■ UC-NRLF iiillil ■ $B 174 ] 45 'MA^' >>i^,r:-: ^^ii-'/r y> ^♦'^Vvi2i">r/>'/«^ ^ -^::'»>1V3^' M^ > • Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/faultsofspeechseOObellrich THE FAULTS OF SPEEGtj::-..; A Self-Corrector ••.• A :.. : :* *•. AND TEACHERS' MANUAL BY ALEXANDER MELVILLE BELL SIXTH' EDITION WASHINGTON, D. C. THE VOLTA BUREAU, 1601 35TH ST. N. W. 1916 Copyright, 1898, by THE VOLTA BUREAU AlyRXANDER MELVII.LK BEUv, F.E.I.S.. F.R S.S A., F.A.A.A.S. PREFACE. HIS little work supplies a want of which I have been frequently reminded dur- ing my professional career. In revising the ''Principles of Speech and Vocal Physiology", for a new edition in 1863, a section of the book was devoted to the "Cure of Stammer- ing;" and in another section — the ''Diction- ary^ of Sounds" — reference was made under each consonant to the defects to which the element was subject : but a complete separate treatise on the Faults of Speech has not hitherto been pubUshed. I am glad to be able still, to add to my professional publications one which, I hope and believe, will prove not the least useful of the whole. A. M. B. TuTELO Heights, Brantford, Ont., April, 1880. CONTENTS. Ele^ientaky Sounds 1 Corrective Training . Organic Defects . . . , Impediments of Speech Nervousness . . . . , Stammering a Habit . Systems of Cure . . . , Self-effort Necessary Temporary Relief ... The Cure of Sta:mmering The Breath. — Atmospheric Pressure ; Air Channels ; Inspiration and Expira- tion The Voice. — Exercise, Continuity of Voice; How to learn Elementary Sounds ; Difficult Elements Organic Regulation. — The Mouth; The Jaw; The Head; Spasmodic Ac- tions .... Self-Observation 27 Capricious Difficulties .... 28 Aggravants of Difficulty . . . .20 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 17-18 19-23 24-26 672799 vi CONTENTS, Minor Faults 30 Nasalizing 30 The Aspirate 32 Vocal Consonants 33 Thickness of Speech 34 Oratorical Faults 35 Conversational Slurring . . . .35 Sustained Voice 36 Mai-Respiration 38 Organic Substitutions 40 Postscript 61 Appendix .67 THE FAULTS OF SPfefiCH. ELEMENTARY SOUNDS. HE processes of speech are mechanical, but they are intimately associated with mental operations. Sometimes the mechanical processes are mismanaged, and sometimes the intellectual associations are imperfect. In the latter case, expression is tardy or inexact ; in the former, utterance is interrupted or vitiated. The two kinds of defect may be combined, or either ma}' exist separatel}'. Stammering, stuttering, etc. are, for the most part, mechan- ical defects; drawling, hemming, and — uh — uh — hesitation are, in great measure, faults of the intellect. The observations in this work will have reference to failures in the mechan- ical execution of speech. 2 rilE FAULTS OF SFEECIL The fact that "everybody speaks/' and 3'et npt one person in a thousand knows how he spf^^k^; and that children talk the language oOf their nurses — be it English, French, Ger- .maDjc Italian, Indian, Patois, or whatever else — proves that language is normally acquired by imitation. A child imitates with more or less accuracy the general effect of the sounds it hears ; but, in doing so, makes many sub- stitutions of easier for more difficult actions of the organs of speech. The lips and the forepart of the tongue are the first of the ar- ticulating organs to be brought into use ; and "tum," "tat" and "tate" in most cases sat- isfy the child's apprehension of the words "come," "cat" and "cake." The action of the back of the tongue is often not acquired for years. Infantile defects are niiwisely en- couraged by parents, who — with the requisite knowledge — might enable their children to pronounce correctly' as soon as they begin to prattle at all. There can be no doubt that the most serious blemishes and impediments arise from parental neglect — or rather ignor- ance — in this respect. When a child says "turn" for "come," and "tin" for "king," ELEMENTABY SOUNDS. 3 ^he correct articulation will be induced almost at the first trial b}' the simple expedient of holding down the forepart of the tongue with the finger. The effort to imitate the general eflTect will then force the back of the tongue into action ; and in a few da^^s at most, the <;hild will, without any assistance, form ^', g and ng where before it could only utter ^ d and n. The "shut" consonants. (p, t, k, b, d, g) are the most easily acquired, and children conse- quently pronounce p instead of the more dif- ficult /, and t instead of tli, A few minutes devoted to amusing exercise will conquer this difficulty. Thus: tell the child to bite his lower lip, and blow, and he will form a tol- erable / at once ; or to bite his tongue, and blow, and a passable th will be the result. The sounds of s and sh are often for a long time confounded ; also those of s and th. The sound of s will be obtained from th by drawing back — or, if assistance is needed, b}^ push- ing back — the tip of the tongue till it is free from the teeth. The teeth require to be very close for s, but there will be room to insert the edge of a paper-cutter to play the tongue 4 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. into position. The sound of sh will be ob- tained from s by drawing — or pushing — back the body of the tongue till it is free from the gum. The sibilation of sh is formed between the middle of the tongue and the palate, modi tied by a degree of elevation of the point oi' the tongue also : that of s is formed between the point of the tongue and the upper gum, modified by a degree of convexity of the mid- dle of the tongue : and that of th is formed between the tip of the tongue and the upper teeth, with the edges of the tongue flattened against the side teetn to obstruct the breath at all points but the tip. The sounds of I and r are generally the last to be mastered by a child. The I resembles th in having the point of the tongue in con- tact (preferably with the gum) , but the sides of the tongue, instead of being flattened against the teeth, are free from lateral con- tact, so that the breath passes over the sides, B resembles s in having the point of the tongue raised to the upper gum, but the mid- dle of the tongue, instead of being convex, is depressed so that the breath strikes sharply on the free tip of the tongue. The sound of CORBECTIVE TBAINING. y resembles sh in .Uaving the middle of the tongue arched tovrards the palate, but without the elevation of the forepart of the tongue, which is a necessarj- part of the modification of sh. Corrective Training, A VERY little attention on the part of par- ents would secure their children against artic- ulative blemishes which otherwise disfigure them for life ; and which are often the first causes of the most painful impediments. In- stead of being satisfied with the child's im- perfect imitation of the general effect of concrete utterances in words and sentences, parents should require an exact reproduction — however slowl}- — of s^'llables, and, if ncc- cssarj^, of elementar}^ sounds. This of course implies that parents can themselves analyze their utterance into syllables and elements. Few persons can do so with entire accuracy : but the attempt, though imperfect, will put the child in the right way to correct himself. Some children manifest a degree of inapti- tude for speech, probably from defective im- itation, or it may be from intellectual dulness ; 6 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. SO that a child of three or four years of age- will be no farther advanced than an average child of two or three. The faculty of imita- tion becomes almost inoperative after the earli- est years, and special care should be given in such cases to estabhsh a habit of distinct elementary and s^^llabic utterance so far aa ability extends, and to prevent the formation of a habit of defect. It is certainlj^ true that a child who fails to pronounce the whole of a word can be made to reproduce its syllables, or its elements, one by one ; and as the long- est utterance is made up of sj'llables, these onl}' should be required of the learner. Fac- ility of combination will infaUibly come with practice, if patience and skill are displayed to regulate the analytic utterance of the back- ward child. There is then no justification for allowing lisping, burring, lallation and other elementary defects to become fixed into habits. True, the}' be corrected at an}^ time, with but little trouble ; yet "prevention is better than cure," and such elementary disfigurements of aduli. speech ought to have been rendered impossible by attention in the nursery and school-room.. OBGANIC DEFECTS. 7 Organic Defects. Organic causes of diflSculty sometimes pre- fcjent themselves. When the formation of the jaws is such that the teeth cannot be brought evenly in line, the sibilant sounds s and z will be defective ; when the tongue is too closel}' tied to the lower jaw, the sounds of ^, d, n, I and r will be wanting in clearness. The den- tist may do much to rectify the former mal- formation ; and the surgeon, by the simple operation of snipping the frsenum that binds the tongue, may give the requisite freedom in the latter case. A more serious organic cause of defective speech is cleft palate, when an opening exists . between the mouth and the nasal passage. The breath, which requires to be shut within the mouth for p-b, t-d, Jc-g, escapes by the nose, and a percussive articulation is impossi- ble. In most cases a skilful dentist can cover the fissure in the palate b}^ a suction-plate, and the power of clear enunciation may thus be obtained. Clefb palate causes all vowels to be nasalized ; but frequently the fault of nasalizing vowels is merely habitual, witliout 8 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH, any organic cause. As with the mechanism of consonants, so with that of vowels : habits of mal-pronunciation may be prevented more easilj' than rectified ; and among other imper- fections, that of nasalizing is perfectly suscep- tible of preventive or corrective training. IMPEDIMENTS OF SPEECH. ilAR more serious than any of the ele- mentar}' defects hitherto noticed are those affections of speech which create an ira- : pediment to utterance. These are known by the names of stuttering, stammering, spas- modic hesitation, etc. Tiieir common charac- teristic is invohmtar}^ action of the organs, ivhich are not obedient to the will. In stut^' tering, the articulating organs — the lips and tongue — rebound again and again before the sequent vowel can find egress. The mouth opens and shuts in vain effort to act on the throat ; and the throat opens and shuts in vain effort to act on the diaphnigm. From the rocking head to the fluttering chest there is a general want of precision in the attempt to articulate. In stammering, the breathing is entirely deranged — the normal actions of the schestand diaphragm are reversed — the breath 9 10 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH, is inspired in the attempt to speak ; the throat is shut in the attempt to form sound ; the voice is fitfully ejected or restrained ; and the ai-ticu- lating organs when they meet remain insepar- able, as if glued together. In spasmodic hesitation there is a futile straining, often silent and choking, but occasionally frightfully demonstrative. The eyeballs protrude, the veins of the neck start out, the face is suf- fused and contorted, and the muscles of the whole body are spasmodicall}- affected. No sharp line of demarcation can be drawn between these varieties of impediment. Loose stuttering is apt to pass into compressive stammering from the dread of ridicule in- spired by consciousness of peculiarity ; and the worst features of spasmodic diflSculty may supervene, from the increase of sensitiveness and the bitterness of disappointed effort . Nervousness. Notwithstanding the manifest nervousness of the majority of stammerers, they are rai'ely- persons of weak nerves under ordinary cir- cumstances. Their nervousness is associated only with speaking, and it is much more likely STAMMEBING A HABIT. M po have arisen as a consequence of impedi- ' ment, than to have been — as many imagine — a cause of the malady. The true cause prob- ^^ ably lies far back in childhood, when some slight imperfection has been harshly corrected or mocked ; or when weakness of the system ^ after illness has made the child peculiarly sen- sitive under ordinary difficulties. The slight- est beginning at that period may lead on ta the most, aggravated form of impediment. I Even a casual example may exite imitation at \the time when that faculty is the strongest in Our nature, and so enslave the little mimic. Many isolated cases are believed to have had no other than this simple origin. Stammering a Habit, The frequent occurrence of stammering among members of the same family has led many persons to imagine that the affection was transmitted hereditarily, and that conse quently it was an incurable affliction of the constitution. But there is no ground for such a supposition, opposed as it is to the manifest nature of the impediment — pertaining only to speech, which is altogether artificial and na 12 THE FAULT 8 OF SPEECH. part of our physical endowment. A full con- sideration of the subject and a wide experi- ence with all varieties of the impediment lead to the settled conviction that stammerino^ is ^a habit onlj- — the formation of which may be entirely prevented b}^ precautionar}' training in childhood; the growth of which may be easily checked before it is aggravated by the excitements of school ; and the uprooting of which ma}' be accomplished at any stage by intelligent care and perseverance* Systems of Cure. The stammerer's difficulty is : where to turn for effective assistance. Certainly not to any pretender who veils his method in convenient secrec}', nor to an}' who profess to ' ' charm " away the impediment — or to effect a cure in a single lesson ! Not to an}^ whose "system" involves drawling, singing, sniffing, whistling, stamping, beating time — all of which expedi- ents have constituted the "curative" means of various charlatans ; nor to any who bridle the mouth with mechanical appliances — forks on the tongue, tubes between the lips, bands •over the larynx, pebbles in the mouth, etc., SELF' EFFORT NECESSARY. 13^ etc. The habit of stammering can only be counteracted b}' the cultivation of a habit of < correct speaking founded on the application of natural principles. Respecting these there is no myster}^ except what arises from the little attention that has been paid to the science of speech. Instruction must be sought from teachers^ whose professional position is a guarantee against deception. If no encouragement were given by too credulous stammerers to the craft, of unqualified ''professors," respectable teach- ers would prepare themselves by special study for this important department of work, and. the stammerer's perplexity to find trustworthy skill would be at an end. Self-effort Necessary, But with the best assistance the stammerer must work out his own ciu-e. He cannot be ^ passive in the matter. He must clearh' ap-^ prehend the principles on which he is to pro- ceed, and diligently appl}^ them. Nor must he, in this, depend too much on the watchful- ness of his instructor, but must learn to watch^ over himself. His perfect release from the 14 Tin: FAULTS OF SPEECH. habit will require time, patience, and hopeful |— energetic effort. Temporary Belief, Immediatju temporar}' relief from the chok- ing and spasmodic contortions of the impedi- ment is generall}' obtained when the art of > managing the breath is acquired — and this is often in a single lesson. The stammerer is apt to be unduly elated at this stage, and to relax his watchfulness. A relapse is almo! certain to be the consequence. Besides, other functional difficulties will present themselves, €ach of which must be encountered in a cour- ageous spirit, and mastered separatel3\ The following practical directions are de- signed for the use of stammerers who may attempt their own cure, as well as for the guidance of parents, governesses and school teachers. .Sji_l er I PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE CUEE OF STAMMERING MINOR DEFECTS. THE CURE OF STAMAIERING. The Breath, — Atmospheric Pressure, N normal breathing the lungs are filled by atmospheric pressure, to the extent •of the cavity within the chest. There is no suction — no effort. In deep breathing, as be- fore a sigh, the inspiration is equally easy and unlabored. The cavity within the chest is in- creased by descent of the diaphragm — the muscular base of the chest — as well as by expansion of the bony framework — the ribs, etc. — but atmospheric pressure fills out the lungs to occupy the entire space created within the chest. Air Channels, The external apertures for the entrance of -ihe air are the mouth and nostrils. Both these f)assages meet behind the mouth, in the puar- fnx ; and the pharynx communicates with the 17 18 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH, windpipe. At the top of the windpipe, be- tween it and the pharj^nx, is the organ of Voice — the laiynx — through which all air entering the kings, and all breath leaving them, must pass. Tn order to make inspiration silent and effortless there must be no obstruc- tion or constriction in an}^ part of the passage. Stammerers attempt to "draw" in air while the aperture of the lar^^nx is either closed or greatly narrowed, and even while the mouth- passage is similarly obstructed by positions of the tongue. The first point to be impressed on the stammerer's mind, then, is that the lungs j^ZZ themselves — that no effort of suction is required ; but that if he merely raise the chest, with the passage to the windpipe open, he cannot prevent the lungs from filling . Inspiration and Expiration, Next, considering that air entering the lungs and breath escaping from them must pass through the same channel, it is obvious that the acts of inspiration and expiration must be alternate, and cannot possibly take place simultaneously. Stammerers, however, ^ endeavour to draw in air at the same time that THE VOICE. li> they are making muscular efforts to expel the breath. The first condition of free respiration is, then, a silent pause to replenish the lungs Again, in stammering, the chest is violently heaved and pressed down, and the action of the diaphragm is downwards instead of up- wards. The action of the diaphragm may be distinctl}^ seen in the motion of the abdomen. When the diaphragm falls (in inspiration) the abdomen slightly protrudes ; and when the diaphragm rises (in expiration) the abdomen falls inward. The chest should rise and fall but little ; it should be kept moderately raised throughout speech, and the principal action of respiration should be in the diaphragm. The- requisite motion, however, is very slight, and entirely free from jerking. The stammerer must practise the acts of inspiration and ex- piration until they are practically, as well as theoretically, faultless. The Voice. Voice is formed by the breath in its-out- ' ward_j2assag^e setting in vibration the edges *^)f the aperture of the larj'ux — the glottis. Stammerers often endeavour to form voice with i^ -f 20 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH, ingoing air ; but in general they close the ^ glottis in the effort to vocalize. This of course stops the breath, and hence the , choking and other distressing s3'mptoms of the impediment. Voice is the material of Speech. This fact,^-^ in all its meaning, the stammerer has to learn. His efforts are alwa^'s directed elsewhere than to the organ of voice. He moves the head, he moves the jaw, he moves the tongue, he moves his limbs, in the vain attempt to force out sound, the production of which he is all the time preventing, by closing the passage through which onl}' voice can come. Voice being the material of speech, the speaker must have voice, whatever else he lacks. The stam- merer must not stint himself of this material, nor must he cut it into shreds and fragments ; but he must acquire command of a full, strong, unbroken stream of sound. Exercise — Continuity of Voice, Having mastered the art of regulating the breath, the stammerer's next step must be to practise the continuous production of voice. '^ He should confine himself to this exercise until he has become perfectly familiar with all -f ELEMENTABY SOUNDS. 21 vocal elements ; repeating them first one by one, then in long sequences, and then in com- binations, but always without a break in the continuity of the sound. The following are the elements for this ex- . ercise, all of which ma}- be prolonged ad lib- itum : ' a, e, i, o, u, ah, aw, oo, oi, ou ; 1, m, n, ng, v, dh, z, zh, w, y. These elements are not to be considered as ''vowels" and ''consonants," but simply as voices^ each of which has precisely the same sound in the throat ; their differences arising solel}^ from the shape of the mouth-passage. It must be carefully noted that the names of the letters will be useless for this exercise ; the actual sounds of the elements must be pronounced. How to Lear 71 Elementary Sounds, The reader unaccustomed to phonetic anal}-^ sis will have no difficulty in isolating the act- ual elementary sounds, if ne will simply p?'o- ^ong for some seconds the elements printed in "2."^ THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. capitals in the following words, as commonly pronounced : feeL, seeM, vaiN, soNG, leaVe, wiTH(dh), iS(z), rouGe(zh) ; We, Yes, Ale, An, EEL End, Isle(ahee), In, Old, On, Use(yoo), Us, Arm (ah), All (aw), OOze, OAVl(ahoo), Oil (awee) . The use to be made of the power which will be developed by this exercise is all-important. The sensation of throat-action must never be lost in speaking. When old tendencies in- cline to false effort, the stammerer will feel himself off the voice ^ like a locomotive off the rails. Then, instead of plunging about wildly at random, he must stop, and carefully put himself upon the track again. There are three elements of speech which have obstructed vocality, and cannot be pro- longed. These are B, D, and G (as in go) They are often terrible stumbling-blocks to the stammerer : but his never to be forgotten tal- isman is ; Voice ! No mouth-action must be allowed to interfere with throat-sound ! There is another class of elements which are entirely non-vocal^ and which therefore tend strongly to thi'ow the stammerer "off the DIFFICULT ELEMENTS. 23 voice." These are P, T, K, F, Wh, Tli, S, Sh, H. Each of these should be practised separatel}', in connection with a vowel ; and with the principle constantl}^ before the mind that no mouth-action must he allowed to in- terfere with the flow of throat-soxind. Difficult Elements. Elements that present special difficulty must be made the subject of special exercise, thus : Prolong any throat-sound, say the vowel a/i, and without stopping the sound introduce the mouth-action to be practised, say B, thus ; ah — bah — bah — bah — bah, etc. It will be found that the mouth-action does not interfere with the continuity of the throat- sound. The exercise must be continued until the true relation between the two kinds of ele- ments is distinctly felt and established in the mind. The relation between the throat and the mouth in speech will be understood when it is stated to be the same as that between the sound-producing part of t\\Q flute — the mouth- hole — and the sound-modifying parts — tlie 24 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. fiuger-holes. The action of the fingers modi- fies, without interrupting, the sound produced at the mouth-hole ; and so the mouth-actions in speech modify, without interrupting, the sound produced in the throat. This relation must be established practicall}', in connection with the elements of speech, in cases of stam- mering, and all diflSculty, and dread of diffi- cult}^ will certainly- sooner or later disappear. A few other directions will complete all that is necessary to be attended to in overcom- ing the habit of stammering. The Mouth a Tube, From what has been already said, it will be understood that all effort thrown into the mouth, jaw, lips or tongue, is futile. The mouth should be as nearly as possible passive^ a mere tube or funnel for the deliver}^ of throat- sound. The mouth-tube is constantly varying in shape ; but it is always a transmitter only,, and never an originator of sound. The Jaw, A GREAT deal of the stammerer's difficult^' will consist in subduing the upward pressure THE HEAD, 2h of the jaw. Whatever action the jaw lias" should be downward ; but there must be no pressure, even in the right direction. The practice of throwing the effort of speech back to the throat will, however, speedily relieve the tendency of the mouth-organs to cling to- gether. When mechanical assistance ma}' be ncces-^ sar}', a paper-cutter held against the edges ot the upper teeth will manifest an}^ undue up- ward motion of the jaw, while it will not pre- vent the mouth from opening. The paper- cutter must not be held between, or bj-, the teeth. When the maxillar}' dijfficulty has been overcome, the lower teeth should not once touch the paper-cutter, in reading or speaking. A gentle contact will be almost unavoidable in forming the hissing sounds, but even this should be prevented in curative exercise. ^ The Head, A LOOSE rising motion of the head is almost a universal feature in stammering. This must be subdued before power can be obtained over the organs of speech. The head should be hold firmlv on the neck, so that even a con- -h 26 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. siderable pressure would not force it back At the same time there should be no stiffness to interfere with free motion. The fault con- sists in lifting the head, as a part of the action of speech ; and it is often a source of ver}" great difficulty. The jaw cannot be controlled while its fulcrum, the head, is unstable and yielding. Spasmodic Actions, With reference to the spasmodic actions of stammering, which sometimes extend over the whole body, no specific directions are needed. The}' invariabl}' disappear when the breathing is relieved. There is nothing to prevent a stammerer who will thoroughly master the principles laid •down jn this Treatise and diligentl}' and watch fully excKjise his voice, from perfectly throw- ing off the fetters of impediment. Many exercises will be found in the Author's '^ Prin- ciples of Speech," which will be of service. But, while a study of the whole subject, and a knowledge of all the organic actions, as ex- hibited in "Visible Speech," are desirable, if not nccessar}', for teachers, stammerers should SELF' OB SEE VA TION. 2 7 tQot allow the mind to be diverted from the -direct and simple means of cure sufficiently set forth in these pages. Self' Observation, One important hint remains to be given. With all persons speech- actions are so purely* habitual that without watchful observation faults ma}^ long remain undiscovered. This is especially true in reference to the minutiae of the organic actions on the rectification of which success depends in cases of defect or impediment. The stammerer will therefore find the use of a mirror a most valuable auxil- iary in his efibrts at self-correction. In carry- ing out the prescribed principles for the regulation of the breath, the control of the head and the jaw, the proper mechanism of elementary sounds, etc., let the stammerei seat himself before a mirror, and he will learn man}^ things of which he might otherwise have -continued unconscious. Even teachers, in dealing with defects and impediments of speech, should place their pupils before a mir- ror, as the readiest means of giving them command over the organs of articulation. To 28 THE FAULTi^ OF SPEECH, this use of the principle of "reflection" as an aid to self-government, the poet's denuncia- tion of "Attitude and stare, and start theatric Practised at the glass," has no applicabuity. The vocal action of singers, as well as speakers, would less fre- quently offend the e3'e if students were taught to exercise the voice before a glass, that the}* might ''see themselves as others see them." Capricious Difficulties, It is a very curious circumstance that stam- merers who are powerless in the presence of friends or strangers, generally declare that they can speak freely when alone. A child, however, or even a cat, in the room is enough to destroy their freedom. The proper use to make of this fact should be to build on it as a ground of hopefulness and confidence ; for it proves that no organic cause exists to pre- vent success, and thus disposes of the mj's- terious dread of phj^sical entailment. But stammerers are often the victims of man}" equall}^ groundless fancies: — supposing their Infirmity to be afi'ected by certain states of the AGGEAVANTJS OF DIFFICULTY. 29 atmosphere, the clu'ectiou of the wind, or the phases of the moon ! Those who look for such associations are pretty sure to find them. But they carr}' the seekers back to the days of witchcraft and the ' ' evil eye '' — to da3's of ignorance ! Aggravants of Difficulty. The function of articulation — like ever}^ other function — is, of course, affected by the condition of the health — deranged digestion, depression of spirits, ph3'sical debility, etc. ; but these aggravants are not to be confounded with original causes of the difficulty. The former will disappear and still leave the latter behind. The stammerer must cast off idle superstitious fears and fancies, and se^ ^^ .JL- worJc to stud}' and observe. He will undoubt- ' edl}' find that ''Knowledge is power;" and that, with knowledge, "Patience and perse- verance will conquer all difficulties." -4- MINOR FAULTS. Nasalizing, J HE sofl palate which hangs at the back of the mouth acts as a valve on the passage to the nose. When the top of the soft palate is arched backwards from its point of junction with the hard palate, it covers the internal nasal aperture, and the breath passes altogether through the mouth. When the soft palate is relaxed and pendent from the edge of the hard palate, the breath passes partly through the nose and partly through the mouth ; and vrhen the mouth-passage is closed (by means of the back of the tongue, as in ng ; the forepart of the tongue, as in n; or the lips, as in m) the breath passes altogether by the nose. A knowledge of these facts will enable any person to correct the habit of na- salizing vowels. The chief difficult}- lies in the recognition* 30 NASALIZING. 31 by the ear of pure oral and mixed nasal qual- ity. The action of the soft palate ma}-, how- ever, be seen, by opening the mouth very wide in pronouncing the vowels ah and aiv. Then, by pressing on the top of the soft palate with the thumb, or with the india-rubber end of a pencil, the internal nasal aperture will be cov- ered, and the utterance of ah and aw will be purely oral. Repeat these vowels with and without the mechanical pressure, and after a few experiments the ear will distinguish the difference between oral and nasal. Practice on other vowels, in forming which the soft palate cannot be seen, will soon develop a feeling of the difference. But the readiest way to gain a perception of the denasalizing action of the soft palate will be by the following exercise : Sound the consonants m h without separat- ing the lips, as in pronouncing the word ember. The change from m to 6 is nothing more than the covering of the nasal aperture by the soft palate ; and the change from h to m, without separating the lips, as in the word submit^ is merely the uncovering of the nasal aperture.^ 52 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. The tendencj" to nasalize vowels is most felt when they occur immediately before or after nasal consonants — m, n or ng — but many persons nasalize every vowel. The French elements an^ en, in, on^ un^ amy £m, etc., are merety nasalized vowels. The Aspirate, The letter H represents a simple and nearly silent emission of breath. The organs of snepch are placed in the position for the sub- sequent vowel before the emission of the aspi- rate. Thus 7i in the words he^ Jiay, hie, hoe^ hahy etc., has the oral quality of the vowel it precedes. The aspirate is not the same as a whispered vowel, for the words his and is, hand and and, hold and old, hart and art are clearly distinguishable when whispered. H is sometimes roughened faultily by a gut- tural quality. To correct this habit, breathe out the aspirate silently. The Cockney confusion of vowels and aspi- rates is a remarkable fault which will disap- pear when learners are taught phonetically in the abecedarian stage of education. The same person who says all for hall pronounces hall VOCAL CONSONANTS. 33 for aW, and so proves that the perverse habit is due only to defective elementary training. H is omitted in pronouncing the words Jieir^ honest, honour, hour, humour, and their deriv- atives. It should be pronounced in herb, hos- pital, humble, and all other words. H is heard instead of wh, before o, as in who, whose, whom, whole. Vocal Consonants. The following consonants are respectively pairs of vocal and non-vocal elements ; that is, the consonants in the second column have precisel}' the same oral formation as those in the first column, but with the addition of throat-sound or murmur. non-vocal. vocal. P B T D K G as in ^o. F V WH W S Z SH ZHasint?mon. THasin^/ii;i TU(^dh)as\n CR as in church J ^'*^'^- X(^^ks) as in extend . . . X(=gz)&siu exist . 34 .THE FAUuTS OF SPEECH. These pairs of consonants are confused by Gaelic and Welsh speakers, who substitute non-vocal for vocal elements ; and by German speakers, who mix up the elements some tunes by a similar substitution, but more frequentl}' by the use of vocal instead of non-vocal ele- ments. Careful exercise and observation will ^intirely remove these difficulties. Thickness of Speech, The consonants ^, d, n, ?, r, are correct- 'y^ formed by the point of the tongue acting against the upper gum ; but in "thick" speech the tongue acts against the teeth, or the point rests on the lower teeth and the above ele- ments are imperfectly formed by the surface of the tongue. This fault is unavoidable when the tongue is so tied to the bed of the jaw that the point cannot be raised. But "thickness" has not alwaj's this excuse ;" it is often the re- sult of a childish habit of sucking the tongue, that should have been ' ' put away " with the years of childhood. The more sharpl}' the tongue can be pointed upwards, the better will t^ d, n, Z, and r be formed. The tongue should never touch the lower teeth in speech, and it CONVEBSATIONAL SLUBRING. 35 should never come between the teeth except for the single element tli — d/i, and then to a very slight extent. In fact, th is best formed with the tongue behind^ instead of between, the teeth. Oratorical Faults. Conversational Slurring. When a person unaccustomed to public speaking has occasion to address an audience, his words seem to run together, and it is only with the greatest difficulty that their purport can be gathered by a hearer at a little distance. He is called on to ''speak out" and "speak up," but increase of force is of little avail. He has to learn the ditference between speak- ing and mumbling. Conversational speech is, in general, verj- slovenl}'. Could it be written down exactly as we hear it, the speaker would not recognize the unintelligible jargon. Thus : Convsashnlspeech zngenlveslovnly. This is not an exaggeration of the kind of utterance that passes current in social life. The chief element of distant audibilit}-— 36 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. throat-sound, or voice — is so curtailed and slurred out. that little more than mouth-actions remain. Sustained Voice, The very reverse must be the relation of throat to mouth in oratorical speech. Conso- nants may be softened to any degree, but vowels must be given fully and with swelling clearness. Thus : cOnvErsAshUnAl spEEch Is In gEnEr- Al vErY slOvEnlY. But it is possible to soften the consonants too much ; to soften them away altogether, as we hear from some yaw-yaw-yaw speakers whose utterance is Vox et preterea nihil. In good delivery every element should be heard in its proper relation to other elements ; every syllable in its proper relation to other syllables ; every word in its proper relation to other words ; every sentence in its proper rela- tion to other sentences. Sustained vocality is the secret of good oratorical speech. This quahty has perhaps SUSTAINED VOICE, 37 never been better illustrated than in the case of the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, who, with no ap- parent effort, in the vast Agricultural Hall, at Islington, London, made himself distinctly heard by an assemblage of twenty-five thou- sand persons.* There could, of course, be no undue softening of the consonants in such delivery, nor, on the other hand, was an}' harshness or prominence of consonant-action perceptible even to the nearest auditor. Some coarseness of effect to ears in the im- mediate vicinity of a speaker is almost un- avoidable in order to secure effectiveness at a distance. Oratory is in this respect analogous to scene-painting : the canvas which charms by the softness of its depictions when viewed from the proper standpoint, is often incredibly rough to a close inspector. The speaker, then, * I was present on one of the occasions. I got as near to the speaker as possible, with the view of studying his management of the vocal bellows; but I could discover no tmusual labour or straining. All was easy and natural. I was within five feet of the speaker; and a friend with whom I was to compare notes took the most distant seat from the platform. We counted the audience by means of the uniform sections into which the seats were arranged, and found the number of hearers was upwards of 25,000. The nearest ear was not offended by bellowing : the most distant lost no syllable. 38 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. may without offence lay on his vowel lights and shades in masses^ and give corresponding strength and firmness to his consonant out- lines, in order to produce the right effect in the farther corners and galleries of his audi- torium. It is to be noted that the percussiveness of good oratorical speech is not due to chest- action — which would be laborious — but ta expansibility of the pharynx, the cavity at the back of the mouth and above the throat. Dis- tension of the pharynx ma}^ be plainly seen in the neck of a player on the bugle or cornet-a- piston. Mai * Respiration, The exhaustion after vocal effort from which many public speakers, especiall}^ clergymen, suffer; the ''clerical sore-throat," which hj its frequency has won for itself a place in medical terminology ; and the wild outbursts of vociferation which throw the whole physical frame into violent action, are due to misman- agement of the "vocal bellows." The principles of easy, natural, powerful respiration are fully explained in the earlier MAL'BESPIBATION. 39 sections of this work. Let public speakers develop the solidity of chest and mobility of diaphragm prescribed for the enfranchisement of stammerers from their spasms of difficult}', and the oratorical defects associated with mal- respiration — and which are so often painful in their consequences — will be unknown. Oratorical defects in the expressive manage- ment of the voice, by inflection and modula- tion, are extremely common. In reference to these the reader is referred to the Authoi-'s ^'Principles of Elocution."* * Fo'jrth edition, 1878. Salem, Mass., J. P. Burbank. ORGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. GREAT variety of the minor defects of speech arise from the substitution of one part for another of the oral organs. The correction of such defects presents no diflSculty to one who is familiar with the true formation of the elements of speech. The following classification embraces all ordinary defects of this kind. The directions given should render self-correction a hopeful undertaking in any case, however long-established may be the habit. One plan of exercise should regulate teacher or self-corrector in all cases. The attempt to introduce a new element at once in reading or speaking will never succeed. Awkwardness and habit will defeat the best efforts of unac- customed organs. Elementary power must first be gained. Thus : 40 OBGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS, 41 I. Pronounce the element separately again and again, until it becomes easy of formation. II. Practise its combination with a single vowels and continue this form of exercise until rapid reiteration becomes easy. III. Practise separately all the consonant com- binations into which the element enters. IV. Pronounce words or sentences containing the element — repeating each quickly. . V. Introduce the corrected element in read- ing, by slightly holding or prolonging it at each recurrence, until the habit is formed of articulating it correctly without special effort. One hour of systematic exercise regulated as above, will do more than a week of desul- tory effort. h—D for G. This is generally an infantile defect, and easily corrected (see page .3) ; but if no efforts are made for its removal at an early age, it will continue to disfigure even adult speech. When we hear a grown-up boy or girl saying *^dood" for good, and ''dive" for give, the very natural assumption is that there must be 42 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. a congenital cause for the defect. But this is a mistake. The action of the back of the tongue only requires to be developed. Hold down the forepart of the tongue, and the back will be compelled into action. Give this me- chanical assistance in pronouncing the words gay, guy, go, gawk, gag. An hour's exercise should cure this defect. It is a cm*ious fact that perhaps three-fourths of all speakers unconsciously substitute d for g in the initial combination gl, as in glad, glide, etc. Indeed, the resemblance in sound is so close that only a watchful ear will dis- cover the difference. Try : dlad, dlide, dlow, dlove, dlory, dloom, glad, glide, glow, glove, glory, gloom. The formation of » as that letter is pro- nounced before a vowel, requires the tip of the tongue to be pointed towards the upper gum. In this defective substitution the tongue lies flat, and acts forward against the teeth, giving the sound of a soft dh (= th as in tJien) , instead of r. Thus : OBGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. 43 ^'Apdhetty intedhesting bdhide" A prett}^ interesting bride. Inability to raise the tongue is generall}' the cause of this defect. To effect a perfect cure the tongue may require to be loosened ; but careful exercise will, in most cases, develop sufficient .power to make a good — though un- trilled — r without an operation. III.— I^' for S. This is one of the man}^ forms of defect arising from inactivit}^ of the forepart of the tongue. Sometimes a slight s-ward motion is made by the tongue at the same time that the lip's movement gives sharpness to the sibila- tion. To correct this defect, hold down the lower lip, and see the teeth, while pronounc- ing s. IV,— F for Til. ' This defective substitution arises from the same cause as the preceding — sluggishness of the tongue. To correct it, hold down the lower lip and see the teeth while pronounc- ing th, F and th are so much alike in phonetic effect 44 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. that this substitution might almost pass un- noticed by one who did not see the speaker's mouth. The resemblance will be manifest in the following experiment : free^ firty^ Jirty-free^ featre^ fimhle. three, thirty, thirty-three, theatre, thimble. V.— Gh for B. This is the defect commonly called ' ' Burr- ing," in which the back of the tongue is brought into action instead of the point. The sound has all the varieties of the front-lingual vibration — smooth, when the soft palate is merely approximated to the back of the tongue ; and rough, when the uvula is rattled against the tongue. This defect sometimes arises from tongue- tiedness, but is very often a mere habit ac- quired by imitation. The cure is by no means difficult. To bring the point of the tongue into action, prolong the vowel aw and lift the tip of the tongue till it almost touches the edge of the palatal arch. Repeat the action a number of times without stopping the vowel sound. In this way the characteristic vibra- tion of r will be gradually developed. OBGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. 45 The tongue in this exercise may be raised so close to the palate as to produce the effect of d — but softl}^ and without pressure, thus ; aw — daw — daw — daw — daw , etc. Gradually endeavour to maintain the tongue in this close approximation to the palate all the time that a continual vocal buzz is heard. This is a rudimental r. Practice on this new element, according to the directions on page 41, will complete the cure. When the tongue is too much tied to the bed of the jaw, the true vibration cannot be per- fectly acquired without an operation ; but the "burring" may at least be discontinued, and an approximately distinct r substituted. VL—L for E. This substitution is common among child- ren, the articulation of I being easier than that of r. The Chinese never pronounce r, but substitute L The two sounds are produced by the action of the same i)art of the tongue — the point ; at the same part of the palate — the upper gum : the difference being that the voice passes over the tip of the tongue for r 46 THE FAULTS OF SPEECIL and over the sides for I. The alternation of these letters in words and sentences presents -a difficult}^ to most persons; as in ''Truly rural.'* ''Rob ran along the lane in the rain." "A lump of raw, red liver," etc.* VIL~Lli for S or Sh, The sibilants s and sh are produced by the breath passing along a central channel over the tongue arched towards the palate, and with more or less elevation of the point. This defect consists in passing the breath over one or both sides of the tongue, as in forming I without voice. The I apertures are narrowed so as to cause a hissing, not unlike that of the true sibilants. To correct this fault, the first point is to concentrate the breath in a single central channel. The channel of r may be used as a guide ; and the channel of y will also be available. Substitute r without voice for the defective "cluttering" s ; and y witliout voice for the defective sh. By arching the middle of the tongue while the point is in the position for r, s will be produced ; and by * Many exercises on these and other difficult combinations will be found in the Author's " Principles of Speech and •Dictionary of Sounds.'* OBGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. 47 raising the front of the tongue while the mid- dle is in the position for 2/, sli will be produced. The sounds obtained may at first be very im- perfect, but they will work into form. Per- haps — as often happens — some experimental or accidental shift may strike the true position and end all difficult}'. The hisses must, how- ever, be perfected as elements before an}- at- tempt is made to introduce them into words and sentences. VIIL—N for Ng. Children who pronounce d for g and t for jfc, of course sound n instead of ng. But the substitution is ver}' common also among care- less speakers in pronouncing the termination ing : as in meetin^ eatin^ and drinkin^ for meet- ing, eating and drinking. This substitution is universal in Scotland. In the words length and strength the ng is very apt to be changed into n for ease of pronunciation. The sounds of k, g and ng are pronounced by the very same organic action — contact and separation of the back of the tongue and the soft pal- ate : the differences being that k is non- vocal, g vocal, and ng naso-vocal. 48 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. IX.—Ng for L. This substitution is a not uncommon accom- paniment of burring, arising from the same inability — or habitual difficult}' — in raising the point of the tongue. The effect of ng at the beginning of a syllable is ver}' peculiar, as that element is never initial in English. Thus : ngove^ ngord^ ngady, nget weng angonc. love, lord, lad}', let well alone. The formation of Z has been explained above (see page 45) . Some assistance in correcting this defect will be obtained, at first, b}^ holding the nostrils, to prevent emission of sound by the nose. X.— Ng for N, This is an allowed assimilation, not a defect, when n occurs before k in the same syllable,, as in ingk^ rangk, mongk^ trungk, ink, rank, monk, trunk. It would be difficult to articulate n in these words. The same substitution of ng for ?i taxes OBGANIC SUBSTITUTION'S. 49 place but not uniformly — ^^ before g; as in angger^ Jingger^ longger, langguage, anger, finger, longer, language. Foreigners are unnecessarily puzzled b}^ the Anomaly between such words and hanger, sing- er, wronger, etc., where the ng represents a single consonant. XI, — Ngg for Ng. This is a Cockney peculiarity, occurring chiefly where ng is followed by a vowel, as in singging^ sing-g-a song. singing, sing a song. The correction of this defect will be assisted at first by a slight stop between the ng and the vowel. XIL Nil for S. The efiect represented by nh is n without voice — a simple breathing through the nose while the tongue is in the position for n. This defect is generally attributed to a congenital organic cause ; but when it occurs as the sin- gle nasal peculiarity of a speaker, it may be confidently pronounced to be merely a correc- 50 rilE FAULTS OF SPEECH. tible habit. Assistance will be derived at first from a mechanical prevention of nasal emis- sion — b}^ pinching the nostrils ; and also by blowing a feather off the hand held before the mouth. When oral emission has thus been obtained the means already prescribed for acquiring the s sibilation (see page 46) , will be effectual in curing the ungainly sniffling of this defect. XIIL S for Sh, and Sh for S. These two forms of defective sibilation will be connected by the means pointed out in pre- vious' sections. The shades of difference in hissing sounds are numerous : man}^ sibilations are heard of an intermediate kind, and which partake more or less of the characteristics of one or the other of the representative sibilants. Organic malformation sometimes prevents a perfect rectification — as irregularit}' of the teeth ; inability to close the jaws ; projecting or retreating jaw, etc. — but even in the worst of such cases, improvement will follow intelli- gent effort. In all cases where no malfonna- tion exists, the sibilants may be adjusted to a normal standard. ORGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. 51 The teeth require to be very^ close in pro- nouncing s and sli. They should not touch, but theu' separation can not be greater than the thickness of a paper-cutter without produc- ing some peculiarity. The alternation of s and sli — like that of r and I — presents a difficulty to most persons, as in "Such a sash." "A shot silk sash.'* "A shabby sash," etc.* XIV.— S for Til and Z for Dh. This substitution is made by French speak- ers, whose native language does not contain the sounds of th and dh. Imitation might be expected to teach the foreigner so obvious an articulation ; 3'et those who have spoken Eng- lish for years may still be heard sajdng "I sink" for I think, and ''zat" for that. A few minutes' exercise suffices to cure this defect. XV.— T for K. The directions given on page 41 for the cor- rection of the defect " i> for G^," apply equally to the kindred elements t and Zc, which are. ** See note, page 46. 52 THE FAULTS OF 8PEECIL merely the non- vocal forms of d and g, (See page 33.) The unconscious use of t instead of c (=» A;) in the combination cl is also as common as that ofdfovg. Thus: tlay^ tlaw, tlew, tlaim^ tlever^ tlose. clay, claw, clew, claim, clever, close. XVI. — Th for S. This is the defect commonly called "Lisp- ing." The relation between th and s is the same as that between I and r. The breath escapes by a central aperture for s — as for r; and by lateral apertures for th — as for I, In forming r and I the middle of the tongue is concave and the point sharply raised : in form- ing s and th the middle of the tongue is con- vex, and the point flattened out. The central '^channel for s is over the top of the point of the tongue ; that for r is over the end of the tip. The lateral apertures for th are between the edges of the point of the tongue and the •teeth, or the upper gum ; those for I are be- tween the body of the tongue and the side, or Iback, teeth. The apertures for th are inter- OBOANIG SUBSTITUTIONS, 53 stitial, and so cause hissing of the breath ; those for I are wide, and allow the voice to- pass with vowel purity. The I channels may^ however, be narrowed so as to produce sibila- tion, and this is one form of defective substi- tution for s. (See page 46.) Lisping is easily cured. But some persons affect the lisp as a symbol of childish artless- uess, and, like Orlando of his love-disease, "would not be cured." A better means of displaying simplicit}^ and innocence might be suggested; but *'(2e giistihus non est disputandum." The correction of the habit of lisping will be facilitated at first b}^ mechanicall}^ prevent- ing the tongue from touching the front teeth. The edge of a paper-cutter may be used to push back the tip of the tongue. The tongue should be altogether out of sight in forming s. XVIL—V for Dlu The remarks on "Ffor TW equally apply to these, the vocal forms of the same articu- lations. (See page 43.) 64 THE FAULTS OF SPEECIL XVIIL—Vfor Z. Tub directions on page 43 apply equally to these elements, whieb *^re merely vocal forms of / and s, XIX.^V for W and W for F. There is a tendenc}' to confound these con- sonants when the}' occur in alternation, a? manifested in the Cockney's "werry veil" for very well. French and German speakers, whose ver- nacular recognizes no sound exactly corre- sponding to the English w^ pronounce v instead of it. The French, however, use the true sound of w in pronouncing their diagraph oi, as in soir^ boire, oiseaux, etc. The German w has the same labial action as the English element, but with a difference in the position of the tongue, which is advanced for the German and retracted for the English w. Foreigners can be taught the knack of the English element perfectl3\ Imitation is obvi- ously worthless for their direction. Mechani- cal assistance will overcome the difficult}'. Thus ; sound the vowoi oo for some seconds ORGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS, 55 find during the continuance of the sound gently approximate the centre of the lips with the finger and thumb a number of times. The vowel 00 will be changed into the word woo^ tvoo, woo, woo, woe, and the consonant w in its most difficult com- bination will be the result. English readers ma}', in the same wa}^, per- fectly acquire the knack of pronouncing the Oerman lu. Thus : sound the vowel ee for some seconds, and during the continuance of the sound gently approximate the centre of the lips with the finger and thumb a number of times. The vowel will be changed by every action into a true German pronunciation of the word wie^ wie, wie, wie, wie. The phonetic resemblance of the German w to the English v will be recognized in this ex- periment. The articulative actions are, how- ever, different, and the English student of German should profit by the lesson and dis- tinguish in future between Enorlish v and Ger- 50 THE FAULTS OF SPEECH. XX.— W for L. This substitution is due to lingual laziness- The tongue lolling on the bed of the jaw sur- renders its proper functions to an}^ part of the organs that can be got to undertake them. In this case the lips are obliging, and we hear : " Wet the wady wait a wittoo." Let the lady wait a little. The existence of such defects is a disgrace. No difficulty attends their correction, and they should never have quitted the nurser}'. XXI.— W for R. R IS the most difficult of all the consonant* for children to learn, and it is, of all elements of speech, the most variously pronounced in languages and dialects and among individual speakers. When the r is trilled — as in Scot- land — the sound is nearly uniform, but the less definite varieties heard in England and America differ greatly. The American r scarcely uses the point of the tongue at all, but has a glide- sound approximating to that of ^, while, between vowels, the r is modified by the lips, as in '^ve^.'* OBGANIC SUBSTITUTIONS. 57 In England the r — final or before a conso- nant — has the vocality of a vowel ; and even the initial r has little of the frieativeness of a consonant. The substitution of w for r is a favourite dandyism in English speech, and generally accompanies the aw — aw — aw of ^'Awistocwatic dwawL" Aristocratic drawl. Those who have acquired the habit of using lu for r, otherwise than as an affectation, or of mixing the sounds of iv aud r, may easih^ cure themselves by the means recommended on page 43 for the delabialising of s, namel}' : Hold down the lower lip with the finger, and see the teeth while pronouncing 7\ XXII.— Wfor Wh, Wh IS to w precisel}' what /is to i?, or s to z — the non- vocal form of the same articulative action. Speakers who make no difference be- tween these elements confound ''whe}'" with way, "which" with witch, "whale" with wail^ "whether" with weather; and put their hear era to unnecessary trouble to unriddle theii 5b THE FAULTS OF SPEECIL ambiguities. Refinement consists in the pre- servation of nice distinctions ; and no speaker with any pretensions to refinement will willing- ly forego such a source of distinctiveness as the proper pronunciation of these and all ele- mentary sounds. Cockney speech has no wli. POSTSCKIPT SECOND EDITION. POSTSCRIPT TO SECOND EDITION. NEW Edition of this little book having been called for, the opportunit}' is pre- sented for adding any further observations or directions that may seem necessary. The highly condensed matter in these pages could easily be expanded so as to fill a volume ; but the pre- cision of the Treatise in its present form is one of ts chief recommendations for the actual work of rectifying the "Faults of Speech." Some little peculiarity in the action of a single organ, or in the mode of pronouncing a single elementary sound, has the effect of rendering the whole of speech peculiar ; and the work of coiTection is incredibly simple when the fault is merely traced to its mechanical cause. The list of such mechanical causes of defects in speech, herein contained, is not only extensive but complete. 61 62 POSTSCRIPT, The effect of ignorance on this subject i» often serious and painful. On one occasion a gentleman came to the author with a defect which greatly marred his whole utterance, yet. it arose simpl}" from the habit of substituting nasal for oral emission in forming the sibilant consonants — the "fault" described in Section XII, page 49. In this case a surgical opera- ation had been performed, which had subjected the patient to months of suffering, while the defect arose from no organic malformation, but merely from a mechanical habit which might have been checked in childhood, as it was per- fectl}^ checked within a week of instruction. Stammerers have been bewildered more than benefitted b}^ the theories of cause and cure of their impediment, and the extensive terminol- ogy given to its man}^ varieties. In nearly all , cases, the source of difficulty is a failure in some simple principle of phonation or organic action, to which alone attention requires to be directed. The chief points for the stammerer's consideration and exercise — whatever peculiar- ity any case may seem to present — will be found set forth in the preceding pages. Let POSTSCRIPT, - 63^^ these be carefully studied, and the principles perseveringly applied, without thought of "consentaneous nerve actions" or any other recondite theories, and in the vast majority of cases relief will be certainly attained. The principles of vocal respiration are all- important, not only to stammerers, but to pub- lic speakers, readers and singers. Claims have been set up to the recent discovery of the proper function of the diaphragm in breathing ; but this ^'discovery" will be found fully em- bodied in the Author's I^ew Elucidation of the Principles of Speech and Elocution^ published in 1849. The simple fundamental principles of breathing cannot be too clearly apprehended. The reader is referred to pages 17-19 for definite instruction on this subject. Teachers who undertake the rectification of faults of speech should study the mechanism of articulation as exhibited in the symbols of "Visible Speech." The phonetic elements of languages, and their mutual relations, are so depicted in these symbols that all difficulty is removed from this otherwise difficult study. The text book Sounds and their Relations^ ex- 10 U POSTSCRIPT. hibited in Visible Speech^* msLj be obtained through any bookseller. The Visible Speech Reader ^■\ (adapted for children) may also be used with advantage to facilitate the acquisi- tion of English sounds by teacher or pupil. A. M. B. We?t Washington, D. C, October, 1883. * Price S2.00, post-paid, from the publisher of this Work, t Recently issued ; price 40 cents. Note to Fourth Edition. No alterations were made in the Third Edition of this work, published in 1889; nor are any required in this Fourth Edition^ issued under the auspices of the Volta Bureau. The little book has done good service during the seventeen years since its first publication; and it is now hopefully committed to a new generation of students. A. M. B. Washington, D. C, 1525 35th Street, Dec. \st, 1897. Sounds and Their Relations Exhibited in Visible Speech and The Visible Speech Reader are out of print. But the Volta Bureau offers Visible Speech and Vocal Physiology, at 50 cents, as one of the most helpful of A. Melville Bell's works. (See page 72.) APPENDIX CONTAINING TABLES AND EXERCISES. APPENDIX. Table of Consonants, I HE following table contains all English elements, and others referred to in the preceding page^. Oral. Nasal Emission. non-vocal Oral f^ • Obstruction 1 ,^ Central Emission vocal non-vocal vocal . . . B (Mh) . . M . . . B Kh . . . N . . G (Ngh). . Ng to cool) W German. . . . W Z (K. . (Blowing Wh . S . , Sh . . . , Zh « in vision, (= tsh) as in t _ ^^t, church, J -««'*• (Yh){ i,,,,. (Ch) German. Gh S German ch Y German g in aug€\ emootb burr. Lateral Emission Lax Vibration F . . . . . Th in thin. Lb Fr. I in tahle. V Dh th in then, L f (Snarl.) t(Rb) (Burr.) R trilled. 67 68 APPENDIX. Table of Initial Consonant Combinations. Bl . as in blade Fr . as in fright Br . . . bride Fy . . . few Bw . . . buoy Vy . . . view By . . . beauty Thr . . three ri . . . . place Thw . . . thwart Pr . . . price Thy . . thews Py . . . pure SI . . . sleep Dr . . . draw Sm . . . smile Dzh . . . jew Sn ... snarl Dw . . . dwell Sf . . . sphere Dy . . . due Sp . . . spy Tr . . . try St . . . sty Tsb . . . chain Sk . . . sky Tw . . . twelve Sw . . . sway T3' . . . tune S}^ ... sue Gl . . . glad Shr . . shrink Gr . . . great Spl . . . spleen Gw . . guelph Spr . . . spring Gy . . . gewgaw Sp3' . . . spume Kl . . . climb Str . . . straw Kr . . . crime Sty . . . stew Kw . . . quite Ski . . sclerotic Ky . . . cure Skr . . . screw lijy . . . muse Skw . . squint 2sy . . . new Sky . . . skewer Fl . . . flight APPENDIX. 69 Consonant Exercises. For rapid reiteration. non-vocal. pata patapa tapa tapata paka pakapa kapa kapaka taka takata kata kataka pataka pakata tapaka takapa kapata katapa pafa pafapa fapa fapafa fawha fawhafa whafa whafawha pawhafa pafawha fapawha fawhapa whapafa whafapa fatha falhafa thafa thafatha thasa thasatha satha sathasa rsasha sashasa shasa shasasna thasha thashatha sliatha shatbasha thasasha thashasa sathasha sashatha sliasatha shathasa vocal. bada badaba daba dabada baga bagaba gaba gabaga daga dagada gada gadaga bagada badaga dabaga dagaba gadaba gabada bava bavaba vaba vabava bawa bawaba waba wabawa vawa vawava wava wavaw^ bawava bavawa 70 APPENDIX. vabawa vawaba vrabava wavaba larana lanara nalara narala >^atha vathava thava thavatha thaza thazatha zatha zathaza vathaza vazatha thavaza thazava zavatha zathava thazha thazhatha zhatha zhathazha zazha zazhaza zhaza zliazazha thazhaza tliazazba zatbazha zazhatha zbazatha zbathaza rala ralara lai-a larala rana ranara nara narana lana lanala nala nalana ralana ranala combinations. blabra blabrabla brabla brablabra plapra plaprapla prapla praplapra flafra flafrafla frafla fraflafra glagra glagragla gragla graglagra clacra clacracla cracla craclacra tbwaswa thwaswathwa swathwa swathwaswa thrasbra tbrashratbra sbratbra sbratbrashra slasna slasnasla snasla snaslasna tradra tradratra dratra dratradra cbaja chajacba jacha jacbaja spasfa spasfaspa sfaspa sfaspasfa APPENDIX. 71 staska staskasta skasta skastaska splaspra splaspraspla spraspla sprasplaspra Words and Sentences, Beef-broth. Three sixths. Literally literary. Knitting needle. Quit quickly. Such a sash. Puff up the fop. A velvet weaver. A cut of pumpkin. A knapsack strap. Coop up the cook. A school coal-scuttle. Veal and white wine vinegar Geese cackle and cattle low. Cocks crow and crows caw. A shocking sottish set She sells sea-shells. Cloud-capp'd. Laurel wreath. Linen lining. A comic mimic. Rural railroad. Scotch thatch. Statistics of sects. Portly poultrj'. A wet white wafer. Pick pepper peacock. I snuff shop snuff. THF END. The Volta Bureau's Book Department A. MELVILLE BELL'S BOOKS Science of Speech $0.50 Facial Speech-Reading 25 Visible Speech Charts. 8 fof wall 60 Visible Speech Cards. 12 in set 20 Visible Speech Cards. 44, larger L 00 Visible Speech and Vocal Physiology 50 Visible Speech in 12 lessons. German 50 Visible Speech in 12 lessons. Italian 50 Visible Speech Class Primer 10 Visible Speech. Inaugural Edition. . . , 2.00 Principles of Speech. Paper, $1.00. Cloth, 1.50 Elocutionary Manual (Principles) 1 .50 Principles of Elocution 1 . 50 Essays and Postscripts on Elocution 1 . 00 Address to Elocutionists 10 Notations in Elocutionary Teaching. 10 Emphasized Liturgy 1 .00 Letters and Sounds (Visible Speech) 10 Sounds of R , 10 World English: Universal Language 10 World English, Handbook of 10 Popular Shorthand 10 Elliptical Steno- Phonography 10 Reporting Steno- Phonography 10 Line W riting, Universal 10 Line Writing, Vernacular and Orthoepic 10 Line Writing Exercises 40 Line Writing Cards, set 25 Any book listed sent postpaid on receipt of money order, check, U. S. stamps, or cash, by THE VOLTA BUREAU 1601 35th Street N. W., Washington, D. C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. AUG 2 1949^ iivolog-y JLaJijy^iyy ^uG n ^^^9 APR 20 1950 JUN 4 - 1951 fi^Y 3 1 1951 JUN 3 1934 1954 JANl2 196t D&29'eOHT LD 21-100m-9,'48XB399sl6)476 ^^ ... 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