vv-as enabled to entertain a good opinion of Ids own merits and worth ; and this way of a great man's conducting him towards others is very much to be valued. There is no method by Avhich we come to the knowledge of the noble disposition tliat an exalted character maintains within, so ready or more suited to the truth than by considering how he bears his greatness. Persons of liigh quali- fications, with sentiments corresponding, are anxi- ous always to shew the world that tlicy have no- thing beyond the reach of the rest of mankind. Haughtiness and vanity most usually fail of gain- ing the end that is sought after, whereas diffident behaviour is calculated to win over many admirers who otherwise would bear envy, and to authorize us as it were in the gift of our approbation, and just as the Roman Historiographer said of Cato, that by trying to escape from the commendation and ap])lause of men, he gained his glory, so it is generally the custom in all countries and ages to allow much vhere there is but little arrogance. If one were to l^e shown Prince I^copold, and were only informed that he was simply a oenticirian, lie must lay him down for a person that ajipears to have much modesty and merit ; and v, lien acquaint- ed with his actual circumalances, he must only add his good will to the respect he v.ould naturally PRINCESS CHATILOTTE. 359 bear him. A couple so happily joined together were always certain to find too much real felicity by themselves to risk their happiness at routs and assemblies. The intelligent mind of the Princess had been instructed in the different branches of useful and ornamental science, but the Prince hav- ing a peculiar bent to horticulture and botanical knowledge, her Royal Highness, with that admir- able disposition which distinguishes the loving wife, accommodated her own to the taste of her consort, and became a botanist herself Before his Serene Highness had arrived in England, while he was yet under his father's roof, his time being much at his own disposal, his inclination led him to stalk through the Flower Garden, as fancy impels other young gentlemen in the beginning of life, to run after the groom, and make horse racing the grand ultimatum of their anxieties ; not that the Prince was just so very perfect as not to indulge in this conceit a little also, but his whole desire was uncon- fined by such pursuits, and his turn of mind had a more solid direction. People who are able to please themselves with natural delights should feel happy and congratulate themselves on their susceptibilities, ibr the gratification is in such a case more within the possibility of attaining it, and gardening is more pure than most artificial recreations, and tliere- for it excels them in real pleasure: for the nature 360 LIFE OF THE of guilt throws a gloom over all the enjoyments that it enters into. The Prince having laid out a considerable portion of his time in the perusal of English books, from his retentive memory, and the eagerness he bestowed upon gathering a knowledge of the tongue, he was quickly master of a good floiw of those words that are made use of in con- versation, and consequently he was soon able to hold arguments and dispute with his beloved ad- versary. To determine the plant to a species, it was not always enough to have the printed refer- ence agreeable to either's opinion, but it cost much time and ingenuity to show by a string of close deductions and authorities the class to which the plant might belong. Upon these occasions they used to differ not unfrequently, and strenuously maintained the first assertion, while the common harmony of others had nothing in it half so de- lightful as these little variances in argument which this happy and ingenuous pair used to keep up for whole days together with great warmth and ob- stinacy. A. relish and good savour was imparted by this means to the ordinary table civilities, which otherwise are cold and tasteless; but the pleasant vivacity and contradiction now and again that they artfully made use of towards one another, rendered them evermore chearful and joyous companions. What a contrast does a life spent this way, provid- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 361 ed it be innocent likewise, form to the dull, un- meaning sameness that reigns often in the connu- bial state ! It must, however, be owned, that as a couple advance in years, this gay temper must be softened in proportion ; but the seriousness which becomes old age is apt to grow of itself without the aid of any lectures, for between the loss of friends and the other casualties of mortal existence, the Imman heart is weighed down and oppressed ; or rather the different fond objects of regard are as so many strings that confine our views to the earth, which cut one after another, leave the unfettered mind at rest to pursue the sober anticipations of an after world, or if the soul be not solaced with such felicitous meditations, it becomes still and abstract- ed, so that in all cases the longer we stay in this sublunary scene, the more likely are we to throw off sprightliness and good humour, and upon this account there is a glaring inhumanity in stripping youth of its chearful relaxations, for these dissolve qviickly of themselves. When an aged person is able to divest himself of all his gloomy cares, and enter into the amusements of the young, at least to take pleasure in contemplating tliem, he sliows an open and benevolent nature, and very justly draws u}ion him the regard and love of the com- ])any, lor if he were a selfish being bound up in his own sorrows, he could not do so ; nothing there- 3 A 362 LIFE OF THE fore bespeaks a happy and virtuous temper more strongly, and one that is in a manner fit for the reception of those heavenly joys which the Lord will give to " all that love him," nor can a much more confident pledge of divine favour be afforded to our dark understandings, than this propensity of the aged to take an active part in the pleasures and festivities of those entering upon life. It would therefore be unacceptable to the intelligent, morose- ly to discant upon the playfulness and affectionate whims of this illustrious, exemplary, and virtuous pair. But we were engaged upon the plants. In a critical disputation respecting the secret properties of some, when the Princess found that the Prince was gaining it over her, she with consummate art and address, would put the question off at the time, and the very first moment she could obtain to her- self, she would steal into the library, ransack all the places till she got at the desired subject, and then supposing herself quite mistress of it, would take the earliest opportunity of renewing the argument again, but having been ingenuous enough upon one occasion, after a complete victory, to ac- knowledge the means that enabled her to show with so much advantage, the l^iince ever after- wards would for no pretence suffer her Royal High- ness to leave him until she had either given iii, or he was liimself obliged to submit. These pur- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 86^ suits were not barely speculative ; they both at- tended to the practical use of what they knew of herbs and flowers in the garden, as well as the ex- ercise they made of their skill for the mere purpose of quarrelling through the fulness of their mutual love. In order to forward their gardening schemes their usual time for rising was very early, when the rosy fingered Aurora, the eldest daughter of the day first appeared and tinged with splendid colours the skirts of the horizon, this couple might be seen stepping into the garden, and watching with a solicitude almost parental t!ie growth and progress of their flower beds. When the lark is aloft in the air, and proclaims a new day to the busy world, and all nature, if one might use the ex- pression, seems to be unsoiled, not yet tarnished by the labours and work of the ensuing hours, while the dew is frigid upon the blade, and the gentle breeze has a delicious freshness in it, how much pleasure do they forfeit who slumber in bed, whose torpid faculties are exempt from feeling, and their limbs like dead matter lie unemployed, or he who is but just withdrawing to seek repose for the re- fection of his disordered frame and crazy head, the consequences of last night's revelry ? It is a common remark that few epicures, or any indeed that trans- gress the rules of living which consist with decency, ever meet the enjoyment they had promised them- 364 LIFE OF THE selves to arrive at ; if no consideration that involves principle and integrity can reach men of hardened intemperance, this one reflection at least ought to bring them to a sense of what is due to the good order of society, and their own peace of mind. They almost continually fly for relief to deeper draughts of intoxication, and by augmenting the fire, they would fain escape from it altogether, but they come off losers by the expedient, one they had not ever resorted to indeed, but from want of resolution to pursue a more effectual one, the reformation of their manners. To rise like the fair and accomplished Princess early in the morning, and pay a visit to the vegetable world all fragrant and breathing their agreeable influence in the freshening breeze, would do good to the health, animate the spirit, and spread a general glow of chearfulness and pleasure over the whole man. Perhaps, we cannot take into our fancy a more captivating object than what is presented in the contemplation of so much virtue and innocent delight as fell to the share of Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte. As their pastime became confined to the very house by the approach of bleak winter, an invita- tion to Brighton was made them by his Royal Highness the Regent. A great meeting took place then of the principal, indeed one might say tlie entire of the Royal Family in tlie beginning of De- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 365 cember," and much talk was needlessly afloat re- specting the occasion of it. Some base and grovel- ling minds would have the thoughts that started up in them delivered with all the pomp and con- sequence of political parade, and that unintelligible gabble that so often prevails in the parts of an essay where the author would fain be uncommonly deep, or rather penetrating, this is a term more suitable ; when a writer loses himself in obscurity it is wrong to call him deep, for depth implies a bottom, but penetrating is a modest epithet that is enough to warn a man, who has got something more profitable to employ his time with, that his author descends too far to give any hopes that he who follows shall be apt to overtake him. But they who consider poUtical subjects, are generally the plainest in their works, although the circum- stances, the proofs, and the like, may not be brought within the compass of a reader's understanding, yet the matter itself is coarsely stated. All tlie world knew that her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales had been visiting at foreign courts of doubtful honour, but this was nothing more tlian all female travellers of distinction had done before lier ; it was therefore very absurd to suppose that any tiling censurable was attached to her conduct. But so it was reported, that grounds existed for the justi- fication of a divorce, and that to this purpose the 366 LIFE OF TJIE chief members of the Ilo} al Family assembled to- gctlier. There are so many other more probable motives, that without further evidence, this reason should not be admitted. It is much more likely that the illustrious personages came together with no other view than the mutual satisfaction to be expected from one another's company. The first arrival was made in the person of the Duke of Clarence, followed closely by the Queen. Her Majesty was escorted into the town by a troop that had been sent to meet her, and received at the entrance into the palace, with military honours. A vast crowd had gathered round about to witness the royal grandeur, and after waiting for above an hour, were l;' itified with the sight of the Duke of Clarence, and soon after of the Queen ; and while the people were engaged in contemplating or rather catching a view of them, for there was too much stir and bustle to allow contemplation, the horns and trumpets noticed the approach of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent himself The party did not travel after the same manner ; liis Royal Highness came direct, but her Majesty stopped with I^rincess Augusta and Lady Macclesfield for a little by the way at Lord Arden's beautiful mansion near Epsom, and took some refresh nioit thcro. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester came next. Prince Leopold and Princess Cliarlotte PHINCESS CHARLOTTE. S67 did not arrive for five days after; but during their stay behind, a new pledge was given by them to the country of what might be rationally expected from the sweet Princess, if she ever should take upon her the management of our public affairs. Every reader, and indeed even those Britons who could not read, must be aware that about this time many tumultuous meetings were held, and great disorder and indecency prevailed amongst the members of them, being poor, needy, ignorant creatures in general, who believing that some in- stant change in the administration of public affairs would bring about a favourable turn in their own fortunes, had come together with all those crabbed feelings which people naturally are seized with when keen hunger takes hold of the stomach, and no method appears of allaying its importu-.iity, even the disgraceful one of an almshouse was not within attaiiunent, which, if it were, could afford little comfort to persons of independent minds. Thu3 were these men wrought up to a higli state of poli- tical intoxication, and scandalous disrespect to their superiors was the consequence. It is however cer- tain that there was hardly any employment for handicrafts of different descriptions, but Ihe silk weavers underwent peculiar privations, 'j'lie cala- mities and sufferinos of this class of men l)avina' reached the ears of Trince Leopold and l*rincess 368 LIFE OF THE Charlotte, 2000 yards of silk manufactured by the tradesmen of Spitalfields were ordered by them ; and the example was regarded as carrying a sub- stantial influence throughout the gentry, especially when it was understood that the Prince Regent had given his commands that additional silk should be used in the decorations of some of the rooms at Carlton House, in order to promote the same laud- able end. Their hearts being lightened and made chearful by these means, they went to Brighton better qualified to receive the joys of the intended festivities with truer zest than otherwise they could have done. Previous to their setting out, the Arch- duke Nicholas of Russia, who was perfectly inti- mate with Prince Leopold, went to Claremont to make a visit. In the morning the Grand Duke had been to see the Queen's Riding House, and appeared delighted with the agility and execution that the horses used in their several evolutions, and after breakfast, he went to Esher, attended by the jlussian Ambassador and a Russian Cor.nt ; his re- ception was warm and cordial. A dinner was made ready, and his Imperial Highness spent the day with his friend Prince Leopold, sleejiing at Claremont that night, lie returned to town early the next day and went in the evening to Covent Garden Theatre, where he sat in the Regent's box. The object of this illustrious visiter's journey to PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. S69 England was to see its curious manufactories and the progress made in the arts, with wliich sort of diversions his Imperial Highness gratified himself every day, viewing the different machineries and institutions of the country, attended by the ingeni- ous Sir William Congreve, a gentleman fully com- petent to elucidate the most intricate of machinal structures. With the satisfaction and regard shown him the Grand Duke was highly pleased, and bore away with him hence the good opinion and wishes of the nation, having endeared himself exceedingly by his condescending manners, and the propriety that he conducted his behaviour under, during his $tay in England ; and soon after his return to the continent he obtained the hand of a Prussian Prin- cess, and met in her an amiable and accomplished consort. In the meantime, her Majesty had been j)revented by the great heaviness of the atmosphere from taking at Brighton her accustomed airings, but notwithstanding dull and cold mornings, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Clarence, and Princess Sophia of Gloucester, ac- companied by the Lady Isabella Thynne, gave im- portance to the Steyne promenade by their presence The two first attracted great numbers to the spot of the iTiOst distinguished, who were desirous to pay every token of respect to the virtuous pair. In tlie afternoons his lloyal Higlniess the Prince S B 370 LIFE OF THE would take a walk without any attendants, to ex- amine the improving plans that were carrying for- ward ; and would go over the pleasure grounds of the Pavilion apparently in excellent health and good spirits. The Regent having considered the many cases of extreme distress that were communi- cated, or that he might have witnessed, in the most humane and charitable manner, he directed that all the spare provisions should be applied to the re- lief of the indigent people near, and to the credit of the royal household no waste was made, but every the most trifling article looked after, and the kind and benevolent intentions of his Royal Highness were fulfilled as closely as possible, taking care of those bits and scraps which, however insignificant and unworthy notice in the eyes of one that is not pressed by hunger, have a quite different effect with those that are, and frequently substantial relief is administered by such means as cost nothing, merely by seeing that what commonly is thrown away, should be kept and given to an object that may crave it. Out of the bones soup was made, and by this the fountains of succour were enlarged greatly. The domestics ought to be much commended for the readiness and zeal with which they set about retrenching as soon as Sir Benjamin Bloomfield Jiad communicated the Prince's wishes : tiiey did certainly form a speedy change of manner, luid PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 371 dropping the former carelessness of management, economized with uncommon nicety, and went as far as they could to forward the laudable scheme of his Royal Highness. By this means the Regent gave lustre to his dignity more satisfactory to his own feelings than all his splendour otherwise was able to impart Prince Leopold and Princess Char- lotte did not reach the Pavilion till near seven o'clock, when a large party of nobility sat down to dinner with the Queen and the Royal Family who were at Brighton; the Regent himself was occupied in London upon public business, and did not ar- rive among them till night. The next morning the Queen and Princess Elizabeth, she came from Windsor to take the turn of Princess Augusta, en- joyed an airing in a carriage ; Princess Charlotte and her royal consort went afoot along the East and West Cliffs, and generally during their stay had recourse to exercise of the same description. Their feelings must have received no common gra- tification upon the loud and enthusiastic cheers which were heaped upon them when they were re- cognized by the crowd. Added to the universal tokens of attachment and esteem that her Royal Highness met in her perambulations, her heart must liave been in a particular manner cheered and delighted by the joyous intelligence that she re- ceived of her mother's condition, which foreign 372 LIFE OF THE scenes and changes of place rendered in a ^jreat de- gree comfortable, and perhaps pleasant Not long before this time, the Princess of Wales had been to see the Ex-Empress of France, Maria Louisa, and report had it that a partial fondness was conceived by each of them at their first meeting. Such pleasing accounts must have given extraordinary pleasure to the Princess, whose constant and warm affection for her parent had always glowed in her virtuous bosom, and she was thereby prepared to enter with her whole mind into the sportive glee and festivity of the Regent's court. But this mode of spending her time did not banish the more agreeable concerns that were connected with her happy circumstances as a wife. Prince Leopold's birth day was to fall on the 16th of December, and his faithful consort determined to keep it in a way that would evince her domestic happiness, and con- tent. In order to this, no inducement could prevail upon her to continue at her illustrious father's longer than the 15th; and no sooner was this intimation made public, than all the curiosity that the people had already shown to see their Royal Highnesses was redoubled, and every body was anxious of adding to the happy feelings of the dis- tinguished pair, by testifying their good wishes in loud and continued acclamations. On Wednes- day the 11th, as Princess Charlotte and Prince PRINCESS CHAULOTTE. 37S I-.eopold were making through the streets of Brigh- ton, the crowd that gathered about them, consist- ing chiefly of young men and yoimg women, be- came so very great, that a police officer, who was in attendance, struck several with his cane, being obhged to do so in order to effect a passage for the Prince and Princess, The Prince in a very ener- getic manner desired the officer to forbear molesting the people, whereupon they cried out with one voice, " God bless you both ! Long live the Princess and the Prince!" This unbounded applause was con- tinued with encreasing ardour, on the following days whenever their Highnesses made their appearance. They reached Claremont House on the evening of the 15th, and all was in great hurry and motion to celebrate the following day. The assembly was by no means numerous, for although many of the first rank and quality would of course be proud of such a friendship, their Highnesses were very parti- cular in their wish to live with the utmost privacy possible, and but seldom extended their intercourse amongst the great, beyond the precincts of their own establishment. The natal lioliday was spent with much fulness of true joy at their own house, the domestics all were cheered with plentiful draughts, and elegant dishes; nor are the poor neighbours to be omitted among those who rejoiced upon this occasion, each of the women had a 874 LIFE OF THE quantity of flannel allowed her, equal to make a petticoat for the widest of them, and every house member of the cottages was given a quartern loaf, and a leg of mutton to one, another part to another, and so on, each getting a joint of meat. Thus merrily and pleasantly was the day spent in mirth, and that higher sort of happiness which rises beyond the satisfactions of the palate, and intermingles a delightful reflection, in thinking of the object that makes us glad, with the ordinary pleasures of sense. At the table of the Prince and Princess themselves were persons who from the intimate acquaintance they had with his Serene Highness must have felt as if they were celebrating the very day of their own birth, so much had this amiable young Prince gained over the love and admiration of every one that knew him, and yet a part of the esteem and affec- tion was no doubt owing to Princess Charlotte, for who, of what political party soever he might have been, did not admire and regard with sincere de- votion, the frank and good natured Princess ? The birth-day of her Royal Highness was kept at Claremont after the same way as that of her consort. There had been a wish expressed by the Regent that tlieir Highnesses would repair to Brighton that day, and give interest to the splendid manner in which his Royal Highness intended to celebrate it. But Princess Charlotte would not PRINCESS CHAULOTTE. 375 consent to leave her own house and domestic friends! and continuing at Claremont presided, as it were, over a family table, where nothing appeared but joy and gladness. If there did not exist the same social cheer in the Pavilion, more elegancy and sumptuousness marked the festival in that princely mansion. No doubt can be rationally entertained . as to the beneficial results that constantly arise from the exertions that are made by tradespeople in con- sequence of royal entertainments ; those who have occupations that produce the conveniences and or- naments fit to be purchased by the great, are im- mediately set to work, and on account of the in- dustry thereby promoted, vice has not the room for reception which it readily finds in the breast of the idle, and fi-om that source too the honest family of the artist are often materially benefited, and al- ways done some service. Thut this good effect might be the more widely and substantially brought about, liis Royal Highness had commanded ex- pressly a notice to appear upon the cards of invi- tation that all would be expected in dresses of British fabric. Now upwards of three hundred cards were circulated ; the bustle and briskness im- parted to Brighton were of course truly wonderful, for out of the families who were asked few declined comina:. The dav before the celebration arrived, vast crowds of nobility and persons of high con- 876 LIFE OF THE sideration came pouring into the town, coaches and vehicles of every sort, horses, and footnien were passing back and forward, and made the entire place a very tumultuous and busy scene. The company who were invited to the ball began to come in about nine o'clock, and were joined in a most splendid apartment by those who had dined and spent the day at the Pavilion, and all now par- took of refreshments of tea or coffee, to which was added a quantity of the richest cakes, sweet bread, and each of the most tasteful accompaniments that can go to the tea equipage. When by these re- freshing and wholesome liquids the pai'ty had duly regaled themselves, the delights of Terpsichore were courted by the exalted guests. The room appointed for dancing was done off in the richest style of magnificence and grandeur. The couple that led the first country dance were the Lady Charlotte Cholmondeley and the Duke of Clarence. Prince Esterhazy danced with the accomplished Miss Seymour, Lord Castlereagh danced with great agility, skill, gracefulness, and spirit, to the Honor- able Miss Twisselton, and his Lordship's partner proved herself worthy altogether of dancii)g with so finished a performer. Miss Jane Floyd danced witb Lord Clive ; Lady Maria Meade danced with Mr. Leach, the lawyer; Lady Emily Bathurst danced with Mr, Charles Percy ; IMiss Lucietia PRINCESS CHAKLOTTE. S77 Scbiffner danced with Mr. Charles Whyte; Sir Henry Rycroft had the honor to conduct the hand of ^liss Raven ; and Sir Tyrwhitt Jones that of the Honorable ISIiss Onslow. The whole evening passed in the most agreeable way imaginable; scarcely had the Duke of Clarence finished one sett till another was started, except a short interval that was taken up in fancy dancing, and this was mark- ed by the unbounded admiration of the spectators, bestowing the highest and most richly deserved compliments upon the execution of all the ladies that performed, who did so extremely well each of them that it were improper to name any one in particular, indeed it were difficult to say which ought to be selected for notice, for there was not any one of them to v/hom, on the score of merit, a spectator could deny tliat full applause was due ; such was the g^y and festive emulation that appear- ed to go through the younger ladies, and their partners also seemed eager to outdo one the other in the dancing, in point both of accuracy and dex- terous motion. Soon after two o'clock tlie distin- guished party sat down to a grand and delicious repast, which had been got ready specially for the purpose of this night's festivity ; it consisted of cold meats of all kinds and species, of the various sorts of jelly and ice preparation, of liquors refrig- erating andhealthful of every quality,and what made 3 c 378 LIFE OF THE the supper additionally agreeable the Prince Regent was in high and cheerful health and spirits, and de- lighted every body with his extreme condescension and refined and pleasant discourse, for, although to say it in all points of speaking, were open adulation and untrue, there is no gentleman in England superior to his Royal Highness in that sort of con- versation that admits of the agreeable ; as to the higher turns and the sublimity of impetuous elo- quence that glows with the heat of a warm genius, or with regard to the cold and subtle disputations and provings of the philosopher, there seem to be several now alive that have reached a high perfec- tion, to these and in such respects his Royal High- ness yields ; but all who have the honor and the happiness of his society report his manners to be the most engaging and his talk delightful, brilliant, and fraught with meaning. Great allowances must be made of course for the impressions unavoidably stamped upon the mind by that sense of power and consequence which the presence of his Royal High- ness cannot fail to produce. But what must be regarded as a very strong pledge that the Prince possesses a lively and deep understanding is tlif quahty of those persons whom he tukes for I; is friends and companions, who are all of them gentle- men of excellent parts, of wit and polite demeanour, and some of them do really inherit good pretensions PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 379 to the name ofgenitcs. Whilst the Prince exerted himself with so much cordiality and zeal to delight and gratify the company, there can be no question but they were affected with much pleasure. As soon as they had devoted their time a little to the indulgence of their exhausted frame, and recruited themselves with the copious and rich banquet, they one and all returned with glee and alacrity to the merry dance, and kept up the gyric pastime till five o'clock, when in the spirit of honest sociality the whole was closed by the agreeable dance of Sir Roger de Coverley, led by the Duke of Clarence and Miss Sarah Caton. The company separated pleased with themselves^ gratified with each other, and full of respectful love and thankfulness to their exalted entertainer for the kind reception and generous behaviour to them all. At Claremont, but we have seen how the day was celebrate.^ there already, the poor man's heart was made glad and the sick forgot their infirmities ; while throughout the British empire, few were so insensible to the blessings of'divine providence in giving so promis- ing and virtuous an lieir to the kingdom, as not to reflect with gratitude, with self-complacency and all good wishes upon the subject of the day. The approach of winter had been divested of its gloom by the visits paid to her Royal Highness and by lier returned, and likewise licr spirits were greatly S80 LIFE OF THE enlivened and animated by the journey she had taken to Brighton, and the occasions of making merry in her own house had not a Uttle contributed to give a sportive and serene disposition to her thoughts. But let us not be understood as tracing to physical causes the sdftness of her nature, the humane cast which her bosom appeared to have been given at its first formation. Her Royal High- ness was the daughter of a Prince whom all ac- knowledge to possess a warm and open heart, and her royal mother was distinguished above her station for tlie kindness of her affections, a laudable propensity, that brought upon the Princess of Wales the slander and sly insinuations of dark and blighted, paltry and despicable wretches, who in place of admiring that noble property of her's would fain have turned it to her utter ruin. Was it bar- ren and congealed humanity that induced the Prin- cess of Wales to love and show kindness by the little children of the poor in her neighbourhood ? The adoption of one child was made under circum- stances that bespeak her favour in the eye of those who are alive to the merit of such charitable im- pulses. They who have passed away their time in courts of litigation, ^vho take cognizance of the the black side of man's character, are prone to carry with them into society, the rigid notions that all persons are driven to each particular action by a PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 381 desire of gaining some end that holds forth to them the attainment of happiness. Now if a charitable or a generous doing be offered to the consideration of men of this mind, it of course assumes the black shape of self-interest, for a narrowness in their own souls prevents them acknowledging the wider com- pass that bound the actions of others. Certainly to a fair and unprejudiced examiner the conduct of the Princess of Wales towards those who were de- pendent upon her, must appear to be worthy our admiration and esteem. Born of such parents then, Princess Charlotte brought into the world with her a kind and humane temper ; she was rightly quali- fied to become an indulgent mistress and a useful friend. As one day she was driving in the little car along the skirts of the demesne, she perceived a cottage apparently in a ruinous condition, she stopt and looked very earnestly upon it, and then desir- ing the servant to call out the owner of it, she put some questions to the woman, who happening to be a great grammarian, delighted her Royal High- ness by the strangeness of her discourse and the fanciful English she made use of, as well as inspired with tenderness by lier situation, a heart always open to the softest atfections. Her iuisband, an honest difTidcnt man, was coming to speak with her Koyal Highness and to ncquaint her with the condition of the house, but his consort prevented S82 LIFE OF THE him, and must needs address the august inquirer, as being much better qualified to put the story into suitable language. Pray, said her Royal Highness in her usual affable and engaging manner, Pray, let me know the state of your dwelling, I dare say fi*om the outside it cannot be very comfortable with- in ; nor do you seem yourself (she was covered with snuff) to be in the happiest circumstances. Why, replied the other, again it please your Royal Highness we once were people of possibility and means, but misfortunes which befal the deserving and the unworthy alike have suppressed us ; but this I can clearly averse your Royal Highness, our poverty is not owing to indigency or corpulence, for we have always worked hard aiid attended to business. The Princess afraid of turning the sim- plicity of the poor woman into a theme of merri- ment to the disadvantage of her kind intentions ; aware tliat levity tends to supplant compassion, she turned off, and driving directly to Claremont House, left directions with the Steward to send carpenters and fit persons to repair the dwelling of the poor cottagers. Three days after, in going the same round she was induced to stop at the house, and inquire about the accommodation that was now procured the inmates of it. The woman appeared again before her Royal Highness, vastly improved in her dress, for it seems that from the time of her PRIN^CESS CHARLOTTE. 383 speaking with Princess Charlotte, she thought her- self amply entitled to better apparel, and that no impediment might lie in the way of her gentility, she had actually quit the snuff, and with a magna- nimity, that possessed by a general would gain the name of heroism, if by a philosopher of firmness, she formed a determination never to take to it any more, and such was the strength of her resolve that she div'. not afterwards indulge herself with any an example of a steady mind which they would do well to imitate who are attached to any practice that is not so criminal as to be discountenanced by com- punction of the conscience, and yet improper or unbecoming, this description of habits has generally been found the most arduous to overcome. How- ever gallantly the cottager had subdued her pro- pensity to one trick, she could not entirely leave herself unrewarded ; she conceived that some re- turn was due to her genius for the abstinence she had used in the article of snuff; whether on these principles of human action, or tluough some un- known motive, for she was a great oddity, it does not belong to us to ascertain, and therefore this may be left luidecided ; but so it was, she made a great many trips in this conversation more tlian at the first interview, and her Royal Higlmess beginning to suspect that all was not right, asked her if that was- any particular day in her family providences. S84 LIFE or THE O yes, may it humbly please your Royal Highness; say JSIa'am, said her Royal Highness. Ma'am, re- turned the woman. This is the thirty second time that our wedding-day has come round. With that the Princess merely smiled, and slipping the woman a pound, went away ; but the next morning return- ed again and presented a bible to her, which was productive of the greatest good to the hcMnest crea- ture, who thence forward led an exemplary life, she was diligent at her business, and never noticed to be afterwards in the least subdued by liquor, but on the contrary became an example of industry, thrift, and soberness, and she and her husband con- tinued to prosper, and acquire the esteem of all their neighbours. A similar case, as far as related to the house occurred soon after to her Royal Highness, and with an equal degree of promptitude she di- rected the workmen to set about making the re- pairs that v/cre needed. The shooting season was one of great occupation to his Serene Highness, who was always upon those occasions, or almost constantly attended by his af- fectionate and obliging consort. Her Royal High- ness thought nothing of i;oing belter skelter over an entire bog, without suffering the Prince to life her, and was frequently covered with mud above her boots, but such was her activity and choarful .pirits that this did not give her any cold or incon- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. IW venience at all ; she seemed quite delighted in the amusement. But by some partlculr regard that her Royal Highness had formed for the blackbird, she never could bear any of them to be fired t, and on the days that she did not go along with the Prince, she would lay upon him a heavy injunction that he was not to molest " her own birds ;" and perpetually as the Prince would be taking aim, if he happened to look, with particular depth of eye, as if he had something in contemplation which he did not wish to disclose, her Royal Highness would instantly seize his arm, and alarmed for the black- birds, thinking it was them he meditated, begged that he would forbear to level against the lives of those poor things. The Prince, though an excellent mai^ksman, used to miss sometimes, and upon these occasions the Princess would not fail to rsdicule his pretensions, and to tell him that the next time she would hold his arm for him herself. The days that the Prince and Princess were con- fined to the house by the severity of the weather were not those which they spent with the lowest degrees of satisfaction and enjoyment. The Library became the place of their resort, and tliere they gave themselves up to the gratification of intellectual inquiries. The Princess, who was a most accom- plished and elegant reader, would entertain his Serene Highness with the choicest works in travels 3 D 386 I.IFE OF THE or histor}'*, and as the Prince himself read, she marked the mistakes he made in the pronunciation, and took particular pains in correcting and leading him into the quantity and accent of the word he went astray in. After passing the day in this manner, how well were they fitted in their minds to enjoy the close of it. An intelligent being is not otherwise conditioned, mentally, than as he is with respect to his limbs and the ligatures of his body. If he do not make use of these, and prepare them by fatigue for the enjoyment of ease, he can receive but little satisfaction from reposing upon beds of down, so with regard to the mind, however delighted men's thoughts may feel while engaged briskly in the contemplation of any subject, it can hardly be doubted but that total inertion diffuses a calm, if not more transporting, indeed transport- ing it cannot be, for that would require activity, yet is the pleasure of indolence a most agreeable state but its power of pleasing extends not to the idle ; a man must have his brain well versed and exer- cised in order to enjoy it in perfection. What is more provoking, more dissatisfactory, than to lie all the evening and throughout the night restless in bed, just thus it is alvvays with the mind unoccu- pied, a thousand disagreeable notions, too blunt to engage the attention and yield pleasure to it, pre- vent it from sinking into absolute inanity, niid at PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 387 the same time no progress is made in any specula- tion that can turn to good account. Of all enter- tainments those of the imagination are the most pleasant, and likewise the most obvious ; they lie within the reach of every body's grasp : He that cannot call himself the master of an acre, may nevertheless usurp the enjoyment of a large estate, by merely casting his eye over it, and taking in the pleasures of his sight abstracted from the desire of being possessed of the property ; he may even in a dungeon please his fancy with the most sublime pictures, and converse with superior beings to him* self, and if he direct his whole heart towards the Divine Father, how gloriously may he be attended, in what exalted company may his time be passed, who shut out from the world is deemed by man- kind a stranger to the enjoyments of life. But if these sweet delusions can so strongly prevail over a person, debarred of the social delights, how much more efficacious in the production of felicity must the understanding be rendered, when, like that of Prince Leopold, an object of admiration and of love, of dignity and respect, and one that bears his in- terests next her heart,. stays in his company and keeps an intellectual fellowship with him. In per- using the journals of sensible navigators or travel- lers, this happy pair were carried over dangerous seas, dashed upon rocks, shipwrecked, and left 988 liiFE or TH& naked and miserable upon a savage otxist, and all this without leaving their room, the story being finished, all tlieir suffmngs and jeopardy ovef^ awakening from their trance, they found themselves safe and comfortable, entwined in each other's armg. If in this vale of sorrow and of pain, and ray of brilliant hope, that happiness may be found in it, can be afforded the weak and longing eyes of CHie that is just entering upon life, that ray can only dart through such a crevice as is opened by a lot like this ; where in the bloom of youth and in the stage of existence most fit for the reception of real enjoyment, a pair are united together in the bonds of mutual affection. In these diversions of literature much of their time was spent, and that the place of their constant resort might be as agreeable as possible and elegantly fitted Up, her Royal High- ness bestowed a great deal of pains in forming and making decorations for tlie library. She had the busts of Homer, Virgil, and Millon, over the case that was sacred to the muses, those of Euclid, Archimedes, and Newton, adorned the divisions set apart for works upon the mathematics. The divisions for general science had appropriate heads attached to them, such as Aristotle's, Bacon's I^ocke's, and so forth. History was not left with- out its Xenophon, its Livy, Sallust, llobertson. But the niiseelluneous department was particularly PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 389 splendid, the vener&ble head of Doctor Johnson, and the honest one of Goldsmith were both there I'he tapestry was very gorgeous, and magnificently embroidered, her Royal Highness having herself either superintended the work in person, or con- tributed with her own hands to embellish and enrich it. The paper of the room was not gau- dy, but beautiful, and the hangings to the win- dows coiTesponded with the paper. The chairs were covered with velvet, of a yellowish cast, and added to a tasteful tabic formed of cherry tree and ma- hogany, g-ave an air of uncommon grandeur to the entire apartment. The books were chosen with great judgment, it not beiug the humour of Prin- -cess Charlotte to collect a nunlber of useless volumes, but to lay up all such as might be truly useful. That her own selection might be the more ac- curate, she took tlie opinion of competent and judicious persons upon the books that she thought of purchasing, and looked with much deference to the opinion of Doctor Short, a gentleman who well merited the idea her Koyal liighness had formed of him, and was quite able to direct her Royal Highness's choice, not only from the just decision that such a person was likely to come to, but also on account of the knowledge tliat he had of her taste and way of reading, so far as her natural in- clination might lead her. He was highly esteemed by the Princess, she regarded him as a sort of fatlter 390 LIFE OF THE having been virtually brought up by him, it was to this amiable and accomplished gentleman that the Princess owed a great portion of lier general knowledge, it were improper to say all of it, for her inquisitive mind was evermore in the search of information and wisdom, and there were few things fram which she was not able to elicit instruction, but to him she owed her Greek and Latin, and having passed in its attaining the agreeable pleasant hours of her youth, she was his debtor alse for a large portion of her early happiness. Except in regard to works of fancy she did not seem very studious about the superbness of the binding, though she had them all very neat and genteely covered. The collection of books at Claremont is supposed to be of considerable value, and it is thought to rival any private collection in the king- dom, not for the rareness and scarcity of the books, but the usefulness of them. The Princess adorned the room that they were kept in by frequent sitting in it herself, and reading, what is not always done by the owners of fine libraries. The fictitious deities who are fabled as presiding over the destiny of man might be conceived to have taken their residence in the peaceful and joy- ous mansion of Claremont. We have considered already the operation of love for her husband that appeared in many parts of Princess Charlotte's con- PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. S^l diict, but the great and general token of her con- jugal attachment was the retired and sequestered life that she was eager to lead. Withdrawing from bustle and tumult, she gave a speaking demonstra- tion of the sincere and unaffected love she bore and continued to have for the worthy object of her choice, the man whom she took from no consider- ations of ambition, but who made impression by the goodness of his character, and the private vir- tues ^viih which he was distinguished. She who might have had all the rank and grandeur of Eng- land ornamenting her abode with their constant presence, preferred the pleasures of retirement and home, that she might enjoy the company of her beloved and amiable Prince, who to the natural excellencies of a good temper and disposition, add- ed the charms of a refined understanding and a proneness to oblige. Her taste was for the more simple enjoyments of the world, to water her flowers was a source of greater happiness to her pure bosom, than the splendour and brilliancy of large assemblies. Several of our noble countrymen, like Prince Leopold, have turned away from the follies and perturbations of a town life, and have withdrawn into the country, and to themselves. But no one can fail to notice the general cause of this recess that they form to their minds as a foun- tain of pleasure ; we may commonly discover, upon 302 I.IPE OF THE a close inspection into their character, that their souls were not fashioned by nature for solitary joyg^ but having been sufferers in ganiing houses, or after losing the protection or the hopes of their sub*, lunary greatness in the death of a minister or an only son, they turn away grim and sullen, and go- ing down into their country places follow with ob- stinate severity a course of temperance that has no virtue in it, or a virtue that is very unamiable; and although they attend to business in their estates, yet it is to the misery and terror of those who have any business to transact with them. In discharg- ing the duties of the magistrate, one may often see people of this stamp, go through their examinations as if they hoped to convict the wretched culprits that appear before them, and when found guilty these creatures can indulge but faint expectations of a mitigated punishment. Their countenances pursed up and severe bespeak them executioners rather than the expounders of the law. Far, far different was the case of Prince Leopold, it was not in the hope of repairing a shattered constitution that he had retired to the country ; in place of re- gretting domestic misfortunes he had full reason to exult in his liappy circumstances, and his accom- plished mind was entirely calculated to estimate with thankfulness to Heaven the favours tliat had been given him, and to join in sincere and j^ratefui PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 393 adoration to his Maker with the sweet sharer of all his joys and the source of them. Yet they did not mould their life of privacy upon such stern principles as never to abate in their fond- ness for being alone. Such a line of conduct could not comport with the expectations of the people, nor tally with the high and authorative rank they held in society. On the 23d of January, a numer- ous dinner party were entertained at Claremont, consisting of Earl Liverpool, Viscount Castle* reagh. Viscount Sidmouth, JMr. Huskisson, and several other public men. The observers of poli- tical action regarded this dinner as having con- nected with it certain matters of consequence, and nearly affecting the private happiness of her Royal Higliness. But the interpretation dissolved away in obscure hints, doubts and conjecture, and no grounds at all seem to huve existed for the invita- tion of the party, save what private friendship sug- gested. That there were no reasons for opposing without proof the private nature of tlie meeting, is pretty clear from the circumstance that Lady Cas- tlereagh was of the party ; althougli it must be owned that her T^adyship's presence did not mili- tate against the furtherance of political measures, for she was with her Lord at A'ienna, and not deemed worthy of being secluded from that grand scene of state business and public treaty. This was 3 E 394 LIFE OF THE hovyever owing to her unwillingness to part with liis Lordship for so long a time, having gloried in her wedded condition for many years and received all the marks of love and friendship from that noble- man which it is within the power of a husband to show, they are by all parties allowed to be a happy couple. They both stayed over night with the Prince and Princess, so did Mr. Huskisson, and left Claremont the day following soon after break- fast, and returned to town. Ab(nit the latter part of January, Prince Leo- pold and Princess Charlotte did what must exceed- ingly endear them to the Irish people. The times were growing worse and worse every day, business seemed to be quite stagnant, nothing was under- taken in building, or those operations that give em- ployment to the industrious poor. It has long been customary for sturdy or adventurous persons to quit Ireland in pursuit of greater encouragement to their labours and skill, and a vast body of them were now thrown entirely without work, mere hu- man forms, owing to the deadness that all sorts of trade and speculation were subject to at this time. Several benevolent gentlemen and ladies, as well those born in Ireland, as others of a kind and cha- litablc heart, set a subscription afoot for the relief oC ll,c mihappy sufferers. Their Highnesses being apprized of the object proposed by this charitable PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 395 society, instantly forwarded a very liberal donation, accompanied with the strongest assurances of the lively interest they took in the condition of the poor labourers, and the pleasure they felt in antici- pating the return of general prosperity. Indeed the Princess lay up in her mind a determination to watch the progress of manufacture, and frequently inquired into the state of the kingdom with regard to those Avho were supported by their industry. For a long time, she recommended economy with much earnestness and strength of argument, but she latterly made considerable limitations in her general doctrines of thrift and parfimony ; for it struck her while the practice of these virtues among the great tended to confine them from running into shameful extravagance or guilt, the poorer classes of the community would thus be debarred the opportunities of earning money by the work- manship required for tilings that were superfluous; her Royal Higluiess therefore relaxed so far as to countenance tb.e elegancies of life, but could never be reconciled with the luxury of it. One great method she resorted to for benefiting her country, which displays the union of national spirit and hu- man kindness, and this was the pride that she al- ways expressed in having her apparel the produce of a British workman. \Mienever any attempt was made to bring into vogue transmarine articles. 396' LIFE OF THE her Royal Highness constantly opposed herself to the torrent of the reigning prejudice, and showed plain and open displeasure at the use of such articles as did not only exalt a foreign subject beyond a native mechanic, but while it left the pale artist a prey to deepest melancholy and want at home, spread the fruits of British industry upon a thankless people, and enriched the secret foes of the country. These commendable views of Princess Charlotte were greatly promoted, and advanced materially by the considerate notices of the Prince Regent, who seldom failed to signify his commands that all who attended upon public occasions would be ex- pected to be dressed in the manufacture of the realm. The birth-day of her Majesty afforded a fine opportunity of carrying those purposes into full effect ; and accordingly notice was given in the court order, that all present at the anniversary festi- val of the Queen should be furnished with such articles only as had the time and art of a Briton expended upon them ; and a strong wish was de- clared by his Royal Highness that the apparel should be very sumptuous and of the first quality, and the desire of the Regent was met by his people, who vied in the splendour of their home decorations; but none appeared moie anxious to seem highly adorned with materials tliat were put together by her countrymen than the Princess appeared to be. She PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 3^7 followed up the honourable intentions of her august parent in their widest latitude, and surveyed her- self with feelings of conscious dignity and pride in her splendid costume, fitted of itself to awaken complacency in the female bosom, but additionally gratifying from the consideration that her own country lost nothing by her grandeur, that the richness of her dress was not squeezed from the sweat of unrewarded industry, but while she loaded herself with superb raiment, she was covering the poor helpless children of an honest and laborious tradesman, who otherwise might have gone naked, and he that was now perhaps encompassed by his friends relaxing himself in a room full of pleasant companions, regaling his appetite with porter, and diffusing looks of kindness around him, happy within and contented with the world, he must, without the employment given him, sitting in his cheerless house, in place of entertaining friends sur- rounding him, a woeful family, he must, unemploy- ed, be thus delivered over to a state of wretched- ness which described could not come within the conceptions of those that never tasted adversity, and as to those that have, it is not required, a state of human sufiering that makes a man repent him of his children and regard as so many curses, the kind gifts and blessings of Heaven. It is a pleasant conceit very well accommodated to feed our wanton 398 LIFE OP THE pride and vanity to suppose that men's misfortunes arise from their deficiency of merit. This may be one cause indeed, and it has in certain ages been perhaps the only one, but there do not always offer in distant ages the same means and occasions of rising into notice. A country that has been for a long time used to prosperity, gradually relaxes in the practice of those virtues that raised it into dis tinction ; and it never fails to please the descendants of those who acquired their fortunes by their own industry and merit to have some hereditary desert attributed to themselves. Hence j)eople whom ancestorial thrift and diligence have rendered af- fluent are always prone to gather credit from their abundant means, and to look contemptuously down upon such as are devoid of them, and so indeed it must continue in man's aifairs that individual great- ness will be estimated by an unjust assumption of kindred worth, and very probably the future exis- tence of human beings, will be in no manner dis- criminated from the present more widely tlian by the appropriation of those rewards which belong distinctively to each, without any commixture of borrowed favour ; but this doctrine is so very re- pugnant to those opinions that direct, and most properly, prudently, and wisely direct the transfer of property from father to son, that when tlie ec- desiasticalgovernment became united with temporal. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 399 to speak plain, the Roman chiircl> allowed of saints soon after dominion was united with spiritual offices and would have it believed that these by their kind interposition could be of great service to their humbler friends, whose failings would be covered by the protecting; arm of those that had pretensions to a plentiful share of grace ; of this description of ill grounded opinion is that which acknowledges supernumerary goodness, an idea rendered quite absurd by the explicit statement of our duties to be found in Holy Scriptures, showing us after all that we can do, " unprofitable servants." Some considerations of this kind might lop our thoughts of many foolish and vain notions that do little good to ourselves, and make others very miser- able. Wealth and honour have too many prevail- ing charms in them not to gain over veneration or respect, and it is constantly paid with a willing mind when it is not rigorously exacted. But an inoffensive behaviour in the great did not content the virtuous and active spirit of Princess Charlotte; she not only carried herself with extreme conde- scension and benignity to whomever she approach- ed, but was zealous in bettering the condition of the poor. For this purpose, and not for vanity sake, she attired lier person in a style of tiie utmost splendour and magnificence, it was costly that the workman might be b(>netitcd, and it was showy 400 LIFE OF THE and grand to exhibit a sample of what British in- dustry was fit to achieve. On the morning of the 20th of February, the nativity of the Queen was celebrated by the ring- ing of joy bells, by the trumpeter sound^ing notice for the military to prepare for the escort, and in the houses of the nobles and the gentry the bustle and briskness of the servants, the conjectures and the anticipations of the families imparted a gay seriousness to the anniversary. The Queen's Palace in St. James's Park soon became the congregation of those whose employments did not interfere with their curiosity ; vast crowds collected, and every eye was intently fixed upon the fashionable people who repaired to Buckingham House to pay their devoirs to her Majesty, and each one exerted all the little wit and genius that he had in discussing the merits of a pretty face, and the propriety of a well shaped hoop. About a half hour past three o'clock the Prince Regent arrived in a splendid carriage, and with a numerous retinue of footmen. The Duke and Duchess of York came in state, so did the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Prin- cess Sophia of Gloucester, and the Duke of Sussex. Her Majesty had been there prepared for the re- ception of her visiters at two o'clock. The branches of the Boyal Family were with much respect greeted by the people, but the loudest acclamations PRINCESS CHARLQTTE. 401 attended the Princess and Prince on their arrival; and whether it was in order to come hastily back again to see their friends, which consisted of every body, or from what cause soever, Princess Charlotte and her consort paid their congratulations and im- mediately withdrew. Upon the reappearance of their Highnesses the utmost efforts were used in all quarters to heave from the depth of their heart the expressions of the people's love and duty, and thus amidst the applause and blessings of the pub- lic this happy couple drove to Camelford House, and the next day set off for their beloved privacy ' at Claremont. Her attention to the persons occupied in culti- vating the estate was attended with great benefit to themselves, and high internal satisfaction to the Princess, as was evident by the pleasure that a\)- peared in her eyes when she thought they were go- ings on well. Several poor old men, beyond the season of life to be actively employed, and yet from their infirmities in want of something to cherish them, and keep the vital flame from suddenly going out, were, at the express desire of her Royal Higli- ness, summoned to Claremont from the neififhbour- ing parts, and set upon gathering the useless stones that might lie on tlie Avalks, in gravelling them, and in weeding the grass ])lots. To these her Koyal Highness behaved with considerate and 3 F 402 LIFE OF THE kind familiarity ; she watched over the business that they severally did, estimated the labour, not by the quantity that was done of the work, but according to the strength and ability of the worker. A number of old women had their time taken up by preparing hempen cords for the purpose of tying boughs, and such uses as gardening does na- turally require strings for. They Avere all quite charmed and highly gratified by the flattering tokens of esteem and favour shown them from time to time by her Royal Highness. She was by no means shy to correct them when she did not ap- prove their way of going on ; but there was so much sweetness in her severity, that even the old people whose age did not enable their pursuit of manly occupations used to look upon her in a ma- ternal point of view ; there was in every thing she said an appearance of sincerity and candour, as well as of good sense and penetration, that it was utterly impossible not to admire the kind and wholesome monitress. " No, I tell you, you are wrong, what is that you're doing, stop now, well indeed I'm ashamed of you." Such free, disengaged and un- constrained language impressed them all with an ardent fondness for their royal guardias that rose nearly to enthusiasm. Her Sundays had hitherto been passed in tlie afternoons at Eslier church, where the Princess at- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 40^ tended, and in the spirit of true piety and zeal ap- peared to listen with extreme attention to the doc- trines that were delivered. But, notwithstanding the irreproachable carriage of their private conduct, many gentlemen who hold preferments of great value, are from physical causes unfit to communi- cate the instruction to their parishioners which they stand in need of, and which from the education of church ministers might be expected to yield edifi- cation and maintain the cause of Christianity. A defect in the utterance and the want of teeth are general obstacles to an audible delivery. So long as our places in the church are suffered to be pur- chased, or given away through favour only, without any regard to merit or abiUties, little advantage can be commonly looked for in the holders of extensive livings, although sometimes by a most happy coin- cidence cleverness, excellency of character and in- terest concentrate in the same person. But there is so little substantial notice paid to able preachers, and the weakness of human nature being such in the firmest minds as to be in submission to the con- veniences of this life, and to be influenced by them, persons of good capacity do not make the endea- vour to attain the persuasive graces of oratory and gesture which carry so great an influence with tliem over the hearts and sensibility of a congrega- tion, when they are accompanied with an orthodox 404 LIFE or THE faitli. Many of those who come to divine service, (and the many ought to be regarded more than the few certainly,) have but faint ideas of the nice chain of dependencies that links the different parts of an elaborate discourse, and if that abstract and learned oration be uttered in a tame inanimated style, what is to prevent the multitude from giving admission to other notions, to hinder th^m from thinking of their own affairs I see not; or if struggling to shut out the concerns of their fortunes from a place that they went to for more serious contemplation, they are very apt to fall into the sin of drowsiness, and gape away the hours that should be employed in the melioration of their hearts, and in fixing their principles. It is very difficult to prescribe a due remedy for evils like these, because family influence is allowed upon grounds not irrational to prevail, and the only care ouglit to be in an opposition to its dominancy or undisputed rule,, and not to a di- rect and perfect annihilation of it. If people of ingenious minds are found without virtue, it is in general O'vinf.-: to the r.ceessities they are encom- passed with, and when such necessities have been done awpy one might reasonably expect to meet with a sense of honour united to deep intelligence,, and therefore should benefices, or a great number of tlie u,bc conferred by public proof of su])erioriitness, evinced by examinations that all might attend, and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 405 where two were equal in their answering, if the better man in morals should always have the elec- tion, no doubt can be well made but such a system would turn to the general advantage and the glory of the profession. Having premised these observa- tions, it is hoped that no malicious motive will be attributed in conjecturing the cause of her Royal Highness's absence from church, to be the diffi- c'.r.ty of understanding the discourses that were held, contrasted to the admirable sermons, easily comprehended, that her own Chaplahi and her de- voted tutor, the Reverend Doctor Short, was able to furnish. Not but that the venerable gentleman, who has had the pastoral charge of Esher for many years, upwards indeed of a half century, has been labouring of course under the infirmities that as- sail old age, and if he has been accounted by some as missing a famous opportunity to show his re- spect for the royal parishioners, in not procuring the services of a meritorious man, it must be ac- knowledged that his time has passed away without blemishes of ill doing, and it were to be desired that all whom nature or a physical obstruction pre- vents from edifying by eloquence, could like him afford a good lesson in an uiiiinpeachable life which might safely be imitated, abounding in examples of sobriety, discretion and elecency. The Princess, in attending to divine worship herself, was not 406 LIFE. OF THE remiss in her vigilance to see that the domestics likewise devoutly served their Maker on the Sab- bath. Nothing that partook of giddiness was ever allowed to be shown on this day at Claremont, nor was any business endured that could be done an- other time. Of all the pieces that were read in her private chapel, those vvhich inculcated humanity appeared to take the strongest hold of her Royal Highness's attention. The charitable and pious ad- vice which was given had a natural tendency to produce a mild and merciful disposition in all the servants, and it might be truly averred that few- great houses in the kingdom have so many religious and moral characters within them, as the servants of Claremont were likely to be, and are still promised to become under the care and direction of Prince Leopold; and if that amiable and accomplished young man is to have consolation and support to bear him up against the heavy load of his afflictions and deep and endless sorrow almost, the best source they can be drawn from is that pure fountain of divine grace and wisdom whicli administered sweet balm to the bosom of Princess Charlotte in her time of trouble, when her filial piety was brought to the test in maintaming the rights and dignity of her mother. The general glow of clnistian charity that pervaded the hearts and affections of all her household, was imperceptibly improved to a nicrci- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 407 ful attention, towards the brute creation; and tliis indeed is a sort of humanity too, and it always Jvindly intermingles with the emotions of pity in a breast that is heated by general benevolence. In the mansions of the wealthy, a number of little idle fellows commonly contrive to get themselves introduced, and by torturing the fowl and bird nesting pass their time away. One of this species of young transgressors had been employed in the garden for a long time, and received frequent ad- monitions from the servants to abstain from his criminal and wicked practices. But these kind instructions were thrown away upon him, he dis- regarded the good advice that was givei], and kept to his mischievous course. After despoiling some poor sparrow of its tender family, he was returning one day in great triumph with the nest in his hand, when who did he meet but the Princess herself! His face conscious of his guilt turned to a flame, he held his head down and endeavoured to slide off. But her Royal Highness was over observant for the little knave : she called him to her, and asked iiim what was it he had got. In the meantime his coat covered the article of his crime, and he thought he might still escape; but looking at the Princess with all the awe and fear which an offender not absolutely lost l)eyond redemption, will naturally- be sensible of in the presence of an exalted person 408 LIFE or THE who is not more conspicuous for rank thaii known for goodness of disposition ; he was afraid equally to tell the truth and to dissemble ; he did not per- ceive that Iier Royal Highness was certain of the charge he had committed to the secrecy of his coat, and such notwithstanding was the force of this august and virtuous lady over the mind of the per- plexed and confounded criminal, that he lost his readiness of invention, and was quite discomposed for something to say. I see, said the Princess, that your progress in vice has not reached the finishing point of depravity, where there is shame there may in time be a sense of rectitude. Pulling out her money case, for she still carried silver in her posses- sion and had not given over the practices of her in- fancy when she made the bag for the indigent, her Royal Highness gave him three shillings, and walk- ed on ; determining however to keep an eye over tjie future conduct of the lad. He no sooner was left to his own reflection, than a crowd of ideas rushed upon his imagination, and overwhelmed it in remorse tor his own misconduct, and admir- ation of the kindness and gentle rebuke which the Princess had given him. Immediately he went back to the spot where he bereaved the poor spar- row, which had now been sitting bewailing the plunder and devastation of her little domain, imd lie replaced the nest with the most studious jiaiiis PRINdESS CHARLOTTE. 409 and care, and returning, earnestly wished in secret that the sparrow might not forsake her young brood, but take to them again. He from that day grew diligent and active in the gardener's senice, and did all that was in his power to commend him- self to that worthy man. Bettle, that was the lad's name, drew the notice of her Royal Highness under more happy circumstances. Not satisfied with the performance of his ordinary work, he de- voted his leisure hours to finding the poultry, romping with a pet sheep, and in short all his di- versions took a quite different course from what they previously had, his pleasures grew innocent, and his occupations either useful or without culpa- bility. This poor fellow was so terribly cut down and depressed in spirits upon the deplorable cala- mity of his adored royal mistress's decease, that the news being imparted to him, afler standing awhile in speechless agony, he flung his hoe to the ground, and in silent, thoughtful and melancholy steps took leave of Claremont. Fairburn, the gardener, sent for him several times in vain, but he did at length return, not however till he had purchased a suit of mourning for himself By these kind and gentle measures Princess Charlotte Avent through the duties of her station as a ruler of a household, having her great virtues set off with so many engaging charms of address the mildness of her speech, the good ;3 G 410 LIFE OF THE nature of her looks, and the conscious sincerity that dictated her reprimands and advice, that she at once reclaimed the vicious and conciliated their warm affections. No sooner were those who did wrong chided by the kind monitress than they came back to their duty, and thus it was the pe- culiar happiness of the illustrious and distinguished woman to have all her friends persons of sound morality and virtuous principles ; for indeed it were a hard matter to be any length of time in the com- pany of her Royal Highness without betraying one's self to her; the manners of the Princess were quite unreserved and made others so, and when she took notice of a false and improper action or sentiment, she was no way backward in signify- ing her observation of it, and this was done in true sincerity, and the corrected aware of her good mo- tives always endeavoured to conform to what de- corum or the more sacred rules prescribed, but in place of harbouring dislike towards the reprover, she was admired and beloved for that very freedom, so that her acquaintances were all either discreet and upright of themselves, or presently became what they ought to be, and thereby it came to pass that her vv'hole tribe of attendants and followers were benefited and established in virtue, and in their respect for her whom they served. The old woman that kept the little school on the PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 411 estate, often received the visits of the condescend- ing Princess, and was in no small degree proud of the honour that was paid to her learning and talents, for the honest creature unquestionably conceived herself an able adept in scholastic business. When her Royal Highness met any of the little boys go- ing to school or running home from it, she would stop him for a short time, and bid him attend to the voice of histeacher and mind his book. The schoolmistress was by no means remiss in employ- ing the aid of her birch to second her own efforts and rivet the instruction she had dealt to her pupils : the Princess used to meet some of the young scholars in great tribulation, as they were resolving to tell tlieir parents upon their cruel chastizer, but she seldom appeared to pity them much, no further ideed than all things wretched were calculated to excite her sympathy and compassion. The Princess in this respect can hardly escape the imputation of a harsh temper, for many an honest Englishman takes it to be a high indignity, nay an infringe- ment of his constitutional rights, that his son should be flogged ; of this a most ludicrous instance hap- pened to fall under the knowledge of the Princess. Having made some inquiry into the nature of the rules of the school, the woman acquainted her that several parents had been to remonstrate upon tlie severe usage their children had met with, that in 412 LIFE OF THE particular one man, who was a great stupid fellow, had been exceedingly boisterous and troublesdme. I own, said the Princess, that punishments ought to be confined within the power of bearing them ; it is certainly a species of barbarousness to beat a poor little child for a trivial offence or neglect to a degree that will give it excruciating torture, but generally speaking, I like school discipline, the rigours of the school-room fit men for bearing the heavier crosses and misfortunes of life, but what is still more beneficial and important by far, the seeds of wickedness are driven out just as they are be- ginning to form themselves, and to sprout up into a depraved and unhappy temper, and wholesome severity, when it is thus employed in checking the early prognostics of a criminal conduct, deserves to be regarded v.ith indulgent allovv^ances. But pray what objection was made by the person you alluded to ? Why, your Royal Highness, he said that he should not desire to be flogged himself, that he ki^ew of soldiers never mending their ways on ac- count of being punished in that manner, but smitten by the disgrace they grew dead to the call of duty, and seemed not to care what became of them. O the foolish man, returned the Princess, since he talked of being flogged himself I really think he lichl} would deserve it. Had the soldiers been left unpunished, whom he makes hardened by the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 413 sufferings they undergo, even in that case it'migbt be questioned whethcrthey would not have persist- ed in the reprehensible course, that drew down upon them the heavy hand of the law ; though indeed I must DVvn that I do not think the flogging a pro- per punishment, it is a punishment I do not like. But surely hfd these very men suffered in their childhood for the little pranks and ttiisdeeds they committed, is it probable they would have stood in so much need of punishment When grown up? With respect to the lowering of spirit and conscious degradation which follow people through the pro- gress of life who have been chastised at school, I take it to be an absurd and ill grounded opinion, and history opposes its authority to it, for no men could have acquitted themselves more honourably and herolike than those who have undergone the customary severities of public schools. The Princess made several most pertinent and suitable observa- tions upon this subject before she departed to Claremont House, and left the good woman in raptures with her excellent discretion and sound sense. Meantime the Princess went forward in arrang- ing hev domestic affairs in the same manner as she began to do, taking down memoraiidums of the sums of money which she expended herself, while Prince Leopold kept his accounts, minuting the iri LIFE OF THE expen^tures which his Serene Highness had oc- casion to make upon affairs more properly belong- ing to the management and cares of men. A very pleasing story is told of Princess Charlotte being caught one day engaged in this way by a friend of her youth whom she had not seen for a long time before. When the lady entered the room she noticed her Royal Highness very closely intent upon her papers. As soon as the Princess saw her former kind guardian and teacher, she immediately arose and received her in the most affectionate manner : indeed, said her Royal Highness, I feel most sensibly the great vacuum in my satisfactions and happiness which your not coming often to see me has left. Why did you not come, did you suppose that I would think no long to see you, my dear lost friend as I might call you. You perceive how busy I am. Do you know what I am about? Well then I'll tell you what. Certain articles in our living are to be duly registered by him Oh but you have not seen him yet. With that she called the Prince from the adjoining room, and introduced the lady to his Serene Highness, telling her that she frequently had spoken of the debt she owed to her assiduity and kind attention. He, continued the Princess, is busy at his accounts, and not being so good a hand as myself in calculation is not yet done I suppose, though I. have finished mine. The PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 415 Prince acknowledged that the charge was tqp true, and begged to retire to his work ; he only tlierefore stayed a few moments and went back to complete his ledger, but he stayed long enough to impress the judicious visiter with an excellent opinion of him, for indeed his Serene Highness looks his temper, and lets a stranger at once into the character and bent of his disposition. When the Prince was withdrawn her Royal Highness said that they were above all things studious never to exceed their in- come, that they were quite sure no anxiety would come upon them on the score of tradesmen's bills, for that these were regularly discharged every quarter. Having past a few most agreeable hours with her young friend, the lady was about to come away, but had to submit to her Royal Highness's kind importunities to wait dinner and continue with her for a couple of days. The Bishop of Salisbury, her tutor, having paid a visit, was asked at his departure how the weavers in his place were getting forward, his Lordship re- plied that he had understood their affairs were in an improving condition, though many were not yet provided with full employ mejit, her Royal Highness presently issued an order to a large amount for a quantity of flannel, that it might be distributed among the needy, and the manufacture of it give work to the persons who had been for 416 LIFE OF THl some time without it. This occurrence did not take |)Iace at the very period we are now got to, but %\\ t!e way it will be perceived that if the ehro- nologieal geries of events were to be rigidly kept, the same latitude could not be given for introdu^ ing matters where they seemed most likely to fit the time. We have Just been considering the economy of the Princess, and it becomes our duty now* to see what moti^ves she eeuld have for the care that was used in the expenses of her living, A humane and generous temper is often the most averse to self-indulgence. It was obviously with a view to charitable acts, to be able to give vigour to the poor man's undertakings, to banish the rue- ful aspect of the unemployed, that the Princess at- tended to the close distribution of the income as- signed her. There was of course a reason resulting from the laudable pride of her Royal Highness that would not suffer creditors to solicit for their money a second time. Thus while she was far from being loose or intemperate in her outlayings, the liberality of her spirit was amply gratified. VVitli her, charity was not a dry necessary duty, but her natural in- clination led her to relieve and succour the oppress- ed. She did not fling au^ay her gifts to be sure in a wanton thoughtless manner, but hud always pene- tration enough to bestow them where they most were needed, and then to the best advantage. In PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 417 the beginning of her life, she met a beggar Avith a numerous train of children, but they were not her own, and her Royal Highness rebuked her severely for pretending that they were. The woman was at that time far advanced in years, and now being attacked with infirmities, a petition was sent in to the Princess on her behalf. The circumstance was yet in the recollection of her Royal Highness, and she granted a very handsome present to be made the poor woman. But her tenderness was not con- fined, it reached all creatures. What a miserable hope of kind affections for mitigating the severity of the ordinances of the state could the Romans entertain under the guidance of a Prince who had his chief enjoyment in the cruel and inhuman tor- ture of flies and insects, who used to divert his ill tempered mind in plucking the wings and tearing off the feet from the little bodies of these poor ani- mals ; a merciful man is merciful even to his beast, is an observation sanctified by the Holy Writings, and is never found to be a groundless one, but every body that will cast his eyes about him in society, and narrowly look into the actions of men, will perceive this inclemency to irrational beings, a proof that whoever makes use of it, would ba alike savage to a hun)an person if occasion offered. The reader must therefore be pleased to learn that in proportion to any creature's remoteness from an ^ II 418 LIFE OF THE ability to redress itself, it was her way to tender friendship to it on every emergency. In the sum mer nothing delighted the Princess more than gently to rescue a sinking fly from its watery grave, when it had been entangled with its wing in a glass, or a tea cup. She used to watch with joyous feelings the return of animation to the exhausted insect, and upon its entire safety appeared over come with happy and transporting thankfulness to the Good Genius of the little thing for the pro- tection afforded it. That degraded species of quad- rupeds, called donkeys, even they came in for a share of her kind heartedness and sincere good will. A fellow along the road was beating most unmer- cifully a poor little donkey, he struck him with a large oaken plane, and with his great shoe, exclaim- ing blasphemously at the manlike opposition that was made on the donkey's part. The Princess hap- pened to be passing by at the time, and peremptori- ly bade the merciless driver to desist. I think, madam, cried the fellow, a man has a good right to do what he pleases with his own, el), mistress. One of the footmen coming up at these words, the insolent rascal was terrified : and this indeed will always be found the case with those who have the courage to be brutal where there is no danger of retaliation, tlie very look of the sweet dignified angel that bespoke favour for the man's beast would PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 410 Iiave sufficed with any one of proper feeling to re- press all disrespectful language, for although her Royal Highness was perfectly devoid of arrogance and pride, no person exhibited more real grandeur than she did in her mien and general carriage, and hervoice and gesture proclaimed the superior quality of the speaker. Yet was this surly wretch so far wanting to grace and goodness that, unmindful of the lady's presence, though ignorant of her actually being Princess Charlotte, he ventured to reply with course ill breeding to his admonisher. As soon however as the laced servant appeared, consistent with himself, the fellow pulled in his resolution, and doubted the propriety of his behaviour; but what must have been his mortification, when he lieard her addressed by the title of " Royal High- ness ;" his hair in fact stood on end with terror, and his voice faltering, hardly suffered him to re- ply to the Princess, who asked him if he would sell the poor animal, and how much he wanted for him. When the Princess had desired her attendant to pay, she added a few words, turninq^ to the person that sold the ass, upon the great mercies that Heaven vouchsafed in sparing the transgression of man, and the little clemency that could be attained by man from man. Yes, the other humbly said, all that and more, my honoured J^ady, is most triie, how much has our Redeemer done and suffered for 420 LIFE OF THE US, and how very unthankful are we for all his lov- infT kindness ! 1 perceive, said the Princess, you have learned something of divinity, your idea is a very good one, I approve much of what you say now, but I hope you will be able not only to see what is right but to do likewise. The lucky ass was ordered to be dealt with tenderly, to be well fed and attended to ; and her Royal Highness had the pleasure to find him grooving quite tractable, and civil, and this convinced her that he had been rather high spirited than contumacious, that if his instructions had been delivered him in gentle bid- dings, and not left to the whip, or cudgel rather, for his own finding out, he would have been an in- strument in producing the poor man's happiness. When we consider how trivial a circumstance will ruffle the temper, and make a person, though cause- lessly as completely miserable as if a serious cala- mity had visited him, we must regard those indi- viduals to be extremely foolish and lost to the true sense of their own interest, who employ an unneces- sary degree of severity towards the creatures that are dependent upon them and connected with them. The Princess Charlotte indeed was studious to make all thinp-s smile around her throuorh nobler motives than such as might arise from a sense of her own happiness. It v,-as her generous feelings tliat ani- mated her bosom, and gave life to every thing she PRINCESS CHATILOTTE. 421 did, while her good nature turned the obliged per- son into a glad receiver. The instance that is given of her kindness towards the brute creation naturally arose from her attachment and regard for all of the human species. Nay, her anxiety for the universal well being and comfort of the creation reached be- yond irrational animals, and showed itself in her fondness for flowers and the vegetable world, and tlie pains that she took in the culture of them. AVhile at the same time her beloved husband was pleased and delighted by the constant tokens of attachment and love that every little occasion of this nature empowered her Royal Highness to dis- play. The Prince having an enthusiastic disposi- tion towards the science of botany, her Royal High- ness grew so devotedly enamoured of it too, that the happy couple appeared to have united their very souls in mutual pleasures and pursuits. On the fine evenings which were now setting in, they frequently strayed out together along the fields, and sitting them down upon the green expanse, would examine the daisies, the blue bells, and the spon- taneous productions of rustic nature ; these, while they vv'ere gathering them, gave rise to a most agreeable sort of emulation, which failed not to call into play all their joyous sensations. Why, the Prince on occasion v.ould say, this little flower brings into my recollection what 1 was reading of 422 LIFE OF THK the other day respecting such a flower, hut I rather apprehend that we are not to be gratified by a sight of it, for 1 do not beUeve that there are any of them in this country. What is the name of it ? her Royal Highness would reply, and being satisfied in this particular, she would give very urgent and express orders privately that all the flower shops in town and the vicinity should be tried for procuring the mentioned flowers. She loved upon these oppor- tunities to surprize the Prince with tokens of her ardent and fond affection ; and by showing him, as if undesignedly, the very flower that he had longed to see, deepl}'^ fixed in his mind the impression of her true and faithful attachment. But although much of their time was spent in this agreeable manner, yet they were not profuse of it ; so far indeed were they from being regardless of the fleeting moments of existence, that every hour had its allotted task. But the library was the favourite place of resort ; it was there her Royal Highness beguiled with her Prince the most plea- sant and delightful portion of her time. She parti- cularly seemed prone to scriptural reading and re- flection upon it, and her Sundays were constantly occupied in this manner. How well prepared must her mind have been by such antecedent studies for the business of the ensuing week ! The works of travels and voyages which fell under her con- PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 423 sideration were accurately perused, and the situa- tion of the different characters thoroughly entered into, which is rather a strange circumstance, if one takes into his account the sequestered life, with re- gard to the lower circles, which her Royal Highness must have led. This impediment was however withdrawn from Princess Charlotte by the frequent intercourse that she had with persons in the humbler walks of society ; often mixing with them, she ob- tained a great insight into their tempers and habits, and she was never so overcome by the grandeur and elegance of an exalted station as to admire the gay and sprightly without diving a little into their characters, and seeing whether sincerity and good principles made them chearful, or that their only commendation was their vivacity. She on all ac- casions looked into the bent of the person's mind with whom she might associate ; thence she drew lessons for the direction of her own conduct, and learned to estimate human life. This discrimination w'ds in common to her with her amiable grandsire, \vlu> never spumed any man's society on account of his low rank or narrow fortune. He is now ex- cluded alike from the pains and the pleasures of this life, and is nearly worn out of pcrlitical re- membrance ; but his private virtues, and the many excellent traits wliich adorned his character, will be long had in the recollection of his loving people, 424 LIFX OF THE who regret with deep and heartfelt sorrow the state in which his Majesty lias so long continued, by which they are deprived of his most proper and instructive example. As to his personal enjoyments, they are of course circumscribed, and do not extend far beyond the lowest degrees of sensibiUty ; but his chearful frame of mind and general tranquillity, notwithstanding the ailments to which we must suppose him subject from his advanced years, make it very evident that he has laid bye for himself the happiest and most certain refuge for declining age a good conscience. However men may disagree with respect to his political conduct, all are willing to allow him an ample share of moral excellence. He never was distinguished amongst the dissipated and profligate, but although possessed of all the means of gratification, furnished the people with a pattern that might safely be copied, without any fear of contrition or injur3\ His moral disposition was perpetually under the guidance of his religious faith. He marked the service of his Maker with veneration and heedfiilness, and was uncommonly sensible of human frailty. His humble notion of his own merit appeared on many signal occasions, but especially in aff lirs connected with public v/or- ship, to which he gave his constant attendance, and for the ))urpo>e of listening with greater accuracy to the doctrin ehnt v. ere delivered, generally stood PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 425 iip while the sermon was preached. Any minister that attempted to draw over his judgment, and pre- vail upon the weakness of the king, which is com- mon in our nature, was always certain to be disap- pointed in his aim. It is recorded that when once a clergyman had made some very elegant and win- ning eulogium upon the character and conduct of the sovereign, his Majesty expressed his displeasure at the endeavour to gratify him by an enumeration of virtues which were to be found in no created being, and sent him word the day after that it was his Majesty's desire that he should for the time to come abstain from such improper, unbecoming praises ; that his Majesty went to church to hear God adored and not himself. This was a rebuke worthy of the illustrious induidual that gave it, as it was highly merited by the minister. From this little story may be gathered the true and unfeigned re- gard which his Majesty always had for the wor- ship and service of the Almighty. His pious dis- position seemed to have descended in its full lustre to the possession of his amiable grandchild ; and a very warm attachment was always noticed to exist between both. Of Princess Charlotte's esteem for a certain member of the Royal Family some have doubted, and others have maintained the feebleness of it with great obstinacy, and certainly not with- out offering strong reasons for their supposition, 3 I LIFE OP THE ^dt it has never been questioned that her Royal Highness greatly venerated and respected the august and virtuous monarch, whom she closely assimilat- ed in many traits of her character, but in none more obviously than in the decided steps that each of them pursued for expelling impropriety from the mode of addressing Heaven, or expounding the de- crees of it. No wonder from this similarity of temper that there was a warm and cordial love sub- sisting between them. The affection was proved on Ills Majesty's part by the solicitude he showed in all the concerns of her Royal Highness, and she even in her childhood was devotedly given up to the admiration and respect for his jNIajesty which indeed all subjects bore him, and if now and again, a single individual was to be found hardy enough to tretch a parricide arm against the constituted powers of the kingdom, amends were presently made by the glowing testimonies of true affection and obedience, which such an occasion called forth, so that even the exceptions must be regarded by the historian as confirmatives of the general esti- mation in which his Majesty ws held. But who can answer for the blackness of the human heart or become responsible for the deeds of a maniac ? When Hadfield shot at the King in the theatre, she evinced deep horror and amazement to think of the man's depravity, who would venture upon PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 427 an act so base and ignoble ; while she showed the most heartfelt joy and gladness that his Majesty had escaped the injury which was intended him. But when the little Princess (little, for she was then very young) had been informed that the person was deranged who had been concerned in the dia- bolical attempt ; as soon as this circumstance was communicated to the sweet philanthropist, she burst into tears, and bewailed the condition of the un- happy being with the utmost tenderness and grief. Nor was the aiFection of the grandchild lost upon the delicate and sensible bosom of the gracious monarch ; he delighted to speak with her, to hear her read, and frequently for a length of time at once kept her engaged at the harpsichord or piano-forte, and her Royal Highness who had early made a a great progress upon these instruments appeared exceeding happy to have it in her power to delight and please her venerable grandfather. She was proud of the good natured little compliments that he paid her, because she loved him, and therefore sought his commendation the more earnestly ; it being the nature of the human mind to receive most comfort and satisfaction from the encomiums of those whom we greatly esteem or admire. He has been, under the dispensations of Providence, made unfit to receive with afflicting sorrow the sad news f the Princess having gone out of the world ; and 428 LIFE OF THJE he may have been saved hereby another shock that might have cut his heart with the poignancy of his grief; and this may be the more readily conceived, since it was a like occasion that already wore down his spirits to the deepest stage of depression, and affected him even to the upsetting of his reason for ever since Princess Amelia forsook this mortal life, the powers of the venerable monarch s mmd have been nearly in the same state of torpor they yet remain in, to the regret of all; but if the prayers of his people, and the remembrance of his virtues could re-establish him, he should be quickly well ; it becomes not us however to grumble at tlie dis- pensations of the universal Lord of all things, but patiently to adore his inscrutable providence, and to bless his holy name for ever and ever. Such was the fondness and regard of her Royal Highness for this king of his people, that it was always with an anxious countenance that she inquired about him, and seemed for a time lost in melancholy and still meditation after an unfavourable report would be made. She was not however impatient, she knew that in God's good time all things shall be accomplished, and that human impatience can avail nothing. He is equally subject to distemper whom millions obey as the meanest human creature that begs his morsel of bread from door to door. It holds forth to us abundant motives of humility, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 4lS^ and at the same time of resignation to what con- dition of life soever it may please the Disposer, pf events to consign us, when we see death visit the palace and the hut without distinction, and all men grow equally dull through sickness, and feel indif- ferently the pains of disease. But when we notice an exalted character of blameless morals, and of piety, afflicted in this world, in place of arraigning the decree that brings such things about, it behoves us to look to our ways, and be prepared for the in- evitable hour. The King and the Princess were both truly religious ; that the sentiments of true Christianity always animated the bosom of Princess Charlotte, may be collected from the passages of her life, where meekness was found without af- fectation, and charity bestowed as if for the object's sake to whom it was given, and not for the purpose of gratifying the vain ambition and paltry pride of the donor. No, indeed, her gifts were conferred as if she granted them with her whole heart, it was hence that her charity sprung, there was a mine of it within her, which Princess Charlotte found her- self proprietor of at an early period of her life. She not only contributed liberally, and with a generous profusion, but followed the benefaction with her in- terest afterwards in whatever the matter might be. Thus it is that in Bagnor, the name of her Royal Highness will be long remembered with gratitude. 430 LIFE OF THE and dwelt upon with pleasing melancholy. There she had promoted a school for the instruction of children, and by her patronage, had she lived, must have rendered it a flourishing establishment. Her anxiety for the welfare and happiness of the young was engrafted upon her by the Princess of Wales in the beginning of her earthly course, and continu- ed to encrease with additional strength and fresh- ness. We are not so much to admire the dona- tions simply, as the sincere spirit of benevolence which breathed from the very heart of her Royal Highness, for whatever she gave seemed to be given from her entire and cordial willingness. Having by this exertion of her liberal temper, used her mind to the impulses of humanity, that christian virtue grew into a part of her very existence, and she was prompted by nature to acts of kindness, one would suppose. Numerous instances have occurred to us in which the wretched were set free from pinching want by this sweet and charitable Princess; but it now falls under our inspection to watch the motions of her maturer age, when the general claims that she might have upon her loving father, by reason of his affection for her, gained force on account of the good sense and experience which her Royal Highness acquired rapidly, as she floated down the stream of time. Amongst all the objects of her PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 431 commiseration and anxiety she particularly noticed with strong feelings of compassion the unfortunate females whom a cruel destiny, or the workings of a depraved mind had made obnoxious to the capital severity of the laws. Her Royal Highness was well aware that of those whom necessity has driven to the commission of capital offences there ai'e many whose genuine principles would bear the test of severe temptations undercircumstances more happy. Upon this account she always endeavoured to learn the characters of persons recommended to her notice with as much accuracy as possible, and never re fused the petitions that were offered to her, and if the case appeared capable of mitigation, she seldom failed to exert all her influence and interest to ob- tain a pardon for the unfortunate convict. Such as were found guilty of forgery lay of course beyond the province of her interposition ; but when in other prosecutions a young female had been fully con- demned, it was a matter of her most anxious care to press for mercy. Her Royal Highness was of opinion that numberless unsuspecting creatures, being first led astray by the craft and deception of man, are afterwards thrown upon the wide common of the world to receive the coarse churity of an unfeeling public, and at times they who are most disposed to render services to the calamitous have it not in their power to do it, and in such a case 4S2 LIFE OF THE the victim of misery is exposed to all manner of vice, prompted as she is by her necessities and sur- rounded by foul examples. Although no breast could bfe more averse to crimes, yet her Royal Highness's teemed with compassion for the criminal. Not content with the dry formality of signing the plea that might be setup by the unhappy, she in- terested herself with great eagerness and found her success productive of consequences the most beneficial to those that had the sentence of the law remitted them ; for being pardoned through the kind exertions of her Royal Highness, they natur- ally bore strong gratitude to her ; gratitude is not far distant from love and admiration for the bene- factor ; thus by insensible degrees the model of the Princess was proposed to their imitation, the integ- rity of her life, the openness of her temper, and all the graces or excellencies which adorned the cha- racter of her Royal Highness, tended to urge the penitent and reform the vicious, as well as to strengthen and support such as had already entered upon the thorny, but the satisfactory career of virtue. Enough has been stated already of her Royal Highness to demonstrate the purity of her moral feeling, the disinclination she had to foster or encourage a ice, but yet although active in pro- motir.<" aiul rewardiuij virtue, she was not so super- cilious as to suppose herfelf beyond the necessity PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 433 of attending to the case of the wicked, and grant- ing them a respite and a safe retreat from the un- holy paths they were treading. With her, the son and heir was always present, but the prodigal not- withstanding had his fatted lamb. Like the wo- man in the parable, having lost her shilling, she thought it worth while to sweep the house for its recovery. " Turn not thy face away from any poor man, and the face of the Lord will not be turned away from thee ;" so they who were sinking deep in the gulf of sin and wretchedness, had a saving hand stretched out to them for their help and rescue, by her whose virtues, I trust, may be secure- ly proposed as prototypes to the exalted ladies of the vv'orld, and have by this time perhaps led her who practised them to a better condition than she en- joyed on earth. Upon subjects of this nature it is rash to speak in a positive manner, yet in the pre- sent instance deep regret may justly take possession of the race of Britons that now are flourishing, since from them has been snatched away as sweet a pattern of the moral beauties of the soul as could have showed themselves in the person of a Princess or a v.oman ; she was the warm, the constant, the faithful friend ; the religious preceptor and the con- stitutional expectant of a throne. It was about the latter end of .\])ril that the in- telligence was whispered round the political and 3 K 4'34 LIFE OF THE indeed every circle, for to all her Royal Highness was dear, and an object of curious inquiry, that confident tokens were given towards the consum- mation of the great hopes of the empire. On the 30th of this month. Prince Leopold repaired to Carleton House, and then it is said he communi- cated the joyous news to the Piince Regent, who received it with all the heartfelt satisfaction which the rising expectances of such a matter were fitted to inspire. His Royal Highness, as soon as the Prince was gone, went to Buckingham House to see the Queen, and no doubt acquainted her Ma- jesty with the intelligence which his Serene High- ness had brought him, o This affair v/as supposed by many calculated to heal every little variance betwixt the members of the Royal. Family that were residing in this coun- try. The Duchess of Cumberland had arrived here under no favourable impressions, but had by the integrity of her life notwithstanding defied her enemies to produce any thing that was criminal or improper in her conduct beyond the common gaiety and free.'iess of behaviour, which, however innocent, is tlioiioht unbecoming- in Ihitish females. Her Majesty, v. ho is aunt to the Duchcs v, being sister to the father of her Royal Highness wrote to iier before she cair.e, signfyirig the retired and solitary life shr led iicrsclf, that as much attention, would be TRINCESS CHARLOTTE 435 shown her as could be shown consistently with the private habits which her Majesty wished to maintain. On the continent Princesses are used to receive the morning visits and attentions of gentle- men, and such a practice is not deemed indecorous or censurable, but here it is quite otherwise ; and it may be farther observed, that her Royal Highness having been married and the mother of children, might very reasonably suppose that she was more lier own mistress, than royal personages of her sex are otherwise allow^ed to be. But whatever the cause has been, certain it is that the Duchess of Cumberland did not meet with the hearty and cordial reception which appeared to be due to her dignified rank and station in the kingdom. That the Queen was influenced by motives of personal dislike towards the illustrious individual whose society she thought fit to forego, it were imjust to suppose, for what private end had she to serve by it, what oc v^'asion of animosity had there been, could there have been given, to excile privu'? resentment against the liL.chcs of Cumberland y The fact is. o that from the consideration and ^stcem which her Majesty professed towards her broUier on the con- tinent, little doubt can be made but it was a matte: of her extreme desire to be on a foot of friendship and civility with her .laughtcr-in-law, if she con- ceived such familiar intcMcoia-^e fitting. \Vc muct 456 LIFE OF THE therefore conclude that it was a sense of public duty only that produced the reservedness of the Queen towards the Duchess. The husbands mo- ther and his wife seldom live on the best of terms ; this is ordinarily observed to be the case in humble ranks, there are exceptions, it were a dreadful thing if there were not ; but even considerations of this nature have frequently a great deal of admissible force in things that are of serious moment, and therefore the conjecture has been advanced ; there are several reasons afloat without much likelihood in them, and if this one be only offered among them, it becomes excusable from the doubtful cha- racter of the rest. The fine person and engaging manners of the Duchess, the celebrity of her at- tractions while Princess of Salms, the relationship her Royal Highness already stood in to tlie Queen, made several persons solicitous to bring a recon- ciliation about The Prince Regent, whose good nature and desire of pleasant fellowship are well known, interested himself with the utmost solici- tude to effect an agreeable intercourse betwixt all branches of the Royal Family; but his efforts had not the success in this case which might have been expected. Princess Charlotte was now regarded as a very fit mediatrix, and her kind offices were sought in this way accordingly. But she firmly declined to have any thing to do with the dispute; PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 437 and even if she had strove to unite the discordant minds, is it a certain matter, that harmony would have been the consequence of her interposition. We have more than once had occasion to see the distance which her Royal Highness kept towards the leading people of the time, not from any un sociable temper in the Princess, but as such inter- course must have interrupted her sweet eiyoyments of a pleasing recess, where without noise or bustle, she desired no grandeur, but was studious only of domestic happiness and repose, spreading that bene- ficence around a narrow circle which could not have reached the wide circumference of an extensive so- ciety : there was a fullness in her comforts that did not accord with the tinsel civility of conversation merely polite. Not the system of education which had been adopted with her Royal Highness, but the circumstances of her life had imparted a positive and decided quality to the plans that she had form- ed to direct her actions by, and it was utterly im- possible to shake the fixedness of her determination. Not the charms of an exalted station nor the min- istry of secret advisers could turn her away from the course which slie had adopted virtuously, and which her reason approved. Every exertion there- fore that was used to gain over the Princess and make her a means of conciliating both parties was altogether unavailing; she had chosen a line of 43iJ LIFE OF THE neutrality, and she would not depart from it on any account, save the confident hope of a thing being done which she was persuaded to be impracticable, for she was fully aware of the nice and scrupulous punctilio the Queen always adhered to, and the difficulty of reconciling a lady brought up like the Duchess of Cumberland, to that rigid conformity ^yith Tules and etiquette which her Majesty, and perhaps very justly, regarded always as important and indispensible to her presence and favour. " The wife of Cffisar should not even be suspected." How- ever contrary to the received notions the doctrine may be, a great deal may be rightly said in favour of a circumspect and wary conduct in those that are raised by their grade in society above the ordinary level, instead of the gay and vivacious freedoms such persons commonly suppose them- selves entitled to. The business moreover was a very delicate business, and added to the unpleasant- ness of managing such an affair, and the seeming- impossibility that it would be effected, her Royal Highness was well apprized of the consequences that must result to herself from becoming an active party in it. In the first place she must liave begun a familiar correspondence with the world, and this she was unwilling to do, having such abundant plca- siires in the amiable society of her beloved husband at hoirie. She in the second plact^ was subjecting TRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 4S9 herself to the mortification of a refusal from a quarter that she did not at any rate. perhaps care much to apply to ; and in short every view of the matter was either becloudetl with apparent and formidable obstacles, or attended with disagreeable results to her personal happiness, land although con- siderations merely selfish were seldom, never, known to have much weight with the amiable and worthy Princess, they must still have had some influence, even though unperceived by herself Upon the whole therefore she in the most delicate terms de- clined to take any share in the business, and at the same time acquitted herself in a manner that could not be construed into any disapprobation of the conduct of either. But although her Royal Highness did not think it advisable to disturb her mind use- lessly upon the afluiir, the very interesting situation in which she now was placed, many looked to as a source from which a universal composition of all variances might naturally flow. Kut the general expectation Mas disappointed and the misunder- standing still continued. It was deemed expedient for the health of her Royal Highness that she should be more careful in perambulating the demesne, and not for the ihv.e to come jxo without the confines of the estate, lest a cold or some unpleasant consequence should over- take her. This became a severe trial to the Prin- 440 LIFE OF THE cess. She had very early relinquished the madness of routs, and balls, and suppers, and withdrawing from the bustle and turmoils of the town, contract- ed her whole views within the friendship and com- pany of her beloved lord, and along with him walk- ing over the fields yielded to her happy mind truer satisfaction and more complete enjoyment than she could reap from the parade and folly of grandeur and show. Liberal in all things besides, she was a miser of her time, the improvement of it was at- tended to with unremitting pains, and even in the pedestrian exercise she took with the Prince some- thing was offered to their notice from which in- struction and amusement were obtained. The Princess was of a contemplative cast, and sprightly in her imagination, so was the Prince ; and there- fore even a barren field was not without some fer- tility to their inquiring minds, giving occasions to admire the operations of nature, and the goodness and power of the superintending providence by which all things are directed and contuouled. These sober speculations fitted them to receive the more impressive and material gratifications of rural life ; to fish, to ride, and sometimes to run, chequered tlie varied scene of connubial happiness which lay in the premises of Claremont. The virtues that adorn and embellish human life arc said to bo the offspring of a coiuitry education, where innocence PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 441 and simplicity, the daisy and the harmless sheep are offered to our view when we go abroad, and where unambitious friends, strangers to artifice and deception, sit by our fires and pass their time in diverting tales or playful tricks, who, without any temptation to crime, know not of an object to en- gross their desires except the satisfaction of mutual kindness and beneficence. Above all things it was agreeable to the Princess to remain in the country, if it were only for the gentle spur that it gives to piety, and the unsullied purity that may there be practised. Every living thing, each animal and blade of grass give farther proof of tlie natural con- viction that wiL of itself prevail over an unbiassed mind respecting the skill and wonderful power of him who made them. The growing leaf, the in- creasing bough, the insect advancing to maturity, all display the mighty influence of the Creator, and the wonderful art which he fashioned his creatures with. In the hurry and warmth of company, little time is allowed the reflexion to dwell upon the edifying objects which use their whole powers in solitude upon the fancy of the speculative. In vain, liowever, were the sights of a rural dwelling pre- sented to a person of a narrow, selfish principle. It is necessary, in order to relish the beauties of nature, that one should cast his thoughts beyond his inmiediate concerns, and deliver up his imagination 3 L 442 lAl'E OF THE to contemplate the surrounding magnificence, as it shows the glory of him who created the heavens and the earth, and in his omnipotence established ^ both of them. The understanding of the Prince was much beyond mediocrity, and to the solid en- dowments of it was added a charming and warm imagination that could delight in all things fitted to awaken admiration or love. His soul was ade- quate to grasp in its comprehension whatever was grand, to feel surprized at novelty and to be pleas- ed with what was beautiful his natural cast of mind was adapted to. Since corresponding qualities were in the possession of his amiable and lovely bride, is it to be .wondered at that their mutual felicity in rambling, like two philosophers, over the delightful dales and hillocks of Claremont had furnished them with so much ecstatic pleasure and composed joyfulness, that the close confinement of the Princess cost her many a pang. But in the privations of this kind to which she had now to submit herself, a solace embalmed her cheerful spirits while they could not be brought into play, a fond hope, the maternal prospects gilded tlie sky that was now overcast, the assured anticipations that joy was at hand, the happiness that millions were to find in her temporary suffering, banished the approaches of gloomy sorrow, and suffered the pain only to stay behind. At the first indeed the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 44S awefulness of the occasion must have sunk her courageous heart, till ever and anon gladdening hope entered her bosom and lulled irksomeness asleep. Vain transitory hope ! For the purposes indeed of exercise the library- alone' would nearly suffice, for it reaches almost the entire dimension of the house. It is a room truly grand, both with respect to its extension and the decorations that set it off. Here was ample space for her Royal Highness to exercise without going out of doors; but this manner of taking the benefit of motion was very disagreeable to her, or rather dis- satisfactory, used for a long time to enjoy the com- pany of her beloved husband in traversing the fields, and surveying along with him the beautiful landscapes which lie before the eye of one placed in Claremont, diversified infinitely, and each change of place only altering the position of the groups of trees, and rows of cultivated grounds that expanded before them ; and not only seeing such a pleasant sight imparted happiness to the innocent mind of the royal spectator, but the talk that such prospects afforded, the comments that passed, the arguments that were held, enabled them as it w^ere to com- mingle their souls together and enjoy an iiUcllcct- unl identity. The pleasures of walking being now in a great measure totally shut out from her enjoyments, she 444 LIFE OF THE had recourse to her books, and still kept up the practice of her early devotion. In reading she did not vainly endeavour to get over the pages of the works she read, but scanned them with critical pre- cision, and marked each passage that had any tiling bold in it, considering upon what grounds the as- sertion rested, the objections that might be made to it, and the means of removing those scruples that it was possible for the author to use in reply. But her exalted soul disdained to criticize the mistakes of a compositor, the errors of a grammatical nature were, when trivial, beneath her cognizance, she re- garded the writing as it affected the imagination, giving up her whole heart and soul to the manage- ment of her entertainer. It was of a reader like this that Sterne said he would go fifty miles on foot to kiss his hand. From the sources of literary pastime, no one was better calculated to draw copious- ly than Princess Charlotte, inured as she had been to search deeply and dive into the abstrusities of her book, an exercise of the mind that is doubtless very fatiguing, but the labour is well paid by the harvest of rich gratification that follows from it. Even in her present state of privation, she had divers little satisfactions and pleasures which she could not have otherwise possessed, and to whicli all nuist be strangers who have got no relish for mental recreations. The powers of the understand- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 445 ing maintain and confirm the imaginary pictures which external objects paint upon a cogitative mind, and when those powers are duly cultivated and improved, a spring of new enjoyments is form- ed within, and renders a person less dependent for his comfort upon external circumstances, and this indeed is the great benefit of a refined education, but is it not a great one ? Notwithstanding the confined limits that were prescribed to the excur- sions of her Royal Highness, she would now and again steal away to see the gothic building which stands in the Claremont grounds, and is really a most noble edifice, considering the size of it. Her poetical mind had framed several improvements to it, and she delighted to sit there above all things with a book in her hand and her Leopold at her side, and thus far withdrawn from the troubled scenes of noise and fashion, this amiable Princess gave an example of the chaster times of old Greece, when sensual gratifications yielded to those of the intellectual part, and she surpassed even the pre- cedents of ancient philosophers; for their minds could but faintly scan the Creator's power in his works, and consequently they missed of those pleasures that arise from the contemplation of what is to ourselves vastly superior. Little and paltry spirits will be apt to conceive that no great felicity was to be obtained from this turn of the imagin- 446 LIFE OP THE ation, since in order to admire any other being it is necessary tliat we should look down with conscious inferiority upon our own qualities, and thus instead of a new source of happiness, we only grow uneasy> as is apparent from the pains that are undergone by envious persons, pains that they suffer in con- sequence of some excellence lying beyond the ability of their attainment, they seem not to per- ceive the constitutional faculties of the human soul, nor to reflect upon the circumstances in which a man is placed in this world, the former consider- ation may be termed a proof from experience that roan is fitted to respect higher intelligences than his own, and the latter consideration shows a ne- cessity for our possessing a bent to admiration of things superior, from the aptitude that such bent has to render the creatures more happy and con- tented with their condition, and consequently He that made all beings perfect in their kind must have infused at the beginning a disposition in the human breast to acknowledge, and therefore to respect a nobler attribute than appertains to any human person. After the fall of man, wlien wick- edness was implanted by our parents in the very essence of our existence, and the mind was suffered to run astray in its wild imaginings, the Ueatlien world, tliough ignorant of the true Deity alto- gether, yet they could not divest themselves of PRINCjESS CHARLOTTE. 447 this quality of regarding with awe or love some- thing supposed to exist superior to them : thence flowed the superstition and absurdity of the Pagan doctrines, finding no visible living creature greater than they were themselves, they naturally cast about them for an object of adoration, and either took one from amongst their deceased ancestors, or coined a divinity that pleased their imagination, afterwards indeed they did adore living things ; but we only allude to the first beginnings of super- stition. The scriptural reader need not be inform- ed of " the unknown God," which St, Paul met with at Athens, and they whose discussive in- quiries have run into the literature of all ages are acquainted with numberless instances where ad- miration appeared to be a natural stimulus to men's minds, forcing them to look upon a grander being than man himself was. If then to worship the divine Framer of the world affords a natural happiness, certainly the Princess did not lose much even of her earthly pleasures by retiring from the follies of the world constantly, and pro- strating herself humbly before her God She now has departed where what her conduct may have been shall fall under an examiner that can judge better than we can do, and all therefore that is to be done by us lies simply in a statement of her actions and her thoughts, so far as the sweetest 448 LIFE OF THE ^ countenance in the world, and the most liberal beneficence are able to explain them. But as to the Gothic building. It was intended to be the temple sacred to her dearest recollection the mar- riage with her esteemed Prince. The appearance of it is extremely simple, but there is much grace- fulness and regularity about it, and such a general cast in the parts that one would almost guess it to have been raised for the very purpose intended. Tlie ground is elevated a little on which it stands, and around are shrubs and modest groups of trees disposed after the playfulness of nature without the least semblance of art, so that it has all the ease and beauty of nature divested of nature's wildness, just like what one might conceive a place to be where the inmates or frequenters had the utmost enjoyments life can afford in perfection, combined with the greatest innocence and simplicity. Although circumscribed in her amusements, and excluded from the comforts tliat she used to have, she could not bring herself to forego the celebration of her wedding day. A dinner was given at Clare- mont, followed by a concert. The guests were not many, but all of them cordial well-wishers to the illustrious couple; amongst them were the Duke and Duchess of York, Prince Esterhazy, Count Lieven and liis Countess, Lord and Lady Castlereagh, Lady Harrowby, Lady Susan Ryder, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 449 Miss Mercer Elphinstone, and Doctor Short. The '\ry interesting situation of her Royal Highness imparted a consequence to the assemblage, and filled their thoughts with a train of agreeable ideas. The virtues which distinguished the Princess, the happy condition that Providence had now allotted to her, and the amiable qualities of his Serene High- ness presented to the company objects of proud contemplation, furnishing all present with a feast more delightful than the viands were capable of giving them. Their conversation was of tlie most lively turn, the engaging manners of each individ- ual contributed to diffuse self-complacency and happiness to every member of the party : the good nature and openness of the Duke, Prince Ester- hazy's excellent understanding, Lord Castlereagh's knowledge drawn from every corner of the globe, it were improper to comment upon, because those who have heard of these their properties need no information on the subject, and they who have not, would only suppose the writer to be what is called "a hireling," an imaginary being made use of in- differently by authors ministerial and autliors con- traministerial ; and in truth no such person exists at all. If the men at the liead of the government encouraged a poor genius now and again, I do not think it would be objected to by sensible persons ; they keep up a vast standing army that only tends S M 450 LIFE OF THE te strip the people of their moral principles, and cripple the freedom of action, whereas a few able penmen might be competent to set those matters in a clear light, which appear but obscurely in St. Stephen's ; and to buy a vote is ten times more sinful than to pay a kind author, for the one com- promizes the rights of the constituents for a con- sideration that he might do very well without, the latter persuades the people, and even though he occasionally deceived them a little, a question may arise whether the guilt of employing him for an improper end would not be sufficently covered by the verv charity itself which there is in making a comfortable man out of one that was quite the contrary. But if the observations that are now made about the talents of the guests at Claremont, teem to be rather obtrusive, let it be remembered that the ha])py occasion of their meeting will na- turally dispose the mind to be in a state of love to all mankind, and deadens the many lively sallies which political characters are apt to raise up and have played against them. As to the ladies. Countess Lieven is well known to be a woman of excellent wit and vivacity which the Lady Castle- rean-h fully equals, and adds a large portion of good humoiir to all she does, though what is this in fact but vivacity, or, to speak more compreliensively, cheerfulness in .general. Amidst their glad and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 451 pkyfiil festivities had the thought obtruded that be- fore the revolution of the day's rejoicings, the great object of their love and dutiful attachment should have ceased to exist, what a sad and mournful countenance would their happy one have taken in exchange? Life and Death had already entered upon their operations, they contended for the con- quest with keen rivalry, but Life withdrew from the field to Heaven with the prize, and the sting of Death became a trophy of Salvation. The nation has lost in the departed excellence a pattern of all the qualities which are best fitted for a regal person, openness and sincerity, charity and universal kind- ness, steadiness of principle united with a. ready acquiescence in the decision of others when her judgment was persuaded of its fitness ; and her judg.- ment was always open to persuasion. To deplore the removal of such a being from the earth is cer- tainly laudable; for according to all the rules of con- jecture her place is not very likely to be soon sup- plied again. We may indeed find a young Prin- cess equally beautiful, and even liberally disposed towards persons in poor circumstances, but her Royal Highness had a combination of the most amiable and engaging qualities, as well i\s those that impart dignity and splendour to the owner of them. Added to this the great national character of the British v.as in her personified : that moral 452 LIFE OF THK feeling and turn of spirit which uplifted this country above all the regions of the world besides, yielding the fruits of independence, urging the exertions of genius, and setting men upon all the methods of activity that procure real comfort and honourable distinction in life. When a person of any condition displays properties like these, all the neighbourhood is benefited where he resides by the influence of them, not only by the good which these beneficent dispositions do actually themselves produce, but likewise in the propagation of virtue by means of the example, which they who admire it will natur- ally be disposed to copy. Four days afterwards their Highnesses were favoured with a visit from the Regent : he did not stay very late ; . an early dinner was prepared for - his Royal Highness and he soon after came back to town. The want of rural exercise which her Royal Highness had been long used to, began to make visible havoc upon the lively temper of her mind, and she was growing somewhat thoughtful and sedate, even occasionally to a degree of depression. It was therefore suggested that she ought to come up to London for a few days, and her Royal High- ness consented to the proposal. The first day after their Highnesses came, a visit was made by them to her Majesty, whom they likewise went to PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 453 felicitate upon the return of her birthday, which was celebrated in the evening of it, by the Prince Regent with a party of fashionable people, and amongst the rest Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte were to have been there, but they did not go, on what account has not been yet ascer- tained thoroughly, though no reason can be offered stronger than the prudence and expediency of her Royal Highness keeping herself as retired as pos- sible from bustle of every sort; and this receives farther confirmation from the return of the royal pair that day to Claremont. That any family dis- pute was in the affair of their absence is mighty reasonable with those who would fain be accounted men of quick parts and penetration, and rather than not discover an opening to the mysteries of royal occurrences, do not strain very much to force one ; but the Prince Regent had acquainted tlieir Highnesses that he would pay them a visit in the course of the week, and it is therefore improbable that any misunderstanding whatever subsisted be- tween the branches of the family. His Royal Highness, according to his promise, came to Clare- mont cm the 22d of the month (May,) and after partaking of their Highnesses' dinner, he returned to Carlton House. Lord Keith had attended him to Claremont, but did not leave it with the Prince, having remained there till the day following. Their 454 LIFE OF THE Highnesses were induced to leave their dehghtful residence again on the occasion of the arrangements about to be concluded for the purchase of Marl- borough House. It had already been referred to the opinion of the Chancellor whether or no it was in the Duke's power to make any sale of the pre- mises, and his Lordship was convinced of the le- gality of his so doing ; but there still was some strong doubt respecting the length of time for which the Duke might grant the lease of the house, and before this could be decided, some delay was necessary for the examination of the documents connected with its former disposal. The Princess however was desirous of inspecting the place before she entered upon the occupation of it, and it was for this end that the Prince and she left their charming retreat. Upon inspection the house was found to be in all respects very appropriate and large enough, and no inconveniences appeared to be attached to the rooms, the other parts also cor responded with the wishes of the intended occu- pants. The day after their arrival, numerous friends called to see and make their respects to them. In the afternoon they visited her Majesty and the Princesses ; and in the evening went to the opera house. The Duke of Gloucester called next morn- ing and remained with them for a considerable time; the Duchess was hindered from coming along PRINCESS CHAUI.OTTE. 455 With her consort in consequence of some illness that had attacked her Royal Highness a short period before, and which she was not yet entirely freed from. They went to Carlton House in the afternoon to see their illustrious father, and staid with him for a couple of hours. Then they repair- ed to York House to make their compliments to the Duchess of York, and leaving that about six o'clock came to Camelford House, where they dined. The Princess was very uneasy to get back again to Claremont, but her Majesty having advertized the public of the drawing-room she was determined to hold on the 26th of June, three days after they came to London, the Prince prevailed upon her Jloyal Highness to wait till the drawing-room was over He did not however insist her to accompany him ; insist, for she never seemed to be at all fond of attending crowded assemblies: indeed, consider- ing the intense heat of the weather, the Princess could not with any sort of prudent care for her in- teresting situation, go into a place filled with a multitude. The Prince went alone to the drawing- room, while his amiable wife was satisfactorily em- ployed in renewing her anteconnubial acquaint- ances, in calling up the fond remembrances of her early days, and seeing tlic eyes that used to beam upon her with so miicli love, respect and duty. Upon the return of his Serene Highness from the 456 LIFE OF THE drawing-room, and after a visit was over which the Duke of York paid them, they sat down to dine, and immediately dispatching the banquet, they hm"ried away to their abode at Claremont, which her Hoyal Highness was most steadily enamoured oC and could never quit the fond object of her local attachment without some regret ; indeed cir- cumstanced as she was now, it had been highly improper to suffer an intended removal into Suffolk, which was going to occur about this time, for the purpose of the Prince's personal attendance upon the regiment that he had got the colonelcy of, the 5th Dragoon Guards, tlie Princess Charlotte's regi- ment. The chief body were lying then at Ipswich, and a mansion was taken for the space of two years in the neighbourhood of the town, called Rendles- ham Hall ; but their Highnesses did not go to it. Indeed that would have been a dangerous thing, for the opinion of the physician relative to the ac- couchement of her Royal Highness was, that it might take place in October. The departure %vas consequently postponed, and no doubt the Princess was heartily glad of it ; for although every place where his Serene Highness might be could not feel unpleasant to her, yet Claremont had so many pleasing idea^ to excite in her mind, that it is no wonder she preferred it to all the world besides. Such was the force of her affection for Claremont, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 457 that the suggestions made upon the expedient plan of coming to London previous to her confine- ment, and to remain in it during the continuance of it, was entirely ineffectual, her Royal Highness could not be induced to leave her groves and mea- dows which the many many happy hours she had spent in walking over, in company with her beloved lord, had greatly endeared to her, to the exclusion of all the places under the sun. Report has it that an offer was made of Buckingham House to be used against the approaching event, but the offer was declined ; this has been asserted, and perhaps it may be true, and as such a statement did actu- ally appear, it is fair to give it. Her Royal High- ness could not think of quitting Clarcmont, and seemed to become more attached to the spot, the nearer the hour advanced that was to seal her sub- lunary happiness or mortal destruction. With respect to the offer, it were wrong to indulge the conjectures that might either way be framed, but 1 can see no cause, I own, to question it ; they who seem so very much interested to make it out that there was no concern apparent in certain quarters, about the sweet Princess Charlotte, ought not to grudge their opponents this pitiful concession thai tlie use of a residence in town wai offered to her Royal Highness, because in truth the favour is not *58 LIFE OF THE a ^reat one, and neither adds nor takes away from the state of the question in other views of it. Her Majesty on the 2t>th of July came to Cla- mont for the last time, accompanied by Princess Augusta and Princess Elizabeth. They had an early dinner got ready for tliem, and immediately after they had partaken of it, the royal visiters went back to Windsor. Her Royal Highness made her last appearance in public on the 5th of August, at a splended party given in honour of the Prince Regent's birth, by the Countess of Cardigan. It was intended by her Ladyship that they should dine under the open air, but the weather had been for a few days previous so very uncertain that this plan was given up, and therefore the large drawing-room of her superb mansion was turned into a dining parlour, and de- corated with whatever fancy could invent and art achieve. But notwithstanding her Ladyship's pre- cautions the day turned out to be remarkably fine, the grass however was too moist to admit of the entertainments being conducted according to the schemes which had been at the first proposed. About two o'clock the company began to collect, and at three the royal assemblage commenced arriving, closed with the carriages of her Majesty and the Prince Regent. Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte came in an open conveyance, and were PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 459 greeted by the spectators with loud and reiterated cheers. The state of her Royal Highness rendered it proper to withdraw as early as possible from the crowd, and accordingly after paying their congra- tulations upon the auspicious cause of the meeting, the Prince and Princess lefl the party, and returned to Claremont for dinner. Her habits now became more domicile than ever, and her Royal Highness engaged her attention in conversing with her illus- trious husband and the select company that about this time visited their country residence. The amiable disposition, and polished mind of the Lady Susan Ryder, eldest daughter to the Earl of Har- rowby, had gained the perfect esteem of Princess Charlotte, and the most intimate connection subsist- ed between them that it was possible for two fe- males to maintain. This accomplished young lady was about to enter into the marriage state with Lord Elrington, a nobleman worthy of such a bride; and her Royal Highness felt deeply interested for her happiness and comfort. She made Lady Susan several presents, among others a Brussefs lace dress of 300 value, and it was in tliis that her Ladyship gave her hand to the deserving suitor. In the de- lightful conversations that were held between them, the mind of her Royal Highn-' '.^as gratified and composed, her spirits were supp ried witiiout too much elevation, and she that was completely mis- 460 LIFE OF THE tress of attainments in the higher range of literature, finding the like qualifications possessed by her friend, enjoyed in perfection all the rational de- lights of mental exercise. The Prince himself used to join in the subject, and add much to the happi- ness of the dialogues. The hours formerly devoted to the speculative pursuits of botany were now spent in perusing such authors as at once yielded instruction to the understanding, and tended to light the fancy. But of all books that were now repaired to for solace and comfort, there was one that her Royal Highness perused witli a pleasant anxiety, and gained more important and sweet in- formation out of it than all others were capable of producing : " and rightly deemed the book of Grod the best." Prince Leopold's anxious concern for the great treasure of his life did not suffer him, as the time advanced, to remain contented witii the condition of her Royal Highness so much but that he was eager to be assured about the expediency of going to London, that all the medical assistance might be procured that could be. Having had the pro- priety of such a measure strongly enforced by one o the persons whom he refierred to, he went to town and examined Marlborough House with the utmost nicety, but found none of the rooms were in so perfect a state as was to be wished for the ac- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 461 commodation of one in her Royal Highness's cir- cumstances. After consulting some judicious friends it was finally determined that it were as well for the Princess to continue in the country, the more on account of the predilection which her Royal Highness had herself constantly expressed for Ciaremont. The arrangements however were definitively settled for the occupation of Marl- borough House, 3000 'a year being the rent pro- posed by the Duke, which exceeded their High- nesses* offer by 500 : the Duke's demand was at last complied with. Upon a survey of the repairs needed for the completion of the house in such a style as comported with the rank of the illustrious pair that intended occupying it, the expenses were calculated at 10,000. Eut notwithstanding the directions given for the purpose of fitting it up, the possession has again reverted to the Duke, now that the Prince has lost the great object of all his grandeur and splendid views. Instead of Marl- borough House, a place has been taken for his Serene Highness in Grosveiior Square, as we shall presently see. The determination of her Royal Highness to make Ciaremont the seat of her accouchement, was attended with some little inconveniences to the great officers of the crown, who about that time are usually in the country. It was fixed however that 462 LIFE OF THE they should he upon visits in parts not hr distant from the Princess, and thus they might enjoy at once the recreations of the country, and be able to fulfil their official duties. What must have dis- tressed her Rf>yal Highness at this time, Prince Leopold was occasionally seized Avith indisposition of a rheumatic kind, which he first caught by travel- ling in an open carriage when he left Brussels upon the joyous summons given to him, announcing the declaration of the Prince Regent's full permission and wish that his Serene Highness should repair to England to claim the hand of the sweetest young lady, and the most mighty of all the Prin- cesses in the world. It was scarcely to be wonder- ed at that love, ambition, and all the excitements of mortal ardour should operate so strongly u^on a young man of a sanguine disposition, as to make him adventure more than cold prudence dictated. The affection was confined principally to a severe head-ache, in remedy whereof some teeth had been drawn, and his Serene Highness gained much relief from this being done : his general health indeed was uncommonly good, but these sudden attacks were still exceedingly provoking, for they prevented him from joining in such little pastimes as would amuse the fond partner of all his joys and sorrows The person who had long practised among the higher circles as an accoucheur was Sir Richard miNCESS CHARLOTTE. 46S Croft, Baronet, a relative and the heir of the great Sir Herbert Croft, who was a distinguished fi-iend of Doctor Johnson, and had written a life of Young, which is inserted among the works of Johnson, and it bears a strong resemblance to Johnson's style and laanner. Sir Herbert had entered the temple, and intended to be called to the bar, but be relinquish- ed law for divinity, and was ordained. His sermons were exceedingly well written, and he proved to be an active and a serviceable clergyman ; not loit- ering away his tune, nor only occupying it in the requisite discharge of his function, but going farther, he was really a man of some benefit and usefulness. Upon his death, Mr. Croft became a baronet, being the next heir to that dignity. His rank in the v^orld had not been always the same, nor his practice abundant. While he was yet but a student, and was attending the lectures of the celebrated Doctor Hunter, he lodged at the h.ouse of Mr. Den man, who was then only an apothecary and received into his family young men to board who were undergoing the courses of Doctor Hunter. Mr, Denmaii was held in high estimation by the doctor, and he considered his talents so very respect- able tliat when the Duchess of Ncu castle was leav- ing: England in a delicate state of health, and in- quired of him for a proper medical gentleman to attend her, being in a progress to her confinement. 464 LIFR OT THE he recom mended Mr. Denman with much warmth, mnd accordingly Mr. Denman was employed. Hav- ing returned from Portugal, where he had been with his noble patient, the death of his patron left an open in the higher sort of practice, and Mr. Denman was so very assiduously served by the Duchess, who had received every benefit from his skilful attendance abroad, that he actually succeed- ed to the lucrative employment of accoucheur amongst the first of the nobility. In order to justify his pretensions to such high honours, he commenced the reading of lectures upon the sub- ject of midwifery, and obtained a great deal of credit by the judiciousness of them, and very de- servedly too, for they continue to this day the best treatise upon that difficult branch of physical know- ledge : a degree was moreover conferred upon him, and he became the first practitioner of his line. Dur- ing this interim. Sir Richard had begun to carry on the mixed business of an apothecary and surgeon in a country town, and was doing pretty well, but conceiving himself qualified for distinction in a larger place, he repaired to Oxford, and continued his profession with some success; afterwards coming up to London, he called upon his old friend Mr. Baillie, who had attended Hunter's lectures along with him, and had also been his fellow lodger at Mr. Denman's. The t\vo young friends -^vent to see PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 465 jNIr. Denman's family, which happened to consist, among other branches, of two daughters both twins, and fine young women both ; the two visiters re- newed their old acquaintance with the young ladies, and the result was that they led them one each to the altar of Hymen. Mr. Denman was now grow- ing rich, and his professional calls becoming more numerous every day, he introduced his son-in-law% Young Mr. Baillie being the nephew of the cele- brated Mr. Hunter, and of excellent natural parts, aided by an honest roughness, yet tender way of speaking, he was getting forward rapidly in his g,enei'al business, while Mr. Croft was insensibly enlarging the circle of liis, Mr. Denman proposing to be in readiness upon any emergency. Thus did Sir Richard get forward in life, and the many private virtues that embellished his character will take away grudge that he prospered so well, tlis only fault as an accoucheur that has been ever laid to his charge, with any appearance of truth, was that of nervousness, but that^ it must be owned, is a most dangerous quality in any one of his profession; there are no faults indeed that an accoucheur can possibly have that, in the course of natural events, are so apt to prove ruinous as that of nervousness is calculated to do : for in cases of this nature, the way that is least advisable may be followed steadily, and yet perfect success attend the adaption of it, 3 o 466 LIFE or THE but no matter how well concerted any plan may be, terror, confusion, irresolution, and so forth, are very verj'- dangerous. Upon the whole, however, the professional attainments of Sir Richard have been always spoken of with much respect by per- sons whose good opinion it was worth while to cultivate and honourable to merit; the little tincture of envy that must be expected in the observations of medical critics, except of those who are person- ally attached to a man of extensive practice, ought always to mitigate in our minds the severity of their inquiries into his failures. The character of Sir Richard, generally speaking, stood highest amongst the upper classes of society, and his family connection in the healing art attached much credit to his professional abilities, and gave an air of nature to what must necessarily have been only an acquire- ment. Having all these favourable circumstances to notice, he was of course pitched upon as the most fit and eligible person for assisting in an affair of such importance as the delivery of the heiress to the British throne, who was apparently the last branch of the Royal Family resident in England, and brought up after the custom and manner of the Rritish people, from whom any expectation of pos- terity could be well indulged, Next to the appointment of a physician, was that of a wet nurse. Numerous applications were PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 467 made for this office, but the letter of a young wo- man who lived in the neighbouihood of Claremont was deemed worthy of particular attention. She was the wife of a respectable man, he was of good habits, and she already the parent of three promising- children. Her letter was addressed to Sir Richard Croft; it was worded with extreme simplicity, and yet was so very full and clear as showed that she was quite sensible of all the things required for the situation she sought to obtain. Sir Richard sent for the young woman, and she was by him intro- duced to a number of medical gentlemen, who were in the habit of attending the Royal Family, and had upon this occasion formed themselves into a kind of board. Before them she was very minutely examined, and gave the most explicit and satisfac- tory replies to all the questions that were put to her. The doctors were so entirely pleased with Mrs. Griffiths, that was her name, that they were about singly to state, I suppose, their conviction they had of her fitness to the task ; but through a caution commendable in professional men, they began to converse in Fre])ch ; hereu|>on Mrs. Grif- fiths said that they possibly might wish her to witlidraw, as that tongue was not altogellicr un- known to lier; lliiiiking tliat their discourse was held in Frencli for the purpose of conversing uj)on mr^Hei<^ which they did not vvish her to understand. 468 LIFE OF THE She did retire for a little, and upon her return was acquainted, that if tiie appearance of her family corresponded with what they had seen and observed of her, she should be recommended. She had scarcely left the medical gentlemen when she had a message from Princess Charlotte, desiring to see her. The Prince and Princess passed three hours with her when she came to Claremont, and took particular notice of her and of her children who went witli her, and to these the Princess gave an abundance of sweet things. Prince Leopold even took one of the rosy cheeked babies upon his knee, and fondling it for a while, uttered many pretty and engaging compliments, saying among other tilings, " VVe]l, my little friend, yon and I shall be nearer acquaintaoces." The youjig woman was quite subdued and enchant- ed with this condescension, affability, kindness and good nature. It happened that INIrs. Griffiths was then about to be confined herself; she was told by the Princess that if slie would remain at Claremont, every accommodation would be made for her, but that she was at perfect liberty to determine for herself. She however did not take the proffered civility of her Royal Highness, declaring that she had rather go back to her husband's house, vvhither she accordingly went, and was there in a few days made the mother of a fourth child, a fine thriving boy, and had the satisfaction to find that every day PHINCESS CHAItLOTTE. 469 inqiiiries were made after tliem both by the Prin- cess. Considerino; the wide difference that chance or providence has made to exist between the ranks, of men and women in this world, a sort of charm hangs upon our bosoms when we sigli in sympathy with an exalted mourner, the sob is of a more deep and sepulchral tone than one which is he :iv?d for tlie less distinguished child of misfortune, and perhaps such a disposition is not inconsistent with propriety and justice, for the calls of life, the intrusions of other cares, tend to drive away the imaginary por- tion of every calamity. But surely this poor wo- man oiight to be allowed the full measure of her woe. Slie lost the fource of probable hap])ir.ess and prosperity ; her influence with the Princess may well te conceived adequate to have provided amply for all iier friends; what the actual pay for a female infant is, has not been ascertained, but the nurse of a male is entitled to l,500, and afterwards 200 a year. The woman who was nurse to tlie Princess herself is still alive : her son is a lieutenant i!i the navy, and she continues to enjoy an annual inrornc of 100. The warmness of friendship whicli glowed in her Royal Highness, the interesting purpose for which Mrs. Griffiths was to have been cmj)1ovcd, can leave no doubt of her heavy and afflicting loss. The condition of Princess Charlotte was now 470 LIFE OF THE the object of public curiosity all the country over, and whatever related to her was heard with greedi- ness and attention, but at the same time all was hope, there was no apprehension, no horrific dreams of terror, no forebodings of alarm. When any im- portant measure of state is in agitation, all men have their respective opinions, and love to hold to them, some are sanguine in their expectations of a happy issue to the scheme when once it is resolved upon, others doubt of its success, while there are not wanting many to hang down in woeful looking forwaixl to impending disaster; but the constitu- tional strength of the Princess, the excellent spirits she liad kept up all along, and the wish, perhaps, that it should be so, led the people to think of bonefires rather than the sable trappings of mortal- ity : but they were notwithstanding anxious to learn all that they could respecting her Royal High- ness, and scarcely a turn in her conduct was suffer- ed to escape publicity, if it had any thing in it at all beyond tlie most trivial incidents that befal those ladies who rising in the morning design to go to bed at night ; but indeed the least of any of her Royal Highne-ss's actions had an originality, and an attracting grace, and her more important deeds possessed a boldness of virtue that could not periiiit her to pass the day without something that claimed attention ; but such particulars were not PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 471 the desired ones ; the people of England were not so wrapt up in themselves as only to care about Prin- cess Charlotte so far as her conduct was suitable to the great public duties that awaited her perform- ance, for the various private deserts that embel- lished this distinguished personage had lowered our respect for her into love, and we were more curious to learn all about her as a woman, in short than as a Princess. Every account that related to her way of life was of greater value than her sayings or do- ings with the bulk of the people. On the 21st of October, her Royal Highness rose in the morning about nine, exceeding well in health, and delighting all she met with her acjreeable and sweet salu- tations. She sat down to breakfast with the Prince at ten ; and the day being very captivating, her Uoyal Highness walked about the pleasure grounds, attended by her affectionate consort, and after the v.alk she got into her garden chair, and took an airing in it for about an hour, examining the pro- gress made in the plans she had struck out for the improvement of the garden ; the Prince being with her all the time. The day following was spent in nearly a similar way. Her lloyal Highness, ac- companied by Prince Tje()i)old, took a walk, and drove in her chair for a while, then she returned into the house, and the Prince went out to divert himself in shooting, coming back at five o'clock; 472 LIFE or THE ioon after which dinner was served up to them and the principal persons who were at Claremont in at- tendance upon them. As they were eating fruit after dinner, it is said that the Princess while eating caught Sir Ricliard Croft looking earnestly at her, and she taking the proper notice of it, smiled and observed " Ah, doctor, I know what you mean." Soon after eleven o'clock the Princess left her friends and withdrew to bed. The day following was uncommonly clear and pleasant, the sun was out in his full meridian splendour by twelve o'clock, and her Royal Highness being still in the posses- sion of the most excellent health, determined to persevere in her little exercises with the Prince, having her own inclinations supported by the perfect concurrence of Sir Richard Croft. She tliis day went to see the Gothic structure that mention has been made of, and looking wistfully at it upon her departure, seemed loth to leave the delightful spot; slie left it then for the last time that she was ever to leave it. The rain that came on a little past one o'clock obliged the party (some of their suite were along with their Highnesses,) to go hastily into the house; but the Princess experienced no inconvenient consequences from the rain. The shower was all over by two, and Prince Leopold set out again upon his shooting expedition. The day after was not so favourable, the morning was PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. , 473 cloudy, and rain was every minute threatened to fall heavily, it dropped now and again till eleven o'clock, when a great shower, which was spent by one o'clock, cleared the atmosphere of its muddy particles, and the Princess ventured abroad into the garden at two, attended by his Serene Highness, and as she was passing by her plots of flowers, she talked a great deal, moralizing often, and she dwelt with peculiar energy upon the perishableness of all things beneath the sun, but expressed her hopes that now since the light of Christianity was aug- mented by the discoveries and labours of the learn- ed, men would no longer indulge in vain transitory expectations of worldly benefit, so far as to sacrifice the grand concerns of their everlasting existence ; the goods of this life, she continued, are short, pre- carious, and the more known the less are they esteemed, but piety gives fulness of joy to the soul, raises tlie views above the paltry prospects of the earth, and conversing with Heaven, the more in- timate and constant our duties and speculations are with things abo\ e, the mare the mind is de- lighted and improved. Every body was charmed with her agrecal^ie instructions, and one would have thought that she had souie presenLiments of her approximating dissolution, but that lier cheer- ful frame of mind and unaflected assurance in the mercy and saving grace of the lledeemer had chased 3 r 474 LIFE OF THE away her melancholy. Sweet monitress, art thou gone, and hast thou left us for ever ! They came back to Ciaremont about three o'clock. The 25th was not a very fine day, and her Ro}al Highness spent the greater part in her own chamber reading, but she was no way dull. Saturday, the day after, she rode in the chair, and examined the improve- ments that were making in the farm-yard, accom- panied by the Prince and some of the attendants. Her Royal Highness then took a general airing through the grounds; and in the meantime mes- sengers anived at Ciaremont from Oatlands with the Ditchess of York's inquiries after the Princess. The next day was the Sabbath ; hor Royal High- ness heard divine service read by the Rev. Dr. Short, and was associated in her devotions by all the persons that resided in the house. After the holy duties were discharged, her Royal Highness with the Prince and Dr. Short went to see the grotto, which had been greatly beautified since the royal dwellers had come to Ciaremont. She presently got into a flow of high spirits, and walk- ed in the shrubbery without any signs of indisposi- tion or fear. Indeed the usual habits of the Prin- cess never at any period of her life betokened more vigorous and perfect health. It is very connnon and the most generally the case that females in her circumstances enjoy a lightsomeness of heart and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 475 gaiety of temper more strong than the natural ha- bitudes of their mind: to counteract these, recourse is had usually to the letting of blood ; and one may easily conceive that the aliment which her Royal Highness took had a tendency to exhilarate her spirits to a high degree of elevation, and such me- thods were adopted with the Princess as appeared to the physicians most likely to prove beneficial, the letting of blood was no doubt the chief exped|ent that was resorted to. All the preparntory things were done at Claremont with great regularity and dispatch ; the horses were kept saddled night and day for carrying expresses to the cabinet ministers. Such was the state of affairs at Claremont. The l^ranches of the Royal Family were occu- pied in a v;ay that showed how little anxiety for the result was given into by them, or, to speak with more appropriateness, the freedom from doubt or uncertainty that their minds maintained, for in- deed they did not contemplate the danger at all, never thought of it, but so far were they from ap- prehension that her Majesty had her plans formed - fen* visiting Bath, Princess Elizabeth was engaged in iiiakirig preparations for going there too along with her roval mother ; the Prince himself liad his mind en^a<;ed in contemplating the pleasures of the Held at Raglcy Hall; his own happy tempera- nicnt leads him to expect all things good, and the 476 LIFE OF THE accession that was about to accrue to his worldly splendour, and the posthumous reputation of his descendant kings, such considerations were upper- most in the thoughts of the fond father ; and in the possession of these high cheering prospects before him he left London for the seat of the INIarquis of Hertford's, Ragley Hall, where he proposed to him- self a great deal of amusement and pleasure. Sir Siehard Croft advised her Royal Highness to take gentle and short walks, as usually she had done, and not to intermit on account of her health, provided she felt no disinclination herself to exer- cise. Upon all of these occasions she was attended by her faithful and attached husband, and that constantly made her egress tiie more pleasant, as well as to come into the house again was wished for, since they could then sit and talk with less in- terruption. The month of November set in with extreme mildness and serenity, and on the first day in it the Queen and Princess Ehzabeth left Windsor for l^ath, where her Majesty was advised to remain for a time, to drink the salubrious waters of that city, to antidote some affection tliat troubled her, Ashich astringents, like the Eath waters, are cele- brated for expelling. Sir Henry Halford went Avitii tlie Queen. The favourable state of health tiuit IVincess Charlotte enjoyed look away all care PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 477 and anxiety from her Majesty respecting her grand- daughter, and she probably expected by change of place to beguile the time away till she was advanc- ed another link higher in the chain of parentage, till she became a great-grandmother ; for as to utter indifference being the cause, it is surely cruel to suppose it, and may be those very persons whose uncharitableness impels them to take such opinion, would be strangers themselves to anxiety under the like circumstances ; not that her Majesty might have shown no more concern, but there is a doubt Avhether her departure at the time did not assume much of its precipitation from a desire to employ her thoughts in another way till the affair was all over, and in an ambiguous case the kind indul.>hness, who seemed to feel as if on his account alo\c' all others the dreadful calamitv that had 488 LIFE OF THE visited them. Her eyes were kept steadfastly fixed upon the Prince, she looked at him as if it was with him she would wish to be well and happy, she gave him frequently her hand, and seemed to gather some relief from the circumstance of uniting his hand with her's ; I feel, she said upon the first in- timation she had of the child being still bom, 1 feel, she said, this affliction, because the people will be vexed and distressed generall}- at it. I am sorry, deeply so as a mother may vrell be. But, raising her sinking voice, I feel it heavily, Oh I feel it for ray husband's sake. Her Royal Highness continu- ed to speak a great deal, more indeed than the medical attendants supposed advisable. She became how^ever more composed towards her latter end, and uttered many delightful ejaculations, which gives us cause to believe that she felt a conscious- ness of God's tender mercy through Christ, for never could a mortal being more strongly testify his faith than the sweet Princess Charlotte did con- tinually. A few seconds before her Royal High- ness expired, she grasped with extreme earnestness the hand of her beloved Prince, she held it for a while, regarding him with mute attention, then lifting her eyes up towards Heaven, her head sink- ing on her bosom, the Princess drew a gentle sigli and was no more. T^et the man now who proposes to himself a chain PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 489 of happiness extending to the end of life, contemplate the havoc which a single day sufficed to bring about in the happiness of Claremont, and how im- portant in the comparison must appear that resting place for men's eternal happiness, where there is no comfort to be taken away, but where joy abideth for ever and ever. Those who throw prostrate, as unworthy of their notice and pains, all the graces recommended to us by the blessed pattern that was set us near two thousand years ago by him who united in himself the divine and human nature, a man after the substance of his mother, born into the world that he might only expire through an inglorious mode of punishment, and had all the severities of the world to encounter, and yet too holy and sinless to give into vice, and study to es- cape the suffering, he whom men rejected v/ith scorn and indignation, and yet took upon him the very guilt of his bitterest enemies, surely he will feel mercy, and zealously strive to pacify justice, if we will but turn to him and crave his protection and favour. In the happy region of those who have no more of their pilgrimage to make, no hostile hands to do them injury, wlierc the arrow of death does not fly in the night, wc may enjoy their felicity without the fear of loosing it ; but in this world be- twixt the env}'^ of the little, and th2 craft of ])ersons whose minds are contracted, lie that incllilges the 3 R 490 LIFE OF TflE hope of a prosperous life is sure to be disappointed; it therefore is the part of every being to conciliate the approbation of his own conscience, which is the best force there can be used to counteract malice and suppress discontent, and to crown his worldly- expectations let him build up for himself a mansion in the state to come, this no man can do for himself but he may pursue the hope of it being done for him; the mercies of Heaven are proportioned to the sins of the earth, and the great Author of the Uni- verse, who was prompted by his love towards men to send down hisownsonfrom the divine residence to sojourn in misery here, will deal indulgently towards the truly pentitent and contrite spirit, comfort the broken hearted, and fill with his grace abundantly those that pant after it. It being the custom to speak solace to the wretched, they would advise well who directed the mourner to turn his views and hopes to the never failing spring of happiness and joy, thence he may draw copiously, and never fear that the fountain will be dried up. Meantime the afflicted father having had intelli- gence that the illness of the Princess had com- menced, hastened to Carlton House, that he miuht be at hand for the earliest news. He arrived in town about four o'clock on Thursday morning, and there he learned the heart rendhig tidings that his amiable child was no more, that she was now no PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 491 more from whom he expected all that ambitioii and love could admit amongst their blessings, independ- ent of the glory and honour of having kings to reign after him the issue of himself, the strong hold which his daughter had taken of his affections, the many charms and graces that adorned her, all lost, perished for ever. The crown officers reached tow nabout five o'clock in the morning, and expresses were sent about in all directions announcing the melancholy occurrence. In his note to the Lord Mayor, Lord Sid mouth thus unfolded the sad catastrophe. " Whitehall Qth Nov. ** My Lord, " It is with the deepest sorrow that I inform your Lordship, that her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte expired this morning at half past two o'clock. I have the honour to be, tVc SiDMOUTH. "The Right Honourable the Lord Ma>or." And in the Gazette Extraordinary published on the 4th, was the following concise but touching an- nouncement of the lamentable affair. " Whitehall Nov. 6. "Her Royal Highness the Piiricess C! ti'-jctte Augus:ta, daughter of his Royal Highness the 492 LIFE OF THE Prince Regent, and consort of his Serene Highness the Prince Let^pold of Saxe Coboiirg, was deliver- ed of a still bom male child at nine o'clock last night, and about half past twelve her Koyal High- ness was seized with great difficulty of breathing, restlessness, and exhaustion, which alarming sym- ptoms encreased til! half past two o'clock this morn- ing; when her Royal Highness expired, to the in- expressible grief of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, of her illustrious consort the Prince Leo- pold, and of all tiie Royal Family." When these accounts reached the ears of the people, they vrere astounded with erievous sorrow., many, as is natural in such cases, disbelieved the re- port tor a long time, people could not persuade them- selves that the Princess Charlotte was gone, raised to the highest pinnacle of terrestrial happiness and bliss, her comforts equalling her grandeur, and above all the sweet and noble disposition that she had al- ways discovered in lier actions, tended to make her an object that we dreaded to contemplate tht losing of There was no being but felt, or had tlic grace to feigii feeling true distress and wonder jat the calamitous issue of the promises to the kingdom that had been given by the very circumstance: which led ultimately to ])lunge it in lamentation The Lord Mayor, immediately after receiving tlit- intimation of Lord Sidmouth, summioned a special PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 49S meeting of Aldermen, which convened at Guild- hall ; and there the dreadful news being certified^ the Aldermen determined unanimously to stop the preparations that were making in the hall against the approaching Lord Mayor'is Day, and that the structures put up already should be remov- ed. A notice was moreover framed for the sup- pression of all rejoicings and merriment upon the Lord Mayor's Day. And by direction of his Lord- ship the great bell of St. Paul's tolled. The trades people of the Hoyal Family simultaneously shut to their shop windows. The lottery was not to be drawn till the interment was over ; nor were the theatres to open, nor any public amusements take place while the corpse of the lamented Princess remained unburied. Thus a black mantle was thrown as it were over the w^hole country, there was no joy, no gladness to be seen any where, every countenance bore the marks of deep sorrow as if some near friend of his own had paid the debt of nature. It will be no improper transition to pass over to a cursory notice of these like calamities in the Royal Family which hitherto afflicted the nation ; but where shall we find the measure of our sorrow so full, where such an amiable and useful existence to deplore the los^; of? for she possessed whatever could elevate the nuud to admiration of her without 494 LIFE OF THE sinking the beholder into nothing, it being the force of her great condescension to make those about her Royal Highness love as well as respect her, and be equally distant from servility and pre- sumption. So that amongst all the disasters which have befallen the family of the Monarchs of Eng- land, it were hard to select an instance where the loss was more acutely felt than in the dissolution of Princess Charlotte. Henry 1. sustained a deep wound in his affections by the death of his son, who was shipwrecked on his way to England ; this Prince however is reported to have been but a doubtful character, his aversion to England he was at no pains to conceal, and although a promising youth in all respects but this, the exception against him herein must have suppressed the extension of the king's sorrow, and fixed it with himseltj for al- though Englishmen are not so much enslaved by nationality but that they are ready to admit into their out-stretched arms a foreigner that is worthy of their embrace, yet they certainly have no well ^rounded affection towards those that evidently hate them because they are English ; hew could they like such persons? But the wishes of the whole community were for the safety and honour of the son of Edward III. him that is commonly called *' The Black Prince." For his premature death all the nation was immersed in unaffected grief and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 495 melancholy, but yet in his case, one comfort at the time arose that he had left a son behind him who might inherit the virtues of his father, for it was thought then that he who was afterwards Richard II. would approve himself worthy of his illustrious parentage, and although he did not, still the vir- tues of the father led men to hope all things fav- ourable of his son, and the strength of this pleasing anticipation was sufficient to allay the rising de- spair that was gaining upon the people. As to the eldest son of Henry VII. ; he was certainly a young Prince of great sense and merit, but loved military power too much to prove a monarch of service to his successors, for it is a lamentable fact than when once an attachment to the army has been permanent in the affections of a sovereign to the other objects of his people's benefit that should claim his con- cern, it is seldom, or ever that the spirit is abated; on the contrary we see by the history of other na- tions that the flame of martial gloiy is ever prone to become higher and higher. We should observe however, that the parsimoniousness of Henry VII. had so far reduced this military tendency by the abolition of useless commands, that the people longing for a return of parade and bustle, were for- ward enough to admire the heroic properties of this Prince, and consequently their grief was very acute when he was taken away from them ; it was how- 496 LIFE OF THE ever assuaged in no small degree by the pledges of future greatness which his brother, afterwards Henrv VIII. presented the nation with in his per- son. This young Prince was highly accomplished, and master of a large stock of deep knowledge which he graced with the most comely make and appearance that the human form could have, and however ill he turned out, his rising virtue augur- ed most fair, and had it not been for the impetuo- sity of his passions, indulged and cherished by a servile tribe of flatterers, he might have proved as great a blessing to tliose he governed, as he had been remarked for an eccentric wickedness among governors. So that the persons then who had the discernment to see through character, and not weak or credulous to be dazzled out of their discretion, did not regret the departed Prince much more than they reckoned upon all things favourable from the merits of the one that was preserved to them. Upon the demise of Edward VI, all hearts were sorely touched, but tlie national grief was consider- abh' mitigated by the length of time that he was apparently hastening to the sepulchre, he was not cut off in the bloom of youth, but m the precocity of old age, his October began in the Spring of his existence; and when he did quit tlie theatre of this mortal life, the happy reign of Ehzabelh ren- dered it a questionable point whether it was not ail PEINCESS CHAULOTTK. 497 for the best, he might have lived to an advanced period, and the able and sound female monarch that came after him might have been thereby precluded from benefiting the country by her glorious admi- nistration. The eldest son of James I. who died early, had engaged the good will and admiration of all his contemporaries, but like the son of Henry, and indeed in a still greater degree, he was given up to military notions, that might have illustrated the power of the kingdom more than promoted its happiness and liberties. But in these instances the loss was in no case so well calculated for public re- gret, and lamentable, as in that of our beloved and dear Princess Charlotte. They had severally their merits and excellent properties, but her Royal Highness possessed every thing that was noble, christian and humane; her spirit was high, and humble were her prepensions, her charity was un- common for one reared up in plenty and a stranger to want, and yet there was no ostentation, no vain glory in her, she had good qualities, but was never in pain to set them off, she was virtuous without the incentive of obtaining praise, and yet she was fully alive to commendation, and always seemed to be pleased with any encomiums that were be- stowed upon her when she thought herself deserv- ing of them. Such transcendent virtues could not ftiil to attach very close a people like the British to 3s 498 LIFE OF THE those who possessed them, but when these proper- ties were affixed to a lovely young woman a sort of private affection, as she was a virtuous female, was mixed up in our respect for her as she was a royal person, and thus no death in Europe could have come within many degrees of the deep impression which the untimely end of Princess Charlotte made upon the minds of all. The first thing done by the Prince Regent after the woeful news was told him, he dispatched tne Duke of York and Lord Bathurst to Claremont to offer the afflicted husband apartments in Carlton House, that his feelings might be spared tiie sad pain of seeing all the dismal remembrances of his recent happiness before him, so soon after that hap- piness was crushed eternally. This was the con- siderate thought which struck his Royal Highness when the tidhigs were brought to him that all was over. He was then just setting out for Claremont, having been assured that the Princess was doing as w^U as possibly could be expected, and however devoid of perfect satisfaction the whole communi- cation might have been, still there was much com- fort in the state of her Royal Highncss's health, and there was room for indulging hope: but now what remained of that sweetner of human calami- ty ? nothing. No more the pleasant countenance of the charming daughter was to give a cheerful PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 499 salutation at the father's visiting, there was at once an end of her and of her issue. His Royal High- ness behaved in a manner that showed the feelings and the fortitude of a man ; he struggled to hide the violence of keen affection, but he laboured in vain, his thoughts agitated his entire frame and threw him into a paroxysm of agony, but his Royal Highness being cupped and having had some blood let, grew much better, or rather composed the tu- multuous raging of his distressed mind. Her Majesty was very speedily apprized of the delivery of the Princess, and although the tidings were far from being matter of joy, yet the consol- ation that her Royal Highness M'as going on so happily relieved the anxiety of the Queen, and made the disappointment tolerable. It was but a quarter of an hour after the messenger arrived that the Queen had appointed the time for receiving the address of the corporation of Bath. When the de- putation, headed by the Marquis of Camden, had paid their compliments, they repaired to the public hall to dine together ; the party consisting of the most distinguished persons at that time in Bath, and among others of the Duke of Clarence, who had come along with his royal mother, of Sir Henry Halford, and of all the chief attendants upon her Majesty ; but as they were engaged at the enter- tainment, impressed by tlie late news ithey had 500 LIFE OF THE heard without pleasure or much pain, a letter, a mortal letter was delivered into the hands of Sir Henry Halford, he after reading it over, gave it to the Duke of Clarence, and his Royal Highness with looks of ineffable grief, rose up and departed from the assembly, When the Duke was seen thus suddenly withdrawing, all present feared the worst ; and they quickly received a confirmation of what they apprehended from the faltering lips of the Marquis of Camden, who proposed an im- mediate stop to the festivities of the day, and, actu- ated by one mind, they got up all, deeply absorded in silent distress, and quitted individually the room, as if each had been summoned to behold the corpse of his Avife or of his child. The express of the dreadful circumstance was dispatched for her Ma- jesty at Bath, by Lord Sidmouth before six o'clock on Thursday morning, as soon as his Lordship had reached town, but with great prudence the letter was to be given to General Taylor, and he was to be made acquainted with the melancholy nature of it before it was put into her Majesty's hand, that whatever favourable incident might occur to pro- mote the breaking off, should not lose its influence by a forward way of making the dismal communi- cation. Upon the coming of the messenger, her Majesty was at dinner with Princess Elizabeth, the DoAvagcr Countess of Ilchester and several other PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 501 attendants. One of the pages was requested to call out the General, but he knowing such a thing to be contrary to etiquette was unwilling to do it at first ; he was at length prevailed upon to tell the General that he was wanted upon some urgent business, he complied, and went into the room and told him. General Taylor, himself over- powered by the distressing information, was at a loss for means to impart it to her Majesty ; but adopting the best plan he could think of, he desired that the Countess of Ilchester should by called out. As soon as her Ladyship re-entered the room, the Queen changed colour ; Oh ! cried her Majesty, I know, I know some fatal thing has happened, and looking with extreme penetration and agonizing" earnestness at the Countess, heard the direful news, and for a while was without motion, then she placed her hand before her eyes, and heaved a convulsive sigh. Princess Elizabeth shrieked, and all was every where deep sorrow and lamentation in this house of mourning. Her Majesty and the Princess retired to bed. I know that people have some of them, it is hoped a few only, considered the grief of the Queen to be very moderate, but there is a pleasure in cruelty which leads us to indulge it, and is apt to transport us beyond reason and truth: let it be so, but cluirity will always accompany a good mind, and dispose it to favour. Her Majesty 502 tIFE OF THE was desirous of setting out immediately from Bath, but was really unable to go till the following day ; she took no breakfast till a late hour, and even then eat hardly any thing, but was much relieved by the letters that she wrote to Prince Leopold, and the afflicted father. [^Takenjrom a respectable Newspaper.'^ ** The Prince Regent was relieved in body by the operation of cupping, but his mental sufferings appeared to be as acute as ever. On the 9th, at half past seven, his Royal Highness received a visit from the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, who, on receiving the lamentable information, immedi- ately set off for town.. The Duchess, on her arrival at Carlton House, partly on account of the shocking event of the death of the Princess, partly on wit- nessing the deep affliction which seemed almost to overwhelm her royal brother, was so dreadfully agi- tated, that it became necessary to detain her Royal Higlmess ; and, after some time, she was prevailed upon to retire for the purpose of repose. The Duke of Gloucester then proceeded to Claremont. The Prince Regent, in the mean time, having been ap- prized of the effect which their mutuil calamity had produced on the Queen and Princesses at Windsor, determined to repair thither, in the iiope, perhaps of finding some alleviation, however slight, for his affliction, by sharing it with tliose scarcely PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 508 less interested in it than himself. His Royal High- ness went alone, and travelled with the blinds of his carriage down. " In the more immediate vicinity of Claremont, the symptoms of sorrow were most strongly marked. The houses of Esher and Kingston, Avhere prepa- rations had been made for bonfires, on the safe de- livery of the Princess, were actually shut, as if a death had happened in almost every family there. Her safe delivery had been announced at Esher, and the bells immediately set up a merry peal, and they were actually ringing when the dreadful news of her decease arrived. It came upon the inhabitants of Esher like a thunderbolt, or like the sudden ravage of an earthquake ; it was felt the more as it came unlocked for and unexpected. Grief and consternation were imprinted upon every counte- nance the mother looked as if she had lost her child, the husband as if he had lost his wife, the brother as if he had lost a sister, and all looked as if they had lost a friend. It was in tlie imiriediate vicinity of Claremont that her virtues were best known ; it was there that her real worth was duly appreciated. The eminence of her station while she lived, was such as to attach the utmost importance to her minutest actions. How much more then must her death fix attention; and if, as there is every reason to believe, the qualities of 504 LIFE THE her heart, and the powers df her understanding were calculated to adorn the station for which she appeared destined, and to promote the happiness of those whom she was to govern how must her loss exact sorrow and regret ! One of our best historians, in speaking of the premature death of an heir-apparent to the British throne, says, " Con- temporary historians are fond of dwelling on the virtues of this Prince." It is, indeed, only from contemporary writers, or contemporary opinion, that the characters of persons born to high rank, but who have not been spared to act their parts in the theatre of public life, can be known to pos- terity. That the stati6n of the Princess was the most eminent to which mortals are born, or can aspire, is undeniable; and, it is therefore fitting for posterity to know, that the promise and earnest v/hich she had aftbrded of a capacity to fill that sta- tion with usefulness and honour, was evmced by the unqualified grief of all her countrymen for her loss. Sut^h a period of sorrow and dismay has but rarelv occurred in the history of the nation. Some events are magnified by those among whom they take place, for the same reason that objects appear greater in proportion as they arc near; but the present, lamentable as it is, being still more likely to affect in its consequences, than in its immediate occurrence, cannot well be overvalued by contem- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 505 poraries. Let the nation well consider how pos- terity may have to speak of the event in their nar- ratives. Among any people, with whom the law of primogenture prevails in the claims to the crown, an uninterrupted succession from father to son, or from father to daughter, in direct descent, is of great importance to public order. At all events then, a turn in the succession must here occur. INIay the new one, from whomsoever it springs, still lead to national honour and prosperity ! But it is interesting to know, that she to whom we have for twenty years looked for a continuation of the old line, was not likely to fall below its most valu- able antecedent members in solid virtue and worth ; and, that the British nation, both personally and politically, loved her whilst living, and lament her when dead. " From these reflections (and similar ones that crowd upon the mind on every view of this melan- choly subject), we turn to that now desolate man- sion, where perhaps the most hopeless hapless man in the country at the present moment, the wretched Prince T^eopold, lies in all the agony of his grief Let not the disappointment be mentioned of that hope and promise of being the root from which the future sovereigns of the freest nation upon earth were to proceed " Thou shalt have Kings of thine own, tho' thou be none" but of the utter defeat 3 T 506 LIFE OP THE and destruction of all those prospects of domestic liappiness, which not a month since appeared so bright and unclouded. On that day three weeks we find him accompanying the Princess in one of those rides she tooVabout the grounds of Claremont, con- versing, as we may easily conceive, upon the future sketching plans of domestic happiness in their new characters of father and mother fancying them- selves abeady surrounded by their offspring pur- suing the story of their happy lives long into the future and promising themselves * That which should accompany old age. As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends.' All these things we may well imagine to have been the subject-matter of their converse. And now, three weeks only elapsed nay, not so much ! ** His Serene Highness was beginning to assume a settled kind of composure when the circumstance of the embalming of the body of the Princess so horrified him, that he appeared to shun every con- solation which was offered to him. The body of the Princess was indeed embalmed before Prince Leopold was aware of the operation ; for it was supposed, that he might be the more affected by it, as the ceremony, though observed from time im- memorial, with respect to the corpses of the Kng- lish Koval Familv, is unknown in most of the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. BOt foreign courts, and Vv, in fact,' under all its eircum- stances of manirTmg, as vt'CiI as useless indecorum, revolting to the heart. When his Highness was at last informed of it, he heard it with much agita- tion ; and from that moment he regained not the composure which he had at least seemed to acquire. " It has been stated that his INIajesty gave di- rections, on the demise of his beloved daughter Amelia, that the barbarous practice of embalming, a relic transmitted to us from the age of tlie grossest barbarism, should be dispensed with, considering it. as indecent and absurd. " It miglit have been useful at a period when the body was kept for several weeks in state, and with- out being enclosed in lead. But now it can be re- tained only on the score of precedent. " On the demise of any member of the Royal Family, it is the duty of the Serjeant Surgeon of the King to embalm the body. Accordingly Sir P' verard Home had an audience of the Prince Hegent, on the Thursday morning; and on the following day he repaired to Claremont, accompanied by Sir David Dundas and .Mr. Braiide, to perform tlie melancholy task, in which they were assisted by Mr. Neville the surgeon to the household at CI ireinont. At the same time it has been understood tl:;:t to sa- tisfy the anxious and tortured feeling of all those who most tenderly loved the Princess, as well as 5(>S LIFi: OF THi: to justify the medical practitioners, it was deter- mined to ascertain the proximate cause of her sud- den demise. The following is an accurate statement of the appearances these gentlemen observed : " The membranes of the brain presented their na- tural aspect. The vessels of the pia mater were less distended with blood than was to be expected after so severe a labour. The ventricles of the brain contained very little fluid. The plexus cho- roides was of a pale colour, and the substance of the brahi had its natural texture. " The pericardium (the region of the heart) con- tained two ounces of re:l-coloured fluid. The heart ilseif and the lungs were in a natuv:'! i,tate. The stomach contained nearly three pints of liquid- The colon was distended with air. The kidneys and other abdominal viscera were in a na- tural state." The foregoing narrative throws very little light upon the immediate cause of the death of the Prin- cess. The fluid found in the pericardium might have obstructed the due action of the heart ; but it is not easy to account lor its presence there, nor to conceive tliat so large a quantity could have been effused dunng the short space of time that super- vei.ed to delivery, before the breathing became im peded. The quantity of the blood which was found in the womb might have induced exhaustion; PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 509 but this opinion can only be conjectural, as it is impossible to draw any certain inference from the rather indefinite expression *' considerable" con- tained in the Report of the surgeons. Conjecture, indeed, has been busy, and a nuaiber of casual cir- cumstances has been brought forward to account for the dissolution ; some of which are ungenerous- ly and unguardedly, not to say maliciously calcu- lated to attach blame to the medical attendaif ts ; but we must consider such expositions as unjust to the individuals concerned, and in no degree ho- nourable to the profession. We have been inform- ed that the whole of the Royal Family are liable to the spasms of a violent description ; and to this hereditary predisposition, and the increased excit- ability of tlie amiable sufferer, owing to the tedious nature of the labour, are we left to ascribe an event which has destroyed the flattering hopes of the nation. Such being the statement of the case, let us ex- amine how far it justifies tlie proceedings of those to whom the management of it was confided. In pursuing this inquiry, we follow, as the best guide, the two eminent professional gentlemen who edit the "London Medical Repository," and if tiiis be censurable in the opinion of some, a counter balance to the dissatisfaction of these will be found in the certain assurance that all judicious men will be well 510 LIFE OF THE pleased to see us take such competent peisons to direct us. We are told in the first place that her Royal Highness was in perfect health prcNious to her confine; ent; that her spirits were exce^^ent, and her mij-d anticipaiing r,o evil. Here then there was nothing to dread, nor can we discover any reason for such an anxiety on the part of Sir Richard Croft, as should have made him foresee the necessity of a consultation. The high rank of the patient did not render her situation the more precarious ;* and although a matter of mere pru- dence, and to lessen his own responsibility, Sir Richard might have had some of the principal ac- coucheurs in attendance; yet, if such a circumstance had been known to the Princess, it would undoubt- edly have diminished her confidence in lier ac- coucheur; and probably have produced a state of mind, unfavourable at all times in her situation. In the case of any other female. Sir Richard would have felt himself fully adequate to his task ; and why, it may rationally be demanded, should the confidence of a man in himself be diminished, be- cause the person he has to attend holds the most elevated rank in society ? The progress of the It is reported of the crafty Napoleon, that when lie saw the aicoii- cheur of the Empress Maria Louisa begin to be nrrvous, he clapped liiin on ll'.e shoulders, with this admonition, ''' You have a womai in your hands." PRINCESS CHARLOTTE.. 511 labour, after it commenced, was slow, but it pro- ceeded regularly ; and, although Sir Richard Croft found it necessary to call Dr. Sims into attendance in case a consultation should have been found to be requisite; yet, so little was it then required, that Dr. Sims was not introduced into the lying-in room. The animadversions tliat have been made upon this part of the proceedings, have been loud and severe- but surely the opinions of Dr. Eaillie and Dr. Sims, and that of Sir Richard Croft also, who were upon the spot, and thoroughly acquainted with every circumstance C(^nnected with the case, must be re- ceived with more confident trust than the opinions of persons wholly ignorant of the particulars, and misled bv their imaoinations or the floatino- rumours of the moment. Every one, although not of the the profession, who has been frequently in lying-in rooms, must be satisfied that no prognostic of danger can be founded on tlie tardiness alone of a labour, unless the period it occupies far exceed the lenglli of Princess Charlotte's. xVfter the birth, when the irregularity in the process of nature, which had supervened, was discovered, the separation of the after-birth was undertaken according to Dr. inina advice, and tlie propriety of the measure was e^ i- dent from the consequences. The labour was ter- minated witliout any untoward circumstance. The sickness and spasm upon the respiratory organs 512 LIFE OF THE which succeeded, could not have been foreseen, nor can their appearance be accounted for by any thinpj immediately connected with the accouchment. ^Vhen they unfortunately made their appearance, the state of the case was of a nature which required the most prompt assistance ; and accordingly we find Dr. Baillie and Dr. Sims at the bed-side of the patient ; and can it be supposed, as we have before said, that whatever skill, judgment, and experience could accomplish was not attempted. It is true, we have not been informed of the remedies which were employed; but can we doubt of their having been the most proper, when the patient was in such hands ; Let us suppose, for the sake of argu- ment, that the Princess had been in other hands, that the same circumstances had occurred, and that further advice had been deemed essential, who of the profession was the most likely person to have been called in ? Does not the idea of Dr. Baillie instantly present itself to the mind : and if his ad- vice, when so demanded, would have been consi- dered as the best, whatever might have been the re- sult, was it less valuable because he was upon the spot; and can we admit, what almost involves an absurdity, that he would be less energetic in this case than in others? Thus we must admit, that the best assistance was procured that the country could afford ; that every thing was done which the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. ' 513 skill of the physicians could dictate ; and will any member of the profession who regards candour take upon him to say, that in a similar case, were it now before him, and the result equally uncertain, he could positively save the patient? That the better informed and the reflecting part of the com- munity will be satisfied with the plain statement of the facts, there can be little doubt : but to sup- j)ose that the prejudiced and the ignorant shall be silenced, would be to hope for what has never yet occurred. But if the ability and attention of the physicians be admitted, is the profession itself to be undervalued ? That may be the case with those who consider the science of medicine, as consisting merely of a catalogue of specifics, each of which is capable of rcmo\ing some particular disease : but it ougiiL to be generally known, that tlic more able and exj)eriencc(i a j)hysician is the less reliance does he place upon the sj^ecific effects of remedies. The great object of the "cal ph\sician is to discover the pro])er indications that sugij;est the use of the re- medies ; it is thi:.s which tiie science loaches ];!:/;, and in which the excellence of i\>c art is fixed, liiit, allliough the remedy whici; is adaiinistered may be the best ada})t('d to secure tiie intention el' t!;e ])re- scriber, and the symptoms agreeably to whicli il is a|)plied be cleai]\ and unctjuivoeally ascertained: and, althongli success muy have iblloVfCd its use in 3 u 514 LIFE OF THE every other case, in which it has been as clearly in- dicated, yet, no physician can venture positively to assure the patient of the certainty of the same re- sult in his particular case. But the art of medicine is not to be disparaged because it wants perfection; the benefit which mankind have received from it should not be concealed. It often averts approach- ing evils ; it often turns aside the fatal dart already levelled at the victim ; and when it does fail, no- thing more is proved than that the highest efforts of human skill come infinitely short of infallibility. It is of great importance to impress upon the fe- male mind that the state of pregnancy is not a state of disease ; that the process of childbirth is a natural operation, very rarely attended with danger in a healthy and well-formed woman ; and that even in cases of deformity, the resources of nature are cap- able of meeting obstacles, apparently insurmount- able. The case of the Princess cannot be quoted in opposition to these truths. It is an anomalous case, which goes for nothing, when weighed against those which have been illustrated by the experi- ence of centuries. But, at the same time, those about to be mothers should be informed, that im- patience and irritation may render an ojKTation otherwise safe in itself, critical and uncertain, where- as nothing contributes so much to facilitate it and ensure the safety of both mother and child, as PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 515 patience, fortitude and composure of mind, second- ed by entire confidence in the medical attendant. And yet it must be acknowledged that it is not in the power of a woman, particularly one that is de- licately brought up, to overcome the terrors and starts of apprehension that will rise whether she will or no in her mind ; every person therefore round her ought to be cheerful, and never look at her with a desponding or awful eye, for the confi- dent expectation tliat others entertain or seem to entertain, gives her the best prop to rest upon and strengthens her spirit, whereas a gloomy counte- nance evidently put on for her precious sake by her relatives or friends is enough to frighten her into dreadful anticipations, and make her quite nervous, and nervousness is a cruel enemy to the safe passage through her travail. Gentlemen of ail professions are so fond of mystery making, that we are not generally to look for a free and unfettered behaviour in a physician, but when a carelessness of manner happens to be associated with a real thoiightfulness in him, every body ought to cry up his faUiC and recommend him to practice, not only as a thing that is due to individual merit, but through the laudable motives besides of preserving lixes of worth, or even such as are of little value, because the worst of us may in time be gocid for something. Let us take notices of this kind with caution not- 516 MFE OF THE withstanding, for a physician may be a very able man in his line, and yet have no marks of his skill in his manner of behaving himself, that indeed is possible. An urn was made for the reception of those parts which were separated from the body for the purpose of embalming. When the operation was over, the body was enclosed in several wrappers made stiff with wax, and these were covered with an invelop of blue velvet tied with white ribbands. The peo- ple were in general very much dissatisfied with the process resorted to of embalming the Princess, and the obvious reason was the violation of tiiat decent respect for the body of a deceased person which the common flock of manldnd feelingly wish to be shown it. The great induiitry employed in search- ing out the time it was first practised in seems to be altogether unnecessary to prove the folly and weakness of keeping up the custom. The earliest traces are to be found amongst the Goths, a bar- barous tribe or rather race of mortals who over-ran the civilized world, and turned the refinements of ages into utter barbarism and confusion, and formed abject slaves out of the dainty characters that Jiad made inthose days very splendid ap])earancc,s. Althc-- nothing sanctioned by sucl) a people can be mucli to the credit of it, what it may be soever, notwith- standing wc bliould not be hasty in consigning all PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 517 things to the score of reprehensibility which were done by these Goths, for they were a rougli and manly generation, and consequently may have possessed some shining virtues among them, or at least their customs might be taken in a light that evinced them to have one good property or other : as in the present case to embalm a body was to preserve the earthly relic of a friend, and rescue his tabernacle from ruin and decay. But the nature of the operation is itself sufficient to make the act odious in the eyes of the discernini^* and sober, for the spark of animation being once out, all that re- mains for us to do is to commit dust to dust, we, revering the mind of the dead, will naturally ab- stain from showing indifference to the sepulchre of the body, but it is hard to conceive the benefit tbnt can arise from any artificial preservation of it. i\\trenies are nearly allied, that is, ahigli degree of refinement and an absolute grossness of manner ; politeness smooths the words of a speaker, and imparts a gloss even to his vices, the bending of one's opinion to the opinion of another, or tlie flex- ibility of an overstrained courtesy seems to imply this adaptation of a refined undt^rstanding to be at once cruel and engaging, to be brutal without having any fierceness, and to be pleasing and yet pernicious. So tliat it is with this flishion of embalming as it is with other things, it may be 518 LIFE OF THE good or bad, for all the arguments that the usage of it among barbarians can afford us either way ; only indeed if it be meant by the frightful name of Gn "Dublin Castle, SunJay Morning. " I have the ver}'' painful task of informing your LordJ^hip, that a messenger arrived this morn- ing Willi the melancholy intelligence of the death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte. I enclose a copy of the Gazette Extraordinary which was published in London. I have the honour to be, my Lord, your very faithful Servant, R. Peel. "To the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor." It is with the deepest sorrow that we announce the melancholy event of the decease of the Princess Charlotte, which took place at Claremont at half past two o'clock on Thursday morning, after her Royal Highness had given birth to a still born infant son. We must suffer our readers to collect the particulars from the statements of the London papers, and the official documents, all of which we copy in the fullest detail. The accounts of this double-headed calamity were received in town yesterday, and certainly no circumstance which has PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 527 occurred within our recollection ever caused to the public feeling so general and agonizing a shock. The sensation which was produced was not simply that of disappointment, or pity, or grief it had in it much more of consternation ! Every countenance expressed astonishment and anguish every indi- vidual felt as if suddenly overwhelmed by ses The Princess Charlotte Augusta, and JPiance Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg ; November 6, 1817. Yrom the London Gazette, Nov. 22d. On Tuesday evening the 18th inst., at half-past 5 o'clock, the remains of her late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte Augusta and of the Royal infant were privately conveyed from Claremont to Windsor, escorted by a detachment of the 10th, or Prince Regent's own, Royal Hussars, which was relieved at Egham by a party of the Royal Horse Guards (Blue), in the following order : A mourning coach, drawn by 6 horses, in which were the remains of the Royal Infant and the Urn, attended by Colonel Addcnbrooke, Equerry to her late Royal Highness, and Sir Robert Gardiner, K. C. B., Aide- de-Camp and Equerry to the Prince Leopold. The HEARSE, drawn by eight horses. A mournin|[ coach, drawn by 6 horses, conveying his Serene Highness the Prince Leopold, attended by Baron de Hatdenbrock, Aide-de- Camp and Equerry, and Dr. Stockman, Physician to his Serene High- ness. A mouniing coach, drawn by 4. horses, conveying Lady John Thynne, one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber to Her late Royal Highness ; Mrs. Campbell, one of the Women of the BeJc!:anibcr to Hjt late Royal Highness ; and Lady Gardiner. k * ^^ PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 535 A mourning coach, drawn by 4 horses, conveying Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Cronberg, Attendants on Her late Royal Highness, and Mrs. Phillipg, Housekeeper. A mourning coach, drawn by 4 horses, conveying Dr. Short, Chaplaia to His Serene Highness, His Majesty's Gentleman Usher, and two Officers of the Lord Cliamberlaia's Department. Upon the arrival of the procession at Windsor, the first coach, convey* ing the remains of the PiOyal Infant and the urn. proceeded direct to 9t. George's chapel, were the same as were received by the Dean of Windsat and T. B. IMash, F,sq. of the Lord Chamberlain's department, and de- posited in the royal vault : the cofEn of the Royal Infant being borne from the coach to the vault by four, and the urn by two. Yeomen of the Guard. Tiie hearse proceeded into the frotit Court of the Lower Lodge, and the body was placed under a canopy in the apartment pre- pared for its reception. His Serene Highness was received and conducted to his apartments by Sir George Nayler, Knight, and Hale Young Wortham, Esq. the King's Gentleman Usher in Wailing, attended by the officers of the Lord Chamberlain. On Wednesday evening the 19th inst. soon after 8 o'clock, the remains of her late Royal Highness were removed from the lower Lodge to St. George's chapel, in tlie following order : .Servants and Grooms of iier late Royal Highness and of his Serene Highness, on foot, in deep mourning. Z. Servants and (iroonis of tlio Pi.nyal Family, tiie Pritice Regent, ** - and their Majesties, on foot, in full state liveries, witli S. - crape hat-hands, and l)]aek gloves, four and four, ^ : bearin;^ flambeaux. ~ c ~ 3 -^- The full Land of tli Royal Horse Guards Blue. ^ I THE IIKARSE. % r (Dra-.vn by eiglit oi' his Royal Highness the Prince Regent's ^ 5. black horses, lully caparisoned, 3- I each horse attended by a i^room in full stale livery.) = 536 LIFE OF THE I His Majesty's body carriage ^ f (Dnnvn by a full set of his Majesty's horses, eacii horse attended ^ S by a groom in full state livery J g. ? conreving ? ^ ^* _; His Screr.c Highness the Prince Leopold, ~ J S Cliief Mourner, j| g and B ^ Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence. S Supporters to the Chief Mourner. S The carriages of the Prince Regent, the Royal Family, and the Prince Leopold, each drawn by six horses, closed the procession. The whole procession from the lower Lodge to St. George's Cliapel was flanked by the military, every fourth man bearing a flambeau. Upon arrival at St. George's chapel, the servants, grooms, and band, filed off" without the south door. At the entrance the Dean and Canons, attended by the choir, received the body and the procession, (which had been formed under the direction of Sir George Nayler, Knt. York Herald, executing this part of the duty on behalf of Garter), being flanked by the Foot Guards, every fourth man bearing a flambeau, moved down the south aile, and up the nave, in the following order : Poor Kuights of Windsor. Pages oi'thfir Royal Highnesses the Princesses Augusta, Elizabetli, and Srrphia, Mr. Harding, ^Ir. Moore, Mv. GoIIop. Pages of tlie Prince Leopuiii, ^Ir. Aniiucrshnber, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Fairbairn, Mr. Hcwjtt, Mr. Hcuck, Mr. Bn^'ster, I-RINCESS CIIAULOTTE. 537 Mr. James Sims, Mr. Thomas Poole, Jlr. Henry Forschiitz, Mr. Paul Mechin. Pages of His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester , Mr. Hart, Mr. J. Moss, Mr. J. Venables. Pages of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, Mr. Urlin, Mr. Sams. Pages of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, Mr. Reblounie, Mr. Blackman. Pages of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, Mr. Salisbury, Mr. Gasi)ei Perelion, Mr. J. Ball, Mr. Paulet. Pages of his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, Mr. Redwood, Mr. Jemmett, Mr. Hult, Mr. Robinson. Pages of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. Mr. Lumley, Mr. Silvester, Mr*. Gibbon, Mr. Worley, Mr. Kendal, Mr. Frantz, Mr. Goodes, Mr. Sliell, Mr. Palte. Pages of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, riz. Pages of the Back Stairs, Samuel Wharton, Charles Becht, Benjamin Lucas. Pages of the Presence, Joseph luce, Thomas Messenger, John Dobell, George Wedgberrow. Pages of the Bed-Chamber. Jenkins Stradling, Joseph Norden, Robert Jenkins, Samuel BowteU, John Wood, Charles Downes, E^qrs. Pages of Her Majesty. Christopher Papeiidick, 3 1. F. Grobecker, William Duncan, Daniel Robinson, F.sqi,--. Pages of His Majesty, Joseph Bott, John Clarke, Ai'.thony Healey, William Baker, 3 z 538 IJFE OF THE John Bott, Heniy Cooper, W. Snart, Es'^rg. Solicitor to her 'ute Kciyal Hi^^hness, John Smallpeice, (vent. Apothecaries of her late Royal Highness, Mr. Riciiard Vt'alker, Mr. E. Braiide. Surgeons of her late Royal Highness, Mr. Neville, Mr. Robert Keate. Rector of the Parish of Ksher, Reverend J. Dagle. Sergeant Surgeons to tlie King, Sir David Dundas, Bart. Sir Everard Home, Bart. Physician to the Prince Leopold, Christian Stockmar, M. 1). Physicians who attended her late Royal Highness, John Sims, M. D. Matthew Baillic, M. D. Sir Richard Croft, Bart. M. D. Chaplains to her Royal Highness and to His S. H. the Prince Leopold. The Rev. Alex. Starkey, The Rev. William Kuper, The Rev. J. Hammond, The Rev. Dr. Short. Eqr.erry to her late Royal Highness, Lieut. Col. the Hon. Henry Percy. Equerries to His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Edmund Currey, Esq. Lieut. Col. Samuel G. Higgins. Equerries to I'.i^ Royal Highne3s the Duke of Cam[)ridge, Captai;; Wliite, Lieut. Col. Count Linsingen. Equerry to his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, H. F. Stephenson, Esq. Eijuerries to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumherlaixi, Captain Jones, Muj, r Frederick Poten, Colonel Charles Wade Tlioriitoii. Equerries to his Royal Highness the Duke of Koi.t, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry Carr, K. C. B. Major Gen. James IMoore, Lieut. Gen. Fjed. Augustus Weathir..:,. Kqnorrie^ to his Royal Highness the Duke of York, Lieut.-Col. the Hen. James Stanhope, Lieut.-Col. Dola^icy P. !rclq. Privv I'll--' .tiiil I'livate Scrret try lo ilie Pniu'.- Regent, Tl'.f Riijiii n<'-.i. >^ir Bc;ijainiii Hloo.u'.icld. 510 LIFE OF THE Lords of the Prince Regent's Bedchamber, The Right Hon, Lord Amherst, The Ri(?ht Hon. Lord Graves, The Earl Delawarr, Lord Viscount Lake, Lord James Murray, Lord Viscount Melbourne, The Marquis of Headfort, Lord Charles Spencer. E, Townsend, Esq. Windsor Herald, acting for Norroy, King of Arms. The Rt. Hon. Lord EUeiiboro-igh, The Rt. Hon. Lord Grenville, The Lord Bishop of Exeter, The Ld. Bp. of Salisbury, C. G. The Lord Bishop of London. The Minister of State of Hanover, and the Minister of Saxony, Count Munster, Baron de Just. The Deputy Earl Marshal. Lord Henry T. Howard Blolyneux Howard, Tne Earl of Chichester. The Marquis Cornwallis. The Marquis of Salisbury, K, G. His Majesty's Ministers, viz. The Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, The Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, The Right Hon, George Canning, The Hight Hon. N. Vansittart, Lord Viscount Sidmouth, Lord Viscount Melville, Lord Viscount Castlereagh, K. G. The Earl of Mulgrave, The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl Bathurst, K. G. ' The Earl of Westmoreland, K. G. The Earl of Harrowby, Lord Privy Seal. Lord President of the CounciL The Right Honourable liOrd Eldon, Lord High Chancellor. His Grace the Arclibishop of Canterburj'. Choir of Windsor. Canons of Whulsor. Dean of Wind.^or. Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, The Earl of Macclesfield. The Groom of the TThe Lord Steward of Hi"'^ The King's Master Stole, J Majesty's Household, f of the Horse, Tha Marquis of J The Marquin of Cholmon- T The Duke of Mon- Winchester. ^ d!ey. J trose, K. B. PRINCESS CHAKLOTTE. 511 Supporter, n. Y. Wortham, Esq. one of his Majesty's Gen- tlemen Ushers. Ralph Bigland, Esq. Norroy, acting for Clarenceux King of Arnns. The Coronet of her late RoyaP Highness, borne upon a black velvet cushion, by Col. Adden- - brooke. Equerry to Her late Royal Highness. Supporter, R. Chester, Esq. Gentleman h sher of the Privy Chamber. Supporter, J. Pulman, Esq. Supporter, T Garter Principal King of Arms,' W. Woods, Esq. ^ Sir Isaac Heard, Knt. ( bearing his sceptre. Secretary to the Lord^ The Lord Chamberlain of J The Vice Chamber- /his Majesty's Householi Chamberlain. J. Calvert, Esq. Supporter of the pall, the Right Honourable Lady Ellenborough. Supporter of the pal], the Right Honourable Lady Grenville. H. R. HlGUNKSS i 4 ,K.G.3 The M. of Hertford THE BODY, Covered with a black velvet pall, adorned with eight escocheons of her late Royal Highness's arms, the Coffin carried by eiclit Yeomen of the Guanis, under a canopy of black velvet, borne by eight Gen- tlemen Ushers. lam, Viscount Joct'lyn. Supporter of the pa!l, the Right Honoura!;Ie Lady Arden. Thk D. ofCiakf.nce, CHH'.F .MOl'RNER, in a long black cloak, his train borne bv Hear Ad- Supporter of the pall, the Right Honourable Lady Boston. H. ROVAI, HlGTIN-KSS TiiK DuKK OF York, in a long black cloak, his train borne by Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong, and Lieut. H. Skrenk Highness, ThePuINCE liKOfOLI), in a loiig black cloak, miral the Hon. Sir his trai:i borne by Henry Blackwood, Baron de Harden- Colonel Cooke, Aides- Bart, and the Hon. brock, and Lieutenant de-Camp to his Royal Courtenay Movie. CohuRl Sir Koborl Highness. Gardiner, K. C. B. Aidcs-de-Camp, and Fqiicrries to His SLrena Highness. 542 LIFE or THE II. R. 11. 'J'liE Di KE OF Sussiix, H.R. n. TwE D. or Cl-mbkiu.ani), ill a lon^^ [jlacri cloak, lii.s tr.iiii in a long black claak, hia tiain borne \>\- Major-General Sir borne by General V";. se, Coinp- George Towiisend Walker, G. C. trollcr of the Househiild, and B. Groom of the Bedchamber, Lieuleiiant General llenry and Major Perkins Magra, Wynyard, Groom of the B'jd- Equerry to his lloyal Ilig^hness. chamber of his R lyal Higl.ness. His Royal Highness the Dl'ke of Gloucester, in a long l)lack cloak, his train borne by Colonel Dalton, and Lieut.-Col. Cotton, Grooms of the Bedchamber of his Royal Highness. Lady Gardiner. Lady John Thynne, one of the Ladies of the Bed- chamber of her late Royal Highness. Women of the Bedchamber of her late Royal Highness. IVIiss Cli..rioite Cotes, :\I)S. 'Campbell. His Majesty's Establishment at Windsor, viz. Groom of the Slolo, The Earl of Winchilsea, K. G. Master of the Robes, Vice-Chambtrlain. The R'ght Hon. Lord Vernon. Lord John Thynne. Lords uf the Bedchamber, The Rt. Hon. Lord Rivers, The lU. Hon. Lord Somerville, The lU. Ho!'.. Lord Arcicii, Tiie III. H<;ii. Lord St. Helen's. Grjai;;s o! tn;' Beilch uib r, Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir A. Iv. The II(ai. Robert Folk Grevillc, Legge, K. C, B. Vice-Aiirnir,.! Sir Harry Neale, Bart. Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry I-'. Cn^p- K. ('. B. bell, K. C. B. Cl'-i'I; Martha), and First Kipierry, (riDcral Roi'jrt -Mairners. E;ju rrie-, General George Gavt!;, (jeneral Fran.cis Edward Gwynne, Lieut. -Gen. .Vir B. .-<,.ei . . ;, G. C. B. L .nt.-eien. W. Cartwright Lie,;t.-tT a. VV.;;i.ni \\'>.r,vard. .\.,i-.u-r Lt ' H'niseiiold, B^' J .'.. I ! Ciui.h-'s Si' I'li'j iVjii, Esq. }Jtr j.la,f>iy' K-' .Mi huiu-nt at Windsor, vL^ Master of the Horse, PRINCESS CHAltLOTTE. 543 Earl Ilarcourt. Treasurer of the Household, Vice-Chamberlain, Major-General Herbert Taylor, Edward Disbrowe, Esq. Equerries, Major-Gcn. Hon. Sir Ed. Stopford, K. C. B. Col. Hon. A. P. Upton. Ladies of her Majesty's Bedchamber. The Countess of Ilchcster, The Countess of MacclesP-ld, Viscountess Melville, M'omeii of her Majesty's Bedchamber, The Hon. Mrs. A. M. Egerton. The Right Hon. Lady Radstock, The Hon. ^Irs. Courteiiay Boyle. Gentlemen Usiiers. George N. Vincent, Esq, Charles Rooke, Esq. Thomas Gore, Esq. Ladies of the Bedchamber cf tlieir Royal Hij-hnei-es the Prl:;cesse3. Lady Mavy Powlett, Lady ALuy Taylor, Lady Elizabeth .Montaf,^u, Women of the Bedchamber of thtir Royal Highnesses the Princesses, Miss Dibbrowe, Lady Campbell, I\liss V'yse. Attendants on her late Royal HighnciS tlij PriiKxss CharJotte, ^Irs. Crunbery, Mrs. Lewi.-, ]\Irs. Piiillifis. AUenihiiiLs on her Mojes'y iw.d liie J^-:iiees.?es. Upon oiiter i;^;, ih,' c', ir, ihc lio.iy wa ni-K-^.l on :; plai'oru!, and the (^oio. LJt a:i i ';;-IiuM! i:i!^l !.;jo:i t'r C;)!!!:). 'J. hi' ti;'::;' ^Iiicriiirr sal on a cii.iir j'iuc.l ;or i.:j Ser(-iie ili^'iii --a: i!u' hca'; .Mui;'ily's Hmist iidiu ( n a ciiaii at the teel (.; the forp-:'. 'flu Ii 1 al Dukes, ai\i! ihf Xi'Miiiy. j\:'i ':;.; cf ;he CiarU r, oeenpietl tliuir re.-[)er'iive Stall- ; :a:',; U:'- Aii!:'.,-,;i /.: c snt',', Ofiijcrs ot the Hoiisc'ioal, aail other--, ol' l!u> pn,..' .io-i, wa : . j. .,'.;:;. n! to Ihi'li- respective liluces- '1 he (laiL of the Service bifijre tia' In.. aarea:, aea ',,ie .Vaihera. !)ein'j pertormed. the Beuly was d'ao^il!;! in ihe iloyal V'a'il!. 'i'ac Oiiice ot Ihirial he'iiir eiMiehuied, alter a r 'ii.rt [i aii-e, .'1; I.- ..;j II. an!. ICi.ieht. t:ar'< ; I'raaipal Kioi: ot Ann?, pr.a. laiiad Ife ny! ot i,.,- late Uo\a! Hiyhi'.ers .'S fdilu.vs; Til;".- il '. : ; '. . . '. \ani^!.ty iioA ..o taka ca' of tin; ;.-aij.-itorv hie vnitoliisDlNii.j r.M-.a^., the h'.te nio.-t 'iho-;ii(, us !'!;,,( -: Ci i.\ liLOJ'Tlv 544 LIFE OF TliE AUGUSTA, daughter of his Royal Hij^ness George Prince of Wales, Regent of this Unite,! Kingdom ; coiigort of his Serene Highness Leo- pold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, JIargrave of MFsnia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Prince of Cobourg of Saalfeld ; and grand-daughter of his ]\Iost Excellent JNIajesty George the Third, by the Grace cf God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, whom God bless and preserve with long life, health, and honour, and all worldly happiness. All Wednesday was a day of most solemn and devout observance, not only in this vast metropolis, throughout all sects and denominations of Chris- tians and even Jews, but throughout the whole realm. The Churches were generally opened as on Sunday, and were crowded in a remarkable de- gree ; appropriate discourses were delivered ; and in the few instances where these were omitted, the cause was, that the sermon had been already preached on the preceding Sunday. In one or two instances, where only the ordinary service for Wednesday was performed, the churches were still filled in the expectation of a discourse. The Lessons and Psalms were in general suited to the melancholy occasion ; and affecting lectures were delivered on the instability of human greatness, the uncertaintv of human hfe, and the duties to be dis- charged, or the conduct to be observed, under the severest of human calamities. Wherever the pieaclier alluded personally in his discourse to the deceased ob'ect wliose funeral was the occasion of PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 545 their assembling together, tlie minds of the hearers, as well as his own, wei*e but too promptly indicated by their tears. The parochial churches and the different chapels under the establishment exhibited the signs of public grief, by covering pulpits, desks, and galleries, with the sable emblems of mourning. Beside the shops being shut up with a strictness equal to the observation of the sabbath, the coffee- house keepers and victuallers united in the public expression of feeling. The far greater part of the ordinary business of the town was suspended. Private houses had their window shutters closed in the same way as if the master, or a near family re- lation, had been lost. The day proving very fine for the season of the year, vast numbers were walk- ing out after the expiration of morning service ; a circumstance which, instead of lessening, added to the appearance of national gloom. All that custom ordains as the signs of external sorrow, was to be seen every where, in the public streets, in the parks, and not only there, but in the more retired and obscure parts of the metropolis. Unconlined to those wliom a change of dress is either no consider- ation, or a trifling one, the same sentiment operated Avith equal effect upon thousands whose condition approaclies closely to difficulty and poverty. Among- those inferior classes, there were few who liad by Them a scrap of black, or who could find 4- A 546 LIFE OF THE the means of procuring it, who did not eagerly put on the visible demonstrations of unaffected sorrow. The bells of the churches tolled at internals during the whole day. The charity children in several parishes bore the signs of mourning ; such as the substitution of black collars or cuffs, for those of other and gayer colours ; some had sable bindings sewed round their caps and their badges. Many of the female children wore black ribbands. The Courts of Law, the public-offices, the Royal Ex- change, kc. were closed. Orders were sent to all the dock-yards to prohibit the usual transaction ,of business. British vessels, and those of all otlier nations hoisted their colours only half mast high. In the different sea-ports, minute guns were direct- ed to be fired at night. In the Cathedral of St. Paul no sermon was de- livered. It is with great regret we have to ob- serve, that here, in the metropolitan church, from some unfortunate circumstances, Divine worship was not performed in the morning. The body of the Cathedral was filled early in the forenoon by an unprecedented number of persons of both sexes, the greater part of them of a very respectable ap- pearance. The crowd became extreme; but the folding doors at the grand entrance mid or the organ into the choir, and the iron gates opening into the Bide aibles of the choir, were not opened. The TRmCESS CHARLOTTE. 547 crowd, who probably expected something particular at St. Paul's, were much disappointed at finding their admission into the choir thus obstructed. As there was a delay in the usual time of commencing Divine service, great impatience arose, and of course some confusion occurred. Some of the people, thus for a while excluded, endeavoured to force the central doors, and broke some panes of glass, and by shaking the iron gales of the aisles opened them, and then rushed through the different avenues into the choir, which they speedily filled, taking pos- session of all the seats not only those intended for private individuals, and those in the recesses under the galleries, but also those belonging to the Canons and the choristers, as well as the stalls. The floor was soon quite crammed. It would certainly have been more advisable for the officers of the Cathedral to have opened the doors earlier, so as to allow a gradual filling, and thereby to have prevented, or lessened, the pressure consequent on a sudden rush. However, this unusual occurrence occasioned some agitation among the clergy and the choir, and the service was yet delayed for a con- siderable time. At half past twelve it did not ap- pear more hkely to begin. The report then being generally spread, that it was not likely to take place, a general disappointment became evident. From the fear of the consequences of any disturb- 548 1.IFE OF THE ance, the city officers were sent for, and were di- rected to clear away the crowd in the body of the Cathedral, and make room in the choir if possible. The officers conducted themselves with much mo- deration, but their endeavours were ineffectual, and, of course, it was not deemed prudent to attempt any coercive measure. The people now began to show many signs of dissatisfaction. The intention to suspend the service being known, it was con- sidered prudent to send to the Lord iSIayor, who was attending at the ^Mansion- house parish church. His Lordship immediately came in his private carriage to St. Paul's. lie was followed by Sir William Curtis and John Green, Esq. of Walbrook. His Lordship expressed his wish to pay attention to tlie comforts of the congregation. He passed into the choir, and went up to the west gallery. About this time, a gentleman (Mr. iVtwood, we understood) announced from the organ gallery the suspension of the service, owing to the inconveni- ent circumstances wliicli had unexpectedly occurred, particularly the lilliin;- of the stalls. He observed, tliat under these circumstances, the service could not be heard wiili satisfjiction. Then tlie l^ord .'^liA'or (piobably not liaving heard tlie preceding gj.itlenian) spoke from the organ gallery, express- ing liis gratification at seeing a numerous congre- gatio!', and his liope that the service would begin PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 549 as soon as possible. -After a considerable suspense, the Lord Mayor rose and observed, that the clergy and the choir had left the church, which must sus- pend the service ; and therefore he hoped the con- gregation would retire peaceably. Here the mul- titude renewed their disapprobation. A gentleman from one of the stalls said, that if the central doors were opened, the stalls would be left clear. AVhen the doors were opened, the stalls were mostly quit- ted. An attempt now made by the officers to clear the body of the churcht was to little purpose, most persons refusing to witlhdraw. Some cried out for the Clergymen to apologise, some for the Lord ]Mayor and some in the galleries said they had paid for their seats. A gentleman then complained of the disappointment of such a number of persons in not hearing Divine service after waiting so long, whicli was very improper. lie did not see the ! .ord Mayors right to interfere. He urged strongly tiie jnopricty of the service being yet commenced, as due to the congregation and the memory cf the i'riiKjes5. Sir William Curtis said, he had just Jcft another place of worship with the Lord Mayor. lie ciuucstly exhorted them all to act like Christian peoj)ic \\'\k, foarf^d God, and leavt* the church quiet- ly and poaceably. Another gentleman said, he thouii'lit it was wrona' in the clertj;vman to leave the church in the niatmer lie iiad. Sir William 550 LIFE OP THE Curtis assured him that the Lord Mayor had done every thing in his power to promote the general wishes. Some gentlemen called for the Lord Mayor to send for his own chaplain, but he was not forthcoming. The congregation was tlien in- formed that service should certainly begin at three in the afternoon. Many remained in the church till that hour, and when the doors were opened, great numbers entered. The service was then ce- lebrated. A funeral anthem of Handel's, and a dirge by Atwood, were performed by Messrs. Clarke, Hawes, and the choristers. The pulpit was cover- ed with black velvet, on which was the escutcheon of the Princess Charlotte. There was no interrup- tion to the afternoon service. The tolling of the great bell of St. Paul's, from eight till nine, accompanied by the bells of the other churches, excited much feeling in the even- ing, when crowds in mourning assembled on Black- friafs bridge ; and the solemn effect was increased by tlic stillness of the river, and by the moonlight. A Funeral Dirge written on the occasion by J. DovAsroN Jsq. Toll, Britain, toll Tliy knell the deepest. Peace to thy soul. Fair Saint, that slcepest. Veil thy valour-blazon'd throne, H'hcrc (ilive rich with laurel shone, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE.. 551 Its glory's now with willows strown. United nations spread them, Cambria's triple plume of snow, That danc'd in Joys elastic flow. With heavy tear-drops glimmers low. United nations shed th^m. O'er Albion's bier Mourn, while you show'r it, Her rose is there, Both flow'r and flow'ret. Thistle, bend thy blossoms red ; Thy pearly dew drops. Shamrock shed ; And, neighbour Lily, bow thy head. With lonf,', long farewel greet her ; Drooping wail her obsequies. Then up, and hail her to the skies, And hope another bud may rise, But nevei ho|ie a sweeter. Oh ! England's rose. Oh ! Hope's presuming; Both thee and those Now we're cntombinir. Mind of Freedom, Heart of Worth, To glow at Altar, Helm, or Heartii, With all that proniis'd Peace o;i earth, To thee was !arir(>ly given. When on iiigh, in happier day, We left the lau.latory lay. Or blessiiigs on t'ly pc ijilc pray. We'll think on thee in Heaven, The cemetery in whieli the eartMiv rrmains of Frhicoss Charlotte were depositetl, \va^ bnilt in 1810, bv order oi'the Kintj-, for (lie rec(".jtit;n ofiiitii- 552 LirE OF THE self and other members of his house. This indeed had been designed once for a burial place by Henry VII. in which his body and the corpses of his family were to be laid, and the structure was actual- ly commenced : but he changed his mind, and had a more magnificent mausoleum erected for himself in Westminster. Cardinal Wolsey obtained a grant of the old one from Henry VIII. and proceed- ed to raise an enshrining edifice to hold his own person when his spirit had left it, with a grandeur of design, and excess of cost unknown to even the churchmen of preceding times, and from this cir- cumstance it used to be called " Wolsey's Tomb House ;" although it was never inhabited by that Cardinal. The death of our departed Princess grew every hour upon the hearts of the community. Time, which effaces common griefs, often adds strength to powerful emotions, and renders them more fixed and painful The object however, which we la- ment most tenderly, is not always that, the loss of which inflicts upon us the most durable sorrow ; since reason sometimes heals the v/ounded affections, by enabling us to calculate and measure more just- ly the value of the being whom we deplore. Ihit such was not the influence of reason or refloctioii oil t!ie minds of the people of England. Those ^\ ho felt most acutely on the present occasion, were PRINCESS CHARLOrXE. 553 they who thought most deeply upon the excellence of what we have lost, and on the probable conse- quences of this great public calamity to the highest inter&st of the nation, Among the many points of view under which it would have been our pride and study to contemplate the Princess Charlotte, and to point her out to the admiration of the peo- ple of England, was that of her character in do- mestic Hfe. A King or Queen as such, may ditfuse a vast portion of happiness throughout society, by the just and conscientious exercise of power; but upon mankind at large the Sovereign cannot act as an eocample, except through the medium of those qualities which are applicable to private life, and use- ful in humbler stations. The dissolute manners of some among the upper classes in this country require no ordinary antidote to their corrupting force. The law, thougli armed with peculiar terrors, is evaded by artful vice, or defied by audacious infamy. Fashion tolerates and upholds her d'.sciples ; and timid virtue v/ithdraws into herself, or ventures on the stream to struggle, yield, and perish. Our un- spotted Princess, in the lovely purity of her con- jugal and maternal character, and in the splendour and pre-eminence of herconstitutional throne,might, with the partner of her virtuous afiections, have herself supplied the defects of law, and reclaimed the licentiousness of fashion. Kvcry wife would 4 B 554 LJFE Ol THE have gazed upon her as a bright example of thoe duties whose performance rewards itself, and con stitutes the chief blessing of society. The Iobs of such a model, in such an age,^ may be a subject of lamentation to our children's children. Turning from the painful recollection of her whom we have lost, to the consideration of the ex- ecutive administration affected by the sad event, the first, in political importance, is the succession to the Throne. In a monarchy like ours, the cir- oumstance is worthy our interested speculations. We had fondly expected that the promising union of the h-opefiil pair had removed all appreliensions on that head. We had pictured to ourselves a family of English Princes, brought up under our eyes, in Eiiglish habits and principles ; succeeding, without doubt or disturbance, to the throne of their an- cestors ; and wielding the sceptre, as we have seen it wielded for above Malf a century, by our vener- able INIonarch, and his son the Regent. But now that the mother and child are both at once taken from us, the prospect is, we regret to say, by no means clear and satisfactory. The common an- cestor of all the heirs, \vhom it is at all necessary to include in this calculation, is Frederick Prince of Wales, the father of our revered Sovereign George III., and of the late Duke of Gloucester, the late T3ucl]28s of Brunswick, and the late Queen of PllINCESS CHARLOTTE. 555 Denmark ; all of whom liave left representatives still surviving. The act of settlement, it is well known, limits the succession to the heirs, being proteslant, of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, grand-daughter of King James J. Her son George I. came to the throne in virtue of this act ; and from him it descended to George H., father of the Prince of Wales, \vhom we have mentioned. The crown descends lineally to the issue of the reigning monarch, witli a right of primogeniture ; first, among sons, and then among daughters ; and the lineal descendant of any person deceased stands in the same place, as their ancestors, if living, would have done. With this short explanation, it is ap- prehended, that the subjoined scheme will be easily understood, as bringing, under one view, the ex- istinj^ individuals in succession to the throne. They are arranged in the legal order of succession ; annexed are their respective ages ; and the relation- ship of each to the head of the branch through which they derive their title, is marked by le cer3 signifying son, grandson, great grand':!n, dangh'er, grand-danobter, kc. As some individuals derive by nioic than one title, thev are eiiunier.ited as often as thoir rights occur, a reterence being m-ide to their fon iicr places, 556 LIFE OF THK Descendants of George III., eldest son of Frederic, Prince of Whales, who was great grandson of tlie Electress Sophia. Aecd 1 George Prince Regent, S. ... ... 55 2 Frederick Diike of York, S 54 3 William Henry Duke of Clarence, S. ... 52 4 Edward Duke of Kent, S. 50 5 Ernest Duke of Cumberland, S. ... 46 6 Augustus Duke of Sussex, S. ... ... 44 7 Adolphus Duke of Cambridge, S. ... 43 8 Charlotte of England, Queen Dow. of Wur- temburg, D. 51 49 47 9 Augusta of England, D. 10 Elizabeth of England, D. 11 Mary of England Duchess of Gloucester, D. 41 12 Sophia of England, D 40 //. Descendaivts of Will'uu)i Henry, Duke of Gloitcester, younger son of Frederick Prince of Wales. 13 William Duke of Gloucester, S. 14 Sophia of Gloucester, D. 41 44 III. Descendants of Augusta of England, Duch- ess (f Brumjtcick, elder daughter '/'^/- //r V/. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 557 Atrcd 16 William of Brunswick, G. S 12 17 Augustus of Brunswick, S. ... ... 48 18 Frederick King of Wurtemburg, G. S. 36 19 Mary of Wurtemburg, G. G. D. ... 1 SOPaulofWurtemburg, G. S 32 21 Frederick Charles of Wurtemburg, G. G. S. 9 22 Frederick Augustus of Wurtemburg,G.G.S. 4 23 Frederick of Wurtemburg, G. G. D. ... 10 24 Pauline of Wurtemburg, G. G. D. ... 7 25 Frederica Cath. of Wurtemburg, wife of J. Buonaparte, G. D. ... ... ... 34 26 Jerome Napoleon, G. G. S. ... ... 3 27 Carol, of Brunswick, Princess of \VaiGS, D. 49 IV. Descendants of Matilda of England, Queen of Denmark, younge?' daughter of Frederick Prince of Wales, [She died in 1775.] 28 Frederic King of Denmiirk, S 49 29 Caroline of Denmark, G. D 24 30 Wilhelmina of Denmark, G. 1). ... 9 31 Louisa of Denmark, D. of Hols'itin, 1). 4G 32 Christian Duke of Holstein, G. S. ... 19 33 Caroline of Holstein, G. D 21 V. Descendants of Anne of England, Princess of Orange, eldest daughter of George II. [She died in 1759.] 34 William Kino- of the Netlicrland---, G. S. 45 558 LIFE or THE Aired 35 William Prince of Grange, G. G. S. ... 52 36 William of Orange, G. G. G. S. ... 1 37 Frederick of Orange, G. G. S 20 38 Wilhelmina of Orange, G. G. D. ... 17 39 Frederica of Orange, Duchess Dowager of Brunswick, G. D, ... ... ... 4 40 No. 15, G. G. S. as.. :;.s.j ., ^T ^ ^ ^ ~ 'her sons 41 No. 16, G. G 42 Frederick William, Count Nassau Weilbourg, G. S 49 43 George W of Nassau "Weilbourg, G. G. S. L\> VI.Descen(lantsofMaryofEnglu7t(J,Lan(]gravhic of Hesse-Cassel, next daughfcr of Georiac II. [She died in 1772.] 44 George AV illiam, Elector of Hesse-Cassel, S. 7 1 45 William Prince of lle.sse, G. S. ... 10 16 Frederick of Hesse, G. G. S 15 47 Caroline of Ilesse, G. G. D. ... ... i8 48 Mary Louisa of Hesse, G. Ci. 1). ... 16 49 Charles of Hesse, S. ... ... ... 7;> 50 Frederick of Hesse, G. S. ... ... 16 51 Christian of Hesse, G. 8. 18 52 Mary of Hc:>sc, Queen of Dci!t::uk, (i. } ). .".u 53 No. 29, (i. (t. D. ) , v!icr cniinreii. .^4 No. f>o, ( ;. c;. D. ) 55 Julia of Hesse, G, D !1 PRINX'ESS CHARLOTTE 56 Louisa of Hesse, G. D. 57 Frederick of Hesse, S. ... 58 William of Hesse, G. S. 59 Frederick of Hesse, G. S. 60 George of Hcfsc, G. S. ... 61 Louisa of Hesse, G. D. ... 62 Mary of Hesse, (i. D. 63 Augusta of Hesse, G. D. 559 Acc'l 28 70 30 27 21 23 '21 20 /^'Y/. Descendants of Louisa of England, Queen of Denmark, ncai. dauffhicr of George II. [She died in 1751.] 64 Xo. 28, G. S. (15 Xo. 53, Xo. 29, G. G. D. ^^^ Xo. 5i, Xo. .SO, G. G. ]:>. 1)7 Xo. 31, G. D. 68 Sophia of Deninark, Queen of Swcdexi, 1). 71 69 Caistavus Kijiii of Sweden, G. S. ... G9 70 C-ustavus of Sweden, G. (i. S IS 71 So])hia Oi'Sweden, r;. G. I) IG 72 Amelia of Sweden, G. V.. I) 12 7:? Wilhehnina of IJvnnKirl:, j^lectress of Hesse Cassel, n. ... .. ... 70 74. Xo. 45, (;. s. 75 No. 4t;;. G. G. s. 76X0. 47. G.G.I). 77 Xo. 48, (;. (;. 1). irr clViUii-v'n 560 LIFE OF Tin: A -I 78 Louisa of Denmark wife of Charles of Hesse-Cassel, [No. 48] D 6: 79 No. 50, G. S. 80 No. 51, G. S. 81 No. 52, G. D. hier descendants. 82 Nos. 65, 53, 29, G. G. D. 83 Nos. 66, 54, 30, G. G. D. VIII. Deaccndants of Sophia of Eji gland. Queen of Prussia, only daughter of George I. [She died in 1757.] 84^ Frederick William III King of Prussia, G. G. S 46 85 Frederick William, Prince of Prussia, G. G.G. S 22 86 Frederick I^ewis of Prussia, G. G. G. S. 20 87 Frederick Charles of Prussia, G. G. G. S. 16 88 Frederick Henry of Prussia, G. G. G. S. 13 S9 Wilhelmina of Prussia, G. G. G. I). ... 14 90 Louisa of Prussia, G. G. G. D. ... 9 91. Will. Fred, of Prussia, G. G. G. S. ... 23 92 Fredcrica of Prussia, G. G. G. 1). ... 21 9'> Frederick Charles Henry of Prussia, G. G. S 36 94 Frederick ^Villia^u Charles, G. G. S. .. 34 95 Henry of Prussia, G. G. G. S. ... ... 6 96 Mm V of Prussia, G. G. G. D 2 her children. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 97 Frederica of Prussia, Duchess of York, G. G. D. 98 ^Vilhehnina of Prussia, Queen of the Netherlands, G. G. D 99 No. 35, G. G. G. S.'^ 100 No. 36, G. G. G. S. 101 No. 37, G. G.G.S. 102No. 38, G.G. G.D.J 103 Christina of Prussia, Princess of Hesse- Cassel, G.G.D 104 No. 46, G.G. G. S.l 105 No. 47, G, G. G. S. [her children. 106 No. 48, G. G. G. D. j 107 Frederica of Prussia, Princess Dow. of Orange, G. D. 108 No. 34, G. G. S. 109 No. 99, No. 35, G. G. G. S. 110 No. 100, No. 36, G. G. G. G. S. 111 No. 101, No. 37, G. G. (;. s. 112 No. liVI, No. 38, G. G. G. D. 113 No. 39, G. C;. D. 114 No. 40, No. 14, G. G. G. S. 4 c 561 Aged 50 4^ 40 her descendants. 562 LIFE OF THE *lJ5No. 141, No. 15, G.) J-hcr dcsceiulants. 116 Frederick William cf Prussia, G. S. ... 37 117 Frederica Dorothea of Prussia, Princess ofRadzivil, G. D 47 l.'S No. ^9, G.G. S. . 119X0. 70, G. G. G. S. 120 No. 71, G. G. G. D. 121 No. 72, G. G. G. D. 122 Charles XIII. King of Sweden, G. S. 69 123 Sophia of Sweden, Abbess of Quedlen- berg, G.D. 64 Fronn. the List it will be seen, that the three persons nearest the Throne, who are married and have children, are the King of Wurtembuig, Prince Paul his brother, and the Princess Frederica Euonaparte, their siste\ Although, however, there is now no grandchild of George III. yet all his sons, and probably more than one of his daughters, are still of an age that might be expected to have off- spring. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester arc little more than 40 years of age, and have been not much above a year married ; but until a more cer- tain prospect of issue from the British Branch, tlic public attention will bo turned to tlie two youni; Princes of Brunswick, the sons and grandsons (^1' the two Dukes of Brunswick, who lost their lives PRINCESS CHAULOTTE. 563 in the fields of Jena and Waterloo. These young Princes were educated in England : yet that is but a small alleviation of the repugnance we feel at having a foreign King ; and this is a con^deration which enchances and embitters all the public re- grets which the loss of our own lovely and excellent Princess excites. The first wife of Frederick King of Wurtem- burg, was Caroline of Brunswick. Their daughter, the Princess Catherine, and the late Princess Char- lotte of Wales, were of the same kin to Frederick, Prince of Wales, the father of his present Majesty ; both being his great grandchildren. The Princess Catherine was married to Jerome Buonaparte, king of A^'estphalia, and had a son by him. If the male line of succession to the Crown of Great Britain should fail, by the Prince Regent and the Royal Dukos dying without issue, then the sovereignty would vest in the female line ; and in that case, as by the Act of Settlement of 11 & 12 William III. c. 3, the heirs of the Princess Sophia, being Pro- testants, are entitled to the Crown in succession, and the series woukl be thus : First the Duke oi" Brunswick, son of the Duchess ; and if he had no issue, the Prince of AVurtemburg, grandson of the Duel less ; and if he hud no issue, the wife of Jerome Buonaparte, the Princess Catherine, as great grand- child of Frederic, Prince of Wales ; who would. 564 LIFE OF THE by the Act of Settlement, be Queen, and her son, young Jerome Buonaparte, Prince of Wales. Thus,^ after his mother's death, and professing tlie Pro- testant religion, he would claim the throne by here- ditary right, being as nearly related by the female line to the reigning family, as any other claimant ; since he is descended from Frederick, the common ancestor to all the heirs of the British crown. But if we carry our attention to a period more near, the sudden dissolution of our pron-iised sove- reigns, according to the course of the common des- tinies of mortal nature, must be calculated to give the people injury and profit; injury for the un- ijvoidable consequence of the rapid succession is a corresponding increase of the expenditure of na- tional money, not merely for the purposes of coro- nations but to pension the servants of the preced- ing sovereigns respectively, and this we should esteem a serious evil, for if the deserving only Vv^ere maintained in a degree of splendour beyond what their own exertions in the world could have raised them unto, it were perhaps not simply an innocu- ous thing but also laudable, as by such means a spur would be given to the activity of the virtuous, but in this low estate, blinded as we are by caprices the best of us must be led to our attachments more by whim and incidental circumstances than by other considerations ; added to the cost which the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 565 nation must be at in such a case, the successor may have different political notions from the deceased whom he succeeds, and thus may confusion be produced in the administration. The advantages however are not a few, but of them all this one stands pre-eminent, the hasty dispatch which is made of sublunary exaltation may inform the sur- vivers that earthly happiness cannot secure men in the possession of it, and presenting to our view the ravages of death may enable us to lay up a treasure that we may gain by when that life arrives to which the end of this life provides the beginning. To see how futurity is likely to work will be grati- fying to those who are capable of any curiosity ; and therefore I set down the first fourteen princely persons that are to come to the crown in their order of rightful nativity, calculating the probabili- ties of accession and demise according to the most approved biological tablets : ^gc. Length of Life. I^eiiglli vf Reiiiii. YEARS. Y. M. Y. M. No. 1 oQ 14. 4 U 4 2 55 14 10 G \i 5? \5 8 10 4 51 IG G 10 5 47 18 .'3 1 9 G 45 19 2 11 7 44 li) 7 5 6'o6 LIFE or THE Age. Length of Life Length of licigi. YEARS. Y. M. Y. M. 8 52 16 1 9 50 17 10 48 17 10 11 42 20 5 10 12 41 20 10 5 13 42 20 5 14 45 19 2 20 10 Thus it is not impossible but the next one and' twenty years may be passed under no fewer than nine reigns, and of these we shall have two female ojies. There was a time when the event which we now deplore would have put every restless spirit into motion, and set a guilty ambition upon its mur- derous devices, and brought powerful pretender.-; with their opposing hosts of vassalage into the field, and enlisted towns and families under the rival banners of a most destructive fray of contention, and thus have broken up the whole peace and con- fidence of society. Let us bless God that these days of barbarism are now gone by. But the vessel of the state is still exposed to many agitations. The sea of politics is a sea of storms, on which tlie gale of human passions would make her founder. PRINCESS CHAULOTTE. 567 were it not for the guidance of human principle ; and, therefore, the truest policy of a nation is to Christianize her subjects, and to disseminate among them the influence of religion. The most skilful arrangement for rightly governing a state, is to scatter among the governed, not the terrors of power, not the threats of jealous and alarmed au- thority, not the demonstrations of sure and ready vengeance held forth by the rigour of an offended law. These may, at times, be imperiously called for. But a permanent security against the wild outbreakings of turbulence and disaster, is only to be attained by diffusing the lessons of the gospel throughout the great mass of our population, even those lessons which are utterly and diametrically opposed to all that is criminal and wrong in the spirit of ])olitical disaffection. The only radical counteraction to tliis evil is to be found in the spirit of Christianit}- ; and though animated by such a spirit, a man may put on the intrepidity of one of the old prophets, and denounce even in the car of royalty the profligacies which may disgrace or de- form it, though animated by such a spirit, lie may hft his protesting voice in the face of an unchris- tian magistracy, and tell them of their errors, tliougli animated by such a spirit, he, to avoid every ap- pearance of evil, will never stoop to the flattery of power, nor to the solicitalior.s of pat:o:inL:o, aiul 568 LIFE or THE thongh all this may bear to the superficial eye, a hard, and repulsive, and hostile aspect towards the esta- blished dignities of the land, yet forget not, that if a real and honest principle of Christianity lie at the root of this spirit, there exists within the bosom of such a man, a foundation of principle, on which all the lessons of Christianity will rise into visible and consistent exemplification. And it is he, and such as he, who will turn out to be the salvation of the ODuntry, when the hour of her threatened danger is approaching, and it is just in proportion as you spread and multiply such a character, that you raise within the bosom of the nation the best security against all her fluctuations, and, as in every other department of human concerns, so will it be found, that, in this particular department. Christians are the salt of the earth, and Christianity the most copious and eman- ating fountain of all the guardian virtues of peace> iind order, and patriotism. The judgment under which we now labour, sup- plies, I think, one touching, and, to every good and Christian mind, one powerful argument of loyalty. It is the distance of the prince from his people wliich feeds tlie political jealousy of the latter, and which by removing the former to a height of inaccessible grandeur, places him, as it were, beyond the reach of their sympathies. Much of that political rancour, wliich festers, and agitates, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 569 and makes such a tremendous appearance of noise and of hostility in our land, is due to the aggravat- ing power of distance. If two of the deadliest political antagonists in our country, who abuse, and vilify, and pour forth their stormy eloquence on eacli other, whether in parliament or from the press, were actually to come into such personal and familiar contact, as would infuse into their contro- versy the sweetening of mere acquaintanceship, this very circumstance would disarm and do away al- most all their violence. The truth is, that when one man rails against another cross the table in an assembly, or when he works up his fermenting im- agination, and pens his virulent sentences against another, in the retirement of a closet, he is fighting against a man at a distance, he is exhausting his strength against an enemy whom he does not know, he is swelling into indignation, and into all the movements of what he thinks right and generous principle, against a chimera of his own apprehen- sion ; and a similar re-action comes back upon him from the quarter that he has assailed, and thus the controversy thickens, and the delusion every day gets more impenetrable, and the distance is ever widening, and the breach is always becoming more hopeless and more irreparable ; and all this l;etween two men, who, if they had been in such accidental circumstan.ces of juxtaposition, as could have let 3 1) 670 LIFE OF THE them a little more into one another's feelings, and to one another's sympathies, would at least have had all the asperities of their difference smoothed away by the mere softenings and kindlinesses of ordinary human intercourse. It has been observed by a distinguished clergyman,* that among the rich, there is apt at times to rankle an injurious and un- worthy impression of the poor, and just because these poor stand at a distance from them, just be- cause they come not into contact with that which would draw them out in courteousness to their persOTis, and in benevolent attentions to their fa- milies. Amongst the poor, on the other hand, there is often a disdainful suspicion of the wealthy, as if they were actuated by a proud indifference to them and to their concerns, and as if they were placed away from them at so lofty an elevation as not to require the exercise of any of those cordi- ^ities, which are ever sure to spring in the bosom of man to man, when they come to know each other, and to have the actual siglit of each other. However separated they long may have been from the poor, let those that have abundant wealth and Hve in splendid mansions, and with all the pomp and greatness corresponding, fall into some direful misfortune which shall bring them down to a level Dt. Cbalniert. PRINCESS CHARLOTTK. 571 with the humblest, suppose the sudden death of an only child, and the sluices of kindly feeling are im- mediately raised in the breasts of persons who be- fore seemed to be a species distinct from the suf- ferers. If in such a case as the trying illness of either head of an exalted family, the hejp of a skilful and an experienced cottager should be re- quired, with what eagerness this cottager will run to impart aid and comfort to the afflicted grandee ! When in full health and vigour, and honours, and all that is known in the world of exaltation and luxury attend the great, the people who are with- out these adventitious adjuncts are commonly in their eyes beneath the regard of which afterwards they prove themselves to be deserving. It is in- deed the lamentable separation, the bar of dignity and rank that renders the exalted objects of awe alone without any heartfelt attachment. To coun- teract this unhappy remoteness in the mutual in- terests of the great and the lowly 1 know not of any expedient so admirably adapted as the dissemi- nation of Christian wisdom, the precepts that are blessed with God's grace come under the best of recommendations, and it is therefore very astonish- ing that men should feel the reluciance they do in advancing their influence over the minds of the bulk of the people. But there is a cause. In the first outset of such a plan whoever sits at the 572 LIFE OF THE helm of affairs naturally turns to the episcopal dig- nitaries for advice upon it, and they, being no more than men, have so much mortal frailty mixed up in the constitution of their religious sentiments, afraid of submitting themselves to a discipline too rigid ts they must through a respect for public opinion if the nation were universally informed upon the duties of christian bishops, fond of those indulgences which indeed it may not be criminal to enjoy, but which they certainly could not do with the same ease and self complacency if the scrutinizing eyes of enlightened millions were upon them, or some other imbecility incident to the most worthy of human beings, they do not approve with all the might of their authority in general the spread of gospel information. Now although this be a severe observancy upon the venerable directors of the church, yet let it be considered that the princi- pal censure which has been attached to them is not a primary guilt upon their part, it is only a second- ary one, a consequence merely of supineness, and no doubt can be made, but if the instant result of a careless administration of ecclesiastical matters were to strike them, as it does some of them in its full force, their charitable and humane tempers would be deeply affected by it ; nevertheless the public writers ought, as the servants of the Almighty, as the subjects of a revered sovereign, and as well- PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 573 wishers to the human race, to urge the necessity of abolishing church traffic, and the fitness of prefer- ring such teachers as deserve to be preferred by- superior piety and learning. A regulation such as this would be productive of extremely good effects in bringing the people to a due sense of the im- portance attached to the country by their wealthy fellow citizens, and these on thfr other hand would be easily inclined to look with esteem towards the great mass of the population, assuring themselves that from them were to proceed not only persons of genius for the conduct of the weightiest affairs, but that their low circumstances would be most apt to stiir.ulate such to exert whatever talents they might be possessed of to the glory and prosperity of the empire; and the general consequence must be an approximation of the different classes, and therefore a sym]:athy produced betwixt them. Whereas siiould the system of negotiating parishes be continued and patronized, then all the comforts which men of hf^nest ambition might have other- wise aspired to vvitli mucli toil, and to the public utility, appear inaccessible; and few are disposed to busy tliemselves without some benefit for their trouble, since at least the public impression must in such a case be hostile to tiie industry and vigour of struggling worth, rendering despicable what ought naturally to claim our utmost respect and 574 LIFE OF THE admiration. If the sweet Princess had been only spared for some years longer, we might have wit- nessed some changes introduced to this effect, used as her Royal Highness was to interrogate the clergymen that came before her, and althojigh it was for information rather than curiosity's sake that she put her question, her Royal Highness notwith- standing was well instructed in her duty, and could no doubt discover incompetent persons, although her charitable and prudent mind was not of a cast to expose any when there was no urgent need of do- ing so. One of the most attracting graces which reflected lustre upon the royal condition of Prin- cess Charlotte was the attention that she showed indiscriminately to all ranks of the people, and tended to spread a good report of her all over the entire nation. She was always ardent in the cause of Christianity, the true and unfailing source of every virtue that can impart strength to loyalty and make the realms quiet and happy. Had she been a haughty supercilious character, the manner of her death and the time of it, the consignment of so much grandeur and lofty hope to utter despair and tlie idea of a beautiful and elegant young wo- man being snatched away from all the pleasures and joys of the world must have excited the public concern, but when Princess Charlotte expired, a sort of incredulous horror diffused itself, nobody PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 675 could reconcile the image of beauty and the pattern of virtue, and all princely accomphshments with the dismal habitation of a cemetery ; to contemplate the lovely promise of future glory and pouter aided by the disposition to scatter happy faces where she approached soever, this was an exercise of the mind ill exchanged for the annihilation of them. But as in life she was useful to the interests of piety and learning, so in her death some benefit may accrue to them, and pointing our attention to affairs more serious than the grandeur and exaltation of the world superinduce an attachment to the dictates of the wise and upright. Especially when by so esti- mable an example of regard to religion and human- ity, our hearts are warmed by a love of virtuous thoughts and actions as often as we call up in our memories the doings and the sayings of the Prin- cess : many of them we have given already, and there are more that will gradually be made known by those round her once, who, now that she is no more, will take a delight in recording what they observed of her, and tell it over to their young friends. Not long before her Royal Highness's confinement, the Rev. Mr. Wilcox begged to have an interview with her, and easily obtained it : he acquainted the Princess with the distressing circum- stances of a young man that lay under condemn- ation, and declared his case to be such as excited 576 LIFE OF THE his most ardent wish for his pardon and that con- sidering it the best expedient, he had taken the freedom of soHciting her Royal Highness's inter- cession for the young man. The Princess assured Mr. Wilcox that she would not fail to take the earliest opportunity of submitting the petition to the Prince Regent, and do her best endeavours to ob- tain a remission of the sentence. Mr. Wilcox was of course extremely grateful to the Princess, and expressed his concern that the only return it would be in his power to make was his poor prayers on her Royal Highness's behalf Mr. Wilcox, inter- rupted the Princess, do not call your prayers poor prayers, for the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. It was by means like these that while the amiable young heiress to the British Throne was mingling with none whom she did not attach to her person and engage their warmest affections, it was by valuing and respecting the great instructors of the people that her Royal Highness is treasured up in the minds of all sensible men as the best promise of a happy sovereign that ever yet appear- ed in England. The many admirable properties which distinguish the illustrious monarch who is now labouring under the infirmities of mortal ex- istence, are all well known and prized by his devot- ed subjects, and if the government of the country could be farther improved, who was more likely PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 577 to accomplish it tlian she who had next her heart the proper management of the church, which is the very tie and bandage of tranquil society and moral excellence of every sort, whether it be the noiseless honesty that a tradesman uses in the affairs of his merchandize, or the noble daring of a soldier in the field of battle. Apart altogether from the essential character of the gospel, and keeping out of view the solemn re- presentations of Christianity, by which we are told that each individual of countless myriads carries an undying principle in his bosom, and that it is the duty of the minister to cherish it, and to watch over it, as one who must render, at the judgment-scat, an account of the charge which has been commit- ted to him, though it is of paramount importance over all that can be alleged on the inferior ground of political expediency, yet, on this ground alone, there is argument enouffh for the serviceableness of such men, devoted to the labours of their own se- parate and peculiar employments, giving an atten- tion to the office of dealing with llie h.oarts and principles of the thousands who are around them, coming forth from the preparations of an unbroken solitude, armed with all the omnipotence of truth among their felk)w-citizens, and wlio, rich in the resources of a niliid v.hlch meditat<\s u})on tlicsc things and gives itself wlu>lly to tht ni, arc able to 4 E 578 LIFE OF THE suit their admonitions to all the varieties of human character, and to draw their copious and persuasive illustrations from every quarter of human experi- ence. Give to each (but let those appointed be persons of as much merit as interest) a manageable extent of town, within the compass of his personal exertions, and where he might be able to cultivate a ministerial influence among all its families put it into his power to dignify the very humblest of its tenements by the courteousness of his soothing and benevolent attentions, let it be such a district of population as may not bear him down by the multiplicity of its demands ; but where, without any feverish or distracting variety of labour, he may be able to familiarize himself to every house, and to know every individual, and to visit every spirit- ual patient, and to watch every death-bed, and to pour out the sympathies of a pious and affectionate bosom over every mourning and bereaved family. Bring every city of the land under such a moral re- gimen as this, and another generation would not pass away, ere righteousness ran down all their streets like a mighty river. That sullen depravity of character, which the gibbet cannot scare away, and which sits so immoveable in the face of the most menacing severities and in despite of the year- ly recurrence of the most terrifying examj)les, co'.ild not keep its ground a^auist the mild, but re- I'RINCKSS CHARLOTTE. 579 sistless application of an effective Cliristian ministry. The very worst of men would be constrained to feel the power of such an application. Sunk as they are in ignorance, and inured as they have been from the first years of their neglected boyhood, to scenes of week day profligacy and Sabbath profan- ation, these men, oi whom it may be said, that all their moralitit\-) are extinct, and all their tender- nesses blunted even tbey would feel th( power of that reviving touch, "vhich the mingled influence of kindness : v.d piety can often impress ^a the souls of the most abandoned even they would open the fiooci-r^atas of their hearts, and pour forth the tide of an honest welcome on the men wh > had come in all the cordiality of good-will to ihemselves and to their families. And thus mif^h*^ a humaniz- ing aiid an exalting influence be mnde to circulate through all thrir dwell in g-pl^* ces : and such a sys- tem as this, Iribouring as it must do at first, under all the discouragements of a heavy and unpromis- ing outset, would gather, during every year of its perseverance, new triumphs and new testimonies to its povver. And all that is ruthless and irre- claimable in the character of the present day, would in time be replaced by the softening virtues of a purer and a better generation. This I know to be the dream of many a philanthropist ; and a dream as visionary as the very wildest among the fancies 580 LIFE OF THE of Utopianisiii it ever will be, under any other ex- pedient than the one now pointed to ; and nothing within the whole compass of nature, or of experi- ence, will ever bring it to its consummation, but the multiplied exertions of the men who carry in their hearts the doctrine of the New Testament. And, if it be true that towns are the great instru- ments of political revolution if it be there that all the elements of disturbance are ever found in busiest fermentation, if we learn, from the history of the past, that they are the favourite and the frequented rallying-places for all the brooding violence of the land who does not see that the earnest pleading of the Christian minister is at one with the sound- est maxims of political wisdom, and that it should be urged upon the rulers and magistrates of the land, that this is indeed the cheap defence of a nation this the heart's blood of all its strength and of its greatness ; and now that Siie is no more v/ho was likelv to forward sucii co nun end able and <>lori- ous measures, may the recollection of her niair '1 and considerate beneficence advocate their pre - lion. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 581 A Monody 07i the Death of Princess Charlotte. Of visitations in this vale of woe. That claim the sigh, and bid the tear to flow O'er Joy's fresh cheek that spread the sudden gloom, And tempt to question Heaven's mysterious doom ; Say, is there aught of keener touch to try The sentient nerve of generous Sympathy, Than when in life's fair morn in beauty's flower. When Hope's j;,ay sunbeam gilds the flattering hour. Each grace expanding, bear '' g every ray With vernal proniise of the joc'-.;.i day, Jlaligiiuiit Fate the shaft Insidious aims, And ;lie cold grave its lovely victim claims? Oh ! yes tliere is a sorrow more severe, That claims from Sympathy a Si^d female ear conveys Whate'cr can blivs bestow, or merit praise ! The \-ife ! ah, more ! still dearer to the soul 'I'hat feels of Nature's law the blest control ! The expectant mother teeming for the birth Our pnmiis'd immortality on earth ! If, then, when hope in every pulse beats biirl), And every thought anticipates the joy The father's joy wliicii thro' the anxious hour Sii.-tain'(i his spirit with a luioyaiit power ; If, then, long lingering pangs (0! wnrst of woes!) Nul ill new life, but mortal anguish clott and b iliny spell around : All nature slepi in quieti.ess and peace. How tranquil, how dL'!i-;h,:ul was t!ie view ! 58i LIFE OF THE How bright, yet how serene, the firinianent ! See how those worlds of light pursue their course. In trackless radiance, through the vast expanse; What speaking silence, what mute harmony, To soothe, to charm, to elevate the soul ! Night's orison I paid, and sank to rest. Sweet were my dreams, for sweet the wakiiig hour. And sweet the gentle close of day had been. Rose to my view, in Fanc3''s fairy round, Ci.ARLMONT, thy woods and groves, thy lawns and mounts. Thy gay parterres, and all thy rich demesne I Thy stately mansion, with its rising fanas, The seat of royal worth, and wedded love Of Britain's pride, and Britain's fondest liepe Stood full before my eyes. 'Twas Nature's time Of mirth, and love, and warm delight tJie Spring A^'hen all is fresh and joyous to the sense ; When circulates the blood iu fuller streams ; When every being owns a livelier thrill ! Bilthe was the note that burst Irom ev'ry spray! Blithe the response from ev'ry warbler there ! The bounding deer sprang frolic o'er tlic plain ; The horse, loud neighing, snufF'd the breeze of health, Joy'd not the lovely mistress of the scene, As, with her Lord, she sped the morning walk. And saw that all was happy in her care ? Joy'd not that favour'd youtii, as on his am; His soul's delight in wedded rapture hung ? O; yes ! their full eyes rais'd to Heaven dei'lar'd The heart's rich feehng nature's purest Licnv! Honoured in age, a veneral>ie Ool.. The forest's stately King, .xar'd high i. is heaci, And widely spread his nob;tr*l of the grove. 4 F 586 LIFE OF THIC Peal'd the electric ihock upon my ear, And all the vision fled ! Sudden, I 'woke. And heard the beating rain, and howling wind, Assail my roof. The lii,'htning flash'd, and roU'd The distant thunder through the concave dark, As though tne elemental strife would rend Earth fabric to the centre ! Where was now The promise given night's golden promise of A lovely day .'' So, perish oft the hopes Of man, and all his fairest prospects fade ! At length, the storm pass'd o'er ; agahi I slept ; Again, Ci.aremont, I beheld thy groves. That, rich in Autumn's foliage charm'd the eye ; And there, beneath the honour'd Oak were seen. Each loving and beloved, the gentle pair. Her head reclining on her LEOPOtc's breast. She scem'd with all earth's happiness replete. Hope smii'd, and tender expectation beam'd, P'rom forth her speaking eye. That eye met his. And both expressive shone, in bliss supreme. Rapid as thought's transition burst the storm ! The lurid ]if,'htr:iiig glar'J ; the thunder roU'd; Darkness and desolation roam'd abroad ; The night-bird scream'd ; the troubled watch-dog howl'd ; And shudd'riiig nature groan'd beneath the shock ! Shelter'd that ancient Oak the princely pair ? Ah, no ! I saw them flee ! The lightning's flash Disclosed the dire event ! Heaven's fiercest bolt Had struck the dear belov'd one to the earth, And all that erst was gen'rous, kind, and good. And all that erst was lovely, breath'd no inore ! O, dread calamity ! Unmeasur'd woe ! A father's joy, in all its pride was crush'd ! A husband's hopes were wither 'd in their bloom ! A nation's glory blasted by the shock ! PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 587 Claremont ! thy walls resounded with affright One shriek of agony, and all was mute ! Another flash ! I saw that honour 'd Oak ; The bolt of i leaven had reft his fairest limb. And hurl'd tlie beauleous ruin o'er the plain. His aged trunk was all that now remaiu'd ; Branchless, and bare, and shatter'd to the stem. With loneliness and devastation crown'd, Winter, in deepest horror, reign'd supreme. In anguish I awoke, and slept no more. Park Cottage, Ipswich. T. HARRAL. VI^RSES delivered hij Mrs. Bartlev, iifon the re-opcniiig of Drury Lane Theatre after the Interment of her Royal Highness : they xcere tvriilen by Mr. I'uomas Campbell. Britons ! although or- task is hut to shew Tlie scenes and passions-of fictitious woe. Think not we come J '. 'li^ht without a part In that deep Jurrow of the public heart, Wiiic.h lik a shade hath darken'd every place. And moist.'n'd with a tear the manliest face. The bell is scarcely husli'd in Windsor's piles. That toU'd a requiem through the soleha!l charm the lisl'iiiiig car. Nor ease the child of penury aiu' care. Oh ! when this tale tar lii-tant millions iiear. Who will not siieil the synipathi/.iiii; tear ? 590 LIFE OF THE E'en barren cliffs some dewy drops shall spill, And the bleak rock its rusty tears distil. And thou, fair Infant, whom no cares molest. From sorrow free, in Heaven's eternal rest ; Thy future fame the Bard had hop'd to sing. And telJ the glories of his embryo King ; How distant isles thy mandates should obey. And either India own thy godlike sway. Delusive hope ! no tarrying here below, Tho' bom to reign snatch'd from tliis vale of woe ; Spurn 'd at a throne, a bright clad cherub thou, A nobler crown adorns thy circling brow ; Thy beauteous form, on wings of seraph borne. Knelt at the centre of the Eternal Throne ; With lisping voice and zephyrs silvery lays, Join'd in the general theme of lofty praise ; With trembling tongue pray'd the dear face to sec Of her that bore a Mother's pangs for thee ; Pray'd to conduct her through the deeps of air, To join with thee the bright assembly there. Pity prevai'od, the good, the gracious God, Benignant smil'd, and gave th' assenting nod. Thy coral lips, with grateful rapture fir'd, To chaunt a nobler song of praise aspird; With ra])t'tous joy on the kind errand sped. Heaven's glories shedding o'er the dying bed; With splendor deck'd, with seraphs' glories fraught. The will of Heaven's eternal Ruler brought; With gentlest breath the heavenly summons sighed Tiiy parent smiled, obcy'd her God, and died ! Oh, blissful hour ! Oh, child supremely blest ! To waft thy Parent to eternal rest ; Guide the new Angel to her native home, And bid her welconie to a nol)ler throne ; While round her head Htavcn's vivid splendors play. And star-wreailied angeis line the dazzling way. PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 591 And tho' full oft our trickling tears may lave, With many a bitter sigh, their early grave. Their favour'd barks have gain'd a happier shore. Around wiiose halcyon shades no thunders roar. Then cease to groan, nor yield to dark despair, For brighter courts and fairer worlds are there. Faringdon. J. B. 0}i the Death of Princess Charlotte. Sad by the couch, o'er which his bride reclin'd, O'erwhelm'd with grief and agony of mind. Her Consort stands and gazing o'er her face, Still hopes ill every look and glance to trace Something like life returning still to see Some faint expression of reviving energy. But, ah ! his hopes are vain his throbbing heart Too keenly feels the pang " We must for ever part !" Her eyes were fix'd where all her joys had been. And his, returning every look, were seen Still bent to her, while leaning o'er her side He watch'd the painful struggles of his bride. In vain the effort to suppress his grief. To check tlie tear, that, starting, brings relief! His the sad fate to see her sink in deatii, And, fainting in his arms, resign her breath; In vain she trie.-; to speak she softly sigh'd, And, breathing gently, in his bosom died. AN ODE, T'o the Mcv)or}i of Princess Charlotte. DAiui-.Tir. .>, J ' I'rii [)ure. And lieauli-u.i' . - Thy ! .vclin.-a.s . ACeCUU!. S t> I 592 ' LIFE OF THE And Thou must feed the humble worir.- Thyself, liow humble then ! For Death shall lay the Victor's arm As low as those he's slain. And Monarchs sink like other men, When life's poor dream is o'er ! But Thou, Beloved Child of Pain, In Death shall bind us more ! A Nation's sighs thy loss deplore The tear of grief is shed And all thy Spirit wooed before, Thy Memory hatli wed ! Ere yet Thou fill thy narrow bed, That should'st have fill'd a Throne ' In cheerless State, we see thee laid, That yesterday but shone. But Heaven's Almighty Will be djne .' We grieve while Seraphim rejoice For Thou eternally art one In Adoration's voice. And Leopold was thy maiden choice Unbiass'd by control ; He shunn'd with thee unmeaning toys, For SjTTipathy of Soul ! A weeping Nation may condole His lamentable plight But Suns of Joy to Him can roll No sunshine of delight. Thau wert the Charmer of his night The Beauty of hrs day ! And he may weep, indeed, tJijj flight, That ravish'd all away ! Oh ! Thou wert fair as smilinpr Miy, With goodness all thine own Atxi Spirit, Time may truly say What Hovaltv luith shown.'' PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE. 5^3 Still do we doubt and art Thou flown For ever frcm the Earth With heavenly glory round thee thrown To memorize thy vorth ! Lcv'd Majesty, that blest thy Birth, Thine exit may-not know For God hath clo'^ccl his eye on mirth. And rapt las mind ffom woe! But oh ! their besoms' restioss throe. Save Farenti -ivlio can fee! Tlieir Child hath left a wound below That time may never heal ! LINES on the Death of Princess Cbarlotte. Fair smil'd the prospect under skies serene, And vernal beauty brighten'd every scene Her magic influence Music pour'd around. Whilst Joy sat listening to the soothing sound ; And Love, enraptur'd, lent his potent charm. Chaste Feeling's fond impassion'd breast to warm Banisli'd, amid the universal glow Of pleasure, sucm'd each sullen shade of woe, Aixi the completion, in its utmost scope, Of promis'd bliss, was realiz'd by Hope. ,. Such lately, Claremont, in thy blooming shade^ Such was the prospect we beheld display'd. When last returning Spring's prolific powers In renovated lieauty clotii'd tlie bowers; And all of happiness man here can t;hare. With Heaven's permission, crowii'd the Princely Pair, Who ileign'il, from cares of regal state yet free, To fix their royal rc,>iJL'uce in thee; Where tliey, indeed, did bright examples pror Of wedded faith, and harmony, and lovo -iG 594 LIFE OF THE While their beneficence arountl thee shed Its cheering beams on Want's declining head ; And widows orphans, rescu'd from distress, Pour'd ceaseless prayers to Hearen for their success. But ah, mysterious Fate ! inrolv'd in gloom Impenetrable is man's future doom ; The smiling mom, that no dark clouds deform. Ere noon may lour and burst into a storm : And all Spring's flowery pride, in beauty's glow, A wintry gale may suddenly o'erthrow. Such awful change misfortune often brings, To blast the hopes of Nations and of Kings, Lamented Princess ! such the dread decree. That snatch'd from our fond expectations Trie e .' That left a doating Husband plung'd in grief; No words can paint no mtdicino yield relief! Who hurl'd from happinc>3 bereft forlorn Affection's tendorcst tics asunder torn ! His brightest prospects blasted comfort.; fled In speechless agony now i^ows his head, StruggUng beneatli AlTlictiof's heavii st load. To learn submission to the will of God I Dromore. THE CONSOLATION. Ascend, bright Or'o, and take your flight To the blissful realms of light ; Behold your Saviour and your God To Seraph Angel gives the nod, Fly and and receive her in your breast. Waft her to her heavenly rest. Ili:-ing from her earthly dome 'J'o her blest, etcrn.-d home, Heaven's golden cli;iul.> now open wide, From worldly eyes iier form to hide ; tEINCESS CHARLOTTE. 595 The' Spirits blessM all gaz'd to see Her mortal frame immortal be. Now Angels and Archangels sing A Hallelujah to their King ; Celestial harps, by Cherubs strung, Revcrb'rate to their Saviour's song; The voice of Goil now sounds the strain, Come, Charlotte, to your God again. THE CELESTIAI> ROSE, OR, BRITISH SIGHS; An Elegiac Trihufc, to the 3Iemo7'y of Princess Charlotte, TiiK pride of British liowcrs no more In splendor rears its liead ; Ah! no: Britannia's hopes are o'er. Tier Iloyal Charlotte's dead. Dead is the sweetest, lirightest Rose tVr iirac'd or hiil or dell ; Whilst Britons vent, in grief, tlieir woes, And sighing, crj' "Farewell!" Is deatli eternal ? Oh ! no, no. Such flowers can never die ; They're watted from a soil helnw. To bloom in realms on high. Hark! Hark! divine seraphic tones The lieav'nly chorus swell The welcome to etherial thrones. Whilst Britons sigh "Fare>veiH" 596 LIFE OF THE PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. Such bliss in a celestial sphere Must give us sweet relief Must tend to check our sorrows here. And soften poignant grief. Must melt those tender hearts who hear The deep funereal knell, Who, whilst they drop the pearly tear, Sigh softly si^h " Farewell." Then calm. Oh ! calm such fond despair ; Britons ! no more repine ; Your Flower is His peculiar care. Whose pruning hand's divine. No more let grief your souls weigh dowTi, Your sighs and tears repel, Celestial Joys your Charlotte crown, Resigr.'dj then, say " FareweU." Belle Vuc Place, J. BISSET. Ltarvington Spa, Sth A'ov. 1S17. FINIS- surfotvfxd ziiij Printed by J. M'GowaD, Great Windmill iut