s 094 ass QUESTIONS ON LSH GRAMMAR *0. WITH NOTES BY SAMUEL J. EVANS, M.A. (Load.) NEWPORT, MON. JOHN E. SOUTHALL, PUBLISHKB, 149 DOCK STBEBT. Price 4d. nett. QUESTIONS ON WELSH GRAMMAR &c., WITH NOTES. SAMUEL J. EVANS, M.A. (Lond.) HEADMASTER op THE COUNTY SCHOOL, LLANQBFNI. PUBLISHED BY JOHN E. SOUTHAI-L, 119 DOCK STREET, NEWPORT, Mos, J908. PREFACE. v- IIESE questions are intended to test the student's progress, and to suggest lines of study. They can be fully answered by anyone who works through the Author's Grammar, Exercises, Latin Element, and Welsh Parsing and Analysis. A dictionary is indispensable : that by ilk Mr. O. M. Edwards, besides being, of course, excellent, is cheap enough to be within the reach of every pupil. The majority of the questions are from public examination papers chiefly those of the C.W.B. and the University of Wales, but many are original. Nothing lias been done to indicate the standard of each question except that a star (thus *) has been prefixed to those which seem of a distinctly advanced character,, Candidates for the C.W.B. Higher Certificates should work through them all. SAMUEL J. EVANS July, 190S. * QUESTIONS AND NOTES WELSH GRAMMAR Nouns Gender. (See Grammar pp 1719, 2628, 7173. 1 Compare gender in Welsh with gender in English and in French. 2 Name the various methods of indicating the feminine gender, with two examples of each. 3 Give the feminine of brenin, Ifeidr, asyn, gwas, nai, peehadur, gwasanaethwr, cefnder, ewythr, taid, priodfab. 4 Give the feminine of carw, hesbwrn, hwrdd, ffwlcyn ; and state the gender of oerni, angen, bwyeil, bwbach, dyrnaid, llwyaid, clust. 5 What is the gender of anner, ewig, baedci, adfad, hesbin, dafad, earw, hydd, hwch? and give the other gender in each case. 6 What is the rule for the gender of proper names ? 7 Give the gender of Ho, braich, anifail, plentyn, baban, cadair, cwsg, amrywiaeth, golwg, troed, hyder. eryr, colomen. 8 Give the rule for discovering the gender of compound nouns. Name any exceptions. Exc. : Coelfaen, canrif, chweugain (ten shillings), daeargryn, brawdle, &c. 9 Give the gender of celain, padell, cyfyrder, gwasanaeth, athrawiaeth, cennad, maen, derwen, telyn, byd, dewin, pennaeth, cannwyll. 10 Give the gender of ysgyfarnog, pentref, glendid, buchedd, tywod, sarff, ffenestr, tawelwch, amynedd, gorsedd, ton, haf, dafad. 11 In what classes of nouns is the gender suggested by the form of the word ? What is the gender of derivative nouns formed by the terminations, -an, -der, -ill, -og, -yn, -ed, and -aid ? Give examples, and mention any exceptions. Derivatives in -ell are feminine. Exceptions castell, macrell, parohell or porchell, cawell. 12 Name six masculine suffixes and six feminine suffixes of derivative nouns, with two examples of each. 13 State the gender of derivative nouns in each of the following terminations : fa, -ig, -rwydd, -deb, -ur, -lad, -ydd. Give examples, and mention any exceptions. -ydd: Note crefydd is now feminine. 14 Note any peculiarity in the gender of derivatives in -an (diminutive), -aid, -od. Of the same gender as the nouns from which they are formed. 15 What is the gender of colomen in colomen wryw, and of eryr in eryr benyw. Explain. 16--Give the gender of hiraeth, ofn, araith, gobaith, awdl, cywydd, englyn, emyn, can, cerdd, pennill. 3 17 What is the gender of adeilad, morfa, chwedl, llys, gorfoledd, dyrnod, clod, dull, croglith, cistfaen. cyfrinach, caethiwed, tangnefedd, trindod. 18 *Give rules for determining the gender of derivative nouns ; and give the different meanings of the following words, according as they are masculine or feminine : gwaith, coes, golwg, man, achles, braich, porth, diqas, brawd, Gymraeg. 19 *State why monosyllabic nouns having the vowels w and y are mostly masculine, and name the corresponding vowels in feminine monosyllables. [The lost feminine suffix -a mutated or affected the u and i now w and y of the root into o and e respectively. Analogy has extended the operation of the rule.] 20 *Mention some nouns denoting living objects, which (a) change their gender in accordance with the sex meant ; (&) retain the same gender, irrespective of the sex of the object. (a) Cariad, cethlydd, cyfarwyddyd, dratg, and sometimes cath and cennad, dyrj. Nouns Number. 1 " In Welsh, nouns singular are rendered plural in three ways." Give examples illustrating this statement. 2 Give the plural of pluen, blwyddyn, llygad, awel, oaseg, swyddog, nos, diferyn, synnwyr, swynwr, earn, cydymaith, merlyn, draen. 3 Give the plural of milgast, llawes, iarll, gras, Ityfr, nerth, tylwyth, yspryd, taith, nai, modryb, gof, car, cefnder, merch, sarff, neidr, asgwrn, rheg, mynach, bwyell. ych, ci, brawd. 4 What are the number and gender of the following nouns aderyn, colomennod, bwrdd, torth, afonydd, tafod, bysedd, cefn, beirdd, dwylaw ? 5 Write down (a) three nouns which have more than one plural form without any difference of meaning ; {b) three uouns having two plurals with different mean- ings ; (c) any nouns which are used only in the plural ; and (d) any nouns that have no plural. 6 Give the plural of corsen, cymar, bachgen tlawd, haearn, pared, y creadur hwn, elusendy, pryf, diogyn, mam- aeth J and give two plural forms of each of the following words truan, arf, mor, maen, aber, aden. 7 Give the plural of cenau, miaren, asgell, dalen, deilen, collen, ty, chwaer, celain, casai, rhiain, gwestai, gwasgfa, and explain fully how it is formed in each case. 8 *Name, with examples, all the vowel changes which occur in the formation of plural nouns, by adding a termination to the singular. 9 Name (a) ten words that form their singular from plurals or collectives; (b) ten words that form their plural, not from the singular, but from related forms. (a) Add to those given in the text the following plurals blodau, cr\au, drysi, llygod, pysgod, asglocl or ysglod, malwod, piod, from which singulatives are formed by adding the suffix -yn or -en. 10 * Mention the various ways in which a noun may have (a) a double plural ; (b) two distinct plural forms. Double plurals : asglodion or ysglodion, teiau, geneuau, estyllod, lloiau, chwedleuon, negeseuau < ml negeseuon, blodeuoedd and blodeuon, dilladau, and perhaps anudonau. 1 1 * Annotate pebyll, cerbydau, bregych, and crwys. Cerbyd is e plural used as a singular, hence cerbydau is strictly a double plural ; for pebyll, bresych and crwys, see " Latin Elements." 12 '''State what nouns are made plural by the addition to the singular of -au, -aint, -ed, -edd f -yr, -iaid, -ion, -wyr, -od | and give the plural of celain, onnen, gwrach, Ilif, coryn, edau, giewyn. -An and -iau are seldom added to names of living beings ; they are added to names of inanimate objects ending in ach, -aid, -an, -iad, -or, -yn, and sometimes -adur, -awd, -od, ydd. -ion is the usual suffix to names of living beings in -og and -or. -Oedd, usually added to words denoting greatness of mass or number, as llu-oedd, mil-oedd, mynydd-oedd. Nouns denoting human beings generally form their plural in -iaid, -ion, -wyr. See also Questions 14, 15. 13 *What is meant by vowel reversion in the form- ation of plural nouns ? Give examples. 14 *How do you account for the plural forms ychen, brodyr, own, Madron, gofaint, esgyrn, bustych, cedyrn ? Esgyrn, from asgwrn-i, the i mutating the a . w into e . . y, and then being itself dropped, cf. English foot, plu. feet, from foti. The -en of ychen is cognate with English -en in oxen ; the terminations in all the others are the endings of the stems, now lost in the singular : with brodyr, cf . Lat. f rater ; cwn, Lat. can-is ; lladron, from Lat. latrones ; the ai of gofaint, like the ai of cernint, is the affected a of the stem a present participial stem, like Lat. amant(em). 15 *What is the probable origin of the plural suffixes edd, -ydd, -i, -od, -yd, -ed; -on, -ion; -au, oedd? The first six are probably in origin the more or less abstract noun suffixes seen (e.g.) in trugaredd, llawenydd. tlodi, cernod, iechyd, syched. On and ion as in dynion, adjectival. -au and -oedd, and -on in lladron, Saeson, represent the final syllables of the stem in imparisyllabic declensions (cf. an article by Sir John Rhys in Re"vue Celtique, Vol. 2). 6 Adjectives Gender. 1 Give the rule for forming feminine adjectives, and account for the vowel changes involved. 2 Give examples of adjectives which form the feminine from the masculine by changing the internal vowel. 3 Give a list of the adjectives which distinguish gender and number in modern Welsh. 4 State the rule for the mutation of the initial consonant in adjectives and enumerate its limitations. 5 Give the feminine of swrth, gwyrdd, llyfn, sych, talgryf, brith, gwyn, llwm, hwn, dwfn, melyn, syth, crwn, tywyll, byr, hysp, gwlyb. Adjectives Number. 1 State clearly how adjectives form their plural, mentioning the vowel changes involved. 2 Name ten adjectives which have no plural inflection. 3 Name any adjectives which must be declined in the plural.. Does English offer a parallel? 4 State rules for forming plural adjectives, naming all the terminations employed. Give examples. 5 Give instances of adjectives which are always made plural to agree with thoir nouns, and of others which are never made plural. 6 Name any adjectives which may form their plural in laid. 7 Adjectives Comparison. 1 What inflections are still retained by the Welsh adjective ? Explain clearly bow adjectives are compared in Welsh. 2 What are the regular ways of comparing adjectives in Welsh ? Name and compare five adjectives which do not conform strictly to these rules. 3 Compare gwydn, bychan, da| and give examples of comparative and superlative adjectives formed from nouns or other parts of speech. 4 *Show, with examples, how irregular equal, and irregular comparative adjectives are generally formed. 5 State what adjectives cannot be compared by inflection. 6 Compare: Da, dwfn, drud, maith, mawr, cyflym, hir, agos, enwog, uchel. 7 Compare : Llydan, llwyd, ieuanc, gwag, agos, llwm, llaith, rhad, drwg, crwn, tlawd, hydr, teg, rhaid, budr. 8 Compare : dygn, duwiol, llwm, byr, cynnil, cyni, peraidd, hen, agos, tlws, bach, hardd, hawdd, dysgedig, ysprydol. 9 Give the irregular forms in the comparison of drwg, hen, hir, llydan, mawr, llawer, da. 10 Analyse cysial, cyfled, cyfwerth, and give other instances of the same method of forming the Equal Degree. 11 *(a) Name the consonants, final in the positive, which are hardened in comparison. (6) Does the rule hold good when these consonants are followed by -I, -n, -r ? State why. 8 12 *State fully the functions of the Equal Degree, and discuss its origin. The -ed of the Equal Degree is the abstract noun suffix seen in syched, &c., and in verb-nouns like gweled. Hence er ei deced was originally of the same force as er ei degwch, and cyn fryted a'r haul would be with the heat of the sun. Numerals. 1 State how the Cardinal Numerals are used in Welsh. 2 Give the rule for the use of pum, chwe and can, naming any exceptions. 3 Write down the ordinal numerals up to twelve, giving the feminine form where one exists. 4 Give instances of numerals used (a) as nouns ; (6) as adjectives. Are any numerals used always as nouns ? 5 What system of naming numbers is" recommended from thirty upwards ? 6 Give the Welsh, according to this method, for forty, forty-five, eighty-two, ninety, ninety-four. Pronouns. NOTE. By " Possessive Pronouns " in these questions is generally meant "Possessive Adjectives." Prefixed and Infixed Personal Pronouns are the same as the Normal and Post-Vocalic Possessive Adjectives and Personal Pronouns of the Grammar. 1 What various forms do the Welsh personal pronouns have ? State the names and uses of the different forms. 2 Write down all forms (a) of the reflexive ; and (6) of the reciprocal pronouns in Welsh. 3 Enumerate the possessive pronouns of the singular number, and state {giving examples) what mutations follow each. 4 Write down all the forms of the personal pronouns of the singular number. 5 Name the relative pronouns or relative particles in Welsh, and show by examples how they are used. 6 Give the plural of ti, efe, hithau, tydi, hwn, fy hun. 7 Name all the demonstrative and interrogative pronouns, and give examples of their use. 8 How do you classify the pronouns in Welsh ? Give an example of the use of at least two kinds. 9 *Give a Use of the prefixed and post-vocalic personal pronouns. Show how the post-vocalic pronouns of the 3rd person singular may be distinguished in the accusative and the genitive case. How are mau and tau used ? 10 Enunciate all the forms of the reflexive and reciprocal pronouns, and explain, with examples, how they are used. 11 Classify the Welsh pronouns (a) personal, (6) demonstrative. 12 Show, with examples, how auxiliary post-fixed (or affixed) pronouns are used in Welsh. To emphasise a post-vocalic or infixed personal pronoun, or possessive adjective, see Grammar pars. 72, 77. 10 The Verb. 1 Give the present, imperfect, and aorist indicative of the verb 'to be ' in Welsh. What are the different uses of the various forms of the 3rd person singular present indicative? 2 Illustrate, in the case of the verb 'dysgu,' the formation of : (1) The various simple tenses of the verb. (2) Compound tenses. By what process have the latter been formed ? 3 *Explain the mode in which the personal endings of the Welsh verb have come to their present form ? 4 Give the difference in meaning between the imperfect and the aorist. What is the imperfect of rhedeg? Give the preterite passive of gwneuthur. 5 Name all the compounds of the verb 'to be ' and parse : Bo, bid, canfyddwyf. ydys. 6 Distinguish between oeddwn and byddwn, and conjugate in full an example of the regular and of the irregular (or weak and strong) aorist (perfect indefinite). lum and its compounds are strong or irregular aorists. 7 Give all the terminations of the impersonal forms of the verb ; and illustrate, by examples, the use of these impersonal forms (a) in a transitive verb (as passives) ; and (6) in an intransitive verb. 8 Conjugate in full the present indicative of tawaf, if, rhof, gwn, collaf, paraf, daliaf, adwaen. 9 Give the present and the future indicative of wyf, gwn, adwaen. 11 TO Give the voice, mood and tense of gwyddys, adroddant, gelwir, helier, cysg, dyro, cais, naming the verb-noun in each case. 11 Give the 3rd person singular present indicative (mutated form) of arhosaf, atebaf, berwaf, cadwaf, collaf, cyfodaf, daliaf, deffroaf, diffoddaf, ffoaf, gosodaf, gwaredaf. 12 Give the 3rd pers. sing. pres. indie, and 2nd pers. sing, imperative of dodaf, dygaf, gadawaf, golchaf, ilanwaf, llosgaf, marchogaf, parhaf, paraf, safaf, taflaf, torraf, trof. 13 Conjugate in full the past imperfect of bwytaf, credaf, wyf, cofiaf, gwn, deuaf, gwnaf. 14 State clearly what part of the verb the following forms represent, giving also the meaning in English and the corresponding verb-noun : Boed, caed, a nf orient, gwneter, dwg, saf, ceni, ganed, cyfyd, clybu, gwys, tau, piau. 15 Parse and translate: dug, cymerth, rhoet, gwyp- wn, cawsai, dyry, gwel, adnabu, rhaid, dylwn, euthum, Has, atolwg, clywid, clywyd. Lias = lladdwyd, aorist impersonal. 16 -Conjugate in full the aorist (past indefinite or preterite) of canfyddaf, caf, adwaen, canaf, dygaf, gwnaf, gwn, wyf. 17 Conjugate in full the pluperfect of gwelaf, gwnaf. 18 Give the first person singular aorist (or preterite) of ataliaf, dileaf, galwaf, gwrandawaf, tarawaf, tawaf, ymaflaf, bwytaf. 19 Give in full the present subjunctive of gwn, af, canfyddaf, deuaf, caraf, dysgaf, wyf, adwaen, safaf, rhedaf, ffoaf, caf, darfyddaf. 12 20 Conjugate fully the imperfect subjunctive of wyf, caf, gwn. 21 Give in full the imperative of deuaf, af, wyf, caf, rhoddaf. Adverbs. 1 Name all the adverbial expressions of place formed with the prep. ' i ' and ' oddi ' respectively. 2 "Classify the Welsh adverbs, shewing how they are derived, and giving examples. 3 In what different ways are adverbs of time formed in Welsh ? Give examples. 4 *Give examples of adverbs formed from (a) nouns in oblique cases ; (6) nouns compounded with prepositions. Prepositions. (For Conjunctions, see Syntax.) 1 Name the conjugations of prepositions, and give in full an example of each. What prepositions have anomalous conjugation ? 2 Conjugate am, trwy, gan, at, wrth. Give one or two examples of prepositions with impersonal terminations. 3 Give all the personal forms of i, o, heb, trosj and impersonal (adverbial) forms of dan, heb, trwy. 4 Give the personal forms of yn, trwy, and explain fully the formation of the expression ' nos dawch.' 5 Conjugate o and gan, and mention all the terminations of the impersonal (or adverbial) forms of prepositions, with an example of each. 13 6 Give the forms with pi'onominal suffiies from at, dan, yn and rhag. Mention any of the older forms known to you. 7 Give all the forms, personal and impersonal, of trwy, gan, i, tros. 8 Name some of the unconjugated prepositions most frequently in use, and give all the personal forms of ar, am, er, at, 9 Conjugate fully an example of each class of the so-called pronominal prepositions. 10 Write down all the personal forms of am and rhag. In what person of a preposition does -dd- appear before the ending ? Name the prepositions in which it does not appear at all. 11- What are compound prepositions? Give examples and show how they affect mutable consonants. 12 Enumerate the prepositions which take personal terminations, and give the inflections of any three of those prepositions at length, indicating at the same time, of what forms of the verb they remind you. 13 ^Classify prepositions according to (a) function, (6) origin. Initial Mutations. 1 Name the non-mutable Welsh consonants. 2 Name the nine mutable consonants, and construct a table shewing their several changes. 3 Pick out the mutations in the following sentence, and explain the principle in each case: " Bydd i genedl ddeallus bob amser feithrin gwirionedd a chyfiawnder, ond cenedl annoeth a gais Iwyddiant trwy drais." 14 4 Of what use is mutation in determining gender and case ? 5 Give instances of the mutations of the consonants where not occupying the position of initial letters. 6 State when the initials II and rh are exceptions to the rules governing the soft mutation. 7 *What explanation can you give of the initial mutations in Welsh ? State the rules of mutation which are illustrated in the sentence : " Ni chred y fam dyner ddim drwg am ei phlentyn." 8 Name all the words which are followed by the nasal mutation. Explain the origin of this mutation, and give examples of the same change occurring in the middle of a word. 9 Give the rule for mutating the initial consonant of (a) a verb following ni } (b) an adjective following yn j (c) a noun following pum, Name exceptions in each case. 10 Mention the principal combinations in which the soft mutation takes place, and illustrate your answer by means of examples. 11 Give the rule for mutating the initial consonant of each of the following : (a) A noun immediately following the article. (6) An adjective immediately following the noun it qualifies. (c) A noun immediately following the prefixed pronoun (possessive adjective) ' ei ' masc. and fern. (d) A verb immediately following os and ni. (e) A word following na in its various senses. 15 12 Mention all the mutations in the following passage, and explain the principle of mutation in each : " Y mae dadlau nad oes dim rhaid i genedl ddysgu ei phriod iaith yn ei hysgolion agos mor afresymol a thaeru nad oes angen am ddysgu iaith yn y byd iddynt." 13 State the rules for mutation of the initial consonant of a noun (a) when it is subject of a verb ; (6) when it is the object of a verb ; and (c) when it is preceded by an adjective of any degree. 14 State clearly, with examples, the rules for the mutation of the initial consonants of a noun after (a) the cardinal numerals ; (6) the ordinals ; (c) a noun to which such a noun is in apposition. 15 State fully, with examples, the rules for the mutation of initial consonant of (a) the subject of a verb when it is a noun immediately following the verb; (6) a noun immediately following the pronoun ei, masc. and fern. ; (c) a noun or adjective following a proper name to which it is in apposition ; (d) a word following yn in all its senses. 16 State fully, with examples, the rules for the mutation of the initial consonant of (a) an adjective following a common noun ; (6) a noun following pedair, chwe, saith | (c) a verb following the negative adverb ni ', (d) an adjective in the equal degree following cyn. 17 State fully, with examples, the rules for the mutation of the initial consonant of (a) a noun following the article ; (6) an adjective following a proper noun ; (c) a noun in the accusative case following the verb which governs it ; (d) a noun following an adjective in the comparative degree. 16 18 State the rule for mutating initial consonants in each of the following cases, naming any exceptions: (a) A noun in the genitive case immediately following a noun on which it depends ; (&) a verb immediately following ni, pan and nis ; (c) a word following yn (denoting time or place), yn (introducing a complement), and yn with a verb-noun ; (d) a noun in the vocative case ; (e) an adverbial expression. 19 Grive the reason for mutation in the case of each of the italicised letters below: (a) Ei grerddediad sydd /liriedig ; (6) 6?aredig ./rodyr ; (c) Khoddais chwe cfteiniog iddo ; (d) Daeth yma ddwy- waith o'r blaen ; (e) Hwn y w ty Dduw ; (/) Cafodd &unt yn wobr. 20 Give a list of the prepositions which govern the radical sound, and of those which govern the soft mutation. Do any govern (1) the spirant; (2) the nasal mutation? 21 "When do words which begin with a vowel take the aspirate h before them ? 22 ^Explain the circumstances in which each class of mutation was evolved. 23 How do ei masculine, and ei feminine, affect the noun immediately following, (a) when it begins with a vowel ; (6) when it begins with a consonant ? 24 What mutation do the words pobl, pobloedd, dau, and dwy undergo after the article ? *GHve the reason in each case. 25 Name the words that govern the aspirate mutation. 17 SYNTAX. 1 What is the natural order of the words in a simple Welsh sentence ? Explain, with examples, the construc- tions adopted in order to emphasize (a) the subject ; and (6) the adverbial adjunct. 2 *Discuss the syntax of a sentence, in which a noun or an adverbial expression comes first. 3 State fully, with examples, how the three forms of the article yr, y, 'r, are to be used. 4 State how the numerals, both cardinal and ordinal, are used. When would you use pum and can, instead of ' pump' and ' cant.' 5 Explain as fully as you can, the uses of the genitive case in Welsh. 6 What is a verbal noun, and what case does it govern? Give some of the more common verbal noun endings. 7 Show how the verbal noun (verb-noun) is used in Welsh ; and prove, by means of the initial mutations following the infixed (or post-vocalic) pronoun 'i, that the verbal noun governs the genitive case. 8 *Grive an example of each of the forms of oblique narration in Welsh, with a short explanation of the construction of each. 9 Prove that the object of the verb-noun stands in the genitive case, and describe the several ways of expressing its agent. 18 10 Show, with examples, the different functions of yn, and state in what circumstances the word following it is mutated. 11 Explain, and illustrate by means of examples, the use of the subjunctive mood in Welsh. 12 Render into Welsh in the form of reported speech (oratio obliqua) : "The two books which I have found are well worth reading, but neither of them belongs to him. To whom do they belong ? One is mine, and the other is yours." 13 Explain, and illustrate with sentences, the use of neb and dim, pawb and pob un, yn and mewn, yw and mae. 14 Turn into Welsh in the form of reported speech (oratio obliqua) : " We had not advanced a hundred steps, when we heard a strange noise in the grass behind us. I turned and saw my brother raise his gun, and wait calmly for the unknown enemy, which after all proved to be our own dog. In our hurry we had forgotten him, and he had been sent after us." 15 Note the peculiarities of Welsh as to the agree- ment in a sentence of (a) verb and subject ; (6) adjective and noun. 16 What is the difference between pob and pawb, rhyw and rhai, oil and holl, tipyn and ychydig, aie and onide ? Illustrate with sentences. 19 17 Correct the principal errors in the following sentences : 1. Clywais rhai yn dweyd fel hyn. 2. Daeth i fy mryd, dair neu bedair mlynedd yn ol, i ymweled a Llanwddyn. 3. Ehoddodd i ni fawr foddhad i sylwi ar ei ddull pwyllog a theg ef o edrych ar y pwnc. 5 Os aeth yr haul i lawr yn goch-lwyd, buasai hynny yn arwydd o dywydd teg. 6. Coeliwyf mai gwell peidio os y daw efe gartref heno. 7. A ganlyn ydynt yr enwau. 8 Pa beth yw hynny yn Nghymraeg ? 18 *State, with examples, the principal rules as to the syntax of the verb (a) in simple sentences ; and (6) in compound sentences. 19 Criticise the Welsh of the following sentences: (1) Grwnewch hynny erddym ni. (2) Pwy a gyfarfyddodd a chwi yno ? (3) Paham yr aeth efe gartref ? (4) Mynnai i bawb i fyned ymaith. (5) Hysbysir fod y deon yn beryglus wael. (6) Os y daw, caiff groesaw yn y llefydd hynny. (7) Dyma'r bechgyn pa rai oedd yno. (8) Aed pawb ag ydynt barod. (9) Boneddigion a boneddigesau, dewch i fewn. 20 Give examples of the use of the relative pronouns in Welsh, and shew wherein the relative is weak. v. Accidence and syntax ; also introduction to the Author s Welsh and English Exercises. 20 21 Name the clauses which, in Welsh, have their verbs always in the subjunctive mood. 22 What is the force of sydd ? Give the different ways of negativing it. 23 What position does the adjective usually occupy in relation to its noun ? Mention instances in prose and verse, which are exceptions to this rule, explaining the inversion. 24 *Give an account of the syntax of the verb-noun in Welsh. 25 *State fully how the verbal noun is used in oblique narration. 26 *In what ways is indirect narration expressed in Welsh ? Give examples. 27 * Account for the article in Y Mwythig, Y Bala, Yr Iwerddon, Yr lesu. 28 *Classify the vowel changes in Welsh. The leading vowel changes in Welsh may be thus classified : A. Simplification in final unaccented syllables : ei > y eleirch > elyrch ae > e gadael > gadel aw > o ysgawl > ysgol B. Change in a final syllable due to the addition of another syllable : au > ai > eu ei ffau llai ffeuau lleiaf w > aw > uw > y (clear) > y u y (obscure) crwm pawl uwch bryn cryman polion uchder bryniau c. Affection or Mutation due to lost final a : y > w > e gwyu hwn gwen hon ai or ei march gwan meirch gweiniaid ai draen drain ei, ai dywed dywaid y hen hyn y porth pyrth wy oen wyn 21 D. Affection due to consonantal i or the long Towel I, whether lost or not : ae e e o oe E. Affection due to the vowel i of the next syllable : a > e can ceni ae > ei saer seiri aw > ew taw tewi (Cf. Prof Anwyl's Grammar and Prof. Morris Jones's Welsh Orthography). 29 Correct, stating reasons : (1) Dylai pob dyn ymarfer ei ddawn. (2) Maent wedi myned hebddom ni. (3) Saif yn hollol ar ben ei hun. (4) O'r diwedd fe a ddaeth dau gau dyst. (5) Pwy berodd i chwi wneyd hyna ? (6) Nid oes neb yn gofyn i chwi i siarad. 30 *How are neb and dim used ? State whether they are positive or negative, and give reasons for your answer. 31 Distinguish between the interrogative particles a and ai, between ie and do, ac and ag, nac and nag, mae and mai, yn and mewn. 32 When is the preposition i to be used before a verb-noun ? 33 Correct, giving reasons, or justify : (1) Deuaf mor gynted ag y gallaf. (2) Coded pawb ag y sydd yn cytuno ar ei traed. (3) Ni ddarfu mi a chwyehwi eto. 22 (4) Deg i un nad yw bellach gan faned ag us. (5) Adwaen i ddim o hono. (6) Rhoddodd hithau y llythyr i'w mham. (7) Mi wnaeth rhy w ddarn o farwnad iddi. . (8) Nis ceir y planhigion hyn yn Mori nag yn unman arall yn Nghymru. (9) Merch i bwy Hywel oedd Nest? 34 *Explain carefully the difference between odid and odid na and write two sentences in illustration. 35 What mood and tenses follow pe and o na? Give two examples of each. What form of the 3rd sing, present indicative of ' wyP follows pan? Give examples. 86 Correct, giving reasons, or justify : (1) T maent oil wedi meirw. (2) Ai ydych yn disgwyl weled yno Gymro'n y bjd yn esgob. (3) Bhyfedd mor galeted oedd y creadur hwnnw. (4) Nis gwn i pa gan wiried yw'r hanes. (5) 'Ewyf yn cofio gybrwyll ohonof hynny wrthych. (6) Lladdwyd hwynt yn y lie eu daliwyd. (7) Mi yrrais y briodasgerdd i'ch nith, yr hon gerdd a yraswn i chwithau oni bai fod yr amser yn brin. (8) Gwelsom Ap Ffarmwr, fel ei gelwir. (9) Tmddengys riemor o'i syniadau yn y gyfrol hon. (10) Aeth yntan gyda'm mrawd i dreulio'r Sul. 37 *In what points does Welsh syntax differ from Latin and English ? 23 Parsing and Analysis. For an exhaustive treatment of this branch of Grammar, see the Author's "Welsh Parsing and Analysis," published by J. E. SOUTHALL, price 6d.) A. PARSE 1 Dysgir, cymerodd, cly waist, gwnaf, deuthum, gwyddom, elych, gwneled, adwaen, byddoeh. 2 Dwg, rhoddes, saif, ganed, pery, pair, gedy, daethpwyd, darffo, gwypwyf. B. PARSE AND ANALYSE 1 Gweithiwr yw'r dyn. 2 Myfi yw, nac ofnwch. 3 Deuthum canys gelwaist arnaf. 4 Cyn iddo ei weled yr oedd yn ei ofni. 5 Ehaid yw i'r dyn fyned. 6 Ni chlywodd neb erioed ddim tebyg i hyn. 7 Bum yn eistedd ar ben y bryn a weli draw. 8 Tybiais dy fod yn deall y peth a ddywedais \\ rthyt 9 Ni chredaf i neb glywed gair oddiwrtho er y dydd yr aeth o'r wlad. 10 Nis gwyddys fod dim wedi ei ysgrifennu ar y pwnc. 24 11 G-welais dy dy frawd pan fum yn y gogledd. 12 T nesaf a ddaw dan ein sylw yw'r carw. 13 Nid yvv dy galon di yn deall mo'r peth y inae dy dafod yn ei ddywedyd. 14 Pan welo efe na ddaeth y llanc, marw fydd efe. 15 Wedi iddynt glywed hyn, aethant bob un i'w dy. 16 Gwaith ofer oedd iddo geisio cloi'r enaid a fedr fyw a thrafaelio heb y corff. 17 Nid wyf wedi darllen y llyfr a gefais gennyt. C (MORE DIFFICULT) 1 Cyhoedded pob un y gwirionedd a eglurwyd iddo ef ei hun. 2 A wado hyn, aed a hi, A gwaded i'r haul godi. 3 Canu dwsmel a thelyn Yn hardd a wnai'r gwiwfardd gwyn. 4 Dowch i hedd, a da'ch haddef, Ddilysiant, anwylblant nef . 5 Ynfyd y'th clywaf, Dafydd Tn awr yn siarad dan wydd. 6 Am ganu ni fu, ni fydd, Hoyw ei fawl, ei hefelydd. 7 Dyn doeth a ddywaid yn deg Un gair a a trwy garreg. 8 Nid oes hefyd, byd a'i barn Gydwedd it, ynys gadarn. 25 Derivatives! Compounds, and Words of Latin Origin. 1 Deiive trannoeth, tiisgyn, Trindod, cystrawen, ysgrifenriu, llabyddio, echdoe, bendith, pwys, pechod. * State how the changes have taken place, and explain each step. 2 Give the Latin from which each of the following is derived : .A lit, llaeth, cardod, ffrwyth, mynwent, ffrwyn, tyst, ffurfafen, diwrnod, sych. 8 Give the derivation and meaning of : -Arch, eglwys, calch, gofal, Hog, urdd, angel, efengyl, cyff, swllt, tafarn, torf. 4 Give the etymology of the following words : ateb, cynnal, cytun, dyffryn, dyna, drycin, ebol, hunllef, llynges, meddiannol, melfoch, tylwyth, ysgyfarnog. 5 How do Latin rt, re, cr, ct. It and nd, appear in Welsh ? Give two examples in each case. 6 Give the phonetic history of the following Welsh words : Saeth, llusern, coeth, gwiber, esgob, bendith, awyr, nos, awydd, pesgi, pwys, perthyn. 7 Give the derivation of coJofn, rfawyd, pecKod, cybydd, and point out the laws of sound-change exemplified by each. 8 Give the derivation of arch, ceraint, digwydd, efengyl, eglwys, gofal, llywydd. 9 Give the Latin form of each of the following words : Doeth, meistr, dur, perffaith, gwr, aradr, cur, gwin, lleidr, carchar. Gwr = Latin vir; aradr = L. aratrum. 26 10 Give the derivation of : Ciwed, rhwyf, myfyr, lonawr, Ghwefror, Mawrth, Ebrill, Mai. Calan, Y Grawys, Ystwyll, Nadolig, naming all the laws of sound-change which have operated in each case. 11 Give the derivation of : Rheol, yspaid, and of the Welsh words for the days of the week, the alphabet, parish, shewing by what phonetic laws each has assumed its present form. 12 Name the three kinds of consonantal mutation. Give instances of these changes occurring medially in words borrowed from Latin. 13 Are the -io of rheibio from the -io of rapio, and the w(r) of awdwr from the o of auctor ? Why d and not th in awdwr, and why m and not f in cwmwl ? 'Cumulus' must have passed to 'cwmwl,' through an intermediate form oumb'lus. For an excrescent b after m compare English number, from Latin numerus. 14 Give twelve derivatives and compounds of Nun, with the meaning of each. 15 Analyse and give the meaning of : Arabedd, darfelydd, delfryd, chwilfrydedd, arobryn, cantref, cwmwd, tyddyn, hafod. 16 Derive the words : Cyfrinach, diwreiddiasant, ymgrymodd, gwinwydden, explaining as clearly as you can the force of each element. 17 Give (a) the derivation of adfer, lleuad, llyngtt, gorseddfa, llofrudd, (6) the Latin forms represented by arch, cannwyll, pechod, terfyn, tymor, urdd. 18 Give the meaning and derivation of adeiladu, cymeryd, cyffion, cyffwrdd, gorfoledd, gorthrymu, melldigo, ymgyfiawnhau, lladmerydd, annog, annwn, alaeth. 27 19 Whence are the following words derived : ffrewyll, terfyn, gwylio, cysiudd, yspryd, ffordd, neidr, uf udd, sicr, gwag, taflod, 20 Q-ive the derivation of the following: Sarph, mynach, gwydr, fflangell, cymod, ciwdod, eglwys, dolur, cerbyd, fFurfafen, estron, pabell, mis, gosper, allor. 21 Shew how verbal nouns are formed from verb stems, and mention the most important uses of the verb-noun. 22 ^Derive : Ysywaeth, anghyfiaith, amrhiod, gwalfa, modrwy, modfedd, tywysen, pendramwnwgl, ysgyfaint, anllad, penllad, olynol. 23 Form three abstract nouns in (1) -i, (2) -ni. (3) -ioni, and three plurals in -i, 24 Give the diminutives of coed, gwreiddiau, He, awr, baeh, llanc, mab, corfF, brain, tant. 25 Derive: Cytuno, adfer, cyfalaf, dyhirwch, trwyn- dwn, agendor, distaw, enwad, gofyn, atal, disgwyl, hiraeth. ymennydd, tyred. 26 * Write notes on: Tawlbwrdd, aergad, mygdarth, cilfach, swyngyfaredd, coedwig, rhuddgoch, milgi, bwystfil. Pleonastic compounds. 27 *Grive the force of the various elements in : alltud, enbydrwydd, hoenus, cynneddf, difrod, anrhaith, hendref, enllyn, anhydyn, ysmygu, ymddiofrydu, cyfrodedd, lledrith. 28 * Analyse.- berfa, cymeryd, adfer; gofer, diferu, dadmer. '29 What is the force of the prefix ym ? Distinguish lladd and ymladd, pwyll and ymbwyll, trechu and ymdrechu, swyno and ymswyn, croesi and ymgroesi, porthi and ymborthi, gweled and ymweled, rhoi and ymroi. 28 30 ^Analyse : addfed, diledryw, afrywiog, trybedd, tugel, lly.na, trugaredd, cyfrinach, diddymu, dyri, mo. 31 Give derivatives or compounds as follows : ten from Hun, four from rhaith, five from Haw, four from brawd (judgment), three from tud, four from myg (honoured). Write "ysg myg" in full with theEnglish equivalent. 32 What is the force of the prefixes go-, gor-, hy-, en- ? Give examples. Is en- ever written an- ? 33 What is the force of the verb-noun suffixes -a and -hau ? Give five examples of each. 34 Distinguish Hys in myglys and llysenw, and give one other example of llys in each sense. 35 Give all the forms in Welsh of Latin c in different combinations, tracing the sound change in each case. 36 *JSTame some phonetic derivatives from Latin exemplifying the following laws of sound change : (a) loss of medial f, (b) change of t into th, (c) loss of medial unaccented vowel, (rf) loss of medial g, (e) change of medial g to i. 37 Give the derivation of eigion, estron, cengl, darllain, colofn, arian, diffaith, cyllell, specifying the phonetic changes. 38 *Under what conditions and for what reasons has t become d, and d become dd in Welsh. 39 Give the forms in Modern Welsh of the long vowels, a, e, i, 5, u, of the Eoman period. What short vowels have undergone affection by a in the following syllable? G-ive examples. 29 General. 1 State the gender of the following, and give the corresponding masc. or fern. : Anner, baedd, carw, chwegr, Sis, brith, semi, gwydjd, eryr, pendrwm. 2 Give the meaning and singular of gleision, gleisiaid J gwylion, gwyliau J and shew, by examples, that clywed = perceive as well as hear. Write down feminine and plural of gwr boneddig, un brenin, yr eiddo ef, bwrdd crwn, y Hew hwn, tad da, gwr caredig, bachgen bach, dydd gwyl. 3 Give the Welsh equivalents of the following nouns, with their plurals : Shoe, lion, sea, tooth, lesson, Icnife, sheep, lamb, body, book. 4 Write down the plural forms of sant, awr, cyllell, fFau, gwr mawr, merch dda, ci du, ty bychan, plentyn anwyl. 5 Give English equivalents for the following : dawon, ebran, gylfin, trulliad, yngan, bara croyw, ond odid, ffun, anadl einioes, sailh ddengwaith a seithwaith. 6 Bender into Welsh : Kid, quiver, shoelatchet, ear- rings, milch kine, one hundred and seventy five years, three flocks of sheep, a bow-shot. 7 Give the rule for the agreement of an adjective with its noun, and of a verb with its subject. 8 Write plurals of cyllell, ffafr, dafad ddu, gwraig dlawd, myfi, dy, clywodd hi, byddi di, bron, modd, gwaew, aberth, amser, gordd, noddfa, paladr. 9 Give the singular of rhyw ddynion, rhai dynion, rhyw rai | and deduce the difference between rhyw and rhai. 30 10 Give the plural of onnen, gwialen, miaren, tithau, rhywun, maneg, maen, asgell fraith, ffau, edau, iau, giewyn, gwaell, tal, tu, cyfarwyddyd ; and the singular of gwenyn, gwybed, eirin, ystyllod, ffonodiau, ninnau, esgusodion, olych. 11 State fully how adjectives are compared in Welsh, and give examples of three compared irregularly. 12 State clearly how Welsh adjectives form their plural. 18 Grive the various ways of forming the feminines of adjectives. 14 Point out any differences between the use of the cardinal numerals in Welsh and English. 15 Explain the forms V, 'th, 'i, 'u, quoting or con- structing sentences to illustrate their use. 16 State how adverbs and adverbial expressions are formed from nouns and adjectives. 17 Write sentences containing: Ambell, pwy, eiddof, gennych, cysgu, cynted, and state what part of speech each word is. 18 What are the diminutives of llyfr, pel, ynys, bachgen, geneth, oen, brain, daear, hun, iwrch, Hong. 19 Give the Welsh for : The previous day ; the day after; yesterday', to-morrow; the day after to-morrow and the following day ; the day before yesterday ; at dawn ; the next fortnight, to-morrow evening. 20 *" The terminations of verbs are changes arid contractions of personal pronouns." Explain and discuss. 21 Distinguish between gallu and medru J gwybod and adnabod ; yr wyf yn cael and y mae gennyf. 31 22 *Discuss the weak points in the Welsh alphabet. 23 *State the rules as to vowel quantity in Welsh, and give instances. 24 Classify the vowel changes which commonly occur in the plurals of nouns. 25 *Shew the relation between vowel quantity and the syllabic accent, and notice in this connection the words naddo and nage. 26 When does the article assume the forms y, yr and 'r respectively ? Account for the rules, and give examples. 27 Re-write the following sentences twice (i) making all singulars plural ; (ii) making all masculines feminine : (a) Tr oedd un yn drwm a'r Hall yn ysgat'n ; (6) Credaf ei i'od yn ei dy ; (c) Dos i chwilio am dauo ; (d) Gwelwn nad oedd ef yn fy adnabod ; () Dywedais wrthyt mai brith oedd hwnnw. 28 AV^hat prepositions immediately follow : Cym- haru, cymhwyso, cefnu, cyhuddo, cymeradwy, cyfarfod, cystadlu, awyddus, angen, and agos ? 29 What is an interjection ? Mention those in most common use, and state how a noun in the vocative case is mutated when the interjection is omitted. 30 Correct the following, giving your reasons for the changes which you would make : (1) Peidiwch a rnyned yn ol hebddom ni. (2) A wehvch chwi fod yn dda i roi benthyg hwn i mi ? (3) Y man bost ti yr hoffwn innai fod. (4) Hwn oedd y trydydd Basg. 32 31 Distinguish between ac, ag, ag \ nac and nag | ni and na ; im and i'm J and illustrate your answer with ..examples. 32 Distinguish between mae and mai ; ie and ydyw | ni, nis and nid. 33 Criticize the Welsh of the following : (1) Pwy a gyfarfyddodd ag ef yno? (2) Ni theimlai yn ddiogel yn y llefydd hynny. (3) Lie mae'r dynion pa rai oedd yno ? (4) Dywedodd iddo ddioddef erddyin ni. 34 Explain the construction of the sentences : (1) Amlygodd fod ei frawd yno. (2) Daeth yri ol cyn i'w dad ei weled. 35 Correct, giving reasons : (1) T mae ganddom ddwy bunt. (2) Torrodd Iwy bwrdd yn ei hanner. (3) Efe oedd dyn greulonaf ei oes. (4) Aethant a'i tad i westy gyfagos. (5) Aeth oddi yma doe heb rhybudd. 36 Which of the cardinal numerals have a distinct form for the feminine in Welsh ? What mutations follow pum, saith, naw, deg respectively ? 37 Distinguish between hoi! and oil, pawb and pob, rhyw and rhai. 38 Grive the plurals of tydi, yntau, hi, dy, arall, bychan, fy hun, y bachgen hwn. 39 Write down (a) the plural ; (6) the feminine singular ; and (c) the feminine plural corresponding to taid, brenin, gwas, nai, lleidr, dyn, gwr da, ceiliog du. 40 When is a noun in the genitive case mutated in Welsh ? Give examples. 41 *Explain, with examples, the origin of the soft mutation, showing that it is a change that has taken place medially as well as initially ; and account for the rule for mutating the initial consonants of nouns after un and dau. 42 Name all the vowel changes which occur in the formation of feminine and plural adjectives, specifying the nature of each change, and pointing to its cause. 43 Enumerate the various uses and meanings of a, na, stating in each case (a) the initial mutation of a consonant which follows them ; and (6) the form they take before a vowel. 44 *Give an account of the uses of the initial mutations in Welsh. How is their origin explained ? 45 How do you explain such forms as darfu, gwybu, hanoedd, gwnaethpwyd, cenfydd ? Note that all these are derivatives or compounds of wyf. 46 Distinguish: arddull and priod ddull, argraffand orgraff, Cymraeg and Gymreig, Cymru and Gymry, Saesneg and Seisnig, Hi and llu, yn marw and yn farw, yn fyw and yn byw. 47 Distinguish : Mae and mai, parchus and parchedig, brodir and brodyr, cynrychiol and cynyrchiol, cynnydd and cynydd, gwiw and gwyw, cynllun and cynllwyn, aethnen and eithin, rhir\wedd and nodwedd, hone and honno. 48 Translate into Welsh honorary and honourable, invention and discovery, marble and granite, statue and statute, style and idiom, artist and artisan, dawn and dusk, builder and architect. 34 49 What prepositions follow rhyfeddu, synnu, anwyl, edrych, gofalus, peidio. Distinguish: bodlon ar i, cas gan wrth, cofio am at, credu i yn, crogi ar gerfydd wrth, cyhuddo o wrth, chwant am ar i, darfod a am. 50 Correct, giving reasons, or justify : (1) Ni thalai er fod ganddo arian, (2) A fydd ef, tybed, gan f wyned a rhoddi i ddyn truan ychydig help ? (3) Ac yno ei gwelsant ef. (4) Wn i ddim am dano. (5) Bu'r baban farw ar y dydd ei ganed. (6) Dywedai ei fod yn le swynol, ac fod llawer o ymwelwyr yno. (7) Car cywir, yn yr ing ei gwelir. (8) Tystiai mae hynny oedd yn iawn ac fod ereill yn cytuno. 51 Distinguish : disgwyl am wrth, eiriol ar tros, galw am ar, gwylio rhag tros, myned a yn, tyngu i - wrth, ymddangos i yn. 52 Translate: discover, invent J judge, adjudicator', junior, senior ; learn, teach ; compliment, complement ; .ingenious, ingenuous ; masterly, masterful ; and analyse the forms, dybryd, anial, diofryd, cyfrinach, argyhoeddi, erfai, cyntun, cynnefin, cysefin, siriol, giving the force of each part. 53 Give the names of the Counties of Wales in English and Welsh, and the Welsh for Shrewsbury, Swansea, Newport, Holyhead, Cardigan, St. David's, Menevia, Monmouth. 35 54 Correct or justify the following: (1) Grosodir y llefrith mewn llestri priddion. (2) Nis gallaf gredu fud neb yn ameu hyn. (8) Cafodd ei foddi wrth groesi o Ffrainc i'r wlad hon. (4) T mae'n gysur ge.nnym weled cymaint o lytrau newyddion yn cat-1 eu hargraffu yn Xghymru y dyddiau hyn, ae yu bennat' : m\vyn y dorf <> ddarllenwyr, yr hon sydd o hyd yn cynyddu. (5) Cynhwysir ef yn y gair rhagorol hwnnw enllyn, yr hwn air nid oes gan y Saeson yr un yn eu hiaith yn cyfateb iddo. (6) Cyhoeddir lawer o lyfrau sylltau y dyddiau hyn.