^U ^torp of tU ij^attons. CHALDEA THE STORY OF THE NATIONS. Large Crown Svo., Cloth, Illustrated, ^s. Presentation Editiofi, Gilt Edges, ^s. 6d. 1. ROME. Arthur Oilman, M.A. 2. THE JEWS. Prof. J. K. HosMER. 3. GERMANY. Rev. S. Baring-Goulu. 4. CARTHAGE. Prof. A.J. Church. 5. ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE. Prof. J. P. Mahaffy. 6. THE MOORS IN SPAIN. Stanley Lane-Poole. 7. ANCIENT EGYPT. Prof. George Rawlinson. 8. HUNGARY. Prof. A. Vambery. 9. THE SARACENS. A. Oilman, M.A. 10. IRELAND. Hon. Emily Lawless. 11. CHALDEA. Z. A. Ragozin. 12. THE GOTHS. Henry Bradley 13. ASSYRIA. Z. A. Ragozin. 14. TURKEY. Stanley Lane-Poole. 15. HOLLAND. Prof. J. E. T. Rogers. 16. MEDIEVAL FRANCE. Oustave Masson. 17. PERSIA. S. G. W. Benjamin. 18. PHOENICIA. Prof. Geo. Rawlinson. 19. MEDIA. Z. A. Ragozin. 20. THE HANSA TOWNS. Helen ZiMMERN. 21. EARLY BRITAIN. Prof Alfred J. Church. 22. THE BARBARY CORSAIRS. Stanley Lane-Poole. 23. RUSSIA. W. R. Morfill. 24. THE JEWS UNDER ROMAN RULE. W. D. Morrison. 25. SCOTLAND. J. Mackintosh, ll.d. 26. SWITZERLAND. Mrs. Lina Hug and Richard Stead. London : T. FISHER TTNWIN, Paternoster Square, E.G. SHAMASH THE SUN -GOD. (From the Sun Temple at Sippar.") CHALDEA FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE RISE OF ASSYRIA (treated as a general introduction to the study of ANCIENT history) BY ZENAIDE A. RAGOZIN MEMBER OF THE '" SOClfixfi ETHNOI.OGIQUE " OF PARIS; OF THE "AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY " ; CORKESPONDING MEMBER OF THE " ATH^N^K oriental' of Paris; author of "ASbYRiA," "media," etc. " He (Carlyle) says it is part of his creed that history is poetiy, could we tell it right." — Emerson. "Da mihi, Domine, scire quod sciendum est." -" Imitation of Christ." ("Grant that the knowledge I get may be the knowledge worth having." — Mattlww Arnold's translationj THIRD EDITION Xon£)on T. FISHER UN WIN paternoster square new york : g. p. putnam's sons MDCCCXCI Entered at Stationers' Hall By T. FISHER UNWIN. Copyright by G. V. Putnam's Sons, 1886 (For the United States of America). LIBRARY IMVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BAilBAI.A TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CLASS, IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF MANY HAPPY HOURS, THIS VOLUME AND THE FOLLOWING ONES ARE AFFEC- TIONATELY INSCRIBED BY THEIR FRIEND, The Author. Idlewild Plantation, San Antonio. T. FISHER UNWIN, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, LONDON. E.C CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. I. PACK Mesopotamia. — The Mounds. — The First Searchers 1-18 § r. Complete destruction of Nineveh. — §§ 2-4. Xenophon and the " Retreat of the Ten Thousand." The Greeks pass the ruins of Calah and Nineveh, and know them not. — § 5. Alexander's passage through Mesopotamia. — § 6. The Arab invasion and rule. — § 7. Turkish rule and mismanage- ment. — § 8. Peculiar natural conditions of Mesopotamia. — § 9. Actual desolate state of the country. — § 10. The plains studded with Mounds. Their curious aspect. — § 11. Frag- ments of works of art amidst the rubbish. — § 12. Indiffer- ence and superstition of the Turks and Arabs. — § 13. Exclu- sive absorption of European scholars in Classical Antiquity. — § 14. Forbidding aspect of the Mounds, compared with other ruins. — § 15. Rich, the first explorer. — § 16. Botta's work and want of success. — § 17. Botta's great discovery. — § 18. Great sensation created by it. — § 19. Layard's first expedition. II. La YARD AND HIS WORK 1 9-35 § I. Layard's arrival at Nimrud. His excitement and dreams. — § 2. Beginning of difficulties. The Ogre-like Pasha of Mossul. — § 3. Opposition from the Pasha. His malice and cunning. — § 4. Discovery of the gigantic head. V yj CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. 1 AC.F Fright of the Arabs, who declare it to be Nimrod. — § 5. Strange ideas of the Arabs about the sculptures. — § 6. Lay- ard's life in the desert. — § 7. Terrible heat of summer. — § 8. Sand-storms and hot hurricanes. — § 9. Layard's wretched dwelling. — § 10. Unsuccessful attempts at improvement. — § II. In what the task of the explorer consists. — § 12. Dif- ferent modes of carrying on the work of excavation. III. The Ruins 36-9C § I. Every country's culture and art determined by its geo- graphical conditions. — § 2. Chaldea's absolute deficiency in wood and stone. — § 3. Great abundance of mud fit for the fabrication of bricks ; hence the peculiar architecture of • Mesopotamia. Ancient ruins still used as quarries of bricks for building. Trade of ancient bricks at Hillah. — § 4. Vari- ous cements used. — § 5. Construction of artificial platforms. — § 6. Ruins of Ziggurats : peculiar shape and uses of this sort of buildings. — § 7. Figures showing the immense amount of labor used on these constructions. — § 8. Chaldean archi- tecture adopted unchanged by the Assyrians. — § 9. Stone used for ornament and casing of walls. Water transport in old and modern times. — § 10. Imposing aspect of the palaces. — § II. Restoration of Sennacherib's palace by Fergusson. — § 12. Pavements of palace halls. — § 13. Gateways and sculptured slabs along the walls. Friezes in painted tiles. — § 14. Proportions of palace halls and roofuig. — § 15. Lighting of halls. — § 16. Causes of the kings' passion for building. — § 17. Drainage of palaces and platforms. — § 18. Modes of destruction. — § 19. The Mounds a protection to the ruins they contain. Refilling the excavations. — § 20. Absence of ancient tombs in Assyria. — § 21. Abundance and vastness of cemeteries in Chaldea.— § 22. Warka (Erech) the great Necropolis. Loftus' description. — § 23. " Jar-cof- fins." — §24. " Dish-cover " coffins. — §25. Sepulchral vaults. — § 26. "Slipper-shaped" coffins. — § 27. Drainage of sepul- chral mounds. — § 28. Decoration of walls in painted clay cones. — § 29. De Sarzec's discoveries at Tell-Loh. CLASSIFIED COXTEUTS. IV. The Book of the Past. — The Library of Nineveh ...... 92-115 § I. Object of making books. — § 2. Books not always of paper. — § 3. Universal craving for an immortal name. — § 4. Insufficiency of records on various writing materials. Uni- versal longing for knowledge of the remotest past. — § 5. Monumental records. — § 6. Ruins of palaces and temples, tombs and caves — the Book of the Past. — §§ 7-8. Discov- ery by Layard of the Royal Library at Nineveh. — § 9. George Smith's work at the British Museum. — § 10. His expeditions to Nineveh, his success and death. — § 11. Value of the Li- brary. — §§ 12-13. Contents of the Library. — § 14. The Tablets. — § 15. The cylinders and foundation-tablets. CHALDEA. I. Nomads and Settlers. — The Four Stages of Culture u 6-1 26 § I. Nomads. — § 2. First migrations. — § 3. Pastoral life — the second stage. — § 4. Agricultural life ; beginnings of the State. — §5. City-building; royalty. — §6. Successive migra- tions and their causes. — § 7. Formation of nations. II. The Great Races. — Chapter X. of Genesis 127-142 §1. Shinar. — § 2. Berosus. — § 3. Who were the settlers in Shinar ? — § 4. The Flood probably not universal. — §§ 5-6. The blessed race and the accursed, according to Genesis. — § 7. Genealogical form of Chap. X. of Genesis. — § 8. Epo- nyms. — § 9. Omission of some white races from Chap. X. — §10. Omission of the Black Race. — § 11. Omission of the Yellow Race. Characteristics of the Turanians. — § 12. Viii CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. PAGE The Chinese. — § 13. Who were the Turanians? What be- came of the Cainites ? — § 14. Possible identity of both. — § 15. The settlers in Shinar — Turanians. III. Turanian Chaldea. — Shumir and Accad. — The Beginnings of Religion , 146-18 1 § r. Shumir and Accad. — § 2. Language and name. — § 3. Turanian migrations and traditions. — § 4. Collection of sacred texts. — § 5. " Religiosity " — a distinctively human characteristic. Its first promptings and manifestations. — § 6. The Magic Collection and the work of Fr. Lenormant. — § 7. The Shumiro-Accads' theory of the world, and their elementary spirits. — § 8. The incantation of the Seven Mas- kim.— §9. The evil spirits.— § 10. The Arali.— § 11. The sorcerers. — § 12. Conjuring and conjurers. — §13. The benef- icent Spirits. Ea. — §14. Meridug. — §15. A charm against an evil spell. — § 16. Diseases considered as evil demons. — § 17. Talismans. The Keriihim. — § 18. More talismans. — § 19. The demon of the South-West Wind. — § 20. The first gods. — §21. t^(/, the Sun. — §22. Nin ^(7;-, the nightly Sun. — § 23. Gibil, Fire. — § 24. Dawn of moral consciousness. — § 25. Man's Conscience divinized. — §§ 26-28. Penitential Psalms. — § 29, General character of Turanian religions. Appendix to Chapter III 181-185 Professor L. Dyer's poetical version of the Incantation against the Seven Maskim. IV. CU.SHITES AND SEMITES. EaRLY ChALDEAN History , . . . . 184-228 § I. Cannes. — § 2. Were the second settlers Cushites or Semites ? — § 3. Cushite hypothesis. Earliest migrations. — § 4. The Ethiopians and the Egyptians. — § 5. The Canaan- ites. — § 6. Possible Cushite station on the islets of the Per- sian Gulf. — § 7. Colonization of Chaldea possibly by Cush- ites. — § 8. Vagueness of very ancient chronology. — § 9. Early dates. — § 10. Exorbitant figures of Berosus. — § 11. Early CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. {^ I AGE Chaldea — a nursery of nations. — § 12. Nomadic Semitic tribes. — § 13. The tribe of Arpha.xad. — § 14. Ur of the Chal- dees. — § 15. Scholars divided between the Cushite and Se- mitic theories. — § 16. History commences with Semitic cul- ture. — § 17. Priestly rule. Th.&patesis. — §§ 1S-19. Sharrukin I. (Sargon I.) of Agade. — §§ 20-21. The second Sargon's literary labors. — §§ 22-23. Chaldean folk-lore, maxims and songs. — § 24. Discovery of the elder Sargon's date — 3800 B.C. — § 25. Gudea of Sirgulla and Ur-ea of Ur. — § 26. Pre- dominance of Shumir. Ur-ea and his son Dungi first kings of * ' Shumir and Accad. " — § 27. Their inscriptions and build- ings. The Elamite invasion. — §28. Elam. — ^§29-31. Khu- dur-Lagamar and Abraham. — § 32. Hardness of the Elamite rule. — § 33. Rise of Babylon. — § 34. Hammurabi. — § 35. Invasion of the Kasshi. Babylonian Religion .... 229-257 § I. Babylonian calendar. — § 2. Astronomy conducive to re- ligious feehng. — § 3. Sabeism. — § 4. Priestcraft and astrol- ogy. — § 5. Transformation of the old religion. — § 6. Vague dawning of the monotheistic idea. Divine emanations. — § 7. The Supreme Triad. — § 8. The Second Triad. — § 9. The five Planetary deities. — §§io-ii. Duality of nature. Mascu- line and feminine principles. The goddesses. — § 12. The twelve Great Gods and their Temples. — § 13. The temple of Shamash at Sippar and Mr. Rassam's discovery. — § 14. Sur- vival of the old Turanian superstitions. — § 15. Divination, a branch of Chaldean " Science." — §§ 16-17. Collection of one hundred tablets on divination. Specimens. — §18. The three classes of " wase men." " Chaldeans," in later times, a by- word for "magician," and "astrologer." — § 19. Our inherit- ance from the Chaldeans: the sun-dial, the week, the calen- dar, the Sabbath. VI. Legends and Stories .... 258-293 § I. The Cosmogonies of different nations. — § 2. The antiq- uity of the Sacred Books of Babylonia. — § 3. The legend of Cannes, told by Berosus. Discoverv, by Geo. Smith, of the X CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. PACH Creation Tablets and the Deluge Tablet. — §§ 4-5. Chaldean account of the Creation. — § 6. The Cylinder with the human couple, tree and serpent. — § 7. Berosus' account of the crea- tion. — § 8. The Sacred Tree. Sacredness of the Symbol. — § 9. Signification of the Tree-Symbol. The Cosmic Tree. — § 10. Connection of the Tree-Symbol and of Ziggurats with the legend of Paradise. — § 11. The Ziggurat of Borsippa. — § 12. — It is identified with the Tower of Babel. — §§ 13-14. Peculiar Orientation of the Ziggurats. — § 15. Traces of le- gends about a sacred grove or garden. — § 16. Mummu-Tia- mat, the enemy of the gods. Battle of Bel and Tiamat. — § 17. The Rebellion of the seven evil spirits, originally mes- sengers of the gods. — § iS. The great Tower and the Con- fusion of Tongues. VII. Myths. — Heroes and the Mythical Epos . 294-330 § I. Definition of the word Myth. — § 2. The Heroes. — § 3. The Heroic Ages and Heroic Myths. The National Epos. — § 4. The oldest known Epic. — § 5. Berosus' account of the Flood. — § 6. Geo. Smith's discovery of the original Chal- dean narrative. — § 7. The Epic divided into books or Tab- lets. — § 8. Izdubar the Hero of the Epic. — § 9. Erech's hu- miliation under the Elamite Conquest. Izdubar's dream. — § 10. Eabani the Seer. Izdubar's invitation and promises to him. — § ir. Message sent to Eabani by Ishtar's handmaid- ens. His arrival at Erech. — § 12. Izdubar and Eabani's victory over the tyrant Khumbaba. — § 13. Ishtar's love mes- sage. Her rejection and wrath. The two friends' victory over the Bull sent by her. — § 14. Ishtar's vengeance. Izdu- bar's journey to the Mouth of the Rivers. — § 15. Izdubar sails the Waters of Death and is healed by his immortal an- cestor Hasisadra. — § 16 Izdubar's return to Erech and la- ment over Eabani. The seer is translated among the gods. — § 17. The Deluge narrative in the Eleventh Tablet of the Izdubar Epic. — §§ 18-21. Mythic and solar character of the Epic analyzed. — § 22. Sun-Myth of the Beautiful Youth, his early death and resurrection. — §§ 23-24. Dumuzi-Tammuz, the husband of Ishtar. The festival of Dumuzi in June.— § 25, CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. x! PAGE Ishtar's Descent to the Land of the Dead. — § 26. Universal- ity of the Solar and Chthonic Myths. VIII. Religion and Mythology. — Idolatry and An- thropomorphism. — The Chaldean Le- gends and the Book ,of Genesis. — Retrospect ZZ^~ZZ^ § I. Definition of Mythology and Religion, as distinct from each other. — §§ 2-3. Instances of pure religious feeling in the poetry of Shumir and Accad. — § 4. Religion often stifled by Mythology. — §§ 5-6. The conception of the immortality of the soul suggested by the sun's career. — § 7. This expressed in the Solar and Chthonic Myths.— § 8. Idolatry.— § 9. The Hebrews, originally polytheists and idolators, reclaimed by their leaders to Monotheism. — § 10. Their intercourse with the tribes of Canaan conducive to relapses. — § 11. Intermar- riage severely forbidden for this reason. Striking similarity between the Book of Genesis and the ancient Chaldean le- gends. — § 13. Parallel between the two accounts of the crea- tion. — § 14. Anthropomorphism, different from polytheism and idolatry, but conducive to both. — §§ 15-17. Parallel con- tinued. — §§ 18-19. Retrospect. PRINCIPAL WORKS READ OR CONSULT- ED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS VOLUME. Baer, Wilhelm. Der Vorgeschichtliche Mensch. I vol., Leipzig : 1874. Baudissin, W. von. Studien zur Semitischen Religions- geschichte. 2 vols. Budge, E. A. Wallis. Babylonian Life and History. ("By- paths of Bible Knowledge " Series, V.) 1884. London : The Religious Tract Society, i vol. History of Esarhaddon. i vol. Bunsen, Chr. Carl Jos. Gott in der Geschichte, oder Der Fort schritt des Glaubens an eine sittliche Weltordnung. 3 vols. Leipzig: 1857. Castren, Alexander. Kleinere Schriften. St. Petersburg ; 1862. I vol. Cory. Ancient Fragments. London : 1876. i vol. Delitzsch, Dr. Friedrich. Wo lag das Paradies? eine Bib- lisch-Assyriologische Studie. Leipzig: 1881. I vol. Die Sprache der Kossaer. Leipzig: 1885 (or 1884?). I vol. DuNCKER, Max. Geschichte des Alterthums. Leipzig: 1878. Vol. 1st. Fergusson, James. Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Re- stored. I vol. Happel, Julius. Die Altchinesische Reichsreligion, vom Standpunkte der Vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte. 46 pages, Leipzig : 1882. Haupt, Paul. Der Keilinschriftliche Sintflutbericht, eine Episode des Babylonischen Nimrodepos. 36 pages. Got- tingen : 1881 xiii Xiv PRINCIPAL WORKS CONSULTED. HoMMEL, Dr. Fritz. Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens (first instalment, 160 pp., 1885 ; and second instalment, 160 pp., 1886). (Allgemeine Geschichte in einzelnen Darstellungen, Ab- theilung 95 und 1 17.) Die Vorsemitischen Kulturen in .^gypten und Baby- LONiEN. Leipzig : 1882 and 1883. Layard, Austen H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh AND Babylon. (American Edition.) New York: 1853. i vol. Nineveh and its Remains. London: 1849. 2 vols. Lenormant, Francois. Les Premieres Civilisations. Etudes d'Histoire et d'Archeologie. 1874. Paris : Maisonneuve et Cie. 2 vols. Les Origines de l'Histoire, d'apres la Bible et les Tradi- tions des Peuples Orientaux. Paris : Maisonneuve et Cie, 3 vol. ler vol. 1880 ; 2e vol. 18S2 ; 36 vol. 1884. La Genese. Traduction d'apres I'Hebreu. Paris : 1883. I vol. Die Magie und Wahrsagekunst der Chald.\er. Jena, 1878. I vol. Il Mito di Adone-Tammuz nei Documenti cuneiformi. 32 pages. Firenze : 1879. SuR LE NOM DE Tammouz. (E.xtrait des Memoires du Con- gres international des Orientalistes.) 17 pages. Paris: 1873. A Manual of the Ancient History of the East. Trans- lated by E. Chevallier. American Edition. Philadelphia: 1871. 2 vols. LoFfus. Chaldea and Susiana. i vol. London : 1857. Lotz, Guilelmus. Qu.^stiones de Historia S.\bbati. Lipsiae .- 1883. Maury, Alfred L. F. La Magie et l'Astrologie dans I'anti- quite et en Moyen Age. Paris: 1877. i vol. Quatrieme edi- tion. Maspero, G. Histoire Ancienne des Peuples de l'Orient. 3e edition, 1878. Paris : Hachette & Cie. i vol. M^nant, Joachim. La Bibliotheque du Palais de Ninive. I vol. (Bibliotheque Orientale Elzevirienne.) Paris: 1880. Meyer, Eduard. Geschichte des Alterthums. Stuttgart: 1884. Vol. ist. Muller, Max. Lectures on the Science of Langu.vge. 2 vols. American edition. New York : 1875. PRINCIPAL WORKS CONSULTED. -am MURDTER, F. KURZGEFASSTE GeSCHICHTE BABYLONIENS UND ASSYRIENS, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Alten Testa- ments. Mit Vorwort und Beigaben von Friedrich Delitzsch. Stuttgart : 1882. i vol. OPPERT, Jules. L'l.MMORTALITE DE l'AME CHEZ, I.ES ChALDEENS. 28 pages. (Extrait des Annales de Philosophic Chretienne, 1874.) Perrot et Chipiez. Quatrefages, a. de. L'Espece Humaine. Sixieme edition. I vol. Paris : 1880. Rawlinson, George. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. London : 1865. ist and 2d vols. Records of the Past. Published under the sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Volumes I. III. V. VII. IX. XI. Sayce. a. H. Fresh Light from Ancient Monuments. (" By- Paths of Bible Knowledge " Series, II.) 3d edition, 1885. Lon- don : I vol. The Ancient Empires of the East, i vol. London, 1S84. — Babylonian Literature, i vol. London, 1884. Schrader, Eberhard. Keilinschriften und Geschichtsforsch- ung. Giessen : 1878. i vol. Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament. Giessen : 1883. I vol. Istar's Hollenfahrt. I vol. Giessen : 1874. ZuR Frage nach dem Ursprung der Altbabylontschen KULTUR. Berlin : 1884. Smith, George. Assyria from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Nineveh. ("Ancient History from the Monuments" Series.) London : i vol. Tylor, Edward B. Primitive Culture. Second American Edi- tion. 2 vols. New^ York : 1877. ZiMMERN, Heinrich. Babylonische Busspsalmen, umschrieben, iibersetzt und erklart. 17 pages, 4to. Leipzig: 1885. Numerous Essays by Sir Henry Rawlinson, Friedr. Delitzsch, E. Schrader and others, in Mr. Geo. Rawlinson 's translation of He- rodotus, in the Calwer Bibellexikon, and in various periodicals, such as "Proceedings" and "Transactions " of the "Society of Biblical Archceology," " Jahrbiicher fur Protestantische Theologie," " Zeit- schrift fiir Keilschriftforschung," "Gazette Archeologique," and others. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. SHAMASH THE SUN-GOD. From a tablet in the British Museum. 1. CUNEIFORM CHARACTERS. . Mciiaut. 2. TEMPLE OF EA AT ERIDHU . Hommel. 3. VIEW OF EUPHRATES NEAR BABYLON Babelon. 4. MOUND OF BABIL .... Oppert. 5. BRONZE DISH . ' . . . . Per rot ami 6. BRONZE DISH (rUG PAT- TERN) Perrot and 7. SECTION OF BRONZE DISH . Per rot and 8. VIEW OF NEBBi-YUNUS . . Babelon. 9. BUILDING IN BAKED BRICK . Perrot and 10. MOUND OF NINEVEH . . . Honimei. 11. MOUND OF MUGHEIR (AN- CIENT Ur) Taylor. 12. TERRACE WALL AT KHORSA- BAD Perrot and 13. RAFT BUOYED BY INFLATED SKINS (ancient) . . . Kaiiloi. 14. RAFT BUOYED BY INFLATED SKINS (modern) . . . Kaulcn. 15. EXCAVATIONS AT MUGHEIR (ur) Hoininel. xvii Fro7itispiece. 10 23 31 zz Chipiez. 35 Ciiipiez. 37 Ciiipiez. 39 41 Chipiez. 43 45 47 Ciiipiez. 49 51 51 53 XVlll THE STORY OF CHALDEA. PAGE 16. WARRIORS SWIMMING ON IN- FLATED SKINS .... Babelon. 55 17. VIEW OF KOYUNjiK . . . Hommel. 57 18. STONE LION AT ENTRANCE OF A TEMPLE .... Perrot ami CJiipicz. 59 19. COURT OF HAREM AT KHOR- SABAD. RESTORED . . Pcr/ot cl/ld C/u'picz. 6 1 20. CIRCULAR PILLAR BASE . . Ferrot and CMpiez. 63 21. INTERIOR VIEW OF HAREM CHAMBER Perrot and Chipiez. 65 22. 23. COLORED FRIEZE IN ENAMELLED TILES . . . Perrot and CJiipicz. 67 24. PAVEMENT SLAB .... Perrot and Chipiez. 69 25. SECTION OF ORNAMENTAL DOORWAY, KHORSABAD . Perrot and CJiipiez. 71 26. WINGED LION WITH HUMAN HEAD Perrot and Chipiez. 73 27. WINGED BULL Perrot and Chipiez. 75 28. MAN-LION Perrot and Chipiez. 77 29. FRAGMENT OF ENAMELLED BRICK Perrot and CJiipiez. 79 30. ram's head IN ALABASTER, British Museum. 81 31. EBONY comb Perrot and Chipiez. 81 32. BRONZE fork AND spoon . PerrotaudChipiez. 81 33. ARMENIAN LOUVRE . . . Botta. 83 34> 35- VAULTED DRAINS . . . Perrot and Chipiez. 84 36. CHALDEAN JAR-COFFIN . . Taylor. 85 37. " DISH - COVER " TOMB AT MUGHEiR Taylor. 87 38. " DISH-COVER " TOMB . . Taylor. 87 39. SEPULCHRAL VAULT AT MUGHEIR Taylor. 89 40. STONE JARS FROM GRAVES . Honimel. 89 LIST OF JLLUSTEATIONS. PACK 41. DRAIN IN MOUND .... Perrot and Chipiez. 90 42. WALL WITH DESIGNS IN TERRA-COTTA , . . LoftUS. 9 1 43. TERRA-COTTA CONE . . . LoftllS. 9 1 44. HEAD OF ANCIENT CHAL- DEAN Perrot and Chipiez. loi 45. SAME, PROFILE VIEW , . . P err ot and Chipiez. loi 46. CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTION . Perrot and Chipicz. 107 47. INSCRIBED CLAY TABLET . Smith's Chald. Gen. 109 48. CLAY TABLET IN ITS CASE . Honwicl. I I I 49. ANTIQUE BRONZE SETTING OF CYLINDER .... Pervot and Chipicz. 1 1 2 50. CHALDEAN CYLINDER AND IMPRESSION Perrot and Chipicz. 113 51. ASSYRIAN CYLINDER ... II3 52. PRISM OF SENNACHERIB . British Museum. 115 53. INSCRIBED CYLINDER FROM BORSIP Mcnant. 1 1 7 54. DEMONS FIGHTING . . . British Museum. 165 55. DEMON OF THE SOUTH-WEST WIND Perrot and Chipiez. 169 56. HEAD OF DEMON .... British Museum. 170 57. OANNES Smith's Chald. Gen. 187 58. CYLINDER OF SARGON FROM AGADE Hommel. 207 59. STATUE OF GUDEA . . . Hommel. 217 60. BUST INSCRIBED WITH NAIMK OF NEBO British Museum. 243 61. BACK OF TABLET WITH AC- COUNT OF FLOOD . . . Smith's Chald. Gen. 262 62. BABYLONIAN CYLINDER . . Smith's Chald. Gen. 266 6^. FEMALE WINGED FIGURES AND SACRED TREES . . British Muscum. 269 THE STORY OF CIIALDEA. 64. WINGED SPIRITS BEFORE SA- CRED TREE 65. SARGON OF ASSYRIA BEFORE SACRED TREE . . . • dd. EAGLE-HEADED FIGURE BE- FORE SACRED TREE . . 67. FOUR-WINGED HUMAN FIG- URE BEFORE SACRED TREE 68. TEMPLE AND HANGING GAR- DENS AT KOYUNJIK 69. PLAN OF A ZIGGURAT 70. " ZIGGURAT " RESTORED 71. BIRS-NIMRUD . . . 72. 73. BEL FIGHTS DRAGON 74. BATTLE BETWEEN BEL AND ■ DRAGON .... 75. IZDUBAR AND LION . 76. IZDUBAR AND LION 77. IZDUBAR AND EABANI 78. IZDUBAR AND LION . 79. SCORPION-MAN . . . 80. STONE OBJECT FOUND AT ABU-HABBA . . . . . Smith's Chald. Gen. 270 Perrot and Chipiez. 271 Per rot and Chipiez. 273 Perrot and Chipiez. 275 British Museum. Perrot and Chipiez. Perrot arid Chipiez. Perrot and CJiipiez. Perrot and Chipiez. Smith's Chald. Gen. Smith's Chald. Gen. British Museum. Smith's Chald. Gen. Perrot and Chipiez. Smith's Chald. Gen. 277 278 279 281 289 291 306 307 309 310 311 312 INTRODUCTION. I. MESOPOTAMIA. -THE MOUNDS. — THE SEARCHERS. FIRST 1. In or about the year before Christ 606, Nine. veh, the great city, was destroyed. For many hun- dred years had she stood in arrogant splendor, her palaces towering above the Tigris and mirrored in its swift waters; army after army had gone forth from her gates and returned laden with the spoils of con- quered countries •, her monarchs had ridden to the high place of sacrifice in chariots drawn by captive kings. But her time came at last. The nations assembled and encompassed her around. Popular tradition tells how over two years lasted the siege ; how the very river rose and battered her walls; till one day a vast flame rose up to heaven ; how the last of a mighty line of kings, too proud to surren- der, thus saved himself, his treasures and his cap- ital from the shame of bondage. Never was city to rise again where Nineveh had been. 2. Two hundred years went by. Great changes 3 2 INTRODUCTION. had passed ov^er the land. The Persian kings now held the rule of Asia. But their greatness also was leaning towards its decline and family discords undermined their power, A young prince had re- belled against his elder brother and resolved to tear the crown from him by main force. To accomplish this, he had raised an army and called *n the help of Grecian hirelings. They came, 13,000 in number, led by brave and renowned generals, and did their duty by him ; but their valor could not save him from defeat and death. Their own leader fell into an ambush, and they commenced their retreat un- der the most disastrous circumstances and with lit- tle hope of escape. 3. Yet they accomplished it. Surrounded by open enemies and false friends, tracked and pursued, through sandy wastes and pathless mountains, now parched with heat, now numbed with cold, they at last reached the sunny and friendly Hellespont. It was a long and weary march from Babylon on the Euphrates, near \\hich city the great battle had been fought. They might not have succeeded had they not chosen a great and brave commander, Xenophon, a noble Athenian, whose fame as scholar and writer equals his renown as soldier and general. Few books are more interesting than the lively relation he has left of his and his companions' toils and sufferings in this expedition, known in history as " The Retreat of the Ten Thousand " — for to that number had the original 13,000 been reduced by battles, privations and disease, So cul- tivated a man could not fail, even in llie midst of MESOPOTAMIA. , danger and weighed down by care, to observe what- ever was noteworthy in the strange lands which he traversed. So he tells us how one day his little army, after a forced march in the early morning hours and an engagement with some light troops of pursuers, having repelled the attack and thereby secured a short inteival of safety, travelled on till they came to the banks of the Tigris. On that spot, he goes on, there was a vast desert city. Its wall wac twenty-five feet wide, one hundred feet high and nearly seven miles in circuit. It was built of brick with a basement, twenty feet high, of stone. Close by the city there stood a stone pyramid, one hundred feet in width, and two hundred in height. Xenophon adds that this city's name was Larissa and that it had anciently been inhabited by Medes ; that the king of Persia, when he took the sover- eignty away from the Medes, besieged it, but could not in any way get possession of it, until, a cloud having obscured the sun, the inhabitants forsook the city and thus it was taken. 4. Some eighteen miles further on (a day's march") the Greeks came to another great deserted city, which Xenophon calls Mespila. It had a similar but still higher wall. This city, he tells us, had also been inhabited by Medes, and taken by the king of Persia. Now these curious ruins were all that was left of Kalah and Nineveh, the two Assyrian capitals. In the short space of two hundred years, men had surel}' not yet lost the memory of Nineveh's exist- ence and rule, yet they trod the very site where it had stood and knew it not, and called its ruins by a I IKTKOD I 'CTION. meaningless Greek name, handing down concerning it a tradition absurdly made up of true and ficti- tious details, jumbled into inextricable confusion. For Nineveh had been the capital of the Assyrian Empire, while the Medes were one of the nations who attacked and destroyed it. And though an eclipse of the sun — (the obscuring cloud could mean nothing else) — did occur, created great confusion and produced important results, it was at a later period and on an entirely different occasion. As to " the king of Persia," no such personage had any- thing whatever to do with the catastrophe of Nine- veh, since the Persians had not yet been heard of at that time as a powerful people, and their coun- try was only a small and insignificant principality, tributary to Media, So effectually had the haughty city been swept from the face of the earth ! 5. Another hundred years brought on other and even greater changes. The Persian monarchy had followed in the wake of the empires that had gone before it and fallen before Alexander, the youthful hero of Macedon. As the conqueror's fleet of light- built Grecian ships descended the Euphrates tow- ards Babylon, they were often hindered in their progress by huge dams of stone built across the river. The Greeks, with great labor, removed sev- eral, to make navigation more easy. They did the same on several other rivers, — nor knew that they were destroying the last remaining vestige of a great people's civilization, — for these dams had been used to save the water and distribute it into the numerous canals, which covered the arid coun- MESOPOTAMIA. 5 try with their fertilizing network. They may have been told what travellers are told in our own days by the Arabs — that these dams had been con- structed once upon a time by Nimrod, the Hunter- King. For some of them remain even still, show- ing their huge, square stones, strongly united by iron cramps, above the water before the river is swollen with the winter rains. 6. More than one-and-twenty centuries have rolled since then over the immense valley so well named Mesopotamia — ■" the L:ind between the Rivers," — and each brought to it more changes, more wars, more disasters, with rare intervals of rest and pros- perity. Its position between the East and the West, on the very high-road of marching armies and wandering tribes, has always made it one of the great battle grounds of the world. About one thou- sand years after Alexander's rapid invasion and short-lived conquest, the Arabs overran the coun- try, and settled there, bringing with them a new civilization and the new religion given them by their prophet Mohammed, which they thought it their mission to carry, by force of w^ord or sword, to the bounds of the earth. They even founded there one of the principal seats of their sovereignty. and Baghdad yielded not greatly in magnificence and power to Babylon of old. 7. Order, laws, and learning now flourished for a few hundred years, when new hordes of barbarous people came pouring in from the East, and one of them, the Turks, at last established itself in the land and stayed. They rule there now. The valley of 6 INTRO :)UCTWN. the Tigris and Euphrates is a province of the Otto- man or Turkish Empire, which has its capital in Constantinople ; it is governed by pashas, officials sent by the Turkish government, or the " Sublime Porte," as it is usually called, and the ignorant, op- pressive, grinding treatment to which it has now been subjected for several hundred years has re- duced it to the lowest depth of desolation. Its wealth is exhausted, its industry destroyed, its pros- perous cities have disappeared or dwindled into in- significance. Even Mossul, built by the Arabs on the right bank of the Tigris, opposite the spot where Nineveh once stood, one of their finest cities, fa- mous for the manufacturing of the delicate cotton tissue to which it gave its name — {imislm, moussc- Ime) — would have lost all importance, had it not the honor to be the chief town of a Turkish district and to harbor a pasha. And Baghdad, although still the capital of the whole province, is scarcely more than the shadow of her former glorious self; and her looms no longer supply the markets of the world with wonderful shawls and carpets, and gold and sil- ver tissues of marvellous designs. 8. Mesopotamia is a region which must suffer under neglect and misgovernment even more than others ; for, though richly endowed by nature, it is of a peculiar formation, requiring constant care and intelligent management to yield all the return of which it is capable. That care must chiefly consist in distributing the waters of the two great rivers and their affluents over all the land by means of an intri- cate system of canals, regulated by a complete and MESOPOTAMIA. ij well-kept set of dams and sluices, with other simpler arrangements for the remoter and smaller branches. The yearly inundations caused by the Tigris and Euphrates, which overflow their banks in spring, are not sufificient ; only a narrow strip of land on each side is benefited by them. In the lowlands towards the Persian Gulf there is another inconven- ience: the country there being perfectly flat, the waters accumulate and stagnate, forming vast pesti- lential swamps where rich pastures and wheat-fields should be — and have been in ancient times. In short, if left to itself. Upper Mesopotamia, (ancient Assyria), is unproductive from the barrenness of its soil, and Lower Mesopotamia, (ancient Chaldea and Babylonia), runs to waste, notwithstanding its ex- traordinary fertilit}', from want of drainage. 9. Such is actually the condition of the once pop- ulous and flourishing valley, owing to the principles on which the Turkish rulers carry on their govern- ment. They look on their remoter provinces as mere sources of revenue for the state and its officials. But even admitting this as their avowed and chief object, they pursue it in an altogether wrong-headed and short-sighted way. The people are simply and openly plundered, and no portion of what is taken from them is applied co any uses of local public util- ity, as roads, irrigation, encouragement of commerce and industry and the like ; what is not sent home to the Sultan goes into the private pouches of the pasha and his many subaltern officials. This is like taking the milk and omitting to feed the cow. The consequence is, the people lose their interest in 3v INTRODUCTION. work of an}' kind, leave off striving for an increase of property which they will not be permitted to en- joy, and resign themselves to utter destitution with a stolid apathy most painful to witness. The land has been brought to such a degree of impoverish- ment that it is actually no longer capable of produc- ing crops suf^cient for a settled population. It is cultivated only in patches along the rivers, where the soil is rendered so fertile by the yearly inunda- tions as to yield moderate returns almost unasked, and that mostly by wandering tribes of Arabs cr of Kurds from the mountains to the north, who raise their tents and leave the spot the moment they have gathered in their little harvest — if it has not been appropriated first by some of the pasha's tax-collect- ors or by roving parties of Bedouins — robber-tribes from the adjoining Syrian and Arabian deserts, who, mounted on their own matchless horses, are carried across the open border with as much facility as the drifts of desert sand so much dreaded by travellers. The rest of the country is left to nature's own de- vices and, wherever it is not cut up by mountains or rocky ranges, offers the well-known twofold charac- ter of steppe-land : luxuriant grassy vegetation dur- ing one-third of the year and a parched, arid waste the rest of the time, except during the winter rains and spring floods. lO. A wild and desolate scene ! Imposing too in its sorrowful grandeur, and well suited to a land which may be called a graveyard of empires and na- tions. The monotony of the landscape would be unbroken, but for certain elevations and hillocks of MESOPOTAMIA. g strange and varied shapes, which spring up, as it were, from the plain in every direction ; some are high and conical or pyramidal in form, others are quite exten- sive and rather flat on the summit, others again long and low, and all curiously unconnected with each other or any ridge of hills or mountains. This is doubly striking in Lower Mesopotamia or Baby- lonia, proverbial for its excessive flatness. The few permanent villages, composed of mud-huts or plaited reed-cabins, are generally built on these eminences, others are used as burying-grounds, and a mosque, the Mohammedan house of prayer, sometimes rises on one or the other. They are pleasing objects in the beautiful spring season, when corn-fields wave on their summits, and their slopes, as well as all the surrounding plains, are clothed with the densest and greenest of herbage, enlivened with countless flow- ers of every hue, till the surface of the earth looks, from a distance or from a height, as gorgeous as the richest Persian carpet. But, on approaching nearer to these hillocks or mounds, an unprepared traveller would be struck by some peculiar features. Their substance being rather soft and yielding, and the winter rains pouring down with exceeding violence, their sides are furrowed in many places wijih ravines, dug by the rushing streams of rain-water. These streams of course wash down much of the substance itself and carry it far into the plain, where it lies scattered on the surface quite distinct from the soil. These washings are found to consist not of earth or sand, but of rubbish, something like that which lies in heaps wherever a house is being built or demol- lO IN TROD UC TION. ished, and to contain innumerable fragments of bricks, potter}-, stone evidently worked by the hand and chisel ; many of these fragments moreover bear- ing inscriptions in complicated characters composed of one curious figure shaped like the head of an ar- row, and used^in every possible position and combi- nation, — like this: A Tim Ht<-^T^