ViETR I MILLAK AND MACLiN */ iT^ ^1'^ -w^ - "fy^^^J^i^ r,,f ,-_/ -T V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY BY ADAM V. MILLAR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF DRAWINO UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN AND EDWARD S. MACLIN INSTRUCTOR IN DRAWING UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY 239 WEST 39TH STREET, NEW YORK 6 BOUVERIE STREET, LONDON, E. C. 1913 Copyright, 1913 BY A. V. MILLAR AND E. S. MACLIN STATE JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY Printers and Sterkotypers madison, wis. PREFACE In preparing the following text in descriptive geometry, the authors have endeavored (1) to make the subject easier for the student, (2) to help the student to visualize magnitudes in space, and (3) to present the subject more nearly in accord with commercial practice. In order to accomplish these three things the ground line is omitted. When the projections of several points are given without the ground line being shown, the distances of the points from the horizontal or vertical planes of projection are not determined. The vertical projections, however, do show the relative heights of the points and the horizontal projections show the relative distances of the points from the vertical plane. It is the relative distances of points of an object from a plane with which we are concerned, since the distance of the whole object from the plane of projection does not change the or- thographic projection of the object on that plane. When it is desired to locate points which are given distances from the planes of projection, the ground lioe must be used. Even when the ground line is not shown, it is understood to be at right angles to the line joining the two projections of the same point. By the omission of the ground line, and therefore the traces of a plane, the student's attention is centered on the object or magnitude in space and not on the planes of projection. This teaches the student to visualize the object rather than mem- orize the projections of the object. The subject is thus made easier because memorizing constructions and keeping the draw- ing rather than the object in mind are the greatest hinderances which the student encounters in mastering the subject. Since the ground line is omitted in commercial work, the subject 259669 IV PREFACE taught in the above maimer is more in accord with that prac- tice. The third quadrant is used quite generally in the drafting offices of this country. It seems logical, therefore, to present the subject of descriptive geometry in the third quadrant, which is done in the present text. Since in this text there is no particular horizontal or vertical plane, objects, such as cones and cylinders, can be placed in their natural positions rather than being inverted to bring their bases in a horizontal plane of projection. This removes one of the chief objections to the third quadrant. Although the method used here in presenting the principles of descriptive geometry is new in American texts on the sub- ject, it is used to some extent by French authors such as Javary, '*F. J.,'' and others. It has been used at the University of Wis- consin for some time and the results have been most satisfac- tory. The authors have consulted many descriptive geometries in preparing the following text but are particularly indebted for suggestions and problems, to the following : Phillips and Millar, Fishleigh, Ames, Bartlett, and MacCord. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 CHAPTER I FIRST PRINCIPLES Projection 5 Orthographic Projection 6 Picturing Magnitudes in Space 8 Points 9 Lines 12 Planes 16 Revolution and Counter-Revolution 19 Line Conventions 24 CHAPTER II THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF THE POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE To Find the Length of a Line and the Angles Which it Makes V7ITH H AND V 26 To Find the Projections of a Line Which Makes a Given Angle vriTH H OR V 27 To Find the Angle Which a Given Plane Makes with H or V 28 To Represent a Plane Which Makes a Given Angle with H or V 30 To Find the Angle Between Two Lines 31 To Find a Line Which Contains a Given Point and Makes a Given Angle with a Given Line 33 To Represent a Plane Which Contains a Given Point and is Parallel to Two Given Lines 35 To Find the Point in Which a Line Pierces a Plane 36 To Find the Line of Intersection of Two Planes 37 A Line Perpendicular to a Plane 40 To Find the Distance From a Point to a Plane 40 To Find a Point Which is a Given Distance From a Plane 41 To Represent a Plane Which Contains a Point and is Perpen- dicular TO A Line 42 VI CONTENTS Page To Find the Projection of a Line on a Plane 43 To Find the Angle Which a Line Makes with a Plane 44 To Find the Angle Between Two Planes 45 To Find the Common Perpendicular to Two Lines 46 Auxiliary Planes of Projection 48 Problems Intolvinq Points, Lines, and Planes 50 CHAPTER III APPLICATIONS OF THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF THE POINT, STRAIGHT LINE. AND PLANE Shades and Shadows 57 Plane Sections and Developments of the Surfaces of Prisms AND Pyramids 64 Intersections of the Surfaces of Prisms and Pyramids 70 CHAPTER IV CURVED LINES AND SURFACES Generation and Classification of Lines 77 Projections of Curves 78 Tangents and Normals to Lines 79 Curves of Single Curvature 80 Curves of Double Curvature 85 Generation and Classification of Surfaces 86 Surfaces of Revolution 87 Tangent Planes to Surfaces. Normal Lines and Planes 89 Single Curved Surfaces 92 Warped Surfaces 99 Double Curved Surfaces 109 Problems on Tangent Planes to Surfaces 113 CHAPTER V PLANE SECTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF CURVED SURFACES Right Cylinder 115 Oblique Cylinder 117 Oblique Cone 118 Plane Section of a Warped Surface 120 Plane Section of a Surface of Revolution 120 CONTENTS Vll Page Plane Section of Any Surface by the Use of an Auxiliary Plane OF Projection 122 Problems on the Plane Sections of Surfaces 124 CHAPTER VI INTERSECTIONS OF CURVED SURFACES General Method for Finding the Line of Intersection of Two Surfaces 125 Two Oblique Cylinders 125 Cone and Cylinder 127 To Determine in Advance the Nature of the Line of Intersec- tion 127 Two Cones 129 Sphere and Cone or Sphere and Cylinder 129 Problems on the Line of Intersection of Surfaces 130 INTRODUCTION It may help some instructors who contemplate using the fol- lowing text-book to know how the authors have used the book in their classes. With this in view, the following general method for conducting the course is suggested and an outline of lessons given. Each instructor will, no doubt, need to alter the outline to some extent to suit the conditions under which he works. At the University of Wisconsin, descriptive geometry is given as a three credit course for one semester of eighteen weeks. Each week's work consists of one general lecture for all students in the course, one recitation, and two two-hour drafting periods for each section. One of the two-hour draft- ing periods is sometimes turned into a one-hour recitation period. At the lecture, the general principles involved in the next lesson are explained, general announcements made, and prob- lems assigned for a home plate which is to be handed in at tho beginning of the recitation period. At the recitation, the stu- dents are drilled in the analyses of the problems and then sent to the black board with some particular problem to solve. In the drafting room, each student is given a slip similar to the following: Plate 1 Article 10, Problem 4 '' 10, '' 14 '' 15, '' 5 '' 15, '' 17 As far as possible duplicate slips are avoided. The student solves the problems and if he has time letters the statements of INTRODUCTION the problems. The work is done on a ll"xl5" sheet and is left in pencil. Neatness, clearness, and accuracy are demanded. With the exception of a few plates, the work is completed and handed in at the close of each two-hour drafting period. The plates are then corrected, graded, and returned to the student at the next drafting period. This method of giving a plate to be completed each time the student comes to the drafting room has the following advantages: the student comes better pre- pared for his work, he wastes no time in the drafting room, and the attendance is improved. Unannounced written quizzes are given in the drafting room about every three weeks. Neatness and clearness of the con- struction counts for 15% of the grade. The following outline gives the lesson assignments for the recitation work. Lesson 1. Articles 1 to 12 incl u '' 2. 13 19 '' .3. 20 26 4. 27 30 '' 5. 31 34 '' 6. 35 41 '' 7. 42 45 " 8. 46 51 '' 9. 52 55 '' 10. 56 58 '' 11. 59 61 ** 12. 62 68 '' 13. 69 73 '' 14. 74 76 '' 15. 77 79 '' 16. 80 95 *' 17. 96 107 '' 18. 108 118 '' 19. 119 128 '' 20. 129 136 / INTRODUCTION SOI 1 21. Articles 137 to 152 inclusive a 22. 153'' 158 '' ( c 23. 159'' 161 " In case the time allowed for descriptive geometry is not enough to permit the giving of the course as outlined above, it is suggested that shades and shadows and the latter part of warped surfaces be omitted. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY CHAPTER I FIRST PRINCIPLES 1. Projection. If from a point S, Fig. 1, straight lines are drawn through a series of points A, B, C . . . , the points a, h, c ... in which these lines pierce the plane T, are the projections of the points A, B, C on this plane. S is called the point of sight. A, B, C, ... are points of a magnitude or object in space. Sa, Sh, So . . . are projecting lines of the points A, B, C, T is the plane of projection. /b/ / / ^ / A\ /n^/j^j\ /i Fig. 1. — Perspective. Fig. 2. — Oblique projection. %i c 7M\ F^G. 3. — Orthographic projection. Leaving color out of consideration, the projections a, 6, c, . . . present the same appearance to the eye, situated at the point of sight, as the points A, B, C, ... in space. In perspective, Fig. 1, the point of sight is at a finite distance from the plane of projection. The projecting lines diverge. In oblique and orthographic projection. Figs. 2 and 3, the point of sight is at an infinite distance from the plane of pro- jection. The projecting lines are parallel. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY The projection is oblique when the projecting lines are par- allel to each other and oblique to the plane of projection. The projection is orthographic when the projecting lines are perpendicular to the plane of projection. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION 2. A point in space is not completely determined by its or- thographic projection on one plane for the distance of the point from the plane is not shown by its projection. All points A, B, C, Fig. 4, which lie in a vertical straight line have the same projection on a horizontal plane. There are two methods of representing definitely a point in space. One method is to give J its projection on a plane and also A* its distance from that plane. This ig method is used in making contour maps; a contour line being a line joining the projections of all points which are a given distance above or Ct ; V wnicn are a given aisiance aoove or ^^^ \l below a base plane. The other method " is to use two (or more) different Fig. 4. — a, 6, c, projections of planes of projection. When two pro- points A, B, C, on plane T. jections are used, one is usually con- sidered the principal projection. The other is supplementary showing the distance of the point from the plane upon which the principal projection is made. The method which uses the two projections of a point is the more common. 3. PlaJies of projection. In orthographic projection, two planes are generally used, Fig. 5, one horizontal and the other vertical, called respectively: (a) The horizontal plane of projection, or H. (b) The vertical plane of projection, or V. Their intersection is called the ground line, or G. L. Sometimes other planes of projection are used which are per- pendicular to either H or V. If the plane of projection is per- pendicular to both H and V and therefore perpendicular to the ground line, it is called a profile or end plane, or P. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Point of sight. The point of sight for the horizontal plane is an infinite distance above H and for the vertical plane it is an in- finite distance in front of V. In the horizontal view, the ground line represents the vertical plane seen edgewise, and in the vertical view, the ground line represents the horizontal plane seen edgewise. 4. The four quadrants. The right dihedral angles formed by the intersection of the horizontal and vertical planes of projec- tion are known as the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants, Fig. 5. The first quadrant is above H and in front of V. The second quadrant is above H and back of V. The third quadrant is below H and back of V. The fourth quadrant is below H and in front of V. 5. The drawing. In or- der to represent both the horizontal and vertical projections of an object on Fig. 5.-Principal planes of projection. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ p^p^^.^ the planes of projection must be brought together. This is accomplished by keeping one of the planes fixed and revolving the other about the ground line as an axis until the two planes coincide. If the horizontal plane is kept fixed, the upper part of the vertical plane is revolved backward until it coincides with the back part of the horizontal plane. This wiU be found convenient if the work is done on a drafting board which is in a horizontal position. If the vertical plane is kept fixed, the front part of the horizontal plane is revolved downward until it coincides with the lower part of the vertical plane. This will be found convenient when working on the blackboard. By either method, the first and third quadrants are opened and the second and fourth closed. 8 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY When the profile or end plane is used, it is brought into the vertical plane by revolving it about its intersection vrith the vertical plane. It must be remembered that the projections are made vrhile the planes of projection are still at right angles, the planes be- ing brought together simply for convenience in making all of the projections on one sheet of paper. PICTURING MAGNITUDES IN SPACE 6. In order to solve problems intelligently, the student should learn to picture to himself points, lines, and objects in their proper positions v^ith reference to the planes of projection. When the dravring is in a horizontal position, it is best to con- sider the plane of the dravring as the horizontal plane of pro- jection. The vertical plane of projection should be pictured as a plane vrhich contains the ground line and is perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. The student should place one of his triangles to represent the vertical plane. The other triangle when placed at right angles to the horizontal and vertical planes of projection will represent the profile or end plane. The first quadrant is above the drawing and in front of the ground line. The second quadrant is above the drawing and behind the ground line. The third quadrant is below the draw- ing and behind the ground line. The fourth quadrant is below the drawing and in front of the ground line. The magnitude, such as a point, line, or object, is then pic- tured in its proper position with reference to the planes of pro- jection. The top or horizontal view is obtained by looking straight down from above, the front or vertical view by look- ing from the front, and the end or profile view by looking through the end plane. After these projections are made, the planes of projection are brought together by the method ex- plained in Art. 5. The magnitudes should always be pictured in space before the drawing is made. POINTS POINTS 7. Let A, Fig. 6, be any point in space and H, V, and P the planes of projection. The line Aa, through the point and per- pendicular to the horizontal plane, is the horizontal projecting line of the point and its intersection a, with the horizontal plane, is the horizontal projection of the point. Similarly the line Aa\ through the point and perpendicular to the vertical plane, is the vertical projecting line of the point and its intersection a' with the vertical plane is the vertical projection of the point. In like manner the line A.a", through the point and perpendicular to the profile plane, is the profile projecting line of the point and its intersection a" with the profile plane is the profile pro- jection of the point. Fig. 6. — Point A in 3rd quadrant. Fig. 7. Any two projections of a point determine its position in space, for the projecting lines intersect in the only point which can have the given projections. Since the vertical projecting line of a point in space is par- allel to the horizontal plane, the distance from the point in space to the horizontal plane is equal to the distance from its vertical projection to the ground line. Moreover, the horizon- tal projecting line of a point in space is parallel to the vertical 10 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY plane, therefore the distance from the point in space to the ver- tical plane is equal to the distance from its horizontal projec- tion to the ground line. Since a'h remains perpendicular to the ground line during the revolution of the vertical plane from the vertical to the horizon- tal position, then when the vertical and horizontal planes coin- cide as they do on the drawing, Fig. 7, a'a is perpendicular to the ground line, that is, the two projections of a point in space are in the same line perpendicular to the ground line. 8. Figs. 8, 9, and 10 show the projections of points in the first, second, and fourth quadrants respectively. The figures ^a' Fig. ^.— Point A in 1st Q. I I at I I I __L 'Fig. 9.— Point A in 2nd Q. I I ai Fig. l(i.— Point A in 4th Q. represent the projections of the point after the planes of pro- jection have been brought into coincidence. These points in space should be definitely pictured from their projections. "Wlien the horizontal projection is considered the principal pro- jection, pictufe directly above or below it, the vertical projec- tion giving the distance from the horizontal plane. When the vertical projection is considered the principal projection, pic- ture directly in front of or behind it, the horizontal projection giving the distance from the vertical plane. It does not matter in which quadrant the object is placed, the point of sight for the horizontal view is always above H, and for the vertical view it is always in front of V. POINTS 11 In the third quadrant, the point of sight is at an infinite dis- tance to the right for the right end view and at an infinite dis- tance to the left for the left end view. 9. Natation. Points in space are designated by capital let- ters as A, B, C, etc. Horizontal projections of points, small letters as a, h, c, etc. Vertical projections of points, small let- ters with prime marks as a\ &', c', etc. Profile projections of points, small letters with double prime marks as a", b", d\ etc. Ground line, full. The line joining the projections of a point will be drawn fine, full in pencil, and fine, full, red in ink. 10. Problems. Picture to yourself points in the following positions and then draw their projections. 1. In H V in front of V. 2. In V \\" below H. 3. V in front of V and 2" above H. 4. W below H and \\" behind V. 5. \" above H and W" behind V. 6. \\" below H and ir in front of V. 7. V above H and \\" in front of V. 8. 1" behind V and \\" below H. 9. V in front of V and 1" below H. 10. \\" behind V and T above H. 11. In V and 2" above H. 12. In H and W behind V. 13. In the third quadrant V from H and \\" from V. 14. In the first quadrant 1^'' from V and \" from H. 15. In the fourth quadrant \\" from H and \" from V. 16. In the second quadrant \" from V and \\" from H. 17. A point has its projections coinciding above the ground line. Describe the location of the point. 18. The same as problem 17 except that the projections of the point coincide below the ground line. 12 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY LINES 11. Let AC, Fig. 11, be any straight line in space and H, V, and P the planes of projection. The plane ACc, containing the line and perpendicular to the horizontal plane, is the horizontal projecting plajie of the line. Its intersection ac with the hor- izontal plane is the horizontal projection of the line. Similarly the plane ACc', containing the line and perpendicular to the vertical plane, is the vertical projecting plane of the line. Its intersection a'c' with the vertical plane is the vertical projection of the line. In like manner the plane ACc", containing the line and perpendicular to the profile plane, is the profile projecting plane of the line. Its intersection a"c" with the profile plane is the profile or end projection of the line. Fig. 11. — Projections of a line. Any two projections of a straight line determine its position in space, for the projecting planes intersect in the only line which can have the given projections. "When the two projections of a line of indefinite length are in the same perpendicular to the ground line, the projecting planes will coincide and the line is undetermined. If, however, the projections of any two points of a straight line are given, the line is always determined. * # LINES ^ 13 12. Projections of straight lines in various positions with ref- erence to the the planes of projection. If a line is oblique to H, V, and P, the projections of the Una will be inclined to the ground line. If a line is parallel to the ground line, its H and V projections will be parallel to the ground line. If a line is perpendicular to the horizontal plane, its horizon- tal projection is a point and its vertical projection is a straight line perpendicular to the ground line. If a line is perpendicular to the vertical plane, its vertical projection is a point and its horizontal projection is a straight line perpendicular to the ground line. If a line is parallel to the horizontal plane and oblique to the vertical plane, its vertical projection will be parallel to the ground line and its horizontal projection will be inclined to the ground line. If a line is parallel to the vertical plane and oblique to the horizontal plane, its horizontal projection will be parallel to the ground line and its vertical projection will be inclined to the ground line. 13. Point on line. If a point is on a lihe in space, the hor- izontal projection of the point will be on the horizontal pro- jection of the line, the vertical projection of the point will be on the vertical projection of the line, and the profile projection of the point will be on the profile projection of the line, Fig. 12. In order to represent a point of a given line which lies in a profile plane, use the profile projection of the line. Intersecting lines. If two lines, which do not lie in a profile plane, intersect at a point in space, the horizontal projections of the lines will intersect in the horizontal projection of the point and the vertical projections of the lines will intersect in the vertical projection of the point, Fig. 13. The projections of the common point D must lie in the same perpendicular to the ground line. If two lines do not intersect in space, their projections will 14 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY not intersect in the same perpendicular to the ground line, Fig. 14. Parallel lines. If two lines are parallel in space, their pro- jections on the same plane are parallel, Fig. 15. Pig 12. — Point C Fig. IS.— Intersect- Fig. 14.— Lines not Fig. 15.—Par- on line AB. ing lines. intersecting. allel lines. 14. Notation. Lines in space are designated by capital let- ters as AB, CD, MN, etc. Horizontal projections of lines, small letters as dby cd, mn, etc. Vertical projections of lines, small letters with prime marks as a'&', c'd\ m'n\ etc. Profile projec- tions of lines, small letters with double prime marks as a"!:)", c"d"; m"n\ etc. The planes of projection will be considered transparent. 15. Problems. Picture to yourself lines in the following posi- tions and then draw their projections. Show the profile pro- jections of lines in the first and third quadrants in addition to their horizontal and vertical projections. 1. In the first quadrant, parallel to H and oblique to V. 2. In the second quadrant, parallel to V and oblique to H. 3. In the back of H and inclined to V. 4. In the third quadrant, perpendicular to H. 5. In the third quadrant, oblique to H and V. Draw the projections of a point on this line. 6. In the first quadrant oblique to H and V and in a plane perpen- dicular to G. L. LINES 15 7. In a plane bisecting the faurth quadrant. 8. An oblique line intersecting the ground line. 9. Two intersecting lines in the third quadrant. 10. Two lines which are oblique to H and V and intersect on H. 11. Given the projections of a point and the projections of an oblique line. Draw the projections of a line which passes through the given point and is parallel to the given line. 12. Two oblique lines which are parallel, one in the first and the other in the second quadrant. 13. Given the projections of a point and the projections of an oblique line. Draw the projections of a line which passes through the given point and intersects the given line. 14. Two intersecting lines in the first quadrant, one parallel to H and oblique to V and the other parallel to V and oblique to H. 15. Two parallel lines which lie in a profile plane and are in the third quadrant. 16. Two intersecting lines which lie in a profile plane and are in the first quadrant. 17. Two intersecting lines in the third quadrant, one perpendicular to H and the other perpendicular to V. 18. A line is given by its projections. Find the projections of a point of this line which is equally distant from H and V. 19. A line of profile is given by the projections of two of its points. Choose a point of this line which is equally distant from H and V. 20. A point and a line lie in a profile plane. Determine by an end view whether or not the point lies on the line. 21. Draw the projections of a parallelogram when the projections of two of its adjacent sides are given. 16 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY PLANES 16. In space, a plane is fixed by three points, not in the same straight line, a point and a line, two intersecting lines or two parallel lines. If the horizontal and vertical projections of these magnitudes are given, the plane which they determine in space will be definitely located. When the statement ''A given plane" is made, the student is expected to draw the projections of the magnitudes which represent the plane. jir^b The points A, B, and C, Fig. 16, fix ^ ^^'^^ \ \ a plane in space. It is evident that a straight line joining A and B, B and •-^1 r'"""-^*>.^c C, or A and C will lie in this plane. /< If a point and line are given by their projections, they will fix a y^ ^S^^^ ' .plane. Other straight lines of the <7>i^ — ^""^ plane can be found by joining the Fig. 16.— Points A, B, C given point with points on the given fix a plane. Hj^q If the plane is fixed by two straight lines, either parallel or intersecting, any number of other straight lines of the plane can be found by joining a point in one of the given lines with a point in the other. If a plane is perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projec- tion, all straight lines of the plane which are of indefinite length, have the same horizontal projection. The vertical pro- jections of these lines will be parallel or intersecting lines. If a plane is perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection, all straight lines of the plane which are of indefinite length have the same vertical projection. The horizontal projections of these lines will be parallel or intersecting lines. If a plane is perpendicular to both the horizontal and ver- tical planes of projection, all straight lines of the plane which are of indefinite length have the same horizontal projection and also the same vertical projection. PLANES 17 If one straight line of a plane is parallel to the ground line, the plane is parallel to the ground line. 17. Lines in planes. The two intersecting lines MN and OP, Fig. 17, fix a plane. The straight line AB, joining the point A in MN with the point B in OPj is another line of the plane, ah is its horizontal and a'h' its vertical projection. A line which lies in a given plane and is parallel to H is called a horizontal of that plane. In Fig. 18, HH is such a line which lies in the plane of the lines MN and OP. Its vertical projection Wh' is drawn first and then its horizontal projection Fig. 17. — AB line in plane of MN and OP. Fig. 18. — HH horizontal of given plane. FF frontal of given plane. hh is found by finding the horizontal projections of the points B and A where it crosses the given lines MN and OP. A line which lies in a given plane and is parallel to V, is called a fron- tal of that plane. FF is such a line which lies in the plane of MN and OP. Its horizontal projection // is drawn first and then its vertical projection ff is found. These lines which lie in a plane and are parallel to H or Y play an important part in the solution of many problems. 18. Points in planes. If one projection of a point which lies in a plane is given, the other projection is found by finding the projections of a line of the plane passing through the point and 18 DESCRIPTIVB GEOMETRY then locating the other projection of the point on the other pro- jection of the line. All the points which lie on a given plane and are a given dis- tance from the horizontal plane of projection are on a horizon- tal of the given plane. Likewise, all the points which lie on a given plane and are a given distance from the vertical plane of projection are on a frontal of the given plane. 19. Problems. In the following problems the given planes may be represented by the projections of any two of their lines unless it is otherwise stated. 1. Having given the horizontal projection of a line which lies in a given plane, to find its vertical projection. 2. Having given the vertical projection of a line which lies in a given plane, to find its horizontal projection. 3. Having given the horizontal projection of a point which lies in a given plane, to find its vertical projection. 4. Find the projections of the locus of all points which lie on a given oblique plane and are 1" from H; 6. Find the projections of the locus of all points which lie on a given oblique plane and are li" from V. 6. Find the projections of a point which lies on a given oblique plane and is I'' from H and 1" from V. 7. A point and two parallel lines are given by their projections. Is the point in the plane of the two parallel lines? 8. Having given a plane which is parallel to the ground line and the horizontal projection of a point of this plane. Find the vertical pro- jection of the point. 9. Having given a plane which is parallel to the ground line and the horizontal projection of a line of this plane. Find the vertical projec- tion of the line. 10. Having given a plane which is parallel to the ground line and the vertical projection of a line of this plane which is also parallel to the ground line. Find the horizontal projection of the line. 11. Two lines in the third quadrant are in such a position that neither their horizontal nor vertical projections intersect within the limits of the drawing. Determine graphically whether or not the lines intersect. 12. A plane is represented by two intersecting lines. The horizontal projection of a line which passes through their point of intersection and lies in the given plane is given. Find its vertical projection. 13. A plane is represented by two parallel lines. The horizontal pro- jection of another line of this plane which is parallel to the first two lines is given. Find its vertical projection. REVOLUTION AND COUNTER REVOLUTION 19 REVOLUTION AND COUNTER REVOLUTION OF OBJECTS 20. An object is said to revolve about a straight line as an axis when each of its points moves in the circumference of a circle whose center is in the axis and whose plane is perpen- dicular to the axis. When an object is revolved about a straight line as an axis, the relative position of its points is not changed. The object can thus be brought into a simpler position with reference to the planes of projection. The projections of the object in this position are easily found and from these projections the projec- tions of the object in its original position are found by the counter revolution of its points. REVOLUTION OF A POINT ABOUT AN AXIS 21. A line perpendicular to H and a point are given by their projections. Revolve the point through an angle of oc ° about the line as an axis. In Fig. 19, let MN be the axis and P the given point. The point P will move in the circumference of a circle whose center is at and whose radius is OP (Art. 20). The plane of the path of this point is perpendicular to MN and therefore parallel to H. Therefore the horizontal projection of the path is a circle with a radius op and the vertical projection is a straight line through p' parallel to the ground line. Since the plane of the circle is parallel to H, the horizontal projection of the angle through, which the radius sweeps is equal to the true size of the angle. Therefore Pi, Fig. 19, is the required posi- tion of P. 22. A line perpendicular to V and a point are given by their projections. Revolve the point through an angle of oc ° about the line as an axis. In Fig. 20, let MN be the axis and P the given point. The point P will move in the circumference of a circle whose center is at and whose radius is OP (Art. 20). The plane of 20 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the path of this point is parallel to V, and therefore the vertical projection is a circle with radius o'p' and the horizontal pro- jection is a straight line through p parallel to the ground line. Since the plane of the circle is parallel to V, the vertical pro- jection of the angle through which the radius sweeps is equal to the true size of the angle. Therefore Pj, Fig. 20, is the required position of P. n rrP(n I /A I' m o'-l 1 I I I I I Fig. 19. — P revolved through oc" about MN as axis. Fig. 20. — P revolved through oc' about MN as axis. 23. A line parallel to H and oblique to V and a point are given by their projections. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until the point is on the same level as the axis. In Fig. 21, let MN be the axis and P the given point. The point P will move in the circumference of a circle whose center is at and whose radius is OP. The plane of this circle is perpendicular to the axis MN and therefore perpendicular to H. The horizontal projection of the circle is the straight line op which passes through the horizontal projection p of the point and is perpendicular to the horizontal projection mn of the axis. The vertical projection of the circle is an ellipse. To find the radius of the circle, let the plane of the circle be turned over until it is parallel to H about a horizontal axis which REVOLUTION AND COUNTER REVOLUTION 21 passes through the center and is perpendicular to MN. When the plane is in the revolved position, the point P is at pi, the distance pp^ being equal to the distance d. Then op^ is the re- quired radius. The point p^ is then moved around in this cir- cumference until it cuts the line op extended at Pz and p^. / i /y Fig. 21. — Point P revolved about MN as axis. fA. ,.-' Fig. 22. — Point P revolved about MN as axis. When the plane of the circle is counter revolved to its former position at right angles to MN, the points Pg and P3 do not move and therefore remain on the same level as MN. Then the points P2 and P3 are the required positions of the point P. The perpendicular distance from any point in the circumfer- ence P2P1P3 to the line op represents the distance of the point P above or below MN when the plane of the circle stands perpen- dicular to MN. 24. A line parallel to V and oblique to H and a point are given by their projections. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until the point is the same distance from V as the axis. In Fig. 22, let MN be the axis and P the given point. The point P will move in the circumference of a circle whose center is at and whose radius is OP. The plane of this circle 22 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY is perpendicular to the axis MN and therefore perpendicular to V. The vertical projection of the circle is the straight line o'y' which passes through the vertical projection p' of the point and is perpendicular to the vertical projection m'w' of the axis. The horizontal projection of the circle is an ellipse. To find the radius of the circle, let the plane of the circle be turned over until it is parallel to V about an axis parallel to V which passes through the center and is perpendicular to MN. When the plane is in the revolved position, the point P is at p'l, the dis- tance p'p'i being equal to the distance d Then o''g\ is the re- quired radius. The point 'p\ is then moved around in this cir- cumference until it cuts the line dp' at y'^ and p'g. "When the plane of the circle is counter revolved to its former position at right angles to MN, the points Pg and Pg do not move and there- fore remain the same distance from Y as MN. Then the points P2 and P3 are the required positions of the point P. The perpendicular distance from any point in the circumfer- ence p'zP'xP'z to the line o'p' represents the distance of the point P in front of or behind MN when the plane of the circle stands perpendicular to MN. 25. Problems. Note. — Unless stated otherwise all problems are to be solved in the third quadrant. 1. Revolve a point which is in the first quadrant through an angle of 45 degrees about an axis perpendicular to H and show its projections In the new position. 2. Revolve a point which is in the fourth quadrant into H about an axis in H. 3. Revolve a point which is in the third quadrant into H about the ground line as an axis. 4. Having given a point in H and an axis in H 30° to V, revolve the point about the axis until it is 1" above H and show its projections in this position. 5. Given a point in H also a line in H oblique to V. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until the point strikes V. Show its projections in this position. 6. Given a point in V and a line in V oblique to H. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until the point is 1" behind V. Show its projections in this position. 'REVOLUTION AND COUNTER REVOLUTION 23 7. Given a point in V and a line in H oblique to V. Revolve the point into H about the line as an axis and show its projections in this posi- tion. 8. A line lies in the front part of H and is oblique to the ground line. A point lies in the back part of H. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until it strikes V. Show its projections in this position. 9. Given an axis which is oblique to V and is parallel to and i" above H. Revolve a point which is in the first quadrant through an angle of 90° about this axis. Show its projections in this position. 10. Given an axis which is oblique to V and is parallel to and i" below H. Revolve a point about this axis until the point is V below H. Show its projections in this position. 11. Given an axis which is oblique to V and is parallel to and f" above H. Revolve a point which is in the first quadrant about the axis until it is in the second quadrant. Show its projections in this position. 12. Given a point in the third quadrant and an axis in H oblique to V. Revolve the point about the axis and find the projections of the points where it passes through H and V. 13. Given a point which is in V, and a line in H. Revolve the point about the line as an axis until the point is 1" in front of V. Show its projections in this position. 14. Revolve a point A which is 2" above H and is li" in front of V about an axis MN which is in H and makes 30° with V until the point is i" behind V and is below H. Show its projections in this position. 15. Given two points A and B on H and unequal distances from V. Find a point on V which is 2'' from both A and B. 16. Two lines lie on H, oblique to V and made 60° with each other. Revolve the one about the other as an axis until the H projection of the angle between them is 30°. Show their projections in this position. 17. Given two intersecting lines in H. Revolve the one about the other until a point of the moving line is in V. Show the projections of the lines in this position. 18. Two parallel lines are in H oblique to V. Revolve one line about the other as an axis until a point of the moving line strikes V. Show their projections in this position. 19. Two intersecting lines are in H, oblique to V. Revolve one about the other until a point of the moving line is 1" below H. Show their projections in this position. 20. Given an equilateral triangle on H. Revolve the triangle about one side as an axis until the H projection of the angle opposite the axis is a right angle. Show the projections of the triangle in this position. 24 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 21. Given a right triangle in H. Revolve the triangle about the hypothenuse as an axis until the H projection of the right angle is an angle of 120°. Show the projections of the triangle in this position. 22. Given an isosceles triangle in H oblique to V. The angle at the vertex is 30°. Revolve the triangle about the base as an axis until the H projection of the 30° angle is a right angle. Shov?" the projectione of the triangle in this position. 23. Given a scalene triangle on H oblique to V (all angles acute). Revolve the smallest angle about the side opposite as an axis until the H projection of the moving angle is a right angle. Show the projec- tions of the triangle in this position. 24. Revolve a line AB which is in H about a line CD, also in H, until AB makes an angle of 30° with H. Show the projections of AB in this position. 25. Given an axis on H oblique to V and a point on H. Revolve the point through an angle of 30° about the axis and show its projections in this position. 26. Given an axis on H oblique to V and a li" equilateral triangle on H. Revolve the triangle through an angle of 45° about the axis and show its projections in this position. 27. Given an axis on H and a 1^" square on H with sides oblique to the axis. Revolve the square through an angle of 60° about the axis and show its projections in this position. LINE CONVENTIONS 26. Pencil. The planes of projection are considered trans- parent. Retrace required lines so that they stand out from the con- struction making hidden lines dashed. The dashes should be about 1/8" long and 1/32" apart. /AH other construction is to be in very fine full lines. Ink. Given lines when visible, fine, full, black lines; when invisible, fine, dashed, black lines. Required lines when visible, heavy, full, black lines; when in- visible, heavy, dashed, black lines. All other construction is to be in fine, full, red lines. CHAPTER II THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF THE POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE. 27. The horizontal and vertical projections of a point will fix a definite point in space if the ground line is shown on the drawing (Art. 7). The distances from the projections of the point to the ground line are equal respectively to the distances of the point from the planes of projection. If the ground line is not shown, the projections of a point will not fix a definite point in space, since there is nothing to show its distances from the planes of projection. If, however, the projections of two or more points are given without the ground line being shown, the vertical projections will show the relative heights of the points and the horizontal projections will show their relative distances from the vertical plane. The projection of an object on a plane does not depend upon its distance from the plane, but upon the relative distances of its points from that plane. For example, the horizontal pro- jection of a cube does not depend upon the distance of the cube from the horizontal plane, for the horizontal projection will not be changed if all the corners of the cube be moved the same distance up or down along vertical lines. The horizontal pro- jection of the cube will be changed, however, if one or two comers remain fixed while the other corners are moved. Two projections of an object, when the ground line is omitted, will in general definitely determine the form of the object, but will not show its distances from the planes of projection. Hereafter the ground line will be omitted from many of the drawings, but it is always understood to be at right angles to the line joining two projections of the same point. 26 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 28. A straight line is given by its projections. Find the true length of the line and the angles which it makes with H and V. Let AB, Fig. 23, be the given line. Analysis. Revolve the horizontal projecting plane of the line about an axis which cuts the line, and is parallel to its horizon- FiG. 23. — a&^ and a'b'^ true length of AB och and ocv angles with H and V. tal projection, until the plane is parallel to H. The horizontal projection of the line in this position is the true length of the line. The angle between the line in its revolved position and the axis is equal to the angle which the line makes with H. The horizontal projection of the angle in this position is the true size of the angle. Construction. Let ac and a'& be the projections of the axis" which passes through A and is parallel to ah. After AB is re- PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 27 volved about AC as an axis, the horizontal projection of AB is a&i. &&1 is equal to h'c'. The point A, being on the axis, is sta- tionary. Then h^a is the true length of the line and the angle h^ab is the true size of the angle which AB makes with H. To find the angle which the line AB makes with V, revolve the vertical projecting plane of the line about an axis AE which passes through A and is parallel to the vertical projection of AB. When this projecting plane is parallel with Y, the ver- tical projection h'^a'!}' is the true size of the angle which the line AB makes with V. a'h'2 is the true length of AB and is there- fore equal to ab-^^. 29. Conversely, given the horizontal (or vertical) projection of a line and the angle which it makes with H (or V) to find the other projections of the line. The student should make the construction for this problem. Note. In Fig. 23, prove that the angle h-^ac is or is not equal to the angle h'a'c'. Also prove that the angle h^a'e' is or is not equal to the 'angle hae. 30. Problems. 1. Find the length of a straight line joining any two points in a profile plane. Find the angles which this line makes with H and V. 2. From a point on a line, given by its projections, lay off along the line a length of two units. 3. A square pyramid has its base in a horizontal plane. Find the true length of the slant height and a lateral edge of the pyramid. 4. The horizontal projection of a line is two units long and makes 45° with V. If the line makes 30° with H, find its vertical projection. 5. The horizontal projection of a line is three units long and makes 30° with V. If the line is four units long, find its vertical projection. 6. A line is four units long and its horizontal projection makes 15° with V. Find its vertical projection when one end of the line is two units higher than the other. 7. Draw the projections of a line which makes 60° with H and is oblique to V. 8. Draw the projections of a line which makes 45° with V and is oblique to H. 9. Draw the projections of a line which is four units long, makes 45° with H and is oblique to V. 28 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 10. Draw the projections of a line which is four units long, makes 30° with V and is oblique to H. 11. Draw the projections of a line which makes 30" with H, is oblique to V and has one end three units higher than the other. 12. Draw the projections of a line which makes 60° with V, is oblique to H and has one end four units in front of the other. 13. Draw the projections of a line which lies in a profile plane, makes^ 60° with H and is four units long. What angle does this line make with V? 14. A li" cube has its base parallel to H and a side face 30° to V. Find the true length of a diagonal of the cube and the angle which it makes with an edge of the cube. 15. Find the true length of the hip rafter MN in the roof shown in Fig. 37, page 49. Also find the true length of the jack rafter OQ. 16. Find the true length of the edge MN in the ventilator pipe shown in Fig. 36, page 49. 17. Find the true length of the edge MN in the chute shown in Fig. 38, page 49. 31. Two parallel lines are given by their projections. Find the angles which the plane of these lines makes with the planes of projection. Let AB and CE, Fig. 24, be the given lines. Analysis. A line of the given plane vrhich is perpendicular to a horizontal will make the same angle with H as the given plane. A line of the given plane which is perpendicular to a frontal will make the same angle with V as the given plane. Therefore, draw these lines and find the angles which they make with H and V respectively. These are the required angles. Construction, h'h' and Kh are the projections of a horizontal on the given plane (Art. 17). A line which is perpendicular to a horizontal has its horizontal projection perpendicular to the horizontal projection of the horizontal. In like manner a line which is perpendicular to a frontal has its vertical projection perpendicular to the vertical projection of the frontal. There- fore draw ge perpendicular to hh. Then ge and g'e' are the pro- jections of a line which is perpendicular to HH and lies on the given plane, oc ^ is the angle which the line GE makes with H PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 29 (Art. 28), and is therefore the angle which the plane of the given lines makes with H. By taking a line of the plane which is perpendicular to the frontal FF, the angle oc ^ which the plane makes with V is found. Fig. 24. — och angle plane makes with H. ocy angle plane makes with V. 32. Conversely, to draw the projections of two lines, the plane of which makes a given angle with H or V. Analysis. Draw the projections of a horizontal which is ob- lique to V. Draw the projections of a line which is at right angles to this horizontal and makes the required angle with H (Art. 29). These are the required lines, the plane of which makes the required angle with H. Fig. 25 shows the construction for a plane which makes the angle oc with H ; HH and AB being the required lines. By using a frontal and a line at right angles to it making the given angle with V, a plane is fixed which makes the required angle with Y, Fig. 26. 30 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Other lines on these planes can be drawn by joining points in one of the lines with points in the other line. Fig. 2^.— Plane oz° with H. Fig. 2%.— Plane oc° with y. 33. Problems. 1. Find the angles which the plane of two intersecting lines makes with H and V. 2. Given two intersecting lines, one parallel to G. L. and the other oblique to H and V, find the angles which the plane of the lines makes with H and V. What is the relation between the angles? 3. Through a given point draw two lines the plane which makes 30° with H. Does this plane make 60° with V? 4. Given two intersecting lines, one oblique to G. L. and the other a line of profile, find the angles which the plane of the lines makes with H and V. 5. Draw the projections of (a) an equilateral triangle, (b) square, (c) regular hexagon, when the plane of the triangle makes (a) 30°, (b) 45°, (c) 60° with H and is oblique to V. 6. Two intersecting lines are given by their projections. Draw the projections of an equilateral triangle lying in the plane of the two lines so that one side of the triangle makes 30° with a horizontal of the plane. 7. Two parallel lines of profile lie in separate profile planes. The plane of the lines is to be oblique to the ground line. Find the angles which this plane makes with H and V. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 31 8. A line AB makes 45" with H and is oblique to V. Represent a plane which contains the line and mak:es 60° with H. (Use a right circular cone with vertex on AB, base parallel to H and elements 60" with H). 34. If an oblique plane is given by two intersecting straight lines, the angles between the projections of these lines are not usually the true size of the angles between the lines. If the plane of the lines is revolved until it is parallel to one of the planes of projection, then the angles between the projections of the lines on that plane are the true size of the angles between the lines. If the projections of a plane figure such as a square or a triangle are given, it is necessary to revolve the plane of the figure until it is parallel to one of the planes of projection be- fore its projection on that plane is the true size of the figure. Conversely, to find the projections of a figure which lies on a given plane, it is necessary to revolve the plane until it is par- allel to one of the planes of projection. While the plane is in this position, construct the true size of the figure on it. The plane and the figure must then be counter revolved to the origi- nal position of the plane and the projections of the figure in this position found. 35. Two intersecting lines axe given by their projections. Find the true size of the angle between them. Let AO and BO, Fig. 27, be the given lines. Analysis. Draw a horizontal in the plane of the given lines. Revolve the given lines about the horizontal as an axis until the plane of the lines is parallel to H. The horizontal projection of the angle in this position is the true size of the angle between the lines since they do not change their relative position dur- ing the revolution. Construction, h'h' is the vertical and lih the horizontal pro- jection of a horizontal in the plane of AO and BO (Art. 17). When the given lines are revolved into a horizontal position about HH as an axis, their point of intersection moves to Og (Art. 23). The points X and Y on the axis do not move. Then 32 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY xOzV is the true size of the angle between the lines AO and BO. The problem can be solved by revolving the plane of the angle until it is parallel to V about a frontal as an axis. 36. To bisect an angle. When the angle is shown in its true size, the bisector can be drawn. The bisector can then be re- volved back until the plane of the angle is in its original posi- FiG. 27. — xo^y angle tetween AO and BO. tion and the projections of the bisector found. In general, the projections of the bisector will not bisect the projections of the angle. The projection of an angle can be larger than, equal to, or smaller than the angle itself. The projection of a right angle is a right angle when one side of the angle is parallel to the plane upon which the projection is made. 37. Problems. 1. Find the angle between two intersecting lines by using a frontal as an axis. 2. Find the angle between two intersecting lines when one is oblique to H and V and the other is parallel to H and makes 30° to V. 3. Find the angle between two intersecting lines when one is oblique to H and V and the other is parallel to the ground line. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 33 4. Draw the projections of the bisectors of the angles of a given tri- angle. 5. Draw the projections of a triangular pyramid with base parallel to H. Find the true size of the angle between any two lateral edges. 6. Given two intersecting lines AB and CD, AB parallel to H and 45'' to V and CD parallel to V and 30° to H, draw the projections of the bisector of the angle between them. 7. A triangle lies in a plane which is perpendicular to V and 30° to H. Find the true size of the triangle by using a frontal as an axis. 8. The plane of two intersecting lines is perpendicular to H and is oblique to V. Find the true size of the angle between the lines by using a frontal as an axis. 9. Find the angle between two intersecting lines when one is oblique to H and V and one lies in a profile plane. 10. Given both projections of three corners of a quadrilateral and the horizontal projection of the fourth comer, draw the projections of the. quadrilateral and find its true size and shape. 11. Letter two points on the projections of the bisector of the angle between two lines which lie in a profile plane. 12. Find the true size of the angle NMP in the chute shown in Fig. 38, page 49. 38. A point and a line are given by their projections. Draw the projections of a line which passes through the point and makes a given angle with the given line. Let P be the given point, oc the given angle, and AB the given line, Fig. 28. Analysis. Eevolve the plane of the point and line about a horizontal until it is parallel to H. From the revolved position of the point, draw a line which makes the angle oc with the revolved position of the given line. When this line is revolved back with the plane to the original position of the plane, it will be the required line. Construction, h'h' is the vertical projection and hh is the hor- izontal projection of a horizontal which lies on the plane of P and AB and cuts AB at the point C (Art. 17). When the plane is revolved about HH as an axis, B moves to Bg and P and remain fixed, being on the axis. ftgC is the horizontal projection of the revolved position of AB. Through p draw pe^, making the required angle oc with h^c e and e' are the projections of 34 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the point E after the counter revolution of the plane. Then pe is the horizontal and p'e' is the vertical projection of the re- quired line. Fig. 2S—PE oc° loith AB. 39. Problems. 1. Solve the above problem when oc is (a) 30°, (b) 45**, (c) 60°, (d) 75^ 2. Draw the projections of a line which is the shortest distance from a given point to a given oblique line. 3. Draw the projections of a line which is the shortest distance from a given point to a given horizontal line. 4. Draw the projections of a line which is the shortest distance from a given point to a given line parallel to V. 5. Draw the projections of a line which is the shortest distance from a given point to a given line of profile. 6. Find the projections of a point which is three units from a given point P and lies on a given line AB. 7. Find the distance between two parallel lines which are oblique to H and V. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 35 8. A point and an oblique line are given by their projections. Draw the projections of an (a) equilateral triangle, (b) square, (c) regular hexagon with center at the given point and side along the given line. 9. Draw the projections of a line which passes through a given point P and makes (a) 30°, (b) 45°, (c) 60°, (d) 75° with a given line of profile. 10. A line AB parallel to the ground line and a point P are given by their projections. A 2" square lies on the plane of the point and line. Draw the projections of the square when one corner is on AB and one side passes through P and makes 30° with AB. 11. Find the distance from the point P to the line MN in the chute shown in Fig. 38, page 49. 40. A point and two lines are given by their projections. Represent a plane which contains the given point and is parallel to the given lines. Analysis. Through the given point draw a line parallel to each of the given lines. The plane of these two lines is the re- quired plane. Let the construction be made in accordance with the above analysis. 41. Problems. 1. Represent a plane which contains a given line and is parallel to another given line. 2. Represent a plane which contains a given point and is parallel to G. L. 3. Two lines parallel to G. L. are given by their projections. Rep- resent a plane which contains a given point and is parallel to the given lines. 4. Two lines are given by their projections, one is oblique to G. L. and the other is a line of profile. Represent a plane which contains a given point and is parallel to the given lines. 5. Represent a plane which contains a given point and passes at equal distances from two other given points. 6. Represent a plane which contains a given line and passes at equal distances from two given points. 7. Represent a plane which contains a given point and passes at equal distances from three other given points. 36 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 42. A plane is represented by two of its lines. Find the point in which a given oblique line pierces this plane. This problem should be thoroughly mastered. It is used in' finding the plane sections of all ruled surfaces, the intersections of surfaces with plane faces and indirectly to find the intersec- tions of such curved surfaces as cylinders and cones. Let AB and AC, Fig. 29, be the lines which represent the plane and MN the given oblique line. jrr ^b Fig. 29. — MN pierces plane of AB and AC at P. Analysis. Find the points where the lines which represent the plane pierce the horizontal or vertical projecting plane of the given oblique line. The line joining these two points is the line of intersection of the given plane with the projecting plane of the oblique line. This line of intersection cuts the given line in the required point. Construction. AB pierces the horizontal projecting plane of MN at Y and AC pierces it at X. x'y\ the vertical projection of the line joining these two points, intersects mV at p\ the vertical projection of the required point; p is its horizontal projection. 43. Problems. 1. Find where a line pierces the plane of two parallel lines. 2. Find where a line pierces the plane of a point and a line. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 37 3. Find where a line pierces the plane of three points. 4. Find the point where a line which is parallel to G. L. pierces a .plane which is oblique to H and V. 5. Find the point where a line which is parallel to H and oblique to V pierces a plane which is parallel to G. L, 6. rfnd the point where a line which lies in a profile plane pierces a plane which is parallel to G. L. 7. Two planes are each represented by two of their lines. Find the length of the part of an oblique line included between the two planes. 8. An oblique triangular pyramid with its base parallel to H is given by its projections. Find the intersection of this pyramid with a given oblique plane. 9. Find the intersection of a given oblique line with a plane which makes 60° with H and is oblique to V. 10. A line makes 45° with H and is oblique to V. Find the intersec- tion of this line with a given oblique plane. 11. Draw the projections of a line which contains a given point and touches any other two non-intersecting lines. 12. Draw the projections of a line whick contains a given point, is parallel to a given plane, and touches another given line. 13. The same as problem 12 when the given line is a line of profile. 14. Given three lines, no two of which lie in the same plane, draw the projections of a line which touches two of them and is parallel to the third. 15. Given three lines, no two of which lie in the same plane, find the projections of a line which touches all three' of them. 16. Given the projections of an oblique line and a line of profile, draw the projections of a line which touches the given lines and is parallel to the ground line. 44. Two planes are each represented by two of their lines. Find the line of intersection of the two planes. First Method. Let AB and BC, Fig. 30, be the lines of one plane and MN and OP the lines of the other plane. Analysis. Find the points where the two lines of one plane pierce the other plane. The line joining these two points is the required line of intersection of the two planes. Construction. MN pierces the plane of AB and BC at the point K (Art. 42). OP pierces the plane of AB and BC at the point G. Then ¥g' and kg are the vertical and horizontal pro- jections of the required line of intersection of the two planes. 38 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Second Method. Let OA and OB, Fig. 31, be the lines of one plane and CD and CE the lines of the other plane. .0 Fig. 30. — KG line of intersection of two planes. Analysis. Any auxiliary plane will cut lines from the given planes and these lines will intersect in a point which lies on the Fig. 31. — KG line of intersection of two planes. required line of intersection. A second auxiliary plane will determine another point on the line of intersection. The straight PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 39 line joining the two points thus found is the required line of intersection of the given planes. The construction is much clearer when the auxiliary planes are taken parallel to each other and perpendicular to one of the planes of projection. Construction. Draw ss through o and c and draw s^s^ par- allel to 55 and cutting the lines of the given planes. Since the plane S^ is perpendicular to H it cuts the line PQ from the plane of OA and OB and the line MN from the plane of CD and CE. These lines intersect at K, a point of the required inter- section. Since the plane S is parallel to the plane Si, the line which it cuts from the plane of- OA and OB will be parallel to the line PQ. o'g\ parallel to p'q', is its vertical projection. Likewise, the line which the plane S cuts from the plane of CD and CE will be parallel to MN. c'g' is its vertical projection. g and g' are the projections of the point of intersection of these two lines. Then kg and k'g' are the horizontal and vertical pro- jections of the required line of intersection of the given planes. 45. Problems. 1. Find the line of intersection of two planes when one is oblique to H and V and the other parallel to H. 2. Find the line of intersection of two planes when one is oblique to H and V and the other parallel to V. 3. Find the line of intersection of two planes when one is oblique to the ground line and one parallel to the ground line. 4. Find the line of intersection of two planes when one is oblique to H and V and the other perpendicular to H and oblique to V. 5. Find the line of intersection of two planes when each is given by two parallel lines. 6. Find the line of intersection of two planes, each given by two, lines, when all the lines pass through a given point P. 7. Find the line of intersection of two planes when they are both parallel to the ground line. 8. Find the line of intersection of two oblique planes when a line of one of the planes is a line of profile. 9. Find the line of intersection of an oblique plane and a profile plane. (Use the second method.) 10. A plane is given by two parallel lines which make 30° with H and are oblique to V and another plane is given by two parallel lines which 40 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY make 45° with V and are oblique to H. Find the line of intersection of the planes. 11. A plane makes 45° with H and is oblique to V and another plane makes 60° with V and is oblique to H. Find the line of intersection of the planes. 12. Two oblique lines are given by their projections. These are lines of greatest slope of two planes. Find the line of intersection of the planes. 46. A line perpendicular to a plane. A line which is perpendicular to a plane is perpendicular to every line of the plane and is, therefore, perpendicular to all horizontals and frontals of the plane. The horizontal projec- tion of a perpendicular to a plane is at right angles to the hor- izontal projection of any of its horizontals (Art. 36). Like- wise, the vertical projection of a perpendicular to a plane is at right angles to the vertical projection of any of its frontals. Therefore, to draw the projections of a perpendicular to a plane, draw the projections of a horizontal and a frontal of the plane. Then the horizontal projection of the perpendicular to the plane is perpendicular to the horizontal projection of this horizontal and its vertical projection is perpendicular to the vertical projection of this frontal. 47. Given the projections of two lines of a plane and the pro- jections of a point in space, find the distance from the point to the plane. Let AB and CG, Fig. 32, be the lines which represent the plane and P the given point. Analysis. Draw a perpendicular from the given point to the given plane (Art. 46), and find where it pierces the plane (Art. 42). The length of the perpendicular from the given point to the piercing point is the required distance. Construction. HH is a horizontal and FF a frontal of the given plane (Art. 17). pe, perpendicular to hhf is the horizon- tal projection of the perpendicular and p'e\ perpendicular to f'f\ is its vertical projection (Art. 46). The perpendicular PE pierces the plane of AB and CG at E (Art. 42). P^E, the true length of PE, is the required distance. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 41 48. Conversely, to find the projections of a point which is a given distance from a given plane. Analysis. Take any point on the plane and at this point erect a perpendicular of indefinite length to the plane. Select any other point of the perpendicular and find the true length FiQ. 32. — p e distance from P to plane of ABCO. of the perpendicular from this point to the plane. Locate a point on the true length of the perpendicular which is the re- quired distance from the point on the plane. Counter revolve the point thus found to its position on the perpendicular. This is the required point. Let the construction be made in accordance with the above analysis. This problem is used to locate the vertex of a right cone or pyramid or the upper comers of a rectangular object when the base of the object is on an oblique plane. 42 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 49. Problems. 1. Find the distance from a point to the plane of three points. 2. Find the distance from a point to the plane of two parallel lines. 3. Find the distance from a point to a plane which is parallel to G. L. 4. A regular triangular pyramid has its base parallel to H, side of base 3'', altitude i'\ Find the distance from one corner of the base to the plane of the opposite face. 5. Find the projections of a point which is two units from a given plane. 6. Find a plane which is parallel to and two units from a given oblique plane. 7. Given the projections of any four points A, B, C, D. These points are the corners of a tetrahedron. Find the true length of the altitude of the tetrahedron when (a) ABC, (b) ABD, (c) AOD, (d) BOD, is the 8. Find the distance between two given parallel planes. 9. Represent a plane which contains a given line and is perpendicular to a given plane. Find the line of intersection of the two planes. 10. Represent a plane which makes 30'* with H and is oblique to V. Draw the projections of a perpendicular to this plane and find the angle which it makes with H. 11. Find the locus of all points which are equidistant from three given points. 12. A plane is represented by two of its lines, and three points are given by their projections. Find a point on the plane which is equidis- tant from the three given points. 50. Given the projections of a point and of an oblique line, represent a plane which contains the point and is perpendicular to the line. Analysis. Since the plane is to be perpendicular to the line, a horizontal of the plane will have its horizontal projection per- pendicular to the horizontal projection of the line. Likewise, a frontal of the plane will have its vertical projection perpendic- ular to the vertical projection of the line. Therefore to rep- resent the plane, draw the projections of a horizontal and of a frontal which pass through the given point and are perpendic- ular to the given line. These two lines will represent the re- quired plane. 43 Let the construction be made in accordance with the above analysis. 61. Problems. 1. A given oblique line is the edge of a cube. Represent by two lines the plane of the base of the cube. 2. A given oblique line is the axis of a right pyramid. Represent by two lines the plane of the base of the pyramid. 3. A point and an oblique line are given by their projections. Repre- sent the plane of the circle in which the point moves when it is re- volved about the line as an axis. 4. A given line AB is the base of an isosceles triangle which has its vertex in another given line OE. Draw the projections of the triangle. 5. Represent a plane which is twice as far from a given point as it is from a given plane. 6. Given the two projections of one side of a square and the direction of the horizontal projection of an adjacent side. Draw the projections of the square. 7. Given the two projections of one side of a square and the horizontal projection of a line which contains the opposite side. Draw the pro- jections of the square. 62. Given the projections of two lines of a plane and the pro- jections of a line in space, find the projection of the line on the given plane. Analysis. From any two points of the line,. erect perpendic- ulars to the given plane. A line joining the points in which these perpendiculars pierce the plane will be the required pro- jection. The point in which the given line pierces the given plane is also a point on the projection of the line on the plane. Let the constructon be made in accordance with the above analysis. 63. Problems. 1. Find the projection of a line which is parallel to H and oblique to V on a plane which is oblique to the ground line. 2. Find the projection of a line which is parallel to V and oblique to H on a plane which is oblique to the ground line. 3. The horizontal and vertical projections of a line are parallel re- spectively to a horizontal and frontal of a given plane. Find the pro- jection of the line on the plane. 44 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 4. Find the projection of a line which is parallel to the ground line on a given oblique plane. 5. Find the projection of a line which is oblique to H and V on a plane which is parallel to the ground line. 6. Find the projection of a line which lies in a profile plane on a plane which is oblique to the ground line. 7. A line 3'' long is oblique to H and V. Find the length of its pro- jection on a plane which is oblique to H and V. 8. A regular triangular pyramid has its base parallel to H. Find the length of the projection of one of its lateral edges on the plane of the opposite face'. 9. Project a given triangle ABC upon a given plane MNO, and find the true size of this new triangle. 10. Given a plane MNO and two non-intersecting lines AB and CE which are oblique to the plane. Draw the projections of a line which is perpendicular to the plane and touches AB and CE. 11. Given a plane MNO and a line AB which is oblique to the plane. Draw the projections of a line CE which lies on the plane MNO and is perpendicular to AB. 54. Given the projections of two lines of a plane and the pro- jections of a line in space, find the angle which the line makes with the given plane. Analysis. The angle which a line makes with a given plane is understood to be the angle which the line makes with its projection on that plane. If a perpendicular be dropped to the plane from any point in the given line, the angle between this perpendicular and the given line is the complement of the angle which the line makes with the plane. Therefore, find the angle between the given line and a perpendicular to the plane from any point of the line and construct its complement. This com- plement is the required angle. Let the construction be made in accordance with the above analysis. 55. Problems. 1. Find the angle which a line parallel to the ground line makes with a plane which is oblique to the ground line. 2. Find the angle which a line parallel to H and oblique to V makes with a plane which is oblique to the ground line. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 45 3. Find the angle which a line parallel to V and oblique to H makes with a plane which is oblique to the ground line. 4. The projections of a line are parallel respectively to a horizontal and a frontal of a given plane. Find the angle which the line makes with the plane. 5. Find the angle which a line oblique to H and V makes with a plane parallel to the ground line. 6. Find the angle which an oblique line makes with a profile plane. 7. Find the angle which a line of profile makes with a plane parallel to the ground line. 8. Find the angle which a line in a profile plane makes with a given oblique plane. 9. Draw the projections of a line which passes through a given point and makes 30° with a given oblique plane. 10. Represent a plane which contains a given point on a given line and makes a given angle with the line. , 11. Represent a plane which contains a given point P, is perpendic- ular to H, and makes a given angle with a given oblique line. 56. Two planes are each given by the projections of two of their lines, find the angle between the planes. Analysis. From any point in space drop a perpendicular to each plane (Art. 46). The angle between these perpendiculars (Art. 35), is the angle between the planes. Let the construction be made in accordance with the above analysis. 57. Problems. 1. Find the angle between two planes when one is oblique to H and V and one perpendicular to H and oblique to V. 2. Find the angle between two planes when one is oblique to H and V and one perpendicular to V and oblique to H. 3. Find the angle between two planes when one is oblique to H and V and one parallel to H. 4. Find the angle between two planes when one is oblique to the ground line and one parallel to the ground line. 5. Find the angle between two planes when they are both parallel to the ground line. 6. Find the angle between a profile plane and a plane which is oblique to H and V. 7. A plane is represented by a line of profile and a point. Find the angle between this plane and a profile plane. 46 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 8. A regular triangular pyramid has its base parallel to H. Find the true size of the angle between two lateral faces. 9. In the pyramid of problem 8, find the true size of the angle between the base and one of the lateral faces. 10. Given an oblique line AB and two points C and E, find the angle between the planes CAB and EAB. 11. Given a plane parallel to the ground line and a point; represent a plane which contains the point, is parallel to the ground line, and makes 60° with the given plane. 12. An oblique plane is given by two oblique lines AB and AC. Rep- resent a plane which contains AB and makes 45° with the plane ABC. 13. A line AB makes 30° with H and is oblique to V. Represent a plane ABC which makes 45° with H and a plane ABE which makes 60° with the plane ABC. 14. Find the angle between the faces A and B of the lamp shade shown in Fig. 35, page 49. 15. Find the angle between the faces A and D of the ventilator pipe shown in Fig. 36, page 49. 16. Find the angle between the bottom C and the side A in the chute shown in Fig. 38, page 49. 58. Two oblique lines which do not lie in the same plane are given by their projections, find the projections and the true length of their common perpendicular. Let AB and CK, Fig. 33, be the given lines. Analysis. Pass a plane through one line parallel to the other and project the second line on this plane. This projection will be parallel to the line itself, since the line is parallel to the plane. Where this projection cuts the first line, erect a per- pendicular to the plane. This is the common perpendicular to the two lines. Construction. Through any point P of the line AB, draw EG parallel to CK. Project any point of CK on the plane of AB and EG. M is the projection of this point and MN, parallel to CG, is the projection of CG on this plane. MN intersects AB at X, and XY, perpendicular to the plane, is the required line. x^y is the true length of this perpendicular. 59. Second method, when one of the lines is parallel to one of the planes of projection. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 47 Let AB and HH, Fig. 34, be the given lines. Analysis. Draw the projections of the two given lines on an auxiliary plane which is perpendicular to one of the planes of projection and also perpendicular to one of the given lines. In FiQ. 33. — XY xommon perpendicularFm. 34. — XY common perpendicular to AB and CK, to AB and HH. this auxiliary view, one of the given lines appears as a point, the other as a straight line. A perpendicular from the point to this line is the auxiliary view of the common perpendicular to the two given lines and is the true length of the perpendic- ular. Draw this view of the common perpendicular first and then by projection get the horizontal and vertical views. Construction. In Fig. 34, S is the auxiliary plane which is per- pendicular to H and also to the line HH. When this plane is turned over on a level with HH, y^ is the auxiliary view of HH and o-i&i the auxiliary view of AB. x^y^, perpendicular to difei, is the auxiliary view of the common perpendicular to the two given lines and is its true length, x is the horizontal view of the point X and xy, perpendicular to Kk, is the horizontal 48 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY view and x'y' is the vertical view of the required common per- pendicular to the lines AB and HH. 60. Problems. 1. Find the common perpendicular to two lines when one is oblique to H and V and the other is parallel to H and oblique to V. 2. Find the common perpendicular to two lines when one is oblique to H and V and the other is parallel to V and oblique to H. 3. Find the common perpendicular to two lines when one is parallel to H and oblique to V and the other is parallel to V and oblique to H. 4. Find the common perpendicular to two lines when one of them is parallel to the ground line. 5. Find the common perpendicular to two lines when one of them lies In a profile plane. 6. Find the common perpendicular to two oblique lines by using a plane perpendicular to one of the lines and projecting the other line on this plane. 7. Given the projections of four points which do not lie in one plane, find the projections of a fifth point which is equidistant from the given points. 8. Represent a plane which is parallel to and equidistant from two given lines. 9. Given the H and V projections of a line AB, the H projection cd of another line and the H projection xy of the common perpendicular to the two lines; find the V projections of CD and XY. 61. Auxiliary planes of projection. The use of an auxiliary plane of projection such as was used in Art. 59 is eommon in commercial practice. The position of such a plane is deter- mined by the position of the object in space. The plane is placed so that the projection of the object, or part of the object, upon it best brings out the particular features under considera- tion. These auxiliary planes are usually taken at right angles to one of the principal planes of projection. Figs. 35, 36, 37, 38, also show the use of an auxiliary plane of projection. Thus in showing the true size and shape of the face of the lamp. Fig. 35, the plane S is taken perpendicular to V and parallel to the face A of the lamp. Then, when the face A has been projected upon this plane, the plane is revolved until it is parallel to V and the face of the lamp is shown in its true size and shape. PROBLEMS IN POINT, STRAIGHT LINE, AND PLANE 49 Lamp shade. \ So' VB I7I2S k^ ^ v^M^ / 2i59669 •■.^