J K 1853 T47 1886 MAIN UC-NRLF SB EbD blfl SYSTE: ELECTIVE, LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Q-IKT Received Accession No. . i8g No. *3%H>'T^> PROPOSED PLAN FOR A NOMINATIVE AND ELECTIVE SYSTEM BASED UPON THE EIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE PEOPLE, COMPRISING A SYSTEM OF CHECKS BY WHICH FEAUD IN THE NOMINATIVE AND ELECTIVE .POWERS OF THE PEOPLE Jt^fiD THEIE LEGIS- JfcATORSISPRE- ! VENTED. BY URIAH B. THOMAS, Author and Proprietor. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1886. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by U. B. THOMAS, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. For additional copies, price 50 cents, postage prepaid, address the Author, San Francisco, Cal. Liberal discount to the trade. A/ OUR present system of choosing representatives of the people utterly fails to give a fair expression and force to their will, and in the injustice of this failure lie the seeds of revolution and destruction to our free government. The objects sought to be obtained by the following system are First. To organize the industrial elements of society in one political body, under rules so just and simple, that it will commend itself to all who examine it with attention. Second. To abolish dishonest and corrupt practices in the politics of our country, by avoiding the use of party conventions in the nojo^ferabfi^of public officers, having all such nominations made directly by the people. Third. To educate the people in the science of gov- ernment by Local, State, Territorial and National organizations. Fourth. To purify legislation and restrict it to the requirements of the people, as expressed in their platform of principles and policy emanating from the Local, State, Territorial or National organizations. Fifth. To secure honest lawmakers 1st. By depriving them of all opportunity of selling their vote. 2d. By the people to first adopt all proposed laws before being legalized by legislative enactment, thus se- curing a fair expression in their government. PREFACE. Sixth. To secure to the people the just and equitable fruits of their labor and enterprise 1st. By controlling the political system of the country. 2d. By controlling the law-making power. 3d. By controlling finance, land and all questions involving the rights, comforts and happiness of the people. Seventh. To set an example, from the workings of the following plan, by which the President, Vice-Presi- dent, Senators and all other officers of the Local, State, Territorial and National government may be nominated and elected directly by the people, thus avoiding the dangers that have arisen, from time to time, under the representative and electoral system. Eighth. This plan is designed to convert our present representative system to that of " a government by the people and for the people ; " to preserve order in our political ranks ; to secure the objects and aims of the party ; to prevent any possible intrigue from outside political tricksters, and to defeat the most wicked conspiracy of systematically organized capital, tending towards the centralization of wealth, successfully carried on through our present financial, legislative and political system. Why may not these objects be attained by a judicious use of the ballot, as herein set forth, with harmony, per- severance and in accord with equitable laws and by the majority RULE ? THE AUTHOR. SAN FRANCISCO, July, 1886. CONTENTS. ARTICLE I. ORGANIZATION. PAGE. Sec. 1. Name 9 Sec. 2. Composition of Departments 9 Sec. 3. Executive Departments, how composed 9 ARTICLE II. COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL NOMINATION. Sec. 1. Uniform in time 10 Sec. 2. Nomination of Officers 10 Sec. 3. Nomination of Party Officers 10 ARTICLE III. LOCAL UNIONS. Sec. 1. Where Located 10 Sec. 2. How Represented 10 Sec. 3. Duty of Local Unions 11 ARTICLE IV. WHO MAY VOTE IN UNIONS. Register of Membership 11 ARTICLE V. PROPOSALS FOR NOMINATION. Sec. 1. Proposition for Nomination 1.1 Sec. 2. Nominees to be Registered 11 Sec. 3. Register of Nomination Closed : 11 Sec. 4. Acceptance of Nomination 11 Sec. 5. Duty of Nominees 11 Sec. 6. Election for Nomination 12 ARTICLE VI. UNION BOARDS OF ELECTION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec. 1. Canvassers 12 Sec. 2. Supervision of Elections 12 Sec. 3. Publishing Election Returns for Nomination 12 ARTICLE VII. THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY AND COUNTY BOARDS OF ELECTION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec 1. Of what Composed 12 Sec. 2. County Board of Election, of what composed . ... 13 Sec. 3. Publishing County Election Returns for Nomi- 13 nation 13 Sec. 4. Report to State Board of Election 13 Sec. 5. Nomination Declared 13 Sec. 6. Tu Elect Delegates to State Board of Election. . . 13 Sec. 7. County Returns to be carried forward by State Delegates 13 Sec. 8. Members of Election Boards to be Sworn 13 CONTENTS. ARTICLE VIII. STATE AND TERRITORIAL BOARDS or ELEC- TION FOR THE NOMINATION or OFFICERS THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. PAGE. Sec. 1. Of what Composed and Time of Meeting 14 Sec. 2. Nominations Declared 14 Sec. 3. Publishing State Election Returns for Nomina- tion 14 Sec. 4. Members of State Board to be Sworn 14 Sec. 5. To Elect Delegates to a National Board of Elec- tion 14 Sec. 6. State Returns to be carried forward by National Delegates 14 ARTICLE IX. NATIONAL BOARD OF ELECTION FOR THE NOMINATION OF OFFICERS ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec. 1. Of what Composed 15 . Sec. 2. Time of Meeting , 15 Sec. 3. Counting the Aggregate Vote 15 Sec. 4. Nominations Declared 15 Sec. 5. Members of National Board to be Sworn 15 ARTICLE X. STATE INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLIES THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec. 1. Nomination, Election and Composition 16 Sec. 2. Meetings 16 Sec. 3. Adoption of Platform 16 Sec. 4. Term of Office 16 Sec. 5. Members to be Sworn 16 ARTICLE XI. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLY ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec. 1. Nomination, Election and Composition 17 Sec. 2. Objects of. 17 Sec. 3. To Adopt a National Platform 17 Sec. 4. To Elect National Executive Officers 17 Sec. 5. Duties of National Executive Officers 17-18 Sec. 6. To be Sworn 18 ARTICLE XII. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Duties of Legislators 18 CONTENTS. ARTICLE XIII. LOCAL UNIONS THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. PAGE. Sec. 1. To Secure Proper Legislation. 18-19 Sec. 2. To Educate the People in the Science of Govern- ment 19 ARTICLE XIV. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND NATION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Sec. 1. Executive Officers 19 Sec. 2. Call for Elections 19 Sec. 3. To Fill Vacancies and Term of Office 19-20 Sec. 4. Executive Officers Members of Assemblies 20 ARTICLE XV. BREACH OF TRUST. Sec. 1. Committees on Charges 20 Sec. 2. Trial of Officers 20 Sec. 3. Charges to be made in Writing 20 ARTICLE XVI. BY-LAWS. Sec. 1. Rules of Order 20-21 Sec. 2. Qualification of Membership 21 ARTICLE XVII. FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Collection and Disbursement of Funds 21-23 ARTICLE XVIII. INCIDENTAL QUESTIONS. How determined .... 23 ARTICLE XIX. AMENDMENTS. How made 23 NATIONAL BOARD OF ELECTION. For the Election of President and Vice-President 24 NOTE ON POPULAR VOTE OF ELECTION .24 PROPOSED PLAN H y ^ nominees. proposed for nomination to come before the Unions, if possible, and discuss the industrial interests of the State and Nation. 12 PROPOSED PLAN FOR Election for SEC. 6. . Not less than thirty days after the tions ma " closing of the register or record of nominations, all the Unions within the State or county shall hold an election on the same day, by ballot, to determine what persons so proposed in the Local Unions are the choice of the members for nom- inees of the party. ARTICLE VI. UNION BOARDS OF ELECTION FOR THE NOMI- NATION OF OFFICERS THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Board of SECTION 1. Each Local Union shall elect a 5 - Board of Canvassers prior to each election. Be- fore entering upon the discharge of their duties they shall be duly sworn to perform them fairly and honestly. supervision SEC. 2. It shall be their duty to supervise of Elections. eac j 1 e } ect j on? anc [ to coun t all the votes cast in their respective Union organization. Publishing SEC. 3. They shall publish the result of all ufra^fo/ 6 " ballotings immediately, and forward a copy of nomination, the same to the President of the County Board of Election, reserving a copy thereof, which shall be filed with the Secretarv of the Union. AETICLE VII. THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY AND COUNTY BOARDS OF ELECTION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. of what SECTION 1. The County Assembly shall be composed. composed of the Local Union Presidents of the County, and shall meet from time to time, being a continuous body. POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. SEC. 2. They shall elect from their own or \\-imt members a County Board of Election, whose compos( duty it shall be to canvass the aggregate vote of all the Unions in their respective counties. SEC. 3. Said County Board shall publish Publishing immediately the result of all ballotings, reserv- tioiTretums ing a copy thereof, which shall be filed with the ^ati" n ini ~ Secretary of the Assembly. SEC. 4. They shall make returns to the Report to President of the State Board of Election of all o^EieS votes cast for State, Territorial and National nominations. SEC. 5. The persons receiving the highest Nomina- number of votes cast for each of the respective ciared de ~ county offices shall be declared duly nominated by the County Board of Election. SEC. 6. The County Board of Election, at TO elect dei- their first session after each State election, shall state 8 Board also elect for the ensuing term two of its mem- of Election - bers as delegates to the State Board of Election. SEC. 7. The State delegates shall carry for- County re- ward a certified copy of all the votes of their carSedfor- respective counties for State, Territorial and stlte Deie- National nominees to the State Board of Elec- gates. tion. Said delegates shall constitute the State Board of Election. They shall hold office until their successors are elected. SEC. 8. Before entering upon the discharge Members of of their duties the members of the County Board! of Board of Election shall be duly sworn to per- J^ form them fairly and honestly. 14 PROPOSED PLAN FOR AKTICLE VIII. STATE AND TERRITORIAL BOARDS OF ELECTION FOR THE NOMINATION OF OFFICERS - THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Of what SECTION 1. The State and Territorial Boards SeT 1 ' of Election shall be composed of two delegates . meeting, from each County Board of Election, and shall meet at the capital of the State or Territory immediately after the nominating election, and count the aggregate vote of all the counties in their respective Slates or Territories for State, Territorial and National nominees. Nomina- SEC. 2. They shall declare the persons re- ciared de ~ ceiving the highest number of votes for the State, Territorial, and Congressional offices, duly nominated to the same. SEC. 3. They shall publish the result of all tion e retimis ballotings immediately, and forward a copy there- t f ?o r if mina " of to the NATIONAL BOARD OF ELECTION of all votes cast for President arid Vice-President, reserving a copy thereof, which shall be filed as a part of its permanent record. Members SEC. 4. Before entering upon the discharge Boards 6 to be of their duties, they shall be sworn to discharge sworn. them fairly and honestly. TO elect del- SEC. 5. The State and Territorial Board of NatSVa ! a Election shall also elect two of their members as ISLif Delegates to the NATIONAL BOARD OF ELEC- TION. state re- SEC. 6. The National Delegates shall carry carriedfor- a CO P7 of said State and Territorial returns to National ^ 6 P res ^ ent f tne NATIONAL BOARD OF ELEC- Deiegates. TiON. Said National Board shall consist of said State and Territorial delegates. POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. 15 ARTICLE IX. NATIONAL BOARD OF ELECTION FOR THE NOMI- NATION OF OFFICERS ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. SECTION 1 . The NATIONAL BOARD OF ELEC- c TION shall consist of two delegates from each State and Territorial Board of Election. SEC. 2. It shall meet in the city of Wash- Time of ington within twenty days after each National * Nominating Election. SEC. 3. It shall receive and count the aggre- counting gate vote cast for the nomination of President Vofe. ega and Vice-President of the United States, in the several States and Territories of the Union. SEC. 4. It shall declare the persons receiving Nomina- the highest number of votes for President and c ia?ed. e ~ Vice-President duly nominated to those offices respectively, and issue certificates to that effect to the persons so nominated. They shall report their action to the Execu- tive Officers of the several States and Territories of the Union. SEC. 5. Before entering upon the discharge Members of of their duties they shall be duly sworn to dis- Board to be charge them fairly and honestly. sworn. All public officers nominated by this system shall be voted for at the general election, County, State, Territorial or National, against any other party nomination. 16 PROPOSED PLAN FOR ARTICLE X. STATE INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLIES TO ADOPT A PLATFORM THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. xomina- SECTION 1. There shall be a State Industrial tion! and Assembly, nominated and elected directly from tio" lposi " ^ e Local Unions for each term, representing the industrial classes of each State and Terri- tory, consisting of two persons for each one hun- dred members of each Local Union. Meeting. SEC, 2. They shall meet at the call, of the State President and Secretary in due time for the State campaign. Adoption of SEC. 3. They shall consider and discuss the industrial interests of the State and Nation, and adopt a proposed code of laws and the repeal of unjust laws, and embody the same in a State platform, which shall be referred to the whole people at their general election, State, Territorial or National, as the case may be. Term of SEC. 4. Their term of office shall be for the incoming term, and until their successors are elected. This will be about five months before each nominating State election. Members to SEC. 5. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties they shall be duly sworn to per- form their labors fairly and honestly, in the interests of the poor and industrial classes of the people, to the best of their knowledge and ability. POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. 17 ARTICLE XL NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLY TO ADOPT A PLATFORM ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DE- FINED. SECTION 1. There shall be a National In-Nomina- dustrial Assembly nominated and elected directly tion'and " from the Local Unions for each Presidential '/ ) 1 1 " 1 " )S '" term, consisting of three or not more than six persons from each State, one or two from each Territory in the Union. SEC. 2. It may meet annually, pursuant to Objects of. adjournment or at the call of its president, to consider and discuss the laws, measures and the policy of the States and Nation ; the principles of our industrial and financial economy ; to gather, arrange and publish statistics and facts respect- ing finance, education, production, hours of labor, and the distribution of profits between capital and labor, and determine the measures best adapted to promote the welfare of the Na- tion and all its people. SEC. 3. They shall adopt a proposed code of TO adopt a laws and the repeal of unjust laws, and embody platform, the same in a platform for National Industrial Party. SEC. 4. The first National Assembly shall TO elect elect the National Executive officers of the party executiye for the ensuing term, and thereafter until the officers - members of the Local Unions throughout their organization shall do the same. They shall hold office until their successors are elected, and shall constitute the National Executive officers. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the executive ^j^' officers to call upon the several States and Ter- Executive ritories to make nominations for President and officers - 18 PROPOSED PLAN FOR Vice-President in due time for the campaign. The City of Washington, D. C., is hereby desig- nated as the place of meeting of the first National Industrial Assembly, and thereafter to be named by it on its adjournment. TO be sworn SEC. 6. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, they shall be duly sworn to per- form their duties fairly, honestly and justly, to the laboring poor and industrial classes, to the accumulation of wealth and the comforts of life, to the best of their knowledge and ability. ARTICLE XII. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT TO DRAFT AND ADOPT LAWS ONLY ITS POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. Le ^sTators ^ s k a ^ ^ e t ^ ie ^ ut ^ ^ a ^ l e gi s l ators elected by the Industrial Party to draft, support and defend all laws required by the platform of the party, and to labor earnestly for the repeal of all existing laws condemned by said platform. No member of any legislative body in the State or Nation, elected by the Industrial Party, shall have the right to introduce any proposed law or bill not named in the party platform ; nor shall he support by his influence or vote, any pro- posed law introduced by a member of any other party, not in harmony with the principles and policy of his party as embodied in its platform. ARTICLE XIII. LOCAL UNIONS FOR POLITICAL EDUCATION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. TO secure SECTION 1. It shall not only be the right fa r tion Hegis " but the duty of the Unions to watch their repre- sentatives while performing their duty as legis- POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. 19 lators, but no Union has the right to instruct any legislator elected by the Industrial Party, in regard to any State policy that is or is not embodied in the platform, except such special laws as affect their respective counties and intro- duced by a member of another party. SEC. 2. It shall also be the right and duty TO educate of the Unions to discuss the laws and policy of i e t he ple the State and Nation, the principles upon which science of our political and industrial system of economy mem is based, respecting finance, rates of interest, education, labor, home industry, tariff, land and all other questions involving the comforts, pro- tection and happiness of a free people, and the favorable evolution of future generations. ARTICLE XIV. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS OF STATE AND NA- TION THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES DEFINED. SEC. 1. The party President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer, elected by the Unions throughout the party organizations, to serve in County, State, Territorial and National capacity, shall constitute the Executive Officers in their respective departments. SEC. 2. When an election is to be held, the Call for eiee- President and Secretary shall call for the same tlc in due time. They shall also call for the election of State, Territorial and National Assemblies, provide for mass meetings, parades, and so forth. SEC. 3. Said officers shall have power to fill TO mi va- all vacancies that may occur, in the nomination termer"" of officers, by death or otherwise, in the absence office - of action on the part of the Unions to fill the same. Their term of office shall continue dur- ing the State or National campaign, or until their 20 PROPOSED PLAN FOR successors are elected, unless sooner dismissed by a majority vote of all the Unions in their re- spective departments. Executive SEC. 4. The President, Vice-President, Secre- officers i m .1 members of tary and Ireasurer of the party, whether Assemblies. County, State, Territorial or National, shall be members of the Industrial Assemblies in their respective departments. ARTICLE XV. BREACH OF TRUST. ' '' ' s u- -,'' ' s ^ EC< ** ^^ e Prudent anc l Secretary of the >s> party, Local Unions, County, State, Territorial or National, shall, on good evidence presented, call for appropriate Committees in their respec- tive departments, for tke examination and trial of accused legislators. ^ EC * ^' ^ n y ffi cer wno > m tne discharge of his official duties, is accused of neglect or trans- gressing or infracting the principles of the party which elected him, shall be tried in open session by a Committee, MUNICIPAL, COUNTY, State, Territorial or National, representing the constit- uency that elected him, and therein find EXON- ERATION or POLITICAL DEATH. A legislator or officer found guilty of betraying his trust, shall resign his office when properly called so to do. iK-ein ^ EC ' ^' ~^ cnar e shall I 36 entertained writing 6 m against any member of the party, unless made in writing by a member of the same in good standing. ARTICLE XVI. BY - LAWS. r * f SECTION 1 . The Local Unions, County, State, - Territorial, and National Boards of Election, and Industrial Assemblies, shall each make By-Laws POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. 21 and RULES OF ORDER for their own govern- ment, consistent with and subject to this system of organization and government of the NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARTY. SEC. 2. All of said bodies or departments $! IJ j} i ? ca ~ shall also determine the qualifications of their bership. ei own members. ARTICLE XVII. FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The Financial System of the National Indus- Collection trial Party shall be as follows : bursement of Funds. First. The Local Unions shall collect an initiation fee of twenty-five cents, and ten cents monthly dues from each member. This shall be collected by the Financial Sec- retary and paid over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. Second. All moneys collected as dues and fees shall be apportioned as follows : For the use of the Local Unions, seventy-five per cent ; For the use of the County Assembly, twenty per cent ; For the use of the State Assembly, two per cent; For the use of the State Board of Election, one per cent ; For the use of the National Assembly and the National Board of Election, one per cent each. This shall be the general fund of the party. The Treasurer of each Local Union shall forward twenty-five per cent of all moneys re- ceived by the Union to the Secretary of the 22 .PROPOSED PLAN FOR Collection County Assembly every quarter, who will turn and Dis- bursement the same over to the County Assembly Treas- ol Funds. urer Whenever the State Industrial Assembly shall convene, the County Treasurer, on the order of the County Assembly, shall forward to the Secre- tary of the State Assembly, eight per cent of all moneys collected by the County Assembly since the meeting of the last State Industrial Assembly. This money shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the State Assembly for its own use. Whenever the State Board of Election shall convene, the County Treasurer, on the order of the County Assembly, shall forward to the Sec- retary of the State Board of Election, four per cent of all moneys collected by the County As- sembly during the time intervening between the last two sessions of the State Industrial Assem- bly. The Secretary will turn this money over to the Treasurer of the Board of Election for its own use. Twenty days before the meeting of the Nation- al Industrial Assembly, the Treasurer of the County Assembly shall forward, by order of the Assembly, to the Secretary of the State Execu- tive Department, eight per cent of all moneys collected by the County Assembly since the last apportionment to the National Industrial As- sembly. This money shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the State Executive Department for the use of the National Industrial Assembly and the National Board of Election, and shall be disbursed by the Treasurer as follows : Seventy-five per cent of all moneys received by him for this purdose shall be forwarded by him to the. Secretary of the National Industrial POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. 23 Assembly. The Secretary will turn this over Collection to the Treasurer of the National Assembly for bursement its own use. of Funds - Whenever the National Board of Election shall convene, the Treasurer of the State Exec- utive department will forward, on the order of the President and Secretary, the remaining twenty-five per cent held by him to the Secre- tary of the National Board of Election, who will turn it over to the Treasurer of the Na- tional Board for its own use. In all cases where money is transferred from one department to another, the order shall be duly recorded in the regular minutes of the meeting, and proper receipts shall be taken therefor and be placed on file. ARTICLE XVIII. INCIDENTAL QUESTIONS. All questions arising not herein provided for, incidental within the jurisdiction of each department, Local, Hmfde^ 8 ' State, Territorial and National, shall be de- termined. termined by a majority vote in each case. ARTICLE XIX. AMENDMENTS. The details of this plan shall govern the Na- HOW made. tional Industrial Party. It shall be altered or amended only by propositions made by members of the Unions, and with the approval of a ma- jority vote of all the Union members in each State of the National Union,- together with a majority vote of all their representatives in the National Assembly. 24 NATIONAL ELECTION. NATIONAL BOARD OF ELECTION FOR THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRES- IDENT THE PLAN OF THE NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARTY. When a general election is to be held for the election of President and Vice-President by a popular vote. There shall be not less than two persons elected from each State and Territory to act instead of electors. Their duty shall be to carry forward to the National Board of Election at Washington, D. C., the returns of their respective States and Territories, and there count the aggregate of all votes cast for President and Vice- President. The persons receiving the highest number of votes for said offices shall be declared duly elected President and Vice- President of the United States, and certificates to that effect shall be issued to said persons by said Board of Election. NOTE ON POPULAR ELECTION. The plan here presented for the election of President and Vice-President (by a popular vote) is one that will harmonize with the nominative and elective system of the National Industrial Party, and we believe it will com- mend itself to the thoughtful consideration of every honest, intelligent voter in the country. We believe there is no valid reason why the President, Vice-President and "State Senators should not be elected by popular vote, and we believe that at no distant day they will be so elected, and consequently more in harmony with a people's gov- ernment. The plan is therefore inserted here for the consider- ation of all parties looking forward to the time when the nomination and election of President and Vice-President and Senators shall be by direct vote of the people. THE AUTHOR. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 1 1936 ftPR 241944 M&R 27 1947 LD U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY