SB UC-NRLF THE LARGE SEED FACTOR I H CROP PRODUCTION A THESIS BY Lowrie Baird Nevin Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Soienoe University of California College of Agriculture Division of Agronomy May 1916 UMVEKSHY CFCA) :: LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS THE LARGE SEED FACTOR I B CROP PRODUCTION A THESIS BY Lowrie Baird Nevin Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Scienoe University of California College of Agriculture Division of Agronomy May 1916 UNIVERSITY OF TA;,;! LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS CONTESTS Introduction 2 The Influence of Large Seed upon the Yield 3 Effect of Large Seed upon Germination 14 The Effect of the Specific Gravity upon the Yield ... 15 Relation of Size and weight of Kernel to Composition. . 18 Mechanical Aids to the Selection of Seed 22 Fanning Mills 25 PART II. Experimental 28 Conclusions 33 References 35 Figures 37 -1- THE LARGE SEED FACTOR IB CHOP PRODUCTION. Introduction The question of larger yields is a very vital one with the farmer of to-day. In many oases more than is realized "by the farmers themselves do the profits depend upon the last refine- ments in efficient production. Therefore any factor that gives larger returns for practically the same effort merits attention. Such a factor is the influence of large heavy seed in crop pro- duction. In opening his discussion of experiments with wheat in which some of the advantages of large plump seed were demonstrated, Dr. 1. A. Cobb (1) remarks that any effort to prove the lower value of small seed will be regarded by many as an effort to kill a dead horse; but as long as there exist among us advocates of small seed, and the bulk of wheat growers use poor seed, it will be necessary to harp on the superior value of large seed. It is the intent of this paper to deal principally with the large seed factor as applying to cereals, especially wheat; but from time to time reference is made to experiments with other plants to show that the principle applies not alone to the cereals. There has been no attempt to make an exhaustive survey of the field, either as regards the literature or as a dis- cussion of the subject. The one definite objective of the experimental part of the task has been to secure some experimental ground as a basis for the assumption that the extra development of the plants from large seed is due to the additional supply of endosperm available to the germinating plantlet. -2- ; ' 36160 rf , There is no lack of literature showing that this is the explanation favored by many tut it has not been the good fortune of the writer to find any experiments in support of the theory, logical as it certainly seems. The subject has been taken up from the standpoint of the influence of large seed upon the yield, of large seed upon germination, of the specific gravity or weight upon the yield, and the relation of the size and weight of the kernel to composition. There has been included also a short discussion of some of the available mechanical aids to the selection of large, heavy seed. The Influence of Large Seed upon the Yield. Sanborn(2), at the Utah Experiment Station, reports ex- periments to ascertain the effect of using seed separated for size. He used five grades: large, medium, small, or- dinary, and shrivelled. His results are given as follows :- : pounds per acre yields: Average Kind of seed. : : 4 years :1890 : 1891 : 1892 : 1893 : bu.per A. Large 88.5 72.5 111.0 >63.0 18.72 Mediua 70.0 87.0 67.0 16.60 Small 94.0 105.0 64.0 74.0 18.72 Ordinary 84.0 95.0 87.0 29.5 16.42 Shrivelled 42.0 78.0 31.0 11.25 His conclusion that very little if any advantage is to be gained by separating seed wheat and planting the large kernels is of questionable value on account of the irregu- larity of the results. Latta, at the Indiana Experiment Station, (3) conducted experiments in which wheat was cleaned of chaffy seed and impurities and separated into light and heavy kernels by means of a fanning mill. The experiments were continued for three years, each year taking seed not grown from seed so selected. The results showed an average gain for large seed of two and one half bushels per acre. Georgeson, at the Kansas Experiment Station, has done con- siderable work on the subject and we find the results of his work in several of the publications of that station. In Bulletin No. 13 the following results are presented: Grade of seed Yield of grain per A. Light 21.6 bu. Common 24.0 " He avy SO . " These tests, he says, prove "only what is already well known". He later seeded plats with seed of different weights per bushel and one of seed from selected heads. The grades were as follows: Light seed 56 Ibs. per bu. Common seed 62.5 62.5 " Heavy seed 63 " " n The seed from selected heads. Each year seed was selected from wheat not grown from selec- ted seed. The average results from three years trials were as follows: Grade of seed Bu. of grain per acre. Light 25.19 Common 26.57 Heavy 27.07 Select (Average for two years) 25.82 In Bulletin So. 54 of the same station the average for six years shows as follows: Light 8.48 Medium 29.85 Heavy 30.76 The results of eight years' experiments recorded in Bulletin No. 54 of the same station are similar. Of oats he says in Bulletin 63, n light inferior seed is certain to produce less than seed of a fair quality, "but "between a fair quality of seed oats and heavy sifted seed there is not much difference." n the average for seven years is, however, in favor of heavy seed." In 1892-3 Eesprez at the Experiment Station of Capello (4) experimented with seed of different sizes and from dif- ferent locations in the spike, with results as follow: Kilograms 1892 From From Dif. large small favor Ige . Var. Ho. 1. 5,726 4,799 927 Early ears, middle Late 6,172 4,235 1,937 Yar. So . 2 . Early ears, middle 5,231 3,123 2,108 Late 4,680 2,456 2,224 Var. Ho. 3. Early ears, middle 5,879 3,543 2,336 1893 Yar. Ho. 1. Early ears, middle 5,835 5,796 66 extremity 5,492 4,425 1,067 Late middle 5,869 4,347 1,522 " extremity 5,291 4,491 800 Var. Ho. 2. Barly ears, middle 5,i4E 5,035 107 extremity 5,587 5,242 345 Late middle 6,330 4,543 1,787 extremity 4,897 4,393 504 Var. Ho. 3. Early ears, middle 6,365 6,161 204 The seed was sown in drills eight inches apart and eight inches in the rows. They were sown with large-seed drills alternating with small-seed drills. The author draws no conclusions. Two years later (5) he reports experiments with large kernels selected from a crop grown from large seed for three years and with small seed grown from small seed for several years. Five varieties of wheat were used. The average re- - ' . ' , . > ' f . . . . 1 6 suits for three years were a difference of from 1,067 to 1,828 kilograms of grain per hectare in favor of the large seed. But the difference was in general greater the first year than later. The use of large seed gave a crop with kernels larger than those grown from small seed. Middleton (6) reporting experiments with wheat, oats, and beans, says the large seed yielded almost twice as much as small seed, in the case of wheat; the difference was less marked with oats and with beans there was scarcely any. Bolley (7), of north Dakota!^, after experiments lasting for four years in which plump kernels of large size and plump kernels of small size were selected for seed, concludes from the results that "perfect grains of large size and greatest weight produce "better plants than perfect grains of smell size and light weight, even when the grains come from the same head". After presenting data of fourteen years' experiments with large, mediuiu and small seeds of oats, barley, field peas, spring and winter wheat, mangels, sugar beets, swedes, fall turnips, field carrots, rape, and potatoes C. A. Zavitz(9) of the Ontario Agricultural College concludes that "it seems very evident that large seeds will give a greater yield than will an equal number of small seeds, in the case of at least twelve different classes of farm crops." *? i In a report of the same college (8) he submits the follow- ing table: - ' Class Years seleo- : bu. Average yield per A. test tion : wt. : tons straw : bus. : grain Spring wheat 8 L. plump S. n Shrunken 59.1 58.3 56.9 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.7 18.0 16.7 Winter wheat 6 L. plum: S. " Shrunken Split 59.4 59. 59.1 54. .6 . .1 .6 46.9 40.4 39.1 9.3 Oats 7 L. plump Medium Small 33. 32. 31.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 6.0 54.1 46.6 Barley 6 L. plump S. n Shrunken Broken 49.5 48.8 49.1 48.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 53.8 50.4 46.0 42. Peas 6 Large Small 56.3 56.3 1.3 1.1 8.1 3.0 tr 9 Sound Split 58.1 59.7 1.4 .6 9. 10. P. P. Deherain (10) reports a slightly "better yield of wheat from large seed and he and Dupont (11) are cited as reporting yields from large and small kernels of a number of varieties of wheat to have been in all oases in favor of the large kernels, "but a large difference in yield was obtained only when there was a marked difference in the weight of the kernels. Soule and Vanatter (1) of the Tennessee Experiment Station conducted experiments for three years in which large and small wheat kernels were separated by means of selves, after the first year each grade being selected from wheat grown from a similar grade. A check plot of unseleeted seed was planted. "The average difference in yield at the end of three years between large grains (689 per ounce), and small grains ' ' ' - J-et ' ' - ' ' 6 (888 per ounce) with Mediterranean wheat, was 2.06 bushels in favor of large grains as compared with the commercial sample, aad 5.18 bushels in favor of large grains over small grains. The difference in yield between the large grains and the commercial sample chiefly occurred the first year; but it is possible, though hardly probable, that the difference was partly due to variation in the soil. The experiment has been carried out in different parts of the field for the last two year4 and the difference in the yield is now only 0.32 in favor of the large grains." Cobb (13) gives a summary of the comparisons of the re- sults of some very carefully conducted experiments to deter- mine the relative advantages of large seed and small seed of wheat. He used sieves with rectangular openings of meas- ured width which give a fairly accurate grading on the basis of diameter of kernel. Three grades are cited in the summary: very large, large, and medium which were respectively 3.25, .00 and 2.50 millimeters in diameter. If the comparison is made on the basis of yield of grain and straw, the following is a general statement of the results; The very large or 3.25 grade excelled in 66.7$ of the ttials. " 3.00 89.7$ n " " medium n 2.50 98.1$ " " " * This statement fails to tell the whole story for the reason that the excess of yield in the majority oases is greater than in the minority cases. Thus Grade When excelling did When excelled so by per cent was only by $ Very large or 3.25 14.7 8.5 Large or 3.00 30.4 12.3 Medium or 2.50 44.5 3.5 In these statements the basis of the percentage cal- culations is the weight of the lower of the two constants. 9 If instead of taking the sum of the weights of grain and straw as the criterion of yield, we take the weight of the grain alone, we arrive at the following: The very large or 5.25 grade excelled in 58.3 % of the trials. large " 2.00 n " n 93.1 " " " n n medium " 2,50 " " " 86. E " " " " As before, we find, however, that the victories of the large seed are more decisive than those of the small seed, and this must be taken into account in estimating the superior- ity of the larger grades. We find that: Grade Excelling by Excelled by 3.25 12.9 < 6.6 % 3.00 26.5 % 7.0 % 2.50 40.5 % 3.3 $ If instead of taking the sum of the weights of grain and straw as the criterion of yield we take the yield of the strew alone, we arrive at the following: The very large or 3.25 grade excelled in 66.7 % of the trials. large " 3.00 89.7 % " " n medium " 2.60 " " 93.1 % * n " But again we find that the victories of the large grades are much more decisive than those of the small grades, and this must not be forgotten ie estimating the superiority of the larger grades. Examination of the table proves that:-- Grade $ excelling by % excelled by when excelling. when excelled. 3.25 19, B 10.8 3.00 29.6 19.4 2.50 40.7 4.5 The above trials include some twenty-nine varieties of wheat. Also, the comparisons have been made on the basis of equal numbers of seed and not between equal bulks or equal weights. Grenfell (14) selected plump and shrivelled kernels from the same bulk of grain. They were sown with the plump - : . . . . ry Total Tfo. ITo pods Ho. Wt. seed wt. Ro. empty w. 1 or of "beans pods. pods pods more "beans "beans grams Large 1,899 2,545 1,580 965 2,503 964 Medium 1,389 2.032 1,390 642 1,578 624 Small 709 1,211 694 517 1,445 567 13 The same station shows the following results with sweet pumpkins:-- Size lb. *o. total No. pounds seed vines fruits wt. ripe ripe rbs fruits fruit Large 76 212 1,034 133 696 Small 76 256 1,247 68 386 Fo. fruitsTTt. fruits unripe unripe fruit 80 388 188 361 This shows that the plants from large seed (76 vines) yielded sixty- five more ripe fruits and three hundred and ten more pounds of editle product. Fron the same station we have an interesting tabulation of results with sweet peas. Siae "Kb. Tit. seed Total Ho. Total Ho. Average Ho. seed sown grams plants "blossoms "blossoms per plant . Duke of "'estminster Large 50' 4.58 45 11,831 263 Lledium 50 3.70 40 10,069 E52 Small 50 2_..74 40 8,240 206 Earliest of All Large 50 6.25 40 3,496 87 Iledium 50 4.11 33 2,932 89 Small 50 2.51 16 567 35 Her Llajesty Lex** 50 4.50 34 12,244 360 Medina 50 3.19 35 10,585 321 Small 50 S.45 18 3,702 206 Cocclnia Large 50 5.13 40 16,226 407 Medium 50 3.07 40 13,578 339 Small 50 4.22 46 14,673 19 Agnee Eckford Large 30 3.13 . 25 1,701 68 LlecJiua 30 2.51 24 2,199 89 Small 30 1.87 25 2,145 32 Apple Blossom Large 50 5.40 39 11,678 315 Medium 50 3.78 29 10,443 266 Small 50 2.65 38 9,592 273 They conclude that large seed is heavier, germinates "better, seems more likely to produce strong plants, and more important, yields a larger number of "blossoms. Also . I . , - 14 their results with. Hubbard squash indicate that while the seeds do not vary as widely as those of some other plants, large seed gave more pounds and more numbers of edible squash- Let tuoe responded very uniformly, the larger seed giv- ing heavier heads and more salable ones. Effect of Large Seed on Germination. Kerpelley (25) found that the growth of plants from large and fully developed wheat kernels was more uniform and vig- orous and produced the largest number of seeds capable of germinating. A. J.J. Vandevelde (26) reports on the germination of 1800 each of large, average and small seeds of peas, oats, rye, wheat and barley. He states that the time required for germination is longer for the large seed but only slightly so. Total germinations were greater with small in every case except barley. Cobb (27) Gives as an average of experiments with twenty eight varieties of wheat these figures. Out of two hundred seeds each, large seed showed 12.5 failures, medium seed 18.6 and small seed 34.1 failures. This gives almost three times as many failures in small as in large. Eiseninenger (28) found in experiments with spruce and Scotch and Austrian pine that large seeds germinated quicker and reached the period of maximum germination earlier than small seeds. In certain experiments by !.. Slegrell (29) the author points out the fact that with one exception the period re- quired for germination increased with the specific gravity. A comparison of germination by the heavier and lighter kernels in the same head is given "by the Kansas State Agri- 16 cultural College: (30) Ho. kernels Ho. kernels per cent Grade tested germinated germination Heavier than the average 4,707 4,684 98.74 Lighter 2.972 2.877 96.80 Total 7.679 7,561 97.99 Separation into five sizes by sieves showed; There is a slight "but not constant difference "between the germination of kernels separated "by sieves. (2) The largest kernels do not always germinate the "best. (3) The smallest kernels usually but not always germinate the poorest. Separation according to density by means of a wind blast gave the following results; Grade Average % germination 1 99.19 2 98.00 8 95.16 4 87.63 5 71.70 6 53.95 The Effect of the Specific Gravity Upon the Yield. A Pommel and Stewart at the Iowa Experiment Station (31) report that of thirty-seven samples examined the average specific gravity of the seed of wheat was 1.469, the amount varying between 1.503 and 1.407. Their method was to first weigh the seed in air and again while immersed in Kerosene oil. That this does not represent the range of the specific gravities of the wheat kernel is readily seen from the suc- ceeding reference. "Seed wheat of four varieties was separated by Church (32) by means of solutions of calcium chloride having specific gravities of 1.247, 1.293, and 1.31. The seed was first treated with a solution of mercuric chloride to remove the adherent air. Each lot of seed was planted separately. From the results the following oonolusions are drawn: 1. The seed wheat of the greatest density produced the densest seed. 2. The seed wheat of the greatest density yielded the largest amount of dressed grain. 3. The seed of medium density generally gave the largest number of ears, but the ears were poorer than those from the densest seed. 4. Seed of medium density generally produced the largest number of fruiting plants. 5. The seed wheat that sank in water, but floated in a solution having the density 1.247, was of very low value, yield ing on an average only 34.4 pounds of dressed grain for every 100 yielded "by the densest seed." Working with soy beans Hicks and Pabney (33) found that the plants and roots were heavier from heavy seed and the same was true with Alaska peas with the additional advantage of earliness. Earliness also developed with radish and Kafir corn from heavy seed. Also, with barley, oats, and rye the weights of the seedlings were closely proportional to the weights of the seed. Yon Llebenberg (34) says that the results of the ex- periments with Hanna barley grown in five different places "corroborate those of other experiments and it can he safe- ly stated that with a heavy weight per "bushel go a greater weight per kernel, a smaller percent of husk, and a richer content of extract, and finally a greater yield." The North Bakotah Station, (35) from a four years' - ' . -. . , ' - ;- heavy seed : light seed : riff, favor hee^ 29.4 27.9 27.1 38.6 24.3 22.8 25.2 33.7 4.6 5.1 1.9 4.9 17 test, concludes that perfect grains of large size and high weight produce better plants than those of smaller size and weight even though the grains come from the same spike. The Burdue University Experiment Station submits a summary of results taken from a number of stations thus: (36) Yields in bu. per acre Stations Minnesota Nebraska Kansas Ontario Averages 30.7 26.6 4.1 Large seed : Small seed : riff, fav. Lge Indiana 30.5 27.9 2.6 'Ohio 16.3 16.3 Ontario 46.9 40.4 6.5 Tennessee 28.6 23.4 5.2 Averages 30.6 27.0 3.6 The figures from experiments by Burnett at the Iowa (37) Station tend to show that with oats the heavy seed and the light seed were about equal pound for pound but not seed for seed, nor measure for measure. All plots were sown at the rate of three bushels per acre. The Minnesota Station (38) state that a plump heavy kernel of grain will produce a stronger plant and nourish it better than will a shrunken, light $ernel. They quote from the Nebraska station the following table: Yield per acre in bushels Kind of seed 1900 1901 2 yr. av. Heavy 29.5 29.3 29.4 Light 23.0 26.7 24.8 Gain in favor of heavy seed 4.6 A similar experiment in their own station gave an in- crease of 9-fc bushels per acre in favor of the heavy seed and heavy wheat gave a yield of 36 per cent greater than that of light wheat. : . . . . ft. . ' . - 18 Lyon (39) cites Tollny as objecting to experiments by a number of experimenters with various cereals in which almost without exception kernels of high specific gravity produced the beet yields, because no distinction was made between absolute wiight and specific gravity in the kernels. He claims that the value of the seeds lies in the kernels of absolute heavy weight rather than in kernels of high specific gravity, concluding that the specific gravity of the seed exerts no influence on the yield. Lyon goes on to say that in the light of the experiments that have been conducted it would seem that there is a difference between seed of low specific grav- ity and high specific gravity in favor of the dense seed, but there is little difference between seed of high and medium specific gravity. Relation of Size and height of Kernel to Composition. It is not the purpose of this thesis to enter far into this phase of the large seed factor. Therefore only brief reference will be made. Lyon (40) concludes that in general it may be said that as between wheat kernels of the same variety grown in the same season and upon the same soil, the specific gravity is inversely proportional to the nitrogen content. This conclu- sion is given after citing several experimenters who pre- sent varying results. He suggests that as the ash, which varies so considerably with the soil on which the wheat is grown, has such a high specific gravity compared to that of the other constituents this would prevent the establishment of a constant relation. H further suggests that the number and size of vacuoles would affect the specific gravity. , T&* ' ' ' - ' ' ' , ' r&' - 19 Comparing oata Hienrich (41) O onsidered that lie had found very little difference in feeding value between oats of heavy and light weight. In general the lighter grains had more fibre and less carbohydrates. Johannsen (42) found great variation in the nitrogen content of fully developed ripe barley grains from different heads of the same variety of barley grown under like con- ditions. Ho definite law relative to this variation was found but in general the nitrogen content increased with the weight of the kernels. By careful selection, for four years, a strain of barley was found which yielded heavy grains low in nitrogen. A later and fuller table may be found in the Experiment Station Record, Vol XII page 236. Snyder (43) submits results to show that light-weight kernels contain a somewhat larger percent of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash than the heavy seed but the total amount of these is much less. Sperling (44) was unable to correlate weight in barley seed with protein content. Shaw (45) working with California white wheats, con- cludes that the normal kernels usually carry a larger per cent of nitrogen than smaller kernels of the same type. It is important to have a good start because three fourths of the total mineral matter is taken from the soil in the first fifty days (46) . The Minnesota Station presents a table of the composition of the ash of heavy and light weight wheat kernels. Under the head of total ash in the wheat is given the number of pounds of ash in every hundred pounds of wheat. The figures given for the potash, lime, etc. are the per cents of those ' - . '- ' . aw ; fw - 10 3* Jfll substances found by the analysis of each ash. This wheat was all grown from one lot of seed in different parts of Min- nesota. (47) Eote that the heavy seed has more potash and phosphoric acid. Composition of the Ash of Heavy and light Weight Wheat. No B "- ujt Jalo.1 ask Pdajtl- Joda. Lime Maguey a- Iron "t Phafi*5 silic*. k Chlor- Carbon ide.3 dioxidportuD traveuin I>artsof the State fects, and the infor- that the samples he present in.jini v the following, und pie Straw, :,-2/ wedel, 14; Red % ; Blount'a Lam- . at the time of col- J wheat being "i\\n immas, and Strin- *e of Purple Straw, e*e varieties either cause they can get give the man pver c-nni.-s liandv. dismiss this latter on, as experivn.-f d opinions, and ;iii- neglect to think > make a living. rnatives, namely, ties because thc'-v an get no others, he former. Other " within the reach ' use some otlitT iimot get it, nor This Rt.-1'lns tu tin- the farmers must sey Consider them o grow. Fig, 11. \ Defiance wheat, with th, arranged as ei- tracted from one side of i'. ' 22 Kentucky Experiment Station (54) that this may "be accounted for by the fact that the florets at the center of the spike are pollinated first. Since it is so that there ia such a variation in weight batr/een kernels of the same spike there are a number of men who consider that it is not to "be expected that all large seed should suppass smaller seed because the small seed may possess the same inheritance as the large. It would seem, then, that on account of this fact the smaller seed in a selection fl>r size and weight would contain a larger proportion of the im- mature and poorly developed seed the first time than it would the second after the weaker plants resulting from such poor seed would have been eliminated. The second and succeeding seasons selections was practiced from wheat grown from seed so selected the small size would contain a larger proportion of seeds which are naturally small and this is pointed out by Lyon (55) with the observation that several of the experiments cited exactly fulfil these conditions. Mechanical Aids to Selection of Seed. It is obvious that some of the finer methods of de- termining the weights of seed are utterly impractical for use on the farm. Thus far there seems to be but one method of selecting for weight which is at all practical for the average man and at the same time is generally understodd. This is the air blast applied in some form. There are various devices making use of centrifugal force or of the ability of seed to bounce from taught wires but at the present time the most help would seem to lie - X1;' 23 in some type of fanning mill. It is the opinion of the writer of this thesis that no separation of seed wheat or "barley is adequate that does not select for size as well as weight. Herewith are presented a few references to literature on the subject. It will "be noticed here also that there is a certain amount of difference of opinion as to the value of such selection "but it may "be possible that other factors have affected the results of some of the dissenters or that their machines have not "been mechanically what they should have been. Montgomery (56) found that the use of a fanning mill for separating heavy and light seed wheat did not result in im- provement in either the yield or the quality of the grain. He concludes that; as every wheat plant contains both heavy and light seed, the fanning mill will give about the same kind of wheat, so far as inheritance is concerned, in the light as In the heavy. The Ohio Station (57) pronounce against the fanning mill but their test cannot be very well guarded as they refer to hand~sorted tests which are giving results in favor of large seed. Experiments in Missouri indicate that, while the differ- ence is not great, the large seed gives the best yields. The fact is also pointed out that more seed by weight should be used when large seed is planted. In these tests the seed was put first through a fanning mill and then through a grader, separations being made .into three grades. (59) Burlison (60) found in a test of fanned and unfanned seed vjheat of three varieties that the fanned showed an advantage over the unfanned of 1.455 bushels per acre in yield. - ' ' 24 Kansas Bulletin 33 gives the resuls of two years' trials with fanned and unf aimed seed as follows: (61) Yield per acre Bu. grain Tons straw Heavy seed SI. 90 1.92 Light seed 30.03 1.62 Common seed SI. 13 1.73 The seed was graded with a clipper fanning mill. The "common" was wheat as it came from the thresher "but cleaned of trash. It weighed 62^ pounds per bushel. The heavy seed weighed 64fc pounds, and the light weighed 60 7/8 pounds per "bushel. The statement of Montgomery above should be taken in the light of the statement of page 22 of the same bulletin that the first two years the lightest seed produced least, the ordin- ary was nezt, and heavy seed yielded the best. Since then the results have varied from year to year and the average for the eight years does not show a marked advantage for either. - 25 Fanning Mills. Since a bushel of wheat contains somewhere in the neigh- borhood of a million kernels, it is obvious that hand selection of seed wheat is impractical except for careful experimen- tal purposes. For commercial production of small grains it is neces- sary to have some means of selection which is of rather high efficiency and, according to the results noted in the preceding pages, there should be good returns from its use. The type of machine commonly employed for such a purpose is generally called a fanning mill. The functions of a fanning mill (62) are; (1) to clean the grain; (2) to grade the grain; and (3) to separate differ- ent kinds of grain. The modern mill uses several physical differences for the separation of grain; among them being difference in weight, difference in size, and difference in shape. Also the rough- ness of the hull, and to some extent the location of the heavy part of the seed, may be used. But in this connection we are concerned chiefly with the difference in size and density. Selection for different sizes may be made by the use of sieves or riddles with different sizes of openings. Since denser seed offers less surface to the air, an air current may be utilized to select seed for weight. The first of the machines used for cleaning and grading grain made use of the air blast only and hence the term fan- ning mill has come to be applied to all machines of this type; although the best of them combine the principles of sieves anfl si- blast. . _ ' . ' . . , . . 26 There are tvro general of fanning mills. In the first the air is directed upon the grain as it passes over the sieves; and in the second the air "blast is independent of the sieves and riddles. The first of these is the older type. It has a rather larger capacity for the amount of sieve surface provided and when proper- ly handled will do good work. A diagram of a mill of this sort is shown in figure 2. The latter type, however, has the great- er refinement and is capable of more careful selections. Diagrams of machines of this type are presented in Figs. 3 and 4. From a Minnesota Bulletin we get a diagram that is quite helpful to the understanding of some of the arrangements of a mill of this sort. See Fig. 5. (63) Figure G. (64) shows an arrangement where selection is be- ing made on the "basis of density alone. This would also blow out a great deal of the trash and dust. Other machines are designed to make selection merely on the basis of size. Herewith are presented three cuts to illus- trate one means of sorting for size which should be capable of considerable refinement. In any mill of this kind the efficiency of selection decreases with the increase in amount of grain put through per hour. These are taken from Cobb's work (65) and are presented to show first (Fig. 7) the simple principle on which they work and are kept clean. Here note the brush for keeping the meshes cleared of grains which are Just large enough to wedge slightly without going through. It seems to the writer that considerable efficiency must be lost by some of the commercial machines in this manner. Fig. 8 shows a more elaborate mill which makes selection of several sizes and blows out dust and chaff. 27 The apparatus shown in ?ig. 9. is interesting on account of the adjustability of the meshes tut the danger of "bending the wires out of shape would seem to lessen its probable durability. * A criticism applying to the three last machines is that they make use only of size in selecting seed and do not select on the basis of weight as well. If Wollny (39) is right in saying that the advantage of large seed lies in absolute weight rather than in density, the very way to secure this absolute high weight is by combining selection for size with selection for density. 8 PART II. EXPERIMENTAL If there Toe much truth in the assumption that the advan- tage of large seed over small is due to the extra start given to the very young plantlet "by the additional endosperm, it would seem that removing the extra endosperm should counteract to some extent if not nullify this effect. Acting upon this assumption, experiments were undertaken to determine the effect of so removing the "balance of the endo- sperm at the time when the plant becomes able to support it- self. The plan was to allow the seed to germinate and, as soon as the young plant became able to draw its nourishment from the soil and air, remove the balance of the endosperm. Three sets of plantings were made, the second of which was lost on account of the fact that wet weather kept the seeds submerged until they failed to germinate at all. The plantings will be described more at length later. The seed for these plantings was prepared with considerable care. Separations were made first by size. In order to do this the seed was put through a series of three sieves which are shown in Fig. 1. Sieve llol will pass a grain of 3-j millimeters in diameter, 3Jo. 2 will pass grains of 2-J- millimeters and Fo. 3 passes all 2-^ millimeters or less. In this manner seed was separated into two classes, all not falling in these two. being rejected from the experiment. The first class, which will hereafter be designated as large, consists of kernels that are retained by the 3^ millimeter sieve. The seed retained by the 2-jjf millimeter sieve was re- jected and the kernels passed by it but retained by the 2-j 29 sieve were used for the second class, which will "be referred to hereafter as small seed. These two classes of seed were each separated further into heavy and light kernels "by means of solutions of sodium nitrate. Seed that sank in a solution of specific gravity 1.35 but floated in a solution of 1.40 was used for the heavy, and those kernels which floated in a solution of specific gravity 1.26 "but sank in one of 1.20 were classed as the light. In this manner there were four grades of seed obtained: large heavy, large light, small heavy, and small light. The first plantings were made in the Agronomy green house at Berkeley and ordinary nursery flats were used. Soil was pre- pared "by taking surface soil, a clay adobe, from the field south of Agriculture Hall and mixing it with about equal parts of sane? . The seed planted at a depth of about two inches in three of the six flats used and at a depth of one inch in the others. Each was planted with all of the claseee of seed ar- ranged according to the following diagram in order to secure results as nearly comparable as possible. aabcdad a- 5 large heavy babcdbc b large light cabcdcb c - small heavy dabcdda d = small light aabcdad babcdbc cabcdcb dabcdda The endosperms were removed two weeks later but by that time it was found that practically ell of it had been used up by the plants so there could be no results expected. But the effect of large and small and heavy and light seed as such was noted in the following data taken from the experiment: so Large Small Heavy light heavy light Per cent germination 77 62.5 64.5 33 1/2 Average height 24.9 eon. 22.4 Gnu 16.2 Cm. 12.0 ttm. The second set of plantings, which was made on the thirtieth and thirty-first of December of the same year, wes the most comprehensive under taken. Fifty seeds each of the four classes were planted at distances of four inches in each direction. They were planted ten seeds in a row and five rows of each. Around the whole were two rows planted in like manner and at the same intervals to serve for guard rows. Hone of this seed, sprouted. The seed of this lot were placed in pockets of sand in a manner similar to that described for the following Bet. The third set of plantings, was made February twentieth and twenty-first at the University Farm, Davis; Cal. having had to wait on late rains until the soil was in proper condition. Ow- ing to the slow method of placing the seed, which is described later, all could not be planted the first day and rain the next compelled a delay of about a week before the last could be plant- ed. Fortunately this amounted to only the guard ro on either end of the experiment, or rows <) and 14. The seed was planted according to the following plan. Twelve seed were planted in a row at intervals of four inches and the rows were planted four inches apart. The rows constituted by the first and last plants of all the rows are considered guarc! rows, leaving ten plantfc in each row to be considered in the experiment. The class of seed used in each row is shown by the following; Clase of seed rows planted Small light 1,2,2, heavy 4,5,6, Large light 7,8,9,10, heavy 11,12,13. 31 To facilitate the later work each seed was planted in a small body of loamy sand collected from the "bed of the creek where it had been washed down "by recent rains. A dibble was used to make a small hole about tv/o inches deep and one and one half inches across the top. A moderate amount of sand was in- troduced and the hole opened again with the dibble to a depth of about one and one quarter inches. Each seed was placed in its hole by means of a pair of forceps so that it lay with the suture down, embryo uppermost end pointing in the same direction as all the others, the long diameter of the seed being about horizontal. This placed all the seed in the same relative po- sition so it was possible later to find the endosperm with a minimum disturbance of the soil about the plant. The effectiv- ness of this precaution was apparent, for in the large majority of oases the surfece of the soil where the plant emerged was not broken while removing the endosperm. The unabsorbed portion of the endosperms in rows 1,3,4, 6 ,7, 9, 11, & 13 was removed early in the afternoon of the first of March. In the case of the small light seed, the endosperm vvas nearly all liquified in some cases but it was not all used up in any. noticeably more was left in the small heavy. Be- tween the light and heavy large seed there was less apparent dif- ference in the amount of endosperm remaining but between the small end large size the difference was very marked. \Sfhile it was nearly used up in the small seed, apparently half of the endosperm in many cases and in some about two thirds remained in the large % Owing to force of circumstances the endosperms were not re- moved for a little more than twenty- four hours after it was plan- ned to do so, but at the time they were removed the plants were but two and one half inches in height. 32 It was about two weeks "before any difference could "be noted in the appearance of the rows thus treated and those not treated. Then for a time there teemed to be a checking of the growth in the rows treated but this difference has disappeared or is so slight that at the present time it is not possible to tell which rows have been deprived of part of their endosperm and which rows have not. See Figs. 10 and 11. On the twenty-second of March the heights of the plants measured "by the longest leaf were as follows: Heights of plants in millimeters. Plant s :TowB: 1; 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7; 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13; 1 152 162 170 178 218 184 216 246 248 2 142 191 148 199 222 171 197 236 218 226 158 3 175 169 161 141 208 182 163 208 218 215 240 170 70 150 128 176 193 199 154 222 E15 23 222 188 5 176 200 90 186 199 204 223 201 219 216 211 236 6 110 174 136 128 196 152 232 198 188 230 2Z6 160 221 7 150 226 153 226 119 199 210 228 187 276 220 248 213 8 140 201 173 209 228 220 236 239 226 221 210 9 175 200 196 200 193 233 210 244 211 176 226 238 10 130 197 196 SIC 118 201 161 220 233 234 217 245 Averages 138 185 164 171 179 188 200 214 214 28 220 222 213 '.Vhile the longest leaf may not be a very reliable criterion of the development of the plant, the averages represent fairly well the superficial appearance of the experiments at the time. It took a careful scrutiny to make sure which rows had had the endosperm removed and which had not, if no reference was made to the record. But on the other hand there was no difficulty in deciding which rows were plantec with large seed and which from small. ?ig. 1C shows the appearance of the plat on the fourteenth of April, and on the twenty-seventh a plant was taken from each row, which was as nearly as possible a representative plant for the row. Herewith, Fig. 11, is shown the comparison of the development of the plants. There seems to be no definite oorre- 33 lation between the removal of the endosperm and the comparative development at this time. The numbers run from right to left in order that they may correspond with the location of the rows in Pig. 10. It was necessary to take the picture of the plat from this side on account of more advantageous light conditions. COUCLUSIOES. Though perhaps it is futile to attempt conclusions at this stage of the experiments, or in the light of the various diffi- ties in the way of making a completely satisfactory trial, it seems to the writer that there is considerable doubt east upon the theory of the extra food, supply. If this factor were at all the most important one it would seem that the removal of one half or two-thirds of the material would certainly cause a profound difference in the development at least of plants from the same class of seed. Moreover, the difference between the effect on the small seed and on the large should be less u^on the small seed, proportionally since less endosperm in pro- portion was removed from it than from the large. The facts as developed from an examination of the figures in regard to the heights show that the reverse is the case and that the effect on the small amounted to 9,2$ while the effect on the large was but 4,2,1. is certain that all the factors concerned in what we are pleased to refer to as vitality and vigor, etc., are really but little understood. Therefore since there is something which we refer to as vigor, or response to environment, or indicate by various other terms, is it not possible that it ;-. 8rt _ 24 may be present in varying degrees in the germ itself? Grant, for the sake of argument, that it is an inherent quality of the soluble proteins in the embryo. *7e must consider the embryo not as a gamete or as a pair of them but as a zygote. The combination of the hereditary equipment has already been made and determined. 2ven though the pollination is by the same plant there is a chance for a certain amount of varia- bility on account of the maturation process. Then is it not entirely possible that a certain degree of the capability of the plent is already determined in this "plant packed and ready for shipment". There may tie some correlation between the ex- tent of the development of the seed and the capability of mak- ing a large plant under proper circumstances after planting. A young animal loses its power of response to proper food quite early in life, as is common knowledge to stock men. It is en- tirely concievable to the author that some measure of loss of power to develop may be due to the same conditions, whatever they are, that cause the development of a smaller endosperm. It becomes necessary to discover some other factor than hereditary equipment on account of the variation of th<- weight of kernels in the same spike, if their equipment be considered the same, and this certainly is not shown to be extra food supply . by the experiments here recorded. ' ' 35 'REFERENCES. 1. Seed wheat by B.A.Cobb. I.S.Wales. Mi so, pub. Ho. 6E5 p. 2. 2. S.P.I. Bui. #78 p. 30 from Utah Ex. Stn. Rpt 1892, p. 168. 3. Same p 31 from Indiana Ex. Stn. Eul 36, p. 110-128. 4. Abstract in Expt. Stn. Record , Vol. V. p. 526. 5. Same Vol. VII. p. 679. 6. Same Vol XII. p. from Univ. College of Wales Eep't. 1899, p. 68-70 7. I. Dak. Exp. Stn. Kept. 1901, p. 30. 8. Eept. Ontario Agr. College 1911, p. 182. 9. Abstr. E.S.Eec. V. XZVI. p. 434 from Proc. of Amer. Soo. of Agron. 1(1907-1909) pr,. 98-104. 10. ; 'jon. Agron. 26(1900) Ho. 1. pp. 20-23. p. 672. 11. B. P. I. Eul. Ho 78 p. 32. Abstr. in Es. Kec v Xv, 12. Same from Tenn. Bui v. 16, Ho. 4, p. 77. 13. Same as reference 1. Page 38. 14. B.P.I. Bui 78, fr. Agr. Gazette of H.S.V:ales, 12(1901) #9, pp. 1053-1062 15. E.S.S.v V. p. 404, from Centbl. Agr. Chem. p. 404 16. E.S.E.v VII. p. 209. 17. Z.S.E.v VII. p. 209 18. S.S.E.v IX. p. 553. 19. Year Book U.S.D.A. 1896, p. 92. 20. ^ S.B. v ZIV 432. 21. Cal. Ex. Stn. BuL 181, from Eept. Ont. Agr. Farm, 1901, pp 82-111 22. E.S.E.v 111. p. 37 from Aberdeen & H. of Scotland Coll. of Agr. Bui. 11, 1907, p. 8. 23. E.S.E.v XXVI p. 636, From West of Scotland Agr. Col. Eept. 10(1911) pp. 225-229. 24. Vt. Agr. Exp. Stn. Eept. 1913-1914, Bui. 177. M.E.Cummings. 25. E.S.E.v V. p. 226 fr. Centbl. Agr. Chern. 1892 p. 545. 26. S.S.E.v XI. 353. 27. Same as ref. 1, p. 31. 28. S.S.E.v XVIII. p. 47. 9. E.S.B. v X21. p. 632. 30. Giro Ho. 11, Kansas State Agr. Col. 31. Bui. 25, Iowa Sxp. Stn. 3.P.L Bui. 78, p. 38. U.S.I'.A. 1'ear Book 1896, pp. 305-322 E.S.E.v VIII. p. 117. Eept . Dak. Stn. 1901. pp. 30-44. Circ. So. 23, Purdue Unlv". Ept. Stn. Ind. Bui 128, Iowa Exp. Stn. pp. 93-127 Bui 115, Minn. 2xpt. Stn. p Same as reference 1. p. 38. 368 32, 33, ?4, 35, 36, ?7, 38, 39, 40- 3&me, p. 40 41. E.3.E. v. VII, p. 497. 42. E.S.E. v. XI p. 633 fr. Chem. Ztg. 23(1899) So. 74, p. 275. 43. Bui 90, Minn. Expt. Stn. 44. E.3.E. v. ZS.III p. 336 fr. Illus. Landw. Ztg. 30(1910) i;o. 19, pp. 175-176. 45. Bui. 181, Cal Expt. Stn. p. 394 46. Bui. 29, iiinn. Expt. Dtn. 47. same , p. 149. 48. 3ul 85, ilinn. Expt. Stn. 49. Bui 181, Cal Expt. Stn. p. 163. 50. Bui 29, iiinn Zxpt. Stn. 51. B.P.I. Eul 178 p. *3. 52. Same as reference JTo. 1. page 5. 53. B.P.I.Bul. 78, p. 33 54. Bui. 113, Kentucky Expt . Stn. F5. B.P.I. 78, p. 34. 56. Bui 104, Uebr, Expt. Stn. p. 34 57. Bui. 231, Ohio Expt. Stn. p. 11. 58. 59. Bui. 21, Mo. Sxpt. Stn. 60. Bui. 128, So. Dak. Expt. Stn. 61. Bui 33, Kan. Sxpt. Stn. p. 14. 62. Agricultural .Engineering "by Davidson, p. 281 on. 63. Bui 115, 1,'inn. Agr. Expt. Stn. p. 369. Kept. 1908-1909. 64. 7th Ann. P.ept. Amer. Soo. Agr. Engineers, p. 57. 65. Sante ae ref. So 1. pp. 50, 52, 53. inin mini 1 minimum iimimiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii ~ Jig. 1, Original . Fit' ISO. A section of a fanning mill in l,l;,st is directed below an-1 i lie sieves. J-ig 2. Jfrom Agricultura^ Engineering, Davidson. I.-;., ITS A section of a fanning mill in which h<' blast does not strike the gram until after it has passed through the sieves. ig. 3. Fig. 179. Another view of the type of machine shown in Fig. 178. Jig, 4. Both above from Agricultural Engineering, Davidson. FANNING MIT. I. SELECTION. 39 Shake',' Mill for Si-paratinj,' S > fvrei-n NO. T H! I'uhl be Just coarse i!i-> ii-h i" b-i i: It- is used sjni|.lv in run oft .- ; i i'-K Ki'iiin bai-kw-aril in the null, so as to l.-i ii drop thro I n ...... , .Tin' li^ht Uci-iifls ;M-f blown pasl tin.- >ri:,l cif screen No. ''. lic-.icji'i' kiTnc'I>; f::ll . No, ". Roard 'No. i' may bo moved to I" thro mull per cent <>( u-i-Min mi screen X" ::. ns ili'sin-il. Screen No. :; shdMlil )" coarse I-IUIM.II to ! i the small Is i hrough onto ci een X". i. It is ;Mijiis;:,i,i,- :is tn'slMiii an,d maj i> mnvi'd forward r backwurd in n-j;-nlate the amount ni' ^niiii it will catch. Screen X" I is inn- oninii;li t" c:i:-ry nearly nil of the KIM!:) over into market grain. An> <=nli- shake mill may be tixi-il nc in this \v;iy. Si'parai inn by weight caii easily !>._> made tho cnil shako mills, but tin- I:H-KI- ke in In- separated from the small ones' in any proportion ilesiri-d. simply by using coarse or fine scve.-ns in the haver part of mill. Jig. 5. (62) i-"i. s,'trti>i>f Grain .\<-<- ( n'(lina to Weight. . 6. (64) 40 Fig. So. . fall on hitiir, but nt ' Imslit'j- , . t.y j.irmers. The Le crank, E. A brush, A A, is -ulated by , ink- ihe tailings i .1 50 bushels per per liour as at 20 r it i done. The brush, A A, .ne ei*e of ailiiji,' <-,iii still be done by working the -^till be - le in-u^ii i. >!IM\MI ,H'tiii'_- mi . i.-. ,IL t Itn-i* piirts t-iicli riisily rrjiliir.'- sililf )>y .1 >.'f.'.']i ipf ;iny 'l.'^i; n.t'tii!. ivlii.-l, ii.- Iliit v. i '.til III" lll.irllll.r-, ;i|ii| !,. I|. r II!. 8. (65) 41 Fig. 36. An English yrader in which the meshes are made of wire in s;n 13 1..- adjuxtdbU in width, without removal. The machine gives fours.-'. and .lot's very irood work. At the back near the top is the brush for kr meshes dear! This machine may be had with or without a fan. ' Tig. 9. (65) 42 , 10. Photograi-li "by the author. 11. Photograph. ~by the author. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL AFTER ONE WEEK. RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS D4613 (12/76)