SeUe UC-NRLF in mill mil mi mill mil mil I 3D flt^ * UN 27 J922 LIBRARY 0? COIJORESS DIVISION OP BIB.L-IOGRAPHY LIST OF REFERENCES ON SLAVS IN AMERICA to List of "books, . .en Immigration, 1907) Chief Bih.lj.ogr BISLIQORAPKIES Balchj Emily G. Our Slavic fellow citizens. .New York, Charities publication committee; 1910* 536 PC Bibliography: p* 481- 512 * E184.S6B3 Capok, Thocjas.) The Cochs (Bohoinians) in Aaexica; a otuAy o<! their natA^nal, cultural; political^ socia!i. iJ ecoaniLic and religious lifeo Boston ..and New York, Houghton ICifflin co. ,3.920, 293 p. Bibliography l p, 281-284. E;.&4,B67C29 Fairchild^ Henry P. Immigration,,, a world movement and its American significance* Now York, Ths to,caillan co,1313* 455 PJ Bibliography: p .459-449. JV6465-.F3 Laing^ Francis S, Oarman-Russian se^tJcaects in Ellis County, Kansas* Written. for tho Kansas state historical socisty * [Sopaka? 1910] -10 p. F63 NE^2 Reprintsd from I^a,nsa3 historical eollafttions, Bibliography,* p. 9-40 , Ledbetter, M^o Eleanor 2 The Czechs of Cleveland. Cleveland. Aiuor caniaaii^n comrai.tteo.. i/layor s advisory way comaiittea.t J.9L9o 40 p? "-Authorities consulted"; p39 November 16,1920c M197104 BOOKS Abbott., Grace t The immigrant and the community. Now York,, The Cen tury co, ,1917. 303 p. Consult index. JV6529.A2 Antin, Mary* The promised land. Boston and New York, Bought on Mif- flin co, [19177] S73 p. Discussss the Russians in Boston* FFZ .S..R9A6 5 ^ 8 ----- Thtjy who knock at our gates; a complete gospel of immigration Boston,and New York, Bought on Mifflin co.,,1914. 142 p. JV6455*A65 9 Balch, Emily G, Our Slavic fellow citizens* New York, Charities publication committee, 1910* 536 p. E184.S6B2 10 Barnes, Mrs* Mary E. (Clark) and Lemuel C. Barnes, The new America, a study in immigrationt Now York ; Fleming K Revell co[l913] 160 p. [ I nterdenorai national home mission study course] "Brief bibliography" j p, 159-160- JV6455.B2 11 Bartuska, V. Les Lituaniens d Amorique. Lausanne., Pub. par leg soins du Bureau d ? inomaations de Lituanie, 1913* 24 p. "Extra! t de Pro Lituania, no, 1,2 ,,1916* E184.L7B2 12 Baskerville, Beatrice C Tho Polish Jew; his social and economic valde. New York, The Macaillan co,1906 SS6 p 13 Capek, Thomas. The Cechs (Bohemians) in America; a study of their national, cultural, political, social, economic and religious lifs. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin 00=, 1920, 293 p* E184.B67C29 15 Pairchild, Hanry P. Immigration, a world movement and its American significance. New York, The Macmillan co-,1913* 455 p Consult index. JV6465-.FS 16 Bodges, Le Roy Slaws on southern farms* An account of the Bohemian- Slovak, and Polish agricultural settlements in tha southern states V ashington, Govt. print, off., 1914, 21 p. (U.S. 63d Cong.,2tl sess. Senate* Doc. 595) F220oS53B6 17 Hoover, Berfeort C. Address of Herbert Koovar bafcrd the Polish ticn in Buffalo, N.Y,, .on Kov^mbjr 12th,. 1919.. .Chicago, 111^, National Polish committee of America "For ra.lief in Poiand 1 [1919] 15 p, DK439oB6 Bourwich, Isaac A. Ir^migration and labor; the econonic aspects of Euro pean immigration to the Unitod States * Now Yo,: i and London, 0P Putnam s sons. 1912. 544 p. E38C31.A5E5 Consult index* ,,.-r^, :..,.: v, :,-.:; . ,--.,M. v;-. --.-:- - : .. ; -OJ . . A V t .*- *. ^ . % -\ .* -.1 "- I ,- - 1-^ " ^ ..^ i^r.&rir^iser .-. . ." * > . :*: .:...:/: : ^ ... ?; . .\ - 19 Jents, Jaremlah W. g.n* W* Jett Lauok* T^e vanl.g-aUon probl:*.; a study of American ijmnigraticn conditions a-.:.a noons* 4th ad*, re*? and New York and London , Funk & W&gz.alls r;o 5 J917 605 p. Consult index* JVC 43 5% J5 1917 20 Kaziput. Hartford, Connt, Izdanje "Hrvatsfce trohc j-iice" [3.914] 79 p> Croatian in the Uunied States* E184.C93X2 21 [Kraitsir, Charlas V. The Poles in the United States ef America, pra- ceded by the earliast history cf the Slavoniaas, ar.d by -he his*- tory of Poland* Philadelphia, Kiderlen and StollT-ieyoic, 1837* 196 DK414*K88 22 Laing, Francis S. German-Russian settlements in Ellis County, Kansas* Rritten. . , for ths Kansas state historical society *7opekaT1910] 40 p. F667.E3L2 PL/print od froia Kansas historical collections ,volXI 23 Lidbett^r., I.irs . Eleanor E* The Czechs of Cleve?.and. Cleveland, Ameri canization conmittea, ilayor s advisory war LQdjjlSlQ. 40 p. F499.C6L45 24 The Jugoslavs of Cleveland, with a brief sketch of their torical and political backgrounds* Cleveland, Undor the direc tion of the Cleveland Amsricani?at.ion ccramittee, Mayor s advisory \var committee [1918] 30 p. V459.C6L45 25 Lithuanian societias f acting comirittQe of Greater New York Demonstraci ja Didziajame New Yorke^ liepe? 4dc ,I91G I^leido Didziojo New Yorko lietuviu draugijn vaikiantysic iomitetas . . . Brooklyn, N,Y. ; 1918. 64 p. F128.9.L7L7 26 McClure, Archibald* Leadership of the now Aaor/.ca, radical and reli*- gious. New York, Baorge H. Doran oo. [l9".6J S3. 4 po K3.84A1M1S " J.Ear.5.grant leadership among the Slaw; Eoro^ean nationalities Bohemians, Craatians. Pole?., Russians^. Ruthenians, Slovaks, Slovenes 11 : p, 47*-123 27 filler, Frank H The Polanders in WiBconsin. [Milwauiae, Wis,1896] 246 p (Parkman club publications, no*10,..) F576P24 28 Crth, Samuel P t Our foreigners; a chronicle of A^eri^ans In the lngs New liaven, Yale university press ,19^0-, 355 p< (The chrcni of America serais^ Allen Johnson, edit or. . v 3 5) S1.73-C55 vol.25 "Bibliographical note": p. 23 5-2 39, E>.84,A107 Consult indax. 29 Tha Polish cause. Official bulletin pub. semlmon^hly l:y the Polish cantral ooamittee for national defense* v ,. !?; Aug. 20, 1915- Jaii,2l,1916o Ciuc3.,o, 111*, 1915-16. 4 no. i.r> 1 v? No more published* DK401P6 30 The position of the Bohwmiann (Cj .achs) in the Eurcpecsi \Tar ChicagOj The Bohemian national alliarce in Agarics. [lOa.5.] -.".0 p a D520cd6P7 / ,>-. v c rs . ; rt-^i X vBJtrrXej CEO edT ,:i t o,lt :: 13 .PJN : .; ,1- 10^-L ^^1:,. /o 8Vl,oo^5/l otiT oTir ^-" ^-(jr " - . ; -!. / (.- . ^.Cc?V5 id -d-t io iso aO ?!"* n / ( enoit. oildVrr -4- 31 ^ Riplay., William Z. The European population of tho Unitdd States. London , Roy*l anthtopological institut of Groat Britain and Ireland, 1908. 221-240 p. "Roprintsd from Journal of the Poyal anthropo logical institute., v. 38 / July* Doe. 1908." E184.A1R5 32 4 Robsrts, Peter. The new immigration; a study of ths Industrial and social lifa of southoastrn Europeans in America. New York, The Macmillan co.,1912. 386 p. JV6455.R63 3S Ross, Edward A. The Old world in the Hew; tho significance of past and present immigration to the American petple. New York, The Century co.,1914. 327 p. Consult index. JV6465.R6 * 34 Sanford, Alber$ H. Tho Polish people of Portage County. Madison, State historical society of Wisconsin, 1908. 259-288 p. "From Proceedings of the State historical society of Wisconsin, 1907." F587.P8S2 35 Serbian national defense league of America* For freedom; a manitfesta- tion of oppressed Slavic nationalities af Austria-Hungary, in honor of the Serbian war mission to the United States^ [New York] Ser bian national defense league of America [1918 J 23 p D570.8.M6S4 36 Shriver, William P. Immigrant forces: factors dn the new democracy. Ndw York, Missionary education movement of the United States and Canada, 1913. 277 p. Slavs: p. 44-66. Consult index also* JV6455.S6 X 37 Steinar, Edward A, The immigrant tide, its ebb and flowt New York, F.H.Ravcll co. [1909] 370 p. Slav in the immigrant problem": p. 203-214. JV6455S9c Strzelac, Karol W* The burning bush; trial and hope of the Polish people. [Chicago, Church publishing houss, 19 1~] 36 p. "Sketch of Rov, K.W. Strselac s life. By Rov.Jos, Anthony. ..": p. 32-36. BR953.S8 Swehla, Francis J. Bohemians in central Kansas. [Topeka, 1915 J] 44 p. Rjprint^d from ?olXIII, Collections Kansas state historical society . Pag3S 33-44 contain "sketches of raprasentativa Bohe mians," which "came to the Historical society through Mr. Swohla and therefore follcr.7 his paper." F690B6S9 X r "* l "" * " >!." T i ^ * T . " i ** 1 *** -: fli -- . x.-:-^- --.-*. ~ v -/ec";fl -^- o^ .-, j/i4- ;;.>.; ;;-*>i (H . ,* ;i ; JLT * > - G " " I..,. / -W. 5 ? *"- .,,1-:- "?**:**> $^f^M ** : ..,v,^ .*i^-- *y^ifi H -* w . , ,- ... . : *ja . !M "^ : " .\c :i ^-Lsf- .... , : ., V . - ; . i. -,f f -if * *** t 3 ; " * ^ ^ , ;;? " ^ ,iP?^.-4 ^ n:;; " n ^V^ ttJW t:u-.f ,: .- -- Sr**^Ki"uf*^** t.V. * * ii / < ii. :a..A|f .1 - > ? ;lOf- * , r f ,-, :-^/-.. ". * .^1 -j .:,, tt:i ^H; ft : : ;- .,: , ; tBi-Ui !/ 1i .?:?: ^.^Ij r " !j - sri^ lo b;,i!i vdo.piTi-^o.i v T . s- *** - . .0 * .*. " .- - 1 - - M -- - - ;^.L: - v , ., { ,i: ..<? ^V ri i. : r? ul f v .-;iv5 ^ < ;; r>J : . : *,.. i *" .- .t * * - ; " ! :: " * -. . / . W UfJl *uOrv ^ ^- /^^.^v aalMlto -^ >?/>-/. **!,. /t^tJ - ^:,^c Y:J?I >>*- -tfetV : .-,,.. . iJstsliisJl ** , rr _. ; -.. .. " C Cfl U ? v . ; v t . r.V t- 1 . ,. ,?. .rl v- " . . _J M-*- : . - - v T^^Vt > * - v" 5 ". ^ - -" " . : P?; .; i.?0 ^ " ~ OS.- "i i f .>. i- .. ,, . ^(- . r-. y ^ . i r * J* * ^ ^5 ; . . .;.- * :* * *"" iVliJO ? " 7 \ ; _^5_ ^ Ot XvSl. / i r. i" " ,-, .. \. - ... <,. r: ;L,.,>:.; ,:UI ^ gVirfsfe ..> -^ -^ .. i.-iv*- . ; .. - % ^^- . .. . . . . * j . , " " ** "" L&4 A{V2 :-Tj t OACJ e^^a sscn^X snoita.IXoD JIIX.IoiF ac --no3 vi^/-,.tn^-^.:.7 to wr>fio^u-i rt nus-^ac -5- 4 Thomas, William I. and Fiorian Znaniftoki* Tn^ Polish peasant in Europe and America; monograph of an immigrant group. Chicago., 111.,, The University of Chicago press [193,8] 1 v. DX411.T5 41 Thompson, Robert A. Thu? Russian sattleraent in California known as Port Ross; founded 1812, abandoned 1841. Why the Russians came and why th^y left. Santa Rosa [Cal..] Sonoma democrat publishing co 1896. 34 p. F864.I46 >4 42 U.S. Buraau of foreign and domestic commerce. (Dopt* of commerce) Statistical abstract of ths United States,, 1919, Washington, Go vt print, off.,19 ^0, 864 p. Consult index undar Population. HAS 02 \ 43 ----- Bureau of immigration. Annual report of the Commissioner Gdnjral of immigration to the Secretary of labor, 1919t Washing*- ton, Govt. print, off., 1919. 412 p. See section on "Statistics of iiaiuigration" : p. 71-258. JV6414.A3 1919 44 **.- Immigration commission. Emigration conditions in Europe... Washington, Govt. print, off., 1911. 424 p. (Roports of the Im migration commission, v.4) JV6417.Co7 vol4 61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 748. JV6080.U6 45 .- . . European immigration, 1699-1909*.. Table showing European imtiigration, by raco or people, into the United States from 1899 to 1909. [Washington., Govt. print, off., 1912] 1 p. (62d Cong., 2d sess* Senate^ Doc. 401) JV6461.A8 3.909 d 46 . ---- - Statistical view of immigration., 1820-1910* of immigrants, 1850-1900. Washington, Govt. print. Of f .,1911,587 p. (Reports of the Immigration commission, v.3.) 61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 756. JV6417i-C7 > ,v.3 JV5461.A8 1911 47 Warncj, Frank J. Tha Slav invasion and the _ mine workers; a study in immigration. Philadelphia and London., J,B, oo^1904 211 p. HD8081*S5W2 48 Wici, organ K. 0, N. Chisago, 111. ,19 16^17. 24 nos. KO.N, (Komitet obrony narodowsj) is ths Polish national defense committee. DK401.W5 49 World almanac and encyclopedia, 1920. New York, The Press publish - .*.;; co, ,1920 944 p, Statistics of immigration; p. 432-438. AYG7.N5E7 1920 . Ill i 03* : r .0 * o ti -J xii^o rod . ^6 i T uaiA ! esetji 0^3/aO;. to-. ^cfioit viaU aflT So ." f - io nottjiCt/.o? Tt-bntt xctJbKi ti&fr.. ", .q SI^ I^X :/l , J Q^- a \vtL . K 9J: S , on ; rsoinoJ aiXo ? cd* ei v - S erit ,0 3 OBSio.^xoi T ;; . . <rv" "s OS9X neZ. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 50 1903 Steiner., Edward A. The Bohdalan in Amei. ?.ca Outlook., Apr- 25, 1903; v. 73: 968-973. AP3Q8,v73 51 3.90? The increase .in Polish emigration. American monthly review of reviews, Ju3y, 1907, v.36: 119-130* AP2.B4,Y.36 52 Sheridan, Frank J* Italian, Slavic and Hungarian unskilled immi grant laborers in the United Sfcates? USi Bureau of labor* Bulletin, Nov. 1907, no. 73:403-486~/ ED8051*A5,no72 1908 De russiske Joder i Amerlka. Terrester* De* Ny aarbundrrede, June, 1908, vol. 5; 677-681* 54 1909 Roberts, Peter. The new Pittsburghers: Slavs and kindred im migrants in Pittsburgh. Charities and the commons, Jan* 3, 1909, v 21: 533-552. HVl*.C4,v.21 55 Mine, Lewis W. Immigrant types in the steel districts Charities and the coim^ons, Jan. 2, 1909, v. 21: 581^588c HVl.C^v.Sl 56 Koukol- Alois B Tho Slav s a man for a f that Charities arid the commons, Jan. 2, 1909, v 21: 589-59S. HVI.C4,v.21 57 Abbott, Grace. IPfts Bulgarians of Chicago^ Charities and the com mons, Jan. 9, 1908, v. 21: 653-660, HViC4,v21 58 1910 Daniels, John. Araaricanizing eighty thousand Poles* Survey, June 4, 1910, v, 24: 373-385. HYl.C4. ? v.24 59 Balch, E,G, Peasant background of our Slavic .fellow c-ttizen??o y Survey, Aug. 6, 1910, v. 24: 666-677. HVl,C4,Vo24 60 1911 Lauck, W. Jett The bituminous coal miner and coke worker of west-v/r Pennsylvania. Survey, Apr. 1, 1911^ v. 26: 34-51* HV3,.C4,v.26 61 Canca, Alexander. Slav farn^re on the "abandoned farn" area (>.i Con necticut. Survey, Oct. 7, 1911, v. 27: 951-956. 62 1912 Durand, E-> Dana. Our immigrants and the future* Not. the auwher buv the kind of immigrants Eussia,n Jews, South Italians and Poles . and 33 ovaks~-gives ground for apprehension. Wo^d s work; Feb. 1912, v. 23: 431-443. AP2.W8,Vr2S 63 Cance, Alexander E. Immigrant rural coianunities. American academy of political and social science. Annais^ Kar 1912, v. 40: 69-80, Hl,A^v.40 64 Hodges, LePoy, The Poles of Texas* Their effect on the state : s agricultural development > Taxis magazins^ Ddr-,,1912^ v<> 7; 117^- JL20o P38 JAla-TIQ .C,3* MI 3&iOI7flA .-65- :? .> rc^^ . ri r -J il/ah^ V - -. . ; d ./C nt,. r si-r/.^^- ^v . r .or;: .,-: i -tz. ^^ T .^o^uo ^ .yV-..vev 5L r 3 . . S -v , j * f YJI - : ~.:-^~( !^- ^,,^c ; .^, : *!:^o .50 fefii/o-:; ojici ? d- f-SLi* " :"v . *r r. r ft . "!". -t i -r . [ ". . . ^ c br.i a*: . -: -v ,>!.:&: . T .v ,. xj. i il?.-.. fe^ XT* r ^ " t w v; . ^ :t : . -7- X 65 1912 OrenstAin, M.S. Servo-Croats of Manhattan. Survey , Dec. 7, 1913, vv 29: 277-386. HVl.C4,v.39 66 1914 Brown, HS. Two glimpses of the New England Pole. Forum, Feb. 19." 1 /- v. 51: 286. AP2.F8,v.51 67 ^Ross, Edv;ard A. Slavs in America. Century, Aug. 1914, v. 88: 590- 598, AP2,C4,v.88 68 Wilson, H,L and EiW Smith* Chicago housing conditions among the Slovaks* American journal of sociology, Sept. 1914, Vt 20: 145-169. HMl.A7,v.20 69 Hughes, E. Chicago houetng conditions: the Lithuanians in the fourth ward. American journal of sociology, Nov. 1914, v. 20: 289-312* HMl.A7,v.20 70 Sokoloff, A Old believers: mediaeval Russians in the Pittsburgh district. Survey, Nov 7, 1914, v, 33: 145-151% HVl.C4,v,33 71 1915 Fetler, William* Russians in the United States; opportunities pre sented to the Christian church. Missionary review of the world, Dec. 1915, v, 38: 923-928. BV23t;C.M7,v.38 ?3l 1916 Carroll, R.G. New Bohemia, Virginia; colony of alien farmers. Country gentleman, July 1, 1916, v.81; 1290-1291. Sl.C8,v81 73 Russian immigrant and his savings. Outlook, Sept) 6,1916, v. 114:13. AP2.08,v.ll4 74 1917 Our Bohemian fighters. Literary digest, June 23, 1917, v,54: 1920. AP2.L58,v54 75 Gruszc^ynski, M Russian immigrant on the American continent. Pan American magazine, Nov. 1917, v. 26: 29-34. F1401,P18,v,26 76 1918 Mika, G.H, Army of victory or death; was action of Bohemians in America and elsewhere* Outlook, Feb. 27, 1918, v 118, v. 118-321. AP2. 08, v. 118-321 77 Tridon, A, Russian-baiting in our ports. Public, June l,1918,v, 21: 698*700. AP2.P87 > v.21 78 United for-freedom at home. Survey, June 8, 1918, v 40: 2Q2. HVl,C 4,v40 79 Miller, Herbert A, The lost division. Survey, June 15,1918, v y 40? 307-309. HVl.C4,v,40 Discusses the foreign element including Slavs, at Camp Sheridan, Ohio. 80 Dewey, John. Autocracy under cover. New republic, Aug. 24, 1918, v.16: 103-106. AP2,N624.jjv,16 Discusses Polish immigration. . t i6te.i^0 .dtfS-?tS :?S -v f etit lo ade^U^ owT .S.H t awcih iei dd .665 :X v i ev .A, jbu.;yfc. cSC.H . r -v V -.v.: . "\A ,; 1 ,i- .ci-J- -"* L - : " i * .ear~Hx .. .- ^^ftO.5. ^slscoi e &4>: . v ,; ;? !. >> :i X :: j iV ^,r^;-;. . J,U .:--- .^ ->,;. i - : - ;: - >: ; " i-., ,, /i- - ;ts * " ^ t>,iIoi ;- g3iv;VjfVH <: :;! -;*JF :* x -" s.v,TAr^. .-&sij:- ^ -" r **" .,;j ;.. .;-:ta -^ - ; r k ! t r -.V> -v:Vv ^ >-^" I" AO. ^-^.i itfw^^^.%1 "". r,v v -..., ^ .vV-rfflO "ilVlr,.; -Ct> ^ ^-i ; i * " ^"ifcMu^J ;: -1 * v ** ""^ V.- " " . ?,* V* **" *s:f.?H - ni ; ^* * : / - v" **" " * V * ? **^* <- ^ V iv0l^0i. .. / isj} .i:-J- - " 4*^.4 j^. ,*.v >- ^ v -^; v c t ^ ;i c.i ;J ^.ri^,i r; fffiloeKiQt? -- V\ r:.i- t?> "" " > f c: ,.^ V^;l .1 J^ ,^ ; ^ ! ^ f n^rtli 1 :; p. fi >/*- ^ "*V Iro .-*-..*, -f^*S ?"-- " : .y . . t +# t c .; -.;..v. :*.; i "* v; ~- * - r .. i<j >!o-i ,, .\ r^-~ - -* vc : ~ *. r- * "* .* " _ . / J * "* * ,** ^ f - r .i. .V v^ ; .- - i"lMc. .;..- ,-. i <* * , . < Xrf : .:-- -~ : V - / v ri*^- * <x 1 " .I" 1 ;f . i-iiSI^^ * V ; *<t - 1. M* " . "10.: " ^ ->i ^" ^" "".00"- i: ,v, r< i^-**" Jr-i ri the ; ;.7 k " v ^" : ^.- t ,-.--.-fc.-wi 1 2 " rcvcs ii*:-ni f \ru;7ooJ *jA *nrfot ^v^wdu j.^:^ ^o;C:^iro c .?:>" - ,v ,c t - v* 1 ,-.. \, :;., : ; - ; :* 8~ 1918 The American of Au^riai?. MJ*.fc." Literary digest, v, 58,, Sept. 28, 1918: 37. AP2.L58,v.58 82 Edman, I. The fourth part of Polandt Nation, Sept. 28,1918.,v.l07: 342-343. AP2.N2,v.i07 8S Spirit of Poles in America. Survey, Sept, 28,1918, v.40: 720-721. KVl.C4,v.40 84 Moravsky, M. Greenhorn in America. Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1918, v. 123: 663-669. AP2.A8,v,122 Discusses Russian immigration. 85 Poles prefer to go it alone. Survey, NoVt 16, 1918, v.41: 194-195. HVl.C4,v.41 86 1919 Poles in the United States. Literary digest, v. 60, Mar. 8,19 19:36 AP2.L58,v.60 87 Bohemians in the United States. Literary digest, v. 61, Apr* 5, 1919; 39. AP2.L58,v.61 88 Lithuanians in the United States. Literary digest, v. 61, Apr. 19, 1919: 34. AP2.L58,v61 89 The forfcdgn-born population of the United States. Scientific monthly, Apr. 1919,v,8: 380-383. Ql.S817,v,8 90 Jugo-Slavs in the United States. Literary digest, v. 61, June 7, ^ 1919: 43. AP2.L58,v.61 91 ^ U.S. Bureau of foreign and domestic coamerca. One hundred years of American immigration. Its Daily consular and trade re ports, Oct. 29, 1919, no. 254: 572-576. HC1.R198 1919, no. 254 92 Russians in America. Literary digest,, v. 6, Nov. 29, 1919: 41. AP2L58,v.6S 93 1920 Nawench, A.M. American Poles and the Americanization problem* Standard, Mar. 1920, v. 6: 209-21&, 94 Henry, John R. Do Russians make good American citizens? World outlook, v. 6, Hay, 1920: 14-15. 15 1250 W 95 Bolonski, J,R. Poolrooms or school-rooLis for Russians in America. Survey, July 17,1920, v. 44: 519-520. HVl,C4,v,44 96 Russians in American schools. Survey, Aug. 2, 1920, v 44: 590. HVl.C4,v.44 .\ .-\?,xtet te ;?Ti<f ;H3fc&:iO .flao.H8fflA- tt t>I ret .:^ij J ,88: -iiVi.v&ii " 3lofL^G. "Jn 4 v .jaatA4iB&.in.i - salpSr- So 1 Ji.Tf&LS v^JfcQ*.! vc i /vS w^t:. . :.;. :U. - *.-.;_- .-.. . ;..,. ,. w .i -, C V -i - - ,.. 4 t wl . r ><iH :,6: : Lfti a ^A :i - - - - ^.." : c -: ;tbl^ " ~. -: : .iivr.^vSr.-^ii.i^ 3c .-, t :. .. -.-ii :.:"; :. . -. ...! .. : * : i . . :- .ial; B- cyost i . QIC 1*% r iw . - - r , , * i> j- * * - . .-/-. .- A i, *i ..-* <x**_ * . . r .f ^ * -i ^ * * ^ , , .. 1 ,-..,- . ._ . - v i>.i ;*.. n. vj ttiiAv-^ / " V T : . . .- ." .- ; * > V. . . .. . \V.- ^\*_. / *V. , v * u^l t., r,C < 3F.< ,": ^*..r . ..;*; ; ^ "-.1 :..; . : . ."^ij". -ni .BV^X iB .Cj C4C ; :: 4 . . . ."*.. I,*. : *.... , . v. . ^-.:. ^ . . . . . .^ .-^ t ..v^lO ^ . t ... . V;^^-Of<jD^:ix^v-w ;-*--:^,-j.-,;v : l>ii^ v ; C: : i; iU^r^TJc^A ,.,^ . % ,. -> - w - - . < ./^j-r- .. - . vJ-W- : ;<> v i - t J.u.. - .. - . * i -:,C I, V.C ^.v i , v ."i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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