UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 233-245, 3 figures in text December 20, 1921 THE ALINEMENT CHART METHOD OF PREPARING TREE VOLUME TABLES 1 BY DONALD BRUCE The chief use of the alinement chart 2 is to express with the simplest possible system of lines a law the equation of which is known. The underlying principle is so flexible that almost any formula can be expressed thereby, although the most striking advantages over a system of rectangular coordinates do not appear unless three or more variables are involved. The axes may be parallel or converging, straight or curved, and graduated either uniformly or with intervals which vary in accordance with some given law, the form of the graph depending on the form of the equation. It follows from this very flexibility that such charts are, in general, unsuited for use with empirical data. The following pages, however, describe an exception to this general rule in which one type of alinement chart may be advantageously used in the preparation of tree volume tables, although the form of the equation of such a table is yet unknown. The most suitable type of chart can be determined by working out an approximate algebraic expression for the volume of a tree in terms of its diameter and height. This expression is complicated by the fact that, for almost all American tables, volumes must be com- puted in board feet as scaled by some log rule, instead of in cubic feet. The starting point must therefore be the equation of the volume of a 1 Acknowledgment is made to Professor Frank Irwin, of the Department of Mathematics of this University, for assistance in connection with the analytic features of this study. 2 A complete discussion of the theory of alinement charts may be found in such works as: J. Lipka, Graphical and Mechanical Computation; J. B. Peddle, The Construction of Graphic Charts; and M. d'Ocagne, Traite de Nomographic. For a discussion of the application of certain simple types to some formulae of forest mensuration see D. Bruce, "Alinement Charts in Forest Mensuration," Journal of Forestry, XVII, 7, 773 (November, 1919). \ 234 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 4 log in board feet first formulated by Professor Daniels, 3 i.e., v = ad' 2 + bd + c (I). For simplicity, let us apply this formula to a tree of uniform taper up to its merchantable top limit, that is, one which is a frustum of a cone. Let V = volume of a tree in feet b. m. Let v = volume of a log in feet b. m. Let D = d. i. b. stump (assumed equivalent to d. b. h.). Let d = top diameter of a log. Let H = height in logs of tree. Let t = top d. i. b. of tree. It is evident that the taper of the tree = D — t, and that the taper per log = — z- — Therefore the top diameters of the several logs . D—t of the trees are the terms of the following series : t, t + — fj~ } t _j_ 2 (^~0 f t + 3(D—t) } to jj terms, and the volumes of the H H same are the terms of the following series, each top diameter being successively substituted in I : at 2 +bt+c; at' +j± (D - t) + jp(D - ty + bt + | (D - t) + c; at' + *£(D-t)+ J (D -ty + U + 2 ^(D-t)+ c; at 2 + to* {D _ t) + g {D _ t y + bt + g {D _ t) + c; at 2 + 8J {D _ t) + go (Z) _ , + w + « (jD _ + c . . . . . to H terms. V = the sum of this series to H terms. This may be obtained by the differential method in which a new series of first differences is derived by subtracting each term from that which follows it, and this process is repeated, successively obtaining a series of second differences, third differences, etc., until all terms become zero and the series vanishes. -Sec A. L. Daniels, Measurement of Sawlogs, Vermont Exp. Sta., Bulletin L02, L903. 1921] Bruce: Alinement Chart Method of Preparing Tree Volume Tables 235 m, ,, , . 11 (n — 1) , . (n — 1) (n — 2) , , Ine sum then equals na -\ ^r d x -\-n ~ - a\ + LA LA .... where n = number of terms, a = the first term of the original series, d 1 = the first term of series of first differences, d 2 = the first term of series of second differences, etc. Series of first differences is : ^ . (D - t) + jp (D - ty +A (Z) - 0; 2 f(D-t)+^(D-ty+±(D-t); |-< (D - t) +g(Z> - ty +jj (D - t); ~ (D - I) + J (Z) - ty + ~ (D - t); etc. Series of second differences is : 2a (D - t)\ 2a (D - t)\ 2a (D - t) 2 H 2 ; H 2 ; H 2 Series of the third differences is : o; o; o; etc. And V = sum of this series = H (at 2 + bt + c) + — — t> ^(D - t) +%(D - ty- + ± ( d - t) }+ H ( H ~ ^ H -V \%(D-ty. ; etc. Expanding and rearranging in terms of D, this becomes : . f (2afi + Zbt + &c)H . { Zaf- + 3bt) at 2 . + 6 + 6~~ " + 6/7 ' \ 236 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 4 Rearranging in terms of H, this may also be written : V=^{ 2aD 2 + (2at + 35) D + 2a/ 2 + Sbt + 6c } — Y 2 j aD 2 + ID — t(at+b) \ H (D 2 — 2tD + t 2 ) (III) j 6# Let us now apply this general formula to a specific case, for example, that of trees scaled by the Scribner log rule to a six-inch top cutting limit. A close approximation formula for this log rule (for 16-foot lengths) is: V = .765d 2 — .55d — 21. We therefore may assume a =.765 b=— .55 c = — 21 Substituting these values in III, we have : V = H (.255Z> 2 + 1.2550 — 13.47) — (.3825D 2 — .275/) — 1 12.12) + — (.1275Z) 2 — 1.532) + 4.59) . (IV) H Typical equations for the height class curves of a volume table in graphic form can now be found by substituting in IV given values of H; for example : For H = 2, F = .19125Z) 2 + 2.02Z) — 12.52 (V) H=6, V = 1.16875/) 2 -}-7.55/) — 67.93 (VI) H = 10, V= 2.18025/) 2 + 12.672/) — 122.121 (VII) Similarly, typical diameter class curves are : 9 04 For D = 10, V = 24.58/7 - 23.38 + n^ (VIII) ti D = 20, V = 113.63// - 135.4 + ^° (IX) 73 4-4- D = 30, V = 253.68// - 323.88 + -^P (X) 94 fi S4 /) = 50, 7 = 686.78// - 930.38 + =^£^ (XI) ti 1921] Bruce: Alinement Chart Method of Preparing Tree Volume Tables 237 It will readibly be seen that V, VI, and VII are equations of parabolas, while VIII and IX and X and XI are hyperbolas. These deductions agree so well with the actual results obtained in volume tables con- structed by the conventional method on a similar basis that it seems probable that the general form of the equation should apply at least approximately to actual trees as well as to the cone frusta on which it is based. Furthermore, it has been tentatively established, and with- out any conflicting evidence coming to light, that, in the case at least where a fixed top cutting limit is used, frustum form factors are func- tions of diameter and not of height. If this is true, such equations as VIII can be corrected to apply accurately to any given species by multiplying into them the proper form factors, which would merely change the values of the constants without affecting the form. Finally, the ease with which the alinement chart devised to apply to cone frusta works out for actual trees is the best proof of the adequacy of the equation. Next, it is necessary to determine this alinement form. Unfortu- nately a difficulty at once presents itself. The equation appears to be one of those rare instances which cannot be thus expressed. 4 It has been found by experiment, however, that if two parallel axes be as- signed to V and H, the former graduated uniformly upward and the latter uniformly downward, all lines expressing a single value of D (taken from a table of values of volumes of cone frusta in board feet or calculated by the above formulae) will intersect nearly (but not quite) in a common point, and that these common points for a series of values of D lie almost (but not quite) in a straight line, which if produced will pass through the zero point on the V axis. Figure 1 illustrates this fact, although a larger scale is needed to bring out the failure of the lines to intersect perfectly. The reason for this becomes evident upon analysis. Let the lower left-hand corner of figure 1 serve also as the origin of a system of rectangular coordinates with one unit equaling ten of the small squares. Also let b equal the width of the paper. Then any straight line used in solving values by the alinement chart can be expressed 4 Only those equations can be expressed by an alinement chart that can be put in the determinant form A Or h f 2 g 2 Ju = U 9z \ where fi, gi, and h- t are functions of x, (i = 1, 2, 3). 238 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 4 f v) as connecting the points (0, 22 — 2H) and-< b, —^ for by the equation 100 I V 1 X Y= \~q - 22 + 2H y + 22 - 2#. r (XI) 10 .fcf 'S3 Figure 1 Alinement Form giving approximately correct results for volumes of cone frusta in feet b.m. O c3 > Now from equation IV, V = AII -\- B -\ (where A, B, C are func- II lions of D) and the equations of two such lines corresponding to any values oi* //, such as //, and II 2 , and having a common value of D, will then be (from equation XI) : 1921] Bruce: Alinement Chart Method of Preparing Tree Volume Tables 239 Y = AH 1 + B + J7 and 100 AH 2 + B + (I 100 - 22 + 2H 2 X - 22 + 2#! I 6 + 22 - 2#i X + 22 - 2# 2 The point of intersection of these two lines can now be found by solving these two equations simultaneously, and when this is done the following values of X and Y are obtained : X 2006 A - C Hi Hi + 200 C - =^=. !> + 25 + ^ + ^ ill £li tli tl