y THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES OF THIS VOLUME HAVE BEEN PRINTED FOR MR. SMITH FOR PRESEN- TATION TO FRIENDS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. THESE COPIES ARE PRINTED ON DIFFERENT PAPER, AND ARE WITHOUT THE BIBLIOPHILE TITLES AND SEAL. THE TYPE HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED. THE COUNCIL JiThyJL ^uAi ^iJL ^i^ ^'^ 'U'CU^ cui^^ Ci-Xf CU^el 'la,vi^ OM^co Scx^^u^ i*^d ha^/V 7(i >-^/ ^^44^ Wt^-fk CV CfL iL ■ 1 c^^ '■'i\' CHARLES UlCKEN^H Eti:hA<{iiy"l^i^- ^''- Bicknell from the study (in.oi/) 1: I I R. Frith, in the collection of r o MARIA HBAUKKS.l. Copyright, 1910, by THE BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY All rights reserved INTRODUCTORY NOTE By Henry H. Harper At the time of the issue (in 1908) of the volume of the Dickens-Beadnell Correspon- dence, containing Professor Baker's footnote calling attention to another collection of early Dickens letters that changed hands in Birming- ham, England, about ten years ago, it was hardly to be hoped or believed that within a year these letters should be located here in the United States, and in the hands of a gener- ous Bibliophile, who not only expressed an eager willingness to share their contents with his fellow-booklovers, but also offered to edit and arrange them for the press, which he has done in a scholarly and highly entertaining and instructive manner. Mr. Harry B. Smith, of New York, the present owner of this collec- tion of letters written by Dickens to his friend Kolle, has in the following pages related by what a narrow margin the Dickens-Beadnell episode escaped being exploited in public print before the advent of the recent Biblio- phile edition of the letters from Dickens to [V] pOf^'l Maria Beadnell-Winter. It will be remem- bered that Kolle, in addition to looking after his own interests in wooing a fair member of the Beadnell household, served young Dickens in the capacity of messenger in smuggling his imploring love missives through the parental barriers and into the hands of the coquettish Maria, after Dickens had been debarred from the Beadnell home, and even from communi- cating with Miss Beadnell through the mail. Nothing could better illustrate the corrobo- rative character of these letters than the quota- tion appearing on pages 13-1?. Matters of an intimately personal nature which disclose important facts and give a clearer insight into the lives and characters of those who are near and dear to us are always interesting. Perhaps no author excels Dickens in the ever-increasing number of admirers he has made among the lovers of literature ; and facts, therefore, which relate to and explain the all-absorbing event of his life, and which, according to his own confession to Mrs. Winter, were the inceptive cause of his famous career, cannot fail to be of interest. Any new autobiographical material of this nature may be justly regarded as a valuable [vi] contribution to literature, and, as such, is worthy of preservation in an enduring form. There are a number of causes which co- operate to make this series of letters of unusual interest to readers of Dickens. Note- worthy among its attractive features is the facility with which Mr. Smith has brought out the full significance of every point in its relation to the principal episode, and to a better knowledge of the character and early struggles of the author. Letters, — which if printed disconnectedly would appear incon- sequential, — are carefully woven into the complete fabric, and in the remarks interposed by Mr. Smith their relative importance and meanings — oftentimes more or less obscure to the casual reader — are made so clear and comprehensive as to render every letter an important link in the story. It would have been impossible for anyone other than a care- ful student and admirer of Dickens to have extracted from these letters and given to the reader so much that is new, important and interesting alike to readers and collectors of that author's works. Apart from its direct connection with the contents of the Dickens-Beadnell volume, [vii] this book has a distinct value of its own ; but as a coincidental issue, each supplements and lends interest to the other. It appears inconceivable that the correspond- ence of one so full of literary vitality and social proclivities, as was Dickens in his youth and early manhood, could have been confined to one or two individuals. As reporter on a London daily paper he was brought into daily contact with all sorts of companionable men, both young and old, and there must have been others than Kolle with whom he was on terms of equal intimacy, and with whom he occasionally exchanged letters. Though not born with a golden spoon in his mouth, Dickens may be said to have been born with a pen in his hand, which he kept almost constantly in service. In his reportorial days his acquaintance must have been widely ex- tended, and in his biographies we find refer- ences to his "many warm friends;" but strangely enough, they reveal no names which would serve as a clue to definite facts with regard to the formative period in the life of the great novelist. Almost without exception the writers of his memoirs jump abruptly from the blacking warehouse experiences to [ viii ] the period when as assistant and companion to his father he was reporting the parh'ament- ary debates for the Daily Chronicle. It is not impossible that there still exists an un- covered wealth of Dickensiana in the form of early letters which may in due time come before the public ; and yet it is easy to under- stand why his early letters may have been destroyed by those who received them, for the reason that at that time no one suspected him of undeveloped greatness, and even his closest friends would not be likely to encumber their files with his letters, which had no apparent value. In fact it is a matter of astonishment that any of them should have been preserved ; hence the great value of the very few that are known to exist. That the letters of a scorned and rejected suitor should have been carefully cherished by the frivolous girl to whom they were addressed — and upon whom they seem to have made no impression — is a miracle bordering on the supernatural ; but now that another group of contemporary letters bearing directly upon the same aifair has come to light, the coincidence is so strange as to appear un- real. Truth is indeed " stranger than fiction." Even in the face of the contrary views of [ix] Professor Baker, in the Dickens-Beadnell Correspondence, and of Mr. Smith, in the present volume, I am forced to adhere to my former conviction that Mary Anne Leigh was never in love with Dickens, and that the part she acted in "throwing herself in his way" was prompted only by one of two purposes: either that she herself wished to experience the sensation of toying with the ardent young lover at the end of her line, or else that, in the interest of her friend, she was merely endeavor- ing to provide for her the usual excuse of a clever coquette when trying to shake off a suitor of whom she has grown tired. Young Dickens was too devoutly in love with Maria Beadnell to become interested in any other flirt, and he refused to be shaken off so easily. Determination was always his strong suit, and it is gratifying to know that it won for him in literature what it failed to accomplish in love- making. Mr. Smith points out the fact that Miss Leigh was a cleverer girl than Maria Beadnell, which only confirms the view that she would not have allowed herself to indulge in anything more serious than a sham flirtation with an unpromising youth whom her friend and companion was doing her best to get rid [X] of. A clever young lady of Miss Leigh's type is not usually found playing second fiddle to one of inferior accomplishments, in the pursuit of a rejected lover. Mr. Smith thinks that Maria Beadnell's coldness may have been due to *' Dickens' attentions to Mary Anne Leigh." If Miss Beadnell had seriously cared for Dickens, the fact that her friend was trying to win him away from her would have caused her to redouble her efforts to hold him, instead of "freezing" him out; and in addition, would perhaps have broken off the friendship between the two girls. Mr. Smith admits that the girls probably got together and had a good laugh at Dickens' expense after it was all over. However, differences of opinion must always exist, and after all perhaps it is best merely to present the facts and leave the judicial functions to the reader. Therefore, in the language of the lawyer, I rest the case on the evidence. [xi] FACSlMll.K OK l'KN( 11. iAHJ n> ii>iAA' .n >/'.>i'i Hi. -i,iiMi?,'»A,'l MAUr-AlH n^ I AAoiOlAAAii r^ \ 'i~ \ \ THE DICKENS-KOLLE LETTERS Edited by HARRY B. SMITH In that valuable contribution to modern biog- raphy, Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell. Private Correspondence, Professor George Pierce Baker, who performed the editorial work in a manner deserving the gratitude of every lover of Dickens, remarks : — "It is reported that some ten years ago a series of letters from Dickens to the friend of his youth, Henry Kolle, changed hands in Bir- mingham, England. The present editor hopes that the publication of the letters in this book may bring this set to light, for they should supplement and explain the letters here given." The letters referred to by Professor Baker are those contained in the present volume. They were unknown to Forster, who ignores Kolle even as he disregards several other close friends of Dickens. In some instances Forster quarreled with men who were known and [iJ liked by his great friend, and this led to the omission of their names from the biography ; though this was not the case with Kolle, whose intimacy with Dickens ceased at about the time the famous friendship with Forster began. No reference is made to Kolle by either James Payn or Robert Langton in the monographs on Dickens' early life. This cor- respondence, however, tells its own story of confidence and comradeship. It cannot be claimed for the letters in the present volume that they equal the Beadnell correspondence in emotional sentiment or in what may be called dramatic interest. In these qualities the letters to Miss Beadnell (and later to Mrs. Winter) probably surpass any series ever written by Dickens, though there are many single examples equally vital and self-revealing. Such, for instance, are the ones which Dickens wrote at the culmination of his domestic infelicities, —those strange let- ters which tended to destroy " the greatest of Dickens' fictions — himself." Most of these are unpublished, and some are to be found in American collections. The correspondence with Kolle, it is thought, has a distinct interest of its own and contrib- [2] utes something to Dickens' biography, although it gives a sketch of a period rather than the complete chapter supplied by the Beadnell group. Some of the present series are the earliest known letters of Dickens ; others have a direct connection with the love affair with Maria Beadnell ; many of them, in a few sen- tences, give a more graphic idea of the life of the author as a young man than any corre- spondence or reminiscences yet published. They are redolent of the joys and dreams of youth and not untinged by its occasional sad- ness. The first of the letters was written in 1830; the last of the early series in 183^. After the latter date Dickens and Kolle, for twenty-five years, held little if any communi- cation. In 18^9, four years after the reappear- ance of Maria Beadnell, Kolle wrote to his old friend, and again in 186^. The novelisfs an- swers to these two later letters form a part of the present collection. Of Dickens after the " Pickwick " period the biographical information is as complete as the most exacting specialist could wish. Of the innumerable volumes of mid-Victorian Memoirs and Reminiscences of " people of im- portance in their day," a large number make [31 their contribution of side-lights and anecdote. Of Dickens and his family in the period between the blacking warehouse and the Sketches by Bo{, comparatively little is known. Among the published letters there is but one written during his days of newspaper reporting. It is believed that the corre- spondence, now for the first time printed, adds to our knowledge of Dickens as a youth in that interesting period when he was emerg- ing from obscurity and coming into his own. An English critic, who is much cleverer than a mere critic has any right to be, has thought it worth his while, at this late day, to devote a book to an appreciation of Dickens, in this work Mr. Chesterton declares that " whatever the word * great ' means, Dickens is that." It might be added that whatever the word " pop- ular" means Dickens is that also. Popular he has been continuously from the publication of the Sketches by Bo{ to the present day. There have been at all times critics hostile to his novels and people who have declared that they could not read Dickens ; but their minor- ity report has generally taken the form of a protest against his acknowledged popularity. During the year 1906, a single London [4] publishing house sold four hundred and fifty thousand copies of novels by Dickens, and it has been estimated that in that year fifteen hundred thousand copies of his books were sold in England alone. It is probable that as many more were sold in the United States, Canada and Australia, and it is within bounds to say that the annual sales of the Dickens novels amount to three millions of copies. About three hundred and fifty articles dealing with Charles Dickens and his writings are published in magazines and newspapers every year. An incomplete collection of these in the Guildhall Library numbers over ten thou- sand items. Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, starting to collect all the printed matter relating to "Pickwick" alone, soon found that he had " nearly a roomful." A magazine is devoted to Dickens literature, clubs and fellowships are organized in his honor, and the library of Dickensiana is beginning to rival in extent the literature of Shakespear and Napoleon.^ Dickens' principal works have been trans- 1 In 1838, "Pickwick" was attacked by the Quarterly Review which declared that " indications were not wanting that the peculiar vein of humor which has hitherto yielded such attractive metal, is worn out." When this was written by an eminent critical author- ity, Dickens had published nothing but the Sketches by Bo{. [5] lated into every European language. He is read by all sorts and conditions of men, women and children. Lord Jeffreys, Charles Lever, and Walter Savage Landor wept over Little Nell (though Mr. Andrew Lang makes merry over her). Lever declared Dickens to be " the greatest imaginative writer since Shake- spear," and Mr. Chesterton, most modern of critics, also corroborates this in a way when he says that claiming to have contributed an idea to Dickens is like saying one has added a glass of water to Niagara. Swin- burne, who was nothing if not fastidious, wrote an almost rhapsodical defense of Dick- ens against his academic detractors. The shop-girl on her way to work is quite as likely to be reading Copperfield as Laura Jean. The messenger boy taking his time with a '* rush " message, if not enthralled by Old Sleuth, is probably delayed by Oliver Twist. At least a dozen times the writer has seen elevator boys reading Dickens. Once — in Boston — one was observed reading Thackeray. It is a proof of the universal appeal of Dick- ens that he not only has this vogue with the masses, but is also pre-eminently a collector's author. Judging from observation and from [6] information supplied by book-sellers, it may be confidently stated that fully nine-tenths of the collectors of modern books collect first editions of Dickens. The name of " Boz " may not lead all the rest, but it is pretty sure to be upon the scroll, whether the collector be a Tennysonian or a Shelleyan, a disciple of St. Charles or a devotee of the Brownings. The fact is that if one is interested in mod- ern literature at all, and has any of the in- stincts of a collector, he can hardly escape being a Dickensian. This is particularly true for the reason that book-collectors, in spite of their reputation for solemnity, are a race of humorists. Reference is made to the collect- ors of modern books, not to those who are on the passenger list of Brandf s Ship of Fools, who buy books which they cannot read. In- deed if one must have an answer for the Philistine's question, '' IVby first editions?" one can find it readily in the case of the Dick- ens books. Apart from the unique form in which they were published, the illustrations as they first appeared make these editions in- finitely more desirable than any de luxe vol- umes ever printed for the delusion of the unco rich. [7] Perhaps next to Lamb, Dickens as a person- ality is the most lovable of authors. We love Elia in spite of — nay, because of — his pecu- liarities and his little vices ; and as we grow to know Dickens through the study of his works, his letters, and the many books about him, we love him in spite of the defects in his character, without which he would be a demigod in- stead of the hearty, human, friendly creature he is. Loving Dickens as we do, feeling that we know him better than we know many of our friends, any news out of shadow-land is welcome when it can tell us anything of the man that brings him nearer to us. For this reason the printing of the Dickens-Beadnell letters was an event of importance to all ad- mirers of the novelist and all readers of biog- raphy, —more vivid and suggestive perhaps than any one chapter in that indispensable biography which has been rudely called Dick- ens' Life of Forster, The earliest known autograph of Charles Dickens is a note written in his thirteenth year to Owen P. Thomas, his classmate at Wellington House Academy. This note would have been a formidable weapon in the hand of Sergeant Buzfuz, who could have read into [8] it crime and conspiracy, even as he interpreted the famous " warming-pan " letter as evidence of deliberate and systematic villainy. To the unsuspicious non-legal mind, however, the note indicates nothing worse than juvenile humor and an eye to business. It begins with an apology for neglecting to return Owen Thomas' "Leg," the writer supposing that in the interim Owen has " used a wooden one." Dickens assures his friend that since it has been in his possession " the leg has been weighed every Saturday night ; " and the note concludes with an offer to sell a school- book " at a greatly reduced price, much cheaper in comparison than a leg." What an opportunity for the redoubtable Buzfuz I " Gentlemen of the jury, I ask you, as hus- bands and fathers, what is this youthful des- perado doing with his comrade's leg? By what dark deed did he possess himself of that graceful member of which each one of us poor mortals claims his allotted share of two ? And — mark you — why should this Dickens, with a depravity appalling in one so young, go through the wretched form of weighing his wronged friend's leg every Saturday night? [9J Gentlemen, the brain reels, the mind is baffled in the presence of such mysteries as these." Mr. Thomas, writing in 1870, explained that the "Leg" was "a legend of something, a pamphlet romance I had lent him." But the Buzfuzzian mind would have shattered this shallow explanation. Why should a " legend of something" be weighed every Saturday night ? As Forster says, " There is some underlying whim or fun in the * Leg' allusions which Mr. Thomas has overlooked." The next writing in order of date is found in a "petty cash book" kept by Dickens when, at the age of fifteen, he was employed in the office of Mr. Edward Blackmore, So- licitor, of Lincoln's Inn Fields. This interest- ing memento was in the collection of Mr. William Wright, dispersed at auction in 1899. Among the entries in Dickens' hand is the charge to himself of a weekly salary of thir- teen shillings and sixpence. Many years after- ward Mr. Blackmore recorded his memories of young Dickens, who it appears was not too assiduous in his routine of office duties, but inclined to waste time at theatres, where, with a fellow clerk named Potter, he was even sus- pected of " going on " in minor parts. It is [10] highly probable that he did so, as the Sketches by Bo{ show a familiarity with life behind the scenes which could have been obtained only by experience. It is curious to note that in this old account book, kept by Dickens in his fifteenth year, are several names which were afterward used by him for characters in his novels. In editing the Dickens - Beadnell corre- spondence for The Bibliophile Society, Pro- fessor Baker refers to the scarcity of early letters of Dickens. Until the discovery of the letters to Miss Beadnell, only four letters prior to 1836 were published, and these were of no great interest. The Beadnell correspondence belongs to the year 1833, while several of the letters in the present volume were written in 1830 and 1831. These are believed to be the earliest Dickens letters in existence. That still earlier ones may be discovered is pos- sible, but hardly probable. There may lurk in some dusty drawer or closet in an old London house the letters that Dickens wrote to his fellow clerk, the facetious and frolic- some Potter, companion of his secret ad- ventures among the cheap theatres. There may be in existence notes written to his [11] schoolmates at Wellington House. Possibly some early letters to members of his family may have been preserved. Of autographs of a somewhat later date (18M-183^) there may be future discoveries. In 1834 or 183^ Dick- ens became acquainted with the Hogarth fam- ily, and he undoubtedly wrote letters to Miss Catherine Hogarth, his betrothed, and to her sisters. He must have written occasionally to Thomas Beard, who was best man at his wedding, and who seems to have become his chum after Kolle's marriage. It is likely, however, that Dickens collectors have come to the end of their treasure trove. In 1870 the editors of the published corre- spondence were able to obtain no early letters, and of late years the agents of London book- sellers and autograph dealers have made dili- gent search without finding any material of value. After the publication of the Sketches by ^o{, Dickens became a personage, and his correspondents were more inclined to preserve his letters. Specimens written in 1836 and 1837 are occasionally met with, though they are by no means common. Shortly before the appearance of The Biblio- phile Society's volume, Charles Dickens and [12] Maria Beadnell, the present writer prepared for a magazine an article regarding the Dickens- Kolle correspondence.' At that time he was not acquainted with the contents of the Bead- nell letters and was compelled to guess and theorize regarding much that is in the Kolle correspondence. A portion of the article thus written is here quoted : — , ^^ „ "The chief interest in the Dickens-Kolle correspondence is the light thrown upon an early love affair. Dickens was under twenty at the time ; yet this was no ordinary boyish flirtation, but an enduring love. The writings of later years, the confidences to Mr. Forster, contain so many references to this early ro- mance that it must be considered, like the death of Mary Hogarth, an event that had a life-long influence upon the mind of the author and the heart of the man. The iden- tity of this flrst love, this real Dora, is now revealed. She was one of the two' Misses Beadnell. Kolle was engaged to the elder; Dickens fell desperately in love with the younger. Kolle's suit prospered ; but that of 1 This article was not published, - it having been bought back from the magazine to which it was sold, -and is here prmted m part for the first time. . ., •, 2 There were three,- Anne, Margaret, and Maria. [13] Dickens was an example of the proverbial roughness of the course of true love. The father of Miss Beadnell was well-to-do, and it is more than likely that the parents did not view with approval the courtship of a young reporter with a small salary and no prospects worth mentioning. Kolle, however, was the typical young man bound to make his way in the world ; he was employed in a bank. It is clear that Dickens was looked upon as a party whom Mrs. Malaprop would have classified as 'illegible.' The letters indicate that at the Beadnell home he was unwelcome, and that when he found his room was preferred to his company, he called upon the favored Kolle to serve as letter-carrier and intercessor. ... It is quite evident that Dickens sent by Kolle a written proposal of marriage to Miss Beadnell. Delivered on a Saturday, this proposal was not answered till the following Thursday. Doubt- less the Dulcinea was deliberating, deciding whether a rebellion against parental authority were worth while. It is likely that she had some fondness for the young man who was in every way attractive ; but she was older than Dickens, as he admits in one of his later allusions to her, and she was made prudent [14] by reflecting upon his financial situation. A second appeal, or events following upon it, resulted in a misunderstanding. Dickens at- tributes this to envious tongues. Mischief had been made and Lady Sneerwell had been at work. One of Miss Beadnell's friends, a Miss Marianne Leigh, was a cause of jealousy and disputes. . . ." It will be seen that the letters to Kolle sup- plied a fairly accurate key to the then unpub- lished Beadnell correspondence. The collector's history of these autographs is as follows : It will be remembered that William Henry Kolle married Anne Beadnell, sister of Dickens' inamorata. Mrs. Kolle died, and the widower married again. Kolle died in 1881. In February, 1890, his widow oflfered for sale to a London dealer the letters written by Dickens to her husband. They were promptly pur- chased, and in response to the dealer's request for information concerning them, Mrs. Kolle wrote : — West Brighton, February 12, 1890. Dear Sir, — I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, re- ceipt of postal orders, and I am most willing to answer _your inquiries. My husband prized the letters higlily in remembrance of his youthful friendship with Charles [15] Dickens. He always kept them locked up in a drawer to which even I had not access till after his death nine years ago. They remained in the same drawer un- touched until about three weeks ago, when I perused them for the first time, and it occurred to me that as autographs they might be worth money — as you phrased it — and so I got the idea of sending them to an auto- graph sale, but your oflfer altered this project. My hus- band and C. Dickens first met at the house of a mutual friend, became attached to two sisters of the name of Beadnell, and so the intimacy commenced. My husband was at that time engaged in a banking house in the city, but soon after his first marriage entered into commercial pursuits. C. Dickens, as everyone knows, was strug- gling for fame as an author, and so the friends diverged into different lines of life, but the old kind feelings still existed, as you will see by two letters which I enclose for your perusal, and which my step-daughter, whom you saw the other evening, prizes ** above rubies," although they dashed her hopes of becoming a poetess. Please take great care of the two letters which I have borrowed, as my daughter does not wish them creased unnecessarily. ... My husband assisted on one or two occasions at some private amateur theatricals in the house of the elder Mr. Dickens. Yours truly, S. J. KOLLE There was some further correspondence be- tween the London dealer and Mrs. Kolle, and eventually Miss Anne Kolle (named after her [ 16 ] mother, Anne Beadnell) sold the two later letters addressed by Dickens to her father. Immediately after concluding the purchase of the collection, the book-seller sent a descrip- tion of the contents to the late Augustin Daly and offered them to him. Mr. Daly purchased them and had them bound in a folio volume together with a miscellaneous collection of autograph letters of literary celebrities. There was no attempt at classifying the contents and the volume bore no descriptive title. It may be doubted whether Mr. Daly him- self knew or appreciated the prize he had ac- quired ; for, although he took a lively interest in his collection, he had such quantities of letters, books, and prints, that to have known and loved them all would have left him no time for the exacting and multifarious duties of a theatrical manager. In fact, Mr. Daly once laughingly admitted to the writer that he did not know what he had. He was, perhaps, more interested in collecting than in his col- lection, in the chase than in the quarry. Mr. Daly acquired the Dickens-Kolle letters in 1890. In March, 1900, the Daly collection was sold at auction in New York. The de- scription in the catalogue of the volume con- [17] taining the Kolle letters gave no indication of the unique interest of the correspondence and the book sold for a moderate price. The letter of the London dealer offering the autographs to Mr. Daly was a part of the " lot " and in it the number of the letters to Kolle is distinctly stated to be twenty-five. Of these, twenty-three were described as early letters and the other two as dated 18^9 and 186^. When the volume appeared in the auction room it contained but twenty-one of the early letters. Two of them had mysteri- ously disappeared, nor was there any evidence of their having been in the book at any time. What has become of them? Mr. Daly had several extra-illustrated volumes of Dickens- iana. Some of these contained a considerable number of Dickens' autograph letters. He employed a specialist to do his extra-illustrat- ing, the selecting and preparing of material. The Kolle letters were delivered to Mr. Daly in their original condition, not bound in book form. It is quite likely that in choosing the material for some extra-illustrated work, like the Daly copy of Forster's Life, the two letters now missing were included as speci- mens of an early period. It might be worth [18] while for the possessors of some of the extra- illustrated books from the Daly collection to examine their contents carefully with a view to detecting these missing autographic links. The hope expressed by Professor Baker that the publication of the Beadnell correspondence might reveal the letters to Kolle is echoed here with regard to these two wandering missives. Like the early Beadnell letters, those of Dickens to Kolle, with one exception, bear no date, only the day of the week. The one ex- ception is dated January ^, 1833. Two of the letters are postmarked 1833. The water- marks on several are 1830 and 1831. The date of the one letter and the postmarks on the two are important, as they prove that most of the other letters were written before January S, 1833. The verses, Tbe Bill of Fare, printed in the Beadnell correspondence, fix exactly the month and the year in which Dickens fell in love with Maria Beadnell. That the verses were written in 1831 is shown by the reference to the marriage of David Lloyd and Margaret Beadnell, which occurred in April, 1831. That it was in the autumn or winter of 1831 is shown by the lines speaking of Lloyd: — [19] That when he last summer from Paris came home (I think 't was his marriage induced him to roam). In the poem Dickens says of himself, — Charles Dickens, who in our feast plays a part, Is a young summer cabbage without any heart ; — Not that he 's heartless, but because, as folks say, He lost his twelve months ago from last May. *' Twelve months ago from last May " would mean May, 1830. In this manner Dickens himself fixes, beyond reasonable doubt, the date of his conquest by Dora.* In his letter to John Forster in 18^^, in an- swer to the latter's questioning the existence of a Dora in real life, the novelist states that his love for the original Dora began " when I was Charley's age " and " excluded every other idea from my mind for four years." As Miss Beadnell finally rejected Dickens in May, 1833, and as he admits that he lost his heart to her in May 1830, this allows a twelvemonth for recovery from the blow that was so decidedly a blessing in disguise. It is unlikely that Dickens' own evidence in the poem and in his letter to Forster is inexact. The love af- 1 Forster gives 1829 as the date of the first appearance of the "real Dora." Vol. I, 71. [20] fair was too important an event in his life for him to be in doubt — even twenty years later — whether it lasted four years or three. The poem, The Bill of Fare, obviously was writ- ten to impress Maria Beadnell, to express his devotion in a manner which, if regarded as too bold, could be passed oflf as a jest, and in- cidentally to show her and her friends that he was a clever fellow. By mentioning the time, " twelve months ago from last May," Dickens may have intended to tell Maria that he had fallen in love with her at first sight, as they may have met for the first time during that month. At all events, it is not likely that he had known her more than a month or two before losing his heart. He was eighteen years old and even more impulsive and im- pressionable than most youths of that age. It is practically certain that Dickens was in- troduced to the Beadnell family at some time between January and May, 1830. In all prob- ability, he met the Beadnells through Kolle. The letter of Mrs, S. J. Kolle indicates that her husband and Dickens met at the house of a common friend and afterward became ac- quainted with the Beadnell family. Mrs. Kolle states that her husband was at that time [21] " engaged in a banking house in the city, but soon after his first marriage entered into com- mercial pursuits ; " that is to say, he became a quilt-printer. With what bank young Kolle was connected is not ascertainable, but it is quite likely that he was a clerk in the establish- ment of Smith, Payne and Smith, in which George Beadnell held a responsible position. The letters to Kolle furnish evidence that the two young men first met in the spring of 1830, and the two letters following may be ascribed to that date. Dickens could not have known Kolle for any length of time, for in both letters he misspells the name of his new friend, writing it with a terminal " ie." This might be regarded as a nickname or a playful version of the name, were it not for the fact that both these letters are written in a com- paratively formal style, while, as the others of the series become more familiar and indicate intimate friendship, Kolle's name is correctly written. In these two letters the handwriting is considerably more unformed and juvenile than in those known to have been written in 1832 and 1833. It is, in fact, quite a boyish hand. That these were not written earlier than the spring of 1830 is shown by Dickens' [22] \ ^ iv .N <: \^ 5^ \! . _ _ ^ ^ /A ^ /^ "^ (^ 'f^€>U^i -^4 tt-'^-' :A ■t A . 'fee iii^-^^ •■ ^''- k. / i^ic:^^ /^?K^:^ ^€-'^'4 ^--^ ^'^^^ y ^. c^e^Aj^t^ A X. %-■' /nxx tc /i, X ^^ ^^ ^^'^^ /^_ec^yUje^^^^/C^^ii\ r . /j t\ / ^: J t^^yl^ '^C /-CL^t<^ f^cL^^lf: ^- <^^l^z ir, iCri^ / a -tv^ ^-^ / (AJf ft c- / .e^ ^*«*-^ /7- ' ^ a / / / - An . you are kind enough to take in my movements, 1 have the vanity to make this communication. Best remembrances to Mrs. K. *' So no more at present " from, my dear Kolle, Yours sincerely, Charles Dickens I am so dreadfully nervous that my hand shakes to such an extent as to prevent my writing a word legibly. Dickens lost no time in writing this letter to his intimate friend. It was the shortest way of conveying the news to the Beadnell family that Charley Dickens had become an author. We may be sure that one of the chief causes of his exultation was his knowledge that Maria Beadnell would be impressed. When he wrote to Kolle there was still upon him the agitation which caused him to turn into Westminster Hall because his eyes were not fit to be seen in the street. There was good cause for his emotion; better than he realized ; for Charles Dickens had found him- self. Still " in the brave days when we are twenty-one" he had arrived. He knew now what was to be his life work, though he had no idea that in a little more than two years he would be the most popular author in England. It is probable that in choosing the form for [69] first essays in literature, Dickens was influenced by Wight's Mornings at Bow Street. These sketches first appeared in a newspaper, the Morning Herald. They proved so popular that in 1824 they were published in book form with illustrations by George Cruikshank, some of the best of his small engravings. Three years later, a second series was published, likewise with Cruikshank illustrations. The Sketches by Bo{ were also published in news- papers and magazines ; were collected in book form, illustrated by Cruikshank, and appeared in a second series. The subject matter is similar, — scenes from London life, — and the humor and style have considerable resemblance. The essential difference is that Dickens' sub- jects are general while Wight's are confined to humorous incidents in the police courts. The arrangement of the Sketches in book form gives no idea of the order of their com- position and of their publication in the maga- zine. Mrs. Joseph Porter over the Way was the second, appearing in January, 18M. The subject of this sketch is an amateur theatrical performance, and the mischief-making gossip, Mrs. Porter, may be considered a pen portrait of Mrs. John Porter Leigh who in the Bill of [70] Fare is described as " a curry, hot, biting, and smart." Horatio Sparkins was published in February, 18M, The Bloomshiry Christening in April, and The Boarding House in May. As the following letter refers to The Boarding House as being in the hands of the publisher, and as likely to be returned — probably in proof — this letter was written a short time before the appearance of the magazine for May, 1834. Bentinck Street, Monday evening [March or April, 1834]. My dear Kolle, — As neither you nor yours have the most remote connection with The Boarding House of which 1 am the proprietor, I cannot have the least objec- tion to (indeed I shall be flattered by) your perusing it. It is, however, in the hands of the publisher ; when they return it to me you shall have it. I am much obliged to you for purchasing the lottery ticket. I shall call for an hour very soon, when I will kill two birds with one stone and pay you for the " wentur," besides bringing the O' Thello. I think if we win we had better sacrifice the discount and take ready money, unless indeed you prefer gold bar. I see by the announcement in the different lottery office windows that the lucky pur- chaser of a ticket may have the value in " money or free- hold houses." Suppose we have ten pound worth of free-hold houses ; of course this will afford a small street. I '11 have one side of the way and you shall have the [71] other. I shall improve my property by the erection of brass knockers and patent water-closets. Give my love to Mrs. K., and believe me, my dear KoUe, Sincerely yours, Charles Dickens Henry Kolle, Esq. The burlesque GThello, according to Mr. Kitton, was written in 183 ^ It is rather curious that a performance of Othelb is given by the amateurs in the sketch Mrs. Joseph Porter over the Way, a production that the disagreeable Mrs. Porter (? Mrs. Leigh) tri- umphantly tells everybody was a complete failure. In this play, a prominent role was assigned to the author's father, John Dickens, who appeared in the character of "The Great Unpaid." There was certainly some personal allusion in this. Perhaps the elder Dick- ens had been having difficulty in collecting his salary, or possibly that may have been his excuse to the family for Micawber-like im- pecuniosity. John Dickens preserved the manuscript of GThcllo, and, after his son became famous, gave away separate pages of it as souvenirs. The first page was in the collection of Mr. William Wright and was sold at Sotheby's auction rooms in 1899. On [72] the margin was the following: "The Great Unpaid was your humble servant, John Dickens. Alphington, 6th June, 1842." Mr. S. Dyer Knott, of Alphington, near Exeter, had another page of this manuscript with John Dickens' endorsement. It will be seen that, whatever Dickens ' re- lations with the Beadnell family may have been at this time, he continued on terms of inti- mate friendship with Kolle and his wife. He seems to have set some value upon Kolle's criti- cal opinion and in the following letter makes him the confidant of his literary plans. The hoarding House referred to in the letter next preceding was the first of the sketches which bore the signature of "Boz," soon to become a household word with the reading public. This famous pseudonym was probably in- tended to be pronounced with the " o " long. There is a bit of contemporary verse in which Boz is made to rhyme with "owes." The derivation, too, suggests this. If Dickens adopted it from his own nickname for his brother Augustus, taken from Goldsmith's character of Moses, pronounced through the nose "BozesI" the next transition would [73] naturally be to " Boze I " The public, how- ever, adopted the more obvious pronunciation. It is not generally known that this brother of the novelist came to America under some- what romantic circumstances. In 1868 he was living in Chicago with a very handsome woman — supposed to be his wife — and two beautiful children. When Dickens visited America in that year, he was announced to give his readings in Chicago. Shortly before the date set, his plans were changed, and it was stated that the health of the novelist would not permit his making so long a journey. The Chicago press resented this and charged Dickens with avoiding that city because he knew that his brother was living there in circumstances which were not par- ticularly affluent. Dickens made answer to this that he was contributing to the support of the only genuine Mrs. Augustus Dickens, who was living in England. A few months later Augustus Dickens died. A short time before the Chicago fire of I871, the alleged Mrs. Augustus Dickens died and was supposed to have committed suicide. The case attracted considerable attention at the time, partly on account of the great beauty and charm of the [74] two children. They were adopted by Chicago people. The great fire occurring shortly after- ward caused the incident to be forgotten. These details were obtained from a member of the writer's family who at the time was living in Chicago and was well acquainted with the facts.^ It may be added that not the slightest censure could justly be passed upon Dickens for his conduct in the matter. He was burdened by the claims of a horde of poor relations, and his liberality to them kept him comparatively poor in spite of his large earnings. The next letter to Kolle must have been written in 1834, as it is sent from Bentinck street. Dickens removed from the house in that thoroughfare December 2^, 1834. At the same time, the letter shows that several of the Sketches had appeared in the Monthly Mag- azine. The last of these in 1834 was The Steam Excursion in the October number. They had attracted sufficient attention to warrant pirate publishers in appropriating 1 Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, in his much criticised Life of Dickens, alludes to these events, and states that the second wife of Augustus Dickens was " Miss Bertha Phillips, daughter of Charles Phillips, the eminent Irish orator." Dr. Mackenzie gives the date of Augustus Dickens' death, Christmas Day, 1868. [75] them for the numerous cheap periodicals that did not make it a practice to pay for contri- butions. The Monthly Maga:(me had lost some of its popularity, and was not upon a solid fmancial foundation. However, its new editor, James Grant, agreed to pay half-a- guinea a page, the terms proposed by Dickens for the continuation of the Sketches. It is evident that three were paid for at this rate, and then the arrangement proved to be a burden which the magazine could not carry. "Only imagine," wrote Mr. Grant, "Mr. Dickens offering to furnish me with a con- tinuation, for any length of time which I might have named, of his Sketches by Bo{ for eight guineas a sheet, whereas in a little more than six months he could — so great in the interim had his popularity become — have got a hundred guineas a sheet from any of the leading periodicals of the day." Bentinck Street, Friday morning [1834]. My dear Kolle, — I only returned from my uncle's at Norwood (where 1 have been busily engaged for a week past, and whither I return again today) late last night. Consequently as they did not forward your note 1 could [76] not have the pleasure of seeing you on Friday evening, not knowing of your invitation. They have done me the honor of selecting my article for insertion in The Thief, where you will see it for the small charge of three pence, if you have not yet paid two and six. I have had a polite and flattering communication from the Monthly people requesting more papers, but they are rather backward in coming forward with the needful. I am in treaty with them, however, and if we close, my next paper will be Private Theatricals, and my next Lon- don by Night. I shall then, please God, commence a series of papers (the materials for which 1 have been noting down for some time past) called The Parish. Should they be successful, as publishing is hazardous, I shall cut my proposed novel up into little miagazine sketches. Should I not settle into this periodical, 1 shall try The Metropolitan. As 1 am not certain how long I shall be detained at Norwood, 1 cannot say when I can have the pleasure of seeing you. As soon as I return, be it only for a night, however, I shall show myself at Newington, and must take the chance of finding you at home. Business in the shape of masses of papers, plans and prospectusses, and pleasure in the shape of a very nice pair of black eyes call me to Norwood ; of course the call is imperative and must be obeyed. Pray give my love (I may say so I suppose) to Anne and perhaps you will do me the favor of turning over the following request in your mind. When there is a vacancy for a god-father-ship either to a young lady or a young gentleman, for 1 am not particular, who could [77] afford to have one poor god-father, will you bear me in mind ? Hint this delicately to your " missus." Believe me, my dear KoUe, Ever yours sincerely, Charles Dickens More nervous than ever. It is evident from this letter that the publi- cation of the Sketches did not follow the order of their composition. Trivate Theatres and London by Night were published after the series of papers called The Parish or Our Parish. No doubt Dickens had been making notes, mental or otherwise, for the Sketches from the beginning of his experiences as a re- porter. Like most beginners in literature, he had on hand a quantity of material from which to select as occasion required. That this was the case with Dickens is shown by the rapid- ity of his production as soon as opportun- ity came to him. Oliver Twist must have been commenced for serial use in Bentlefs Miscellany while the writing of Pickwick was in progress. In fact, only ten of the twenty monthly parts of Pickwick had appeared when, in February, 1837, Oliver Twist began its serial course in Bentley's. It seems incredible that even Dickens could have written two of [78] the most famous novels in literature, supply- ing serial instalments of both. If he did so, he accomplished a feat which he never at- tempted after he became a more practiced writer. It is not unreasonable to suppose that Oliver Twist was written, in part at least, before Pickwick. In the series of sketches called Our Parish may be found the germ of the former. Bumble is present in all his glory, and there are many indications that Oliver and his associates were in process of evolution. It is true that in the letter the author speaks of The Parish and " my proposed novel " as two distinct works; but this does not disprove that Oliver Twist, or the Parish Boy's Progress was in some manner connected with the Parish sketches. It is possible, however, that "my proposed novel " may have been Gabriel Var- don, tJje Locksmith of London. That Dickens ever projected such a work is known only from the fact that it was adver- tised by Macrone in 1836 as a new novel by the author of SketcJjes by Bo{. It was Mac- rone who published the SketcJjes in book form- He continued to advertise Gabriel Pardon till 1837, when his failure in business put a stop to the plans for its publication. This is an in- [79 J teresting suggestion, for it is practically certain that Gabriel J/ardon was the precursor of Bar- naby Rudge. The connection is not merely one of names. We know how a name in- vented or observed would haunt Dickens. Balzac had the same peculiarity. But the Gabriel J/ardon advertised in 18^6, and possi- bly referred to in the foregoing letter of 1834, was a novel dealing with events during the Gordon riots. Mr. Kitton discovered that the name of Gabriel Varden — spelled with an " e," as in Barnaby Rudge — is in the London di- rectory for 1780, the year of the riots. But there is more definite evidence. The pres- ent writer has in his collection a pamphlet (without covers, but with Dickens' book label attached) the title of which is "A plain and Succinct Narrative of the Late Riots and Dis- turbances. . . . With an account of the Com- mitment of Lord George Gordon to the Tower, and anecdotes of his Life. London, 1870." In this work the name of Gabriel Varden ap- pears as that of a shop-keeper whose property was damaged by rioters. From the top of the title-page a signature has been cut, probably that of Dickens. The pamphlet certainly be- longed to him, as the book label proves. Mar- [80] ginal notes in pencil are in a hand-writing resembling his. In view of these facts, it seems likely that portions of Barnaby Rudge were written before either Pickwick or Oliver Twist, although the first-named novel did not appear in its final form until after Nicholas Nickleby and The Old Curiosity Shop. The foregoing letter to Kolle shows how enthusiastic the young author was in the plans and projects resulting from a fair start in the new career that had opened to him. There is evidence, too, of his recovery from the cruel treatment he had received from Maria Beadnell. In the midst of his routine duties as a newspaper writer and his enthusiasm for his literary work, he finds time for " pleasure in the shape of a very nice pair of black eyes." Who the fair one of Norwood may have been is not to be learned. He doubtless hoped that his interest in this " nice pair of black eyes " might be reported by Mrs. Kolle to her sister, the hard-hearted Maria. That Dickens' friend- ship for Kolle was as close as before the latter's marriage is shown by the request made at the end of the letter. The following note, written from Bentinck street, in 1834, indicates that the suggestion in [81] the last paragraph of the preceding letter may have been adopted. A little Miss Kolle had now appeared upon the scene, and Dickens had been asked to be the child's sponsor in baptism. Bentinck Street, Friday Evening. Dear Kolle, — I snatch an instant to say that 1 shall be at the Ball's Pond Chapel, please God, on Sunday next at half past two precisely. Believe me. Truly yours, Charles Dickens My duty to your good lady. The Kolles appear to have lived at Isling- ton at this time. Ball's Pond is in Islington and was so called from the ducking pond of a person named Ball, who conducted a tavern there during the reign of Charles II. Dickens wrote his earlier sketches and be- gan his preliminary work as a novelist while living with his parents in the Bentinck street house. His home life seems to have been pleasant, though there is in existence an un- published letter referring to the "damnable shadow" cast by his father. It is impossi- ble to say whether this is an allusion to [82] the erratic habits of the elder Dickens or to his former experience with the " ban-dogs of the law." Late in 18M, the young writer decided to establish a home of his own, and from Christmas of that year he occupied a "three-pair back" at No. 13 Furnival's Inn, "modest quarters at the top of a steep and dark staircase." He was at this time nearly twenty-three years old and his regular em- ployment was on the reportorial staflf of the Morning Chronicle. The following letter was probably written early in 1835, — Furnival's Inn, Wednesday morning. My dear Kolle, — As you know of old my excellent good luck in small matters, I think it hardly necessary to say that of course I have received a summons from the office this morning, which will, in all probability, detain me the whole evening and consequently prevent my being able to enjoy the pleasure of your society. This is the first I have had since I returned from the country, and as a matter of course it interferes with the only engage- ment I had formed. Now will you turn over in your own mind what even- ing will suit you best, and just write me a line in the morning in time to prevent my being out, and to enable me to communicate with you in case I should be officially engaged. If you don't do so at once I will be offended. [83] Give my best love to Henry's Mrs. K., and believe me, dear Kolle, Sincerely yours, Charles Dickens Dickens lived at No. 13 Furnival's Inn for a year. During this time the editorial powers of the Morning Chronicle recognized the value of the Sketches and increased the writer's sti- pend by an additional two guineas a week. This enabled him to move to more attractive rooms at No. 1^ Furnival's Inn. It has been surmised that these quarters are described in Martin Chu{{lewit as John Westlock's apart- ments. Mr. Kitton has stated that it was at Dickens' rooms at No. 1^ Furnival's Inn that Mr. William Hall called, "on a certain memorable day in the early part of 1836," to arrange for the writing of Pickwick. There is evidence, however, that this memorable day was in December, 183^. One of the two published letters to Catherine Hogarth informs her of the negotiations with Chapman & Hall, and this is dated 1835. Some time was lost in discussion of the precise character of the projected work. The manuscript of the first monthly part must have been delivered to the publishers about March 1st, and it was prob- [84] ably written during the month of February, 1836. To the latter date belongs the following letter in the collection of the present writer, and now first printed. Although only a brief note, it is the earliest known Dickens auto- graph referring to Pickwick by name, and in it the author coins a word — "Pickwickian" — which he afterward used so effectively that it has become a part of the language.— FuRNivAL's Inn, Thursday Evening. Dear Sirs, — Pickwick is at length begun in all his might and glory. The first chapter will be ready to- morrow. I want to publish The Strange Gentleman. If you have no objection to doing it, I should be happy to let you have the refusal of it. I need not say that nobody else has seen or heard of it. Believe me (in Pickwickian haste). Faithfully yours, Charles Dickens Messrs. Chapman & Hall. The Strange Gentleman was not per- formed until September 29th, 18^6, at which time six monthly parts of Pickwick had ap- peared. From this letter we learn that it was written before Pickwick. It was while living in his first quarters in [85] Furnival's Inn that Dickens became friendly with George Hogarth, one of the writers on the Chronicle staff. Hogarth's three daugh- ters were destined to play important parts in the h'fe drama of the novehst ; one as his ideal of girlhood, the original of some of his most beloved characters ; one as his most loyal and devoted woman friend ; one as the mother of his nine children, the wife of whom he de- clared, twenty-five years later, that if they continued to live together they would drive each other insane. There are no more early letters to Kolle and the probability is that Dickens' intimacy with that friend (and with the social circle in which the Kolle and Beadnell families moved) ceased at about the time he became interested in the Hogarth family. After his sensational success as the author of Pickwick Dickens formed friendships with some of the leading writers, artists and actors of the period. These were more congenial to his taste and temperament than the worthy but conventional folk of the Lombard street coterie. Dickens was not the sort of man to allow success to make him ignore old friends; but ambition and a new environment bring different interests and [86] associates. Twenty-five years passed before Dickens again wrote to his old friend. Dur- ing that period the novelist created his most famous works. Fame and fortune had done what they could to make him what he had declared in an early letter he could never be, "happy and contented." Kolle had been re- garded as a promising young man at a time when Dickens had been considered an ineligi- ble suitor, but it appears that Kolle had not prospered during the quarter of a century which had brought honor and a moderate fortune to his old friend. Kolle must have died poor, for his widow and daughter were glad to obtain a few guineas by the sale of Dickens' autographs. It is inferred from the contents of the following letter that the two old friends had rarely met in the intervening years. Apparently Kolle's letter in 18^9 was a voice from the past, like the letter from Maria Beadnell in 18^^. Kolle's daughter (perhaps the one for whom Dickens had stood sponsor in baptism in 18^9 had literary aspirations and, undeterred by the previous achievements of Voltaire and Southey, had written a poem on the subject of "Joan of Arc." Kolle sent the manuscript to Dickens [87] either for his personal opinion or as a contri- bution to the periodical of which the novelist was the editor. Gadshill Place, Hicham by Rochester, Kent, Saturday, l8th June, 1859. Dear Kolle, — It is an extremely difficult thing to pronounce on the qualitlcations of any writer or anyone aspiring to be a writer, with only one youthful composi- tion to guide the judgment. I have read Joan of Arc attentively and all I can do is to tell you faithfully what impression it has left upon me. A facility of versification is certainly to be observed in it, though it has very many weak and lame lines ; but it seems to me to stop at turning prose into rhyme, and I don't see much good in that. When I say this 1 mean that I do not find the writer to see the story poetically, or to place any scene in it vividly, through the aid of a bright and picturesque imagination, before the reader. After laying the piece down 1 do not remember any thought in it, any fancy, any image, any little touch of description that gives me the least notion connected with the story of which I was not already possessed. I do not believe that the way to success, recompense or happiness in composition lies through such a portal, and unless the writer can do much better, my advice to her is to leave it alone ; but she may be able to do better, and considered as an amateur lady-composition, this is very good. 1 understand you, however, to wish to know whether this is something beyond such a composition ? 1 think not. In remembrance of the old days to which you so [88] feelingly refer in your note, and which are no less dear to me, do not hesitate to write to me again on this sub- ject, if you should see reason for doing so, and pray as- sure your daughter that I am not a dragon, but that I tell her the truth as her father's old friend should. Faithfully yours, Charles Dickens Henry Kolle, Esq. Six years later other poems by Miss Kolle were sent by her father to Dickens, who then wrote for the last time to his old friend. Gad's Hill Place, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1S65. My dear Kolle, — 1 have not marked the accompany- ing copy of your daughter's verses because the little that I have to say about them may be best said generally. They are very musical, very creditable, very good. As editor of a periodical 1 read many much worse, and many much better. As a composition of a young lady in private life they are interesting and meritorious; but 1 cannot do such violence to what I believe to be the truth as to en- courage a sensitive young creature to enter the public lists so armed. Great disappointment and, consequently, great unhappiness would result from such a rash venture. There may be promise in your daughter not expressed by these verses. Judging her solely by their internal evidence, 1 find her on a level with hundreds and thou- sands of unheard-of amateurs. There is a curious ex- pression of conscious weakness in every page but one. The purpose that cannot express itself in words without [89] italicising them is waited on by a misgiving that it wants force and struggles for expression in vain. If the lines were my own daughter's, I should tell her exactly what I tell you. When I got to Paris on that occasion to which you refer, I carried out my part of our contract as heartily as I now send all good Christmas wishes to you and yours. My dear Kolle, Faithfully yours always, Charles Dickens These two letters are striking evidence of Dickens' characteristic honesty, kindness and loyalty. An unwelcome verdict could scarcely be written in terms more considerate. The same frankness and firmness appear in the later letters to Mrs. Winter; and we see re- vealed in all of them "the good, the gentle, high-gifted, ever-friendly, noble Dickens," as Carlyle said of him, "every inch of him an honest man." 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