VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS BY WILLIAM H. DOOLEY AUTHOR OF "VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS "TEXTILES," ETC. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1917, BY D. C. HEATH & Co. IB? PREFACE THE author has had, during the last ten years, considerable experience in organizing and conducting intermediate and sec- ondary technical schools for boys and girls. During this time he has noticed the inability of the average teacher in mathe- matics to give pupils practical applications of the subject. Many teachers are not familiar with the commercial and rule of thumb methods of solving mathematical problems of every- day life. Too often a girl graduates from the course in mathe- matics without being able to " commercialize " or apply her mathematical knowledge in such a way as to meet the needs of trade, commerce, and home life. It is to overcome this difficulty that the author has prepared this book on vocational mathematics for girls. He does not believe in omitting the regular secondary school course in mathematics, but offers vocational mathematics as an introduc- tion to the regular course. The problems have been used by the author during the past few years with girls of high school age. . The method of teach- ing has consisted in arousing an interest in mathematics by showing its value in daily life. Important facts, based upon actual experience and observation, are recalled to the pupil's mind before she attempts to solve the problems. A discussion of each division of the subject usually precedes the problems. This information is provided for the regular teacher in mathematics who may not be familiar with the subject or the terms used. The book contains samples of iii A 1 IV PREFACE problems from all occupations that women are likely to enter, from the textile mill to the home. The author has received valuable suggestions from his for- mer teachers and from the following : Miss Lilian Baylies Green, Editor Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Miss Bessie Kingman, Brockton High School, Brockton, Mass. ; Mrs. Ellen B. McGowan, Teachers College, New York City ; Miss Susan Watson, Instructor at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston ; Mr. Prank F. Murdock, Principal Normal School, North Adams, Mass. ; Mr. Frank Rollins, Principal Bushwick High School, Brooklyn ; Mr. George M. Lattimer, Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y. ; Mr. J. J. Eaton, Director of In- dustrial Arts, Yonkers, N. Y. ; Dr. Mabel Belt, Baltimore, Md. ; Mr. Curtis J. Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Mrs. F. H. Consalus, Washington Irving High School, New York City ; Miss Griselda Ellis, Girls' Industrial School, Newark, N. J. ; Mr. J. C. Dono- hue, Technical High School, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Mr. W. E. Weaf er, Hutchinson-Central High School, Buffalo, N. Y. ; The Bur- roughs Adding Machine Company ; The Women's Educational and Industrial Union ; the Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D. C. ; and Reports of Conference of New York State Vocational Teachers. This preface would not be complete without reference to the author's wife, Mrs. Ellen V. Dooley, who has offered many valuable suggestions and corrected both the manuscript and the proof. The author will be pleased to receive any suggestions or corrections from any teacher. CONTENTS PART I REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC CHAPTER PAGE I. ESSENTIALS OF ARITHMETIC . ... . . 1 Fundamental Processes ; Fractions ; Decimals ; Com- pound Numbers ; Percentage ; Ratio and Proportion ; Involution ; Evolution. II. MENSURATION . . . 64 Circles ; Triangles ; Quadrilaterals ; Polygons ; Ellipses ; Pyramid ; Cone ; Sphere ; Similar Figures. III. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ...... 80 Reading of Blue Print ; Plans of a Home ; Drawing to Scale ; Estimating Distances and Weight ; Methods of Solving Examples. PART II PROBLEMS IN HOMEMAKING IV. THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME 89 Incomes of American Families ; Division of Income ; Expense Account Book. V. FOOD ,100 Different Kinds of Food ; Kitchen Weights and Meas- ures ; Cost of Meals ; Recipes ; Economical Marketing. VI. PROBLEMS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE . . 128 Advantages of Different Types of Houses ; Building Materials ; Taxes ; United States Revenue. VII. COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 146 Different Kinds of Furniture ; Hall ; Floor Coverings ; Linen ; Living Room ; Bedroom ; Dining Room ; Value of Coal ; How to Read Gas Meters ; How to Read Elec- tric Meters ; Heating. VI CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 178 Different Institutions of Savings ; Bonds ; Stocks ; Ex- change ; Insurance. PART III DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY IX. PROBLEMS IN DRESSMAKING 198 Fractions of a Yard ; Tucks ; Hem ; Ruffles ; Cost of Finished Garments ; Millinery Problems. X. CLOTHING . . .217 Parts of Cloth ; Materials of Yarn ; Kinds ; Weight. PART IV THE OFFICE AND THE STORE XL ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS .... 233 Rapid Calculations ; Invoices ; Profit and Loss ; Time Sheets and Pay Rolls. XII. ARITHMETIC FOR SALESGIRLS AND CASHIERS . . 260 Saleslips ; Extensions ; Making Change. XIII. CIVIL SERVICE 268 PART V ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES XIV. ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 276 Apothecary's Weights and Measures ; Household Meas- ures ; Approximate Equivalents of Metric and English Weights and Measures ; Doses ; Strength of Solutions ; Prescription Reading. PART VI PROBLEMS ON THE FARM XV. PROBLEMS ON THE FARM 304 APPENDIX 317 Metric System ; Graphs ; Formulas ; Useful Mechanical Information. INDEX 365 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS PART I REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC CHAPTER I Notation and Numeration A unit is one thing ; as, one book, one pencil, one inch. A number is made up of units and tells how many units are taken. An integer is a whole number. A single figure expresses a certain number of units and is said to be in the units column. For example, 5 or 8 is a single figure in the units column ; 53 is a number of two figures and has the figure 3 in the units column and the figure 5 in the tens column, for the second figure represents a certain number of tens. Each column has its own name, as shown below. Sp3 00 r- d 9s ? o ~ * " m | I | | 1 | I | | | JjlJjsJjJJjl 138, 695, 4O 7, 125 Reading Numbers. For convenience in reading and writing numbers they are separated into groups of three figures each by commas, beginning at the right : 138,695,407,125. The first group is 125 units. The second group is 407 thousands. The third group is 695 millions. The fourth group is 138 billions. 2 A\K 7 ^d), etc. at the left of the prob- lems inside the margin line. A line should be drawn between problems to separate them. Addition Addition is the process of finding the sum of two or more numbers. The result obtained by this process is called the sum or amount. The sign of addition is an upright cross, +- , called plus. The sign is placed between the two numbers to be added. Thus, 9 inches + 7 inches (read nine inches plus seven inches). The sign of equality is two short horizontal parallel lines, = , and means equals or is equal to. Thus, the statement that 8 feet + 6 feet = 14 feet, means that six feet added to eight feet (or 8 feet plus 6 feet) equals fourteen feet. To find the sum or amount of two or more numbers. EXAMPLE. An agent for a flour mill sold the following num- ber of barrels of flour during the day : 1203, 2672, 31,118, 480, 39, and 19,883 bbl. How many barrels did he sell during the day? [The abbreviation for barrels is bbl.] 1,203 2$ The sum of the units column is 3 + 9 + 2 672 20 4-8 + 2 + 3 = 25 units, or 20 and 5 more ; ^1 1 1 k 9 ^ ^ s tens, so l eave the 5 under the units " column and add the 2 tens in the tens column. *r The sum of the tens column is 2 + 8 + 3+8 39 +1+7 + = 29 tens. 29 tens equal 2 hun- 19,883 dreds and 9 tens. Place the 9 tens under Sum 55,395 bbl. the tens column and add the 2 hundreds to the hundreds column. 2+8 + 4 + 1+6 + 2 = 23 hundreds ; 23 hundreds are equal to 2 thousands and 3 hundreds. Place the 3 hundreds under the hundreds column and add the 2 thousands to the next column. 2 + 9 + 1 + 2+ 1 = 15 thousands, or 1 ten-thousand and 5 thousands. Add the 1 ten-thousand to the ten-thousands column REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 5 and the sum is 1 + 1 + 3 = 5. Write the 5 in the ten-thousands column. Hence, the sum is 55,395 bbl. TEST. Repeat the process, beginning at the top of the right-hand column. Exactness is very important in arithmetic. There is only one correct answer. Therefore it is necessary to be accurate in performing the numerical calculations. A check of some kind should be made on the work. The simplest check is to estimate the answer before solving the problem. If there is a great discrepancy between the estimated answer and the answer in the solution, the work is probably wrong. It is also necessary to be exact in reading the problem. EXAMPLES 1. Write the following numbers as figures and add them : Seventy-five thousand three hundred eight ; seven million two hundred five thousand eight hundred forty-nine. 2. In a certain year the total output of copper from the mines was worth $ 58,638,277.86. Express this amount in words. 3. Solve the following : 386 + 5289 + 53666 + 3001 + 291 -f 38 = ? 4. The cost of the Panama Canal was estimated in 1912 to be $ 375,000,000. Express this amount in words. 5. A farmer's wife received the following number of eggs in four successive weeks : 692, 712, 684, and 705 eggs. How many eggs were received during the four weeks ? 6. A woman buys a two-family house for $6511.00. She makes the following repairs : mason-work, $ 112.00 ; plumb- ing, $ 146.00 ; carpenter work, $ 208.00 ; painting and decora- ting, $ 319.00. How much does the house cost her ? 7. Add the following numbers, left to right : a. 108, 219, 374, 876, 763, 489, 531, 681, 104 ; b. 3846, 5811, 6014, 8911, 7900, 3842, 5879. 6 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 8. According to the census of 1910 the population of the United States, exclusive of the outlying possessions, consisted of 47,332,277 males and 44,639,989 females. What was the total population? 9. Wire for electric lights was run around four sides of three rooms. If the first room was 13 ft. long and 9 ft. wide ; the second 18 ft. long and 18 ft. wide; and the third 12 ft. long and 7 ft. wide, what was the total length of wire re- quired? Remember that electric lights require two wires. 10. Find the sum : 46 Ib. + 135 Ib. + 72 Ib. + 39 Ib. + 427 Ib. + 64 Ib. + 139 Ib. Subtraction Subtraction is the process of finding the difference between two numbers, or of finding what number must be added to a given number to equal a given sum. The minuend is the num- ber from which we subtract ; the subtrahend is the number subtracted ; and the difference or remainder is the result of the subtraction. The sign of subtraction is a short horizontal line, , called minus, and is placed before the number to be subtracted. Thus, 12 8 = 4 is read twelve minus (or less) eight equals four. To find the difference of two numbers. EXAMPLE. A house was purchased for $ 8074.00 twenty- five years ago. It was recently sold at auction for $ 4869.00. What was the loss ? Write the smaller number under the Minuend $8074.00 greater, with units of the same order in Subtrahend $4869.00 the same vertical line. 9 cannot be taken Remainder $3205.00 from 4 ' so chan e l *f * uni f 7 Tbe 1 ten that was changed from the 7 tens makes 10 units, which added to the 4 units makes 14 units. Take 9 from the 14 units and 5 units remain. Write the 5 under the unit col- umn. Since 1 ten was changed from 7 tens, there are 6 tens left, and 6 from 6 leaves 0. Write under the tens column. Next, 8 hundred can- REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 7 not be taken from hundred, so 1 thousand (ten hundred) is changed from the thousands column. 8 hundred from 10 hundred leave 2 hun- dred. Write the 2 under the hundreds column. Since 1 thousand has been taken from the 8 thousand, there are left 7 thousand to subtract the 4 thousand from, which leaves 3 thousand. Write 3 under the thousand column. The whole remainder is 83205.00. PROOF. If the sum of the subtrahend and the remainder equals the minuend, the answer is correct. EXAMPLES 1. Subtract 1001 from 79,999. 2. A box contained one gross (144) of wood screws. If 48 screws were used on a job, how many screws were left in the box? 3. What number must be added to 3001 to produce a sum of 98,322? 4. Barrels are usually marked with the gross weight and tare (weight of empty barrel). If a barrel of sugar is marked 329 Ib. gross weight and 19 Ib. tare, find the net weight of sugar. 5. A box contains a gross (144) of pencils. If 109 are removed, how many remain? 6. A farmer received 1247 quarts of milk in October and 1189 quarts in November. What was the difference ? 7. A housewife purchases a $ 800.00 baby grand piano for $ 719.00. How much does she save ? 8. No. 1 cotton yam contains 840 yards to the pound, while No. 1 worsted yarn contains 560 yards to the pound. What is the difference in length? 9. A young lady saved $453.00 during five years. She spent $ 189.00 on a sea trip. How much remained ? 10. 69,221 - 3008 = ? 11. The population of New York City in 1900 was 3,437,202 and in 1910 was 4,766,883. What was the increase from 1900 to 1910? 8 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 12. If there are 374,819 wage-earning women in a certain city having a total population of 3,366,416 persons, how many of the residents are not wage-earning women ? 13. In the year 1820 only 8385 immigrants arrived in the United States. In 1842, 104,565 immigrants arrived. How many more arrived in 1842 than in 1820 ? 14. The first great shoemaker settled in Lynn, Mass., in 1636. How many years is it since he arrived in Lynn ? Multiplication Multiplication is the process of rinding the product of two numbers. Thus, 8x3 may be read 8 multiplied by 3, or 8 times 3, and means 8 added to itself 3 times, or 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 8x3 = 24. The numbers multiplied together are called factors. The multiplicand is the number multiplied ; the multiplier is the number multiplied by ; and the result is called the product. The sign of multiplication is an oblique cross, x , which means multiplied by or times. Thus, 7x4 may be. read 7 multiplied by 4, or 7 times 4. To find the product of two numbers. EXAMPLE. A certain set of books weighs 24 Ib. What is the weight of 17 sets ? Write the multiplier under the multipli- Mvltiplicand 24 Ib. cand, units under units, tens under tens, Multiplier 17 etc. 7 times 4 units equal 28 units, which 1(58 are 2 tens and 8 units. Place the 8 under 24 the units column. The 2 tens are to be p , T7) 11 added to the tens product. 7 times 2 tens are 14 tens + the 2 tens are 16 tens, or 1 hundred and 6 tens. Place the 6 tens in the tens column and the 1 hun- dred in the hundreds column. 168 is a partial product. To multiply by the 1, proceed as before, but as 1 is a ten, write the first number, which is 4 of this partial product, under the tens column, and the next number under the hundreds column, and so on. Add the partial products, and their sum is the whole product, or 408 Ib. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 9 EXAMPLES 1. A milliner ordered 58 spools of wire, each spool contain- ing 100 yards. How many yards did she order in all ? 2. Each shoe box contains 12 pairs of shoes. How many pairs in 423 boxes ? 3. Multiply 839 by 291. 4. A mechanic sent in the following order for bolts : 12 bolts, 6 Ib. each; 9 bolts, 7 Ib. each; 11 bolts, 3 Ib. each; 6 bolts, 2 Ib. each; and 20 bolts, 3 Ib. each. What was the total weight of the order ? 5. Find the product of 1683 and 809. To multiply by 10, 100, 1000, etc., annex as many ciphers to the multiplicand as there are ciphers in the multiplier. EXAMPLE. 864 x 100 = 86,400. EXAMPLES Multiply and read the answers to the following : 1. 869 x 10 8. 100 x 500 2. 1011 x 100 9. 1000 x 900 3. 10,389 x 1000 10. 10,000 x 500 4. 11,298 X 30,000 11. 10,000 x 6000 5. 58,999 x 400 12. 1,000,000 x 6000 6. 681,719 x 10 13. 1,891,717 x 400 7. 801,369 x 100 14. 10,000,059 x 78,911 Division Division is the process of finding how many times one num- ber is contained in another. The dividend is the number to be divided ; the divisor is the number by which the dividend is divided ; the quotient is the result of the division. When a number is not contained an equal number of times in another number, what is left over is called a remainder. 10 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The sign of division is -j-, and when placed between two numbers signifies that the first is to be divided by the second. Thus, 56 -s- 8 is read 56 divided by 8. Division is also indicated by writing the dividend above the divisor with a line between. Thus, 5 / ; this is read 56 divided by 8. In division we are given a product and one of the factors to find the other factor. To find how many times one number is contained in another. EXAMPLE. A manufacturer desires to distribute a surplus of $ 8035.00 among his employees so that each one will re- ceive $ 3.00 How many employees will receive $ 3.00 ? How much is left over ? Write the numbers in the manner 2678 Employees indicated at the left. 8 thousand is in Divisor 3)8035 Dividend the thousands column. The nearest 8 g thousand can be divided into groups 2Q of 3 is 2 (thousand) times, which gives . 6 thousand. Write 2 as the first figure in the quotient over 8 in the dividend. Place the 6 (thousand) 21 under the 8 thousand and subtract ; 25 the remainder is 2 thousand, or 20 24 hundred. 3 is contained in 20 hun- Remainder ~T dred 6 hundred times, or 18 hundred and 2 hundred remainder. Write 6 as the next figure in the quotient. Add the 3 tens in the dividend to the 2 hundred, or 20 tens, and 23 tens is the next dividend to be divided. 3 is contained in 23 tens 7 times, or 21 tens with a remainder of 2 tens. Write 7 as the next figure in the quotient. 2 tens, or 20 units, plus the 5 units from the quotient make 25 units. 3 is contained in 25, 8 times. Write 8 as the next figure in the quotient. 24 units subtracted from 25 units leave a remainder of 1 unit. Then the answer is 2678 employees and 1 dollar left over. PROOF. Find the product of the divisor and quotient, add the re- mainder, if any, and if the sum equals the dividend, the answer is correct. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 11 EXAMPLES 1. A strip of sheeting measures 81" in width. How many pieces 6" wide can be cut from it? Would there be a re- mainder ? 2. How many pieces 6" long can be cut from a piece of velvet 62" long, if no allowance is made for waste in cutting ? 3. If the cost of constructing 162 miles of railway was $ 4,561,200, what was the cost per mile ? 4. If a job which took 379 hours was divided equally among 25 women, how many even hours would each woman work, and how much overtime would one of the number have to put in to complete the job? 5. The "over-all" dimension on a drawing was 18' 9". The distance was to be spaced off into 14-inch lengths, begin- ning at one end. How many such lengths could be spaced ? How many inches would be left at the other end ? 6. If a locomotive consumed 18 gallons of fuel oil per mile of freight service, how far could it run with 2036 gallons of oil? 7. If 6 eggs weigh one pound, how many cases each containing 36 eggs could be filled from a stock of 48 Ib. of eggs? 8. The American people spend three hundred million dollars every year on shoes, and average three pairs a person. What is the average (wholesale) cost per pair, assuming that there are 91,972,266 people in the United States ? 9. The enlisted strength of the army of the United States in 1914 was 91,402 with an upkeep charge of $ 92,076,145.51. What did it cost the United States per man to maintain its standing army that year ? 10. Divide 38,910 by 3896. 12 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS REVIEW EXAMPLES 1. A farmer's daughter raised on the farm 5 loads of pota- toes containing 38 bu., 29 bu., 43 bu., 39 bu., and 29 bu. respectively. She sold 12 bu. to each of three families, and 34 bu. to each of four families. How many bushels were left? 2. Five pieces of cloth are placed end to end. If each piece contains 38 yards, what is the total length ? 3. I bought a chair for $ 3, a mat for $ 1, a table for $4, and gave in payment a $20 bill. What change did I receive ? 4. A teacupful contains 4 fluid ounces. How many teacup- fuls in 64 fluid ounces ? 5. No. 30 cotton yarn contains 25,200 yards to a pound. How many pounds of yarn in 630,000 yards ? 6. The consumption of water in a city during the month of December was 116,891,213 gallons and during January 115,819,729 gallons. How much was the decrease in con- sumption ? 7. An order to a machine shop called for 598 sewing machines each weighing 75 pounds. What was the total weight ? 8. If a strip of carpet weighs 4 Ib. per foot of length, find the weight of one measuring 16' 9" in length. 9. Multiply 641 and 225. 10. Divide 24,566 by 319. 11. An order was given for ties for a railroad 847 miles long. If each" mile required 3017 ties, how many ties would be needed ? 12. How many gallons of milk are used every day by two hospitals, if one uses 25 gallons per day and the other 6 gallons less ? REVIEW. OF ARITHMETIC 13 Factors The factors of a number are the integers which when multi- plied together produce that number. Thus, 21 is the product of 3 and 7 ; hence, 3 and 7 are the factors of 21. Separating a number into its factors is called factoring. A number that has no factors but itself and 1 is a prime number. The prime numbers up to 25 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 23. A prime number used as a factor is & prime factor. Thus, 3 and 5 are prime factors of 15. Every prime number except 2 and 5 ends with 1, 3, 7, or 9. To find the prime factors of a number. EXAMPLE. Find the prime factors of 84. 2)84 The prime number 2 divides 84 evenly, leaving the quotient 2)42 ^' which 2 divides evenly. The next quotient is 21 which 3 ov>^ divides, giving a quotient 7. 7 divided by 7 gives the last ^ quotient 1 which is indivisible. The several divisors are the 1L prime factors. So 2, 2, 3, and 7 are the prime factors 1 of 84. PROOF. The product of the prime factors gives the number. EXAMPLES Find the prime factors : 1. 63 4. 636 7. 1155 2. 60 5. 1572 8. 7007 3. 250 6. 2800 9. 13104 Cancellation To reject a factor from a number divides the number by that factor ; to reject the same factors from both dividend and divisor does not affect the quotient. This process is called cancellation. This method can be used to advantage in many everyday cal- culations. EXAMPLE. Divide 12 x 18 x 30 by 6 x 9 x 4. 14 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 1 2 Jl 15 By th is method it is not Dividend }$ X J8 X necessary to multiply be- Divisor 0X9X4 =3 UOft6n< ' foredividin g- locate lj ^ ' the division by writing the divisor under the divi- 1 dend with a line between. Since 6 is a factor of 6 and 12, and 9 of 9 and 18, respectively, they may be cancelled from both divisor and dividend. Since 2 in the dividend is a factor of 4 in the divisor it may be cancelled from both, leaving 2 in the divisor. Then the 2 being a factor of 30 in the dividend, is cancelled from both, leaving 15. The product of the uncancelled factors is 30. Therefore, the quotient is 30. PROOF. If the product of the divisor and the quotient equal the dividend, the answer is correct. EXAMPLES Indicate and find quotients by cancellation : 1. Divide 36 x 27 x 49 x 38 x 50 by 70 x 18 x 15. 2. What is the quotient of 36 x 48 X 16 divided by 27 x 24 X8? 3. How many pounds of tea at 50 cents a pound must be given in exchange for 15 pounds of butter at 40 cents a pound ? 4. There are 16 ounces in a pound ; 30 pounds of steel will produce how many horseshoes, if each weighs 6 ounces ? 5. Divide the product of 10, 75, 9, and 96 by the product of 5, 12, 15, and 9. 6. I sold 16 dozen eggs at 30 cents a dozen and took my pay in butter at 40 cents a pound : how many pounds did I receive ? 7. A dealer bought 16 cords of wood at $ 4 a cord and sold them for $ 96 ; find the gain per cord. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 15 Greatest Common Divisor The greatest common divisor of two or more numbers is the greatest number that will exactly divide each of the numbers. To find the greatest common divisor of two or more numbers. EXAMPLE. Find the greatest common divisor of 90 and 150. 90 = 2x3x5x3 2)90 150 First Method 150 = 2x3x5x5 5)45 75 The prime factors com- Ans. 30 = 2 x 3 x 5 3)9 15 mon to both 90 aild 15 ~Q H are 2, 3, and 5. Since 2 x 3 x 5 = 30 Ans. the ^ eatest common di ~ visor of two or more num- 90)150(1 hers is the product of go their common factors, 30 7^\\QA/-i is - tne greatest common divisor of 90 and 150. 60 Greatest Common Divisor 30)60(2 Second Method gQ To find the greatest common divisor when the numbers cannot be readily factored, divide the larger by the smaller, then the last divisor by the last remainder until there is no remainder. The last divisor will be the greatest common divisor. If the greatest com- mon divisor is to be found of more than two numbers, find the greatest common divisor of two of them, then of this divisor and the third num- ber, and so on. The last divisor will be the greatest common divisor of all of them. EXAMPLES Find the greatest common divisor : 1. 270, 810. 3. 504, 560. 5. 72, 153, 315, 2187. 2. 264,312. 4. 288,432,1152. Least Common Multiple The product of two or more numbers is called a multiple of each of them ; 4, 6, 8, 12 are multiples of 2. The common 16 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS multiple of two or more numbers is a number that is divisible by each of the numbers without a remainder ; 60 is a common multiple of 4, 5, 6. The least common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest common multiple of the number; 30 is the least common multiple of 3, 5, 6. To find the least common multiple of two or more numbers. EXAMPLE. Find the least common multiple of 21, 28, First Method 21 = 3 X 7 Take all the factors of the first number, all of 28 = 2 X 2 X J the second not already represented in the first, etc. 30 = 2 X X 5 Tnus > 3 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 420 L. C. M. Second Method 2)21 28 30 3)21 14 15 7)7 14 5 125 2 x 3 x 7 x 1 X 2 x 5 = 420 L. C. M. Divide any two or more numbers by a prime factor contained in them, like 2 in 28 and 30. Write 21 which is not divided by the 2 for the next quotient together with the 14 and 15. 3 is a prime factor of 21 and 15 which gives a quotient of 7 and 5 with 14 written in the quotient undi- vided. 7 is a prime factor of 7 and 14 which gives a remainder of 1, 2 ; and 5 undivided is written down as before. The product 420 of all these divisors and the last quotients is the least common multiple of 21, 28, and 30. EXAMPLES Find the least common multiple : 1. 18, 27, 30. 2. 15, 60, 140, 210. 3. 24, 42, 54, 360. 4. 25,20,35,40. 5. 24,48,96,192. 6. What is the shortest length of rope that can be cut into pieces 32', 36', and 44' long? REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 17 Fractions A fraction is one or more equal parts of a unit. If an apple be divided into two equal parts, each part is one-half of the apple, and is expressed by placing the number 1 above the number 2 with a short line between : |-. A fraction always indicates division. In 1, 1 is the dividend and 2 the divisor ; 1 is called the numerator and 2 is called the denominator. A common fraction is one which is expressed by a numerator written above a line and a denominator below. The nu- merator and denominator are called the terms of the fraction. A proper fraction is a fraction whose value is less than 1 ; its numerator is less than its denominator, as f, , f, |^-. An improper fraction is a fraction whose value is 1 or more than 1; its numerator is equal to or greater than its denominator, as f, -}--. A number made up of an integer and a fraction is a mixed number. Read with the word and between the whole number and the fraction : 4 T 9 g-, 3-J-, etc. The value of a fraction is the quotient of the numerator divided by the denominator. EXERCISE Read the following : 1. f 3. 121 5. 51 7. 9^ 9. J 2. 4. 81 6. 6J 8. 12A Reduction of Fractions Reduction of fractions is the process of changing their form without changing their value. To reduce a fraction to higher terms. Multiplying the denominator and the numerator of the given fraction by the same number does not change the value of the fraction. 18 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. Reduce to thirty-seconds. The denominator must be multiplied by 4 to _ X _ _ Ans. obtain 32 ; so the numerator must be multiplied 8 4 32 by the same number in order that the value of the fraction may not be changed. EXAMPLES Change the following : 1. | to 27ths. 6. /-j to 75ths. 2. -i-l to 60ths. 7. - to 144ths. 3. I to 40ths. 8. fj to 168ths. 4. | to 56ths. 9. || to 522ds. 5. T 9 Q to 50ths. 10. ff to 9375ths. A fraction is said to be in its lowest terms when the numera- tor and the denominator are prime to each other. To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms. Dividing the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the same number does not change the value of the fraction. The process of dividing the numerator and denominator of a fraction by a number common to both may be continued until the terms are prime to each other. EXAMPLE. Reduce |-| to fourths. The denominator must be divided by 4 to give 12 3 j the new denominator 4 ; then the numerator must be 16 4 divided by the same number so as not to change the value of the fraction. If the terms of a fraction are large numbers, find their greatest common divisor and divide both terms by that. EXAMPLE. Reduce f f to fourths. (1) 2166)2888(1 (2) 2166 = 3 , 2166 2888 4 " G. C. D. 722)2166(3 2166 REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 19 EXAMPLES Reduce to lowest terms : 1- A 3- Ml 5- H 7 - W 9- ttt 2- 4- it 6. T W 8. HI 10. To reduce an integer to an improper fraction. EXAMPLE. Reduce 25 to fifths. 25 times | = if* Ans. , *" l t 5 25 times f , or if . To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction. EXAMPLE. Reduce 16^ to an improper fraction. _ I sevenths Si nce j n j t h ere are ^ in 16 there must 112 be 16 times , or i|a. __4 sevenths H^ + I = 1 **- 116 sevenths, = 1^. EXAMPLES Reduce to improper fractions : 1. 3 3. 17J 5. 13J- 7. 359 T % 2. 16& 4. 121 6 . 27^ 8. 482i| 9. 25^ 10. Reduce 250 to 16ths. 11. Change 156 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 12. 12. In $ 730 how many fourths of a dollar ? 13. Change 12f to 16ths. 14. Change 24| to 18ths. To reduce an improper fraction to an integer or mixed number divide the numerator by the denominator. EXAMPLE: Reduce - 3 T 8 g- 5 - to an integer or mixed number. 24 16)385 ^2 Smce T! e( l ual 1* S 6 12 ^ e least common de * * nominator must be the ^)^ ^ ^ least common multiple of 112 the denominators 3, 6, 12, 2 x 3 x 2 = 12 L.C.M. which is 12. I = J^. ; I = |f . _?_ _ _L. ^ ws< Divide the least common multiple 12 by the denom- inator of each fraction, and multiply both terms by the quotient. If the REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 21 denominators should be prime to each other, their product would be their least common denominator. EXAMPLES Reduce to fractions having a common denominator : I- i, f 5. f , f , f 2 |,| 6. |, f,|- 3. f , i 7. 1 f , f, f 4- f T4> * 8- i> A. *, i Reduce to fractions having least common denominator: 1- t, 1, -h * *, f > A, 4 2 - i i A 6. f , f , J, | 3 - AJ 2T> f 7. Which fraction is larger, Addition of Fractions Only fractions with a common denominator can be added. If the fractions have not the same denominator, reduce them to a common denominator, add their numerators, and place their sum over the common denominator. The result should be reduced to its lowest terms. If the result is an improper fraction, it should be reduced to an integer or mixed number. EXAMPLE. Add J, ^, and T 9 g. a ^ a The least 1. 2)4 6 16 common multi- 2 ) 2 3 8 pie of the de- 13 4 48 L. C. M. nominators is nominator of each fraction and multiplying both terms by the quotient give ff, |f, || . The fractions are now like fractions, and are added by adding their numerators and placing the sum over the common denomi- nator. Hence, the sum is -W/-, or 2 ? 7 ^. 22 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. Add 5f , 7 T ^, and 6 T 7 ^. First find the sum of the fractions, which is f> or iff- Add this to the sum of the integers, 18. 18 + If = = 19|f . ^4rcs. 19 M- EXAMPLES 1. Find the " over-all " dimension of a drawing if the separate parts measure T %", f ", |", and f", respectively. 2. Find the sum of |, }, -J-, |, and f 1. 3. Find the sum of 3f , 4f , and 2 T V 4. A seam T 3 g of an inch wide is made on both sides of a piece of cloth 27 inches wide. What is the width after the seams are made ? 5. I bought cotton cloth valued at $ 6 J, silk at $ 13J, hand- kerchiefs for $2J, and hose for $2J. What was the whole cost? 6. A ribbon was cut into two pieces, one 8f" and the other 5-fa" long. If Jg-" was allowed for waste in cutting, what was the length of the ribbon ? 7. Three pieces of cloth contain 38^, 12-J-, and 53|- yards re- spectively. What is their total length in yards ? 8. Add: 101 7f 11, if. 9. Add : 1361, 184 j, 416J, 125|. Subtraction of Fractions Only fractions with a common denominator can be sub- tracted. If the fractions have not the same denominator, reduce them to a common denominator and write the differ- ence of their numerators over the common denominator. The result should be reduced to its lowest terms. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 23 EXAMPLE. Subtract f from J. The least common denominator of f 5 _ I = | _ |- = J. Ans. and f is 6. f = f , and f = f . Their difference is . EXAMPLE. From 11| subtract 5f . MI _ jQ_g When the fractions are changed to their least common denominator, they are 4 B~ == 4 TT n| _ 45 _ s cann ot be subtracted from f, 6f = 6J- ^ ns - hence 1 is taken from 11 units, changed to sixths, and added to the f, which makes f . lOf 4| = 6| = 6^. EXAMPLES 1. From eleven yards of cloth, If yards were cut for a jacket and 3J yards for a coat. How many yards were left ? 2. From a firkin of butter containing 271 lb. there were sold 3| lb. and 11^ lb. How many pounds remained? 3. The sum of two fractions is f . One of the fractions is ^. Find the other. 4. Laura had $ 1\ and gave away $ 2^ and $ 3J. How much remained ? 5. The sum of 2 numbers is 371 an d one of the numbers is 28f . Find the other number. o 6. By selling goods for $ 431, I lost $ 271. What was the cost? 7. A man sells 9| yards from a piece of cloth containing 34 yds. How many yards remain ? 8. Mr. Brown sold goods for $ 56y 3 , gaining $ 12. What did they cost ? 9. A dealer had 208 tons of coal and sold 92| tons. How much remained ? 10. If I buy a ton of coal for $ 6J and sell for $ 71, how much do I gain ? 24 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 14. There were 48 J gallons in the tank. First 41 gallons were used, then 5^ gallons, and last 2f gallons. How many gallons were left in the tank ? 15. What is the difference between T 9 T and if ? 16. What is the difference between 32 J and 3J ? 17. A piece of dress goods contains 60 yd. If four cuts of 12 L, 9 1, 18f, and 101 yd. respectively are made, what remains ? Multiplication of Fractions To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together for the neiv numerator and multiply the denominators together for the new denominator. Cancel when possible. The word of between two fractions is equivalent to the sign of multiplication. To multiply a mixed number by an integer, multiply the whole number and the fraction separately by the integer then add the products. To multiply two mixed numbers, change each to an improper fraction and multiply. EXAMPLE. Multiply | by f . \ multiplied by f is the same as | of f . 3 and 5 are prime to each other so that answer is f . This method of solution is the same as multiplying the numerators together for a new numerator and the denominators for a new denominator. Cancellation shortens the process. EXAMPLE. Find the product of 124 J and 5. 124f ~ If the fraction and integer are mul- ~^T * v s _ is _ QS tiplied separately by 5, the result is 5 6 t ? times f = -V = 3f, and 5 times 124 = 620 620. 620 + 3f =623f . 623f Ans. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 25 EXAMPLES 1. William earns 831 cents a day. How much will he earn in five weeks ? 2. One bag of flour costs 75 cents. How much will three barrels cost ? A barrel holds 8 bags. 3. From a barrel of flour containing 196 lb., 241- lb. were taken. At another time \ of the remainder was taken. How many pounds were left ? 4. Multiply J of f by f of f . 5. Multiply 26f by 91. 6. Find the cost of 19| yd. of cloth at 161 cents a yard. 7. At $ 121 each, how many tables can be bought for $280? 8. I paid $ 6 1 for a barrel of flour and sold it for $ T 9 7 more. How much did I sell it for ? 9. What is the cost of 18 yards of cloth at 15J cents a yard ? 10. If coal cost $7-J- a ton, how much will 8J tons cost ? 11. Multiply : 32| by 8 j. Division of Fractions To divide one fraction by another, invert the divisor and proceed as in multiplication of fractions. Change integers and mixed numbers to improper fractions. EXAMPLE. Divide f x f by f x f . A 3 /? H 3 The divisor f x f is inverted and the ^X-X^X^ = -. Ans. result obtained by the process of cancel- 5 ?> 5 lation. 26 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. Divide 3156f by 5. Ans. * When the integer of a mixed 30 number is large, it may be 15 divided as follows : 5 in 3156f , 15 1 J = |- 631 times, with a remainder of (^ If. This remainder divided by K 6 gives 2 7 , which is placed at K the right of the quotient. If EXAMPLE. Divide 3682 by 5J. When the dividend is a large number and 5 1) 3682 the divisor a mixed number, it is useful to re- 2 2 member that multiplying both dividend and di- TT \-oflyi ' visor by the same number does not change the quotient. In this example we can multiply boy Yj Ans. footh dividend and divisor by 2 and then divide as with whole numbers. The quotient is 669 T 5 T . A fraction having a fraction for one or both of its terms is called a complex fraction. To reduce a complex fraction to a simple fraction. EXAMPLE. Reduce _I to a simple fraction. 6 Change 4f and 7f to improper fractions, J / and 4 /, respectively. Per- form the division indicated with the aid of cancellation and the result will be |f. EXAMPLES 1. Divide^ by f 7. 296-=-10i = ? 2. Divide T V by f. 8. 28,769 ^7|=? 3. Divide |f by i. 7 i _ ? 4. Divide $ by \. ' ft 5. Dividef by f. iofi 6. 384| -- 5 = ? 1 X REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 27 REVIEW PROBLEMS IN FRACTIONS 1. Two and one half yards of cloth cost $ 2.75. What is the price per yard ? 2. An 8i-qt. can of milk is bought from a farmer for. 60 cents. What is the cost per quart ? 3. I paid 56 cents for f of a yard of lace. What was the price per yard ? 4. A farmer's daughter sold a weekly supply of eggs for $ 5.70. If she received 28^ cents a dozen, how many dozen did she sell ? 5. If a narrow piece of goods, 6J yd. long, is cut into pieces 6} inches long, how many pieces can be cut? How much remains ? Allow -J- in. for waste. 6. What is the cost of 18^ pounds of crackers at 17^ cents a pound ? 7. A gallon (U. S. Standard capacity) contains 231 cubic inches. a. Give number of cubic inches in J gallon. b. Give number of cubic inches in 1 quart. c. Give number of cubic inches in 1 pint. d. Give number of cubic inches in 1 pint. 8. A woman earns $ 2% a day. If she spends $ If, how much does she save ? How many weeks (six full working days) will it take to save $ 90 ? 9. I paid 56 cents for f of a yard of lace. What was the price per yard ? 10. A furniture dealer sold a table for $ 141, a couch for $ 45f , a desk for $ llf , and some chairs for $ 27 T %. Find the amount of his sales. 11. A woman had $ 200. She lost of it, gave away J the remainder, and spent $ 20J. How much had she left ? 12. I gave $ 16J for 33 yards of cloth. How much did one yard cost ? 28 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 29 22. i -A _ 9 33. f - i = 9 44. i "A __ 9 23. i -A __ 9 34. t A = 9 45. | -A = ? 24. i -A _ 9 35. t 1 . 3T - 9 46. H- - A = ? 25. i -A __ 9 36. t - A = ? 47. T2 - A _ 9 26. & -A _ 9 37. tt- A = 9 48. A -A _ 9 27. TS -A _ 9 38. i - sV = 9 49. I -i _ 9 28. A . JL 1 6 _ 9 39. ti- A = 9 50. I -i _ 9 29. A -A _ 9 40. H- A = 9 51. i "~ 8" _ 9 30. A - A r> 41. A- T2 = 9 52. i -TV = ? 31. i i ~ "2 = ? 42. it- A = '? 53. 1 -1T2 = ? 32. f -i _ 9 43. i - if = = ? 54. i -A _ 9 Multiplication 1. ix 1 = 9 19. i x 2- = 9 37. A x i _ 9 2. ix 1 9 20. t x i = 9 38. A xi = 9 3. ix 1 8 ' 9 21. i x i = 9 39. A xi = 9 4. ix T6 = 9 22. 1 vx 1 _ 1 6 9 40. A xA = 9 5. ix A = 9 23. i x sV = 9 41. A x A _ 9 6. ix A = 9 24, i x A = 9 42. A x A _ 9 7. ix i = 9 25. A x i = 9 43. A xi = 9 8. ix i = 9 26. AX i = 9 44. A xi _ 9 9. ix i = 9 27. AX i 9 45. 6V xi = 9 10. ix A = 9 28. AX A = 9 46. 6\ xA _ 9 11. ix A = 9 29. AX A = 9 47. A' x A = 9 12. ix A = 9 30. AX i 6 4 9 48. A xA _ 9 13. fx i = 9 31. 3 v 4 X i = 9 49. I xi = 9 14. X 4 = 9 32. 3 V 4 A i = 9 50. J xi _ 9 15. f x 1 8 9 33. 3 x i = 9 51. i xi _ 9 16. fx A = 9 34. f x A = 9 52. 1 xA _ 9 17. f x A = 9 35. 3 V 4 A A = 9 53. 1 x A = ? 18. f x A = 9 36. f x \ Q 54. f x A _ 9 30 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Division 1. i-*-i _ 9 19. i "^ \ 9 37. 3T -5-J =? 2. i . i "2" ~ _ 9 20. i +4 = 9 38. 3V . i o 3. i + i _ 9 21. i + 4 9 39. A -7- 1 = ? 4. I^-T6 _ 9 22. i 8" ^-y 1 ^ . 9 40. A * T6 = ? 5. i-s-A = 9 23. i "^A . = 9 41. aV ^A=? 6. i^-6 9 24. i -r- ^ . = 9 42. sV -t. 1 = ? 7. 1 . 1 ~ 2 _ 9 25. T6 . 1 ~ 2" _ 9 43. A H-J -? 8. 1 . 1 ' = 9 26. T6 +4 _ 9 44. A -^-i =? 9. i-*-i _ 9 27. A -i _ 9 45. A _:_ 1 _ 9 10. 4 + A _ 9 28. T6 -5- T \ r 9 46. -h -- T 6 = ? 11. i-i-A 9 29. TV -i- g\ , = ? 47. A -fa = ? 12. i-^s-V = 9 30. iV -*-A . = 9 48. 6T * A = ? 13. 4 + i _ 9 31. 8 . 1 ~ 2" _ 9 49. 1 -v-1 =? 14. 4 -"4 = ? 32. I _._ 1 = 9 50. 1 ^- = ? 15. 4 + 4 = 9 33. 3 4 + t _ 9 51. 1 + i = ? 16. i-iV _ 9 34. 8 ^-Tl r =? 52. i - J -iV = ? 17. 5 _:_ _1_ _ 9 35. f ^-^ . _ 9 53. J ^A=? 18. "8 ~*~~6 = 9 36. i -7-g- 1 ^ . = 9 54. 1 *- 6 = ? Decimal Fractions A power is the product of equal factors, as 10 x 10 = 100. 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000. 100 is the second power of 10. 1000 is the third power of 10. A decimal fraction or decimal is a fraction whose denominator- is 10 or a power of 10. A common fraction may have any number for its denominator, but a decimal fraction must always have for its denominator 10, or a power of 10. A decimal is written at the right of a period (.), called the decimal point. A figure at the right of a decimal point is called a decimal figure. ^ = .5 ; T Vo = -25 ; T ^ = .07 ; T ^ = .016. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 31 A mixed decimal is an integer and a decimal ; as, 16.04. To read a decimal, read the decimal as an integer, and give it the denomination of the right-hand figure. To write, a deci- mal, write the numerator, prefixing ciphers when necessary to express the denominator, and place the point at the left. There must be as many decimal places in the decimal as there are ciphers in the denominator. EXAMPLES Read the following numbers : 1. .7 7. .4375 13. .0000054 19. 9.999999 2. .07 8. .03125 14. 35.18006 20. .10016 3. .007 9. .21875 15. .0005 21. .000155 4. .700 10. .90625 16. 100.000104 22. .26 5. .125 11. .203125 17. 9.1632002 23. .1 6. .0625 12. .234375! 18. 30.3303303 24. .80062 Express decimally : 1. Four tenths. 2. Three hundred twenty-five thousandths. 3. Seventeen thousand two hundred eleven hundred-thou- sandths. 4. Seventeen hundredths. 6. Five hundredths. 5. Fifteen thousandths. 7. Six ten-thousandths. 8. Eighteen and two hundred sixteen hundred-thousandths. 9. One hundred twelve hundred-thousandths. 10. 10 millionths. 11. 824 ten-thousandths. 12. Twenty-nine hundredths. 13. 324 and one hundred twenty-six millionths. 14. 7846 hundred-millionths. 32 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 1C 563 1 2123 3 2 86 5 4 16 - -nnnnnnnrj TO"O> nnnnr> TTF> r^nnnnnr- 17. One and one tenth. 18. One and one hundred-thousandth. 19. One thousand four and twenty-nine hundred ths. Reduction of Decimals Ciphers annexed to a decimal do not change the value .of the decimal; these ciphers are called decimal ciphers. For each cipher prefixed to a decimal, the value is diminished ten- fold. The denominator of a decimal when expressed is always 1 with as many ciphers as there are decimal places in the decimal. To reduce a decimal to a common fraction. Write the numerator of the decimal omitting the point for the numerator of the fraction. For the denominator write 1 with as many ciphers annexed as there are decimal places in the decimal. Tfien reduce to lowest terms. EXAMPLE. Reduce .25 and .125 to common fractions. 1 Write 25 for the numerator and ~ 25 2$ 1 A 1 for the denominator with two O's, ~ 100 ~~ ^00 ~~ 4 " which makes ^ ; T ^ reduced to 4 lowest terms is \. 1 H OK _ 125 _ fflfi _ 1 * .125 is reduced to a common frac- = 1000 ~~ ) ~~ 8 ' tion in the same way. EXAMPLE. Reduce .371 to a common fraction. 37 has for its denominator 1 = x - = Ans 100 100 2 ^[00 8 " This is a complex fraction 4 which reduced to lowest terms REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC EXAMPLES Reduce to common fractions : 1. .09375 6. 2.25 11. .16| 16. .87J 2. .15625 7. 16.144 12. .331 17. .66 1 3. .015625 8. 25.0000100 13. .061 18. .36J 4. .609375 9. 1084.0025 14. .140625 19. .83^ 5. .578125 10. .121 15. .984375 20. .621 To reduce a common fraction to a decimal. Annex decimal ciphers to the numerator and divide by the de- nominator. Point off from the right of the quotient as many places as there are ciphers annexed. If there are not figures enough in the quotient, prefix ciphers. The division will not always be exact, i.e. -f = .142f or .142+. EXAMPLE. Reduce J to a decimal. .75 4)3.00 28 20 I = .75 EXAMPLES Reduce to decimals : 1. JQ 6. -I 11. L > fi 21. ^ 2 irhr 7 ti 12 2To 17 - 16 i 22 - 25.12^ 3. ^ 8. If 13. ^ 18. 66| 23. 331 4. 1 9. A 14 - 12 i 19 - if 24 - A 5. | 10. T ^ 15. T 6 T 20. | 25. Addition of Decimals To add decimals, write them so that their decimal points are in a column. Add as in integers, and place the point in the sum directly under the points above it. 34 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. Find the sum of 3,87,2.0983, 5.00831, .029, .831. 3.87 2 Q983 Place these numbers, one under the other, with ' , decimal points in a column, and add as in addition of integers. The sum of these numbers should have the decimal point in the same column as the .831 numbers that were added. 11.83661 Ans. EXAMPLES Find the sum : 1. 5.83, 7.016, 15.0081, and 18.3184. 2. 12.031, 0.0894, 12.0084, and 13.984. 3. .0765, .002478, .004967, .0007862, .17896. 4. 24.36, 1.358, .004, and 1632.1. 5. .175, 1.75, 17.5, 175., 1750. 6. 1., .1, .01, .001, 100, 10., 10.1, 100.001. 7. Add 5 tenths; 8063 millionths; 25 hundred-thousandths ; 48 thousandths; 17 millionths; 95 ten-millionths ; 5, and 5 hundred-thousandths ; 17 ten-thousandths. 8. Add 24f , 171 .0058, 71, 9 T y 9. 32.58, 28963.1, 287.531, 76398.9341. 10. 145., 14.5, 1.45, .145, .0145. Subtraction of Decimals To subtract decimals, write, the smaller number under the larger tvith the decimal point of the subtrahend directly under the decimal point of the minuend. Subtract as in integers, and place the point directly under the points above. EXAMPLE. Subtract 2.17857 from 4.3257. Write the lesser number under the greater, 4.32570 Minuend with the decimal points under each other. 2.17857 Subtrahend Add a to the minuend, 4.3257, to give it the 2.14713 Remainder same, denominator as the subtrahend. Then subtract as in subtraction of integers. Write the remainder with decimal point under the other two points. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 35 EXAMPLES Subtract : 1. 59.0364-30.8691 = ? 3. .0625 - .03125 = ? 2. 48.7209-12.0039 = ? 4. .00011 - .000011 = ? 5. 10 -.1 + . 0001 = ? 6. From one thousand take five thousandths. 7. Take 17 hundred-thousandths from 1.2. 8. From 17.371 take 14.161. 9. Prove that 1 and .500 are equal. 10. Find the difference between y 3 ^ 4 ^ and ^-fl^ff. Multiplication of Decimals To multiply decimals proceed as in integers, and give to the product as many decimal figures as there are in both multiplier and multiplicand. When there are not figures enough in the product, prefix ciphers. EXAMPLE. Find the product of 6.8 and .63. 6.8 Multiplicand 63 Multiplier 6< ^ * s tne multiplicand and .63 the multiplier. ~nr\4 Their product is 4.284 with three decimal figures, the number of decimal figures in the multiplier and multiplicand. 4.284 Product EXAMPLE. Find the product of .05 and .3. .05 Multiplicand The product of .05 and .3 is .015 with a cipher .3 Multiplier prefixed to make the three decimal figures re- .015 Product quired in the product. EXAMPLES Find the products : 1. 46.25 x. 125 3. .015 x. 05 2. 8.0625 X .1875 4. 25.863 x 44- 36 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 5. 11.11x100 8. .325xl2| 6. .5625 x 6.28125 9. .001542 x .0052 7. .326 x 2.78 10. 1.001 x 1.01 To multiply by 10, 100, 1000, etc., remove the point one place to the right for each cipher in the multiplier. This can be performed without writing the multiplier. EXAMPLE. Multiply 1.625 by 100. 1.625 x 100 = 162.5 To multiply by 200, remove the point to the right and multiply by 2. EXAMPLE. Multiply 86.44 by 200. 86.44. 2 17,288 EXAMPLES Find the product of : 1. 1 thousand by one thousandth. 2. 1 million by one millionth. 3. 700 thousands by 7 hundred-thousandths. 4. 3.894 x 3000 5. 1.892 x 2000. Division of Decimals To divide decimals proceed as in integers, and give to the quo- tient as many decimal figures as the number in the dividend ex- ceeds those in the divisor. EXAMPLE. Divide 12.685 by .5. The number of decimal figures in Divisor .5)12.685 Dividend the quotient, 12.685, exceeds the num- 25.37 Quotient her of decimal figures in the divisor, .5, by two. So there must be two deci- mal figures in the quotient. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 37 EXAMPLE. Divide 399.552 by 192. When the divisor is an integer, 2.081 Quotient t j ie po i nt j n t h e quotient should be placed directly over the point in the dividend, and the division per- formed as in integers. This may be proved by multiplying divisor Divisor 192)399.552 Dividend 384 1555 1536 192 192 by quotient, which would give the dividend. Divisor 1.25.)28.78.884 Dividend 250 EXAMPLE. Divide 28.78884 by 1.25. When the divisor contains 23.031+ Quotient decimal figures, move the point in both divisor and dividend as many places to the right as there are decimal places in the divisor, which is equivalent to multiplying both divisor and dividend by the same number and does not change the quo- tient. Then place the point in the quotient as if the divisor were an integer. In this ex- ample, the multiplier of both 378 375 388 375 134 125 9 Remainder dividend and divisor is 100. EXAMPLES Find the quotients : 1. .0625 .125 5. 1000 - .001 2. 315.432 - .132 6. 2.496 -.136 3. .75 -.0125 7. 28000-16.8 4. 125-^121 8. 1.225-4.9 9. 3.1416-27 10. 8.33-5 To divide by 10, 100, 1000, etc., remove the point one place to the left for each cipher in the divisor. To divide by 200, remove the point two places to the left, and divide by 2. 38 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES Find the quotients : 1. 38.64 10 6. 865.45-=- 5000 2. 398.42-1000 7. 38.28-400 3. 1684.32-1000 8. 2.5-500 4. 1.155-100 9. .5-10 5. 386.54-2000 10. .001-1000 REVIEW EXAMPLES 1. Add 28.03, .1674, .08309, 7.00091, .1895. 2. Subtract 1.00894 from 13.0194. 3. Multiply 83.74 x 3.1416. 4. Divide 3.1416 by 8.5. 5. Perform the following calculations : .7854 x 35 x 7.5. 6. Perform the following calculations : 65.3 x 3.1416 x .7854 600 x 3.5 x 8.3 7. Change the following fractions to decimals : 00 2V (&) A, 00 eV , W yiu> 00 TV, (/) A, (?) A- 8. Change the following decimals to common fractions : (a) .331 ( 6) .25, (c) .125, (d) .375, (e) .437J, (/) .875. Parts of 100 or 1000 1. What part of 100 is 12 ? 25 ? 33| ? 2. What part of 1000 is 125? 250? 333|? 3. How much is i of 100? Of 1000? 4. How much is l of 100 ? Of 1000 ? 5. What is J of 100 ? Of 1000? EXAMPLE. How much is 25 times 24 ? 100 times 24 = 2400. 25 times 24 = 1 as much as 100 times 24 = 600. Ans. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 39 Short Method of Multiplication To multiply by 25, multiply by 100 and divide by 4 ; 331, multiply by 100 and divide by 3 ; 16}, multiply by 100 and divide by 6 ; 121, multiply by 100 and divide by 8 ; 9, multiply by 10 and subtract the multiplicand ; 11, if more than two figures, multiply by 10 and add the multiplicand to the product ; 11, if two figures, place the figure that is their sum between them. 63 x 11 = 693 74 x 11 = 814 Note that when the sum of the two figures exceeds nine, the one in the tens place is carried to the figure at the left. EXAMPLES Multiply by the short process : 1. 81 by 11 = ? 10. 68 by 16f = ? 2. 75 by 331 = ? 11. 112 by 11 = ? 3. 128 by 12J = ? 12. 37 by 11 = ? 4. 87 by 11 = ? 13. 4183 by 11 = ? 5. 19 by 9 = ? 14. 364 by 33i = ? 6. 846 by 11 = ? 15. 8712 by 121 = ? 7. 88 by 11 = ? 16. 984 by 16} = ? 8. 19 by 11 = ? 17. 36 by 25 = ? 9. 846 by 16} = ? 18. 30 by 3331 = ? Aliquot Parts of $1.00 The aliquot parts of a number are the numbers that are exactly contained in it. The aliquot parts of 100 are 5, 20, 121, 16}, 331, etc. The monetary unit of the United States is the dollar, con- taining one hundred cents, which are written decimally. 40 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 6 J cents = $ -^ 25 cents == $ 1 = quarter dollar 81 cents = $ T ^ 33 J cents = $ 1 12| cents = $ -J- 50 cents = $ 1 = half dollar 16 J cents = $ 1 10 mills = 1 cent, ct. = $ .01 or $ 0.01 5 cents = 1 " nickel " = $ .05 10 cents = 1 dime, d. = $ .10 10 dimes = 1 dollar, $ = $ 1.00 10 dollars = 1 eagle, E. = $ 10.00 EXAMPLE. What will 69 pairs of stockings cost at 16 J cents a pair ? 69 pairs will cost 69 x 16f cts., or 69 x $ \ = -\ 9 - = $ llf = $ 11.50. EXAMPLE. At 25^ a peck, how many pecks of potatoes can be bought for $ 8.00 ? 8-5-^ = 8x^ = 32 pecks. Ans. Review of Decimals 1. For work on a job one woman receives $ 13.75, a second woman $ 12.45, a third woman $ 14.21, and a fourth woman $ 21.85. What is the total amount paid for the work ? 2. A pipe has an inside diameter of 3.067 inches and an outside diameter of 3.428 inches. What is the thickness of the metal of the pipe ? 3. At 4| cts. a pound, what will be the cost of 108 boxes of salt each weighing 29 Ib. ? 4. A dressmaker receives $ 121.50 for doing a piece of work. She gives $ 12.25 to one of her helpers and $ 10.50 to another. She also pays $ 75.75 for material. How much does she make on the job ? 5. An automobile runs at the rate of 91 miles an hour. How long will it take it to go from Lowell to Boston, a dis- tance of 26.51 miles ? REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 41 6. A man uses a gallon of gasoline in traveling 16 miles. If a gallon costs 23 cents, what is the cost of fuel per mile ? 7. Which is cheaper, and how much, to have a 13J cents an hour woman take 13^ hours on a piece of work, or hire a 17| cents an hour woman who can do it in 9^ hours ? 8. On Monday 1725.25 Ib. of coal are used, on Tuesday 2134.43 Ib., on Wednesday 1651.21 Ib., on Thursday 1821.42 Ib., on Friday 1958.82 Ib., and on Saturday 658.32 Ib. How many pounds of coal are used during the week ? 9. If, in the example above, there were 10,433.91 Ib. of coal on hand at the beginning of the week, how much was left at the end of the week ? 10. The distance traveled in an automobile is measured by an instrument called a speedometer. A man travels in a week the following distances: 87.5 mi., 49.75 mi., 112.60 mi., 89.7 mi., 119.3 mi., and 93.75 mi. What is the total distance traveled ? 11. An English piece of currency corresponding to our five- dollar bill is called a pound sterling and is worth $4.866|. How much more is a five-dollar bill than a pound ? 12. An alloy is made of copper and zinc. If .66 is copper and .34 is zinc, how many pounds of zinc and how many pounds of copper will there be in a casting of the alloy weighing 98 Ib. ? 13. A train leaves New York at 2.10 P.M. and arrives in Philadelphia at 4.15 P.M. The distance is 90 miles. What is the average rate per hour of the train ? 14. The weight of a foot of T y steel bar is 1.08 Ib. Find the weight of a 21-foot bar. 15. A steam pump pumps 3.38 gallons of water to each stroke and the pump makes 51.1 strokes per minute. How many gallons of water will it pump in an hour ? 16. At 121 cents per hour, what will be the pay for 23^ days if the days are 10 hours each ? 42 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Compound Numbers A number composed of different kinds of concrete units that are related is a compound number : as, 3 bu. 2 pk. 1 qt. A denomination is a name given to a unit of measure or of weight. A number having one or more denominations is also called a denominate number. Reduction is the process of changing a number from one denomination to another without changing its value. Changing to a lower denomination is called reduction descend- ing : as, 2 bu. 3 pk. = 88 qt. Changing to a higher denomi- nation is called reduction ascending ; as, 88 qt. = 2 bu. 3 pk. Linear Measure is used in measuring lines or distance Table 12 inches (in.) = 1 foot, ft. 3 feet = 1 yard, yd. 5| yards, or 161 feet = 1 rod, rd. 320 rods, or 5280 feet = 1 mile, mi. 1 mi. = 320 rd. = 1760 yd. = 5280 ft. = 03,360 in. Square Measure is used in measuring surfaces. Table 144 square inches = 1 square foot, sq. ft. 9 square feet = 1 square yard, sq. yd. 30^ square yards j = l e rod pd 272 square feet J 160 square rods = 1 acre, A. 640 acres = 1 square mile, sq. mi. 1 sq. mi. = 640 A. = 102,400 sq. rd. = 3,097,600 sq. yd. Cubic Measure is used in measuring volumes or solids. Table 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot, cu. ft. 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard, cu. yd. 16 cubic feet = 1 cord foot, cd. ft. 8 cord feet, or 128 cu. ft. = 1 cord, cd. 1 cu. yd. = 27 cu. ft. = 46,656 cu. in. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 43 Liquid Measure is used in measuring liquids. Table 4 gills (gi.) = 1 pint, pt. 2 pints = 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts = 1 gallon, gal. 1 gal. = 4 qt. = 8 pt. = 32 gi. A gallon contains 231 cubic inches. The standard barrel is 31 gal., and the hogshead 63 gal. Dry Measure is used in measuring roots, grain, vegetables, etc. Table 2 pints = 1 quart, qt. 8 quarts = 1 peck, pk. 4 pecks = 1 bushel, bu. 1 bu. = 4 pk. = 32 qt. = 64 pints. The bushel contains 2150.42 cubic inches; 1 dry quart contains 67.2 cu. in. A cubic foot is ff of a bushel. Avoirdupois Weight is used in weighing all common articles ; as, coal, groceries, hay, etc. Table 16 ounces (oz.) = 1 pound, Ib. 100 pounds = 1 hundredweight, cwt. ; or cental, ctl. 20 cwt., or 2000 Ib. = 1 ton, T. 1 T. = 20 cwt. = 2000 Ib. = 32,000 oz. The long ton of 2240 pounds is used at the United States Custom House and in weighing coal at the mines. Measure of Time. Table 60 seconds (sec.) = 1 minute, min. 60 minutes = 1 hour, hr. 24 hours = 1 day, da. 7 days = 1 week, wk. 365 days = 1 year, yr. 366 days = 1 leap year. 100 years = 1 century. 44 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Counting. Table 12 things = 1 dozen, doz. 12 dozen = 1 gross, gr. 12 gross = 1 great gross, G. gr. Paper Measure. Table 24 sheets = 1 quire 2 reams = 1 bundle 20 quires = 1 ream 5 bundles = 1 bale Reduction Descending EXAMPLE. Reduce 17 yd. 2 ft. 9 in. to inches. 1 yd. = 3 ft. 17 yd. = 17 x 3 = 51 ft. 51 + 2 = 53 ft. 1 ft. = 12 in. 53 ft. = 53 x 12 = 636 in. 636 + 9 = 645 in. Am. EXAMPLES Reduce to lower denominations : 1. 46 rd. 4 yd. 2 ft. to feet. 2. 4 A. 15 sq. rd. 4 sq. ft. to square inches. 3. 16 cu. yd. 25 cu. ft. 900 cu. in. to cubic inches. 4. 15 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. to pints. 5. 27 da. 18 hr. 49 min. to seconds. Reduction Ascending EXAMPLE. Reduce 1306 gills to higher denominations. 4)1306 gi. Since in 1 pt. there are 4 gi., in 1306 gi. 2)326 pt. + 2 gi. there are as many pints as 4 gi. are contained 4)163 qt. times in 1306 gi., or 326 pt. and 2 gi. remainder. 40 gal. + 3 qt. In the same way the quarts and gallons are 40 gal. 3 qt. 2 gi. Ans. found. So there are in 1306 gi., 40 gal. 3 qt. 2gi. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 45 EXAMPLES Reduce to higher denominations : 1. Reduce 225,932 in. to miles, etc. 2. Change 1384 dry pints to higher denominations. 3. In 139,843 sq. in. how many square miles, rods, etc. ? 4. How many cords of wood in 3692 cu. ft. ? 5. How many bales in 24,000 sheets of paper ? A denominate fraction is a fraction of a unit of weight or measure. To reduce denominate fractions to integers of lower denominations. Change the fraction to the next lower denomination. Treat the fractional part of the product in the same way, and so pro- ceed to the required denomination. EXAMPLE. Reduce f of a mile to rods, yards, feet, etc. f of 320 rd. = -i- 6 ^- - rd. = 228f rd. f of V yd. = # yd. = 3^ yd. \ of 3 ft. = Of ft. f of 12 in. = - 3 / in. = 5} in. f of a mile = 228 rd. 3 yd. ft. 5| in. The same process applies to denominate decimals. To reduce denominate decimals to denominate numbers. EXAMPLE. Reduce .87 bu. to pecks, quarts, etc. .87 bu. .84 qt. 4 2 Change the decimal fraction to 3.48 pk. 1.68 pt. the next i ower denomination. Treat .48 pk. the decimal part of the product in the g same way, and so proceed to the re- o OA O J. quired denomination. 3 pk. 3 qt. 1.68 pt. Ans. 46 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES Reduce to integers of lower denominations : 1. f of an acre. 3. ^ of a ton. 2. .3125 of a gallon. 4. .51625 of a mile. 5. Change f of a year to months and days. 6. .2364 of a ton. 7. What is the value of | of 1^ of a mile ? 8. Reduce -|^ bu. to integers of lower denominations. 9. .375 of a month. 10. T 9 ? acre are equal to how many square rods, etc. ? Addition of Compound Numbers EXAMPLE. Find the sum of 7 hr. 30 min. 45 sec., 12 hr. 25 min. 30 sec., 20 hr. 15 inin. 33 sec., 10 hr. 27 mm. 46 sec. hr. min. sec. 7 30 45 The sum of the seconds = 154 sec. = 12 25 30 2 min. 34 sec. Write the 34 sec. under 20 15 33 the sec. column and add the 2 min. to 10 27 46 the min. column. Add the other columns 50 39 34 in the same way. 50 hr. 39 min. 34 sec. Ans. Subtraction of Compound Numbers EXAMPLE. From 39 gal. 2 qt. 2 pt. 1 gi. take 16 gal. 2 qt. 3 pt. 3 gi. . As 3 gi. cannot be taken from 1 gi., 4 gi. or 1 pt. are borrowed from the pt. column and added to the 1 gi. Subtract 3 gi. from the 5 gi. and the remainder is 2 gi. Continue in the same way until all are subtracted. 22 gal. 6 qt. 2 gi. Ans. 22 gal 3 qt Q pt 2 gi> REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 47 Multiplication of Compound Numbers EXAMPLE. Multiply 4 yd. 2 ft. 8 in. by 8. yd. ft. in. 8 times 8 in. = 64 in. = 5 ft. 4 in. Place the 428 4 in. under the in. column, and add the 5 ft. to 8_ the product of 2 ft. by 8, which equals 21 ft. = 7 yd. 39 4 Add 7 yd. to the product of 4 yd. by 8 = 39 yd. 39 yd. 4 in. Ans. Division of Compound Numbers EXAMPLE. Find ^ of 42 rd. 4 yd. 2 ft. 8 in. rd. yd. ft. in. 35)42 4 2 8(1 rd. 35 7 6J -fa of 42 rd. = 1 rd. ; re- 3 35)24|(0ft. mainder, 7 rd. = 38| yd.; 35 12 add 4 yd. = 42 yd. ^ of 38 294 42J yd. = 1 yd. ; remainder, + 4 +8 7 yd., = 22| ft. = 24 ft. 35JI2| yd. (1 yd. 35)3T)2(8f in. ^ of 24 ft. = ft. 24 ft. 35_ 280 =294 in. ; add 8 in. =302 in. ~7 ~22 -s\ of 302 in. = 8|| in. 3 22 ft. 1 rd. 1 yd. 8f| in. Ans. 12 Difference between Dates EXAMPLE. Find the time from Jan. 25, 1842, to July 4, 1896. 1896 74 It is customary to consider 30 days 1842 1 25 to a month. July 4, 1896, is the 1896th 54 yr. 6 mo. 9 da. Ans. yr., 7th mo., 4th da., and Jan. 25, 1842, is the 1842d yr., 1st. mo., 25th da. Subtract, taking 30 da. for a month. 48 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. What is the exact number of days between Dec. 16, 1895, and March 12, 1896 ? Dec. 15 Do not count the first day mentioned. There Jan. 31 are 15 days in December, after the 16th. Jan- Feb. 29 uary has 31 days, February 29 (leap year), Mar. 12 and 12 days in March ; making 87 days. 87 days. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. How much time elapsed from the landing of the Pil- grims, Dec. 11, 1620, to the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776? 2. Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732, and died Dec. 14, 1799. How long did he live? 3. Mr. Smith gave a note dated Feb. 25, 1896, and paid it July 12, 1896. Find the exact number of days between its date and the time of payment. 4. A carpenter earning $ 2.50 per day commenced Wednes- day morning, April 1, 1896, and continued working every week day until June 6. How much did he earn ? 5. Find the exact number of days between Jan. 10, 1896, and May 5, 1896. 6. John goes to bed at 9.15 P.M. and gets up at 7.10 A.M. How many minutes does he spend in bed ? To multiply or divide a compound number by a fraction. To multiply by a fraction, multiply by the numerator, and divide the product by the denominator. To divide by a fraction, multiply by the denominator, and divide the product by the numerator. When the multiplier or divisor is a mixed number, reduce to an improper fraction, and proceed as above. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 49 EXAMPLES 1. How much is f of 16 hr. 17 min. 14 sec. ? 2. A field contains 10 A. 12 sq. rd. of land, which is f of the whole farm. Find the size of the farm. 3. If a train runs 60 mi. 35 rd. 16 ft. in one hour, how far will it run in 12f hr. at the same rate of speed ? 4. Divide 14 bu. 3 pk. 6 qt. 1 pt. by }. 5. Divide 5 yr. 1 mo. 1 wk. 1 da. 1 hr. 1 min. 1 sec. by 3f . REVIEW EXAMPLES 1. A time card on a piece of work states that 2 hours and 15 minutes were spent on a skirt, 1 hour and 12 minutes on a waist, 2 hours and 45 minutes on a petticoat, and 1 hour and 30 minutes on a jacket. What was the number of hours spent on all the work ? 2. How many parts of a sewing machine, each weighing 14 oz., can be obtained from 860 Ib. of metal if nothing is allowed for waste ? 3. How many feet long must a dry goods store be to hold a counter 8' 6", a bench 14' 4", a desk 4' 2", and a counter 7' 5", placed side by side, if 3' 3" are allowed between the pieces of furniture and between the walls and the counters ? 4. How many gross in a lot of 968 buttons ? 5. Find the sum of 7 hr. 30 min. 45 sec., 12 hr. 25 min. 30 sec., 20 hr. 15 min. 33 sec., 10 hr. 27 min. 46 sec. 6. If a train is run for 8 hr. at the average rate of 50 mi. 30 rd. 10 ft. per hour, how great is the distance covered ? 7. A telephone pole is 31 ft. long. If 4 ft. 7 in. are under ground, how high (in inches) is the top of the pole above the street ? 8. If 100 bars of iron, each 2f long, weigh 70 Ib., what is the total weight of 2300 bars ? 50 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 9. If a cubic foot of water weighs 62^ lb., how many ounces does it weigh ? 10. A farmer's wife made 9 pounds 7 ounces of butter and sold it at 41 cents a pound. How much did she receive ? 11. A peck is what part of a bushel ? 12. A quart is what part of a bushel ? of a peck ? 13. I have 84 lb. 14 oz. of salt which I wish to put into packages of 2 lb. 6 oz. each. How many packages will there be ? 14. If one bottle holds 1 pt. 3 gi., how many dozen bottles will be required to hold 65 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. ? 15. How many pieces 51" long can be cut from a rod 16' 8" long, if 5" are allowed for waste ? 16. What is the entire length of a .railway consisting of five different lines measuring respectively 160 mi. 185 rd. 2 yd., 97 mi. 63 rd. 4 yd., 126 mi. 272 rd. 3 yd., 67 mi. 199 rd. 5 yd., and 48 ini. 266 rd. 5 yd. ? Percentage Percentage is a process of solving questions of relation by means of hundredths or per cent (%). Every question in percentage involves three elements : the rate per cent, the base, and the percentage. The rate per cent is the number of hundredths taken. The base is the number of which the hundredths are taken. The percentage is the result obtained by taking a certain per cent of a number. Since the percentage is the result obtained by taking a cer- tain per cent of a number, it follows that the percentage is the product of the base and the rate. The rate and base are always factors, the percentage is the product. EXAMPLE. How much is 8 % of $ 200 ? 8 % of $200 = 200 x .08 = $ 16. (1) REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 51 In (1) we have the three elements: 8% is the rate, $200 is the base, and $ 16 is the percentage. Since $ 200 x .08 = $ 16, the percentage ; $ 16 -=- .08 = $ 200, the base ; and $ 16 -^ $ 200 = .08, the rate. If any two of these elements are given, the other may be found : Base x Rate = Percentage Percentage -5- Rate = Base Percentage -5- Base = Rate Per cent is commonly used in the decimal form, but many operations may be much shortened by using the common frac- tion form. 1 % = .01 = T ^ i % = .001 or .005 10%= .10 = A 33|%=.33i = | 100 % = LOO = 1 81 % = -081 = .0825 121 % = .12J or .125 = 1 1 % = .00 J- = .00125 There are certain per cents that are used so frequently that we should memorize their equivalent fractions. 10= 20%= I 25% =} 37*%= I 40% =| 50% = J 60%= f 75 % = } 80%=* s4%=I EXAMPLES 1. Find 75 % of $ 368. 2. Find 15 % of $ 412. 3. 840 is 331 % of what number ? 4. 615 is 15 % of what number ? 5. What per cent of 12 is 8 ? 52 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 6. What per cent of a foot is 8 inches ? 11 inches ? 4 inches ? 7. A technical high school contains 896 pupils ; 476 of the pupils are girls. What per cent of the school is girls ? 8. Out of a gross of bottles of mucilage 9 were broken. What was the per cent broken ? Trade Discount Merchants and jobbers have a price list. From this list they give special discounts according to the credit of the cus- tomer and the amount of supplies purchased, etc. If they give more than one discount, it is understood that the first means the discount from the list price, while the second denotes the discount from the remainder. EXAMPLES 1. What is the price of 200 spools of cotton at $ 36.68 per M. at 40 % off ? 2. Supplies from a dry goods store amounted to $ 58.75. If 121 % W ere allowed for discount, what was the amount paid ? 3. A dealer received a bill amounting to $ 212.75. Suc- cessive discounts of 15%, 10%, and 5% were allowed. What was the amount to be paid ? 4. 2 % is usually discounted on bills paid within 30 days. If the following are to be paid within 30 days, what will be the amounts due ? a. $ 30.19 c. $399.16 e. $1369.99 b. 2816.49 d. 489.01 /. 918.69 5. Millinery supplies amounted to $ 127.79 with a discount of 40 % and 15 %. What was the net price ? 6. What single discount is equivalent to a discount of 45 % and 10 % ? 7. What single discount is equivalent to 20 %, and 10 % ? REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 53 Simple Interest Money that is paid for the use of money is called interest. The money for the use of which interest is paid is called the principal, and the sum of the principal and interest is called the amount. Interest at 6 % means 6 % of the principal for 1 year ; 12 months of 30 days each are usually regarded as a year in com- puting interest. There are several methods of computing interest. EXAMPLE. What is the interest on $ 100 for 3 years at 6 % ? $100 .06 $ 6.00 interest for one year. Or, ^fa x ^ x f = $18. Ans. 3 $ 18.00 interest for 3 years. Ans. $ 100 + $ 18 = $ 118, amount. Principal x Rate x Time = Interest. EXAMPLE. What is the interest on $ 297.62 for 5 yr. 3 mo. at 6 % ? $297.62 3 .06 nr w $ 297.62 ^ 21 _ $ 18750.06 _ ^ 09 7* yjL TTT^ * ~~ ~+ * ~V ^7 '1? vo> ' o> $17.8572 100 1 200 5j 2 4.4643 89.2860 NOTE. Final results should not include $93.7503 $93.75. Ans. mills. Mills are disregarded if less than 5, and called another cent if 5 or more. EXAMPLES 1. What is the interest on $ 586.24 for 3 months at 6 % ? 2. What is the interest on $ 816.01 for 9 months at 5 % ? 3. What is the interest 011 $ 314.72 for 1 year at 4 % ? 4. What is the interest on $ 876.79 for 2 yr. 3 mo. at 4 % ? 5. What is the interest on $ 2119.70 for 6 yr. -2 mo. 13 da. at 51 % ? 54 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The Six Per Cent Method By the 6 % method it is convenient to find first the interest of $ 1, then multiply it by the principal. EXAMPLE, r What is the interest on $ 50.24 at 6 % for 2 yr. 8 mo. 18 da. ? Interest on $ 1 for 2 yr. =2 x $ .06 = $ . 12 Interest on $ 1 for 8 mo. = 8 x $ .OOJ = .04 Interest on $ 1 for 18 da. = 18 x $ .000* - .003 Interest on $ 1 for 2 yr. 8 mo. 18 da. $ .163 Interest on $ 50.24 is 50.24 times $ .163 = $ 8.19. Ans. Second Method. Interest on any sum for 60 days at 6 % is j-J-g- of that sum and may be expressed by moving the decimal point two places to the left. The interest for 6 days may be expressed by moving the decimal three places to the left. EXAMPLE. What is the interest on $ 394.50 for 96 days at 6%? $3.9450, interest on $394.50 for 60 days at 6 %. 1.9725, interest on $394.50 for 30 days at 6 Jo. .3945, interest on $ 394.50 for 6 days at 6 Jo. $6.3120, interest on $394.50 for 96 days at 6 %. Ans. $ 6.31. EXAMPLE. What is the interest on $ 529.70 for 78 days at 8%? $5.297, interest on $529.70 for 60 days at 6 %. 1.589, interest on $ 529.70 for 18 days (6 days x 3) . $6.886, interest on $ 529.70 for 78 days at 6 %. 8 % =6 % + of 6%. $6.886 + $2.295 = $9.181. Ans. $9.18. EXAMPLES Find the interest and amount of the following : 1. $ 2350 for 1 yr. 3 mo. 6 da. at 6 %. 2. $ 125.75 for 2 yr. 5 mo. 17 da. at 7 %. 3. $ 950.63 for 3 yr. 7 mo. 21 da. at 5 %. 4. $ 625.57 for 2 yr. 8 mo. 28 da. at 8 %. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 55 Exact Interest When the time includes days, interest computed by the 6% method is not strictly exact, by reason of using only 30 days for a month, which makes the year only 360 days. The day is therefore reckoned as -^ of a year, whereas it is -^ of a year. To compute exact interest, find the exact time in days, and con- sider 1 day's interest as ^-^ of 1 year's interest. EXAMPLE. Find the exact interest of $ 358 for 74 days at 7%. $358 x .07 = $25.06, 1 year's interest. 74 days' interest is -/^ of 1 year's interest. ^ of $ 25.06 = $ 5.08. Ans. Qr $358 _7_ J74 _ , 1 X 100 365~ EXAMPLES Find the exact interest of : 1. $324 for 15 da. at 5 %. 2. $253 for 98 da. at 4%. 3. $624 for 117 da. at 7 %. 4. $ 620 from Aug. 15 to Nov. 12 at 6 %. 5. $ 153.26 for 256 da. at 5| % 6. $ 540.25 from June 12 to Sept. 14 at 8 %. Rules for Computing Interest The following will be found to be excellent rules for finding the inter- est on any principal for any number of days. Divide the principal by 100 and proceed as follows: 2 % Multiply by number of days to run, and divide by 180. 21 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 144. 3 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 120. 3* l Multiply by number of days, and divide by 102.86. 56 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 90. 5 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 72. 6 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 60. 7 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 51.43. 8 % Multiply by number of days, and divide by 45. Savings Bank Compound Interest Table Showing the amount of 1, from 1 year to 15 years, with compound interest added semiannually, at different rates. PER CENT 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iyear 1 01 102 102 1 03 03 1 04 104 1 year 1 03 104 1 05 1 06 07 1 08 109 1^ years 104 1 06 107 109 10 112 1 14 2 years 106 108 1 10 1 12 14 116 1 19 2| years 1 07 1 10 1 13 1 15 18 1 21 1 24 3 years 1 09 1 12 1 15 1 19 22 1 26 130 3| years 1 10 1 14 1 18 1 22 27 1 31 136 4 years 1 12 1 17 1 21 1 26 131 1 36 1 42 4^ years 1 14 1 19 124 1 30 1 36 1 42 1 48 5 years 1 16 1 21 128 1 34 41 148 1 55 5J years 1 17 1 24 131 138 45 153 1 62 6 years 1 19 1 26 1 34 142 51 1 60 169 Q\ years 1 21 1 29 1 37 146 56 1 66 1 77 7 years 123 1 31 1 41 1 51 61 1 73 185 7| years 1 24 1 34 144 1 55 67 1 80 1 93 8 years 1 26 1 37 148 1 60 73 1 87 202 8| years 128 139 1 52 1 65 79 1 94 2 11 9 years 1 30 142 1 55 170 85 202 220 9| years 132 1 45 1 59 175 92 2 10 230 10 years 1 34 1 48 163 1 80 98 2 19 241 11 years 1 38 1 54 1 72 1 91 2 13 236 263 12 years 1 42 1 60 1 80 203 228 256 287 13 years 1 47 167 190 2 15 2 44 277 314 14 years 1 51 1 73 199 228 2 62 299 342 15 years 1 56 1 80 209 242 280 324 374 REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 57 EXAMPLES Solve the following problems by using the tables on page 56 : 1. What is the compound interest of $1 at the end of 81 years at 6 % ? 2. What is the compound interest of $ 1 at the end of 11 years at 6 / ? 3. How long will it take $ 400 to double itself at 5 % , compound interest? 4. How long will it take $ 580 to double itself at 5 % , compound interest ? 5. How long will it take $615 to double itself at 8 %, simple interest? 6. How long will it take $784 to double itself at 7%, simple interest ? 7. Find the interest of $ 684 for 94 days at 3 %. 8. Find the interest of $ 1217 for 37 days at 4 %. 9. Find the interest of $681.14 for 74 days at 4|- %. 10. Find the interest of $414.50 for 65 days at 5 %. 11. Find the interest of $384.79 for 115 days at 6 %. Ratio and Proportion Ratio is the relation between two numbers. It is found by dividing one by the other. The ratio of 4 to 8 is 4 ^- 8 = i. The terms of the ratio are the two numbers compared. The first term of a ratio is the antecedent, and the second the con- sequent. The sign of the ratio is (:). (It is the division sign with the line omitted.) Ratio may also be expressed fraction- ally, as i or 16 : 4 ; or T 3 T or 3 : 17. A ratio formed by dividing the consequent by the antece- dent is an inverse ratio : 12 : 6 is the inverse ratio of 6 : 12. The two terms of the ratio taken together form a couplet. 58 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Two or more couplets taken together form a compound ratio. Thus, 2:5 6:11 A compound ratio may be changed to a simple ratio by taking the product of the antecedents for a new antecedent, and the product of the consequents for a new consequent ; as, 6x2:11x5, or 12:55. Antecedent -+- Consequent = Eatio Antecedent -+- Ratio = Consequent Ratio x Consequent = Antecedent To multiply or divide both terms of a ratio by the same number does not change the ratio. Thus 12 : 6 = 2 3x12:3x6 = 2 EXAMPLES Find the ratio of 1. 20 : 300 Fractions with a common de- 2. 3 bu. : 3 pk. nominator have the same 3 21-16 ratio as their numerators. 12: i A:*f :***'** 5- i'* & f:|,f:|,|:| 6. 16: (?)=! Proportion An equality of ratios is a proportion. A proportion is usually expressed thus : 4 : 2 : : 12 : 6, and is read 4 is to 2 as 12 is to 6. A proportion has four terms, of which the first and third are antecedents and the second and fourth are consequents. The first and fourth terms are called extremes, and the second and third terms are called means. The product of the extremes equals the product of the means. REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 59 To find an extreme, divide the product of the means by the given extreme. To find a mean, divide the product of the extremes by the given mean. EXAMPLES Supply the missing term : 1. 1 : 836 : : 25 : ( ) 4. 10 yd. : 50 yd. : : $ 20 : ($ ) 2. 6:24::( ) : 40 5. $f :$3f ::( ):5 3. ( ) : 15 : : 60 : 6 Simple Proportion An equality of two simple ratios is a simple proportion. EXAMPLE. If 12 bushels of charcoal cost $ 4, what will 60 bushels cost ? There is the same relation between the cost of 12 bu. and the cost of 60 bu. as there is be- tween the 12 bu. and the 60 bu. $4 is the third term. The answer is the fourth term. It must form a ratio of 12 and 60 that shall equal the ratio of $ 4 to the answer. Since the third term is less than the required answer, the first must be less than the second, and 12 : 60 is the first ratio. The product of the means divided by the given extreme gives the other extreme, or $ 20. EXAMPLES Solve by proportion : 1. If 150 yd. of edging cost $ 6, how much will 1200 yd. cost ? 2. If 250 pounds of lead pipe cost $ 15, how much will 1200 pounds cost ? 3. If 5 men can dig a ditch in 3 days, how long will it take 2 men? 4. If 4 men can shingle a shed in 2 days, how long will it take 3 men ? 5. The ratio of Simon's pay to Matthew's is -f. Simon earns $ 18 per week. What does Matthew earn ? 60 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 6. What will 11 1 yards of cambric cost if 50 yards cost $6.75? 7. If it takes 7-J- yards of cloth, 1 yard wide, to make a suit, how many yards of cloth, 44 inches wide, will it take to make the same suit ? 8. If 21 yards of silk cost $ 52.50, what will 35 yards cost ? 9. A farm valued at $5700 is taxed for $38.19. What should be the tax on property valued at $ 28,500 ? 10. If there are 7680 minims in a pint of water, how many pints are there in 16,843 minims ? 11. There are approximately 15 grains in a gram. How many grams in 641 grains ? 12. In a velocity diagram a line '3J in. long represents 45 ft. What would be the length of a line representing 30 ft. velocity ? 13. When a post 11.5 ft. high casts a shadow on level ground 20.6 ft. long, a telephone pole nearby casts a shadow 59.2 ft. long. How high is the pole ? 14. If 10 grams of silver nitrate dissolved in 100 cubic cen- timeters of water will form a 10 % solution, how much silver nitrate should be used in 1560 cubic centimeters of water ? 15. A ditch is dug in 14 days of 8 hours each. How many days of 10 hours each would it have taken ? 16. If in a drawing a tree 38 ft. high is represented by 1^", what on the same scale will represent the height of a house 47ft. high? 17. What will be the cost of 21 motors if 15 motors cost $887? 18. If goods are bought at a discount of 25 % and are sold at the list price, what per cent is gained ? (Assume $ 1 as the list price.) REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 61 18. If a sewing machine sews 26 inches per minute on heavy goods, how many yards will it sew in an hour ? 19. If a girl spends 28 cents a week for confectionery, how much does she spend for it in three months ? 20. If a pole 8 ft. high casts a shadow 4J ft. long, how high is a tree which casts a shadow 48 ft. long ? Involution The product of equal factors is a power. The process of finding powers is involution. The product of two equal factors is the second power, or square, of the equal factor. The product of three equal factors is the third power, or cube, of the factor. 4 2 = 4 x 4 is 4 to the second power, or the square of 4. 2 3 = 2 x 2 x 2 is 2 to the third power, or the cube of 2. 3 4 =3x3x3x3 is 3 to the fourth power, or the fourth power of 4. EXAMPLES Find the powers : 1. 5 3 3. I 4 5. (2i) 2 7. 9 3 2. 1.1 s 4. 25 2 6. 2 4 8. .15 2 Evolution One of the equal factors of a power is a root. One of two equal factors of a number is the square root. One of three equal factors of a number is the cube root of it. The square root of 16 = 4. The cube root of 27 = 3. The radical sign (^/) placed before a number indicates that its root is to be found. The radical sign alone before a number indicates the square root. Thus, \/9 = 3 is read, the square root of 9 = 3. 62 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS A small figure placed in the opening of the radical sign is called the index of the root, and shows what root is to be taken. Thus, \/8 = 2 is read, the cube root of 8 is 2. Square Root The square of a number composed of tens and units is equal to the square of the tens, plus twice the product of the tens by the units, plus the square of the units. tens' 2 + 2 x tens X units + units 2 EXAMPLE. What is the square root of 1225? 12'25(30 + 5 = 35 Separating Tens 2 , 30 2 = 900 into periods of 2xtens = 2x3Q = 60[~325 two figures 2 x tens + units = 2 x 30 + 5 = 65 1 325 each , by a checkmark ('), beginning at units, we have 12'25. Since there are two periods in the power, there must be two figures in the root, tens and units. The greatest square of even tens contained in 1225 is 900, and its square root is 30 (3 tens). Subtracting the square of the tens, 900, the remainder consists of 2 x (tens x units) + units. 325, therefore, is composed of two factors, units being one of them, and 2 x tens units being the other. But the greater part of this factor is 2 x tens (2 x 30 = 60). By trial we divide 325 by 60 to find the other factor (units), which is 5, if correct. Completing the factor, we have 2 x tens + units = 65, which, multiplied by the other factor, 5, gives 325. Therefore the square root is 30 + 5 = 35. The area of every square surface is the product of two equal factors, length, and width. Finding the square root of a number, therefore, is equivalent to finding the length of one side of a square surface, its area being given. 1. Length x Width = Area 2. Area -r- Length = Width 3. Area -r- Width = Length REVIEW OF ARITHMETIC 63 SHORT METHOD EXAMPLE. Find the square root of 1306.0996. 13'06. 09'96 (36. 14 Beginning at the decimal point, separate the 9 number into periods of two figures each, point- 66) 406 ing whole numbers to the left and decimals to 396 the right. Find the greatest square in the left- 721)1009 hand period, and write its root at the right. 721 Subtract the square from the left-hand period, 7224)28896 and bring down the next period for a dividend. 28896 Divide the dividend, with its right-hand figure omitted, by twice the root already found, and annex the quotient to the root, and to the divisor. Multiply this complete divisor by the last root figure, and bring down the next period for a dividend, as before. Proceed in this manner till all the periods are exhausted. When occurs in the root, annex to the trial divisor, bring down the next period, and divide as before. If there is a remainder after all the periods are exhausted, annex deci- mal periods. If, after multiplying by any root figure, the product is larger than the dividend, the root figure is too large and must be diminished. Also the last figure in the complete divisor must be diminished. For every decimal period in the power, there must be a decimal figure in the root. If the last decimal period does not contain two figures, supply the deficiency by annexing a cipher. EXAMPLES Find the square root of : 1. 8836 5. \7 x n 9. V3.532-6.28 2. 370881 6. 72.5 10. V625 + 1296 3. 29.0521 7. .009^ 11. _L X 4. 46656 8. 1684.298431 12. 13. What.is the length of one side of a square field that has an area equal to a field 75 rd. long and 45 rd. wide ? CHAPTER II MENSURATION The Circle A circle is a plane figure bounded by a curved line, called the circumference, every point of which is equidistant from the center. The diameter is a straight line drawn, from one point of the circumference to another and passing through the center. The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle is always a constant number, 3.1416+, approxi- mately 3|, which is represented by the Greek letter TT (pi). C = Circumference D = Diameter The radius is a straight line drawn from the center to the circumference. Any portion of the circumference is an arc. By drawing a number of radii a circle may be cut into a series of figures, each one of which is called a sector. The area of each sector is equal to one half the product of the arc and radius. Therefore the area of the circle is equal to one half of the product of the circumference and radius. 1 See Appendix for explanation and directions concerning the use of formulas. 64 MENSURATION 65 R X = In this formula A equals area, TT = 3.1416, and R 1 = the radius squared. ^ = iz>x|<7 In this formula D equals the diameter and C the circum- ference, A= ._V = 3.1416 g = . 7864ly 4 4 EXAMPLE. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 3ft.? . ft EXAMPLE. What is the area of a circle whose circumfer- ence is 10 ft. ? X^X 10 = -^ = 7.1 sq.ft. 2 3.1416 2 3.1416 Area of a Ring. On examining a flat iron ring it is clear that the area of one side of the ring may be found by subtracting the area of the inside circle from the area of the outside circle. Let D = outside diameter d = inside diameter A = area of outside circle a = area of inside circle (1) A 66 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS (2) (3) A-a = - 4 4 Let B = area of circular ring = A a = - c = ^D z -d = .7854 D 2 - EXAMPLE. If the outside diameter of a flat ring is 9" and the inside diameter 7", what is the area of one side of the ring? #=.7854 (D 2 - 2 x 2) + d 2 ] x L x .2618 18 2 = 324 324 39798 120(3 .2618 33 10419-11 cu. in. = 45.10 gal. Ans. 3618 3618 10419.11 39798 231 Similar Figures Similar figures are figures that have exactly the same shape. The areas of similar figures have the same ratio as the squares of their corresponding dimensions. EXAMPLE. If two boilers are 15' and 20' in length, what is the ratio of their surfaces ? |jj. = f, ratio of lengths ! = JL ratio of surfaces 4' 2 16 One boiler is T 9 ^ as large as the other. Ans. The volumes of similar figures are to each other as the cubes of their corresponding dimensions. EXAMPLE. If t w iron balls have 8" and 12" diameters, respectively, what is the ratio of their volumes ? r 8 ^ = |, ratio of diameters = 2 8 T , ra tio of their volumes. Ans. One ball weighs $ 7 as much as the other. 78 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES 1. Find the volume of a rectangular box with the following inside dimensions : 8" by 10" and 4' long. 2. The radius of the small end of a bucket is 4 in. Water stands in the bucket to a depth of 9 in., and the radius of the surface of the water is 6 in. (1) Find the volume of the water in cubic inches. (2) Find the volume of the water in gallons if a cubic foot contains 7.48 gal. 3. What is the volume of a steel cone 2^" in diameter and 6" high? 4. Find the contents of a barrel whose largest diameter is 22", head diameter IS", and height 35". 5. What is the volume of a sphere 8" in diameter ? 6. What is the volume of a pyramid with a square base, 4" on a side and 11" high ? 7. What is the surface of a wooden cone with a 6" diameter and 14" slant height ? 8. Find the surface of a pyramid with a perimeter of 18" and a slant height of 11". 9. Find the volume of a cask whose height is 3^' and the greatest radius 16", and the least radius 12", respectively. 10. How many gallons of water will a round tank hold which is 4 ft. in diameter at the top, 5 ft. in diameter at the bottom, and 8 ft. deep ? (231 cu. in. = 1 gal.) 11. What is the volume of a cylindrical ring having an outside diameter of 6-J-", an inside diameter of 5 T y, and a height of 3f " ? What is its outside area ? 12. If 9 tons of wild hay occupy a cube 7' x 1' X 7', how many cubic feet in one ton of hay ? 13. A sphere has a circumference of 8.2467". (a) What is its area ? (6) What is its volume ? MENSURATION 79 14. If it is desired to make a conical can with a base 3.5" in diameter to contain 1 pint, what must the height be ? 15. What is the area of one side of a flat ring if the inside diameter is 2' ' and the outside diameter 4" ? 16. There are two balls of the same material with diameters 4" and V, respectively. If the smaller one weighs 3 lb., how much does the larger one weigh ? 17. If the inside diameter of a ring is 5 in. , what must the outside diameter be if the area of the ring is 6.9 sq. in. ? 18. How much less paint will it take to paint a wooden ball 4" in diameter than one 10" in diameter ? 19. What is the weight of a brass ball 3" in diameter if brass weighs .303 lb. per cubic inch ? 20. A cube is 19" 011 its edge, (a) Find its total area. (&) Its volume. 21. If a barrel of water contains about 4 cu. ft., what is the approximate weight of the barrel of water? (1 cu. ft. of water weighs 62.5 lb.) 22. A conical funnel has an inside diameter of 19.25" at the base and is 43" high inside, (a) Find its total area, (b) Find its cubical contents. 23. A pointed heap of corn is in the shape of a cone. How many bushels in a heap 10' high, with a base 20' in diameter ? A bushel contains 2150.42 cu. in. 24. Find the capacity of a rectangular bin 6 ft. wide, 5 ft. 6 in. deep, and 8 ft. 3 in. long. 25. Find the capacity of a berry box with sloping sides 5.1" by 5.1" on top, 4.3" by 4.3" at the bottom, and 2.9" in depth. 26. Find the capacity of a cylindrical measure 13" in diameter and 6" deep. 27. How many tons of nut coal are in a bin 5 ft. wide and 8 ft. long if filled evenly to a depth of 4 ft. ? Average nut coal weighs 52 lb. to a cubic foot. CHAPTER III INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Reading a Blue Print. Everyone should know how to read a blue print, which is the name given to working plans and drawings with white lines upon a blue background. The blue print is the language which the architect uses to the builder, the machinist to the pattern maker, the engineer to the foreman EXTERIOR VIEW OF COMPLETED HOUSE of construction, and the designer to the workman. Through following the directions of the blue print the carpenter, metal worker, and mechanic are able to produce the object wanted by the employer and his designer or draftsman. Blue Print of a House. An architect, in drawing the plans of a house, usually represents the following views : the ex- terior views to show the appearance of the house when it is finished j views of each floor, including the basement, to show 80 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 81 WEST ELEVATION OF HOUSE j. i i : : -___ EAST ELEVATION the location of rooms, windows, doors, and stairs. Detailed plans of sections are drawn for the contractors to show the method of construction. 82 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS NORTH ELEVATION ! ' ' *'-*[ -.-- - . , _;_ A -' - a r t ft f ro rn SOUTH ELEVATION Pupils should be able to form a mental picture of the appear- ance of a building constructed from any blue print plan set before them. They should have practice in reading the plans of the house and in computing the size of the rooms directly from the blue print. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS -FfagsloncCap 83 1. What is the height of the rooms on the first floor ? 2. What is the height of the rooms on the second floor ? 3. What is the height of the cellar, first, and second floors ? EC. GROUND FLOOR PLAN 84 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 1. What is the frontage of the house ? 2. What is the depth of the house ? 3. What is the length and width of the front porch ? 4. What is the length and width of the living room ? the dining room ? the kitchen ? SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1. What is the size of each of the bedrooms ? (Compute with aid of ground floor plan.) 2. What are the dimensions of the bathroom ? 3. How large is the storage room ? Two views are usually necessary in every working drawing, one the plan or top view obtained by looking down upon the object, and the other the elevation or front view. When an INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 85 object is very complicated, a third view, called an end or profile view is shown. All the information, such as dimensions, etc., necessary to construct whatever is represented by the blue print must be supplied on the draw- ing. If the blue print represents a machine, it is necessary to show all the parts of the machine put together in their proper places. This is called an assembly drawing. Then there must be a drawing for each part of the building or the machine, giving information as to the size, shape, and number of the pieces. Then if there are interior sections, these must be represented in section drawings. Drawing to Scale. As it is impossible to draw most objects full size on paper, it is necessary to make the drawings pro- portionately smaller. This is done by making all the dimen- sions of the drawing a certain fraction of the true dimensions of the object. A drawing made in this way is said to be drawn to scale. TRIANGULAR SCALE The dimensions on the drawing designate the actual size of the object not of the drawing. If a drawing were made of an iron door 25 inches long, it would be inconvenient to repre- sent the actual size of the door, and the drawing might be made half or quarter the size of the door, but on the drawing the length would read 25 inches. In making a drawing " to scale," it becomes very tedious to be obliged to calculate all the small dimensions. In order to obviate this work a triangular scale is used. It is a rule with the different scales marked on it. By practice the student will be able to use the scale with as much ease as the ordinary rule. QUESTIONS AND EXAMPLES 1. Tell what is the scale and the length of the drawing of each of the following : 86 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS a. An object 14" long drawn half size. b. An object 2.6" long drawn quarter size. c. An object 34" long drawn one third size. d. An object 41" long drawn one twelfth size. 2. If a drawing made to the scale of f " = 1 ft. is reduced i in size, what will the new scale be ? 3. A drawing is made -^ size. If the scale is doubled, how many inches to the foot will the new scale be ? 4. On the T J g" scale, how many feet are there in 18 inches ? 5. On. the y scale, how many feet are there in 26 inches ? 6. On the \" scale, how many feet are there in 27 inches ? 7. If the drawing of a door is made ^ size and the length of the drawing is 8^", what will it measure if made to scale 3" = 1 f t. ? 8. What will be the dimensions of the drawing of a banquet hall 582' by 195' if it is made to a scale of T y ' = 1 ft. ? Estimating Distances. Everyone meets occasions in daily life when it is of utmost importance that distance or weight should be correctly estimated. Few people have a clear conception of even our common standards of measurements. This is due to the fact that the average person has never given the proper attention to them. Improvement will be noticed after a small amount of drill. To illustrate : if the distances of one inch, one foot, one yard, six feet, and ten feet are measured off in a classroom so that an actual view of standard distances is obtained, and then pupils are asked to estimate other and unknown distances, they will estimate with a greater degree of accuracy. Pupils should be able to estimate within ^ inch any distance up to a yard. The power of estimating longer distances, such as the distance between buildings, across streets, or between streets, may be developed by laying off on a straight road one hundred feet, three hundred feet, and five hun- dred feet sections, with the proper distance marked on each. The same plan applies to heights of buildings, etc. Standards of alti- tude may thus be established. Pupils should measure in their homes pieces of furniture and wall openings so that they may develop an eye for estimating distances. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 87 1. Estimate the length and width of the schoolroom. Verify this estimate by actual measurement and express the accuracy of your estimate in per cent. 2. Estimate the height and width of the school door. Verify this estimate by actual measurement and express the accuracy of the estimate in per cent. 3. Estimate the width and length of the window panes ; the width and length of the window sill. Estimating Weights. What is true concerning the advan- tage of being able to estimate distances applies equally well to weights. In this, guesswork may be largely eliminated. A little mental figur- ing on the part of the pupil will usually produce clear results. Weight depends not only on volume but also on the density of the material. Regular blocks of wood are excellent to begin with, and later small spheres and rectangular blocks of different metals afford good material. 1. Select blocks of wood, coal, iron, lead, tin, or copper, and estimate their respective weights. 2. Estimate the weight of a chair. 3. Estimate the weight of different persons. Methods of Solving Examples. Every commercial, household, or mechanical problem or operation has two distinct sides : the collecting of data, and the solving of the problem. The first part, the collecting of data, demands a knowledge of the materials and conditions under which the problem is given, and calls for the exercise of judgment as to the neces- sary accuracy of the work. There are three ways by which a problem may be solved : 1. Exact method. 2. Rule of thumb method, by the use of a formula or a rule committed to memory. 3. By means of tables. The exact method of solving a problem in arithmetic is the one usually taught in school and is the method obtained by 88 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS analysis. Everyone should be able to solve a problem by the exact method. The Rule of Thumb Method. Many of the problems that arise in home, office, and industrial life have been met before, and very careful judgment has been exercised in solving them. As the result of this experience and the tendency to abbreviate and devise shorter methods that give ' sufficiently accurate re- sults, we find many rule of thumb methods used by the house- wife, the storekeeper, the nurse, etc. The exact method would require considerable time and the use of pencil and paper, whereas in cases that are not too complicated the estimates, based on experience or rule, give a quick and accurate result. In solving problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions, use the yardstick or tape to carry on the compu- tation. To illustrate : if we desire to add 1 and J- of a yard, place the thumb over 1 of a yard divisions, then slide (move) the thumb along the divisions corresponding to J- of a yard, and then read the number of divisions passed over by the thumb. In this case the result is 21 inches. The Use of Tables. In the commercial world the tendency is to do everything in the quickest and the most economical way. To illustrate : hand labor is more costly than machine work, so, whenever possible, machine work is substituted for hand labor. The same tendency applies to calculations in the dressmaking shop or the office. The exact methods of doing examples are not the quickest, nor are they more easily under- stood and performed by the ordinary girl than the shorter methods. Since a great many of the problems in calculation that arise in the daily experiences of the office assistant, the housewife, the dressmaker, the nurse, etc. are about ordinary things and repeat themselves often, it is not necessary to work them anew each time, if, when they are once solved, results are kept on file in the form of tables. See pages 220, 222, and 254 for tables used in this book. PART II PROBLEMS IN HOMEMAKING CHAPTER IV THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME THE economic standing of every person in the community depends upon three things : (1) earning capacity, (2) spend- ing ability, and (3) the saving habit. The first regulates the amount of income ; the second determines the purchasing power after the amount is earned ; the third paves the way to independence. The welfare of every person, whether single or married, depends upon the systematic and careful regulation of each of these three items. No matter how large or small his wages or salary, if he does not spend his money wisely and carefully, or save each week or month a certain per cent of his earnings, a young man or woman is not likely to make a success of life. A young woman usually has more to do with the spending of money than a young man. The wife is really the spender and the husband the earner in the ordinary home. Therefore, it becomes necessary for every young woman to know how to get one hundred cents out of a dollar. In order to do this, she must know how to distribute the income over such items as rent, food, clothing, incidental expenses due to sickness, pleas- ure, or self-improvement. The proportion spent for each item should be carefully regulated. Incomes of American Families The average family income of both foreign and native born heads is about $ 725 a year ; that of families with native born heads alone is about $ 800. Not more than one-fourth have incomes exceeding $ 1000. The daily wages of adult men range from $ 1.50 to $ 5.00. This amounts on the average from .$450 to $1500 a year. The family, the head of which earns only a few hundred dollars a year, must either be contented with comparatively low standards of liv- 89 90 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS ing or obtain additional income, either through the labor of children or from boarders or lodgers. The foreign-born workers resort to the labor of children and mothers more than do the native Americans. The second course is quite often adopted so that the average income of workingmen's families is considerably greater than the average earnings of the heads of the families. INCOMES EXPENDITURES Based on Statistics of Twenty-five Thousand Families with an Average Yearly Income of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars EXAMPLES 1. The average workingman's family spends at least two- fifths of its income for food. What per cent is spent for food ? 2. If the income of a workingman's family is $ 800, and the amount spent for food is $ 350, what per cent is spent for food ? 3. One-fifth of the expenditure of workingmen's families is for rent. What per cent ? 4. A family with an income of $ 800 spends $ 12.50 a month for rent. What per cent of the income is spent for rent? Is this too much? 5. A family's income is $ 760. The father contributes $ 601. What per cent of the income is contributed by the father ? 6. A family of six has an income of $ 840. The father contributes $ 592, mother $ 112, and one child the balance. What per cent is contributed by the mother and child? THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME 91 7. A man and wife have an income of $ 971. The husband earns $ 514, the wife keeps boarders and lodgers, and provides the rest of the income. What per cent of the income is con- tributed by the boarders and lodgers ? Cost of Subsistence Shelter, warmth, and food demand from two-thirds to three- fourths of the income of most workingmen's families. This leaves for everything else clothing, furniture, sickness, death, insurance, religion, education, amusements, savings only one- third or one-fourth of the income. Between $ 200 and $ 250 a year may be considered the usual outlay of workingmen's fami- lies for all these purposes combined. It is in these respects that the greatest difference appears between the families of the comparatively poor and the families of the well-to-do. - The well-to-do spend not only more in absolute amount, but also a larger proportion of their incomes on these, in general, less absolutely necessary things. Clothes. On the average, approximately one-eighth of the income in workingmen's families goes for clothes. To those who keep abreast of the fashions and who dress with some elegance, it may seem quite preposterous that a family of five should spend only $ 100 or less a year for clothing, but multi- tudes of working-class families are clad with warmth and with decency on such an expenditure. EXAMPLES 1. If two-thirds of the average workingman's income is spent for shelter, warmth, and food, what per cent is used ? 2. A family, receiving an income of $ 847, spends $ 579 for shelter, warmth, and food. What per cent is used ? 3. If one-eighth of the income of the average workingmen's family is spent for clothes, what is the per cent ? 4. A family receives an income of $ 768, and $ 94 is spent for clothes. What per cent is spent for clothes ? 92 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The High Cost of Living The average cost of living represents the amount that must be expended during a given period by the average family depending on an average income. The maximum or minimum cost, however, is another phase of the problem. It no longer involves the amount of dollars and cents necessary to buy and pay for life's necessaries, but involves questions of home management and housekeeping skill, which cannot be stand- ardized. About 1907 food and other necessities of life began to increase in cost and this has continued to the present day. EXAMPLES 1. In 1906 a ton of stove coal cost $ 5.75, and in 1915 $ 8.75. What was the per cent of increase in the cost of coal ? 2. In 1907 a suit of clothes cost $15. The same suit in 1912 cost $ 19.75. What was the per cent of increase ? 3. In 1908 a barrel of flour cost $ 6.10. The same barrel of flour cost in 1914 $ 8.25. What was the per cent of increase ? Division of Income A girl should always consider her income for the entire year and divide it with some idea of time and relative proportion. If she earns a good salary for only ten months of, the year, she must save enough during those months to tide her over the other two. For instance, if a teacher earns $ 60 a month for 10 months of the year, her actual monthly income is $ 50. The milliner, the trained nurse, the actress, and sometimes even the girl working in the mill have the same problem to confront. No girl has a right to spend nearly all she earns on clothing, neither should she spend too much for amusement. We find from investigations that have been made that girls earning $ 8 or $ 10 a week usually spend about half their income on board and laundry. Girls earning a larger income may pay more for board, but not quite so great a fractional part. In these THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME 93 days, when the cost of living is so' high, a girl should consider carefully a position that includes her board and laundry, for in such a position she will be better off financially at the end of the year than her higher salaried sister, who has to pay for the cost of her own living. The housegirl can save about twice as much as the average stenographer. We find that the average girl needs to spend about one-fifth of her income for clothing. A poor manager will often spend as much as one-third and not be very well dressed at that, because she buys cheap materials, that have to be frequently replaced, and follows every passing fad and style. Choose medium, styles and good materials and you will look more richly dressed. Keep the shoes shined, straight at the heel, and the strings fresh. Keep gloves mended, and as clean as possible. If you spend more on clothing than the allotted one- fifth, you will have to go without something else. It may be spending money, or it may be gift or charity money, and quite often it is the bank account that suffers. Every person should save some part of his income. One never knows when sickness, lack of employment, or ill health may come. Saving money is a habit and one that should be acquired the very first year that a person earns his own living. EXAMPLES 1. A girl earns $ 12 a week for 42 weeks, and in this time spends $ 144 for clothing. Is she living within the per cent of her income that should be spent for clothing ? 2. A salesgirl earns $ 8 a week. She spends $ 98 a year for clothes. Is she living within her income ? 3. A girl earns $ 5 a week and pays half of it to her home. She has two car fares and a 14-cent lunch each day. How much should she spend on clothing each year ? How much has she for spending money each week ? Should she save any money ? 4. Which girl is the better off financially, one earning $ 6 a week as a housemaid or one earning $ 7 a week in a store ? 94 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Buying Christmas Gifts Let the gift be something useful. Do not be tempted by the display of fancy Christmas articles, for it is on these that the merchant makes his profit for extra decorations and light. Think of the person for whom you are buying. She may not have the same tastes as you have, so give something that she will like rather than something she ought to like. For in- stance, a certain girl may be very fond of light hair-ribbons when you know that dark ones would be much more sensible, but at Christmas give the light ones. The stores always show an extra supply of fancy neckwear. A collar cannot be worn more than three days without becom- ing soiled, so even 25 cents is too much to pay for something that cannot be cleansed. Over-trimmed Dutch collars and jabots easily rip apart. Choose the plain ordinary ones that you would be glad to wear any day. You see whole counters of handkerchiefs displayed with embroidery, lace, and ruffles. A linen handkerchief, even of very coarse texture, is more suitable. Be careful also about bright colors, for everything about the store is so gay that ordinary things appear dull, but when you get them out against the white snow, they will be bright enough. EXAMPLES 1. Shortly before Christmas I purchased -J- doz. handker- chiefs for $ 1.50. One month later I purchased the same kind of handkerchiefs at 16| cents each or 6 for $ 1.00. What per cent did I save on the second purchase? 2. I also bought a chiffon scarf for which I paid $2.25. Early in the fall I saw similar scarfs selling for $ 1.50. How much did I lose by not making my purchase at that time? What per cent did I lose ? 3. I bought at Christmas two pairs of silk stockings at $ 1.50 per pair. If I had purchased the stockings in October THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME 95 they would have cost me $ 1.121 per pair. How much would I have saved ? What per cent would I have saved ? An Expense Account Book Every person and every family should keep an expense account showing each year's record of receipts and expendi- tures. A sample form is shown in page 96. Rule sheets in a similar manner for the solution of the problems that follow. At the end of the year a summary should be made of receipts and dis- bursements in some such form as the following : YEARLY SUMMARY Receipts Disbursements RECEIPTS Cash on hand January 1 Salary, etc. Other Income DISBURSEMENTS Savings and Insurance Rent Food Clothing Laundry Car fares Stamps and Stationery Health Recreation Education Gifts, Church, Charity Incidentals Balance on Hand December 31 Totals . Rule similar sheets for the solution of the following problems. 96 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Details of Disbursements I ~ i a - ||3 L 3 S -- H iflll | '^"-2' I III 3 = ^ A a > jd g .5? "^ ,2 3 C 65 5 u 5 o Ij 3 I 5 * 1 i , SP CD C W Beef, sirloin .... Do .... Cents 25 20 15 16 14 12 12 9 5 25 16 20 16 12 22 18 12 10 18 7 10 12 25 18 Dollars 1.60 1.28 .96 .87 .76 .65 .75 .57 .35 .98 1.22 1.37 1.10 .92 1.60 1.30 6.67 .93 1.22 .45 .74 .57 4.30 3.10 Cents 25 20 15 18 16 13 17 13 7 32 11 22 18 10 13 11 3 46 38 22 9 13 111 80 Lbs. 0.40 .50 .67 .63 .71 .83 .83 1.11 2 .40 .63 .50 .63 .83 .45 .56 .83 1 .56 1.43 1 .83 .40 .56 Lbs. 0.06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .15 .13 .18 .29 .10 .08 .07 .09 .11 .06 .08 .02 .11 .08 .22 .13 .18 .02 .03 Lbs. 0.06 .08 .11 .08 .09 .10 .08 .10 .23 .03 .17 .07 .09 .19 .14 .18 .68 .02 .01 .20 .10 .01 Lbs. .01 .02 Calories 410 515 685 560 630 740 595 795 1,530 315 890 445 560 1,035 735 915 2,950 220 265 465 1,135 760 90 125 Do .... Beef, round .... Do . . Do . . Beef, shoulder clod . Do . Beef, stew meat . . . Beef, dried, chipped . . Mutton chops, loin . Mutton, leg .... Do Roast pork, loin . . Pork, smoked ham . Do Pork, fat salt .... Codfish, dressed, fresh . Halibut, fresh .... Cod, salt Mackerel, salt, dressed . Salmon, canned . . . Oysters, solids, 50 cents per quart Oysters, solids, 35 cents per quart . 1 The cost of 1 pound of protein means the cost of enough of the given ma- terial to furnish 1 pound of protein, without regard to the amounts of the other nutrients present. Likewise the cost of energy means the cost of enough ma- terial to furnish 1000 Calories, without reference to the kinds and proportions of nutrients in which the energy is supplied. These estimates of the cost of protein and energy are thus incorrect in that neither gives credit for the value of the other. FOOD 115 COMPARATIVE COST OF DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS AND ENERGY IN DIFFERENT FOOD MATERIALS AT AVERAGE PRICES (Continued} KIND OF FOOD MATERIAL ed t-1 a W PH 1 1 3* : o 1 u AMOUNT FOB 10 CENTS ^ >. g ;! o H W Ji 2*3 || 11 31 * e 1 PH 1 1 T3 >, 1 a/ C W Lobster, canned . . . Butter . . Cents 18 20 25 30 24 16 8 16 ! J 3 '4 2^ F> 8 6 5 4 5 5 2| 5 10 I 1 1 I* 6 7 6 Dollars 1.02 20.00 25.00 30.00 2.09 1.39 .70 .64 1.09 .94 .31 .26 .32 .73 .53 .29 1.18 .77 .64 .51 .65 .29 2.08 6.65 4.21 1.00 .67 .60 1.33 5.00 10.00 12.00 8.75 Cents 46 6 7 9 39 26 13 8 11 10 2 2 2 4 4 2 5 5 4 3 4 3 22 77 23 5 3 3 8 8 27 40 47 3 Lbs. .56 .50 .40 .33 .42 .63 1.25 .63 2.85 3.33 3.33 4 4 1.33 1.33 2.50 1.25 1.67 2 2.50 2 2 4 2 1 6.67 10 13.33 10 6.67 1.43 1.67 1.43 1.67 Lbs. .10 .01 .05 .07 .14 .16 .09 .11 .32 .39 .31 .13 .19 .34 .08 .13 .16 .20 .15 .35 .05 .02 .02 .1 .15 .20 .08 .02 .01 .01 .01 Lbs. .01 .40 .32 .27 .04 .06 .11 .20 .11 .13 .03 .04 .07 .02 .09 .16 .02 .02 .03 .01 .03 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 Lbs. .02 .14 .17 2.45 2.94 2.96 .98 .86 1.66 .97 .87 1.04 1.30 1.04 1.16 .18 .05 .18 .93 1.40 1.87 .54 .65 .18 .13 .09 1.67 Calories 225 1,705 1,365 1,125 260 385 770 1,185 885 1,030 5,440 6,540 6,540 2,235 2,395 4,500 2,025 2,000 2,400 3,000 2,340 3,040 460 130 430 1,970 2,950 3,935 1,200 1,270 370 250 215 2,920 Do Do Eggs, 36 cents per doz. . Eggs, 24 cents per doz. . Eggs, 12 cents per doz. . Cheese Milk, 7 cents per quart . Milk, 6 cents per quart . Wheat flour .... Do Corn meal, granular . . Wheat breakfast food . Oat breakfast food . Oatmeal Rice . . . Wheat bread .... Do . Do Rye bread Beans, white, dried . . Cabbage . Celery . . . Corn, canned .... Potatoes, 90 cents per bu. Potatoes, 60 cents per bu. Potatoes, 45 cents per bu. Turnips Apples Bananas . Oranges Strawberries .... Su"ar ... 116 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES 1. What is the most economical part of beef for a soup ? 2. What is the most economical part of mutton for boiling ? 3. What is the most economical part of pork for a roast ? 4. Is fresh or salt codfish more economical ? 5. What is the fuel value of 3 oz. oatmeal ? 6. What is the fuel value of 3 oz. rice ? 7. What is the fuel value of 4 oz. strawberries ? 8. What is the fuel value of 6 oz. milk ? EXAMPLES Since several hundred Calories are required each day for a person's diet, it is most convenient in computing meals to think of our foods in 100-Calorie portions. Therefore it is desirable to know how to compute this portion and tabulate it for future reference. 1. 42 qt. of milk give 36,841 Calories. What is the weight of a 100-C portion ? 2. 3J Ib. of flour give 1610.5 Calories. What is the weight of a 100-C portion ? 3. i Ib. of dates give 393.75 Calories. What is the weight of a 100-C portion ? 4. If J of a cup of flaked breakfast food gives approximately 100 C, what is the food value of 1 Ib.? 5. If ^ of a cup of skimmed milk gives approximately 100 C, what is the food value of 1 qt.? 6. A teaspoonful of fat gives 100 C. What is the food value of 1 Ib. lard ? 7. If J- of a medium-sized egg gives a food value of 100 C, what is the food value of an egg ? 8. 4 thin slices of bacon (1 oz.) give a food value of 100 C. What is the food value of 9 Ib. of bacon ? FOOD 117 9. If f oz. of sweet chocolate has a food value of 100 C, what is the food value of \ lb.? 10. Ten large pears have the value of 100 C, which is the same as for 2 doz. raisins. What is the food value of a single raisin ? 11. Find the individual cost of feeding the following families per week and per day. Find the number of Calories per indi- vidual per day. (Arrange results in a column as suggested.) FAMILY No. IN FAMILY TOTAL COST TOTAL CALORIES A 5 B 7 C 3 D 3 E 7 F 6 G 7 H 4 I 4 J 6 K 8 L 6 M 7 N 14 O 6 13.60 86224 15.06 99928.64 11.21 101966.75 6.68 33744.14 15.01 130557.04 12.89 93456.34 17.77 11063.91 11.86 90891.3 10.23 50490 16.47 69385.9 10.37 112197.3 16.08 930262 30.89 86006.8 32.91 141517 12.31 85582.8 Economical Use of Meat It is important to reduce waste by using as much as possible of the bone, fat, and trimmings, not usually served with the meat. If nothing better can be done with them, the bones and trimmings are profitably used in the soup kettle, and the fat can be saved for cooking to be used in place of more expensive butter and lard. The bits of meat not served with the main dish, or remaining after the first serving, may be seasoned and recooked in many palatable ways. Or they can be combined with vegetables, pie crust, or other materials, thus extending the meat flavor over a large quantity of less expensive food. 118 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Different kinds and cuts vary considerably in price. Sometimes the cheaper cuts contain a larger proportion of refuse than the more expen- sive, and the apparent cost is really more than the actual cost of the more edible portion. Aside from this advantage, that of the more ex- pensive cuts lies in the tenderness and flavor, rather than in the nutritive value. Tenderness depends on the character of the muscle fibers arid connective tissues of which the meat is composed. Flavor depends partly on the fat present in the tissues, but mainly on nitrogenous bodies known as extractives, which are usually more abundant or of more agreeable flavor in the more tender parts of the animal. The heat of cooking dissolves the connective tissues of tough meat and in a measure makes it more tender, but heat above the boiling point or even a little lower tends to change the texture of muscle fibers. Hence tough meats must be carefully cooked at low heat long applied in order to soften the connective tissue. For this purpose the fireless cooker may be used to great advantage. Steers and Beef Steers are bought from the farmer by the hundredweight (cwt.). They are inspected and then weighed. After they are killed and dressed, they are washed several times and sent to the cooler. The carcass must be left in the cooler several days before it can be cut. It is then divided into eight standard cuts and each piece weighed separately. Sixty per cent of the meat used in this country is produced in the Federally inspected slaughtering and packing houses, of which there are nearly 900, located in 240 cities. EXAMPLES 1. A steer weighing 1093 Ib. was purchased for $ 7.42 per cwt. What was paid for him ? 2. The live weight of a steer is 1099 Ib. ; the dressed weight 641 Ib. What is the difference ? What is the percentage of beef in the animal ? 3. A steer with a dressed weight of 677 Ib. was cut into the following parts : two ribs weighing 61 Ib. each, 2 loins 103 Ib., 2 rounds 154 Ib., and suet 21 Ib. What was the percentage of each part to the total amount ? FOOD 119 4. A steer with a dressed weight of 644 Ib. was sold at $ 10.51 per cwt. What was paid ? 5. If the value of ribs is 18^, loins 18 j rounds 9f what is the value of cuts in problem 3 ? 6. A housewife buys 8J Ib. of meat every Monday, 9^ Ib. on Wednesday, and 10J Ib. on Saturday. What is the total amount of meat purchased in a week ? 7. The live weight of a low-grade steer was 947 Ib. and dressed weight 475 Ib. What is the per cent of dressed to live weight ? What did the steer sell for at 6^ cts. live weight ? What was the selling price per cwt. ? 8. A high-grade steer weighed live weight 1314 Ib. and dressed weight 897 Ib. What is the per cent of "dressed to live weight? What did the steer sell for at 9 cts. a pound live weight ? What was the selling price per cwt. ? Note the difference in the price between low- and high-grade steers due to the fact that the latter have a greater proportion of the higher priced cuts. 9. A steer was killed weighing 632 Ib. and sold for $ 10.38 cwt. a. What was the selling price ? b. What was the average price per pound ? c. What was the percentage of each cut to total value ? d. What was the total value of each cut ? CUTS WEIGHT PRICE PER POUND (Wholesale) 2 Ribs 58 Ib. $ .17 2 Loins 100 .18 2 Rounds 150 .09f 2 Chucks 160 .08 2 Flanks 30 .05| 2 Shanks 26 .05 2 Briskets 32 .08 Navel End 46 .05 Neck Piece 8 .Olf 2 Kidneys 2 .05 Suet 20 .08 632 Ib. 120 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Cuts of Beef The cuts of beef differ with the locality and the packing house. The general method of cutting up a side of beef is illustrated in the following figure. STANDARD BEEF CUTS CHICAGO STYLE 1 Round Rump Roast Round Steak Corned Beef Hamburger Steak Dried Beef Shank Soup Bone 2 Loin Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak Club Steak Beef Tenderloin 3 Flank Flank Steak Hamburger Steak Corned Beef 4 Ribs Rib Roasts 5 Navel End Short Ribs Corned Beef Soup Meat 6 Brisket Corned Beef Soup Meat Pot Roast 7 Fore Shank Soup Bone 8 Chuck Shoulder Steak Shoulder Roast Pot Roast Stews FOOD 121 STANDARD PORK CUTS CHICAGO STYLE 1 Short-cut Ham Ham 2 Picnic Ham or California Ham 3 Boston Butt Pickled Pork Pork Shoulder Pork Steak 4 Clear Plate Dry Salt or Barrel Pork 5 Belly Bacon Spare Ribs Brisket Bacon Salt Pork 6 Loin Pork Roast Pork Chops Pork Tenderloin I Fat Back Paprika Bacon Dry Salt Fat Backs Barrel Pork EXAMPLES Hogs are usually killed when nine or ten months old. The weight is 75 % to 80 % of live weight. The method of cutting up a side of pork differs considerably from that employed with other meats. A large por- tion of the carcass of a dressed pig consists of almost clear fat. This fur- nishes the cuts which are used for salt pork and bacon. 1. A hog weighed at the end of 9 months 249 Ib. When he was killed and dressed, he weighed 203 Ib. What was the per cent of dressed to live weight ? 2. A hog weighing 251 Ib. was sold for 81 cents live weight. When he was dressed, he weighed 204 Ib. What should he sell for per cwt. (dressed) in order to cover the price of purchase ? 122 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR G'IRLS 3. Sugar-cured hams and bacons are made by rubbing salt into the pieces and placing a brine solution of the following proportions over them in a barrel, before smoking them: 8 Ib. salt, 21 Ib. brown sugar, 2 oz. saltpeter in four gallons of water for every 100 Ib. of meat. What percentage of the solu- tion is salt ? Sugar ? (Consider a pint of water equal to a pound.) 4. Sausages are made by mixing pork trimmings from the ham with fat and spices, and placing in casings. If 3 Ib. of ham are added to 1 Ib. fat pork, what is the percentage of lean pork? STANDARD MUTTON CUTS CHICAGO STYLE I Leg Leg of Mutton Mutton Chops 2 Loin Loiu Roast Mutton Chops 3 Hotel Mack Rib Chops Crown Roast 4 Breast Mutton Stew ' 5 Chuck Shoulder Roast Stew Shoulder Chops EXAMPLES 1. A butcher buys 169 sheep at $5.75 a head. He sells them so as to receive on the average $ 6.12i for each. What does he gain ? FOOD 123 2. A market man bought 19 dressed sheep for $81.75. What was the average price ? 3. A sheep weighed 138 Ib. live weight and 72 Ib. dressed. What was the per cent of dressed to live weight ? 4. A dressed sheep when cut weighed as follows : Leg 23.1 Ib, each Neck 3.4 Ib. Breast 8.2 Ib. Loin 18.4 Ib. each Shoulder 5.1 Ib. each Shank 5.3 Ib. each Ribs 15.3 Ib. each What was the total dressed weight ? What was the percent- age of each cut to the dressed weight ? Length of Time Required to Cook Mutton Boiling Mutton, per pound 15 minutes Baking Mutton, leg, rare, per pound ... 10 minutes Mutton, leg, well done, per pound . 15 minutes Mutton, loin, rare, per pound . . 8 minutes Mutton, shoulder, stuffed, per pound 15 minutes Mutton, saddle, rare, per pound . . 9 minutes Lamb, well done, per pound ... 15 minutes Broiling Mutton chops, French 8 minutes Mutton chops, English 10 minutes EXAMPLES Give the fraction of an hour required (a) To boil mutton (2 Ib.). (b) To bake leg of mutton (3 Ib.). (c) To bake loin of mutton (4 Ib.). (d) To broil mutton chops (French). (e) To broil mutton chops (English). (/) To bake shoulder of mutton (5 Ib.). 124 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Fish is a very economical kind of food. It can be obtained fresh at a reasonable figure in seacoast towns. 1. During the year 1913, 170,000,000 Ib. of fish were brought into Boston, and sold for $ 7,000,000. What was the average price per pound ? 2. If 528,000,000 Ib. of fish were caught in the waters of New England during the year 1913, it would represent one- quarter of the catch of the entire country. What is the catch of the entire country ? 3. A pound of smoked ham at 24 cents contains 16 % protein, while a pound of haddock at 7 cents contains 18 % protein. How much more protein in a pound of haddock than in a pound of ham ? (In ounces.) 4. For the same value, how much more protein can you pur- chase in the haddock than in the ham ? 5. A pound of pork chops at 25 cents contains 17 % protein ; a pound of herring at 8 cents contains 19 %. How much more protein is there in the pound of herring than in the pork chops ? 6. For the same value, how much more protein can be pur- chased in the pound of herring than in pork chops ? 7. A pound of sirloin steak at 30 cents gives the same amount of protein as the pork chops in example 6. For the same value how much more protein can be obtained from haddock than from the steak ? What per cent of protein per pound in had- dock ? Use data in Example 3. 8. If fish can be purchased at any time at not over 12 cents per pound, and meats at not less than 20 cents per pound, what is the per cent of saving by buying fish ? 9. If 5.3 % of the total expenses for foodstuffs is for fish, and 22 % of the family earnings goes for food, what is the amount spent for each ? Family income $ 894. FOOD 125 Economical Marketing The most economical way to purchase food is to buy in bulk. Fancy packages with elaborate labels must be paid for by the consumer. All realize the convenience of package goods, the saving in cost of preparation and cooking and the ease with which they are kept clean and wholesome, but the additional expense is enormous, in sonre instances as high as 300 /o . EXAMPLES 1. If the retail price of dried beef is 50 cents a pound, how much more per pound do I pay for dried beef, when I purchase a package weighing 3|- oz. for 18 cents ? What per cent more do I pay ? 2. Wheat costs the farmer or producer 11 cents per pound. I purchase a package of wheat preparation weighing 5 oz. for 10 cents. How much more do I pay for wheat per pound than it costs to produce it ? What per cent more do I pay ? 3. Good apples cost $ 2.75 per barrel. If I purchase a peck for 50 cents, at what rate am I paying for apples per barrel ? (A standard apple barrel contains 2-J- bushels.) How much would I save a peck, if a few families in the neighborhood joined me in purchasing a barrel ? 4. Codfish retails at 17 cents a pound. A group of families sent one of their members to the wharf and she purchased for 60 cents a codfish weighing 6 Ib. How much was saved per pound ? What per cent ? 5. Print butter is molded by placing a quantity of tub butter in a mold. If the tub butter costs 34 cts. a pound and the print butter 42 cts. a pound, how much cheaper (per cent) is the tub butter than print butter? Does it afford the same nourishment? 6. A pint can of evaporated milk costs 10 cents and con- tains the food element of 2 J quarts of fresh milk at 8 cents a quart. What is the saving per quart of milk ? 126 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Every housewife should possess the following articles in the kitchen so as to be able to verify everything she buys : 1 good 20-lb. scale 1 dry quart measure 1 peck measure 1 liquid quart measure 1 half-peck measure 00-inch steel tape 1 quarter peck measure - 8-oz. graduate The above should be tested and " sealed " by the Super- intendent of Weights and Measures. Check the goods bought and see if weight and volume agree with what was ordered. EXAMPLES 1. If a gallon contains 231 cu. in., how many cubic inches are there in a quart ? 2. If a bushel contains 2150.42 cu. in., how many cubic inches are there in a dry quart ? 3. If a half-bushel basket or box, heaping measure, must contain five-eighths bushel, stricken l measure, how many cubic inches does the basket contain ? 4. A box 12 by 14 by 16 inches when stricken full will hold a heaping bushel. How many cubic inches in the box ? 5. A dealer often sells dry commodities by liquid measure. If a quart of string beans were sold by liquid measure for 15 cts., how much would the customer lose ? What is the differ- ence in per cent between liquid and dry quart measure ? 6. A grocer sold a peck of apples to a housewife. As he was about to place the apples in the basket, the woman called his attention to the fact that the measure was not " heaping." He placed four more apples in the measure. When she reached home she counted 24 apples. What would have been the per cent loss if she had not called his attention to the measure ? 1 Stricken measure is measure that is not heaped, but even full. FOOD 127 7. A " five-pound " pail of lard was found to weigh 4 Ib. 11 oz. What per cent was lost to the customer ? 8. A package (supposed to be a pound) sold for 12 cents and was found to weigh 141 ounces. How much did the consumer lose ? 9. A quart of ice cream was bought for 40 cents. The box was found to be 121 cj c short. How much did the consumer lose? 10. A girl bought a quart of berries for ten cents. ' The box was found to contain 54.5 cu. in. How much was lost ? 11. A pound of print butter cost 39 cents and was found to weigh 14 J ounces. How much did the consumer lose ? CHAPTER VI PROBLEMS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE MOST people live either in a flat or a house. Each has its advantages and its disadvantages. The work of a flat is all on one floor ; there are no stairs, halls, cellars, furnaces, and side- walks to care for, and when the building is heated by steam, there is only the kitchen fire or a gas range to look after. These are the advantages and they reduce the work of the home to very simple proportions. Then, too, it is possible to find comfortable flats at a moderate price in a neighborhood where it would be impossible to build a small house. How- ever, in these flats some of the rooms are not well lighted and ventilated, and one is dependent upon the janitor for many services which are not always pleasantly performed, though fees are constantly expected. The long flights of stairs are a great drawback, because people will not go out as much as they should, on account of the exhausting climb on their return. The small house, in country or city, brings more healthful mental and physical surroundings than the flat. Perfect venti- lation, light, sunshine, and freedom from all petty restrictions give a more vigorous tone to body and mind. If the house is in the suburbs and there is some land with it, where a few vegetables and flowers can be cultivated, it has an added charm and blessing in the form of healthful outdoor work : furnace, cellar, and grounds for the husband's . share ; house, from garret to cellar, for the wife's share. In a flat a man can escape nearly all duties about the house, but in the little house he must bear his share. If one lives in the suburbs, the time and money spent in going to and from the city is quite an item, but the cheaper rent usually more than balances the traveling expense. A person should not pay over 25 % of income for rent. In case a person receives an income of $ 1500 or over, and has a savings bank deposit of about $ 1500, it is usually better to 128 CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 129 purchase a house than to rent. Money may be borrowed from either the cooperative bank or the savings bank. The total rent of a house a year should be at least 10% of the value of the house and land : 6 % represents interest on the investment, and 4 % covers taxes and depreciation. In a flat the middle floor should cost approximately 10% more than the first floor, and the top 10% less than the first floor. EXAMPLES 1. A single house and land cost $ 2800. What should be considered the rent per year ? 2. A two-family house cost $ 5600. (a) What should be the rent per month ? (6) What should be the rent of each flat ? 3. A three-family house costs $ 6500. What should be the rent of each floor ? 4. A family desires to build a cottage-style, garnbrel roof house containing seven rooms, bath, reception hall, cemented cellar, and small storage attic. It is finished inside with North Carolina pine and has hard-pine floors, fir doors, open plumb- ing, two coats of plaster, furnace heat, and electric light. The first floor has three rooms and a reception hall. The second floor has three chambers, bath, and sewing room over the hall. The architect finds that the cost of materials in the summer and late fall varies as follows : AMOUNT SAVED ITEM SUMMER BY BUILDING IN THE FALL Mason work $200 $1(5.00 Brick and cement 90 7.20 Lumber 500 60.00 Finish 125 12.50 Plumbing 225 22.50 Heat (furnace) 100 10.00 Paint and paper 200 20.00 Plastering 200 16.00 Electric wiring 40 3.20 Electric light fixtures 40 4.00 Labor (carpenters) 450 Profit to contractor 213 27.52 130 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS (a) What is the total cost in each case? (6) What is the difference in per cent ? What is the per cent difference in each item? Economy of Space Many persons who build houses, barns, and other buildings do not understand the fundamental fact that there is more space in a square building than in a long one, and that the further they depart from the square form the more their build- ing will cost in proportion to its size. For instance, a building 20' by 20' has 400 square feet of floor space and requires 80 feet of outside wall, while one 10' by 40' will, with the same floor space, require 100 feet of wall. Accordingly more material and work will be required for the longer one. In many cases, of course, there are objections to having a building square. The longer building, for instance, gives more wall space and more light, and these may be desired items. The roof and floor items are about the same in either case. Preparation of Wood for Building Purposes In winter the forest trees are cut and in the spring the logs are floated down the rivers to sawmills, where they are sawed into boards of different thicknesses. To square the log, four slabs are first sawed off. After these slabs are off, the remainder is sawed into boards. As soon as the boards or planks are sawed from the logs, they are piled on prepared foundations in the open air to season. Each layer is sepa- rated from the one above by a crosspiece, called a strip, in order to allow free circulation of air about each board to dry it quickly and evenly. If lumber were piled up without the strips, one board upon another, the ends of the pile would dry and the center would rot. This seasoning or drying out of the sap usually requires several months. Wood that is to be subject to a warm atmosphere has to be artificially dried. This artificially dried or kiln-dried lumber has to be dried to a point in excess of that of the atmosphere in which it is to be placed after being removed from the kiln. This process of drying must be done grad- ually and evenly or the boards may warp and then be unmarketable. CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 131 Definitions Board Measure. A board one inch or less in thickness is said to have as many board feet as there are square feet in its surface. If it is more than one inch thick, the number of board feet is found by multiplying the number of square feet in its surface by its thickness measured in inches and fractions of an inch. The number of board feet length (in feet] x width (in feet} x thick- ness (in inches'). Board measure is used for plank measure. A plank 2" thick, 10" wide, and 15' long, contains twice as many square feet (board measure) as a board 1" thick of the same width and length. Boards are sold at a certain price per hundred (C) or per thousand (M) board feet. The term lumber is applied to pieces not more than four inches thick ; timber to pieces more than four inches thick ; but a large amount taken together often goes by the general name of lumber. A piece of lumber less than an inch and a half thick is called a board and a piece from one inch and a half to four inches thick is called a plank. Rough Stock is lumber the surface of which has not been dressed or planed. The standard lengths of pieces of lumber are 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 feet, etc. EXAMPLES 1. How many board feet in a board 1 in. thick, 15 in. wide, and 15 ft. long ? 2. How many board feet of 2-inch planking will it take to make a walk 3 feet wide and 4 feet long ? 3. A plank 19' long, 3" thick, 10" wide at one end and 12" wide at the other, contains how many board feet ? 4. Find the cost of 7 2-inch planks 12 ft. long, 16 in. wide at one end, and 12 in. at the other, at $ 0.08 a board foot. 5. At $ 12 per M, what will be the cost of 2-inch plank for a 3 ft. 6 in. sidewalk on the street sides of a rectangular corner lot 56 ft. by 106 ft. 6 in. ? 132 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Frame and Roof After the excavation is finished and the foundation laid, the construc- tion of the building itself is begun. On the top of the foundation a large timber called a sill is placed. The timbers running at right angles to the front sill are called side sills. The sills are joined at the corners by a half -lap joint and held together by spikes. a. Outside studding 6. Rafters c. Plates d. Ceiling joists de. Second-floor joists i. def. First-floor joists j. g. Girder or cross sill k. h. Sills /. Sheathing Partition studs Partition heads Piers The walls of the building are framed by placing corner posts 4" by 6" on the four corners. Between these corner posts there are placed smaller timbers called studding, 2" by 4", 16" apart. Later the laths, 4' long, are nailed to this studding. The upright timbers are often mortised into the sills at the bottom. When these uprights are all in position, a timber, called a plate, is placed on the top of them and they are spiked together. On the top of the plate is placed the roof. The principal timbers of the roof are the rafters. Different roofs have a different pitch or slope that is, form different angles with the plate. To obtain the desired pitch the carpenter uses the steel square. CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 133 A roof with one half pitch means that the height of the ridge of the roof above the level of the plate is equal to one half the width of the building. This illustrates a roof with one-half pitch. EXAMPLES Give the height of the ridge of the roof above the level of the plate of the following building : PITCH WIDTH OF BUILDING 1. One-half 32' 2. One-fourth 40' 3. One-third 36' 4. One-sixth 48' Building Materials Besides wood many materials enter into the construction of buildings ; among these are mortar, cement, stone, bricks, marble, slate, etc. Mortar is a paste formed by mixing lime with water and sand in the correct proportions. (Common mortar is generally made of 1 part of lime to 5 parts of sand.) It is used to hold bricks, etc., together, and when stones or bricks are covered with this paste and placed together, the moisture in the mortar evaporates and the mixture " sets " by the absorption of the carbon dioxide from the air. Mortar is strengthened by adding cow's hair when it is used to plaster a house ; in such mortar there is sometimes half as much lime as sand. Plaster is a mixture of a cheap grade of gypsum (calcium sulphate), sand, and hair. When the plaster is mixed with water, the water com- bines with the gypsum and the minute crystals in forming interlace and cause the plaster to " set." When masons plaster a house, they estimate the amount of work to be done by the square yard. Nearly all masons use the following rule : Calculate the total area of walls and ceil- 134 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS ings and deduct from this total area one-half the area of open- ings such as doors and windows. A bushel of mortar will cover about 3 sq. yd. with two coats. EXAMPLE. How many square yards of plastering are nec- essary to plaster walls and ceiling of a room 28' by 32' and 12' high? Areas of the front and back walls are 28 x 12 x 2 = 672 sq. ft. Areas of the side walls are 32 x 12 x 2 = 768 sq. ft. Area of the ceiling is 28 x 32 = 896 sq. ft. "2336 sq. ft. 2336 sq. ft. = **-& sq. yd. = 259f sq. yd. 260 sq. yd. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. What will it cost to plaster a wall 10 ft. by 13 ft. at $ 0.30 per square yard ? 2. What will it cost to plaster a room 28' 6" by 32' 4" and 9' 6" high, at 29 cents a square yard, if one-half its area is allowed for openings and there are two doors 8' by 3^' and three windows 6' by 3' 3" ? 3. What will it cost to plaster an attic 22' 4" by 16' 8" and 9' 4" high, at a cost of 32 cents a square yard ? Bricks used in Building Brickwork is estimated by the thousand, and for various thicknesses of wall the number required is as follows : 8^-inch wall, or 1 brick in thickness, 14 bricks per superficial foot. 12f-inch wall, or \\ bricks in thickness, 21 bricks per superficial foot. 17-inch wall, or 2 bricks in thickness, 28 bricks per superficial foot. 21^-inch wall, or 2| bricks in thickness, 35 bricks per superficial foot. EXAMPLES From the above table solve the following examples : 1. How much brickwork is in a 17" wall (that is, 2 bricks in thickness) 180' long by 6' high ? CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 135 2. How many bricks in an 8J" wall, 164' 6" long by 6' 4" ? 3. How many bricks in a 17" wall, 48' 3" long by 4' 8" ? 4. How many bricks in a 211" wa ll, 36' 4" long by 3' 6" ? 5. How many bricks in a 12f" wall, 38' 3" long by 4' 2"? 6. At $ 19 per thousand find the cost of bricks for a build- ing 48' long, 31' wide, 23' high, with walls 12f" thick. There are 5 windows (V x 3') and 4 doors (4' x 81'). To estimate the number of bricks in a wall it is customary to find the number of cubic feet and then multiply by 22, which is the number of bricks in a cubic foot with mortar. 7. How many bricks are necessary to build a partition wall 36' long, 22' wide, and 18" thick ? 8. How many bricks will be required for a wall 28' 6" long, 16' 8" wide, and 6' 5" high? 9. How many cubic yards of masonry will be necessary to build a wall 18' 4" long and 12' 2" wide and 4" thick? 10. At $ 19 per thousand, how much will the bricks cost to build an 8^", or one-brick wall, 28' 4" long and 8' 3" high ? 11. At $ 20.50 per thousand, how much will the bricks cost to build a 12f " wall, 52' 6" long and 14' 8" high ? 12. A house is 45' x 34' x 18', the walls are 1 foot thick, the windows and doors occupy 368 cu. ft. ; how many bricks will be required to build the house ? 13. What will it cost to lay 250,000 bricks, if the cost per thousand is $ 8.90 for the bricks ; $ 3 for mortar ; laying, $ 8 ; and staging, $ 1.25 ? Stonework Stonework, like brickwork, is measured by the cubic foot or by the perch (161' x !' X 1') or cord. Practical men usu- ally consider 24 cubic feet to the perch and 120 cubic feet to the cord. The cord and perch are not much used, 136 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The usual way is to measure the distance around the cellar on the out- side for the length. This includes the corners twice, but owing to the extra work in making corners this is considered proper. No allowance is made for openings unless they are very large, when one-half is deducted. The four walls may be considered as one wall with, the same height. EXAMPLE. If the outside dimensions of a wall are 44' by 31', 10' 6" high and 8" thick, find the number of cubic feet. 44 2r ?! % 2 ' 5 m x x 4- = 1050 cu. ft. Ans. 150 ft. length. Cement Some buildings have their columns and beams made of concrete. Wooden forms are first set up and the concrete is poured into them. The concrete consists of Portland cement, sand, and broken stone, usually in the proportion of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand and 4 parts stone. The average weight of this mixture is 150 pounds per cubic foot. After the con- crete has " set," the wooden boxes or forms are removed. Within a few years twisted steel rods have been placed in the forms and the concrete poured around them. This is called reenforced con- crete and makes a stronger and safer combination than the whole concrete. It is used in walls, sewers, and arches. It takes a long time for the con- crete to reach its highest compressive and tensile strength. Cement is also used for walls and floors where a waterproof surface is desired. When the cement "sets," it forms a layer like stone, through which water cannot pass. If the cement is inferior or not properly made, it will not be waterproof and water will pass through it and in time destroy it. EXAMPLES 1. If one bag (cubic foot) of cement and one bag of sand will cover 2-| sq. yd. one inch thick, how many bags of cement and of sand will be required to cover 30 sq. yd. 2" thick ? CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 137 2. How many bags of cement and of sand will be required to lay a foundation V thick on a sidewalk 20' by 8' ? 3. How many bags of cement and of sand will it take to cover a walk, 34' by 8' 6", I" thick ? 4. If one bag of cement and two of sand will cover 5^ sq. yd. f" thick, how much of each will it take to cover 128 sq. ft. ? 5. How much of a mixture of one part cement, two parts sand, and four parts cracked stone will be needed to cover a floor 28' by 32' and 8" deep ? How much of each will be used ? Shingles Shingles for roofs are figured as being 16" by 4" and are sold by the thousand. The widths vary from 2" upward. They are put in bundles of 250 each. When shingles are laid on the roof of a building, they overlap so that only part of each is exposed to the weather. EXAMPLES 1. How much will it cost for shingles to shingle a roof 50 ft. by 40 ft., if 1000 shingles are allowed for 125 sq. ft. and the shingles cost $ 1.18 per bundle ? 2. Find the cost of shingling a roof 38 ft. by 74 ft., 4" to the weather, if the shingles cost $ 1.47 a bundle, and a pound and a half of cut nails at 6 cents a pound are used with each bundle. 3. How many shingles would be needed for a roof having four sides, two in the shape of a trapezoid with bases 30 ft. and 10 ft., and altitude 15 ft., and two (front and back) in the shape of a triangle with base 20 ft. and altitude 15 ft.? (1000 shingles will cover 120 sq. ft.) Slate Roofing In order to make the exterior of a house fireproof the roof should be tile or slate. Slates make a good-looking and durable 138 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS roof. They are put on, like shingles, with nails. Estimates for slate rooting are made on 100 sq. ft. of the roof. 1 The following are typical data for building a slate roof : A square of No. 10 x 20 Monson slate costs about $ 8.35. Two pounds of galvanized nails cost $0.16 per pound. Labor, $ 3 per square. Tar paper, at 2f cents per pound, 1| Ib. per square yard. EXAMPLES Using the above data, give the cost of making slate roofs for the following : 1. What is the cost of laying a square of slate ? 2. What is the cost of laying slate on a roof 112' by 44' ? 3. What is the cost of laying slate on a roof 156' by 64'? 4. What is the cost of laying slate on a roof 118' by 52' ? 5. What is the cost of laying slate on a roof 284' by 78' ? Clapboards Clapboards are used to cover the outside walls of frame buildings. Most clapboards are 4' long and 6" wide. They are sold in bundles of twenty-five. Three bundles will cover 100 square feet if they are laid 4" to the weather. To find the number of clapboards required to cover a given area, find the area in square feet and divide by 1-J. Allowance may be made for openings by deducting from area. EXAMPLES 1. How many clapboards will be required to cover an area of 40 ft. by 30 ft.? 2. How many clapboards will be necessary to cover an area of 38' by 42' if 56 sq. ft. are allowed for doors and windows ? 3. How many clapboards will a barn 60 ft. by 50 ft. require if 10 % is allowed for openings and the distance from founda- tion to the plate is 17 ft. and the gable 10 ft. high ? 1 Called a square. CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 139 Flooring Most floors in houses are made of oak, maple, birch, or pine. This flooring is grooved so that the boards fit closely together without cracks between them. The accompanying figure shows the ends of i=] c; c L^ pieces of matched flooring. Matched boards are also used for ceilings and walls. In estimating for matched flooring enough stock must be added to make up for what is cut away from the width in matching. This amount varies from \" to |" on each board ac- cording to its size. Some is also wasted in squaring ends, cutting up, and fitting to exact lengths. A common floor is made of unmatched boards and is usually used as an under floor. Not more than \" per board is allowed for waste. EXAMPLE. A room 12 ft. square is to have a floor laid of unmatched boards I!" wide ; one-third is to be added for waste. What is the number of square feet in the floor ? What is the number of board feet required for laying the floor ? 12 x 12 = 144 sq. ft. = area. 144 x \ = 48 144. Ans. 144 192 board measure for unmatched floor. 192. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. How much -J in. matched flooring 3" wide will be re- quired to lay a floor 16 ft. by 18 ft. ? One-fourth more is al- lowed for matching and 3 / for squaring ends. 2. How much hard pine matched flooring -|" thick and 1^" wide will be required for a floor 13' 6" x 14' 10" ? Allow \ for matching and add 4 % for waste. 3. An office floor is 10' 6" wide at one end and 9' 6" wide at the other (trapezoid) and 11' 7" long. What will the material cost for an unmatched maple floor -J-" thick and 1?" wide at $ 60 per M, if 4 sq. ft. are allowed for waste ? 140 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4. How many square feet of sheathing are required for the outside, including the top, of a freight car 34' long, 8' wide, and 7-J-' high, if 37-^-% covers all allowances ? 5. In a room 50' long and 20' wide flooring is to be laid ; how many feet (board measure) will be required if the stock is y X 3" and \ allowance for waste is made ? Stairs The perpendicular distance between two floors of a building is called the rise of a flight of stairs. The width of all the steps is called the run. The perpendicular dis- tance between steps is called the width of risers. Nosing is the slight pro- jection on the front of each step. The board on each step is the tread. To find the number of stairs necessary to reach from one floor to another : Measure the rise first. STAIRS Divide this by 8 inches, which is the most comfortable riser for stairs. The run should be 81- inches or more to allow for a tread of 9| inches with a nosing of 1 \ inches. EXAMPLE. How many steps will be required, and what will be the riser, if the distance between floors is 118 inches ? 118 -f- 8 = 14| or 15 steps. 118 -r- 15 = 7-J-f inches each riser. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. How many steps will be required, and what will be the riser, (a) if the distance between floors is 8' ? (6) If the dis- tance is 9 feet ? CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 141 2. How many steps will be required, and what will be the riser, (a) if the distance between floors is 12' ? (b) If the dis- tance is 8' 8"? Lathing Laths are thin pieces of wood, 4 ft. long and 11 in. wide, upon which the plastering of a house is laid. They are usu- ally put up in bundles of one hundred. They are nailed J in. apart and fifty will cover about 30 sq. ft. EXAMPLES 1. At 30 cents per square yard what will it cost to lath and plaster a wall 12 ft. by 15 ft. ? 2. At 45 cents per square yard what will it cost to lath and plaster a wall 18 ft. by 16 ft. ? 3. What will it cost to lath and plaster a room (including walls and ceiling) 16 ft. square by 12 ft. high, allowing 34 sq. ft. for windows and doors, at 40 cents per square yard ? 4. What will it cost to lath and plaster the following rooms at 411 cents per square yard ? a. 16' x 14' xir high with a door 8' x2' and 2 windows 2' x 5'. 6. 18' x 15' xir high with a door 10' X 3' and 4 windows 2|' X 5'. c. 20' x 18' x 12' high with a door 11' x 3' and 4 windows 2f x 4'. d. 28' x 32' x 16' high with a door 10' x 3' and 4 windows 3' x5'. e. 28' x 30' x 15' high with a door 10' x 3' and 3 windows 3' x5'. Painting Paint, which is composed of dry coloring matter or pigment mixed with oil, drier, etc., is applied to the surface of wood by means of a brush to preserve the wood. The paint must be composed of materials which will render it impervious to water, or rain would wash it from the exterior of houses. It should thoroughly conceal the surface to which it is applied. The unit of painting is one square yard. In painting wooden houses two coats are usually applied. 142 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS It is often estimated that one pound of paint will cover 4 sq. yd. for the first coat and 6 sq. yd. for the second coat. Some allowance is made for openings ; usually about one-half the area of openings is deducted, for considerable paint is used in painting around them. TABLE 1 gallon of paint will cover on concrete . . . 300 to 375 superficial feet 1 gallon oi' paint will cover on stone or brick work 190 to 225 superficial feet 1 gallon of paint will cover on wood .... 375 to 525 superficial feet 1 gallon of paint will cover on well-painted sur- face or iron 600 superficial feet 1 gallon of tar will cover on first coat ... 90 superficial feet 1 gallon of tar will cover on second coat . . 160 superficial feet EXAMPLES 1. How many gallons .of paint will it take to paint a fence 6' high, and 50' long, if one gallon of paint is required for every 350 sq. ft.? 2. What will be the cost of varnishing a floor 22' long and 16' wide, if it tak^s a pint of varnish for every four square yards of flooring and the varnish costs $2.65 per gallon ? 3. What will it cost to paint a ceiling 36' by 29' at 21 cents per square yard ? 4. What will be the cost of painting a house which is 52' long, 31' wide, 21' high, if it takes one gallon of paint to cover 300 sq. ft. and the paint costs $ 1.65 per gallon ? (House has a flat roof.) Papering Wall paper is 18" wide and may be bought in single rolls 8 yards long or double rolls 16 yards long. When you get a price on paper, be sure that you know whether it is by the single or double roll. It is usually more economical to buy a double roll. There is considerable waste in cutting and match- ing paper, hence it is difficult to estimate the exact amount. CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 143 A fraction of a roll is not sold, there are various rules pro- vided. The border, called frieze, is usually sold by the yard. Find the perimeter of the room in feet, and divide this by the width of the paper (which is 18" or li'). The quotient obtained equals the number of strips of paper required. Then divide the length of the roll by the height of the room in order to obtain the number of strips in the roll. The number of rolls required is found by dividing the strips in the room by the strips in the roll. Another rule is : Find the perimeter of the room in yards, multiply that by 2, and you have the number of strips. Find the length of each strip. How many whole strips can you cut from a double roll ? How many rolls will it take ? To allow for doors and windows deduct 1 yard from the perimeter for each window and each door. EXAMPLES 1. A paper hanger is asked to paper a square room 18' by 18' with a door and three windows. The door is 3' by 7' and the windows 2' by 4'. How many double rolls of paper will he use ? (Consider all rooms 9' high.) 2. How much paper will be required to paper a room 18' by 14' ? 3. How much paper will be required to paper a room 18' 6" by 16' 4" with 2 doors and 2 windows ? 4. How much will it cost to paper a room 19' 6" by 16' 4" with 2 doors and 2 windows. The paper costs 49^ a roll to place it on the wall. Taxes Find out where the money comes from to support the schools, police, library, etc. in your city or town. How is it obtained ? What is real estate ? What is personal property ? What is a poll tax ? A tax is the sum of money assessed on persons and property to defray the expenses of the community. 144 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The tax rate is usually expressed as so many dollars per thousand of valuation, generally between $ 10 and $ 20. In some places it is expressed as a certain number of mills on $ 1 or cents on $ 100. The tax rate, or the amount on each thousand dollars of property, is determined by dividing the whole tax by the num- ber of thousand dollars of taxable property in the community. To illustrate : In a certain community the whole tax is $1,942,409.73. The taxable property is $ 97,945,162.00. $1,942,409.73 983 97,945 EXAMPLES 1. If the tax rate is $ 21.85, what are the taxes paid by a family of women owning property worth $ 16,000 ? 2. What is the tax on $ 34,697 in your town or city ? 3. A man owns real estate worth $ 84,313, and has personal property worth $ 16,584. What is his tax bill, if the tax rate is $ 1.75 per hundred and a poll tax is $ 2 ? 4. A dwelling house is valued at $ 8500 and the tax rate is $ 17.52 per thousand. What is the tax ? 5. W r hat is the tax on a house valued at $ 3500, if the tax rate is $ 23.45 ? 6. The taxable property of a city is $ 97,945,162.00 ; and the expenses (taxes) necessary to run the city are $ 1,900,136.14. Obtain the tax rate. United States Revenue The town or city derives revenue from taxes levied on real and personal property. The county and state derive part of their revenue from a tax imposed upon the towns and cities. The United States government derives a great part of its rev- CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE 145 enue from a tax placed on tobacco and liquor sold within its boundaries and from a tax, called customs duties, imposed upon articles imported from other countries. Some articles are admitted into the country free; these are said to be on the free list. The others are subject to one or both of the follow- ing duties : a duty placed on the weight or quantity of an article without regard to value (called specific duty), or a duty based upon the value of the article (expressed in per cent and called ad valorem duty). When goods are received into this country, they are examined by an officer (called a customs officer). The goods are accompanied by a written statement of the quantity and value (called manifest or invoice). Sometimes the goods are liquid, and in this case the weight of the bar- rel (called tare) must be subtracted from the total weight to obtain the net weight on which duty is imposed. In case bottles are broken and liquids have escaped, due allowance must be made before imposing duty. This is called leakage or breakage. EXAMPLES 1. What is the duty on bronze worth $ 8760 at 45 % ? 2. What is the duty on goods valued at $ 3115 at 35 % ? 3. What is the duty on 3843 sq. ft. of plate glass, duty $ 0.09 per square foot ? 4. What is the duty on jewelry valued at $ 8376 at 40 % ? 5. What is the duty on cotton handkerchiefs valued at $ 834 at 45 % ? 6. What is the duty on woolen knit goods valued at $ 1643, 41 cts. per pound plus 50 / ? 7. What is the duty on rugs (Brussels), 120 yards, 27" wide, invoiced at $ 1.80 a yard, at 29 cts. per square yard and 45 % ad valorem ? CHAPTER VII COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE WHEN about to furnish a house, one of the first things to consider is the amount of money to be devoted to the purpose. This amount should depend on the income. A person with a salary of $ 1000 a year should have saved at least $ 250 toward the equipment of his home before starting house- keeping. This is sufficient to purchase the essentials of a simply furnished apartment or small house. After one has lived in the house for a short time, it will be easy to study the possibilities and necessities of each room, and as time, opportunity, and money permit, one can add such other things as are needed. In this way the purchase of undesirable and inharmonious articles may be avoided. There are many different styles and grades of furniture. The cost depends upon the kind of wood used, and the care with which it is put together and finished. The most inexpensive furniture is not the cheapest in the end. It is made of inferior wood and with so little care that it is neither durable nor attractive. The medium grades are gen- erally made of birch, oak, or willow, are durable, and may be found in styles that are permanently satisfactory. The best grades are made of mahogany and other expensive woods, and those whose income consists only of wages or a salary cannot usually afford to buy more than a few pieces of this kind. Furniture that is well made, of good material, and free from striking peculiarities of design and of decoration is chosen by all people of good taste and good judgment. Furnishing the Hall The only furniture necessary for the vestibule is a rack for umbrellas. The walls should be painted with oil paint in some warm color, and the floor should be tiled or covered with inlaid linoleum in tile or mosaic 146 COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 147 design. If the vestibule serves also as the only hall, it should contain a rug, a small table or chair, and a mirror. A panel of filet lace is suitable to use across the glass in the front door. Through the front door one gets one's first impression of the occupants of the house. The furnishings of the hall should therefore be carefully chosen. It is a passageway rather than a room, and requires very little furniture. The walls may be done in a landscape paper, if one wishes to make the room appear larger, or in plain colonial yellow, if a bright effect is desired. If the size of the hall will permit, it is best to furnish it as a reception room; it may be made an attractive meeting place for the family and friends ; but if it is one of the narrow passages so often found in city houses, one must be content with the regulation hall stand, or a mirror and a narrow table, and possibly one chair. PRICE LIST OF HALL FURNITURE w a 63 y *Jt * 03 ^ CC iJ , ?S3 ^ P* S5 H 1 owS K H ^ Table .... $0.00 $30.00 $10.50 $12.00 $85.00 $21.00 $16.00 Chair .... 2.75 4.50 5.50 6.50 10.00 6.50 8.25 Armchair . 2.75 6.75 7.75 8.75 15.00 10.00 Serving table . . 8.25 9.00 10.50 12.75 35.00 18.00 28.00 Buffet .... 18.00 27.50 21.00 24.00 125.00 34.00 82.50 China closet . 15.00 30.00 34.50 39.00 60.00 45.00 Serving table on wheels . . . 16.75 16.75 30.50 34.00 27.00 27.00 24.00 Screen .... 3.75 5.00 4.50 5.25 25.00 20.00 High chair 2.50 2.50 4.15 5.50 10.00 9.00 8.00 Stoves / Gas ' ^ 5 - Wood $15.50 Franklin grate or andirons, \Coal, 17.00 Wood or coal 25.00 wood or coal . . $35.00 4. What will it cost to furnish a home on a moderate scale with china of the following amounts and kinds : I dozen soup plates (to be used for cereals also) . . $2.35 \ dozen dinner plates 2.25 1 dozen lunch plates (used also for breakfast and for salads) 3.85 \ dozen dessert plates 1.60 COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 159 dozen bread-and-butter plates 0. 70 \ dozen coffee cups and saucers 3.30 ^ dozen tea cups and saucers 2.80 \ dozen after-dinner coffee cups and saucers . . . 2.35 1 teapot 1.90 1 coffee pot 2.00 1 covered hot-milk jug or chocolate pot 2.60 1 large cream pitcher .70 1 small platter or chop platter 2.50 3 odd plates for cheese, butter, etc .95 Covered dish 2.80 \ dozen egg cups 1.50 5. What will it cost to furnish, a home on a moderate scale with glass, colonial period, of the following amounts and kinds : \ dozen tumblers -$0.50 \ dozen sherbet glasses .35 \ dozen dessert plates 1.25 \ dozen ringer bowls .75 Sugar bowl and cream pitcher .50 Dish for lemons 50 Dish for nuts .25 Pitcher 50 Candlesticks .65 Vinegar and oil cruets .50 Berry dish 25 I dozen iced-tea glasses .75 \ dozen individual salt cellars .60 6. What will it cost to furnish a home on a moderate scale with silver, pilgrim pattern, of the following amounts and kinds : 1 dozen teaspoons $14.00 \ dozen dessert spoons (used for soup also) . . . 9.50 4 tablespoons 9.50 1 dozen dessert forks (used also for breakfast, lunch, salad, pie, fruit, etc.) 19.00 \ dozen dessert knives 11.00 160 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS \ dozen table knives with steel blades and ivoroid handles $2.00 Carving set to match steel knives 4.00 \ dozen table forks 12.00 2 fancy spoons for jellies, bonbons, etc. ($ 1.50 each) 3.00 2 fancy forks for olives, lemons, etc. ($1.50 each) . 3.00 \ dozen after-dinner coffee spoons 5.00 \ dozen bouillon spoons 8.00 \ dozen butter spreaders 1.50 1 gravy ladle 4.75 Saltspoon - .... .20 Sugar tongs 2.25 7. What will it cost to furnish, a home on a moderate scale with silver-plated ware of the following amounts and kinds : Covered vegetable dish (cover may be used as a dish by removing handle) $10.00 Platter 11.50 Pitcher 12.00 Coffee pot 12.50 Toast rack 4.50 Small tray 6.50 Sandwich plate 6.00 Silver bowl 9.00 Egg steamer 8.00 Bread or fruit tray 5.50 Tea strainer 1.00 Candlesticks, each 3.75 Household Linen The quality of linen in every household should be the best that one can possibly afford. The breakfast runners and napkins are to be made by hand, of unbleached linen such as one buys for dish towels. With insets of imitation filet lace these are very attractive, durable, and easy to launder. 1. What is the cost of supplying the following amount of table and bed linen for a couple with an average income of % 1400, who are about to begin housekeeping ? COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 161 Table Linen 2 dozen 22-inch napkins, at $3.00 a dozen. 2 dozen 12-inch luncheon napkins, at $4.50 a dozen. (Luncheon napkins at $1.00 a dozen if made by hand of coarse linen.) 2 two-yard square tablecloths, at $1.25 a yard. Two-yard square asbestos or cotton flannel pad for table, at $ 1.00. \ dozen square tea cloths, $12.00. ^ dozen table runners for breakfast, at $2.40. 1 dozen white fringed napkins, at $1.20. 4 tray covers, at 65 cts. 1 dozen finger-bowl doilies, at $3.00. 1 dozen plate doilies, at $ 3.00. Bed Linen 4 sheets (extra long) for each bed, at $ 1.10. 4 pillow cases for each pillow, at 20 cts. 1 mattress protector for each bed, with one extra one in the house, at $1.50. 2 spreads for each bed, at $ 2.50. 1 down or lamb's-wool comforter for each bed, at $ 6. 1 pair of blankets for each bed, with 2 extra pairs in the house, at $ 8. dozen plain huckaback towels for each person, at 25 cts. 3 bath towels for each person, at 30 cts. dozen washcloths for each person, at 11 cts. 1 bath mat in the bathroom, 2 in reserve, at $1.50. The Sewing Room Even in a small house there is sometimes an extra room which may be fitted up as a sewing room in such a way as to be very convenient and practical, and at the same time so attractive as to serve occasionally as an extra bedroom. This room should be kept as light as possible and should be so furnished that it may easily be kept clean. EXAMPLE 1. What will it cost to furnish a sewing room with the fol- lowing articles ? Sewing machine with flat top to be Used as a dressing table . . $ 20.00 Chair 1.25 Box couch .... 13.25 Chiffonier . 9.00 162 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Mirror against a door $11.25 Low rocking-chair without arms 1.50 Cutting table, box underneath ; tilt top to be used 6.75 Clothes tree 3.38 The Kitchen The room in which the average housekeeper spends the greater part of her time is usually the least attractive room in the house, whereas it should be made and we learn by visiting foreign kitchens that it may be made a picturesque setting for one of the finest arts the art of cookery. A CONVENIENT KITCHEN The woodwork should be light in color, the walls should be painted with oil paint, or covered with washable material, this also in a light color. A limited number of well-made, carefully selected utensils will be found more useful than a large supply purchased without due con- sideration as to their real value and the need of them. Of course, the style of living and the size of the family must to some extent control the number, size, and kind of utensils that are required in each kitchen. As in all the other furnishings, the beginner will do well to purchase only the essential articles until time demonstrates the need of others. COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 163 EXAMPLES > i 1. What will it cost to furnish your kitchen V Stoves Gas 12.50, $ 10.00, $30.00 Blue-flame kerosene 10.25 Coal, wood, gas 86.00 Coal and wood 49.75 Small electric 33.00 Table . . . $2.10; .-$9.00 (drop leaf) ;$ 11.25 (white enamel on steel) Chair $1.87, $6.75 Ice chest $7.00, $ 15.00, $40.00 (white enamel) Kitchen cabinet $28.00, $29.00 (white enamel on steel) Linoleum . . . 60c. square yard, printed; $ 1.60 square yard, inlaid 2. What will the following small kitchen furnishings cost ? Small-sized ironing board . $0.35 Small glass washboard . . .35 Clothesline and pins ... .59 2 irons, holder and stand . .70 2-gallon kerosene can . . .45 Small bread board ... .15 Hack for dish towels ... .10 6 large canisters 60 Wooden salt box 10 1 iron skillet 30 1 double boiler 1.00 Dish drainer 25 2 dish mops 10 Wire bottle washer . . . .10 Small rolling pin 10 Chopping machine ... 1.10 Large saucepan 30 3 graduated copper, enam- eled or nickel handled dishes 50 2 covered earthenware or enameled casseroles . . 1.50 2 pie plates enameled . . .20 Alarm clock 1.00 Small covered garbage pail . .35 Scrubbing brush 20 Broom and brushes . . . .60 1 quart ice-cream freezer . 1.75 Roller for towel 10 Bread box 50 4 small canisters 40 2 sheet-iron pans to use as roasting pans 20 Dishpan (fiber) , . . . .50 Plate scraper 15 Soap shaker 10 Vegetable brush 05 Muffin tins 25 Granite soup kettle . . . .45 3 graduated small saucepans .30 Glass butter jar 35 6 popover or custard cups . .30 Soap dish 25 Knives, forks, egg beater, lemon squeezer, etc. . . 5.50 Sink strainer, brush, and shovel 50 Galvanized-iron scrub pail . .30 1 Consider income of family aud size of kitchen. 164 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES IN LAYING OUT FURNITURE Considerable practice should be giveu in laying out furniture according to scale. 1. A bedroom 12' x 10' 6" faces the south, and has 2 win- dows, 3' 6" wide, 1 window, 3' 6", two feet from corner of west sidej and a door 3' wide two feet from east wall. This room is to contain the following furniture : 1 bed, 6' 6" x 4' 1 dresser, 3' x 1'6" E & SOLUTION 1 dining table, 5' in diameter 1 buffet, 4' x 2' 1 table, 2' 6" x 3' 2 chairs, 1' 6" x 2' Draw a plan showing the most artistic arrangement of furniture. Scale -J-" = V. 2. A dining room 15' x 18' faces the east, and has two windows 3' 6" wide on the east side, 2 windows 3' 6" on the north side, folding doors 6 wide in the center, on the south side. Draw a plan and place the following furniture in it in the most artistic manner : 6 chairs, 2' x 1' 6" Scale, \" = I' 3. A living room 15' x 18' faces the north and has 2 win- dows 3' 6" wide on the north side, 2 windows 3' 6" on the west side, and folding doors on the south side. Draw a plan and place the following furniture in the most artistic manner : 1 settee 1 table 1 desk and chair 2 easy-chairs 2 rockers Scale i" = I' 4. A kitchen 12' x 10' 6" faces the south and has 2 windows 3' 6" wide on the south side, 1 on the west side, two feet COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 165 from the north comer, a door 3' wide, two feet from the north- east corner that leads into the dining room. Draw a plan and place the furniture in proper places : 1 kitchen range 1 table . 1 sink 2 chairs 2 set tubs Scale \" = V REVIEW EXAMPLES 1. A living room was fitted out with the furniture in the list below. What kind of furniture is it ? What is the cost ? Large round table and small Curtains and shades for three table, $8.00 windows, 6.30 Six chairs and couch, $ 50.00 Rug and draperies, $ 34.00 Bookcase or shelves, $ 10.00 Incidentals, $25.00 2. A hall was furnished with the following articles. What was the total cost ? What kind of furniture was used ? Seat, $12.00 Rug, $10.00 Mirror, $2.00 Umbrella stand, $2.00 Table, $ 2.00 Table cover, $ 1.00 Two chairs, $7.50 Pole, $3.00 3. A family of seven three grown people and four chil- dren lived in a southern city on $ 600 a year. The monthly expense was as follows : House rent, $ 12.00 Bread, $ 3.50 Groceries, $ 12.00 Beef, $3.50 Washing, $ 5.00 Vegetables, $3.00 What is the balance from the monthly income of $ 50 for clothing and fuel ? 4. What is the cost of the following kitchen furniture ? 1 kitchen chair, $ 1.25 1 broom, 50 cents 1 table, $ 1.50 Kitchen utensils, $ 8.50 166 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 5. What is the cost of the following living-room furniture ? How much income should a family receive to buy this furniture ? Overstuffed chair, $12.50 2 willow chairs, $ 6 each 1 willow stool, $4.25 1 rag rug, $ 9.50 1 newspaper basket, $2.25 12 yards of cretonne, 35 cents a yard 1 green pottery lamp bowl, $ 3.00 1 wire shade frame, 50 cents 7 yards of linen, at 50 cents a yd. 10 yards of cotton fringe, at 5 cents a yd. 6 yards of net, at 25 cents a yd. Table, 48 by 30 inches, $ 7.00 6. What is the cost of the following bedroom furniture? How much income should a family have to buy this furniture ? 1 bed pillow, $1.00 10 yards of white Swiss, at 25 cents a yd. 8 yards of pink linen, at 50 cents a yd. 1 comfortable, $4.25 Sheets and blankets for one bed, $6.00 3 yards of cretonne, at 35 cents a yd. 7. What is the cost of the following bedroom furniture ? How much income should a family have to warrant buying this furniture ? 1 bed spring, $3.50 1 single cotton mattress, $4.25 1 chiffonier, $6.50 1 dressing table, $2.25 1 mirror, $2.75 1 armchair, $4.00 1 rag rug, $3.25 2 pillows, 75 cents each 2 white iron beds, at $4.25 each 2 single springs, at $2.50 each 2 cotton mattresses, at $4.25 each. 2 bed pillows, at $ 1.00 each 1 dressing table, $ 5.50 1 white desk, $6.75 1 chiffonier, $6.50 1 dressing-table mirror, $3.25 1 chiffonier mirror, $1.50 1 rag rug, $3.25 I wastepaper basket, .50 II yards of cretonne, at 35 cents a yd. 5 yards of yellow sateen, at 25 cents a yd. 2 comfortables, at $ 4.25 each 10 yards of cream sateen, at 25 cents a yd. 15 yards of cotton fringe, at 5 cents a yd. 1 willow chair, $ 6.00 1 cushion, 75 cents 4 yards of net, at 25 cents a yd. Sheets and blankets for two beds, $ 12.00 1 dressing table chair, $4.50 HEAT AND LIGHT 167 8. What is the cost of the following dining-room furniture ? What income should one receive to buy this furniture ? 6 dining-room chairs, $4.50 lOyardsof cretonne, at 35 cents a yd. 1 dining table, $6.75 One wire shade frame, 50 cents 1 serving table, $ 6.25 Table linen, $ 8.00 1 rag rug, $9.50 Silverware, $7.50 1 set of dishes, $ 9.75 1 willow tray, $3.25 HEAT AND LIGHT Value of Coal to Produce Heat Several different kinds of coal are used for fuel. Some grades of the same coal give off more heat in burning than others. The heating value of a coal may be determined in three ways : (1) by chemical analysis to determine the amount of carbon ; (2) by burning a definite amount in a calorimeter (a vessel immersed in water) and noting the rise in tempera- ture of the water ; (3) by actual trial in a stove or under a steam boiler. The first two methods give a theoretical value ; the third gives the real result under the actual conditions of draft, heating surface, combustion, etc. The coal generally used for household purposes in the Eastern states comes from the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania. This coal, as shipped from the mines, is divided into several different grades according to size. The standard screening sizes of one of the leading coal-mining districts are as follows : Broken, through 4|" round Pea, through f" square Egg, through 2f" square Buckwheat, through " square Stove, through 2" square Rice, through f " round Nut, through 1|" square Barley, through \" round The last three sizes given above are too small for household use and are usually purchased for generating steam in large power-plant boilers. Coke is used to some extent in localities where it can be obtained at a reasonable price in sizes suitable for domestic purposes. The grades of coke generally used for this purpose are known as nut and pea. The use of coke in the household has one principal objection. It burns up quickly and the fires, therefore, require more attention. This is due to the fact that a given volume of coke weighs less and therefore contains less heat than other fuel occupying the same space in the stove or furnace. 168 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS The chief qualities which determine the value of domestic coal are its percentage of ash and its behavior when burned. Coal may contain an excessive amount of impurities such as stone and slate, which may be easily observed by inspection of the supply. The quality of domestic coke depends entirely upon the grade of coal from which it has been made, and may vary as much as 100 fo in the amount of impurities contained. Aside from the chemical characteristics of domestic coal, the most im- portant factor to consider in selecting fuel for a given purpose is the size which will best suit the range or heater. This depends on the amount of grate surface, the size of the fire-box, and the amount of draft. EXAMPLES 1. Hard coal of good quality has at least 90 % of carbon. How much carbon in 9 tons of hard coal ? 2. A common coal hod holds 30 pounds of coal. How many hods in a ton ? 3. If coal sells for $ 8.25 in June and for $ 9.00 in January, what per cent is gained by buying it in June rather than in January ? When is the most economical time to buy coal ? 4. The housewife buys kerosene by the gallon. If the price per gallon is 13 cts. and live gallons cost 55 cts., what is the per cent gained by buying in 5-gallon can lots ? 5. If kerosene sells for $4.60 a barrel, what is the price per gallon by the barrel ? What per cent is gained over single gallons at 13 cts. retail ? What is the most economical way to buy kerosene ? (A barrel contains 42 gallons.) How to Read a Gas Meter 1 1. Each division on the right-hand circle denotes 100 feet ; on the center circle 1000 feet ; and on the left-hand circle 10,000 feet. Read from left- hand dial to right, always tak- ing the figures which the hands have passed, viz. : The above dials register 3, 4, 6, adding 1 Gas is measured in cubic feet. HEAT AND LIGHT 169 two ciphers for the hundreds, making 34,600 feet registered. To ascertain the amount of gas used in a given time, deduct the previous register from the present, viz. : Register by above dials 34,600 Register by previous statement 18,200 Given number of feet registered 16,400 16,400 feet @ 90 cts. per 1000 costs what amount ? 2. If a gas meter at the pre- vious reading registered 82,700 ^ ^ ^^ ^ feet, and to-day the dials read as follows, what is the cost of the gas at 95 cts. per 1000? 3. What is the cost of the gas used during the month from the reading on this meter, if the previous reading was 6100 feet ? The rate is $ 1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. less ten per cent, if paid before the 12th of the month. Give two answers. 4. What is the cost of gas registered by this meter at 85 cts. per 1000 cu. ft.? How to Read an Electric Meter (See the subject of the electricity in the Appendix) There are three terms used in connection with electricity which it is important to understand ; namely, the volt, the ampere, and the watt or kilowatt. (1) The volt is the unit of Electromotive Force or electrical pressure. It is the pressure necessary to force a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm. (2) The unit of electric current strength is the ampere. It 170 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS is the amount of current flowing through a resistance of one ohm under a pressure of one volt. (3) The watt is the unit of electrical power ; it is the prod- uct of volts (of electromotive force) and current (amperes) in the circuit, when their values are respectively one volt and one ampere. That is to say, if we have an electrical device operated at 3 amperes, on a line voltage of 115 volts, the amount of current consumed is equal to 115 x 3 = 345 watts, which, if operated continuously for one hour, will register on the electric meter as 345 watt hours, or .345 kilowatt hours (a kilowatt hour being equal to 1000 watt hours). All electrically operated devices are stamped with the ampere and voltage rating. This stamping may be found on the name-plate or bottom of the device. By multiplying the voltage of the circuit upon which the device is to be operated by the amperes as found stamped on the device, we can quickly determine the wattage consumption of the latter, as ex- plained under the definition of the watt, and as shown above. The line voltage which is most extensively supplied by Electric Lighting com- panies in this country is 115 volts, and where this voltage is in operation, the devices are stamped for voltage thus: V. 110-125. This means that the device may be used on a circuit where the voltage does not drop below 110 volts or rise above 125 volts. By operating a device with the above stamping on a circuit of 106 volts the life of the device would be very much longer, but the results desired from it would be secured much more slowly. Again, if the same device were used on a circuit oper- ating at 130 volts, the life of the device would be very short, although the results desired from it would be brought about much more quickly. Be- fore attempting to operate an electrically heated or lighted device, if in doubt about the voltage of the circuit, it is best to call upon the Electric Company with which you are doing business and ask the voltage of their lines. Incandescent electric lamps, while known to the average user as lamps of a certain "candle-power," are all labeled with their proper wattage consumption. Mazda lamps, suitable for household use and obtainable at all lighting companies, are made in 15, 25, 40, 60, and 100 watt sizes. For commercial use, lamps of 1000 watts and known as the nitrogen-filled lamps are on the market. Nitrogen lamps are made in sizes of 200 watts and upwards. HEAT AND LIGHT 171 The rate by which current consumed for lighting and small heating is figured in some cities is known as the "sliding scale rate," and current is charged for each month, as follows : The first 200 kw. hrs. used @ 10^ per kilowatt hour. The next 300 kw. hrs. used @ 8^ per kilowatt hour. The next 500 kw. hrs. used @ 7 per kilowatt hour. The next 1000 kw. hrs. used @ 6 ^ per kilowatt hour. The next 3000 kw. hrs. used @ 5 ^ per kilowatt hour. All over 5000 kw. hrs. used @ 4 ^ per kilowatt hour. Less 5% discount, if bill is paid within 15 days from date of issue. Under the sliding-scale rate the more electricity that is consumed, the cheaper it becomes. But it is also readily seen that the customer who uses a large amount of electricity pays in exactly the same way as the small consumer pays for his consumption. If a person uses less than 200 kw. hrs. per month, he pays for his con- sumption at the rate of 10 ^ per kilowatt hour ; if he uses 201 kw. hrs. of electricity per month, he pays for his first 200 kw. hrs. at the first step, namely 10 ^, and for the remaining 1 kw. hr. he pays 8 fi per kilowatt hour. If a meter reads " 1000 kw. hrs.," the bill is not figured at 6^ direct, but must be figured step by step as shown in the examples below. For convenience in figuring, the amount of power used by various electrically operated devices is given in the following table. By figuring the cost of each per hour, it will be seen that these electric servants work very cheaply. APPARATUS WATTS USED WHAT is COST PER HOUR 1 (a) Disk stove 200 ? (&) 6 Ib. iron 440 ? (c) Air heater, small 1000 ? (d) Toaster-stove 500 ? (e) Heating pad 55 ? (/) Sewing-machine motor 50 (average) ? (#) 25 watt (16 c p.) lamp 25 ? (ft) Chafing dish 500 ? (0 Washing-machine motor 200 (average) ? EXAMPLE. Suppose a customer in one month used 6120 kilowatt hours of electricity, what is the amount of his bill 1 Based on 10 cents per kilowatt hour. 172 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS with 5 % deducted if the bill is paid within the discount period of 15 days from date of issue ? SOLUTION. 6120 kw. hrs. = total amount used. First 200 kw. hrs. @ 10^ = $ 20.00 5920 Next _300kw. hrs. @ 8?= 24.00 5620 Next 500 kw. hrs. @ 7 / = 35.00 5120 Next 1000 kw. hrs. @ t= 60.00 4120 Next 3000 kw. hrs. @ 5/= 150.00 We have now figured for 5000 kw. hrs., and as our rate states that all over 5000 kw. hrs., is figured at 4 ^ per kilowatt hours, we have 1120 kw. hrs. @ 4? = $ 44.80 $333.80 = gross bill Assuming that the bill is paid within the given discount period, we deduct 5 % from the gross bill, which equals I 16.69 $317. 11 = net bill EXAMPLES 1. A customer uses in one month 300 kw. hr. of electricity. What is the amount of his bill if 5 % is deducted for payment within 15 days ? 2. What is the amount of bill, with 5 % deducted, for 15 kw. hr. of electricity ? An electric meter is read in the same way that a gas meter is read. In deciding the reading of a pointer, the pointer before it (to the right) must be consulted. Unless the pointer to the right has reached or passed zero, or, in other words, completed a revolution, the other has not com- pleted the division upon which it may appear to rest. Figure 1 reads 11 kw. hrs., as the pointer to the extreme right has made one complete revolution, thus advancing the second pointer to the first digit and has itself passed the first digit on its dial. HEAT AND LIGHT 173 FIG. 1. READING 11 KW. MRS. Fia. 2. WHAT is THE READING? Q/r^>\ f " \ ILOWATT- HOUC.S FIG. 3. READING 424 KW. HRS. FIG. 4. WHAT is THE READING? FIG. 5. WHAT is THE READING ? 174 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 1. What is the cost of electricity in Fig. 1, using the rates on page 171 ? 2. What is the cost of electricity in Fig. 2, using the rates on page 171, with the discount ? 3. What is the cost of electricity in Fig. 3, using the rates on page 171, with the discount ? EXAMPLES 1. What is the cost of maintaining ten 25-watt Mazda lamps, burning 30 hours at 10 cents per kw. hr. ? 2. What will it cost to run a sewing machine by a motor (50 watts) for 15 hours at 9 cents per kw. hr. ? 3. A 6-lb. electric flatiron is marked 110 V. and 4 amperes. What will it cost to use the iron for 20 hours at 8 cents per kw. hr. ? 4. An electric washing machine is marked 110 V. and 2 amperes. What will it cost to run it 15 hours at 81 cents per kw. hr. ? 5. An electric toaster stove is marked 115 volts and 3J am- peres. What will it cost to run it for a month (thirty break- fasts) 15 hours at 8J cents per kw. hr. ? If a discount of 5 % is allowed for prompt payment, what is the net amount of the bill ? Methods of Heating Houses are heated by hot air, hot water, or steam. In the hot-water system of heating, hot water passes through coils of pipes from the heater in the basement to radiators in the rooms. The water is heated in the boiler, and the portion of the fluid heated expands and is pushed upward by the adjacent colder water. A vertical circulation of the water is set up and the hot water passes from the boiler to the radiators and gives off its heat to the radiators, which in turn give it off to the surrounding air in the room. The convection currents HEAT AND LIGHT 175 carry heat through the room and at the same time provide for ventilation. In the hot-air method the heat passes from the furnace through openings in the floor called registers. This method frequently fails to heat a house uniformly be- cause there is no way for the air in certain rooms to escape so as to per- mit fresh and heated air to enter. Steam heating consists in allowing steam from a boiler in the basement to circulate through coils or radiators. The steam gives off its heat to the HOT AIR HEATING SYSTEM radiators, which in turn give it off to the surrounding air. Room-heating Calculations In order to insure comfort and health, every housewife should be able to select an efficient room-heating appli- ance, or be able to tell whether the existing heating appara- tus is performing the required service in the most econom- ical manner. In order to do this, it is necessary to know how to determine the re- quirements for individual room heating. HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM 176 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS For Steam Heating Allow 1 sq. ft. of radiator surface for each 80 cu. ft. of volume of room. 13 sq. ft. of exposed wall surface. 3 sq. ft. of exposed glass surface (single window). 6 sq. ft. of exposed glass surface (double window). For Hot-water Heating Add 50 per cent to the amount of radiator surface obtained by the above calculation. For Gas Heaters having no Flue Connection Allow 1 cu. ft. of gas per hour for each 215 cu. ft. of volume of room. 35 sq. ft. of exposed wall surface. 9 sq. ft. of exposed glass surface (single window). 18 sq. ft. of exposed glass surface (double window) . The results obtained must be further increased by one or more of the following factors if the corresponding conditions are present. Northern exposure 1.3 Eastern or western exposure 1.2 Poor frame construction 2.5 Fair frame 2.0 Good frame or 12-inch brick 1.2 Room heated in day time only 1.1 Room heated only occasionally 1.3-1.4 Cold cellar below or attic above . . . . . 1.1 EXAMPLE. How much radiating surface, for steam heating, is necessary to heat a bathroom containing 485 cu. ft. ? The bathroom is on the north side of the house. - 4 F 8 ff 5 - = 6^ sq. ft. of radiating surface 6 T V X 1.3 = ft x ft = 7tfi sq. ft. 6% + 7|ft = 6 T Vo + 7 J|i = 13}f sq. ft. or approx. 14 sq. ft. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. How much radiating surface, for steam heating, is re- quired for a bathroom 12' X 6' x 10' on an eastern exposure ? 2. How much radiating surface, for hot-water heating, is required for the bathroom in example 1 ? COST OF FURNISHING A HOUSE 177 3. How large a gas heater should be used for heating the bathroom in example 1 ? 4. (a) How much radiating surface is required for steam heating, in a living room 18' x 16^' x 10', with three single windows 2' x 5^ ' ? The room is exposed to the north. (6) How much radiating surface for hot- water heating ? (c) How much gas should be provided to heat the room in example (a) ? 5. (a) How much radiating surface is required for steam heating a bedroom 19' x 17' x 11' with two single windows 2' x 5y ? The house is of poor frame construction. (b) How much radiating surface for hot- water heating ? (c) How much gas should be provided to heat room in example (a) ? CHAPTER VIII THRIFT AND INVESTMENT IT is not only necessary to increase your earning capacity, but also to develop systematically and regularly the saving habit. A dollar saved is much more than two dollars earned. For a dollar put at interest is a faithful friend, earning twenty-four hours a day, while a spent dollar is like a lost friend gone forever. Histories of successful men show that fortune's ladder rests on a foundation of small savings ; it rises higher and higher by the added power of interest. The secret of success lies in regularly setting aside a fixed portion of one's earnings, for instance 10 % ; better still, 10 % for a definite object, such as a home or a competency. In every community one will find various agencies by which savings can be systematically encouraged and most success- fully promoted. These institutions promote habits of thrift, encourage people to become prudent and wise in the use of money and time. They help people to buy or build homes for themselves or to accumulate a fund for use in an emergency or for maintenance in old age. Banks Working people should save part of their earnings in order to have something for old age, or for a time of sickness, when they are unable to work. This money is deposited in banks savings, National, cooper- ative, and trust companies. National Banks National banks pay no interest on small deposits, but give the depositor a check book, which is a great convenience in business. National banks require that a fixed sum should be left on deposit, $ 100 or more, and some of them charge a certain amount each month for taking care of the money. 178 THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 179 Trust Companies Trust companies receive money on deposit and allow a customer to draw it out by means of a check. They usually pay a small interest on deposits that maintain a balance over $ 500. Cooperative Banks When a person takes out shares in a cooperative bank, he pledges him- self to deposit a fixed amount each month. If he deposits $5, he is said to have five shares. No person is permitted to have more than twenty- five shares. The rate of interest is much higher than in other banks, and when the shares mature, which is usually at the end of about eleven years, all the money must be taken out. Many people build their home through the cooperative bank, for, like every other bank, it lends money. When a person borrows money from a cooperative bank, he has to give a mortgage on real estate as security, and must pay back a certain amount each month. Savings Banks The most common form of banking is that carried on by the Savings Sank. People place their money in a savings bank for safe keeping and for interest. The bank makes its money by lending at a higher interest than it pays its depositors. There is a fixed date in each bank when money deposited begins to draw interest. Some banks pay quarterly and some semi-annually. At different times banks pay different rates of interest; and often in the same community there are different rates of in- terest paid by different banks. Every bank is obliged to open its books for inspection by special officers who are appointed for that work. If these men did their work carefully and often enough, there would be almost no chance of loss in putting money in a bank. Banks fail when they lend money to too many people who are unable to pay it back. EXAMPLES (Review interest on page 50) 1. I place $ 400 in a savings bank that pays 4 % on Jan. 1, 1916. Money goes on interest April 1 and at each successive quarter. How much money have I to my credit at the begin- ning of the third quarter ? 2. A man with a small business places his savings, $ 1683, 180 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS in a trust company so he can pay his bills by check. The bank pays 2 % for all deposits over $ 500. He draws checks for $ 430 and $ 215 within a few days. At the end of a month he will receive how much interest ? 3. Practically 10 % of the entire population of the United States, including children, have savings-bank accounts. If the population is 92,818,726, how many people have savings bank deposits ? 4. On April 1, 1910, a woman deposited $ 513 in a savings bank which pays 4 % interest. Interest begins April 1 and at each succeeding quarter. Dividends are declared Jan. 1 and July 1. What is the total amount of her deposit at the present date? The savings bank is not adapted to the needs of those with large sums to place at interest. It is a place where small sums may be deposited with absolute safety, earn a modest amount, and be used by the depositor at short notice. The savings bank lends money on mortgages and re- ceives about 5 fo. It pays its depositor either 3 % or 4 %. The differ- ence goes to pay expenses and to provide a surplus fund to protect depositors. The question may be asked, " Why cannot the ordinary depositor lend his money on mortgages and receive 5 fo ? " He can, if he is willing to assume the risk. When you receive 4 % interest, you are paying 1% to 1| fo in return for absolute safety and freedom from the necessity of selecting securities. Mortgages A mortgage is the pledging of property as a security for a debt. Mr. Allen owns a farm and wants some money to buy cattle for it. He goes to Mr. Jones and borrows $ 1000 from him, and Mr. Jones requires him to give as surety a mortgage on his farm. That is, Mr. Allen agrees that if he does not pay back the $ 1000, the farm, or such part as is necessary to cover the debt, shall belong to Mr. Jones. Under present law, if a man wishes to foreclose a mortgage, that is, compel its payment when due, he cannot take the property, but it must be sold at public auction. From the money received at the sale the man who holds the mortgage receives his full amount, and anything that is left belongs to the man who owned the property. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 181 Notes A promissory note is a paper signed by the borrower promising to repay borrowed money. Notes should state value received, date, the amount borrowed (called the face), the rate, to whom payable, and the time and place of payment. Notes are due at the expiration of the specified time. The rate of interest varies in different parts of the country. The United States has to pay about 2 % . Savings banks pay 3 % or 4 fo . Individuals borrowing on good security pay from 4 % to 6 fo. In order to make the one who loans the money secure, the borrower, called the maker of the note, often has to get a friend to indorse or sign this note. The indorser must own some sort of property and if, at the end of six months or the time specified, the maker cannot pay the note, he is notified by written order, called a protest, and may, later, be called upon to repay the note. A man is asking a great deal when he asks another man to sign a note for him. Unless you have more money than you need, it is better busi- ness policy to refuse the favor. Always be sure that you know exactly what you are signing and that you know the responsibility attached. If you are a stenographer or a clerk in an office, you will often be called upon to witness a signature and then to sign your own name to prove that you have witnessed it. Always insist upon reading enough of the document to be sure that you know just what your signature means. EXAMPLES 1. My house is worth $4000 and the bank holds a mortgage on it for one-half its value. They charge 5 % interest, which must be paid semi-amiually. How much do I pay each time ? 2. A bank holds a mortgage of $ 2500 on a house. The in- terest is 5 % payable semi-annually. How much is paid for interest at the end of three years ? 3. A man buys property worth $ 3000. He gives a $ 2000 mortgage and pays 5-J- % interest. What will be the interest on the mortgage at the end of the year ? Suppose he does not pay the interest, how long can he hold the property ? 182 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS DIFFERENT KINDS OF PROMISSORY NOTES $_ Montgomery, Ala after date for value received ^promise to pay to the order of .Dollars at fHed)amc0 National No A COMMON NOTE St. Paul, Minn 19 .after date for value received we jointly and severally promise to pay to the order o .Dollars at $fledjamc0 National Bank. No. _ _ Due JOINT NOTE $ FALL RIVER, MASS. 191 after date for value received promise to pay to the order of THE MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK of Fall River, Mass. _ DOLLARS, at said Bank, and interest for such further time as said principal sum or any part thereof shall remain unpaid at the rate of per cent per annum, having deposited with the said Mechanics National Bank, as GENERAL COL- LATERAL SECURITY, for the payment of any of liabilities to said Bank due, or to become due, direct or indirect, joint or several, individual or firm, now or hereafter contracted or incurred, at the option of said Bank, the following property, viz. : and hereby authorize said Bank or its assigns to sell and transfer said property or any part thereof without notice, at public or private sale, at the THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 183 option of said Bank or its assigns, on the non-payment of any of the liabili- ties aforesaid, and to apply the proceeds of said sale or sales, after deducting all the expenses thereof, interest, all costs and charges of enforcing this pledge and all damages, to the payment of any of the liabilities aforesaid, giving credit for any balanqe that may remain. Said Bank or its assigns shall at all times have the right to require the undersigned to deposit as general collateral security for the liabilities aforesaid, approved additional securities to an amount satisfactory to said Bank or its assigns, and hereby agree to deposit on demand (which may be made by notice in writing deposited in the post office and addressed to at last known residence or place of business) such additional collateral. Upon fail- ing to deposit such additional security, the liabilities aforesaid shall be deemed to be due and payable forthwith, anything hereinbefore or elsewhere ex- pressed to the contrary notwithstanding, and the holder or holders may immediately reimburse themselves by public or private sale of the security aforesaid; and it is hereby agreed that said Bank or any of its officers, agents, or assigns may purchase said collateral or any part thereof at such sale. In case of any exchange of or addition to the above described collateral, the provisions hereof shall apply to said new or additional collateral. COLLATERAL NOTE 4. On Jan. 2, 1915, Mr. Lewis gave his note for $2400, payable on Feb. 27, with interest at 6 %. On Feb. 2, he paid $ 600. How much was due Mar. 2, 1915 ? SOLUTION. In the case of notes running for less than a year, exact days are counted ; from Jan. 2 to Feb. 2 is 31 days. Interest Jan. 2 to Feb. 2, 31 days, $ 12.00 for 30 days .40 for 1 day .$ 12.40 31 days Amount due Feb. 2, $ 2400 + 12.40 = $ 2412.40. $ 2412.40 - 600 = $ 1812.40. Interest Feb. 2 to March 2, 28 days, 6.0413 20 days 1.8124 6 days .6041 2 days $8.4578 or $8.46 1812.40 Amount due March 2, $ 1820.86 Ans. 184 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Money lenders may discount their notes at banks and thus obtain their money before the note comes due. But the banks, in return for this serv- ice, deduct from the full amount of the note interest at a legal rate on the full amount for such time as remains between the day of discount and the day when the note comes due. To illustrate : A man has a note for $ 600 due in three months at 6 % interest. At the end of a month he presents the note at a bank and returns the difference between the amount at maturity, $ 609, and the interest on $609 for two months, the remaining time, at legal rate 6%, $6.09 or $609 - 6.09 = $602.91. 5. On June 1, 1914, Mr. Smith gives his note for $ 1200, payable on demand with interest at 6%. The following pay- ments are made on the note : Aug. 1, 1914, $ 140 ; Oct. 1, 1914, $100; Dec. 1, 1914, $100; and Feb. 1, 1914, $160. How much was due May 1, 1915 ? 6. A merchant buys paper amounting to $ 945. He gives his note for this amount, payable in three months at 6 % . The paper dealer desires to turn the note into cash immedi- ately. He therefore discounts it at the bank for 6 % . How much does he receive ? Stocks It often happens that one man or a group of men desire to engage in a business that requires more money than they alone are able or willing to invest in it. They obtain more money by organizing a stock company, in which they themselves buy as many shares as they choose, and then they induce others to pay for enough more shares to make up the capital that is needed or authorized for the business. A stock company consists of a number of persons, organized under a general law or by special charter, and empowered to transact business as a single individual. The capital stock of a company is the amount named in its charter. A share is one of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a company is divided (generally $ 100). The par value of a share of stock is its original or face value ; the market value of a share of stock is the price for which the share will sell in the market. The market values of leading stocks vary from day to day, and are quoted in the daily papers; e.g. "N. Y. C., 131" means that the stock of the New York Central R. R. Co. is selling to-day at $ 131 a share. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 185 Dividends are the net profits of a stock company divided among the stockholders according to the amount of stock they own. Stock companies often issue two kinds of stock, namely : preferred stock, which consists of a certain number of shares on which dividends are paid at a fixed rate, and common stock, which consists of the re- maining shares, among which are apportioned whatever profits there are remaining after payment of the required dividends on the preferred stock. CAZENDV1A NATIONAL BANK CERTIFICATE OF STOCK Stocks are generally bought and sold by brokers, who act as agents for the owners of the stock. Brokers receive as their compensation a certain per cent of the par value of the stock bought or sold. This is called brokerage. The usual brokerage is | % of the par value ; e.g. if a broker sells 10 shares of stock for me, his brokerage is | /o of $ 1000, or $1.25. EXAMPLE. What is the cost of 20 shares of No. Butte 301 ? $ 30^ + $ \ i = $ 30|, cost of 1 share. X 20 = $600 + $ 12 = 612.50, total cost. i of 1 % of $ 100 = 1 of $1, broker's charge per share. 186 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES 1. The par value of a certain stock is $ 100. It is quoted on the market at $ 87|-.. What is the difference in price per share between the market value and the par value ? 2. What is the cost of 40 shares of Copper Range at 53 ? 3. What is the cost of 53 shares of Calumet and Hecla at 680 ? 4. I have 50 shares of Anaconda. How much shall I re- ceive if I sell at 661 ? 5. I buy 60 shares of Anaconda at 66J. It pays a quarterly dividend of $ 1.50. What interest am I receiving on my money ? Bonds Corporations and national, state, county, and town governments often need to borrow money in order to meet extraordinary expenditures. When a corporation wishes to borrow a large sum of money for several years, it usually mortgages its property to a person or bank called a trustee. The amount of the mortgage is divided into parts called bonds, and these are sold to investors. The interest on the bonds is at a fixed rate and is generally payable semi-annually. Shares of stock represent the property of a corporation, while bonds represent debts of the corporation ; stock- holders are owners of the property of the corporation, while bondholders are its creditors. Bonds of large corporations whose earnings are fairly stable and regu- lar, like steam railroads, street railways, and electric power and gas plants, whose property must be employed for public necessities regardless of the ability of the managers, are usually good investments. Well-secured bonds are safer than stocks, as the interest on the bonds must be paid re- gardless of the condition of the business. For the widow who is obliged to live on the income from a moderate amount of capital, it is better to invest in bonds and farm mortgages than in stock. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 187 A SAMPLE BOND 188 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES 1. A man put $ 200 in the Postal Savings Bank and received 2 % interest. What would have been the difference in his income for a year if he had taken it to a savings bank that paid 3| % ? 2. A widow had a principal of $ 18,000. She placed it in a group of savings banks that paid 3f %,. The next year she purchased farm mortgages and secured 51 %. What was the difference in her income for the two years ? 3. Two sons were left $ 15,000 each. One placed it in first- class bonds paying 5^ %. The other placed it in savings banks and averaged 41 % . W T hat was the difference in income per year? Fire Insurance Household furniture, books, apparel., etc., can be insured at a low rate. While it will not make a man less careful in protecting his home from fire, it will make him more comfortable in the thought that if fire should come, the family will not be left without the means of clothing themselves and refurnishing the house. One of the first duties then, after the home is established, is to secure insurance. Insurance companies issue a policy for 1, 3, or 5 years. There is an advantage in buying a policy for more than one year, for on the 3- or 5- year policy there is a saving of about 20 % in premiums. Rules of per- centage apply to problems in insurance. EXAMPLE. A house worth $ 8400 is insured for its full value at 28 cents per $ 100. W T hat is the cost of premium ? SOLUTION. $ 8400 is the value of the policy or base. 28 cents is the rate of premium or rate. The premium or interest is the amount to be found. 84 x $0.28 = $23.52, premium. EXAMPLES 1. Find the insurance upon a dwelling house valued at $ 3800 at $ 2.80 per $ 1000 if the policy is on 80 % of the value of the house. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 189 2. Mr. Jones takes out $ 800 insurance on his automobile at 2 f c . What is the cost of the premium ? 3. The furniture in one tenement of a three-family house is valued at $ 1000. What premium is paid, if it is insured at the rate of 1 % for 5 years ? 4. If the premium on the same furniture in a two-family house in a different city is $ 7.50, what is the rate, expressed in per cent ? Life Insurance Every industrious and thrifty person lays aside a certain amount regularly for old age or future necessities, or in case of death to provide sufficient amount for the support of the family. This is usually done by taking out life insurance from a corporation called an insurance company. This corporation is obliged to obtain a charter from the state, and is regularly inspected by a proper state officer. The policy or contract which is made by the company with the member, fixing the amount to be paid in the event of his death, is called a life insurance policy, and the person to whom the amount is payable is termed the beneficiary. The contribution to be made by the member to the common fund, as stipulated in the policy, is termed the premium, and is usually payable in yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly installments. There are different kinds of insurance policies : the simplest is the ordinary life policy. Before entering into a contract of this kind, it is necessary to fix the amount of the premium, which must be large enough to enable the company to meet the necessary expense of conduct- ing the business and to accumulate a fund sufficient to pay the amount of the policy when the latter matures by the death of the insured. Making the Premium. If it were known to a certainty just how long the policy holder would live, anyone could compute the amount of the necessary premium. Let us suppose, for illustration, that the face of the policy is $ 1000, and that the policyholder will live just twenty years. Let us assume that the business is conducted without expense, and that the premiums are all to be invested at interest from date of payment. We do not know to a certainty what rate of interest can be earned during the whole period, and we shall therefore assume one that we can safely depend upon, say three per cent. A yearly payment of .$36.13 invested at three per cent compound interest will amount to $ 1000 in twenty years. 190 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS No. >213649 $5000 gto* fjmrtfe # tar ptutttal gif* Iwstxmtxtje Cfompaug In Consideration of the application for this Policy, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and in further consideration of the payment of ffiunflrrti ffln'rtg^cight^ 2^_ Dollars, 100 the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the &tttt ua t payment of a like sum to the said Company, on or before the __ day of Januarg j n ever y year during the continuance of this Policy, promises to pay at its office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, unto _ _, Beneficiar 2. of gofrn Boe _ the i nsured , O f cs jffloines j n t ] ie state of. subject to the rigfrt of the gnstircfr, frcrcfag rcscrbcfr, to flange the 33cncficiarg or iScncficiarics the sum of _ ^tbj ^Ti)ousanU ^Dollars, upon receipt and approval of proof of the death of said Insured while this Policy is in full force, the balance of the year's premium, if any, and any other indebtedness on account of this Policy being first deducted there- from ; provided, however, that if no Beneficiary shall survive the said Insured, then such payment shall be made to the executors, administra- tors or assigns of the said Insured. In Witness Whereof, THE NORTH STAR MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, at its office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has by its President and Secretary, executed this contract, this FirKt day of January Qne thousand nine hundred and sixteen. _ S. A. Hawkins, Secretary. L. H. Perkins, President. ORDINARY LIFE INSURANCE POLICY THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 191 If it were certain that the policyholder would live just twenty years, and that his premiums would earn just three per cent interest, and that the business could be conducted without expense, the necessary premium would be $36.13. But there are certain other contingencies that should be provided for ; such as, for example, a loss of invested funds, or a failure to earn the full amount of three per cent interest. To meet these expenses and contingencies something should be added to the premium. Let us estimate as sufficient for this purpose the sum of $7. This will make the gross yearly premium $43.13, the original pay- ment ($36.13) being the net premium, while the amount added thereto for expenses, etc. ($7.00), is termed the loading. The net premium is the amount which is mathematically necessary for the creation of a fund sufficient to enable the company to pay the policy in full at maturity. The loading is the amount added to the net premium to provide for expenses and contingencies. The net premium and loading combined make up the gross premium, or the total amount to be paid each year by the insured. Mortality Tables. Although it is impossible, as in the illustration given above, to predict in advance the length of any individual life, there is a law governing the mortality of the race by which we may determine the average lifetime of a large number of persons of a given age. We cannot predict in what year the particular individual will die, but we may determine with approximate accuracy how many out of a given number will die at any specified age. By means of this law it becomes possible to compute the premium that should be charged at any given age with almost as much exactness as in the example given, in which the length of life remaining to the individual was assumed to be just twenty years. Let us suppose, for example, that observations cover a period of time sufficient to include the history of 100,000 lives. Of these, you will find a certain number dying at the age of thirty, a larger number at the age of forty, and so on at the various ages, the extreme limit of life reached being in the neighborhood of one hundred years. The mortuary records of other groups of 100,000. living where conditions are practically the same, would give approximately the same results the same number of deaths at each age in 100,000 born. The variation would not be great, and the larger the number of lives under observation, the nearer the number of deaths at the several ages by the several records would ap- proach to uniformity. In this manner mortality tables have been constructed which show how many in any large number of persons born, or starting at a certain age, will live to age thirty, how many to age forty, how many to any other 192 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS age, and likewise the number that will die at each age, with the average lifetime remaining to those still alive. The insurance companies from these tables construct tables of premiums, varying according to the amount and kind of insurance and the age at which the policy is taken out. Kinds of Policies. An endowment policy is essentially for persons who must force themselves to save. It is an expensive form of insurance, but one that affords the young man or woman an incentive for saving, and that matures at a time when the individual has, as a result of long experience, better opportunities to make profitable investments. This policy also has a larger loan value than any other, and this sometimes be- comes an advantage to the young person. However, the chief advantage of the endowment policy is its incentive to save. A limited payment policy, such as the twenty-payment life, appeals most directly to those who desire to pay for life insurance only within the productive period of their life. This policy should attract the young man who is uncertain of an income after a given period, or who does not wish insurance premiums to be a burden upon him after middle life. Out of the relatively large and certain income of his early productive years he pays for his insurance. This policy also appeals to the man of middle age who has neglected to purchase life insurance but who wishes to buy it and pay for it before be becomes actually old. The Annuity An annuity is a specific sum of money to be paid yearly to some designated person. The one to whom the money is to be paid is termed the annuitant. If the payment is to be made every year until the annui- tant dies, it is termed a life annuity. For example, a life insurance company or other financial institution, in consideration of the payment to it of a specified amount, say 1000, will enter into a contract to pay a designated annuitant a stated sum, say $ 70, on a specified day in every year so long as the annuitant continues to live. The latter may live to draw his annuity for many years, until he has received in aggregate several times the original amount paid by him, or he may die after having collected but a single payment. In either case, the contract expires and the annuity terminates with the death of the annuitant. The amount of the yearly income or annuity which can be purchased with $ 1000 will depend, of course, upon the age of the annuitant. That sum will buy a larger income for the man of seventy than for one of fifty-six, for the reason that the former has, on the average, a much shorter time yet to live. The net cost of an annuity, that is, the net THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 193 amount to be paid in one sum, and which is termed the value of the annuity, is not a matter of estimate, but, like the life insurance premium, is determined by mathematical computation, based upon the mortality table. The process is quite as simple as the computation of the single premium. Many men who insure their lives choose a form of policy under which the beneficiary, instead of receiving the full amount of the insurance at the death of the insured, is paid an annuity for a period of years or throughout life. The amount of annuity paid in such cases is exactly equal to the amount that could be bought for a sum equal to the value of the policy when it falls due. EXAMPLES 1. A young man at 26 years of age takes out a straight life policy of $ 1000, for which he pays $ 17.03 a year as long as he lives, and his estate receives $ 1000 at his death. If he dies at 46 years of age, how much has he paid in ? How much more than he has paid does his estate receive then ? 2. Another young man at the same age takes out a twenty- payment life policy and pays $ 24.85 for twenty years. At the end of the twenty years, how much has he paid in ? Does he receive anything in return at the end of the twenty years ? 3. Another form of insurance, called an endowment, is taken out by another young man at twenty-six years of age. He pays $ 41.94 a year. At the end of twenty years he receives $ 1000 from the insurance company. How much has he paid in ? Where is the difference between these two amounts ? Exchange Exchange is the process of making payment at a distant place without the risk and expense of sending money itself. Funds may be remitted from one place to another in the same country in six different ways : Postal money order, express money order, telegraphic money order, bank draft, check, and sight draft. The largest amount for which one can obtain a postal money order is $ 100. It is drawn up by the postmaster after an application has been duly made out. An express money order is similar to a postal money order, but may be 194 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS drawn for any number of dollars at the same rate as the post office order. This is issued at express offices. A telegraphic money order is an order drawn by a telegraph agent at any office, instructing the agent at some other office to pay the person named in the message the sum specified. The rates are high, and in addition one must pay the actual cost of sending the telegram according to distance and number of words. A bank draft is an order written by one bank directing another bank to pay a specified sum of money to a third party. This order looks much like a check. A check is an order on a bank to pay the sum named and deduct the amount from the deposit of the person who signs the check. A sight draft is an order on a debtor to pay to a bank the sum named by the creditor who signs the draft. Foreign exchange is a system for transmitting money to another country. By this means the people of different countries may pay their debts. The most common methods of foreign exchange for an ordinary traveler are letters of credit or travelers' cheques. A letter of credit is a circular letter issued by a banking house to a person who desires to travel abroad. The letter directs certain banks in foreign countries to furnish the traveler such sums as he may require up to the amount named in the letter. Fees For Money Orders Domestic Bates When payable in Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Hon- duras, Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba, Martinique, Mexico, Newfoundland, The Philippine Islands, The United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China), and certain islands in the West Indies, listed in the register of money order offices. For Orders from $00.01 to $2.50 . Scents From $ 2.51 to $ 5 5 cents From $ 5.01 to $ 10 8 cents From $ 10.01 to $ 20 10 cents From $ 20.01 to $ 30 12 cents From $ 30.01 to $ 40 15 cents From $ 40.01 to $ 50 18 cents From $ 50.01 to $ 60 20 cents From $ 60.01 to $75 , 25 cents From $ 75.01 to $ 100 , . . 30 cents THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 195 International Rates When payable in Asia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Queensland, Russia, Salvador, South Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tasmania, Union of South Africa, Uruguay, and Victoria. For Orders from $00.01 to $10 10 cents From $ 10.01 to $ 20 20 cents From $ 20.01 to $ 30 30 cents From $ 30.01 to $ 40 40 cents From $ 40.01 to $ 50 50 cents From $50.01 to $60 60 cents From $ 60.01 to $ 70 70 cents From $ 70.01 to $80 . 80 cents From $80.01 to $90 90 cents From $ 90.01 to $ 100 1 dollar Rates for Money Transferred by Telegraph The Western Union charges for the transfer of money by telegraph to its offices in the United Stales the following : First : For $ 25.00 or less 25 cents $ 25.01 to $ 50.00 35 cents $50.01 to $ 75.00 60 cents $75.01 to $100.00 85 cents For amounts above $ 100.00 add (to the $ 100.00 rate) 25 cents per hundred (or any part of $ 100.00) up to $ 3000.00. For amounts above $ 3000.00 add (to the $ 3000.00 rate) 20 cents per hundred (or any part of $ 100.00). Second : To the above charges are to be added the tolls for a fifteen word message from the office of deposit to the office of payment. Express rates are the same as postal rates. EXAMPLES 1. A young woman in. California desires to send $ 20 to her mother in Maine. What is' the most economical way to send it, and what will it cost ? 2. A young lady, traveling in this country, finds that she 196 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS needs money immediately. What is the quickest and most economical way for her to obtain $ 275 from her brother who lives 1000. miles distant ? 3. A merchant in Boston buys a bank draft of $ 3480 for Chicago. The bank charges J of 1 % for exchange. How much must he pay the bank ? 4. A domestic in this country sends to her mother in Ireland 5 pounds for a Christmas present. What will it cost her, if $ 4.865 = 1 ? A commission of i of 1 / is charged. Claims If a person traveling by boat, electric or steam railway is injured by an accident which is the fault of the company, it is bound to repair the finan- cial loss. The company is not responsible for the carelessness of passen- gers or for the action of the elements. When an accident occurs, the injured persons are interviewed by a claim agent, whom all large com- panies employ, and he offers to settle with you for a certain amount. If you are not satisfied with this amount, you may put in your claim and the case goes to court, where you may lose or win according to the decision of the jury. When a wreck occurs on a railroad, a claim agent and a doctor are brought to the scene as soon as possible. They take the name and address of each person in the accident and try to settle the case at once, because it is expensive to go to court and the newspaper notoriety injures the reputation of the company. If you are not seriously hurt, the claim agent tries to persuade you to sign a paper which relieves the Com- pany from any responsibility forever after. For instance, in a collision you seem to be only shaken up, not injured. The claim agent perhaps offers to pay you $ 25. You think that is an easy way to get $ 25, so you take it, but in turn you must sign a paper which states that the company has settled in full with you for any claim that you may have against it for that accident. Now it may prove later that you have an internal injury which you did not realize at the time, and that an operation costing $ 500 is necessary. Can you compel the company to pay the bill ? People who are not hurt at all in an accident and to whom the claim agent offers nothing are also asked to sign a paper relieving the company from all responsibility. Do not sign such a paper. The company cannot compel you to, you gain nothing by it, and may lose much if it proves later that you are internally injured. THRIFT AND INVESTMENT 197 EXAMPLES 1. A woman was riding in an electric car that collided with another. She was cut with flying glass and was obliged to hire a servant for four weeks at $8. Doctor's bills amounted to $24.50, medicine, etc., $8.75. She settled at the time of the accident for $50. Did she lose or gain ? 2. A man working in a mill was injured in an elevator acci- dent. The insurance company paid his wages and medical bills for 8 weeks at $13.50 per week. A year later he was out of work for three weeks for the same injury and did not receive any compensation. Would it have been better for him to have settled for $100 at the beginning? 3. A saleslady tripped on a staircase and sprained her ankle. She was out of work for two weeks and two days at $8.75 per week. Her medical supplies cost $9.75. She settled for $45. How much did she gain ? PART III DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY CHAPTER IX PROBLEMS IN DRESSMAKING THE yardstick is much used for measuring cloth, carpets, and fabrics. The yardstick is divided into halves, quarters, and eighths. Dressmakers should know the fractional equiva- lents of yards in inches and the fractional equivalents of dollars in cents. It is wise to buy to the nearest eighth of a yard unless the cost per yard is so small that an eighth would cost as much as a quarter. EXAMPLES 1. Give the equivalent in inches of the following : (a) 1 yd. (/) 4f yd. (fc) 1 yd. (b) 21 yd. (g) 61 yd. (/) 1 yd. (c) 11 yd. (ft) li yd. (m) T V yd. (d) 21 yd. (0 1} yd. (n) A yd. 00 3 f yd. CO * yd. 00 A yd. 2. A piece of cloth is 12 yd. long. How many pieces are needed for 16 aprons requiring 11 yd. each ? 3. A piece of lawn cloth is 28 yd. long. How many pieces are needed for 20 aprons requiring 1| yd. each ? 4. Give the value in cents of the following fractions of a dollar : () if 00 it -CO A A P) i (n i oo t A W i to) I (*) A (<0 i W ii W T 7 6 (0 A 00 t 198 ARITHMETIC FOR DRESSMAKERS 199 5. If 16" is cut from 1| yd. of cloth, how much remains ? 6. If J of a yard of lawn is cut from a piece 40 in. long, what part of a yard is left ? 7. I bought 9f yd. of silk for a dress. If If yd. remained, how much was used ? 8. A towel is 33 inches long and and a dishcloth 13 inches. (a) Find the length of both. (Allow |" for each hem.) (b) Find the number of yards used for both. (c) Find the number of inches used by a class of 24. (d) Find the number of yards used by a class of 24. (e) Find the cost per pupil at 6 cts. per yard. (/) Find the cost for a class of 24 at 6 cts. per yard. 9. If it took 72 yards of material for a dishcloth and towel for two classes of 24 (48 in all), find the amount used by each pupil. 10. If 45f yards of material were used for a class of 42, find the amount used by each pupil. 11. (a) Reduce 75 inches to yards, (b) Find the number of inches in 3^- yards, (c) From 2J yards cut 40 inches. Tucks A tuck is a fold in the cloth for the purpose of shortening garments or for trimming or dec~ oration. A tuck takes up twice its own depth ; that is, a V tuck takes up 2" of cloth. EXAMPLES 1. Before tucking, a piece of goods was I- yd. long : after tuck- MEASURING FOR TUCKS FROM ing, it was | yd. long. How FoLD T0 FOLD many y tucks were made ? 200 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 2. How much lawn is taken up in 3 groups of tucks, the first group containing 6 one-inch tucks, the second group 6 one- half-inch tucks, and the third group 12 one-eighth-inch tucks ? 3. A piece of muslin 29 inches wide was tucked and when returned to the teacher was only 14 inches wide. How many y r tucks were made in it ? 4. Before tucking, a piece of goods was f yd. long ; after tucking, it was % yd. long. How many y tucks were made ? Hem HEM TURNED A hem on a piece of cloth is an edge turned over to form a border or finish. In making a hem an edge must always be turned to prevent fraying ; ex- cept for very heavy or very loosely woven cloth this is usu- ally y. For an inch hem you would have to allow 1-". EXAMPLES 1. I wish to put three V' tucks in a skirt- which is to be 40" long. How long must the skirt be cut to allow for the tucks and 31" hem ? 2. My cloth for a ruffle is 10" deep. It is to have a 1^" hem, and five 1" tucks. How long will it be when finished ? 3. If. a girl can hem 21 inches in five minutes, how long will she take to hem 2 yards ? 4. At the rate of f of an inch per minute, how long will it take a girl to hem 2 yards ? 10 yards ? 5. At the rate of 51 inches per ten minutes, how long will it take to hem 3^ yards ? ARITHMETIC FOR DRESSMAKERS 201 6. A girl can hem 3 inches in five minutes. How much in an hour ? 7. How long will she take to hem 90 inches ? 8. At 6 cents per hour, how much can she earn by hemming 190 inches ? 9. How long will it take a girl to hem 2J yards if she can hem 5| inches in ten minutes ? Ruffle A ruffle is a strip of cloth gathered in narrow folds on one edge and used for the trimming or decoration. Different pro- portions of material are allowed according to the use to which it is to be put. For the ordinary ruffle at the bottom of a skirt, drawers, apron, etc., allow once and a half. Once and a quarter is RUFFLE enough to allow for trimming for a corset cover or for other places where only a scant ruffle is desirable. A plaiting requires three times the amount. EXAMPLES 1. How much hamburg would you buy to make a ruffle for a petticoat which measures 3 yd. around, if once and a half the width is necessary for fullness ? 2. How much lace 2^ inches wide would you buy to have plaited for sleeve finish, if the sleeve measures 8 inches around the wrist allowing three times the amount for plaiting ? 3. A skirt measuring 3J yd. around is to have two 5-inch ruffles of organdie flouncing. Allowing twice the width of skirt for lower ruffle, and once and three quarters for the upper one, how much flouncing would you buy, and what would be the cost at $ .87-J per yard for organdie ? 202 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4. How deep must a ruffle be cut to be 6" deep when finished, if there is to be a 1-J" hem on the bottom and three i" tucks above the hem ? 5. How deep a ruffle can be made from a strip of lawn 16" deep, if a 2" hem is on the bottom and above it three \" tucks ? 6. How many yards of cloth 36" wide are needed for 3i yd. of ruffling which is to be cut 6" deep? 7. How many widths for ruffling can be cut from 4 yd. of lawn 36" wide, if the ruffle is 6" finished, and has a J" hem and five J" tucks ? NOTE. Allowance must be made for joining a ruffle to a skirt, usu- ally y>. 8. How deep must a ruffle be cut to be 5" deep when finished, if there is to be a 11" hem on the bottom, and five i" tucks above the hem ? 9. How many yards of ruffling are needed for a petticoat 21 yd. around the bottom ? EXAMPLES IN FINDING COST OF MATERIALS 1. What is the cost of hamburg and insertion for one pair of drawers ? 32 in. around each leg. Hamburg at 16 cents a yard. Insertion at 15 cents a yard. 2. What is the cost of hamburg and insertion for one pair of drawers ? 36 in. around each leg. Hamburg at 18^ cents a yard. Insertion at 16| cents a yard. 3. What is the cost of hamburg and insertion for a petticoat ? 5 yd. around. Hamburg at 25 cents a yard. Insertion at 15 cents a yard. ARITHMETIC FOR DRESSMAKERS 203 4. What is the cost of hamburg and insertion for a petti- coat? 5 1 yd. around. Hamburg at 27| cents a yard. Insertion at 16| cents a yard. 5. What is the cost of trimming for a corset cover ? 38 in. around top. 13 in. around armhole. Lace at 10 cents a yard. 6. What is the cost of trimming for a corset cover ? 41 in. around top. 13^ in. around armhole. Lace at 12 cents a yard. 7. What is the cost of lace for neck and sleeves at 121 cents a yard ? Neck, 13 in., sleeves, 8 in. 8. What is the cost of lace for neck and sleeves at 15 cents a yard ? Neck, 14 in., sleeves, 8J in. 9. What is the cost of a petticoat requiring 21 yd. long- cloth at 121 cents a yard, and 2J yd. hamburg at 151 cents a yard? 10. What is the cost of a petticoat requiring 2f yd. long- cloth at 13 i cents a yard, and 21 yd. hamburg at 151 cents a yard? 11. What is the cost of a nightdress requiring 31 yd. of cambric at 25 cents a yard and 3 skeins of D. M. C. em- broidery cotton which sells at 5 cents for 2 skeins, and 11 yd. i-inch ribbon at 9 cents a yard ? 12. What is the cost of the following material for a corset cover ? 1 yd. longcloth at 15 cents a yard. 2 yd. hamburg at 8 cents a yard. 6 buttons at 12 cents a dozen. 204 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 13. What is the cost of the following material for a skirt ? 7 yd. silk at 79 cents a yard. 1-| yd. lining at 35 cents a yard. 14. What is the cost of the following material for a corset cover ? 1$ yd. longcloth at 15 cents a yard. 2 yd. hamburg at 8^ cents a yard. 4 buttons at 12| cents a dozen. 15. What is the cost of the following material for a corset cover ? 14 yd. longcloth at 16| cents a yard. 2f yd. hamburg at 25| cents a yard. 2f yd. insertion at 191 cents a yard. 4 buttons at 15 cents a dozen. 16. What is the cost of the following material for a corset cover ? 1| yd. longcloth at 14$ cents a yard. If yd. hamburg at 17$ cents a yard. 17. What is the cost of the following material for a skirt ? 7$ yd. silk at 83$ cents a yard. 1$ yd. lining at 37$ cents a yard. 18. Find the cost of a corset cover that requires 1 yd. cambric at 12$ cents a yard, f yd. bias binding at 2 cents a yard, i doz. buttons at 12 cents a dozen. If yd. lace at 10 cents a yard. \ spool thread at 5 cents a spool. 19. Find the cost of an apron that requires 1 yd. lawn at 12$ cents a yard. 2^ yd. lace at 10 cents a yard. \ spool thread at 5 cents a spool. ARITHMETIC FOR DRESSMAKERS 205 20. Find the cost of a nightgown containing 3| yd. cambric at 12| cents a yard. 2 yd. lace at 5 cents a yard. 3 yd. ribbon at 3 cents a yard. \ spool thread at 5 cents a spool. 21. Find the cost of drawers containing 2 yd. cambric at 12| cents a yard. 1^ yd. finishing braid at 5 cents a yard. \ spool thread at 5 cents a spool. 2 buttons at 10 cents a dozen. 22. What is the cost of a waist made of the following ? 2f yd. shirting, 32 inches wide, at 23 cents a yard. Sewing cotton, buttons, and pattern, 25 cents. 23. What is the cost of 1\ yd. chiffon faille, 36 inches wide, at $ 1.49 a yard ? 24. How many yards of ruffling are needed for 1 dozen aprons if each apron is one yard wide and half the width of the apron is added for fullness ? 25. How many pieces of lawn-36 inches wide are needed for the ruffle for one apron ? For eight aprons ? 26. A skirt measures 2| yards around the bottom. How much material is needed for ruffling if the material is one yard wide and ruffle is to be cut 7 inches wide ? 27. How deep would you cut a cambric ruffle that when finished will measure 121", including the hamburg edge which measures 4", two clusters of 5 tucks -J-" deep, and allowing V for making ? 28. Find the cost of a poplin suit made of the following : Silk poplin, 40 inches wide : 5| yards, at $ 1.79 a yard. Satin facing for collar, revers, and cuffs, 21 inches wide : 1 yard, at $1.25 a yard. Coat lining, 36 inches wide : 2f yards, at $ 1.50 a yard. Buttons, braid, sewing silk, two patterns, $ .64. 206 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Cloths of Different Widths There are in common use cloths of several different widths and at various prices. It is often important to know which is the most economical cloth to buy. This may be calculated by finding the cost per square yard, 36" by 36". To illustrate : which is less expensive, broadcloth 56" wide, at $2.25 per yard, or 50" wide, at $1.75 per yard ? 36 x ^ x 2.25 = $ 1.44& per square yard. 56 x 3^ 36 x W x 1.75 = $ 1.26 per square yard. EXAMPLES Find the cost per square yard and the relative economy in purchasing : (a) Prunella, 46" wide, at $ 1.50 a yard. Prunella, 44" wide, at $ 1.35 a yard. (6) Serge, 54" wide, at $ 1.25 a yard. Poplin, 42" wide, at $ 1.00 a yard. (c) Serge, 42" wide, at 49 cents a yard. Serge, 37" wide, at 39 cents a yard. (er cent ? 19. If it takes 6^ yards of cloth 52 inches wide to make a dress, how many yards of cloth 22 inches wide will be needed to make the same dress ? 210 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 20. A dressmaker agreed to make a dress for a customer for $ 25. She paid 2 assistants $ 1.25 a day each for 31 days of work. The dress was returned for alterations, and the assistants were paid for one more day's work. How much did the dressmaker receive for her own work ? 21. A dressmaker bought $1.50 worth of silk, receiving 6 % discount for cash. She sold the silk for 40 % more than the original price. What was the gain per cent ? 22. A dressmaker has an order for three summer dresses, for which 31 J yd. of batiste are needed. She can buy three remnants of 101 yd. each for 25 cents a yard, or she can buy a piece of 35 yd. for 25 cents a yard and receive 4 % discount for cash. Which is the better plan ? 23. (a) How many inches in f yd. ? (b) How many inches in I yd. ? (c) How many inches in f yd. ? (d) How many inches in J yd. ? (e) How many inches in -J yd. ? (/) How many inches in J yd. ? (g) How many inches in |- yd. ? 24. Find the cost of each of the above lengths in lace at $ .121 a yard. 25. Find the cost of 4^ yd. of lace at $1.95 per piece (one piece = 12 yd.). 26. A dressmaker bought 2 pieces of white lining taffeta, one piece 42 yd. and another 48 J yd., at $ .421 a yard. What was the total cost ? 27. A piece of crinoline containing 421 yd. that cost $ 1.70 a yard was made into dress models of 81 yd. each. What was the cost of the crinoline in each model ? 28. What is the cost of a child's petticoat containing : 2J yd. longcloth at 15 cents a yard, If yd. hamburg at 19 cents a yard, 1 yd. insertion at 15 cents a yard ? ARITHMETIC FOR DRESSMAKERS 211 29. What is the cost of two petticoats requiring for one : 2 yd. longcloth at 19 cents a yard, 3 yd. hamburg at 25 cents a yard, 2 yd. insertion at 19 cents a yard ? 30. What is the cost of a petticoat requiring : 3 yd. longcloth at 12 cents a yard, 3 yd. hamburg at 17 cents a yard ? 31. What is the total cost of the following ? Wedding gloves, $ 2.75. Slippers and stockings, $5.00. Six undervests, at 19 cents each. Six pairs of stockings, at 33 cents a pair. Two pairs of shoes, at $ 5.00 a pair. One pair of rubbers, 75 cents. One pair long silk gloves, 2.00. One pair of long lisle gloves, $ 1.00. Two pairs of short silk gloves, $ 1.00. Veils and handkerchiefs, $5.00. Two hats, $ 10.00. Corsets, $3.00. Wedding veil of 3 yards of tulle, 2 yards wide, at 89 cents a yard. 32. What is the cost of the following material for a top coat? Cotton corduroy, 32 inches wide : 4| yards at 75 cents a yard. Lining, 36 inches wide : 4] yards at $ 1.50 a yard. Buttons, sewing silk, pattern, 27 cents. Velvet for collar facing, J yard, at $1.50 a yard. 33. What is the cost of the following dressmaking supplies ? | yard of China silk, 27 inches wide, at 49 cents a yard (for the lining). If yard of mousseline de soie interlining 40 inches wide, at 80 cents a yard. f yard of all-over lace 36 inches wide, at $1.48 for front and lower back. \ yard of organdie at $1.00, 32 or more inches wide, for collar and vest. Sewing silk, hooks and eyes, pattern, at 32 cents. 212 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 34. What is the cost of the following ? Cotton gabardine, 36 inches wide : 5f yards at 39 cents a yard. Sewing cotton, braid, buttons, pattern, at 35 cents. 35. Which of the following fabrics is the most economical to buy ? Crepe meteor, 44" wide, at $3.25 a yard. Faille Franchise, 42" wide, at $3.00. Charmeuse, 40" wide, at $2.25. Louisine, 38" wide, at $2.00. Armure, 20" wide, at $1.50. Satin duchesse, 21" wide, at $1.25. MILLINERY PROBLEMS 1. What would a hat cost with the following trimmings ? 1| yd. velvet, at $2.50 a yard. yd. satin for facing, at $ 1.98 a yard. 2 feathers, at $ 5.50 each. Frame and work, at $2.50. Make out a bill. (See lesson on Invoice, Chapter XI, page 243.) 2. A leghorn hat cost $6.98. Four bunches of fadeless roses at $2.98, 2 bunches of foliage at $.98, and 11 yd. of velvet ribbon at $ 1.49 were used for trimming. The milliner charged 75 cents for her work. How much did the hat cost ? 3. A milliner used the following trimmings on a child's bonnet : 1 piece straw braid, at $1.49. 2 yd. maline, at 25 cents a yard. 4 bunches flowers, at 69 cents each. 4 bunches foliage, at 49 cents each. Work, at $2.00. What was the total cost of the hat ? Make out a bill and receipt it. ARITHMETIC FOR MILLINERS 213 4. An old lady's bonnet was trimmed with tlie following : 3 yd. silk, at $ 1.50 a yard. 1 piece of jet, 83.00. 2 small aigrettes, at $ 1.50 each. Ties, 75 cents. Work, $ 1.50. How much did the finished bonnet cost ? 5. What was the total cost of a hat with the following trim- mings ? 2 pieces straw braid, at 2.50 each. 2 yd. velvet ribbon, at 98 cents a yard. 5 flowers, at 59 cents. 4 foliage, at 49 cents. Frame and work, at $2.50. 6. A milliner charged $ 2.00 for renovating an old hat. She used 2 yd. satin at $ 1.50 a yard and charged $ 2.25 for an ornament. . How much did the hat cost ? 7. The following trimmings were used on a child's hat : 3 yd. velvet, at 8 1.50 a yard. 8 yd. lace, at 15 cents a yard. 2 bunches buds, at 49 cents a bunch. Work, 2.00. How much did the hat cost ? 8. A milliner charged $ 6.00 for renovating three feathers, $ 2.50 for a fancy band, $ 4.75 for a hat, and 75 cents for work. How much did the customer pay for her hat ? 9. A lady bought a hat with the following trimmings : 2 yd. satin, at $ 1.75 a yard. 2 bunches grapes, at $ 1.59 a bunch. 2| yd. ribbon, at 69 cents a yard. Work, 75 cents. How much did the hat cost ? 214 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 10. What would a hat cost with the following trimmings ? 2 pieces straw braid, at $ 1.98 each. 3 yd. ribbon, at 89 cents a yard. Fancy feather, $6.98. Frame and work, $ 2. 50. 11. Estimate the cost of a hat using the following materials : 2 yd. plush, at $2.25 a yard. 2 yd. ribbon, at 25 cents a yard, f yd. buckram, at 25 cents a yard. ^ yd. tarlatan, at 10 cents a yard. 1 band fur, 75 cents. Foliage, 10 cents. Labor, $2.00. 12. If the true bias from selvedge to selvedge is about ^ longer than the width of the goods, how many bias strips must be cut from velvet 18" wide in order to have a three-yard bias strip ? 13. The edge of a hat measures 45 inches in circumference ; the velvet is 16 inches wide. How many bias strips of velvet would it take to fit the brim ? WIRE HAT FRAME ^ what amount of velyet wou]d be needed to cover brim if each strip cut measured f of a yard along the selvedge ? 15. Give the number of 13^-in. strips that can be cut from 3|- yards of material ; also the number of inches of waste. 16. How many 22^-in. strips can be cut from 2J yd. of material ? 17. What length bias strip can be made from 11 yd. of silk, each strip 1 yd. 10 in. long and 1^ in. wide? 18. How many six-petal roses can be made from 1 yard of velvet 18 inches wide, each petal cut 3 inches square ? ARITHMETIC FOR MILLINERS 215 19. Estimate the total cost of roses, if velvet is $ 1.50 a yard, centers 18 cents a dozen, sprays 12 cents a dozen, stem- ming 6 cents a yard, using 1 of a yard for each flower. 20. Find the cost of one flower ; the cost of ^ of a dozen flowers, using the figures given above. 21. What amount of velvet will be needed to fit a plain-top facing and crown of hat, width of brim 5 inches, diameter of headsize 7 inches, diameter of crown 151 inches, allowing 81 inches on brim for turning over edges ? 22. If the circumference of the brim measures 56 inches, what amount of silk will it take for a shirred facing made of silk 22 inches wide, allowing twice around the hat for fullness, and also allowing 1 inch oil depth of silk for casings ? 23. At the wholesale rate of eight frames for one dollar, what is the cost of five dozen frames ? of twelve dozen ? 24. A milliner had 2J dozen buckram frames at $ 3.60 a dozen. She sold |- of them at 75 cents each, but the others were not sold. Did she gain or lose and what per cent ? 25. Flowers that were bought at $ 5.50 a dozen bunches were sold at 75 cents a bunch. What was the gain on 11 dozen bunches ? 26. A milliner bought ten rolls of ribbon, ten yards to the roll, for $ 8.50. Ten per cent of the ribbon was not salable. The remainder was sold at 19 cents a yard. How much was the gain ? what per cent ? 27. A piece of velvet containing twelve yards was bought for $28.20 and sold for $2.75 per yard. How much was gained on the piece ? 28. A thirty-six yard piece of maline cost $ 7.02 and was sold at 29 cents a yard. One yard was lost in cutting. How much was gained on the piece ? 216 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 29. Find cost of a velvet hat requiring 1| yd. of velvet, at $ 1.50 a yard. | yd. of fur band, at 34.00 a yard. 1 feather ornament, at $ 3.00. Hat frame, 50 cents. Edge wire, 10 cents. Taffeta lining, 25 cents. Making, $ 2.50. 30. A milliner charged $ 8.37 for a hat. She paid 37 cents for the frame, $ 2.80 for the trimming, and $ 1.50 for labor. What was the per cent profit ? 31. A child's hat of organdie has two ruffles edged with Valenciennes lace. The lower ruffle is 3" wide ; the upper ruffle, 2i-". 2J yd. lace edging cost 12^ cents a yard, 2 yd. of 3" ribbon cost 25 cents a yard, 11 yd. of organdie cost 25 cents a yard, the hat frame cost 35 cents, and the lining cost 10 cents. Find the total cost. 32. How much velvet at $ 2.00 a yard would you buy to put a snap binding on a hat that measures 43" around the edge ? Should the velvet be bias or straight ? CHAPTER X CLOTHING SINCE about one aighth of the income in the average working- man's family is spent for clothing, this is a very important subject. The housewife purchases the linen for the house and her own wearing apparel. It is not uncommon for her to have considerable to say about the clothing of the men, particularly about the underclothing. Therefore she should know some- thing about what constitutes a good piece of cloth, and be able to make an intelligent selection of the best and most economical fabric for a particular purpose. The cheapest is not always the best, although it is in some cases. All kinds of cloth are made by the interlacing (weaving) of the sets of thread (called yarn). The thread running length- wise is the strongest and is called the warp. The other thread is called the filling. Such fabrics as knitted materials and lace are made by the interlacing of a single thread. Threads (yarn) are made by lengthening and twisting (called spinning) short fibers. Since the fibers vary in such qualities as firmness, length, curl, and softness, the resulting cloth varies in the same way. This is the reason why we have high-grade, medium- grade, and low-grade fabrics. The principal fabrics are wool, silk, mohair, cotton, and flax (linen). The consumer is often tempted to buy the cheaper fabrics and wonders why there is such a difference in price. This difference is due in part to the cost of raw material and in part to the care in manufacturing. For example, raw silk costs from $ 1.35 to $ 5.00 a pound, according to the nature and 217 218 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS quality of the silk. The cost of preparing the raw silk aver- ages about 55 cents a pound, according to the nature of the twist, which is regulated by the kind of cloth into which it is to enter. The cost of dyeing varies from 55 cents to $ 1.50 a pound. Weavers are paid from 2 to 60 cents a yard for weav- ing, the price varying according to the desirability of the cloth. When we compare the relative values of similar goods produced by different manufacturers, there are a few general principles by which good construction can easily be determined. The density of a fabric is determined by the number of warp yarn and filling yarn to the inch. This is usually determined by means of a magnifying glass with a \" opening. To illus- trate : If there are 36 threads in the filling and 42 threads in the warp to J", what is the density of the cloth to the inch ? SOLUTION. 36 x 4 = 144 threads in the filling. 42 x 4 = 168 threads in the warp. EXAMPLES 1. A 25-cent summer undervest (knitted fabric) will outwear two of the flimsy 15-cent variety in addition to retaining better shape. What is the gain, in wear, over the 15-cent variety ? 2. A 50-cent undervest will outwear three of the 25-cent variety. What is gained by purchasing the 50-cent style ? 3. A cotton dress for young girls, costing 75 cents ready made, will last one season. A similar dress of better material costs 94 cents, but will last two seasons. Why is the latter the better dress to buy ? What is gained ? 4. A linen tablecloth (not full bleached) costing $1.04 a yard, will last twice as long as a bleached linen at $ 1.25 a yard. Which is the better investment ? 5. A sheer stocking at 50 cents will wear just half as long as a thicker stocking at 35 cents. What is gained in wear ? What kind of stockings should be selected for wear ? CLOTHING 219 SHOES Our grandfathers and grandmothers wore handmade shoes, and wore them until they had passed their period of usefulness. At that time the consumption of leather did not equal its pro- duction. But, since the appearance of machine-made shoes, different styles are placed on the market at different seasons to correspond to the change in the style of clothing, and are often discarded before they are worn out. Thus far we have not been able to utilize cast-off leather as the shoddy mill uses cast-off wool and silk. The result is that the demand for leather is above the production ; therefore, as in the case of textiles, substitutes must be used. In shoe materials there is at present an astonishing diversity and variety of leather and its substitutes. Every known leather from kid to cowhide is used, and such textile fabrics as satins, velvets, and serges have rapidly grown in favor, especially in the making of women's and children's shoes. Of course, we must bear in mind that for wearing qualities there is nothing equal to leather. In buying a pair of shoes we should try to combine both wearing qualities and simple style as far as possible. EXAMPLE 1. A pair of shoes at $ 1.75 was purchased for a boy. The shoes required 80 cents worth of mending in two months. If a $3.00 pair were purchased, they would last three times as long with 95 cents worth of mending. How much is gained by purchasing a $ 3.00 pair of shoes ? YARNS Worsted Yarns. All kinds of yarns used in the manufacture of cloth are divided into sizes which are based on the relation between weight and length. To illustrate : Worsted yarns are made from combed wools, and the size, technically called the 220 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS counts, is based upon the number of lengths (called hanks) of 560 yards required to weigh one pound. ROVING OR YARN SCALES These scales will weigh one pound by tenths of grains or one seventy-thou- sandth part of one pound avoirdupois, rendering them well adapted for use in connection with yarn reels, for the numbering of yarn from the weight of hank, giving the weight in tenths of grains to compare with tables. Thus, if one hank weighs one pound, the yarn will be number one counts, while if 20 hanks are required for one pound, the yarn is the 20's, etc. The greater the number of hanks necessary to weigh one pound, the higher the counts and the finer the yarn. The hank, or 560 yards, is the unit of measurement for all worsted yarns. LENGTH FOR WORSTED YARNS No. YARDS PER LH. No. YARDS PER Lu. No. YARDS PER LB. No. YARDS PER LB. 1 560 5 2800 9 5040 13 7280 2 1120 6 3360 10 5600 14 7840 3 1680 7 3920 11 6160 15 8400 4 2240 8 4480 12 6720 16 8960 Woolen Yarns. In worsted yarns the fibers lie parallel to each other, while in woolen yarns the fibers are entangled. CLOTHING 221 This difference is due entirely to the different methods used in working up the raw stock. In woolen yarns there is a great diversity of systems of grading, vary- ing according to the districts in which the grading is done. Among the many systems are the English skein, which differs in various parts of Eng- land ; the Scotch spyndle ; the American run ; the Philadelphia cut ; and others. In these lessons the run system will be used unless otherwise stated. This is the system used in New England. The run is based upon 100 yards per ounce, or 1600 yards to the pound. Thus, if 100 yards of woolen yarn weigh one ounce, or if 1600 yards weigh one pound, it is technically termed a No. 1 run ; and if 300 yards weigh one ounce, or 4800 yards weigh one pound, the size will be No. 3 run. The finer the yarn, or the greater the number of yards necessary to weigh one pound, the higher the run. YARN REEL For reeling and measuring lengths of cotton, woolen, and worsted yarns. LENGTH FOR WOOLEN YARNS (RUN SYSTEM) No. YARDS PER 1,1$. No. YARDS PER LB. No. YARDS PER LB. No. YARDS PER LB. i 200 1 1600 2 3200 3 4800 * 400 u 2000 2* 3600 8* 5200 \ 800 11 2400 2^ 4000 3| 5600 1 1200 if 2800 2f 4400 222 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Raw Silk Yarns. For raw silk yarns the table of weights is: 16 drams = 1 ounce 16 ounces = 1 pound 256 drams = 1 pound The unit of measure for raw silk is 256,000 yards per pound. Thus, if 1000 yards one skein of raw silk weigh one dram, or if 256,000 yards weigh one pound, it is known as 1-dram silk, and if 1000 yards weigh two drams, the yarn is called 2-dram silk ; hence the following table is made: 1-dram silk = 1000 yards per dram, or 256,000 yards per Ib. 2-dram silk = 1000 yards per 2 drams, or 128,000 yards per Ib. 4-dram silk = 1000 yards per 4 drams, or 64,000 yards per Ib. DRAMS PER 1000 YARDS YARDS PER POUND YARDS PER OUNCE 1 256,000 16,000 1* 204,800 12,800 1* p ? If 146,286 9143 2 128,000 8000 2i 113,777 7111 *i 102,400 6400 2f 93,091 5818 3 ? ? 8* 78,769 4923 8* 73,143 4571 Linen Yarns. The sizes of linen yarns are based on the lea or cuts per pound and the pounds per spindle. A cut is 300 yards and a spindle 14,000 yards. A continuous thread of several cuts is a hank, as a 10-cut hank, which is 10 X 300 = 3000 yards per hank. The number of cuts per pound, or the leas, is the number of the yarn, as 30's, indicating 30 x 300 = 9000 yards per pound. Eight-pound yarn means that a spindle weighs 8 pounds or that the yarn is 6-lea (14,400 -5- 8) -s- 300 = 6. CLOTHING 223 Cotton Yarns. The sizes of cotton yarns are based upon the system of 840 yards to 1 hank. That is, 840 yards of cotton yarn weighing 1 pound is called No. 1 counts. Spun Silk. Spun silk yarns are graded on the same basis as that used for cotton (840 yards per pound), and the same rules and calculations that apply to cotton apply also to spun silk yarns. Two or More Ply Yarns. Yarns are frequently produced in two or more ply ; that is, two or more individual threads are twisted together, making a double twist yarn. In this case the size is given as follows : 2/30's means 2 threads of 30's counts twisted together, and 3/30's would mean 3 threads, each a 30's counts, twisted together. (The figure before the line denotes the number of threads twisted to- gether, and the figure following the line the size of each thread.) Thus when two threads are twisted together, the resultant yarn is heavier, and a smaller number of yards are required to weigh one pound. For example : 30's 'worsted yarn equals 16,800 yd. per lb., but a two- ply thread of 30's, expressed 2/30 ? s, requires only 8400 yards to the pound, or is equal to a 15's ; and a three-ply thread of 30's would be equal to a 10's. When a yarn is a two-ply, or more than a two-ply, and made up of several threads of equal counts, divide the number of the single yarn in the required counts by the number of the ply, and the result will be the equivalent in a single thread. To Find the Weight in Grains of a Given Number of Yards of Worsted Yarn of a Known Count EXAMPLE. Find the weight in grains of 125 yards of 20's worsted yarns. No. 1's worsted yam = 560 yards to a lb. No. 20' s worsted yarn = 11,200 yards to a lb. 1 lb. worsted yarn = 7000 grains. 224 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS If 11,200 yards of 20's worsted yarn weigh 7000 grains, then - 1 1 j^UU of 7000 = 5 x 7000 = = 78.125 grains. 11,200 8 NOTE. Another method: Multiply the given number of yards by 7000, and divide the result by the number of yards per pound of the given count. 125 x 7000 = 875,000. 1 pound 20 's= 11,200. 875,000 -T- 11,200 = 78. 125 grains. Ans. To Find the Weight in Grains of a Given Number of Yards of Cotton Yarn of a Known Count EXAMPLE. Find the weight in grains of 80 yards of 20's cotton yarn. No. 1's cotton = 840 yards to a Ib. No. 20's cotton = 16,800 yards to a Ib. 1 Ib. = 7000 grains. lyd. 20's cotton =J grains. 80 yd. 20's cotton = x 80 = = 33.33 grains. Ans. 16,800 21 It is customary to solve examples that occur in daily practice by rule. The rule for the preceding example is as follows : Multiply the given number of yards by 7000 and divide the result by the number of yards per pound of the given count. 80 x 7000 = 560,000. 560,000 -*- (20 x 840) = 33.33 grains. Ans. NOTE. 7000 is always a multiplier and 840 a divisor. To find the weight in ounces of a given number of yards of cotton yarn of a known count, multiply the given number of yards by 16, and divide the result by the yards per pound of the known count. To find the weight in pounds of a given number of yards of cotton yarn of a known count, divide the given number of yards by the yards per pound of the known count. CLOTHING 225 To find the weight in ounces of a given number of yards of woolen yarn (run system), divide the given number of yards by the number of runs, and multiply the quotient by 100. NOTE. Calculations on the run basis are much simplified, owing to the fact that the standard number (1600) is exactly 100 times the number of ounces contained in 1 pound. EXAMPLE. Find the weight in ounces of 6400 yards of 5-run woolen yarn. 6400- (5 x 100)= 12.8 oz. Ans. To find the weight in pounds of a given number of yards of woolen yarn (run system) the above calculation may be used, and the result divided by 16 will give the weight in pounds. To find the weight in grains of a given number of yards of woolen yarn (run system), multiply the given number of yards by 7000 (the number of grains in a pound) and divide the result by the number of yards per pound in the given run, and the quotient will be the weight in grains. EXAMPLES 1. How many ounces are there (a) in 6324 grains ? (6) in 341 pounds ? 2. How many pounds are there in 9332 grains ? 3. How many grains are there (a) in 168J pounds ? (6) in 2112 ounces ? 4. Give the lengths per pound of the following worsted yarns : (a) 41's ; (6) 55's ; (c) 105's ; (d) 115's ; (e) 93's. 5. Give the lengths per pound of the following woolen yarns (run system): (a) 9J's ; (6) 6's ; (c) 19's ; (d) 17's ; (e) li's. 6. Give the lengths per pound of the following raw silk yarns : (a) li's ; (6) 3's ; (c) 3J's ; (d) 20's ; (e) 28's. 7. Give the lengths per ounce of the following raw silk yarns : (a) 4J's ; (b) 6|'s ; (c) 8's ; (d) 9's ; (e) 14's. 226 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 8. What are the lengths of linen yarns per pound : (a) 8's ; (b) 25's ; (c) 32's ; (cf) 28's ; (e) 45's ? 9. What are the lengths per pound of the following cotton yarns : (a) 10's ; (b) 32's ; (c) 54's; (d) 80's; (e) 160 ; s? 10. What are the lengths per pound of the following spun silk yarns : (a) 30's ; (b) 45's ; (c) 38's ; (d) 29's ; (e) 42's ? 11. Make a table of lengths per ounce of spun silk yarns from 1's to 20's. 12. Find the weight in grains of 144 inches of 2/20's worsted yarn. 13. Find the weight in grains of 25 yards of 3/30's worsted yarn. 14. Find the weight in ounces of 24,000 yards of 2/40's cotton yarn. 15. Find the weight in pounds of 2,840,000 yards of 2/60's cotton yarn. 16. Find the weight in ounces of 650 yards of li-run woolen yarn. 17. Find the weight in grains of 80 yards of ^-run woolen yarn. 18. Find the weight in pounds of 64,000 yards of 5-run woolen yarn. Solve the following examples, first by analysis and then by rule : 19. Find the weight in grains of 165 yards of 35's worsted. 20. Find the weight in grains of 212 yards of 40's worsted. 21. Find the weight in grains of 118 yards of 25's cotton. 22. Find the weight in grains of 920 yards of 18's cotton. 23. Find the weight in pounds of 616 yards of 16^'s woolen. 24. Find the weight in grains of 318 yards of 184's cotton. 25. Find the weight in grains of 25 yards of 30's linen. CLOTHING 227 26. Find the weight in pounds of 601 yards of 60's spun silk. 27. Find the weight in grains of 119 yards of 118's cotton. 28. Find the weight in grains of 38 yards of 64's cotton. 29. Find the weight in grains of 69 yards of 39's worsted. 30. Find the weight in grains of 74 yards of 40's worsted. 31. Find the weight in grains of 113 yards of 1^'s woolen. 32. Find the weight in grains of 147 yards of l|^s woolen. 33. Find the weight in grains of 293 yards of 8's woolen. 34. Find the weight in grains of 184 yards of 16^ 's worsted. 35. Find the weight in grains of 91 yards of 44's worsted. 36. Find the weight in grains of 194 yards of 68's cotton. 37. Find the weight in pounds of 394 yards of 180's cotton. 38. Find the weight in pounds of 612 yards of 60's cotton. 39. Find the weight in grains of 118 yards of 44's linen. 40. Find the weight in pounds of 315 yards of 32's linen. 41. Find the weight in grains of 84 yards of 25's worsted. 42. Find the weight in grains of 112 yards of 20's woolen. 43. Find the weight in grains of 197 yards of 16's woolen. 44. Find the weight in grains of 183 yards of 18's cotton. 45. Find the weight in grains of 134 yards of 28's worsted. 46. Find the weight in grains of 225 yards of 34's linen. 47. Find the weight in pounds of 369 yards of 16's spun silk. 48. Find the weight in pounds of 484 yards of 18's spun silk To Find the Size or the Counts of Cotton Yam of Known Weight and Length EXAMPLE. Find the size or counts of 84 yards of cotton yarn weighing 40 grains. 228 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Since the counts are the number of hanks to the pound, 0. x 84 = 14,700 yd. in 1 Ib. 40 14,700 -4- 840 = 17.5 counts. Ans. RULE. Divide 840 by the given number of yards ; divide 7000 by the quotient obtained ; then divide this result by the weight in grains of the given number of yards, and the quotient will be the counts. 840 -=- 84 = 10. 7000 -f- 10 = 700. 700 -f- 40 = 17.5 counts. Ans. To Find the Run of a Woolen Thread of Known Length and Weight EXAMPLE. If 50 yards of woolen yarn weigh 77.77 grains, what is the run ? 1600 + 50 = 32. 7000-32 = 218.75. 218.75 -f- 77.77 = 2.812-run yarn. Ans. RULE. Divide 1600 (the number of yards per pound of 1- run woolen yarn) by the given number of yards ; then divide 7000 (the grains per pound) by the quotient ; divide this quotient by the given weight in grains and the result will be the run. To Find the Weight in Ounces for a Given Number of Yards of Worsted Yarn of a Known Count EXAMPLE. What is the weight in ounces of 12,650 yards of 30's worsted yarn ? 12,650 x 16 = 202,400. 202,400 - 16,800 = 12.047 oz. Ans. RULE. Multiply the given number of yards by 16, and divide the result by the yards per pound of the given count, and the quotient will be the weight in ounces. CLOTHING 229 To Find the Weight in Pounds for a Given Number of Yards of Worsted Yarn of a Known Count EXAMPLE. Find the weight in pounds of 1,500,800 yards of 40's worsted yarn. 1,500,800 -4- 22,400 = 67 Ib. Am. RULE. Divide the given number of yards by the number of yards per pound of the known count, and the quotient will be the desired weight. EXAMPLES 1. If 108 inches of cotton yarn weigh 1.5 grains, find the counts. 2. Find the size of a woolen thread 72 inches long which weighs 2.5 grains. 3. Find the weight in ounces of 12,650 yards of 2/30's worsted yarn. 4. Find the weight in ounces of 12,650 yards of 40's worsted yarn. 5. Find the weight in pounds of 1,500,800 yards of 40's worsted yarn. 6. Find the weight in pounds of 789,600 yards of 2/30's worsted yarn. 7. What is the weight in pounds of 851,200 yards of 3/60's worsted yarn ? 8. If 33,600 yards of cotton yarn weigh 5 pounds, find the counts of cotton. Buying Yarn, Cotton, Wool, and Rags Every fabric is made of yarn of definite quality and quan- tity. Therefore, it is necessary for every mill man to buy yarn or fiber of different kinds and grades. Many small mills buy cotton, wool, yarn, and rags from brokers who deal in these commodities. The prices rise and fall from day to day 230 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS according to the law of demand and supply. Price lists giving the quotations are sent out weekly and sometimes daily by agents as the prices of materials rise or fall. The following are quotations of different grades of cotton, wool, and shoddy, quoted from a market list : QUANTITY PRICE PER LB. 8103 lb. white yarn shoddy (best all wool) $0.485 3164 Ib. white knit stock (best all wool) 365 2896 Ib. pure indigo blue 315 1110 Ib. fine dark merino wool shoddy 225 410 Ib. fine light merino woolen rags 115 718 Ib. cloakings (cotton warp) , . . . . .02 872 Ib. wool bat rags 035 96 Ib. 2/20's worsted (Bradford) yarn 725 408 Ib. 2/40's Australian yam 1.35 593 Ib. 1/50's delaine yarn 1.20 987 Ib. 16-cut merino yarn (50 % wool and 50 % shoddy) . . .285 697 Ib. carpet yarn, 60 yd. double reel, wool filling 235 Find the total cost of the above quantities and grades of textiles. EXAMPLES 1. The weight of the fleece on the average sheep is 8 Ib. Wyoming has at least 4,600,000 sheep ; what is the weight of wool raised in a year in this state ? 2. A colored man picks 155 Ib. of cotton a day ; how much cotton will he pick in a week (6 days) ? 3. The average yield is 558 Ib. per acre ; how much cotton will be raised on a farm of 165 acres ? 4. The standard size of a cotton bale in the United States is 54 x 27 x 27 inches ; what is the cubical contents of a bale ? 5. In purchasing cotton an allowance of 4 % is made for tare. How much cotton would be paid for in 96 bales, 500 Ib. to each bale ? CLOTHING 231 6. Broadcloth was first woven in 1641. How many years has it been in use ? 7. The length of "Upland" cotton varies from three- fourths to one and one-sixteenth inches. What is the differ- ence in length from smallest to largest ? 8. If a sample of 110 Ib. of cotton entered a mill and 68 Ib. were made into fine yarn, what is the per cent of waste ? 9. If a yard of buckram weighs 1.8 ounces, how many yards to the pound ? 10. If a calico printing machine turns out 95 fifty-yard pieces a day, how many are printed per hour in a ten-hour day ? 11. If a sample of linen weighing one pound and a half absorbs 12 % moisture, what is the weight after absorption ? 12. A piece of silk weighing 3 Ib. 4 oz. is " weighted " 175% ; what is the total weight ? 13. If the textile industry in a certain year pays out $ 500,000,000 to 994,875 people, what is the wage per capita ? 14. How much dyestuff, etc., will be required to dye 5 Ib. of cotton by the following receipt ? 6 /o brown color, afterwards treated with 1.5 % sulphate of copper, 1.5 % bichromate of potash, 3 /o acetic acid. 15. How many square yards of cloth weighing 8 oz. per sq. yd. may be woven from 1050 Ib. of yarn, the loss in waste be- ing 5 per cent ? 16. A piece of union cloth has a warp of 12's cotton and is wefted with 30's linen yarn, there being the same number of threads per inch in both warp and weft ; what percentage of cotton and what of linen is there in the cloth ? 17. A sample of calico 3 in. by 4 in. weighs 30 grains. What is the weight in pounds of a 70-yard piece, 36 in. wide ? 232 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 18. 4 yd. of a certain cloth contains 2 Ib. of worsted at 67 cents a pound and 1 Ib. of cotton at 18 cents a pound. Each is what per cent of the total cost of material ? 19. A bale of worsted weighing 75 Ib. loses 8 oz. in reeling off ; what is the per cent of loss ? 20. If Ex. 19 worsted gains 0.45 Ib. to the 75 Ib. bale in dye- ing, what is the per cent of gain ? 21. This 75 Ib. cost $ 50.25 and it lost 4 oz. in the fulling mill, what was the value of the part lost ? 22. The total loss is what per cent of the original weight ? What is its value at 67 cents a pound ? PART IV THE OFFICE AND THE STORE CHAPTER XI ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS EVERY office assistant should be quick at figures that 'is, should be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide accurately and quickly. In order to do this one should practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division until all combinations are thoroughly mastered. An office assistant should make figures neatly so that there need be no hesitation or uncertainty in reading them. Rapid Calculations Add the following columns and check the results. Compare the time required for the different examples. 1. 27 2. 37 3. 471 4. 568 5. 1,039 12 20 295 284 579 8 11 194 187 381 18 20 327 341 668 12 16 287 272 559 8 12 191 184 375 8 16 237 193 430 8, 9 194 156 350 7 12 169 166 335 11 15 247 232 479 12 13 194 180 374 2 3 27 25 52 12 17 253 240 493 11 14 241 212 453 12 20 355 367 722 12 14 244 222 466 8 11 93 79 172 10 15 208 213 421 233 234 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS . 7 7. 7 8. 159 9. 152 10. 311 2 5 60 78 138 4 7 111 88 199 6 10 173 121 294 4 6 112 84 196 4 4 88 76 164 4 5 104 83 187 4 6 96 104 200 4 7 120 97 217 8 9 144 123 267 4 5 60 101 161 4 5 73 92 165 8 10 186 176 362 4 4 64 75 139 4 6 114 113 227 4 4 89 88 177 6 7 91 80 171 8 9 204 170 374 4 13 175 166 341 4 4 73 77 150 4 7 119 127 246 4 5 84 103 187 8 11 177 165 342 6 8 156 136 292 3 4 94 61 155 12 18 310 293 603 8 12 191 189 380 8 13 268 198 466 2 2 17 17 34 4 8 122 137 259 8 193 185 378 1 1 4 6 10 1 1 9 15 24 1 2 16 16 32 1 1 11 15 26 1 2 34 44 78 1 2 27 34 61 1 2 26 53 79 1 2 36 41 76 1 2 17 10 27 1 2 38 22 60 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 235 11. $162.24 12. $37,000.00 13. 31.25 14. $8,527.08 15. $630.33 266.45 300,000.00 73.70 2,907.31 408.32 277.56 410,000.00 2.00 3,262.68 399.99 12,171.44 82,000.00 425 8,096.90 28.00 17.72 .89 9,359.21 644.15 6.00 51,000.00 31.15 2,177.30 18,000.00 33.15 40,000.00 3.20 8,385.50 32.85 23.65 16.75 7,229.20 154.65 3.18 34,500.00 4.51 8,452.38 82.35 3,066.34 1,758.13 517.50 17,000.00 2,665.76 5,236.32 25.00 1128.13 6,147.42 639.24 36.00 15,500.00 3.20 4,443.88 2.60 30.00 3,386.72 79.90 4.00 5,500.00 3,927.78 1,143.00 289.22 1,000.00 29.12 4,797.46 265.50 2,612.00 727.00 17.82 70,500.00 1.00 2,476.31 141.33 199.87 33.27 3,705.00 2314.76 10,000.00 19.09 6,417.42 3,091.72 2.40 12,500.00 720.00 1,574.50 1,049.95 9.25 1,500.00 28.80 3,121.97 166.64 55.80 300.00 96.00 120.00 494.03 3.41 26,146.93 1,483.84 18.00 800.00 5.00 51.397.19 657.62 1.55 50.00 7.37 99.55 1,416.68 3.15 100.00 3.60 3,605.93 135.50 2.55 200.00 22,830.14 208.33 4,010.92 250.00 9.08 85,706.13 42.84 126.45 300.00 36,361.19 362.25 2.25 4.50 39,056.23 234.47 152.70 2,000.00 30,000.00 31.50 10.25 35.84 179,346.77 49.76 3.62 1,000.00 3,375.31 150.22 4.00 2.00 12,638.85 2.64 111.10 1,200.00 3.50 30,992.76 2.40 324.83 11.06 179,346.77 22.50 302.10 114,350.00 .74 3,375.31 8.92 345.04 40,000.00 7.25 12,638.85 176.91 301.10 120,000.00 6.00 30,992.76 11.30 1.20 9,476.00 3.00 16,503.48 17.00 236 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 16. $437.58 2.75 1.40 70.06 3.54 396.89 33.00 18.24 6.75 68.70 1.53 9.20 .90 98.95 117.13 192.71 58.43 2.11 2.92 43.34 5.80 108.81 1.75 10.10 3.25 881.69 82.80 .75 3.00 26.50 19.04 2.24 19.50 2,676.35 25.25 .70 36.53 3.60 3.00 168.66 67.60 17. $81.33 18. $144.40 19. $61.45 31.66 15.00 14.50 9.91 1,124.04 1.80 20.00 110.59 2.00 23.25 44.83 24.17 129.99 318.40 272.90 9.01 22.35 5.13 208.01 757.00 482.09 150.98 674.37 .50 14.50 220.50 10.60 27.30 36.60 280.00 6.50 3.60 83.78 .32 2.50 36.90 216.60 31.00 245.00 40.00 91.87 481.30 542.25 18.97 57.96 25.49 59.35 53.07 3.75 2.54 8.14 1,863.74 36.08 155.70 21.25 22.38 1,076.82 6.47 8,699.46 449.85 132.28 4,437.97 4.00 391.00 394.48 3.00 72.00 24.00 35.00 85.12 10.00 310.49 47.90 10.40 1,078.50 31.68 .85 49.50 37.70 77.91 39.76 64.43 17.21 2.20 158.26 185.99 1.50 2.40 6.00 53.49 8.62 2.50 7.50 3.85 1.70 5.05 23.65 2.00 7.60 259.00 .70 2.00 701.47 92.00 11,50 3,148.00 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 237 Horizontal Addition Reports, invoices, sales sheets, etc., are often written in such a way as to make it necessary to add figures horizontally. In adding figures horizontally, it is customary to add from left to right and check the answer by adding from right to left. EXAMPLES Add the following horizontally : 1. 38 + 76 + 49 = 2. 11 + 43 + 29 = - 3. 27 + 57 + 15 = 4. 34 + 16 + 23 = 5. 47 + 89 + 37 = 6. 53 + 74 + 42 = 7. 94 + 17 + 67 = 8. 79 + 37 + 69 = 9. 83 + 49 + 74 = 10. 19 -f 38 + 49 = Add the following and check by adding the horizontal and vertical totals : 11. 36 + 74 -|- 19 + 47 = 29 + 63 -f 49 + 36 = + + 4- = 12. 74 + 34 + 87 + 27 = 37 + 19 + 73 + 34 = + + 4- = 13. 178+ 74 + 109+ 83 = 39 + 111 + 381 + 127 = + + + = 14. 217+589 + 784 = 309 + 611 + 983 = + + = 238 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 15. 1118 + 3719 + 8910 = 3001 + 5316 + 6715 = + + = Add the following and check by adding horizontal and verti- cal totals. Compare the time required for the different examples. 16. $702,000 $14,040 $370,000 $6,475.00 $1,072,000 $20,515.00 525,000 10,500 20,000 350.00 565,000 11,300.00 1,267,500 25,350 447,250 7,826.88 1,724,750 33,401.88 333,000 6,660 340,000 5,950.00 833,000 16,022.50 380,000 7,600 351,000 6,142.50 790,000 15,070.00 1,077,000 21,540 50,000 875.00 1,127,000 22,415.00 702,000 14,040 370,000 6,475.00 1,072,000 20,515.00 525,000 10,500 20,000 350.00 565,000 11,300.00 1,264,500 25,290 447,250 7,826.87 1,721,750 33,341.87 333,000 6,660 200,000 3,500.00 693,009 13,572.50 355,000 7,100 348,000 6,090.00 758,000 14,427.50 1,072,000 21,440 50,000 875.00 1,122,000 22,315.00 17. 318,143 28,760 9.04 491.86 189.54 77,751,393 295,187 18,363 6.22 498.23 188.74 78,426,000 300,789 23,398 7.95 479.80 187.88 75,180,746 279,735 22,290 7.97 511.43 187.24 79,864,039 302,737 28,699 9.48 523.55 187.80 82,001,180 302,338 22,149 7.33 578.00 188.83 91,025,879 341,085 27,765 8.14 554.30 192.87 89,161,101 335,775 24,080 7.17 534.23 192.13 85,603,137 311,739 20,356 6.53 521.79 192.17 83,627,195 335,350 21,299 6.35 524.17 192.76 84,266,576 281,481 18,032 6.41 500.09 194.89 81,283,747 305,370 20,865 6.83 496.12 196.06 81,122,570 18. 380,782,151 451,880 ,223 520 ,781,017 389,692,401 1 ,743,135,792 452,491,808 480,722 ,907 537 ,837,574 481 ,528,491 1 ,952,580,780 71,709,667 28,842,684 17 ,056,557 91 ,836,090 209,444,988 1,585 600 317 1,907 1,102 283,448,988 282,640,795 326 ,233,015 291 ,835,151 1 ,184,157,949 . 6,264 5 ,879 6,066 6,061 6,068 97,333,163 169,239 ,428 194 ,548,002 97 ,857,250 558,977,843 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 239 19. 3,200,000 17,000,000 28,000,000 7,000,000 55,700,000 27,200,000 25,000,000 31,400,000 23,000,000 106,600,000 6,100,000 6,100,000 850,000 65,100,000 64,200,000 12,300,000 142,450,000 3,500,000 12,000,000 15,500,000 625,000 5,200,000 2,900,000 8,725,000 1,416,353 7,263,712 2,000,000 11,866,463 22,546,528 665,907 542,539 443,392 415,531 1,967,359 3,500,000 11,200,000 13,200,000 7,400,000 35,300,000 12,500,000 2,500,000 3,500,000 2,600,000 21,100,000 20. 29,000,000 22,500,000 14,200,000 16,600,000 82,300,000 13,500,000 10,200,000 9,600,000 8,600,000 41,900,000 327,998 330,915 508,266 358,262 1,525,441 1,122,905 1,222,262 1,296,344 1,317,004 4,958,515 2,400,000 1,100,000 1,650,000 1,800,000 6,950,000 1,500,000 850,000 900,000 900,000 4,150,000 250,000 305,000 350,000 300,000 1,205,000 Add the following decimals and check the answer : 21. 21.51 35.21 36.17 20.32 28.30 18.91 12.42 5.95 20.95 14.56 15.85 6.00 3.17 19.07 11.02 22. 44.33 73.15 71.59 14.36 8.15 43.20 47.14 126.04 85.05 70.42 93.35 80.13 31.15 62.51 49.17 49.17 - 29.37 47.25 31.10 206.38 37.59 47.25 35.59 50.47 73.26 23. On the following page is an itemized list of invest- ments. What is the total amount of investments ? What is the average rate of interest ? Review Interest, page 50. 240 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS List of Investments Held by the Sinking Funds of Fall Ewer, Mass. January 1, 1913 NAME KATE MATURITY AMOUNT City of Boston Bonds 34 July 1, 1939 $15,000 City of Cambridge Bonds i Nov. 1, 1941 25,000 City of Chicago Bonds 4 Jan. 1, 1921 27,500 City of Chicago Bonds 4 Jan. 1, 1922 100,000 City of Los Angeles Bonds 4* June 1, 1930 50,000 City of So. Norwalk Bonds 4 July 1, 1930 23,000 City of So. Norwalk Bonds 4 Sept. 1, 1930 22,000 City of Taunton Bonds 4 June 1, 1919 39,000 Town of Revere Note 4.35 disc. Aug. 13, 1913 10,000 Boston & Albany R. R. Bonds 4 May 1, 1933 57,000 Boston & Albany R. R. Bonds 4 May 1, 1934 57,000 Boston Elevated R. R. Bonds 4 May 1, 1935 50,000 Boston Elevated R. R. Bonds 44 Oct. 1, 1937 68,000 Boston Elevated R. R. Bonds 44 Nov. 1, 1941 50,000 Boston & Lowell R. R. Bonds 4 April 1, 1932 16,000 Boston & Maine R. R. Bonds *4 Jan. 1, 1944 150,000 Boston & Maine R. R. Bonds 4 June 10, 1913 20,000 C. B. & Q. R. R. Bonds (111. Div.) 4 July 1, 1949 50,000 C. B. & Q. R. R. Bonds (111. Div.) 3| July 1, 1949 55,000 Chi. & N. W. R. R. Bonds 7 Feb. 1, 1915 92,000 Chi. & St. P., M. & O.. R. R. Bonds 6 June 1, 1930 20,000 Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. Bonds 44 Jan. 1, 1942 35,000 Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. Bonds 4 Oct. 1, 1942 10,000 Fitchburg R. R. Bonds 34 Oct. 1, 1920 50,000 Fitchburg R. R. Bonds 34 Oct. 1, 1921 20,000 Fitchburg R. R. Bonds 44 May 1, 1928 50,000 Fre. Elk. & Mo. Val. R. R. Bonds 6 Oct. 1, 1933 85,000 Great Northern R. R. Bonds 4J July 1, 1961 25,000 Housatonic R. R. Bonds 5 Nov. 1, 1937 46,000 Louis. & Nash. R. R. Bonds (N. O. & M.) 6 Jan. 1, 1930 20,000 Louis. & Nash. R. R. Bonds (St. L. Div.) 6 March 1, 1921 5,000 Louis. & Nash. R. R. Bonds (N. & M.) 44 Sept. 1, 1945 10,000 Louis. & Nash. R. R. Bonds 5 Nov. 1, 1931 35,000 Mich. Cent. R. R. Bonds 5 March 1, 1931 37,000 Mich. Cent. R. R. Bonds (Kal. & S. H.) 2 Nov. 1, 1939 50,000 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 241 24. What is total amount of the following water bonds? What is the average rate of interest ? Water Bonds of Fall River, Mass. DATE OF ISSUE KATE TERM MATURITY AMOUNT June 1, 1893 4 30 years June 1, 1923 $ 75,000 May 1, 1894 4 30 years May 1, 1924 25,000 Nov. 1, 1894 4 29 years Nov. 1, 1923 25,000 Nov. 1, 1894 4 30 years Nov. 1, 1924 25,000 May 1, 1895 4 30 years May 1, 1925 25,000 June 1, 1895 4 30 years June 1, 1925 50,000 Nov. 1, 1895 4 30 years Nov. 1, 1925 25,000 May 1, 1896 4 30 years May 1, 1926 25,000 Nov. 1, 1896 4 30 years Nov. 1, 1926 25,000 April 1, 1897 4 30 years April 1, 1927 25,000 Nov. 1, 1897 4 30 years Nov. 1, 1927 25,000 April 1, 1898 4 30 years April , 1928 25,000 Nov. 1, 1898 4 30 years Nov. , 1828 25,000 May 1, 1899 4 30 years May , 1929 50,000 Aug. 1, 1899 4 30 years Aug. , 1929 150,000 Nov. 1, 1899 3* 30 years Nov. , 1929 175,000 Feb. 1, 1900 3* 30 years Feb. , 1930 100,000 May 1, 1900 3* 30 years May , 1930 20,000 April 1, 1901 3| 30 years April ,1931 20,000 April 1, 1902 3* 30 years April , 1932 20,000 April 1, 1902 3* 30 years April , 1932 50,000 Dec. 1, 1902 3| 30 years Dec. 1, 1932 50,000 April 1, 1903 3* 30 years April 1, 1933 20,000 Feb. 1, 1904 3 30 years Feb. 1, 1934 175,000 May 2, 1904 4 30 years May 2, 1934 20,000 1. 33 2. 35 3. 37 4. 3f 7 9 8 1 8. 42 9. 49 10. 46 17 18 19 SUBTRACTION DRILL EXERCISE 5. 36 9 7 6. 32 4 7. 26 9 11. 43 12. 41 16 15 242 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 13. 45 14. 44 15. 17 17 364 16. 468 126 329 17. 566 328 18. 661 19. 363 324 127 20. 465 228 24. 200,000 121,314 21. 362 129 22. 865,900 23. 891,000 697,148 597,119 25. 30,071 28,002 26. 581,300 27. 481,111 391,111 310,010 28. 681,900 537,349 29. 868,434 399,638 30. 753,829 31. 394,287 537,297 277,469 32. 567,397 297,719 33. 487,196 311,076 34. 38. 291,903 35. 187,147 $ 835.00 119.00 36. $1100.44 835.11 37. $2881.44 1901.33 $ 3884.59 39. 1500.45 $ 4110.59 1744.43 40. $2883.40 1918.17 41. $3717.17 1999.18 42. $1911.84 1294.95 43. $ 2837.73 44. 1949.94 $ 5887.93 4999.99 MULTIPLICATION DRILL EXERCISE By inspection, multiply the following numbers : 1. 1600x900. 2. 800 x 740. 3. 360 x 400. 4. 590 x 800. 5. 1700 x 1100. 6. 1900x700. 7. 788,000 x 600. 8. 49,009x400. 9. 318,000x4000. 10. 988,000 x 50,000. 11. 80 x 11. 12. 79 x 11. 13. 187 x 11. 14. 2100 x 11. 15. 2855 x 11. 16. 84x25. 17. 116 x 50. 18. 288 x 25, 19. 198x25. 20. 3884 x 25. "Review rules on multiplication, pages 8-9. ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 243 BILLS (Invoices) When a merchant sells goods (called merchandise), he sends a bill (called an invoice) to the customer unless payment is made at the time of the sale. This invoice contains an itemized list of the merchandise sold and also the following : The place and date of the sale. The terms of the sale (usually in small type) cash or a number of days' credit. Sometimes a small discount is given if the bill is paid within a definite period. The quantity, name, and price of each item is placed on the same line. The entire amount of each item, called the exten- sion, is placed in a column at the right of the item. Discounts are deducted from the bill, if promised. Extra charges, such as cartage or freight, are added after taking off the discount. Make all Checks payable to We handle only highest grades Union Coal Company of Anthracite and Bitu- of Boston minous Coals UNION COAL COMPANY 40 CENTER STREET BRANCH EXCHANGE TELEPHONE CONNECTING ALL WHARVES AND OFFICES SOLD TO L. T. Jones, 5 Whitney St. , Mattapan, Mass. BOSTON, Sept. 3, 1914. 6000 Ib. Stove Coal 7.00 $21.00 4000 " Nut 7.25 14.50 35.50 REC'D PAYMENT SEPT. 28, 1914 UNION COAL CO. 244 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS When the amount of the bill or invoice is paid, the invoice is marked. Received payment, Name of firm. Per name of authorized person. This is called receipting a bill. Ledger Whenever an invoice is sent to a customer, a record of the transaction is made in a book called a ledger. The pages of this book are divided into two parts by means of red or double lines. The left side is called the debit and the right side the credit side. At the top of each ledger page the name of a person or firm that purchases merchandise is recorded. The record on this page is called the account of the person or firm. When the person or firm purchases merchandise, it is recorded on the debit side. When merchandise or cash is received, it is recorded on the credit side. The date, the amount, and the word Mdse. or cash is usually written. We debit an account when it receives value, and credit an account when it delivers value. E. D. REDINGTON 1917 1917 Jan. 2 Cash 109 1000 Jan. 1 Acc't to Perkins 114 810 Note, 60 ds. 114 1500 2 Mdse. 100 3057 9 Page's Order 115 575 10 " 100 575 25 Cash 109 500 22 Order to Jenness 115 375 27 Mdse. 93 157 ~>0 688.05 1+81S 31 Browne's Ace. 115 397 53 1130 OS SPECIMEN LEDGER PAGE ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 245 A summary of the debits and credits of an account is called a statement. The difference between the debits and credits represents the standing of the account. If the debits are greater than the credits, the customer named on the account owes the merchant. If the credits are greater than the debits, then the merchant owes the customer. EXAMPLES Balance the following accounts : BLANEY, BROWN & CO. 1917 1917 Jan. 14 Cons't #7 177 669 98 Jan. 6 Mdse. 171 1303 " Co. #/ 179 386 25 30 Dft. favor Button 180 900 28 " #1 53.23 179 1200 7,~> LUDWIG & LONG 1917 1917 Jan. 6 Cons' t #2 177 1939 60 Jan. 6 Cash 172 1000 20 " #2 327.50 177 1327 50 15 " 172 939 28 172 1000 CHARLES N. BUTTON 1917 1917 Jan. 7 Mdse. 168 651 88 Jan. 9 Ship't Co. #2 177 856 67 12 Cash 173 1000 24 Cons't #2 208.51 176 4699 0!t 20 " 173 2000 29 Ship't Co. #1 179 795 37 30 Dft. on Blaney, B. 180 900 246 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS D. K. REED & SON 1917 1917 Jan. 8 Cons 't #1 177 525 42 Jan. 8 Note at 60 ds. 180 525 17 Mdse. 170 202 50 17 Cash 172 202 26 Cons' t 1 177 243 7~> " CO. #7 179 206 PROFIT AND LOSS (Review Percentage on pages 50-56) A merchant must sell merchandise at a higher price than he paid for it in order to have sufficient funds at the end of the transaction to pay for clerk hire, rent, etc. Any amount above the purchasing price and its attendant expenses is called profit ; any amount below purchasing price is called loss. A merchant must be careful in figuring his profit. He must have a set of books so arranged as to show what caused either an increase or reduction in the profits. There are certain special terms used in considering profit and loss. The first cost of goods is called the net or prime cost. After the goods have been received and unpacked, and the freight, cartage, storage, commission, etc. paid, the cost has been increased to what is called gross or full cost. The total amount received from the sale of goods is called gross selling price. The sum of expenses connected with the sale of goods subtracted from the gross selling price is called the net selling price. A merchant gains or loses according as the net selling price is above or below the gross cost. There are two methods of computing gain or loss, each based on the rules of percentage. In the first method, the gross cost is the base, the per cent of gain or loss the rate, the gain or loss the percentage. The second method considers the selling price the base and will be explained in detail later. ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 247 EXAMPLES 1. Make extensions after deducting discounts and give total : Credit not allowed on goods returned without our permission PETTINGELL-ANDREWS COMPANY ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE General Offices and Warerooms 156 to 16O PEARL STREET and 491 to 511 ATLANTIC AVENUE Terms : 30 Days Net NEW YORK, Nov 17 1911 SOLD TO City of Lowell School Dept, Lowell, Mass. SHIPPED TO Same Lowell Industrial School, Lowell, Mass. SHIPPED BY B &. L 11/14/11 OUR REG. NO. 3786 ORDER REC'D 1 1/13/1 I REELS COILS BUNDLES CASES BBLS. tl H 00 ^ "D o>$> ORDER No. 78158 REG. No. 52108 PRICE 1 \ #4 Comealong# 11293 Ea 4 00 15% 1 \ #14492 16" Extension Bit Ea 2 00 50% 36 36 2 oz cans Nokorode Soldering Paste Doz 2 00 50% 15 15 #8020 Cutouts Ea 36 40% 2 2 #322 H & H Snap Sws Ea 76 30% 125 125 #9395 Pore Sockets Ea 30 45% 125 125 # 1999 Fuseless Rosettes Ea 08 45% 100 100 C Ball Adjusters for Lp Cord M 7 00 50 50 I" Skt Bushings C 50 200 200 Pr #43031 Std #328 #1 Single Wire Cleats M Pr 2668 40 o) 200 200 Pr #43033 Single Wire Cleats M Pr i U /O 40 00 40% 2 2 Lb White Exemplar Tape Lb 45 248 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 2. Make extensions on the following items and give total : Goods are Charged for the Convenience of Customers and Accounts are Rendered Monthly R A. McWniRR Co. DEPARTMENT STORE FALL RIVER, MASS. A. A. MILLS, Pres't & Treas. J. H. MAHONEY, Supt. R. S. THOMPSON, Sec'y. Purchases for . Fall River Technical High School September, 1913 City No. Order Number 719 DATB ARTICLES AMOUNTS DAILY TOTAL CREDITS Sept 4 2 Doz C Hangers 2 " Skirt " 90 45 5 6 120 Long Cloth 34$ Cambric 522 B Cambric 15 18 100 B Nainsook 16 24 Doz Kerr L Twist 120 8 Doz Tape Measures 84 " W Thread 25 51 9 1 10/12 Doz Tape 1 Gro Tambo Cotton 25 520 Doz Bone Stillettos 46 I " Steel 46 40 Paper Needles 20 " 8 2 Doz M Plyers 2 Boxes Edge Wire 12 " Even Tie Wire 600 125 180 24 " Brace 225 2 " Lace 160 2 Pk Ribbon 125 2 Rolls Buckram 90 13 48 Yd Cape Net 100 Crinoline 15 5 125 5 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 249 3. Make extensions on the following items and give total : Goods are Charged for the Convenience of Customers and Accounts are Rendered Monthly R A. McWniRR Co. DEPARTMENT STORE FALL RIVER, MASS. A. A. MILLS, Pres't & Treas. J. H. MAHONEY, Vice-Pres't. R. S. THOMPSON, Sec'y. Purchases for Fall River Public Buildings September, 1913 City No. For Technical High School DATE ARTICLES AMOUNTS DAILY TOTAL CKEDITS Sept 4 1 Dinner Set 1700 100 Knives 9 100 Forks 9 100 D Spoons 10 100 Tea Spoons 09 1 Doz Glasses 90 8J Doz Tumblers 45 8 " Bowls 96 54 Crash 111 50 " 31 ^ Doz Napkins 270 i 415 2 Table Cloths 360 12 120 Crash "i 15 2 Stock Pots 325 1 Lemon Squeezer 14 1 Doz Teaspoons 500 1 Butter Spreader 75 Doz Forks 625 250 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLE. A real estate dealer buys a house for $ 4990 and sells it to gain $ 50. What is the per cent of gain over cost? SOLUTION. ^L x 100 = = Ui T %. Ana. 4990 499 DRILL EXERCISE Find per cent of gain or loss : 1. Cost $1660 Gain $175 6. Cost $6110 Loss $112 2. $1845 $135 7. $5880 $ 65 3. $ 1997. 75 $ 412.50 8. $ 3181. 10 $108. 75 4. $ 2222. 50 $ 319.75 9. $ 7181. 49 $213. (>0 5. $ 3880. 11 $ 610.03 10. $ 3333. 19 $ 28. <)<) EXAMPLES 1. A dealer buys wheat at 91 cents a bushel and sells to gain 26 cents. What is the per cent of gain? 2. A farmer sold a bushel of potatoes for 86 cents, and gained 20 cents over the cost. What was the per cent of gain ? 3. Real estate was sold for $ 19,880 at a profit of $ 3650. What was the per cent of gain ? 4. A provision dealer buys smoked hams at 19 cents a pound and sells them at 31 cents a pound. What is the per cent of gain? 5. A grocer buys eggs at 28 cents a dozen and sells them at 35 cents a dozen. What is the per cent gain ? 6. A dealer buys sewing machines at $22 each and sells them at $ 40. What is the per cent gain ? 7. A dealer buys an automobile for $ 972 and sells it for $ 1472 and pays $ 73.50 freight. What is the per cent gain ? ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 251 DRILL EXERCISE Find the per cent gain or loss on both cost and selling price : 1. Cost $1200 Selling Price $1500 6. Cot $2475 Selling Price $2360 2. $1670 $1975 7. $1650 $1490 3. $2325 $2980 8. $ 4111.50 $ 2880.80 4. $ 4250.50 $ 5875.75 9. $4335.50 $4660.60 5. $ 3888.80 $ 4371.71 10. $ 2880.17 $ 2551.60 REVIEW EXAMPLES 1. A dealer buys 46 gross of spools of. cotton at $11.12. He sells them at 5 cents each. What is his profit ? What is the per cent of gain on cost ? on selling price ? 2. Hardware supplies were bought at $ 119.75 and sold for $ 208.16. What is the per cent of gain on cost and on selling price ? 3. A grocer pays $ 840 f.o.b. Detroit for an automobile truck. The freight costs him $ 61.75. What is 'the total cost of automobile truck ? What per cent of the total cost is freight ? 4. A dry goods firm buys 900 yards of calico at 5 cents a yard, and sells it at 9 cents. What is the profit ? What per cent of cost and selling price ? 5. A grocer buys a can (81 qt.) of milk for 55 cents and sells it for 9 cents a quart. What is the per cent of gain ? EXAMPLES 1. A dealer sold a piano at a profit of $ 115, thereby gaining 18 % on cost. What was the selling price ? SOLUTION. If $ 115 = 18 % of cost, which is 100 %, 1 % = JjJ ff 5_ = 6.3889 100% =$ 638. 89 cost Adding 115.00 profit $ 753.89 selling price. 252 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 2. A dealer sold furniture at a profit of $ 98. What was the cost of the furniture, if he sold to gain 35 % ? 3. A coal dealer buys coal at the wharf and sells it to gain $ 2 per ton. What is the cost per ton if he gains 31 % ? 4. A shoe jobber buys a lot of shoes for $ 1265 and sells to gain 26 % . What is the selling price ? 5. An electrician buys a motor for $ 48 and sells it to gain 18 %. What is the selling price? 6. A pair of shoes was sold to gain 26 %, giving the shoe dealer a profit of 97 cents. What was the cost price ? What was the selling price ? FORMULAS Gain or loss = Cost x rate of gain or loss Gain or loss Cost = Rate of gain or rate of loss Selling Price = Cost (100 % + rate of gain) or (100 % rate of loss) Cost = Selling Price Selling Price ~ 100 % + rate of gain ( r 100 /o - rate of loss DRILL EXERCISE Find the selling price in each of the following problems : Sold to Lose Coat Sold to Gain Cost 1. 16|% $96 6. 37% $250 2. 20% $115 7. 33%, $ 644.50 3. 30% $48 8. 41% $ 841.75 4. 19% $ 112.50 9. 29% $ 108.19 5. 201% $ 187.75 10. 221% $237.75 COMPUTING PROFIT AND LOSS Second MetTiod. Many merchants find that it is better busi- ness practice to figure per cost profit on the selling price rather than on the cost price. Many failures in business can be ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 253 traced to the practice of basing profits on cost. We must bear in mind that no comparison can be made between per cents of profit or cost until they have been reduced to terms of the same unit value or to per cents of the same base. To illustrate : It costs $ 100 to manufacture a certain article. The expenses of selling are 22 %. For what must it sell to make a net profit of 10%? Most students would calculate $132, taking the first cost as the basis of estimating cost of sales and net profit. The average business man would say that the expenses of selling and cost should be quoted on the basis of the selling price. SOLUTION. Expenses of selling = 22 % Profit = 10% 32 % on selling price. . . Cost on $ 100 = 68 % selling price. 100 % = .$ 147 selling price. EXAMPLE 1. An article costs $ 5 and sells for $ 6. What is the percentage of profit? Ans. 16| %. Process. Six dollars minus $5 leaves $1, the profit. One dollar divided by $6, decimally, gives the correct answer, 16|%. EXAMPLE 2. An article costs $ 3.75. What must it sell for to show a profit of 25 % ? Ans. $ 5. Process. Deduct 25 from 100. This will give you a remainder of 75, the percentage of the cost. If $3.75 is 75%, 1% would be $3.75 divided by 75 or 5 cents, and 100% would be $5. Now, if you marked your goods, as too many do, by adding 25 % to the cost, you would ob- tain a selling price of about $4.69, or 31 cents less than by the former method. EXAMPLES 1. What is the percentage of profit, if an article costs $ 8.50 and sells for $ 10 ? 2. What is the percentage of profit on an automobile that cost $ 810 and sold for $ 1215 ? 3. An article costs $ 840. What must I sell it for to gain 30 % ? 254 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4. A case of shoes is bought for $ 30. For what must I sell them to gain 25 % ? TABLE FOR FINDING THE SELLING PRICE OF ANY ARTICLE COST TO DO NET PER CENT PROFIT DESIRED BUSINESS 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 15% 84 88 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 7.-) 74 78 7-2 71 7o 65 60 55 50 4;, 35 16% 88 82 81 so 79 7^ 77 76 7r 74 78 72 71 7(i til) 64 59 64 49 44 84 17 % 82 81 80 79 7s: 77 76 75 74 78 7'2 71 70 69 (is 68 58 58 4s 48 88 18% si SI) 79 7s 77 76 7.') 74 78 72 71 7o (','. 68 (17 62 57 52 47 42 '52 19% 80 79 7s 77 76 75 74 7:', 72 71 7o 69 68 67 66 61 56 51 4f, 41 81 20% 79 78 77 76 75 74 7:i 1-1 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 60 55 50 4, r > 40 80 21% 78 77 76 78 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 66 64 59 54 49 44 89 2!) 22% 77 76 7:> 74 78 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 68 58 58 4s 4:', 88 2s 23% 76 75 74 78 7'2 71 7o 69 68 67 66 65 (14 3 62 57 52 47 4-2 87 27 24% 75 74 7:', 7'.' 71 7 25% 74 73 72 71 7(i f-9 68 67 66 65 64 68 62 (11 tin 55 50 45 40 85 25 The percentage of cost of doing business and the profit are figured on the selling price. Rule Divide the cost (invoice price with freight added) by the figure in the column of " net rate per cent profit desired " on the line with per cent it cost you to do business. EXAMPLE. If a wagon cost Freight . . . $60.00 1.20 $ 61.20 You desire to make a net profit of 5 per cent It costs you to do business 19 per cent Take the figure in column 5 on line 19, which is 76. 76 j $6 1.2000 [ $80. 52, the selling price. 608 400 380 200 152 ARITHMETIC FOR OFFICE ASSISTANTS 255 Solve the following examples by table : 1. I bought a wagon for $84.00 f.o.b. New York City. Freight cost $ 1.05. I desire to sell to gain 8 %. If the cost to do business is 18 %, what should be the selling price? 2. I buy goods at $ 97 and desire a net profit of 7 % . It costs 16 % to do business. What should be my selling price ? 3. Hardware supplies are purchased for $489.75. If it costs 23 % to do the business, and I desire to make a net profit of 11 %, for what must I sell the goods? EXAMPLES 1. I bought 15 cuts of cloth containing 40^ yd. each, at 7 cents a yd., and sold it for 9 cents a yd. What was the gain? 2. A furniture dealer sold a table for $ 14.50, a couch for $ 45.80, a desk for $ 11.75, and some chairs for $ 27.30. Find the amount of his sales. 3. Goods were sold for $367.75 at a loss of $125. Find the cost of the goods. 4. Goods costing $ 145.25 were sold at a profit of $ 28.50. For how much were they sold ? 5. A woman bought 4 yards of silk at $ 1.80 per yard, and gave in payment a $ 10 bill. What change did she receive.? 6. I bought 25 yards of carpet at $ 2.75 per yard, and 6 chairs at $ 4.50 each, and gave in payment a $ 100 bill. What change should I receive ? TIME SHEETS AND PAY ROLLS Office assistants must tabulate the time of the different em- ployees and compute the individual amount due each week. In addition, they must know the number of coins and bills of different denominations required so as to be able to place the exact amount in each envelope. This may be done by making out the following pay roll form. 256 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS FORM USED TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS No, Persons Amt, Rec'd $10 $5 $2 $1 g 50? g 25? 10? 5? 1? 2 13.50 g g 3 P AM'T __T REC'D Pur. by \ $1 Pur. by ~ 1u .fl'O.O So 32 E oo"S 3a8- ^ C0 ? fl SS1_ Is 4 * 00 ce2 Am't Rec'd Sold by Am't of Sale Customers tcill please report any failure to deliver bill with goods 8606 1 This Slip must go in Customer's Parrel. Violation of this Rale is cause for Instant Dismissal 1 SAI^KSMATS'S VOUCHER. DEPARTMENT SALESMAN DATE-- Cash Sales Charge Sales Cash Sales Charge Sales 1 Forward 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 9 17 262 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Salesgirls should be able to do a great many calculations at sight. This ability comes only through practice. EXAMPLES Find the amount of the following : 1. 10 yd. percale at 121 cents. 2. 12 yd. voile at 16 1 cents. 3. 27 yd. silesia at 331 cents. 4. 50 yd. serge at $ 1.50. 5. 28 yd. mohair at $ 1.25. 6. 48 yd. organdie at 37^- cents. 7. 911 yd. gingham at 10 cents. 8. 112 yd. calico at 41 cents. 9. 36 yd. galatea at 15 cents. 10. 11 yd. lawn at 19 cents. 11. 64 yd. dotted muslin at 621 cents. 12. 24 yd. gabardine at $1.75. 13. 18 yd. poplin at 29 cents. 14. 16 yd. hamburg at 15 cents. 15. 12 yd. lace at 871 cents. 16. 19 yd. val lace at 9 cents. 17. 26 yd. braid at 25 cents. 18. 48 dz. hooks and eyes at 12 cents 19. 19 yd. cambric at 15 cents. 20. 18 pc. binding at 16 cents. 21. 6 yd. canvas at 24 cents. 22. 56 yd. linen at 621 cents. 23. 18 yd. albatross at $ 1.50. 24. 22 yd. silk at $ 2.25. ARITHMETIC FOR SALESGIRLS AND CASHIERS 263 PROBLEMS 1. I bought cotton cloth valued at $ 6.25, silk at $ 13.75, handkerchiefs for $ 2.50, and hose for $ 2.75. What was the whole cost ? 2. Ruth saved $ 15.20 one month, $ 20.75 a second month, and the third month $ 4.05 more than the first and second months together. How much did she* save in the three months ? 3. Goods were sold for $ 367.75, at a loss of $ 125. Find the cost of the stock. 4. Goods costing $ 145.25 were sold at a profit of $ 28.50. For how much were they sold ? 5. A butcher sold 8J pounds of meat to one customer, 9J- pounds to a second, to the third as much as the first plus 1 pounds, to a fourth as much as to the second. How many pounds did he sell ? 6. Edith paid $42.75 for a dress, one-half as much for a cloak, and $ 7.25 for a hat. How much did she pay for all ? 7. A merchant sold four pieces of cloth ; the first piece contained 24 yards, the second 32 yards, the third 16 yards, and the fourth five-eighths as many yards as the sum of the other three. How many yards were' sold? 8. From a piece of cloth containing 65f yards, there were sold 23J yards. How many yards remained ? 9. A merchant sold goods for $ 528.40 and gained $ 29.50. Find the cost. 10. From 11 yards of cloth, 3| were cut for a coat, and 6J yards for a suit. How many yards remained ? 11. I bought 15 cuts of cloth containing 40^ yards each at 7 cents a yard and sold it for 9 cents a yard. What was the gain? 264 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 12. What is the cost of 13-J yards of silk at $ 3.75 per yard ? 13. What is the cost of 16^ yards of broadcloth at $ 2.25 per yard ? 14. What is the cost of 3 pieces of cloth containing 12|, 14^, and 15^ yards at 121 cents per yard ? 15. What will 5| yards of velvet cost at $ 2.75 per yard ? 16. What is the cost of three-fourths of a yard of crgpe de chine at $ 1.75 per yard ? 17. A saleslady is paid $ 1.00 per day for services and a bonus of 2 % on all sales over $ 50 per week. If the sales amount to $ 175 per week, what will be her salary ? 18. At $ 1.33^ a yard, how much will 15 yards of lace cost ? 19. At $ 1.16 J a yard, how much will 9 yards of silk cost ? 20. At $ 1.12^ per yard, how much will 6 yards of velvet cost? 21. At 33^ cents each, find the cost of 101 handkerchiefs. 22. A salesgirl sold 141 yards of gingham at 25 cents, 9 yards of cotton at V2 I \ cents, 101 yards of Madras at 35 cents. Amount received, $ 10. How much change will be given to the customer ? 23. Sold 6 yards of cheviot at $ 1.10, 5f yards of silk at $ 1.25, 91 yards of velveteen at 98 cents. Amount received, $ 25.00. How much change will be given to the customer ? 24. Sold 111 yards of Persian lawn at $ 1.95, 6| yards of dimity at 25 cents, 12J' yards of linen suiting at 75 cents. Amount received, $ 40. How much change will be given to the customer ? 25. Sold 9| yards of Persian lawn at $ 1.371, 5J- yards of cheviot at $ 1.25, 15 yards of cotton at 121 cents. Amount received, $ 30. How much change will be given to the cus- tomer ? ARITHMETIC FOR SALESGIRLS AND CASHIERS 265 26. Sold 7 yards of muslin at 25 cents, 12^ yards of lining at 11 cents, 6| yards of lawn at $ 1.50, 7 yards of suiting at 75 cents. Amount received, $ 20. How much change will be given to the customer ? 27. Sold 16 yards of velvet at $ 2.25, 14J yards of suiting at 48 cents, 23 yards of cotton at 15 cents, 6| yards of dimity at 24 cents, 7| yards of ribbon at 25 cents. Amount received, $ 50. How much change will be given to the customer ? 28. At 121 cents a yard, what will 8J yards of ribbon cost ? 29. At $ 2.50 a yard, what will 2.8 yards of velvet cost ? 30. If it takes 5^ yards of cloth for a coat, 3i yards for a jacket, and 1 a yard for a vest, how many yards will it take for all ? 31. I gave $ 16.50 for 33 yards of cloth. How much did one yard cost ? 32. Mary went shopping. She had a $ 20 bill. She bought a dress for $ 9.50, a pair of gloves for $ .75, a fan for $ .87, two handkerchiefs for $ .37 each, and a hat for $ 4.50. How much money had she left ? 33. Emma's dress cost $ 11.25, and Mary's cost f as much. How much did Mary's cost ? How much did both cost ? 34. What is the cost of 16f yards of silk at $ 2.75 a yard ? 35. What is the cost of 14| yards of cambric at 42 cents a yard? 36. If 5J yards of calico cost 33 cents, how much must be paid for 14f yards ? 37. One yard of sheeting cost 22| cents. How many yards can be bought for $ 15.15 ? 38. From a piece of calico containing 33| yards there have been sold at different times 11J, 7|, and 1 yards. How many yards remain ? 266 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 39. I bought 16 \ yards of cloth for $ 3J per yard, and sold it for $ 4J per yard. What was the gain ? 40. A merchant has three pieces of cloth containing, respec- tively, 28|, 35 L, and 41 f yards. After selling several yards from each piece, he finds that he lias left in the three pieces 67 yards. How many yards has he sold ? ARITHMETIC FOR CASHIER How to Make Change. Every efficient cashier or saleslady makes change by adding to the amount of the sale or purchase enough change to make the sum equal to amount presented. The change should be returned in the largest denominations possible. To illustrate : A young lady buys dry goods to the amount of $ 1.52. She gives the saleslady a $ 5 bill. What change should she receive ? The saleslady will say: $1.52, $1.55, -$1.65, $1.75, $2.00, $4.00, $5.00. That is, $ 1.52 + $ .03 = $ 1.65 ; $ 1.55 + $.10 = $ 1.65 ; $1.65 + $.10= $1.75; $1.75 + $.25 = $2.00; $2.00 + $2.00 = $4.00 ; $4.00 + $1.00 = $5.00. EXAMPLES 1. What change should be given for a dollar bill, if the following purchases were made ? a. $.87 c. $.43 e. $.20 b. $.39 d. $.51 /. $.23 2. What change should be given for a two-dollar bill, if the following purchases were made ? a. $1.19 d. $1.57 g. $.63 6. $.89 e. $1.42 h. $.78 c. $1.73 /. $1.12 i. $.27 ARITHMETIC FOR SALESGIRLS AND CASHIERS 267 3. What change should be given for a five-dollar bill, if the following purchases were made ? a. $3.87 d. $2.81 g. $1.93 6. $2.53 e. $3.74 h. $.17 c. $4.19 /. $4.29 i. $.47 4. What change should be given for a ten-dollar bill, if the following purchases were made ? o. $8.66 d. $6.23 g. $3.16 6. $9.31 e. $5.29 ft. $2.29 c. $7.42 /. $4.18 t. $1.74 5. What change should be given for a twenty-dollar bill, if the following purchases were made ? a. $18.46 c. $17.09 e. $8.01 b. $ 19.23 d. $ 12.03 /. $ 6.27 CHAPTER XIII CIVIL SERVICE ALMOST every government position open to women has to be obtained through an examination. In most cases Arithmetic is one of the subjects tested. It is wise to know not only the subject, but also the standards of marking, and for this reason some general rules on this subject follow. Marking Arithmetic Civil Service Papers 1. On questions of addition, where sums are added across and the totals added, for each error deduct 16| %. 2. .For each error in questions containing simple multiplication or division, as a single process, deduct 50 % ; as a double process, deduct 25%. 3. In questions involving fractions and problems other than simple computation, mark as follows : (a) Wrong process leading to incorrect result, credit 0. (6) For inconvenient or complex statement, process, or method, giving right result, deduct from 5 to 25 fc . (c) If the answer is correct but no work is shown, credit 0. (d) If the answer is correct and the process is clearly indicated, but not written in full, deduct 25 fo . (e) If no attempt is made to answer, credit 0. (/) If the operation is incomplete, credit in proportion to the work done. (gr) For the omission of the dollar sign ($) in final result or answer, deduct 5. (ft) In long division examples, to be solved by decimals, if the answer is given as a mixed number, deduct 25. 4. For questions on bookkeeping and accounts, mark as follows : (a) For omission of total heading, deduct 25 ; for partial omission, a commensurate deduction. (6) For every misplacement of credits or debits, deduct 25. CIVIL SERVICE 269 (c) For every omission of date or item, deduct 10. (d) For omissions or misplacement of balance, deduct 25. NOTE. Hard and fast rules are not always applicable because the impor- tance of certain mistakes differs with the type of example. Before a set of examples is marked, the deductions to be made for various sorts of errors are decided upon by the examiners. In general, examples in arithmetic for high-grade positions are marked on practically the same basis as clerical arithmetic. Arithmetic in lower-grade examinations, such as police and fire service and the like, is marked about 60% easier than clerical. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMPLES (Give the work in full in each example.) 1. Multiply 83,849,619 by 11,079. 2. Subtract 16,389,110 from 48,901,001. 3. Divide 18,617.03 by .717. 4. At $ 0.37 per dozen, how many dozen eggs can be bought for $ 33.67 ? 5. What would 372 pounds of corn meal cost if 4 Ib. cost 12 cents ? 6. If a man bought 394 cows for $ 23,640 and sold 210 for $ 14,700, what was the profit on each cow ? 7. What is the net amount of a bill for $ 93.70, subject to a discount of 37^- % ? 8. How many pints in a measure containing 14,784 cubic inches ? 9. What number exceeds the sum of its fourth, fifth, and sixth by 23 ? 10. If a man's yearly income is $ 1600, and he spends $ 25 a week, how much can he save in a year ? 11. What will 16|- pounds of butter cost at 34 cents a pound ? 12. How many hogs can be bought for $ 1340 if each hog averages 160 pounds and costs 9 cents a pound ? 13. How many tons of coal can be bought for $446.25, if each ton costs $ 8.75 ? 270 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 14. A young lady can separate 38 letters per minute. If a letter averages 6^ ounces, how many pounds of mail does she handle in an hour ? 15. Multiply 53 J by 9f and divide the product by 2^. (Solve decimally.) * 16. Roll matting costs 73 cents per sq. yd. What will be the cost of 47 rolls, each roll 60 yd. long and 36 in. wide ? 17. A man paid $ 5123.25 for 27 mules and sold them for $ 6500. How much did he gain by the transaction ? 18. A wheel measures 3' 1" in diameter. What is the dis- tance around the tire ? 19. A bricklayer earns 70 cents an hour. If he works 129 days, 8 hours a day, and spends $ 50 a month, how much does he save a year ? 20. A rectangular courtyard is 48' 5" long and 23' 1" wide. How many square yards is it in area ? 21. How many days will it take a ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean, 2970 miles, if the vessel sails at the rate of 21 miles an hour ? 22. Eleven men bought 7 tracts of land with 22 acres in each tract. How many acres will each man have ? 23. A merchant sends his agent $ 10,228 to buy goods. What is the value of the goods, after paying $ 28 for freight and giving the agent 2 % for his commission ? 24. If milk costs 6 cents a quart, and you sold it for 9 cents a quart, and your profit for the milk was $48, how many quarts of milk did you sell ? 25. A traveler travels llf miles a day for 8 days. How many more miles has he yet to travel if the journey is 134 miles ? 26. What is the net amount of a bill for $29.85, subject to a discount of 16| % ? CIVIL SERVICE 271 27. Add across, placing the totals in the spaces indicated ; then add the totals and check : TOTALS 8,431 17,694 18,630 91 707 5,912 305 3,777 871 8,901 6,801 29,006 5,891 30 16,717 5,008 10,008 7,771 144 9,001 13,709 10,999 39 1,113 3,444 28. Divide 37,818.009 by .0391. 29. A pile of wood is 136 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 6 ft. high, and is sold for $ 4.85 per cord, which is 20 % more than the cost. What is the cost of the pile ? 30. Add the following column and from the sum subtract 81,376,019 : 80,614,304 68,815,519 32,910,833 54,489,605 96,315,809 75,029,034 21,201,511 31. A man bought 128 gal. cider at 23 cents a gallon ; he sold it for 28 cents a gallon. How much did he make ? 32. A laborer has $48 in the bank. He is taken sick and his expenses are $ 7.75 a day. How many days will his fund last? 33. In paving a street If mi. long and 54 ft. wide, how many bricks 9 in. long and 4 in. wide will be required ? 34. Find the simple interest on $ 841.37 for 2 yr. 3 mo. 17 da. at 5%. 35. Find the simple interest on $ 367.49 for 1 yr. 7 mo. 19 da. at 4%. 272 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS SPECIMEN ARITHMETIC PAPERS CLERKS, MESSENGERS, ETC. Rapid Computation 1. Add these across, placing the totals in the spaces in- dicated ; then add the totals : TOTALS 15,863 3,175 368 51,461 35,196 27,368 7,242 82,463 24,175 52,837 3,724 51,493 68,317 58,417 41,582 4,738 16,837 5,281 52,683 26,364 73,642 25,164 42,525 70,463 1,476 18,572 7,368 15,726 71,394 62,958 2. Multiply 82,473,659 by 9874. Give the work in full. 3. From 68,515,100 subtract 24,884,574. Give the work in full. 4. Divide 29,379.7 by .47. Give the work in full. 5. What is the net amount of a bill for $19.20, subject to a discount of 16f % ? Give the work in full. Arithmetic 1. How many times must 720 be added to 522 to make 987,642 ? Give the work in full. 2. If the shadow of an up- right pole 9 ft. high is 8^ ft. long, what is the height of a church spire which casts a shadow 221 ft. long ? Give the work in full. 3. How many sods, each 8 in. square, will be required to sod a yard 24 feet long and 10 feet 8 inches wide ? Give the work in full. 4. A retired merchant has an income of $ 25 a day, his property being invested at 6 % . What is he worth ? Give the work in full. 5. Find the principal that will yield $ 38.40 in 1 yr. 6 mo. at 4 % simple interest. Give the work in full. 6. If the time past noon increased by 90 minutes equals -f^ of the time from noon to midnight, what time is it ? Give the work in full. 7. A merchant deducts 20 % from the marked price of his goods and still makes a profit of 16 %. At what CIVIL SERVICE 273 advance on the cost are the goods marked ? Give the work in full. 8. If a grocer sells a tub of butter at 22 cents a pound, he will gain 168 cents, but if he sells it at 17 cents a pound, he will lose 112 cents. Find (a) the weight of the butter and (b) the cost per pound. Give the work in full. 9. The product of four factors is 432. Two of the factors are 3 and 4. The other two factors are equal. What are the equal factors ? Give the work in full. STENOGRAPHER-TYPEWRITER 1. From what number can 857 be subtracted 307 times and leave a remainder of 49 ? Give the work in full. 2. What number exceeds the sum of its fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh parts by 101 ? Give the work in full. 3. A sells to B at 10'% profit; B sells to C at 5 % profit; if C paid $ 5336.10, what did the goods cost A ? Give the work in full. 4. Find the simple interest of $ 297.60 for 3 yr. 1 mo. 15 da. at 6 %. Give the work in full. 5. A man sold \ of his farm to B, f of the remainder to C, and the remaining 60 acres to D. How many acres were in the farm at first ? Give the work in full. SEALERS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (Review Weights and Measures, pages 43, 276) 1. A measure under test is found to have a capacity of 332.0625 cu. in. What is its capacity in gallons, quarts, etc. ? Give the work in full. 2. How many quarts, dry measure, would the above meas- ure hold ? Give the work in full, carrying the answer to four decimal places. 3. What is the equivalent of 175 Ib. troy in pounds avoir- dupois ? Give the work in full. 1 av. Ib. = 7000 grains.- 274 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4. How many grains in 12 Ib. 15 oz. avoirdupois ? Give the work in full. 5. Reduce 15 Ib. 10 oz. 20 grains avoirdupois to grains troy weight. Give the work in full. 6. What part of a bushel is 2 pecks and 3 pints ? Give the work in full and "the answer both as a decimal and as a common fraction. 7. What will 10 bushels 3 pecks and 4 quarts of seed cost at $ 2.10 per bushel ? Give the work in full. 8. What part of a troy pound is 50 grains, expressed both decimally and in the form of a common fraction ? 9. A strawberry basket was found to be 65.2 cubic inches in capacity. (a) How many cubic inches short was it ? (&) W T hat percentage of a full quart did it contain ? Give the work in full. 10. In testing a spring scale it was found that in weighing 22 Ib. of correct test weights on same, the scale indicated 22 Ib. 101 oz. What was the percentage of error in this scale at this weight ? Give the work in full. VISITOR 1. A certain "home" had at the beginning of the year $ 693.07, and received during the year donations amounting to $ 1322.48. The expenses for the year were : salaries, $387.25 ; printing, etc., $175 ; supplies, $651.15 ; rent, $104.25 heat, etc., $ 75 ; interest, $ 100 ; miscellaneous, $ 72.83. Find the cash on hand at the end of the year. Give the work in full. 2. Of the 72,700 persons relieved in a certain state at public expense in the year ending March 31, 1912, 76 % were aided locally, and the remainder by the state. Find the number relieved by the state. Give the work in full. CIVIL SERVICE 275 3. There was spent in state, city, and town public poor relief in Massachusetts in one year the sum of $3,539,036. The number of beneficiaries was 72,700. What was the average sum spent per person ? Give the work in full. 4. Of the 72,900 persons aided by public charity in this state in a certain year y 9 -^ were classed as sane. Of the re- mainder, were classed as insane, ^ as idiotic, and the rest as epileptic. How many epileptics received public aid? Give, the work in full. PART V ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES CHAPTER XIV A NURSE should be familiar with the weights and measures used in dispensing medicines. There are two systems used the English, based on the grain, and the Metric system, based on the meter. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT (Troy Weight) 20 grains (gr.) = 1 scruple (3) 33 =1 dram ( 3 ) = 60 gr. 83 =1 ounce ( 3 ) = 24 3 =480 gr. 123 =1 pound (ft) =96 3 =288 3 = 5760 gr. The number of units is often expressed by Roman numerals written after the symbols. (See Roman Numerals, p. 2.) EXAMPLES 1. How many grains in iv scruples ? 2. How many grains in iii drams ? 3. How many grains in iv ounces ? 4. How many scruples in lb i ? 5. How many grains in lb iii ? 6. How many drams in lb iv ? 7. How many grains in 3 ii ? 8. How many scruples in 3 v ? 9. How many drams in 5 vii ? 10. How many ounces in lb viii ? 276 ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 277 11. Salt 5 i will make how many quarts of saline solution, gr. xc to qt. 1 ? 12. How many drains of sodium carbonate in 10 powders of Seidlitz Powder ? Each powder contains gr. xl. APOTHECARIES' FLUID MEASURE 60 minims (m) = 1 fluid dram = (f 3 ). 8 f 3 =1 fluid ounce (f 3). 16 f 3 =1 pint (0) = 128 f 3 = 7680 m. 8 O =1 gallon (C) = 128 f 3 =1024 f 3 . EXAMPLES 1. How many minims in f 3 iv ? 2. How many minims in f 3 iii ? 3. How many fluid drams in 1 ? 4. How many minims in 5 pints ? 5. How many pints in 8 gallons ? 6. How many fluid drams in ii ? 7. How many minims in f 5 viii ? 8. How many fluid drams in C vii ? 9. How many pints in C v ? 10. How many minims in f 5 ix ? 11. If the dose of a solution is m xxx and each dose contains -^g- gr. strychnine, how much of the drug is contained in f 5 i of the solution ? 12. 3 ii of a solution contains gr. i of cocaine. How much cocaine is given when a doctor orders m x of the solution ? Approximate Measures of Fluids (With Household Measures) An ordinary teaspoonful is supposed to hold 60 minims of pure water and is approximately equal to a fluid dram. A 278 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS A GRADUATE. drop is ordinarily considered equivalent to a minim, but this is only approxi- mately true in the case of water. The specific gravity, shape, and surface from which the drop is poured influence the size. In preparing medicines to be taken internally, minims should never be measured out as drops. There are minim droppers and measures for this purpose. A level teaspoonful of either a fluid or solid preparation is equal to a dram. Level spoonfuls are always considered in measurements. 1 teaspoonful = 1 fluid dram. 1 dessertspoonful = 2 fluid drains. 1 tablespoonful = 4 fluid drams or J fluid ounce. 1 wineglassf ul = 2 fluid ounces. 1 teacupful = 6 fluid ounces. 1 tumblerful = 8 fluid ounces. EXAMPLES 1. How many dessertspoonfuls in 8 fluid ounces ? 2. How many wineglassfuls in 2 tumblerfuls ? 3. How many tablespoonfuls in 3 fluid drams ? 4. How many teaspoonful s in 5 fluid ounces ? 5. How many teacupfuls in 4 fluid drams ? 6. How many dessertspoonfuls in 6 fluid drams ? 7. How many teaspoonfuls in 1 gallon ? 8. How many drops of water in 1 quart ? 9. How many teaspoonfuls in 3 ounces ? 10. How many minims in 3 pints ? ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 279 11. What household measure would you use to make a solu- tion, 3 i to a pint ? 12. Read the following apothecaries' measurements and give their equivalents : a. 3 iv. /. 3 ss. 1 b. gr. v. g. iv. c. ii. h. 3 ii. d. 5 ii- *" 3 iv. e. ij. j. I ss. Metric System of Weights and Measures (Review Metric System in Appendix.) The metric system of weights and measures is used to a great extent in medicine. The advantage of this system over the English is that, in preparing solutions, it is easy to change weights to volumes and volumes to weights without the use of common fractions. In medicine the gramme (so written in prescriptions to avoid confusion with the dram) and the milligramme are the chief weights used. 1 gramme = wt. of 1 cubic centimeter (cc. ) of water at 4 c. 1000 grammes = 1 kilogram or " kilo." 1 kilogram of water = 1000 cc. = 1 liter. CONVERSION FACTORS 1 gramme = 15.4 or approx. 15 grains. 1 grain = 0.064 gramme. 1 cubic centimeter = 15 minims. 1 minim = 0.06 cc. 1 liter = 1 quart (approx.). The liter and cubic centimeter are the principal units of volume used in medicine. 1 ss means one-half. 280 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS A micro-millimeter is used in measuring microscopical dis- tances. It is r ^ mm. and is indicated by the Greek letter /A. To convert cc. into minims multiply by 15. To convert grammes into drams divide by 4. To convert cc. into ounces divide by 30. To convert minims into cc. divide by 15. To convert grains into grammes divide by 15. To convert fluid drams into cc. multiply by 4. To convert drams into grammes multiply by 4. 1 grain = 0.064 gramme. 2 grains = 0.1 gramme. 5 grains = 0.3 gramme. 8 grains = 0.5 gramme. 10 grains = 0.6 gramme. 15 grains = 1 gramme. 1 milligramme = 0.0154 grain. Review Troy (apothecary) and avoirdupois weights, pages 43 and 276. EXAMPLES 1. A red corpuscle is 8 /x, in diameter. Give the diameter in a fraction of an inch. 2. A microbe is 25000" inch in diameter. What part of a millimeter is it ? 3. Another form of microbe is -Q^-^Q of an inch in diameter. What part of a millimeter is it ? 4. A bottle holds 48 cc. What is the weight of water in the bottle when it is filled ? 5. How many liters of water in a vessel containing 4831 grams of water ? 6. Give the approximate equivalent in English of the following : a. 48 grammes d. 8 kilos b. 3.6 kilograms e. 3:9 grammes c. 3.5 liters /. 53 milligrammes ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 281 7. Give the approximate equivalents in the metric system of the following : a. 39 grains e. 13 quarts b. 4 drams /. 2 gallons c. 1 fluid drams g. 39 minims d. 47 flb h. 8321 grains Approximate Equivalents between Metric and Household Measures 1 teaspoon ful = 4 cc. or 4 grams of water. 1 dessertspoonful = 8 cc. or 8 grams of water. 1 tablespoonful = 16+ cc. or 15+ grams of water. 1 wineglassful = 60 cc. or 60 grams of water. 1 teacupful = 180 cc. or 180 grams of water. 1 glassful = 240 cc. or 240 grams of water. EXAMPLES (Give approximate answers.) 1. What is the weight of two glassfuls of water in the metric system ? 2. What is the weight of a gallon of water in the metric system ? 3. What is the weight of three liters of water in the English system ? 4. What is the volume of four ounces of water in the metric system ? 5. What is the volume of twelve cubic centimeters of water in the English system ? 6. What is the volume of f 3 iii in the metric system ? 7. What is the volume of eighty grammes of water ? 8. What is the weight of 360.1 cc. of water ? 9. What is the volume of 4 kilos of water ? 10. What is the weight of 6.1 liters of water ? 11. With ordinary household measures how would you obtain the following : 5 gm., m xv, 1.5 L., 25 cc., 5 ii, f 5 ss ? 282 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS METRIC SYSTEM EXAMPLES 1. Change the following to milligrammes : 8 gin., 17 dg., 13 gm. 2. Change the following to grammes : 13 mg., 29 dg., 7 dg., 21 mg. 3. Add the following : 11 mg., 18 dg., 21 gm., 4.2 gm. Express answer in grammes. 4. Add the following : 25 mg., 1.7 gm., 9.8 dg., 21 mg. Express answer in milligrammes. 5. The dose of atropine is 0.4 mg. What fraction of a gramme is necessary to make 25 cc. of a solution in which 1 cc. contains the dose ? 6. Give the equivalent in the metric system of the following doses : a. Extract of gentian, gr. ^. b. Tincture of quassia, 3 i. c. Tincture of capsicum, m iii. d. Spirits of peppermint, 3 i. e. Cinnamon spirit, m x. /. Oil of cajuput, m xv. g. Extract of cascara sagrada, gr. v. h. Fluid extract of senna, 3 ii. i. Agar agar, 5 ss. 7. Give the equivalent in the English system of the follow- ing doses : a. Ether, 1 cc. 6. Syrup of ipecac, 4 cc. c. Compound syrup of hypophosphites, 4 cc. ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 283 d. Pancreatin, 0.3 gm. e. Zinc sulphate, 2 gm. /. Copper sulphate, 0.2 gm. g. Castor oil, 30 cc. h. Extract of rhubarb, 0.6 gm. i. Purified aloes, 0.5 gm. DOSES Since all drugs are harmful or poisonous in sufficiently large quantities, it is necessary to know the least amount needed to produce the desired change in the body the minimum dose. This has been ascertained by careful and prolonged experiments. Similar experiments have told us the largest amount of drug that one can take without producing dangerous effect the maximum dose. On the average, children under 12 years of age require smaller doses than adults. To determine the fraction of an adult dose of a drug to give to a child, let the child's age be the numer- ator, and the sum of the child's age plus twelve be the denomina- tor of the fraction. For infants under one year, multiply the adult dose by the fraction ^ in months _ lou To illustrate : How much of a dose should be given to a child of four ? Age of child = 4. Age of child + 12 = 16. Fraction of dose T \ = \, Ans. of a dose. EXAMPLES 1. What is the fraction of a dose to give to a child of 8 ? 2. What is the fraction of a dose to give to a child of 6 ? 3. What is the fraction of a dose to give to a child of 3 ? 4. What is the fraction of a dose to give to a child of 10 ? 284 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 5. If the normal adult dose of aromatic spirits of ammonia is 1 dram, what is the dose for a child of 7 ? 6. If the normal adult dose of castor oil is one-half ounce, what is the dose for a child of 6 ? 7. If the normal adult dose of epsom salts is 4 drams, what is the dose for a child of 4 ? 8. If the normal adult dose of strychnine sulphate is ^ gr., what is the dose for a child of 8 ? 9. If the normal adult dose of ipecac is 15 grains, what is the dose for a child of 11 ? 10. If the normal adult dose of aromatic spirits of ammonia is 4 grammes, what is the dose for a child of 5 m'onths ? 11. If the normal adult dose of ipecac is 1 gramme, what is the dose for a child 10 months old ? 12. The normal adult dose of strychnine sulphate is 3.2 mg. How much should be given to a child 2 years old ? STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS A nurse should know about the strength of substances used in treating the sick. Most of these substances are drugs which are prepared according to formulas given in a book called a Pharmacopoeia. Preparations made according to this standard are called official preparations, and often have the letters U. S. P. written after them to distinguish them from patented preparations prepared from unknown formulas. Drugs are applied in the following forms : solutions, lini- ments, oleates, cerates, powders, lozenges, plasters, ointments, etc. An infusion is a liquid preparation of the drug made by extracting the drug with boiling water. The strength of an infusion is 5% of the drug, unless otherwise ordered by the physician. ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 285 The strength of a solution may be written as per cent or in the form of a ratio. A 10 % solution means that in every 100 parts by weight of water or the solvent there are 10 parts by weight of the substance. This may be written in form of a fraction y 1 ^- or y 1 ^-. In other words, for every ten parts of solvent there is one part of substance. Since a fraction may be written as a ratio, it may be called a solution of one to ten, written thus, 1 : 10. EXAMPLES 1. Express the following per cents as ratios: 5%, 20%, 2%, 0.1%, 0.01%. Since per cent represents so many parts per hundred, a ratio may be changed to per cent by putting it in the form of a fraction and multiplying by 100. The quotient is the per cent. 2. Express the following in per cents : 1 : 4, 1 : 3, 1 : 6, 1 : 15, 1 : 25, 1 : 40. 3. Arrange the following solutions in the order of their strength : 3 %, 8 %, 24 %, 6 %, 1 : 10, 1 : 14, 1 : 50, 40 %, 1 : 45, 50%. 4. Express the strength of the following solutions as per cents, and in ratios. a. 80 ounces of dilute alcohol contains 40 ounces of absolute alcohol. 6. 6 pints of dilute alcohol contains two pints of absolute alcohol. 5. Change the following ratios into per cents : 1 : 18, 1 : 20, 1:5, 1 : 35, 1 : 100. Arrange in order, beginning with the highest. 6. Change the following per cents to ratios : 33 % , 12 % , 15%, .5%,!%. 7. Is it possible to make an 8 % solution from 4 % ? Ex- plain. 286 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 8. Express the following strengths in terms of ratio : a. 25 cc. of alcohol in 100 cc. solution. b. 5 pints of alcohol in 3 qts. c. f i contains f 3 iii. 9. Express the following strengths in terms of per cent : a. 50 cc. of ^solution containing 5 cc. of peroxide of hydrogen. b. f 5 iii of dilute alcohol containing ^ ii of pure alcohol. How to Make Solutions of Different Strengths from Crude Drugs or Tablets of Known Strengths Exact Method ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE. How much water will be neces- sary to dissolve 5 gr. of powdered bichloride of mercury to make a solution of 1 part to 2000 ? Since the whole powder is dissolved, 1 part is 5 gr. 2000 parts = 10,000 grains. 480 gr. = 1 oz. 32 oz. = 1 qt. 10000 _ 20f . Approx. 21 oz. or 1 pints of water should be used to dissolve it. The above example may be solved by proportion, when x = no. oz. of water necessary to dissolve powder ; then wt. of powder : drug : : x : water. f : 1 : : X : 2000. > = 20|o Z . Approx. 21o, EXAMPLES Solve the following examples by analysis and proportion : 1. How much water will be required to dissolve 5 gr. of powdered corrosive sublimate to make a solution of 1 part to 1000? ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 287 2. How much water will be required to dissolve a 7^-grain tablet of corrosive sublimate to make a solution 1 part to 2000 ? ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE. How much of a 40 % solution of formaldehyde should be used to make a pint of 1 : 500 solution ? 480 minims = 1 oz. 7680 minims = 1 pint. = 15 2 9 5 minims = amt. of pure formaldehyde necessary to make a pint of 1 : 500. Since the strength of the solution is 40%, 15^ minims represents but Ao or f f the actual amount necessary. Therefore, the full amount of 40 /o solution is obtained by dividing by f . 192 ?j* x I = = 38 minims to a pint. To Determine the Amount of Crude Drug Necessary to Make a Certain Quantity of a Solution of a Given Strength To illustrate : To make a gallon of 1 : 20 carbolic acid solu- tion, how much crude carbolic acid is necessary ? 1 : 20 : : x : 1 gal. 1 : 20 : : x : 8 pints or 128 ounces. 20 x = 128 ounces. x = 6f ounces crude carbolic acid. EXAMPLES 1. How much crude boric acid is necessary to make 6 pints of 5 % boric acid ? 5 : 100 : : x : 6 pts. 6 : 100 : : x : 576 drams. 100 x = 2880. x - 28.8 drams. 2. How much crude boric acid is necessary to make 2 quarts of 1 : 18 boric acid ? 288 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 3. How much crude drug is necessary to make f 3iii of 2 % cocaine ? 4. How many 7J~grain tablets are necessary to make 2 gal- lons of 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury ? 1 5. How much crude drug is necessary to make vi of 1 : 20 phenol solution ? 6. How much crude drug is necessary to make vii of 1 : 500 bichloride of mercury ? 7. How much crude drug is necessary to make iii of 1 : 10 chlorinated lime ? Hypodermic Doses Standard strong solutions and pills are kept on hand in a hospital and from these weaker solutions are made as required by the nurse for hypodermic use. This is done by finding out what part the required dose is of the tablet or solution on hand. The hypodermic dose is not administered in more than 25 or less than 10 minims. The standard pill or solution is dissolved or diluted in about 20 minims and the fractional part, corresponding to the dose, is used for injection. To illustrate : A nurse is asked to give a patient -^ir gr. strychnine. She finds that the only tablet on hand is -$ gr. How will she give the required dose ? dro -s- sV = imr x 30 = -^ The required dose is ^ of the stock pill. Therefore she dissolves the pill in 80 minims of water and administers 12 minims. The reason for dissolving in 80 rather than in 20 minims is to have the hypodermic dose not less than 10 minims. EXAMPLES 1. Express the dose, in the illustrative example, in the metric system. 1 Hospitals usually use 1 tablet for a pint of water to make 1 : 1000 solution. ARITHMETIC FOR NURSES 289 2. How would you give a dose g- 1 ^ gr. strychnine sulphate from stock tablet -^ gr. ? 3. How would you give gr. -J^, if only -^ grain were on hand? 4. How would you give gr. y 1 ^, if only ^--grain tablets were on hand ? 5. How would you give gr. -$, if only ^y-grain tablets were on hand ? 6. How would you give gr. g- 1 ^, if only T ^ 7 -grain tablets were on hand ? 7. How would you give gr. y^ of atropine sulphate, if only in tablets were on hand ? 8. How would you give gr. -^ of apomorphine hydrochloride if only y^grain tablets were on hand ? To Estimate a Dose of a Different Fractional Part of a Grain from the Prepared Solution Nurses are often required to give a dose of medicine of a different fractional part of a grain from the drug they have. To illustrate : Give a dose of -^ gr. of strychnine when the only solution on hand is one containing -fa gr. in every 10 minims. Since ^ grain is contained in 10 minims, 1 grain or 30 x -^ grain is contained in 300 minims. Then, ^ of a grain is ^ of 300 = ^ x 300 = 12 m. EXAMPLES 1. What dose of a solution of 60 minims containing -^ gr. will be given to get T ^ gr. ? 2. Reckon quickly and accurately how much of a tablet gr. i should be given to have the patient obtain a dose gr. y 1 ^. 290 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 3. What dose of a solution of in x containing gr. i morphine sulphate will be given to give gr. 1 ? 4. What dose of a solution of m xx containing gr. -^ strych- nine sulphate will be given to give gr. -fa ? 5. What dose of a solution of 1 cc. containing 0.1 cc. of the fluid extract of nux vomica will be given to give 0.06 cc. ? To Obtain a Definite Dose from a Stock Solution of Definite Strength To illustrate : To give a patient a yL-grain dose when the stock solution has a strength of 1%. 1 IG solution means that each drop of the solution contains T ^ 7 part or -' of strychnine. 100 2*5 gr. is contained in as many drops as T ^ is contained in it. A * T* V 27 V L . 96 - 1 J 26 y r 95 - f \\ 25 k 94 - \ O 4 ~\"? ^ i ^.i OQ . \ "\ \\ \ 23 s r 99 - - . 22 , /\ 21 - \f \ -C 75"? - -21 90 - 20 1 Q 1 1 ft - 1 8 GRAPH SHOWING THE VARIATION IN PRICE OF COTTON YARN FOR A SERIES OF YEARS coordinate paper is used to record the rise and fall of the price of any commodity, or the rise and fall of the barometer or thermometer. Trade papers and reports frequently make use of coordinate paper to show the results of the changes in the price of com- modities. In this way one can see at a glance the changes 322 GRAPHS 323 and condition of a certain commodity, and can compare these with the results of years or months ago. He also can see from the slope of the curve the rate of rise or fall in price. If similar commodities are plotted on the same sheet, the effect of one on the other can be noted. Often experts are able to prophesy with some certainty the price of a commodity for a month in advance. The two quantities which must be employed in this comparison are time and value, or terms corresponding to them. The lower left-hand corner of the squared paper is generally used as an initial point, or origin, and is marked 0, although any other corner may be used. The horizontal line from this corner, taken as a line of reference or axis, is called the ab- scissa. The vertical line from this corner is the other axis, and is called the ordinate. Equal distances on the abscissa (horizontal line) represent definite units of time (hours, days, months, years, etc.), while equal distances along the ordinate (vertical line) represent certain units of value (cost, degrees of heat, etc.). By plotting, or placing points which correspond to a certain value on each axis and connecting these points, a line is ob- tained that shows at every point the relationship of the line to the axis. EXAMPLES 1. Show the rise and fall of temperature in a day from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., taking readings every hour. 2. Show the rise and fall of temperature at noon every day for a week. 3. Obtain stock quotation sheets and plot the rise and fall of cotton for a week. 4. Show the rise and fall of the price of potatoes for two months. 5. Show a curve giving the amount of coal used each day for a week. FORMULAS MOST technical books and magazines contain many formulas. The reason for this is evident when we remember that rules are often long and their true meaning not comprehended until they have been reread several times. The attempt to abbre- viate the length and emphasize the meaning results in the formula, in which whole clauses of the written rule are ex- pressed by one letter, that letter being understood to have throughout the discussion the same meaning with which it started. To illustrate : One of the fundamental laws of electricity is that the quantity of electricity flowing through a circuit (flow of electricity) is equal to the quotient (expressed in amperes) obtained by dividing the electric motive force (pressure, or expressed in volts, voltage) of the current by the resistance (expressed in ohms). One unfamiliar with electricity is obliged to read this rule over several times before the relations between the different parts are clear. To show how the rule may be abbreviated, Let 7 = quantity of electricity through a wire (amperes) E pressure of the current (volts) E = resistance of the current (ohms) Then 1= E+ = - It is customary to allow the first letter of the quantity to represent it in the formula, but in this case I is used because the letter C is used in an- other formula with which this might be confused. Translating Rules into Formulas The area of a trapezoid is equal to the sum of the two parallel sides multiplied by one half the perpendicular distance between them. 324 FORMULAS 325 We may abbreviate this rule by letting A = area of trapezoid L = length of longest parallel side M= length of shortest parallel side JV = length of perpendicular distance between them Then A = (L + M ) x ^, or 2 The area of a circle is equal to the square of the radius multiplied by 3.1416. When a number is used in the formula it is called a constant, and is sometimes represented by a letter. In this case 3.1416 is represented by the Greek letter TT (pi) . Let A = area of circle E = radius of circle Then A = IT x jR 2 , or (the multiplication sign is usually left out between letters) Thus we see that a formula is a short and simple way of stating a rule. Any formula may be written or expressed in words and is then called a rule. The knowledge of formulas and of their use is necessary for nearly every one engaged in the higher forms of mechanical or technical work. * When two or more quantities are to be multiplied or divided or other- wise operated upon by the same quantity, they are often grouped together by means of parentheses ( ) or braces { }, or brackets [ ]. Any number or letter placed before or after one of these parentheses, with no other sign between, is to multiply all that is grouped within the parentheses. In the trapezoid case above, is to multiply the sum of L and Jf, hence the parentheses. To prevent confusion, different signs of aggregation may be used for different combinations in the same problem. For instance, V= \TrH\*(r* + r'2) + ^ 2 ] which equals o L 2 2 J V = 326 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES Abbreviate the following rules into formulas : 1. One electrical horse power is equal to 746 watts. 2. One kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts. 3. The number of watts consumed in. a given electrical, circuit, such as a lamp, is obtained by multiplying the volts by the amperes. 4. The number of volts equals the watts divided by the amperes. 5. Number of amperes equals the watts divided by the volts. 6. The horse power of an electric machine is found by mul- tiplying the number of volts by the number of amperes and dividing the product by 746. 7. The speed at which a body travels is equal to the ratio between the distance traveled and the time which is required. 8. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by 0.434. 9. The amount of gain in a business transaction is equal to the cost multiplied by the rate of gain. 10. The selling price of a commodity is equal to the cost multiplied by the quantity 100 % plus the rate of gain. 11. The selling price of a commodity is equal to the cost multiplied by the quantity 100 % minus the rate of loss. 12. The interest on a sum of money is equal to the product of the principal, time (expressed as years), and the rate (ex- pressed as hundredths). FORMULAS 327 13. The amount of a sum of money may be obtained by adding the principal to the quantity obtained by multi- plying the principal, the time (as years), and the rate (as hundredths). 14. To find the length of an arc of a circle : Multiply the diameter of the circle by the number of degrees in the arc and this product by .0087266. 15. To. find the area of a sector of a circle : Multiply the number of degrees in the arc of the sector by the square of the radius and by .008727; or, multiply the arc of the sector by half its radius. Translating Formulas into Rules In order to understand a formula, it is necessary to be able to express it in simple language. 1. One of the simplest formulas is that for finding the area of a circle, A = TT R* Here A stands for the area of a circle, E for the radius of the circle. TT is a constant quantity and is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The exact value cannot be expressed in figures, but for ordinary purposes is called 3.1416 or 3^. Therefore, the formula reads, the area of a circle is equal to the square of the radius multiplied by 3.1416. 2. The formula for finding the area of a rectangle is A = Lx W Here A = area of a rectangle L = length of rectangle W = width of rectangle The area of a rectangle, therefore, is found by multiplying the length by the width, 328 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES Express the facts of the following formulas as rules : 1. Electromotive force or voltage of electricity delivered by a current, when current and resistance are given: E = RI 2. For the circumference of a circle, when the length of the radius is given: O ^ 7T MV OF 7T.L/ 3. For the area of an equilateral triangle, when the length of one side is given: a*v'3 T~ 4. For the volume of a circular pillar, when the radius and height are given : 5. For the volume of a square pyramid, when the height and one side of the base are given : o^ 3 6. For the volume of a sphere, when the diameter is given : 7. For the diagonal of a rectangle, when the length and breadth are given : 8. For the average diameter of a tree, when the average girth is known : G Lf = 7T 9. For the diameter of a ball, when the volume of it is known. sf FORMULAS 329 10. The diameter of a circle may be obtained from the area by the following formula : Z> = 1.1283 x VZ 11. The number of miles in a given length, expressed in feet, may be obtained from the formula M = .00019 x F 12. The number of cubic feet in a given volume expressed in gallons may be obtained from the formula C = .13367 x O- 13. Contractors express excavations in cubic yard s ; the number of bushels in a given excavation expressed in yards may be obtained from the formula C = .0495 x Y 14. The circumference of a circle may be obtained from the area by the formula (7= 3.5446 x V2 15. The area of the surface of a cylinder may be expressed by the formula A = (C X L) + 2a When C = circumference L = length a = area of one end 16. The surface of a sphere may be expressed by the formula S = D* x 3.1416 17. The solidity of a sphere may be obtained from the formula S = D 3 X .5236 18. The side of an inscribed cube of a sphere may be ob- tained from the formula S = E* 1.1547, where S = length of side, It = radius of sphere. 330 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 19. The solidity or contents of a pyramid may be expressed by the formula -pi S = A x , where A = area of base, F = height of pyramid. 20. The length of an arc of a circle may be obtained from the formula L = N x .017453 R, where L = length of arc, N = number of degrees, R = radius of circle. 21. The loss in a transaction may be expressed by the formula L = c x r, where L = loss, c = cost, r = rate of loss. 22. The rate of loss in a transaction may be expressed by the formula 23. The cost of a commodity may be expressed by the formula or c = -- , where S = selling price, lUU -r- T C = COSt, r = rate. 24. The volume of a sphere when the circumference of a great circle is known may be determined by the formula v- C3 . ~e^ 25. The diameter of a circle the circumference of which is known may be found by the formula FORMULAS 331 26. The area of a circle the circumference of which is known may be found by the formula Coefficients and Similar Terms When a quantity may be separated into two factors, one of these is called the coefficient of the other ; but by the coefficient of a term is generally meant its numerical factor. Thus, 4 b is a quantity composed of two factors 4 and b ; 4 is a coef- ficient of b. Similar terms are those that have as factors the same letters with the same exponents. Thus, in the expression, 6 a, 4 b, 2 a, 5 a&, 5 a, 2 b. 6 a, 2 a, 5 a are similar terms ; 46, 2b are similar terms ; 5 ab and 6 a are not similar terms because they do not have the same letters as factors. 3 ab, 5 ab, lab, Sab are similar terms. They may be united or added by simply adding the letters to the numerical sum, 17 ab. In the following, 8 6, 5 &, 3 ab, 4 a, ab, and 2 a, 8 b and 5 b are similar terms ; 3 ab and ab are similar terms ; 4 a and 2 a are similar terms ; 8 b, 3 ab, and 4 a are dissimilar terms. In addition the numerical coefficients are algebraically added ; in subtraction the numerical coefficients are algebraically sub- tracted ; in multiplication the numerical coefficients are alge- braically multiplied ; in division the nurnerial coefficients are algebraically divided. EXAMPLES State the similar terms in the following expressions : 1. 5 a?, 8 ax, 3x, 2 ax. 6. 15 abc, 2 abc, 4 abc, 2 ab, 2. 8 abc, 7c, 2ab, 3c, Sab, 3a&. 7. 8x, 6x, 13xy, 5x, 1 y. 3. 2pq, 5p, 8 q, 2p, 3 q, 5pq. 8 . 7y,2y,2 xy, 3y,2xy. 4. 47/, 5yz, 2y,15z,5z,2yz. v _ , Q 9. 2 7T ; 5 Trr 2 , -, Ti-r, 2 TTT. 5. 18 mn, 6 m, 5 rc, 4 mw, 2m. 2 332 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Equations A statement that two quantities are equal may be expressed mathematically by placing one quantity on the left and the other on the right of the equality sign (=). The statement in this form is called an equation. The quantity on the left hand of the equation is called the left-hand member and the quantity on the right hand of the equation is called the right-hand member. An equation may be considered as a balance. If a balance is in equilibrium, we may add or subtract or multiply or divide the weight on each side of the balance by the same weight and the equilibrium will still exist. So in an equation we may perform the following operations on each member without changing the value of the equation : We may add an equal quantity or equal quantities to each mem- ber of the equation. We may subtract an equal quantity or equal quantities from each member of the equation. We may multiply each member of the equation by the same or equal quantities. We may divide each member of the equation by the same or equal quantities. We may extract the square root of each member of the equation. We may raise each member of the equation to the same power. The expression, A = trip is an equation. Why ? If we desire to obtain the value of R instead of A we may do so by the process of transformation according to the above rules. To obtain the value of R means that a series of opera- tions must be performed on the equation so that R will be left on one side of the equation. (1) .A = irIP (2) = IP (Dividing equation (1) by the coefficient of .R 2 .) (3) -/ = R (Extracting the square root of each side of the equation.) FORMULAS 333 Methods of Representing Operations MULTIPLICATION The multiplication sign ( X ) is used in most cases. It should not be used in operations where the letter (x) is also to be em- ployed. Another method is as follows : 2-3 a-6 2a-3b 4 x 5 a This method is very convenient, especially where a number of small terms are employed. Keep the dot above the line, otherwise it is a decimal point. Where parentheses, etc., are used, multiplication signs may be omitted. For instance, (a + b) x (a b) and (a + &)(a b) are identical ; also, 2 (x y) and 2(x y). The multiplication sign is very often omitted in order to simplify work. To illustrate, 2 a means 2 times a ; 5 xyz means 5 x y z ; x(a b) means x times (a &), etc. A number written to the right of, and above, another (x*~) is a sign indicating the special kind of multiplication known as involution. In multiplication we add exponents of similar terms. Thus, x 2 - y? = # 2+3 = x 5 abc ab 2 6 = a 4 b 3 c The multiplication of dissimilar terms may be indicated. Thus, a b c x y z = abcxyz. DIVISION The division sign (-*-) is used in most cases. In many cases, however, it is best to employ a horizontal line to indicate division. To illustrate, a means the same as (a + &) -f- x-y (x y) in simpler form. The division sign is never omitted. 334 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS A root or radical sign (yH, ^/x 2 ) is a sign indicating the special form of division known as evolution. In division, we subtract exponents of similar terms. Thus, y? + x i = = y?- 2 = x The division of dissimilar terms may be indicated. Thus, xyz Substituting and Transposing A formula is usually written in the form of an equation. The left-hand member contains only one quantity, which is the quantity that we desire to find. The right-hand member contains the letters representing the quantity and numbers whose values we are given either directly or indirectly. To find the value of the formula we must (1) substitute for every letter in the right-hand member its exact numerical value, (2) carry out the various operations indicated, remem- bering to perform all the operations of multiplication and division before those of addition and subtraction, (3) if there are any parentheses, these should be removed, one pair at a time, inner parentheses first. A minus sign before a parenthesis means that when the parenthesis is removed, all the signs of the terms included in the parenthesis must be changed. Find the value of the expression 3a + 6(2a-& + 18), where a = 5, b = 3. Substitute the value of each letter. Then perform all addition or subtraction in the parentheses. 3x5 + 3(10 -3 + 18) 15 + 3(28-3) 15 + 3(25) 15 + 75 = 90 FORMULAS 335 EXAMPLES Find the value of the following expressions : 1. 2 A x (2 + 3 A) X 8, when A = 10. 2. 8 a X (6 2 a) X 7, when a = 7. 4. 8 (a? + y), when x = 9 ; y = 11. 5. 13 (a; y), when x = 27 ; y = 9. 6. 24 y -f 8 z (2 + y) 3 y, when ?/ = 8 ; 2 = 11. 7. Q(6 Jf +3^ r )-f2 0, when M = 4, ^=5, Q = 6, = 8. 8. Find the value of X in the formula X = when Jf = 11, N= 9, P = 28. 9. 5 P Q 10. Find the value of T in the equation 11. 3 a -f- 4 (6 2 a + 3 c) c, when a = 4, 6 = 6, c = 2. 12. 5|> 8 q (p 4- r $) g, when p = 5, g = 7, r = 9, $ = 11. 13. si + p p^ S^ + t+p), when p = 5, S = 8, t = 9. 14. a 2 6 3 -\- c 2 , when a = 9, 6 = 6, c = 4. 15. (a + 6) (a + 6 c), when a = 2, 6 = 3, c = 4. 16. (a 2 -6 2 ) (a 2 + 6 2 ), when a = 8, 6 = 4. 17. (c 3 + d 3 ) (c 3 - d 3 ), c = 9, d = 5. 18. Va 2 + 2 a6 + 6 2 , when a = 7, 6 = 8. 19. "v/c 3 61, when c = 5. 336 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS PROBLEMS Solve the following problems by first writing the formula from the rule on page 326, and then substituting for the answer. 1. How many electrical horse power in 4389 watts ? 2. How many kilowatts in 2389 watts ? 3. (a) Give the number of watts in a circuit of 110 volts and 25 amperes. (b) How many electrical horse power ? 4. What is the voltage of a circuit if the horse power is 2740 watts and the quantity of electricity delivered is 25 amperes ? 5. What is the resistance of a circuit if the voltage is 110 and the quantity of electricity is 25 amperes ? 6. What is the pressure per square inch of water 87 feet high? 7. What is the capacity of a cylinder with a base of 16 square inches and 6 inches high? (Capacity in gallons is equal to cubical contents obtained by multiplying base by the height and dividing by 231 cubic inches.) 8. What is the length of a 30 arc of a circle with 16" diameter ? 9. What is the area of a sector which contains an arc of 40 in a circle of diameter 18" ? 10. What is the amount of $ 800 at the end of 5 years at 5 % ? 11. What is the amount of gain in a transaction, when a man buys a house for $ 5000 and gains 10 % ? 12. What is the selling price of an automobile that cost $ 895, if the salesman gained 33 % ? 13. What is the capacity of a pail 14" (diameter of top), 11" (diameter of bottom), and 16" in height ? 14. What is the area of an ellipse with the greatest length 16" and the greatest breadth 10" ? FORMULAS 337 Interpretation of Negative Quantities The quantity or number 12 has no meaning to us according to our knowledge of simple arithmetic, but in a great many problems in practical work the minus sign before a number assists us in understanding the different solutions. To illustrate : FAHRENHEIT THF.BMOMETEB CENTIGRADE THERMOMETER Boiling point of water Freezing point of water 212 Boiling point of water + 32 = - 32f + 32 ; F =- |. The value f is explained by saying it is f of a degree below zero point on Fahrenheit scale. Let us consider another problem. Find the reading on the Centi- grade scale corresponding to 40 F. Substituting in the formula, we have C = I (_ 40 - 32) = | (- 72) = - 40. Since subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number of the same value, and subtracting a posi- tive number is equivalent to adding a negative number of the same value, the rule for subtracting may be expressed as fol- lows : Change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. For example, 40 minus 28 equals 40 plus 28, or 68. 40 minus + 28 equals 40 plus 28, or 12. 40 minus + 32 equals 40 plus 32 = - 72. (Notice that a positive quantity multiplied by a negative quantity or a negative quantity multiplied by a positive quantity always gives a negative product. Two positive quantities multiplied together will give a positive product, and two negative quantities multiplied together will give a positive product. ) To illustrate : 5 times 5 = 5 x 5 = 25 5 times _ 5 = x(- 5) = -26 (-5) times (-5) = +25 In adding positive and negative quantities, first add all the positive quantities and then add all the negative quantities FORMULAS 339 together. Subtract the smaller from the larger and prefix the same sign before the remainder as is before the larger number. For example, add : 2 a, 5 a, 6 a, 8 a, - 2 a 2a + 5a-f 8a = 15a ; Qa-2a = -Ba 15 a 8 a = 7 a EXAMPLES Add the following terms : 1. 3 x, x, 1 x, 4 Xj '2 x. 2. 6y, 2y, 9y, -7y. 3. 9 ab, 2 db, 6 ab, - 4 a&, 7 a&, - 5 a&. Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions Each term of an algebraic expression is composed of one or more factors, as, for example, 2 ab contains the factors #, a, and b. The factors of a term have, either expressed or understood, a small letter or number in the upper right-hand corner, which states how many times the quantity is to be used as a factor. For instance, ab 2 . The factor a has the exponent 1 understood and the factor b has the exponent 2 expressed, meaning that a is to be used once and b twice as a factor. ab z means, then, a X b X b. The rule of algebraic multiplication by terms is as follows: Add the exponents of all like letters in the terms multiplied and use the result as exponent of that letter in the product. Multiplication of unlike letters may be expressed by placing the letters side by side in the product. For example : 2 ab x 3 & 2 = 4 a x 3 b = 12 ab Algebraic or literal expressions of more than one term are multiplied in the following way : begin with the first term to the left in the multiplier and multiply every term in the multi- plicand, placing the partial products underneath the line. Then 340 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS repeat the same operation, using the second term in the multi- plier. Place similar products of the same factors and degree (same exponents) in same column. Add the partial products. Thus, a + b multiplied by a b. a + b a-b a?+ ab - 6 2 -ab a 2 -6 2 Notice the product of the sum and difference of the quantities is equal to the difference of their squares. EXAMPLES 1. Multiply a -f- b by a + b. State what the square of the sum of the quantities equals. 2. Multiply x y by x y. State what the square of the difference of the quantities equals. 3. Multiply (p + q)(p q). 7. Multiply (a; y)(x y). 4. Multiply (p + g)(jp + g). 8. (x + 2/) 2 =? 5. Multiply (r -f s)(r - s). 9. (a; - y) 2 = ? 6. Multiply (a 6)(a b). 10. (x + y)(x - y) = ? USEFUL MECHANICAL INFORMATION There are certain mechanical terms and laws that every girl should know and be able to apply to the labor-saving devices and machines that are used in the home to-day. Time and Speed Two important terms are time and speed. Speed is the name given to the time-rate of change of position. That is, Sueed Change of position or distance Time taken EXAMPLES 1. A train takes 120 seconds to go one mile ; what is its speed in miles per hour ? One hour contains 60 minutes, 1 minute contains 60 seconds, then 1 hour contains 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds. If the train goes one mile in 120 seconds, in one second it will go T 7 of a mile and in 3600 seconds it will go 3600 x T 7 = 30 miles per hour. Ans. 2. At the rate of 80 seconds per mile, how fast is a train moving in miles per hour ? In a second it will move ^ of a mile ; in 3600 seconds it will move 3600 times as much. 3. At the rate of 55 miles an hour, how many seconds will it require to travel between mile-posts ? 4. A watch shows 55 seconds between mile-posts ; what is the speed in miles per hour ? 341 342 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 5. What number of seconds between mile-posts will corre- spond to a speed of 40 miles an hour ? 6. The rim of a fly-wheel is moving at the rate of one mile a minute. How many feet does it move in a second ? 7. If a train continues to travel at the rate of 44 feet a second, how many miles will it travel in an hour ? 8. If a train travels at the rate of 3.87 miles in 6 minutes, how many miles an hour is it traveling ? Motion and Momentum Many interesting facts about the motion of bodies can be understood by the aid of a knowledge of the laws of motion and momentum. A body acted upon by some force, 1 such as steam or elec- tricity, starts slowly, increasing its speed under the action of the force. To illustrate : when an electric car starts, we often experience a heavy jarring ; this is due to the fact that the seat starts before our body, and the seat pushes us along. There is a tendency of bodies to remain in a state of rest or motion, which is called inertia, that is, the inability of a body itself to change its position, to stop itself if moving, or to start if at rest. The momentum of a body is defined as the quantity of motion in a body, and is the product of the mass 2 and the velocity in feet per second (speed). EXAMPLE. To find the momentum of a body 9 pounds in weight, when moving with the velocity of 75 feet per second. If the mass of the body upon which the force acts is given in pounds, and the velocity in seconds, the force will be given in foot-pounds. MASS VELOCITY MOMENTUM 9 x 75 675 foot-pounds. 1 Force is that which tends to produce motion. 2 Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. USEFUL MECHANICAL INFORMATION 343 We may abbreviate this rule by allowing letters to stand for quantities. Let the mass be represented by M and the veloc- ity by V. EXAMPLES 1. What is the momentum of a car weighing 15 tons, mov- ing 12 miles per hour ? 2. What is the momentum of a motor-car weighing 3 tons, moving 26 miles per hour ? 3. What is the momentum of a person weighing 135 pounds, moving 5 miles per hour ? 4. A truck weighing 4 tons has a momentum of 520,000 foot- pounds. At what speed is it moving ? Work and Energy Work is the overcoming of resistance of any kind. Energy is the ability to do work. Work is measured in a unit called a foot-pound. It is the work done in raising one pound one foot in one second. One horse power is 33,000 foot-pounds in one minute. EXAMPLES 1. A woman lifts a package weighing 15 Ib. from the floor to a shelf 5 ft. above the floor in two seconds. How many foot-pounds of force does she use ? 2. How much work does a woman weighing 130 pounds do in climbing a 13-story building in 20 minutes ? Each story is 16' high. 3. If an engine is rated at 5 H. P., 1 how much work will it do in 8 seconds ? in 3 minutes ? 1 Remember that 1 H. P. means 33,000 ft.-lb. in one minute. 344 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS 4. Find the horse power developed by a locomotive when it draws at the rate of 31 miles per hour a train offering a resist- ance of 130,000 Ib. Machines Experience shows that it is often possible to use our strength to better advantage by means of a contiivance called a machine. Every home-maker is interested in labor-saving devices. The mechanical principles of all simple machines may be resolved into those of the lever, including the wheel and axle and pulley, and the inclined plane, to which belong the wedge and screw. In all machines there is more or less friction. 1 The work done by the acting force always exceeds the actual work accomplished by the amount that is transformed into heat. The ratio of the useful work to the total work done by the acting force is called the efficiency of the machine. Em i ^ se ^ wor k accomplished ^ Total work expended Levers. The efficiency of simple levers is very nearly 100 % because the friction is so small as to be disregarded. Inclined Planes. In the inclined plane the friction is greater than in the lever, because there is more surface with which the two bodies come in contact ; the efficiency is some- where between 90 % and 100 % . Pulleys. The efficiency of the commercial block and tackle with several movable pulleys varies from 40 % to 60 % . Jack Screw. In the use of the jack screw there is neces- sarily a very large amount of friction so that the efficiency is often as low as 25 %. 1 Friction is the resistance which every material surface offers to the slid- ing or moving of any other surface upon it. USEFUL MECHANICAL INFORMATION 345 EXAMPLES 1. Mention some instances in which friction is of advantage. 2. If 472 foot-pounds of work are expended by a dredge in raising a load, and only 398 pounds of useful work are accom- plished, what is the efficiency of the dredge ? 3. If 250 foot-pounds of work are expended at one end of a lever, and 249 pounds of useful work are accomplished, what is the efficiency of the lever ? 4. If 589 foot-pounds of work are expended in raising a body on an inclined plane, and only 584 pounds of useful work are accomplished, what is the efficiency of the inclined plane ? 5. If 844 foot-pounds of work are expended in raising a body by means of pulleys and only 512 pounds of useful work are accomplished, what is the efficiency of the pulley ? Water Supply The question of the water supply of a city or a town is very important. Water is usually obtained from lakes and rivers which drain the surrounding country. If a lake is located in a section of the surrounding country higher than the city (which is often located in a valley), the water may be obtained from the lake, and the pressure of the water in the lake may be sufficient to force it through the pipes into the houses. But in most cases a reservoir is built at an elevation as high as the highest portion of the town or city, and the water is pumped into it. Since the reservoir is as high as the highest point of the town, the water will flow from it to any part of the town. If houses are built on the same hill with the reservoir, a stand- pipe, which is a steel tank, is erected on this hill and the water is pumped into it. Water is conveyed from the reservoir to the house by means 346 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS of iron pipes of various sizes. It is distributed to the differ- ent parts of the house by small lead, iron, or brass pipes. Since water exerts considerable pressure, it is necessary to know how to calculate the exact pressure in order to have pipes of proper size and strength. WATER SUPPLY The distribution of water in a city during 1912 is as follows MONTHS w ~ _ O GALLONS PHR DAY ESTIMATED No. OF CONSUMERS POPULATION GALLONS PER DAY FOR EACH CONSUMER GALLONS PER DAY FOR EACH INHABITANT January . 157,866,290 5,092,461 February . 147,692,464 5,092,844 March . 146,933,054 4,739,776 April . 143,066,067 4,768,869 May . . 161,177,486 5,199,274 o r- 1 o June . . 176,479,354 5,882,645 O "^ July . . 189,063,250 6,098,815 1 1 ^ August 179,379,566 5,786,438 September 169,394,758 5,646,492 October . 176,067,571 5,679,599 November 153,484,712 5,116,157 December 151,976,208 4,902,458 What is the number of gallons per day for each consumer ? What is the number of gallons per day for each inhabitant ? PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 347 EXAMPLES 1. Water is measured by means of a meter. If a water meter measures for live hours 760 cubic feet, how many gal- lons does it indicate ? NOTE. 231 cubic inches = 1 gallon. 2. If a water meter registered 1845 cubic feet for 3 days, how many gallons were used ? 3. A tank holds exactly 12,852 gallons ; what is the capacity of the tank in cubic feet ? 4. A tank holds 3841 gallons and measures 4 feet square on the bottom ; how high is .the tank ? Rectangular Tanks. To find the contents in gallons of a square or rectangular tank, multiply together the length, breadth, and height in feet; multiply the result by 7.48. I = length of tank in feet b = breadth of tank in feet h = height of tank in feet Contents = Ibh cubic feet x 7.48 = 7.48 Ibh gallons (NOTE. 1 cu. ft. = 7.48 gallons.) If the dimensions of the tank are in inches, multiply the length, breadth, and height together, and the result by .004329. 5. Find the contents in gallons of a rectangular tank having in- side dimensions (a) 12' x 8' x 8'; (b) 15" x 11" x 6" ; (c) 3' 4" X 2' 8" x 8"; (d) 5' 8" x 4' 3" x 3' 5" ; (e) 3' S" x 3' 9" x 2' 5". Cylindrical Tank. To find the contents of a cylin- drical tank, square the diameter in inches, multiply this by the height in inches, and the result by .0034. d = diameter of cylinder h = height of cylinder Contents = d 2 h cubic inches x .0034 = d?h .0034 gallons 6. Find the capacity in gallons of a cylindrical tank (a) 14" in diameter and 8' high; (&) 6" in diameter and 5' high; 348 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS (c) 15" in diameter and 4' high; (d) V 8" in diameter and 5' 4" high ; (e) 2' 2" in diameter and 6' 1" high. Inside Area of Tanks. To find the area, for lining purposes, of a square or rectangular tank, add together the widths of the four sides of the tank, and multiply the result by the height. Then add to the above the area of the bottom. Since the top is usually open, we do not line it. In the following problems find the area of the sides and bottom. 7. Find the amount of zinc necessary to line a tank whose inside dimensions are 2' 4"x 10" x 10". 8. Find the amount of copper necessary to line a tank whose inside dimensions are 1'9" x 11" X 10", no allowance made for overlapping. 9. Find the amount of copper necessary to line a tank whose inside dimensions are 3' 4" x 1' 2" x 11", no allowance for overlapping. 10. Find the amount of zinc necessary to line a tank 2' 11" x V 4" x 10". Capacity of Pipes Law of Squares. The areas of similar figures vary as the squares of their corresponding dimensions. Pipes are cylindrical in shape and are, therefore, similar figures. The areas of any two pipes are to each other as the squares of the diameters. EXAMPLE. If one pipe is 4" in diameter and another is 2" in diameter, their ratio is -^, and the area of the larger one is, therefore, 4 times the smaller one. EXAMPLES 1. How much larger is a section of 5" pipe than a section of 2" pipe ? 2. How much larger is a section of 2 ff pipe than a section of 1" pipe ? 3. How much larger is a section of 5" pipe than a section of 3" pipe ? PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 349 Atmospheric Pressure The atmosphere has weight and exerts .pressure. The pres- sure is greatest at sea level, because here the depth of the atmosphere is greatest. In mathematics the pressure at sea level is taken as the standard. Men have learned to make use of the principles of atmospheric pressure in such devices as the pump, the barometer, the vacuum, etc. Atmospheric pressure is often expressed as a certain number of " atmospheres." The pressure of one " atmosphere " is the weight of a column of air, one square inch in area. At sea level the average pressure of the atmosphere is approximately 15 pounds per square inch. The pressure of the air is measured by an instrument called a barometer. The barometer con- sists of a glass tube, about 311 inches long, which has been entirely filled with mercury (thus removing all air from the tube) and inverted in a vessel of mercury. The space at the top of the column of mercury varies as the air pressure on the surface of the mercury in the vessel increases or decreases. The BAROMETER pressure is read from a graduated scale which indi- BAROMETER TUBE 350 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS cates the distance from the surface of the mercury in the vessel to the top of the mercury column in the tube. QUESTIONS 1. Four atmospheres would mean how many pounds ? 2. Give in pounds the following pressures: 1 atmosphere; -J atmosphere ; J atmosphere. 3. If the air, on the average, will support a column of mercury 30 inches high with a base of 1 square inch, what is the pressure of the air ? (One cubic foot of mercury weighs 849 pounds.) Water Pressure When water is stored in a tank, it exerts pressure against the sides, whether the sides are vertical, oblique, or horizontal. The force is exerted perpendicularly to the surface on which it acts. In other words, every pound of water in a tank, at a height above the point where the water is to be used, possesses a certain amount of energy due to its position. It is often necessary to estimate the energy in the tank at the top of a house or in the reservoir of a town or city, so as to secure the needed water pressure for use in case of fire. In such problems one must know the perpendicular height from the water level in the reservoir to the point of discharge. This perpendicular height is called the head. Pressure per Square Inch. To find the pressure per square inch exerted by a column of water, multiply the head of water in feet by 0.434. The result will be the pressure in pounds. The pressure per square inch is due to the weight of a column of water 1 square inch in area and the height of the column. Therefore, the pressure, or weight per square inch, is equal to the weight of a foot of water with a base of 1 square inch multiplied by the height in feet. Since the weight of a column of water 1 foot high and having a base of 1 square inch is 0.434 lb., we obtain the pressure per square inch by multiply- ing the height in feet by 0.434. PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 351 EXAMPLES What is the pressure per square inch of a column of water (a) 8' high? (6) 15' 8" high? (c) 30' 4" high? (d) 18' 9" high ? (e) 41' 3" high ? Head. To find the head of water in feet, if the pressure (weight) per square inch is known, multiply the pressure by 2.31. Let p = pressure h = height in feet Then p = h x 0.434 Ib. per sq. in. h P ~ 0.434 ~ 0.434 X p= EXAMPLES Find the head of water, if the pressure is (a) 49 Ib. per sq. in. ; (b) 88 Ib. per sq. in. ; (c) 46 Ib. per sq. in. ; (d) 28 Ib. per sq. in. ; (e) 64 Ib. per sq. in. Lateral Pressure. To find the lateral (sideways) pressure of water upon the sides of a tank, multiply the area of the submerged side, in inches, by the pressure due to one half the depth. EXAMPLE. A tank 18" long and 12" deep is full of water. What is the lateral pressure on one side ? length depth 18" x 12" = 216 square inches = area of side depth 1' X 0.434 = .434 Ib. pressure at the bottom of the tank = pressure at top 2).4341b. .217 Ib. average pressure due to one half the depth of the tank .217 x 216 = 46.872 pounds = pressure on one side of the tank Pressure is zero Pressure is ha If that at base LATERAL PRESSURE 352 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Water Traps The question of disposing of the waste water, called sewage, is of great importance. Various devices may be used to prevent odors from the sewage entering the house. In order to prevent the escape of gas WATER TRAPS from the outlet of the sewer in the basement of a house or building, a device called a trap is used. This trap consists of a vessel of water placed in the waste pipe of the plumbing fixtures. It allows the free pas- sage of waste material, but prevents sewer gases or foul odors from enter- ing the living rooms. The vessels holding the water have different forms ; (see illustration) . These traps may be emptied by back pressure or by siphon. It is a good plan to have sufficient water in the trap so that it will never be empty. All these problems belong to the plumber and in- volve more or less arithmetic. To determine the pressure which the seal of a trap will resist : EXAMPLE. What pressure will a l^-inch trap resist ? If one arm of the trap has a seal of If inches, both arms will make a column twice as high, or 3 inches. Since a column of water 28 inches in height is equivalent to a pressure of 1 pound, or 16 ounces, a column of water 1 inch in height is equivalent to a pressure of $ of a pound, or | = ounces, and a column of water 3 inches in height is equivalent to 3 x | = ty = 1.7 ounces. Therefore, a 1^-inch trap will resist 1.7 ounces of pressure. PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 353 EXAMPLES 1. What back pressure will a f-inch seal trap resist ? 2. What back pressure will a 2-inch seal trap resist ? 3. What back pressure will a 21-inch seal trap resist ? 4. What back pressure will a 4J-inch seal trap resist ? 5. What back pressure will a 5-inch seal trap resist ? Water Power When water flows from one level to another, it exerts a certain amount of energy, which is the capacity for doing work. Consequently, water may be utilized to create power by the use of such means as the water wheel, the turbine, and the hydraulic ram. Friction, which must be considered when one speaks of water power, is the resistance which a substance encounters when moving through or over another substance. The amount of friction depends upon the pressure between the surfaces in contact. When work is done a part of the energy which is put into it is naturally lost. In the case of water this is due to the friction. All the power which the water has cannot be used to advantage, and efficiency is the ratio of the useful work done by the water to the total work done by it. Efficiency. To find the work done upon the water when a pump lifts or forces it to a height, multiply the weight of the water by the height through which it is raised. Since friction must be taken into consideration, the useful work done upon the water when the same power is exerted will equal the weight of the water multiplied by the height through which it is raised, multiplied by the efficiency of the pump. EXAMPLE. Find the power required to raise half a ton 354 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS (long ton, or 2240 Ib.) of water to a height of 40 feet, when the efficiency of the purnp is 75 % . Total work done = weight x height x efficiency counter 1120 x 40 x V? = 59,733.3 ft. Ib. H. P. required = 59 ^ 733 - 3 = 1.8. Ana. 33000 EXAMPLES 1. Find the power required to raise a cubic foot of water 28', if the pump has 80% efficiency. 1 2. Find the power required to raise 80 gallons of water 15', if the pump has 75 % efficiency. 3. Find the power required to raise 253 gallons of water 18', if the pump has 70 % efficiency. 4. Find the power required to raise a gallon of water 16', if the pump has 85 % efficiency. 5. Find the power required to raise a quart of water 25', if the pump has 70 % efficiency. Density of Water The mass of a unit volume of a substance is called its density. One cubic foot of pure water at 39.1 F. has a mass of 62.425 pounds ; therefore, its density at this temperature is 62.425, or approximately 62.5. At this temperature water has its greatest density. With a change of temperature, the density is also changed. With a rise of temperature, the density decreases until at 212 F., the boiling point of water, the weight of a cubic foot of fresh water is only 59.64 pounds. When the temperature falls below 39.1 F., the density of water decreases until we find the weight of a cubic foot of ice to be but 57.5 pounds. 1 Consider the time 1 minute in all power examples where the time is not given. PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 355 EXAMPLES 1. One cubic foot of fresh water at 62.5 F. weighs 62.355 lb., or approximately 62.4 lb. What is the weight of 1 cubic inch ? What is the weight of 1 gallon (231 cubic inches) ? 2. What is the weight of a gallon of water at 39.1 F. ? 3. What is the weight of a gallon of water at 212 F. ? 4. What is the weight of a volume of ice represented by a gallon of water ? 5. What is the volume of a pound of water at ordinary temperature, 62.5 F. ? Specific Gravity Some forms of matter are heavier than others, i.e. lead is heavier than wood. It is often desirable to compare the weights of different forms of matter and, in order to do this, a common unit of comparison must be selected. Water is taken as the standard. Specific Gravity is the ratio of the mass of any volume of a substance to the mass of the same volume of pure water at 4 C. or 39.1 F. It is found by dividing the weight of a known volume of a substance in liquiqL by the weight of an equal volume of water. EXAMPLE. A cubic foot of wrought iron weighs about 480 pounds. Find its specific gravity. NOTE. 1 eu. ft. of water weighs 62.425 lb. Weight of 1 cu. ft. of iron _ 480 _ ,- - , Weight of 1 cu. ft. of water ~ 62.425 To find Specific Gravity. To find the specific gravity of a solid, weigh it in air and then in water. Find the difference between its weight in air and its weight in water, which will be the buoyant force on the body, or the weight of an equal volume of water. Divide the weight of the solid in air by its buoyant force, or the weight of an equal volume of water, and the quotient will be the specific gravity of the solid. 356 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS Tables have been compiled giving the specific gravity of different solids, so it is seldom necessary to compute it. The specific gravity of liquids is very often used in the industrial world, as it means the " strength " of a liquid. In the carbonization of raw wool, the wool must be soaked in sulphuric acid of a certain strength. This acid cannot be bought except in its concentrated form (sp. gr. 1.84), and it must be diluted with water until it is of the required strength. The simplest way to determine the specific gravity of a liquid is with a hydrometer. This instrument consists of a closed glass tube, with a bulb at the lower end filled with mercury. This bulb of mer- cury keeps the hydrometer upright when it is immersed in a liquid. The hydrometer has a scale on the tube which can be read when the instrument is placed in a graduate of the liquid whose specific gravity is to be determined. But not all instruments have the specific gravity recorded on the stem. Those most commonly in use are graduated with an impartial scale. In England, Twaddell's scale is commonly employed, and since most of the textile mill workers are English, we find the same scale in use in this country. The Twaddell scale bears a marked relation to. specific gravity and can be easily converted into it. Another scale of the hydrometer is the Beaume, but these readings cannot be converted into specific gravity without the use of a complicated formula or reference to a table. ^ -^ HYDROMETER SCALE FORMULA FOR CONVERTING INTO S. G. 1. Specific gravity hydrometer Gives direct reading 2. Twaddell g G = (.5 x ^) + 100 100 3. Beaume S. G. = N= the particular degree which is to be converted. EXAMPLE. Change 168 degrees (Tw.) into S. G. =L84> 100 PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS 357 Another formula for changing degrees Twaddell scale into specific gravity is : (5 x JV) + 1000 = gpecific gravitVi 1000 In Twaddell's scale, 1 specific gravity = 1.005 2 specific gravity = 1.010 3 specific gravity = 1.015 and so on by a regular increase of .005 for each degree. To find the degrees Twaddell when the specific gravity is given, multi- ply the specific gravity by 1000, subtract 1000, and divide by 5. Formula : (S.G.X 1000) -1000 = degrees T^^H 5 EXAMPLE. Change 1.84 specific gravity into degrees Twad- dell, (1.84x1000) -1000 = 16g degrees Twadden 5 EXAMPLES 1. What is the specific gravity of sulphuric acid of 116 Tw.? 2. What is the specific gravity of acetic acid of 86 Tw. ? 3. What is the specific gravity of a liquid of 164 Be. ? 4. What is the specific gravity of a liquid of 108 Be. ? 5. What is the specific gravity of a liquid of 142 Tw.? Heat Heat Units. The unit of heat used in the industries and shops of America and England is the British TJiermal Unit (B. T. U.) and is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of water through a temperature of one degree Fahrenheit. Thus the heat required to raise 5 Ib. of water through 15 degrees F. equals 5 x 15 = 75 British Thermal Units (B. T. U.) Similarly, to raise 86 Ib. of water through F. requires 86 x i = 43 B. T. U. The unit used on the Continent and by scientists in America is the metric system unit, a calorie. This is the amount of heat necessary to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Centigrade. 358 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS EXAMPLES 1. How many units (B. T. U.) will be required to raise 4823 Ib. of water 62 degrees ? 2. How many B. T, U. of heat are required to change 365 cubic feet of water from 66 F. to 208 F.? 3. How many units (B. T. U.) will be required to raise 785 Ib. of water from 74 F. to 208 F.? (Consider one cubic foot of water equal to 621 lb.) 4. How many B. T. U. of heat are required to change 1825 cu. ft. of water from 118 to 211 ? 5. How many heat units will it take to raise 484 gallons of water 12 degrees ? 6. How many heat units will it take to raise 5116 gallons of water from 66 F. to 198 F.? Temperature The ordinary instruments used to measure temperature are called thermometers. There are two kinds Fahren- heit and Centigrade. The Fahrenheit ther- mometer consists of a cylindrical tube filled with mercury with the position of the mercury at the boiling point of water marked 212, and the position of mercury at the freezing point of water 32. The intervening space is divided into 180 divisions. The Centigrade thermometer has the position of the boiling point of water 100 and the freezing point 0. The intervening space is divided into 100 spaces. It is often necessary to convert the Centigrade scale into the Fah- renheit scale, and Fahrenheit into Centigrade. To convert F. into C., subtract 32 from the F. degrees and multiply by -|, or divide by 1.8, or C. = (F. - 32) f , where C. = Centigrade reading and F. = Fahrenheit reading. 100 O 17.8 THERMOMETERS 212 1 HEAT AND TEMPERATURE 359 To convert C. to F., multiply C. degrees by f or 1.8 and add 32. 5 EXAMPLE. Convert 212 degrees F. to C. reading 5(212- 32 ") 5(180) 900 -* = - = luu v_y. 9 99 EXAMPLE. Convert 100 degrees C. to F. reading. 9 x 100 + 32 = + 32 = 180 + 32 = 212 F. 5 5 If the temperature is below the freezing point, it is usually written with a minus sign before it : thus, 15 degrees below the freezing point is written 15. In changing 15 C. into F. we must bear in mind the minus sign. Thus, J p = -+32 ^=~ + 32 =-27 + 32 =5 5 5 EXAMPLE. Change - 22 F. to C. C. = f (F. - 32) C. = f (- 22 - 32) = $ ( - 54) = - 30 EXAMPLES 1. Change 36 F. to C. 6. Change 225 C. to F. 2. Change 89 F. to C. 7. Change 380 C. to F. 3. Change 289 F. to C. 8. Change 415 C. to F. 4. Change 350 F. to C. 9. Change 580 C. to F. 5. Change 119 C. to F. Latent Heat By latent heat of water is meant that heat which water ab- sorbs in passing from the liquid to the gaseous state, or that heat which water discharges in passing from the liquid to the 360 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS solid state, without affecting its own temperature. Thus, the temperature of boiling water at atmospheric pressure never rises above 212 degrees F., because the steam absorbs the excess of heat which is necessary for its gaseous state. Latent heat of steam is the quantity of heat necessary to convert a pound of water into steam of the same temperature as the steam in question. COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY Amperes. What electricity is no one knows. Its action, however, is so like that of flowing water that the comparison is helpful. A current of water in a pipe is measured by the amount which flows through the pipe in a second of time, as one gallon per second. So a current of electricity is measured WATER ANALOGY OF FALL OF POTENTIAL by the amount which flows along a wire in a second, as one coulomb per second, a coulomb being a unit of measurement of electricity, just as a gallon is a unit of measurement of water. -The rate of flow of one coulomb per second is called one ampere. The rate of flow of five coulombs per second is five amperes. Volts. The quantity of water which flows through a pipe depends to a large extent upon the pressure under which it flows. The number of amperes of electricity which flow along a wire depends in the same way upon the pressure behind it. COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY 361 The electrical unit of pressure is the volt. In a stream of water there is a difference in pressure between a point on the surface of the stream and a point near the bottom. This is called the difference or drop in level between the two points. It is also spoken of as the pressure head, " head " meaning the difference in intensity of pressure between two points in a body of water, as well as the intensity of pressure at any point. Similarly the pressure (or voltage) between two points in an electric circuit is called the difference or drop in pressure or the potential. The amperes represent the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit, and the volts the pressure causing the flow. Ohms. Besides the pressure the resistance of the wire helps to determine the amount of the current : the greater the resistance, the less the current flowing under the same pressure. The electrical unit of resistance is called an ohm. A wire has a resistance of one ohm when a pressure of one volt can force no more than a current of one ampere through it. Ohm's Law. The relation between current (amperes), pressure (volts), and resistance (ohms) is expressed by a law known as Ohm's Law. This is the fundamental law of the study of electricity and may be stated as follows : An electric current flowing along a conductor is equal to the pressure divided by the resistance. Current (amperes) ^ (volts Resistance (ohms) Letting /= amperes, E = volts, R = ohms, I=E + Rm / = - R E= IR EXAMPLE. If a pressure of 110 volts is applied to a re- sistance of 220 ohms, what current will flow ? 362 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR GIRLS / = = = - = .5 ampere. Ans. E 220 2 EXAMPLE. A current of 2 amperes flows in a circuit the resist- ance of which is 300 ohms. What is the voltage of the circuit ? IE = E 2 x 300 - 600 volts. Ans. EXAMPLE. If a current of 12 amperes flows in a circuit and the voltage applied to the circuit is 240 volts, find the resistance of the circuit. ^ = E ?40 _ 2Q ohms _ Ans I 12 Ammeter and Voltmeter. Ohm's Law may be applied to a circuit as a whole or to any part of it. It is often desirable to know how much current is flowing in a circuit without calculating it by Ohm's Law. An instrument called an ammeter is used to measure the current. This instrument has a low resistance so that it will not cause a drop in pressure. A volt- meter is used to measure the voltage. This instrument has high resistance so that a very small current will flow through it, and is always placed in shunt, or parallel (see p. 235) with that part of the circuit the voltage of which is to be found. EXAMPLE. What is the resistance of wires that are carry- ing 100 amperes from a generator to a motor, if the drop or loss of potential equals 12 volts ? Drop in voltage = IE 1= 100 amperes Drop in volts =12 E = ? ohms E= E= = 0.12 ohm. Ans. EXAMPLE. A circuit made up of incandescent lamps and conducting wires is supplied under a pressure of 115 volts. COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY 363 The lamps require a pressure of 110 volts at their terminals and take a current of 10 amperes. What should be the resist- ance of the conducting wires in order that the necessary cur- rent may flow ? Drop in conducting wires = 115 110 = 5 volts Current through wires = 10 amperes It = = 0.5 ohm resistance. Ans. EXAMPLES 1. How much current will flow through an electromagnet of 140 ohms' resistance when placed across a 100-volt circuit ? 2. How many amperes will flow through a 110-volt lamp which has a resistance of 120 ohms ? 3. What will be the resistance of an arc lamp burning upon a 110-volt circuit, if the current is 5 amperes ? 4. If the lamp in Example 3 were to be put upon a 150-volt circuit, how much additional resistance would have to be put into it in order that it might not take more than 5 amperes ? 11 Fc-ed Wire ^ < } A^ -f- Trolley Wire/ Dynamo ELECTRIC ROAD SYSTEM 5. In a series motor used to drive a street car the resistance of the field equals 1.06 ohms ; the current going through equals 30 amperes. What would a voltmeter indicate if placed across the field terminals ? 6. If the load upon the motor in Example 5 were increased so that 45 amperes were flowing through the field coils, what would the voltmeter then indicate ? INDEX Addition, 3 Compound numbers, 46 Decimals, 33 Fractions, 21 Aliquot parts, 39 Alkalinity of water, 298 Ammeter, 362 Ammonia, 296 Amount, 53 Amperes, 169, 360 Angles, 66 Complementary, 66 Right, 66 Straight, 66 Supplementary, 66 Annuity, 192 Antecedent, 37 Apothecary's weights, 276 Apothem, 72 Approximate equivalents between metric and household measures, 281 Approximate measures of fluids, 277 Arc, 64 Area of a ring, 65 Area of a triangle, 69 Atmospheric pressure, 349 Avoirdupois weight, 43 Bacteria, 294, 298 Banks, 178 Cooperative, 179 National, 178 Savings, 179 Baths, 292 Bed linen, 161 Beef, 118 Bills, 243 Blue print reading, 80 Board measure, 131 Bonds, 187 Brickwork, 134 Building materials, 133 Buying Christmas gifts, 94 Cotton, 229 Rags, 229 Wool, 229 Yarn, 229 Cancellation, 13 Capacity of pipes, 348 Carbohydrates, 102 Cement, 136 Chlorine, 297 Circle, 64 Circumference, 64 Civil Service, 268 Claims, 196 Clapboards, 138 Clothing, 91 Coefficients, 331 Color of water, 296 Common denominator, 20 Fractions, 17 Multiple, 15 Comparative costs of digestible nutrients and energy in different food materials at average prices, 114, 115 Compound numbers, 42, 46 Addition, 46 Division, 47 Multiplication, 47 Subtraction, 46 Computing profit and loss, 252 Cone, 75 Consequent, 57 Construction of a house, 128 Cooperative banks, 179 Cost of food, 105 Cost of furnishing a house, 146 Cost of subsistence, 91 Cotton, 217 Yarns, 223 365 366 INDEX Counting, 44 Credit account, 244 Cube, 61 Cube Root, 61 Cubic measure, 42 Cuts of Beef, 120 Mutton, 122 Pork, 121 Cylindrical tank, 347 Dairy Products, 310 Debit, 244 Decimal Fractions, 30 Addition, 33 Division, 36 Mixed, 31 Multiplication, 35 Reduction, 32 Subtraction, 34 Denominate fraction, 45 Number, 42, 45 Denomination, 42 Denominator, 17 Density of water, 354 Deodorants, 294 Diameter, 64 Distribution of income, 89 Division, 9 Compound numbers, 47 Fractions, 25 Income, 92 Drawing to scale, 85 Dressmaking, 198 Dry measure, 43 Economical marketing, 125 Uses of Meats, 117 Economy of space, 130 Efficiency of water, 353 Electricity, 360 Ellipse, 72 English system, 276 Ensilage problems, 307 Equations, 332 Substituting, 334 Transposing, 334 Equiangular triangle, 68 Equilateral triangle, 68 Estimating distances, 86 Weights, 87 Evolution, 61 Exchange, 193 Expense account book, 95 Factors, 13 Farm measures, 307 Problems, 305 Filling, 217 Flax, 217 Flooring, 139 Fluid measure, 277 Food, 100 Values, 110 Formulas, 327 For computing profit and loss, 253 Fractions, 17 Addition, 21 Common, 17 Decimal, 30 Division, 25 Improper, 17 Multiplication, 24 Reduction, 17 Subtraction, 22 Frame and roof, 132 Free ammonia, 297 Frustum of a cone, 76 Furnishing a bedroom, 153, 154, 155 Dining room, 156 Hall, 146 Kitchen, 162 Living room, 149, 150, 152 Sewing room, 161 Germicides, 294 Graphs, 322 Greatest common divisor, 15 Hardness of water, 298 Heat, 357 And light, 167 Units, 357 Hem, 200 Hexagon, 72 Horizontal addition, 237 Household linens, 160 Measures, 277 How to make change, 266 Solutions of various strengths from crude drugs or tablets of known strength, 286 INDEX 367 How to read an electric meter, 169 Gas meter, 168 Hypodermic doses, 288 Improper fractions, 17 Inclined planes, 344 Income, 89 Inside area of tanks, 348 Insurance, 188 Fire, 188 Life, 189 Integer, 1, 17, 31, 45 Interest, 53 Compound, 56 Simple, 53 Interpretation of negative quantities, 337 Invoice bills, 243 Involution, 61 Iron in water, 298 Isosceles triangle, 68 Jack screw, 344 Kilowatt, 169 Kitchen weights and measures, 103 Latent heat, 359 Lateral pressure, 351 Lathing, 141 Law of squares, 348 Least common multiple, 15 Ledger, 244 Levers, 344 Linear measure, 42 Linen, 217 Yarns, 222 Liquid measure, 43 Lumber, 131 Machines, 344 Measure, of time, 43 Length, 317 Medical chart, 292 Mensuration, 64 Menus, making up, 113 Merchandise, 243 Methods of heating, 174 Methods of solving examples, 87, 88 Metric system, 276, 279, 282, 317-319 Millinery problems, 212 Mixed decimals, 31 Mohair, 217 Momentum, 342 Money orders, 194 Mortar, 133 Mortgages, 180 Motion, 342 Multiplication, 8, 242 Algebraic expressions, 339 Compound numbers, 47 Decimals, 31 Fractions, 24 Mutton, 122, 123 National banks, 178 Nitrogen, 297 Notation, 1 Notes, 181 Numerals, Roman, 2 Numeration, 1 Numerator, 17 Nurses, arithmetic for, 276-303 Nutritive ingredients of food, 101 Octagon, 72 Odor of water, 296 Ohm, 361 Ohm's Law, 361 Oxygen consumed, 297 Painting, 141 Papering, 142 Paper measure, 44 Pay rolls, 255 Pentagon, 72 Percentage, 50 Perimeter, 72 Plank, 131 Plastering, 133 Polygons, 72 Poultry problems, 312 Power, 30 Pressure, lateral, 351 Per square inch, 350 Water, 350 Principal, 53 Profit and loss, 246 Promissory notes, 182 Proper fractions, 17 Proportion, 57, 58, 59 368 INDEX Protractor, 67 Pulleys, 344 Pyramid, 75 Quadrilaterals, 71 Radius, 64 Rapid calculation, 233 Rate (per cent), 50 Ratio, 57 Raw silk yarns, 222 Reading a blue print, 80 Rectangle, 71 Reduction, 42 Ascending, 42, 44 Descending, 42, 44 Right triangles, 68, 69 Roman numerals, 2 Root, cube, 62 Square, 61 Ruffles, 201 Rule of thumb methods, 88 Savings bank, 179 Interest tables, 56 Scalene triangle, 68 Sector, 64 Sediment in water, 296 Shingles, 137 Shoes, 219 Silk, 217 Similar figures, 77 Terms, 331 Simple interest, 53 Proportion, 59 Slate roofing, 137 Specific gravity, 355 Specimen arithmetic papers, 272 Sealers of Weights and Measures, 273 State visitors, 274 Stenographers, 273 Sphere, 76 Spun silk yarns, 223 Square measure, 42 Square root, 62 Stairs, 140 Steers and beef, 118 Stocks, 184 Stonework, 135 Strength of solutions, 224 Studding, 132 Substituting in equations, 334 Subtraction Compound numbers, 46 Decimals, 34 Fractions, 22 Supplement, 66 Table linen, 161 Table of metric conversion, 317 Table of wages, 257 Tanks, 347 Taxes, 143 Temperature, 290, 358 Temporary loans, 259 Terms used in chemical and bacterio- logical reports, 296 Time and speed, 341 Time sheets, 255 Trade discount, 52, 207 Transposing in equations, 334 Trapezium, 71 Trapezoid, 72 Triangles, 68 Equiangular, 68 Equilateral, 68 Isosceles, 68 Right, 68, 69 Scalene, 68 Trust companies, 179 Tucks, 199 Turbidity of water, 296 Two-ply yarns, 223 Unit, 1 United States revenue, 144 Useful mechanical information, 341 Use of tables, 88 Uses of nutrients in the body, 102 Value of coal to produce heat, 167 Volt, 169, 360 Voltmeter, 362 Volume, 74 Warp, 217 Water, alkalinity of, 298 Ammonia in, 296, 297 Analysis of, 296 Bacteria in, 298 Chlorine in, 297 INDEX 369 Water, s continued. Color of, 296 Hardness of, 298 Iron in, 298 Nitrogen in, 297 Odor of, 296 Oxygen consumed by, 297 Power, 353 Pressure, 350 Residue on evaporation, 296 Sediment in, 296 Supply, 345 Traps, 352 Turbidity of, 296 Watt, 170 Wool, 211 Woolen yarns, 220 Work, 343 Worsted yarns, 219 Yarns, 217 Cotton, 223 Linen, 222 Raw silk, 222 Spun silk, 223 Two-ply, 223 Woolen, 220 Worsted, 219 ASE TO 5 o r ALTY DAY AND TO ft, on CENTS N THE FOURTH OVERDUE. $I - N E SEVENTH " 2l-50m-l,'? YB 05200 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY \ m