B UC SOUTHE III RN REGIONAL li 3 1 LIBRARY ill 7 2 FACILITY 11 4 <:); ■^ 'o. t^^ ANGi^^^^ C -^^-j^ 1 CHARLES FARIOW, Fishing-Rod, Hook, Fly, Net, and Tackle Manufacturer, 191, STRAND, OPPOSITE TO SAINT CLEMENT'S DANES, NEAR TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. Time brings changes of all sorts— good, bad, and indifferent. Happily, those it has wrought in fishing-tackle are various and important. The trade in it has greatly increased during the last twenty years, and the improvements in its manufacture have more than kept pace with augmented sale. My stock, in the large variety designated by the words " fishing- tackle," has for its accommodation and display ample and well-lit premises, that the purchaser may be able to examine tlie workmanship of each article, and that he may not be hampered by confined space from testing the balance of rods. I have, and I most thankfully and gratefully acknowledge it, hitherto enjoved most liberal ' 2067G31 2 patronage at the hands of the nobility, gentry, and public at large. Whilst I express my thankfulness and gratitude for past favours, I promise, in order to insure a continuance of them, watchful and increased exertion to insure the perfected production of all articles I manu- facture and sell. In no branch of the art of angling have so many improvements taken place as in the very highest branch of it, viz., artificial fly-fishing, particularly for trout and salmon. I have closely studied these improvements, and carried the best of them into eftect. I have consulted the best modern writers, and advised with the most celebrated living fly-fishers, and the result is that I have now an extensive collection of fly-rods, for trout and salmon, made of the very best woods, and most accurately fitted and balanced according to the most approved of models; with an inexhaustible variety of artificial flies for salmon and trout, &c., dressed by experienced and practical fly-fishers, em- bracing general and local patterns, and, above all, those recommended for trout and grayling in Konalds's "Fly-fisher's Entomology," and in Ephemera's " Handbook of Angling ;" and those for salmon, grilse, and sea-trout, for every river in the Empire, depicted by the pencil and described by the pen in " The Book of the Salmon," that " Bridgewater " angling treatise written by our friendly piscatorial sapper and miner, Ephemera, of Belrs Life. In presenting the following Catalogue to the Brotherhood of Anglers, I wish it to be well understood that its prices are for articles of the best description, as all my rods and tackle are manufactured on the premises, under my own superintendence, to suit the various purposes required, and finished as they ought to be; and that they difler materially from the slop- rubbish vended by persons professing to be makers, and sold to disappoint, disgust, and take in unwary purchasers, instead of taking out wary fish. I flatter myself that the quality of my stock will speak for itself ; and, whilst doing so, take the opportunity of respectfully inviting my brother anglers to inspect it, convinced that in price it is most economical, in make faultless, in execution and durable power for capturing all sorts of river and lake fish, unsurpassed. Merchants, Country Dealers, and the trade supplied on the most reasonable terms for cash. — N.B. A choice selection of tackle, specially suited for England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the whole European Continent, America, Nor- way, Sweden, and the East Indies. Tackle Cases, completely fitted for any part of the world, from £o to £100. . Silkworin Gut, Bamboo Canes, etc. BOUGHT, IF GOOD, IN AlTiT QUANTIir. RODS. WINCHES, ETC., MADE TO ORDER. ALL ORDERS from the COUNTRV must be accompanied with a RE- naiTTANCz: or referencx: in TOWN. Post Office Orders to be made payable to Charles Farlow, at the Strand Office. Stamps received for small amounts. BANKERS. MESSRS. TWINING. Foreign and Export Orders executed with accuracy and despatch. RODS AND TACKLE REPAIRED. TROUT, GRAYLING, CHUB, AND SALMON FLIES DRESSED TO ANY PATTERN, iaRMI>Y AND PRECISELY, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. CHARLES FARLOWS OATALOeUE OF FRIGES. Bottom Rods. Two joint hazel, tin ferrules ... Three ditto Two ditto, whalebone tops Three ditto Two ditto, brass ferrules Three ditto Four ditto Five ditto Three ditto, hazel, superior butts Four ditto Five ditto Three ditto, for trolling, ringed Four ditto Hickory Rods. Three joint Four ditto Three ditto, ringed Four ditto Three ditto, braized Four ditto Five ditto Three ditto, winch fittings and bag Four ditto Five ditto Four ditto, Thames or Barbel Rods, 2 tops, braized, winch fittings and bag Five ditto s. d. 6 9 9 1 1 1 6 2 2 6 3 4. 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 9 10 12 6 12 6 13 6 15 6 15 20 6 CHARLES FARLOW'S, I9l, STRAND, Bamboo Rods. Three joint, with brass ferrules Four ditto Fire ditto Six ditto Three ditto, spliced bamboo Four ditto Five ditto Six ditto Three ditto, ringed Four ditto Five ditto Six ditto Three ditto, braized and ringed Four ditto Five ditto Six ditto Four do, best bamboo, braized & ringed, spliced top, and winch fittings,bag,&c. Five ditto Six ditto Trolling and Bottom Rods. Four joint hickory, two tops ... Four ditto, best plain ringed ... Five ditto Four ditto, braized Five ditto Four ditto, winch fittings Four dojwinch fittings, socket spear& bag 21 Four ditto ditto, upright rings Bamboo, Trolling, and other Mods in every variety. s. d. 2 3 4 6 6 6 3 6 5 6 6 8 4 6 6 7 6 9 5 6 7 8 6 10 10 12 14 8 10 12 12 14 17 21 25 CATALOGUE OF PRICES. Trolling Rods. Three joint hickory, ringed 7 Four ditto 10 Five ditto 12 6 Three ditto, braized 9 6 Four ditto 12 C Five ditto 14 Four ditto, ■winch fittings 16 Five ditto 18 6 Four ditto, superior ... ... 20 Five ditto 22 G 15 20 25 30 35 East India Cane Spinning and Trolling Rods. Three joint, winch fittings, braized and ringed Four ditto Four ditto, two tops Four ditto, stand-up rings Four ditto, superior Also a large assortment of superior Trolling Rods in every variety. Bamboo Pocket Rods. Six joint, best make, double braized Seven ditto Eight ditto Nine ditto Ten ditto 20 to 28 24 to 30 26 to 32 28 to 35 30 to 40 8 CHARLES FARI.OW'S, 191, STRAND, Fly Rods. (J Three join hickory .. 7 6 Four ditto .. 8 6 Three dittc ), ringed .. 9 Four ditto .. 10 Three ditto, braized .. 10 6 Four ditto .. 12 Five ditto .. 15 Four ditto, winch fittings and bag .. 15 Three joint best hickory, with two tops ringed. )raized, socket spear, winch fittings, and partition bag ... .. 20 Four ditto 12 feet .. 21 Four ditto 13 feet .. 25 Four ditto 14 feet .. 28 Four ditto 15 feet .. 30 Five ditto 12 feet .. 25 Six ditto .. 28 Seven ditto .. 30 Eight ditto .. 34 Nine ditto, for pocket ., 36 Ten ditto .. 40 Walking-stick fly rods from 20 to 42 Superior fancy Fly Rods of every description. East India Cane, Bamboo, HicJcoi^j, Spin- ning, 3Iay-f1y, Splice, White Cane, and Punt Rods of every description. Rods made to order, and manufactured on the premises tmth dispatch. s. d. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 63 70 80 OAT ALOGUE OF PRICES. 9 Salmon Rods. Four joint hickory, ringed, braized, wincli fittings, socket spear, and bag, 16 feet Ditto, 17 feet Ditto, 18 feet ..'. _ ... Four joint hickory, ditto, 2 tops, ringed, braized, wincli littin;^s, socket spear, and partition bag, 16 feet Ditto 17 feet Ditto 18 feet Four ditto, best, 3 tops, 16 feet Ditto 17 feet Ditto 18 feet Ditto 19 feet Five ditto 20 feet Spliced and East India Cane, and a great variety of highly finished Salmon Rods. The above rods are icarranted. Gentlemen supplied with the necessary Tackle for India, Norway or Canada, at a moment's notice, of superior manufacture and at moderate prices. Walking-Stick Rods. Three-joint bamboo, hazel top ... 2 6 Four ditto 4 Three ditto, screw ferrules 3 6 Four ditto 5 6 Three ditto, best spliced tops ... 5 Four ditto 7 Three ditto, ringed ... 7 Four ditto 10 Three ditto, ash butt ... 10 to 15 Four ditto ... 14 to 21 Five ditto ... 21 to 30 Superior fancy ditto, up to £2 2s. a* 10 CHARLES FARLOW'S, 191, STRAND, General Rods. Four joint best hickory general rods, s. d. with 2 tops, winch fittings, socket spear, and partition bag Four ditto, 3 tops ... " Four ditto, 4 tops Four ditto, 5 tops Five ditto, 4 tops Five ditto, 5 tops Six ditto, 5 tops Superior finished general rods up to £3 10s. Winches. 1^ inch diameter. Town-made plain ... 11 do. PLAIN 2 MULTIPLIERS ll ditto 2 6 ditto 2 ditto 3 ditto n ditto 3 6 ditto n ditto 4 ditto 2f ditto 5 ditto 3 ditto 6 ditto 3i ditto 7 ditto 3* ditto 8 ditto 20 25 28 30 30 35 40 Os. 1 6 4 5 6 G 8 10 11 6 13 6 16 20 The check winches are fid. less than the multi- pliers. The multiplying nnd check *2s. extra. N.B Superior winches, witli spring reverse and improved plate handles, and all the latest improve- ments. j^ggjg^ For one line in boxwood, 4d. ; ditto two lines, 6d. ; ditto three lino.'^, OJ.; ditto four lines, Is.; ditto five lines. Is. 3d. ; ditto six lines, Is. 6d. Keels for two lines, with box in centre, to contain shot, caps, plummet, &c., Is. 6d. ; ditto for four lines, 2s. ; ditto for six ditto, 2s. Gd. An assortment fitted with Lines from Is. to 30s. s. d. 2 4 10 40 5 CATALOGUE OF PRICES. 11 Artificial Flies. The best Trout flies, on Limerick hooks, or to pattern per doz. Ditto Chub or May-flies ... 3s. to Ditto Sea Trout or Lake ... 3s. to Ditto Salmon 5s. to Ditto Pike each Is. to A large and superior assortment of Salmon, Grilse, and Mahseer flies, suitable for India, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and the European and American Continents, made by a practical salmon-fisher. Flies dressed to any pattern. Materials for Fly dressing, pig's down, seal's and other furs, mohair, silk, feathers, tinsel, &c. Trout and Salmon Fly Lines. Twenty yards patent taper best s. d. s, d. silk and hair Trout fly lines, warranted 1 6 to 3 Thirty ditto 2 6 to 5 Forty 3 6 to 6 6 Fifty 4 to 8 Fifty ditto, for Salmon 8 to 12 6 Sixty ditto 10 to 15 Seventy ditto 12 to 18 Eighty ditto 14 to 20 One hundred ditto 16 to 25 Plaited Silk and Hair, cable laid, plaited taper silk waterproofed, Welsh taper, and a variety of other lines, of superior manufacture. 12 CHARLES FARLOW'S, 191, STRAND, Fly Tackle and Trolling Cases. J s. d."-- '^s.-a: Fly cases A. 9 to 20 Bottom ditto 1 to 10 Universal ditto 5 to 20 Trolling 2 to 10 6 Spinning 4 6 to 20 Dubbing 5 to 20 Also a large assortment in Morocco and Russia leather. Lines for Trolling. Twenty yards 6-tliread water cord ... 4 Thirty ditto 6 Forty ditto 8 Twenty yards of Derby silk line ... 1 Thirty ditto 1 6 Twenty ditto best ditto 1 6 Thirty ditto 2 Forty ditto 3 Twenty ditto, patent 8-plait silk ... 3 4 Thirty ditto 5 Forty ditto .., ... 6 G Fifty ditto 8 Sixty ditto 9 6 The prepared 8-plait waterproof trolling line at one penny per yard extra. Paniers. First size, each, 3s. Gd. ; second ditto, 4s.; third ditto, 5s. ; fourth ditto, 6s. ; fifth ditto, 7s. Gd, ; sixth ditto, 9s.; seventh ditto, lOs. Gd.; outsize, 14s. Brass mounted, 7s. extra. CATALOGUE OF PRICES. 13 Artificial Gudgeon and Minnows. Archimedian, Pectoral, Colonel s. d. s. d. Hawkers 2 6 and 3 Ditto Gudgeon 4 and 5 Phantom Minnows 2 6 and 3 6 Ditto Gudgeon 4 and 6 India-rubber and Gutta-percha Gudgeon 3 and 5 Spoon Baits 1 to 2 6 Ditto Gudgeon size 3 to 6 Glass Minnows 2 6 to 3 6 Ditto Gudgeon 4 to 7 6 Brass Minnows 2 to 3 6 Ditto Gudgeon 3 6 to 6 Gilt ditto 3 to 5 Gudgeon Pearl ditto _ ., 6 to 10 2 6 to 5 Artificial Mice ... 2 6 Ditto Frogs Flexible Fly Minnows ... ... 1 ... each 6 Artificial Worms and Gentles ... 3 Ditto BeetIes,Wasps, Bees, Grasshoppers, and Cockchafers, &c., per dozen 4 to GO Upioards of fifty different sorts of Minnows on hand. SILKWORM GUT— Per Hank, 4d., 6d., and 9d. Ditto, good, Is., Is. 6d., and 2s. Superior, 2s. 6d,, 3s., 4s., and 5s. Salmon ditto, irom Ss. to 15s. Picked links of extra fine strong Salmon and Trout gut in dozens. BAITS. — Live Minnows, per doz., 6d. ; Live Gud- geon, Is.; Prepared Salmon Roe, per pot, Is., 2s., and 3s. 14 CHARLES FARLOW'S, 191, STRAND, Hooks. S. d. Best gut hooks, per doz. 6d., 9d., and 1 Super ditto, extra fine or stout 1 6 Ditto, single hair, Id. each, or per doz... 9 Eel hooks to wire 9 Ditto double, small size 1 Ditto, large size 2 Best gimp hooks 2 Ditto double 3 Kirby hooks, per hundred 1 Superfine Trout hooks, per hundred ... 1 6 Ditto Salmon 3s. to 6 Ditto Limerick bend, 2s.; Salmon, 4s. to 10 Ditto Eel hooks 10 Gorge hooks with gimp per doz. 4s. to 6 Double braized hooks ditto ... 1 6 Treble ditto ditto 2s., 2s. 6d.j and 3 Carlisle, sneck, Lip, Kendal, fine wire ... 2 Whiting, Mackerel, Cod, and large sea hooks. Shark hooks, with chain and swivel. Sole agent in London for Phillip's Dublin Hooks. Landing Handles. Hazel Landing Handles, each Bamboo ditto 1 G Superior ditto, 4ft. long 2s. to 2 G Two joint bamboo, telescope handle with brass screw ferrules 4s. 6d. to 7 G Three joint ditto Gs. 6d. to 10 Two joint ditto, with caps 4 Three joint ditto G CATALOGUE OF PRICES. 15 Gut and Sundry Lines. s. d. Gut lines, per yard 2d., 3d., and 4 Extra stout or fine 4 Salmon ditto ... 6d., 9d., and 1 Twisted Salmon gut 8 Three yards single hair lines 3d. or 6 Ditto with twisted top 6 Seven yards best and finest China twist 4 Hank o"f ditto Is. 1 6 Twisted h&ir line, with float, hook, and winder Id. to 4 China twist lines, ditto 6 Best silk lines, ditto ... 9d. or 1 Gut ditto, mounted from 1 Eel lines, with 20 yards of water cord, 10 hooks, bullet, and winder ... G Ditto 40 yards, with 20 hooks ... 1 Ditto on "bank runner ... Is. 6d. to 2 G Floats, Best bound quill floats Id., 2d., 3d. and 4 Thames floats, various 6d., 9d., and 1 Reed ditto 3d., 4d., and G Large ditto 9d. to 2 Best small cork floats 2 Ditto Perch ' 3 Largo ditto 4d. and G Ditto Jack ditto 9d. and 2 Thames porcupine cork from Gd. to 2 G Patent taper quill floats for roach fishing Gd. to 5 16 CHARLES FARLOW'S, 191, STRAND, Casting and other Nets. s. d. Bait kettle, or gold-fisli nets Q Landing Nets 6 Ditto larger 9d. and 1 Ditto small mesh ... 1 6 to 3 6 Salmon landing nets ... 1 6 to 5 Live bait or drum nets, 1 9, 2 6, 3 G, & 5 Minnow wonders, 18-inch 3 6 Ditto 20-inch 5 6 Ditto 22-inch 7 6 Eight-yard gudgeon cast net 18 Ten yards ditto 24 Twelve ditto 28 Fourteen ditto 32 Sixteen ditto 36 Six-yard minnow 24 Eight ditto _ 30 Other nets equally moderate. Netting for preserving fruit trees, 3d. per yard, two yards wide ; or Id. per square yard ; or 6d. per yard, four yards wide. Silk Casting nets, and waterproof nets, in variety. Landing Rings. Iron landing rings, each 9d. and 1 Ten-inch folding ditto 2 Twelve-inch ditto 2 G Fourtcen-inch ditto 3 6 Sixteen-inch ditto 4 G Gimp, Common, per yard 2d. I Best 3d. Stout 4d. Stoutest Cd. CATALOGUE OF PRICES. 17 Sundries connected with Fishing. s. d. Panier Straps from Is. 2 6 Best Swivels, 3d. each ... per doz. 2 6 Farlow's patent ditto, 4d. each, per doz. 3 X Clearing rings 2 *>■ Brass jointed ditto, mounted 2s. to 4 Twisting engines from 5 Ledger lines Is. to 1 6 Bank runners ... 6d., 9d., and 1 Ditto furnished with 20 yards of water cord, double hook, bullet & swivel, Is. to 2 6 Baiting needles 2 y^ Dis^orgers 2 ^ Rod bags from 6d. to 2 Ditto, with partitions 2 6 Shot pliers 1 6 Ditto cutters 1 6 Five pronged eel spears 2 6 Seven ditto 3 6 Nine ditto 4 6 Gimp traces with two box swivels, 9d. to 1 Gut ditto 9d. to 1 Dittto for the Thames ... 2s. to 4 Trout spinning tackle ... 9d. to 1 Jack or Pike ditto ... 9d. to 1 Paternosters 1 6 /Best bound fiat caps, 2d. per doz., gross 1 6 y\ Eod rings 2d. per doz, per gross 1 6 Tin bait boxes Id. to 1 G Japanned ditto 4d. to 2 Ditto spinning tackle boxes 2s. to 4 Bait kettles Is. 6d. to 10 G 18 CHARLES FARLOW'S CATALOGUE. Landing and Gaflf Hooks. s. d. Trout landing liooks each 1 6 Trout landing hooks and folding knife... 2 Ditto folding hook and knife 3 6 Salmon gatfs 2s. to 6 Steelyards for 3 to 40 lbs., 4s. to 15s. A VARIETY OF WORKS ON ANGLING. Amongst others, Ephemera's "Handbook of Angling," hi^ " Book of the Salmon," and his illustrated edition of Walton ; Ronalds's " Fly- Fishers Entomology ;" Holland's " British Angler's Manual ;" Wheatley's " Rod and the Line," &c. C. Farlow can procure for his customers every work extant upon angling. Worm and ground-bait bags, plummets, split shot, fishing baskets and bags, stools, spliced tops, pierced bullets, barrel and ledger leads, minnow caps, perch leads, sandwich boxes, liquor flasks. — Charles Farlow, sole agent in London for Brown's Pliantom Minnow, and for Allies' patent Archimedian Minnow. The above baits are strongly recommended to anglers on account of their transparency, the evenness with which they revolve, and the extraordinary life- like ai)pearance when used lor trolling baits for salmon, trout, and other fish of prey ; 2s. 6d. and 3s., forwarded by post on receipt of a Post- office order. Extra large size, mounted, 6s. and Gs. THE SALMON. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE YOUNG ANGLER. DESCRIPTION OF TACKLE. The ROD I should recommend for Fly-fishing for Trout and Grayling is a 4-joint one ; butt ash, middle pieces hickory, with a spliced bam- boo top ; the whole twelve feet long, gradually tapering from butt to top, with winch fittings, rings not too small, of practical balance, and so not top-heavy. For Trolling or Spinning, use a bamboo or hickory rod, from 12 to 16 feet long, with upright rings, made strong and light, so as to cast the bait a long distance with ease. For Bottom-fishing from the bank, a long hickory or bamboo rod, with various tops to suit all purposes. 20 For Punt-fishing use one about 10 feet long ^ that will strike well at the point. The WINCH I should advise would be a Multiplying Check, or plain multiplier for Fly- fishing, for Trout and Grayling; to hold about 30 yards of line. For Trolling, a Plain Check constructed to hold about GO yards of line. For Salmon, the same, to hold 100 yards. Let your winch be full large in proportion to the line, or it will not wind up pleasantly. The Salmon rod should vary from 16 feet to 19 in length. Its butt should be of the lightest best-grained and well-seasoned ash, its middle pieces of strong elastic hickory, and its top of lancewood, terminating with bamboo-cane. Its rings should be large and strong. A Salmon rod" of three joints, the top spliced, suits per- sons living near Salmon rivers. The RUNNING LINE for Fly-fishing should be made of good silk and horsehair plaited together ; at the end of which have a loop about half an inch long to fasten your gut casting-line to (which should be about three yards long, taper, and strong in proportion to the size of the fish you expect to catch) ; at each end of the gut line you must have a loop, one to slip your running line througli, and another at the fine end of the gut for attaching the fly link. This operation is not easily ex- plained by writing, but C. Farlow will be glad to show his customers how it is to be done. 21 The Trolling Line should be made of plaited silk, waterproofed, which, if well done, will render it more durable than any other. FLOATS are made in different ways. A porcupine's quill will answer very well for still water, or where there is but little stream. A cork float is preferable for Perch or Barbel fishing, and for the Thames generally. For Koach, Dace, S ^ JC southern regional LiBRARf FAClLiT B 000 003 172 4 t %^ V,l